■j,'¥*.v ^ A. J. GUNNISON.^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW TWENTY-FIRST THOUSAND. THE i^EW CLEKK'S ASSISTANT, OR BOOK OF PRACTICAl POEMS- OONTAININO NUMEROUS PRECEDENTS AND FORMS FOR ORDINARY BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS, WITH REFERENCES TO THE VARIOUS STATUTES, AND LATEST JUDICIAL DECISIONS: DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, FARMERS, AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. TO WHICH IS ADDED AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE NEW CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK. BY JOHN S. JENKINS, OOUMSBLLOB AT LAW AUBURN: DERBY & MILLER. BUFFALO: DERBY, ORTON & MULLIGAN. 1^4. T ^I7f 1254- Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, by derb:y and miller, In the Clerk's Office for the Northern District of New Tork. nWBTT, TROHAB A 00., STBRBOTTPSaS, BUFFALO, M. T. PEEFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION Teb object originally had in view, in the preparation of this tsroriv, was, to provide a practical form book for business men, — one that should be full and complete, and yet simple and clear in its arrange- ment, and easily understood. It has already passed through thre* large editions, and the publishers have been at length compelled to stereotype it» in order to enable them to supply the demand- It ia but reasonable, therefore, to infer, that the publkj approve erf tbe plan of the work and of its execution- ■ To County and Town Offic»w of every grade, — ^to business men of all classes, — ^to the farmer, the mechanic, and the merchant, — this book is believed to be a useful and reliable gnide end director, as well in the discharge of the public duties that may devolve on them, as in the management of their own private affaira The Chapters on Auctions, Banks and Corporations, Fees of Officers, Homestead Ex- emption, Mechanics' and Laborers' lien. Plank Roads, Supervisors, Taxes, Town Auditors and Town Houses,— and the references to the Statutes and legal decisions, — are new features in a work of this cha- racter. A considerable amotmt of information, and a great number of forms, are also contained in each one of the different divisions, which are not to be found in any other work or publicatioa No more changes have been made in this edition than were abso 671512 JV PREFAOlt lately necessary. It has been the constant aim of the author and publishers, to have the book conform, in all respects, to the Laws of the State as existing at the time of the publication- of each edition. Tliis has been a leading and peculiar feature of the work. It is pos- sible that some might deem it still more valuable, if it could remain permanent ; but a moment's reflection will serve to convince them, that its highest and greatest usefulness must depend on its keeping up with the modifications and changes that may, from time to time, be made. New Chapters, — on the Exemption of the Homestead of a family from sale on execution, Plank Roads, and the Duties of Supervi- sors, — have been inserted in this edition. The third edition of the Revised Statutes having now come mto general use, the references herein contained apply to the paging and section numbers of that edition. It may be proper further to state, lest any one not famiUar with the plan of the work may be led mto error, that the words in the forms, in Italic letter, contained in brackets, are designed to be merely directory, and those in Ro- man are alone to be inserted, where any variation is proper or ne- cessary. AuBURW, September 1, 1860. GENERAL CONTENTS. .ju CHAPTER L p^ Acknowledgment and Proof of Deeds, Mortgages, and other In- struments. — Certificates of Discharge and Satisfaction, .... 9 CHAPTER IL Agreements and Contracts, 28 CHAPTER IIL Apprentices and Servants, • 45 CHAPTER IV. Arbitration and Award, • 03 CHAPTER V. Assignments, 72 CHAPTER VL Auctions, 86 CHAPTER VIL Banks and Corporations, 02 CHAPTER VIIL Bilk of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 102 CHAPTER YL BUls of Sale and Chattel Mortgages, 112 CHAPTER X. Bonds, 121 fl GBNSRAl 00KTEKT4. CHAPTER XL Clerks and Criers, 132 CHAPTER Xa Conveyances by Deed and Mortgage, .«• 149 CHAPTER Xm. Coroners, • «••.«*•• 188 CHAPTER xnr. Covenants ,; «•• 198 CHAPTER XV. Debtor and Creditor, *... 203 CHAPTER XVL Dower,.... » .,....•.• 222 CHAPTER XVIL Excise, .280 CHAPTER XVm. Fees of Officers,...^ 236 CHAPTER XIX. Fence 'Viewei's, , ...*..*.. 260 CHAPTER XX Ferries, 267 CHAPTER XXL Gifts,. 271 CHAPTER XXIL Highways,.,, ,«,. 274 CHAPTER XXHL Husband and Wife, 318 CHAPTER XXIV. Homestead 'E:(emption« .«...••...,..... 399 OENXRAI. COKTENT& In CHAPTER XXV. Justices' Courts, «••••.••... 334 CHAPTER XXVL Landlord and Tenant, •..•«.....•.....•»..... 881 CHAPTER XXVn. Lunatics, .»,. , ,.,.,.. 418 CHAPTER XXVHL Mechanics' and Laborers' Lien,.. ., ,•,, 41f CHAPTER yTTY. Naturalization, ••.*. 424 CHAPTER XXX. Official Oath and Bond, , 429 CHAPTER XXXL Partnership 433 CHAPTER XXXn. Patente, 442 CHAPTER XXXHL Pension Vouchers,. .•..........*.**• 452 CHAPTER XXXIV. Plank Roads and, Turnpikes, 460 CHAPTER XXXV. Poor Laws, 470 CHAPTER XXXVL Powers of Attorney, •••• 601 CHAPTER XXXVn. Receipt and Release, •• 60f CHAPTER XXXVHL Schools. -. BIB Vn OENERAX CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXIX. Service and Return of Process in Justices' Courts, >«. .••.... 653 CHAPTER XL. Strays, 662 CHAPTER XLL Supervisors, .«...•.. 564 CHAPTER XLIL Taxes, 673 CHAPTER XLIIL Towa Auditors, 581 CHAPTER XLIV. Town Houses, 584 CHAPTER ;XLV. Wills, 586 •/ THE NEW CLERFS ASSISTANT. CHAPTER I. Acb:no"wledgment and proof of deeds, mortgages, and other instruments. certificates of discharge and satisfaction. practical remarks. 1. In order to entitle a deed or conveyance of land to be recorded, it is necessary that it should be previously acknowledged or proved, before the proper officer; except, that in New Hampshire and Ver- mont, a deed may be recorded without the acknowledgment, but it •will be valid against the claims of creditors and subsequent purcha- sers for sixty days only. The Revised Statutes of New York require all coriveyances of lands, tenements and chattels real, with the exception oi leases for a term not exceeding three years, to be recorded.^ 2. Deeds or conveyances, though not recorded, are valid as between the parties and their representatives, but not against judg- ment creditors, or subsequent purchasers in good faith. In Mary- land, Virginia and North Carolina, however, it is necessary for a deed to be acknowledged and recorded, to pass the title of the grantor. 3. Ofiicers authorized to take the -proof or acknowledg-ment of instruments, are restricted in the exercise of their authority for such purposes, to the plaee or territory to which the jurisd'-ction of the court to which they belong extends, or to the city, oounty, or town in and for which they may have be^en appointed or elected.* 4. Justices of the Peace may take the proof or acknowledgTQcnt of conveyances or instruments, at any place within the counties in which they reside.^ 5. Conveyances of lands within this State, and all contracts, powers of attorney, and other instruments relating to the same, may be acknowledged or proved, as follows : » 2 U. S., (3(1 ed.) 40. 5§ 1, 4; Id. 46, 47, §§40, 4?, 44; 8 Wendell, 620; 15 Id., 588, 695 J 6 mil, 469. » 2R. S.,(3ded.)40, §4. 8 La\y3 of IS40, Cliap. 238. 10 KBW clerk's assistant. 1. In the State: before the Justices of the Supreme Court, County Judges, Mayors and Recorders of cities, Commissioners of Deeds in cities, and Justices of tiie Peace in the several towns. 2. Out of the State, and in the United States: before the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, District Judges of the United States, the Judges or Justices of the Supreme, Superior, or Circuit Court, of any State or Territory within the United States, the Chief Judge, or any Associate Judge of the Circuit Court of the United States in the District of Columbia, Mayors of cities in the United States, and Commissioners of Deeds ap- pointed by the Governor of this State, in other States and Territories, and the District of Columbia. 3. Out of the United States: before a Judge of tl\e highest Court, in Upper or Lower Canada; before any Consul of the United States, Charge d' Affaires, Minister Plenipotentiary, or Minister Extraordinary, resident in any foreign country; before the Mayor of London, the Mayors or Chief Magistrates of Dublin, Edinburgh and Liverpool, and any person specially authorized by a commission under the seal of the Supreme Court of this State.^ 6. The proof or acknowledgment of any conveyance or instrument, that may be recorded or read in evidence in this State, when made by any person residing out of the State, and within any other State or Territory of the United States, may be made before any officer of such State or Territory, authorized by the laws thereof to take the proof and acknowledgment of deeds. It is necessary, however, that such officer should know, or have satisfactory evidence, that the person making such acknowledgment is the individual described in, and who executed the conveyance or instrument; also, that to the certificate of the officer, there should be attached a certificate under the name and official seal of the clerk or register of the county in which be resides, specifying, that at the time of taking the proof or acknowledgment, he was duly authorized to take the same, and verifying his hand writing.'' Y. Tlie official title of an acknowledging officer should always be attached to his certificate, in full. If he be a Judge, he should state of what court; if a Commissioner, or Justice of the Peace, the city or county in and for w^hich he is such Commissioner, or Justice, should be mentioned; and if a Minister Plenipotentiary, or Charge d' Affaires, he should say from what government he is appointed, and to what government he is accredited. 8. Where a deed is proved or acknowledged before a Commissioner of Deeds, Justice of the Peace, or County Judge, not of the degree of Counsellor at law, the certificate of the County Clerk to the I 2 R. S., (3d ed.) 40, 5 4 ; Laws of 1S40, | » Laws of 1848, Chap. 198. Chap. 238 ; Id., 290 : Laws of 1845, Chap. 109 ; Laws of 1847, Chap. 280. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, ETC, 11 officicti Character of the officer taking tlie proof or acknowledgment, and the genuineness of his signature, should be procured, if the instrument is to be recorded in another county. 9. By the laws of this State, every written instrument, except promissory notes, bills of exchange, and the last wills of deceased persons, may be proved or acknowledged, and read in evidence on the trial of any action, with the same effect, and in the same man- ner, as conveyances of real estate.* 10. Where the execution of a coaveyance is acknowledged by the party in person, the officer taking the same must certify to the identity.* 11. Where the execution is proved by a subscribing witness, he must state his own place of residence, and that he knows the person described in, and who executed the conveyance.^ 1 2. A substantial compliance with the requirements of the statute relative to the proof and acknowledgment of conveyances, and other instruments, is all that is required : the identical language of the law need not be used.* 13. Whenever erasures or interlineations occur in any convey- ance, they should be noted previous to the execution, or mentioned in the certificate of the officer taking the proof or acknowledgment^ 14. Upon the application of any grantee in any conveyance, or of any person claimmg under or through him, verified by oath, repre- senting that a subscribing witness, residing in the county where the application is made, refuses to appear and testify, any officer author- ized to take proofs or acknowledgments, except Commissic«iers of Deeds and Justices of the Peace, may issue a subpoena, requiring such 'WTitness to appear and testify before him.* 15. Where the subscribing witnesses to a conveyance are dead, proof of its execution may be made before any officer authorized to take proofs or acknowledgments of deeds, other than Commissioners of Deeds, Justices of the Peace, and County Judges, not of the de- gree of counsel in the Supreme Court. The evidence establibhing the death of the witnesses, and of the handwriting of such witnesses, or of either of them, and of the grantor, with the names and places of residence of the witnesses examined before the officer, must be set forth in his certificate. The conveyance having been thus proved and certified, may be recorded in the proper office, provided the original deed is deposited in the same office, to remain there for the insjxiction of all persons desiring to examine it. Such record and deposit wiU be constructive evidence of the execution of the said conveyance, to all subsequent purchasers, although such conveyance, nor the record thereof, nor the transcript of the record, can be read in evidence.'' 1 Laws of 1833, Chap. 271. 1*2 Barbour's Ch. Rep., 232. 9 '.:• E . S. (3d ed.) 42, § 12 ; H Johnson, 43.1 ; » 8 Cowen, 71 : 7 Wendell, 364. 2 Cowen, 552 ; 4 Wundell, 301 ; 13 Id., 541. 1 « 2 R. S. (3d ed.)43, S§ 16, 17. s 2 R. S., (3d ed.) 42, § IB ; 7 Wendell. 364 ; | t 2 R. S., (3d ed.) 46, §S 30-33. .1 Uill, 121. \2 NKW clerk's assistant. FORMS. § 1. Certificate of acknowledgment by party known to the officer. County, ss:' On this first day of May, in the yeaj- of our Lord one thousand eio-ht hundred and forty-five, before me personally came A. B., to me known to be the individual described in, and who executed the within \or, above, or, annexed] conveyance \or, bond; or, letter of attorney; or, instrument in writing,] and acknowledged that he executed the same, for the purposes therein mentioned. G. H., County Judge of said county. § 2. Certificate where identity of Party is proven to the officer. County, ss : On this first day of May, &c., before me personally came A. B., proven to me satisfactorily to be the same person described in, and who executed the within conveyance, by the oath of C. D., sitbscri- hing witness thereto,'^ who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resided in the city of Auburn, in the county of Cay- uga ; that he was acquainted with the said A. B., and that he knew him to be the same person described in and who executed the within conveyance : and, thereupon, the' said A. B. acknowledged that he executed the same. E. F., Justice of the Peace in and for said county. § 3. By Husband and Wife — known to the Officer. County, ss : On this first day of May, &c., before me personally came A. B., and Mary his wife, to me known to be tlie individuals described in, and who executed the within conveyance, and acknowledged that they executed the same ; and the said Mary acknowledged, on a private examination by me made, apart from her husband, that she executed the said conveyance freely, and without any fear or com- pulsion of him. C. D., Commissioner of Deeds in and for said county. § 4. By Husband and Wife — proven to the Officer. County, S3 : On this first day of May, &c., before me personally came A. B., and Mary his wife, both proven to me satisfactorily to be the same persons described in, and who executed the within conveyance, by 1 If a conveyance or instrument is proved or acknowledged in this Slate, but to be used or recorded in another State, the name of lh« Slate ehould be inserted in the heading of tfie certificate, as well as that of the county. « If the person by whose oath the identity is eslablisned, is not a subscribing witness, the words in italic, in the above and subse- quent forms mustjbe omitted. jLCKNOWLEDGMENTS, ETC. 18 the oath of John Smith, svhscribing wittiess thereto, who being- by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resided in the town of in said county ; that he was acquainted with the said A. B., and Mary his wife; that he knew them to be the same persons described in, and who executed the within conv^eyance : and, there- upon, they severally acknowledged before me that they executed the same; and the said Mary, &c., [as in § 3, to the end.\ . E. F., Justice, &c.' § 5. -By Husband and Wife — Husband known, and Wife proven to the Officer. County, ss: On this first day of May, (fee, before me personally came A. B., and Mary his wife ; the said A. B. being known to me to be the same person described in, and who executed the within conveyance; and the said Mary bding proven to me satisfactorily to be the same per- son described in, and who executed the within conveyance, by the oath of John Smith, subscribing witness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resided in the town of in said county ; that he was acquainted with the said Mary, the wife of the said A. B.. and that he knew her to be the same person described in, and who executed the said conveyance ; and, thereupon, the said A. B., and the said Mary his wife, severally acknowledged that they executed the same; and the said Mary, ., therein described, by virttie of a power el Waorney duly executed by the said C. D., bearing date the day of , in the year f and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the county of Onondaga, in book A of Powers of Attorney, page 39, on the day of , in the year . E. F^ Justice, (fee § 12. By Attorney known to the Officer. County, ss: On this first day of May, (fee, before me personally came A. B., knowH to me to be the Attorney in fact of C. D., the indindual described in, and who executed the within conveyance, by his said Attorney; and the said A. B. acknowledged that he executed the same, as the act and deed of the said C. D. E. F., Justice, (feciety,] in the to-svn of aforesaid; that the seal affixed to the within con- veyance was the corporate seal of the said corporation, and tliat it v,as affixed by order of the said corporation. [If necessary add clause proving the handwriting of the subscribers to the conveyaiice.l E. F., Justice, &c. so NEW clerk's assistant. § 28. Form of acknowledgment m New England States} Commonwealth [or, State] of > [ . County of , \ ' Salem, May 1, 1847. Then personally appeared before me, the within [or, above named A. B., and acknowledged [or, and C. B. his wife, and seve- rally acknowledged] the foregoing instrument to be his [or, their] free act and deed. E. F., Justice, &,o. § 29. Achiowledgment in Pennsylvania. State of Pennsylvania, ) Mercer County, ) The lirst day of May, &c., before me, one of the Justices of the Peace, [or, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas] in ajid for said county, personally appeared the above named A. B., and acknowledged [or, and C. B. his wife, and severally acknowledged] the foregoing written indenture to be his [or, their] act and deed, to the end that the same might be recorded according to law. [If necessary, add: And she, the said Caroline, being of lawful age, and being examined by me separate and apart from her husband, and the contents of said indenture being fully made known to her, did declare, that she did voluntarily, and of her own free will and accord, seal, and as her act and deed deliver, the same, without any coercion or compulsion of her said husband whatever.] Witness my hand and seal. E. F., Justice, &c. [l. s.]' § 30. Acknoivledgment by Husband and Wife in Michigan. State of Michigan, Wayne County, Be it remembered, that on this first day of May, &c., before me, a Justice of the Peace in and far the county aforesaid, appeared A. B., and Mary his wife, and severally acknowledged that they had severally executed the within instrument, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned: And the said Mary, on a private examination apart from her husband, acknowledged that she executed the within instrument fi-eely, and without fear or compulsion from any one.* And I further certify, that the persons who made said acknowledg- ment are known to me to be the individuals described in, and who executed the within instrument. E. F., Justice, &c. 1 The acknowledgment may be before a Judge of a Supreme or Circuit Court, Notary Public, Mayor of a city, Commissioner appomted in another Ssate, or a foreign Min ister or Consul of ihe United Slates. » A simple scroll, made with a pen. is suf- ficient to constitute a seal in Feniurlvaaia. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, ETC. 21 § 31. The same, in Ohio. State of Ohio, \ ^^, Hamilton County, f Be it remembered, &c., \as in 30, to the *.] E. F., Justice, Satisfaciion of Judements in Courts of I witliia two years after filing the tre^rd Record, may be acknowledged by the Attorney, | 2 R. S., (3d ed.) 459 § 35. 26 NEW clerk's assistant. § 45. Form of the SuhpoenaJ County, es : To E. F., of the town of in said county : In the name of the People of the State of New York, you are hereby commanded to appear before me, at my office, \or, dAvelling house,] in the town of , in said county, on the day of July, instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to testify, touching the execution of a conveyance of real estate, from I. J. to A. B., to which you are a subscribing Avitness, as appears by the application of the said A. B. to me made under oath. Hereof fail not at your peril. Given under my hand, this first day of July 184V. G. H., County Judge. § 46. Affidavit to obtain Warrant, to he endorsed on the original Suhp(£na. County, ss: A. B., of , being duly sworn, says, that on the first day of May, instant, at the town of , in said county, he served the within subpoena on E. F., therein named, personally, by then and there showing him the same, and delivering to him a true copy there- of, and by paying [or, tendering] to him the sum of for his fees for travelling to the place specified in the said subpoena, and for his attendance in pursuance thereof. A. B. Sworn to before me, ) ^ this day of , &c. j G. H. County Judge. § 47. Warrant. County, ss: To the Sheriff of said county, greeting: In the name of the People of the State of New York, you are hereby commanded forthwith to apprehend E. F., in your county, and bring him before me, G. H., Esq., County Judge of said county, at my office in the town of , in said county, to testify touching the execution of a conveyance of real estate, from I. J. to A. B., to which the said E. F. is a subscribing witness, as is said; the said E. F. having been duly subpoenaed to appear before me, to testify touch- ing the execution of the said conveyance, and having, without reasonable cause, neglected \or, refused] to attend in pursuance 1 This Subpoena is to be served by showing the original, under the liand of the officer, to the witness, and at the same lime delivering 10 him a copy thereof, and paying or tender- ing him the legal fees for one day's attend- ance, which are fifty cents for attendance; and if the witness resides more than three miles from the place of attendan«e, travelling fees, at the Mtc ■>; ,our cents per mile going Mul reUirriL'ig -J U. S. (3d ed.) 497, §54; Laws of 1840, Chap. 385. If the witness refu- ses to appear after the service of the Sub- poena, without good cause, the officer issuing the same has power to compel his attendance, by warrant directed to the Sheriff of the coun- ty. 2 R. S. (.3d ed.) 498, § M. And if he •still persists in refusing to testify, or to an- swer a legal question, without reasonable cause, ho may be eommitied to the coromon jail of the county. Id., §57. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, ETC. 27 thereo£ Given under my hand and seal, the day of July, 1847. G. H. [l. s.] § 48. Commitment for Refusal to Testify. By G. H., County Judge of county, to A. P., Sheriff of the said county, greeting : E. F., having this day been brought before me on a warrant by me issued, to compel his attendance to testify [where the witness appears in pursuance of the suhpoena, say : having this day appeared before me, in pursuance of a subpoena by me issued, requiring him to appear and testify] touching the execution of a conveyance of real estate, from I. J. to A. B., to vs^hich the said E. F. is a subscrib- ing witness, as is said; and the said E. F., although required by me, having refused to answer upon oath \if the commitment is made on account of the refusal^f the witness to answer a particular ques- tion, deemed pertinent by the officer, insert here: the follo'wing question, &c., specifying it particularly^ touching the execution of the said conveyance. I do, therefore, in the name of the people of the State of New York, command you forthwith to convey the said E. F. to the jail of the said county, and there commit him to close custody in such jail, without bail, and without the liberties of the jail, until he shall submit to answer on oath as aforesaid, [or, the question aforesaid,] or be discharged according to law. Given under my hand and seal, the day of July, 1847. G. H. [l. s.] § 49. Oath to he administered to a Subscribing Witness.^ You do solemnly swear, that you will true answers make, to such questions as shall be put to you, touching the execution of this deed: So help you God: [Or, You do swear in presence of the ever-living God, that, &c., as above, omitting the words: So help you God: or, You do solemnlj^, sincerely, and truly affirm and declare, that, &c., as above, omitting the words as aforesaid.^ § 50. Oath to a Witness proving the identity of the Parties, or of the Subscribing Witness, to a Conveyance. You do solemnly swear, that you will true answers make to such questions as shall be put to you, touching the identity of the parties 'or, the subscribing witness] to this conveyance. So help you God. If necessary, vary as in the foregoing formi\ § 51. Oath to a Deponent. You do solemnly swear, that the contents of this affidavit, by you subscribed, are true. So help you God. [ Vary as above when necessary.^ > For the provisions of the Statute in relation to the administration »f oaths, vidt 8 R. S. (3d ed.) 501-^. CHAPTER II. AGEEEMENTS AND CONTHACTS. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. In the following cases, every agreement is void, unless such agreement, or some note or memorandum thereof, expressing the consideration, be in writing, and subscribed by the party to be charged therewith:' 1. Every agreement that, by its terms, is not to be performed within one year from the making thereof ;= 2. Every special promise to answer for the debt, default, or miscar- riage of another person;' 3. Every agreement, promise, or undertaking, made upon considera- tion of marriage, except mutual .promises to marry.* 2. Every contract for the sale of any goods, chattels, or things, for the price of fifty dollars, or more, is void, unless : 1. A note or memorandum of such contract be made in writing, and be subscribed by the parties to be charged thereby; or 2. Unless the buyer shall accept and receive part of such goods, or the evidences, or some of them, of such things in action; or 3. Unless the buyer shall, at the time, pay some part of the purchase money.' 3. Every contract for the leasing for a longer period than one year, or for the sale of, any lands, or any interest in lands, is void, unless the contract, or some note or memorandum thereof, express- ing the consideration, be in writing, and be subscribed by the party by whom the lease or sale is to be made. An agreement to sell growing trees, with the right to enter and remove, is such an inte- rest in lands as to require a contract in writing.^ 4. In contracts for the sale of land, where the vendee gives notice » 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 195, § 2. s 10 Wendell, 426 ; 13 Id., 308; 15 Id., 345 ; 3 Hill, 128 ; 5 Id., 200 ; 2 Barbour's Ch. Rep. 221. 3 4 WendfiU, 657 ; 9 Id., 273; 19 Id., 557; SM Id., 3,5, 256 ; 2 Hill, 663 ; 3 Id., 128, 584 ; 4 Id., 178 i 6 Id., 145, 160, 483 ; 2 Denio, 45. * 10 Wendell, 461. 6 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 195, § 3 ; 3 Wendell, 112; 13 Id., 54 ; 17 Id., 333 ; 20 Id., 431 ; 23 Id., 270; 24 Id., 323; 26 Id., 341; 5HilI,201;l Denio, 51 ; 1 Comstock, 261 ; 2 Id., 258. « 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 194 4 8 ; 2 Hill, 485 ; '. Denio, 650. AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. Zff of a refusal to perform the contract, no tender of a deed by the ven- dor is necessary in order to compel a speciric performance.' 5. In every action upon a sealed instrument, and where a set-off is founded upon a sealed instrument, the seal thereof is only pre- sumptive evidence of a sufficient consideration.^ 6. In Pennsylvania, Virginia, Alabama and Georgia, a scroll of ink made ^vith a pen constitutes a seal; but in New York and other States, wax, or some tenacious substance, is necessary, except it be the seal of a court, public officer, or corporation.^ 7. A party signing an instrument purporting to be executed by him, with liis initials onl}-, is bound.''. 8. The term ' agree,' does not of itself import a consideration.* 9. Where one party puts an end to an executory contract by a refusal to fultil, the other party is entitled to an equivalent in dam- ages, for the direct gains, and profits which he would have reaUzed from performance, thuugu not for the collateral gains or profits, or remote damages. And where a person is employed at a salary and discharged before the expiration of the term of service, the damages will be reduced, if he subsequently obtained employment.* 10. Where an agreement to lease or sell lands, or a sealed instru- ment, is executed by one acting as an attorney, it must dist'nctly and clearly appear to be the act and deed of the principal ; it must be executed in his name, and purport to be sealed with his seal' 11. In all ordinaiy cases, where the consideration is expressed, there is no difference be*^veen an agreement under seal, and one not under seal, except that the former can be more easily proved, and is therefore to be preferred. 12. Written contracts, capable of a sensible construction, must be determined by the language itself, and not by parol proof; although courts may resort ^ extrinsic circumstances to discover the intentions of the parties.* 1 3. Misrepresentations of material facts, though not intended to deceive, will entitle a party to rescind a contract." 14. Written contracts may be waived by parol" 1 2 Comstock. 60. " 2 R. S. (3a ed.) 504, § % ; 11 Wendell, 107 ; 15 Id., 529 ; 21 Id., 62<3 ; 25 Id., 107 : 5 Hill, 63. » 2 Hill, 227; 3 Id., 493. « 1 Denio, 3, 471. 6 1 Betiio, 226. 8 7 Hill, 61 ; 1 Denio, 317; 2 Id., 609. 7 4 Hill, 331, and authorities there cited. 8 1 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 4(V1, 635. » 1 Barboiir'9 S. 0. Rep., 471. 10 1 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 114, 326 M NEW clerk's assistant. FORMS. § 52. General form of Agreement — Damages fixed. This agreement made the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , by and between A. B., of the town of , in the county of , of the first part, and C. D., of , of the second part, witnesseth : The said party of the seccnd part covenants and agrees, to and with the party of the first part, to [state the subject matter of the agreement^ And the said party of the first part covenants and agrees to pay unto the said f)arty of tlie second part, for the same, the sum of dollars, awful money of the United States, as follows : the sum of dollars, on the day of , 18 , and the sum of dollars on the day of , 18 , vdth the interest on the amount due, payable at the time of each payment. And for the true and faithful performance of all and every of the covenants and agreements above mentioned, the parties to these presents bind themselves, each unto the other, in the penal sum of dollars, as fixed and settled damages, to be paid by the failing party. In witness whereof, the parties to these presents have liereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the [ A. B. [l. s.l presence of G. H. j C. D. [l. s.l § 53. Agreement on the Sale and Purchase of Personal Property. This agreement, by and between A. B., of, &c., and C. D., of, (fee, made the day of, (fee, witnesseth: That the said C. D., in consideration of the agreement Ifereinafter contained, to be performed by A. B., agrees to deliver to the said A. B., at his storehouse, in the village of , three hundred bushels of wheat, [or, two hundred barrels of pork, as the case may be^ of good merchantable quality, on or before the day of , IS . And the said A B., in consideration thereof, agrees to pay to the said C. D. the sum of one dollar for each and every bushel of the said wheat, immediately upon the completion of the delivery thereof. In witness, (fee, \as in § 52.] § 54. Agreement for Building a Hbustf. This agreement for building, made the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , by and between A. B., of, (fee, of the first part, and C. D., of, (fee, of the second part, wit- nesseth: That the said party of the second part, covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, to make. AGREEMENTS AXD CONTRACTS. 31 erect, build and finish, in a good, substantial, and workmanlike manner, on the vacant lot of the said party of the first part, sit- uate on street, in the AoJIage of , a dwelling-house, agreeable to the draft, plan, and explanation, hereto annexed, of good substantial materials, \_If the materials are to be furnished by the party of the first part, say: of such materials as the said party of the first part shall find or proAade for the same,] by the day of next And the said party of the first part covenants and agrees to nay unto the party of the second part, for the same, the sum dollars, lawful money of the United States, as follows : the sum of dollars in thirty days from the date hereof, and the remaining sumN)f dollars, when the said dwelling- house shall be completely finished. [^If necessary, add: And also, that he will furnish and procure the necessary materials for the said work, in such reasonable quantities, and at such reasonable time or times, as the said party of the second part shall or may reqmre.] And for the true and faithful performance of all and every of the covenants and agreements above mentioned, the parties to these presents bind themselves, each unto the other, in the penal sum of dollars, as fixed and settled damages, to be paid by the failing party. In witness, &c., [as in § 52.] § 55. Agreement for He-building Mills. This agreement, made the day of, &c., between A. B., of, &c., of the first part, and C. D., of, &c., of the second part, wit- nesseth : That the party of the first part, for the consideration here- inafter mentioned, doth promise and agree, to and with the party of the second part, that he will, on or before the day of next, well and sufliciently re-build, or cause to be re-built, the mills of the said party of the second part, situate on the outlet of the lake, in the town of in the county of , with such materials [If the worlcmen are employed by the party of the second part, insert: and workmen to be employed under him] as the said party of the second part shall find and provide for the same; and that he, the said party of the first part, shall not absent himself, or depart from the work and re-building aforesaid, without leave of the said party of the second part; and that if he shall absent himself without leave, he will pay to the said party of the second part, the sum of dollars for every day of such absence, to be stopped and deducted from the wages becoming due to the said party of the first part, as hereinailer provided. And the said party of the second part, in consideration of tli« Sjfr NKW clerk's assistant. premises, dotli promise and agree, to and with the party of the first part, to pay to the said party of the first part, the sum of dollars, [or, for all such time as he shall be employed in the work of re-building aforesaid, weekly, and every week, the sum of dollars, and so in proportion for a less time than a week; and, in addition thereto, the sum of dol- lars,] on the completion of the work and re-building aforesaid. In witness, &c., [as in § 62,] § 56. Agreement for making Flour Barrels. This agreement, made the day of, (Src, between A. B., of, (fee, of the first part, and C. D., of, (fee, of the second part, witnesseth: That the said A. B., for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agrees to make, or cause to be made, for the said C D., at the cooper-shop of the said C. D., in the town of , two thousand good, hard, well seasoned flour barrels; the staves and heading to be of white oak timber, and the hoops of black ash, either round or square, as the said C. D. shall chj-ect. The materials are to be furnished by the said A. B., at his own pro- per cost and charge, and he is to have the free and uninterrupted use of the tools in the shop of the said C. D., as aforesaid, with- out paying any thing for the same. In consideration whereof, the said C. D. agrees to pay to the Sciid A. B. the sum of thii-ty cents, for each and every of the said two thousand barrels; such payment to be made as often as the said A. B. shall have completed one hundred barrels, in the pro- per proportion for the same. In witness, &c., \as in § 52.] § 57. Agreement to Sell and Deliver Cord- Wood, or Stone. This agreement, made the day of, Id and conveyed unto the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., by warranty deed duly executed, four acres of land, situate, lying, and being on the south-east comer of and streets, in the village of , for the price, or consideration, of one thousand dollars ; and, in order to secure the payment of tlie sum of eight hundred dollars, parcel thereof, the said C. D, E. F., and G. H., have executed and delivered to the said A- 40 NBW clerk's assistant. B. a mortgage upon the aforesaid premises, together with their joint bond, conditioned for the payment of the said sum of eight hundred dollai's, in eight equal annual paymentss- from this date, with annual interest : and whereas it is the intention of the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., to divide the said premises conveyed to them into village lots, and to sell and dispose of the same upon such tei"ms as shall seem meet and advantageous : Now, therefore, the said A. B., in conside- ration of the premises, doth, for himself, his heirs, executors, adminis- trators, and assigns, covenant and agree, to and with the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their executors, administrators, and assigns, that they, the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their executors, administrators, and assigns, shall and may, at all times hereafter, have the right of changing the security above mentioned, by substituting, instead of the same, or of any part thereof, not less than one hundred dollars, the like security, on other real estate of at least equal value; and that he, the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will, upon request to him or them made, forthwith execute and deliver to the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their executors, administrators, or assigns, good and sufficient releases and discharges of the said mortgage, or of the lien upon any portion of the premises therein described, whenever the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their executors, administratoi-s, or assions, shall furnish the said A. B., or his representatives, as aforesaid, with such other security as above mentioned. In witness, &c., [as in § 52.] § 68. Agreement respecting Party Wall. This agreement, made the day of, &c., between A. B., of, &c., and C. D. of, &c., witnesseth : That whereas the said A. B. is the owner of the lot and store known as number Genesee street, in the city of Auburn ; and the said C. D. is the owner of the lot adjoining the same, on the northerly side thereof, on which last mentioned lot the said C. D. is about to erect a brick store: Now, therefore, the said A. B., in consideration of the sum of dollars, to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doth, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, covenant, grant, promise, and agree, to and with the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, that he, the said C'. D., his heirs and assigns, shall and may, in the erection of the brick store about to be built, as aforesaid, freely and lawfully, but in a workmanlike manner, make use of the northerly gable^^end wall of the said A. B., or so much thereof as the said C. D., his heirs or assigns, may desire, as a party wall, to be continued and used as such forever. And the said A. B. and C. D. do hereby mutually covenant and %gre«» for and with themselves, and their respective heirs and as.s:.gns» AGREEMENTS AND CONTEACTS. 41 that if it stall hereafter become necessary to repair or re-build the whole, or any portion of the said party wall, the expense of such repairing or re-building shall be borne equally by the said A. B. and C. D., their respective heirs and assigns, as to so much and such portion of the said wall as the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, shall or may use for the purposes aforesaid ; and that whenever the said party wall, or any portion thereof, shall be re-built, it shall be erected on the same spot whereMt now stands, and be of the same size, and the same or similar materials, and of hke quality, with the present wall. It is further mutually understood and agreed between the aforesaid parties, that this agreement shall be perpetual, and at all times be construed into a covenant running with the land; and that no part of the fee of the soil upon which the wall of the said A. B., above described, now stands, shall pass to, or be vested in, the said G. D., his heirs and assigns, in or by these presents. In witness, &c., [as in § 52.] § 69. Agreement of Purchaser at Auction Sale. This agreement, made the day ofj &c., between A. B., of, &c., and E. F., of, &c., by C. D., his agent, witnesseth: That whereas the said A. B. hath this day become the purchaser, at pubUc auction, of the following described property, viz: all that piece or parcel of land, &c., [describe the j^f^^'^ises sold^ at the consideration price of dollars ; and the said A. B. hath also paid to the said E. F., by the said C. D., his agent, as aforesaid, the sum of dollars, part and parcel of the purchase money of the said premises: Now, therefore, the said A. B. agrees to pay the remain- ing sum of dollars imto the said E. F., his agent, or attorney, on the day of next; and the said E. F., by his agent as aforesaid, agrees, that he, the said E. F., will execute and dehver to the said A. B. a good and sufficient warranty deed, with full covenants, for the premises above described, immediately upon the payment of the said sum of dollars last above specified. In witness, &c., [as in § 66.] § 70. Agreement with a Clerk or Workman. This agreement, made the day of, &c., between A. B., of, &c., and C. D., of, &c., witnesseth : That the said C. D. covenants and agrees, faithfully, truly, and diligently, to write [or, work] for the said A. B. as his clerk, [or, journeyman,] in the office [or, shop, or, store] of the said A, B., at , aforesaid, from the day of instant, for and during the space of years : In consideration of which service so to be performed, the said A. B. covenants and agrees to pay to the said C. D. the sum of dollars annually, in four equal quarterly payments. 42 NEW clerk's ASSIflTANT. And it is understood and agreed between the aforesaid parties, that the death of either of them occitrring prior to the expiration of the said term of years, this agreement shall thereupon terminate. In Avitness, &c., [as in § 52.] § 7l. Agreement, or Subscription, for Raising Money to Build a Church, or Bridge} We, the undersigned, do hereby severally promise and agree to nay to A. B., C. D., and E. F., the Trustees of the First Presbyte- rian Society in the town of , \or, the Commissioners of High- ways of the Town of ,] the sums set opposite to our respect- ive names, on demand, \or as the terms of payment may fee,] for the purpose of building a church or place of worship for the said society in the town of , aforesaid ; [or, for the purpose of constructing a bridge over the river, on the road leading from , to ;] and we request the said Trustees [or. Commissioners] to contract for the building of such church or place of worship, and to build the same, [or, for the constructicn of such bridge, and to construct the same,] and to apply the sums of money hereto sub- scribed in payment therefor. Witness our hands, this day of ,1850. NAMES. AMOUNT. G. H. 8100 00 L. M. - - 75 00 § 72. Agreement with a Mason, for Plastering a House, Laying Brick, d:c. This agreement, made the day of, &c., between A. B., of, (fee, and C. D., of, &c., witnesseth : That the said C. D., for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, promises and agrees, to and with the said A. B., that he will do and perform, by himself or per- sons in his employ, in a good and workmanlike manner, and with materials to be furnished by the said A. B., all the work to be done and performed by the bricklayer and plasterer, in and about the '•reeling and building a new dwelling house on the vacant lot of the said A. B., on street, in the city of , according to the plans and specifications hereto annexed ; and also, that he will use the utmost care in working up the materials to be furnished by the said A. B., as aforesaid, to the best advantage for the said A. B., and that 1 In an agreement, or subscription, of this I be selected to perform the worlc, or to carry kind, according to the recent decisions of the the object for which the money is raised inta New York Courts, it is necessary that there | effect ; otherwise, the agreement will be void should be a request to the Trustees, Com- 1 lor want of consideration. See, 2 Denio, 403 ; missioners, or Comrajitee of Citizens, if one 1 1 Comstock, 584. AGREEMENTS AKD CONTRACTS. 43 he ■will complete the said work on or before the day of next And the said A. B., in consideration of the premises, agrees to furnish and provide good and suflficient materials for the said "vrork, at such time or times as the said C. D. may request ; and to pay the said C. D. for all such work as shall be performed by him or his servants in and about the said new dwelUng house, ornamental work excepted, on the completion of the same, at and after the rate of per yard of three feet square, and the sum of dollars for all the ornamental work done or performed in and about the said dwelling house, — it being expressly understood and agreed, that no exti-a charge is to be demanded or allowed, for corners, arches, jams, joints, fire places, or any other kind of work not strictly ornamental, but all the work is to be measured as plain, except the ornamental work to be paid for, as aforesaid, in gross. In witness, irs, executorsj, administrators, and assigns. In witness, (fee, \as in § 52.] CHAPTER III. APPRENTICES AND SERVANTS PRACTICAL REMARKS L Every male infant, and oa'cyj unmarried female under the age of eighteen years, with the consent of the persons or officers herein- after mentioned, may, of his or her own free will, bind himself, or her- self, in writing, to serve as clerk, apprentice, or servant, in any profession, trade, or employment ; if a male, until the age of twenty- one years, and if a female, imtil the age of eighteen years, or for any shorter time : such binding will be as vahd and effectual as if the infant were of full age at the time of making the engagement.^ 2. Such consent must be given : 1. By the father of the infant. If he be dead, or be not in a legal capa- city to give his consent, or if he shall have abandoned and neglected to provide for his family, and such fact be certified by a Justice of the Peace of the town, and endorsed on the indenture, then, 2. By the mother. If the mother be dead, or be not in a legal capa- city to give such consent, or reluse, then, 3. By the guardian of sucli infant duly appointed. If such infant have no parent hving, or none in a legal capacity to give consent, and there be no guardian, then, 4. By the Overseers of the Poor, or any two Justices of the Peace of the town, or any County Judge of the county where such infant shall reside.'' 3. Such consent must be signified in writing, by the person enti- tled to give the same, by a certificate at the end of, or endorsed upon, the indentures." 4. The executors of any last will of a father, who shall be directed in such will to bring up his child to some trade, or calling, may bind such child to service, in hke manner as the father might have done. The County Superintendents of the Poor may, in like manner, bind I 2 R. S. r3(l ed.) 215, 5 1; 6 Johnson, 274; 8 Id., 328; 14 id., 374; 19 Id., 113; 5 Cowen, 163, 527. 2 2R. S. (.Sd ed.)215, §2. » 2 R. S. (.3d ed.) 215, S 3; 10 Johnson, 89; 5 Cowen, 170; 2 Hill, 596. 46 NKW clerk's assistant. out any child, under the ages above specified, "who shall be sent to a county poor house, or who may or shall, or whose parents may or shall, become chargeable to any county, to be clerks, apprentices, or servants. The Overseers of the Poor of any town or city, possess the hke power in such town or city, with the consent, in writing, ot any two Justices of the Peace of the town, or of the Mayor, Re- corder, and Aldermen, of any city, or of any two of them. No child of an Indian Avoman, however, can be bound as an apprentice, under the foregoing provisions, except in the presence and with the consent of a Justice of the Peace, whose certificate of consent must be filed by the Clerk of the town in which the indenture of appren- ticeship shall be executed.' 5. The age of every infant bound as aforesaid, must be inserted in the indenture, and will be 'taken to be the true age, without fur- ther proof thereof; and public ofiicers who act in such cases, should inform themselves fully of the infant's age. Every sum of money paid, or agreed for, in relation to the binding out of any clerk, or apprentice, must also be inserted in the indenture.* 6. Whenever any child is bound out by the County Superintend- ents of any county, or the Overseers of the Poor of any town, the person to whom the child may be bound, must enter into an agree- ment, to be inserted in the indentures, that he will cause such child to be instructed to read and Avrite, (if a male, to be also instructed in the general rules of arithmetic,) and that he will give such apprentice, at the expiration of his or her service, a new bible. The counterpart of any indentures executed by the County Superintend- ents, must be deposited in the office of the Clerk of their county ; the Overseers of the Poor will deposit a counterpart of any indent- ures executed by them, in the Clerk's office of their city or town.^ v. Any person coming from any foreign country beyond sea, may bind himself to service, if an infant, until the age of twenty-one years, or for any shorter term. Such contract of ser\ice, if made for the purpose of raising the passage money, may be for the term of one year, although such term may extend beyond the time when he will be of full age ; but shall in no case be for a longer term. No contract made, as aforesaid, will bind the servant, unless it be acknowledged by him before some Mayor, Recorder, or Alderman of a city, or some Justice of the Peace ; nor unless a certificate of such acknowledgment, and that the same was made freely, on a pri- vate examination, be endorsed thereupon. Any such contract may be assigned by the master, by an instrument in writing, endorsed thereon, executed in the presence of two witnesses, if such assig-n- raent be approved of, in writing, by any magistrate, as aforesaid, whose certificate of approbation must also be endorsed.* 12R. S.(3ded.)215,5§4-7; 13 Johnson, 270. I 8 2R. b. (3d ed.) 216, §§ 10, 11. « 2 K. S. (3d ed.) 21&-16 S§ 8, 9. 1*2 R. S. (3d ed.) 216, §S 1^-14 APPREXTICES AND SERVANTS. 41 8. No indentm-e, or contract, for the service of any apprentice, is valid, as against the person whose services may be claimed, unless made in the manner above prescribed.' 9. The master is entitled to all the earnings of the apprentice." 10. A guardian is liable, although the apprentice has gone off and left his master.' 11. An apprentice is not assignable, although the assignment would be vaUd as a covenant for the services of the apprentice.* 12. An apprentice cannot recover of an assignee, on an implied promise, where service has been voluntarily rendered.^ 13. Our laws recognize no general authority in a father to dispose of his children, except for some specific and temporary purpose, such as apprenticeship during the father's hfe, or guardianship after hiss death.* hi. If any person lawfully bound to service, as above mentioned, willfully absent himself without leave, he must serve double the time of such absence, unless he shall otherwise make satisfaction, but such additional term of service cannot extend beyond three years next after the expiration of the original term.'' 15. If any person refuses to serve, any Justice of the Peace of the county, or the Mayor, Recorder, or any Alderman of the city., where he shall reside, has the power to commit him to jail* 16. If any apprentice be guilty of any misdemeanor or ill be- havior; or if any master be guilty of any cruelty, misusage, oi refusal of any necessary provisions or clothing, or of a %-iolation of the terms of the indenture ; complaint may be made to any two Justices of the Peace of the comity, or to the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of the city, or any two of them, who will summon the parties before them and examine into the grounds of complaint ; and if the same prove to be well founded, they must either commit the apprentice to solitary confinement in the common jail of the county, for a term not exceeding one month, there to be employed at hard labor; or discharge the offending apprentice from his service, and the master from his obligations ; or, in case of iU usage by the mas- ter, discharge the apprentice from his obhgation of service.* 1 7. The above statutory proWsions in relation to apprentices will- fully absenting themselves, refusing to serve, or being guilty of any misdemeanor or ill behavior ; and masters guilty of ill usage, &c., do not extend to those cases where the master or mistress has received, or is entitled to, any sum of money as a compensation for instruc- tion." 1 2 R. S. (3d ed.)218, §26; 8 Johnson, 328. • 6 Johnson, 274. » 14 Johnson, 374; 5 Cowen, 170. « 19 Johnson, 113. • 2 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 208. • 3 Hill, 399. T2R. S. (3ded.)218, 5 28. 8 2R. S. (3d ed.) 219, 5 29. 9 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 219, §5 30-32; 13 Jolui. son, 270. "2U. S. (3d ed.^ 219, 5 33. 49 KEW clerk's assistant. 18. In cases -where money has been paid, or agreed to be paid, any Justice of the Peace of the county, or any Mayor, Recorder, or Alderman of the city, in which the apprentice resides, has the power of inquiring into all disputes in relation thereto, and of making such order and direction as the equity of the case may require. If the difficulty cannot be reconciled, the master or the apprentice may be recognized, in such sureties as the officer shall approve, for his ap- pearance at the next Court of Sessions, and such Court, on hearing the parties, may either discharge the apprentice from service, or order he sum of money to be paid, or to be refunded ; or, if not paid, discharge the same, and direct the securities to be canceled ; or, punish the apprentice by fine, or imprisonment, or both, as for a misdemeanor.* 19. No person can accept from any journeyman or apprentice, any contract or agreement, nor cause him to be bound by oath or otherwise, that after his term of service shall have expired, such journeyman or apprentice will not set up his trade, profession, or employment, in any particular place, shop, house or cellar ; nor can any person exact from any journeyman or apprentice, after his term of service shall have expired, any money or other thing, for using and exercising his trade, profession or employment, in any place. Every security given contrary to the foregoing provisions Avill be void; any money paid, may he recovered back by the person paying the same, with interest; and every person accepting such agreement, causing such obligation to be entered into, or exacting money or other thing, as aforesaid, forfeits one hundred dollars to the appren- tice, or journeyman, from whom the same shall have been received.' 20. Upon the death of any master, to whom any person may have been bound to service, as clerk, apprentice, or otherwise, by the County Superintendents of the Pooi-, or by the Overseers of the Poor, the executors or administrators of such master may, with the consent of the person bound to service, signified in writing, and acknowledged before a Justice of the Peace, assign the contract of such service to any other person ; which assignment Avill vest in such assignee all the rights of the original master, and render him subject to all his obligations. If the person so bound to service refuses to give such consent, such assignment may be made under the sanction of an order of the Court of Sessions of the county, after fourteen days' notice of an application to ihat effect, served on the appren- tice, his parent, or guardian, if there be any in the county ; and when so made, such assignment will be as vahd and effectual as if the consent had been given in the manner aforesaid.^ 21. The above provisions apply as w^ell to mistresses, female guardians, apprentices and wards, respectively, as to masters, male guardians, apprentices and wards.* > 2 R. S. (3d ed.) '^19, 220, §§ 34-38; Laws | 3 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 220, §§ 41, 42. ot 1847, chap. 2S0, an. v. . « 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 221, § 43. a 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 220, §§ 39, 40. | APPRENTICES AND SKRVANTS, 4^ \ FORMS. § 76. Apprentice's Indenittre, This indenture witnesseth : That C. B., of the town of , in the county of , and State of , now aged fourteen yeai's, by and witli the consent of A. B., his father [or, motliei-, his father being dead, or, being legally incapacitiited, or, having abandoned or neglected to provide for his family] endorsed hereupon, hatli volunta- rily, and of his own free will and accord, put and bound himself apprentice to E. F., of the town of, ■ E. F. [l. s.I G. H. ■ \ § 7 7. Consent of Father or Mother. I do herehy consent to, and approve of, the binding of my son, C B., as in tlie above [or, within] indenture mentioned. Dated the day of , in the year 18 . A. B. § 78. Justice's Certificate, where Mother gives consent. I, G. H., a Justice of the Peace of the town of , in the county of , do certify, that A. B., the father of the infant namud in the within indenture, is dead, [or, is not in legal capacity to give his consent thereto ; or, has abandoned and neglected to pro- vide for his family.] Dated the day of , 18 . G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 79. Consent of Guardian. I, S. T., the guardian, duly appointed, of C. B., in the within indenture named, do certify, that tiie father and mother of the said C. B. are d(;ad, [or, tliat the father of the said C. B. is dead, and that the mother of the said C. B. refuses her consent to the said indenture of apprenticeship ; or, is not in legal capacity to give her consent to the said indenture of apprenticeship;] and that I do nereby consent, as his guardian, that he, the said C. B., may bind xiimsolf in and by the said indenture. Dated the day of ,18. S. T., Guardian of the said C. B. § 80. Certificate of Consent of the Overseers of the Poor, tzvo Jus- tices of the Peace of the toivn, or County Judge of the count;/ in which the Infant resides. "We, the vindersigned, Overseers of the Poor of the town of , or. two Justices of the Peace of the town of ; or, T, the mdei-signcd. County Judge of county,] ^Yhere the within named C. B. resides, do certify, that the said C. B. has no parent jving, [or, no parent in legal capacity to give consent to the within mdenture; or, no father living, and his mother is not in legal capacity to give consent to the within indenture,] and that lie htis no guardian, and thai we, the said Overseers, [or, Justices? APPRENTICES AND SERVANTS. 61 or, I, the said Judge,] do consent that the said C. B. may bind himself ia and by the said indenture. G. H. M. P. § 81. Agreement of ike Father, where he intends to bind himself to answer in Damages. This indenture, made the day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and , between A. B., of, &c., and E. F., of, - E. F. II. s.l G. il. \ § 82. The Scnne, indorsed upon the Indenture, In consideration of the covenants and agreements to be performed ^T ^' !*'•' ^^ ^"'^ "'^'^ ™>' ^'^^ ^^- ^^•' specified and contained in the -ft-ithin indenture, I do iiereby bind myself to the said E. F., for the true and faillititl performance and observance, by the said C. B., of the matters and tilings by him to be. performed and observed in and by the said indenture; and I do liereby covenant to and with the said E. F., that the said C. B. shall, in all things, well and truly perform and observe the same. In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto put my hand and seal, the day of, &c. In presence of ) A B [r 6 1 G. H. f • -L -J 52 NEW clerk's assistant. § S3. Servant's Indenture. This indenture witncsseth : That M. B., of the town of, &c., now aged thirteen years, by and with the consent of A. 13., of the town aforesaid, her father, [o?*, molhei', ttc., as in § 7G,] has voluntai'ily and of her own accord, put and bound herself to E. F., as a domes- tic servant, to serve from the date hereof, for and until the full end and term of tive years next ensuing; [or, until she shall have attained the age of eighteen years, which will be on the day of , 18 ;] during ail which time the said servant shall serve her master faithfully, honestly and industriously ; all lawful com- mands every where readil}' obey ; and pi'otect and preserve the goods and property of her said master, arid not suffer or allow any to be injured or wasted : she shall not be absent from service without leave; and in all things, and at all times, shall behave as a faithful seiTant ought to do. And tlie said E. F. shall and will furnish and provide the said servant, during the continuance of the said term, ^fith suitable and sufficient food and clothing; and cause her, within the said term, to be insti-ucted to read and write; and, at the expi- ration of the said term, shall give her a new bible, and the sum uf dollars. And for the true performance of all and singu- lar the covenants and agreements aforesaid, the said parties bind tliemselves, each unto the other, tirmly by th.ese presents. In witness, &c., [as in § 76, and consent of father or mother, as in ^11.] § 84. Contract to Bind to Service a 3finor, coming from a Foreign Country heyond Sea, and Acknoivledymeni.* This indenture, made the day of, (fee., between C. B., an infant under the age of twenty-one years, to wit: <,)f the age of nine- teen years, on the day of last, coming from the city of Dublin, in Ireland, a foreign country beyond sea; and E. F., of the city of New York, witnesseth: That the said 0. B., in pursu- ance of tlie statute in such case made, and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained, binds himself to serve the said E. F. from the day of the date hereof, until the full end and teim of two years; [or, until the said C. B. shall be twenty-one years of age, which will be on the day of , in tlie year ;] during which term the said C. B. shall well aiul faithfully serve the said E. F., and his assigns, in all such lawful business as he shall be put to by the said E. F., or his assigns, to the utmost of the power and ability of the said C. B. ; and, at all times, behave him- self honestly and obediently to the said E. F., and liis assigns. • The execution of the cnntract should be acknowledged before a Mayor, Ke(VonleT, Aklerioan, or Juaiice of ihe Peace. APPI.ENTICES AND SERVANTS. 53 \ And the said E. F. covenants on his part, and agrees to and with the said C. B., that he, tlie said E. F., will tind and allow to the said C. B. suitable and sufficient food and clothing, and all other neces- saries, during the said terni. In witness whereof, the parties have hereto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. C. B. [l. s.] E. F, [l. s.] State of New York, ) ^^ . County, ) On tlie day of , in the year , personally came before me C. B., to me known to be the person who executed the within contract, and, on a private examination before me, acknow- ledged that the said contract was made and executed by him freely, for the purposes therein mentioned. G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 85. Assignment of foregoing Indenture} Know all men by these presents, that I, the within named E. F., for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, have assign'-d and set over, and by these presents do assign and set over, the within indenture, and the servant [or, apprentice] therein named, unto C. D., of , his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the residue of the term within mentioned ; he and they performino- all and singular the covenants therein contained, on my part to be kept and performed, and indemnifying me from the same. In witness, ttc, [as in § 82.] In presence of ) G. H. V E. F. [l. s.] L. M. f § 86. Approval of the Assignment, hy a Mayor, Recorder, Alder- man, or Justice of the Peace. I hereby approve of the foregoing assignment of the within inden- ture. W. V. B., Mayor of the city of New York. § 87. Certificate of Consent to the Binding of the Child of an Indian Woman. I, G. H., a Justice of the Peace of the town of , in said county, do certify, that R. M., the male child of S. M., an Indian woman, in my presence and with my consent, was bound as an » Two witnesses are required lo the assignment. 14 NEW clerk's assistant. apprentice to E. F., of , by indenture, dated Uiis day, and duly executed in the town of , aforesaid ; and that I subscribed my name as a witness thereto. Dated the day of ,18 . G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 88. Complaint h]} Master against Apprentice for Refusing to Serve. To G. H., a Justice of the Peace of the County of : I, E. F., of the town of , in said county, hatter, hereby make complaint to you, that C. B., an apprentice lawfully bound to serve me, the said E. F., whose term of ser^ace is still unexpired, and with whom I have not received, nor am I entitled to receive, any sum of money as a compensation for his instruction, refuses to serve me, as by law and the terms of his indenture of apprenticeship he is required. Dated the day of , 18 . County, ss: E. F., the person named in the foregoing complaint, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that the facts and circumstances stated and set forth in the said complaint are true. Sworn to before me, tliis ) -p, -p, day of , 18 . f ■^- •^• G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 89. Warrant on the foregoing Complaint. County, ss : To any Constable of said County, greeting: Complaint has been made to me, G. H., one of the Justices of the Peace of said county, upon the oath of E. F., of , in said county, hatter, that C. B., an apprentice lawfully bound to serve the said E. F., whose term of service is still unexpired, and with whom the said E. F. hath not received, nor is entitled to receive, any sum of money as a compensation for his instruction, refuses to serve the said E. F., as by law and the terms of his indenture of apprenticeship he is required : Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded forthwith to apprehend the said C. B., and bring him before me, at my ofilce in , to answer to the said E. F. and be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand, tliis day of ,18 . G. H., Justice of the Peaca APPRENTICES AND SERVANTS. 55 I 90. Commitment of an Apprentice Refusing to Serve. County, ss: To any Constable of said county, greeting : Complaint on oath was made to me, the undersigned G. H., a Justice of the Peace of said county, by E. F., of , in said county, hatter, that C. B., an apprentice lawfully bound to serve the said E. R, whose term of service Avas still unexpired, and with whom the said E. F. had not received, nor was entitled to receive, any sum of money as a compensation for his instruction, refused to serve the said E. F., as by law and the terms of his indenture of apprenticeship lie was required: And the said C. B., by virtue of my warrant tliere- u[)on issued, has been brought before me to be dealt with according to law ; and whereas, after due jjroof before me of the facts as abo\<; stated and set forth, the said C. B. still persists in such refusal to serve the said E. F. : Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded, in the name of the People of the State of New York, to take aiid convey the said C. B. to the common jail of said county, and deliver liim to the keeper thereof, who is commanded to receive the said C. B. into tke said common jail, there to remain until he shall consent to serve the said E. F. according to law. Given, ttc, [as in § 89.] § 91. Comp)laint to two Justices concerning any Misdemeanor or III Behavior of Apprentice. To G. H. and S. T., Esquires, Justices of the Peace of the county of : I, E. F., of the town of , in said county, hatter, liereby make complaint to you, that C. B., an apprentice lawfully bound to serve me, the said E. F., whose term of service is still unexpired, and with whom 1 have not received, nor am I entitled to receive, any sum of money, as a compensation for his instruction, has been guilty of misdemeanors and ill behavior toward me, the said E. F., as fol- lows, viz: \_describe the particulars of the complaint.'^ E. F. County, ss: E. F. the person named in the foregoing complaint, being duly Rworn, &c., [a5 in § 88.] • § 92. Warrant on foregoing Comp)laint. County, ss: To any Constable of said county, greeting: Complaint has been made to us, the undersigned. Justices of thf Peace in and for the said county, upon the oath of E. F., of in said county, hatter, that C. B., an a».«irentice lawfully bound to 1^ KEW clerk's assistant. serve the smd E. R, whose term of service is still unexpired, and with whom the said E. F. hath not received, nor is entitled to receive, any sum of money as a compensation for his instruction, lias been guilty of misdemeanors and ill-behavior toward him, the said E. F, as follows, viz : \^ffive the particulars, as in the cornplaintJ\ Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded forthwith to apprehend the said C. B., and bring hira before us, at the office of G. H., in the town of , that we may hear, examine into, and determine the said complaint, and deal with the said C. B. according to law. Given under our hands, this day of , 18 . G. H., Justice of the Peace. S. T., Justice of the Peace. § 93. Commitment of Apprentice on foregoing Complaint. County, ss: To any Constable of said county, greeting : Complaint on oath was made to us, the undersigTied G. H. and S. T., Justices of the Peace in and for the said county, by E. F., of , in said county, hatter, that C. B., an apprentice lawfully bound to serve the said E. F., whose term of service was still unex- pired, and with whom the said E. F. had not received, nor was enti- tled to receive, any sum of money as a compensation for his instruc- tion, had been guilty of misdemeanors and ill-behavior toward him, the said E. F., as follows, viz: [as in the complaint;] and the said C. B., by virtue of our warrant thereupon issued, has been brought before us, and upon due examination of the proofs and allegations of the parties, it satisfactorily appears to us, that the said C. B. is guilty of the premises charged against him, as aforesaid:* Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded, in the name of the People of the State of New York, to take and convey the said C. B. to the common jail of said county, and deliver him to the keeper thereof, who is commanded to receive the said C. B. into the said common jail, there to remain in solitary continement, and to be employed at hard labor, for the term of one month. Given, &c., [^as in § 92.] § 94. Discharge of the Apprentice from Service, and ike Master from his Obligations. County, ss: Complaint on oath was made to us, &c., [as in § 93 to the *, and then add:] Now, therefore, we do hereby discharge the said C. B. from the service of the said E. F., and the said E. F. from' all and every of his obligations incurred xinder and by virtue of the indent- ures of apprenticeship of the said C. B. Given, tsol.s;iid E. F. had received tlie sum of dollars, [or, with whom the said E. F. was entitled to leceivc tlie sum of dollars, on the day of ,18 ,] as a com- pensation for his instruction, that the said C. B. refused to .serve the said E. F., as by law and the terms of his indenture of apprentice- ship he was requii'ed, the said parlies were summoned and appeared before the said Justice; and after due examination into the premises, the difficuhy between the said parties could not be compounded or reconciled: Whereupon the said C. B. was recognized personally to appear at this Ci^nrt of Sessions of the said county, to answer to the complaint aforesaid, &c. : And now, the said parties having been beard by their respective counsel, and the said C. B. being found guilty of the premises, it is ordered and decreed that the said C. B. be iined in the sum of dollars, \or, that the said C. B. bo 62 NEW clerk's assistant. imprisoned in the common jail of said county of , there to remain in solitary confinement until he shall consent to serve the said E. F. ; or, if necessary, include both fine and imprisotiment, or follow § 101, according to the order of the Coiirt.Y > Where the niHster complains agalnsL the I vior, forma § 102, eic, will require bul little pprentice, for any misdemeanor, or ill beha- 1 alieration to meet the case. CHAPTER IV. ARBITRATION AIND AWARD. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. All persons, except infants and married women, and persons of unsound mind, may, by an instrument in writing, submit to the decision of one or more arbitrators, any controversy existing between them which might be the subject of an action at law, or of a suit in equity; any claim to an interest for a term of years, or for one year, or less, in real estate ; or any controversy respecting the partition of lands between joint tenants, or tenants in common, or concerning the boundaries of lands, or the admeasurement of dower. No claim to real estate, in fee or for Hfe, can be thus submitted. The parties to any such admission may agree, that a judgment of any court of law and of record, to be designated in such instrument in writing, as aforesaid, sh;dl be rendered upon the award made in pursuance thereof 2. The arbitrators must appoint a place and time for the hearing, otherwise thoir award will be void; and they have the power to adjourn from time to time, or, for good cause shown, to postpone the hearing to any time not extending beyond the day 6xed for render- ing their award. Before proceeding to take testimony, *they must t;ike the prescribed oath. Such oath may be administered by any Judge, of any Court of Record, or by any Justice of the Peace, or by any Commissioner of Deeds. The attendance of witnesses may be cumpi.'lled by subpoena, to be issued by any Justice of the Peace. The oaths to witnesses and other persons examined before arbitra- tors, may be administered by such arbitrators, or any, or either of them.* 3. All the arbitrators mxist meet together, and hear all the proofs and alleg-ations of the parties ; but an award by a majority will be -. s _ I 2 R S (3.1 ed.)62S, « 1.2: \ Hill, 44. I chap. 187; 1 Iliil, 489 j 3 Barbour'i & C • 2 ». S. (3J ed.) 029, ii 3-6 ; Laws of 1843, | R«p., 276. 64 KEW CLERK S ASSISTANT. valid, unless the concurrence of all be expressly required in the submission. The award must be in writing, subscribed by the arbi- trators, and attested by a subscribing witness.* 4. An award made without notice to the parties of the hearing, and without their being present, or having an opportunity to be heard, is absolutely void.''' 5. Upon pro\ing the submission and the aw-ard, by the affidavit of the subscribing witness, or by the affidavit of the arbitrators, within one year after making such award, the court designated in such submission shall, by rule, in open court, conlirm the award made in pursuance thereof, unless the same be vacated or moditied, or a decision thereon be postponed.^ 6. Any party complaining of such award, may move the court de- signated in the submission, to vacate the same, upon the ground that it was produced by fraud or corruption ; or that the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in refusing to postpone the hearing, or reject- ing proper testimony ; or that they exceeded their powers.'' 7. Such award maj^ be moditied or corrected, in like manner, where there is an evident miscalculation of iigures ; where the arbi- trators have decided some matter not submitted to them; or where the award is imperfect. All applications to vacate, or modify an award, must be made at the next term of the court after the publication of such award.^ 8. Judgments entered up, in pursuance of any award and confirm- ation thereof, may be set aside, in the same manner as judgments in other cases, and are subject to the same provisions of law." 9. Whenever a party revokes the submission to arbitration before the publication of the award, he will be liable to the adverse party fur all the costs, expenses, and damages, the latter may have ininir- red. If the submission so revoked be contained in the condition of the bond, suit may be commenced there(jn by the obligee (du; revo- cation being assigned as the breach thereof,) who will be entitled to recover the costs, expenses, and damages he may have incurred.' 10. WlKM-e a judgment, entered in pursuance of any award, as aforesaid, recjuires a party to perform some act, other tlinn the pay- ment (jf money, and he refuses to do the same, he may be proceeded against, as in tither cases of contempt." 11. A submission to -irbitrators, of the subject matter of a pend- ing suit, ami an award thereon, puts an end to the suit ; and the plaintiff's remedy is on the award." 1 -2 II S (o.l ed.) C2!). §« 7, 8 ; 2 Hill, 75 ; 4 nailM. Ill's S. (;. I{<'p, 2.j0. ■i :i ISiirlioiir's S. (;. Kep., 27i5. s J K S (:M ril ) 629. § 9 ; .'> Wenilell, 102 ; 6 II.. .".-Jt : 4 IliH. TmI : M.. 303. * 2 I! S. (;i.l imI. ) (i-.ni. I,- 111; 17 .loliiif< >n. I'Tn 10 \Vei..|.:ll. asii: 17 1.1., 412; 1 Mill, '119. 1S9. » U U. S. (3a ea.; C2U, 63U, §^ 11, 12 j (J Wen- ilell, 520; 10 Id., 5S9; 17 M.,412; 1 I'aige, 293. 2 K. S. (3il C(l.)630, §§ 13-17. » 2 K. S (3(1 c,\) 631, S§ 23, 24 ; 16 John- .!:(ili.2(l'): 5 I'.iiL'o, .'7a '•2 K S. (.M Kil )631, S 18. » 12 \Vi"iMle;i,r,03: I Hill, 69; 2M.,387; * Ul, 010 ; 3 Uarbour's Si. C. Kep., ii75. ARBITRATION AND AWARD. 65 12. If the arbitration bond requires the award to be in writing, ready for delivery to the parties on or before a given day, the av/ard is a nullity, unless a counterpart of the award delivered to the pre- vailinsr party is prepared for the other party.' 13." If an agent enter into a submission in his own name, or if a person on behalf of himself and othei-s, but without authority, enter into such submission, he will be personally bound to perform the award.* 14. A submission to arbitrators is valid, Uiough by parol ; but the award made in pursuance thereof cannot be enforced in the manner prescribed by the statute.' 15. Where the submission to arbitrators contains an express con- dition, tiie award must comply with it strictly.* 16. It is immaterial what the form of a submission may be, pro- vided the intention of the parties appears.* 17. The award must be confined to the submission.' 18. Where a submission i« verbal, and there is no agrcemeni that the award shall be in writing, c may be by parol.' 19. Where the sub: mission is made to two arbitrators, with the power of choosing an umpire in case of disagreement, the award of the umpire, when made, is final and conclusive.* 20. The power of arbitrators is confined to the parties submitted, and if they exceed that limit, their award will, in general, be void.* 21. Oral testimony may be given, either in law or equity, to invalidate an award, even though the submission and award be in writing, and under seal." 22. An agreement to pay a certain sum, in case of not abiding by an award, is a penalt}', and the opposite party can only recover the sum awarded." 2y. No provision is made in the statute for the compensation of arbitrators, but suit may be maintained by them separately, for a reasonable sum in payment for their services.'" 24. Arbitrators are not obliged to deliver their award till their fees are paid." 25. By the amended constitution of New York, tribunals of con- ciliation arc authorized to be established. No definite action has yet been had in the Legislature on the subject; but should such tribunals be established, they will be found to difter very slightly in character from our present courts of arbitration, and the forms used in the one can readily be adapted to the other." 1 1 Hill, 321. I »7 nill.3^». "Hill, 41!). 1 107 Hill. .^ifl. » 2 Hill, 471. « 3 Uarbnur's S. C. Rep., K. » 1 Barbour's S C. Rep , TiHi. • 1 Barbour's S C. Rep-.S-JS. » 2 Barbour's Ch. Hep., 430. • IT Jotinson, 403 ; 1 Hill, 489. 11 I Denio, 4M. '2 1 Denio, 1*3. •> 3 UHrbdiii 's S. C. Rep., 27.'>. '* Aineitileti CunsiiiuuuQ, (i(^) Ait. tl. 5 23. so »&vr clerk's assistant. FORMS. § 106. Special Submission to Arbitrators. Whereas a controversy is now existing and pending, between A. B., of, &c., and C. D., of, &c., in relation to an exchange of horses, made by and between the said parties, at the town of , aforesaid, on the day of last past: Now, therefore, we, the under- signed A. B. and C. D., aforesaid, do hereby submit the said contro- versy to the arbitrament of E. F., L. M., and S. T., of, a H. ) « Each party should have a bond. The obligor in one will be the obligee in ihe oihen 68 NEW clerk's assistant. § 111. Condition of Bond on a Special Submission. The condition of* the above obligation is such : That if the abovo bounden A. B. shall well and truly submit to the decision of E. F., L. M., and S. T., named, selected, and chosen arbitrators, as well by and on the part and behalf of the said A. B., as of the said C. D., between whom a controversy exists, to hear all the proofs and allega- tions of the parties, of and concerning a certain exchange of horses, made by and between them, at the town of , aforesaid, on the day of, (fee, and all matters relating thereto; so that the award of the said arbitrators be made, &c., [as in § 110.] § 112. Notice to Arbitrators of their Appointment. To E. F., L. M., and S. T., Esquires: You are hereby notified, that you have been nominated and chosen arbitrators, as well on the part and behalf of the undersigned A. B., of, ifec, as of C. D., of, &c., also undersigned, to arbitrate, award, (fee, [as in the submission or bond, specifying the time within which the award must be made;'\ and you are requested to meet the said parties at the liouse of 0. R., in the town of , aforesaid, on the day of, (fee, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, for the purpose of fixing upon a time and place when and where the proofs and allegations of the said parties shall be heard. Dated the day oi, (fee. A. B. Yours, (fee, C. D. § 113. Arbitrator's Oath. We, the tmdersigned, arbitrators, appointed by and between A. B. and C. D., do swear that we, respectively, will faithfully and fairly hear and examine the matters in controversy between the parties above named, and will make a just award therein, according to the best of our imderstanding. Sworn to, this day of , ) E. F. 18 , before me. \ L. M. G. H., Justice of the Peace. S. T. § 114. Notice of Hearing for opposite Party, if necessary. In the matter of an arbitration, of and concerning certain matters in differ- ence between A. B., of the one part, and C. D., of the other part Sir: You will please take notice that a hearing in the matter above specified, will be had before the arbitrators, at the house of O. R, in the town of, The statute dues not in terms render it I > If the submission is under seal, tha necessary lor a Jiisiice of tlie Peace to require instrument revolting it should likewise b* a party to an arbitration, applyinj^ lor a suh- | under seaU poena, to be sworn, but it is always best to ' administer the oaiS 70 SEW clebk's assistant. controversy between us; and that the following is a copy of such revocation : [^Insert the Hevocation.^ Dated the day of , 18 . Yours, &c., A. B. § 120. Aioard. To all to whom these presents shall come, or may concern : Send greeting, E. F., L. M., and S. T., to whom were submitted, as arbitrators, the matters in controversy existing between A. B., of, &c., and C. D., of, &c., as by their submission in writing [or, by the condition of their respective bonds of submission, executed by the said parties, respectively, each to the other,] and bearing date the day of , A. 1). 18 , more fully appears: Now, therefore, know ye, that we, the arbitrators mentioned in the said submission, [or, bonds,] having been tirst duly sworn according to law, and hav- ing heard the proofs and allegations of the parties, and examined the matters in controversy by them submitted, do make this award in writing ; that is to say : The said C. D. shall make, execute, and dehver, to the said A. B., on or before the day of instant, a good and sufficient assignment of a certain bond and mortgage, executed, &c., to the said C. D., &c. ; and the said A. B. shall pay, or cause to be paid, to the said C. D., the sum of dollars, immediately upon the execution and deUvery of the said assignment ; [or: The said C. D. shall pay, or cause to be paid, to the said A. B., the sum of dollars, within ten days from the date hereof, in full payment, discharge, and satisfaction, of and for all moneys, debts and demands, due, or owing from him, the said C. D., to the said A. B. ; or: The said C. D. shall henceforth forever cease to prosecute a certain suit commenced by him, against the said A. B., in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, now pending and undetermined in the said court; and the said A. B. shall pay, or cause to be paid, to the said C. D., on or before the day of, (fee, the sum of dollars, in full satisfaction of the costs, charges and expenses, incurred by the said C. D., in and about the prosecu- tion of his suit, as aforesaid.] And we do further award, adjudge and decree, that the said A. B. and C. D. shall, and do, within ten days next ensuing the date hereof, seal and execute unto each other, mutual and general releases, of all actions, cause and causes of action, suits, controversies, claims and demands whatsoever, for, or by reason of, any matter, cause, or thing, from the beginning of the world down to the date of the said bonds of arbitration, [or, the said submission.] In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed these presents, this day of , one thousand eight hundred and In the presence of ) E. F G. H. f L. M. S. T. ARBITRATION AND AWARD. 7l V § 121. Release to be executed hy Party to an Arbitration, when required in the Award. Know all men by these presents: That I, A. B., of the of , for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to me in hand paid by C. D., of , and in pursuance of an award made by E. F., L. M., and S. T., arbitrators between us, the said A. B. and C. D., and bearing date the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , do hereby release, and forever discharge, the said C. D., his heirs, executors, and administrators, of and from all actions, cause and causes of action, suits, controversies, claims and demands whatsoever, foi% or by reason of, any matter, cause, or thing, from the beginning uf the world down to the day of , one thousand eight hundred and . \^Tasert the date of the bonds of arhitratton, or of tlie submission.'^ In witness whereof, I have hereunto put my hand and seal, this day of , one thousand eight hundred and In presence of ) A. B. [l. s.] a YL \ § 122. Affidavit of the Exemtion of the Arbitration Bond. County, ss: G. H., of said county, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he was present, and saw A. B. sign, seal, and, as his act and deed, deliver the bond hereunto annexed ; that the name A. B., subscribed to the said bond, is the proper and genuine signature of the said A. B. ; and that this deponent set his name as a subscribing witness to the Bame, at the time of its execution and delivery by the said A. B., as aforesaid: and further says not G. H. Sworn to, son, 453 ; 5 Cowen, 547 ; 11 WcJk- t 2 R S. (3d ed.) 197. 5§ 1-3. dell, 187 ; 6 Hill, 436 • Johnson, 355 ; 6 Cowen, 287. | ASSIGNMENTS. 73 not provided for ; and proof that there would be no surplus will not make it good.' 7. General assignments by an insolvent debtor, giving preferences to certain creditors, are upheld reluctantly by our courts, and they must be executed in perfect good faith, and an entire and absolute surrender of the debtor's property must be made for the payment of his debts.' 8. An assignment by an insolvent debtor, in trust to pay preferred creditors, should not authorize the trustees named therein to sell property on credit.' 9. An assignment for the benefit of creditors, authorizing the assignee, in his discretion, to change the order of preference of the creditors, is fraudulent and void.* 10. Assignments of the property or effects of a limited partner- ship, made by such partnership when insolvent, or in contemplation of insolvency, and giving a preference to creditors, are void.* 11. Where an assignment is made for the benefit of creditors, it must be accompanied by immediate delivery, either actual or implied.* 1 2. Voluntary conveyances in trust for creditors are regarded with jealous)', but the question of fraudulent intent is always one of fact, and not one of law.' 13. No higher rates of compensation should be given to trustees or assignees, by an assignment, than those allowed to executors, administrators, and guardians, for similar services.' 1 4. An action brought by an assignee of a chose in action, will be without prejudice to any set-off, or other defence, e.\isting at the time of, or before notice of the assignment.* 15. Every assignment of any interest in land must be in writing.'* Assignments of mortgages should be acknowledged and recorded, in tlie same manner as direct conveyances of real estate. 1 6. An assignment of a mortgage by an individual, or by a corpo- ration, without a seal, is a valid transfer of the mortoase debt, thousfh not of the mortgage itself." 17. An assignment of a policy of insurance should always receive the assent of the insurers; to be signified in writing, if a company, by the President or Secretary. 18. The assignee of an insurance policy cannot recover for any loss in his own name, unless there be an express promise on the part of the company to be responsible ; even though the assignment be made with their consent." » 4 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 456 : 2 Comstock, 365. a f Hill, 438: 10 Paige, 229. 3 Pai!;e. 4tv5 ; 2 Comstock, 365. * 4 llaiboiir 8 S. C. Hep., 546. 6 2 R. S. (3J ed.) 51, § 20. • 1 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 210. T 2 R. S. (3(1 ed.) 198, 4 4 ; 8 Cowen, 406 ; t Wendell, 303; 7 Id., 439; 8 Id.. 375; 11 ' Id., 251 ; 12 Id., 297 ; 15 Id.. 212, C28 ; 16 Id., | :a 3 Hill, bS. 520: 17 Id., 54, 492: 19 Id., 1?3, 514, 524; 20 Id., 118, 507; 2:3 Id., 653; 24 Id., 117; 25 Id,, 396, 615; 26 Id., 511 ; 1 Hill, 347, 438 467 ; 4 Id., 271 ; 6 Id., 4.3.J, 438 ; 3 Paige, 557 2 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 9. » 2 Coinsiock. 365. Laws of 1849, part II., title iii., S 112. 10 2 H. S. (3d. ed.) 47, I 44 ; Id., 194, 5 6 1 Donio, .520. T4 ' NEW clerk's assistant. FORMS. § 124. Assignment to be indorsed on an Instrument. In consideration of the sum of dollars, to me in hand paid, by C D., of, (fee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby transfer, assign and set over, to the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, all my right, title and interest, in and to the within instru- ment ; and I do hereby constitute the said C. D., my attorney, in my name, or otherwise, but at his own cost and charge, to take all legal measures which may be proper or necessary, for the complete recovery and enjoyment of the assigned premises. Witness my hand and seal, this day of ,18. In presence of ) A. B. [l. s.] G. H. C § 1 25. Assignment by a Firm, for the Benefit of Creditors. This indenture, made the day of , in the year , between A. B. and C. D., copartners, under the name, style, or firm, of B. & D., of the first part, and E. F., of, tfec, of the second part : Whereas the said copartnership is justly indebted in sundry con- siderable sums of money, and has become unable to pay and dis- charge the same with punctuality, or in full ; and the said parties of the first part are now desirous of making a fair and equitable distribu- tion of their property and effects among their creditors : Now, there- fore, this indenture witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the premises, and of the sum of one dollar to them in hand paid, by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold, released, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell, release, assign, transfer and set over, unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns, forever, all and singular, the lands, tenements and hereditaments, situate, lying and being within the State of New York, and all the goods, chat- tels, merchandise, bills, bonds, notes, book accounts, claims, demand.s, choses in action, judgments, evidences of debt and property, of every name and nature whatsoever, of the said parties of the first part, more particularly enumerated and described in the schedule hereto annexed, marked " Schedule A" ; to have and to hold the same, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, to the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns : In trust, nevertheless, and to and for the following uses, intents and purposes ; that is to say : that the said party of the second part shall take possession of all and singular the lands, tenements and ASSIGNTIENTS. n hereditaments, property and eflfects, hereby assigned, and sell and dispose of the same, upon such terms and conditions as in his judg- ment may appear best, but not upon credit, and convert the same into money ; and shall also collect all and singular the said debts, dues, bills, bonds, notes, accounts, claims, demands and choses ia action, or so much thereof as may prove collectible ; and thereupon execute, acknowledge, and deliver, all necessary conveyances and instruments, for the purposes aforesaid: And by and with the p'^)- ceeds of such sales and collections, the said pai ty of the second part shall fii'st pay and disburse all the just and reasonable expenses, costs, charges and commissions, of executing and carrying into eflfect tills assignment, and all rents, taxes and assessments, due or to be- come due, on the lands, tenements and hereditaments, aforesaid, until the same shall be sold and disposed of; and by and with the residue, or net proceeds and avails, of such sales and collections, the said party of the second part shall. First, Pay and discharge, in full, the several and respective debts, bonds, notes and sums of money, due, or to grow due, from the said parties of the first part, or for which they are liable, to the said party of the second part, and the several other persons and firms desig- nated in the schedule hereto annexed, marked " Schedule B," together with all interest moneys due, or to grow due thereon ; and, if said net proceeds and avails shall not be sufficient to pay and dis- charge the same, in full, then such net proceeds and avails shall be distributed pro rata, share and share alike, among the said several persons and firms named in said Schedule B., according to the amount of their respective claims ; and. Secondly, By and with the residue and remainder of the said net proceeds and avails, if any there shall be, the said party of the second part shall pay and discharge all the other copartnership debts, demands, and liabilities, whatsoever, now existing, whether due, or hereafter to become due, provided such remainder shall be sufficient for that purpose ; and, if insufficient, then the same shall be applied pro rata, share and share alike, to the payment of said debts, demands and liabilities, according to their respective amounts ; and, Thirdly, By and with the residue and remainder of the said net proceeds and avails, if any there shall be, the sa^d party of the second part shall pay and discharge all the private and individual debts of the parties of the first part, or either of them, whether due, or to grow due, provided such remainder shall be sufficient for that purpose ; and, if insufficient, then the same shall be applied pro rata, share and share alike, to the payment of the said debts, accord- ing to their respective amounts ; and, Lastly, The said party of the second part shall return the sur- plus of the said net proceeds and avails, if any there shall be, to the r« NKW clerk's assistant. said parties of the first parl» tleir executors, administrators, or assigns. And, for the better execution of these presents, and of the seve- ral trusts hereby reposed, the said parties of the tirst part do hereby make, nominate and appoint, the said party of the second part, and his executors, administrators and assigns, their, and each of their true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, with full power and authority to do, transact and perform, all acts, deeds, matters and things, which can, or may, be necessary in the premises, as fully and com- pletely as the said parties of the first part, or either of them, might or could do, were these presents not executed ; and attorneys, one or more, under him to make, nominate, and appoint, with full power of substitution and revocation ; hereby ratifying and confirming all, and every thing whatsoever, that our said attorney, and his attor- neys, shall do, or cause to be done, in the premises. In witness whereof, the said parties of the first part have here- unto set their respective hands and seals, the day and year above written.* Signed, sealed and delivered, in the presence of G. H. A. B. [l. 8.] C. D. [l. 8.J §126. General Assignment. ♦ Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, &c., for value received, have sold, and by these presents do grant, assign, and con- vey, unto C. D., of, &c., all the notes, accoimts, dues, debts, and demands, specified in the schedule hereunto annexed, marked " Sche- dule A," to have and to hold the same unto the said C. D., and his executors, administrators, and assigns, forever, to and for the use of the said C. D. ; hereby constituting and appointing the said C. D. my true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, in my name, place, and stead, for the purpose aforesaid, to ask, demand, sue for, attach, levy, re- cover and receive, all such sum and sums of money which now are, or may hereafter become due, owing and payable, for, or on account of, all or any of the notes, accounts, dues, debts and demands, above assigned ; giving and granting unto my said attorney, full power and authority, to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever, requisite and necessary, as fully, to all intents and purposes, as I might or could do, if personally present, with full power of substitu- tion and revocation ; hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said 1 The above form may be readily varied, {f ihe assignment is intended to be made for the general benefit of creditors, without preference; or if there are to be two or more classes of preferred debts. In order to save trouble and expense, in passing th« . title of real estate, deeds regularly acknow- ledged and executed, ought to accompany an assignment embracing real properly. ASSIGNMENTS. t^ attorney, or his substitute, shall lawfully do, or cause tc be done, by virtue hereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day of , one thousand eight hundred and Signed, sealed, and delivered, i in the presence of > E. F. ) A. B. [l. 8.] § 127. Assignment of Bond. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, (fee, of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to me in hand paid by C. D., of, (fee, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained, sold, and assigned, and by these presents do bargain, sell, and assign, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, a certain written bond or obligation, and the condition thereof, bearing date the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , executed by E. F. to the said A. B., and all sum and sums of money, due, or to grow due thereon : And I do hereby covenant with the said party of the second part, that there is now due on the said bond or obligation, according to the condition thereof, for principal and interest, the sum of dollars ; and I hereby authorize the said party of the second part, in my name, to ask, demand, sue for, recover, and receive, the money due, and that may grow due thereon, as afore- said. In witness, &c., [as in § 126.] § 128. Assignment of Judgment. This indenture, made the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , between A. B., of, ■ G. H. ) A. B. [l. 8.] § 129. The Same, in a Shorter Form. Supreme Court: A. B. ) Judgment for 81000 on a bond, dated first May, against > 1845. Conditioned for the payment of $500 and E. F. ) interest — costs taxed at $21,50. Judgment docketed August 2, 1845, in County Clerk's Office. In consideration of dollars, to me paid, I do hereby sell, assign, and transfer, to C. D., the judgment above mentioned, for his use and benefit; hereby authorizing him to collect and enforce pay- ment thereof, in my name, or otherwise, but at his own costs and charges : and covenanting that the sum of dollars, with the interest from the day of , in the year « besides the costs, is due thereon. In witness, &c., \as in § 126.] § 130. The Same, in Another Form. County Court: A. B. ) Judgment docketed 31st July, 1847, for $210, against >- 27, damages and costs. E. F. ) For value received, I do hereby assign, transfer and set over, the above mentioned judgment, to C. D., for his use, and at his risk, costs and charges, in all respects. Dated the day of , 18 . A B. ASSIGNMENTS. t9 § 131. Assignment of Bond and Mortgage: Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, &c., of the first part, in consideration of the sum of dollars, lawful money of the United States, to me in hand paid by C. D., of, &.c., of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set ovei-, unto the said party of the second part, a certain indenture of mort- gage, bearing date the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , made and executed by E. F., and M. his wife, of, ifec, to the said party of the first part, together with the bond or obligation therein described, and the money due or to grow due thereon, with the interest: to have and to hold the same, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for their use and benefit; subject only to the proviso in the said indenture of mortgage mentioned : And I do hereby make, con- stitute and appoint, the said party of the second part, my true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, in my name, or otherwise, but at his own proper costs and charges, to have, use, and take, all lawful ways and means, for the recovery of the said money and interest; and, in case of payment, to discharge the same, as fully as I might, or could do, if these presents were not made : And I do hereby covenant, to and with the said party of the second part, that there is now due and owing upon the said bond and mortgage, the sum of dollars, with interest from the day of , 18 ; and that I have good right to sell, transfer and assign, the same, as aforesaid. In witness, 1 R. S. (3d ed.)644, 645, §§ 1,3, 4, 5; Laws of 1835, chap. 62 ; Laws of 1843, chap. 86; Laws of 1816, chap. 62. s Laws oflSig, chap. 399. 4 1 R. S. (3d ed.) 648, § 25; Laws of 1835 chap. 62. « 1 R. S. (3d ed.) 648, § 27. » Laws of 1847, chap. QAZ. AUCTIONS. 89 FORMS, § 145. Auctioneer's Bond. Know all men by these presents : That we, A. B., C. D., and E. F., of, (fee, are held and firmly bound unto the people of the State of New York, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, to be paid to the said people ; for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated the day of , A. D. 18 . The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bound en A. B. shall well and faithfully perform the duties of an auctioneer, in and for the city [or, county] of , and pay, or cause to be paid, the duties that are, or shall be, imposed by law, and that shall accrue on all sales made by him, or under his direction, as such auctioneer; and shall render a true and accurate account semi- annually, of all goods sold or struck off by him, then the above obligation shall be void ; else to remain in full force and virtue. Signed and sealed, in the ) A. B. [l. s._ presence of >• C. D. [l. s." G. H. ) E. F. [l. s.; § 146. Certificate of Officer Taking and Approving the Bond. State of New York, [gg. County, \ On this day of ,18 , personally appeared before me, A. B., C. D., and E. F., known to me to be the persons described in, and who executed the foregoing bond, and they acknowledged that they executed the same : and I hereby certify that I approve of the smd bond, as sufficient for the purposes therein mentioned. G. H., Mayor of the city of , [or. County Judge of county.] § 147. Certificate to Copy. State of New Yoik, ) ^ . City and County of New York, j I do hereby certify, that the within [or, annexed] is a true copy of a bond taken and approved by me, according to the statute, and of the certificate endorsed thereupon at the time of such taking and approval Dated the day of ,18 . G. H., Mayor of said city and county. 9Q NEW CLF.RS.'8 ASSTSTANT. § 1-48. Oath of Copartner, or Clerk. I, S. T., do solemnly and sincerely sweai-, [or, affirm,] that I am 'he copartner [or, clerk] of A. B., an auctioneer duly authorized to act as such, in and for the city [or, county] of ;* and that I will fully and faithfully perform the duties incumbent on me by the provisions of Title 1 of Chapter 17 of Part I. of the Revised Sta- tutes of the State of New York. Taken and subscribed before me, ) S. T this day of , 18 . j" G. H., Mayor, &c. § 149. Oath of Auctioneer on Exhibiting his Account. I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely swear, [or, affirm,] that the account now exhibited by me, and to which I have subscribed my name, contains a just and true account of all the goods, wares, mer- chandise and effects, sold or struck oflf, or struck off and not actually sold, or bought in by me, at public sale, or sold by me at private sale on commission, whether subject to duty or not, or sold, sti-uck off, or bought in, as aforesaid, by others in my name, or undei my direction, or for my benefit, within the time mentioned in the within account; and of the days upon which the same were respectively sold; and that I have attended, personally, such of the said pub- lic sales as are not stated in the said account to have been mad(i without my attendance; and that the causes therein mentioned of my absence from such sales as I did not attend, are truly stated; that I have examined the entries of all the sales men- tioned in said -account, in the book kept by me for that purpose, and fully believe tliis account to be in all respects correct; and further, that I have, during the time therein mentioned, conformed, in all things, to the true intent and meaning of the laws regulat- ing sales by auctioneers, according to the best of my knowledge, information and behef. A. B. Taken, &c., [as in § 148.] § 150. Oath of Copartner or Cleric, to be Endorsed on the Account. I, S. T., do solemnly and sincerely swear, &c., [as in § 148 to the *, and then add:^ that I believe the account of sales witliin rendered by the said A. B., to be just and true in every particu- lar; that the sales therein mentioned, opposite to which my name is set, [or, my initials are set,] are all the sales liable to auction duties, public or private, made by me within the time mentioned in «aid account; and that the account of such sales so therein stated, is just and true; that such sales were made by me in the absence of said A. B., who was unable to attend, from the causes specified ACCTIONS. • 91 in his account; and that in all acts performed by me, in behalf of such auctioneer, during the time aforesaid, I have endeavored to conform to the true intent and meaning of the laws regulating sales by auctioneers. Taken, &c., [as in § 148.] § 151. Certificate of Board of Port Wardens. State of New York, ss : We, the undersigned, composing the Board of Port Wardens of the Port of New York, do hereby certify, that the goods mentioned and described in the annexed invoice, part of the cargo of the brig Mary Ann, on her voyage from to , which terminated on the day of ,18 , were duly examined by A. B., one of the undersigned, at a suitable and proper time ; to wit : on the day of , 18 ; and that the said goods were damaged on the voyage aforesaid, so as to be entitled to exemption from auction duties, and to be sold as damaged goods, according to the provisions of the statute in such case made and provided. Given under our hands, at the Port of New York, this day of , 18 . A. B., ^ C. D., }- Port Wardens. &c., &c., § 152. Affidavit of President, or Secretary, of Insurance Company. State of New York, ) V ss * City and County of New York, \ (jr. B., being duly sworn, says : That he is the President [or, Sec- retary] of the Insurance Company in said city and county ; and that the goods mentioned and described in the annexed invoice, and referred to in the certificate of the Board of Port Wardens there- unto attached, were insured in the said Company, by L. M., the owner [or, consignee] thereof, for the sum of dollars; and fiarther says not. Sworn to, before me, this ) G. B. day of , 18 . i" G. H., Commissioner of Deeds. CHAPTER VII. BANKS AND COEPORATIONS. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. The general laws of this State, in relation to turnpike a>ia moneyed corporations, — their powers, privileges, liabilities, etc. — mav be found, in detail, in Chapter 18 of Part I. of the Revised Statutes, ( Volume I., p. 710, et seq., Sd ed.) 2. The duties and liabilities of banks, and the authority of directors to give discretionary powers to officers, in making loans and discounts, are reviewed at length, in the case of The Bank Commissioners, vs. the Buffcdo Banks, (6 Paige, 499.) 3. Chapter 437 of the Laws of 1849, requires every company or association, including every individual doing business alone, incorpo- rated or organized, or doing business under any law of this state, to pubHsh annually, on or before the first of September, for six succes- sive weeks, in one public newspaper, printed in the county in which the company or association ma}' be located, a true and accurate statement, verified by the oath of the cashier, treasurer, or presiding officer, of all deposits, dividends, and interest, unclaimed for two years then next preceding. 4. For other special provisions in relation to banking corporations, see Laws of 1837, chap. 20; Id. chap. 235; Laws of 1839, chap. 355; Laws of 1840, chap. 18; Id., chap. 202; Laws of 1842, chap. 247; Laws of 1843, chap. 218; Laws of 1845, chap. 114; Laws of 1847, chap. 160; Id.^ chap. 419; Laws of 1848, chap. 344. 5. No special charter can be granted for banking purposes ; but corporations, or associations, may be formed for such purposes under general laws. No law can be passed, sanctioning the suspension of specie payments by any person, association, or corporation, issuing bank notes of any description ; and in case of the insolvency of any bank, or banking association, the billholders will be entitled to pre- ference in payment over all other creditors.' 1 Amended Conatiiution of New York, An. viii., §§ 4, 5, 8. BANKS AND CORPORATIONS. 93 6. After the first day of January 1850, the stockholders in every corporation, or association for banking purposes, issuing bank notes, or paper credits, to circulate as money, will be individually liable, to the amount of their respective shares of stock, for all debts and habi- lities contracted subsequent to that day.' 7. The General Banking Law is contained in chap. 260, Laws of 1838; amended in chap. 363, Laws of 1840; chap. 46, Laws of 1841; cliap. 160, Laws of 1847; Id., chap. 419; and chap. 340, Laws of 1848. In the vokime of Session Laws for 1841, at page 351, the original law may be found, as amended by subsequent enactments, together with other statutes affecting associations formed under it. Associations formed under this law are liable to taxation.' 8. The provisions of law applicable to religious incorporations, are contained in volume III. of the Revised Statutes, (3d ed.,) p. 244, et seq. The treasurer of e\ery religious corporation singly, or the trustees or persons entrusted with the care and management of the temporalities of a church, congregation, or religious society, already iricorporated, in the cities of New York, Albany, or Schenectad}', or a majority of them, are required by the act of 1813, (section 10,) to exhibit triennially to one of the .Justices of tlie Supreme Court, or a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, or County Judge of the count}' in which the church, congregation, or society is situated, an account and inventory of all the corporate estate, and of the annual revenue arising therefrom ; and if this duty be neglected for the space of six years, and if the account and inventory are not then exhibited, and the ceititicate of the officer, to whom the same is presented, endorsed thereupon, that the real and personal estate of the corporation does not, or has not, for the preceding six years, exceeded the sum which it is entitled by law to receive, the trustees, or persons entrusted as aforesaid, cease to be a body corporate. 9. County Courts have the power to permit the mortgage or sale of the real propeity of a religious corporation, situated within the county, on the application of such corporation, and to authorize the appropriation of the proceeds thereof' 10. The general law providing for the incorporation of bridge companies, may be found at chap. 259, Laws of 1848. 11. The act to authorize the formation of corporations for manu- fecturing, raining, mechanical or chemical purposes, is contained in the Session Laws of 1848, chap. 40. 12. Chap. 319, Laws of 1848, authorizes the incorporation of benevolent, charitable, scientific and mis.'^ionary societies. 13. Under the new Constitution of this State, no corporation ex- 1 AmcndeJ Consuimion of Now York, Art. Till., §7. «22 Wendell, 9; 23 Id., 103; 1 Hill, 616; 2 Id., 241 ; 3 Id., 3-!0 ; 4 Id., 442 ; 7 Id , 504 ; 1 Deiiio, 9 ; 2 Id., 3.Sl). 3 Laws of 1S49, (Code of Practice,} cha% 438, § 30, Bub. 8. 94 KEW clerk's assistant. cept for municipal purposes, can be created by special act, where the objects of the corporation can be attained under a general law. Hereafter corporations may sue or be sued, like natural persons.' 14. After the dissolution of a corporation, the stock cannot be transferred so as to pass the title." 15. Certificates of the incorporation of religious societies may be proved, or acknowledged, . before any officer authorized to take acknowledgments, or proofs of conveyances of real estate.^ 16. Whenever any church, congregation, or reUgious society, shall omit to choose officers, the old officers may hold over until others ire chosen, provided an election, to supply such omission, be held within one year after its occurrence.* 17. A "call" from a Presbyterian congregation, drawn in the manner prescribed by the discipline of that church, and signed by three elders and a trustee, does not bind them to pay the salary, but is the act of the congregation.^ 18. The seal of a corporation maybe affixed, or impressed, directly on paper, without the use of wax or a wafer.* 1 9. It is not necessary that the proceedings of a corporation, at a corporate meeting, should be authenticated by seal.' FORMS. § 153. Transfer of Stock in a Banh, Company, or Corporation.. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, &c., for value received, have bargained, sold, assigned and transferred, and by these presents do bargain, sell, assign and transfer, unto C. D., of, &c., twenty shares of capital stock, standing in my name, on the books of the Bank: \or, Company, as the case may he:"] and I do hereby constitute and appoint the said C. D., my true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, in my name or otherwise, but to his own use and benefit, and at his own costs and charges, to take all lawful ways and means for the recoveiy and enjoyment thereof In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day of , A. D., 18 Sealed and delivered ) A. B. [l. s.] in the presence of ) G. H. > Amended Constitution of New York, Art. riii., §§ 1-3. « 'i Denio, 574. * Laws of 1844. cha]» 158, H I, 2. * Laws of 1844, chap. 158, J 3. » 6 Hill, 530. • Laws of 1843, chap. 197. ' 1 Barbour's S. C. Rep., .584. BANKS AND CORPORATIONS. 95 § 154. Power to Transfer. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, &c., ao here- by constitute and appoint E. F., of,' &c., my true and lawful attor- rev, for me, and in my name and behalf, to sell, assign and trans- fer to C. D., of, &c., the whole, or any part of, one hundred shares of capital stock, standing in my name, on the books of the Bank, \or, Company,] and for that purpose to make and execute all necessary acts of assignment and transfer. In witness, &c., \as in § 153.] § 155. Proxy. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, (fcc, do here- by constitute and appoint E. F., of, &c., my attorney and agent, for me, and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy, at any election of directors of the Bank, [or. Company,] accord- ing to the number of votes I should be entitled to vote, if then per- sonally present. In witness, (fee, [as in § 153.] § 15G. Affidavit of Stockholder, to be made before any Offi,cer authorized to administer Oaths, and attached to the Proxy. I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely swear, [or, affirm,] that the shares on which my attorney and agent, in the above proxy, is au- thorized to vote, do not belong, and are not hypothecated to, the [name the corporation for which the electicm is to be held;] and that they are not hypothecated, or pledged to, any other corporation, or person, whatever ; that such shares have not been transferred to me, for the purpose of enabling me to vote thereon at the ensuing elec- tion, and that I have not contracted to sell or transfer them, upon any condition, agreement, or understanding, in relation to my man- ner of voting at the said election. Sworn to, this day of , ) A. B. 18 , before rae, J G. H. Commissioner of Deeds, G. H. J . A. B. [l. 8.] BANKS AND CORPORATIONS. Ot I 162. Certificate of Association Formed under the General Banking Law. State of New York, ) g. County, j We, whose names are hereunto annexed, do hereby certify : That we have associated together, for the purpose of establishing an office of discount, deposit, and circulation ; that the name assumed to dis- tinguish such association, and to be used in its dealings, is " The ;" that the operations of discount and deposit, of such association, are to be carried on at the village of , in the said countv; that the amount of the capital stock of the same is two hundi-ed thousand dollars, and is divided into two thousand shares; and that the following ai-e the names and places of residence of the shareholders, and tlie number of shares held by each of them, respec- tively: A. B., of , one hundred shares, C. D., of , one hundred shares; E. F., of , one hundred shares; e,] in which congregation divine worship is celebra- ted, according to the rites of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York, and which is not already incorporated, met at their place of worship, aforesaid, for the purpose of incorporating themselves as a religious society, iinder the acts of the Legislature of the State of New York, and in pursuance of notice duly given to the said congTCgation, in the time of morning service, on two Sundays previous to such meeting, that the male persons of full age belonging to said congregation, would meet at the time and place aforesaid, for the pvirpose of incorporating themselves, and of electmg two Church > The original must be filed in the Clerk's I be carried on, and a duplicate in the office of office of the county in which the business is to | the Secretary of State. BANKS AND CORPORATIONS. 99 Wardens and eight Vestrymen : And we further certify, that the Reverend A. B., being Rector of said Church, presided at the said meeting, [or, if there be no Hector, say: there being no Rector of the said congregation, or church, the undersigned, L. M., was, by a ma- jority of the said persons so met, called to the chair, and presided at the sjiid meeting :] And we further certify, that at the said meeting, C. D. and E. F. were duly elected Church Wardens of the said con- gregation and church, and 0. P., S. T., &c., \iiame eight persons,^ were duly elected Vestr}'-men; that Tuesday in Easter Week, \or, as the case may be,^ was, by the said meeting, fixed on as the day on which the said offices of Church Wardens and Vestry- men should annually thereafter cease, and their successors in office be chosen ; and that the said meeting determined and declared that the said church and congTegation should be known in the law by the name of "The Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen of St John's Church, in the town of , in the county of ." In testimony whereof, we, the said A. B., Rector, \or, L. M.,] who presided at the said election of Wardens and Vestrymen, and R. Y. and S. T., who were present and witnessed the proceedings aforesaid, have hereunto subscribed our names, and affixed our seals, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and } Signed and sealed ) A. B., Rector, [l. s. in presence of j ■ R. F. [l. s." G. H. S. T. M. K [: ''Us: § 166. Certificate of Incorporation of other Religious Societies. State of New York, County, We, the undersigned, two of the elders, [or, two of the members,] of the church [or, congregation; or, rehgious society] hereafter mentioned, do hereby ceilify, that on the day of instant, the male persons of full age, belonging to a church [or, con- gregation ; or, religious society] in which dinne worship is celebra- ted, according to the rites of the church, and not already incorporated, met at the place of public worship heretofore occupied by the said church, [or, as aforesaid,] in the toAvn of , in said county, for the purpose of incorporating themselves, and did then and there electa by plurality of voices, A. B., C. D., and E. F., [not less than three, nor more than nine^ as trustees of the said churcli, [or, as aforesaid;'] and the said persons did then and there also de- termine by the like plurahty of voices, that the said trustees and J The certificate must be acknowledged, or [ worship is siuialed. For ihe forms, see chap- ' proved, before a Justice of the Supreme Court, ter I., and % 1G3, ante. or Judge of the couuiy in which the place of | ;.00 NEW clerk's assistant. their successors should forever hereafter be called and known by the name, or title, of " The Trustees of the ." Witness our hands and seals, this day of , 18 .' Signed and sealed in the ) L. M. [l. s.] pi-esence of >• G. H. [l. s.] S. T. § 167. Triennial Report of a Religious Corporation. To the Hon. J. W. E., one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of New York : The undersigned, the Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen of St. Mark's Church, [or, the Trustees of the First Baptist Society of ,] a religious corporation, situate in the city of , in the State of New York, respectfully report, that the following is a faithful, true, and correct account and inventory of all the estate, both real and personal, belonging to said church [or, congregation ; or, society,] at the time of the exhibition of this report, to wit: One church edifice, and lot on which the same is situate, known by the street numbers (57 and 69, on street, in said city of , and valued at dollars. One parsonage and lot, known as No. 50 street in said city of , and valued at dollars. [Insert here all the parcels and items of the real and p>ersona.l estate.^ And the undersigned further report that the following is a just and correct account of the annual revenue arising from the I'cal and personal estate aforesaid, from the ' day of ,1847, to the day of , 1850, to wit: [Insert here the reve- nue for each year separately^ Dated at , the day of , 1850. C. S. R, Rector. Church Wardens. R. F., J. R., f B. J., ■ S. T., \ Vestrymen. &c. &c. State of New York, City and County of New York, C. S. R., R. ¥., &c., &c., being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposeth and saith, that he has read [or, heard read] the foregoing report by him signed, and that the same is in all i-espects faithful, just and true, to the best of his knowledge and Delief. Sworn [or, affirmed] to, tliis day ) C. S. R, »f ,18, before me, j &c. piiio,428. 3 5 Joliiisoii, 2:J7; 2 Cowcn 530; lOWcniioll, r)75; 1 Hill. 256; 7 Id., 253; 3 Uuibour's S C. Rep., 374. « lU Jcilinson, 141; Kl.. .349. i » 2 Vciiio, 621; 3 Id., \S: » 15 VVeiidt'l, 313; 24 Id.. 3o; 26 Id.. 425; 2 | Barbours S. C Rep.. 51; .5_ Demo, 481; i Cuinslock, '-2."); Id., i"),::; I>1., 553. 4 Iliil, 12"; 1 I., G:;.i. 7 Mill, •! 13; 1 D'-iii'... ;71. , »; liill. iH>: I Hfiiin 104 NEW clerk's assistant. particiJar day mentioned m the note, are not payable until the third day after the day expressed for the payment. These three days are called "days of grace," and no action can be brought on a note until after they have expired.' 16. New Year's day, the fourth day of July, Chtistmas day, and Thanksgi\'iiig day, arc to be treated and considered as Sunday, in New York, for all pui-poses whatsoever, as regards the presenting for payment or acceptance, and the protesting and givmg notice of di.shonor, of bills of exchange, bank checks, and promissory notes, made or drawn after the Vth day of April, 1849." 1 7. Bills, or notes, payable on demand, given due, or on the face of which there is no time of payment expressed, are immediately due, without grace.^ 1 8. A note payable in specific articles, " when called for," or without mentioning any time for the payment, is payable on demand, at the place where the articles are sold, or manufactured, by the maker; but demand must be made witliin reasonable hours.^ 1 9. In order to hold an endorser liable, a demand of payment on bills, or notes, must be made on the third day of grace. If the third day falls on Sunday, or on any great holiday, demand must be made on Saturday, or the day preceding the holiday. The demand must be made at the place of business of the maker, or acceptor, within business houre, or at the place of payment, where it is specified. If the party has absconded, no demand is necessary ; and where he has no place of business, it may be made at his dwelhng-house. It is competent for any person, who has arrived at years of discretion, though not a Notary, to make the demand, if authorized by the holder. An endorsed note, payable on demand, must be presented within a reasonable time. In Massachusetts, sixty days has been held reasonable.^ 20. Where a note, not payable at any particular place, is made and endorsed in New York, and both the maker and endorser reside in a foreign country, it must be duly presented to the maker, if the place of his residence be known, and notice given to the endorser, in order to charge the latter.* 21. A person becoming- surety on a note, must be treated and charged as an endorser.' 22. An endorser may waive demand and notice before maturity of the bill or note ^^idorsed, without any consideration for such waiver.* 23. The dating of a promissory note at a particulai- place does not make that the place of payment, and authorize a demand to be made there to charge the endors(;r ; though it is presumptive evidence that the place mentioned is the residence of the maker.* iSCowen, 203. I » 1 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 158 ; 1 Constock, 2 Laws oC 1849, chap. 261. 321. 3 S Johnson, 189 , Id., 374 ; 3 Denio, 12. 1 '7 Hill, 416. « 2 Denio, 145 * ^ Comslock, 186. » 4 Hill, 129. I ' 3 Demo, 145. BILLS AND NOTES. 105 24. Where a note is assigned after maturity, the assignee taies it subject to all equities and set-oflfs, between the assignor and the maker.' 25. One who makes or endorses an accommodation note is a surety for the party accommodated, and the latter is liable to refund the costs of a suit for collection brought against such maker or endorser.' 26. In all cases where notice of non-acceptance, or non-payment, of a bill or note, or other negotiable instrument, may be giren by mail, it will be sufficient if such notice be directed to the city, or town, where the person sought to be charged resided, at the time of making, drawing, or endorsing the same, unless at the time of such making, dramng, or endorsing, he shall specify thereon the post office to which he may require the notice to be addressed.^ 27. A notice of protest should be sent to the post office at which the pei-son to whom it is directed is accustomed to get his letters, where his address is not endorsed on the bdl or note.'' 28. No precise form of words is necessary to constitute a sufficient notice of protest. The identity of the note, and the fact of the demand and non-payment, must be brought home to the party sought to be charged, and the notice may be either oral or Avritten.* 29. The certificate of the Notary need not state, by whom the service of notice, and deposit in the post office, was made.' 30. A sealed note is a specialty, and is not barred by the statute of limitations. FORMS. § 170. Bill of Exchange? ^-^^9- Buffalo, May 1, 1845. Thn-ty days after sight, pay to the order of Messrs. B. M & Ca two thousand dollars, and charge the same to account of A B To Messrs. T. R & Co., New York. > 11 Wendell, 404. a 3 Barbour's S. C. Rep 634. « 2 R S. (3d ed.) 55, f ik ; Laws of 1835, chap 141. ' ♦ 4 Barbour's S. C Ren., 324, * 1 Comstock, 413. • 7 Hill, 444. ' The usual form of accepting, is to write the word " Accepted," with the name of the acceptor, across the face, or on the back of the bill or draft. 106 NEW clerk's assistant. § 171. ^ Set of Bills. No. 139. — Ex. £250 stg. New York, May 1, 1845. Thirty days after sight of this, my first of exchange, (second and iliird unpaid,) pay to Messrs. G. W. & Co., or order, two hundred and fifty pounds sterling, value received, and charge the same to account of A. B. To Messrs. T. W. & Co., London. No. 139. — Ex. £250 stg. New York, May 1, 1845. Thirty days after sight of this, my second of exchange, (first and third unpaid,) pay to Messrs. G. W. 3 ; ai Id., 117 ; 2o Id., dell, 375 ; 12 Id., 297; ir, Id., 212, 62.S : Hi Id., 396, 615; 26 Id., .'ill ; 1 Hill, 347, 438, 467 ; 4 620 ; 17 Id., 54, 492 ; 19 Id., 183, 514, 524 ; 20 1 Id., 271 ; 6 Id., 433, 438. BILLS OF SALE AND CHATTEL MO^IGAGES. 113 one for a jury to determine ; and they have tlie right, in their discre- tion, to excuse possession in the vendor, or mortgagor.' 4. Proof of a valuable consideration, or a true debt, is essential to show good fjiith ; and if such proof be not made, the case will not be given to the jur)%^ 6. Every mortgage, or conveyance intended to operate as a mort- gage, of goods and chattels, which shall not be accompanied by an immediate dehvery and continued change of possession of the things morto-ao-ed, is absolutelv void as au-ainst the creditors of the mort- gagor, and as aganist subsequent purchasers and mortgagees m good faith, unle>ss the mortgage, or a true copy thereof, be tiled in the town or city where tJie mortgagor therein, if a resident of this State, resides at the time of the execution thereof; and if not a resident, then in the city or town where the property so mortgaged may be, at the time of such execution. In the city of New York, such instruments are to be filed in the office of the Register; in the other cities and county towns of this State, in the office of the County Clerk; and in all other towns, in the office of the Town Clerk thereof. The actual and continued change of possession above men- tioned, must be literal, and not a mere legal, or fictitious change, in order to comply with the statute.' 6. Clerks of towns and counties, in whose offices chattel mort- gages are required to be filed by law, must enter the names of the mortgagors and mortgagees in every such instrument, in books to be pronded by them for the piupose, at the expense of their respective towns or counties, under the head of mortgagors and mortgagees, in each of such books respectively. It is also the duty of the said clerks to number every mortgage or copy so filed, by endorsing the number on the back thereof, and to enter sucli number^n a separate column in the books in which such mortgages are entered, opposite to the name of every party thereto, also the date, the amount secured thereby, when due, and the date of the liling.* 7. Every mortgage, filed according to the foregoing requisitions, ceases to be valid, as against the creditors of the person making the 'iixme, or subsequent purchasers or mortgagees in good faith, after the expiration of one year from the filing thereof; unless, within thirty days next precluding the expiration of the s;ud term of one year, a true copy of such mortgage, together with a statement exhibiting the interest of the mortgagee in tb.c property thereby chiimed by him, by virtue th(!reof, be again filed in the office of the Clerk, or Register, aforesaid, tif the town or city where the mortga- gor then resides. A copy of such instrument, or any statement therein made, certified by the Clerk, or Register, as aforesaid, is only • 23 Wendell, 653 ; 2G Id., 51 1 ; 1 Hill, 4aS, 473; 4 Id., 271 ; 1 Cftiiisiock, 4'.Hi. « 1 Hill, 438; 4 Id., 271. • 2 R. S. (3d ed.; 1%, S§ 9, 10 ; 17 Wendell, 492; 19 1.1., 514, .524; 23 M., 653; 2 Hill 628 ; 4 Id , 271 ; 1 Dcnio, .5*) ; 10 Paige, 127 4 Laws of 1849, chap. G9. lU STEW clerk's assistant. evidence of the time of receiving and filing the same, as specified in the indorsement of such Clerk, or Register. ' 8. The words "re-filed and renewed," with the date and signature of the Clerk, endorsed on a chattel mortgage, are not sufficient to continue it as against the claims of creditors. The interest claimed by the mortgagee must be distinctly stated." 9. In Mtissachusetts, a chattel mortgage must be recorded by the Clerk of the town wliere the mortgagor resides, and also by the Clerk of the town where he transacts his business. The right of the mortgagor, or liis assigns, to the property, is not forfeited, until sixty days after the mortgagee, or his assigns, gives written notice to the person holding the property, of the intention to foreclose, and files a copy of the notice in the Clerk's office where the KBortgage is recorded. In Maine, a chattel mortgage must be recorded by the Clerk of the town where the mortgagor resides, and the mortgaged property must be delivered to the mortgagee, and retained in hi§ possession. 10. After default in the payment of a chattel mortgage, the mort- gagee's title to the property mortgaged becomes absolute at law, and he is entitled to the immediate possession ; and he does not waive such light of possession, by filing a copy of the mortgage, with a statement exhibiting the interest claimed by liim by virtue thereof, subsequent to such default. Where a chattel mortgage contdns a provision that, in case of default, the mortgagee may sell the pro- perty at public or private sale, and out of the proceeds satisfy the debt, and return the surplus, the title of the mortgagee becomes com- plete, on default, Avithout any sale being made. For the protection of the mortg-agor, therefore, a clause of this character, if inserted at aU, should be imperative on the mortgagee.' 11. Until forfeiture by non-performance of the conditiofis of a chattel mort{ \ge, the interest of the mortgagor in the property mort- gaged may b levied on, and sold, under an execution.* 12. A cha tel mortgage, cannot, perhaps, be given on growing trees, fruit, or grass, Avhile parcels of the real estate, or on produce not actually in existence ; yet growing grass may be transferred in this manner, provided it actually belongs to the mortgagor, — as in the case of a tenant occupying a farm.'' > 2 R. S., (3(1 ed.) 196, §§ 11, 12 ; 20 Vi'en- U\\. IS. « J Denio, 163. 3 23 Vi^endcll, 667; 1 Hill, 473; 2 Denio, 170. 4 1 Harbour's S. C. Rep., 542. 6 1 Denio, 550; 1 Barbour's S. C. Rep, 542 ; 1 Comstock, 90. BILLS OF SALE AND CHATTEI MORTGAGES. m FORMS. I 193. Common Bill of Sale. Know all men by these presents: That I, A. B., of the town of , in the county of , and State cf New York, of the first part, for and in consideration of the suna of dollars, lawful money of the United States, to me paid by C. D., of, &c., of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bar- gained and sold, and by these presents do grant and convev, imto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, the one equal, undivided half, of six acres of wheat, now growing on the farm of E. F., in the town of , aforesaid, one chestnut horse, and twenty sheep belonging to me, and now in my possession, at the place last aforesciid:' to have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, forever. And I do, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, covenant and agree, to and with the said party of the second pai-t, liis executors, administrators and assigns, to warrant and defend the sale of the said property-, goods and chattels, hereby made, unto the said party of the second part, liis executors, administrators and assigns, against all and every person and persons whomsoever.* In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this day of , one thousand eight hundi-ed and Signed, sealed and delivered, ) A. B. [l. s.] in presence of j G. H. § 194. Bill of Sale in consideration of Maintenance. . This indenture, made on the day of, 2 Johnson, 177; 13 Iil., 430; 1 Denio, a 2 Hill, 227 ; 3 Id., 493 ; Laws of 1848, chap. 197. * 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 449, «j 30, 31 ; 19 Wen- dell, 107. 4 2R. S. (3d ed.) 450, §39, sub. 1; 15 Wendell, 51. 6 Laws of 1340, chap. 317. 1 2 U. S., (3d ed.) 641, § 34 ; 7 Paige 50 ; 20 Wendell, 502. 122 NEW clerk's assistant. 9. The amount of the judgment rendered on a bond conditioned for tlie payment of money, is the penal sum, whicli is usually double the amount of the condition, in order to cover interest and costs. 10. A bond conditioned for the performance of a specific act, is broken on the failure to do it; but where the obligee is indemnified against damage or molestation, they must first be sustained, before a recovery can be had.' 11. A joint and several bond and warrant of attorney, signed by three persons, will not authorize a separate judgment agauist one, but only a joint judgment against all.^ 12. An action on a sealed instrument must be brought witliin twenty years after a right of action accrues.^ 1 8. A bottomry bond is an obligation founded on the joint secu- rity of a ship and its owners, and given for money borrowed, Avhich is to be repaid on the successful termination of a voyage. At home, the bond is executed by the owners, or the master, as their agent In a foreign country, the master has full authority to bind the own- ers, and pledge the ship and cargo, by a bottomry bond, in cases of necessity. Any amount of interest may be exacted, so long as the sea risk continues, irrespective of the usury laws ; but when that terminates, the obligation will only draw legal interest. Responden- tia is a contract similar to bottomry, except tliat the loan is made upon the chance of the safe arrival of the cargo. Like bottomry, it is used in cases of emergency. 14. An alteration of a bond, or other sealed instrument, in a ma- terial part, Avithout the consent of the obUgor, by any party claiming to recover under it, renders it void ; otherwise, if the alteration be made by a stranger, provided the true contents can be made to appear by testimony, though the burden of proof will then be thi'own on the party claiming under the instrument.* FORMS, § 205. ComrrH^n^Bond, with Condition. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of the town of , in the county oi , and State of New York, am held and firmly bound unto C. D., of, &c., in the sum of ona 1 1 Comstock, 550. «5Iiill,497. 3 Laws of 1S19, (Code of Practice.) chap 438, § 90. * 2 Barbour's Ch. Rep., 119 BONDS. 123 tliousand dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said C. D., his executors, administrators, or assigns ; for which payment, well and truly to be made, I bind myself, my heirs, execu- tors, and administrators, firmly by these presents. Scaled with my seal. Dated the day of , one thousand eight hundred and The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto the above named C. D., his exe- cutors, administrators, or assigns,* the just and full sum of five hun- dred dollars, in five equal annual payments, from the date hereof, with annual interest, then the above obhgation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed and deUvered, ) A. B. [l. s.] in presence of C G. H. § 206. Bond of Two Obligors. Know all men by these presents : That we, A. B. and E. F., of, &c., are held and firmly bound, unto C. D., of, &c., in the sum of one thousand dollars lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said C. D., his executors, administrators, or assigns; for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seve- rally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated this day of , one thousand eight hundred and .* The condition of the above obhgation is such, tj bounden A. B. and E. F., or either of them, thei^ heirs, executors, or administrators, shall well and^ to be paid, unto the above named C. D., &c.. Sealed and delivered, ) in presence of ) G. H. § 207. Bond — Several Payments. Know all men by these presents: &c., [as in § 205 to the *, and then add:'] the just and full sum of five hundred dollars; in manner following, that is to say: the sum of one hundred dollars on the tenth day of next ; the sum of two hundred dollars on the day of ,18 ; and the remaining sura of two hundred dollars in one year from the said last mentioned date, together with the legal interest on the whole sum remaining \mpaid, 124 NEW clerk's assistant. at the time of each payment ; then the above obligation to be void ' else to remciin in full force and virtue. Sealed, &c., [as in § 205.] § 208. Bond, with Interest Condition. Know all men by these presents: ikc, [as in § 205 to the *, and then add:] the just and full sum of five hundred dollars, on the day of , in the year of our Lord, 18 , and the legal interest thereon, to be computed from the day of the date hereof, and to be paid semi-annually, on the second day of January, and the first day of July, in each and every year ; then the above obligation to be void; else to remain in fuU force and virtue. And it is hereby expressly agreed, that should any default be made in the payment of said interest, or of any part thereof, on any day whereon the same is made payable, as above expressed, and should the same remain unpaid and in arrear, for the space of sixty days, then, and from thenceforth, that is to say, after the lapse of the said sixty days, the aforesaid principal sum of five himdred dollars, with all arrearages of interest thereon, shall, at the option of the said C. D., his executors, administrators, or assigns, become and be due and payable, immediately thereafter, although the period above Hmited for the payment thereof may not then have expired ; any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding. Sealed, &c., [as in § 205.] § 209. Bond to a Corporation. Knoy^^j^ghj these presents: That I, A. B., of, &c., am held and fin^^^^^^unto the Insurance Company, in the sum of on^^^^^^BDllai-s, lawful money of the United States, to be paid t^^^^^^P Insurance Company or assigns ; for which paymentj^^^BH. truly to be made, I bind myself, my hehs, exe- cutors an^^imuistrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with my seal. Dated the day of , one thousand eight hundred and .* The condition of the above oblig-ation is such, that if the above iounden A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid, unto the above named Insu- rance Company, or assigns, the just and full simi of, &c., [as in 8 205 to the end.^ § 210. Bond to Executors. Know all men by these presents: That I, A. B., of, &c., am h^ld and firmly bound, unto E. F. and L. M., of, &c., executors of the last BONDS. 126 will and testament of S. T., deceased, late of, &c., in the sum of one thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said E. F. and L. M., executors as aforesaid, the survivors, or surnvor, or his or their assigns ; for which payment, well and truly to be made, I bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with my seal. Dated the day of , one thousand eiglit hundred and The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto the above named E. F. and L. M., executors as aforesaid, the survivors, or survivor, or his or their assigns, the just and full sum of, (fee, [as in § 205 io the end.'\ § 211. Legatee's Bond. Know all men by these presents : That we, A. B. and 0. P., of, (fee, are held and firmly bound unto E. F. and L. M., of, (fee, execu- toi-s of the last will and testament of S. T. deceased, late of the town of , in the sum of one thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said E. F. and L. M., execu- tors, as aforesaid, the survivors, or survivor, or his or theh- assigns; for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our and each of om- heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated the day of , one thousand eight hundred and .* Whereas, in and by tlie last will and testament of the said S. T., deceased, a legacy of one hundred dollars is bequeathed to the said A. B., which has been paid to liim by the said E. F. and L. M., exe- cutors as aforesaid : ^B^ Now the condition of this obligation is such^lB. if Jiny debts against the decoiised, above named, shall duly appear, and which there shall be no other assets to pay, and if there shall be no other assets to pay other legacies, or not sufficient, that then the said A. B. shall refund the legacy so paid, or such rateable proportion thereof, with the other legatees of the deceased, as may be neces- sary for the payment of such debts, and the proportional parts of either legacies, if there be any, and the costs and charges hicurred by reason of the payment of the said A. B. ; and that if tiie probate of the "will of the said deceased be revoked, or the will declared void, then the said A. B. shall refund the wliole of the legacy, with interest, to the said E. F. and L. M., their executore, administrators, or assig-ns. Sealed, (fee, [as in § 205.] A. B. [ L. 8 ] C. D. [l. a ] 128 KEW clerk's assistant. § 212. Bond of Legatee, or Representative, before Suit. Know all men by these presents: &c., [as m § 2\\ to the *, and then add:] Whereas the said A. B. is about to commence a suit in tlie Supreme Court of the State of New York, against the said E. F. and L. M., as such executors, as aforesaid, for the purpose of recovering the amount of a certain legacy bequeathed to him, in and by the last will and testament of the said S. T., deceased : [or, for the purpose of recovering the distributive share of the property of the said S. T., deceased, due to him, the said A. B., as one of the sons and heirs of the s:aid S. T., deceased :] Now the condition of this obligation is such, that if any debts owing by the said deceased shall hereafter be recovered, or duly made to appear, for the payment of which there shall be no assets other than the said legacy, [or, distributive share,] that then the said A. B. shall refund the amount that may be recovered in any action b}'- him against the said executors, or such rateable part thereof, with the other legatees [or, representatives] of the deceased, ns may be necessary for the payment of the said debts, and the eosts and charges incurred by a recovery against the said executors, en any suit therefor: [If the bond is given hy a legatee, the following dame mmt he added:^ And also, if no sufficient assets shall remain, after the payment of said legacy, to pay any other legacy which may be due, that then the said A. B. sliall refund such rateable part or proportion thereof, with the other legatees, or representatives, - of the deceased, as may be necessary for the payment of such other legacy. Sealed, &c., [as in § 205.] § 213. Indemnity Bond to Sheriff. Know all men by these presents: That we, A. B., C. D., and H. K, are heldj«i firmly bound unto C. D., Sheriff of the county of , oWP; [as in § 206 to the *, and then add:^ Whereas the above bounden A. B. did obtain a judgment in the Supreme Coui't of the State of New York, on the day of , 18 , against E. F., for dollars and cents, damages and costs, whereupon execution has been issued, directed, and dchvered to the said C. D., Sheriff, as aforesaid, commanding liim, that of the goods and chattels of the said E. F., he should cause to be made the damages and costs aforesaid. And whereas certaiil goods and chattels that appear to belong to the said E. F. are claimed by L. M., of, &c. : Now, therefore, the condition of tliis obh- gation is such, that if tlie above bounden A. B. shall well and truly keep and bear harmless, and indemnify the said C. D., Sheriff as aforesaid, and all and every person and persons aiding and assisting liim in the premises, of and from all harm, let, trouble, damages, costs, sxiits, actions, judgments, • and executions, that shall, or may, at any time arise, come, or be brought, agamst him, tliem, or any „l BONDS. 127 of them, as well for the levying and making sale, imder and by vii-tue of such execution, of all or any goods and chattels which he or they shall or may judge to belong to the said E. F., as for entering any shop, store, building, or other premises, for the taking of any such goods and chattels, then this obhgation to be void; else to remain in full force and virtue. [Sealed, tilic., as in § 205.] § 214. Bond, tvifh Warrant of Attorney/ to Confess ^vdgment. Know all men, (fee: \as in § 205 to the *, and then addf\ the just and full sum of five hundred dollars, on demand, then the above obligation to be void ; else to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed, (fee, [as in § 205.] A. B. [l; s.] Whereas I, A. B., of, (fee, am held and firmly bound unto C. D., of, (fee, by a certain bond or obligation, of this date, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the payment of five hundred dollars, on demand: Now, therefore, I do authorize and empower any attorney, in any court of record in the State of New York, to appear for me at the suit of the said obligee, or his repre- sentatives, in an action of debt, and confess judgment against me upon the said bond or obligation, or for so much money borrowed, of any term, or vacation of term, antecedent or subsequent to this date ; and to release to the said obligee all errors that may intervene in obtaining said judgment, or in issmng execution on the same. Signed and sealed this day of , A. D. 18 . In presence of ) A. B. [l. s.] G. H. f § 215. Bond to Execute a Conveyance. Know all men, (fee, [as in § 205, to the condition, and then addf\ The condition of the above obligation is such, now remaining due and unpaid, the said principal sum of dollars, Avith interest from the day of , last past : Now, therefore, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said A. B., his heirs, execu- tors, or administrators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said S. V. R, or his assigns, all such sum and sums of money as are, or may hereafter become due, on the said bond and mortgage, executed by the said C. D., and the said C. D., and E., his wife, as aforesaid, and forever satisfy and discharge the same, sa\dng the said C. D., his heirs, executors, and administrators, harm- less, of and from all and all manner of costs, charges, and expenses, in the premises, then the above obligation to be void; else to remmn in full force and virtue. Sealed, ifec, [as in § 205.] § 217. Bond of an Officer of a Bank, or Company. Know all men, f New York and the prisoner at the bar. So help you God. § 263. Finding of the Triers. The finding is; that he stands indififerent, [or, not indifferent] 140 NKw clerk's assistant. § 269. Oath of a Witness before the Triers. You sliall true answers make to such questions as shall be put to you, touching the challenge of E. F., as a juror. So help you GoA § 270. Prodamation Requiring a Witness under Recognizance, to Appear and Testify. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye : G. H., who is bound by recognizance to give evidence against A. B., the prisoner at the bar, come forth, answer to your name, and give evidence, or you will forfeit your re- cognizance. § 271. Oath of a Witness on a Trial for Felony. The evidence you shall give between the people of the State of New York, and A. B., the prisoner at the bar, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God. § 272. Proclamation before Sentence Pronounced. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye : All manner of persons are commanded to keep silence, while judgment is given against the prisoner at the bar, upon pain of imprisonment § 273. Proclamation before calling Jury on a Misdemeanor. You, good men, who are here returned to try tliis issue of traverse, between the people of the State of New York, and A. B., the defend- ant, answer to your names as you are called, and save your fines. § 274. Juror's Oath, on a Trial for a Misdemeanor. You shall wxU and truly try this issue of traverse between the people of the State of New York, and A. B., the defendant, and a true verdict give therein, according to the evidence. So help you God. § 275. Oath of a Witness on a Trial for a Misdemeanor. The evidence you shall give in this issue of traverse, between the people of the State of New York, and A. B., the defendant, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothmg but the truth. So help you God. § 276. Clerk's Address on Taking Recognizance of Prisoner. You, and each of you, acknowledge yourselves to be indebted to the people of the State of New York, to wit: You, A. B., m the CLERKS AND CRIERS. 141 sum of one hundred dollars : and you, C. D., in the sum of one Imn- drcd dollars, to be levied of your, and each of your goods and chat- tels, lands and tenements, to the use of the said people, if default shall be made in the condition following, to wit: The condition of this recognizance is such, that if A. B. shall appear at the next court [or, from day to day during the sitting of this court,] of [state the cottrffi to be held in and for the county of , then and there* to answer and stand trial upon a certain indictment against liim for fel- ony, [or, ivhatever may be the offence ;'\ not to depart the court without leave, and to abide its order and decision, then this recognizance to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Are you and each of you content? § 277. The Same, on Recognizance of Witness. You, ^^ce of a subpoena on E. F., to appear here this day A. B. 3 as a witness on the trial of this indictment, and he being called and not appearing, on motion of E. W. A., Esq., Dis- trict Attorney, it is ordered that an attachment issue against the said E. F. 142 KEW clerk's assistant. § 282. Arraignment of a Party indicted, after reading Indictment. Do you demand a trial on tliis indictment ? § 283. Taking Verdict on a Trial for Felony, or Murder. Gentlemen of the jury: Please answer to your names. [Call them one by one.'\ Have you agreed upon your verdict ? \^After the answer, say;] Jurors, Jook upon the Prisoner. Who shall say for you? [The foreman rises.~\ Hoav say you; do you find the prisoner at the bar guilty of the felony [and murder, if necessary,'] whereof he stands indicted ; or not guilty ? [ The foreman answers: guilty; or, not guilty.- The7i the Clerk adds .'I Hearken to your verdict, gentlemen, as the court has recorded it : You say, you find the prisoner at the bar guilty [or, not guilty] of the felony [and miu'der, if necessary,'] Avhereof he stands indicted ; and so you say alL § 284. Polling Jury in the Same. [ When the polling of the jury is demanded, the Clerk toill hegin with the first name on the ^^anel:] A. B., how do you find the priso- ner at the bar; guilty or not guilty? [When the foreman has an- swered, call the next juror as follows:] C. D., is that your verdict? [Then proceed in the same manner, through the ivhole panel, and when all have answered, say:] Then, gentlemen of the jury, hearken to your verdict as the court has recorded it. You say you find the prisoner at the bar* guilty of the felony [and murder, if necessary,] whereof he stands indicted, and so you say all. §285. Taking Verdict in other Criminal Ca^es. Gentlemen of the jury: Please answer to your names. [Call them one by one^ Have you agreed upon your verdict? [After the ansiver, or affirmative assent, is given, say:] Who shall say for you? [2'he foreman rises.] How say you; do you find the priso- ner at the bar guilty of the misdemeanor [or, assault and battery, and riot ; or, riot ; or, offence ; or, crime] whereof he stands indicted ; or not guilty? [The foreman ansivers: guilty; or, not guilty. Then the Clerk adds :] Hearken to your verdict, gentlemen, as the court has recorded it. You say you find the prisoner at the bar guilty [or, not guilty] of the misdemeanor [or, assault and battery, and riot; or, riot; or, offence; or, crime] whereof he stands indicted* and so you say alL CLERKS AND CRIERS. 143 § 286. Polling Jury in the Same. [Proceed as in § 2? t /o the *, and then add:] guilty of the mis- demeanor [or, assault and battery, and riot; or, riot; or, oflFence; or crime] whereof he stands indicted; and so you say all. § 287. Taking Verdict in a Civil Cause. Gentlemen of the jurj': Please answer to your names. [Call them one by one] Have you agreed upon your verdict? * How do you find ? [ The foreman states the finding of the jury ; the Clerk then enters the verdict, and continues :] Gentlemen, listen to your verdict as it stands recorded. You say you find, &c., [as the finding may be;] and so you say all. § 288. Entry of Verdict Supreme Court, A. B. ) County of . At a Circmt Court held against > held in and for said county, on the day CD. ) of , 18 , before J. M., Esquire, Justice. JURORS. [Insert oiames^ WITNESSES. . [Insert names^ Verdict for defendant, [or, verdict for plaintiff, damages $ ; or, verdict for plaintiff against defendant, C. D., damages % , and verdict for the defendant E. F. ; [or, if it be a special verdict, insert the same at length^ E. B. C, Clerk. § 289. Entry of Verdict, tcith Assessment of Value of Personal Property. Supreme Court, A. B. ) County of, drc, [a.7 in the preceding form, to against y the *, and then add:] and the jury assess the C. D. ) value of the said [mention the property in ques- tion] at dollars: [If necessary, add: and they further assess the damages of the said defendant by occa.sion of the delivery and detention of the said property, at dollars.] E. B. C, Clerk § 290. Entry of Judgment. Supreme Court, A. B. ) Judgment, against \ January 1, 1849. C. D. ) This cause being at issue upon the facts, and a trial by jury having been had, on which a verdict was foimd for the 144 NEW clerk's assistant. plaintiff, that, &c., [state the finding; or, if there was no jury, say: and the same having been submitted to the court, verdict was ren- dered, &c.] Now, on motion of G. H., attorney for the plaintiff, it is ordered and adjudged by the said court, tliat, &c., [as the verdict may 5e.] E. B. C, Clerk § 291. Taking Verdict where Personal Property is in Question. Gentlemen of, January 1, 1849. A. B. } The above named A. B., having confessed a judgment to the above named C. D., for the sum of dollars, it is hereby adjudged, that the said C. D. recover against the said A. B. the sum of doUai-s, aforesaid, with five dollars costs. E. B. C, ClerL § 302. Cleric's Certificate of filing Notice of Lis Pendens. State of New York, ) ^. County, \ I, E. B. C, Clerk of the said coun^, do hereby certify, that a CLERKS Aim CRIERS. 147 notice, of which the above [or, mthin] is a copy, was filed in the clerk's office of said county, on the day of ,18. Dated the day of , 18 . E. B. C. § 303. Certificate of Authentication to the Acknowledgment, or Proof, of a Conveyance. State of New York, ) County, ) "" I, L. M., Clerk of the said county, do certify, that G. H., the person subscribing the witliin [or, annexed] certificate of acknow- ledgment, [or, proof,] was, at the date thereof, a Justice of the Peace of said county, and duly authorized to take acknowledgments and proofs of conveyances, to be recorded in this State ; and that I am well acquainted with the hand^rating of the said G. H., and verily believe that the name G. H., subscribed to the said certificate, is Iiis proper and genuine signature. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the County [l. s.] Court of said county to be hereunto affixed, this day of , 18 . L. M. § 304. Certificate of Official Character. State of New York, ) g. County, j I, L. M., Clerk of the said county, do hereby certify, that G. H., the person subscribing the foregoing deposition, [or whatever the instrument may be,^ and before whom the same was taken, [or, acknowledged,] was, on the day of , 18 , therein men- tioned, the Judge of County Court, [or, as the case may ie,] a court of record of the said county of ; [or, as the proper title of the officer may be; and then add the dame in relation to the genuineness of the signature, if necessary.^ [l. s.] In testimony whereof, (kc, [as in § 303.] § 305. Transcrijit of Judgment and Clerk's Certificate. Supreme Court, A. B. \ Damages, 8253,87; Costs, §15,30. Docketed against v , August ,18 , at A. M. CD.) R R, Attorney. State of New York, . County, ) Clerk's Office, August ,18 .\^'' I certify, that the preceding is a true copy of the docket of an original record of judgment remaining on the files of this office. L. M., Clerk. 148 NEW clerk's assistant. § 300. Certificate to Copy of a Record, or Papery on File in the Clerk's Office. State of New York, County, ) Clerk's Office, May , 18 . P^' I do hereby certify, that I have compared the foregoing copy of a [name the instrument, 1 and of the endorsements thereupon, with the orioinal records of the same remaining in this office, [or, with the originals now remaining on file in tliis office,] and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom, and of the whole of said original re- cords, [or, originals.] [l. s.] In testimony whereof, • C. D. G. H. E. F. L M. , § 322. Deed icith Trust Habendum Clause. This indenture, made, &c., [as in § 308, or § 312, to the *, ana then udd:'\ To have and to hold all and singidar the said hereinbe- fore granted and described premises, witii the appurtenances, unto tlie siiid C. D., upon the trusts, nevertheless, and to and for the uses, interests and purposes, hereinafter limited, described and declared ; that is to say, upon trust to receive the issues, rents and profits, of the said premises, and apply the same to the use of E. F., during the term of liis natural life, and, after the death of the said E. F., to convey the same by deed, to G. H. in fet. la witness, (tc, [as in § 308.] A. B. [l. s,] 166 NEAV clerk's assistant. § 323. Deed hy Trustees of an Absconding Debtor. To all to whom these presents shall come : We, A. B., C. D. and E. F., of the county of , and State of New York, Trustees of the estate of G. H., an absconding debtor, late of , in the said county, send greeting: Whereas, by an order of J. P. H., Esquire, County Judge of said county of , an attachment was issued against the estate, both real and personal, of the said G. H., on the day of , 18 , directed to the Sheriff of the said county of , who, by virtue of the same, attached all the property, both real and per- sonal, of the said G. H. in the county of ; and due notice of said attachment having been published for the time, and in the manner, required by the statute in such case made and provided, afterwai'ds, to wit, on the day of , 1 8 , by order of J. P. H., Esquire, aforesaid, we, the said A. B., C. D. and E. P., were duly appointed Trustees of the estate of the said G. H., and for all his creditors, with such powers concerning the estate, real and personal, of the said G. H., as are given by statute in case of an absconding debtor : and we did on that day each of us take the oath required by statute, for the faithful discharge of the trust reposed in us as Trus- tees, and cause notice of our appointment to be published, according to law : and whereas, we, the said A. B., C. D. and E. P., having given public notice of the intended sale, by causing notice thereof to be printed and inserted two weeks, successively, in the , a newspaper printed in the said county of , and having caused notice of the same to be posted up in four public places in said Bounty, we did, on the day of ,18, pursuant to the issuing of said attachment, the appointment and notice aforesaid, sell by public auction, the real estate of the said G, H., hereinafter de- scribed, to L. M., of , for the sum of dollars ; he being the highest bidder therefor, and that being the highest sum bid for the same. Now, therefore, know ye, that we. the said A. B., C. D. and E. P., by virtue of the power and authority in us vested, as aforesaid, and in consideration of the aforesaid sum of dollars to us paid by the said L. M., the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey, unto the said L. M., his heirs and assigns, all the interest which the smd G. H. had on the day of , 18 , [inaert the day on which the attachment issued,'^ to all that certain piece or parcel of land, Ac, [describe the 2}r€miscs:'\ To have and to hold the above grranted and described premises to the said L. M., his heirs and assigns, forever In testimony whereof, &c., \ns in § 320.] CONA'EYANCES BY DEED aND MORTGAGE. 167 § 3*^4. Sheriff ^s Certificate of the Sale of Real Estate, on an Execution. Supreme Court, A. B. ) I, A. P., Sheriff of the county of , do against > hereby certifj', that by virlue of an execution in the E. D. ) above cause, tested the day of , in the year , by Avhich I was commanded to make, of the goods and cliattels of E. D., in my bailiwick, dollars, which A. B. had recovered against him in the said court, for his damages, Avhich lie had sustiiined, as well by reason of the not performing certain pro- mises, \or, for the detention of a certain debt; or, as the cause of action may he,'\ as for his costs and charges; and if sufficient goods and chattels could not be found, that then I should cause the said damages to be made of the real estate which the said E. D. had, on the day of , in the j^ear , or at any time after- wards, in whose hands soever the same might be; as by the said writ of execution, reference being thereimto had, more fuUy appears: I have levied on, and this day sold, at public auction, according to the statute in such case made and provided, to E. F., who was the highest bidder, for the sum of dollars, which was the whole consideration of such sale, the real estate described as follows, to wit: all [clescription :^ And that the sale will become absolute at the expiration of fifteen calendar months from tliis day, to wit, on the day of , A. D. 18 , and E. F., or his assigns, be en- titled to a conveyance, pursuant to law, unless the said lands shall be redeemed. Given under m}- hand, this first day of ,18 A. P., Sheriff of the County of § 325. Affidavit to Entitle a Creditor to Redeem, to be Endorsed on a Certified Copy of the Docket of his Judgment State of New York, ) Count}', \ L. M„ \or, S. T., attorney, or, agent, of L. M.,] a judgment credi- tor of C. D., named in the copy of the docket of judgment hereunto annexed, being duly sworn, says, that the true sum due on said judg- ment, at the time of claiming the right to acquire the title of E. F., the original purchaser at the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of C. D., is dollars and cents. Sworn to, this day of , ) L. M. A. D. 18 , before me, f G. H., Justice of the Peace. 168 NEW clerk's assistant. § 326. Sheriff's Deed, where Land is Sold under an, Execution This indenture, made, &c., between A. P., Esquire, Sheriflf, \or, Jate Sheriff,] of the county of , of the first part, and E. F., of, &c., of the second part: Whereas, by virtue of a certain execution issued out of and under the seal of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, tested the day of , in the year 18 , at the suit of A. B., plaintiff, arijainst C. D., defendant, chrected and de- livered to the said SheriflP, commanding him that of the goods and chattels of the said defendant, he should cause to be made certEiin moneys, in the said writ specified, and if sufficient goods and chat- tels could not be found, that then he should cause the amount so specified to be made of the real estate which the said defendant had on a day in the said writ mentioned, or at any time afterwards, in whose hands soever the same might be, the said Sheriff did le\y on and seize, all the estate, right, title and interest, which ihe said de- fendant so had, of, in and to, the premises hereinafter conveyed and described ; and on the day of , one thousand eight hun- dred and , sold the said premises at public vendue, at the house of , in the town of , in the said county; having first given pubhc notice of the time and place of such sale, by advertis- ing the same according to law ; at which sale the said premises were struck off to E. F., for the siim of dollars, he being the liighest bidder, and that being the highest sum bidden for the same.* And whereas, the said premises, after the expiration of fifteen months from the time of said sale, remained unredeemed, and no creditor of the said 0. D. hath acqmred the right and title of the said purcliaser, according to the statute in such case made and provided.* [If the deed is given to a redeeming creditor, substitute the name of sttch cre- ditor for E. F., as aforesaid, and instead of the tvords between the two *s, say: And whereas, the said pi-emises, after the expiration of one year from the time of said sale, remained unredeemed, by any person entitled to make such redemption within that time ; and where- as, L. M., a creditor of the said C. D., having in liis own name [or, as assignee; or, representative; or, trustee] a judgment in the Su- preme Court, (fee, against the said C. D., for the sum of dol- lars, in an action of , rendered before the expiration of fifteen months from the time of such sale, and which is a hen and charge on the premises so sold, hath acquh-ed all the rights of the said E. F., tlie original purchaser to said premises, witliin the time, and in the manner and form prescribed by the statute in such case made and provided ; and no other crexiitor of the said C. D. hath acquired tlie said rights from or against the said E. F.] Now tliis indenture wit- nesseth : that the said party of the first part, by virtue of the said writ, and in pursuance of the act in such case made and provided, and in consideration of the sum of money so bidden as aforesaid, to him duly paid, hath sold, and by these presents doth grant and con- CONVEYANCES BY DEED OR MORTGAGE. 169 vey, unto the said party of the second part, all the estate, right, title and interest, which the said defendant had on the said day of , one thousand eight hundred and , or at any time afterwards, of, in and to, all [description:^ To have and to hold the said above mentioned premises, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, as fully and absolutely as the said party of the first part, as Sheiiflf aforesaid, can, or ought to, by vii-tue of the said writ and the law relating thereto. In witness whereof, the said Sheriff has, &c., [as in § 308.] § 327. Sheriff's Deed in Partition, where Sale is Ordered} This indenture, made, &c., between A. P., Esquire, Sheriff of the county of , in the State of New York, of the first part, and C. D., of, (fee, of the second part : Wliereas, in and by a certain de- cree, made at a County Court held at the town of , in and for said county, before J. P. H., Esqiui-e, County Judge, on the day of , one thousand eight hundi'ed and , in a certain cause there pending in the said court, between E. B., complainant, and A. B., C. B., and D. B., defendants, it was, amono- other things, ordered, adjudged and decreed,* that the said Sheriff' do sell, in such separate parcels as he shall deem most for the benefit of the said parties, according to the rules and practice of the said coiut, and according to the statute in such case made and pro"\ided, all and singular the several pieces or parcels of land and premises therein mentioned, whereof partition is sought by the complainant's biU of complaint filed in the above cause, at public auction, at the town of , in the said county of , after givino- six week's previous notice of the time and place of such sale, in one of the public newspapers published in the said coimty of , and in such other manner as required by law ; that the said Sheriff, after such sale, make report thereof to the said court; and after such re- port of sale shall have been duly confirmed, and the said decree shall have been enrolled, that the said Sheriff execute and dehver deeds of conveyance for the said premises, in fee simple, to the purchasers thereof, at the said sale ; and whereas, the said Sheriff, in pursuance of said decree, and having given due notice of the time and place of sale, agreeably to the sjiid decree, did, on the day of , A. D. 18 , sell at public auction, at the town of , afore- said, the premises in the said decree mentioned ; at which sale, the premises hereinafter described, were struck ©ff and sold, to the said party of the se^jond part, for the sum of dollars, that being the highest sum bidden for the same ; and such sale having been reported by the said Sheriff to the said court, and duly confirmed, > Sheiitrs may sell any lands in their res- pective counties, ordered to be sold by a decree of any court of record, and pive con- veyances iliereof, in the same manner, and viib like efi'cct, as was formerljr doae by a Master in Chancery. (Laws of 1S47, chap. 2S0, art. VI.. § 77.) The Sheriff receives his disbursements for printing, and fees foi selling. See, chapter XVIII. 170 NEW clerk's assistant. and the said decree having been also enrolled: Now this indenture witnesseth: that the said Sheriff, in order to carry into effect the sale so made by him, as aforesaid, in pursuance of the said decree of the said court, and in conformity to the statute m such case made and provided, and also in consideration of the premises, and of the said sum of money so bidden, as aforesaid, being first duly paid to him by the sjud party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ack- nowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell and convey, unto the said party of the second part, liis heirs and assigns, forever, all [description:^ To have and to hold all and singular the premises above mentioned and desciibed, and hereby conveyed, or intended to be, unto the said party of the second part, liis hehs and assigns, to his and their own proper use, benefit and behoof, forever. In witness whereof, the said Sheriff' has, &c., [as in § 308.] § 328. Sheriff's Deed on Foreclosure. This indenture, If ihe right of way is granted for a money I line, to Indenture, in the tenth line ; and alM consideration solely, omit the words m the those between the two *s. foregoing form, from ffhereai, in the second | 172 NEW clerk's assistant. and, witli the appurtenances, in the town of , aforesaid ; and whereas there is a dam and race, or water course, erected and made in and upon a certain stream of water known as , within the land of the said party of the first pai-t, for the purpose of furnisliing water for a flournig mill, erected on tl;e land of the said party of the first pait, and owned by him: Isow, therefore, this indenture witness- eth : tliat the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, to him in hand paid by the party of the second part, at or before the sealing and deUvery hereof, (the receipt whereof he does hereby acknowledge,) has granted, bargained, sold, released, and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, release, and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all the water of the said stream of water, which may or can be led and conveyed from the easterly side of the said dam, in a race, or flume, to be constructed at the cost, charge, and expense of the party of the second part, four feet in width, and four feet in depth, measuring from the surface of the embankment forming the saia dam : To have and to hold all and singular the said easement^ r. Any covcnauta that may be required, can be inaerted before the in Uaiimonium clause in Um release. 174 NEW clerk's assistant. take, and accept of, a grant and release of tlie reversion and inlieri- tance thereof, to him and his heirs, to, for and upon, such uses, in- tents and purposes, as in and by tlie said grant, or release, shall be thereof directed or declared. In wtness, &c., [as in § 308.] [release.] This indenture, made, &c., betwen A. B., of, &c., of the first part, and C. D., of, &c., of the second part, witnesseth : That the said A. li., for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, to him, the said A. B., in hand paid, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof he, the said A. B., doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained, aliened, released and con- firmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, alien, release and confirm, unto the said C. D., (in his actual possession now being, by virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made, for one whole year, by indenture bearing date the day next before the ensealing of these presents, and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into possession,) and to his iieirs and assigns, all [description,^ and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits, of all and singular the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances ; and also, all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand, whatsoever, in law or equity, of him, the said A. B., of, in and to, all and singular the said premises above mentioned, and of, in and to, every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances : To have and to hold all and singidar the said premises above, in and by these presents, released and con- firmed, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, to his and their only proper use and behoof, forever ; [or, to and for such uses, intents, and pur- poses as are hereinafter mentioned, to wit; &c.] In witness, (fee, [as in § 308.] § 334. Z>eed of Exchange of Lamls. This indenture, made, (fee, between A. B., of, (fee, of the first part, and C. D., of, (fee, of the second part, witnesseth : That the said A. B. hath given and granted, and by these presents doth give and grant, unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, all [description,] with all and every of the appurtenances, in exchange of and for the lands hereinafter mentioned, of the said C. D. : To have and to hold the said premises, with the appurtenances, to the said C. D., his lieirs and assigns, forever. And the said A. B. doth covenant, (fee. [Insei't such covenants as may he necessary^ And the said C. D. hath likewise, on his part, given and granted, and by these presents CONVEYANCES BY DEED AND MORTGAGE. lV5 doth give and grant, unto the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, all [description,^ with all and every of the appurtenances, in exchange of and for the premises first above described : To have and to hold the above granted premises, with the appurtenances, to the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, forever, as afoEssaid And the said C D. Joth covenant, &c., [as above.] In Avitness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, &c., [as in § 308.] § 335. Deed of a Peiu in a Church. Know all men by these presents : That we, A. B., C. D., E. F., (fee, &c., the Trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Society of the town of , in the county of , and State of , [or, as the corporate style, or title, of the church may 6e,] in considera- tion of the sum of dollars, to us in hand paid, by L. M. of, A mortgage given for the purchase I liens, founded on any demand against the money of the. premises therein described, or mortgagor or his assigns, whether precedent any pan thereof, has priority over all other 1 or subsequent to such mortgage. fY6 NEW clerk's assistant. •Unc* of this ttilidavil luay bo ucorpuiated \a thtt alBtUvii ol publicaiiuu, ot of servic*. 186 SEW clerk's assistant. § 351. Affidavit of Serving copy of Notice of Sale, on Persom having a Lien or Incumbrance. State of New York, ) g. County, ) M. B., of said county, being duly sworn, [ Attach here a says, that on the day of ,18, printed copy of he did personally serve A. B., E. R, and G, the notice of H., &c., with a notice of sale of which the sale.'\ annexed printed notice is a copy, by deliver- ing a just and true copy of said notice to each of them individually; [or, he did serve A. B., with a notice of sale, of which the annexed printed notice is a copy, by delivering- a just and true copy of said notice to the wife, [or, daughter, aged eighteen years, or thereabouts,] of the said A. B., at his dwelling house, he being at the time absent therefrom ; or, he did serve A. B., &c., &ic., with a notice of sale, of which the annexed printed notice is a copy, by depositing a just and true copy of said notice in the post office in , properly folded and du-ected to each one of them, at his place of residence.] ^L B. Sworn, (fee, [as in § 349.] State of New York, ) 352, Affidavit of the Auctioneer} k, County, G. H., of said county, being duly sworn, [ Attach here a says, that he sold the premises described in printed copy of the annexed printed notice, at public auction, the notice of at the time and place of sale therein men- «a?e.] tioned, to ■nit: on the day of , 18 , at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the court house, [or, house of 0. P.] in the city [or, to-vvn] of , in the county of , aforesaid ; and that C. D. then and there purchased the same, for the price of dollars ; he being the hiohest bidder, and that beino- the hio-hest sum bidden for the same. And this deponent further saith, that said sale was made in the day tune, and, in all respects, honestly, fairly, and legally conducted, according to his best knowledge and belief; and, also, that the said C. D. purchased the said premises fairly and in good faith, as he veiily believes. G. H. Sworn, (fee, [as in § 349.] 1 The party foreclosing the mortgage may I the form of a deed on the sale of mortgaged ct as auctioneer, if he cSooses to do so. For | premises, see § 317, ama. CONVEYANCES BY DEED AND MORTGAGE, 187 § 353. Notice to accomjoany Copy of Notice of Sale served on Par- ties having any Lien or Incumbrance on the Mortgaged Premises. Sir: Take notice, that tlie above is a copy of a notice that the mortgage therein mentioned will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, at the time and place therein specified. Dated , the day of ,18 C. D., Mortgagor, [or. Assignee.] CHAPTER XIII. CORONEES. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. One Coroner in the city and county of New York, and four Coioners in each of the other counties in the State, are chosen at general elections held therein, to serve for three years.' 2. Whenever the Sheriff of a county is a party to a suit, all pro- cess in such suit, except when otherwise provided by law, must be executed by the Coroner, who has the same authority, and is subject to the same provisions and liabilities, prescribed in respect to SheriflFs in similar cases. If the Sheriff, on being arrested by a Coroner, re- fuses or neglects to give bail ; or if he is arrested on an execution against the body, or on attachment ; the Coroner is required to con- fine him in some house within the Uberties of the jail of the county ; which house thereupon becomes the jail of the county, for the use of the Coroner, and the latter is Uable for any escape, and may take bonds for the liberties, in the same manner as the Sheriflf in other cases." 3. Where the Coroner arrests a person, at the suit of the SheriflF, he may confine the prisoner in the common jail of the county, but he will not be liable for any escape therefrom. The bond for the liber- ties, in such cases, must be given to the Coroner, who then becomes liable for the escape of the prisoner.' 4. Whenever a Coroner receives notice that any person has been slain, or has suddenly died, or has been dangerously wounded, it is his duty to go to the place where such person shall be, and forthwith summon not less than nine, nor more than fifteen persons, qualified by law to serve as jurors, and not exempt from such service, to ap- pear before lum forthwith, at such place as he shall appoint, to make inquisition concerning such death or wounding. . Whenever six, or » Amended Constitution of New York, I » 2 U. S. (3d ed.,) 538, 639, §6 109-116 Art. X., 6 1 ; Laws of 1817, ctuo. 2i0. Id., G'21, §. 67. I » 2 11. S. {3d ed. ,) 639, 540, §§ 117-120. CORONERS. 189 more, of the jury appear, they are to be swoni by the Coroner. He lias the power to issue subpoenas for witnesses, returnable fortlnvith, or at such time and place us he shall appoint; and it is his duty to cause some surgeon, or physician, to be subpoenaed to appear as a M'itness on the inquest Witnesses duly subpoenaed are liable to the saine penalties, and their attendance may be enforced in the same manner, as in Justices' courts.' 5. The jury, upon the inspection of the person dead or wounded, and after hearing th*> testimony, are to deliver to the Coroner their inquisition in writing, signed by them ; in which they must state all the circumstances attending such death or wounding, and who were guilty thereof, either as principal or accessory, and in what manner. If the jury find that any murder, manslaughter, or assault, has been committed, the Coroner is required to bind over the witnesses to ap- pear at the next criminal coiu-t to be held in the county, at which'an indictment can be found ; and he has the power to issue process for the apprehension of persons charged with any such offences, and to examine them, in the same manner as Justices of the Peace. The testimony of all witnesses examined before a Coroner, is to be re- duced to writing, and i-eturned by him, with the inquisition, and all recognizances and examinations taken by him, to the next criminal court of record held in the county.' 6. In case of the absence, or inability to attend, from sickness or any other cause, of the Coroner of the city and cotmty of New- York, any Alderman, or special Justice, of the city, may perform any duty appertaining to the office of such Coroner, in regard to the holding of inquests.' 7. No Coroner can hold an inquest in any state prison, upon the body of any deceased convict, unless requested so to do by the agent, physician, or chaplain of the prison ; or by any of the state piison inspectors. It is the duty of every agent, however, to call a Coroner, in all cases of the death of a convict other than from ordinary sick- ness,* 8. The Coroners of the several counties of this State are required to deliver over to the respective County Treasures, all moneys, or other valuable tilings, found with or upon the bodies of deceased persons; or when inquests are held, if the same be unclaimed by the legal representatives of such person or persons, within sixty days after holding such inquest. Before auditing and allowing the ac- counts of the Coroners, the Supervisors of the county are to require from them respectively, a statement in writing, verified by oath, or affirmation, of all money or other valuable things, found, as afore- said, and of the disposition of the same.* 1 2U. S. (3dea.) 827, JS 1-4; Laws of 1*17, clian. 118. « 2 K. S. (3U ed.) 827, 823, M 5-8 : 24 W.naell,«a). » 2 K. S. (M e.).) <^^, J 0. < 2R. S. (:J.le.l.)(^"9. v< 100. * Laws of 1842, chap. Ibi. KKW clerk's assistant. FORMS. § 354. Oatli to he Administered to the Foreman of a Coroner^s Jury. You do swear that you -n-ill well and truly inquire how, and in what manner, and Avhen and where, the person lying here, \or, as the case niaj/ be,^ came to his death, [or, was wounded,] and who such pi^rson Avas, and into all the circumstances attending such death, [or, wounding,] and by whom the same was produced, and that you will make a true inquisition thereof, according to the evi- dence offered to you, or arising from the inspection of the body. So help you God. • § 355. Oath of other Jurors. The same oath which A. B., the foreman of this inquest, hath on his part taken, you, and each of you, do now take, and shall well and truly observe and keep, on your parts. So help you God. § 350. Oath of Witness on Coroner's Inquest. The BAidence you shall give upon this inquest, touching the death of C. D., [or, the person whose body has been viewed,] shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God. § 357. Inquisition of Murder. State of New York, | County, i An inquisition taken for the people of the State of New York, at the house of 11. F., in the town of , in said county of , on the day of , A. D., 18 , before me, G. H., one of the Coroners in and for said county, upon the view of the body of C. D., [or, a person unknown,] then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of A. B., E. F., L. M., (fee. &c., good and lawful men of the said county, who, being duly sworn to inquire, on the part of the people of the State of New York, into all the circumstances attending the death of the said C. 1)., [or, person unknown,] and by whom the same was produced; and in what manner; and when and where the stiid C. D. [or, person unknown] came to his death, do say, upon their oaths, cis aforesaid, that* one 0. P., of [or, late of] the town of , in the county of , aforesaid, [or, as the case mat/ he,"] on the day of , in the year 18 , at o'clock in the afternoon of that day, with force and arms, jiid, at , in the county of , aforesaid, then and CORONERS. 1^1 there, feloniously, violently, and of his malice aforethought, make an assault in and upon the body of the aforesaid C. D., [or, person un- knowTi,] then and there present; and that the aforesaid 0. P„ then and there, Avith a certain sword made of iron and steel, [or, with a certain instrument made of, &c., to tliem unknown ; or, as the case may be,] which he, the said 0. P., then and there held in his right Iiand, \-iolently, feloniously, and of his maUce aforethought, inflicted a mortal wound, [o?-, wounds] upon the left breast [or, as the case viay be] of the said C. D., of which said mortal woimds the said C. D., then and there instantly, [or, on the day of, &c.,] died; a.id so the said jurors do say that the said 0. P. did then and there feloniously kill and murder the said C. D., against the peace of the people of this State, and their dignity. [If necessary, add: And the said jm-ors further say, upon their oaths, as aforesaid, that C. P., of, &c., and R. M., of, &c., were felo- niously present with loaded pistols, [or, dl•a^\■n swords; or, as the case may be^ at the time of the felony and murder aforesaid, in form aforesaid committed, that is to say, on the day of , 18 , aforesaid, at the town of , aforesaid, in the said county of , at o'clock in the afternoon of that day ; and that the said C. P., and R M., did then and there comfort, aid and abet, the said 0. P., in dobg and committing the felony and murder aforesaid, in the manner aforesaid, against the peace of the ■people of tliis State, and their dignity.] In -vritness whereof, as well the said Coroner, as the jurors, afore- said, have to this inquisition set their hands and seals, on the day of the date of tliis inquisition, as aforesaid. G. H., Coroner. L. S." A. B. L. S." E. F. L. 8.^ L. M. L. S." &c. &c. § 358. Inqiiisition where Murderer is Unknown. Suite of New York, )g. County, ) An inquisition, &c. ; [crsjn § 357 /o the *, and then contimie as /allows:] a ceitain person unknown, on the day of, &c., [as in § 357, to the end, substituting " certain person unknown " for "0. P.," in all cases; and, if necessary, add the folloiving: And the said jurors, upon their oaths aforesaid, further say, that the said cer- tain person unknoAvn, who committed the felony and murder afore- said, after he had committed the same, in manner aforesaid, did flee away to parts unknown, against the peace of the people of thii State, and their dignity.] In witness, &c., \a$ in § 367.] ti2 NEW clerk's assistant. § 359. Inquisition on a Person who hci3 Committed Suicide. State of New York, ) g. County, ) An inquisitjon, 2 a. S. (M. ed.) SI, 92, ii 1-6. I SR. S. (3d erJ.)nO, J 13, el Beq.; 3 Hill, 109; »Laws of ie31,cll»p. 3U0, ^ 12, ct eeq.; 41(<.,.'>8l,G0t>. I *21)enio,61. 206 NEW clerk's assistant. more fit persons, ns trustees of the estate of the debtor. Whenever tlie imprisoned debtor is lawfully discharged from imprisonment, the trustees arc bound to surrender up to him all his real and personal estate, and all moneys belonging to him, in their hands, after retain- ing sufficient for their expenses and lawful commissions.' 10. Assignees, or trustees, of insolvent or imprisoned debtors, may be appointed to fill vacancies, by the officer before whom the former proceedings were had, or his successor in office, or any other officer residing in the same county with the original sissignee or trustee, to Avhom the petition might, in the first instance, have been presented. The appointment must be certified, and filed in the Clerk's office of the county.' FORMS. § 386. Letter of License to a Debtor. To all to -whom these presents shall come : We, E. F., of, &c., and G. Y., of, (kc, \iiame the several creditors,^ whose names are under- written, and seals affixed, creditors of A. B., now or late of , send greeting: Whereas, the said A. B., on the day of tbe date hereof, is indebted unto us, the said creditors, in divers sums of mo- ney, which, by reason of great losses and misfortunes, he is not at present able to pay and satisfy, without respite of time be given him for that purpose : Know ye, therefore, that we, the said creditors, and every one of us, do, by these presents, severally give and grant unto the said A. B., free hcense, liberty and leave, to come, go and resort, unto us, and every of us, his said creditors, to compound and take order with us, and every one of us, for our and eveiy of our debts; and also go about his other business and aflfairs, at Ms free will and pleasure, from the day of the date hereof, until the full end and term of months next ensuing, without any let, suit, trouble, arrest, attachment, or other disturbance whatsoever, to be ofifered or done unto him, the said A. B., his wares, goods, money, or merchandise, whatsoever, by us, or the assigns of us, or any or either of us, or by our or any of our means or procurement; and we, the said creditors, severally and respectively, each for himself, his executors and administrators, do severally, and not jointly, cove- nant and agree, to and with the said A. B., his executors, adminis- « 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 74, 75, §§ 1-0; 15 Wen- I « Laws of 1816, chap. 158. 4aU, 250. I DEBTOR AND CREDITOR- 20^ trators, and every of them, by these presents, that if any trouble, vexation, wrong, damage, or hinderance, shall be done unto laim, the said A. B., either in his body, goods, or chattels, within the said term of months, from tlie date of these presents, by us, or any of us, contrary to the tenor and effect of this our license, that then he, the said A. B., his executors and administrators, shall be accjuitted and discharged towards and against him and them, of us, his and their executors, administrators, partners and assigns, and every of them, by whom and by whose means he shall be vexed, arrested, troubled, imprisoned, attached, grieved, or damnified, of all manner of actions, suits, quarrels, debts, dues and demands, either in law or equity, whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents : provided always, nevertheless, and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents, and of the said par- ties hereunto, that if all the said parties shall not subscribe and seal these presents, then, and in such case, the liberty and license hereby given and granted, and every clause, covenant, matter and thing, herein contained, shall cease and be utterly void, to all intents and purposes ; any thing hereinbefore contained, to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding. In witness whereof, the said parties to these presents have here- unto set their hands and seals, the day of , 18 . Signed, sealed and delivered ) E. F. [l. &.] in presence of ) &c., &c. G. H. § 387. Composition with Creditors. To all to whom these presents shall come : We, whose names are hereunder written, and seals affixed, creditors of A. B., of, &c., send greeting: Whereas, the said A. B. does justly owe, and is indebted unto us, his said several creditors, in divers sums of money ; but by reason of sundry losses, disappointments, and other damages, hap- pened unto the said A. B., he is become unable to pay and satisfy us of our full debts, and just claims and demands, and therefore we, the said creditors, have resolved and agreed to undergo a certain loss, and to accept of cents, for every doUar owing by the said A. B., to us, the several and respective creditors aforesaid, to be paid in full satisfaction and discharge of our several and respective debts : Now, know ye, that we, the said creditors of the said A. B., do, for ourselves, severally and respectively, and for our several and respective heirs, executors and administrators, covenant, promise, compound and agree, to and wifli the said A. B., by these presents, that we, the said several and respective creditors, shall and will ac- cept, receive and take, of and from the said A. B., for each and every dollar that the said A. B. does owe and is indebted to us, the said several and respectivt; creditors, the sum of cents, in 208 NEW clerk's assistant. full discharge and satisfaction of the several debts and sums of money that the said A. B. does owe and stand indebted unto us; to be paid unto us, the said several and respective creditors, within tho time or space of months next after the date of these presents; and we, the said several and respective creditors, do severally and respectively covenant, promise and agree, to and with the said A. B., that he, the said A. B., shall and may, from time to time, and at all times, within the said time or space of months next ensuing the date hereof, assign, sell, or otherwise dispose of, all his goods and chattels, Avares and merchandise, at his own free will and pleasure^ for and towards the payment and satisfaction of the said cents for every dollar the said A. B. does owe and is indebted unto us, as aforesaid ; and that neither we, the said several and respective creditors, nor any or either of us, shall or will, at any time or times hei-eafter, sue, arrest, molest, or trouble, the said A. B., or liis goods and chattels, for any debt or other thing, now due and owing to us, or any of us, his respective creditors : so as the said A. B. well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, the said sum of cents for every dollar he does owe and stand indebted to us, respectively, within the said time or space of months next ensuing the date hereof; and all and every of the grants, covenants, agreements and conditions, herein contained, shall extend to and bind our seve- ral executors, administrators and assigns In witness whereof, we, the undersigned, have hereunto set our, (fee, [as in § 386.] § 388. Petition of Insolvent and his Creditors, under the Two- Third Act. To the Hon. J. P. H., County Judge of County: [or, as th$ case may ie.] The petition of A. B., of the town \or, city] of , an in- solvent debtor, and others, whose names are hereunto subscribed, creditors of the said insolvent, residing witliin the United States, re- spectfully showeth: That the said insoh^ent, from many unfortunate circumstances, has become insolvent, and utterly incompetent to the payment of his debts ; wlierefore he, and your other petitioners, are desirous that the said insolvent's estate should be distributed among his creditors, in discharge of their debts, sq, far as the same will ex- tend; and for that purpose praj^ that all his estate, real and personal, may be assigned over and delivered up to J. K., of, • each creditor, op/josite tAe S. T., & Co., § , ) signature.^ § 389. Affidavit of Residence of Petitioner. I, L. M., do swear, that A. B., in the annexed petition named, is an inhabitant actually residing Avitliin tlie county of , and State of New York. L. M. Sworn to before me, the day ) of , 18 . S J. P. H., Coimty Judge ; \or aiuj officer authoi-ized to take affi- davits to be read in a court of record^ § 390. Affidavit of Creditor. State of New York, )^^ County, j E. F., of the said county, one of the petitioning creditors of A. B., an insolvent debtor, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the sum of dollars, lawful money of the United States, being the sum annexed to the name of this deponent, subscribed to the petition, is justly due to him from the smd insolvent, on account, for [or, on a promissory note given for] goods, wares, and merchandise, sold and delivered by him to the said insolvent; [or, as the case may he; stu- tiny the nature of the demand — ichether on written securiti/ or other' wise, — and the general ground and consideration of the indebtedness ;1^ and that neither he, nor any person to his use, hath received from the said insolvent, or any other person, payment of any demand, or any part thereof, in money, or in any way whatever, or any gift or reward whatsoever, upon any express or implied trust or confidence, that he should become a petitioner for the said insolvent Sworn, County, ss: A. B. ) 0. P., of the said county, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that on the day of last past, [or, instant,] he, this depo- nent, served C. D., of the town of , the plaintiff in this cause, Avith a notice of the above named defendant's intention of presenting the within petition to the Hon. J. P. H., The Trustees appointed to take charge of the estate of a debtor confined for crime, have the same rights and powers as Trustees of the estates of absconding debtors. From the time of their appointment, the real and personal estate of the debtor is vested in t)ieni ; and they are clothed with full power to sue for and collect all demands, to sell and dispose of tha property of the debtor, and apply the proceeds in payment of his debts. Before pro- ceeding to the discharge of their duties, it is necessary to lake and subscribe the oath, (i 417,) which must be tiled with the officer appointing them. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR. 221 together -witla an affidavit of the said A. B., that the said C. D. is actually imprisoned under the said sentence, and is indebted to the the said A. B., [or, to L. M.,] of, &c., in the sum of dollars : Now, therefore, I, the said Justice, as aforesaid, do, in pursuance of the authority to me given by the statute concerning "Attachments against debtors confined for crimes," appoint M. N. and 0. P., two fit persons, to be Trustees of the estate of the said C. D., with such powers concerning the estate of the said C. D., as are conferred by the said statute. Given under my hand and seal, this day of, &c. D. P. [l. s.] § 417, Oath of Trustees of the Estates of Debtors. We, M. K and 0. P., appointed Trustees of the estate of C. D., a debtor confined for crime, [or, as the case may Je,] do swear, and each for himself doth swear, that he will well and truly execute ^he trust, by his appointment reposed in him, according to the best of his skiU and understanding. M. N Sworn, &c., [as in § 389.] 0. P CHAPTER XVI. DOWEE, PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. A widow is entitled to dower of the third part of all landa whereof her husband was seized of an estate of inheritance, at any- time during the maniage. In case of divorce, for misconduct of the wife, dower is forfeited ; it is also barred by a pecuniary provision, made for the benefit of an intended wife, and in heu of dower, if assented to by her ; and where an estate in lands is conveyed to a person and his intended wife, for the purpose of creating a jointure for her, with her assent, to be signified by becoming a party to the conveyance ; or, if an jnfant, by joining with her father or guardian, in such conveyance ; such jointure will be a bar to any right or claim of dower, in any lands of the husband. So also a devise, or legacy, in lieu of dower, which is accepted, is a good bar.^ 2. A testamentary provision in favor of a wife, where the inten- tion of the testator is doubtful, may be accepted without forfeiting dower.' 3. Where a mortgage of lands is executed by the husband before marriage, unless it be for the purchase money, the widow is entitled to dower as against aU persons except the mortgagee and those claim- ing under him ; if a mortgage be executed after marriage, for the purchase money, the A\idow will not be entitled to dower as against the mortgagee or those claiming under him, except that where the premises are sold by virtue of the mortgage, after the death of the husband, and there be surplus moneys left after satisfying the mort- gage, she will be entitled to the interest or income of one-third of such surplus during her life.^ I 2R. S. (3de(l.)26, §1; Id.,27,§58— 11; | a 2 Denio, 430. 1 Johnson, 307 ; 10 Id., 30; 7 Cowen. 2S7 ; 10 » 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 26, §5 4,5; Id.,27,§ 6 Wendell, 486 ; 11 Id., 092 : 16 Id., 61 ; 24 Id., 1 Barbour's S. C. Rep., m 193 ; 3 Hill, 95 ; 6 Id., 482 ; 1 Paige, 634 ; 2 | ii.,&59; 7 Id., 259. DOWER. iiS 4. A widow is not entitled to dower in lands conveyed to her hus- band by way of mortgage, unless he acquire an absolute estate there- in, during the marriage.' 5. A woman who has obtained a divorce a vinculo matrimonii, for the adultery of her husband, is not entitled to dower in his real es- tate, after his death.^ 6. No act of the husband alone subsequent to marriage, will afifect the right of dower of his widow, but subsisting liens or incumbrances have the preference over her right' 7. Where a husband exchanges lands, in which he is seized of an estate of inheritance, for other lands, his widow is not entitled to dower in both, but must make her election in one year ; otherwise, it will be presumed that she elects to take her dower of the lands received in exchange.* 8. The widow of any alien, who, at the time of his death, was entitled to hold any real estate, if she be an inhabitant of this State at the time of such death, is entitled to dower of such real estate.* 9. Any woman, being an alien, who has married, or may marry, a citizen of the United States, will be entitled to dower in the real estate of her husband within this State, in the same manner as if she were a citizen of the United States.* 10. In a doubtful case, where the right to dower depends upon the possession of the husband, the actual possession must be shown, and it must appear that he claimed to be the owner of the premises, and exercised acts of ownership.' 11. A married woman under the age of twenty-one years, cannot bind herself by deed so as to bar her right of dower.* 12. A widow of a mortgagor is dowable of the equity of redemp- tion, except where the time of redemption is past before the marriage takes place.' 1 3. Where lands have been alienated by the husband, in his life- time, the Avidow is entitled to so much as shall be equal in value to one-third of the value of the lands at the time of the conveyance by the husband,'" 14. A widow may release her right of dower, but she cannot con- vey or assign the same, before the assignment be made. The heirs or owners may, on the other hand, assign her dower, without insti- tuting any legal proceeding-s.'' > 2R. S. (3ded.) 27, § 7. » 4 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 192. •3 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 319. «2R. S. (3d. ed.)2G, §,3. •2 R. S. {3d. ed.) 26, 52; 1 Johnson's Cas., 27; 1 Cowen, 89; 12 Wendell, 66; 4 K«m's CoMimentaries, (2d ed.) 36. • Laws of 184S, chap. llS- 7 5 Cowen, 301; 17 Wendell, 164; 2 Hil!, 303, Ml. * I Barbour's S. C. Rep., 399. » 6 Cowen, 316; 14 Wendell, 233; 19 Id., 162; 4 Kent's Commentaries, (2d ed.) 44, 45. >• 2 Johnson, 4!>4; Hid, 51; 13 Id., 179: 10 Wendell, 4S5; 4 Kent's Comm«ntarie8,(2d ed.) 64. 70. >i 1 BartMur's S. C. Rep., 399; 3 14., 319. t24 KBw clerk's assistant. 15. Any Tvidow who shall not have had her dower assigned to her, wiihin forty days after the decease of her husband, may apply by petition, to the Supreme Court, or the County Court of the county in which the lands lie, or to the Surrogate of the same county, for the admeasurement of her dower. A copy of such petition, with no- tice of the time and place when it will be presented, must be served, at least twenty days previous to its presentation, upon the heirs of the husband, or upon the owners of the land subject to dower, claiming a freehold estate therein ; or upon the guardians of such heirs, or ownr ers, as are minors. Such notice may be served personally : or, in case of the temporary absence of the party to be served, by leaving the same with any person of proper age, at the last residence of such, party. If any heu- or owner reside out of the State, the notice may be served upon the tenant occupying the lands; or, if there be no tenant, by publishing the same for three weeks successively, in some newspaper printed in the county where such lands are situated.* 16. The Court or Surrogate may, on application, appoint guardians for minors, if necessary ; and notice of the application must be ser- ved on the guardian, whether the infant reside in this State or not.' 1 7. After the expiration of forty days from the death of the hus- band, liis heirs, or the owners of land subject to dower, may, by notice m Avriting, require the Avidow to make demand of her dower, within ninety days after the service of such notice. If this notice be disregarded, and no proceedings be instituted by the widow for the recovery of her dower ; or if no such proceedings be had with- in one year after the husband's death, where no notice has been given ; the heirs or owners, as aforesaid, may apply, by petition, for the admeasurement of her dower, to the Supreme Court, County Court, or Surrogate. A copy of such petition, with notice of the time and place of its presentation, must be personally served on the widow, twenty days before the presentation.* 18. Upon such application being made, either by a widow, or by an heir or owner, or by the guardian of such heir or owner, the Court, or the Surrogate, to whom the same is made, may order an admeasurement of the widow's dower ; and shall thereupon appoint three reputable and disinterested freeholders, as conumssioners for the purpose of making such admeasurement After taking the re- quired oath, the commissioners so appointed will proceed to admea- sure and lay oflF the one-third part of the lands embraced in the order, as the dower of the widow, designating such part with posts, stones, or other permanent monuments. In making such apportion- ment, the commissioners must take into consideration any permanent 1 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 582, §5 1-3; Laws of 1&19, I a 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 583, §5 4, 5. ehap. 438, Part I, title iv, § 30, sub. 4: 4 Wen- » 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 583, §§ &-8. dbll,630; 12Id.,138. I DOWER. 225 improvements made sini>e ihc death of tlie husband, by any heir, owner, or guardian; and, if practicable, award such improvements within that part of tlie hinds not allotted to the widow ; and if not practicable, they shall make a proportionate reduction therefor, from the lands so allotted to her. The commissioners are also required to make a full and ample report of their doings, to the Court or Surro- gate appointing them; in which report, the quantity, courses, dis- t;mccs, posts, stones and other permanent monuments, of the premises, must be particularly described and set forth. Tlicy may employ a surveyor, with necessary assistants, to aid them in the admeasurement.* 19. Within thirty days after the confirmation of the admeasure- ment by a County Court, or Surrogate, any party aggrieved may appeal to the Supreme Court, on giving a bond, to be approved by the County Judge, or Surrogate, in the penal sum of one hundred dollars; and the Supreme Court shall then proceed to hear and de- termine the said appeal, and to renew all the proceedings upon the application, and do therein what shall be just," 20. Real estate assigned to a widow as doAver cannot be sold un- der the order of a Surrogate, for the payment of debts owing by her deceased husband,* FORMS. § 418. Assignment of Dower. This indenture, made the day of, (fcc, between R. B., son and heir of A. B., late of, ifec, of the oue part, and M. B., who is the widow of the said A. B., [or, C. D., and M., his wife, (late M. B.,) who was the widow of the said A. B.,] of the other part: Wherciis, the said A. B. was, in liis lifetime, and at the time of his death, seized in his demesne, as of fee, of and in divers lands and tenements in , in the county aforesaid, which, upon the de- cesuse of the said A. B., descended unto the said R. B. : Now, there- fore, this indenture witnesseth, that the said R. B. hath endowed and assigned, and by these presents doth endow and assign, unto the said M. B., [or, as aforesaid,] the third part of the said lands and tene- ments, to wit: [descriptio7i:'j To have and to hold tlie said premises unto the said M. B., [or, as aforescid,] for and during the natural life > 2 R. S. (3(1 ed.) 683, 5*1, §§ 9-17; 1 Cow- I » 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 585, 686, §5 18-27; 2 Hill, en. 476; 4 Wendell, 630; 8 Id., 46U; 10 Id., 514. . . i> . -i 4tW; 2 IIUl, &14. I s 2 Comstock, 015. 10 f2(S MEW clerk's assistant. of the said M., in severalty, by metes and bounds, in tbe name of dower, and in recompense and satisfaction of all the dower which the said M. ought to have, of or in the said lands and tenements which were of the said A. B., in , aforesaid. In witness whereof, the said R. B. hath hereunto set his hand and seal, the day of , in the year eighteen hundred and Sealed, signed and delivered, ) R. B. [l. s.] in presence of ) G. H. § 419. Release of Dower to the Heir. Know all men, &c. : That I, M. B., &c., rohct of A. B., late of, (fee, as well for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, to me paid, by my son, R B. of, &c., as for the love and affection which I have to my said son, have granted, remised, released, and forever quit-claimed, and by these presents do grant, remise, release and quit-claim, imto the said R. B., his heirs and assigns, forever, all the dower and thirds, right and title of dower and thirds, and all other right, title, interest, property, claim and demand, whatsoever, in law and in equity, of me, the said M. B., of, in and to, [descrip- tion;^ so that neither I, the said M. B., my heirs, executors, or administrators, nor any other person or persons, for me, them, or any of them, shall have, claim, challenge, or demand, or pretend to have, claim, challenge, or demand, any dower or thirds, or any other right, title, claim, or demand, of, in, or to, the said premises, but thereof and therefrom shall be utterly debarred and excluded forever, by these presents. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day of, &c., [a^ in § 418.] § 420. Petition for Dower. To the Supreme Court of the State of New York: \or, To the County Court of the County of, &c. ; or. To the Surrogate of the County of :]* The petition of M. B., of, &c., widow of A. B., of, &c., deceased, respectfully showeth. that her said husband died on the day of ,18 , at, &c., leaving an estate in fee belonging to him when he died, in and to [describe the real estate f\ that she has not had her dower therein assigned to her, witliin forty days after the decease of her said husband, nor at any time since. Wherefore, she respectfully applies to this honorable Court, [or, to the said Surro- gate] for the admeasurement of her said dower. Dated, 6 ; 1 Deaie, SIO. ' I Johnson, 500. 6 1 R. S. (3(i cd ,) era, § C; 11 Johnson, 179; 2 Johnson's Ca>i., 340; 1 Denio, 149. 1 Laws of 1843, chap. 97. • 3 Doiiio. iisC. • Laws of liai, ebap. 420. 282 KEW clerk's ASSISTAinr. FORMS. § 429. Notice of Supervisor for Special Meeting of t?ie Commis sioners of Excise} To H. R F., Esq., one of the Justices of the Peace of the to\rD of : Yo\i are hereby notified, that a meeting of the Commissioners of f xcise of said town, will be held at my office, \or, at the house of H C,] on the day of instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the pui'pose of acting uj>on such business as may be Drought before them. Dated , July 10, 1847. Yours, (fee, E. W., Super\'isor. § 430. Form of Mirmtes of Board of Excise. At a meeting of the Commissionei-s of excise of the town of , in the county of , held on the day of , 18 : Present A. B., Supervisor of the town. q' m ' [■ Justices of the said town. Mesolved, That licenses be granted to the following persons, to retail strong and spirituous liquors and wines ; and that the sum to be paid tor each license, De the sum put opposite the name of such person, to wit : L. M., as a Tavern Keeper. 0. P., as a Grocer. yinsert the sums opposite each nameJ] Resolved, That licenses be granted to the following persons to keep taverns, under the provisions of the act entitled " An act authorizing licenses to keep taverns, without including a license to sell spirits, iind to abolish fees for the same," passed April 12, 1843, to wit: C. D., as a Tavern Keeper. E. F., do. do. In witness whereof, we, the said Commissioners, have hereunto aubscribed our names, the day and year above written. A. B., Supervisor. ' 7 >■ Justices. (EC, (fee, J » In most of the incorporated villages )n his Stale, the boards of Trustees are, ex tfficio, commissioners of exi'.ise Special dnectings are called by the President of the eoard, and the proceedings are conducted in the same manner as in towns. The forms herein given may be readily made applicable, by changing the official designation of the members of the board. In cities, iicena ' ♦« granted by the Mayor* »Bfi Aldermen. EXCISE. 233 § 4?1. License for Tavern Keeper to Sell Spirituous Liquors. We the undersigned, forming a board of Commissioners of excise for the town of , in the county of , having been applied to by L. M., a resident of the said town, who pm-poses to keep an inn or tavern at , in the said town of , for a license to sell strong and spirituous liquors and wines, to be drank in his [or, her] hoiise ; and bemg satisfied that he [or, she] is of good moral character, and of sufficient abiUty to keep a tavern, and that he [or, she] has the necessary accommodations to entertain travellers, and that a tavern is absolutely necessary for the actual accommoda- tion of travellers, at the place where he [or, she] purposes to keep the same; and for which he [or, she] has paid a duty of dollars, determined by us ; we do therefore grant this license, and authorize him [or, her] to sell strong and spirituous liquors and wines, te be drank in the inn or tavern to be kept at the place above men- tioned- This hcense is to be in force until the day after the first Monday in May next In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, the day of , 18 . A. B., Supenosor. L!^&c.,|'^^^^^^^- § 432. Bond of Tavern Keeper, on License to Sell Spirituous Liquors, with Certificate. Know all men by these presents: That we, L. M. and E, R, of, (fee, are held and firmly bound unto the people of the State of New York, in the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, to be paid to the said people ; for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, oui* and each of our heirs, executors and admin- istrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated the day of , one thousand eight hundred and .* Whereas, the said L. M. intends keeping an inn or tavern, at , in the town of , in said county of , and has applied for a Hcense to sell strong and spirituous liquors and wines, to be drank in the said inn or tavern, to be kept as aforesaid : Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the said L. M., during the time he shall keep an inn or tavern, will not suffer it to be disorderly, or suffer any cock-fighting, gaming, or play- ing with cards or dice, or keep any biUiard table, or other gaming table, within the tavern by him so kept, or in any out-house, yard, or garden, belonging thereto, then this obligation to be void ; else to re- main in force. Signed, sealed and delivered, ) L. M. [i. 8.1 in presence of j E. F. Tl. s.i G. H. ■* <&C., (&C. 2S4 vzvr olbrk's assistant. We, the undersigned, forming a board of Commissioners of excise for tho town aforesaid, approve of the security to the above bond, as sufficient for the purposes intended- A. B., Supervisor. l'c%., [J^tices. § 433. License for Tavern Keeper, under Act of 1843. We, the undersigned, forming a board of Commissioners of excise for the town of , in the county of , having been ap- plied to by C. D., a resident of said town, who purposes to keep an inn or tavern at , in the said town, for a license to keep such tavern, without inchidinga license to sell strong or spirituous hquors, wines, or alcoholic drinks; and being satisfied that he is of good moral character, and of sufficient abihty to keep a tavern, and that he has the necessary accommodations to entertain travellers, and that a tavern is absolutely necessary for the actual accommodation of tra- vellers, at the place where he purposes to keep the same ; we do therefore grant this license, and authorize him to keep an inn or tav- ern at the place above mentioned ; provided, however, that no strong or spirituous liquors, wines, or alcoholic drinks, shall be sold by the said C. D., under or by virtue hereof This license is to be in force until the day after the first Monday in May next In witness, &c., [as in § 431.] § 434. Bond for Obtaining License, under Act of 1843. Know all men, &c., [as m § 432 to the *, and then add:] Whereas, the said L. Ai has applied for a license to keep an inn or tavern in the town of , in the said county of , without including a license to sell strong or spirituous liquors, wines, or alcoholic drinks, in such inn or tavern : Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that, (fee., [as in § 432, to the end] § 435. Grocer* s License. We, the undersigned, forming a board of Commissioners of excise .*br the town of , in the county of , having been applied to by 0. P., a resident of said town, who purposes to keep a grocery at , in the said town, for a license to sell strong and spuituous liquors and wines, in quantities less than five gallons, and for which he has paid a duty of dollars, deternuned by us; and being satisfied that he is of good moral character; we do there- fore grant this license, authorizing him to sell strong and spirituoua liquors and wines, in quantities less than five gallons, but not to be EXCISE. 235 drank m ids shop, house, out-house, yard or garden ; and it is ex- pressly declared, that this license shall not be deemed to authorize such sale of any liquors or wines, to be drank in the house or shop of the said 0. P., or in any out-house, yard, or garden, appertaining thereto, or connected therewith. This license is to be in force until the day after the first Monday in May next In witness, &c., [ci t7i § 431.] § 436. Grocer's Bond. Know all men, &c., [as is § 432 to the *, and then add:'] Whereas, the said 0. P. has applied for a license to sell strong and spuituous liquors and wines, at his grocery, in the town aforesaid : Now, there- fore, the condition of tliis obligation is such, that if, during the term for which his hcense shall be granted, he will not suffer his grocery to become disorderly ; that he will not sell, or suffer to be sold, any strong or spirituous hquors or wines, to be drank in his shop, or house, or in any out-house, yard or garden, appertaining thereto; and that he will not suffer any such liquor, sold by virtue of such license, to be drank in his shop or house, or in any out-house, yard, or garden, belonging thereto, then this obhgation to be void; else, to remain in force.^ Signed, sealed, Laws of 1S44, chap. 127. » 5 Johnson, 2ry2; 2 Cowen, 421. « 1 Wendell, 101. » 5 WTendell. 107; 3 Hill, 457; 4 Id., 596. e Laws of 1&15, chap. 180, § 23. T Laws of 1845, chap. 180, { 27; I Deni*, 653. 238 KKW clerk's assistant. appointed b j a court of record, viz : for each day necessarily spent in the business of the reference, three dollars to each referee, to be paid on making the report, or award, by the prevailing party. A different compensation, however, may be agreed on, in writing, by the parties § 438. Assessor's Fees. For each day actually and necessarily devoted to the service of the town, one dollar and twenty-five cents. § 439. Auctioneer's Commission. Not exceeding two and one-half per cent, on the amount of any sales, unless in pursuance of a previous agreement, in writing, between the auctioneer and the owner, or consignee, of the goods or effects sold. § 440. Broker's Fees. Fifty cents for brokage, soliciting, driving, or procuring, the loan or forbearance of one hundred dollars for one year, and m that pro- portion for a greater or lesser term. Thirty-eight cents for making or renewing any bond, bill, note, or other securit}^ given for such loan or forbearance, or for any counter bond, bill, note, or other security, concerning the same. § 441. County Clerk's Fees. For a trial fee, to be paid by the party bringing on an action, 40, chap. 9;,)and nftor deducting his salary, are to le paid over an account thereof, verified by affidavit, i.s ii» to the County TreasurcTjOiitlie first Monday I be rendered to the board of Supervisors a of May, and November; (Laws of 1847, j their aimuaJ li'^etlng. FEES OF OFFCERS, 24S For every notice to any party, officer, or person, requited to be ghen by law, twenty-five cents. For services under the non-imp risionment act, the same fees as are allowed by law in proceedings against absconding, concealed, or non- resident debtors. For attendance upon any special matter, where no fee is specially provided for the service rendered, twenty-five cents. Admitting any person to prosecute as the next friend, or to defend as the guardian, of an infant, nineteen cents. Every necessary order upon any special application, twenty-five cents. For attendance on taking any depositions, upon any inqiiiiy insti- tuted by the Governor, relating to the official misconduct of any offi- cer, two dollars for each day necessarily occupied. Issuing any summons or process of subpoena, to compel the attend- ance of any witness in any proceeding before such Judge, twenty -five cents. For every attachment, or warrant of commitment, against a wit- ness or any other person, in a civil proceeding, twenty-five cents. For warrant of restitution, or to put any party in possession of lands, thirty-seven and a half cents. Taking an acknowledgment of a power of attorney to appear in a Justice's Court, twent3'-tive cents. For services in criminal cases, not specially provided for, the same fees as are allowed to Justices of the Peace for similar services. § 452. Countij Sperintendents of the Poor. Such sum, for their actual attendance and services, as the boarQ of Supervisors of their county shall deem reasonable. ^ 453. Coiinbj Treasurer's Fees. Such commission, for receiving and paying out all moneys, as the board of Supervisors may fix, not exceeding one-half of one per cent, tor receiving, and the same for paying; but the gross amount shall in no case exceed five hundred dollars per annum. This re- striction does not extend to the counties of New York, Albany and Kings. The treasurer of Monroe county receives an annual salary, to be fixed by the board of Supervisors, not exceeding the half tif one per cent for receiving, and the half of one per cent, for cUsburs- ing, or eight hundred dollars in the aggregate. For recemng moneys )n securities transferred to him by the clerk of the court of appeals, one half of one per cent., and for paying out the same, one half of one per cent'. For services as administrator, in the cases prov ided by law, liis 246 NEW clerk's assistant. reasonable expenses necessarily incurred; and double the commis- sions allowed to executors and administrators. For every warrant issued under the act taxing the rents of land- lords, in certain cases, one dollar. § 454. Crier's Fees. For attendance upon the Supreme Court, two dollars for each day, to be certified by the Clerk of the Court. Attendance upon other court, one dollar and fifty cents for each day, to be certified by the Clerk. § 455. Executors* and Administrators' Fees. A reasonable compensation for the services of the appraisers ap- pointed upon their application, to be allowed by the Surrogate. For receiving and paying out all sums of money not exceeding one thousand dollars, five per cent, on every dollar. For receiving and paying out all sums exceeding one thousand, and not less than five thousand dollars, two and a half per cent. For receiving and paying out all sums exceeding five thousand dollars one per cent.* For every deed prepared and executed by them, on the sale of any real estate made by order of the Surrogate, two dollars ; and a compensation not exceeding two dollars a day, for the time necessa- rily occupied in such sale. Such allowance for all actual and necessaiy expenses as shall be just and reasonable. § 456, Fence Viewer's Fees. For every mile of travel by a Fence Viewer, from his house to the place where the strays are kept, six cents ; and twenty-five cents for a certificate of the charges ; to be paid by the owner of the strays, or the person applying for the certificate. Such compensation for all other services required by law, as may be fixed by the town meetings of their respective towns. § 457. Juror's Fees. Foi attending to serve as such, in a Justice's Court, although not iworn, six cents ; for attending and trying a cause, twelve and a half oents. » If there be more than one Executor or I according to the eerricea rendered by them administrator, the allowance* are to be ap- respectively. (Laws of 18i9, chap. 160.) i»riiofi«d amooj them by the Surrogate, | FEES OF OFFICERS. 247 To each juror impanneled to try a cause in any Circuit Court, County Court, or Mayor's Court, twenty-five cents for each cause, to be paid by the party noticing the cause for trial; or if noticed by both parties, to be paid by such party as the court shall direct ; ex- cept that in the county of Albany, the fees of the jury are to be paid to the County Clerk. For attending the courts of record in any county, either as a grand or petit juror, such allowance to each juror as the board of Supervi- sors may direct; not exceeding one dollar per day, and three cent^ per mile for travehng, in coming- to and returning from such courts, to be p;ud by the County Treasurer, on the certificate of the Clerk. To each petit juror in the county of Albany, who shall be sworn and serve as such, for attending any Circuit Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer, County Court, or Court of Sessions, one dollar per day for every day's attendance, and seventy-five cents for every twenty miles travel : grand jurors in the county of Albany are enti- tled to the same compensation as m other counties of the State. To each juror in the city of New York, twelve and a half cents, for every action in which he is sw^orn as such in any court of record. To each juror sworn before any officer in any special proceeding allowed by law, or before any Sheriif upon any writ of inquiry, or to try any claim to personal property, twelve and a half cents. To each juror sworn in any proceeding authorized by the provis- ions of the statute in relation to absconding, concealed, non-resident, insolvent, or imprisoned debtors, twenty-five cents. To each juror attending and sei-ving on a jury to re-assess dama- ges for laying out, altering, or (hscontinuing, a highw^ay, if from the same town, fifty cents ; if from an adjoining town, one dollar. To each juror attending, in pursuance of a summons, but not 8er\'ing on a jmy, to re-assess the damages for laying out, altering, or discontinuing a highway, if from the same town, twenty-five cents; if from an adjoining town, fifty cents. § 458. Justices of the Peace. For a summons, nine cents; but no more than two summons to be included in the costs in a judgment against any defendant. J'or a w^arrant in civil actions, twelve and a half cents , an attach- ment or execution, nineteen cents. Every adjom-nment, except when made by the Justice on his own motion, nine cents. For a subpoena, six cents ; administering an oath, six cents. For filing every paper required to be filed with him, three cents; but not to be allowed for tiJing any written complaint, pleading, or process, in any cause. MS NEW clerk's assistant. For a venire, nineteen cents ; swearing a jniy, twelve an'd a half cents. Entering a judgment, twenty-five cents; for a transcript thereof, twenty-five cents. Taking every bond or other written security in civil fictions, if di-aftod by the Justice, twenty-five cents. For making a return upon an appeal, one dollar. For a warrant in criminal cases, nineteen cents ; to be paid by the complainant, before issuing any warrant for assault and battei-y, if required by the Justice. For a bond or recognizance, twenty-five cents. Commitment for want of bail, nineteen cents. For a venire to summon a jury before a Court of Special Sessions, twenty -five cents; swearing such j my, twenty -five cents; trial fee or attendance, one dollar ; warrant of commitment on conviction, twenty- five cents ; drawing a record of conviction and fifing the same, seventy- five cents ; but all such charges shall not exceed five dollars in any one case. Taking security from any person to prosecute a certiorari, upon a conviction made by a Court of Special Sessions, twenty-five cents; making a retui-n to such certiorari, two dollars, to be paid by the county. For every order for a commission to examine witnesses, attending, settling, and certifying interrogatories, to be annexed to the commis- sion, fifty cents.' Taking the acknowledgment of any written authority to appear by attorney in a Justice's Court, twenty-five cents. For a copy of the process, pleadings and proofs, in any cause wherein judgment was rendered by default, and in the absence of the party against whom the same was rendered, when required by any person interested therein, twenty-five cents for the transcript, and six cents a fofio for the residue thereof Administering an oath or affirmation, in special cases, and certify- ing the same when required, twelve and a half cents. Taking the acknowledgment of biul in the Supreme Court, and in any County Court, or Mayor's Court, twenty-five cents. Taking the acknowledgment of satisfaction of a decree in Chan- cery, or of a judgment in the Supreme Cotirt, County Court, or Mayor's Court, thirty-seven and a half cents. Taking the proof or acknowledgment of a written instrument to be read in CA-idence, or of a conveyance or mortgage of real estate, and certifying the same, for one person, twenty -five cents; and for each additional person, twelve and a half cents. » The costs of a commission are to be included in the costs of the suit, though the gross amount exceed five dollars. FEES OF OFFICERS. 249 For swearing each witness on taking such proof or acknowledgTnent, six cents. Endorsing a warrant issued from another county, twelve and a half cents. For a summons for any offence relating to the internal police of this State, or in any special proceedings to recover possession of land, or otherwise, twenty-live cents. For a precept to summon a juiy in special cases, thirty-seven and a half cents; swearing such jury, twenty-five cents. Healing the matter concerning wliich such jury is summoned, fifty cents ; recei\'ing and entering their verdict, twelve and a half cents. For a -view of premises alleged to be deserted, fifty cents. For one day's attendance upon the Board of Excise, one dollar and twenty-five cents. For attendance at town meetings, one dollar and twenty-five cents. For other services performed by Justices of the Peace, not speci- ally provided for by law, such compensation as may be allowed by the board audit! no- their accounts. For attending the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Sessions, two dollars each day, and six cents per mile travel fee in going and re- turning. But one allowance of travel is to be made at any one term. § 459. Notary's Fees. For the protest, for non-payment, of any note, or for the non- acceptance or non-payment of any bill of exchange, check or draft, and giving the requisite notices and certificates of such protest, in- cluding the notarial seal, if aflixed thereto, seventy-five cents; and Notaries are required to furnish, under seal, the certificate authorized to be introduced as presumptive evidence in actions at law, free of expense. Dramng and copy of every other protest, seventeen cents for every folio; and for sealing the same, twenty-five cents. Taking an oath or affirmation, and certifying the same, twelve and a half cents. Dra^ving any affidavit, or other paper or proceeding, not otherwise provided for, twenty-five cents for each folio ; and twelve and a half cents per folio for a copy thereof § 460. Overseers of the Poor. For every day actually and necessarily devoted to the service of the town, one dollar to each Overseer ; and all such necessary expenses as may be incurred in the discharge of their duties, to be allowed bj the board auditino- their accoimts. 250 NEW clerk's assistant § 461. Overseers of Highioays. For any excess of work over and above his assesment, performed by an Overseer of Highways, seventy-five cents per day. § 462. Poundmaster's Fees. For taking into the pound and discharging therefrom, every horse, ass, or mule, and all neat cattle, twelve and a half cents each; for every sheep or lamb, three cents; and for every hog, six cents. J'or feeding any beasts distrained doing damage, liis reasonable charges, not exceeding six cents for each beast for every twenty-four hours. § 463. Printer's Fees. For publishing notices of any application by an insolvent, under the provisions of the fifth chapter of the second part of the Revised Statutes, and furnishing the evidence of such publication for six Aveeks, one dollar and sixty-seven cents ; if published ten weeks, two dollars. Publishing any other notice, or any order, citation, summons, or any other proceeding or advertisement, reqmred by law to be pub- fished in any newspaper, not more than fifty cents per foUo for the first insertion, and twenty cents per foUo for each subsequent inser- tion after the first. Posting a copy of a notice of mortgage sale on the door of the court house, one dollar. § 464. JReferees' Fees. For each day necessarOy spent in the business of the reference, three dollars to each, to be paid ou making their report, by the pre- vailing party. Parties, however, may agree, in writing, on a diffe- rent compensation. (Laws of 1849, chap. 438, Part II., Title X., § 313.) Referfees, to whom any question in regard to the laying out, alter- ing, or discontinuing a higiiway, is referred, are entitled to two dol- lars per day each ; to be paid by the party appealing, if the decision of the commissioner is sustained, but if reversed, by the county. § 465. Megister of Deeds in the City of New York. The same fees as are allowed by law to County Clerks, for similar services performed by them. For filing a chattel mortgage, or a copy thereof six cents; for FEES OF OFJlUEKS. 251 entering tlie same, six cents for every party to such instrument; searching for each paper, six cents; and the like fees for certified copies of such papers as are allowed to County Clerks for copies of records. § 466. School District Collector's Fees. One per cent on all taxes voluntarily paid in, during the first two weeks after receiving a tax list and warrant ; and five per cent on all sums collected after that time. Wheie a levy and sale is made, the Collector is entitled to travel- ing fees at the rate of six cents per nule, computing the distance from the school house in the district § 467. Sealers of Weights and Measures. For sealing and marking every beam, twelve and a half cents. Sealing and marking measures of extension, at the rate of twelve and a half cents per yard, not to exceed fifty cents for any one mea- sure. Sealinof and markincj every weight, three cents. Sealing and marking Hquid and dry measures, if the same be of the capacity of a gallon, or more, twelve and a half cents; if the same be of less than a gallon, three cents. Reasonable compensation for making such weights and measures conform to the standard. § 468. Sheriff's Fees. For serving a writ, summons, complaint, or demand, by which a suit shall be commenced in a court of law, fifty cents. Traveling in making any such service, six cents per mile, for going only, to be computed in all cases from the court house of the county ; and if there be two or more court houses, to be computed from that which sliall be nearest to the place where the service shall have been made, except, that in the county of Oneida such travel shall be com- puted from the court house in Whitestown. Taking a bond on the arrest of a defendant, or taking his endorse- ment of appearance, or for taking a bond in Any other case, where he is authorized to take the same, for which no fee is otherwise pro- vided, thirty-seven and a half cents ; and for a certified copy of such bond, twenty -five cents. , Returning a process, twelve and a half cents. Serving an attachment for the payment of money, or an execution for the collection of money, or a warant for the same ptirpose, issued 262 NEW clerk's assistant. by the Comptroller, or by any County Treasurer, for collecting the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, or less, two cents and live mills per dollar; and for every dollar collected, more than two hundred and fifty dollars, one, cent and two and a half mills. Ad^^ertising goods or chattelp, lands or tenements, for sale, on any execution, two dollars; and if the execution be stayed or settled, after advertising and before sale, one dollar ; and all legal fees paid for pubhsliing an advertisement or postponement of the sale of real estate. For drawing every certificate on the sale of real estate, by virtue of an execution, twenty -five cents per folio; for two copies thereof, twelve and a half cents per folio; and the Clerk's fee for filing one of such certificates. Drawing and executing a deed, pursuant to a sale of real estate, on an execution, one dollar ; to be paid by the grantee in such deed. Serving a writ of possession or restitution, putting any person en- titled into the possession of premises, and removing the tenant, one dollar and twenty-five cents; and the same compensation for travel- ing to serve the same, as is allowed on the service of a summons. Taking a bond for the liberties of the jail, thirty-seven and a half cents. Summoning the juiy to attend any court, fifty cents in each cause noticed for trial at such court, or placed on the calendar thej'eof for trial. Summoning a jury in any case where it shall become necessary to try the title to any personal property, attending such jury, and making and returning the inquisition, one dollar and fifty cents. Summoning a foreign or special jury, pursuant to a venire for that purpose, and returning the panel, one dollar and twelve and a half cents. Summoning a jury, pursuant to any precept or summons of any officer in any special proceeding, one dollar; and for attending such jury, when required, fifty cents. Bringing up a prisoner upon a habeas corpus, to testify or answer in any court, one dollar and fifty cents; and for traveling, twelve and a half cents for each mile from the jail. Attending before any officer with the prisoner, for the purpose of having him surrendered in exoneration of his bail ; or attending to receive a prisoner so surrendered, who was not committed at the time ; and receiving any such piisoner into his custody, in either case, one dollar. Attending a view, one dollar eighty-seven and a half centn per day ; going and returning, one dollar and twenty-five cents per day. Serving an attachment against the property of a debtor, under the provisions of the statute concerning absconding, concealed, non-resi- dent, and fraudulent debtors, or against a ship or vessel, fifty cents, % FEES OF OFFICERS. 253 with such additional compensation for his trouble, and expenses in taking possession of and preserving the property attached, as tlie offi- cer issnino- the process shall certify to be reasonable ; and where the property attached shall aftenvards be sold by the Sheriff, he shall be entitled" to the same poundage on the sum collected, as if the sale had been made under an execution. Making and returning an inventory and appraisal, such sum for the appraisers as the officer issuing the attachment shall certify to be reasonable, not exceeding one dollar per day to each appraiser. Drawing such inventory, twenty-five cents per folio ; and twelve and a lialf cents per folio for the copy thereof Selling any property so attached, and advertising such sale, the same alloAvance as for sales on executions. Executing any warrant to remove any person from lands belong- ing to tlie people of this State, or to Indians, such sum as the Comp- troller sliall audit and certify to be a reasonable compensation. Giving notice of any general or special election, to tlie Supen'isor, or one of the Assessors, of the ditferent towns and wards of hib countv, one dollar for each town or ward, and the expenses of pub- lishing the notice as required by law, to be paid by the county. For any services which may be rendered by a Constable, the same fees as are allowed to Constables for such services. For any peison committed to prison, and every person discharged therefrom, in civil cases, twenty-five cents for receiving, and twenty- five cents for discharging, to be paid by the plaintiff in the process. Summoning Constables to attend the Supreme Court, or any other court, 'fifty cents for each Constable. Attending the Supreme Court, two dollars per day.* For mileage on every execution, six cents per mile for going only, to be computed from the court house. For serving executions issued by the Clerk of the Coxmty, upon a judgment rendered by a Justice of the Peace, the same fees as are alloAved to Constables in the like cases. Taking into his possession any wrecked property, and selling the same at public auction, his reasonable expenses, to be settled and alloAved by the Judge making the order of sale. Sumnioning a jury in any case, under the provisions of the statute relating to absconding, concealed, non-resident, insolvent, or impri- soned d?btors, one dollar and twelve and a half cents, to be paid by the creditors. Making the ri^port required by law, after the adjournment of any Crimii; il Conit of Record in his county, a reasonable compensation, to be allowed by the Board of Supervisors. For e\'eiy person committed to prison in criminal cases, tliirty-seven » A .Sheritr is not eniulcd to a per diem j Coiirlof Sessions, in iiis own county. (2 Hill, eompeii>aiion. liir amending either the Cir- 411.) euit, Oyer and Terminer, County Coiirl, or | 254 KEW clerk's assistant. and a half cents ; for every prisoner discharged, thirty-seven and a half cents. Summoning a grand jury for a Court of Oyer and Terminer, or Court of Sessions, ten dollars. For conveying a single convict to the State Prison, or houses of refuge, for each mile from the county prison from which such con- vict shall be conveyed, thirty-five cents. For conveying two convicts for each mile aforesaid, forty-five cents ; three convicts, fifty cents ; four convicts, fifty-five cents ; five convicts, sixty cents; and for all additional convicts, such reasonable allow- ance as the Comptroller may think just; which said allowance, with one dollar per day for the mainteinance of each convict, whilst on the way to the State Prison, but not exceeding one dollar for every thirty miles travel, will be in fuU of all charges and expenses in the pre- mises. For selling land and executing conveyances, in pursuance of the decree of a Court of Record, the same fees as upon sales by execution ; but such fees are in no case to exceed ten dollars. If the party, in whose favor the decree is made, bids the whole amount of the sale, or anv part of it, or if the whole amount, or any part, be credited on the decree, the fees of the Sheriff must be estimated on the surplus, over and above the sum so bid, or credited ; but if the fees in such case would be less than five dollars, and if estimated on the whole amount bid on the sale would have exceeded that sum, the Sheriff will be entitled to five dollars.^ § 469. Supervisor's Fees. For one day's attendance upon the Board of Excise in his town, one dollar and twenty-five cents. When associated with the Town Superintendent in the erection or alteration of a school district, one dollar and twenty-five cents per day. Two dollars per day to each Supervisor, for attending the meetings of the board. For all necessary travel in the discharge of his official duties, eight cents per mile. For making a copy of the assessment roll of the town, and making out the tax bill to be deUvered to the Collector, three cents each name, for the first one hundred names ; two cents per name for tne second hundred names ; and one cent per name for each name over two hundred. But a Supervisor is not entitled to the per diem allowance, while employed in copying the assessment roll, and making out the tax bill. « See Laws of 1847. chap. 280, § 77. FEES OF OFFICERS. 255 § 470. Surrogate's Fees} Drawing proof of a will when contested, or any otter proceeding before him, for which no specific compensation is provided, fifteen cents for every folio. Drawing every petition in any proceeding before him, not other- wise pronded for, including the afiidant of verification, fifty cents. Every certificate of the proof of a will, when contested, endorsed thereon, including the seal, fifty cents ; and for any certificate upon exemplifications of records or papers filed in his office, or upon the papers transmitted upon appeal, including the seal, fifty cents. Drawing, copying, and approving of every bond required by law, fifty cents. Drawing, copying, and recording, every necessary paper, and drawing and entering every necessary order, and for rendering every other service necessary to complete proceedings on the appointment of a general guardian for a minor, three dollars ; and for like services in appointing the same person guardian for any other minor of the same family, at the same time, one dollar and fifty cents. Drawing, entering, and filing a renunciation, in cases where the same may be made by law, twenty-five cents. A citation or summons, in cases not otherwise provided for, to aU parties in the same proceeding, residing in any one county, including the seal, fifty cents; and for a citation to all parties in any other county, twenty-five cents. A subpoena for all witnesses in the same proceeding, residing in One county, including the seal, twenty-five cents. For every copy of a citation and subpoena furnished by a Surrogate, twelve and a half cents; and every such copy of citation shall be signed by the Surrogate. A warrant of commitment or attachment, including the seal, fifty cents. A discharge of any person committed, including the seal, fifty cents. For drawing and taking every necessary affidavit, upon the return of an inventory, fifty cents. For serving notice of any revocation, or other order or proceeding required by law to be served, twenty -five cents. For swearing each witness, in cases where a gross sum is not al- lowed, twelve and a half cents. For searching the records of his office for any one year, twelves and a half cents; and for every additional year, six cents; but no I The fees received by the Surrogate, after I 277; §§8, 9; Laws of 1849, chap. 95;) ud deducting his salary, are to be paid over to | an account thereof, verified by affidani, is t« the County Treasurer, on the first Monday of I be rendered lo the Board of Supemton, at May and November, (Laws of 18-17, chap. | iheir annual meeting. 256 NEW clerk's assistant. more than twenty-five cents shall be charged or received for any one search. Recording every wiU, with the proof thereof, letters testamentary, letters of administration, report of commissioners for admeasurement of dower, and every other proceeding required by law to be recorded, including the certificate, if any, when the recording is not specially pro^'ided for by this act, ten cents for every folio. For the translation of any will from any other than the English language, ten cents for every folio. Copies and exemplifications of any record, proceeding, or order, had or made before him, or of any papers filed in his office, transmitted on an appeal, or furnished to any party on his request, six cents for every folio, to be paid by the person requesting them. For making, drawing entering, and recording, every order for the sale of real estate, and every final order or decree on the final settle* ment of accounts, one dollar and fifty cents ; and for the confirmation of the sale of real estate, seventy-five cents ; and for making, draw- ing, entering, and recording, any other order or decree, when the same is not otherwise provided for, twenty-five cents. Hearing and determining, when the proof of a Avill, or the right to administration, or apppointing a guardian, is contested, two dollars. Taking, stating and determining, upon an account rendered upon a final settlement, or determining and deciding the distribution of personal estate, if contested, two dollars for each day necessaiily spent therein, not exceeding three days. For hearing and determining any objections to the appointment of an executor or administrator, or any application for his removal, or for the removal of any guardian, or any application to annul the pro- bate of a will, two dollars. For hearing and determining upon an apphcation to lease, mort- gage, or sell, real estate, two dollars. For drawing and recording all necessary papers, and drawing and entering all necessary orders on appUcations for letters of administra- tion, when not contested, and for all services necessary to complete the appointment of administrators, and for the appointment of ap- praisers, five dollars: but in cases where a citation is necessary, sevent5^-five cents in addition. For investing for the benefit of any minor, any ]egacies,or the dis- tributive shares of tlie estate of any deceased person, in the Stocks of this State, or of the United States, one per cent, for a sum not ex- ceeding two hundred dollars, and for any excess, one-quarter of one percent.; for investing the same on bond and mortgage of real estate, one-half of one per cent, for a sum not exceeding two hun- dred dollai-s, and one-quarter of one per cent, for any excess. For receiving the mterest on such investments, and paying over II FKKS OF OFFCERS. 257 the same for the support and education of such minor, one-half of one per cent Appointinfr a guardian to defend any infant who shall be a party to any proceeding, fifty cents; but where there is more than one minor of the same family, and the same guardian is appointed for all, twenty-five cents for each additional minor; and no greater or other fee shall be charged for any service in relation to such appointment. Hearing and determining upon tlie report of Commissioners for ihe admeasurement of dower, one dollar. For distributing any monies brought into his office on the sale of real estate, two per cent ; but such commission shall not in any case exceed twenty dollars for distributing the whole money raised by such sale. But no fee shall be taken by any Surrogate in any case where it shall appear to him, by the oath of the party applying for letters tes- tamentary or of administration, that the goods, chattels, and credits, do not exceed fifty dollars, nor shall he take any fee for copying any paper drawn by him, or filed in his office, except as above provided. For drawing and recording all necessary petitions, deposilioris, xffidavits, citations and other papers, and for drawing and entering all necessary orders and decrees, administering oaths, appointing guardians ad litem, and apointing appraisers, and for rendering every other necessary service in cases of proof of will, and issuing letters testamentary, when not contested, and the will does not exceed fifteen folios. Surrogates shall receive twelve dollars; and where the will exceeds fifteen folios, ten cents per folio for reeoi-ding such excess, and six cents per folio for the copy of such excess, to be annexed to the let- ters testamentary. For all fees on filing the annual account of any guardian, where the Surrogate shall draw and take the affidavit of the giuirdian, and for examining such accounts, fifty cents; but where the same shall not be drawn nor taken by him, he shall eiiarge no fees. For any necesvsary travel required under the law of 1837, con- cerning the proof of wills, tkc, (Laws of 1840, chap. 460, ^ 69,) Surrogates are entitled to ten cents per mile, going and returning. No fees for filing any paper in the Surrogate's office can be re- quired ; neitlier can any charge be made for drawing, copying, or recording his bill of fees, in any cjise. § ill. Siirveijor^s Fees. For actual sennce in surveying, laying out, marking and mapping, any real estite, of which partition shall be made pursuant to law, or of wliich dower shall be admeasured, two dollars and fifty cents per day. 17 268 KEw clerk's assistant. For each of his necessary chain and flag bearers, and other neces- Kuy assistants, one dollar per day. § 472. Town Clerk's Fees. For filing every chattel mortgage, or copy thereof, six cents ; for entering the names and numbering, six cents ; searching for such papers, six cents each ; and the same fees for certified copies thereof as are allowed to Clerks of counties for copies of records. Filing and entering a certificate of marriage, twenty -five cents ; and ten cents for a copy of the certificate, or of the entry. Entering a note of strays, six cents each for all neat cattle and horses, and three cents for each sheep ; to be paid by the person de- b'vering the note. For ser\'ices as Clerk of the town meeting, one dollar and twenty- five cents per day. When associated with the Supervisor and Town Superintendent, in the erection or alteration of a school district, one dollar and twenty- five cents per day. Such compensation for his services in behalf of the town, includ- ing those performed as Clerk of the Town Superintendent, as the board auditing his account shall allow. For drawing a jury to re-assess damages for laying out, altering, or discontinuing a highway, fifty cents. The same fees for advertising and selling drifted lumber unclaimed, as are allowed to Constables making sales on executions issued out of Justices' Courts. To the Clerk of the town of Queensbury, for entering every mark of lumber, twenty-five cents. § 473. Town Collector's Fees. For collecting and receiving taxes, one per cent on every dollar, and one cent on every amount of tax under one dollar, if paid within thirty days from the first posting of the notice required by law ; where the aggregate amount to be collected does not exceed two thousand dollars, the collector is entitled to two per cent as his fees, on all voluntary payments made within thirty days. On all taxes remaining unpaid after the expiration of the said thirty days, such compensation as may be voted by the electors at town meeting, not exceeding five, nor less than three per cent For collecting all unpaid taxes, five per cent, and for returning unpad taxes, two per cent, to be allowed by the County Treasurer. FEES OF OFFICERS. 250 To the Collector of the town of Minen^a, in the county of Essex, for travel fees from his place of residence to the office of the County Treasurer, thirty-seven and a half cents per mile ; to the Collectors of the tOAvns of Keene and Schroon, in said county, foi the same, twenty-five cents per mile ; but the sum to be paid to either of said Collectors, shall in no case exeeed the sum of four per cent, upon Ihe amount of the tax on the lands of non-residents, returned by such Collector. § 474. Trustees of Absconding, Concealed, Nbn-Resident, o-r Insolvent Debtors. A commission of five per cent, on the whole sum which shall have come into their hands, and all the necessary disbursments made by them in the dischage of their duty. § 475. Witnesses^ Fees. To each witness in a Justice's Court, from the same county, sub- poenaed and attending before a Jiistice, or before Commissioners ap- pointed by him, twelve and a half cents ; from any other place than ihe same county, twenty-five cents for every day's actual attendance For each witness, fifty cents for each day while attending any court or officer, (including Canal Appraisers,) except as otherwise provided ; and if the witness resides more than three miles from the place of attendance, traveling fees, at the rate of four cents per mile,, going and returning. For every witness who shall appear and testify before any Justice of the Peace taking depositions to be used in courts in other States, fifty cents. To any person attending a Court of Oyer and Terminer, or a court of Sessions, as a witness in behalf of the people, upon the request of the public prosecutor, or upon a subpoena, or by \-irtue of a re- cognizance, who is poor, or has come from any other State or Terri- tory of the United States, or from any p'oreign country, such reason- able sum for his expenses as the court may direct CHAPTER XIX. FENCE YIEWEES. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. The Assessors and Commissioners of Highways elected in any town, are, by virtue of their offices, Fence Viewers of such town.' 2. Whenever any stray has not been claimed and redeemed, Avithin the time prescribed by law, it is the duty of one of the Fence View- ers, on receivino- notice, to ascertain, accordin"- to the best of his knowledge and judgment, the reasonable charges of keeping such stray ; a certificate whereof is to be given to the person applying for the same." 3. In case the person detaining a stray, and the owner thereof, cannot agree fis to the charges to be paid, at the time of redeeming such stray, the same maj' be ascertained and certified by two of the Fence Viewers of the town, to be selected by the former.' 4. When two or more persons have lands adjoining, each of them must make and maintain a just proportion of the division fence be- tween them, except the owner or owners of either of the adjoining lands choose to let such land lie open. When a pei'son has chosen to let his land lie open, if he afterwards encloses it, he** must refund to the owner of the adjoining land, a just proportion of the value at that time of any division fence that may have been made by such adjoining owner, or build his proportion of such division fence. The value of such fence, and the proportion thereof to be paid by such person, and the proportion of the division fence to be buiit by him, in case of his enclosing his land, are to be determined by any two of the Fence Viewers of the town. If disputes arise between the owners of adjoining lands, concerning the proportion of fence to be maintained, or made, by either of them, such disputes may be set- tled by any two of the Fence Viewers of the town. When any of 1 1 R. S. ("d ed.) 383, § 8. I > 1 R. S. (3J. ed.) 401 ,§ 21. « IR. S. (3d. ed.)401,§23. | FSKCE VIEWERS. 201 ihe above mentioned matters are submitted to Fence Viewers, each party may choose one ; and if either neglect, after eight day's notice, to make such choice, the other party may select botli. The Fence Viewers must examine the premises, and hear the allegations of che parties. In case of their disagreement, they may select another Fence Viewer to act with them, and the decision of any two will be final upon the parties to such dispute, and upon all parties holding under them. The decision of the Fence Viewers must be reduced to writing, and contain a description of the fence, and of the propor- tion lo be maintained by each, and forthwith filed in the office of the Town Clerk.' 5. If any person liable to contribute to the erection or reparation of a division fence, neglects, or refuses, to make and maintain his proportion of such fence, or permits the same to be out of repair, he cannot maintain any action for damages incurred, but will be liable to pay to the party injured all such damages as may accrue to his lands, and to the crops, fruit trees, and shrubbery thereon, and fix- tures connected with the said land, to be ascertained and appraised by any two Fence Viewers of the town, and to be recovered with costs of suit ; which appraisement must be reduced to writing, and signed by the Fence Viewers making the same, but will be only ^jri- ma facie evidence of the amount of the damao-es. If such neolect Oi refusal be continued for the period of one month, after request in writing to make or repair such fence, the party injured may make oi repair the same, at the expense of the party so neglecting or refus- ing, t«5 be recovered from him, with costs of suit* 6. If any peison who has made his proportion of a di\nsion fence, be disposed to move his fence, and suft'er his lands to lie open, he may, at any time between the first day of November in any year, and the first day of April following, but at no other time, give ten days' notice to the occupant of the adjoining land, of his intention to ap^ly to the Fence Viewers of the town for permission to remove his fence ; and if, at the time specified in such notice, any two of such Fence Viewers, to be selected as aforesaid, determine that such fence may with propriety be removed, he may then remove the same. If any such fence be removed without such notice and permission, the party removing the same will be liable to pay to the party injured, all such damages as he may sustain thereby, to be recovered with costs of suit. Whenever a division fence is injured or destroyed, by floods or other casualtv, the pei-son bound to make and repair such fence, or any part thereof, must make or repair the same, or his just pro- 1 1 n. S. (3.1 ed.) 402. 403, §§30-36; 4 John- 1 a i r. s. (3d cd.)403, 5§ 37-39: l,aw9 oi •on, 4U: 9 Id, 13(i- 17 Wendell, 330. 1S^«. cluip. 201; U Wendell, 40; 18 Id , 213: 3 11111,36. JC2 Nfiw clerk's assistant. portion thereof, within ten days after he shall be thereunto required by any person interested therein ; such requisition shall be in writing, and signed by the party making it. If such person refuse or neglect to make or repair his proportion of such fence, for the space of ten days after such request, the party injured may make or repair the same, at the expense of the party so refusing or neglecting, to be re- covered from him, with costs of suit' 7. Witnesses may be examined by the Fence Viewers, on all ques- tions submitted to them, and they have power to issue subpoenas for, and to administer oaths to witnesses.' 8. When any distress is made of any beasts doing damage, the person distraining, within twenty-four hours after such distress, unless the same was made on a Saturday, in which case, before the Tues- day morning thereafter, must apply to two Fence Viewers of thcj town, to appraise the damage, who are required immediately to r«-,- pair to the place and view the damage done ; and they may adminis- ter oaths and take the testimony of competent witnesses, in order to enable them to ascertain the extent of such damage. The Fence Viewers then certify under their hands the amount of the damag*.*, with their fees ; and if any dispute arise, touching the sufficiency of any fence around the premises where the damage was done, they may in Kke manner inquire into the same, and determine such dis- pute ; wlaich decision will be conclusive.' 9. The owner of any sheep or lambs tliat may be kUled or injured "by any dog, may apply to any two Fence Viewers of the town, who shall inquire into the matter, and view the sheep injured or kiUed, and may administer oaths and take testimony on such inquiry. It they are satisfied that the sheep or lambs were kUled or hurt by dogs, and in no other waj', they must certify such fact, the number of sheep killed or hurt, and the amount of the damage sustained by the owner, together with the value of the sheep killed or hurt* 10. If the parties cannot agree as to the amount Si the damage sustained by the owner, or possessoi', of land on which floating tim- ber or lumber has drifted, either of them may apply to any two Fence Viewers of the town in which such timber or lumber may be found, whose duty it will be, after hearing the proofs and allegations of the parties, to determine the amoimt of such damage, at the ex- pense of the owner of the timber or lumber; and their decision will be conclusive. The Fence Viewers may, in such cases, issue process for witnesses on behalf .of either party, and administer oaths on taking tlielr testimony.* « 1 R. S. (3d ed.) 403, 404, H 40-13; 3 Wen- fell, H-i. * 1 R. S. (3d ed.) 404, i 44. s 2 R. S. (3d eJ.) 607, 608, §S 1-3; 10 lou son 253, 369; 15 Id., 220; 19 Id, 498 « I R. S. (3d ed.) 885, ^ 10. »1 R. S. (3d. ed.)87r, {J2, 3 FENCE VIEWERS. tit FORMS. § 476. Fence Vietver's Certificate, where Stray has not been Claimed or Redeemed. Countv, ) Town of ', P^- I, the undersigned, one of the fence viewers of said town, do hereby certify, that upon the application of A. B., of said town, upon wliose enclosed lands the following stray animals, to wit: \nariie them,^ came, on or about the day of ,18 , and which strays have since that time been kept by the said A. B., and now remain unclaimed and unredeemed, I have ascertained, ac- cording to the best of my knowledge and judgment, and upon due inquiry and examination, the reasonable charges of keeping such strays, and that the same amount to the sura of dollars and cents : and that the fees for nay service amount to dollars. Given under my hand, this day of , 18 . E. F., Fence Viewer. § 477. Certificate where Parties cannot Agree ijipon the Charges for Keeping Strays. County, ) Town of ,p^- Whereas, a dispute has arisen between A. B. and C. D., of said town, concerning the reasonable charges of keeping the following strays, to wit: \_na.me tlrnn,^ Avhich came upon the enclosed lands of the said A. B., on or about the day of ,18, and have been kept by him since that time until the date hereof, and which are now claimed by the said C. D. : Now, therefore, we, the undersigned, two of the Fence Viewers of said town of , do hereby certify, that we have ascertahied the reasonable charges of keeping said strays, after due inquiry and examination, and that the same amount to dollars and cents ; and that the tees for our service amount to dollars. Given under our hands, this day of ,18 p tt' (■ Fence Viewers. § 478. Certificate of Value of Fence Built hy an Adjoining Owner. County, ) Town of W"^'- Whereas, A. B. and C. D. were, and are, the owners of certain lands adjoining, in said town of , and on the day ol f 64 NEW clkrk's assistant. ,18 , or thereabouts, the said A. B. erocted a division fence between the land belonging to him and that of the said C. D., who had chosen to let the same lie open ; and whereas, the said C. D. has, since that time, enclosed the said land belonging to him, and a dispute has arisen between the said parties, concerning the proper proportion of the value of the smd division fence, to be p;ud for by the said C. D. : Now, therefore, we, the undersigned, two of the Fence VicAvers of said town of , do hereby certify, that we have made due inquiry into the facts, and examined the premises; that the following is a correct description of the fence so built by the said A. B., as aforesaid, to Avit: [give description;] that the value thereof, at the time of building the same, was dollars; and that the proper proportion of said value, to be paid by the said C. D. to tlie said A. B., is dollars : And we also certify, that the fees for our service amount to dollars Given, &c., [us in § 477.] § 479. Certijicate ti2')on Hearing Dispute between Owners of Adjoining Lands. County, I Town of ,f^^' Whereas, A. B. and C. D. are the owners of certain lands adjoin- ing, in the said town of , and a dispute has arisen between them, concerning the respective proportions of a division fence to be maintmned, [or, made,] by them. Now, therefore, we, the under- signed, P^nce Viewers of said town, do hereby certifjj, that upon the application of the said parties, we proceeded to examine the premises and hear the allegations of the said parties ; and that we do detei* mine that said division fence be built as follows, to wit: [give description;] that one-third part of smd fence is the proper propoi-- tion thereof to be built by the said A. B. ; and that the remaining two-thirds is the proper proportion thereof to be built by the said C. D. : And we also certify, that our fees for our service amount to dollars. Given, &c., [as in § 477.] § 480. Certijicate of Damages where Division Fence is out of Repair. County, ) g. Town of , j ■ We, the undersigned, two of the Fence Viewers of said town, do hereby certify, that upon the appUcation of A. B., the owner of land adjoining the land of C. D., in said town, to ascertain and appraise certain damages alleged to have been incurred by the said A. B., in consequence of the neglect [or, refusal] of the said C. D. to make VEKOB VIEWERS. 265 for, maintain] bis proportion of a division fence between tlie aforesaid ands, we proceeded to examine the premises; and, after due inquiry, and examination by us made, we do determine that the said A. B. has sustained damages to Iiis land, crops, fruit trees, and shrubbery [add fixtures, if necessary^ in consequence of the neglect [or, refu- sal] of the said C. D. to make [or, maintain] his proportion of sucli division fence as aforesaid ; which said damages we have ascertained, and do appraise at dollars. [Given, «fec., as in § 477.] § 481. Certificate where Cattle are Distrained Doing Damage. County, I Town of ,\^' We, the subscribers, Fence Viewers of said town, having been ap- plied to by A. B., of said town, to appraise the damages done by [give the number and descriiition of beasts, as near as mag 5e,] dis- trained by him doing damage on his lands, and having been to the place, and viewed and ascertained the damages, do hereby certify the amount thereof to be doUars and cents, and that the fees for our services are $ . And a dispute having arisen be- tween the said A. B., on the one part, and C. D., on the other part, touching the sufficiency of the fence along the east side of the orchard on the premises of the said A. B., which fence was shown to us by the said parties ; and ha\ing heard their allegations, and examined witnesses in relation thereto, we decide that the said fence is good and sufficient [or, bad and insufficient] Given, If a poriioa only of the diTision fence is to I be disturbed, it should be ptoticularly I nated in the notice. 206 KKW clbrk's assistant. County, ) Town of ,[ We, the iindersigned, two of the Fence Viewers of said town, do hereby certify, that upon tlie application of C. D., made in accord- ance with a notice, of wliich the above is a copy, duly served upon A. B., therein mentioned, more than ten days before this day, we have examined the premises where the division fence named in said notice is situate, and do determine, that the same may, with propriety, bi« removed. Given, 2 Kent's Commentaries, (2d ed.) 433. I 5 Cowen, 67: 8 Id., 406; 4 W«>deU, 30«t C » 2 Johnson, 52. Hill, 438. • 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 195, « 1; Id., 197, H 1-3; « 2 Kent's C^mnientarieB, (3d ed.) 441. 172 KEW clerk's assistant. FORMS. § 489. Gift of Personal Estate, hy Deed. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, &c., in consid- eration of the natural love and affection Avliich I have and bear for my sister, C. B., and also for divers other good causes and considera- tions, me, the said A. B., hereunto mo-sing, have given, granted and confirmed, and by these presents do give, grant and confirm, unto the said C. B., all and singular my goods, chattels^and personal es- tate, of every name and nature, in whose hands, custody, or posses- sion, soever, they be : [or, the following goods and chattels, viz, &c. ; describing tkem:^ To have and to hold all and singular the said goods, chattels, and personal estate aforesaid, [or, goods and chattels,] unto the said C. B., her executors, administrators and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of the said C. B., her executors, admin- istrators and assigns, forever. And I, the said A. B., all and singu- lar the said goods, chattels, and personal estate aforesaid, [or, goods and chattels,] to the said C. B., her executors, administrators and assigns, against me, the said A. B., my executors, and administrators, and all and every other person or persons whatsoever, shall and will warrant, and forever defend. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set^my hand and seal, this day of , A. D. 18 . Sealed, signed and delivered, ) A. B. [l. s.] in presence of | G. H. § 490. The Same, of Heal Estate. This indenture, made, The electors of each town in this State have the power, at their •»nnual town meeting, to determine, by resolution, whether there shall Be chosen one, or three, HighAvay Commissioners: if only one be chosen, he possesses all the powers, and discharges all the duties, of Commissioners, as provided by law. Whenever three Commissioners are chosen, they are to be divided by lot, by the canvassers, into three classes, to be numbered one, two, and three, who hold their offices, respectivelly, for one, two, and tliree years ; and one Com- missioner only "will thereafter be annually elected, who will hold his office for three years, and until a successor be duly elected, or chosen. But in case any Commissioner be elected to fill a vacancy, he will hold the office, only for the unexpired term ; or, if appointed, only untU the ensuing toAvn meeting. Vacancies in the office of Com- missioners are to be supplied until the next succeeding annual town meeting, by an appointment in writing, under the hands of any three Justices of the Peace, or two Justices and the Supervisor of the town. Where there are two vacancies to be filled at any town meet- ing, the canvass(!rs must determine by lot, after the canvass, the terms for wliich they shall respectively hold.' 2. Whenever any town has determined on having three Commis- sioners, but desires to return two, or have but one, it has the power to do so, by a resolution adopted at an annual town meeting; and when such resolution has been adopted, no other Commissioner can be elected or appointed, until the terms of those in office at the time of adopting the resolution, expire or become vacant. Such Com- missioners will be authorized to act until their respective terms be- come vacant or expire, as fully as if the three Commissioners con- tinued in office." « Laws of 1345, chap. 180, ^2: Laws of I » Laws of 1847, chap. 455. 1847, chap. 455. ' ^ " . | HIGHWAYS. SV5 3. Every Commissioner of Highways hereafter to be elected, or Appointed, before entering upon bis duties, and witbin ten days after notice of bis election or appointment, must execute to tbe Supernsor of bis town, a bond, witb two sureties, to be approved by tbe Super- visor, by an endorsement thereupon, and filed with him, in tbe penal sum of one thousand dollars,^ 4. The general powers and duties of Commissioners of Highways are as follows, m: 1 . To give directions for the repairing of the roads and bridges, within their respective towns. ^ 2. To regulate the roads ah-eady laid out, and to alter such of them as they, or a majority of them, deem inconTenient: 3'. To cause such of the roads used as highways, as shall have been laid out, but not sufficiently described, and such as shall have been used for twenty years, but not recorded, to be ascertained, described, and en- tered of record, in the Town Clerk's office:^ 4. To cause the highways, and the bridges which are or may be erected over streams intersecting highways, to be kept in repair:^ 5. To divide their respective towns into so many road districts as they may judge convenient, by writing, under their hands, to be lodged with the Town Clerk, and by him to be entered in the town book; such divi- sion to be made annually, if they think it necessary, and in all cases to be made at leait ten days before the annual town meeting: 6. To assign to each of the said road districts such of the inhabitant* liable to work on highways as they think proper, having regard to prox- imity of residence as much as may be:^ 7. To require the Overseers of Highways, from time to time, and as often as they deem necessary, to warn all persons assessed to work on highways, to come and work thereon, with such implements, carriageB, cattle, or sleds, as the said Commissioners, or any one of them, may direct : 8. To lay out, on actual survey, such new roads in their respective towns as they may deem necessary and proper; and to discontinue such old roads and highways, as shall appear to them, on the oaths of twelve freeholders, of the same town, to have become unnecessary. (They cannot, however, lay out a road, without the consent of the owner,throug'h any orchard of the growth of four years, or more; nor over a garden cultivated four years; nor through any buildings, or any fixtures or erections for the purpose of trade or manafaetures, or any yards or en- closures necessary for their use: nor through any enclosed, improved, or cultivated lands, without the consent of the owner, or on the oath of twelve freeholders:)* !•. To render to the board of town auditors, at their annual meeting, an account in writing, stating the labor assessed and performed in their > Laws of 1S45, chap. ISO, § 3. " 1 11. S. (3(1. e.l.) 016, § 1 ; 9 Johnson, 349: 17 III., 452 ; 2 Hill, 467 ; G Id., 4G3. » 2 Johnson, 421; 21 Wpmlcll, 491. _ « 17 Johnson, 451 ; 7 WemlcU, 474 ; 211111, ei9. 11.1 6 4 Hill, 593. » 1 R. S. (3(1. ed.) 628, $69, et seq.; 4 Paige, 5'i3; 6 1(1,83; 4 Cowcn, 190; 5 Wendell. 3'^0; 6 1(1,401: 7 Id., 204 ; 13 Id., 310: S Id., 324, 300; 2 Hill, 443 ; 3 Id., 45a 276 NEW clerk's assistant. respectW"! towns; the sums received by them for fines and commutations, and all other monies received under Title 1 of Chapter 16 of Part I. o! the Revised Statutes; the improvements which have been made on the roads and bridges, and an account of the state thereof; and a statement of the improvements necessary to bo made:' 10. To deliver to the Supervisor of their respective towns a statement of the improvements necessary to be made on the roads and bridges, togeth<}r with the probable expense thereof, which is to bo laid by him before the board, at their next meeting:' 11. To administer oaths to witnesses or jurors, in proceedings had by or before them.^ 12. To cause mile boards, or stones, to be erected, where not already erected, on the post roads, and on such other public roads as they may think proper, at the distance of one mile from each other, and with such fair and legible inscriptions as they may direct:* 13. To cause guide posts, with proper inscriptions and devices, to be erected at the entcrsections of all the post roads in their town, and at the intersections of such other roads therein as they may deem neees- iiary.' 5. The Overseers of Highways are required to repair, and keep in order, the highAvays within their respective districts ; to warn all per- sons assessed to work thereori; to cause the noxious weeds on each side of the highway to be cut doAvn or destroyed, out of the high- way work, twice in each year — once before the first day of July, and again before the first day of September ; and to collect all fines and commutation money, and to execute idl lawful orders of tlie Commissioners. It is also the duty of Overseers to make another assessment, in addition to tliat made by the Commissioners, on the actual residents in Uieir respective districts, whenever they may deem the san'e necessary, in order to keep the roads in repair; such assessnit^nt must be in the same proportion, as near iis may be, and not excet^ding one-third of the number of days assessed by the Com- missioners. It is the further duty of every Overseer, once in each month, from the first day of April until the first day of December, to cause all the loose stones lying on the beaten track of every road with- in his district, to be removed ; to keep up and renew the monuments erected as the boundaries of higliways ; to m»intain and keep in re- pair, at the expense of the town, such guide posts as may have been erected by the Commissioners; and whenever the moneys received from commutations and tines are not suflScient to defray the expense of procuring scrapers and plows, or either of them, when directed by the (^(jmmissioners, to assess the deficiency upon the inhabitants of the district, according to the last assessment roll of the town. Vacancies in the office of Overseer arc to be fiUed by the Commis- 1 IR. S. (3ded.)617. »3. I « 1 R. S. (3d ed.) 617, S 6. 1 R. S. (3d ed.) 617, § 4 ; 1 nill. Sa » 1 R. S. (Sd ed.) CIS, • lAW8 of IMS, chap. 180, S 2. . HIGHWAYS. m sioners, under a warrant to be filed in the office of the Town Clerk, who is required to give notice to the person appointed. If an Over- seer neglects or refuses to perform his duty, the Commissioners are required to prosecute him for the same : if a complaint be made by a person resident in the town, such person must give, or offer, suffi- cient securit}' to indemnify the Commissioners against costs, Avho are thereupon forthwith to prosecute the Overseer for the oftcnce com- plained of 6. Every person owning, or occupying land, in the town in which he or she resides ; every male inhabitant above the age of twenty-one years, residing in the town where an assessment is made ; and all moneyed or stock coi-porations which appear on the last assessment roll of their town to have been assessed therein; are to be assessed to work on public highways in such town : the lands of non-residents are also to be assessed for highway labor.'' 7. Each Overseer of Highways is required to deliver to the Clerk of the town, within sixteen days after his election or appointment, a list, subscribed by him, of the names of all inhabitants in his road district, liable to work on highways.' 8. The Commissioners of Highways are to meet within eighteen days after their election, at the place of holding the town meeting, on such day as they may agree on, and afterwards, at such other times and pfaces as they may think proper. The lists of the Overseers arc to be delivered to them by the Town Clerk; and at their next, or some subsequent meeting, they are to ascertain, estimate and assess, the highway labor to be performed in their town the then ensuing year, as follows: The whole number of days' work to be assessed in each year must be at least three times the taxable number of inhabitants in the town; every male inhabitant, being above the age of twenty-one years, (excepting ministers of the IR. S. (3d.ed.)625, S47,eisea. 1 lihnson 515 ; 3 Id., 474; 5 Id., 126; 10 Id., 470. tso KKW CUEKK'S assistant. roads or bridges in such town, and prescribe the lime for the pay- ment of the same, which time shall be within ten years, and fc* assessino- the principal and interest tliereof on such town.' 15. Whenever any damages are allowed to be assessed by law, when any road or liighway shall be laid out, altered, or discontinued, in whole or in part, such damages shall be assessed by not less than three Commissioners, to be appointed by the County Court of the county in which such road or highway shall be, on the application of llie Commissioner or Commissioners of the town ; and the Commis- sioners so appointed shall take the oath of office prescribed by the constitution, and shall proceed, on receiving at least six days' notice of the time and place, to meet the Highway Commissionei-s, and take a view of thepremises, and hear the parties, and such witnesses as may be offered before them ; and they shall all meet and act, and shall assess all damages which may be required to be assessed on the samf" highway, and shall be authorized to administer oaths to all witnesses produced before them. When all the Commissioners shall have met and acted, the assessment agreed to by a majority of them will be valid ; and when made, it is to be delivered to a Commissioner of Highways of the town, who is recjuired to file it within ten days after receiving it, in the office of the Town Clerk. Any person conceiving himself ao-orieved, or the Commissioner or Commissioners of Hioh- ways of tlie town, feeling dissatisfied by reason of any such assess- ment, may, within twenty days after the fifing thereof, as aforesaid, signify the same by notice in writing, and serving the same on the Town Clerk and on the opposite party, that is, the persons for whom the assessments were made, or the Commissioner or Commissioners of Highways, as the case may be, asking for a jury to re-assess the damages, and specifying a time, not less than ten, nor more than twenty days from the time of fifing the said assessment, when the jury will be drawn at the Clerk's office of an adjoining town of the same county, by the Town Clerk thereof The notice must be served upon the opposite party, as aforesaid, within three days after the service upon the Town Clerk, and may be served personally, or by leaving the same at the dwelfing house of the party, with some person in charge thereof, or, if there be no such person, or the house be closed, then by affixing the same to the outer door of the said dwelling house.^ 16. Three days' previous notice that a jury is to.be drawn, must be served by the person or party asking a re-assessment, on the Town Clerk of the adjoining town ; and at the time and place specified in such notice, said Clerk will deposit in a box the names of all persons then resident of the town, whose names are on the last jury Ust, and > 1 R. S. (3d. ed.) 617, §.4; Laws of 1832, ehap. 274 ; Laws o( 1838, chap. 314 ; 1 Hill, 60 i Laws of 1649, chap. lU « Laws of 1845, ehap. 180; Lawaori847. chap. 4&S. mOHWJLTB. 281 who are not interested in the lands through which such road shall be located, nor of kin to either or any of the parties, and draw there- from the names of twelve jurors. The Clerk is required to make a certificate of the drawing, setting forth the names, and the purposes for which they are drawn, which is to be delivered to the party ask- ing for the re-assessment.* 17. The party receiving the certificate as aforesaid, must deliver the same, within twenty-four hours thereafter, to a Justice of the Peace of the town wherein the damages are to be assessed, by Avhom a summons is to be forthwith issued to one of the constables of the town, directing him to summon the persons named in the certificate of the Town Clerk, and specifying a time and place for them to meet, which must not be within twenty days from the time of filing the original assessment in the ofiice of the Town Clerk. On the appear- ance of the persons summoned, the Justice who issued the summons will draw by lot six of those attending, to serve as a jury, and the first six drawn, who are free from legal exceptions, shall constitute such jury. The jurors are to be sworn, well and truly to determine and re-assess such damages as shall be submitted to their consideration ; they are to take a ^iew of the premises, hear the parties, and such witnesses as may be produced, who are to be sworn by the Justice, and render their verdict in writing under their hands. Such verdict will be certified by the Justice, and deHvered to the Commissioners of Highways of the town ; and the same will be final." 18. In all cases of assessments under the foregoing provisions, the costs thereof will be paid by the town in Avhich the damages shall be assessed ; and in cases of re-assessments by a jury, on the application of the Commissioners of Highways, if the first assessment be reduced, the costs of such first assessment Avill be paid by the party claiming the damages, but if not reduced, then by the town. "Where a re- assessment is had on the application of a party claiming damages, if the damages be increased, the costs shall be paid by the town, but if not, they shall be paid by such party. Where several persons be- come liable for costs, they are so liable in proportion to the amount of damages respectively assessed to them by the first assessment* 19. When apphcations are made by tAvo or more persons for a jury to re-assess damages, such jury Avill be drawn and summoned in ac- cordance with the notice first served upon the Clerk of the town in which the damages are to be assessed.'* 20. Any person conceiving himself aggrieved by any determina- tion of the Commissioner of Highways, either in laying out, altering or discontinuing any road, or in refusing to lay out, alter or discon- > Laws of 1847, chap. 455. I * L«w« of] 847, chap. 455. • Laws of 1847, chap. 455. | « Laws of 1347, chap. 4*6. 282 NEW clerk's assistajit. tinue, any road, may, at any time within sixty days after such determi- nation shall have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk, appeal to the County Judge of the county. Such Judge, or, if he be a resident of the toAvn, or be interested in the lands through which the road is laid out, or of kin to any of the persons interested in such lands, or in case of his disability for any cause, then one of the JustJ- ces of the Sessions shall, after the expiration of the said sixty days, appoint in writing three disinterested freeholders, who shall not have been named by the parties interested in the appeal, and who shah be residents of the county, but not of the town, in which the road is located, as referees to hear and determine all the appeals that may have been brought within the said sixty days. The Judge, or Jus- tice, must, also, notify the referees of their appointment, and deMver to them all papers pertaining to the matters referred to them.' 21. Upon receiving notice of their appointment, the referees are authorized to hear and determine the appeal or appeals referred to them ; but before proceeding to hear the same, they must be sworn by some officer authorized to take affidavits to be read in courts of record, faithfully to hear and determine the matters so referred to them. The decision of such referees must be filed in the office of the Town Clerk in which the road is located, and be carried into effect by the Commissioners of Highways. Such decision cannot be altered within four years from the time of filing the same. The fees of the referees are to be paid by the party appeaUng, where the decision of the Commissioners is confirmed; otherwise, by the county.2 22. In all cases of assessments of damages for laying out, or alter- ing a private road, the Commissioners of Highways of the town where the same is situated, must serve a notice on the Town Clerk, and on the person, or persons, interested in the road, specifying a time when a jury of the town will be sumnoned to assess the dam- ages for laying out or altering such road. The time must not be less than six, nor more than ten days, from the time of service of the notice. At the time mentioned in the notice, the Town Clerk will draw twelve jurors from the last jury list, in the same manner as on appHcations for re-assessments ; and the drawing will be cer- tified to a Justice of the Peace, the jurors summoned, and their proceedings be conducted as on the aforesaid applications for re- assessments. The same jury will assess all damages required to be assessed for the same road. All damages assessed for laying out, or altering any private road, together with the costs of the assessment, are to be paid by the party applying for the road.' 2.'l. All damages finally assessed, or agreed upon, by the Com- » J IWB Of 1845, chap. 180 ; Laws of 1847, I > I.awa of 1847, chap. 455. Laws of 1S47, r.hap. 455. «4 Hill, 410; 61.1., 47; Amended Consti- tution of New Voile, Art. I. % 7. » I U. S (3d ed.) Ml, S 154 : 22 Wendell, 134. < 4 Hill, 136 ; 5 Id., 215 ; 1 Denio, 610. 6 4 Harbour's S. C. Kep., 51. 8 Laws of 1841, chap. 225. 1 3 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 459i 284 KEW clerk's assistant. 18 , has deceased, [or, has removed from sfud town; or, as the case may bei\ by reason whereof a vacancy exists in the office of such commissioner: Now, therefore, we, the undersigned, three Justices of the Peace of the said town, [or, the Supervisor and two Justices of the Peace of the said town,] do hereby appoint R F., to serve as such Com- missioner, in the stead of the said E. F., until the next annual town meeting, to be held in said town, on the day of next Given under our hands, this day of ,18 ami Justices of j' 1^' (" the Peace. § 492. Commissioner's Bond. Know all men by these presents : That we, E. F., L. M., and S. T., of tin: tosvn of , in the county of , are held and firmly bound unto A. B., Supervisor of said town of ' , in the penal sun* of one thousand dollars, to be paid to the said A. B., or his successor in office ; lo which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and our, and each of our heu'S, executors, and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated the day of , A. D. 18 . Whereas, the above bounden E. F. has been duly elected, [or, appointed,] a Commissioner of Highways in and for the said town of , to serve for the term of three years from the day of , 18 , [or, if appointed to Jill a vacancy, say: to serve until the day of , 18 ,] and until a suc- cessor shall be duly elected or chosen : Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the said E. F. shall faithfully dis- charge his duties as such Commissioner, and witlun ten days after the expiration of liis term of office, pay over to his successor what money may be remjuning in his hands as such Commissioner, and render to such successor a true account of all moneys received and paid out by him as such Commissioner, then the above obligation to be void ; else to remain in force. Sealed, signed, and delivered, ) E. F. [l. s.] in presence of >• L. M. l. s.J G. H. ) S. T. [l. s.] I approve of the sureties named in the above bond. Dated at , the day of , 18 . A. B., Supervisor of the town of HIGHTVATS. 285 § 493. Order for Ascertaining a Road Imperfectly Deccribed, or not Recorded. County, ) Town of S \^Tiereas, a road leading from to , in said town of , now used as a highway, was laid out by the Commis- sionei-s of the said town, on the day of , 18 , but not sufficiently described of record, \or, has been used for twenty years for such highway, but has never been recorded :] Now, there- fore, I, the undersigned, the Commissioner of Highways of said town, [or, we, &c., the Commissioners, &c. ; or, two of the Commissioners, (fee, all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order,] do order that said road be ascertained, described, and entered of record, in the Clerk's office of said town, according to a survey wliich has been made under my \or, our] direction, as follows: [mseri the surveyJ\ [If only one line is surveyed, add: And I do further order, that the line of said sun'ey be the centre [or, west line] of said road, and that the said road be of the width of rods.] Given under my hand, [or, our hands,] this day of , A.D. 18 . E. R, Commissioner. § 494. Annual Account for the Town Auditors. To the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of , in the County of : The annual account of the Commissioner of Highways of the said town of , for the year ending the day of , 18 , showeth as follows, viz. : 1. The labor assessed in said town, during the year ending on the day of , 1 8, , is days, and the amount of said labor actually performed is days; as appears by the returns made to me by the several Overseers of Highways in said town. 2. I have received for fines and commutations, under the statutes relative to highways, the sum of dollars, as follows, viz: Date. From whom received. On what accomiL Amount teceived. 13 . J»ly 6, Oct. 9, John Jonea, James Jackson. Balance of ra«n«7 recciredby hta aa Overseer, Fine for obsiructing highway, •7.86 «r),uo ^86 NEW clerk's assistant. 3. The improvements which have been made on the roads and bridges in said town of- , during the said year, are [state the improvements /"l and the condition and situation of the roads and bridges in said town is, ikc, [state the situation.^ 4. The following improvements, in my opinion, are necessary im- provements to be made on the roads and bridges in said town, to wit : [state the improvements deemed necessary ;^ and the expense of ma- king such improvements, beyond what the labor to be assessed this year will accomplish, is estimated by me at $ Given, &c., [as in § 493.] § 495. Statement and Estimate for the Supervisor. To the Supervisor of the town of , in the County of : The Commissioner of Highways of said town reports, that the following improvements, \iz : [follow the 3c? and 4th clauses of the Report to the Totvn Auditors, as near as may be.^ Given, &c., [as in § 493.] § 496. Notice of Application for Additional Sum. PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, to the electors of the town of , in the county of , that I, the undersigned, the Commissioner of Highways of said town, am of opinion that the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, as now allowed by law, will be insufficient to pay the expenses actually necessary for the improvement of roads and bridges in said town ; and that the additional sum of $ is neces- sary to make a bridge across the , near the house of , in said town, [or, to repair the bridge, This notice is to be posted on the outer j time appointed for performing the labor; floor of tilt building where the last town meet- provided, however, that no agent of the own- ing was lield, at least twenty days before the | ers can be fouad in the town. B92 NEW clerk's assistant. for road district number , in said town, has neglected and refused to warn T. W. to work on the Inghways in said district, after having been required by you so to do; [or, has neglected to collect the sum of one dollar, imposed as a fine upon R. F., for neglect to appear and work upon the highways in said district:] and 1, the said A. B., hereby require you to prosecute the said O. P., for the said offence. Dated the day of , 18 . A. B. § 511. Security to be Given hy the Complainant. Know all men by these presents : That we, A. B. and C. D., of the town of , in the county of , are held and firmly bound, unto E. R, the Commissioner of Highways of the town of , in the county of , in the sum of $ , for the payment of wliich sum we bind ourselves and our legal ri^pre- sentatives, joiiitly and severally. ■ Sealed with our seals. Dated, kc. The condition of this obligation is such, that if A. B. does wt-ll and truly indemnify, and save harmless, the said Commissioner, against the costs which may be incurred in prosecuting O. P., the Overseer of Highways in road district number , in said town, for the penalty incurred by him, for the refusal or neglect set forth in the complaint (tf A. B., this day made to the said Commissioner, then tJiis obligation to be void; otherwise, in force. A. B. CD. [.^•] § 512. Assessment of Persons left out of the List. Town of , ss: The persons hereinafter named having been left out of the within [or, annexed] Ust for road district number , in said town, [or, havino- become inhabitants of said district since the makinw of the said list:] I do hereby assess the said persons to work on iLe high- ways in said district, as follows, to wit: ' Names. No. of Days. John Denn, • • • • i • i • • 4 Richard Fenn, • • i i • • t i 8 'Given, &c., [as in § 506.] HIGHWAYS. 293 8 518. Appeal to Commissioner from Assessment of Overseer. Tt> E. F., Commissioner of Highways of tlie Town of , in the County of : The undersigned having* been assessed by the Overseer of road district number , in said town, days' labor on the high- ways, on the ground that he is a new inhabitant of said district, [or, that his name had been omitted by the Commissioner in said town;] and considering- himself aggrieved by said assessment, doth hereby appeal to 3'ou from tlie same. Dated the day of ,18 . A. B. § 514. Complaint against a Person Refusing to Work. County, ) Town of .P^- I, 0. P., Overseer of Highways for road district number , in siiid town, hereby make complaint on oath to G. H., a Justice of the Peace of said town, that I ga\'e Richard Roe, who resides ia said district, and is assessed to work on highways therein, twenty- four hours' previous notice, to appear willi a shovel, on the day of instant, at 8 o'clock, A. M., at tlie dwelling house of E. F., for the purpose of working on the highways in said district, under my dheclion as such Overseer; and that the said Richard Roe neg- lected to appear, either in person, or by an able bodied man as a substitute, or pay the commutation money for said work, [or, ap- peared, pursuant to notice, but woiked only hours, and then departed; or, appeared, pursuant to notice, but remained idle; or, did not work faithfully; or, hindered others from working;] nor lias he rendered any satisfactory excuse for such neglect, [or, conduct] Sworn to before me, this ) 0. P., Overseer, day of ,18 ,) G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 515. Complaint against a Person for not Furnishing a Team. Town of County, ) I, O. P., Overseer of Highways for road district number ^ , in said town, hereby make com{)l;unt to G. H., a Justice of the Peace of said town, that 1 gare to Joiin Jones, who resides in said district, and is assessed to work days on the highways tlierein, and has a cart, [or, wagon ; or, plow ;] -vvith a pjiir of horses, [or, oxen,] and a man to manage them, and who has not commuted for lii* said 294 NEW clerk's assistant. assessment, twenty-four liours' preAious notice, to furnish, on the day of ,18 , at 8 o'clock, A. M., at the house of E. F., in said district, a wagon with horses, [or, a cart with a yoke of oxen,] and a man to manage them, for the purpose of working one day on the road in said district, xmder my direction as such Overseer; and the said Richard Roe has neglected to furnish said wagon and horses [o); cart and oxen,] and a man to manage them, or to pay the commutation money for said work ; nor has he rendered any satisfactory excuse therefor. Sworn, &c., [as in § 514.] § 516. Summons for Refusing to WorTc} Town of ) . County, j To any Constable of said town, greeting : Whereas, complaint on oath has been made before me, G. H., a Justice of the Peace of said town, by 0. P„ Overseer of Highways in road district number , in said town, that Richard Roe, who is assessed for highway labor in said district, and has been duly noti- fied to perform such work, has neglected to appear in pursuance of such notice, either in person, or by an able bodied substitute, and perform such labor, [or, as in § 514:] You are therefore hereby commanded, in the name of the people of the State of New York, to summon the said Richard Roe forthwith to appear before me, at my office in said toAvn, to show cause why he should not be fined according to law, for such refusal or neglect, as in said complaint al- leged. Given under my hand, at , this day of , 18 . G. H., Justice of the Peace. 8 517. Conviction Endorsed on the Complaint. Town of , ) g. County, j The within named Richard Roe, having been duly summoned to appear before me, G. H., the Justice within named, to show cause why a fine should not be imposed upon him for the ofi'ence set forth in the within complaint, and no sufficient cause having been shown by the said Richard Roe to the contrary, I do impose a fine of dollars, [or, as the case ynay he,'] upon the said Richard Roe, for the said oftence, together with dollars and cents for the costs of this proceeding against liim. Given, &c., [as in § 516.] 1 This summons is to be served personally, or by leaving a copy at the place of abo^ of die person nameU therein. HIGHWAYS. 295 Town of § 518. Warrant to Colled a Fine} County, J To any Constable of said town, greeting : Whereas, complaint was made to me, G. H., a Justice of the Peace of said town, by 0. P., Overseer of Highways for road district number , in said town, that Richard Eoe, who was assessed, - tioned in the within [or, annexed] application. Dated, &c., [as in § 523.J C. D. G. H. § 525. Application to Lay Out a New Road} To E. F., Commissioner of Highways of the Town of , in thu County of : The undersigned persons, Hable to be assessed for highway labor in said town, do hereby make appUcation to you to lay out a new road, of the width of rods, through lands not enclosed, im- proved, or cultivated; except that a part of said proposed road passes over the lands of R. L., who has consented to the laying out of said road, and executed a written consent, hereunto annexed, [or, has signified his consent by signing this petition ;] which said road shall be described as follows, (kc, [ give description^ Dated, &c., [as in § 623.1 L. M. R.a § 526. Order of Commissioner Altering a Highway? County,) Town of ,r^- It is hereby ordered and determined by E. F., the Commissioner ©f Highways of said town, [or, the Commissioner, The notice is to be posted up at three of the most public places in the town, at least six (lays before the lime specified for the meeting of the freehoMers. » The freeholdei^ are to be sworn by a Jna- tice of the Peace, or any officer authorized tft administer oaths, " well and truly to examin* and certify in r«2ard to the necessity and propriety of the highway applied for." 300 NEW clbrk's assistant. way hereinafter described is proposed to be laid, nor of kin to the owner thereof, having met on the day of the date hereof, at the house of R. P., in said town, do hereby certify, that after having been duly sworn, we personally examined the route of the said pro- posed highway, and heard the reasons offered for and against th« laying out of the same ; and that, in our opinion, it is necessary and proper to lay out such highway, pursuant to the application of L. M., commencing, «kc., [insert the description;^ which said highway will pass through the improved [or, enclosed; or, cultivated] lands of CD. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, this day of , 18 . G. H. &c., &C. § 530. Notice to Occupant, on Application to Lay (hi a Highway.^ ToMr. C. D.: Take notice, that I, the undersigned Commissioner of Highways of the to-svn of , in the county of , will attend at the house of R P., in said town, on the day of , 18 , at o'clock in the noon, to decide on an application made by L. M. to me, to lay out a highway, commencina^ &c. [give description :'\ which highway wiU pass through yoxa enclosed [or, improved; or, cultivated] lands; and twelve free- holders have certified that it is proper and necessary to lay out said highway. Dated the day of , 18 . Yours, The Coinmisnioner and party intereated I agreement. When cxecuied, it ia t« b« AMI ««nnoi oxctiBd uite huntlr»a Uollara ii> this in the office of the Town C'letk 802 KE-w clerk's assistant. the County Court thereof, in conformity to tflc statute, for the ap- poitment of Commissioners to assess the damages for laying out [or, altering; or, discontinuing] the highway in said town commenchig at the house of L. M. and terminating on the left bank of the river ; the said highway having been so laid out [or, altered ; or, dis- continued] by an order made by the undersigned, on the day of , 18 . Dated the day of ,18 E. F., Commissioner of Highways ia and for the Town of § 534. Appointment of Commissioners. At a County Coiu-t held in and for the County of , at the Court House in said county, on the day of , A. D. 18 . Present, J. P. H., County Judge: Oil reading and filing the application of E. F., Commissioner of Highways in and for the town of , in the said coimty of , it is hereby ordered, in accordance with the terms of the said appli- cation, tliat G. H., S. T., and L. M., be appointed Commissioners to assess the damages for laying out [or, altering; or, discontinuing] the highway [describe the highway as in the application^ mentioned in the said application. E. B. C, Clerk § 535. Notice to the Commissioners of their Appointment To G. H., S. T., and L. M. : You are hereby notified that you have been duly appointed by the County Court of the County of , Commissioners to assess the damages for laying out [or, altering; or, discontinuing] the highway [describe the highway as in the ap)2)lication;'\ and that you are required to meet the undersigned at the house of 0. P., in the Town of , in said count3% on the day of next, [or, instant,] at o'clock in the noon, to take a view of the said premises, and to hear and determine the matter afore- said Dated, &c., [cw «i § 533.] § 536. Oath of Commissioners. I do solemnly swear [or, aflirm] that I will support the Constitur tion of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New HXGHTTATS. 303 York ; and that I vnH faithfully discharge the duties of Commissioner to assess the dajnages for laying out [o?; altering ; or, discontinuing] the highAvay in tlie town of , in the county of , com- mencing at, &c., [describe the highway as in the application,^ accor- ding to the best of my ability. § 537. Oath to be Administered by the Commissioners to Wit- nesses. The evidence you shall give touchmg the assessment of damages hx the lapng out \or, altering ; or, discontinuing] the highway in question, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth- So help you God. § 538. Assessment of the Commissioners. County, ss: We, the undersigned Commissioners, \or. We, the undersigned, being a majority of three Commissioners, all having met together and acted,] appointed by the County Court of County, to assess the damages for laying out [or, altering; or, discontinuing] the highway, [describe the highway, as in the application,^ which said highway has been so laid out [or, altered ; or, discontinued] by an order of E. F., Commissioner of Highways of the town of , in said county, dated the day of , 18 , having taken tlie oath prescribed by the Constitution, viewed the premises, and heard the parties, and such witnesses as were offered, do assess the damages for laying out [or, altering; or, discontinuing] the said higb- way, as follows : To A. B. the sum of dollars, as and for the damages sustained by him, by reason of the laying out [or, as afore- said] the said highway ; to (J. D. the sum of, &c., &c., [specify aM tJie parties to whom damages may be awarded.] In witness whereof, we have herexmto set our names, this day of , A. D. 18 . G. H. J S. T. >■ Commissioners. L. M. ) § 639. JVotice of He-Assessment. Sir: Take notice, that I consider myself aggrieved by [or, if the notice is given by a Commissioner of Highways, say: Take notice, »hat I am dissatisfied with] an assessment of damages made on the day of ,18 , by G. H., S. T., and L. M., Com- 304 NRW clerk's assistant. missioners for thnt purpose appointed by the County Court of County, for laying out [or, altering; or, discontinuing] tlie liighwar [describe the highway as in the aHsessment,^^ which said Jissessnicnl is now on tile in your oifice; and that a jury will be drawn by R. P., Town Clerk of the town of , [the adjoining town,'\ at his office in the Sfiid town of , on the day of next, [oi, nistant,] at o'clock in the noon, to re-assess the said damages. Dated the day of ,18 A. B, [or, E. R, Commissioner of Highway* in and for the Town of .] To C. D., Town Clerk of the Town of [or, To Mr. M. B. — the party claiming damages.'^ § 540. Notice to the Town Clerk of an Adjoining Town to drau a Jury. Sir : You are hereby required, in accordance with the statute m •uch case made and provided, to draw a juiy of twelve jurors, on the day of next, [or, instant,] at o'clock in the noon of that day, to re-assess the damages for laying out [or, as the cas$ may be~\ the highway, [describe the highway as in (he assessment;^ tlie same having been assessed by G. IL, S. T., and L. M., Commis- Moners fur that purpose appointed by the County Court of County, but I conceiving myself aggrieved by [or, 1 being dissatisfied "with] the said assessment. Dated, 'iewed the premises, and heard the parties, and such witnesses as were offered before us, do hereby re-assess the damages aforesaid, as follows : To A. B., the sum of dollars, for the damages sustained by him by reason •if the laying out [or, as the case may be'\ the said highway; to 0. D., the sum of, (kc., [specify all the parties to whom damages may he awarded.^ In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, this day of , 18 , E. B., M. T., 0. R, &C. (fee., J ■ Jurors. § 546. Certificaie of the Justice, County, ) Town of j-ss. ^ I, G. H., one of the Justices of the Peace of said town, do certify, that the above is the verdict of the jury summoned by my summons, and drawn and sworn by me to determine and re-assess the damages for the laying out [or, as the case may be"] the highway mentioned in the said verdict Given, &c., [as in § 542.] § 547. Application to Discontinue an Old Road} To E. F., the Commissioner of highways of the town of , in the County of : I, the undersigned, A. B., a resident of sdd town, liable to be as- sessed for highway labor therein, hereby make application to you, the said Commissioner, to discontinue the old road in said town, com- meacing near my dwelling house, [give descripttion of the part sought to be discontimied,'] on the ground that the said road hjis become useless and unnecessary. Dated, A:c. A. B. § 548. Oath to Freeholders on Application to Discontinm. You, and each of you, do solemnly swear, that you will well ana truly examine and certify, in regard to the propriety of discontinu- ing the road, for which application has been made by A. B. > The Commissioner receiving the application, is required to Bummon twelve ilisin i«ir«sted freeholders, to examine the preimses and consider such application. HIGHWATS. SOT § 549. Certificate to Discontinue. County, ^ gg^ Town of , ) * We, the undersigned, disinterested freeholders of said town of , hanng met at the house of R. P., in said town, on this day of ,18 , in pursuance of the summons of E. R, the Commissioner of Highways of the said town, in order to examine and certify in regard to the propriety of discontinuing the road described in the annexed application of A. B., do certify, that we have personally examined the said road, and that in our opinion the same is useless and imnecessary, and ought to be discontinued. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, thU day of , 18 . G. H., &c., dec § 550. Order for Discontinuing a Road} County, \ Town of , j' Upon the application of A. B., of said town, for the discontinu- ance of the road hereinafter described; and on the certificate of twelve disinterested freeholders, duly summoned and sworn, who have in due form certified that said road is useless and unnecessaiy ;. it is hereby ordered by E. F., the Commissioner of highways of said to^vn of , [or, the Commissioners, &c. ; or, two of the Commissioners, &c., all of said Commissioners having been duly no- tified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order,] that the said road, of wliich the following is a survey, made by the direction of the said Commissioner, \or, Commissioners,] m : [insert survey,'] be and the same is hereby discontinued, [or, be not discontinued.] In witness, &c., [as in § 526.] § 551. Appeal to the County Judge from the Determination of ike Commissioner, or Commissioners, of Highways. To J. P. H., Esq., County Judge of County: I, A. B., of the town of , in said county, conceiving myself aggrieved by the determination of E, F., Commissioner of llighwaya ol" said town of , made on the day of ,18 , in ' .'VU applications, certificates and i>ripcra, I of the Town Clerk, as soon a.s ihe Fiil.lcct ctHaiivo to iho layiiiu oui, altering or disron- matter of tlie sdiue tM Uetl .«U. li U. S MHuiiig, any road, ;ue lo be riled in the olHce" | oii.) 308 KBW clerk's assistant. iaying out [or, altermg ; or, discontinuing ; or, in refusing to lay out , or, as aforesaid] a highway in said town, upon the application of C. D., do hereby appeal to you from such determination. The said highway [or, alteration of the said highway] is described in the order of the said Commissioner, filed and recorded in the otfice of the Town Clerk of stvid town of , on the day of ,18 , * aa follows: [insert description.^ The grounds upon wliich this appeal is made, cU"e [state the same particularly ;^ and said appeal is brought to reverse entirely the determination of the said Commissioner, [or, to reverse the determination, etc., specif t/ing the part sought to be re- versed^ Dated this day of ,18. A. B. § 552. Appointment of Referees hy the County Judge. County, ss: Whereas, on the day of , A. D., 18 , A B., of the town of , in said county, appealed to me from the order and determination of E. F., Commissioner of Highways of said town, contained in his order, filed, etc., [as in § 551, to the * : if, however, the referees are to hear several appeals, all should he meiit/oiied in tlie appointment:^ Now, therefore, in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided, I do hereby appoint G. H., S. T., and L. M., residents of the said county, but not of the said town of , referees to hear and determine the said appeal, [or ap- peals.] Given under my hand, this day of , 18 . J. P. H., County Judge. § 653. Appointment of Referees hy one of the Justices of the Ses- sions, where the County Judge is Interested, or otherwise Disabled. County, ss: 'Whereas, on the day of , A. D., 18 , A. B., of (the town of , in said county, appealed to the Hon. ,1. P. H., .County Judge of said county, from the order and determination of JE. (F., Commissioner of Highways of said town, contained in Jiis ordei-, filed, &c., [as in § 551, to the *, or follow the direction in ,§ 552 :] and whereas the said County Judge is a resident of the said (town of , [or, is interested m the lauds thiough which tl^ jsaid roftd is laid out; or, is of kin to A. B., one of the persons inte- jested in the lands through Avhich said road is laid out; or, if the Jitdge be di^{ibled for any other cause, state the fact:J Now, there- HIGHWATS. 809 fore, in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided, I, the undersigned, one of the Justices of the Sessions of the said county of , do hereby appoint G. H., S. T., and L. M., residents of the said county, but not of the said town of , re- ferees to hear and determine the said appeal, [or, appeals.] Given under my hand, this day of ,18 E. W. fe.. Justice of the Sessions. § 554. Notice to the Referees of their Appointment. ToG. H., S. T., andKM: Take notice, that you have been duly appointed by me, as referees to hear and determine an appeal made from the order and determi- nation of E. F., Commissioner of Highways of the town of , in the county of , contained in liis order, filed, ckc, \as in § 551 to the *; or, if there are other appeals, sj^ecift/ them also:'\ and that the papers herewith delivered, are all the papers pertaining to the matter [or, matters] referred to you as aforesaid. Dated the day of ,18 J. P. H., County Judge of County ; [or, E. W. B., Justice of the Sessions of County.] § 555. Kotice to he given by the Referees to the Commissioner. To E. F., Commissioner of Highways of the town of , in the County of , Take notice, that we have been duly appointed referees to hear and determine an appeal made to J. P. H., County Judge of the county of , by A. B., of said town of , from your de- termination contained in your order, made on the day of , 18 , and filed and recorded in the office of the Town Clerk of said town, on the day of ,18 , refusing to lay out &c., [as in the appeal;^ and that we shall attend at the house of 0. P., in said town, on the day of instant, [or, next,] at o'clock in the noon of that day, to hear and determine such appeal. G. H., ) Dated the day of ,18 , S. T., [ Referees. L.M., ) § 556. Notice to the Appellant, or Applicant. ToA.B.: Take notice, that we shall atteni 'at the house of 0. P., in this town of , in tJbe county o^ , on th« day of 310 NEW clerk's assist akt. instant, [or, next,] at o'clock in the noon of that day, to hear and determine the appeal made by you [or, made by A. B.l to J. P. H., County Judge of said county, from the order and deter- mination of E. F., Commissioner of Highways of the said town of , contained in his order made on the day of , 1 8 , and filed and recorded in the office of the Town Clerk of said t<3\\Ti, on the day of , 18 , refusing to lay out, «kc., [as in the appeal.^ Dated, &c., [as in § 555.] § 657. Subpoena on an Appeal. County, ss: To M. B., R F., and P. T., greeting: You, and each of you, are hereby commanded, in the name of the people of the State of New York, to appear before us, at the house of 0. P., in the town of , in said county, on the day of instant^ [or, next,] at o'clock in the noon of tliat day, to testify in the matter of an appeal made by A. B., from a determination of E. F., Commissioner of Highways of the said town of , on the part of the said A. B., appellant, [or the said E. F., Commissioner.] Given \inder our hands, this day of ,18 G. H., ) S. T., \ Referees. L.M.,S § 558. Oath of the Referees. You, and each of you, do solemnly swear, that you will faithfully hear and determine the appeal [or, appeals] referred to you. § 559. Oath to he Administered to a Witness by the Referees. The evidence you shall give upon this hearing of the appeal of A B., shall be the truth, the whole truth, and notliing but the trutL So help you God. § 560. Decision of the Referees upon an Order in relation to Alter- ing or Discontinuing a Road. County, ss: Whereas, on the day of , A. D., 18 , A R, (rf the town of , in said county, appealed to the Hon. J. P. H., HIGHWAYS. 311 Oounty Judge of said county, from the order and determination of E. F., Commissioner of HighAvays of said town, contained in his ois der, filed, (tc, [as in § 551, to the *, and then add:] copies of which Kiid appeal and order are hereto annexed; and whereas we, the undersigned, having been duh^ appointed by the said County Judge, [or, by E. W. B., Esq., one of the Justices of the Sessions of the said c.iuiitv, the said County Judge being disabled from actmg in the premises,] referees to hear and determine the said appeal, attended at tJie house of 0. P., in the said town of , on this day «»f ,18 , at o'clock in the noon, in pursuance of notice duly given to the said Commissioner, and to the said A. B., tl:ie apjilicant above named, according to the statute in such case made }u id provided, to hear the proofs and allegations of the parties: And whereas, such hearing having been had in the premises, Ave do here- by adjudge, decide, and determine, that the order and determination «if the said Commissioner* be, and the same is in all things affirmed; [or, reversed ; or, reversed in part, as follows, to wit : set fgrth the dedsioi in full.] Given, l in tbe precept for the meeting of th* (jreeholden miui mot b« Imi I imi days after iBvuiag the lame. 314 NEW clerk's assistant. on the public higliway in said town, as is specified in the order (A said Commissioner, dated the day of last, [or, instant,] has been made, and by whom ; and having heard the proofs and alle- gations produced and submitted, do certify,* that such encroachment has been made by C. D., the present occupant, [or, R. ¥., the for- mer occupant.] And we hereby certify, that the particulars of such encroachment are as follows, to wit : That said encroachment commences on the north line of said road, at [insert a description,^ and that the rail fence along the land now in the occupation of the said C. D., is upon the pubUc highway, and is an encroachment thereon. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, this day of , 18 « G. H. &,C., &,Q, § 569. Certificate where no Encroachment is found. County, ) Town of , f ^^* We, the subscribers, &c., [as hi § 568 to the *, and then add:"] that no such encroachment has been made on the said highway ; and we have ascertained and do certify the damages of C. D., the occu- pant of the land through [or, by] which the said highway runs, by reason of the said Commissioner's proceedings against him, to be dollars. In witness, (fee, [as in § 568, ] § 570. Warrant to Collect Costs of Proceedings upon an Encroach- ment?- The People of the State of New York to any Constable of the Town of , in the County of : Whereas, E. F.. the Commissioner of Highways of the said town, did, on the day of , 18 , make and subscribe an order or certificate for the removal of a certain fence, as an encroachment upon the liighway running through land in the said town, in the occu- pation of C" D., specifying the breadth of the road, and the extent and place of the encroachment: which said encroachment, having been denied by said occupant, a jury of twelve freeholders was, upon the application of said Commissioner, by a precept issued by me, duly summoned to inquire into the premises ; and the said jury being duly » The warrant is to be issued in ten days after Ihe finding of the jury, proTidad the cost* >re not sooner paid. HIGHWAYS. 315 assembled and sw€hti, after due notice to said occupant, as required by law, and ha\'ing heard the proofs and allegations produced and submitted by the pai-ties respectively, certified in writing, that an en- croachment had been made by C. D., the occupant of said land : And whereas, the costs of said inquiry amount to dollars nnd cents, which remain unpaid : you are, therefore, commanded to levy the said costs of the goods and chattels of the said C. D., and bring the same before me without delay. Witness my hand and seal, the day of ,18, G. H., Justice, [l. s.] § 571. Order of Commissioners of Adjoining Towns for Laying ovi a Highway on the Line between the Towns. County, ss: At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the towns of and , in said county of , held in said town of , on this day of , 18 , for the purpose of lay- ing out a highway upon the line between the said towns : It is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners, that a highway be laid out upon the hne between the said towns, according to a survey thereof, which the smd Commissioners have caused to be made, as follows: \insert survey f\ and that the snid line above described be the centre of the said liighway, and that the said highway be of the width of rods : And it is further ordered, that the said liighway be divided into two road districts, as follows : that part thereof from to , shall be one of the said road districts, and shall be allotted to the town of ; and the residue of the said liighway shall be the other of the said road districts, and shall be allotted \o the town of In witness, whereof, the said Commissioners have hereunto sub- scribed their names, the day of , 18 . E. F., Commissioner of Highways of the Town of , M. P., Commissioner of Highways of the Town of § 572. Application for a Private Road. To E. F., the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of , in the County of I, A. B., the undersigned, a resident of ssud town, and liable to be assessed for highway labor, do hereby make application to you, the said Commissioner, to lay out a private road for my use, commencing 316 NBW clerk's assistant. &c., [insert a description of the road as applied /or,"] and passing tiirough the land of C D., in said town. Dated the day of , 18 . A.B. § 573. Notice to the Occupant on an Application for a Private Boad.^ To C. D., of the Town of , in the Coimty of : Take notice, that I have applied to E. F., Commissioner of High- ways of said town, to lay out a private road for my use through your land [or, through land of which you are the occupant ;] and that twelve disinterested freeholders will meet on the day of instant, [or, next,] at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the house of R. F., in said town, to view the lands through which the road is applied for ; to determine whether the same be necesssary, ac- cording to the statute ; and to assess the damages. Dated, 2 Kent's Commentaries, (2d ed.) 90,91; Laws of 1841, chap. ^7. * 2 R. S. (3(1 ed.) 139, 200, S§ 7-9: Uwg o« 1847, chap. 152. » 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 200, §12. 320 NBW clerk's assistant. and entered in a book to be provided by him, in the alphabetical or- der of the names of both the parties, and in the order of time in which such certificate may be filed. A certificate signed by a min- ister may also be tiled and recorded, in like manner, if tliere be en- dorsed thereon, or annexed thereto, a certificate of any magistrate residing in the same county with such Clerk, setting forth that the minister by whom such certificate is signed, is personally known to such magistrate, or has acknowledged the execution of the certificate in his presence ; or that the execution thereof was proved to such magistrate, by the oath of a person known to him, and who saw the certificate executed. The entry of every such certificate, made by the Clerk, must specify the names and places of residence of the persons married ; the time and place of marriage ; the name and ofli- cial station of the person signing the certificate; and the time of filing of the same.' 8. Every such original certificate, the original entry thereof, made as above directed, and a copy of such certificate, or of such entry, duly certified, will be received in all courts and places, as presump- tive evidence of the fact of the marriage.* 9. It is the duty of Clerks of school districts, or, in case of their incapacity or a vacancy in the office, of the Trustees, or one of them, to ascertain, as far as practicable, and report in writing to the Town Clerk, of their town, or Alderman of their ward, on or before the fifteenth day of January in each year, the number of marriages which have occurred in their respective districts during the yeai preceding the first day of January; the month and day of their oc- currence ; the names, ages, and residences of the parties ; and the; names and residences of the oflScers and clergymen by whom the same were solemnized. The Town Clerks and Aldermen are re- quired, within fifteen days after receiving such reports, to record the same in a book, and transmit a copy thereof, oi an abstract, as the Secretary of State may prescribe, to the County Clerks or City In- spectors of their respective counties or cities. In the city of New York, the reports are to be made direct to the City Inspector, instead of through the Aldermen. County Clerks and City Inspectors are to forward an abstract of the reports, within fifteen days after receiv- ing the same, to the Secretary of State, who is required to make a complete abstract, and transmit it to the Legislature, as soon as practicable.' 1 0. The recording of marriage certificates is discretionary with the parties; the registiy, however, is obligatory upon all persons per- forming the ceremony. I2R. S.(3ded.)200,20l, tn3-15. | • Lawi of 1847, cbAp. IM. > 2 R. S. (3d ed.)2Ul, S 1^. | irogBAND AKD WIFE. 321 11. Marriage is not only a bona fide and valuable consideration, but the very liigliest known in law; and mamage settlements and agreements, entered into before marriage, are greatly favored, and ■mil be enforced even as against creditors.* 12. By the statute law of New York, all contracts made between persons in contemplation of marriage, remain in full force after the marriage takes place." 13. A settlement after marriage, in pursuance of a prior written agreement, is good against creditors ; otherwise, if made in pursuance of a parol agreement.' 14. A wife may contract with her husband after marriage, for a transfer of property from him to her, or to trustees for her, provided it be for a bona fide or valuable consideration. A voluntary separa- tion by husband and wife, and an agreement by deed, executed by them and a trustee, for the payment of an allowance for her separate maintenance, and containing a covenant of indemnity against debts contracted by her, is valid ; although it is well settled by the decisions of our own, and of the English courts, that the rights of the husband cannot be destroyed, nor the disabilities of the wife removed, bv such agreement.* 15. A wife may make a conveyance to her husband, throuoh a tlurd person.* 16. Where a wife leaves her husband without just cause, he is not answerable for her support ; but if .she offer to return, and he refuse to receive her, his liability is revived.* 17. The real and personal property of a mairied woman, in the State of New York, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, are not subject to the disposal of her husband, but are her sole and separate propert}', — e.vcept the same be liable for debts contracted by her husband piior to the seventh day of April, 1848, where the marriage was solemnized previous to that day.' 18. A married woman, in the State of New York, may receive real or pei-sonal property, by gift, grant, devise, or bequest, from any person otlier than her iiusband, and hold the same, and the rents, issues, and prohts thereof, to her sole and separate use, and convey and devise the same, in the same manner, and with the like effect, its if she were unmarried ; the same being neither subject to the dis- posal of her husband, nor liable for his debts.® ' Laws of 184S, chap. 200 ; 2 Rents' Com- mentttries, (2J. eJ.) 162, et seq. ; 1 Johnson's Ch. Rep., 103. 4oO ; 3 Id., 77, 550 : 7 W., 229 ; 17 Johnson, .548 ; 6 Paige, 111, D13. » Laws of 1849, chap. 375. » 3 Johnson's Ch. Rep., 481 ; 3 Paige, 240, 440. ♦ 2 Kent's Cnnimeniaries. (2d. ed.) 16C. et leq., 2 Johnson's Ch. Rep., 537 ; 8 Paige, 67 ; 21 2 Wendell, 422 ; 25 Id, 64 ; 211111,260; 3Id^ 399, anil authorities there cited. 6 2 Barbour's Ch. Rep., 232. • 4 Denio, 46. 1 Laws of 1343, chap. 200; Laws of 1849, chap. 375. • Laws of 1843, chap. 200 ; Laws of 18491 chap 375, 322 KEW clerk's assistant. 1 9. Where deposits are made by a married woman, or by a single female, afterwards becoming a married woman, in her own name, in any sa^angs' bank or institution, in the State of New York, the same may be paid to her, and her receipt or acquittance, will be a sufficient legal discharge to the corporation.' FORMS. § 576. Short Form of Marriage, for Magistrates. The officer performing the ceremony will direct the parties to join hands, and then say : " By this act of joining hands, you do take upon yourselves the relation of husband and wife, and solemnly promise and engage, in the presence of these witnesses, to love and honor, comfort and cherish each other, as such, so long as you both shall live : Therefore, in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, I do hereby pronounce you husband and wife." § 577. Marriage Certificate. County, [gg. Yown of \ I do hereby certify, that on the day of instant, i or, last past,] at the house of R F. \or, church,] in .wid town of , A. B., of, ifec, and E. D., of, *,e § 532. HtrSBAND MSB WIFE. 32> and to hold the same unto the said C. D., to and for the sole and separate use and benefit of the said E., during the term of her natu- ral life. And it is further agreed between the said parties, that in case the said C. D. shall refuse to accept the said trust, then the said shares of stock and money as aforesaid, shall be transferred, assigned and set over, unto such person as shall be nominated in writing by the said party of the second part, as such trustee, in the place and stead of the said C. D., to be held by him to and for the use and benefit of the said E., as aforesjiid; and that the articles of settle- ment to be executed in pursuance hereof, shall conttiin a provision for the appointment of a trustee to fill any vacancy which may trans- {)ire, except as above provided, by the nomination in writing of the said party of the second part In witness, &c., [as in § 581.] § 584. Jointure in Lieu of Dower. This indenture, made and entered into tliis day of, &c., between A. B., of, (fee., of the first part, E. D., of, (fee, of the second part, and C. D., of, (fee, of the third part, Avitnesseth : That the said A. B., in consideration of a marriage about to be had and solemnized between him, the said A. B., and the said E. D., do!rs, for himself, liis heirs and assigns, covenant, grant and jigree, to and with the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, that he, the said A. B., his heirs and as- signs, shall and will, forever hereafter, stand seized of and in a cer- tain tract or parcel of land, ^vith the appurtenances, situate in the town of in the county of , and State of New York, aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, [c/escription:^ to the uses following, that is to say : to the use of the said A. B., for and during the term of his natural hfe, without impeachment of waste, and after his marriage with the said E. D., and after liis de- ccctse, to her use, so long a.s she shall remain his widow and unmar- ried, [or, during her natural life,] without impeachment of waste, for her jointure, and in lieu and satisfaction of her whole dower in his est;Ue ; and after liis decease, and the expiration of her estate, to the use of hi.s heirs and assigns forever. And the said E. D., in consid- eration of the premises, and in consideration of the sum of ene dol- lar, paid to her by the said A. B., does, for herself, her heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant anfl agree with the said A, B., that the lands so assigned to her shall be in full siitisfaction of her (lower in liis estate, and shall bar her from claiming the same, if she shall survive, after said marriage ; and furtlier. if the said mar- riage shall be had, and she shall survive him, that she will not claim any share in his personal estate, unless some part thereof be given U> S28 NEW clerk's assistant. hier by his will, or some act done by him subsequent to the execo* tion of tliese presents. In witness, er, for and during her natural Hfe, payable quarterly, at or upon the first day of January, April, July, and October, in each and every year during her said natural Ufe ; which the said C. D. doth agree to take, m full satisfaction for her support and maintenance, and all afimony whatever. And the said C. D., in consideration of the sum of one dollar, to him duly paid by the said A. B., doth cov- enant and agree, to and with the said party of the first part, to indemnify and bear him harmless, of and from all debts of his said wife, E. B., now contracted, or that may hereafter be contracted by her, or on her account; and if the said party of the first part shid) be compelled to pay any such debt or debts, the said C. D. hereby agrees to repay the same, on demand, to the said party of the firs* part, with all damage and loss that he may sustain thereby. In witness, &c., [as in § 581.] CHAPTER XXIV HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAW. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. In the State of New York, the lot and buildings thereon, occu- pied as a residence and owned by a debtor, being a householder and having a family, to the value of one thousand dollars, will be exempt from sale on execution after the first day of January, 1851, for debts contracted subsequent to the tenth day of AprU, 1850. This exemption is to continue after the death of the householder, for the benefit of the widow and family, — some, or one of them continuing to occupy such homestead, — mitil the youngest becomes of age, and until the death of the widow. No release or waiver of such ex- emption will be valid, unless the same be in writing, subscribed by the householder, and acknowledged in the same manner as convey- ances of real estate are required to be acknowledged. 2. To entitle any property to this exemption, the conveyance thereof must show that it is designed to be held as a homestead, or if already purchased, or if the conveyance does not show the design a notice that the same is designed to be so held, and containing a full description thereof, must be executed and acknowledged by the person owning the property, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the county in which the same is situate. 3. This exemption will not extend to sales for the non-payment of taxes or assessments, or for a debt contracted for the purchase money, or prior to tiie recording of the deed or notice. 4. Where the premises claimed to be exempt as aforesaid, are worth more than one thousand dollars, in the opinion of a Sheriff holding an execution against the houseliolder, it will be the duty of the former to summon six qualified jurors of liis county, who shall upon oath, to be administered by him, appraise tJie said premises. If the jury are of opinion that the property may be divided without in- jury to the inter^^sts of the parties, they must set off so muck 330 NEW clerk's assistant. thereof, including the dwelling house, as, in their opinion, will be worth one thousand dollars, and the residue may be sold by the SheiiflF in the same manner as other real property not so exempt If the jury are of opinion that the property cannot be divided as afore- said, and that the same is worth more than one thousand dollars, they must make and sign an appraisal of the value thereof, and de- liver the same to the feheriff, who will deliver a copy thereof to th© execution debtor, or to some of his family of suitable age to under- stand the nature thereof, with a notice thereto attached, as in the form hereinafter given.^ FORMS. § 586. Clause to he Inserted in a Deed of the Property designed to he Exempt. The premises abore described and hereby conveyed, are designed t Laws of 1850, chap. 260. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAW. 881 the following described property and premises, to wit: [Describe the premises in full, in the same manner as in a deed^ Dated the day of ,18 Yours, &c. A.B. County, ss:^ On this day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, before me personally came A. B., to me known to be the individual who executed the above notice, and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purpose therein mentioned. W. W., Justice ot the Peace in and for said county of § 688. Release or Waiver of the Exemption. In ooHsideration of the sum of one dollar to me in hand paid by C. D., of the town of , m the county of , and state of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby release and waive any and all benefit of the act entitled "An Act to Exempt from Sale on Execution the Homestead of a House- holder having a FamDy," — passed April 10, 1850 — so that any property held by me as exempt under or by virtue thereof may be levied upon and sold on any execution issued against me for any demand owing to the aforesaid C. D. Witness my hand, this day of , 18 . A.R [Add Certificate of Acknowledgm^it, (w m § 587.] § 589. Oath to Jurors. You, and each of you, do solemnly swear, that you wUl well and truly perform the duties of a juror, in regard to the mattej's submitted to your coiisideration, according to the act entitled " An Act to Ex- empt fi-jiii Sale on Execution the Homestead of a Householder having a Famiiy,'" — passed April 10, 1850. I For other forms of ackmowledgment, see Chapter L 332 NEW ci.erk'8 assistant. § 590. Certificate of Jv/rors setting off a Fortiop^ of the Premises. Supreme Coui-t, A. B. ) against > Coxmty, County, ss: C. D. ) We, the undersigned jurors, summoned by the sheriflf of said county, who holds an execution against C. D., the defendant in the above en- t*itled cause, in pursuance of the act entitled "An Act to Exempt from Sale on Execution the Homestead of a Householder having a Family," — passed April 10, 1850, — do hereby ceiiify, that we have exam- ined the following described premises situate in the town of , in said county, to wit: \insert here a description of the premises :'\ which said premises are owned by C. D. aforesaid, and are claimed by him to be exempt from sale on execution according to the act aforesaid, and that in our opinion the siiid premises* are worth thousand dollars, and may be di\ided without injury to the interests of the parties concerned therein : And we do hereby set off to the said A. B., the following described poi-tion of the said premises, to wit : [describe the same ;] which last mentioned piece or parcel of land, including the dwelling house thereon, and the appur tenances belonging tliereto, is, in om- opinion, worth thousand dollars. Dated , the day of 18 E. F., ) G.H., y &c.,&c.,) E. G. H., )■ Jurors. § 591. Certificate that Property cannot he divided. Supreme Court, A.B. ) against > County, ss: C. D. ) "We, the undersigned jurors, &c., [as in § 690 to the *, and then add:^ are worth more than one thousand dollars, and cannot be di- vided without injury to the interests of the parties concerned therein And we do hereby appraise the value of the said premises at thousand dollars. Dated, &c., [as in § 590.] HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAW 833 I 592. Notice of Sheriff to he Attached to the Jopy of § 591, and Served on the Debtor. Supreme Court, A. B. against CD. Sir : You will please take notice thai the foregoing is a copy of the certificate of appraisal this day made by the jurors, by me summoned as in said certitieate mentioned ; and that, unless the surplus of the value of the premises described in said certificate, as appraised by said jurors, over and above one tha^sand dollars, be paid to me witliin sixty days from the date of the ser idee of this notice, the said premi- ses will be sold, by \irtue of an execution issued against you in the above entitled cause.' Dated the day of ,18. Yoiirs, (fcc, R. T., Sherift of County. To Mr. C. D. 1 If the surplus is not paid within sixty days, the sherifl" may adveriise and kcII the premises, as in oiher case-^; and out of the proceeds of the (=ale, he must pay the execu- Uon debtor one thousand dollars, which will be exempt from execution for one year thai e after, and apply the balance on the execution. The costs, and charges nf the sheriff, must be deducted from such balance. CHAPTER XXV. JUSTICES' COUETS. PRACTICAL REMARKS, 1. There ai-e but two kinds of actions in the Courts of Justice ot this State, whether of record or otherwise, viz : civil and criminal actions.' 2. Justices of the Peace have civil jurisdiction in the following ac- tions, and no other: 1. An action arising on contract, for the recovery of money only, if the sum claimed does not exceed one hundred dollars: 2. An action for damages for an injury to the p€rsori,or lo reai pro- perty, or for taking, detaining, or injuring, personal property, if the damages claimed do not exceed one hundred dollars; 3. An action for a penalty, not exceeding one hundred dollars, given by statute; 4. An action commenced by attachment of property, as hereinafter specified; 5. An action upon a bond, conditioned for the payment of money, not exceeding one hundred dollars, though the penalty exceed that sum; the judgment to be given tor the sum actually due. Where the pay- ments are to be made by instahncnts, an action may be brought for each instalment, as it shall become due; 6. An action upon a surety bond taken by them, though the penalty or amount claimed exceed one hundred dollars; 7. An action on a judgment rendered in a court of a Justice of the Peace, or of a Justice's or other inferior court, in a city; but no action can be brought on a judgment rendered by a Justice of the Peace, in the same county, within five years after its rendition, except in case of his death, resignation, incapacity to act, or removal from the county,— or that the process in the original action was not personally served on tho defendant, or on all the defendants, — or in case of the death of some of > Laws of 1849, chap. 438, (Code of Proeedur*,) §4- JVSTIOES* OOTTRTS. 835 the parties, — or where the docket or record of the judgment has been lost or (i«8troyed.^ 3. Justices may also take and enter judgment, on the confession of a defendant, -where the amount confessed does not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars.* 4. '^o Justice of the Peace has cognizance, however, of a ci^il ac- tion in which the People of tliis State are a party, except for penal- lies not exceeding one hundred dollars ; nor of an action in wliich the title to real estate comes in question ; nor of a civil action for an assault, battery, false imprisonment, libel, slander, malicious prosecu- tion, criminal conversation, or seduction ; nor of a matter of account, where the sum total of the accounts of both parties, proved to the satisfaction of the Justice, exceeds four hundred dollars ; nor of an action against an Executor or Adminiskator, as such.* 5. Civil actions may be commenced in Justices' Courts, either by the voluntary appearance of the parties, or by process. There are three different forms of process — summons, warrant, and attach- ment Where a siut is instituted ■nithout process, it will be deemed to have been commenced at the time of joining the issue : if a sum- mons or attachment be issued, the suit will be deemed commenced on the day when the process is delivered to the Constable ; if the process be a warrant, the suit will be deemed commenced at the time of the arrest of the defendant.* 6. There are two kinds of process by summons, generally distin- guished as a long summo)is and a short summons. A lone/ summons is the usual process against all persons residing in the coTUity where it issues ; and it is the only one wliich can issue, of course, in any case, against a freeholder, or an inhabitant of any county having a family. A short summons is the proper form of process to be issued in favor of a non-resident plaintiff, suing as such, when the defendant cannot be arrested under the provisions of the non-imprisonment act; and it is the only process, except an attachment, which can be issued^ in similar cases, against a non-resident defendant. Any other process would be void. But where there are joint debtors, one or more of whom reside in the county, suit may be commenced against them by long summons.^ 7. Warrants may be issued in actions for injuries to the person, rights, or property of another ; or for taking or detaining personal property ; or for the recovery of money collected by a pubUc officer , for official misconduct or neglect of duty ; or misconduct or neglect ' Laws of 1S49, ch. 43S, (Code of ProceJure) Part I. title vi., § 53; Id., Part II. title i. § 71. » Laws of 1*19, chap. 433, (Code of Pro- cedure,') Part I., title vi, § 53, sub. 8; 2 R. 8. (3ded.) 34'2, 55 114-116 ; 9 Wendell, 569. ' Laws of 1819. chap. 438, (Code of Pro- cedure,) Part I., title vi., i M. « 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 326, § 12, 13. 6 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 326, 327, (• 14 et eeq.^ Laws of 1S31, chap. 300, W 30-33 ; 15 We»- dell, 652; 16 Id., 35; 17 Id., 517; 3 UilL 323; 5 Id., 186; 6 Id., 631; 1 Deuio, 175 ; 2 Id., 95. 836 NEW clerk's assistant. in any profesisional employment; subject, however, to the pro-visions of tlie t^tatute wl-ich restrict the use of this process to the iollowing eases, viz: Wlu-re the defendant is a non-resident; where it appears to the satisfaction of the Justice, by the affidavit of the applicant, or of any othej- witness, that the person against whom the warrant is desired, is about to depart from the county, with intent not to return thereto; where the defendant is an inhabitant of the county, having a family, or a freeholder of the same county, and it shall in like man- ner appear to the satisfaction of the Justice, that the plaintiff' wUl be in danger of losing his demand, unless such warrant be granted; where the plaintiff" is a non-resident, and tenders to the Justice secu- rity for the payment of any sum which may be adjudged against him in the suit; and at the option of the Justice, against a resi- dent defendant, not a freeholder, nor an inhabitant having a family; or against a defendant upon whom a summons shall have been served, only by leaving a co4)y, or in any other way than by reading or delivering a copy to him personally, and who shall not have appeared at the time and place appointed in such summons, nor shown good cause for not appearing." 8. There are two kinds of attachments, long and short. The lat- ter issues against a non-resident defendant, and may be had when a short summons is also a proper process ; and either may be tJiken, at the option of the party. No affidavit is necessary on an applica- tion for a short attachment. A lovg attachment issues, wheri it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the Justice to whom application is made, that the debtor has departed, or is about to depart, from the county where he last resided, with intent to defraud liis credi- tors, or to avoid the service of civil process; or that such debtor keeps himself concealed, with the like intent; the same process is- sues, under the non-imprisonment act, when the Justice is satisfied that the defendent is about to remove from the county some of his property, with intent to defraud liis creditors, or that he has assigned, disposed of, secreted, or is about to assign, dispose of, or secrete, any of his property, with the Uke intent. The lievised Statutes limit the nature of demands, for which attachments may be sued out, to those existing against the debtor 'personally, whether liquidated or not, arising upon contract, or upon judgments rendei-ed within this State. The non-i nprisonment act extends the process to suits fur the recovery of any debt or damages arising upon contract, express or im- plied, or upon any judgment, whether rendered in this State oi* not The demand, however, must be against the debtor personally. In all cases, the facts and circumstances relied on as the foundation for the issu- ing of an attachment must be set forth distinctly in the affidavit accora- • 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 327, 323, §§ 18-23 ; Laws I 389 ; 7 Id., 434 ; 13 la., 48 ; 15 Id., 654 ; !• •f 1631, chap. 300 ; Laws of 1840, chap. 165 ; Id., 35 ; 17 Id., 51 ; 2 Hill, 296 ; 1 Demo, 176 U., chap. 377 ; 2 Cowen, 429; 3 Wendell, | justices' courts. 837 panying the application. The only material difference between the pro- ceedings on attachments issued under the statute, and those issued under the non-imprisonment act, subsequent to the issuing of the pro- cess, is, that in the latter case, where property is attached, and a copy of the inventory and attachment is not personally served, and the de- fendant does not appear, the phuntift" may take a short summons; and if the defendant be personally served therewith, or cannot be found after diligent inquiry, the Justice may proceed to hear and determine the cause in the same manner as upon a summons per- sonally served.' 9. An affidavit for an attachment, stating fitcts and circumstances, on belief only, is fatally defective ; but if the party swears he has been informed of the facts set forth, the affidavit will be sufficient." 10. On an attachment against joint debtors, a Justice cannot render judgment, Avhere one only of the defendants has been served with the process. The proceeding must be dismissed, or a summons issued.' 11. When the name of any defendant sued in a Justices' Court, is not known to the plaintiff, he may be described in a summons, or warrant, by a lictitious name ; and if a plea in abatement be inter- posed by such defendant, the Justice before whom the suit is pending may amend the proceedings, according to the truth of the matter, and proceed in the cause, in like manner as if thedefendant had been sued by his right name.* 12. It is no part of the official duty of a Justice to deliver a sum- mons to a constable.* 13. Where a summons is returned served by copy, and another summons is issued, the suit will be legally continued, even in cases affected by the statute of limitations." 14. The pleadings in courts of Justices of the Peace are — 1, the complaint by the plaintiff; 2, the answer by the defendant. The pleadings may be oral, or in writing; if oral, the substance of them must be entered b}- the Justice in his docket; if in writing, tliey must be tiled by him, and a reference made to them in the docket. The complaiiit must sttite, in a plain and direct manner, the facts constituting tiie cause of action. The ansiver may contain a denial of the complaint, or any part thereof, and notice, also, in a plain and direct manner, of any facts constituting a defence. Pleadings are not required to be in any particular form, but must be such as to enable 1 2R. S. (3(1 ed.) 328, 5 27 et seq.; Laws of I 1831, chap. 300, § 34 ; Laws ol" 1S42, cliap. W! \ 15 Johnson, 106 ; 3Cowen,2()6; 6 IJ., 234; 10 Wendell, 420: 12 Id. ,359; 13 Id., 46,404; 14 Id , 237 ; 15 Id, 450, 4T9 ; 20 Id., 77, 146, 184 ; 23 Id., 336 ; 24 ld.,48o, : 5 Hill, 96t; 6 Id., 311; 1 Uetiio, ISo. 22 \ * 4 Denio, 93. s 2C(imstock, 112. * Laws 0(1830, chap. 320. <• 3 Denio, 12. * 3 Denio, 12. 338 NEW clerk's assistant. a person of common understanding to know what is meant. Either party may demur to a pleading of his adversary, or any part thereof, when it is not sufficiently explicit to enable liim to understand it, or it contains no cause of action or defence, although it be taken as true ; if the court deem the objection well founded, it must order the plead- ing to be amended, and, if the party refuse to amend, the defective pleading must be disregarded. In an action or defence, founded upon an account, or an instrument for the payment of money only, it Avill be sufficient for a party to deliver the account or instrument tu the court, and to state, that tbere is due to him thereon from the ad- verse party a specified sum, Avhich he claims to recover or set oft'.^ 1 5. A variance betAveen the proof on the trial, and the allegations in a pleading, Avill be disregarded as immaterial, unless the court shall be satisfied that the adverse party has been misled to his prejudice thereby. The pleadings in a Justices' Court may be amended, at any time before the trial, or during the trial, or upon appeal, when, by such amendment, substantial justice will be promoted. If the amendment be made after the joining of the issue, and it be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court, by oath, that an adjournment is necessary to the adverse party in consequence of such amendment, an adjoiu'nment must be granted. The court may also, in its discre- tion, require as a condition of an amendment, the payment of costs to the adverse party, to be fixed by the court ; but no amendment can be allowed after a witness is sworn on a trial, when na adjourn- ment will be thereby made necessary.' 16. In case a defendant does not appear and answer, in an action before a Justice of tlie Peace, the plaintiff cannot recover without proAing his case.' 17. At the joining of the issue, the court taay require of either party, at the request of the other, to exliibit his account or demand, or state the nature thereof as definitely as may be in his power, at that or some other specified time ; and in case of the default of the party, he will be precluded from giving evidence of such parts thereof as shall not have been so exhibited or stated.* 18. If the defendant do not appear on the return of a summons or attachment, the Justice before Avhom the suit is brought may adjourn the cause to a time certain, not exceeding eight days, on the simple motion of the plaintiff, Avithout oath, — and so if the defendant appear and do not object; but the defendant may object, and require as a condition of the adjournment, that the plaintiff, or his attorney, make oath that he cannot, for Avant of some material testimony, or witn&5S, safely proceed to trial. An adjournment on the application of the 1 Laws onS49, chap. 438, (Code of Proce- I 2 Ibid., loc. cit. dure.) Pari L, title vi., §64. s Ibid., loc. cit. I * Ibid., loc. cit. justices' courts. 839 plaintiflf cannot be granted at any other time than on the return of a summons or attachment, or the joining of issue without process, except upon an application for a commission, when the plaintiff is entitled to the same time and privileges as a defendant A defendant may make application for an adjournment, at the time of joining issue, in all cases, except where the suit is commenced by warrant on behalf of a non-resident plaintiff. The defendant, or his attorney, may be re- quired, on such appUcation, to make oath that he cannot safely pro- ceed to trial, for the want of some material testimony, or witness, to be specified by him. In addition to such oath, the defendant must, if required, execute the bond, a form of Avhich is hereinafter given. A defendant may have a second or further adjournment, on giving securitv, if required, and proving, by his own oath, or otherwise, that he cannot safely proceed to trial, for want of some material testimony,, or witness; and that he has used due diligence to obtain such testi- mon)^ or witness. Where a suit is commenced by a non-resident plaintiff, the first adjournment is to be not less than three nor more than twelve days, unless the parties and Justice otherwise agree. In no case can the time of adjourning a cause exceed ninety days from the time of joining the issue, except with the consent of parties. A Justice may adjourn a cause, with or Avithout the consent of parties, on his OAvn motion, at the time of the return of a summons or attach- ment, or of joining issue without process, not exceeding eight days; and he may hold a cause open, or adjourn it, on issuing an attach- ment for a witness, or a neAv venire. Justices have a discretion to exercise in refusing or granting an adjournment, wlaich will not be interfered with on appeal, except there be a clear abuse of that dis- cretion.' 19. Consent will give a Justice jurisdiction in respect to parties, but not as to the subject matter of a suit." 20. A Justice of the Peace may, when an issue of fact shall have been joined before him, upon the application of a party showing the materiality of the testimony of a witness beyond the reach of a subpoena, issue a commission to one or more persons to examine such witness on oath, upon interrogatories to be settled by the Justice ; and whenever the defendant neglects to appear, or to plead in such action or suit, and the plaintiff makes application for a commission to take the deposition of a material witness, the Justice may issue a com- mission without notice, — the interrogatories accompanying the same being proposed by the plaintiff, and settled by the Justice.* » 2 R. S. (3d. ed.) a35, 33G, § CS, et seq. ; 8 I « 12 Johnson, 285 ; 17 Id., 63 ; 3 Hill, 323. .'ohnson, -120 ; 11 Id, 407- 13 Id., 228; 15 Id., 3 Laws of 1838, chap. 243; Laws of l&ll, I'yi ; 1 Cowen, U2. 234, 253 ; 2 Id., 425 ; 7 Id. , 1 chap. 138 ; Laws of 1&17, chap. 329. 869; 1 Wendell. 464 ; 3 Id., 420; 10 Id., 497; I II Id., 461, 554; '3 Uill, 323 ; 7 Id., 77. 340 NEW clerk's assistant. 21. It must be made distinctly to appear, on an application for a commission, that the witness is material, and that he does not reside in the county where the suit is pending, nor in an adjoining county. An affidavit, stating that the witness is in " another county," and that he " is, or may be, material," is not sufficient.^ 22. Witnesses may, be required to attend before any Justice of the Peace, in the same, or in an adjoining county, in pursuance of a sub- poena duly served.^ 23. A Justice of the Peace must enter judgment forthwith, on the verdict of a jury; he cannot wait until the next day.^ 24. When there is no jury, a Justice must render his judgment within four days after the trial. It need not be entered on his docket within that time, but a memorandum thereof must be made on the papers in the action.* 25. The pliiintitf must be present, either in person or by attorney, when a verdict is rendered.^ 26. A Justice of the Peace, on the demand of a party in whose favor he shall have rendered a judgment, must give a transciipt thereof, Avhich may be filed and docketed hi the office of the Clcik of the Coimty where the judgment was rendered. The time of the receipt of the transcript by the Clerk must be noted and entered in the docket; and from that time the judgment will be a judgment of the County Court. A certified transcript of such judgment may be filed and docketed in the Clerk's office of any other county, and with the like eftect, in every respect, as in the county where the judgment was rendered, except, that it shall be a lien, only from the time of filing and docketing the transcript But no such judgment for a loss sum than*twenty-tive dollars, exclusive of costs, will be a lien upon real property." 27. Where a transcript of a judgment is docketed in the office of the Clerk of the city and county of New York, such judgment will have the same effect as a lien, and be enforced in the same manner as a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas of such city and county.' 28. Executions may be issued on a judgment in a Justice's Court, whether rendered before or after the passage of the act of 1849, at any time witliin five years after the rendition thereof, and must be made returnable sixty days from the date thereof Where a judgment is docketed with the County Clerk, the execution must be 'issued by him to the Sheriff of the County, and be executed in the .^ame manner as other executions and judgments of the County Court, yr, in the city and county of New York, of the Court of Common JPleas:' » 7. Hill, 77. I • Laws of 1849, chap. 438, (Code of Proc»- a 2 R..S. (3d. ed.) 337, § 81, et BOq: l dure. Part I., title vi., § 63. » 3 Denio, 12. ' Ibid., Part I., title vii., 5 68. * 2 Comstock, ^i. I • Ibid., Part I., title vi., § §4. -6i3.Dei)io, 12. I justices' courts. 341 29. A Justice of the Peace may renew an execution issued by Mm from time to time, by an endorsement specifying the amount due, if any tiling lias been paid or collected thereon, and the date of the renewal; the endorsement must be signed by the Justice.' 30. An execution issued by a Justice may be renewed while yet unsatisfied, though levy has been made ; provided there be not suffi- cient time to adverdse and sell under it." 31. The docket of a Justice is good evidence before himself, with- out proving its identity, or showing his official character.' 32. Where the statute requires a "bond " to be executed, in any proceeding had before a Justice, a mere covenant, or agreement in writing, to become holden, on certain conditions, is not sufficient. 33. Courts of Justices of the Peace, are not courts of record, and judgments rendered before them will be barred by the statute of limitations, even though docketed in the office of the County Clerk, at the expiration of six years from the vendition thereof^ 34. The Justices' Courts in the city of New York, and Justices' Courts in other cities, have jurisdiction in ail civil actions similar to those in which Justices of the Peace have jurisdiction ; and, also, in actions upon the charters or by-laws of the corporations of their re- spective cities, where the penalty or forfeiture does not exceed one hundred dollars." 35. Justices of the Peace have power to issue process for crimes committed in the county where they reside, but not for those com- mitted in another county, even if the offender be in the county where the Justice resides.' 36. Courts of Special Sessions are to be held by a single magis- trate, and all oflfences triable before such courts are to be tried with or without a juiy, at the election of the prisoner. Any criminal warrant or process issued for an offence triable before a Court of Special Ses.sions, must authorize the officer executing it, to take the offender before some magistrate in the town or city where the offence was committed, provided the magistrate issuing the same reside in some other town or city. The city of New York is excepted from the operation of this provision.* • 2 R. S. (3d. ed.) 34", § 144. I • Laws of 1849, chap. 4A% (Code of Pro««- 9 1 Denio, 374. dur?,) Part I., title vii., §S 66, 67. « 1 Peiiio, 4:U 7 6 Hill, 164. « 1 Demo, 1.54. • Laweof 1S15, chap. 180, §§ 15.26. » 4 Barboure S- C. Rep., 442. j 34 X KEw clerk's AssiSTAirr. FORMS. § 593. Summons} Town of » I • Coimty, ) To any Constable of the said County, greeting: The people of the State of New York command you to summon A. B. to appear before me, the undersigned, one of the Justices of the Peace of the town aforesaid, at my office, [or, as the ease may 5e,] in the said county, on the day of , at o'clock, in the noon, to answer C> D., in an action arising on contract, [or, in an action for damages for an injury to the person of the said C. D. ; or, as the came of action may be, J to his damage one hundred dollars or under. And have you then there this precept. Witness my hand, the day of , 18 . J. H. B., Justice of the Peace. § 594. Affidavit for Short Summons by Non-Resident Plaintiff. County, ss: C. D., being duly sworn, says that he has, as he verily believes, a good cause of action, arising on contract, \or, on a judgment founded on contract,] against A. B., upon which, according to the provisions of the 31st section of the act to abolish imprisonment for debt, and to punish fraudulent debtors, no warrant can issue against the said A. B ;* and that this deponent resides in the town of , in the county of , and not within the said county of ; and this deponent prays a short summons against the said A. B., on giving security, according to the statute. Sworn to, this day ) C. D. of , 18 , before me, ) C. C, Justice of the Peace. § 595. Affidavit for Short Summons against Non-Resident Defendant. County, ss: C. D., being duly sworn, Ac, [as in § 594 to the *, and then » A Umg summons must be mada returnable I in not less than two^ nor more than four days, in not less than six, nor more than twelve days In compating the time, the day of the date ia from the date tbertof ; and a short summons I tr be excluded, and the return day included. justices' coubts. 849 add:] and that the said A. B. resides in the county of and out of the said county of ; and this deponent prays a short summons against the said A. B. C. D. Sworn, (tc, l^as in § 594.] § 596. Description of Parties suing in a Particular Character. Of Adminiftrators. — A. B. and C. D., administrators of all and singular tlie goods and chattels, rights and credits, Avhich "were of E. F. deceased. Executors. — A. B. and CD., executors of the last will and testa- ment of E. F., deceased. Surviving Executor. — A. B., surviving- executor of the last will, ■ ^ , ■ , ' ^ ' f^ -n. \ Complaint. A. B., plaintitf, complains that C. D., defendant, carelessly and violently ran against the carriage of the plaintiff, with the team and wagon of the defendant, on the day of , 18 , and broke and damaged the said carnage to the amount of twenty-five dollai's; whereupon, the plaintiff demands judgment against the de- fendant for the twenty-five dollars. A. B., Plaintiff § 613. Complaint for Breach of Warranty. In Justice's Court, ^- ?• ) Before C. C, Esq. against )■ ^ i • x ^ r^ Y\ \ Complaint A. B., plaintiff, complains that C. D., defendant, sold a horse to the plaintiff, on the day of , 18 , for the sum of duUai-s, and warranted the same to be perfectly sound, kind, and true, but the said horse is blind of the right eye, is vicious and unruly, and not true in the harness, whereby he is injured to the amount of fifty dollars; whereupon the plaintiff demands judgment agjunst the defendant for the fifty dollars. A. B., Plaintiff 350 _ NEW clerk's assistant. § 614. Complaint for Fraud or DeeeiL In Justice's Court, ■^P-, ? Before C. C, Esq. against y ^ , . ^ ' ^ ^ T^ I Complain t A. B., plaintiff, complains that C. D., defendant, sold a horse to the plaintiff, on the day of , 18 , for the sum of dollars, which said horse, to the knowledge of the defend- ant, was diseased of the heaves at the time of the sale, but the defendant did not inform the plaintiff thereof; whereby the said horse is injured to the amovmt of fifty dollars, and the plaintiff' demands judgment against the defendant for the same. A. B., Plaintiff § 615. Complaint for Conversion of Personal Property. In Justice's Court, ^- ?\ } Before C. C, Esq. against y ^ , . , ' ^ ^ -pj I Complamt A. B., plaintiff, complains that on or about the day of , 18 , he was possessed, as of his own property, of a certain gold watch, of the value of one hundred dollars, which afterwards, and on or about the day of , 18 , came into the hands and possession of C. D., the defendant, who sold the same and converted the proceeds to his own use ; whereupon the plaintiff demands judg- ment against the defendant for the one hundred dollars. A. B., Plaintiff §616. Complaint for Injury to Heal Property. In Justice's Court, ^- ?\ } Before C. C, Esq. Td [complaint A. B., plaintiff, complains that on or about the day of , 18 , C. D., the defendant, [or, the horses and cattle of C. D., the defendant,] broke and entered the close of the plaintiff, at , in the county of , and trod down and destroyed the grass and products of the soil there growing ; whereby the plaintiff" has sustained damage to the amount of fifty dollars, and he demands judgment against the defendant for the same. A. B., Plaintiff justices' coubts. 351 § 617. Complaini hy an Afsignee. In" Justice's Court, •^•?\ ) Before C. C, Esq. «g«2 [complaint A. B., plaintiff, complains that C. D., defendant, was indebte'd to '^. H., on the day of ,18 , in the sum of one hun- dred dollars, for medical services rendered to the said defendant pre- nous to that day, Avhich said indebtedness has been duly assigned to the plaintiff; whereupon the plaintiff demands judgment against the defendant for the one hundred dollars. A. B., Plaintiff. § 618. Answer of Defendant. In Justice's Court, ^•^\ ) Before C. C, Esq. against >• . » ^ g -p I Answer. C. D., the defendant, answers to the complaint, that on the day of 18 , he paid the indebtedness haentioned in the com- plaint, \or, that the plaintiff did not perform the work and labor for the defendant, mentioned in the complaint; or, that he did not war- rant the horse mentioned in the complaint to be perfectly sound, kind, and true.] C. D., Defendant § 619. Answer, with Notice, In Justice's Court, ^'^\ ) Before C. C, Esq. against V . ' -i ^ -pv I Answer. C. D., the defendant, answers to the complaint that he did not take, and does not detain the property, [or, did not break and enter the close,] mentioned in the complaint, as is therein stated ; and he gives notice that he will prove on the trial of this action that tlie property mentioned in the complaint was taken, and is detained by him, with ihe consent and permission of the plaintiff, [or, that he broke and entered the close mentioned in the complaint in order to remove a quantity of wheat levied on by him as a constable of the county of , by virtue of an execution against the plaintiff, is- sued by C. C, Esquire, Justice of the Peace of said county, in favor of G. H., and dated on the day of , 18 .] C. D., Defendant o52 NEW cierk's assistant. § 620. Oath on Application for an Adjournment} You do swear, that you will true answers make to sucL questions as shall be put to you, touching the necessity of an adjournment in this cause. § 621. Oath of Surety on Adjournment, You do swear tliat you will true answers make to such questions as shall be put to you, touching your competency as surety for A^ B., on his application to adjourn this cause. § 622. Examination of Witness, on the Application of the Defend- ant for an Adjournment, in a Cause commenced by War- rant at the Suit of a Non-Resident Plaintiff. In Justice's Court, CD \ ' . ' I Before G. H., Esq., one of the Justices of the f r> \ Peace of the County of County, ss: L. M., a witness attending, produced and sworn, by and on behalf of the plaintiff in this cause, being duly sworn, on his direct exami- nation by the phiintiff, says : \set forth the testimony.^ Sworn, &c., [as in § 594.] L.M. § 623. Stihpcena. '^''^'^ P ,'lss: County, ) The People of the State of New York, to E. F., L. M., &c., Before G. H., Esq., one of the Justices of the Peace of A. B. ) the County of : Sir : Take notice that an application for a commission to be directed » S. T., of the of , to examine R P., of the same place, a witness in the above entitled cause, upon interrogatories to be annexed to such commission, will be made to G. H., Esq., at his office in the town of , on the day of , 18 , at o'clock in the noon. Dated , the day of , 18 . C D., Plaintiff To A. B., Defendant ■ JUSTICES* COURTS. 365 §630. Oath of Service of Notice. Fou do swear, that you will true- answers make to such questions tus shall be put to you, touching the service of notice of an application for a commission in this cause. § 631. Oath on apjAying for Commission. Tou do swear, that you will true answers make to snch questions as shall be put to you, touching the necessity of issuing a commission in this cause. § 632. Commission.^ County, ss: To S. T., of the of ; Whereas it appears to me, the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace of the town of , in said county, that K P., of the of , aforesaid, is a matcricil witness in a certain action now depending before me, between C. D., pliiintiff, and A. B., defendant: Now, therefore, confiding in your prudence and fidelity, and in pursuance of the statute, 1 have ap- pointed, and by these presents do appoint you. Commissioner to ex- amine the said Avitness; and for that purpose, do authorize you, at certain days and places, to be by you appointed, diligently to exa- mine the Scvid witness, on the interrogatories hereto annooced, on oath to be taken before you ; and to cause such examination to be reduced to writing, and signed by such witness and yourself, and return the same, annexed hereto, to me, enclosed under your seal. Given under my hand, at the town aforesaid, the day of , 18 . G. H., Justice of the Peace § 633. Commissioner's Summons to Witness. County, ss: Whereas, the undersigned has received a commission, issued by G. H., Esq., a Justice of the Peace of the county of , directed for th(^ examination of R, P., a witness in a cause depending before the said Justice, between C. D., Plaintiflf, and A. B., defendant: You, the « Where a commission is isfcued.; a person | vised Statutes, in the same manner as in the not lamiliur with our laws, it would be well to case of copjuiissions issued out of courts of. annex to ilie commission a copy of j 10, of An record. 2, of liile 3, of Chap. 7, of pari 3 of the lie- J56 KEW CLEIW'S ASSISTANT. eaid R P., are therefore required to be and appear before me, the said Commissioner, at my dwelling house, in the town of , on, &c., then and there to be examined, and to testify the truth, ac- cording to the best of your knowledge, for and on behalf of the said plaintiff, [or, defendant,] and herein you are not to fail Dated the day of , 18 . S. T. § 634. Oath to Witness Examined on a Commission. You do swear, that the answers to be given by you to the interro- gatories proposed to you by the Commissioner here present, to exe- cute a commission directed to him, issued by G. H., Esq., a Justice of the Peace of the coujity of , in a certain action tliere depending before him, between C. D., plaintiff, and A. B., defendant, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. § 635. Deposition of Witness before Commissioner. Deposition of R. P., a witness produced, sworn and examined, on oath, on the day of , 18 , at &c., by virtue of a com- mission issued to S. T., by G. H., Esq., a Justice of the Peace of the county of , in a certain cause depending before the said J\is- tice, between C. D., plaintiff, and A. B., defendant. The said R P. deposes as follows: To the first interrogatory, he saith, [give anstver of tvitness.^ To the second interrogatory, he saith, &c. R. P. Subscribed and sworn before me, ) this day of , 18 . j S. T., Commissioner. § 636. indorsement of an Exhibit produced before the Commis- sioner. On the day of , 18 , at the execution of a commis- sion issued by G, H., Esq., a Justice of the Peace of the county of , for the examination of R P., a witness in a certain action depending before the said Justice, between C. D., plaintiff, and A. B., defendant, the within paper writing marked "A," was produced and shown to the said R P., a witness sworn and examined, and by him deposed unto at the time of his examination as a witness under such commission. S. T., Commissioner. justices' courts. 86f § 637. Venire. Town of ,). County, ) To any Constable of the said County, greeting: The People of the State of New York command you to summoii twelve good and lawful men, in the town of , qualified to serve as jurors, and not exempt from serving on juries, in courts of record, and who are in no wise of kin to either party, or interested in the suit hereinafter mentioned, to appear before me, one of the Justices of the Peace of said town, at my office in said town, on the day of , 18 , at o'clock in the noon, to make a jury for the trial of an action arising on contract, [or, as the cause of action may be,'\ between C. D., phiintiff, and A. B., defen- dant: And you are also required to make a Ust of the persons sum- moned, which you will certify and annex to this venu^e, and make return thereof to me. Witness, (fee, \as in § 623.] § 638. Oath on Objection to Constable's Serving the Venire. You do swear, that you will true answers make to such questions as shall be put to you, touching the reasons why H. C. shovild not execute the venire in this cause. § 639. Juror's Oath.^ You do swear, well and truly to try the matter in diflference be- tween C. D., plaintiff, and A. B., defendant, and, unless discharged by the Justice, a true verdict give, according to the e\idence. § 640. Oath of Witness. You do swear, that the e\idence you shall give, relating to this matter in difference between C. D., plaintiff, and A. B., defendant, ehall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothinjv but the truth. ■ Fov Mhei •orms of oaths, see ihose previously given, in Chapter XI. 368 NEW clerk's assistant. § 641. Constable's Oath on Retiring with Jury. You do swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that you will, to tlie utmost of your ability, keep the persons sworn as jurors on this trial, together, in some private and convenient place, without any meat or drink, except such as shall be ordered by me ; that you will not suffer any communication, orally or otherwise, to be made to tliem ; that you will not communicate with them yourself, orally or otherwise, unless by my order, or to ask them whether they have agreed on their verdict, until they shall be discharged : and that you will not, before they render their verdict, communicate to any per- son the state of their deliberations, or the verdict they have agreed on. § 642. Confession of Judgment. In Justice's Court, CD. 1 against > Confession for $ A.B. ) In the presence of G. H., Justice of the Peace, I do hereby confess judgment, on a demand arising on contract, \or as the nature of the demand mar, oe] to the plaintiff in the above entitled action, for dollars, and consent that the said Justice enter the same against ine accordingly. Dated the day of , 18 . A. B. § 643. Affidavit where the Confession is for a Sum exceeding Fifty Dollars. County, ss: We, C. D. and A. B., the parties named in the foregoing \or, an- nexed] confession of judgment, being duly sworn, severally say, that ''he said A. B. is justly indebted to the said C. D., in the sum of dollars, over and above all just demands which the said A. , has against the said C. D. ; and that the above [or, annexcdjcou- 5sion is not made, or taken, with a view to defraud any creditor. Subscribed and sworn, before me, ) C. D. this day of , 18 . f A. B. G. H., Justice, 18 , one C. D., of the town of , in said county, did threaten to beat and wound [or, kill, or as the case may be,'\ him, the said A. B. ; and that he hath just cause to fear that the said C. D. will beat and wound [or, kill, as the case may be] him, the said A. B. ;* wherefore this deponent prays that the said offender may be bound by recognizance, to answer the said offence at the next Court of Sessions to be held in the said county, and in the mean- while to keep the peace. A. B. Sworn, &c., [as in § 594.] •\ss: § 648. Peace Warrant. Town of County, To any Constable of the said County, greeting: Whereas, A. B. hath this day made complaint, upon oath, before me, G. H., one of the Justices of the Peace of the said town, that on the day of , 18 , one C. D., of, &c., [as in § 647 to the *, and then add:] and the said A. B. hath thereupon prayed surety of the Peace : Therefore, the people of the State of New York command you forthwith to apprehend the said C. D., and bring hira before me, at my office in said town of , to be dealt with according to law. Witness my hand, this day of , 18 . G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 649. Commitment on Foregoing Complaint.^ County, ss: To any Constable of the said County, greeting : Whereas, A. B. this day made comphiint to me in writing, on oath, that C. D., on the day of instant, [or, lost past,] * For form of recognizance, see i 70& justices' courts. 861 threatened to, . was at the dwelling liouse of the said C. D., on the day of ,18 , which inijuiry was material and pertinent to the issue joined in the action aforesaid, did then and there, to wit, at the time and place aforesaid, falsely, wilfully and corruptly, depose and swear, that the said A. B. was at the dwelling house of the said C. D., on the said day of , 18 , whereas, in truth and in fact, the said A. B. was not at the dwelling house of the stiid C. D., on the said day of , 18 ; whereby the said R D. did then and there, to wit, at the time and place aforesaid, wil- fully and corruptly swear falsely, and commit wilful and corrupt Perjury. bworn, ikc, [as in § 594.] 376 NEW clerk'b assistant. § 695. Complaint for Biff amy. County, ss: A. B., of said county, being duly sworn, says,* tliat on tlie day of instant, [or, last past,] at the town of , in said county, one R. D., being then married to M. D., did wilfully and feloniously marry and take to wife, one E. B. ; the said 11. D. well knowing that his said former wife, M. D., was then Hx'mg and in full life. Sworn, &c., [cw in § 594.] § 696. Complaint for Marrying the Wife of Another. County, ss: A. B., of said county, being duly swora, says,* that on the day of instant, [or, last past,] at the town of , in said county, one R. D. did knowingly, unlawfully and feloniously, marry, and take to wife, one M. R., she being then mai'ried, and tho wife of R. R. Sworn, &c., [as in § 594.] § 697. Complaint for Malicious Mischief. County, ss: A. B., of said county, being duly sworn, says,* that on the day of instant, [or, last past,] at the town of , in said county, one R. D. did wUfully and maliciously administer to a certain horse, the property of the said A. B., a certain deadly poison, called arsenic, by mixing the same with the food of the said horse. Sworn, (kc, [as in § 594.] § 698. Complaint for Malicious Trespass, or for Girdling Trees. Coimty, ss: A. B., of said county, being duly sworn, says,* that on the day of instant, [or, last past,] at the town of , in said county, one R. D. did wilfully, maliciously and imlawfully, cut down and destroy [or, wilfully and maliciously girdle,] certain grow- ing trees, situate on the land of the said A. B., in s;iid town. Sworn, (fee, [as in § 594.] justices' courts. 377 § C99. Complaint for Procuring Abortion. County, ss: A. B., of said count)^ being duly sworn, says,* lliat on Ihc day of instant, [or, last past,] at tiie town of , in said county, one K. D. did wilfully and unlawfully adminiirter a cer- tain drug called " savin," [or, did use and employ a certaia instru- ment called a " forceps,"] on the body of E. M., she being then pregnant, with intent thereby to procure the miscarriage of the said E. M. Sworn, ing that he does not intend to remfiin. the landlord may regard liim jis a tenant for another year, if he thinks proper to do so.^ 3. A bargmu for rooms in a boarding-house is not a lease.' 4. Leases for a year, or any less time, may be made by a verbal agre--'nient ; in all other cases, they must be in writing, and if for life, executed under seal, and in the presence of a witness.* 5. A covenant to pay rent, founded upon a Ie?ise for five 3-ears, not reduced to w riting, is void for want of consideration.' G. A leiise of thi-ee years, or for any longer peiiod, must be recorded in the county where the premises are situated, in the same manner as conveyances of rei, 473; 1 Dcuio, 113. W.ii.lcll. Af,:, ■ ui IJ., 4112 ; 10 Pai-'e.aW, 537. » 1 l>euio, 6Ui 1 » 7 Hill, SJ. 382 KEW clerk's assistant. a subsequent purchaser in good faith, and for a valuable consideration. Leases for life or lives, or for years, in the counties of Albany, Ulster, Sullivan, Herkimer, Dutchess, Columbia, Delaware and Schenectady, in the State of New York, need not be recorded.' 7. In South Carolina, a conveyance of an estate in land for life, or lives, must be in writinp-, sig-ned, sealed and delivered. In Viroinia and Kentucky, th-e same rule prevails as to all estates or interests in land exceeding- a terra of iive years; and in Rhode Island and Ver- mont, as to all estates exceeding a term of one year. In Louisiana, all conveyances of land must be in writing, and registered in the offioe of a notary.'^ 8. A lease for years, without saying how many, is good for two years. In the city of New York, if no time is agreed on as to the duration of an agreement for the occupation of lands or tenements, it will be deemed valid until the first day of May next after posses- sion is given.^ 9. Where a lessor consents to a change of tenancy, and accepts a substituted tenant, the tirst tenant is discharged.* 10. A new lease, if valid, whether by parol or not, will operate as a surrender of a former lease.^ 11. The interest of a tenant under a lease executed by a mortga- gor, subsequent to the execution of a mortgage, is extinguished by a tbreclosure and sale under such mortgage.' 1 2. Where a fraudulent representation is made by a landlord, as to the property demised, or the extent of his rights, the lessee is en- titled to a deduction from the rent for the fraud.' 13. Interest is recoverable on a covenant for the payment of rent, from the time the rent is due, even where the rent is payable in grain or services, the value of which is not liquidated by the lease.' 14. A covenant by the lessee to pay assessments runs with the lease, and the assignee of the term is bound by it.' 15. There are four kinds of leases— /or life or lives, for years, at will, and by mfferance. A tenant at will is one who occupies under an agreement to be determined at the pleasure of either of the par- ties. One who enters under an agreement to purchase, or for a lease, but has not paid rent, is a tenant at will ; a parol gift of lands has also been held to create this species of tenancy. If the agree- ment be to let premises so long as the parties choose, reserving a compensation to be paid djiily, it creates a tenancy at will. A notice to quit terminates a tenancy at will, and turns it into a tenancy from year to year. Where a tenant holds over after the expiration of his 1 2 R. S. (3(1 eil.) 40, %\ ; Id., 47, ^ § 44, 49 ; Wemlell, 485; 6 Id., 213 ; 8 id., 260. ' 4 Kent's Coninientaries, (2d ed.) 451. »2R. S. (3d ed.)29,^l. * 2 Barbour'8 S. C. Rep., 180. i 2 Rarbour's S. C. Rep., 180. • 3 Denio, 214. 1 1 CoinBtock, 305. • 2 Comstock, 135. • i Comatock, 394. LANDLORD AND TENANT. S8*l term, or where a person selling lands refuses to deliver them up, and continues in possession, a tenancy by sufferance is created.' 16. No lease or grant of agricultural land, for a longer period than twelve years, made subsequent to the first day of January, one thou- sand eight hundred and forty-seven, in which any rent, or service of any kind, is reserved, mil be valid ; and all fines, quarter sales, and other like restraints upon alienation, reserved in any grant of land subsequent to that day, wUl likewise be void.^ 17. A tenancy at avUI, or by sufferance, may be terminated by the landlord's giving one month's notice in wridng to the tenant. In the Eastern States, three months, and in the Middle and Southern States, six months' notice is required. A tenant may also give notice of his intention to quit the premises, and if he does not yield pos- session at the time specified in his notice, he is liable to pay double rent' 18. A tenancy from year to year may be determined, in New York and Vermont, by a notice of at least half a year, (182 days, or six calendar months,) ending with the period of the year at which the tenancy commenced. In Massachusetts, reasonable notice is required, and a notice of sixty days has been held sufficient In Pennsylvania, the notice is one of three months, in all cases.* 19. Where a tenancy is for a short period — as for a quarter, a month, or a week — the length of the notice must be regidated by the letdng ; as a month's notice for a month's letting, and a week's notice for a week's letting.' 20. Distress for rent has been abolished in the State of New York. In all cases where the right of re-entry is reserved and given to a grantor, or lessor, in any grant or lease, in default of a sufficiency of goods and chattels whereon to distrain, such re-entry may now be made at any time after default in the payment of the rent, pro\ided fifteen days' notice in writing, of the intention to re-enter, be given by the grantor or lessor, his heirs or assigns, to the grantee or lessee, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns ; and this, notwith- standing there be a sufficiency of goods and chattels to satisfy the rent, provided the same were taken in distress." 21. The mode of re-entry above provided, by g^^'ing a notice of fifteen days, does not repeal that under the Revised Statutes ; the former is merely an additional mode.^ 22. A tenant or under tenant, or his assigns or legal representa- tives, may be removed from any premises occupied by him, by any » 4 Johnson, 150; 4 Cowen, 349; 11 Wen- dell, 619 ; 23 1.1,616. * Amended Constitution of Now York, Ar- ticle I,. §5 14, 15. » 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 30, Si 7-9; 11 Wendell, 416. * 4 Kent's Commentaries, (2d ed.) 111- 113; 1 Johnson, 322; 6 Cowen, 13. » 4 Kent's Commentaries. (2d ed.) IIX • Laws of 1»16. chap. 274. ' 2 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 316. 384 NEW clerk's assistant. Judge of the County Courts of the county, or by any Justice of the Peace of the city or town where such premises are situated ; or by any Mayor or Ro-corder of the city where such premises are situated; or in the city of New York, by the Mayor, Recorder, any Justice of the Marine Court, or any one of the Justices of the Justices' Court of the city of New York; where sucli tenant holds over and continuca in possession of the premises, or any part thereof, after the expira- tion of his term, witliout permission of the hmdlord ; or where the tenant holds over without permission after default in the payment of rent, and a demand has been made of the rent, or three days' notice in writing served on the tenant, requiring payment of tlie rent or possession of the premises ; or where the tenant or lessee of a term (>f three years, or less, has taken the benefit of any insolvent act, or been discharged from liability to imprisonment ; or where one holds over and continues in possession of any real estate which has been sold under an execution against liim, after a title under such sale has been perfected.' 23. Rent previously due may be collected by action, after the sum- mary removal of the tenant for non-payment of rent.* 24. If any tenant, being in arrear for rent, desert the demised premises, and leave the same unoccupied and uncultivated, any Jus- tice of the Peace of the county may, at the request of the landlord, and upon due proof that the premises have been so deserted, go upon and view the premises ; and upon being satisfied, upon sucli view, that the premises have been so deserted, he shall affix a notice in writing upon a conspicuous part of the premises, requiring the tenant to appear, &c., as in the form hereinafter given, at some time to be specified in the notice, not less than five nor more than twenty days after the date thereof 25. Where any forcible entry is made into any lands or posses- sions: or where the entry is made in a peaceable manner, and the possession held by force, the person so foicibly put out, or so forcibly holden out, of possession, and the guardian of any such person being a minor, may be rcston-d to such possession, by making complaint to a Justice of the Supreme Court, or County Judge; any Mayor, Re- corder, or Alderman, of any city ; or, in the city of New York, in addition to the officers already named, to any Justice of the Superior, or Marine Court, or any Justice.* 26. An affidavit made by an agent, under the statute authorizing summaiy proceedings to recover possession of land, must sUitc the • 2 R. S. (3.1 cil.) 003, >^ 23 : T.aw3 of 1840, s 2 R. S. (3i3 ed.) Cai, M 21, 25, chap. I'.I3 ; f. Cowcii, 44t<'; 8 M., IW; 5 Won- < 2 K. S. (3,1 ci\.)Ki'X ^ 1, et i? tl«ll.251 ; '.tM.,?-'?; U M.,t;iti| r-W., 'i-iti; ■ ' 17M.,4C.1; 19 M., 103; 21 M.. 587; 1 Hill, D12 ; »5 111., 314. 507 ; I Uciiio, 190. * 31}«nio,4o2. „. . . . ...., , .. .. gc(]. ; 8.To>in« son, 4G1 : II M., rm ; 1.1 M.. 40; >i Cown, 2-26 ; 4 \Vinclt;ll, 213; 9 M.. 50; II W., 157; 1 Uall's Superior Court Ke)>., aW. LANDLORD AND TENANT. 385 tact of the agency in positive terms; it will not answer merely to describe the person as agent' FORMS. § 7ll. Landlord's Certificate of Renting. This is to certify, that I have, this day of ,18, let and rented unto C. D. my house and lot, known as number , in street, in the of , with the appurtenances, and the sole and uninterrupted use and occupation thereof, for one year, to commence the day of next, at the yeaily rent of dollars, payable quarterly : \add, with aU taxes and as- sessments, where the same are to be paid by the tenant.^ A.B. § 712. Tenant's Agreement. This is to certify, that I have hired and taken from A. B. his house and lot, known as number , in street, in the of , with the appurtenances, for the term of one year, to commence the day of next, at the yearly rent of dollars, paj^able quarterly. \^Insert the clause in relation to taxes, if necessary.^ And I do herebj^ promise to make punctual payment of the rent in manner aforesaid, except in case the premises become untenantable from fire or any other cause, when the rent is to cease: And I do further promise to quit and surrender tlie premises, at the expiration of the term, in as good sUite and condition as reasonable use and wear thereof will permit, damages by the elements excepted.* Given under my hand and seal, the day of , 18 . In presence of ) C. D. [l. s.] G.H. J § 713. Security for Rent. In consideration of the letting of the premises above described, and for the sum of one dollar, I do hereby become surety for the punctual payment of the rent, and performance of the covenants, in the above * 4 Danio, 71. oft 386 NEW clerk's assistant. written agTcement mentioned, to be paid and performed by C. D., as therein specified ; and if any default shall at any time be made therein, I do hertiby promise and agree to pay unto the landlord in said agreement named, the said rent, or any arrears thereof that may be due, and fully satisfy the conditions of the stiid agreement, and all damages that may accrue by reason of the non-fulfilment thereof, without requiring notice or proof of demand being made. Given under my hand and seal, the day of , 18 . E. F. [l. s.] § 714. Landlord's Certificate, where Tenant is Not to Underlet, oi Occupy for any Business deemed Extra Hazardous. This is to certify, that I, C. D., have let and rented unto A. B., the premises known as number , in street, in the of , for the terra of one year from the first day of next, at the yearly rent of dollars, payable quarterly.* The premises are not to be used or occupied for any business deemed extra-hazardous on account of fire ; nor shall the same, or any part thereof, be let or underlet, except with the consent of the landlord, in writing, under the penalty of forfeiture and damages. Given under my hand, tliis day of , 18 . CD. § 715. Tenant's Agreement in Foregoing Case. This is to certify, &c., \as m § 712 to the *, and then add:"] And I do hereby engage not to let or underlet, the whole or any part of the said premises, or to occupy the same in any business deemed extra-hazardous on account of tire, without the written consent of the landlord, under the penalty of forfeiture and damages. Given, &c., [as in § 712.] § 716. Tenant's Agreement, Embracing a Pledge of his Property, as Security. This is to certify, that I, A. B., have hired and taken from C. D., the premises known as number , in street, &c., [as m § 712 to the *, and then add:] Aiid I do hereby mortgage and pledge all the personal property, of what kind soever, which I shall at any time have on said premises, and whether the same be exempt by law from sale under execution or not, to the faithful performance LANDLORD AND TENANT. 387 of these covenants ; hereby authorizing the said C. D., or his assigns, without legal process, to seize upon and sell the same, in case of any failure on my part to perform the sfiid covenants, or any or either of them, — and out of the proceeds of such sale to pay and discharge all arrearages of rent and expenses, and to return the surplus moneys, if any there be, to me or my representatives. Given under ray hand and seal, this day of , 18 . A. B. [l. 8.] § YlY. Landlord's Certificate, under the Exemption Act of 1842. This is to certify, Ac, [as in § 714, to the *, and then add:'\ The above lease is upon the further condition, that the said tenant shall make punctual payment of the rent, in manner aforesaid, and shall quit and surrender the premises, at the expiration of the said term, in as good state and condition as reasonable use and wear thereof will permit, damages by the elements excepted, and shall not assign, let or underlet, the whole or any part of the said premises, or occupy the same for any business deemed extra-hazardous on account of tire, without the written consent of the landlord, under the penalty of forfeiture and damages. And the said tenant, for the consideration aforesaid, has waived the benefit of the exemption specihed in the first section of the act entitled " An Act to extend the exemption of household furniiture and Avorking tools from distress for rent and sale under execution," passed April 11th, 1842, and has agreed that the property thereby exempted shall be hable, and also that all property liable to distress for rent shall be so hable, whether on or off the said premises, where- Bocver and whensoever the same may be found. Given, (fee, \as in § 714.] § 7l8. Tenant's Agreement, Waiving the Benefit of the Exemption Act of 1842. This is to certify, (fee, \as in ^112 to the *, and then addf] And 1 do hereby promise, in consideration thereof, to make punctual pay- ment of the rent, in manner aforesmd, and quit and surrender the premises at the expiration of the said term, in as good state and condition as reasonable use and wear thereof will permit, damages by the elements excepted, and not to assign, let or underlet, the wbole or any part of the said premises, or occupy the same for any business deemed extra-hazardous on account of fire, without the written con- sent of the landlord, under the penalty of forfeiture and damages. 888 NEW clerk's assistant. And I do hereby, for the coni-iJeratlon aforesaid, waive the benefit of the excmplion specified in the iirsi section of the act entitled "An Act to extend the exemption of iiousehokl furniture and working tools from distress for rent and sale under execution," passed April 11th, 1842, and agree that the property thereby exempted, shall be liable to distress for said rent; and also, that all property liable to distress for rent shall be so liable, whether on or off the said premises, wheresoever and whensoever the same may be found. Given, &c., [as in § Vl2.] § 719. Agreement for a Lease. This agreement, made the day of, &c., between A. B. of, &c., and C. D., of, • C. D. [l. a] G. H. ) LANDLORD A.VD TENANT. § 720. Lease and Chatid Mortf/age. This agreement, made the. day of , 18 , between A. B., of, ifec., of the first part, and C. D., of, Arc, of the second part, wituessetli : That the said A. B. has agreed to let, and hereby does Itt, aiid the said C. D. has agreed to take, and luneby does take, fill the premises known as number 347, street, in the city of , for one year commencing the day of ,18, and ending the day of , 18 , at twelve o'clock, noon, of that day, at the annual rent of dolhu's, payable in equal quar- terly payments. And the said C. D. hcrt-by covenants and agrees to pay the rent in manner aforesaid; to permit the said A. B., or his agent, to enter the said picmises at all reasonable hours in the day time, to make such repairs and alterations as may be necessary fur the preservation thereof, and to exhibit the same to persons wishing to rent, after the day of ,18 , and put notices " To Let," on the walls thereof ; to quit and surrender the said premises, at the expiration of the said term, in as good state and condition as reason- able use and wear thereof will permit, damages by the elements excepted; and that he will not assign, let or underlet, the whole or any part of the said premises, or occupy the same for any business deemed extra-hazardous, without the written consent of the said A- B., or his agent. And the said C. D., in considei-ation of the premises, and of the sura of one dollar to him paid by the said A. B., doth hereby grant, bargain and sell, unto the said A. B., all and singular the following goods and chattels, [or, the goods and chattels, mentioned in the schedule hereto annexed:] viz: [describe pro2)erti/ if there be no schedide:'\ To have and to hold the said goods and chattels to the said A. B., forever; upon the condition, however, that if the said C. D. shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said A. B., the rent above reserved, punctually, at the several times when the same shall become due, as aforesaid, then the said bargain and sale shall be null and void. But in case defeult shall be made in the pay- ment of the said rent, or any part thereof, at the several times men- tioned as aforesaid, and the same remain unpaid five days after the same becomes due and payable, then it shall' be lawful for the said A. B. to take possession of the said goods and chattels, wherever the same may be found, and to sell the same at public sale, (first giving three days' notice of the time and place of such sale,) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the rent due, and the balance of rent for the whole unexpired term, whether due or not due, and all costs and expenses that may have accrued on account thereof, rendering thb remaining goods and chattels, and the surplus money from Sciiu sale, if any there shaU bo. unto the said C. D., or his representatives * 390 NEW clerk's assistant. And it is further agreed between the said parties to these presents, that if at any time default shall be made in the payment of the ■^-^id rent, or any part thereof, at the times above specified, the said A. 13. shall and may re-enter the said premises, and remove all persons therefrom ; and the smd C. D. hereby expressly waives the service of any notice in writing- of the intention to re-enter, or any legal process or proceeding to put the said A. B. in possession ; and, also, that in ca.se the said C. D. shall sell, assign or dispose of, or attempt to sell, assign, or otherwise dispose of, the goods and chattels aforesaid, or shall attempt to remove the same from the of , it shall and Tnay be lawful for the said A. B. to take possession of the same, and retcun them in his possession until the said rent shall be paid, or until default in the payment thereof But until default be made in the payment of the said rent, the said goods and chattels (unless the said C. D. shall sell, or attempt to sell, or remove the same, as afore- Raid,) shall remain in the possession of the said C. D.' In witness, &,c., [as in § 719.] § 721. Agreement between a House-Keeper and Lodger. This agreement, by and between A. B., of, &c., and C. D., of, &c., made the day of, &c., witnesseth : That the said C. D., in considei'ation of the agreement hereinafter contained, to be performed by A. B., has let to the said A. B. the entire first floor, and one room in the attic story, or garj-et, with the use of the offices, and of the yard for drying linen, or beating carpets or clothes, being pai't of the dwelling-house now occupied by the said C. D., situate in the village of , [or, known as number in street, in the city of Albany,] for and during the term of two years from the day of the date hereof ; to hold to the said A. B., for the said term of two years, at the yearly rent of dollars, payable quarterly to the said C. D. In consideration of the premises, A. B. agrees to pay to the said C. D., the aforesaid yearly rent of dollars, at the times above Hmited for the payment thereof ; and at the end of the said term, or in case of any default in the payment, to yield and deliver up to the said C. D., or liis assigns, on request, the quiet and peace- able possession of the premises above described, and leave them in as good condition and repair as they shall be on his takuig possession thereotj reasonable wear excepted. In witness, &c., [as in § 719.] ' A lease, containing a mortgage of pergonal property, or a copy thereof, ehoukl be Cbil »• Uie same manner as chattel mortgages, in order to have the lien valid against third peraoii& LANDLORD AND TENANT. 391 ^722. Indenture of Lease. This indenture, made the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , between A. B., of, (fee, of the Hrst part, and C. D., of, drc, of the second part, wit- nesseth : Tluit the said party of the first part, for and in conside- ration of the rents, covenants and agreements, hereinafter mentioned, reserved and contained, on the part and behalf of the party of the riocond part, liis executors, administrators and assigns, to be paid, kept and performed, hath granted, demised, and to farm lettcn, and l)y these presents doth grant, demise, and to farm let, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administi'ators and assigns, all Y[)ive description of ijreiniscs ;] To ha\e and to hold the said above mentioned and described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, liis executors, administrators and assigns, from the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , * for and during, and until the full end and term of, ten years thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and ended, \or, for and during the natural life of E. F. ;] yielding and paying there- for, unto the said party of the first part, his heirs or assigns, yearly, and every year, during the said term hereby granted, the yearly rent or sum of dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, in equal quarter [or, half] yearly payments, to wit: on the first day of May, August, November, and February, in each and every year during the said term : Provided always, nevertheless, that if the yearly rent above reserved, or any part thereof, shall be behind or unpaid, on any day of payment whereon the same ought to be paid, as aforesaid ; or if default shall be made in any of the covenants herein contained, on the part and behalf of the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, to be pmd, kept and performed, then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful for the said party of the first part, his heirs or assigns, into and upon the said demised premises, and every part thereof, wholly to re-enter, and the same to have again, re-possess and enjoy, as in his or their first and former estate, any thing hereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And the said party of the second part, for himself find his heirs, executors and administrators, doth covenant and agree, to and with the said party of the first part, his heirs and assigns, by these presents, that the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators or assigns, shall and will, yearl}', and every year, during the term liereby granted, well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said party of the first part, his heirs or assigns, the said yearly rent above reserved, on the days, and in the manner, limited and pre- scribed, as aforesjiid, for the payment thereof, without any deduction, fraud, or delay, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents: [if necessary, insert: and that the said party of the second S92 NEW clerk's assistant. part, his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and •will, at their own proper costs and charges, bear, pay and discharge, all such taxes, dutifs and assessments whatsoever, as shall or may, during the said term hereby granted, be charged, assessed, or imposed upon the said described premises:] and that on the last day of the said term, or other sooner determination of the estate hereby granted, the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, or assigns^, shall and will peaceably and quietly leave, surrender and yield up, \into tlie said party of the first part, liis heirs or assigns, all and singular the said demised premises. And the said party of the first part, for himself, his heirs and assigns, doth covenant and agi-ee, by these presents, that the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, or assigns, paying the said yearly rent above reserved, and performing the covenants and agreements aforesaid, on his and their part, the said party of the second part, his executors, adminis- tratore and assigns, shall and may at all times during the said term hereby granted, peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy, the said demised premises, without any manner of let, suit, trouble or hindrance, of or from the said party of the first part, his heirs or assigns, or any other person or persons whomsoever. In witness, Where the person in possession of the demised premises, or claiminir the possession, makes an afiiJavit to ojipose the warrant of removal, the matter controverted must be tried by a jury, provided eiiher party demand the same, at lti« lime of showing cause, before tho adjournment, and pay the necessary costs and expenses of c-bfs»n-ug the jury, oiherwisc tht magistrate before whom the proceedings are had will dec«l« Mm CMDt^veisy. '( Lawa of 1^9 chap. laS.) 400 NEW clerk's assistant. upon his o^tli denied the aforesaid allegations of the said A. B. : You are (lioi-cfore hereby commanded, in the name of the people of the Statr- of New York, to summon, [^insert the names of twelve persons,^ bein"- twelve reputable persons, qualified to serve as jurors in courts of record, and nominated by me for the purpose, to appear before me, at, Ac, on, &c., [not more than three days after the date of the prece2)t,'] for tlie purpose of trying the matter in diflference between the said A. B. and C. D. Witness, (fee, [as in § 732.] § 741. Juror's Oath? You, and each of you, do swear, that you wiU well and truly try, kear and determine the matters in difference now depending before me, between A. B. and C. D., the parties to this proceeding, and a true verdict give therein according to evidence. So help you God. § 742. Officer's Oath to Keep Jury, after Evidence Oiven, You do swear, that you will well and faithfully keep, in some private and convenient place, this jury committed to your charge, without meat or drink, water excepted. You shall not suffer any person to speak to them, nor speak to them yourself, unless to ask them if they have agreed upon their verdict, until they have agreed on their verdict, or are sooner discharged by me. So help you God. § 743. Security for Hent on Proceeding for ITon- Payment.* We hereby jointly and severally engage to pay A. B. the sum of dollars, for rent due him for the occupation of, [describe the preniises,\ and for the costs and charges of a certain application to remove the undersigned C. D. from the said premises, under the provisions of the statute authorizing summary proceedings to recover ' Six of the jurors summoned are to be drawn by the magistrate, in the same manner as ID lustices' couris. Tlie finding of ilie jury before a justice of the peace, or his decision, '^here no juiy is called, must be entered in his docket, and judgment rendered therefor. The judgment must also include the costs of the prevailing party, according to the rates pre- gcribed for similar services in civil actions in jtisilces' courts, and the warrant for delivery must direct the collection of such costs, or an execution may be issued for tliat purpose (Laws of 1S49, chap. 193.) Where proceedings are had before a justice of the peace, the* may be removed to the County Court by appeal. (See the note to § 748, p.403. ) * Upon giving security satisfactory to the magistrate, the issuing of the warrant of reoioyal WiU be suyed. ZJkKDLORD Xm> TENAKt. 401 the possession of land in certain cases, within ten days from the date hercot Dated and sealed, this day of ,18 C. D. [l. 8. E. ~ L. ). b. [l. 8.1 c. F. rL.8.1 J. M. [l. 8.J § 744. Notice to Remove, in a case of Tenancy at Will, to he Served cus in ^ 132. To C. D., of You are hereby required to remove from, and quit the premises which you now hold of me, situate in the village of , in the county of , within one month after service of this notice. Dated the day of ,18 Yours, (fee, A. B. § 745. Affidavit to he Made by the Landlord to obtain Summons, in a Case of Tenancy at Wili. County, ss: A. B., of , in said county, being duly sworn, says, that since the day of , in the year , C. D., of the wime place, has held and occupied the house and lot in the of , on street, where the said C. D. now resides, as the tenant of this deponent, and at his will, and without any cer- t;un time agreed on for the termination of said tenancy ; and that this deponpnt caused a notice in writing to be served on the said C. D., in due form of law, on the day of last past, requiring him to remove from the said premises within one month from the day of senice thereof ; And this deponent further says, that the said time has expired, and that the said C. D., or liis assigns, hold over and continue in possession of the said premises after the expiration of tho said time, without the permission of this deponent Sworn, &c., [as in § 731.] A B. § 740. Summons thereon to the Tenant, to Remove or Show Cause. To C. D., of : Whereas, A. B. has made oath in writing, and presented the sam« to tre, that since the day of , in the year , y»« ^ave held and occupied the house and lot in the of 26 402 NEW clerk's assistant. in street, where you now reside, as his tenant, and at hia will, without any certain time agreed on for the termination of smd tenancy ; and that he caused a notice in writing to be served on you in due form of law, on the day of last past, requiring you to remove from said premises within one month from the day of the service thereof ; and that the said time hath expired, but that you, or your assigns, hold over and continue in possession of said premises after the expiration of said time, without the permission of the said landlord : Therefore, in the name of the people of the State of New York, you are hereby summoned and required, forthwith to remove from the said premises, or show cause before me, at my office, in the town of , in said county, on the day of instant, why possession of the said premises sho\ild not be delivered to the said landlord. Witness, &c., [as in § 732.] § 747. Warrant to Remove the Tenant. To any Constable of the Town of , in the County of , greeting : Wliereas, A. B. made oath in writing, and presented the same to me, that since the day of , in the year , C. D., of , has held and occupied the house and lot in the of , in street, where he now resides, as his tenant and at his will, without any certain time agreed on for the termina- tion of said tenancy ; and that he caused a notice in writing to be served on him, the said tenant, in due form of law, on the day of last, requiring him to remove from said premises within one month from the day of the service thereof : and that the said time has expired, but that the said tenant, or his assigns, held over and continued in possession of said premises after the expiration of said time, without the permission of said landlord ; whereupon 1 issued a summons, requiring the tenant to remove from said premises, or show cause before me, at a certain time now past, why the landlord should not be put in possession of said premises ; and due proof of the service of said summons having been made to me, and no good cause against the landlord's application having been shown, or any way appearing : Therefore, the people of the State of New York command you to remove all persons from the said premises, and put the said A. B. into the full possession thereof Witness, &c., [as in § 732.] LANDLORD AND TENANT. 403 § 748. Affidavit for Appeal to County Court} County, ss: C. D., of said county, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that on the day of 18 , A. B., of , in said county, made and presented to G. H., Esquire, a Justice of the Peace, in and for said county, his affidavit, of which the following is a copy, to wit: [Insert here the affidavit.'] Whereupon the said Justice issued his summons, dated on the day of , 18 , requiring this deponent forthwith to remove from the premises, in the said affidavit of the said A. B. men- tioned, or to show cause before the said Justice, at his office in , on tlie day of , 1 8 , at o'clock in tlie noon, why possession of the said premises should not be delivered to the land- lord ; [^If the summons is informal, insert a copy ofit;^ on which said day, to wit, the day of , 18 , the said A. B. and the said C. D. appeared before the said Justice, whereupon the fol- lowing proceedings were had: [i/ere state the proceedings, with the evidence of the witnesses, if any were sworn.^ Deponent further says, that upon such hearing, the Justice gave judgment for the said A. B., that the said premises in his said affi- davit mentioned, should be delivered to him as the landlord ; [or, against the said A. B., and that the said premises in his said affidavit mentioned, should not be delivered to him as the landlord.] And deponent assigns the following grounds of error, upon which he appeals to the Coimty Court of the said county of , to wit: [State the grounds of error distinctly and concisely.] Sworn, &c., \as in § 731.] C. D. I hereby allow the within appeal, this day of , 18 . J. P. H., County Judge, > The proccedin;;9 before a Jaatice of the Peace, under the act authorizing the removal oi tenants, &c., may be removed bv apfteal to the County Court of the county, in the same man- ner, anil with the like efi'eci, andupon like security, as appeals from the judgment of Justices of the Peace in civil actions; but the decision of the County Judge must be a reversal or affirmance of the justice's judgment, and will be final. But where the tenant appeals, and desires the issuing of the warrant or execution to be stayed, security must also be given for the payment of all rent, accruing or to accrue subsequent to the application to the Justice. Th 5 security must in all cases be approved uy the County Judge at the time of allowing in* appeal, and served on the justice with the atfidarit for appeal. (Laws of 1S19, chap. \\a.) 404 KEW CIERk's assistant. § 749. Notice of Appeal} Summary proceeding to recover possession of land, before G. H., Esq., Justice of the Peace. In tlie matter of^ A. B., landlord, against C. D., tenant Sir: Please take notice, that C. D., above named, appeals from the judgment rendered against him by G. H., Esquire, Justice of the Peace aforesaid, on the day of last, which judgment is mentioned and referred to in the within [or, annexed] affidavit, and herewith served on you, to the County Court of the county of ; and that the said appeal will be heard by the Hon. J. P. H., County Judge, at his office in the city of , on the day of next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Dated , July 30th, 18 . C. D. ToA.B. § 750. Undertaking on Appeal. In the matter of ^ A. B., landlord, f Summary proceeding to recover possession of land, against [ before G. H. Esq., Justice of the Peace. C. D., tenant J C. D., above named, having appealed to the County Court of county, from the judgment rendered against him in tliis proceeding, [describe the judgment:^ Now, therefore, in order to stay the execution of the said judgment, and in consideration thereof, we, L. M. and S. T., undertake and promise to, and with the said A.' B., that if judgment be rendered against the said C. D., on the said appeal, and execution thereon be leturned unsatisfied in whole or in part, we will pay the amount unsatisfied: [//' the appeal is made by a tenant, add: And we do further promise and undertake, to and •with tlie said A. B., that the said C. D. shall punctually pay all rent Accruing or to accrue upon said premises subsequent to the applica- « A copy of the afTidarit for appeal, and a notice of the appeal, must be served on the op. posile party, within twenty days after the rendition of the judgincni, nnd also on the jiisiio*. If the party be a resideiii of the county, the service maybe personal, or by leaving the copy r.f the aflRlavii and notice at his residence, wiih some person of suitable a^e and discrciion ; if not a resident, the service may be on the attorney or agenl, if any, wiio ia a resideiil oi t* eity or county, who appeared for him on the irial. lAiniLORD AKD TENAJSTT. 406 *ion to the Justice, at tlie time or times -when the same becomes due and payable, and that in default thereof, we will pay the same.] Witness our hands and seals, this day of 18 . L. M. [l. s.] S. T. [l. s.] I approve of the above undertaking and the surety [or, sureties,] therein mentioned, J. P. H., County Judge. § 751. Petition and Affidavit, where Premises are Vacated. To S. T., one of the Justices of tlie Peace of the county of : Tlie petition of A. B., of in said county, respectfully sliowetli: That he demised to C. D., of, &c., the premises lately occupied by the said C. D., on street, in the village of in said county, for the term of one year from tlie day of , one thousand eight hundred and , at the yearly rent of dollars, payable'quarter yearly ; that the said C. D. entered into the possession of the said premises as tenant thereof, by virtue of the said demise, and is now indebted to your petitioner in the sum of dollars, for one quarter's rent of the smd premises, due the day of ,18 ; and that he has deserted the same, leaving the said rent in arrear, and the premises unoccupied and uncultivated. Your petitioner, therefore, requests that you go upon and view the premises, and if satisfied, upon such view, that the premises are so deserted, that you affix a notice in writing upon a conspicuous part tliereof, requiring the tenant to appear and pay the said rent Dated the day of , 18 . A. B. County, ss: A. ^., of said county, being duly sworn, says, that the facts set forth in the above petition subscribed by him, are true. Sworn, (fee, [as in § 731.] §752. Notice of Jmtice on Foregoing Petition. NOTICE. To C. D., of : You are hereby notified, that at the request of A. B., yotir land- lord, and upon due proof made to me that he had demised to you the premises upon which this notice is affixed, and that you wcre^ io arrear for one quarter's tent, amounting to dollars ; and that y^u had deserted the premises, leaving such rent in ajrrcar, and left 40d Ksw clerk's assistant. them unoccupied and uncultivated, I have viewed liio. said premises, and am satisfied, upon such view, that the same have been so desert- ed ; Therefore, you are hereby required to appear, on the day of , at o'clock in the noon, at the place where thi? notice is afiixed, and pay the rent due, or the landlord will be put in possession of the premises. Dated the day of , 18 . S. T., Justice of the Peace. § 753. Record of Justice, where Premises are Deserted} State of New York, ) g. County, ) Be it remembered, that on the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , A. B., by petition presented to me, set forth that he had demised to C. D., &c., [as in petition;'] and for wliich there is now due to the said A. B., for arrears of rent for the same, the sum of dollars ; that C. D. deserted the premises, leaving the said rent in arrear, and left the p^-emises un- occupied and uncultivated; whereupon, at the request of the said A. B., and upon due proof of the facts set forth as above, I did go upon and view the premises, and was satisfied, upon such view, that the premises were so deserted : Therefore, a notice in writing was affixed by me upon the front door of the dwellmg-house thereupon, requiring the said C. D. to appear on the day of , at o'clock in the noon, at the place where the said notice was so afiixed, and pay the rent due ; at which time and place I again viewed the premises, and the tenant not appearing and denying that any rent was due to the landlord ; nor he, nor any per- son for him appearing to pay the rent in arrear, I did put the said A B., the landlord, in possession of the premises above mentioned, free and clear of any demise to the said C. D., the same being by law from thenceforth declared void. Witness my hand, this day of , 18 . S. T., Justice, &c. ' If the tenant appear at the time specified in the notice, and deny that any rent is due to the landlord, all proceedinga will cease ; but if, upon the second view, the tenant or some one for him, does not appear and pay the rent in arrear, then the Justice may put the land- lord into possession, and any demise of the premises to the tenant will, from thenceforth, be- come void. An appeal from the Justice's proceedings may be made by the tenant, at any time within three mouths after such possession is delivered, to the County Court of the county. Security is to be given satisfactory to the Justice, as m § 754. and lie is also to bt Bcrved with noiice of the appeal. The Jusiice must servo the landlorct with the like »oiiee of the appeal, and return tne proceedings had before him to the court, within ten days after the notice ami security shall be given by the tenant. The court is required to examine the proceedings, and hear the prools and allegations of the parties, in some summary way, and such court may order restitution of the premises to be made to the tenant, wiih costs to be paid by ihe landlord ; ia case of atfirmation, cost may be awarded against the tenant. LAKDLORD AND TENANT. 407 § 754. Bond on Appeal from Justice^); Proceedings. Know all men, (fee. ; [as in the usual form, to the condition, and tlien add:] Whereas, ceitain proceedings have been had, at the in- stance of A. B., against C. D., before S. T., one of the Justices of the Peace of the county of , under color of the pro- visions of the statute authorizing summary proceedings to obtain possession of demised premises when deserted by the tenant; whereby tlie said A. B. was, on the day • of last, put into the possession of certain premises by him demised to the said C. D., from which proceedings the said C. D. hath appealed to the County Court of said county. Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the said C. D. sliall Avell and truly pay to the said A. B. all costs of such appeal which may be adjudged against such tenant, then this obliga- tion shall be void ; otherwise of full force. Sealed and delivered ) C. in presence of >- E. A. U. ) I approve of this bond as the security for tlie appeal therein men- tioned. S. T., Justice. !. D. [l. s.] J. F. [l. S.J § 755. Kotice to the Justice of the Appeal. To S. T., Esq., Justice of the Peace: Sir : I have appealed, and do hereby appeal, to the County Court of the county of , from your proceedings at the instance of A. B., by which he has been put in possession of the premises lately occupied by me, in the town of , in the county of , under color of the provisions of the statute authorizing summarj^ pro- ceedings to recover possession of lands in certain cases : And of this you Avill take notice, and return the proceedings had before you to the said court, within ten days. Dated the day of ,18. Yours, &c., C. D. § 756. Notice to the Landlord of the Appeal. ToA. B.: Sir: You will take notice, that C. D., upon giving the required security, has this day appealed to the County Court of the county of , from my proceedings at your instance, and by Mhich you have been put in possession of the premises situate in , in ssiid county, and demised by you to the said C. D., for the term ot years. Dated this day of ,18 Yours, ic, S. T., Justice. 408 RBW clerk's assistant. § 757. Complaint for Forcible Entry, and AJtdavtt.i County, ss: The complaint of A. B., of , in said county, to G, H., Esq., County Judge of said county, showeth: That C. D., of , afore- said, on the day of , in the year , at the town of , in the county of , aforesaid, did unlawfully make a forcible entry into the lands and possessions of this complainant, to wit: the dwelling-house and appurtenances of this complainant there situate, bounded, &c., [insert boundaries;^ and then and there did violently, forcibly, and unlawfully, and with strong band, eject and expel the complainant from his said lands and possessions, wherein this complainant had, at the time aforesaid, an estate of freehold, [or, snch other estate, as the case may 5e,] then and still subsisting ; and that the said C. D. still doth hold and detain the said lands and pos- sessions from the said A. B., unlawfully, forcibly, and with strong hand, and against the form of the statute in such case made and pro- vided. Dated this day of , in the year AB. County, ss: A. B., of , in said county, being duly sworn, says, that the facts and circumstances stated and set forth in the foregoing com- plaint, by him signed, are true. Sworn, &c., [as m § 731.] A. R § 758. Precept to Summon the Jury of Inquiry. Coimty, ss: To the Sheriff, or any Constable, of the County of : In the name of the People of the State of New York, you are here- by commanded to cause to come before me, at the house of , in the town of , in said county, on the day of in- stant, at o'clock in the noon, twenty-four good and lawful inhabitants of the said county, duly qualified by law to serve as jurors, I The complaint may be made by any party in the actual and peaceful possession of lands at the time a forcible entry ia made, or in the constructive possession where there is a forci- ble iiolding out. Upon receiving the complaint, the Judge issues the precept to summon a jury, to the Sheritf or a Constable of the county, and at the same lime notifies the party against whom the complaint is made, of the time and place of trial : which notice is to he served in the same manner as directed in the note to § 732. At the time appointed for tht ■ return pf the precept, the Judge admmisiei-s an oath to the persons returned summoned, who appear, not bemg less than thir'.een, nor more than twenty-threo, woll and truly to in- quire into the matters complained of, and a true inquisicion thereon to niuke. The jury ilien proceed to iiKiuiie into the mailer, and hear the testimony; the inquisition is to be iiiijdoaud signed before the Judge, and delivered to him. LANDLORD AND TENANT. 409 to inqiiire upon their oaths for the said people, of a certain forcible entry and detainer unlawfully made by C. D., as is said, into the dwelling-house of one A. B., in the town of , in said county, against the form of the statute in such case made and provided. And have you then there this precept Given imder my hand, the day of , in the year G. H., County Judge. § 769. Notice to the Person Complained of. To CD.: On the complaint of A. B., of the town of , in the county of , made to me, the undersigned, G. H., County Judge of said county, that 3'ou did unlawfully make a forcible entry into the dwelling-house of the said A. B., situate in said town, and bounded, \insert description,'^ and then and there did violently, forcibly, un- lawfully, and with strong hand, eject and expel the said A. B. from his Said dwelling-house, and do still unlawfully and forcibly, and with strong hand, detain and hold the said dwelling-house, and the posses- sion thereof, from the said A. B. : I have this day issued my precept, directed to the Sheriff, or any Constable, of said county, commanding him to cause to come before me, at the house of , in the town of , in said county, on the day of instant, at o'clock in the noon, twenty-four good and lawful inhabitants of the said county, duly qualified by law to serve as jurors, to inquire upon their oaths of the said forcible entry and detainer ; of all which you are notified. Dated this day of , 18 . G. H., County Judge. § 760. Affidavit of Service of Preceding Notice. Coimty, ss: R F., of said county, being duly sworn, says, that on the day of instant, he served a notice, of which the annexed is a copy, ou C. D., by delivering the same to him personally, [or, by delivering the same on the premises in question, to A. D., the son of the said C. D., of the age of twenty years and upwards, because the said C. D. could not be found ; or, by affixing the same on the front dcor • of the house in question, thei-e being no person on the premises ; or^ by affixing the same on the post at the prmcipal entrance of said 410 NEW clerk's assistant. premises, being a public and suitable place, and there being no house or person on said premises.] Sworn, (fee, [as in § 731.] R F. § 761. Inquisition of the Jury. State of New- York, County, An inquisition taken at the house of , in the town of , in the county of , on the day of , in the year , by the oaths and affirmations of E. F., tfec, \insert the names of the jurors sworn, or bij whom the in- quisition is signed,'\ inhabitants of said county, duly qualified to serve as jurors, before G. H., Esq., County Judge of said county, who say upon their oaths and affirmotions aforesaid, that A. B., of the town of , aforesaid, long since had an estate of free- hold, [or, as the estate may hef\ in the dwelhng-house, with the ap- purtenances, situated in the town of , aforesaid, and bounded, (fee, [as in complaint;'] and that the said A. B. was long since lawfully and peaceably possessed thereof; and that his said es- tate and possession so subsisted and continued, until C. D., of the same place, on the day of , &c., did forcibly and unlawfully, and with strong hand, enter into the said land and premises, and expel him, the said A. B., therefrom ; and the said A. B., so expelled from the said dwelling-house, with the appurtenances aforesaid, from the said day of, (fee, until the day of the taking of this inquisition, unlawfully and forcibly, and with strong hand, did keep out, and doth yet keep out, to the great disturbance of the people of the State of New York, and contrary to the form of the statute in such case made ; and that the SEiid estate of the said A. B. still subsists therein.. And we, the jurors aforesaid, whose names are hereto set, do, on the evidence produced before us, find the inquisition, aforesaid, true. E. F., &c., &c. § 762. Venire for Petit Jury. County, ss: To the Sheriff, or any Constable, of said County, greeting: The People of the State of NeAV York command you to summon, personally, twelve good and lawful men of the town of , ' If the inquisitioT is not traversed within twenty-four hours, the Judge issues his warrant to make restitution immediately. The party complained against may, however, traverse the inquisition, in writing, (§ 739,) denying the forcible entry or forcible holding out, or al- LANDLORD AKD TENANT. ill In said county, duly qualified to serve as jurors, and not exempt from serA-ing on Junes in Courts of Record, and in no -wise of kin to A. B., or to C. D., to come before G. H., Esq., County Judge of said county, at the house of , in the town of , afore- said, on the day of instant, to make a juiy of the county, upon their oaths to try a certain traverse of an inquisidoa found upon the complaint of A. B., and now pending before the said Judge, against C. D., of county, for a certain forcible and unlawful entry made by the said C. D., into the dwelling-house of the said A. B., in the town of , in said county, and for the forcible and unlawful detainer thereof, against the form of the statute in such case made and provided ; and that you make a list of the persons summoned, certify and annex the same to tliis precept, and make return hereof to me. Given, Laws of 1842, chap. 136, ( 19. 414 NEW clerk's assistant. years. On granting the certificate tiie Judge may, in his discretion, require the friends of the patient to give security to the Superin- tendent of the Poor of the county to remove the patient from tht Asylum at the end of two years, in case he does not recover.' 3. The expenses of a lunatic sent to tlic Asylum in indigent cir- cumstances, but not a " pauper," or " furiously mad," cannot be charged to his town by the county.' FORMS. § 765. Request to Svptrintendent for the Admission of a Patient. To C. R., Esq., Superintendent of the State Lunatic Asylum at Utica: I hereby request that C. D., [give the name of the patient in full,] my son, [or, lately in my employ : or, as the case may be,] who re- sides in the town of , in the county of , and State of , may be admitted as a patient into the said asylum. Said C. D. was born in the town [or, parish] of , in the county of , and State [or, kingdom ; or, province,] of his age is years, and his occupation a clerk, [or, as the case may be.] A. B., Merchant, of the town of , in the county of , and State of § 766. Certificate of Physicians to Accompany the Bequest. In the matter of ) C. D., a lunatic: j We, the undersigned physicians, residing in the town of , in the county of , and State of New York, do hereby certify, that we have carefully examined into the mental state and condition of C. D., above named ; and that, in our opinion, formed upon such examination, the said C. D. is insane. Given under our hands, this day of , 18 . L. B. S. W. > Laws of 1842, chap. 135, § 26 ; Laws of I « 7 Hill, 171, 1660, chap. 283. | UJNATIC8. 415 County, ss : L. B and S. W., of said county, being by me severally sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that the facts stated and set forth in the above certificate, by him signed, are true. Sworn to, this day of , ) L. B. 18 , before me, j S. W. H. T. C, Justice of the Peace. § 767. Application to County Judge, and Affidavit. To the Hon. J. P. H., County Judge of the County of : The petition of A. B., of the town of , in said county, respectfully showeth : That C. D., now a, resident of the said town, is, and for the term of years last past, has been, a lunatic; that he is now in the care and custody of E. F., at the town afore- said ; that he is in indigent circumstances, and has no property in his own possession, or held by any person in trust for him, sufficient for his support, [or, for the support of himself and family,] under the visitation of insanity aforesaid : Your petitioner therefore prays, that an examination and investigation may be had in the premises, pursu- aht to the provisions of the act entitled " An Act to organize the State Lunatic Asylum, and more effectually to provide for the care, main- tenance, and recovery of the insane," passed April 7, 1842, and the act entitled "An Act in relation to the State Lunatic Asylum," passed April 10, 1850. A. B. County, ss: A. B., of said county, being duly sworn, says, that the facts and circumstances stated and set forth in the foregoing petition, by him signed, are true. Sworn, &c., [as in § 766.] A. B. § 768. Order of Judge on the Foregoing Petition. In the matter of C. D., ) an alledged indigent lunatic: j Upon the petition of A. B., of £he town of , in the county of , herein presented to me, and duly verified, it is ordered: That J. T. P. and D. D., two respectable physicians of the said county, be hereby designated and appointed, pursuant to the provis- ions of the act entitled, &c., [as in § 707,] to examine the said C. D. in respect to his alledged insanity, within days after they shall be respectively served with a copy of this order, certified by me ; and that they appear before me at my oflfice ia , on th© 410 HEW clkrk's assistant. day of instant, [or, next,] at o'clock in the noon, and certify their respective opinions *.n relation thereto; and that, at the time and place aforesaid, other vitnesses be exam- ined touching the mental condition and pecuniary circumstances of the said C. D. J. P. H., County Judge of the county of § V69. Subpoena to Witness. County, ss: *o E. F., 0. P., &c., &c., of said County, greeting: You, and each of you, are hereby commanded, in the name of the people of the State of New York, to appear before me, at my office in , on the day of instant, [or, next,] at o'clock in the noon, to testify what you, or oitner of. you, may knoAv, touching the mental condition and pecuniary cir- cumstances of C. D., now of the town of , in said county. Given under my hand, at , this day of , 18 . J. P. H., County Judge, (fee. § V70. I^otice to Superintendent or Overseer. To E. F., one of the Superintendents of the Poor of the County of [or, an overseer of the poor of the town of in the County of .] Sir: You will please take notice that an apphcation has been made to me in behalf of C. D., of in said county, an allcdged indigent lunatic, praying for an examination and investigation under the act entitled "An Act to organize the State Lunatic Asylum, &c.," passed April 7, 1842, and the act entitled "An Act in relation to the State Lunatic Asjd urn," passed April 10, 1850; and that a hear- ing upon the said application will be had at my office in the of , on the day of , instant, [or, next,] at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Yours, (fee, J. P. H., County Judge of said County of • § 771. Certificate of Physicians, and Affidavit. In the matter of C. D., ) an alledged indigent lunatic : J We do hereby certify, that in pursuance of the order of J. P. H., Coxmty Judge of the county of , made in the above entitled LUKATIC8, 417 matter, and bcarinsr date the day of ,18 , vre have carefully examined into tlie mental state and condition of C. D., above named, and particulai-ly in reference to his fdledged insanity; and tliat, in our opinion, derived from such examination, the said C. D. is a confirmed lunatic. Given under our hands, this day of , 18 . J. T. P. D. D. County, ss: J. T. P. and D. D., of said coxmty, being by me severally sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that the facts stated and set forth iu the foregoinof t 1 Kent's Commentaries, (2d ed.) 424 ; S Wheaton, 2C9 ; 5 Id., 49. NATURALIZATION. 426 than his own oath, that he has res'ded five years, at least, within the United States, and one year, at least, within the State where the court is held; and if he shall have arrived after the peace of 1815, his residence must have been continued for five years next preceding his admission, without being at any time, during the said five years, out of the territory of the United States. He must satisfy the court that, during that time, he has behaved as a man of good moral charac- ter, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same. He must, at the same time, renounce any title, or order of nobility, if any he has.' 3. The children of persons duly naturalized, being minors at that time, will, if dwelling in the United States, be deemed citizens. If any alien shall die after his declaration, and before actual admission as a citizen, his widow and children will be deemed citizens.'-' 4. Any alien who may purchase and take a conveyance of lands or real estate in the State of New York, or to whom the same may be devised, or would descend if he were a citizen, and who shall have filed the deposition or affirmation, a form of which is hereinafter given, or who may file the same within one year from the time of such pur- chase, devise, or descent cast, may hold or convey such land or real estate, during the term of five years from the 10th day of Apiil, 1843, in the same manner as if he were a citizen.* 5. A married woman, who is an alien, may be naturalized.* FORMS. § 781. Declaration of Intention, and Certificate of Cleric. I, A. B., do declare on oath, that it is hona fide my intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to all and any foreign prince, potentate, state, and sovereignty, whatever ; and particularly to Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, [or, as the name and title of the sovereign may 6e.] Sworn in open court, this ) A. B. day of , 18 , before me, j W. B., Clerk of the Court of » Laws of U. S., 1S02, chap. 2S ; M., 1813. I » 2 R. S. (3il c.l.) 4, 5, J) 16--3I ; Lawa of chap. Iy4 ; lU., ISIiG, chap. 32; Id., 10-21, | 1R31I, cluip. 171; Laws ol 1S3G, chap. 339; Chap. 1S6: Id., 1S28. chap. 106: 7 Hill, 50, I Laws ol 183S, chap. 32; Laws of 1S43, chap. 137. 87; Laws ol lSl.->, ch..p. I l.'s 5 Paige, lU; I U Id., 448; 20 Wendell, 3Jd; 21 Id., uS; % » 2 Kont'8 Commentaries, (2ded.)W, GC; Hill, 07. Laws of V S. 1604 ciiap 47. | « 2U Wendoll, 338. 42tf KE"W clerk's assistant. I, W. B., Clerk of the Court of , being a court of record, having common laAV jurisdiction, and a clerk and seal, do certify that the above is a true copy of the original declaration of in- tention of A. B. to become a citizen of the United States, remaining of record in my office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the seal of the said coui't, the day of , one thou- sand eight hundred and . [l. 6.] W. B., Clerk. § 782. Oath of Alien. United States of America ; State ) of New York, County, J A. B., being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that he is a resident in the State of New York, and intends always to reside in the United States, and to become a citizen thereof, as soon as he can be natu- ralized ; and that he has taken such incipient measures as the laws of the United States require, to enable laim to obtciin naturalization- Sworn before me, the ) day of , 18 . \ W. B., Clerk of Court. § 783. Affidavit of Alien vender Eighteen Years of Age at the time of his Arrival. In the matter of CD., ) g^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ork, County, ss: on bis natm-auzation, ) ' •' ' . C. D., being duly sworn, says, that, for the continued term of five years last past, he has resided within the United States, Avithout being at any time, during the said five years, out of the territory of the United States, and that for one year last past, he lias resided within the State of New York ; and that, at the time he so arrived iu the United States, he had not attained his eighteenth year. Sworn in open court, this day ) of , 18 , before me, j W. B., Clerk of the Court of § 784. Oath to Support the Constitution in preceding case. I, C. D., do solemnly swear, that I will support the Constitution of tJie United States, and that I do absolutely and entirely renounce KATVRALIZATION. 427 and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, whatever, and particularly to Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover, of whom I was a subject. Sworn, &c., [as in § 783.] C. D. § 785 Proof of Good Behavior, dr., to Accompany the foregoing Oath. State -of New York, ) . County, [ E. F., of said county, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that he is a citizen of the United States ; that he is well acquainted with the above named CD.; and that the said C. D. has resided Avithin the limits, and under the jurisdiction of the United States, for five years last past, and, for one year last past, within the State of New York ; and that during the same period he has behaved himself as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good or- der and happiness of the same. And he further saith, that, at the time the said C. D. arrived in the United States, he had not attained his eighteenth year. Sworn, &c., [as in §783.] E. F. § 786. Declaration of Intention to hecomc a Citizen for Three Years past. I, C. D., do declare, on oath, that it is bona fide my intention, and has been for the last three years, to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance to all and every foreign prince, potentate, state, and sovereignty, whatever, and particularly to Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria. C. D. Sworn, &c., [as m § 783.] § 787. Certificate of Citizenship, United States of America ; State ) . of New York, County, j Be it remembered, that on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , A, B., late of , in the kingdom of France, at present of > in the State of , aforesaid, appeared in the Court of 428 KEW clerk's assistant. (the sfud court being a court of record, liaving common law juris- diction, and a clerk and seal,) and applied to the said court to be admitted to become a citizen of the United States of America, pur- suant to the directions and requisitions of the several acts of Con- gress in relation thereto: And the said A. B. having thereupon produced to the court such evidence, made such declaration and renunciation, and taken such oath as are by the said acts required; thereupon it was ordered by the said court, that the said A. B. be admitted, and he was accordingly admitted by the said court, to be a citizen of the United States of America. In testimony whereof, the seal of the said court is hereunto afRxed, this day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and , and in the year of our independence the [l. s.] By the Court. W. B., Clerk l^For the form of the oath, see § 784.] y ss: § 788. Deposition of Alien to enable him to hold Real Estate^ United States of America; State of New York, County, A. B., being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that he is a resident of the State of New York, and intends always to reside in the Uni- ted States, and to become a citizen thereof, as soon as he can be naturalized ; and that he has taken such incipient measures as the laws of the United States require, to enable him to obtain naturali- ration. Sworn to before me, this ) day of , 18 . f G. H., County Judge. > The deposition, or affirmation, is to be made, or taken, before any ofTiccr atiihorized ta iK« the proof of deeda, and is to be tiled and recorded in the office of the Secretary of Stats. CEAPTER XXX. OFEICIAL OATH AND BOND. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. All persons elected or appointed to any civil office in this State, and in tlie several counties and cities tliereof, are required to take the official oath of office. Supervisors, Town Clerks, Assessors, Over- seers of the Poor, Commissioners of Highways, and Town Sealers, are also required to take such oath, within ten days after receiving notice of their election or appuiiitment 2. Official bonds are to be executed within the time prescribed for taking tlie oath of office, unless otherwise directed by law. 3. Overseers of Highways, and Poundmastei's, are i-ecjuii'cd to give notice to the Town Clerk, in writing, signifying their acceptance of their respective offices, within ten days after receiving notice of their election or appointment 4. The official oaths and bonds of town officers are to be filed with the Town Clerk, except that the bond of a Collector is to be filed with the County Clei-k, and that Justices of the Peace are required to lile their oaths of office, witliin tifieen days after the first day of January next after their election, in the offices of the Coanty Clerks of their respective counties.' 5. A pei-son elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, and not taking the oath, but entering upon the duties of the office, is Justice de facto, although he is guilty of a misdemeanor.' ' Amnedcd Constitution of New York, Art. xii ; 1 R. S. (3d ed.) 123, § 22, el ueq.; Id., 395k f 2<.l, ul sei|. «. 2 Uavbour'fl S. C. Rep., 330. 430 NEW clerk's assistant. FORMS. § 789. Official Oath. I do solemnly swear, [or, affirm,] that I will support tlie Constitu- tion of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of \^give the title of the offi,ce~\ according to the best of my ability. A. B. Sworn and subscribed, this day ) of ,18 , before me, \ P. v., Clerk of the County of § 790. Notice of the Acceptance of a Toion Office. lr> \j. 0., Clerk of the Town of , in the County of : Take noiiue, that I hereby accept the office of Overseer of High- ways of distiiot No. , in said town of Dated the day of , 18 . 0. P. § 791. Instruitviri, eo le Given hy a Constable and his Sureties. H. C. B., chosen [or, appointed] Constable of the town of , in the county of ; and L. M. and S. T., as sureties of the said H. C. B., vJo hereby jointly and severally agree to pay to each and every j,ei"son who may be entitled thereto, all such suras of money as the said Constable may become liable to pay, on account of any execution which shall be dehvered to him for col- lection. Dated the day of 18 Executed in the presence of, and ) H. C B. the sureties approved by, ) L. M E. F., Supervisor, [or, C. D., Tovru S. T. Clerk] of the Town oi L. s. L. S. § 792. Sheriff's Btyiitx.- Know all men by these presents : That we, A. P., L. M., and S. "l ., ot tne town of , in the county of , are held and ' The penal sum of the ShcrifT's bond in the city of New York, is twenty thousand dollars- and there ni-si Ixs two sureties. In other counties, the bond must be in the penal sum of tea thousand dollars, vviiA 'woor more sureties. OFFICIAL OATH AND BOND. 'iil firmly bound unto tlie people of the State of New York, in the penal sum of thousand dollars, to be paid to the said people ; for which payment, -well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and seve- rally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated the dav of , A. D. 18 .* Whereas, the above bounden A. P. hath been elected to the office of Sheriff of the county of , aforesaid, at the general election [or, at a special election] held therein, on the day of : Now, therefore, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said A. P. shall, well and faithfully, in all things, perform the du- ties and execute thfe office of Sheriff of the said county of , during his continuance in the said office, by virtue of the said elec- tion, without fraud, deceit, or oppression, then the above obligation to be void; else to remain in full force. A. P. [l. s. Executed in the presence of, and ) L. M. [l .s." the sureties approved by, j S. T. [l. s.' P. v.. Clerk of the County of § 793, Oath of Sheriff's Sureties, to he Indorsed on the Bond. I, L. M., one of the sureties named in the within bond, do solemnly swear, that I am a freeholder within the State of New York, and worth the sum of thousand dollars, over and above all debts whatsoever owing by me. L. M. Sworn and subscribed, this day ) of ,18 , before me, J ^ P. v., Clerk of the County of § 194:. Bond of a Deputy Sheriff. Know all men by these presents : That we, G. H., S. T., and 0. P., of the town of , in the county of , are held and firmly bound unto A. P., Esquire, Sheriff of the said county of , in tlie penal sum of thousand dollars, to be paid to the said A. P.; for which payment, tkc, [as in § V92 to the *, and then add:^ Whereas the above bounden G. H. has been appointed to the of- fice of Deputy Sheriff in and for the said county of , by the above named A. P., Sheriff, as aforesaid; Now, therefore, the condi- tion of this obhgation is such, that if the said G. H. shall save and keep the said A. P. harmless of and fi'om any habihty incurred by 432 KEW clerk's assistant. and through any act of the said G. H., as s\ich deputy, as aforesaid, then this obligation to be void, otherwise of force. Signed and sealed in ) G. H. [l. s. presence of >• S. T. [l. s.' C. D. ) 0. P. [l. 6.; § 795. General Form of an Official Bond. Know all men by these presents: That we, A. B., C. D., and E. F., of, (fee, are held and firnaly bound unto the people of the State of New York, [or, the officer, or officers, to whom the bond is to be given,'] in the penal sum of dollars, to be paid to the said fieople, [or officer, or officers, as aforesaid;] for which payment, &c., as in § 792, to the *, and then add:] Whereas, the above bounden A. B. has been appointed [or, elected] to the office of , [(/ive the title of the office:] Now, there- fore, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said A. B. shall, (fee, [futlow the Ian(/ua(/e of the statute prescribing the form of the condition,] then the above obligation to be void; else to re main in full force. Signed and sealed in 1 A. B. presence of > C. D. Cx.H. ) E.F. L. 8. L. 8. CHAPTER XXXI. PARTNERSHIP. PRACTICAL REMARKA 1. PartftOf>t<\. * 3 Kcnl's roinnieiiiuries, (2il eU ,) 24. • 3 Keiu's ConiineniarieH, (2U ed.) 25 j 9 28 Johnson, 307 ; 10 Iil., 226 ; l,'", Id., 409 ; 10 H- .'M, 489: 1 Weri.Iell, 457; 18 Id., 175; I UUl, 572; 3 Id., Id'' 4 I'ai^e, 143. * 2 Harbour's Ch. Rep , 33C. 434 NEW clerk's assistant. 5. Persons are answerable to the world as partners, if they per- mit their names to be used in a firm, or participate in the profits of a trade: and each individual is hable to the whole amount of the debts, without reference to the proportion of his interest.^ 6. Where two or more persons agree to have any business in which they are jointly concerned, carried on in the name of one, his name is the co-partnership name or title." 7. A partner cannot bind his co-partner by a contract under seal, (except it be a release or an assignment of a chose in action due to the firm,) without his previous assent^ or subsequent indorsement' 8. Part owners of ships are generally regarded as tenants in com- mon, and not as partners, or joint tenants/ 9. A co-partnership cannot be proved by general reputation ; but other facts and circumstances must be adduced in order to establish it.* 10. On an execution against one of several co-partners, the property of the firm may be seized, removed and sold, by the ofiicer, and the purchaser at the sale will become a tenant in common with the other partner or partners ; but the right which such purchaser may acquire will be subject to the adjustment of the partnership concerns, and the debts of the firm must be first satisfied out of the partnership effects.' 11. After the dissolution of a partnership, neither party can make any disposition of the partnership effects, inconsistent with the primary duty of paying the partnership debts ; though either party may re- ceive payment of debts due the firm, and apply the amount received on the partnership liabilities.'' 12. After the dissolution of a partnership, the promise of one °^rtner wUl not revive a debt barred by the statute of hmitations ; i^ the dissolution revokes the presumed agency, except so far as relates 'jo winding up the business of the firm.* 13. A species of partnership, similar to the French system of com- mandite, may be formed in this State, by two or more persons, for the transaction of any mercantile, mechanical or manufacturing business. Such partnerships may consist of one or more persons, who shall be called general partners, and shall be jointly and severally responsible as general partners in other cases ; and of one or more persons who shjiil contribute, in actual cash payments, a specific sum, as capital, to the common stock, who shall be called special partners, and who > 9 Johnson, 470; 14 Id., 315 ; 19 Id., 226; 1 Wendell, 457 ; 5 Id., 274; 6 Id., 263; 18 Id., 175. a 1 Denio, 402. 3 9 Johnson, 285; 19 Id., 513; 1 Wendell. 826; 9 Id., 437; 12 Id., 53: 20 Id., 251; 2 Bill, 595 ; 5 Id., 163. « 1 Johnson, 106; 20 Id., 611. i 20 Johnson, 176 ; 11 Wendell, 96 ; 2^ Id., 81 ; 3 Hill, 333. • 3 Denio, 12£ , 2 Barbour's Ch. lUp. 167. f 2 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 625. • 2 Comstock, 522. PARTNERSHIP. 435 shall not be liable beyond the fund so contributed by him, or them, to the capital.^ 14. In order to form a limited partnership, a certificate must be made and signed by the parties, as in the form hereinafter given. An affidavit of one or more of the general partners must also be made, stating that the sums specified in the certificate as having been con- tributed by the special partners, have been actually and in good faith paid in cash. The cerUficate must be acknowledged and hied, with the affidavit, in the office of the Clerk of the county in whicli the business is to be carried on ; and, if such business is to be conducted in more than one county, transcripts of the certificate and acknowledg- ment must be filed in such other counties. The terms of the partner- ship, when registered, are to be published for at least six weeks im- mediately after such registry, in two newspapers, to be designated by the Clerk of the county, and to be published in the senate district in which the business shall be carried on.^ 15. In publishing the terms of a Mmited partnership, they must be in all respects truly stated, in each newspaper, or the specicU partners will become liable as general partners.' 16. The general partners only may transact the business of a lim- ited partnership. A special partner may examine into the state of the partnership concerns, and advise as to their management; but his name cannot be used in the transactions of the firm ; nor can he interfere in the management thereof, either as agent, attorney, or otherwise, without rendering himself hable as a general partner. The business is to be conducted under a firm, in which the names of the general partners only can be inserted, without the addition of the word " company," or any other general term.* 17. Every association, or company, formed for the purpose of the transportation of passengers or property, either by boats, vessels or stages, is required to make a statement of the names of the persons composing such association, or company, and to file a copy thereof in the office of the Clerk of each county through which its business is transacted. Until such statement be filed, no suit will be abated, on account of the non-joinder of any of the members of the association, or company, against which the action may be brought' ' 2 R. S. (3de(l.,) 49, 55 1, 2; 7 Paige, I » 3 Demo, 435. 685. « 2 R. S. (3d ed.,) 50, 5 13 ; Id., 51, § 17 ; » 2 R. S. (3d ed.,) 49, 50, 5 4, et seq. : IM 1 24 Wendell, 496 : 5 Hill, 309 ; 6 Id., 479. Wendell, 496 ; 5 Hill, 309 ; 6 Id., 479. 1 » Laws of 1836, Chap. 385. 430 VEW clbrk's AssiSTAirr. FORMS. § 796. Articles of Co-partnership. — General Form. Articles of agreement, made the day of , one thou- fcand eiglit hundred and , between A. B., of, &c., of the one part, and C. D., of, &,c., of the other part, witnesseth, as follows: The said parties above named have agreed to become co-partners in business, and by these presents do agree to be co-partners together, under and by the name, or firm of B. and D., in the business of wholesale dry goods merchants, and in the buying, selling and vending all sorts of ooods, wares and merchandise, to the said business beloniiing, and to occupy the store No. , in street, in the city of ; their co-partnership to commence on the day of 18 , and to continue for the term of five years from thence next ensuing, fully to be complete and ended ; and to that end and purpose, the siud A. B. and C. D. have delivered in as capital stock, the sum ol twenty thousand dollars, share and share alike, to be used and em- ployed in common between them, for the support and mauagemen* of the said business, to their mutual benefit and advantage. And it is agreed, by and between the parties to tliese presents, that at all times during the continuance of their co-partnership, they, and each of them, will give their attendance, and do their and each of their best endeavors, and, to the utmost of their skill and power, exert themselves, for their joint interest, profit, benefit and advan- tage, and truly employ, buy, sell and merchandise, with their joint stock, and the increase thereof, in the business aforesaid: And also, that they shall, and will, at all times during the co-partnei'ship, bear, pay and discharge, equally between them, all rents and other expenses that may be required for the support and management of the said business; and that all gains, profits and increase, that shall come, grow, or arise, from or by means of their said business, shall be di- vided between them, the said co-partners, share and share alike; and all loss that shall happen to their said joint business, by ill commodi- ties, bad debts, or otherwise, shall be borne and paid equally between them : And it is agreed, by and between the said paities, that there shall be had and kept, at all times during the continuance of their co-partnership, perfect, just and true books of account, wherein each of the said co-partners shall enter and set down, as well all money by them, or either of them, received, paid, laid out and expended, in and about the said business, as also all goods, wares, commodities and merchandise, by them, or either of them, bought or sold, by re:uson or on account of the said business, and all other matters and things PARTNERSniP. 437 whatsoever, to the said business and management thereof in any ^vise belonging ; which said books shall be used in common between the said co-partners, so that either of them may have access thereto, with- out any interruption or hindrance of the other : And also, the said co-partners, once in each year, during the continuance of the said co- pai'tnership, as aforesaid (to wit: on the day of , in each year,) or oftener if necessary, shall make, yield and render, each to the other, a true, just and perfect, inventory and account, of all the profits and increase by them, or either of them made, and of all loss by them, or either of them, sustained ; and also, of all pay- ments, receipts and disbursements, and of all other tilings by them made, received, disbursed, acted, or suffered, in their said co-partner- ship and business; and tlie same account being so made, they shall, and will, clear, adjust, pay and deliver, each to the other, at the time, their just share of the profits so made as aforesaid. And the said parties hereby mutually covenant and agree, to and with each other, that during the continuance of the said co-partnership, neither of them shall, nor will, indorse any note, or otherwise become surety for, any person or persons whomsoever, Avithout the consent of the other of the said co-partners : And at the end, or other sooner determination of their co-partnership, the said co-partners, each to the other, shall and will make a true, just, and final account, of all things relating to their said business; and in all things truly adjust the same, and all and every stock and stocks, as well as the gains and increase thereof, which shall appear to be remaining, either in money, goods, wares, fixtures, debts, or otherwise, shall be di\ided between them, share and share alike. In witness whereof, the said parties to these presents have here- unto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. Signed and sealed in ) A. B. [l. s.] presence of J C. D. \u 8.1 G. H. I 797. Articles of Co-partnership between Country Merchants. Articles of agreement made and entered into, this day of , A. D. 18 , between A. B., of, &c., of the one part, and C. D., of, (fee, of the other part, witnesseth, as follows: The said A. B. and C. D. have joined, and by these presents, do join them- selves, to be co-partners together, in the business of general country merchants, and all things thereto belonging: and also, in buying^ seUing and retailing, all sorts of wares, goods, merchandise and com- modities, and all kinds of produce usually kept and sold in a country store, and in such commission business as may appertain to the same* 4i38 KBW clerk's assistant. which said co-partnership is to be conducted under the name, style and firm, of B. and D., at the village of , in the town of , aforesaid, and shall continue from the day of , 18 , for and during, and unto the end and term of years, from thence next ensuing, fully to be complete and ended: And to that end and purpose the said parties to these presents have, the day of the date hereof, delivered in as stock, the sum of dollars, share and sliare alike, to be used, laid out and em- ployed, in common between them, for the management of the said business of merchandising, as aforesaid, to their mutual benefit and advantage : And it is agreed between the s;ud parties to these pre- sents, that the capital stock of the firm hereby constituted, shall be made and kept up to the sum of dollars, share and share alike ; tliat the same may at any time be reduced, or extended, by agree- ment between the parties hereto; and that the said capital stock, together with all credits, goods, wares, or commodities, bought or obtained by the said firm, by barter or otherwise, shall be kept, used and employed, in and about the business aforesaid; and for that pur- pose, each partner shall have power to use the name of the firm, and to bind the same, in making contracts and purchasing goods, at the city of New York, or elsewhere, and in otherwise trading, buying and selUng, on account of the said firm, and for the benefit and be- hoof thereof, and not otherwise; provided, however, that neither partner shall contract liabilities in the name, and on the credit of the firm, in purchasing and replenishing their stock of goods and mer- chandise, to exceed the sum of dollars, without the consent of the other partner: And also, that neither of the said co-partners shall, or will, during the said term, exercise, or follow, the trade, or business, of merchandising, as aforesaid, in the county of , aforesaid, for his private benefit or advantage ; but shall, at all times, do his best endeavor, in and by all lawful means, to the utmost of his skill, power and cunning, for the joint interest, profit, benefit and advantage, of the fia-m aforesaid ; and truly employ, buy, sell and merchandise with the stock aforesaid, and the increase and profit thereof, in the business of merchants aforesaid, without fraud or covin ; and also, that the said parties shall and will, at all times du- ring the said copartnership, bear, pay and discharge, equally between them, all rents and other expenses, &c., [as in the preceding form to *he end; or, insert such other special covenants as th« parties ma^ "cquirei] In witness, &c., \as in § "796.] ■I PARTNERSHIP. 439 § 798. Agreement to Benew Partnership, to be Indorsed on the Original Article. Whereas, the partnership formed by, and mentioned in, the within article of agreement, has this day expired, [or, v,-\\\ expire on the day of next,] by the limitations contained herein : It is therefore hereby agreed, that the same shall be continued, on the same terms, and with all the pronsions and restrictions in said agree- ment mentioned, for the further term of yeai*s from this date, [or, from the day of next] Witness our hands and seals, this day of , 18 . In presence of ) A. B. [l. s.] G. H. [ C. D. [i. s.] § 799. Agreement of Dissolution, to he Indorsed on the Original Article. By mutual consent of the undersig-ned, the parties to the -witliin agreement, the partnership thereby formed is wholly dissolved, except so far as it may be necessary to continue the same for the final liqui- dation and settlement of the business thereof ; and said agreement is to continue in force until such final liquidation and settlement bo made, and no longer. Witness, &,c., [as in § 798.] § 800. Certificate of Limited Partnership. State of New York, ) ^^ . County, f This is to certify, that the undersigned have formed a limited part- nership, pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York, under the name or firm of B. & D. ; that the general nature of the business to be transacted is the buying and sell- ing groceries, and such other articles as are usually dealt in by whole- sale and retail grocers : that A. B. and C. D., who respectively re- side in the city of New York, are the general partners ; that E. F., who resides at , in the county of , in the State of New York, and L. M., who resides at , in the county of , in the State of New Jersey, are the special partners ; that the said E. F. has contributed the sum of ten thousand dollars, as capital towards the common stock, and the said L. M. has contributed 449 HBTT CIKKk's ASSISTANT. the sum of five thousand dollars, as capital towards the common stock ; and that the said partnership is to commence on the day of ,18 , and is to terminate on the day of , 18 * Dated this day of , one thousand eight hundred and A. B. C. D. E. F. L.M. § 801. Certificate of Acknowledgment.. County, ss: On this day of ,18 , A. B., C. D., E. F., and L. M., known to me to be the persons described in, and who made and signed the preceding certificate, came before me, and severally acknowledged that they liad made and signed the same. M. U. Judge of New York Common Pleas. § 802. Affidavit to he Filed with the Certificate. County, ss: A. B., of said county, being duly sworn, says, that he is one of the general partners named in the above certificate, and that the sums specified in the said certificate to have been contributed by the special partners to the common stock, have been actually and in good faith paid in cash. Subscribed and sworn before me, ) A. R this day of , 18 . f M. U., 18 , and that the annexed dra^nng [or, sketch] is, as he verily behevcs, a true delineation of the invention described in tlie smd letters i^atent G. H., Justice »fec. CHAPTER XXXIII. PENSION YOUCHEES. PRACTICALREMARKS. 1. When application is made for the payment of a pension, the 'dentity of the person must be established by affidavit, setting forth a copy of the original certificate, ifec, as in the following forms. The deposition must be signed by the deponent, and where the pension has been increased since the certificate was given, the magistrate will note the fact. The requisite depositions may be taken before any of- ficer authorized to administer oaths. 2. Where a pension has remained unclaimed, by any pensioner, for the term of fourteen months after the same became due and payable application must be made to the Department of the Interior, at Wash- higton ; and in such case, additional proof of the identity of the ap- plicant will be required. 3. All interlineations in pension-rouchers should be carefully noted by the magistrate, before the execution. 4. When application for the payment of a pension is made by an attorney, he must deposit with the agent the power of attorney, duly acknoAvledged, and dated on or subsequent to the day on which the pension claimed became due, together with an affidavit made by him- self. 5. In all cases of payments upon a power of attorney, the Justice uf the Peace, or Magistrate, before whom the power is executed, must have lodged Avith the agent, the certificate of the clerk of some court of record, under the seal of the court, that he is legally authorized to act as such, and, also, a paper bearing his proper signature, certiliea o< be such, by the clerk of some court of record. 6. In case of the death of any pensioner, the arrears due to liim at the time of his death, must be paid as follows : PENSION VOUCHBRS. 453 I. To the widow of the deceased, or to her attorney, proving herself to bo such before a court of record ; or, II. If there be no widow, then to the executor or administrator on the estate of such pensioner, for the sole and exclusive benefit of the chil- dren, to be by him distributed among them in equal shares ; but the ar- rears of pension are not to be considered a part of the assets of the es- tate, nor as liable to be applied to the payment of the debts of such estate, in any case whatever, 7. In case of the death of a pensioner who is a widow, leaving chil- dren, the amount of pension, due at the time of her death, must b« paid to the executor or administrator, for the benefit of her children, as directed in the foregoing paragraph. 8. In case of the death of a pensioner, whether male or fenoulc, leaving children, the amount of pension in arrear may be paid to any one, or each of them, as they may prefer, without the intervention ol the administrator. If one of the children is selected to receive tlw amount due, he, or she, must produce a power of attorney from the others for that purpose, duly authenticated. . 9. If there be no Avidow, child, or children, then the amount due a pensioner, at the time of his death, must be paid to the legal repre- sentatives of the deceased. 10. Where an executor or administrator applies for the popsion, due to a deceased person, he must deposit with the agent for paying pensions, a certificate of the Clerk of the Court, Judge of Probate, Re- gister of Wills, Ordinary, or Surrogate, as the case may be, stating that he is duly authorized to act in that capacity, on the estate of the de- ceased pensioner, and, if a male, that it has been proved to his satis- faction that there is no widow of the said pensioner living. 11. The original certificate of pension must be surrendered at the time the moneys due a deceased pensioner are paid ; or, if such certifi- cate cannot be obtained for surrendry, substantial evidence of the identity, and that due search and inquiry have been made for the certificate, and that it cannot be found, must be produced. The date of the pensioner's death must be proved before a court of record. 12. Where facts are proved before the clerk of a court, his certi- ficate, stating the same, under his seal of office, must be obtained. 13. When the guardian of a pensioner applies for a pension, he must, in addition to the evidence of the pensioner's identity, deposit Avith the pension-agent a certificate from the proper authority, stating that he is, at that time, acting in that capacity, and also, satisfactory evidence that his ward was fiving at the date the pension claimed be- came due. 14 Pension agents are authorized to administer all oatlis required to be administered to pensioners or their attorneys, and to charge the same fees as magistrates are authorized to do by the laws of their re- spective States. ' lUwaofU. S. 184D. ASi msw clerk's assistaot. FORMS. § 821. Oath of Pensioner. State of ,^g. County, \ Be it known, that before me, G, H., a Justice of the Peace, in and for the county aforesaid, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared A. B., and made oath, in due form of law, that he is the identical person named in an original certificate in his pos- session, of which (I certify) the following is a true copy ; [insert here a copy of the certificate of pension, including names, and dates ;^ that he now resides in , and has resided there for the space of years last past, and that previous thereto he resided in ;* and that he has not been employed, or paid, in the army, navy, or marine service of the United States, from the day «f , to .* Sworn and subscribed, this ) A. B. day of .,18 , before me, ) * G, H., Justice of the Peace.* § 822. Certificate, where Pension has not been Drawn for Fourteen Months — to be Annexed to the Foregoing Deposition. State of , ) County, > ss : May 1st, 1849. ) I, G. H., a magistrate in the county above named, do hereby cer- tify, that I have the most satisfactory evidence, viz: [state ^vhat the evidence is, whether personal knowledge, or the affidavits of respect- able persons, giving their names. -^ that A. B., who has this day ap- peared before me to take the oath of identity, is the identical person named in the pension certificate, which he has exhibited before me, numbered , and bearing date at the War Office, the day of , 18 , and signed by W, L. M., Secretary of War. Given under my hand, at , on the day and year above written. G. H., Justice of the Peace. > Where the pension haa heen increased since the certificate was given, the magistrate must note that fact. In the case of a revolutionary pensioner, that part of § 821 between the iwo '» may be omitted. PENSION V0DCHSR8. 45ft § 823. Certificate of the Cleric, to Accompany § 822. State of New York, > g^. County, ^ I, W. B. , Clerk of the Court, of the county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify, that G. H. is a Justice of the Peace, ia and for said county, duly commissioned and qualified ; that his com- mission was dated on the day of , 18 , Ami will expire on the day of ,18 ; and that his signature above written is genuine, r n Given under my hand, and the seal of said county, this L^ ^-J day of , 18 . W. B., ClerL § 824. Power of Attorney, und Acknowledgment. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of , a revolutionary [or, an invalid, as the case may be,"] pensioner of the United States, do hereby constitute and appoint E. F. my true and lawful attorney, for me, and in my name, to receive from the agent of the United States for paybg pensions in Albany, State of New York, my pension from the day of , 18 , to the day of , 18 . Witness my hand and seal, this day of ,18 Sealed and delivered in ) A. B. [l. s.] presence of j CD. State of ,)gg. County, J Be it known, that on the day of ,18 , before the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared A. B., above named, and acknowledged the foregoing power of attorney to be his act and deed. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, the day and year last above mentioned, G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 825. Oath of the Attorney. State of ,) . County, ( Be it known, that on the day of ,18 , before the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, duly au- thorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared E. F., the attorney named in the foregoing power of attorney, and made oath 459 vzw clbrk's assistant. that he has no interest whatever in the money he is authorized to re- ceive, by virtue of the foregoing power of attorney, either by any pledge, mortgage, sale, assignment, or transfer; and that he does not know or believe that the same has been so disposed of to any person whatever. Sworn and subscribed, the day and year ) E. F. last above mentioned, before me, \ G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 826. Oath of Guardian for Pensioner. State of ,) g. County, ) Be it known, that before me, H. T. C, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, per- sonally appeared G. H., guardian of A. B., and made oath, in due form of law, that the said A. B. is still living, and is the identical person named in the original certificate in his possession, of which (I certify) the following is a true copy : \i^isert here a copy of ike cer- tificate of pension, including names and dates :^ That he resides in , and has resided there for the space of years past, and that previous thereto he resided in Sworn and subscribed, this ) G. H., Guardian, day of , 18 , before me, ) H. T. C, Justice of the Peace. § 827. Oath of a Widow, a Pensioner. State [or, Territory] of ' I ss • County of , ) ' Be it known, that before me, G. H., a Justice of the Peace, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, in and for the county afore- said, personally appeared M. B., and made oath, in due form of law, that she is the identical person named in an original certificate in her possession, of which (I certify) the following is a true copy : [Insert here a copy of her certificate of pension, including names and dates :^ That she has not intermarried, but continues the widow of the above mentioned A. B. ; and that she now resides in , and has resided there for the space of years past; and that previous thereto she resided in ; of the truth of which statements I am fully satisfied. Sworn to and subscribed, this ) M. R day of ,18 , before me, [ G, H., Justice of the Peace. PENSION VOUCHERS. 457 § 828. Oath of a Widow, who drew a Pension under the Act of March 3d, 1843. United States of America, State of , County, Be it known, that before me, G. H., a Justice of the Peace, in and for the county aforesaid, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared M. B., and made oath, in due form of law, that she is the identical person who drew a pension under the act of the 3d of March, 1843, on account of the revolutionary senice of her husband, the late, [insert here the name and rank of the husband,'] at the rate of $ per annum ; that she now makes this affidavit for the purpose of drawing a pension under the act of Congress, passed on the l7th of June, 1844, entitled "An Act to continue the pensions of certain widows ; " that she has not intermarried, but con- tinues to be a widow ; that she now resides in , in the county of , and State of , and has resided there for the space of years past ; and that previous thereto she resided in Sworn to and subscribed, this day ) M. B. of , 18 , in presence of V R P. before me, ) G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 829. Oath of Identity for the Widow, or Child, of a Deceased Pensioner. State of » I ss : County, [ Be it known, that before me, G. H., a Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared M. B., and made oath, in due form of law, that she [or, he] is the widow [or, son ; or, daughter] of A. B., the iden- tical person who was a pensioner, and is now dead, and to whom a certificate of pension was issued, which is herewith surrendered : That the deceased pensioner resided in , in the State of , for the space of years bdiore his death ; and that previous thereto he resided in .' Sworn and subscribed, this ) MB. day of , 18 , before me, \ G. H., Justice of the Peace. > VViere the p msion has beea incraaFed, the tna^iRirato nhould note the /net. The abort form may be used for an executor or adniinialrat«r, by subsiiiuiing the word "executor'* If "admiaislrator " for " widow." 458 NEW clerk's assistant. § 830. power of Attorney for the Widow, or Child, of a Deceased Pensioner} Know all men by these presents : That I, M. B., of , in the county of , State of , widow \or, cliild,] of A. B., who was a revolutionary [or, an invalid] pensioner of the United States, do hereby constitute and appoint E. F., my true and lawful attorney, for me, and in my name, to receive from the agent of the United States for paying pensions in , State of , the balance of said pension from the day of ,18 , to the day of , 18 , being the day of his death. Witness my hand and seal, this day of ,18 Sealed and delivered ) M. B. [l. s.] in presence of ) CD. § 831. Certificate of the Court as to the Death of a Pensioner, State of ' i cc • County of , j ' I, W. B., Clerk of the Court of , holden at in and for , do hereby certify, that satisfactory evidence has been exhibited to said court, that A. B. was a pensioner of the United States at the rate of dollars per ; was a resident of the county of , in the State of , and died in the , in the State of , m the year 18 , on the day of ; that he left a widow, [or, left no widow; or, left a child, or, left children,] whose name is [or, whose names are] M. B., [or, R B., C. B., &c., ss: May 1st, 1849. ) Conformably to the regulations of the War Department of the 27th of October, 1832, I, G. H., a magistrate in the county above named, do hereby certify that I have the most satisfactory evidence, viz : [state tvhat the evidence is; whether personal knowledge, or the ajfidandts of respectable persons, giving their names,] that A. B., who this day appeared before me to take the oath of identity, is the iden- tical pensioner he [or, she] declares himself [or, herself] to be, in the annexed affidavit; and I am also satisfied that the statement made by him [or, her] in relation to the pension certificate, is true. Given under my hand, at , the day and yeai* above written. G. H. I, W. B., Clerk of the Court of county, certify that G. H. is a magistrate, as above, and that the foregoing certili- cate, purporting to be his, is genmne. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto affixed my seal of offic2, r -1 and subscribed my name, this day of > ^ ' ' in the year W. B., Clerk of the Court of county. CHAPTER XXXIV. PLANK AND TURNPIKE ROADS. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. Any number of persons, not less than five, may form them- selves into a corporation for the purpose of constructing and owning a plank or turnpike road, under the Laws of the State of New York. In order to form such a corporation, notice of the time and place or places, where books for subscribing to the stock of such road will be opened, must be given in at least one newspaper, printed in each county through which the road is to be constructed. When stock to the amount of five hundred dollars for each mile of the pro- posed road has been subscribed in good faith, the subscribers may choose directors and make and sign articles of association, which articles are to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State ; and thereupon the subscribers will become a body corporate, clothed with the powers and privileges, and subject to the liabilities of corpo- rations generally, as contained in titles three and four of chapter eighteen of the first part of the Revised Statutes, (volume I, 3d edition, pp. 7l3-l36.y 2. The articles of association are not to be filed till five per cent on the amount of stock subscribed shall have been, in good faith, paid in to the du*ectors in cash, to be verified by the affidavit of at least three of the directors. Copies of the articles, and of the affidavit indorsed, certified to be correct by the Secretary of State, may be read in any state court as presumptive evidence of the incorporation of the Company, and of the facts therein stated. ' Laws of 1847, chap. 210; Id., chap. 287 ; I Laws of I&19, chap. 256; Lawf of 18M U., chap. 398 ; Lawa of 1^ ehap. 360 ; 1 chap. 71. PLANK ROADS. 4G1 3. "Whenever a plank or turnpike road company desires to con- struct a road througk any part of any county, application must be made to the Board of Supervisors, notice of which must be pub- lished for sLx successive weeks, in all the newspapers printed in the county, or in three, if there be more than three. Special meetings of the Board of Supervisors may be called to hear the application, any three of the members thereof fixing the time of the meeting. The expenses of a special meeting are to be paid by the Company, for whose benefit the same is called. Upon the hearing of the ap- plication, owners of land on the line of the proposed road, and all persons re'siding in the county, may appear and be heard ; and testi- mony may be taken by the Board, or by any judicial officer autho- rized by it. If the Board are of opinion that the public interests will be promoted by the construction of the proposed road, they may, by a majority vote, authorize the same to be laid out and constructed. 4. Where a road is authorized to be constructed by a Board of Supervisors, they must appoint three disinterested persons, not the owners of real estate in any town through which the proposed road is to be constructed, or in any town adjoining such town, as Commis- sioners to lay out the same. The Commissioners are required to hear all persons interested, at such time or times as they may ap- point, to take testimony, to determine the width of the road, and to make an actual survey and description thereof, as laid out by them. The survey is to be signed and acknowledged in the same manner as conveyances of real estate, and recorded in the Clerk's office of the county. Where a road is proposed to be constructed in more than one county. Commissioners are to be appointed in each county. Each Commissioner is entitled to receive two dollars per day for his fees, to be paid by the Company. 5. No plank or turnpike road can be laid out through an orchard of the growth of four years or more, to the injury of fruit trees, or tluough a garden cultivated four years or more, unless with the con- sent of the owner of such orchard or garden; nor can any such road be hiid out through any dwelling-house, or building con- nected therewith, or any yard, or inclosure properly appurtenant thereto, without the consent of the owner; neither can a plank or turnpike road company, bridge any stream navigable by vessels or steamboats, or in any manner so as to obstruct the passage of rafts twenty-five feet in width. 6. Where the route of a plank or turnpike road has been hiid out and surveyed by Commissioners, the Company may enter upon and tLAinr iioADS. 463 per mile to be added for each additional animal more than two; three-quarters of a cent per mile, for every vehicle drawn by one animal; or half a cent per mile, for eveiy score of sheep or swine, and for every horse and rider, or led horse. Turnpike companies may collect three-quarters of a cent per mile, for eveiy vehicle drawn by one animal ; one and one-quarter cent per mile, for every vehicle drawn by two animals — one-quarter cent per mile to be added for every animal more than two ; one cent per mUe, for every score of neat cattle ; and one-half cent per mile, for eveiy score of sheep or Bwine. Rates of tolls may be determined by the distance between toll gates, instead of the distance actually traveled, except that where persons reside within one mile of a gate, only half tolls ai-e to be exacted from them at such gate.^ 13. Persons going to or from any court to which they have been summoned as jurors, or subpoenaed as witnesses; going to or fi'om any training at which they are by law required to attend; going to or from religious meetings; going to or from any funeral, or belong- ing to a funeral procession ; or going to any town meeting or election at which they are entitled to vote, for the purpose of voting, and returning therefrom ; are exempt from the payment of tolls at the gates of plank road companies. Farmers going to or returning from their work on their farms, Avhen not employed in the transportation of other persons or their property, and troops in the actual service of the State, or of the United States, are also exempt from tolls on plank roads. Persons going to or returning from any grist mill or blacksmith's shop, where they ordmarily get their grinding or black- smith's work done, for the express purpose of getting grinding or blacksmith's work done, are exempt from the payment of toll at one gate only, within five miles of their residence, pro^ided the plank road be constructed on a public traveled highway. 14. The business and property of a plank or turnpike road com- pany must be managed and conducted by a Board of Directors, consisting of not less than five, nor more than nine, who are to be elected annually, after the first year, at such time and place as may be designated in the by-laws of the corporation. Vacancies are to be filled by the remaining directors, for the remainder of the year. 15. It is the duty of the directors of eveiy plank or turnpike road company, to make an annual report to the Secretary of State, under the oath of at least two of the directors, stating the cost of their road ; the amount of their capital stock; the amount expended; the amount paid in ; the whole amount and the annual amount of tolls and earn- ings, in separate items ; the amount set apart tor a reparation fund ; and the amount of indebtedness of the company, with the object for which it accrued. ' 1 Caines' 182; 23 Wendell, 193. 464 VEW clerk's assistant. 16. Branches may be constructed by plank road companies, with the written consent of a majority of the inspectors; and the capital stock may be increased, for tliat purpose, not exceeding two thou- sand dollars for each mile of additional road. 17. The inhabitants of any road district in the State may grade, gravel, or plank, the road or roads in such district, by anticipating the highway labor of such road district, for one or more years, and applying it to the immediate construction of such plank or gravel road ; and they will thereupon be exempt from the labor so antici- pated, except so far as their labor may be required to keep such road or roads in repair. Any road so constructed will be a free road. FORMS. § 834. Notice of Subscription. PLANK ROAD NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that books of Subscription to the capital jstock of a company proposed to be incorporated for the construc- tion of a plank [or, turnpike] road from to , to be called " The Road Company," will be opened at the house of 0. P., in the city of , on the day of , 18 , and that such books will remain open at the said place imtil the whole amount of the capital stock shall be subscribed. Dated , 18 . § 835. Articles of Association for the Formation of a Plank Road (Jom'pany. Articles of Association made and entered into this day of , by and between the persons whose names are hereunto subscribed, Witnesseth: First — That we, the undersigned, do hereby form ourselves into a Corporation, for the purpose of constructing and owning a Plank Road from to , wholly within the county of % \or, counties of , and ] and State of New York Second — The name of such Corporation shall be , and the same shall continue years from the day of the date of tiese articles. PLANK ROADS. 46S Third — The capital stock of said Corporation shall be dollars, and shall be divided into shares, of dol- hirs each. Fourth — There shall bt Directors of said Company, and A. B., C. D., &c., of the town of , &c., shall be the first Directors thereof. Fifth — Said Road shall commence at , in the town of , in said county of , and run thence, through a part of said town of , to the town of ; thence through said town of , to the villao-e of : thence throuoh said village, &c., [describe the route to the place of termination, giving each town, village and city through which it is proposed to con- struct the road.^ i>ixth — It shall be the duty of the Directors, to issue Scrip to those who shall be entitled to stock in stiid Company ; when five per cent on the amount of such stock sliall have been paid in thereon, which Scrip shall be signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of said Compfiny. Seventh — It shall be the duty of the Treasurer, to indorse upon the Scrip, which shall be held by any Stockholder, every sum which shall be received by such Treasurer thereon, and the time when any such sum shall be so received. Names of Siuckholders. Residence, (Town or Village.) County. No. Shares The § 836. Scrip Certificate. Plank Road Company. This certifies that A. B., of is entitled to shares of the capital Stock of the Plank Road Company, each share being dollars, upon each share of which there has been paid the sum of , subject to such future payments {»s may from time to time be required by the Directors and the condi- tions of the Articles of Incorporation; said Stock is transferable only on the books of the Corporation, by the Stockholder in person, or by his attorney, and on surrender of this certificate. In testimony whereof, the President and Secretary have hereunto sot their hands at , this day of ,185 . S. G., Secretary. 30 L B., President 466 NEW clerk's assistant. § 837. Affidavit of Amount of Stock paid in. State of New York, ) County, ss: J A. B., C. D., and E. F., being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are Directors of " The Road Company," and that five per cent, of tlie capital stock of said Company, described in the witliin articles of association, lias been actually and in good faith paid in to the Directors thereof, ta cash. Sworn to before me ,) A. B. fids day of , 18 . ^ C. D. G. H., County Judge. ) E. R [ Or any officer authorised to administer oathsJ] § 838. Notice of Application to Board of Supervisors} Plank Road Notice. by " The Road Company." Notice is hereby given that apphcation will be made to the Board of Supervisors of the county of , at their annual meeting to be held at the Court House in the of , on the day of 18 , for their assent to the construction of a plank [or, turnpike] road, from the of to the of , in said county. Dated .18 . § 839. Conveyance of Right of Way hy Owner. This Indenture, made this day of ,18, between A. B., of the town of , in the county of , and State of New York, of the first part, and " The Road Company," of the second part, Witnesseth : That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of dollars to him in hand paid, and also in consideration that the said Road Com- pany shall commence and complete a plank road from the of to , has bargained and sold, and by these pre- sents does bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part, and its successors, the right of way over and through the lands ' Where a special meeting ia called to hear an application, each member of the Board mual l>e notified of the time and place of such meeting, at the expense of the Company. PLAKK ROADS. 467 of the said party of the first part, for the purpose of laying, con- structing, and using such plank road. Said road is to be laid out, constructed and used on the line of the highway, J[or, as the case may he,^ leading from to , and to be not exceeding four rods in ^vidth, including the line and width of the present high- way. The route hereby intended to be conveyed, begins at the north line of lands now owned by and occupied by , and runs thence northerly to the south line of land owned by and occupied by , in said county of Cayuga. Witness the hand and seal of the said party of the first part the day and year first above written. Sealed and deUvered '\ A. B. [u a] in presence of > R P. \ § 840. Consent of Inhabitants. We, the undersigned, owners of land along the highway leading from to , and residing on said highway, do herebv give our consent to the construction of a plank [or, turnpike] road on the one of said highway from to aforesaid. Witness our hands this day of ,18. A. R ■ Highways of the E. F., ) Town of 468 iTsw clerk's assistant. § 842. AcJcnowledgment of a Survey. State of New York, ;[ County, '' On this day of , 18 , before me, personally appeared A. B., C. D., and E. F., Commissioners appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the county of , to lay out a road, to be constructed by the Company, from to , \or, A. B. and C. D., the President and Secretary, respectively, of the Company,] and severally acknowledged that their signatures to tlie foregoing [or, within] survey of the said road, were true and genuine. G. H., County Judge. \_0r any officer authorized to take acknowledgments^] § 843. Notice to Pay in Installment July Office of the Koad Company, ) ,18 .[ Sir: By order of the Board of Directors of the Road Company, you are required to pay in to the Treasurer, at his office in , a second installment of per cent, on your stock, on or before the day of , 18 . ' Yours, (fee, S. G., SecretaiT. To Mr. A. R § 844. Proxy. » [For Proxy, Oaths, and Affidavits, Power to receive Dividends, and other forms used by Corporations or Stockholders, see Chapter VII.] § 845. Notice of Drawing Jury to Assess Darnages. the Comp July , 18 Office of the Company, ) To Mr. A. B. : Please take notice. That on the day of ,18 , at 10 o'clock A. M„ Hon. J. P. H., County Judge of county, wli • For other forms, wliere ilie sienaiures are proved by a subscribiag witiiesa, or the jiartiei fere not known to the olficer, see Chap. 1. PLANE ROADS. 469 attend a draAvlng from the grand jury-box of county, at the office of the County Clerk, in the city of Auburn, said drawing to be made hy E. B. C, County Clerk of Cayuga county, pursuant to an order of said Judge, of twenty-four competent and disinterested Jurors, and as many more as said Judge shall direct, to ascertain the compensation and damages of each person owning land on or ad- joining the Hne of the road, running through the town of , in said county, on the straight road (so called) from to , between the north hne of said town and the house of C. D, ; said road being of the width of four rods, as surveyed by G. H., and located by L. M., S. T., and V. W., Commisioiiers duly appointed by the Board of Supervisors of county for such purpose ; and also to ascertain the compensation and damages of the town of , for taking said road to construct a plank road thereon, [or, of the persons owning land on the line of the ^aid proposed road.'] By order of the Board of Directors. S. G., Secretary § 846. Notice of Meeting of Jury. Office of the Company, ) July ,18 . j To Mr. A. B. : Please take notice. That a jury drawn in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and provided, to ascertain the compensation and damages of the several owners of land on the hne of the road, between the north hne of the town of , and the house of C. D., on the hne of the present highway, called the straight road, and being of the width of four rods, and also to ascertain the compen- sation and damages of the town of for the same, will meet, pursuant to an order made by Hon. J. P. H., County Judge of county, at ou the day of , 18 , at o'clock in the noon, to ascertain such damages and compensa- tion. By order of the Board of Directors. S. G., Secretary > If the jury are to assess the damages both ff the town and prirtte inUiriduals, it shouli bo mentioned iu the notice. CHAPTER XXXV. POOE LAWS. PRACTICAL REMARKS 1. The father, mother, and children, who are of sufficient ability, of any poor person who is blind, old, lame, impotent, or decrepit, so as to be unable to maintain himself, must, at their own charge, re- lieve and maintain such poor person, in such manner as shall be ap- proved by the Overseers of the Poor of the town; and upon the failure so to do, such Overseers may apply to the Court of Sessions of the county, to compel such relief' 2. Whenever the father, or mother, bemg a vddow, or living sepa- rate from her husband, shall abscond from their children, or a hus- band from his wife, leaving any of them chargeable, or hkely to be- come chargeable, upon the public, for support, the Overseers of the Poor may apply to any two Justices of the Peace of any county in which any estate, real or personal, of the said father, mother, or hus- band, may be situated, for a warrant to seize the same. In those counties where all the Poor are a charge upon the county, the Su- perintendents of the Poor have the same powers as Overseers of the Poor in respect to compelling relatives to maintain paupers, and the seizure of the property of any parent absconding and abandoning his family.^ 3. Every person who is blind, lame, old, sick, impotent, or decre- pit, or, in any other way disabled, or enfeebled, so as to be unable by his work to maintain himself, must be maintained by the county or town in which he may be.^ >1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 782, 4 l.etseq.: 7 Cowen, I « 1 R. S. (3ded.,)783, S8, et seq. ; Id., 784, 236. §13; 21 Wendell, 181. • 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 784, § 14. POOR LAWS. 471 4. Three County Superintendents of the Poor are chosen at the annual November election, in each county in this State, exc^t th« city and county of New York, — one Superintendent being annually elected, — to sei-ve for three years from the first day of January next after such election. The Board of Supervisors of any county may, however, at any annual meeting, direct only one Superintendent to be elected, who will hold his office for three years.' 5. Every person elected to the office of County Superintendent of the Poor, must, before the first day of January succeeding his elec- tion, take the oath of office, and execute a bond, conditioned as in § 847, to the Supervisors of the county, in such penalty, and with two or more sufficient sureties, as the board may dhect and approve. The bond, with the approbation of the board indorsed by their clerk, is to be filed in the office of the County Clerk. In the recess of the board, the sureties may be approved by the County Clerk.'' G. The County Superintendents constitute a corporation, by the name of the Superintendents of the Poor of the county in and for which they are so elected, and have the general supervision and con- trol of the relief and support of the poor in such county. They are authorized to audit and settle all accounts, and to draw from time to time on the County Treasurer for all necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties, and are required to account therefor, to the Board of Supervisors at their annual meeting.' 7. It is the duty of the Superintendents of the Poor of each county, during the month of December in each year, to report to the Secretary of State, the number of paupers relieved, or supported, in such county, the preceding year, with the sex, and native country, of each pauper, and the expense of then* support or maintenance.* 8. In those counties whei-e all the poor are not a county charge, the Supervisors of the respective towns are required to report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, within fifteen days after the accounts of the Overseers ha\e been settled by the Board of Town Auditors, an abstract of all such accounts. These abstract* are to be delivered by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to the County Superintendents, to be included by them in their report to the Secre- tary of State.* 9. Every person of full age, who ha.s been a resident and inhabi- tant of any town, for one year, and the members of his family who liave not gained a separate settlement, will be deemed settled in such town, so far as the provisions of law relative to the support of the poor are concerned.' ' Laws of 1&17, chap. 493; Laws of 1849, I 292; 10 Wend., 612; 4 Hill.SGS; 8 Pai?e,409. chap. 116. I < 1 R. S. (3il ed,,) 79S, (.81 ; I.aw.s of 1M2, t F.nws of 1!^8, chap. 327 ; Laws of 1850, i chap. '211 ; Laws of 1^9, chop. 100. chap. 12. I 6 1 R. s. (3d ed.,) 799, § §85, 86. 3 1 K. S. (3d ed.,) 785, § 18, el oeq ; Laws I » 1 R S. (3d ed.,) 73S, « 33 • Laws of 183t, of 1S31, chap. 277; Laws of 1832, chap. 26, chap. 320. 472 KBW clkrk's assistant. 10. The electors of each town in this State, except in the counties of Montgomery, Kings and New York, have the power at their annual town meeting, to determine whether they will choose one or two Overseers of the Poor, and the number determined upon will be the number to be elected. Such overseers have the discretionary right to expend a sum not exceeding ten dollars, for the relief of one poor person or family, without any order from a Justice of the Peace there- for.' 11. The Overseers of the Poor in the several towns in the county of Livingston, may reUeve poor persons within their respective towns, previous to their removal to the county house, but at the expense of such towns. ^ The names of the persons so relieved must be entered in a book, which is to be laid beibre the Town Auditors at the time of auditing the accounts of such Overseers. The foregoing provisions may be extended to any county in the State, provided the Board of Supervisors, by resolution, declare their intention to adopt them.' 12. It is not lawful for any officer whose duty it is to provide for the maintenance, care, or support, of indigent persons, at public ex- pense, to put up at auction the keeping, care, and maintenance, of such person, to the lowest bidder ; and any contract so made with a bidder will be absoluteiy void.' 13. All idle persons, who, not having any visible means to main- tain themselves, live without employment; all persons wandering abroad, and lodging in taverns, groceries, beer-houses, out-houses, market places, sheds, or barns, and not giving a good account of themselves; all persons wandering abroad and begging, or who go about from door to door, or place themselves in the streets, highways, Passages, or other public places, to beg or receive alms,, are to be eemed vagrants, and may be taken before a magistrate, to be com- mitted to the county poor house, if proper objects for relief ; or, if otherwise, to the coijnty jail. Children found begging are to be sent to the poor house, and may be bound out by the Superinten- dents, or Overseers of the poor, or Commissioners of the Alms house.* 14. If the committee, or the relatives of a lunatic or mad person, refuse or neglect to confine and maintain such person, the Overseers of the Poor may apply to any two Justices of the Peace of the city, or town, where such lunatic shall be found, for a warrant to appre- hend and confine such person.' 1 5. Overseers of the Poor may designate and describe any person whom they discover to be a habitual drunkard, in writing, and by written notice require every person dealing in spirituous liquors vr ' Laws of 134.', chap. 180. I » Laws of 1848. chap. 176. « Laws of 1845, chap. 334 ; Laws of 1&16, ! < 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 802, & 1, et sec|. •hap. ai5. . I » 1 R. S. (.3d ed ,) 805, 5 1, et acq. POOR LAWS. 47s any other person, not to give or sell spirituous liquors to such drunk- ard.' 16. If any -woman be delivered of a bastard child, which shall b© chargeable, or likely to become chargeable, to any county, city, o) town ; or be pregnant of a child likely to be born a bastard, and to become so chargeable, the Superintendents of the Poor of the county, or any of them, or the Overseers of the Poor of the town, or any ot them, are required to apply to some Justice of the Peace, to inquire into the facts and circumstances of the case. Superintendents of the Poor may compromise with, and discharge, putative fathers of bas- tards, upon such terms as they may think to be just. "When any such compromise is made, the mother may receive the money, on giving security for the maintenance of the oluld." FORMS § 847, Bond of County Superintendent. Know all men by these presents: That we, G. H., C. D., and E. F., of, &c., are held and firmly bound unto the Supervisors of the county of , State of , in the penal sum of dollars, to be paid to the said Supervisors, for which payment well and truly to be made, Ave bind ourselves, our, and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated the day of , A. D. 18 . Whereas, the above bounden G. H. has been duly elected to the office of County Superintendent of the Poor for the county of , aforesaid, to serve for the term of three years from the first day of January, A. D. 18 : Now, therefore, if the said G. H. shall ftiitb fully execute the duties of his office, and shall pay, according to law, all moneys which shall come to his hands, as Superintendent of the Poor, and render a just and true account thereof to the Board of Supervisors, then the above obligation to be void ; else to remain in full force. Signed and sealed in ^ G. H. [l. 8.| presence of >• C. D. [l. s.° A. M. ) E. F. [l. 8.'^ The sureties in the above bond were duly approved by the Board of Supervisors, this day of ,18 D. M., Clerk of the Board ' 1 K. S. (3d ed.,) 817, § 1, el seq. I chap. 26 ; Laws of 1338, chap. 202 : 10 Jo]l»> « 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 823, § 6; Laws of 1332, | ion, 93 j 3 Uill. 116. 474 NEW clerk's assistant. § 848. Application to Compel a Person to support a Poor Relative. To the Court of Sessions of the County of The application of the undersigned, E. F., Overseer of the Poor o< the town of , in said county, respectfully represents : That A. B., a poor person, who is blind, \or, lame, old, impotent, or decrepit, as the case may 6e,] so as to be unable by work to maintmn himself, [or, herself,] is in the said town ; that C. B., who resides at , in the said county, is the father of the said A. B., and has failed, at his own charge, to reUeve and maintain the said A. B. in such man- ner as has been approved by the undersigned: Wherefore, pursuant to the provisions of section 2, title 1, chapter 20, part 1, of the Re- vised Statutes of the State of New York, the undersigned hereby ap- plies for an order to compel the said C. B., who is of sufficient ability, to reheve and maintain the said A. B., in the manner to be in such order specified. Dated at the town of , this day of ,18. E. R, Overseer of the Poor. § 849. Notice to Accompany the Foregoing Application.\ ToC. B.: You will take notice, that on the day of , at ten o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as a hearing can be had, the undersigned, Overseer of the Poor of the town of , will apply to the Court of Sessions of the county of , at the court house in the town of , in said county, for an order to compel the relief appUed for by the appUcation, which will, at the time and place above mQntioned, be presented to the said court, and of which the annexed is a copy. Dated at , this day of , 18 . E. F., Overseer of the Poor. § 850. Affidavit of Service. County, ss: E. F., of the town of , in said county, being duly sworn, says, that on the day of , he served a copy of the annexed notice and application, on C. B., therein named, by deliver- ing the same to him, \or, by leaving the same at his last place of resi- dence, with O. P., a person of mature age.] Sworn to, before me, this ) E. F. day of , 18 G. H., Justice, &c. » A copy of the appliGation with the above notice, should be personally served on tht oerson to v^hom it is directed, or be left at his lapt place of re?iJence with some person of iiiniure age. It will be borne in mind, that in those counties where all the poor are a cou.ity charge, the application, (§ S4S,) should be made by a County Superintendent and the fornu from § 848 to § 854, may be varied for the purpose. POOR LAWS. 476 5 851. Warrant to Seize the Goods of an Absconding Father, Husband, or Mother. Coupty, ss: To E. F., Overseer of the Poor of the Town of , in said county : It appearing to us, two of the Justices of the Peace of said coun- ty, as well by the application and representation to us made by you, the said Overseer, as upon due proof of the facts before us made, that A. B., late of said town, has absconded from his wife and chil- dren, leaving the said wife and chudren chargeable [or, likely to be- come chargeable] to the public for support; and that the said A. B. has some estate, real or personal, in said county, whereby the public may be wholly or in part indemnified against said charge : We there- fore authorize you, the said Overseer of the Poor, to take and seize the goods, chattels, effects, things in action, and the lands and tene- ments of the said A. B., whei-ever the same may be found in said county : And you will, immediately upon such seizure, make an inven- tory of the property by you taken, and return the same, together with your proceedings, to the next Court of Sessions of said county. Given under our hands, in the town of , this day ' ' S T i J^*^^®^ § 852. Return of Overseer to the Foregoing Warrant. County, ss. : To the Court of Sessions of said County : The undersigned, to whom the annexed warrant is addressed, on the day of , 18 , in the county of , therein mentioned, seized, by virtue of the said warrant, the property of which an inventory is hereunto annexed ; and the proceedings of the imdersigned, subsequent to the said seizure, are as follows : \stxiJe the 'proceedings particularly.'] AU which is herewith respectfully re- turned. Dated, &c., [as in § 848.] § 853. Bond to be Given by Party where Property has been Seized.\ Know aU men by these presents : That we, A. B. and L. M., both *f the town of , in the county of , are held and ' Upon tho execution of the bond and approval of the security, by any two Justices of Um town, the warrant muat be discharged, and the property restoreii. 47(1 NEW clerk's assistant. firmly bound unto E. R, Overseer of the Poor of the toTra of , in the sum of dollars, for the payment whereof to the said Overseer, or his successor in office, we bind ourselves, our heirs, ex- ecutors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Scaled with our seals, and dated at , this day of , 18 . The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the said Over- seer of the Poor lately seized the property of the said A. B., under a warrant issued by G. H. and S. T.,' two Justices of the Peace of the county of , upon due proof to them given, that the said A, B. had absconded from Ids wife and children, lea\angthem chargeable \or, hkely to become chargeable] upon the public for support ; and whe said A. B. having returned, and being desirous of having his property so taken restored to him : Now, therefore, if the said wife and children so abandoned shall not become chargeable either to said town or county, then this obligation is to be void ; otherwise of force. Sealed and delivered, and the security ) A. B. [l. s.l approved, by and before us, two of V C. D. [l. b.] the Justices of the tovra of . ) a* m'* [-Justices. § 854. Order to Discharge the Warrant, and to Restore Property. County, ss: To E. F., Overseer of the Poor of the Town of , in said county : Whereas, by a warrant to you directed, bearing date the day of ,18 , you were authorized to seize the goods, chattels, effects, things in action, and the lands and tenements, of A. B., upon proof that he had absconded from his wife and children, leaving them chargeable to the public for support : And whereas, the said A. B. has returned, and now supports his wife and children so adandoned, [or, has given security to the Overseer of the Poor, satisfactory to us, that his said wife and children shall not become chargeable either to said town or county :] We do, therefore, hereby discharge the said warrant issued against the said A. B., and direct the property taken by virtue thereof to be restored to him. Given, &c., [as in § 851.] POOR ^AW8. 477 S 855. Notice from one Town to another, in a County where the Towns are Liable to Support their own Poor, requiring the Overseer of the Town in which the Pauper has a Residence, to Provide for his Support} County, ss: To E. F., Overseer of the Poor of the Town of , m said county : You are hereby notified, that A. B., a pauper, who has gained a settlement in your town, to which he belongs, is in the town of , in said county, and is supported at the expense of the said town of , for which the undersigned is Overseer : You are there- fore required to provide for the relief and support of the said pauper. Dated at , this day of ,18. R. F., Overseer of the Poor of the Town of § 856. Notice that the Allegation of Settlement will be Contested. County, ss: To R F., Overseer of the Poor of the town of , in said county : You will take notice, that the undersigned. Overseer of the Poor of the town of , in said county, will appear before the Su- perintendents of the Poor of the said county, at the poor house, [or, as the case mag 6e,] on the day of , at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to contest the alledged settlement of A. B., a pauper, as set forth in your notice of the instant ny. :., [c Dated, Every case in which a certificate is granted must be reported to the board, who may, ac their next meeting, affirm or annul it. Notice of the hearing should be served on the OY«r- ■eer not less than twenty days previous thereto ; and the final decision of the Superinteadeota IB to be entered and filed as specified in the note lo § 853. 480 NEW CLKRK S ASSISTANT. •will aflSrm or annul the certificate given by G, H., one of the under- eioned, on the day of , 18 , declaring that the said A. B. was chargeable upon the county. Given, &c., [as in § 857.] § 863. Decision of the Board of County Superintendents. Coiuity, ss: G. H., one of the Superintendents of the Poor of said coimty, having repoi ted to the Board of County Superintendents of the Poor for said county, the case mentioned in the certificate, a duplicate [or, copy] whereof is hereunto annexed, the said board, after due notice given to the Overseer of the Poor of the town of , in said county, and after hearing the allegations and proofs in the premises, do hereby annul [or, affirm] the said certificate, and decide that the legal settlement of A. B., named therein, is in the town of in said county. Given, &c,, [as in § 857.] § 864. Decision by the Board of Superintendents, upon the Refu- sal of the Superintendent to give the Certificate. County, ss: Notice having been given by the Overseer of the Poor of the town of , in said county, to G. H., one of the Superintend-^ ents of the Poor of the said county, that A. B., a poor person, being in said town, should be supported as a coxmty pauper, and the said Superintendent having refused [or, neglected] to give the certificate prescribed by Section 36, Title 1, Chapter 20, Part 1, of the Re-\ised Statutes of the State of New York, and the undersigned, constitu- ting the Board of County Superintendents of the poor for said coun- ty, having, on the application of the said Overseer, summarily heard the matter, do hereby determine and decide that the said pauper has not gained a legal settlement in any town of the said county, and should be supported as a county pauper, [or, has gained a legal settlement in the town of , in said county:] And we do hereby award to the Overseer of the town of , tlie sum of , [not exceeding ten dollars,'] costs of said proceeding, by him in this behalf expended. Given, &c., [as in § 857.] POOR LAWS. 481 § 865. Order of the Overseer of a Town ■'t> Remove a Poor Per- son to the Count ij Poor House. County, ss: A. B. liaving applied for relief to me, the undersigned. Overseer of the Poor of the town of , in said ccunty, i have inquired into liis [or, her] state and circumstances, and it appearing that he \or, shej is in such indigent ch'cumstances as to recjuire permanent relief and support, and can be safely removed, I hereby order him [or, her] to be removed to the county house, to be relieved and pro- vided for, as his [or, her] necessities may requii-e, at the expense of said county, [or, town.] Dated, *fec., [as in § 849.] 866. Certificate of the Keeper of the Poor House, for the Ex- jjense of Pemovimj a Puvper. «2. Tiea-^iirer ol Treasurer of Coiintv ; Cuiiiity : This certifies (hat G. L). is enliilcJ to two dollars, Pay G. D. two dollars and and cents, at the rate prescribed liv the Superinten- cents lor lrau3]iortiii2 dents, for iran?j>(irting A. Ji. Ironi the town o: A. B., from lo the to county poor house, being miles. coumv )nior house. , May , IS . . May , 13 . C. D., Keeper, No. , Countersigned, G. 11. ; c,„v-t, L. M. \ ="1^ '''• No. i § 867. Superintendent's Order to Expend over Ten Dollars. E. F., Overseer of the Poor of the town of , in said county, having applied to me for an order authorizing the expenciiture of a greater sum than ten dollars for the relief of A. B., 1 liave inquir(;d into the facts of the case; and being satisfied that the said A. B. cannot propeily be removed to the county poor house, and that he is in need of further relief, I do hereby direct the continuance of the weekly allowance of dollars, until the expenditure amount to dollars over and above the sum of ten dollars. Dated, &c., [as in § 861.] § 868. Notice of the Improper Removal of a Pavper from another County.^ County, ss: To the Superintendents of the Poor of the county of : You are hereby notified, that A. B., a poor and indigent person, has been improperly sent, [or, carried; or, brought; or, removed; > The notice is to be ferved on any one of the Superintendents, who must deny the allegk- lions cuiuained therein, wiihm thirty days, unless they acquiesc« in the same. 31 482 NEW clerk's assistant. or, enticed to remove, as the case may lc,'\ from tlie said county of , to the county of , ■svithout legal authority, and there left, with intent to make the said county of , to which the said removal was made, chargeable with the support of the smd pauper. You are therefore required, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59, Title 1, Chapter 20, Part 1, of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York, forthwith to take charge of such pauper. Given, (fee, \as in § 857.] § 869. Annual Report of the Superintendents of the Poor, to the Secretary of State. The Superintendents of the Poor of the county of , in pursuance of the provisions of the Revised Statutes for " the relief and support of indigent persons," present to the Secretary of State their annual report, as follows: The number of paupers relieved or supported during the year pre- ceding the 1st of December instant, was : of the persons thus relieved, the number of county paupers was ; and the number of town paupers The whole expense of such support was. S Of this sum, there was paid for transponalion of paupers, Allowance mailc to Superintendeuls lor their services, do do Overseers, do do .... do do Justices, do do do do Keepers and officers, do do do rhysicians, for services and medicines, The actual value of ihe labor of the paupers maintained, was The estimated amount saved in the expense of their support, in consequence of their labor, was * The sum actually expended, over and above the labor and earn- ings of the paupers, divided by the average number kept during the year, gives dollars and cents per week, as the actual expense of keeping each person. The county poor house has acres of land attached to it, and the whole establish- ment is valued at. $ The number of persons in the poor house on the 1st of December instant, was... Of this number, there were of males, do do females, Of the males, ihere were of 16 years of age and under, Of the females of the same age, Of the persons relieved or supported during the year, there were foreigners; lunatics; idiots; and mutes: of the mutes, were between the ages of 10 and 25 years. Tlie number of paupers received into the poor house during the year, was Born in the poor house, Died during the year, Bound out, Discharged,.. — Absconded, The children in the poor house, over six and under sixteen years of ao-e, have been instructed months, by a teacher at the poor house; [or, sent to the district school house months,] and tho POOR LAWS. 488 whole number of cliildren taught during the year, was \^This mimber is to embrace all the children who have been taught in the course of the year.l^ Given, ice, [as in § 857.] § 870. Supervisor's Beportfor a Toion, where all the Poor are not a County Charge, to be made to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Tlie Supervisor of the tovra of , in the county of , respectfully reports to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: The number of paupers relieved, or supported, in said town, during the year preceding the day of , 18 , as appears from the accounts of the Overseers of the Poor, was, (fee, \as in the pre- ceding form to the *, omitting the allowance to the Superintendents, and inserting such other charges as there may be, and then add:'\ Of the whole number of paupers relieved by the Overseers during the year, they report there were foreigners; lunatics; idiots; and mutes. The number of paupers under their charge at the time of auditing their accounts, is stated at ; of which were males, and , females. I hereby certify, that the foregoing is a correct abstract of the ac- counts of the Overseers of the Poor of the town of , for the year ending on the day of , 18 , as the same have been settled by the Board of Town Auditors. Dated this day of , 18 . S. T., Supervisor. § 871. Complaint against a Beggar or Vagrant. County, ss: A. B., of the town of , in said countj^ being sworn, says, that E. F., now in said town, is an idle person, not having visible niDans to maintain himself, and living without employment; and is, as the said deponent believes, a vagrant, within the meaning and intent of the statute, and tliis deponent therefore complains of tlie .said E. F. Sworn, (fee, \as in § 850.] § 872. Warrant on Foregoing Complaint. Town of ) gg . County, j " ■ A. B., of the town of , in said county, has this day made complaint, on oath, before me, the undersigned Justice of the Peace, 484 NEW clerk's assistant. of the said town, that E. F., &.C., [as in the complaint :"[ You are therefore hereby cc mmandcd, in the name of the people of the State of New York, forthwith to arrest the said E. F., and bring liim be- fore me, the said Justice, at my office, in , aforesaid, to an- swer to the said complaint, and to be dealt with in the premises, according to law. Witness my hand, this day of 18 . G. H., Justice of the Peace. § 873. Record of Conviction of a Vagrant} County, ss: Be it remembered, that E. F. Avas this day brought before me, the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace of the town of , in said county, at my oflice in said town, upon the cliai-ge and accusation that he Avas lound in the said town, an idle person, not having visible means to maintain himself, and living without employment, [or, as the case may be,^ and a vagrant within the intent and meaning of the statute in such case made and provided ; and T, the said Justice, being BatistJed, upon due and personal examination of said E. F., and by his confession now before me had and made, \or, upon competent testi- mony now before me had and given,] that stiitl ciiarge and accusation are in all respects true, the said E. F. is therefore duly convicted be- fore me of being a vagrant, within the ti'ue intent and meaning of said statute ; and it appearing to me that the said E. F. is not a no- torious oft'ender, and that he is a proper object for relief, I adjudge and determine that said E. F. be committed to the county poor house of said county, [or, the alms house ; or, poor house of the said town,] for the term of forty days, there to be kept at liard labor ; [or, it appearing to me that said E. F. is an improper person to be sent to the poor house, I do therefore adjudge and determine, that the said E. F. be committed to the common jml of said county for the term of thii'ty days.] Given under my hand and seal, this day of , 18 . G. H., Justice, &c. [l. s.] § 874, Commitment. County ss : To any Constable of said County, greeting Whereas E. F. has been this day duly convicted before me, the undersigned Justice of the Peace of the town of * , in s?ud county, of being a vagrant ; and inasmuch as it appears to me that ' It is tlie duty ofevery peace nfficcr to take any perstm whom he may discover to be a va- jrant, before a magistrate lor exairiiiiaiioji. In such cases, no complaint or warrant will bo necessary. The Jnsiioe has the power to commit a vasrant to llie poor house (or a term not exceeding six mouths, and to the county jail not exceeding sixty days ; in the latter cus«, the • POOR LAWS. 48S said E. F. is not a notorious offender, and is a proper subject for relief, [or, is an improper person to be sent to the poor house,] 1 have adjudged that the said E. F. be committed as hereinafter expressed : You are therefore hereby commanded, in the name of tlie people of the State of New York, to convey the said E. F. to the county poor house, [or, alms house ; or, town poor house,] the keeper whereof is required to keep him therein, at hard labor, for the term of forty days; [or, to convey the said E. F. to the common jail of said county, the keeper whereof is required to detain him in safe custody tlierein, for the Utrm of thirty days.] Given, iic, [us in § 8 73. J § 875. T\uxrrant to Commit a Child to the County Poor House} County, ss : To any ConsUible of said County, greeting : "Whereas, complaint on oath, and due proof, have this day been made to me, one of the Justices of tiie Peace, of said county, that a male [or, female] child of the name of A. B., has been found in the town [or, city] of , in said county, begging for alms : You are therefore hereby commanded, in the name of the people of the State of New York, to convey the said child to the poor house in said county, [or, town ; or, the alms house of said city,] the keeper whereof is required to detain, keep, employ and instruct, said child, in such useful labor as he [or, she] may be able to perform, until discharged therefrom by the County Superintendents of the Poor, [or, by the Commissioners of such alms house; or, by the Overseers of the Poor,] or bound out as an apprentice by them. Witness, ifec, [as in §872.] § 876. Warrant to Confine a Lunatic* County, ss : To the Overseer of the Poor, and Constables, of the Town of , in said County, greeting : A. B., a lunatic, ha\ing been found in said town, so far disordered m his senses as to endfinger his own person, [or, the persons and person may lie kept on bread and water only, for oiie-h.a!f the time, ifihe .Iiislioe i5«<>ireet. The reoorii of conviction must be tiled in the County Clerk's ollioe. The Juslii'e may also cause the person conipiaincd of to be searched previous to his coininitment, and if any pro- perty is found, it may be applied for hid support while in confinemeiu. ' W'len a chiid is found heizmz in any public place, any .luslice of the reace, on con plaint and proof thereof, is recpiired to commit puch chiiil to the poor iiouse. For ih 'brnis of imlenlures wliicli Superiniendeats or Overseers inav desire lo use, sue lUoso here tofo.e t;iven in Chapter III. * The Overseer must provide a suitable place for ihe confinement of a lunatic. If ihc 34* pijcation for the arrest 13 made by a Superintendent, lio is required to do lUc «aaie. 486 NEW clerk's assistant. property of others,] if permitted to go at large ; and no provision having been made, either by the relatives, or any committee, for con- fining and maintaining such lunatic, the undersigned, two of the Jus- tices of the Peace of said town, on the appUcation of the Overseer of the Poor of said town, [or, upon our own view,] being satisfied, upon examination, [or, upon information on oath to us given,] that the said A. B. should be forthwith confined : You are therefore hereby commanded, to cause the said lunatic to be safely locked up in such secure place as said Overseer may provide, in conformity to law. Given, &c., [as in § 851.] § 877. Notice to Tavern ITeeper — Designation of Habitual Drunkard, &c.' Town of » I • County, j I, the undersigned, Overseer of the Poor of said town, having dis- covered A. B., of said town, to be a habitual drunkard, do hereby designate him as such habitual drunkard, and describe him as follows : [descrijytion .'] And every merchant, distiller, shop-keeper, tavern- keeper, or other dealer in spirituous liquors, is required not to give or sell, under any pretence, any spirituous Hquors to the said A. B. Dated, &c., [as in § 849,] § 878. JVbtite to Overseer hy Justice. To E. F., Overseer of the Poor of the Town of : You are hereby notified, that A. B., who has been designated by you as a habitual drunkard, has appUed to me for a process to sum- mon a juiy to try and determine the fact of such drunkenness : And that I have fixed upon the day of instant, at o'clock in the noon, at my office in said town, as the time and place for such trial. Dated , this day of , 18 . G. H., Justice of the Peace. ' Copies of the notice should be personally served on all persons required to obey it. The person designated as a drunkard may contest the fact before a jury. For that purpose, he must apply to a .Justice of the Peace for a venire ; immediate notice of which, and of the time and place of the h«aring, is to be given to the Overseer by the Justice. The jury are nenaed to appear and testify, and her attendance compelled as in ether cases. If, oa appearing before the .lustice, she refuse to testify and disclose the name of the father, such Justice may, after the expiration of one month Ironi the lime of lier confinement, if she shall be sufHcienily recovered, commit her to tlie common jail of the county, by a warrant under his. iiand, or under the hands of the two Justices attending to take the examination. (1 K. S., 3d ed., S-26, § 20 j 4 Wendell, .->55.) 32 408 NEW clerk's assistant. to us, upon due proof thereof, given on oath before us, that more than a montli has elapsed since the said E. B. was delivered of said child, and that she is now sufficiently recovered from her confinement: You are therefore hereby commanded, in the name of the people of the State of New York, to take the said E. B., and convey her to the common jail of the said county, the keeper whereof is required to detain the said E. B. in his custody in said jail, until she shall so testify and disclose the name of such father. Given, * t> r t G. H. ( ^ ^- t^ ^-l § 932. Special Release. Know all men, Judgment rendered the day of , C. D. ) 1 8 , in the Court, in the county of : [or, before C. C, Esq., a Justice of the Peace in and for county.] Judgment perfected and docketed in County Clerk's oflfice, the day of , 18 : [or, Transcript filed and judgment docketed in County Clerk's office, the day of , 18 .] ' A release of a lien on real estate, by mortgage or judgment, should be acknowledged, and recorded in the county where the premises are situated. ^Seenote to§934. RECEIPT AND RELEASE. 618 In consideration of dollars, to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, 1 do hereby remise, release and discharge, the following described land and premises, to wit: [describe t//e pre- mises. -J from all chiim to, or interest in, the same, or any part thereof, which I may have, under and by Anrtue of the above men- tioned judgment, and from all hen or incumbrance that has attached to the same by reason of the recovery of the said judgment, as free and clear, in all respects, as though said judgment had not been ren- dered. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set mj hand and seal, this day of , 18 . Sealed and delivered ) A. B. [l. s.] in presence of J G. H. § 9.36. Release of a Legacy. Know all men by these presents : That, whereas, A. B., of , in the county of , and State of , by his last will and testament in writing, bearing date the day of , A. D. 18 , did, among other legacies therein contained, give and be- queath unto me, C. D., of , in the county of , and State of , the sum, or legacy, of dollars, and of his said Avill and testament did make and constitute E. F. the sole ex- ecutor, \or, E. F. and G. H. joint executors :] Now, therefore, I, the said C. D., hereby acknowledge the receipt from the said E. F., ex- ecutor, \or, E. F. and G. H., executors,] as aforesaid, of the said sum, or legacy, of dollars, so given and bequeathed to me as aforesaid, and do acquit, release and discharge, the said E. F. [or, E. F. and G. H.,] of and from all legacies, dues and demands what- soever, under or by virtue of the said last will and testament, or against, or out of, the estate of the said A. B. In witness, &c., [as in § 931.J § 937. Release from a Party to a Witness. Supreme Court. [or. Justice's Court A. B., ) A. B., \ against \ against V Before G. H., Esq.! CD. ) CD. ) For value received, I do hereby release E. F., a witness offered \or, to be olfered] by me, on the trial of this cause, of and from any claim or demand which I now, or may hereafter have, against him, by reason of the determination of this suit, or any matter, either di- 514 ^E\r olkrk's assistant. rectly or indirectly brought, or to be brougbt, in question, in £bas suit, either for or against me. And I do further release him from all demands connected with, or depending upon, the subject matter of this suit, or any part thereof, Trhich I now or may hereafter have ai^ainst him. In witness, &c., [as «n § 931.] § 938. Release from a Witness to a Party. In Supreme Court A. B., against ^ \or, as in § 937.1 CD. For value received, I do hereby release A. B., plaintiff in the above cause, of and from any claim or demand which I now, or may hereafter have, against him, by reason of the determination of this suit, or any matter, either directly or indirectly, brought or to be brought in question, in this suit, either for or against him. And I do further release him, call annual and special meetings; to assess and provide for the collection of district taxes ; to purchase and lease sites ; to build, hire and purchase school-houses, repair and furnish them, and attend to the custody and safe-keeping of district property; to sell and execute conveyances of sites and houses when no longer required ; to employ teachers and pay them ; to make out and attend to the collection of tax lists ; and account annually to the district, and report to the Town Superintendent Trustees are also required to pay over all balances in their hands, to their successors ; and the latter are liable for all lawful contracts made by their predecessors. Joint Trustees are responsible for their own acts, and not for the acts of each otker, unless by express agreement ; they are not answerable for mistakes of laAv, or mere errors of judgment, without any fraud or malice ; ' Lawg of 1847, chap. 480 ; 1 Denio, 141. I 3 Laws of 1S17, chap. 4S0. > Laws of iS49, chap. 382 | SCHOOLS. filO but they are liable for fraud or neglect A contract made by ail the Trustees, and signed by two, is binding; and where any official act is performed by two, the presence of the third will be presiuned, until the contrary be shown.' 11. The Trustees of each school district are required^ within thirty, and not less than fifteen days, preceding the time for holding tlic annual district meeting in each year, to prepare an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised in the district for tlie ensuing year, for the payment of the debts and expenses to be in- curred by Sciid district for fuel, fiuTiiture, school apparatus, repairs, and insurance of school-house, contingent expenses, and teachers' wages, exclusive of the pubhc money, and the money required by law to be niised by the counties and towns, and the income of local funds, and to cause printed or written notices thereof, to be posted for two weeks previous to said meeting upon the school-house doo' and in three or more of the most public places in said district. The Trustees are to present this estimate to the school meeting, and the voters present, of full age, residents of the district, and entitled to hold land in the State , who own or lease real property in the dis- trict liable to taxation for school purposes, — or who have paid any district tax (not rate bill) within two years preceding, — or who own any personal property, liable to be taxed for school purposes, in the district, exceeding fifty dollars in value, exclusive of such as is ex- empt from execution, — and no others, may vote upon such estimate, for each item separately. So much of the estimate as shall be ap- proved by a majority of the Toters present, must be levied and raised by tax on the district, in the same manner as other district taxes. If the Trustees neglect to prepare the estimate, or to give the notice required by law, the meeting may adjourn to such time as will enable them to prepare the estimate, and give the notice. If the voters of any district, at their annual meeting, refuse or neglect to raise by tax a sum of money, which added to the public money, and the money raised by the county and town, will support a school for at least four months in the year, keep the school-house in repair, and provide the necessary fuel, it Avill be the duty of the Trustees to repair the school-house, purchase the necessary fuel, employ a teacher for four months, and levy and collect the additional expense from the district, in the same manner as other district taxes luct levied and collected.^ 12. It is the duty of the Board of Supervisors of eveiy county, at their annual meeting, to cause to be levied and collected from "their respective counties, in the same manner as county taxes, a sum equal to the amount of State school moneys apportioned to such 'Laws of 1347, chap. 480; 9 Johnson, 380 ; I t Laws of 1S49, chao. 140: Id., chap )1 Id., 114; 7 Wendell, ISl ; 9 Id., 17: 4 404. UiJ, 168 ; 1 Deiiio, 211. 520 WEW clerk's assistant county, and to apportion the same as the State moneys are appor tioned; also, to levy and collect from each of the towns in their re- spective counties, in the same manner as other town taxes, a sum equal to the amount of State school moneys apportioned to snch towns respectively.' 13. Every district tax must be assessed by the Trustees, the tax list made out, and the proper warrant attached, within thirty days after the district meeting at which the tax was voted. Immediately after tlie expiration of the thirty days, the tax hst and warrant must be delivered to the CoUectoi-.- 14. Where no provision, by tax or otherwise, is made for the necessary fuel for the school in a district, the Trustees may procure it, and levy a tax upon the inhabitants to pay for the same. The Trustees may also expend a sum, not exceeding ten dollars in any one year, in the repair of the school-house, and collect the same as a separate tax, or add it to any other tax to be collected.3 15. District Clerks are required to record the proceedings of the district ; to enter in the district book true copies of all reports made by the Trustees to the Town Superintendent; to give notice of special meetings called by the Trustees, to each inhabitant in the district liable to pay taxes, at least five days before the meeting, by reading the notice in the hearing of such inhabitant, or in case of his absence from home, by leaving a copy thereof, or of so much thereof as relates to the time and place of meeting, at the place of his abode, at least six days before the time of the meeting ; to affix a notice in writing of the time and place for any adjourned district meeting, when adjourned over one month, in at least four of the most pubhc places in the district, at least five days before the meeting ; to give the like notice of every annual meeting ; to keep and preserve all books, records and papers, belonging to his office, and deliver them to his successor; within ten days after each annual or special meeting for the election of officers, to forward to the Town Clerk the names of the persons elected to the several offices ; and to receive and keep the District School Journal, and cause the same to be bound.* 16. It is the duty of the Collector of a school district, to collect the moneys required by all warrants placed in his hands, within the time required therein, and to pay the same over to the Trustees, taking their receipt therefor. When required by the Trustees, the Collector must execute a bond with sureties, one or more, to be approvi'd by them, in double the amount of any tax list to be collected by him. He has the same powers as a Collector of a town, authorized to collect town and county taxes, and may, in like manner, seize any property under his warrant , except the arms and accoutrements of a 1 Laws of 1849, chap. 140. I < Laws of 1841, chap. 2(rr; Laws of ?vn, on the day of next, at six o'clock in the afternoon, by reading this notice in the liearing of each such inhabitant, or in case of his absence from home, by leaving a copy of this notice, or of so much thereof as relates to the time and place of such meeting, at least six days before the said time so appointed for the said meeting. Dated, &c. A. B., Town Superintendent of Common Schools, of the town of • A copy of the order forminft the district, should be annexed to the aboTe. The notice is required to be given within twenty days after the formation of the district. If it b9 neces- sary to give notice to the Trustees of the alteration of a district, then the notice for the iirst meetin;; should specify a day subsequent to the expiration of three months after the service of the notice on the Trustees, as the district cannot organize until after that time. The in- habitant serving the foregoing notice should keep a memorandum of the persons served with the same, specifying the time and the manner in which such service is made : and the menio- randuni, certified by him, should be delivered to the chairman, or cleric, of the district aieeting, and read, that it may be known whether all the voters have been notified. Th# >rigiiial notice and return should be filed with the district Clerk. 52S iTSW clerk's assistant. § 947. Notice of the Sale of a School-House, etc., by the Town Superintendent, where a District is annulled, and por- tions thereof annexed to other Districts. KOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that I shall sell at public auction, the school-house and other property belonging to the former School Dis- trict number , in the town of , at siiid school-house, [or, such place as the Town Superintendent may designate,^ on the day of next, [or, instant,] at o'clock in the noon; said school district having been annulled according to law, and portions thereof annexed to other districts. Dated , the day of ,18 A. B., Town Superintendent of Common Schools of the Town of § 948. Apportionment of the Proceeds of the Sale of the Property belonging to an Annulled District. Apportionment of Proceeds of Sale of PROPERTr belonging to Annulled School District Number , in the Town of Town of , ss: School District Number , in said Town of , having been annulled according to law, by my order dated on the day of ,18 , and the property of said district having been duly and regnilarly sold by me, at public auction, and the debts thereof paid out of the proceeds of such sale ; I do hereby make the following apportionment of the residue of such proceeds, among the taxable inhabitants of said annulled chstrict, number , accord- ing to their respective assessments on the last assessment roll of the said town of : ... . Names of Inhabitants. Amount apportioned to each. John Doe, Kiclianl Roe, &c., The rasolutian ihould ke signed in dupU :ate : one ef ihom is t« be recorded ia tAck ( Si 980 NBW CLERK^ ASSISTAHT. ftnd ability, to instruct a conjmon school in this town, for one year frofti the date hereo£ • £firea under toy hand, at , this day of » 18 . A. B., Town^Supeiintendent of Convmoa Sehools of the Town of § 952. Instrument Annulling Teacher'^ Certificate} Town of , ss : Having inquired into certain complaints against C, F., heretofore ^censed as a tcaciier of commott schools of said town, and being of opinion that he fb)', she] does not possess the requisite qualifications as a teachei*, in respect to moral character ; [or, as the case may he;\ and having given at least ten days previous notice in writing to said leacher, and to the Trustees of the district hi which he is employed, «f my intention so to do; I have annulled, and hereby do annul, the laid certificate and hcense so granted as aforesaid Oiven under my hand, this day of ,18 A. B., Town Superintendent of Common Schook of the Twwu of § 953. Annual JReport of the Town Superintendent, to be made t* die County Clerk. To P. v., Clerk of the County of : I, A. B., Town Superintendent of common schools of the town of , in said county of , in conformity to the statutes in relation to common schools, do report : That the number of entire school districts in said town, organized according to law, is ; and that the number of parts of school districts in said town, is ; that the numb'r of joint districts, the school-houses of which are situated, wholly or partly, in said town, is ; that the nimi- ber of entire districts from which the necessary reports have been made for the present year, within the time hmited by law, is ; and that the number of parts of districts from which such reports have been made, is ; that the number of schools for colored children taught in said town, diu-ing the year aforesaid, for fom- months or upwards, by a didy qualified teacher, was ' A note in writing, containing the name of the teacher, and the time of annulling the ee-r ItficAte, or a duplicate of the instniment, must be filed in the Town Clerk's Office. SCHOOLS. Sit And I do further certify and report, that the whole asaount of money rexeivecf br me, or my predecessor [or, predecessors] 'm offijo. for the \i5-t5 of c<>miTK»n sthoole, dxirinc^ the ;^«ar ondin^ on th^ date %i this report, and sincp tiie date of A? l-^st report, lor said K'wtI, i> d ; of irhich suci the p»rt received from the Cuuftty Treasurer, \s $ : the part from the t( 8 f"r the pa}Tnent of teachers' w»g06, and the sum of % i'ur the' purchase of district libraries;', thiife the sttm of ■$ was apportioned by me to district number , for colored children in said district, between the ages of five and sixteen years, who have attended a school taught in district number , iu said town, by a didy quajifit the said districts nurabej- and » respectively. JVnd I further certify, that during jhp year before mentioned, i have not collected any fines, pen^dties or forfeitures; [or, that during the year before mentioned, I kave collected a penalty of $25, imposed on C. D., a Trustee of District number , in said town, for signing a false report; and that my rusts and charges in such coUectiofi amounted to $ : atid that the balance of such pijialty wa*5 by me added to the schrti.4 distiict, for the purclia.se of the site for a new school-bous€, lu-reiui'in? designated by ihe leiii^al voters thereot § 961. Order of Trustees for Teacher^s Wages. To A. B., Esq., Town Superintendent of Common Scliools of the Town of Pay to C. F., a teacher duly employed by us, and qualified a«* wording to law, dollars, that being the amount wliich he is en- titled to receive out of the moneys in your liands applicable to the payment of teachers' wages, and apportioned to our district Dated » this day of ^ 18 . G. H., ) Trustees L. M., [-of District E. F.. \ Na § 962. Order for Library Money. To A. B., Esq., Town Superintendent, (fee. : Pay to , the sum of dollars, that being the amoimt of the library money in your hands due to school district number .. in said town. Dated, &c., [as in § 961.] § 965. Acco^int of the Trustees, and Inventory of District Propert'^f. to be Entered and Signed in their Book, at or before eack Annual Meeting. G. tl., L. M., and E. F., Trustees of School District Na , in the Town of , in account with said District, Dr. Cr. DATES. • 1 — cts. BATES. e et8. 18 IS . .Tune 30. To amount collect- Juiyl, By paid for appa ed on tax list. iVi m raius, as per vou- Set)i. IS. To do. do. 'iti y..i Sept. 10, Dec. 15, Jan. 13, cher No. 1. By do. d«. teachera' wages do. do. No. 2, By do. do. for fuel, do. do. No 3, By ilo. do. for re- pairing Fchool- noiise, do. do. 15 37 9 00 oe No. 4, 13 23 May 2, By ball, on hand, 12 80 S7 61 S7 61 SM VBW Clark's assistant. STATEMENT OF MOVABLE PROPERTY, BELONGING TO DISTRICT NUMBER , viz: One stove and pipe ; one pail ; two chairs ; one broom ; one map of the United States, (fee, &c. [Specif >/ all the different articles, in- cluding the books belonging to the district.^ We, the subscribers. Trustees of District number , in the town of , do hereby certify, that the preceding, from page to page , inclusive, contains a true and accurate account of all the moneys received by us, for the use of said district, and of the expenditure thereof ; and a correct statement and inven- tory of all the movable property belongmg to said district* Dated, (fee, [as in § 961.] § 964. Annual Estimate of Trustees. ANNUAL ESTIMATE. The Trustees of School District Number , in the Town of , in the County of , estimate the amount of money necessary to be raised in said district for the ensuing year, exclusive of the public money, and the money required by law to be raised by the county and town, [insert, and the income of local funds, if there ie such funds,^ as follows ; For providing fuel, . . . " " furniture, - - - $10 00 3 00 " " school apparatus, - " paying for repairs of school-house, •• " insurance of school-house^ - 5 00 Y 50 8 30 " " contingent expenses, •• " teachers' wages, - 6 00 56 00 Total, Dated, ne of them ; and if any tax on the real estate of a non-resident mentioned in the said list, shall be unpaid at the time when you are required to return this war- rant, you are to dehver to the Trustc^es of the said district an account thereof according to law. Given imder our hands, this day •f , 18 . ?-^'' I Trustees, 4c. &C, (KC, j § 967. Distria Collector's Bond: Know all men by these presents : That we, O. P. and R F., are held and firmly bound to G. H., L. M., and E. F., Trustees of school district number , in the town of , in the Sum of [insert double the ainount to be collectedly dollars to be paid to the said G. H., L. M., and E. F,, Trustees as afcaresaid, or to the survi- vor, or survivors, of them, or their successors : to the which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administi'ators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with om* seals, and dated this day of , A. D. 18 Whereas, the above bounden O. P. has been chosen [or, appointed] Collector of the above mentioned school district number , in the town of , in conformity to the statutes relating to com- mon schools : Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if he, the said 0. P., shall well and truly collect and pay over, the moneys assessed upon the taxable inhabitants of said district, member in a tax list dated the day of , and tliis day received by the said Collector, which assessment amounts tij t total sum of dollars and cents; and shall, in all respects, didy and faithfully execute the said warrant, and all the duties of his office as Collector of such district, then this obligation ahall be void ; otherwise, to be in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed, and delivered, ) 0. P. [l. s.] in presence of f R F. [i. s.J A^ ' The Collector's bond must be executed within the time allowed by the Trustees, whicn Mnnoi be less than ten days. SCHOOLS 539 § 968. Notice tka{ Collector will receive Taxes. SCHOOL DISTKICi;^ NOTICE. yotioe is liereby given, that tlie undersigned has yeedved a tax iiat from the Tt-ustootj of 8cLn4. Order of the Board of Supervisors, with Cleric's Certificate. At a meeting of tlie Board of Supervisors of the county of , held at the house of R. F., in the town of , in said county, on the day of , 18 , a majority of the said Board being present, it was ordered : That the sum of dollars, being the amount \or, part of the amount] of an account for costs, charges and expenses, incurred and paid by A. B., late Collector of school district number , in the town of , in a suit commenced against him in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, in favor of C. D., plaintiff therein, for acts performed by the said A. B., by virtue of or under color of his office, and in which judgment was rendered against the said A. B., [or, as the case may he^ be assessed upon and collected of the taxable inhabitants and property of said school district number , in the same manner as otjier taxes of said district are by law assessed and collected, and paid to the said A. B. I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy from the minutes. M. P., Clerk of the Board. § 975. Notice to he Served on the Trustees with a Copy of tht Order. To G. H., L. M., and E. F., Trustees of School District No. , in the Town of : You will please take notice, that the foregoing is a true copy of an order duly made and entered by the Board of Supervisors of the county of , on the day of , 18 . Dated, dec, [as in § 973.] § 976. District Report, to he made hy the Trustees Annually, and transmitted to the Town Superintendent, between the first and fifteenth day of January in each year} To the Town Superintendent of Common Schools of the Town of : We, the Trustees of school district number , in said town, in conformity with the statutes relating to common schools, do certify and report, that the whole time any school has been kept in our dis- trict during the year ending on the date hereof, and since the date of the last report for the said district, is \insert the whole time, though 1 Sec nolo to § 963, in regard to not enumerating Indian CtiildreD. 542 NEW CLEHE'a JLSSISTANT. for aparlqf it the school may have been kept by a Uacher not ptaU- /ted;1 and dtuiiig said yegir, and since iho date of said last report, mch school ha? been kept J>y a tesi-her, ['j?-, t -achers.] attor obtijiuijX a c-«Tli!icHtc; [or, coriificaiesj j of qualiticauon according lo law, [insert ike tone faMjjrecisiort;] that tbe anionnt bf money Apportiotipd it> our district by the Town Superintendent of Common Schools during the said year and since the date of the said last report, except library money, is [insert the whole amount, except as aforesaid, though re- ceived by predecessors in office, in whole, or inpjart;] and that the said sum has been applied to the payment of the compensation ot teachers employed in the said district, and licensed as the statute pre- scribes ; [Jf the amount has not been erpended, the reason shnnld he particulorln specified;'] that the amouni of library mouey received in our district from the Toviii Superintendent of Common Schools during said year, and since the date of the said last report, is [insert tlie whole amount, thomjh received by predecessors, in whole, or in .part;] and that tht» said sum was, on or before the first day of Octo- ber last, applied to the purchase of a library for thi' district [?;% '^ map of the. State of New York, a ten-estial i^dobe, a bla<'k-board, L Dated, , July 13, 1847. C. D., District Clerk. § 979. Notice fdr Adjourned District Meeting. SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that a meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of school district number , in the town of , authorized by law t9 vote therein, will be held at the school-house in said district, on the day of next, [or, instant,] at o'clock in the noon, pursuant to adjournment Dated, Trustees, CD. ) Execution issued by G. H., Esq., one of the Justices of the Peace of the county of , for $26 02 Constable's fees for collecting, 2 25 Amount, $28 27 By virtue of the above described execution, H. C, one of the Constables of said county of , has levied upon the following ' This bond will be valid, where there is any doubt as to the title of property, but not where the constable is aware that he is a trespasser. 560 NEW clerk's assistant. goods and chattels, the property of the said C. D., viz : \^enumerate the articles taken.^ July 10, 1847. Received of H. C, Constable, as aforesaid, the goods and chattels above mentioned, which I promise to deliver to him, at any time When he shall demand the same, at the dwelUng- house of the above defendant, C. D., in the town of , in the said county ; or, in default thereof, I do hereby agree with the said H. C, to pay him the amount of the judgment above described, to- gether with the fees for the collection thereof, as above specified. E. F. § 1016. Constable's Advertisement of Sale} By virtue of an execution, [or, of several executions,] I have seized md taken one himber wagon and one .set of double harness, the property of C. D., which I shall expose to sale at public vendue, to the highest bidder, on the day of instant, [or, next,] at o'clock in the noon, at the house of R. P., in the to^vn of . H. C, Constable. § 1017, Return to an Execution Satisfied. The amount of the within execution levied of the goods and chat- tels of the defendant therein named. July 10, 1847. H. C, Constable. § 1018. Return to Execution, Satisfied in Part. The within execution satisfied in part, to wit : for the sum of dollars ; and no goods or chattels of the defendant found whereof the residue could be made. July 10, 1847, H. C, Constable. § 1019. Return where Defendant is Committed. No goods or chattels of the within named C, D. found, and liis jody taken and convej^ed to the common jail of the county. July 10, 1847, H. C, Constable. § 1020. Return of no Property found. No goods or chattels of the witliin named C. D. could be found. July 10, 1847. H. C, Constable. ' The notice must be posted up in tluree public places in the town where the sale is to bo held, fire days previous thereto. SERVICE AND RETURN OP PROCESS. 561 § 1021. Return where no Property, nor the Body of the Defendant, is Found. No goods or chattels, nor the body of the withia named C. D., «ould be found. July 10, 1847. H, C. Constable. § 1022. Return of Fart Satisfied, and no Body Found. The within execution satisfied in part, to wit : for the sum of dollars, and no more goods or chattels, nor the body of the within named C. D., could be foxmd. July 10, 1847. H. C, Constable. § 1023. Return where Goods remain Unsold. Levied on a lumber wagon, the property of the within named C. D., which remains in my possession, xmsold, for want of bidders. July 10, 1847. H. C, Constable. 36 CHAPTER XL. STEAYS. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. Whenever any person, at any time, has any strayed horse upon his inclosed land, — or, between the first day of November in any year, and the lirst day of April thereafter, has any strayed neat cattle or sheep upon his inclosed lands, — he may, within ten days after the coming of any such stray thereon, deliver to the Clerk of the town within wliich such lands shall be, a note in writing, contmning the name and place of abode of such person, and the age, color and marks, natural and artificial, of each stray, as near as may be. If this notice is not deJivered, no compensation can be recovered for keeping any strays. 2. It is the duty of the Town Clerk to enter every such note in a book, which is to be kept open for inspection free of charge. The fees of the Clerk for the entry are to be paid by the person pre- senting the note. 3. The person delivering the note will be entitled to receive there- for nine cents each, for all neat cattle and horses, and three cents for each sheep described therein ; and he may detain such strays, until such fees, and the fees of the Clerk, and all reasonable charges of keeping, be paid. The charges of keeping strays are to be ascer- tamed by the fence-\newers of the town, as mentioned in the former part of this work. (See Chapter xix.) 4. If no owner appear to claim any stray, on or before the first day of May next, after the making of the entry as above prescribed, or if the owner refuse, or neglect, to pay the fees and charges, the person who dehvered the note and kept the stray, may proceed to sell the same by pubUc auction to the highest bidder; notice of which sale must be posted up in three pubUc places in the town where the strays shall have been kept, at least twenty days previous thereto. Out of the moneys arising from the sale, the person making the same may retain the fees and charges above mentioned, and the like charge* STRATS. 563 for the sale as are allowed to Constables on sales under executions issued out of Justices' Courts. The residue of tlie money must be paid to tlie owner of the strays, if he demands the same ; if not de- manded within one year of the sale, he will be precluded from recov- ering such residue, and the same is to be paid to the Supervisor, for the use of the town, within thirty days after the expiration of the year.^ FORMS. § 1024. Notice to he Delivered to Town Cleric hy Person Keeping Strays. To C. D., Town Clerk of the town of : You will take notice, that on or about the day of , 18 , one chestnut horse, of the age of seven years, or thereabouts, and marked with a star in his forehead, strayed upon my inclosed land in the town of , and now remains thereupon; and that I reside in the said town of Dated the day of , IS . A. B. § 1025. Notice of Sale where Stray is not Redeemed. PUBLIC KOTICE. By virtue of the statute in such case made and pronded, I shall expose to sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the day of instant, [or, next,] at o'clock in the noon, at the house of R. F., in , one chestnut horse of the nge of seven years, or thereabouts, and marked with a star in his fore- head, the same being a stray found upon my inclosed land in the town of , and remsiining unredeemed according to law. Dated the day of , 18 . A. B. § 1026. Receipt of Supervisor. Received of A. B., dollars and cents, being the pro- ceeds of the sale of a stray chestnut horse, after deducting therefrom the expenses of keeping and the sale thereof, — said horse having been advertised and sold at public auction, by the said A. B., as a stray, according to the statute, on the day of 18 . Dated , the , day of , 18 . L. M., Supervisor of the town of " 1 R. S. (3d ed, ) 401, § 17, et seq. I CHAPTER XLL SUPERYISOES. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. Supervisors are chosen annually, by ballot, at the town meet- ings held in their respective towns. If the office at any time be vacant, it may be filled by a special town meeting, which it is the duty of the Town Clerk to call within eight days after the happening of the vacancy. If the vacancy is not supplied by the electors, the Justices of the Peace of the town may fill it.^ 2. It is the duty of a person elected or appointed to the ofiSce of Supervisor, witliin ten days after receiving notice of his election or appointment, to take and subscribe the oath of office, before some Justice of the Peace, or Commissioner of Deeds, or the Town Clerk.' 3. The general powers and duties of Supervisors in the State of New York, are defined and prescribed by statute, as follows: 1. The Supervisor of each town shall receive and pay over all moneys raised therein for defraying town charg^es, except those raised for the support of Highways and Bridges, of Common Schools, and of the Poor, v/here poor moneys shall bo raised. 2. He shall prosecute in the name of his town, or otherwise, as may be necessary, for all penalties of fifty dollars or under, given by law to such town or for its use, and for which no other officer is specially directed to prosecute. 3. He shall keep a just and true account of the receipt and expendi- ture of all moneys which shall come into his hands by virtue of his office, in a book to be provided for that purpose, at the expense of the town, and to bo delivered to his successor in office. 4- On the Tuesday preceding the annual town meeting, he shall I 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 392, § 2; li., 398, J5 53, 54; Laws ef 1838, chap. 172; Laws of 1840. •hap. 238; 2 Hill, 369. » 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 395, §§ 29-31. (BUPKRVISORS. 565 account with the Justices of the Peace and Town Clerk of the town, for the disbursement of all moneys received by him. 5. At every such accounting, the Justices and Town Clerk shall enter a certificate in the Supervisor's book of accounts, showing the state of his accounts at the date of the certificate. 6. The Supervisor of each town shall attend the annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the county, and every adjourned or special meeting of such Board, of which he shall have notice. 7. He shall receive all accounts which may be presented to him against the town, and shall lay them before the IJoard of Supervisors ai their next meeting. 8. He shall also lay before the Board of Supervisors such copies of entries concerning moneys voted to be raised in his town, as shall be delivered to him by the Town Clerk. g. Whenever the Supervisor of any town shall be required by tha Surveyor General to cause a survey to be made of the bounds of his town, it shall be the duty of such Supervisor, within sixty days there- after, to cause such survey to be made, and to transmit by mail, or otherwise, a map and description thereof to the Surveyor General, under a penalty for refusal or neglect, of fifty dollars. The expense of such survey and map will be defrayed by the several towns, whose bounds either wholly or in part shall be described thereby ; such expense to be apportioned by the Board of Supervisors of the county.' 4. Besides these general duties enjoined upon the Supervisor, he is ex-officio a member and chairman of tlic Board of Excise of his town, and he is charged with various special duties in regard to highways, the poor laws, schools, and strays, all of which are pointed out in previous Chapters of this work devoted to those particular subjectii. (See Chapters xvii, xxir, xxxv, xxxviii, and xl.) 5. The Supervisor is also a member of the Board of Town Audi- tors, and is clothed with certain powers under the law authorizing the erection of town houses. (See Chapters xliii and xliv.) 6. The official bonds of Commissioners of Highways, Town Super- intendents of Common Schools, Collectors, and sometimes Constable's* instruments, are approved by the Supervisor. 7. The Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Assessors of a Town, arc required to meet at such place as may be appointed by the Super- visor, or in his absence, or in case of a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk, on the first Monday of July in each third year aft<'r tiie first selection has been made in a town, for the purpose of making a list of persons to serve as jurors. 'When assembled for that purp(»s('. it is their duty to select from the names of those assessed on the last assessment rolls of the town, suitable persons to serve as jurors, iu making which selection they are to take the names of such persons only as are — 1. Male inhabitants of the town, not exempt from serving on juries . » 1 U. S. (3d ed.,) 399, S I, et seq. 566 KETf clerk's assistant. 2. Of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, and under sixty years old : 3. Who are at the time assessed for personal property belonging to them in their own right, to the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars, or who have a freehold estate in real property in the county, belonging to them in their own right, or in the right of their wives, to tiie value of one liundred and hfty dollars ; or, if residents of either of the counties of Niagara, Erie, Chautauquc, Cattaraugus, Allegany, Genesee, Orleans, Monroe, Livingston, Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Steuben, or Frank- lin, who have been assessed on the last assessment roll of the town for land in their possession held under contract for the purchase thereof, upon which improvements owned by them have been made, to the value uf one hundred and fifty dollars : 4. In the possession of their natural faculties, and not infirm or decrepit : 5. Free from all legal exceptions, of fair character, of approved integrity, of sound judgment, and well informed.' 8. Duplicate lists of the persons selected as jurors by the town officers before mentioned, with their respective occupations and places of residence, are to be made out and signed by such officers, or a majority of them ; and within ten days after the first Monday in .July, one of the said lists must be transmitted to the County Clerk, and the other filed with the Town Clerk. The jurors thus selected serve for three years." 9. Grand jurors are annually selected by the Boards of Super- visors ; but it is the custom for each Supervisor to present a list of those required from liis town, with their respective occupations and places of residence, to the Clerk of the Board at an early day in the session. 10. The duties of Supervisors, in regard to the assessment and collection of taxes, are pointed out in Chapter xlii of this work. 11. The Supervisor, Assessors, and Town Clerk of a town, are required to meet on the first Monday of October in each year, to designate the place or places where the annual election shall be held, and to give notice thereof. They have power at such mee ting- to alter any district, in which case they must make a certificate of the alterations, and file the same in the office of the Town Clerk. Any alteration so made will not take effect till after the then next general election, except where a town has been altered, divided, or newly erected.' 12. When a new town is formed, it is the duty of the Supervisor, Assessors, and Town Clerk thereof, to meet at the office of the Town Clerk, on or before the first Tuesday in September preceding the first general election to be held in the town, and they may adjourn from time to time, but not beyond the first day of October. If their ' 2R. S. (3d ed.,) 508, 509, §§ 12, 13, 14, 18. 1 > 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 134, §§ 15, IG: Laws of » 2 U. S. (3d ed.,) 508, 509, 5S 15, 17, 18, 19. | 1847, chap. 240. SUPERVISORS. 667 town contains more than five hundred electors, it is their duty to divide it into a convenient number of election districts, as compact as may be ; and if it contains less than five hundred electors, the division may be made in their discretion. An election district must not contain more than five hundred electors. Where a town is divided, a certificate of the division must be made and signed by the Board, and filed in the ofiice of the Town Clerk.^ 13. Vacancies in the Board of Inspectors of an election district are to be filled by the Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Justices of the Peace of the town, at a meeting to be called by the Supervisor, or in case of a vacancy in his office, or his absence, or inability, by the Town Clerk. Certificates of the appointment of persons to fill vacancies are to be filed in the office of the Town Clerk" FORMS. § 1027. Supervisor's Oath. I do solemnly swear, [or, affirm,] that I will support the Constitu- tion of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York ; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Supervisor of the Town of , in the County of , according to the best of my ability. Sworn and subscribed, this ) D. E. L. day of , 18 , before me, ) R F., Town Clerk of the Town of .» § 1028. Form of Keeping Supervisor's Booh D. E. L., Supervisor of the Town of , in account with said Town : May i, 1^100. July 30, For am't rec'd of O. P., Collector of the Town, • - - For amount of pe- nalty collected of A. B. for (state tchal for.) Sec, &c. Uolls. CIS. Uateg. May 2, 1850. 189 50 I 50 00 By paid for Supervi- sor's book, - E. F., Com missioner of High ways, * Dulls. CLS. 1 2^ ' 150 00 MR, S. (3il cd.,) Voi, §5 15-17 ; Laws of I » 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 136, § 22; Laws of 1847. 1847, chap. '.i'tO. | chap. 210. ' No fee can be charffcd for administering the oath. The certificate must be filed by Um Superrieor in the office of the Town Clerk, within eight days after taking llic oath. 668 KETT clerk's assistant. § 1029. Certificate of the Town Cleric and Justices of the Peace on the Examination of the Supervisor's Accounts, to be entered in his hook. Town of , ss: We, the undersigned, the Justices of the Peace and Town Clerk of the Town of , do hereby certify that we have this day examined tlie within [or, foregoing] account of D. E. L., Supervisor of said town ; and that Ave find the same in all respects correct and true, and that there appears at this date to be a balance of dollars and cents due from the said Supervisor to the town of , [or, as the balance may be^ Dated , the day of , 18 . H. F.^ A. W. I Justices of the G. H. j Peace. 8. T.J R. S., Town ClerL § 1030. Certificate of the Supervisor, to Accompany Copies of JEntries in Town Clerk's Book. 'i-^wn of , ss: I do hereby certify that the within are the copies of entries con- cermng moneys voted to be Raised in the said town of ' , delivered to me by the town clerk thereof Dated , the day of , 18 . D. E. L., Supervisor of said Town. § 1031. Notice of Supervisor, calling Special Meeting of the Board of Excise. [Sej § 429 in Chapter xvii: all the Forms used by the Commia* nonero of Excise may be found in the same Chapter.^ § 1032. Appointment of Commissioner of Highways to fill Vacancy. [See § 491 in Chapter xxii: all the Forms tised by the Super- visor utuier the Highway Act, may be found in the same Chapter.^ § 1033. Report of Supervisor, where all the Poor are not a County Charge. [See § 870 in Chapter xxxv: the other Forms required by the Super- SI7FERYIS0BS. 569 visor in ^performing his duties under the Poor Laws, may he fouTid in the same Chapter."] § 1034. Notice to Town Superintendent of Common Schools to furnish Additional Security. [See § 941, in Chapter xxxviii: the other Forms required hy the Supervisor under the School Law, may be found in the same Chap- ter.] §1035. Receipt of Supervisor for Proceeds of the Sale of a Stray [See § 1026, in Chapter xL] § 1036. Affidavit verifying Account. [See § 1056, in Chapter xliii: other Form^ used hy the Town Auditors may also he found in that Chapter.] § 1037. Approval of Sureties in a Bond} I approve of the sureties named in the above bond- Dated , the day of , 18 . D. E. L., Supervisor of the Town of § 1038. List of Jurors. List of Jurors selected from the town of , in the county of , to serve for three years from the day of , Names. Occupation. 1 Residence. 1 R. F., [urite the name in full} Farmer, Near the gate on the Plank Road, S. M. Merchant, Village of &c., ic. 1 ' The Official Bond of a Commissioner of Highwavs may be found in Chapter xxn (§ 49-2); that of the Town Superinicndent of Common Schools in Chapter xxxviii. (JIM) • that of the Town Collector in Chapter XLli,(5§ 1051, 1U52) ; and tlie Instrument ol a ConsiabI* in Chapter xxxi, (§&04.) It is the duty of Supervisors to prosecute Commissioners of Hl^h- ways or Town Superintendents, and tlieir sureties, for breaches of their bonds, or neg leci to make proper returns and pay over moneys, accordini to law. The Bond of the C(3- lector, given lo the Supervisor, must also be prosecuted by him. 570 NEW clerk's assistant. Town of , ss: We, tlie undersigned, the Supervnsor, Town Clerk and Assessors of the said Town, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of jurors duly selected by us from the said town, to serve for the fsnsuing three years. Dated , the day of July, 18 D. E. L., Supervisor. S. G., Town Clerk. A. B., ) B. J., y Assessors. R S., ) § 1039. List of Grand Jurors from a Town. List of Grand Jurors selected by the Supervisor of the Town of , from the quaUfied inhabitants of said town. Names. Occupation. Residence. A. B., [write the name in full.] Blacksmith. C. D., 1 Cooper. Village of Corners. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a list of grand jurors se- lected by me from the qualified inhabitants of the town of D. E. L., Supervisor of said Town. § 1040. Tax Bill. [The Tax Bill is a were copy of the Assessment Moll, (§ 1046, m C'hajjfer xlii,) with another column headed "Amount of Tax" added thereto; in which column the Supervisor inserts the amount of each person's tax, calculated hj him according to the rate per cent., established by the Board. For other Forms required in the as- sessment and collection of taxes, see Chapter xlii.] § 1041. JVbtice of Flection. ELECTION NOTICE. Town of , ss : We, the undersigned, composing the Board of Town Officers of said town, do hereby notify the electors thereof, that the ensuing general election, [or, that a special election duly ordered by the Governor of SUPERVISJRS. 671 this State,] at wliich are to be elected the following officers, viz : [m- sert here a list of the oncers to be chosen,^ will be held in election dis- trict number one, in said town of , on the day of November next, [or, instant,] at the house of 0. P., in said district; in election district number two, on the same day, at the house of R F., in said last mentioned district; and in election district number three, on the same day, at the house of S. T., in said last mentioned district : And that the poll of the election will be opened in each district on the day of aforesaid, at sunrise, [or, at the time determined hy ike hoard, to he not later than nhc* o'clock in the morning,^ and closed at sunset on that day. Dated . the day of , 18 . D. E. L., Supervisor. S. G., Town Clerk. A. B., J B. J., >• Assessors. R S. ) § 1042. Alienation of an Election District. Town cf , ss: We, the undersigned, composing the Board of Town Officers of said town, do hereby certify that we have this day altered the elec- tion districts in said town ; and that the said districts ai-e now consti- tuted and bounded as follows : Election district number one is bounded on the west, by the west line of the town ; on the north, by a line passing along the centre of the main channel of the river; on the east, by the centre of the road; and on the south, by the south line of mihtary lots number and Election district number two is bounded, « corporations, individual bankers or banking associa- tions, are liable to taxation, with the following exceptions, viz : All property, real o» personal, exempted from taxation by the Constitu- tion of this St&te, or of the United States; all lands belonging to this State, or to the United States; every building erected for the use of a college, fncorporated academy, or other seminary of learn- ing, every building for public worship; every school-house, court- house and jail; tiie several lots whereon such buildings are situated; and the fu,rniture belonging to each of them; every poor-house, alms-house, house of industry, and every house belonging to a com- pany incorporated for the reformation of offenders, and the real and personal property belonging to, or connected with the same ; the real and personal property of every public library ; all stocks owned by the State, or by literal y or charitable institutions; the personal estate of every corporation not made liable to taxation on its capital ; the per- sonal property of every minister of the gospel, or priest, of any denomination, and the real estate of such minister or priest, when oc- cupied by him, provided such real and personal estate do not exceed the value of one thousand five hundred dollars ; and all property ex- empted by law from execution. If the real and personal estate, or either of them, of any minister or priest, exceed the value of one thousand five hunc/red dollars, that sum must be deducted from the valuation of his property, and the residue will be liable to taxa- tion. Lands sold by the State, though not granted, or conveyed, must be assessed in the same manner as if actually conveyed. The owner, or holder, of stock in any incorporated company, liable to tax- ation on its capital, cannot be taxed as an individual for such stock.' 1 IR. S. (3ded.,)«l, 442, §1, etie(i.;Lawsofl847, chap. 419; 4 Paige, 401. o74 NEW clerk's assistant. 2. Every person must be assessed in the town or ward where he resides, for all lands owned or occupied by him in such town or ward. Land not owned by a person residing in the town where the same is situated, may be assessed in the name of the owner or occupant. Where a farm, or lot, is divided, by the line between two towns in the same county, or in adjoining counties, it must be assessed in the town where the occupant resides ; if there be no occupant, then each part must be assessed in the town in which the same may lie.^ 3. Every person must be assessed in the town or ward where he resides, for all personal estate owned or held by him, in his own right, or as trustee, guardian, executor, or administrator ; but if any person possessed of personal estate I'esides, during any year in which taxes may be levied, in two or more counties or towns, his residence will be deemed and held by the assessors to be in the county and town in which his principal business may have been transacted.' 4. The real estate of incorporated companies, hable to taxation must be assessed in the town or ward where the same may lie. The personal estate of such companies must be assessed in the town or ward where the principal office or place of business is located; if there be no such office, then in the town or ward where the opera- tions of the company may be carried on. In the case of toll bridges, the company owning any such bridge must be assessed in the town or ward where the tolls are collected; and where the tolls of any company are collected in several towns, the assessment must be made m the town or ward in which the officer authorized to pay the last preceding dividend, resides.* 5. The Assessors of any town or ward may divide the same into assessment districts, not exceeding the number of Assessors. Be- tween the first days of May and July in each year, they must ascer- tain, by diligent 'inquiry, the names of all the taxable inhabitants, and the taxable real and personal property in such town, or ward, and enter the same in their assessment roll ; and where any person is assessed as a trustee, guardian, executor, or administrator, he must be so designated. The lands of non-residents are to be entered in the same assessment roll, but separate from the other assessments.'' 6. If any person liable to taxation will make affidavit that the value of his real estate does not exceed a certain sum, to be specified in such affidavit, or that the value of the personal estate owned by him, after deducting his just debts, and his property invested in in- corporated companies liable to taxation, does not exceed a certain sum, to be specified as aforesaid, it will be the duty of the Assessors to value such real or personal estate, or both, at the sums specified in > 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 443, §§ 1-4 ; 4 Wendell, | » 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 443, § 6 ; 4 Paise, 3S-1 ; 10 429. I Wendell, 186; 22 Id., 9, 23 Id., 103; 1 Hill, a 1 R. S. (3d ed.,) 443, S 5; Lawa tf 1S50, I 616; 4 Id., 20. •hap. 92. I « IR. S. (34ed.,}444,445,$§7-ll. TAXES. 575 the affidavit. Trustees, guardians, Assessors. (BC, &C., ) § 1047. Notice of Completion of Assessment, <&c PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the Assessors of the town of , [or, of the ward in the city of ,] liave completed their assessment roll, for the present year, and that a copy thereof is left Avitn the undersigned E. F., at his dwelling-house, in , where the same may be seen and examined by any of the inhabitants of said town, [or ward,] during twenty days from this date ; and that the said Assessors will meet at the house of R. P., in smd town, [or, ward,] on the day of instant, [or, next,] at o'clock in the noon, to review their assessments, on the application of any person conceiving liimself aggrieved. Dated, &c., [as in § 1046.] § 1048. Affidavit to Reduce Amount of Tax. County, ss: A. B., of the town of , in said county, being didy sworn, says, that the value of the real estate assessed to him on the a.sses.s- ment roll of said town, for the year 1 8 , described as [r/ive a brief description, '\ and valued on said roll at dollars, does not in fact exceed the sum of dollars; [or, that the value of the personal estate owned b}^ him, after deducting his just debts, [if ne- cessary insert here, and his property invested in incorporated comjia- nies liable to taxation,] does not exceed the sum of dollars; or, that the value of his personal property is not equaJ to the amount of debts owed by him.] Sworn to, this day of , ) A- B. 18 , before me, j E. F., Assessor. 87 1178 KSW clerk's ASSISTAITT. § 1049. Certificate to Attach to Assessment RolL County, ) Town of ,P^- "We do severally certify, that we have set down, in the above as- sessment roll, all the real estate situated in the town of , in said county, [or, in the ward, in the city of ,] according to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of the said real estate has been sworn to by the possessor thereof, we have estimated the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the true value thereof, and at which they would appraise the same in payment of a just debt due from a solvent debtor; and also, that the said assessment roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in the said roll, over and above the amount of debts due fj-om such persons respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable; and that with the exception of those cases in which the value of such personal estate has been sworn to by the owner or possessor, we have estimated the same according to o\ir best information and belief. Dated, &c., [as in § 1046.] § 1050. Notice of Supervisor to Collector of Amount of Taxes. To H. C, Collector of the Town of : You are hereby notified that the amount of taxes to be collected by you in said town of , for the current year, is dollars and cents. Dated , the day of , 18 . Yours, &c., L. S., Supervisor. § 1051. Collector's Bond to Supervisor. Know all men by these presents: That we, H. C, A. B., and C. D., of the town of , in the county of , are held and firmly bound unto L. S., Supervisor of said town of , in the penal sum [insert double the amount of taxes to be colleeted] of thou- sand dollars, to be paid to the said L. S., or his successor in office ; to which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and our, and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated the day of , A. D. 18 * TAXES. 679 Whereas, the above bonnden H. C. has been duly chosen Col- .<;ctor of said town of : Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the said H. C. shall well and faithfully execute his duties as such collector, then the above obligation to be void ; else to remain in force. H. C. Sealed, signed and delivered ) A. B. in presence of J C. D. G. H. L. S.l L. S.J L. 6.] I approve of the sureties named in the above bond. Dated , the day of , 18 . L. S., Supervisor of the Town of ^ 1052. Collector's Bond under the Law Providing for the Enroll- ment of the Militia. Know all men by these presents : That we, H. C, A. B., and C. D., of the town of , in the county of , are held and lirmly bound unto L. H., Colonel of the regiment of the en- rolled militia of the State of New York, in the penal sum \_insert such sum as the officer approving the bond mag deem sufficient,^ of dollars, to be paid to the said L. H., or his successor in office, to which payment, iic, \as in § 1051 to the *, and then add.-] Now, the condition of this obligation is such, that, if the above bounden H. C, who is the collector of the town of afbresaid, shall faithfully pay all moneys received by him in pursuance of the act entitled " An Act to provide for the enrollment of the militia, and to encourage the formation of Uniform Companies, excepting the First Military Division of this State" — passed May i;3th, 1847, as amended by an Act passed December 15, 1847, into the treasury of the county of , on or before the tenth day of August next, then the above obligation to be void ; else to remain in force. Sealed, own auditors are to be filed in the office of the clerk of the town. ' Laws of ISIO, chap. 305 ; Laws of 1844, Chap. 22a. a Laws of 1S45, chap. 180, § 24 ; Laws of 1847, chap. 490. s Laws of ISIO, chap. 305. « Laws of ld4r, chap, 455, C82 KEW clerk's assistant. FORMS. § 1055. Certificate of Town Auditors. County,) Town of , P^- We, the undersigned, composing the Board of Town Auditors of said town, do hereby certify, that we have this day audited and al- lowed to E. F., Commissioner of Highways of said town, by whom the foregoing account has been presented to us, the sum of dollars, as and for his services as such Commissioner, \insert, and the disbursernents necessarily paid out by him in the execution of his duties, if necessary^ up to, and including, the day of distant; and that we find a balance of dollars and cents to be due by the said E. F, to the town of [or, as the balance may be.'\ Dated at , the day of , 18 . A. B., Supervisor. C. D., Town Clerk. G. H., ) . ,. &c., Laws of IW, chap. 197. TOWK HOUSES. 685 to be held at , in said town, on the day of next, authorizing the sum of dollars to be raised for the pur- chase of a site for, and the building of, a town-house, in said town. Dated at , the day of , 18 . A. B. •§ 1059. Certificate to he Laid Before the Board of Supervisors. County, ) Town of , f^- We, the undersigned, the Board of Canvassers, at the annual town meeting of the town of , held at the house of E.. R, in said town, on the day of inst;mt, do hereby certify, that the following resolution was proposed at said meeting, and adopted by a majority of the voices of the electors present and voting there- upon: " Resolved, that the sum of dollars be raised in the town of , and that the same be, and hereby is, appropriated for the purchase of a site for, and the building of, a town-house, in said town." Witness our hands, this day of , 18 . G. H., J S. T., >• Justices: &c., &c., ) § 1060. Mesolution of the Board of Supervisors. Resolved, That the sum of dollars be raised and collected in the town of , for the purchase of a site for, and the build- ing of, a town-house, in said town, in accordance with the resolution adopted by the electors thereof at the last annual town meeting ; \or, That the question of raising the sum of dollars in the town of , for the purchase of a site for, and the building of, a town- house, in said town, voted upon at the last annual town meeting held therein, be again submitted to the electors thereof, at the next annual town meeting.] CHAPTER XLV WILLS. PRACTICAL REMARKS. 1. All persons except idiots, persons of unsound mind, and infants, may devise their real estate by a last will and testament duly exe- cuted. Such devise may be made to any person capable, by law, of holding real estate ; but no devise to a corporation will be valid, un- less such corporation be expressly authorized by its charter, or statute, to take by devise. Every devise of any interest in real pro- perty, to a person, who, at the time of the death of the testator, may be an alien, not authorized to hold real estate, will be void.' 2. Every male person of the age of eighteen years, or upwards, and every female of the age of sixteen years, or upwards, of sound mind and memory, and no others, may give and bequeath his or her personal estate in writing. No nuncupative or unwritten will, be- queathing personal estate, wiU be valid unless made by a soldier, while in actual military service, or by a mariner while at sea.* 3. Manied women may devise real or personal property belonging to them in their own right, and not conveyed, given, granted, or de- vised to them by their husbands.' 4. Every last will and testament of real or personal property, or both, must be executed and attested, in the following manner : — 1. It must be subscribed by the testator, at the end of the will: 2. Such subscription must be made by the testator, in the presence of each of the attesting witnesses, or acknowledged by him to have been so made to each of the attesting witnesses : ^ 2 R. S. (3d ed.) 118, 119, §§ 1-4 ; 4 Paige, «22; 3 Wendell, 166 ; 10 Id., 379. a 2 R. S., (3d ed.) 121, §§ 18, 19; 1 Hoff- man's Ch. Uep., 1 ; Id., 202. 8 Laws of 1849, chap. 375. WILLS. 687 3. The testator, at the time of making such subscription, or at the time of acknowledging the same, must declare the instrument so sub- scribed, to be his last will and testament. 4. There must be, at least, two attesting witnesses, each of whom must sign his name as a witness, at the end of the will, at the request of the testator. 5. The witnesses to any will must write opposite to their names their respective places of residence; and every person who may sign the tes- tator's name to any w ill, by his direction, must write his own name as a witness to the will. 6. Whoever neglects to comply with either of the foregoing pro- visions, will forfeit fifty dollars, to be recovered by any person interested in the property devised or bequeathed, who may sue for the same. Such omission will not affect the validity of any will; nor will any person liable to the penalty aforesaid, be excused or incapacitated, on that ac- count, from testifying respecting the execution of such will.' 5. No will in writing, (except in the cases particularly specified in the statute,) nor any part thereof, can be revoked, or altered, other- wise than by some other will in writing, or some other wTiting of the testator, declaring such revocation or alteration, and executed with the same formalities with which the will itself was required by law to be executed; or unless such will be burnt, torn, canceled, oblite- rated, or destroyed, with the intent, and for the purpose of revoking the same, by the testator himself, or by another person in his pre- sence, by his direction and consent ; and when so done by another person, the direction and consent of the testator, and the fact of such injury or destruction, must be proved by at least two witnesses.* 6. Marriage and the birth of a child, subsequent to the execution of a will, operate as a revocation, if there be no provision made for the wife and child. A will executed by an unmarried woman wiU be deemed revoked by her subsequent marriage. After born chil- dren, not provided for or mentioned in a will, or in a settlement, are entitled to such share of the estate of the testator as they would have had if no will had been made.' 7. Fraud will vitiate a will.'* R. Mere imbecility will not avoid a will. The term <• unsound mind," in the statute concerning wills, has the same signification aa non compos mentis.* 9. A sound disposing mind, or testable capacity, is any point above idiocy or lunacy.' ' 2 R. S. (3(1 ed.,) 124, §§ 32,33 ; 8 Paige, 489 ; 10 Id, 85; 26 Wendell, 331, 525; 1 Uenio, 33; 1 Barbour's S. C. Rep., 526; 2 Id., 40, 200. » 2 R. S. (3d cd.,) 124, § ai ; 20 Wendell, ♦57; 1 Hill, 590. » 2 R. S. (2d cd.,) 124, 5, ^SJ 35, 36, 41 j 4 Kent's Commentaries, (2d ed.,) 520, et seq.; 4 Johnson's Ch. Rep., 506; 5 Paige, 590; 7 Id., 99; 1 Denio,27. ♦ 1 Comstock, 214. 6 3 Dcnio, 37. « 26 Wendell, 255 ; 3 Denio, 37 ; 2 Comstock, 498. 588 NEW clerk's assistant. 10. Where the personal estate is not in terras exonerated by will, it Avill be deemed the primary fund for the payment of legacieo.* 11. No provision made in a will for a wife, will prevent her froto having dower also, unless it be expressly declared to be in lieu of dower, and she assent thereto. A testamentary provision, where the intention is doubtful, though accepted, will not deprive her of dower." 12. Lands purchased after making a will, will not pass by it, un- less it be republished in the presence of the former, or any other two witnesses.^ 13. A codicil is a supplement to a will, and must be attested in the same manner.* 14. A codicil to a will causes it to speak from the re-pubhcation.* 15. The term "heirs," or other words of inheritance, are not necessary to the devise of an estate in fee. "Where it is the intention to give an estate for hfe only, the words " dui-ing his natural life," or other words to the same effect, must be used.° 16. A will is valid, although it contain a devise or bequest to the witness ; such bequest, however, is void.' 17. Three witnesses to a will of real estate are required in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Ala- bama, Mississippi, Mchigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Two witnesses only are necessary in New York, Delaware, Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Kentucky. In Pennsylvania, no subscribing witness is necessary, provided the authenticity of the will can be proved by two witnesses : and if a will be subscribed by witnesses, it may be proved by the oaths of other persons.* 18. After the lapse of sixty years from the date of a will, its execution may be shown, without proving that efforts have been made to procure the attendance of the subscribing witnesses, as their death may be presumed' • 1 Comstock, 120. 2 2 R. S. (3d ed.,) 27, §§ 9-11 ; 2 .lohnson's Ch. Rep., 448; 2 Paige, 659; 8 Id., 325; 7 Coweu, 285 ; 5 Hill, 206 ; 2 Dei.io, 430. 3 2 R. S. (3d ed.,) 124,5. §§ 37--40 ; 7 John- son's Ch. Rep., 258 ; 4 Kent's Commentaries, (2d ed.,) 528. * 6 Joluison's Ch. Rep., 375 ; I Hill, 590. 6 7 Hill, 346. 6 2 R. S. (3d ed.,) 33, § 1 ; 2 Johnson's Caa 4&1 ; 2 Hill, 554 ; 3 Id., 165 ; 5 Id., 410 ; I De- nio, 165. 7 2 R. S. (3d ed.,) 125, §§ 42, 43. » 4 Kent's Commentaries, (2d ed.,) 513,514 » 7 HiU, 476. WILLS. 689 FORMS. § 1061. Will of Heal and Personal Estate. In the name of God, amen : I, A. B., of the town of , in 'vhe county of , and State of , of the age of years, and being of sound m-nd and memory, do make, publish and declare, this my last will and testament, in manner following, that is to say : First, I give and bequeath to my wife, E. B., the sum of , to be accepted and received by her in lieu of dower; to my son, C. B., the sum of ; to my daughter, M. B., the sum of ; and to my daughter-in-law, S. B., widow of my son, R B., deceased, the sum of ; which said several legacies or sums of money, I direct and order to be paid to the said respective legatees, Avithia one year after my decease. Second, I give and devise to my son, C. B., aforesaid, his heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land, situate, &c., [describe the 2}remises,] together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining : To have and to hold the premises above described to the said C B., his heirs and assigns, forever. Third, I give and dense all the rest, residue and remainder, of my rejd estate, of every name and nature whatsoever, to my said daughter, M. B., and my said daughter-in-law, S. B., to be divided equally between them, share and share aUke. And lastltj, I give and bequeath all the rest, residue and remain- der, of my personal estate, goods and chattels, of Avhat nature or kind soever, to my said wife, E. B., whom I hereby appoint sole executrix of this my last will and testament ; hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . A. B. [l. s.] The above instrument, consisting of one sheet, [or, two sheets,] was, at the date thereof, signed, sealed, published and declared, by the said A. B., as and for his hist will and testament, in presence of us, who, at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, Jiave subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. [Or, The above instrument, consisting of one sheet, was, at the date there- of, declared to us by A. B., the testator therein mentioned, to be his jast will and testament ; and he at the same time acknowledged to us, and each of us, that he had signed and sealed the same ; and we thereupon, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presenco of each other, signed our names thereto as attesting witnesses.] C. D., residing at , in county. G. H., residing at , in counlj. 590 NEW clerk's assistant. § 1062. Codicil to a Will Whereas, I, A. B., of, &c., have made my last will and testament in writing, bearing date the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , in and by which I have given and bequeathed to, &c., \liere set forth the bequest which the testator desires to change:^ Now, therefore, I do, by tiiis my writing, which I liereby declare to be a codicil to my said last will and testament, and to be taken as a part thereof, order and declare that my will is, that only the sum of be paid to my daughter-in-law, S. B., in full of the said legacy given and bequeathed to her ; and that the remaining part of the said legacy be given and paid to my nephew, R. F. : And lastly, it is my desire that this codicil be annexed to, and made a part of, my last Mrill and testament as aforesaid, to all intents and purposes. In witness, certificate of service, 110 general form of a notarial certificate, lid BILLS OF SALE AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES— practical remarks, 112-114 common bill of sale, US bill of sale, in consideration of maintenance, 113 bill of sale of a registered or inroUed vessel, ili'i chai'iel mortgage to secure a debt, diflerent forms, 117, 113. II'.' chaltle mortgage to secure a note, IIS chattle mortgage to secure indorser, 118 chattle mortgage requiring sale to be made, 118 conditional clause as to possession, 119 renewal of chattel mortgage, 120 notice of sale on chattel mortgage, 120 agreemen'.of tenant and plcdg-j of property, 386 lease and chattle mortgage,.... 3S9 see "Fees of Officers.'' 598 INDEX. BONDS— PAOB. practical remarks, 121, 122 assignment of, . 77 common bond, 122 bond of two obligors, . 123 bond — several payments, . . . 123 bond, with interest condition, . .. 124 bond to a corporation, „ .. 124 bond to executors, 134 legatee's bond, 125 the same before suit, 12G indemnity bond to sheriir, 125 bond and warrant of attorney to conless judgment, . 127 bond to execute a conveyance, 127 bond to discharge a bond and mortgage, 123 bond of an officer of a bank, or company, 123 bond of indemnity, to a surety, 129 the same on paying lost note, . 12? bond for performance of a contract or agreement, 130 bottomry bond, 130 bond of sheritr and his sureties, 430 bond of deputy sheriff,... 430 constable's bond, 430 bond of commissioner of highways, 2S4 tovm superintendent's bond, 524 bond of collector of school district, 538 bond on obtaining license, 233,234, 235 bond of town collector, 578,579 arbitration bond, . . 67 auctioneer's bond, . 89 county superintendent's bond, . 473 general form of an official bond, 431 bond on appeal to supreme court in proceeding for the admea- surementof dower, 229 security on obtaining warrant, or short summons, in justices' courts, . 344 bond on obtaining an attachment in justices' courts, 346 bond on adjournment in justices' courts, different forms, 348 recognizance, . 379 security for rent, 385 the same on proceeding for non-payment of rent, 400 bond by tenant on appeal, 401 bond on appeal from justices' proceedings where premises are vacated, — 407 bond where property has been seized for the support of indi- gent relatives, 476 bond on adjournment in case of bastardy, 492 bond on order of filiation, 493 bond on arrest in foreign county, in a case of bastardy, 496 < bond to prevent removal of goods attached, . 557 bond by claimant of property attached, . 553 bond of indemnity to constable, 559 BRiDGE- Bubscription to raise money to build, .................. ... 42 Bee "Highways." INDBX. 5^^ pxaK. BROKER&- 238 fees of, .....———•-—•-— - CATTLE DISTRAINED DOING DAMAGE— see "Fence Viewers." 1G7 CERTIFICATE— of ihe sale nf real estate on execution, ..-.———-— CHATTEL MORTGAGE— see '• Bills of Sale, etc." CHURCHES- ., , 42 subscription to bulla, ......— .--——— certificate of incorporation, -— ' triennial report of religious corporation, application to mortgage or sell real estate, order of court on the application, see " Banks and Corporations." CLERKS AND CRIERS- ^^ practical remarks, - — _ ' proclamations of crier, — ,- ^^^' '^' ^^ forms of oalhs, administered by clerk,.. 135, 136, 137, 133, 133 139 forms in cases of felony, forms on a trial for a misdemeanor, - clerk's address on taking recognizances, 140, 141 calling constables, clerk's entry on issuing an attachmeiil against a witness, 141 arraignment on an indictment, -- ---- ** forms for taking verdicts, and polling juries, in criminal trials, 142, 143 forms for taking verdicts, and polling juries, in civil cases,... 143. 114, 145 entry of verdict, entry of verdict with assessment of personal property, 14i> entry of judgment, entry of judgment on submission, — — certificate of money paid into court by sherirT, 145 confession of judgment without action, 145 affidavit verifying confession, - confession to secure against contingent liability, '4tj entry of judgment on confession, !■*_ certificate of filing notice of Lis Pendens, 14b certificate to acknowledgment, or proof, of a conveyance, 147 certificate of official character, transcript of judgment and certificate, cetitfica;e to copy of a record, or paper on file, 14° certificate to transcript of justice's judgment, 148 Bee " Debtor and Creditor," " FEes of Officers," " Ferries," "Mechanics' and Laborers' Lien," " Naturalizatio.v," "Official Oath and Bond," and Schools." CLERKS OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS- see "Schools." CLERK OF SUPERVISORS— fees of, ^^ COLLECTORS OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS— fees of, ^^ bond of, ^^ notice 'hat he will receive taxes, - 539 notice of levy and sale, 600 ISVSX. COLLECTORS OF TOWNS- fees of, ........................................... notice of supervisor to, ....................... .. bond of collector, . ............. notice that taxes will be received, .. . see "Taxes." COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS— fees of, ................................ see "Acknowledgments, bto." COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE— fees of, ....................................... see "Excise." COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— oath of ofhce, fees of, . . ........ — ..... — fees as fence viewers, . ... ..... ......... bond of, — ...... — . . appointment to fill vacancy, . duties of as fence viewers, and forms......................... see "Highways," and "Strays." COMMISSIONERS OF LOANS— ^ fees of, . ........................... COMMISSIONERS IN PARTITION— fees of, — ...... deed by, COMMISSIONERS TO ADMEASURE DOWER— fees of, ................................... see "Dower." COMMON SCHOOLS— see " SoHOOLS." COMPLAINT— see "Apprentices AND Servants," "Hiohways," "Justices' Courts," and "Poor Laws." COMPOSITION- with creditors, ....................... — ........ . see "Debtor and Creditor." CONSTABLES— official bond, - fees of, . . . duties of in the execution of process from justices' courts, returns on summons, . — the same on warrant, — the same on attachment, copy of inventory on attachment bond to prevent removal of goods attached, bond by claimant of property, indorsement of levy on execution, inventory to attach to execution, - bond of indemnity to, - receipt of goods taken on execution, advertisement of sale, . returns on execution, ... see "Justices' Courts," "Landlord and Tenant," Poor Laws," and "Service and Return of Process." VABB 258 57S 578, 579 580 an 241 430 241 246 284 283 2C0-2C5 242 241 164 207 430 242 553-555 655, .556 55C 556, 557 557 557 558 558 659 559 559 5G0 560,561 466 467 171 mDBx. 601 CONVEYANCES BY DEED AND MORTGAGE— «^gg practical remarks, ..... .„ 149-154 simple deed, jcc quit claim deed, different forms, _ j5g ^jg ■warranty deed, ditFerent forms, , j55 J57 full covenant deed, different forms, I57 J53 deed of land subject to mortgage, . 159 corporation deed, __ jgo deed of nicrtgaged premises, on foreclosure by advertisement,. 160 deed by guardian, . jgj administrator's deed, igo executor's deed, 1 . ___ igo deed of commissioners in partition, .. 154 deed witii trust habendum clause, „ ____ jgj deed by trustees of an absconding debtor, igg eheriff's certifir.ate of tlie sale of real estate on execution, 167 affidavit of redeeming creditor, Igj- sheriff's deed on sale under execution, Igg sheriff's deed in partition, __ Igg sheriff's deed on foreclosure, _ j-tq deed of a right of way, ,-. conveyance of right of way for plank road, release by supervisor and commissioners to plank road com. pany,. deed of a water course, deed of confirmation, different forms, 172 173 lease and release, , fr,' ... , . , , - 1/3, 174 deed of exchange of lands, ,-. deed of pew in a church, ,-.- deed of gift, different forms, " f,.., agreement respecting party wall, ~.q mortgage, usual form. ,„, , , , ' "" 1/5 lor part of purchase money, _ j^g ■wilh covenant to pay, ,-„ with fire clause, ,-^ .... I7t> with mterest clause, ___ ,~y by husband and wife, j.q by corporation, _ _ ,-„ to corporation, ,™ as security on note, .p,) to secure indorser, ,q, to executors, .^ on lease by an assignee, . jg, notice of sale on foreclosure of mortgage by advertisementj!." 184 affidavit of publication of the notice, Igs affidavit of posting, .gt affidavit of serving notice on parties interested, 186 affidavit of auctioneer, jgg notice to accompany copy of notice of sale, 13; see "ACKNOWLEDr,MENTS,ETC.," "ASSIGNMENTS," '-COVENANTS,'' "Homestead Exemption Law," " Landlord and Tknant," and Receipt and Release." CORPORATIONS— see " BANK3 AND Corporations." 602 INDEX. CORONBRS- practical remarks,. ...... fees of, oaths to be administered by a coroner, inquisition, different forms, 190, 191,192,193, warrant to be issued by a coroner, . examinations before coroner, or coroner and jury, . annual statement to board of supervisors, COUNTY CLERKS- fees of, . see "Clerks and Criers," " Debtor and Creditor," "Fer- ries," Mechanics' and Laborers' Lien," "Naturaliza- tion," " Official Oath and Bond," and "Schools." COUNTY JUDGE— fees of, . see "Acknowledgments, etc.," "Debtor and Creditor," "Dower," " Highways," "Landlord and Tenant," "Luna- tics," and Plank Roads." COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR— fees of,..L , . ..... ... official bond, see "Apprentices and Servants," " Poor Laws," and "Town Auditors." COUNTY TREASURER— fees of, ... . ........ warrant under act of 1S46, . ........ ...... COVENANTS— practical remarks, . ..... general forms of covenants, . . . . covenant of seizin, different forms, .... several covenant of joint grantors, . . covenant against incumbrance, . for further assurance, for quiet enjoyment, . by tenant for life, and tenant in fee of the reversion,.... . mutual and dependent covenant, . — ...... independent covenants, ........ CRIERS— fees of, ................ — .............. see " Clerks and Criers." DEBTOR AND CREDITOR— practical remarks, . .— . . ...... letter of license to a debtor, . composition with creditors, ... petition of insolvent and his creditors under two-third act, and accompanying forms, . order for creditors to show cause, notice to be published, notice to be served, - - proof of service, ... .. order for assignment, •. assignment and acknowledgment, — oath of assignee, and notice, •-- certificate of assignee, and affidavit of execution, certificate of county clerk that assignment has been recorded,. PAOB. 188, 189 243 190 194, 195 196 196, 197 197 238 244 !94f 473 245 580 198, 199 199,200 200 200 200,201 201 201 201 202 203 246 203-206 205 ;207 208, 209 211 211 212 212 212 213 214 214, 21 P 216 INDEX 603 DEBTOR AND CREDITOR— paob. discharge of insolvent, .—,...... 215 petition under non-imprisonment act, after suit commenced, and accompanying forms, 210,217,218 order for assignment, 218 assignment and certificate, 218,219 discharge, 219 affidavit on application for appointment of trustees of the estate of a debtor confined for crime, 220 appointment of trustees and oath, ^0, 221 see "Receipt and Release." DEEDS— see "Agreements and Contracts," " Conveyances bt Deed AND Mortgage," and " Gifts." DISORDERLY PERSONS— see " Poor Laws." DISTRICT CLERKS— see " Schools." DISTRICT COLLECTOR— see "Collectors op School Districts." DOWER— practical remarks, ......... 222-225 assignment of dower, . . 225 release of, , . 226 petition for admeasurement of, . 226 notice to annex to petitions, 227 notice by heirs, or owners, .... 227 petition for admeasurement by heirs or owners, . 227 order for admeasurement, .. 227 oath of commissioners, ... .. 223 commissioner's report, . , ... 228 appeal to supreme court, and bond, 223 see "Husband and Wife," and "Wills." DRUNKARDS— see " Poor Laws." DUE BILL— form of, for goods, . . 103 EXCHANGE— see "Bills op Exchange," etc., and " Conveyances," etc. EXCISE- practical remarks, 230, 231 notice of special meeting of board, . 282 form of minutes of board of excise, 232 license to tavern keeper to sell spirituous liquors, 233 bond of tavern keeper, ... 233 license to tavern keeper under actof 1&13, . 234 bond on obtaining above license,.... 234 grocer's license, 234 grocer's oond, 335 see " Poor Laws." EXECUTION— see "Highways," Justices' Courts," " Landlord and Ten- ant," "Mechanics' and Laborers' Lien," "Poor Lawb," "Service and Return op Process," and "Taxes." 904 INDEX. L-fECUTORS- fees of, norainaiion of in will, bond to, deed from, mortgage to, acknowledgment by, satisfaction of mortgage by, description of suit, .— lease of legacy, legatees' bond, - EXEMFTION- of homestead from sale on execution, . of personal property,.... .. from taxes, waiver by tenant, FEES oi^ OFFICERS— practical remarks, arbitrator's fees, assessor's fees, ^ * auctioneer's commission, broker's fees, county clerk's fees, clerk of the board of supervisors, commissioners to take testimony in justice's courts, commissioners to make partition, or admeasure dower,. commissioner of deeds,. commissioners of excise, commissioners of highways, commissioners to loan deposit fund, constable's fees, --. coroner's fees, county judges' fees, in special cases, county superintendents of the poor, county treasurer's fees, crier's fees, executor's and administrator's fees, fence viewer's fees, juror's fees, . justices of the peace, notary's fees, overseers of the poor, overseers of highways, pound master's fees, printer's fees, referees' fees, register of deeds in the city of New York, school district collector's fees, sealers of weights and measures, sheriff's fees, - supervisor's fees, .surrogate's fees, surveyor's fees, town clerk's fees, tovTO collector's fees,. .' . 2i6 590 124 163 182 15 22 343 513 125, 126 329-333 554 573 387 236,237 237 238 238 238 238 240 241 241 241 241 241 245 245 243 244 245 ^9 246 246 246 316 247 24£ 249 250 250 250 250 250 251 251 251 254 255 257 258 258 IKDBZ. 905 9 FEES OF OFFICERS— '' PAOB trustees of debtora, . 259 witnesses' fees, ... . 259 FENCE VIEAVERS— practical remarks, . 260-2G2 certificate wliere stray is not redeemej, 263 of charges for keeping strays, 263 of value of fence built by an adjoining owner, _ 263 on hearing disputes between owners of adjoining lands, 264 of damages where division fence is out of repair, 264 where cattle are distrained doing damage, 265 certificate of consent to remove division fence, and notice, 285 certificate that sheep or l^mbs were killed by dogs......... 266 see "Strays." FERRIES— practical remarks, ... 2W, 263 application for a ferry, 268 notice of the application, . 269 recognizance, 269 license, 270 clerk's certificate, 270 FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER— see "Landlord and Tenant." FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE— notice of sale on chattel mortgage, . 120 advertisement of sale on foreclosure of mortgage on real estate, 184 affidavit of publication, 183 affidavit of posting, 1S5 affidavit of auctioneer, 186 notice to persons interested, 187 deed on foreclosure, 160 SIFTS- practical remarks, 271 deed of gift of personal estate, 272 the same, of real estate, 272 GRANTS— see " Conveyances by Deed and Mortgage," " Gifts," and "Landlord and Tenant." GUARANTY— see "Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes." GUARDIAN— deed by, 161 HIGHWAYS— practical remarks, 271-233 appointment of commissioners to fill vacancy, 283 commissioner's bond, 284 fees of commissioners, - 241 order for ascertaining road imperfectly described, or not re- corded, 285 annual account to town auditors, 285 statement and estimate for supervisor, - 288 notice of application to raise additional sum, 2S6 order dividing town into districts, — 288 appointment of overseer to fill vacancy, 287 overseer's list, 28f 606 INDEX. HIGHWAYS— list of non-resident lands, .. ass^sment of highway labor, appeal to three judges by a non-resident, notice to commissioner of appeal, commissioner's consent to work in another district, overseer's warrant, , new assessment by overseer, overseer's notice to agent of non-resident,. notice to work in case of non-residents, assessment for a scraper, complaint against an overseer, and security, assessment of persons omitted in the regular list, appeal from assessment of overseer, complaints for refusing to work, or furnish team, summons for refusing to work, conviction on complaijit, and warrant to collect fine, overseer's list of non-resident lands for supervisor, and affida- vit,... annual account of overseer, and oath, application for alteration of a road,.... consent of parties to accompany application, application to lay out new road, order altering a highway, release by owner of land, on laying out highway, notice nf application to lay out a highway, freeholder's certificate, notice to occupant, on application to lay out a highway, order laying out highway, without the consent cf the owner of land, agreement as to damages on laying out highway, application to county courts to appoint commissioners to assess damages, .... appointment of commissioners, . notice to commissioners of their appointment, oath of commissioners, oath of witnesses before commissioners, assessment of commissioners, notice of re-assessment, notice to town clerk to draw jury, certificate of drawing jury, summons of justice, oath of jurors and witnesses, verdict of jury, certificate of justice, .- application to discontinue old road, oath to freeholders, certificate to discontinue, - order discontinuing road, . appeal to county judge from the determination of a commis- sioner, appointment of referees by county judge, appointment of referees by a justice of the sessions, notice to referees of their appointment, notice by referees to the commissioner, - - notice lo appellant, or appliganl, — - subpoena on an appeal, — — PASS. 287 269 289 289 290 299 291 291 291, 29i 292 293 293 294 294, 295 295,296 296, 297 297 298 298 298 299 299 299 300 300 301 301 30? 302 302 303 303 303 304 304 305 305 305 306 306 306 307 307 3C(7 SOS 308 309 309 3()9 310 INDE3C 60- mCHWAYS- PAGR. oath of referees anJwimess, 31C decision of referees on an order in relation to altering ordis- cojitinuing a road, 310 decision on order refusing to lay out a road, 311 notice to remove fences, after a final decision, 311 order to remove fences, in a case of encroachment, and notice to occupant, 312 precept to summon freeholders in a case of encroachment, and other forms on the inquiry, 313,31) warrant to collect costs in a case of encroachment, 3U order of commissioners of adjoining towns for laying out high- way,.... 315 application for a private road, and notice to the occupant, 315, 316 notice to town clerk and persons interested for re-assessment,. 316, 317 HOLDING OVER BY TENANT— see " Landlord and Tenant." HOUSE- see " Landlord and Tenant," and " Town Houses." HUSBAND AND WIFE— practical remarks, . . 318-322 short form of marriage, 322 marriage certificate, 322 certificate of proof, or ack-nowledgment, 323 oath of witness to a marriage, or to a certificate, 323 marriage articles, 303 settlement in contemplation of marriage, ' 324 ante-nuptial agreement, 326 jointure, in lieu of dower......... 307 articles of separation, 328 see "Dower," and "Wills." INSOLVENT LAW- see "Debtor and Creditor." JUDGMENT— satisfaction of, . 24 25 release of real estate by judgment creditor, 512 assignment of judgment, . 77 73 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAW— practical remarks, . 339 330 clause in a deed of property to be exempt, 330 notice to county clerk and acknowledgment, 330, 331 release or waiver of exemption, 331 oath to jurors by she ri IT, 33] certificate of jurors setting off part of exempt premises, 332 certificate that property cannot be divided, 332 notice of the sheriff to debtor, 333 JURORS- fees of, n^Q see "Highways," "JnsriCEs' CotJiiTs," and "Landlord and Tenant." JUSTICES' COURTS— practical remarks,.. .„ , 334-341 summons, . , ojo affidavit for short summons, different forms, 342 description of parties suing in a particular character, 343 608 INDEX. •PSTICES' COURTS- PAO«. affidavit for warrant in an action for wrong................... 343 the same, in an action on contract, 344 Becurity on issuing warrant, or short summons, diirerent forms, 344 warrant in a civil action . 349 application for an attachment, and forms of affidavits, 315,346 bond on atlachment, . 346 attachment,. 317 bond on adjournment, different forms, . 348 alTiilavil of justification of bail, 348 complaint in an action arising on contract, . 349 complaint for injuring personal property, 349 complaint for breach of warranty, ... 349 complaint for fraud or deceit, . 350 complaint for conversion of personal property, 350 complaint for injury to real property, 350 complaint by an assignee, . 351 answer of defendant, . 351 answer, with notice, ... 351 oaths on application for adjournment, - . 352 examination of witness, on defendant's application for an ad- journment, - 352 subpoena, 352 subpoena, on application for an attachment, 353 subpcena for special sessions, 353 affidavit of service of subpoena, ,... 353 . oath to party proving service of subpcena, .. 354 attachment for a witness, . 354 notice of the application for a commission, and necessary oaths, 354, 355 commission, and forms for the commissioner, . 355,356 venire, and oath on objection to the service by a constable,.... 357 forms of oaths on the trial of a cause, 357,358 written confession of judginent, and affidavit, 358 transcript of judgment, . 359 execution, and renewal, 359, 360 complaint to obtain surety of the peace, and other forms on application for peace warrant, - 360, 361 complaint for assault and battery, and warrant, 3G1, 362 general form of a warrant, - 362 complaint for larceny and warrant, - 362, 363 complaint for murder, different forms,... 363, 364 complaint for poisoning, 363 complaint against accessory after the fact, 364 complaint for arson, different forms, 365 complaint for setting fire to grain growing, - 366 complaint for manslaughter,.. . 306 complaint for killing an unborn child, different forms, 366 complaint for rape, dilierent forms, 367 comjilaint for assault with intent to conmiit a rape, 367 complaint for forcible abduction of female, 367 conijilaint for enticing away female under fourteen years, . 364 complaint for mayhem or maiming, — .. 363 complaint for child stealing, - 368 complaint for abandoning child, .... 369 complaint for shooting at with Intent to kill, <&c., 369 complaint for assault with deadly weapon,...- .— . 369 INDEX. 609 JUSTICES' COURTS— paob complaint for poisoning footl, - 370 complaint for poisoning well, 376 complaint for assault with intent to rob, 370 complaint for burglary, dilferent forms, - 371 complaint for constructive burglary. 372 complaint for forgery, dilferent forms, 372, 373 complaint for passing, or oflering, counterfeit bank notes, 373 complaint for counterfeiting, or altering, bank notes, 373 complaint for obtaining property by false token, or by falsely personating another, ' 373 complaint for obtaining money or property, by false pretences, 374 complaint for robbery, 374 complaint for embezzlement, 374 complaint for receiving stolen goods, 375 complaint for perjury, - - 375 complaint for bigamy, - 375 complaint for knowingly marrying another's wife, 376 complaint for maliciously poisoning an animal, 376 complaint for malicious trespass, or girdling trees,.. 37S complaint for procuring abortion, 377 complamt for making an affray, 377 complaint for cruelly to animals, - 377 complaint for a rout or riot, 377 complaint for selling unwholesome food,. 373 complaint for disturbing religious meeting,. 378 complaint to obtain searcti warrant, and warrant, 378, 379 oath of complainant, or witness, on a complaint, 379 recognizance in justices' courts, 379 record of conviction at special sessions, 3S0 commitment from special sessions, . 380 see "Acknowledgments," etc., "Apprentices and Servants," "Fees of Officers," "Highways," "Husband and Wipe," "Landlord and Tenant," "Official Oath and Bond," "Pension Vouchers," "Poor Laws," "Service and Rb- TURN OF Process," "Town Auditors," and "Town Houses." JUSTICES OF THE PEACE— fees of, . — ...... — ...—. . tif see "Justices' Courts." LABORERS- see "Mechanics' and Laborers' Lien." LANDLORD AND TENANT— practical remarks, .... ......... 331-396 landlord's certificate of renting, . .. 385 tenants' agreement, 385 security for rent, -.- 385 landlord's certificate, tenant not to underlet, &c., — 386 tenant's agreement not to underlet, . 3?6 tenant's agreement and pledge of property, — - 3S6 landlord's certificate and tenant's agreement under exemption act of 1842, - 387 agreement for lease,.. 38? lease and chattel mortgage, 389 agreement between housekeeper and lodger, — 390 indenture of lease 391 39 •10 INDKZ. LANDLORD AND TENANT- PAOS. farming lease on shares,.... ...„..„ 392 surrender of a term of years, 393 surrender of lease to the lessor, ........ 394 conveyance by lease and release, 173,174 ^ mortgage on lease, . 1S3 assignment of lease, . .. 80,81 power of attorney to collect rents, . _......... 504 notice to quit, by landlord, . . *.......... 394 notice to quit, by tenant, . . . 395 notice to quit, where commencement of tenancy is uncertain,.. 395 notice to quit or pay double value, ............ 395 notice of intention to re-enter under law of 1846......... 396 affidavit of holding over, ■ 396 summons to remove tenant holding over, and other forms ne- cessary in this proceeding, 396, 397 affidavit of default in paying rent,.,.. ...... 393 summons and other forms in preceding case,... 398, 399 affidavit to oppose issuing warrant of removal, .. 399 precept for a jury where the removal is opposed, and other forms on trial before jury, .-» 3?9 JiX) security for rent, on proceeding for non-payment, . 400 notice to remove, in case of tenancy at will, . 401 affidavit for summons against tenant at will, and other forms in the proceeding to remove, . 401,402 affidavit for appeal to county court, ......„.., 4D3 notice of appeal, . . . . 404 undertaking an appeal, . 404 petition and affidavit where premises are vacated,.... ..... 405 notice and record of justice, „. . 405,406 bond on appeal, — . ............ 407 notices to justice and landlord, ........... 407 complaint for- forcible entry, and affidavit, 403 precept to summon jury of inquiry, and other forms,...- 408,409,410 venire for petit jury in preceding case, . _...._ 410 warrant to make restitution, . . . ... 411 complaint for forcible detainer, or holding out, and affidavit,.. 412 see "Acknowledgments," etc. LEASE— forms of, 385, 386, 387, 389, 391.392 LEGACY— release of, ..... — .._......_............... 613 bequest of, in will, ......_._.._......_..... 689 bond of, _ ~ ~ ~. ~ 125 the same before suit, ...«.._. _.._.......~.^. 126 power to receive legacy, ............... 504 release of legacy, .. .-_. — .._.._.........._. 613 bequest of legacy in will, — ................................. 689 LETTER OF ATTORNEY— see " Powers of Attornbt." UBRARIAN- see "Schools." LEGATEE— IKDEX. 011 riCENSE- "M. letter of, to a debtor, ~ _ 206 •f tarern keeper to sell spirituous liquors, 233 •f tavern keeper under act of 1843, .. 234 grocer's license, — 234 to keep ferry, . . 27fi UEN- eee "Bills op Sale," etc., " Landlord jtno Tenant," and "Mechanics' and Laborers' Lien." LUNATICS- practical remarks, 413, 414 request to superintendent of the asylum, 411 certificate of physicians, to accompany request,. . 414 application to county judge, and affidavit...... 415 order of judge on the application, .... 415 subptena and other forms on the inquiry before th3 j udge, 416,417 ■warrant to confine lunatic, 485 MARRIAGE— form for the ceremony of, . 322 certificate of marriage, 322 acknowledgment, or proof, of certificate, 323 oath of witness to a marriage, or certificate, , 323 articles of marriage, 323 marriage settlement, 394 ante-nuptial agreement, . . 326 jointure, in lieu of dower, .... 327 articles of separation, ..„. 338 Bee "Dower," "Husband and Wife," and "Wills." MECHANICS' AND LABORERS' LIEN— practical remarks, 418,419, 420 notice of filing specification, ... . . 420 notice of filing contract, ..i 420 notice to appear and submit to account, &c., 420 notice to produce bill of particulars of offset, ._._. 421 statement by laborer and contractor, . ............. . 421 writ of inquiry from court, _.... 421 affidavit for execution, . . 422 execution by county clerk, 423 MORTQAGE- satisfaction of, _ 22,23,24 bill of sale, different forms, . . chattel mortgage, different forms,.... . 115, 116,117, 118, 119 renewal of chattel mortgage, .. .......... 120 notice of sale on chattel mortgage, ........ ... 120 mortgage of real estate, usual form, ..... .._. .. 175 for part of purchase money, 176 with covenant to pay, ..... ........ .. 176 with fire clause, . 176 with interest clause, 177 by husband and wife, 178 by corporation, . 179 u corporation, 180 as Becurity on note, _ ...„ 180 to secure indorser, . 181 to executors, .. 182 on lease by an assignee. >83 612 mrosx. MORTGAGE— FAO*. assignment of, diflerent forms,.... ....................... 79,80 lease and chattel mongage, .. ................. 386,389 forms on foreclosure of, by advertisement, ........ .184, 185, 186, 187 NATURALIZATION- practical remarks, 424 425 declaration of intention, and clerk's certificate, . 425 oath of alien, . 426 affidavit of alien under eighteen at the time of his arrival, . 426 oatli to support constitution, &c., . ..... 426 proof of good behavior, . .. 427 declaration of intention to become a citizen for three years past, 427 certificate of citizenship, .. 427 deposition of alien in order to hold real estate, ....... 428 NOTARY- fees of, 249 forms of protests, notice, and certificate of service, ..... 103, 109, 110 general form of notarial certificate, 110 NOTES- forms of, 106, 107 OATH— see "Clerks and Criers," "Highv7Ays," "Justices' ConRis," "Landlord and Ten'ant," "Official Oath and Bond," and "Poor Laws." OFFICERS- see "Fees of Officers," and "Official Oath and Bond." OFFICIAL OATH AND BOND— practical remarks, . ....................... 429 official oath, 430 notice of acceptance of a town office, . ......... 430 constable's bond, ..... 430 sheriff's bond, . ........ 430 oath of Eherifl''s sureties, . ..... 431 bond of a deputy slierifT. . ... 431 general form of an official bond,.... ................ 432 ORDERS— forms of, ............................. 108 OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS— notice of acceptance of office,... .............<............ 430 fees of, 850 see "Highways." OVERSEERS OF THE POOR— oath of office, .............. ............ 430 fees of, 219 see "Apprentices and Servants," and " Poor Laws." PARTITION— deed of commissioners,.... ..........................m 164 deed of sheriff, 169 fees of commissioners, ..... 241 PARTNERSHIP- practical remarks, * ................ — ..... 433 435 articles of co-partnership, general form, 436 the same, between country mercliants,..., 437 agreement to renew partnership, ............. 439 IlfDEX. 613 PARTNERSHIP- pagb. agreement of dissolution, . 433 certificate of limited partnership, 439 acknowledgment of the certificate, 440 affidavit of general partner, 440 order for publication of notice, ..- 440 notice to be published, 441 PATENTS- .,„ .,„ ... uractical remarks, 442, 443, 444 petition for a patent, -- 444 specification, different forms, 444,445 oath to specification, 446 application for patent for a design, 446 certificate of deposit of patent fee, - 447 withdrawal and receipt, - -- 447 surrender for re-issue - -— 447 assignment of patent, different forms, 447, 448, 449 disclaimer, - 450 caveat, 450 addition of new improvements, 451 oath on restoring drawings, - 451 PENSION VOUCHERS— practical remarks, — 452, 453 affidavit of pensioner, - 454 magistrate's certificate, where pension has remained unclaimed for fourteen months, 454 certificate of the clerk, 455 power of attorney to draw pension, and acknowledgment, 455 oath of the attorney, - 455 affidavit of guardian of pensioner, 456 affidavit by a widow, a pensioner, 456 affidavit of a widow under act of 1S43, 457 oath of identity for the widow or child of a deceased pen- sioner, ^ — 457 power of attorney for widow or child of deceased pensioner,.. 453 certificate of court to death of pensioner, 458 evidence where certificate is illegally withheld, 453 certificate of magistrate and clerk, 459 PLANK ROADS- practical remarks, -« 4dU-4M notice of subscription, - 464 articles of association, ■ 464 scrip certificate, 465 affidavit of amount of stock paid in, 466 notice of application to board of supervisors, 466 conveyance of right of way by owner, - 46C consent of inhabitants, 467 release of right of way by supervisor and commissioners, 467 acknowledgment of a survey, - — - 463 notice to pay in installment, - 463 proxy, - 95 notice of drawing jury to assess damages, 468 notice of meeting of jury,.... - 469 yOOR LAWS- ^,„ ^„ practical remarks, 470473 bond of county superintendent, 473 614 INDEi POOE LAWS- PAoa application to compe) the support of a poor relative, . 474 notice of the application, and affidavit of service, 474 warrant to seize goods of an absconding father, husband or mother, and other forms in the proceeding, 475, 476 order to discharge warrant and restore property, . 476 notice from one town to another to provide for the support of a pauper, 477 notice that the settlement will be contested, and other forms, on the trial before the superintendents, .' _. 477, 478 superintendent's notice that pauper will be supported at the expense of a town, ' . 473 decision of superintendents on re-examining settlement, . 479 certificate of superintendent that a person is a county pauper, 479 notice of hearing on the certificate, before the board, and other forms on the investigation, 479. 480 order of overseer to remove pauper to county house, . - 481 certificate of keeper of poor house for expense of removal, 481 superintendent's order to expend over ten dollars, . 481 notice of improper removal of pauper from another county, 481 annual report of the superintendents to the secretary of state, 462 supervisor's report for a town, where all the poor are not a county charge, 483 complaint against a beggar, or vagrant, . 483 warrant, record of conviction, and commitment on the same,.. 483, 484 warrant to commit a child to the county house, ..... 485 consent by overseers to bind child, „ 50 warrant to confine a lunatic, .... 48S designation of habitual drunkard, and notice, ... 48f notice to overeer that the fact of drunkenness will be tried by a jury, and other forms necessary on the trial, ... 486, 437 execution against the drunkard, 487 execution against the overseer, . 48!> revocation of overseer where drunkard reforms, . . 48C complaint against a disorderly person, and recognizance, .. 488, 4S? discharge of disorderly person, ... 489 jailer's report relative to disorderly persons, .. 489 application of superintendent, or overseer, in case of bastardy, 490 examination of mother, different forms, . .. 49C> warrant to apprehend reputed father, and subpcena, . 491 bond on adjournment, ..... 49? •rder of filiation on arrest in same county, ..... 493 bond on order of filiation, 493 warrant to commit putative father, . 494 warrant to release putative father from jail, . 494 indorsement on warrant to be executed in a foreign county, 495 indorsementof justice in foreign county, . 495 bond on arrest in foreign county, and certificate of discharge,. 496 order of filiation in the absence of reputed father arrested in foreign county, . . .. 496 warrant to commit mother refusing to disclose name of father,. 497 summons where mother of bastard has property in her own right 498 •rder to compel mother to support bastard child, 498 warrant to commit mother for not pxecuting bond, 499 warrant to sizee property of absconding father, ...... 5U0 IKDSX 41S f OOR LAWS- '*«■ order rcducin? sum in the order of filiation, 500 notices of application to the court of sessions to increase, and reduce sum,.- ""' notice of appeal from order of filiation, 501 see "Apprentices AND Servants. " POUND MASTERS- fees of, 250 see " Strays." POWERS OF ATTORNEY— practical remarks,.... ..— • •- 502 503 general form of power of attorney, - 503 power to collect dcb'.s, 504 to collect rents, - 504 to receive a legacy, 504 to receive distributive share of personal estate, 505 to take charge of lands, 506 to transfer stock,.. 95 to receive dividend,.. 96 to confess judgment, 127 to draw pension, 4oo tlic same by widow or child of deceased pensioner, 456> general power lo transact business, 50w general cusiom house power, 507 power to sell and convey real estate, 507 power loeflect insurance • 507 subsiiiution of an attorney, — 508 revocation of power, . 508 PRINTERS- fees of, 250 allidavii of publication of notice of sale on icortgage....... 185 PROCESS— see "Service and Return of Process." PROMISSORY NOTES- formsof, 106, 107 PROTEST forms of protest, notice, and certificate of service, IC8, 109, 118 fees of notary, — . - 249 PROXY- formof,and afTidavit, 9j oaih of proxy, ! — 96 RECEIPT AND RELEASE— firaciical remarks, 500, 510 receipt, ditlcrcnt form;?, falO, 511 release of all demands, 511 special release, — 511 release by creditor named in an assignment, . 511 release of part of niurigagcd premises, 512 release by judgment creilitor, 512 ••clcase of legacy 513 release to rcsliwe conipclcnry of witness, ditrcrciit forms,.. — . 513, 514 release of dower, . . .. 226 release by owner of land on altering highway, .. 299 release by supervisor and coininissioncrs lo plank road com- pany, 467 release in pur.suance of an .-ward of arbitrators, 71 616 INDEX. REDEMPTION- of real estate by jndgmont creditor, forma for......... . UEFEREES- fees of, ... . ............................... see " Highways." RELEASE— lease and release, ..... .. . . release of dower, ............. of owner of land on laying out highway, suirender of term of years, surrenderor lease, . releas" .11 all demands. special release,.- by creditor named iii assignment, 01 part of mortgaged premises, . by judgment creditor, of legacy, to restore competency of witnes.'s, diflerent forms, release of party to arbitration in pursuance of an award, release by supervisor and coniniissioners 10 plank road com- pany, ...... REVOCATION— .of submis.=!i6n to arbitration, ...... of power of attorney, .. . SALE— see "Bills of Sale," etc.," Landlord and Tenant," and "Service and Return of Process." SATISFACTION— of judgment, ................. of mortgage, ...... .... ............ . SCHOOLS- practical remarks, .. town superintendent's bond,... . ....... notice of sujiervisor to furnish additional security,.... ... warrant appointing town superintendent to fill vacancy, .... resolution creating new district,.. .. consent of trustees, . ... notice to trustees not consenting, and proof of service,.... notice of the first meeting in a district to organize, . notice of sale of school house by the town superintendent,.... apportionment of proceeds of the sale, .... resolutions lor the alteration, or formation, of districts,.... certificate to teacher by town superintendent, ... instrument annulling the certificate, . annual report of town superintendent, list of votes to be kept by district clerk, forms of minutes of |)roceedings of district meetings, declaration to be made by^ i>erson cliallenged at district meet- ing, ... resolutions relative to sale and purchase of sites, and erection of school house, ... order of trustees for teachers' wages, order for library money, account of trustees, and inventory of district properly, annual estimate of trustees, PA OB. 1G7 250 173, 174 2-i6 299 393 394 5U 511 511 512 512 513 513, 514 467 69 503 24, 25 22, 23, 24 515-524 524 525 525 525 526 526, 527 527 528 528 528, 529 529 530 530 533 633 531 531 535 53o 535,536 536 iin)EX. 617 SCHOOLS- notice to be posted on schcol house door, . tax list and warrant,.... . . . ... collector's bond, .... .................... nonce that collector will veeeive taxes,.... . ., renewal of warrant, ......... return of collector,.... . . .... .. notice of levy and sale by collector, fees of coUeetor, verification of an account for costs, . notice to be served with copy of the account, order of board of supervisors, notice to accompany copy of the order, ., annual report of trustees, . . the same, where district is formed out of two or more towns,. notice of district meeting, different forms, clerk's notice of election of district officers, librarian's receipt, and trustees' certificate, . entry of librarian ia books belonging to the district, ., form of keeping librarian's book, 1 ■weekly roll, and quarterly list of teacher, teacher's abstract, and account of inspections, appointment of district officer to fill vacancy by trustees, appointment of a trustee to fill a vacancy, appeal to state superintendent, and affidavits, statement where parties agree as to the facts, . notice to be served with appeal, and proof of service, answer to an appeal, SEALER— oath of office, fees of, ....... . SEPARATION— articles of, SERVANTS— see "Apprentices and Servants." SERVICE AND RETURN OF PROCESS— practical remarks, .-...—.................. forms of returns on summons, ..... ...... ...... the same, on warrant, . ........... ....... the same, on attachment, . ............ copy of inventory on attachment, bond to prevent removal of goods attached,.... ...... bond by claimant of property attached, indorsement of levy on execution, ... inventory to attach to execution, bond to indemnify constable, .. receipt of goods taken on execution, constable's advertisement of sale, return to execution, different forms, SHEEP— injuries to, ........;..... SHERIFF— oath of office, bond, . ............................. bond of deputy, . bond of indemnity................. PAOB. 536 537 533 539 539 539 539 251 510 540 541 511 541 543 544,545 545 546 546 546 547 547, 54S 543 543 549, 550 550 551 652 430 251 328 553-555 555. 556 556 556. 557 557 557 . 558 558 559 559 559 560 560,661 266 430 430 431 12f 618 INDEX. SHERIFF— PAOB. assignment of bail bond, . ..... 82 acknowledgment by sherifl" or deputy, ... 15, ]6 certificate of the sale of real estate, . . 167 affidavit of redeeming creditor, ... 167 deed on sale under execution, . ... 168 deed in partition, ............. 109 deed on foreclosure of mortgage, .......... 170 fees of, ........... 25 J STEAYS— practical remarks, .... ..... 562,563 note to be delivered to town clerk, 563 notice of sale where stray is not redeemed, . ........... 563 receipt of supervisor for proceeds of sale of stray............ 563 see "Fence Viewers.' SUBSCRIPTION— to raise money to build church or bridge...................... 42 SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS TO RECOVER LAND— see " Landlord and Tenant." SUMMONS— see "Justices' Courts," and "Service and Return op Process." SUPERVISORS- practical remarks, 664-567 oath of office, 567 fees of,- .. 254 form of keeping supervisor's book, .......... 567 certificate on examination of his accounts, 563 certificate to accompany copy of entries in town clerk's book,... 668 notice of special meeting of board of excise,,, 232 forms required by tho board of excise, 232-235 appointment of a commissioner of highways to fil. vacancy,... 233 report where all the poor are not a county charge, . 483 notice to town superintendent to furnish additional security,... 525 receipt of proceeds of sale of stray, . . .. — . 563 approval of sureties in a bond, . . — .... 569 list of jurors, 569 list of grand jurors, .......... 570 tax bill, 670, 576 notice of election, - .... 570 alteration of election district, — .. . 571 division of a new town into election districts, 571 notice of meeting to fill vacancy in office of inspector of elec- tions, .- 572 appointment of inspector of elections to fill vacancy,. -......- 572 affidavit verifying account, . 682 bond of commissioner of highways and approval, 284 statement and estimate of commissioner for supervisoTj . 286 overseer's list of non-resident lands for, 287 constable's bond, and approval....... 430 town superintendent's bond, and approval, 524 see "Excise," "Highways," "Taxes," "Town Auditors," and "Town Houses." 393 SURRENDER- of a terra of years, of a lease to the lessor,... J ..........ji...- 394 of patent for re-issue, . 447 I5BIX. 61» 257 SUKROGATE— »*"• fees'of, 256 see " Dower," and " Wills." SURVEYOR— TAXE&- practical remarks,.... . . .........._^.... ....—.-.•• 573-576 assessment roll, . . — ... .. — -- 576 notice of completion of assessment, - 577 afBdavit to reduce tax, ..— . 577 certificate to assessment roll,.... .■ . .- 573 notice to collector, 578 collector's bond, • 578 collector's bond under militia law, . 579 notice of collector,.^ _.... — ...... 579 county treasurer's warrant,.. .............................. 58^ see "Highways." TENANT- see " Landlord and Tbnant." TOWN ACCOUNTS— see "Town Auditors." TOWN AUDITORS- practioal remarks, .._..„.._..„.................... 681 certificate of auditors, .................................. 682 affidavit to verify account, .............. 582 abstract of accounts .......................... 582 annual account of commissioner of highways to,. ...... ._.... 285 f OWN CLERK- oath of office, .... 430 fees of, . .......... SS6 see " Highways," "Husband and Wipe," •'Official Oath AND Bond," "Schools," "Town Auditors," and "Town Houses." TOWN COLLECTOR— fees of, „ 258 bond, _ 578, 579 notice that taxes will be received,... ...... ....... 579 TOWN HOUSES— practical remarks, .... ......... 584 notice of intention to propose resolution, 584 certificate of canvassers at town meeting, 585 resolution of board of supervisors, _. .......... 585 TOWN SEALER- oath of office, .................. 430 fees of, 251 TRUST- deed with trust habendum clause, ............. 165 creation of by will, for a life, or lives, ..... 692 TKUSTEES- fees of trustees of debtors, .................... 259 deed by trustees of absconding debtors, 166 deed with trust clause, ............ 166 acknowledgment by, . 13 820 INDEX. TRUSTEES— PAOFB application for appoiuunent of, for estates of debtors confined for crime, . .... .... ..... 220 appointment and oath, .... 220, 221 articles of marriage, . 323 settlement in contemplation of marriage, . 321 nte-nuptial agreement, 326 jointure, .. . ..................... 327 devise to, during a life< or lives,..,. 592 sea " Schools." VAGRANTS— see "Poor Laws." WARRANT— see "Acknowledgments, "eto., '-Appeentioes and Servants," "Justices' Courts," "Landlord and Tenant," "Poor Laws," and " Service and Return op Process." WILLS- practical remarks, — . . 586-588 will of real and personal estate,. ... 589 codicil to a will, ... 590 nomination of executors in a will, . 590 devise to executors in trust, with power to sell, &c., 590 disposition of the tuition and custody of children by will, 590 provision in a will for a posthumus child, 591 provision for children born after execution of will, different forms, ............. 591 devise of an estate for life, and for the reversion, . 591 devise to trustees, during a life, or Uvea,.... ... 592 devise of an £iimuity,..t. .................. 692 WITNESSES— fees of, 259 see " Acknowledgments," etc., " Clerks and Criers," " High- ways," " Justices' Courts," and " Landlord and Tenant." AiTENDII COISTITUTION OP THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. APPROVED NOVEMBER 3, 1846. We, the People of the State of New-York, grateful to Almigaty God (at our freedom, in order to secure its blessings, do establish this Constitution : ARTICLE I. BILL OF RIGHTS, Sec. 1. No member of this State shall be disfranchised, or deprived of any of the rights or privileges secured to any citizen thereof, unless by the law of the land, or the judgment of his peers. Sec. 2. The trial by jury, in all cases in which it has been heretofore used, shall remain inviolate tbrever. But a jury trial may be waived by the parties in all civil cases, in the manner to be prescribed ay law. Sec. 3. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and wor- ship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed in this State to all mankind ; and no person shall be rendered incompetent to be a witness on account of his opinion on matters of religious belief; but the Uberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of this State. Sec. 4. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion, or invasion, the public safety may require its suspension. Sec. 5. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor shall cruel and unusual punishments be inflicted, nor shall witnesses be unreasonably detained. Sec. G. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise in- famous crime (except in cases of impeachment, and in cases of the militia, when in actual service ; and the land and naval forces in time of war, or which this State may keep with the consent of Congress in time of peace ; and in cases of petit larceny, under the regulation of the Legislature), unless on presentinent or indictment of a grand jury, and in any trial in any court whatever, the party accused shall be allowed to appear and defend in persop and with counsel, as in civil actions. No person shall be subject to be twice put in jeopardy for the same offence ; nor shall he be compelled in any crim- inal case to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, l;berp()intinent, shall be void. Skc. 8. No person being a member of Congress, or holding any judicial or military office under the United States sliail hold a seat in the Legisla- ture. And if any person shall, after his election as a member of the Legis- lature, be elected to Congress, or appointed to any office, civil or military, under the government of the United States, his acceptance thereof shall va- cate his seat. Sec. 9. The elections of Senators and Members of Assembly, pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution, shall be hel-' on th^ Tuesdav succeeding he first Monday of November, unless otherwicc JL-K:t«tl )»y the Legislature, CONSTITUTION OF NEW-YORK. IX Sec. 10. a majority of each house shall constitute a quorum to do busi- ness. Each house shall determine the rules of its own proceedings, and be the judge ol the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own membera, shall choose its own officers, and the Senate shall choose a temporary presi- dent, when the Lieutenant Governor shall not attend as President, or shall act as Governor. Sec. 11. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and publish the same, except such parts as may require secrecy. The doors of each house shall be kept open, except when the public welfare shall require secrecy. Neither house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than two days. Sec. 12. For any speech or debate in either house of the Legislature, the members shall not be questioned in any other place. Sec. 13. Any bill may originate in either house of the Legislature, and all bills passed by one house may be amended by the other. Sec. 14. The enacting clause of all bills shall be, -'The people of the State of New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows." and no law shall be enacted except by bill. Sec. 15. No bill shall be passed unless by the assent of a majority of ah the members elected to each branch of the Legislature, and the question upoi\ the final passage shall be taken immediately upon its last reading, and the yeas and nays entered on the journal. Sec. 16. No private or local bill, which may be passed by the Legislature, shall embrace more than one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title Sec. 17. The Legishiture may confer upon the boards of Supervisors, of the several counties of the State, such further powers of local legislation and administration as they shall from lime to time prescribe. ARTICLE IV. executive. Sec. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a Governor, who shall hold his office for two years ; a Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen at the «ame time, and for the same term. Sec. 2. No person, except a citizen of the United States, shall be eligible to the office of Governor; nor shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, and who shall not have been five years, next preceding his election, a resident within this State. Sec. 3. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be elected at the times and places of choosing members of the Assembly. The persons re- spectively having the highest number of votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, shall lie elected ; but in case two or more shall have an equal and the higliest number of votes for Governor or for Lieutenant Governor, the two houses of tlie Legislature, at its next annual session, shall forthwith, by joint ballot, choose one of the said persons so having an equal and the high- est number of votes for Governor or Lieutenant Governor. Src. 4. The Governor shall be commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces of tiie State. He shall have power to convene the Legislature for the Senate only) on extraordinary occasions. He shall communicate by message to the Legislature, at every session, the condition of the State, and recommend such matters to them as he shall judge expedient. He shall transact all necessary business with the officers of government, civil and K CONSTITUTION OF NEW-TORK. military. He shall expedite all such measures as may be resolved upon irr the Legislature, and shall take care tiiat the laws are taithluliy executed. He shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation to be estab- lished by law, which shall neither be increased nor diminished after bis elec- tion and during his continuance in office. Sec. 5. The Governor shall have the power to grant reprieves, commuta- tions, and pardons, after conviction, for all oflences except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such conditions, and with such restrictions and limita- tions, tts he may think proper, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons. Upon conviction for treason, he shall have power to suspend the execution of the sentence, until the case shall be reported to the Legislature at its next meeting, when the Legislature shall either pardon or commute the sentence, direct the execution of the sentence, or grant a further reprieve. He shall annually communicate to the Legislalare each case of reprieve, commutation, or pardon, granted; stating tiie name of the convict, the crime of which he was convicted, the sentence and its date, and the date of the commutation, pardon, or reprieve. Sec. 6. In case of the impeachment of the Governor, or his removal from ofBce, death, inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, resignation, or alxence from the State, the powers and duties of the office shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor ibr the residue of the term, or until the disability shall cease. But when the Governor shall, with the con- sent of the Legislatoire, be out of the State in time of war, at the head of a military force thereof, he shall continue commander-in-chief of all the mili- tary force of the Stcte. Sec. 7. The Lieutenant Governor shall possess the same qualifications of eligibility for office a»i the Governor. He shall be President of the Senate, but shall have only a casting vote therein. If, during a vacancy of the office of Governor, the Liettenant Governor shall be impeached, displaced, resign, die, or become incap ible of performing the duties of his office, or be absent from the State, the President of the Senate shall act as Governor, until the vacancy be filled, or tLe disability shall cease. Sec. 8. The Lieutei.ant Governor shall, while acting as such, receive a compensation which shall be fixed by law, and which shall not be increased or diminished during hii continuance in office. Sec. 9. Eveiy bill which shall have passed the Senate and Assembly shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the Governor: if he approve, he shall sign it; but if not, he ihall return it with his objections to that house in which it shall have ori^jinated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of the membeis present shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the otlier house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered ; and if approved by two-thirds of ail the members present, it tihall become a law, notwithstanding the objections of the Governor. But in all such casL'S, the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for and against the bill shall be en- tered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be. returned by the Governor within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it. unless the Legislature shall, by their adjournment, prevent its return ; in which case, it shall not be a law CONSTITUTION OF NEW-YORK. tf ARTICLE V. ADMINISTRATIVE. Sec. 1. The Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, and Attorney Gen- eial, shall be chosen at a general election, and shall hold their offices for two years. Each of the officers in this article named (except the Speaker ot the Assembly) shall, at stated times during his continuance in office, re- ceive for his services a compensation, which shall not be increased or dimin- islied during the term tor wliich he shall have been elected ; nor shall h« receive, to his use, any fees or perquisites of office, or other compensation. Skc. 2. A State Engineer and Surveyor shall be chosen at a general elec- tion, and shall hold his office two years ; but no person shall be elected to said office who is riot a practical engineer. Skc. 3. Three Canal Comuiissioners shall be chosen at the general electJin which shall be held next after th^ adoption of this Constitution, one of whom shall hold his office for one year, one for two j'ears. and one for three years ; the Commissioners of the Canal Fund shall meet at the capitol on the first Monday of January next aller such election, and determine by lot which of said Commissioners shall hold his office for one year, which for two, and which for three years ; and there shall be elected annually thereafter, one Canal Commissioner, who shall hold his office for three years. Skc. 4. Three Inspectors of State Prisons shall be elected at the general election which shall be held next after the adoption of this Constitution, one of whom shall hold his office for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. The Governor, Secretarj' of State, and Comjitroller, shall meet at the capitol on the first Monday of January next succeeding such election, and determine by lot which of said Inspectors shall hold his office for one year, which for two, and which for three years. And there shall be elected annually thereafter one Inspector of State Prisons, who shall hold his office for three years ; said Inspectors shall have the charge and superintendence of the State Prisons, and shall a])point all the officers Uierem. All vacancies in the office of such Inspector shall be filled by the Governor, till the next election. Sh:c. 5. The Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the Assembly, Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer. Attorney General, and State Engineer and Surveyor, shall lie the Commissioners of the Land Office. The Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller. Treasurer, and Attorney General, shall be the Couiinissioners of the Canal Fund. The Canal Board .';hall consist of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund, the State Engineer and Surveyor, and the Canal Commissioners. Sec. 6. The powers and duties of the respective boards, and of the several officers in this article mentioned, shall be such as now are or hereafter may be prescribed by law. Sec. 7. The Treasurer may be suspended from office by the Governor, during the recess of the Legislature, and until thirty d;iys after the com- mencement of the next session of the Legislature, whenever it shall appear to him that such Treasurer has. in any particular, violated his duty. Tho Governor shall appoiht a competent person to discharge the duties of the office, during such suspension of the Treasurer. Sec. 8. All officers for the weighing, guaging, measuring culling, or in- pecting, any merchandise, produce, manufacture, or connuodity whatever, XU CONSTITUTION OF NEW-YORK. are hereby abolished, and no such office shall hereafter be created by law; but nothing in this section contained shall abrogate any office created for the purpose of protecting the public health or the interests of the State, m Its property, revenue, tolls, or purchases, or of supplying the people with cor- rect standards of weights and measures, or shall i revent the creation of any office for such purposes hereafter. ARTICLE VI. THE JUDICIARY. Skc. 1. The Assembly shall have the power of i npeachment, by the vote of a majority of all the members elected. The court for the trial of impeach- ments shall he composed of the President of the Senate, the Senators, or a major part of them, and the Judges of the Court of Appeals, or the major part of them. On the trial of an impeachment against the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall not act as a member of the court. No judicial officer shall exercise his office after he shall have been impeached, until he shall have been acquitteil. Before the trial of an impeachment, tlie mem- bers of the court shall take an oath or affirmation, truly and impartially to try the impeachment, according to evidence ; and no person shall be con- victed without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judg- ment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, or removal from office and disqualiJication to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit, under this State; but the party impeached shall be liable to indictment and punishment according to law. Sec. 2. There shall be a Court of Appeals, composed of eight Judges, of whom four shall be elected by the electors of the State, for eight years, and four selected from the class of Justices of the Supreme Court having the shortest time to serve. Provision shall be made by law for designating one of the number elected as Chief Judge, and for selecting such Justices of the Supreme Court, from time to tune, and for so classifying those elected, that one shall be elected every second year. Sec. 3. There shall be a Supreme Court, having general jurisdiction in law and equity. Sec. 4. The State shall be divided into eight judicial districts, of which the city of New- York shall be one ; the others to be bounded by county lines, and to be compact and equal in population as nearly as may be. There shall 6e tour Justices of the Supreme Court in each district, and as many more in the district composed of the city of New-York as may from time to time be authorized by law, but not to exceed in the whole such number in proportion to its population as shall be in conformity with the number of such Judges in the residue of the State in proportion to its population. They sliall be classified, so that one of the Justices of eacii district shall go out of office at the end of every two years. After the expiration of their terms under such classification, the term of their office shall be eight years. Sec. 5. The Legislature shall have the same powers to alter and regulate the jurisdiction and proceedings in law and equity as they have heretofore possessed. Sec. G. Provision may be made by .law for designating, from time to time, one or more of the said Justices who is not a Judge of the Court of Appeals, to preside at the sreneral terms of the said court to be held in tho several di»- CONSTITUTION OF NEW-TORK. XIU tricts. Any three or more of the said Justices, of whom one of the said Jus- tices so designated shall always be one, may hold such general terms. And any one or more of the Justices may hold special terms and Circuit Courts, and any one of them may preside in Courts of Oyer and Terminer in any *ounty. Sec. 7. The Judges of the Court of Appeals and Justices of the Supreme Court shall severally receive, at stated times, for their services, a compensaticn to be established by law, which shall not be increased or diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 8. They shall not hold any other office or public trust. All votes for either of them, for any elective office (except that of Justice of the Supreme Court, or Judge of the Court of Appeals), given by the Legislature or the people, shall be void. They shall not exercise any power of appointment to pubhc office. Any male citizen of the age of twenty-one years, of good moral character, and who possesses the requisite qualificatioBw of learning and abiUty, shall be entitled to admission to practice in all the courts of this State. Sec. 9. The classification of the Justices of the Supreme Court, the times and place of holding the terms of the Court of Appeals, and of tlie general and special terms of the Supreme Court within the several districts, and the Circuit Courts and Courts of Oyer and Terminer within the several counties, shall be provided for by law. Sec. 10. The testimony in equity cases shall be taken in like manner as in cases at law. Sec. 11. Justices of the Supreme Court, and Judges of the Court of Ap- peals, may be removed by concurrent resolution of both houses of the Legis- lature, if two-thirds of all the members elected to the Assembly, and a majority of all the members elected to the Senate, concur therein. All judi- cial officers, except those mentioned in this section, and except Justices of the Peace, Judges and Justices of inferior courts not of record, may be removed by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Governor : but no removal shall be made by virtue of this section, unless the cause thereof be entered on the journals, nor unless the party complained of shall have been served with a copy of the complaint against him, and shall have had an opportunity of being heard in his defence. On the question of removal, the yeas and nays shall be entered on the journals. Sec. 12. -The Judges of the Court of Appeals shall be elected by the elec- tors of the State, and the Justices of the Supreme Court by the electors of the several judicial districts, and at such times as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 13. In case the office of any Judge of the Court of Appeals, or Jus- jice of the Supreme Court, shall become vacant before the expiration of the regular term for which he was elected, the vacancy may be filled by appoint- ment by the Governor, until it shall be supplied at the next general election of Judges, when it shall be filled by election for the residue of the unexpired term. Sec. 14. There shall be elected in each of the counties of this State, except the city and county of New- York, one County Jutlge, who shall hold his office for four years. He shall hold the County Court, and perform the duties of the office of Surrogate. The County Court shall have such jurisdic- tion in .-»scs arising in Justices' Courts, and in special cases, as the Legisla- ture may prescribe, but shall have no original civil jurisdiction, except in sucb special cases. aV CONSTITUTION OF NEW-YORK. The County Judge, with two Justices of the Peace, to be designated ac- cording to law, may hold Courts of Sessions with such criminal jurisdiction as the Legislature shall prescribe, and perform such other duties as> may be required by law. The County Judge shall receive an annual salary, to be fixed by the Board of Supervisors, which shall be neither increased nor diminished during his continuance in office. The Justices of the Peace, for services in Courts of Ses.sions, shall be paid a per diem allowance out of the county treasury. In counties having a population exceeding forty thousand, the Legislature may provide for the elettion of a separate officer to perform the duties of the office of Surrogate. The Legislature may confer equity jurisdiction in special cases upon the County Judge. Inferior local courts, of civil and criminal jurisdiction, may be established by the Legislature in cities ; and such courts, except for the cities of New- York and Buffalo, shall have a uniform organization and jurisdiction in such cities. Sec. 15. The Legislature may, on application of the Board of Supervisors, provide for the election of local officers, not to exceed two in any county, to discharge the duties of County Judge and of Surrogate in cases of their in- ability, or of a vacancy, and to exercise such other powers in special cases as may be provided by law. Sec. 16. The Legislature may reorganize the judicial districts at the first session after the return of every enumeration under this constitution, in the manner provided for in the fourth section of this article, and at no other time ; and they may, at such session, increase or diminish the number of districts, but such increase or diminution shall not be more than one district at any one time. Each district shall have four Justices of the Supreme Court; but no diminution of the districts shall have the efiect to remove a Judge from office. Sec. 17. The electors of the several towns shall, at their annual town meeting, and in such manner as the Legislature may direct, elect Justices of the Peace, whose term of office shall be four years. In case of an election to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of a full term, they shall hold for the residue of the unexpired term. Their number and classification may be regulated by law. Justices of the Peace, and Judges or Justices of inferior courts, not of record, and their Clerks, may be removed (after due notice, and an opportunity of being heard in their defence) by such county, city, or state courts, as may be prescribed by law, for causes to be assigned in the order of removal. Sec. 18. All judicial officers of cities and villages, and all such judicial officers as may be created therein by law, shall be elected at such times and in such manner as the Legislature may direct. Sec. 19. The Clerks of the several counties of this State shall be Clerks of the Supreme Court, with such powers and duties as shall be prescribed by law. A Clerk for the Court of Appeals, to be ex-qfficio Clerk of the Su- preme Court, and to keep his office at the seat of government, shall be chosen Dy the electors of the State ; he shall hold his office for three years, and hi^ compensation shall be fixed by law, and paid out of the public treasury. Sec. 20. No judicial officer, except Justices of the Peace, shall receive U ids own use any fees or perquisites of office. COXSTirUTIOX OF NEW-rORK. Cf Sec. 21. The Legislature may authorize the judgments, decrees, an? de- cisions of any local inferior court of record of original civil jurisdiction, •established in a city, to be removed for review directly into the Court of Appeals. Sec. '22. The Legislature shall provide for the speedy publication of all statute laws, and such judicial decisions as it may deem expedient. And all laws and judicial decisions shall be free for publication by any person. Sec. "23. Tribunals of conciliation may be established, with such powers and duties as may be prescribed by law ; but such tribunals shall have no power to render judgment to be obligatory on the parties, except tli<;y volun- tarily submit their matters in difference, and agree to abide the judgment or assent thereto, in the presence of such tribunal, in such cases as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 24. The Legislature, at its first session after the adoption of this Constitution, shall provide for the appointment of three Commissioners, whose duty it shall be to revise, reform, simplify, and abridge, the rules and practice, pleadings, forms, and proceedings of the courts of record of this State, and to report thereon to the Legislature, subject to their adoption and modification from time to time. Sec. '2d. The Legislature, at its first session after the adoption of this Constitution, shall provide tor the organization of the Court of Appeals, and for transferring to it the business pending in the Court for the Correction of Errors, and for the allowance of writs of error and appeals to the Court of Appeals, from the judgments and decrees of the present Court of Chancery and Supreme Court, and of the courts that may be organized under this Constitution. ARTICLE VII. Sec. I. After paying the expenses of collection, superintendence, and ordi- nary repairs, there shall be appropriated and set apart in each fiscal year, out of the revenues of the State canals, commencing on the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, the sum of one million and three hundred thousand dollars, until the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and from that time, the suin of one million and seven hundred thousand dollars in each fiscal year, as a sinking fund, to pay the interest and redeem the principal of that part of the State debt called the canal debt, as it existed at the time first aforesaid, and including three hun- dred thousand dollars then to be borrowed, until the same shall be wholly paid ; and the principal and income of the said sinking fund shall be sacredly applied to that purpose. Sec. 2. After complying with tht; provisions of tiie first section of this article, there shall be appropriated and set apart out of the surplus revenues of the State canals, in each fiscal year, commencing on the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and Ibrty-six, the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, until the time when a sufficient sum shall have been appropriated and set apart, under the said first section, to pay the interest and extinguish the entire principal of the canal debt; and atler that period, then the sum of one million and five hundred thousand dollars in each fiscal year, as a sinking fund, to pay the interest and redeem the principal of that part of the State debt called the general fund debt, including the debt fol rvi CONSTITUTION OF KEW-YORK. loans of the State credit to railroad companies which have failed to pay the interest thereon, and also the contingent debt on State stocks loaned to in- corporated companies which have hitherto paid the interest thereon, when- ever and as far as any part thereof may become a charge on the treasury or general fund, until the same shall be wholly paid ; and the principal and income of the said last mentioned sinking fund shall be sacredly applied to the purpose aforesaid ; and if the payment of any part of the moneys to the said sinking fund shall at any time be deferred, by reason of tlie priority recognized in the first section of this article, the sum so deferred, with quar- terly interest thereon, at the then current rate, shall be paid to the last men- tioned sinking fund, as soon as it can be done consistently with the just rights of the creditors holding said canal debt. Sec. 3. After paying the said expenses of superintendence and repairs of the canals and the sums appropriated by the first and second sections of this article, there shall be paid out of the surplus revenues of the canals, to tlie treasury of the State, on or before the thirtieth day of September, in each year, for the use and benefit of the general fund, such sum, not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, as may be required to defray the necessary expenses of the State ; and the remainder of the revenues of the said canals shall, in each fiscal year, be applied, in such manner as the Legislature shall direct, to the completion of the Erie Canal enlargement, and the Genesee Valley and Black River canals, until the said canals shall be completed. If, at any time after the period of eight years from the adoption of this Constitution, the revenues of the State, unappropriated by this article, shall not be sufficient to defray the necessary expenses of the government, with- out continuing or laying a direct tax, the Legislature may, at its discretion, supply the deficiency, in whole or in part, from the surplus revenues of the canals, after complying with the provisions of the first two sections of this article, for paying the interest and extinguishing the principal of the canal said general fund debt; but the sum thus appropriated from the surplus revenues of the canals shall not exceed annually three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, including the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, pro- vided for by this section for the expenses of the government, until the gen- eral fund debt shall be extinguished, or until the Erie Canal enlargemeni and Genesee Valley and Black River canals shall be completed ; and after that debt shall be paid, or the said canals shall be completed, then the sum of six hundred and seventy-two thousand, five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may be annually appropriated to defray the expenses of the government. Sec. 4. The claims of the State against any incorporated company to pay the interest and redeem the principal of the stock of the State loaned or advanced to such company, shall be fairly enforced, and not released or compromised ; and the moneys arising from such claims shall be set apart and applied as part of the sinking iund provided in the second section of this article. But the time limited for the fulfilment of any condition of any release or compromise heretofore made or provided for, may be extended by law. Sec. 5. If the sinking funds, or either of them, provided in this article, shall prove insufficient to enable the State, on the credit of such fund, to procure the means to satisfy the claims of the creditors of the State, as they become payable, the Legislature shall, by equitable taxes so increase the CONSTITUTION OF NEW-YORK. XVh 'evenues of the said funds, as to make them, respectively, sufficient perfectly to preserve the public faith. Every contribution or advance to the canals, or their debt, from any source, other than their direct revenues, shall, with quarterly interest, at the rates then current, be repaid into the treasury, for the use of the State, out of the canal revenues, as soon as it can be done con- sistently with the just rights of the creditors holding the said canal debt. Sec. 6. The Legislature shall not sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any of the canals of the State ; but they shall remain the property of the State and under its management forever. Sec. 7. The Legislature shall never sell or dispose of the salt springs belonging to this State. The lands contiguous thereto, and which may be necessary and convenient for the use of the salt springs, may be sold by authority of law, and under the direction of the Commissioners of the land office, for the purpose of investing the moneys arising therefrom in other lands alike convenient; but by such sale and purchase the aggregate quan- tity of these lands shall not be diminished. Sec. 8. No moneys shall ever be paid out of the treasury of this State, or any of its funds, or any of the funds under its management, except in pursuance of an appropriation by law; nor unless such payment be made within two years next after the passage of such appropriation act ; and every such law making a new appropriation, or continuing or reviving an appropriation, shall distinctly specily the sum appropriated, and the object to which it is to be applied ; and it shall not be sufficient for such law to refer to any other law to fix such sum. Sec. 9. The crtdlt of the State shall not. in any manner, be given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual, association, or corporation. Sec. 10. The State may, to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues, or for expenses not provided for, contract debts, but such debts, direct and contingent, singly or in the aggregate, shall not, at any time, exceed one million of dollars; and the moneys arising from the loans creating such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which tliey were obtained, or to repay the debt so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. Sec. 11. In addition to the above hmited power to contract debts, the State may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or defend the State in war ; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and t'j no other purpose whatever. Sec. 12. Except the debts specified in the tenth and eleventh sections of this article, no debt shall hereafter be contracted by or on behalf of this State, unless such debt shall be authorized by a law for some single work or object, to be distinctly specified therein, and such law shall impose and pro- vide for the collection of a direct annual tax to pay, and sufficient to pay the interest on such debt as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal of such debt within eighteen years from the time of the contracting thereof. No such law shall take effect until it shall, at a general election, have been submitted to the people, and have received a majority of all the votes cast tor and against it, at such election. On the final passage of such bill in either house of the Legislature, the question shall be taken by yeas and nays, to be duly entered on the journals XVUl CONSTITUTIOK OF NEW-YORK. thereof, anil shall be — " Shall this bill pass, and ought the same to receive the sanction of the people 1" The Legislature may at any time, after the approval of such law by the people, if no debt shall have been contracted in pursuance thereof repeal the same ; and may at any time, by law, forbid the contracting of any fur- ther debt or liability under such law ; but the tax imposed by such act, in proportion to the debt and liability which may have been contracted in pur- suance of such law, shall remain in force and be irrepealable, and be an- nually collected until the proceeds thereof shall have made the provision hereinbefore specified, to pay and discharge the interest and principal of such debt and liability. The money arising from any loan or stock creating such debt or liability, shall be applied to the work or object specified in the act authorizing such debt or liability, or for the repayment of such debt or liability, and for no other purpose whatever. No such, law shall be submitted to be voted on, within three months after its passage, or at any general election, when any other law, or any bill, or any amendment to the Constitution, shall be submitted to be voted for or against. Skc. 13. Every law which imposes, continues, or revives, a tax, shall dis- tinctly state the tax and the object to which it is to be applied, and it shall nqjt be sufficient to refer to any otlier law to fix such tax or object. Sec. 14. On the final passage in either house of the Legislature, of every act which imposes, continues, or revives, £j tax, or creates a debt or charo-e, or makes, continues, or revives, any appropriation of public or trust money or property, or releases, discharges, or commutes, any claim or demand of the State, the question shall be taken by yeas and nays, which shall be duly entered on the journals, and three-fifths of all the members elected to either house shall, in such cases, be necessary to constitute a quorum therein. ARTICLE VIII. CORPORATIONS. Sec. 1. Corporations may be formed under general laws; but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where, in the judgment of the Legislature, the objects of the corporation cannot be attained under general laws. All general laws and special acts, passed pur- suant to this section, may be altered from time to time, or repealed. Sec. 2. Dues from corporations shall be secured by such individual lia- bility of the corporators and other means as may be prescribed by law. Skc. 3. The term corporations as used in this article shall be construed to include all associations and joint-stock companies having any of the powers or privileges of corporations not possessed by individuals or partnerships; and all corporations shall have the right to sue and shall be subject to be sued in all courts in like cases as natural persons. Sec. 4. The Legislature shall have no power to pass any act granting any special charter for banking purposes ; but corporations or associations may be fornr.ed for such purposes under general laws. Sec. 5. The Legislature shall have ho power to pass any law sanctioning in any manner, directly or indirectly, the suspension of specie payments, by any person, association, or corporation, issuing bank notes of any description. , COXSTITUTION OF NEW-YORK. XIX Sec. 6. The Legislature shall provide by law for the registry of ali bills or notes, issued or put in circulation as money, and shall require ample security for the redemption of the same in specie. Sec. 7. The stockholders in every corporation and joint-stock association for banking purposes, issuing bank notes or any kind of paper credits to cir- culate as money, after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, shall be individually responsible to the amount of their respective share or shares of stock in any such corporation or association, for all its debts and liabilities of every kind, contracted after the said first day of Jan- uary, one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Sec. 8. In case of the insolvency of any bank or banking association, the bill-holders thereof shall be entitled to preference in payment over all other creditors of such bank or association. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the Legislature to provide for the organi- zation of cities and incorporated villages, and to restrict their power of tax- ation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit, so as to prevent abuses in assessments and in contracting debt by such municipal corporations. ARTICLE IX. EDUCATIO^f. Sec. 1. The capital of the common school fund, the capital of the literature fund, and the capital of the United States deposit fund, shall be respectively preserved inviolate. The revenue of the said common school fund shall be applied to the support of common schools ; the revenues of the said literature fund shall be apphed to the support of academies, and the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars of the revenues of the United States deposit fund shall each year be appropriated to and made a part of the capital of the said common school fund. ARTICLE X. LOCAL OFFICERS. Sec. 1. Sheriffs, Clerks of counties, including the Register and Clerk of the city and county of New-York, Coroners, and District Attorneys, shall be chosen by the electors of the respective counties, once in every three years, and as often as vacancies shall happen. Sheriffs shall hold no other office, and be ineligible for the next three years after the termination of their offices. They may be required by law to renew their security, from time to time ; and in default of giving such new security, their offices shall be deemed vacant. But the county shall never be made responsible for the acts of the Sheriff. The Governor may remove any officer, in this section mentioned, within the term for which he shall have been elected: giving to such officer a copy of the charges against him, and an opportunity of being heard in his defence. Sec. 2. All county officers, whose election or appointment is not provided for by this Constitution, shall be elected by the electors of the respective counties, or appointed by the boards of Supervisors, or other county authori- ties, as the Legislature shall direct. All city, town, and village officers, whose election or appointment is not provided tor by this Constitution, shall be elected by the electors of such cities, towns, and villages, or of some division XX CONSTITUTION OF NEW-TORK. thereof, or appointed by such authorities thereof as the Legislature shall designate for that purpose. All other officers whose election or appointment iS not provided for by this Constitution, and all officers whose offices may yiereatler be created by law, shall be elected by the people, or appointed, as the Legislature may direct. Sec. 3. When the duration of any office is not provided by this Constitu- tion, it may be declared by law; and if not so declared, such office shall be held during the pleasure of the authority making the appointment. Sec. 4. The time of electing all officers named in this article shall be pre- scribed by law. Si:c. 5. The Legislature shall provide for filling vacancies in office; and in case of elective officers, no person appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold his office by virtue of such appointment longer than the commencement of the political year next succeeding the first annual election after the happen- ing of the vacancy. Sec. G. The political year and legislative term shall begin on the first day of January, and the Legislature shall every year assemble on the first Tues- day in January, unless a different day may be appointed by law. Sec. 7. Provision shall be made by law for the removal, for misconduct or malversation in office, of all officers (except judicial) whose powers and duties are not local or legislative, and who shall be elected at general elections, and also for supplying vacancies created by such removal. Sec. 8. The Legislature may declare the cases in which any office shall be deemed vacant, where no provision is made for that purpose in this Coij- stitution. ARTICLE XI. Sec. 1. The militia of this State shall at all times hereafter be armed and disciplined, and in readiness for service; but all such inhabitants of this State, or any religious denomination whatever, as from scruples of con- science, may be averse to bearing arms, shall be excused therefrom, upon such condition as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 2. Militia officers shall be chosen or appointed as follows: Captains, subalterns, and non-commissioned officers, shall be chosen by the written votes of the members of their respective companies ; field officers of regiments and separate battalions, by the written votes of the commissioned officers of the respective regiments and separate battalions; Brigadier Generals, and Britrade Inspectors by the field oHicers of their respective brigades; Major Generals. Brigadier Generals, and commanding officers of regiments or sepa- rate battalions, shall appoint the staff' officers to their respective divisions, brigades, regiments, or separate battalions. Sec. 3. The Governor shall nominate, and, with the consent of the Senate, appoint all Major Generals, and the Co:nmissary General. The Adjutant General and other chiefs of staff" departments, and the Aids-de-camp of the Commonder-in-chief shall be appointed by the Governor, and their commis- sions shjvll expire with the time for which the Governor shall have been elected. The Commissary General shall hold his office for two years. He shall give security for the faithful execution of the duties of his office, in such manner onU amount as shall be prescribed by law. CONSTITUTION OF N^W-TORK. Sec. 4. The Legislature shall, by Aw, difect the time and manner ot electing militia officers, and of certifying their elections to the Governor. Sec. 5. The commissioned officers of the militia shall be commissioned by the Governor; and no commissioned officer shall be removed from office, unless by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Governor, statino- the grounds on which such removal is recommended, or by the decision of a ''>o'irt-martial, pursuant to law. The present officers of the militia shall hold "fl'sir fximmissions subject to removal as before provided. •Seo. 6. In case the mode of election and appointment of militia officers 3er;bv directed shall not be found conducive to the improvement of the '^nihtia, the Legislature may abohsh the same, and provide by law for their appointment and removal, if two-thirds of the members r)resent in each house shall concur therein. ARTICLE XII. OFFICIAL OATHS. Sec. 1. Members of the Legislature, and all officers, executive and judicial, ■ixrept such inferior officers as may be by law exempted, shall, before they ftnter on the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may he) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New- York ; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of , according to cae oest of my ability." 4n.l no other oath, declaration, or test, shall be required as a qualification ibf .v.ny office or public trust. ARTICLE Xin. AMENDMENTS. Sec. 1. Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be pro- posed in the Senate and Assembly; and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and referred to the Legislature to be chosen at the uext general election of Senators, and shall be published for three months previous to the time of making such choice ; and if in the Legislature so next chosen as aforesaid, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each house, then it shall be the duty of the Legislature to submit such proposed amendment or amendments to the people, in such manner and at such time as the Legisla- ture shall prescribe ; and if the people shall approve and ratify such amend- ment or amendments, by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for mem- oers of the Legislature, voting thereon, such amendment or amendments shall c>c<«>ine part of the Constitution. Sec. 2. At the general election to be held in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and in each twentieth year thereafter, and also at such time as the Legislature may by law provide, the question — " Shall thera oe a convention to revise the Constitution and amend the samel" shall ba 41 Cai CONSTITUTION OF NEW-YORK. decided by the electors qualified to vote for members of the Legislature : and m case a majority of the electors so qualified, voting at such election, shall decide in favor of a convention for such purpose, the Legislature, at its next session, shall provide by law for the election of delegates to such con- vention. ARTICLE XIV. MISCELLANEOUS. Sec. 1. The first election of Senators and Members of Assembly, purssuao' to the provisions of this Constitution, shall be held on the Tuesday succeeCug ibo first Monday of November, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven. The Senators and Members of Assf lubly who may be in office on the first day of January, one thousand eij^ht liundrcd and forty-seven, shall hold their offices until and including the thirty -first day of December following, and no longer. Sec. 2. The first election of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor under this Constitution shall be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November, one thousand eight hundred and Ibrty-eight; and the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor in office when tiiis Constitution shall take efTect, shall hold their respective oflTices until and including t!ie thirty-first dav of December of that year. Sec. 3. The Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, Attorney-Geneiai, District Attorneys, Surveyor-General, Canal Commissioners, and Inspectors of State Prisons, in office when tiiis Constitution shall take effect, shall hold their respective offices until and including the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and no longer. Sec. 4. The first election of Judges and Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Justices of the Supreme Court, and County Judges, shall take place at such time between the first Tuesday of April and the second Tuesday of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, as may be prescribed by law The said courts shall respectively enter upon their duties on the first Mon"a» of July next thereafter, but the terra of oflice of said Judges, Clerk anu « js- tices, as declared by this Constitution, shall be deemed to commence on tht first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. Sec. 5. On the first Monday of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, jurisdiction of all suits and proceedings then pending in the present Supreme Court and Court of Chancery, and all suits and proceed- incrs oritrinally commenced and then pending in any Court of Common Pleas (except in the city and county of New- York) shall become vested in the Supreme Court hereby established. Proceedings pending in Courts of Com- mon Pleas and in suits originally comiucnced in Justices' Courts, shall oe transferred to the County Courts provided for in this Constitution, in such manner and form, and under such regulations, as shall be provided by lavv. The Courts of Oyer and Terminer hereby established shall, in their respective counties, have jurisdiction, on and after the day last mentioned, of all indict- ments and proceedings then pending in the present Courts of Oyer and Ter- miner, and also of all indictments and proceedings then pending in the present Courts of General Sessions of the Peace, except in the city of New- York, and except in cases of which the Courts of Sessions hereby established coNSTiTcrrioiir or new-tokk. xxffi- may lawfully take cognizance ; and of such indictments and proceedings the Courts of Sessions, hereby established, shall have jurisdiction on and after the day last mentioned. Sec. 6. The Chancellor and the present Supreme Court shall, respectively, have power to hear and determine any of such suits and proceedings ready on the first Monday of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, for hearing or decision, and shall, for their services therein, be entitled to their present rates of compensation until the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, or until all such suits and proceedings shall be sooner heard znd determined. Masters in Chancery may continue to exercise the functions of their office in the Court of Chancery, so long as the Chancellor shall continue to exercise the functions of his office under the provisions of this Constitution. And the Supreme Court hereby established shall also have power to hear and determine such of said suits and proceedings as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 7. In case any vacancy shall occur in the office of Chancellor or Justice of the present Supreme Court, previous to the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, the Governor may nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint a proper person to fill such vacancy. Any Judge of the Court of Appeals or Justice of the Supreme Court, elected under this Constitution, may receive and hold such appointment. Sec. 8. The offices of Chancellor, Justice of the existing Supreme Court, Circuit Judge, Vice-Chancellor, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Judge of the ex- isting County Courts of each county, Supreme Court Commissioner, Master in Chancery, Examiner in Chancery, and Surrogate (except as herein other- wise provided), are abolished from and after the first Monday of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven. Sec. 9. The Chancellor, the Justices of the present Supreme Court, and the Circuit Judges, are hereby declared to be severally eligible to any office at the first election under this Constitution. Sec. 10. Sheriffs, and Clerks of counties (including the Register and Clerk of the city and county of New- York), and Justices of the Peace, and Coro- ners, in office when this Constitution shall take effect, shall hold their respec- tive offices until the expiration of the term for which they were respectively . elected. Sec. 11. Judicial officers, in office when this constitution shall take effect, may continue to receive such fees and perquisites of office as are now author- ized by law, until the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, notwithstanding the provisions of the twentieth section of the sixth article of this Constitution. Sec. 12. All local courts established in any city or village, including the Superior Court, Common Pleas, Sessions, and Surrogate's Courts, of tne city and county of New- York, shall remain, until otherwise directed by the Legislature, with their present powers and jurisdiction ; and the Judges of such Courts and any Clerks thereof in office on the first day of January, one thoas-ind eight hundred and forty-seven, shall continue in office untD the expiration of their terms of office, or until the Legislature shall otherwise direct XXIT CONSTITUTION OK NKW-TOBK. Sec. 13. This Constitution shall be in force fh>m and including the ttA day of Janueuy, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, except as iB herein otherwise provided. Done in Convention, at the Capitol, in the city of Albany, the ninth day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the seventy-first. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names. JOHN TRACY, President. James S. Starbuck, 1 Francis Seqer, > Secretaries. Henrt W. Strong, J WORKS PUBLISHED BY DERBY : " ' Old Zach !' 'Old Zach !' the war cry rattles Among those men of iron tread, * A» rung 'Old Fritz' in Europe's battles When "bus his hoe! f^reat Frederick led." Literary World FEESH LEAVES from WESTERN WOODS, BEING THE PEOSE WOE£S OF MISS METTA VICTORIA FULLER, the GIFTED WESTERN POETESS : Containing over 300 I2mo. pages. lUnstrated. EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS- l5 HER w«rrn»os, we discern more unquestionable marks of true genius, and • greater portion of the unmistakable inspiration of true poetic art than in any of th« iAdy writers that we have heretofore ushered to the applause of the public. In spirit nod in genius, a most interesting and brilliant lady — still in the earliest youth — un- doubtedly destined to occupy a very distinguished and permanent place among tha native authors of this land. — Home Journal. Gracefoi,, spirited, and brilliant poetess. — N. Y. TVibune. She endently writes with great facility, with a fine command of poetical language, \nd a fency singularly rich in apt and various illustration. — R. W. Gritwold. Her contributions to the "Home Joiu'nal," prove her to be a reai poet — born poet - -of the unmistakable stamp. — New Orleans Delta. Mks Fuller, who has written much for the "Home Journal," under the signature of "Singing Sybil," has an imusual degree of grace and imagination. — TVaihington Union. Ohio is furnistiing the Union with its best poetry. We are proud of her geniiu and confident of her triiunph. — Ohio State Journal. The qualities of her personal and social character are as attractive as her mental gifts are extraordinary. She will be found to deserve as warm a sympathy from the hearts of the virtuous as the admiration which she will receive from the judgments of the discerning. — Detroit Trihane. She is already enviably known to the great literary world, although young and just balancing upon the threshold of womanhood. Some of her productions have been widely republished, and have found a place in the English press. — Southern Cliristian ddvocate. Notable instance of what a gifted mind can accomplish in winning distinctioi* without the advantages of wealth, literary friends, or patrons, to give her a &vorabl« aitroduction to the reading world. — Cleveland Herald. PTTBtlSHED BY DERBY, ORTON & MULLIGAN, Buffido, N. T. DERBY AND MILLER, Aubum, N, Y. OWVERSITY OF CALUORIflA LOS ANrjRT KQ AA 000 824 529 2