k-QL 03 AGRICULTURE, )L(x;v. B 3 371 ma A LIST OF WORKS ON NOR! A! COMPILED TTNDKR THE DIRECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST, FOR THE I SE <>F STUDENTS AND OT1IF.K ^OHKKKS, AS WKLL AS FOR THOSK Al'.oTT TO I?K(iIN TIIK C()LLK< TIN(i AND S'lTDY OF INSEC'I'S. NATHAN BANKS, Assistant. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1 5HM"). THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID BULLETIN No. 24 NEW SERIES. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY. A LIST OF COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST, FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS AND OTHER WORKERS, AS WELL AS FOR THOSE ABOUT TO BEGIN THE COLLECTING AND STUDY OF INSECTS. BY NATHAN BANKS, Assistant. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1900. 3 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY, Washington, D. C., July 5, 1900. SIR : I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a bul- letin for which there has been much demand among workers in ento- mology, and the publication of which I recommend under the title, Bulletin No. 24, new series, "A List of Works on North American Entomology." Respectfully, L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. 3 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. In 1888 there was published under the Division of Entomology, as Bulletin No. 19, "An enumeration of the published synopses, cata- logues, and lists of North American insects," etc. This bulletin has served a very useful purpose in enabling a full answer to inquiries regarding the works most useful in the determination of our native insects and also regarding the most useful general works of reference. Since the publication of Bulletin No. 19, however, there has been very great activity in entomological work, and the bulletin is now well behind the times. Anyone who has ever taken up the study of ento- mology realizes the difficulty of securing a comprehensive review of the literature, even of a small group, while to secure publications which will enable him to determine the known species in most of the groups is more or less difficult. In fact, it is difficult to learn even the title of such papers and where to procure them. This latter diffi- culty will be solved by the present bulletin. Mr. Banks has not com- piled a complete bibliography of the literature of North American insects, but has given briefly the references to such works and papers as are most useful for the identification of our insects. The old list has been added to greatly, and in fact the number of papers cited is almost double that of the previous bulletin. L. O. H. 4 CONTENTS. Introductory note 4 Comprehensive works most useful for the study of North American insects.. 7 Bibliography 8 Systematic works on single orders of insects: Hymenoptera 9 Diptera 18 Lepidoptera 26 Coleoptera 36 Hemiptera 57 Orthoptera 65 Neuroptera 71 Mallophaga 75 Thysanura 75 Myriapoda 76 Arachnida 77 Works on economic entomology 83 Works 011 economic entomology published by the U. S. Entomological Com- mission and by the U. S. Department of Agriculture .* . . . 85 The more important periodicals cited in this bulletin : 91 How to obtain entomological books and pamphlets 94 5 A LIST OF WORKS ON NORTH AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGY. COMPREHENSIVE WORKS MOST USEFUL FOR THE STUDY OF NORTH AMERICAN INSECTS. THOMAS SAY. Complete writings on the entomology of North America; edited by J. L. LeConte. New York, 1859. Principally descriptions of new species; contains a glossary to entomological terms. Now out of print. J. H. COMSTOCK. A manual for the study of insects. Ithaca, Corn- stock Publishing Company, 1895. Price, $4.50. Almost indispensable to the student. A. S. PACKARD. Guide to the study of insects. New York, Henry Holt & Co. Price, $5. Many editions. (First edition, Salem, 1869.) A. S. PACKARD. A text-book of entomology. New York, The Mac- millan Company, 1898. Price, $4.50. Especially valuable for anatomy and morphology. ALPHEUS HYATT and J. M. ARMS. Insecta. No. VIII, Guides for science teaching. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1890. Price, $1.25. A handy volume for the teacher. H. C. C. BURMEISTER. Handbuch der Entomologie. Berlin, 1832- 1855. 5 vols. Vol. I. Allgemeine Entomologie. The first volume treats of general entomology; Vol. II, part 1, of the Hemip- tera; part 2, of Orthoptera; part 3, of Neuroptera; the remaining volumes of Coleoptera. The first volume has been translated by W. E. Shuckard, under the title, Manual of Entomology. 1 vol. London, 1836. J. O. WEST WOOD. An introduction to the modern classification of insects, founded on the natural habits and corresponding organi- zation of the different families. 2 vols. London, 1839-40. W. KIRBY and W. SPENCE. An introduction to entomology. 4 vols. London, 1815-1826. Several later editions, some in two volumes. Contains a vast amount of interesting matter on the habits of insects. 7 8 DAVID SHARP. The Cambridge Natural History; Insects. 2 vols. : vol. 1, 1895; vol. 2, 1899. London, Macrnillan & Co. Price, 17 shillings per volume. A most interesting work on insects. H. J. KOLBE. Einfiihrung in die Kenntnis der Insekten. Berlin, 1893. Especially valuable for morphology. J. KUNCKEL D'HERCULAIS. Les Insectes, les Myriopodes, et les Arachnides. Edition francaise, A. E. Brehm, Merveilles de la Nature. 2 vols. Paris, 1883. Very valuable for habits of insects. THE STANDARD NATURAL HISTORY. Edited by J. S. Kingsley. Bos- ton, 1884-85. Volume II contains the insects, treated by the following authors: Hyme- noptera, J. H. Comstock and L. O. Howard; Coleoptera, Geo. Dim- mock; Lepidoptera, H. Edwards and C. H. Fernald; Diptera, S. W. Williston; Orthoptera, C. V. Riley; Hemiptera, P. R. Uhler; Neurop- tera, A. S. Packard; Arachnida, J. H. Emerton. BIOLOGIA CENTRALI- AMERICANA. Edited by T. Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin. London, issued in parts. [Unfinished.] The different subjects, as far as published, may be secured by purchase f roi n foreign book dealers. FRANK COWAN. Curious facts in the history of insects. 396 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. A. S. PACKARD. Entomology for beginners. New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1892. Price, $1.40. C. V. RILEY. Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects. Washington, D. C., 1892. Part F of Bulletin No. 39 of the U. S. National Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY. H. A. HAGEN. Bibliotheca Entomologica. Die Litteratur iiber das ganze Gebiet der Entomologie bis zum Jahre 1862. Leipzig, 1862. O. TASCHENBERG. Bibliotheca Zoologica II, 1889; III, 1890. Leipzig. Dealing with the literature of entomology from 1861 to 1880; the first vol- ume, under Carus and Engelmann, brought the subject down to 1861, duplicating Hagen's w r ork. ZOOLOGICAL RECORD. Published each year by the Zoological Society of London. BIBLIOGRAPHIA ZOOLOGICA. Published in parts, in connection with the Zoologischer Anzeiger. S. H. SCUDDER. Nomenclator Zoologicus. Bui. No. 22, U. S. National Museum, 1882. Contains a universal index to the genera used in /oology down to 1880. 9 S. HENSHAW. Bibliography of American Economic Entomology. Parts I-V. 82, pp. 273-284. A. HANDLIRSCH. [See work cited under Bembecidse.] W. J. Fox. Synopsis of the species of Nysson inhabiting America, north of Mexico. een published. G. R. CROTCH. Check-list of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico. Salem, Mass., Naturalists' Agency, 1873. E. P. AUSTIN. Supplement to the Check-list of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico. Boston, S. E. Cassino, 1880. SAMUEL HENSHAW. List of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico. Amer. Entom. Soc. Phila., 1885. Price, $1.25. This supersedes all previous lists. SAMUEL HENSHAW. First Supplement to the List of Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico. f the whole world. 41 GYRINID^E. JOHN L. LECONTE. The G}a-inidaB of America, north of Mexico. o O. M. REUTER. Nabidae novae et minus cognitae.