HALLOWED HYMNS jH NEW AND OLD ^ J^ THE BIGLOW 8c MAIN CO. *V CHICAGO Jtf Jt NE.V YORK c C (p /^SV G --^ -^ - / ^^^^ / ) /^ ^ ^^^ ,- . ^/ y THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF ALBERT BROUSE y flew anb lb Edited and Compiled by I. Allan Sankey FOR USE IN PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETINGS EVANGEUSTIC SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOLS, YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIFflES AND ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS OF CHURCH WOF iC IReeponeivc Scripture "KeaMnaB Cbante, letc. 320th Thousand !IN aOANO BINDIN* . . $25 FEN 100._3BC.^ IN ruLL CLOTH, INK STAMP 30 " 40C. > 'CM < 1 POSTPAID IN EXTRA CLOTH AND OOLO 40 SOCj THE 100 RATE DOES NOT INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION PUBLISHED BY XTbe BiolovP & flDaln Co. LAKESIDE BUILDING 156 FIFTH AVENUB CHICAGO NEW YORK 1911 CermiaHT, 1907, by The tiGuow A Main Co., New York. International copyright Secured. pxefnce HALLOWED HYMNS, New and Old, was not compiled to be merely a competitor of the many hymn-books already on the market, but to embody as many as possible of the features usually left out or overlooked in making books of this kind, and whose omission has often been lamented by the leaders of the Song Service in the different departments of Church work and by those most interested in the teaching of scriptural truths through the medium of sacred song. The book is divided into four distinct but unmarked divisions, and in examining it, it would be well to bear this in mind. First: Tlie NEW SONQS (Nos. i to 105), some of these have been used before, but most of them appear here for the first time. In choosing these new songs, particular attention has been taken in each case to see that the tunes were entirely suited to the action and sentiment of the words. Many a very beautiful hymn has been so miserably read aloud as to lose all its beauty and attractiveness. How much worse, then, must it be to set a sprightly, life-like, *' whole-souled" hymn to a dull, low, stiff, sJow, sleepy tune: and how often the effect of a grand, stately tune has been absolutely ruined by the use of unsuitable words or by being hurried through at an absurd tempo. The music, while adapted to the words, should be so attractive, so musical, as to win the love of the hearer, and then, when once learned, will never be forgot- ten. Thus, through the medium of the tune, the lesson the hymn embodies will be forever im- printed on the memory. Consequently all the words of the new hymns have been most care- fully edited to make sure that they were not only suitable and poetical, but scriptural. The melodies are harmonized fully and correctly, and printed with all the words la the music. This should be of great service in helping to teach the reading of music by note. In this section there are also songs suitable for special occasions, and many written especially for choir worlc. Second: Following the new songs are the best of the famous GOSPEL HYMNS and their ever popular successor, SACRED SONQS (Nos. 105 to 187), together with many useful songs that have become well known elsewhere. Among these songs are many which were pop- ular thirty or forty years ago and which have done an inestimable amount of good, but which have of late years been allowed to become almost obsolete. These songs will be welcomed by many as old friends and should be introduced and taught to the present generation. Third: This section contains a winnowed but very serviceable collection of the better known STANDARD HYMNS OF THE CHURCH selected from all the leading Church Hymnals, each with the tune that has become wedded to it through universal and continued usage (Nos. 187 to 262). Here, again, the fact that all the words of each verse of these grand old hymns are in the music will be found helpful in increasing the volume of the congpregational singing. Fourth . There is also a large collection of RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS which will be found useful in all services, thus doing away with the need of a separate book. The type which has been used for both words and music of all the pieces is larger than is usually used, and this will greatly add to the value of the book for use in dimly lighted churches. There are three distinct indexes, including three pages of topical index covering 76 different sub- jects. This will enable the leader of the singing to find a suitable hymn for almost any text. Webster's Dictionary gives the definition of "hallow" as "to make holy; to set apart for holy or religious use; to consecrate; to treat as sacred; to reverence"; and it was the editor's earnest wish in compiling the songs for this book and with this idea uppermost, that they should aU merit this title, HAlXoWED HYMNS, New and Old, 1. ALLAN SANKEY, NOTICE Nearly all of the pieces in this Collection, both words and music, are copy- right in the United States, Great Britain and Provinces, under the provisions of the Interna1iiorl Copyright Law, and must not be reprinted or published for any purpose whatever, without the written permission of the owners thereof. THE BIGLOW & MAIN CO., Publishers 1-! IX Malloweb M^mns Bew anD Ib - Sara J. Hala. ^^ The Lord's Prayer. C. M. Bowman. m ^ ^=*^ ^ ^=5^ t^^ r L Our Fa-ther in heav-en We hallow Thy name; May Thy kingdom 2. For give our transgressions, And teach us to know That hum-ble com -M- H-f-M - #- ^,4rir r r ' r rrr r ^'r r^ ^f^^ ^^^^ "^ ' -^ \\^ ~Y -x T S ho ly On earth be the same: O give to us dai ly Our pas - sion. Which par-dons each foe ; Keep us from temp - ta tion, From ^ dTm a J i t= ^ r r r'f r ^ J: 1 i ^-^-t ISI ^ ^-i^ por-tion of bread; It is from Thy boun-ty That all must bo fed. weakness and sin; And Thine be the glo - ry. For cv - er, a men, J I I .m- JL M- ^ ^. ^^ ^ M j -^ 1 i 1 I 4anrMMt. 18-^-^- sut T I i X iT ly -1 P> r I ^^^1 ^ V -#- gp Grace, for the du-ties be- fore thee, Ask of thy God and re - ceive. Look on the side that is bright est. Pray, and thy path will be clear. Soon thou shalt dwell in its bright ness, There with the Lord thou shalt be. Dwell in the depths of His mer . cy, Thou shalt re-ceive thy re ward. It: *=^=:Ji=|E=jc=:^ CHORUS. Nev Nev-er er give up, give up, nev - er give up, Nev - er give up, Nev-er give up, nev - er give up, - ^t # #- ^ ^=fe=ti=:^=p: =1^-^=^=^=^: -V-V- V y y V V y y -N- --A- i- -K-, :^=M=^#=; -^t Nev-er give up to thy sor - rows, Je sus will bid them de part; Trust In the Lord,, Trust in the Lord, trust i , Trust in the the Lord, Trust in the Lord, ^ - COPYRIGHT, 1S03, BY THE BlGLOW i MAIN CO., NEW YORK. Hr-4- Never Give Up. Concluded. J^-f^ ^ i p p r-ai ^ ^ , T.- ^ ^ N -A-+ =1^ - r-K: Lord, Singwhenyourtri-als are great-est, Trust in the Lord and take heart. Trast in the Lord, ~^""==^^^^^^I^II!ZZIIZ ^ - -*- ^ 4:1- .0. ^ M. ^ ^^ ^!^ =P=P= H 1 (- U ^^ 1/ I *-V^ t^ i ^ ' ' -L. A Year of Precious Blessings. Fanny J. Crosby. I. Allan Sankey. ^ i^ *2=S: *^ ^ r & blessings . sem -blies noint - ed. And glorious vic-t'ries won, Of In might-y pow'r de-scend. Be March on the world to win, Lead n 1. 'A year of 2. ThouMas-ter 8. Church of precious of as God's a H9- ^ :jtq ^3: :g=^ 2^ rf i ^ n-- i ^^- ^ -K^ S3E^ -s^ earnest work progressing, hold our glad re-un ion, forth thy ranks by millions m^ "^i n-- Its on-ward course has run; Con-duct it to the end; A-gainst the hosts of sin, - 1 r-^- To Thee, God, our Inspire our hearts with Till at His throne in ^ :)i=t i 1 I t ^--1 r ^ ^ -J . f^ -H: ^2^=1 =^=1= :S: Ref-uge, Whose goodness crowns our days, With-in Thy earthly tem-ple, We courage And deep -er love for Thee, Tliat all.Thy Name may hon - or, Wher- glo ry. Where an-gels prostrate fall, One Hal - le lu - jah cho-rus Shall lift our souls in praise; W'ith-in Thy earthly tem-ple, We lift our souls in praise, e'er our field maybe, That all, Thy Name may honor, Wher-e'or our field may be. crown Ilim Lord of all. One Hal - le - lu jah cho-rus Shall crown Him Lord of all. f-f^ orraiaHT. t07. it Thi Biauow Main g., mw Tw Great is His Mercy. Maud Frazer. I, Allan 8anlcy. pmi.lllti-^m^t:n'niVi^ 1. I'll sing and rejoice in my Saviour's dear name ; Great is 2. In all that be-falls me, I know Je-sus cares ; Great is 3. He sought me when wand'ring in sin's dreadful night ; Great is 4. Tho' oft' with neglect this dear Friend I pass'd by, Great is 5. It can - not be told, all His goodness and love; Great is ^ -r f-.f f f His mercy toward me; His mercy toward me ; His mercy toward me; His mercy toward me: nis mercy lowara me: His mercy toward me; i ^ I ftdg S M--^ rt ^ h I 5^ wn l^ b b ^ I I I I V w i s \ V^'^^IMM =^^=if= ^ m And ev - er His won-der f ul love I'll proclaim ; Great is His mercy toward me. He lightens each burden, each sorrow He shares; Great is His mercy toward me. He brought me from darkness to marvelous light, Great is His mercy toward me. He o-pened His arms when to Him I did cry, Great is His mercy toward me. Oh, this is my song when I meet Him a-bove, "Great is His mercy toward me. -f- f-.f f " ^^fer^ ^ V4r-- ai I. ^ b I. i iL=b y V Chobtis. B P f=s v- i-3^- ^^ i-i i t Great is His mer . cy toward me, (t'ward me), Yes, Great is His ^ t WSTfc ?=f^ f ' I I ' l * "t d H P wm rxtJ mer ' cy toward me, (t'ward me), He i EE?^ -e-*^ par - dons my sin, Gives .^' T f- t ^ hC=5= S3 *: m rz. glo - ry with - in; Oh, great is His mer - cy toward me ^ ^ ^ r=^ ^ \j ]^ V V V orviuaMT, 1M7, IT THt BioLow & Main Co., new yomu Girded for Battre. Fanny J. Crosby. Voices in unison. VIotop H. 8enk yotcea n unison, ^ I Ps 1. Gird - ed for bat tie our fore - es we bring, 2, Gird ed for bat tie our path-way is clear, 8. Gird ed for bat - tie, now on, to the field. I z:^-^ g : J J d' d ^ ^ #^-^ s' ' ^ # Fear - less and faith-ful to Since He is for us no Truth is our watchword and XI :^ r-Q 1 fS 1 1 S f K 1 Pv V -0- -0- . fol low our King; Read y the le - gions of e - vil to brave, dan - ger we fear, Le - gions can nev er His sol diers en-slave, faith is our shield, Fierce tho' the con - flict its per il we'll brave. ^t i -J- -^ -*^ Trust - ing our Lead-er, " the Might - y He, our Commander, is might -y He, our De - liv -'rer, is might - y to save to sav to sav '^-. a H ^ \ re.) 'e. V Vic - to re. ) ryl vie - to-ryl ^i=t L-J-J "^l~rr-^"T^- --A -^- ^fSfI ^s ^^ E^EE this our acclaim, Vic-to-ry! vie - to-ryl praise to His name; Sing till the 3^^3=^H!i: *; S :^zi: 1^:58:?: 3t5i4 -t^ 1?- -* - an-som'd that watch from the sky, Send back the an-swer," Your triumph is nigh.** CorrmsMT, 1907, sy Tni Siqlow A Maih Co., hew VOMh 6 Won't You Pray? D. K A. Apr. by P. J. C D. Z. Canady. i ^ ^#= X ^^B :S=i=^ T 1/ -^ . t/ . 1. Chris-tian work-ers, hear a - gain the Mas - ter's pa - tient call, Go ye 2. Chris-tian work-ers, on -ward now and haste the lost to save, Seek them 3. Chris-tian work-ers, wea ry not, your la bors will be blest. Lift the W^^^- ^4: 1> ^: 'X^^ ^ 1^ ev h> e\ 1 g T f m T- 0. - =S-#- r -^-' nr'-'-^ forth and la bor while 'tis day; Work and sing to-geth er, till the on the mountain wild and cold; Bring them out of bond-age,from the roy al stand-ard while you may ; Tell the heav - y lad - en that in evening dark a Je - sus tot .=^t -* 1=- te4cz=k=jc^: ^ s ^tFt~ H- 1 '- 1 '^^ ^ \ iT- n 1 1 ^ 1 1? # -1 =:= -t~ -i=^ 1 1 1 shad ows fall, Pray for those who per - ish far a - wav. bodes of sin, Lead them to the Shep - herd and the fold. there IS rest, Bear the gos . pel ti dings far a way. Cm\' h m f ^ " r f ^ ~t^ *~~ __, 1 r^ '1 ^'Vh-S U .. 1 ^ -f- it . * i \ 1 =r-^ ^\) W ," 1 # 'J \J \j y f 1 1 1 J \^ i 1 n , CHORUS. ~7", ^ ";' r -| 3 r-^ -^ -ih /k b ^) > j^-- ^H i> ' #-r- -i lu; ' J . '^ ^ m a Won't you pray. Won't -- 5 r you pray. Won't you pray, ' Won't you pray. For some /^ h 1 1 1 ^ . r (PJ. , 7 V. ^ 1 1 1 N* ^ r M . ... m. .. ViJ^U L ^ - ^ l . 10 ^ 1 . m 1 ^^ I' 7 1 ,j . r , J K U ; ( i/ b ' ^*rr=?=^ ^ ' ~l " ^rJ loved one lost -#- . t^.h '. b i^r ^ J in sin's dark ^^^. 0.-^ way? Won't you rf-' :: 1 ^^=^--i*-i ' * \ pray. Won't you Won't you pray, , ^^^' T -r^ b^ \ r-^ '^b-lT 7 ^i n _5_j.^__^^_i L'' r ! ^ '^ - 1 ' ^ 1 COPTRisHT. 1609, lY The Biqlow * main Co., New yomc Won't You Pray? Concluded. -^ ^ K s 3E r T- i m. pray, For Won't you way, S some dear one wlio has gone a - stray. -^ I \1/ Edith Q. Cherry. Kept for Jesus, I. Allan Sankey. 1. Oil, to be " Kept for 2. Oh, to be " Kept for 3. Oh, to be " Kept for 4. Oh, to be " Kept for gEE5 2ii; :)i=|i: Je Je Je Je -- sus!" Kept, by the power of God; sus!" Serv - iiig as He shall choose; sus!" Kept from the world a - part; sus!" Oh, to be all His own; -A . _:? m f '%L p , p Jt- Ic^ic Kept, from the world un - spot - ted, Treading where Je sus trod. "Kept" for the Mas - ter's pleas -ure; "Kept" for the IMas tcr's use. Low - ly in mind and spir - it. Gen - tie and {>ure in heart. Kept, to be His for ev - er, Kept to be His a - lonel -P r-t: ^^-jLi* m^ Chorus. .'^ L=. L . . -'-: # -9 L^._. pt for Je - sus!" Lord at Thy feet I fall; Lord J at Thy feet rit. I -1 f h^ ^ jr ^ 1 u I would be "nothing, noth-ing, nnth-ing;" Thou slialt be "all in all." MrrUOMT, IMk IT JMM RlOLOW 4 MAIN 0*^ 8 Soldiers for the King of Glory. Fanny J. Crosby. (Never Weary.) i i- 4T^ Victor H. Banks. 5^ ^M-i^=^ ^rrr^-ji:^ ^ mr 1. Sol-diers for the King of glo - ry, On-ward now with courage brave; 2. At His sig - nal let us fol low, At His mandate let us go 3. He has said that we shall con quer, And His promise we be-liere; 4. On-ward! for-wardl firm and fear less He will guide us with His eye, mi f=?= =^ g r g : -b: h r H^ ^^- 3f2=?: ^ -^ -^ ^ "r^ ^=^ -z^ ^ Hold a loft His roy - al stand - ard. And pro-claim His pow'r to save. To the fore-most ranks of bat tie, With our fa ces to the foe. He has said His loy - al sol - diers Life e ter - nal shall re - ceive. And for ev *ry pain we suf fer, Joy will crown us by and by. ,t^0 ^^ ^ I b [ I r g V- ; '# CHORUS. =t ^ -^ * i^ T-r-f 7 rrrrrr-f r TfT^ Nev er wea-ry in His serv ice, Nev - er lay our armor down, Nev er wea Tj In Hla service, Nev - er lay our armor dowa, 1 I I 1 I I I I . ^^f ^=k ::^ ^^ g ' s i .-I- m ^ ^ -+-T- 3tZ3t T Till the fight of faith is end ed. And we wear the vie - tor's crown t^:'-H^tr^-t ^ :S=S= S I l^fc=:t t=t t: rniMKT. ta*2, ir The biqlqw mam c*. mw 9 Hold Fast. Fanny J. Croaby. Chas. H. Qabpll. ^^ # ' d . 9- N fV V -i-. V i :t ^ I 1. sail - or on a treacherous sea, Tho' rent thy ev *rj sail may be, Thq' 2. Hold fast, be strong and banish fear; Look up, be - hold the har-bor near; A 3. Tho' sur-ges roll, and waves run high,The Gospel life - boat still is nigh; It 4. Oh, sail orl lift a-gain thine eyes, Be-hold with joy and glad surprise A 5. Oh, land of rest from toil and care. Who would not long to en-ter there. Where # ^ ^ ^ ! dr-4-j F J n"-> g-^ I*- v i g: ^^ fJ2: 1=r V ^ all cry can glo- ev < thy earth-ly hopes are past. And thou art cling of joy from yon - der strand. Where lov'd ones wait - not from its course be driv'n,'Tis rious morn, that dawns for thee, Far, . 'ry throb of pain shall cease. And sure far ev to be 'ry i^ EESi (to ing to the mast. to clasp thy hand, reach the port of Heav'n, yond a storm y sea. be hushed to peace! J . sish =F T CHORUS. ~rm Holdfast a moment more,. ... Be - hold... , a light up- on the shore; The' Hold fast a moment more, a light up on ^ P 9 9 !^^ S33Er t. r^ 5 % fcr^jrfcjE ai J J j . i ^m -rr scarce a beam thino eye can see, Thy Sav - iour comes to res cuo thoo. i^^ ^t^- ^^ Wil l IT. \ti>, mr TM (I*!.** luia . NMf TMIh 10 The Home of Endless Years. John R. Clements. John R. 8weny. ^ ^ * T^ g^- -li- Though With We'll bur dens heav - y we toil some ef . fort in la bor on with a J=J: here must bear And the faith we sow, Tho* no smile and song. And we'll J 1 I ^ ^ lES: 3^ i ^ ^ b: 1^ i^ ^ lit #- eyes are mads dim with tears, There'll be naught of sor row " o - ver har vest our vis - ion cheers ; We will not lose heart, 'twill all be give ta the winds our fears. For the day of tri als can't be ^ . I I ^ ^ r^ ^ -^ 4= i=J there " In the "home of the end - less years. plain, In the "home of the end - less years." J- In the bet -ter land. In that long. Soon tho "home of the end - less years." ) ^ A^ W- -^, N- rr -&-^ t o m m m, IM^ m it< K euiuNTd UHt m n Make Paths for the King! E. E. Hewrrr. ^ ir=t M W. H. DOANk. j- j-i i im ^i=^ -j ! it ^ ^ j 1. Up- lift ev-'ry val-ley, the sun-light to share; Bring low ev-'ry mountain by 2. More lab'rers are wanted, the work is so great; With courage and kindness.things 3. Seek out the rough places, and smooth them with love ; Use sympathy, patience and Nrpft'gf iW^ ^m I -# # p- -h f- -|r-r ^ ^ ::^=il=it w ^ ^ ' b^ f J2^ T faith's conqu 'ring pray'r; For serv - ice so bljess -ed, your best ef - forts bring, To crook-ed, make straight; Let love's crys-tal foun-tains, a - bund-ant - ly spring; Far pow'r from a - bove. Re - mem-ber life's sea - sons pass by on the wine, The 1^ ^ p- ^. t "^ = CHORUS. 3E3^ ^ ^^^ *=^f=T=r souls that need Je out in the des Mas - ter is com sus, make paths for the King, ert, make paths for the King, ing! make pfiths for the King. Make paths for the *==* i -K^-T- * King! (for the King m !) Till earth with ITis prais - es shall ring, (shall ring,) Make t-^. , . ^ J J , -^E^ irfc 'i* r- S ^"r-5-f h:^ ^ paths. for gtrjiight p.ntliB the King I Christian, make paths for the Kingi for tlie Kin?! OoiKT, 1807, IT w. H. DoiNE. Used tv Eic 12 Press On, Press On I Grace J. Frances. Hubert P. Main. m i :t3t m J ^ ^ ^ 1. Press on, press on, with ea - ger joy, The Chris - tian race to run; 2. Let ev - 'ry weight be cast a - side. And each be - set - ting sin, 3. Press on, like those who, safe - ly now, A - mong the host a - bove; 4. Press on, press on, glo - rious hope, The time will not be long. ^t 1^ SEE3EEE ^ J^ ^^ I r 3EE r^ ^=j? Be strong in Him whose name you bear, The Lord's a - noint - ed With stead - fast faith and firm re - solve. Press on the prize to Have reach'd the goal for which they sought, And won their crowns of When you shall join tlie ran - som'd host. And sing their vie - tor =1 . jU J Son. win. love, song. -gp- -^- CHORUS. i :&=* w=i (I ^ SeS I j *-^ g^i * -i5=i^ :^# t ^*-^ -?5l- Prcss bold - ly on at I His command, Whose word can nev - er fail; i =1: -- . It II r=]= i=t I Since He, the world h.is o ver-come. Thro' Him you shall pre - vail. ^^.^^n^_^ COPTRIOMT, 1905- BY THE BiQUOW * MAIN CO.. NEW YORK. 13 We are Going Forth. Fanny J- Croeby and J. R. C. I. Allan 8anky J \ rf e 4 T^ , M^ rr 1. We are go - ing forth to the world's great field, 'Mid the cry of war re 2. We are go - ing forth in the joy of youth, Ou each brow the light of 3. We are go - iiig forth thro' the hosts of wrong, Fling be-fore us bold de - 4. We are go ing forth in Je - ho-vah's might, As a faith - f ul world-wide mf r \M -#- -#- #- -J J- ^ - rf t ^ ? i ^ fsrfl il=H: J^ -^ r^ ^^ ^ -^- rr ^tt :i=*: m. sound -Ing; We are go - ing forth with sword and shield, And our cheer-ful mora - ing; Wo are lift - ing up the torch of truth, And a ho ly fi - ance; For our Cap tain gives the vie- tor's song, And He is onr "lold - ing high His flag of right, To the earth's re - ^ -#- -#- -J- -#- t S ! I le - gion ; We are hi r=^ 42=^^ ^i^ ^ b* y u r ^^ CHORUS. i^m ^m-n^^ m hearts are bound - Ing. \ flrm ?e " .^""li^-' llc'a f ^^ ^^ youthful Christian soldiers: Christ leads on be - mot - est ro - gion. ) tr H I : : ^- k)^ t tr-r V- T 1- fore us, With Him we fight.For truth and right, 'Till swells the victor's cko -rus. t-t-fr- g^ =: -# IP - T 1 r ii^-T^ jizza: f r, iMr, ar Tm aMLSw 4 mju< cc_ Mw ' 14 Sunshine on the Hill. Fanny J. Crosby. i * w Charles H. QabrieL fc f L -Hr^ r^ -^31^ '-0-. 1. There are shad - ows in the val - ley, "Where our tir - ed feet must go; 2. There are shad - ows in the val - ley, But we breathe the sweet per - fume 3. Oh, the shad - ows of the val - ley, Like a dream will pass a - way ; m J=^ Jb* ?F g J IJ. J. r 1 r i I: '^wW- iatirfc ;* *- But we hear the peace-ful wa - ters, As they mur mur soft and Of the ros es on the raount-ain, In their love . ly, Ter - nal They will van - ish at the dawn ing Of the bright and glo rious low; bloom; day; 3 -0 . 4 #- i r-+- ir-. ^ ' ah !-T-- m And our Shep-herd whis-pers gen - tly. As He leads And a - gain our Shep-herd whis-pers. As He leads E yen now there comes an ech - o, And we feel us on - ward still: us on - ward still: its mag - ic thrill: ^ t=Ft==t ^i^^T "There are shad-ows in the val -ley, But 'tis sun-shine t-'^h -t on the hill. ^^^ 4=t ,, CHORU& # . rr^i \ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ! 1 J^ ' 1 iC \ m m m ' -^ J ^-"^'^ --^ _JL =t=rd vi) f , w f > , 1 Sun-s , . u 4 1 ^1 shine 1 on -f- 1/ the S-1 hill, There is sun - shine on the 1 ---' 5 U 1 b- te -b. b. 1 hill; ' tx ^ -I p^-H w * = 1 1 ^ ' ^:::r4z tZ U- :^ 1 -! 1 U- SarmifiHT, 1902, ir The Biglow * main Co., Niw Yonk, :hi Sunshine on the Hill. Concluded. i 3=j^ EJ i=it=it: ^if=^- #5 1 1 ^ 3t - #- . " There are shad - ows in the val - ley, But 'tis sun -shine on the hill.' 15 Face to Face. Mrs. Frank A. Breck. Moderato. Qrant Coiftuc Tullar. I=t ^='r*=^ 1. Face to face with 2. On - ly faint -ly 3. What re - joic-ing 4. Face to face! O! Christ my Sav - iour, now, I see Him, in His pres - ence, bliss-fal mo - ment! Face to face what will it be ? With the dark-ling veil be-tween. When are ban-ished grief and pain; Face to face to see and know; m a* -p ?- f P . I_x5 m i- -' 1 \^ H 1- :SS When with rap-ture I be - hold Him, Je - sus Christ who died for Bnt a bless-ed day is com - ing, When His glo - ry shall be When the crooked ways are straightened. And the dark things shall be Face to face with my He - deem - er, Je - sus Christ who loves me X- -- Ita: -P me. seen. plain. so. (g-r ^3fH Chokus, -J ^ Face to face shall I be - hold Him, Far be-yond the star-ry sky;.. <^^E^^N^ i^ t/ ^ !-*- r .OJ. I C<>*lOHT, 16M, *r Tullar -MCHEo CO. UUD ir PUk 16 Fanny J. Crosby. The Story Must be Told. -J I Ira D. Sankey. - g l . ; i i i \ i ^ ' ^^ J i i O the pre - cious gos - pel sto - ry, How it tells of loTe to all, O the bless - ed gos - pel eto - ry, Of His meek and low - ly birth,- O the won-droua gos- pel sto - ry, There is life in ct - eryword; ^g ^^ -aj-rf ^ *:- J J i How the Sav-iour in com - pas - sion, Died to save ng from the fall; And the wel-come of the an gels When they sang good -will to earth; There is hope and con- so - la - tion, Where the mes - sage sweet is heard; M A ^ -i^-H ji^a s^ ^s 3 m How He came to seek the lost ones. And to bring them to His fold; Of the cross, on which He suf-fered, As byproph-ets seen of old,~ Let us tell it to the wea - ry, And its bean - ties all an - fold; -1 ^ . ^^ fcrtiHt I f^ I ^=^^ :*;=? W^ ^^i=^ Let ns hast - en to pro -claim it, For the sto-ry Of His death and res - nr - rec - tion, Let the sto - ry 'Tis the on - ly guide to hear - en, And the sto-ry f- nwLsl be told, now be told. must be told. r-f Chorus. -4- -&- j i j :r=fe I The sto - ry must be told (be I 5=t: A=^ told), The sto - ry must be told, fe^ '^=X. X X ^ -# = # "f 1 . [ 3 arriMMT, iset, wr Thi Biokew maim com Hew Vo The Story Must be Told. Concluded. i 1^ I I i ^=^ - 3^ fr^-t * *-^' ^ ^~^ * That Je - sus died for sin - nera lost, The sto - ry mnst be told. m 4:=-: m 4 w m - :P=e: 1 r =t r 17 Fanny J. Crosby. God of Eternity. I. Allan Sankey. ^ns: =?^,i 1. God of 6 - ter - ni - ty, 2. God of e - ter - ni - ty, 3. God of e - ter - ni - ty, 4. God of e - ter - ni - ty. Sav - iour and King, Help us An - cient of Days, Glo - rious Eul - er di - vine, Strength of Love., is Thy name, God of to in the the m a J^^=d?b=S4 ' i"i ' I ^ I 4 -I- *ja: J^E^^ hon - or Thee, Help while we sing; Now may the clonds of night maj - es - ty. An - thor of Praise; Hear Thou our ear - nest call, might -y hills. All power is Thine; Bound-less Thy reign shall be, earth and sea. Thee we pro -claim; Love, thro' Thine on - ly Son, -j._< jgl S^-^5h,. -a- ---- J ^4- 4 \X- ^=t i^D ^^ t=^ ^- :=X. ^ -yy Break in - to splendor bright, Je - sus, our life and light, Our Lord and Kinc;! While at Thy feet we fall, Je - sus, our all in all, Our Lord and King! "WondronsThy vie - to - ry, Earth shall befiU'd with Thee, Our Lord and King! Thy work of grace hath done; O blessed Three in One, Our Lord and King! kl n^ I H ^zX-r irf 'j^ HP MmMKg ioiL IT Thi imlow * Mam 0. Mw Vmk. 18 It Was for Me. J. L . Harding. m^ SOLO, OR DUET. -^ !r-T f N- Janet L. Harding. -N N ^-^- 3^^3^ 31=*: ^ ^-^SiT^-J: 1. O what am I, that I should be The ob - ject of God's wondrous 2. That He should give His Son for me, A sac - ri - fice of love di- 3. wondrous love, that He should leave His throne and come to earth for 4. A life of serv - ice, death of shame, En - sam - pie true for all for S: I^t I^V- f r t rx grace, vine ; me; me: i^ f r w^^ Itard. -^=M ^Ei^: :^=iit That He should send His Son to me, That I might see Him face Of love as bound -less as the sea, That I might call the Sav Should give His life my soul to save, The ran-som pay, that sets shall I not a - dore His name. Thro' time and thro' e - ter to iour me ni face? mine, free. . tyl r m n '^- -^- -^-^- r REFRAIN. 0- ^ 1 1 ^ s -1 r-s V- ' - -1 n 7^o~z ^ ^" -A 1 ^5 "1 ~^ ^ 1^ ~f J ; ~i~~ Cy t J 4^ H ^ -^ __ J^H -d - i H i It was for me. It was for me ; For me He left His throna a for me, for me; - - ^ ^ ^ m ^ m ^ - -^M -i^*^ ^ ^ S g-g ^ 8-. -^ i !^-^ 1 i? b- V b" V V ^ ^ ' F 1 \ n I N N 1 ^ N. riY ^ / \ - \ 1 1 1 , . . f^ ' /^ ' 1 "1 / n *i J ?' n ^ ^ P^ IT T J J * J ^ "J J 1 ! ^ 1 J K:) 1 m ^ S m 1 *l #1 * 1 0\ 1 hove, His grace, His good - ness all goodness, goodness for mc, For me, for me, m J ^ J Sr m -5- the -0- -0- ' -- o-cean of His love. J /^ 1 X ^ ' [ 5 L W ~s~ \ S P 1 milin i"-^" 1 *1 ^ -1 r 1* r P k 1 1 *r^t\ 'Wr^S 1 1 '-^ 1/ ' -^-J f ! ; k k ^1 1 1/ y y L/ i^ 1 '^ ma rynr,/lT,oaa all fof ^ j j ' GomiiaMT, 1901, ar The Biglow * Htm Co., NewYoRic 19 E. E. Hewitt. Not too fast. Something Whispers- (Duet, Soprano and Tenor with Chorus.) 3 I W. H. Doane. s 5 ^^ ^ 1. Some-thing whis - pers in my soul : Let the Sav - iour take con - trol, 2. As the night from dawning day, So my fears will flee a - way, 3. Led by love's con-strain-ing call, I will yield to Him my all; 4. When, a - mid the ransora'd throng, I shall join the hap -py song. A-^ f-^^- \ y ^ i V fai h ^3^ On - ly he can make me whole. When ray hap - py heart can say, Sing-ing till life's e-ven-tide. Which e - ter - nal years pro- long. i^fcz* s m^isUi&dS^dM Je - sus bled and died for me. Jo - sus bled and died for me. Je - sus bled and died for me. Je - sus bled and died for me. I U i I ^^^^^^^ 4- 70-^ u^7f i ^^ ^=f i CHORUS. -t> ^ N- u BE i i^i^ V '3 I ' W Something whis - pers c:in it bo, There is liope for one lilve mo, f-'ii it be, like me 0- tr- : r- r r t- ^ t^-tri .< < (_ Ui 1 r i?i<. I will seek Ilismer-cy full and fno, Jo- sus hlod and died for nio. ^_-k_a-j iL fefe^fe^^ oorrmgHT, 1807, ir w. H, Ooine, ukd rt Pia, 20 A Song of Heaven and Homeland/ Eben E. Rexford. Ira D. Sankey. i ^ I X s ^=w=\^ -#- -#^ ^ ^ * 1. Some-times I hear strange ma - sic, Like none e'er heard be - fore, 2. Now soft, and low, and rest - f ol It floods my soul with peace, 3. This ma - sic haants me ev - er Like some - thing heard in ^eams, _r^ ^^ IV. mn^ ^ m r^ r ^ g ^ Come float - ing soft - ly earth - ward As thro' Heav'n's o - pen door; As if God's ben - e - die - tion Bade all earth's troa-blea cease. It seems to catch the ca - dence Of heav'n - ly winds and streams. ^ -/ fer =^ i I It seems like an - gel voio - es. In strains of joy and love Then grand - er than the voio - ea Of wind, and wave, and sea, My heart is filled with rap - tare, To think, some day to come. ^ * 1 " : S r J . I ^- -^ \j y \fi -#- - - - .^ That swell the might -y cho - ras, A - ronnd the throne a - bove. It fills the dome of Heav - en With glo - rioas har - mo - ny. I'll sing it with the an - gels, The song of Heav'n and home. -- -P- -#- -#- Chorus, J- \ \ sweet, an - earth - ly ma - sic, Heard from a land a - far ^ 1 :f:- I SES^ f CorrmaHT, 1901, by The Biolow * Main CO., New York. A Song of Heaven and Homeland. Concluded. ^=^ P^ ^^=^F=^ ^s l-A ^ a^ , f - f- ^ ^E^- -f^ I The song of Heav'n and Home-land, Thro' doors God leaves a - jar. M f 21 Jno. R. Clementa. ^ H^^ Christian Workers- I. Allan Sankey. ^^ t^ ^ i ^ Speed you forth to - day ; Sing the toil-ers' song; Night will fol - low noon ; Hear the ral - ly call, 1. Speed you Chris-tian work-ers, 2. Speed you Chris-tian work-ers, 3. Speed you Chris-tian work-ers, 4. Speed you Chris-tian work-ers. In the miglit of Strew the path with This the time for Je - sus leads His ^^ t=ft rTT. i r V- f=:S: mm -^^-4 H-^ ? i s mi ^t=. m ^ ^=t=tt=^ Je - sun- la fore sus Speed a shine All day bor, Dark - ncss - es; For - ward way I long I sooni all I -J To the whitened har - vest; To the Bright-en up the du - ties; Wear a Day for earn -est pur -pose; Day for Where the need is great - est; Where the -+- i-==l 1 ( ' r =t x 1 r jtnL ^S *=*=! -^fzr m bus- y plain; With he - ro - ic val - or Gar - ner in the grain, hap - py smile; For the road to Ilea - vcn Is a sun - ny milo. deeds of love; Bare the arm for ac - tion, Loy - al scrv-auts prove, strife is long, Go with no - bio cour - age. And in spir - ing song. ^ "1 =tr \ zttui rr VomMHT, 1907, IT THE Biswow A MAIN CO., New voir.' 22 A Starless Crown. Qpant Colfax Tullar. I. H. Meredith. w 1. There is a 2. The gains of 3. For bid it, ^ ^- :f: 1^ land mine eyes shall earth are all but Lord, that I should see When 1 shall loss, E ter nal be Con . tent to -rr-^ LT- lay life's ar . joys are all live for self -tt 1 Jt, mor down; But all its for me When I by a lone. Oh, may some bliss is not for faith up lift the soul I win for =: 1^ $ CHORUS. me. If I must wear a star - less crown cross. And lead one soul, dear Lord, to Thee, Thee A dorn my crown when life is done ;i star - less fe 5^=1 crown, when life is done, No glit-t'ring gems which I have won ? -^=^=, For-bid it, Lord, that there should be A star-less crown in Heav'n for me. ^ '^ y 23 Able to Deliver. Fanny J. Crosby. rra D. i=t Sankey. -> 1 =;* 3?8: t^- -0- ^i3 ^f^ -Sr-'- 1. O troa-bled heart, be thou not a - fraid, In the Lord thy God, 2. O trou-bled heart, tho' thy foes u - nite. Let thy faith be strong 3. O trou-bled heart, when thy way is drear, He will res - cue thee let thy and thy and dis- t:=t ^~^- It m It 5=^ iz* J^ - *4#- ' I =t hope be stayed; He will hear thy cry and will give thee aid. What- arm - or bright; Thou shalt o - -ver-come thro' His pow'r and might, And pel thy fear; In thy great -est need He is al - way near, To e?-3 m : t r Chorus. !ll Jtz i?^ 11 e'er thy cross may be more than con-queror Him all glo - ry be. \ be. V be. ) He is ble still to de - liv - er thee, -2- lii^il=^ T r :tzz m 1^ And Ilis own right - hand tby ^ . -P ^ - - N -V do - fence shall r r -0 He is Si V. ' a - fraid. EEi a - ble still to de - liv - er thee. Then bo thou not r r CoPYRiQHT, 1899, lY The Biqlow 4 Main Co., srw Yonit 24 Forward, Christian Soldiers. Fanny J. Crosby. {In march time.) I. Allan Sankey. i i2z i H j i i i=S=^ l=4 1. Forward, Christian sol - diers, marching on our way, 2. Forward, Christian sol - diers, marching on our way, 3. Forward, Christian sol - diers, marching on our way, 4. Forward, Christian sol - diers, marching on our way, Sword in hand, brave-ly stand Bold and strong, wake the song, Lo! a star from a - far. Look a - bove, crowns of love. itzp: i ^_k ^ K ^ t^ y ji-k -ti Ir- 1 tr-r r c r 1 ^ ' ^^ :^^=K: =tt^^^ i^ ^=f ^r^r for the right to - day; rank by rank to - day; sbines for us to - day; "wait the promised day; t Ral - ly 'round our tandard, sound the bat - tie - cry, See the ft ad-vanc-ing, hear the trump-et- call; 'Tis our Roy - al Mas - ter, bend - ing from the skies, Fol - low our Com-mand - er till the war is past. : : p rfr t=^ It =p:^ - * - -t p h- k k i# i 'r k-'r ^ K-'r iii= ^-F=l ^n^ r^^ ^1 > I Full Chorus. fe^ gBlJd^^ ^ Lift the cross of Je - sus, wave iCs ban - ner high. Stead -y now and fear - less, for - ward, one and all. To His f aith-ful ser - vants reaching forth the prize. Then, with Him in glo - ry, live and reign at last. _ ^ - - _ . ^ \ -- -0- > Forward, Christian sol - diers. :K: ^=^ 4t =F^ 2S i J= SEJ T^ ^E^ ^ # ^1e trust-ing in the Lord, Lead -ing on to vie- to - ry: Hal - le - lu ?=#: =H=t= S K^y ^ ^ i=r jah! :Jc=^zjr=zji=jiZT=^ 1 r :>.***' 4 t S3 afzii: ^ we shall sing, hal - le - lu - jah to the King! Lead-ing on to vie - to ry- m ^~r i 3 g: I^HIE QOrTRItnr, 107, IT TMt BiSkOW * MAm CO., NEW YORK. 25 M. Woolisy Sirykap. 3 Man the Life-Boat I 44- Hubspt P. Main. tfe ftfcfefefe fe P 4: [7 y I p 1. Man the life - boat! Man the life -boat! Strong and short 2. Man the life - boat! Man the life -boat! Fog and night 3 Man the life - boat! Man the life -boat! Our -age, fel - 4. Man the life - boat! Man the life - boat! l^ink how once a-bove the roar, Sounds tho and cm - el sea. All the lowmenl'Tis He, Guid-ing on break-ing deck Thou didst h^- -i 1 =} 1 ^ or - der odds of us to stand a- to the watchers On the tempest-beat-en shore, Hark! a - gain the guns ap - death a-gainst them, And e - ter-nal jeo-pard - y. Thou, who bidd'st us dare the your de - liv'rance, Once that trod the Gal-i - lee! Lo, the Church that carrieth ghastjtill Je - BUS Brought thee from the lurching wreck. To the oars then! Re- -^- -v v-v- i ^ d -^ ^ 3:E^iEEr=3 ? peal-ing! Burg - es, Je - sus, deem-er li^i!^ -0g tj^zzittt-j m^ :t- Sig - nals burn for swift re - lief ; There are men and wives and chil-dren, Stay us at the struggling oar! Nay! go with us to the res -cue! Notdeath'8flood-gatesshallo'erwhelm;Scourging8tormsbut urge us shoreward. Let Thy heart throb thro' our hand. Till the souls in mor-tal dan-ger. m= t^=t ?lzii|: :?-= f^fc. :^^^^ ^i^p ^^^ n^f^f "fir Fac - ing death, on yon - der reef! ?S^?Jw lV'f^ ft tTm'fUanthe life -boati Man the life-boat! Help.for Life and Love are at the helm! ' *^' Find thro' Thee the sol - id land. ^mm -A-h- El=l J I L-e--^ tiftitttz ^^ -uai- m Christ's sake.them that drown! In the per- il of great wa-ters, Let them not go down! CorrmaHT, issi, it HuiERr p. maik. 26 Lead me, O my Saviour. Fanny J. Crosby Charles H. QabrM. I ^ fs 4- X 3SEE * m 1. Lead me, O my Sav-iour, lead me, 2. Lead me, O my Sav-iour, lead me, 3. Lead me, O my Sav-iour, lead me, -s>- -0- Clos - er would I cling to Thee, Keep my heart from ev - ery snare; Till at last, my jour - ney o'er. -U u ^ 1^ Tg-. fc=^ :^iv: vvv- j^ ^ ^ -^-4^ * -^ ^ 1 -#-g- ^ --*=t- 7tr see. care, more. Ere the shad-ows gath- er round me Fierce tempta-tions oft &a - sail me I shall see, a dore and praise Thee And my way I can - not And I need Thy con-stant With the ransomed ev er - ^ I --^ 22: ^ Chorus. | ! ^ J^ ^ ^ f f^ M *^ J 1 ^ rfYH= ^^i- ~^^ ^ -?^ ^ ^ 1 ^ J^ Lead me. Lead me, my Sav-iour, ,^ T T T t ^ T-^ lead lad me, -- -#- me, Grant Thy strength and grace di- my Sav iour. Grant, grant Thy IF47 b tz Is U U =f ?- -f g p k - m m ^ -1 1 1 1 v^ * 1 ^^ b- -b- 1^ ^ L- A 1 \ 1 i^ k' t^ 1/ 1 I -s vine; strength and grace di vine} : Let my thoughts on Thee be Let my thoughts on -- -#- -#- -#- X -A I == 5^ ^=^. i ri' -?5<- -f9- \ cen Thee be ^ tered cen tered _:f-_:t_ I I And my will be lost in I 1/ U i Thine lost in Thine. -^ =^-H ^-=^-^- i?-r CoP^maHT, 102, lY TH Biglow a MAIN CO., MW VOM. 27 There is Joy in My Soul. Fanny J. Croiby. I. Allan Sankay. r=rH S: 1^ '- it^ -^ ; * ?'-^ ^: -s- :^ S 1. I will not bo wea - ry, tho' tri - als may come, And trou-bles be - 2. I can- not be wea - ry when He is my rest; What-e'er my tempt- 3. There's joy that no language or thought can ex - press, It comes from His &t ^ rt=: E3; ^^ 90- T' is 3 -I- ^ ^ -^^ -^ -f fore me I see a - tions may be, pres-ence di - Tine;. . . "^ - 4r " '^^ '^ But count them as noth-ing cam-pared with the love I'll trust in His prom-ise be - cause He has saiil: And when in His likeness at last I a - wake. ^^. 4 id^ i z m ><& ^t!^ 1 1 1 I T Cbobub. ^ ^^E* 4 E3 ?1: ^ idt 5*^ * U - Of Je - BUS, my Sav - lour, to me. . ' My grace is suf - fi - cient for thee.' Its f uU-ness I know will be minu ?=3f: ^ 3{==3: 4=i^= : I , sing of His love, of His =t -g-tbg iU=zi=J: ^ fefc^"^ H = j=J3^^^^Uj i; won - der - f ul love, Tho' bii- lows like mountains may roll;. . . I fear not the ^ -1 r :^33; rgrrl ^ 3^ tem-pest, I dread not the storm. For Je - stis givos joy to my soul. 1 r eorrmaMT, I802, er The Biolow * Main Co., Miw VOU. 28 F. E. W. ^ Even I May be Saved. i Frank E. WItdp. i a ^7^ c I have wander'd Shall I list to Can it be that Je - sus, come to so long midst the pleasures of earth Spread s, that voice, shall I turn from the way. That m/ my life can be made pure and clean, By the me now, take me just as I am, All my ^ &p^^-wr ^^ ^ =ic=t :Jc=:tc :tt=r i^ r f- ^ ^Pfi -^ -d-^^ 1!- -e&- : ^ round me in dazzling ar - ray; But a still voice di - vine speaks to foot-steps have followed so long ?. . . . Still He ten -der - ly calls, "Come, oh, bloodshed on Cal - va - ry's tree? But His promise is plain, He will sin, all mv will I re - sign;... To be guid-ed by Thee Is suf - ^ S -t-f - ^ :fc=lE - k tr 1 i r "F $ ^ In darziing array; _S t ! r-1 f ^ t^ S :8= ~^ this heart of mine Bidding me to turn back come un - to me," "All ye wear- y" of sin cleanse ev - 'ry stain From the heart that ac - cepts fi - cient for me. Just to know that Thy love to - day, (to - day,) and wrong His plea is mine g5 :: It ^ utz: = z ^ Chorus. J- ^E3^ : E3 *t^a i t^ And I may be saved, ev - en I may be saved, Oh,what mer-cv, Lord, ^ * ^ . . m ^- ^ t r- r r If f-F ---!> f rr r r f fcs w ;3: *=^ how can r^rr-^^'* * ' ' r f (can it be?) CorrRteHT, 1M7, y Tmc biclow a main Co., mew york Even I May be Saved. Concluded. ^ ^ i aatO), i ^U: ^m^ m s 3=5?=.^ Cross era ci - fied, Just to save a poor sin - ner like me. ; , j- fe^f f f P f^r ^ r p r M^^ 29 Maud Frarer. H^ ! J 4=l4^ Jesus, Jesus Only. -1 J-J Hubert P. Main. S ^ 3 f- 5e Je - sus can re deem your soul, Je sus, Je sus on ly. And your cause in Heav - en plead, Je sus, Je - sus on ly. Who hath borne our ev - 'ry woe? Je sus, Je - sus on - ly. Home at last, and by His side, Je sus, Je - sus on ly. CnoRus. 1=1: ^^=i-- ^ ---- In the dark - ness do not live, Bo not sad -fi*-: ' or lone ly; f^^^^m COfTniOMT, 1907, BY The BKU.OW A Main Co., New youk. 30 Feel You not Your Need of Jesus? Mkud Frazcp. Hubert P. Mdiv ^r^ -& -^ 1. Feel you not your need of Je - sus, When your earth - ly hopes grow dim ? 3. In this world where all is chang-ing, Do you not de - sire a Friend? 3. When the tempt-er would en - tice you In the ways of sin to go, 4. He is long - ing to re - ceive you, And His Spir - it now doth plead ; ^i^ ^^ #= ^ PPP^3^ ^ ^ h h N ^ ^ ^ / 1 ^ ^ ^ B y' T] 1 1 i K m m 1 r \ 1 M M 1 i ' n M # 1 1 V-'7 1 J J ! 1 ,, 1 I m\ J 1 D' -at- -j- -^ Long you not One whose love Feel you not He is here N , -- for will your to I hope un - nev - er need of heal and fad fail Je par ' V ^ ^ f - ing, Feel you not your need of Him? you. Who will keep you to the end? sus, Grace to give, to an - swer "No"? don All who feel their soul's deep need. ^ . I A.\. * , r M J I* i m \ m m 1 P y, 1 Vt)' } ^ iJ i 1 L. 1 i F 'F \ 1 r 1 \ m Kly ' t 1 \ \ I* ^ L r r \ 1 ' 1 TT 1 J 1/ t/ 1 / w b ! " i ''-r 1 i 1 ^ L i CHORUS. ^S N T ^-i^ n ^ W^ ^- ^ Feel you not your need of Je - sus. Who can take a - way your sin, i3E : g S fL r n 1/ u ^ H s a * ^ ' 4 - i- i ^ ^ Who can give you peace e ter - nal, Feel you not your need of Him? =f ^ I'' ' 1=^ COPYRIQMT, 1907, lY The BiolOW i. MAIN CO., New YORK. 31 rii Trust Him. Maud Fraup. I. Allan Sankey. * ^ . M ^ 3^ -(Sh -J- 4t 1. I'll trust my lov - ing 2. How can I doubt this 8. I learn from those a 4. How sweet to know His Sav - iour Thro' all life's chang-ing years; Sav - iour Who died to set me free ? bout me This truth so clear and plain, wis - dom Will give me what is best, 5. I'll trust Him when the shad - ows Of death are draw - ing nigh ; ^ ^ ^ rr r^ r M-l \i: i f r ^ ^r I'll I That To My seek know those do soul His face in hours of joy, I'll look to Him thro' tears. His love can nev - er change, He car - eth still for me. who put their trust in Him Do nev - er trust in His will with cheer - ful heart And leave to Him the at last to Heav'n He'll guide, What cause for dread have vain. rest. I? M SEt ^ *: CnoRUB. n ^ 1 , I I -y- if ^ 1 1 1 s 1 /d ffh r~ ^1^ 'iiW' 2 -ir-- ^ ^ 1 ^-r^*n 1~ J- g- I'll trust Him, yes, 9 I'll S* 7^ trust Him, f . I'll trust Ilim ev - -0- t ] V^ 1 day; r-^^ 1 g:t^ -r 'r ' # - t 1 -\ ' ^ '* F-^ =^ ^ f J ' 1 IV ' : i ' 1 I I ^ \ r 1 I' 1 I lit 1 I^ S^^^ He says lie will not leave nie, I'll trust Him all the way. mm COPYRISHT, 1t07, eT ThC BiSLOW MON CO., NIW YORK. 32 Work and Pray. Julia Sterling. Moderato. Ira D. Sankey. ^ ;5- 4^ ^=r :jT^r-S: 1. Let us work and pray to geth - er, With a firm and strong en- deav- or; 2 In the dawn of life's fair raorn-ing, "With its smile our path a - dorn-ing, 3. Come and join the ranks be fore us; Hark, their songs are float-ing o'er us; -#--#- N t N 4^ '^^=f==f= g^-4^ -^-^^n zii 1/ ^ b b r :.7fe: - I If: I -^ ^m ^^ k g k- -\ \ r 1 T r ii f f . 1 , 1 V TTJ+ J 1 1 1 J ! - . J / W 5 m J J J ' - J ^ \i\ ^ \ 8 5 5 ' ' ^m 4 9 J 1 ... J -, v.; # # H ^ F S * * d d J I prom - ise proclaim'd in faith - ful, a bid - ing fore you, the crown is His word; and sure ; in view, - J 1 He The His guid- gift love m eth of is the sal so m foot-steps, di - va - tion is )ound-less, He'll ' w w S {'^ 1 r 1 \ r F L^-^* T W 1 II 1 1 _ u._ L. S*r^ 1 1 1 I 1 1 TI ' i 1 ' M 1 ' 1 1 ! i { i 1 i 1 i i ^^ i t^ ty rect of . nev -eth fer'd - er the way Of all who con - fess Him, to day To all who con - fess Him, say nay To those who con - fess Him, be be be lieve, lieve, lieve. and and and *= -^ ^ ^ bey. bey. bey. --^ lA -^1 Be - lieve and o i bev, -J- be - lieve and o - bey; The Mas ter i I 1 1- -^ i call -ing, no long- er de lay: The light of His mer cy shines ^ " k- r y X t r MmuaHT, 1t4, ir Thi Biotow main Co.. New York. Believe and Obey. Concluded. IH-^ ^ i I Ij i i t J i ^=f bright on the way Of all who con - fess Him, be - lieve, and o - bey. EM i=S=^ * t * I 35 Fanny J. te Crosby. _N Happy Little Pilgrims. Hubert P. Main. -0- -0- -4- -N-^ -ti^ -0^ Hap - p7 lit In that land Not a - lone 13 tie pil - grims, so love - ly, we jour - ney ^^ We should n'er be sad; Ev - 'ry thing is bright; To the man sions fair; -:% -^ ^ 0- a Ff For the love of Je - sus, Makes His children glad There will be no sor - row. There will be no night Je - sns is our Shep- herd, He will lead us there, :l Hap - py lit tie pilgrims, Go - ing on our way, To a land of beau-ty. Singing all the day. 1^ %=i :^y 4 ^-:i ^ ^ ^ ^ . # I * V t / V V- -#-i>-^- b U # t ^ UIF -pi t r-i rj _-Uy tj y .j*_u 1 i-m-i M V V y /- COfTRioHT. I07, IT TMt Bi&LOw MAIN Co., NEW York. 36 1 Surrender All. J. W. Van De Venter. W. 8. Weeden. i %t 4: 4=t All All All All All to Je - sus to Je - sus to Je - sus to Je - sus to Je - sus I I J^-JlJ 1 sur-ren-der. All to Him I f ree - 17 give; I sur - ren - der, Hum-bly at His feet I bow, I sur-ren-der, Make me, Sav-iour, whol-ly Thine; I sur-ren-der, Lord, I give my -self to Thee; I sur - ren - der, Now I feel the sa - cred flame ; I Nil I . I I II It ff ._^._i__(ft I I I f 4= v^ r r -t i ^==\- z^" live, now. mine. me. name! 1 will ev - er love and trust Him, In His pres - ence dai - ly Worldly pleasures all for - sak - en, Take me, Je - sus, take me Let me feel the Ho - ly Spir - it, Tru - ly know that Thou art Fill me with Thy love and pow - er. Let Thy bless - ing fall on Oh, the joy of full sal - va - tion ! Glo - ry, glo - ry to His m j-^-^ j- .U- j-j- i r~r~r r r r -^-^-f E^ r r r r r r -^-^-p r =B I sur - ren - der all, I sur-ren-der all -- -- -- -#- - = m^sr sur - ren - der all. I sur-ren-der all. 1 rr-t^ fci r^r l All to Thee, my bless - ed Sav - iour, I sur - ren - der all. z=r7lz~ ^Isil^ Copyright, 1B95, er weeden a, van deventer. p. P. bilhorn, owner. Used y hlk. 37 I Will Praise Thee. Fanny J. Crosby. Slowly. i, Allan Sankay, ^ w s^^^^ 1^ ^ ^^=^ -^ ^- -tO- 1. Thou didst love me, 2. I be-scech Thee, 3. I will praise Thee, 4. I will praise Thee, O iS3 \ my Sav-iour, When my heart was far from Thee, my Sav-iour, "That my earth - ly life may be, my Sav-iour, For the mes-sage I have heard, my Sav-iour, For Thy tea - der, pa - tient care. i ^3: ^=^ -*1 f \4- # *-*< 'r*r^- Thou didst pfivo Thy - self a ran - sora To a-tono for one like me. But a shad - ow to that glo ry. Of my hid - den life in Thee." And the les - sons Thou hast taught me, By the Spir - it thro' Thy word. And the prom - ise that as - surcs mo. Thou wilt hear and an - swer pray'r. ^'. ^ ti ^ W ^=^=t=t f^=F=fe^F#^ ^1^^ >=i r=r-T X CHORUS. I will praise Thee, I will bless Thee, For the peace Thy love be -stows, ^?PP?^i^&i ^^^^ rrt J I 4 L ^^=*=^=- '-^ 1 2^ -^ And the fcnnit-ain Thou hast o - pcncd, That (o all so free - ly flows. ^-i CorYHlQHT, 1905, iY ThS BlGtOW & MAIN CO., SEW YORK. 38 Mabel J. Rosemon. Smoothly. Oh I It Is Wonderful. SOPRANO AND ALTO DUET. Grant Colfax Tullar. MJ i j i ^yy ^ 1. In His un dy ing love Christ came from Heav'n a-bove. Came to re 2. While we in sin were dead, Christ, the Re-deem - er bled, Suf fer'd and 8. Je sus, the Ho ly One, God's well be lov ed Son, Of f ers to 3 S^ 'VV'i I st *t 3E=S i tM ^ 4 T J I I W- deem us from death and de spair;... Come, then, make no de-lay, sor rowed on Cal va ry's tree;.... Match less the love He show'd, ran som thy sin -bur-den'd soul;.... Pleads with thee ten - der ly, Jr^^J in__Sr_ - 0] F qp 1 7--^^^ I ^ _ i= t=X ^ ^ -*- -lit- ^1*- ^ir-^ -!&-r- m turn from thy it was the will ing to 1 * Si- Bin a way, Cast -ing on Him ev *ry sor row and care debt we owed, Bless-ed the tho't, that He suf-fer'd for me. par-don thee; Yield to His love, let Him now make thee whole. 5L^ f )j , m *__*- izfe & j r^-^ti. 1^ CHORUS. g:5__g_;,a^z:^ ^ tt* -^ ^^ Oh, it is won der f ul. So ver y won der - ful, That we by i> E *_ 333 [* fe=^i=^ ^ 5n^: rzf. a tempo. -r^ -S- grace should be Saved thro* e ^._^>_g , -f- -^- f^ ter ni- ty; OhI it Is won der ful. 4^- COPYRJaHT, tSOe. BY TUUAR-MBREDITH CO. IMtO (T fCa. Oh I It Is Wonderful. Concluded. 1 ^ f J | -y-^k7-4 U: i :i=t- ttn rt #t So ver - y won - der -ful, That He should suf-fer On Cal - v'ry for me. : -k JL I f=f * 39 Mr*. C. E. Breck. Show Your Colors. ^ n J L I. H. Meredith. J WEEfl :it3t i^ rr:r is: 1. Show your col- ors, while you jour- ney Lift the gos - pel ban-ner high; 2. Plantyour col- ors on the mountains, On the hill tops and the plains; 3. 'Neath the col- ors of your Cap-tain Charge a - gainst the ranks of sin; .U=J-. ^ t .i^Jfc. -^ ^1:4: ?=f F=^=3^ at:?: ^ :j3t? 3 1 I I ^i T~r Let it tell of Christ, the Say- iour, Who from God came forth to die. Ral - ly round the glo - rious stand-ard Of the King who er - er reigns. You shall scale the might-y ram-parts, And the vie - fry you shall win, d=y^ *:=t= ^n r-f - -4?- "W" CHORUS. m r Show your col -ors, show your col -ors, Let the ban - ner be un-furl'd, iri-^ -S^WM^ -?- 3^ ->- 13^ iUz^ r~r J=J=i^ 1^ 13 Till it wares o'er ev - 'rv na-tion, And the king-doms of the world. Ui.zq- .^ "W" :M^ ^ 1M*, rr Thc Biolow & Main Co., New YORK. 40 Child, I Loved Thee Long Ago. Julia Sterling. Viotoo H. Benks. i ^ 4-4- ^^ l^^ 3E -#-4- r? ^r^M- Daths of sin I stray'd C 1. Far a - way my steps had wander'd.Long in paths of sin 1 stray'd, 2. Thro* His mer - cy He re-ceiy'd me, All my sins He wash'd a way, 3. Come to Him, O heav y la -den, Ou ly trust.and He'll for- give; ^ I 'r V P - ^S ^i^lcilt: f f i f T" t" f !S -r^^^ i^ti^z:^ I -1 U I -44- S # ^ i^ jtTMZ ^ Till my At His To the way-ward heart de-eeiy'd me. And the world my trust be.tray'd; 'feet I knelt and prais'dHira, For the joy I found that day. cross where once He suf fer'd, Lo ! He bids thee look and live. 3L --M^ - R#- #-^^- i:^fc=|E s r^ -]i > : t=:^ $ I J , u s m :*a(=* . < . 3|:i3j= ^t^'t r^ S 'S w i Then I cried there's none can help me. None whose love can soothe my woe, Now a -mid the ver -dant pas-tures, Where the tran - quil wa ters flow. If by faith and true re-pent-ance, Thou wilt ask His love to know, Hzfe ^m IE teitK r tr r :t: $ Tt ^m ^ - - When I Still I Sure - ly. heard a voice hear His voice thou wilt hear it-iiW ^ that whisper'd, "Child, I loved thee long re peat - ing', "Child, I loved thee long Him an- swer,"Child, I loved thee long a - go.** a . go." a go." ^ I^'^he. ^ 1 r r^^-^ - r- ^^^ r \ i: 4 ^7^ fe > -k ^- W^-ft- CHORUS. :^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^j_^.,_^,_ ^^^ w a - go, Child, I Idved thee long a - go. long a- go. n0-^-- f r* ^' f-S*- "w. Haw ww*. Child, ( Loved Thee. Concluded. E^ how sweet the voice that whispered. Child, I loved thee long a - go ^ ^ -^^fr- Child, I loved ^g ^ ^^-f z ^ *^=)t i?c m rtf-t f "" 1 41 On Yonder Hill of Calvary. John R. Clements, arr. H. P. Dankt. t r- 1. On yon - der hill of Cal - va - ry. Where Je - bus bled and died for me; 2. On yon -der hill of Cal-va - ry, Be - hoi the world's great trag-e - dy; 3. On yon - der hill of Cal - va - ry, The sin-ner's on - ly hope and plea. ^ii^^ p i S I I 'Twas there from sin He set me free, On Cal - va - ry, dark Cal - va - ry. The sun, that aw - ful hour did flee. From Cal - va - ry, dark Cal - va ry. Christ gave Ilia life for such as we On Cal - va - ry, dark Cal- va - ry. -9- -- zs^nr a T i I ^^= T- r^ I 1-'-^# -! It :^=5=p=d Chorus. .-b \- ^ -^ ^^ '^-r-P ^ J-i 11 I N ^ Vi V 1 i 1 -9 On Cal - - va- ry, dark Cal - va-ry: They nailed my Lord up - on the tree; Cal - va - ry, ---# -i ^----tE^EEtEt i 1 m Hit. -ti> And there He died in ag - o - ny. On Cal - va - ry, dark Cal - va - ry -0- ' -0- -#--#--#--#- Jl f^ ev^iow. ioo rr Tmi kio" a Mtm eo Niw vot 42 Until a Little While. John R. Clements. Not too fast. ("At^ Logo." Brazilian idiom.) Theodore C Perkins. ^ m 4: ^=^ -lit-? 1. The Lord of Light shall give His peace, "Un - til a lit "tie while,' 2. The Lord of Light shall guardian be, "Un-til a lit tie while,' 8. The Lord of Light with raight-y arm, "Un til a lit - tie while,' 4. Thro' va tied scenes to Heav-en's gate Our pil-grim band shall file ; -9-fr 4 U la ti -k F t- i> k h^ b- i> 4 ) #, *c=jc ^ :t=^^t 1 1 =^ ^ i^:]: :|^ ^r ^i^ ^ "C7 His be long tie I His watch-ful love shall nev - er cease, Nor less - ened be Keep watch in love o'er thee and nie, Tho' sundered paths Shall keep from ev . 'ry dire a larra ; And safe-guard life's To where the "loved and lost" ones wait, "Un - til a lit ^' ^ :^=t 1^, smile, guile, mile, while." -^ "U-r ^ 3 =l=q m "Un - til m =|: lit . tie while," "Un - til a lit tie while." '-^ ^ - *-^=3:-^*=5 ^ ^i^ -^ * * I *^t The Lord keep watch in ten - der love, "Un til g; lit tie while." -f=2 T^ m COPYRISHT, <;07, Sr JOHN ft. CUEMENTa. 43 Send the Gospel Light. Fanny J. Crosby. i Ira D. Sankey. ^ J ^ iti- S p ^^=r ^ ^ 1. Send the Light, O send it quick -ly, Far a -cross the heav - ing main; 2. Send the Light, where souls are dy - ing In their dark-ness, gloom and night; 3. Send the Light, the world is wait - ing; Hands are stretch'd across the main; 4. Send the Light, the Lord commands it; To His Ho - ly Word at -tend; WFr^-^ 4r-^- ^^i=^i isr Speed the news of full Sal - va - tion Thro' the great Re-deem - er's name. Haste, haste I the days are fleet - ing, And the hours how swift their flight I Oh, that pierc - ing cry of an-guishl Must it plead with us in vain? 'Go ye forth and preach my gos - pel; Lo, I'm with you to the end.' CHORUS. J -^ y^ J J N ^V-,-1 ^ -H^ ^^_^ , 0. s ^ < 1 1 1 ^H '-. ff m m^ -<^ I ^ -M 0-- ^ ^ ( - ; ^ h* . ^j I Send the light, send it quick - ly. To the isles, be - yond the sea; Let them hear the wondrous sto - ry Love is bound-less, grace is free. -y-^ h **, ^ r omiOHT, 1898, ir THt BioLOW Main Co., New vowb 44 Only to Know, Hsien R. Young. >a D. Sankey. :^ -A S I I- N N- -^ r^-ir- :5^=^-15r 1. On 2. On 3. On 4. On -ly -ly -ly -ly to know that the path to know when the day to know that the cross I tread Is the path marked out for me; is passed, And the eve- ning shad-ows come, I Bee, Is the cross of Cal - va - ry, to know His peace with -in My... will to His re -signed; -(Z- ^ r-T=r r I -- ^Si That That On.. Oh,. the its way, tho' thorn I^ - ^_ ^ s=^^^ y, rough, and steep. Will lead me nearer to trials and cares have proved, in -deed, A "day's march near-er which the world's Ee - deem - er died, To pur - chase life for fill., me with Thy full - ness, Lord, And make me whol-ly Thee! home!" me! Thine! 1 3 -es- 1 I i 1 EEFKAnr, ^ I - Near-er to Thee! near-er to Thee! Bless- ed Ke-deem-er, to Thee! Near-er my home! near-er my home! Near-er my beau-ti- ful home! Purchas'dfor me! purchas'd for me! Life Thou hast purchas'd for me! Whol - ly Thine! whol - ly Thine! Now and for - ev - er Thine! -A A- =t -2=*- -^ ^-"^ -*- -Z^ know that the path I tread know that each fast-fleeting day -^'^ a Is bringing me near-er to Thee! Is bring- ing me near-er home! know that Thy death on the cross Brings light and life., me with love and., peace di -vine. And make me whol me! Thine! lit: -' rrr -v^ :i=>: I I I f m COfimiSHT, 100, Y TMt BiQLOW A Utlx CO.; "iV YSr 45 Heart Queries. W. Kitohing, an>. I. Allan Sankay. 1. Are you liv - ing for the Sav-iour? Do you trust Him all the way? 2.18 yourlijart at leis-ure ev - er in His serv-ice to en gage? 8. la your mot - to, "Ev er On -ward!" in the race we have to run? 4. If these ques-tions you have an-swered to yourselves and Christ a > lone. fe^jlg s^;^^^ r E3^ 1< U I Are you -walk -ing with Do you read with joy Are you look -ing un And your hearts have not J^- en-joy-ment in His sun-shine day by day? His mes-sage from the Scripture's sa - cred page ? to Je - BUS till the vie - to - ry is won? condemn'd you, when you look to -ward His throne. :* (t : -/- ^-i-. >:^n=t ffe S -s^ -L &-' T r is: -1 Do you mag-ni - fy Have you made tho full Does the joy of His Then His love thro* all His goodness? Do you thauk Him for His love? Bur-ren-der of the life that He has blest, sal va- tion cause the trust -ing heart to sing your jour- ney like a gen - tie stream will run. r-i!= * ' -0 B#^^*# ^ * '-0 mi ' " I \10- -^ -*- ' ' -0 - Do you seek His con-stant guid-ance to the Homo of Rest a-bove? Siuce you heard His voice of kind-ness wbis-per,"Come to Me and rest?" "I have rich - es to in - licr- it, from my Fa-thor, Sav - iour, King?" Till tbo Sav-iour hath per- feet -ed what in grace He hath be- gun. 46 The Whole World. Eliza e. Hewftt. Victor H. Benke. ^ r#= i^3 "1 T" he gos - pel :Ss=r -s*- t> The The The whole world needs the gos - pel, Good ti - dings from whole world needs the gos - pel, "Go ye," the Mas whole world needs the gos - pel, The Word of liv 11, I I - - . a ter ing bove, said, light; W:^ i ^-4= ffil 11' r f love, tread, night. The mes - sage of And when we do sal - va His er - To drive a - way the dark ?? tion Of God's re - deem - ing rands, In His own steps we ness Of sin's long, gloom - y r^-r I r --J U--4- ^ -<5I- 4^*^ 1. Wo meet a - gain with hearts a-flame, To praise the dear Re-deem -er's name 2. We thank our Sav - iour and our Lord For all the sweetness of His word, 3. O teach us, Lord, in this glad hour The greatness of Thy Spir- it's pow'r; 4. Be with us in our ev - 'ry home. Be with us in the days to come; 'SEE ww^ -^- -A: r^r^-^- r^v -4EE^ ^ m "r jrt With voic - es full of love and song: Be - hold a The Cross at which we laid our sin, The crown we Reign Thou su - preiue in ev - 'ry heart The King of May ''Saved to Serve " our mot - to be. While work-ing hap - py throng i hope to win. Love Thou art. still for Thee. FULL CHORUS. 34^: 3- #j Then shout a - loud, while hills re-sound Re - cch - o with a joy - ful sound -t-- --V y 1/^ ^^ " Let Christ be Kingl let Christ be King! To Him our praise wo bring." MrnuaMT, 101, n Tmc Biolow a maik co., niw r< 48 i Fanny J. Crosby. 1 Remember the Sabbath. -I I- Ira D. 8anky -I ^- ^=^ i 5t=st; w zi: 3tUt 1. We thank Thee, Lord, for a Sabbath of rest; A day of all oth-ers the 2. Our fa-thers re-joic'din Thy Sabbath, O Lord ; They walk'd in Thy counsels, be- 8. We thank Thee, O Lord, for a Sabbath of rest; A day that so rich-ly Thy 4. And when the last Sabbath shall fade from our sight, Pre-pare us to en ter the fcli: i ^ 1^f t-"1 r 1 1 r-T t 4 }- M=t 4 ! !- 4 r=s ^- :i=t^ r ^ bright- est and best; A day that observed and re spect ed should be, 'Twas lieved in Thy word: They clung to the Bi - ble, their staff and their guide, And, pres ence hath blest; A day when our vig or and strength, we re new, While man - sions of light; And there, with the just and the faith ful to spend A :t= ?:^i^z=ii=tr t CHORUS. g -^^- m d ^ :i|=S: made for Thy wor-ship.'tis sa-cred to Thee, v trust-ingThy promise in tri-umph they died. [ Re mem-ber the Sab-bath, thro' on - ward, and up-ward,our path we pur sue. ' ^ ^aw i..ani, i,uxi^ Sab -bath in glo . ry, that nev - er shall end. ) -#f - I^Ht 3S -^ ^ ' -i^ +i^ d # -i-# ^^3 out our broad land; Remember the Sabbath,*tis God's own command: Transmitted from m }-i-i -r- I \ _i 1 It - p- i r^- =1: ^ : _ L-d_ -^ Si-nai,in language divine; "Six days shalt thou la - bor, the Sab-bath is mine. TT ^ iMMWO^ IMt, * TM lIMWr A MMM 0, 49 Only a Sinner. James M. Qray. D. B. TowTMP. i s ^ :*=4 ^=i^ 1. Naught haye I got - ten but what I received ; Grace hath bestowed it since 2. Once I was fool -ish, and sin ruled ray heart, Caus - ing my footsteps from 3. Tears un - a -vail -ing, no mer - it had I; Mer - cy had saved me, or 4. Suf - f er a sin - ner whose heart o - ver-flows, Lov - ing his Saviour, to --9- ^4 f f - -f ^m r-jr :f=: t ^ b I -p t -V ?- ^ iV- ^^=^ *c I have believed; Boast -ing ex-clud-ed, pride I a -base; I'm God to de-part; Je - sus hath found me, hap py my case, I else I must die ; Sin had a - larmed me, fear - ing God's face ; But tell what he knows; Onco more to tell it, would I em-brace I'm wft -^ . = F i: Uit t: kt ^^^im CHORUS. f m. on now now on - ly a am a I'm a ly a sin - ner saved by grace! sin ner saved by grace 1 sin - ner saved by grace! sin - ner saved by gracel On ly a sin ner saved by gracel :^=^ ^ b T iV ji F ri I I r~r- m vr ^ -(^^ life ^g On - ly =iiizrz:=^. a sin - ner saved by gracel This is my sto - ry. -f- > to God bo the glo ry, I'm on h -#- -#- -# - -f- - 0- tz ly a sin - ner saved by grace! - . 1- 1 ; -4- 1- Z=fc m vMMT. 1A0A, W OAN Towner, Useo 9r n. txoL 50 Soldiers of the King. MiU. D. W. Whittle. fe * m George C. Stebbinft :t=I ^ ^^ the Ki:ig, Re-deem'd and saved by blood. And now en - the King, His Name we glad - ly bear. The Name once the King, With Him we shall ap - pear, If we with 1. We're 2. We're 3. We're sol - diers of sol - diers of sol - diers of :p=Rt J=fe. P 1 I I r r i t=h= ^ ft: I =* --aj -^ 1 1 I ^i^^#:~tr list-ed for the war, To fight for Christ the Lord, In per - il oft are Bail'd a - bove the Cross, When Christ.our King was there ; We'll count our loss-es Him shall suf - f er now. And His re - jec-tion share. Then lift His ban - ner m -8-: -^-j- .f- [nrgr-TW we, gain, high, I s*- 1 1 1- 45^-1- i But joy - ful - ly we sing. And wel - come ev - ery sting. Tor time is on the wing, I /3- -#t- . :^i Our hearts made strong by Him who leads To hon - or our Lord Je - sus' Name, The crown - ing day is hast -'ning on, -*- -J-' %- -#- -^- : -^ -#- :t= m m ilL^ Chorus, ->- T^ I u I ^ Bol- diers of the King, sol-diersof the King, sol -diers of the King. We're eol-diers of the King, His prais - es -^-^ ^ 1 the King, ^. will sing. And we J will sing, I i - will serve Him loy - al-ly, Our Great and Glorious King. ^CST gr 99. THt BiGLOW A Main Co., mw Vowb 51 1 Hail the Day of Sacred Joy. Mrs. R. N. Turner. (O Blessed Day.) H. P. Danks. 1. I hail the day of sa-cred joy That brings me to my Saviour's side ; With 2. My heart is warm with fervent love As to the Lord my vows I pay; The S. Still there is work for me to do I It may be but a low-ly task. But -?-t> 4 u \ - tM . -F P t -^-^ -^ ^ :^=z)i-jp >- t:4 f f r^ Hi^ t 1 ^ ^ -f f*^ ^ ^ r Lj' I J^ I 1-, I ^ f -^ V - g ' ^ that blest throng who love the Lord May I sol - emn cov - e - nant is sealed.And I ( ' ' r^Tj for ev-er-raore a bide! am His this bless-ed day I yet to do His bless-ed will Is all the glo-ry I can aski ^^m ^ p-f- -r- - m- :Sf i ^ CHORUS- X^- ^ 3(=^ a blesi bless - ed ^^ day, O bless - ed O blesa-ed day. y.J ^ m '^ :*!= day That O bless - ed day, 1?= brings me to my King! All hail to Thee gracious All hall to Thee, ^ -#- . ^ 1 -w A # f - - .^^^fcsf: V i=t^=^ir Lord With grato f ul Toice O gra- ciims Lord, ^j^EJg With prrate-ful voico Sing. f- fl - a a \ ^-^ n V 1 > ^ ^ !~ i I r-- ' i 52 The Dearest Name of All is Jesus. John R. Clements, arr. H. P, Danks. P ^^i '4^-t^ o. o. o, the dear the dear the dear est est est name of name of name of all all all is Je sns, is Je - BUS, is Je - BUS, Sweet- est Sweet - er Sweet- est -t* 1 4=f: i J f ^^->- =,;=;- ^ word that mor-tal tongues can frame, Bless-ed Je - sns, Pre- far than all the names of earth, Bless-ed Je - sus, Pre name that fills the realms a - bove, Bless-ed Je - sus. Pre- j r ^. u ^ ^ P ^ ^ 1-^ -T cious Je cious Je cious Je sus, sus, sus. m -*-*- -N- t- Refrain. -^~0- -l^-T- J \ 1 N_4S. :^i=al: There is mu - sic in the Sav-iour's name. 'Twas an An - gel's voice proclaim'd His birth I will sing of the won-ders of His love B. I Tis the dear-est name, 'Tis the i^^ -? t/- -> fc^*- i ^=J: =1=5: ^- i^ Bweet-est name. It has pow'r to break the bonds of sin. Bless-ed J. ^ ^- 1 1- 0- -0- - >r-=t=j3=:i=^ :^=jt J. '-J J - i L^ .^za a. m Pre-cious Je - sus. Thro' His name e - ter - nal life I'll win. =^=^ OopirmaHT, 1902, bt The Biolow a maix Co.. Ntw vo* 53 Lead Me. Louise F. Emanuel. 1 y N fk. L Allan Sankay. ~y" J. 1 1 1 1 1 1^ ^ P" /k- '^ N K 14 J d i. 4 -^ -J f ^ ^4 J^ - m m % # -J 9 ^ i t 1. Guide ray 2. As I 3. Guide my ^ S 4 foot - steps, jour - ney foot - steps. Fa on Fa -#- - ther, Lead me lest - ward To the home - ther, Night draws on -It ^ -#- -#- I stray ; a - bove, a - pace; Let Thy All ray Working lii^^JLA-i W ? ? ->- ^ -J \ 1 -^ W -4* T i^-^l-V 1 H# "T \ It t' 1 1 H?* V V -V 3tt 1 ' \ A N N 1 1 l: ' m m A i 1 r r ^ 1 m J^ ,11! r! ^^ 1^ f- fl i i J j^- f--l- j * i ? *- J ^ ^ hand un - er - ring ^ath - way shel - ter lours of bright-ness ^^ \ ^ ^ * tf J # Point out all my way. With Thy wings of love. To the dark give place -#- ^ ^ ^ ^. When the 'Neath them Guide my -p.. ^ road is my pa foot-steps. drear y, - vil - ion. Fa - ther, >:- -T \ -1 W \ \ \ \ \ 1 . b k w P ? ^-#^ v- 1 - P^ h/ ~1 1 T ^ 1 1 fe/ ' 1^ / h ;, ^ 1 1 1 ! I And my soul is sad, When my heart is Naught can me a- larra. Shin -ing sun, or What have I to fear? Thou my joy - ful wea - ry, Do Thou make me glad. shad -ow, Neither work - eth harm. por-tion, Thou my Guide sin - cere I Be my Rock and For - tress, Be my Rock, my Rock and For - tress. $ ^==:* mm Be my Strength and Stay; Be my Strength, my Strength and Stay; .^_ JL ^. Like a ten - der Shep-herd lead me, Lead me safe - ly all the way. :=t=: vmoH-!. 1K07. ir Tmc Bi 54 Eben E. Rexford. ^za Just for To-Day. VIctop H. Benke. d^ itS :=t #2^ -sl- 1. My Fa-ther, this I ask of Thee; Knowing that Thou wilt grant the plea, 2. I do not ask a lift - ed load, Nor for a smooth and thornless road; 3. Strength for the pres-ent hour and need This giv-en, then I'm blest in -deed, 4. Strength for to - day, that I may make Some sad souls glad,for Je - sus' sake; izfezazji ^ ^ -(Z- ^^>-4- te :^-*- :^=|i: ^ -i5> I mfe -]_4 te :3=^ # For this, and on - ly this, I pray, Strength for to - day just Sim -ply for strength e-nough to bear Life's dai - ly bur - dens Foreachday, as it coraes.will bring Suf - fi cient strength for Then they, with me, at eve shall say. Thank God for strength He -& r for to an . y- an y- gave to I -day. where, thing, -day. S -^ H^ -* JHfi -f^- W^ ?=l^ s ^ :d?: 5J= ! I d=fei a-3^fe :^ :^S- *=g ^ Strength for each tri - al and each task. What more, my Fa-ther, should I ask' .(2. Jt. -i2-- i5: S ^- ^- -l-.>g-^- r-n Just as I need it, day by day.Strength for my weakness, this I pray. f / bi- - ^^'^--^- ^ -- -- . - - 1 -^t> 1 1 I. %~z^-=M-- .^2-^.. f CopmioMT. 1*00, ar Th immw a mam e mw i 55 Gird on the Royal Armor. Grace J. Frances. Hubert P. Main. nh ^-i=^4^^ = ^^^ip 4-f- ^J^^t ^ -0- al arm - or, Go forth al stand - ard, Go forth our breast - plate, The Spir pel trump et, Good news to all pro - in Je - sus' our cause to it's sword in 1. Gird on the roy 2. Lift up the roy 3. With right eous-ness 4. Go sound the gos 5. His own right hand will guide us. His love our steps de I I name; win, hand, claim; fend; ^ ^4^ !^E3 m 3 ^Jr t ir :* "s^-^-S^ I I To those who sit in dark ness The Light of Life pro -claim. With hel - met, shield, and buck - ler, A - gainst the hosts of sin. Still conq - 'ring and to con - quer. Press on at God's com - mand. Go pub - lish full sal - va - tion, Thro' Christ, our Sav - iour's name. Re - mem - ber. He has prom ised To keep us to the end. i s^ _^.j r CHORUS. 3^ fe=^= T^- m Gird on the roy al d333:EEE?Ed or. That we the foe may face; -f- 1 ii# 1 .rJ . I m T P^. "U =1 And, trust - ing our Cora -mand - er, Bo vie - tors thro' His grace. r-r CorTRIOMT, WP, *f Tmj BlQlOW A Main CO-i Ntw YOI^IU 56 No, Not One I p Jobnson Oatman, Jp, Slow, and vrith ffreat feetinff. mo. C. nug;. >: > > t=t^- f^ rr t=T * {! 1. There's not a friend like the low - ly Je - sus, No, not one! no, not onel 2. No friend like Him is so high and ho - ly, No, not one! no, not one! 3k There's not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! no, not one! 4. Did ev - er saint find this friend for- sake him? No, not one! no, not one! 5. Was ere a gift like the Sav - iour giv - en ? No, not one! no, not onei m i=^ > > I ijc^: rr^ :S=t m I -A--^. * ^ -i^ ij: None else could heal all our soul's dis - eas - es. No, not one! no, not one! And yet no friend is so meek and low - ly. No, not one! no, not one! No night so dark but His love cau cheer us, No, not one! no, not one! Or sin - ner find that He would not take him ? No, not one! no, not one! Will He re-fuse us a home in heav-en? No, not one! nri, not one! -^-^ -# ^- Tf Chorus. :^ ^. Je - sus knows all a - bout our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. : I I I -^-^^-4 ^tqt ^zhg: There's not a friend like the low-ly Je-sus, No, not one! no, not one! > > ^?l_eL 4M^ 1 > > > rf Copyright, 1885, iv Geo. C. huoq. Used it pi. 57 Lord, Be With and Watch Between Us. Fanny J. Crosby. Chas. H. QabrM. ^S ^ fc & 1. Lord, be with and watch between us, Guard the door of ev - 'tj heart; 2. Lord, be with and watch between us, "Where-so - ev - er we may be; 8. Lord, be with and watch between us, Keep our hearts from ev - *ry sin; 4. Lord, be with and watch between us, Lift our souls and light our way; "^ m F-ir r fi li^r* &^ f=f U tr 3^eE3 B ^ s *= *= t y ^ ' ^ r 'Tr-^ Make Thy face to shine up - on us. And to each Thy grace im-part. In our ab sence from each oth er. May we still a - bide in Thee. Still pro-tect, de fend, pre -serve us, Go - ing out and com-ing in. To a life with - out a shad - ow. In a land of per-f ect day. ^ m^ r-^ t 3r=5: B r CHORUS. ^^:^^ -j^ ^^w^ - *- --4- # . ' # . - T r . - 93] ?^3 Grant us peace, that, like a riv - cr On - ward flows, and flows for-ev -er; EIS 4=P :)ii=:ii^| V k^ Till in heav'n we all shall gath-er, Nev - er more to part a - gain. 1^ CorrmaHT, 102, ir Th( Biglqw a Mam C J -ledged to Him oi His, and His a then, with vig - o -- . 1 ' ft* ir r i hands, all? lone? new; '"'^0- P \ 1 S ^ ^ When the Shall we Let our Time is -#- -- ti . St Lord not faith short, Him-self com- o - bey His by works be f the days are mands? call? shown. few. r* 1 (fe ^-v-fe- 1 iff* r JL W_,||_?: *^_ -X- ^ '-V +5 r ' -'j W \J i/ ' ; ; I , ^ 1 u u 1 l^ U t^ 1 ' ' ^ Chorus. fS s f*^ --^n _^_ !^-^ t K~ =^^J . 7 ^ h "^ ^f- ^ ir~ ^ 1 C^4. J ~ # d -. ^ = = 1 Go aud L-# ^-^ 1 1/ work!. . . -nr- this hour be S 1 I # - cin: .... u 1 1*-^ Go 1 !s-T and -work J b U r this ^ hour be gin I 1 ^i*-^ .. c -f r-^ - ^-^ W4 X U P u -^ u -Xi a -# 1 \^ ::\ = V & ^ y '^' COPrmaHT, 1902, by Thc Bi&;.ow a Main Co., New vouc i Bring- Them In. Concluded. i To f r i-~r E: i=^ the feast, O bring them in!. ^- ^=/= bring them in 1 ^ I 4J^- 9 61 Eliza M. Sherman. Soft the Bells are Ringing. Qeopge C. Stebbins. I I ;_-; ^^-^ ^_J 1 J I I ^ # ^i 1 I I 1. Soft and sweet the bells are ring - ing, 2. Sweet-er far than earth-ly mu - ic, 3. Love's re- deem - ing work is fin - ished, ^ -^ -^ t^ From the chap - el old and gray Since the Christmas mel - o - dy, Fought the fight, the Tic- fry won; i: fcf^ 3: -^ r^ S: ^- :i=r^ Sweet and soft the cbil-dren sinf - ing. Is this song of Eas - ter glo - ry, GIo - ry, glo - ry in the high - est '^ I Christ the Lord a - rose to - day. This glad psalm of vie - to - ry. To the Fa - ther and the Son. m^ -J 1 1- ^\ >L t: 1 4=-- ii , 1 Refrain. Sweet -ly, soft - ly sounds the an - them ^ -r * p- For the stone is rolled a - way; -I ! y >- -1 Glo - ry, hon - or give to Jo - bus, r 17 On this Res - ur - rec - tion day, J- ^ :E?EEE ;|g=^j^ :U=:- Ifl COPTfRlQMT, 1901, tr ThI BiQLOW A MAIN Co., Niw youk. 62 The Lord is My Banner. John R. Clements. rt- ^^ H. P. Dankt. ^: 1: :it= m r=^ 1. "The Lord is 2. "The Lord is 3. "The Lord is my ban - ner," To bat - tie I go; His my ban - ner," As on - ward I press My my ban - ner," No strug - gle so long, His K^^t m Jei p :^=i: jt=|i==5==S=Hi=ipraii:; jtzzt might in each con-flict I claim;... He put- teth to flight, as I eyes on the col - ors I'll keep;... Though bat - ties be fierce, I am arm can - not car - ry me through; He lead - eth me out to the /^ Hi k. 1 ^ J^ 1 ^ 1 ^\ ^k^H rr^-i= d -1 ~^- -i:-4 ^ 3= H ^4 1 march, ev - ery foe, sure He will bless, war with a song, m (t-i_# tf^! My My And 1 9 pow'r is Lord will shows me r f - ]r-T the strength of not slum - ber just what I'm 3= His nor to uame (His name), sleep (nor Bleep), do (to do). J 1 ^ r^ 1 ^ ^r =i? \i 1/ ^- ' ' -l- ^^ r'-J Chobub. U 1 b 'The Lord ia my Ban - ner, my Sun and my Shield, My "Eock," and my ^ i-_ -t=- m -^f- -4^\ 1 yr% -^ * I ^ Fort-ress" is He (is He), No foe how-ev J 1 t-r^- 8 J * * # > ^ er strong, but to -# P- -h w 1 Xr- C0PTRI5HT, 1903, VI The Biauow ^ MAIN Co., N^w Yfl^K. T The Lord is My Banner. Ccr. eluded. 1 ^^^ ^ a ^-T - m Him must quick- ly yield, My Sav-iour doth bat - tie for me (for me) -J. m .5=ii: t: 4= 63 Mrs. L. Shopey. Not too fatt. My Lord and !. (I Have a Friend so Precious.) Hubert P. Main. 1. I have a Friend so pre-cious, So Ter - y dear to me, He loves me with such 2. Sometimes I'm faint and wea-ry, He knows that I am weak, And as He bids me 3. I tell Him all mysor-rows, I tell Hiru all my joys, I tell Him all that 4. He knows how I am long-ing Somewea-ry soul t win. And so He bids me * # #-- :r , 4-1-.'-^^ zq: --=t -J- 1 ten - der love, He loves so faith - ful - ly; lean on Him, His help I glad - ly seek; pleas-es me, I tell Him what nn-noys; go and speak the lov-ingword for Him; 3EI i ^- (2- I could not live a - part from Him, He leads me in the paths of light, He tells mo what I ought to do. He bids mo tell His wondrous lore, t ^|i5;!Eg=ri|jSigg| -I 1 I ,-,_J ,_^ I 1- 1 love to feel Him nigh, And so we dwell to-geth-er, Be-neath a snn-ny f;ky, And bo wo walk to-geth-er. He tells me how to try. And so we talk to-geth-er, And why He came to die. And so wa work to-geth-er, :=|: I -<>- I My Lord and I. My liord and I. My Lord and I. Mv Lord and L OorrniGMT, i3o;, D< tml c.> A Wa:,i CO., NEW I^RK, 64 All for Jesus. Edith Q. Cherry. i^^ ^ I. Allan Sankey. I i m -A- N N *^ 1- - #-= #- I have heard Thy voice, Lord Je - sus, Say - ing in Thy grace I have noth -ing worth Thy tak - ing, Thou, whom heav'nly hosts For the words that now Thy chil-dren Whis-per up - ward falt-'r -_- di - vine, a - dorel 4r- -1=: a : ^ k ^: S -^ ^- Fear thou not, I have re-deera'd thee; I have call'd thee, thou art Mine." But ray heart is long - ing, yearn-ing. To be Thine for ev - er-more. Soon shall be their shout of tri-umph. Echoing far from sea to sea. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- , t It: tr t: t: ^ T^- ^ -y- itfc: ^ A- i * Lord, I bring Thee full al - le-giance! Lord, I yield Thee ev - 'ry-thing! So I come to Thee, Lord Je - sus! Lay - ing, in sur- ren - der sweet We shall sing it at His com- ing, When His foes are prostrate hurl'd ; V y I & -^ -^ ^ - r^Y. t:iE^=i:t:i=5f P ^-iL Answ'ring "Yea, Thou hast re-dcem'dme; I am Thine, my King! my Kingl" All I am, and have, and hope for, All I love, at Thy dear feet. "All for Je- sus!" "All for Je-susl" SluiU go ring-ing 'round the world. Ji 4m^0 V0 -# -^ SE^ ^= ^-r * f f id sus! All for Je - J zt=i: 1:2-^ Je - Bii?! AH for Jo .0. .0. _ .0. .0 ^ u ^ - sus! All for Jo -bus: All for Je - ens! b b l^ U b 1^ Copyright, 190s, by Thc Bioto* & Main Co., new York All for Jesus. Concluded. h * Him who died for uie;. rrr"~=ftTTT Yes, all for Him, All for Je . sus! who died for me{ Je - sus, all for Je sua I ^ T=%=^ < g ^ ^~* ~y ^ #- ^^r-tr-^ t' t' _^_^_;i_y '^ ^ :^:!Z=C -^^i- :i|=J: ^ rrrrrr c^j "- All for Je . sus! Now and through e terni Je.snslAll fo> Je susl _ -^ ^ g r r I h-H ! ^ h l ty. z^ -iT-*- S Uk:^?: 1/ b -rf "C"^"^ 65 Isaao Watts. Sweet is the Work. Hubert P. Main. i WE t-a: 4- J 1. Sweet is tfie work, 'my God, 2. Sweet is the day of sa 3. M/ heart shall tri umph in my King, cred rest ; the Lord, i* ^ To praise Thy No nior tal And bless His -J- mora ing light, And talk tune bo found,!. ike Da bright they yliinel How deep of vid's Uis r all harp, cuuu Thy trulh at night. of sol . eniii sound. sels, how di vine! n^i _. F Wl ^- -^ CorrxwHT, 18s^ 66 Blessed be the Name. John Newton, arr. Sa S^ 1. How sweet 2. It makes 3. By Thee -- the the my -^- nanie of Jc wound - cd spir pray'rs ac - cept -^ Arp. by Ira D. Sankey. ~N- sus sounds, Bless - ed it wliole, Bless - ed anco gain, Bless - ed be be be =t^- the the the -gf , y :tz: name of name of name of the Lord, (of the Lord,) It soothes our sor - rows, heals our wounds, the Lord, (of the Lord,) 'Tis man- na to the hun - gry soul, the Lord, (of the Lord.) And E - vil tempts my soul in vain. Ht^ '#^^=t -^ ' r- t= ^ Bless - ed Bless ed Bless - ed be be be the name the name the name of of of the Lord: the Lord: the Lord: Bless - ed Bless - cd Bless cd be bo be the name, the name, the name, -^- -^V _i iii bloss-cd bless-cd bless-ed be be be the name, Bl the name, CI the name, 151 ;g ^s-cd > i f -(=2-^- Hark, a sound of heav'n-ly mu - sic. Bringing sweet and sure re- lief! Can'st thou fear, when He is near thee, He, on whom thy trust is stayed? Do the cares of life per - plex thee? "I will an - swer ere they cry." Art thou troub - led for the fu - ture? "As thy days, thy strength shall be." i^ r r- - fi r^-f i b- -I 1 Precious mu - sic mel - o - dy of the Bi - ble! Mu- sic saints and proph-eta heard! ^^=P-- :^-^=:^--i:^z:=ii: v-^-v r r saints and the N ^ A J -0- -<2- -nz ;t=t=E: I Bringing hope in times of an- guish; Wondrous mu - sic mel - o - dy .- of God's word! hope in the -- .- .0- .0. .0. -0. r-;/-r r - I 1 I t^ ' :^=ji=^: V 9 f r- i Gwrmam, 1906, by Geo. C. stebbins. used by per. 69 Go Work To-Day. Julia A. Johnston. I. Allan Sankey. ^: =r^ 1. To you, to you the call rings out, Go -work to-day, to - day. 2. Go forth to sow, go forth to reap, What-ev - er God's com - mand. 3. In des - crt waste, in whitening field, His la - bor - ers are found. 4. His faith - f ul prom - ise ye have heard. Let not your faith grow dim, ^S^ W-kz^ :M=:it: t Oh, lin - gcr not in fear and doubt. The Mas - ter leads the way. He gives to each a charge to keep, He holds the will-ing hand. Wher-e'er He calls, be swift to yield. Each place is ho - ly ground. He call - eth you, bless - ed word, Co - la - bor - ers with Him. fe?=t^ W f T=l= t=: i^-: i CHORUS. ^: itr r H^_J -L-I, izz^zzzdzznj^- ^ -|=:.J I i _N ^ ^ - 1 ^ -T-^ Go work to - day, go work to-day, To you, to you rings out the call. Lt^r:ii=fe=St=f: ES di=ci Ee r^-i - - r* -y - -^ i J Go find your placo.and trust His grace, Tho T^ord hath need of all. -J r * -- * --- r ' r ' * - * * * '^ COPTRiOMT, 1907, ev Tft B'Ol-Ow 4 N"*iN CO., NfW YORIt 70 My Strength, My Song. John R. Clemsnts. I, Allan 8ank9y 4=\z ^ :^~=z:: ^ :il=: 1 bless - ed Christ, to 2. bless cd Christ, to 3. bless - ed Christ, to 4. bless - ed Christ, to Thee Thee Thee Thee ^A -V- come, come, come, come, Groat is Grant me Thy ho Grant me Thy mer cy, for -give - ness ly name I'll Thy lev - ing Lord, for - sweet, for praise for - smile for ev ev ev ev er; Come er; Keen cr; Now er; Oh, # - I. is T X may my Sav my sor can say 1 yet. lour, now row for by faith with love to Thee, the past, di - vine uu - told. Grant nev On Thee Thou hast In yon er - end - ing par - don to me: my bur - den, Sav-iour, I cast: rc-deeincd ine, Lord, I am Tliino: dor nan - sic:i Ti^.y face be -hold: Be Thou my Christ, my Thou art my There trace Tliy N strength, hope, strength, hand _- fi. 1 be Thou my si ay, hear Thou my cry, Thou art my all, in all my life, J, jp-i Safe to Til. Save or I por Filled v,-ith Tb.y fid And know the moan -^ --#- COPVRiGHT, 1993, BY The E!:;'.cv/ & maim C3. New Yokk- 71 Grace J. Frances. Christ, my All. Hubert P. Main. ^==i= i^lE -rJ t 1. I would ev - er fol - low Thee, Christ, my all; Christ, my '2. la Thy word is my do - light, Christ, my all; Christ, my 3. Thou didst give Thy - self for me, Christ, my all; Christ, my 1^ -y _, .-(2- 11^ n I ^ \ f V 1 n. ; s \ IS 1 '^ 1 / r? ^ ' ^ s> ' K ' . *, "^i 1 l(^ ^ J s ^ ' 1 Vv ^ 1^ m ___. V. > i' m 2 9 ,^ 1 Thou -- -- -- art more than life to me. Christ, my all Christ, my all; Tis my com - fort day and night, Christ, my all Christ, my all; Help me now to live for Thee, Christ, my all Christ, my all; &=l^ 1. 't' ^ o -o- ^ .#. '- -c- -- . fTff -lO- - -- s 1-'.-- 2 'p - 1 f 1 ^-^9_|^__ , , J 1 ; ' t^ ^ 1 i> 1 ' \ ^ , -+- 1 A- A-- 1=3: As child I would bo - lievo. And Thy gift Where Thou lead - est, will go, Tho' the way of grace re - ceive; I may not know; Time is Uy - ing fust a - way, Soon will close life's fleet - ing day ^ S^ I' Let me ne'er Thou the path Let mo la - Tliy Spir - it griovi>, of ])(>ace wilt show, hor whil-.i I may, Chri-t, my C!ivist, my Cliii'^t, my all; all; all; Christ, my Christ, my Christ, my all. all. all. 72 To-Morrow. A. C. Cidenton. ^ =^ I. Allan Sankey, i :g 1 ^ N I I ^ ^ 1 ^ *T ^^ is 4r-d :^ ^ ^%t- "T^i-s- 1. Dost thou know, 2. Think what un - 8. Now that love 4. There may be 5, Oh, how Ion - trifling mor - tal, Where to - mor - row will be spent? a - vail-ing sor - row When that mor - row is to-day; is wait-ing for thee, That pierc'd hand held out to save; no more to -mor-row,No more suns for thee may rise; ger can you grieve Him, How His mer cy turn a -way; ~^r -^-f^- ;-T-^- ^l r jitZ w^ Hast thou hope beyond death's port- al Should swift call for thee be What would'st thou not give to bor - row One brief hour from life's lost All His cru - el wounds im-plore you "Come, My life for you I Thine no more earth's joys and sor- rows, Smil-ing morn, or eve-ning Come, with thank - ful tears re-ceive Him.Come to Je - sus, come to - sent? dayl gave!' skies, dayl ^^ -g ^f -- N r-T-^ One more hour to seek the Sav - iour, His once off er'd love to grasp, What were One blessed hour, Of His once Ids be-side the wor Oh, what were worlds _ - vor Of Thy lov ing hand to clasp. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 73 The Angel-Guarded Way. John R. Clements. Thea E. Perkins. tt i 1. Soul that trust-eth in Je ho vah Let no tri al bring dis - may: 2. What tho' darkness thy pa vil -ion, Clouds like night enshroud thy day? 3. God's thy ref-uge and thy fort-ress, He will hold thy foes at bay. 4. Lift thine head, soul in sor rowl Sun -light o'er yon hills doth play. '^^EL i ^fet: rr vt * V f * ' ' ' Thou art in an ho . ly keep-ing, Thine's 'Tis for thee a "weight of glo-rv," Thine's Trust ing Him no harm shall slay thee, Thine's God brights ev 'ry day with prom-ise, Thine's tJ an an an an . .U j,. jH l an an an an gel gel gel erel guard guard- guard- guard- way, way. way. way. t T CHORUS. J J I L I -# 9 *-^ ^1 ^ r He hath giv en charge to keep thoe, Sweep this world to sad de cay, t^ i= ^ 3| g S^> :t=; ^ - ^ Time bo lost in years e tcr - nal, Thine's an an - gol - guard-ed way. rt J ^ OanrmanT, (07, tr ^na R. Cluniit*. uaca ar ta 74 The Story that Never Grows Old. James M. Gray Ira D. SanVay. 1. O tell me the sto - ry that nev-er grows old, Tho sto 2. O tell mo the sto - ry that nev - er grows old, The sto 3. O tell me tho sto - ry that nev-cr grows old. The sto 4. O tell me the sto - ry that nev - er grows old, The sto ry of ry the ry the ry the m 7=t^ -^- ^ -^GEiz .^ - -- One whom tho proph-ets fore - told; an - gel at Beth - le - hem told; Gos-pels re - peat man- i - fold; a - ges to come will un - fold; -^^- -"^y^ C'.BZ 9- Tho Horn of sal - ra - tion, the The Babe in the man - ger, of The love and com - pas - sion in The kind - ness of God in re -a a a -, \~0. i*J^ ' # ' 1 ^ * 1 i^ - "^ -v'i^ y^ l/* \/^^ Scep-lre and Star, The Lic^ht in the dark-ncss they saw from a - far. low - li - est birth, The higli - est arch - an - gel ex - eel - ling in worth. Je - sns we trace, Tho pow - er and pa-tience, the glo - ry and grace, deeming the lost, The death of our Sav-iour in pay - ing the cost, ma. I -- -e- -m- , -- ff_i 1 I fi p-ff 1 . 1 0-1- #- S y V I. P ^ fL_, , 1 1 - 1 J>FH.H-;, 138, %i Thi Biaio* ft Maim Ca, Mw VSKt 75 O House of many Mansions. E. Norman Qunnlson. George C. Stebbini. m -N- 1^ u - ^ - ma " ny man - sions, Thy doors are o - pen wide, ma - ny man - sions, My wea - ry spir - it waits ma - ny man - sions, O house not made with hands. V e =t ^__A fv-M-l-j -jJ i^ -1^ K-| 1/ U 1/ And dear are all the fac-es Up -on the oth-er side. Thy por-tals they are And longs to join the ran-som'd Within thy pearly gates; Who en - ter thro' thy I sigh for thee whilewaiting Within these bor-der lands. I know that but ia _:*:_{: . m m m i^- -#- -^ -P- , 11 1/ u u r =r=^ m 1 T czifft gold - en. And those who en - ter in Shall know no more of por - tals, The man - sione of the blest; Who come to thee a - dy - ing, The thresh-old is crossed o'er; There shall be no more -^ -m- .0. . .0. . ^$1 M. ^. ^. &- .. ' .^ .M. .M. ItEFUAlN. I I , ! , , -, ,-J-r J > ^ >- =t^ -a- - I Bor - row, Of woa - ri - noss aii;l sin. wca - ry, And liud in theo their r'.'t. Bor - row In thy for tv - er - more. O house of ma - ny man-sions. Thy -t=^=i -#. -,- J I- oors are o - pen -wido, And Clear are all the fac - f- - -m- -0- -^ -^ n I 1 ^ N N > ^ > 1 N ^ , % S y ^ J 7t^^^ ' '^^ '' ^- til i s -J- -am J ^>- -5- - r~^ 1 -%0 F IT i u ev er: From the hills and vales -t If: of It night He would draw men to the -- /^ r? p 5 5* r ' 1 z ^ [f;. ' , ; '0 1* F 1 r ' Kly t 1 y '^ '^ y y ' , V ^^ light; Win them from the wrong to right: Christ is come. Christ is come. -0-^-^0 -^ CorYRiSHT, 1907, Br The Biglow a main Co., Mew York. 77 Firm on the Rock I Stand. Qraot J. ppftnoM. Hubert P. Mfctn. mi: J /lif-g . ^^m S^ J. 1^ h^ 1. Firm on the Rock I stand, Je 2. Thou art ray con - stant Guest, Je 3. Soon o'er the swell - ing tide, Je m^ sus, my Lord; Held by Thy sus, my Lord; Safe in Thy sus, my Lord, Home on the : ^^&* :p=:i h >^- might . y fold I oth or -^ K T-^r -^ ^ -=i^- hand, Je - sus, my Lord; Filled with Thy love di - vine, rest, Je - sus, my Lord; What tho' a cross I bear? side, Je sus, my Lord, I shall a - wake with Thee, m^ -#-^ f E -\- -^#- what Biitjht is Thine thro' a joy the pearl e ter is mine; I am a child of Thine; I wear, Life in Thy life I share, ni ly, Thou that hast died for me, el: -i ' H-' .-^ 1 I ta I ' 7"' 1 i 1 r ^-^ |^-J - J-r r J ^^T--r ' ' ^ 78 Victory is Won. Fanny J. Crosby. Ira D. Sankey. N ^ ^ N * 1. Oh, ye redeem'd of the Lord.re -joico, Vie-to - ry 2. - ver the foes that in chains He bound, Vic-to - ry 3. Pear not the world nor the tempter's pow'r, Vic-to - ry 4. Lift up your eyes to the gates of gold, Vic-to - ry is won, is won, is won, is won. Vic vie vie vie to-ry to-ry to-ry to-ry IS won. is won. is won. is won. t==^J 'uii- 9- ' 1 I Wake, wake the song with a tune - f ul voice, Vic -to-ry is won thro' Christ. Hark, how the an-therasof joy re-sound, Vic - to - ry is won thro' Christ, Sing and pro-claim in the dark est hour Vic - to - ry is won thro' Christ. Praise ye the Lord for His love un - told, Vic -to-ry is won thro' Christ. # ^-i ^ ^i__* r^ , - tz^_-r^_- ^- f- - f- - -^-i- \> t^ c Wash'd in the blood that makes us free. Heirs of His grace thro' faith are we; O - ver the tomb where Jo - sus lay Shin- eth the light of end-less day. Glo ry to Him who died for men, Glo - ry to Him who lives a - gain. Sing till the wea - ry night is o'er, Sing when we reach the hcav'nly shore. Ev - er in this our boast shall be, Vic -to-ry is won thro' Christ. Oh, ye rc-decm'd, be glad and say, Vic - to - ry is won thro' Christ. Her - aid a -far the sweet re - frain,A''ic - to - ry is won thro' Christ. Sing with the mil- lions_gone be - fore, Vic - to - ry is won thro' Christ. 4=- :^c=^ Copyright, 1905, by The Biqlow m*in Co.,- Ntw roM 79 The Gospel Trumpet Sounds. Qpaoe J. Frances Moderato. Hubert P. Main, ^ I J :i=i:^=irj; ^: af I -: ~ I 7zi~. 1. The gos - pel trump - et soumls, Let those that hear o - bey; A 2. The gos - pel trump et sounds In thrill - ini;f tones sub -lime; The 4. He sends His her - aids forth, And bids them in His name, The Mri^: ^El: -- g^ :t: li; ^i? m King pre - pares mes - sage of rich pro - vis a roy - al feast For hun - gry souls to - day. re - deem - ing love Vo cartli's re - mot - est clime. A King From yon A - gain who sits en - thron'd.Wlicre saints a - dor - ing stani der rift - ed Kock, Sal - va - lion's riv - cr llovt tlie trump-et sounds; 'Tis call - ing, call -ing still 1, And ; O The mul ti - tudes of an - gels wait On His di - vino cnm - ir.aiid. come, and take the heav'n - ly ^ift. Uiir glo - rimis King be - stnws. feast is spread, and yet there's room, "C'unie, who - so - ev - cr will." M, :^.^^^ ^t B COFTKi^Mr, 1902, IT The GiM.an A MAin CO., Xt* tiJKik 80 Who is On the Lord's Side? Franoe* R. Havergkt. Spirited. J^ \t% D. 8anky. -r-d 1. Who is on the Lord's side? 2. Not for weight of glo - ry, 3. Je - sus, Thou hast bought us, 4. Fierce may be the con - Hict, m -t- Who will serve the King? Not for crown and palm, Not with gold or gem. Strong may be the foe, -0- Who will be His En - ter we the But with Thine own But the King's owu ip: ^^=ts t r r Who will leaye the world's side? But for love that claim - eth With Thy bless - ing fill - ing Round His stand -ard rang- ing, > 1 n ' 1 ' ! 1 J 1 ! ' r ' , . 1 V "^1 ^ ' 1 . i " J 11 y IL ^ 1 1 [ ' 1 f m ^ ^ \ (m ' - -^.;>' . " - B ' H ^ % 1-- ? '^ 1 W ho will face the Lives for whom lie All who come to Vic - fry is se - .1 -1 -. foe? died. Thee, cure, a ^ ' ^ Who is on the ] He whom Je-sus Thou hast made us For His truth un-c jord's side? nam - eth will - ing, lang-ing ^5 \ 1 W ^ w W A Who for Him wil Must be on His Thou hast made u Makes the triump -n- -- -- 1 Igo? side. s free, h sure. r^ ' 1 \^ 1* i : . i 1 ' i ' , .... 1 _l ^_j 1 Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be His - - - . ^ ^ ^ -- JL M^ M. g,. ^ ^ ^ .^ J U-i r ' ' ' -^-^ f 2 1 -! , *^~1 ^ -o help - ers, Oth - er lives to '^K ^ 1 1 bring? -0 --- \-0 1 By Thy grand .0- ,0. ^. . __ re - ( -^ i_i^ lemp tion, g._^- ^_ _V ^ 0- -p-P-e-^- J Is ^ . tr rs- r^ - l I I I r ' ' 1 i i )/ i i WTIMW, IM^ wr Ha ik *bic wms n nk Who is On the Lord's Side? Concluded. i -X 4 1- I . I f-t-^ I ^l St- 11^ -(S>- - - -T-^ ~ mi~0 -i 1- ^^- sin I cried, There to my heart was the blond applied: Glo-ry to His name, bides with-in; There at the cross where lie took me in; Glo-ry to His name, en - tercd in; There Je -sus saves me and keeps me clean: Glo-ry to His name. Sav-iour's feet; Plunge in to - day, and be made complete: Glo-ry to His name. fe^^=p -I # --- -^ T-0 ^ ---# r-T'^-. I Ceonus Glo ry to His name,, m^ I f Glo ry to His name 0-i. i Szite ^: 11 There to my heart was the blood ap - pliod ; Glo - ry to His name. _# --# - 0T-0 <^ ~m~ 0-^-0 -g , 'T?-- COPrmcHT, 1879> ly Rev. J. H. Stocktox. Duo iy ftA 82 O Christian Youth, Arise. Ira D. Sanksy, ^^^^m (Laban. S. M.) Lwll Mason. ; I- ^ P d 1. Ohris-tian youth, a - rise, And gird thee for the fight; 2. Be strong, tliro' grace di - vine, Walk ev - er in the light; 3. Fear not, for One is near To show His pow'r and might; 4. Press on - ward in His name, And in Ilis word de - light; -r r f i ? t * = -^2- Put Re - In Stand :4z=- T 1 r =c T ^^ d: 1 -^ m the shin - ing shield of faith. Trust God, and do the pose no con - fi - dence all thy con - flicts with firm for Christ and for in self, Trust God, and do the the foe, Trust God, and do the His Church, Trust God, and do the I right, right, right, right. 3=1 I f-^ W0RS9 COPrRISMT, 1891, BY THE BiGLOW * MAIN CO., NEW YORK, 83 Like a Shepherd. Julia Sterting, Danks. '9- 's>- -r 1. He that guardeth Is - ra - el Slumbers not, nor sleeps; ver all who 2. In the changing scenes of life, Je - sus still is near; Soothing with His 3. Oh, the rich - cs of IIisgrace,And His wondrous love; Songs at night He 4. He will lead us by His hand, When this life is o'er; To the vales of m ^2 J_J, i=^ :^=,ii=P=:t i [ i trust m Him Faithful watch He keeps, gen - tie voice Ev - 'ry anx-ious fear, giv - eth us, Songs from Heav'n a-bove. joy and peace, On the homeland shore. 2=t Like a shepherd He will guide, And for ^ CoptniaHT, 1902, BY The bislow a main Co., new yohk. Like a Shepherd. Concluded. all our wants provide; iS=i: cool and pleasant fountains, Leading us be - side. -# ^ ^a fz!Z:=iiZi^. -3-h~-f 84 Fanny J. Crosby. ^ :tiF=i^ ^ Holy Spirit. Victor H. Benke. ^^ 0- - r 0- ^0 ^:4 1. Ho - ly Spir - it, while we gath - er At this con-se - crat - ed hour, 2. Bless -ed Spir - it, through Thy teaching, While we read our Sav-iour'sword, 3. O 'tis pray'r that brings the bless- ing When all oth-er joys have flown, * ^ __e_i_-f: e m . . &# f m^-^ iS- ^^ ^f I 1 3C_Br_ ijE :^- i - ] ^ ^ fi#-T-9i si AVe would ask Thy prcs-ence with us. Wo would feel Thy quick'ningpow'r. And with Ilim wo hold com-mun -ion, May Ilis lov-ing voice be heard. Pray'r that makes our bur- dens light - er. Draws us near our Fa- ther's throne. :tr =t= -' ;^- i: J=J=J=^: 1

- p __ _.- # ^ i^: r'zz|j[i _;^ u COPmibHT, 1IIQ3, 9T Tni QiULPW A MAin to., New Y0AC 85 Tell it in Song. D.Z a i D. Z. Canady. ^ ^ -N-*- ^=x m -NJ 3!^ 1. Oh, the pos pel news pro-claim, Go ye forth in Jo - sus' name. Tell it in 2. How Ills life lie meek - ly gave, Pre-cious souls from sin to save. Tell it in 8. Of His home be - yond life's sea. Where He dwells e - ter nal - ly. Tell it in m -K^ l^^ -A- ^--t VVT song, song, song, Tell It in song, m tell it in song; Christyourcause will e'er sus-tain, tell it in song; See His glo-rious ban- ner wave tell it in song; In that home a place will be Tell it in song; f-ff t ^ :Jt_ -w w : '- -f - = I w p -p f - r-^^-Mt- ^ y ^ ^ ^-a^ -A 1 S -^ -^-, rr I And with Him, the King.you'll reign, Tell it in song,... All tri-umph- ant o'er the grave, Tell it in song,.., Sin ner, yes, for you and me. Tell it in song,... Tell It U I m eong, ^ H = #-^ F ^3- - ^ / V \ \ ^- tell it in tell it in tell it in A> _ li ., ^ ^ ^ y 3/ rail. ^ Chorus. ^^ .1^ -^*- ^ His low ly, hum birth. How Ho ^ blessed the poor of earth, Tell it in son -_! . i 1 '- tell it in COPYRIQHT, 1809, tr The Biqi-ow a Main Co., Mtw ysrk. Tell It In Song". Concluded. ^ 4- -^IJ-l^ ^-:1^ ^^ JC=* i rcrrr f^ b 1 I -^'^ It' song; How He walk'd on Gal - i-lee; How lie died on Calvary's tree. Tell it insong; ...... ^ b^ 1 ^ !^ ^ / ^^ A ^ * # :^^^:^ -it: -3 y- - " rail. I -A- 5C2: Tell it in P ' "^ I ^^ ;:: ^ song, tell it in Tell \i in Bong, song. f -f tell it ia Bong. 3 I ^ ^(o Now the Day is Over. Sabine Baring-Qould. Joseph Barnby. ES 9^ 1. Now the day 2. Je sus, give 8. Thro' the long 4. When the mora 5. Glo ry to V ->- 13 the vca > night watch itig wak < the Fa Tcr, ry es ens, thor. \ ^ r.0 Night is draw Calm and sweet May Thine an Then may I Glo ry to -jc. r ing re gels a the nigh,., pose;. . spread, rise. Son, Shad- cws v\ llio ove With Thy tend'rest hh-ss Tiicir white; wings a bovo Pure, and fresh, and sin Anil to Thee, blest Spir _j^ 1 _j> IlMlg ' lllg US, less ' it, Steal a-ernss tl;o sky. May ('!:r e;,i' - lid-^ cIdso. Watehiiiu'rnundeaeh bi;d. In Tiiy 111) - ly eyes. Whil.-tall a ges run. men. v-i I- 87 By Grace are Ye Saved. Fanny J. Crosby. -I George C. Stebbin. 1. 'Tia 2. 'Tis 3. 'Tis 4. 'Tis not not not not by works that we have done, by works that we can do, by works of ours, that we our works, but Christ's a - lone, -0. .0. -p. .#. -9- . Our souls re - deem'd shall be; Our right-eous- ness is Tain; Can know our sins for-giv'n; Then rest thy anx - ious soul; ^^^ 1-. -A ^ l^--- \=f.-\-tL -N-, 1 m -# Si- va - ry. wo gain. by the blood of God's dear Son, Who died on Cal by what Christ Himself hath done, E - ter - nal life by the liv - ing word of Him "Wlio pleads for us in heav'n. safe thou art on Him thy Rock While end- less a - ges roll. V .rr croRS of Cal-va - ry, Tho Saviour died for you and me. Up-oii thoro83 of Cal-va-ry, OOfTRlQHT, 1803, BY TmE BliiLOW 4 MAIN Co., NEW YO^K. 91 God is Love. John Bowping. Z^I m - God ia Chance and E'en the f5q Georgo C. Stebbrn*. 5^ A-^- =4=^ ^- -jJzM: love; His mer change are bus hour that dark cy bright - ens y ev - er; est seem - eth -N--- - o- 1/ b ipt C C r f 1. God is love; yes, God is love; His mer-cy bright-ens, mer- cy bright-ens 2. Chanceandchange; yes.chanceand change are bus-y ev - er, bus-y ev - er; 3. E'en the hour; yes, e'en the hour that dark-est seem- eth, dark-est seem -eth P P P { ' ' P (* All the path; yes, all the path in which wo rove, in which we rove; Man de- cays; yes, man de - cays, and a - ges move, and a - ges move; Will His changeless, will His change-less good-ness prove, His good-ness prove, . m * I fL m p ^ f> f> f^ *r f> \> \) \ b U '^ Bliss He wakes; yes, bliss He v.-.-ikes, and woo He liL;ht - ens, woo Ho light-ens; But His mer - cy, but His mer-cy wan-eth nev - or, wan- eth tev - er: From the gloom; yes, from the gloom His brightnessHtreamcth, brightness streameth; God is Love. Concluded. i =^ j/- 1 love, love, love. God is God ia God is light, light, light, and God and God and God God is light; yes, God is light, and God is love, and God is love. God is lit^ht; j'es, God is light, and God is love, and God is love. God is light; yes, God is light, and God is love, and God is love. :to=S Chorus. ^ 1 \ y 'y God is light; yes, God is light, and God is love, and God is love; yes, .. -Jt. :*: ^- :*: M. M- P r~~r ==p* f f t=E- God is light; yes, GoJ is light, and God is love, and God is love. 92 How Can I Look on Calvary's Cross? T. A. Owen. Victor H. Benke, m s# 4^ W y^- 1. How can 2. How can 3. No, no! look on Calvary's cross And see my Sav - iour think of all He bore The shame, the thorns, the can - not trait or be, To Je - sus, King of I ^ there, pain, Love, n. jii r: SI -=?-- -=)+- With outstretch'd arms the world to save. And un - re - pent - ant go my way Tho' sin - ner steep'd in guilt I am, My sins Him - self to To pierce His heart a - His mer - cy I will n All. d 4. 4. bear? gain? prove; _J. n h N N ^ ) k. N s. 1 ^* V \) 1 V ,^ i J ~i 1^ 1 r 1 : 1 /\ h m m * ^ , t , 4 ^ m * ^ -+- . % ^ ^ -r-^ " JT 1^-^ W -'-^^ -?r*= ^ ^ -2?- 4 ^* - to my Sav-innr, For full heart a - dores Him, For I I VR.GMT, 1903, BV THt B^GLOW A MAIN CO., NEW YORK. 94 Will there be Light for Me? E. 8. Roberts. Moderato. mf H. P. Dankb. -A N- I >r NJ Z*J=3t -IV N- --X 1. "Will there be light at e - ven -tide, When my bark un - moors for seaT' 2. When I draw near the oth - er shore, Will there be a shin - ing band 3. On yon - der shore are the gold - en gates. That lead to the cit - y fair, -.^7-* q=il=:l: ^--"Jf*- Will faith's bright ray il - lume the way, O will there be light for me? Of those I knew and loved on earth, A-wait-ing me on the strand?.. Where Je-sus stands, with outstretch'd hands, To bid me wel-come there J_-J- J_._i^4_J_ -^--|S#-T j g^i aggE Will there be Will there be There will be light?... light?... light, . . . "Will there =t:=t= will there will there there will be be be light? -(=2- :i=|=^ I i: =t:= |=g=|=g=| : Tor 3rd verse There will bu light. light? light? light Will there bo light? i -> -| 1 There -will i light. will there will there there vrill bo be be light light li"ht -#- for for for r me, mo, me, - 1^ I \ for for for me?. . . . Will there me? Will there me, Ho id the Light -J be be light light :i ^.-^- -^a _j CPPrRiGMT, 1393, BY THi: Biatow & Main CO.. NEW YOHK. Will there be Light for Me ? Concluded, U T > Sr-^ at e - ven - tide, When my bark un - moors for of fac es briglit.On the banks of the crys - tal of glo - ry briglit, That shone on Cal va 2 I ==^J-- ^ i^ iy I 1 ^ \^ ^ 95 We Lift Our Hearts to Thee. Grace J. Frances. Hubert F, Main, 1. We lift 2. Thanks for 3. God of our hearts our fa - e - tcr ^0- 5 * to Thee, Thou glo - rious Maj vorcd land, Gift from Thy might nal love. Grant, from Thv throne -I C3 P I ty, liand, bove 'An - cient of Days!" ITomo of the free: Our fer - vent pray'r: -!; +4 qqJziz: ^-^ - For this grand world of ours, For For fruits that here a-bound,For Guard Thou our fu - ture weal. To buds and jicace witli us Thy- grant flow'rs, For fruits and gen ty crown'd, And joy and love re - vi'ul ; Si) ir.av we ev -#- -0- tie show'rs. Thy name pro - fdund. We wor - cr feel Thy ton ?02. ST 7 ML DiCLO.V i MA CD., Nt* "lOan. we jiraiso. sliip Tlioo. der care. J] No Night There. R. Clements. H. P. Oanttt, 4- -0 *#-J -^- E3^3= In tlie land of fade-less day Lies"tlie cit - y four-square,** It shall All the gates of pearl are made. In "the cifc - y four-square," All the And the gates shall nev-er close To "the cit - y four-square," There life'a There they need no sunshine bright, In "that cit - y four-square," For the r\ t. .. ^ N ' ^ } /.u- ] ^ ^ - i L yK-J-t 1 r-^ -i ^ p^ ;_, ^^ -^ 1 w ^- ~* ^ -r L_J_ _^_J L.^ 1 nev . er pass a way. And there is "no night there." streets with gold are laid. And there is "no night there." crys tal riv - er flows. And there is "no night there." Lamb is all the light. And there is "no night there." ^:r^-#-- i v-^ 1 r*^ 1 P__ ^ 1 1 f\ Vk -^-^ 1 ^ zzij^iid '~^" 1 y _2^ ^ -f 1 mf Choeus. A An -V V -^ V SE*^ ^^z-zii- :'3J'z iiz: r -f r HT" ciTrr God shall "wipe a- way all tears;" There's no death, no pain, nor fears; ; God sliall "wipe a way all tears;" There's no death, no., pain, nor fearai Cfc=S E3El; --^J V ^ t- a -m m m 1 1 - "^ * * \--r - \- y) y -MM^^, ^-i-Wnl -^i^ ^m And they count not time by years,.. For there is "no night there.*' And they count not lirao by years, hy years, For there Is ''no night there." Cspvfii'j.fT, ISM, BY The Bigvow 4 Main Co., New Yoph. y y 1 i^ 97 O Little Town of Bethlehem. Phillips Brooks. 3^ dim. Hubert P. Main. 4 ^ rr lie! bove, giv'n I pray; 1. lit - tie town of Beth -le- hem, IIow still we see thee 2. For Christ is born of Ma - ry. And gath-er'd all a 3. How si lent- ly, how si - lent-ly The won -drous gift is 4. ho ly Child of Beth- le- hem, De scend to us, we -^ dim. m m 7 A bove thy deep and While mor-tals sleep, the So God iin - parts to Cast out our sin, and R- *J^ dream-less sleep The si lent stars go an gels keep Their watch of wond'ring hu man hearts The bless- ings of His en ter in, Be born in us to S f=rT .fck=i.=i by: love, heav'n. day. 1 may the dark streets stars, to - hear His Christ - mas shin grth . com an eth cr ini,'; trils The ev . Pro-claim r>ut in The great er . the this i^lad last - ing ho . ly world of ti - dinr^ Light; birthl sin; tell; The hopes and fears And pniis - cs sing Where meek souls will Oh, come to us, r of all to God re - ceivo a bido r t!io years ,\re mot in thee to the KiiiLT, And peace to men on Him stiil, The dear Christ en ti rs with us, (Jar Lord Km man u ni2:ht, earth, in. . ell CufTKNnr, Ua, T Tni C/nTu. U>. UMt ti HX 98 Lydia Baxter. Not too fast I'm Waiting for Thee. SOLO, OR DUET AND QUARTET. Hubert P. Maitv 1. I'm wea - ry, I'm faint - ing, my day's work is done; I'm 2. The cold sur -ging bil - lows that break at my feet, Have 3. Come, lov - ing Re - deem - er, and take to Thy breast The 4. I'll lay my life's bur - den, Lord, at Thy feet. For lnstnime7it. ^ '^^fcr#=^ 'j&A 3*- -zi- 1^1^ wateli-ing and wait - ing lost all tlieir ter - ror, heart that is pant - ing lov'd ones are watch -ing for life's set-ting sun : their mu - sic is sweet: and sigh -ing for rest: my spir - it to greet: The shad - ows My Sav-iour My Sav - ionr, The port - als are is I'm of St ret stil'l wait - in li-ing a -far o'er m'X the tempest .I'm wait-in are o - ])eii the lea; Tiien oh! let me anclior beyond the dark sea. for me; Then oil! let me anchor beyond llie dark sea. for Thee;Tlien oh! let me anchor beyond the dark sea. for me; Tiieu oh! let mo anchor beyond the dark sea. * -0- ^i^ i I'm Waiting for Thee. Concluded. QUARTET. Andante con espressione. -i r- The shad - ows are stretch ing -# -^ r-c 99 The Old-Time Religion. (As SUNQ BY ChAS. M. ALEXANDtR.) 1. It was good 2. Makes me love 3. It has saved Cno.' Tis the old for our moth-ers, It %vas good for our moth-ers, ev . 'ry bod y, Makes ine love ev . 'ry - bod y, our fa- tilers, It has saved our,... fa thcrs, time re- li ' u ^^ i* " \=^^=^r- | '0 \ # - 4 . i H 1 1 .1, . -1 1 ' , ^, tOPYRiiHT. IsiOa. BY The Billow i Main Co. NW YORHi Another Day is Over. Concluded. i :t i= shades de les tial smil ing feel and I I scend, While heart air, We cast face, And rich know We're draw and voice to our ev - 'ry ly pour up ing one dav geth bur on near er den us er ^ 4=: In On Thy The t ^Wi m grate Him soul home -#- . -XT ful praise wo who an - swers re - fresh - ing to which we In grate On Him Thy soul The home ful praise we who an swers re fresh ing to which we blend, pray'r. grace. go- -^- ^m ^ r 102 The Lord Love Thee. Marie Zitterberg. Ei-4=i=d 1=^ (God Speed. 48, 3s, 6s.) Theo. E. Perkins. t ES^ I Ttn 1. The Lord Invo tliee And keep llico T'p on the land and sea; 2. The Lord blos.s tlu'o And rest then, Wiier-c"er thy jour-neys be; 3. Tlie liord guide thoo And bring thoo To where the home-shores be; _J_^_, , -^ If: If: It .^ If: -^- And cause His face In And nrv - er cimsi' To And ev - "rv hour In - K 0-^ ev - 'ry jilace To shine di - vino on thee pive His jiciir." My day and nij,'lit to thee joy - ous pnw'r His lile?s.in;:^s lay on thoe 0^0 l^ T r CorYRiCHT, 1907, e> ,'no. R. Clev L'9*0 rr PtK 103 Softly Now the Light of Day. Geo. W. Doana. I. Allan Sanksy, g ^ri: ^ ^=3^ -0-ir *- = i 2- 'ntr- 1. Soft . ly now the light of day 2. Thou.whose all per vad ing eye 3. Soon for me 4. Thou who, sin Pfi Fades up - on my sight a - way; Kaiight es - capes, with - out, with-in, the light of day Shall for - ev - er pass a way; less, yet hast known All of man's in - firm - i - ty; M Li m i 1 ij. J-f^ MW m i^ =N=^ ^j ^ j- i 3^ n J U- 1 -0- ' tl -90- t 'W^ -r-f & Free from care, from la bor free. Lord, I would com-mune with Par don each in -firm-i - ty, pen fault and se - cret Then, from sin and sor - row free. Take me, Lord, to dwell with Then, from Thine e - ter - nal throne, Je sus, look with pity- ing i^^=pJ=J: r Thee, sin. Thee, eye. -(2- COPYRIQHT, 1907, BY THE BfG'.OW It MAfN CO., HEW VORK. 104 Eben E. Rexford. m^- Lord's Day Hymn. Ira D, Sankey. 4. -^r ^ -W-^r itzt -^,- -?*,- I r -^^ 1. A pain the Sab -bath God has blest, To ns returns with peace an ''i. Oh, bless -cd day, in which we turn Our hearts to God, and Hcav'n, an i. To day God seems so ver y near, lie smiles, the shad-ows dis - ap 4. Ilail, ho ly dav,whcre-in may we Find fore-taste of the rest to d rest ; d learn - pear, be. And The And to ITis courts we come to pay. Our trib - ute on the Lord's own les sou of its ho ly calm, And wor-sliip Him, the great I in the sunshine of His love, Our hearts mount upward like the When heavn's e tc Sabbath brings Ful 111 ment of God's ])roni is J kl day. Am. dove, ings. COPYBIQMT, 1902, BY THE BiaLOW & MAIN CO., NEW VORh, 105 Fanny J. Crosby. Saved by Grace. Qeo. C. Stabbtnt. i lit. i;^ tr*- 1. Some day tlie sil - vcr cord will break, And I no more as now shall sing; 2. Some day my earth ly house will fall, I can - not tell how soon 'twill be, 3. Some day.when fades the gold en sun Be-neath the ro - sy-tiiit - ed west, 4. Some day; till then I'll walch and wait. My lamp all triram'dand burning bright. :r:ii=sr: ^- t-^- - s^ ^ r* m But, 0, the joy when I shall w"ke With - in the pal -ace of the But this I know my All in All lias now a place in hcav'n for ]\Iy blessed Lord shall say, "Well done!" And I shall en - ter in . to That when my Sav - iour ope's the gate, i\ly soul to Him may take_ its J^ , PI ^^ -0 *- KingI me. rest, flight. f] ' ^ ^ ! v > ! ^ ^ / t . J ^ \ er^ii '^ s ' ' . ( " 4 ' *._ \> ) m m sto - ry Saved by grace; And -#- I shall .m. SCO Him face 0- to # 1 . ^-j;_ # i v^4> -) 1* .k . 'rf / / i/ _.^ .^ ^^ - ., ., 1/ ^ 1 / y ^'i^ face, And J , to faro. *-'"S!- . :1=: -5f- CO^YRItNT MOrMTY M W. H, eoMU. U(U PT fHk f^ 1 08 There shall be Showers of Blessing. D. W, Whittle. James McQranahan. 1 "There sliall be show-ers of bless -ing;" This is the prom-iso of love; 2 "There shall be show - crs of bless -ing" Prc-cious re - viv -ing a - gain; 3 "There shall be show-crs of bless -ing:" Send them np- on lis, O Lord; 4 "There shall be show-crs of bless-ing:" Oh that to- day they might fall. V - S- VV- 4^2- n fi N s. 1 ^ V s ^ ^ ^ I V \ ^ iN ^ 1 .^ i\ r i ? J, r> 1 m M ^ ^ ' ~f~ -^-:-\ t-X m * 8 S 9 If -Mi - V / c S 5 ?"" 1 * 5* 1 ^ o s There shall bo sea-sons re - fresh -ing, Sent from the Sav iour a - boTe. - vcr the hills and the val- leys. Sound of a - bun- dance of raiu. Grant to us now a re - Crosh ing, Come, and now hon - or Thy Word. Now as to God M^e'ro con -fess- ing, ^ow as on Je - sus we call! p m ^ mam , . ^ .- 4L JL -KL Jl. __ 1 , V # [ 1 '# ^ ! P/'l P m m w m ^0 1 1 1 1 ^-^h r 1/' 'V , J ," '^ L_ 1 ^ [>' J' ^^ !/ J 1 1 f r' Show-ers, show - crs of bless - ing, Show-crs of bless-ing wo need; COPrRiaMT, 1833, BY J*ME9 McORANAHAN. USED IT PSH. 109 I Need Thee Every Hour, Mrs Annie 8. Hawks. Robert Lowry. I i r 1. 1 2. I 8. I 4. I 5. I need need need need need Thee Tliee Thee Thee Thee er ev ev ev ev 'ry 'rr '7 'ry hour, hour, hour; hour; hour, -i^EJE rf=t=^ Sg f Most Stay In Teach Most _J pra Thou joy nie Ho cious near or Thy Lord ; by; pain; will; One; ^P-^ ^ fer 5^ af - art is ful - ed r\ K"o ten Tempt - a Come quick And Thy Oh, make der voice like Thine lions lose their power ly and a - bide, rich prom 'is . es me Thine in deed, Wf ^f '- t ^ J- Can peace Wlien Tiiou Or in Thou life me bless - ford, nigh. vain, fill. Son. REFRAIN. -0~i 4 ^ need Thee, oh! I need Thee; Kv n-f, ^ m a "ST r^ 'ry hour I L0 9 IZIi *- 1 ^__ :^ need Thee; bless mo now, my Sav-iourt I come to Thee. '^^4>^ :jt t:?zz -i - ^^f^ -Fl 1 ^ =>> 11 CorrmoMT, 1900, r Mart Ruhton lowry. F.EHtw*!. Osto it ft*. I 10 True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted. Frances R. Havergaf. George C. Stebbin*. I J [ N m ^-i^M ^^ wiM S=fc 1 True-heart-ed, whole-heart-ed, faith - ful and loy - al. King of our 2 True-heart-ed, whole-heart-ed, full - est al - le - giance Yield - inghence 3 True-heart-ed, whole-heart-ed, Sav - iour all - glo - rious ! Take Thy great ^ 4:1- J=- zy-z ^ -\-i ^ lives, by Thy grace we will be; forth to our glo - ri - ous King; j)ow - er and reign there a - lone, I Tin - der the stand - ard ex - Val - iant en - deav - or and O - ver our wills and af -F-: 9- 42- i ^t n _ \ r^. K 1 -t 1 1 N 1 g -jft ^-T g H 1 ',_4-^_ -j-^9- -r^-J-r- \ 4 \- -1^^1-tI ffi_cz=*igS:= 9 " 9 9 ^-_^_ ^: ; g -v?J-4 ait - ed and lov - ing - fee - tions vie _,_ { Tr. 1 , roy - al, be-dienee, -to - rious, JL . * -9- 1 ' 1 1 1 ^ - - j H Strong in Thy strength we will bat - tie for Thee. Free - ly and joy - ona - ly now would we bring. Free - ly sur - ren-dered and whol - ly Thine own. 9 J ' -t -f- .-^' -^ . . 9^9 . fe)-;- -^ #- -- f >| ; . 1* r- hi P 0- . U. 1 i ^ '^b "1 1 1 ' ' Iv ^ 9 h:-,h--' 1 <' ] 1 / 1 y y 1 '^'1 1 1 1 ^ Chorub, 1^ - * sii * 1 ; . . . 1 1- ^ ^^'^ 1 r-4 -^-^ \-^f- Peal out the Peal watch-word! si - lence it si lence A' -#- nev - _w 1 j ^- er ! Song Song -^ of our /'^^> . L ^ 1 a __U .__ ^^-^- r !* * g^-j? * r *-H^ ^-^ _s:r:f_ ( 1 ^"^9 ^ 1/ y t . ' .. 1 '> '> y I -LTZZi L/' y eOPYRIGHT, 1890, %1 IRA D, SANKEY. True-Hearted, Whole- Hearted. Concluded, i i ;r=r M :if:i=*i=^ ]B^ i =1=^ z^^ w spir its re - joic - - ing and free; re - joic - ing and free; lt=^ Peal out the watch-word I Peal :p -V ^ fe=!v -^-^ ,^-. ^ a 313^3 a=5: r=3^i Oi loy - al for - ev - er, ' King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be. loy - al King %^ 1- r r , t -- -- ^ a E^ -^ ^ -v-^^^ 11 1 Where He Leads Me. Edward W, Blandy, Arr. from P. P. Blias. 1. I can hear my Sav - iour call - ing, 2. I'll go with Him thro' the gar - don, 3. lie will give me grace and glo - ry. -i ^E3 i I can hear my Sav - iour call-ing, I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den. He will give me grace and glo-ry. Si Cho. Wlierelleleads me I tcill fol- loic, "Where He leads vie m I IV ill fol -low, ad lib. Chorus. D. C. r* iii=tij: ^=^- ^ U I can hear my Sav - iour call-iiig, "Take thy cross and fol-hnv, fol- low Me." I'll go with Ilim thro' llie gar-den, I'll go with Hini,witli Ilim all the way. Ho will give iiie grace and glo-ry, And go with me, with mc all the way. Where Me leads me I will fol -low, Til go with Him, with Ilim all the wa. W*^ *> I'.KXiM.O* 112 H. R. P. Yield Not to Temptation. Horatio R. Palmer. ^^ ^ 1 Yield not to tempt-a - tion, For yield-ing is siil, Each -vie -fry will 2 Shun - vil corn-pan - ions, Bad language dis - dain, God's name hold iu S To him that o'cr-com - eth God giv-eth a crown, Thro' faith we shall ^^ ^ 1 " ly d= m =p^=s=g=r IP ^:t>- help you Some oth-cr to win; xev - 'ronce, Nor take it in vain; con- quer, Though oft -en cast down; -- J,._ J .._._ - -l/- ^t; I 1 I- #------1 I . V > i r -fi-^ Fight manful - ly on - ward, Be thoughtful and earn - est, He who is our Sav - iour, ^<^^^ zS-S-*- -^-~ I L^ _II5 I I] 1 1 I Dark pass-ions sub liind-heart-ed and Our stren"th will ro ^ duo, true, new, A 1- Look ev-er to Jo - sus, He'll car-ry you through. Look ev-er to Jo - sus, He'll car-ry you through. Look ev-er to Jo - sus, He'll car-ry you through. J r. -L- Chorus. j^fiAiuHT, t^M, er H. H. pAkMtik Utftis tf 113 Blessed Assurance. i 9=^ Fanny J. Croby. Mr*. Joseph F. Knapp* ii; fr 5^533 -V- i^iB ^ 1 Bless-cd as - sur-ance, Jo -sua ia mine! 2 Per- feet sub - mis- Bion, per -feet do - ligLt, 3 Per - feet Bub - mis - sion, all is at rest, -i e . Oh.v.bat a foro-tasto of Yis-iou3 of rapt - ure no\7 I in my Sav - iour am. *1!^ 3? s^ JE -St: # ; i m plo - ry di - vine! burst on my eight; Lap - i)y and Llost; Tj Ileir of Eal - va - tion, pur-cliaso of Gcil, An - Rcls, do - scond-ing, brinrj from a - boTa Watching and wait - ing, look - incj a - bov>\ Lorn of Ilia Spir - it, -washed in His blooJ. ) Ech - O03 of mer - cy, whis-pcrs of love. V Filled with Ilia good - naa, lost in Ilia lovo. ) This is my sto - ry. >;*r=4=iz=id==ti=f -c-c- ^^m i=ii this is my ^. ^ JL. Bong, Prais-iug my Sav-i.)ur nU tho day long; This is my _#- ^. jt . JR. . if: if: 3t ifT^* N ^ -#- m M- ' Jl- ' ^- ^- Si- 4^1- _ v w mm ^ m I P"y>^H' 114 Whiter than Snow. James NiohoIson> William Q, Fischer, 1 , 1 1 1 I : _..^ ,. V ^ p^- # _jIIL._ \ i ^ * ^ Break down ev - 'ry i . dol, east out 1 give up my self, and what ev By faith, for my cleans-ing, I see To those who have sought Thee, Thou nev ev - 'ry foe; er I know- Thy blood flow- er said'st " Xo"- SifctJ: 5-r?^ :?=q: - I 'lz:t==Eztzz:s==:=:Eaizizt=zi=|=lzt=:**=#zf:=z -rh- whit-er than snow; Xow wash me, and I shall be whit er than snow. _ _ _ _ _ ^ 115 There is Power in the Blood. L. E. J. L. C. Jenes. =fc i =t -7b- :^r ^ blood, blood, blood, blood. 1. Would you be free from your bur - den of sin ? There's pow'r in the 2. Would you be free from your pas - sion and pride? There's pow'r in the 3. Would you be whit- er, much whit - er than snow? There's pow'r in the 4. Would you do serv - ice for Je - susyour King? There's pow'r in the ^ t- ^ i=fci ^=4i^ f f: t: :|i=ti: ^=r E 4*- g fc 3 ^ *i^ =1: r pow r in pow'r in pow'r in pow'r in the blood; Would you o'er e - vil a vie - to - ry win? the blood; Come for a cleans -ing to Cal - va - ry's tide, the blood; Sin stains are lost in its life - giv-ing flow, the blood; Would you live dai - ly His prais - es to sing? M a ^_j> m 0M m * ^ * kl ?^T^- t=^ - F-^ 1 t: CHORUS. -Slrt^^-"-z^"":.^ n ^ S- :^-r-^ -N- -h ri- f^ 1 gg-5 J j -0-' -^--3,-^ -- -4- 1 -i ^fcp- i i 'i-' * ' won-dor-work-iiig pow'r -0- -0 &- .- the blond Tn the of Mood the fjanib; of the There Lamb ; m is m s s # (?);", i'^ii |# 1# |# 1 ^. - r -T -:s ^..t~" 1 1 1 t" l^ . , . . t 1^ V ^ - - ' y ^ 1 '^ 1/ ty I L ^^ I jiow'r. jiow'r, woii-ilor work-inj; [low'r In tlio piv-cious blood of the I,ni)il). TliiTr is i>i)w'r, /si m . m M M COPYRIGHT, 1899, (T H. L QII.MOUII. useo n nn. 1 1 6 When the Roll is Called up Yonder. J. M. B. James M. Black; -^' ^ -#-r #-s 0r #-r 4- :^ s--- ^t=i V 1 "When the trum - pet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more. 2 On that bright and cloudless morn-ing, when the dead in Christ shall rise, S Let me la - bor for the Mas - ter from the dawn till set - ting sun, ^$aEE=EE:-t K 1/ g-J- -H U-i^ ^ 1^ m i^ t- And the morn - ing breaks, e - ter - nal, bright and fair; When the And the glo - ry of His res - ur - rcc - tion share; When His Let me talk of all His won-drous love and care, Then, when 0-^ J-^ J^ 8-f i 1= -0. -; ff-T -; ' -; m: 3 i ' _^ . ' eaved of earth shall gath - er o - ver on the oth - er shore And the chos - ca ones shall gath - er to their home be -yond the skies. And the all of life is o - ver, and my work on earth is done. And the ; 1 1 3 f=^ roll is called up yon-der, I'll be" there. Toll i.-i called uj) yon-der, I'll Le there. roll is called lip yon-dcr, I'll bo there. COPTRIOHT, 1893, ir CHAS. H. GABRIEL, USED fEK, OF J. M BUICK. OWM*. When the Roll is Called up Yonder. Concluded. S m ^ :__ m w Iztjt t ^- yon - - der, "When the roll is called np yon - - der, When the yon der, I'll be there, When the roll is called tip yon -der, I'll be there, :^-^_ m -#- -0- -0- * -0- -0- * -- -0-- -0- -0-' -0- -W-^ha U-7-ta U . U -!-T-1a !a-T-la- V ^ b^ P^- )f -i^ 3i=: ^ r- < ! - -V ^i-V ^-v- j^^ V- xoU is called up yon-der, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. When the roll ^= ' ' 1 -^-y ^-i^- -0 - ' 0- :S^=t^ 3E3^ jg^ 117 Tis Midnight; and on Olive's Brow. (Olive's Brow. L. M.) William B. Tappan. William B. Bradbury. -(5- -#--#- * -O- -^r -O- -&>- -0-0- I -,>- 1. 'Tis midnight; andon 01 - ive's brow The star is diuim'd that lately shone: 2. 'Tis inidiiiglit; and from all ro-mov'd, The Sav-iour wrestles lone with fears; 3. 'Tis midnight; and for olh - ers' guilt The Man of Sor-rows \vccps in blood; 4. 'Tis midnight; and from cth-cr -j)]ains Is borne the song that an -gels know; Tis midnight ; in the gar- don, now, The snfT'ring Saviour jn'nys a- ]onr. Ev'n (hat dis - ri - plo whom lie InvM, lUn-dsncit His Master's grief and tears. Yet lie tliat hatli in an - guish km'lt, Ts not for - sak - en by liis God. Un-heardl)y mor-tals are the st ruins That sweetly s<'otliethe Saviour's woe. -t -^1-11:^3 * d tz p^ l^-t, , _, # t^- & DT rn 118 I Love to Tell the Story. Kate Hankey. Wm. Q. Fischer. n. 4=- ,-^- :3b - ' I #- 1. I love to tell the 2. I love to tell the 3. I love to tell the >^-lr fetei^ sto sto sto ry Of im - seen things a - bove, ry: 'Tis pleas - ant to re - peat, ry; For those who know it best it:^ rT=rr^rf t ^j^ Of Je - sus and His love. More won - der - ful - ly sweet. To hear it, like tlie rest. i^ Of Je - sus and His glo ry, What seems.each time I tell it, Seem bun - ger - ing and thirst -ing I ^ -' f- f - -*- ^ -^- :t: -T- i^.. T =1: ::^- itt P I love to tell the sto - ry, I love to tell the sto - ry, And when, in scenes of glo - ry, Be - cause I know 'tis true; For some have nev - er heard I sing the new, new song, |:d>:^zi?=t=S=z:^ -V- i -f>- It sat - is The mes - sage fies of 'Twill be- the old. my long-ings sal - va - tion old sto - ry 5^ ~r As noth - ing else From God's own ho That I have loved -- ^ ' -#- "- ^ =l=!=i:i=ti=|i: can do. ly word. so long! r Used by permission. I Love to Tell the Story. Concluded. t^-fc^ i^ -fV-r m -^' To tell tho old, old sto - ry Of Je - sus and Eis love. lag J-^ at 1 119 Fanny J. Crosby. Lord, at Thy Mercy-seat. e S t^. : rit .^. r r 1. Lord, at Thy mcr - cy - seat, Huru - bly I 2. Tears of re - pent - ant grief Si - lent - ly 8. Still at Thy mer - cy - seat, Sav - iour 1 =t ^ Anon. -<5^. fall; Plead-ing Thy fall; Eelp Thou my fall; Trust -ing Thy 3 --^ I ^5=^ N 1 rit. . . ._^^^^_^ ^ .4-- i =^^ ^'' ^ 1 *- -J, 1 1 1 ^* t:j__ ^ . 0^ 1 ' 1 prom ise sweet, Lonl, hear my call; Xow let Thv work be - gin, un - be - lief, Hear Thou my call; (Ml, liow I pine for Thee! prom ise sweet, Heard is my eall, Fuiil wii)^' 5 mv soul to Theel i N 1 -.^-J- - 1 1 J -^ -J- -^ - ^W=5t 1^ g ' -1i * -^ i-?? r:. ' 1 ** ' ^ ^ 1 r- 1 ' y< 1 1 Oil, make nie ]iiire witli-in, ClcaiiM' me from cv - 'ry sin, Jo 'Tis all my liope ami jilra : .Ic - .-u-< Ikis difil fur me, Jc This all my song^hall be: Je - sii.s has dinl for me, Je -r-#--- ,-- -^-- !- I - _ ztzlL^' ^ -us, my all. -us, my all. -us, mv all. -J WMB 11 PtHuiMiea. 120 Throw Out the Life-Line. (May be sunq as a Solo and Chorus.) E. S. Ufford. Arr. by George C. Stebbint. 1 Throw out 2 Throw out 3 Throw out 4 Soon will the Life- the Life- the Life- the sea- Line a - cross the dark wave, There is a broth-er whom Linewithhandquickandstrongi'Why do you tar - ry, why Line to dun-ger-fraught men, Sink- ing in anp;msh where son of res -cue be o'er. Soon will they drift to e - I - -^ - a: :^ :^ ^ rrr i -t A- -A- =? tJ -o- -O- -ar some one should save; Some - bod - y's broth-er! oh, who then,will daro To lin - ger so long? See! ho is sink-ing; oh, hast -en to-day And you've ncv-cr been: Winds of temp-ta-tion and bil-lows of woo Will ter - ni - ty's shore, Haste then, my broth-er, no time for de-lay, But zuiz M ^=u. :d=\ ClIOEUS. N ^V '^ ^ ' i" Life-Line, his per - il to share ?\ Life-Boat! a - way, then, a - way! ( throw out the out with the Boon hurl them ontwliere the dark wa - tcrs flow, throw out the Life-Line and save them to - day. ' Throw out the Life-Line I A i* 1 N -^ 1 1 '=^^-u N N N ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ -\-^\\ (4> Life-Line! *-4- Throw qut 9 9 the Life-Line! % V ^ #-f 5 Some one is sink-ing to - -1 1 1 r n t day. -t 1 H s^^ L. 1 ^ ^ _i^ '^ ! W * W fj f -p.. fef!eH-' '890; 'mi Bi&lshv * MAiif 69 . <* f* 121 My Saviour First of All. Fanny J. Crosby. Jno. R. Swoney. N ^ N ^ :i|z=i^ i *|- 1. When my life work is end -ed, and I cross the swelling tide, When the 2. Oh, the soul thrill ing rapture when I view His bless-ed face, And the 3. Oh, the dear ones in glo ry, how they beck - on me to come, And our 4. Thro' the gates to the cit - y in a robe of spot-less white, He will -0 l^gis=m -X ^ ^=r=g : n^?=rR=n=r-rr^^=r5^ briglit and glorious morning I shall see; I shall know my Redeemer when I Ills tre of nis kind-ly beam ing eye; ITow my full heart will praise Him for the f)art - ing at the riv-cr I re- call; To the sweet vales of E - den they will ead me where no tears shall ev er fall; In the glad song of a- ges I shall ^=^^ rJ=^ ^ :f: If: L^-ttZ. -u v- JeH reach the oth - cr side, And His smile will 1)0 the fust to wcl-come mer - cy, love, and grace. That pre-parcs for me a man-sion in the sing my wcl-come liome, 15ut I lonj min - gle with do - light; I5ut I lonj 1o meet my Sav-iour first (!f to meet mv Sav-iour first of all. # ~#-^^^ ^0- y 0-1 g I shall know.... IIiiii,T shall know llim. As rcdecnrd by His side Isliallstand, I RhallknowIIiiu, ^- .0. .0. .J. .0. w .^. ~0- -m. .r_ .1 .|_ - - .__ u*- g ; r^ p * - * Ti* ~ * ' * -f' T l I i^lial! lvii"\v. . . . llim, T sliallknow Hliu liy (lit' print of the nails in His hand. IslKillkiunv -^ -.- -.. ^ ^ > - - x-'y m~-m-r-0 ^ - *-,- 1 a !i_ ^ COPYRIGHT, 1887, BY IRA D. S*NKtYi I will Sing the Wondrous Story. Concluded. ^^3- =u*i- -^-N- I ifczi: :r 3 -* ^ glo - - ry. Gathered by the crys-tal sea. the saints in glo - ry, gath-ered by the crya - tal sea. ^^ .Xl. -t=-^ -# #- t^xJ'-.j-: ii :^ C% i^iza: =rF ? ^ ^-nr t' 5* W 123 He Leadeth Me. Joseph H. Qilmore. William B. Bradbury. 2"i ifcrt f SE^ 1. He lead-ethme! 0! blessed thought, Oh! words with heav'nly comfort fraught; 2. Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes whereE-den's bowers bloom, 3. Lord, I would clasp Thy hand la mine. Nor ev - er mur-mur nor re-pine; 4. And when my task on earth is done, "When, by Thy grace, the victory's won. What-e'er I do, wher-e'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that lead - eth me. By wa - tors still, or trou-bled sea, Still 'tis His hand that lead - eth mo. Con- tent, what-ev- er lot I see. Still 'tis my God that lead - eth me. E'en death's cold wavel will not flee. Since God thro' Jor - dan lead- eth me. aj=i: I r liEKRAIN. If' \ !^ T j=t-i He lead-eth me! He lead- eth mc! By His own hand lie lead-eth 3i me; -.3 I' ^- i ^^ a' ^~i ^ I! ' z n* 1 r^f^f^^ '- ^ jm-0 m 0--' j , - - M - His faith-ful fol-lo\vt>r I would he, Tor hv His hand Ho load - eth ii * 1 # 1 1 1 -0 - -0 I i^ ' \7 1~^ 1^ f f iier^^m I ~11 OOPTRionr PRoPtnrr of ^nt Biulo* a Main Co, New Yoit^. 124 Open Wide the Door. W. Kitohing, arr. by S. ^ John H. Burka 1. Je - sus knocks; He calls to thee; "Wea - ry one, O 2. Jo - BUS knocks, He comes to save, 'Twas for thee His 3. Je - SU3 knocks, is knock-ing still; Yield to Him at 4. Je - susknocks; the mo-mentsfly; While sal - va - tion ^S3 ^ n^- zF nzzt zl: come to me;" life He gave; once thy -will; yet is nigh; t=t: -15- -\ rf>-T-^i- He can save, and on - ly He; \ He hath tri-umph'd o'er the grave; f q He with joy thy heart can fill; T Ere the Sav-iour pass-eth by, j o - pen, ^;^t P-V^ 2:^ _fZ- m pea wide the door, pen -wide the door. V '?-^-^-l CnoKus -^N \J y n ^, ^ \ /T 7 hi 1 " ^ ^ -. 1 V) '^ J ^^ A ^ ^ ^ ^ \ * \ r ! tJ -^ o - pea pen wide. tiio door, - pen -- vide tho 1 door. - . pen t'^\ L. , " 1 ("-"i ^7 ^ x 1 , ^ 1 ^ 1 ' " ki 1 'J V i^ v ^ 1 / rs , , , ' ^.^ r / V _ pen wiilo tho door, pea wide, o pc-u v.iJe the door; can gave, and ly He; O pen wide tho door, o - pen wide tho door, pen wido the door. ^^m lOfTRIfihT, 18il, ir Tt 125 To the Work. Fanny J. Crosby. Wm. H. Dcano. ^:: ^4~^4^= - ^ ^T=l=y= --N- -0-T i^ 53!^ 1. To 2. To 3. To 4. To the work! to the workl to the workl to the workl to the work! we are scrv-ants of God, Let us fol . low the the workl let the Imn-gry be fed; To the fount -ain of the workl there is la bor for all, For the king doni of the workl in thestrengthof the Lord.And a robe and a -1^-^ # -- -0-- -I M- h 1^ path that our Mas-ter has trod; With the balm of His counsel our strength to re-new, Life let the wea. ry be led; In tlie cross and its banner our glo - ry shall be, dark-ness and er -ror shall fall ; And the name oi Je - ho-vah ex - alt ed sliall be, crown shall our la bor reward; When the home of tlie faithful our dwelling shall be, =^=4=fei CHORUS. h"^! 1^ J J N^ 1 , s, \-T ! , T Let us do with our might what our hands find to do. v Wiiile we lier aid tlio ti-dings, '**SVr^-7'a - ii'on is free !" j^ m ji In the loud swellii.g eho t\:<, "Sal -I'a - tinn is free f" [ And we.shout wit ii tlie iansom'(l,">SV(^- r iioii t'sfric'"' _1?-_-?\ -9- ing on, Toilins; on. -X --: Ic^il iug on, Toil - iiu Toll - Ing on, ^1 ;; J -i on, Toil-i.ig Toil - iiu; on. T Toil liii,' on Let us luipi'. Let us watch. And la Ijor till tlie 3Ias-tcr cuuios. ainl trust, anil l>ray, it-* s SoPrHiGHT, 'asj. sr w H. Djane. HthtAiU Uito by psjh 126 Sound the Battle Cry. W. F. S. William F. Sherwin, -^ m \ ^ # ==t 1. Sound the bat - tie cry, See! the foe is nigh; Raise the stand-ard high 2. Strong to meet the foe, March-ing on we go, While our cause, we know, 3. Oh! Thou God of all, Hear us when we call. Help us one and all ^S: -*r-f- 1=^ l^^i ^=|E =t=^ ^ ^ ^ =S^ i ' ' ' ^ ^ -m- Gird your arm or on, Stand firm ev - 'ry one. Shield and ban - ner bright Gleam -ing in the light. When the bat - tie's done. And the vie - t'ry won. For the Lord ; Must pre - vail ; Thy grace; n By n hi ) ft \ \ t CHORUS. 1 1 1 V 1 ^ b J i^ > S t^ 1 1 1 J / hW *< ; S J m { ' | J 4 ' Cc^ '^ j ' m *i 1 ^ * W / 1 ^ J 1 J j _ 1 t) ' Rest Bat - May 2-r. ; your tling we # -- . cause for wear _ ^_!_ -j- -#- t;* np - on His the right, We the crown Be 1 1 ho ne'er fore I 4 - ly can Thy -<5>- word fail, face. ^ -4- ) Rouse then, 1 1 sol J- -0- diers! J ^'-&T^ 1 9-0 -> s . 1. 1 t 1 1 ^-^b h L 1* t , ^ \j \j 1 > 1^ ' ' 1/ f? ^ k ^ y y 1 <3 \ _ _ ' 1 1 ' ' 1 ^* r^^ g^ ral - ly round the ban . ner! Read - y, stead-}', pass the word a -long; r r Onward, forward, shout a-loud, Ho-san-na ! Christ is Cap-tain of the mighty thronj COPTRIGHT PROPIRTT OF THE BIGUOW 4 MAIN CO., NEnf YORit 127 God Will Take Care of You. Fanny J. Crosby. K-a D. Sankey, ^ ^-^ k; \ ^ __ 1. God will take caro of you, be not a-frai(l;He is your safe-guard thro' 2. God will take care of you thro' all the day, Shielding your footsteps, di 8. God will take care of you, long as you live, Granting you bless-ings no -If-. ^ ^. 3E^ -g-T- P^ tlfc i'=r=rf^'^r=rr 1-^ -1-^ fct i-r 3t=i: i^E -^hr- i sunshine and shade; Ten-der-ly watch-ing and keep-ing His own, He will not rect -ing your way; He is your Shepherd,Pro -tect-or and Guide, Leading His oth - er can give; Ho will take care of you when time is past. Safe to His Efe3 -?? : ICZJE ^ rr^ 1 t r -1 1- r~^~T^ leave yori to wan - der a lone. \ chil-dren where still wa-ters glide. V God will take care of you still to the end; king-dom will bring you at last. ) -#. . _^. jL :f: jL ^. jt. ' <^-. ^^^ Oh, what a Fa - thcr, Ive-dcein - er and Friend ! Jc sus will an-sworwhen- _#. J, ^. Jt . ^ M. cv - cr you call, He will take care of yon, trust Ilirn for all. .#. .C^-' .0. .0. :-^i_*=r:-::::ig^rj:.^j_::zS=iizr:Li=:*zz=ir=E^ > -t-r-> ]--<:'-- \~f ) i ] 0^0 0[~ i^iE; COPyRIIJHT, 1890, BV IR* D. 8*t><|Y. I i i II 128 When the Mists have Rolled Away. Annie Herbert Arr, Ira D. Sar.ksy. 1. When the mists have rolled in splendor From the beau - ty of the hills, 2. Oft we tread the path be -fore us With a wea - y, bur-den'd heart; 3. We shall come with joy and gladness, We shall gath - er 'round the throne; -- * -^ -#- -- -f*- ' - -I 1 F- I I =4: i^ ^--nj: ^iv \- % And the sun -light falls in glad-ness Oft "we toil a - mid the shad-ows, Face to face with those that love us, On the riv - er And our fields ai'e We shall know as and the rills: far a - part : we are known: C\ Vm- ^ --H^ -^- ^ ^ ^ N S ^ ^ /TV 5^#5 -f^ - -^-T~~ \ -^ H^ j N- \ ) ^ 1 W^^ ^0 ^ ; a 1 ^ 1 ^--= _ ^ J ^ r ~i~~t^ ^=?-S-^ # =^ w y _ j_ m 1 -^p-l Wo re - call our Fath-er's prom-ise In the rain -bow of the sprav : But the Saviour's "CoHie,ve blcss-ed," AU our la - bor will re - pay. And the song of our re-demp-tion Shall re - sound thro' end- less day, s ^ :f * _*- -*. JI-- _/*- ^- m ^ ji /^\ t 1 1 * 1 1 P- m P 9 r 1 ^'^^ -:> _^^_ -^ 'j h ^ 1 H&^ ' ' -:? ^- . ^ ^ . i'' ^ _tn -1 1 We shall know each oth - er bet-ter When the mists have rolled a - way. When we gath - er in the morn-ing Wliere the mists have rolled a - way. When tlie shad - ows have de - part - ed And the mists have rolled a - way. - . # # I -' p -- 1- [ p 0-^iJ.i^ 7-t-^?=V ij^* p -^ ? '^ ^[^ i y- 'yi i^~ ~|~f I* ^^'"'g '* ^5|? CHORUS. ,?^A=:^t =^; ^ ^ :=1zsE=? We shall know. ... a: \Vi shall knoNV - - y y' I I f\ -Jv A- i^vE^ SS;^=Ss:0; known, as wo are known, we arc known Xcv-er as we arc known, \ t:-^^_^__^;i ^.: -^^- more. ... to walk a Kev-or more to walk a ft-pM -p .0- '* :-^:z:li: COfTRlGHT, 1383, Br IFIA D. SAMKEY. ^^ When the Mists, etc. Concluded J J j- S ^S lone, lone, to walk a - lone, III the dawning of the morning Of that briglit and happy day: We shall know each oth cr bet ter Wlien the mists have rolled a - wav. , :r -f - L U y '^ \ 0- I Hear Thy Welcome Voice. Lewis Hartsough. 1. I hear Thy welcome voice That calls nie.Lord, to Thee For cleansing in Thy 2. Tho' coming weak and vile, Thou dost my strength assure; Thou dost my vileness 3. 'Tis Je - sus calls me on To })er - foot faith and love, To por-fect hope, and 4. 'Tis Je - sus who con - firms Tlie bless - ed work with - in, By adding grace to 5. And He the wit-ncss gives To loy - al hearts and free. That ev - 'ry promise 6. All hail, a - ton -ing blood! All hail, re deem-ing grace! All hail, the Gift of ^ __ ______ ^ -r= f f flow'd sjiot pre-cious blood That ful - ly cleKnso.Till peace, and trust.l-'or earl welcomM rrmce. Where tci is ful -filled. If fait: Christ, our Lord, Our Strcn . -=E^-. ^r0. J. |_ I on Cal va - ry. - less all and pure 1 and heav'n a - bove n'd the pow'r of sin. but brings the {ilea. I am com-ing, Lord I li and Kight-eous-ncssJ COTYRIQHT, 1900, lY L. HARTSOUGH. 130 Rescue the Perishing. m Fanny J Crosby. William H. Doane. -4^ 4^ m 4-^ ^=i=t^ 1 Kes-cuethe per - ish-ing, Caro for the dy - ing, Snatch them in pit - y from 2 Tho' they are slighting Him, Still He is wait- ing, Wait -ing the pen -i -tent 3 Down in tho human heart. Crushed by the bempter, Feel-ings lie bu-ried that i Kes-cuethe per -ish-ing, Du - ly demands it; Strength for thy la -bor the ^. r-^ ^ ^ f , y ft P ^i I # ^ -^ f P - dt ^^ sin and the grave; "Weep o'er the err - ing one. Lift up tho fall - en, child to re - ceivc. Plead with them carnest-lj', Plead with thorn gen-tly: grace can re-store: Touchedby a lov-ing heart. Wakened by kind-nesa. Lord will pro-vide: Back to the nar-rowway Pa - tient - ly win them; fcfci -1 ^- -t--{r T r- rfc CHonus. :1^ -^ ^ w i; iW^: Tell them of Jo - bus the might - y to save. lie will for -give if they on - ly be-lievc. Chords that were broken will vi - brate onco more. Tell the poor wanderer a Sav - iour has died. ^ "- -- m . ^- - -f2- Res - cue the per-ish-ing, i- -V- -1=^ -V y f - 1 I # , i i-^ 1 1 5 g ^s-, -I ^ i^ 9 1 -> ; g * ^ l-frr rn^ f'^ ^ " Care for the dy - iug; -0-0 1__ Je -#- BUS is mer-ci- ful, Je - sua will save. I U 1 1= 1 fe=?: 1 -I 1- h; 1 1 -J ^ lO H H3E0 BY PER. W. H. OOANE, OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. 131 Wonderful Words of Life. p. p. B. Philip P. Blisa. :^^=t '^=^ m ii: 3=g=;= Fs 1 Sing them o - ver a - gain to me, Won - der - ful words of Life; 2 Christ, the bless -ed One, gives to all Won-der - ful words of Life; 3 Sweet - ly ech - o the gos - pel call, Won - der - ful words of Life; jfi: L :^^l )^ ? . I I u - :^ :^=zrpt :t^t n +t 1 Ik. _._ Ik N Ik \ 1 V / ] " - ." ! 1 ' p 1 1 r jV p ^ 1 ^ ^ J 1 N. L, 1 m^ \ -# 1 1^ 9, 1 *l m \ Ivi; ' ' J ; ' 1 1 * J J 1 T ( Let Sin- Of - 1 9 me more ner, list fer par - of to don ^ '^ ^ -4-' their beau - ty see, the lov - ing call, and peace to all, ^ Won-der Won-der Won-der -9- - ful - ful - ful - words of words of words of Life; Life; Life; 1^ 1 ^^-t= i w =^= -i ^ -- h r -: l=Sr -p=^| =- 1 J- 1> _g 4 -t-i- -Y~' P _f_pJ t<=^J -)-!!!- r^ ^ iS= ^ ^ . Choeus. =i=nl^ 8^^;P=i=8^|tE^E: Words of life and beau - ty, Teach me faith and du - ty; All BO frce-Iy giv - en, Woo -ing us to heav-en. Jo - BUS, on - ly Sav - iour, Sane - ti - fy for - ev - er. Beau-ti - ful words. d=/=^=4 1 1 i^_y .^ ^ M- won - dor - ful words. Won - der - ful words of W^i \:\i( Life. f _ -- -9- I Uftto ir rtn, Tms Johm Cm I Co., OW.> rs 9 J J 1. Some one will en - ter the pearl y gate By and 1 by, by and by. 2. Some one will glad - ]y his cross lay down By and by, by and by, 3. Some one will knock when the door is shut By and by, by and by, 4. Some one T f will sing the tri-umph ^ -P- -0' -^ -^ ant song By and by, by and by, ! ^ I V\' f L a 'r' '^ l> ^ L L la fj'l t) f r r r r 1 r r r r r C> b Q J J ' ' ' J 1 J 1 \i 1 ^^f>H U' ^ V '^ '^ ^ ^ \ r V 1 repeat pp^ :tq ^ v Taste of the glo - ries that thero a - wait, Shall yon? shall I? Faith - ful, ap-provcd, shall ro - pcive a crown, Sliall you? shall I? Hear a voice say- ing, "I know you not," Shall you? shall I? Join in the praise with the blood-bought throng. Shall you ? shall I? i N N ^ N ^ N ^ I N K N K ^ K ^/" , ^ J * I ,, ,, ,. , ., 1 7 J r> 1 ^ ^ V ^ 9j w \^ J g # -^ ^ __^ ^-r s i t ^ t Some one will trav -el the streets of gold, Beau - ti - ful vi - sions will Some one the glo ri - ous King will see. Ev - cr from sor - row of Some one will call and shall not be heard, Vain - h will strive when the Some one will greet on the gold - en shore uoved ones of earth who have p ^ p -^- - -- /- - . p f' f ^ P ^ -P- m\' 1 i l~ S_._ _s_. 1 \ 1 ZJ- , 1 1 1 1 ! 1 r r r Si ^n m ;_ _ J ' * w w J -' V 1 ' PL 1 >^ 1 t I/ 1^ ^' ^ U b ^ 1/ i,' i/ > n 1 N I N N N N ^ N 1 ^ I jj repent pp ^ ^ 1 r V 1 ; ' - S < - -J J -, J 1 J N ? 1 /T 7 J 5^' 5 p 8 a ^ IT^ 1 irh '^ * 2 J J J 4 i Pi 1 \A) m ^ 5^ ' r J * . # J there earth door gone -- be- be is b be- P- T hold, Feast on tlie free, Ilap - py witli arred,Some one will fore. Safe in the .- ]ilca? II im fail glo Tires so long tliro' e - ter of the saint' - ry for cv ! fore-told: Shall you? shall I? - ni - ty: Shall you? sliall I? s re-ward: Shall you? shall I? - er-moro: Shall you? shalll? N 1 ^ -0- -0^^-0- r'^' m m m 1* S P W * ~mtA L^'i 1 1 " 1 1 1 ' 1 n c>u I , [ ! . 1 U 1 . ^ ^ ! L II ~ V'~ I ^ ! i. , r 1 . 1/ II > i^ i/ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ Copyright, 18B7, by jame? mcGranahan, usco r ren. 138 Safe in the Arms of Jesus. Fanny J. Crosby. $ :i W. H. Ooan*. ^ I ' 1. Safe in the arms of Je 2. Safe in the arms of Je 3. Je - sus, my heart's dear ref > T: g-^^ =|: - sus, sus, Safe on His gen - tie breast Safe from cor - rod - ing care; Je - sus has died for me; I rit. Fine. li^^: ~=P * :^-n^ -zi- There by Hi* love o'er shad - ed, Sweet -ly my soul shall rest. Safe from the world's temp -ta Firm on the Rock of A tions, ges, Sin can - not Ev - er my harm me there, trust shall be. --^ Hark I 'tis the voice of Free from the blight of Here let rao wait in an gels, Borne in a song to nie, sor - row. Free from my doubts and fears; pa tience, Wait till the night is o'er; ^-ZI.d "^^Jk D. C. Chorus first four lines. . ver tlie fields of glo ry, On - ly a few more tri - ids, Wait till I see the morn - inir - ver the jus - per sea. On - ly ;i few mure tears. Break on the gold - en shore. MiUl'vM- 139 D. W. Whittle. Moment by Moment. =t May Whittle Moody. S33^T I ~W' with Je a tri sus, by death reckoned mine; Liv - ing with Je - siis, a al that He is not there, Nev - er a bur - den that heart-ache, and nev-er a groan, Kev - er a tear - drop and weak-ness that He doth not feel, Nev - er a sick - ness that ^-S- Look-ing to Jo - sus 'till glo - ry doth shine. Mo - ment by Nev - er a sor-row that He doth not share, Mo - ment by Nev - er a dan-ger but there on the throne. Mo - ment by Mo - ment by mo-ment, in woe or in weal, Je - sus, my :2*: ^-i H Chorus. mo - ment, Lord, I am Thine mo - ment I'm un - dor His care, mo - ment He thinks of His own. Sav - iour, a-bides with me still. Mo-ment by moment I'm kept in His love; Mo-ment by mo-mcnt I've life from a - bove; Look-ing to Je - iiUS 'till -t? f- t tt_ M ^^^ ^r- ^^ -0 e \-0 T^L mif^iMM, to^ *f ita KiikMr A mm* 9^ mm vwak Moment by Moment. Concluded, 44 h- E^iif: rU. ^-^ g -A^ "^-^ t: f=r T r -^ i glo - ry dotli Bliinc; Mo - ment by lao - mcnt, O Lord, I am Thine. 140 Come Unto Me, Ye Weary. Fanny J. Crosby. Geo. C. Stebbint. > i-# * #- 1 Come ua - to Mc, yo wca 2 Como nn - to Me, ye wea 3 Como un - to Me, yo wca 4 Como un - to Me, yo -wca ry. ry. ry; -^ r Sor - row-ing ones op - pressd; I am your List to Iho voice so dear. Sweet -er than List to that voice a - gain, O - ver the Why will ye Ion- ger roam? Come to tha ClIOKCS. i^ ten - dcr Sbcj)-herd, M'ait-ing to give you re.-it. an - gcd niu - ^ic, FuU-ing up - on Iho car. bar - ren mount-ain, O- ver the lone- ly plain, arms of mer - cy, Come to a Fa - ther's home. Come, come, como unto Me, -^ *__ -ri-^ liil - "Weary nud Koro dis-tressed; Come, come, come un-to Me, Como unto Mo and r.^t. Wf ^W ^W ^C-^- ^ --. t ^-i m T^- -T- -^- -r^- ^? *<>-^ yn COfmiGHT, 1888, IT The Biqloa & Main Co., N(w yoim. 141 There'll Be No Dark Valley. William 0. Cuehing. Ira D. Sankey. I 1 ^ \ t> S 1 1 1 rL ^ / b ^ 1^ N ,1 1 1 ^ c J t ' V\^ A J > 1 ^ 1 I 1 J ^ ' *i * V-/ 'i- * # * 1 i s l 1 #1 ^ ^ u t^ r i * ^ -it 1 -#- -#- -0- 1 There'll be no dark val - ley when Je - BUS comes, There'll be no dark 2 There 11 be no more sor-row ^hen Je - sias comes. There'll be no more 3 There'll be no more weep-ing -n'hen Jc sus comes, There'll be no more 4 There'll be songs of greet-ing when Je - BUS comes. There'll be songs of T 1~ P -^' S I N ^ /^^ A S m u s ^ ^' . a . S 1 s . u m m ^fTA u ^ ^ ^ ,* ^ p ^ ^ t r r. 1 1 1,1 : . L u 1 1 : , ^. 1 ^^ '^ -4- L^ ^ 1 ^ 1 1^ l^' 1 t y y 1 1 1 1 ^ w. \- -r -^ ^ ^ Tal - ley when Je - sus comes; There'll be no dark val - ley when Je - suscomea 6or-rowwhen Je - sus comes; But a glo-riousmor-row when Je - suscomes weeping when Jo - suscomes; Btit a bless -ed reap-ing when Je - suscomea greeting when Je - suscomes; And a joy - ful meet-ing when Je - suscomes Refrain. ^ -^'T- -r To gath-er His loved ones home. To i3 :a_a_ '^=i3 _^_i- gath-er His loved ones ^=^ I home (safe home), To gath - er His loved ones home (safe home); There'll be ?5=t: ^m 4*- _^^ ^m i^izt: :^=^=l: t:^ dark val - ley when Je - sus comes To gath-er His loved ones home. I - # T-i pt r -i^ m COPTBIOMT, 1896, ST THt BiGLOW & MAIH CO., NEW YOIIH, 142 Christ Arose I R. L Slow. Robert Lowpy. 3^ t=E -z^ i " grave He lay Je - bus, my Sav - iour! "Wait - ing the watch His bed Je - bus, my Sav- iour! Vain- ly they keep his prey Je - bus, my Sav - iour! He tore the Low Vain - Death in ly can the they -not ^: i -#- -o- i9- -- #- ;j rr Ciionus. Taster. <^ <5> ^#5 ' ^ ' 1 ^-* 1 -i^ ^- ^ N N I I ^ ^ N ^. f r 1^ J J t ! N ^ J i^ ' (^ J 7 J 5 ft. h ' 1 *l 1 j "^i t-\ ! ^ 5 ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^T ^ s * bringing in the sheaves , We shall come, re - joic -- ing, bring -- ing ^ -- in -J- : the sheaves. \ \ m 1 * r" [Z ; " !^ (fj. r 1 r ^ i i \^ J 1^ ^ '--^ | ^ | ^ ..^ ^' |i... ^ 1 V J V '.r '^ ' 1 1 k^ i^ i/ 1/ i 1 ^ Bringing in the slieaves,bringing in the sheaves, We shall coine,rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. I ;> h^ ^ \r't UW> lY rEKMIMION. 144 Speed Away. Fanny J. Croby. I. B. Woodbury, &pp. M r^=r -?^ ^EE3 w - Sf- Speed a - "way, Speed a - way, Speed a - way. speed speed speed a - "way a - -way a - way on yoiir mis with the life with tho mes -I sion giv sage -#- I of ing of light. Word, rest, i Ky- -:i=i: m f-^=lF^^^=^t -N N I I I To the lands that are ly - ing in dark-ness and night; 'Tis the To the na - tions that know not tho voice of tho Lord; Take the To the souls by the tempt - or in bond -age op - pressed; For the '-^- ~v~ li ^E^ _^^ =ti i i Lias - tor's com-mand; go yo forth in His name, The won - der - ful wings of the morn - ing and fly o'er tho wave. In tho strength of your Sav - iour has purchased their ran - som from sin. And tho ban - quet is -m- -0- -0- -0- -#- -e (\ I 1 1 1 ' > ^ 1 ' I N N y \ 1 1 -J 1 J _i _r^ 1 /T b J 1 ' 4 i-^i~ t # J q^ J=s - < S ' ry \ 9 ' m Cy 1 ii * ^ 1 Gos - pel of lias - ter tho read - y, -^ *- -0- Jo - Rus pro - lost ones to gath-er thera claim; save; in; Tako your lives in your hand, Ho is call - ing once more, To tho res - cue make haste, ^ ^ fz ^. ^ ^. to the not a there's no -0- ' -0- gtk=^^^ ? 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 . 0-- ^^t?.- _ 1 -\ 1 i -1 l-v V- -1 ' ' 1 > i~- 1 1 i ^=i=ss=j=ES .-> l^_^a work while 'tis daj'. mo - meiit's do - lay, time for do - lay, -+-- -^ - -0 - -i&HT, U9a, Br :iu Q. &A>iK5!- tfc ^ ^ 5 $H Un - der His wings, un - der His wings, Who from His love can sev - er? jBL JL ^ \ iL -*1 Jt.JL.fZ. I 1^1 -0 > (&- Un - der His wings my soul shall a - bide, Safe- ly a - bide for - ev - er J- JL ^ Jt- jfZ.' Jt. A. \ ^ f [ 1 1 t r- -K?- -I ' 1- -f5'- t"^-* f-r I SCriiiaMT, 1891 iT tmi Biqiow * Mii Co., Hir voim 146 At the Cross. Uuu> Watte. Ralph C. Hudton. =t ^ =t rr li o^ las! and did my Sav - iour bleed, And did my Sovereign die? 2 Was it for crimes that I Lave done. He groaned xip - on the tree? S But drops of grief can ne'er re - pay The dtbt of love I owe; % I ^ $ + JM ^ S ^ :^ i ^ rr ^ Would He de-vote that sa - cred head For such a worm as I? A - maz - ing pit - y, grace un-known, And love bo-yond do - greet Here, Lord, I give my- self a - way, 'Tis all that I can do I 4- 1 1 3E ^ : =^P= T 1 r Chorus. iE itat --- At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light. And the ^^ -* . IE I bur-den of my heart rolled a - way, It was there by faith ~ ^ , rolled a - way, J J i ^ - - 9 ' ft a ,..jt -*- :: JL_ ^- i ^Ifc :{i: > ^ ^l? I re - ceived my night, And now I am hap-py all the day. ^ te m f f J 5 ^ ^ ci>T>b)iT, i&se, (T R. t. HuBtON, UMB or rf 147 Jesus is Calling. Fanny J. Crosby. Qeorge C. Stebbma. I -H -w l ^ I ^ m ^ r- IJMEj^ i h^ N- SUS IS sus is sus is sus is ten-der - call-ing Avait-ing pleading ly call-ing theo home Call-ing to - day, call - ing to - day; the -wea - ry to rest Call-ing to - day, call - ing to - day; oh, come to Him now Waiting to - day, wait -ing to - day; , oh, list to His voice Hear Him to-day, hear Him to- day; ^ ^. ^ ^_ EE p p-'-p ^ 1/ t> ^ ^r^ ; . .-h^ Why from the sunshine of love wilt thou roam Far-ther and far-ther a - way? Bring Him thy burden, and thou shalt be blest; He will not turn thee a - way. Come with thy sins, at His feet low-ly bow; Come, and no lon-ger de - lay. They who be-lieve on His name shall rejoice; Quick-ly a- rise and a - way. ^:: ^E^ ii=5=i= -- -'^- IlErnAiN'. ^ I 1^ ~^\ \ y^^ ^ 1 -M 1 1 - ^ --V- !j'' ^ i ^ ' ~ : '' 1 2L *i ' * " m ^ * 1 Call - - ing to - day Call - iug, call - ing to - day, to - day; 2 - ing call - ing t to to - - day! day, call Call - ing, to - day; /^' P m * m p ^ m V^' 1 1 t 1 'm *"! Vr^ 'i m W * 1 1 -W- > > .J M 1 "^ 1 b b ^ ^ 1 ^ i ! y 1 Jo - - sus is call - - ing, ia ten - der-ly call-ing to - day Jo - sus is ten - dcr - ly calling to - day, -0- ' -0- -e- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ' -0- -0- -, -- -#- -0- ' :iijt i:: ^03z:^0z:S t:z ^ -p !^ U k' k/ U y \-y u' > - y '^ '^ !-*!-- -fl i ' ^-\ ^ ferTKieMT, 1SS3, iy 3eo. C. STtseina, Used it Pt% 148 Why Not Now? Daniel W. Whittle. Charles C. Case. 5^S^3 atz: f ^ 1 While we pray, and while we plead, While you see your soul's deep need, 2 You have wandered far a - way; Do not riak an - oth - er day; 3 In the world you've failed to find Aught of peace for troubled mind; 4 Come to Christ, con - f ess - ion make; Come to Christ and par -don take; -k 1 r-P-- - I ^i==t- :it==Ji: f-Tf- ^ pr While your Fa - ther calls you home, Will you not, my broth - er, come? Do not turn from God your face, But, to - day, ac - cept His grace. Come to Christ, on Ilim be - licve. Peace and joy you shall re - ceive. Trust in Him from day to day, Ho will keep you all the way. ^= # = -- 1- ' ---# r- ; -T-| ; : 1 1 i Chorus. PP WTiy not now? why not now? Why not como to Jo - sua now? Why not now ? Wiy not now ? iilsE 1 -X--- 1 r i^-~ --S-- - a Why not now? Why not now? Why not come to Jo - pus now? AVhy not now ? '^liy not now ? -L -- J- . CorTRiOHr, 1391, ir jamii mcGran C. C. C*9(, owxex. UStD lY PtR. 149 What a Wonderful Saviour! e.A. H. Eliha A. Hoffman. $ :se mm 1. Christ has for sin a tone-ment made, What a won - tier - ful Sav iourl 2. I praise Him for the cleans-ing blood, "What a won - dcr - ful Sav - i our! 3. He cleansed my heart from all its sin. What a won - dcr - ful Sav - iourl 4. He walks be - side me all the M-aj, What a won - der - ful Sav - iour! ^. jt. .. --.. ^ ^ -^- c g' r r r -'-Si -&- Sav ' Sav Sav Sav We are redeemed! the price is paid! What a won der - ful That re - con - ciled my soul to God; What a won - der - ful And now He reigns and rules there-in ; What a won - der - ful And keeps me faith -ful day by day; Wliat a won - der - ful iour! iourl iour! iour! P e Chorus. :=t -^- -5<- ^f-f What a won der - ful Sav iour Je sus, my Je susl .a. -(5'- S -ri^ What a won - der ful Sav Je sus, my Lord I m -V- -> ' I 5 He gives me overcoming power. What a wonderful Saviour! And triumph in each trying hour; "^hat a wonderful Saviour! C To Him I've given all my heart, What a wonderful Saviour! The world shall never share a part; What a wonderful Saviour I CoprRiSHT, 1391, ir Tmc Bislow A Maim Co., New yokk. 150 Tell Me the Old, Old Story. Kata Hankey. W. H. Doana. -1 L S: SL :tm 1. Tell me the old, old sto - ry. Of un - seen things a 2. Tell me the sto - ry slow - ly, That I may take it- 3. Tell me the sto - ry soft - ly, With ear nest tones, and 4. Tell me the same old sto - ry, When you have cause to-. - ^ &-fc and His glo - ry, Of Je - ful re - demp-tion, God's rem I'm the sin - ner Whom Je emp-iy glo - ry Is cost- -^- -- -- - -t b i^ rU- ^: ^=]i=ti=: t 1 M-=^ sus and His love. Tell me the sto - ry sim - ply, As e - dy for sin. Tell me the sto - ry oft - en, For sus came to save; Tell me that sto - ry al - ways, If ing me too dear. Yes, and when that world's glo-ry Is '9- -#- 1 -f^- to a lit - tie child. For I for - get so soon, The you would really be, In dawning on my soul, Tell Jl I am weak and wea-rj'. And help-less and de - filed, 'ear - ly dew" of morn - ing Has passed a - way at noon. a - ny time of trou - ble, A com - for-ter to me. me the old, old sto - ry: "Christ Je-sus makes thee whole." I 1^ .a... -t5>- -#- -- I r^^z?: :l=:K=ii: O-:-- r-f" Chorus. 1 * ^ 1 f I 1 j?^ n -^ ^ . y 5* ' i( H^ ^^ -0 0^1. m, <9 1 =^t- W-iir-'.^- Tell mo the old, -- old sto ^^ ' -- 1^_^ # Tell me the old, - -- ' -0- - w ^^ * s old sto 1 - r>'. -#- 1 ^ ^ i Erz^z 1 I ^ , H^ COTYKHSHT PHortKTT OF W. M. DOANL UHS IT Pt*. 151 A Shelter In the Time of Storm, V. Q Charlesworth, Ira D. Sankey. # 4 1 ^#: m w t=n=r -^^^ ^Ih r 1 The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide, 2 A shade by day, de - fence by night, 3 The rag- ing storms may round us beat, 4 Hock di - vine, Eef - uge dear. A shel-ter in the time of storm; A shel-ter In the time of storm; A shel-ter in the time of storm; A shel-ter in the time of storm; H 1- r M: -y' fe^ /^ } 1 ^ [y , \ I ' ^ ^ ^ ft > r) # r \'^ ' \ ' .' ^ s * m % 9 J ^ \^^ / i i *! * _^ - m 9 d t s ri . 1 ^ r * -4- -0- b I ' 1 Se - cure "vrhat - cv - er ill be - tide. A shel-ter in the time of itorm. No fears a - larm, no foes af - fright, A shel-ter in the time of storm. We'll nev - er leave our safe re - treat, A shel-ter in the time of storm. Be Thou our help - er ev . er near. A shel-ter in the time of storm. m m. -0- -- -#- 1 *" "f" "f" P _ __ S s s ! .A II- "^' 1 t^y W ' __ - " 1 ^ 1 Wl^ 1 _, ^ ^ *_ . / .-.W 0. . >._. _*_ ^ 1 ' 1 u '^-V-'y 1 1 CnoEUs. Fi=i3: i-^ -J^ i - # r-# - Oh, Je - sus is a Eock in a wea-ryland, A wea - ry land, a n-ea-ry land; -0 0- 0- -0- t-r-^ ^ Oh, Je - sus is a Bock in a wea-ry land, A shel-ter in the time of storm. 152 Take Time to be Holy. W. D. Longstaff. George C. Stebbint. i w^ -4- -0- -0- -#-.-#- 1 Take time to be ho 2 Take time to bo ho 3 Take time to be ho 4 Take time to bo ho m ly. ly. ly. ly. Speak oft with thy Lord; The world rush- es on; Let Him bo thy Guide, Be calm in thy soul. # ' ->-^ 3: S :V^ l?=F=f A - bide in Him al - ways, Spend much time in so - ciet, And run not bo - fore Him, Each thought and each mo - tive -*- -#- ^ -- -^ -#- -V- And feed on His Word; \Vith Je - SU3 a - lone; What - ev - er be - tide; Be 'neath His con - trol; -i^f- Make friends of God's chil - drcn, By look - ing to Jo - sus, In joy or in sor - row Thus kd by His Spir - it Help those who are weak, Like Him thou shalt be; Still fol - low thy Lord, To fount -ains of lovo, P^mm For - got - ting in noth - ing Thy friends iu thy con - duct And, look - ing to Jo - sus, Thou Boon shalt bo fit - tod Ilia bloss - ing to sook. His like - noss shall soo. Still trust in His Word. For aorv - ico a - bovo. *TIMT, WW. ir UU B, tMUC 153 Follow On I W. 0. Gushing. i ^^-. ^-^ Robert Lowry. S 3t=i(: -A N- J -A:= _^ tJ -0- -0- ' - ' - -<5>- -0- 1. Down in the val - ley with my Sav-iour I would go, Where the flow'rs are 2. Down in the val - ley with my Sav-iour I would go, Where the storms are 3. Down in the val - ley, or up - on the mountain steep,Close be -side my a= ^ g^ vi>^ f=f I s -J^=n: ' ' ^-^ .^. ^. ^. - - - - bloom-ing and the sweet wa - ters flow; Ev - 'ry-where He leads me I would sweep-ing and the dark wa - ters flow; With His hand to lead me I will Sav - lour would mv soul ev - er keep; He will lead me safe - ly. in the h ^ ^ ^ m ^=*^= ^ H^ :)K=JE it I fol-low, fol -low on, Walk-ing in His foot-steps till the crown be nev-er, nev - er fear; Dan -gers can-not fright me if my Lord is path that He has trod. Up to where they gath-er on the hills of , . h ^ -#- - - .-9 1 #- -M 0- won. near. God. .^. Pol-low ! fol-low! I would follow Je-sus ! Any-where,ev'ry-wliere, I would follow on ! m 1 m ^ ^ . __[_-^ m i , , \ .--X 1 -[1 '--n^ Fol-low ! fol-low ! I would follow Jesus ! Ev'ry where, He leads me I would follow on ! I ^ ^ ^ ^ V ^^ ^ ' y-~V ^ ^ 1 t^ :)i=ii: r Ce^TKISHT, MiO, IT ThK BlflLOW * MAIN CO,, NlW TWL 154 Sweet Hour of Prayer, William W. Walford. William B. Bradbury. i^Ef^; -i ' i * ^ m 1. Sweet hour of pray'r! sweet hour of pray'r! That calls me from a world of care, 2. Sweet hour of pray'r! sweet hour of pray'r 1 Thy wings shall my pe - ti - tion '>ear 8. Sweet hour of pray'r! sweet hour of pray'r! May I tliy con so - la - tion hare, rM=2T=:;=cgz=:g f I i[:^=^= > =ir l f--f-^ - ' ^ * :fi 'm^ * EE f=rr =j^ t^ ^ And bids me at my Father's throne Make all To Him whose truth and faith-ful - ness En - page Till, from Mount Pisgah's loft - y height, I view r :4= my wants and wish - es known: the wait-ing soul to bless, my home and take myfliglit; i m In sea- sons of dis - tress and grief, j\ry soul And since He bids m.c seek His face, Be-lieve This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise To seize has oft - en found re-lit'f; His word, and trust His grace, the ev - er - last - ing prize; And oft escaped the tempter's snare, By thy ro - turn, sweet hour of pray'r ! I'll cast on Him my ev - 'ry caro And wait for thee,sweet hour of firay'r ! And shout, while pass-ing through the air. Fare-well, fare - well, sweet hourof pray'r ! UL ^- -^ -- -- -- '^ " 1 rH* W ^ jy -p! -^ zL r* ^ - - - -0- >-^ ^ 1 jr * p- y y I And oft escaped tlic tempter's snare, By thy re - turn, sweet hour of pray'r ! I'll cast on Him iTiy ev - 'ry care And wait for thee, sweet hour of pray'r! And shout, while pass-iiigthrough the air. Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of pray'r! COPTRiaMT PnO^tlTY OF The BiOLO' 155 Jesus, I Come. William T. Sleeper. George C. Stebbins. my bond -a,ge, sor-row and night, Jo - sus, I como, Je - sus, I come; my shame-ful fail-ure and loss, Je - sus, I come, Je - sus, I come; un - rest and ar - ro-gant pride, Je - sus, I come, Je - sus, I come; the fear and dread of the tomb, Je - sus, I come, Je - sus, I come; t: ^J^E ^t 1-T~^ T m I :d: r.5-*!: *- Thy free - dom glad-ness and light, the glo - rious gain of Thy cross, Thy bless - ed will to a - bide, the joy and light of my home _ J ^ Je - sus, I come Je - sus, I come Je - sus, I come Je - sus, I come 3-= to to to to Tll^e; Thee; Thee; Thee; -h- :t Jt=m- izzk V\ r -r f- -, 1 J ^j-_- A-A- -9r to Thy -wealth, 1$-^- Out of my sick-ness in - to Thy health. Out of my "v^-ant and in Out of earth's Bor-rows iu-to Thy balm, Out of life's storms and in - to Thy calm. Out of my - self to dwell in Thy love. Out of des-pair in-to raptures a - bove, Out of the depths of ru - in un - told, In - to the peace of Thy sheltering fold, Mm ^ a a * F* zjtzjiij ^^* ^===1==p^:^=g mm. And view the shin -ing glo - ry shore. My heav'n, my home for ev - or -more. - -0, ' -0- -#- -f- . u ^ -^ -- ' .. .. -#--*-. ?^^E^3^ ^^ Frqm Goodly Pearls. 158 Fanny J. Crosby. To God be the Glory. William H. Doane. iV S ^^ ^-:^ ^ i ^-w^w^w^ 1. To God be the glo-ry,great things He hath (lone, So loved He the world that He 2. O per - feet redemption, tlie purcliase of blood, To ev - 'ry be - liev-er the 3. Great things He hath taught us.great things he hathdone, And great is the vic-t'ry that :-:M:gra: SB 0^0 I *=)i=tt f-f^^- '~rr 1 f r~^' T 1 r (--n^ i_j- T^ p=^ -Tsr ^ & gave His own Son, Who yield- ed His life an atonement for sin. And opened the prom-ise (f God, Tiie vil - est of -fender who tru-ly believes.Tiiat moment from Je - sus hath won; But pur- er, and high-er, and greater will be Our won-der.our ^ I f^-i r- r^ 1 h- ia tr :it=^ --^ k w ^ l-i -f/,/- -'-r 1 t t REFRAIN. , Life-Gate that all may go in. Je -sus a par-don re-ceives. |- Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His transport,when Je -sus we see. voice; Praise the Lord, {)raise the Lord, Let the peo-jile re-joict;; coiul' to the Fa-ther,tlir()' Je - j^us the Son, And give Ilini tlio glory,great thiiiys IK> hath done. ComuaHT, 1S03, ir w. H. Doakc. Rnewm. imu nr ffa. 159 In the Secret of His Presence. Ellen Lakshmi Qoreh, of India. Slowly. George C. Stebbins. 1. In the se - cret of His pres-ence how my soul de - lights to hide! 2. When my soul is faint and thirst -y, 'neath the shad-ow of His wing 3. On - ly this I know: I tell Him all my doubts, my griefs and fears; 4. Would you like to know the sweet-ness of the se - cret of the Lord? -T- 3 ;i 3^3^ 4: Slowly, -I N y y- -^ ^- -:]v- 9 Oh, how pre-cious are the les-sons which I learn at Je - sus' side! Earth-ly There is cool and pleasant shel-ter, and a fresh and crys-tal spring; And my Oh, how pa-tient-ly He list-ens! and my droop-ing soul He cheers: Do you Go and hide be-neath His shad-ow: this shall then be your ro-ward; And when -N-f- -0 0^ -I 1 1 -b' ti' t/- =i=::t!^ - t^ )^ ?* cares can nev-er vex me, nei-ther tri - als lay me low; For when Satan comes to Sav-iour rests be-side me, as we hold com-mun-ion sweet: If I tried, I could not think He ne'er reproves mo? what a falsef riendHe would be. If He nev - er, nev - er e'er youleavothe si-lence of that hap-py meet-ing place, Youmustmindandbeartha COPYRIGHT. 1886. BY iRA D. SANKEY. In the Secret of His Presence. Concluded. rit. I $1 :tli -r^ w 9 w tempt me, to the se-cret place I go, to the so - cret pLace I go. ut - ter what He says when tluis we meet, wliat He says when thus we meet, told me of the sins which lie must see, of the sinswliichHe must see. im - age of the Mas - ter in your face, of the Mas - ter in your face. 160 O the Name of Jesus! William 0. Gushing. Hubert P. Main. ^=g } -. ^# = = I u 1. O the name.thenameof Jc - sus. Row my heart it thrills! Sweet-cst mu-sic 2. Breatl'.e.O breathe the name of Je - sus, Low be-forethe throne: Own - ing all your 3. Wlien the heart is sad and lone -ly, Sin- ful tho' it be. Thou canst plead the ^ C m t~ 'VZ^pZZ (Z m . m m m <:> . .mm 4-^ ' :|= cs:t_.z__5-jl - /^ ^ --4-I1 |i_H ^.1- ^_0 J 5--^ -F^ ?^^ H EZ .. ^ '-O-i - # J L<>-^= -* 9 s ^ g J floating round niP, All my soul it fills. ) sin an(i woak-ni'ss, Trusting Him a - lone. > the precious name of .To - sus, name of Jc - sus, Je - sus died for thee. ) ^E- 4 L| ^ 0^^0 0-.!__,_r, \ J J J J J \ 0-r-9 0^6 . ^- *-' - eatheitlinv in pray'r; At thecross of Je - 0-000 ^.^ ,^ 00 '' -^(r> ^ "- ~W' -0- -' Breathe it Imv in pray'r; At the cross of Je - sus beiul-ing, God will lieai thee there, -y . . ~ _ r- '-^ r t"- --I - ,/ -' ^ -:^- * I COPrRiGHT, 1908, D-f HuetRr p. Main. Rsewl. t-: "> 1 T^-T". II 161 We're Marching to Zion. Isaac WatU. Spirited, Robert Lowpy. m \~t ^= ?^ tl&IZ^ ^f EEIEEB 1 Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known, 2 Let those re - fuse to sing Who nev - er knew our God; 3 The hill of Zi - on yields A thou - sand sa - cred sweets 4 Then let our songs a-bound, And ev - ery tear be dry; Join But Be - We're f^~r in a song with sweet ac-cord. Join in a song with sweet ac - cord, chil-dren of the heavenly King, But chil-dren of the heavenly King, fore we reach the heavenly fields, Be - fore we reach the heavenly fields, marching thro' Immanuel's ground. We're marching thro' Immanuel's ground ^. jf- if: 4L -#- -- - -^ -1= fcr U And Or To :t= ={: m i ->:- thus Rpeak walk fair sur their the - er round the throne. And thus surround the joys a - broad, May speak their joys a gold - en streets. Or walk the gold - en worlds on high, To fair - er worlds on tlius 8ur - round the throne. And tliua . round throne. ClIOKUS. V I ^ . ^ N V . 1 N ]/f* r J * ^i- S ' m ^ i -^ 1 ^ ^ 1 1 ( J f # 1 s : 2 1 J J J s 4 J VM) # . - - ,--,-,-. -w -- We're march - ing We're marching on .M. Jf. -. Jt. to to ^- ~ Zi Zi m on, - on. ^ m Beau - ti-f ul, beau-ti - f ul "1 > ' 5 5 . ^ Zi - on; -^ 1 We're }r-\- 1 1 ^ - -^ ^-bi ^ ^-^ - = ' w^ "^ " ' r i f march-ing up-ward to Zi - on. The beau - ti-f ul cit - y of God. march-ing up-ward to Zi - on, The beau - ti-f ul cit - y Zi - on, Zi - on, -#- -0- -0- -*- --.-*- ^. .#- -#- CoinTRioMT, 1867, r Bev. r. Lowry. Used bv piiu 162 Praise Him I Praise Him I Fanny J. Croaby. Chester Q. Alten, fc& -J^ ^ ^ ?fi=e stit ^m ^mm 1 Praise Him! praise Him! Je - sus, our bless-ed K.e-deem - er! Sing, O earth His 2 Praise Him! praise Him! Je- sus, our bless-ed Re-deem -er! For our sins He 3 Praise Him! praise Him! Je- sus, our bless-ed Ee-deem-erl Heavenly por - tala t: -^^ 25ti: m izM t=Bz ^=^ ^eHN^ s- I JV v- IT-^- #-- ^ =^ -::^ s won-der-ful love pro - claim! Hail Him! hail Him! high-estarch-an-gela in euf-fered.andbled.and died; He our Kock, our hope of e - ter-nal sal loud with ho - san - nas ring! Je - bus, Sav- iour, reigneth for-ev- er and ^ JL ^ _ :^ -r-r i=f.-=ie ^ -Za: T' -y- -V i^ D. s. Praise Him! praise Him! tell of His ex -eel-lent ^^ Five. ^ p3z^ ^ ^^-4^ glo->ry; Strength and Lon-or give to His ho - ly name! Like a shep-herd, va - tion.IIail Him! hail Him! Je-sus,the Cru - ci - fied. Sound His prais - es! ev-er:CrownHim!crownHim!Prophct,andPriest,andKing!Christi3 com - ing! -r greatness, Praise Him I praise Him! ev-er in joy-ful soug! jtt-J H '- j^ 0-^-0 i~0-i * . # . - l^-) - U^ g- -0- -#-. **' Jo-sus \rill guard His children, In His arms llo oar-riosthcniall day long; Je-sus v.hoboro our Kor-rows, Love un-bouiiJ-od, won-der-ful, deep nud strong; O- vcr tbo world vie- to -rious, Power an 1 glo - ry un - to the Lord bo- long; ^0=!^- -#-=- #-:-,-- 0-^ 0~ 0- -*a- 7*-' j - I * f *~^ ^ '^ ^ rorvmoMT, 1S39, Diolow a min, Nw yoiik. 163 Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By. Emma Campbell. Theo. E. Perking. ^ g at3 What means this ea ger, anxious throng, Which moves with bu-sy haste a -long, Who is this Je - sus, why should He The cit - y move so might - i - ly ? Je - susl 'tis He wlio once be - low Man's pathway trod, 'mid pain and woe; A gain He comes! from place to place His ho - ly footprints we can trace. fizf: S=> IS: t r These wondrous gatherings day by day V What means this strange com-mo-tion pray? A pass - ing strau-ger, has He skill To move the mul-ti - tude at will? And burdened ones, wher- e'er Hecame.Bro't out their sick, and deaf, and lame, He paus - eth at our threshold nay. He en - ters con- de-scends to stay. - -S S 1 iB * 5 B rS a ^-^-g [ I zprzjbiq 4^ s^ ^^ il f^ --N- HEJ q=:v In ac-cents hush'd the throng re ply: A -gain the stir - ring notes re - ply: The blind re-joiced to hear the cry: Shall we not glad - ly raise the cry .ft. jsl -- .A- jB. ^ - *' TP-^T 1- \-3- ' Je sus of Xaz - a-reth pass-eth by." ' Je - sus of Xaz - a-reth pass-eth by." 'Je - sus of Xaz - a-reth pass-eth by." Je - sus of Xaz - a rcth pass-eth by? " 5^S^: ^__, ^-1- u r In ac - cents hush'd the throng re - ply: A - gain the stir - ring notes re ply: The blind re-ioiccd to hear the cry: Shall we not glad - Iv raise the crv . - - ' Je - sus of Xaz - a-reth pass-eth by." ' Je sus of Xaz - a-reth pass-eth by." ' Je - sus of Xaz - a-reth pass-eth by." ' Je - sus of Xaz a-reth pass-eth by 1" Ubed by permission. Hoi all ye heavy-laden, come! Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and homo, Ye wanderers from a Father's face, Return, accept His proffered grace, Ye tempted ones, there's refuge nigh, "Jesus of Xazareth passeth by." 6 But if you still this call refuse, And all His wondrous love abuse, Soon will He sadly from you turn, Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn. "Too late! too late!" will be the cry. " Jesus of Xazareth has passed hy" 164 The Ninety and Nine. Elizabeth C. Ciephane. T^lfi' '^ r-iv Ira 0. Sankey. ^ 1^=t- -N i ^-1^ ^=i=i ii -^ ^ N-dN 33^3^33 1. There were nine-ty and nine that safe ly lay In the shel - ter of the 2. "Lord, Thou hast here Thy nine-ty and nine; Are they not enough for gS^S^ ^ h V~^ -t- -f^ -?- -- -#- -^ir^ -w=M- ^^-^- ^ ^^ -\^:-=^>r '. ';^ ^ W^z -N ^ -K N- A \ N- ' i|~g~gl gj - ^^33 A-A a=3t -^S N ^ S > i > fv- ^E fohl, But one was out on the hills a-way, Far off from the gates of Thee?" But tlie Shepherd made answer: "This of mine Has wan-dered a-wayfrom :. -^-^^ ->/ V- ^*=t===^ i^3-JilEij=iS3: litzi^: i^i ^ g^# 3# M- ^ h 1- - ' gold A - way on the moun- tains ild and bare, A-way from the ten -der me, And although the road be rough and steep I go to the desert to :^^: tj Ebt!^ -pi^ * ^ e Shepherd's care, A - way from the find ray sheep, I go to the ten - dor desert to Shepherd's care, find my sheep. CCFYSIGHT, 1S04, BY In* D. S 3 But none of tlio ransomed over knew How deep were the wutcrs crossed ; Xur h(i\v dark was tiic night that the Lord jiassod tlirouirh Kre He found His sheep tliut was lost. Out in tlio desert He lieard its cry Sick and helpless, and ready to die. 4 "Lord, whence arc those blood-droj)s all the way That mark out the mountain's track;" "They were shed for one who had gone astray CO., NEW IfORK. I-j-e tile ."^hejili.ril could bring him back." "Lord wlienco are Tliy hands so rent and torn? " "They are pierced to-night by many a tliorn." ~) l?ut all thro' tlio mountains, thunder-riven, .\nd up from tlio rocky steep, Thfi'earosi>a glad cry to the gate of heaven, "Rejoice! I liave found my sheep 1" And llio angels ocliood around the throne, "Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His ownl" 165 The Homeland I Hugh R. HaweU. Geo. C. Stebblns. 1 The Home-land! O 2 My Lor 1 is in 3 My loved ones in the Home-land! The land of the free-born! There's no night the Home-land, With an - gels bright and fair; There's no sin the Home-land Are wait-ing me to come, Where nei-ther s ^^ -^ -0- # <^ \-^ 1 r -^- -'- r-"T r liSHJ^iig^ 'r in the Home-land, But aye the fadeless morn; I'm sighing for the Home-land, in the Home-land, And no temp-ta-tion there; The mu-sic of the Home-land, death uor sor - row In^vades their ho-ly home; O dear, dear na-tive Coun-tryl ^-J} i: ^ -#- %: m J !. K 4=v m o- My heart is ach-ing Is riug-ing in my O rest and peace a - here; There is no ears; Aud when I bove! Christbring us W- r_ ti_4r-^--^: -! ? J._Jl pam in think of all to the Home-land the Home-land the Home-land _tl To which I'm My eyes are Of Thy re - -- -#- M-- : 1 draw-ing near; There is no pain in the Homeland To which I'm drawing near, filled withtears; And -when I think of the Home-land My eyes are filled with tears, deem-ing love; Christ bring us all to the Home-land Of Thy re - deem-ing lovel GOfrai&Hr, 18M, y The BisLbw * maim qo,, new Vukn. 166 Hiding in Thee. Rev. William 0. Gushing. Ira D. Sankey. ^ B^ a 'JSZ -^ y tr o In the How eafe calm oft to of in the the the ^ Eock noon con that is tide, in flict, when pressed by high - er than I, Bor - row's lone hour, the foe, _^_ :t :^= ::^ :^ -^:^ My soul in its con In times when tempt - a I have fled to my Eef flicts tion uge ^- and sor - rows would fly; casts o'er me its power; and breathed out my woe; -0- -<^ -0- , i22_ Z^- -f^ i=-J^-4 ^m -^^ --^rr- So sin - ful, so In the tem - pests of f How oft en, when tri wea - ry, Thine, Thine would I be; life, on its wide, heav - ing sea. als like sea - bil - lows roll. \ =): :i^ Refrain. Thou blest " Eock of A- ges," I'm bid - ing in Thee. 1 Thou blest " Eock of A - gi's," I'm hid - ing in Tliec, > Havel hid- deu iu Thee, O Thou Eock of my soul. ) \ p tf \ f> 0\-f> I I - :3iiilzilH Hid - ing in Thee, :t=: =1= -5 #_JL__ 'X'- m iEizE^' A..-J- ^tzzti"^ $= :t==,: -^f' -^-. g Hid - ing in Thee, Thou blest "Eock of A - gos," I'm hid - ing in Thee. ^5=z}z=t=-d-:g=|z|=:|zt:=t=^,; ;E|:tz=t:zz^: m CO*TlliaHT, 1tO$, IT IRA D. SAN^CT, RCNEWU. 167 We Shall Meet. John Atkinson. 3S: ^ Hubert P. Main. m tr^ -tr 1. We shall meet be yond the riv - er, By and by, 2. We shall strike the harps of glo - ry, By and by, 3. We shall see and be like Je - sus. By and by, 4. When with robes of snow-y whiteness, By and by, 5. There our tears shall all cease flow - ing, By and by, J: by and by and by and by and by and by; by; by; by; by; fe^^ SS ^ And the dark = ness will be o ver, By and by, by and We shall sing redemption's sto ry. By and by, by and Who a crown of life will give us. By and by, by and And with crowns of daz-zling bright-ness. By and by, by and And with sweet - est rap -ture know - ing. By and by, by and -I ^-r-l ^^ # #^-# , i^-^0^ f) S ' \ 1 \ ] V > V y \^h ^ \ , 1 "^ ] 1 /[ b h i i m ,^-, J 4 \ 1 fj\ ^ <7 J m { 1 to J _ 1 K-.\) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^' to to ki ' ^ 1 With And And There, All m -0- ' ' the toil - some the strains for the an - gels our storms and the blest ones, jour ev who per who -ney er - ful - ils have done,' more - fil past gone And the Sliall re - All the And with To the glo-rious bat - sound in sweet man-dates of glo - ry ours land of life to tie nes3 His at and 1 won, o'er will last, song, /m)' hi' m m /^ m f 1 to i f P <^ 1 (?J- 1 7 4 m _ * m ' ^ to S m \ : ^ 1 \^^ U K-^ ^ "7 J J :' to 1 , - - , . ^ n \ I y 1; i Si: We SiuiU shine forth as the sun, By Yon - dcr ev - er - last- ing sliorc, By Shall at - tend, and love us still, By We'll po^ - sess the kingdom vast, By We, with shout- ings shall re join By and and and and and bv, bv, by. bv, by, by and by and by and by and by and by- by. by. by. L^'^' -- -*- -^ BY HUBtHT p. Ma 168 The Sweet By-and-By. 8. Fillmore Bennett. I; Jo. p. Webetep. .1 N . m rV^iC -4^-^ I^S^^S^ Hz:^ -^ ^- ' ' - ' ' 1. There's a land that is fair - er than day, And by faith we can see it 2. We shall sing on that beau - ti - ful shore The mel - o - di-oussonps of 3. To our boun - ti f ul Fa-ther a- bove, We will of- fer our trib-ute *=S=Ft #- -^ EEE ^ 3=S 5t- u a the of -^ f F-^ -y^ far; blest, praise, For the Fa - ther waits o - ver the way, To pre-pare us a And our spir - its shall sor - row no more, Not a sigh for the For the glo - ri - ous gift of His love, And the bless ings that -^ ^ A- :fc=t t-r r CHORUS. dwell-iiig place there. ') bless -ing of rest. > In hal low our days. the sweet r 1 by - and - by, We shaU r >j A =fe In the sweet by - and - by, by - and Used by ars. *itm Oliver DiTssn v;.i o vseis of coptrismt. 169 Revive Us Again. Wm. P. Maekay. $ John J. Husband. K I I ! -Q 3e3^ : J J J - 1. We 2. We 3. All 4. All 6. Re praise Thee, God I for the Son of Thy love, For Je - sus who praise Thee, God! for Thy Spir - it of light, Who has shown us our glo - ry and praise to the Lamb that was slain. Who has borne all our glo - ry and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us; and Tive us a - gain; fill each heart with Thy lore; May each soul be re - mm 1 LJ r r died, and is now gone a - bove. Sav-iour, and scat-tered our night. sins,and hathcleans'dev-'ry stain, sought us, and guid- ed our ways, kin -died with fire from a - bove. Hal - le - lu - jahl Thine the glo - ry, Hal - le -- ^. m t; J=J -^r t=t=: 33E^ -^' lu - jah! a men. Hal-Ie - lu- jah! Thine the glo-ry, re - vive us a- gain. m = ' 5^1 .. ;Si r l \ i=i: T 170 I Am Coming to the Cross. Wm. McDonald. Wm, G, Fisohap, ^ com Long my heart I Tore I give Je - sus comes! -* ing to the cross; has sighed for Thee, mv all to Tlioe, He fills my soul! i:#:iT--S= I am Long has Friends, and Per - feet ^ ^ poor, time, . ed t=: and weak, and blind; vil rcign'd with -in ; and earth - ly store; in Him I am; -- . . -- ^ 1 Cho. / ani trust ^J, Lord. Tlu Bless - ed Lamb of Cat - va ry ; I am Comlner to the Cross. Concluded. t D. 0. Chorut. i I w. 3 ^ r-" -g g ej rj. ^ ^ g -T I ara count - ing all but dross, I shall full sal - va - tion find. Je - sus sweet - ly speaks to me, "I will cleanse you from all sin.* Soul and bod - y Thine to be, Whol-ly Thine for cv - er - more. I am ev - 'ry whit made whole: Glo - ry, glo - ry to the Lamb, -^'- .^ -0-- -^ ^ ^' ^ fj t=5= fc=: m r Hum-bly at Thy cross I how, Save me, Je - stis, save me now. 171 Take Me as I Am. Eliza H. Hamilton. ^ Ira D. Sankey. ^ J ^ ^= ^ 1 Je - sns, my Lord, to Thee I cry; Un - less Thou help me I must die: 2 Help-less I am, and full of guilt; But yet for me Thy blood was spilt, 3 No prep - a - ra - tion can I make. My best re-solves I on - ly break, 4 Be - hold me, Sav-iour, at Thy feet, Deal with me as Thou se- est meet; ^^mwM 5=i= PP Oh, l)ring Thy free sal - va - tion nigh. And take me as I am. And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt. And take me as I am. Yet save me for Thine own name's sake. And take me as I am. Tiiy work be - gin, Thy work cora-plete, And take me as I am. ISSEf -^ JziiS=r m Ciinnt's And take am. ^mt And take mo as ^ fe=^Ti=* =i'#-* - f-J .^ =13 - 1 V- 1 - ^ i #^^# 0^-^0 I # S- 1 * L, i 0. My on - ly plea Christ died for me! Oh, take me as 0- B 172 Here am I; Send Me. i V Danil March, Sidney M^ Qrann7*. $^ 3?f=3=J=J=^=^^=^ m 1. Hark I the Voice of Je sus crying, "Who will go and work to - day ? Fields ar 2. If you can -not cross the o.cean, And the hea-then lands ex-plore, You can 8. If you can -not speak like an -gels, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can 4. If you can - not be the watchman, Standing high on Zi - on's wall, Pointing -0- ' -0- -0- -0 - ^P- H ^ tzdtz =^=?= M h- ^ -> '>- t^ _= :S=*: 5^C 3t=l -*-7- tJ -0- . -0- white, and har-vest wait-ing ; Who will bear the sheaves a - way ?" Loud and strong the find the hea-then ncar-er, You can help them at your door. If you can - not tell the love of Je - sus. You can say He died for all. If you can - not out the path to heav-eu. Offering life and peace to all; With your pray'rs and -0- -0- - -- -- -f- Ho . m '- -0- -90- Mas - ter call-eth, Rich re -ward He of- fers thee; Who will answer, glad - ly give your thousands. You can give the wid-ow's mite; And the least you do for rouse the wick-ed With the judgment's dread a-Iarms, You can lead the lit - tie with your boun-ties You can do what hcav'n demands; You can be like faitli - f ul -#- '0- -0 -= i*-^ -0- -0- -0- -0- -- -- -- ^ - :: n -^ v-J^ ^ ^- ^ ^ / P J \ i_ L , ^ . < 1 > is U P : P . L r f ^ b b ^ V 1 V V ' ' J ^ S fL 1 J (%-^-*-1^- -^ N s ^ ^ -A^-^;-^ 1 ^ * ; ^ ' W-i-f^ *-T-^" 'i?^ S ; . J * - j-i-jj ^ say -ing,"Here am I; send me, send me!" "Here am I; send me, send me!" Je - sus. Will be pre-cious in ITis sight, Will be pre-cious in His sight. children, To the Saviour's wait -ing arms. To the Saviour's wait-ing arras, Aa-ron, Hold-ing up the prophet's hands. Hold -ing up the prophet's hands. W, . ^ -0. -0- . \y^_ _--__^__A_J_ r nm. C. Bkainam t *, yf4R r ^trf m f. Here am I; Send Me. Concluded. 6 If among the older people, You may not be apt to teach, " Feed my lambs," said Christ, our Shepherd, "Place the food within their reach. ' And it may be that the children You have led with trembling hand. Will be found among your jewels, When you reach the better land. 6 Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do. While the souls of men are dying. And the Master calls for you. Take the task fie gives you gladly, Let His work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when He calleth, "Here am I; send me, send me I" 173 A Soldier of the Cross. Uaao Watts. Jra D. Santtey. 1. Am I a sol - dier of the cross A fol - lower of 2. Must I be car-ried to the skies. On flow - ery beds 3. Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem 4. Since I must fight if I would reign, In - crease my cour - -c>- the Lamb? of ease, the flood ? age, Lordl And shall T fear to own His cause. While oth ers fought to win the prize. Is this vile world a friend to grace, I'll bear the toil, en -dure the jiain, 1^ r Or blush to speak His name? And sailed thro' blood y seas? To help mo on to God? Sup -port- cd by Thy word. In the name of Christ (lie King, Wiio liath purchased In tlip name of Christ tlic Kint:, _i -^9' - 0^0-0 0-l~f p " life for me, Tliro' ^racn I'll win tin- iimmisiMl crown. WliafeVr niv cross niav ho, Jt- -#. .(2. ' .0 ^C^^ COPTItKlHT, 1890, tY IKA D- ViKIT. 174 Fanny J. Crosby, Close to Thee. 8!Ias J. Vail. IV- :^-fr Si s 1. Thou, 2. Not 3. Lead r r my ev - for ease me thro' er-last-ing por-tion, More than friend or life to me, All a - long my or world- ly pleas-ure, Nor for fame my pray'r shall be; Glad-ly will I the vale of shad-owa. Bear me o'er life's fit - ful sea: Then the gate of m -^ N- Rkfrain. N-^ -ftzzi- ^t: ^=q: -- = # -4-S & ^^ pil - grim jour-ney, Sav- iour, let me walk with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to toil and suf - fer. On - ly let me walk with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to life e-ter-nal. May I en-ter, Lord, with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to ft- ^. . .0. ^ . . m -G>- - .-0- ^ ^ -#- Thee, close to Thee; Thee, close to Thee; Thee, close to Thee; .(Z. Jt.. M. ^. All a- long my pil-grim jour-ney, Sav-iour, let me walk with Glad-ly will I toil and suf - fer, On - ly let me walk with Then the gate of life e- ter-nal. May I en-ter, Lord, with Thee. Thee. Thee. 175 BY PER. BiGLOw * Main, owners of copyright. Draw Me Nearer. Fanny J. Crosby. William H. Doane. ^-- mS= ^-=\-=x- ---^: -q_^. I 1. I am Thine, Lord, I have heard Thy voice. And it told Thy love to me; 2. Con-se-crate me now to Thy serv- ice, Lord, By the pow'r of grace di - vine; 3. the pure de - light of a sin - gle hour That be - fore Thy throne I spend, 4. There are depths of love that I can - not know Till I cross the nar - row sea, 9-r^ ij: _ But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be clos - er drawn to Thee. Let ny soul look up with a stead-fast hope, And my will be lost in Thine. When I kneel in pray'r, and with Thee, my God, I com- mune as frisnd with friend. There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee. 1^ rf nmiat^ **" w. M- DiAnt. Reniwau Usto ky i 1 r s Draw Me Nearer. Concluded. p 5 =^ ^=i-- 3L -i9- Draw me near - er, near- er, blesa-ed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died. S near-er, near-er, -tfckrt: -t^^=^X _ i - ^-^E^ -4_j^ fc.- fc/ i/ -V-v ^irr X X m w i=^ S3 i^ Draw me near-er, near-er, near-er, bless-ed Lord, To Thy pre-cious, bleed-ing side. ^. }: ^ -t- -*--#- -#- i te^ 'i^r^ -t<--!: IS I ty -^ :i?=J?: - :^t f -v-v t/ U I 1 76 What a Friend we have in Jesus. Joseph Scriven. Charlea C. Converse. 1. What n friend we have in Je - kus, 2. Have we tri - ala and lemp-ta - tions? 3. Are wo weak and heav-y - la - den, All onr Bins and griefs to bear; Is there tron-ble a - ny- where? Cum-bered with a load of care? What a priv - i - lege to car - ry D.s. All be-cause we do not car - ry We should nev-er bj dis- cour- aged, D.s. Je - sus knows our ev - ery weak-ness, Pre- cious Rav-ionr.fitill our ref - ugo, D.s. In His arms He'll take and shield thee. Ev - ery-tbing to God in prayer. Ev - ery-thing to God in prayer. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Thou wilt find a sol - ace there. ^^ Idr2=lii?il=?: it. 1 i . N ^ , < _ 1 1 ^ ^ ^_A_^ D.s. 1 \ f =^= . * jl V. ' r t=s 1^ --N-H ^ .~i Oh, what peace we oft -en Can we find a friend so Do thy friends desj)ice, for - -#----#------- for . faith sako -G- foit. Oh, what need-loss pain we - ful, Who will all our sor-rows thee? Tako it to tho Lord in . -J .-/ *_*-- f ^ -| y bear- share? prayer^ i y \j \j y '^ ~| -^ 1 2 ^ t_J iMai tv fMHiaawiL 177 Fanny J. Crosby, Pass Me Not. William H. Ooans. Sfei :=i: -6h- n 1. Pass me not, O geu - tie Sav - iour, Hear my hum-ble cry; While on 2. Let me at a throne of mer - cy Find a sweet re - lief; Kneel-ing 3. Trust-ing on - ly in Thy mer - it. Would I seek Thy face; Heal my 4. Thou the Spring of all my com - fort More than life to me. Whom have A- -^- -p. ' - -#- ;t= r- V-' -n^-v- oth - ers Thou art smil-ing, Do not pass me b^'. \ there in deep con - tri - tion, Help my un - be - lief: ( wounded, bro- ken spir - it, Save me by Thy grace, j I on earth be - side Thee? WhominHeav'nbutThee? J Sav - iour, Sav - iour. I -}L ^ ^_^ ^ "-P ^^ m. .^. ^. jf2. p: r- -t~ 178 ^:^ _^_H ' -J-4- | -^ =qj==:^^:^==g=::^->-l--,--:1-|-J H^-^^ 1 L-i5'~ '-#-T ' & S "-iS (S- -#-T-# -' -- -9- ^ -6'- 1 , While on oth-ers Thou art call-ing. Do not pass m -- -i- -- -- f t m-t K i^ ^ L^ ^_L;2_;2_t:f: ^^, [=i-f^ f-f-r- Used by per. w. h. Doane, owner of copyright. Hold Thou My Hand, Fanny J, Crosby. Hubert P. Main. i_^_S_;j^^__J_^5-^_J-L._. . .-U, 1. Hold Thou my band; so weak I am, and help -less, I dare not 2. Hold Thou my hand; and clos-er, clos-cr draw me To Thy dear 3. Hold Thou my hand; the way is dark be - fore me With-out the 4. Hold Thou my hand, that when I reach the m_ar - gin Of that lone I -- -( iE^t: take one step with-out Thy aid; Hold Thou my hand; for then, O lov-ing self my hope, my joy, ray all; Hold Thou my hand, lest hap - ly I should sun -light of Thy face di - vine: But when by faith I catch its ra-diant riv - er Thou didst cross for me, A heav'n-ly light may flash a -long its eorm'aHT, 10, tY Hubert p. Maim, renewau ^^- Hold Thou My Hand. Concluded, Inn t . ^ M -^ I 2 '-^- -f^ Sav - iour, No dread of ill shall make my soul a - fraid. wan - der. And, miss - ing Thee, my trem-bling feet should fall, glo - ry. What heights of joy, v?hat rapturous songs are mine! wa - ters, And ev - ery wave like crys - tal bright shall be. m :=i=t f9- I ?*=(= T 179 Welcome! Wanderer, Welcome I Horatiua Bonar. f 1 - Ira D. Sankay, y L_L " i 1 1 1 .. J 1 . 1 (f^^f t'- i ^ 5 d T^- _J ^^__j U -J^^- -4- 1 iH ^7 4-. i . f ,_ 4 1. In the land of 2. "From the land of 3. Leave the haunts o 4. See the door still 5. Far off thou hast 6. See the well-sprea 7. Thou art friendles stran-gers, Whith - er thou art gone, hun - ger, Faint-ing, f aui-ished, lone, f ri - ot, Wast - ed, woe- be - gone, o - pen! Thou art still my own; wan-dered; Wilt thou far- ther roam? dta - ble, Un - for-got-ten one! 3, homeless, Hope -less and un -done; f- m Hear a Come to Sick at Eyes of Come, anc Here is Mine is far voice love and heart and love are all is rest and love un - (m\' 1 ' ' ' r ^ 1 ^ ^ . -. - - n P4r4 f T-f H ^5 L-^ -* # * L ^ ^ 1 p ^^^4 1 ;^H \ _r 1 1 1 P -# 1 i i i^ I i i 1 1 i 1 I^ZZ t=t=t=i=^ -K- ~^' T J f- E call - ing, "My son! glad-ness, My son! wea - ry, My son! on thee, My son! par-doned, My son! plen - ty. My son! chang-ing, My son! my my my my my my my son!' son! son! son! son! son! son!' Wel-comel wan-d'rer, wel- come! Wel-come back to home! Tbou hast wan-dered far a - vay: Come home! come homel' ' jy.' .. J^ ^, ^ kf: :t- ja. -- -^. . K kifc A. tusmtt. 180 O Rock of Ages. Horace L. Haating*. ^=J-- A P Hubert P. M&la -^-^ -(5^ 1. My soul at last a rest hath found, A rest that will not fail; 2. I'll hide me in this ref-uge strong, From ev - ery storm - y blast; 3. Ye com-fort-less and tem-pest-tost, By sins nd woes op - prest; 4. Ye thirst-y, from this smit-ten Kock Life's cry s-tal wa - ters spring; ^ :=e= 4:: t: i: =^ -\ ^- ^W- :ai: A sure and cer - tain anch'rage grouad And sit and sing un - til the waves Ye tempt-ed, trou-bled, ru-ined, loRt, There hide from ev - ery storm-y shock, In Christ with - in the vail. Of vrath are o - ver - past. Come find in Christ yonr rest. And rest, and drink, and sing. 4?!- -iSL. ^'^^^ V v Chorub. i: -V- -^_^ 1 5=ffi Rock ^53es '1. of A - ges cleft for me, -0- _# if-. m ,_ *_^_X1_ In Thee ^ ^ my soul Be - m ^ V y O Rock In Thee :^S: A-.^-^ N K N 3: 'i- t^ cure-ly hide; My tow'r of strength,! fly to Thee, And saf o - ly there a - lide. -._?_, i -* - ^=p: fS- =f2-^ v-v William B. Bradbury. 9 181 COPYRIGHT, 1890, BY iRA D. SANKEY. The Solid Rock. Rev, Edward Mote. N N I -#,# Y-\ u# I 1. My hope is built on noth-ing less Than Jesus'bloodandrighteousness;! dare not 2. When darknessveilrfHislovely face, I rest on His iinchanginctfrace; In ev-ery 3. His oath, His cov - e-nant,His blood, Sup-port me in thewhelmingflood; Whenalla - 4. When He shall come with trumpet sound, Oh, may I then in Him be found; Cloth'dinHia re "T g V* y- jMl^W * *** Vi-, lfli ** SOfTIUSnT, M Tlk The Solid Rock. Concluded. 4-4- ^^ m Cbobui. J .N- w i # trust the sweetest frame, But wbol-ly lean ou Je-sus'name. high and storm-y gale, My anch-orholdswith-in the vail. round my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. right-eou8-nes8 a - lone, Faultless to stand before the throne! ^: g: XZ T T- i; u i r :S: V fc^- OnChrist,theSol-id h F I Tg^ #- 4V-A- 4 9 4 r -A TV- a^ -^ II EockJ stand; All oth-ergroundis Binkini^sand, AH oth-ergroundis sinking sand, 3 f=P: 1 -ET-vn" V b^ A. J. Gordon. 182 Anon. My Jesus, I Love Thee. iii w ^-H \- =1= -/$- sus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine. For Thee all the Tliee, be - cause Thou hast first lov - ed me, And pur-chased my Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, And praise Thee aa sions of glo^-^ry and end -less de- light, I'll ev - er a My Je - I love I'll love In man ' -^ ^ V. 42- -P- Hi -& -^ -*. fol - lies of sin I par - doa on Cal - va long as Thou lend - est dore Thee in heav - en re - sign; My gra - cious Eo - deem - er, ry's tree; I love Thee for wear - ing me breath; And pay, when the death -dew BO bright; I'll sing with the glit - ter - -5>- J_ -#- -5i- my the lies ing Sav - iour art Thou, If thorns on Thy brow; If cold on my brow, If crown on- my brow, If ev - ev - ev - ev - -#- -- ^ -0- ->>, loved Thee, my Jo - euk, 'tis now. loved Thee, my Jo - sus, 'tis now. loved Thee, my Jo - kus, 'tis now. loved Thee, my Jo - sus, 'tis now. r^^m 183 Hark, Hark! my Soul! Frederick W, Faber. Charles C. Converse. Arr. by I. D. 3. -P 1 ^ T hark! my soul! far a - way, ward we go, an - gel - ic songa are swell - ing O'er earth's green like bells at eve - ning peal - ing, The voice of for still we hear them sing - ing, "Come, wea - ry -1^ ^- ^ -F- m^ ME i w -4- ^- -f- . -- ' ' ' -(&- fields and o - cean's wave-beat-shore; Je - sus sounds o'er land and sea; Bouls, for Je - sus bids you come. m -r K- -5- | How sweet the truth those And la - den souls by And through the dark, its m m iig -fv- tless-ed strains are tell - ing thousands meek-ly steal-ing, cch - oes sweet-ly ring -ing. Of that new life when sin shall bo Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to The mu - sic of the Gos - pel leads us 2^ I more. Thee. home. m m - f r* -- 1 Chorus. i=i=i An - gels, sing on! your faith-ful watch-es keep - ing; Sing us sweet m-- -* Ii frag - ments of r ^ the songs a - bovo - r a P G> Till morn-ing's joy .p .^ - ^ ' [/ - :^ -C f CerrxiOHT, swi, tr ma t. iMtMcct shall Hark, Hark! my Soul. Concluded. tf g * - -25^- end the night of weep-ing, And life's long shadows break in cloud less love. -#- -#- ^=1: -#- -ft- m '^=^ 184 Andrew Young, m^ There is a Happy Land. Hindoo Air. 1. There is a hap-py land, Far, far a - way, Where saints in 2. Come to this hap-py land, Come, come a - way; Why will ye 3. Bright, in that hap-py land. Beams ev - 'ry eye; Kept by a -&-. i!i=^: r glo - ry stand, Bright, bright as day; doubting stand? Why still de - lay? Fa - Ihor's hand, Love can - not die; how they sweet-ly sing, O we shall hap - py be, On then to glo ry run Wor-thy is our Saviour-King, Lnud let TTis praises ring, Praise, praise for aye. When from sin and sor-i^nw fi'oo, Lonl, wo shall live witliTlieo.lUost.blost for aye. Be a crown ami kiiiLr'h'in won ; AiidbriLrlit a - bove tlie sun, Reign. reign for aye. 185 Horatius Bonap, alt. Only Remembered. fpt D. Sankey. -AH i- iCit ^^r 4=3 1. Fad - ing a - way like the stars of the morn-ing, 2. Shall we be iniss'd though by oth - ers suc-ceed - ed, 3. On - ly the truth that in life we hare spok-en, 4. Oh, when the Sav - iour shall make up His jew - els, ^ Los - ing their Reap - ing the On - ly the When the bright Tb-f-j ^*h =jg=i ^ :fc=)c ^si -^ m -: 9 s? light in the glo - ri - ous sun Thus would we pass from fields we in spring-time have sown? Xo, for the sow - ers seed that on earth we have sown; These shall pass on - ward crowns of re joic . ing are won, Then shall His wea - ry -*-^. 3^$ the may when and .=fc J ^ '^ z 0. -fcr earth and its toil - ing, On ly pass from their la bors. On - ly we are for - got - ten, Fruits of faith - f ul dis - ci - pies. All be re-mem-bered by re-mera-bered by the har - vest and re-mem-bered by what what what what we have they have we have they have done, done, done, done. -f r,;- m izt 2: :=^ S :fc=5: i4: ii:2: ^^.; On - raem-bered, c on ly re-mem-bered. On 3=5; / ibc --^ #-T # -ri what we have done; Thus would we pass from V ^^ QJ^-. ^i-^ ^M t_ the 3?^ Copyright, 1801, t The Biolow & main Co., Ntw yokk. Onfy Remembered. Concluded. m earth and its toil-ing, -P ^ On - ly re-mem -bered by what we have done. i ^f 4:^2: :)t=)i: f f 186 The Christian's Good-Night. It Is Bald: The early Christians were accnstomcd to hid their dying friends Good-night, so sure were they of their awakening on the Resurrection Morning. Sarah Doudney. Ira D, Sankey< u J ^ 1 J_ i^^t- " ' W if W ; W 1. Sleep on, be - lor - ed, sleep, and take thy rest; Lay 2. Calm is thy slum - ber as an in - fant's sleep; But 3. Un til the shad - ows from this earth are cast, Un 4. Un til the Eas - ter glo - ry lights the skies, Un - ^-f-nr m t 4=^ m ^* fe=ii= 3t=^ _-^ ^ * down thy head thou shalt wake til He gath - til the dead ~^K ^^ up no ers in on thy Saviour's breast; We love thee well, but more to toil and weep: Thine is a per - feet in Je His sheaves at sus shall a ^ -/-/- last, rise. Un And til the twi - light He shall come, but -. H [g rit. I ^ :^- -^r 15 -t?5 ^ Je . sus loves thee rest, se cure and gloom be o ver not in low - ly best Good-night! Good -night! Good deep Good-night! Good -night! Good past Good-niglitl Good -night! Good guise Good-night! Good -night! Good - night - night - night - ni.. Bride; food ; blest, we. Witli Ills own blood TIo And to one hope she And tlic great Church vie Like them, tlie meek and to low fur lun- life He dud. es, Willi cv - 'ry gr;b'e en - dued. ion?, Shall bi! the C'hin-oh at rr.4. ly, On high niav dwell with Tliee. 189 Holy, Holy I Lord God Almighty. Reginald Hebai*. i ^. i (NIOAEA. 11,12,12,10.) John B. DykM. N-J \ y^- ltZ=3tt=J^ 5^S ^ :t=^ 1. Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho 2. Ho - ]y, Ho - ly, Ho 3. Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho ly! Lord God Al-might - y! Ear - ly in the ly! all the saints a- dore Thee, Casting down their ly! tho' the darkness hide Thee, Tho' the eye of 4. Ho - ly, Ho-ly, Ho - ly! Lord God Al-might - yl All Thy works shall i_4 g g i =:g U^rLH -^ --^-^-4^ fSf :r=i L I f -n (^-^ -; w ^ morn ing our songs shall rise to Thee; Ho- ly, Ho- ly, Ho golden crowns a - round the glass- y sea; Cher-u - bira and Ser sin-ful man Thy glo - ry may not see, On - ly Thou art Ho praise Thy name in earth, and sky, and sea; Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho ly! a-phim |] -A- Mer - fall - there Mer - ci - ful and Might -y! God in three Per ing down be - fore Thee, Which wert and art, is none be -side Thee, Per- feet in power, ci - ful and Might -y! God in three Per sons, bless-ed Trin i - ty! and ev - er- more shall be. in love, and pu - ri ty! sons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty! g J -. ^ ^"J fet r =R=r 190 Henry F. Lyte. Abide With Me. (Eventide. 10s.) William H. Monk. ^->^ W^ 1. A - bide with me I Fast falls tlie e - yen- tide. The dark - noss 2. Swift to its close ebbs out 3. I need Thy pros - ence ey - 4. Hold Thou Thy cross be - ife's lit - tie day; Eartli's joys grow 'ry pass -ing hour, What but Tliy fore my clos - ing eyes; Shine thro' the m ^2 ^ r^ ?T^^ Abide With Me. Concluded. s -7- a s ^ rt 5 T I I deep - ens Lord, with me a - bide! When oth - er help - ers fail, and dim, its glo - ries pass a - way; Change and de - cay in all a - grace can foil the tempter's power? Who, like Thy - self, my guide and gloom, and point me to the skies; Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain 3: 3E 1 r i w^ is: t: =r com - forts flee, round 1 see; stay can be? shad - ows flee ! Help of the help - less, oh, Thou, Who chang-est not. Thro' cloud and sun - shine, oh. In life, in death, Lord, : 1. a a a a bide with me! bide with me I bide with meJ bide with me! J^-JL m m:^ --^^ 191 In the Cross of Christ I Glory. John Bowring. ( Rathbun. 8s, 78.) Ithamar Conksy. 1. In the cross of Christ I glo - ry, Tow'ring o'er the wrecks of time; 2. When the woes of life o'er-take mo, Hopes de-ceivc, and fears an -nov, 3. When the sun of bliss is bcam-iii2: Liglit and love up - on my way, 4. Bane and bless- ing, pain and plcas-ure. By the cross are sane - ti - fled ; X All the liffht Nov - cr shall tl From tlio cross tl sa - crod sto - ry cross f(ir - sake mo: r;i - diance stroaiiiiii'^ Galh-ors round its head sub-lime. T,(i! it glows with peace and joy. Adds inoro lus - tor to tlie dav. Peace is thore that knows no nu\is-uro, Joys that thro' all time bide. 192 John H. Newman. Lead, Kindly Light. ( Lux Benigna. IOs, 48.) f I Nil John B. Dykes. 3 =|: 1. Lead, Kind - ly Light, 2. I was not ev 3. So long Thy Power Hr * ^ ^ : a - raid th'en - eir - cling gloom, er thus, nor prayed that Thou hath blessed me, sure it still m^ 1^ 4 -U-l ^-i- ,_l j_ M~ m j- -^- ^-d? g- IM Lead Thou me on ; The night is dark, and I am far from home, Shouldst lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path; but now Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and tor - rent, till f-- ^ ^J !*_*_- 3s -Kt \ J- _^_ -U- ir- -^ G>- -^=1- ^- mh T Lead Thou me on; Lead Thou me on! The night is gone; )-:-n ^- -(- B . Keep Thou my I loved the And with the feet ; I do not ask to gar ' ish day, and spite of morn those an - gel fa - ces ^^d ^^J "^^ r r :t=5: -(2_ see fears, smile, The dis - tant scene; one step e - nough Pride ruled my will; re-mein-ber not Which I have loved long since, and lost ^(^2- --f^^W^ :_t=ii4z 'ci for me. past years ! a - while! J- -.-. t i 1 93 Love Divine, all Love Excelling. Charles Wesley. (Beecher. 88, 78, D.) John Zundel. i=d3: ^m ^f A-^ 1 1 1 - -r- --^^ 1. Love di - vine, all love ex cell - ing, Joy of heav'n to earth come down! 2. Breathe, breathe Thy lov - ing Spir - it In to ev - 'ry troub - led breast I 3. Come, Al-might-y to de liv er, Let us all Thy grace re - ceivel 4. Fin ish then Thy new ere- a tion, Pure and spot- less may we be; I ft^-A P ^ A. S=i r 1 r i t- \ - 5 :i:t Ig It i i Fix in us Thy hum - ble dwell-ing, All Thy faith-ful mer - cies crown. Let us ail in Thee in - her it, Let us find the prom-iscd rest; Sud -' den - ly re turn, and nev - er, Nev - or more Thy tcm - pies leave: Let us see our whole sal - va -tion Per- feet -ly se - cured by Thee I -^ fl \ a i*t -u P-#- ^l -L f\- ^0- m ee rt=c=j p fi p , & p^l-- Jc .sus, Thou art all com -pas -sion, Pure, un-bound-cd love Tliou art; Take a - way the love of sin - iiing; Al - pha and - me ga be; Thee we would be al ways bless-ing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts a - bove, Chang'dfromglo-ry in - to glo ry, Till in heav'n we take our place; =t ^ r fj Vis - it End of Pray, and praise Thee with mit cims - inu', Olo - ly Till we cast our ci\nvnri be fure Tlioo, L^)^t in us with Thy sal - va - tion, Kn faith, as its be t:iii - iiinLf! Sot -^- 1 i t t-^i _ m - in Tiiy per wun - diT, love t 1 94 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! Edward Perronet. (Coronation. C. M. 6 Lines.) Oliver Holdn. iJ=^ T eIL^ 1. All hail the pow'r of Je - sus' name! Let an - gels pros-trate falll 2. Let ev - 'ry kin - dred, ev - 'ry tribe, On this ter - res trial ball, 3. Oh, that with yon - der sa - cred throng We at His feet may fall ! ^^ T~r"T~~r~^i tt I ] , 1 ^ ^ ' 1 I I 1 1^1 I / tf 111 1 1 i "^1 jIWJ i J 5 f J J 1 iil*i 1 \ i 8 ^ s w Z i Z J 1^ ^ ^1 itt^ 1 v^l/ i r # # .. d> V Bring forth the To Him all We'll join the 1 ' - -1^ roy - maj . ev - al es - er m di - a - dera, And crown Him Lord ty as - cribe, And crown Him Lord - last - iiig song, And crown Him Lord "?"'" - * - ^ -^ <^ of all; of all; of all ; 1 ^ . ^^1 f ' 1 * 8 if F 5 F r ^ r5 r L"-^' m LJ 1 1 L (^ 1 l^i ^_^ 1 1 L I N L 1 ^^ f 1 1 F 1 ^ ' ' 1 1 i I 1 1 *=: i 3t?=ij: -*- # ^ jS r Bring forth the roy - al di - a - dem. And crown To Him all maj - es - ty as - cribe. And crown We'll join the ev - er - last - ing song, And crown Him Him Him Szzi: Lord Lord Lord j5 of of of all. all. all. HI r 195 Nearer, My God, to Thee! Sarah F, Adams. ( Bethany. Bs, 48.) 1 N- Lowell Mason. :4z:if S =1: --N- 1. Near - er, my God, to Thee, Near - er to Thee; E'en though it be a cross 2. Tliough like the wan-der - er. The sun gone down, Dark-ness be o - ver me, 3. There let the way ap - pear Steps un - to heaven; All that Thou sendest me, 4. Then with my wak-iiig tho'ts. Bright with Thy praise. Out of my ston - y griefs, 5. Or if, on joy -ful wing, Cleav-ing the sky, Sun, moon, and stars for-got, i).S.Xear - er, my God, to Tliee! flE^ tr-T Nearer, My God, to Thee. Concluded. Fine. ^ -d H J H -H d -^ D.S. ^ :i|: ^=r 1^-^ That rais-eth me, My rest a stone. In raer-cy given: 1 raise ; fly. Theel \er -cj b1 I'll Beth Up - ward 1 Near - er to Still all my song shall be- Yet in my dreams I'd be An gels to beck - on me So by my woes to be Still all my song shall be Near-er, my God, to Thee! Near-er, my God, to Theel Near-er, my God, to Theel Near-er, my God, to Thee/ Near-er, my God, to Thee' fl" i ^-^-^ i ^^ :y-V-g=z=ry-^f m rr 196 Break Thou the Bread of Life. Mary A. Lathbury. (LATHBURr. 108.) William F. Sherwin. T=f S J 1. Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, 2. Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me to me- -#- -#- --n-^ > J r^ ^-^ ^>^^ f-x-'g^ ^- -ft-4 ^ F I-I 1 ^ J F-F im r-fT-l ~^'\ \r T^n^ Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. Concluded. tf ^ 3=1 J . JP=iF S ^ I am weak, but Thou artmight-y; Hold Let the ft ery, cloud -y pil lar Lead Bear me thro' the swell -ing cur -rent, Land nie with Thy pow'r-ful hand: me all my jour-ney thro': me safe on Ca-naan's side: gffi ^^ Jl t^=^ t-Ml W^i -^ m Feed me till I want no more. Be Thou still my strength and shield, I will ev - er give to Thee, H-_*_J -0- Bread of heav - en, Bread of lieav Strong De - liv - 'rer, Strong Be - liv - Songs of prais - es, Songs of prais I en, 'rer, - es m ^ :*=: ^=:K t I *=f=f=f^ --7="^=^^ f- 1 99 Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessing. Elizabeth Codner. ( Even Me 83, Ts, 6, 7.) William B. Bradbury. feM -J L ;ti: 4- I 1 --^- -25!- ->-T I .J (Lord, I hear of show'rs of bless- ing Thou art scatt'ring full and free ) I Show'rs, the thirst- y land re -fresh-ing; Let Thy bless -ing fall on me \ -..-r-l^. 2 Pass me not, gracious Father! Sinful though my hourt may l,>o; Thou might'st leave me, l)ut tiie rather Let Thy merry fall on me l"]von me, Fvoii me, Tjet Thy mercy full on me. 3 Pa'^s iiie not, t(>nder Saviour! Let me love ami cling to 'I'lu^e; I am longing for Thy favor; Whilst Thou'rt calling, O call rac Even me, Even me. Whilst Thou'rt callinc:, call me. 4 Pass me nnf, mighty Spirit! Thou canst make the blind to see; Witnesser, of Jesus' merit, Speak the word of jiowcr to me Even me, Even me. Speak the word of power to me. 5 TiOV(> of riod, so juire and changeless; Bldoil of Ciirist, so rich and free; (irace of (lod, so strong ami boundless; Magnify them all in me. r^ven me. Even me. Magnify them all in me. 200 From Greenland's Icy Mountains, Reginald Heber. (Missionary Hymn. 78, 6s. D.) Lowell MeMon. I ^8= Ea ^ ^^^Q nzs: 1. From Greenland's i - cy mount -ains, From In - dia's cor - al strand, 2. What though the spi cy brecz - es Blow soft o'er Cey Ion's isle; 3. Shall we, whose souls are light - ed With wis - dora from on high, 4. Waft, waft, ye winds, His sto ry, And you, ye wa ters, roll, -^ -1 T f- s^ls^ m 3=^ ?=*: ffi ^Elj m Where Af ric's sun ny fount ains Roll down their gold en Though ev - 'ry pros-pect pleas es. And on ly man is Shall we, to men be night ed, The lamp of life de Till, like a sea of glo ry, It spreads from pole to ^. ^ tl JL ES := sand; vile; ry? pole; I I Y I J L m From In Sal - Till = - - T -1 T i ^^ many an an - cient riv - er. From many a palm-y plain, vain with lav- ish kind- ness The gifts of God are strown ; va - tion! oh, sal - va - tionl The joy ful sound pro - claim, o'er our ran-somed na - ture The Lamb for sin ners slain, -#- -# -#- -- A -*--#--#--#- -- -#- -^- " -i- They call us to do - liv The heath -en, in Ilis blind Till earth's re mot - est na Re . deem - er, King, Cre - a er Tlieir land from or ror"s cliain. ness, Bows down to wood and stone I tion Has learn'd Mes si ah's name. tor, In bliss re - turns to reign! S m 201 How Firm a Foundation. Q. Keane. (Portuguese Hymn. Us.) Anon, 1762. I i* i =1 ^^- f K -g"g ' r ' ' ' r "^ 1. How firm a foun - da - tion, ye saints of the Lord ! Is 2. "Fear not, I am with thee, oh, be not dis - mayed. For 3. "When through the deep wa - ters I call thee to go. The 4. "The soul that on Je - sus hath leaned for re - pose, I E^ ^m ^r-T T ^ h 1 ^ N ^ i*^ y 1 L7 U J K 1 M J >r \\\y ! 1 ' ,'> J ^ ^ N 1 N r 4 rh"^ t> A j ^ 1 J '^' 1 lJd> '' 1. 1 a ( Skj ^ - ^ ^ ^ J J la I ri m id T - ill for yo am th ers o not ] 9 i ur y E [ 1 faith in God, I sor - row will not His will shall dc - ex - eel - still give not - sert to leut thee ver - His 1 word! aid; flow; foes; U ' ' ' What more can He I'll strengthen thee, For I will be That soul though all ^^-^- * , -^f-i k li ^ 1 ^-^V- -^- -y-^- y / ^^ ^4- =u= =t L^ I. 1 #^^ i| ^v p^=r r- J 'd "~ =t= ?^ ^^-^^ H H ?=^ -T < 1^ ; ; 4^^ H 1 ' # r * - say, than to you He hath said, To you, wl 10 for r?f - uge to help thee, and cause thee to stand. Up - held b y My grt cious.om with thee thy troub-le to bless, And sane - t -fy to ^hee thy hell should en - dcav- or to shake, I'll nev - e r no nev - er no ^T^h k - =^ ' n * -#- 1 ^^ ^ 1 i -tJ, ^H^ i 1 1 ' -V ^r 1 t/-.-^. Je - sus have fled? nip - o - tent hand, deep-est dis - tress, nev - er for - sake ! To you, wlio for ref Up - held by My gra And sane- ti - fy to I'll nev - cr no nev uge to Je - sus have fled? ci(>us,om-nip - o - tent hand, thee thy deep- est dis - tress. - er no nev - er for -sake I" 202 Crown Him with Many Crowns. Matthew Bridges. ( DiADEMATA. 8. M. D.) Geo. J. Elvey. i S 3 =^4= 1. Crown Him with ma - ny crowns, The Lamb up - on His throne: 2. Crown Him, the Lord of IotbI Be - hold Hie hands and side, 3. Crown Him, the Lord of life! Who tri-umph'd o'er the grave; 4. Crown Him, the Lord of heav'n, One with the Fa - ther known, g ? 1 r t ^^ - \ ! ih ^ ^ ^ r ^-^ ^ T Hark I how the heav'n -ly an-them drowns All mu -sic but its ownl Rich wounds,yet vis - i ble a bove In beau - ty glo - ri - fied; And rose vie - to - rious in the strife For those He came to save; One with the Spir - it thro' Him giv'n From yon - der glo -rious throne; ki -(2- 1 izfc ^: ^ lifc 3 *f --^ A wake, ray soul, and sing Of Him who died for thee; No an - gel in the sky His glo ries now we sing, To Thee be end - less praise, i- m Can ful Who died For Thou ly bear that sight, and rose on high, for us hast died; 1 And hail Hira as thy match-less King, Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty. But downward bends his wond'ring eye At mys - ter - ies so bright. Who died e - ter - nal life to bring. And lives that death may die. Be Thou, Lord, thro' end - less days A dored and mag - ni - fied. Uv^ X. -V- -%~ 1 =li- ^ ^^=#= br" J. ^ -'r^\ H^^ ^ ' V^ ' =1=:; -f-^=?- f t i r 1 \ 203 O Jesus, Thou art Standing:. William W. How. (8t. Hilda. 7s, 6*, D.) Justin H. Knaoht. ^ m^ it i ^ i S^ ' m J- ~W: 1. Je - sus, Thou art stand - ing Out - side the fast-closed door, 2. Je sus, Thou art knock -ing: And lol that hand is scarred, 3. Je - sus, Thou art plead - ing In ac - cents meek and low, ^3 SE?EEESEEf ^ &. m 3^^ *2A :t=tzj t==^= r=r^ m ^s^^^^# ^ ^3: & ^ ^ r '" T r T ' In low - ly pa - tience wait - ing To pass the thresh-old o'er: And thorns Thy brow en cir cle. And tears Thy face have marred: 'I died for you, my chil dren, And will ye treat me so?" : g__r i: -rczfe j : m r-f-ij-^n ^ t ^- [-1 z-f z f=f^ :t: ^^ i=t :i=^ "CJ -z=^ We bear the nunie of Chris -tians. His name and sign wo bear; Oh, love that pass-eth knowl-cdge, So pa tient - ly to wait I Lord, with shame and sor row Wc o . pen now the door; >Jt -:t- ^E it ^ F ^l ' pi r^ -1 =^- ^.. ! 1 ^ ^H r Oh Oh, Dei s it =4 lan sir Sa le, thrice shame 1 that hath V iour, en 1^ ;up - no ter. on en us I qual, ter. To keep So fast And leave r nim to us * 1 -nn -r -*- -c>- . stand ing there, bar the gate I nev er morel F>r--r h r ."- i 1 J ^-~ E -^f- =_rz 1 1 ^ ^ 204 In Heavenly Love Abiding. Anna L. Waring*. (Clare. 7s, 6t, D.) Hubert P. Main. '<^ ^ ^ 'rr rr 1. In heav'n-ly love a - bid - ing, No change my heart shall fear, 2. Wher - ev - er He may guide me, No want shall turn me back ; 3. Green pas - tures are be - fore me, Which yet I have not seen ; tt^-f-^i ^^=^ W^=f -^ -25^ rf=f=r=f ^ And safe is such con - fid My Shep-herd is be - side Bright skies will soon be o'er ing. For noth - ing chang - es here: me, And noth - ing can I lack; me, Where dark-est clouds have been ; 1 T ^ 1 I H 1 ^ -^ ^ iEEi P ^Z 3^ z^ I -- ^ ^ -t: -r-r^ The storm may roar with - out me, My heart may low be His wis - dom ev - er wak - eth. His sight is nev - er My hope I can - not meas - ure. My path to life is laid, dim; free; Hr m x=fe r f= I r i* ^: I ^ ^* ^ t But God is round a - bout He knows the way He tak My Sav - iour has my treas me, And can I be dis - eth, And I will walk with ure. And He will walk with M -H ^- mayed? Him. i ^ i ^^=^ -7S^ ' COPYKIOHT, 1906. BY HUBERT P. M*1H. RENEWAL. 205 Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken. John Newton. (Austrian Hymn. 8, 78, D. ) Franz J. Haydn. mm rt I Pi 1 H 1^ f^~ 1. Glo-rious things of thee are 2. See, the streams of liv - ing 3. Round each hab- it a - tion 4. Sav - iour, if of Zi - on's spok-en, Zi on, cit - j of our God; wa - ters, Springing from e ter - nal Love, hov'ring, See the cloud and fire ap - pear, cit - y I, thro' grace, a mem - ber am, m^ 8^ : T r -^ 0- j-^ m r -r =t S ^^ ^ i ^ ( ^ f- r^ ^ He whose word can - not be brok-en Form'd thee for His own a bode: Well sup -ply thy sons and daughters. And all fear of want re - move: For a glo - ry and a cov'ring, Show ing that the Lord is near: Let the world de - ride or pit - y, I will glo - ry in Thy Name: ^- ^-rH-^rFF-^^ j^t- ^^^- tt^jJiiJa ' ^ teJ K T r r r On the Rock of A ges found-ed, "What can shake thy Who can faint, while such a riv - er Ev - er flows their Thus de - riv ing from their ban - ner Light by night, and Fad - ing is the world-ling's pleas-ure, All his boast - ed sure re thirst to shade by pomp and .. jt Iff pose? assuage ; day, show; With sal - va-tion's walls Grace,which, like the Lord Safe they feed up - on Sol id joys and last - sur-round-ed. Thou niay'st smile at all thy foes, the Giv er, Ncv cr fails from age to age? the man-na Which He gives them when they pray, ing treas-ure None but Zi - on's chil dren know. =fc t ^i r m 206 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. M. L., m^ tp. F. H. Hodge. Slowly. _1 (EiN' FE3TE BURQ. P. M.) Martin Luther. ^ m fe5 i ^_^ r r Cr iS^r A might - y Fort-ress is our God, A Bui - wark nev - er Did we in our own strength confide, Our striv-ing would be And tho' this world, with devils filled, Should threaten to un That word a - bove all earthly pow'rs, No thanks to them a fail los do bid ing; ing; us; eth; w;)ti.2_ m E^^ -^ ^ [ , 1 ^ jt^ ^-r Tf Our "Were We The Help not will Spir er He a - mid the flood Of mor - tal ills pre - vail - the right man on our side, The man of God's own choos - not fear, for God hath will'd His truth to tri - uraph through it and the gifts are ours Thro' Him who with us sid m 5 mg: ing: us: eth: r\ J Jt _ _ ! _ /^ I 1 1 1 f 1 t TU r- 1 1 1 1 I m 2 3 1 J ii 1 \ ' ' m. ' *i ( .... ..c If Y^ tT I ( 5 ^ | 1 9 mr 8 ^ V / J 1 * P 'nm ^ . #. 4 # . A For still Dost ask The prince Let goods our who of and -#- an - cient foe that may be ? darkness grim, - kin dred go, 1 Jt. ^. Doth seek Clirist Je - -We trem This mor to work sus, it ble not tal life , ! us is for ai - woe; He; him so; His craft Lord Sab - His rage The bod . m and a- we y /m\' ' t " I p ^ ^ # \ " , ^ (^. }yt m 5 ' ^ ^ _ V-^ u r Ia * P r - 1^ ^ -| ; 1 u 1 P *^ 1 T' 1 1 ' [ ^ ^ 1 ; 1 ^ T^ 1 W-* ' 1 1 i 1 i \ ' 1 ^ ^i^ X S tZff ^-i^ "cr^ ^^~r pow oth can they r are great, And.arm'd with cru-el hate, On earth is not his e His name, From age to age the same, And He must win the bat en -dure. For lo! his doom is sure, One lit - tie word shall fell may kill: God's truth a -bid -eth still, His king-dom is f or ev ' -0 ^ n qual. tie. him. er. if fari rcfc* * - T ^ :fc: F*^^ 11 207 The Son of God goes forth to War. Reginald Heber. (All Saints. C. M. D.) Henry 8 Cutler, ^^ :a==ft m rr^ I ^ 1. The Son of God goes forth to 'war, A king - ly crown to gain ; 2. The mar - tyr first, whose ea - gle eye Could pierce be - yond the grave, 3. A glo - rious band, the chos - en few On whom the Spir - it came, 4. A no - ble ar - my, men and boys. The ma - tron and the maid; J ^-4- jttbfiEiE^z^f^it m -0- His blood- red ban - ner streams a - far: Who f ol - lows in His train? Who saw his Mas - ter in the sky, And called on Him to save; Twelve val-iant saints, their hope they knew, And mocked the cross and flame: A - round the Sav-iour's throne re-joice. In robes of light ar - rayed: *E?E253: m Who best can drink his cup of woe, Tri - umph-ant o - ver pain; Like Him, with par - don on His tongue In midst of mor - tal pain, They met the ty - rant's brandished steel, The li - on's go - ry mane; They climb'd the steep as - cent of heav'n Thro' per - il, toil, and pain: -I- I -- iiil 1 1 , s 1 , 1 I I 1 1 , ( rt -jf\r^-^:T :j. S * '---r i__i_ ,_j_^__=ij Who pa - tient bears his cross be -low, He fol - lows He prayed for them that did the wronp;: Who ful - lows They bowed their necks the death to feel; Who fol- lows O God, to us may grace bo giv'n To fol - low His train. His train ? their train ? their train. UsiD ar rcKMissiON. 208 Onward, Christian Soldiers. Sabine Barlng-Qould. (8t. Gertrude. 68, 58, D. with Ref.) t I t 1^^ I Arthur S. Sullivan. ^ -i i i T *=^ n^ 19- ^ 1 On - ward, Christian sol 2 Liko a might- y ar 3 Crowns and thrones may per - ish, 4 On - ward then, ye faith - f ul, ^ -^ ^. - 4r ^ diers! March-ing as to war. With the cross of my Moves the church of God: Brothers, we are King-doms rise and wane, But the Church of Join our hap-py throng, Blend with ours your 1##^ m E -(- 4 -i -J J- ^ ^- 22: gj,? a^ Je - sus, tread - ing Je - sus voic - es Go - ing on be - fore. Where tho saints have trod; Con -stant will ro-main: In the tri-umph-song: ^=?=Sz:^ Christ, the Eoy - al Mas - We are not di - vid - Gates of hell can nev - Glo - ry, praise, and hon - ter, ed, er or, ie>- i^ ^^- ! ! J I . . j ! I U-bi4f ^=1 m Leads a-gainst the foe; For-ward in - to bat - tie, See His ban-ners go. All one bod-y we, One in hope and doc - trine. One in char- i - ty, 'Gainst that Church prevail: We haveChrist's own promise, And th.it can-not fail. Un - to Christ the King: This, through countless a-ges. Men and an -gels sing. J * M . J^ # . P t=$^ _(2_ t: 3 i Chokus. ^ is: jt^ v -0- -w- -0- -0- -p- On - ward, Chris - tian sol m^ --#- diers! -0- -0- -0- -0- March - ing as to -i5>- war. m m T \ 1 r- With the cross of ^ Z^ 4r- 4:1. Jo -~\ sus. : Go - ing J- J^ be fore. 1 1 For Sd tune, see St. Alban No. IIS, 209 Onward, Christian Soldiers. Sabine Baring-Qould. (Christian Soldiers. 6, 5s, D. with Ref.) 3=s=i^g=^:^;-;^g^-EiEg I Henry R. Puller 1. On - ward, Christian sol-diers. Marching as to ^ -^t-t -li H =^: rr war, With the cross of With the cross s *=t m :t=^^ -i^S: f |r ^% ^=e sus Go - ing on be - fore. Clirist, the roy - al Christ, the roj - al ^ ^ ^ I I J- J- tte t g- ^ r JIas - ter. Leads a - gainst the foe ; For - ward in - to bat - tie, & i>^->: -H 1 h\^ I H t J^ If I iv j- On-ward, Chris - tian, soldierp,Marching,'March - ing to r-fi r f I I ! , J , I f-J - ^^ f 1 J 1-1 See His ban-ners go. B^^=:t^4=tp: On - ward, Christian sol - diers. Marching as to T ^ s - - t it war, Willi the cross, i^pifedigg^ilii^^ppip war, With the cross, the cross of Je - sus. Go ing on be - fore. ^ :t=:fei:'i"^=*r-- r m m i H in g vtrtm h4 fttuding page. T 1 I 4^ r ' " 210 Forward ! be Our Watchword. Henry Alfcpd. (St. Alban. 68, 5s, 12 lines) Franz J. Haydn. ifa dd^ :i=4: 1 a 3 r 1. Forward I be our watchword, Steps and voices joined; Seek the things be-fore us, 3. Forward, when in child-hood Budsthein-fant mind; All thro' youth and manhood, 8. Far o'er yon ho - ri - zon Rise the cit - y towers, Where our God a -bid - eth; 4. To the Fa-ther's glo - ry Loudest anthems raise, To the Son and Spir - it :f 4=M'= ^ m e 1 ^r - i 1- 3|=it IT t=4- tjttt!^ Not a look be -hind; Burns the tier - y pil - lar At our ar-my's Not a thought be-hind; Speed thro' realms of na - ture. Climb the steeps of Thatfairhome is ours: Flash the streets with jas - per. Shine the gates with Ech - songs of praise; To the Lord Je - ho - vah Bless -ed Three in ''^^ ^ - M head; grace ; gold: One -#- d I H^- ^^ :j- Who shall dream of shrinking, By Je - ho - vah led? Forward thro' the des - Faint not, till in glo - ry Gleams our Father's face, On thro' sign and tok - Flows the glad'ning riv - er Shedding joys un - told: Thith-er, on-ward thith Be by men and an gels End-less hon - or done. Weak are earthly prais J tf ert, en; -er, es. *^ :eE i=^ -0- -%--*- tiS:? B r=f :^=^: i 1 t^ Jm, 9r- -2b- ^ Thro" Stars In Dull -ntf -r -- -*- the toil and fight: Jor- dan flows be - fore us, Zi - on beams with a -midst the night; Forward thro' the dark - ness, For-ward in - to Je - ho-vah's might, Pil-grims to your Coun-try, For-ward in - to the songs of night: For-ward in - to tri - umph, For-ward in - to light. Light! Light I Light! Vm alao K6. t&t m m :i^i 1 1 1 211 Brightly Gleams Our Banner. Thoi. J, Potter. ^^ 4 I- (St. Theresa. 5s, e, D. w. Ref.) -4-4- Arthur 8. Sullvan. ^ 4= ^#-n- r I I # < #- -#- 1. Brightlygleams our banner, Pointing to the sky, Wav-ingwand'rers onward, 2. Je - BUS, Lord and Mas-ter, At Thy sa-cred feet, Herewithheartsre-joic-ing, 3. All onr days di-rect us In the way we go. Lead us on vic-to-rious, 4. Then with saints and an-gels May we join a - bove, Offringpray'rsandprais-es P- I i^- -PL ^P r k&:^ > ^ ^ >-^ - tejii^ f^i^a :t=t: :i!=J: "f^ :^ -_ g t3*-J- m ^ #-^ ^-J-#-v # tie -^- ^ * ^ 8 '-S-^ To their home ou high; Journ'yingo'erthedes - ert, Glad-ly thus we pray, See Thy chil-dren meet; Oft - en have we left Thee, Oft - en gone a - stray, O - ver ev - ery foe; Bid Thine an-gels shield us, When the storm-clouds low'r. At Thythroneof love; When the toil is o - ver, Then comes rest and peace. ^m f-fiff -^-rfi-H 1 ' ' 1 > -i fe^-^ i=^ ClIORUB. B^^^^^^^ ^^5^^^^^^?^ 4 I- r-v- 3t ^^-^ -zt And with hearts u- nit- ed, Take our heav'n ward way. \ Keep us, luigbt-y Sav-iour, In the nar-row way. f . , ., , Par -dou Thou and save us In that last dread hour. Rightly gleams our banner, Je - 8U3 in Ills beau-ty, Songs that nev-er cease. ) ^TEg=g=fZM=it ^(=F* Pointing to the sky, Wav-ingwand'rers on -ward To their home on w-p - '0- high. 1^.. (Jfbr Btooni Tmu tu No. 118. Forward! b* Our Watchuiord.) 212 Stand up. Stand up for Jesus. Qeopga DufFIeld. (WEBB. 7s, 68, D.) Qeopga i. Webb. ^ fei ^ ^^- * B 3 1. stand up, stand up for 2. Stand up, stand up for 3. Stand up, stand up for 4. Stand up, stand up for Je sus. Ye sol - diers of the cross ! Je - sus. The trump -et call o - bey; Je - sus. Stand in His strength a - lone; Je - sus. The strife will not be long; ^ ^ ^P m m Lift high His roy - al bau . ner, It must not suf - fer loss: Forth to the might - y con - flict. In this His glo-rious day: The arm of flesh will fail you; Ye dare not trust your own: This day, the noise of bat - tie. The next, the vie - tor's song; i^mt r m =pJ fe :^z3t -1 ^^ From vie - fry un - to vie - fry, His ar - my shall He lead, Ye that are men, now serve Him, A gainst un - num-bered foes ; arm - or. And, watch-ing un - to prayer, com - eth, A crown of life shall Put To on the gos - pel him that o . ver ^S ^^^^P- J-U -^. i=^El m r i:ill ev Your cour ^here du He, with 'ry foe age rise ty calls, the King is vanquished And Christ is Lord in deed, with dan ger, And strength to strength op - pose. or dan - ger. Be nev - er want - ing there, of Glo ' ry Shall reign e - ter - nal - ly I 213 Soldiers of Christ, Arise! ChartM WMley. ^^m. 11 j-jj Hubert P. Mam. ^ f 3t=I^ 1. Sol - diers of Christ, a - rise, And put your arm or on, 2. Stand, then, in His great might, With all His strength en - dued; 3. Leave no un-guard - ed place, No weak - ness of the soul ; :fi- Ssi=|--f=^ -r-f- 5^ ^^: -v-v- E^ ir==t f-^' j^ 4 1 1 ^^=#= i^^m Strong in the strength which God sup-plies Thro' His e - ter - nal Son; But take, to arm you for the fight. The pan - o - ply of God: Take ev - 'ry vir - tue, ev - 'ry grace, And for ti - fy the whole: n^. r Strong in tlie Lord of hosts. And in His might-y pow'r; That, hav ing all things done And all your con-flicts pass'd. In - dis - so - lu - bly joined. To bat- tie all pro-ceed; Who in the strength of Jo - sus trusts Is more than con -qucr- or. Ye may o'er-conuMhro' Clirist a - lono, And stand com-pleto at last. But arm your-selves with all the mind Tliat was in Christ, your Head, tE?5^?^Fg ^Ei^ KM. (T THt CIMTUIIY C* DM* >* 214 Sun of My Soul! John KoDle. (HURSLEY. L. M.) p. Rittep, app. Wm. H. Monk. i 3 3tlrf =?=S=:5t 4-ir-4 1. Sun of ray soul 1 Thou Sav - iour dear, It is not night if Thou be near: When the soft dews of kind - ly sleep. My wea-ry eye - lids gen - tly steep, A - bide with me from mora till eve, Forwith-out Thee I can - not live; Be near to bless me when 1 wake. Ere thro' the world my way 1 take ; wt=4^ - -'5>- % --^ -- -f5>- w a I S i 3 i -^ 1^ W :^=E^ Oh, Be A- A- may no earth-born cloud a- rise To hide Thee from Thy serv-ant's eyes! my last thought how sweet to rest For-ev-er on my Sav-iour's breast I bide with me when night is nigh, Forwith-out Thee I dare not die. bide with me till in Thy love I lose my - self in heav'n a - bove. ^^ iitfc -"r 215 Holy Ghost, with Light Divine. (Last Hope. 78.) L. M. Gottschalk, arr. H. P. Main. 1. Ho - ly Ghost, with light di-vine, Shine up - on this heart of mine; 2. Ho - ly Ghost, M'ithpow'r di-vine, Cleanse this guilt -y heart of mine; 3. Ho - ly Ghost, with joy di-vine, Cheer tl)is sad-dened heart of mine; 4. Ho - ly Spir - it, all di-vine, Dwell with - in this hjart of mine; Chase the shades of night Long hath sin, with -out Bid my ma - ny woes Cast down ev - ery i - a - way, Turn my dark-ness con - trol, Held do - min - ion de - part, Heal my wound-cd. dol throne, Reign su-preme and _i- J -^7- 1^=^=.'^ ig L- -T r J^ !5C 2 1 6 Saviour, Breathe an Evening Blessing. James Edmeston. (Evening Prayer. Ss, 78.) George C. Stebb!n. i feiM ^=g i f t \i :*^M-^ r^^w=^ Sav - iour, breathe an eve-ning bless-ing, Ere re - pose our spir - its Though de-struc-tion walk a - round us, Though the ar - rows past us Though the night be dark and drea - ry, Dark-ness can- not hide from Should swift death this night o'er-take us, And our couch be-comeour seal: fly; Thee; tomb, ^^ ^fc=F :t=t F=r rit. -4 I r=t: r fT :it^ ?c a: ^^ Sin and want we come con - fess - ' g. An - gel-guards from Thee surround us. Thou art He who, nev - er wea - ry, May the morn in heaven a - wake us. P^ Thou canst save and Thou canst heal. We are safe if Thou art nigh. Watch-est where Thy peo - pie be. Clad in bright and ueath-less bloom. J-- ^ SE i f^ bOPYRjaHT, 1806, gr qeo c. Stebbins. Renewal Used by per. 217 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Isaac Watts. (Hamburg. L. M ) Ad. by Lowell Mason. When I sur-vey the won-drous cross. On which the Prince of glo - ry died, For bid it, Lord! that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God: See, from His head. His hands, Uis feet, Sor-rowand love flow min - glod down; His dy-ing criin -son, like a robe. Spreads o'er His bod -y on the tree; Werothe whole realm of na - ture mine. That were a pres - ent far too small; My rich-cst gain I count but loss. And jiourcoiiteinpt on All the vain things t.hatc'harm me most I sac - ri - fire thorn Did e'er such love and sor - row meet. Or thorns compose so Then I am dead to all the gloho, And all the globe is Love so a - maz - ing, so di - vine, l)o-mandsmy soul, my -^- -C^ -^jh. -fy. ^. ^ -0. ^. \ P-#-,-t;p5 t r r^ ~ *- I ' " ~ T"^ h*^ * c F=1 rh i= -^^' ^ vf r ^ ZZf^Z all my pride. to His blood, rich a crown? dead to me. life, mv all. a 2 1 8 Joy to the Worldl the Lord is Come. Isaao Watts. (Antioch. C. M.) i BitUd: Ad. by Lowell MasOn. tnii: i \ i: b the world I the Lord is come; Let earth re-eeive her King; Let the earth 1 the Sav-iour reigns 1 Let men their songs em -ploy; While let sj. s and sor-rows grow, Northorns in-fest theground,He the world with truth and grace. And makes the na - tions prove The Joy to Joy to No more He rules IS m pf=f ev - 'ry heart pre - pare Him room, And heav'n and na - ture sing. And fieldsand floods, rocks, hills, and plains,Re - peat the sounding joy, Re - comes to make His bless-ings flow Far as the curse is found. Far glo - ries of His right -eous -ness. And wonders of His love, And _ J V, N ^ J ^ ^And heav'n, And heav'n and na-ture -#--*- J -^ -*- J -0 1 1 r-# 1 1 0- dt :t=f= m-^ m^f- r^ f r f r 'Vvvv- m I ^. izj^ ^ T ^ ^ heav n and na ture sing, peat the sound-ing joy, as the curse is found, won - ders of His love, Bing And beav'n and na ture L ^ 9^ And heav'n, And lieav'n and na - ture Re - peat, Re - peat the sounding J'ar as, Far as the curse is And wonders, And won - ders of His Bing. Sing. joy. found, love. ^ 3^ ^ r^ c C C g ' '- 2 1 9 Praise, My Soul, the King" of Heaven. Henry F. Lyte. m -0 4^-^- (Regent Square. Ss, 7a, 6 lines.) Henry Smart. 3- =^ =j=d A ^ -iS>- 1. Praise, my soul, the King of Heav-en; To His feet thy trib - ute bring; 2. Praise Him for His grace and fa vor To our fa- thers in dis-tress; 3. Frail as sum-mer's flower we flour -ish. Blows the wind, and it is gone; 4. An gels, help us to a-doreHim; Ye be hold Him face to face; ^ 1 r m 5E & rj-rr Praise, My Soul. Concluded. 45_J 1 m m 3t=a: ^ Ransomed, healed, re - stored, for - giv - en, Who like thee His praise should sing? Praise Him, still the same for - ev - er, Slow to chide, and swift to bless: But, while mor - tals rise and per - ish, God en-dures un-chang-ing on. Sun and moon, bow down be - fore Him, Dwell-ers all in time and space, U=f=4 ^f=> n :fiA ^-^^-f feir- ^^ r I s #-^ Praise Praise Praise Praise Him! praise Him 1 Praise Him I praise Him! Praise the er Him ! praise Him I Praise Him ! praise Him ! Glo - rious in Him! praise Him ! Praise Him ! praise Him! Praise the high Him 1 praise Him ! Praise Him ! praise Him ! Praise with us -*- ' -^- ^^ > -r- ' er His e - the ' last " faith ter God ing ful nal of King! - ness. One! grace I ^ I 220 Our Blest Redeemer. Harriet Aubep, (St. CuTMBERT. 8,6,8,4.) ^ I John B. Dykes. ^ -^ :i=^ 1. Our blest Re-deem er, ere Hebreath'd His ten der, last fare - well, 2. He came sweet influence to im-part, A gra-cious,will-ing guest, 3. And His that gen tie voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even, 4. And ev 'ry vir tue we pos sess, And ev - 'ry vie - fry won, 5. Spir it of pu - ri - ty and grace, Our weak-nesSj pitying, see; ^:2fc4: ^-M^ % $ V ^ '^m f=^ A Guide, While He That checks And er a Com - fort can find one each tho't, that 'rv tho't of - er, bequeathed hum - ble heart calms each fear, ho - li - npss 'make our hearts Thy dwell - ing With us Wliere-in And speaks Are His wor - r to to of dwell, ri'st. ht'uv'n. lone. 221 Upon the Gospel's Sacred Page. Uohn Bowring^, (St. Crispin. L. M.) George J. Elvcy. y 13 ^^iu Mii \ \ m m 4=i rr -r m Up - on the gos- pel's sa - cred page The gathered beams of a - ges shine; On mightier wing, in loft - ier flight, From year to year does knowledge soar; More glorious, still, as centuries roll, New regions blest, new pow'rs unfurled, Slow to re- store, but not destroy ; As when the cloudless lamp of day i=i -(2_ ^ ^ ^ t=t te w- M r^ f=F p tt =i 3^Sg ^ P 3 y~rr^-ng s; r -1^ 1^ And, as it hast - ens, ev - 'ry age But makes its brightness more di -vine. And, as it soars, the gos- pel light Becomes ef - ful - gent more and more, Ex-pand-ing with th'ex-pand-ing soul, Its radiance shall o'er- flow the world. Pours out its flood of light and joy. And sweeps the ling'ring mists a - way. it u n J i ,-^ :g^*- m > f F-HM' 222 Charlotte Elliott. 1^1 Just as 1 Am. (WOODWORTH. L. M.) William B. Bradbury. ^ I EI35 I r 1. Just as 2. Just as 3. Just as 4. Just as 5. Just as am, am am am am with- out one plea. But that Thy blood was shed for me, and wait-ing not To rid my soul of one dark blot, the' tossed a - bout With many a con-flict,many a doubt, Thou wilt re-ceive,Wilt wel-come, par-don, cleanse, relieve; Thy love unknown Hath bro - ken ev - 'ry bar-rier down; ^^ ^ a- J-J- S=& I i If ^ .M l J J '^/J i J J J-M- r , J I MH -^ ^1 33 Mia And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, Lamb of God, I To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, Lamb of God, I Fightings with- in, and fears with-out, Lamb of God, I Be - cause Thy prom- ise I be lieve, Lamb of God, I Now, to be Thine, yea.Thine a - lone, Lamb of God, I A wrn^ S: j,? i f ^f-r i f 4 1i ^^ ry- i e is: come come come come come 1 I ! I I I 1 I 1 I come I come! cornel cornel come I M. Egg. 223 tsaao Watts. Jesus Shall Reign. (Duke Street. L. M.) A John Hatton. 1. Je sus shall reign where'er the sun Does his sue- cess- ive ]ourneys run, 2. To Him shall end- less pray'r be made, And praises throng to crown Eishead: 3. Peo - pie and realms of ev 'ry tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song; 4. Blessings abound where'er He reigns.The prisoner leaps to loose his chains; E5^^ ^-# ^ g= U ^^ < p2 f^ g: m t ifc^: :Lz His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. His name like sweet per- fume shall rise With ev-'ry morn-ing sac - ri - fice. And in-fant voic- es shall pro-claim Their ear- ly blessings on His name. The wea-ry find e ter nal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. J^_LJ ^^m ::f: J. g I -JJ- i '-^jr- ^ 224 Philip Doddridge. Awake, my Soul. (Christmas. C. M.) George F. Handel. 1. A -wake, my soul, stretch cv- 'ry nerve, And press with vig-or on; A hcavonly 2. A cloud of wit-ness - cs a-round Hold thee in full siir vpy; For- get llie 8. 'TisGod'sall an i - ma- tingvnice.Thatcalls theefromon liigli ;'Ti8 His own 4. Blest Saviour, in- tro-duced by Thee, Have I my race be - gun ; And, crown'd with J-^ J ^m race demands thy zeal, And an im-mor-tal crown, And an im-mor-tal crown, steps al-rcad-y trod, And onward urge tliy way, And oiiv*ird urge thy way. hand pre-sents the prize To thino as pir-ing eye. To thino as pir-ing eye. vie - fry, at Thy feet I'll lay my hon-ors down, I'll lay myhon-ors down. 225 O God, Our Help in Ages Past. isaac Watts. (Downs. C. M.) it --1 Lowell Mason. =t 3 3^ 3 -&>- 5 2. Un 3. Be 4. A God, our help in a - ges past, Our hope for years to - der the shad - ow of Thy throne Still may we dwell se fore the hills in or -der stood, Or earth re-ceived her thousand a ges, in Thy sight. Are like an eve - ning e ih z? come, cure ; frame, gone; a g:idiz3=g: 5=1= -^- ^^ Q H ^1 f y \ ! , t / 1 ^ ^\ J 1 1 1 1 1 1 J k u *^ A ^\ a J 1 \(\^ \J ' \ 1 1 \ * ^ ._ _ 3_ 1 KsT J. 4 J J. J J , '3? i J i -^^ ^ 1 e) - l^ O- W ^ l^ e> r ^ ^^ a ^ Our shel-ter from the storm -y blast, And our e - ter - nal home. Suf - fl - cient is Thine arm a - lone, And our de - fence is sure. From ev - er - last - ing Thou art God, To end -less years the same. Short as the watch that ends the night. Be - fore the ris - ing sun. ^ .^-1?: P m A a w r 1 (^ 1 9 m 1 K 1 f> ... <^ 1 )',\) ' t-> i 1 -^ ^ \) 1 ' 1 \-^ r w ^ f^ 1 ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 226 God Moves in a Mysterious Way. William Cowper. ( Dundee. C. M.) Q, Frano. n T 1 \ 1 ff Ci 1 1 1 i , , 1 / b ^ *( 1 J 0, \ 1 1 ClP4,_J_ s 3 1 J - ^ - ^ S M J J U \ 1. God 2. Ye 3. Judg( 4. His 7 r: ^^ L_* ^ ' 4 9 ' moves in a mys - fear - f ul saints, fresh ( 3 not the Lord by pur - pos - es will L^ 1 K te - rious way, ;our - age take ; fee - ble sense, ri - pen fast, His The But Un - -- ' 1 won - ders to clouds ye so trust Him for fold - ing ev per - form ; much dread His grace; - 'ry hour; a 1 Pyr^-f- ^ 1 1 # u * ' -\> -X ^ =:f- U =r 1 ^^-b-4:H ' H h f i ' f \ i -T 1 f- W -H 1 1 T r 1 1 i 1 1 1 Va \ 1 ! \ ] 1 ] 1 ^ Jf 1^ pl -A ^ d J fa-^^ _J , 1 J 1 -n J- ^ J i=^ ^ 1 \~~ ^ -.==^ ] o 1 e . 1 . K 10 i^ ^r^ ^^ -#- He plants His foot -steps in the sea, And rides up . on the storm. Are big with mer - cy, and shall break With bless ing on your head. Be - hind a frown - ing prov - i - dence He hides a smil -ing face. The bud may have a bit - ter taste, But sweet will be the flower. ^iT-f'^^ i F'-^rq -0- F4:- -- =fc ^ * . #. -f 1 ^b 1 --f- -r^ 1 \ 1 ' . If . 1 I 1 ^ W jrf u 227 Am I a Soldier of the Cross, Isaac Watts. (Arlinqton. C. M.) Thomas A. Afn, ^i^=i-J I i : : j -^ ^ Am Must Are Since ^ I a sol - dier of the cross A foll'wer of I be car ried to the skies On flow-'ry beds there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem I would reign, In - crease my cour I must fight if -^f=^=^ the of the age, Lamb? ease, flood? Lord; :{=: :|=: |M ^ i r -^ -iSi- And shall I fear to own His cause. Or blush to speak His name? While oth - ers fought to win the prize. And sailed thro' blood - y seas ? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? I'll bear the toil, en - dure the ^)ain. Sup - port - ed by Thy word. a ^ ^=p. i 228 Blest be the Tie that Binds. John Fawcett. (Dennis. S. M.) Hans Q. Nae^li. a^ ^irtq -Kn-^' 1. Blest be the 2. Be - fore our 8. We share our 4. When we a < ^2U. ^-#- -#- -fis- tic that binds Our Fa - thcr's throne We mu - tual woes, sun - der part. Our It ^^=^ hearts in pour our mu - tual gives us I Chris -tian ar - dent bur - dens in - ward J: love: pray'rs ; bear; pain; fel - low - ship of kin - dred minds Is like to that a - boTe. fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our com -forts and our cares, oft - en for each oth - cr flows The sym - pa - thiz - ing tear, wo shall still bo joined in heart, And hope to meet a - gain. 229 Fling Out the Banner I Qeorge W. Doane. (Waltham. L. M.) J. Baptists Calk!a ^ m n^ ^^ w^ t^pp=t 1. Fling out the 2. Fling out the 3. Fling out the 4. Fling out the 5. Fling out the I. banner! banner! banner! banner! banner ! let it float Sky-ward and seaward, high and wide; an -gels bend In anx-ious si - leiice o'er the sign, heathen lands Shall see from far the glo- nous sight, let it float Sky-ward and seaward, high and wide; wide and high. Sea-ward and skyward, let it shine: J - i^ m^ ^t^- *=t*E: m xfe i hr '^=f The And And Our Nor sun that lights its shin - ing folds, The cross on which the vain - ly seek to com - pre-hend The won-der of the na-tions, crowding to be born, Bap-tize their spir- its glo - ry, on - ly in the cross; Our on- ly hope, the Cru skill, nor might, nor mer - it ours; We con-quer on- ly in I Sav- love in lour Di- its ci - that ^^ died, vine, light, fied! sign. I g U h- -:B^ i i^ r 230 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy. Frederick W. Faber. (Wellesley. 83, 7a.) Lizzie S. Tourjee. There's a wide-ness Tliere is wel - come For the love of If our love were in for God but God's mer - cy, llie pin - ncr, is broad-er more sim - pie, Like the wide-ness of the sea: And more gra - ces for the good; Than tlie meas-ure of man's mind; We should take Him at His word; There's a kind - iiess There is mer - cy with And tlie heart of the And our lives would be His the E . all jus - tice. Which is Sav - iour; There is tor - nal Is most sun -shine In the more than lib heal - ing in won - der - ful sweet-nop? of or - ty. His blood. ly kind. our Lord. JL=t ^^ r ^ i U8CP >Y PERMIUION 231 Not All the Blood of Beasts. Isaac Watts. (B0YL8T0M. S. M.) Lowell Maaon. g^ i 3 ^=^ =5 1. Not all the blood of beasts 2. But Christ, the heav'n - ly Lamb 3. My failh would lay her hand 4. My soul looks back to see ^ On Jew - ish al - tars Takes all our sins a - On that dear head of The bur - den Thou didst slain, way; Thine, bear M G a=P^ -ISi- M:^ i ^ conscience peace, Or wash a - no - bier name And rich - er tent I stand. And there con curs - ed tree, And knows her J- way the blood than fess my guilt was -~e>- stain. they. sin. there. 232 Children of the Heavenly King. John CeNn'ul. ( Pleyel's Hymn. Ts.) Ignaz J. Pleyel. 3EEII 1. Chil-dren of the heav'n-ly King, 2. We are trav 'ling home to God, 3. Lift your eyes, ye sons of light, 4. Lord, o - be - dient - ly we go, As we jour- ney, sweet-ly sing; Tn the way cur fa - thers trod: Zi - on's cit - y is in sight: Glad-ly leav - ing all be low; i 3 P ^ r Sing our Sav - iour's wor - thy praise. They are hap - py now, and we There our end - less home shall be. On - ly Thou our Lead - er be. Glo - rious in Soon their hap There our Lord And wo still tr- TTis works and ways. pi - wo will ncss shall sec. soon shall sec. fol - low Thee 233 Jesus, Lover of My Soui. Charles Wesley. (Refuqe. 78, D.) m ^ _^j ^ Jos. P. Holbroolc B^ -25*- 1. Je - sus, Lov er of my 2. 0th - er ref - uge have I 3. Thou, Christ, art all I 4. Plenteous grace with Thee is soul. Let me to Thy bo - som fly, none, Hangs my help -less soul on Thee; want; More than all in Thee I find; found Grace to cov - er all my sin; ^ iS: ^=fc -V ^- f=t ' I J h-i- ^^^ ^ ^tK^-^ While the near - er wa - ters roll, While the tem - pest still is high ; Leave, oh, leave me not a - lone. Still sup -port and com-fort me: Raise the fall - en, cheer the faint. Heal the sick, and lead the blind: Let the heal -ing streams a - bound ; Make me, keep me pure with -in; m #-# ^ :p=^ ^ =1 ^E!EiEI^E^ -'--44 i^?F^ d . \ 7t Hide me, my Sav - iour, hide, Till the storm of life is past ; All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; Just and ho ly is Thy name, I am all un -right - eous-ness ; Thou of life the Fount-ain art. Free - ly let me take of Thee ; ^- -0- ^ =^ s=^ f== : I 1^ i j. t \ i ^ -r-r pV^-tr Safe in- to the ha - ven guide, Oh, re-ceive my soul at Cov - er my de - fence - less head With the shad - ow of Thy Vile and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and Spring Thou up with - in my heart, Rise to all e - ter ni f last, wing, grace. ty. ^ i= 3 #- P I It I 234 ChariM WMlay. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Second Tune. (Martyn. 78, D.) i Sfmeon B. Marsh. Fine. ^ ^ 5 i f ^IM ii==i ^^^ '{ Je sus, Lov - er of my soul, Let me to Thy bo - som While the near - er wa - ters roll, While the tem-pest still is fly, i high. J fff=rr=f^^ ^ ^ ;S-j9- i I ^ F^F^ ). C'. /Sa/e tn to the ha- ven guide. Oh, re-ceive my soul at last. ^M ==^=^ ^ D. a. I 3 ^ 3 T t-SrJ P i^n ^^^-^- Hide me, my Sav iour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Pf^ ^-f-(5>- m N^3 51 =2: P^^ 235 d. Qrigg. Jesus, and Shall it Ever Be. (Federal Street. L. M.) 7^-. m h Henry K. Olfvtr. rt i r 1. Je sus, and shall it ev - er be, A mor-tal mart ashamed of Theo? S. Ashamed of Je susl soon - er far Let evening blush to own a star: 8. Ashamed of Je . sus! just as soon Let mid-night be a-shamed of noon; 4. Ashamed of Je sus! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heav'n de- pond 1 r Ashamed of Thee, wliom an gels praise, Whoso glo-ries shine thro* end -less daysY Hesheds the beams of liglit di vine O'er this be-night-ed soul of mine. 'Tis midnight with my soul, till lie, Bright morning star, bid dark-ness flee. No, when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more re vere His name. -f ri *> r^'0^ [- r< ^ r-r? t r- i^ T ' 8 238 We may not Climb the Heavenly Steeps. John Q. Whittier. (Serenity. C. M.) William V. Wallace, S r-^r r 1. We 2. But 3. The 4. may not climb the heav'n-ly steeps To bring the Lord Christ waj-m, sweet, ten - der, e - ven yet A pres - ent help is heal - ing of the seam - less dress Is by our beds of Lord and Mas - ter of us all, What-e'er our name or down; He; pair; sign, j'ri^ In vain we search the low - est deeps, For Him And faith has still its 01 - i - vet, And love We touch Him in life's throng and press. And we We own Thy sway, we hear Thy call, We test no depths can drown, its Gal - i - Ice. are whole a - gain, our lives by Thine 1 ?>= fefcS T V J J- 239 Holy Spirit, Frithful Guide. M. M. Welle. Marcus M. Weltt. FiNB. Ti=^'- r ly Spir - it, faith -ful guide, y lead us by the hand, Pil - grims in 1--1 JfZ. des - art land ; ( ^^ :t=: t: L.C. Whis^'rmg soft - ly, *'Wand-rer, cornel Fol - low me, I'll guide thee home.' J D.C. alFine. Wea - ry souls for - e'er re - joice, While they hear that sweet -est voice .^ .(2. JfL j(2. -^- :t= - :t=: -(=2- -<2- -I :^ VSKD Br FXBJCISSIOIT. 2 Ever present, truest Friend, Ever near Thine aid to lend. Leave us not to doubt and fear. Groping on iu darkness drear ; When the storms are raging sore, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o'or, Whisper softly, "Wanderer, come! Follow me, I'll guide thee home." 3 When onr days of toil shall cease. Waiting still for Bweet release, Nothing left but heaven and prayer, Wond'riog if our names were there; Wading deep the dismal flood, Pleading naught but Jesus' blood; Whisper softly, "Wanderer, cornel Follow me, I'll guide thee home." 240 Work, for the NigPit is Coming. Anna L. Coghi Lowell Mason. 1. Work, for the night is com - ing, 2. Work, for the night ia com - ing, 3. Work, for the night is com - ing, Work thro' the morn-ing hours; Work thro' the sun - ny noon; Un - der the sun -set skies; s 1: =1= '^ ^r Work, while the dew is spark Fill bright-est hours with la While their bright tints are glow ^- -X=r- I I I ling, Work 'mid spring -ing flow'rs; bor, Rest comes sure and soon: ing, Work, for day - light flies: Work, for the Night is Coming". Concluded. Work, when the day grows bright - er, Give ev - 'ry fly ing min - ute, Work till the last beam fad - eth, -^ r ^ ! ^-I-t:=t= 1%-=^-- :t^=ti: r- a- T' Work in the glow - ing san; Some -thing to keep in store; Fad - eth to shine no more: -- --.-- f- p_- . . =F <=^--^- _^_i_i i J 4- ^=i!: ^^ -^ =t 5 -ig'-r- Work, for the night is com Work, for the night is com Work while the night is dark ^ II I ing, When man's work is done. ing, When man works no more. 'ning. When man's work is o'er. It: % -\% i: m I 241 Like a River, Glorious. Frances R. Havergal. J. Mountain. ^ x=x i=3F rX =q: .MZ 1. Like a riv 2. Hid - den in 3. Ev - ery joy ~^. ^ -c^ - .^ .0. .^^ er, glo - rioua Is God's pe? - feet peace, the hoi - low Of His bless - d band, or tri - al Fall - eth from a - bove. :4' *" "" O - Ter all vic- Nev-er foe can Trac'd upon our Ei3^ 143 3^ -r=f -(&- 1m w- ^1^13 % J I- -(5*- -&- 333 *-t-^ f ;?=S^5 -&- -- to - rious In its bright in - crease; Per-fect, yet it flow fol - low, Nev-er trai-tor stand; Not a surge of wor di - al By the Sun of Love. We may trust Him ful eth ry, ly. -Gt 0> 1' g rr^-r j- 11 Full - er Not a All for ^- _-#-^ > Cho. ISiayed up on Je - ho vah, Hearts are Repeat for Chorus, ^Ql Jz=:l fes3^ ev - ery day Per - feet, yet it grow - eth Deep - er shade of care. Not a blast of bur - ry 'J'ouch t;io us to do; They who trust Him whol - ly Find Him all the way. Kjiir - it there, whol - ly true. Jvl - ly blest; Find -ing as He prom - ised. Per -fed peace arid resL 242 Charles Wesley. Come, Thou Almighty King. (Italian Hymn. 6, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4.) fVF^irm :t=i m Felloe QIardinl. I 1. Come, Thou al - might - y King, 2. Come, Thou in - car nate Word, 8. Come, ho - ly Com - fort - er ! 4. To the great One in Three, ^ ^ -0- ^f0- Help us Thy name to sing. Gird on Thy might - y sword; Thy sa - cred wit - ness bear, The high - est prais - es be, ^#^ -t ^ T i ^3 | i^ # ^ m r Help us to praise: Our prayer at - tend: In this glad hour; Hence ev - er - morel i J Fa - ther I all - glo - ri - ous, O'er all vie - Come, and Thy peo - pie bless. And give Thy Thou, who al - might - y art, Now rule in His sov-'reign maj - es - ty May we in 4= mm s- S- ^ :^ m JEEs^ ri -ous. Come, and reign o - ver us. An cient of Days I sue - cess, Spir - it of ho - li - ness I On us de - scend. 'ry heart, And ne'er from us de - part, Spir - it of power! ry see, And to e - ter - ni - ty Love and a - dore. t- -^ - fc=5=t m m r 243 My Faith Looks Up to Thee. Ray Palmer. (Olivet. 6,6.4,6,6.6,4.) Lowell Mason. ^ ^ i 1. My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Cal - va ry, 2. May Thy rich grace ira - part Strength to my faint - ing neart, 3. While life's dark maze I tread. And griefs a - round me spread, 4. When ends life's tran - sient dream. When death's cold sul - leu stream ttiJ=^-: = ^=^-t>^ ^^ My Faith Looks Up to Thee. Concluded :zit t ^ -^ it=|: Sav - iour di - vine I My zeal in - spire; Be Thou my guide; Shall o'er me roll, Now hear me while As Thou hast died Bid dark-ness turn Blest Sav - iour, then, I pray for me, to day, in love. Take _i my 0, may my Wipe sor - row's Fear and dis - m zfc : guilt love tears trust a - way, to Thee a - way, re - move; let me from this day Be whol - ly Thine. Pure, warm, and changeless be, A liv - ing fire. Nor let me ev - er stray From Thee a - side. 0, bear me safe a bove, A ran - somed soul. g=FiF=^ ^ 244 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee. Tr. Edward Cas John B. Dykes. To - sus, the ver Nor voice can sing, lIoj)e of ev Je - sus, our on ^^5^ 42- :ti= y thouglit of Thee, nor heart can frame, 'ry con- trite heart! ly joy bo Thou, With sweetness fills Nor can the mem O Joy of all As Thou our prize I my breast; 'ry find the meek! wilt be; ^^^ Z\ZL ^s^ But swcct-er far Thy face to A sweet-er sound than Thy blest To those who fall, how kind Thou Jo - sus be Thou our glo - ry see name, art! now. And in Tiiy Sav-iour How good to And thro' e tT^- pres-ence of man those who ter - ni - rest, kind! seek I ty. ^^m^^m^^^ 245 Christ the Lord is Risen Again. Tr. by C. Winkworth. (WoRQAN. 78, w. Alleluia.) "Lyra Davidioa 1^ w ^ 1. Christ the Lord is ris'n a - 2. He who bore all pain and 3. He who slum-bered in the 4. Now He bids us tell a ^m gain, loss, grave, broad, ^=r t=F -r-r li ife: -i* ev - 'ry chain; Al on the cross, Al now to save; Al be re stored, Al Christ hath brok - en Com - fort - less up Is ex - alt - ed How the lost may - le - le . le - le lu lu lu lu f lal iai iai ia! aL J: m j^-j^ w^ -m 42- Hark, Lives Now How an in thro' the t) r I r ih gel - ic voi - ces cry, glo - ry now on high, Chris -ten - dom it rings, pen - i - tent for - given, Al Al Al Al r lu lu lu lu "^i 5t ,^ :>! la! ia! ia! ia! :iiiii: -^ T Sing - ing ev - er - more on high, Pleads for us and hears our cry; That the Lamb is King of kings. How we too may en - ter heav'n, ^ -(=2. =1^ 246 Tp. by John M. Neate. Jerusalem, the Golden. (CwiNQ. 7s, 68, D.) Alaxandep Ewinfk $ i ^ 3 ^ rrr ^g 1. Je rj - sa lem, the gold en, With milk and hon . ey blest I 3. They stand, those halls of Zi on, All ju bi lant with song, 3. There is the throne of Da vid ; And there, from care re leased. t^Mri I i^TPFf^ I "F ^m m *=r * ^ pla an tri ^^ I* Be neath thy con - tern And bright with many an The song of them that tion Sink heart and voice op prest: gel, And all the mar - tyr throng; umph. The shout of them that feast: ^=k ^ rm f9 F F F r m t^ r i ^ j-^-ji i^ s^ s-n Eh=^- I know not, oh, I know not, What so cial joys are there. The Prince is ev er in them. The day light is se rene; And they who, with their Lead er. Have conquered in the fight, j_ * * -. . -^ ^ c= ^t: ^ =i=f r m^ -^' t n r * p. What ra dian cy of glo . ry. What light be yond com - pare. The pas tares of the bless ed Are decked in glo rious sheen. For . ev er and for ev er Are clad in robes of white. P^g^ :i - f9 :=t^ ^ I 247 My Jesus, as Thou Wiltl Tr. J. Bor-ihwick. (Jewett. 68, D.) =&# i C. M. Von Weber, arr. by H. P. Main. 3t^ 1. My 3. My 3. My 4. My ^ Je - Je - Je - Je - -/^, sus, sus, sus, sus. as as as as Thou wilt! Thou wilt: Thou wilt: Thou wiltl Oh, If may need Tho' seen All shall Thy will y here thro' many be well be mine! and poor, a tear, for me ; e -t e f=i=Ff i-fH^- ! P^ H N , . >^ ^ f ?T^"^" -: - ''^ ^ h- r^' -j-i 1 i-^ \ '1'^#~ -sr-\ m 9 * 9 J 1 J 8 9 ^ J ^ \s y . - 5 J ' m # s V c> i In - Give Let Each J ' to Thy me Thy not my chang-ing hand peo - star fu - r of love pie's broad of hope ture scene ft- I Thy Grow I -A 9 would my por -tion dim or glad - ly r-P P [~-\~ 1 1 all re - rich and dis - ap - trust with r- sign ; sure; lear; Thee: , 1_ -' p^- 7= t ^ 1 F =- F ! y i' -1 1^ 1 #==F^ 1 ; , t^i L -^? - 1 i ' -^ 1 -Tr F^=^=^==^ [ ( =q=^^5p^ s J , Through sor - The man - Since Thou Straight to row, na on my or through joy, of Thy word, earth hast wept, home a - bove r-r-^r r i t^ ' (& Con . Let And I -U- duct me my soul sor - rowed trav - el s as feed oft calm r 1 u Thine own, up - on; a lone, - ly on. S^i-p F= ^1 ^ _^ 1.-*^ -42 -i ^ H 1 1 -^ 1 U 1 And And If And help me still to sav, My Lord, Tliv will if all else should fail, ]\Iy Lord, Thy will I must wcop with Thee, My Lord, Tliy will sing, in life or death, My Lord, Thy will aone! done! done! done! 248 Take My Life and Let it Be. Francas R. Havergal. (Hendon. 7e. 5 lines.) C. H. A. Malat. k 4 I I fe^E^^ S r r'r f v~r zi- 1. Take my life and let it be 2. Take my feet and let them be 3. Take my lips and let them be 4. Take my mo - ments and my days, Con se crat ed. Lord, Swift and beau-ti fui Filled with raes sag es Let them flow in end to Thee; for Thee; from Thee; less praise : a -.^ t J- n i:b^ :4: n I \ 1 ^ [^ 1 ! ! <^ FX -1 H \) f 1 1 1 i < J J J 1 1 A ^ J ' -J * 8 1 1 ^ # J irn s 9 f 5 '^ r s i "# w ' 3 ' 1 K\) - _r __ L r _. P . _ i i i) Take Take Take Take my hands my voice my sil my in - 1 and let and let ver and tel - lect I them me my and -- move sing, gold, use 1 1 At the im - pulse of Thy love, Al - ways, on ly for my King, Not a mite would I with -hold Ev 'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose, ^- ' j# """ 1* 1 1 fj P p W \ m * 1 L L \ \ f \ '^ \^^ ._( L p ^ r ^ * r"^ ' ' F 1 1 I 1 i I 1 1 i 1 ^m At the Al - ways, Not Ev a 'ry im on mite pow'r pulse of ly for would I as Thou i:S Thy love. my King. with - hold, shalt choose. r m 5 Take my will and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine: Take my heart, it is Thine own. It shall be Thy royal throne. It shall be Thy royal throne. 6 Take my love, my God, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee, Ever, only, all for Thee 249 Come, Come to Jesus I George B. Peck. (Phillips. 5$, 6s.) Hubert P. Main. Come, Come, Come, Come, Come, Come, come lo come to come to come to corae to come to sus! He waits to welcome thee, wand'rer! eagerly Je-susl He waits to ransom thee, slave! so will inply Je-sus! He waits to light en thee, burden'd! trustingly Je - sus ! He waits to give to thee, blind ! a vis-ion free ; Je - sus ! He waits to shelter thee, He waits to car - ry thee, wearied I bless-ed-ly, lamb I so lov-ing-ly, C-^rae, Come, Come, Come, Come, Come, come to Je- come lo Jo come to Je come to Jo come to Je come to Je- sus! sus! sus! sus! sus! sus! COrmiGHT PROPERTY HuBB P. tAitK 250 J. Montgomery. In the Hour of Trial. (Penitence. 6$, Ss, D.) 8pnoep Lan*. $ 3 5 m i i==t ^=r ^tr-t^ IK 1^4 -^: -g- 1. In the hour of tri - al, Je - sus, plead for me, Lest, by base de 2. Should Thy mer-cy send me Sor- row, toil, or woe; Or should pain at - 3. When.in dust and ash - es, To the grave I sink. While heav'n's glo-ry ^3B ^^F=m f < r \ ^ li k -^ ==1 T I 1 1 ^ r r r'r t- t r S TT i I isr f^r'^ ni - al, I de - part from Thee; When Thou seest me wav er, tetid me, On my path be low; Grant that I may nev - er flash - es O'er the shelv - ing brink. On Thy truth re - ly - in^ ^^ g^# =^ r ' r r f J=^ i ^i=^- ^ -^Jr 'f ' ' 'r ^ *i With a look re - call; Nor for fear or fa- vor, Suf-fer me Fail Thy hand to see ; Grant that 1 may ev - er Cast Thro' that mor-tal strife. Lord, re-ceive me, dy - ing, To my care e - ter to on nal fall. Thee, life. :|=^ i=^ a^ J= V -- ^ ^=* 1 I I I ^^_!^ USED BY PERMISSION. 251 Jesus Calls Us, O'er the Tumult. Cecil F. Alexander. X ^:3=5 (Galilee. Ss, 78.) ^_t 1 1 1_ William H.Jude. m -tSi' ^ ^ p t) 1. Je - sus calls us, o'er the tu mult Of our life's 2. Je sus calls us from the wor ship Of the vain 3. In our joys and in our sor rows, Days of toil 4. Je - sus calls usl by Thy mer - cies, Sav-iour, may wild, world and we rest -less 's gold-en hours of hear Thy sea; store ; ease, call; J- i ^^ J3- 53 -t5>- Jesus Calls Us. Concluded S i=^ r ^ T 3= -2?- Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, Say ing, Chris-tian, fol low me ! From each i dol that would keep us, Say ing, Chris-tian, love me more! Still He calls, in cares and pleasures, Christian, lore me more than these 1 Give our hearts to Thy o - be - dience. Serve and love Thee best of all 1 It ki=i t==t :-:^fe S^ w I i- p F 252 Anna B. Warner. We Would See Jesus. (Consolation. Us, 10b.) Fr. F. Mendelssohn. a^j^^ -it T r^^- w We would see Je - sus for the shadows length - en A - cross this We would see Je sus the great Rock-foun - da - tion, Where-on our We would see Je sus oth - er lights are pal - ing, Which for long 4: -^-=- :t=t e -&- P^^ = j^^^ U-4^=^ ^ ^=:t ^^ 25^ lit tie landscape of our life; We would see Je sus, our weak feet were set with sov'reign grace ; Not life, nor death, with all their years we have re - joic'd to see; The bless-ings of our pfl-grim- f I . u i r"-f- 5^^ m ^^^ ^=13 P^f=f=^ -~il^^^. m faith to strength-en For tlie last wea n ncss the fi nal strife. ag i ta - tion. Can thence re move us, if we see His face, age are fail ing; We would not mourn them, for we go to The. 1 ir 253 Oh, Happy Day that Fixed my Choice, Philip Doddridge. (Happv Dav. L M. a r^ 5|: With Cho.> Fr. Edward F. RImbaultc 8 '-g5 ^^ CUOBUS, ^^ . 5 Oh, hap-py day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Sav - iour and my God! ( " ^ Well may this glow-ing heart re joice, And tell its rap tu res all a- broad. J Hap-py ^ Fixe. S -g^ li p^ f^^ 3t day, bap - py day, When Jesus washed my sins a - way ? j He taught me how to v jitch and pray, I j And live re-joic-ing ev - ery day; j" 5: ^m^^m. in:^ tit: m t=:t=4=: t=: 2 Oh, happy bond, that seals my vows He drew me and I followed on. To Him who merits all my love! Charmed to confess the voice divine.-CAo. Let cheerful anthems fill His liouse, * xj , v i i v, j^i Ttru-i J- 4.U t 1 u T x>7 4 iNow rest, mv lonsf-divided heart While to that sacred shrine I move.-C^/io. n- i \\ ii- < i . *. Fixed on tins blissful centre, rest; 8 'Tis done; the great transaction's done; Here have I found a nobler part, lam my Lord's, and He is mine; Here heavenly pleasures fill my breast. -CAo. 254 Take my Heart, O Father! Take it. Anon.. 1858. (Talmar. Bs, 73.) Isaac B. Woodbury. 1. Take my heart, Fa-therl take it; Make and keep it all Thine own; tk :t==t: J_J- :t=t:: -(2?_ -9 ^- =T :q=1: :E: -l-fSf- :^ Let Thy Spir - it melt and break it This proud heart of sin and stone, m lit:=zt:^ ^m T" 2 Father, make mo pure and lowly. Fond of peace and free from strife; Turnins: from the p.ntlis unlioly Of this vain and sinful life. 3 Ever let Thy grace surround me. Strengthen me with power divine, Till Thy cords of love have bound me: Malte me to bo wholly Thine. 4 ^lay the blood of Jesus heal me. And my sins be all forgiven; Holy spirit, take and seal me, Guide me in the path to heavea 255 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Robert Robinson. (Nettleton. Ss, 78, D.) John Wyeth. Fine. I ^ ^ ~~r ** ^ j Come, Thou JFount of ev - ery bless- ing, Tutie my heart to sing Thy grace; | I St reams of nior - cy, nev-er ceas-ing. Call for songs of loud - est praise, f D.C Praise the mount; I'm fixed up on it; Mount of Thy re deeming Jove. -h h hii- I r^ *=* s ^ D.C. ?=F? J=S Teach me some me - lo-dious son -net, Sung by flam -ing tongues a - bove: m I s: t=t=|: 2 Here I'll raise my Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I'm come; And I hope, by Tliy good pleasure. Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 3 Oh, to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter. Bind my wandering heart to Thee: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it; Prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it; Seal it for Thy courts above. 256 The King of Love IVIy Shepherd Is. Henry W. Baker. (DoMiNus Regit Me. Ss, 78.) John B. Dykes. 0^1 I 1 1 1 ^ VrA Id J ' 1 1 1 j/ ^ ^ m 1 ^ 1 1 ^ J I rn A 1 J 1 \ f ^m ^ A "1 i \ lo; 4- 1 1 J J r ^ m J y rH ' 1 1. The King of love 2. Where streams of liv 3. Per - verso and fool 4. And so thro' all my fc ing - ish, the le J 1 * hep-herd is wa - ter flo oft I stray ngth of daj r , Whose tv My 1 'd,But s, Thy g good-ness fail an-somcd soul yet in love ood - ness fail T s f -4^ -eth He He i eth H nev - er; lead - eth, 'Ought me, nev - er; ^r=-r=f^r^ 0-^ -0 4 1 ' =F==r=f= % -t^x -h~ ^I ^ ^ ' L! L 1 \~ T ^i^ I noth - ing lack if And, where the verd-ant And on His shoulder Good Slipp-hord,may I t^ -0- ^. I am His, pas-tu res grow, gent - ly laid, sing Thy praise And Ho is mine for - ev - er. Witli food ce - Ics - tial feed - eth. And home, re- joie - ing, brought me. Witli-in Thvliousofor - ev - er. 257 All People that on Earth do Dwell. William Ketho. (Old Hundredth. L. M.) Louis Boupgeott. m =t -^ -w- All peo - pie that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer-ful Know that the Lord is God in -deed; With -out our aid He did us Oh, en - ter then His gateswithpraise,Ap-proach with joy His courts un For why ? the Lord our God is good. His mer - cy is for - ev - er te=fcp* ^^ t-- voice: make; -to: sure; -r^ m m r =1=; ^ Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye be -fore Him and re-joice, We are His flock, He did us feed. And for His sheep He doth us take. Praise, Iftud, and bless His name al - ways. For it is seem-ly jfi., *-}x at all times firm - ly stood, And shall from age to A so to do. ige en - dure. 1 2S6 Doxology. Plfaise God, from whom all blessings flow ; Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son. and Holy Ghost, Thomas Kn. 259 ^ Praise Ye the Father. ( Flemminq, 11, 11, 11, 58.) 4- Friederich F. Flemming. ^^ ^ - M^ 1. Praise ye the Fa - ther, for His lov - ing-kind -ness, Ten - der - ly Si. Praise ye the Sav - iour, great is His com - pas - sion, Gra-cious-ly 8i, Praise ye the Spir - it, Cora- fort -cr of Is - rael, Sent of the -fSZ- ^ -#--#- -f- -f- -t5i- - -5'- -- - . 1 1 ri F rK? M t^^ E in m _^ -t- ^ 4=^v-f- :J=J=J=J= i 4=-. It -^' ^ -^-hg cares He for His lov - ing chil dren ; Praise Him, ye an - gels, cares He for His chos - en peo pie; Young men and maid - ens. Fa ther and the Son to bless us; Praise ye the Fa - ther, -!^ -H5> ^ :^=^ Praise Ye the Father. Concluded. ^ ^ i J jb ^' .i i ^-'l praise Him in the ye old men and Son, and Ho - ]y heav - ens, Praise chil dren. Praise Spir it. Praise ye ye ye ^S ^^ Je the the ho . vah! Sav - . lour I Tri - une Godj 3 * I S ^^ ^^=t r 260 Augustus M. Toplady. P Rock of Ages. (Toplady. 7t, 6 lines.) Thomas Hastings. i^4^^^ :r #^ -^ ^ Rock of A - ges, cleft for me. Let me hide my -self in Not the la bor of my hands Can f ul - fil Thy law's de - Noth - ing in my hand I bring, Sim - ply to Thy cross I While I draw this fleet - ing breath, When mine eyes shall close in Thee; mands; cling; death. O^ :t=: :e:==t=:t f: v^ -:^ -^- ^EE^J. -ir^r Let the wa - ter and the blood, From Thy riv - en side which flowed. Could ray zeal no res - pite know. Could my tears for - ev - er flow, Na - ked, come to Thee for dress, Help - less, look to Thee for grace; When I soar to worlds un -known, See Thee on Thy judgment-throne. _ -r-'^rt-i ^ r-^ ' . ^ rf H- f ^ r ^ , i^z y ^ Ff t/ ^ f-fg^ L/ ^ F! -;/ y ,^ fr:^ H Save me from its guilt and power, for sin could not a tone; Thou must save, and Thou a - lone. Foul, I to the fount- ain fly, Rock of A - ges, cleft for me. Wash me, Sav - lour, or I die. Let me hide my - self in Thee. - . - - . N N N irvr-f p * ^ ^=fF y=g=^^j^^^ 261 My Country, 'tis of Thee. Samuel F. f) Smith. (AMERICA. 6a ,48.) ^ John %un y '1 1 ' 1 ^. t N 1 \ A 'n '> \ 1 J 1 J 1 1 ,'^ t 1 ((VS " A M - s f m ] IWt * | ^ J m S - 1 1 ^ 8 # 1 1. My 2. My 3. Let 4. Our -#- coun na niu fa. try. tive sic thers' -#- 'tis coun - swell God, of thee. Sweet try, thee. Land the breeze, And to Thee, Au - -0- -0- -0- land of ring thor -*- of the from of -^ lib no all lib /- r . er - ty, - ble free, the trees - er . ty. 'm^ '>" 5 ' 1 m 1 BuV 1 U ^ u A ; i __ 1> m ^^4 1 j , 1 ^^ i 1 F i 1 ^ 1 I 1 1 V ' Of thee I Thy name I Sweet free - dom's To Thee we sing; love ; song: sing: Land where my fa thers died. Land of the I love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and Let mor-tal tongues a -wake; Let all that Long may our land be bright With free-dom's -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ^ ^- :5^ri ^ pil grira's pride, Prom ev - 'ry mount - ain side Let free - dom ring, tem pled hills; My heart with rap - tare thriils Like that a - bove. rocks their si lence break, The sound pro -long. tect us by Thy might. Great God, our King. '0 \ - breathe par- take; Let ho ly light: Pro :?=i: 1 262 God Save Our Gracious King*. 1 God save our gracious King, Long live our noble King, God save the King. Send him victorious, Happy and glorious. Long to reign over us, God save the King. 2 Lord, our God, arise. Scatter his enemies, And make them faU. Confound their politicA Frustrate their knavish tricks. On thee our hopes we fix; God save us all. 3 Thy choicest gifts in store. On him be pleased to pour; Long may he reign. May he defend our laws. And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice, Ckd save the ang. 263 The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee. fNuM. 6: 24-26.) Lucy Rider Meyer. it=: The Lord bless thee and keep thee I The Lord make His face shine up -0- -^ ' -P- ^ _ - _ . ;ih_ g= ^=rff^ :?EE e i ^^Ek^^-^^^tz^ t^^^ Ind be w on ::t: thee, and be gra cious uu to thee, , -^^ >- i^ -V- i JS N N- -- -0- -#- gra - cious un - to thee: The Lord lift up Ills coun - te nance, His V r- ^f:=lsi t y ? ^ b^-4F t^ I u- And give thee peace, . and give tliee peace. COPYRiaHT-, 1891, er tucv Rider mete. The Biglow i Main Co., owners of COPYRiaHT, 264 ^1= Gloria Patri. (No. 1.) Glory be to tlio Father, and to the Son, and to the lie- ly Ghost, As it was in thebej::iiining, isnow, and ev - er shall be, world with-out end. A* men. ^ ^ :^:nf=t: I 265 When Shall We Meet Again. A. A. Watt8 and S. F. Smith. P Andante. H. P. Danks. u r* fe: 3(=^ -r- * -r^w rr 1. When shall we meet a gain, Meet ne'er to sev - er ? When will peace 2. When shall love free ly flow Pure as life's riv - er ? When shall sweet 3. Soon shall we meet a - gain, Meet ne'er to sev-er; Soon shall peace g ^lTlJ ^ :J- ^ trr-n 1^ -f- tr-r ^- 5 -- w 'P- wreathe her chain Round us for ev er ? friend - ship glow Changeless for . ev er ? wreathe her chain Round us for ev - er; Our hearts will ne'er re -pose, Where joys ce - les - tial thrill. Our hearts will then re - pose ^fe: J t !. J .. =*^ y N_N Ifcit m f- ^ d d^ at^ -d\ g-y -tm- rr' Safe from each blast that blows,In this dark vale of woes, Never no. Where bliss each heart shall lill, And fears of part-ing chill Never no, Se - cure from worldly woes ; Our songs of praise shall close Never no, nev-er ! nev-er ! nev-er I gi j^-j^ -#- # (t 1- I -7^- apt #= :=?c^ atnii: -ri 4 4 -gi-v^ y # f^^ p-'-i V V- Copyright, 1889, er The Biqlow a Main Co., New York. 266 i Gloria Patri. (No. 2.) I , f f r j , J \ i a u li ^ ^ F^ H. W. Greatorex. 1 N JV ^ -\- ->r Ni :^: aa=* ^9^ 3(=ij: Glo - ry be to the Fa-ther and to the Son and to the Ho ly Ghost; As it ^ i g g I V. ^. , * f "^ f- ,-g- fag^-r-lg= f-F- -# *- g ^ ^S ::<:2- H -^ \^ w^ 1f=^ -1^ I -0 0-^0 - w^ was in the beginning is now,andev-er shall be world without end. A - men, A - men. -r-^ i \/ t T p r ypr m fe^ f p f ^ ifciE ^? e^ -r Responsive Readings^ Prayers and Benedictions* SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY JNO. R. CLEMENTS. RESPONSIVE READINGS. [The leader will read the Roman type ; the people will read the Italic type ; and th Heavier type will be read in unison.] SELECTION 1. Psalm 122. 1 I WAS glad when they said unto me, Let ns go into the house of the Lord. 2 Our feet shall stand within thy gates, Jerusalem. 3 Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together: 4 Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. 5 For there are set thrones of judgment, tlie thrones of the house of David. 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. 1 Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. 8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, J will now say. Peace be within thee. 9 Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good. Psalm 121. 1 Twill lift up mine eyes luito the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometli from the Lord, which made heaven and ouilh. 3 lie will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 4 Beliolil, he that keepeth Israel shall nei- ther slumber nor sleep. 5 The Lord, is thy keeper : the Lord is thy shade upan thy right hand. 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. 8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even ?or evermore. SELECTION 2. EccLESiASTEs 5: 1-7. 1 Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil. 2 Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thiiie heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few. 3 For a dream cometh through the multi- tude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words. 4 VThen thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it ; for he hath ito pleasure in foocs. pay that which thou hast vowed. 5 Better is it tliat thou shouldest not vow, than that tliou shouldest vow and not pay. 6 Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it teas an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands ? 7 For in the midtitude of dreams and many words there are also divers vanities ; but fear thou God. SELECTION 3. Psalm 150. 1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of liis power. 2 Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. 3 Praise hira witlithe sound of the trump- et: pniise hiui willi the psaltery and liarp. 4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him u'ith stringed instrume7its and organs. 5 Praise him ujion the loud cymbals: praise him upon the hiijli sounding cymbals. 6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord, Praise ye the Lord. 237 Responsive Readings. Psalm 133. 1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ! 2 // is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the heard, even Aaron's beard: that ivent down to the skirts of his garments: 3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion : for there the Lord commanded th6 blessing, even life for evermore. SELECTION 4. Psalm 84. 1 How amiable are thy tabernacles, Lord of hosts! 2 My soul longeth, yea. even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. 3 Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God. 4 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee ; in whose heart are the ways of them. 6 Who passi7ig through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools. 7 They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. 8 Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: giie ear, God of Jacob. Selah. 9 Behold, God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed. 10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. SELECTION 5. PsALM 90. 1 Lord, thou hast been our dwellingplace in all generations. 2 Before the moimtains icere brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the trorld, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. 3 Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest. Return, ye children of men. 4 For a. thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in, the night. 238 5 Thou earnest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. 6 In the morning it flourisheth, and grow- eth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. 7 For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled. 8 Thoxi hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy comdenance. 9 For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. 10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and ive fly away. 11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath. 12 So teach xis to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto tvisdom. 13 Return, Lord, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants. 14 satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. 15 Make us glad according to the day wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. 16 Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unfo their children. 1 7 And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. SELECTION 6. Psalm 23. 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pas- tures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul : he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil : for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. .5 Thou prepare st a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. G Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. F?esponsive Readings. SELECTION 7. Psalm 115. 1 Not unto us, Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake. 2 Wherefore should the heathen say. Where is now their Cud? 3 But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever lie hath pleased. 4 Tlieir idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. 5 They have mouths, but they speak not : eyes have they, but they see not: 6 They hare ears, hut they hear not: noses have they, hut they smell not: 7 They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neitlier speak they through their throat. 8 Tliey that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. 9 Israel, trust thou in the Lord: he is their help and their shield. 10 house of Aaron, trust in the Lord: he is their help and their shield. 11 Ye that foar the Lord, trust in the Lord; lie is their help and their shield. 12 The Lord hath been mindful of us: he will bless us; lie will bless the house of Israel; he will ble-is the house of Aaron. 13 He will bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great. 14 The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. 15 Ye are l)K'?sed of the Lord which made heaven and earth. 16 The heaveyi, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth halh he yiven to the children of men. 17 The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence. 1 ^ But we will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. Praise the Lord. SELECTION 8. Psalm G7. 1 OoD bo merciful unto us, and bless us; ami cause Ills face to shine upon us. Selah. 2 That thy tray ynay be knoirn -upon earth, thy saving health anuing all natioHH. 3 Tjct the i)('o|iI(' praise thee, God; lot all Uie people praise thee 4 let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah. 5 Let the people praise thee, God; let all the people praise thee. 6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our oioi God, shall bless us. 7 God shall bless us ; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. SELECTION 9. Psalm 103. 1 Bless the Lord, my soul : and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2 Bless the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benejlts: 3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases ; 4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; icho croivneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; 5 Who satisfieth tliy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. 6 The Lord exeeuteth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. 7 lie made known las ways unto Moses, his acts unto the ciiildren of Israel. 8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slou to anger, and plenteous in mercy. 9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep iiis anger for ever. 10 He hath not dealt trith us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. 11 For as the heaven is liigh above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. 12 .-i.s far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. 13 Like as a father ])itieth his children, so the Lord pitieth tiiem that fear him. 14 For he knoweth our frame: he remem- bereth that wa are dust. 15 As for man, his days are as grass-, as a flower of the lield, so he llourislieth. 16 For the wind pa-fsrth ortr if. and it is gone; and the jihtci; thrreof shall know it no more. 17 But the mercy of the TjORD is from ever- lasting to everlasting upon liicni tiiat fear him, and his righteousness unto childien's chil- dren; ?,3fi Responsive Readings. 18 To such as "keep his 'covenant, and to those that remember hia commandments to do them. 19 The LoED hath prepared his throne in the heavens ; and his kingdom ruleth over all. 20 Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commaridmenis, heark- ening unto the voice of his word. 21 Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. 22 Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, my soul. SELECTION lO. Psalm 100. 1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come he- fore his presence with singing. 3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves ; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving; and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. 5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is ever- lasting; and his truth endureth to all genera- tions. SELECTION 11. Isaiah 55, 1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and be that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. 2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that wJiich is not hread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. 3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an ^verlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David, 4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. 5 Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hftth gloiified thee. 6 Seek ye the Lord while he may he found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let hira return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him ; and to our God, for he will abun- dantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saifh the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it to bring forth and hud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree : and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. SELECTION 12. Psalm 130. 1 Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, Lord. 2 Lord, hear my voice: let thine ear he at' tentive to the voice of my supplications. 3 If thou. Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, Lord, who shall stand ? 4 But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. 5 I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. 6 3Iy sotil u'aitefh for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. 7 Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with th Lord there is mercy, and with hira is plen* teous redemption. 8 And he shall redeem Israel from all hi iniquities. MO Responsive Readings. SELECTION 13. ECCLESIASTES 11. 1 Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. 2 Oive a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. 3 If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth : and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be. 4 He that ohserveth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. 5 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all. ^ In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. 7 Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun: 8 But if a man live many years, and rejoice in them all: yet let him reinetnber the days of darkness; for they shall be many. All that Cometh is vanity. 9 Rejoice, young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all tiiese things God will bring thee into judgment. 10 Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity. SELECTION 14. Psalm 125. 1 They that trust in the Lord shall bo as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abidcth for over. 2 As the mountains are round about Jeru- salem, so the Lord is round about his people from henreforih even for erer. 3 For the rod of the wicked shall not rest uj)()n tiio lot of the righteous; lest the right- eous put forth their liands unto iniquity. 4 Do good, Lord, unto those that be good, and io them thai are upright in their hearts. 5 As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the Lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon IsraeL SELECTION 15. Psalm 29. 1 Give unto the Loed, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength. 2 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. 3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters: the God of glory thundereth: the Lord is upon many waters. 4 7'he voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. 5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars ; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. 6 He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn. 7 The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of Are, 8 The voice of the Lord shaketh the wilder- ness; the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Ka- desh. 9 The voice of the Lord maketh the hinds to calve, and discoA'ereth the forests: and in his temple doth every one speak of his glory. 10 The Lord sitteth upon the flood; yen, the Lord sitteth King for ever. 11 The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace. SELECTION 16. Psalm 1. 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the late of the T^ord: and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringctii lorth his fruit in his season ; his leaf also shall not wither j, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the u-ind driveth away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous : but the way of the ungodly shall perish. %a Responsive Readings. SELECTION 17. Psalm 8. 1 LoED our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. 3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained ; 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? 5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. 6 Tliou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: 7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; 8 The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. 9 Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth 1 SELECTION 18. Psalm 118. 1 GIVE thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever, 2 Let Israel now say, that his mercy endur- eth for ever. 3 Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. 4 Let them now that fear the Lord say, that his mercy endureth for ever. 5 I called upon the Lord in distress; the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place. 6 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? 7 The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them tliat hate me. 8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. 10 All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them. 11 They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the T..oB,n I will destroy them. 12 They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them. 13 Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall; but the Lord helped me. 14 The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation. 15 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. 16 The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. 17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. 18 The Lord hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death. 19 Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord* 20 This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter. 21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. 22 Tlie sfone vahich the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. 28 This is the Lord's doing; it is marvel- lous in our eyes. 24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. 25 Save now, I beseech thee, Lord: Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity. 26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord: ive have blessed you out of the house of the Lord, 27 God is the Lord, which hath showed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. 28 Thou art my God, and I will praise tJiee: thou art my God, I ivill exalt thee. 29 give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good : for his mercy endureth for ever. SELECTION 19. Psalm 19. 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his haiidywork. 2 Day uuto day vtfereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out tJirough all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the su7i. 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man tt run a race. f*8 Responsive Readings. 6 His going forth is from the end of the Jieaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. 7 The law of the Lord is perfect, convert- ing the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, re- joicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10 3Iore to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 1 1 Moreover by them is thy servant warned : and in keeping of them there is great reward. 12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. 13 Keep back tliy servant also from pre- sumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great traiistrression. 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. SELECTION 20. PSAf.M 95. 1 come, let us sing unto the Lord : let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salva- tion, 2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. 4 In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. 5 The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. 6 come, let us worship and bow down : let us kneel before the Lord our maker. 7 For he is our God ; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. SELECTION 21. Psalm 24. 1 The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; liie world, atid tliey that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the stas, and e.stdblifihed it upon (he floods. '.\ Who shall aseend info tlio hill of tlie Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands, and a purt heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face,. Jacob. Selah. 7 Lift up your heads, ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors ; and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. SELECTION 22. Psalm 116. 1 I LOVE the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. 2 Beca^i/Sehe hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as 1 lire. 3 The sorrows of death compassed me, and tlie pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. 4 T/ien called I upon, the name af the Lord: Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. 5 Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our God is nuTciful. G The Jjord preserveth the simple: I wk.s brought low, and tie helped me. 7 Return unto thy rest. my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thoe. 8 For thou hast delivered niy ,^onl from deal It, mine eye-'^ from tears, anil my feet from falling. 9 I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living, 10 I believed, therefore have I spoken: J was greatly a (Hie ted: 11 I said in my hasto, All men are liars. 12 What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benejit.-i toward me? 13 I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. 14 7 will pa'/ my ron-s unfn the Lord now in the presence of all hin peojile. 15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is tiie death of iiis saints. 16 Lord, truly L am thy .^errant ; I am thy Hervrnit, and the tion of thine tuindmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds. 9A? Responsive Readings. 17 I will ofEer to thee the sacrifice of thanks- giving, and will call upon the name of the Lord. 18 I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people. 19 In the courts of the Lord's house, in the midst of thee, Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord. SELECTION 23. Psalm 42, 1 As the hart panteth after the water fcrooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. 2 My soul fhirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? 3 My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God? 4 When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holy day. 5 Why art thou cast down, my soul ? and why art thou disquieted in me ? hope thou in God ; for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance. 6 my God, my soul is cast down within fuc: therefore tvill I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill 3Iizar. I Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy bil- lows are gone over me. 8 Yet the Lord ivill command his loving- kindness in the daytime, and in the night his so7ig shall he toith me, and my prayer unto the God of my life. 9 I will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou forgotten me? why go I mourning be- cause of the oppression of the enemy? 10 As ivith a sword in my bones, mitie ene- mies reproach me; ichile they say daily ujito vie. Where is thy God? II Why art thou cast down, my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God : for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my coimtenance, and my God. SELECTION 24. Psalm 46. 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth he removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; 3 Though the waters thereov <:oar and b troubled, though the mountains shake witk the swelling thereof. Selah. 4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High. 5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved God shall help her, and that righi early. 6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms wert moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. 7 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God oT Jacob is our refuge. Selah. 8 Come, behold the works of the Lord, whai desolatio7is he hath made in the earth. 9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end o* the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot it the fire, 10 Be still, and knoio that lam God: l9ill be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 11 The Lord of hosts is with us ; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. SELECTION 25. Psalm 81. 1 Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob. 2 Take a psalm, and bring hither the tim- brel, the pleasant harp ivith the psaltery. 3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. 4 For this was a statute for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob. 5 This he ordained in Joseph for a testi- mony, when he went out through the land of Egypt : where I heard a language that I un- derstood not. 6 I removed his shoulder from the btirden: his hands were delivered from the pots. 7 Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the waters of Meri- bah. Selah. 8 Hear, my people and I tvill testify unto thee: Israel, if thou wilt hearken unto me; 9 There shall no strange god be in thee neither shalt thou worship any strange god. 10 I am the Lord thy God, tvhich brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will Jill it. 11 But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me. 244 Responsive Readings. f8 So I gave tTiem up unto their own hearts' tuet: and they walked in their own counsels. 13 Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! 14 / should soon have subdued their ene- mies, and turned my hand against their ad- versaries. 15 The haters of the Lord should have sub- mitted themselves unto him: but their time should have endured for ever. 16 He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat: and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee. SELECTION 26. The Scriptures. (Various Selections.) I Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. 3 With my whole heart have I sought thee: let me not wander from thy commandments. 3 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that 1 might not sin against thee. 4 Blessed art thou, Lord: teach me tJiy statutes. 5 For whatsoever things were written afore- time were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scrip- tures might have hope. 6 Orace and peace he multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. 7 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things tliat pertain unto life and godliness, tlirough the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue* 8 Whfirehy are given u7ifo us exceeding great arid precious promises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having vscipcd the corruption that is in the world through lust. 9 We have also a more sure word of proph- ecv; whercunto yc d well that ye take heed, rs unto a lii^liL that shiueth in a dark j)lace, until the day dawn, and the daystar arise in your hearts- 10 Knou-ing this frsf, that no prophecy of Bie Scripture is of any private interpretation. II For the prophecy came not in old (ime by the will of man; but holy men of God epake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 13 The holy Scriptures are able to make thee u-ise unto salvation through faith u-hich is in Chrift Jtsus 13 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. SELECTION 27. Sin. (Various Selections.) 1 The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord. 2 The thoughts of the wicked are an abomi- nation to the Lord. 3 Are there not with you, even with you, sins against the Lord your God? 4 Fools make a mock at sin. 5 The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. 6 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked. 7 Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. 8 The thought of foolishness is sin. 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 10 Si}i is the transgression of the law. 11 All unrighteousness is sin. 12 The Son of man is come to seek and to save that ivhich is lost. 13 God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. 14 The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Clu id our Lord. 15 Behold the Lamb of God, which takoth away the sin of the world. 16 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth on him shall receive remission of sins. SELECTION 28. Wisdom. fV'arlous Selections.) 1 Where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding'.' 2 Man knoiveth not the price thereof; nei- ther is it found in the land of the living. 3 The depth saith, It is not in me; and the sea saith, It is not with mo. 4 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 245 Responsive Readings. 5 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 6 No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. 7 Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? 8 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all liv- ing, and kejd close from the fowls of the air. 9 Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears. 10 Ood understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof. 11 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; 12 To make the iveight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure. 13 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder; 14 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. 15 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart 1 from evil is understanding;, i 11 How excellent is thy lovingkindncss, God! therefore the children of men put theif trust under the shadow of thy wings. 12 Herein is love, not that we loved Ood, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to ba the propitiation for our sins. 13 The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men. 14 Teaching us that, denying 'ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world; 15 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ 16 Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. SELECTION 30. The IToly Spirit. iVarioiis Selections.) SELECTION 29. God (Various Selections.) 1 God is a Spirit: and they that worsliip him must worship him in spirit and in truth. 2 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handy work, 3 God that made tlie world and all things therein, seeing tliat he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands. 4 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begot li'7i Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declaimed him. 5 God is love. 6 For God so loved the u'orld that he gave his only begotten Son tliat ichosoever believeth on him might not perish but have everlasting life. 7 Thou art great, Lord God, for there is none like theo, neither is there any God be- sides thee. 8 Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and Judgment are the hab- itation of his throne- 9 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts ! the whole eartli is full of his glory. 10 Glory tn God in the highest, and on wrth peace, good will toward men. 1 I will pour out niy Spirit upon all flesh, 2 Also upon tlie servants and upon the handmaids in those days 'will 1 pour out my Spirit. 3 Not by might, nor by jiowei*, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts, 4 1 indeed baptize you with ivater unto re- pentance: but he ... . shall baptise you ivith (he Holy Spirit and with fire 5 He that believeth on me as the Scripture hath said, from within him shall flow rivers of living water, 6 But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believed on him ivere to receive: for the Spirit was 7wt yet given. 7 I will pray the Father, and he snail give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; 8 Ecen the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive. 9 But the Comforter, which is Uie Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you, 10 But whe7i the Comforter is come, tchom I trill send unfo you from the Father, even tlie Spirit of truth, tchich proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: 11 And ye also shall bear witness, becaus* ye have been with me from the beginning Responsive Readingrs. 12 // ia expedient for you that I go away: for if T go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. 13 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 14 Of sin, because they believe not on me: 15 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; 16 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. 17 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 18 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he shall not speik of himself ; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will show you things to come. SELECTION 31. Sowing and Reaping. (Various Selections.) 1 And he taught thera many things by para- bles, and said unto them in his doctrine, 2 Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: 3 And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the wayside, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. 4 And some fell on stony ground, where it "had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: 5 But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. 6 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. 7 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased, and brought fortli, some thirty, and some sixty, and some a huntlred. 8 And these are they lij the wayaide, where the word is sown; hut wliea they have hecird, Satan corneth immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. 9 And these are they likewise wliich are sown on stony ground; wlio, whon Ihcy have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; 10 And have no root in themselves, and so endure hut for a time: n f/erirard, ivJieji ajjlic- Hon or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended. 11 And these are they which are sown Among the thorns : such as hear the word, 12 And the cares of this world, and the de- ceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. 13 And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and re- ceive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirty- fold, some sixty, and some a hundred. 14 Be not deceived; Ood is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap, 15 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life ever- lasting. SELECTION 32. The Resurrection. (Various Selections.) 1 Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. 2 But I know that even noiv, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. 3 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. 4 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. 5 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrec- tion, and the life: he that belie veth in me, though he were dead, yet shall ho live : 6 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? 7 She saith unto him. Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world. 8 Verily, verily, 1 say unto you, JTe that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shrill not come into condemnation: but is passed from death unto life. 9 Verily, verily, I say unto you. The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead siiall hear tlic voice of tlie Son of God: and they that hear sliall live. 10 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hafh he given to the Son to have life in hintself; 11 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is tiie Son of man. 12 Marvd not at this: for the hour is com- ing, in thei irhich all that are in ilie groves slidll hear his voire. 1 3 And shall come forth ; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. 247 Matthew 6. 9-18. Our Father which art in heaven : Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, aa it Js in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Zbc apostles* (rree& I BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord ; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost ; born of the Virgin Mary ; suffered under Pontius Pilate ; was crucified, dead, and buried ; the third day He rose again from the dead ; He ascended into heaven; and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy Catholic Church; the Communion of Saints; the Forgiveness of sins; the Resurrection of the body; and the Life everlasting, Amen. XTbe Uen . Xi- JZi- ^53^ e^ ^ *2: :J=-gEE^l -i 1 ' I will trust Thee, I will trust Tliee, I will trust Thee ; I will trust Thee, I will tru^t Thee, I will trust Thee ; w~ zm : --Ti I 4?-- "1 r ^zz^=^t All my life Thou .shnlt con - trol, All my life Thou chalt con - trol. ^ *# 2* :S iJ- -1 f i r 1 *- ' o^'^U In the past, too. iinl-'oliVvhitr, 'iMid.st th<.' unijios;- 1 liavo licon. And tiiy hcaiL has slowly trusted What luv fvcs hnvc never sevn. I'.ft'S^'M Tcsus, Teach nie on Thy arm to lean. 4, Oh for trust, tliat brlntrs the trinm;-;! VViioii (Icferit sooins straneely n'^i-i ; Oh for f.-iith, that chanjji-'S tightinji Info victory's rinpiiisr cheor^ i'\iii.li triumpluint, KiioWinK B"t detcat nor fear. 4. Fai''i triumphant bltssvd v'ctory) ]'",vfiy barrier s\vf)it awr>'! Heaven descending, ji'>v and fuInSS. It.lwu of everlaminp day! Jesus onlv-- Him to love and Him obey. ADORATION AND PRAISE. 2 " prat0e, m^ Soul, tbe Ikino of Ibeavem {Ist Tune.) H. V. Lyte. (Regent Square. Henry Smart. _I_ d^E^^ :^=^: -^- s- G>- -(S- -e- --' -^- -S>- I. Praise, my soul, the King of hea - ven ; To His feet thy tri - bute bring ; - ( S>- -'^- 3- -|S>- ',- :fc2: =pr=f^ -3- :fc2: :fii:f2i=s ^ T : ?~ f - f 'T -i- o \ 1 ^ H -H^J - J-J-lJ : -W^ ^ -ig H O .^ TJ y -e? Gh- -^B^E. Ransomed, healed, re - stored, for - giv - en Who like thee His praise should sing ? :E^EE^5 -- o * , -fc> <- Press - ing on-ward j-ress-ing on - ward JJJ J I I - 1 I - ^ i' 'ry day Toward thehcav'n-ly T PlRCr S. FOtTIII. UMB IV Mlh ADORATION AND PRAISE. 4 ail 1ball tbe power of 3c6u'6 IRame. (Jst Tune.) E.PERRONET. ^^ (Diadem, cm.) ^ j,^^^ _i 1 , ,. ; J .1 , K . I H 1- m i^a^ 2a: T Ji^=ir- i I. All hail the power ~ P - 9 - Of Je su's name, Let an - gels prostrate 52E H -*-*- -^-^-7- m:^ fall, Let an - gels pros - trate fall ; Bring forth the roy - al _d- 4-. j-:s-l_*. zzd=: di - a - dein, And crown ^ crown Him, crown Kim, crown Him, -f2_ T^ -e?- i =*:z5i 4-f:_--p -i r 1 T Him. iHir I crown Him, h J ! 1 1 r-J-J X r?"l 1 1 , y . i" * *^ 'J 1 it-. * r- * * r^ r-^ 1 W-^^^^ ^ ^" a - 1= ' a, -a ar-l ^ 1 A^^^ ' crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, And ' 1 ^ _J J -8- 1 a. 0_ 1 crown Him Lord -J- of -4-. all. J-71 ^^C_*_._,^,__ . . % -1 =^^| Him, 4 {^nd Tune.) E. Pa3^^ I. When I sur - vey the wondrous Cross On which the Prince of glo - ry died, My rich- est gain count but loss. And pour confeuifjt on all my puride. ^ W^ e^-^Jfer^4ferS: gSl^l 2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast. Save in the death of Christ, mr God : All the vain things tht charm me most, f sacrifice them to His btoofi, 3. See, from His head, His hands. His feet. Sorrow and love flow mingled down : I Did e'er such tove and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown? Were the whole realm of nature utine, 1 liat were a present far too small ; Lore so amazing, so Divme, Demands my soul, my life, my all. ADORATION AND PRAISE. 6 (/s* Tune.) 3e0u, Xovcc of m^ Soul. * C.Wesley. (Hollingside. v,.) Dr. J. H. Dykes. *5? :2=1=^ ^ 3^ ^^-g- -Sl- -(S>- "C?" -<9 e>- -!:3- =^=8= ^5dJ I. Je - su, Lov - er :|2: of my soul, Let me to Thy bo - som fly, H^ :p^^3 ^-^ HS*- i 4 1- 3:^- ,j ! ! I J . I -^ fcjt =! <3- :g=^ (S- While the near - er iS>- wa - ters roll. While the tem - pest still is high ! .a. P -t^- ^^ Z^ ^iir :g= t'SI -J I ^-^-S: ^ ^ Hide me, O my Sa - viour, hide, Till the storm of life be past ; ^^ f^-?-- ^-f^ -<2_ ( ^ : I ? O ^ y ^ m A !- :=T S=g^ :g=^ r:^ f= Safe in - to the ha - ven guide. Oh, re - ceive my soul at last ! r2- 7n -^ z^S: -Q- ^^ -^ >- {2nd Tune.) JCSU, %OWX Of 111^ SOUL (.Aberystwyth. d.) C. Wesley. [By permission of Messrs. Hughes & Son, Wrexham.] cres. I dim. Dr. Joseph Parky. ^ ll*: ADORATION AND PRAISE, dim. :^^=X ^^ 4: ^ ^ 3^ =^J fly. -e- While the J. a^g: 33: near - er 221 - S_i f ^ wa - ters roll. :^: I=g: 22_ r-^ ^ yt i ^=q w^w ^ :g: ^ E^ W :zjL *=e=gp=g- -o While mt the tern - pest still is high 1 Hide me, ^ =^^ ^ Ji *=: my -2 . HS> f-r-T fct zz: 2^ a*t -j rj- to the JES -O- 32: -11- ha - ven guide, -G> -lO- Oh, re - ^^^^^^m ceive my soul at lastl 3. Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpk-s^ soul on Thee ; Leave, ah. leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me : All my trust on Thee is stayed. All my help from Thee I bruig ; Cover my delei;celess head With the shadow of I hy wing. 3. Thou. O Christ, art all I want ; More than all in Thee 1 find ; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the sick, and lead the blind -e?- .0 1-^ ZdL Just and holy is Thy name, 1 am all unrighteousness; False and full of sin 1 am. Thou art full of truth and grace. Plenteous grace with Thee is found- ed race to co\er all my sm ; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within : Thou of life the Kounlam ar;. I'leely let me take <.>\ Thee ; Spring Thou up withm my heart, Rise to all eternity 1 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 1 Hmasina Xovel C. Wesley. (Sagina. J. GOLDIE (?) Sa-viour's blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who gg S=E^^EBz^ F ZCti *e>j ">- \ l_e> * *- Him tft death pur - sued ? A - ma-zing love ! how can it -^-^ Esd:S=&i:| tfet Thou, my God, shouldst die I for me? A - ma- zing love! how A . ma-zing love 1 * . S> 5 1 sAs?- can It how be can it be t 1 That Thou, my i|t::^^B= ^z-.jtr God, shouldst die for me ? That Thou, my God, |^ i r 'Tis mystery all ! The Immortal dies ! Who can explore His strange design? In vain the first-born seraph tries To sound the depths of love Divine I 'Tis mercy all ! let earth adore. Let anel minds inquire no more. He left His Father's throne above, So free, so infinite His grace I Emptied Himself cf all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race: Tis mercy all, immense and free ; Fr, O my God, it found out me ! -r- drr: trn: Long my imprisoned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature's night ; Thine eye diffused a quickeiung ray 1 woke, the dungeon flamed with light ; My chains fell off, my heart was free ; 1 rose, went forth, and followed Thee. No condemnation now I dread ; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine ! Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed m righteousness Divine, Bold I approach the eternal throne, [own. And claim the crown, through Christ mj 8 THE GOSPEL CALL. 1Re\>er a Da^ neare its Sunect* ("For whom. Christ died.") \Specially written and composed for GlPSY SMITH.] Miss Winifred Iverson. E. MiNSHALI. I. Nev - er a day nears its sun - set. |. ^- -J- Nev-er the sea tum-eth TTt -H 1 J i!: " *' tide, fe^ r^ ^^^Pt=-l-f But lamps are gone out in the dark - ness ; Poor sin-ners for whom Christ died. ;e -^^ 1 ^r i 1- I -^ Refrain. -A-. 1- S: -t ' ^ For whom Christ y^x O r' e -cj ' rs A 1 . . 1 - > . 1 1 -r-J 1 1-, died, For whom Christ died ; How ma ny Jjass S^ :t3: :&-^B ^ out in - to dark - ness, Poor ^-ners for >moi Christ died? Never a day brings its blessings, But bids us, with iirms stretch'd wide, Persuade them away from their peril, These sinners for whom Christ died. For whom Christ died, For whom Christ Jiecf ; Persuade, lest tliey pass into darkness. These sinoers for wliom Chrisl died. 3- Say, are you straitened in spirit ? Say, docs one passion abide ? Oh say, are you sjicnding your hciirt's blood Foi siunerk for wham Ctkiisl died. fZT- For whom Ctirist diet c!io4T THE LORD JESUS CHRTST. J Moulb 3e6U5 bave tbe Sinner Me ? C. Wesley. (Sovereignty, J. Newton. M 2=?: =9=-'^ rK^ I. Would Je-sus have the sin - ner die? Why hangs He then on K^ ^if=:3 I fc=4 -I^J^ A^ 1 I ^^- ^'-fl ^- yon - der tree ? What means that strange ex - pir - ing cry ? -b ' I ^ ^ 1 -T ,' r:> . U- U.,-J ^> ^, r - -, (Sin - ners, - r . ___ He prays for you and.. me;) -?-r>^=^ fc:? J-.4 U4 _| 1 i_ I J (Sin - ners, He prays . for you and me): " For-give them, I I 1 Voices. I S^ES 5E :qi Fa - ther, oh, for - give ; They know m^ )f-v- I- ^ not that by S^ THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, Thou loving, all-atoning Lamb, Thee by Thy painful agony, Thy bloody sweat, Ihy grief and shame, Thy cross and passion on the tree. Thy precious death and life I pray, Take all, take all my sms away I Oh, let nie kiss Thy bleeding feet. And bathe and wash them with my tears I The story of Thy love repeat In every drooping sinner's ears. That all may hear the quickening sound. Since I, even I, have mercy found. Oh, let Thy love my heart constrain ; Thy love for every sinner free, That every fallen soul of man May taste the grace that found out ine ; That all mankind with me may prove Thy sovereign, everlasting love. 10 6ob'0 Xove. John Sterling. L Allan Santcet. ii s ^ m. mm m m 0i r^^^:: ' ^ ? 'rrT ^ 1. Wid-er than the o - cean, deep-er than the 2. Will you not, my broth -er, love Him in re 3. Let not self con- trol you, sel - tish-ness is 4. God.ourHeav'nly Fa- ther, may Tiiy ho - ly 5g U- Ui^ sea, Love be-vond all turn?Thinkbutfor a sin, Look to Godyour love. Thou hast free -ly MV-g ^: ~1 I " "^"0 ArS J d J ^ 'P^ 3 4-^ m m :st=t V- ^^^^5=5 ^ -0 meas-ure isGod'sioveto thee, mo moiit, lost his love you spurn. Fa - ther, do not look witli - in, giv - en fromTliythronea - bove, Nov - er did a As Ho in His Al-ways near to Ev - er-more be pa nier aid with 72? rent love his cy calks you, in this ;, driv-ing 1 vou chil-drcn dear, from a - bove, world of strife, sin a - way, As ourHeav'n-ly Fa - tliorlnvostlioo, brother, here. Hoed, oh heed His call - ing, give lliin of your love. He will help you on - ward to a bet - tcr life. 'Till we in Thy king - doin dwell e - ter - iial - ly. L I I I I y'.*^- ^'-"l^^^& tir vmiT . tM, m Jm m. a m * Mwn 0*., Maw VMh THE GOSPEL CALL. 11 Crowbeb i0 ^our Ibeart wttb Carea. w^ Tenderly. T. Facer. K N P zr^ -^ TTtA W^ -,^~#- c J '' S S ^ I. Crowd-ed is lOur heart with cares : Have you no room for Je - sus ? N N S - - ^gaAttfci "~y- y P" ^^^^g- p r - > ^-r^ - 17^(^1 7 ^ >.v k v>! t I r i^ ^ I t =:t ;i^ J ^ 3: t= ^ ^ tii ni=fc;: 22: Cap-tured by earth's gild - ed snares, Have you no room for Je - sus ? .- ^- ^-^- ^^ .^_Q_ 9 lO ^^ r i- \ V i^ Lo, He's stand-ing at your door, Knock-ing, knock -ing o'er and o'er- s^ ^J Hear Him plead-ing ev - er-more:Have you no room for Je - sus? .^- b*. ^. .^. ; :f?- h0- 4^-' 1* * i H * \ t^ -^ 1 1 y F- !12-t2-^ -r 3B fg^ Chorus. J> =<^' of preceding movement. " Wm -+- M ^Hi =?5:^^ :St=r S^ Room, room; have you no room? Have you no room for Je - sus7 ^t-H^- it 4c:$c THE GOSPEL CALL, ftfr' -' .H I J i\ :' ^& :5s=K p j Have you no room for Hear Him plead - ing ev - er-more, Je sus? ^5EE -*_^- -^ -- - -v r ->'-' r 2. Wasting all your precious hoars, Have you no work for Jesus? Spending those God-given powers, Have you no work for Jcsu ? Striving not to conquer sin, Seeking not a soul to win, Bringing not a wanderer in : Have you no work for Jesus? 3. Chasing bubbles through the air. Have you no time for Jesus? None for gracious deeds to spare. Have you no time for Jesus? Earthly pleasures, wealth and ease. Seeking, grasping toys like these; Striving only selt to please : Have you no time for Jesns? Bearing only worthless leaves, Have you no fruit for jesus? In your hands no precious sheaves. Have you no fruit for Jesus? Not a grain to store away, Naught your labour to repay. Not a joy for that great day. When you shall meet With Jesus? 12 1 am IReetiiiG In Hope. Fanny J. Crosby. Hubert P. Maiw. 1. I am rest-ing in hope, I amlook-ing a -way To the close of the 2. I am rest-ing in hope of the friends I shall see, For I kntrw on the 8. I am rest-ing in hope of acrownand a palm, Of a robe that is night, and thedawn of the day;Whenmy soulfroin its cas-ket of shore they are watcli-ing for me; By the riv - er of crys-tal, they'll washed in the blood of theLamb; O the joy that a- waits me, the e^^ /^ f^\ f-^Sr ||-S 1 1 r earthshall re-move, Where thoLordhns a nian-sionfor me greet me in love. Where t lie Lord lias a man-sionfor me rap - tiire and lore, Where thcLordhjis a man-sionfor me U I a - bove a - bove. a - bove. Effi ^ ^TiMHT, at*. ** HUMT P. Maim. IUuwm^ THE GOSPEL CALL, 13 Some GO Hwa^ from tbe Ibouee ^o^ntobt. Arr. by D. B. Towner. Thomas Facer. ^^ I. Some go a -way from the house to-night, Pu - ri-fiedfrom sin; 1 h- O-thers re-ject the gra-cious light, And go a -way un - clean; P ^=^^-J >H--^c^-i -i-^^i i ' 9- -d' ^ t^i 1 r -*- fcj2t 1 r- '^^r m 10 'i:; O Lov- ing ly still the Sa viour stands, Plead - ing with thy -I ^ S^ heart ; :?5j ::^ C* -^ - Pa-tient-ly knocks with bleed- ing hands, Un - will - ing to de - part. ::: u^ ^ -_ J i ,^ J H^ Chords, pp ^ rJTE GOSPEL CALL. fS V J 3< ^ ^- ~ , 2. Go - ing a - way, 3. Give Him thy heart, ^Bl ffi I I :i- W 9 * ^ go - ing a - way, give Him thy heart, -* n- \^%^ Go - ing un - saved Give Him thy heart ' * * %-5. to- to - i -tJT r ^^t -:5^=X- -N J- ^- m- ^4t 3<=K=e: :5=^ night, Go - ing night ; Then go way, way. go - mg then go .^3=^- ^L-JL :N=^ a - way, A - way from a - way Re - joi - cing "the /n ^Kjg glo - rious light. in the Lord. _Q_ t=t Go - ing a - way Hap - py are they K I N _**_#* ^0 ^- Jzi i^ un - saved to - night, who share Kis grace, -e- dim. Go - ing a - way from re - deem - ing blood. Go Trust and be - lieve in the Sa - viour's word : Give ing a - Him thy '^mmm^mi'^^^^mm^ way from the heart, and glo leave rious light, From par - don, the pkice Re - joi - cing life, and the God. Lord. ^Ht 5l^ It: S: 3. Some go away from the house of God Filled with joy and peace ; Others despise the precious blood That brings the soul release : Never again the Saviour dear May be offered thee ; Never again thy soul may hear The Spirit's tender plea. 1 1 i Some go away from the house to-night, Boued with guilt and shame; Others reccivuig life and light. Confess the .Saviour's name : Happy are they who share His grace. Trusting in His word Give Him the heart, and leave the place. Rejoicing in tbe Lord. THE GOSPEL CALL. 14 (rstrune.) Come, K Sinnera! J. Hat. ill (Caeksalem. 8.7.4.) Arr. D. Emlyn Evan a. ^ c? .^> * i ^~\ ^^I '-^-^ , /Come, ye sin - ners, poor and need- y, Weak and v/ouod-ed, sick and sore : ) \ Je - sus rea - dy stands to save you, Full of pi - ty joined with power; ) r;^ ^^>j . r 1 i ^ _ -TLj^-r^. ^ G -Q- J2L -Q- liE^ :P= 1 ^ E r^: 1*4 1*2: i -I V -1-4-4- i=t ^g ^^=i^:j:^=gi^ ^ gi^^z^r ^ --^zg=^ He is a - ble, He is will ing ; He is a - ble, He is will-ing ; doubt no more. 14 {2nd Tune.) Conic, ^c Siiiucrs ! J.Hart. (Helmsley. 8.7.4.) Rev. M. Madan. Come, ye needy, come, and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief, and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh : Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him: This He gives you ; 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. THE GOSPEL CALL. Come, ye weary, heavy laden. Bruised and niatigltd liy the Fall ; If you tarry till you're better. You win never come at aU: Not the righteous, Sinners Jesus came to calL Lo ! the incarnate God ascended. Pleads the merit of His blood ; Venture on Him, venture wholly, Let no other trust intrude : None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. 16 3e0U0 Call0 ITo^^Da^^ Ernest G. W. Wesley. L Allak (Bankev. piH-H ^ M p=#=? f=f ^ From our ease and pleas-ure, Je sus calls to-day; Fol - low in His foot -steps, Nev -er turn a -side; Tar - rv not nor ques-tion : Trust His word.so true; Stand where He doth place you: Stand and nev-er fail; 19- -*- -0 -*--- -<9 ^ . t t ^ ^=^ ^ ^ EE =t^ ^^ He has need of In o - be-dience Leave to Christ the Nev-er doubt nor b d :t=(t Pf^ i ^^ f^-f-i-^^ :^==te: help - ers, Jjet not one de - lay. serve Him, E'er in Him a - bide, ffuid - ing, Know His will, airf do. lal ter, In your Lord pre -Tail. -^ ^^ r % y He, Hiiii-self, will lead us. Gain o'er sin thy vie - t'ry, Let us each be faith - ful, Rich re -ward lie giv - eth i T~r i ~i rn *3 r r I i : P^ 1 1- ^^&^^^^ii^sl If we Him o - be^; lie, Him-3elf,willgnard us, Eaelistcpof tlie way. In thy Lord bo strong; Ho a-loiie is Mas - U-r, We tollini bo-long. Conq'rorsweshallbe ; Nov -er will Ho loavo us, Ev-'ry foeslialllloo. All who vfin the fight; Kings and priests He makes u^,Chii-dren oft liu Light. 9VMMR, waa, m n* mam * MtM oa., > vwo. 16 W. J. Mathams. ADORATION AND PRAtSB. (Bob l0 wttb U0. (Austria. d.) F. J. Haydn. ^i^: -!! ?a^: r:^' I. God is with us, God is with us, So our brave fore - fa - thers sang, :^^ -1 I b;: ipa- ^r ^ ^iEg^ ^^E^ ^2=S Far a - cross the field of I t 1-^ bat - tie Loud their ho - ly war - cry rang ; -&- -G*- -- -&>- Nev - er once they feared nor -v I I waich - ing pa- tient- ly there. Chorus. :^l- -rzr Looking this way, yes, look-ing this N - l^. I f m - : *-i -^fi * H way ; Loved ones are wait - ing, look - ing this way : Fair as the St=P L.'>-<1_- I . V ^ ? Z' Father and mother, safe in the vale, Watch for the boatman, wait for the sail, Bearing the loved ones over the tide Into tlie harbour, near to tlieir side. Brother and sister, gone to tliat cHnie, Wait for the others coming sonictinie ; Safe with the angels, whiter than snow, Watching for dear ones wailing below. Sweet little darling, light of the home. Looking for someone, beckonmg, Conic; Bright as a sunbeam, pure as the dew, Anxiously looking, mother, for you. Jesus the Saviour, bright Morning Star, Looking for lost ones, straying af.ir ; Hear ttie glad message, why will you roam? JeaUi la calijug, "Sinner, come houiel" 18 f Will ^\ng the Monbroua Storj?* TUHK Na laa HaIXOWED HYVNa Rev. Frakcis JH. RowtKT. Pktsr Biuiokh* 1 I "will sing the won-drous sto - ry 2 I was lost, but Je - bus found mo, 3 I was bruised, but Je - sus healed me, i. Days of dark -ness still come o'er me, 5 He -will keep me till the riv - er Of the Christ -who died for me. Found the sheep that went a - stray; Faint was I from many a fall, Sor - row's paths I oft - en tread, Eolla its wa - ters at my feet; . L o ^ ^ i"t~ i^ 4= 1~ I y y r^ t^ m H-V m rFj=g^ :^ How He left His home in glo - ry. For the cross on Cal Threw His lov - ing arms a -round mo. Drew me back in - to Bight was gone, and fears pos-sessed me. But He freed me from But the Sav - iour still is with me. By His hand I'm safe Then He'll bear me safe - ly o - ver. Where the loved ones I I - Ya - ry. Hia way. them all. - ly led. shall meet. t^ 4^ ^ ^^ -(^ rr=f Tes, I'll sing the won-drous sto - - - ry Of the Yes, I'll sing the 'won-drons sto - ry ^ #- ^ W ^ Christ who died for Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with thesaintsin Sing it with :^=& f Mill Sing tbe TKIlon^rou0 Stori^. cronciu5c&. ^^ S__u= m i i ^ * \ ^ Xlt-fr 61o - - - ry Gathered by the ciys-tal sea. the saints ttf glo - ry, gathered by the crys . tal sea. ^ fff >. ^ P 4Z-i f^^r u *?=iE ^ i^ fe^ y j< ^ ^ ^ ^ J_8 (iiITiin.) fcpfrpbol. 8s, 7s. -4^ J i>+^ i :3: :^ -g>' g ; , IS -z? z:t- -^-r=^-^ ^ ^ -T c-^ r ZS, kg -Vfi-r? EE =t: H^ t=f&^:^ ^^=P -j^-^^r ^ I , r ! ] , J ^. -_j I . 23 gj - ^ S7- <^ g/ -Wl i ^S" z?- ^i'-??^ -9- 19 HXNKV BUKTOM. Moderato. pa00 It ^n. 6I0.C. :*=it fc^zzt 1. Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on; 2. Did you hear the lov - ing word Pass it on; 3. 'Twas the suu-shine of a smile Pass it on; 4. Have you found the heav'nly light? Pass it on; 5. Be not self-ish in thy greed, Pass it on; 'Twas not giv'n for Like the sing - ing Stay - ing but a Souls are grop-ing Look up - on thy ^X=^ ^ n -t- s I -4^ -*-*- thee a - lone, Pass it on; of a bird? Pass it on; lit - tie while! Pass it on; in the night. Day-light gone; brother's need. Pass it on; Let it trav - el down the years, Let it Let its mu - sic live and grow, Let it A - pril beam.the lit - tie thing, Still it Hold thy light-ed lamp on high. Be a Live for self, you live in vain; Live for i 1 $ t 2i :^^ Gs= wipe an- oth-er's tears, Till in heav'n the deed appears Pass it on. cheer an - oth-er's woe, You have reap'd what otherssow. Pass it on. wakes the flow'rs of spring, Makes the si- lent birds to sing Pass it on. star in some one's sky, He may live who else would die, Pass it on. Christ, you live a -gain; LiveforHim.withHimyoureign Pass it on. t^iT^^Hj IJ; -i 0- , -g- i I ^^ -::r {rs^ 3 -:^:;^ Arise, My Sou!, Arise! C. Wetlay. Har. by Josiah Booth ^ 3 ^^ 3 5^ 1. A rise, . , 2. He ev . 3. Five bleed 4. The Fa - 5. My God my er ing ther soul,.. . lives wounds hears. . . rec m a a He Him on rise I bove bears, pray, oiled, Shake off For me Re His His ceived dear par :^ S -^- -^^-1^ -^ t- 4=- "^"i r i J^J^ -^5>- : =s 3=b 'g^ r guilt in - Cal oint voice m '^ ^- y fears; The bleed - ing Sac ter - cede His all - - re - deem va - ry; They pour ef - feet ed One; He can - not turn I hear; He owns me for nig ual a His fice love, prayers, way child e -^-3^ ^ g In His They The I :^ =F =5= ^. i= I 1 g^l 3 . g ~^ :g? 3 jfiy be half ap- pears, Be - fore the throne my Sure - ty stands: My pre- clous blood to plead; His blood a-toned for all our race, And strong- ly plead for nie. " For- give him, oh, for - give," they cry, " Xor pres-ence of His Son: His Spir - it an - swers to the blood, And can no Ion - ger fear: "With con - fi-dence I now draw nigh, And m^^^^i^^^mm^mM -#-S- r:_^ iS- P^m^ =-F^ M-4 name is writ - ton on Ilis hands, My name is writ ten on His hands, sprinkles now the throne of grace, And sprin - klos now the throne of grace, let that ran - somod sin-ner die Nor let that ran - somed sin - nor die." tells me I am born of God, And tells mo I am born of God. "Father, Ab - ba, Fatherl" cry. And " Fa - ther, Ah - ba, Fa ther!" cry. 21 Do Love Jesus. John D. Leek, B.D. David Huj^M. m 5 ^ rr-r ^ 2. He 3. He 4. He do love Je - sus with all my heart. And joy to tell the sto - ry; saw me lost in the wil -der-ness, All torn, and bruis'd.and crying; wash'dme whiter than purest snow, And took a -way my sad-ness; bro't me safe to the fold of love. By grace I'll leave Him,nev-er; His He He And F f f f t i t f M m ii:^ -in^ i t * ^m ^ i i==3=n? love to me is the sweet- est part Of life> in earth and glo - rj. knew my sin, yet with tea - der ness. He sav'd my soul from dy - ing. healed my sick- ness, relieved my woe. And gave me joy and glad- ness. when I'm safe in the horns a - bove, I'll praise His name for ev - er. M m L4 5 i=^ CHORua , m =fea t=i==t=t=J ^si I do love Je- sus with all my heart ; Oh hear me tell the sto ry I And ^ m Ea azdl from His love may I ne'er de - part; Oh, help me sing His glo- ry. n tiytium I 22 fanny J. Crosby. Oh, Come To-day Hubert P. Mam. n h 1 h 1 h n r . uU n 1 - .> . / WyP ( * ! 1 ^ * J r I- 1 \ P\ I' 7 Q ' d ! s \ J 1 i ' 1 wk " L. J J . # ^ J ^ Ji r ^ J m. 1 . ^ T 1. Come to Him who still 2. While the lamp of life 3. While the dews of grace 4. Still we heir that voice -^ -^ If- T- r -* -^ is plead -inp:, Haste to re -ceive Him; is burn - inj:?. Speed to the moun- tain; are fall mg, Soft - ly and ten - der, re - peat-ing,"0 ye that sor - row. ' "^* hi 1 i* ^ r P ' P ^ [fj. , fTk-() 1 P 1 p 1 VS'K L.l' Q 1 'i I 1 r ^^ ^-t? n 1 WWW 1 ' * l l^ 1 b 1 -l^-J- i j^m ^ 3=5 While He yet is in While for rest your soul While His voice a - gain Time is brief, the hours I ^- "t^J i^ r- T ter - ced - ing. Can you slight and grieve Him? is yearn- iiig. Seek the pre-cious foun tain; is call - ing, All to Him sur- rcn der. are fleet- ing, Stay not till the yior - row;' rr % t I V -^=ii-^ rE Fr T^ K I I j f=t=F^ ii #-#- =^=4 t}-^^ While His love your heart He who longs for your On the cross with grief Come and share the Mas is lead - ing, There is joy for you. re - turn - ing Sheds His blood for you. ap - pall - ing Once He died for you. ter's greet - ing, Lo! He waits for you. Kkfrain :c5, como. Come, oh, come, rr ^=t^ ^ Xo one else birt J to - flnv U^ I* to - (Iny -m- Ifu -^ COPmiOHT, 1908, (Y T>4 BiauOW & MAIN CO., NEW YaK. t^r- 23 My Saviour's Near W. H. E. Solo, Duet & Chorus. W. H. Emmons, arc. T ii 1 t > -^ ^^^ 1. My Sav-iour's near. His love a - bid - eth er - er, In brightest hours or 2. My Sav-iour's near, He hears my fee -blest sigh- ing, My ev-erywant He 3. My Sav-iour's near, His smile my path -way brightens And cheers my wea ry 4. My Sav-iour's near, in Him I'm trust - ing ev - er, His might-y pow'r sus- P7-^ ^ l.* ^=R^ -=!-?- ->Ma --4- t--t ^- 9-^- -V S m ^ "? in the darkness drear; His arms of ten dai - ly doth sup -ply; He who doth see foot-steps on the way; A - bundant grace der-ness so close en-fold me, tlie spar-row when it fall- eth to me He free - ly of - fers, tains and keeps me clean ; His pre-cious blood has now redeemed and bought me. t=^ W t :r=^ -# ^ m l-^-^U- fe3 - t ; p- 9 -i Chorus. m -I *- : The Will And And ^r-^ -^ --X- clouds of gloom and shad-ow dis - ap - pear, hark - en to His chil - dren when they cry. brings me more in - to the per - feet day. cleansed my heart from ev - erv guilt and stain. 0, bless - ed Shep - herd, Co^KiGHT, 1908, BY The Biqlow a Main Co., niw y*Mh Jesus Is Mine To-day. I. Allan danky. 1. - ver and o- ver a mes-sage I hear, Je - sus is mine, Je-sus is 2. O - ver and o- ver it's com -ing to me, Je - sus is mine, Je-sus is 8. Nev - er, no, nev - cr this brightness shall pale, Je - sus is mine, Je-sus is 4. Dai - ly and hour -ly it rings in my soul, Je - sus is mine, Je-sus is 5. Soft - ly and ten - der - ly calm-ing mv fears, Je - sus is mine, Je -sus is ^ ^i^ mine, Con-sciously,precious-ly falls on my ear, Je-sus is mine to-day. mine,Sweet-ly for- ev- erraore set -ting mo frco, Je-sus is mine to - day. mine,Nev - er, no,nev - er I'll find him to fail, Jo -sus is mine for aye. mine, Dai - ly and hour-ly He stands in con-trol, Je-sus is mine al - way, mine, E-ul- ing and reigning He dries ail my tears, Je-sus is mine al - way. s^ ^ # i E2 ^ ^p=n^ r X t- Chorus, ^ 4 -f=t -- -ri- ' r^ f r' ' Sing - ing .on, sing - ing on Je - sus Christ is sing -ing on, siiig-ing on, -#. J^ 4_ -p. eoriHiani, tiMii, ST Tnt BiObaw A Main Co., Mw vmn. 25 Perfectly Safe in His Hands. Ernest Q. W. Weley. I. Allan 8anky. ji^ ^it- UMf-t ^^ gl^^'^ 1. I have found the place where I 2. I have fouudthe place where in 3. I have found the place where all 4. I have fouudthe place where in # lL t 4r- 4^ safe per grace life's can rest, With* out fear when the feet peace, Mid all sor - rows of is mine.Where the strength of my last hoiir. When all loved ones of ' >-i u V ^P^ 1^^^^^ ^ foe as sails me; In the love of God, I am ev - er blest, earth I hide me; In the hands of Christ, where all tears must cease, Lord SU3 tains me; In His depth-less Life, In His Life Di-vine, earth must leave me. He will keep my soul, and His hand of power. ^ m^ # ft ^^- E ^ p T I > 'W - ^ L-i ^ f h r r M r ^^ :!=: b b t^ Choeus, /: / ; n ^^ ^ -Xr^ V, And the Lord, whom 1 trust, ne'er fails Where His mer cy and joy a - bide He dothshel-ter and ev er hold Through the shad-ows of death will hide I am per - feet ly f- ftf-| lF=t rt r^f. ^^ 2^ i^^EE? -^-r safe in His hands. Safe in His hands, Yes, safe in His handsi I've mummxt^ isea^ wf tm bmmw * Utm . Mkw 26 Tell the Blessed News. N. A. Hannk. Hubert P. Main. is ^ g^=^ m T T-i r 5 ^n" r^ 1. I'm a sin-ner, 2. I have found a 3. Je -sus helps me 4. He has ma - ny saved by grace. Praise the LordI pre- eious Friend, Praise the Lord! when I fall, Praise the LordI blets- ings giv'n. Praise the Lord I i ^i rrrT w Hf=^ Jl i Praise the Praise the Praise the Praise the LordI LordI Lord: LordI J^ ^^ t=^ f-f-tjH' ^ :^ ^ fc=jfc: ^^ ^ 3^ I He Ev shall see my will keep me er hears mo I Sav to when iour's face. Praise the Lord 1 the end. Praise the LordI I call. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord 1 Praise the LordI I shall have a home in heav'n. Praise the LordI Praise the LordI t?^ I 3SE S$: # ^^ r y y M ^m P r f^rif Tell the blessed news a- round Un - to earth's re - mot - est bound, Je - sus is so dear to me. Such a lov - ing Friend is He, He doth all my sor rows share And will all my bur- dens bear. If I al - ways do my best, I shall have a glorfous rest, l^EE=Ss iS x * : '-r* P * * rS~-^ n t ^im ss I was lost but And will ev or Cheers mc when I'm Live for - ev - er spair, blost. Praiso the Praise the Praiso the Prafso the LordI Praise the Lord LordI Praise tlie LordV LordI Praiso the LordI Loi*d| Praise tho LordI tanM L> 1 : , 1 1 1 r : J J J J _i' y h J J ^ J ! ^ ! 1 J t 4 *\ *\' ^* J 1 1 u ;/ 1 ' 1 ' i. Our gleam-ing sword is Our gleam-ing sword is Our gleam-ing sword is I ;>" I ^ God's own "Word, And it must win the fight! God's own Word, And with it we must win! God's own Word, And vie to - ry is sure! ^^- a i Refraix. Ei ^-^r -=^ r Ke - peat the watchword glo ri - ous, " For Christ! For Christ 1" we sing; -fct 1 9rTia>(T, ti09) T Tmi Bislow main Co. , Niw Yoim. Arise I Arise I Lift up your Eyes. Concluded. -1- ^ a i f Thro* Him we are vie - to - ri - ous, Thro* Christ,thro' Christ our King. M. -:f Si- fz -^ m i^ I c r > tr Service. 1 tTr 28 Amos R. Welts. ^ i I. Allan Sankey. &i -t9- rr None We Send 'dz=4-g 1 so fee - ble, will work in us, Lord, or none so small, But can serve the Lord His great plan Where He sets us, rear near or far. Where the thorns or ros of all; or van; es are ; ^ ^ ^4^4 S- ^ r\ h , I f ? \J . 7 1 I ' 1 11, 1 7 r> Hi ] \ \ m J 4 J. M ^ [ 1 1 J fc\^v \ J m i ^ * ^ ~ - i 1 J : 1 V7 J W.. f J _ 2 ^ 2 # ^ 1 tj r r ' ' Place for each one Be we lead - ers. In to hard or there must be we eas - y be In His led, While our task, Thy com- ^ . J ' r, va - ried Lord is mand is rain at all - is the we 1 - try. head; ask; rt^ w 1 1 i * r # s r f fi &S^ i l# l# |# _J L ^(2 f- ir- -4 -1 !^ ^^-^^r 1 1 1 -J L _, -^ ^^\- 1 1^_ 1 1 1 Wait we all with will - ing Care less what our praise may Thy com-manc],that with it - ^ m ^-m ff. hand, be, leads ^ Head - y for the Lord's com-mani All our tlioughtsof vie - to - ry, All the power o - hedience needs Place for each one there must be In His va - r Bo we leail - ers, be we led, While our Lord In - to hard or eas - v task, Tliy com-iiiiiiul d mill - is at the nil we t rv. heml. ask. O'l'mOHT, 108, BY THt BlQLOW S, MIMN CO., NtW VOIK. 29 John R. Clements. fe:?5 s N- m ^ a -j- if ir Lord, Send Us Forth. (BCSSXeTSD BT BBT. DOM O. BRXLTOH.) ^ f\ ^ I I 1 q= 1. Allan Saiikey. ^==1= =s= 1. Loril,send us forth to preach the word Wbcr - ev - er man is found; 2. Lord, send us forth as those who bear Glad ti - dingsfrom the tlirone. 3. Lord, send us forth ngr staff not scrip, But on ly in Thy might; 4. Lord, send us forth the faith sup - ply, The sow - ing time is ours; ^g^^ ^S^^^ J: ~^ -i^-4^-^ ^^^^^m --A- ritarS,. T- ^ m ^: Till ev - 'ry soul of Thee has heard "With joy the ines - gage to de - clare ThySpir-it touch- ing heart and lip Thine be the har - vest by and by, -a The whole wide world a - round. Till earth Thy sway shall own. To guide and keep a - right. B - yond .the gra - cious show'rs. -f-^i t=r:nt k=fe^=z:li ^- P^ :# ^: t t 1-^[ A Chorus. ^t-r-r-H=^"^=^rt-c-rf V Lord, send us forth, Lord, Bcnd us forth send to - day;. Pi ^^ O Bend lo - day; fei I Izfe:^ M: :5=i:t=it=t 3^5^ ^ 3 :^ P^^^^^^ Ban - tize us with Thv miglit ; As her-ald's, speed us '- ' Ab her-ald's, speed .-_, W _^*_-# # W- b* r P ? * ^ t ^ r COPTRIQUT, 1808, BT THE SlOLQW * MAIN CO., NEW VftSK, UCLA - Music Ubrary M 2198 S212H34 1911 nil III! 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