yC-NRLF B M 13i Mc^s IE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATIOI OF FAT M THE HUMAN BODY. AN EPITOME OF LABORAT PHYSIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL I ON THIS SUBJECT. TES ON ENTS BEARING H. CRITCHETT, BARTLETt- Ph.D., P.C.S., AUTHOR ' ANALYTICAL PAPERS ON THE SUBJECTS OF FO ., ^ THE NOURISHMENT OF THE BODY IN " THE LANCET," " THF BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL," "THE MEDICAL PRESS AND CIRCULAR," "THE MEDICAL RECORD," "the SANITARY RfiCORD," " PUBLIC HEALTH," ETC. ■i::x- LONDON: J. & A. CHURCHILL, NEW BURLINGTi 1877. EET. MEDICAL ^SCHOOL LmSMAU^T THE ISTIOI AID ASSIMILATION OF 'AT II THE HUMAI BODY. AN EPITOME OP LABORATO^ 5I0L0GICAL AND CHEMICAL F^ I. BEARING ON . THIS SUBJles, Experimb.. lieved to be an Ell ' \ f Tatty Matters ' BY H. CRITCHETT, BARTLETT, Ph.D., F.C.S., AUTHOR OF ITICAL PAPERS ON TUB SUBJECTS OF FOOD AND THE NOURISHMENT OF THE EODT IN " THE LANCET," " THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL," "the MEDICAL PRESS AND CIRCULAR," "THE MEDICAL RECORD," "THE 8AN1TABY KBCORD," "PUBLIC HEALTH," ETC. LONDON: & A. CHURCHILL, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 1877. ^■\Ki •^.1-^ 1% CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction ... ... ... , , , , , , g CHAPTER I. A Brief Account of the Circumstances, Experiments, and Con- siderations leading to what is believed to be an Elucidation of the Digestion and Absori^tion of Fatty Matters ... 9 Description of some of the Reactions and Functions of Pancreatic Fluid ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Analytical Processes for the Separation of the Active Principles and other Components ... ... ... ... 14 The Fermentative Nature of the Pancreative Principles ... 19 The Emulsifying Power of the Pancreatic Fluid ... ... 23 The Manner in which a New Principle is thought to have been Detected and Confirmed ... ... ... ... 25 CHAPTER n. A Slight Sketch of the Physiology and Chemistry relating to the Preliminary Digestion of Fats ... ... ... 29 CHAPTER III. The Digestion of Fat in the Small Intestine ... ... 34 CHAPTER IV. Artificial Aids to the digestion of Fat ... ... ... 40 ADDENDUM. Early Evidence of the Commencement of Wasting Diseases dis- covered by the Excretion of Soluble Fat ... ... 45 31601 THE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION OF FAT IN THE HUMAN BODY, raXEODUCTIOK Towards the autumn of 1872, a somewhat warm con- troversy sprung up between the late Dr. Ed'warcl Smith and myself, among others, respecting the proportional nutriment and digestibility of certain articles of preserved food, particularly in regard to "Australian meat" and " condensed milk." The numerous letters which appeared in The Times and Standard, together with the more elaborate arguments brought forward in the columns of several scientific journals, attracted the attention of my esteemed friend and teacher. Baron von Liebig. A very interesting correspondence ensued, discussing minutely the various questions at issue. Among other valuable results, I may incidentally mention the final repudiation by Liebig of the untenable assumption that his own '' extr actum carnis*'^ was of a food value bearing any close relation to the nutriment contained in the whole bulk of meat from which it had been extracted. This candid admission of mistaken G THE DIGESTIOxV AND ASSIMILATION OF views, which were previously advanced with no little iirmness and pertinacity, exhibited a great mind rising superior to every self-interest and prejudice. As a direct consequence of our intercommunication, this was natu- rally highly gratifying to me ; but it is as an instructive example, which may, be borne in mind by all scientific writers, no matter how distinguished their position, that such a recantation should be regarded.* During the progress of the discussion, Liebig expressed a wish that I should place myself in communication with Drs. Playfair and Bence Jones. The former was away from London at the time, and when in town was neces- sarily absorbed by the cares of high official duties ; I there- fore invoked the kindly assistance of the secretciry of the Koyal Institution. Dr. Bence Jones advised that a number of experiments on the digestion of food should be undertaken ; and, after much consideration, wrote to me, suggesting the tabula- tion of a very lengthy series of reactions, only to be at- tained by a course of investigation extending over several years. The various proximate principles of food were to be administered without any mixture with other matters, except water. The reactions to be recorded were as to acidity, neutrality, or alkalinity during each stage of digestion, from the mouth to the lower bowel. Not only was {he food mass to be thus tested, but my far-seeing adviser was still more interested in obtaining similar indications respecting the different conditions of the various digesting juices. They were to be taken just as * A precedent so frank was not lost on Dr. Edward Smith, who in his later writings also \-irtually admitted that he had entertained erroneous views even on the main points of the controveray. FAT IN THE HUMAN BODY. secreted in their respective glands during the digestion of each single component of food, the like observations being registered before and after digestional activity. Even beyond this, it was considered very desirable that the muscular tissues surrounding the digestive organs should be equally carefully tested, for reasons which I scarcely Understood the important bearings of at the time. While the processes of digestion in life were to be studied to afford the closest possible insight into the laws which govern the solution and absorption of the various food principles, the artificial digestion of single components of food, to be afterwards supplemented by simple combinations, was proposed to be experimented on in the laboratory with a completeness I have not yet been able to fully carry out. Here was a programme ambitious enough, if affording any promise of leading up to a thorough comprehension of the true principles of the digestion of food, however complex in their alternations and combinations in the living human economy. Dr. Bence Jones was quite persuaded that such a course of experiments would con- tribute, at least, to the foundation of such knowledge, and he was eager to obtain the information to be acquired by this means. I have so far quoted from such of his letters as I have still by me. Whether he would have considered his anticipations justified by the progress since made, I can- not presume to decide ; but of this I am fully conscious, that in losing the benefit of his co-operation, advice, and encouragement, at his decease in the following year, many of the immediate scientific deductions logically to be drawn from the experiments made have been lost for ever. 8 THE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION OF Unable to devote the whole of my time and the con- siderable amount of money necessary to carry out the proposed research in its integrity, and being now hampered by the 'recent anti-viviseetional legislation, it is improbable that I shall be able to complete the physiological . investigations commenced under such lavourable auspices. Accident, however, conduced to forward one particular train of experiments, namely, that on the digestion of fat in the living body ; and as the artificial digestion of fatty matters was undertaken contemporaneously, the results have attained a greater advance than in any of the other sections. I therefore intend to discuss in this short treatise the general principles of digestion involved, to that extent only which may be necessary to explain their bearing in this instance. For the last eighteen months I have had the valuable assistance of Dr. G. Overend Drewry, whose collaboration in the later physiological experiments has very materially lielped to work out some of the more interesting problems connected with these peculiar digestional phenomena. FAT IN THE HUMAN BODY. CHAPTER I. A BRIEF ACCOUNT OP THE CIRCUMSTANCES, EXPERIMENTS, AND CON- SIDERATIONS LEADING TO WHAT IS BELIEVED TO EE AN ELUCIDATION OF THE DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION OF FATTY MATTERS. The examination of the constituents of tlie gastric fluids of the stomach forms naturally a leading feature of the scheme proposed by Dr. Bence Jones. It was on that score I was led to attempt the determination as to whether the solvent power of pepsin upon the albumin- ous portions of food is, or is not, accelerated and assisted in its own function by admixture with other digestive principles. This is broadly stated to be the case by several American physicians ; and the advantageous use of the active principles of the sweetbread, or pancreas, in helping the pepsin of the gastric juice in the stomacli, is vouched for by a chemist of high standing in ^ew York. My inquiries somewhat corroborate these views, but in carrying out the trials I was for a time altogether foiled in the endeavour to obtain in a convenient form that portion of the pancreatic jidce which should consti- tute reliable pancreatiii. I could purchase useful pepsin, at a high price it is true ; and concordant results were obtained of its powers of solution, even if the peptic solvent was ajmost invariably below a fair standard. Tlie pancreatin sold at the shops, either as a powder or in a suspended state in oil, proved, on the other hand, so unequal in its action as to disturb all j^arity of experiment. If I had been dependent upon any of the samples of prepared pancreatin I was able to procure from our best known English i^HWtaidliifiiiiaiiBSil 10 THE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION OF druggists, I should have been compelled to relinquish all further research, not only as to its supplementary action to pepsin, but in regard to its own specific functions. Very little can be said in excuse for the manufacturers of the so-called pancreatin, who put forward, as the true active principle* of the pancreatic juice, preparations which rarely contain one-tenth part of the active principles to be found in the solid contents of that fluid. But what can be the word which will express the confidence in the want of knowledge of patients and want of testing by prescribers, or the unconsciousness of their own ignorance, which permits the sale of preparations termed 2)ancreatin yielding less than 2 per cent, of any active principle of the fluid, and in some instances show none whatever? These last and utterly worthless samples have been more frequently sent to me than the unreliable preparations first alluded to, which do contain just suflicient of the active principles to cover the inertness of more than nine- tenths of their bulk. At the outset, however, I determined to rely only on preparations made with my own hands; the hindrance occasioned by the bad pancreatin supplied from the shops was so far fortunate, inasmuch as it induced me to imme- diately devote a special attention to these experiments, instead of proceeding with them merely as supplemental to those commenced on pepsin. Desc7'ijjtion of some of the Reactions and Functions of Pancreatic Fluid. We could scarcely expect very close accord in the earlier observations respecting the reactions of the pan- * It is noticeable that " the active principle " is always printed on the Jabels of the preparations in the singular. FAT IN THE HUMAN BODY. H ereatic fluid. At a period of scientific research, liowever brilliant, when the dispute ''raged furious" before the savants could decide the nature of the gastric acids, it is not surprising to find the pancreatic juice described as acid, acid-saline, neutral, faintly alkaline, and strongly alkaline. De la Boe and De Graf state it was acid to .their tests and saline to their taste : Pechlin and Brunner )mpared the reaction to that of a neutral salt : Meyer 'discovered the fluid from the pancreatic gland of a cat to be faintly alkaline, which was corroborated by Magendie. Tiedemann and Gmelin, taking the first portion of fluid issuing from the pancreatic duct of a dog, wliich was opened for the experiment, found it to be slightly red and turbid ; it was put aside wdthout testing for some time. The next portion was whiter, wdth a bluish cast, and was decidedly alkaline, being con- sidered the mimixed fluid from the gland. On reverting to the first portion, the test paper showed distinct acidity. Baron Lucien Corvisart, the eminent medical adviser of the late Emperor of the French, referring to the previous experiments of Pappenheim, asserts that in one of its functions, namely, its digestion of fibrinous albuminoid matter, the action proceeds whether the fluid is in an acid, neutral, or alkaline condition. With all the apparent contrariety of the reactions thus recorded, Corvisart' s experiments are not sufficiently conclusive to hold good with regard to the reactions proper to the other functions of the pancreatic fluid. Leuret and Lassaigne, however, aftbrded the first reasonable explanation of the former seeming inconsistencies of re- action by proving that, when freshly exuding at the period of intestinal digestion, the fluid is always strongly alkaline in health : that shortly after its escape into ......^^^^ummammmmiUSIk 12 'J'HE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION OF any receptacle not protected from the air it becomes neutral, and after some time it turns acid. Notwithstanding tlie valuable ex|)eriments of Bernard during the lengthy investigations he has bestowed on the subject, I propose to tread on almost virgin ground in the endeavour to identify with each peculiar function of the pancreatic fluid the characteristic reaction most suitable for the development of its activity. In as few words as possible, I will give a short account of the different functions displayed by the combined principles contained in this complex digestive. Bouchardat and Sandras demonstrated that raw starch, which remained untransformed in its passage through the gizzards of birds, and through the stomachs of those animals where the saliva is insufficient to change all the starch swallow^ed, is powerfully acted on in the intestine as soon as it is in contact with the pancreatic fluid. The coi'puscles are eroded, dissolved, and transformed into sugar. Such digestion and chemical change involves the hydration of the starch by its taking up an exa&n the amount of fat digestible in the stomach or capable of bein^ carried by the lymphatics. The first is, I am aware, but very small, the latter being difficult of estimation. FAT IN THE HUMAN LODY. 35 ■ The penetration of solid particles, such as the sharp dust of charcoal, cannot, however, be regarded as absorp- tion, being due to attrition forcing them mechanically through the walls of the vessels. The true absorption of liquids also depends upon their suitability to mix with and afterwards form a portion of the blood ; and I have proved by repeated experiments that no other kind of fluid enters naturally into the circulation, although it may be forced into it. Fat is found in an average sample of blood to the extent only of 1*5 per thousand, and this partly in a soluble form and partly as serolin. Free, fixed, or uncom- bined fat will neither mix with to form part of the blood, nor v,'ill it in this condition pass inwards through the walls of the vessels. A certain amount of a dilferent kind of fat is, hoAvever, retained in the blood, which only becomes insoluble after exposure to the air ; this is pro- bably excrementitious, or a i-esidne ^accumulating from the soluble fat which is precipitable from solution by the salts of the alkaline earths, and particularly by phosphate of lime. It resembles cholesterin, but inelts at a much lower temperature, namely, 97° F. Tliis peculiar fat is, I And, eliminated through the sebaceous glands, as well as by the bowels. The chief supply of fat to the blood is not by direct absorption from the blood, but from the chyle taken up by the lacteals. During the active absorption of chyle containing fat, the villi become whiter and more opaque, and when the fat has been duly prepared by admixture with bile, pancreatic fluid, and the juices of the intestinal glands, a j^ortion of this fatty consatuent may be traced in the investing epithelium. The columnar cells, hero and there, become fl-led with brilliant globules of oil, ^„B,^iaaMMiMittililS^ 30 THE DIGESTION AND ASSLMILATION OF which I have ascertained to be free oil, containing no water or otiier constituents of the chyle. Tlie columnar cells are so small that 1600 of them placed end to end only measure one inch, their diameter being less than half this size ; the value of the most per- fect emulsion is therefore evident, by which only minute globules are presented to the cells. But a mere me- chanical mixture of oil and water, however finely sub- divided for the moment, does not enable the oil to permeate the delicate membranous walls of the cells. The experi- ments proving this have an importance which demands a more detailed description than my present space permits, but I hope shortly to further particularize. After fasting a dog for two days, a meal of beef kidney fat was given, in which were a few pieces of old tanned leatlier to excite due peristalsis. The bile and pancreatic ducts were previously tied, and a ligature was passed round the bowel, at)out two feet from the pylonis. At the end of three houi*s the animal was killed, and the condition of the intestine was examined, both microscopic- ally and chemically, for any fat it might have absorbed. Scarcely any oil globules were found to have entered the cells of the villi with which the fat had been so long in contact, and by exhaustion in boiling ether no difference could be perceived in the amount of fat extracted from the portion above the ligature, as compared with that obtained from an equal weight of intestine taken from below the part closed by tying. A similar experiment was performed upon the intestine of another dog, the only difference being that an alkaline solution of pancreatin with bile extractive was mixed with the fat before it was swallowed. A third dog was fed as in the first case, but the natural secretions of bile FAT IN THE HUMAN BODY. 37 and pancreatic fluid were permitted to flow into the in- testine. In both these latter cases the fat, in an oily state, was found in the cells of the villi, and analysis gave evidence of a very large absorption of fat in the parts above the ligatures, while in those portions beneath it no increase of fatty constituents was yielded. These results are in themselves sufiiciently conclusive, but I have observed that they are corroborated by all I have ^ascertained concerning the still more interesting- processes by which fats pass through the various mem- branes and tissues, when suitably prepared either by natural or artificial means. It is at the very point of transmittance that the complex actions and reactions occur which are included in the but little understood digestional absorption of fat. The moistened membranes of the villi, lacteals, and blood vessels do not pass free fixed oil by endosmosis, as is believed by some ; neither will m^re alkalinity assist in its absorption, as I w^as able to demonstrate by a fourth experiment. The mixture of pure pancreatic fluid and fat appears almost equally incapable of being taken up by the absorbents, but the experiments to determine this were not quite so conclusive, probably because we were unable to prevent the presence of fluids from the intes- tinal glands. Many and various supplementary ex- aminations confirm these data, and the necessity is plainly shovvai for the presence of an alkali, pancreatic fluid possessing full fermentative vitality, and certain elements of the bile, to render fat truly soluble in the fluid before it can be absorbed. A very minute portion of the soluble oil appears sufficient to eifect the transfusion of a large quantity of a fine emulsion. It may act by rapid endosmosis, carrying iiiriiifriiirftiirtflli 38 THE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION OF with it the iixed fats, and may then return by exosmosis, having deposited the globules of free oil within the mem- branes of the cells. By a simihir action the fixed fats may pass from one membrane to another, until it is mixed with the chyle in the lacteals and the blood in the capillaries of the bowel. I am not in a position to demonstrate that this is the precise manner in which the soluble portion of the oil enables the other portion to be absorbed, but I have proved that fat which contains no soluble glycerides is not absorbed until the reactions of the bile and pancreatic fluid have rendered a portion of it soluble in w^ater. Whatever description of fat may have been eaten, it must be so far transformed as to approach in composition to that of butter or the fat of milk which has passed through the mammary glands. It may not be generally known that butter is, to a certain extent, easily rendered soluble in water ; but as this peculiarity affords the distinctive difterence between pure butter and the common fats with which it may be adulterated, and as this is now relied on in butter analysis for the detection of such adulteration, I may, perhaps, be excused if I repeat the evidence of this instructive fact, which first dawned upon me some three years l)ack. Ordinary mutton, beef, and pork fats are composed almost exclusively of the glycerides of the fixed fatty acids, such as the stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids. If these are saponified with hydrates of the alkalies, and the soap is decomposed with a dilute acid, such fats will yield more than 95 per cent, of the fixed fatty acids, which will float upon the water, being absolutely insoluble in that con- dition. If, however, butter is saponified, nearly 14 per FAT IN THE HUMAN BODY. 39 cent, of other fatty acids and glycerin are set free ; these are both volatile and truly soluble in pure water. The analogy is perfect between butter and the fatty matters of food, after they have been acted on by the bile, pancreatic, and other essential fluids in the intestine ; a portion of the fat, varying from 4 to 7 per cent., being in true solution by the time its digestion is complete and it is ready for absorption. A slight saponification is evi- dently required to form a hydrate of the fatty matters by the fixation of a portion of water. This product is in its turn decomposed, and the soluble fatty acids and glycerine liberated to enter into solution. Bernard has always maintained that soap is formed in the intestine, and I am sure that no careful experimenter can fail to find it during a vigorous digestion of fat ; but I diverge from M. Bernard's views when he assumes soap, as such, to be the vehicle — much more, as the only vehicle — for the transfusion of fats through the various membranes. As I before stated, I am not greatly concerned now to adopt any dogmatic theory of the exact minutice of such transfusion, but I must emphatically declare that I can find no actual soap except in the intestine, even when a considerable quantity of soap has been injected into it. I therefore lean strongly to the opinion that saponifica- tion is only a preliminary process, confined to the bowel alone. The soap, when formed, has to be split up before its fats are absorbed through the several membranes so that they may be taken up in the circulation. The very support aftbrded by this possible advance upon previous tenets enhances the practical value of the discovery that soluble fatty matters are essential to the healthy secretion of the pancreatic glands. The experi- ments which prove that the active functions of the pan- 40 THE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION OF creas depend chiefly, if not entirely, on its being itself supplied with fat soluble in water, seem incidentally to point out the conditions under which the supply can be afforded. Having taken the subject thus far in recording a brief generalization of my rough analytical notes, I must reserve a few words explanatory of the attempts made to- arrive at a synthetical product complying to some extent w^ith these essential conditions. CHAPTER lY. ARTIFICIAL AIDS T0 THE DIGESTION OF FATS. All animals suffering from emaciation labour under the same degeneration Qf the fat-digesting organs in varying degrees. From whatever original causes the pancreatic functions have lapsed into abeyance, no sufficient or healthy flow of the digestional fluids is ever found during wasting diseases. This is provably true of dogs, pigs, calves, and other animals which become attenuated when plentiful food is provided. It is not difficult to insert a drainage tube into the pancreatic duct and test the difter- ence of the emulsiiying power of the fluids obtained on oil, which may be compared with that produced by animals possessing an obviously healthy digestion. A regular and reliable flow of bile is equally essential to the formation of soluble fat or oil, and this is as frequently found want- ing during the digestion of food by all animals losing weight, unless it be from over-exercise or want of proper food. FAT IN THE HUMAN BODY. 41 IS^othing appears to restore the healthy functions of the liver and pancreas in these cases, except the frequent ingestion of oil or liquid fat, so treated artificially that it is already partially transformed by fermentation and the reaction of bile. Seized on with avidity by the absorb- ents, it is insensibly assimilated by the digestive organs, until they gradually become strengthened, not only to provide their ovfn nourishment, but to transform a suffi- cient quantity of fat to supply the inevitable waste throughout the body. The fat or oil most suitable for general nourishment is evidently that which most -nearly approaches the com- position of the fat to be renewed, but a fallacy underlies the proposal that the small quantity necessary to give a periodic impetus to the digestion of the common fats of food need be, or indeed ought to be, of this exact com- position. It is admitted by those w^io contend for the adminis- tration of the more solid fats as a pancreatic emulsion that, in the first instance, oil, such as cod-liver oil, " can be hurried most rapidly into the^>?//m<9n<:r?'?/ (?) circula- tion ; it is the fluid oleinons kind of fat that can pass by the portal instead of by the lacteal route." It is, as Dr. Dobell says in another place, " like water to the uprooted flower." But, then, this candid writer proceeds to advise the use of solid pancreatized fat, because "if you keep it (the flower) in water after it has revived, instead of planting it in good soil, it will droop again and die for want of materials on which to live." There would be great weight in this, if the fat proposed to be made into the emulsion is exactly of the composition of human fat, and no other fat should be taken in the ordinary diet. Dr. DobelL however, advocates the use of a far more solid 42 THE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION OF fat than Iniman fat, and forgets tiiat tlie animal fats of food contained in his own dietary are also of tliis precise nature. He also loses siglit of the obvious necessity for a due admixture of the ^' fluid oleinous kind of fat," to approximate the harder fats of the diet to the normal fatty matters of the human body. To continue his own metaphor, the flower requires not only " good soil," but periodic watering. The advantage of an emulsion of the more fluid oil to temper down the too great solidity of the other fats taken in ordinary diet is therefore manifest. As I have proved this to be the case with pigs, in which the lard more nearly approaches the consistence of human fat, I think we may assume the same to hold good in the human digestion of fat. Taking perfectly soluble pancreatin,* and completely emulsifying a suitable oil with water (two parts to one), I find tliere is a difficulty in preserving the ferment principle from working itself out in the course of a few days; after which the pancreatized oil will not com- municate its emulsifying property to other fats or oils with which it may be brought in contact, as it does when the ferment is still in vigorous activity. Hence, we should require a fresh preparation to be made almost every day in summer-time, or the fatty matters of food will not be transformed so as to be digested except by those who do not require such assistance. To obviate this, I m.ade numberless experiments with temporary antiseptics, and I conclude that one only is really suitable. Boric acid appears to arrest any after fermentation in the * If any portion of the pancrcatin is insoluble in water, it denotes a highly objectionable mode of preparation ; the true ferment beinj? killed, and the whole exceptionally liable to ammoniacal decomposition. o I I FAT IN THE HUMAN BODY. 43 emulsion without injmy to it ; and when it is combined with the soda to represent tliat constituent of tlie bile always forthcoming, in the naturally healthy digestion of fat or oil, I observe that the salt formed becomes so dissolved and diluted in the digestion of food that the pancreatic ferment resumes its activity, and all the other fats of the meal become in a like manner trans- formed. At this period of liberating the ferment from the temporary antiseptic influence of the boric acid, there is liability to a slight putrefactive decomj^osition, which is only restrained naturally by other principles of the bile. At first I v/as led to attempt this artificially, by adding glyco-cholic acid in its original combined state (the "crystallized bile" of Plattner), but the flavor was so nauseous that I could not get animals to swallow oil prepared with it. Eeflecting that the pancreatin used was from the pig, and, according to Strecker, the bile of that animal contains glyco-cholates diflering from ox ile, I refined the glyco-hyocholic acid until the objection- able bitterness was removed, and I was pleased to observe that its function in the intestines was but little impaired. Testing oil prepared with soluble pancreatin, soda, boric acid, together with a trace of hyocholic a(dd, I have every reason to believe that a transformable modification of the oil is reached, which is digestible in the most atrophied condition of the organs. All the elements for a gentle but rapid saponification are insured, and the splitting up of the soap is favoured by the presence of a small quantity of already hydrated oil in solution. How little of this actually soluble glyceride of volatile fatty acids is suflScient to continue .. ■^.■■■xf^^';*?^£^^^!^ 46 THE DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION OF FAT. is required to prevent the loss of such traces of soluble volatile fatty matters as are sometimes to be found at the commencement of the disease. Similarly, I now always submit the fcecal matters to this, among other delicate tests. The result is that a false or secondary digestion of fat is often found to have taken place in the lower bowel without any benefit being derived from it. On the contrary, it seems to denote one of the first symptoms of the degeneration of the natural fat-digesting organs. As this is of importance in point- ing out a possibly unsuspected mischief, I have thought attention should be directed to the means analysis affords of confirming or removing uncertain suspicions as to such morbid conditions. These may, or may not, be intimated by a slight glistening film, either on the surface of the solid excreta or floating in the urine. Interesting as such investigations are in supplementing the foregoing incpiiries, I have had to regret the interrup- tion lately of experiments extending over nearly seven years. The unexpected enforcement of certain rules of Gray's Inn has practically closed my laboratory there for these purposes. I have, however, now made special arrangements at my new laboratories in Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, which will, I hope, enable me to complete at least some of the other physiological experi- ments, and to proceed with analyses such as have been lately forbidden to me. 25, Queen Anne Street, Ca/oendish Squa/re. 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