ii;i 925 037 i^ UC-NRLF B 3 556 57b OlVn ENiiT.lSH ftyvM i THE 'Wh ANi) IIK NlUllTMiAliH iiaNrl- TH€ UNiYeRsmr of CAUfORNm LIBRARY cSclLiBKis ^' AN OLD ENGLISH POEM OF THE OWL AND THE NIGHTINGALE EDITED BY FRANCIS HENRY STRATMANN K > ' J ' > PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR BY KRAMKR AND BAUM KREFELD 1868 PREFACE. I The following poem is found in two manuscripts; one in the British Museum, London, manusc. Cotton. Calig. A. IX, of the first half of the thirteenth cen- tury; the other in the library of Jesus College, Ox- ford, Arch. I. 29, of the latter half of the thirteenth century. It has been twice printed; by Stevenson, in 1838, from the Cotton manuscript with a few readings of the Jesus College manuscript, and by Th. Wright, in 1843, from the Cotton manuscript alone. I have now tried to give a critical edition of it, founded on a careful collation of both manu- scripts, the different readings of which are noted at the bottom of the page. Consistency in the spelling I have observed as far as possible. How I have succeeded in my endeavours to restore my text to its original perfection my readers may decide. I thankfully acknowledge the continual assistance of Mr F. J. Furnivall, the zealous promoter of old English literature. Krefeld, 2 March 1868. F. H. Stratmaxx. 434524 >p^, Ich'^as iu ono^sumere dale [nas. Cotton, fol. 233 a In one spip/cii^eie luile ^ «^s- ^^''^' ^^^- 229a] Iherde ichjidldie " grete tale ij.ucJL/>vr x\n(e) ug andj one nihtegale 1 5 pat j^&i^'pSsstif and stare and strong Sum hpile Sj^fte an^ lud a mong /, ^ And eriper"^€)^ii^6prer spal ----_, j) hyt-^dL^'^ And, let pat uvele ingd..^Ut al ^^^ ^^ f \^^ And eiper seide of opres cu^^ >f e> ^ .10 pat aire porste pat hi pust^- — - *^^^"^^ And hure and hure of opres songe Hi heolde plaiding spipe stronge ^aj^ -J j^V^ ^ V^ nihtegaTe bigon pe specheM^ V''^ k ■-^ "" In one huriie of one breche/^^"f^3^ J^^ 15 And sat u^pnel faire boje >fe^ ^ ' /O*- v^^ ~ 20 And song a fedleHdQjie.^ise^^^^'^ / ^ /Bet^puhf^ pe drem pat(^h^ pere -v --^^' f V \0f fiiM^€>^n^ pipe paiT Ve nere/y^-w^l^ , _. \- Bet pmeT)at, be pere ischoted/^i^^^^ l.H^j^ Of harpe and pipe pan of prote^ " 25 po stod on old stoc par bi side i-^ . par pe ul5^j^g)bire tide — -^r^- - • \ O^-'v^r-Q. And pas mid'rs^i al bigrope Hit pas pare ( ul^ eardingstope ^ Ajj^-^jJAx^^ \^C^ju^ 1 wes Arch. — 2 swipe Arch, suj^e Cot. — dyele Arch. — 4 ule Arch, hule Cot. — nyhtegale Arch, ni)tingale Cot. — 5 plait Cot, — 6 pile Cot. hwile Arch. — 7 an Cot. — ey]?er Arch, ai^er Cot. — ayeyn Arch. — swal Arch, sual Cot. — 8 & Cot, — wole Cot. for uvele — 9 oJ>eres Cot. — 10 alere Cot. — wrste Arch. — ywuste Arch. — 11 o))ere Cot. — 12 holde Cot. and Arch, — su))e Cot, — 13 ni^tingale Cot. — ])o speke Arch. — 14 beche Arch. — 15 vaire Got. and Arch. — bowe Arch. — 16 ])at Arch, — blostme inowe Arch, — 17 vaste jjikke Arch, — 19 ho Cot, he Arch, cmp. I, 934 — gladd' Arch, gladur Cot. — vor Cot, and Arch. — 20 veole Arch, vele Cot. — 21 het ))U)te Cot. — 23 ishote Cot, — 25 stok Arch. — 26 ^ ule Cot. — 28 hule Cot. — erdingstowe Arch, /' ^ pe nihtegale hi ise^ 30 And loa Inheold and oversea And ^Myeli^l of^^l^^ For me hi'Tiall lopIiclra]Scrfulec Unjjht heo seide a pey pu fleo-^y » <^rch, fol. 229 b] Me is pe purs pat ich pe MQ^^^t?-'^^ 35 Ipis for pine Me lete V \j^^^.^Cot. fol. 233 b] pel oft ich mine song forlete/t"^^ Min heorte jwftihp an A fait mi tunge^ rj ^r - 1 I'jriJL Hpognepn art to^me iprunge— • Qy^^J^Z^"^' ^' ^ /'^^^^uSe bet -^l&tmi pane singe ».' /40 Of pine fule ^o^^elinge "> v. -vv^.(s-^^.^^-^a^ ^>--a-cx^ peos ule ahod fort hit pas eve ^ Heo ne mihte no leng bileve For hire heorte pas so gret pat pel ne) hire fnast atschet 45 And parp a porcT^r after longe Hu pincpe nu hi mine songe penst pu pat ich ne cunne singe pe) ich ne cunne of pritelinge Ilome pu d^st me graine — '/vK. Vj-'^'^ 50 And seist me hope teone and schame A.t^^^^'^ 3if ich pe heolde on mine fote ^u n So hit bitide pat ich mote And pu pere ut of pine rise pu scholdest singe an oper pise 55 pe nihtegale ^af anspare 3if ich me loki pip pe bare And me schilde pip pe blete Ne recche ich noht of pine prete 3if ich me holde in mine hegge 29 nijtingale Cot. — iseyh Arch. — 30 bihold Cot. biholde|) Arch, — 31 J)U3te Cot. — w\ (= vul) Cot. — hule Cot. — 32 lodlich Cot. and Arch. — 33 ho sede Cot. — flo Cot. — 34 wurs Arch, wrs Cot. — so Cot. iseo Arch. — 35 wle Cot. — 36 ofte Arch. — fur- lete Arch. — 37 liorte atfli)? Cot. — tonge Cot. — 38 ponne Cot. hwenne Arch. — 40 howelynge Arch. — 41 J50S hule Cot. — 42 ho Qot. — mi^te Cot. — 43 vor Cot. — horte Cot. — 44 neyh Arch, — atset Arch. — 46 hw Arch. — 47 pest Cot. wenestu ArcK — 48 J)e Arch. — 49 grome Arch. — 50 tone Cot. — scho- rae Arch. — 51 if Arch. — holde Cot. — vote Arch, uote Cot. — 54 sholdest Cot. — pse Cot. wise Arch. — 55 yaf Arch. — answare Cot. onsware Arch. — 56 wi]) Arch, pit Cot. — 58 no)t Cot. nouht Arch, 60 Ne recche icli never hpat pu segge " Ich pot pat pu art unmilde pip lieom pat ne mu^e (heom) from pe schilde And pu tukest prope and uvele a • / ^y^^(Jr< Hpar pu miM caejp emale fu^ele^^ -^(^-(/v*^ 65 Forf-pi) pu afe^b]M fu^elcunne'^s. Arch. fol. 229 c] ^^ And alle heo pe driveplieonne „„ ^~-;^>, y ^ And pe bischricEep and bigredep — i^A^ (rvJt And pel narepe pe biledep. ' ' And ek for pe pe sul^e_mpse^ ^t^' ^^** ^^^' ^^^^^ 70 Hire ponkes polde fe StQ^e-^./J^^^^''>>t.^^^ pu art loplich to biliolde And pu art lop in monie folde pi bodi is scbort pi sy^ore is smal Grettere is pin heved pan pu al '^ 75 pin(e) e^eji beop colblake and brode ^ Biht spa m 'per en ipeint mid pode pu staresfso pu pille abi^teg,,,, Al pat pu miht mid chjre smiten ^ ii ^^1® ^^ ^^i^ ^^^ scharp and hoked ^ 80 Riht so an opel pat is croked par mid pu clackest oft and longe ^ And pat is on of pine songe ^ Ac pu pretest to mine flesche - Mid pine cli^rea p(^d^st me mesche 85 pe pere r^a;d^ €o 6rie frogge , , . i \ pat sit at mulne under cogge -^ ^^-^^ ~ o^i} 6\ ^ ^,^^,w^ Snailes^^Mf and fule pihte ] ^ ^ Beop pine cunde and pine rihte pu sittest a dai and fiihst a niht 90 pu cupest pat pu art on unpiht «v -ru^^ , 60 nev' Cot. — phat Cot, hwat Arch. — 62 wi]) Cot. and Arch, — muwe Arch, — fro se Cot. — 64 hwar Arch, whar Cot. — mi)t Cot. — vowele Arch. — 65 vor Cot. and Arch. — fuelkunne Cot. fowel- cunne Arch. — 66 ho Cot. — honne Cot. — 67 biscryche]) ArcK — bigredet Cot. — 68 biledet Cot. — 71 lodlich Cot. and Arch. — 73 short Cot. scort Arch. — spore Cot. swere Arch. — 74 gret- ture Arch. — 75 eyen Arch. — bo)) Cot. — 76 ri^t Cot. — so Arch. — ho Cot. — 78 mist Cot. — 79 sarp Arch. — 80 ri)t Cot. — as on Arch. — owel Cot. ewel Arch. — 81 clackes Cot. clechest Arch. — ev' a mong Arch, for oft and longe — 83 fleshe Cot. vley- sse Arch. — 84 meshe Cot. meysse Arch. — 85 icundur Cot. — 86 wanting in Cot. — 87 pi)te Cot. wihte Arch. — 88 bo)) Cot. — ri)te Cot. — 89 flyst Arch. fli)t Cot. — ni)t Cot. -r' pu art loplich and unclene Bi pine neste ich hit mene And ek bi pine fule brode pu fedest on heom a pel ful fode (1^ 95 pel postu pat hi dop par inne /f^^-v^ Hi fulep hit up to pe chinne sjf^^ , Heo sittep par so hi beo bisn^^ //lyyiM^^ , , . Hpar bi men seggep a forbisne -^ ^ rr^ DaKftt hnhiiP T^Q+. iTtp >.osfr— rms. a Dahet habbe pat itke best^'""" [ms. Arch. fol. 229 d] 100 pat fulep his o^e nest a \ pat oper ^er a faucun br§dde 0^^^"^^ His nest noht pel he ne bihedde par to pu stele in o day ^/*»^> And leidest par on pi fule ey-^M. Cot. fol. 233d] 105 po hit bicom pat he hahie.-^ And of his eyre briddes prahte He brohte his briddes mete t ^ Biheold his nest ise^ hi et^ v^ ^ 4^6^-^ He ise) bi one halve ,|i* t^^"^^"^ , ifjiM^ 110 His nest ifuled uthaliaf^ ^ M^^ pe faucun pas prop pip his bridde , yl^^ihyJUi And lude ^al and sterne chidde"" Seggep meThpo havep pis ido a J '^^ Ou nas never icunde par to t^Q-^Cd^^-l^ 115 Hit pas idon ou a lope custe Seggep me ^if ^e hit piste ^^\.,yy^ ^ cpap pat on and cpap pat oper \ r^'^^ jpjg ]jj^ P^g ^^ Q^Q broper tpjt'"— ^ — pat^eond pat havep pat grete heved ^^^'f'^''^ 120 Pai pat hit nis par of bireved i Peorp hit ut mid pe aire furste pat liis necke him toberste 91 lodlich Cot, and Arch. — 94 horn Cot, — 95 wel Arch, vel Cot. — 97 ho Cot, — bo Cot, — 98 hwar Arch. J)ar (par?) Cot. — seg- get Cot. — 99 dehaet Arch, — 100 ope Cot. owe Arch, — 101 faukim Cot, — 102 no^t Cot. nowiht Arch. — 104 fole Cot, — 105 ha)te Cot. hayhte Arch, — 106 prahte Cot. wrauhte Arch. — 107 ho brohte Cot. heo brouhte Arch, — 108 bihold Cot, — iseyh Arch, — 111 wi]) Arch, pit Cot. — 112 yal Arch, — sturne Arch, — 113 segget Cot. — po havet Cot, — 114 eu Arch. — per Arch, — 115 lo]) wiste Cot. — 116 segge Cot. — 117 que)) Arc/i. — quad Cot. — 118 it Cot, — 05er Cot, owe Arch, — 119 pe ^ond Cot. ))at yeonde Arch. — haved Cot, — 120 hi Cot. he Arch. — 121 worp Cot. werp Arch. — vyrste Arch, prste Cot, \im. Arch. fol. 230 a] Pe faucun ilefde his bridde And nom^ pat fule brid a midde 125 And ^arp bit of pan pilde bo^e pat pie and crope bit todro^e ^.^..^jxS^ Her bi men seggep a bispel-^-^^^f ^^^''''^^^^'^ pe^ bit ne beo fulliche spel Al so bit is bi pan ungode 130 pat is icumen of fule brode And is imeind pip frfeo monne^ Ever he cup pat he com gonne pat he com of pan adeleje ^ pe5 he _a freo nestejej^^., ._„.„..,... . , 135^pe> appel tretf^TTIrom pon treope '^^ ^^JrUcA^ M^ par he and oper mide greope pe^ he beo par from bicume He cup pel hponene he is icume [nas. Cot. fol. 234 a] peos pord a3af pe nihtegale 140 And. after pare longe tale Heo song so lude and|So'acharpe_ -4- * Riht so me gri^Ci(ffilSniarpe ''^^'^'^l ^^^^"^^^^^^f^^L^ peos ule Imte^piderpard _ p -x. • Ji And heoldiiiiFe~"e^n neop erpaij ^ ~^^ -^^-"^^-^^.^fs^ t J ^^/^JW5- And sat tospolle and il' (^^^\j$, Al so heo hadde one frogge ispolje^. ^"^ For heo pel^is^e and pas ipar pat heo song^liOTS a! bisc And no pe les heo 5aT~andspa^ 150 Hpi neltu ffeob intope And schepi hpepeifnSE^ beo Of brihter heope of^irer bleo 123 levede Arch. — ibridde Arch, -j- 125 bope Cot. bowe Arch. <^p, I. 15 — 126 todrope Cot, todrowe Arch. — 127 per Arch. — 128 bo Cot. — 131 meind Cot. and Arch. — pit fro Cot. — 132 j)enne Arch. — 134 fro Cot. — 135 iron Cot. — pe Arch, — trope Cot. treo' Arch. — 136 mid grope Cot. grewe A7'ch. — 137 bo Cot. — 138 phonene Cot. hwenene Arch. — 139 ])0S Cot. — ni)tingale^of. — 141 he Cot. — 142 ri^t Cot. — 143 ))os hule Cot. — 144 hold— Cot. — e^e Cot. eyen Arch, — no))erpad Cot. ne])erward Arch. — 145 tosuoUe Cot. — ibolye Cot. tobolewe Arch. — 146 ho Cot. — hedde Arch. — isiiol5e Cot. iswolwe Arch. — 147 ho Cot. — 148 ho Cot. — 149 na Arch. — ho Cot. — andsuare Cot. ondsware Arch. — 150 phi Cot. hwy Arch. — flon Cot. — 151 schewi Arch. sepi Cot. — Jjare (pare?) Cot. for hpejjer — bo Cot. — 152 brih- ter Cot. briht' Arch. — hope Cot. hewe Arch. — vairur bio Cot. ^ ^ \^ r^u^ y^ No pu havest scharpe clape ?\ry Ne k6]3e ich noht pat pu me clape ^ ^ 155 pu havest clivres spipe stroiige ^^^ pu t^engest par mid so dop a ton^ .^^'-^teU P^ poHtest so dop pine ilike '^V?^'^ jJJJ^'^^ Mid faire porde me bisp|ke "TC^^ Ich iiolde don pat pu me raddest 160 Ich piste pel pat pu me misraddest Schamie pe for pine unrede . ^ Unpro^en is pi spikelhede Asl Cji^y^^^ ' Schild pi spikeldom from pe lihte And hud pat po)e a mong pe rihte . 165 Hpanne pu pilt pin unriht sgenecJ^o^^oa-^ Loke pat hit ne beo isene For spikeldom havep schome and hete [ms. Arch. fol. -Jp ^ii hit is ope and under^ete 'lA-^t-iti^.S^^^^-'^-^ j^j^j\^^\ "^^ Ne spedestu noht micTpnie unprencheu>»ola«Xr^^ 170 For ich am par and can pel blenche/^tl^ Oumr-^ Ne helpp noht pat pu beo so priste-J.^^ Ich polde fihte bet mid liste "Tms. Cot. fol. 234b] pan pu mid alle pine stre^n^pj.-<. Ich habbe on brede and ek on lengpe 175 Castel god on mine lisei>Art(Y peFfiht pat pel fliht seip pe pise Ac lete^^) a pei peos cheste . a ^^-- For spiche pordes beop unpreste - W < ^^Ca^ -^ I / ^ J And fa'pd on mid rihte dome JC^ 180 Mid faire porde and mid isome ^^Ajt^^r^^ci-^ pe^ pe ne beon at one acorde ^ jUjS. pe mu^e bet mid fayre porde pipute cheste and bute fihte Plaidi mid fo3e and mid rihte 153 pel'scliarpe Cot, — 154 kep Cot. — no)t Cot. — 155 clivers Cot. — swipe Arch. su]?e Cot. — 156 tuengst Cot. — 157 ])0)test Cot. ))outest Arch. — iliche Arch. — 158 biswike Cot. and Arch. — 161 scbomye Arch. — J)in Cot. — 162 unwryen Arch. — suikelhe- de Cot. swikehede Arch. — 163 ])me Cot. — suikeldom Cot. swike- dom Arch. — vram Cot. — 11)16 Cot. — 165 ))ane (pane ?) Cot. — 167 suikedom Cot. swikedom Arch. — haved Cot. — 169 sped- destu no)t Cot. — J)in Arch. — 171 to(?) Cot. — 172 vi)te Cot. — 173 al Cot. and Arch. — 174 ech Cot. — 176 fi)t Cot. — fli)t Cot. — 177 ])0S Cot. — 178 suiche Cot. suche Arch. — hop Cot. — 179 ri3te Cot. — 180 some Arch. — 181 bo Cot. — 182 mawe Arch. — 183 pitute Cot, — 184 so))e Arch, for fo)e p 185 And mai ure eiper hpat he pile Mid rihte segge and mid skile amJ^ /CVslT^ ft^ cp^P P® ule hpo schal us seme'" ^ pat cunne and pille riht us denae ia*'VX\^ ^^Ich pot percpap pe nihtegale ^^^g^^ y^ IWNe p^rf par of beono tale-.:^^!!!- -^J^^, -^-''Maister Nichole ofljuldeforde "y-^-*— 1^ ne IS pis ana pur oi porde , - |a i jCi \^ He is of porde spipe ^m-A-^^^^^^^'M^'^ And him is lop evrich unpeu 195 He pot insiht in eche sdnglr Hpo singep pel hpo singep pronge And he can schede from pe rihtcr" pat po^te pat pu^e^r from pe lihte pe ule one hpile hi bipohte 200 And after pan pis pord up brohie Ich granti pel pat he us derae [ms. Arch, fol 230 c} For -pe^ he pere hpile b^me - JLft.-.^<^.'t<<^-- -And lejof liim pere nihtegale ' And oper pihte gepte and smale j^r^ 205 Ich pot he isM^pipe acoled ^^^^^ ^ Nis he for pe nopiht afoled ' [ms. Cot. fol. 234 c] pat he for pine' olde luve Me a dun legge and pe buve Ne schaltu nevre so him cpeme 210 pat he for pe fals dom deme He is nu ripe and fastrede . Ne lust him nu to none^nrede fT„-o^>^'i^^^^VA/v-c. * Ule heo seide^seie me sop Hpi dostu pat unpihtes dop 185 hure Cot. ur Arch. — pat hi Got, — lo7 qua]) Cot. and Arch. — J)u (pu?) Cot. — 188 kuiine Cot. —190 ]jer ^rc^i. — bo Cot. — 192 an Cot. — 193 dome su)3e Cot. — 195 euche Arch. — 196 po singet Cot. — 197 con Arch. — vrom Cot. — ri^te Cot. — 198 li^te Cot. — 199 po hule Cot. — pile Cot. — bifo^te Cot. — 200 bro)te Cot. — 202 pile Cot. — 203 lof Cot. — ni^tingale Cot. nihtingale Arch. — 205 su])e Cot. — 206 no3t Cot. — 207 love Cot. — 208 abuve Arch. — 209 queme Cot. and Arch. — 215 ware Arch. — 216 ho Cot. — had Cot. hedde Arch. — ilorned Cot. — aiware Cot, ihware Arch. — 217 hule ho sede Cot. 8 pu singest a niht' andKnoht a dai J 220 And al pi song is pai la jji, j^ al^^'^^^ pu miht mid pine soiiige afere -Sy^'^^-'v^ o AUe pat iherep pine ibere_>'%.4rt4^ pu schricliest and ^olIesT to" pine fere pat hit is grislich to ihere " - / 225 Hit pinchep bope pise and snej^^^0^r&^^^V^ Noht pat pu singe ac pat pu pep^ pu flihst a nihtand noht a dai par of ich p^iiiiiKi and pel mai For evrich ping pat schunep riht- 230 Hit luvep puster and hatep liht And evrich ping pat luvep misdede . Hit luvep puster to his dede ^ (^^ A pis pord pe) hit heo unclene_- - »t>''*^'^^ /f Vjj/=^^ ' " i^^ a muper iihene -y^^ 235 For Alfredking hit seide and prot [ms. Arch. fol. 230 d] ^ He schunep pat hine ful pot Ich pene pat pu dost al so For pu flihst nihtes ever mo /LmaJ^ And oper ping me is a pene^"" 240 pu havest a niht pel brihtelene Ims. Cot. fol. 234d] Bi daie pu art stareblind / -"" pat pu ne sihst ne bo) ne strind- tVuv^v^^^^'^'^'' A dai pu art blind oper bisne par bi men seggep a^Torbisne 245 Riht so hit farp bi pan ungode pat noht ne isihp to none gode , And is so ful of uvele prenche6i^.O->^ pat him ne mai no manT atp rench e Jiy^^-'C^^P^ And can pel pane pustre pai 250 And pane brihte laf^aTpai - . So dop pat beop of pine cimde^^^^"'''"^ Of lihte nabbep hi none imunde peos ule luste spipe longe 222 here)) Arch. — 223 schirchest Cot. scrichest Arch, — 228 wndri Cot, and Arch. — 229 schuniet Cot. schoniej) Arch. — 230 luvie|) Arch. — hatiet Cot. — 231 is lof Cot. for luvej) — 233 bo Cot. — 234 monne Arch. — 236 schunet Cot. — wl Cot. — 239 an Cot. for and — 242 sichst Cot. syst Arch. — bouh of lind Arch. — 244 segget Cot. —. 246 suj) Cot. — 248 atprenche Cot. aprenche Arch. — 249 ]>ene Arch. — ])urste Cot. — 251 bo)) Cot, — 253 ))0S hule Cot, — suj>e Cot. And pas ofteoned spipe stroiige 255 Heo cpapypu hattest nihtegale P b!) j) pii militest bet lioten galagale yuru^^ ^y^mo^ For pu liavest to monie tale Lat pine tunge habbe spale /W^^U,-rf>«l-t — , pii penest pat pes dai beo^pin o^e 260 Lat me nu habbe mine pro3e\,4.-/J«LA-C-^ oj^ M.Awt- Beo nu stille and lat me speke Ich pille beon of pe apreke And lust liu icli con me bitelle Mid rihte sope pipute spelle-- ---^.f^-tf-e-^^ 265 pu seist pat ich me hu"de^ dai par to ne segge ich no nai And lust ich telle pe hpar fore Al hpi hit is and hpar fore Ich habbe bile stif and stronge [ms. Arch. fol. 231a] 270 And gode clivres scharp(e}_jin_d_longe ^^j r~£ f ^. So hit bicumep to haVelies cunne " " ^^-^-^-U' ^t-^ j|A^'"Hit is minTiihte hit is mi punjiB — - — 7- — '^-''^^-^^^JI^^^.aA^ pat ich me dra^e to mine cunde^/C*^--^ ^ Ne mai no man par for (me) schende [nas. Cot. fol. 275 On me hit is (ful) pel isene ^^^^^ For rihte cunde ich am so kene / jA-v^ For pi ich am lop smale fu5ele^^.---#^^;|^^lAAr^ pat fleop bi grunde and bi pu^ele_ Hi me bichirmel) and bigredep 280 And heore ilockes to menidep /Me is leof to habbe reste And sitte stille in mine neste For nere ich never no pe betere . \^ \jL pe^ ich mid chavling and mid chatere - c^^y^-^-^^^'^^ 285 Heom sc hen de and mid fule por3e~ ^ ^tt So herctes dop pper mid schitporde tCo-ia-? XA^'vu'\/t>u,^^X^ ^Jy^^ Ne.iusTme pip pe screpen'^mde ^ U Zi^o aj . 3ftbiied suh Cot. — 255 ho CoU—^^d 254 oftbned suj> Cot. — 255 ho Cot, -—Wettest Cot. — 259 bo Cot. — owe Arch. — 260 ])rowe Arch. — 262 wile Arch. — beo Arch. bon Cot. — 263 hw Arch. — 264 wi])ute Arch, pitute Cot. — 266 nidi ne Cot. nik no Arch. — 267 pare vore Cot. — 268 pi Cot. — 270 clivers Cot. clevres Arch. cmp. I. 155 — 272 hi3te Cot. — 274 ])are vore Cot. — 276 vor ri^te Cot. — 277 fo)le Cot. vowele Arch. cm2). I. 64 — 278 flo)) Cot. ~ an Cot. — 279 bichermet Cot. — 280 hore Cot. — 281 lof Cot. — 284 ])eyh Arch. ))if (yif ?) Cot. •— chang- ling Arch. — 285 horn Cot. —^ 2^7 wij) Arch, pit Cot. 2 ;a me ne ^eonie — ^ i^ ^X\r For pi icli |>ende from heom Hit is a -pise moiine dome 290 And hi hit seggej) -pel ilome^ pat me ne chide *" "' ~'^ ' Ne |>ip pan ofne me ne ^eonie At sume sipe herde ich teftte^^ ' ^^, Hu Alfred seide on his spelle /djj*^"*^^'^^ 295 Loke pat pu ne beo pare >ar chavling beop and cheste ^are Lat sottes chide and forp pu go And ich am pis and do al so And ^et Alfred seide an oper side A pord pat is isprunge pido pat pip pe fule havep imene Ne cumep he never froiSTTiTm clene ^Jgenestu pat havec beo pe porse [ms. Arch. fol.231b] )e^ cfope bi£re_de him bi pe niersclie WiA^ j^ lid gop to him mid heore chirme^ ' ^^'^^^ Riht so hi pille pip him schir^e '"^'^^ pe (lave^^ fol^ep gode rede He fliht his pei and lat hi grede [ms. Cot. fol. 235 b] 3et pu me seist of oper pinge And telst pat ich ne can noht singQ Ac al mi- reorcle is poning — And to ihere grislich ping pat nis noht sop ich singe efne Mid fulle dremQ and lude stefne ^y^r"^-^^^ 315 pu penest pat ech song beo gnsTich pat pine pipinge nis ilMif^^ h-,/J-^^^^ Ui~stefne/)is bold and noht unorne i^^^ Heo iFHrchnlne grete home ~^ . And pin is ilich one^pipe^ tu-C-fi^-M, 320 Of one smale pe(Jde unripe Ich singe bet pan pu dest pu chaterest so dop on Irisch prest Ich singe an eftie.a rihte time 290 segget (M. — 291 ^pitOo^^'^ 292 ^onie Cot, — 293 i Cot. and Arch. — 294 sede Cot — 296 cliLngling Arch, — 297 vor]) Cot, and Arch. — 303 havek Arch. — wrse Arch, — 304 mershe Cot, — 305 hore Cot, — 307 folewej? Arch, — 308 & fli^t Cot. — 309 0])' Cot, — 310 tellest Arch. — 311 rorde Cot. — 312 hire Cot, — 315 bo Cot, — 317 bled & 1103! Cot, — 318 ho Cot, — 320 po- de Cot, — 322 prost Cot. p'st Arch, — 323 eve Cot, fsing(^ , 11 And seoppe hpon hit is bedtime 325 pe pridde sipe a middelnihte And so ich mine song adihte H]>one ich iseo arise feorre- . -t/inA^ Oper dairim oper daisteoyre -'^^•-^^'^^^^'^^ Ich do god mid mine prote 330 And parni men to heore note -YV-,.^ Ac pu singest alle longe niht q -A ij'^/-^^"^ From eve fort hit is dailiht ^jj^^-^^ And evre lestep pin o song ^^ So longe so pe niht is long ----^ ^^"-^ ^i. 335 And evre cro]>ep pi precche crei j g jap-^^^^^ pat he ne s^ep niht ne dai .^rM-^d^-'^-'^-'^ Mid pine i^ipinge pu a dunest [ms. Arch. fol. 231c] pas monnes earen par pu punest . And makest pine song so- un^iht aat-ucK'^-^ 340 pat me ne telp of pe no^iht , , s^ Evrich mur^pe mai so longe ileste ^ ^ pat heo schal liki yel unpreste [ms. Cot. fol. 235 e] For harpe and pipe and fu^eles song Mislikep ^if hit is to' long 345 Ne beo pe song never so niurie ^yr^JU^^ ^ • pat he ne schal pinche unmurie . 3ef he ilestep over unpille .^Aj^^^J^.^^''-'^'^^--^^ So pu miht pine song aspille For hit is sop Alfred hit seide 350 And me hit mai in boke rede Evrich ping mai leosen his godhede .^l^j^Mid tmmepe and mid overdeile-^ — " ^ j t yV^Mid este pu'pe miht ove^cfatie^/ue^v -"^-^^ \ ^^p^'-ltuJ^verfulle m^akep |?latie^ Th "WX\ dUoat lieo par after mihte segge- ^^f^^^ For heo"ne mihte noht alegge A^^-^?-^^ 395 pat pe ule hadde hire isecl ^ For heo spac hope riht and red And hire ofpuhte pat heo hadde pe speche so feor forp iladde And pas aferd pat hire anspare 400 Ne purpe noht a riht ifare ^ Ac no pe les heo spac boldeliche j ^^ For he is pis pat hardeliche y» j^-'^^^^'"^^*^'^^*'^"^ pip his fo berp grete^Hfit©— -pat he. for arghp^'hTtne forlete — pat ne. tor argnp^iiit ne lorlete -^ 405 For spich porp bokl ^if pu flihst :dr a o ftJ^S* VV^*^ ^ pat pile fleo ^if pu nis^^iJ^ polcumep me pat pu hit pite Bid" me mid hire faire bleo^ pat ich schulle to hire flfiO-^A [ms. Arch, fol 232 b] pe rose al so mid hire rude^^je^d^^/v^viL^^ pat cumep ut of pe porne l^udet>r&£ga4 Cot. fol. 236 b] 445 Bid me pat ich schulle singe For hire luve one skentjnge And ich so do pur) niht and dai pe more ichsinge pe more ich mai ^^' And skentef hTjmid mine sqiige ayyrJuusisL |T;j-^^''^'^^^ -^ 450 Ac no" pe iW^oht overionge ^^'"'^^^'^^^^^!Ca^\ H|>ane ich iseo pat men beop glade \ Ichjielle pat hi beon to sade Hpane is ido for h|>an ich com___-;;-f7 2sJt^ Ich fare a^en and jlo-^isdonT ( hAy^f'^ 455 Hpane mon ho^^of his s cheve \r\ ^^,— -ArrnJ^falepi cuTirep' on grene"! iW^^^^ Ich fa^rehom and nime leve i.*-^ -ArmJ^falepi cuTirep' on grene leve "^ Ne recche ich noht of pinteres reve t^^l.^ 424 hop Cot. — 426 ev' iclie Arch. — 427 ro)te Cot. rouhte Arch. — 430 vor panne Cot. — 431 sorewe Arcfi. — 432 to a mo rewe Arch. — 435 & blissej) Cot. — 437 spnge & spde Cot. — 438 in Arch, for on — 440 wolcume)) Cot. welcome]) A^^ch. — peyh Arch, for })at — pte Cot. — 444 )5ornewode Cot. ayid Arch. — 445 bit Cot. — 448 i Cot. — 449 an Cot. — 453 pan ())an?) Cot. bwenne Arch. — for hwan Arch, vor pan (Jjan?) Cot. — 455 hwanne Arch, pane Cot. — ho- wiej) Arch. — sheve Cot, — 456 falewi Cot. and Arch, H|>ane ich iseo pat cumep pat harde ^ j' 460 Ich fare horn to inin(e) erde — ~C^SaA>'>'J/v*^ And habbe bope luve aTuT ^onc i'T^^^iov^J^^^'W' pat ich her com and hider s|>onc H|>ane min erende is ido ' Scholde ich bileve nai hpar to /xj-x-a-^ 465 For he nis noper ^ ne pis ^?^<^ Tu^r-" tA'^-*»-<^ pat longe abid pafhim neodSiis peos ule liist e and leide an hord Al pis mot pord after pord jji/ And after pohte hii heo mihte hj 470 Anspere finde best mid rihte For he mot hine ful pel bipenche . . j s/A iJl pat is aferd of pjaite£prenchfi disdr^J^ dUi'^.JL^Y^'-^ pu aischest me pe ule ,sede„ Hpi ich a pinter singe aiuTgredeCLA^M^ 475 Hit is gode monne ipune ~ y - And pas from pe porlde frume pat ech god man his freond icnope [ms. Arch. fol. 232 o] And blisse mid hferJffl^ume pro^e [ms. Cot. fol. 236 c] p^ In^his huse at his horde . ^ . \^ 480 Mid^ire speche and faire porde g oyvJ^^^^^^^^^ And liure and hure to cristes masse ^jrjL^ Sone so pu TiavesT ltrede "' Ne mihtu leng a pord icpe^HjdM ^jf^^'-^n.^^ Ac pipest al so dop a iSose " nj-trv-^t.^ (^^^x(^>^"'^'^*^'Tn mid stefiie irfls^... ^^^ 505 3et pu singst -[^orse pan pelieisug^ge pat flilip bi grunde a mong^]re stubbe H|?ane pi lust is ago *«k- Jj^/l/^lO And forcrempeTT and forbredep.^ C-^^-^^-'-y^^&S^^'^w r^ Hit nis for luve no peles [ms. Arch. fol. 232 d] f Y^i^^P^"^ ^c is pes cheorles pods res/*vA^nis. Cot. fol. 236 d] ^^ For hpane he havep ido his dede Ifallen is ' al his boldhede 515 Habbe he istunge under gore Ne last his luve no lenger more . Al so hit is on pine mode^^ ^,y^ \)J\jrt^ \ yre Arch. — 549 noht ri3t Cot. — 550 bicloped Cot. bicleped Arch. — 551 an Cot. — 552 link' Cot. — 553 wile Arch, — 555 ansuare Cot, onswere Arch, — if Arch. — 556 sey Arch. — 559 0j>' Cot. and Arch. 3 /^ n 18 a^ And nis pi re^el ndpihf' long < -^ (T^ Hpat dostu g^des k^raong manne Na mo pene dep a precche pranne 565 Of pe ne cumep non oper god Bute pu gredegt spich pu beo pod And beo pi piping overgo Ne beop on pe craftes na mo Alfred sede pat pas pis 570 He mihte pel for sop hit is Nis no man for his bare songe Leof ne purp noht spipe longe For pat is a forporpe man pat bute singe noht ne can 575 pu nart bute on forporpe ping On pe nis bute chatering pu art dim and of ivle heov^:^^ ^ ^ And pinchest a Intel ^oii^o^b^^j -^ ^jOiM^ pu nart fair ne pu nart strong [ms. Arch. fol. 233 b] 580 Ne punart picke ne pu nart long [ms. Cot. fol. 237 b] pu havest imist al of fairhede And Intel is al pi godhede An oper ping of pe ich mene pu nart fair ne pu nart clene ^UlA^^^^^^^^ 585 Hpane pu comest to /^lann^ ha^e^ wA-*^''^ par pornes beop and irs'^Sra^ '^ Bi hegge and bi picke peode ^"-.^^ ' W/s^ ' par men gop oft to heore neode "^^^ V^^'^^^l- — ""^ par to pu dra^st par to pu punest --^ 590 And oper clene stede pu schunest Hpan ich fleo nihtes after muse Ich mai pe finde at pe rumhuse 562 ryel Arch, — no J)ing Cot. — 563 monne Cot. and Arch. — 564 ])e Cot. — do]) Arch. — percche Cot. — wrenne Arch. — 566 swich Arch, suich Cot. — bo Cot. be Arch. — 569 seyde Arch. — wes Arch. — 571 mon Arch. — is Cot. — 572 prj) Cot. wr)? Arch. — no5t suj>e Cot. — 573 vor Cot. and Arch. — furwr])e Arch. — 574 no)t Cot. naht Arch. — 575 o furwrpe Arch. — 577 lieowe Arch, hope Cot. — 578 litel Arch. — elope Cot. clewe Arch. — 579 fayr Arch. — no Cot. — 580 J)ikke Arch. — 581 al not in Arch. — 582 an Cot. — al not in Arch. — godede Cot. — 584 vair Cot. feyr Arch. — 585 pane Cot', hwanne Arch. — monne hawe Arch. — 586 idrawe Arch. — 587 weode Arch, pode Cot. — 588 hore node Cot. — 589 draust Arch. — pnest Cot. wenst Arch. — 590 stude Arch. — 591 ni)tes Cot. nyhtes Arch. — 592 i Cot. — vinde Cot. and Arch. — ate ruhuse Cot. ""%> 19 A mong pe peode a mong pe netle'"'""^ pu sittest and singst bihinde pe setle^ 595 pai^^3^ mai pe ilomest J&nde^ -'t^pi/h^crtAJ'' par men peorgep liore bihinde 3et pu; atpile^ me mine mete And seist pat ich fule pihtes ete Ac hpat etestu pat pu ne li^e ^0 Bute attercoppe and fule fli^e ^ '^And purmes ^if pu miht finde A mong pe folde of harde rinde .■ -^ ^ 3®^ i^^ ^^^ ^iJ'®^ gode pik^"-"^ 'h^^.- A T For ich~<}aa£lop manne plEe ^^^[j } j<;j2J!ij60b And mine piFe beop pelgode ''^'^p^^ y^Jy^jlhW For ich helpe to manne fode , a _ ___^ ^^^^^^^ Ich can {riiinen mis, ^t beri^^. UV( tri^vn nX^'t)^'^^ ^^^^ ek aFjfiifcfie in pe defile;— v^ )J^^^^^ For me is leof to cristes huse 610,^0 clansi hit pip fule muse \Sn^ Ne schal par nevre cume t< »«^- Ful piht ^if ich hit mai ^fe trX And ^if me lust on mi sker ^ Vj"^>^-^ To pernen oper yw^^^^^^.jt^ [ms. Cot. foL 237 c] \Sn^ Ne schal par nevre cume to ^"^^'^^'7 i And ^if me lust on mi skentin^ [ms. Arch. fol.233c] 615 Ich habbe at 'jnfaT keoJ*^?^ grete \ Mid picke bo3e no ping b]ete -^^^ ., a^nnrUA.-y^ And his heou never ne forleost 620 Hpan hit sniup ne hpan hit freest par in ich habbe god ihold A pintre parm a sumere cold Hpane min hus stent briht and grene 593 pode Cot. wede Arch. — 595 pe may Arcft. — 596 porpe]? Cot. worpej) Arch, — heore Arch. — 597 yet Arch. — atvritest Arch. atuitest Cot. — 599 lye Arch. — 600 vli)e Cot. vlye Arch. — 601 wurmes Arch, pormes Cot. — mi)te finde Cot. myht fynde Arch. — 602 volde Cot. and Arch. — 604 monne Arch. — 606 uode Cot. and Arch. — 607 nime Cot. nime Arch. — 608 churche Arch. — ine Cot. — 611 come Cot. — 612 ivo Arch, do ivo Cot.— 613 an Cot. — one Cut. — 614 wunying Arch, pnienge Cot. — 615 wode Arch. — tron Cot. — pel not in Arch. — 616 bowe Arch. — 617 g'ne Arch. — 619 hou Cot. — nev' Cot. and Arch. — vorleost Arch. vorlost Cot. — 620 pan Cot. hwanne Arch. — sny we Arch. — frost Cot. and Arch. -~ 621 inne ic Arch. — 622 wint' Arch, pint' Cot. — 623 pane (Jjane?) Cot. ]jane Arch. — bri)t Cot. 3* V y V 20 Of pine nis nopiht isene 625 3et pu me kw pat hi forletep in heofe'du^epe -> jL.-^-^/^>.W 635 Hpat can pat ^ongling hit bihede « 3if hit misdep hit mot nede A forbisne is of olde ifurne ^ pat neode makep old pif urne- • And 5et ich habbe an oper andspare 640 piltu to mine neste fare And loki hu hit is idiht Ji£pu art pis rieornrl)u miht ^___. ^^^. ^ t^.MjJ> &nest is hol^'^d rum a middT^^^^^ ^ So hit is softest mine bridde <:r^€». i 645 Hit is ibroidfin^ aFahute „ l From pe^ste f^''pipute •-' ^. '^ t par to hi (gop: to heore iieode-----'"" /^vv-£v^r\M^ Ac hpat pu ihenest ich heom forbeode [ms.^t!ot. fol.237d pe inniep ^eme of nianne bure ^^- Arch. fol. 233 d] 650 And after pah pe makep ure ^f / Men habbep a mong opre ipende A rumhus at heore^ bures ^nde For pat hi nellep to^or go And mine briddes dop al so 624 no ))ing Cot. — 625 o]?' Cot. and Arch. — 627 no^t Cot. nouht Arch. — 628 fale Cot. and Arch. — o])' pi^te Cot. — 629 vor Cot. and Arch. — 630 bo)) Cot. for doj) — wile Arch. — valle Arch. — 631 children Co^.— 632 chorles an Co^. — 633 3oeJ>e Cot. youYipe Arch, — 634 duhpe Arch. — 635 hwat Arch, pat Cot. — 636 mod Cot. — 637 vorbisne Cot. and Arch. — iwrne Got. iwurne Arch. — 638 node Cot. — eorne Arch. — 640 vare Cot. and Arch. — 641 hw Arch. — 642 leorny Arch, lorni Cot. — mist Arch. mi5st Cot. — 643 holeuh Arch. — 645 ibroyde Arch, broiden Cot. — 646 vrom Cot. and Arch. — veor Arch, vor Cot. — 647 god Cot. — hore node Cot. — 648 horn Cot. — forbode Cot. and Arch. — ^AQ yeme nymej) Arch. — 650 makiej) Arch. — 651 habbet Cot. — oj)' Cot. — 652 ruhus Cot. — 653 vor Cot. and Arch. — veor Arch, vor Cot, r\ (Ko/>{-J<^^<^ 21 ^ 655 Sitte nu stille chateregtre^'^^ Nere pu never ibunde fastre Her to ne findestu never andspare Hong up pin ax nu pu miht fare pe nihtegale at pisse porde 660 Pas pel ne^ ut of rede iporpe And pohte ^eorne on hire mode 3if heo oht elles understode 3if heo cupe oht bute singe pat mihte helpe to oper pinge 665 Her to heo moste andspere finde Oper mid alle beon bihinde And hit is spipe strong to fihte A^en sop and a^en rihte He mot gon to al mid ginne 670 Hpan pe heorte beop on pinne And pe man mot oper segge ^ ^ ^ j^ j'-.a.^L- He mot bihe mmen and ,b^jg.ge hJUry^ CJUr^^^^'^^'''^''^ 3if mup pipute mai bipreo pat(me)pe heorte noht'niseo 675 And sone mai a pord misreke par mup schal a)en heorte speke And sone mai a pord missteorte par mup schal speken a^en heorte Ac no pe les 3et upe pon 680 Her is to red hpo'^ine^on i^-tA For never nis pit so kene f/y^ aJ So hpane recL him is a perifii^-''*'^^^»r''CJot. fol. 238 a] panne erest cumep his ^ephede-^s. Arcli. fol. 234 a] Hpone hit is aire mest on dredg. 685 For Alfred seide of olde cpide- AA>A>tA^ And 3ut hit nis of heorte isHde^ 656 vastre Cot, and Arch. — 659 ni^tingale Cot. — 660 neyh Arch. — 661 ])05te ^orne Cot. ])Ouhte yorne Arch. — 662 o^t Cot. ouht Arch. — 663 ho kuj)e o)t Cot. — 665 vinde Cot. vynde Arch. — 666 bon Cot. — 667 su))e Cot. omitted in Arch. — 668 ayeyii so))e Arch. — 670 liorte Cot. and Arch. — bo)) Cot. — pinne Cot. and Arch. — 671 on o))er Cot. — 673 biwreo Arch, bipro Cot. — 674 horte Cot. and Arch. — no)t niso Cot. — 676 horte Cot. and Arch. — 677 misstorte Cot. missturte Arch. — 678 horte Cot. and Arch. — 679 3ut Cot. hyet Arch. — 680 kon Cot. — 681 vor nev' Cot. and Arch, — 682 pane Cot. hwanne Arch. — wene Arch. — 683 kumed Cot. — 685 qiiide Cot. and Arch. — 686 jut Cot. hyet ArcK — horte Cot. and Arch, Hpone pe bale is aire hecg t — — ^ul.^Yr-'^^^''*^^^^^^ ponne is pe bote aire necst .THc-^ 'f- f For pit pest a mong biT^re ^ Vt.^'^*"^-^ 690 And for bis sore hit is pe more " r For pi nis nevre mon redles Ar his beorte beo pities Ac 5if pat be forJeost bis pit ponne is bis redpurs al toslit 695 3if be ne con bis pit atbolde Ne fint he red in one folde For Alfred seide pat pel cupe Evre be spac mid sope mupe Hpone pe bale is aire becst 700 panne is pe bote aire necst pe nibtegale al hire bo^e Mid rede badde pel bito^e A mong pe barde a mong pe tobte Ful pel mid rede hire bipohte 705 And badde andspere gode ifunde A mong al hire barde stunde Ule pu axest me beo seide 3if ich con eni oper dede Bute singen in sume tide 710 And bringe blisse feor and pide Hpi axestu of craftes mine Betere is min on pan a lie pine Betere is o song of mine mupe pan al pat evre pi cun cupe 715 And lust ich telle pe bpar fore postu to hpan man pas ibore [ms. Cot. fol. 238 b] To pare blisse of beoveneriche par ever is song and mur^pe iliche [ms. Arch. fol. 234b] pider fundep evrich man 687 pone Cot. hwenne Arch. — hekst Arch. — 688 Jjenne Arch. — nest Arch. — 689 vor pit pest Cot. and Arch. — 690 & Arch. an Cot. — 691 nev'e Cot. nev' Arch. — 692 horte Cot. and Arch. — 693 if Arch. — J)at not in Arch. — forlost Cot. furleost Arch. — 694 ))enne Arch. — 695 kon Cot. — 696 vint Cot. vynt Arch. — volde Cot. and Arch. — 697 ku])e Cot. — 700 nest Cot. next Arch. — 703 to)te Cot. — 707 ho Cot. — 710 veor Arch, for Cot. — 712 beter Arch. — 714 kun kupe Cot. and Arch. — 715 hwar Arch. pare Cot. — vore Cot. and Arch. — 716 hwan Arch, pan Cot. — 717 Doveneriche Cot. heveriche J.rcA. -718 mureh])e Arch. — 719])id' Cot, '<^ 'hjutAl^ 23 H 720 pat eni ping of gode can x^ J^ For pi me singp in holi chirche And clerkes ginnep songes pirclie Pb^ pat man ipenclie bi pe songe ^^k>-^^^^ Hpider he schal and par beon longe . ^ 725 pat he pe mur^pe ne for^ete ^^^LA^ Ac par of penche and bi^ete C And nime 3eme of chirche stevene Hu murie is pe blisse of hevene Clerkes munekes and canunes 730 par beop peos gode piketunes Arisep up to middelnihte And singep of pon hevenelihte And preostes upe londe singep Hpane pe liht of daie springep 735 And ich heom helpe hpat ich mai Ich singe mid heom niht and dai And heo beop alle for me pe gladdere And to pe songe beop pe raddere Ich parni men to heore gode 740 pat hi beon blipe on heore mode And bidde pat hi moten iseche pan ilche song pat ever is eche Nu pu miht ule sitte and clinge Her a mong nis no chateringe 745 Ich graunti pat pe go to dome Tofore pe sulve pope of Rome Ac abid ^ete no pe les h pu schalt ihere an oper pes ^Jl^^JS-^l^ Ne schaltu for (al) EngefenH^ 750 At pisse porde me atstonde [ms. Cot. fol. 238 c] Hpi atpitestu me mine unstrengpe And mine ungrete and mine unlengpe And seist pat icli nam noht strong For ich nam noper gret ne long [ms. Arch. fol. 234c] 755 Ac pu nost never hpat pu menst 724 pid' \Cot. - bon Cot. ben Arch. — 727 stefne Arch. — 728 hovene Cot. — 730 bo]? ))0S Cot. — picketunes Cot. — 732 J)e hoveneli)te Cot. — 735 ic Arch. — pat i Cot. — 736 horn Cot. hem Arch. — 737 an ho bo]) Cot. — 739 here Cot. — 740 hore Cot. — 741 bidden Arch. — 742 ])at Arch. — ilke Cot. — 746 sulfe Cot. — 748 bles Arch, by a later hand — 751 pi atuitestu Cot. — 753 am Arch. — 754 vor Cot. Bute lese pordes pu me lenst For ich can craft and ich can liste And par fore ich am pus priste Ich can pit and song manteine 760 Ne triste ich to non(e) oper maine For sop hit is pat seide Alfred Ne mai no strengpe a^en red Oft spet pel a lute liste par muche strengpe solde miste 765 Mid lutle strengpe pur) ginne Castel and bur^ me mai ipinne Mid liste me mai palles felle And peorpe of horse cnihtes snelle Uvel strengpe is Intel purp 770 Ac pisdom ne purp never unpurp pu miht iseo purh alle ping pat pisdom navep non evening An hors is strengur pan a mon Ac for hit non ipit ne con 775 Hit berp on rugge grete semes And dra^p bi speore grete temes And polep hope 3erd(e) and spure And stont iteid at mulne dure And hit dep pat mon hit hot 780 And for pan pat hit no pit not Ne mai his strengpe hit ischilde pat hit nabu^p pe lutle childe Mon dep mid strengpe and mid pitte pat oper ping nis non his fitte 785 pe) alle strengpe at one pere Monnes pit ^et more pere [ms. Cot. fol. 238 d] For pe mon mid his crafte Overcumep al eorpliche schafte [ms. Arch. fol. 234d] Al so ich do mid mine one songe 757 ic Arch. — kan Cot. — 758 J)are vore Cot. — 760 ic Arch. — 0])' Cot. — 764 sholde Cot. — myste A-ch. — 765 ))ureh Arch. — 766 bureh Arch. — 767 walles Arch, palle Cot. — 768 porpe Cot. werpe Arch. — knyhtes Arch. kni5tes Cot. — 769 wr]) Arch. — 770 wisdom Arch. — wr)) nev' unwrj) Arch. — 771 myht Arch. I. 770 and 771 are wanting in Cot. — 776 drahj) Arch. — bi sweore Arch, bi vore Cot. — 778 iteyed Arch. — 779 doj) Arch. — 781 strenlje Cot. — 785 pere Cot. and Arch. — 787 vor Cot. and Arch. — 788 or])liclie shafte Cot. — 789 ic Arch. 25 790 Bet pan pu al pe ^er longe For mine crafte men me luviep " For pine strengpe men pe scbuniep . Telstu bi me pe pnrs for pan ])at ich bute anne craft ne can 795 3if tpeie men gof) to prastlinge And eiper oper faste pringe And pe on can spenges spipe fele And can his -prenclies ]>el forhele And pe oper ne can speng bate anne 800 And pe is god pip eche manne And mid pon one leip to grunde Anne after oper a lutle stunde Hpat parf he recche of mo spenge Hpone pe on him is spo genge 805 pu seist pat pu canst fele pike Ac ever ich am pin unilike I)o pine craftes alle to gadere 3et is min on heorte betere Oft hpan hundes foxes drivep 810 pe cat ful pel him sulve livep pe^ lie ne cunne prench bute anne pe fox so godne ne can nanne pe) he cunne so fele prenche pat he penp eche hunde atprenche 815 For he can papes rihte and po^e And he can hongi bi pe bo^e And so forleost pe bund his fore And turnp a)en eft to pan more y>e fox can creope bi pe heie 820 And turne ut from his forme peie [ms. Cot. fol. 239 a] And eft sone cume par to ponne is pes hundes smel fordo [ms. Arch. fol. 235 a] 790 all Arch, for al pe — 794 ic Arch. — enne Arch. — 795 tiieie Cot. twey Arch. — wrastlinge Arch, praslinge Cot. — 796 & Arch. an Cot. — 797 swij)e Arch, supe Cot. — 798 kan Cot. and Arch. — 799 but Cot. — 801 pan Arch. — 803 liwat Arch, pat Cot. — a mo Cot. — 804 so Arch. — 805 pe Cot. and Arch. — 806 un- yliche Arch. — 808 heorte Arch, horte Cot. — 809 ofte Arch. — hwan Arch, pan Cot. — 810 kat Cot. and Arch. — 811 J)eh Arch. — 813 J)ey Arch, pe Cot. — vele Cot. — 814 atprenche Cot. and Arch. — 815 vor Cot. and Arch. — wowe Arch. — 816 kan Cot. — bowe Arch, — 817 forlost Cot. veriest Arch. — 819 vox kan Cot. — crope Cot. crepe Arch. — 822 ))enne Arch. — pe Cot. 4 2Q He not purh pe imeinde smak H]?eper he schal forp pe a bak 825 3if pe fox mist of al pis dpole At pan ende he creopp to hole Ac na pe les mid alle his prenche Ne can he hine so bipenche pe) he beo ^ep and s]>ipe snel 830 pat he ne leost his rede fel pe cat ne can -prench bute enne Noper bi dune ne hi fenne Bute he can climbe spipe pel par mid he perep his greie fel 835 Al so ich segge bi me seolve Betere is min on pan pine tpelve Abid abid pe ule seide ]\i gest al to mid spikelhede Alle pine ]>ordes pu bileist 840 pat hit pincp sop al pat pu seist Alle pine pordes beop isliked And so bisemed and biliked pat alle peo pat hi afop Hi ]>enep pat pu segge sop 845 Abid abid me schal pe ^ene Nu hit schal ]7urpe |>el isene pat pu havest muchel ilo^e H]>one pi lesing beop unpro^e pu seist pat pu singest mancunne 850 And techest heom pat hi fundiep heonne Up to pe songe pat evre ilest Ac hit is aire -pundre mest pat pu darst li^e so opeliche Penest pu hi bringe so lihtliche [ms. Cot. fol. 239 b] 855 To godes riche al singinde Nai nai hi schule pel afinde [ms. Arch. fol. 235 b] 823 J)urs Cot. — 824 vorj) Arch, avorj? Cot. — bak Cot. for a bak — 825 dwele Arch. — 826 cropj) Cot. — 830 lost Cot. — vel Cot. and Arch. — 831 kat Arch. — kan Cot. — anne Cot. — 832 venne Cot. and Arch. — 835 mi Cot. my Arch. — solve Cot. — 836 beter Arch. — twelve Arch. — 837 ule Cot. and Arch. — 838 swikelliede Arch, spikelede Cot. — 841 bo]) Cot. ~ 843 })o Cot. heo Arch. — avo]) Cot. and Arch. — 846 ])u Cot. for nu — shal pr])e Cot, wr])e Arch. — 847 ilowe Arch. — 848 unwrowe Arch. — 849 singist Cot. — 850 horn Cot. — honne Cot. — 852 wundre Arch, pnder Cot. — 855 singinge Cot. — 856 shulle Cot. — avinde Cot. 27 pat hi mid longe ^ope mote Of heore sunnen bidde bote Ar hi mote ever cume pare 860 Ich rede pi pat men beo fare And more pepe pane singe pat fundep to pan heovenkinge For nis no man )?iputen sunne For pi he mot ar he -pende heonne 865 Mid teres and mid pope bete pat him beo snr pat er pas spete par to ich helpe god hit pot Ne singe ich heom no foliot For al mi song is of longinge 870 And imeind sum del mid poninge pat mon bi me hine bipenche pat he groni for his unprenche Mid mine songe ich hine pulte pat he groni for his gulte 875 5if pi^i gest her of to disputinge Ich pepe bet pane pu singe 3if riht gop forp and a bak prong Betere is mi pop pane pi song pe) sume men beon purhut gode 880 And purhut clene on heore mode Heom longep heonne no pe les pat (hi) beop her po is heom pes For pe) hi beon heom seolve ibor^e Hi ne seop her nopiht bute sor^e 885 For oper men hi pepep sore And for heom biddep cristes ore Ich helpe monne on eiper halve Mi mup havep tpeire cunne salve [ms Cot. fol. 239 c] pan gode ich fulste to longinge 890 For hpan bin longep ich him singe [ms. Arch. fol. 235 c] 860 beo ware Arch, bo ^are Cot. — 862 hovenkinge Cot. hevene- kinge Arch. — 863 wi])uten Arch, pitute Cot. — 864 honne Cot. — 868 ih horn Cot. — 869 my Arch, me Cot. — 870 an imend Cot. — 872 grony Arch. — 876 J)an Arc?i. — 877 ri)t Cot. — 879 bo ))ur5ut Cot. — 881 heo Arch, hon Cot. — 882 bo)) Cot. — horn Cot. and Arch. — 883 solve Cot. selve Arch. — iborewe Arch. — 884 nopijt Cot. — bote Cot. and Arch. — sorpe Cot. serewe Arch. — 890 vor Cot. and Arch. — pan Cot. hwenne Arch. -^ 111 loge]) ic hi Arch. 4* 28 And [jan sunfulle ich helpe al spo For ich him teche hpare is po ^et ich pe ^ene in oper pise For h|?ane {ju sittest on pine rise 895 pu dra5(e)st men to flesches histe ])at pilej) pine songes luste Al pii forleost pe mur)pe of hevene I'or par to navestu none stevene Al pat pu singst is of golnesse 900 For nis on pe non holinesse Ne |*enep na man for pi pipinge pat eni preost in chirche singe 5et ich pe |>ile an oper segge 3if pu hit const a riht bilegge 905 H]?i nultu singe an oper peode Hpar hit is muchele more neode pu never ne singest in Irlonde Ne pu ne curaest noht in Scotlonde Hpi nultu fare to Norpeie 910 And singen men of Galepeie par beop men pat Intel cunne Of songe pat is bineope pe sunne Hpi nultu pare preoste singe And teche of pire pritelinge 915 And pisi heom mid pire stevene Hu engles singep in pe hevene pu farest so dop an idel pel pat springep hi burne pat is snel And let fordru^e pe dune 920 And flopep on idel par a dune 892 pare Cot. hwar Arch, — 893 ic Arch. — yene on Arch. — 895 fleses Cot. fleyses Arch. cmp. I. 1388 — 896 wile)) Arch. vWep Cot. — 897 forlost Cot. vorleost Arch. — hoveiie Cot. — 901 wenej> Arch, pened Cot. — 902 preost Cot. and Arch. — chirce Cot. — 903 i Cot. ic Arch. — wile Arch, pulle Cot. — oder Cot. — 905 wM Arch, pi Cot. — oder peode Cot. — 906 par Cot. — 907 nev' Arch, neav' Cot. — singst Cot. — 908 no)t Cot. — 909 hpi Got. hwi Arch. — Norweye Arch. Norepeie Co f. — 910 singin Cot. — ^W beod Cot. — J» Cot. — kunne Cot. and Arch. — 912 bineode Cot. under Arch. — pe omitted in Arch. — 913 pi Cot. — 914 & Arch. an Cot. — 915 horn Cot. — stefno Arch. — 916 engeles Cot. — singed ine heovene Cot. — 917 dod Cot. — ydcl Cot. — 918 f Arch, par Cot. — 919 fordruye Arch, fordrue Cot. — 920 flohp Arch, floli Cot. 29 Ac ich fare bope norp and sup In evericli londe ich am cup [ms. Cot. fol. 239 d] East and pest feor and ner Ich do pel faire mi mester [ms. Arch. fol. 235 d] 925 And parni men mid mine here pat pi dpeolesong heo ne forlere Ich pisse men mid mine songe pat hi ne sunegi nopiht longe Ich bidde heom pat heo ispike 930 pat (heo) heom seolve ne bispike For betere is {)at heo pepen here pari elles hpar beon deovlene fere pe nihtegale pas agromed And ek heo pas sum del ofschomed 935 For pe ule hire atpiten hadde In hpiche stude heo sat and gradda Bihinde pe bure a mong pe pcode Hpar men gop to heore neode And sat sum del and heo bipohte 940 And piste pel on hire pohte pat prappe binimep monnes red For hit seide pe king Alfred Selde endep pel pe lope And selde plaidep pel pe prope 945 For prappe meiiip pe heorte blod pat hit flopep so pilde flod And al pe heorte overgep pat heo havep no ping bute brep And so forleost al hire liht 950 pat heo ne sihp sop ne riht pe nihtegale hi understod 021 sou)) Arch, so)) Cot. — 922 ev' ich Arch, ev' euch Cot. — cuiij) Cot, — 923 neor Cot, and Arch. — 924 i Cot. and Arch. — meoster Cot. — 926 dwelesoug Arch. — heo Cot. and Arch. — 929 hom Cot. — 932 hpar Cot. hwar Arch. — to beon Cot. and Arch. — yvere Arch. — 933 ni^tingale Cot. — igremet Cot. — 934 of- chanied Cot. — 935 hule Cot. — 936 hwiche Arch, hpucche Cot. — he Cot. ho Arch. — 937 wede Cot. and Arch. — 938 hwar Arch. par Cot. — god Cot. — here Cot. — neode Cot. and Arch. — 939 & Arch, an Cot. — & Cot. and Arch. — 941 ))e Cot. and Arch. — 943 sele ended Cot. — 944 plaided Cot. — 945 horte Cot. — 947 heorte Cot. and Arch. — 948 nave)) Arch. — 949 vorleost Arch. — liht Cot. lyht Arch. — 950 syh)) Arch, si)) Cot. — sod Cot. 30 And overgan let hire mod He mihte bet speken a sele pan mid prappe |?ordes dele 955 Ule heo seide lust nii hider pii sclialt falle pe fQi is slider [ms. Cot. fol. 240 a] pu seist icli fleo bihinde bure Hit is riht pe bur is ure ffU^ [ms. Arch. fol. 236 a] par laverd liggep andTavedi 060 Ich schal heom singe and sitte bi penstu pat pise men forlete For fule fenne pe rihte strete Ne (pe) sunne pe later schine pe) hit beo ful ine neste pine 065 Scholde ich for one hole brede Forlete mine rihte stede pat ich ne singe bi pe bedde par loverd havep his leove ibedde Hit is mi riht hit is mi la^e 970 pat to pe hecste ich me dra^e Ac ^ef pu ^elpst of pine songe pat pu canst 30 He -prope and stronge And seist pu |>isest mancunne pat. hi bipepen heore sunne 975 Scholde euch mon -poni and grede Riht spich hi peren unlede Scholde hi pollen al so pu dest Hi mihte afere heore preost Man schal beo stille and noht grede 980 He mot bipepe his misdede Ac hpar is cristes heriinge par me schal grede and lude singe Nis noper to lud ne to long 952 lette Cot. mid Arch. cmp. I. H and 1097 — 953 i sele Arch. — 954 deale Cot. — 955 ule Arch, hule Cot. — 959 loverd Arch. — levedy Arch. — 961 wise Arch, vise Cot. — 962 vor Arch. — venne Cot. and Arch. — ri)tte Cot. — 963 shine Cot. — 964 bo Cot. — 965 sholde Cot. — 906 furlete Arch. — ri)!? stude Cot. — 968 love Cot. lavedi Arch. — bedde Arch. — 969 ri)! Cot. — 970 hecst Cot. hexte Arch. — 971 ^ef (^et?) Cot. if Arc?i. — 973 wisest Arch, visest Cot. — mankunne Cot. monkuuiie Arch. — 974 hore Cot. — 975 solde Cot. — woiiie Cot, and Arch. — 976 ri5t suich Cot. such Arch. — 977 solde Cot. — 978 mi^te oferen here brost Cot. — 979 bo Cot. — no5t C'o^. — 981 par (bar?) Cot. bar Arch. ~- 982 shal Got. 31 At rihte time chirchesong 985 pu plst and ^onest and ich singe pi stefne is pop and min skentinge Ever mote pu ^olle and pepen pat J)u pi lif mote forleten And pollen mote pu so he^e 990 pat ut berste bo pin(e) e)e [ms. Cot. fol. 240 b] Hpeper is betere of tpere tpom pat mon beo blipe oper grom [ms. Arch. fol. 236b] So beo hit ever in unker sipe pat pu beo sori and ich blipe 995 ^et pu aischest hpi ich ne fare Into oper londe and singe pare No hpat scholde ich a mong heom do ,J^ par never blisse ne com to a aaJ^^ pat lond nis god ne hit nis este^ P''^^^\^ 1000 Ac pildernisse hit is and yesie 'iQ~^4^^L4U^<^ -— / ^p ^j^^^^,^gt:> Cnarres and-eludes heovene ten^e hL4>(AMyrL^ ^^^^^'^'^'^^^ C^^-nrpat lond is im$i and unfeleu.-,£g^<-^ ^ ^-<^^ pe men beop'^ilde and uniseje w..>5lJl^^'^^'' a . 1005 Hi nabbep noper grip^ ne s ibbe ^-Tpy y ^-^iAju^^-./IULcf \ f-^-^*^^-^ Hi ne recchep (novre) hu hi li({be ^ J Hi etep fiscli and fiesch unsode lAyr^^CyO^i^M^Ji Spich'^ulves hadde hit/tpbrode-^ ryitt^^^ Hi drink^p^milc and np^par to ^^^1010 Hi nutep elTef hpat hi do ^^ Hi nabbep no{)er ]^n ne beor vJUl^T . Ac libbep al so pilde deor ^^^rofytr^d^ {>^^ Hi gop bituiit mid rii)e ^^'^^^ t%4y^ Riht ^?ich lii comen'*ut of helle ^ 1015 pe3 eni god man to heom come 984 ri5te Cot, — 985 wonest Arch, pones Cot. — 986 stevene Cot. — 991 pe))el- Cot. — tweyre Arch. — 992 bo Cot. — 995 yet Arch, yxi Cot. — aisheist pi Cot. — 996 op' Cot. — 997 pat sholde Cot. — horn Cot. — 1000 wildernesse Arch. — 1001 knarres & Cot. and Arch. — hovene Arch, hoven Cot, — tinge Cot. and Arch. — 1002 hawel Arch. — 1003 unvele Cot. and Arch. — 1004 bop Cot. — iinsele Aixh. — 1007 fihs an flehs Cot. fys & fleys Arch. — 1008 suich Cot. — hit hadde Cot. and Arch. — 1009 pei Cot. hwey Arch. — 1010 nute Cot. — pat Cot. — 1011 nop Cot. noht Arch, — bor Cot. — 1012 dor Cot. — 1013 biti)t Cot, — rowe Arch. — velle Cot — 1014 ri3t suich Cot. suych Arc?i. — 1015 horn Cot. / ? ^2 So h-pile dude sum from Rome . For heom to lere gode pepes^U/^Xf ^^ ^x^jl-*-^' , And for to Igten lieore unpepes f/u^^^jy^ r^2. He mibte bet sitte stille -^ imle ne scholde spille tcP&^o-^^^^ 1020 For al his lipile ne scholde spille He mihte bet teche ane beore -^ula-a/ /) To peje hope scheld and spere Kj-f^^^^ pan nfe'^)at pilde folc ibringe pat hi me ^olde iliere singe [ms. Cot. fol. 240 c] 1025 Hpat scholcl(e) ich par mid mine songe Ne sunge ich heom jiever so longe [ms. Arch. fol. Mi song i^ere'li^firech del b^^-5^ 236 c] For heom ne mai halter ne bridel Bringe from heore j>ode 'i?isft- i^yi^c^i^y^t ^<^(^^^^^ 1030 Ne mon mid stele ne mid ise -<-A^<»>^ ^ Ac par, lond is hope Vstc iiiid god And jmr men habbep miiile mod jg^-r^i^C^^i Ich notie mid heom mine l)rote ^ ' For ich mai do par gode n.ote''^-i^>'^-"»>-*<4. 1035 And bringe heom leoVe ' tidinge S For ich of chirchesonge singe , Hit pas iseid in okle la^e Q^u^-^*-^ And ^et ilast pilfe sopsa^e Jxt^ Sa_*»J.^ )^at man schal %i^^ and so|>e . (j i ■^u^ 1040'*^)ar he penp after sum god mo]>e ^^^ For he is i^Od pat sopep his sed , JdfjyQ^jf.^,,^^/ par never gras ne springp ne bled M.^''^*^tJni'^^ pe ule pas ^fd^op to cheste rad .cLa^Jx . -^ Mid pisse porde hire e^en abrad r^\ Ou!<^^ .-i^.a-^-'*-/^ I .-. ; 1045 pu seist pu.pitest maniie bures . \ oAfiv A^^-^ Wpar lev-e/jieop and faire flures .^(yy^ ^JUJ\M) ^i^ ^ par tpo il^o:^erin one bedde j J CnM^ i^.tU-' Liggep iSii|(t^^and |el ^ilieddeo*^^^--*-''^^^ Enes pu sunge ich pot pel hpfe-e ^ 1016 pile Coi. — 1017 liom Cot. — 1019 mi)te Cot. — 1020 vor Cot. and Arch. — hwile Arch, pile Cot. — sliolde Cot. scolde Arch. — 1021 bore Cot. — 1024 me segge polde Cot. — 1025 pat sol Cot. — 1027 uycli Arch — 1029 vrom liore Cot. — wode Arch, pude Cot, — 1030 ire Cot. and Arch. — 1031 long Cot. — 1033 notye Arch, noti Cot. — horn Cot. — 1035 love Cot. leve Arch. — tip'mge Cot — 1039 shal Cot. — 1042 sprinj) Cot. — 1046 bop Cot. — tiores Cot. — 1047 ilove Cot. — 1048 biclop Cot. — 1049 ic Cot, and Arch. — pod Cot. — liware Arch, pare Cot. 33 1050 Bi one bure and joldest lere pe lefdi^to an(e) uvel luve y >^4J^ And sunge hope Fo^q and buve I^^^Jj/^ I And lemSt hr'td don schome .ceAt^**'-^ And unriht of hire lichome i^-ih^^ f A 1055 pe loverd pat sone under3at <5t<> <>#-'»'^A^^^-^^-^ -J^-^-^ Lim and grWand yefihysit ^u^JL^^^pJ^^ Sette and leide pe for to lacoheC^tr-^-Ap^^^^^^ pu come sone tq pan hacche::4/*-^l^s?Cotrfol. 240d] pu yere inunre in one grine^ic'jc. ^ 1060 Al hit abohte pine schine — v . [m o . A r ch .-.fol. 336 - A > — ^^ Ul^fi^ pu naddest non oper dom ne la^e, J'tA^U^^*-iv^^4< K^ J^ ^'^ Bute mid pilde horse |>ere todra^e -fe^^^^jj^^ oMn^*^^ .c^TsM '^I'^onde ^if pu miht eft misrede >/u£i2Xir^ ^ ' ' r^^~--Hpepei: pu ^It pif pe maide '''''''^-*-*^ j*^%^ 1065 pi song mai beo so longe gejige iC/mJjui^''*'^^*''^ jt > ' pat pu schalt h^^f^M^ on a sprenge Ir^^ pe nihtegale at pisse 'f orde ' Mid speorde and mi^d speres orde p^j^^ck 3if heo mon pere polde fihte 1070 Ac po heo bet do n^ mihte VJjJS^ Ajyt^^ Hqo faht mid ^ hire pise tunge pM fiht pat ^1 specp seip in pe songe Of hire tunge heo nom red-^ ^io.>w.^c(j^ pel fiht pat pel specp seide Alfred 1075 Hpat seistu pis for mine schome "^ pe loverd hadde her of gromeo^^/v^-^^'^ He pas so gelus of his pve pat he ne mihte for his live Iseo pat man "pip hire speke 1080 pat his heorte nolde breke I ^ He hire bilek in one bure -^^^^■^ pat hire pas hope stronge and sure Ich hadde of hire mi]se and ore ^ 1053 shome Cot. — 1054 unri)t Got, — ^icome Cot. — 1056 Him Cot. lym Arch, — grine Cot, grune Arch, — & Cot. and Arch, — eipat Cot. — 1057 leyde Arch, ledde Cot, — 1060 abohte Cot, — shine Cot. — 1063 vonde Cot, vond' Arch. — mi^t Cot, — 1064 hwe))er Arch, pajjer Cot, — pult Cot. — 1065 bo Cot, — 1066 hwippen Arch, pippen Cot, — 1068 sporde Cot. swerde Arch, — 1069 ho Cot, — fi^te Cot. — 1071 ho va)t Cot, — 1075 pat Cot. — shome Coi, — 1079 iso Cot, — 1080 horte Cot, — 1081 bileck Cot, And sori |as for hire sore 1085 And skente hi mid mine songe -^jm^^^JtJ^ ^jd^"" Ai pat ich mihte rape and longe /^^^ ^ . V For pan pe cniht pas "^p me prop^ ^^'^tUf*?!^ J For rikte nipe ich'fes him lop k^L^CpLP i ^IMtrtir He (j^(je j^Q ]jjg o^ene schome J. ' 1090 Ac al him turnde hit to grome^-tA^^ ^^^jJXs'^iUfc-*^ pat underpat pe king Henri ^ v Jesus his soule do merci [ms. Cot. fol. 241a] \ 4 tv^ivvukj W -"^^ -^^ forbonne pene cniht ] fs.y^,/>^^ - p^^ hadde idon so muchel unriht ^s. Arci. fol. 237 a] 1095 In so gode kinges londe _ , For rihte nipe and Me onde M-oM^JlJ /WC Let pane hitle ft^^'Kiime . I) w^jJL "^^^ ^^^^ fordeme lif and lime 'Kh^^^-T^ \h^"f€!i^t^^-' Hit pas purpschipe al mine cunne \^_:_. , _^0^a^^ 1100 For pon pe cniht forties his^^unne >, And ^af for me an hundred punde "^^''^^'< And mine briddes seten isunde rlJ^ /^ And hadde seoppe blisse and hihte / And pere blipe and pel mihte . 1105 For pan ich pas so pel apreke ^iaS-^-^T-^ ^ Ever^-eft ich dar pe bet speke ^ . &4^'^^ For hit bitidde ene spo .----/ Lu^rrU^ ^ Ich am pe blipure ever mo (a.^^^^^SmJ*'^ Nu ich mai singe hpar ich pulle 1110 Ne dar me never eft mon agrulle CUv»>yWM^ Xj|jt4^ . ^c pu erming pu precclie gost \: /^-^^^ L^^J/^ '^~"^"" HB' canst finde ne pu nost "^ "~"""" ' An hol5 stoc hpar pu pe miht hude pat me ne tpenge pine hude 1115 For children gromes heme and hine Hi penchep alle of pire pine 3if hi mu^e iseo pe sitte 1080 ic Arch. — 1087 kni^t Cot. knyht Arch. — 1088 ic wes Arch. — 1089 owe Arch. — 1090 it Cot. hit turnde liT eft Arch. — 1094 suich Arch, for so muchel — unpri^t Cot. — 1095 ine Cot. — 1096 & for Cot. — 1099 prj^sipe Cot. wr])sipe Arch. — kunne Cot. kune Arch. — 1100 furies Arch. — 1103 so])J)e Cot sej)))e Arch. — hijte Cot. — 1105 vor Cot. and Arch. — ))on Cot. — 1106 darr Cot. — 1108 blij)ur ev' Cot. — 1109 ic Arch. — hwar Arch, par Cot. — 1110 dar Cot. and Arch. — 1111 eremig Cot. — 1113 holeh Arch. — stok par Cot. — 1114 tpengej) Coi. — 1116 ]?ine J.rc^. — 1117 mowe Arch, — iso Co^ 35 Stones hi dop in heore slitte And pe totorvep and tohenep 1120 And pine fule bon toschenep 3if pu art iporpe oper ischote panne pu miht erest to note For me pe hop in one rodde And pu mid pine fule codde 1125 And mid pine ate(l)liche speore Biperest manne corn from deore [ms. Cot. fol. 241 b] Nis noper noht pi lif ne pi bJod Ac pu art scheules spipe god [ms. Arch. fol. 237 b] par- neope sedes beop isope 1130 Pinnuc goldfinch rok ne crope Ne dar par never cumen ihende 3if pi buc hongep at pan ende par treon schulle a ^ere blope And 3unge sedes springe and grope 1135 Ne dar no fu^el par to fonge 3if pu art par over ihonge pi lif is evre luper and cped pu nart noht bute ded Nu pu miht pite sikerliche 1140 pat pine leches beop grisliche pe hpile pu art on lifda^e For hpane pu hongest isla^e 3et hi beop of pe ofdradde pe fu^eles pat pe er bigradde 1145 Mid rihte men beop pip pe prope For pu singest ever of heore lope Al pat pu singst rape oper late Hit is ever of manne unhpate Hpane pu havest a niht igrad 1150 Men beop of pe pel sore ofdrad 1119 totorved Cot, — 1120 toshene)) Cot. — 1121 isliote Cot. iscote Arch. — 1125 sweore Arch, spore Cot. — 1126 vrom dore Cot<— 1127 nou])' noulit^rcA. no)t Cot. — 1128 shueles Cot. sheules Arch. — swipe Arch. Bvipe Cot. — 1129 nope Cot. newe Arch. — 1130 golfinc Cot. — 1133 troii Cot. — shulle Cot. schullej) Arch. — 1135 vonge Cot. — 1137 qued Cot. and Arch. — 1138 nard Cot. — 1139 myht Arch. mi3t Cot. — 1140 boj) Cot. — 1141 hwile Arch, pile Cot. — 1142 vor Cot. and Arch. — pane Cot. hwenne Arch. — 1143 yet Arch, ^ut Cot. — atdradde Arch. — 1146 singist Cot. — ev' Cot. omitted in Arch. — hore Cot. — 1147 singest Arch. — 1148 mannes Arch. — unpate Cot, — 1149 pane Cot, hwanne Arch. — nyht Arch, ni^t Cot. 5* 36 pu singst par sum man schal beo ded Ever pu bodest sumne cped f>u sing(e)st a^en ahte lure Oper of sume freondes rure 1155 Oper pu bodest buses brune Oper ferde of manne oper peoves rune,- Oper pu bodest cpalm of orve / Oper pat londfolc purp idorve / Oper pat pif leost bire make 1160 Oper pu bodest cbeste and sake [ms. Cot. fol, 241c] Ever pu singest of manne barme purh pe bi beop sorie^'and arme^[ms. Arch. fol. 237c] pu ne singst never one sipe pat bit nis for sume unsipe 1165 Her fore bit is pat me pe schunep And pe totorvep and tobunep Mid stave and stone and turf and clute pat pu ne miht nobpar atrute Dabet ever spicb budel in tune 1170 pat ever beodep unpreste rune And ever bringep uvelo tidinge And ever specp of uvele pinge God almibti purpe bim prop And al pat periep linnene clop 1175 pe ule nabod nobt spipe longe Ac 5ef ondspare starke and stronge Hpat cpap beo artu iboded Oper pu cursest al uniboded For prestes pike icb pat pu dest 1180 Icb not ^ef pu pere evre prest 1151 shal Cot, sal Arch. — be Cot. — 1152 qued Cot. and Arch. — 1153 ayhte Arch, ei^te Cot. — 1154 summe Cot. siime Arch, cmp. I. 293 — frondes Cot. vrendes Arch. — 1155 bodes Cot. — 1156 ))Oves Cot. ])eves Arch. — 1157 cualm Cot. qualm Arch. — oreve Cot. — ]159 lost Cot. — 1160 an Cot. — 1161 singist Cot. — hareme Cot. — 1162 J)ur) Cot. — bo)) sori Cot. — & Cot. and Arch. — areme Cot. — 1164 summe Arch, sum Cot. — 1165 vore Cot. and Arch. — sliunej) Cot. sune)) Arch. — 1167 stoone Cot. — 1168 mi^t nopar Cot. nowarr Arch. — 1169 suich Cot. not m Arch. — 1170 ev' Cot. not in Arch. — bodej) Cot. bedej) Arch. — 1171 ti))inge Cot. — 1173 almibti prj)e Cot. almyhti wr))e Arch. — 1174 werej) Arch. — 1175 hule ne abot no^t spij) Cot. — 1176 ah Cof. — yef Arch. — answere Arch. — 1177 pat Cot. — qua)) Cot. que)) Arch. — ho Cot. — hartu Cot. ertu Arch. — 1178 kursest Cot. — 1179 ic wot Arch. — 1380 ^avre Cot. not in Arch. 37 Ich not ^ef pu canst masse singe Inoh pu canst of (a)mansiuge Ac hit is for pine aide nipe pat pu me acursedest oper sipe 1185 Ac par to is lihtlich ondspare Drah to pe cpap pe cartare Hpi atpitestu me mine insihte And min ipit and mine mihte For ich am piti ful ipis 1190 And pot al pat to cumen is Ich pot of hunger of hergonge Ich pot ^ef men schule libbe longe Ich pat ^ef pif lust hire make Ich pat hpar schal beo nip and prake [ms. Cot. fol. 241 d] 1195 Ich pot hpo schal beon anhonge Oper elles fulne dep afonge 3ef men habbep bataile inume Ich pat hpaper schal beon overcume Ich pat ^if cpalm schal cumen on orve [ms. Arch. 1200 And 5if deor schule ligge a sjborve fol- 237 d] Ich pot 3ef treon schule blope Ich pat ^ef cornes schule grope Ich pot 3ef buses schule berne Ich pot ^ef men schule eorne oper erne 1205 Ich pot ^ef sea schal schipes drenche Ich pot 3ef smipes schule uvele clenche And 3et ich con muchel more * Ich con inoh in bokes lore And ek ich can of pe godspelle 1210 More pan ich nule pe telle For ich at chirche cume ilome And muchel leorni of pisdome 1182 inouh Arch. — 1183 ah Cot. — olde Arch. — 1184 akurse- dest Oder side Cot. — 1185 ah Cot. — answere Arch. — 1186 cpad Cot. que]) Arch. — kartere Arch. — 1187 pi Cot. — Isihte Arch. — 1188 & Arch, an Cot. — myhte Arch. mi3te Cot. — 1190 pod Cot. and Arch. — kumen Cot. comen Arch. — 1191 heregoiige Arch. — 1192 sulle Arch. — 1193 ic wot Arch. — luste Cot. — 1194 par Cot — sal Arch. — 1195 hpo Cot. hwo Arch. — sal beo Arch, — & honge Cot. — 1198 hwsiper Arch. — overkume Cot. — 1199 qualm Arch. — seal Cot. sal Arch. — comen Cot. — orfe Cot. — 1200 dor schul Cot. schulle Arch. — & storve Cot. — 1206 schal Cot. sale Arch. — 1209 an eke Cot. — goddspelle Cot. — 1210 wile Arch. — 1211 churche Arch. — come Cot, — 1212 muche Cot. 38 Ich pat al of pe tacninge And of oper fegle pinge 1215 3ef eni mon schal rem abide Al ich hit pot ar hit itide Ofte for mine muchele ipitte Pel sorimod and prop ich sitte Hpan ich iseo pat sum precchede 1220 Is manne neh inoh ich grede Ich bidde pat men beon ipare Aiid habbe gode redes ^are For Alfred seide a pis pord Euch mon hit scholde legge on liord 1225 3ef pu isihst (him) er hel)eo icume His strengpe is him pel neh binume And grete dimtes beop pe lasse 3ef me ikepp~ mid iparnesse [ms. Cot. fol. 242 a] And fleo schal topard mis^enge 1230 3ef pu isihst hu fleo of strenge For pu miht blenche pel and fleo 3if pu isihst heo to pe teo_ pat eni man beo falle in edpite Hpi schal he me his sor atpite 1235 pall ich iseo his harm bifore Ne cuniep hit noht of me par fore [ms. Arch. fol. 238 a] pah pu iseo pat sum blind mon pat nanne rihtne pei ne con To pare diche his dpeole fuliep 1240 And fallep and par one suliep penest pu pah ich al iseo pat hit for me pe rapere beo Al spo hit farep bi mine pitte Hpanne ich on mine bo^e sitte 12M vale Arch. — 1216 ear Cot. — 1217 witte Arch. — 1218 wroj) Arch, -porp Cot. — i Arch. — 1219 pan Cot. hwanne Arch. — ic Arch. — wrecchede Arch, prechede Cot. — 1220 cuminde neyh Arch. — innoh Cot. — ic Arch. — 1221 iparre Cot. warre Arch. — 1222 reades Cot. — yare Arch, ^arre Cot. — 1224 uych Arch. — schul- de Cot. — 1225 if Arch. — isyst her heo Arch, er not in Cot. — 1226 strncj)e Cot. — 1228 ikepe)) Arch. — 1229 misyenge Arch. — 1231 mi^t Cot. — wel Cot. not in Arch. — 1233 })auh Arch. — edwite Arch, odpite Cot. — 1234 hwi Arch, pi Cot. — 1235 bivore Cot. and Arch. — 1236 comej) Cot. — no)! Cot. nouht Arch. — vore Cot. — 1239 dwele Arch. — fuhed Cot. volewe]? Arch. — 1240 onne Arch. — sulied Cot. — 1242 ra])er Arch. — 1243 so Arch. — 1244 Jjanne ic Arch. — hope Cot. bowc Arch. cmp. I. 15 39 1245 Ich pot and iseo spipe brihte An sume men cumep harm par rihte Schal he pat per of no ping not Hit pite me for ich hit pot Schal he his mishap pite me 1250 For ich am pisure pan he Hpanne ich iseo pat sum precchede Is manne neh inoh ich grede And biddc inoh pat hi heom schikle For topard heom is harm unmilde 1255 Ac pah ich grede lude and stille Al hit itid purh godes pille Hpi pullep men of me hi mene pah ich mid sope heo ahpene pah ich hi parni al pat ^er 1260 Nis heom per fore harm no pe ner Ac ich heom singe for ich polde [ms. Cot. fol. 242b] pat hi pel iinderstonde scholde pat sum unselpe heom is ihende Hpan ich min huing to heom sende 1265 Navep no man none sikerhede pat he ne mai pene and adrede pat sum unhpate neh him beo pah he ne cunne hit iseo For pi seide Alfred spipe pel 1270 And his pord pas godspel pat ever euch man pe bet him beo Ever pe bet he hine biseo Ne truste no mon to his~peole [ms. Arcli. fol. 238 b] To spipe pah he habbe feole 1275 Nis noht so hot pat hit nacolep Ne noht so hpit pat hit ne solep 1246 ))' Arch. — summe Cot. same Arch. — kumed Cof. — 1247 nowiht Arch. — 1249 witen Arch. — 1250 ))ane Cot. — 1251 preche- de Cot. wreched' Arch, — 1252 neyh inouh Arch. — 1254 harm immylde Arch, toanting in Cot. — 1255 ah Cot. — 1256 J)urJ) Cot. — 1258 apene Cot. awene Arch. — 1260 ])ar vore Arch. — harem Cot. a tern Arch. — no waiiting in Arch, — 1261 ah Cot. — heom not in Arch. — 1262 J)et (J>er?) Arch. — schulde Cot. — 1263 su unsel Arch. — 1264 hwen ic Arch. — hoing Cot. — J 267 unhap Arch. — neih Arch, ney Cot. — 1268 conne Cot.— 1270 word Arch, porde Cot. — goddspel Cot. — 1271 him not in Arch. — 1272 ev' Arch. eaver Cot. — beseo Cot. — 1273 triste Arch. — wele Arch. — 1274 veole Cot. vele Arch. — 1275 nout Cot. — 1276 no)t Cot. 40 Ne nolit so leof pat hit nalopep Ne noht so glad pat hit napropep Ac evere euch ping pat eche nis 1280 Agon schal and al pis porldes blis Nu pu miht piten redeliche pat ever pu spekest gidiliche For al pat pu me seist for schame Ever pe seolve hit turnep to grame 1285 Go so hit go at eche fenge pu fallest mid pine a^ene spenge Al pat pu seist for me to schende Hit is mi purpschipe at pan ende Bute pu pille bet aginne 1290 Ne schaltu bute schame ipinne g \ jA la^L^^'- P® nihtegale sat and sihte >^c.^'^^^ yt^f'^'^T' And Tiohful pas and ful pel mihte For pe ule spo ispeke hadde And hire speche spo iladde rms. Cot. fol. 242 c] 1295 Heo pas hohful and ,erede.ci:^ o. -£^^ Hpat heo par after hire sede Ac no pe les heo hire under stod Hpat heo seide ule artu pod pu ^elpest of selliche pisdome 1300 pu nustest hpanene he pe come •~ Bute hit of picchecrafte pere par of pu precche most pe skere 3if pu pult a mong manne beo Oper pu most of londe fleo 1305 For alle peo pat per of cupe Heo pere ifurn of prestes mupe Amansed spuch pu art ^ete pu picchecrafte never ne lete 1277 nojt Cot. — ne alo])e)) CoU — 1278 no)t Coi, — ne apro)?e]3 Cot, — 1279 ah Cot. — eav'e euh Cot. ev' ich Arch. — 1281 mi3t pite readliche Cot, — 1282 eav'e Cot, — gideliche Co f. — 1284 ev' Cot. and Arch. — grome Cot, and Arch, — 1286 ahene Cot. owe Arch. — 1288 purschipe Cot, wr])sipe Arch, — 1291 ni)tingale Cot. — syhte Arch. si)te Cot, — 1292 houhful Arch, — mylite Arch, mi^te Cot. — 1293 hule Cot. — so Arch, — 1295 houljful Arch, hop ful Cot. — 1296 seyde Arch. — 1297 ah neo Cot, — 1298 pat Cot, — 1299 yelpest Arch, ^eolpest Cot, — seolliche Cot. — 1300 pa- nene Cot, hwenne Arch, — 1301 picchecrefte Cot. — 1302 moste Cot, — 1303 boe Cot, — 1306 uere Cot, weren Arch. — 1307 a- manset Cot. — such Arch, — 3ette Cot. — 1308 neav' Cot. 41 Icli pe seide nu lutel ere 1310 And pu askedest ^ef icli pero A bisemere to preoste ihoded [ms. Arch. fol. 238 c] Ac pe (a)mansing is so ibroded pah no preost a londe nere A precche na pe les pu pere 1315 For ever euch child pe cleopep fule And ever euch man a precche ule Ich habbe iherd and sop hit is pe mon mot beo pel steorre-pis And pite inoh of hpiche pinge cume 1320 So pu seist pat is (pin) ipune Hpat canstu -precche ping of steorre Bute pat pu bipaitest hi feorre Al spo dep mani deor and man pe of spuche napiht ne can 1325 On ape mai a hoc bihalde And leves penden and eft folde Ac he ne con pe bet par fore Of clerkes lore top ne more [ms. Cot. fol. 242 d] pah pu iseo pe steorre al spa 1330 Nartu pe pisure never pe mo Ac 3et pu fule ping me chist And pel grimliche me atpist pat ich singe hi manne huse And teche pive breke spuse 1335 pu liest ipis pu fule ping purh me nas never ischend spusing Ac sop hit is ich singe and grede par lavedies beop and faire maide 1310 if Arch. — 1311 bisimere Cot. bysemare Arch. — preost Cot. — 1312 ah Cot. — 1314 neo Cot. — 1315 ev' Arch, eav' Cot. — ich Arch. — chil Cot. chid Arch, — 131G & Arch, an Cot. — ev' Cot. and Arch. — hule Cot. — 1318 storrepis Cot. sturrewis Arch. -— 1319 innoy Cot. — hwiche Arch, pucche Cot. — pige Arch. — kue Cot. ^- 1320 ])0u Cot. — J>' Arch. — 1321 storre Cot. and Arch. — 1322 bihai- test Cot. and Arch. — ferre Arch. — 1323 so do]) Arch. — dor Cot. — 1324 ))eo Cot. and Arch. — siiyche Arch, hspucche Cot. — con Cot. — 1325 on bok Arch. — 1326 weude Arch. — 1327 ah Cot. — vore Cot. and Arch. — 1329 so Arch. — 1330 wisere Arch, — nev' Arch, neav' Cot. — 1331 ah Cot. — 1334 & theche Arch. an teache Cot. — wyve Arch, pifo Cot. — 1335 lyest Arch. — 1336 J) me Cot. — nes Arch. — neav' Cot. nev' ised Arch. — 1337 ah Cot. — 1338 feyre meide Arch. 6 42 And sop hit is of luve ich singe 1340 For god -pif mai in spusinge Bet luvien hire o^ene pere pane ahper hire copenere And maide inai luve cheose pat hire purpschipe ne forleose 1345 And luvie mid rihte luve pane pe schal beon hire buve Spiche luve ich iteche and lere per of beop al(le) mine ibere [ms. Arch. fol. 238 dj pah sum pif beo of nesche mode 1350 For -pummen beop of softe blode pat heo purh sume sottes lore pe ^eorne bit and sikep sore Misrempe and misdo sumne stunde Schal ich par fore beon ibunde 1355 3if pimmen luviep unrede pitestu me heore misdede 3ef pimmon penchep luvie derne Ne mai ich mine songes perne Pummon mai pleie under elope 1360 Hpeper heo -pile -pel pe -prope And heo mai do bi mine songe Hpeper heo pile pel pe pronge [ms. Cot. fol. 243 a] For nis a porlde ping so god pat ne mai do sum ungod 1365 3it' 1^6 hit pile turne a mis For gold and seolver god hit is And no pe les par mid pu miht Spusbruche buggen and unriht pepne beop gode grip to halde 1370 And no pe les par mid beop men acpalde A3eines riht an feole londe 1340 i Cot. — - 1342 ])an Arch, — aper (apet?) Qot, on o])er Arth. — copinere Arch. — 1343 & Arch, an Cot. — 1344 treuschipe Arch, — 1347 suyche Arch. — itache Cot. theche Arch. — 1348 J>' Arch. — 1350 pummon Cot, wymmen Arch, — 1351 \ Cot. vor Arch. — 1352 yorne Arch. — 1353 misnyme Arch, for misrempe — sume Arch. — 1354 vore Cut. and Aich. — 1356 witestu Arch, hpitistu Cot. — hore Cot. — 1358 ne ne Cot. and Arch. — 1359 wymmon Arch. — 1360 hwejjer Arch. pe})cr Cot. — 1362 hpa])er Cot. — wile Arch, pule Cot. — 1365 wile Arch, pule Cot. — 1367 na Arch. — mi^t Cot. — 1368 unri3t Cot. — 1370 & Arch, ah Cot. — neo Cot. na Ar^h. — mide Cot. — 1371 fale Cot. of alle Arch. 43 par peoves hi berep an honde Al spa hit is hi mine songe pah he beo god me hine mai misfonge 1375 And drahe hine to sothede And to opre uvele dede Ac schaltu precche luve tele Beo hpuch heo beo uich luve is fele Bitpeone pepmon and pimmanne 1380 Ac ^ef heo is atbroide penne Heo is unfele and forbrode prop purpe heom pe lioli rode pe ribte icunde spo forbreidep punder hit is pat heo napedep 1385 And spo heo dop for heo beop pode [ms.Arch. fol.239a] pe bute neste gop to brode j^ummon is of nesche flesche And flesches lust is strong to cpesche Nis punder nan pah he abide 1390 For flesches lust hi makep slide Ne beop heo noht alle forlore pat stumpep at pe flesches more For moni pummon havep misdo pat (eft) arist up of pe slo 1395 Ne beop noht ones alle sunne For pan hi beop tpeire cunne [ms. Cot. fol. 243 b] Sum arist of pe flesches luste . And sum of pe gostes custe pat flesch drahep men to drunkenesse 1400 And to plonchede and to golnesse pe gost misdep purh nip and onde And seoppe mid murhpe of monnes honde And ^eornep after more and more 1372 bered Cot. — 1374 heo Cot. and Arch. — \^lb drawe Arch. -^ 1377 ah Cot. and Arch. — wrecche Arch, precch Cot. — 1378 bo puch Cot. beo hwich Arch. — ho bo Cot. — 1379 bitwene ])e mon Arch. — pimmane Cot. wymonne Arch. — 1380 ah Cot. and Arch. — peonne Arch. — 1381 he Cot. and Arch. — 1382 liim Arch. — 1383 ikunde Cot. icund' Arch. — 138G nest Cot. — 1388 histes Cot. and Arch. — cpesse Cot. qiieisse Arch. — 1390 lustes Cot. and Arch. — 1391 nouht Arch, nopt (noyt?) 6'of. — 1394 aris op Cof. — 1395 iiopt Cot. — 139G kunne Cot. ikiinne Arch. — 1397 sun Cot. — 1399 fleys drah)? Arch. — drunnessc Cot. — 1400 wlonkhede Arch. pronc-hede Cot. — 1401 J)urch nipe Cot. — 1403 ^eone)) Cot, wun- nej) Arch. 6* 44 And lutel recp of milce and ore 1405 And sti^p on heh purh modinesse And overhohep pane lasse Sei me sop ^ef pu hit ]?ost Hpeper dep |?urse flesch pe gost pLi niiht segge ^ef pu pult 1410 pat lasse is pes.flesclies gult Moni man is of bis flesche clene pat is mid mode deovel imene Ne sclial non mon pimman bigrede And fiescbes lustes hire upbreide 1415 Spucb be may telen of gohiesse pat sunegep purse in modinesse Hpat ^if ich scbulde a luve bringe pif oper maide bpanne icb singe Icb -poble -pip pe maide boble 1420 3if P^i liit const a ribt atbolde Lust nu icb segge pe bpar fore Up to pe toppe from pe more [ms. Arcli.j^fol. 239 bl; 3ef maide luvep dernelicbe Heo stumpep and falp icundelicbe 1425 For pab beo sume bpile pleie Heo nis nolit feor ut of pe peie Heo mai (^et) bire gult atpende A ribte peie purb cbircbe bende And mai eft ba,bbe to make 1430 Hire leofmon pipute sake [ms. Cot. fol. 243 c^' And gon to bim bi daies libte pat er stal to bi peostre nibte An ^ungling not bpat spucb ping is His ^unge blod bit dra^ep a mis 14S5 And sum sot mon bit tibp par to Mid alle pan pat be mai do 1404 rekj) Arc^. reh]5 Oof. cmp. I. 491 — 1405 heyh Arch, hey Cot^ — ))ury Cot. J»ur Arch. — 140(3 overhohed J)anne Cot. — 1407 soo]) Cot. — 1408 wurse Cot. and Arch. — 1401) ini)t Got. — 1410 ))e Cot. for J)es — 1413 wimn\an Cot. wymman Arch. — 1414 & Arch. an Cot. — 1415 such lieo inahte beo Arch. — 1416 ])' Arch. — 1 Arch, i Cot. — 1417 hwet Arch, bet Cot. — 1421 vore Cot. and Arch. — 1423 dernliche Cot. — 14'25 ))aih Arch. — sum Cot. su Arch. — 142G nout Cot. -- 1427 guld Cot. and Arch. — 1428 ]5ury Cot. — 1431 go Cot. — 1432 bistal on ])eoster iiyhte Arch. — 1433 juling Cot. yongling Arch. — 1434 drahj> Arch. — |1435 man Arch^ 45 He cumep and farep and Beod abid And heo bistant and oversit And bisehp Home and longe 1440 Hpat mai pat child pah hit misfonge Hit nuste never h]>at hit |?as For pi hit pohte Ibndi pas And -pite ipis hpuch beo pe gome pat of pe pilde makep tome 1445 Ne mai ich (noht) for reoye lete H|?anne ich iseo pe tohte ilete pe luve bringp on pe ^unglinge pat ich of mur^pe heom ne singe Ich teche heom bi mine songe 1450 pat spuche luve ne lest noht longe For mi song lutle h|?ile ileste And luve ne dep noht bute reste On spuche childre and sone agep And falp a dun pe bote brep 1455 Ich singe mid heom one pro3e Biginne on heh and endi la^e And lete mine songes falle An lutle hpile a dun mid alle pat maide pot hpanne ich spike [ms. Arch. fol. 239 c] 1460 pat luve is mine songes iliche For hit nis but3 a Intel brep pat sone cumep and sone gep pat child bi me hit understond And his unred to rede pend [ms. Cot. fol. 2436] 1465 And isihp pel bi mine songe pat dusi luve ne last noht longe Ac pel ich pule pat pu hit pite Lop me beop pives utschute 1437 come)) Cot. — & bid Cot. — 1438 & Arch Faux Cot. — he Arch, — bistarte Arch. — & Cot. an Arch. — oversid Cot. oJ)er sid Areh. — 1439 bisekp Arch. — 1440 p chil Cot. — 1441 nev' Arch, neav* Cot. — 1444 so Cot. for ))e — 1445 reu])e Arch. — 144G hwanne Arch, panne Cot. — 1447 bring Cot. and Arch. — J)e not in Arch. — wunglinge Arch. — 1448 him Cot. hj Arch. — 1449 teache Cot, theche Arch. — 1450 spucch C<,t. suych Arch. — last Arch. — no^t Cot. — 1451 ilest Cot. — 1452 do)5 Arch. — no^t Cot. — rest Cot. — 1453 spuch Cot. such Arch. — 1455 prowe Arch. — 1456 an heyh Arch. — lowe Arch. — 1457 mines Cot. — 1458 an lutle pile Cot. a hide wise Arch. — 14fi2 kume]? Cot. — 1404 red wend Cot. iwend Arch. — 1405 ise-jp Cot. syhp Arch. — 14Go no^t Cot, — 1467 ah Cot. — wile Arch. 46 Ac pif mai of me nime ^eme 1470 Ich ne singe noht lipan ich teme And |?if ah lete sottes lore pah spusingbendes punchep sore punder me piincp pel stare and stor Hu eni mon so ever for 1475 pat he his heorte mihte drive To do hit to opres mannes pive For oper hit is of tpam pinge Ne mai pat pridde no man bringe Oper pe laverd is pel aht 1480 Oper aspunde and nis naht 3ef he is purpful and aht man Nele no man pat pisdom can Hure of his pive do him schame For he mai him adrede grame 1485 And pat he forleose pat per hongep pat him eft par to noht ne longep And pah he pat noht ne drede Hit is unriht and gret sothede To misdon one gode manne 1490 And his ibedde from him spanne 3^^ ^^^® laverd is forpurpe And unorne at bedde and at horde Hu mihte par beo eni luve Hpanne a spuch cheorles hue hire lai buve 1495 Hu mai par eni luve beo Hpar spuch man gropep hire peo [ms. Arch. fol. 239d] Her hi pu miht pel understonde pat on is a reu pat oper schonde [ms. Cot. fol. 244 a] To stele to opres mannes bedde 1500 For 3if aht man is hire ibedde pu miht pene pat pe mistide Hpanne pu list hi hire side 1469 ah Cot. — wif Arch, ^if Cot. — 1470 napt Cot. — 1471 auh Arch. — 1472 binde]) Arch. — 1473 pund'e Cot. — J>ung]) Cot. })inkj) Arch. cmp. I. 1672 — 1474 eavar Cot. ^ 1475 e Cot. he not ■in Arch. — iiiyhte Arch, mijte Cot. — 1476 an do Cot. — o))ers Cot. — 1479 opar Cot. — auht Arch. — 1480 nouht Arch. — 1486 no^t Cot. — 1487 no5t Cot. — 1488 unrijt Cot. — 1489 an o Cot. — 1491 forpurde Cot. — M92 an Cot. — & Cot. — 1493 hw myh- te Arch. mi3te Cot. — 1494 panne Cot. hwenne Arch. — la/ Arch, \^^ Cot. — 1496 par Cot. — 1497 mi)t Cot. — 1500 bedde Cot. — 1501 mi3t Cot. — 1502 panne Cot. 47 And 3ef pe laverd is a precche H|?uch este mihtestu par fecche 1505 3if P^i bipenchest hpo hire ofligge pu miht mid }>late pe este bugge Ich not hu mai eni freo man For hire sechen after pan 3ef he bipencp bi hpan he lai 1510 Al mai pe luve gan a |^ai pe ule -pas glad of spuche tale Heo pohte pat pe nihtegale pah heo pel speke at pe frume Hadde at pen ende misnume 1515 And seide nu ich habbe ifunde pat maidenes beop of pine imunde Mid heom pu boldest and heom biperest And overspipe pu hi herest pe lavedies beop to me ipend 1520 To me heo hire mone send For hit itit ofte and ilome pat pif and pere beop unisome And per fore pe pare gulte pat leof is over pummon to pulte 1525 And spenep on pare al pat he havep And sipep pare pat nopiht navep And havep at horn his rihte spuse popes peste and lere huse pel punne ischrud and ifed prope 1530 And let heo bute mete and elope Hpan he cumep ham eft to his pive Ne dar heo noht a pord ischire [ms. Cot. fol. 244b] He chid and gred spuch he beo pod [ms. Arch. fol. 240a] And ne bringp hom non oper god 1535 Al pat heo dep him is unpille Al pat heo spekep liit is him ille 1503 wrecchc Arch, percche Cot. — 1504 myhtestu Arch, mi^tistit Cot. — vecche Cot. and Arch. — 150G mi)! Cot. — 1509 bij)enk> Arch, — 1511 hule Cot. — 1512 ])05te pdt te Cot. — 1513 at te Cot. and Arch. — 1514 J)an Arch. — 1520 mode Cot. — 1521 itid Arch. — 1524 ])' Arch. — 1525 hare Arch. — 1526 siwej) ArcK sine)) Cot. — hare Arch. — noht Arch, no riht Cot. — 1527 atom Arch, attorn Cot. — ri)te Cot. riche Arch. — 1528 and Arch. & Cot. — 1529 isrud Arch, ischud Cot. — ived Cot. and Arch. — 1531 pan Cot. hwenne Arch. — comep Cot. — ho Arch. — 1532 no3t Cot. — 1534 heom Cot. 48 And oft lipan heo noht ne misdej) Heo havej) pe fust in hire te|) Nis nan mori pat ne mai ibringe 1540 His pif amis mid spuche pinge Me hire mai so ofte misbeode pat heo do pule hire a^ene neode La god hit pot heo nah ipeld pah heo hine makie cukepeld 1545 For hit itit ilome and ofte ])at his pif is pel nesche and softe Of faire bleo and pel idiht (For) pi hit is pe more unriht pat he his luve spene on pare 1550 pat nis purp on of hire hare And spuche men beop pel manifolde pat pif ne cunne noht a riht holde Ne mot non mon pip hire speke He penep heo pule an on tobreke 1555 Hire spusing ^ef heo lokep Oper pip manne faire spekep He hire bilucp mid keie and loke par purh is spusing- ofte ibroke For 5ef heo is par to ibroht 1560 Heo dep pat heo nadde er ipoht Dahet pat to spipe hit bispeke pah spuche pives heom apreke Her of pe lavedies to me menep And pel sore me ahpenep 1565 pel neh min heorte pule tochine Hpon ich biholde heore pine [ms. Cot. fol. 244 c] Mid heom ich pepe spipe sore And for heom bidde cristes ore pat (he) pe lavedi sone aredde 1537 ofte A7'ch. — no5t Cot. — 1539 no Arch. — 1540 spucclie Cot. suche Arch. — 1542 aheiie Cot. — 1543 iwelde Arch. — 1544 J)a Cot. — kukepeld Cot. — 1545 lome Cot. — 1550 one Cot. — heare Cot. and Arch. — 1551 an spucche Cot. & suche Arch. — 1552 kunne nopt (noyt?) Cot. noht 7iot in Arch. — ri)t Cot. — 1554 wenej) Arch, vened Cot. — wile Arch, — 1557 bilukj) Arch, biluj) Cot. — 1558 tobroke Cot. ~ 1560 he de)) Cot. and Arch. — ear Cot. and Arch. — ipouht Arch. — 1561 spu))e Cot. — 1562 spucche Cot. suche Arch, r— hire Cot. — 1564 ahwene)) Arch. — 1565 wile Arch. — 1566 hwenne Arch. — Lire Cot. — wine Arch. — 1567 swij)e Arch, spise Cot. — 1568 cristis Cfjt. — 1569 levedi Arch. 49 1570 And hire sende betere ibedde [ms. Arch. fol. 240 bj An oper ping ich mai pe telle pat pii ne schalt for pine felle Ondspere none par to findo Al pi (di)sputing sclial aspinde 1575 Moni chapmon and moni cniht Luvep and halt his pif a riht And spa dep moni bondeman pat gode pif dep after pan And servep him to bedde and borde 1580 Mid faire dede and faire porde And ^eorne fondep hu heo mu)e Do ping pat him beo idu)e pe laverd into pare peode Farep ut on pare beire neode 1585 And is pat gode pif unblipe For hire laverdes utsipe And sit and sicp pel sore oflonged And hire sore an heorte ongrep Al for hire loverdes sake 1590 Havep daies care and nihtes pake And spipe longe hire is pe hpile And eche stape hire pun op a mile Hpanne opre slepep hire abute Ich one luste par pipute 1595 And pot of hire sore mode And singe a niht for hire gode And mine song for hire pinge Ich turne sum del to murninge Of hire seor^e ich here sume 1600 For pan ich am hire pel pelcume [ms. Cot. fol. 244 d] Ich hire helpe hpat ich mai 1572 scliald Cot. — 1574 ))is Arch. — 1576 hlad Cot. — 1577 so doj) Arch. — 1579 to borde Cot. and Arch. — 1581 yorne Arch. — muhe Cot. mowe Arch. — 1582 iduwe Arch. — 1583 lov'd Arch. — 1584 nede Cot. — 1586 houdsijje Cot. houJ)siJ)e Arch. — 1587 sik)) Arch, sihd Cot. — 1588 horte ongred Cot. — 1590 kare Cot. and Arch. — ni)tes Cot. — 1591 swi))e Arch, spujje Cot. — 1592 uych Arch, ek Cot. — steape Cot. — ])un)) Cot. J)ink]? Arch. — 1593 hwenne Arch. — 1594 lust Cot. and Arch. — pid^jjute Cot. wi])))ute Arch. — 1596 nyht Arch, ni^t Cot. — 1597 mine (myn) gode song Col. and Arch. — 1598 su Arch, sun Cot. — murnige Cot. — 1599 hure Cot. and Arch. — seorhe Cot. seorwe Arch. — 1601 i Cot. 50 For heo gep pane rihte pai Ac pu me havest sore igramed pat mine heorte is neh alamed 1605 pat ich mai uneape speke Ac 5et ich pule forpure reke pu seist pat ich am manne lop [ms. Arch. fol. 240 c] And ever euch man is pip me prop And me mid stone and lugge pretep 1610 And me toburstep and tobetep And hpanne heo liabbep me ofsla^e Heo hongep me on heore ha^e par ich aschepele pie and crope From pan pat par is isope 1615 pah hit beo sop ich do heom god And for heom ich schedde mi blod Ich do heom god mid mine deape par fore pe is pel uneape For pah pu ligge dead and clinge 1620 pi dep nis noht to none pinge i Ich not never to hpan pu miht For pu nart bute a precche piht Ac pah mi lif me beo atschote pe 5et ich mai do gode note 1625 Me mai up one smale sticke Me sette a pude ine pe picke And spa .mai mon tolli him to Lutle briddes and ifo And spa me mai mid me bi^ete 1630 pel gode brede to his mete Ac pu nevre mon to gode Lives ne deapes stal ne stode 1602 ho^ep Cot. howep Arch. — 1603 ah Cot. & Arch. — igremed Arch. — 1604 min Cot. myn Arch. — pel neh Cot. — alemed Arch. — 1605 unneape Cot. unnepe Arch. — 1606 ah Cot. — ic wile forpurre Arch. — 1607 ylad Cot. — 1608 pid Cot. — prod Cot. — 1610 tobustep Cot. toburste Arch. — 1611 hi Arch. — ofslahe Cot. ofslawe Arch. — 1612 f Arch, for on — hahe Cot. hawe ^rcA. cmp. I. 685 — 1613 ascheule Arch. — 1614 fro Arch, fron Cot. — pe Cot. for pat — per Arch. — 1616 chadde Cot. — 1617 depe Arch, — 1618 vore Cot. — unneape Cot. unmepc Arch. — 1619 ded Arch. — lQ'-lO nouht Arch, napt (nayt?) Oof. — 1621 i\es' Arch, nea- ver Cot. — hwa Arch. — mi)! Cot. — 1622 wiht Arch, pi^t Cot. — 1623 ah Cot. — 1625 uppe Arch. — 1628 ivo Cot. and Arch. — 1629 so Arch. — 1631 ah Cot. and Arch. 51 Icli not to hpan pu bredst [)i brod Lives ne deapes ne dep hit god [ms. Cot. fol. 245 a]. 1635 pe nihtegale iherde pis And hupte uppon on blope ris And herre sat pan heo dude er Ule heo seide beo nu per NuUe ich pip pe plaidi na more [ms. Arch. fol. 240(1] 1640 For her pii mist pi rihte lore pu ^elpest pat pu art manne lop And ever euch piht is pip pe prop And mid ^ollinge and mid igrede pu panst pel pat pu art unlede 1645 pu seist pat gromes pe ifop And heie on rode pe anhop And pe totpicchep and toschakep And sume of pe scheples makep Me puncp pat pu forleost pat game 1650 pu ^elpest of pire o^e schame Me puncp pat pu me gest an honde pu 3elpest of pire o^ene schonde po heo hadde peos pord icpede Heo sat in one ftiire stede 1655 And par after hire stefne dihte And song so schille and so brihte pat feor and ner me hit iherde par fore an an to hire cherde prusche and prostle and pudepale 1660 And fu^eles hope grete and smale For pan heom puhte pat heo hadde pe ule overcome heo gradde 1633 hwan Arch, hpa Cot. — breist Cot. and Arch. — 1635 ihede Cot. — 1636 uppe Arch. — 1637 ear Cot. — 1638 hule he Cot. — per Arch, pear Cot. — 1640 pe Cot. for pn — 1641 ^eilpest Co!. yelpest Arch. — 1642 pid Cot. — por)) Cot. — 1643 yollinge Areh, ^ulinge Cot. — 1644 Jjmchst Arch. — 1645 ifod Cot. ivo]? Arch. — 1646 heye Arch. — rodde Cot. — anhod Cot. — 1647 totpichet & toschaked Cot. — 1648 summe Cot. sume Arch. — schaples Got. scheules Arch. — maked Coi. — 1649 ))unch Cot. j)inkj) Arch. — 1650 yelpest Arch, ^^ulpest Cot. — owe Arch. — 1651 J)unch Cot. — 1652 )ulpest Cot. — owe Arch. — 1654 stude Cot. and Arch, — J 655 stevene Coi. — 1657 fur Arch. — 1658 vore Cot. and Arch. — an on Arch. — 1660 fuheles Cot. foweles Arch. — 1661 pan ])' heo Arch. — 1662 houle Cot. — vor (for) pan heo Cot, and Arch. 52 And sungen al spa feole pise pat blisse pas a mong pe rise 1665 Riht spa me gred pe manne a schame pat tavelep and forleost pat game peos ule po heo pis iherde Havestu heo seide ibanned ferde [ms. Cot. foL 245 b] And pultu precche pip me fihte 1670 Nai nai navestu none mihte Hpat gredep peo pat hider come [ms. Arch. fol. 241 a] Me puncp pu ledest ferde to me 3e schule pite ar 3e fleo heonne Hpuch is pe strengpe of mine cunne 1675 For peo pe havep bile ihoked And clivres scharpe and pel icroked AUe heo beop of mine cunrede And polde cumen ^if ich bede pe seolve coc pat pel can fihte 1680 He mot mid me holde mid rihte For hope pe habbep stefne brihte And sittep under peolcne bi nihte Schille ich an uthest up op grede Ich schal spo stronge ferde lede 1685 pat oper prude schal afalle A tord ne ^ive ich for op alle Ne schal ar hit beo fuUiche eve A precche feper on op bileve Ac hit pas unker forepard 1690 po pe comen hiderpard pat pe par to holden scholde pat rihtne dom us ^ive polde 1663 vale Cot. and Arch. — an Cot. for J>at — 1665 ri)t Cot. — 1666 gome Cot. and Arch. — 1667 hule Cot. — 1669 preche pid Cot. — fi^te Cot. — 1670 mi^te Cot. — 1671 heo Arch. — 3672 pinkj5 Arch. — ferd Cot. — 1673 schulle Arch. — 1674 stren]je Got. — kumie Cot. and Arch. — 1675 ))' Arch, for pe — 1676 charpe Cot. — 1677 kanrede Cot. and Arch. — 1678 palde come Cot. — 1679 seolfe Cot. — fi3te Cot. vihte Arch. — 1680 wi)? Arch, for mid — ri^te Cot. — 1681 stevene brihte Cot, — 1682 welkne Arch. — ni^te Cot. — 1683 schulle Arch. — utest uppen Cot. — eu Arch. — 1684 shal Cot. — 1685 oure Arch. — proude Cot. — avalle Cot. and Arch. — 1686 tort Cot. — yeve Arch. — 1688 wrecche Arch, preche Cot. — bileave Cot. — 1689 ah Cot. and Arch. — vorepard Cot. voreward Arch. — 1690 come Cot. — 1691 holde Cot. — 1692 rihtne (ne inserted) Cot. riht Arch. 53 pultu nu breke forepard Ich pene dom pe puncp to hard 1695 For pu ne darst domes abide pu pult nu precche fihte and chide 3et ich op alle polde rede Ar ich uthest uppon op grede pat (^e) oper fihtlac letep beo 1700 And ginnep rape a pei fleo For bi pe clivres pat ich here 3ef ^e abidep mine here [ms. Cot. fol. 245 cj 3e schule on oper pise singe And ciirsi alle fih tinge 1705 For nis of op non so kene pat durre abide mine onsene peos ule spac pel baldeliclie For pah heo nadde spo hpatliche Ifare after hire here 1710 Heo polde no pe les ^eve anspere [ms. Arch. fol. 241b j pe nihtegale mid spuche porde For moni man mid speres orde Havep lutle strengpe and mid his schelde Ac no pe les in one felde 1715 purh belde porde and mid ilete Dep his ifo for arehpe spete pe prenne for heo cupe singe par com in pare more^eninge To helpe pare nihtegale 1720 For pah heo hadde stofne smale Heo hadde gode prote and schille And feole manne song a pille pG prenne pas pel pis iholde For pah heo nere ibred a polde 1694 p'mkp Arch. J)ing Cot. — 1696 wilt Arch. — preche fi)te Cot. — 1698 ihc utheste Cot. — up eu Arch. — 1699 eur fihtlak Arch. — 1703 schuUe]) an Arch. — 1704 cursy Arch, acursi Cot. — fijtinge Cot. — 1705 vor Cot. and Arch. — 1707 hule Cot. — 1710 palde neo Cot. na Arch. — ^efe Cot. yeve Arch. — 1711 nihtegale Cot. — spucche Cot. — 1713 strencj)e Cot. -- chelde Cot. — 1714 ah Cot. and Arch. — neo Cot. na Arch. — 1715 )i Cot — 1716 ivo Cot. and Arch. — 1717 pranne Cot. — 1718 more)ennge Cot. morewen- inge Arch. — 1719 nihtegale Cot. — 1720 stevene Cot. — 1721 Jjorte Cot. — 1722 fale Cot. and Arch. — 1723 pranne Cot. — 1724 vor 3)eih Arch, vor J)e) Cot. at the bottom of the page, after I. 1735. 54 1725 Heo pas ito-jen a moiig monnc And hire pisdom brohte ponne Heo mihte speke hpar heo polde Tofore pe kinge pah heo scholde Lustep heo cpap latep me speke 1730 Hpat pulle ^e pis pais tobreke And do pan (kinge) spuche schame 5et nis he nouper dec! ne lame Unk schal itide harm and schonde 3ef ^e dop gripbruche on his londe 1735 Latep beo and beop isome And farep riht to oper dome [ms. Cot. fol. 245 d] And latep dom pis plaid tobreke Al spo hit pas erur bispeke Ich an pel cpap pe nihtegale 1740 Ac prenne noht for pire tale Ac do for mire lahfulnesse Ich nolde pat unrihtfulnesse Me at pen ende overcome Ich nam ofdrad of none dome 1745 Bihote ich habbe sop hit is pat maister Nichole pat is pis Bitpihen us deme schule And 3et ich pene pat he pule Ac hpar mihte pe bine finde [ms. Arch. fol. 241c] 1750 pe prenne sat in ore linde Hpat nute ^e cpap heo his bom He punep at Portes hom At one tune in Dorsete Bi pare see in ore utlete 1725 ho Cot. — itowen Arch. — mannenne Cot. cmp. I. 563 mankunne Arch. — 1726 J>enne Cot, and Arch. cmp. I. 132 — 1727 mi^te Cot. — palde Cot. — 1728 tovore pe king Cot. — 1729 quej> lete)) Arch. — 1730 ye Arch. — pes Cot. — 1731 Jeanne Cot. and Arch. — spuch Cot. such Arch. — 1732 yet Arch, ^e Cot. — heo Arch. — 1733 hunke Cot. and Arch. — 1734 we Arch. — 1736 cure Arch. — 1738 erure Arch. — 1739 unne Arch. — cpad Cot. que]) Arch. — ni)tegale Cot. — 1740 ah Cot. and Arch. — pranne Cot. — nouht Arch, napt (nayt?) Cot. — J)me Arch. — 1741 ah Cot. — myre lauhfulnesse Arch. — 1743 overkome Cot. •>— 1744 ofdred Arch. — 1747 bituxen Cot. — schulle Arch, schulde Cot. — 1748 yet Arch. — wuUe Arch. — 1749 ah par Cot. and Arch. — J.750 pranne Cot. — hore Arch, — 1751 nu)te Cot. nuhte Arch. — 1753 ine Cot. 55 1755 par he clemef) manie rihte dom And diht and -prit mani pisdom And purh his mup and purh his honde Hit is pe betere in Scotlonde To seche hine is lihtlich ping 1760 He navep bute one -puning pat is bischopen miichel scheme And alle pan pat of his nome Habbep iherd and of his dede Hpi nullep hi nimen heom to rede 1765 pat he pere mid heom ilome For teche heom of his pisdome And ^ive him rente on feole stude pat he mihte heom ilome beo mide Certes cpap pe ule pat is sop 1770 peos riche men pel miichel misdop [ms. Cot. fol. 246 a] pat letep pane gode mon pat of so feole pinge con And ^ivep rente pel misliche And of him letep pel lihtliche 1775 pip heore cunne heo beop mildre And ^evep rente lutle childre Spo heore pit hi demp adpole pat ever abid maister Nichole Ac ute pe pah to him fare 1780 For par is unker dom al ^are Do pe pe nihtegale seide Ac hpa schal unker speche rede And telle tofore unker deme par of ich schal pe pel icpeme 1785 Cpap pe ule for al ende of orde Telle ich con pord after porde [ms. Arch. fol. 241 d) 1755 mony riht Arch. ri)te Cot. — 1757 J) Got. — mu))e Cot. and Arch. — 1758 into Cot. — 1759 hyiie Arch. — 1760 wuning Arch, poll- ing Cot. — 1761 his Cot. — biscopen Arch. — schame Cot. and Arch. — 1763 ihert Cot. — 1764 heo Arch. — 1766 vor Arch. — 1767 a Cot. — vale Cot. and Arch. — 1768 mi^te Cot. — be Cot. — 1769 qua]) Arch. — hule Cot. — sod Cot. — 1770 muche mis- dod Cot. — 1772 fele Arch. — 1773 yeve]) Arch. — 1775 pid Cot. — 1776 litle Cot. — 1777 so Arch. — demejj Arch. — 1778 ]>* ev' Arch. — 1779 ah Cot. and Arch. — 1781 nhtegale Cot. — 1782 ah Cot. and Arch. — pa Cot. hwo Arch. — 1783 tovore Cot. and Arch. — 1784 iqueme Arch. — 1785 quep Arch. — houle Cot. 56 And 5ef pe pincp pat ich misrempe pu stond a)ein and do me crempe Mid pisse porde forp hi ferde 1790 Al bute here and bute ferde To Portes ham pat heo bicome Ac hu heo spedde of heore dome Ne can ich eu na more telle Her nis na more of pisse spelle 1789 ferden Cot. and Arch. — 1790 verde Cot. and Arch. — 1791 J)et ())er?) hi Arch, — 1792 ah Cot. and Arch. — 1793 chan Cot. — 1794 ^is Cot, Note on I. 432, read morewe for mo rewe. L. 1308 left out in nis. Arch. CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. L. 8, wole,. in m$. Cotton., is probably a mistake for uvele ; cmp. I. 31 vfl = vul. L. 10, hi ou(;ht to be he. L. 15, hope, in ms. Cotton., may as well be read boye. L, 14. beche, in ms. Arch., is perhaps the right reading = bseche, ralley. L. 40, ^o^elinge, a mistake for 5o))elmge, connected with Germ.^o- deln? L. 51, instead of fote fms. uotc) Stevenson and Wright read note, tchich, hoiverer, would suit neither the context, nor the rhyme. L. 69, pe = ])i I. 277, 299 &c. L. 99, dahet. Old French dehait, affliction, misfortune (Roquef. Gloss. 1, 354). L. 215, ware, in ms. Arch., would not suit the context and is, therefore, to be considered as a blunder of the scribe. L. 240, in ms. Cotton, a later hand has inserted eyen after ni)t; a correction which is to be rejected, because it loould spoil the sense and the metre. L. 242, the letters st of strind, in ms. Cotton., are expunged by a later hayid; though I can not explain it satisfactorily, I have retained the original reading, because rind does not well suit the context, and the corrector is not at all to be relied on. L. 248, atprenche (Siratmanns Diction, p. 669) might be easily mistaken for atprenche, because of the similarity of the letters p and P; see note on I. 1125 and 1566. L. 270, e ought to be written, though it would not he pro7iounced before a vowel. L. 274, me, not in the manuscripts, is required by the sense and the metre. Li. 353, overcpatien seems to mean cram to excess, and to be connected with the provincial Engl, quat (Stratm. Beitrdge 425), Old French quatier (Roquef. Gloss. 2, 414, Diez etym. Worterb. 277). L. 367, licst, / must own, looks more like liest in the 7nanuscripts, besides there tvould probably be lixt in ms. Arch. I, therefore, have prifited liest I. 1335. L. 377, hoke)) f hooks), in both manuscripts, is perhaps a mistake for take]). L. 384, I have not altered an to and, because ms. Arch, has a, and there may be a possibility that a substantive dare turn up. L. 406, the negative nispicst is required by the sense: "For such becomes hold if thou fleest that will flee if thou doest not cease (yield). ''^ L. 424, iseo)) is a mistake of the scribe for isihj) ; cmp. I. 407. L. 478, heom = him. 8 58 L. 614, the sign in ms. Cotton, might he y, as well as p ; w in ms. Arch, decided me for pernen. L. 637, ifurne seems to he a suhstantlve formed from ifurn. L. 682, pene, doubt; cmp. I. 239. L. 689, pest = pext L. 748, pes, perhaps (Stratm. Diction. 090). This old word the writer of ms. Arch, left out, probably because he did not understand it. L. 749, al has been added by me for the sake of the metre. L. 764, solde, French solde? at all events it can not he scliolde- (should). L. 845, 3ene, for ^eine, I. 893 pri?ited )eue by Stevenson, \e\e by Wright. L. 932, beoii f^pres. suhj.J is required by beter is ; besides, to beon toould spoil the metre. L. 1047, ileove. Middle High Germ, geliebe, who are dear to one another. L. 1125, p, in ms. Cotton., looks almost like p; Stevenson and Wright, disregarding the rhyme, printed spore. L. 1172, ms. Cotton, reads an J)at ever; / have left out )>at as re- dundant and spoiling the metre; in ms. Arch, ever is left out. L 1195, the absurd reading of ms. Cottojz. & honge originated in the thoughtless scribe's mistaking an for and; it serves, however, to prove that ms. Arch, is not copied from ms. Cotton. L 1246, an / have admitted, in consideration of I. 1199. L. 1319, might perhaps be amended thus: ]?at pite inoh of Spuche pinge cume; then the sense would be: "The man must he well star- wise who know enough of the coming of such things, as thou sayst that is thy custom''\ L. 1322, the reading of the manuscripts bihaitest is not to be ex- plained; the conjectured bipaitest, although not found anywhere else, may mean regardest, behold est. L. 1331, chist = chidst. L, 1334, the e of pife, in ms. Cotton., looks so much like t that, before I saio ms. Arch., I thought pif t(o) was to be read. L. 1336, instead of ]) (for \i i. e, J)urh) me, Stevenson and Wright read in ms. Cot. ])ine, which, for the letters, they might he justified in doing, hut not' so for the sense and the metre; see I. 1351 and 1757. L. 1348, alle is required by the metre, per 6f| beo)) aljle min'l ibejre, as well as by the grammar, ibere being plural ^= Anglo-Sax. gebseru; cmp. I. 222. L. 1353, misrempe, I think, is the right reading, though the manu- script looks very much like mis tempe, for which a later hand wrote steppe in the margin; see note on I. 248. L. 1370, the metre might he set right by substituting ^et for no J)e les, L. 1405, pury, in ms. Cot., might as well be read ;J)urp and pur]). The signs in hey and pury are quite alike; see note on I. 15 and 614. L. 1434, when using it, the author seems to have had child in his mind. L. 1438, oversit, supersedetf 59 L. 1447, wunglinge, in ms. Arch., is an instance more of the scri- he''s mistaking w for 5 ; see note on I. 215 L. 1476, the senseless reading ano, in ms. Cotton., arose from the scribe's mistaking t for 1 (the sign for and); see' I. 1489, L. 1543, ipeld, I now think to he a substantive = Anglo-Sax. ge- peald, power. L. 1566, the reading of ms. Arch, wine originated in the inad- vertent scribe's mistaking p for J), L. 1586, utsi])e (Anglo-Sax, utsid, departure) is, I own, a rather venturous conjecture, but the only one J can make. L. 1588, ongrep — angre])? L. 1602, forho5e)) (forhowep) can not well be the right reading; it is, however, strange that both manuscripts should coincide in the mistake. L. 1733, inc would suit the context better than unc. L. 1764, heom = him? see note on I. 478, L. 1779, ute, see Dictionary i. v. witen. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT jO^a^ 202 Main Library j*^ LOAN PERIOD 1 - HOME USE DUE AS STAMPED BELOW KEC.C1R.SEP 9^ SEMTONIUL OCT031996 ^ - SEN i ON ILL ww^^ U, C, BERKELEY SENTONin U.C.BERKELEY SEP 1l6J998 3ERKEI.E U.C. BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1 /83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ®s LD 21A-50m-lli^ . (D3279slO)4W«^" r v — wirf . vj rtm General Library University orCaII?ornia Berkelev KCIS' III CQ3203M761 f ' .•V