STATISTICAL SOCIETY. ^onorarp \BtBiitsmt. W When, from whom, and how this volume was obtained, with the price paid, if any, man be found opposite the above number in the Register of Books, which i.s always open to inspection. Extract from, the Political Code. Skction 2296. Books may be taken from the Library by the mkmbkks of thk Lkcisi.atukk, during thk, skssions thkukof, and by other State officers at any time. Skc. 2298. The Controller, if notified by the Librarian that any officer has failed to return books taken by him within the time prescribed by the Rules, and after de- mand made, must not draw his warrant for the salary of such officer until the return is made, or three times the value of the hooks, or of any injuries thereto, has been paid to the Librarian. Sir. 2299. Every person who injures or fails to return any book taken is liable to the Librarian in three times the value thereof. No person shall take or detain from the General Library more than two volumes at any one time, or for a longer period than two weeks. Books of rkfkrknck shall not BK TAKKN FROM THK LlBRAKV AT ANY TIMK. — [Extract from the Rules.] 4S*The Foregoing Regulations will be strictly enforced."®* S, K.G. 85. .R.C.P., F.R.S. H.A., F.R.S. Lefevre, M.P. C.B., M.P. ,, F.R.S. L.D. B.A. M.P., F.R.S. LL.D. H.A., M.B. , M.A. ITIN, M.P. &.V., F.R.C.S. lTE.J.P., F.R.S. FREDERICK HENDHIKS. jSToee A. Humphreys. James Stephen Jeans. Robert Lawson. ein, F.R.G.S. 13TB >v . xvusis numiNBUis, j£. C.S.I. Samuel Smith, M.P. Richard Denny Uhlin. R. Price Williams, C.E. £ttrttaviz&. John Biddtjlph Martin, M.A. | A. E. Bateman. G-. S. Baden-Powell, M.A. jforrisn g>tctztzry, John Biddtjlph Martin, M.A. SWtftftant &etvttavy antr Hthrariaii. Joseph Whittall. JJaufecrS.— Messrs. Drtjmmond and Co., Charing Cross, S.W., London. -£^2§& & CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY. CATALOGUE LIBEAEY OF THE a STATISTICAL SOCIETY. 9, ADELPHI TERRACE, STRAND, WO, LONDON. WJTH preface anb IReoulatione, 1884. . LONDON: EDWARD STANFORD, 55, CHARING CROSS, S.W. LONDON' : HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, 6T. MARTIN'S LANE. HU1 PREFACE. The Library of the Statistical Society, whose functions are to observe and record facts relating to the condition and progress of society, must needs be rich in works of a solid character, the writings of observers and statisticians of all times and countries. And the works it has accumulated, now numbering well nigh 20,000 volumes, embody facts of a physical and vital, mental and moral, social and economical, commercial, industrial, and financial character, of great value, not only to the politician, the economist and the historian, but to every accurate writer and reasoner. A glance at the pages of this Catalogue will suffice to indicate how varied and thorough is the statistical information now collected, and with what vigour the science is pursued under the superintendence of the State, and still more by the labours of men of science. Whilst the Astronomer expands our knowledge of the meteorology and magnetism of the universe, and the Geographer explores for us unknown regions, and makes us acquainted with the habits and wants of distant races, the Statistician labours to evolve the principles of those sciences which govern alike the phenomena of the matsrial universe and the practical problems of the law of probabilities, and subjects the real worth of economic doctrines to the close test of numbers, and to the great corrective of experience and facts. The Library of the Statistical Society has grown to considerable dimen- sions* since the last Catalogue was published in 1859. The International Statistical Congress, held under the auspices of the different Governments in Brussels, Paris, Vienna, London, Florence, The Hague, Berlin, St. Petersburg, and Budapest, brought the Statistical Society into contact with the Statistical Bureaux and leading statisticians of all countries, and the Official Publica- tions of the following States are now regularly received in the Library, viz. : — Argentine Bepublic, Austria and Hungary, Bavaria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, Prussia, Portugal, Iioumania, Bussia, Saxony, Spain, Switzerland, United States of America, and Uruguay. So also are the Official Publications from the various departments of the United Kingdom, and from the Indian, Colonial, and other Possessions of the British Empire. 434 The resources of the Library will be best appreciated by reference to the names of different States, and to those of the many eminent Statisticians and Economists whose works it contains. Thus under the heading of Italy will be found Official Publications relating to Climatology, Meteorology and Topography, Population and Anthropometry, Instruction, elementary and technical, Judicial proceedings and Crime, Mining, Commerce, Industry and Navigation., and communal, provincial, and national Finances; whilst the " Annali di Statistica " and " Archivio di Statistiea " are full of papers on philosophical, statistical, and economic questions. Under the heading of Names, of Authors, there will be found, among many others, the writings of Balbi, Michel Chevalier, Sir Josiah Child, Engel, Fallati, Dr. Farr, Stanley Jevons, Maltlms, William Newmarch, Sir William Petty, G. E. Porter, Quetelet, Say, Adam Smith, Thomas Tooke, Wagner, Wells, Wolowski, Arthur Young. On the subject of the Currency, the student will find, among others, the writings of Sir Francis Baring, Canning, Lord Castlereagh, Cernuschi, Earl of Lauderdale, Leroy-Beaulieu, Levass'eur, Earl of Liverpool,. Henry Macleod, John Stuart Mill, Lord Overstone, Bonamy Price, Eicardo, Say, Thornton, Thomas Tooke, Yansittart, and Wolowski. Statistical works are often illustrated by graphic tables, and the Library contains a variety of charts and diagrams of considerable value. Year by year purchases of statistical works and other books of reference have been made for the Library. And in addition the Library has been enriched by the works purchased with the Tooke Memorial Fund, by the valuable collection of books given by the widow of the late Mr. William Newmarch, a former President of the Society, and by gifts received from Members of the Society, Authors, and Publishers. In the preparation of the Catalogue, the following rules have been adopted, based upon those of the Library Association of the United Kingdom, with slight modifications : — With regard to the Author, w r orks are placed — Under the surname of authors when stated on the title-page. Under the initials of authors' names when these only are known ; the word [Anon.] being added. Under the pseudonyms of writers when their names are not known ; the word [Anon.] being added. Under the chief subject- word of the titles of anonymous books ; the word [Anon.] being added. Under the first word, not an article, of the titles of periodicals. Under the names of Societies of the United Kingdom. Ill Under the names of foreign countries, of the British Colonies, and of India. Noblemen are entered under their highest title, with a cross- reference from their surname. Ecclesiastical dignitaries are entered under their surnames ; and the highest title added. Catalogues are entered under the name of the institution, with a cross-reference to the compiler. Cross-references are given from the subjects of biographies to the writers. In arranging the individual works of an author, the chronological order 1ms been followed ; the latest edition being entered first. With regard to the Subject or Title — The title is a transcript from the title-page, unimportant matter being omitted, the omissions being generally indicated by a group of three dots (...). The contents are given of volumes that contain more than one distinct work or essay. Particulars are also given of — Number of the edition (if not new). Number of pages (if one volume only), otherwise the number of volumes. as well as of — Illustrations, &c. Size. Where published. Date of publication. It was originally in contemplation to publish simultaneously With the Catalogue an Index to its contents, in which the subject-matter of each work should be alphabetically arranged. But it has been found impossible to give this Index the completeness essential to its utility, without giving it also a bulk not inferior to that of the Catalogue itself ; and in order to place the Catalogue in the hands of the Society on the fiftieth year of its existence, the publication of the Index is for the present postponed. Statistical Society, June] 1884. IV REGULATIONS OF THE LIBRARY. 1. The Library is open daily from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m., except on Saturdays, when it closes at 2 p.m. ; and it is entirely closed during the month of September. 2. Members of the Society are permitted to take out books on making personal application, or by letter addressed to the Librarian. 3. Members are not to have more than two works at a time, nor keep any books longer than a month. 4. Scientific Journals and Periodicals are not ch'culated until the volumes are completed and bound. 5. Cyclopaedias and works of reference are not circulated. 6. Any Member damaging a book, either replaces the wox'k, or pays a fine equivalent to its value. 7. Books taken from the shelves for reference, are nut to be replaced, but must be laid on the Library table. 8. The Secretary shall report to the Council any infringement of these regulations. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY, A. Aargau. Uebersicht der Verhandlungen des Sanitatsraths vom Kan ton Aargau, 1828-29 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1829-30 — Rechenschafts-Bericht des kleinen Rathes an den grossen Rath des Kantons Aargau, 1837-42, and Beilagen. 6 vols, in 1, sin. 4to. Aarau, 1838-44 — Beilagen zum Rechenschafts-Bericht, 1837 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. 1838 Abbe (Cleveland). Translations of Short Memoirs on Meteorological Subjects, from the German, Danish, and French : *8mithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1877 Abdur-Rahman (Syud). Address at a Reception given him by the Madrasah Literary Club, Calcutta : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1880 Abercrombie (William). Calendar, with Index, extended year by year from 1752 till 2200, and applicable to all future time. Interest Table . . . applicable to all Rates ... 171 pp., la. 8vo. Paisley, 1870 Aberdeen. Public Schools of — . Reports of the Council of the City : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2. 8vo. 1834 o Aberg (Ernest). Statistics and Treatment of Typhus and Typhoid Fever, from Twelve Years' Experience, gained in the Seraphim Hospital in Stockholm, 1840-52. Translated by—: M. Euss. 8vo. 1855 Abernethy (John). The Hunterian Oration for the year 1819, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, London : *Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Aborigines Protection Society. Publications, Reports, &c. 2 vols., 8vo. 1837-41 Yol. 1. 1839. Parliamentary Report on Aboriginal Tribes First Annual Report, 1838 On Indians of Upper Canada Second Annual Report, 1839 Extracts from Papers and Proceedings Vol. 2. 1841. Tbird Annual Report, 1840 An Outline of a System of Legislation for Vol. 2—Contd. 1841. Protection to Aborigines : Standish Motte. 1840 New Zealand and its Native Population : 13. Dieffenbach. 1841 Fourth Annual Report, 1841 England and ber Colonies in Relation to Aborigines Extracts from Papers and Proceedings — An Essay on the British Colonization of New Zealand. vii + 67 pp., 8vo. 1846 About (Edmond). La Question romaine, augmentee d'une preface nouvelle. 5th edit, xii + 306 + 1 pp., 8vo. Brux., 1860 Abrial (P. P.). Du Credit et des institutions de credit dans leurs rapports avec le travail et le bien-etre des classes peu aisees. 186 + 1 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1863 Absenteeism. The United Kingdom Tributary to France ; the Real Cause of the Distresses of the Country. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Ace (Rev. Daniel). The required Amendment in the Marriage Laws of the United Kingdom : *Brit. Assocn, Rep., § F. 8vo. 1880 — Statistical Account of Railway Accidents for 1881 : Id. 8vo. 1882 2 AC Achenwall (G.). Statsverfassung der heutigen vornehmsten europaiscben Reich und Volker. 2 vols, in 1, 12 mo. Gottingen, 1781-85 Acheson (Frederick). Essay on the Collection and Storage of "Water in Victoria: * Victoria (Prize Essays). 8vo. 1861 Aekerley (Charles H.). Plan for the Better Security of Vessels Navigating the River Thames, with Appendices on Nautical Subjects. vii -J- 17 + xxix + xi pp., map and plate, 8vo. 1834 Ackersdijck (J.). Verhaal eener Reize in Rusland, gedaan in het jaar 1835. 2 vols., plate, 8vo. Groningen, 1840 Ackersdyck (T.). Report on the Statistics of Holland : *Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1861 Ackland (C. T. D.). County Boards : *Cobden Club Essays. 12mo. 1882 Acton (William). Observations on Illegitimacy in the London Parishes of St. Marylebone, St. Pancras, and St. George's, Southwark, during the year 1857 . . . : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.) vol. 22. 8vo. 1859 Acts of Parliament. An Act to repeal ... " An Act for registering the Grants of Life Annuities . . ." and substitute other Provisions in lieu thereof. 53 Geo. Ill, cap. 141 : * G. J. Bunyon (Treatise, 8fc). 8vo. 1854 — Acts . . . relating to Friendly Societies, 10 Geo. IV, cap. 56, 1829, and 4 and 5 fm, IV, cap. 40, 1834. * G. Ansell (Treatise). 8vo. [cir. 1834] — An Act for the Regulation of Benefit Building Societies, 1836, 6 and 7 Wm. IV, cap. 32 : *A. Scratchley (Friendly Soc). 8vo. 1859 — The Act for Registering Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, and the Act for Marriages in England, August, 1836, 6 and 7 Wm. IV, caps. 86 and 85. With an Analytical Index. 79 + 40 pp. 18mo. 1837 — The Law of Parochial Assessments explained in a Practical Commentary on the Statute 6 and 7 Wm. IV, cap. 96 : *W. G. Lumley. 12mo. 1858 — An Act for the More Effectual Relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland . . . with an Index. 1 and 2 Vict., cap. 56. 2 + 203 + 40 pp. 18mo. 1839 — An Act to attach certain Conditions to the Construction of future Rail- ways . . . and for other Purposes in relation to Railways. [August, 1844]. 7 and 8 Vict., cap. 85. Sm. fol. 1867 — An Act for the Registration, Incorporation, and Regulation of Joint Stock Companies. [September, 1844]. 7 and 8 Vict., cap. 110: * G. J. Bunyon (Treatise, $c.). 8vo. 1854 — An Act to amend an Act for the Registration, Incorporation, and Regula- tion of Joint Stock Companies. [July, 1847]. 10 and 11 Vict., cap. 78 : * G. J. Bunyon (Treatise, $c.). 8vo. 1854 — Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, 1854, with introduction : * W. G. Lumley. 12mo. 1855 — An Act to afford greater Facilities for the Establishment of Institutions for the Promotion of Literature and Science and the Fine Arts, and to provide for their better Regulation. [August, 1854]. 17 and 18 Vict., cap. 112. Sm. fol. 1859 — An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Law relating to Friendly Societies, 18 and 19 Vict., cap. 63 : *A. Scratchley (Industrial Investment). 8vo. 1857 — A. Collection of the Public General Statutes passed in the 20 and 21 Vict., . . . with an Index. xxii + 12 pp., sm. fol. 1857 — The Companies Act, 1867. 30 and 31 Vict., cap. 131 : * G. L. Broivne (Manual, £-c). 8vo. 1867 — Tables and Indexes to the Public General Acts : Pari. AccL, fyc. (Pari. Papers). Fol. 1847-82 Acts of Parliament of Scotland. Vols. 2—11, 1424-1707. 10 vole. Fol. 1814-24 AC— AG 3 Actstykker angaaende Cholera-Epidemien i Norge i 1853. Besorgede ved Medicinal- Comraitteen: Cholera-Epidemien. 8vo. 1854 Actuaries. Institute of, of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine. 8vo. 1850-83 — General Index to the first Ten Volumes of the Journal, 1850-G3. 8vo. 1864 — Catalogue of the Library, November, 1880. 86 pp., la. 8vo. [1880] — A Catalogue of the Library of the — . Corrected to July, 1852 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 — Constitution and Laws of the — , and List of Members, Julv, 1852 : Id.* vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 — Mortality Experience of Life Assurance Companies, collected by the Institute. vii + 32 + 282 pp., 8vo. 1869 — Tables deduced from the Mortality Experience of Life Assurance Companies; with an Appendix containing a Complete System of Notation for Life Contingencies. xcix + 257 pp., 8vo. 1872 — Text Book of the Principles of Interest (including Annuities certain), Part 1. xvi + 174 pp., 8vo. 1882 Adam (William). Third Report on the State of Education in Bengal . . . and in Behar. iv + 239 pp., 8vo. Calcutta, 1838 Adams (P.). The Free School System of the United States. 309 pp., 8vo. 1875 Adams (James J.). A New Operation for the Cure of Amaurosis, Impaired Vision, and Shortsightedness : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. 1841 Adams (President John Quincy). Report upon Weights and Measures. 245 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1821 Adams (William). Subcutaneous Surgery: its Principles and its Recent Extension in Practice: *Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 15. 8vo. 1878 Adel (J. G.). Proceedings of the National Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline, held at Cincinnati, 1870 : *E. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 Adelaide Almanac, and Directory for South Australia : South Australia (Directory). 6 vols., maps, 8vo. 1873-78 Admiralty Library. Catalogue of the Books in the, 403 pp., 8vo. 1858 Admiralty Manual of Scientific Inquiry, Prepared for the Use of Officers in Her Majesty's Navy and Travellers in General. Edited by Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart. 2nd edit., xi + 503 pp., map, 8vo. 1851 Another copy 1st edit., xi + 488 pp., map, 8vo. 1849 Adolphus (John). Political State of the British Empire. 4 vols., 8vo. 1818 Adshead (J.). Juvenile Criminals, Reformatories, &c. : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1855-56 — A Plea for the Establishment of a Convalescent Hospital for Manchester and its surrounding Districts : Id., 8vo. 1860-61 Afghanistan. A Narrative of the Recent War in — , its Origin, Progress, and Prospects, with the Official Despatches . . . and Authentic Returns of the Killed, Wounded, and Missing. By an Officer in H. E. I. C.'s Service. [Anon.]. Plan, 1842 : * Indian Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1842 Africa. South, Society for the Relief of Distressed Settlers in—. Report of the: *Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 Agassis (Louis). Classification of Insects. *Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 2. 4to. 1851 Agop (Effendi). Statistics of Turkey : *Congres Internal de Stat. 4to. 1861 Agricultural Society (Royal) of England. Journal. (From commencement) 1st series. Vols. 1—25. Plates. 8vo. 1840-64 2nd series Plates. 8vo. 1865-83 — General Index to the Journal. Vols. 1—25, 1840-64. 214 pp., 8vo. 1865 — Proceedings of the Chemical Committee. 131 pp., 8vo. 1876 b2 AG Agricultural Statistics, Ireland. General Abstracts . . . : * Tracts, Miscell, vol. 4. 8vo. 1864 [Agricultural Survey, Great Britain]. Agricultural State of the King- dom in 1816. By the Board of Agriculture. 148 pp., 8vo. 1816 [Agricultural Surveys]. Account of the Mode of Draining Land, according to the System of Joseph Elkington. 3rd edit., 211 pp., plates, 8vo. 1808 [Agricultural Surveys, England, and Wales]. Drawn up by order of the Board of Agriculture. Maps and plates, 8vo. 1796-1815 General Views of the Agriculture of the Counties of — Bedford : T. Batchelor 1808 Berks : W. Mavor 1809 Buckingham: St. John Priest 1810 Cambridge: W. Gooch 1811 Chester: H. Holland 1808 Cornwall : G. B. Worgan 1811 Cumberland : J. Bailey and G. Culley .... 1805 Derby : J. Farey 3 vols. 1811 Devon : C. Vancouver 1808 Dorset: W.Stevenson 1812 Durham : J. Bailey 1810 Essex: A. Young 2 vols. 1807 Gloucester: T. Budge 1807 Hants: C. Vancouver 1810 Hereford: J. Duncumb 1805 Herts: A. Young 1804 Huntingdon : B. Parkinson 1811 Kent: J. Boys 1805 Lancaster: W.Dickson 1815 Lincoln: A. Young 1808 Leicester: W.Pitt 1809 Middlesex: J. Middleton 1807 Monmouth : C. JTassall Norfolk: N.Kent „ A. Young Northampton: W.Pitt Northumberland: J. Bailey and G. Culley Oxon : A. Young Rutland : B. Parkinson Salop: J. Plymley Somerset: J. Billingsley Stafford: W. Pitt Suffolk: A. Young .... Surrey : W. Stevenson Sussex: A. Young Warwick: A. Murray ... Westmoreland: A. Pringle Wilts: T.Davis Worcester: W. Pitt York, West Riding : B. Broum „ North Riding : J. Tuke Wales (North) : W. Davies „ (South) : W. Davies 2 vols. Channel Islands — Jersey, Guernsey, &c 1812 1796 1804 1809 1805 1809 1808 1803 1798 1808 1804 1809 1808 1813 1805 1811 1810 1799 1800 1810 1815 1815 [Agricultural Surveys, Scotland]. Drawn up under the direction of the Board of Agriculture. Maps and plates, 8vo. Edinb., 1795-1814 General Views of the Agriculture of the Counties of — Aberdeen: G.S.Keith 1811 Angus, or Forfar. : J. Headrick 1813 Argyle: J. Smith 1805 Ayr: W. Aiton 1811 Banff: D. Souter 1812 Berwick : B. Kerr 1809 Bute: W. Aiton 1816 Caithness: J. Henderson 1812 Clackmannan and Kinross: P. Graham.... 1814 Clydesdale: J. Naismith 1806 Cromarty, see Boss : Sir G. S. Mackenzie 1810 Dumbarton : A. Whyte and D. Macfarlan 1811 Dumfries: Dr. Singer 1812 Edinburgh, see Lothian (Mid) 1795 Elgin, or Moray, see Nairn : W. Leslie ... 1811 Fife: J. Thomson 1800 Forfar, or Angus : J. Headrick 1813 Galloway: S.Smith 1810 Haddington, see Lothian (East) 1805 Inverness: J. Bobertson 1808 Kincardine: G. Robertson 1810 Kinross and Clackmannan : P. Graham.... Kirkcudbright and Lanark Lanark and Kirkcudbright Linlithgow, see Lothian (West) Lothian (E.) : R. Somerville [Haddington] „ (West): J. Trotter [Linlithgow] „ (Mid), [Edinburgh] Moray, or Elgin, see Nairn : W. Leslie.... Nairn and Moray : W. Leslie Peebles Perth : J. Bobertson Renfrew: J. Wilson Ross and Cromarty : Sir G. S. Mackenzie Roxburgh and Selkirk : B. Douglas Selkirk, see Roxburgh : R.Douglas Stirling: P. Graham Sutherland: J. Henderson Wigton Hebrides, or Western Isles : J. Macdonald Orkney Islands : J. Shirreff Shetland Islands 1814 1811 1805 1811 1795 1811 1811 1799 1812 1810 1798 1798 1812 1812 1811 1814 1814 Agriculture. A Dissertation on the State of the Nation, respecting its — , 1817. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 — On the Present Distressed State of, [Anon.] : Id., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 — Statistique Internationale de 1' : • * Stat. Internat. La. 8vo. 1876 AG— AL 5 Agriculture. Central and Associated Chambers of, Annual Reports of the Council . . . 8vo. 1868-82 — Constitution and Laws of Association of the Central Chamber of Agricul- ture . . . 8vo. 1879 Ainsworth (F. B.). Dr. Wichern's Paradox; "The Strongest Wall is no Wall." Illustrated [by] the Indian House of Refuge : *E. G. Wines {Trans, fyc). 8vo. 1871 Airy (G. B.). A Chapter on Astronomy: * Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 Aitchison (William J.). The Bank of England's Reserve, and Exceptional Issues of Legal-tender Notes : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. [1873] — [Tables for Calculating the Interest due on Deposit Receipts, of Union Bank of London, rearranged on Wight's System; 1855-81.] La. 8vo. [1882] Aiton (William), General View of the Agriculture of the County of Ayr. Map and plates : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1811 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Bute. Map and plates : Id. 8vo. 1816 Alabama, The Hill Country of, or the Land of Rest [Anon.] : vii + 139 pp., map, 8vo. 1878 Albert (H.R.H. The Prince Consort). The Inaugural Address [of] H.R.H. The Prince Consort, as President, on opening the Fourth Session of the International Statistical Congress, held in London, July, 1860 : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1861 — The Principal Speeches and Addresses of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort, with an Introduction, giving some outlines of his Character. 268 pp., portrait, 8vo. 1862 Alcorn (James G.). Discharged Prisoners' Aid Societies : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1880-82 Alexander (C. A.). The Origin and History of the Royal Society of London : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1863 Alexander (Gen. Sir J. E.). Sanitary Measures for Scottish Villages : *Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1871 — The Use and Abuse of Peat : Id. 8vo. 1873 — Preservation of Fish and Preventing the Pollution of Rivers : Id. 8vo. 1880 Alexander (J. H.). Inquiry into the English System of Weights and Measures : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 30. 8vo. 1857 — International Coinage for Great Britain and the United States : Id., S. 5, vol. 30. 8vo. 1857 Alexander (S.). The Vastness of Visible Creation : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1857 — Harmonies of the Solar System: * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 21. 4to. 1876 Alford(S-). Habitual Drunkards : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1876.77 [Ali (Mir Shahamet)]. Notes and Opinions of a Native on the Present State of India, and the Feelings of its People : * Indian Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1842-49 Alison (Archibald). England in 1815 and 1845 ; and the Monetary Famine of 1847 ; or a Sufficient and a Contracted Currency : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 — Free Trade and a Fettered Currency : Id., vols. 3 and 12. 8vo. 1840-50 Alison (William P.). ... On the Management of the Poor in Scotland, and its Effects on the Health of the Great Towns : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 9. 8vo. 1840 — Further Illustrations of the Practical Operations of the Scotch System of Management of the Poor : * Stat. Soc. (J7.) vol. 4. 8vo. 1841 — Observations on the Famine of 1846-47 in the Highlands of Scotland and in Ireland : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 9. 8vo. 1847 6 AL— AM Allen (H.). The Bats of N. America : *Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 7. 8vo. 1867 Allen (John). The Total Capital and Income of Great Britain and Ireland ; the National Debt, &c. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 8vo. 1840 Allen (Nathan). The Opium Trade, ... its History, Extent, Effects, &c, ... in India and China: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1853 Allen (William). Plan for diminishing the Poor's Rates in Agricultural Districts : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1833 Allhusen (Col. Henry C). The Volunteer Force ; its Comparative Cost, Development, Present State and Prospects: *Brit. Assocn. Eep., § F. 8vo. 1863 Allibone (S. A.). Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts, with forty indexes of subjects. 3 vols., la. 8vo. Phila., 1859-71 Allies. Reflections on the Conduct of the, [Anon.] : *Pamph., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire genealogique, diplomatique et statistique, 1860-83. Portraits, 18mo. Gotha, [1860-83] __ (Comparative Tables in vol. for 1883.) 1. Etats de l'Europe ranges d'apres la densite de la population 2. fltats de l'Europe ranges d'apres la popula- ' tion 3. Etats de l'Europe ranges d'apres la superficie 4. Etats de 1' Amerique ranges d'apres le chiffre de la population 5. Possessions exterieures des Etats Europeens 6. Relation proportionnelle entre les sexes 7. Reseau des ohemins de fer du globe a la fin de 1881 8. Postes et Telegrapbes de l'fitat 10. Quelques apercus sur les metaux precieux, ainsi que sur le systeme des monnaies et des banques : A. Soetbeer Almanach de Paris. Annuaire general de diplomatic, de politique, d'histoire et de statistique pour tous les etats du globe. 2 vols., 18mo. Paris, 1865-68. Almquist (G. P.). Memorandum on Penal Legislation in Sweden : *Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 — La Suede, ses Progres sociaux et ses Institutions penitentiaires. 153 + 2 pp., 8vo. [Stockh., 1879] Alvord (B.). Tangencies of Circles and Spheres : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 8. 4to. 1856 Ame (M.). Etude sur les Tarifs de Douanes et sur les Traites de Commerce. 2 vols., la. 8vo. Paris, 1876 Amendment of the Law. Society for Promoting the — . National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, with which is united the — . A Manual for the Congress, with a Narrative of Past Labours and Results. By J. L. Clifford-Smith : * Son. Science Assocn. (Manual). Portraits, 12mo. 1882 America, South. North American Pamphlet on South American Affairs. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 13. 8vo. 1818 American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge, 1831-61. 29 vols, in 21, maps, 12mo. Boston, Mass. [1830]-61 American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, Statistical, Financial, and Political, for the years 1878-83. Edited by Ainsworth R. Spofford. 8vo. New York, 1878-83 American Journal of Education. Portraits, &c. 8vo. Hartford, Conn., 1856 American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Professor Silliman and B. Silliman, jun., 1839-42. Plates, 8vo. New Haven, Conn., 1839-42 American National Almanac and Annual Record. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1863-64 American National Intelligencer. Anticipation of Marginal Notes on the Declaration of the British Government of the 9th January, 1813. 2nd edit.: * Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 American Quarterly Register [of the American Education Society]. Vols. 2—7 : U.8.A. (Am. Education Soc). 8vo. 1830-35 AM— AN 7 American Quarterly Register and Magazine. Conducted by J. Stryker. Vol. 3. 8vo. Phila., 1849 American Statistical Review ; an Epitomised Encyclopaedia. Edited by C. S. Hill. Vol. 1, Parts I and II. 8vo. New York, 1879 Ames (Rev. M.). On the desirableness of an Increased Number of Juvenile Reformatories, and the Best Method of conducting them, illustrated by the State Industrial School at Lancaster, Massachusetts : * E. C. Wines. (Trans., 8fc). 8vo. 1871 Ameuney (Antonius). London Arabic Literary Fund, an Appeal on behalf of Eighty Millions of the Human Family : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 8. 8vo. 1859 Amici(P.). II Commercio dell' Italia coll' Egitto : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 — II Commercio a traverso il Canale di Suez considerato dal punto di vista degli interessi italiani : Id. La. 8vo. 1881 Amos (Sheldon). Fifty Years of the English Constitution, 1830-80. xxxii + 495 pp., 12mo. 1880 Amstel (Ploos Van). Memorandum on the State of Prisons in the Nether- lands: *Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Analyst. The, An American Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Edited and published by J. E. Hendricks, A.M. 8vo. Des Moines, Iowa, 1877-79 Ancillon (Frederic). Du Juste-Milieu, ou du rapprochement des extremes dans les opinions; traduit de l'allemand. (In 2 vols.). 12mo. Brux., 1837 Ancona (J. S.). ' Hints for the Valuation of Ecclesiastical and other Property . . . [1848-49] : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Anderson (Dr.). Extract from an Inquiry into the Nature of the Corn Laws ; with a View to the New Corn Bill proposed for Scotland. 1777. Reprinted : * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 Anderson (A.). Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce, from the earliest accounts. Continued by Coombe. 6 vols., maps, 8vo. Dublin, 1790 An earlier edition 4 vols., maps, 4to. 1787-89 An earlier edition 2 vols., maps, fol. 1764 Anderson (B.). Life of Chester Dewey, LL.D. : * Smithsn.Hep. 8vo. 1870 Anderson (James): A Calm Investigation of the Circumstances that have led to the Present Scarcity of Grain in Britain ; suggesting the Means of Alleviating that Evil, and of Preventing the Recurrence of such a Calamity in Future : * Tracts on Com and Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1800-01 Anderson (Sir James). Statistics of Telegraphy. Maps, &c, la. 8vo. 1872 Another copy: * Stat. Soc. (Jl.) vol. 35. 8vo. 1872 Anderson (John). Report on Machine Tools, Textile and other Machinery : * Pari. Miscell. Rep. (Vienna Univ. Exhib.) part II. 8vo. 1873 Anderson (J. C). The Family of Leete, with special reference to the Genealogy of Joseph Leete, Esq. . . . Collected by the late Charles Bridger, and edited by — . (Printed for private circulation). xxii +113 pp., genealogical table. Sm. 4to. 1881 Andre (Christian C). Neueste Zahlenstatistik der europaischen und ausser- europaischen Staaten. xx + 256 pp., 8vo. Stuttgart, 1823 Andrew (W. P.). The Indus and its Provinces ; their Political and Com- mercial Importance considered in connection with improved means of communication. Illustrated by statistical tables and maps. viii + 306 pp., maps, &c. 8vo. [1858] Andriveau-Goujon (J.). Carte generale des routes des chemins de fer et des principales voies navigables de 1' Europe redigee d'apres les Itineraires les plus recentes et des documents fournis par le Ministere des travaux publics. Bureau central de Statistique : Europe. Map (folded in case). 8vo..l848 8 AN Angeville (Comte A. d'). Essai sur la Statistique de la Population francaise considered sous quelqu'uns de ses rapports physiques etmoraux. 356 + xxxv pp., maps, 4to. Bourg, 1836 [Anglo- Americana]. On Money, Morals, and Progress. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 39. 8vo. 1855 [Anglo-Hibernus]. The Source of the Evil. On the League formed behveen the Irish Lay Separatists, and the Irish Roman Catholic Bishops, on the measure of Emancipation. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Angus (John). Old and New Bills of Mortality ; Movement of the Popu- lation ; Deaths and Fatal Diseases in London, during the last Fourteen Years (1840-53) : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 17. 8vo. 1854 Angus (T. C). Statistics of the Tanning Trade of Newcastle-upon-Tyne : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1863 Annales de Demographie internationale. (From commencement). La. 8vo., maps, diagrams, &c. Paris, 1877-82 (Contents.) Vol. 1. 1877. Mouvements de la population dans les divers Etats de l'Europe, et notamment en France. Leurs relations et leurs causes (1751-1870) : Dr. Bertillon lStude sur la mortalite en Angleterre pen- dant la periode decennale 1861-70 : W. Farr Couleur de la peau, des cheveux, et des yeux, a Budapest : J. Korosi Causes de la depopulation francaise : Dr. Oibert iStude sur le mouvement de la population en Finlande de 1869-74, Dr. Chervin. Suivi d'une notice sur la constitution physique, le climat et l'ethnographie de ce pays : Dr. Ignatius Influence des habitations sur les causes des deces et sur la duree de la vie : J. Korosi Influence de l'immigration de la population des eampagnes dans les villes : Dr. Dunant Mouvement de la population en Portugal : G. Pery Place de la Demographie dans les sciences anthropologiques : Dr. Bertillon Discours de M. le Comte Fortescue, President de la section d'Economie politique et de statistique, a l'inauguration de la 47 e re- union de l'Association britannique pour l'avancement des Sciences (Session de Plymouth) De l'accroissement de la population dans ses rapports avec les moyens de subsistence. Memoire lu a la Section d'Economie poli- tique et de statistique a la 47 c session a Plymouth : S. Bourne Expose historique des progres de la popula- tion des Etats-Unis de 1' Amerique du Nord : E. Jarvis De la mortalite des enfants a Munich i Q-. Mayr Reunion de l'Association francaise pour l'avancement des sciences. Congres du Havre Societed'ficonomiepohtique,R^union, 5 Octo- bre, 1877 Rapport du Ministre de l'lnterieur au Presi- dent de la Republique francaise, sur les r^sultats generaux du recensement de la population de 1876 Vol. 1-Contd. 1877. Exposition international de 1878, a Paris Question mise au concours. IStude sur les mariages Vol. 2. 1878. Le tour et les enfants assistes Proposition de la loi relative au retablisse- ment des tours, 1878 Notes pour servir a l'usage de la question des enfants assistes en France : R. Lafa- bregue Congres international de Demographie a Paris, 1878 Mouvement de la population en Suede 1801-75 Les enfants assistes en France : R. Lafabregue Compte rendu stenographique des seances du Congres international de Demographie de Paris du 5 au 10 Juillet, 1878; revu et corrige par les auteurs Annexes de Congres : — La taille des recrues en Italic L. Bodio, Suivie d'un expose de ces mesures anthro- pometriques : Perozzo La population italienne par sexe et classee par age : L. Rameri Sur la mortalite italienne : L. Bodio Vol. 3. 1879. Relation entre le nombre des nes-vivants et celui de leurs survivants en Suede : Dr. Sidenbladh, &c, &c, diagramme Note a propos du meme diagramme : J. Ber- tillon Note sur les recensementsenBelgique: Z.icJow Instructions pour les offieiers de l'etat civil Suisse concernant l'envoi aux autorites federales, d'extraits statistiques tires de leurs registres. Circulaire aux offieiers de l'etat civile Suisse : N. Kummer Les mariages consanguins : W. Stieda Des mariages consanguins et des recherches poursuivis a leur sujet : Q.Darwin; J. Bertillon De l'influence de l'orographie sur la stature : Prof. Lombroso Demographie br^silienne ; fitude sur la mor- talite a Rio-de- Janeiro, 1865-74 : H. Rey AN Annales de Demographie internationale — Contd. Vol. 3— Contd. 1879. Note sur la population de la ville de Geneve ; etude comparative des mouvements de population parmi les anciens et les nouveaux habitants: P. L. Dunant Idees 8iir le but et le role des Bureaux com- munaux de Statistique : J. Korosi De la mortalite des jeunes hommes en France : Dr. Bertillon Etude sur la colonie de la Guadeloupe, topo- graphie inedicale, cliniatologie, demo- graphie : H. Reg La mortinatality en France etudiee par de- partements : Dr. Bertillon Statistique antliropometrique et medicale des elevesdesecolesprimairesdeBruxelles: J.B. Rapport a l'Academie de medecine sur la co- operation des medecins traitants a la deter- mination des causes de deces : O. Lagneau Note sur la situation faite a la France parmi les grandes puissances par les evenements politiques et par le progres de la population depuis le xviii e sieele : Prof. Levasseur fitude sur la population prussienne, 1816-74 : Baron de Picker Clinique des maladies de l'enfance : J. Parrot. Lecon inaugurate 1879 a l'hospice des Enfants-assistes de Paris Nouvelle organisation du Bureau de Statis- tique municipale de la ville de Paris Rapport a la Commission de Statistique muni- cipale : Dr. Bertillon Rapport du Dr. Lamouroux „ de T. Loua Circulaire de M. Herold, senateur, prefet de la Seine, a MM. les maires des arrondisse- ments de Paris Bulletins demographiques de la statistique municipale de Paris : J. Bertillon Conference des directeurs des Bureaux statis- tiques des villes allemandes tenue a Berlin du 4 au 6 Octobre, 1879, compte rendu analytique Note sur les mouvements de population de la France en 1878 : J. Bertillon Note sur l'influence du mariage sur la ten- dance au suicide : J. Bertillon Vol. 4. 1880. Essai de geographie medicale de la France, avec vingt - quatre cartes - diagrammes, 1850-60 : A. Chervin Diffusion des maladies dans le voisinage des hopitaux : Dr. Bertillon De certains changements dans les taux de mortalite en Angleterre : T. Welton Note de statistique politique. Nombre des electeurs et des votants dans chaque pays de 1' Europe : J. B. Etude sur la demographie de la Norvege : J. Bertillon Diagramme solide a trois dimensions ou stereogramme, execute par la direction de Statistique du royaume d'ltalie. Discours de Messadaglia et Bodio, avec diagramme des nes-vivants en Suede, 1750-1875 De la colonisation algerienne Vol. 4— Contd. 1880. Note sur la frequence comparee de la fievre typhoide et de la variole dans la garnison et duns la population civile de Paris : J. Bertillon Rapport sur l'application de la loi pour la protection des enfants du premier age : Constants Causes de deces dans les villes de la Suede De l'influence des professions sur la duree de la vie Recensement des fitats-Unis de 1880 La representation graphique de la mortalite, au moyen des points mortuaires : W. Lexis Memoire presente a la Commission consula- tive pour le denombrement de la popula- tion : A. Chervin De Immigration en general, et de l'emigration italienne en particulier, avec cartes La gemellite en Suede, 1776-1878: F. Berg Calculs des valeurs moyennes : Prof. Messe- daglia Paul Broca : A. Chervin Note pour l'etude statistique du divorce : J. Bertillon Sur les moyennes normales appliquees aux mouvements de la population et sur la vie norm ale : W. Lexis Statistique des naissances et des deces dans la population annamite de la Cochinchine francaise pendant les six annees de 1872 a 1877 : A.T. Mondiere Atlas des deces dans les Pays-Bas pendant la periode 1860-74 Rapport a M. le Ministre de l'lnterieur, presente par Dr. Chervin au nom de la Commission consultative pour le denombre- ment de la population Sur l'aptitude militaire des Norvegiens : Arbo Note sur l'intensite relative et la frequence relative des principales maladies saison- nieres et zymotiques dans la ville de Bruxelles, 1864-79 : J. B. Apercu des travaux de la Commission de Statistique de la ville de Paris : J. Bertillon Discussion sur la mortalite a Paris au Conseil municipal de Paris, 1881 De I'organisation de la Statistique des causes de deces en Italie : J. B. Rapport sur le mouvement de Fetat civil en Angleterre et dans le pays de Galles, pen- dant l'annee 1879 : B. P. Henniker Vol. 5. 1881. Esquisse demographique de la Nouvelle •■ Galles du Sud, 1868-78 : Dr. Cauvin A propos du prochain recensement ; de la centralisation des operations statistiques : M. Block Remarques sur les variations periodiques de certaines maladies : A. Oeissler A propos du budget de l'Algerie : Thomson . La dynastie Capetienne : V. Qoehlert Les derniers denombrements de la popu- lation. [Europe et fitat-Unis] : A. Chervin Geographie nosologiques de l'ltalie : G. Sormani ; avec sept planches 10 AN Annales de Demographie internationale — Contd. Vol. 5— Contd. 1881. Recherche sur le nombre minimum des menages irreguliers existants dans la ville de Paris : Dr. Bertillon Les Romains en Afrique, ont ils ete extermines par le climat ? (297—709) : R. Ricoux Recensement de 1'Inde de 1881. Memor- andum de W. C. Plowden Des mouvements de population a Mon- tauban depuis le commencement du siecle, et particulierement dans les vingt dernieres annees : Dr. Guiraud Statistique des naissances et des deces dans la population annamite de la Cochinchine francaise pendant les six annees de 1872 a 1877, suite : A. T. Mondiere Une application de 1' anthropometric; procede d'identification, permettant de retrouver le nom d'un recidiviste, &c. : A. Bertillon Statistique de la propriete fonciere et des lieux habites de la Russie d'Europe : A. Vesseloiosky Organisation du denombrement de la France de 1881 L'emigration des ouvriers creusois considered au point de vue hygienique et sanitaire : F. Villard Statistique medicale du Japon : L. Ardouin Premier rapport presente a la Commission permanente de statistique municipale, 1881 : J. Bertillon Second rapport presente a la Commission permanante de statistique municipale, 1881 : J. Bertillon Instructions relatives au recensement de la France en 1881 Resultats du recensement du 18 decembre, 1881, dans le departement de la Seine Vol. 6. 1882. Recherches sur la mortalite de la premiere enfance en Algerie : Dr. Ricoux Hitude des resultats generaux du denombre- ment de la population de 1881 : A. Chervin Yol. 6— Contd. 1882. La population indigene de l'Autriche d'apres son langage f amilier : G. A. Schimmer Densite et diminution de la population en Hongrie : Prof. Schwicker Les nationalites en Hongrie Resultats sommaires du recensement de la population italienne, le 31 decembre, 1880 De la methode statistique dans 1'anthro- pologie : Dr. Bertillon D'une sanction penale en France a l'obliga- tion de remplir les bulletins de recensement Note sur l'emigration autrichienne en 1880 Deuxieme Congres de demographie tenu a, Geneve du 4 au 9 septembre, 1882 La longevite romaine dans le nord de l'Afrique: J£. Bertherand De l'emigration de la Creuse : L. Byasson La justice en France, de 1826 a 1880 Etude demographique du divorce et de la separation de corps dans les differents pays de l'Europe : J. Bertillon L'emigration aux Etats-tTnis en 1881 Les elements de la population aux Etats-Unis Recensement general de la population de la Belgique en 1880, et demographie du meme pays Note sur les causes de deces a Paris parmi quelques professions speciales fitude demographique du divorce et de la separation de corps dans les differents pays de l'Europe ; deuxieme partie : J. Bertillon Dumouvement de la population dans plusieurs villages des cantons de Champagney et de Giromagny : V. Poulet Note sur les mouvements de population a, Prague : J. Erben L'identite des recidivistes et la loi de relega- tion : A. Bertillon Nouvelles applications du calcul des proba- bilites a l'etude des phenomenes statistiques, et distribution des manages suivant l'age des epoux : M. Perozzo Annales d'hygiene publique et de medecine legale, par Adelon, Andral, Barruel, d'Arcet, Devergie, Esquirol, Leuret, Marc, Orfila, Parent- Duchatelet, Villerme, [etc.]. Vols. 1—50. Plates, &c, 8vo. Paris, 1829-53 Index to the above. [l e Serie]. 135 pp., 8vo. ib., 1855 — 2 e Serie. Vols. 1—50 Plates, &c, 8vo. ib., 1854-78 Index to the above. 2 e Serie. 130 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 — 3 e Serie .'. Plates, &c, 8vo. ib., 1879-83 Annexe philosophique. Etudes critiques sur le mouvement des idees generales dans les divers ordres de connaissances ; par F. Pillon. lere et 2eme annees (1867-68). 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1868-69 Annesley (James). Sketches of the most prevalent Diseases of India, comprising a Treatise on the Epidemic Cholera of the East, Statistical and Topographical Reports [on] Diseases, &c. 2nd edit, xxiv + 50 -f 1 pp., plate and map. 8vo. 1831 Annuaire de rAdministration fran9aise, faisant suite au Dictionnaire de l'Admiiiistration francaise, par M. Block. (From commencement). 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1858-61 AN— AR 11 Annuaire de l'Economie politique et de la statistique. 18mo. Paris, 1856-83 — Table generale, alphabetique efc analytique des matieres contenues dans les vingt-quatre volumes, 1844 a, 1867. xii + 232 pp., 18mo. Paris, 1867 Annuaire international du Credit public, 1 8 59-61. I. Finances publiques. II. Institutions de Credit. III. Chemins de fer. IV. Divers ; par J. E. Horn. (From commencement). 3 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1859-61 Annuaire de Paris. Premiere annee, 1872. 358 pp., 8vo. Paris [1872] Annual Register. [Dodsley's] or a View of the History, Politicks, and Literature of the Year. (From commencement). First series. 104 vols, in 105. 8vo., 1758-1862 — A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad. New series. 8vo. 1863-83 — General Index to the, from its commencement in 1758 to the Year 1819. vi + 938 pp., 8vo. 1826 Annuities. Government, Instructions for the establishment of Parochial Societies for granting Annuities : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 4to. 1833 — Tables of the Rates of Government Annuities : Id., S. 3, vol. 2. 4to. 1833 Anoutschine (E.). Considerations sur le mode d'elaboration et de publi- cation des resultats du recensement de la population : *Gongres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Ansell (Charles). A Treatise on Friendly Societies, in which the Doctrine of Interest of Money and the Doctrine of Probability are practically applied to the 'affairs of such Societies ; with numerous Tables and an Appendix, containing the Acts of Parliament relating to Friendly Societies. xii + 198 pp. 8vo. \cir. 1834] Ansell (Charles, jun.). On the Rate of Mortality at early Periods of Life, the Age at Marriage, the Number of Children to a Marriage, the Length of a Generation, and other Statistics of Families in the Upper and Professional Classes. ii + 89 pp., diagrams, 8vo. 1874 Anstey (Lieut. F. H.). Report on the Art of "War • *Parl. Miscell. Rep. (Vienna Univ. Exhib.) part II. 8vo. 1873 Anthropological Society of London. On the Stature and Bulk of Man in the British Isles : J. Beddoe. 8vo. 1870 Anthropometric Committee. Reports of the, to the British Association : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878-82 [ Anti-Mai thusian]. Over-population Craze. A Refutation and a Plea. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1879 Anti- Vaccinator and Public Health Journal. Edited by J. Pickering. 416 pp., sm. 4to. 1872-73 Anziani (G.). I matrimoni in Italia, 1862-77 : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 Appleton (C. E.). Some of the Economical Aspects of Endowments of Education and Original Research: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1873 Apprentice Laws. The Origin, Object, and Operation of the, [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Arago (Francis). The History of my Youth : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1870 — Eulogies on Herschel, Jos. Fourier, Thos. Young, Ampere, La Place, Alex. Volta, and Gay-Lussac : Id. 8vo. 1870-76 — A Biography of Condorcet : Id. 8vo. 1878 Aram (Eugene). The Remarkable Trial and Defence of Eugene Aram for the Murder of Daniel Clark. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 Arbo (M.). Sur l'aptitude militaire des Norvegiens : * Annates Ve'mog. intemat., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Archbold (J. F.). The Parish Officer ... the whole of the present Law relating to Parish and Union Officers. 3rd edit., xxiv + 457 + 38 pp., 12mo. 1858 12 AR Archer (Prof.). Reports on the Influence of International Exhibitions, on Glass, on Pottery and Porcelain, and on Raw Matei'ials : * Pari. Miscell. Rep. (Vienna Univ. Exhib.) parts I and III. 8vo. 1873 Archer (Major Edward). A Letter to Lord John Russell . . . upon the Policy of permitting Emigration from the Continent of India to the Mauritius: * Polit. Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Archer (W.). The Vegetable Products of Tasmania : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1862 Archer (William H.). The Statistical Register of Victoria from the Foun- dation of the Colony ; with an Astronomical Calendar for 1855 : Victoria (Stat. Register, $"c). 8vo. 1854 — The Progress of Victoria ; a Statistical Essay : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1867 — Local Government and Taxation in the Australian Colonies and New Zealand: * Golden Club Essays. 8vo. 1875 Architects, British. Royal Institute of, Papers read at the, Session 1860-61. 288 + 7 + 44 pp., plates, 4to. 1861 Archivio di Statistica. (From commencement). Maps, diagrams, &c, la. 8vo. Roma, 1876-83 (Contents.) Anno II. 1877. Gli scettici della Statistica : A. Gabelli I porti rivali del Mediterraneo : V. Ellena Appunti di Statistica Sanitaria in Italia ed in altri Stati ; E. Reu The Growth of Children, H. P. Bowditch. Notizia : L. Pagliani Statistica Elettorale Politica Dell' Emigrazione Italiana nel 1876, eoni- parata a quella di altri Stati : L. Bodio Appunti di Statistica Idrografica Italiana : A. Baccarini II Censimento dei Proprietari e le condizioni della terra nella Gran Bretagna e Irlanda : F. Colaci Prime linee d' una statistica delle frenopatie in Italia : A. Verga Dell' Influenza dell' Orograna sulle Stature : C. Lombroxo Di alcune questioni trattate dalla Giunta Cen- trale di Statistica durante la sessione del 1877 : F. Colaci Appunti di Statistica comparata delle Banche di emissione : B. Stringher La Scienza Statistica della Popolazione : A. Messedaglia Appunti di Statistica idrografica italiana : A. Baccarini La Finanze Comunali : V. Ellena LTffici scientifico e l'Assunto Civile della Statistica : E. Morpurgo Delia Statistica Meteorologica in Italia : L. Bodio II trattato di commercio con la Francia e la Statistica industriale : V. E. Saggio di statistica della reeidiva : C.Lombroso Ricerche sopra le condizioni degli operai nelle fabbriche : A. R. Del Concetto della Liberia : A. Labriola Anno I. 1876. Programma dello Archivio di Statistica Manifesto del Fondatore : T. Pateras Sulla Pubblicazione dell' Archivio di Statis- tica : Lettera di C. Correnti Dell' emigrazione e dello sue leggi : V. Ellena Statistica elettorale : i partiti politici alle elezioni generali del 1874, con carta grafica : O. Focardi La produzione della seta in Italia : P. de Vecchi Statistica dei giornali Statistica della navigazione, del materiale della marina mercantile e delle costruzioni navali in Italia II commercio interno e le vie fluviali nella Russia : F. Rocca Del movimento della popolazione in Italia e in altri Stati d'Europa : L. Bodio Lettera sun" ordinamento degli Uffici Statis- tici : C. Correnti II censimento etnografico della monarchia Austro-Ungarica : L. Palma L'istruzione elementare nella provincia di Roma comparato al resto d'ltalia : A. Gabelli Appunti di statistica ferroviaria : L. Bodio La produzione e il valore dell' oro e dell' argento : A. Romanelli L'obbligo al servizio militare nella sua appli- cazione e coi suoi risultati presso le potenze europee : A. Gandolfi, Le condizioni del mutuo soccorso in Italia ed in altri Stati di Europa : E. Morpurgo Del Congresso internazionale di Statistica tenutosi in Buda Pest, dal 30 Agosto al 7 Settenibre, 1876 : L. Bodio Legislazioni e coniazioni monetarie : A. Roma- nelli Le Condizioni del mutuo soccorso in Italia e in altri Stati d' Europa : E. Morpurgo I fattori della Statura umana : L. Pagliani La Statistica e i suoi metodi, prolusione al corso di Statistica presso la R. Universita di Roma : A. Messedaglia Anno III. 1878. Alcune Parole sugli Scambi Internazionali : V. Ellena Recenti studi statistici sulla pena di morte : E. Morpurgo AR ia Archivio di Statistica — Gontd. Anno III— Contd. 1878. La statistica sanitaria alio stato presente : E. Raseri Sulle casse di previclenza e di assicurazione sulla vita dell' uomo : A. Paolini Theorie matheinatique des assurances sur la vie, E. Dormoy : Notizia A. Paolini Navigazione e commercio coi piroscafi della Compagnia Rubattino : G. Solimbergo Statistica dei Bilanci Comunali e Prpvinciali per l'anno 1877 : L. B. L'imposta sul tabacco : C. B. La Criminalita in rapporto coll' Antropologia e colla Statistica : E. Rey Le Associazioni operaie e il tipo Leclaire : E. Morpurgo Studii di econoinia nazionale italiana a pro- posito di alcune pubblicazioni ufficiali : E. Morpurgo Pietro Castiglione. Cenno necrologico: L. Bodio I tributi 8ullo zuccliero e sugli spiriti : V. Ellena La Legge di Periodicita delle Crisi. Pertur- bazioni Economiclie e Macchie Solari : G. Boccardo I matrimoni in Italia dal 1862 al 1877 : G. Anziani La Statistica della Criminalita Prelezione al corso di Statistica presso la R. Universita di Roma, 15 gennaio, 1879: A. Messedaglia La progressione dei bilanci negli Stati moderni. Prolusione al corso di legislazione economico finanziaria nell' Universita di Roma : A. Salandra Sull' Atlante di Demografia italiana pubbli- cato dalla direzione della Statistica del Regno ; Coinunicazione all' Accademia dei Lincei nella seduta del 16 febbraio, 1879 : A. Messedaglia Le inchieste della Repubblica di Venezia, Frammenti di una storia della Statistica : E. Morpurgo Sulla Statistica dei matrimoni civili e dei religiosi : L. Bodio Nuovi appunti sulla teoria dell' aggio : C. F. Ferraris Anno IV. 1879. II Congresso Meteorologico Internazionale tenutosi a Roma nell' aprile, 1879 .- G. Grassi La rif orrna penitenziaria in Italia (ad occasione del libro di Martino Beltrani-Scalia) : E. Brusa L'Inchiesta agraria in Italia : C. M. Mazzini Inchiesta sulle condizioni degli operai nelle fabbriche : A. Errera La Produzione dei Metalli preziosi e il rap- porto di valore fra l'Oro e l'Argento, dalla scoperta d' America fino ai nostri giorni : C. F. Ferraris [With ten tables of prices, &c, 1493-1878] La statistica, i suoi metodi e la sua compe- tenza : A. Messedaglia Le Ferrovie e la Gruerra : P. Fambri La Scienza Demografica e il primo Congresso Internazionale di Demografia : E. Morpurgo Anno IV— Contd. 1879. La Statistica di alcune industrie italiane : V. Ellena Statistique de l'Enseignement Primaire : A.G. L'Evoluzione secondo le teorie del Trasfor- mismo, i suoi legittimi rapporti e le sue pretese colle Scienze Sociali : E Reg Dell' Istituto di Diritto internazionale e della sessione di esso teuutasi in Rrusselles nel Settembre del 1879 Delle Medie Normali : L. Rameri Anno V. 1880. Di alcuni argomenti di Statistica teorica ed italiana Prelezione al corso di Statistica, presso 1' Universita di Roma per l'anno scolastico 1879-80 : A. Messedaglia Notizie Storiche e Statistiche sul riordina- mento dell' Asse Ecciesiastico nel Regno d'ltalia. Sunto fattone dal professore C. Bellini II Suicidio. Saggio di statistica morale com- parata, del professore E. Morselli. Notizia per E. Rey Studi sopra Antonio Serra e Marcantonio De Santis per Tommaso Fornari. Notizia per V. Cusumano Le vie ed i mezzi di comunicazione. A pro- posito dell' opera di Emilio Sax " Die Verkehrsmittel in Volks-und Staats- wirth- schaft. Notizia per J. G. B. Salvioni Della Reale Societa Agraria d'Inghilterra : T. Galanti Cenni Necrologici sul professore Wappaus, C. Feer Herzog e dottor Adolfo Ficker : L.B. II calcolo dei valori medii e le sue applica- zioni statistiche : A. Messedaglia Dei pazzi che trovavansi reclusi nei manicomi ed ospitali. d'ltalia alia fine dell' anno 1877 : A. Verga II commercio dell' Italia coll' Egitto: F.Amici La cagioni dell' aggio : S. Piperno Sulle medie normali relative al movimento della popolazione : G. Lexis Escursioni agronomiche in Olande : T. Galanti Sul lavoro delle donne e dei fanciulli nelle fabbriche : C. Bellini I partiti politici alle elezioni generali del 1880 : O. Focardi Nota sulla trasf ormazione della marina mer- cantile e sulla migliore organizzazione del commercio maritimo italiana : G. Boccardo II calcolo dei valori medii (Continuazione) : A. Messedaglia L'abolizione del corso forzoso in Italia : A. Salandra Di una statistica sommaria delle opere pie esistenti in Italia alia fine del 1878. Rela- zione al Congresso internazionale di statis- tica, tenutosi in Milano nell' agosto 1880 : L. Bodio Sul' lavoro dei fanciulli e delle donne nelle. fabbriche : C. Bellini jio di geografia medica in Francia : A, Chervin 14 AR Archivio di Statistica — Contd. Anno VI. 1881. I fanciulli illegittinii e gli esposti in Italia : jE. Raseri La questione agraria in Irlanda : L. Zam- marano La Storia e la Statistica dei metalli preziosi : A. Messedaglia La proporzionalita della rappresentanza nella riforrna elettorale italiana : L. Palma Antonio Rosmini-Sebati e i suoi concetti sull UiEcio scientifico della statistica : F. Mor- purgo Delle Casse di Risparmio postali in Europa : V. Magaldi II Commercio a truverso il Canale di Suez considerate dal punto di vista degli interessi italiani : F. Amici Sulla distribuzione geografica degli Ebrei e sulla condizione giuridica e sociale dei medesimi nei vari Stati : A. Brunialti La Moneta e il sistema monetario in generale : A. Messedaglia L'Eletnento economico e l'eleuiento tecnico nelle dogane : V. Fllena Dell' incbiesta parlamentare sulla marina mercantile : R. Bandarin Della statistica del suicidio : G. Sahnoli Anno VII. 1882. II riconoscimcnto giuridico delle Societa di niutuo soccorso : S. Piperno Profusione al corso di contabilita, di Stato nell' Universita di Roma : G. Finali Del riordinamento dell' Imposta fondiaria in Italia: G. Ricca- Salerno Prime linee di una statistica delle condizioni di vita delle classi operaie : L. Bodio La moneta e il sistema monetario in generale : A. Messedaglia Gli atti della Incbiesta agraria : C. M. Mazzini IV Congresso internazionale di Igiene e Demografia Consiglio superiore di Statistica La Moneta e il sistema monetario in generale (continuazione e fine) : A. Messedaglia Le pensioni di Teccbiaia presso le societa di inutuo soccorso italiane : S. Piperno La posta e la vita sociale : F. Morpurgo II Dott. Bertillon e la scienza demografica secondo la scuola francese : L. Bodio Ardouin (L.). Statistique medicale dn Japon : * Annales Demog. internal., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 Argentine Republic. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Argentine Republic; Buenos Ayres — Province of ; Buenos Ayres — City of) — Registro Diplomatico del Gobierno de Buenos Aires. 116 pp., 4to. Buenos Aires, 1835 — Estadistica del commercio exterior y de la navegacion interior y exterior de la Republica Argentina, 1880-82. 486 pp., map, la. 8vo. ib., 1881-83 — Buenos Ayres. Registro Estadistico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Anos 1873-78. Segunda Epoca. Sm. fol. ib., 1875-82 — Informe presentado a la Oficina de Esiadistica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires : 31 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1880 — Boletin de la Oficina Estadistica (Provincia de Buenos Aires), 1881-82. (Quarterly, from commencement). 4to. and la. 8vo. ib., [1881] -82 — Buenos Ayres. El Servicio Sanitario [de la ciudad] de Buenos Aires. 16 pp., 8vo. ib., 1879 — Movimiento de la poblacion de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, desde su fundacion hasta la fecha (1858-77). 60 pp., 8vo. ib., 1879 — Movimiento de la poblacion de la ciudad de Buenos Aires durante los Anos 1878-80. 8vo. ib., 1879-81 — Resume de Statistique generale de la Ville de Buenos- Ayres. Premier Semestre, 1882. 30+1 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1882 — La mortalidad infantil en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Estudio comparativo con la mortalidad infantil de Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Lima, Mejico, y otras ciudades americanas : E. B. Coni. 8vo. 1879 — Boletin Mensual de Estadistica demografica y medica de la ciudad de Buenos Aires (Capitale de la Republica Argentina). Ano 1. Mar. — Sep., 1881 : E. B. Coni. La. 8vo. [1881] AR— AS 15 Argyll (Duke of). On the Economic Condition of the Highlands of Scotland : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 29. 8vo. 1866 — Essay on the Commercial Principles applicable to Contracts for the Hire of Land : * Golden Club Essays. 18mo. 1877 [Aristobulus. (Api(TTo{3ov\o<;)~]. The Universal Destruction of Aboriginal Races by Colonizing Nations, and eventually of the New Zealanders. [Anon.]": * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. 1847 Arkansas. Geological Reconnaissance of the Middle and Southern Counties of, 1859-60. 433 pp., maps, diagrams, &c, 8vo. Phila., 1860 Arlidge (John T.). On the State of Lunacy and the Legal Provision for the Insane, with Observations on the Construction and Organization of Asylums. xv + 213 pp., 8vo. 1859 — On the Mortality of the Parish of Stoke-upon-Trent, with reference to its Causes, and the Ratio of Deaths among Children and Potters : * Tracts, MiscelL, vol. 3. 1864 Armitage (John). History of Brazil, from the period of the arrival of the Braganza family in 1808 to the abdication of Don Pedro the First in 1831 . . . Continuation to Southey's History . . . 2 vols., portraits, 8vo. 1836 Armstrong (Sir William). Address on Economy and Trade : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1870 Army. Health of: Pari Acct. fyc. (Army Med. Depart.). Fol. and 8vo. L837-83 Army. Sanitary Condition of the, Contributions to the Sanitary History of the British Army during the late War with Russia. 16 pp., diagrams, fol. 1859 Arndtsen (Adam). Physikalske Meddelelser, udgivne af C. Hansteen. Illustrated : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 2. 4to. 1858 Arneth (Joseph). Archa?ologische Analechen (Kais. Akad. d. Wissen- schaften, Band VI, Hefte 1, 2, 1851). Plates, fol. Wien, 1851 Arnould (D.). Statistique des Monts-de-Piete, 1822-44 : * Belgium (Bulletin Gommiss. stat.) vol. 3. 4to. 1847 Arrivabene (Comte J.). Documens relatifs a l'etat des paysans de la com- mune de Gaesbeck, dans la province du Brabant en Belgique : * Poor Laws. 8vo. 1834 — De l'etat des Travailleurs dans la commune de Vira — Magadino, Tessin, Suisse : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 4to. 1840 — Situation economique de la Belgique: Id., S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1843 Arrowsmith (John). The London Atlas of Universal Geography, exhibiting the Physical and Political Divisions of the various Countries of the World, constructed from Original Materials. La. fol. 1834 Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Society for the Encouragement of, Journal of the, (from commencement). Vols. 1 — 31. La. 8vo. 1853-83 Aschehoug (F. H.). Statistik von Norwegen : * Gongres Internal de Stat. 4to. 1865 Ashburton (Lord). The Financial and Commercial Crisis considered. 1847 : * Currency, 8fc, vols. 5 and 12. 8vo. 1843-49 Ashby (Alfred). Illustrations of the Arrest of Infectious Disease by Isolation of the Sick : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 12. 8vo. [1878] Asher (C. W.). Abrege des Codes Criminels de l'Autriche, la Prusse et la Saxe : * Tracts, MiscelL, vol. 3. 4to. 1857 — Die Geschichte und Bestimmung der Preise, wahrend der Jahre 1793-1857, von T. Tooke und W. Newmarch. Deutsch, und mit Zusatzen versehen von—. (Authorised translation) : T. Tooke. 8vo. 1858-59 — German Resolutions and British Policy. Observations on International Maritime Law : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 8. 8vo. 1860 16 AS Asher (C. W.). Adam Smith Ueber die Quellen des Volkswohlstandes. Neu bearbeitet. Zweiter Band. [Translation] : A. Smith. 8vo. 1801 — Statistics of Hanse Towns : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1861 — Statistik von Hamburg : Id. 4to. 1865 Ashforth (H.). An account of the Number of Steam Engines and Water- wheels, with the amount of Horse Power, in Bolton and the adjoining Townships, in 1837 : * Stat. Soc. Rep., frc. 8vo. 1835-41 Ashley (Lord). Speech on the Moral and Religious Education of the Working Classes : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1843 Ashworth (Henry). An Inquiry into the Origin, Progress, and Results of the Strike of the Operative Spinners of Preston, from October, 1836, to February, 1837 : * Stat. Soc. Hep., 8fc. 8vo. 1835-41 — The Preston Strike ; an Inquiry into its Causes and Consequences : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 28. 8vo. 1854 — Cotton : its Cultivation, Manufacture, and Uses : * Cotton Supply Pamph., No. 8. 8vo. 1858 — Capital Punishments and their Influence on Crime : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 — The Progress of Science and Art, as developed in the Bleaching of Cotton at Bolton : Id. 8vo. 1861 — Historical Data relating to South Lancashire and the Cotton Manu- facture : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 4. 8vo. 1866 — Recollections of Richard Cobden, M.P., and the An ti- Corn Law League. xii + 295 pp., portraits, 12mo. [1876] Asiatic Policy of England and Russia. Remarks on the, [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 Asiatic Society of Bengal. Asiatick Researches ; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for Inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. 9 vols., plates, &c, 8vo. 1806-09 — Journal of the — , Maps and plates, 8vo. Calcutta, 1848-83 — Proceedings of the, 1869-78. 9 vols., plates, 8vo. ib., 1870-78 — Catalogue of the Birds in the Museum, by E. Blyth. xxxiv -f 403 pp., 8vo. ib., 1849 — Descriptive Catalogue of the Fossil Remains of Vertebrata from the Sewalik Hills, the Nerbudda, Perim Island, &c, in the Museum : by H. Falconer and H. Walker. 261 pp., 8vo. ib., 1859 Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions of the — . 8vo. Yokohama, 1875-82 Asiatic Society (Royal) of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of the, (from commencement) . Vols. 1 — 20. Plates, 8vo. 1834-63 New series Plates, 8vo. 1865-82 — Bombay Branch. Journal of the, 1861-82. 8vo., plates. Bombay, 1865-83 — Ceylon Branch. Journal of the, [1845-50]. (From commencement). 8vo. Colombo, 1846-50 New series, edited by J. Capper, 1856-58. Parts I and H. 8vo. ib., 1858 — China Branch. Transactions of the, Part II, 1848-50. 8vo. Hong Kong, 1852 — North China Branch. Journal of the, 1864-82. New series. Maps and plates, 8vo. Shanghai, 1865-82 — Catalogue of the Library, systematically classed by H. Cordier. 86 pp., 4to. ib., 1872 Aspinall (C). Cumulative Punishments : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 — Prison Labour : Id. 8vo. 1872 AS-AT 17 Aspland (A.) : — Certain Fallacies in our National Mortuary Returns : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1856-57 Examination of the Eeport of the Com- missioners to Enquire into the Mortality of the Army : Id. 8vo. 1858-59 Hints on Life Insurance : Id. 8vo. 1859-60 Statistics of Paris, and the Mode of obtain- ing Facts for Mortuary Tables : Id. 8vo. 1860-61 Reformatories, and what we know of them : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1862-63 Inaugural Address delivered by the Presi- dent of the Society, — November, 1863 : Id. 8vo. 1863-64 American Prisons : Id. 8vo. 1864-65 Capital Punishments : Id. 8vo. 1866-67 Industrial Schools in relation to the Edu- cation of the Country : Id. 8vo. 1867-68 Assessed Taxes. A Letter to Sir Charles Wood, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the — , with suggestions for a General Revision of the Duties ; by an Officer of the Tax Department of the Board of Inland Revenue. [Anon.]. 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1839-50 Assey (Charles.) On the Trade to China and the Indian Archipelago, with Observations on the Insecurity of the British Interests in that quarter. Map: * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Assicurazioni generali 6 Nos. in 1 vol., diagrams, 4to. Trieste, 1831-82 Contratto sociale della compagnia, 1831 Elenco dei sotto scrittori dAzioni, 1832 Nuovo statuto sociale, 1882 Elenco degli Azionisti al 31 Marzo, 1882 Rapporti e Bilanci per l'anno 1881 Elenco dei risarcimenti di danni effettuati, 1881 Assistance publique, des etablissements de charite et institutions pieuses en Norvege : . * Stat. Internat. 4to. 1880 Asso y del Rio (Ignatius Jordan de). Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain ; by Drs. D. — , and D. Miguel de Manuel y Rodriguez. The 6th edit., 1805 . . . Translated from the Spanish, with notes, an appendix, and index, by L. F. C. Johnston . . . xxxii + 535 pp., la. 8vo. 1825 Associated Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom. Annual Reports of the, (from commencement). 8vo. 1861-79 Association of Chambers of Commerce. Resolutions adopted at a Special Meeting held at Belfast, August, 1879. 8vo. 1879 Association for the Relief of the Manufacturing and Labouring Poor. Second Report, relative chiefly to the General Supply of Fish in the Metropolis and the Interior, Fish Association : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Association for the Promotion of Steam Communication with Australia: * Polit. Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 Association poly technique. Cours d'Economie industrielle recueilli et publie, par E. Thevenin. 3 e Serie [1. Les Societes Co-operatives, par J. Duval. 2. Echanges et Monnaie, par M. Wolowski]. 270 + 2 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1866 Assurance Magazine. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and — . (From commencement) : Actuaries. Inst. of. 8vo. 1850-83 Assurance Offices. Hints to the Agents and Friends of — , by the Spirits of R. Christie . . . and W. Newmarch. 1852. [Anon.] : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy: * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 Assurance Register. * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 3. 8vo. 1865 Atcheson (Nathaniel). A Compressed View of the Points to be discussed in Treating with the United States of America : * Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 — American Encroachments on British Rights. (Two Pamphlets) : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Athenaeum. The, Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama. 4to. 1835-83 Athenaeum Club. Catalogue of the Library, and Supplement. 2 vols., la. 8vo. 1845-51 c 18 AT-AU Atkinson (E.). Elementary Treatise on Physics, Experimental and Applied. For the use of Colleges and Schools. Translated from Ganot's Elements de Physique (with the author's sanction) by — . Revised and enlarged, and illustrated by a coloured plate and 668 woodcuts : M. Ganot. 8vo. 1868 Atkinson (Edward). Argument against the State undertaking to Buy, Equip, or Operate Railroads: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 38. 8vo. 1873 — Graphical Presentation of the Comparative Areas of the States and Territories of the United States and the Countries of Europe, omitting Russia and Alaska. Sheet. Boston, Mass., 1879 — What is a Bank ? What Service does a Bank perform ? * U.S.A. (Soc. for Polit. Education). 12mo. 1881 — Labour arid Capital ; Allies not Enemies. (Harper's Half -hour Series, 122). 98 pp., 32mo. New York, 1879 — The Railroads of the United States ; their effects on Farming and Pro- duction in that Country and in Great Britain. ix + 48 -j- 36 pp., plans, la. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1880 Atkinson (William). The State of the Science of Political Economy Investigated : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 8vo. 1838 — Mr. Huskisson, Free Trade and the Corn Laws, showing that he renounced the Free Trade Principle and supported the Corn Laws : Id. S. 5, vol. 20. 8vo. 1840 — Principles of Political Economy, or the Laws of the formation of National Wealth, developed by means of the Christian Law of Government. xvi 4- 247 pp., diagram, 8vo. 1840 Atlantis. The, A Register of Literature and Science. Vols. 1 — 4. 8 vo. 1858-63 Aubanel (H.). Recherches statistiques sur 1' Alienation mentale, faites a l'Hospice de Bicetre. viii + 206 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1841 Aubertin (Charles). L'Esprit public au XVIII e Siecle. Etude sur les Memoires et les correspOndances politiques des contemporains, 1715 a 1789. 498 + 1 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1873 Aubry (Maurice). Les Banques d'emission et d'escompte, suivi dun tableau graphique de la marche comparee des taux de l'escompte en Europe pendant les dix dernieres annees, et d'un tableau synoptique des sept banques publiques francaises. xi + 200 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1864 Auldjo (John). Table of Deaths, Births, Marriages, and Population in the Provinces of the Kingdom of Sicily north of the Straits of Messina, for 1833 : * Stat. Soc: (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-37 Aulne (A. R. J. Turgot Baron de 1'). GSuvres de — , avec les notes de Dupont de Nemours, augmentees des lettres inedites des questions sur le commerce. . . et precedees d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Turgot par Eugene Daire : A. B. J. Turgot. La. 8vo. 1844 Austin (J. B.). Mines and Minerals of South Australia: * S. Australia (Mines, fyc). 8vo. 1876 Austin (Sarah). Translation of — Report of the State of Public Instruction in Prussia . . . : V. Cousin. 12mo. 1836 Australasian Colonies. Statistical Return, showing the Relative Positions and Aggregate Importance of the, at the close of the year 1880 : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1880 Australasian Insurance, and Banking Record and Statistical Register. Vol. 5, 1881. 510 pp., 4to. Melbourne, 1881 Australian Colonies and New Zealand. Report of Proceedings adopted for the Establishment of Steam Communication with the — , together with the recent Debates in both Houses of Parliament on the subject. 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 AU 19 Australian Mutual Provident Society. Report of the Mortality Experience of the, 1849-78. 64 pp., diagrams, 4to. Sydney, 1882 Australian and New Zealand Gazette, and Colonial Chronicle, 1858, 1859 (to June 25). 3 vols., fol. 1858 : 59 Austria- Hungary. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Austria-Hungary; Austria; Vienna; Trieste; Bohemia; Prague; Hungary; Buda-Pesth). — Tafeln der osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchic, 1860-65. Hefte 1 — 7. 7 vols., fol. ib., 1868-70 — Die Eisenbahnen des osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchic und ihr Betrieb, 1838 179 pp., fol. ib., 1870 — Austria : — — Mittheilungen iiber Handel, Gewerbe, und Verkehrsmittel, so wie aiis dem Gebiete der Statistik iiberhaupt, nach Berichten an das k. k. Handels- Ministerium, 1850-51. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1850-51 — Tafeln zur Statistik der osterreichischen Monarchie, 1847-48. 2 vols., fol. Wien, 1853 — Das osterreichische Budget fur 1862. Systematische Darstellung der Budgets von Grossbrittannien (1862) Frankreich (1862) und Preussen (1861). 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. ib., 1862 — Uebersichtstafeln zur Statistik der oesterreichischen Monarchie, 1861-62. 475 pp., 8vo. ib., 1863 — Bevolkerung und Viehstand der im Reichsrathe vertretenen Konigreiche und Lander. Nach der Zahlung vom 31 December, 1869. Hefte 5 und 6. 2 vols., maps, fol. ib., 1872 — Programme d'organisation d'une Statistique inter nation ale des etablisse- ments d'enseignement : * Stat. Internat. 4to. 1872 — Die Weinproduction in Oesterreich. xi -f- 203 pp., map, 4to. ib., 1873 — Mittheilungen aus dem Gebeifce der Statistik, 1852-73. (i — xx). 20 vols., 8vo. Wien, 1852-74 — Archiv fur volkswirthschaf tliche Gesetzgebung und Statistik, fur Industrie Handel und Verkehr 7 vols., fol. ib., 1868-74 — Der Bergwerks-Betrieb Oesterreichs, 1873-74. 4 vols., 8vo. ib., 1874-75 — Statistik der offentlichen und Privat-Volksschulen in den im Reichsrathe vertretenen Konigreichen und Landern, 1875. xxx -+- 129 pp., map, fol. ib., 1876 — Statistisches Jahrbuch des k. k. Ackerbau-Ministeriums, 1875-78. 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1876-79 Landwirthschaftliche Production Production des Jabresaus dem Pflanzenbau Production aus der Thierzucht und aus den landwirthschaftlich - technischen Gewerben, dann Verkehr in landwirthschaftlichen Pro- ducten, Hilfsstoffen und Maschinen Forst- und Jagd-Statistik. Nebst einem Anbange iiber Torf- Statistik Unterrichts- und Versuchswesen, dann Gesell- schaften und Vereine fur Land- und Forst- wirthschaft Der Bergwerksbetrieb Oesterreichs im Jahre Die Bergwerks-Production Ausdehnung des Bergbaues, Betriebs-Einricht- ungen, Arbeiterstand, Verungliickungen, Bruderladen und Bergwerks-Abgaben Statistisches Jahrbuch, 1869-82 8vo. ib., 1871-83 1. Flacheninhalt, Bevolkerung, Wohnorte Bewegung der Bevolkerung 2. Landwirthschaftliche Production, Viehstand, Marktdurchschnittspreise, Montan - In- dustrie 3 — 4. Gewerbliche Industrie, Handel, Eisen- bahnen, Strassen, Fluss- und Seeschiff- fahrt, Post und Telegraphen 5. Clerus, Lehranstalten, periodische Presse 6. Privat- und Straf-Rechtspflege, Gefallsuber- tretungen 7. I. Abtheilung. Staatshaushalt und Staats- schuld. II Abtheilung. Landes- und Grundentlastungs-Fonde, dotirte poli- tische Fonde fur Zwecke des Cultus und Unterrichts-Gemeinde-Haushalt c 2 20 AU Austria-Hungary. Official Publications — Contd. — Austria. Statistisches Jahrbuch, 1869-82— Contd. 10. Sanitats- und "Wohlthatigkeits-Anstalten, Viehseuchen, Brand-Statistik und Hagel- schaden 11. Heer, Kriegsmarine 8. Vereine, Actiengesellschaften, Bank- und Creditinstitute, registrirte Erwerbs- und Wirthschafts - Genossenschaften ; Besitz- und Lastenstand der Realitaten 9. Sparcassen — Statistische Monatschrift. I, III, und IX. 8vo. ib., 1875-83 — Nachrichten iiber Industrie, Handel und Verkehr, herausgegeben vom Statistischen Departement im k. k. Handels-Ministerium. La. 8vo. ib., 1882-83 XXIV Band. 1 Heft. Amtlicher-Bericht iiber die Oeschafts- thatigkeit des k.k. Handels-Minis- teriums wahrend des Jahres 1881 2 „ Statistik des osterreichischen Tele- graphen im Jahre 1881 3 Heft. Statistik des osterreichischen Post- wesens im Jahre 1881 4 „ Hauptergebnisse der oesterreichischen Eisenbahn-Statistik im Jahre 1881 5 „ Werthe fiir die Mengeneinheiten der 1881 ein- und ausgefuhrten Waaren — Geographischen Gesellschaft. k. k. Mittheilungen der. I — IX Jahr- gange. 8 vols., maps and plates, 8vo. Wien, 1857-65 — Vienna. Universal Exhibition of 1873. Reports on the : *Parl. Miscell. Rep. Plans, plates, &c. 8vo. 1874 — Academie der Wissenschaften zu Wien. Sitzungsberichte; Philoso- phisch-historische classe. 6 vols., plates, 8vo. ib., 1850-53 — Trieste. Delia Partecipazione di — e dell' Austriaal Commercio delle Nazione durante 1' ultimo decennio. Estratto dal Giornale del Lloyd Austriaco : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 19. 8vo. 1842 — Bohemia. Tafeln zur Statistik der Land und Forstwirthschaft des Konig- reiches Bohmen. I Band, Hefte 1—9. Obi. fol. Prag, 1861-68 — Prague. Statistik der Koniglichen Hauptstadt Prag. ler Band. Topografie-Klimatografie. Bevolkerung-Beilagen. 85 pp., plan, 4to. Prag, 1871 Another copy (in Bohemian) 80 pp., plan, 4to. Praze, 1871 — Statistisches Handbiichlein der kgl. Hauptstadt Prag, fiir die Jahre 1871-81. 8vo. Prag, 1873-83 Another copy (in Bohemian), 1871-80 8vo. Praze, 1873-81 — Wochenbericht iiber die Sterbefalle in Prag und den Vororten. 2 vols., 4to. Prag, 1881-83 — Hungary : — — Statistique officielle de la Hongrie. Rapport presente au VII Congres internationale de statistique a la Haye en 1869 : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 8vo. 1869-71 — Ergebnisse der in den Landern der ungarischen Krone am Anfange des Jahres 1870 vollzogenen Volkzahlung. 615 pp., fol. Pest, 1871 — Gutachten iiber die Verfassung einer Statistik des Rebenbaues und der Weinproduktion in den weinproduciren Staaten Europas. 18 pp., 8vo. ib., 1871 — Beitrage zur Geschichte der Preise ungarischer Landesproducte im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. lxxxvi -|- 353 pp., fol. Budapest, 1873 — Skizze der Landeskunde ungarns. Einleitender Theil des ung. Kataloges zur Wiener weltausstellung ; Unter Mitwirkung inbenannter Fach- manner redigirt von K. Keleti. [Translated from the Hungarian]. viii + 343 pp., 8vo. ib., [1873] — Die wirthschaftliche und commercielle Beschreibung der konigl. -unga- rischen Staatsforste. 211 pp., maps, 4to. Budapest, 1878 AU— AV 21 Austria-Hungary. Official Publications — Contd. — Hungary — Contd. — Das ungarische Unterricbts-Wesen, 1875, 1877-78. 2 vols., 8vo. Budapest, 1879 — Amtliche statistische mittheilungen Herausgegeben von dem Koniglich ungarischen statistischen bureau, 1868-78. La. 8vo. Pesten, 1869-81 • — Statistica dei Viaggi fatti dai Bastimenti Ungarici a lungo corso 1876, 1880. 2 vols., 8vo. Fiume, 1877-81 — Ergebnissi der in den Landern der ungariscben krone am anfange des Jahres 1881 voollozgenen Volkszahlung . . . [Vol. 1 in Magyar and German; vol. 2 in Magyar only]. 2 vols, sm. fol. Budapest, 1882 — Statistiscbes Jabrbucb fur Ungarn, 1872-83. 8 vols., 8vo. ib., 1872-83 — Ungarns Waarenverkehr mit Osterreich und Andern Landern. Im Auftrage des Ministers fur Ackerbau, Gerverbe und Handel verfasst und berausgegeben durch das Kon. Ung. Statisticbe Landes-bureau, 1881-82. (In monthly parts). Fol. ib., 1881-83 — Ungarns Waarenverkehr mit Osterreich und Anderen Landern. I m Auftrage des Ministers fur Ackerbau, Gewerbe und Handel verfasst und herausgegeben durch das Kon. Ung. Statistische Landes-bureau, 1881-83. 1. Jahrgang. Fol. ib., 1883 — Buda-Pesth. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Resultate der Pester Volkszah- lung vom Jahre 1870. 20 pp., diagrams, 8vo. Pest, 1871 — Bewegung der Bolvolkerung der Stadt Pest. 68 pp., 8vo. ib., 1873 — Untersuchungen iiber die Einkommensteuer der Stadt Pest fur das Jahr 1870. 123 pp., 8vo. ib., 1873 — Die Bauthatigkeit Pest's, 1872. 40 pp., 8vo. ib., 1873 — Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Pest. xvi + 356 pp., 8vo, Pest, 1873 — Die Bauthatigkeit Budapest's, 1873 und 1874. 51 pp., 8vo. Berlin, 1875 — Die Sterblicbkeit der Stadt Budapest, 1872-75. 2 vols., diagram, 8vo, ib., 1876-77 — Bericht der Budapester Handels- und Gewerbekammer iiber Gewerbe und Industrie des Budapester Kammer-districtes, 1870-75. xxiii + 337 pp., 8vo. Budapest, 1877 — Untersuchungen iiber die Einkommen- und Hauszinssteuer fur Budapest, 1873-76. xxxii +57 pp., 8vo. Berlin, 1877 — Bulletin mensuel du Bureau de Statistique de la Ville de Buda Pest, 1878. (In Magyar). 256 pp., 8vo. Budapest, 1879 — Bulletin annuel des finances des grandes villes, 1878. 47 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 — Tableau synoptique des operations de la premiere caisse d'epargne de Hongrie a Budapest depuis l'ouverture (11 Janvier, 1840) jusqu'a la fin de l'annee 1879. Sheet, ib., [1880] — Die Hauptstadt Budapest im Jahre 1881. Resultate der Volksbeschrei- bung und Volkszablung vom 1 Januar, 1881. [Translation]. 2 vols. la. 8vo. Berlin, 1881-82 Austrian Lloyd's. The Overland Mail and the — . Map : * Tracts, S. 5, vol, 25, 8vo. 1847 Avdall (Johannes). Census of the Armenian Population of the City of Calcutta: * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4, 4to. 1837 Avery (Thomas). The Municipal Expenditure of the Borough of Bir- mingham: *Brit. Assocn. Eejp., § F. 8vo. 1365 Avila (Marquis d'). Statistik von Portugal : * Gongres Internat. de Stat 4to. 1865 22 AX— BA Axon (William E. A.) :— Free Public Libraries of Great Britain : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1869 Notes on Co-operation Abroad : Id. 12mo. 1870 Statistical Notes on the Free Town Libra- ries of Great Britain and the Continent : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 33. 8vo. 1870 Statistical Notes on the Free Town Libra- ries of Great Britain and the Continent : * Tracts, S. 4, toI. 9. 8vo. 1870 Masters and Men : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1871 On the Consumption of Tobacco in the United Kingdom, 1801-70 i * Stat. Soc. (JL), \o\. 35. 8vo. 1872 Specifications of British Patents, 1617-1869 : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1872 On the Extent of Ancient Libraries : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. [1872] Learned Societies and Academies : *Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1873 Relative Proportion of the Sexes : *MancK. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1873-74 Utilization of Waste : *Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1874 Some Defects in the Statistics of Books and Libraries: * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1874-75 Statistics of Deaf and Dumb : *Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1874-75 Arabic Numerals : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1875 Libraries.Ancient and Modern : Id. 12mo. 1876 Some Defects in the Statistics of the English Publishing Trade : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1876-77 Old English Guilds : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1878 Statistical Notes on the Sunday Opening of Libraries and Museums : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1878-79 Public Libraries of America : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1879 Education of Deaf and Dumb : Id. 12mo. 1880 Corn or Cattle ; a Comparison of the Eco- nomic Results of Agriculture and Cattle Raising in relation to National Food Supply: *Brit.Assocn.Bep.,§F. 8vo. 1881 Food of the Poor : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1881 Cost of Theatrical Amusements : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1881-82 Luxury, Ancient and Modern : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1882 Insects injurious to Agriculture: Id. 12mo. 1883 Aycard (M.). Histoire du Credit Mobilier. iv + 595 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1867 B. [B. (C.)]. The Confessional Unmasked. . . (With notes). [Anon.]. 1851 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 [B. (O.)]. L'Imposta sul Tabacco. [Anon.] : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 [B. (H. L.)]. Einige Worte iiber die Statistik im Allgemeinen und iiber die Statistik von Frankfurt insbesondere : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 5. 8vo. 1855 [B — (I — )]. A Vindication of Commerce and the Arts;' Proving that they are the Source of the Greatness, Power, Riches, and Populousness of a State. Being an Examination of Mr. Bell's Dissertation upon Populous- ness. [Anon.]. 1758: * Overstone Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1859 [B. (J.) (P Bertillon, Jaques)]. Statistique anthropometrique et medicale des eleves des ecoles primaires de Bruxelles. [Anon.] : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 — De l'organization de la Statistique des Causes de deces en Italic [Anon.] : Id., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 — Note de statistique politique, Nombre des electeurs et des votants dans chaque pays de l'Europe. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 — Note sur l'intensite relative et la frequence relative des principales maladies saisonnieres et zymotiques dans la Ville de Bruxelles, 1864-79. [Anon.] : Id., vol 4. La. 8vo. 1880 [B. (L.)]. Stafcistica dei Bilanci Comunali e Provinciali per l'anno 1877. [Anon.] : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 — Cenni Necrologici sul professore "Wappaus, C. Feer Heerzog, e dottor Adolfo Ficker. [Anon.] : Id. La. 8vo. 1880 [B. (M. S.)]- Suggestions for the Better Management of the Civil Concerns of the Navy. [Anon.] : Gen. Sir S. Beniham. 8vo. 1850 Baak (E.). De Nederlandsche Naamlooze Vennoots-chappen [1838-82] door A. H. van Nierop en — : A. H. van Nierop. 8vo. [cir. 1882] Babbage (Charles). On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. xvi + 320 pp. 12mo. 1832 BA 23 Babbage (Charles). History of Mr. 13abbage's Calculating Engines. (Philosophical Mag., September, 1843). 294 pp., 4to. 1843 — Observations on the Temple of Serapis, at Pozzuoli, near Naples. With . . . Conjectures concerning the Physical Condition of the Surface of the Moon. (Privately printed). 42 pp., plates, 8vo. 1847 — The Exposition of 1851, or Views of the Industry, the Science, and the Government of England. 2nd edit., xvi + 289 pp., 8vo. 1851 — Thoughts on the Principles of Taxation, with Reference to a Property Tax, and its Exceptions: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. 1851 — Of the Constants of Nature — Class Mammalia : Id., S. 2, vol. 2. 4to. [1853] — On the Statistics of Lighthouses : Id., S. 5, vol. 5. 4to. 1853 — Thoughts on the Principles of Taxation, with Reference to a Property Tax, and its Exceptions. 3rd edit. (Incomplete): Id., S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1853 Another copy. 2nd edit., 1851 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 — Life Assurance Societies, Article on, from the " Quarterly Review," 1826 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 — Sur les Constantes de la Nature : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1853-55 — Notice statistique sur les Phares : Id. 4to. 1853-55 — Analysis of the Statistics of the Clearing House during the Year 1839 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 19. 8vo. 1856 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 28. 8vo. 1856 — Tables of the Constants of Nature and Art : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1856 — A Word to the Wise — Observations on Peerage for Life : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1856 — On the Antecedents of International Statistical Congresses : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — On the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1868 Babeau (Albert). La Ville sous l'Ancien Regime. viii + 564 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1880 Baccarini (A.). Appunti di Statistica Idrografica Italiana : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1877 Bache (Alexander D.). Report on Education in Europe to the Trustees of the Girard College for Orphans. xiii + 666 + 1 pp. 8vo. Phila., 1839 — On the Tides of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of the United States — The Gulf Stream and the Earthquake Waves of December, 1854. Maps and diagrams : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 3. 8vo. 1856 — Tide Tables for the Use of Navigators, prepared from the Coast Survey Observations: Id., S. 2, vol. 4. 8vo. 1857 — On the Heights of the Tides of the United States from Observations in the Coast Survey : Id., S. 2, vol, 4. 8vo. 1858 — Lecture on the Gulf Stream. Plates : Id., S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1860 — Eulogy on the Hon. J. A. Pearce : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1862 — Magnetic and Meteorological Observations at Philadelphia, 1 840-45 : * Smithsn. Contribn., vols. 11 and 13. 4to. 1859-63 — Records and Results of Magnetic Survey of Pennsylvania : Id., vol. 13. 4to. 1863 Bacon (G. W.). Descriptive Handbook of America. By — , and W. G. Larkins. viii + 392 pp., maps, &c. 12mo. \cir. 1881] Badeley (John). An Authentic Narrative of the Extraordinary Care performed by Prince Alexandre Hohenlohe, on Miss Barbara O'Connor. 3rd edit,: * Pamph., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 Baden. Beitrage zur Statistik der inneren Verwaltung des Grossherzogthums Baden. Hefte 1—41. 30 parts, 4to. Carlsruhe, 1855-80 24 BA Baden-Powell (B. H.). Handbook of the Economic Products of the Punjab . . . Prepared under orders of the Government : (Punjab. Handbook, fyc). Plates, la. 8vo. 1868-72 Baden-Powell (George) : Powell (G '. Baden-) Bagehot (Walter). Some Articles on the Depreciation of Silver and on Topics connected with it. viii + 136 pp., 8vo. 1877 — Literary Studies by the late — , with a Prefatory Memoir. Edited by R. H. Hutton. 2 vols., photographic portrait, 8vo. 1879 — Economic Studies by the late — . Edited by R. H. Hutton. ii+ 215 pp., 8vo. 1880 — Biographical Studies bv the late — . Edited by R. H. Hutton. vi + i + 368 pp., 8vo. 1881 Bagge (G.). Tables statistiques des divers pays de l'univers, pour l'annee 1878. 84 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1878 Baggs (Rev. S.). Essay on the Circulation and Credit, and a Letter on the Jealousy of Commerce ; translated from the French of M. de Pinto. xix + 247 pp., 4to. 1774 Bagot (Charles E.). Management of Crown Lands in the Australian Colonies, and the appropriation of the Revenues arising from them : * Stat, fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 Bagot (John). Private Bill Legislation and Local Government ; an Essay on Parliamentary Reform: * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1881 [Bailey (G.)]. Money and its Vicissitudes in Value, as they affect National Industry and Pecuniary Contracts; with a Postscript on Joint-Stock Banks. 4 + 224 pp., 8vo. 1837 Bailey (J.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cumberland. Map: * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. [1805] — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland. 3rd edit. Maps and plates : Id. 8vo. 1805 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Durham : Id. 8vo. 1810 Bailey (J. W.). Microscopical Observations in South Carolina, &c, 1849-50. Plates: * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 2. 4to. 1851 — Soundings off Atlantic Coast of U.S., 1849-50: Id., vol. 2. 4to. 1851 — Notes on Microscopical Organisms, 1853 : Id., vol. 7. 4to. 1855 Bailey (Samuel). A Defence of Joint- Stock Banks and Country Issues, 1840 : * Currency, frc, vols. 2 and 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Baillie (Neil B. E.). The Land Tax of India according to the Moohum- mudan Law. Translated from the Futawa Alumgeeree, with Explanatory Notes and an Introductory Essay ; containing a brief Explanation of leading Principles and their application to the present system of Land Revenue. liii + 87 pp., 8vo. 1853 Bailly (A.). Expose de 1' Administration generale et locale des Finances du Royaume-Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande. 2 vols.,8vo. Paris, 1837 Baily (Francis). An Account of the several Life Assurance Companies established in London, containing a view of their respective Merits and Advantages. 2nd edit., 1811 : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 9. 8vo. 1811-57 — The Doctiine of Life Annuities and Assurances, Analytically Investigated and Practically Explained ; together with several Useful Tables con- nected with the subject. Edited from the Original, with the Modern Notation, and enlarged both in the extent of the Treatise as well as in the variety of Tables, including a Table of Deferred Annuities on Single Lives ; Carlisle, four per cent. ; and several others on the English Life Table. By H. Filipowski. vii 4- 1 + 324 pp., 8vo. Liverpool, 1864 An earlier edition .., 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1813 BA 25 Baily (John). Central America ; Describing each of the States of Guate- mala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica; their Natural Features, Products, Population, and Capacity for Colonization. xii + 164 pp., plates, 8vo. 1850 Bain (A. B.). Statistical and Chronological Chart of New Zealand, from the Foundation of the Colony to 1878. Chart mounted. 1879 Bain (Rev. W. J.). The Social, Educational, and Religious Position of the Working Population of South Staffordshire : *Bvit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1865 Baines (Mrs.). Prevention of Excessive Infant Mortality : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1868-69 Baines (Edward). History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, with a Notice of its Early History in the East, &c, a Description of the Great Mechanical Inventions which have caused its unexampled extension in Britain, and a View of the Present State of the Manu- facture ... 7 + 544 pp., portraits and plates. 8vo. [1835] — The Social, Educational, and Religious State of the Manufacturing Districts, with Statistical Returns of the Means of Education and Religious Instruction in the Manufacturing Districts of Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Cheshire. 76 pp., 8vo. 1843 — An Alarm to the Nation on the Unjust, Unconstitutional, and Dangerous Measure of State Education proposed by the Government.' 1847 : * Polit. Bamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 — A Letter to the Most Noble the Marquis of Lansdowne on the Government Plan of Education ; with an Appendix containing Minutes of the Committee of Council, 1846-47: Id., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 — Five Letters to the Rt. Hon. Earl of Harewood, President of the York- shire Society for Keeping up the Price of Bread and the Rent of Land, 1844 : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 — The Life of Edward Baines, late M.P. for the Borough of Leeds. (By his Son—). ix + 372 pp., 8vo. 1851 Baines (J. A.). Imperial Census of 1881. Operations and Results in the Presidency of Bombay, including Sind : (Bombay. Census). Maps and diagrams, sm. fol. 1882 Baines (M. T.). Speech of, in the House of Commons, on a " Bill to Abolish in England and Wales the Compulsory Removal of the Poor on the Ground of Settlement," &c. : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 6. 8vo. 1854 Baines (Thomas). History of the Commerce and Town of Liverpool, and of the Rise of Manufacturing Industry in the adjoining Counties. xvi + 844 + 13 pp., plans, la. 8vo. 1852 Baird (C. R.). Remarks on the Evils at present affecting the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, by — , and A. Fullarton : *Tracts, S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1838 Baird (S. F.). Natural History of the United States : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1851 — Scientific Explorations in America : Id. 8vo. 1852 — Catalogue of N. American Birds : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 — Catalogue of N. American Reptiles, 1853 : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 — Directions for Collecting and Preserving Specimens of Natural History, 1859 : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 — Questions relative to Food Fishes of the U.S.A., 1873 : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 i — American Birds in Smithsonian Museum, 1864-72: Id., vol. 12. 8vo. 1874 — Recent Scientific Progress : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1880 Baker (Franklin). The Moral Tone of the Factory System defended : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 23. 8vo. 1850 H BA Baker (Henry). Growth of the Commercial Centre of Manchester, Move- ment of Population, and Pressure of Habitation, 1861-71 : *Manch. St ,.-.„ t>„„,„i,i«*„ rj o. Sophismes economiques. Petits .rampnlets, 3. Cobden et la Ligue, ou l'Agitation anglaise 2. 2nd edit. 1863 pour la liberie des ^changes. 3rd edit. 6. Harmonies economiques. 5th edit, 1864 1864 Another copy. 2nd edit., 12mo. 1851 Another copy. 1st edit. 1854 j 7. Essais. fibauches. Correspondance. 1864 — Harmonies of Political Economy. Translated from the French, with a Notice of the Life and Writings of the Author, by P. J. Stirling. 2 vols., 8vo. 1860-70 — Economic Sophisms. Translated from the 5th edit, of the French by P. J. Stirling, LL.D. viii 4- 235 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1873 BA 31 Bastiat (Frederic). Essays on Political Economy. Translated from the French. 4th edit, iv + 234 pp., 12mo. Batchelor (T.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Bedford. Plates: * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1808 Bateman (A. E.). Canadian Statistics. (The full Text of this Paper was published in the Statistical Society's Journal for December, 1878) : * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § P. 8vo. 1878 Bates (Arthur H.). Irish Linen Laws, and proposed Amendments thereof : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1880-82 — Extent to which the Principles advocated in Benthana's Letters on Usury have still to be adopted in the Laws of England and of Foreign Countries : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 Baths and Wash-houses. Committee for, Report by Price P. Baly, with Appendix. 40 + 35 pp., plates, 1852 : * G. A. Cape. 4to. 1854 Batten (G. G.)« Historical-Statistical Notes on the Production and Con- sumption of Coffee. Translated from the Dutch by — : * N. P. van den Berg. 8vo. 1880 Batten (J. H.). Notes and Recollections on the Cultivation of Tea in the British Hymalayan Provinces of Kumaon and Gurhwal : *Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1877 Battye (Thomas). Tracts on Parochial Abuses 8vo. Manch., 1796-97 Reply to Dr. Unite's Address to the Ley- payers of Manchester. 4th edit, v + 21 pp.1796 Disclosure of Parochial Abuse, Artifice, and Peculation in the Town of Man- chester. 2nd edit. 114 pp. 1796 Reflections on the Subjects of Deputy Une Enqnete # Baudrillart (Henri). Reyband : Baumhauer (M. M. von) : — Report on Penal Legislation of Belgium, France, Holland, and Saxony : *Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Statistics of Holland : Id. 4to. 1860-61 Statistik von Niederlande : Id. 4to. 1863-65 Statistique des Pays-Bas : Id. 4to. 1867-69 Compte-Rendu des travaux de la septieme session [a la Haye 6 — 11 Septembre], 1869 : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Constable, Billeting, Beadles . . . By T. B. 10 pp. [1796] The Red Basil Book, or Parish Register of Arrears for the Maintenance of the Unfortunate Offspring of Illicit Amours . . . in the Town of Manchester. Part 1. vii + 110 pp. [1797] morale snr l'lndustrie [par] Louis Bevue des Deux Mondes. La. 8vo. 1874-78 Apercu comparatif des mesures, poids, et monnaies dans les differents pays : *Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Travaux statistiques des Pays-Bas : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Memoire sur la construction on les calculs de tables de survie et de mortalite Id. 4to. 1876-78 Bavaria. Official Publications. (Arranged chronologically) : — — Uebersicht der Strafrechtspflege im Konigreiche Bayern im Jahre 1849-50. 17 + 22 pp., litho , sm. fol. [1850] — Beitrage zur Statistik des Konigreiches Bayern. 4^vols.,fol. Miinchen, 1854-55 III.-l. Bewegung der Bevolkerung von 1844-45 bis 1850-51 2. Resultate der Conscription in Bezug auf Tauglichkeit, aus den Jahren 1822 bis 1851 3. Schutzpocken - Impfung von 1832-33 bis 1851-52 4. Bevolkerung des Konigreichs nach dem Stande der Zahlung des Monats Dezember, 1852 IV. -1. Stand der Strafanstalten aus den Jahren 1833-34 bis 1847-48 2. Bevolkerung des Konigreichs . . . nach der Aufnahme vom Dezember, 1852 V. Anstalten fur Wissenschaft, Kunst, Unter- richt und Erziehung nach dem Stande von 1851-52 und fruherer Jahre VI. Viehstand nach den Erhebungen von 1810, 1840, 1844 und 1854 xix + 531 pp., 8vo. ib., 1861 — Die Forstverwaltung Bayei'ns. — Wie steht es um Steuern und Abgaben in Bayern ? * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1861 32 BA Bavaria. Official Publications — Contd. — Die Bevolkerung und die Gewerbe des Konigreichs Bayern nach der Aufnahme vom Jahre 1861, die Gewerbe in Vergleichung, mit deren Stande im Jahre, 1847. 163 pp., fol. Miincben, 1862 — Die Bewegung der Bevolkerung im Konigreiche Bayern in den funf Jabren 1857-58 bis 1861-62, mit Riickbicken auf die 22 Jabre 1835-36 bis 1856-57. 113 pp., fol. ib., 1863 — Vier Karten uber den Bodenertrag im Koenigreicbe Bayern nach dem Cataster und der Ernte des Jahres 1863. 4 sheets. Miinchen, 1867 — Ergebnisse der Strafrechtspflege im Konigreiche Bayern, 1862-66. (xix Heft der Beitrage zur Statistik des Konigreichs Bayern.) lxxxi + 296 pp., maps, fol. ib., 1868 — Die Gebandezahlung im Konigreiche Bayern vom Sommer, 1867. (xxii Heft der Beitrage zur Statistik des Konigreichs Bayern.) xxvii + 57 pp., fol. ib., 1869 — Bewegung der Bevolkerung des Konigreichs Bayern im Kalenderjahre 1873. 15 pp., 4to. [1873] — Die Bayerische Bevolkerung nach Geschlecht, Alter und Civilstand aaf Grund der Volkzahlung von 1871, mit vergleichenden Riickblicken auf die Alters-statistik von 1867. (xxxi Heft der Beitrage zur Statistik des Konigreichs Bayern). 126 + 328 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Definitive Ergebnisse der Gewerbezahlung vom 1 December, 1875, nach Gruppen, Klassen und Ordnnngen, mit Unterscheidung der Regierungs- bezirke. (Abdruck aus dem statistischen Abrisse fur das K. Bayern, dritte Lieferung). 107 pp., 8vo. [ib., 1875] — Abdruck aus dem Statistischen Abrisse fur das K. Bayern, dritte Lieferung 179 pp., 8vo. [ib., 1875] 1. Definitive Uerbersicht der Gewerbebetriebe, I 2. Definitive Uebersicht der wicbtigsten mit Umtriebsmaschinen (Motoren) nebst Arbeitsmascbinen und Vorricbtungen Nachweisung der Zabl, Art, Pferdestarken der letzteren u.s.w. nacb der Aufnahme I nach der Aufnahme vom 1 December, vom 1 December, 1875 1875 — Statistischer Abriss fur das Konigreich Bayern. 41 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 — Die IX Versammlung des internationalen statistischen Congresses zu Budapest im Jahr 1876, und die Versammlungen der permanenten Commission des Congresses in Wien, 1873, Stockholm, 1874, und Budapest, 1876, von Dr. G. Mayr : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. La. 4to. [1876] — Die Bayerische Bevolkerung nach der Gebiirtigkeit. (xxxii Heft der Beitrage zur Statistik des Konigreichs Bayern). 74 + 438 pp., diagram map, sm. fol. Miinchen, 1876 — Die vorlaufigen Ergebnisse der gewerbestatistischen Aufnahme vom 1 Dezember, 1875, in Bayern. (Separat-Abdruck aus der Zeitschrift des k. bayer. stat. Bureau, Jahrgang 1877, No. 1). 78 pp., 4to. [ib., 1877] — Ergebnisse der Volkszahlung im Konigreiche Bayern vom 1 December, 1875, nach einzelnen Gemeinden. (Gemeinde-Verzeichniss). xxxvi Heft der Beitrage zur Statistik des Konigreichs Bayern. 16 + xxxi + 284 pp., sm. fol. ib., 1877 — Zeitschrift des koniglich bayerischen statistischen Bureau. 1874-81. 8 parts, 4to. Miiucben, 1874-81 — Munich. Bericht der Beurtheilungs-Commission bei der allgemeinen deutschen Industrie- Ausstellung zu Miinchen im Jahr 1854. 12 parts in 1 vol., 8vo. Miinchen, 1854 — Bericht uber die Rechnungs- Ergebnisse der Gemeinderechnung der Stadt Miinchen fur das Jahre 1874. xii + 39 pp., sm. fol. [1875] BA— BE 33 Bavaria. Official Publications — Contd. — Die Kindersterblichkeit in Munchen im Jahre 1875, mit Riickblicken auf das Jahrfiinft 1871-75. 39 pp., 4to. [1876] — Die Bevolkerung Miinchens. Geburten, Sterbfalle und Eheschliessungen im Jahre, 1875. 58 pp., diagram and plan, 4to. [1876] — Voranscblag der Einnahmen und Ausgaben der Stadtgemeinde Munchen fur das Vervvaltungs. Jahr 1876. [With Supplements]. 4 parts in 1 vol., sm. 4to. Munchen [1877] Baverstock (James). Observations on the State of the Brewery, and on the Saccharine Quality of Malt: * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 [Baxter (A. B.).] Banking in Australasia from a London Official's Point of View, with some Remarks on Mortgage and Finance Companies. viii + 127 pp., 8vo. 1883 Baxter (J, H.). Statistics, Medical, and Anthropological of the Provost- Marshal-General's Bureau, derived from Records of the Examination for Military Service in the Armies of the United States during the late War of the Rebellion of over a Million Men : U.S.A. {Provost-Marshal-Gen.'). Maps and diagrams, 4to. 1875 Baxter (Robert). On the Principles which Regulate the Rate of Interest, and on the Currency Laws: * Stat. Soe. (JL), vol. 39. 8vo. 1876 Baxter (R. Dudley) :— Franchise Returns and the Boroughs, with a Table of the Constituencies. 3rd edit. : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 2. 8vo. 1866 Railway Extension and its Results : *Stat. Soc (JL), vol. 29. 8vo. 1866 Redistribution of Seats and the Counties : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 2. 8vo. 1866 National Income. The United Kingdom. 100 pp., diagram, 8vo. 1868 Another copy. The Taxation of the United Kingdom. viii + 180 pp., 8vo. 1869 English Parties and Conservatism. iv + 1 + 76 pp., 8vo. 1870 National Debts : * Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8vo. 1870 National Income and Taxation of the United Kingdom : * Congres Internat. de Stat, 4to. 1869-71 National Debts. iv + 1 + 139 pp., diagram, 8vo. 1871 Another copy. Local Government and Taxation and Mr. Goschen's Report. 104 pp., diagram, 8vo. 1874 The Recent Progress of National Debts : *Stat Soc. (JL), vol. 37. 8vo. 1874 Baylis (Edward). Reply of the Professional Life Assurance Company to the Attacks of its Assailants, together with Remarks Illustrative and Explanatory of the new System of Life Assurance. 3rd edit. : * Irife Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy, 2nd edit. : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Bazley (T.). Glance at the Cotton Trade : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Beaconsfield (Earl of). The Parliament and the Government, Mr. Disraeli's Speech on the Labours of the Session, in the House of Com- mons . . . 1848 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 — The New Budget. Financial Statement of the Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli, delivered in the House of Commons . . . 1852 : Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1846-52 Bear (W. E.). The Relations of Landlord and Tenant in England and Scotland : * Cobden Club Publications. 12mo. 1876 — Payment for Value received, the true principle of Tenant Right ; a rejoinder to the Duke of Argyll. [Reprinted from the "Mark Lane Express"]. 32 pp., 12mo. [cir. 1877] Beaufort (Daniel A.). Memoir of a Map of Ireland, illustrating the Topography of that Kingdom, and containing a short Account of its Present State, Civil and Ecclesiastical, with a complete Index to the Map. xvii + 147 + 71 pp., 4to. 1792 D 34 BE Beaufoy (Col. Mark). Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with numerous Scientific Miscellanies, civ + 688 pp., plates, vol. 1 (no more pub.), 4to. 1834 Beaulieu (Paul Leroy-) : P. Leroy-Beaulieu. Beaumont (B.). An Essay on Provident or Parish Banks, for the Security and Improvement of the Savings of Tradesmen, Artificers, Servants, &c. : *Pamph.,xol7. 8vo. 1816 Beaumont (G. de). On the Penitentiary System in the United States and its application in France, with an Appendix on Penal Colonies; and also Statistical Notes ; translated with Notes by F. Lieber. By — , and A de Tocqueville. xlvii + 301 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1833 Beaumont (J. A.). A Few Lines to the Managers of the Life Insurance Societies of the United Kingdom, suggesting a Remedy for the Doubts and Difficulties attendant upon the Business of Life Assurance, 1852 : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Beaumont (J. T. B.). The Extreme Injustice to Individuals and Injury to the Public, of the present System of Public House Licensing : * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 — An Essay on Criminal Jurisprudence, with the Draft of a New Penal Code : Id., vols. 18 and 19. 8vo. 1821-22 Beauverger (Baron Edm. de). Les Institutions civiles de la France, considerees dans ieurs principes, leur histoire, leurs analogies. viii + 464 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1864 Beccaria (Cesare). Elementi di Economia pubblica. II Colbertismo, dissertazione di F. Mengotti (Bibl. Comuni Ital.). 289 pp., 12mo. Torino, 1852 Becher (S.). Statistische Uebersicht des Handels der osterreichischen Monarchic mit dem Auslande, 1829-38. xii + 347, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1841 Becker (B. H.). Scientific London viii + 340 pp., 12mo. 1874 (Contents.) The Royal Society „ Eoyal Institution „ Society of Arts ,, Institution of CiTil Engineers „ Chemical Society „ Department of Science and Art „ London Institution „ Birkbeck Institute The Grresham Lectures „ Society of Telegraph Engineers „ Museum of Practical Greology „ British Association for the Adrancement of Science „ Statistical Society „ Eoyal Geographical Society Another copy. Becker (Charles). Reponse aux questions relatives aux recensements de la population : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 — Eloge de H. Schwabe : Id. 4to. 1876-78 — Die Handelsbilanz und die Statistik des Auswartigen Handels : Id. 4to. 1876-78 — Sur la question : A quelles bases la statistique doit-elle recouvrir pour rediger des tables de mortalite exactes ? : Id. 4to. 1876-78 — Zur Berechnung von Sterbetafeln an die Bevolkerung statistik zu Stel- lende anforderungen : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Becker (Lydia E.). Supposed differences in the Minds of Men and Women with regard to Educational Necessities : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 — Some Maxims of Political Economy as applied to the Employment of Women and the Education of Girls : Id. 8vo. 1871 — Statistics regarding the Attendance and Education of Girls in the Elemen- tary Schools of Manchester : Id. 8vo. 1872 — Some Practical Difficulties in Working the Elementary Education Act, 1870 : Id. 8vo. 1874 Becker (M.), Statistik von Oldenburg : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 BE 35 Becker (M.). Travaux statistiques d'Oldenbourg : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Beeket (Andrew). Public Prosperity : or Arguments in Support of a Plan for raising Six Millions Sterling ; and for employing that sum in Loans to Necessitous and Industrious Persons. 2nd edit. : * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 Beddoe (John). A Comparison of the Mortality from different Causes in Australia and in England : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1859 — On the Stature and Bulk of Man in the British Isles. Reprinted from vol. 3 of the Memoirs of the " Anthropometrical Society of London." 1 + 191 pp., maps, 8vo. 1870 — The Death-Kates of some Health Resorts, and especially of Clifton : *Brit. Assoon. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1875 — The Mortality of Adolescence : Id. 8vo. 1875 — The Need of Systematic Observations on the Physical Characters of Man in Britain : Id. 8vo. 1875 — The Statistics of Victoria (Australia) : Id. 8vo. 1877 — The Progress of Public Health in our own Times. Diagrams : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 12. 8vo. [1879] Bedford (J. R.). Contributions to the Statistics of Bengal : Income, Expen- diture, and Food : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 8vo. 1849-52 — On the Vital and Medical Statistics of Chittagong, Bengal : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 15. 8vo. 1852 Bedo (A.). La Sylviculture comme objet de la statistique international : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Beechey (Capt., R.N.). Manual of Hydrography, with map : * Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 Beeke (Rev. H.). Observations on the Produce of the Income Tax, and on its Proportion to the whole Income of Great Britain. New edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 35. 8vo. 1800 Beeson (Geo.). Statistical Chart of the British Empire. Chart. 1842 Begbie (J. W.). First Report of the Medico- Statistical Association. By — , and W. T. Gairdner : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1852 Beggs (Thomas). Freehold Land Societies : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 16. 8vo. 1853 Behm (E.). Die Bevolkerung der Erde, von — -, und H. Wagner. 6 vols. Maps, 4to. Berlin, 1873-80 Behm (G.). Statistik der Mortalitats, Invalidities, -und Morbilitatsver- haltnisse bei dem Beamten-Personal der Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwalt- ungen [mit Nachtrage fur 1874-81]. 1 vol. and 6 supplements. 8vo. Berlin, 1876-83 Beke (Charles T.). On the Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldaea : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 1. 8vo. 1839 — Inquiry into Antoine d'Abbadie's Journey to Kaffa, in 1843-44, to discover Source of Nile. 2nd edit. Map : Id., S. 2, vol. 2. 8vo. 1851 Another copy. [1st edit.] : Id., S. 2, vol. 2. 8vo. 1850 — Reasons for returning the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of France : Id., S. 2, vol. 2. 8vo. 1851 — Summary of recent Nilotic Discovery : Id., S. 2, vol. 2. 8vo. 1851 — Views in Ethnography, the Classification of Languages, Progress of Civilisa- tion, and the Natural History of Man : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 4. 8vo. 1863 Belfast Royal Academical Institution. Minutes of an Inquiry before a Committee of the Joint Board of Managers and Visitors of the, respect- ing the Moral Philosophy Class [with Appendix and Letters]. xxii + 288 + 83 pp., 8vo. Belfast, 1835 d2 36 BE Belgium. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Statistique de la Belgique; 'Commission centrale de Statistique; Annuaire statistique; Commerce; Education; Prisons; Provident Institutions; Railways; Miscellaneous; Brussels; Antwerp; Ghent; Liege; Louvain). — Statistique de la Belgique, 1831-79. 4to., diagrams. Brux., 1835-83 Documens statistiques. 3 e publication offi- cielle. Etat physique, etat politique, etat moral. x + 136 + 1 pp., 4to. 1836 Compte de 1' administration de la justice criminelle en Belgique, 1831-39. 3 vols, in 1, la. 4to. 1835-43 Compte de l'administration de la justice civile en Belgique, 1832-33, 1842-43. 3 vols, in 1, la. 4to. 1837-4") Statistique territoriale du royaume de Bel- gique, basee sur les resultats des opera- tions cadastrales executees jusqu'a la fin de 1834. Premiere publication. x + 304 + 4 pp., la 4to. 1839 Observations de la cour des comptes, 1835-43. 9 nos. in 1 vol., sm. fol. 1836-43 Mines, usines mineralurgiques, machines a vapeur [1836-38 et] 1839-44. 2 vols., diagrams, la. 4to. 1842-46 Population. Beleve decennal, 1831 h, 1840. Mouvemept de l'etat civil, 1840-50. 11 vols, in 6, la. 4to. 1842-51 Tableau general du commerce avec les pavs etrangers, 1841-42. 2 vols., la. 4to. 1842-43 Population. Becensement general, 1846. lxix + 549 pp., la. 4to. 1849 Agriculture. Becensement general, 1846. ccxvi + 56 pp., la. 4to. 1850 Industrie. Becensement general, 1846. xxiv + 537 + 1 pp., la. 4to. 1851 Colonies agricoles, ecoles rurales et ecoles de reforrae pour les indigents, les mendiants et les vagabonds, et specialment pour les enfanfcs des deux sexes, en Suisse, en Allemagne, en France, en Angleterre, dans les Pays Bas et en Belgique. xx + 208 pp., plates, la. 4to. 1851 Documents statistiques, 1850-67 [Popula- tion, recrutement de l'armee, elections, situation fiuanciere de l'etat, commerce, travaux publics]. 13 vols, in 8, la. 4to. 1857-69 Expose de la situation du royaume, 1851-60. 3 vols., la. 4to. 1865 Population. Becensement general, 1856. lxxxix + 292 pp., 4to. 1861 Becensement general, 1856. lxiii + 114 + 1, la. 4to. 1862 Becensement general, 1866. xci + 580 pp., map, la. 8vo. 1871 Expose de la situation du royaume, 1861-75. La. 8vo. [1878-83] Statistique medicale de l'armee beige, 1870-74, 1875-79. 2 vols., 4to. 1877-83 Tableau general du commerce avec les pays etrangers pendant l'annee 1881. xl + 236pp., diagrams, la. 4to. Brux., 1882 Agriculture. Agriculture. — Commission centrale de statistique. Bulletin de la, 1841-80. Map, plates, and diagrams, 4to. Brux., 1843-81 Vol. 1. Sur le recensement de la population de Brux- elles, 1842 : A Quelelet Des naissances de Bruxelles ; leur rapport avec la population, 1840-42 : X. Heuschling Du sort des enfants trouves et abandonnes en Belgique, 1682-1839 : E. Ducpetiaux Sur les journaux beiges 1830-42, lettre a Sir Francis J. : J. Malou De l'etat actuel de l'exploitation minerale, &c., en Belgique, 1830-41 : A. Yissckers Bepartition du contingent des communes dans les levees de la milice, 1831-40 : A. Quetelet De l'accroissement de la population en Belgique, 1831-40 : X. Heuschling Comptes de 1' administration de la justice cri- minelle en Belgique, 1826-39 : E. Ducpetiaux Apercu des principales publications statistiques sur la Belgique, 1794 jusqu'a ce jour Vol. 2. Des chemins de fer beiges 1835-44 : E. Perrot Des deces en Bruxelles ; leur rapport avec la population 1825-42 : E. Ducpetiaux Sur 1' appreciation des documents statistiques, 1831-41 : A. Quetelet Les noms des communes de la Flandre orientale, 665-1577 : J. F. Willems Sur les ameliorations dans les exposes de la situation administrative, 1843 Vol. 3. Sur les anciens recensements de la population beige, 1801-29 : A. Quetelet Dispositions relatives au recensement general et a la stat. agricole et industrielle, 1846-47 Bapport sur l'essai du recensement general a Molenbeck, St. Jean, 1845 De l'influence du libre arbitre de l'homme sur les faits sociaux, 1841-45 : A. Quetelet. Statistique des monts-de-piete, 1822-44 : D. Arnould Eecherches sur les causes de la criminalite, pro- vince de Liege, 1833-44 : D. Herman Memoire sur les noms des communes de la province d'Anvers, 725-1836 : A. Kreglinger Statistique des sourds-muets et des aveugles, 1835 : Dr. D. Sauveur Sur les octrois communaux de Belgique : E. Stevens Maladies de pommes de terre, 1845 Vol. 4. Nouvelles tables de mortalite pour la Belgique, 1841-45: A. Quetelet Du systeme electoral en Belgique ; Elections generates, 1847 et 1818 : A. Visschers De l'etat ancien de la mendicite, Flandre occi- dentale, 1525-1775 : VAbbe Carton Nouvelles tables de population pour la Belgique, 1846 : A. Quetelet BE 37 Belgium. Official Publications — Contd. — Commission centrale de statistique. Bulletin de la — Contd. Vol. 4— Contd. Caisses de pensions, en faveur de l'ordre judi- eiaire, 1844-49 i A. Visschers La statistique criminelle de la Grande Bretagne, lettre a, M. Porter, 1846-49 : A. Quetelet Fermes-hospices des deux Flandres, 1848-51 : F. Ducpetiaux Resume du recensement general de la popula- tion, &c., 1846 : X. Heuschling Les causes de criminalite en Belgique, 1830-49 : M. Faider Travaux des commissions provinciales de statis- tique depuis leur creation en 1843 : A. Visschers Bibliographie historique de la statistique en France, 1596-1851 : X. Heuschling Statistique du royaume de Baviere, d'apres le Prof. Hermann et Baron Reden, 1818-46 : X. Heuschling Vol. 9. Situation des ecoles de reforme de Ruysselede, &c., 1849-58 : E. Ducpetiaux Sur le Congres international de statistique, Londres, 1860 : A. Quetelet Etymologies des noms de lieux de la province de Luxembourg, 372-1750: G. F. Prat Verification des registres de population, 1858-59 Vol. 10. Statistique international, population, 1841-63: A. Quetelet ; X. Heuschling Du projet d'etablissement d'un depot central des documents (internationaux), 1864 Vol. 11. Sur les nomenclatures legales des communes de Belgique, 1789-1860 : M. Lentz Sur le Congres statistique de Florence, 1867 : A. Quetelet Congres internationaux de statistique, rapports sur la Belgique, 1855 67 : X. Heuschling. Vol. 12. Cours elementaire de stati>tique administrative, 1870: Dr. Bruno Hildebrand ; traduit par X. Heuschling Notices sur les feux Bidaut, Ducpetiaux, Tarlier, 1868-70 : Putseys ; Lentz ; Heuschling Vol. 14. Statistique generate de l'instruction publique en Belgique, dressee d'apres les documents ofli- ciels : J. Sauveur Documents concernant la confection des tables alphabetiques des anciens registres parois- siaux des baptemes (naissances), des man- ages et des enterrements (deces) Compte rendu de l'inauguration de la statue d'Adolphe Quetelet — Statuts organiques de la Commission : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3. 8vo. 1841 — Rapport au Ministre de l'lnterieur sur les travaux de la Commission . . . : Id., S. 1, vol. 4. 8vo. 1846 — Installation de M. Cli. Faider en qualite de president de la Commission : Id., S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1874 — Annuaire statistique de la Belgique, 1871-82 : Maps and diagrams, la. 8vo. Brux., 1871-88 (Contents.) Situation geographique Population et etendue terri- toriale Divisions judiciaires Bepresentants et senateurs Finances publiqnes Instruction publique Justice Armee Agriculture Industrie Commerce Chemins de fer Postes Telegraphes — Commerce. Tableau general du commerce de la Belgique avec les pays etrangers, 1831-34, 1836. 2 vols., la. fol. ib., 1836-38 — Education. Rapport decennal sur la situation de l'instruction primaire en Belgique, 1830-40. Precede d'un expose de la legislation anterieure a 1830, et suivi du texte des lois, arretes, et circulates de 1814 a 1840. 434 pp., la. 8vo. ib, 1842 — Etat de l'Enseignement superieur en Belgique pendant 1841 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2. 4to. 1842 — Prisons. Recueil des arretes, reglements, et instructions concernant les prisons de Belgique, 1810-40. vi + 205 pp., la. 8vo. Brux., 1840 - — Memoire sur l'Etablissement du Penitencier central pour les jeunes delin- quants, par E. Ducpetiaux : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. [1840] 38 BE Belgium. Official Publications— Contd. — Prisons — Contd. — Memoire a l'appui du project de loi sur les prisons, 1844 : iv -f 316 + ccxv 4- 1 pp., plans, la. 8vo. Brux., 1845 1. De l'etat actuel des prisons en Belgique 2. Expose de la question penitentiaire ; ex- amen des differentes sjsternes de reforme ; motifs de la preference a accorder au regime de 1'emprisonnement individuel 3. Precedents et autorites en faveur du systenie de l'emprisonnement individuel 4. Examen des objections faites au systeme de l'emprisonnement individuel, et eclaircisse- ments en ce qui concerne le travail l'exercice du culte, 1'instruction, l'etat sani- taire, les recidives, le mode de construction, et les depenses Appendice — Memoire sur l'Organisation des Ecoles de Reforme soumis au Ministre de la Justice par E. Ducpetiaux : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 4to. 1848 — Enquete et Rapport sur le travail dans les Prisons et les depots de mendicite : Id., S. 5, vol. 1. 4to. 1848 — Depots de Mendicite et Ecoles de Reforme, arrete determinant les conditions d'entree et de sortie : Id., S. 5, vol. 9. 8vo. 1849 — Rapports, &c, relatifs aux Ecoles de Reforme : Id., S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1850 — Ecoles de reforme de Ruysselede : Id., S. 4, vol. 2. 4to. 1850 — Statistique des prisons de Belgique, 1851-55 : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 2. 4to. 1857 — Provident Institutions. Caisses de Prevoyance en faveur des Ouvriers mineurs, Rapport au Roi : Id., S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1842 — Notice sur l'etablissement, en Belgique, de Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des Ouvriers mineurs : Id., S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1843 — Pensions de Retraite. Statuts organiques de la caisse des veuves et orphelins : 2ft, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1845 — Chemin de fer de 1' Etat. Caisse de Retraite et de Secours, Statuts : Id., S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1845 — De l'fitat actuel et de l'Avenir des Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des Ouvriers mineurs en Belgique, par A. Visschers. [Extrait des " Annales des Travaux publics de Belgique "] : Id., S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1847 — Societes de secours mutuels pour les ouvriers et Societes d'Epargnes : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1849 — Mines. Caisses de prevoyance. Convient-il d'obliger, par une loi, les exploitants de mines a. prendre part aux caisses de prevoyance en faveur des Ouvriers mineurs ? : Id., S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. [1850] — Projet de loi relatif aux Societes de secours mutuels (Chambre des Repre- sentants). Expose des Motifs : Id., S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1850 — Projet de loi relatif aux Societes de Secours mutuels. Rapport par M. T'Kint de Naeyer : ' Id., S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1851 — De la Caisse generale de Retraite, Institue par la loi de 1850, Notice explicative, etc. [Extrait du " Bulletin du Musee de 1' Industrie"] : Id., S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1851 — Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des Ouvriers mineurs. Examen des Comptes de l'annee 1851, par A. Visschers : Id., S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1853 — Rapport de la Commission permanente d'inspection des Etablissements d'Alienes, 1856 : Id., Miscell, vol. 3. 4to. 1857 — Railways. Cbemins de fer et routes ordinaires, 1830-39. Rapport presente aux Chambres legislative, 1 839, par M. Notbomb. 2nd edit., ii + 140 pp., la. 8vo. Brux., 1840 Lignes de chemins de fer decretees ; travaux de routes ordinaires autorises Mesures financieres Compte-rendu Recapitulation : examen des operations et dos rcsultats Another copy : * Tracts., S. 5, vol. 5, 4to. [1840] BE % 39 Belgium. Official Publications — Contd. — Miscellaneous. Statistique des Tribunaux de la Belgique pendant les annees 1826-30, par A. Quetelet et E. Smits : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 4to. 1833 — Enquete sur l'indnstrie liniere [1840-41]. 3 vols., 4to. Brux., 1841 — Industrie francaise. Rapport sur l'Exposition de 1839. 8vo. ib., 1841-42 — Enquete sur la condition des classes ouvrieres et sur le travail des enfants. 3 vols., la. 8vo. ib., 1846-48 Vol. 1. Rapport de la Commission institute par arrete Rovale du 7 Septembre, 1843 ; Lois, Arretes, Reglaments, et Legislation etrangere concer- nant les classes ouvrieres Projet d' association financiere pour 1' ameliora- tion des habitations et l'assainissement des quartiers habites par la classe ouvriere a jiruxelles : E. Ducpetiaux Vol. 2. Reponges, Memoires, et Rapports des Chambres de Commerce, des Ingenieurs des Mines, et des Colleges medicaux Vol. 3. Reponses, Lettres, Memoires, et Rapports des Colleges medicaux — Registres de Population : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 8vo. 1848 — Du systeme electoral en Belgique. Elections generates de 1847 et 1848, par A. Visschers : Id., S. 4, vol. 2. 4to. 1850 — Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. [Academie royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Bruxelles, jusqu'a 1845]. Nouveaux memoires de l'Academie. . . 1836-41. Vols. 10 — 15. 6 vols., plates, diagrams, &c, 4to. Brux., 1837-42 — Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangers, 1836-43. Vols. 12 — 16. 6 vols., maps, diagrams, &c, 4to. ib., 1837-44 — Observations des phenomenes periodiques, 1841-69 (Extraits des Memoires) : *A. Quetelet (Observations, tyc.) 4to. [1842-70] — Annuaire (from commencement). 1835-83. Portraits, 18mo., 12mo. Brux., 1835-83 — Bulletins. l e Serie Plates, 8vo. ib., 1837-47 2 e Serie Plates, 8vo. ib., 1857-83 — Tables genei-ales et analytiques du recueil des Bulletins. l e Serie, tomes 1—23 395 pp., 8vo. ib., 1858 2 e Serie, tomes 1—20 187 pp., 8vo. ib., 1867 — Centieme anniversaire de fondation, 1772-1872. 2 vols., la. 8vo. ib., 1872 — Premier siecle de l'Academie. [Extrait du Livre commemoratif du centieme anniversaire de l'Academie (1772-1872)] : *A. Quetelet (Premier Siecle). La. 8vo. [1872] — Des moyens de soustraire l'exploitation des mines de houille aux chances d'explosion ; recueil de memoires et rapports. 448 + 1 pp., 8vo. Brux., 1840 — Dictionnaire des hommes de lettres, des savans, et des artistes de la Belgique, presentant remuneration de leurs principaux ouvrages. 264 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1837 — Situation economique de la Belgique exposee d'apres les Documents officiels, par le Comte J. Arrivabene : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1843 — Essai sur la Statistique generale de la Belgique, compose sur des docu- ments publics et particuliers par X. Heuschling. Supplement a la deuxieme edition : Id., S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1844 — Discussion de la loi des Droits differentiels du 21 Juillet, 1844, d'apres le " Moniteur Beige," accompagne des notes statistiques et d'eclaircisse- ments historiques [precede et suivie de documents corroboratifs]. cclvi + 1113 pp., la. 8vo. Brux., 1844 Introduction. 1. Texte de la loi et documents principaux ayant servi de base a, la discussion 2. Discussion a la Chambre des Representants 3. Discussion au Senat 4. Mesures d'execution, premiere application 40 BE Belgium. Official Publications — Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Le Pauperisms en Belgique, causes et remedes, par E. Ducpetiaux : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 9. 8vo. 1844 — D'une Loi sur les Pensions des fonctionnaires, de leurs veuves et de lenrs orphelins, par A. Visschers : Id., S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1844 — Sur l'Institntion par le Gronvernement beige d'une Commission centrale de Statistique, et observations sur les statistiques officielles publiees en France par les divers ministeres, par M. Villerme. [Extrait du " Journal des Economistes "] : Id., S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1845 — Projet de Maison centrale de Correction a, eriger a Louvain de M. Dumont : Id., S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1848 — Catalogue des produits industriels et des ceuvres d'art. Exposition universelle de Londres en 1862. 279 + 1 pp., plates, 12mo. Brux., 1862 — Brussels. Observatoire royale de Bruxelles. Annales de 1' — . 1833-45 6 vols, in 3, diagrams, 4to. ib., 1834-48 Vol. 1. Apergu historique, 1763-1833 Observations meteorologiques,astrononiiques, etc., 1831-36 2. Observations, Journaux, &c., meteorologiques, magnetiques, &c., 1836-40 3. Meteorologie, Temperature et Magnetisme de la Terre, resume, 1841-42 Direction et intensite du Vent 4. Climat de la Belgique ; Temperatures de l'air et du sol. 1833-42 Vol. 5. Climat de la Belgique ; des phenomenes periodiques des plantes Examen des observations anciennes Examen des observations en correspondence avec celles de Bruxelles, Belgique, et d'autres pays 6. Climat de la Belgique ; direction, intensite, duree et caracteres distinctifs des vents ; tableaux numeriques Tableaux des observations diurnes en 1845 — Rapports sur l'Etat et les travaux de 1' Observatoire, pendant 1849, 1852-53, 1856, par A. Quetelet : * Tracts, S. 2, vols. 2—4. 8vo. [1850-57] — Annuaire de 1' Observatoire, 1855-73. 10 vols, in 4. 18mo. Brux., 1854-72 — Rapport sur l'etat des habitations de la Classe Ouvriere a Bruxelles (par la Commission nominee par le Conseil de Salubrite publique) : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 — Projet de Reglement sur la Prostitution, par le Conseil de Salubrite publique de Bruxelles : Id., S. 4, vol. 5. 8vo. 1838 — Annales du Conseil central de Salubrite publique de Bruxelles : Id., S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1850 — L'impot sur le revenu. Rapports et documents publies par ordre du Conseil communal de la ville de Bruxelles. xlvii + 291 pp., diagrams, &c, la. 8vo. Brux., 1881 — Annuaire demographique et Tableaux statistiques des causes de Deces, 1879 and 1881. 2 nos., plans and diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1880-82 — Rapports faits au Conseil communal [dans les] seances 1880 et 1882, par le College des Bourgmestre et Echevins . . . [General Statistics of the city]. 8vo. ib., 1880-82 — Bulletin hebdomadaire de Statistique demografique et medicale. Ville de Bruxelles, 1880-83. Statistique sanitaire comparee (Belgique), et statis- tique sanitaire comparee (Etranger). 4to. ib., [1880-83] — Etablissement Geographique de Bruxelles. Tableaux statistiques des Patentables de la Belgique en 1833, d'apres les documens omciels coordonnes a 1'— : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 4to. [cir. 1833] — Ecole Industrielle de Bruxelles, a l'Etablissement Geographique de Ph. Vandermaelen. [Prospectus] : Id., S. 5, vol. 23. 8vo. 1843 — Society pour l'instruction primaire et populaire, a Bruxelles. [Compte Rendu pendant l'exercice de 1834] : Id., S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. [1835] BE 41 Belgium. Official Publications — Contd. — Antwerp. Denombrement des habitans du diocese d'Anvers fait l'annee 1784. MS. Obi. fol. — Ghent. Memoire sur l'Atelier de Charite de la Ville de Gand. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 4to. 1835 — Liege. Ecole preparatoire, de l'Fx:ole speciale des Mines, et de l'Ecole des Arts et Manufactures, annexees a l'Universite de Liege. Recueil des Arretes de 1'—, Plans : Id., S. 4, vol. 3. 8vo. 1839 — Louvain. L'Universite de, Memoire sur le projet de loi relatif a l'lnstruction publique, addresse aux Membres du Pouvoir Legislatif par le Senat Academique de — , precede de celui que le College des Curateurs de la meme Universite a presente au Roi, 1834 : Id., S. 4, vol. 2. 4to. 1835 Bell (Archibald). An Inquiry into the Policy and Justice of tbe Prohibition of the Use of Grain in the Distilleries, &c, 1808 : * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 Bell (G. M.). Historical and Statistical View of the Colony of Victoria: *8tat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 17. 8vo. 1854 — The Philosophy of Joint-Stock Banking. 2nd edit., xvi + 166 pp., portrait, 8vo. 1855 Bell (Robert). A Letter to James William Gilbart, General Manager of the London and Westminster Bank, on the Regulation of the Currency by the Foreign Exchanges . . . 1840 : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 11. 8vo. 1840-42 Bellamy and anr. v. Marjoribanks and ors. Report of the Judgment delivered by the Court of Exchequer, in the case of — , on making the Rule Nisi (which had been obtained by the Defendants) absolute for a New Trial, 7th February, 1852 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 1. 8vo. 1841-52 Bellhouse (E. T.). Baths and Wash-houses for the People : *Manch. Slat. Soc. 8vo. 1853-54 — Baths and Wash-houses for the People in Manchester : Id. 8vo. 1876-77 — Coffee-House Movement : Id. 8vo. 1879-80 — Technical Industrial Education in connection with Mechanics' Institutions and other kindred Associations : Id. 8vo. 1880-81 Bellini (C). Notizie Storiche e Statistiche sul riordinamento dell' Asse Ecclesiastico nel Regno d'ltalia : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 — Sul lavoro dei fanciulli e delle donne nelle fabbriche : Id. La. 8vo. 1880 Belloni (Marquis Jerome). A Dissertation on Commerce, clearly demonstrating the True Sources of National Wealth and Power, together with the most Rational Measures for Acquiring and Preserving both. The whole deduced from the Nature of Trade, Industry, and Exchanges. Translated from the Italian of, . . . xx + 108 pp. 12mo. 1752 Bellows (Rev. H. W.). John Howard : his Life, Character, and Services : * Internal. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Belpaire (M.). Rapport sur les observations des marees faites en 1835 en differens points des cotes de Belgique, par — , et A. Quetelet : *A. Quetelet (Rapports, fyc). 4to. 1846-50 Bemiss (S. M.). Report on Influence of Marriages of Consanguinity upon Offspring. 109 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1858 Beneke (F. W.). Vorlagen zur Organisation der Mortalitats-Statistik in Deutschland. vii + 240 pp., diagrams, &c. Marburg, 1875 Benett (John). On the Commutation of Tythe : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Bengesco (G.). Statistique de Roumanie : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-69 42 BE Bennet (Hon. H. G.). On the Abuses existing in Newgate ; showing the necessity of an Immediate Reform in the Management of that Prison. 2nd edit.: * Pampli., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Bennett (John H.). Statistics of Pneumonia: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1865 Bennett (Rev. W. J. E.). The Church, the Crown, and the State : their Junction or their Separation. Considered in two Sermons bearing reference to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. 5th edit., 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Bennison (W.). The Cause of the Present Money Crisis Explained, in Answer to the Pamphlet of J. Horsley Palmer; and a Remedy pointed out, 1837 : * Currency, Sfc, vol. 8. 8vo. 1837-38 Benoiston de Chateauneuf ( — ). De la Duree de la Vie chez les Savants et les Gens de Lettres : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 4to. 1840 — Rapport d'un Voyage dans les cinq departements de la Bretagne, 1840-41. Par—, et Villerme. 162 pp., 4to. Paris, 1843 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 4to. 1843 Bentham (Jeremy). Defence of Economy, against the late Mr. Burke : *Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 — Defence of Economy, against the Right Hon. George Rose, M.P. : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 — Leading Principles of a Constitutional Code for any State : Id., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 — Observations on Mr. Secretary Peel's Speech, 21st March, 1825, introducing his Police Magistrates' Salary- Raising Bill ; also on the announced Judges' Salary-Raising Bill, and the pending County Courts Bill : Id., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 — Indications respecting Lord Eldon, including History of the pending Judges' Salary-Raising Measure : Id., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 — Observations on the Poor Bill introduced by the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, 1797: * Tracts, Miscell, vol. 4. 8vo. 1838 Bentham (Gen. Sir Samuel). Suggestions for the Better Management of the Civil Concerns of the Navy. Taken from the Papers of the late — . 101 pp., 8vo. 1850 — Naval Papers, &c 2 vols., plates, 8vo. 1814-52 Vol. 1. Patent granted, 1793, [to] Samuel Bentham for his Invention of various New and Improved Methods and Means of work- ing Wood, Metal, and other Materials. 1852 Naval Papers and Documents referred to in Naval Essays. Preface, 1828 Naval Papers No. 1. Correspondence on . . . improvements in Her Majesty's Dock- yards, and . . . the office of Inspector- General of Naval Works. 1795 Naval Papers No. 8. Statement of his Services whilst Inspector - General of Naval Works and afterwards Commis- sioner of Her Majesty's Navy. [See MS. note.] Letter to Lord Yiscount Melville, respect- ing the real Causes of the Defeat of the English Flotilla on the Lake Erie. 1814 Financial Reform scrutinized in a Letter to Sir Henry Parnell, Bart., M.P. 1830 Sir W. Petty's plan for a System of Marine Instruction. Table Vol. 2. Naval Papers No. 7. Containing Letters and Papers relative to the mode of Arm- ing Vessels of War. Introduction, 1828 On certain Experimental Vessels. On Con- tracts for providing Naval Stores, &c. 1797 Answers to the Comptroller's Objections, &c. [on Reform in His Majesty's Dock- yards]. 1800 Supplement to Naval Papers No. 3 [Report on Dockyard Regulations]. 1798 Desiderata in a Naval Arsenal, or an Indica- tion. . of . .the Formation or Improvement of Naval Arsenals ; together with ... a plan for the Improvement of the Naval Arsenal at Sheerness. 1812 (deficient), 1814 Representations on the Causes of Decay in Ships of War ; together with Proposals for effecting the Due Seasoning of Timber, and the More Economical and Expeditious Construction of Ships of War, 1812. 1814 Letters on Arming [Vessels of War]. 1796-1804 BE 43 Bentley (Joseph). Ancient and Modern History of Worcestershire ; including its Agriculture, Manufactures, Mines, Commerce, Antiquities, and Institutions ; with an Account of the State of Education and Crime. 180 pp., 12mo. Birmingham, [1841] Beothy (L.). Projet relatif a la statistique du commerce interieur: * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Berchtold (Count Leopold). An Essay to direct the Inquiries of Patriotic Travellers, a List of Works for the Instruction and Benefit of Travellers, and a Catalogue of European Travels. 2 vols., plate, 8vo. 1789 Berden (M.). Memorandum on the Working of the Cellular System in Belgium : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Berg (Fredrik T.) :— Bidrag till Sveriges mediciniska Topografi och Statistik. 209 pp., sm. 4to. Stockh., 1853 Kliniska Forelasningar i Barnsjukdomarne vid Allmanna Barnhuset i Stockholm : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 7. 8vo. 1853 Sur la statistique officielle en Suede : *Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 Rapport sur la statistique de la Suede : Id. 4to. 1857-58 Statistics of Sweden : Id. 4to. 1860-61 Statistik yon Schweden : Id. 4to. 1863-65 Statistique de Suede et Norvege : Id. 4to. 1867-63 Travaux statistiques de Suede : *Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Sur l'orfranisation et l'etat de la statistique officielle en Suede : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Sur la recensements de la population en Suede : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Population. Etat de la population : *Stat. internat. La. 4to. 1875-76 Statistik der Epidemien : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 La gemellite en Suede, 1776-1878 : *Annales Demog. internat., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Berg (N. P. van den). De Muntquaestie met betrekking tot Indie. 284 pp., 8vo. Batavia, 1874 — Historical- Statistical Notes on the Production and Consumption of Coffee. Translated from the Dutch by G. G. Batten. 92 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 Bergfeldt (O.). Beretning om Oslo Lazareth under Cbolera-Epidemien i Christiania, 1853 : * Cholera Epidemien. 8vo. 1854 Berkeley (Rev. M. J.). The Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society of Loudon. Edited by — . 5 nos. 8vo. 1866-69 Bernard (Aug.). De l'Origine et des Debuts de l'lmprimerie en Europe. Deuxieme partie. iv + 452 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1853 Bernard (Sir Thomas). An Account of a Supply of Fish for the Manu- facturing Poor : * Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 — On the Supply of Employment and Subsistence for the Labouring Classes, in Fisheries, Manufactures, and the Cultivation of Waste Lands ; with Remarks on the Operation of the Salt Duties, and a Proposal for their Repeal. With two Postscripts : Id, vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Berthelot (S.). Histoire physique, politique, et naturelle de l'lle de Cuba, par H. Ramon de la Sagra. Traduction de — . l re Partie ; Histoire physique et politique 2 vols., la. 8vo. Paris, 1842-43 Vol. 1. Vol. 2. Geographie, Climat, et Population | Agriculture, Commerce, Revenus, et Appendice Berthrand (M.). The Life and Works of Kepler : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1869 Bertillon (Alfonse). Une application de l'anthropometrie. Procede d'identification permettant de retrouver le nom d'un recidiviste, &c. : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 — L'Identite des recidivistes et la loi de relegation : Id., vol. 6. La. 8vo. 1882 Bertillon (Jacques) : — Nuptialite comparee des celibataires, des veufs et des divorces. (Extrait des Bulletins de la Societe d' anthropologic) . 23 pp., diagram, 8vo. [1878] Bulletins demographiques de la statistique munioipale de Paris : * Annates Demog. internal., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 44 BE Bertillon (Jacques) — Contd. Des mariages consanguins et des recherches poursuivis a leur sujet par G. Darwin : * Annates Demog. internal., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Note a propos du diagramme des nes- vivants et celui de leurs survivants en Suede, 1750-1875 : Id., vol. 3. La 8vo. 1879 Note sur les mouvements de population de la France en 1878 : Id., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1 879 Note sur l'influence du mariage sur la ten- dance au suicide : Id., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Saxe. (Extrait du Dictionnaire Encyclo- pedique des Sciences Medicales). 37 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1880 La Statistique humaine de la France. 190 pp., 18mo. ib., [1880] Apercu des travaux de la Commission de statistique de la Ville de Paris : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Utude sur la demographie de la Norvege : Id., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Note pour l'etude statistique du divorce : Id., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Bertillon (Louis A.) : — Th ese. De quelques element s de 1' Hygiene, dans leur rapport avec la duree de la vie : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 4to. 1852 Conclusions statistiques contre les detrac- teurs de la Vaccine : Id., S. 6, vol. 7. 8vo. 1855 Congres International de Statistique. (Extrait de la Gazette hebdomadaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie). 34 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1856 De la Mortalite parisienne croissante selon les morts, decroissante selon les Ministres. (Extrait de "la Philosophic Positive"). 15 pp., la. 8vo. Versailles, 1869 Valeur Philosophique de l'Hypothese du Transformisme. (Extrait des Bulletins de la Societe d' Anthropologic de Paris). 43 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1871 Etude sur une collection de cranes neo- caledoniens. (Extrait de la Eevue d' Anthropologie, 1 872) . 39 pp., diagrams, la. 8vo. 1872 Sur les grossesses gemellaires. (Extrait des Bulletins de la Societe d' Anthropologie de Paris). 24 pp., 8vo. 1874 Rapport a l'Academie de Medecine . . . Sur les travaux de Statistique du — : Broca. 8vo. 1877 Mouvements de la population dans les divers fitats de l'Europe et notamment en France. Leurs relations et leurs causes, [1751-1870] : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 Place de la Demographie dans les sciences anthropologiques : Id., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 Note sur la frequence comparee de la fievre typhoide et de la variole dans la garnison et dans la population civile de Paris : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Premier et second rapports presented a la Commission permanente de statistique municipale sur les questions aintroduire dans le Bulletin de recensement de la Ville de Paris, 1881 : Id., vol 5. La. 8vo. 1881 Etude demographique du divorce et de la separation de corps dans les ditferents pays de l'Europe : Id., vol. 6. La. 8vo. 1882 Programme d'Enseignement de la Demographie. Quatrieme Congres Inter- national d' Hygiene et de Demographie a Geneve. (Extrait). 8 pp., 8vo. Geneve, 1883 Sur une Methode de Calcul pour apprecier la frequence des Mariages mixtes. (Extrait des " Annales de Demographie Internationale"). 11pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1883 Rapport sur la Mortalite des Nouveau-nes au Congres international d'hygiene de Paris (1878) . . . de nature a eclairer la question du Retablissement des Tours. (Memoire couronne par l'Academie de Medecine). [48 pp.], la. 8vo. Paris, 1878 La mortinatality en France etudiee par departements : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 18^9 De la mortalite des jeunes hommes en France : Id., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Rapport a la Commission de statistique municipale: Id., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Diffusion des maladies dans le voisinage des hopitaux : Id., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Extrait de l'Annuaire Statistique de la ville de Paris pour l'annee 1880. Demographie. 31 pp., diagrams, la. 8vo. ib., 1881 Recherche sur le nombre minimum des menages irreguliers existants dans la ville de Paris : * Annales Demog. internal., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 De la methode statistique dans l'anthro- pologie : Id., vol. 6. La. 8vo. 1882 Ext raits du Dictionnaire Encyclopedique des Sciences Medicales. La. 8vo. Paris. 1866- [82] Angles cephaliques. 17 pp. Mesologie. 55 pp. Mort-ne. 27 pp. Mort violente. 1 1 pp. Moyenne. 28 pp. Natalite. 48 pp. France. 182 pp. Deces. 16 pp. Demographie. 12 pp. Bertini (Pellegrino). Considerazioni critiche sui " Nuovi principii di fisiologia vegetale " del Prof. G. Cantoni, e sulle '■ Osservazioni chemico- fisiologiche sull' acido carboriico emesso dalle piante," dei Prof. Passerini e Giorgini : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1863 BE— BI 4.5 Bertram (James G.). The Harvest of the Sea, a contribution to the Natural and Economic History of the British Food Fishes. 2nd edit, xv + 519 pp., plates, 8vo. 1869 — National Herring Harvest : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1882 — Fishery Exhibitions, their Scope and Utility : Id. 12mo. 1883 — Modern Fish Culture : Id. 12mo. 1883 Bessier (Col.). Description succinte de lanouvelle methode de reproduction des -cartes topograph iques par la chromo-lithographie, avec gravures de l'eau forte, employees par le bureau topographique a la Have. Avec cartes : * Cong res Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Besso (Marco). Delle Societa anonime nel progetto di legge presentato al Senato sulle Societa commerciali. 27 pp., 12mo. Firenze, 1875 — Sul RiconoscimentoLegale delle Societa di Mutuo Soccorso [d'ltalia]. 56 pp., la. 8vo. Roma, 1876 — Sulla Cassa pensioni per gli operai nella provincia Bolognese : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1877 — La Cassa di mutuo soccorso fra i funzionari dell' Ufficio centrale della Cornpagnia delle Assicurazioni generali. 8 pp., 8vo. Milano, 1881 Bethlem Hospital. Statistics of Insanity ; being a decennial report of — 1846-55 : 121 pp., 8vo. [1856] Bethune Society, The, Proceedings and Transactions of, from 10th November, 1859, to 20th April, 1869. cxxxviii +• 277 pp., 8vo. Calcutta, 1870 Bevan (G. Phillips). Food Products : * Pari. Miscell. Rep. {Vienna Univer. Exhib.). Part IV. 8vo. 1873 — Primer of the Industrial Geography of Great Britain and Ireland. 112 pp., 12mo. 1880 — Primer of the Industrial Geography of France. 100 pp , 12mo. 1880 — Primer of the Industrial Geography of the United States. 104 pp., 12mo. 1880 — The Strikes of the Past Ten Years : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 4.3. 8vo. 1880 — The Industrial Resources of Ireland : Id., vol. 44. 8vo. 1881 — The Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland, and Ireland. La. fol. Edinb., 1882 (Contents.) 1. Religious 2. Educational 3. Industrial 4. Criminal 5. Poor Law and Pauperism 6. Marine, Commercial 7. Agricultural 8. Military and Naval 9. Legal 10. Railway and Telegraph 11. Sanitary 12. Geological and Mining 13. Hydrographical, Water Supply 14. Political 15. Population Beveridge (John). Substitution of Stock for other forms of Local Indebtedness : * Stat, fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1880-82 Beverley (Henry). The Census of Bengal : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 37. 8vo. 1874 — Report on the Census of the Town of Calcutta, taken on the 6th April, 1876: (Calcutta. Census). Maps, sm. fol. 1876 Bible. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments [and the Apocrypha] [together with an Index and Tables of Time, Measures, Weights, Coins, &c.]. 1 vol., 4to. Oxford, 1769 — Revision of the, On the Expediency of Revising the Authorised Version of Scripture. By an Essex Rector. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 13. 8vo. 1818 Bible Society. British and Foreign, An Abridged Statement of the Leading Transactions of the : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1851 40 BI Biden (Wm. D.). Rules, Formulae, and Tables for the Valuation of Estates, in Possession, or in Reversion ; with New Rules and Tables for ascertaining the correct Market Value or Fair Price to be given for Annuities, Reversions, Advowsons, and Next Presentations, in order to secure to the Purchaser a certain Rate of Interest on Equitable Terms. vii + 104 pp., 8vo. 1861 — Diagram showing the Value of Annuities and Reversions, and Single and Annual Premiums for Assurance, according to the English Life Table for Males, No. 2 ; [together with] Supplemental Diagram showing the Nett Annual Premiums payable during life requisite to assure 1Z. . . . Diagram, folded. [1862] — Practical Rules for Valuers ; with Notes on the Valuation of Freeholds, Leaseholds for Lives or for Years, Copyholds, Adyowsons, and Next Presentations ; also on Claims for Compensation for Property taken or damaged by the Construction of Railways and other Public Works. 50 pp., 12mo. 1862 Bigelow (John). Les Etats-tJnis dAmerique en 1863, leur Histoire politique, leurs Ressources mineralogiques, agricoles, industrielles et commerciales . . . xxiv + 551 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1863 Biggs (C. H. W.). Middle Class Schools as they are, and as they ought to be: *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1870 BignOii (M.). Les Cabinets et les peuples, depuis 1815 jusqu'a la fin de 1822 : * Pamph., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 Bikelas (Demetrius). Statistics of the Kingdom of Greece : * Stat. Soc. (JZ.), vol. 31. 8vo. 1868 Billing (John). Statistics of the Sanitary Condition of the Borough of Reading : * Stat. Soc. (JZ.) vol. 10. 8vo. 1847 Billings (John S.). Index Medicus, a Monthly Classified Record of the current Medical Literature of the World, compiled under the supervision of—, and Dr. Robert Fletcher, M.R.C.S., Eng. : Index Medicus, vol. 1, no. 1, la. 8vo. New York, [1879] Billingsley (John). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Somerset, map : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1798 Bindon (D.). A Political Essay upon Commerce, written in French by M. Translated with some Annotations and Remarks by — : M. 12mo. 1738 Binney (T.). The Men of Glasgow and the Women of Scotland. Reasons for differing from the Rev. Dr. Symington's view of the Levitical Marriage Law : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Binney (W. G.). Check List of Shells of North America, 1860 : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 — Bibliography of N. American Conchology previous to 1860 : Id., vols. 5 and 9. 8vo. 1862-69 — Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America : Id., vols. 7 and 8. 8vo. 1867-69 Binns (J. Arthur). Benefit Building Societies : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1873 Binny (John). The Criminal Prisons of London, and Scenes of Prison Life. By H. Mayhew and— : * H. Mayhew. Plates, 8vo. 1862 Biographia Britannica Literaria, Prospectus of the, to be published under the sanction of the Royal Society of Literature : * Tracts, Miscell, vol. 5. 8vo. 1839 Birch (W. de G.). Index of the Styles and Titles of English Sovereigns : * Index Soc, No. 4. Sm. 4to. 1879 Bird (Rev. C). Christian Charity. A Sermon : * Pamph., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 BI— BL 47 Bird. (P. W.). Review of Governor Banks' Veto of the Revised Code on account of its authorizing the Enrolment of Coloured Citizens in the Militia: * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 4. 8vo. 1860 Bird (H. Merttins). Proposals for Paying off the . . . National Debt, and for Reducing Taxes immediately : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 35. 8vo. 1799 Bird (James). The Laws of Epidemic and Contagious Diseases ; and the Importance of Preventive Medicine. An Introductory Address to the Epidemiological Society, delivered at the commencement of the Fourth Session, November, 1853 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 — The means of practically applying the Principles of Medical Geography for the Preservation of the Health of Soldiers and Seamen in Foreign Climates : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 12. 8vo. [1858] — On Military and Naval Hygiene: Id,, S. 6, vol. 10. 8vo. [1859] — Acclimation of European Troops for Service in India : Id., S. 6, vol. 10. 8vo. [1860] — The Vital and Sanitary Statistics of our European Army in India, compared with those of the French Army under like conditions of Climate and Locality : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1863 Birkbeck (M.). Notes on a Journey in America from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. iv + 144 pp., 8vo. 1818 Birley (R.). Amount and Employment of Steam and Water Power in Townships named, by James Murray and — », 1837 : * Stat. Soc. Rep. 1 vol., 8vo. 1835-41 Birmingham Police. Number of Persons taken into Custody by the — , and the Results, for the years 1846-47 and 1849 ; with Comparative State- ments for the years 1839-49. 3 nos. in 1 vol., la. 8vo. [Birmingham, 1847] — Infirmary. Report of Out-Cases attended by Mr. Parsons in 1833 and 1834 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1834-35 Birmingham. Comparative Statement of the Economy of Thirty-two Provincial Hospitals and Infirmaries, with Notes and an Analysis of the Income and Expenditure of the Birmingham General Hospital, 1829-42. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. 1844 Birmingham. Conference on. Town and City Missions held at — , Report of the : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 8. 8vo. 1859 Birmingham. Mason Science College Calendar for the Session 1882-83 : 180 + lxx pp. 12mo. Birmingham, 1882 Birmingham, and the Midland Hardware District. The Resources, Products, and Industrial History of — , A Series of Reports collected by the Lccal Industries Committee of the British Association at Birmingham in 1865. Edited by S. Timmins. xiii + 721 pp., 8vo. 1866 Birt (W. R.). Manual of Atmospheric Waves : * Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 Bishop (Daniel). A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, on the Currency Question, 1848 : * Currency, 8rc, vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-48 Bittrnger (J. B.). Crimes of Passion and Crimes of Reflection, with reference to their Principles and Results : * Internal. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 — Responsibility of Society for the Causes of Crime : * B. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 Black (M. A.). Chronological and Statistical Chart of the Life Assurance Associations established in the United Kingdom from 1706 to 1863, shewing Where they are, When and How they Disappeared. Chart, mounted, 1864 Black (William). Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species at all Ages, and of the Diseases and Casualties by which they are Destroyed or Annoyed. xvi + 430 ■+- 1 pp., 8vo. 1788 48 BL Blackburn (Henry). The National Portrait Gallery : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1883 Blacker (William). The Evils Inseparable from a Mixed Currency, and the Advantages to be Secured by introducing an Inconvertible National Paper Circulation throughout the British Empire . . . An Essay, 1839 : * Currency, §*c, vol. 7. 8vo. 1796-1840 — Pro Corn-Law Tracts, No. 3. Is it the Producer or the Consumer that pays a Protecting Duty ? . . . 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Blackley (Rev. William L.). Collected Essays on the Prevention of Pauperism . . . viii + 150 pp., sm. 4to. 1880 — National Insurance, considered Economically and Practically : *Manch. Stat. Soc. (Trans.). 8vo. 1879-80 Blackwell (J. Kenyon). Explosions in Coal Mines, their Causes, and the Means Available for their Prevention or Control : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 23. 8vo. 1853 Blair (J.). Chronological Tables ; revised and enlarged by J. W. Rosse. xiii + 788 pp., 12mo. 1859 Blake (William). Observations on the Principles •which Regulate the Course of Exchange ; and on the Present Depreciated State of the Currency, 1810: * Overstate Colin,, vol. 3. 8vo. 1857 Other copies : * Tracts, S. 5, vols. 12 and 14. 8vo. 1810 Another copy : * Tracts on Bullion, vol, 1. 8vo. 1810 Blake (W. P.). The Geological Map of the United States. C. H. Hitchcock and—: * U.S.A. (Stat. Atlas). La. fol. 1874 Blakely (S. T.). On the Commercial Progress of the Colonies and Dependencies of the United Kingdom : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 28. 8vo. 1865 Blakey (R.). The History of Political Literature from the Earliest Times. 2 vols., 8vo. 1855 Blanc (L.). Revolution f rancaise : Histoire de Dix Ans, 1830,40. 5 vols., 12mo. Brux., 1850 [Blancbeton (Ernest)]. Universal Exhibition, 1855, Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. Vade Mecum. Illustrations : *Tracts, Miscell., vol. 6. 8vo. 1855 Bland (T.). Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 8. 8vo. 1869 Blane (Sir Gilbert). Inquiry into the Causes and Remedies of the Late and Present Scarcity and High Price of Provisions, 1800: * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Blanqui (A.). Precis elementaire d'Bconomie politique . . . suivi du Resume de l'Histoire du Commerce et de l'lndustrie [2nd edit.]. 3rd edit., 264 pp., 12mo. 1857 Another copy. Blanqui (Jerdme A.). Histoire d'ficonomie politique en Europe, depuis les anciens jusqu'a nos jours, suivi d'une bibliographie raisonnee des princi- paux ouvrages d'Economie politique. 4th edit., revised, &c, 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1860 Another copy 3rd edit., 2 vols. 8vo. 1845 — History of Political Economy in Europe. Translated from the French by Emily J. Leonard. Preface by D. A. Wells. xxxviii + 585 pp., la, 8vo. 1880 Blaquiere (Edward). Report on the Present State of the Greek Con- federation, and on its Claims to the Support of the Christian World : * Pamph., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 — Greece and her Claims : Id., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 Blasis (M. de). Discours d'inauguration : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-69 BL— BO 49 Bliss (George). Historical Memoir of the Western Railroad [United States]. 190 pp., 8vo. Springfield, Mass., 1863 Block (Maurice) : — L'Europe politique et sociale. vi + 2 + 628 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1869 Traite theorique et pratique de statistique. vii + 543 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 Statistique de la France, comparee avec les autres etats de l'Europe. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1860 Annuaire de 1' Administration francaise, faisant suite au Dictionnaire de 1' Admi- nistration francaise : Annuaire, J!fc. 12mo. 1858-61 Bevolkerung des Franzosischen Kaiserreichs in ihren wichtigsten statistischen Ver- haltnissen dargestellt. i + 62 pp., diagram, maps, 12mo. Gotha, 1861 Dictionnaire general de la Politique. 2 vols., 8vo. 1863 Another copy. Another copy. A propos du prochain recensement. De la Centralisation des operations statis- tiques : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 Annuaire de l'Ficonomie politique et de statistique : Annuaire, S(c. 18mo. 1856-83 Blomfield (C. J.). A Letter to Charles Butler, Esq., in Vindication of English Protestants from his attack on their sincerity in the " Book of the Roman Catholic Church." 3rd edit. : * Pamph., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 Blore (W. L.). Statistics of Cape Colony, xi + 160 pp., 8vo. Cape Town, 1871 Blundell (J. W.). The Manual of Submarine Telegraph Companies. 115 pp., map, 8vo. 1872 Blyth (Edward). .Catalogue of the Birds in the Museum of the Asiatic Society [of Bengal]. Published by order of the Society : Asiatic Soc, fyc. 8vo. 1849 Board of Agriculture. Account of the Mode of Draining Land, according to the System of Joseph Elkington, by John Johnston. Plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1808 — Agricultural State of the Kingdom in 1816 ; Replies to the Circular sent by the Board : Id. 8vo. 1810 Board of Health. Official Circulars of Public Documents and Information directed to the—. [1848-49]. vol, 1, 1—7, 8vo. 1849 — Report to the General Board of Health on Interments in Towns visited during 1849-50, by William Lee. 19 pp., 8vo. 1851 — Report to the General Board of Health on Intramural Interments, by William Ranger. 11 pp., 8vo. 1851 — Bye-laws for regulating the Business of Local Boards and the Duties of Officers. 61 pp., 1852. Rate for Repair of Highways. 3 pp. [1854]. 2 pamph. 8vo. 1852-54 Board of Trade. Catalogue of Library (Subjects and Authors). 648 pp., 8vo. 1866 Boccardo (Gerolamo). La Legge di Periodicita delle Crisi Perturbazioni Economiche e Macchie Solari : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 — Le Banche ed il corso forzato. 166 + 1 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1879 — La Legge di Periodicita delle crisi : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1879 — Nota sulla trasformazione della marina mercantile e sulla migliore organizzazione del commercio maritimo italiano : *Arch.di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 — La Sociologia nella storia, nella scienza, nella religione e nel cosmo. 119 pp., 8vo. Torino, 1880 — L'Animale e l'Uomo. Fondamenti dottrinali e metodici della moderna Sociologia nelle sue relazioni con le scienze biologiche, economiche e statistiche. cxxxi pp., la 8vo. ib., 1881 — Sul Riordinamento delle Banche in Italia. 282 pp., la 8vo. ib., 1881 Boccius (F.). Travaux statistiques de Mecklenburg- Schwerin : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 50 BO Boddy (E. Marlett). Hydropathy; or, the practical use of Cold Water: * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 12. 8vo. 1879 — History of Salt, with Observations on its Geographical Distribution, Geo- logical Formation, and Medicinal and Dietetic Properties. 95 pp., 8vo. 1881 Bodio (L.). Appunti di statistica ferroviaria : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 — Del Congresso internazionali di Statistica tenutosi in Buda Pest, dal 30 agosto al 7 Settembre, 1876 : Id. La. 8vo. 1876 — Del movimento della popolazione in Italia e in altri Stati d'Europa : Id. La. 8vo. 1876 — Delia Statistica Meteorologica in Italia : Id. La. 8vo. 1877 — Sur la question : A quelles bases la statistique doit-elle recouvrir pour rediger des tables de niortalite exactes : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Pietro Castiglione. Cenno necrologico : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 — Sulla Statistica dei matrimoni civili e dei religiosi : Id. La. 8vo. 1878 — La taille des recrues en Italie : * Annates De'mog. internat., vol. 2. La. 8vo. 1878 — Sur la Mortality italienne : Id., vol. 2. La. 8vo. 1878 — Di una statistica sommaria delle opere pie esistenti in Italia nel 1878. 45 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1880 Another copy: * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1880 — Discours sur une Diagramme solide a trois dimensions on stereogramme execute par la Direction de statistique du royaume d'ltalie, des nes-vivants en Suede, 1750-1875 : * Annales De'mog. internat., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Boeckh. (Richard). Sprachkarte vom preussischen Staat, nach den Zahlung Auf nahmen von, 1 861 : Prussia (Sprachkarte). 2 maps, fol. Berlin, [1862] — Statistik von Preussen : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 — Grandes villes. Statistique des finances des grandes villes. Deuxieme Section. Tome 1 : * Stat. Internat. 4to. 1877 Bodiker (T.). Die Kommunal-Besteuerung (Local Taxation) in England und Wales: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1873 Boehmer (G. H.). Index to Papers on Anthropology, from 1847 to 1878 : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1879 Boetticher (J. G.). Statistical Tables, exhibiting a View of all the States of Europe, showing with the greatest accuracy their Population, Military and Marine Strength, Revenue and Expenditure, Form of Government; with their Seas, Rivers, and Mountains, Climate, Soil, and Productions ; Division of each Country, Chief Towns, Situation, Number of Houses and Inhabitants ; Historical Occurrences, &c. Translated from the German of — . With a Supplementary Table containing the Changes since the publication of the original Work, by William Playfair. viii + 87 pp., 4to. 1800 Bohn (Henry G.). Catalogue of Books on Sale. 1948 + 148 pp., 8vo. 1841 — A Pictorial Hand-Book of Modern Geography, on a Popular Plan, com- piled from the best Authorities, English and Foreign, and completed to the present times ; with numerous Tables and a General Index . . . Illus- trated by 150 Engravings on wood, and 51 accurate Maps engraved on steel. x + 2 + 529 pp., maps, 12mo. 1861 - — A Dictionary of Quotations from the English Poets. (Printed for private distribution.) xxiii -f- 715 pp., 8vo. 1867 Boileau (D.). Introduction to the Study of Political Economy. xvi + 406 pp., 8vo. 1811 BO 51 Boileau (D.). An Inquiry into the Various Systems of Political Economy ; their Advantages and Disadvantages ; and the Theory most favourable to the Increase of National Wealth, by C. Ganilh. Translated from the French by— : C. Ganilh. 8vo. 1812 Boiteau (Paul). Introduction au "Manuel du Negociant": * M. Hofmann. 12mo. 1867 Boleyn (Anna). The Love Letters of King Henry VIII to : * Pamph., vols. 21 and 22. 8vo. 1822-23 Bolingbroke (Viscount). The Life of Henry St. John — ; Secretary of State in the Reign of Queen Anne : * T. Macknight. 8vo. 1863 Bollfras (K. D.). Handels-Balansens Stallning i Sverige, 1859-80. 16 pp., 4to. Stockh., 1882 Bollmann (Erick). Second Letter to Hon. Thomas Brand on the New System of Bullion Payments, &c. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 8vo. 1819 Bolton (Sarah K.). L'inteniperance, source de la misere, du vice, et du crime, memoire presente au Congres par la Societe de temperance des Etats-Unis dAmerique : * Internat. Prison Congress, Stockh. 8vo. 1878 Bonaparte. Observations on Lord Bathurst's Speech in the House of Peers relative to Bonaparte's Imprisonment, March, 1817. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 Bonnet (Victor). , Etudes sur la Monnaie. xiii + 377 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1870 — Le Credit et les Banques d'Emission. xvi + 312 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Les Billets de la Banque de France sous le Regime du Cours force, 1874 : * Bevue des Deux Mondes. La. 8vo. 1874-78 — La Question des Impots. viii + 230 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1879 Bonneville de Marsangy (M.). Criminal Registers considered as a means of knowing the antecedents, criminal biography, of persons charged with crime or trespass : * E. C. Wines (Trans., $*c). 8vo. 1871 Booth (David). Letter to the Rev. T. R. Malthus, M.A., F.R.S., being an answer to the criticism on Mr. Godwin's Work on Population ... in the " Edinburgh Review," to which is added an Examination of the Censuses of Great Britain and Ireland. (No. 70.) iv + 124 pp., 8vo. 1823 Booth (G. Sclater-). On Local Government in Rural Disti'icts : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1882 Booth (J. C). On Recent Improvements in Chemical Arts, 1852 : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 Boothby (J.). Adelaide Almanac and Directory for South Australia : 8. Australia (Directory). 8vo. 1873-78 — Statistical Sketch of South Australia: S. Austr. (Stat. Sketch). 8vo. 1879 An earlier edition : Id. 8vo. 1876 Another copy: Id. Maps, 8vo. 1876 Bosanquet (Charles). Practical Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee; [also] Supplement: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 13. 8vo. 1810 Bosanquet (J. W.). Metallic, Paper, and Credit Currency, and the means of Regulating their Quantity and Value, 1842 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 11. 8vo. 1840-42 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 8vo. 1842 Bose (K. Chunder). The Claims of the Poor : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1866 Boselli (Paolo). I trattati di commercio e la Liguria. Voti dei deputati liguri. 169 pp., la. 8vo. Genova, 1878 Bosquett (Abraham). A Treatise on Duelling ; together with the Annals of Chivalry, the Ordeal, Trial, and Judicial Combat from the earliest times : * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 E 2 52 BO Botfield (B.). Shropshire, its History and Antiquities. 33 pp., plates, 4to. 1860 Botly (William) :— The Economy of Large and Small Farms : •Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1870 Land Tenure : Id. 8vo. 1871 Land Tenure. To which are added, a Paper on the Agricultural Labourer, and a Paper on Large and Small Farms: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1872 Dwellings for the Industrial Classes : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1873 Agricultural Statistics and Waste Lands : Id. 8vo. 1875 Agricultural Statistics : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1876-79 Agricultural Statistics, Tenure, and Depres- sion : Id. 8vo. 1879 Agricultural Statistics and the Land Ques- tion : Id. 8vo. 1880 Agricultural Statistics and Prospects : Id. 8vo. 1881 Agricultural Statistics, Tenure, and Aspects : Id. 8vo. 1882 Bouchardt (A.). Nouveau formulaire magistral, precede d'une Notice sur les Hopitaux de Paris, suivi d'nn precis sur les Eaux minerales, naturelles, et artificielles, d'un Memorial therapeutique, et Notions sur l'emploi des Contre-poisons, et sur les secours a donner aux Empoisonnes et aux Asphyxies. 13th edit. 600 pp., 18mo. Paris, 1865 Boucherett (Ayscoghe). A Few Observations on Corn, Currency, &c, with a Plan for Promoting the Interests of Agriculture and Manufactures, 1840: * Currency, 8fc, vol. 7. 8vo. 1796-1840 Bouchette (Joseph). The British Dominions in North America ; or a Topographical and Statistical Description of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, &c, including considera- tions on Land-granting and Emigration. 2 vols., portrait and plates. 4to. 1832 — Topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. 4to. 1832 Boudard (A. de, aine). Les Caisses d'Epargne, histoire, legislation, statis- tique : * G. A. Fr. von Malchus. 8vo. 1858 Boue (A.). Memoire, fragments d'une statistique methodique, et philoso- phique, des academies, des societes savantes, et des principaux etablisse- ments scientifiques et humanitaires, y compris une statistique des journaux periodiques de toute espece : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Boult (Francis). Taxation : Direct or Indirect : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 6. 8vo. 1861 Bounce (J. T.). The Statistics of Crime in Birmingham as compared with other Large Towns : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1865 Bourchier (Lady). Memoir of the Life of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, with Selections from his Public and Private Correspondence. 2 vols., portraits, &c, 8vo. 1873 Bourdin (C. E.). Repartition de l'instruction primaire dans les differentes corps de l'armee francaise : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Bourgoing (J. F.). Modern State of Spain ... its Topography, Govern- ment, Laws, Religion, Finances . . . Arts . . . Commerce, &c. Translated from the last Paris edition of 1807; to which are added Essays on Spain, by M. Peyron, and the Book of Post Roads. 4 vols, in 2, plans and plates, 8vo. 1808 Bourinot (J. G.). The Intellectual Development of the Canadian People. An Historical Review. xi + 128 pp., 12mo. Toronto, 1881 Bourne (John). Indian River Navigation. Map: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 25. 8vo. 1849 Bourne (Stephen). The Official Trade and Navigation Statistics : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 35. 8vo. 1872 — The Progress of our Foreign Trade, Imports and Exports, during the past Twenty Years : Id., vol. 38. 8vo. 1875 — Increasing Dependence of this Country upon Foreign Supplies for Food : * Manch. Stat, Soc. 8vo. 1876-77 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1877 BO 53 Bourne (Stephen). The Growth of Population with Relation to the Means of Subsistence: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § P. 8vo. 1877 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. [1877] — De l'accroissement de la population dans ses rapports avec les moyens de subsistence : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 — The Growing Preponderance of Imports over Exports in the Foreign and Colonial Trade of the United Kingdom : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. tO. 870. 1877 — True relation in which Imports and Exports should stand to each other in the Trade of a prosperous Country : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1878-79 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. [1878] — The Decay in the Export Trade of the United Kingdom : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1879 Another copy: ^Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3G. 8vo. [1879] — Extended Colonisation a Necessity to the Mother Country. 31 pp., 8vo. 1879 — On some Phases of the Silver Question : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 42. 8vo. 1879 — The Recent Revival in Trade : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1880 — The Social Aspect of Trade Depression : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1880 — Trade, Population, and Food. A series of Papers on Economic Statistics. xxvii + 348 pp., 8vo. 1880 Another copy. — Deficient Harvests and Diminished Exports : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1881-82 Anothercopy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1881 — The National Expenditure upon Alcohol : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 45. 8vo. 1882 — On the Taxation of Alcohol : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1882 — Food Products, and their International Distribution : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 46. 8vo. 1883 Bovill (William J.). On the Statistics of Civil Procedure in English Courts of Law : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 30. 8vo. 1867 Bowditch (H. P.). Relation between Growth and Disease. La. 8vo. Phila., 1881 Bowditeh (N. I.). A History of the Massachusetts General Hospital : 2nd edit. 734 pp., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1872 Bowen (T. J.). Grammar and Dictionary of the Y/oruba Language : * Smithsn. Oontribn., vol. 10. 4to. 1858 Bowles (Rev. Wm. L.). Vindiciae Wykehamicae ; or, a Vindication of Winchester College. 2nd edit.: * Pamph., vol. 13. 8vo. 1818 — Thoughts on the Increase of Crimes, the Education of the Poor, and the National Schools. 2nd edit. : Id., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 — A Reply to the Charges brought by the Reviewer of Spence's Anecdotes, in the "Quarterly Review" for October, 1820, against the last Editor of Pope's Works; and author of "A Letter to Mr. Campbell," on "The Invariable Principles of Poetry :" Id., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 — On the Poetical Character of Pope ; elucidating the " Invariable Principles of Poetry," in reply to O. Gilchrist : Id., vols. 17 and 18. 8vo. 1820-21 — Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope ; more particularly on the question, whether Poetry be more immediately indebted to what is Sublime or Beautiful in the Works of Nature, or the Works of Art? 2nd edit. : Id., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 — Letters on Poetical Criticism, &c. 2nd. edit. : Id., vol. 20. 8vo. 1822 Bowring (Sir John). Some Account of the State of the Prisons in Spain and Portugal : * Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 — Productive Labour in Prisons as associated with the Reformation of Criminals : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1867 54 BO— BR Bowring (Sir John). Penal Law, as applied to Prison Discipline : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1869 — Devonshire Association for Advancement of Science and Art : Id. 8vo. 1860 — The Proper Purpose of Prison Discipline : * E. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 Boyd (Thomas J.). Educational Hospital Reform. The Scheme of the Edinburgh Merchant Company : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1871 Boyd (Walter). A Letter to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, on the Influence of the Stoppage of Issues in Specie at the Bank of England ; on the Prices of Provisions and other Commodities, 1801 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion., vol. 1. 8vo. 1800-01 — Letter to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, on the Influence of Stoppage of Issues in Specie at the Bank on the Prices of Provisions. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 11. 8vo. 1811 Boyle (John). Account of Strikes in the Potteries in 1834-36 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 Boys (John). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Kent, Plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1805 Brabrook (Edward W.). The Co-operative Land Movement : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 37. 8vo. 1873 — Associations de prevoyance de PAngleterre : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1875 — Working of the Building Societies Act, 1874 : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1875 — Friendly Societies and Similar Institutions : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 38. 8vo. 1875 — Abstract of a Report published by the Italian Government on the International Statistics of Savings Banks : Id., vol. 40. 8vo. 1877 Brace (C. L..). The Prevention of Juvenile Crime in Large Cities : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Bracebridge (C. H.). The Coventry Freehold Land Society : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1863 Brachelli (Hugo F.). Oesterreich's commercielle und industrielle Ent- wickelung in den letzten Jahrzeheuten, von — , und Dr. F. Migerka. 59 -f- lix pp., diagram, la. 8vo. Wien, 1873 — Bericht des Delegirten des K. K. osterreichischen Handels-Ministerium's bei der VIII Versammlung des internationalen statistischen Congresses in St. Petersbourg: * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 — Die Staaten Europa's. Vergleichende Statistik. Vierte neu bearbeitete bis auf die jungste zeit durchgefiihrte auflage. 4th edit., 8vo. Briinn, 883 Another copy 3rd edit., viii + 672 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 — Rapport sur la statistique des chemins de fer et du mouvement des marchandises du commerce interieur : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Statistische Skizze der europaischen Staaten. 2nd edit, iv + 1 + 196 pp., 8vo. Leipzig, 1879 Statistische Skizze der oesterreichisch-unga- rischen Monarchic nebst Liechtenstein. 6th edit. 1878 Statistische Skizze der deutschen Eeiches nebst Luxemburg [und der andere euro- paischen Staaten] 4th edit. 18/8 Supplement to the above: * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1880 — Statistische Skizze der oesterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie nebst den occupierten, Landern, Bosnien, und Herzegowina, und dem zollvereinten Furstenthum Liechtenstein (Erganzung zu der siebenten Auflage von Stein und Wappaus' Handbuch der Geographie und Statistik). 9th edit., 54 pp., 8vo. Leipzig, 1883 Another copy, 7th edit. : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1880 Bradlee (C. D.). The Teachings of the Mountains. A Sermon : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1876 BR 55 Bradlee (C. D.). The Grand Hereafter. A Sermon : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1877 — Natural and Revealed Religion. A Sermon: Id., S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1878 Brady (F. W.). On the Publication known amongst Traders as the Black List : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 Brainard (D.). The Nature and Cure of the Bite of Serpents : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1854 Bramwell (P. J.). The Water Supply of London : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1877 Branco (M. J. F.). Relatorio e Estatistica do Hospital de S. Jose, 1851 : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 2. 4to. 1852 Brand (J.). A Determination of the Average Depression of the Price of Wheat in War, below that of the Preceding Peace ; and its Re-advance in the following ; according to its Yearly Rates, from the Revolution to the end of the last Peace ; with Remarks on their Greater Variations in that Intire Period, 1800 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1800-01 Brande (W. T.). Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art, by — , and Rev. G. W. Cox. 3 vols., la. 8vo. 1865 Brandon (Raphael). Some Statistics of Railways in their Relation to the Public : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1869 Brassey (Sir Thomas) : — Work and Wages, Practically Illustrated. [Together with a Preface by A. Helps]. 7th thousand, xvi + 296 pp., 12mo. 1874 Another copy xvi + 296 pp., 8vo. 1872 Wages in 1873. 56 pp., 8vo. 1873 Address on Economy and Trade : *Soc. Science Assocn. {Trans.). 8vo. 1873 Co-operative Production. 76 pp., 8vo. 1874 Another copy : *Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1874 The Plimsoll Inquiry. 38 pp., 8vo. 1874 The Advance Note ; What it is, and why it ought to be Abolished. 15 pp., 8vo. 1875 The English Labor Question : * Internat. Review. 8vo. 1876 British Seamen, as described in Recent Parliamentary and Official Docu- ments, vi + 1 + 399 pp., 8vo. 1877 Lectures on the Labour Question. 2 + 336 pp., 8vo. 1878 Foreign Work and English Wages con- sidered with reference to the Depres- sion of Trade, ix + 1 + 417 pp., 8vo. 1879 Another copy. Agriculture in England and the United States. Inaugural Address, as Presi- dent of the Statistical Society, Nov., 1879 : * Stat Soc. (JL), vol. 42. 8vo. 1879 Recent Letters and Speeches. 1 + 76 pp., 8vo. 1879 Brauns ( — ). Statistik der deutschen Gymnasien fur 1835, von — , und Theobald : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2. 8vo. 1835 Brayley (E. W.). Catalogue of the Library of the Russell Institution, with Supplement. 2 vols., illustrations, 8vo. 1849-54 — Physical Constitution and Functions of the Sun : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1865 — Recent Researches and Observations on the Sun : Id. 12mo. 1864-66 1 — Periodical Meteors of November : Id. 12mo. 1868 Brazil. Estatistica do Commercio Maritimo do Brazil do Exercicio de 1871-72. 3 vols., 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1880-81 3* Parte. Commercio de Longo Curso por I 4 a Parte. Commercio interprovincial de cabo- Provincioes. (Vol. iv) | tagem dos generos nacionaes. (Vols, v and vi) — The Empire of — , at the Vienna Exhibition of 1873. 388 pp., map., 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1873 Bread. The Great Advantage of Eating Pure and Genuine — , Comprehending the Heart of the Wheat with all its Flour. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1773 — A Temperate Discussion of the Causes which have led to the present High Price of Bread. [Anon.]. 2nd edit.: Id., S. 5, vol. 34. 8vo. 1800 — Report from the Committee on Laws relating to the Manufacture, Sale, and Assize of Bread : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 56 BR Bree (John). Cursory Sketch of the Naval, Military, and Civil Establish- ment, Legislative, Judicial, and Domestic Economy of the Kingdom during the Fourteenth Century, with a particular Account of the Cam- paign of Edward III in Normandy and France, 1345-46, to the taking of Calais. Vol. 1 (no more published). xxxvi + 386 + 29 pp., 4to. 1791 Bremen. Zur Statistik des bremischen Staats. xxix+ 116 pp., 4to. Bremen, 1865 — Tabellarische Uebersicht des bremischen Handels, 1866. iv + 199 pp., 4to. ib., 1867 — Jahrbuch fur die Amtliche Statistik des bremischen Staats. VIII Jahr- gang, 1 Heft. Zur Statistik des Schiffs- und Waarenverkehrs im Jahre 1874. vii + 188 pp., la. 4to. ib., 1875 Bremner (John A.). On the Principle of Compulsion in Primary Educa- tion : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1869-70 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1870 — Prison Discipline: * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1873-74 — Discipline in County and Borough Gaols : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1874 — School Board Work in Manchester : Id., S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1874 Brereton (J. L.). County Education ; a Letter to Earl Fortescue : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1856 Breton (Lieut., R.N.). Excursions in New South "Wales, Western Australia, and Van Diemen's Land, 1830-33. 2nd edit, xii + 420 pp., plates. 8vo. 1834 Brewer (Mrs.). Gold : or Legal Regulations for the Standard of Gold and Silver Wares in different Countries of the World. Translated and abridged from " Die Gesetzliche Regelung des Feingehaltes von Gold- und Silber Waaren" von A. von Studnitz, by — , with Notes and Additions by E. W. Streeter. xi + 139 pp., map. 12mo. 1877 Brewer (T. M.). North American Oology, 1857 : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 11. 4to. 1859 Brewer ( W. H.). The Woodlands and Forest Systems of the United States : * U.S. A. (Stat. Atlas). La. fol. 1874 Briavoinne (N.). De l'lndustrie en Belgique : causes de decadence et de prosperity, sa situation actuelle. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Brux., 1839 Bridges (Rev. George W.). The Annals of Jamaica. 2 vols., 8vo. 1828 Briggs (Gen. John). The Cotton Trade of India, its Past and Present Condition and its Future Prospects. Map : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 19. 8vo. 1840 Briggs (T.). Excise Liquors and Anglo-French Treaty. By W. Hoyle and— : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1877 — The Peacemaker ; Free Trade, Free Labour, Free Thought, or Direct Taxation the true Principle of Political Economy. xvi + 250 pp., 12mo. [cir. 1878] Bright (H. S.). Statistics of the Corn Trade, 1828-53. Diagrams, obi. fol. [1854] Bright (J.). Speeches on Questions of Public Policy, by Richard Cobden, M.P. Edited by—, and James E. Thorold Rogers : * B. Cobden, 12mo. 1878 Brimfield (H.). Remarks and Suggestions on Madhouses in England : * Tracts, Miscell, vol. 1. 8vo. 1861 Brindley (James) and the Early Engineers. Abridged from the Lives of the Engineers : * S. Smiles. Portrait, &c, 12mo. 1864 Brion (John). Relief Map of England and Wales. Map, mounted. Bristol. Thirty Letters on the Trade of — ; the Causes of its Decline, and Means of Revival . . . [Anon.]. vii + 346 pp. 12mo. 1834 Bristol Building Societies. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1878 Bristol Chamber of Commerce. Monetary Laws. Paper prepared by the— : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1867 BR 57 Bristol Statistical Society. Proceedings, &c. : First Annual Meeting, held 10th November, 1837, with the Report of the Council, the audited Account [with Rules and Regula- tions], and a List of the Council, Officers, and Members of the Society. 22 pp. Second Annual Meeting, held 16th November, 1838, with the Report of the Council, the audited Account, and a List of the Council, Officers, and Members of the Society. 23 pp. Britannia Languens ; or, A Discourse of Trade ; showing the Grounds and Reasons of the Increase and Decay of Land Rents, National Wealth and Strength ; with Application to the late and present State and Condition of England, France, and the United Provinces. [Anon.l. 1680: * Petit. Econ. Club {Early Tracts, Xfc). 8vo. 1856 British Almanac, and Companion to the Almanac, or Year Book of General Information (from the commencement in 1828). Illustrated. 12mo. 1828-83 (Extracts from Contents.) Stat. Soc. Rep., 8fc. 1 vol., 8vo. 1835-41 Statistics of the City of New York, communi- cated to the Bristol Statistical Society by C. B. Fripp, Esq. 25 pp. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting, held 15th November, 1841, with the Report of the Council, the audited Account, and a List of the Council, Officers, and Members of the Society. 24 pp Statistics of Education in Bristol, by a Com- mittee of the Statistical Society of Bristol, 1841. 16 pp. 1828. On the Calendar, its successive Reforms Chronology. Nature and Use of International Statistical Tables. 1829. Almanacs Nautical Almanac European Monarchs. Chronological Table of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Observations and Discoveries in Remarkable Plants introduced into England Statistics of the World Inhabitants of Europe. Increase of China. Population of Force applied to Agriculture and the Arts in France and Great Britain Mendicity. Establishments in Holland for the Relief of 1880. Eras of Ancient and Modern Times Table to find the Day of the Week of any given Date Tides. The : J. W. Luhbock Weather. Natural History of the Thermometers. Comparative Scales of Geographical Discoveries. Chronological Table of Principal Revenue to Population. Proportion of National Vaccine Establishment. Annual Report of the Coal in London. Consumption of Charitable and Literary Institutions 1831. Day. Division of the Difference between London Time and that of the Principal Towns in the U. Kingdom Weather. Natural History of the Conservatory Plants introduced into England. List of Principal Chronological Table of the more Important Treaties between the Principal Civilised Nations, with Notices of the Wars and other Events with which they are con- nected ; from the beginning of the Four- teenth Century to 1830 1831— Contd. Literary Chronology Life Assurance National Vaccine Establishment. Report of the Annual 1832. Eclipses Vaccine Report and Bill of Mortality Chronological Account of the Connection between England and India Literary Chronology On the Funds Official Values America. Statistics of 1833. On Comets European Mountains. Heights of Statistics of the European States National Education. Annual Report of the National School Society 1834. Moon's Orbit. On the Correspondence of Eras with 1834 Scientific and Literary Bodies of London, Meetings of, for 1834 Report of the Select Committee on the Vaccine Board Wages and Prices 1835. Halley's Comet On the Tides : J. W. Lubbock State of Crime in France. Returns of the Dioceses of England Water Supply of the Metropolis 1836. Motion of the Earth. Old Arguments against the Negro Slavery. Results of the Abolition of Population of the European States 1837. On the Tides : J. W. Lubbock English Mathematical and Astronomical Writers. Notices of Vaccine Report 5$ BR British Almanac — Contd. 1838. On the Tides : J. If". Lubbock Vaccine Report Public Records. A Short Directory for Searching the Steam Navigation Twopenny Post. New System of 1839. Weather. On the Supposed Influence of the Moon upon the : J. W. Lubbock Atmosphere. On the Electricity of the A rithmetic to Medicine. On the Application of Evolution. Notices of the Progress of the Problem of Early Almanacs Planets and Fixed Stars, Occupations of, by the Moon Bill of Mortality in London. National Yaccine Institution 1 840. Single Life Contingencies. On the Calcu- lation of : A. L>e Morgan Historical Notes on Almanacs Medical and Vital Statistics. Public Health Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Bill of Mortality for London. Christening and Burials National Vaccine Institution 1841. Logarithms in Commercial Calculations : A. L)e Morgan Statistics of Disease and Mortality in Eng- land and Wales in 1838 Latitude and Longitude Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Extension of Vaccination 1842. On Life Contingencies : A. L>e Morgan Globes. Terrestrial and Celestial Marine Chronometer Population of England and Wales. Annual Movement of the National Vaccine Institution 1843. Electricity, Recent Applications of, to the Arts Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Popu- lation of Great Britain Report of the National Vaccine Institution Mathematical Sciences. References for the History of the : A. JDe Morgan 1844. On Arithmetical Computation : A. De Morgan Population Returns, 1841 National Vaccine Institution Registrar-General's Fourth Annual Report Pavements for Towns Crime in England and Wales. Statistics of China, Chronology of Affairs in, 1831-43 China, Trade with, and Chinese Tariff Statistics of the United States of America Railways of Great Britain Railways in the United States of America 1845. On the Ecclesiastical Calendar i Morgan Occupations of the People A. Be 1845— Contd. Ireland. Population of Crime, Statistics of, for England and Wales Railways of Great Britain Railways in Belgium National Vaccine Institution 1846. Almanacs. On the Earliest Printed : A. De Morgan Foreign Exchanges : J. S. D. Fluctuations of the Funds Statistics of Crime in England and Wales Railways of Great Britain Life Insurance. Comparative Tables New Customs Duties. The Tariff and 1847. Education, Progress of, in England : C.K. Government Offices Eclipses and Full Moons. Recurrence of : A. JDe Morgan Railways of Great Britain Fluctuations of the Funds Corn Duties under the Importation Act Customs Duties 1848. On Decimal Coinage : A. De Morgan Design. Government School of Railways of Great Britain Electric Telegraph Health of Towns Odd Fellows and Friendly Societies. Fluctuations of the Funds Baths & Washhouses for the Labouring Classes 1849. Euclid's Elements. Remarks on the first Six Books of : A. De Morgan Metropolitan Sanitary Ordnance Surveys. Cholera. The Ireland, Farm Produce of, in 1847 Chemistry. On the Progress of Organic Variola Ovis. On the Railways of Great Britain Emigration of the British Colonies Fluctuation of the Funds European and other Powers, 1847 1850. Reckoning. On the Ancient and Modern Usage in : A. De Morgan Fisheries. British and Irish Public Libraries Railways of the United Kingdom Chronological Account of the Connexion between England and India The Coal Trade of London Supply of Water for the Metropolis Cholera. The Fluctuations of the Funds European and other Powers, 1849 1851. Arithmetic. On some Points in the History of : A. De Morgan Queen's College, Ireland Railways in the United Kingdom Foreign Mails. Ocean Steamers Cotton. Supply and Future Prospects of Industrial Associations. Fluctuations of the Funds BR 5i> B ritish Almanac — Contd. 1852. Fluxions. Controversy on the Invention of : A. De Morgan Great Exhibition of 1851. Facts and Figures Census of Great Britain, 1851 County Courts Railways of the United Kingdom Public Debts and Standing Armies of Euro- pean States Fluctuations of the Fimds 1853. Books. On the Difficulty of Correct Description of : A. De Morgan Gold Discoveries and their Results Electric Telegraphs Cost of War in Killed and Wounded, 1793-1815 Railways. Continental and other Wellington. Chronology of Events in the Life of the Duke of Corn. Imperial Average Prices of Fluctuations of the Funds 1854. On a Decimal Coinage : A. De Morgan Census of Great Britain, 1851 Baths and Washhouses Progress of Administrative and Financial Improvement New Customs Tariff Ireland. Its Industrial and Commercial Prospects Fluctuations of the Funds Average Prices of Corn 1855. Motion, The Earth's, or Notes on the Antigalilean Copernicans : A. De Morgan Census of the United States, 1850 Dwellings. Town, Sanitary State of Occupations of the People Fluctuations of the Funds Average Prices of Corn 1856. Notes on the History of English Coinage : A. De Morgan Schemes for obtaining Agricultural Statistics Shipwrecks and Lifeboats Civil Service. Reorganisation of the Fluctuations of the Funds Average Prices of Corn 1857. Notes on the State of Decimal Coinage : A. De Morgan Postal System at Home and Abroad Trade Disputes. Arbitration in British India. On the Material Progress of Metropolitan Communication and Thames Bridges Russian War. Close of the Fluctuations of the Funds Average Prices of Corn 1858. Educational Conference of 1857 : C. K. Great Eastern or Leviathan. Wave Principle Manchester Exhibition in 1857 Atlantic Telegraph. The Future of Electro- Telegraphy Army. Inquiry into the Purchase of Com- missions in the 1858— Contd. Chronological Account of the Connexion between England and India Fluctuations of the Funds, and Bank Rate of Interest Average Prices of Corn 1859. Comets. History of : John R. Hind Museum of Practical Geology, and its Edu- cational Objects Sanitary Legislation. Practical Results of Pictures. National Collection of India. Mutiny of the Native Army in The Thames and London Drainage. Fluctuations of the Funds, and Bank Rate of Interest Average Prices of Corn 1860. Political Economy. Elementary Instruc- tion in : C. Knight Patent Office and Museum : George Dodd Naval Force of the United Kingdom Sculpture. National Collection of : J. Thome History of Comets : J. R. Hind War in Italy, and its Antecedents Wreck Chart and Lifeboat Institution. The National Debt, how it Grew Illustrations of the Funds and Bank Rate of Interest Average Prices of Corn 1861. Handicrafts in South Midland Districts : C. Knight Meteorology. Recent Practical Applications in : C. Tomlinson Thames Embankments, and Crowded Streets Schools. Ragged, Industrial, and Reformatory South Kensington Museum : J. Thome Friendly Societies Fluctuations of the Funds Average Prices of Corn 1862. Census of the United Kingdom, 1861 : J. T. HammacJc Cotton Supply. Present and Prospective Co-operation in Lancashire and Yorkshire : J. Plummer Approaching International Exhibition of 1862 : J. Thome Statistics of the United States for 1860 Popular Education in England. State of Fluctuations of the Funds, and Bank Rate of Interest Average Prices of Corn 1863. London in 1862 : C. Knight Distress in Lancashire. Social, Moral, and Economic Effects of : J. Plummer British Colonies. Products and Industry of : G. Dodd British Columbia and Vancouver's Island Logarithms for the Many : J. Le Cappelain Fires and Fire Brigades at Home and Abroad Fine Arts in Europe, State of, 1862 Fluctuations of the Funds, and Bank Rate of Interest Average Prices of Corn 60 BR British Almanac — Contd. 1864. Occupations of the People,1861 : C. Knight Sun. Recent Observations and Researches on the : E. W. Brat/ley CLildren, Employment of, in Trades and Manufactures : J. Plummer Royal Academy Commission : J. Thome Fire Insurance and its Taxation : G. Dodd America. War of Secession 1865. India Museum, and Products of India Railways in their Social Relations : J Thome Sun. Physical Constitution and Functions of the : E. W. Brayley India. Health of the British Army in Working Men's Clubs and Institutes : J. Plummer Limited Liability System. Progress of the : G. Dodd 1866. Calculating Machine, Swedish, at Somer- set House : F. J. Williams Ocean Telegraphy ; Present and Prospective : G. Dodd Art Collections. National : J. Thome Forests and Open Places round London : T. Sun. Recent Observations and Researches on the : E. W. Brayley Working Men's Industrial Exhibitions: J. Plummer 1867. Commercial Panics : A. Locker Exhibition of National Portraits, 1866 : J. Thome Continental War : A. Bamsay Atlantic Telegraph Cables, 1866 : G. Dodd Mural Records of Pedestrian Tourists : C. Knight Local Industries and the Franchise Zadkiel's Almanac : C. Knight 1868. Royal Commission on Railways: A.Locker Trades Unions and the Paris Exhibition, 1867 : J. Plummer Exhibition of National Portraits, 1867 : J. Thome Iron Trade. Present Position and Prospects of the British : J. Jones India. Native Textile Industry of : G. Dodd Meteors, Periodical, of November : E. W. Brayley Local Changes under the Reform Act of 1867 1869. Total Eclipse of the Sun, 17th— 18th August, 1868 : E. Dunkin Free Public Libraries of Great Britain : W.E. A. Axon Petroleum, Paraffin, and Nitro-Glycerine : G. Dodd Schools Inquiry Commission : A. Locker The Exhibition of National Portraits, 1868 : J. Thome Technical Education at Home and on the Continent : J. Plummer 1870. Total Eclipse of the Sun, 17th— 18th August, 1868 : E. Dunkin Taxation. Self-Impo6ed : S. Smiles 1870— Contd. Royal Commission on Water Supply : A. Locker Australian Native Industries. Progress of the : J. Plummer National Galleries : J. Thome Suez Canal. The Great ; G. Dodd Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thome Co-operation Abroad. Notes on : W. E. A. Axon 1871. Magnetic Compass. On the : W. S. B. Woolhouse High Water, London Docks. Table of Heights of : W. S. B. Woolhouse Easy Method of Distributing the Predictions of a Solar Eclipse : W. S. B. Woolhouse Masters and Men : W. E. A. Axon Summit Railways and Mail Routes : G. Dodd Condition of the Industrial Classes in Foreign Countries : A. Locker Improved Dwellings for Metropolitan Labour- ing Classes : J. Plummer Squares of London : W. Robinson Metropolitan Locomotion : B. Smiles National Portrait Gallery Armed Forces of Europe : F. B. Martin Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thome 1872. Philosophy of Statistics. On the: W.S. B. Woolhouse Fine Arts at the International Exhibition, 1871 : A. Locker Music in England. Present State of : C. Mackeson Photography. Industrial Results of: J. Plummer Postal Telegraph System : G. Dodd Largest Book in the World ; Specification of British Patents, 1617- 1869: W. E. A. Axon Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thome Census of 1871 : B. Smiles Metropolitan Charities : C. Mackeson 1873. Sun, and Recent Solar Discoveries : R. A. Proctor Light-House System of the British Islands : G. Dodd Cheap Literature ; Past and Present : J. P. Harrison Learned Societies and Academies : W. E. A. Axon Coinage at Home and Abroad : J. Crotcdy. Fine Art Workmanship ; International Exhi- bition, 1872 : A. Locker Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thome Capital and Labour in 1872 : J. Plummer Metropolitan Charities : C. Mackeson 1874. Comets and Meteors : B. A. Proctor Utilisation of Waste : W. E. A. Axon Shipwrecks and Life-saving Apparatus: J. P. Harrison BR 61 British Almanac — Contd. 1874— Contd. London International Exhibition of 1873 "Work and Wages at Home and Abroad : J. Plummer Recent Coinage of the World : Smith Homans Coal Supply : J. Crowdy Census of England and Wales, 1871 : C. Mackeson Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thome 1875. Stellar Distances : W. T. Lynn Arabic Numerals : W. E. A. Axon Progress of Ocean Telegraphy : G. Dodd Popular Art Education in Engl. : J. Plummer Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thorne British Settlements in W. Africa : J. Crowdy Exhibitions of Pictures, 1874 Occupations and Vital Statistics of England and Wales : C. Mackeson Music of the Year 1874 Sanitary Measures : J. P. Harrison English Philanthropy, 1874 1876. Some Remarks on' Nebulse : W. T. Lynn Railways of the World : G. Dodd Food Preservation British Newspaper Press, 1875 : J. Plummer Arctic Exploration : J. Crowdy Libraries, Ancient and Modern: W. E. A. Axon Primary Education : C. Mackeson Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thorne 1877. Planetary Research . . . : W.T. Lynn Public Health and Mortality : C. Mackeson Silver Money : J. Crowdy Channel Passage from England to France : G. Dodd Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, South Kensington : J. F. Iselin Sewing Machine ; its Industrial and Social Results : J. Plummer Prince of Wales's Indian Presents : J. R. R. Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876 Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thome 1878. Application of the Spectroscope to Astro- nomy : E. W. Maunder Planetary Research and Discovery: W. T.Lynn Old English Guilds : W. E. A. Axon Our National Sports and Pastimes Our Indian Empire : J. Croiody Workingof School Board System: C.Mackeson Architecture and Public Improvements : J. Thorne Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act : J. Plummer Science of the Year 1876-77 : J. F. Iselin 1879. War Industries of the United Kingdom : J. Plummer Telephone, Microphone, and Phonograph : a. Dodd Public Libraries of America : W. E. A. Axon 1879— Contd. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878 : J. R. Royle Electric Lighting : J. R. Brittle Metropolitan Water Supply : C. Mackeson Public Accounts : J. Crowdy Science of the Year 1877-78 : J. F. Iselin 1880. Mint, The, its System, Operation, and Locality: G. Dodd Cyprus : J. R. Royle Temperance Refreshment House Movement : J. J. Manley South Africa : J. Croiody Heliograph : H. B. Pritchard Education of Deaf and Dumb : W. E. A. Axon Rating of Chronometers : C. S. Murray Progress of London : C. Mackeson London School Board Science of the Year 187S-79 : J. F. Iselin 1881. Weather Forecasting : R. H. Scott Sketch of the History of the Royal Observa- tory, Greenwich : W. T. Lynn Egypt in Liquidation : J. Croiody Proposed Ship Canal at Panama : G. Dodd Schemes for a Euphrates Railway : G. Dodd Food of the Poor : W. E. A. Axon Parks, Gardens, and Open Spaces in and around London : F. G. Heath London Hospitals and their Management : C. Mackeson "Watchmaking by Machinery : C. S. Murray " Honey maketh Money," or Bee Farming : J. F. Robinson Science of the Year 1880 : J. F. Iselin 1882. Styles of the Calendar and the Obser- vance of Easter : W. T. Lynn Carpet Manufacture by Machinery in England Our Recent Progress in Small Arts : J. Crowdy Luxury. Ancient and Modern : W. E. A. Axon National Herring Harvest : J. G. Bertram On the Production of Tea, Chinchona, and Wild Silks in India : J. R. Royle Census of the United Kingdom : C. Mackeson Post Office : L. T. Thome Higher Education of Women : J. J. Manley Agricultural Depression ; its Extent and its Causes : C. Mackeson Science of the Year 1881 : J. F. Iselin 1883. Halley's Comet : W. T. Lynn Modern Fish Culture : J. G. Bertram Fishery Exhibitions, their Scope and Utility : J. G. Bertram Opium : J. R. Royle Swimming : J. J. Manley The Art Sales of 1881-82 : J. Croiody Salt ; its Manufacture and Consumption : J. J. Manley Insects injurious to Agriculture : W. E. A. Axon Electric Lighting : L. T. Thorne Locks and Safes : C. S. Murray The National Portrait Gallery : H. Blackburn The British Museum : C. Mackeson 62 BR 1888— Contd. Table of the Public General Acts, 1882 Abstracts of Important Acts of Parliament Abstracts of Parliamentary and otber Official Documents Cbronicle of Events and Occurrences Necrological Table British Almanac— Contd. 1883— Contd. Social and Industrial Progress in Australia J. Plumnier The Royal College of Music : C. MaJceson Architecture of the Year Science of the year 1881-82 The Music of the year 1882 Metropolitan Philanthropy in 1882 — A Complete Index to the Companion to the [British] Almanac, from its commencement in 1828 to 1843 inclusive. 561 pp., 12mo. 1843 British Architects. Royal Institute of, Papers read, 1860-61 : * Architects, Brit. Plates, 4to. 1861 British Army. Mortality of the — , at Home and Abroad, and during the Russian War, as compared with the Mortality of the Civil Population in England. (Reprinted from the Report of the Royal Commission. Illus- trated by Tables and Diagrams). 2 + 21 pp., diagrams, &c, fol. 1858 — A Contribution to the Sanitary History of the — , duriug the late War with Russia, 1854-56: Army, §'c. Diagrams, la. 4to. 1859 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports of the Meetings of the (from the commencement in 1831). Plates, &c, 8vo. 1835-83 1st. York 1831 2nd. Oxford 1832 3rd. Cambridge 1833 4th. Edinburgh 1834 5th. Dublin 1835 6th. Bristol 1836 7th. Liverpool 1837 8th. Newcastle 1&38 9th. Birmingham 1839 10th. Glasgow 1840 11th. Plymouth 1841 12th. Manchester 1842 13th. Cork 1843 14th. York 1844 15th. Cambridge 1845 16th. Southampton 1846 17th. Oxford 1847 18th. Swansea 1848 (List of Meetings.) 19th. Birmingham 1849 20th. Edinburgh 1850 21st. Ipswich 1851 22nd. Belfast 1852 23rd. Hull 1853 24th. Liverpool 1854 25th. Glasgow 1855 26th. Cheltenham 1856 27th. Dublin 1857 28th. Leeds 1858 29th. Aberdeen 1859 30th. Oxford 1860 31st. Manchester 1861 32nd. Cambridge 1862 33rd. Newcastle 1863 34th. Bath 1864 35th. Birmingham 1865 36th. Nottingham 1866 37th. Dundee 1867 38th. Norwich 1868 39th. Exeter 1869 40th. Liverpool 1870 41st, Edinburgh 1871 42nd. Brighton 1872 43rd. Bradford 1873 44th. Belfast 1874 45th. Bristol 1875 46th. Glasgow 1876 47th. Plymouth 1877 48th. Dublin 1878 49th. Sheffield 1879 50th. Swansea 1880 51st. York 1881 52nd. Southamptoni .... 1882 — Index to the Reports and Transactions of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, from 1831 to 1860 inclusive. 363 pp., 8vo. 1864 — (Addresses and Papers read in Section F, Economic Science and Statistics, since 1860; for previous Papers, &c, see Index above). 1861— Contd. Aid granted by the State towards the instruc- tion of the Industrial Classes in Elementary Science : Capt. Donelly On the recent Improvements in the Health of the British Army : W. Farr General Results of the Census of the United Kingdom in 1861 : J. T. Hammick On the Inspection of Endowed Educational Institutions : J. Hey wood National Schools in Liverpool as compared with Population, 1861 : Ret. A. Hume True Principles of Taxation : C. E. Macqveen On the Progress of Co-operation at Rochdale i Rev. W. N. Molesworth Price of Printing Cloth and Upland Cotton from 1812 to 1860 : Alderman Neild 1861. Address of the President of the Section ; On Taxation : W. Newmarch Capital Punishments and their Influence on Crime : H. Ashtcorth Science and Art as developed in the Bleach- ing of Cotton at Bolton : H. Ashtcorth Glance at the Cotton Trade : T. Bazley Ten Years' Statistics of the Orphan Children under the Care of the Dublin Protestant Orphan Societies : Rev. W. Caine Progress of Manchester, 1840-60 : D. Chad- toick Revision of National Taxation : W. Clarice Growth of the Human Body in Height and Weight in Males, ages 17 to 30 : J. T. Danson Manufacture of Human Hair as an article of Consumption : W. Danson BR 63 British Association — Contd. 1861— Contd. Co-operation and its Tendencies : E. Potter Relative Pauperism of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1851-60 : F. Purely Iron-cased Ships of the British Navy : Peed On the Income Tax : Canon Pichson Can Patents be defended on Economical Grounds ? : J. E. T. Rogers Definition and Incidence of Taxation : Rogers Some Account of the Manchester Gas Works : J. Shuttleioorth Embroidery Manufacture of Scotland and Ireland since 1857 : J. Strang Comparative Progress of the English and Scottish Population as shown by the Census of 18H1 : J. Strang Progress and Prospects of theTrade of Eng- land with China since 1833 : Col. Sykes Some Articles of Commerce and Undesirable Sources of Revenue : C. Thompson Co-operative Stores ; their Bearing on Athenaeums, &c. : Rev. W. P. Thorburn On the Employment of Women in Work- houses : Miss Twining On the Evils of Strikes : J. Watts 1862. Progress of Elementary Science among the Industrial Classes under the Depart- ment of Science and Art : J. C. Buckmaster On the Cotton Famine and the Substitutes for Cotton : D. Chadwick Numerical Mode of Estimating Educational Qualifications, as pursued at the Green- wich Hospital School : Rev. G. Fisher On Endowed Education and Oxford and Cambridge Fellowships i J. Heywood On the Prevention of Crime : E. Hill Periodic Commercial Fluctuations : Jecons Notice of a General Mathematic Theory of Political Economy : W. S. Jevons Definition and Nature of the Science of Political Economy : H. D. Macleod Utility of Colonization : H. Merivale Training and Instruction of the Unemployed in the Manufacturing Districts during the present Crisis : Rev. W. N. Molesworth Local Taxation and Real Property : F. Purdy Pauperism and Mortality of Lancashire : F. Purdy Statistics showing the Circulation of a Pure and Instructive Literature for the Labour- ing Population ; H. Roberts Statistical Inquiry into the Conditions affect- ing the Constitutions in 1,000 Consumptive Persons : Edward Smith Injustice of the Income Tax : Thornton On Expectation of Life : C. M. Willich 1863. Address of the President of the Section ; On the Metrical System of Weights and Measures : W. Tite The Volunteer Force ; its Comparative Cost, Development . . . : Col. H. C. Allhusen Vital and Sanitary Statistics of our European Army in India, compared with those of the French Army under like conditions of Climate and Locality : J. Bird 1863— Contd. On the Coventry Freehold Land Society : C. H. Bracebridge On the Sanitary Condition of the Troops in India : Dr. Camps Origin of the Stockton and Darlington Railway : W. Fallows Difference between the Irish and English Poor Law : Dr. Hancock Opening and Extension of Durham Univer- sity Academical Endowments : J. Heywood Remarks on Native Colonial Schools and Hospitals, collected by Miss Nightingale, and presented by J. Heywood, M.A., F. U.S. On the Reduction of the Death-rate in Gates- head by Sanitary Measures : J. Lamb Decrease of the Agricultural Population of England, 1851-61 : F. Purdy Mortality of Lancashire, &c, during the year ended Midsummer, 1863 : F. Purdy Statistics of the Tanning Trade of Newcastle- upon-Tyne : T. C. Angus, communicated by J. Potts Comparison of Organization and Cost of Eng- lish and French Armies, 1863-64 : Col.Sykes Observations on Criminals : T. Robins Paris Improvements and their Cost : W. Tile 1864. Address of the President of the Section ; On the State of Science : W. Farr Rates of Mortality and Marriage amongst Europeans in India : S. Brown Progress of Postal Banks : W. Chetwynd Statistics of the Bristol Coal Field : H.Cossham Military Statistics of certain Armies, especialy those of the United States : E. B. Elliott The Causes which Produce the Present High Rate of Discount : H. Fawcett Notes on a Chart, showing Effect on Cotton of the Civil War, America : Col. Grant The Mortality of Bath : P. T. Gore Recommendations of the Public School Com- missioners for the Distribution of School Time : J. Heywood British Home and Colonial Empire in its Mutual Relations : Col. Kennedy Economical Administration of Navy : L. Levi Statistics on the Number and Occupations of Foreigners in England : L. Levi On Brief Writing or Shorthand : 7". Pitman Foreign Grain imported into United Kingdom since Repeal of the Corn Laws : F. Purdy Statistics of Crime ... in England : Saunders On the " Truck System " in some parts of the West of England : E. Spender Sanitary Statistics of Clifton : J. A. Symonds On the Comparative Rates of Mortality in Paris and London : W. Tite Land Transfer of Australia as applicable to Ireland : Col. Torrens Statistics of Crime in Australia : W. Westgarth Registration in Ireland : J. Wilson Sanitary Statistics of Cheltenham : E. Wilson 1865. Address of the President of the Section ; On the Right Application of the Statistical Method : Lord Stanley 64 BR British Association — Contd. 1865— Could. Expenditure of Birmingham : T. Avery Social . . . Position of Working Population of South Staffordshire : Rev. W. J. Bain Statistics of Pneumonia : J. H. Bennett Statistics of Crime in Birmingham as compared with other Large Towns : J. T. Bunce Practical Advantages of the Metric System of Weights and Measures : F. P. Felioivs Statistics of the Small Arms Manufacture of Birmingham : J. D. Goodman Statistics of the P. O. Savings Banks : A. Hill Statistics of Benefit Building & Freehold Land Societies of Birmingham : G. J. Johnson On the Past and Present Productive Power of Cotton Machinery : D. Morris Vital Statistics of Birmingham and Seven other Towns : W. L. Sargant Admission of Illegitimate Children into "Work- houses to prevent Infanticide : E. Vivian Statistical Review of the Police — recognised Drunkennessof theMetropolis: R. Wilkinson Mural Standards for Exhibiting the Measures of Length legalised in U. Kingdom : J.Yates Statistical Data in Relation to the Represen- tation of the People : L. Levi 1866. Address of the President of the Section ; On the Economist and the Statesman : J. E. T. Rogers On Transfer of Real Property : T. Browne Results of the Free Licensing System during the last Four Years : Rev. W. Caine Graduates in Arts and Medicine at Oxford for the last Two Centuries : Dr. Daubeny On the Lace and Hosiery Trades of Notting- ham : W. Felkin Subjects required in the Classical Tripos, and Trinity College Fellowship Examina- tions at Cambridge : J. Heywood Practicability of employing a Common Nota- tion for Electric Telegraphy : J. G. Joyce Influence of Science Classes in Mechanics' Institutions : E. Renals Diminution of Accidents in Coal Mines since the Appointment of Government Inspec- tors : G. Senior Hindrances to Education : Rev. C. Sewell Statistics of Charitable . . . Institutions founded by the Native Gentry of India during the last Five Years : Col. Sykes Modes of Banking in America, Manchooria, and China : Col. Sykes Violation of Economic Science by the Law of Distraint for Rent : C. Tebbutt Statistics of the General Hospital near Not- tingham : J. White Intoxicating Liquors consumed by the People of the U. Kingdom in 1865 : Wilkinson On the Occupation and Ownership of Waste Lands : F. J. Wilson Disproportion between the Male and Female Population of some Manufacturing and other Towns : Rev. A. W. Worthington 1867. Address of the President of the Section ; On Economic Science : M. E. Grant Duff' 1867— Contd. Labour in Prisons as associated with the Reformation of Criminals : Sir J. Boivring The Shipbuilding of Dundee : H. Gourlay Various Methods in which our Coinage may be Decimalised : F. P. Fellows Condition and Progress of Scotland com- pared to England and Ireland in Popula- tion, Education, Wealth, &c. : L. Levi On the Obstacles to the Utilisation of New Zealand Flax : W. L. Lindsay Confectionery Trade of Dundee : C. C. Maxivell On the Engineering Manufacture of Dundee : J. G. Orchar Prevalence of " Spedalske" or Leprosy in the Kingdom of Norway : H. J. K. Porter Analysis of the Report upon the Empire of France ; presented to the Senate and Legis- lative Body, February, 1867 : Col. Sykes Population and Mortality of Calcutta : Tait Linen Manufacture in Dundee :A.J. Warden Reasons why the Oflice of W T arden of Stand- ards should include the Metric System and Imperial Weights and Measures : J. Yates Notes on Seal and Whale Fishings by the North Sea Fleet, from Dundee : J. Yeamans 1868. Address of the President of the Section ; On Technical Education, &c. : S. Brown Differences in Minds of Men and Women regarding Educational Necessities : Lydia E. Becker The Progress of Turkey : H. Clarke The Past, Present, and Future of the Wage- Paid Classes : F. S. Corrance Statistics of Pulmonary Consumption in 623 Districts of England and Wales : E. Crisp New Scheme of Mr. C. Seely, M.P., and Mr. F. B. Fellows for Admiralty Esti- mates, and " Finances," " Expense," " Manufacturing," and other Accounts, 4c. : F. P. Fellows On Educational Endowments : J. G. Fitch Condition of the Agricultural Labourer in the West of England : Rev. E. Girdlestone Drainage of the Fens of Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire . . . : W. D. Harding Sanitary State of Indians in the Settlement of Kanyeageh, Canada, 1868 : J. Hey wood Arterial Drainage of Norfolk : Sir W. Jones Progress of Learned Societies in the United Kingdom during the last Thirty Years : Levi Question of International Coinage : L. Levi Statistics relating to Civil Service : Mann On the Influence of Occupation upon Health : F. G. P. Neison,jun. On the Extension of the Contagious Diseases Act : H. J. K. Porter Natural System of Coinage : G. J. Stoney 1869. Address of the President of the Section ; On the Condition of England : Sir S. Northcote Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science and Art : Sir J. Bo wring BR 65 British Association— Gontd. 1869— Contd. On Penal Law as applied to Prison Disci- pline : Sir J, Bowring Some Statistics of Railways in their Relation to the Public : R. Brandon, On the Want of Statistics on the Question of Mixed Races : H- Clarice On the Distinction between Rent and Land Tax in India : H. Clarke Note on Variations in the Rapidity and Rate of Human Thought : H. Clarke Technical Education of the Agricultural Labourer : J. B. Denton Statistics of Invention . . . : H. Dircks On International Coinage : W. Farr Our National Accounts : F, P. Fellows On the Maintenance of Schools in Rural Districts : Canon Oirdlestone Economic Progress of N.Zealand : A. Hamilton Local Taxation in Ireland : W. N. Hancock Examination Subjects for Admission into the College for Women at Hitchin : J. Heywood On Naval Finance : R. Main On Assisted Emigration : R. J. Mann Statistical Notes on some Experiments in Agriculture : F. Purdy Of Taxation on Real Property: F. Purdy Population and Mortality of Bombay, derived from the last Census . . . : P.M. Tait On the Method of Teaching Physical Science : Rev. W. Tuckwell 1870. Address of the President of the Section ; On Political Economy : W. Jevons On National Debts : R. D. Baxter Middle-Class Schools as they are, and as they ought to be : C. H. W. Biggs Economy of Large and Small Farms : W. Botly Duties of the Government of India and of the Merchants of England in Promoting Production in India : G. Campbell Tobacco Trade of Liverpool : J. S. Campbell Census of Local Names : H. Clarke Decline of Small Farmers in Yorkshire and Lancashire, the Cause and Effect : J. W.Ellis Our Navy : F. P. Fellows Influence of Price on Cotton during past Ten Years, embracing period of American War and Cotton Famine : W. B. Forwood Proposed Rearrangement of Registration Dis- tricts of England and Wales, for facilitating Scientific Inquiry : A. Haviland On the Aptitude of North American Indians for Agriculture : J. Heywood Statistics of Contagious Diseases Acts : B. Hill Intemperance in Liverpool : Rev. J. Jones On the Policy and Provisions of a Patent Law : R. M. Pankhurst Railway Accounts for 1868, with suggestions for Railway Eeform : J. Patterson On Mechanics' Institutions and the Elemen- tary Education Bill : F. Renals Utilization of Fibrous Cotton- Seed : T. Rose Effect which a Mint Charge has upon the Value of Coins . . . with Proposition for securing some of the advantages of Inter- national Coinage : G. J. Stoney 1870— Contd. Immigration and Emigration, as affecting the Increase of Population in England and Wales : T. A. Welton On Decimal Money and a Common Interna- tional Unit : W. Westgarth Statistics on Tobacco : R. Wilkinson On Local Taxation : O. Williams 1871. Address of the President of the Section ; On Statistics and their Fallacies: Lord Neaves On Sanitary Measures for Scottish Villages : Col. Sir J. E. Alexander Some Maxims of Political Economy as applied to the Employment of Women and the Education of Girls : Lydia E. Becker On Land Tenure : W. Botly Educational Hospital Reform : T. J. Boyd On the Measurement of Man and his Faculties : $. Brown Proposed Doomsday Book, giving the Value of the Governmental Property . . . : F. P. Fellows Edinburgh Home for Fallen Women, Alnwick Hill, near Liberton : W. M'Bean Administration of Poor Law : W, A, Peter kin Illegitimacy of Banffshire : G, Seton Expediency of Recording Still-Births: G. Seton Certain Cases of Questioned Legitimacy under the Operation of the Scottish Registration Act (17 and 18 Vict. c. 80) : G. Seton Indian Statistics and Official Reports: G. Smith On the Scientific Aspects of Children's Hos- pitals : W. Stephenson On Census Reform : J. Valentine Organization of Societies : R. B. Walker On the Law of Capital : W. Westgarth 1872. Address of the President of the Section ; On the Prosperity of the Nation : H. Fawcett Statistics of the Education of Girls in Man- chester : Lydia E. Becker The importance of providing for the Instruc- tion of School Board Pupils in the Higher Branches of Knowledge : C. G. Bunting International Decimal Coinage : H. Burgess On Polygamy as affecting Population : H. Clarke Suggestions for Improving and Extending our National Accounts : F. P. Fellows On the National Union for Improving the Education of Women : Miss Shirreff 1873. Address of the President of the Section ; On Politics and Progress : W. E. Forster Use and Abuse of Peat : Gen. Sir J. Alexander Economical Aspects of Endowments of Edu- cation and Original Research: C.EAppleton On Benefit Building Societies : J. A. Binns Dwellings for the Industrial Classes : W. Botly Influence of Large Centres of Population on Intellectual Manifestations : H. Clarke Statistics and Observations on the National Debt, and our Disbursements from the Revolution in 1688 to the present time . . . : F. P. Fellows F «6 BR British Association — Conid. 1873— Contd. The Savings Bank in the School : J. G. Fitch On the East Morley and Bradford Savings Bank: T.Haig Educational Statistics of Bradford: J.Sanson On Railways Amalgamated in Competing Groups : B. Haughton Commercial Panics : W. J). Henderson On the Shoddy Trade : S. Jubb Confederated Homes and Co-operative House- keeping : Mrs. E. M. King On the Bradford Building Trades : A. Neill Relation of the Banking Reserve of the Bank of England to the Current Rate of Interest : R. H. I. Palgrate Purity and Impurity in the Use and Abuse of Water : Gen. M. Synge 1874. Address of the President of the Section ; On Commerce and Social State of Ireland : Lord O'Hagan Practical Difficulties in working the Elemen- tary Education Act, 1 870 : Lydia E. Becker Principles of Penal Legislation : Bev.J.T. Burt Increase of Drunkenness among the Working Classes, and the causes of it : Rev. W. Caine On the Privileges over Land, wrongly called Property : Sir G. Campbell On the Teaching of Hygiene in Government Schools : R. Cat on Compilation of Statistics illustrated by the Irish Census Returns : G. R. Crowe The Economic Law of Strikes : W. H. Dodd Ulster Tenant Right : Prof. Donnell Political Economy, and the Laws affecting the Prices of Commodities and Labour, and on Strikes and Lock-outs : F. P. Fellows Education as a Science . . . : Mrs. W. Grey Sanitary Legislation and Organization, its Present State and Future : T. W. Grimshaw On Postal Reform : W. Hastings On the Reclamation and Sanification of the Pontine Marshes : H. Mac Cortnac On the Reformatory and Industrial School System, its Evils & Dangers: H. M'Mordie Scheme for the Technical Education of those interested in Land : Rev. W. W. Wood 1875. Address of the President of the Section ; On the Commerce and Trade of Bristol, &c. : J. Heywood Need of Systematic Observations on Physical Characters of Man in Britain : J. Beddoe On the Mortality of Adolescence : J. Beddoe On the Death-rates of some Health Resorts, and specially of Clifton : J. Beddoe Agricult. Statistics & Waste Lands : W. Botly On the Working of the Building Societies' Act, 1874 : E. W. Brabroolc Trade of Bristol : L. Bruton Principles of Penal Legislation: Rev. J. T. Burt Rise and Progress of the Sugar Trade in Bristol, 1875 : H. Chamberlain Indian Railways and Finance : Fox National Education : Mrs. W. Grey On Income Fallacies and some of their con- sequences : P. Hallett 1875— Contd. Progress of the Coal Question : W. S.Jevons Value of European Life in India, in its Social . . . Aspects : F. J. Mouat On Protection to the Birds of Europe : Napier Building Societies and the Act of 1874 : T. F. Peacock On the Industrial Position of Women as affected by their exclusion from the Suf- rage : Miss A. M. Priest man Mortality of Abstainers and Non-abstainers from Alcoholic Liquors : E. Vivian 1876. Address of the President of the Section ; On Economic Science and Statistics : Sir G. Campbell On Agricultural Statistics : W. Botly The Economy of Penalties : Rev. J. T. Burt Present Extent of Slavery, with a Reference to the Progress of Abolition since the American War : Rev. A. Busacott Evils of the Scottish Poor Law: A.M'N. Caiid The Part in the Operation of Capital due to Fixed or Limited Amounts invested in Trade : H. Clarke Attempts at Patent Legislation : Day Importance of extending the British Gold Standard, with Subordinate Silver Coins, to India, as a Remedy for a Rapid Depre- ciation of Silver : W. N. Hancock Savings' Banks, a State Function developed by Charity Organisation : W. N. Hancock The Results of Five Years of Compulsory Education : W. Jack Valuation of Property in Ireland : H. Jephson On the Depreciation of Silver and a Gold Standard for India : 5. Mason The Silver Dilemma : J. Matheson, jun. Educational Value of their Language to the Gaelic- speaking Scotch : Rev. J V. Ross Sheriff Courts and Relative Judicial Statis- tics : F. Russell Theory and Practice of Accident Insurance by Sea and Land : P. M. Tait On the Boarding-out of Pauper Children in England : W. Tallack Statistics of the Indian Opium Revenue : Rev. F. S. Turner 1877. Address of the President of the Section ; On Economic Science and Statistics : Earl Fortescue Thrift as an Element of National Strength : G. C. T. Bartley Notes on the Cultivation of Tea in the Pro- vinces of Eumaon and Gurhwal: J. H. Batten Statistics of Victoria (Australia) : J. Beddoe On Agricultural Statistics : W. Botly Growth of Population with relation to the Means of Subsistence : 5. Bourne Water Supply of London : F. J. Bramirell Debts of Sovereign and Quasi-Sovereign States due to Foreign Creditors : H. Clarke Some Doctrines of Population : W. Farr Cost of Adopting the System of Public Pro- secutors in England, illustrated by the Scotch and Irish Svstems : W. If. Hancock BR Cu British Association — Contd. 1877— Contd. Law of Succession to Property : Hancock Importance of Increasing the Punishment of Habitual Drunkards, and of Punishing those who Seriously Injure their Children by what they spend in Drink : W. N. Hancock Assimilation of the Laws of IT. Kingdom, with reference to Town Laws of Scotland as to Ruinous Buildings : W. N. Hancock On the Health of Plymouth : T. Littleton Amendment of the Patent Laws : T. Morgan On Hospital Mortality : L. Tait School Banks : Rev. W. Tuckwell On Improving the Sanitary Condition of Large Towns : Sir J. Watson Proposed Reduction to System of the " Modi- fications" or Privileges to work Overtime : Sir G. Young, Bart. 1878. Address of the President of the Section ; On Political Economy and Statistics : J. K. Ingram On Canadian Statistics : A. F. Bateman. How to Meet the Requirements of Popula- tion displaced by Artizans' Dwellings' Act : Sir J. Watson Boading-outof Pauper Children i Miss M. Tod Condition of Small Farmers, their position relative to the Land Question : M. O'Brien Bill to regulate Sales of Property : Monahan Application of Copyhold Enfranchisement to Long Leases in Ireland . . . : J. H. Edge Impediments to the Prompt Carrying Out of the Principles conceded by Parliament on the Irish Land Question : W. N. Hancock Report of Committee on Commons Measure of Value in Direct Taxation Periodicity of Commercial Crises, and its Physical Explanation : W. S. Jevons Statistical Researches into the Poor Removal Question . . . : W.N. Hancock Education and Trainingofthe Insane: J. Lalor Some Remarks on the Desirability of Simul- taneous and Identical Legislation for Eng- land and Ireland : H. L. Jephson Importance of Raising Ireland to the Level of England and Scotland in the matter of Industrial Schools and Compulsory Educa- tion : W. N. Hancock Economic Fallacies of Trade Unionists i Shaw On the Social Aspects of Trades Unionism : J. H. M. Campbell On Adam Smith's Theory of Rent : W. D. Henderson 1879. Address of the President of the Section ; On Agriculture and the Causes of the Present Depression : G. Shaw Lefevre Scientific Societies in relation to A dvancement of Science in United Kingdom : L. Levi Anthropometric Committee. Report of the Apprenticeship Schools in France : S. P. Thompson Credit as an Asset of a State : H. Clarke On the Decay in the Export Trade of the United Kingdom : S. Bourne 1879— Contd. Agricultural Statistics, &c. : W. Botly The " German " Speech and Lip Reading System of Teaching the Deaf: t>. Buxton Elementary Natural Science in the Board Schools of London : J. H. Gladstone Science Teaching in connection with Elemen- tary Schools : J. F. Moss System of Instruction in Elementary Science introduced by the Liverpool School Board into their Schools i F. M. Hance Reformatory Punishment : F. T. Mott Feasibility and Importance of extending to Scotland the proposed Criminal Code for England and Ireland : W. N. Hancock Vital Statistics of Sheffield : T. W. Hime Savings of the People as evidenced by the Returns of the Trustees and Post Office Savings Banks : L. Levi Assimilation of the Law in England, Scotland, and Ireland as to the care of Lunatics and their Property : W. N. Hancock 1880. Address of the President of the Section : G. W. Hastings Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting whether it is import- ant that H.M. Inspectors of Elementary Schools should be appointed with refer- ence to their ability for Examining in the Scientific Specific Subjects of the Code in addition to other matters Report of the Committee for inquiring into the present Appropriation of Wages and Sources of Income, and considering how far it is consonant with the Economic Progress of the People of the U. Kingdom Vital and other Statistics applicable to Musicians : P. M. Tait Agricultural Statistics and the Land Ques- tion : W. Botly Report of the Committee on " German" and other Systems of Teaching the Deaf to Speak Recent Revival in Trade : S. Bourne Admiralty Moneys and Accounts : F. P.Fellows Anthropometric Committee. Report of the Protection in the United States, and its Lessons : G. Baden- Poivell On the Preservation of Fish, and preventing the Pollution of Rivers : Gen. Sir J. F. Alexander Required Amendment in the Marriage Laws of the United Kingdom : Bev. D. Ace On Diminishing Annuities, a Neo-Philosophy in Lending Funds : F. N. Newcome What is Capital? The Contradictory Re- sponses of Economists to this question, examined . . . : W. Westgarth Remarks and Statistics relating to Swansea Usages as they affect the Sellers of Foreign Copper Ores : W. Henderson Progress of the English Stations in the Hill Regions of India : H. Clarke 1881. Address of the President of the Section ; Historical review of Section F: Rt. Hon. M. F. G. Duff F 2 68 BR British Association — Contd. 1881— Contd. On Societies of Commercial Geography : E. J. Watherston Corn or Cattle : Economic Results of Agri- culture and Cattle-raising in relation to National Food-supply : W. E. A. Axon Report of the Committee on the manner in which Rudimentary Science should be taught, and how Examinations should be held therein, in Elementary Schools Agricultural Statistics & Prospects : W. Botly A General Banking Law for the United Kingdom : W. Westgarth Village System and Tenure of Land in Dravi- dian Villages of the Dekhan i Sir W. Elliot Anthropometric Committee. Report of the Relation of the Gold Standard in England to the International Money Market: H. Clarke The Silver Question, and the Double versus the Single Standard : W. Westgarth Protection in Young Communities. Results in Victoria and N. S. Wales : G. Baden-Powell Report of the Committee for inquiring into the present Appropriation of Wages and Sources of Income, and considering how far it is consonant with the Economic Progress of the People of the United Kingdom On the Remedies proposed for Disputes about Wages: Rev. W. S. Jetnison Free Public Libraries of Manchester, and Notting Hill, London : J. Heywood On the Progress of British Commerce in a Generation : E. J. Watherston Some Results of the Removal of the Malt Tax : S. Slopes On Economics and Statistics, viewed from the standpoint of the Preliminary Sciences : S. Geddes — Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the British Association. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 4. 8vo. 1856 — The Resources, Products, and Industrial History of Birmingham and the Midland Hardware District. A Series of Reports collected by the — , at Birmingham in 1865 . . . : Birmingham (Resources, 8fc). 8vo. 1866 British Association for the Relief of the Extreme Distress in Ireland and Scotland. Report of tbe— : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 9. 8vo. 1849 British Empire. Statistical Illustrations of the Territorial Extent and Population, Commerce, Taxation, Consumption, Insolvency, Pauperism, and Crime, of the — . [Anon.] : * Pamph., vols. 25 and 26. 8vo. 1825-26 British and Foreign School Society. Proceedings of an Educational Conference held by the—, March, 1844 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1844 British Government, Suggestions for the Improvement of tbe Domestic Policy of the—. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 8vo. 1833 British Imperial Calendar, and General Register of Great Britain and Ireland, 1838, 1877. 12mo. [1838-77] British Iron Trade Association. The Iron, Steel, and Allied Trades, 1878-82. Annual Reports to the Members of the—. [J. S. Jeans]. 8vo. 1879-83 British Museum. Hand List of Bibliographies, Classified Catalogues, and Indexes placed in the Reading Room of the — , for reference. x + 105 pp., 8vo. 1881 British People. The Future Prospects of the—. [Anon.]. 1836 : * Currency, pc, vol. 7. 8vo. 1796-1840 1882. On Local Government in Rural Dis- tricts : G. Sclater-Booth Report of the Anthropometric Committee State of Crime in England, Scotland, and Ireland in 1880 : L. Levi Report on the workings of the revised New Code, &c., affecting Science taught in Elementary Schools Statistical Account of Railway Accidents for 1881 : J). Ace Agricultural Statistics, Tenure, and Aspects : W. Botly On the Revenue from the Taxation of Al- cohol : G. BadeiuPowell On the Taxation of Alcohol : S. Bourne The Influences of the Beer Duty : S. Slopes The North Sea Fisheries : O. T. Olsen On Some Influences affecting the Progress of our Shipping and Carrying Trade : S. Clarke Our Sailors, for Defence and Commerce, at Home and Abroad : C. Pfoundes Report of the Committee for continuing the Inquiry into and completing the Report upon the present Appropriation of Wages The Abstract Theory of Rent : F. T. Edge- worth The Ricardo Theory of Rent : A. MUnes On Artisan Education : S. P. Thompson Railways : a Plea for Unity of Administra- tion : E. J. Watherston Cottages and Open Wastes in the District of the New Forest : G. E. B. Eyre On Decimal Coinage and Measures in America : R. de Tracy Gould On a proposed International Congress to diminish the Casualties at Sea : A. de Marcoartu BR 69 British Plantations. A Discourse concerning the Currencies of the — , in America, especially with regard to their Paper Money, with a Postscript thereto. [Anon.]. 1740 : * Overdone Colin., vol. 3. 8vo. 1740-1811 British Railways. Statistical Chart of, by Woolston and Beeton. Sheet. 1881 British Trade Journal. Nos. 210, 214, and 229. [With Charts illustrating the Wool Trade, 1850-80, and Iron Trade, 1830-80]. 3 nos., plates, 4to. 1880-82 — Fifty Years' History of the Cotton Trade, 1830 to 1880. Diagram, sheet. 1882 Brito Capello (Hermenegildo de). Expedicao scientifica ao interior de Africa. Observacoes meteorologicas e magneticas feitas pelos explora- dores portuguezes — e R. Ivens : * (Soc. de Geographia de Lisboa). Pol. 1879 Brittain (Frederick). Ocean Penny Postage ; is it Practicable ? ; * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1871 Britten (B.). Historical and Statistical View of the Progress of British Commerce, from the Norman Conquest to the year 1851. Chart, mounted. 1852 Brittle (J. R.). Electric Lighting : * Brit. Aim. 12mo: 1879 Broadbridge (James). Report on the Draining, Paving, and Lighting . . . of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, 1856 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 9. 8vo. 1857 Broca (Prof.). Rapport a l'Academie de Medecine fait au nom d'une Commission composee de MM. les Drs. Bergeron, Th. Roussel, Broca, par M. le Professeur Broca Rapporteur. Sur les travaux de statistique du Dr. Bertillon (pere). 32 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1877 Broch (Lt.-Col. L.). Apercu historico-statistique des travaux du bureau topographique et hydrographique de la Norvege i * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Brockway (Z. R.). Prisoners and their Reformation t * Internal. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 — The Ideal of a True Prison System for a State : * E. C. Wines. 8vd. 1871 Brodie (Sir B. C). Address to the Ethnological Society of London, with Sketch of the Progress of Ethnology, by R. Cull ; * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 3. 8vo. 1854 — Address on Social Economy : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1857 Brodrick (Hon. George C.) : — Address on Social Economy : *Soc. Science Assocn. (IVans.). 8vo. 1857 The Utilitarian Argument against Eeform, as stated by Mr. Lowe : * Essays on Reform. 8vo. 1867 Local Government in England : * Cobden Club Essays. 12mo. 1882 Local Government in England : * Cobden Club Essays. 8vo. 1875 The Law and Custom of Primogeniture : Id. 12mo. [cir. 1876] An earlier edition : Id. 8vo. 1872 The Reform of the English Land System : * Cobden Club Publications. 12mo. 1883 Bromwell (William J.). History of Immigration to the United States, exhibiting the Number, Sex, Age, Occupation, and Country of Birth of Passengers arriving in the United States, 1819-55 . . . with Appendix containing the Naturalisation and Passenger Laws of the United States ... 225 pp., 8vo. New York, 1856 Brooke (William G.). Educational Endowments, and their application to the Middle Class and Higher Education of Girls and Women : *Stat., Src, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 — Report on the Differences in the Law of England and Ireland as regards the Protection of Women : Id. Svo. 1871-76 Brougham (Henry). The Abuse of Charities : * Pamph., vol. 13. 8vo. 1818 Broughton (Capt. R. E.). A Letter ... in reply to the Views and Demands of the Agricultural Associations of the United Kingdom : * Pamph., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 70 BR Broun (John A.). Observations in Magnetism and Meteorology, made at Makerstoun, in Scotland, in the Observatory of Gen. Sir T. M. Brisbane, Bart., . . . 1841-46 . . . : •Roy. Soc. ofEdinb. {Trans.) vols. 17—19. 4to. 1841-46 Broun (Capt. Thomas). Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera : * N.Z. (Natural History). La. 8vo. 1880 Brown (Donald). System of Life Assurance, being the Unition of the Elements, Financial, Curative, and Sanitary ; affording Commensui'ate Assurances, Provisional Sums, and Equivalent Annuities during Life . . . With Data and Statistics, and an Addenda . . . 1852 : *Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 1. 8vo. 1841-52 Brown (Francis C). Free Trade and the Cotton Question, with reference to India ; being a Memorial from the British Merchants of Cochin, to the Rt. Hon. Sir John Hobhouse, Bart., M.P., President of the Board of Control; with a Letter and Appendix, 1847 : * Indian Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1842-49 Brown (G. L.). A Manual of the Companies Act, 1867, with Forms of Proceedings, and Digest of Decisions on the Companies Act, 1862, during the year 1867. xv + 73 pp., 8vo. 1867 Brown (Humphrey). Irish Wants, and Practical Remedies ; on the Appli- cation of a Government System of Railways in Ireland : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 24. 8vo. 1848 Brown (J.). Another Blow for Life. By George Godwin . . . assisted by— : G. Godwin. Sm. 4to. 1864 Brown (R.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of York, West Riding. Map : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1799 Brown (Richard). The Coal Fields and Coal Trade of the Island of Cape Breton. xii -f- 166 pp., maps and plates, 8vo. 1871 Brown (Samuel). A few Thoughts on Commission, Divisions of Profit, Selection of Lives, the Mortality in India, and other subjects relating to Life Assuranoe . . . [Letters of " Crito" to the "Post Magazine "]. Another copy. iv + 1 + 131 pp. 8vo. 1849 — Sketch of the Recent Progress of the Assurance of Life and Property on the Continent : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1851 — Is the Present Competition in Life Assurance Companies Advantageous to the Public ? : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 — On the Progress of Fire Insurance in Great Britain, as compared with other Countries : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 20. 8vo. 1857 — Report on the International Statistical Congress, held at Vienna, September, 1857: Id., vol. 21. 8vo. 1858 — On the Institute of Actuaries : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — The Rates of Mortality and Marriage amongst Europeans in India : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1864 — On the Statistical Progress of the Kingdom of Italy : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 29. 8vo. 1866 — Address on Technical Education, &c. : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 — Report on the Sixth International Statistical Congress held at Florence, from 29th September to 5th October, 1867 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 31. 8vo. 1868 — On the Comparative Population of European States : Id., vol. 31. 8vo. 1868 — Statistique de la Grande-Bretagne : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-69 — Report on the Seventh International Statistical Congress, held at the Hague, 6th— 11th September, 1869 : •Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 32. 8vo. 1869 — On the Statistics of the Kingdom of the Netherlands : Id., vol. 32. 8vo. 1869 — Measurement of Man and his Faculties : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1871 BR 71 Brown (T. J.). Statistical Review of the National Debts and Revenues in proportion to the extent of Area and Population, of the various Countries of Europe : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 — Statistical Survey of the Corn Trade, 1697 to 1851. Sheet, folded, la. 8vo. 1851 Brown (William). Decimal Coinage. A Letter to Francis Shand. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1854 Browne (Edmund H.). A Few Words on the Cold Question ; showing that the Value of Gold will not become Depreciated by the large Discoveries of that Metal, 1852 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 8. 8vo. 1851-53 Browne (Thomas). The Transfer of Real Property : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. I860 Browne (T. LI. M.). Aid to Discharged Prisoners : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Browne (W. A.). The Money, Weights, and Measures of the Chief Com- mercial Nations in the World, with the British Equivalents. 5th edit. 95 pp., 12mo. 1876 Browning (G.). The Domestic and Financial Condition of Great Britain, preceded by a Brief Sketch of her Foreign Policy, and the Statistics and Politics of France, Russia, Austria, and Prussia, xvi -f- 632 pp., 8vo. 1834 Browning (T.). Middle Class Education: * Manch. Stat Soc. 8vo. 1861-62 — Alleged Depreciation of Gold : Id. 8vo. 1864-65 Browning (Sir J.). Address on Economy and Trade : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1872 Brownlow (John). Guide to the Charitable and Religious Societies, Hospitals, Dispensaries, and other Benevolent Institutions of London. 222 pp., 18mo. [1836] — The History and Design of the Foundling Hospital, with a Memoir of the Founder. 144 pp., portraits and plates, la. 8vo. 1858 Brown-Sequard (C. E.). Dual Character of the Brain (the Toner Lectures) 1877 : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 15. 8vo. 1878 Bruce (John). Speech on the Resolutions respecting Indian Affairs : * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 Bruce (R. B. J.). Notes on the Dera Ghazee Khan District, N.W. Frontier, and its Border Tribes, 1871 : * (Punjab. Selections from Records') . 8vo. 1868-71 Brunhns (C). Astronomischer Kalender, 1882 : * Saxony (Kalender, 8fc). 12mo. 1881 Brunialti (A.). Sulla distribuzione geografica degli Ebrei e sulla condizione giuridica e sociale dei medesimi nei vari Stati : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1881 'Branson (Alfred). Prairie du Chien; its Present Position and Future Prospects : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 8. 8vo. 1857 Brusa (E.). La riforma penitenziaria in Italia (ad occasione del libro di Martino Beltrani-Scalia) : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1879 Bruton (Leonard). Trade and Commerce of the City and Port of Bristol : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1875 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1876 [Brutz (Leonard)]. Our Bankruptcy Laws : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1879 Bruiin (F.). Prison Discipline in Denmark : * E. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 Bruyssel (Ernest Van). Histoire du Commerce et de la Marine en Belgique: E. Van Bruyssel. 8vo. 1861-63 Bryce (James). The Historical Aspect of Democracy : * Essays on Reform. 8vo. 1867 Bryden (James L.). [Vital Statistics of India] : India (Vital Stat.). Map, &c, sm. fol. 1871-74 72 BR— BU Bryden (James L.). Vital Statistics of the Bengal Presidency : * (Bengal Vital Stat). Maps, sm. fol. 1871-74 Brydges (Sir Egerton). Reasons for a Farther Amendment of the Act 54 George III, cap. 156, being an Act to Amend the Copyright Act of Queen Anne: * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 — Arguments in Favour of the Practicability of Relieving the Able-bodied Poor, by finding Employment for them: Id., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 — What are Riches ? or, an Examination of the Definitions of this subject given by Modern Economists : Id., vol. 20. 8vo. 1822 Bryson (Dr.). Manual of Medicine and Medical Statistics : ^Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 Buchanan-Hamilton (Francis) : Hamilton (F. Buchanan-) Buchanan (James). Project for the Formation of a Depot in Upper Canada for the whole Pauper Population of England : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1834 Buchanan (John). Manual of the Indigenous Grasses of New Zealand : * N.Z. (Natural History). Plates, la. 8vo. 1880 Buchanan (Rev. Robert), of Glasgow. Finance of the Free Church of Scotland : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 33. 8vo. 1870 Buckle (Fleetwood). Vital and Economical Statistics of the Hospitals, Infirmaries, &c, of England and Wales, 1863. viii + 78 pp., la. 8vo. 1865 Buckle (Henry T.). History of Civilisation in England. New edit. 3 vols,, 12mo. 1869 Buckmaster (J. C). The Progress of Instruction in Elementary Science among the Industrial Classes, under the Science Minutes of the Depart- ment of Science and Art : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1862 Budget. Speech on the substance of the — , of the Rt. Hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, for the year 1819 : * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Buek (H. W.). Hamburgs Clima und Witterung. Ein Beytrag zur medicinischen Topographie von Hamburg : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1826 Building. An Apology for the Builder ; or, a Discourse shewing the Cause and Effects of the Increase of Building. [Anon.]. 1685 : * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 Buist (George). Annals of India for the Year 1848. An Outline of the Principal Events which have occurred in the British Dominions in India from 1st January, 1848, to the end of the Second Seikh War in March, 1849 ; with a Prefatory Notice of the Circumstances which led to our Connection with the Punjaub, 1849 : * Indian Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1842-49 Bulgaria. Resultats preliminaires du recensement de la population, 1881. 50 pp , 4to. Sofia, 1881 — Commeree Exterieur de la Principaute pendant les annees 1880 et 1881. vii + 87 pp., la. 4to. Sofia, 1883 Bullion Committee, 1810. Report, together with Minutes of Evidence and Accounts from the Select Committee on the High Price of Gold Bullion (Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed). Reprinted. x + 115 pp. 8vo. 1810 (Selection from Contents). Bullion Exports and Imports of Great Britain, Exchanges of Various Countries, 1784-1810 StSic^of the Koyal Mint, 1797-1810 Value of a ° ld and Silver of Various Countrie8 „ Gold and Silver Mines, 1556-1800 Balance of Trade of Great Britain, 1805-09 Circulation, &c, of Bank Notes, 1795-1810 Bank Stock, Highest and Lowest Prices, Export and Import Statistics of United 1796-1810 Kingdom, 1805-09 Bullion. Gold, The Real Cause of the High Price of. [Anon.] : * Tracts on Bullion, fyc, vol. 2. 8vo. [1819] BU 73 Bumstead (P. J.). Venereal Diseases : * U.S. A. (Sanitary Commiss.). 8vo. 1864 Bunce (J. T.). History of the Corporation of Birmingham. Vol. 1. xvi -f 366 pp., la. 8vo. Birmingham, 1878 — Municipal Boroughs and Urban Districts : * Gobden Club Essays. 12mo. 1882 Bunsen (G. von). [On the Prospects of Free Trade in Germany, 1875] : * Gobden Club Rep. 12mo. 1870-78 Bunting (C. S.). The importance of providing additional facilities for the Instruction of School Board Pupils in the Higher Branches of Know- ledge : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1872 Bunyon (Charles J.). A Treatise upon the Law of Life Assurance : upon the Constitution of Assurance Companies, the Construction of their Deeds of Settlement, the Sale of Reversionary Interests, and Equitable Liens arising in connection with Life Policies. With an Appendix of the Precedents for the Assignment of Policies by way of Sale, Mortgage, and Settlement, Notes of Cases, Statutes, and an Index of Private Acts obtained by Insurance Companies. xvi + 523 pp., 8vo. 1854 Burehard (Horatio C). Report of the Director of the Mint upon the Statistics of the Precious Metals in the United States : U.S.A. (Rep. upon Precious Metals). 8vo. 1882 Burchell (W. J.). Hints on Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope : * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Burdett (Henry C). Pay Hospitals and Paying Wards throughout the World. Facts in support of a Re-arrangement of the English System of Medical Relief. xiii + 176 pp., 8vo. 1879 — Cottage Hospitals, General, Fever, and Convalescent ; their Progress, Management, and Work. 2nd edit, xxii + 2 -f- 550 pp., portrait and plans, 12mo. 1880 — Hospitals and the State, with an Account of the Nursing at London Hospitals, and Statistical Tables ... 31 pp., sm. 4to. 1881 — The Relative Mortality after Amputations of Large and Small Hospitals, and the Influence of the Antiseptic (Listerian) System upon such Mortality . . . Reprinted from the Journal of the Statistical Society, September, 1882. 41 pp., 8vo. 1882 Anothercopy: * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 45. 8vo. 1882 — Burdett's Official Intelligence, 1882-83. (Under the Sanction of the Committee of the Stock Exchange). 4to. 1882-83 Burdon (John). Census of the Population of the Parish of Stromness. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 8vo. 1851 Burgess (Henry). A Letter to the Rt. Hon. George Canning, to explain in what manner the Industry of the People, and the Productions of the Country, are connected with, and influenced by, Internal Bills of Exchange, Country Bank Notes, and Country Bankers, Bank of England Notes, and Branch Banks. Written to Expose some of the Prevailing Fallacies on these Subjects . . . 1826 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 6. 8vo. 1826-28 — A Memorial addressed to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Goderich on the fitness of the System of the Bank of England, of the Country Banks . . . to the Wants of the People . . . 1827 : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 7. 8vo. 1796-1840 Burgess (Herbert). International Decimal Coinage : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1872 Burke (Rt. Hon. Edmund). Thoughts and Details on Scarcity, originally presented to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, in November, 1795 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 34. 8vo. 1800 Another copy: *Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 — Life of the: /. Prior. 5th edit., portrait. 12mo. 1876 74 BU Burke (Rt. Hon. Edmund). The Works of — . [Works, 6 vols., and Speeches, 2 vols.]. 8 vols. 12mo. 1876-77 Burke (Sir J. Bernard), Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, together with Memoirs of the Privy- Councillors and Knights. (For 1865, 1875, 1878). 3 vols., la. 8vo. 1865-78 Burn (John). Commercial Glance, showing the quantity of Cotton Yarn, and all descriptions of Cotton Goods Exported from the Ports of London, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Goole, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, during the Years 1831 to 1843, with general Statements. 7 sheets, [1832-44] Burn (John S.). History of Parish Registers in England, also of the Registers of Scotland, Ireland, East and West Indies, Foreign Countries, Dissenters, the Fleet, King's Bench, Mint, Chapel Royal, &c, with observations on Bishops' Transcripts. viii + 246 pp., 8vo. 1829 — The Fleet Registers, comprising the History of Fleet Marriages . . . with notices of the May Fair, Mint, and Savoy Chapels, and an Appendix relating to Parochial Registration. vi + 2 + 121 + 2 pp., 8vo. 1833 Burnitz (Gustav). Methode, bei jeder Art von Wahlen sowohl der Mehrheit als den Minderheiten die ihrer Starke entsprechende Zahl von Vertretern zu sichern ; von — , und George Varrentrapp : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1863 Burnley (William H.). Opinions on Slavery and Emancipation in 1823, with Observations on the Rt. Hon. E. G. Stanley's Plan for the Extinction of Slavery : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 18. 8vo. 1833 — Observations on the present Condition of the Island of Trinidad, and the actual state of the experiment of Negro Emancipation. 1 + 177 pp., 8vo. 1842 Burns (Rev. Dawson). The Bases of the Temperance Reform. viii + 206 pp., 12mo. 1872 — Statistics of the Liquor Traffic. An Examination of Professor Levi's Letters. (Reprinted) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1872 — Consumption of Intoxicating Liquors at Various Periods, as Affected by the Rates of Duty Imposed upon them : * Stat. Soc. (JI-), vol. 38. 8vo. 1875 Burritt (Elihu). Year-Book of the Nations, for 1855. iv + 48 pp., 12mo. 1855 Burrows (George M.). Commentaries on the Causes, Forms, Symptoms, and Treatment, Moral and Medical, of Insanity. xv + 716 pp., 8vo. 1828 Burrows (John). On National Prejudices ; their Good and Bad Effects : * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Bursotti (G.). Biblioteca di Commercio. 2 vols, in 1, la. 8vo. Napoli, 1841-42 Burt (Rev. J. T.). The Principles of Penal Legislation : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1874 — The Economy of Penalties : Id. 8vo. 1876 Burton (H.). On the Statistics of Fever in St. Thomas's Hospital ; with reference to Treatment : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. 1843 Burton (J. Hill). Local Taxes of the United Kingdom ; containing a Digest of the Law : * Poor Law Commiss. 8vo. 1846 Busacott (Rev. Aaron). The Present Extent of Slavery and the Slave Trade, with a reference to the Progress of Abolition since the close of the American War : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1876 Busch (Dr.). Apercu de la marine imperiale russe : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Buschen (Arthur de). On the Origin and Numerical Development of Serfdom in the Russian Empire (condensed by Mr. J. T. Hammick, from a Translation by Mr. C. Bradley) : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 24. 8vo. 1861 — Apercu Statistique des Forces productives de la Russie. 268 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1867 BU— CA lb Busteed (Thomas M.). Trades Unions, Combinations, and Strikes : * Stat., %-c, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 Butler (Charles). An Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland: * Pawph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 — The Inangural Oration, spoken on the 4th of November, 1815, at the Ceremony of Laying the First Stone of the London Institution for the Diffusion of Science and Literature : Id., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 — On the Legality of Impressing Seamen. Third edition ; with additions, partly by Lord Sandwich : Id., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 — A Letter to the Rt. Rev. C. J. Blomfield, D.D., Bishop of Chester, in Vindication of a Passage in his " Book of the Roman Catholic Church." 2nd edit. : Id., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 Butter (Donald). Outlines of the Topography and Statistics of the Southern Districts of Oud'h and of the Cantonment of Sultanpur- Oud'h. Printed by order of the Government : * (Oude. Topography, &fc). Maps, la. 8vo. 1839 Butts (Isaac). Protection and Free Trade. 190 pp., plate, 12mo. New York, 1875 Buxton (David). The " German " Speech and Lip-Reading System of Teaching the Deaf : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1879 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1879 Buxton (Thomas P.). The African Slave Trade, xv + 240 pp., map, 8vo. 1839 Byers (Rev. A. G.). District Prisons under State Control for Persons Convicted of Minor Offences : * B. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 Byron (Lord). A Letter of Expostulation to Lord Byron on his Present Pursuits; with Animadversions on his Writings and Absence from his Country in the Hour of Danger. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 19. 8vo. 1822 c. [C. (P.)]. Inquiry into the National Debt and Sinking Fund. [Anon.]: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 27. 8vo. 1856 [C. (J. G.)]. Memoires pour servir a la connoissance des affaires politiques et economiques du royaurne de Suede, jusqu'a la fin de l'annee 1775. [Anon.]. x + 430 pp., plates, sm. 4to. 1776 Cabot Library; or, Records of the Maritime and Colonial History of the British Isles from the earliest times. [Prospectus] : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. [cir. 1850] Caignon (W. L.). Note sur les publications statistiques de l'administration des douanes francaises: * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 — Lettre en vue de la statistique internationale du commerce exterieur : Id. 4to. 1876-78 — Sur la question : Quelles sont les meilleures regies d'apres lesquelles on devrait dresser le bilan general et les tableaux du commerce exterieur ? : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Caine (Rev. William). Ten Years' Statistics of the Mortality amongst the Orphan Children taken under the care of the Dublin Protestant Orphan Societies: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 — Some of the Results of the Free Licensing System in Liverpool during the last Four Years : Id. 8vo. 1866 — The Increase of Drunkenness among the Working Classes, and the Causes of it: Id. 8vo. 1874 Caird (A. M'Neel). Local Government and Taxation in Scotland : * Golden Club Essays. 8vo. 1875 — Some Special Evils of the Scottish Poor Law : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1876 76 CA Caird (Sir James). English Agriculture. 2nd edit,, xxvii + 550 pp., 8vo. 1852 — Prairie Farming in America, with Notes by the way on Canada and the United States. viii +128 pp., map, 12mo. 1859 — On the Agricultural Statistics of the United Kingdom. ([First and] Second Papers) : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vols. 31 and 32. 8vo. 1868-69 — Address on Economy and Trade : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1877 — Inaugural Address as President of the Statistical Society, November, 1880 : ' * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 43. 8vo. 1880 — Opening Address as President of the Statistical Society, November, 1881 : Id., vol. 44. 8vo. 1881 Cairnes (John E.). Effect of War on Prices : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 — Laws according to which a Depreciation of the Precious Metals, con- sequent upon an Increase of Supply takes place, in connection with the recent Gold Discoveries : Id. 8vo. 1857-60 — The Slave Power ; its Character, Career, and Probable Designs ; being an Attempt to Explain the Real Issues involved in the American Contest. 2nd edit., xliv + 410 pp., 8vo. 1863 — Essays in Political Economy, Theoretical and Applied. x + 371 pp., 8vo. 1873 — Some Leading Principles of Political Economy, newly expounded. xix + 506 pp., 8vo. 1874 — The Character and Logical Method of Political Economy. Second and enlarged edition. 2nd edit., xvii + 229 pp. 8vo. 1875 Cairnes (Thomas). Expediency of the Differential Duty on Hops : * Stat., §"c, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 [Calculator]. Observations on the Report of the Committee of Weights and Measures. [Anon.]: * Pamp h., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Calculus. Differential and Integral, First Lessons in — . [Anon.]. Diagram, 1836: *Polit. Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1829-50 Caldwell (Robert). The Gold Era of Victoria; being the Present and Future of the Colony in its Commercial, Statistical, and Social Aspects. 142 pp., map and plan. 8vo. 1855 Caley (James A.). Report on the Present Condition of Cotton Cultivation in Ceylon ; with Suggestions for its Extension and Encouragement. Map : * Cotton Supply Pamph., No. 6. 8vo. 1859 Caley (W.). Finances and Trade of Canada at the beginning of the year 1855: * Canada (Condition and Prospects). 8vo. 1855 California. Eighth Annual Report of Trustees of the Insane Asylum of — , 1860. 55 pp., 8vo. [dr. 1860] — Biennial Report of the Directors and Medical Visitors, and Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Insane Asylum of — , 1869. 80 pp., 8vo. Sacramento, 1870 — Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of — , 1870-71. 90 + 113 pp., plates and diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1871 — San Francisco. Mercantile Library Association of, Annual Reports of the—, 1878-79 2 vols., 8vo. San Francisco, 1879-80 — Geographical Society of the Pacific, Transactions and Proceedings of the, 1881 : U.S.A. (Geographical, fyc, Soc). 8vo. 1882 Camacho (Juan P.). Memoria sohre la Hacienda publica de Espafia en 1881 a 1883. 510 + 1 pp., la. 8vo. Madrid, 1883 Cambridge. University of, The Statutes of Queen Elizabeth for the, (12th Elizabeth, a.d. 1570) I * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 12. 8vo. 1838 — Student's Guide to the—. [Anon.]. 328 pp., 12mo. 1863 CA 77 Cameron (C. H.). Report addressed to His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Administration and Operation of the Poor Laws by — , J. Wrottesley . . . 1833 : * Poor Law Gommiss. 8vo. 1834 Campbell (D. Forbes). Remarks on the Production of the Precious Metals, and on the Depreciation of Gold. Translated by — : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1853 Campbell (Sir George). Modern India, a Sketch of the System of Civil Government. To which is prefixed some Account of the Natives and Native Institutions. xii + 560 pp., 8vo. 1852 — India as it may be; an Outline of a Proposed Government and Policy. xxv -f- 438 pp., map and plan, 8vo. 1853 — The Duties of the Government of India, and of the Merchants of England, in promoting Production in India : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1870 — The Privileges over Land wrongly called Property : Id. 8vo. 1874 — Address on Economy and Trade : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1874 — Address on Economic Science : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., §P. 8vo. 1870 — The Tenure of Land in India : * Golden Glub Essays. 12mo. [cir. 1876] Campbell (Hugh. T.). Ossiana ; or Fingal ascertained and traced in Ulster by the Analogy of Names and Places mentioned in Ossian's Poems : * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Campbell (John). Political Survey of Britain j being a Series of Reflec- tions on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies, and Commerce of this Island. 2 vols., la. 4to. 1774 Campbell (J. F.). Time Scales, Horizontal and Vertical, contrived since 1853 for Numerical Picture "Writing and Reading (Pamphlet, with Specimen Scale). Sheet. 1880 Campbell (J. H. M.), The Social Aspects of Trade Unionism : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878 — Report on the Bankruptcy Law of Ireland compared with that of England and of Scotland: * Stat, fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1876-70 — Notice of the Books and Pamphlets bequeathed by Sir Thomas Larcom to the Society : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 Campbell (J. S.). The Tobacco Trade of Liverpool : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1870 Campenhausen (B. Fr. von), Elemente des russischen Staats-Rechts, oder Hauptzuge der Grund-Veri'assung des russischen Kavserthum in systematischer Ordnung dargestellt. 8 + 12 pp., Goettingen, 1792: * Storch (Stat. UebersicM) . Fol. 1795 Camps (Dr.). The Sanitary Condition of the Troops in India : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1863 Canada. Official Publications: — (Arranged chronologically) . — General Table of Population by Origin and Religion ; Agricultural Products of 1851 ; Grist and Saw Mills, with their Capital and Produce, &c, of Upper Canada, as per Census Returns of 1852. Sheet. Quebec, 1853 — First Report of the Secretary of the Board of Registration and Statistics on the Census of the Canadas for 1851-52. 43 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1853 — Despatches, &c 6 pamph. in 1. 8vo. ib., 1855 1. Condition and Prospects of, in 1854 (from the Despatches of the Earl of Elgin) 2. Finances and Trade of Canada at the begin- ning of the Year 1855 : W. Cayley 3. Reply to the Speech of the Hon. Joseph Howe, of Nova Scotia, on the Union of the North American Provinces . . . 1855 : F. Hincks Report of the Directors of the Great Western Railway of Canada for the half-year ending 31st January, 1855 Act to enable the Great Western Railway to construct a Branch Railway to the Town of Brantford . . . Royal Assent, 18th May, 1855 Hamilton and Toronto Railway Company. Report of the Directors . . . 1855 78 CA Canada. (Official Publications) — Contrf. — Miscellaneous Statistics of. Parti. 1863,1804. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 18(34-05 — Upper and Lower. Municipal Returns for 1804. 27 pp., 8vo. ib., 1805 Canada. Dominion of, Official Publications : — (Arranged under the following heads, Census ; Sessional Papers, &c. ; Miscellaneous; Cape Breton; Manitoba; New Brunswick; North West Territories). — Census of Canada, 1870-71 5 vols., maps, la. 8vo. Ottawa, 1873-78 (Contents.) Vols. 1 to 3. Census of the Provinces of Ontario, I Vols. 4 and 5. Statistics of Canada, 1608-1876 Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick | — of, 1880-81. Vols. 1, 3. 8vo. ib., 1882-83 — Sessional Papers, &c. Sessional Papers of the Parliament of the — . Sessions 1809-82 La. 8vo. ib., 1809-83 (Annual Reports, Agriculture, 1872-74, 1877-82 Archives. Report on Canadian, and on the System of keeping Public Records, 1881. (Appendix 1 to Report on Agriculture) Auditor-General, to 30th June, 1879-82 Banks. Lists of the Shareholders of the several Banks of the Dominion Boundary Award, Ontario Canadian Pacific Railway Canadian Tobacco, 1881 Civil Service Commission, July, 1881 Coal exported, 1877-78— 18S0-81 Coal and Mineral Lands, Location of, 1882 Criminal Statistics for 1880 Exports and Imports, June — December, 1881 Factories, Commissioners Fish-breeding Establishment Government Savings Banks Grain, &c., Duty paid on, 1878-81 Hudson Bay Company. Claim to Lands in the Red River Settlement Belt Indian Affairs, 1871-82 Indians. Arrears due to &c, in the Series.) Inland Revenue, 30th June, 1878-82 Insurance, 1880-82 Intercolonial Railway, 1876-81 Interior, to 30th June, 1879-82 Land Regulations Library of Parliament Marine and Fisheries, 30th June, 1878-82 Militia, 1878-82 Mills and Factories, On the Working of, and the Labour employed therein Penitentiaries, to 30th June, 1878-82 Postmaster-General, 30th June, 1878-82 Public Accounts, to 30th June, 1862, 1877-82 Interest on Public Debt Public Lands. Regulations as to Sale Public Works, to 30th June, 1876-82 Railways and Canals, to 30th June, 1878-82 Railway Statistics of Canada, 30th June, 1878-82 Secretary of State for Canada, 1869, 1880-82 Submarine Telegraph. Scheme for connecting Canada with Asia Toronto Harbour. Memorandum, with plan Trade and Navigation, 30th June, 1877-82 — Journals of the Senate of, . . . Being the Fourth Session of the Fourth Parliament, 1882 (vol. 10). xii 4- 347 + lxii pp., la. 8vo. [1882] — Journals of the House of Commons of the — . February — May, 1882. Being the Fourth Session of the Fourth Parliament of Canada (vol. 10). x 4- 5214- 92 + 10 4- xcvii pp., la. 8vo. Ottawa, [1882] Appendices : 1. Report of Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts on the Revision of Balance Sheet. 2. Report of Select Committee to inquire into the Operation of the Tariff on the Agri- cultural Interests of the Dominion. — Official Debates of the House of Commons. Fourth Session, Fourth Parliament, 45 Vict., 1882. Vol. 12. vii 4- 1570 -f lxxvii pp., 4to. ib., 1882 — Miscellaneous. Year Book and Almanac of 1878. 177 pp., map, 8vo. Montreal, \_cir. 1878] — Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878. Handbook and Official Catalogue of the Canadian Section. 188 pp., map, 8vo., 1878 — Finances of. Budget Speeches for 1877, 1879, 1880. 3 vols., 8vo. Ottawa, 1877-80 — List of Lights and Fog Signals on the Coasts, Rivers, and Lakes of the — , 1879. 92 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 CA 79 Canada. Dominion of, Official Publications — Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Report of Chief Engineer of Canals. 592 pp., plans and maps., 8vo. Ottawa, 1880 — Geological Survey of, Reports of Progress (from commencement). 5 vols., maps, 8vo. Montreal, 1865-81 — A Guide Book containing Information for Intending Settlers. Published by the Government of Canada. 122 pp., map, 8vo. Ottawa, 1882 — Estimates of, 1879-84. 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1878-83 — Coast Telegraph Chart of the Gulf and Lower St. Lawrence and Maritime Provinces. 6th edit., with additions to May, 1883. Chart. [1883] — Canadian Parliamentary Companion and Annual Register, 1881. Edited by C. H. Macintosh. Established 1862. 12mo. Ottowa, 1881 — The Dominion Annual Register and Review, 1878, 1880-81. 8vo. Montreal, 1879-82 — Cape Breton. The Coal Fields and Coal Trade of the Island of — : B. Brown. Maps and plates, 8vo. 1871 — Manitoba and the North- West. Handbooks of — . 24 pamph. in 1 vol., 8vo. Ottawa, 1878-80 — New Brunswick. Geological Survey of the Province of — . 4 maps. Montreal, 1880 — North-West Territories, including the Province of Manitoba. General Map of Part of the — , showing Dominion Land Surveys to December, 1882 ; Additions and Corrections to March, 1883. Map. [1883] Candolle (Alphonse de). Les Caisses d'epargne de la Suisse considerees avec celles d'autres pays; Ouvi*age prcsente a la Societe Suisse d'Utilite publique. 140 pp., Geneve, 1837 : * G. A. Fr. von Malchus. 8vo. 1838 Another copy. Map : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1838 — Dominant Language for Science : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1874 — Probable Future of the Human Race : Id. 8vo. 1875 Canning (Rt. Hon. George). Speeches on the Report of the Bullion Committee: * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 2. 8vo. 1811 — Speech, January, 1817, on the Motion for an Address to the Prince Regent, on His Royal Highness's Speech from the Throne : * Bamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 — Speech on Lord John Russell's Motion for a Reform of Parliament : Id., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 Cansdell (C. S.). Solvency Guaranteed, Plan for the Application of Assurance to Debts, Bills of Exchange, &c. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. 1849 Cantarelli (Francesco). Rapporto al Istituto d'incoraggiamento alle Scienze Naturali: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. 1838 Cape (George A.). Baths and Wash-houses, the History of their Rise and Progress, with a History of the Baths of the Ancients and Description of the Lambeth Baths and Wash-houses. 70 pp., plates, 4to. 1854 Cape of Good Hope. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Blue Book; Acts, &c; Miscel- laneous; Cape Town; Little Namaqualand). — Blue Book. Reports on the— for 1879-81. Fol. Cape Town, 1880-82 — Blue Book of the Colony of the, 1853, 1878-82. 6 vols., fol. ib., 1854-83 — Acts, &c. Acts of the Parliament of the Colony of the — , 1880-82. 3 vols., fol. ib., 1880-82 80 CA Cape of Good Hope. Official Publications — Contd. — Acts, &c. — Contd. — Votes and Proceedings of the Legislature, 1882, with Appendixes. Sm. fol. Cape Town, 1882 Appendix I. Report of the Frontier Losses Commission, 1877-78 Appendix II. Yols. 1 — 6. 1. General Financial Kevenue and Expendi- ture. Loans 2. Appropriation of Public and Private Monies, Civil Servants' Salaries, Customs and Excise, and Justice 3. Education, Museums and Libraries, Parks and Gardens, Medical and Hospitals, Postal, Deeds, Police, Colonial Forces, Pensions, Petitions to Parliament 4. Works and Buildings, Convicts, Railways, Telegraphs, Hydraulic Engineers' Re- port, Surveyor-General's Report, Quit Rents, Land Tenure, Grant of Land 5. Woods and Forests, Veterinary Surgeon's Reports, Emigration and Immigration, Mining, Harbour Board, Port Captains 6. Native Affairs Appendix III. Reports of Select Committees, 1882. 8vo. — Miscellaneous. Abstract of the Estimated Expenditure of the Colony of the — , 1855. 53 pp., fol. Cape Town, 1854 — Correspondence and Returns connected with the Customs Establishment of the Colony of the — . 14 pp., fol. ib., 1854 — Correspondence upon the Subject of the Discovery of Metals in Namaqua- land, and of the Leasing of Lands in that part of the Colony. 42 pp., map, fol. ib., 1854 — Report on Public Education. 35 pp., fol. ib., 1854 — Report of the General Board of the Commissioners of Public Prisons. 28 pp., fol. ib., 1854 — Report npon the Operations of the Central Board of Commissioners for Public Roads, 1843-53. 39 pp., fol. ib., 1855 — Abstract of Population Returns of the Colony . . . abstracted from the Returns of the Field Cornets, 1855. 23 pp., fol. ib., 1857 — Cape Town. Chamber of Commerce. Annual Address of the Vice- President, 1883. 56 pp., 8vo. ib., 1883 — Little Namaqualand. Reports on the Copper Fields of, and on the Bays and Harbours of that Coast. 45 pp., fol. ib., 1855 — Port Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce. Annual Reports of the Committee of the — , 1881 . . . Reports, Correspondence, Statistics, and other Information. 2 + iii + lxxix pp., 8vo. Port Elizabeth, 1882 Capefigue (M.). Les Fermiers Generaux depuis le xviii e Siecle, jusqu'a leur mort snr l'eehafaud, le 15 Mai, 1794. (Histoire des Grandes Operations financieres . . .). iv -f- 380 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1855 — Banquiers, Fournisseurs, Acquereurs des Biens nationaux, Emprunts, Systeme financier de Pitt et Castlereagh. (Histoire des Grandes Operations financieres . . .). vi + 364 pp., 8vo. ib., 1856 Capellina (Domenico). Prefazioneal Poesie di G. Leopardi: * G. Leopardi. 12mo. 1853 Capital, Considerations on the Accumulation of — , and its Effects on Profits and on Exchangeable Value, 1822. [Anon.] : * Tracts on Polit. Economy, vol. 1. 8vo. 1821-25 — Article on the Accumulation of — , from the " Quarterly Review," 1847. [Anon.] : * Currency, fyc, vol. 6. 8vo. 1827-54 Capper (Benjamin P.). Statistical Account of thePopulation and Cultivation, Produce and Consumptionof England and Wales: *Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1801 — Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom, with Table of Population of the Principal Towns, &c, in England, Wales, and Scotland, extracted from the Returns made to Parliament, 1831. vi + 1 + 1053 + 9 pp., maps, 8vo. 1829 CA 81 Capper (Charles). The Port and Trade of London, Historical, Statistical, Local, and General. x + 2 + 507 pp., 8vo. 1862 Capper (John). Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1856-58: Asiatic Soc, fyc 8vo. 1858 Carey (H. C). Essay on the Rate of Wages, with an Examination of the Causes of the differences in the Condition of the Labouri rig Population throughout the World. 255 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1835 — Principles of Political Economy 3 vols., la. 8vo. ib., 1837-40 Parts 3 and 4. Causes which Retard Increase in the Numbers of Mankind, and Im- provement in the Political Condition of Man Part 1. Laws of the Production and Distri- bution of Wealth Part 2. Causes which Retard Increase in the Pro- duction of Wealth, and Improvement in the Physical and Moral Condition of Man Carli (G. R.). [1. II Censimento di Milano ; 2. Ragionamento sopra i Bilanci economici ; 3. Riflessi sul libero commercio de' grani ; 4. Parere sull' impiego del danaro ; 5. Saggio politico ed economico sopra la Toscana, fatto nell' anno 1737] : * P. Verri. 12mo. 1852 Carlisle (Nicholas). Topographical Dictionary of England. 2 vols., 4to. 1808 — - Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. 1 vol., 4to. 1810 — Topographical Dictionary of Wales. 1 vol., 4to. 1811 — Topographical Dictionary of Scotland, and of the Islands in the British Seas. 2 vols., 4to. 1813 — Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools in England and Wales. 2 vols., 8vo. 1818 Carmichael (James). Corn Laws. Review of the Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Agricultural Distress, 1836, 1838 : * Polit. Pamph,, vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 Carmichael-Smith (Robert). Railways; Letter to Earl Grey on Trans- portation and Emigration, as connected with Railway Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 24. 8vo. 1850 Carnac (Harry R.). Report on the Cotton Department [Central Provinces and the Berars] for the year 1868-69 : India (Central Provinces. Cotton Pep.). Maps and diagram, la. 8vo. 1869 Carnot (Lieut.-Gen.). Memorial addressed to the King of France in July, 1814 : * Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 Carpenter (Mary). Reformatory Schools for the Children of the Perishing and Dangerous Classes, and for Juvenile Offenders, xi + 353 pp. 8vo. 1851 — On the Responsibility of Parents for the Maintenance of their Children in Reformatories and Certified Industrial Schools : * E. C. Wines (Trans., pc). 8vo. 1871 — English Reformatory and Certified Industrial Schools ; their Principles and Results : * Intemat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Carpenter (P. P.). Check List of Shells of North America : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 — The Mollusks of Western North America : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 Carpenters and Joiners. Amalgamated Society of — , Annual Reports, 1868-69. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868-69 Carre (Rev. Nathaniel W.). Law of Marriage in its Bearing on Mortality: * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1880-82 Carter (William). Abstract of the Proceedings to prevent Exportation of Wooll, unmanufactured, 1667-89 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 4to. 1689 Carton (Abb6). De l'etat ancien de la mendicite, Flandre occidentale, 1525-1775: * Belgium (Bulletin Commiss. stat.), vol. 4. 4to. 1851 G 82 CA— CE Carvalho (Mathias). Statistik von Portugal : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 Carvalho Moreira (Comm. de). Statistics of Brazil : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Casartelli (Rev. L. C). Commercial Education : *Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1881-82 Casaux (Marquis de). Considerations sur les effets de l'lmpot dans les differens modes de Taxation ; precedees de quelques Notions essentielles sur les Epoques les plus instructives de la Societe. viii + 284 pp., 8vo 1794 Casey (John). " Cunningham Memoirs," No. 1. On Cubic Transformations : * Irish Acad. Boy. 4to. 1880 Cash Payments. Reports of the Secret Committee of the two Houses of Parliament on the Expediency of the Bank of England resuming — - : *Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Casper (Dr.). Ueber die wahrscheinliche Lebensdauer im arztlichen Stande : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1834 Castiglioni (P.). Apercu sur les finances des communes et autres circon- scriptions terriroriales en Italie : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Castlereagh (Viscount). Speech on the Report of the Bullion Committee : * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 2. 8vo. 1811 Caswell (A.). Meteorological Observations made at Providence, R.I. : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 12. 4to. 1860 Catlin (George). Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Con- dition of the North American Indians. 2 vols., plates, 8vo. 1841 Caton (R.). The Teaching of Hygiene in Government Schools : * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1874 Cator (C. O. F.). London Meteorological Diagram, showing the Daily Elements throughout the year 1865. Diagram, mounted, \_cir. 1865] Cauvin (Dr.). Esquisse demographique de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, 1868-78: * Annates Demog. intemat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 Cauwes (Paul). Precis du Cours d'Economie politique professe a la Faculte de Droit de Paris ; conter.ant, avec l'Expose des Principes, l'Analyse des questions de Legislation economique. Tome ler. viii + 733 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1879 Cavenagh (Capt. Orfeur). Rough Notes on the State of Nepal, its Govern- ment, Army, and Resources, iv +- 264 + xix pp., map, 8vo. « Calcutta, 1851 Cave (Rt. Hon. S.). Statistics of Jamaica and Barbadoes : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — Address on Economy and Trade : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1869 Cavour (Count). Thoughts on Ireland ; its Present and its Future. Translated by W. B. Hodgson, LL.D. xi + 110 pp., 8vo. 1868 Cayley (H.). Report on Route to Karakash River via the Changchenmoo Valley and Pass, 1868: * (Punjab. Selections from Becords). 8vo. 1868-71 Cazalet (Edward). Bi-Metallism, and its connection with Commerce: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1879 Cazenove (J.). Questions respecting National Debt and Taxation, Stated and Answered, 1829 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 5. 8vo. 1825-29 Celoria (G.). Astronomia: * Italy (Istruzione scientijiche). 8vo. 1881 Census of Great Britain, 1801 : Pari. Acct., fyc. (Population). 2 vols., fol. 1801-02 — Great Britain, 1811: Id. 1 vol., fol. 1812 — „ 1821: Id. 1 vol., fol. 1822 _ ., 1831:. Id. 3 vols., fol. 1833 _ „ 1841: Id. 3 vols., fol. 1843-44 __ „ 1851: Id. 5 vols., fol. 1852-54 CE— CH 83 Census — Contd. — England and Wales, 1861 : Pari. Acct, 8fc. {Population). 4 vols., fol. 1862-63 _ „ 1871: Id. 5 vols., fol. 1872-73 1881: Id. 4 vols., fol. 1881-83 Id. 1vol., fol. 1833 Id. 2 vols., fol. 1843 Id. 6 vols., fol. 1852-56 Id. 8 vols., fol. 1863 Id. 8 vols., fol. 1872-76 Id. 5 vols., fol. 1881-82 - Scotland, 1861 : Id. 2 vols., fol. 1862-64 _ „ 1871: U. 2 vols., fol. 1871-73 — Great Britain in 1851 . . . Reprinted in a condensed form, from the Official Reports and Tables [with] an Analytical Index. 200 pp., map, la. 8vo. 1854 — England and Wales, 1871. Instructions to the Superintendent Registrar of Births and Deaths as to his Duties in taking the Census : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1871 — England and Wales of 1871, Digest of the—. xii + 204 pp., la. 8vo. 1873 Cernuschi (Henri) : — — Ireland 1831 — ?> 1841 — iy 1851 — )> 1861 — >j 1871 1881 The Bland Bill, its Grounds, its alleged Dishonesty, its Imperfections, its Future. 24 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1878 Diplomatic monetaire en 1878. Articles publies dans le " Siecle." 108 pp., 8vo. 1878 Monetary Diplomacy in 1878. 63 pp., 8vo. 1878 Les Projets monetaires de M. Say. 42 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1878 Bi-Metallism in England and Abroad ; an Answer to a Letter from H. H. Gibbs. 52 pp., 8to. 1879 Bi-Metallism at 15J a Necessity for the Continent, for the United States, for England. 41 pp., 8vo. 1881 The Monetary Conference. Questions addressed to the British and Belgian Delegates. 32 pp., 8to. 1881 Mecanique de l'Echange. 244 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1865 Illusions des Societes co-operatives. 102 pp., 12mo. ib., 1866 M. Michel Chevalier et le Bi-metallisme. Articles publies dans le " Siecle," 1876, 135 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 Silver Vindicated. 26 pp., 8vo. 1876 Bi-Metallic Money, and its bearings on the Monetary Crises in Germany, France, and England, and the United States. Translated from the French. 2nd edit., 48 pp., 8vo. 1876 Nomisma ; or, Legal Tender. 157 pp., 12mo. New York, 1877 Ceylon. Official Publications : — — Registration. Report of the Registrar-General of Lands, and of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, for 1880. 22 pp., fol. Colombo, 1881 — Census of — , 1881. General Report, Statements and Tables showing . . . Area and Population . . . according to Age, Nationality, Education, Occupation, and Religion, and giving also a List of Villages and Towns . . . Compiled by L. Lee. xl + 396 pp., map, fol. ib., 1882 Ceylon Directory and Calendar for 1873, and Compendium of Useful Information. By A. M. and J. Ferguson. 8vo. 1873 Chadwick (David). Lecture on the Financial Aspect of the Sanitary Question : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 9. 8vo. 1855 — Free Public Libraries and Museums, their Usefulness in the Promotion of the Education of the Working Classes, &c. : Id., S. 4, vol. 8. 8vo. 1857 — On the Rate of Wages in Manchester and Salford, and the Manufacturing Districts of Lancashire, 1839-59 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 23. 8vo. 1859 Another copy * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 32. 8vo. 1860 — On the Rate of Wages in Two Hundred Trades and Branches of Labour in Manchester and Salford and the Manufacturing District of Lancashire, 1839 to 1859. 2nd edit. : Id., S. 5, vol. 39. 8vo. 1860 g2 & CH Chadwick (David). Best Means of Obtaining and Recording the Vital Statistics of Towns, for Prompt Application by Local Authorities of Practical Sanitary Remedies : * Munch. Soc. 8vo. 1860-61 — Progress of Manchester, 1840 to 1860 : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 — Social and Educational Statistics of Manchester and Salford : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1861-62 — The Cotton Famine, and Substitutes for Cotton : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1862 — The Depression of Trade : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1878 — For Purposes of Taxation, what is the most Scientific and Practicable Definition of the word " Income " ? : Id., S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. [1880] Chadwick (Edwin). The best Mode of representing by Returns the Duration of Life and Causes of Mortality : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 7. 8vo. 1844 — On the Demoralisation and Injuries, from want of proper Regulations, of Labourers on Railways : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 24. 8vo. [cir. 1846] — Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain : * Poor law Commits. 8vo. 1847 - — Note sur les recensements de la population : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1853-55 — Notice sur la necessite de joindre aux chiffres statistiques des explications propres a en faire ressortir la veritable signification et la valeur et observations speciales sur la statistique des faillites : Id. 4to. 1853-55 — Results of Different Principles of Legislation and Administration in Europe ; of Competition for the Field, as compared with Competition within the Field of Service : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 22. 8vo. 1859 — Addresses on Economy and Trade : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1864-65 — An Annual Census : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 — Proposition sur la necessite de l'economie dans les depenses militaires par des mesures intern ationales, discutees le 10 Septembre : Id. 4to. 1869-71 — Preventive Police Organisation : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 — Administrative Organisation. Functions of a general Police Force for the Extinction of Fires . . . 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1877 — Sanitary Progress. Progress in Preventive as compared with that in Curative Science : Id. S. 6, vol. 12. 8vo. 188J Chadwick (John O.). Reports on the Estate of Sir Andrew Chadwick, with Life and History. xiv + 296 pp., portrait and plans, 4to. 1881 Chaillot (M.). Sur la Statistique officielle dans les duches de Parme et Plaisance : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 Chalmers (George). Considerations on Commerce, Bullion and Coin, Circulation and Exchanges. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 13. 8vo. 1811 — The State of the United Kingdom at the Peace of Paris, 20th November, 1815. 2nd edit. : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Chalmers (Patrick.). " The Penny Postage Scheme of 1837 ; " was it an Invention or a Copy ? : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1881 — Opinions from the Press upon " The Penny Postage Scheme of 1837 ; " was it an Invention or a Copy ? 28 pp., 8vo. 1881 — The Position of Sir Rowland Hill made plain. 72 pp., 8vo. 1882 Chalmers (P. C). Exposition of the Means of Modifying the Evils of the Corn Laws by importing Bread, with Remarks on Free Trade : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 20. 8vo. 1833 CH 85 Chalmers (Thomas). The Christian and Civic Economy of large Towns. 2 vols., 8vo. Glasgow, 1821 — On Political Economy in connection with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of Society. 2nd edit., viii + 566 pp., 8vo. 1832 Chamber of Commerce Journal. [Monthly] Established to Promote Intercommunication between Chambers of Commerce throughout the World : London Chamber of Commerce. Maps, 4to. 1882-83 Chamberlain (Henry). The Rise and Progress of the Sugar Trade in Bristol, 1875 : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1875 Chamberlain (Rt. Hon. Joseph). The French Treaty and Reciprocity : * Cobden Club Publications, 8rc. 12mo. 1881 Chamberlayne (John). Magna Britannia Notitia, or the Present State of Great Britain, with divers remarks upon the Antient State thereof. 8 + x + 10 + 756 + 23 pp., 8vo. 1708 Chambers (A. H.). Thoughts on the Resumption of Cash Payments by the Bank : and on the Corn Bill as connected with that measure : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 — Comments on some recent Political Discussions, with an Exposure of the Fallacy of the Sinking Fund : Id., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Chambers of Agriculture : *Agricult. Central, Src, Chambers of (Ann, Pep.). 8vo, 1868.82 Chancery. Court of, Observations on the Public Utility resulting from the Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. By a Chancery Barrister. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 Chandler (Hon. J. R.). The Question of a Prison Newspaper : *E. C. Wines (Trans., 8rc), 8vo. 1871 Chanlaire (P. G.). Tableau General de la Nouvelle Division de la Franoe en Departemens, Arrondissemens, Communaux, et Justices de Paix, . . . Indiquant la Population, l'Etendue territoriale, et le nombre des Com* munes . . . et contenant un Resume General presentant par chaque Department, l'Etendue territoriale, la Population . . . le montant des Contributions . . . avec une Table Alphabetique des Nouveaux Cantons, et un Atlas de 102 Cartes. Par — et P. E. Herbin. viii + 114 + 1 pp., maps, obi. sm. fol. Paris, 1802 Channing (William E.). The Centenary Commemoration of the Birth of Dr. — . Reports of the Meetings. 256 pp., 12mo. 1880 Channing (W. P.). American Fire Alarm Telegraph : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1854 Chapman (Edward J.). Practical Mineralogy, or a Compendium of the distinguishing Characters of Minerals, xvi + 2 + 192 pp., plates, 8vo. 1843 Chapman (H. S.). Statistical Sketch of the Corn Trade of Canada, &c. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 20. 8vo. 1832 — The Industrial Progress of Victoria as connected with its Gold Mining: * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 26. 8vo. 1863 Chapplesmith (John). Tornado near New Harmony, Ind., April, 1852 : * Smithsn. Gontribn., vol. 7. 4to. 1855 Chaptal (Count). De l'lndustrie francoise. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1819 Vol. 1. Plan et motifs del'ouvrage. Piscours preliminaire l e Partie, du Commerce francois en 1789 2 e „ de l'lndustrie agricole Vol. 2. 3 e Partie, de l'lndustrie manufacturiere 4 e „ de 1' Administration de l'lndustrie Charcellay (L, J.), Rapport statistique sur les Alienes et les Enfants trouves de 1'Hospice de Tours : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 4to. 1842 86 CH Charitable Institutions. Essays on the Principles of — 4. Introductory Essay On those External Causes of Poverty which are incidental to a Progressive State of Society On those External Causes of Poverty which affect particular Classes in a Nation, and at particular Periods On the Influence of Moral Causes in the Production of Poverty [Anon.]. 371 pp., 8vo. 1836 (Contents.) 5. On that Poverty which arises from individual and blameless Misfortune, and on the Remedial Principles which are appropriate to it 6. On general Eleemosynary Charities 7. On the Personal Administration of Charity 8. On various Plans for assisting the Poor to husband their own Resources 9. On various Plans for removing the External and General Causes of Poverty Charity Organisation Society; its Objects and Mode of Operation. 4th edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1875 Charities. Metropolitan, Classified Directory to the — , 1876, 1879. 2 vols., 12mo. 1876-79 Chasles (Michel). Catalogue de la Bibliotheque scientifique, historique, et litteraire du feu — . vii + 390 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1881 Chassinat (Raoul). Etudes snr la Mortality dans les Bagnes et dans les Maisons centrales de force et de correction, 1822-37 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 4to. 1844 Chateaubriand (Comte E. F. A. de). On the Censorship recently established by virtue of Article 4 of the Act of March 17, 1822. 2nd edit. Translated from the French : * Pamph., vol. 24. 8vo. 1824 Chateaubriand (F. A. de). On Buonaparte and the Bourbons, and the necessity of rallying around our Legitimate Princes for the Safety Of France and Europe. Translated from the French : * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Chateauvieux (L. de). Italy, its Agriculture, &c. Translated by B. Rigby. xiv + 1 + 358 pp. 8vo. Norwich, 1819 Chaumont (F. S. B. Francois de). Manual of Practical Hygiene, by E. A. Parks. Edited by- Chervin (A.) : — iStude sur le Mouvement de la Population en Finlande, 1869-74 : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 Essai de Geographie Medicale de la France, ' avec vingt-quatre Cartes-diagrammes, 1850-60 : Id., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Memoire presente a la Commission consul- tative pour le denombrement de la Popu- lation : Id., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Paul Broca : Id., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 E. A. Parks. Plates, 8vo. 1878 Rapport a M. le Ministre de l'lnterieur au nom de la Commission consultative pour le denombrement de la Population : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 4, La. 8vo. 1880 Saggio di Geografia medica in Francia : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 Les derniers denombrements de la Popula- tion. [Europe et fitats Unis] j * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 Cheshire (Edward). The Results of the Census of Great Britain in 1851, with a description of the Machinery and Processes employed. 16th edit. : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 8vo. 1854 Chesney (Col. George). Indian Polity, a View of the System of Adminis- tration in India. 2nd. edit, xxvi -f 496 pp., map, 8vo. 1870 Chetwynd (W.). The Progress of Postal Banks (Post Office Savings Banks) : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1864 Chevalier (Michel). Statistique des Travaux publics sous la Monarchic de 1830 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 4to. 1848 — La Monnaie. (Cours d'Economie politique fait au College de France). 488 pp., 12mo. Brux., 1850 — Examen du Systeme commercial connu sous le nom du Systeme protecteur. viii +383 + 1 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1852 CH 87 Chevalier (Michel). Remarks on the Production of the Precious Metals, and on the Depreciation of Gold. Translated by D. F. Campbell : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1853 — De la Baisse probable de l'Or, des Consequences commerciales et sociales qu'elle peut avoir et les Mesures qu'elle provoque. Avec pieces justi- ficatives, formant la deuxieme partie de ces volumes. 283 + 244 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1859 English Translation of the above. 3rd edit 8vo. Manch., 1859 — Cours d'Economie politique fait au College de France. Troisieme volume. La Monnaie. 2nd edit., viii + 779 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1866 — Exposition TJniverselle de 1867 a Paris. Rapports du Jury International, publies sous la direction de — : (Paris. Exposition). 8vo. ib., 1868 — Letter from — on the History of the Treaty of Commerce with France : * B. Price (Principles, Sfc). 8vo. 1869 — La Renouvellement des Traites de Commerce, 1876 : * Revue des Deux Mondes. La. 8vo. Paris, 1874-78 Chevalier (Thomas). Remarks on Suicide: * Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 Chidlaw (Rev. B. W.)* The Ohio Reform Farm School; its Principles, Methods, and Results : * E. G. Wines (Trans., 8fc). 8vo. 1871 Child (Sir Josiah). Discourse of Trade, the Art of Navigation, Natural- ization of Strangers, and our Woollen Manufactures, the Ballance of Trade, &c. ' 234 pp., 12mo. 1693 Childers (C. E.). Prison System of Victoria : * Intemat. Pnson Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Chili. Censo jeneral de la republica de— , levantado en Abril de 1854. 9 pp., obi. fol. Santiago de Chile, 1858 — Poblacion de — , Annuario estadistico. [Extract]. Vital Statistics, 1849-58. [Anon.]. 14 pp., sm. fol. [cir. 1858] — Estadistica Commercial de la Republica de Chile, 1880. xxxi + 351 pp., la. 8vo. Valparaiso, 1881 China. Histoire Generale de la Chine, ou Annales de cet Empire, traduites du Tong-kien-kang-mou, par le feu Pere Joseph Anne Marie de Moyriac de Mailla, publiees par lAbbe Grosier, et dirigees par Le Roux des Hautesrayes . . . Ouvrage enrichi de Figures et de nouvelles Cartes geographiques de la Chine ancienne et moderne, levees par ordre du feu Empereur Kang-hi, et gravees pour la premiere fois. 12 vols., maps, &c, 4to. Paris, 1777-83 — Memoires concernant l'histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mceurs, les usages, &c, des Chinois, par les Missionaires de Pekin. 15 vols. Portraits and plates, 4to. ib., 1776-91 — Imperial Maritime Customs 4to. Shanghai, 1866-83 I. — Statistical Series. " Customs Gazette." 1879-83 Eeturns of Trade at the Treaty Ports, 1878-81 Reports on Trade at the Treaty Ports, 1875-81 Returns of Trade at the Treaty Ports, and Trade Reports. 1882-83 II.- Medical Reports. Silk. Opium. -Special Series. 1871-83 Plates, 1881 Map, 1881 III. — Miscellaneous Series. Ten Tears' Statistics (Trade Statistics of the Treaty Ports, 1863-72). 1873 Vienna Exhibition Catalogue. 1873 Catalogue special de la Collection exposee au palais du Champ de Mars, Exposition Universale, Paris, 1878. 1878 List of the Chinese Lighthouses, Light Vessels, Buoys, and Beacons. 1879-83 Special Catalogue of the Chinese Collec- tion of Exhibits for the International Fisheries Exhibition, London. 1883 Pekin. Court Calendar, 1835. [In Chinese] 6 vols., 12mo. [1835] Vols. 1 and 2, Military | Vols. 1—4, Civil 8H CH Chisholm (Caroline). The ABC of Colonization, in a Series of Letters by — . No. 1. To the Committee of the Family Colonization Loan Society . . . 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Chisholm. (David). Commutation Tables for Joint Annuities and Survivor- ship Assurances, based on the Carlisle Mortality at 3, 3^, 4, 5, and 6 per cent. Interest, with Tables of Annuities, &c. 2 vols., la. 8vo. 1858 Chitti (M.). Des Crises financieres, et de la Reforme du Systeme monetaire, 183V): * Currency, 8fc, vol. 4. 8 vo. 1824-43 Chitty (J.). Observations on the Game Laws, with Proposed Alterations for the Protection and Increase of Game, and the Decrease of Crimes : * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Cholera-Epidemien. Actstykker augaaende — , i Norge i 1853. Besorgede ved Medicinal-Committeen. Map, 8vo. 1854 Chorlton (T.). Operations of the Poor Law, with some Suggestions for the Amendment thereof : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1875-76 Christian (Prof.). General Observations on Provident Banks ; with a Plan of the Unlimited Provident Bank at Cambridge ; and a Scale of the Price of Debentures, without loss to the Revenue: * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Christians. Which Way; or, an Exposition of the Practical Effect of Error in Faith, and Absence of general Communion amongst Christians. Illustrations. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1861 Christie (Richard C). On some Economical Views of the Greek Phi- losophers: . * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1856-57 Another copy : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 6. 8vo. 1857 Christie (Robert). On the rate of Mortality amongst Officers Retired from the Indian Army : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 — Letter to the Rt. Hon. Joseph W. Henley . . . regarding Life Assurance Institutions, with Abstracts of all the Accounts Registered by London Life Assurance Companies, from the passing of the Act 7 and 8 Vict., 1844, to 1852. 1852 : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy: * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 Christison (Robert). An Investigation of the Deaths in the Standard Life Assurance Company. (Reprinted from the "Monthly Journal of Medical Science" for August, 1853) : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 [Christophilus]. Vindicias Britannicae. Christianity interested in the Dis- missal of the Ministers. A Vindication of the People from the charge of Blasphemy, and a Defence of the Freedom of the Press. 2nd edit. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 19. 8vo. 1822 Chronological Chart of the Wars of the British Empire, from the Revo- lution in 1688*89 to 1835, with a View of some of their Chief Causes, Actors, and Consequences. [Anon.]. Sheet. 1836 Chubb (Hammond). The Bank Act and the Crisis of 1866 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 35. 8vo. 1872 Chubb (Harry). The Supply of Gas to the Metropolis: * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 39. 8vo. 1876 Chubb (John). On the Construction of Locks and Keys. 36 pp., 8vo. [1850] Chuckerbutty (Takoordass). Thoughts on Popular Education in Bengal : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. 1870 Church, Sermon on the — , and the Establishment. [Anon.] : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Church of England Society for Promoting Christian Education in Syria, Report of the: * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1844 Church Lane, St. Giles's. Report of a Committee of the Statistical Society on the State of its Inhabitants and their Dwellings : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 11. 8vo. 1848 CI— CL 89 Cibrario (Chev. Louis). Economie politique du Moyen age ; traduite de l'italien sur la 4 e edition par M. Barneaud, et precedee d'une introduction par M. Wolowski. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1859 Cieszkowski (Auguste). Du Credit et de la Circulation, 1839 : * Currency, $*c.,vol. 4. 8vo. 1842-43 Circulation, State of the — , from the Commencement of 1833 to the Close of 1837. [Anon.] : * Currency, fyc, vol. 10. 8vo. 1831-51 City of Glasgow Bank. Report of the Trial of the Directors of the — . . . 1879. 269 pp., plates, 12mo. Edinb., 1879 Civil Engineers, Royal Institution of, Minutes of Proceedings of the — , with other Selected and Abstracted Papers. (From commencement in 1837). Plates, Ac, 8vo. 1841-83 — Subject Index to Minutes of Proceedings. Vols. 1 to 58, 1837 to 1878-79. iv + 374 pp., 8vo. 1881 — Transactions of the — . 2nd edit. 3 vols., plates, 4to. 1842 — Catalogue of the Library of the — . 2nd edit, viii -f 412 pp., 8vo. 1866 Supplement to the above Catalogue 160 pp., 8 vo. 1870 — Catalogue of the Library of the — . [1st edit.], viii + 228 pp., 8vo. 1851 — The Education and Status of Civil Engineers in the United Kingdom and in Foreign Countries. Compiled from Documents supplied to the Council . . . 1868-70. xvii + 213 pp., 8vo. 1870 Clarendon (Edward, Earl of). The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, to which is added an Historical View of the Affairs of Ireland, by — . A New Edition, exhibiting a faithful collation of the Original MS., with all the Suppressed Passages ; also the Unpublished Notes of Bishop Warburton. 8 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1826 Clark (Sir James). Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption, comprehending an inquiry into the Causes, Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Tuberculous and Scrofulous Diseases in general. xxiii + 399 pp., 8vo. 1835 Clark (Percival). Index to Trevelyan's Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay : * Index Soc, No. 6. Sm. 4to. 1881 Clark (Thomas). Chemical Report on Various Specimens of Water from Chalk Springs near Watford, by — and J. Smith : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1852 Clarke (Benjamin). The Sentry System ; or, How to extinguish Scarlet Fever and Small Pox in the United Kingdom in three Months; 4th edit.: * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1876 Clarke (Ebenezer). The Hovel and the Home ; or, Improved Dwellings for the Labouring Classes . . . [1811-51]. i + 62pp., 8vo. [cir. 1863] Clarke (F. W.). The Constants of Nature : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vols. 12 and 14. 8vo. 1874-78 Clarke (Henry). Penny Banks ; their Formation and Management: 2nd and 1st edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. 1859 — The Geography of Great Britain. By George Long . . . and George R.Porter. . . Parti. England and Wales, with a supplementary body of Statistics to the year 1850, by — : Q. Long. 8vo. [cir. 1863] Clarke (Hyde) : — Contributions to Railway Statistics in 1845 : * Tracts, S. 5, toI. 24. 8vo. 1846 The Statistics of Belgian Railway Traffic in 1844-45 : Id., S. 5, vol. 28. 8vo. 1846 Theory of Investment in Railway Com- panies : Id., S. 5, vol. 24. 8vo. 1846 ^Practical and Theoretical Considerations on the Management of Railways in India : * Tracts, S, 5, vol, 28. 8vo. [cir. 1846] Colonization, Defence, and Railways in our Indian Empire. 244 pp., map, 8vo. 1857 On the Supposed Extinction of the Turks, and Increase of the Christians in Turkey. A paper read before the Statistical Society of London by — . 2 + 41 pp., 8vo. Constantinople, 1865 Another copy : *Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 28. 8ro. 1865 90 CL Clarke (Hyde)— Contd. On Public Instruction in Turkey : Stat. Soc. (J I.) vol. 30. 8to. 1867 The Progress of Turkey : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 The Distinction between Kent and Land Tax in India : Id. 8vo. 1869 Note on Variations in the Rapidity and Rate of Human Thought : Id. 8vo. 1869 The Want of Statistics on the Question of Mixed Races : Id. 8to. 1869 Proposition for a Census of Local Names : Id. 8vo. 1870 On the Geographical Distribution of Intel- lectual Qualities in England : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 34. 8vo. 1871 Polygamy as affecting Population : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1872 The Influence of Large Centres of Popula- tion on Intellectual Manifestation : Id. 8vo. 1873 The Debts and Liabilities of Sovereign and Quasi-Sovereign States due to Foreign Creditors : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1877 Another copy : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 41. 8vo. 1878 Credit as an Asset of a State : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1879 Progress of the English Stations in the Hill Regions of India : Id. 8vo. 1880 The English Stations in the Hill Regions of India, their Value and Importance, with some Statistics of their Products and Trade : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 44. 8vo. 1881 The Relation of the Gold Standard in England to the International Money Market : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1881 On some Influences affecting the Progress of our Shipping and Carrying Trade : Id. 8vo. 1882 Clarke (H. J.). Lucernarlae and their Allies, &c. : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 23. 4to. 1881 Clarke (J. L.). Fonds de reserve, assurance sur la vie : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Clarke (J. W.). Geographical Dictionary. 2 vols., maps and plates. 4to. Liverpool, 1813-20 Clarke (Thomas B.). A Statistical View of Europe . . . viii + 219 pp., 8vo. 1791 Clarke (W.). Revision of National Taxation : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Claudin (A.). Catalogue de la Bibliotheque scientifique, historique, et litteraire du feu Michel Chasles : M. Chasles. 8vo. 1881 Claussen (Chev.). The Flax Movement, its National Importance and Advantages, with Directions for the Preparation of Flax- Cotton, and the Cultivation of Flax. 2nd edit. : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 Clay (John). A Free Trade essential to the "Welfare of Great Britain ; or, an Inquiry into the Cause of the present Distressed State of the Country, and the consequent Increase of Pauperism, Misery, and Crime : * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Clay (Rev. John). Chaplain's Reports on the Preston House of Correc- tion, . . .: Preston House of Correction. 4to. and 8vo. 1837-55 — Annual Report of the — , Chaplain to the Preston House of Correction. [On the Criminal Statistics of Preston] : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 2. 8vo. 1839 — On the Relation between Crime, Popular Instruction, Attendance on Religious Worship, and Beer Houses : Id., vol. 20. 8vo. 1857 Clay (Sir William). Speech of — , on Moving for the Appointment of a Committee to Inquire into the Operation of the Act permitting the Establishment of Joint Stock Banks ; to which are added Reflections on Limited Liability . . . 1837: * Currency, 8fc, vol. 8. 8vo. 1837-38 — Remarks on the Expediency of Restricting the Issue of Promissory Notes to a Single Issuing Body, 1844 : Id., vol. 13. 8vo. 1844 Clayton (Sir Richard). A Treatise on Greyhounds, with Observations on the Treatment and Disorders of them: * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Cleaveland (John). The Banking System of the State of New York, with Notes and References to Adjudged Cases, including also an Account of the New York Clearing House. lxxvi + 361 pp. New York, 1857 Cleaveland (P.). Meteorological Observations at Brunswick, Maine, 1607-59: * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 16. 4to. 1870 CL-CO 91 Cleland (James). Statistical and Population Tables relative to the City of Glasgow. 3rd edit. 2 + 226 pp., 8vo. Glasgow. 1828 — Enumeration of the Inhabitants of Glasgow and the County of Lanark for the Census of 1831, with Population and Statistical Tables relative to England and Scotland. 2nd edit, viii -f 318 pp., fol. ib., 1832 — Letter to the Duke of Hamilton respecting the Parochial Registers of Scotland : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. 1833 — Historical Account of Bills of Mortality and the Probability of Human Life in Glasgow and other large Towns : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. 1836 — Statistics relative to Glasgow. [Glasgow Bills of Mortality ] . [This Paper drawn up for "The British Association," Edinburgh, 1834], by — : * Stat. Soc. Rep., 8fc. 8vo. 1835-41 Clerical Guide, or Ecclesiastical Directory. xxxix + 299 pp., la. 8vo. 1822 Cless (Georg). Medicinische Statistik der innerlichen Abtheilung des Catharinen Hospitales za Stuttgart, 1828-38 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 4to. 1841 Cleveland Institution of Engineers. Proceedings, 1871 to 1876. Plates, 8vo. Middlesborough, 1871-76 Clifford (Frederick). The Agricultural Lock-Out of 1874. xiv -f 375 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1875 Clinical Society of London. Transactions of the — . Vols. 1 — 5. Illustrations, 8vo. 1868-72 Clokey (Robert P.). Irish Emigration from Workhouses : * Stat., 8rc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 Cobden (Richard) : — England, Ireland, and America : *Polit. Pamph. Sm. fol. 1836 Russia, by a Manchester Manufacturer, 1836 : Id. Sm. fol. 1836 Financial Reform Tracts, No. 6. The National Budget for 1849, in a Letter to Robertson Gladstone, with a Report of the Public Meeting at which the Budget was announced to the Nation, 1848 : Id., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 On the Proable Fall in the Value of Gold ; the Commercial and Social Consequences which may ensue, and the Measures which it invites, by M. Chevalier. Trans- lated from the French, with preface by — : M. Chevalier. 3rd edit., 8vo. 1859 The Present State of International Mari- time Law, as affecting the Right of Belligerents and Neutrals : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1862 The Political Writings of — . New edition, with an Introductory Essay by Sir L. Mallet, C.B. xxxiii + 394 pp., 12mo. 1878 Presentation copy. 2nd edit., 2 vols., 8vo. 1868 Another copy. 2nd edit. 2 vols., 8vo. 1868 Another copy. 1st edit. 2 vols., 8vo. 1867 Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Edited by John Bright and J. E. Thorold Rogers. New edit, vi + 662 pp., 12mo. 1878 Another edition. 2 vols., portrait, 8vo. 1870 Cobden, and Modern Political Opinion. Essays on certain Political Topics, by J. E'. Thorold Rogers : J. S. T. Rogers. 8vo. 1875 Cobden Club Essays: — On the Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, and Inclosures of the Sixteenth Century in England. Translated from the German of E. Nasse, by Col. H. A. Ouvry. 1 + 100 pp., 8vo. 1871 — Second series, 1871-72 vii -f 552 pp., Svo. 1872 (Contents.) On the Causes of War and the Means of Reducing their number : F\. de Laveleye The Law and Custom of Primogeniture : Hon. G. C. Brodrick The Present Aspect of the Land Question : W. Fowler, M.P. Financial Refo/rm : T. IS. Cliffe Leslie A new Commercial Treaty between Gt. Britain and Germany : J. Faucher, of Berlin The English Coinage Question : J. P. Smith, Member of the German Parliament Trades Unions and the Relations between Capital and Labour : J. Gostick The Colonial Question : J. F. Thorold Rogers The recent Financial, Industrial, and Commer- cial Experiences of the United States. A curious chapter in Politico-Economic His- tory : Hon. David A. Wells, LL.D., of the United States Appendix : Commercial Policy of France and the Treaty with England of 1860 92 CO Cobden Club Essays— Contd. — Systems of Land Tenure in Various Countries. A Series of Essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club. Edited by J. W. Probyn 3rd edit., viii + 418 pp., 12mo. [cir. 1876] (Contents.) The Tenure of Land in Ireland : Rt. Son. M. Longfield The Land Laws of England : C. Wren Hoskyns The Tenure of Land in India : Sir G. The Land System of France: T. E. Clife Leslie The Russian Agrarian Legislation of 1861 : J. Faucher Farm Land and Land Laws of the United States : C. M. Fisher The Law and Custom of Primogeniture : Hon. G. C. Brodrick Campbell The Land System of Belgium and Holland : E. de Laveleye The Agrarian Legislation of Prussia during the present Century : R. B. D. Mot ier Another copy 2nd edit, vi + 1 + 429 pp., 8vo. 1870 — Local Government and Taxation iv -f- 1 + 454 pp., 8vo. 1875 (Contents). Local Government in France : Le Comte de Local Government in Eng. : Son. G. C. Brodrick Local Government and Taxation in Scotland : A. M' Neel-Caird Local Government and Taxation in Ireland : W. 2f. Hancock Local Government and Taxation in the Australian Colonies and New Zealand : Sir C. Dilke; T. W. Ware; W. H. Archer The Provincial and Communal Institutions of Belgium and Holland : 1L. de Laveleye Franqueville Local Government and Taxation in Russia : A. W. Dilke Local Government and Taxation in Spain : Moret y Prendergast Local Government considered in its Historical Development in Germany and England, with special reference to recent Legislation on the subject in Prussia : R. B. D. Morier Local Government and Taxation in the United Kingdom. A Series of Essays Published under the sanction of the Cobden Club. Edited by J. W. Probyn vi + 1 + 520 pp., 12mo. 1882 (Contents.) Municipal Boroughs and Urban Districts : J. T. Bunce Local Government and Taxation in Ireland : Local Government in England : Hon. G. C. Brodrick County Boards : C. T. D. Aclamd Areas of Rural Government: Lord F. Fitz- maurice London Government, and how to Reform it : J. F. B. Firth R. O' Shaughnessy Local Government and Taxation in Scotland : W. Macdonald Local Taxation in England and Wales : J. R. Phillips Cobden Club Publications, &c. The Mission of Richard Cobden, by Lord Hobart. Reprinted . . . from " Macmillan's Magazine," January, 1867. 32 pp., 12mo. 1867 — An Essay on the best way of developing Improved Political and Com- mercial Relations between Great Britain and the United States of America. By J. Leavitt. 44 pp., 12mo. 1869 ! — Revenue of the United States. Official Report, by David A. Wells. xii + 143 pp., 12mo. 1870 — Commercial Policy of France, and the Treaty with England of 1860. 24 pp., 8vo. 1871 — Report of the Commissioners appointed to Revise the Laws for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes in New York, 1871. Second Report . . . 1872 ; with a Code of Laws relative to Assessment of Taxation. (1872). 2 vols., 12mo. Manch., 1871-72 — The Relations of Landlord and Tenant in England and Scotland. By W. E. Bear. 131 pp., 12mo. 1876 — Essay on the Commercial Principles applicable to Contracts for the Hire of Land. By the Duke of Argyll, K.G. 1 + 91 pp., 12mo. 1877 CO 98 Cobden Club Publications, &c. — Contd. — Reports of the Proceedings at the Annual Dinner, 1870-78 [with Lists of Members]. 6 pamph., 12mo. [1870-78] — The French Treaty and Reciprocity, by J. Chamberlain. 38 pp., 12mo. 1881 — Imports, Exports, and the French Treaty, by T. K. Cross. 12 pp., 12mo. 1881 — The Reciprocity Craze. A Tract for the Times, by G. W. Medley. 36 pp., 12mo. 1881 — An Essay on the Transfer of Land by Registration, under the Duplicate Method operative in British Colonies, by Sir R. Torrens. 88 pp., 12mo. [cir. 1881] — Reform of the English Land System. By the Hon. G. C. Brodrick. 28 pp., 12mo. 1883 Cochin (Augustin). Les Ouvriers europeens. Resume de la methode et des observations de F. Le Play : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 28. 8vo. 1856 Cockburn (Robert). Remarks on prevailing Errors respecting Currency and Banking. New edit. 1844 : * Currency, 8rc, vol. 2. 8vo. 1840-47 Cockburn (Rev. W.). Commercial Economy ; or, the Evils of a Metallic Currency : with Remarks upon the Report of the Bullion Committee. 2nd edit. : * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 2. 8vo. 1819 Cocke (C. A.). Summary of the Population, with a Statistical Chart of Marriages, Births, and Deaths of London from 1839-51. 3rd edit. Sheet, folded. 1852 Codrington (Adm. Sir Edward). Memoir of the Life of — with selections from his Public and Private Correspondence : Lady Bourchier. 2 vols., portraits, &c, 8vo. 1873 Coffin (J. H.). On the Winds of the Northern Hemisphere : * Smithsn. Gontribn., vol. 6. 4to. 1855 — Psychometrical Table, for determining Force of Vapour : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1862 — Orbit and Phenomena of a Meteoric Fire Ball : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 16. 4to. 1870 Cohen (Bernard). Compendium of Finance, an Account of the Public Debts, Revenue, Expenditure, National Banks, and Currencies [of the States of the World] ; with an Historical Sketch of the National Debt of the British Empire. xxxi + 280 pp., la 8vo. 1822 Cohen de Lissa (J. I.). The Currency of Mauritius. (Privately Printed) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1874 Coinage. International Gold Coinage. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1870 Coins. Tables Illustrative of the Successive Changes in the Standard, in the Weight of the — , and in the Relative Values of Gold and Silver in England from the Conquest down to 1717. [Anon.] : *Polit. Econ. Club {Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 Colaci (F.). Di alcune questioni trattate dalla Giunta Centrale di Statistica durante la sessione del 1877 : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1877 — II Censimento dei Proprietari e le Condizioni della terra nella Gran Bretagna e Irlanda : Id. La. 8vo. 1877 Colby (Col.). Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry. Vol. 1, City of Londonderry, and Parish of Templemore : Londonderry. Ordnance Survey of, Maps and plates, 4to. 1837 Coldstream (J.). The Abendberg, an Alpine Retreat founded by Dr. Guggenbiihl for the Treatment of Infant Cretins. By L. G.; with an introduction by — : Br. Guggenbiihl. 18mo. 1848 Coldstream (John P.). On the Increase of Divorce in Scotland : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1881 94 CO Collier (J.). Reply to the Sixth Edition of a Pamphlet (supposed official) on " The State of the Nation at the Commencement of the Year 1822." 2nd edit ; : * Pampli., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 Collignon (Edouard). Les Chemins de fer russes de 1857 a 1862. Etudes sur la Russie ; Chemins de fer, Travaux publics, Climat, Agriculture, Servage, Finances, Questions industrielles efc commerciales, Nijni- Novgorod. 254 + 1 pp., map and plan, 8vo. Paris, 1864 Collins (R.). A Practical Treatise on Midwifery, containing the Result of 16,654 Births occurring in the Dublin Lying-in Hospital during a period of Seven Tears, commencing November, 1826. viii + 1 + 526 pp., 8vo. 1835 Collins (William). Statistics of the Church Accommodation of Glasgow, Barony, and Gorbals : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. 1836 Collins (W. J.). Ought Vaccination to be Enforced ? A Paper read before the Abernethian Society, St. Bartholomew's Hospital . . . With Discussion and Reply. 8 pp., 8vo. 1882 Colomba (G. C. della). Le imposte di Confine i Monopoli Governativi e i dazi di Consumo in Italia. x -J- 712 pp., 8vo. Firenze, 1866 Colombia, Being a Geographical, Statistical, Agricultural, Commercial and Political Account of that Country . . . [Anon.]. 2 vols., portraits and map, 8vo. 1822 Colonial Gazette. A Weekly Journal. Vol.1. Fol. 1839 Colonial Government Bonds. Correspondence relative to the Registra- tion of—. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1874 Colonial Institute (Royal). Proceedings. Maps, 8vo. 1869-83 — Catalogue of the Library, to October, 1881. 29 pp., 8vo. [1881] — Extended Colonization a Necessity to the Mother Country : S. Bourne. 8vo. 1879 Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners. Thirteenth General Report, 1853 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 8vo. 1853 — Colonization Circulars, Nos. 29 and 30. Issued by the — . Sm. 4to. 1870-71 Colonial Life Assurance Company. Report, 1853 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1836-54 Colonial Office List. The, 8vo. 1875-83 Colonial Statistics relating to Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. *Parl. Acct., $-c. (Stat. Tables). Fol. and 8vo. 1850-83 Colonies, The, and Great Britain must be Incorporated and form one Universal and Indivisible Empire. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 8vo. 1839 Colonization Assurance Corporation. A Report of their Agent in Western Australia . . . 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1829-50 — A Short Sketch of Means offered by the — , to assist Farmers, Artisans, and other Small Capitalists wishing to Emigrate, 1850: Id., vol. 7. 8vo. 1829-50 Colquhoun (Patrick). A Treatise on the Commerce and Police of the River Thames, containing an historical view of the Trade of the Port of London ; and suggesting Means for Preventing the Depredations thereon by a Legislative System of River Police ; with an Account of the Functions of the various Magistrates and Corporations exercising Jurisdiction on the River ; and a General View of the Penal and Remedial Statutes connected with the subject. xxxiv + 676 + 20 pp., map, 8vo. 1800 — A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis, containing a detail of the various Crimes and Misdemeanors by which Public and Private Property and security are at present injured and endangered, and suggesting Remedies for their prevention. 2nd edit, xvi + 655 + 31 pp., 8vo. 1800 CO 95 Colquhoun (Patrick). A Treatise on Indigence, exhibiting a General View of the National Resources for Productive Labour, with proposi- tions for Ameliorating the Condition of the Poor, and Improving the Moral Habits and Increasing the Comforts of the Labouring People, particularly the Rising Generation, by Regulations of Political Economy calculated to prevent Poverty from descending into Indigence, to produce Sobriety and Industry, to reduce the Parochial Rates of the Kingdom, and generally to promote the Happiness and Security of the Community at large by the Diminution of Moral and Penal Offences, and the Future Prevention of Crimes. xii + 302 pp., 8vo. 180G — Treatise on the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire, in every Quarter of the World, the Rise of the Funding System, Statistical Tables, &c. 2nd edit, xii + 456 + 93 pp., 4to. 1815 Columbia. Report of the Board of Trustees of Public Schools of the District of Columbia, 1877-78. 349 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1878 — Washington. Annual Reports of the Board of Trustees of Public Schools of the City of— 1866-67, 1870-71. 2 vols. 8vo. ib., 1867-71 Columbus (Christopher). Los Restos de Colon. Informe de la Real Academia de la Historia al Gobierno de S. M. Sobre el supuesto hallazgo de los verdaderos restos de Christdval Colon en la Iglesia Catedral de Santo Domingo : Spain (Restos de Colon). Plates, 12mo. 1879 Colvin (Alexander). Actuarial Figments Exploded. A Letter to the Right Hon. J. W. Henley, M. P. ... In Defence of the Life Assurance Offices Registered under 7 and 8 Vict., 1852. 2nd edit. : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 18-52-53 Another copy: * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Colwell (Stephen). Preliminary Essay and Notes to a National System of Political Economy : * F. List. 8vo. 1856 Comber (W. T.). An Inquiry into the State of National Subsistence, as connected with the Progress of Wealth and Population. [Together with an Appendix]. 2nd edit, xv + 323 + 59 pp., 8vo. 1822 Comelati (Guglielmo). Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, based upon that of Baretti. By — and J. Davenport. 2 vols. 8vo. 1860 Commerce between Great Britain and France. General Maxims in Trade particularly applied to the — [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 16. 8vo. 1713 — Dictionnaire portatif de, [Anon.]. 7 vols., 8vo. Copenhague, 1761-62 Commerce, British, with India, America, &c. Considerations on—. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Commercial Bank of London. Capital Two Millions, in 2,000 Shares of 1,000/. each: * Currency, 8fc, vol. 1. 8 vo. 1802-44 — Reasons for Establishing the — . Addressed to the Directors and Managers of all Joint Stock Banks, as well as to the Private Bankers of the United Kingdom. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 1. 8vo. 1802-44 Commercial Distress. Speech of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Moving for a Select Committee to Inquire into the Causes of the Recent—. 1847: * Currency, Sfc, vol. 12. 8vo. 1843-48 Commercial Policy of France, and the Treaty with England of 1860. [Anon.] : * Cobden Club Fublications, 8fc. 8vo. 1872 Common Measure of Value. Report of a Committee appointed for the purpose of further developing the investigations into a — , in Direct Taxation : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878 [Common Sense]. The Discharge of 37,000,000/. of the National Debt demonstrated to be Part of the Cause of the Rapid Dearness of Provisions that has taken place within the last Ten Years . . . with some Thoughts 96 CO [Common Sense] — Contd. on the Principles that must be Adopted to Save the Nation from the Impending Ruin attendant on such a Disaster. Being Part Second of "The Cause of the Threatened Famine Traced to its real Source." [Anon.]. 1800 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1800-01 Commons. House of, Analysis of the British — , as at present con- stituted. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 Commons House of Parliament. Alphabetical List of the Members of the — , showing the Places they Represent . . . and how they Voted during the Sessions of 1821-22. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 [Conciliator]. Two Letters on the Question of Catholic Emancipation. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol 3. 8vo. 1814 — Why are we still at War ? or, the American Question considered. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Condor (P. P.). Report on the Comparative Cost of Transit by Railway and by Canal. 16 pp., 8vo. 1882 Conference. MonStaire Internationale. International Monetary Con- ference held in compliance with the invitation extended to certain Governments of Europe by the Government of the United States, in pursuance of the Second Section of the Act of Congress of 28th Feb., 1878, in Paris, in Augnst, 1878 : * Internat. Monetary Conf. 8vo. 1879 — Questions addressed to the British and Belgian Delegates : H. Cermtschi. 8vo. 1881 Conferences Internationales de Statistique tenues a Paris 22 — 24 Juillet, 1878. Comptes rendus stenographiques 192 pp., 8 vo. Paris, 1880 (Selection from Contents.) Discours d'inauguration du president, M. le Dr. Lunier Recherches bibliographiques sur les annuaires statistiques existant dans les differents pays : L. Lebon Notice necrologique sur M. F. Piercot, par X. Heuschling (Questions discussed.) Des moyens de mesurer la f econdite des popula- tions Des moyens de mesurer la mortalite par ages, tables de mortalite ; mortalite des enfants en bas age, des enfants assistes Des moyens de mesurer la mortalite dans les milieux a population variable, h&pitaux, hos- pices, asiles, prisons, &c. Des moyens de mesurer la depopulation des campagnes Des moyens de mesurer les crises economiques Recherche des elements les plus propres a l'etab- lissement d'une statistique agricole ou indus- trielle Recherche des elements les plus propres a l'etab- lissement d'une statistique du commerce exterieur Recberches des elements les plus propres a 1'etabUssement d'une statistique de l'instruc- tion primaire Des precedes graphiques employes en statis- tique, cartes, diagrammes, courbes Congres des Amis de la Paix Universelle, reuni a Bruxelles en 1848 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1849 Congres International pour l'amelioration du sort des Sourds-muets. Compte rendu. Milan, 1880. Preliminaires. Documents Appendice des memoires presentes au Congres Reponse a la question speciale [methode d'articu- lation] : 5. J. Ackers Dell' educazione del sordomuto colla parola : V. Brambilla Rapport sur diverses questions : D. Buxton Lettera di F. Carbonera, sordoparlante Memoriasu diverse questioni: Cav. D. Cozzolino Enseignement d'apres la methode coiubinee : D. de Haerne Sur l'enseignement secondaire et superieur : E. Gallaudet viii + 326 pp., 8vo. Rome, 1881 Communication de E. Grosselin, Methodes Sur diverses questions : D. Hirsch Rapport sur les memoires en reponse aux ques- tions speciales : A. Houdin Sur diverses questions : A. Kinsey Lecture par Magnat [methode d'articulation] Paroles du Dr. Treibel Analyse du memoire de Sawallisch [me- thodes] Parole del A. Zucchi Table des lirres et des opuscules presentes a la Presidence Publications sur le Congres CO 97 Congres International de Bienfaisance de Bruxelles, 1856. 2 vols, in 1, plan, 8vo. (Contents.) Brux., 1857 Tome 1. Compte rendu des debats ; — Discours du presi- dent d'honneur le ministre de l'interieur, de Decker. Seances. Tome 2. Resolutions arretees dans la Reunion de charite. Paris, 1855 Institutions medicales de charite de Londres : W. &. Lumley Addresse de la Societe Vegetarienne d'Angleterre au congres Note sur les fondations faites par MM. Scrive freres, Lille, en faveur de ses ouvriers Mesures prises en faveur des ouvriers du Grand-Hornu pres de Mons : E. Raimbeaux Apercu des institutions crees par la Societe de la Vieille-Montagne, Belgique, en faveur de ses ouvriers : St. Paul de Sincay Magasin des denrees alimentaires etabli par la Societe, J. Cockerill, a Serai ng, en faveur de ses ouvriers Caisse de secours et de retraite en faveur des ouvriers des chemins de fer de l'etat, Belgique : B. Moreau Notice sur la fabrique des freres Prochorows, a Moscou Societe centrale pour 1' amelioration de la condi- tion des classes ouvrieres en Prusse. Statistique des accidents, Berlin Institutions de prevoyance dans les Pays-Bas: de Baumhauer Caisses d'epargne en Danemark : C. 2V. David Agence centrale des subsistances a Bruxelles : E. Ducpetiaux Association alimentaire de la ville de Grenoble : C. Blandin Tome 2 — Contd. economique de M. Egestorff, a, Restaurant Linden Fourneaux economiques etablis a Paris Associations dites Fruitieres, en Suisse Societe de l'Etat des agriculteurs de Geneve : J. Naville Association cooperative des classes ouvrieres : Dr. Huber Habitations pour les pauvres, a, Groningue : W. de Sitter Cites ouvrieres a Copenhague : C. N. David De l'avenir de l'agriculture et des travailleurs agricoles : E. Chadwick Adoucissement et purification de l'eau des grandes villes : F. O. Ward Note sur l'assainissement des egouts : A. deVaux Administration sanitaire de la ville de Londres : J. B. Sanderson Intemperance et Societes d'abstinence : T. Beggs Intemperance dans ses rapports avec les crimes et la misere : Dr. Lees Prohibition absolue du traffic des liqueurs fortes : S. Pope Moyens de combattre l'ivrognerie : L. A. Qosse Moyens de remedier a, l'accroissement excessif de la population : L. A. Qosse Influence de l'education pour encourager les habitudes de prevoyance : L. A. Oosse Question de Immigration. Colonisation en Orient : S. Pinondel de la Bertoche Musees permanents d'economie domestique et d' hygiene : E. Ducpetiaux Liste des publications et autres documents pre- sented au congres Congres International de Bienfaisance de Francfort-sur-le-Mem, 1857. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Francfort- S/M., 1858 (Contents.) Tome 1. Comte rendu des debats ; — Discours du presi- dent de Bethmann-Hollweg. Seances Tome 2. Resume des debats du Congres national de bienfaisance, Stockholm : Dr Qraehs Session de la Societe Suisse d'utilite publique Lausanne, 1857 Legislation charitable en Baviere : Koch De la situation des classes ouvrieres et indigentes en Prusse : Dr. Lette Travaux de 1' Association centrale pour 1' amelio- ration des classes laborieuses en Prusse : C. Schmid Notice sur 1' Association de secours des ouvriers malades a Berlin : Koblank Extrait d'une notice sur les etablissements de bienfaisance a Offenbach : IE. Pirazzi Mesures les plus recentes prises dans l'interet des classes indigentes en Danemark : C. iV. David Extrait d'une notice sur les institutions de bienfaisance : F. Koch Tome 2 — ContcL Memoire sur l'institution d'une caisse de retraite pour les domestiques : Ad. Reinach Communication relative a divers pro jets de bienfaisance : Ctesse. Poninska Renseignements sur les asiles des vieillards et des orphelins, a Geneve Des bureaux de renseignements pour le travail ; P. Wagner Note sur le blanchissage, les bains, et les lavoirs : E. Miiller Sur le developpement du systeme manufac- turier : E. Ackroyd Des fabriques dans le grand-duche de Bade : Mittemaier Le trafic des boissons et des crimes : F. R. Lees Extrait d'une notice sur les institutions des- tinees a remplacer les creches : L. Besser Des ecoles des fabriques : E. W. Kalisch De l'enseignement agricole en Bade : Baron de Babo Rapport sur les prisons de la Toscane : C. Peri 98 CO Congres International de Bienfaisance de Francfort — Contd. Tome 2 — Contd. Note sur les prisons dans les Etats sardes Rapport sur la maison penitentiaire de St. Jacob : Mooser Situation des prisons dans le canton de Geneve Note sur Implication de l'emprisonnement separe en Geneve Notice statistique sur la Maison de force en Berne : SchenJc Sur la servitude penale et les liberations en Grande Bretagne : Col. Jebb Emprisonnement cellulaire en France Notice statistique sur l'application de l'empri- sonnement en Belgique : E. Ducpetiaux De la situation des prisons dans les Pays-Bas : de Baumhauer Notice sur la prison cellulaire a Amsterdam : J. A. Jolles Tome 2 — Contd. De la reforme des prisons en Danemark : C. N. David Notice sur les prisons de la Norvege : G. Varrentrapp De la reforme des prisons en Suede : C. O. Brink Note sur les prisons de la Suede : G. Varrentrapp Communication relative aux prisons de Bade Statistique de la prison cellulaire de Bruchsal : J. Fuesslin Considerations sur les peines et les prisons d'Oldenbourg : Hoyer De la reforme des prisons en Prusse : G. Eberty Notice sur les institutions de reforme dans le Royaume Uni : Sir S. Northcote Congres International de Bienfaisance de Londres, 1862. 2 vols, in 1, diagram, 8vo. Londres, 1863 (Contents.) industrielle de Gand : Compte rendu ; — Discours du president, cotnte de Shaftesbury. Seances Notice sur la condition des ouvriers francais : A. Cochin Rapport sur 1' assistance publique d'Autriche : M. de Stubenrauch Rapport sur les Memoires relatifs a l'etat social et economique de Belgique : A. Visschers Rapport sur la condition des classes indigentes en Norvege : E. Sundt Memoire sur les institutions de bienfaisance en Espagne : Comte N. cCAlfaro ; Dr. Nieto- Serrano Rapport sur la charite en France : Vicomte ds Melun Rapport sur les ceuvres de bienfaisance protes- tantes en France : Baron S. de Triqueti Memoire sur le systeme des secours pour les pauvres en Angleterre : W. Golden-Lumley Note sur l'application de la loi des pauvres en Eco6se et en Irlande : F. Pvrdy Memoire sur quelques institutions philanthro- piques en Suisse : G. Moynier Rapport sur les institutions de bienfaisance en JSeuchatel : de Perregaux-MontmoUin Rapport sur les etablissements de bienfaisance des Pays-Bas : de Baumhauer Notice sur 1' Union de St. Jean en Baviere : von Hermann Notice sur l'Association charitable des dames badoises : Dr. Dietz Des ceuvres et des institutions charitables de Rome : Sir J. d 'Alb erg -Acton Notice sur la Maison de travail : Che v. G. F. Berti Note sur la question des paysans en Pologne : M. S. Nakwaski Memoire sur les institutions de bienfaisance de Londres : S. Gurney Notice sur la charite dans les paroisses : JRev. B. G. Baker De la misere et de l'assistance a Gand : G. Bolin- Jacquemyns Notice sur les ateliers d'apprentissage : de Grave Notice sur l'ecole J, Loppens Note sur l'agence des subsistances a Bruxelles : A. Fontainas Projet de retraite et d' assistance : A. de la Rousseliere Notice sur l'inspection des fabriques en Angle- terre : A. Bedgrave Notice sur les ecoles et autres institutions en faveur de ses ouvriers : W. SpottLiieoode Note sur les mesures d'amelioration des ouvriers de Saltaire : T. Salt etfils Memoire sur ramelioration des marine en Angle- terre : E. G. Fishbourne Memoire sur la protection des emigrants : S. Walcott Note sur l'assistance et le patronage des prisoniers liberes : Sir J. Jebb Memoire sur l'education des enfants negliges : Miss M. Carpenter Notice sur l'orphelinat de Norwood : Comte L. oV Osseville Vceux pour la reforme des prisons en France : Faivre Notice sur la litterature populaire en Angle- terre : S. Boberts Memoire sur les reformes sanitaires de l'armee sous le feu lord Herbert : Miss F. Nightin- gale Notice sur la cooperation des femmes a la reforme sanitaire et sociale : Mrs. W. Fison Memoire sur la mortalite comparee des hopitaux a Londres et dans d'autres villes i Dr. Guy Memoire sur le nombre et la repartition des aveugles en Irlande : W. B. Wilde Resultats du dernier recensement en Angleterre des aveugles et des sourds-muets : J. T. Hammick Notice sur les moyens d'ameliorer les aveugles et des sourds-muets indigents : Bev. B. G. Baker De l'abandon du petit sourd-muet avant son admission dans les institutions speciales : Chanoine Carton CO 99 Congres International de Bienfaisance de Londres — Contd. L'enseignement des sourds-muets mis a la portee de tous : Grosselin Notice sur l'oeuvre des sourds-muets et des aveugles de Paris Notice sur l'asile agricole pour les epileptiques, a Tain : Comte de Larnage Memoire sur les caisses d'epargne des postes dans le Royaume Uni : G. Chetwynd Apercu de 1' Association de prevoyance des Odd Fellows de Manchester : C. Hardivick Des Societes de secoursmutuels : Rev. J. B. Oioen Rapport sur les Societes de secours mutuels en Italie : Lombardi- Scullica Notice sur les Societes de secours mutuels en Belgique : T'Kint de Naeyer Theses relatives aux institutions de prevoyance et associations de secours mutuels : A.Visschers Des caisses de prevoyance en f aveur des ouvriers mineurs en Belgique : A. Visschers Rapport sur les mesures pour l'amelioration des habitations d'ouvriers : H. Roberts Rapport sur les cites ouvrieres de Mulhouse : J. Dollfus De l'institution des prix de proprete a G-and : G. Rolin-Jacquemyns Note sur les prix d'ordrc et de proprete a Bruxelles i A. Lacomble L'education obligatoire en Norwege Notice sur 1' Association charitable pour les enfants abandonnes a New York : C. L. Brace Les negres aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique : Miss S. P. Remond Notice sur la nouvelle ville de Seaham-Harbour, Durham Rapport sur la faculte de l'fitat de separer de leurs parents les enfants moralement negliges Rapport sur la frequentation obligatoire des ecoles communales Rapport sur le projet d' Association et de cor- respondance internationales Annexes : — Statistique et progres de l'instruction primaire en Belgique : P. Bourson Note sur l'instruction populaire a l'Exposition de Londres : A. Audiganne Organisation de la correspondance Inter- nationale de bienfaisance Programme du concours ouvert par le conseiller Dutr6ne pour la propagation des races bovines desarmees Congres International de Demographie. Compte rendu stenographique des Seances da Congres, Paris, 1878... 268 pp., diagrams, la. 8vo. Paris, 1879 (Contents.) Programme et reglement du Congres interna- tional de demographie. Liste des membres adherents Compte rendu stenographique des seances du Congres international de demographie de Paris 5 — 10 juillet, 1878, revu et corrige par les auteurs : — Discours du President : M. Levasseur Discours de M. Bertillon Considerations generales sur le recensement de la population : Chervin. Discussion Discussion sur le recensement des confessions religieuses Presentation d'une machine a calcul de M. Thomas Rapport sur l'enregistrement de l'etat civile, Belgique : Dr. Janssens. Discussion Discussion sur la constatation des causes de deces Rapport sur les mort-nes : Kummer. Discussion Rapport sur la statistique militaire : Chervin. Discussion Memoire. De l'utilite d'organiser en Algerie un bureau special de Statistique demo- graphique, et d'y creer un enseignement de la demographie et de la geographie medicale : M. Ricoux. Discussion Sur la duree normale de la vie humaine et sur la theorie de la stabilite des rapports statis- tiques : Prof. Lexis. Discussion Discussion sur la methode de calculer la mortalite. Rapport sur le bulletin-modele de mariage : Bertillon. Discussion Rapport sur le bulletin-modele de naissance, et discussion Rapport sur le bulletin-modele de deces, et discussion Communication sur un programme d'enseigne- ment de la demographie : Bertillon. Discus- sion Nomination d'une commission permanente, proposition de M. Fincklenburg Annexes : — La taille des recrues en Italie La population italienne par sexe et classee par age : L. Rameri Sur la mortalite italienne : Bodio Congres International de Statistique. Programme et Compte rendu des travaux [de la premiere session] du Congres general de Statistique reuni a Bruxelles, 19—22 Septembre, 1853 23 + 260 pp., 4to. Brux., 1853 (Selection from Contents.) Projet de solutions des questions posees au programme — l e Section. Organisation de la Statistique Recensement de la population ; enregistre- ment des naissances, mariages, et deces. Territoire, cadastre, morcellement des proprietes. Emigrations et immigrations 5 Section. Recensements agricoles. Statis- tique industrielle. Statistique commerciale 9 Section. Budget economique des classes laborieuses. Recensement des indigents. Instruction et education. Criminalite et repression H2 100 CO Congres International de Statistique. Discours d'inauguration de M. A. Quetelet Discours de M. Piercot, ministre de l'interieur, president Solutions arretes par le Congres Ouvrages presentes Annexes : — Note sur le mode de recensement de la popula- tion dans les Etats appartenant a 1' Union douaniere de l'Allemagne : A. Yarrentravp Note sur les recensements de la population : F. Chadtoick Formules adoptees en Angleterre pour l'inscrip- tion des naissances, des manages et des deces : W. Farr Institution de medeeins publics charges, comme fonctionnaires de l'fitat de la verification des deces, des vaccinations, des proces-verbaux de medecine legale, Geneve : M. d'JBspine Du systeme d'arpentage (cadastre) dans la Grande Bretagne, et des mesures prises pour le completer et l'ameliorer : Col. Dawson Lois, instructions, cartes et plans relatifs a l'etablissement et a la conservation du cadastre dans le royaume de Baviere : F, G. von Her- mann Sur les principes a suivre dans l'organisation du cadastre : J. Hill Williams Du cadastre, considere dans les rapports avec les grands travaux geodesiques : H. Minet Projet d'un code international des lois com- merciales : Leone Levi Premiere session — Contd. De l'uniformite a introduire dans les publica- tions statistiques et particulierement dans les statistique3 judiciaires des differents pays, et des nioyens d'y parvenir : M. Mancini Notice sur l'etat de la statistique en Eussie : Baron de Reden Notice sur l'etat de la statistique dans les Deux Siciles : Baron de Reden Lettre de E. Valpy, donnant des renseignements sur les publications statistiques du bureau, et soumettant des observations sur les questions portees au programme du Congres Observations sur l'organisation de la statistique i Chev. A. Zuccagni-Orlandini Notice sur la necessite de joindre aux cbiffres statistiques des explications propres a en faire ressortir la veritable signification et la valeur, et observations speciales sur la statistique des faillites : E. Chad wick Sur les constantes de la Nature : C. Babbage Notice statistique sur les pbares : ,, L' association formee, en Angleterre, pour l'adoption d'un systeme postal international et colonial, exprime des vceux pour que le Congres parte son attention sur la reforme dont elle poursuit la realisation ; Lettre an Congres : M. de Ysasi Memoire sur la philosophic de la statistique : V. Smith Congres International de Statistique. Programme et Compte rendu de la deuxieme session du Congres International de Statistique reuni a Paris, 10—15 Septembre, 1855 xl -f- 536 pp., 4to. Paris, 1856 (Selection from Contents.) 1° Partie, Preparation du Programme — l e Section. Cadre nosologique des deces. Statistique de l'alienation mentale. Statis- tique des epidemies. Statistique des acci- dents 2 e Section. Statistique de l'agriculture. Statistique des voies de communication. Statistique du commerce exterieur 3 e Section. Statistique de la justice civile. Preparation d'un tableau des crimes et debts declares tels par la legislation penale de chaque pays. Statistique des etabbsse- ments penitentiaires 4 e Section. Statistique des institutions de prevoyance. Statistique des grandes villes 2 e Partie. [Histoire] Statistique du commerce exterieur : M. Fleury Travaux du Congres Discours d'inauguration de M. Rouher ministre de l'agriculture, du commerce, et des travaux publics, president 2 e Partie— Contd. Statistique officielle, rapports historiques de divers pays l e Annexe. Nomenclature des causes de mort 2 e Annexe. Bulletin des deces adopte pour la France par section 3 e Partie. Annexes : Observations sur les alienes dans les prisons et sur les jeunes detenus : Dr. Vingtrinier Statistique, d'apres les documents ofEciels, des etablissements consacres aux sourds-muets et aveugles dans divers pays : L'Abbe Daras Becherches statistiques et historiques sur les mouvements de la population et les progres de l'instruction primaire, depuis deux siecles dans la Haute-Marne : P. Fayet Document relatif aux poids et mesures dans le Grande-Duche de Toscane, redige par le Chev. Comm. F. Tartini Ouvrages divers offerts au Congres Publications officielles [internationales] Congres International de Statistique. Programme et Compte rendu de la troisieme session du Congres International de Statistique reuni a Vienne, 31 Aout — 5 Septembre, 1857. 556 + 1 pp., diagrams, la. 4to. Vienne, 1858 CO 101 Congres International de Statistique. Troisieme session- (Selection from Contents.) •Contd. l e Partie. Travaux de la commission organisatrice Rapport sur le projet de programme : Baron de Czoernig Programme de la troisieme session du Congres international de statistique 1° Section. Statistique de la mortalite, statis- tique des hopitaux et de l'organisation sanitaire en generale 2 e Section. Statistique de la justice civile et criminelle, de la propriete fonciere et des hypotheques 3 e Section. Statistique financiere 4 e Section. Statistique industrielle 5 e Section. Statistique de l'instruction publique 6 e Section. Rapport de la statistique avec les sciences qui s'occupent de la nature. Emploi de la cartographie pour les besoins speciaux de la statistique. Statistique ethnographique 2° Partie. Travaux du Congres M. Ch. Baron de Czoernig, chef de division au ministere I. et R. du Commerce, &c, president Discours d'inauguratiori de S. E. M. G. Cheva- lier de Toggenburg, ministre du commerce de l'industrie et des travaux publics Statistique officielle, rapports historiques de divers pays Rapport sur 1'histoire et les travaux du bureau de la statistique generale de France : A. Legoyt Rapports allemand et f rancais par Dr. F. Fngel et A. Visschers sur la statistique de ^ l'industrie Elements que les sciences qui s'occupent de la nature doivent fournir a la statistique De l'application de la cartographie et de la representation graphique en general 3 e Partie. Appendice. Liste des publications soumises a la troisieme reunion du Congres Extaits des proces-verbaux des sections Memoir e, fragments d'une statistique method- ique et philosophique des academies, des societes savantes et des principaux etablisse- ments scientifiques et humanitaires, y compris une statistique des journaux periodiques de toute espece : A. Boue Communication sur un tableau de la produc- tion litteraire de l'Autriche : A. Oigl Discours sur l'application des constructions logarithiniques a la statistique : Prince de Salm Proces-verbal de la seance du 7 Septembre des delegues allemands Congres International de Statistique. Programme and Report of the Proceedings of the Fourth Session of the International Statistical Congress, held in London, 16th July, 1860, and the five following days. 2 vols., la. 4to. London, 1861 (Selection from Contents.) Vol. 1. Programme of the Fourth Session Report on the Programme by Dr. Farr 1st Section. Judicial Statistics Sanitary Statistics Industrial Statistics Commercial Statistics Census. Military and Naval 2nd Section. 3rd Section. 4th Section. 5th Section, Statistics 6th Section. Statistical Methods and Signs. International Abstracts, Statistical Units, &c. Statistics of Literature Civil and Criminal Statistics : Leone Levi Statistics of the Subdivisions, Transfers, and Burthens of Real Property : J. Hill Williams General Sanitary Statistics : W. Farr Heads of Inquiry for Sanitary Statistics : J. Sutherland Hospital Statistics : Florence Nightingale Proposal for an Uniform Plan of Hospital Statistics : Florence Nightingale Industrial Statistics i W. Farr Agricultural Statistics : J. Caird Statistics of Mineral Produce, and of Mining and Metallurgical Industry Statistics of Prices and of Wages in the Prin- cipal Trades : W. Newmarch Enumeration of the Population. Existing Methods in connection with the Recommen- dations of the Congress : J. T. Hammack Vol. 1— Contd. Occupations of tbe People : W. Farr Statistics of the Army : W. B. Hodge Military Vital Statistics : T. G. Balfour Statistics relating to Horses : Ld. Sanitary Statistics of the Army : J. Sutherland Naval Statistics : Sir B. M. Bromley Propositions to be submitted on Vital Statistics : A. Br y son Propositions to be submitted on Military Vital Statistics and on Statistics relating to Horses : T. G. Balfour Propositions to be submitted on Military and Naval Statistics : W. B. Hodge Statistical Methods and Signs : W. A. Guy Abstract of Principal Statistical Results for One Year to be prepared in each Country, as a Basis for Comparative Statistics : R. Valpy Units of Money, Weights, and Measures : S. Brown Statistics of Literature : J. Winter Jones Suggestions intended to promote Correspon- dence between Meteorological Observers : Bear- Admiral B. Fitzroy Resolutions proposed for Consideration : W. A. Guy Vol. 2. Preface Names of Officers of the Congress, &c. 102 CO Congres International de Statistique Vol. 2—Contd. Official Delegates and Honorary Vice-Presidents Officers of Sections List of Members of the Congress Proceedings of the General Meetings Inaugural Address of H.R.H. the Prince Consort Official Statistics. Historical Reports of various Countries The English Reports : W. Farr Report on the Publications of the Statistical Department of the Board of Trade : R. Yalpy Report on the Progress and Labours of the Statistical Society of London ; W. Neicmarch Report on the Proceedings and Progress of the Institute of Actuaries : S. Brown Report of the Sixth Section on the Statistics of Literature : R. Monckton Milnes Summary of Proceedings in the Sections Appendix : — Report on the Statistics of South Australia : E. Stephens Report on Penal Legislation of Belgium, France, Holland, and Saxony : M. M. von Baumhauer Comparative Liability of Males and Females to various kinds of Crime : E. Jarvis Abstract of Lecture on the Ordnance. Survey of the United Kingdom : Col. Sir S. James CongrSs International de Statistique Fourth session — Oontd. Vol. 2—Contd. Statistics of Health : T. R. Edmonds On one Uniform Law of Mortality from Birth to Old Age, and on the Law of Sickness : B. Gompertz Statistics of the Manufacture of Textile Fabrics in the United Kingdom : A. Redgrave On the Advantages of Railway Statistics : Capt. D. Gallon Statistics of Banks in England : J. W. Gilbart Some of the Causes of the Discordancy of the Commercial Statistics of various Countries : J. A. Messenger Suggestions for further Inquiry as to Vital Statistics in the Census Enumerations : E. Jarvis Contributions to Statistics by Measurements of Human Tribes : Messrs. de Schlagintweit Abstract of Lecture on Memory : E. Pick International Association for obtaining a Uniform Decimal System of Weights, Measures, and Coins Letter from C. Babbage on the Antecedents of International Statistical Congresses List of Publications presented at the Congress Die Fiinfte Sitzungsperiode des International en Statistischen Congresses in Berlin, vom 4 bis 12 Sep- tember, 1863 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Berlin, 1865 (Selection from Contents.) Vol. 1, Bericht an die Yorbereitungs-Conimission Verhandlungen der Vorbereitungs-Commission Beilagen zu den Verhandlungen der Vorbereit- ungs-Commission Program m — 1" Section. Organisationsf ragen. [Questions d'Organisation] 2 te Section. Das Grundeigenthum in Statis- tischer Zusammenfassung. [Propriete fon- ciere] 3 te Section. Statistik der Preise und Lohne. Giiterbewegung auf den Eisenbahnen. [Prix et Salaires. Mouvement des Marchan- dises dans les Chemins de f er] 4 ,e Section. Vergleichende Statistik der Ge- sundheit und Sterblichkeit der Civil und Militarbevolkerung. [Statistique comparee de la Sante et de la Mortalite dans la Popu- lation civile et militaire] 5 1 * Section. Sociale Selbsthilfe. Versicher- ungswesen. [Prevoyance. Assurances] 6" Section. Die Einheit der Munzen, Masse und Grewichte als wichtigstes Hilfsmittel der vergleichenden Statistik. [Unite inter- nationale des Monnaies, Poids, et Mesures] Vol. 2. Verhandlungen der Yertreter der amtlichen Statistik Eroffnung und Constituiriing des Congresses und seiner Sectionen Eroffnungsrede Sr. Excellenz des Ministers des Innern, Herrn Grafen zu Eulenburg Nekrolog der Sr. Konigl. Hoheit des Prinz Geinahl Albert von Grossbritannien Vol. 2—Contd. Verhandlungen der Sectionen des Congresses „ des Plenarrersammlung des Congresses Die Beschlusse des Congresses in systematis- chen-Folge Die Berichte der Delegirten iiber den zustand der amtlichen Statistik in den von ihnen vertretenen Landern Beilagen zu den Berichten der Delegirten und Mittheilungen adhariender Mitgheder des On the Military Statistics of the United States of America, and Appendix. Three diagrams Proposal for Improved Statistics of Surgical Operations : Florence Nightingale Practical Results of the Application of Statistics to Army Sanitary purposes : Dr. J. Sutherland Statistica Medica del Regno d' Italia, Igiene dell' esercito : P. Maestri Leber jahrliche Scbwankungen in den Grossen- massea der Recruten : Prof. Fechner Observations on the Influence of Oxford and Cambridge College endowments on public school education for the middle and upper classes in England : J. Hegwood Uber graphische Darstellungen Statistischer Ergebnisse : J. V. Gbhlert Uber die preussischen Lehrerwittwen - und Waisencassen : S. E. Unger Bericht iiber die Genossenschaften zur Erwer- bung und Vermehrung des geistigen Capitals ihrer Mitglieder : Dr. Schroder Verszeichniss der dem Congress uberreichten Werke cc 10a Congres International de Statistique. Programme et Compte rendu des travaux de la sixieme session du Congres International de Statistique reuni a Florence, 29 Sept. — 5 Octobre, 1867. vi + 651 pp., la. 4to. Florence, 1867-69 (Selection from Contents.) J2 e Partie — Contd. demandes a faire aux compagnies d'assurance : A. F. Eisner Proposition sur lea assurances : A. F. Eisner; J. It eg en Questionnaire sur la mortalite et les infirmites du personnel employe par les compagnies de chemins de fer : Dr. Wiegaud; A. F. Eisner; J. Regen Nomenclature uniforme de la statistique. Jus- tice penale : &. Mayr Note sur l'ancien cadastre de Toscane : T. Puliti Tableau de statistique generale pour les com- munes -. O. Caporale Statistique medicale des grandes villes : B. Trompeo Proposition d'une statistique medicale uniforme des hopitaux : J. Ferrario Note sur les casiers judiciaires en France : E. Yvernes Propositions diverses et hommages : A. Sussl ; M. Namias ; M. Heidenschreider ; M. Bor- giotti; A. Bianchi Moyens de pourvoir <\ l'insuffisance du service sanitaire dans les armees en campagne : Dr. Palasciano De l'aptitude des habitants de la Venetie et du Mantouan au service militaire : P. L. Bembo Solutions arretees par le Congres 1° Partie. Programme de la sixieme session l e Section. Theorie et Technologic de la Statistique 2° Section. Topographie 3 e Section. Statistique agricole 4 e Section. Statistique Communale 5 e Section. Statistique de la circulation monetaire et fiduciaire 6* Section. Statistique morale et judiciaire Etat militaire Education 7 e Section. 8 e Section. 2 e Partie. Travaux du Congres S. A. B. le Prince hereditaire Humbert de Savoie, president Discours d'inauguration de S. E. M. de Bla&is, le ministre de l'agriculture de l'industrie et du commerce Rapport de la Commission internationale sur un projet d'organisation des Congres interna- tionaux de Statistique et projet de statuts : A. Visschers La tenue de l'etat civil dans les bureaux com- munaux : L. Torrigiani Sur les moyens d'etablir la population de droit en la deduisant de la population de fait : J. Passerini Proposition sur le moyen de fixer la population legale d'un Etat : L. Torrigiani Sur la population de fait et sur celle de droit : A. Fabricius Rapport sur l'execution des resolutions adoptees par le Congres international de Statistique dans sa cinquieme session, au sujet des 3 e Partie. Communications sur les travaux statistiques des differents etats 4 e Partie, Renseignements divers Congres International de Statistique. Programme et Compte rendu des travaux de la septieme session [a la Haye, 6 — 11 Septembre, 1869]. (In 3 parts, paged separately) 4to., diagrams. La Haye, 1869-71 (Selection from Contents.) 2 e Partie — Contd. Annexes : — Description succincte de la nouvelle methode de reproduction des cartes topographiques par la chromo-lithographie avec gravures de l'eau forte, employees par le bureau topogra- phique a la Haye. Cartes : Col. Bessier Memoire sur le rapport entre les conceptions, les deces et la temperature : J. Sormani La Notion generale vie moyenne : A. R. BaU chen Resume de la methode de M. Bouniakovsky appliquee a la construction des tables de mortalite et de population : A. de Kouma- nine Ueber die Crundlagen der Mortalitatsstatistik : A. Fabricius Tables showing the mortuary experience of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York : S. Homans l e Partie. Programme l e Section. Theorie de la statistique et appli- cation des donnees statistiques 2 e Section. Statistique de la justice civile et commerciale 3 e Section. Finances 4 e Section. Peches et Commerce 5 U Section. Statistique des possessions euro- peennes transoceaniques 2 e Partie. Compte-Rendu des travaux de la septieme session :— S. A. R. le prince d'Orange, president Discours d'inauguration de S. E. M. Fock, ministre de l'interieur 104 CO CongrSs International de Statistique. Septierne session — Contd. 2 e Partie — Contd. Antrag Ton Geh. Rath Pascken die Anwendung der wahrscheinlichkeits Rechnung in der Statistik betretfend Oscillations zahlen fur v. Hermann's bayerische Mortalitatstafeln : G. Mayr An Annual Census : E. Chadwick L' assistance judiciaire gratuite en Suede : O. de Carlheim Gyllenskioeld Reflexions sur la question de la Mainmorte : T. Modderman Some remarks on the Law of Mortmain and Gratuitous Judicial Assistance exemplified by tbe Law of England : A. Waddilove Reponses a la troisieme question, faillites et banqueroutes : O. de Carlheim Gyllenskioeld L' organisation judiciaire en Suede : O. de Carl- heim Gyllenskioeld Bilan national de la Republique Batave publie en 1803 : W. M. Keuchenius Die Quellen des National-Einkommens in Oesterreich : A. Ficker Note sur la question du credit foncier : F. Sardeek Impots sur les spiritueux, Branntweinsteuer, dans le Grand-Duche de Bade : F. Sardeek Finances des Communes et autres circonscrip- tions territoriales du Grand-Duche" de Bade : F. Sardeek Apercu sur les finances des communes et autres circonscriptions territoriales en Italie : P. Castiglioni Tableau comparatif du nombre de categories adoptees pour les tissus dans les tableaux d'importation et d' exportation des differents pays : R. Valpt/ Reglementation de la pe'che dans le Grand- Duche de Bade : F. Sardeek Apercu general de l'etat de la pisciculture dans tous les fitats du Nord de l'Amerique : R. B. Roosevelt Communication de T. J. Sovell-Thurlow On the advantages of a periodical census, by Sooldik, and Sutief-Khan Bah Communication sue la statistique cadastrale dans les fitats Mussulmans : G. S. van Soest 2 e Partie— Contd. Extrait d'un article de feu M. S. J. Lion publie dans le Journal de Commerce de Batavia, " Bataviaansch Handelsblad," du 19 Juin, 1869, No. 70, sur la statistique dans les Indes neerlandaises Extrait d'un memoire ecrit sur l'instigation de la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie a Samarang : J. A. Krayenbrink Extrait d'une lettre du 25 juin, 1869, de la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie a Samarang Tableau statistique concernant les colonies de la Grande Bretagne ou l'esclavage a ete aboli Propositions sur la necessite de l'economie dans les depenses militaires par des mesures internationales, discutees 10 Septembre : E. Chadwick Annexe au rapport de M. Rolin Jaequemyns Communication de M. 0. de Carlheim Gyllens- kiaild sur la Mainmorte et sa legislation en Suede Annexes au rapport de M. Yrolik A. Communication de T. van Stolk B . National Income and Taxation of the United Kingdom : R. Dudley Baxter C. Communication de A. N. Kiaer 3 e Partie. Statistique officielle. Rapports historiques de divers pays Cartes, diagrammes, publications statistiques offerts au Congres Communications diverses : — Repartition de l'instruction primaire dans les differents corps de l'armee francaise : C. E. B our din Report on the Question of Metric Weights and Measures to the International Statistical Congress held at the Hague in 1869 : W. Farr Report on Cereals from the United States of America : S. B. Ruggles Apercu comparatif des mesures, poids et mon- naies dans les differents pays : M. M. von Baumhauer Resolutions du Congres Congres International de Statistique. Programme et Compte rendu de la hnitieme session du Congres Intel-national de Statistique, reuni a St. Petersbourg, 22—30 Aout, 1872... 3 vols, plates, 4to. St. Petersb. 1872-74 (Selection from Contents.) l c Partie. Programme Commission Organisatrice Projet de reglement de la huitieme session l e Section. Organisation du Congres. Meto- dologie de la statistique. Recensements de la population. Statistique medicale. 2* Section. Begistres de population. Mouve- ment de la population. 3 e Section. Statistique de l'industrie et des mines 4 e Section. Statistique de commerce et des relations postales 5« Section. Statistique criminelle l e Partie — Contd. Rapports des sections sur les matieres du programme Enregistrement des donnees relatives au develop- pement physique de l'homme : E. Wreden Emploi de la methode geographique en statis- tique : P. de Semenoio Application de la methode graphique a la statistique : P. de Semenotv Annexes : Projet du bureau de statistique royal hongrois sur l'organisation d'une statistique de la viti- culture et de ses produits en Europe CO 105 Congres International de Statistique. Huitieme session — Gontd. l e Partie— Contd. Zur Verstiindigung iiber die Anwendung der geographischen Methode in der Statistik : G. Mayr Apercu des differente's mesurations du corps pour preciser 1' aptitude des conscrits au service de la marine de guerre : B. Kerber et F. Holbeck Apercu de la marine imperiale rus?e : Dr. JBusch Ueber die Bearbeitung der Statistik der Beruf- sarten : Max Wirth Anwendung der Kartographie auf Zwecke der Statistik : A. Ficker Theorie der graphischen Darstellungen : H.Schieabe Considerations sur le mode d'elaboration et de publication des resultats du recensement de la population : P. de Semenow ; E. Anoutschine Essai d'une nomenclature classified des profes- sions et conditions : L. Ma'ikow ; S. Stchepkine Sur l'etat sanitaire de la ville de St. Peters- bourg : J. Subnet Essai sur la statistique internationale du com- merce. Tableaux comparatif s de la classification et de la tarification des marchandises dans les diff erents pays de l'Europe et aux Eiats-Unis, et projet d'une classification universelle des marchandises, pour les tarifs douaniers et les tableaux de commerce : M. Terekhow Nomenclature des marchandises transporters par les voies fluviales dans les tableaux des diff erents pays, annexe au rapport de : B. Zverinsky Sur la statistique de la circulation monetaire en Russie : H. Kaufmann Considerations sur le programme des chemins defer: D.Jouravsky; V, Grave; L. Perl; A. Balandinn Considerations sur la statistique des accidents sur les chemins de fer : A. Toharoukovsky Annexes au rapport sur la nomenclature des marchandises par les chemins de fer : L. Perl Regies concernant le systeme descomptes-rendus judiciaires dans les affaires criminelles en Russie Diagrammes annexes au memoire de Dr. H. Schwabe, Theorie der graphischen Darstel- lungen 2 e Partie. Travaux du Congres : — Reunion des Delegues officiels Assemblee generale d'ouverture du Congres Discours d'inauguration de S. A. I. Mgr. le grand-due Constantin Nicola'ievitc/i, president Travaux des Sections Assemblies generales Resolutions Notices necrologiques 3 e Partie. Travaux presentes au Congres : — Liste des publications offertes au Congres Memoires presentes au Congres History of the Progress of Population of the United States of North America : F. Jarvis Allgemeines Programm. Die wirthchaftliche Entwickelung Deutschlands in den letzten zwanzig Jahren : G. Hirth 3 e Partie— Contd. Table showing the extent of the public lands of the United States, the quantities sold and granted for different purposes, and the quan- tities remaining undisposed of : E. Young General View of Manufacturing Industry in the United Kingdom : Leone Levi Statement showing the Production, Importation, Exportation and Consumption of Cereals in the United States : J. R. Dodge The Effects of Railways on the Progress of the United States and their Returns of Traffic as indicative of the Productions of the Nation : H. Derby On Life Insurance : A. Delmar Fonds de reserve, assurance sur la vie: J. L. Clarke Bericht iiber den Stand der Transportver- sicherungs-Statistik : P. Kollmann Memoire sur la statistique de l'enseignement aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique : J. Faton Comparison of the Judicial Statistics of France, and England and Wales, 1869 Memoire sur les bulletins meteorologiques aux Etats-Unis, et sur les avantages que le com- merce et l'agriculture ont deja retires de leur publication : A. J. Myer Materiaux pour la statistique medicale de la population indigente de St. Petersbourg : Dr. Toropow Rapports des delegues officiels sur l'etat de la statistique dans les pays representes au Congres Memorandum on English Statistical Depart- ments The Census of England, 1871 Upon Changes in the Industrial and Commercial Statistics of the United Kingdom : R. Valpy Apercu historico-statistique des travaux du bureau topographique et hydrographique de la Norvege : Lieut.-Col. L. Broch Sur l'organisation et l'etat de la statistique officielle en Suede : F. T. Berg Sur les recensements de la population en Suede : F. T. Berg Sur l'activite et les resultats de la statistique des royaumes et pays de la monarchie autrichienne i epresentes par le Reichsrath : A. Ficker Bericht des Delegirten des K. K. osterreichischen Handels-Ministerium's bei derVIII Versamm- lung des internationalen statistischen Con- gresses in St. Petersburg : H. Brachelli Sur la situation de la statistique militaire officielle de la monarchie austro-hongroise, et sur la realisation des voeux du Congres relativement a la statistique militaire: Lieut.-Col. d'etat- major F. Weikard Sur l'etat et l'organisation de la statistique en Hongrie : C. Keleti Sur l'organisation du bureau federal de statis- tique et sur celle des recensements de la population en Suisse : Max Wirth Die amtliche statistik in Bayern : G. Mayr Vergleichung der Wurtembergischen Statistik mit den Resolutionen der Statistischen Congresse : K. V. Riecke 106 CO Congres International de Statistique. Huitieme session — Contd. 3 e Partie — Contd. Reponse aux questions relatives aux recense- ments de la population : M. Becker Sur l'etat et l'organisation de la statistique a Hambourg : J. Versmann Sur l'organisation de la statistique et les recense- ments de la population : J. Sauveur Historique sommaire des grandes publications statistiques anterieures a la creation du service de la statistique generale de France : M. Deloche ; E. Levasseur Histoire du bureau de la statistique generale de France et de ses publications : M . Deloche ; E. Levasseur Note sur les publications statistiques de l'ad- niinistration des douanes francaises : L. Caignon Notice sur la statistique judiciaire en France : E. Yvernes Sur l'etat, l'organisation et le progres de la statistique en Espagne : A. Pascual 3 e Partie — Contd. Notices bibliographiques sur les principales pub- lications statistiques du royaiime d'ltalie, depuis la septienie session du Congres inter- national de statistique Sur l'etat de la statistique en Ghrece : A. Mansolas Sur la statistique officielle en Serbie : V. Jakschitch Notice bistorique sur la creation et l'organi- sation de la statistique officielle de la princi- paute de Roumanie : A. Pencovitz Statistical Organisation of the United States of North America : E. Young Census of the Population of the United States : F. Walker Note presentee par les delegues d'lSgypte en reponse a la ciroulaire de la comniissiou organisatrice Sur l'etat et l'organisation de la statistique officielle : P. de Semenow Sur l'etat de la statistique en Finlande : C. E. F. Ignatius Congres International de Statistique. Avant projet et Rapports et Resolutions de la huitieme session du Congres International de Statis- tique, St. Petersbourg, 1872 2 parts in 1 vol., la. 8vo. 1872 (Selection from Contents.) Rapports et resolutions Introduction : P. de Semenow Bureau du Congres Rapports presented a l'assemblee generale du Congres Resolutions adoptees par l'assemblee en dehors des decisions votees sur les rapports Annexe au rapport de la quatrieme section sur la statistique commerciale ; liste pour la sta- tistique du commerce exterieur [en neuf langues] Congres International de Statistique. Programme et Compte rendu de la neuvieme session [reuni], a Budapest, 1 — 7 Sept. 1876. 4to. Budapest, 1876-78 (Selection from Contents.) Programme. l e Partie. [Avant Propos] C. Keleti Section. Theorie et Population. Preface : C. Keleti L'etude de la statistique dans l'enseignement primaire, secondaire,etsuperieur : E. Levas- seur Die Statistik als Lehrgegenstand : A. Konek La statistique comme l'objet de l'enseigne- ment, primaire, secondaire, et superieur : J. Johnson Welche unterlagen hat die Statistik zu Bes- chaffen um richtige Mortalitats-Tabellen zu gewinnen : J. Korosi Zur Berechnung von Sterbetafeln an die Bevolkerungs-statistik zu Stellende an- forderungen : C. Becker Memoire sur la construction ou les calculs de tables de survie et de mortalite : M. M. von Baumhauer Rapports : Sur la statistique comme l'objet de l'enseignement : A. Konek Sur la determination et le recueil des donnees relatives aux tables de mortalite : J. Letvin 2 e Section. Justice. Preface : C. Keleti De la recidive et du regime penitentiaire en Europe : E. Yvernes l e Partie — Contd. Rapport sur la recidive prise isolement et en- visagee dans ses relations avec le regime penitentaire : E. Yvernes Memoire sur la statistique internationale des registres fonciers et hypothecates : E. Zlinszky Rapport sur la statistique internationale des livres publics : J. Schnierer Annexe, sur les casiers judiciaires : J. Outine Die Statistik der erwerbsthatigen juristischen Personen insbesondere der Actien- und Actien-Commanditgesellschaften : E. Engel s Section. Hygiene publique. Preface : C. Keleti Projet d'une statistique internationale des maladies epidemiques : J. Fodor Gutacbten iiber die Frage des Ausf iihrbarkeit einer internationalen Statistik der Epi- demien uberhaupt und der Cholera insbe- sondere : E. Nusser Statistik der Epidemien : F. T. Berg Schreiben des Herrn Dr. M. von Pettenkqfer an den Vice-priisidenten der Vorbereitungs- Commission [iiber der Cholera] Memoire sur la statistique internationale du Cbolera : F. Kordnyi CO 107 Congres International de Statistique. Neuvieme session — Gontd. l e Partie — Contd. De la statistique des bains et des eaux minerales : L. Orosz Des donnees relatives a la temperature moyenne specialement en vue des stations balneaires : J. Korosi Zur internationalen Statistik der Mineral- und Heilquellen sowie der Bader : J. Schneller Statistique des bains et eaux minerales de l'Europe : W. Pichler ; J. Hirschfeld Rapport sur la statistique internationale des maladies epidemiques et du cholera : J. Fodor; F. Kordnyi Rapport sur la statistique des bains et eaux minerales: J. Hunfalvy 4 e Section. Agriculture et Sylviculture. Preface : C. Keleti Idees sur la statistique agricole : C. Keleti Grutachten uber die Bearbeitung des Forst- statistik : A. Meitzen Ueberblick iiber die hauptsiicblichste Lite- ratur der Forststatistik Bericht der Com- mission zur Ausarbeitung eines Planes fur die Deutsche Forststatistik La Sylviculture com'me objet de la statistique internationale : A Bedo Memoire sur la meteorologie agricole : G. Schenzl Rapport sur la statistique agricole : C. Keleti Rapport sur la statistique de la Sylviculture. Formulaires : A. Meitzen, Rapport sur la meteorologie agricole : P. de Semenow 5 e Section. Industrie, Commerce, Transports, Finance, Preface : C. Keleti Entwurf zur Erhebung einer Statistik der Hausindustrie : Max Wirth La Statistique de l'industrie a domicile : C. Kerkapolyi Vorlage der von dem durcb die Jury der Wiener Weltaustellung befurenen Comite ausgear- beiteten Classification der Qewerbe Uber die Statistik der in der grossen Industrie zu G-unsten der arbeitenden Klassen getroff- enen Einrichtungen : G. Mayr Internationale Handelsstatistik. Vergleicbendes Verzeicbuiss von 112 Waaren deren gleich- massige Nachweisung in sammtlichen handeltreibenden Liindei'n zu erstreben ist : Fi. Nessmann Die Handelsbilanz und die Statistik des Auswartigen Handels : C. Becker Lettre en vue de la statistique internationale du commerce exterieur : W. L. Caignon Die Aufgabe der Statistik bei Bildung der Handelsbilanz : F. Nessmann Quelles sont les meilleures regies d'apres les- quelles on devrait dresser le bilan general et les tableaux du commerce exterieur : F. X. von Neumann- Spallart Memoire sur les tableaux du commerce ex- terieur : A. Schmidt Pro jet relatif a la statistique du commerce interieur : L. Beothy Gutachten iiber die Statistik der Eisenbahnen in volkswirthschaftlicher Hinsicht : B. Weisz l e Partie— Contd. Considerations soumises sous forme de tableaux pour la preparation d'une statistique inter- nationale des chemins de fer : B. Giffen Zur eisenbahnstatistik : K. Tbth Rapport sur la statistique de l'industrie a domicile : C. Herich Rapport sur la statistique des institutions creees dans la grande industrie en faveur des classes laborieuses : S. Mudrony Rapport sur le bilan general et les tableaux du commerce exterieur : A. Matlekovics Rapport sur la statistique des chemins de fer et du mouvement des marchandises du com- merce interieur : H. Brachelli Annexe. Plan de statistique international des grandes villes, redige par J. Korosi Notes. Decisions des Congres sur la statistique des finances communales o e Section. Einleitung Die Morbiditat, Invaliditat, und Mortalitat der zu festen Verbanden organisirten order im offentlichen Dienste stehenden Erwerbs- thiitioen : E. Fngel Anlagen Die Verungliickungen der Erwerbsthatigen im Beruf : E. Engel Anlagen Die Statistik der Unfalls- und Invaliditats- versicherung der Erwebsthatigen : E. Engel Anlagen Annexe. Preface : C. Keleti Section 4. Sur les rapports de la meteorologie et la climatologie a la statistique agricole : J. B. Lorenz Section 3. Meteorologische Beobachtungen an Curorten : C. Jelinek Section 2. Memoire sur la nomenclature inter- national des delits en general et sur la sta- tistique de la recidive : J. Foinitski Section 5. Memorandum respecting the adop- tion in England of the resolutions of the St. Petersburgh Statistical Congress as to Foreign Trade : B. Giffen Section 3. Publications sur la statistique forestiere Memoire sur l'elaboration des donnees de la statistique medicale : O. Hiibner Section 1. Memorandum on the periodical Returns of Births, Fatal Diseases, and Deaths : W. Farr Catalogue de l'exposition graphique [precede d'une] preface par M. Dechy 2 e Partie. Travaux du Congres. Preface : C. Keleti Reunion de la Commission permanente „ l'avant-congres ,, la Commission permanente Assemblee generale d'ouverture du Congres Discours de S. A. I. et B. M. Varchiduc Joseph, president d'honneur Presentation d'une publication de M. le Dr. A. Ficker en souvenir de A. Quetelet Discours en memoii'e de M. A. Quetelet: E. Engel FJoge de M. C. N. David : P. de Semenow 108 CO Congres International de Statistique. Neuvieine session — Coirfd. 2 e Partie— CWrf. Eloge de M. S. Brown : W. Farr „ M.leDr.H.Schwabe: Checker „ M. E. Horn : J. Korosi et E. Worms „ M. le baron C. Dupin et de M. E. Wolowskv : E. Levasseur „ M e la grande-duchesse Helene : A. FicJcer Discours en nieinoire de M. A. Fenyes : C. Keleti Discours en memoire de M. A. Visschers : C. Faider l e Section. Justice 2' et 5 e Sections reunies. Statistique des per- sonnes morales s'occupant d'industrie et de commerce 3 e Section. Hygiene publique 4° Section. Agriculture et Sylviculture 5 ' Section. Industrie 6 e Section. Commerce, transport Assemblee generale Seances du 6 et 7 Septembre Discours de cloture par M. le m inistre A. Trefort Discours de MM. Semenow, Correnti, Becker, Farr, Levasseur. Cloture du Congres Rapports et resolutions adoptes par 1' Assemblee generale du Congres en dehors des decisions votees sur les rapports. Compte-rendu des travaux de la commission permanente : P. de Semen oto Rapports et resolutions Preface : C. Keleti Neuvienie session du Congres International de Statistique : — President d'honneur. Bureau du Congres Rapports presented a 1' Assemblee generale du Congres ; — Sur la statistique comme objet de l'enseigne- ment primaire, secondaire, et superieur : A. Ficker Sur la question : A quelles bases la statistique doit-elle recourir pour rediger des tables de mortalite exactes ? : C. Becker; L. Bodio Sur les finances des grandes villes : J. Korosi Sur les bulletins concernant le niouvement de la population des grandes villes : H. Kinkelin Sur 1'etablissement d'une statistique periodique de l'etat sanitaire des collectivites urbaines : E. Janssens 2 e Partie — Contd. Sur la recidive : R. Sterlich Sur la statistique internationale des registres fonciers et hvpothecaires : J. de Schnierer Sur la question de statistique des personnes morales s'occupant de l'industrie et du com- merce : E. Engel Sur la statistique internationale des maladies epidemiques : A. Hirsch Sur la statistique des bains et eaux minerales : J. Knnfalvy Sur la statistique agricole : F. X. Neumann- Spallart Sur la statistique de la Sylviculture : J. Wilson Sur la meteorologie agricole : P. de Semenow Sur la statistique de l'industrie a domicile : C. Serich Sur la statistique des institutions crees dans la grande industrie en faveur des classes labor- ieuses : G. Mayr Sur la statistique des accidents et des deces dans l'industrie provenant du fait meme du travail et assurance contre les accidents : E. Engel Sur la question : Quelles sont les meilleures regies d'apres lesquelles on devrait dresser le bilan general et les tableaux du commerce exterieur ? : W. L. Caignon Sur la statistique des cbemins de fer et du mouvement des merchandises de commerce interieur : L. Perl Rapports et resolutions adoptees par 1' Assembler; generale du Congres en dehors des decisions votees sur les rapports Rapport a 1' Assemblee generale sur les travaux de statistique internationale : E. Yvernes Rapports sur l'exposition graphique : — 1. Par M. E. Levasseur [et M. P. de Semenow]. [Cartes] 2. Par M. G. Mayr [Diagrammes] 3. Par M. A. Ficker [Cartogrammes] Propositions qui ont ete renvoyees a la Com- mission permanente du Congres Liste des membres presents et adherents a la neuvieme session du Congres international de statistique & Budapest Tableau comparatif par pays des membres pre- sents et adherents aux neuf sessions du Con- gres international de statistique Der Congres International de Statistique. Der Statistische Congress in Briissel vom 19 bis 22 September, 1853 : /. Fallati. 8vo. 1853 — Report to the Registrar- General on the, with Supplement, by W. Farr: * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 5. 8vo. 1855 - — Statistical Congress at Vienna in 1857. Report to the Registrar- General, by W. Farr : Id., S. 1, vol. 6. 8vo. 1857 — Statistique officielle de la Hongrie. Rapport presente an septieme Congres International de Statistique a la Haye en 1869. 82 pp., 8vo. Pesth, 1869 — Report to the International Statistical Congress held at the Hague in 1869 : W. Farr. La. 8vo. 1870 — Compte-rendu general des travaux du Congres International de Statis- tique aux sessions de Brnxelles, 1853; Paris, 1855; Vienne, 1857; Londres, 1860 ; Berlin, 1863 ; Florence, 1867 ; et La Haye, 1869. [ Avec tableau synoptique des resolutions adoptees]. Par P. de Semenow. viii + 268 pp., 4to. St. Petersb., 1872 CO 109 Congres International de Statistique — Coiitd. — Rapport au Congres International de Statistique officielle de St. Peters- bourg sur l'etat de la statistique du royaume de Norvege. 39 pp., la. 8vo. [Christiania, 1872] — Sessions de Bruxelles, 1853 ; Paris, 1855 ; Vienne, 1857 ; Londres, 1860 ; Berlin, 1863 ; Florence, 1867 ; La Haye, 1869 ; et St. Petersbourg, 1872. Par A. Quetelet. viii + 137 pp., 4to. Brux., 1873 — Gedanken iiber die Kriterien der nationalist. Denkschrift im Hinblick auf den neunte internationalen statistischen Congress verfasst von Dr. Glatter. 13 pp., la. 8vo. Budapest, 1874 — Idees sur la Statistique agricole. Memoire redige en vue du neuvieme Congres international de Statistique. 29 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1874 — Quelques mots sur la Statistique militaire. Memoire redige en vue du neuvieme Congres international de Statistique. Par A. Havas. 27 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1874 — Quelques remarques sur les Methodes graphiqnes et geographiques. Memoire redige en vue du neuvieme Congres international de Statis- tique. Par le Dr. J. Hunfalvy. 11 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1874 — Qu'est ce que la nationality ? Memoire redige en vue du neuvieme Con- gres international de Statistique. Par C. Keleti. 11 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1874 — Tiber die Organisation beziiglich Reorganisation der amtlichen Statistik. Denkschrift im Hinblick auf den neunte internationalen Statistischen Congress verfasst von Dr. A. Konek. 34 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1874 — [Les Recidives de la Grand Bretagne, 1868-74. W. Taylor]. 7 pp., la. 4to. \_cir. 1874] — Report of the Delegates to the International Statistical Congress held at St. Petersburg in August, 1872. 124 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1875 — Quelques renseignements statistiques sur le Bresil, tires de sources officielles par le delegue au Congres de Bude-Pesth. Vic te de Porto Seguro. 23 pp., sm. fol. Yienne, 1876 — Rapport au Congres international de Statistique de Bude-Pest sur l'etat de la statistique officielle du Royaume de Danemark (avec une liste des Publications officielles du Bureau de Statistique.) [14 pp.] la. 8vo. Copenhague, 1876 — [Die neunte Yersammlung des internationalen statistischen Congresses zu Budapest im Jahre 1876, und die Versammlungen der permanenten Commission des Congresses in "Wien, 1873 ; Stockholm, 1874 ; und Budapest, 1876, von Dr. G. Mayr]. 30 pp., la. 4to. 1876 — Rapport sur les Casiers judiciaires et sur la Recidive en Italie. 53 pp., la. 8vo. Rome, 1876 Decret Royal sur l'institution Reglement pour 1' execution du Decret Eoyal Circulaire a MM. les Procureurs-Greneraux . . Des Casiers judiciaires De la Recidive Rapport du Ministre Garde des Sceaux, 1865, sur l'institution d'un Casier judiciaire pour les recherches et la preuve des antecedents judiciaires des accuses et la constatation de leur etat de Recidiviste Modele du Registre nominatif des Recidivistes — - Projet d'un recensement du Monde. Etude de Statistique internationale : /. Korosi. 8vo. 1881 — Commission Permanente. Rapport sur la creation d'une Commission permanente du Congres International de Statistique, . . . resolutions adoptees a St. Petersbourg : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 — Compte-Rendu des seances a Vienne, 1873. 42 pp., la. 8vo. St. Petersb., 1874 — Compte-Rendu des Conferences de Stockholm. 128 + 2 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1874 — Memoire sur la Commission, C. Herich. 12 pp., 4to. Budapest, 1877 110 CO Congres International de Statistique — Contd. — Commission Permanente— Contd. — Compte- Rendu des Conferences de Budapest, 1876. 65 + 3 pp., 4to. Budapest, 1878 — Expose d'un plan de Bibliographie Statistique internationale. Par C. Keleti. 32 pp., 4to. ib., 1878 — Expose relatif a, la Statistique des Operations de Bourse, J. Poznanski. 39 pp., 4to. ib., 1878 — Memoire sur la Reforme de la Statistique des Metaux precieux soumisa la Commission, par M. F. X. de Neumann- Spallart. 28 pp., 4to. ib., 1878 — Rapoort et programme redige par C. Keleti pour la session de Paris en 1878 54 pp., 4to. ib., 1878 (Contents.) Rapport : C. Keleti Propositions derivees Questions recommandes Des discours libres : Dr. Lorenz De la deprecoration des pays : I. B. Lambl Rapport sur la necessite de fonder une science de Statistique au droit civile : A. de Luharslcy Propositions : F. J. Mouat Eapport sur la necessite d'une statistique historique des grandes villes : T. Korosi Congreve (Sir William). On the Impracticability of the Resumption of Cash Payments ; of the Sufficiency of a Representative Currency in this Country, under due Regulations ; and of the Danger of a Reduction of the Circulating Medium in the present state of things : * Pamph, vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Another copy : * Tracts on Bullion, fyc, vol. 2. 8vo. 1819 Coni (Emile R.). El Servicio sanitario de Buenos Aires: (Buenos Ayres. Servicio sanitario). La. 8vo. 1879 — La Mortalidad infantil en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Estudio comparativo con la mortalidad infantil de Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Lima, Mejico,_ y otras ciudades americanas. 62 pp., la. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1879 — Movimiento de la poblacion de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, desde su fundacion hasta la fecha (1858-77) : (Buenos Ayres. Movimiento, Sfc). 8vo. 1879 — Informe presentado a la Oficina de Estadistica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires : (Buenos Ayres. Informe) . La. 8vo. 1880 — B >letin Mensual de Estadistica demografica y medica de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (capital de la Republica Argentina). Publicado por el doctor — . Ano 1, Mar. — Sep., 1881. 8 nos., la. 8vo. Buenos Aires, [1881] — Resume de Statistique generale de la Ville de Buenos-Ayres (Capitale de la Republique argentine). Premier semestre, 1882: (Buenos Ayres. Resume, 8rc). La. 8vo. 1882 Connecticut. Official Publications: — (Arranged chronologically). — Report of the General Railroad Commissioners to the General Assembly, 1854-55. 122 pp., 8vo. Hartford, 1855 — General Hospital for the Insane. Annual Reports of the Board of Trustees of the — . 52 pp., plan, 8vo. New Haven, 1872 — Reports of the State Librarian relating to the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1854-72. 7 vols., 8vo. Hartford, 1855-73 — Annual Report of the Board of Education of the State of Connecticut. 274 pp., 8vo. New Haven, 1875 — Hartford. American Asylum at, for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, 1841, 1850. Annual Reports of the Directors of the—. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1841-50 — Retreat for the Insane at, Annual Report of the Officers for the — , 1854-70. 5 pamph., 8vo. Hartford, 1854-70 CO in C onnecticut — Con td. — New Haven City School District. Annual Report of the Board of Education of the—, 1858-59. 40 pp., 8vo. New Haven, 1859 — Sandisfield. Report of the School Committee of the Town of — , for 1859. 7 pp., 8vo. Winsted, 1859 Connolly (James). Banks and Banking in Ireland : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1876-79 — Notice of some Points in Agricultural Statistics : Id. 8vo. 1876-79 Connor (Frederic W.). Competitive Examinations, and their Bearing on the Civil Service: * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 — Co-operative Societies : Id. 8vo. 1861-63 — Suggestions towards the formation of a Free Public Library in Dublin : Id. 8vo. 1861-63 Conrad (J. A.). Check List of Invertebrate Fossils of North America : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 7. 8vo. 1867 Conradi (Prof.). Cholera i Christiania og dens Omegn i Aaret 1853 : * Cholera Epidemien. 8vo. 1854 Constant (Benj. H. de). On the Liberty of the Press, or an Inquiry how far Government may safely allow the Publication of Political Pamphlets, Essays, and Periodical Works : * Paraph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 — On the Responsibility of Ministers : Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 — On the Dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies, and on the possible Consequence of this Dissolution to the Nation, the Government, and the Ministry. Translated from the French : Id., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 Constantin Nieolaievitch (Grand-due). Discours d'inauguration : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Constitutional Reform. Sketch of the various Proposals for a — , made in Parliament. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 Contagious Diseases Acts, The Effects of the — , in diminishing Disease in the Army and Navy and among the Civil Population. Reprinted from the " British Medical Journal." * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1876 Contini (Cesare). Manuele d'Igiene popolare per uso delle scuole elementari e degl' istituti di educazione. 3rd edit. 307 pp., 8vo. ib., [ctV. 1870] — La Statistica mortuaria applicata all' Igiene pubblica. vii + 197 pp., la 8vo. Roma, 1872 Convertible Paper. The Influence of a — , when first introduced into a Country. From the "Banker's Magazine," 1849. [Anon.] : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 10. 8vo. 1831-51 Coode (George). On Legislative Expression, or the Language of the Written Law : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 6. 8vo. 1845 — Unpolluted Streams, a Letter to Lord John Manners : Id., S. 6, vol. 10. 8vo. 1858 Cook (John). An Address to the Proprietors of Bank Stock, on the Reduction of the Dividend at the late Meeting the 14th March last : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 39. 8vo. 1839 Cooke (C. A.). Cholera, 1849. Comparative Diagrams illustrative of the Mortality during the year 1849, shewing the Relative Proportion of Deaths by Cholera toother Deaths in London. MS. diagrams, mounted, 1849 Cooke (Edward). Thoughts on the Expediency of Repealing the Usury Laws: * Pamph., vol. 13. 8vo. 1818 — An Address to the Public on the Plan proposed by the Secret Committee of the House of Commons for examining the Affairs of the Bank : * Tracts on Bullion, frc, vol. 2. 8vo. 1819 112 CO Cooke (Edward). The Real Cause of the Increased Price of the Neces- saries of Life, and of the High Price of Gold Bullion : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Cooke (G. A.). Topographical and Statistical Description of the County of "Warwick. 142 pp., map. 18mo. [cir. 1801] Cooke (George W.). China, being the " Times " Special Correspondence from China in the years 1857-58. xxxii + 457 pp., portrait, map, &c, 8vo. 1858 Cooke (Layton). Series of [15] Statistical Charts, showing the Fluctua- tions in Quantity and Value of the Products of the Soil and Husbandry of the British Empire, 1688-1827 Obl.fol. [cir. 1828] (Contents.) 1. National Debt (Engl. & Ireland) 1769-1827 2. Finance affecting the Price of Corn, 1760- 1827 3. British Corn, Price of, 1760-1827 : State of Seasons, 1766-1827 4. Wheat in Southern Europe, Prices of, 1760- 1827 5. Wheat in Northern Europe, Prices of, 1760- 1826 ; Legislative enactments relative to Corn, 1760-1827 6. Exports and Imports of Merchandise and Corn, 1760-1827 7. Bounties and Duties paid on Corn, 1760-1827 8. Wool, Prices of Foreign and British, quan- tity Imported, and Value of Woollen Manufactures Exported, 1760-1827 9. Malt, Beer, and Hop Duties (England and Wales), 1760-1827 10. Parochial Assessment, &c. (England and Wales), 1760-1827 11. Provision : Prices of various Articles of, 1760-1826 12. Sundry Documents from 1688 to 1760 13. Comparative Taxation (Great Britain), 1821 14. Provincial Statistics (Engl. & Wales) 1811-23 15. Comparative Value of Money, 1675-1830 — Bread for the People ! secured by the Skilful Cultivation and Efficient Supervision of Estates : * Tracts, S. 8, vol. 28. 8vo. 1855 [Cooper (Charles P.)]. A Proposal for the erection of a General Record Office, on the site of the Rolls Estate, together with some particulars respecting the Suitors' Fund, Judges' Hall and Chambers, and other Buildings. 118 pp., plan, 8vo. 1832 Cooper (Henry). The Borough of Hull, considered in relation to the Health of its Inhabitants : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1849 Cooper (W. R.). The Myth of Ra (the supreme sun-god of Egypt), with copious citations from the Solar and Pantheistic Litanies : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1877 Cope (E. D.). Check List of North American Batrachia and Reptilia : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 13. 8vo. 1878 Copeman (Edward). A Collection of Cases of Apoplexy, with an Explana- tory Introduction. 2 -+- 205 pp., 8vo. 1845 Copernic (Nicolas). Traite de la Monnaie : * Oresme. La. 8vo. 1864 [Copleston (Bishop of Llandaff)]. A Letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, M.P. for the University of Oxford, on the Pernicious Effects of a variable Standard of Value, especially as it regards the Condition of the Lower Orders and the Poor Laws. By one of his Constituents, 1819 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 2. 8vo. 1810-19 Copperthwaite (William C). Statistical Survey of the Parishes of Old and New Malton (1606-1841). MS. map, fol. Copy Right. An Address to the Parliament of Great Britain on the Claims of Authors to their Own — . 3rd edit. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 2, 8vo. 1813 Copy Right Bill. Brief Observations on the — , attempting to prove its Injustice towards Authors, and its tendency to injure the Cause of Literature. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 Coquelin (Ch.). Dictionnaire de l'ficonomie politique, par — et Guilleaumin. 2 vols., la. 8vo. Paris, 1854 Another copy 1st edit. 2 vols., la. 8vo. ib., 1852 CO 113 Corbaux (Francis). On the Natural and Mathematical Laws concerning Population, Vitality, and Mortality, with Tables of Mortality and other Tables. xvi + 208 + 53 pp., la. 8vo. 1833 Corbet (Thomas). An Inquiry into the Causes and Modes of the Wealth of Individuals ; or, the Principles of Trade and Speculation explained. In two parts. xi + 256 pp., 8vo. 1841 Corbet (William J.). Statistics of Insanity, Past and Present : * Stat, 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 Corbyn (Frederick). India Review and Journal of Foreign Science and the Arts: India (India Review, 8rc). Plates. La. 8vo. 1837-41 — The India Journal of Medical and Physical Science : India (India JL). New series. La. 8vo. 1836-42 Cordeiro (Luciano). Dos Bancos portuguezes. A Quetao do privilegio do Banco de Portugal. 269 pp., 8vo. Lisboa, 1873 — Lettres par, L'Hydrographie Africaine au Seizieme Siecle, d'apres les premieres Explorations Portugaises. 72 pp., 8vo. Lisbonne, 1878 Cordelia (Andre). Le Laurium. 120 pp., plan, plates, la. 8vo. Marseille, 1871 Cordery(J. G.). The Iliad of Homer. Translated by— : Homer. 2 vols., 12mo. 1871 Cordier (Henri). Catalogue of the Library of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Systematically classed : * Asiatic Soc. 4to. 1872 Coriolis (G. de). .La Population Coloniale au point de vue Economique. 24 pp., 18mo. Maurice, 1878 Corn. One Cause of the present Scarcity of — , by a Physician. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 33. 8vo. 1795 Corn. Foreign, Compendium of the Laws passed from time to time for Regulating and Restricting the Importation, Exportation, and Consump- tion of—, from 1660. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 20. 8vo. 1826 — Remarks on the Respective Interests of Land and Trade, as mutually con- cerned in Maintaining Restrictions on the Importation of — , 1827. [Anon.] : * Tracts on Polit. Economy, vol. 2. 8vo. 1822-27 Corn Law. The Evidence of James Deacon Hume, late Secretary to the Board of Trade, upon the — , before the Committee of the House of Commons on the Import Duties in 1837. [Anon.] : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Corn Laws. An Inquiry into the Policy, Efficiency, and Consistency of the Alterations in our — . [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 — Remarks on the — , Scotch Trusts and Entails, &c. By one of the Middle Classes. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 20. 8vo. 1832 — Extract from an Inquiry into the Nature of the — ; with a View to the New Corn Bill proposed for Scotland. 1777. Reprinted. [Anon.] : * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 Corn Prices. Letter to the Earl of Liverpool on the probable effect of a great Reduction of — , by Importation. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 26. 8vo. 1814 Corn Question, &c. Considerations on the — . [Anon.]: *Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo.l820 — Protection to Agriculture ; or, Universal Ruin. Further Considerations on the—. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 Corn Trade. Three Tracts on the— and Corn Laws (printed in 1758-59), with Supplement. Reprinted from the edition of 1766. [Anon.]. 383 + 43 pp., 8vo. 1795 (Contents.) 1. Essay on the Corn Trade and Corn Laws 2. Considerations on the Laws relating to Corn 3. Papers relative to the Price, Exportation, &c., of Corn Methods Practised in Making Flour from Wheat The Assize, and due Making of Bread Explained : Pownall Another copy. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 10. 8vo. 1 766 I 1 114 CO Cornaro (Lewis). Sure Methods of attaining a Long and Healthful Life ; with the Means of Correcting a Bad Constitution. Translated from the Italian. 33rd edit. : * Pamph., vols. 18 and 19. 8vo. 1821-22 Come (A.). On the Duty of Society to Indemnify the Citizen who has been Unjustly Imprisoned: * E. C. Wines (Trans., Src). 8vo. 1871 Cornelius (Peter). A way propounded to make the Poor in these and other Nations Happy, by bringing together a suitable People unto one House- hold- Government or little- Common- wealth : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 4to. [1690] Cornish (W. R.). The Sanitary and Medical Aspects of the Famine of 1876-77 : * (Madras Sanitary Rep.). Sm. fol. 1878 — The Influence of Famine on the Growth of Population [in Madras Presidency, 1822-78]. 24 pp., diagrams, sm. fol. [Madras, 1879] Cornwall Polytechnic Society. (Royal). Annual Reports. 8vo. 1836-66 Corrance (F. S.). The Past, Present, and Future of the Wage Paid Classes : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 Correia de Sequiera Pinto (D. A.). Relatorio do Hospital 1ST. e R. de S. Jose, de Rilhafolles, e annexos : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 5. 8vo. 1852 Correnti (C). Lettera sull' ordinamento degli Uffici Statistici : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 — Sulla Pubblicazione dell' Archivio de Statistica : Id. La. 8vo. 1876 Corridi (Chev. P.). Sur la Statistique Officielle en Toscane : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1856 Cort (Richard). Facts and Proofs to show that the Country has saved more than ioo,ooo,oooZ. by Improvements in the Manufacture of Bar Iron by his father Henry Cort : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 4to. 1855 — Review of the Report on Mr. Henry Cort's Services in Inventions for Making Bar Iron : Id., S. 5, vol. 5. 4to. 1855 Cossa (L.). Guide to the Study of Political Economy. Translated from the Second Italian Edition, with a Preface by W. Stanley Jevons. Another copy. xvi + 237 PP" 12mo ' 1880 Cossham (Handel). Statistics relative to the Bristol Coal Field : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1864 Cotterill (Charles F.). Public Granaries and the Cycle of the con- nection with Trade and Agriculture, and the Policy of the English and French Governments. Letter to . . . Lord J. Russell, iv + 17 pp., 8vo. 1856 Cotton (Col. A.). Public Works in India, their Importance, with Suggestions for their Extension and Improvement. 2nd edit, xviii + 288 pp., 8vo. 1854 Cotton (Sir Robert). A Speech made by — , before the Lords of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council; being thither called to deliver his Opinion touching the Alteration of Coin, 1626 : *Polit. Econ. Club (Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 Cotton Manufactures and Trade of Great Britain. Analysis of Evidence taken before the Factory Commissioners, as far as it relates to the Population of Manchester engaged in the Cotton Trade. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 22. 8vo. 1834 — Papers on the Cultivation of — in India : Id., S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1840 Cotton Supply Association : — — Cotton Supply Pamphlets 1 vol., illustrations. 8vo. 1857-60 (Contents.) 1. Cotton Supply Association. 1st Annual Keport, 1858 2. Ditto 2nd Annual Report, 1859 3. Ditto 3rd Annual Report, 1 860 4. Ditto Report of a Meeting, May 21, 1857 5. Cultivation of Cotton in Egypt : Fowler 6. Condition of Cotton Cultivation In Ceylon : Caley 7. Cultivation of Orleans Staple Cotton 8. Cotton : its Cultivation, Manufacture, and Uses : Ashworth 9. The Cotton Crisis ; and how to avert it 10. Address to Cotton Workers of Great Britain CO 115 Cotton Supply Association — Contd. — Cotton Supply Reporter, 1858-60. 2 vols., plate, 4to. 1858-60 Coues (E.). Natural History of Kerguelen Island, 1874-76. Edited by — : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 13. 8vo. 1878 Coullet (M.). Enquete de 1848 sur la Crise commerciale. Extraits des Enquetes parlementaires anglaises sur les Questions de Banque de Circulation monetaire et de Credit. Traduits et publies par ordre . . . et sous la direction de — et Juglar : France (Banque de). La. 8vo. 1865 — Enquete de 1857 sur la Legislation des Banques . . . : Id. La. 8vo. 1865 Country Bankers. A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, &c, &c, upon the Necessity of Adopting some Parliamentary Measure to Control the Issues of — and to Prevent the Recurrence of the late Shock to Public and Private Credit, with Heads of a Bill for that purpose, 1826. [Anon.] : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 6. 8vo. 1826-28 Country Banking. A Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Viscount Althorp, ... on his proposed Interference with the present System of — . By a Country Banker. [Anon.] 1833: * Currency, Sfc, vol. 9. 8vo. 1811-57 Country Banks. The Utility of — considered, &c. [Anon.]. 1802 : * Overstone Colin., vol. 3. 8vo. 1857 County and Borough Magistrates' List and Official and Parliamentary Register for 1878 . . . Compiled and edited by A. B. Thom. xxxvi + 400 pp., 8vo. 1878 County Companion, Diary, Statistical Chronicle, and Magisterial and Official Directory . . . 1879-81. By J. R. Somers Vine. 3 vols., 8vo. 1879-81 Courcelle-Seneuil (J. G.) : — Traite theoriqueet pratique des Entreprises, Industrielles, Commercialea et Agricoles, ou Manuel des Affaires. 2nd edit., viii + 544 pp., 8vo. 1857 Traite theorique et pratique des Operations de Banque. 4th edit., viii + 632 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1864 La Banque libre, expose des fonctions du Commerce de Banque, et de son application a 1' Agriculture ; suivi de divers ecrits de controverse sur la Liberte des Banques. xiv + 352 pp., 8vo. ib., 1867 Liberte et Socialisme, ou Discussion des principes de l'Organisation du Travail industriel. viii + 447 pp., 8vo. ib., 1868 Etudes sur la Science Sociale. viii + 492 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1862 Another copy. Lecons filementaires d'Economie politique. viii + 292 pp., 12mo. ib., 1864 Courtenay (T. P.). Letter on the Poor Laws : * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Courtney (Leonard H.). Direct Taxation ; an Inquiry : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. 1860 — On the Finances of the United States of America, 1861-67 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 31. 8vo. 1868 Courtois (Alph., fils). Des Operations de Bourse, ou Manuel des Fonds publics francais et etrangers, et des actions et obligations, de societes francaises et etrangeres, negocies a Paris, precede d'une Appreciation des operations de Bourse dites de Jeu, et des rapports de la Bourse ; avec le Credit public et les Finances de l'Etat. 425 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1855 — Histoire de la Banque de France, et des Principales Institutions francaises de Credit, depuis 1716. iii + 272 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1875 — Manuel des Fonds publics et des Societes par actions. 7th edit., revised, &c, vii + 856 pp., 12mo. ib., 1878 Courts Martial. On the Inadequacy of, in their present form, to purposes of Justice. By an Officer. [Anon] : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Cousin (Victor). Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia. Translated by Sarah Austin. 2nd edit., xxxviii + 333 pp., 12rno. 1836 — Cours de l'histoire de la Philosophie Moderne. Nouvelle edition, revise et augmente. Premiere serie, tome 1. 394 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1846 i2 116 CO— CR Cowan (C). Essay on Treatment : — Obsei'vations on Quackery : Cowan (Robert). Statistics of Fever [1795-1836] : — Statistics of Fever in Glasgow, for 1837 : * E. G. A. Louis, 8vo. 1835 * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. 1838 and Small Pox in Glasgow * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1837 Id., S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 Cowell (J, W.). Report addressed to His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Administration and Operation of the Poor Laws, by — : * Poor Law Commiss. 8vo. 1834 Cox (Rev. George W.). Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art, by — and W. T. Brande. 3 vols., la. 8vo. 1865 Coxe (William). Account of the Prisons and Hospitals in Russia, Sweden, and Denmark : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 5. 8vo. 1781 Coxworthy (P.). Electricity ; the Sole Agent in Creation : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1879 Cracroft (Bernard). The Analysis of the House of Commons, or, Indirect Representation : * Essays on Reform. 8vo. 1867 — Bank Dividend Chart, 1869-70, 1870-71. Chart, mounted. [1871-72] — - A Practical History of the British Funds during the last eighty-three Years, from 1789 to 1873. Showing the Highest and Lowest Prices of Consols, and the Growth and Decline of the National Funded Debt of Great Britain, year by year, from the year of the Great French Revo- lution to the present time ; yearly average Bank Rate, and Number of Changes made in each year since the Operation of the Bank Charter Act, 7 and 8 Vict., cap. 32. And a Chronological List of Events bearing upon these Subjects, 1789-1872. (Consols Chart). 2nd edit., fol. 1873 Another copy Mounted on rollers. 1873 — > Charts, &c, being Supplements to Cracroft 's Weekly Stock and Share List Fol. 1874-75 England. The Cost of Government in — . (Par- liamentary Returns), 1857-74, together with Prices of Shares and Annual Accounts of Erie Railroad, 1863-73 Prices, Highest and Lowest, of the Ordinary Stock, and of the Dividends of the — Caledonian Railway, 1851-74 Great Western Railway, 1851-74 London, Brighton, and South Coast Rail- way, 1851-74 London and North Western Railwav, 1851-74 Midland Railway, 1851-74 North British Railway, 1851-75 Italian Government Chart of the course of the Five per Cents., 1851-73 Spanish Three per Cento., 1850-73. Chart of the, with a Chronology Honduras, San Domingo, Costa Rica, Paraguayan, and Bolivian Loans, 1867-75 — Two Letters on Mr. Goschen's Bill on the Scotch Banks : * Tracts, S. 5, vol 42. 8vo. [1875] Craddock (T\). The Influence of Christianity on Civilisation. viii + 217 pp., 12mo. 1856 Crahay (Prof.). Resume des Observations meteorologiques faites a Louvain : *A. Quetelet (Recherches, $-c). 4to. 1831-41 Craigie (Major Patrick G.). An Address on Local Taxation Reform : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1874 — The Cost of English Local Government: * Stat. Soc. (J7.), vol. 40. 8vo. 1877 — Ten Years' Statistics of British Agriculture, 1870-79 : Id., vol. 43. 8vo. 1880 — Statistics of Agricultural Production : Id., vol. 46. 8vo. 1883 Craik (G. L.). The History of British Commerce. 3 vols, in 1, 18mo. 1844 Crampon (A.). La Bourse, Guide pratique a l'asage des gens du ruonde. Usages de la Bourse. Le Placement. La Speculation. Notions de credit. Banques. Changes. Monnaies. 2nd edit., revised, &c. ii. + 279 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1864 CR 117 Craufurd (George). The Doctrine of Equivalents, or an explanation of the nature, value, and power of Money : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 11. 8vo. 1803 Craven. Combined Sanitary Districts in, Reports for 1879 ... by W. Barry, M.D. Sm. fob Settle, 1880 Crawford (John). History of Coffee : * Stat, Soc. (Jl), vol. 15. 8vo. 1852 — On the History and Consumption of Tobacco : Id., vol. 16. 8vo. 1853 Creasy (Edw. S.). Spirit of Historical Study : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 13. 8vo. 1840 Credit. Observations on, with relation to the Provisions of Bankrupt Law and Insolvent Debtors' Acts. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 13. 8vo. 1818 Cremieux (V.). Prison Architecture : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Crestadoro (A.). Catalogue of the Books in the Manchester Free Library, Reference Department : Man ch. Free Library. La. 8 vo. 1864 Crisis of 1847, and the Cause and Cure practically Considered by a Scotch- man. [Anon.]. 1847: * Currency, 8fc, vol. 3. 8vo. 1847-50 Crisp (Edwards). Examination of the President and Examiners of the College of Physicians : * Medical Examiner. 8vo. 1849 — The Examination of a rejected Candidate at the College of Physicians, 21st December, 1848 : * London Medical Examiner. 8vo. 1849 — Hunterian Oration, that would have been delivered by a Member of the College of Surgeons . . . : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1851 — The Statistics of Pulmonary Consumption in 623 Districts of England and Wales : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 Crofton (Sir Walter). The Irish System of Prison Discipline for a State : * E. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 — The Treatment of Prisoners : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Croll (A. Angus). The Great Central Gas Company, its Origin and History : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1875 Crombie (Rev. Dr.). A Letter to D. Ricardo, Esq., containing an Analysis of his Pamphlet on the Depreciation of Bank Notes : * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Crombie (Rev. Alexander). Letters on the Present State of the Agricultural Interest, addressed to Charles Forbes, M.P., 1816 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 4. 8vo. 1814-16 Crompton (S.). Suggestions for the more Effectual Prevention of Small Pox : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1858-59 Crosley (Henry). Partial Remedies for West India Distress, 1848 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1846-52 Cross (J. K.). Imports, Exports, and the French Treaty : * Cobden Club Publications, fyc. 12mo. 1881 Crowdy (John) : — Coinage at Home and Abroad : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1873 The Coal Supply : Id. 12mo. 1874 British Settlements in Western Africa : Id. 12mo. 1875 Arctic Exploration : Id. 12mo. 1876 Silver Money : Id. 12mo. 1877 Our Indian Empire : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1878 Public Accounts : Id. 12mo. 1879 South Africa : Id. 12mo. 1880 Egypt in Liquidation : Id. 12mo. 1881 Recent Progress in the Small Arts : Id. 12mo, 1882 The Art Sales of 1881-82 : Id. 12mo. 1883 Crowe (George R.). The Compilation of Statistics, illustrated by the Irish Census Returns : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F., 8vo. 1874 Crump (Arthur). A Practical Treatise on Banking, Currency, and the Exchanges. xiv + 254 pp., 8vo. 1866 — Prismatic Chart of the London Money Market, in connection with — . " The Key to the London Money Market for 1873." Chart, mounted. 1872 118 CR— CU Crump (Arthur). A New Departure in the Domain of Political Economy. xx + 252 pp., diagrams, 8vo. 1878 Culbertson (T. A.). Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri : * Smitlisn. Bep. 8vo. 1850 — Missouri Expedition : Id. 8vo. 1850 Cull (R.). Sketch of the Progress of Ethnology : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 3. 8vo. 1854 Cullen (Gen. W.). On the Influence exercised by Trees on the Climate of a Country ; being Reports to the Madras Government. By E. Balfour and C. J. Smith : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1849 Culley (G.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cumberland. Map : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. [1805] — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland. 3rd edit. Maps and plates : Id. 8vo. 1805 Cummin (William). The Proofs of Infanticide considered, including Dr. Hunter's Tract on Child Murder, with illustrative Notes and a Summary of the present state of Medico-Legal knowledge on that subject. viii + 95 pp., 12mo. 1836 Cumming (Rev. John). Notes on the Cardinal's Manifesto in a letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell, 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 — Salvation. A Sermon preached in the parish church of Crathie, Balmoral, before Her Majesty the Queen, 1850. Fifth thousand : Id., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Cundall (J. H.). Machinery Lent to the Commission : * Pari. Miscell. Bep. {Vienna Univ. Exhib.). Part II. 8vo. 1873 Cunin-Gridaine (C). Sedan [son industrie de la lain] : • * L. Beylaud. 8vo. 1867 Cunningham (David). Tables for Facilitating the Calculation of Earth- work in the Construction of Railways, Roads, Canals, Dams, &c. xx + 100 pp., la. 8vo. 1865 — Conditions of Social Well-Being ; or, Inquiries into the Material and Moral Position of the Populations of Europe and America, with particular reference to those of Great Britain and Ireland. xv + 357 pp., 8vo. 1878 Another copy. Cunningham (Rev. J. W.). Cautions to Continental Travellers. 2nd edit: * Pamph., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 — A Few Observations on Friendly Societies, and their Influence on Public Morals. 2nd edit : Id., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 Curate's Appeal to the Equity and Christian Principles of the British Legislature, the Bishops, the Clergy, and the Public, examined. By a Country Incumbent. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Curling (Thomas B.). A Treatise on Tetanus, being the Essay for which the Jacksonian Prize for the year 1834 was awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons in London. xii + 236 pp., 8vo. 1836 Currency. The Principles of — , and Exchanges applied to the Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to inquire into the High Price of Bullion. [Anon.] : * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1810 — The real Cause of the Depreciation of the National — , explained. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 12. 8vo. 1810 — On the Relation of Corn and — . [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 — On the Present State of the—. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 19. 8vo. 1822 — Essay on the Management and Mismanagement of the — . By the Author of "An Essay on the Rent of Land." [Anon.]. 1825 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 5. 8vo. 1825-29 cu 119 Currency — Contd. — Letter to the Duke of Wellington on the Regulating the — ; the Re- lieving the Country from Pauperism and a Redundant Population ; and for the Preventing and Correcting of Crime, by an Englishman. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 8vo. 1828 — Paper — , and Corn Laws considered separately and conjointly. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 2. 8vo. 1830 — What has the — , to do with the Present Discontents ?. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 2. 8vo. 1832 — Essay on — , and Banking, with an Application to the Currency of this Country [United States]. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 2. 8vo. 1832 — Question in a Nut- Shell. [Anon.]. 2nd edit. 1838: * Currency, frc, vol. 7. 8vo. 1796-1840 — Thoughts on the— . [Anon.]. 1842: Id, vol. 11. 8vo. 1840-42 — Remarks on Prevailing Errors respecting — , and Banking. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 8vo. 1842 — An Article on the — . [Anon.]. 1826 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 1. 8vo. 1802-44 — Suggestions for a Domestic — , founded upon Philosophic and Unerring Principles. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1847 Another copy: * Currency, 8fc, vol. 2. 8vo. 1840-47 — Plan for a Domestic — , rendered Independent of the Foreign Exchanges, and Measured in Standard Gold. By a Banker. [Anon.] : 3rd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. 1848 — Records ; being Extracts from Speeches, Documents, &c, illustrating the Character and Consequences of the Acts of 1819 and 1844. 2nd edit. [Anon.] : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 3. 8vo. 1847-50 — The Present State of the — , practically considered, proving the Justice and Necessity of Immediately and Effectually Revising the Currency Measures of 1819 and 1844. [Anon.]. 1847: Id, vol. 3. 8vo. 1847-50 Currency and Banking. Tracts on, 13 vols. 8vo. 1796-1857 l. Vol. 1. Thornton on the Paper Credit of Great Britain, reviewed, 1802 2. The Depreciation of Paper Currency, re- Tie wed, 1811 3. The Currency Eeviewed, 1826 4. Letter on Currency, taken from the London Magazine, 1829 : TooJce 5. Letter on the Currency, 1830 : Taylor 6. Reasons for establishing the Commercial Bank of London 7. [Plan for forming] Commercial Bank of London 8. Effects ascribed to the Resumption of Cash Payments on the Value of the Currency, 1829: Tooke 9. Letters on the Corn Laws, &c, 1834 : S. B. T. 10. Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee in 1810 ; 1837 : Stapleton 11. Causes and Consequences of Pressure on the Money Market, 1837 : Palmer 12. Letter on the Bank of England, 1840 : Loyd 13. Remarks on the Bank of England and Country Issuers, 1839 : Loyd 14. Separation of the Departments of the Bank of England, 1844 : Loyd 15. Reply to Letter on Money and the Means of Economizing it, 1841 : Jones Vol. 2. 1. Defence of Joint Stock Banks and Country Issues, 1840 : Bailey 2. Letters to C.Wood on the Currency, 1840: Leatham 3. Letters to W. R. Wood on the Currency, 1841 : Leatham 4. Review on the Administration of Currency, 1841: Qilbart 5. Speech against the second reading of the Bank Charter Bill, 1844 : Hawes 6. Letters of Nehemiah, 1845 7. Prevailing errors respecting Currency and Banking, 1844 : Cockbum 8. Inquiry into the Practical Working of the Bank Charter, 1844 : Torrens 9. England in 1830. Condition of the People 10. Suggestions for a Domestic Currency, 1847 Vol. 3. 1. History of the Rise of Exchange Companies in Scotland, 1848 : Kinnear 2. Letter on Banks and Exchange Companies, 1847 : Kinnear 3. Guarantee for Persons appointed to Offices of Trust considered, 1847 : Knight 4. Circular on the Advantages from the Government adopting . . . the Circulation of all Banks of Issue : Joplin 120 cu Currency and Banking — Contd. Vol. 3— Contd. 5. Report of the Committee on Joint Stock Banking in Ireland, 1844 6. PriTate and Joint Stock Banks in the Metropolis, 1847 : Knight 7. Report of the Committee of Mexican Bond- holders, 1850 8. Defence of Joint Stock Banks and Country Issues, 1840 : Bailey 9. England in 1815 and 1845,and the Monetary Famine of 1847 : Alison 10. Free Trade and a Fettered Currency, 1847 : Alison 11. The Crisis of 1847, and the Causes and Cure 12. Currency Records. Extracts from Speeches, &c. 13. The People's Currency Manual, 1848 14. The Present State of the Currency consi- dered, 1847 15. Bank of England justified in their present course, 1847 : Ward 16. The Fallacy of our Monetary System, 1847: Enderby 17. What is a Pound ? 1848 : Lea 18. A Letter on the Currency Question, 1848 : Bishop Vol. 4. 1. Three Lectures on the Value of Money, 1840: Senior 2. Crises financieres et la reforme du systeme monetaire, 1839 : Chitti 3. Histoire de la caisse d'escompte, 1776 a 1793: Say 4. Du Credit et de la circulation, 1839 : CieszJcowski 6. Considerations sur la nature du revenu national, 1824 : Storch 6. The Currency and the Country, 1843 : Hubbard 7. Letter on the Monetary Pressure and Com- mercial Distress of 1847 : Hubbard Vol. 5. 1. Inquiry into the Currency Principle, 1844 : Tooke 2. Bank Charter Act as it affects Commercial Credit, 1 847 : Torrens 3. Sir Robert Peel's Bill of 1844 explained ; 1848: Torrens 4. Remarks on the Monetary Legislation of Great Britain, 1847 : Ward 5. Petition of Merchants, Bankers, &c., against the Bank Charter Act, 1847 6. The Financial and Commercial Crisis con- sidered, 1847 : Ashburton 7. Remarks on a Letter on the Currency Question, 1847 8. Regulation of Floating Capital and Freedom of Currency, 1848 : Milner 9. Remarks on the Bank of England, 1849 : Milner 10. Remedy for Monetary Panics, 1849 : Stansfeld Vol. 6. 1. Introductory Lecture on Political Economy, 1831 : Senior Vol. 6— Contd. 2. Three Lectures on the Mercantile Theory of Wealth, 1830 : Senior 3. Two Lectures on Population, 1831 : Senior 4. Three Lectures on the Rate of Wages, 1831 : Senior 5. Free Trade and Retaliation, reviewed 6. Letter on the Importation of Foreign Corn, 1840 : Pennington 7. Memoranda on Influx of Cold, and on Chevalier, on Money of France 8. Laws of the Currency, 1854 : Gtlbart 9. Memoranda on Coins and Money, 1854: Bennington 10. Financial Pressure, reviewed, 1847 11. Accumulations of Capital, reviewed, 1847 12. Letter on the Bank of England, 1840 : Loyd 13. Letter on the Administration of the Bank of England, 1840 : Loyd 14. Letter on Money, 1841 : Norman Vol. 7. Inquiry into the State of Great Britain, 1796: Yansittart Concise state of the Question whether Bank Notes are depreciated Consequences of returning to the old Standard of Currency, 1819 Currency Question in a nutshell, 1838 Pernicious effects of a Variable Standard of Value, 1819 Letter on the Metallic Standard, 1820: Tatham Observations on Speech of W. Huskisson concerning Resumption of Cash Payments, 1823: Western Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance, 1826 : Baine Memorial on the System of the Bank of England, &c, 1827 : Burgess Historical Sketch of the Bank of England, 1831 Letter on Causes of Recent Derangement in the Money Market, 1837 : Torrens Causes and Consequences of the Pressure upon the Money Market : Palmer Observations on the Pressure on the Money Market, 1837 : Bicardo Future Prospects of the British People, 1 836 Evils inseparable from a Mixed Currency, &c., 1839 : Blacker Observations on Corn, Currency, &c., 1840 : Boucherett Vol. 8. Examination of the Report of the Joint Stock Bank Committee, 1837 : Joplin Speech on permitting the Establishment of Joint Stock Banks, 1837 : Clay Causes and Consequences of the Pressure upon the Money Market, 1837 : Balmer Reflections on the Causes and Consequences of the Pressure on the Money Market, 1837: Loyd Reply to Reflections on the Pressure upon the Money Market, 1 837 : Palmer Letter on Causes of Recent Derangement in the Money Market, 1837 : Torrent cu 121 Currency and Banking — Contd. Vol. 8 — Contd. 7. Supplement to above : Torrens 8. Further Reflections on State of Currency, and Action of the Bank of England, 1837: Loyd 9. Observations on the Pressure on the Money Market, 1837 : Ricardo Cause of the Present Money Crisis ex- plained, 1837 : Bennison Remarks on Currency and Banking, 1838 : Norman National Bank the Remedy for the Paper Currency, 1838 : Ricardo 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Vol. 9. Depreciation of the Paper Currency of Great Britain proved, 1812 : Lauderdale Further Considerations on the State of the Currency, 1813 : Lauderdale Speech on certain Transactions between the Public and the Bank of England, 1816 : Grenfell Substance of a Speech on the Sinking Fund, 1817: Grenfell Considerations on the Rate of Interest, &c, 1817 : Sugden Address on the Governor and Directors of the Bank of England, 1816 : Payne Essay on the supposed Advantages of a Sinking Fund, 1828 : Grenville Currency in connexion with the Corn Trade and Laws, 1829 : Tooke Opinions on the Privilege of the Bank of England, 1833 : Scarlett ; Sugden ; Richards Copy of Correspondence relative to the Renewal of the Charter, 1833 Letter on Country Banking, 1833 Letter on Banks and Exchange Companies, 1847 : Kinnear Letters on the Monetary System, 1857 : Goddard Upon an Increase of Salaries to the Direc- tors of the East India Company, 1814: Hume Account of the Life Assurance Companies in London, 1811 : Baily Vol. 10. Remarks on the Bank of England, 1849 : Milner Magnitude and Fluctuations of Bills of Exchange, 1851 : Newmarch The Money Crisis, reviewed, 1847 Influence of a Convertible Paper Currency, from " Banker's Magazine," 1849 An Article on the Financial Pressure : Neivmarch Peel Policy reviewed, 1847 Petition of Merchants, Bankers, &c, against the Bank Charter Act, 1847 Remedy for Monetary Panics, 1849 : Stans- feld Letter on the Monetary Pressure and Com- mercial Distress of 1847 : Hubbard Plain Statement of the Power of the Bank of England, 1832 : Pamell Vol. 10— Contd. 11. Currency, &c, in a Letter to the Drapers of Scotland, 1839 : Harley 12. State of the Circulation from 1833 to 1837 13. Considerations on Currency and Banking System of United States, 1831 : Gallatin Vol. 11. 1. On Currency, 1840 : Lubbock 2. Three Lectures on the Value of Money, 1840 : Senior 3. Letter on the Importation of Foreign Corn, 1840 : Pennington 4. Notes on the Importation of Foreign Corn, 1841 : Mackenzie 5. Letter on the Country Banks of Issue, 1840: Eliot 6. Letters to C. Wood on the Currency, 1840 : Leatham 7. Letters to W. R. Wood on the Currency, 1841 : Leatham 8. Letter on the Regulation of the Currency by Foreign Exchanges, 1840 : Bell 9. Review on the Administration of Currency, 1841: Gilbart 10. The Deposit Enigma Unravelled, 1841 : Spurrell 11. Letter on Money, 1841 : Norman 12. Metallic, Paper, and Credit Currency, 1842 : Bosanquet 13. Mercantile Embarrassments and the Present State of the Banking System, 1842 14. Thoughts on the Currency, 1842 Vol. 12. 1. Recherches sur l'or et sur l'argent, 1843 : Faucher 2. Observations on the Standard of Value, 1847 : Haggard 3. The Accounts of the Bank of England, 1847 : Danson 4. The Financial and Commercial Crisis con- sidered, 1847 : Ashburton 5. Bank Charter Act as it affects Commercial Credit, 1847 : Torrens 6. Causes of the recent Commercial Distress, 1847 7. Free Trade and a Fettered Currency, 1847 : Alison 8. The Crisis and the Currency, 1847 : Kinnear 9. Sir Robert Peel's Bill of 1844 explained, 1848 : Torrens 10. Letter on the Monetary Pressure and Com- mercial Distress : Hubbard 11. Regulation of Floating Capital and Freedom of Currency, 1848 : Milner Vol. 13. 1. An Inquiry into the Currency Principle, 1844: Tooke 2. The Currency Principle reviewed, 1844 : Mill 3. Speeches on the Renewal of the Bank Charter, 1844 : Peel 4. Speech in the Debate on Sir R. Peel's Reso- lutions on Banking, 1844 : Wood 122 CU— DA Currency and Banking — Conld. Vol. 13— Contd. 5. Inquiry into the Working of the Bank Charter, 1844 : Tor r ens 6. Reply to objections on the Regulation of Currency, 1844 : Torrens 7. Eestricting the Issue of Promissory Notes to a single issuing body, 1844 : Clay Vol. 13— Contd. 8. Separation of the departments of the Bank of England, 1844 : Loyd 9. Speech against the Second Reading of the Bank Charter Bill, 1844 \ Hau-es 10. The Regulation of Currencies, 1844 : Fullarton Cursetjee (Manockjee). A few Passing Ideas for the Benefit of India and Indians, addressed to the Bombay Association. 3 parts in 1 vol., 8vo. Bombay, 1853-54 Curtis (Rev. J.). A Topographical History of the County of Leicester, the Ancient part compiled from Parliamentary and other Documents, and the Modern from actual Survey ; being the first of a Series of the Counties of England and Wales, on the same plan. xliv + 227 pp., map, 8vo. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 1831 Curtis (Josiah). Brief Remarks on the Hygiene of Massachusetts, more particularly of the Cities of Boston and Lowell : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 3. 8vo. 1849 — On the System of Registration in the United States of America : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 17. 8vo. 1854 Curwen (J. C). Speech on a Motion for a Committee to take into con- sideration the Poor Laws: * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Customs. Annual Reports of Commissioners of (from commencement) : * Pari. Rep. Commiss. 8vo. 1857-81 Cusumano (V.). Notizia sopra, Studi sopra Antonio Serra e Marcantonio de Santis per Tommaso Fornari : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 Cuvier (Baron). Memoir of Rene-Just Hauy : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1860 Cyprus. Religious Census. (" Cyprus Gazette," No. 82, 1882). 8pp.,fol. Nicosia, 1882 — Second Annual Report of the Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of Cyprus for the Year 1881, with Appendices 93 pp., la. 8vo. 1883 Czoernig (Baron de) : — Sur les travaux du bureau de la statistique administrative en Autriche depuis la premiere session du Congres : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 Observations avant le Discours d'inaugura- tion du [Congres International de Statistique a Vienne] : Id. 4to. 1857-58 Ueber die Durchstechung der Landenge von Suez : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 4. 8vo. 1858 Rapport sur l'histoire et le progres de la direction de la statistique administrative, et sur les principes sur lesquels sont bases les travaux de la statistique en Autriche : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Rapport sur le projet de programme : Id. 4to. 1857-58 Statistics of Austria : Id. 4to. 1860-61 Statistique d' Autriche : Id. 4to. 1867-69 D. [D. (J. S.)]. On Foreign Exchanges. [Anon.] : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1846 [D. (T.)]. The Charities of London. [Anon.]. viii + 236 pp., 12mo. 1844 Daa (J. K.). Statistics of Norway : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Da Costa (J. M.). Strain and Over Action of the Heart. (The Toner Lectures) : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 15. 8vo. 1878 Dahl (L.\ Bidrag til Kundskab om de Sindssyge i Norge. 305 pp., map, 8vo. Christiania, 1859 Daire (Eugene). Notice [historique] sur la vie et les ouvrages de Turgot; et observations et notes nouvelles: *A. R. J. Turgot. La. 8vo. Paris, 1844 DA 123 Daire (Eugene). Physioci*ates. Quesnay, Dupont de Nemours, Mercier de la Riviere, l'Abbe Baudeau, le Trosne, avec une Introduction sur la Doctrine des Physiocrates, des Commentaires, et des notices historiques. 2 vols., la. 8vo. Paris, 1846 Dalechamps (L.). Manuel populaire et classique des Poids et Mesures. Ouvrage d'utilite generale et perpetuelle, a la portee de tout le monde, contenant la theorie du Systeme metrique et de la numeration decimale, des Instructions pratiques et un nouveau Bareme . . . 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, [cir. 1840] Dall (W. H.). Subdivisions of the Class Brachiopoda : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 13. 8vo. 1878 — Remains of Later Pre-Historic Man: * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 22. 4to. 1880 Daltoil (J. C). Origin and Propagation of Disease : * Smithsn. Pep. 8vo. 1873 Daniels (William H.). The Bank of India ; a Proposal to Establish a Bank of Issue for India on the Model of the Bank of England : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1879 Danish. Pocket Dictionary of the English and — Languages. [Anon.]. 2 parts in 1 vol., 18mo. Leipzig, Danson (J. T.). The Accounts of the Bank of England, under the Operation of the Act 7 and 8 Vict., cap. 32, diagrams, 1847 : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 12. 8vo. 1843-48 Another copy: * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 10. 8vo. 1847 — Observations on the Speech of Sir W. Molesworth on Colonial Expenditure and Government : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1848 — Investigation of the Changes in the Condition of the People of the United Kingdom during the eight years 1839-47, and their connexion with Changes in the Prices of Food: * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 11. 8vo. 1848 — Some Particulars of the Commercial Progress of the Colonial Dependencies of the United Kingdom, 1827-46 : " * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 4to. 1849 Another copy : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 12. 8vo. 1849 — A Contribution towards an Investigation of the Changes which have taken place in the Condition of the People of the United Kingdom . . . 1839-47, 1848: * Polit. Pamph., vols. 2 and 3. 8vo. 1839-50 — Progress of the Foreign Commerce of France during the reign of Louis Philippe, 1830-48 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 13. 8vo. 1850 — Of the Quantity of Gold and Silver supposed to have passed from America to Europe from its Discovery: Id., vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 — Our Commerce with Russia in Peace and War: Id., vol. 17. 8vo. 1854 — Method and Range of Statistical Inquiry : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 6. 8vo. 1859 — Propositions and Inferences, with Statistical Notes touching the Provision of Country Dwellings for Town Labourers, and in particular for those of the Town of Liverpool : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 22. 8vo. 1859 — The Growth of the Human Body in Height and Weight of Males from 17 to 30 Years of Age : * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1861 — The Underwriting of 1872 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. [1873] Danson (William). Observations on the Manufacture of the Human Hair, as an Article of Consumption and General Use : * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Daras (l'Abb§). Statistique, d'apres les documents officiels, des etablisse- ments consacres aux sourds-muets et aveugles dans divers pays : * Congree Internal de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 124 DA Darbyshire (S. D.). A Statement showing the amount of Money Recovered in the Court of Requests, and in the Court Baron, Manchester, with the comparative Costs of Recovery in each Court, in the years 1829-33 : * Stat. Soc. Rep., fc. 1 vol., 8vo. 1835-41 [Darnell (J.)]- The Family Register, Part 1. Forms . . . for registering the Birth, Baptism, Marriage, and Decease of the several Members of the Family . . . Part 2 [Form for a] general account of . . . Circumstances and Events relative to every Member of the Family ... 1 vol., 4to. 1838 Darton (T. G.). Statistical Tables of Population, Mortality, Food and Clothing, Politics, Finance, Taxation and Currency, Crime and Punish- ment, Mineral Produce, Commerce, Shipping, Emigration, &c. Extracted from Fourth Edition of the Descriptive and Statistical Account of the British Empire, by J. R. McCulloch, 1801-51. 36 pp., 8vo. 1854 Darwin (Charles). Manual of Geology : * Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 — On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preser- vation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Fourth edition, with Additions and Corrections. 4th edit., xxi -+- 593 pp., diagram, 8vo. 1866 Darwin (George H.). Marriages between First Cousins in England, and their Effects : * Stat. Soc. (JZ.), vol. 38. 8vo. 1875 Daubeny (Rev. Charles). A Churchman's Reasons for declining a con- nection with the Bible Society : * Pampli., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 Daubeny (Charles G. B.). On the importance of the Study of Chemistry as a Branch of Education for all Classes : * Roy. Inst. (Lectures) . 8vo. 1855 — The Number of Graduates in Arts and Medicine at Oxford for the last Two Centuries : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1866 Davenport (John). Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, based upon that of Baretti. By — , and G. Comelati. 2 vols., 8vo. 1860 D'Avenant (C). The Political and Commercial "Works of that celebrated writer — , relating to the Trade and Revenue of England, the Plantation Trade, the East India Trade, and African Trade. Collected and revised by Sir Charles Whitworth 5 vols. 8vo. 1771 Vol. 4. An Essay upon Universal Monarchy Articles du traite d'entre la France et l'Angle- terre fait par le Cardinal Mazarin et Cromwell The True Picture of a Modern Whig, &c. Essays upon Peace at Home, and War Abroad Vol. 1. An Essay upon Ways and Means „ on East India Trade Discourses on the Public Revenues, and on the Trade of England ; in two parts Vol. 2. Discourses on the Public Revenues, and on the Trade of England An Essay upon the Probable Methods of Making a People Gainers in the Balance of Trade Vol. 3. A Discourse upon Grants and Resumptions Postscript to the second edition An Essay upon the Balance of Power An Essay upon the Right of Making War, Peace, and Alliances David (C. N.) :— Rapport sur la carte de la densite de la population du Danemark : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Statistics of Denmark : Id. 4to. 1860-61 Vol. 5. Essays upon Peace at Home, and War Abroad Reflections upon the Constitution and Manage- ment of the Trade to Africa Report to the Honourable the Commissioners for putting in execution the Act intituled " An Act for the Taking, Examining, and Stating the Public Accounts of the King- dom" Statistik von Danemark : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 Statistique de Danemark : Id. 4to. 1867-68 Travaux statistiques de Danemark : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Davies (Griffith). Report and Valuation for the Bengal Military Fund [with Appendix of Tables] : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1844 DA— DE 125 Davies (Griffith). Tables of Life Contingencies ; containing the Rate of Mortality among the Members of the Equitable Society, and the Values of Life Annuities, Reversions, &c, computed therefrom; . . . Scale of Premiums for Life Assurances ; . . . and the Progressive Values of Life Policies . . . 1825 : * Life Assurance Essays. 8vo. 1825-52 — Observations on Life Assurances. [Incomplete and unpublished.] 376 pp., tables, 8vo. [cir. 1855] Davies (John). An Exposition of the Laws which relate to the Medical Profession in England . . . from the earliest period to the present time, with an Appendix containing an ample analysis of Sir James Graham's Bill, 1844: * Polit. Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 Davis (C. H.). Law of Deposit of the Flood Tide : *Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 3. 4to. 1852 Davis (E. H.). Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley: * Smithsn. Contribtv., vol. 1. 4to. 1847 Davis (Thomas). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Wilts. Portrait and map : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1811 Davis (W.). General View of the Agriculture of North Wales. Maps and plates: * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1810 — General View of the Agriculture of South Wales. Map and plates : Id. 2 vols., 8vo. 1815 Dawbarn (William). Government, Conduct, and Example. Three Lectures addressed to Young Men. 164 pp., 12mo. 1861 — The Eccentric Club. 2 vols., 8vo. 1880-81 Dawes (Richard). Hints on an Improved and Self Paying System of National Education, with Observations on Irish National Schools : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1847 Dawson (Alfred). English Landscape Art in the Year 1877 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1877 Dawson (Col.). Du systeme d'arpentage, cadastre, dans la Grande Bretagne, et des mesures prises pour le completer et l'ameliorer : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1853-55 Dawson (G. J. C). Street Pavements. Illustrations : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 38. 8vo. 1876 Day (P.). The Fish and Fisheries of Bengal. [Introductory Note and Conclusion] : * (Bengal Stat. Acct.) 8vo. 1875-77 Day (St. John V.). Recent Attempts at Patent Legislation : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1876 Day (William). On the Division of Landed Property : * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1835-36 [DC. (Alphonse)]. Recherches historiques et statistiques sur la Population de Geneve, 1549 a 1833. Par E. Mallet. Revue par — . [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1837 — Emigrations de la Grande-Bretagne et de l'lrlande. [Anon.] : Id., S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1840 Deaf. On the German and other Systems of Teaching the Deaf to Speak. Report of Committee : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1880 Deaf and Dumb. Association for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1878 Dean (J.). The Gray Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 16. 4to. 1870 Death. Punishment of, Strictures on the Right, Expedience, and Indis- criminate Denunciation of Capital Punishment ; containing Observations on the true Nature of Justice, and the Legitimate Design of Penal Institutions. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 126 DE Death — Contd. — Punishment of, Report of the Select Committee of the House of Com- mons appointed to Consider of so much of the Criminal Laws as relates to Capital Punishment in Felonies : * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 De Beaumont (Elie) : — Memoir of Beautemps-Beaupre : * Smithsn. Sep. 8vo. 1863 Memoir of Legendre : Id. 8to. 1867 Memoir of Oersted : * Smithsn. Sep. 8vo. 1868 Memoir of Auguste Bravais : Id. 8vo. 1869 De Bow (J. D. B.). The Industrial Resources, &c, of the Southern and Western States; embracing a View of their Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures, Internal Improvements, Slave and Free Labour, Slavery Institutions, Products, &c, of the South. Together with Historical and Statistical Sketches of the Different States and Cities of the Union; Statistics of the United States' Commerce and Manufactures, from the Earliest Periods, compared with other Leading Powers ; the Results of the Different Census Returns since 1790, and Returns of the Census of 1850, on Population, Agriculture, and General Industry, &c, with an Appendix. 3 vols., 8vo. New Orleans, 1853 — Seventh Census of the United States, 1850 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 4to. 1853 D6chy (M.). Catalogue de l'exposition graphique. Preface : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Decimal Association. Proceedings, with an Introduction by Professor De Morgan : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 2. 8vo. 1854 — Answers to the Questions Communicated by Lord Overstone to the Decimal Coinage Commissioners. In 3 parts : Id., S. 5, vol. 30. 8vo. 1857 1. Professor De Morgan I 3. Dr. Peacock, Q-. B. Airy, Professor Miller, 2. Sir J. F. W. Herschel and J. A. Franklin Decimal Coinage. "What it ought and what it ought not to be. By one of the Million. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1854 — The Necessity for its adoption. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 27. 8vo. 1855 — The Plan of the Mathematicians rejected by Commercial and Practical Men. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 30. 8vo. 1858 Decimal System. International Association for obtaining a Uniform — , of Measures, Weights, and Coins. British Branch. First Report of the Council . . . : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 28. 8vo. 1857 [Decius]. Complete Refutation of the Arguments used on the Subject of the Agricultural Petition. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Decker (P. de). De l'influence du libre arbitre sur les faits sociaux : *A. Quetelet (Rapports, fyc). 4to. 1846-50 Defoe (D.). Extracts from a Plan of the English Commerce, being a compleat Prospect of the Trade of this Nation as well as the Home Trade as the Foreign. Humbly offered to the consideration of the King and Parliament. 2nd edit., 1730: * Overstone Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1859 De Forest (E. L.). Methods of Interpolation : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1851 — Interpolation and Adjustment of Series : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1876 De la Beche (Sir Henry T.). Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. xxviii + 648 pp., maps and plates. 8vo. 1839 — Manual of Mineralogy : * Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 De La Rive (Prof.). Life and Works of Michael Faraday : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1867 De La Rue (W.). Abbreviations used in England : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1867 Delauney (M.). Velocity of Light : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1864 Delcros (M. T.). Hypsometrical Tables and Foreign Measures : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. .1. 8vo. 1862 DE 127 Delisle (M. Verde-) : De la Degenerescence physique et morale de l'Espece Humaine determinee par le Vaccin : M. Verde-Delisle. 12mo. Paris, 1855 Delisle de Sales (M.). Observations sur la republique fran9aise jusqu'au jour du couronnement de Napoleon l er empereur et roi : * L'Abbe Millot. 12mo. 1806 Delmar (Alexander) : — Statistique des Etats-Unis : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 On Life Insurance : Id. 4to. 1872-74 On the Resources, Productions, and Social Condition of Spain : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1875 A History of the Precious Metals from the Earliest Times to the Present. xx + 2 + 373 pp., 8to. 1880 Monograph on the History of Money in China from the Earliest Times to the Present. Illustrations : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 39. 8vo. 1881 Deloche (M.). Histoire du bureau de la statistique generale de France et de ses publications : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 — Historique sommaire des grandes publications statistiques anterieures a la creation du service de la statistique generale de France : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Delpla (A.). French Drama : or a Discussion on the Following Question, Which are the Best Means of making Theatres vie with each other in promoting the Perfection of Taste and the Improvement of Morals ? 1840 Translated from the French : De Morgan (A.) : — Calculation of Single Life Contingencies : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. Logarithms in Commercial Calculations : Id. 12mo. 1841 Historical References of the Mathematical Sciences : Id. 12mo. 1843 On Arithmetical Computation : Id. 12mo. 1844 On the Ecclesiastical Calendar : Id. 12mo. 1845 On the Earliest Printed Almanacs : Id. 12mo. 1846 Recurrence of Eclipses and Eull Moons : Id. 12mo. 1847 On Decimal Coinage : Id. 12mo. 1848 Remarks on the First Six Books of Euclid's Elements : Id. 12mo. 1849 * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 On the Ancient and Modern Usage in Reckoning : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1850 On some Points in the History of Arithmetic : Id. 12mo. 1851 Controversy on the Invention of Fluxions : Id. 12mo. 1852 The Difficulty of Correct Description of Books : Id. 12mo. 1853 On a Decimal Coinage : Id. 12mo. 1854 Introduction to Proceedings of the Decimal Association : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 2. 8vo. 1854 Earth's Motion, or Antigalilean Coperni- cans : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1855 The History of English Coinage : Id. 12mo. 1856 The State of Decimal Coinage : Id. 12mo. 1857 Dempsey (J. M.). Our Ocean Highways : a Condensed Universal Route Book, by Sea, by Land, and by Kail, xiv + 2 + 453 pp., map. 12mo. 1870 Denis (H.). LTmpot sur le Revenu. Rapport et Documents presentes a MM. les Membres du College et du Conseil communal de la ville de Brnxelles: * Brussels (L'lmpot, Sfc). La. 8vo. 1881 Denmark. Official Publications : — (Arranged under the following heads, Statistisk Tabelvserk ; Miscellaneous). — Statistisk Tabelvserk. Ny Reekke (2nd series) . 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1850-59 1. Folketaelling i Kongeriget den lste Febr., 1850, paa de dansk-vestindiske Oerden 13de Mai, 1850, paa Island den 2den Novbr., 1845, paa Fseroerne den 24de Juni, 1845, og i Grronland den 31te Decbr., 1845, samt Vielser, Fodsler og Dods- fald i Kongeriget, med Faeroerne og Island for 1845-49 12. lste Af deling : Folkemsengden efter, Alder og Kjon i Kongeriget Danmark, Hertug- dommet Slesvig, Hertugd. Holsten og Hertugd. Lauenburg den lste Febr., 1855 13. 2den Afdeling : Folkemsengden efter Nseringsvej og Stilling den lste Febr., 1855. (Samt Indledning, indeholdende Folketaellingens Resultater, med 2 Populationskort) Deutsche Ausgabe der Einleitung zu dem statistischen Fabellenwerk, a. R. 12ter. Band (iiber die Volksmenge, etc., den lsten Febr., 1855, mit 2 Karten) Deutsche Ausgabe des 13ten Bandes des statistischen Tabellenwerkes N. R. Waaren-Ein- und Ausfuhr, etc, 1855 128 DE Denmark. Official Publications — Contd. — Statistisk Tabelvaerk — Contd. 14. Deutsche Ausgabe des 14ten Bandes des statistischen TabellwerkesN. R. 1856 15. Selvmord i Kongeriget Danmark for Aarene 1845-56 16. Deutsche Ausgabe des 16ten Bandes des statistischen Tabellenwerkes N. R. 1857 17. Vielser, Fodsler og Dedsfald i Kongeriget Danmark for 1850-54, i Hertugdonimet Slesvig for 1845-54 og i Hertugdemmet Holsten for Aarene 1845-54 18. Deutsche Ausgabe des 18ten Bandes des statistischen Tabellenwerkes If. R. 1853- 54-1857-58 19. Vare-Ind- og UdfSrsel o. s. v., for Aaret 1858 Tredie Rsekke (3rd series) 4to. ib., 1874-77 30. Kongeriget Danmarks Vare-Ind- og Udfor- sel, etc., i Kalendar- Aaret 1874 31. Kongeriget Danmarks Vare-Ind- og Udfcir- sel, etc., i 1875 32. Hartkornets Fordeling i Kongeriget Dan- mark den 1 ste April, 1873. Med et Kaart. 36. Kongeriget Danmarks Vare-Ind- og Udfor- sel, etc., i 1876 27. Storrelsen af det besaaede Areal og Udsseden i Kongeriget Danmark den 15de Juli, 1871 28. Kongeriget Danmarks Vare-Ind- og Udfor- sel, etc., i Finansaaret 1873-74 29. Den civile Retspleje i Kongeriget Dan- mark i 1871 og 1872 — Fjerde Raekke (4th Series) 1, 2. Vielser, Fodsler og Dodsfald, 1870-79 1. Den Kriminelle Retspleje, 1871-75 2. Den Civile Retspleje, 1873-75 1. Kreaturholdet, Juli, 1876 2. Det besaaede Areal og Udsaeden, Juli, 1876 4to. ib., 1878-82 C. 3. Kreaturholdet, Juli, 1881 D. 1 — 5. Vare-Indf orselen og Udf orselen, Han- dels - Flaaden, Skibsfarten saint Brsendevins - Produktionen,, 1877-81 — Meddelelser fra det Statistiske Bureau I — V. 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1852-59 — Statistiske Meddelelser. Tredie Rsekke. Bind 1 — 1 8vo. ib., 1879-82 — Sammendrag af statistiske Oplysninger angaaende Kongeriget Danmark. Nos. 6—8. 8vo. ib., 1874-80 — Resume des principaux faits statistiques du Danemark. Nos. 1 and 2, la. 8vo. Copenhague, 1874 and 1878 Superficie, population, 1801-76 ; Causes de deces a Copenhague, &c, 1863-75 ; Justice, 1867-75 ; Emigres, 1869-76 ; Des contribuables (loi de 1870) ; Statistique agricole, 1871 ; Importa- ion et Exportation, 1869-76; Navigation, Postes et telegraphes, 1869-76 ; Chemins de fer, 1868-76 ; Caisses d'Epargne, &c, 1866-75 ; Banques, Credit foncier, Hypotheques, Assu- rances, 1867-77 ; Recettes et depenses du Royaume, 1869-77 — Miscellaneous. (Arranged chronologically ) . Budget fur 1841 und Normalreglement : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3, 4to. 1841 — Statsbudget, 1856-57—1860-61. 5 vols., 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1856-60 — Populationskaart over Kongeriget Danmark for aarene 1870, 1855 og 1845. (3 loose maps in paper cover), ib., 1874 — Oplysninger om Arbeidernes oekonomiske Vilkaar i Kongeriget Danmark, 1872. xliii + 75 pp., 4to. ib., 1874 — Expose statistique de l'organisation des Hopitaux civils en Danemark. 35 + liii pp., plates, 4to. Copenhague, 1876 — Rapport au Congres International de Statistique de Bude-Pest sur l'etat de la statistique officielle du Royaume de Danemark (avec une liste des Publications officielles du Bureau de Statistique) : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 8vo. 1876 — Fortegnelse over det Statistiske Bureau's Bogsamling. 2 + 185 pp., la 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1880 — Kongelig Dansk Hof-og Stats-Calender for 1834, redigeret af F. J. Ibsen. xliv + 610 + 74 pp., 4to. ib., 1834 (The Genealogy of the Royal Family is written by the Queen of Denmark, who annually corrects it ; it is considered the most correct extant) . DE 129 Denmark. Official Publications — Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift, Maanedsskrift for Samfundssporgsmaal, Okonomi og Handel. (From commencement). 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1873-83 Copenhagen. Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of — , Guide to Northern Archaeology. Edited by the Earl of Ellesmere. [Translation.] xvi + 128pp., la. 8vo. 1848 Dent (W. T.) Summary of Statistics of Railways in the United Kingdom, for the years 1862-78. Compiled from the Returns of the Board of Trade by— : * Railways, fyc. Sheets. 1873-79 Denton (J. B.). Technical Education of the Agricultural Labourer : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § P. 8vo. 1869 De Quatrefages (M.). Memoir of J. Geoffroy St. Hilaire : * Smiihsn. Rep. 8vo. 1862 Derby (Earl of). Address on the Right Application of the Statistical Method. (By Lord Stanley) : * Brit. Assoc. Rep., § F. 8vo., 1865 Derby (G.). An Inquiry into the Influence of Anthracite Fires upon Health, with Remarks upon Artificial Moisture, and the best modes of Warming Houses. 2nd edit., 76 pp., 12mo. Boston, Mass., 1868 Derby (H.). The Effects of Railways on the Progress of the United States, and their Returns of Traffic, as indicative of the Production of the Nation: ' * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Derenzy (Capt.). Enchiridion ; or A Hand for the One-Handed, Wood-cuts : * Pamph., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 Deribier (du Chatelet). Dictionnaire Statistique dn departement du Cantal. viii + 401 pp., 8vo. Aurillac, 1824 Deribier (de Cheissac). Description Statistique du departement de la Haute-Loire, ouvrage couronne par FAcademie royale des sciences au concours de 1823. viii + 527 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1824 Derrick (Charles). Memoirs of the Rise and Progress of the Royal Navy. 309 pp., plate, 4to. 1806 Desellem (S. S.). Convict Clothing : * B. 0. Wines (Trans., $c). 8vo. 1871 Desodoards (A. P.). Histoire de la Revolution de France depuis 1787 jusqu'a l'abdication de Napoleon Bonaparte. ' 7th edit. 6 vols in 3, 8vo. Paris, 1820 Despine (P.). Du role de la science dans la question penitentiaire : * hiternat. Prison Congress. Stockh., 1878. 8vo. 1879 Deutsch — Franzosische-Englishes Handworterbuch. Vollstandiges — . [Anon.]. 2 + 384 + 1 pp., 12mo. Leipzig, 1835 Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen Vereins, Statistik der Mortalitats-, Invaliditats-, und Morbilitats-verhaltnisse bei dem Beamtenpersonal der Deutschen Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen. [Mit Nactrage fur 1874-81] : G. Behm. 8vo. 1876-83 De Vecchi (P.). Produzione della seta in Italia : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 Deverell (W. R.). Statistics of the Population of the Kingdom of Saxony to December, 1837, compared with six preceding years (from the publi- cations of the Statistical Society of Saxony) : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 2. 8vo. 1839 Devincenzi (G.). On the Cultivation of Cotton in Italy. Map : * Tracts, Miscell, vol. 4. 8vo. 1862 Devon and Exeter Savings Bank. Annual Reports and Statements for the Years 1821-44. 18 pamphs. in 1 vol. 8vo. Exeter, 1822-45 Devonshire (Duke of). Introduction [to] the Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute : * Iron and Steel Inst. 8vo. 1871-83 130 DE— DI Dewhurst (H. W.). On the State of Prostitution in the Parish of Lambeth : * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1836-37 Dicey (Albert V.). The Balance of Classes : * Essays on Reform. 8vo. 1867 Dickins (T.) :— The Social Condition of the Poorer Classes t * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1864-65 Moral and Disciplinary Treatment of Prisoners : Id. 8vo. 1875-76 Inaugural Address of the President; delivered November, 1877: * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1877-78 Border-Land of Pauperism : Id. 8vo. 1879-80 Treatment of Juvenile Offenders : Id. 8vo. 1880-81 Dickinson (William H.). St. George's Hospital Reports. Edited by — ; and T. Holmes, F.R.C.S. Vol. viii, 1874-76 : * St. George's Hospital 8vo. 1877 Dickinson (W. L.). Hulme's Educational Charity : * Manch. Stat. Soc, 8vo. 1868-69 Dickson (R. W.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Lancaster. Map : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1815 Dickson (Walter). The Numerical Ratio of Disease in the Adult Male Community, 1857-74 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1876 Dictionnaire des homines de lettres, des savans, et des artistes de la Belgique, presentant l'enumeration de leurs principaux ouvrages. 264 pp., la. 8vo. Brux., 1837 — du Commerce et de 1'Industrie, par Blanqui aine, Brongniart, Costaz, Dubrunfaut, Ch. Dupin, Stephen Flachat, J. Laffitte, Pance, Parisot, E. Pereyre, H. Say, etc. Revue et augmente ... 4 vols., la. 8vo. ib., 1849 — Universel theorique et pratique du Commerce et de la Navigation. 2 vols., la. 8vo. Paris, 1859-61 Dieffenbach (E.). New Zealand and its Native Population : * Aborigines Protection Soc. 8vo. 1837 Dieterici (C. F. W.). Geschichtliche und Statistische Nachrichten iiber die Universitaten im preussischen Staate. viii + 188 pp., 8vo. Berlin, 1836 — - Statistische Uebersicht der wichtigsten Gegenstande des Verkehrs und Verbrauchs im Preussischen Staate und im deutschen Zollverbande, 1831-42. Vol. 1. Preusse, &c., 1831-36; vol. 2. Deutsch Zolverein, 1840-42. 2 vols., la. 8vo. and 8vo. ib., 1838-44 — Die Statistischen Tabellen des preussischen Staats, 1843 : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 4to. 1845 — Der Volkswohlstand im preussischen Staate, 1806 und 1828-32 so wie aus der neuesten Zeit : Id., S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1846 Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Society for the — , Instituted January, 1827. Reports and Prospectus, 1829 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1829-50 — Quarterly Journal of Education. Vols. 1 — 10. 8vo. 1831-35 Dilke (Ashton W.). Local Government and Taxation in Russia : * Cobden Club Essays. 8vo. 1875 Dilke (Sir Charles W.). Greater Britain ; a Record of Travel in English- speaking Countries during 1866 and 1867. 2nd edit. 2 vols., maps and plates, 8vo. 1869 — Local Government among Different Nations : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 37. 8vo. 1874 — Local Government and Taxation in the Australian Colonies and New Zealand: * Cobden Club Essays. 8vo. 1875 — On the Municipal Government of Paris : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 39. 8vo. 1876 Dillon (Anthony). Suggestions for the Continuous Audit of Public Accounts : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1880 DI— DO 131 [Diocletian (Emperor)]. An Edict of, Fixing a Maximum of Prices throughout the Roman Empire, a.d. 303 [together with Introduction by W. M. Leake] : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, voh 5. 8vo. 1825-29 Dircks (Henry). Statistics of Invention, illustrating the Policy of a Patent Law : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § P. 8vo. 1869 Diseases. The Nomenclature of Diseases, drawn up by a Joint Committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians, xxiv -f 327 pp., la. 8vo. 1869 Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Benjamin) : Earl of Beaconsfield. Dissenters. Appeal to the Protestant — of Great Britain to unite with their Catholic Brethren for the removal of the Disqualifications by which they are Oppressed. By a Protestant Dissenter. [Anon.] * * Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 — A Letter to the Rev. Herbert Marsh, D.D., F.R.S., in Confutation of his Opinion that the Dissenters are aiming at the Subversion of the Religious Establishment of this Country, in order to possess its Honours and Emoluments, and to establish their own Forms of Worship. By a Protestant Dissenter and a Layman. [Anon.] : Id., Vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Distilled Spirituous Liquors the Bane of the Nation. . . . [Anon.]. 2nd edit : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 10. 8vo. 1736 Distilleries. On the Dangerous Competition of the — with the Breweries. By a Freeholder. [Anon.] : * Paraph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Distillery. Impartial Inquiry into the Present State of the British — (reply to "Distilled Liquors the Bane of the Nation"), with Supplement. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 10. 8vo. 1736 Distresses. The Cause of our Present — , and the Remedies that have been suggested for their Relief, shortly considered. [Anon.]. 1826 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 5. 8vo. 1825-29 Dobbs (Conway E.). Observations on Mr. Caird's Pamphlet on Prairie Farming in the United States : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 Dobell (Horace). Letters on the Medical Department of Life Assurance. [Reprinted from the "Medical Times and Gazette," with Additions]. 1854: * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 — On Winter Cough, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Emphysema, and Asthma. 3rd edit : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1878 Dobie (Rowland). History of the United Parishes of St. Giles-in-the- Fields and St. George, Bloomsbury . 2nd edit, vii + 432 + 6 pp., 8vo. 1834 Dod (Charles R.> Electoral Facts from 1832 to 1852 impartially stated. 374 pp., 12mo., 1852 Dodd (George) :— The Patent Office and Museum : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1860 Products and Industry of the British Colonies : Id. 12mo. 1863 Fire Insurance and its Taxation : Id. 12roo. 1864 Progress of the Limited Liability Act : Id. 12mo. 1865 Ocean Telegraphy, Present and Prospective : Id. 12mo. 1866 Atlantic Telegraph Cables : Id. 12mo. 1867 Native Textile Industry of India : Id. 12mo. 1868 Petroleum, Paraffin, and Nitro- Glycerine : Id. 12mo. 1869 The Great Suez Canal : Id. 12mo. 1870 Summit Railways and Mail Routes : Id. 12mo. 1871 Postal Telegraph System : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1872 Lighthouse System of the British Islands : Id. 12mo. 1873 Recent Progress of Ocean Telegraphy : Id, 12mo. Railways of the World : Id. 12mo. Channel Passage from England to France Id. 12mo. Telephone, Microphone, and Phonograph : Id. 12mo. 1879 System, Operations, and Locality Mint : Id. Proposed Ship Canal at Panama : Id. Scheme for a Euphrates Railway : Id. 1875 1876 1877 of the 12mo. 1880 12mo. 1881 12mo. 1881 2 132 DO Dodd(W.H.):— The Economic Law of Strikes : •Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8to. 1874 Law relating to the Realisation of Judg- ments and Decrees, with special reference to Judgments and Decrees against Tenant Farmers : *Stat., $c, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1876-79 Preliminary Proceedings in Criminal Cases in England, Ireland, and Scotland com- pared: Id. 8to. 1876-79 Prize Essay on the Differences in the Organisation of Local Courts in Ireland, Scotland, and England : * Stat., 4-c, Soc, Irel. 8to. 1876-79 Prize Essay on the Jurisdiction of the Local Courts in Ireland, Scotland, and England compared : Id. 8vo. 1876-79 Common Poor Fund for the Metropolis : Id. 8to. 1880-82 Some Grievances of Jurors : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 Dodge (J. R.). Statement showing the Production, Importation, Exporta- tion, and Consumption of Cereals in the United States : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 — Centennial Album of Agricultural Statistics, including Maps, Charts, Diagrams, Illustrations of Industrial Colleges, and Type Specimens of Breeds of Farm Animals : U.S.A. (Centennial Album). Maps, diagrams, &c. Obi. la. fol, 1876 Dodge (N. S.). Memoir of Sir F. W. Herschel : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1871 — On Charles Babbage : Id. 8vo. 1873 Dollard (William). General and Medical Topography of Kalee Kemaoon and Shore Valley. Maps : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8yo. 1840 Donnell (Prof.). The Ulster Tenant-Right : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1874 — Report on the best, means of facilitating Land Transfer by means of Local Register : * Stat., 8,'c, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 Donnell (Robert). The Linen Trade and the Customs' Duties : * Stat., $c, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1868-70 Donnelly (Capt.). The Aid now granted by the State towards the Instruc- tion of the Industrial Classes in Elementary Science, its Nature and Results : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Doran (Joseph T.). The Operations of our Building Associations : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1876 [Doubleday (Thomas)]. The Letters which have appeared in the " New- castle Chronicle " on the Petition of the Chamber of Commerce of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for the continued Circulation of Local One-Pound Notes ; with a Prefatory Address to the Country Bankers, additional Notes, and Appendix. By a Member of the Chamber, 1828 : * Tracts on Com and Bullion, vol. 6. 8vo. 1826-28 Doubleday (Thomas). Financial and Statistical History of England, from the Revolution of 1688 to the Present Time ; derived from Official Documents. In Seventeen Letters addressed to the Young Men of Great Britain. xvi + 414 pp., 8vo. 1847 Douglas (Rev*. R.). General View of the Agriculture of the Counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk. Maps and plates: *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1798 Doursther (Horace). Dictionnaire universel des Poids et Mesures anciens et modernes, contenant des Tables de monnaie de tons les pays. iv + 603 pp., la. 8vo. Brux., 1840 Dowden (Richard). Connexion between the Origin and Localization of Diseases, whether usual or epidemical, and the over-crowding of Build- ings in our Cities : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 Dowden (Major T. F.). The Railway Clearing System as practised in the English Clearing House in 1876. iv + 164 pp., sm. fol. 1877 . Dowell (Stephen). A Sketch of the History of Taxes in England, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Vol. 1. To the Civil War, 1642. xxii + 365 pp., 8vo. 1876 DO— DU 133 Downes (John). United States' Almanac ; or Complete Ephemeris for the Year 1843 . . . : * U.S. Aim. 8vo. [1843] Doyle (A.). Letter to the Chairman of the Board of Guardians of Dudley Union, on the State of the Workhouses of that Union : * Tracts, Miscell, vol. 4. 8vo. 1853 Doyle (John). The American Colonies previous to the Declaration of Independence. " The Arnold Prize Essay, 1869." viii + 219 pp. 8vo. 1869 Doyle (Patrick). A Contribution to Burman Mineralogy (privately printed): * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1879 — Petroleum : its History, Origin, and Use, -with reference to its Advantages and Perils as an Illuminator : Id., S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1880 Drama. The Plagiary warned. A Vindication of the Drama, the Stage, and Public Morals, from the Plagiarisms and Compilations of the Rev. J. A. James. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 Draper (Henry). Construction of Silvered Glass Telescope : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 14. 4to. 1865 Draper (Lyman C). Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin ; its Growth, Progress, Condition, Wants, and Capabilities : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 3. 8vo. 1857 Drinkwater (John E.). Analysis of Signor Quadri's work, "Prospetto Statistico delle Provincie Venete :" * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings) . 8vo. 1834-35 Droop (H. R.). On Methods of Electing Representatives : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol 44. 8vo. 1881 Drummond (Henry). Elementary Propositions on the Currency. Third edition, with Additions showing their Application to the Present Times, 1826 : * Tracts on Polit. Economy, vol. 2. 8vo. 1822-27 Another copy : . . . * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 6. 8vo. 1826-28 Drummond (James). The Art of Agriculture established on True Principles, 1847: * Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Du Barry (E. L.). The United States ; its Power and Progress, by G. T. Poussin. Translated from the French by — : * G. T. Poussin. La. 8vo. 1851 Dublin Metropolitan Police. Statistical Tables of the, 1838-82. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1839-83 Dublin Monthly Journal of Industrial Progress. Edited by Wm. K. Sullivan. 10 Nos. 8vo. Dublin, 1854 Dublin Society. (Royal) Journal of the — . Vols. 1 — 7. Maps and plates, 8vo. Dublin, 1858-75 Dubois (Cardinal). Etudes historiques sur Louvois et sur Dubois, par un Inconnu. [Anon.]: * Inconnu (Etudes, &fc). 8vo. 1868 Dubois (Comte). Rapport sur l'histoiro et les travaux du Bureau de la statistique generale de France : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 — Rapport sur le tableau des chemins-de-fer francais : Id. 4to. 1857-58 Dubost (C). Elements of Commerce, or a Treatise on Different Calcula- tions . . . being a Complete System of Commercial Calculations. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. [1805] Du Cane (Col. Sir E. F.). Preface [to] Alphabetical Register of Habitual Criminals: * Habitual Criminals. Fol. 1877 — An Account of the Manner in which Sentences of Penal Servitude are carried out in England. x + 174 pp., 8vo. 1882 Duchatelet (A. J. B. Parent-) : A. J. B. Parent-Duchatelet Ducpetiaux (Edouard). Statistique comparee de la Criminalite en France, en Belgique, en Angleterre, et en Allemagne : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 5. 8vo. 1835 — Des progres et de l'etat actuel de la Reforme penitentiaire et des Institu- tions preventives, aux Etats-Unis, en France, en Suisse, en Angleterre et en Belgique. 3 vols., 12mo. Brux., 1837 134 DU Ducpetiaux (Edouard). De Petat de l'instruction primaire et populaire en Belgique, compare avec celui de l'instruction en Allemagne, en Prusse, en Suisse, en France, en Hollande, et aux Etats-Unis. 292 + 368 pp., 18mo. Brux., 1838 — Quelques mots sur l'etat actuel de l'instruction primaire en Belgique : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 3. 8vo. 1839 — Memoire sur l'etablissement du Penitencier central pour les jeunes delinquants: Id., S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1840 — De la condition physique et morale des jeunes ouvriers, et des moyens de l'ameliorer. 2 vols, in 1, la. 8vo. Brux., 1843 — Comptes de l'administration de la justice criminelle en Belgique, 1826-39 : * Belgium (Bulletin, Corn-miss, de stat.), vol. 1. 4to. 1843 Another copy : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 4to. [1843] — Du sort des enfants trouves et abandonnes en Belgique, 1682-1839 : * Belgium {Bulletin, Commiss. de Stat.) vol. 1. 4to. 1843 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 4to. [1843] — De la Mortalite a Bruxelles, comparee a celle des autres grandes villes : Id., S. 3, vol. 4. 4to. 1844 — Le Pauperisme en Belgique ; causes et remedes : Id., S. 5, vol. 9. 8vo. 1844 — Projet pour la construction aux environs de Bruxelles, d'un Quartier modele destine a des families d'ouvriers. Plan : Id., S. 6, vol. 1. 4to. 1844 — Des Deces dans la ville de Bruxelles, leur rapport avec la population, 1825-42 : * Belgium (Bulletin, Commiss. de Stat.) vol. 2. 4to. 1845 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 4to. [1845] — Projet d'association financiere pour l'amelioration des habitations et l'assainissement des quartiers habites par la classe ouvriere a Bruxelles : * Belgium (Bnguete sur la classe ouvriere). La. 8vo, 1846-48 — Memoire sur l'organisation des Ecoles de Reforme : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 4to. 1848 — - - Memoire sur le Pauperisme dans les Flandres. xvii + 640 pp., 8vo. Brux., 1850 -=- Colonies agricoles, ecoles rurales et ecoles de reforme pour les indigents, les mendiants, et les vagabonds, et specialement pour les enfants des deux sexes, en Suisse, en Allemagne, en France, en Angleterre, dans les Pays-Bas, et en Belgique. Rapport addresse a M. Tesch, Ministre de la Justice. Plates: * (Stat, de la Belgique) . 4to. 1851 — - Fermes-bospices des deux Flandres, 1848-51 : * Belgium (Bulletin, Commiss. de Stat.) vol. 4. 4to. 1851 — Budgets economiques des Classes ouvrieres en Belgique — Subsistances, Salaires, Population. 340 pp., 4to. Brux., 1855 Another copy. — Des conditions d'application du systeme de l'Emprisonnement separe ou cellulaire (avec plan de la Maison centrale de correction a Louvain) : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1857 — Statistique des Prisons de la Belgique, periode, 1851-55 : Id., Miscell., vol. 2. 4to. 1857 — La Question de la Charite et des Associations religieuses en Belgique. xvi + 422 pp., la. 8vo. Brux., 1858 — Expose de la situation des Ecoles de reforme de Ruysselede, de Wynghene, et de Beernem, 1849-58. 132 pp., plates, 4to. ib., 1861 — Situation des ecoles de reforme de Ruysselede, &c, 1849-58 : * Belgium (Bulletin, Commiss. de Stat.) vol. 9. 4to. 1866 DU 135 Dudley (Rev. Sir H. Bate). An Address to the Lord Primate of all Ireland, recommendatory of some Commutation or Modification of the Tythes of that Country ; with a few Remarks on the Present State of the Irish Church : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Dudley Observatory [N.Y.]. Defence of Dr. Gould by the Scientific Council of the, [with Appendix]. 3rd edit., 93 pp., 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1858 — Reply to the Statement of the Trustees of — . By Benj. A. Gould, jun. v + 366 pp., 8vo. ib., 1859 Dufau (P. A.). Traite de s^atistique ou theorie de l'etude des lois d'apres lesquelles se developpent les faits sociaux ; suivi d'un Essai de statis r tique physique et morale de la population francaise. xii + 378 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1840 Duff (Rt. Hon. M. E. Grant). Studies in European Politics. xxv + 393 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1866 — Address on Economic Science by — : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1867 — Address on Economy and Trade : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1875 — Address and Historical Review, by — : * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1881 Dufferin (Lord). Irish Emigration and the Tenure of Land in Ireland. xxii + 402 pp., plan. 8vo. 1867 — The Case of the Irish Tenant, as stated sixteen years ago : * Tracts, S. 5. vol. 36. 8vo. 1870 Dufief (N. G.). ' Universal, Pronouncing, and Critical Erench-English Dictionary, with a Dictionary of Sea Terms and Phrases. xii + 576 pp., 8vo. 1833 Dumas (M.). Eulogy on A. A. De La Rive : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1874 Dumbell (John). Letter to Rt. Hon. Robert Peel on Peace and Plenty, the Distress which prevails, Arbitrary Power of the Bank, Currency, Corn Laws, &c. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 20. 8vo. 1826 Du Mesnil-Marigny (M.). Histoire de l'Economie politique des anciens peuples de l'lnde, de l'Egypte, de la Judee, et de la Grece. Troisieme edition, augmented . . . par l'auteur. 3rd edit., 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878 Dun (John). Emigration and its Effects on Commerce : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1853-54 — British Banking Statistics, with remarks on the Bullion Reserve and Non- Legal-Tender Note Circulation of the United Kingdom. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Statistical Society). ii + 189 pp., 8vo. 1876 Another copy : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 39. 8vo. 1876 — Notes on the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Banking and Joint Stock Companies Bill, 1879. 65 pp., 8yo. 1879 Dunant (P. L.). Recherches sur le Mouvement de la population de la Ville de Geneve de 1845-72, par le Dr. P. L. Dunant. 48 pp., diagrams, 4to., 1876 — Influence de l'immigration de la Population des Campagnes dans les Villes : * Annates De'mog. internat., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 — Note sur la Population de la Ville de Geneve. Etude comparative des mouvements de population parmi les anciens et les nouveaux habitants : Id., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 [Duncan (W. J.)]. Notes on the Rate of Discount in London, from January, 1856, to August, 1866 ; with Sketch since the Crisis of 1847. ' vii + 96 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1867 — Notes on the Rate of Discount in London, from May, 1866, to the close of 1873 ; with continuation to the close of 1876. viii + 169 pp., 8vo. ib., 1877 Another copy. — Our Home and Foreign Trade. Supplement to " Notes on the Rates of Discount in London, 1866-73 . . . 1876." . 29 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 136 DU Duncumb (J.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Hereford. Maps and plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1805 Dundonald (Earl of). Brief Extracts on the Use, Properties, and Products of the Bitumen and Petroleum of Trinidad. 14 pp., plates, fol., 1857 Dunkin (E.). Total Eclipse of the Sun, August, 1868 : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1869-70 Dunlop (Alexander). Notes on the Isthmus of Panama, with Remarks on its Physical Geography, and its Prospects in connection with the Gold Regions, 1852 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 8. 8vo. 1851-53 Dunlop (A.). Sketches on Political Economy: * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Dunlop (John). The Philosophy of Artificial and Compulsory Drinking Usage in Great Britain and Ireland . . . with copious Anecdotes and Illustrations. xvi + 331 pp., 12mo. 1839 — The Universal tendency to Association in Mankind, analysed and illustrated with Practical and Historical Notices of the Bonds of Society, as regards Individuals and Communities. iv + 243 pp., 12mo. 1840 Dunsky (H. D.). On the present Timber and Deal Trade, as regards Europe and the British American Colonies ; resting on plain Facts : * Pamph., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 Dupin (M.). Discours adresse a la Cour Royale de Paris, a l'occasion du proces contre le Constitutionnel en faveur de l'accuse : * Pamph., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 Dupin (Baron Charles). Forces productives et commerciales de la France. 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1827 — Discours sur quelques progres des Sciences Mathematiques en France, depuis 1830 : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 1. 4to. 1835 — Tableau des Interets de la France relatifs a la production et au commerce des Sucres de Canne et de Betterave : Id., S. 5, vol. 19. 8vo. 1836 — Premier appel au bon sens des Departements Vignicoles, &c, sur leurs interets agricoles dans la question des Sucres : Id., S. 5, vol. 3. 4to. [1841] Dupont de Nemours (M.). Observations et notice [sur les ceuvres d'A. R. J. Turgot] : *A. B. J. Turgot. La. 8vo. 1844 Duppa (B. P.). Industrial Schools for the Peasantry : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2. 8vo. 1838 [Dupris de St. Maur]. Essai sur les Monnoies, ou Reflexions sur le rapport entre l'Argent et les Denrees. xxi-|- 3 + 220 -+- 188 pp., 4to. Paris, 1746 Du Puynode (G.). Etudes sur les Principaux Economistes. Turgot, Adam Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, J. B. Say, Rossi, xiv + 493 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1868 — Les Grandes Crises financieres de la France, xxviii + 401 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 Dureau (M. B.). The Sugar Question as it Affects the Consumer : * Tracts, Miscell. vol. 2. 8vo. 1864 Durham County Gaol and House of Correction — Chaplain's Annual Reports, 1850-58. 8 parts in 1 vol., 12mo. Durham, 1850-58 Durham Refuge for Discharged Prisoners from the Durham County Gaol. Annual Report, 1855 : * Durham County Gaol. 12mo. 1850-58 Dussard (H.). Observations et notes nouvelles [sur les ceuvres d'A. R. J. Turgot] : *A. B. J. Turgot. La. 8vo. 1844 Duthy (John). The Different Effects of Peace and War on the Price of Bread Corn considered, in an Examination of Principles attempted to be Established, from the Yearly Rates of the Market, by J. Brand : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1800-01 Duval (H. J.). Prison System of Ceylon : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 DU— EA 137 Duval (Jules). Histoire de l'Emigration Europeenne, Asiatique et Africaine, au XIX e siecle, ses causes, ses caracteres et ses effets. Ouvrage couronne en 1861 par l'Academie des sciences morales et politiques. xvi + 496 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1862 — Les Societes cooperatives. (Cours d'Economie industrielle. 3 e serie) : *Assocn. poly technique. 12mo. 1866 Duveyrier (Charles). L'Avenir et les Bonaparte. 330 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1864 Duvillard (E. E.). Analyse et tableaux de Pinfluence de la petite verole sur la mortalite a chaque age, et de celle qu'nn preservatif tel qne la vaccine peut avoir sur la population et la longevite. 210 pp., 4to. Paris, 1806 Dwelling Houses. On the Means of Guarding — , by their Construction, against Accidents by Fire. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol 5. 8vo. 1815 Dyer (G.). Letters on the English Constitution : * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 — A Dissertation on the Theory and Practice of Benevolence. New edit. : Id., vols. 13 and 14. 8vo. 1818-19 Dyer (Thomas H.). The History of Modern Europe, from the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, to the War in the Crimea in 1857. 4 vols., 8vo. 1861 E. [E. (V.)]. II trattato di Commercio con la Francia e la statistica industriale. [Anon.] : ' * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1877 Eason (Charles, jun.). Acts for taking the Census in England, Scotland, and Ireland of 1881 : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1880-82 Eason's Almanac and Hand Book for Ireland for 1880 and 1883. 12mo. Dublin, [1880-83] East India Association. Journal of the, (from commencement) . Maps, 8vo. 1867-83 — Debates in both Houses of Parliament relating to India, during the Session of 1870 . . . extracted, by special permission, from " Hansard's Parliamentary Debates." 118 -f viii + 1 pp., 8vo. 1870 East India College (Civil Service) Haileybury. Proceedings and Address of the Chairman :' * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1856 East India College (Military) Addiscombe. Public Examinations, June and December, 1856 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1856 East India : — Hints on the present state of the Question relative to the Renewal of the East India Company's Charter. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol 2. 8vo. 1813 — Report of the Committee of Correspondence, on the Claims of the Out- ports : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 — Statistical Papers relating to India. Printed for the Court of Directors of the E.I. Company. i + 89 pp., maps, sm. fol. 1853 — (See also India, and Parliamentary Papers).' [East India Merchant. An] A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P. ... on the Subject of Indian Railways. [Anon.]. 1848: * Indian Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1845-49 [East India Officer]. Is India to have Railways ? Fallacies of an East India Merchant Exposed, in a Letter to Lt.-Gen. Sir J. L. Lushington, G.C.B., Chairman of the Hon. East India Company. [Anon.] 1848: * Indian Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1845-49 East India Trade. Considerations on the — . "Wherein all the Objections to that Trade with relation, 1. To the Exportation of Bullion for Manu- factures consumed in England ; 2. To the Loss of Employment for our own Hands ; 3. To the Abatement of Rents ; are fully Answered. With a Comparison of the East-India and Fishing Trades. [Anon.] 1701 : *Polit. Econ. Club (Early Tracts, Sfc). 8vo. 1856 138 EA— ED East Indian Railway Company. An Enquiry into the Absolute and Com- parative Value of the Government Guaranteed Railway Stock of the — . By an Accountant. [Anon.]. 1847: * Indian Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1845-49 East London Waterworks. Report to the Directors of the — , by T. Wicksteed, relative to the practicability and expediency of giving a Constant Supply. 48 pp., 4to. 1847 Eastman (E.). La reform e morale des voleurs : * Internat. Prison Congress, Stockh., 1878. 8vo. 1879 Eaton (J.). Memoire sur la statistique de l'enseignement aux Etats-Unis d'Ameriqne : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Eaton (John). Comparative Statistics of Elementary Education in Fifty Principal Countries, prepared by the United States' Bureau of Education from the most recent Official Reports, and other Authentic Sources, 1807-80: U.S.A. (Comparative Stat). Sheet, folded. [1880] Eccentric Club. The: W. Dawbarn. 2 vols., 8vo. 1880-81 Ecclesiastical Register [Irish]. Edited by J. C. Erck. lxii + 369 pp., 8vo. Dublin, 1830 Economist, The, and Weekly Commercial Times (commencing with vol. 4). 4to. 1846-83 — Commercial History and Review [Annual Reviews], 1863-70. Supple- ment to the " Economist." 8 parts in 1 vol. Sm. fol. 1864-83 Economiste franeais. L', Journal hebdomadaire [1873-83]. Fol. Paris, 1873-83 Eden (Sir P. Morton, Bt.). The State of the Poor, or a History of the Labouring Classes in England, from the Conquest to the present period. 3 vols., 4to. 1797 Another copy, -r- Estimate of the Number of Inhabitants in Great Britain and Ireland : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1800 Edge (J. H.). The Application of Copyhold Enfranchisement to Long Leases in Ireland, the Assimilation of Chattel and Freehold Succession, and the Simplification of Transfer of Land: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878 Another copy: * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1876-79 — Bright Clauses of the Irish Land Act : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 Edgell (Rev. Edgell Wyatt-). Moral Statistics of the Parishes of St. James, St. George, and St. Anne, Soho, Westminster. (Supplement to Third Report of Education Committee of Statistical Society) : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 — Remarks on the Plan adopted for Taking the Census in 1841, with Suggestions for its Improvement : Id., vol. 12. 8vo. 1849 — Proposals for Preserving and Making a General Index of the Parish Registers anterior to 1837: Id., vol. 13. 8vo. 1850 — On the Statistics of Places of Worship in England and Wales, founded on a Table compiled by T. Blisse : Id., vol. 14- 8vo. 1851 Edgeworth (P. Y.). The Abstract Theory of Rent : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1882 Edinburgh. Rolls of Superiorities belonging to the Lord Provost, Magis- trates, and Council of the City of — , showing the Accounting for the Feu- Duties in the Year ended 1st August, 1878. La. fol. Edinb., 1879 — City of. Accounts published in the Years 1878-82. 5 vols., fol. ib., 1878-82 — The Endowed and Voluntary Churches of — , compared. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. 1834 Edinburgh Academical Institution, Milton's Plan of Education in his Letter to Hartlib . . . with the Plan of the — founded thereon : * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 ED 189 Edinburgh. Almanac. New, and National Repository, Oliver and Boyd's, 1838 and 1880. 12mo. Edinb., [1838-80] Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. Report by the — , on the Subject of a Decimal Coinage. Illustrations : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1853 Edinburgh and District Water Trust. Report respecting the Financial Affairs of the—. 36 pp., fol, Edinb., 1879 Edinburgh. Royal Society of, Transactions of the — : Boy. Soc. of Edinb. Maps, plates, &c„ 4to. 1839-81 — Proceedings of the — : Id. Maps, plates, &c, 8vo. 1850-81 Edmeads (Rev. W.). National Establishment, National Security; or Thoughts on the Consequences of Commuting the Tithes : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Edmonds (J. W.), Thoughts on a Reformatory Prison Discipline : * E. G. Ellis. 8vo. 1871 Edmonds (T. R.). Life Tables, founded upon the Discovery of a Numerical Law Regulating the Existence of every Human Being ; Illustrated by a New Theory of the Causes Producing Health and Longevity. xliii + 38 pp., la. 8vo. 1832 — On the Influence of Age on the Mortality of the Population of Sweden: * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-37 — On the Movement of the Population of England and Sweden throughout seventy-five years, ending with 1830 : Id. 8vo. 1834-37 — Statistics of Health : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — On the Laws Governing Human Mortality, Pressure of Saturated Steam, and Density of Saturated Steam 21 + 16 + 20 + 11 pp., 8vo, 1866 On the Law of Human Mortality expressed by a New Formula On Vital Force according to Age, and the " English Life Table " On the Elastic Force of Steam of Maximum Density ; with a New Formula for the expression of such Force in Terms of the Temperature On the Law of Density of Saturated Steam expressed by a New Formula Edmonds (William). Bills of Sale Registered in England and Wales, 1878 and 1879 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1880 Education in Westminster. Third Report of a Committee of the Statis- tical Society, London, on — : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 — in England, Recent Measures for the Promotion of — . Report of the Committee of Council on : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 3. 8vo. 1839 — in Finsbury. Report of the Education Committee of the Statistical Society, London, on : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 6. 8vo. 1843 — - in London. Fifth Report and Summary of the Education Committee of the Statistical Society on : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1843 — in Staffordshire. Education in the Mining and Manufacturing District of South Staffordshire ; a Report to the Council of the Statistical Society, London, on : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1847 — Minutes of the Committee of Council on — , in 1846. Supplementary Official Letters. The Leeds Deputation upon Education, 1847 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 Education. Central Society of—. First, Second, and Third Publications. 3 vols., 12mo. 1837-39 — Riot in Kent ; Report to the — , on the State of the Peasantry at Bough- ton, Hernehill, and Dunkirk, near Canterbury : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1838 Education, Lectures on, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain: Boy. Inst. (Lectures). 8vo. 1855 HO ED— EL Education of the Poor. National Society for the, Report . . . 1813 : *Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 Educational Society. Second Report of the Committee of the—, on the State of Education in Newcastle-upon-Tyne : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 3. 8vo. 1839 Edwards (Bryan). The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 3rd edit. 3 vols. Portraits, maps, &c, 8vo. 1801 Edwards (Rev. B. B.). Address of American Statistical Association, 1840, Extracts from : * Am. Stat. Assocn. 8vo. 1843-47 Edwards (Edward). Letter on the Desirability of a Better Provision of Public Libraries in the British Empire : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 13. 8vo. 1848 — Statistical View of the Principal Public Libraries of Enrope and America. 3rd edit, vi + 48 pp., plans, sm. fol. 1849 Another copy, 1st edit. : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 11. 8vo. 1848 Edwards (George N.). Statistical Tables of the Patients nnder Treatment in St. Bartholomew's Hospital during 1860-61 : * Tracts, Miscell, vol. 1. 8vo. 1861-62 Edwards (H. Milne), Investigacoes geographicas dos Portuguezes. Tra- duccao de Prof. R. A. Pequito: * (Soc. de Geographia de Lisboa). 8vo. 1879 Edwards (H. S.). Statistics of all the Countries in the "World . . . : 0. Eiibner. Sheet, folded. 1872 Edwards (Milne). Rapport snr la production et l'emploi dn Sel en Angle- terre : * Tracts, Miscell, S. 5, vol. 3. 4to. 1850 Egleston (T.). Catalogue of Minerals and their Formulas : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 7. 8vo. 1867 Egypt. Statistique de l'Egypte, 1873, 1290 de l'Hegire. bxxxvi -f 315 pp., 8vo. Le Caire, 1873 — Essai de Statistique generate de l'Egypte, 1873-77, 1878. 2 vols., maps, 8vo. ib., 1879 — Decret, Reglement et Instructions relatives an Recensement general de la population de l'Egypte, 1882. 18 pp., 8vo. ib., 1881 — Le Commerce exterieur de l'Egypte, 1874-78, 79-80. 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1879-81 — Bulletin trimestriel du Commerce exterieur de l'Egypte, 1880-82. 8vo. ib., 1880-83 — Report presented to H.H. the Khedive on the Situation of the Daira Sanieh in 1881. 21 pp., 4to. ib., 1883 — Statistique de la Navigation dans les Ports egyptiens. Annee 1880. 4to. ib., 1883 — Bulletin trimestriel de la Navigation par le Canal de Suez, 1880-82. 8vo. ib., 1881-83 — Statistique de la Navigation par le Canal de Suez, 1880-81. 8vo. ib., 1881-83 — Guide-Annuaire d'Egypte. Statistique, Administration, Commerce, Industries, Agriculture, Antiquites, etc. Avec les plans d'Alexandrie et du Caire. Par F. Levernay (annee 1872-73) : Guide-Annuaire d'HJgypte. Plans, 8vo. 1873 Eichthal (Ad. d'.). De la Monnaie de Papier, et des Banques d'Emission. x + 194 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1864 Eisenlohr (Th.). Die Schullehrer-Bildungs-Anstalten Deutschlands : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 3. 8vo. 1840 Ekert (G.). A Description of the Cellular Prison at Bruchsal (Baden) : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Elb (O.). tTber Gebaudestatistik. 30 pp., la. 8vo. Dresden, 1882 Eldridge (Captain M. L.). History of the Massachusetts Nautical Reform School : * E. C Wines (Trans., $-c). 8vo. 1871 EL 141 Electors. Right of — , determined by the House [of Commons], [arranged in Alphabetical Order of Boroughs and Counties]. [Anon.] [ante 1712]. MS. fol. Elector's Remembrancer; or, a Guide to the Votes of each Member of the House of Commons : * Pamph., vol. 20. 8vo. 1822 Elementary Schools. On the Manner in which Rudimentary Science should be Taught, and how Examinations should be held therein, in — : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1881 Elford (Sir Wm.). A few Cursory Remarks on the Obnoxious Parts of the Game Laws. 2nd edit.: * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Elgin and Kincardine (Earl of). Condition and Prospects of Canada in 1854. [From the Despatches of the—] : * Canada (Condition and Prospects). 8vo. 1855 [Elibank (Lord)]. Essay on Paper Money and Banking; from Essays on the Public Debt, Frugality, &c. 1755 : * Overstone Colin., vol. 3. 8vo. 1857 Eliot (P. P.) Letters on the Political and Financial Situation of this Country in the Year 1814 : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 — A Series of Letters on the Political and Financial State of the Nation at the commencement of the Year 1814: Id., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 — Three Letters on the Financial and Political Situation of the Country in 1815 : , Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 — Letters on the Political and Financial Situation of the British Empire in the Year 1816 : Id., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Eliot (William). A Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the Question concerning the Country Banks of Issue of England and Wales . . . 1840: * Currency, 8rc, vol. 11. 8vo. 1840-42 [Elking (Henry)]. A View of the Greenland Trade and Whale Fishery. With the National and Private Advantages thereof. 1722 : * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 Elkington (Joseph). Account of the Mode of Draining Land, according to the System Practised by [him]. Plates : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1808 Ellena (V.) :— Dell' emigrazione e dello sue leggi : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1876 Another copy : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 I porti rivali del Mediterraneo : Id. La. 8vo. 1877 La Finanze Comunali : Id. La. 8vo. 1877 Alcune Parole sugli Scambi Internazionali : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 I tributi sullo zuecbero e sugli spiriti : Id. La. 8vo. 1878 La statistica di alcune industrie italiane : Id. La. 8vo. 1879 L'Elemento economico e l'elemento tecnico nelle dogane : Id. La. 8vo. 1881 Ellesmere (Earl of). Guide to Northern Archaeology, by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. Edited for the use of English Readers [and an Introduction added] by the — . [Translation] : (Copenhagen Boy. Soc. of N. Antiquaries of). La. 8vo. 1848 Ellet (C). Physical Geography of the United States : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 2. 4to. 1851 Elliot (D. G.). List of Described Species of Humming Birds : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 16. 8vo. 1880 — Classification and Synopsis of the Trochilidaa : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 23. 4to. 1881 Elliot (Sir Walter). Notes on the Village System and the Tenure of Land in the Dravidian Villages of the Dekhan : * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1881 Elliott (C. B.). Military Statistics of certain Armies, especially those of the United States: * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1864 142 EL— EN Elliott (C. B.}. Statistik von Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 — An Approximate Life-Table for the United States : * U.S.A. (Stat, Atlas). La. fol. 1874 — Popnlation of the United States, 1780-1800 : Id. La. fol. 1874 Elliott (Henry W.). The History and Present Condition of the Seal Islands of Alaska, for the Tenth Census of the United States : *U.S.A. (Census). Maps and plates, 4to. 1881 Elliott (J. H.). Credit, the Life of Commerce, being a Defence of the British Merchant against the recent Alterations in the Laws of Debtor and Creditor. xi + 220 pp., 12mo. 1845 — The Increase of Material Prosperity and of Moral Agents, compared with the State of Crime and Pauperism: *Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 31. 8vo. 1868 Ellis (Arthur) :— Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes created since 1866 : *W. J. Duncan. 8to. 1877 The Relative Increase of Home compared The Production and Distribution of the Precious Metals, 1866-76 ; Gold Produc- tion of previous periods, 1849-76. Dia- grams : Id. 8vo. 1877 The Rationale of Market Fluctuations, with Foreign Trade : Id. 8vo. 1877 | 3rd edit. Tii + 167 pp., 8vo. 1879 The Parliamentary Representation of the The Losses of the Franco- German War, and their effect upon the Money Market ; mode in which the War Indemnity was settled : Id. 8vo. 1877 Metropolitan, Agricultural, and Manu- facturing Divisions of the United King- dom, with Suggestions for its Redistribu- tion : * Stat. Soc. {Jl.) , vol. 46. 8vo. 1883 Ellis (A. J.). Algebra identified with Geometry. 84 pp., diagrams, 8vo. 1874 Ellis (Charles). The Law of Fire and Life Insurance and Annuities, with Practical Observations. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. 2nd edit, xix + 322 pp., 8vo. 1846 1. The Law of Fire Insurance | 2. The Law of Life Insurance | 3. The Law of Annuities Ellis (J. Walter). The Decline of Small Farmers in Yorkshire and Lancashire. The Cause and Effect : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1870 Ellis (Thomas). The Sewage of the Metropolis, and how to utilise it : * Metropolitan Sewage (Tracts). 8vo. [1863] Ellis (William). A Chart of Industrial Life, and some Instructions for its use : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1869 — An Address to Teachers on the Laws of Conduct in Industrial Life : Id., S. 4,\ol. 11. 8vo. 1870 Ellison (Thomas). A Handbook of the Cotton Trade ; or, a Glance at the Past History, Present Condition, and Future Prospects of the Cotton Commerce of the World. xxi + 1 + 191 pp., map. 8vo. 1858 Elmes (James). On the Insufficiency of the existing Establishments for Promoting the Fine Arts, towards that of Architecture and its Professors : * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Eisner (A. F.). Repertorischer Assecuranz-Almanach. Handbuch fur den Assecuranz- und Handelsstand nnd fur Juristen. 344 pp., 12mo. Berlin, 1867 Elwes (J.). The Life of—. By E. Topham. 2nd edit., 1790 : * Famph., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 Eminent Persons. Biographies reprinted from the " Times," 1870-79. 256 pp., 8vo. 1880 Emly (Lord). Inaugural Address by — , as President : * Stat. $c, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 Enderby (Charles). The Fallacy of our Monetary System, as deduced from its Authors. Sir Robert Peel's definition of a Pound, 1847 : * Currency, $r., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 EN— EQ 143 Engel (Ernst) :— Die Bewegung der Bevolkeriing im Koriig. Sachsen, 1834-50. xii + 121 pp., la. 4to. Dresden, 1852 Rapports allemand et francais sur la statis- tique de l'industrie : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Statistics of Prussia : Id. 4to. 1860-61 Die Beschliisse des Internationalen Statis- tischen Congresses in seiner V Sitzungs- periode, abgehalten zu Berlin, 1863 : * Tracts, MiscelL, vol. 2. 4to. 1863 Statistique de Prusse : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 Eloge de L. A. J. Quetelet. Discours pro- nonce par — . . . deyant l'Assemblee generale du Congres, Septembre, 1876. 17 pp., portrait, 4to. Berlin* [1876] Die Morbiditat, Invaliditat und Mortalitat der zu festen Verbanden organisirten order im offentlichen Dienste stebendeu Erwerbstbatigen : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Die Statistik der Erwerbstbatigen juris- tiscben Personen insbesondere der Actien- und Actieri-Commanditgesellschaften : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to; 1876-78 Die Statistik der Unfalls- und Inyaliditats versicherung der Erwebsthatigen : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Die Verungliickungen der Erwerbsthatigen im Beruf : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Discours en memoife de A. Quetelet : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Sur la question de Statistique des personnes morales d'industrie et du commerce : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Sur la statistique des accidents et des deces dans l'industrie provenant du fait merue du travail et assurance contre les acci- dents : Id. 4to. 1876-78 [Engineer. An] Railways in India. [Anon.]. 1847 i * Indian Pamph., vol 2. 8vo. 1845-49 England* Objections to the project of creating a Vice-Chancellor of, [Anon.]: ' * Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 — Maps of, Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 5 loose sheets. 1830-31 — in 1830 ; being a Letter to (the late) Earl Grey, laying before him the Condition of the People, as described by themselves in their Petitions to Parliament. [Anon.]. Reprinted : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 2. 8vo. 1840-47 — The Evils of, Social and Economical. By a London Physician [Anon.]. 2nd edit, xv + 152 pp., 12mo. 1865 England's Great Happiness ; or a Dialogue between Content and Complaint) wherein is denionstrated that a great part of our Complaints are cause- less . . . By a Real and Hearty Lover of his King and Country [Anon.]. 1677: *Polit. Econ. Club {Early Tracts). 8vo. 1856 English (H.); The " Mining Journal and Commercial Gazette." A Journal of Geology, Metallurgy, and Mineralogy. Conducted by — : Mining Jl, Fol. 1835-36 — "Mining Manual and Almanac," for 1851. Compiled by — : Mining Manual, 8fc. 12mo. [1851] Ensor (George). The Poor and their Relief. viii + 384 pp., 870. 1823 Entick (ReV. John). A Continuation of the History and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Borough of Southwark, with the Places Adjacent ; bringing down the History to the Present Time, and describing the Vast Improvements made in every part of this great Metropolis: * W. Maitland-. Fol. 1756-72 Entwisle (John). Report of the Sanatory Condition of the Borough of Bolton : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1848 Equality of the Constitution. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Equitable Society for Assurances on Lives and Survivorships. Deed of Settlement of the — . As the same is Inrolled in H.M. Court of King's Bench at Westminster in the Year 1765, with Bye-laws and Orders [and Tables, &c.]. vii + 316 pp., 4to. 1833 144 EQ— ET Equitable Society — Contcl. — Tables showing the Total Number of Persons Assured in the Equitable Society, 1762-1829, with Tables of the Probabilities and Expectations of the Duration of Human Life ; a Statement of the Disorders of which 4,095 Persons Assured have Died in Thirty-two Years, ending 1832 ; and a Supplement showing the Mortality of the Society, 1829-32. vii + 29 pp., fol. 1834 Errera (A.). Inchiesta sulle condizioni degli operai nelle fabbriche : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1879 Erskine (Lord). The Defences of the Whigs : * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 — A Sketch of the Character of the late Lord Erskine : Id., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 — An Appeal to the People of Great Britain on the Subject of Confederated Greece : Id., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 Erskine (Capt. John E.). A Short Account of the Late Discoveries of Gold in Australia ; with Notes of a Visit to the Gold District, 1851 Map Espine (Marc d') : — Essai statistique sur la Mortalite du Canton de Geneve pendant 1838 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. 1840 Documents statistiques des fitats sardes ; mouvement de la Population : Id., S. 3, vol. 2. 8vo. 1841 [" Presented by H.M. Tbe Queen."] An- nuaire de la Mortalite genevoise. Tab- leau General des deces du Canton de Geneve pendant l'annee 1842 . . . : Geneva {Annuaire de Mortalite.) Sheet, framed and glazed. 1842 Annuaire de la Mortalite genevoise, annees 1844-45 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. 1846 Notice statistique sur les Lois de Mortalite et de Survivance aux divers ages : Id., S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1847 * Polit. Pamph., vol. 8. 8vo. 1851-53 Institution de Medecins publics charges, comme Fonctionnaires de l'Etat, de la verification des deces des vaccinations, des proces-verbaux de niedecine legale : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1853 Notice statistique sur la premiere invasion du Cholera dans le Canton de Geneve : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 7. 8vo. 1855 Esquisse geograpbique des invasions du Cholera en Europe . Id., S. 6, vol. 9. 8vo. 1857 Essai analytique et critique de Statistique mortuaire comparee, renfermant les Monograpbies etiologiques des accidents et de la plupart des Maladies mortelles . . . xxii + 466 pp., tables, 8vo. Geneve, 1858 Another copy. Esquirol (J. Etienne D.). Alienation mentale. Des Illusions chez les Alienes . . . Sur ITsolement des Alienes: * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 6. 8vo. 1832 — Memoire historique et statistique sur la maison royale de Charenton. 192 pp., plate, 8vo. Paris, 1835 Essays on Reform [of the House of Commons] viii 4- 336 pp., 8vo. 1807 1. Utihtarian Argument against Reform as stated by Mr. Lowe : Brodrick 2. Pohtical Character of the Working Classes : Sutton 3. On the Admission of tbe Working Classes as Part of our Social System : Houghton 4. Balance of Classes : Dicey 5. On the Choice of Representatives by Popular Constituencies : Stephen 6. Redistribution of Seats : Kinnear 7. Analysis of the House of Commons, or, Indirect Representation : Cracroft 8. On the Working of Austrahan Institutions : Pearson 9. The Experience of the American Common- wealth : Goldwin Sm ith 10. Historical Aspect of Democracy : Bryce 11. Opportunities and Shortcomings of Govern- ment in England : Butson 12. House of Commons in 1833 ; Young Estrada (A. F.). Representation to H.C.M. Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, in Defence of the Cortes. Translated by Charles Toplis : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 [Ether. Discovery of the Effects of]. On the Claims of Drs. Jackson and Morton. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1848 Ethnological Society of London. Journal. Vols. 1 — 4, plates, 8vo. 1848-56 Eton (W.). Authentic Materials for a History of the People of Malta. 4 parts in 1 vol., 8vo. 1802-07 EU— EV 145 [Eubulus], Thoughts on the Present System of Academic Education in the University of Cambridge. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 20. 8vo. 1822 — Letter to Philograntus ; being a Sequel to " Thoughts on the Present System of Academic Education in the University of Cambridge." [Anon.] : Id., vol. 20. 8vo. 1822 Eulenburg (Graf von). Eroffnungsrede : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 Europa Libera: or, a Probable Expedient to restore and secure the Publick Peace of Europe for this and future Ages. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 4to. 1703 Europe. The Present State of . . . [showing] the Nature of the Present Constitutions of its several Powers. 6th edit., viii + 517 + 3 pp., 8vo. 1761 — - Statistical Tables of the Principal Empires, Kingdoms, and States in — -. (In four parts, large sheets, folded and bound ; with an Introduction) : * Polit. Geography. 4to. 1789 — Plan for establishing a Balance of Power in. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1841 — Carte generate des routes des chemins de fer, et des principales voies navigables de l'Europe, redigee d'apres les Itineraires les plus recents et des documents fournis par le Ministere des travaux publics, Bureau central de Statistique. [Published by J. Andriveau-Goujon.] Map, mounted and in case, 8vo. Paris, 1848 — Fermentation of — . "Why we have no Hopes for France . . . Why we have no Fears for England. Public Credit and Public Order . . . Full Em- ployment and Good Wages. From the " Economist." 4th edit.: * Polit. Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Eustace (Rev. J. C). Answer to the Bishop of Lincoln's Charge to the Clergy of that Diocese : * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 Evans (A. J.). The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom ; being an Account of their respective Origin, History, Objects, and Constitution . . . Compiled from Official Documents by Rev. A. Hume . . . "With a Supplement containing all the recently established Societies and Printing Clubs, and their Publications, to the Present Time : Rev. A. Hume. 8vo. 1853 Evans (D. Morier). The Commercial Crisis, 1847-48 ; being Facts and Figures illustrative of the Events of that Important Period, considered in relation to the Three Epochs of, the Railway Mania, the Food and Money Panic, and the French Revolution. To which is added an Appendix, containing an Alphabetical List of the English and Foreign Mercantile Failures, with the Balance Sheets and Statements of the most Important Houses. (Revised and enlarged). 2nd edit. xi + 155 + ci pp., 8vo. 1849 Another copy viii + 151 + lxxx pp., 8vo. 1848 — Facts, Failures, and Frauds; Revelations ; Financial, Mercantile, Criminal. viii + 727 pp., 8vo. 1859 Evans (G.). [Position of the Free Trade Movement in Australia, 1875] : * Golden Club (Rep.). 12mo. 1870-78 [Evans (Geo. M.)]. Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society : Geographical Soc. 8vo. 1871 Evans (John). Address to the Ethnological and Anthropological Depart- ment of the Section of Biology [Brit. Assocn.] : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1870 Evelyn (Frederick G.). Malthus : * Stat., $>c, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 Evelyn (J.). Navigation and Commerce : their Original and Progress, 1674 : * Overstone Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1859 146 EV— FA Everest (Rev. Robert). Sequel to the Statistical Details respecting the Republic of Lubeck, &c, [ou Illegitimacy in London and Paris] maps : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 8. 8vo. [cir. 1852] — A Journey through the United States and part of Canada. xi + 178 pp., 8vo. 1855 — On the Influence of Social Degradation in producing Pauperism and Crime, as exemplified in the free-coloured Citizens and Foreigners in the United States : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 18. 8vo. 1855 — On the Distribution of the Emigrants from Europe over the Surface of the United States : Id., vol. 19. 8vo. 1856 — On the Proportion of Foreigners to Natives, and of Foreign and Native Convicts, in several States of Europe and America: Id,, vol. 20. 8vx>. 1857 Everett (Prof.). Underground Temperature : * SmitJisn. Rep. 8vo. 1874 Exchange. Two Tables showing the Rate of — , on Hamburg, compared with the amount of Bank Notes, and the Price of Gold, and with the Foreign Expenditure, and the Value of Grain Imported, 1793-1819. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol 15. 8vo. 1820 — Note on the State of the — , between London and Dublin, from 1797 to 1804. [Anon.] : * Overstone Colin., vol. 3. 8vo. 1857 Exchange. The, A Home and Colonial Review of Commerce, Manufactures, and General Politics. 2 vols., 8vo. 1862 Excise. Bill for Repealing several Sudsidies and an Impost on Tobacco, &c, of the British Plantations, and for granting an Inland Duty in lieu thereof : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. [cir. 1733] — on Wine and Tobacco. Vindication of the Conduct of the Ministry in the Scheme of the—. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1734 Exeter (Lord Bishop ot). Protest of the — , against the Institution of Rev. Mr. Gorham to the Vicarage of Brampford Speke : * Polit. Pamph,, vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Exhibition of 1851. Plan of Proposed Building for the World's Exposition, 1851. Vide S. J. Lloyd's Speech at the Mansion House, 21st January, 1850. [Anon.]. Elevation and plan, mounted. Fol. [cir. 1851] Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, of 1851. Reports by the Juries on the Subjects in the Thirty Classes into which the Exhibition was divided. (Presentation copy). cxxx -f 867 + 15 pp., plates, la. 8vo. 1852 Exportation. Letter on the True Principles of Advantageous — , in Refuta- tion of certain Popular Notions on that Subject. [Anon.]. 2nd edit. : * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 Eyre (G. E. B.). Cottages and Open Wastes in the District of the New Forest : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1882 F. [P.]. Stand der administrativen statistik in Deutschland im Jahre 1848-49. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 4. 8vo. [cir. 1849] [Fabius]. Letter to the Earl of Buckinghamshire, on the subject of an Open Trade to India. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 — Letter to Lord Byron, Protesting against the Immolation of Gray, Cowper, and Campbell, at the Shrine of Pope. [Anon.] : Id,, vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 Fabricius (A.). Statistique de Hesse : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-69 — Ueber die Grundlagen der mortalitats Statistik : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Pactories, and Workshops. Reports on (from commencement) : Pari. Acct., fyc. Fol. and 8vo. 1835-83 PA 147 Pacts and Figures, a Periodical Record of Statistics, applied to current Questions. 180 pp., la. 8vo. 1841-42 — A Quai-terly Digest of Statistics, No. 1, new series : * Tolit. Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1829-50 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 8vo. 1850 Faider (C). Les Causes de Criminalite en Belgique, 1835-49 : * Belgium (Bulletin Commiss. stat.) vol. 4. 4to. 1851 — Discours en memoire de A. Visschers : *Gongres Internal, de. Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Fairbairn (William). Treatise on Iron Ship Building ; its History and Progress ; as comprised in a Series of Experimental Researches on the Laws of Strain ; the Strengths, Forms, and other conditions of the Material ; and an Inquiry into the Present and Prospective State of the Navy, including the Experimental Results on the Resisting Powers of Armour Plates and Shot at High Velocities, xxvi + 313 pp., plates, 8vo. 1865 Fairlamb (W.). Summary of Statistics of Railways for the years 1879-81. Compiled from the returns of the Board of Trade by — : * Railways, 8fo. Sheets. 1880-82 Fairman (E. St. John). The Truth on Albania and the Albanians, Historical and Critical, by Wassa Effendi. Translated by — : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1879 Falbe-Hansen (V.). Rapport au Congres International de Statistique de Bude-Pest sur la Statistique officielle du Royaume de Danemark : Denmark (Rapport, 8fc). 8vo. 1876 Falconer (Hugh). Descriptive Catalogue of the Fossil Remains of Verte- brata from the Sewalik Hills, the Nerbudda, Perim Island, &c, in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. By — , assisted by H. Walker : Asiatic Soc, fyc 8vo. 1859 Falconer (Thomas). Outlines of a Plan for Building Twenty-five Churches or Chapels at an expense of 100,000/.: * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Falconetti (A. F.). Dizionario geografico portatile. Tradnzione dal Francese, con aggiunte : * Malte-Brun. La. 8vo. 1827 Falkiner (Hon. F. R.). Joint Stock Companies in the Court of Equity : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1868-70 — Importance of; (1.) A larger infusion of the Industrial Element into our System of Education; (2.) An adaptation to Ireland of the Day Industrial Clauses of Lord Sandon's Act of 1876 : Id. 8vo. 1876-79 — Our Habitual Criminals : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 — Report on Homes of the Poor : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 Falkland Islands. Laws and Ordinances of the Falkland Islands, 1853-73. 90 pp., sm. fol. [1873] Fallati (Johannes) : — Die Statistischen Vereine der Englander : Zur Statistik des Flachenraums und der * Tracts, S, 1, vol. 2. 8vo. 1840 Volkszahl von Britisch-Indien. Einleitung in die Wissenschaft der 96 pp., 8vo. Tubingen, 1852 Statistik : Id., S. 1, toI. 4. 8vo. 1843 Die Einrichtung der belgischen Volks- Der Statistische Congress in Brussel, vom zahlung vom October, 1846 : 19 bis 22 September, 1853. Id., S. 1, vol. 4. 8vo. 1847 • 87 pp., 8vo. ib., 1853 Fallows (W.). The Origin of the Stockton and Darlington Railway : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1863 Fambri (P.). Le Ferrovie e la Guerra : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1879 Faraday (Michael). Observations on Mental Education : *Roy. Inst. (Lectures). 8vo. 1855 Farey (J.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Derby. Plates: * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1811-17 l2 148 PA Farley (J. Lewis). The Resources of Turkey considered, with especial reference to the Profitable Investment of Capital in the Ottoman Empire. viii + 288 pp., 8vo. 1862 Farmer's Magazine. A periodical work exclusively devoted to Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 1800-25. Vols. 1—26. 8vo. Edinb., 1806-25 Farr (William). Vital Statistics : *J.B. McCulloch (Stat. Acct., fyc). 8vo. 1837 — Report upon the Mortality of Lunatics : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 4. 8vo. 1841 — The Influence of Scarcities and of the High Prices of Wheat on the Mortality of the People of England : Id., vol. 9. 8vo. 1846 — Statistics of the Civil Service of England, with Observations on the Constitution of Funds to Provide for Fatherless Children and Widows : Id., vol. 12. 8vo. 1849 — Influence of Elevation on the Fatality of Cholera : Id., vol. 15. 8vo. 1852 — Formules adoptees en Angleterre pour l'inscription des naissances, des marriages, et des deces : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1853 — Report to the Registrar- General on the International Statistical Congress held at Paris in 1855, with Supplement : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 5. 8vo. 1855 — Report on the Nomenclature and Statistical Classification of Diseases for Statistical Returns : Id., S. 6, vol. 7. 8vo. 1856 — Report to the Registrar- General on the International Statistical Congress held at Vienna in 1857 : Id., S. 1, vol. 6. 8vo. 1857 — On the Pay of Ministers of the Crown : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 20. 8vo. 1857 — Rapport sur la statistique de la Grande-Bretagne : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 — Tables [of the State of the British Army in Russia, 1854-56]. 1, Deaths and Admissions into Hospital ; 2, Estimated Average Monthly Strength ; 3, Analysis of the Weekly States of Sick and Wounded in the Hospitals of the Bosphorus : * Brit. Army (San. Hist.). La. 4to. 1859 — Report on Steps taken in England to carry into effect the Recommenda- tions of the Vienna Gongress : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — Report on the Programme of the Fourth Session of the Statistical Congress : Id. 4to. 1860-61 — The Recent Improvements in the Health of the British Army: * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1861 — English Life Table [No. 3] ; an Introduction to the Tables of Lifetimes, Annuities, and Premiums. civ + 605 pp., la. 8vo. 1864 Another copy. — The State of Science : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1864 — On Infant Mortality, and on Alleged Inaccuracies of the Census (Part 1) : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 28. 8vo. 1865 — Mortality of Children in the Principal States of Europe : Id., vol. 29. 8vo. 1866 — Statistik von Grossbritannien : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 — Statistique de la Grande-Bretagne : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-69 — International Coinage : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1869 — Report to the International Statistical Congress held at the Hague in 1869. [On the Question of Metric Weights and Measures in England.] 52 pp., la. 8vo. 1870 Introduction International Coinage Weights and Measures Gold Coin Circulation Another copy : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 — Inaugural Address as President of the Society, 21st November, 1871 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 34. 8vo. 1871 PA 149 Farr (William). Inaugural Address at the Society's Rooms, Tuesday, 19th November, 1872 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 35. 8vo. 1872 — On the Valuation of Railways, Telegraphs, Water Companies, Canals, and other Commercial Concerns, with Prospective, Deferred, Increasing, Decreasing, or Terminating Profits : Id, vol. 39. 8vo. 1876 — British Association for the Advancement of Science. Considerations favourable to the Maintenance of Section F (Economic Science and Statistics) : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1877 — Etude sur la Mortalite en Angleterre pendant la periode decennale 1861-70 : *Annales De'mog. internat., vol. 1, La, 8vo, 1877 — Some Doctrines of Population : * Brit. Assocn, Rep., § F. 8vo. 1877 — FJoge de S. Brown : *Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Memorandum on the Periodical Returns of Births, Fatal Diseases, and Deaths : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Farren (Edwin J.). Historical Essay on the Rise and Early Progress of the Doctrine of Life- Contingencies in England, leading to the Establishment of the first Life Assurance Society in which Ages were distinguished. 94 pp„ 8vo. 1844 — Life-Contingency Tables: Part 1. Chances of Premature Death, and the Value of Selection among Assured Lives : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1850 Farren (George). Observations on the Importance, in Purchases of Land, and in Mercantile Adventures, of ascertaining the Rates or Laws of Mortality among Europeans, by Chronic Diseases and Hot Climates ; on the Data necessary for constructing Tables to show the Probable Duration of a Disease ; Illustrations of the Progress of Mania, Melancholia, Craziness, and Demonomania . . . with an Appendix, containing the Form of a Deed for establishing a Joint-Stock Company, without the Aid of Parliament, or the Encumbrance of an Act to sue and be sued. New edit,, 1852: * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 1. 8vo. 1841-52 Faucher (Julius), A new Commercial Treaty between Great Britain and Germany : * Cobden Club Essays, 8vo. 1872 — The Russian Agrarian Legislation of 1861 : Id. 12mo. \cir. 1876] Faucher (Leon). L'Union du Midi, Association de Douanes entre la France, la Belgique, la Suisse, ei l'Espagne, avec une Introduction sur l'union commerciale de France et de Belgique. clxxxix + 166 pp,, 8vo. Paris, 1842 — Recherches sur l'Or et sur TArgent considered comme etalons de la valeur : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 12. 8vo. 1843-48 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3, 8yo. 1843 — Remarks on the Production of the Precious Metals, and on the Demonetization of Gold in several Countries in Europe. Translated by Thomson Hankey, jun. 2nd edit., revised, 1853 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 8. 8vo. 1851-53 — Melanges d'Economie politique et de Finances. 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1856 Faull (R.). Statistik von Mecklenburg- Schwerin : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 — Travaux statistiques de Mecklenburgh- Schwerin : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Favre (E.). Biographical Notice of Louis Agassiz : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1878 Fawcett (Rt. Hon. Henry). Manual of Political Economy. xxxii + 587 pp., 8vo. 1863 Another copy. — The Causes which Produce the Present High Rate of Discount : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1864 — Opening Address, on the Prosperity of the Nation : Id. 8vo. 1864 — The Economic Position of the British Labourer. vii + 256 pp., 12mo. 1865 150 FA— FE Pawcett (Rt. Hon. Henry). Address on Economy and Trade ; *Soc. Science Assocn. (Tram.). 8vo. 1868 — Pauperism ; its Causes and Remedies. viii + 270 pp., 8vo. 1871 -~- Free Trade and Protection. 4th edit, xxiii + 196 pp., 8vo. 1881 Anothercopy 1st edit, xvi + 173 pp., 8vo. 1878 Pawcett (W. L.). Gold and Deht, an American Handbook of Finance ; with over Eighty Tables and Diagrams, illustrative of the following subjects : the Dollar and other Units ; Paper Money in the United States and Europe ; Gold and Silver in the United States and Europe ; Suspensions of Specie Payments; the Era of Gold; Values of the Precious Metals; the Era of Debt ; the Rise and Fall of Prices ; also, a Digest of the Monetary Lvws of the United States. 270 pp., 12mo. Chicago, 1877 Faye (C.> Om Cholera Epidemien i Norge i Aaret 1853 : * Cholera Epidemien. 8vo. 1854 Fayet (P.). Observations sur la Statistique intellectuelle et morale de la France pendant 1828-47 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1852 — Recherches statistiques et historiques sur les mouvements de la population et les progres de l'instruction primaire depuis denx siecles dans la Haute- Marne : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 Fearn (John). A Review of First Principles of Bishop Berkeley, Dr. Reid, and Professor Stewart, with an Indication of other Principles : *Pamj>h., vol. 3. 8vo 1814 — Essay on External Perception : Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 — On the Objects of General Terms, and on the Axiomatical Laws of Vision. 2nd edit.: Id., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 Fechner (Prof.). Ueber jahrliche Schwankingen in den Grossenmassen der Recruten : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 Feiling (C. A.). Dictionary of the German and English Languages. 2nd edit. : /. G. Flugel. 2 vols., 8vo. 1843 Feldborg (A. Andersen). An Appeal to the English Nation in Behalf of Norway: * Parnph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Felkin (W-). The Lace and Hosiery Trades of Nottingham : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § P. 8vo. 1866 Fellows (Frank P.) :— The Practical Advantages of the Metric a t a tern of Weights and Measures : * Brit. Assoc*. Bep. r § F. 8vo. 1865 The Various Methods in which our Coinage ma j he Decimalized ; the Advantages and Disadvantages of each : Id. Sto. 1867 The Hew Scheme of Mr. C. Seelv and Mr. F. P. Fellows for Admiralty Estimate* and ''Finance," "Expense," "Manu- facturing," and other Accounts, recom- mended for adoption by the Committee of the House of Commons on Naval Monies and Accounts, and now being Introduced : Id. 8vo. 1868 Out National Accounts : Id, 8ro. 1869 Our Navy: Id. 8vo. 1870 Proposed Doomsday Book, giving the Value of the Governmental Property as a Basis for a Sound System of National Finance and Accounts \ Id. 8vo. 1871 Suggestions for Improving and Extending oar National Accounts ; being a Con- tinuation of Mr. Fellows's Paper read at the Edinburgh Meeting on a Pro- posed Doomsday Book, &c. : * Brit. Atsocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1S71 Statistics and Observations on the National Debt and our Disbursements from the Revolution in 16S8 to the Present Time, showing the advisability of ascertaining our Annual Governmental Capital and Current Expenditure : Id. 8vo. 1873 On our National Parliamentary Accounts, with Suggestions for Establishing a Doomsday Book giving the Value of National Governmental Property, by which Expenditure for Capital and Current Account shall be separately shown : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 36. 8vo. 1873 Political Economy and the Laws affecting the Prices of Commodities and Labour, and on Strikes and Lock-Outs : * Brit. A»»oen. Rep., % F. 8vo. 1874 Admiralty Monies and Accounts : Id. 8vo. 1880 [Felt (Joseph B.)]. Collections of the American Statistical Association. Vol. 1 : U.S.A. (Am. Stat. Assocn.). 8vo. 1814V 17 FE— FI 151 Fenn (Charles). A Compendium of the English and Foreign Funds, and the Principal Joint Stock Companies ; forming an Epitome of the various Objects of Investment Negotiable in London . . . 2nd edit, xi + 190 pp., 12mo. 1838 Fenton (F. D.). Observations on the State of the Aboriginal Maori Inhabitants of New Zealand: * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 23. 8vo. 1860 Fenton (R. E.). Correspondence presented bj — . I. The Banking Systems of Europe. II. The Proposition of the Belgian Mint : * Int<>rnat. Monetary Conference. 8vo. 1879 Ferguson (A. M. and J.). The Ceylon Directory and Calendar, and Com- pendium of Useful Information for 1873: Ceylon (Directory, fyc). 8vo. 1873 Ferguson (John). Observations on the Present Position of the Irish National School Teachers, as regards Salaries, Pensions, and Residences : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1880-82 Ferguson (William D.). The Tenure and Improvement of Land in Ireland, considered with reference to the Relation of Landlord and Tenant and Tenant-Right. By — and A. Vance. (Printed for private circulation.) xxi + 450 pp., 8vo. Dublin, 1851 Fermentation. Observations on the Vinous — , with a Description of a Patent Apparatus to improve the same. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 Ferrari (S.). Calcolo Decidozzinale. 55 + 24 pp., diagrams., 4to. Torino, 1854 Ferraris (C. F.). Nuovi appunti sulla teoria dell' aggio : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 — La Produzione dei Metalli preziosi e il rapporto di Valore fra l'Oro e l'Ar°ento dalla scoperta d'America fino ai nostri giorni [with Ten Tabfes of Prices, &c, 1493-1878] : Id. La. 8vo. 1879 Ferrel (Wm.). Ratio between the Diameter and Circumference of a Circle : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol 18. 4to. 1873 Feugere (Gaston). Erasme, Etude de sa vie et ses ouvrages. xvi + 457 + 1 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1874 Fialho (A.). Biography of Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1876 Ficker (A.) : — Compte rendu de la troisieme session du Congres International de Statistiqtie reuni a Yienne, 31 Aout — 5 Septembre, 1857: * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Statistik von Oesterreich : Id. 4to. 1863-65 Die Quellen des National Einkommens in Oesterreich : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Travaux statistiques d'Autriche : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Anwendung der Kartographie ouf zwecke der Statistik : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Snr l'activite et les resultats de la statis- tique des royaumes et pays de la monarchie autrichienne representes par le Reichsrath : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Fiedmond (M. de). Lettres communes de MM. — , et Malouet [sur les Colonies francaises et sur Surinam] : V. P. Malouet. 8vo. Paris, [1802] Field and Forest. Devoted to general Natural Historv, December, 1875 : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1875 Field (Edwin W.). Efficiency in the methods of Procedure, and in the daily Workings of the Judiciary, the great need in Legal Reform : * Trade, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1857 Eloge de M e la grande-duchesse Helene : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Presentation d'une publication en souTenir d'A. Quetelet : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Bapport sur l'eiposition graphique ("carto- grammes] : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Sur la statistique comme objet de l'en- seignement prhnaire, secondaire, et su- perieur: Id. 4to. 1876-78 Xekrolog. F. X. Ton Neumann- Spallart und G-. A. Schimnier, portrait : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1881 152 PI Field (George) : — Tpiroyivta ; or, a Brief Outline of the Universal System : *Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 The Third Organon Attempted ; or, Ele- ments of Logic and Subjective Philo- sophy : Id., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 The Analogy of the Physical Sciences in- dicated : Id., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 ^Esthetics : or, the Analogy of the Sensible Sciences indicated : *Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Ethics ; or, the Analogy of the Moral Sciences indicated. Comprehending Morals, Politics, and Theology : Id., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 Field (Rev. J.). The Life of John Howard, with Comments on his Character and Philanthropic Labours. xvi + 495 pp., portrait, 8vo. 1850 Fielden (John). The Curse of the Factory System ; Account of the Origin of Factory Cruelties ; the Attempts to Protect the Children by Law, &c. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 22. 8vo. 1836 Fielden (J. C). On the Employment of Surplus Labour, more especially during Periods of Commercial Depression. 18 pp., [141 — 158], 8vo. 1882 Another copy : *Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1881-82 Fielder (Charles H.). On the Rise, Progress, and Future Prospects of Tea Cultivation in British India: * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 32. 8vo. 1869 Filipi (F. de). Note di un viaggio in Persia, 1862. viii + 2 + 396 + 2 pp., 8vo. Milano, 1865 Filipowski (H.). The Doctrine of Life Annuities and Assurances analytically Investigated and practically Explained. Together with several useful Tables connected with the Subject. Edited from the Original, with the Modern Notation, and Enlarged both in the Extent of the Treatise, as well as in the Variety of Tables. Including a Table of Deferred Annuities on Single Lives, Carlisle Four per Cent., and several others on the English Life Table, by— : F. JBaily. 8vo. 1864 Finance, Project of — ; or, a proposed Method of affording Relief to the Country at large in the Present Crisis, 1816. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Finance Accounts : Pari. Acct., 8rc Fol. and 8vo. 1805-83 Finance Chronicle and Insurance Circular. Vol. 8, 1878-79. 388 pp., fol. 1879 Finance Resolutions. Speech, comprising the — , for the year 1819. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Finance and Trade. Tracts on — . . . 1852. On the Equalisation of Taxa- tion between Land and Trade. [Anon.]: *Polit. Pamph. ,vo\.h. 8vo. 1846-52 — Of the United Kingdom, at the beginning of the Year 1852. [Anon.] 1852 : Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1846-52 Another copy : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. 1852 Finances. Reflexions politiques sur les — et le Commerce. [Anon.]. 2 vols., 12mo. La Haye, 1754 — Table of, for 1813 : * Pamph,, vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Finances of Great Britain. Anticipation the Second ; or, a Statement of the—, for 1818. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 8vo. [cir. 1818] Financial Pressure. Article on the — , taken from the " Quarterly Review," 1847 : * Currency, fyc, vols, 6 and 10. 8vo. 1827-54 Financial Reform Almanack, 1866-83, La. 8vo. 1866-83 Financial Reform, Practical. [Anon.] 1849 : * Polit. Paraph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 Financial Reform Tracts. [Anon.]. Six Tracts, numbered 1 — 6: * Polit. Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 Other copies of Tracts 2 and 3 : Id., vol. 6. 1850-53 Financial System. Address to the House of Commons upon the Necessity of Reforming our — , and Establishing a Sinking Fund for the Reduction of the National Debt. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 8vo. 1822 PI— PL 153 Pinlason (W. F.). The History of Law of Tenures of Land in England and Ireland, with particular reference to Inheritable Tenancy ; Lease- hold Tenure ; Tenancy at Will ; and Tenant Right, vii + 154 pp., 8vo. 1870 Finlay (Kirkman). Letter to Lord Ashley on the Cotton Factory System and the Ten-Hours' Factory Bill : * Tracts., S. 5, vol. 22. 8vo. 1833 Finlayson (R.). Means of Preserving the Health of Crews ; with Directions for the Prevention of Dry Rot in Ships : * Pamph., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 Fircks (A. Fr. von). Die Volkskraft deutschlands und frankreichs. Statistische Skizze von — . 64 pp., 8vo., Berlin, 1875 Fircks (Baron de). Etude sur la population prussienne, 1816-74 : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Fire Brigade. Metropolitan. [Annual] Reports of the Chief Officer of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade on the State of the Brigade and the Fires in London during the Years 1866-82. 8vo. 1867-83 Firth. (J. F. B.). London Government, and How to Reform it : * Gobden Club Essays. 12mo. 1882 Firth (W.). The Case of Ireland Set at Rest : * Pamph., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 Fischer (P.). Scientific Labours of Edward Lartet: * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1872 Fischhof (Adolph). On the Reduction of Continental Armies. Translated from the German, with a Preface and Appendix by H. W. Freeland : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1875 Fisco (Emile). Institutions et Taxes locales da Royaume-Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'lrlande. Par — - et J. Van der Straeten. Denxieme edition, revue, augmented, et mise au courant jusqu' au l er Octobre, 1862. 2nd edit. 472 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1863 Fish Association. First and Second Reports of the — -, respecting the Measures to be adopted for Increasing the Supply and Use of Fish in the Metropolis and its Neighbourhood : * Pamph., vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. 1813 Fisher (C. M.). Farm Land and Land Laws of the United States : * Gobden Glub Essays. 12mo. [cir. 1876] Fisher (Rev. G.). Mode of Estimating Educational Qualifications, as pursued at the Greenwich Hospital School: *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1862 Fisher (Joseph). The History of Land-Holding in England. 95 pp., 8vo. 1876 Fisher (Thomas). Dial of the Seasons. A Chart illustrating the Sun's Declination at all Seasons, with the Coincident Effects of Light and Heat on Animal and Vegetable Life in all Climates. Chart, framed, 1840 — Dial of the Seasons, or a Portraiture of Nature, v + 217 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1845 Fishery of Great Britain. Benevolent Society for granting Annuities to Raise a Stock for Improving the Articles of Settlement of the — : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 4to. 1714 Fison (Mrs. W.). Handbook of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. viii + 219 pp., 12mo. 1859 Fitch (J. G.). Educational Endowments : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 — The Savings Bank in the School : Id. 8vo. 1873 Fitzgerald (M.). Union with Ireland ; its Social Aspect : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1859-60 (Duke of). Opinion of the, on the Proposed Law relative to Periodical Journals. Translated from the French, 1818 : * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Fitzmaurice (Lord E,). The Areas of Rural Government : * Gobden Glub Essays. 12mo. 1882 Flax Supply Association for the Improvement of the Culture of Flax in Ireland, and the Dissemination of Information relative to the Production and Supply of Flax. Annual Report of the — , for 1881. 8vo. Belfast, 1882 154 FL Fleetwood (William, Bishop of Ely). Ciironicon Preciosum; or, an Account of English Gold and Silver Money, the Price of Corn and other Commodities, and of Stipends, Salaries, Wages, Jointures, Portions, Day Labour, &c, in England for 600 Years last past . . . [with] an Historical Account of Coins. 147 + 2 + 30 pp., plates, 8vo. 1745 Another edition 181 pp., 12mo. 1707 Fleming (Harris). The Policy of a National System of Agricultural Statistics : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1848 Fleming (Sandford). The Adoption of a Prime Meridian to be Common to all Nations. The Establishment of Standard Meridians for the Regu- lation of Time : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1881 Fleming (William). Parochial and other Schools for the Poor at Man- chester, Report: * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1845 Fleming (William). The Index to our Railway System and our Leading Lines; a Comprehensive Analysis of Railway Property, 1876-80. 3 vols., la. 8vo. [1876-80] Fletcher (Joseph). Statistical Account of the ancient Prescriptive Juris- dictions over the Thames possessed by the Corporation of London : * Stat, Soc. (Jl.), vol. 4. 8vo. 1841 — Abstract from a Register of Accidents in the Coal Mines of the Chamber and Werneth Company, Oldham, during 1841 : Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1842 — Statistics of Municipal Institutions of English Towns : Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1842 — Contributions to the Agricultural Statistics of the Eastern Counties : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1843 — Boundaries, Extent, and Divisions for Local Government of the Metropolis : Id., vol. 7. 8vo. 1844 — Statistics of the System of Sewerage in the Metropolis : Id., vol. 7. 8vo. 1844 — Historical and Statistical Account of the present System of supplying the Metropolis with Water : Id., vol. 8. 8vo. 1845 — Statistical Account of the Constitution and Operation of the Criminal Courts of the Metropolis : Id., vol. 9. 8vo. 1846 — Statistical Account of Municipal Provisions for Paving, Lighting, and Cleansing Streets and Public Places of the Metropolis : Id., vol. 9. 8vo. 1846 — Statistical Account of the Markets of London : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1847 — Moral and Educational Statistics, England & Wales : Id., vol. 12. 8vo. 1849 — Statistical Account of the Police of the Metropolis : Id., vol. 13. 8vo. 1850 — Education, National, Voluntary, and Free. 91 + 1 pp., diagram, maps, 8vo. 1851 — Statistics of the Farm School System of the Continent, and of its Applicability to the Preventive and Reformatory Education of Pauper and Criminal Children in England : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 15. 8vo. 1852 Fletcher (Judge). Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Wexford, ... at the Summer Assizes, July, 1814, containing a comprehensive and important view of the State of Ireland : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Fletcher (Rev. R.). An English Minister's Account of the Great Secession from the Scottish Established Church : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Fletcher (Robert). Index Medicus, a Monthly Classified Record of the Current Medical Literature of the World, compiled under the super- vision of Dr. J. S. Billings, United States Army, and — . Vol. 1, No. 1 : Index Medicus. La. 8vo. [1879] Fletcher (William I.). An Index to Periodical Literature, by W. F. Poole, 3rd edition, brought down to January, 1882, with the assistance, as Associate Editor, of — , and the Co-operation of the American Library Association, and the Library Association of the United Kingdom : W. F. Poole. La. 8vo. 1882 FL— FO 155 Flint (Austin). Pneumonia : * U.S.A. (Sanitary Gommiss.). 8vo. 1864 Flour. A Report from the Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to consider of the Methods practised in making Flour from Wheat, the Prices thereof, and how far it may be expedient to put the same under the Regulations of an Assize, 1774. Reprinted : * Corn Law Tracts, No. 4. 8vo. 1795 Flourens (M.) : — Memoir of Pyramus De Candolle : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1859 Memoir of Geoffroy St. Hilaire : Id. 8vo. 1861 Memoir of Louis Jacques Thenard : Id. 8to. 1862 Memoir of Leopold Von Buch : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1862 Memoir of Ducrotay De Blainville : Id. 8vo. 1865 Ihe Jussieus and the Natural Method : Id. 8vo. 1867 Memoir of Cuvier : Id. 8vo. 1868 Fliigel (J. G.). Dictionary of the German and English Languages, adapted to the English Student, with additions by C. A. Feilingand A. Heimann. 2nd edit., 2 vols. 8vo. 1843 Focardi (O.). Statistica elettorale, i partiti politici alle elezioni generali del 1874, con carta grafica : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 — I partiti politici alle elezioni generali dell' anno 1880. 61 pp., map, 8vo. Roma, 1880 Fock (M.). Discours d'inauguration : * Congr Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Fodor (J.). Projet d'une statistique international e des maladies epidemiques : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Rapport sur la statistique internationale des maladies epidemiques et du Cholera : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Foetterle (Franz). Mittheilungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Geograph- ischen Gesellschaf t, I — IX Jahrgange, redigirt von — : Austria Hungary (Mittheilungen, 8fc). 8vo. 1857-65 Foinitski (I.). Memoire sur la nomenclature international des debts . . . et sur la statistique de la recidive : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Folkard (Henry T.). Wigan Free Public Library. Index Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Mining, Metallurgy, and Manufactures. Reference department : Wigan Free Public Library. La. 8vo. 1880 Fonblanque (A. W.). Sur les ameliorations introduites dans la statistique commerciale de l'Angleterre : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 — Rapport sur la statistique de la Grande Bretagne : Id. 4to. 1857-58 — Statistique de la Grande Bretagne : Id. 4to. 1867-69 Foncin (P.). Essai sur le Ministere de Turgot. 2 + 622 pp., la 8vo. 1877 Fontenay (R. de). Notice sur la vie et les ecrits de Frederic Bastiat : * Bastiat (Correspondence). 8vo. 1862 Food Journal. A Review of Social and Sanitary Economy and Monthly Record of Food and Public Health. Vols. 1—4. 8vo. 1870-74 Foote (Rev. C. C). The Importance and Power of Religious Forces in Prisons: * E. C. Wines (Trans., fyc). 8vo. 1871 Forbes (John). Sketch of the Medical Topography of the Hundred of Pen with, comprising the district of the Land's End in Cornwall. v 4- 119 pp., map, &c, 8vo. Worcester, \_cir. 1832] Forbes (Sir William, of Pitsligo, Bt.). Memoirs of a Banking House. ix + 92 pp., 8vo. 1860 Ford (Charles R.). Prevention of Juvenile Crime : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Ford (Worthington C). Dear Food : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1882 156 PO Pordyce (William). A History of Coal, Coke, Coal Fields . . . ; Iron its Ores, and Processes of Manufacture . . . Illustrated with Sketch, Geological Map, and numerous highly finished Engravings. viii + 164 pp., map and plates, fol., 1860 Foreign Countries. Statistics relating to — : *Parl. Acct., \c. (Stat. Tables). Fol. and 8vo. 1854-83 Foreign Office. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the — , 31st December, 1864. 702 + xxvi pp., 4to. 1864 Foreign Office List, forming a complete Diplomatic and Consular Hand- book ... for the years 1875-83. Maps, 8vo. [1875-83] Foreign Quarterly Review. 35 vols., 8vo. 1827-45 Foreign Trade. An Essay on the Causes of the Decline of the — , conse- quently of the Value of the Lands of Britain, and on the means to Restore both. [Anon.]. 2nd edit., with additions, 1750 : * Overstone Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1859 Forsell (Carl af). Nagra underrattelser horande till Kartan ofver sodra delen af Sverige och Norrige eller Skandinavien [och Statistiska Tabeller]. 20 + xv pp., sm. 4to. Stockh., 1826-27 — Statistiska Tabeller horande till Kartan ofver sodra delen af Sverige och Norrige eller Skandinavien. 76 + xix pp., sm. 4to. ib., 1830 — Statistik von Schweden, nach offentlichen Dokumenten iibersetzt von A. G. F. Freese. viii + 366 pp., map, 8vo. Lubeck, 1835 — Anteckningar och Statistiska Upplysningar ofver Sverige. 384 pp., 8vo. Stockh., 1839 Forssell (H.). Sverige 1571 Forsok till en Administrativ Statistisk besk- rifning ofver det egentliga Sverige utan Finland och Estland. 1872 : * Sweden (Stat. Tidskrift). 8vo. 1867-83 Forster (Thomas) : — Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow ; to which is annexed a copious Index to many passages relating to this Bird in the Works of Ancient and Modern Authors : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Sketch of theNew Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain and Nervous System of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, considered as comprehending a complete System of Phrenology : Id., yol. 5. 8vo. 1815 Essay on the Application of Organology of the Brain to Education : Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 Observations on the Casual and Periodical Influence of Particular States of the Atmosphere on Human Health and Diseases, particularly Insanity ; with a Table of Reference to Authors : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Observations on the Phenomena of In- sanity : Id., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Brief Inquiry into the Causes and Mitiga- tion of Pestilential Fever, and into the Opinion of the Ancients respecting Epidemical Diseases. 2nd edit. : Id., vol. 24. 8vo. 1824 Forster (Rt. Hon. W. E.). Opening Address on Politics and Progress : * Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8vo. 1873 Forsyth (Sir T. D.). Memorandum on Routes from the Punjab to Eastern Turkistan, 1868 : * (Punjab. Selections from Records.) 8vo. 1868-71 Fortescue (Earl). Address on Economic Science and Statistics : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1877 A French Translation : * Annates De'mog. internal., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 Fortnightly Review. Edited by J. Morley. New series, No. 103. La. 8vo. 1875 (Selection from contents,) The European Situation : E. de Laveleye Marriages between First Cousins : O. H. Darwin Railway Rates and Fares : J. Parsloe History of German Political Economy : T. E. C. Leslie. Note on Representative Government : T. Hare Fortrey (Samuel). England's Interest and Improvement, consisting in the Increase of the Store and Trade of this Kingdom. 1673 : *Polit. Econ. Club (Early Tracts, fyc). 8vo. 1856 FO— PR 157 Porwood (William B.). The Influence of Price upon the Cultivation and Consumption of Cotton daring the past Ten Years, embracing the Period of the American War and Cotton Famine : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § P. 8vo. 1870 Fossick (W. G.). Diagram showing for each of the last Fifty Years the Production of Iron in the United Kingdom, Weight of Iron and Steel Exported, and Prices of Typical Descriptions of Iron, &c, 1830-82, and Chronological Supplement. Diagrams, [cir. 1883] Foster (E, W.). Chart [Chronological] of the History of England. B.C. 1100 to a.d. 1847. 0th edit. Sheet, [cir. 1848] — Chronological Chart of the Ancient and Modern History of the British Empire. From befoi*e the Christian Era to 1847. 2nd edit. Sheet, [cir. 1848] Foster (Joseph). Collectanea Genealogica, Part I, June, 1881 La. 8vo. 1881 4. Musgrave's Obituary, prior to 1800 5. Funeral Certificates of the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland, 1607 to 1729 6. Sim's Index to Heralds' Visitations, &c. 1. Collectanea 2. Alphabetical List of Members of Parliament 3. Marriages of the Nobility and Gentry, 1655-1880 Foundlings in France. Reviews of Works on Foundling Hospitals in France, by Terme and Monfalcon, Remade, and Gaillard (" British and Foreign Medical Review ") : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 5. 8vo. [1842] Fourier (Joseph). Memoir of Delambre : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1864 Fowler (T. K.). Report on the Cultivation of Cotton in Egypt : its Origin, Progress, and Extent at the Present Day : * Cotton Supply Pamph. 8vo. 1860 Fowler (W.). The Present State of the Land Question : * Golden Club Essays. 8vo. 1872 Fox (Francis W.). Indian Railways and Indian Finance : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1875 Fox (Joseph John). On the Vital Statistics of the Society of Friends : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 22. 8vo. 1859 France. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Memoires des Generalites; Statistique de la France; Annuaire Statistique; Commerce; Customs; Education; Finances; Hospitals; Industry; Justice; Provident Fund; Railways; War; Documents inedits; Miscellaneous; Paris; &c). — Memoires des Generalites de la France [prepares par l'ordre du roi Louis XIV, par Messieurs les Maistres des Requestes, Commissaires de partis dans les Prouinces]. [cir. 1698] MS. 9 vols., fol. (Contents.) 6. Memoire concernant la Generalite de Rouen Memoires sur la Generalite de Caen FJtat sommaire de la Generalite d'Alencon 7. Memoire pour la Prouince de Poitou „ sur la Generalite de la Rochelle 8. Memoires sur la Generalite d'Auuergne „ sur la Generalite de Bourges FJtat Present de la Generalite de Cham- pagne 9. Memoires sur la Generalite de Moulins „ sur la Generalite d'Orleans 1. Memoire pour Messieurs les Maistres des Requestes . . . Memoire de la Generalite de Paris 2. Suite du Memoire de la Generalite de Paris 3. Memoire sur l'lntendance de Flandre ,, sur la prouince du Haynaut „ sur la Flandre flamingnante 4. Memoire sur la Picardie 5. Memoire de la Generalite de Limoges „ Memoire touchant les pays de Lor- raine et Barois Memoire sur le Gouuernement de Lyon Generalites du Royaume. 1737, et 1738. Par Messieurs Les Intendants, 1735, 1736, MS. 744 + 3 pp., plate, fol. - 158 PR France. Official Publications — Contd. — Statistique de la France 1st Series. Territoire et population, 1836 1837 Commerce exterieur, 1/87-1837 1838 Agriculture, departements du nord-est .... 1810 „ „ sud-est .... 1840 „ „ nord-ouest 1841 „ „ sud-ouest .. 1841 Administration publique fitablissements de Bienfaisance, 1842 1843 Administration publique fitablissements de Repression, 1843 1844 Industrie, departements du nord-est 1847 „ sud-est 1848 * „ „ nord-ouest .... 1850 „ „ sud-ouest .... 1852 31 vols., la. 4to. Paris, 1837-73 2nd Series. Territoire et Population, 1854 1855 Mouvement de la Population, 1851-53 .... 1856 2nd Series — Contd. Mouvement de la Population, 2 plates, 1854 1857 Etablissements d'Alienes, 1842-53 1857 L'Assistance publique, 1842-53 1858 Agriculture, lcs premiers 43 departs., 1852 1858 Agriculture, les derniers 43 departs., 1852 1860 Denombrement de la Population, 1856 .... 1859 Mouvement de la Population, 1855-57 .... 1861 1858-60 .... 1863 Prix et salaires, 1824-57 1863 Denombrement de 1861 1864 Asiles d'Alienes, 1854-60 1865 L'Assistance publique, 1854-61 1866 Denombrement de 1866 1869 Mouvement de la Population, 1861-65 .... 1870 1866-68 .... 1872 Industrie— Enquete de, 1861-65 1873 Denombrement de 1872 1873 — Nouvelle serie. Statistique annuelle, 1871-79 La. 4to. (Contents.) ib., 1874-82 Mouvement de la population Statistiques diverges concernant les centres de population Octrois et consommations dans les villes soumises a ses droits Salaires Bureaux et etablissements de bienfaisance fitablissements bospitaliers Asiles d'alienes Caisses d'epargne Monts de piete Liberalites aux etablissements publics Agriculture et sinistres Industrie — Statistique sommaire des Industries principales en 1873. liii + 113 pp., 15 maps, la. 8vo. ib., 1874 — Besultats generaux du denombrement de 1876. lxvii + 287 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1878 — Agriculture. Resultats generaux de l'enqaete decennale de 1862. 51 + 171 + 272 pp., la. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1868 — Annuaire Statistique de la France, 1878-83 La. 8vo. ib., 1878-83 Territoire et population Mouvement de la population Cultes Justice criminelle „ civile et commerciale Etablissements penitentiaires Assistance publique Institutions de prevovance Instruction publique (Contents.) Beaux arts Agriculture Industrie Professions et salaires Commerce et navigation Pecbe, fluviale et maritime Voies de communication, cir- culation, et credit Sinistres Assurances Elections Recrutement de l'armee Effectif et etat sanitaire de l'armee Finances et impots Octrois et consommations Algerie Colonies et possessions f rancaises — Commerce. Tableau general du Commerce de la France avec ses Colonies et les Puissances etrangeres, 1818-28. 7 vols., fol. [ib., 1819-29] — Tableau general du Commerce de la France avec ses Colonies et les Puissances etrangeres, 1829-78. 37 vols., la. 4to. ib., 1830-79 — Tableau decennal du Commerce de la France avec ses Colonies et les Puissances etrangeres, 1827-36 1 vol. in 2 parts, la. 4to. ib., 1836 Reper- Resume analytique. Importations et exporta tions, resultat general, et resume. Importa tions, etat de developpement — Documens sur le Commerce exterieur. Exportations, etat de developpement. toire alpbabetique (6 parts) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 4to. [1843] FR 159 Prance. Official Publications — Contd. — Commerce — Contd. — Tableau general des Mouvements du Cabotage, 1879-81. 3 vols., la, 4to. Paris, 1880-82 — Customs. Houilles. Enquete a, resoudre la question de savoir s'il y a lieu de supprimer ou de reduire le droit percu sur les Houilles etrangei'es, a leur importation en France, commeneee le 13 novembre, 1832. 485 + 1 pp., 4to. [ib., cir. 1833] — Tarif general des Douanes de France [avec] Supplement. lxiii + 389 + 40 pp., la. 4to. ib., 1844-45 — Education. Rapport au Roi, . . . sur la situation de l'lnstruction primaire, et les recettes et depenses allouees pour ce service en 1837. 146 pp., 4to. ib., 1837 — Bulletin universitaire, contenant les ordonnances, reglemens et arretes concernant l'lnstruction pnblique. Vols. 1 to 6. 8vo. ib., 1830-38 — Statistique des Classes d'adultes. Situation au ler avril, 1866. 28 pp., 4to. [ib., 1866] — Statistique de l'Bnseignement primaire. (1876-77). lxxxii + 264 pp. Diagrams. 4to. ib,, 1878 (Contents.) Rapport de la Commission de l'enseignement primaire l e Sec. Population a instruire d'apres le recense- ment de 1876 2 e Sec. Moyens destruction offerts a la popu- lation 3 C Sec. Population des ecoles d'apres l'inscrip- tion, ou, 1° nombre d'eleves inscrits dans les ecoles primaires ; 2° nombre d'eleves inscrits dans les salles d'asile 4 e Sec. Frequentation efPective ; nombre moyen d'enfants presents a l'ecole 5 e Sec. Enseignement complementaire et insti- tutions auxiliaires 6 e Sec. Ecoles normales 7 e Sec. Statistique financiere Finances. Rapports a l'Empereur et Declarations generales de la Cour des Comptes, sur les Comptes de l'Annee et de l'Exercice, 1863-64. Eclaircissements en reponse aux Observations contenues dans le Rapport a l'Empereur et les Declarations generales de la Cour des Comptes. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Paris, 1866-67 Enquete sur les principes et les faits generaux qui regissenb la circula- tion monetaire et fiduciaire [faite en 1865-66] 5 vols., fol. ib., 1867 Depositions par : Alf . Andre, Felix Aubry, Le Marquis d'Audiffret, Bagehot, Boissaye, Bonnet, Carabin, Carlhian, Cernuscbi, Alf. Collin, Coullet, Deniere, Donon, F e , Drey- fous, Adol. Durand, Adol. Fould, Gagnet, Gouin, Grellou, S. Hayem aine, Horn, Larsonnier, Lehideux, LouTet, Sebas. de NeutVille, Em. Pereire, Pinard, Plancbe, Le baron de Rothschild, A. de Rothschild fils, St. Paul (de) Roy, Seguier, Sylvestre de la Ferriere, Tenre, Aug. Vitu Depositions par : Andouille, Le Comte de Beaumont, Bischoff'sheim, Blount, Cahen d'Anvers, Cohen, Darimon, Delahante, Dethomas, Le baron Doyen, Ducuing, Le Comte d'Esterno, Fabreguettes, For- tamps, Gareau, Gamier-Pages, Goviin, Ant. Kcenigswarter, Max. Koanigswarter, Leonce de Lavergne, Alph. Mallet, Ch. Picard, Le Comte Pillet-Will, Rouland, Sourdis, de Waru, Wolowski Depositions par : Andouille, Mau. Aubry, Paul Coq, Courcelle - Seneuil, DeTiiick, Doyen, Dumon, Fremy, Gouin, Leviez, Hip. Passy, I. Pereire, Rouland, Le baron de Soubeyran, Thiers, de Waru Deliberations des Chambres de commerce, etc., francaises et etrangeres (anglaises, autri- chiennes, beiges, hollandaises, suisses) Depositions ecrites, francaises et etrangeres, par : Archdeacon, Bartholony, Boucqueau, A. Boutarel, Le baron de Brentano, A. Burcthardt-Bischoff de Bale, A. E. Cher- buliez, P. J. Coullet, H. Delebecque, Ed. Ehrmann, Reunion des Exportateurs sie- geant a Paris, Th. Furet, Ch. Gairdner, Le Comte Ch. de Germiny, Th. Hankey, Harisson, Helferich, Hinsberg, Le docteur Ch. baron de Hoch, Jamar, Juglar, Kreg- linger, Em. de Laveleye, A. Legentil, Louvet, Steph. Mason, W. C. Mees, Wm. Newmarch, Oswald freres, R. H. Patterson, Pelouze, Ch. Perin, Reunion des Exporta- teurs siegeant h, Paris, Rochussen, Le docteur Riittimann, Leon Say, Schaeffle, Le chey. Alex, de Schoeler, H. Sieber, Lau. Stein, J. Stuart Mill, J. L. Tellkampf, L. de Wertheimstein, de Wodianer 160 PR France. Official Publications — Cont'd. — Finances — Contd. — Enquete sur la question monetaire [1869-701. 2 vols, diagrams, la. 4to. Arrete 10 Novembre, 1857. Proces verbaux des deliberations du conseil superieur. Deposi- tions par Alf . Andre, Le Comte d'Audiffret, Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, Blaise des Vosges, Broch, Cahen d'Anvers, Carlbian, Chambres de Commerce du Havre, de Lyon, de Rouen ; Ju. Decroix, Dubois-Caplain, Feer-Herzog, Jos. Gamier, F. Hendriks, Hirscb, Jacqmin, Paris, 1872 CI. Juglar, Lalou, Leon, Lestiboudois, Cb. Le Touze, Levasseur, Leviez, Percberon, Le Marquis de Ploeuc, Le baron A. de Roths- cbild, Rouland, Adol. Saeerdoti, Er. Seyd, J. Surra y Bull, Tolbausen, P. Verde-Delisle, Le Comte de Vintimille de Geraci, Wallen- berg, de Waru, Wolowski. Tableaux. Rapport fait aa nom de la Commission du Budget sur les recettes et les depenses de l'exercice, 1876, par M. Wolowski. 162 pp., la 4to. Versailles, 1875 Comptes speciaux du Comparaison de la situation financiere en 1871 et en 1876 Budget de 1876. Convention avec la banque de France. Amortissement et cours force Depenses et recettes. Tresor Projet de loi portant fixation du Budget general des depenses et des recettes — Conference monetaire internationale, 1881 2 vols., fol. Paris, 1881 (Summary.) Proces-verbaux des seances ou assistaient les delegues de 1' Allemagne, Baron de Thiel- mann, Schraut ; V Autriche-Hongrie, Comte de Kuefstein, de Niebauer ; Belgique, Pirmez, Garnier-Heldewier ; Danemark, Levy ; Es- pagne, Moret y Prendergast ; Etats- Unis, Ewarts, Thurman, Howe, Dana Horton ; France, Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, Magnin, Denormandie, Cernuschi, Dumas ; Grande Bretagne, Fremantle, Sir A. Gait ; Canada, Sir L. Malet and Lord Reay ; Indes ; Grece, Brai'las-Armeni ; Italie, Seismit-Doda, Luz- zatti, Comte Rusconi ; Pays-Bas, Vrolik, Pierson ; Portugal, Comte San*Miguel ; Russie, de Thoerner ; Su^de, Forssell ; Nor* vege, Broch ; Suisse, Dr. Kern, Lardy, Burckhardt-Bischoff Annexes — Expose de la situation monetaire en Alle- magne, 1881 Rapport du prix de l'or a celui de l'argent, 1845-80 Production de l'or et de l'argent, 1845-80 Commerce des Indes britanniques, 1855-80 Mercuriale des grains, 1601-1880 Systeme monetaire de Portugal Frappe et exportation des monnaies aux Pays-Bas, 1840-80 Memorandum on an International Bimetallic Standard Measure of Value : P. B. Chap- man. Simla, 1880 Annexes — Contd. A table showing monthly notations in London in price of bar-silver per oz. std., 1833-80 La monnaie et la loi. Extraits des docu- ments relatifs a la Conference monetaire de 1878, et a l'histoire de la monnoie. Pub- lies par ordre du Congres des Etats-Unis Monnaies d'argent frappees en Italie, 1862-79 De l'argent frappe en Italie, 1874-80 Memoire presente par M. Probyn, de Londres Extraits des ecrits du Prof. J. Thorold Rogers et de M. R. Giffen sur la hausse de la valeur de l'or Note sur l'histoire du rapport 15fc en France, ]785 Circulation des deux metaux monetaires en France, 1728-85 Circulation monetaire aux fitats-Unis, 1872-81 Situation monetaire en Norvege avant et apres Petablissement de l'etalon d'or [1" janr., 1874] Frappe de l'argent en Belgique depuis 1874 Ditto, ditto, Autricheet Hongrie depuis 1874 Ditto, ditto, Allemagne, depuis 1874 Note sur les deux extremes d'opinion concer- nant la cause de la valeur de la monnaie Statistique commerciale et monetaire de l'lnde, 1855-80 Catalogue de la Bibliotbeque de la Conference Internationale Monetaire — Atlas de Statistique financiere Diagram-maps (Contents.) 1. Repartition proportionnelle des valeurs suc- 4to. ib., 1881 cessorales par hectares, 1876-80 2. Repartition proportionnelle des valeurs suc- cessorales par tete, 1876-80 3. Repartition proportionnelle de l'impot fon- der, 1881 4. Impots personnel-mobilier et des portes et fenetres, 1881 5. Repartition proportionnelle de l'impdt des patentes, 1880 6. Repartition proportionnelle du produit des droits d'enregistrement, 1880 FR 161 8. 9. 10 France. Official Publications — Contd. — Finances — Contd. — Atlas de Statistique fmanciere — Contd. 7. Repartition proportionnelle du produit des droits de timbre, 1880 Repartition proportionnelle du produit total des contributions indirectes, 1880 Repartition de la production des vins, 1870-79 Repartition proportionnelle des quantites de vins taxees, 1880 11. Repartition proportionnelle du produit des droits sur les vins, 1880 12. Repartition proportionnelle du produit du droit sur les bieres, 1880 13. Repartition proportionnelle du produit des droits sur les alcools, 1880 Repartition proportionnelle du produit total des droits sur les boissons, 1880 Repartition de la production des sucres, 1879-80, et des sels, 1880 Repartition du produit des droits sur le papier, 1880 11 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 25. Repartition des quantites de tabac vendues, 1880 Repartition proportionnelle du produit net du monopole des tabacs, 1880 Repartition du produit des douanes, 1880 „ proportionnelle des pavements de rentes nominatives Repartition des prets hypothecaires faits par le Credit foncier, 1852-80 Repartition des prets faits aux communes par le Credit foncier, 1852-80 Proportion des pieces d'or de 20 francs beiges et italiennes dans la circulation, 1878 Proportion des pieces d'argent de 5 francs beiges et italiennes dans la circulation, 1878 Proportion de l'or dans la circulation metallique, 1878 Bulletin de Statistique et de legislation comparee, 1877-83. Diagrams, la. 8vo. ib., 1877-83 (Documents interessants sur les differentes questions financieres, tels que recettes et depenses de l'Etat, legislations diverses en matieres d'impots, domaine public, emprunts, valeurs mobilieres, banques, etc.). Hospitals, Situation administrative et financiere des hopitaux et hospices de l'Empire. 2 vols., map, la. 4to. ib., 1869 Industry. Travaux statistiques 5 vols, in 1, map, 4to. ib., 1837-48 1. Resume des travaux statistiques de l'adminis- tration des mines en 1838 Notice sur la production et la consommation des combustibles mineraux en France, 1, apercu historique ; 2 consommation. 1837 Statistique de l'industrie du fer en France consideree dans chacun des douze groupes d'usines, 1837 Statistique de l'industrie minerale en France consideree dans cbaque departement 1839 2. Resumes des travaux statistiques de l'adminis- tration des mines en 1841 Tableau general des eaux minerales connues en France, 1840 Statistique de l'industrie minerale «n France, 1840. 1842 3. Situation des travaux au 31 decembre, 1845 Routes royales ; potits ; canaux ; perfec- tionnement de la navigation des fleuves et rivieres ; etudes de navigation ; ports mari- times de commerce ; pbares et fanaux ; ports, pbares et routes royales de la Corse ; chemins de fer. 1846 4. Compte rendu des travaux des ingenieurs des mines pendant l'annee 1847 Eludes de gisements, decouvertes et recon- naissances des mineraux utiles ; resultats 4 — Contd. principaux des travaux de recbercbes sur les gites non concedes ; mines, minieres, carrieres ; usines ; materiel et exploitation des chemins de fer ; appareils a vapeur ; conservation et amenagement des sources minerales ; laboratoires de chimie ; travaux geologiqiies ; publications ; experiences et recherches, travaux divers ; cours publics ; voyages a l'etranger. 1848 5. Resume des travaux statistiques de l'adminis- tration des mines en 1847 Notice sur l'exploitation des metaux autres que le fer, avec une carte des gites metalli- feres de la France ; documents sur la consommation comparee des combustibles mineraux en 1840 et en 1847 ; statistique de l'industrie minerale en France pour l'annee 1846 Industrie minerale consideree par groupes d'exploitations et d'usines Industrie minerale consideree dans l'ensemble de la France Table analytique des matieres contenues dans les quinze volumes publies jusqu'a, ce jour par 1' administration des mines, 1833 a. 1847 — Cbambre des Paris. Rapport de la Commission relatif au Travail des Enfants dans les Manufactures, usines, ou ateliers : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 22. 8vo. 1840 102 FR France. Official Publications— Contd. — Justice. Compte general de l'ad ministration de la justice criminelle en France, 1825-83 4to. Paris, 1827-83 1. Cours d' assises 2. Tribunaux correctionnels 3. Des Recidives 4, Tribunaux de simple police 5. De l'instrucfcion criminelle 6. Cour de cassation 7. Renseignements divers 8. Algerie Compte general de radministration de la justice civile et commerciale en France, 1820-83 La. 4to. ib., 1831-83 (Contents.) 1. Cours de cassation 2. Cours d'appel 3. Tribunaux de premiere instance 4. Juridiction commerciale 5. Tribunaux de paix 6. Conseiis de prud'hommes 7. Renseignements divers 8. Algerie — Provident Fund. Caisse de Retraites et Pensions viageres pour la Vieillesse : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1850 — Enquete sur les moyens d'assurer la regularite et la surete de l'Exploitation sur les Chemins de fer cl vi + 453 pp., la. 4to. Paris, 1858 Exploitation sur une seule voie Administration et personnel Caisses de secours et caisses de retraites De la voie. Materiel moteur et roulant Des Freins. Signaux Statistique des accidents ; et supplement, 1856 Revision du reglement d'administration publique Resume — Railways. Chemins de fer. Documents relatifs a la construction et a l'exploitation. xxiii 4- 269 pp., la. 4to. ib., 1872 — Carte des Chemins de fer francais, 1878. Large sheet, folded, ib., \_cir. 1878] — Repertoire methodique de la legislation des Chemins de fer francais. 515 pp., la. 4to. ib., 1879 — Album de Statistique graphique. 6 -+-16 pp., diagram-maps, la. 4to. ib., 1880 (Contents.) 1. Developpement des voies de communication par departement au 31 decembre, 1878 2. Conditions techniques d'etablissement des chemins de fer au 31 decembre, 1878 3. Frais de premier etablissement des chemins de fer au 31 decembre, 1877 4. Frais de premier etablissement des voies navi- gablos et des ports au 31 decembre, 1878 5. Tonnage des chemins de fer en 1878 6. „ des rivieres, canaux, et ports en 1878 7. „ des routes nationales d'apres les derniers comptages de 1876 8. Recettes brutes des stations des chemins de fer en 1878 9. Recettes brutes des chemins de fer en 1878 10. Produits nets des chemins de fer en 1878 11. Recettes des omnibus de Paris en 1878 12. „ des tramways, des bateaux-omni- bus, et du chemins de fer de ceinture de Paris en 1878 13. Recettes des tramways de la banlieue de Paris on 1878 14. Conditions de navigabilite des voies navig- ables au 31 decembre, 1879 15. Donnees relatives a l'entretien des routes nationales en 1878 16. Developpement des chemins de fer dans les principaux Etats, da 1830 a 1878 — Chemins de fer francais. Situation au 31 decembre, 1876, 81. (Longeurs et territoire desservi). Map, la. 4to. ib., 1879-82 — Chemins de fer francais d'interet general. Documents statistiques. La. 4to. ib., 1868-83 — War. Compte rendu sur le recrutement de l'armee. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1853-67 — Documents inedits. Collection de — , sur l'histoire de France, publiee par ordre du Roi et par les Soins du Ministere de l'instruction publique. 4to. ib., 1837-43 l e Serie — Contd. Chronique des Dues de Normandie, par l e Serie. Histoire politique. Reglemens sur les arts et metiers de Paris, rediges au treizieme siecle, et connus sous le nom du Livre des metiers d'Etienne Boileau, . . . avec des notes et une intro- duction par G. B. Depping. 4to. Paris, 1837 Benoit, trouvere Anglo-Normand du XII e siecle, pub. par Francisque Michel. Tol. 2. 4to. Paris, 1838 FR 3 63 Prance. Official Publications — Contd. — Documents in§dits — Contd. l e Serie — Contd. Relations des ambassadeurs venitiens sur les affaires de France au XVI e siecle. Recueillies et traduites par N. Tommaseo. 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1838 Memoires Militaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV, pub. par General Pelet. Vols. 3—5. 4to. ib., 1838-42 Lettres de Rois, Reines, et autres person- nages des Cours de France et d' Angleterre depuis Louis VII jusqu'a Henri IV, pub. par Champollion-Figeac. T. 1, 1162-1300. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1839 Les Olim, ou Registres des Arrets rendus par la Cour du Roi, sous Saint Louis a Philippe le Long, pub. par Beugnot (1254-1318). 2vols.,4to. ib., 1839-42 Proces des Templiers, pub. par Micbelet. Vol. 1. 4to. ib., 1841 Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Bertin, pub. par Guerard. 4to. ib., 1841 Negociations, Lettres et Pieces diverges relatives au regne de Francois II, tirees du portefeuille de £S. de l'Aubespine [1559-62], pub. par L. Paris. 4to. ib., 1841 l e Sivie— Contd. Papiers d'lStat du Cardinal de Granvelle, pub. par Ch. Weiss. Vols. 1 — 3. 4to. Paris, 1841-42 Negociations relatives a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV, pub. par M. Mignet. Vols. 3 and 4. 4to. ib., 1842 Chronique du Religieux de Saint Denys, contenant le regne de Charles VI, de 1380 a, 1422, pub. par L. Bellaguet. Vol. 4. 4to. ib., 1842 Proces -Verbaux des Fitats Generaux de 1593, recueillis et pub. par Auguste Bernard. ' 4to. ib., 1842 Recueil des Lettres Missives de Henri IV, pub. par Berger de Xivrey. 1562-84. Vol. 1. 4to. 1843 2 Serie. Histoire des Lettres et des Sciences. Les Quatre Livres des Rois, traduits en francais du Xll e siecle, suivis d'un frag- ment de Moralites sur Job, et d'un choix de Sermons de Saint Bernard, pub. par Le Roux de Lincy. 4to. 1841 Miscellaneous. Abolition de l'esclavage dans les colonies anglaises. (Troisieme publication). Enquetes parlementaires et documents divers. (Quatrieme publication). Rapports recueillis par le departeinent de la marine et des colonies 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1841 Vol. 1— Contd. 2, de cafe, exportes des principaux pays de production en 1839. Population esclave, colonies anglaises, 1821-32. Population de chacune des colonies anglaises comprises dans l'acte d'abolition d'esclavage, pour l'annee 1836. Vol. 2. Rapports, officiels francais, concernant l'ap- prentissage et le travail libre en : Jamai'que, 1834-40; Barbade, 1834-41; Ste. Lucie, St. Vincent, St. Christophe, 1838-40; Antigue, 1834-41 ; La Trinite, 1834-40 ; Guyane anglaise, 1834-39 ; He Maurice, 1833-40 Vol. 1. Apprentissage : Rapport, 1836, par la com- mission parlementaire. Extraits des temoignages, 1836 Travad Libre: Extraits des temoignages, 1840 Appendice [Sommaire]. — Repartition de l'in- demnite de vingt millions accordee [1833] aux _proprietaires d'esclaves. Releve : quantites de sucre importees des colonies anglaises dans la Grande Bretagne, 1814-40. Releve : quantites de cafe importees des colonies anglaises dans la Grande Bretagne, 1821-40. Releve : quantites de rhum im- portees des colonies anglaises dans la Grande Bretagne, 1814-40. Releves : 1, de sucre ; — Rapport sur la production et l'emploi du Sel en Angleterre : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 4to. 1850 — Report of the Special Committee appointed by the National Assembly of France to consider the Treatment of Juvenile Offenders : Id., S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1850 — Expose de la situation de l'Empire, 1867 ix + 258 pp., sm. fol. ib., 1867 (Contents.) 1. Situation generale 3 — Contd. 2. Administration generale Industrie minerale Beaux-arts Haras Justice Cultes Instruction primaire Instruction secondaire Enseignement superieur Situation generale Administration generale Affaires departementales „ communales Telegrapliie Finances Agriculture Industrie et commerce Travaux publics 3— Contd. Sciences et lettres Guerre Algerie Marine Colonies Affaires etrangeres M 2 164 PR France. Official Publications— Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Situation economique et commerciale de la France [avec expose com- paratif 1857-76] 2 Nos., sm. fol. Paris; 1874-78 (Contents.) Superficie territoriale Nombre et etendue des pro- prietes rurales Outillage agricole Population Agriculture Mines Industrie Communications interieurs Commerce exterieur : Comptes speciaux par nature des marchandises Commerce exterieur, colonies francaisefc Navigation Peches maritimes Transports Postes Telegraphie flectrique Budgets Monnaies et etablis cements de credit Commerce exterieur: Resultats generaux — Banqne de, Enquete de 1848 snr la Crise Commerciale. Extraits des Enquetes parlementaires anglaises snr les Questions de Banque de Circulation monetaire et de Credit. Traduits et pnblies par ordre . . . et sous la direction de Coullet et Juglar. x +- 255 pp., la. 8vo; ib., 1865 — Enquete de 1857 sur la Legislation des Banqnes . . . viii + 123 pp., la 8vo. ib., 1865 — Enquete sur la Banque de — . Depositions de E. et I. Pereire devant le Conseil Superieur du Commerce, de 1' Agriculture, et de l'lndustrie. (Extrait des proces-verbaux stenographies des seances du 7 novembre et du 26 decembre, 1865) : E. Pereire. La. 8vo. 1866 — Tableau General de la Nouvelle Division de la France en Departemens, Arrondissemens, Communaux, et Justices de Paix, . . . Indiquant la Population, l'Etendue territoriale, et le nombre des Communes . . . et contenant un Resume Generale presentant par chaque Departement, l'Etendue territoriale, la Population . . . le montant des Contributions . . . avec une Table alphabetique des Nouveaux Cantons, et un Atlas de 102 Cartes : P. G. Chanlaire. obi. sm. fol. Paris, 1802 — Statistique generale et particuliere de la France et de ses Colonies, avec une nouvelle description topograpbique, physique, agricole^ politique, indus- trielle et commerciale de cet etat ; par une Societe de gens de Lettres et de Savans : P. E. Heroin, 7 vols. 8vo. 1803 — Statistique generale . . . un Atlas : Id., 1 vol. 4to. 1804 Another copy of tbe " Statistique generale " without the Atlas. 7 vols. 8vo. 1804 — Letter on the Situation of France. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 — Rapport sur l'etat actuel des Prisons dans les departements du Calvados, de l'Eure, de la Manche, et de la Seine-InferieUre, et sur la Maison de Correction de Gallon: Id., vol. 25. Svo. 1825 — Projet de perfectionnemettt de la Navigation de la Saone depuis Gray jusqu'a Chalons. Map : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. 1827 — Canal de Jonction de la Sambre a l'Oise de Landrecies a La Fere : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. 1833 — Patria. La France ancienne et moderne, morale et materielle ; ou collection encyclopedique et statistique de tous les faits relatifs a l'histoire physique et intellectuelle de la France et de ses colonies. 1 vol. in 2, plates, 12mo. Paris, 1847 — Industrie francaise. Rapport sur l'Exposition de 1839 : Belgium (Industrie franchise) . 8vo. 1841-42 — Review of Rubichon and Mounier's work, " De Taction de la Noblesse et des Classes superieures dans les Societes modernes," and Benoiton's " Sur l'Extinction des Families nobles en France." [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1848 FR 165 France. Official Publications — Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Paris Universal Exhibition [1855], Reports on the — . Parts 2 and 3. 8vo. 1856 — Recneil de documents sur les exactions, vols et cruautes des armees prussiennes en France. l re partie : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1871 — Etude sur les Tarifs de Douanes, et sur les Traites de Commerce : M. Ame. la. 8vo. 1876 — Academie de l'lndustrie agricole, manufacturiere et commerciale. Code Rurale francais, ou Recueil methodique des Lois civiles, admini- stratives, forestieres, et de la Peche fluviale, de Procedure et de Police qui concernent les Campagnes ; accompagne d'un Commentaire explicatif. Publie par V-rt. Redige et mis en ordre par une Commission speciale tiree de son sein . . . 12mo. [cir. 1808] — Academie des Sciences morales et politiqnes (Institut de France). Rapport d'un voyage fait dans les cinq departements de la Bretagne, pendant les annees 1840 et 1841 , par MM, Benoisten de Chateauneuf et Villerme . . . : Benoisten de Chateauneuf. 4to. Paris, 1843 — Seances et Travaux de 1' — . Compte rendu, par C. Verge, sous la direction de M. Mignet. Nouvelle Serie. 7 nos., 8vo. ib., 1875-78 — Association polytechnique. Cours d'ficonomie industrielle, recueilli et publie par E. Thevenin. 3 e Serie [1. Les Societes Co-operatives, par J. Duval; 2. Echanges et Monnaie, par M. Wolowski]. 270 + 2 pp., 12mo. ib., 1866 — Societe" franeaise de Statistique universelle. Journal des travaux. Vols. 3—5, and extra vol. 4 vols, in 1, 4to. ib., 1833-35 — Paris. Comptes generaux des hopitaux, hospices civils, enfants aban- donnes, secours a domicile, et direction des nourrices, de la ville de — . Recette, depense, population, 1803 xxvii + 380 pp. 4to. ib., 1805 Livre ler. H6pitaux, hospices, enfants I Livre 2me. Secours a domicile, abandonnes. „ 3me. Direction des nourrices. — Rapport sur la marche et les effets du cholera-morbus dans Paris et les communes rurales du departement de la Seine, 1832. 205 + 220 pp., plans, &c, 4to. ib., 1834 — Administration des Hopitaux, Hospices et Secours de — . Compte des Recettes et Depenses, 1833-34. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1835 — Rapport sur 1' Administration Generale de la ville de — , presente au Conseil Municipal, 1834, 1836. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1834-36 — Compte general des Recettes et des Depenses de la ville de — , 1835-36. 209 pp., 4to. ib., 1836 — Sous Phillipe-le-Bel, d'apres des Documents Originaux, et notamment d'apres un MS. contenant le Role de la Taille sur les habitants de Paris en 1292 ; publie par H. Greraud. xvi + 638 pp., maps, 4to. ib., 1837 — Compte rendu de l'Administration du Departement de la Seine et de la ville de— , 1836. 206 pp., 4to. ib., 1837 — Recherches statistiques sur la ville de — , et le Departement de la Seine, 1821-44. 5 vols., 4to. ib., 1823-44 — Instruction sur la verification des Deces dans la ville de — : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. 1844 — Administration generale de l'Assistance Publique a — . Compte Moral Administratif, 1851, 1859. 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1852-60 — Statement presented by the Prefect of the Seine [Gr. E. Haussmann] to the Municipal Council of Paris, 1865. (Translation). 31 pp., fol. 1866 — Budget for the Year 1866. Translated by H. de la Hooke. 86 pp., 4to. 1866 166 PR France. Official Publications — Contd. — Paris — Contd. — Administration generale de l'Assistance Publique a — . Compte des Recettes et Depenses, 1850, 1854, 1861-66. 8 vols., 4to. Paris, 1851-67 — Statistique medicale des Hopitaux de Paris, 1861-62. 2 vols., la. 4to. ib., 1867 (Contents.) l e Partie. Hopitaux generaux 2 e Partie. Hopitaux speciales 3 C Partie. Hospices et maisons de retraite 4 e Partie. Maison municipale de sante 5 e Partie. Operations chirurgicales 6 e Partie. Statistique generale — Annexes (1861) — Exposition Universelle de 1867 a Paris. Rapports du Jury International, publies sous la direction de M. Chevalier. 13 vols., 8vo. ib., 1868 — Conferences Internationales de Statistique tenues a Paris, 22—24 juillet, 1878. Comptes rendus stenographiques : Conferences Internal, de Stat. 8vo. 1880 — Annuaire Statistique de la Ville de — , 1880-81. Diagram-maps, la. 8vo. Paris, 1881-82 — History of — , from the Earliest Period to tbe Present Day, with a Descrip- tion of its Antiquities, Public Buildings, &c. [Anon.]. 3 vols. 8vo. 1825 — Society de Statistique de — . Journal (from commencement). Maps, diagrams, la. 8vo. Paris, 1860-83 — Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres contenues dans les 15 premieres volumes, 1860-74. [Bound with vol. 16]. 19 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1875 — Bordeaux. Academie des Sciences, belles-lettres et Arts de — . Actes. 13 vols., 8vo. Bordeaux, 1839-54 — Caen. Chambre de Commerce de, Etude preparatoire a l'Enquete sur les principes et sur les Faits generaux qui regissent la Circulation monetaire et fiduciaire : J. Le Cesne. 8vo. 1865 — Eure. Annuaire du departement de 1' — , pour l'annee 1832. 284 + xxiv + 8 pp., 12mo. Evreux, 1832 — Gironde. Statistique du departement de la — , publiee sous les auspices du prefet et du conseil general : F. Jouannet. Map and plates, la. 4to. 1837-43 — Havre. Adresse de la Commission Commerciale du Havre aux Chambres Legislatives : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. 1834 — Herault. Free Trade Resolutions of the Council General of the Herault: * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 — Loire. Rapport fait au Conseil-General de la — , le 24 Aout, 1838, au nom de la Commission chargee de l'examen des questions relatives aux Enfants tronves, par M. Smith : * Tracts, S, 4, vol. 5. 8vo. 1839 — Lyons. Societe des Sciences mSdicales de Lyon. Memoires et Comptes rendus de la, Tomes 14 et 17, 1875-77. Plate, 8vo. Lyon, 1878 — Societe Lyonnaise de Secours mutuels pour les ouvriers en soie de Lyons, et des communes suburbaines. Statuts : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1850 — Marseilles. Society de Statistique de Marseille. Compte-rendu des travaux de la—, 1829-38. 5 nos. in 1 vol., 8vo. Marseille, 1831-39 — Repertoire des travaux de la — . 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1837-39 — Mettray. Colonie agricole de jeunes Detenus a — : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1839 — Nantes. Sociele royale academique de — , et du Departement de la Loire-Inferieure . . . Apercus statistiques sur le department de la Loire- Inferieure : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3. 8vo. 1839 FR 167 France. Official Publications — Contd. — Reims. Bureau municipal d'Hygiene. Bulletin mensuel. 8vo. Reims, 1883 — Seine. Prefecture du departement de la — . Rapport presente par Marie Davy, directeur de l'observatoire de Montsouris, a la commission chargee de surveiller l'emploi de la subvention municipale accordee a cet etab- lissement. Seance du 24 Avril, 1878. Etude sur la nature des poussieres repandues dans les dortoirs, salles d'etudes, et corridors du lyeee Saint- Louis. Par Pierre Miguel. 30 pp., 4to. Paris, 1878 — Societe pour le patronage des jeunes detenus et des jeunes liberes du departement de la Seine. Assembled generale : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1844 — Tours. L'Hospice de, Rapport sur les Alienes et les Enfants trouves de— : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 4to. 1842 Francis (John). History of the Bank of England, its Times and Traditions. 3rd edit. 2 vols. 8vo. [cir. 1847] — Annals, Anecdotes, and Legends. A Chronicle of Life Assurance. xii + 327 pp., 8vo. 1853 Francis (Sir Philip). Reflections on the Abundance of Paper in Cir- culation, and the Scarcity of Specie. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 12. 8vo. 1810 Another copy : ... * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 2. 8vo. 1810-19 — On the Policy of' Great Britain and the Allies towards Norway : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 — Plan of a Reform in the Election of the House of Commons, adopted by the Society of the Friends of the People in 1795. Reprinted by — : Id., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Franck (Ad.). Philosophie du Droit ecclesiastique. Des Rapports de la Religion et de l'Etat. 192 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1864 — Reformateurs et Publicistes de l'Europe. Moyen Age; Renaissance. iv + 506 + 1 pp., 8vo. ib , 1864 Franeois-Levernay (M.). Guide- Annuaire d'Egypte. Statistiquc, Adminis- trations, Commerce, Industries, Agriculture, Antiquites, etc. Avec les plans dAlexandrie et du Caire. (Annee 1872-73) : Guide-Annuaire d'Egypte. Plans, 8vo. 1873 Frankfort. Official Publications : — — Handelskammer zu Frankfurt-am-Main, 1869-71. 3 vols., 8vo. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1870-72 — Ubersicht der Frequenz der offentlichen Schnlen der Stadt Frankfurt- am-Main, wahrend des Sommersemesters 1879. Sheet. [1879] — Jahresbericht ueber die Verwaltung des Medicinalwesens die Krankenan- stalten und die oeffentlichen Gesundheitsverhaeltnisse der Stadt Frank- furt-am-Main, 1857-81. 8vo. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1859-82 — Beitrage zur Statistik der Stadt Frankfurt. 4to. ib., 1863-82 — Statistische Mittheilungen iiber den Civilstand der Stadt Frankfurt-am- Main, 1858-82. 4to. ib., 1859-83 — Frankfurter Bank. Geschafts-Bericht iiber das Verwaltungsjahr, 1867, 1870, 1873. 3 vols., 4to. ib., 1868-74 — Frankfurter Vereins f iir Geographie und Statistik. Jahres-Bericht des—, 1856-80. 8vo. ib., 1856-80 — Physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt-am-Main, Jahresbericht des — . 1846-54, 1857-58. 8 parts, 8vo. ib., 1847-58 Franklin (Dr.). Extracts from the Works of, on Population, Commerce, &c. Reprinted : * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 168 FR Franklin Institute. The Journal of the — , devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts. New series, vols. 25 and 26. 2 vols, in 1, diagrams, &c.,8vo. Phila., 1840 Third series, vols. 1 — 85. Maps, plates, &c, 8vo. ib., 1841-83 — Report of the Twenty-sixth Exhibition of American Manufactures, held in the City of Philadelphia, 1858, by the — , of the State of Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. Together with a Catalogue of the Articles. 98 pp., 8vo. ib., 1858 Franklyn (H. Mortimer). A Glance at Australia in 1880 ; or Pood from the South; showing the present Condition and Production of some of its leading Industries, namely, Wool, Wine, Grain, Dressed Meat, etc., etc., the amount of each Produced and Exported ; to which is appended the Rise and Progress of some of the leading Mercantile Houses in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, and also a Pastoral and Agricultural Directory of Australia. 414 + lviii pp., la. 8vo. Melbourne, 1881 Franqueville (Count de). Local Government in France : * Gobden Club Essays. 8vo. 1875 Franscini (S.). Statistique de la Suisse ; ou tableau des forces materielles et morales des vingt-deux cantons compares entre eux et avec les pays voisins par — , traduction augmentee de nouveaux details qui ne se trouvent pas dans les editions italienne et allemande, par A. M. vii -f- 521 pp., 8vo. Geneve, 1855 Freeland (H. W.). Reduction of Continental Armies, by Adolph Fischhof. Translated by— : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1875 Freese (A. G. F.). Statistik von Schweden, nach offentlichen Dokumenten . . . [Translated into German] : C. af. Forsell. Map, 8vo. 1835 Fr6gier (H. A.). Des Classes dangereuses de la Population dans les grandes villes, et des moyens de les rendre meilleures. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1840 French. Government. Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the — , including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire. By an American. [Anon.]. 6th edit., iv + 252 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1810 French Revolution. Epitome of the — , with Map of France shewing New Divisions of the Country. [Anon.]. Sheet. 1787-93 Frend (W.). The National Debt in its True Colours, with Plans for its Extinction by Honest Means: * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 — Is it impossible to free the Atmosphere of London, in a very considerable degree, from the Smoke and Deleterious Vapours with which it is hourly Impregnated?: Id., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Freng (L.). Beretning om Sorgenfri Lazareth under Cholera-Epidemien i Christiania, 1853 : * Cholera-Epidemien. 8vo. 1854 Frere (Sir H. Bartle E.). On the impending Bengal Famine, how it will be Met, and how to Prevent future Famines in India. viii + 112 pp., map, 8vo. 1874 Freschi (Gherardo). Guida per allevare i bachi da seta composta per cura di — . . . con un quadro sinottico in litografia alluminato. 4th edit. : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 6. 8vo. 1843 — Bachi da Seta. Quadro sinottico eretto dietro la guida di — . Chart. San Vito, [cir. 1843] Frese (H.). Statistique de Breme et Hambourg : * Cong res Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-69 Frewin (Richard). Digested Abridgment of the Laws of the Customs, imposing Prohibitions and Restrictions relative to the Importation and Exportation of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize into and from Great Britain. By — , assisted by N. Jickling. xiv + 629 pp., la. 8vo. 1819 PR— GA 169 [Priederichsen (L.)]. Begleitworte zu der Karte des Handelsgebietes von West-Aequatoreal-Afrika: * Hiibbe-Schleiden. Map, 8vo. 1879 Friedlander (Eberhard). Die Theorie des Werths : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 4to. 1852 Friend of India. 5 vols, fol., Semapore, &c, 1849-75 Friendly Societies. Reports of the Chief Registrar of — : Pari. Acct., 8fc. Fol. 1857-82 Frijlink (H. A.). Sterfte-Atlas van Nederland uitgegeven door de Neder- landsche Maats-chappij tot Bevordering der Geneesknnst. Sheets. Amsterdam, 1866 Fripp (C. Bowles). Statistics of Popular Education in Bristol : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. 1837 — Statistics of the City of New York. Communicated to the Bristol Statistical Society : * Stat. Soc. Rep., Sfc. 1 vol., 8vo, 1835-41 Fropier (G.). Statistics of Mauritius : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Frost (Charles). Considerations on the Propriety of making a Remunera- tion to Witnesses in Civil Actions for Loss of Time ; with some Observations on the Present System of Taxing Costs : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Fry (Danby P.). Local Taxes of the United Kingdom, containing a Digest of the Law : Poor Law Commiss. 8vo. 1846 — Improvement of English Orthography : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. 1870 Fry (Herbert). Royal Guide to the London Charities, 1873-74—1875-76. 3 vols., 12mo. 1873-75 Fry (Rev. Henry P.). A System of Penal Discipline, with a report on the Treatment of Prisoners in Great Britain and Van Dieman's Land. xiii + 207 pp., plan, 8vo. 1850 Fry (Joseph S.). A Concise History qf Tithes : * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Fullarton (Allan), Remarks on the Evils at present affecting the High- lands and Islands of Scotland. By — , and C. R. Baird : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1838 Fullarton (John). On the Regulation of Currencies ; being an Examina- tion of the Principles on which it is proposed to restrict, within certain fixed limits, the future Issues on Credit of the Bank of England . . . 1844 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 13. 8vo. 1844 Funded Property. An Attempt to ascertain a Theory for Determining the Value of—. 1809. [Anon.] : * /. /. Grellier. 8vo. 1810 Fussell (J. G. C). On Educational Appliances : * Pari Miscell.Bep. (Vienna Univ. Exhib.) [C-1072]. 8vo. 1873 v G. [G. (A.)]. Statistique de 1'Enseignement primaire. [Anon.] : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8ro. 1879 [G. (L.)]. The Abendberg, an Alpine Retreat founded by Dr. Guggenbiihl for the Treatment of Infant Cretins, by — , with Introduction by John Coldstream. [Anon.] : Dr. Guggenbiihl. 18mo. 1848 Gabaglio (Antonio). Storia e teoria generale della Statistica. xiv + 597 + 1 pp., diagrams, 8vo. Milano, 1880 Gabelli (A.). L'istruzione elementare nella provincia di Roma comparato al resto d'ltalia: * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 Gairdner (Charles). Answers to certain of the Questions Proposed by the " Conseil Superieur da Commerce de France," on the Subject of Banking and Currency: * B. Price (Principles, 8fc). 8vo. 1869 170 GA Gairdner (W. T.). First Report of the Medico-Statistical Association. By— and J. W. Begbie : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1852 — On the Registration of Causes of Death : Id., S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. 1852 Galanti (T.). Delia Reale Societa, Agraria d'Inghilterra : *" * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 — Escursioni agronomiche in Olanda : Id. La. 8vo. 1880 Galeotti (Henri). Recherches statistiques snr la Population du Mexique en 1840 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. [cir. 1840] Gallatin (Albert). Considerations on the Currency and Banking System of the United States, 1831 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 10. 8vo. 1831-51 Galloway (Thomas). Tables of Mortality deduced from the Experience of the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office, during a period of thirty-three years : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1841 [Galos (Henri)]. Economie politique : la reforme de la legislation com- merciale: * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3. 8vo. [cir. 1840] Galpin (S. A.). The Minor Political Divisions of the United States : * U.S.A. (Stat. Atlas). La. fol. 1874 Gait (Sir A. T.). The Canadian Tariff : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. [1879] Gait (William). Railway Reform ; its Importance and Practicability con- sidered as affecting the Nation, the Shareholders, and the Government. xxiv + 268 pp., 8vo. 1864 Galton (Douglas). An Address on the General Principles which should be observed in the Construction of Hospitals. Delivered to the British Medical Association at Leeds, July 29th, 1869, with the Discussion which took place thereon. viii + 95 pp., 12mo. 1869 Galton (Francis). The Relative Supplies from Town and Country Families to the Populations of Future Generations : *Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 36. 8vo. 1873 — English Men of Science; their Nature and Nurture, xiii + 270 pp., 8vo. 1874 — Statistics by Intercomparison ; with Remarks on the Frequency of Error : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1875 — British Association for the Advancement of Science. Considerations Adverse to the Maintenance of Section F (Economic Science and Statistics) : Id,, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1877 Game Laws. Three Letters on the — . By a Country Gentleman, a Pro- prietor of Game. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Gandillot (R.). Essai sur la Science des Finances. 504 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1840 Gandolfi (A.). L'obbligo al servizio militare nella sua Applicazione e coi suoi resultati presso le potenze europee : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 Gandolphy (Rev. Peter). Congratulatory Letter to the Rev. Dr. Marsh, on his judicious " Inquiry into the Consequences of Neglecting to give the Prayer Book with the Bible." Portrait: * Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 — A Second Letter to the Rev. Herbert Marsh, confirming the Opinion that the Vital Principle of the Reformation has been lately conceded by him to the Church of Rome : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 Ganilh (Charles). An Inquiry into the Various Systems of Political Economy; their Advantages and Disadvantages; and the Theory most Favourable to the Increase of National Wealth. Translated from the French by D. Boileau. 1 + 492 pp., 8vo. 1812 — General Reflexions on the Financial Situation of France in 1816 : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Ganot (M.). Elementary Treatise on Physics, Experimental and Applied . . . Translated from "Elements de Physique" by E. Atkinson, Ph.D., Revised and enlarged, illustrated by a coloured plate and 668 woodcuts. 3rd edit, xi + 861 + 1 pp., plates, &c, 8vo. 1868 GA-GE 171 Garcia y Cubas (A.). Atlas Geografico, Estadistico e Historico de la Repiiblica Mexicana. La. fol. Mexico, 1856 Gardiner (Ner.). History of the Cholera in Manchester in 1849. By—, and John Leigh. Map: * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1850 Gardner (Christian P.). Local Taxation ; an Essay on the Injustice, In- equalities, and Anomalies of the present Poor-rate Assessment : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. [1869] Gardner (Dorsey). Grounds and Buildings of the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Plans, &c. : * U.S.A. (Internat. Exhib.). fol. 1880 Gamier (Joseph). Elements de l'Economie politique, Expose des notions fondamentales de cette science. Deuxieme edition ; considerablement augmentee. 2nd edit, xii + 420 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1848 Garrido (Fernando). L'Espagne contemporaine, ses Progres moraux et materiels, XIX e siecle. 409 pp., 8vo. Brux., 1862 Gaskell (P.). The Manufacturing Population of England; its Moral, Social, and Physical Conditions, and the Changes which have arisen from the use of Steam Machinery, with an Examination of Infant Labour. viii + 361 pp., 8vo. 1833 Gatliff (Charles). On Improved Dwellings, and their Beneficial Effect on Health and Morals, with Suggestions for their •Extension : * Stat. Soc. (J7.), vol. 38. 8vo. 1875 Gavarret (Jules). Principes generaux de Statistique medicale. xvi + 312 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1840 Gavin (Hector). The Habitations of the Industrial Classes ; their Influence on the Physical, Social, and Moral Condition of these Classes : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1851 Geary (Major H. L.). Importance of Industrial Education : * Stat., 8fc, Soc. Irel. 8vo. 1876-79 Geddes (Patrick). Economics and Statistics viewed from the Standpoint of the Preliminary Sciences : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1881 — Classification of Statistics and its Results : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1881 Gedike (Dr.). Die Sterblichkeit in Gefangnissen . . . nach den Schriften von Chassinat und Baly (Aus d. Jahrbucher der Gefangnisskunde XI) : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. [cir. 1843] [Gee (Joshua)]. The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain considered. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 16. 8vo. 1730 Geissler (A.). Remarques sur les variations periodiques de certaines maladies : * Annales Demog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1877-83 Gelbhaar (O.). Observations sur la statistique penitentiaire internationale : * Internat. Prison Congress, Stoclch., 1878. 8vo. 1879 [Gemini]. The Currency Question. The Gemini Letters. [Anon.]. xii + 398 pp., 8vo. 1844 Gene (G.). Dei Pregiudizi Popolari intorno agli Animali, aggiuntevi le notizie sugli insetti nocivi all' agricoltura, &c. (Bibl. dei Comuni Ital.) 304 pp. Torino, 1853: * G. Virey. 12mo. 1853 Geneva. Tableau synoptique et comparatif des Depenses de la Republique et Canton de Geneve, pour les vingt annees de 1816 a, 1835 inclusive- ment. Sheet, folded, [cir. 1835] — Tableau synoptique et comparatif des Recettes de la Republique et Canton de Geneve, pour les vingt annees de 1816 a 1835 inclusivement. Sheet, folded, [err. 1835] — Tableaux des operations des Tribunaux du Canton de Geneve pendant 1838 : * Track, S. 4, vol. 5. 8vo. 1839 — Projet de Budget du Canton de Geneve, 1840. 28 pp., 4to. Geneve, 1840 172 GE Geneva — Contd. — [" Presented by the Queen"]. Annnaire de la mortalite genevoise, Tableau general des deces du Canton de Geneve pendant l'annee 1842, classes selon qu'ils reconnaissent pour cause, la naissance, les accidents exterieurs, la maladie, les vices originels de conformation ou la viei Hesse. Dresse sur I' invitation du Conseil de Sante par le Docteur Marc d'Espine, membre du Conseil. Sheet, framed and glazed. 1842 Another copy Sheet, folded. 1842 — Bibliotheque publique de Geneve. Renseignements generaux, 1881-82. 2 pamph., 8vo. [cir. 1881-82] Another copy of above for 1881. — Caisse d'Epargne de Geneve. Vingt-quatrieme Rapport des Admini- strateurs de la, 1840 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1840 — Caisse des Families de Geneve. Rapport du Conseil d'Administration de la, 1840 : Id., S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1840 — Comite de Patronage des LiberSs de Geneva. Notices [ou Rapports] sur le— : Id., S. 4, vol. 5. 1837-39 — Societe MSdicale du Canton de Geneve — Rapport pour 1843 : II, S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. [cir. 1843] — Societe de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de, Memoires de la — [1835-47]. 6 vols, in 12 parts. Geneve, 1836-49 Genth (F. A.). Researches on the Ammonia Cobalt Bases : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol, 9. 4to. 1857 Gentz (F. von). Reflections on the Liberty of the Press in Great Britain. Translated from the German: * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Geographical Society (Royal) of London. Journal of the — . 8vo. 1831-83 — Proceedings. 1855-56, 1877-78^ 22 vols., 8vo. 1857-78 New Series 8vo. 1879-83 — Classified Catalogue of the Library of the—. i + 478 pp., 8vo. 1871 Geological Survey of Great Britain, Memoirs of the — , and of the Museum of Practical Geology. ' [1846]-81. La. 8vo. 1846-82 Geology. Museum of Practical, Catalogue of the Library of the — and Geological Survey. Compiled by H. White and T. W. Newton. ' 602 pp„ la. 8vo. 1878 Germany. Official Publications :— (Arranged under the following heads, Statistik des Deutschen Reichs; Statistisches Jahrbuch; Miscellaneous) . — Statistik des Deutschen Reichs 4to. Berlin, 1873-83 Band. 1. Die Anordnungen des Bundesrathes fur die gemeinsame Statistik der deutschen Staaten nebst den vorbereitenden Ver- handlungen, insbesondere den Protokollen und Bericbten der Kommission fur die weitere Ausbildung der Statistik des Zoll- vereins 2. Vierteljahrsbef te zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fur das Jahr 1873 (I Jahrgang). 4 Hefte in 6 Abtheilungen 3 bis 5. Auswartiger und uberseeischer Waaren- verkehr des deutschen Zollgebiets und der Zollausschlusse, sowie SchiiTahrtsver- kehr im Jahre 1872. 3 Theile Theil 1. Waaren - Einf uhr und berechnete Eingangszoll-Ertrage Band. Theil 2. Waaren-Aus- und -Durchfuhr, sowie vergleichende Uebersichten der Menge und des Werthes der Ein-, Aus- und Durchfuhr und der berechneten Zol- lertrage, auch Niederlage-Yerkehr und Verkehrserleichtenmgen Theil 3. Seeschiffahrts-Verkehr des Zoll- gebiets u. der Zollausschlusse 6. 1. Statistik der Organisation der Zoll- und Steuerverwaltung nach dem Stande des Jahres 1872 2. Geschaftsstatistik der Zollverwaltung fiir das Jahr 1872 3. Statistik der Straffalle in Bezug auf die Zolle und Steuern fiir das Jahr 1872 GE 173 Germany. Official Publications — Contcl. — Statistik des Deutschen Reichs — Contcl. Band. 7. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere : der Bestand der Fluss-, Kanal-, Haff- und Kiistenschiffe, der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr auf den deutschen Wasserstrassen, nebst den beobachteten Wasserstanden in Jahre 1872 und der Wasserverkehr der Stadt Berlin in dem Jahren 1840-72 8. Vierteljahrsbefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fur das Jahr 1874 (II Jahrgang). 4 Hefte in 7 Abtheilungen 9 bis 11. Auswartiger und iiberseeischer Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse im Jahre 1873. 3 Theile Theil 1. Waaren-Einfuhr und berecbnete Eingangszoll- Ertrage Theil 2. Waaren-Aus- und -Durchfuhr, sowie vergleichende Uebersichten der Menge und des Werthes der Ein-, Aus- und Durchfuhr und der berechneten Zollertrage, auch Niederlage- Verkehr und Verkehrserleichterungen Theil 3. Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets mit den Zollausschliissen und dem Auslande zur See und auf der untern Elbe, Weser und Ems, nebst Anhang. enthaltend : den uberseeischen Waaren- Verkehr der Zoll- ausschliisse, etc. 12. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr nebst den beobachteten Wasserstanden im Jahre 1873 13. Statistik der SeeschifFahrt fiir das Jahr 1873 14. Vierteljahrsbefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fiir das Jahr 1875 (III Jahrgang). 4 Hefte in 11 Abtheilungen 15. Die deutschen Wasserstrassen 16 und 17. Auswartiger und iiberseeischer Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse im Jahre 1874. 2 Theile Theil 1. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets Theil 2. Ueberseeischer Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse 18. Statistik der Seeschiffahrt fiir das Jahr 1874. 2 Abtheilungen 19. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr nebst den beobachteten Wasserstanden im Jahre 1874 20. Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fiir das Jahr 1876 (IV Jahrgang). 4 Hefte in 9 Abtheilungen 21. Statistik der Seeschiffahrt fiir das Jahr 1875. 2 Abtheilungen 22 und 23. Auswartiger und iiberseeischer Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse im Jahre 1875. 2 Theile Theil 1. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets Theil 2. Ueberseeischer Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse Band. 24. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr nebst den beobachteten Wasserstanden im Jahre 1875 25. Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fiir das Jahr 1877 26. Statistik der Seeschiffahrt fiir das Jahr 1876. 2 Abtheilungen 27 und 28. Auswartiger und iiberseeischer Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse im Jahre 1876. 2 Theile Theil 1. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets Theil 2. Iiberseeischer Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse 29. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr nebst den beobachteten Wasserstanden im Jahre 1876 30. Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fiir das Jahr 1878 31. Statistik der Seeschiffahrt fiir das Jahr 1877. 2 Abtheilungen 32 und 33. Auswartiger und iiberseeischer Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse im Jahre 1877. 2 Theile Theil 1. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets Theil 2. Ueberseeischer Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets und der Zollausschldsse 34. Die Ergebnisse der deutschen Gewerbezah- lung vom 1 Dez., 1875 : Uebersicht sammtlicher Gewerbebetriebe Theil 1. Einleitung und Uebersicht der Gewerbegruppen I — X Theil 2. Uebersicht der Gewerbegruppen XI — XIX> Wiederholungen und Nach- weis der Eisenbahn-, Post- und Tele- graphen-Werkstiitten 35. Die Ergebnisse der deutschen Gewerbeziih- lung vom 1 Dez., 1875 : Nachweisung der Gewerbebetriebe mit mehr ah 5 Gehillfen Theil 1. Nachweisung der Betriebs- und Personalverhaltnisse Theil 2. Nachweisung der verwendeten Umtriebs- und charakteristischen Arbeits- maschinen 36. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr nebst den beobachteten Wasserstanden im Jahre 1877 37. Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fiir das Jahr 1879 38. Statistik der Seeschiffahrt fiir das Jahr 1878. 2 Abtheilungen 39 und 40. Auswartiger und iiberseeischer Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse im Jahre 1878. 2 Theile TheU 1. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets Theil 2. Ueberseeischer Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets und der Zollausschliisse 174 GE Germany. Official Publications— Confd. — Statistik des Deutschen Reichs — Cuntd. Band. 41. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere : der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr nebst den beobacbteten Wasserstiinden im Jabre 1878, sowie der Bestand der Flufs-, Kanal-, Haff- und Kiistenschiffe am 31 Dezember, 1877 42. Tabackbau, Tabackfabrikation und Taback- bandel im Deutscben Reich und in Luxemburg nach den statistischen Ergeb- nissen der Arbeiten der Taback-Enquete- Kommission. (Mit 8 Kartogrammen) 43. Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs f iir das Jahr 1880 44. Statistik der Seeschiffahrt fur das Jahr 1879. 2 Abtheilungen 45 und 46. Auswartiger und uberseeischer Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zollgebiets und der Zollausschlusse im Jahre 1879. 2 Theile Theil 1. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets Theil 2. Ueberseeischer Waarenverkehr des Zollgebiets und der Zollausschlusse 47. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere : der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr nebst den beobacbteten Wasserstanden im Jabre 1879 48. Monatsbefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fur das Jahr 1881 49 und 50. Waarenverkehr des deutscben Zoll- gebiets mit dem Auslande im Jahre 1880. 2 Theile Theil 1. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr nach den einzelnen Waarengattungen, sowie Veredlungsverkehr Theil 2. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr nach den Landern der Herkunft bezw. Bestim- mung und nach den Grenzstrecken des Eingangs und Ausgangs, sowie ubersee- ischer Waarenverkehr in den wichtigeren Seehafenplatzen des Zollgebiets und in den Zollausschliissen 51. Statistik der Seeschiffahrt fur das Jahr 1880. 2 Abtheilungen 52. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere der Schiffs- und Giiterverkehr nebst den beobachteten Wasserstanden im Jahre 1880 53. Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fur das Jahr 1882 54 und 55. Waarenverkehr des deutschen Zoll- gebiets mit dem Auslande im Jabre 1881. 2 Theile Theil 1. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr nach den einzelnen Waarengattungen, sowie Veredlungsverkehr Theil 2. Auswartiger Waarenverkehr nach den Landern der Herktuft bezw. Bestim- mung und nach den Grenzstrecken des Eingangs und Ausgangs, sowie ubersee- ischer Waarenverkehr in den wichtigeren Seehafenplatzen des Zollgebiets und in den Zollausschliissen 56. Statistik der Seeschiffahrt fur das Jahr 1881. 1 Abtheilung Band. 57. Die Volkszahlung im Deutschen Reiche am 1 Dezember, 1880 Theil 1. Bevolke rungs- Zahl und- Dichtig- keit, Wohnorte, Gebaude, Haushatlungen 58. Der Verkehr auf den deutschen Wasser- strassen, insbesondere der Schiffs- und Guterverkehr nebst den beobachteten Wasserstanden im Jahre 1881 59. Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs fur das Jahre 1883 Heft 1. Anordnungen fur die Reichssta- tistik 1882. Besteuerung des Tabacks, Ein- und Ausfuhr, etc. wahrend des Erntc - jahres 1881-82. Nachtrag zur Statistik uber Produktion und Besteuerung, sowie Ein- und Ausfuhr von Zucker fur 1881-82. Ueberseeische Auswanderung 1882. Eheschliefsungen, Geburten und Ster- befiille, 1881. Durchschnittspreise wich- tiger Waaren im Grof shandel fur Januar, 1883. Waarenverkehr im Januar, 1883. Versteuerte Rubenmengen, sowie Ein- und Ausfuhr von Zucker im Januar, 1883 Heft 2. EntweichungenvonSeeleuten, 1881. Vorlaufiges Ergebniss der montanstatis- tischen Erhebungen, 1882. Berichtigung zum Januarheft, die Tabackstatistik betr. Durchschnittspreise fur Februar, 1883. Waarenverkehr im Februar, 1883. Ver- steuerte Rubenmengen, etc., im Februar, 1833 Heft 3. Hauptergebnisse des auswartigen Waarenverkehrs fur 1882. Vorliiufige Hauptergebnisse der Berufszahlung vom 5 Juni, 1882. Berichtigung zum Februar- heft, die Montanstatistik betr. Durch- schnittspreise fur Marz, 1883. Waarenver- kehr im Marz, 1883. Versteuerte Ruben- mengen, etc., im Marz, 1883 Heft 4. Vorlaufiges spezielles Ergebniss der Berufszahlung vom 5 Juni, 1882, fur das Reich. Anmusterungen von Seeleuten, 1882. Waaren-Durchfuhr, 1882. Ueber- seeische Auswanderung fur Januar bis April, 1883. Durchschnittspreise fur April, 1883. Waarenverkehr im April, 1883. Versteuerte Rubenmengen, &c, im April, 1883 Heft 5. Die Berufsgruppen der Bevolkerung des Deutschen Reichs nach dem vorlau- figenErgebnis8ederAufnahmevom5Juni, 1882. Spielkarten-Fabriken und Verkehr mit Spielkarten fur das E tats jahr 1882-83. Ueberseeische Auswanderung fiir Januar bis Mai, 1883. Wechselstempelsteuer im Etatsjahre 1882-83. Durchschnittspreise fiir Mai, 1883. Waarenverkehr im Mai, 1883. Versteuerte Rubenmengen, etc., im Mai, 1883 Heft 6. Vorliiufige spezielle Ergebnisse der Berufszahlung vom 5 Juni, 1882. Fort- setzung aus dem Aprilheft. Zolle, Ver- brauchs- und Stempelabgaben im Etats- jahre 1882-82. Tabackbau und Tabackernte fiir das Erntejahr 1882-83. Ueberseeische GE 175 Germany. Official Publications — Contd. — Statistik des Deutschen Reichs — Contd. Band. 59 Auswanderung £iir Januar bis Juni, 1883. cont. Durchschnittspreise fiir Juni, 1883. Waarenverkelir im Juni, 1883. Versteuerte Rubenmengen, etc., ini Juni, 1883 Heft 7. Ernte-Statistik fiir das Erntejabr 1882-83. Zoll-Straffalle fiir das Etatsjahr 1882-83. Zollbegiinstigungen der Wein- handler fiir das Etatsjahr 1882-83. Menge und Werth der Waaren Ein- Aus- und Band. 59 Durclif ubr fiir 1882. Ueberseeische Aus- cont. wanderung fiir Januar bis Juli, 1883. Verbrecben und Vergehen gegen Reichs- gesetze, 1882. Die Berufsstellung inner- balb der Berufsgruppen der Bevolkerung des Deutschen Reichs nach den vorlaufigen Ergebnissen der Aufnahme vom 5 Juni, 1882. Durchschnittspreise fiir Juli, 1883. Waarenverkelir im Juli, 1883. Versteuerte Rubenmengen, etc., im Juli, 1883 — Jahrbuch fiir das Deutsche Reich. Jahrgangs i — iv, 1880-83 La. 8vo. Berlin, 1880-83 (Contents.) I. Flacheninhalt, Stand der Bevolkerung. II. Bewegung der Bevolkerung. III. Boden- benutzung und Ernten. IV. Viehstand. V. Produktion der Bergwerke, Salinen und Hiitten. VI. Gewerbe. VII. Handel des deutschen Zolkebiets mit dem Auslande. VIII. Geld- und Kreditwesen. JX Verkehr und Verkehrsstrassen. X. Verbrauchsberech- nungen. XL Wahlen zum deutschen Reichs- tag. XII. Justizwosen. XIII. Medizinal- wesen. XIV. Kriegswesen. XV. Finanzwesen. Anhang und kartographische Beilagen — Miscellaneous. IJebersiclit verschiedener Jahres-Durch-schnittspreise wahrend der Jahre 1816 bis 1857. 6 pp., diagrams, fol. \_cir. 1858] — Einfuhr und Aasfuhr des deutschen Zollgebiets in Betreff der in 4ten Quartal und im Jahrgang 1872, in den freien Verkehr getretenen und aus dem freien Verkehr ausgefiihrten Waaren. iv + 44 pp., fol., Berlin, 1873 — Der Taback im Deutschen Zollgebiete. Produktion und Besteuerung, Einfuhr und Ausfuhr, 1 Juli, 1871, bis 30 Juni, 1872. vi + 27 pp., 4to. ib., 1873 — Conferenz der Directoren der statistischen Bureau deutscher Stadte. Berlin, den 4 bis 6 October, 1879. 40 pp., 4to. ib., [cir. 1879] — Kartennetz vom Deutschen Reich im Massstabe von i : 3,000,000 (fiir kartographische Darstellungen). Obi. 4to. ib., 1879 — Karte des deutschen Zollgebiets, enthaltend die Grenzen der Bezirke der Zoll- und Steuerdirektionen und Hauptamter, sowie die Sitze der mit Erhebung von Zollen und gemeinschaftlichen Verbrauchssteuern be- trauten Zoll- und Steuerstellen, nach dem Stande vom 1 Juli, 1880. Massstab 1 : 1,250,000 in 4 Blattern. Folded, 4to. ib., 1880 — Atlas der Bodenkultur des Deutschen Reichs. 15 Karten mit Tabellen und erlauterndem Text. Verlag des Berliner Lithogr. Instituts (Julius Moser). Fol. ib., 1881 — The System of Discriminating Duties investigated according to the proposals made to several of the North-Sea-States of Germany, for establishing a German Navigation-and-Trade-Union. Translated by W. Waddilove. (Copy of the proposals is adjoined) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 4to. [1847] — Stand der administrativen Statistik in Deutschland, 1848-49. [Anon.] : Id., S. 1, vol. 4. 8vo. [cir. 1849] — Das neue deutsche Reich und die kleineren deutschen Staaten. [Anon.] : Id., S. 1, vol. 4. 8vo. [cir. 1849] — Die Elbzolle. Aktenstiicke und Nachweise, 1814-59. Nebst einer Einleitung iiber die Flussschiffahrts-Bestimmungen der Wiener Kongresskarte und die Elbzollfrage. lxii + 377 pp., 8vo. Leipzig, 1860 — Probe der Ermittelung des Budgets der Arbeitenden Klassen nach dem auf der October-Conferenz beschlossenen Programm. Sheet, 8vo. [cir. 1879] 176 GE— GI Germany. Official Publications— Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Deutschen Verein fur Medizinal-Statistik. Beitrage zur Medizinal- Statistik. Herausgegeben von — ; durch Dr. Schweig, Dr. Schwartz, und Dr. Zuelzer. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1875 Gestro (R.). Zoologia, di A. Issel e — : * Italy (Istruzione scientifiche) . 8vo. 1881 Gibbes (R. W.). Mosasaurus and Allied Genera : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 2. 4to. 1851 Gibbon (Alex.). A Paper on the Circulating Medium, on Seignorage, on Gold Coin and on the Statute [1844] on the Issue of Bank Notes. 101 + xxiv pp., 8vo. 1856 — Principia in the Science and Errors in the Practice of Political Economy in the United Kingdom : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2. 4to. 1866 Gibbons (J. S.). The Public Debt of the United States. Its Organization, its Liquidation, Administration of the Treasury, the Financial System. xii + 276 pp., 8vo. New York, 1867 Gibbs (G.). Directory of Chinook Jargon or Trade Language of Oregon : * Smithsn. Miscell. Coll., vol. 7. 8vo. 1867 — Instructions for Research relative to Ethnology and Philology of America : Id., vol. 7. 8vo. 1867 Gibbs (George S.). Small Pox and Vaccination. A Letter to the Registrar- General: * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1873 Gibbs (W.). Researches on the Ammonia Cobalt Bases : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 9. 4to. 1857 Gibert (Dr.). Causes de la depopulation francaise : *Annales Deinog. internal., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877-83 Gibraltar. Letter concerning the advantage of — to the Trade of Great Britain. [Anon.]. Chart: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 16. 8vo. 1720 Gibson (Edward). Employment of Women in Ireland : * Stat., frc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 — Penal Servitude and Tickets of Leave : Id. 8vo. 1861-63 — Railway Reform : Id. 8vo. 1864-68 — Religious Toleration for Criminals * Id. 8vo. 1864-68 Gibson (Rev. R. H.), Certain Industrial and Social -Aspects of England during the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries : * Manclt. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1870-71 — Some Comparisons between the Population of England in the Sixteenth and that in the Nineteenth Century : Id. 8vo. 1875-76 Giddings (J.). Index to the " Times," and to the Topics and Events of the Year 1863: Times (Index). La. 8vo. 1864 Giflfen (Robert). American Railways as Investments, x -f 68 pp., la. 8vo. 1872 — The Accumulations of Capital in the United Kingdom, 1866-76 : * W. J. Duncan. Diagrams, 8vo. 1877 — Stock Exchange Securities; an Essay on the General Causes of Fluctua- tions in their Price. viii + 163 pp., 8vo. 1877 — Considerations soumises sous forme de tableaux pour la preparation d'une Statistique internationale des chemins de fer : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Memorandum respecting the adoption in England of the resolutions of the St. Petersburg Statistical Congress as to Foreign Trade: Id. 4to. 1876-78 — Recent Accumulations of Capital in the United Kingdom : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 41. 8vo. 1878 4. History and Principles of Banking, the Laws of Currency, &c. 5. Lectures and Essajs 6. Logic for the Million; a Familiar Exposition of the Art of Reasoning ; with an Appendix on the Philosophy of Language GI 177 Giflfen (Robert). On the Fall of Prices of Commodities in Recent Years : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 42. 8vo. 1879 — Essays on Finance. 2nd edit, xii + 347 pp., 8vo. 1880 Another copy. — The Use of Import and Export Statistics : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 45. 8vo. 1882 — The Utility of Common Statistics. The Inaugnral Address of — , President of the Statistical Society, November, 1882 * Id., vol. 45. 8vo. 1882 — The Progress of the Working Classes in the last Half Century. The Inangural Address of — , President of the Statistical Society: Id., vol. 46. 8vo. 1883 Gigl (A.). Communication sur un tableau de la production litteraire de l'Autriche : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Giglioli (E.). Antropologia ed etnologia, per — e A. Zannetti : * Italy (Istruzione scientijiche) . 8vo. 1881 Gilbart (James W.). The Works of, 6 vols., portrait, 8vo. 1865-66 1 and 2. A Practical Treatise on Banking 3. The Logic of Banking ; a familiar exposition of the Principles of Reasoning, and their application to the Art and Science of Banking Another set. * — The History and Principles of Banking, vi + 1 -f 220 pp., 8vo. 1834 — The London Bankers : Analysis of their Returns to the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo, 1845 — Currency and Banking ; Review of some ©f the Principles and Plans that have recently engaged Public attention with reference to the Administra- tion of the Currency, 1841 : * Currency, fyc, vols. 2 and 11. 8vo. 1840-47 — Lectures on the History and Principles of Ancient Commerce. xxiii + 316 pp., 8vo. 1847 — A Practical Treatise on Banking. 5th edit., 2 vols., portrait and plate, 8vo. 1849 Another copy. — Logic for the Million ; a familiar Exposition of the Art of Reasoning, ix + 408 pp., 12mo. 1851 — The Elements of Banking, with ten minutes' advice about keeping a Banker. 4th edit., 2 + 181 pp., 12mo. 1860 An earlier edition 2 + 197 pp., 12mo. 1852 — On the Laws of the Currency in Ireland: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. 1852 — The Laws of the Currency, as exemplified in the Circulation of Country Bank Notes in England since . . . 1844. Read before the Statistical Section of the British Association, 1854 : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 6. 8vo. 1827-54 — - A Ten Years' Retrospect of London Banking : * Stat. Soc. (JX), vol. 18. 8vo. 1855 — The Logic of Banking ; a familiar Exposition of the Principles of Reasoning, and their application to the Art and the Science of Banking. xi + 605 + 1 pp., portrait, 12mo. 1859 — Statistics of Banks in England: * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — - The Philosophy of Language (Appendix to Logic for the Million) : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 13. 8vo. [cir. 1865] Gilbert (Davies). A Plain Statement of the Bullion Question : *Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Gill (T.). The Arrangement of Families of Mollusks : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 N 178 GI— GL Gill (T.). Arrangement of the Families of Fishes : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 11. 8vo. 1874 — Arrangement of the Mammals ; with Analytical Tables : Id., vol. 11. 8vo. 1874 — Catalogue of Fishes of East Coast of America : Id., vol. 14. 8vo. 1878 Gilliss (Lieut. J. M.). Total Eclipse of the Sun, Peru; 7th September, 1858 : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 11. 4to. 1859 Gin Trade. The Trial of the Spirits ; or, Considerations upon the Per- nicious Consequences of the Grin Trade to Great Britain . . . By a Lover of Mankind. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 10. 8vo. 1736 Gioja (M.). Filosofia della Statistica. 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. Torino, 1852 An earlier edition 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Milano, 1826 — Filosofia della Statistica. Tavole Sinottiche. 13 pp., 12mo. Torino, 1852 Giraldez (J. P. C. C). Donatarios, Governadores, Capitaes, Gencraes, Povoacao, Militar, Rendimento, &c. Da Madeira, 1419-1815. Sheet. Paris, [dr. 1816] Girard (M.). Rapport a l'Academie royale des Sciences, par Lacroix Silvestre et — : * A. M. Guerry. La. 4to. 1833 [Girard (C.)]. Les Etats confederes d'Amerique, visites en 1863. Memoire adresse a S.M. Napoleon III. 160 pp., map, 8vo. Paris, 1864 Girard (Charles). Fresh Water Fishes of North America : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 3. 4to. 1852 — Catalogue of North American Reptiles : * Smithsn. Miscell, Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 Girdlestone (Canon). The Condition of the Agricultural Labourer, specially in the West of England : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 — The Maintenance of Schools in Rural Districts : Id. 8vo. 1869 Giulio (C. I.). Giudizio della regia camera di Agricoltura e di Commercio di Torino, e notizie sulla patria industria. 1844 Quarta esposizione d'industria e di belle arti al real Valentino : Sardinia (Espozione). 8vo. [1844] Giulj (Giuseppe). Statistica agraria della Val-di-Chiana. 2 vols, in 1, map, 8vo. Pisa, 1828-30 — Progetto d'una Carta Geognostica ed Orictonostica della Toscana. 2nd edit. Diagram map : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 2. 4to. 1835 — Statistica agraria dell' Isola del Giglio : Id., S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1835 Giusti (Giuseppe). Poesie . . . xxx + 1 + 510 pp., 8vo. Capolago, 1853 : * 0. Leopardi. 8vo. 1853 Gladstone (J. H.). Elementary Natural Science in the Board Schools of Loudon: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1879 Gladstone (Rt. Hon. William E.). The Financial Statements of 1853, 1860-63, to which are added a Speech on Tax Bills, 1861, and on Charities, 1863. Financial Statements, 1864-65, 1869, 1870. 3 vols., 8vo. 1863-70 Another copy of 1st volume. — The Life of the— : O. B. Smith. 4to. [1883] Glaisher (James). On the Reduction of the Thermometrical Observations at the Royal Society from 1774 to 1781, and from 1787 to 1843 : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 1. 4to. 1849 — On the Meteorology of England : Id., Miscell., vol. 6. 8vo. 1857-59 — Balloon Ascensions : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1863 — Reduction of the Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Horticultural Gardens, Chiswick, 1826-69. vi + 66 pp., diagrams, 8vo. 1871 Glasgow. Mortality Bills of—, 1835-40 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 4to. [1836-41] GL 179 Glasgow — Contd. — Report upon Uncertified Deaths in — by the Medical Officer of Health . . . 84 pp., 8vo. Glasgow, 1876 — Report by the Deputation appointed by the Town Council and Board of Police of — , to Inquire into the Methods of disposing of Sewage adopted in Various Towns in England : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 12. 8vo. 1878 — [Annual] Reports upon the Vital, Social, and Economic Statistics of — for 1858-78. 8vo. Glasgow, 1859-79 — Report upon certain Epidemic Outbreaks of Enteric Fever in April, 1880 ; with appended Correspondence, &c. Plan and diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1880 — Remarks by Medical Officer to accompany Mortality Tables of the City of — , 1880-81. 7 parts, 8vo. ib., 1881 — Decennial Census, 1881, as a Basis for the Statistics of intervening years, illustrated by the case of — , with Tables derived from Census. 39 pp., 8vo. ib., 1881 — Statistics relative to — . [Glasgow Bills of Mortality. A paper drawn up for the British Association, Edinburgh, 1834, by J. Cleland] : * Stat. Soc. Rep., Sfc. 1 vol., 8vo. 1835-43 — United Trades Council. Reports, 1872-79. 8vo. Glasgow, [1873-80] Glasgow Asylum for the Blind. Statements of the Education, Employ- ment, and Internal Arrangements at the — , and Ninth Annual Report : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. 1836 Glasgow and Clydesdale Statistical Society. Constitution and Regula- tions of the— : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3. 4to. 1836 Glasgow Committee of Trades Delegates. The Rights of Labour defended ; or, the Trial of the Glasgow Cotton Spinners for Conspiracy to maintain or raise the Wages of Labour : Id., S. 5, vol. 22. 8vo. 1837 Glasgow. Mitchell Library of, Reports on the — . 8vo. 1882-83 Glasgow. Philosophical Society of, Proceedings of the — , 1870-71- 1882-83. Plates, &c, 8vo. 1871-83 Glasgow. Statistical Society of, Regulations of the — , with a List of Office Bearers, &c, 1836 : * Stat. Soc. Rep., 8fc. 8vo. 1835-43 Glasgow and Suburbs. Society for Erecting Additional Parochial Churches in — . Statistics of the Church Accommodation of Glasgow, Barony, and Gorbals : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. 1836 Glatter (Dr.). Gedanken fiber die Kriterien der nationalist. Denkschrift im Hinblick auf den IX Internationalen Statistischen Congress : * Congres Internat. de Stat. La. 8vo. 1874 Glatter (Ed.). Ueber die Lebens-Chancen der Israeliten gegenuber der christlichen Confessionen : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 5. 8vo. 1856 — Jahres-Bericht ueber die Sanitatsverhaltnisse des Pest-Pilischer Komitats in 1855 : Id., Miscell, vol. 6. 8vo. 1858 Glenelg (Lord). A Report of the Committee of Correspondence of the Colony of Western Australia on the present State of the Settlement : * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1836-37 Gloucester. Report on the Sanitary Condition of the City, 1858-61. By Buchanan Washbourn, M.D. 4 vols, in 1, la. 8vo. Gloucester, [1859-62] Glover (Rev. George). Observations on the Present State of Pauperism in England, particularly as it affects the Morals and Character of the Labouring Poor : * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Glover (John). On the Statistics of Tonnage during the First Decade under the Navigation Law of 1849 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 27. 8vo. 1863 — Tonnage Statistics of the Decade 1860-70: Id., Vol. 35. 8vo. 1872 — The Plimsoll Sensation. A Reply : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 38. 8vo. 1873 n2 180 GL— GO Glover (John). Tonnage Statistics of the Decade of 1870-80 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 45. 8vo. 1882 Glover (T. R.). Compilation of Fire Insurance Statistics, &c. ; with Appendix. xi '+ 132 pp., 4to. Liverpool, 1878 Goddard (S. A.). Letters to the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, &c, 4to. 1865 Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information relating to all Ages and Nations, by B. Vincent. 14th edit. 770 pp., la. 8vo. 1873 Another copy 10th edit, vii + 1 + 762 pp., 8vo. 1861 Hayes (Isaac J.). Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 15. 4to. 1867 Haynes (John). Great Britain's Glory ; or, an Account of the Great Numbers of Poor employed in the Woollen and Silk Manufactories,, to the Increase of Trade, the Enlargement of the Revenues of the Crown, and Augmenting of our Navigation. 95 pp., 12mo. 1715 Hayter (H. H.). Infantile Mortality in South Australia : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1878 — The Colony of Victoria ; its Progress and Present Position : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 42. 8vo. 1879 Hayward (George). Remarks on the Comparative Value of the different Anaesthetic Agents : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1850 Head (Major Charles F.). Defence of British India from Russian Invasion. Map : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1839 Head (Sir Edmund, Bart.). Essays on the Administration of Great Britain from 1 783 to 1830. Edited by— : Sir 0, G. Lewis, Bart. Portrait, 8vo. 1864 Headrick (James). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Angus or Forfarshire. Map : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1813 Health of the Army. Annual Reports on : Pari. Acct., fyc. {Army Med. Depart.). Fol. and 8vo. 1837-83 Health of the Navy. Annual Reports on : Id. Fol. and 8 vo. 1830-83 Health. Public, [Annual] Reports of Medical Officer of the Committee of Council on the State of— , 1858-70: Pari. AecL, fyc. 8vo. 1859-71 — Annual Reports of the Medical Officer of the Local Government Board, 1873-82 : Id. 8vo. 1874-83 Health of Towns Association. Tables of the Vital Statistics of England and Wales, on a new Plan, and in various forms ... 45 pp., obi. 8vo. 1847 — Analysis of Evidence laid before the — , and the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Metropolitan Sewerage Manure, . . . 1847 : *Polit. Pamph,, vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Heath (Francis G.). The English Peasantry, x + 1 + 271 pp., plate, 8vo. 1874 — Parks and Open Spaces in and around London : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1881 Heatherington (A.). The Gold Yield of Nova Scotia, 1860-72: * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1873 Heathfield (Richard). Elements of a Plan for the Liquidation of the Public Debt of the United Kingdom : * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 — On the Liquidation of the National Debt: Id., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 — Observations on Trade, considered in reference particularly to the Public Debt and to the Agriculture of the United Kingdom : Id., vol. 20. 8vo. 1822 200 HE Hebeler (Bernard). Statistics of Prussia : * Stat. Soc. (//.), vol. 10. 8vo. 1847 Hector (James). Meteorological Reports, 1868-77: N.Z. (Meteorological Returns, 8cc). Diagrams, la. 8vo. 1869-78 — Reports of Geological Explorations, 1867-1878-79: N.Z. (Geological Rep.). Maps, &c, la. 8vo. 1869-79 — Sketch Map of the Geology of New Zealand : N.Z. (Geological Maps). Map, folded, 8vo. 1869 — Notes on the Edible Fishes of New Zealand, with twelve plates : N.Z. (Natural History). Plates, la. 8vo. 1872 — Phormium Tenax as a Fibrons Plant; Reports [on], 1870-72 : Id. La. 8vo. 1872 — Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 1868-79 : N.Z. Institute. Map and plates, la. 8vo. 1872-79 Index to vols. 1 — 8. 44 pp., la. 8vo. 1877 — Handbook of New Zealand. [Prepared for the] Sydney International Exhibition, 1879 : N.Z. (Handbook, Sfc). Maps and diagrams, la. 8vo. 1879 — Handbook of New Zealand. [Prepared for the Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880] : Id. 2nd edit., revised. Maps and diagrams, la. 8vo. 1880 Hedley (T. F.). Valuation of Coal Mines and Iron Works. Report to the County Rate Committee ... of Glamorgan : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1876 — Bank Rates ; Prices of Wheat, Coal, Iron, and Iron and Steel Rails, 1863-78 : Id., S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. [cir. 1878] Heer (Prof.). The Primaeval World of Switzerland ; with 560 illustra- tions. Translation. Edited by J, Heywood. 2 vols., map, &c, 8vo. 1876 Heimann (A.). Dictionary of the German and English Languages : /. G. Flugel. 2nd edit. 8vo. 1843 Helgard (E. W.). Geology of Lower Louisiana and Salt Deposit of Petite Anse Island : * Smitlisn. Contribn., vol. 23. 4to. 1881 Hellstenius (John). Studier i jemforande Befolknings-Statistik. viii + 169 pp., 8vo. Stockh., 1874 Helm (E.) :— Review of the Cotton Trade of the United Kingdom during Seven Years, 1862-68 : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1868-69 Trades Unions in relation to National In- dustry : Id. 8vo. 1870-71 The American Financial Crisis of 1873 : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1873-74 Silver Question : Id. 8vo. 1877-78 Depression of Trade : Id. 8vo. 1878-79 Inaugural Address on Revival of Trade, by, as President : Id. 8vo. 1879-80 Helm (T.). Rapport sur la statistique de la mortality : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Helmholtz (H.). Relations of the Physical Sciences to Science in General : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1871 Helmholz (Prof.). Review of Mathematical Theories : * Smitlisn. Rep. 8vo. 1873 Helps (Arthur). Preface to " Work and Wages, Practically Illustrated :" * Sir T. Brassey. 8vo. 1872 Hemming (G. W.). A Just Income Tax, how Possible ; being a Review of the Evidence reported by the Income Tax Committee, . . . 1852 : *Polit. Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 Henderson (Capt. J.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Caithness. Map and plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1812 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Sutherland. Map and plates: Id. 8vo. 1812 Henderson (W.). Adam Smith's Theory of Rent : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878 HE 201 Henderson (W.). Remarks and Statistics relating to Swansea Usages and Customs, as they affect the Sellers of Foreign or Colonial Copper Ores : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1880 Henderson (W. D.). Commercial Panics : * Brit. Assocn. Rep. § F. 8vo. 1873 Hendriks (Frederick) :— Contributions to the History of Insurance, and of the Theory of Life Contingencies : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1829-50 Contributions to the History of Insurance, and Theory of Life Contingencies. With a Restoration of the Grand Pensionary de Wit's Treatise on Life Annuities : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 1, 8vo. 1841-52 Contributions to the History of Insurance, and of the Theory of Life Contingencies. [Supplement], 1852 : Id.,vo\. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 On the Financial Statistics of British Government Life Annuities, 1808-55 ; and on the Loss sustained by Government in Granting Annuities : *Stat. Soc. (J I.), vol. 19. 8vo. 1856 Statistics of the British Land Tax Assess- ment, particularly of England and Wales, 1636-1856 ; with Notes on the Political Arithmetic of the Earlier Period of its Settlement : Id., vol. 20. 8vo. 1857 On the Statistics of Indian Revenue and Taxation : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 21. 8vo. 1885 Statistics of Indian Revenue Taxation : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. 1858 Review of the Statistics of Spain down to 1857 and 1858, chiefly founded on the Spanish Census Returns of those Years : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 23. 8vo. 1860 On the Vital Statistics of Sweden, from 1749 to 1855 : Id., vol. 25. 8vo. 1862 On the Progress of Official Statistics in the Netherlands, 1858-63 ; with a new Dutch Life Table by Dr. von Baumhauer : Id., vol. 26. 8vo. 1863 Decimal Coinage. A Plan for its imme- diate Extension in England, in connec- tion with the International Coinage of France and other Countries : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 2. 8vo. 1866 Hendricks (J. E.). The Analyst. A Journal of Pure and Applied Mathe- matics. Edited and Published by — : Analyst. 8vo. 1877-79 Hennau (D.). Recherches sur les causes de la criminalite, province de Liege, 1833-44: * Belgium (Bulletin Commiss. slat.), vol. 3. 4to. 1847 Henniker (B. P.). Rapport sur le mouvement de l'etat civil en Angleterre et dans le pays de Galles pendant l'annee 1879 : * Annales Demog. internat., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Henry VIII., The Love Letters of, to Anna Boleyn : * Pamph., vols. 21 and 22. 8vo. 1822-23 Henry (Alexander). A Glossary of Scientific Terms for General Use. 1 4- 202 pp., 8vo. 1861 Henry (James). Aeneidea, or Critical, Exegetical, and Aesthetical Remarks 2 vols., la. 8vo. Dublin, 1873-79 Telegraphic Announcements of Astrono- mical Discoveries : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 12. 8vo. 1874 Organization of Local Scientific Societies : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1875 Colour Blindness : Id. 8vo. 1877 A Memorial of — . Published by Order of Congress. Portrait : * Smithsn. Inst. La. 8vo. 1880 A Memorial of — . By S. Newcomb : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 21. 8vo. 1881 Herbert (W.). The History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of London ; principally compiled from their grants and records. With an Historical Essay and Accounts of each Company, . . . including notices and illustrations of Metropolitan Trade and Commerce, as originally concentrated in those Societies; and of the Language, Manners, and Expenses of Ancient Times ; with attested copies and translations of the Companies' Charters. 2 vols., 8vo. 1836-37 on the Aeneis Henry (Joseph): — Eulogy on A. D. Bache : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1870 Circular relative to Heights : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 Directions for Constructing Lightning Rods : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 Instructions for Observations of Thunder Storms : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 Queries relative to Tornadoes : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 Tables and Results of Precipitation in Rain and Snow in the United States . . . « Id., vol. 18. 4to. 1873 Some Fallacies of Political Economy : *Manch. Stat. Soc 8vo. 1853-54 Principles and Practice of Municipal Insti- tutions in England : Id. 8vo. 1864-65 Some Questions of Currency and Finance : Id. 8vo. 1867-68 202 HE Herbin (F. E.). Tableau General de la Nouvelle Division de la France en Departemens, Arrondissemens, Coramunaux et Justices de Paix, . . . Indiquant la Population, l'Etendue territoriale, et le nombre des Com- munes . . . et contenant un Resume General presentant par chaque Departement, l'Etendue territoriale, la Population . . . le montant des Contributions . . . avec une Table alphabetique des Nouveaux Cantons, et un Atlas de 102 cartes. Par P. G. Chanlaire et — : P. 0. Chanlaire. Maps, obi. sm. fol. 1802 — Statistique generale et particuliere de la France et de ses Colonies, avec une nouvelle description Topographique, Physique, Agricole, Politique, Industrielle et Commerciale de cet etat ; par une Societe de Gens de Lettres et de Savans. (Avec un Atlas. lvol., 4to.). 7 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1803 Another copy of the Statistique generale, without Atlas. Hertford (E.) :— Facts and Fictions of the Currency : *Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1874-75 Alleged Defects in the Office of Coroner : Id., 8vo. 1876-77 Herford (J. C). Politico-Economic Results of Slavery in the Southern States of North America : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1861-62 — Boarding-out System for the Training of Orphan Pauper Children : Id. 8vo. 1872-73 Hericart de Thury (Vicomte). Discours d'ouverture a la seance d'installation de la Societe Sericole : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 19. 8vo. 1839 — Societe royale d'Horticulture de Paris. Discours d'ouverture : Id., S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo 1839 Herich (C). Rapport sur la statistique de l'industrie a domicile: * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Sur la statistique de l'industrie a domicile : Id. 4to. 1876-78 — Memoire sur la Commission permanente, C. Herich : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. (Commiss. permanente). 4to. 1878 Herkless (W. R.). The Economics of Fair Trade. 40 pp., 8vo. Glasgow, 1882 Hermann (F. G. de). Lois, instructions, cartes et plans relatifs a, l'etab- lissement et a la conservation du cadastre dans le royaume de Baviere : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1853 Hermann (F. B. W. von). Ueber die Bewegung der Bevolkerung im Konigreiche Bayern : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 4to. 1853 — Statistics of Bavaria : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — Statistik von Bayern : Id. 4to. 1863-65 H6rold (F.). Circulaire a MM. les maires des arrondissements de Paris : * Annates Demog. intemat., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Heron (D. Caulfield) :— Ireland in 1864 : * Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870 : Id. 8vo. 1871-76 Visit to Russia : Id. 8vo. 1871-76 Historical Statistics of Ireland : *Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 Salmon Fisheries of Ireland : Id. 8vo. 1861-63 Statistics of the Court of Bankruptcy and Insolvency during the year 1861 : Id. 8vo. 1861-63 Herpin (J. Ch.). Sur l'Alucite ou Teigne des Bles, et sur les moyens de la detruire : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 10. 8vo. 1860 Herschel (Sir John F. W.). Manual of Scientific Inquiry, prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy, and adapted for Travellers in general : Admiralty Manual. 2nd edit. Map, 8vo. 1851 Another copy : Id. 1st edit. Map, 8vo. 1849 HE 203 Herschel (Sir John F. W.). Appendix to Manual of Ethnology : Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 — Manual of Meteorology : Id. 8vo. 1851 — Sur la Theorie des probabilites et ses applications aux sciences physiques et sociales : *A. Quetelet (Physique Sociale). 2nd edit. 8vo. 1869 — Ne a Slough (pres de Windsor) en 1792, decede a Collingwood (Kent) le 11 mai, 1871. Par A. Quetelet : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1871 Hertfordshire. Hartfordshire described. The situations of Hartford and the most Ancient towne of St. Albons, with such memorable Actions as have happened : * Maps, reprinted, fyc, by Kelly and Co. Sheet Hertslet (Sir Edward). Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Foreign Office, 31st December, 1864. 702 + xxvi pp., 4to. 1864 — Treaties and Tariffs regulating the Trade between Great Britain and Foreign Nations; and extracts of Treaties between Foreign Powers, containing Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses applicable to Great Britain in force on 1st January, 1875. Austria — Turkey. 2 vols., la. 8vo. 1875 — The Foreign Office List, 1875-83, forming a complete Diplomatic and Consular Handbook . . . : Foreign Office List. Maps, 8vo. 1875-83 Hertz (Hartwig S.). Banks of Issue in Germany : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 Heunisch (A. J. V.). Handbuch fur Reisende im Grossherzogthum Baden, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der interessantesten Orte, mit Reise- routen und Meilenzeiger. [Nebst] einem Anhange von Aloys Schreiber. 204 pp., maps and plates, la. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1837 Heuschling (Xavier) : — Essai sur la Statistique generale de la Belgique, publie par Ph. van Maelen. 416 pp., map, 18mo. Brux., 1838 Essai sur la Statistique generale de la Belgique ; deuxieme edition. vi + 444 pp., map, la. 8vo. ib., 1841 Des naissances de Bruxelles : leur rapport avec la population, 1840-42 : * Belgium {Bulletin, Commiss. stat.) vol. 1. 4to. 1843 De l'accroissement de la population en Belgique, 1831-40 : Id., vol. 1. 4to. 1843 Essai sur la Statistique generale de la Belgique. Supplement a la deuxieme edition : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 4to. 1844 Bibliographic Historique de la Statistique en Allemagne : Id., S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1845 Resume du recensement general de la popu- lation, &c., 1846 : * Belgium {Bulletin Commiss. stat.) vol. 4. 4to. 1851 Bibliographic historique de la statistique en France, 1596-1851: J Review of the Trade of — , with other Countries, 1877-79. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1879 — Home Accounts of the Government of India : Pari. Acct., fyc. {East India). Fol. 1835-82 — Finance and Revenue Accounts of the Government of India : Id. Fol. 1825-82 — Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India. Statements ex- hibiting the, (From commencement) : Id. Fol. 1859-82 — [Annual] Reports on Sanitary Measures in : Id. Fol. 1867-82 — [Annual] Reports on Railways in — : Id. Fol. 1869-83 218 IN India. Official Publications— Contd. — Statements of Trade of — , with British Possessions and Foreign Countries : Pari. Acct, fyc. {East India). Fol. 1869-83 — Statistical Abstracts relating to British India. Vols. 1-19. 1840-81-82. Pari. Acct, fyc. (Stat. Tables). 8vo. 1867-83 — Accounts relating to the Trade and Navigation of British India, 1879-83. 8vo. Calcutta, 1879-83 — Review of the Maritime Trade of British — , with other Countries, 1879-83. Sm. fol. ib., 1880-83 — Review of the External Land Trade of British — (namely, of the Trade which crosses the British Frontiers), 1878-83. Map, sm. fol. ib., 1880-83 — Accounts relating to the Trade by Land of British India with Foreign Countries, 1878-83. 8vo. ib., 1880-83 — Tide Tables for the Indian Ports for the year 1883 (also January, 1884). By Major M. W. Rogers and E. Roberts. 547 pp., 12mo. [cir. 1883] — Summary Remarks on the Resources of the East Indies, written as a con- trast to the Pamphlet of Mr. Thomas Law, entitled "Rising Resources." By a Civil Servant. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 35. 8vo. [1789] — On the Suppression of Public Discussion in India, and the Banishment, without trial, of two British Editors from that Country by the Acting Governor- General. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vols. 24 and 25. 8vo. 1824-25 — Observations on the Law and Constitution of — ; on the Nature of Landed Tenures ; and on the System of Revenue and Finance as established by the Moohummudum Law and Moghul Government ; with an Inquiry into the Revenue and Judicial Administration and Regulations of Police at present existing in Bengal. [Anon.]. xxiii + 404 pp. 8vo. 1825 — View of the Present State and Future Prospects of the Free Trade and Colonisation of — . [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 18. 8vo. 1828 — Sketch of the History, Government, and Resources of British — , with Tables of the Revenue and Expenditure. [Anon] : Id., S. 1, vol. 1. 8vo. 1830 — Map of — , to facilitate a reference to the Civil and Military Stations, with Table of Distances : J. Wyld. Map, on roller. 1837 — Index to Wyld's Map of India . . . : Id. Maps, 8vo. [cir. 1837] — The Land Tax of — , according to the Moohummudan Law. Translated from the FutwaAlumgeeree, with Explanatory Notes, and an Introductory Essay, containing a brief exposition of leading principles, and their application to the present System of Land Revenue : N. B. 8. Baillie. 8vo. 1853 — Observations on — , by a Resident there many years. [Anon.]. vii + 178 pp. 8vo. 1853 — The Mutinies and the People, or Statements of Native Fidelity exhibited during the Outbreak of 1857-58, by a Hindu. [Anon.] : A Hindu. 8vo. 1859 — Debates in both Houses of Parliament relating to India, during the Session of 1870 . . . extracted, by special permission, from " Hansard's Parliamentary Debates ": E- Ind. Assocn. 8vo. 1870 — Russian Trade with— : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1870 — Syed Ahmed Bahadoor, C.S.I., on Dr. Hunter's " Our Indian Mussulmans ; are they bound in conscience to Rebel against the Queen?" By a Mahomedan (English and Hindustani) : Id., S. I vol. 8. 8vo. 1872 — Indian Civil Service List for 1880. xxiii + 571 + lxxxv pp., diagram, 8vo. Madras, 1880 — General Council on Education in — . First Report, 1881 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. [1881] IN 219 India. Official Publications — Contd. — Calcutta. Appendices A to F to a Report of a Committee upon the Fever Hospital and Municipal Improvements of Calcutta. 6 parts, sm. fol. Calcutta, 1838-39 — Statistics of the Trade of the Port of—, 1830-63. 393 pp., obi. fol. ib., 1863-64 — Report on the Census of the Town of — , taken on the 6th April, 1876. By H. Beverley, C.S. 3 + 63 •+• cxxiv pp., map, sm. fol. ib., 1876 — Report on the Census of the Town and Suburbs of — , taken on the 17th February, 1881. 1 vol., map, sm. fol. ib., 1881 — Ajmere. [Report on the Census of — , 13th February, 1874]. 61 pp., sm. fol. Simla, 1877 — and Mhairwara. Reports on Census of — , taken on the 1st April, 1876. 62 pp., sm. fol. ib., 1877 — Bengal. Third Report on the State of Education in — , . . . and in Behar . . . Published by order of Government : * W. Adam. 8vo. 1838 — Reports of the General Committee of Public Instruction of the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal, 1835-37 : * Tracts, S. 4, vols. 1 and 3. 8vo. 1836-39 — Administration Reports of the Jails of the Lower Provinces, 1857-69. 6 vols, in 4, sm. fol. and la. 8vo. Calcutta, 1858-70 — General Reports on Public Instruction in the Lower Provinces of Bengal, 1848-71 ; with Appendices. 8vo. ib., 1850-71 — Report on the Census of, 1872. 19 + ccxxi pp., map, sm. fol. ib., 1872 — Government Selections. Papers regarding the Village and Rural Indigenous Agency employed in taking the Census of 1872. 88 pp., 8vo. ib., 1873 — Vital Statistics of the Bengal Presidency. By James L. Bryden, M.D. 3 vols., maps, sm. fol. ib., 1871-74 tistics of the Army, for the Ten-year Period 1860-69 3. Cholera Epidemics of Recent Years viewed in relation to former Epidemics : a Record of Cholera in the Bengal Presidency, 1871-72; together with an Appendix of 1873 1. Annual Returns of the European Army of the Bengal Presidency, 1858-70, of the Native Army, since its Reorganisation in 1861, and of the Jails for each year from 1859 2. Age and Length of Service as affecting the Sickness and Mortality of the European Army, 1858-72, and aggregate of the Sta- — A Statistical Account of — ■, [together with a General Index]. 20 vols., maps, 8vo. 1875-77 — General Reports on Public Instruction in, 1872-81. Sm. fol. Calcutta, 1874-81 — Reports on the Administration of, 1875-76-1880-81. 6 vols., 8vo. ib., 1877-81 — Bancoorah. Statistical and Geographical Report of the District of — . 22 pp., maps, fol. ib., 1863 — Dacca. A Sketch of the Topography and Statistics of — . Printed by order of Government. vi + 371 pp., map, la. 8vo. ib., 1840 — Damoodah. Map of the, and Adji Great Coal Fields of the Zillahs of "West Burdwan, Monbhoom, and Beerbhoom, by D. H. Williams, Surveyor. Sheet. 1847 — Jessore. Geographical and Statistical Report of the Districts of — , Fureedpore and Backergung. 46 + xii pp., maps, fol. Calcutta, 1868 — Moorshedabad District. Statistical and Geographical Report of the — . 34 pp., maps, fol. ib., 1860 — Sarun. Notes on the Medical Topography of the District of — . By R. Rankine. Map: * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1839 — Yearly Report from the Surgeon of the 24-Pergunnahs on the Dieting of Prisoners : Id., S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1847 220 IN India. Official Publications— Contd. — Bengal — Contd. — Chamber of Commerce. [Half -Yearly] Reports of the Committee of the— 1854-71. 8vo. Calcutta, 1854-71 — Medical College of, Annual Reports of the — , 1845-51. 6 reports, 8vo. ib., 1847-51 — Berar. Report on the Census of — , 1881 [together with Map of the Hyderabad Assigned Districts]. xii + 237 + 207 pp., fol. Bombay, 1882 — Bombay. Census of the Presidency of , taken 1872. 4 vols., sm. fol. ib., 1875 1. General Report on the Organisation, Method, Agency, &c., employed for Enumeration and 2. General Report and Tables of the Popula- tion, Houses, &c. 3. Detailed Census Returns 4. Maps Compilation — Imperial Census of 1881. Operations and Results in the Presidency of Bombay, including Sind. Vol. 1. Text. Vol. 2. Tables. 2 vols. Maps and diagrams. Sm. fol. ib., 1882 — Correspondence relating to a Proposed Enactment for the Regulation of Places used for the Disposal of Corpses in the Town and Island of — . 36 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1855 — Census of the Island of — , taken 2nd February, 1864. iv + xxii -f 105 + 29 pp., map, sm. fol. ib., 1864 — Deaths in Bombay, 1852-64. Printed by order of the Government. 12 nos., sm. fol. ib., 1853-66 — [Meteorological] Observations made by the Hon. E. I. Company's Mag- netical and Meteorological Observatory at Bombay, in the years 1846-64. 20 vols., 4to. ib., 1849-66 — Chamber of Commerce. Report of the — , for the Year 1868-69. Pre- sented to the Annual General Meeting, 1869. 10 + xxii + 331 pp., 8vo. ib., 1870 — Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Transactions of the — . New Series, 1851-56. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. ib, 1853-57 — Deccan. Agriculture, Weights and Measures, Coins, Manufactures of Dukhun, by Col. Sykes. 54 pp., illustrations, fol. [cir. 1830] — Land Tenures of the Dekkan : Col. W. E. Sykes. Plate, 8vo. 1835 — Abstract of the Statistics of the Collectorates of Dukhun (Deccan) in 1827-28: * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-37 — Special Report on the Statistics of the four Collectorates of Dukhun under the British Government. (From the Seventh Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, p. 217). 120 pp. 8vo. 1838 — British Burma. Report on the Census of, taken in August, 1872 [together with Appendices and Statements]. Sm. fol. Rangoon, 1875 — Central Provinces. Census, 1872. 321 pp., maps, fol. [cir. 1873] — [and the Berars]. Report on the Cotton Department for the year 1868-69. Maps and diagrams, la. 8vo. Bombay, 1869 — Laccadive Islands. Report on the, 1848. 183 pp., la. 8vo. Madras, 1874 — Madras (Presidency). Reports on the Medical Topography and Statistics of Madras 4 vols., maps, plans, &c, 8vo. ib., 1843-44 (Contents.) Centre Division of the Madras Army Southern „ Ceded Districts — Coorg ; Neilgherry Hills Northern, Hyderabad, and Nagpore Divisions ; Tenasserim Provinces, and the Eastern Settlements Meteorological Register kept at the H. E. I. Company's Observatory at Madras, by J. Goldingham and T. G. Taylor, 1822-43. 157 pp., fol. ib., 1844 IN 221 India. Official Publications — Contd. — Madras (Presidency) — Contd. — Meteorological Observations, Madras, 1841-45. 5 vols., 4to. [Madras, 1842-46] — Meteorological Observations made at the Meteorological Bungalow on Dodabetta, 8,640 feet above the level of the sea, 1847-48, by T. G. Taylor. 25 pp., 4to. ib., 1848 — Meteorological Observations at the H. E. I. Company's Magnetical Observatory at Singapore, by Captain C. M. Elliott, in 1841-45. 337 pp., 4to. Madras, 1850 — Astronomical Observations at the East India Company's Observatory at Madras, by Tho. G. Taylor, Capt. W. K. Worster, and W. S. Jacob, for 1843-52. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1848-54 — Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. No. 51. Report on Vaccination, for 1857. 45 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1858 — On the Influence exercised by Trees on the Climate of a Country ; being Reports to the Madras Government by General W. Cullen, E. Balfour, and C. J. Smith : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1859 — Report on the Madras Military Fund ; containing New Tables of Mortality, Marriage, &c, deduced from Fifty Years' Experience, 1808 to 1858. xxxiv + 380 pp., la. 8vo. 1863 — Report on the Census of the Madras Presidency, 1871. 2 vols., fol., maps. Madras, 1874 — Annual Reports of the Sanitary Commissioner for — , 1877-78. 2 vols., diagram-map, sm. fol. ib., 1878-79 (Contents.) Rainfall, Prices of Food, and Vital Statistics of General Population G-eneral History of Chief Diseases General History of Vaccination Military, including Observations on European and Native Armies, and Sanitary Works Civil, including Health of Prisoners in, Jails and Sanitary Works, and progress in Muni- cipalities and Local Fund Circles General Remarks and Personal Proceedings of Sanitary Commissioners — Census of the Town of Madras, 1871. 3 + 99 + xlviii + 128 + xiv + 4 pp., plans, sm. fol. ib., 1873 — Mysore. General Census of 1871, Report on the — . By Major A. W. C. Lindsay [together with Supplement and Appendices]. 2 vols., map, la. 8vo. Bangalore, 1874-75 — North West Provinces. Memoir on the Statistics of the — , of the Bengal Presidency. Compiled from Official Documents, under orders of the Lieutenant-Governor of the North Western Provinces, A. Shakespear. 206 pp., la. 8vo. Calcutta, 1848 — Returns showing the Operations of the Income Tax Act in the — , 1863-64. 55 pp. Sm. fol. [cir. 1865] — Register of Deaths in the Districts of the — , (1865). Sm. fol., 72 pp. [1865] — Census of the, 1865. 2 vols., fol. Allahabad, 1867 1. General Report 2. Area and Population, &c. — Census of the — , 1872 3 vols., maps, sm. fol. ib., 1873 General Report and Statements and Tables, I Provincial, Divisional, and District Tables showing details of Area and Population | Sex Statistics — Statistics of—, of India, . . . 1853-72 : A. C. Tupp. La. 8vo. 1877 — [Imperial Gazetteer of the North Western Provinces of India, 1876-77] : Id. La. 8vo. [cir. 1878] 222 IN India. Official Publications — Contd. — Oudh. Outlines of the Topography and Statistics of the Southern Districts of — , and of the Cantonment of Sultanpur-Oud'h, by Donald Batler. 2 + 183 pp., maps, la. 8vo. Calcutta, 1839 — Report on the Census of — . 2 vols. 1. Map, sm. fol. Lucknow, 1869 Vol. 1. General Keport | Vol. 2. Appendices and Statistical Tables — Reports on the Condition and Management of Jails in the Province of — , 1868, 1870. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1869-71 — Sanitary and Vaccine Reports for the Province of — , 1870-71. 5 reports, &c, map, fol. ib., 1871 — Punjab. Reports on the Medical Arrangements of the Army of the — , during the Campaign of 1848-49. 126 pp., illustrations, fol. Calcutta, 1850 — General Report on the Administration of the — , for the years 1849-50, and 1850-51 : E. Ind. Co. Maps, sm. fol, 1854 — Reports of the Inspector-General of Dispensaries in the — , 1867-68. 2 vols., fol. Lahore, 1868-69 — Report on the Census of the — , 1868. 55 pp., sm. fol. ib., 1870 — Reports on the Vaccine Operations in the — , 1867, 1870-71. 2 vols., fol. Simla, 1868-71 — Reports on the Administration of the — , and its Dependencies, 1867-71. 3 vols., map, la. 8vo. Lahore, 1868-71 — Reports on Popular Education in the — , and its Dependencies, 1867-71. 3 vols., fol. ib., 1868-71 — Reports on Police Administration in the — , 1867, 1870. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1868-71 — Selections from the Records of the Government of the — and its Dependen- cies. New series. 3 nos., map, &c, 8vo. ib., 1868-71 Notes on the Bunnoo District, by Major S. B. j via the Changcbenmoo Valley and Pass, by Urmston Dr. H. Cayley Memorandum on Eoutes from the Punjab to ' Notes on the Dera Ghazee Khan District, If .W. Eastern Turkistan, by T. D. Forsyth Frontier, and its Border Tribes, by R. B. J. Report on the Route to the Karakash River | Bruce — Reports on the Revenue Administration of the — , and its Dependencies, 1867-68, 1870-71. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1868-71 — Reports on the Sanitary Administration of the, 1867-70. 3 vols., fol. ib., 1868-71 — Reports on the Administration of Civil Justice in the — , and its Depen- dencies, 1867-70. 3 vols., fol. ib., 1868-71 — Reports of the Working of the Income Tax Acts, in the — , 1869-71. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1870-71 — Statements showing estimated extent of Cotton Cultivation in the — , 1869-70, 1870-71. 2 vols., fol. ib, 1870-71 — Report on Forest Administration, 1870-71. 41 + xxix + 7 pp., fol. [ib., 1871] — Annual Report on the Administration of the Registration Department, 1870-71. 8 + 30 pp., fol. ib., 1871 — Handbook of the Economic Products of the — , . . . 2 vols., plates, la. 8vo. Roorkee, &c. 1868-72 Economic Raw Produce [with a combined Index and Glossary of Technical Vernacular Words] Handbook of the Manufactures and Arts of the Punjab, with a combined Glossary and Index of Vernacular Trades and Technical Terms — Reports on the Meteorology of the—, 1867-71. 4 vols., fol. Lahore, 1868-72 — Reports on the Jails of the—, 1867-71. 5 vols., fol. ib., 1868-72 — Reports on the Administration of Criminal Justice in the — , and its Dependencies, 1868-71. 4 vols., fol. ib., 1869-72 IN 223 India. Official Publications— Contd. — Punjab— Co ntd. — Annual Reports of the Lunatic Asylums in the — , 1870-72. 2 vols., fol. Lahore, 1871-72 — Annual Reports of the Marine Department, 1870-71, 1871-72. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1871-72 — Note on the Trade Statistics of the, 1869-70, 1870-71. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1872 — Lahore Lunatic Asylum, Annual Report of the — , 1867. Fol. ib., 1868 — Lahore Medical School Hospital, Report of the — , 1867. 19 pp., fol. ib., 1868 — Lahore. Reports on the Medical School, 1868-72. 3 vols., fol. ib., 1868-72 — Sindh. A Gazetteer of the Province of : A. W. Hughes. Maps, &c, 8vo. 1874 India. Friend of, 1849-75. 5 vols., fol. Semapore, &c, 1849-75 India Journal of Medical and Physical Science. Edited by Frederick Corbyn. New Series. Plates, la. 8vo. Calcutta, 1836-42 India. Overland Athenaeum, 1847-49. 3 vols, in 1, fol. Madras, 1847-49 India Review and Journal of Foreign Science and the Arts. Edited by Frederick Corbyn. Plates, la. 8vo. Calcutta, 1837-41 Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. Journal of the — . Vols. 1 — 3. 3 vols., plates. Singapore, 1847-49 Indian and Colonial Mercantile Directory for 1878-79. viii + iv + 774 + 218 pp., maps, la. 8vo. 1878 Indian Economist, 1873-75. 3 vols., fol. Calcutta, 1873-75 Indian News, 1847-50. 2 vols., fol. 1847-50 Indian Pamphlets 2 vols., 8vo. 1842-49 Vol. 2 — Contd. Letter on the Baggage of the Indian Army : Napier Deficiency of European Officers in the Army of India, 1849 Report upon the Introduction of Railways into British India, 1845 : Stephenson Railways in India, 1847 Enquiry into the Government Guaranteed Railway Stock, E.I.R., 1847 Letter to Lord John Russell on the subject of Indian Railways, 1848 Is India to have Railways ? Fallacies of an East India Merchant Exposed, 1848 Indian Year-Book for 1862. A Review of Social, Intellectual, and Eeligious Progress in India and Ceylon. Compiled by J. Murdock. viii + 252 pp., 8vo. Madras, 1863 Indiana. Annual Report of the Officers of the Indiana Hospital for the Insane, 1859-61. 3 vols., 8vo. Indianapolis, 1859-61 — Annual Report of the Department of Statistics and Geology of the State of Indiana, 1879. 514 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 Ingall (G. D.). Registration of the Turkish Debts. 6 pp., 18mo. 1882 Ingall (W. T. F. M.). Foreign Stock Manual, 1873-74, 79. 3 vols., 18mo. 1873-79 Ingram (J. K.) :— Vol. l. Notes and Opinions of a Native on the present State of India . . . 1848 : AM Free Trade and the Cotton Question with reference to India . . . 1847 : Brown Facts and Documents relating to the Affairs of the Union Bank of Calcutta . . . 1848 : Stewart A Narrative of the Recent War in Affghanis- tan . . . 1842 History of the Campaign on the Sutlej, 1849 Vol. 2. Narrative of the Services, Military and Political, of Colonel Sir C. M. Wade : Wade Comparison between the English and Irish Poor Laws with respect to the Conditions of Relief : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 Opening Address by the Vice-President. Considerations on the State of Ireland : Id. 8vo. 1864-68 Additional Facts and Arguments on the Boarding-out of Pauper Children : Id. 8vo. 1871-76 Address at the Opening of the Twenty-ninth Session : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 Address on Political Economy and Statis- tics : •Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8vo. 1878 Address at Section of Economic Science and Statistics of British Association : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1876-79 Work and the Workman ; an Address to the Trades Union Congress : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 224 IN Innes ( — ). The Charitable Corporation Vindicated, as well when in the Height of Trade as in its Present Situation : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1745 Inquiry into those Principles respecting the Nature of Demand and the Necessity of Consumption lately advocated by Mr. Malthus . . . [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 8vo. 1821 Inspectors of Elementary Schools. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of reporting , whether it is important that H.M. — , should be appointed with reference to their ability for examining in the Scientific Specific Subjects of the Code in addition to other matters : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1880 Insurance against the Casualties of Sickness, Decrepitude, and Mortality. Essay on the Means of — . [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1836 Insurance against Robbery ; or, the Present System of the Police Con- sidered and a New One Proposed. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Insurance Blue Book and Guide to Fire Offices, 1882-83. 239 pp., 8vo. 1882 Insurance Guide and Handbook, being a Guide to the Principles and Practice of Life Assurance . . . and a Handbook of the best Authorities on the Science ; with a History of . . . the various Branches of Insur- ance now practised . . . together with a Chapter on Life Assurance as an Investment. [Anon.]. iv + 440 pp., 8vo. [1857] International Association for Obtaining a Uniform Decimal System of Measures, Weights, and Coins. British Branch. Pirst Report of the Council . . . : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 30. 8vo. 1858 International Monetary Conference held ... in Paris, in August, 1878. xiv + 918 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1879 — Paris, 1881. Proceedings, condensed and translated, with notes, by A. Cotterell Tupp. Part I. 54 pp., 8vo. 1881 International Prison Congress. On the Prevention and Repression of Crime, including Penal and Reformatory Treatment. Preliminary Report of the Commissioner 248 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1872 (Contents.) The Commissioner's Report Official Reports of European Q-OYernments on the Prisons and Prison Discipline of their respective Countries Alexander Maconocliie and his principles of Piison Discipline — Prisons and Reformatories at Home and Abroad ; being the Transactions of the International Penitentiary Congress held in London, 3rd — 13th July, 1872 ; including Official Documents, Discussions, and Papers presented to the Congress. Edited, at the request of the International Committee, by Edwin Pears, LL.B xx + 796 pp., 8vo. 1872 Part 1. Statements of the actual Condition of the Prisons of the various Countries [represented at the Congress] Part 2. Proceedings of the Congress. Opening Address of the President, the St. Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. Questions discussed at the Con- gress, with the Discussions thereon Part 3. Papers and Abstracts of Papers presented to the Congress : — Prison System of India, by F. J. Mouat ; of Ceylon, by H. J. Duval ; of Jamaica, by B. Shaw; of Victoria, by the Right Hon. C. J2. Childera and J. D. Wood Reports of Standing Committees of the National Prison Association of the United States Review of the State and Condition of Penal and Reformatory Institutions in the United States The National Prison Association of the United States Part 3 — Contd. Penal and Reformatory Institutions of the State of Maryland : G. S. Griffith Ohio Penitentiary : Colonel Burr Memorandum on the Working of the Cellular System in Belgium : M. Berden ; M. Stevens Memorandum on the State of Prisons in the Netherlands : Ploos van Amstel Memorandum on Penal Legislation in Sweden : G. F. Almquist Prisoners and their Reformation : Z. R. Brock' way Cumulative Punishments: C. Aspinall; E. Lawrence; S. G. Rathbone Treatment of Prisoners : Right Hon. Sir W. Crofton IN 225 International Prison Congress— Contd. — Prisons and Reformatories at Home and Abroad- -Contd. Part 3 — Contd. In what kinds of Work should Prisoners be Employed, and what Inducement should be offered them for steady Industry ? : F. Hill Prison Labour: C. Aspinall ; E. Lawrence; 8. G. Rathbone Miscellaneous [papers] on Criminal Treat- ment : A. Croll; E. Brusa ; Hon. J. R. Chandler; G. L. Harrison; Rev. J. W. Sullivan A\& to Discharged Prisoners: T. LI. M. Browne ; Mrs. Meredith ; Rev. E. Robin ; Pastor T. A. Delille ; Foreign Societies; B. K. Pierce Prevention of Juvenile Crime in large Cities : C. L. Brace English Reformatory and Certified Industrial Schools ; their Principles and Results : Mary Carpenter Part 3 — Contd. Criminal Capitalists : E. Hill Crimes of Passion and Crimes of Reflection, with Reference to their Proper Legislative and Penal Treatment : Dr. J. B. Bittinger Prison Architecture : V. Cremieux Preventive Police Organization : E. Chadwick. Description of the Cellular Prison at Bruchsal (Baden) : G. Ekert Sketch of the Fundamental Principles of Prison Reform in Russia : Count Sollohub Propositions submitted to the Congress by the American Delegation Livingston's System of Criminal Legislation Papers Contributed — Prevention of Juvenile Crime (and tables) : R. Ford John Howard ; his Life, Character, and Services. Lecture by Rev. H. W. Bellows. of London, July, 1872 ; "A Succinct Description of the Principal Features of that Important Meeting": * Howard Assocn. (Pamph., 8fc). 8vo. [1872] Le congres penitentiaire international de Stockholm (1878). Comptes- rendus des Seances [et] Memoires et rapports sur l'etat actuel des prisons et du regime penitentiaire presentes au congres et publies sous la direction de la commission penitentiaire international e. Par le Dr. Guillaume 2 vols., portrait, map, plates, 8vo. Stockh., 1879 (Contents.) Vol. 1. Comites et commissions du Congres Liste des membres du Congres Notice historique sur les Congres penitentiaires internatinaux, par Prof. Hagstromer Proces-verbaux des seances de la Commission penitentiaire internationale et de l'assemblee des delegues Proces-verbaux des seances du Congres Seance d'ouverture Seances des sections Proces-verbaux des assemblies generates du Congres Resolutions adoptees par le Congres Liste des ouvrages offerts au Congres. Biblio- graphic penitentiaire Annexes Vol. 2. Avant propos Liste des souscripteurs Vol. 2— contd. Dr. Wines. Notice biographique, avec portrait Memoires presentes au Congres Etat des prisons et du regime penitentiaire dans les differents pays La transportation aux iles Andamans (extrait des proces-verbaux de la Indian Jail Con- ference) Liste des meilleurs etablissements destines a l'education des jeunes delinquants et des enfants abandonnes Liste des societes et des revues penitentiaires Notice sur l'Exposition de Norrmalm des pro- duits du travail dans les prisons de la Suede, de la Norvege, du Danemark, et de Finlande Rapports des specialistes italiens sur les ques- tions du programme du Congres R-ecit des fetes et banquets offerts au Congres de Stockholm Index alphabetique International Prison Statistics. Statistique penitentiaire internationale ; annee 1872. vi + 109 pp., 4to. Rome, 1875 International Review. September — October. 144 pp., 8vo. New York, 1876 Investor's Monthly Manual, vols. 4—13. 9 vols., fol. 1874-8S Inwood (William). Tables for the Purchasing of Estates, Freehold, Copy- hold, or Leasehold, Annuities, Advowsons, &c, and for the Renewing of Leases held under Cathedral Churches, Colleges, or other Corporate Bodies, for Terms of Years certain, and for Lives ; also for Valuing Reversionary Estates, Deferred Annuities, Next Presentations, &c, together with Several Useful and Interesting Tables connected with the subject ; also the Five Tables of Compound Interest. 13th edit., xxi + 156 pp., 12mo. 1850 22$ 10 -IR [Iota]. Remarks on the Letter of Mr. Gladstone, sen., on the Currency- Question. Being a vindication of the Market Price System of Cash Payments. [Anon.]. 1847 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 5. 8vo. 1844-49 Iowa, Report of the Adjutant- General and Assistant Quarter-Master General of the State of Iowa, 1876-77. 100 pp., 8vo. Des Moines, 1877 — Report of the Secretary of the Iowa State Agricultural Society, 1877. 708 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 Irby (J. R. Mc. D.). The Works and Character of James Smithson, Esq. : * Smithm. Miscell. Colin., vol. 21. 8vo. 1881 Ireland (John). A Letter to Henry Brougham, Esq., M.P. : *Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Ireland. Report of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Trade and Foreign Plantations, on Importations from — : * Tracts., S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo 1785 — [Bills relative to the Consolidation of the Distillery Laws in force in — ] . 6 parts in 1 vol., plates, sm. fol. 1819-20 — Thoughts on the Present Disturbances in the Southern Districts of Ireland. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 24. 8vo. 1824 — Remarks on some of the Evils of — , and their Removal. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 — and O'Connell. [Anon.] : * Polit. Pamph. Sm. fol. 1836 — Letters on the State of — , by a Landed Proprietor. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 8vo. 1847 — • Observations on the People, the Land, and the Law, in 1851, with reference to the Incumbered Estates' Court. [Anon.] : Id., S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 — Incumbered Estates' Court ; List of Petitions filed, 25th October, 1849 — 28th July, 1853. 54 pp., la. 8vo. Dublin, 1854 iem Maps and Sections to accompany the Report of the Railway Commissioners. 1 vol., extra la. fol. 1868 1. Map of Ireland, showing Railways and 3. Sections of Rails of the different Companies Canals in progress and completed . a , . . ~, , , -r, . a /i j- *. a A- £ t> i i j. j 4. Section of Canals and Rivers 2, Gradient sections of Railways completed, and Carrying Traffic 5. Standard Types of Locomotive Engines Ireland. Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of— [formerly the Dublin Statistical Society']. Journal of the, vols. 1 — 8. (Index to the first five volumes bound with vol, 5) 8vo. Dublin, 1855-83 Vol, 1, 1855-56. Opening Address : J. Pirn What a Perfect Income Tax of Ten Per Cent, would Produce : W. N. Hancock Statistics (with some Additions) given in Evi- dence before a Select Committee of the House of Commons on Public Houses : J. Haughton Plan for Extending the Jurisdiction for Selling Incumbered Estates to cases where a Receiver has been appointed over a Life Estate : W. N. Hancock Present State of the Savings' Bank Question : W. N. Hancock Russian Serfs and British Labourers : H. Utility of Standing Armies as a means of de- fence in an Advanced Stage of Civilization : W. H. Jemison Factory Education : P. J. McKenna Workhouses as a mode of Relief for Widows and Orphans : W. N. Hancock Vol. 1, 1855-56— Contd. Effect of the limitation of Parliamentary Title to Ireland in promoting purchases of land by English and Scotch Capitalists : W. N. Hancock Maritime Captures and Commercial Blockades : T. E. Cliffe Leslie Relative Expediency of defraying the expense of War by Loans or by Increased Taxation, with reference to the present Financial System of the United Kingdom : R. H. Walsh Excessive Mortality of British Residents in India, as affecting the choice of the Civil Service of the East India Company as a career for Young Men : W. N. Hancock Connexion between the Origin and Localization of Diseases, whether usual or epidemical, and the Over-crowding of Buildings in our Cities: S. Dowden Malthus : G. Evelyn IR 227 Ireland. Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of—. Journal— Contd. Vol. 1, 1855-56— Contd. Partnership with Limited Liability : P. J. Mc Kenna Address delivered at the Opening of the Ninth Session of the Society : M. Longfield Plan for the Reduction and ultimate Extinction of the National Debt : W. P. Urquhart Observations on the Gold Crisis, Price of Silver, and Demand for it ; with an answer to " What becomes of the new Supplies of Gold?": R. H. Walsh Is Fire Assurance a proper subject for Taxation ? : W. N. Hancock Effect of War on Prices : J. E. Cairnes Condition of the Labouring Population of Jamaica, as connected with the present state of Landed Property in that Island : R. H. Walsh Sir Robert Peel's Bank Act of 1844 explained and defended : W. IT. Hancock Criminal Jurisdiction of Courts of Quarter Session in Ireland : P. J. McKenna General Principles of Taxation, as illustrating the advantages of a Perfect Income Tax : W. N. Hancock Expediency of a Cheap Land Tribunal : J. A. Lawson Private and Local Business of Parliament : J. J. Murphy Advantages of Policies of Insurance terminable at the age of 63 or at Death, instead of at Death only : W. N. Hancock Education the surest Preventive of Crime and the best Safeguard of Life, Property, and Social Order : J. Haughton Bank Charter Act of 1844 : S. M. Greer Notes on the " Societe Generale de Credit Mobilier": E.H.Walsh Progress of the Colony of Victoria : A. Webb Observations on the Present Export of Silver to the East : R. H. Walsh Effects of Emigration ; Can it be made a means of Relieving Distress ? : Rev. T. Jordan Deductions from the Statistics of Crime for the last Twelve Years : R. H. Walsh Free Trade Resolutions of the Council General of the Herault. Vol. 2, 1857-60. Brussels Free Trade Congress and International Association for Customs Reform : H. D. Hulton Present State of the Dwellings of the Poor, chiefly in Dublin : Rev. T. Jordan Disposal of our Convicts : P. J. McKenna Laws relating to Joint Stock Companies : J. J. Murphy Principles of a Note Circulation : J. J. Murphy Recent Progress of the Free Trade Movement in Belgium : H. D. Hutton Expediency of the Differential Duty on Hops : T. Cairnes Social and Moral Elevation of our Working Classes : J. Haughton Decrease of Pauperism, how far the Work of the Poor : Rev. T. Jordan Vol. 2, 1857-60— Contd. System of Deducting a " Percentage " from the Purchase Money of Estates sold with Parlia- mentary Title, with a view to the Abolition of Fees in Chancery : H. Wrenfordsley Statistics of Crime in Ireland, 1842-56 : J. M. Wilson Our Hospital System compared with those of England, France, and Austria : R. McDonnell Universal Free Trade : C. V. Maeren Opening Address : J. A. Lawson Equitable Villages in America : R. H. Walsh On the necessity for Prompt Measures for the Suppression of Intemperance and Drunken- ness : J. Haughton Working of Tribunals of Commerce, of one Legal and two Commercial Judges in the Hamburg Tribunal ; founded on Communica- tions from Dr. Versmann [its] Vice-President : H. D. Hutton Report of the Registration of Titles Commis- sion, 1857 : J. McDonnell Facts which suggest that the desire for Alcoholic Stimulants is not only transmitted by Hereditary Descent, but is also felt with increasing force [in succeeding] generations, and thus strongly tends to deteriorate the Race : J. Haughton On the Tenures and Taxation of India : J. J. Laws according to which a Depreciation of the Precious Metals, consequent upon an increase of supply, takes place, in connection with the recent Gold Discoveries : J. PI. Cairnes Effects of centralizing Irish Local Government in London, illustrated by the Centralized Audit of Irish Municipal Corporation Ac- counts : W. N. Hancock Banks of Issue in Germany : H. S. Hertz Report of a Committee on the Registration of Marriages, Births, and Deaths in Ireland. Advantages to be derived from Decimalisation of our Currency, Weights and Measures : F. Lochrane Statistics of Small Pox and Vaccination in Ireland : R. Macdonnell Means of Increasing the Usefulness of the Post Office : J. J. Murphy Importance of substituting the Family System of Rearing Orphan Children for the System now pursued in our Workhouses : W. N. Hancock Observations on Dr. Hancock's Plan for Rearing Poor Orphans in Families instead of placing them in Workhouses : J. O'Hagan Statistics of Free and Slave Labour in the United States of America : J. Haughton Present Law of Landlord and Tenant as ex- hibited in the recent decision of the Master of the Rolls in the case of O'Fay v. Burke : W. N. Hancock Progress of British West Indian Colonies under Freedom, and inexpediency of Legislative Interference with Immigration into them : J. Haughton Observations on Lord Brougham's Bill for the further Amendment of the Law of Evidence in Criminal as in Civil Cases : P. J. McKenna Q2 228 IR Ireland. Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of — . Journal — Contd. Vol. 2, 1857-60— Contd. Observations on the Present Method of Con- tracting for the Mail Packet Service : J. Gr. Leatham Bothy System of Lodging Farm Labourers in Scotland ; its violation of the Family Prin- ciple ; its condemnation by the Free Church, the conclusions deduced and applied to Ireland : W. N. Hancock Observations on Mr. Caird's Pamphlet on Prairie Farming in the United States : C. F. Bobbs Long Hours of Employment of Journeymen Bakers in Dublin : W. If. Hancock Immigration into our "West India Colonies : J. Haughton Proposal for the Prevention of Corrupt Prac- tices at Parliamentary Elections, by enabling Revising Barristers, subject to appeal, to determine concerning disqualified persons . . . : W. M'Mechan Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Ireland ; Observations on the late Govern- ment Bill of 1857 : A. Moore Effects of the Employment of Women in Occu- pations attended with publicity, illustrated by the Factory System at Bradford : W. N. Hancock Trades' Unions, Combinations, and Strikes : T M. Busteed Publication known amongst Traders as the Black List : F. W. Brady Mode of Obviating one of the Difficulties in the way of assimilating the Transfer of Real to that of Personal Property : W. N. Hancock Plan for obviating the identification of Luggage at Kingstown and Holyhead, and so accele- rating the Through Traffic between London and Dublin : W. N. Hancock Changes required to make more effectual provi- sion for the Protection of Life and Property against Destruction by Fire in Dubbin : W. N. Hancock Vol. 3, 1861-63. Result of the Aberdeen Industrial Feeding Schools, as contrasted with the Workhouse System of rearing Pauper Children : W. N. Hancock Plan for a Dublin Fire Brigade and Fire Escape and Salvage Corps : J. M. Wilson Suggestions towards the Formation of a Free Public Library in Dubkn : F. W. Connor Salmon Fisheries and Fishery Laws of Ireland : W. L. Joynt Educational and other Aspects of the Statistics of Crime in Dublin : M. S. O' Shaughnessy Consideration of the Discoveries of Gold and Silver in the Sixteenth Century ; the Effects to be anticipated from the recent Discoveries of Gold. Silver proposed as a Substitute for a Gold Standard, to prevent the anticipated rise in all Prices : W. N. Hancock Competitive Examinations and their Bearing on the Civil Service : F. W. Connor Use and Abuse of Apprenticeship : O. F. Shaw Vol. 3, 1861-63— Contd. Observations on Trial by Jury, with Suggestions for the Amendment of our Present System : A. Houston Proposal for an Act to authorise the Issue of Land Debentures in connexion with Sales made by the Landed Estates Courts ; witli a Copy of the Proposed Act: Hon. Judge Longfield Suggestions for the Improvement of the Laws relating to Bankrupts in Ireland : A. D. Kennedy Employment of Women in Ireland : F. CHbson Remarks upon a Scheme for befriending Orphan Pauper Girls : M. S. O' Shaughnessy Observations upon a Paper on Poor Relief : J. Haughton Co-operative Societies : F. W. Connor Obituary Notice of the late Richard Hussey Walsh, LL.D. : W. N. Hancock A Proposal for increasing the Utility of the Queen's Colleges : B. D. Urlin Mortality of Chddren in Workhouses in Ireland : W. N. Hancock Statistics of the Court of Bankruptcy and Insolvency during the year 1861 : D. C. Heron Death Punishments : J. Haughton Difference between the English and Irish Poor Law as to the Treatment of Women and Unemployed Workmen : W. N. Hancock Historical Statistics of Ireland : D. C. Heron Harmony of the Temperance Reformation with the Objects of the Social Science Association : J. Haughton Statistics of Irish Prosperity: B. W. Mac Donnell Opening Address : J. A. Lawson Land Question viewed as a Sociological Problem ; English Tenant - Right ... by Custom or Agreement for Capital invested in unex- hausted Improvements : Henry D. Hutton Secondary Punishments : Bev. B. Whately ; N. W. Senior Penal Servitude and Tickets of Leave : F. Chibson Some Remarks on the unsatisfactory Tenure of Land by our Farmers, and on the Adminis- tration of the Poor-law in England and Ireland : J. Haughton Salmon Fisheries of Ireland : D. C. Heron Competitive Examinations : W. P. Urquhart How to Improve School Education in Ireland : O. F. Shaw Land Improvement and Employment in Ireland, by the private capital of Owners and Occu- piers. Proposition towards legislation for effecting these objects on the analogy of the Mercantile Holding . . . : H. D. Hutton Tenant-right of Ulster, what it is, and how far it should be legalised and extended to the other Provinces of Ireland : D. Boss Management of Crown Lands in the Australian Colonies, and the appropriation of the Revenues arising from them : C. F. Bagot Irish Emigration from Workhouses : B.F. Clokey Remarks on the Middle Class (Female) Emigra- tion Society, and Miss Rye's visit to Otago : B. D. Urlin IE, 229 Ireland. Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of—. Journal — Contd. Vol. 3, 1861-63— Contd. Observations on the case of Burton, and so- called Moral Insanity in Criminal Cases : R. McDonnell Necessity of a State Provision for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb of Ireland : Charlotte M. B. Stoker Legal Impediments to the Cultivation of Trees in Ireland : S. M. Greer Transfer of Land and the Registration of Title : jB. R. Torrens Vol. 4, 1864-68. Obituary Notice of the late Most Rev. Richard Whateley, D.D., Lord Archbishop of Dublin, President of the Society : W. N. Hancock Opening Address by the Vice-President, Con- siderations on the State of Ireland : J. K. Ingram Necessity of a State Provision for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, the Blind, and the Imbecile : J. Rim Comparison between the English and Irish Poor Laws with respect to the Conditions of Relief : J. K. Ingram Sanitary State of Dublin : R. D. Mapother Debt and Taxation of Ireland : J. J. Murphy Criminal Statistics, especially with reference to Population, Education, and Distress in Ire- land: M. S. O' Shaughnessy Ireland in 1864 : D. C. Heron Free Trade ; Abolition of Customs and Excise Duties ; and a Sketch of a simpler and better mode of raising a Revenue : J. Haughton Opening Address by the President : Hon. Judge Long field Appendix to the President's Address ; being the Author's Notes upon Interference, Valuation, and Law of Distress Dwellings of Working Men in Cities, and the efforts that have been made to improve them : R. D. Urlin Railway Reform ; or the Policy of the Purchase and Management by the British Government of the Railways of the United Kingdom : S. M. Greer Railway Reform : R. Gibson The Patent Laws of the United Kingdom : J. L. Whittle Observations on the Law relating to the Quali- fication and Selection of Jurors, with Sug- gestions for its Amendment : C. Molloy Venue for Trials, Civil and Criminal : M. S. O' Shaughnessy Differences between the Statutes bearing on Public Health for England and Ireland : R. D. Mapother Policy of extending the Provisions of the Towns Improvement Act (Ireland) 1854, to the Towns still under the old Paving and Lighting Act, 9 Geo. IV, cap. 82 : J. Hancock Strikes with respect to Hours of Labour : W. N. Hancock Functions of Grand Juries in Criminal Cases : J. H. Monahan Opening Address by the Vice-President : Rt. Hon. Mr. Justice O'Hagan Vol. 4, 1864-68— Contd. Unhealthiness of Irish Towns, and the want of Sanitary Legislation : R. D. Mapother Report to the Council on the Impediments to Express Contracts as to the Occupation of Land in Ireland : R. W. M' 'Donnell Official Report on the Statistics of Flax Culture in Munster and Connaught in 1865 : W. N. Hancock Relation of the State to Railways : J. J. Murphy Financial Position of Irish Railways : W. N. Hancock Notes on the French System of Railways : A. M' Donnell Government Assurance and Annuity Acts : M . S. 0' Shaughnessy Banking considered with Special Reference to a strictly Limited Issue of Government Paper Money : D. Ross Extension of the Field for the Employment of Women : Prof. Houston Opening Address by the Vice-President: Sir R. Kane Condition of our Railways considered with Reference to their Purchase by the State : J. T. Rim Application of Commercial Enterprise to the Construction of Railways : W. Mulholland Co-operation as a Means of Improving the Condition of the Working Classes : J. Haughton Opening Address by the Vice-President: J. W. Murland Suggestions for Improving the Constitution and Management of Joint Stock Companies : A. Houston Religious Toleration for Criminals : R. Gibson Central Criminal Court for the County and City of Dublin : C. Molloy Cost of Recorded Charges and Transfers com- pared with that of Ordinary Mortgages and Conveyances : H. D. Hutton Propriety of Conceding the Elective Franchise to Women : A. Webb Vol. 5, 1868-70. Preservation of the Seed of the Flax Plant in Ireland : G. 0. Malley Effects of the Law of Distress and the Feudal Rule as regards Improvements in the relations between Landlord and Tenant : J. Sproule Affidavits : G. R. Shaw Consolidation of Sanitary and Medico-legal Offices and Abolition of Coroners' Courts : R. D. Mapother Marriage Settlements ; their Social and Eco- nomic Effects : J. Mac Donnell British Citizenship as opposed to American Citizenship : R. Nolan Address at the Opening of the Twenty-second Session : Rt. Hon. W. Monsell Government Purchase of Railways in Ireland ; how can it be accomplished : S. M. Greer Further Extension of Free Trade and Direct Taxation : J. Haughton Defects of Private Bill Legislation : G. O. Malley 230 IR Ireland. Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of—. Journal— Contd. Vol. 5, 1868-70— Contd. Should the Local Government Acts be extended to Ireland ? : J. Hancock Joint-Stock Companies in the Court of Equity : F. R. Falkiner Some Account of the Laws of the States of Is ew York and Massachusetts regulating the business of Insurance Companies : W. J. Hancock Dublin Hospitals ; their Grants and Governing Bodies : E. D. Mapother Patronage and Purchase in making Appoint- ments : R. M'Donnell Tenures and Land Legislation in British India : H. D. Mutton Application of American Legislation to Assur- ance Companies in the United Kingdom : W. J. Hancock The Utilization of the Reclaimable Waste Lands of Ireland : G. 0. Mallet/ Diminution of the National Wealth from Cattle Diseases : T. Baldwin The Linen Trade and the Customs' Duties : R. Donnell Report on the Extension of Admiralty Juris- diction in Ireland to cases of Freight and Demurrage ; prepared for the Council by : H. D. Button Irish County Courts : C. Molloy Opening Address . . . : Rt. Hon. Lord O'Hagan Vol. 6, 1871-76. Plan of applying the Latest Improvements . . . in the Management of the Public Debt . . . to the Debts and Borrowing Powers of the Town Council of Dublin : W. N. Hancock Expediency of the Total Abolition of Grand Juries in Ireland : G. O. Malley Grand Jury Question in Ireland considered with reference to the latest English analogies : W. N. Hancock Comparison of the Law of Poor Removals and Chargeability in England, Scotland, and Ireland, with Suggestions for a Plan of Assimilation . . . : W. IT. Hancock Opening Address by the President : Rt. Hon. Mr. Justice Laicson Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870 : D. C. Heron Practicability of Codifying English Law, with a Specimen Code of the Law of Evidence : Rt. Hon. Mr. Justice Lawson Suggestions for the Extension of the Jurisdic- tion of the Civil Bill and Quarter Sessions Courts in Ireland : G. O. Malley Limits of State Interference with the Distribu- tion of Wealth in applying Taxation to the Assistance of the Public: Rt. Hon. M. Longfield Educational Endowments and their application to the Middle Class and Higher Education of Girls and Women : W. G. Brooke Legal Education in Ireland: M. S. 0' Shaugh- nessy Opening Address : Rt. Hon. Mr. Justice Lawson Visit to Russia : D. C. Heron Vol. 6, 1871-76— Contd. Report on the Differences in the Law of England and Ireland as regards the Protection of Women : W. G. Brooke Working of the Sanitary Laws in Dublin, with Suggestions for their Amendment : John Norwood Irish Railway Reform : H. L. Jephson Report as to the best Means of reducing the Town Law of Ireland to a Code : W. Mulhotland Remittances from North America by Irish Emigrants ... an indication of the character of the Irish Race, and [its] reference to some branches of the Irish Labourers' Question : W. N. Hancock Report on the best means of facilitating Land Transfer by means of Local Registry : Prof. Donnell Recommendations of the Land Transfer Com- mission of 1869 considered with especial reference to their applicability to transfer of Land in Ireland : R. D. Urlin Report on the Application of the Principles recommended by the Judicature Commission to the Irish County Courts : C. Molloy Inaugural Address by the President : Rt. Hon. Lord Emly Account of Progress made in describing dif- ferences between the Laws in force in Eng- land and in Ireland ; . . . and Suggestions for the division of the Subject : W. N. Hancock The Statistics of Insanity, Past and Present: W. J. Corbet Suggested Practical Checks on Excessive Drink- ing and Habitual Drunkenness : D. Ross Principles on which Plans for the Curative Treatment of Habitual Drunkards should be based : Isabella M. S. Tod Municipal Government and Taxation : J. T. Pirn Suggested Improvements in Private Bill Legis- ation : J. Norwood MacXeel Caird's Essay ... on Local Govern- ment . . . with reference to the . . . following questions : (1) Road Authorities in Scotland and Ireland; (2) Scotch and Irish Local Courts ; (3) Union Rating ; (4) The Scotch Law for securing Improvements in Town Holdings : W. N. Hancock Address at the Opening of the Twenty-ninth Session : J. K. Ingram Exclusion of the Evidence of Accused Persons : J. O'Hagan Temperament and the Permanent Business of Friendly Societies, with Suggestions for making the latter secure through the Post Office Insurance and Savings' Bank : W. J. Hancock Law of Judgments and Jurisdiction of the Sheriff in Selling Land with reference to the Complaints of the County Down people : W. N. Hancock Additional Facts and Arguments on the Boarding-Out of Pauper Children : J. K. Ingram IR 231 Ireland. Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of—. J ommd— Contd. Vol. 6, 1871-76— Contd. Complaints against Bankers in Ireland as to Saved Capital of Ireland not being lent to a sufficient extent to the Farmers and small Owners of Land : W. N. Hancock Essay on the Simplification effected by the Codes of Law for British India, and the desirability of framing similar Codes for Eng- land, Ireland, and Scotland : F. Nolan Vol. 7, 1876-79. Opening Address by the President : J. Pirn Importance of Industrial Education: Major H. L. Geary Notes as to Proceedings of the State Charities' Aid Association of New York : W. S", San- cock Extension of the Laws of Pawnbroking now in force in Great Britain, to Ireland : W. N. Hancock Savings Banks as a State function developed by Charity Organisations : W. N. Hancock Importance of Extending the British Gold Standard with Subsidiary Silver Coins to India, as a Remedy for Inconveniences [of] the rapid Depreciation of Silver: W. N. Hancock Importance of : (1) A larger infusion of the Industrial Element into our system of Edu- cation ; (2) An adaptation to Ireland of the Day Industrial Claxises of Lord Sandon's Act of 1876 : F. B. Falkiner Laws relating to the Transfer of Land in Ire- land, and in England and Wales, compared : W. N. Hancock Prize Essay on the Jurisdiction of the Local Courts in Ireland, Scotland, and England, compared : W. H. Dodd Opening Address by the President : J. Lentaigne Some of the Difficulties in the way of Creating a Peasant Proprietary in Ireland : M. O'Brien Some Notes on the present position of the Irish Land Registry Question : W. N. Hancock Notes of a Visit to some Church Lands where Tenants have bought their Holdings, and to others where they have not : G. Shaw Lefevre Prize Essay on the Differences in the Organisa- tion of Local Courts in Ireland, Scotland, and England : W. H Dodd Preliminary Proceedings in Criminal Cases in England, Ireland, and Scotland, compared : W. H. Dodd Prospects of the Manufacture of Sugar from Beet-root in Ireland : W. N. Hancock Our Commercial Depression is not due to Free Trade, and would not be removed by Limited Protection : J. T. Pirn Valuation of Real Property for Taxation : M. O'Brien Account of the Manor of Kilmoon and the Copyhold Tenure existing there : M. O'Brien Fluctuations in the Value of the Precious Metals and their Effect on Trade : B. Good- body Banks and Banking in Ireland : J. Connolly Notice of some Points in Agricultural Statistics : J, Connolly Vol. 7, 1876-79— Contd. Importance and Feasibility of making Special Local Arrangements for Facilitating Peasant Proprietors ... in dealing with their Interests in Land : W. N. Hancock Whether the Union or the County should be taken as the District for Local Registers of Land : W. N. Hancock Cost of adopting a Complete System of Public Prosecution in England, as illustrated by the Results ... of the Scotch and Irish Systems: W. N. Hancock Statistics of Crime arising from or connected with Drunkenness as indicating the impor- tance of Increasing the Punishment of Habitual Drunkards . . . : W. N. Hancock Substitution (for the Three-fold Law of Succes* sion resting on the Accidents of Tenure) of a Three-fold Law for distinct classes of (1) Landed Gentry, (2) Manufacturers, and (3) Farmers . . . : W. N. Hancock On (1) the Value of Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations " as a Text Book ; (2) the History of his Life as an Illustration of the Impor- tance of Endowments for Higher Education and Research : W. N. Hancock Address at Section of Economic Science and Statistics of British Association : J. K. Ingram Boarding-out of Pauper Children : Isabella S. M. Tod Condition of Small Farmers in Ireland, and their Position with Reference to the Land Question : M. O'Brien Suggestions for a Bill to regulate Sales of Property : J. H. Monaghan Application of Copyhold Enfranchisement to Long Leases in Ireland; Assimilation of Chattel and Freehold Succession and Simpli- fication of Transfer of Land : J. H. Edge Creation of a Public Commission for the Pur- chase of Land for Re -sale to Tenants in Ireland : F. Nolan Periodicity of Commercial Crises and its Physical Explanation : W. Stanley Jevons Impediments in the Prompt Carrying Out of some of the Principles conceded by Parlia- ment on the Irish Land Question : W. N. Hancock Importance of Raising Ireland to the Level of England and Scotland in the Matters of Industrial Schools and Compulsory Educa- tion : W. N. Hancock Some Statistics and Researches on the Poor Removal Question [especially] ... of the Irish from Scotland : W. N. Hancock Use of Education and Training in the Treat- ment of the Insane in Public Lunatic Asylums : J. Lalor Irish Statute Law Reform : H. L. Jephson Valuation of Real Property for Taxation : M. O'Brien Law relating to the Realization of Judgments and Decrees, with Special Reference to Judgments and Decrees against Tenant Farmers : W. H. Dodd Description of some Leases based on the Principle of Parliamentary Tenant-Right : J. McDonnell 232 IR Ireland. Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of—. Journal— Contd. Vol. 7, 1876-79— Contd. Valuation of Property for Taxation : M. O'Brien Causes of Slow Progress of Political Economy : S. Haughton Observations on the Intestate Widows' Acts, Ireland : G. H. Smith Impolicy of a Revival of Protection as a Remedy for the Present Depression : J. Moylan Some Economic Objections against the custom of "Eortuning" Daughters that prevails amongst the Farming Classes in Munster : S. P. Preston Report on the Bankruptcy Law of Ireland com- pared with that of England and of Scotland : J. H. M. Campbell Report of the Irish Lunacy Inquiry Com- missioners, and the policy of extending the English Law for the Protection of Neglected Lunatics to Ireland : W. N. Hancock Reciprocity : E. A. McCarty Vol. 8, 1880-82. Obituary Notice of the late Alexander Thorn, Esq., J.P. : W. N. Hancock Land Transfer and Registration : J. McDon- nell Poor Law Administration as it affects Women and Children in Workhouses : Mrs. M. J. O' Connell Comparison between Boarding-out and Pauper Schools : Miss Menella Smedley Statistics on points raised by Miss O'Connell's and Miss Smedley's Papers : W. N. Hancock Bright Clauses of the Irish Land Act : J. H. Edge Suggestions for the Irish Census : H. L. Jephson Equal Importance of the Education, Poor Law, Cheap Law for Small Holders, and Land Questions at the present Crisis : W. N. Hancock Some further Information as to Migratory Labourers from Mayo to England, and of Limiting Law Taxes and Law Charges in Proceedings affecting Small Holders of Land : W. N. Hancock Assimilation of the Law in England, Scotland, and Ireland, as to the Care of Lunatics and their Property : W. N. Hancock Opening Address ... by the President : E. D. Mapother Work and the Workman : an Address to the Trades' Union Congress : J. K. Ingram Anomalous Differences in the Poor-laws of Ire- land and of England ; an Address to the Trades' Union Congress : W. N. Hancock Notice of the Books and Pamphlets bequeathed by Sir Thomas Larcom to the Society : J. H. M. Campbell Common Poor Fund for the Metropolis : W. H Bodd Economic Theory of Rent : M. O'Brien Law Reforms which have been successfully advocated by the Trades' Union Congress, and the further Law Reforms which they now seek : W. N. Hancock Scotch Branch of the Poor Removal Question : W. N. Hancock Vol. 8, 1880-82— Contd. Impediments to Savings from Cost and Trouble to the Poor of Proving Wills ; A. Webb Cost and Delay in obtaining Loans on Land, and the high rate of Interest charged to Tenants for Loans : W. N. Hancock Acts for taking the Census in England, Scot- land, and Ireland of 1881 : C. Eason, jun. Irish Linen Laws, and proposed Amendments thereof : A. H. Bates Discharged Prisoners' Aid Societies: J. G. Alcorn Some Grievances of Jurors : W. H. Dodd Substitution of Stock for other forms of Local Indebtedness : J. Beveridge Our Foreign Commerce and Free Trade Policy : J. T. Pirn Report on Homes of the Poor: Hon. F. R. Falkiner Registration of Title Indispensable for Peasant Proprietors : H. D. Hutton Bi-metallism as a Policy for the British Empire : J. J. Murphy Anomalous Differences in the Poor-laws of Ireland and of England, Area of Taxation, etc. : A. Shackleton Law of Marriage in its Bearing on Morality : Rev. N. W. Carre Suggestions for Remedying Defects in Inter- national Marriage as it affects Women Mar- ried in the United Kingdom to Foreigners : W. N. Hancock: Depositors in the Tipperary Bank and the Cost of Proving Wills and Distributing Small Assets in Ireland : W. N. Hancock Address by the Right Hon. Lord O'Hagan, as President of the Social Science Congress, October, 1881 Treatment and Punishment of Young Offenders : Sir J. Lentaigne Our Habitual Criminals : Hon. F. R. Falkiner Irish Export Trade in Butter, with special reference to the Regulations of the Cork Market : C. F. Bastable Need and Use of Village Hospitals in Ireland : G. Sigerson Reorganization of Irish Education Depart- ments, and the appointment of a Minister of Education : A. F. Graves Observations on the Present Position of the Irish National School Teachers, as regards Salaries, Pensions, and Residences : J. Fer- guson Extent to which the Principles advocated in Bentham's Letters on Usury have still to be adopted in the Laws of England and of Foreign Countries : A. H Bates Suggestions for the Amendment of the Law relating to Civil Bill Appeals : T. L. O' Shaughnessy Tramway Legislation, with Suggestions for Promoting Steam Tramways in Ireland J. A. Walker Arrangements for Putting Out Fires in Dublin City and the Townships of Drumcondra, Clontarf , Kilmainham, Pembroke, Rathmines, Blackrock, and Kingstown : W. N. Hancock IR— IT 233 Irish Academy (Royal). Proceedings of the — , [1836-57]. Vols. 1 — 6. Plates, &c, 8vo. Dublin, 1841-58 Second Series (Science) Plates, &c, 8vo. ib., 1875-83 Second Series (Polite Literature and Antiquities). Plates, &c, 8vo. ib., 1875-83 — Transactions of the, (Science, Polite Literature, and Antiquities). Plates, 4to. ib., 1875-83 — Transactions of the, (Irish Manuscript Series). Vol. 1, Part 1, on the Calendar of Oengus, by Whitley Stokes, LL.D. 31 + ccclii pp., 4to. ib., 1880 — " Cunningham Memoirs." No. 1. On Cubic Transformations, by John Casey, LL.D. 140 pp., 4to. ib., 1880 Irish Almanac (Thorn's) and Official Directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1844, 1853, 1880. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1844-80 Irish Amelioration Society, Map of Ireland, prepared for the — , showing the Bog Lands, . . . Height above Sea, . . . Natural Drainage of the Country, and Comparative fall of Rivers. Map, mounted. 1847 — for Employing the Peasantry in Reproductive Labour, and Improving their Social Condition : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1848 Irish Oratory; with its Effects on the Measure of Catholic Emancipation considered. By an Irish Protestant. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Iron and Steel Institute. The Journal of the — . Maps and plates, 8vo. 1871-83 Irvine (Robert H.). Some Account of the General and Medical Topography of Ajmeer : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 8vo. 1841 Irving (Joseph). The Annals of our Time. A Diurnal of Events, Social and Political, which have happened in, or had relation to, the Kingdom of Great Britain, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Opening of the Present Parliament. vii -f 742 + 1 pp., 8vo. 1869 Iselin (J. P.). Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, South Kensington : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1877 — Science of the Year 1876 : Id. I2mo. 1878 Isensee (Emil). General Charte der Geographischen Verbreitung und des Ganges der Cholera, 1816-37. 3rd edit. 1 sheet, folded. Berlin, 1837 Issel (Arturo). Istruzioni scientifiche pei Viaggiatori raccolte da — , in collaborazione dei Signori Giovanni Celoria, Michele Stefano de Rossi, Raffaello Gestro, Enrico Giglioli, Guido Grassi, Angiolo Manzoni, Antonio Piccone, Gustavo Uzielli e Arturo Zannetti : Italy (Istruzioni scientifiche). 8vo. 1881 — Geologia e Paleontologia : Id. 8vo. 1881 — Mineralogia : Id. 8vo. 1881 — Zoologia, di — e R. Gestro : Id. 8vo. 1881 Italian Tracts 1 vol. 4to. 1844-52 1. Nuova circoscrizione di Sardegna : Marmora 2. Brevi osservazione al ditto 3. Situazione finanziera dei comuni di Sardegna Italy. 4. Movimento della Navigazione di Sardegna 5. Statistica medica delle Maremme : Salva- gnoli-Marchetti Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Annali; Annuario; Statistical Depart- ment ; Administration ; Agriculture ; Education ; Finances ; Industry and Commerce; Justice; Marine; Population; Provident Institutions; Public Health; Public Relief; Public Works; Territory; War; Miscellaneous; Rome; Ferrara; Florence; Naples; Palermo; Turin; Venetia). — Annali del Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria, e Commercio, 1870-77. 16 vols., 8vo. Roma, &c, 1870-80 234 IT Italy. Official Publications— Contd. — Annali — Contd. — Annali di Agricoltura. Nos. 2 — 30. 23 nos., maps, plans, and plates, 8vo. Roma, 1878-80 — Annali di Statistica. Serie 2 a , vols. 1 — 25. Maps and plates, 8vo. ib., 1878-81 Serie 3 a Maps and diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1882-83 — Annali di Statistica. Indice analitico delle Materie contennte negli, pubblicati, 1871-81. viii -f 54 pp., 8vo. ib., 1883 — Annali dell' Industria e del Commercio, 1879-83. Diagrams, &c. 8vo. ib., 1879-83 — Annuario del Ministero delle Finanze del Regno d'ltalia pel 1866-80. 15 vols., 8vo. ib., 1866-80 — Annuario Statistico Italiano, 1878-1881. (From commencement). La 8vo. ib., 1878-81 (Contents.) Istruzione pubblica e privata Stampa periodica Finanze dello Stato — Finanze comunali e provinciali — Asse eeclesiastico Lavori pubblici Esercito Marina militare Giustizia civile e penale Carceri Introduzione Climatologia Topografia e idrografia Popolazione Personale sanitario Commercio coll' estero Navigazione e marina mercantile Pastorizia ed agricoltura Prezzi di alcuni generi alimen- tari Statistica elettorale politica ed amini nis trativa Benelicenza Societa di mutuo soccorso Casse di risparmio Coniazioni monetarie — Circo- lazione cartacea — Banche di emissioni — Bancbe popolari... Statistica mineraria e indus- triale — Statistical Department. Dell' Ordinamento statistico e dei lavori della Direzione di Statistica del Regno d'ltalia. 11 pp., 8vo. Torino, 1863 — Le pubblicazioni della Direzione di Statistica. 70 pp., 8vo. Firenze, 1869 — Reale decreto di istitozione della Direzione generale di Statistica. 15 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1878 — Administration. Raccolta di Costituzioni Italiane (Bibl. dei Comuni Ital.). 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Torino, 1852 — Dizionario dei Comuni del Regno d'ltalia colla rispettiva popolazione e circondario e provincia da cui dipendono. [1861.] 208 pp., 8vo. ib., 1863 — Statistica elettorale politica, 1865-66. lxvii + 421 pp., fol. Firenze, 1867 — Progetto di Legge . . . 1879, Riforma della legge elettorale politica, 1860. 317 pp., 4to. [Roma, 1879] — Carta della Circoscrizione elettorale Politica dell' Italia. [2 sheets], ib., 1880 — Relazione della Commissione ... sul Progetto di Legge . . . 1879-80, e Riforma della legge elettorale politica. 3 vols. 4to. [ib., 1879-81] — Relazione della Commissione centrale di Sindacato sulla Amniinistrazione dell' Asse eeclesiastico, 1875-82. 8 vols., 4to. ib., 1876-83 — Statistica elettorale politica, 1861-82. Maps, 8vo. ib., 1876-83 — Agriculture. Relazioni e decreti sull' ordinamento della Statistica del Regno d'ltalia. 23 pp., 8vo. Torino, 1862 — Statistica del Bestiame Animali, Equini, Bovini, Ovini, Caprini e Suini. clxxxvii + 525 pp., maps, 8vo. Roma, 1875 — Relazione della commissione per la esecuzione di un' inchiesta agraria, e sulle condizioni della classe agricola in Italia. 105 pp., 4to. ib., 1875 — Appendice al Bollettino delle Mercuriali per l'anno 1875. 15 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 — Censimento Generale dei Cavalli e dei Muli eseguito alia Mezzanotte dal 9 al 10 Gennaio, 1876. lxxvii + 337 pp., maps, 8vo. ib., 1876 — Relazione al Consiglio di Agricoltura nell* adunanza del 1° maggio, 1876. 49 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 IT 235 Italy. Official Publications — Contd. — Agriculture — Contd. — Relazione intorno alle Condizioni dell' Agricoltura nel quinquennio 1870-74. 845 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1877 — Relazione sommaria dei Lavori eseguiti nel 1876 dalle Stazioni agrarie italiane. 31 pp., 8vo. Torino, 1877 — Catalogo della Biblioteca del Ministero d' Agricoltura Industria e Com- mercio. xv + 427 pp., la. 8vo. Roma, 1877 — L'ltalia agraria e forestale. Illustrazione delle raccolte inviate dalla Direzione dell' agricoltura alia Esposizione universale di Parigi nel 1878 326 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Nbtizie e Sfcudi sull' Agricoltura, 1876-77. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1877-79 — Notizie intorno alle Condizioni dell' Agricoltura negli anni 1878-79. 2 vols., plate, 8vo. ib., 1881 — Censimento del Bestiame, Asinino, Bovino, Ovino, Caprino e Suino, Febbraio, 1881. 91 + cclxxxiii 4- 464 pp., diagram, maps, la. 8vo. ib., 1882 — Bollettino settimanale dei Prezzi di alcuni dei principali prodotti agrari e del pane, 1874-83. 8 vols., 8vo. ib., 1874-83 — Atti della Giunta per la inchiesta agraria e sulle condizioni della classe agricola. Vols. 1—8. 4to. ib., 1882-83 — Education. Istruzione primaria. Istruzione elementare pubblica per comuni, 1862-63. 218 pp., fol. Modena, 1865 — Istruzione primaria e secondaria data da corporazioni religiose, 1863-64. xvi + 111 pp., fol. Firenze, 1865 — Istruzione. Scuole di ginnastica, 1864-65. 39 pp., fol. ib., 1865 — Istruzione pubblica e privata 2 vols., fol. Torino, 1865-66 Tarte I. Istruzione primaria, 1862-63 „ II e III. G-innasi, Licei, e Scuole techniche, 1862-63 ; Istituti superiori, 1863-64 — Istruzione pubblica e privata Istituti industriali e professionali, e scuole militari e di marina militare. li + 44 pp., fol. Firenze, 1867 — GP Istituti tecuici in Italia. xxxvi -f 307 pp., plates, 8vo. ib., 1869 — Istruzione tecnica. Istituti industriali e professionali, e scuole militari e di marina militare. lxxvii + 93 pp., 4to. ib., 1870 — L'Istruzione tecnica in Italia. Studi di E. Morpurgo. lxxiv + 425 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1875 — Relazione statistica sulla Istruzione pubblica e privata in Italia, compilata da documenti ufficiali per PEsposizione di Parigi. 187 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — SulP obbligo della Istruzione elementare nel Regno d'ltalia. xii + 423 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — La Istruzione industriale e professionale in Italia, 1878. xi + 128 pp., map, 8vo. ib., 1878 — GP Istituti e le Scuole dei Sordomuti in Italia. 69 pp., 8vo. Firenze, 1880 — Istruzioni scientifiehe pei viaggiatori raccolte da Arturo Issel in collabora- zione dei signori Giovanni Celoria, Michele Stefano de Rossi, Raffaello Gestro, Enrico Giglioli, Guido Grassi, Angiolo Manzoni, Antonio Piccone, Gustavo Uzielli, e Arturo Zannetti. xii + 556 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1881 — Statistica della Istruzione elementare pubblica e privata in Italia, 1877-78- 1880-81. 8vo. ib., 1881-83 — Finances. Imposte dirette, erariali, provinciali, e comunali sulla ricchezza fondiaria e non fondiaria riscosse nel 1862. 77 pp., 4to. Torino, 1864 — Reale decreto, 12 febbraio, 1865, intorno alia Vigilanza governativa delle Societa anonime. Regolamento dei Commissari governativa e circo- scrizione dei relativi uffici. 35 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 236 IT Italy. Official Publications— Contd. — Finances — Contd. — Bilanci comunali e provinciali, 1863-69. 3 vols., 4to. Firenze, 1865-70 — Statistica delle Assicurazioni sui transporti, estratto dai verbale delle sedute della Giunta centrale di statistica. 76 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1874 — Relazione sulla Circolazione Cartacea. 359 pp., diagrams, 4to. ib., 1875 — Documenti a corredo della Esposizione storica delle vicende e degli effetti del Corso forzato in Italia, allegata alia relazione sulla circolazione cartacea. 108 pp., 4to. ib., 1875 — Bollettino delle sitnazioni mensili dei Conti 3 vols., fol. ib., 1874-76 1. Delle Banche popolari 2. Delle Societa di credito ordinario 3. Delle Societa e Istituti di Credito agrario 4. Degli Istituti di Credito fondiario 5. Delle Banche d'emissione 6. Delle Casse di risparmio — Notizie intorno all' ordinamento bancario e al corso forzato negli Stati Uniti di America, in Russia, nell' impero Austro-Ungarico, e in Francia. Parte l a . Stati Uniti e Russia. 173 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 — Appunti relativi alia Statistica della propriety fondiaria e del debito ipotecario. 8 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 — Statistica ed Blenco Generale degli Istituti di Credito e delle Societa per Azioni nazionali ed Estere esistenti nel Regno al 31 Dicembre, 1876. 167 pp., 8vo. ib., 1877 — Notizie intorno alia Circolazione fiduciaria illegittima fino a luglio, 1876. xvi + 73 pp., 8vo. ib., 1877 — Statistica finanziaria, 1876. Prospetti e tavole graficbe. 128 pp., maps and diagrams, obi. fol. ib., 1877 A. Tesoro e debito pubblico B. Tasse indirette C. Imposte dirette D. Imposte dirette ed indirette E. Patrimonio dello Stato F. Prospetti diversi — » Studi di Legislazione e Statistica comparata sulla propriety in Europa. I. Gran Bretagna. 51 pp., 8vo. ib., 1877 — Relazione sull' andamento del Consorzio e dei sei Istituti d'emissione cbe lo compongono durante 1875-77. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1877-78 — Esposizione finanziaria fatta dal Ministro delle finanze, 3 guigno, 1878. 142 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Debiti comunali e provinciali, 1873, 1877. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1875-79 — Statistica dei Pensionati dello Stato, 1868-78. 252 pp., 8vo. ib., 1879 — Debiti provinciali, 1878. xiii + 15 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 — Statistica dei Debiti comunali, 1879. xxxiv + 153 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 — Prowedimenti per l'abolizione del corso forzoso. 118 + 67 pp., 4to. ib., 1880 — Dei Criteri matematici per formare Tavole di coefficienti di pensione a fondo perduto e ricuperabile per le Casse-pension operaie. 26 pp., diagram, 8vo. ib., 1880 — Bilanci comunali, 1869-72. 10 vols., 4to. Firenze, 1870-82 — Bilanci provinciali, 1870-81. 9 vols., 4to. and 8vo. Milano, 1871-82 — Statistica delle Banche Popolari. Situazione delle Banche alia fine del 1880, e movimento degli affari durante l'anno sterro. 6 -|- cxliii + 168 pp., la. 8vo. Roma, 1882 — Riordinamento dell' imposta fondiaria. 67 pp., 4to. ib., 1882 — Statistica della Finanza Italiana Estratto . . . della Relazione Annuale pel 1879, presentata dal Ragionere generale dello Stato . . . 1881. 91 pp., diagram, 4to. ib., 1882 — Statistica Finanziaria, Estratto dalla Nona Relazione (Anno 1880) della Ragioneria Generale dello Stato. 81 pp., 4to. ib., 1882 IT 237 Italy. Official Publications— Contd. — Finances — Contd. — Disegno di Legge sulle Pensioni degli impiegati civili e militari e sulla costituzione della cassa pensioni. 2 vols., diagrams, 4to. Roma, 1882 — Statistica degli impiegati civili e dei militari in attivita di servizio, 1881 . . . Censimento dei pensionati dallo Stato viventi al 31 dicembre, 1881. 243 pp., 4to. ib., 1882 — Bollettino bimestrale delle situazioni dei Conti 8vo. ib., 1877-83 1. Delle Banche popolari I 3. Delle Societa e Istituti di creclito agrario 2. Delle Societa di credito ordinario | 4. Degli Istituti di credito fondiario — Bollettino mensile delle situazioni dei Conti degli Istituti d'emissione, 1876-83. 8vo. ib., 1877-83 — Industry and Commerce. Del Commercio italiano anteriore e posteriore al nostro rinnovamento politico. 61 pp., 8vo. [Torino, 1862] — La Coltivazione del Cotone in Italia. Nos. 1 — 17. 17 nos., 8vo. ib., 1863 — Saggio sul Commercio esterno terrestre e marittimo del Regno d'ltalia, 1862-63. vi + 287 pp., fol. Firenze, 1865 — Societa commerciali e industriali, 1865. xv 4- 51 pp., fol. ib., 1866 — II Sindacato governativo le Societa commerciali e gli Istituti di credito nel Regno d'ltalia. 215 pp., 8vo. ib., 1867 — L'ltalie economique en 1867, avec un apercu des industries italiennes a l'Exposition universelle de Paris. 295 pp., 8vo. Florence, 1867 — Industria Mineraria. Relazioni degl' Ingegneri del Real Corpo delle Minere. 453 + 2 pp., la. 8vo. Firenze, 1868 — Notizie statistiche sulla Industria mineraria in Italia, 1865. lxxviii + 95 pp., fol. Milano, 1868 — Congresso delle Camere di Commercio. Seconda sessione. Atti ufficiali. 206 pp., 8vo. Prato, 1869 — Statistica del Regno d'ltalia. Industria Manifattrice. Trattura Hella Seta, 1863-68. 5 vols., 8vo. Torino, 1864-70 — L'ltalia economica nel 1873 ; seconda edizione, riveduta ed ampliata. 2 vols., maps and diagrams, 8vo. Roma, 1874 — Atti del Comitato d'incbiesta industriale. Commerci ed Industrie dell' Italia all' estero. Sommario dei rapporti dei Consoli. 184 -(- lii pp., 4to. ib., 1874 — Della Navigazione e del Commercio alle Indie Orientali Relazione di Viaggio dell' Avy. Giuseppe Solimbergo. (Annali del Ministero d'Agri- coltura, Industria, e Commercio). 248 pp., 8vo. ib., 1877 — Trattato di commercio concbiuso tra l'ltalia e la Francia il 6 luglio, 1877. 215 pp., 4to. ib., 1877 — Le Lane italiane alia Esposizione di Parigi nel 1878. 43 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — La ceramica a Parigi nel 1878. L'ltalia ceramica di G. Corona. 161 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1880 — Notizie statisticbe sulla Industria mineraria in Italia, 1860-80. 413 pp., maps, &c, 8vo. Torino, 1881 — Movimento della Navigazione italiana nei porti esteri, 1864-78. 9 vols., fol. 4to. and 8vo. ib., 1866-81 — Movimento commerciale del Regno d'ltalia, 1861-82. 21 vols., fol. ib, 1864-83 — Bollettino consolare. Plates, 8vo. Roma, 1865-83 — Movimento della Navigazione nei porti del regno, 1867-82. 4to. and 8vo. ib., 1868-83 238 IT Italy. Official Publications — Contd. — Industry and Commerce — Contd. — Statistica del Commercio speciale di Importazione e di Esportazione, 1877-83. (Monthly). 4to. Roma, 1877-83 — Bollettino di Notizie commercial i, 1879-83. 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1879-83 — Inehiesta parlamentare sulla Marina mercantile (1881-82). 4to. ib., 1882-83 — Sulle condizioni della Marina mercantile italiana al 31 dicembre, 1881. 25 pp., 8vo. ib., 1882-83 — Justice. Statistica delle Case di pena, Carceri giudiziarie, Case di custodia pei minorenni e Istituto pii, 1866-67. cxxxiv + 167 pp., fob Firenze, 1870 — Rivista di discipline carcerari, e Bollettino ufficiale dell Direzione generale delle Carceri. Anno I. Fasc. 6, 7, e 10. 8vo. ib., 1871 — Relazione sulla Contabilita dei proventi delle Cancellerie giudiziarie, 1867-74. 45 pp., 4to. Roma, 1873 — Prospetto riassuntivo delle liste dei Ghirati per distretti e per circoli. 23 pp., 4to. ib., [1874] — Relazione sulle Spese di giustizia nel triennio 1872-74. 115 pp., 4to. ib., 1875 — Affari civili e commerciali, 1870-73. 4 vols., fol. ib., 1873-76 — Notizie statistiche sull' Arresto personale per debiti civili e commerciali nel Regno d'ltalia, 1866-75. xxvi + 63 pp., 4to. ib., 1877 — Mantenimento dei fanciulli illegittimi ed abbandonati. 72 pp., 4to. ib., 1877 — Notizie statisticbe sulle condanne alia Pena di Morte in Italia, 1867-76. 90 pp., 4to. ib., 1878 — Statistica delle Carceri, 1871-76. 6 vols., plates and plans, 8vo. ib., 1873-79 — Notizie e degli affari penali, 1874-76 (in two parts). 4 vols., 8vo. ib., 1875-79 — Statistica Decennale delle Carceri (1870-79). clix + 174 pp., map., 8vo. Civitta Vecchia, 1880 — Disegno di Legge. Disposizioni sul divorzio. 100 pp., 4to. Roma, 1881 — Numero dei Divorzi e Separazioni in Belgio, Olanda, e Fiancia. 27 pp., 8vo. ib., 1881 — Le Separazioni personali di conjugi e i divorzi in Italia e in alcnni altri paesi. 77 pp., 8vo. ib., 1882 — Statistica giudiziaria civile e commerciale per l'Anno 1880. 133 + lxiii + 208 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1883 — Marine. Relazione sulle Condizioni sanitarie dei corpi della Regia Marina, 1873-76, 1877-78. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1877-79 — Population. Censimento del Regno d'ltalia, 1861. Relazione del Ministro di Agricoltura, Indu stria, e Commercio. Ill pp., 8vo. [1863] — Popolazione. Censimento degli anticbi Stati Sardi, 1858, e Censimento di Lombardia, di Parma, e di Modena, 1857-58. La. 4to. Torino, 1864 — Censimento generale, 1861. 3 vols., la. 4to. ib., 1864-66 — Censimento generale, 1861. Popolazione di diritto. 326 pp., la. 8vo. Firenze, 1865 — Censimento generale, 1861. Popolazione. P te . I. 236 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1867 — Decreto e regolamento sulla formazione e tenuta del Registro di popo- lazione, 1865. 27 pp., 8vo. Torino, — Censimento degli Italiani all' Estero (31 dicembre, 1871). cxxxv -f 136 pp., map, la. 8vo. Roma, 1874 — Censimento, 31 die, 1871. 3 vols., map and diagrams, sm. 4to. ib., 1874-76 1. Popolazione presente ed assente per comuni, centri e frazioni di comune 2. ,, per eta, sesso, stato civile ed istruzione 3. „ classificata per profession^ culti e infermita principali IT 239 Italy. Official Publications — ContcJ. — Population— Contd. - — Carte e Diagrammi di Demografia Italiana. 14 sheets. Roma, 1878 — Classificateur des Bulletins pour le recensement de la population. 5 pp., plates, 8vo. ib., 1881 — Statistica della Emigrazione Italiana all' Estero nel 1876-81. Diagrams, la. 8vo. Firenze, 1877-82 — Censimento della Popolazione del Regno d'ltalia (31 dicembre, 1881). viii + 174 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1882 — Censimento della Popolazione . . . 1881. Analfabeti (Bollettinos 3, 7). La. 8vo. ib., 1882-83 — Movimento dello Stato civile, 1864-82. Fol. ib., 1866-83 — Provident Institutions. Sul riconoscimento legale delle Societa di mutuo soccorso. 56 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1876 — Bollettino bimestrale delle situazioni dei Conti e del Movimento dei Depositi delle Casse di risparmio, 1876. 6 parts, 8vo. ib., 1876 — - Istituti di Previdenza. Statistica delle Casse di risparmio, 1864-76. 8 vols., fol., 4to. and 8vo. ib., 1867-77 — Commissione consultiva per gli Istituti di previdenza e sul lavoro. Relazione e progetto di legge sul riconoscimento delle Societa di mutuo soccorso. 23 pp., 8vo. ib., 1877 — Statistica della Morbosita ossia frequenza e durata delle malattie presso i soci della Societa di mutuo soccorso, lxxx pp., 8vo. ib., 1879 — Statistica delle Societa di Mutuo Soccorso, 1862, 1873, 1878. Fol. ib., 1864-80 — Movimento dei Depositi a Risparmio presso le Casse di Risparmio e presso altri Istituti di credito in Italia confrontati con alcuni altri fattori dell' economia nazionale, 1825-75. Sheet, diagrams, ib., 1880 — Statistica delle Banche popolari, 1880, cxliii -f- 168 pp., 8vo. ib., 1882 — Bollettino bimestrale del risparmio. 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1877-83 — Bollettino di Notizie sul Credito e la Previdenza. (From commence- ment.) La. 8vo. ib., 1883 — Disegno di Legge . . ., feb., 1883, per la fondazione di unaCassa Nazionale di assicurazione per gli infortuni degli operai sul lavoro. 39 pp., 4to. [1883] — Disegno di Legge . . ., feb., 1883, Disposizioni intorno alia responsabilita civile dei Padroni, Imprenditori e altri Committenti peri casi d' infortunio. 21 pp., 4to. [1883] — Public Health. II Cholera-morbus nel 1865. xxiii + lllpp.,fol. Firenze, 1867 — II Cholera-morbus nel 1866 e 1867. xix + 71 pp., 4to. ib., 1870 — Morti violente, 1866-70. 4 vols., la. 4to. and sm. fol. ib., &c, 1868-71 — Bonificamento delle regioni di malaria lungo le ferrovie d'ltalia. 178 pp., 4to. [Roma, 1880] — Statistica delle Cause delle Morti avvenute in 281 comuni, capolughi di Provincia, di Circondario o di Distretto. Anno 1881. xlv + 127 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1882 — Public Relief. Gli Asili infantili nel 1869. xv + 39 pp., 4to. Firenze, 1870 — Le Opere pie nel 1867. Compartimento del Veneto. 97 pp., fol. ib., 1870 — Le Opera pie nel 1861 6 vols., fol. ib., 1868-73 Compartimento della Campania Compartimento della Sicilia „ della Liguria „ della Toscana „ del Piemonte Compartimenti dell' Umbria e delle Marche — Riforma della legge sulle istituzioni di beneficenza. 220 pp., 4to. [Roma, 1877] — Disposizioni intorno ai manicomi e ai mentecatti. 32 pp., 4to. ib., 1877 — Public Works. Rendiconto dell' esercizio per le Strade ferrate dell' anno 1862, e per i Telegrafi del 1863. 80 pp., fol. Torino, 1864 240 IT Italy. Official Publications — Contcl. — Public Works — Contd. — Relazione sulle Strade comunali obbligatorie, 1874. 483 pp., 4to. Roma, 1875 — Sul Riscatto ed esercizio delle ferrovie italiane. 60 pp., 8vo. [ib., 1876] — Lo Stato e le ferrovie. 158 pp., 8vo. [ib., 1876] — Convenzioni colle Societa delle ferrovie Romane Meridionali e dell' Alta Italia pel riscatto delle reti appartenenti a ciascuna Societa. Trattato col Governo Austro-Ungarico per la separazione delle reti di strade ferrate austriaehe dalle reti italiane. 71 pp., 4to. ib., 1876 — Relazione generale sui cenni monografici dei Singoii Servizi dipendenti dal Ministero dei Lavori pubblici 12 vols., la. fol. ib., 1878 1. Relazione generale 2. Strade ordinarie (nazionali e provinciali) sussidiate 3. Strade ordinare (provinciali e comunali) 4. Strade ferrate 5. Fiumi 6. Navigazione interna 7. Consorzi idraulici 8. Bonificazioni 9. Porti 10. Edilita 11. Poste 12. Telegrafi — Relazione sui Servizi idraulici pel biennio 1877-78. lxvii + 237pp., 4to. ib., 1880 • — Relazione sul Servizio postale in Italia, 1865-80. 4 vols., 4to. ib., 1866-81 — Atti della Commissione d'inchiesta sull' esercizio delle ferrovie italiane. 7 vols., 4to. Torino, 1881 — Relazione statistica sui Telegrafi del Regno d'ltalia, 1862-81. 18 vols., 4to. Roma, 1864-82 — Relazione statistica sulle costruzioni e sull' esercizio delle Strade ferrate italiane, 1872-81. 6 vols., maps and plates, 4to. ib., 1873-82 — Territory. Estensione territoriale e popolazione delle provincie e dei circondari del Regno d' Italia. 40 pp., 8vo. Torino, 1863 — Circolare e norme per le Osservazioni meteoriche. 20 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 — Acque minerali, 1868. xxx + 175 pp., 4to. Firenze, 1869 — Meteorologia italiana, Supplemento, 1874-76. 9 parts, diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1874-76 — Meteorologia italiana. Bollettino mensile, 1873-77. 5 vols., 8vo. Roma, 1873-77 < — Meteorologia italiana. Bollettino decadico, 1876-77. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1876-77 — Bollettino idrografico. Fasc. xi, Anno 1878. Tavole. La. fol. ib., 1878 - — Carte topografiche, idrografiche, e geologiche. Annesse alia Monografia statistica della Citta di Roma e Campagna Romana, presentata all' Esposizione universale di Parigi, 1878. 12 sheets, la. fol. ib., 1878 — War. Relazione sulle Leve eseguite in Italia dalle annessioni delle varie provincie al 30 Set., 1863. 497 + clxv pp., 4to. Torino, 1864 — Notizie sulla Statistica Sanitaria dell' Esercito nel triennio 1871-73. 151 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1876 — Mortality dell' esercito italiano. Studi di statistica sanitaria e di geografia medica. 40 pp., mnps, 8vo. ib., 1877 — Monografia statistica sul servizio delle Sussistenze militari durante l'anno 1877. 521 pp., 4to. ib., 1880 — Relazione medico-statistica sulle condizioni sanitarie dell' esercito italiano, 1874-78. 5 vols., diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1876-81 — Del servizio del Vestiario e del Corredo militare, 1878. 213 pp., 4to. ib., 1881 — Atlante Statistico del Rego d'ltalia. Diagrammi di Demografia Italiana. Statura dei Conscritti, Tavola 1. Regno, Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia „ 2. Regno, Veneto, Emilia, Toscana, Marche, e Umbria „ „ 3. Regno, Provincia di Roma, Napoletano, Sicilia, Sardegna „ „ 4. Curve del Regno, della Sardegna, e del Veneto disegnate sui dati greggi e sui dati pareggiati Mortality per Eta, „ 1. Regno Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia, Toscana M „ 2. Regno, Marche, Umbria, Roma, Napoletano, Sicilia, Sardegna Diagrams, &c, obi. la. fol. ib., 1882 IT 241 Italy. Official Publications — Conld. — War — Contd. — Relazione delle Leva sui giovanni nati nei anni 1854-61, e delle vicende del r. esercito, 1874-75—1881-82. 7 vols., 4to. Roma, 1876-83 — Miscellaneous. Relazione al Ministro d'Agricoltura, Industria, e Commercio, dei regii Commissarii generali del Regno d' Italia presso 1' Esposizione internazionale del 1862. 29 pp., 8vo. 1862 — Relazione e decreti sulla Giunta superiore ordinatrice della sesta sessione del Congresso internazionale di Statistica. 11 pp., 8vo. Firenze, 1866 — Relazioni dei Giurati italiani sulla Esposizione universale di Vienna del 1873. Fasc. 1, 2, 5—19. 17 parts, 8vo. Milano, 1875 — Esposizione universale del 1878 in Parigi. Sezione italiana. Catalog© generale. lxxxviii + 379 pp., 8vo. Roma, 1878 • — Catalogo dei Lavqri monografici e delle Oggetti inviati all' Esposizione universale di Parigi, 1878. 125 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Esposizione universale del 1878 in Parigi. Sezione italiana. Elenco dei Giurati e dei Premiati. 96 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Le ammiiristrazioni dei pesi e delle misure, dei misuratori del gas, e del saggio dell' oro e dell' argento, 1872-76. xlvii + 171 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Exposizione internazionale di Pesca in Berlino, 1880. Sezione italiana, Catalogo . . . delle cose esposte. cxxxvi + 221 pp., 8vo. Firenze, 1880 — - Statistica grafica. 30 pp., diagrams, 8vo. Roma, 1880 — - Statistique graphique. 31 pp., diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1880 — Saggio Statistico dell' Italia, con Supplemento, del Conte L. Serristori : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3. 8vo. 1833-34 — Statistica dell' Italia (Sardegna, Monaco, Corsica, Parma, Modena e Lucca, San Marino, Toscana, Stati Pontificj e le due Sicilie. Com- mercio dell' Italia con alcune delle Principali Nazioni, Un' Appendice) : * Conte L. Serristori. 4to. 1839 — Diario e atti del decimo Congresso degli Scienziati italiani tenuto l'anno 1862 in Siena. 2 vols., 4to. Siena, 1862-64 — [Tavole graficbe dei prezzi di varii prodotti agrari e dei salari in Italia ed all' estero (1600-1876)] 24 sheets. Roma, [cir. 1876] 15. Prezzi dei Cereali e del Vino in Milano, 1700-1874 Prezzi in Milano, 1739-1874 1 e 2. Prezzi del Frumento gentile, 1867-75 a. Prezzi del Frumento gentile, 1862-75 4 e 5. Prezzi del Granturco, 1867-75 6. Prezzi del Granturco, 1862-75 7. „ del Riso, 1862-75 ; Movimento dei Salari in Italia, 1862-73 8. „ dell Olio d' Oliva, 1862-75 9. „ delle Cami di Manzo e di Agnello, 1871-75 10. „ della Legna da Fuoco, 1867-75 11. ,, del Vino, 1862-75 12. „ del Fieno e della Paglia, 1867-75 13. Movimento dei Salari in Italia, 1862-73 ; Prezzi e Salari all' estero 14. Movimento dei Salari dei Muratori e degli operai addetti ai Trasporti di Terra, 1862-73 16. „ in Eovigo, 1770-1872; Movimento dei prezzi del Frumento in Rovigo, Udine, Milano, e Ferrara 17. „ in Ferrara, 1786-1873 18. „ dei Cereali e del Vino in Udine, 1600-1875 ; Prezzo del Frumento all' estero, 1600-1799 19. „ di Cereali e Carni, all' estero, 1800-75 20. „ di Cereali, Carni ed altri Comestibili all' estero, 1800-74 21. Salari all' estero, 1801-75 22 e 23. (Wanting) 24. Aggio dell' Oro in Italia, Corso della Ren- dita consolidata italiana, f rancese e inglese, Valore dell' Argento in confronto all' Oro, 1799-1876 . . . — Critica e Riforma del methodo in antropologia fondate sulle leggi statisticbe e biologicbe dei valori seriali, e sail' esperimento per il prof. Enrico Morselli. 178 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 — Elementi per una Bibliografia italiana intorno all' idrofauna agli alleva- menti degli animali acquatici e alia pesca. viii + 170 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 R 242 IT— IV Italy. Official Publications — Contd. — Rome. Resoconto statistico degli infermi curati l'anno 1864 negli Ospedali di Roma. Anno I. xxvii + 119 pp., fol. Roma, 1865 — Stato delle anime dell' Alma eitta di Roma, 1867. 29 pp., fol. ib., [cir. 1868] — Comune di Roma. Relatione sul movimento dello Stato civile nel triennio 1875-77, con alcnne altre notizie statistiche. 133 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Ferrara. Statistica della provincia di Ferrara. cc+302pp.,8vo. Ferrara, 1875 — Florence. Bollettino officiale della Giunta di statistica del mnnicipio di Firenze. Anno I. 9 parts. 4to. Firenze, 1868 — Rassegna settimanale del movimento della popolazione e dello stato civile del comane di Firenze, 1874-76. 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1874-76 — Leghorn. Livorno ed i snoi traffici, del Conte L. Serristori : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3. 8vo. 1839 — Milan. Camera di Commercio ed Arti in Milano. Relazione snl Raccolto Bozzoli in Italia nel 1878. 8 pp., 4to. [1878] — Societa Italiana d'Igiene. Giornale della, Diagrams, 8vo. Milano, 1879-82 — Naples. Relazione sul Censimento di Napoli per l'Anno 1871. 83 pp., la. 8vo. Napoli, 1876 — Pubblicazioni dell' Ufficio Statistico della Citta' di Napoli. Popolazione calcolata 1878. Sheet, folded, la. 8vo. ib., 1879 — Palermo. Statistica della citta, di Palermo. 2 vols., 8vo. Palermo, 1865-72 Censimento della popolazione, 1861 MoTimento della popolazione, 1862-64 — Camera di commercio et arti di — . Sulla condizione economica della provincia, 1860-63. Prospetto statistico presentato al Governo dalla— . 24 pp., 8vo. ib., 1864 — Turin. Statistica del movimento della popolazione di Torino, 1863. 44 pp., 4to. Torino, 1864 — Sulla Esposizione agraria di Torino nell'anno 1864, Relazione. 126 pp., 8vo. ib., 1864 — Statistica medica di Torino, 1864. 87 pp., 4to. ib., 1865 — Rendiconto Statistico dell' Uffizio d'Igiene, 1873-76. 4 vols., sm. fol. ib., 1875-78 — Tariffa dei Medicinali seguita da un Breve Formolario pei servizi Sanitari Municipali di Torino. Approvata dalla Giunta Municipale . . . 1881 . . . 75 pp., 4to. ib., 1881 — Udine. Accademia Udinese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Annuario Statistico per la Provincia di — . Anni I e III. 2 vols., 8vo. Udine, 1876-81 — Venetia. Monografie degli Istituti di previdenza, di cooperazione, e di credito, della industria e del commercio nella provincia di Venezia. vi + 134 pp. 4to. Venezia, 1870 — Venice. Studi e Proposte per la Sistemazione del Servizio Sanitario e di Soccorsi Medici a Domicilio nella Citta di Venezia. 383 + cccc + 2 pp., la. 4to. ib., 1881 — Riforma dell' Ufficio Sanitario Municipale e del Servizio Medico di Circondario Relazione della Giunta Municipale [con Regolamento pei Medici- Chirurghi di Circondario]. 22 pp., sm. fol. ib., 1882 Ivens (Roberto). Expedicao scientifica ao interior de Africa. Observacoes meteorologicas e magneticas feitas pelos exploradores portoguezes Hermenegildo de B. Capello e — : * (Soc. de Geographic/, de Luboa) . Fol. 1879 Ivernois (Sir Francis d'). Sur la Mortalite proportionnelle des populations normandes, comme mesure de leur aisance et de leur civilisation : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1833 — De la Fecondite et de la Mortalite proportionnelles des peoples : Id., S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. 1836 J A 243 J. ["J.]. Zur heilkundigen Statistik der Insel Portorico. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1831 Jack (G.). Essai sur l'origine, les progres et les resultats des " Industrial schools " en Angleterre et en Ecosse : * Internat. Prison Congress, StocJch., 1878. 8vo. 1879 Jack (William). The Results of Five Years of Compulsory Education : * Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8vo. 1876 Jackson (Benjamin D.). Guide to the Literature of Botany : •Index Soc, No. 8. Sm. 4to. 1880 — Literature of Vegetable Technology : Id., No. 11. Sm. 4to. 1882 Jackson (H. Kains-). Graphic Agricultural Survey of the World. Sheet. 1881 Jacob (William). An Inquiry into the Causes of Agricultural Distress : *Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 — Historical Inquiry into the Production and Consumption of the Precious Metals. 2 vols., 8vo. 1831 Another copy. • — Observations and Suggestions respecting the collection, concentration, and diffusion of Statistical Knowledge regarding the State of the Nation : * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-35 Jahnson (J.). La statistique comme l'objet de l'enseignement primaire, secondaire, et superieur : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Jahrbiicher der Gefangnisskunde. VII Band : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. [1846] Jakschitsch (Vladimir). Statistik von Serbien : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 — Statistique de Serbie : Id. 4to. 1867-68 — Sur la statistique officielle en Serbie : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Jakshizh (Wladimir). Note sur la statistique de Serbie : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Jamaica. The Importance of — , to Great Britain consider'd, with some account of that Island from its Discovery in 1492. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 16. 8vo. [cir. 1738] — Census of, and its Dependencies. Taken on the 4th April, 1881. 32 pp., sm. fol. Kingston, 1882 — Annual Reports of the Registrar- General on the Births, Deaths, and Marriages registered in Jamaica, 1878-82. Fol. ib., 1880-83 James (Col. Sir H.). Abstract of Lecture upon Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 James (Henry). Essay on the Currency ; or, the Alterations in the Value of Money, the Great Cause of the Distressed State of the Country . . . 1820: *Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 James (James H.) : — Modern Assurance Companies vindicated ; : Redemption of Mortgages in Building a Review of the Controversy, and of the Societies. The Judgment considered in Report of the Select Committee : the suit of Fleming v. Self : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 5. 8vo. [cir. 1853] On the Right and Cost of Redeeming Property Mortgaged to Benefit Building Societies and Freehold Land Societies. 132 pp., 12mo. 1854 * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 32. 8vo. 1855 What should be the Price of Bread, and How can it be Regulated ? i Id., S. 5, vols. 29 and 32. 8vo. 1855 r2 244 JA James (James H.) — Contd. An Inquiry into the Necrology, History, Heraldry, and Epitaphian Inscriptions of the Parishes of Coity, Laleston, Merthyr Mawr, Newcastle, Oldcastle, and St. Bride Minor, in the County of Gla- morgan ; to which are added the Vital Statistics of the Peers of Parliament of United Kingdom : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1860 Some Account of the Parish Churches of Abbey-Dore, Kilpeck, Allensmore, and Holmer ; with notes of the Heraldry; Epitaphs, and Mortality. Illustrations : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. [cir. 1867] Practical Treatise on Life and Fire Assur- ance ; Annuities and Reversionary Sums and Leases for Terms and for Lives. 400 pp., 8vo. 1868 James (William). The Naval History of Great Britain, from the Declaration of War by France in 1793, to the Accession of George IV. A New Edition with Additions and Notes ... 6 vols., 12mo. 1859 Jamieson (Robert). Political Economy for Business People. 310 pp., 12mo. 1880 Janicon (Francois M.). Etat present de la Republique des Provinces Unies, et des pais qui en dependent. Tome second. xxxvii + 1 + 536 pp., plate, 12mo. La Haye, 1730 Jansen (C. H. C. F.). Statistisches Handbuch des Konigreichs Hannover. 1 vol., 8vo. Hannover, 1824 Janson (F. H.). Statistics of Legislation : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 36. 8vo. 1873 — Some Statistics of the Courts of Justice and of Legal Procedure in England : la., vol. 37. 8vo. 1874 Janssen (J.). Notice sur la constitution du soleil d'apres les travaux executes a l'Observatoire de Meudon. (Supplement a TAnnuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, 1879). Janssens (E.) : — Sur l'etablissement d'une statistique period- ique de Tetat sanitaire des collectivites urbaines : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4'to. 1876-78 De l'inspection hygienique et medicale dans les ecoles. 31 pp., 8vo. Brux., 1880 62 pp., plates, 8vo. Paris, [cir. 1879] Prophylaxie administrative contre la propa- gation des maladies contagieuses, et specialement de la variole. 24 pp., 8vo. Brux., 1880 Ville de Bruxelles, Annuaire demographique et tableaux statistiques des causes de deces, 1879-81 : Brussels (Annuair'e demog.) . Plans and diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1880-82 Japan. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically). — Population. Births and Deaths, Sexes, Ages, Castes, Professions. First Report, 1874. [In Japanese], 45 pp., la. 8vo. [cir. 1874] — Criminal Statistics, Army and Navy. Police Administration. Second Report, 1874. [In Japanese]. 89 pp., la 8vo. [cir. 1874] — Police Establishment. Fourth Report, 1876. [In Japanese]. 46 pp., la. 8vo. [cir. 1876] — Penal Servitude of Tokei. First Report, 1876-77. [In Japanese]. 24 pp., la. 8vo. [cir. 1877] ►— Foreign Commerce. Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Reports, 1876-78. [In Japanese]. La. 8vo. [c.V. 1876-78] — Imperial Meteorological Observatory, Tokei. [Meteorological Observations and Calculations]. 1875-78. Sheets, folded, [cir. 1878] — Statistical Tables of Births, Marriages, Deaths, &c, in Japan during certain periods for each item, exhibited at the Second National Industrial Exhibition by the Sanitary Bureau (Yeisei-Kioku), and translated into English and published by the Bureau. 15 pp., 4to. Tokio, 1881 — Third Annual Report of the Central Sanitary Bureau of the Home Department of the Imperial Japanese Government for the period 1877-78. 71 pp., 8vo. ib., 1881 JA-JE 245 Japan. Official Publications — Contd — Tokio. Statistical Society in, First and Second Issues, 1881. Jarvis (Edward) : — On Insanity and Insane Asylums ; * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 1. 8vo. 1841 What shall we do with the Insane of the Western Country [of the U.S.A.] ?\ Id., Miscell., vol. 1. 8vo. 1842 Insanity among the Coloured Population of the Free States : Id., Miscell., vol. 1. 8vo. [1842] On the Comparative Liability of Males and Females to Insanity : Id., Miscell., vol. 1. 8vo. 1850 On the Supposed Increase of Insanity : Id., Miscell., vol. 1. 8vo. [cir. 1850] Causes of Insanity : Id., Miscell., vol. 1. 8vo. 1851 [Statistics of Insanity]. 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1850 : 55 Eeports on Insanity and Idiocy in Massachusetts, by the Commission on Lunacy. 1855 Causes of Insanity, an Address. 1851. Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Charitable Institutions. 1851 On the Comparative Liability of Males and Females to Insanity, and their Comparative Curability and Mortahty when Insane. Utica, 1850 Insanity among the Coloured Popu- lation of the Free States, [cir. 1850] Journal of the- [in Japanese] . La. 8vo. [cir. 1881] Influence of Distance from, and Proximity to, an Insane Hospital, on its Use by any People. 1850 Relation of Poverty to Insanity and Idiocy : * E. Howe. 8vo. 1858 Comparative Liability of Males and Females to various kinds of Crime : * Cone/res Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Vital Statistics of United States : Id. 4to. 1860-61 Suggestions for further Inquiry as to Vital Statistics in the Census Enumerations : Id. 4to. 1860-61 Proportion and Numbers of the Population of the United States constantly Sick and Disabled. (Appendix A to Report of 1869) : * U.S.A. {Revenue Special Commiss.). 8vo. 1866-69 History of the Progress of the Population of the United States of North America : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Expose historique des progres de la popula- tion des Etats Unis de l'Amerique du Nord : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 History of the Progress of Population of the United States, 1790-1870 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1877 Jaubert (L'Abbej. Dictionnaire raisonne universel des arts et metiers, contenant l'histoire, la description, la police des fabriques et manufac- tures de France et des pays etrangers . . . [avec un] vocabulaire technique, ou dictionnaire raisonne de tous les termes usites dans les arts et metiers . . . New edit. 5 vols., 8vo. Lyon, 1801 Jauffret (P.). Engrais Jauffret, suivant une methode qui enseigne a faire de l'engrais a volonte : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1837 — Engrais de Jauffret. Extrait des Registres des Proces-Verbaux des Seances du Comite d'Agriculture de Lorient : Id., S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1837 Jay (John). Statistical View of American Agriculture, its Home Resources and Foreign Markets : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 32. 8vo. 1859 [Jeans (J. S.)]. The Iron, Steel, and allied Trades, 1878-82. Annual Reports : Brit. Iron Trade Assocn. 8vo. 1879-83 Jee (Rev. Thomas). Practical Observations on the Management of the Poor, and the Laws relating to them : * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Jelinek (C). Meteorologische Beobachtungen an Curorten : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Jellicoe (Charles): — On the Methods pursued in valuing the Risks of Life Assurance Companies : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1849-50 On the Proper Allowance to be made for the Surrender of Policies of Assurance : Id., S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1851 On the Rates of Premium to be charged for Assurances on the Lives of Military Officers serving in Bengal : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1851 The Bank of England, its Present Con- stitution and Operations : *Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 19. 8vo. 1856 Jemison (Rev. W. H.). Utility of Standing Armies as a means of Defence in an advanced state of Civilization : * Stat. 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 Some Remarks on the Desirability of Simul- taneous and Identical Legislation for England and Ireland : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878 Irish Statute Law Reform : * Stat., Sec, Soc., Irel. 8to. 1876-79 Suggestions for the Irish Census : Id. 8to. 1880-82 246 JE Jemison (Rev. W. H.). The Remedies proposed for Disputes about Wages : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1881 Jemmett (H.). On the Injustice and Impolicy of Arrest for Debt : *Pamph., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 Jenkins (Edward). The Medical and Legal Aspects of Sanitary Reform. By—, and Alex. P. Stewart : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 3. 8vo. 1867 Jenkins (H. M.). Some comparative results of Large and Small Farm Systems in providing Food for the People ; with an Analysis of the Agricultural Statistics of Belgium (reprinted for private circulation) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1872 — Some comparative returns of Large and Small Farm Systems in pro- viding Food for the People. (Adjourned discussion). The Tenant- Right Bill, as prepared by J. Howard and S. Read : Id., S. 6, vol. 42. 8vo. 1873 Jennings (John). A New System of Money ; or, suggestions for a Currency based upon the discovery of a True Measure of Value, and a sure Principle of Issue : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1881 Jennings (Richard). Natural Elements of Political Economy. 275 pp., 8vo. 1855 — Social Delusions concerning Wealth and Want. 241 pp., 12mo. 1856 Jephson (Henry L.) : — The Valuation of Property in Ireland : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1876 Another copy : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1876 Irish Railwav Reform : * Stat., Sec, Soc., Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 Jerdan (W.). Illustrations of the plan of a National Association for the En- couragement and Protection of Authors : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 13. 8vo. 1839 Jervis (T. B.). Contributions to the Statistics of Western India, from a Memoir of the Konkun : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 8vo. 1830 Jessop (Wm, H. R.). Complete Decimal System of Money and Measures : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 27. 12mo. 1855-56 Jesuits. A Brief Account of the, with Historical Proofs in support of it, tending to establish the danger of the revival of that Order to the World at large, and to the United Kingdom in particular. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Jeula (Henry). A few Statistics relating to Shipping Casualties [in the Mercantile Navy] 1856-62 : * Stat. Soc. (J2.J, vol. 27. 8vo. 1864 — Some Statistics relating to the Traffic through the Suez Canal to Merchant Vessels touching at St. Helena, and to Losses Posted on " Lloyd's Loss Book": Id., vol. 35. 8vo. 1872 — The Mercantile Navies of the World in the Years 1870 and 1874, compared : Id., vol. 38. 8vo. 1875 Jevons (W. Stanley). Diagram shewing all the Weekly Accounts of the Bank of England, since the passing of the Bank Act of 1844. Diagram, mounted. 1844-62 — Notice of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1862 — The Study of Periodic Commercial Fluctuations : Id. 8vo. 1862 _A. serious Fall in the Value of Gold, ascertained, and its Social Effects set forth. 73 pp., diagrams, 8vo. 1863 — The Coal Question ; an Inquiry concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the probable Exhaustion of our Coal Mines. 349 pp., diagram, 8vo. 1865 Another copy. JE-JO 247 Jevons (W. Stanley). On the Variation of Prices, and the Value of the Currency since 1782 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 28. 8vo. 1865 — On the frequent Autumnal Pressure in the Money Market, and the action of the Bank of England : Id., vol. 29. 8vo. 1866 — Analogy between ike Post Office, Telegraphs, and other systems of con- veyance as regards Government control : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1866-67 — International Monetary Convention, and the Introduction of an Inter- national Currency into this Kingdom : Id. 8vo. 1867-68 — Condition of the Metallic Currency of the U. Kingdom, with reference to the Question of International Coinage: * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 31. 8vo. 1868 — Inaugural Address as President, on the Work of the Manchester Statis- tical Society in connection with the Questions of the Day : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1869-70 — Address on Political Economy: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1870 — The Theory of Political Economy. xvi + 267 pp., 8vo. 1871 — On a National Library : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1873 — Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. 349 pp., 8vo. 1875 Another copy. — The Progress of the Mathematical Theory of Political Economy, with an explanation of the Principles of the Theory: * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1875 Another copy: * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1874-75 — The Progress of the Coal Question: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1875 — United Kingdom Alliance, and its Prospects of Success : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1875-76 — The Silver Question, by — , and B. F. Nourse : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 39. 8vo. 1877 — The Periodicity of Commercial Crises, and its Physical Explanation : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878 Another copy. Enlarged edition: * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1876-97 — Statistical Use of the Arithmometer: * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 41. 8vo. 1878 — Guide to the Study of Political Economy, by Dr. Luigi Cossa. Translated from the second Italian edition with a preface by — : L. Cossa. 12mo. 1880 Jewett (Chas. C). Statistics of American Libraries : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1849 — Smithsonian Reports. Notices of Public Libraries in the United States of America. Printed by order of Congress as an Appendix to the Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution : * Smithsn. Inst. 8vo. 1851 Jewish Emancipation. Progress of, since 1829. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1848 Jickling (Nicholas). Digested Abridgement of the Laws of the Customs, imposing Prohibitions and Restrictions relative to the Importation and Exportation of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, into and from Great Britain, by R. Frewin and : — R. Frewin. xiv + 629 pp., la. 8vo. 1819 Jinman (G.). Form and Arrangement of the Cloud Bands and Earth Currents. Sheet. [1882] Jobard (J. B. A. M.). Industrie francaise. Rapport sur l'exposition de 1839: * Belgium (Industrie francaise). 8vo. 1841-42 Johns (William). Report upon the Working of the Registration and Marriage Acts during 1837-38 and 1838-39, in the Registration District of Manchester : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 3. 8vo. 1840 Johnson (Andrew). Some Observations on the Recent Supplies of Gold ; with Remarks on Mr. Scheer's Letter to Sir F. Baring. 1852 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 8. 8vo. 1851-53 248 JO Johnson (Cuthbert W.). Paper on the Agricultural Value of Sewer and other Drainage Waters : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 4to. 1849 Johnson (E.). Trade Marks. A Paper read before the Society of Arts, 27th April, 1881 : * Soc. of Arts (Jl.). La. 8vo. 1881 Johnson (G. J.). Statistics of the Benefit Building and Freehold Land Societies of Birmingham: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1865 Johnson (S. W.). Lecture on Agricultural Chemistry : . * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1859 Johnson (W. R.). A Memoir of James Smithson, Esq. : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 21. 8vo. 1881 Johnston (Rev. James). Education in India and the India Commission on Education : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 46. 8vo. 1883 Johnston (Lewis P. C). Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain. By Drs. D. Ignatius Jordan de Asso y del Rio and D. Miguel de Manuel y Rodriguez. 6th edit., 1805. Translated from the Spanish with notes, by — : I. J. de Asso y del Rio. La. 8vo. 1825 Johnston (W. and A. K.). Map of Scotland, Ecclesiastical and Educational, shewing the state of Education in Presbyteries, and the Localities of every Parish Church. Map, mounted. Johnstone ( — ). Speech on Lord Stanhope's Bill for preventing Gold Coin being paid for a greater value than its current value : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 14. 8vo. 1811 Another copy : * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 2. 8vo. 1811 Johnstone (Mrs.). True Tales of the Irish Peasantry, as related by them- selves ; selected by — from the Report of the Poor- Law Commissioners : * Polit. Pamph. Sm. fol. 1836 Johnstone (John). Account of the mode of Draining Land, according to the system of J. Elkington. 3rd edit., plates : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1808 Joint Stock Banking in Ireland. Report of the Committee of the Loyal National Repeal Association appointed to inquire into the state of — . . . : * Currency, $c, vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Joinville (Prince de). Note sur l'etat des Forces navales de la France : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 29. 8vo. 1844 Jones (Charles). Letter to Charles Wood, M.P., on Banks of Issue, in reply to the Doctrine of George Warde Norman, " On Money, and the Means of Economising the Use of it": * Currency, fyc, vol. 1. 8vo. 1802-44 Jones (David). On the Value of Annuities and Reversionary Payments, with numerous tables. 2 vols., 8vo. 1843 Jones (Felix). Vestiges of Assyria 3 sheets, 1852 Sheet 3. Map shewing Vestiges of Assyria, Sheet 1. Ichnographic Sketch of the Remains of Ancient Nineveh, with the enceinte of the Modern Mosul Sheet 2. Map shewing Vestiges of Assyria, the Position and Plan of the Ancient Cities of Nimrud and Selamiyeh including the angle formed by the River Tigris and the Upper Zab; also Ancient Sites in the Vicinity of Nineveh Jones (G. W.). Plan of Universal Penny Railways : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 38. 8vo. 1869 Jones (H. Bence). The Accommodation in St. Pancras Workhouse : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 4. 8vo. 1856 Jones (Harry Longueville). Plan of a University for the Town of Man- chester : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. 1836 Jones (H. MacNaughton). Medical Rasponsibility in the choice of Anaesthetics : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1876 JO 249 Jones (J.). Present Position and Prospects of the British Iron Trade : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1868 Jones (Jenkin). A series of Tables of Annuities and Assurances calculated from a New Rate of Mortality amongst Assured Lives ; with Examples Illustrative of their Construction and Application . . . 1843 : * Life Assurance Essays. 8vo. 1825-52 Jones (Rev. John). Intemperance purely with reference to Liverpool : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1870 Jones (Jos.). Researches, Chemical and Physiological, concerning certain North American Vertebrata : * Smith sn. Contribn., vol. 8. 4to. 1856 — Exploration of the Aboriginal Remains of Tennessee : Id., vol. 22. 4to. 1880 Jones (Rev. Richard). Essay on the Distribution of Wealth, and on the Sources of Taxation, Part I, Rent. New edit. 355 pp., 8vo. 1844 An earlier edition xlix + 329 + 49 pp., 8vo. 1831 — Introductory Lecture on Political Economy, with a Syllabus of Lectures on the Wages of Labour : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 8vo. 1833 — Literary Remains of the late — , consisting of Lectures and Tracts on Political Economy. Edited, with a Prefatory Notice, by the Rev. W. Whewell, D.D. xl + 620 pp., portrait, 8vo. 1859 Another copy. Jones (Sir Willoughby). The Arterial Drainage of Norfolk : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 Joneseo (J.). Travaux statistiques de Roumanie : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 [Jonveaux (Emile)]. Enquete de 1848, sur la crise commerciale. Extraits des enquetes parlementaires anglaises sur les Questions de Banque, de Circulation monetaire, et de Credit ; traduits et publiees par ordre . . . et sous la direction de Coullet et Juglar. [Traduits par — ] : France (Banque). La. 8vo. 1865 Joplin (Thomas) : — Essay on the General Principles and Present Practice of Banking in England and Scotland (with Supplement). 3rd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 8vo. 1822 On the General Principles and Present Practice of Banking in England and Scot- land. 2nd edit. : * Pamph., vol. 24. 8vo. 1824 Essay on the Principles and Present Prac- tice of Banking in England and Scotland. 5th edit. 130 pp., 8vo. 1826 Views on the Subject of Corn and Currency : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 20. 8vo. 1826 Analysis and History of the Currency Question, with an Account of the Origin and Growth of Joint-Stock Banking in England. 339 pp., 8vo. 1832 An Examination of the Report of the Joint Stock Bank Committee, &c, &c. Third edit. To which is added an Account of the late Pressure in the Money Market . . . 3rd edit., 1837 : * Currency, Sec, vol. 8. 8vo. 1837-38 Circular to the Directors and Managers of the Joint Stock Banks ; containing a brief Explanation of the Advantages that would result from the Government adopting as its own the Circulation of all the Banks of Issue . . . : Id., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Jopling (R. T.). Statistics of Suicide : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1849-50 — Vital Statistics. Part 1. On the Rate of Mortality among Persons affeoted with various Diseases : Id., S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. \_cir. 1850] — Sanitary Statistics of the Metropolis : * Stat. Soc. (J7.), vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 — The Statist Magazine of Statistical and Actuarial Information : Statist, No. 1, vol 1. 8vo. 1854 Jordan (D. S.). Contributions to N. American Ichthyology : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 13. 8vo. 1878 — Review of Rafinesque's Memoirs on N. American Fishes : Id., vol. 13. 8vo. 1878 250 JO— JU Jordan (Rev. John). A Parochial History of Eustone, in the County of Oxford. 465 pp., 8vo. 1857 Jordan (Rev. Thomas). Effects of Emigration ; Can it be made a means of Relieving Distress f : * Stat., #*c, Soc., Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 — Decrease of Pauperism, how far the work of the Poor : Id. 8vo. 1857-60 — Present state of the Dwellings of the Poor, chiefly in Dublin : Id. 8vo. 1857-60 Joris (E.). Rapport sur la nomenclature des causes de deces : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Joseph (Archduke). Discours d'inauguration : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Joseph II (Emperor). Letters of — . Translated from the German : *Pamph., vol. 19. 8vo. 1822 Jouannet (P.). Statistique du departement de la Gironde, publiee sous les auspices de M. le prefet et du conseil general. 2 vols, in 1, map and plates, la. 4to. Paris, 1837-43 Jonravsky (D.). Considerations sur le programme des chemins de fer : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Jourdan (Beatrice A.). Essay on the Improvements in Education of Children and Young People during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (Howard Medal Prize Essay, 1879). 89 pp., 12mo. 1880 Jourdan (Francis). The Effect of the Gold Supplies on the Foreign Exchanges between the United Kingdom and Foreign Countries, and on the Price of Silver : *Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 24. 8vo. 1861 Journal des Economistes. Revue de la science economique et de la statistique. l e Serie, vols. 22—37; 2 s Serie, vols. 1 — 48; 3 e Serie, 1—48 ; 4 e Serie, vols. 1—24, 1878-83. La. 8vo. Paris, 1849-83 Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy. Published under the Direction of the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons ; instituted 1787. 1845-67 : Phila. Soc. Plans, &c, 8vo. 1845-67 Joyce (J. G.). The Practicability of employing a Common Notation for Electric Telegraphy : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1866 Joynt (W. Lane). Salmon Fisheries and Fishery Laws of Ireland : *Stat., $•. Vol. 3— Contd. 8. Investigation of the Deaths in the Standard Life Assurance Company [1853] : Christison 9. Letters on the Medical Department of Life Assurance, 1854 : Dobell 10. Laws of Epidemic and Contagious Disease . . . 1854 : Bird 11. Is the Present Competition in Life Assur- ance Companies Advantageous to the Public ? : Brown 12. Defects in the Practice of Life Assurance, and Suggestions for their Remedy, 1849 : Robertson 13. Periodical Savings applied to Provident Purposes, 1852 : Robertson Colonial Life Assurance Company. Report, 1853 Impolicy of Providing for a Family by Life Insurance since [the Gold Discoveries] 1853 : Maclaren 16. Considerations ... in Selection of an Office for Life Assurance, and Extent of Marine Insurance, 1854 : Lance 14 15 Lincoln (Bishop of). 1. 8vo. 1813 Report ; 6. 8vo. 1848 Vol. 3. Babbage on Life Assurance Societies, re- viewed History and Principles of Life Assurance, reviewed De Morgan on Life Assurance, reviewed Statistics of Crime in England and Wales for the years 1842-44 : Neison Illustrations of the Theory and Practice of Assurance, 1848 : Hillman Observations on Odd-Fellow and Friendly Societies, 1851 : Neison Contributions to the History of Insurance . . . with . . . de Wit's Treatise, 1851 : Hen- driks Do. [Supplement], 1852 : Sendriks Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese : * Pamph., vol. Lincoln Lunatic Asylum. State of the — . [Twenty-Fourth together with an Appendix]. Plan : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. Lindley (William). Map of Central Europe, containing all Railways in use, with the Stations ; also those in Progress and Projected. 2 sheets. 1848 Lindsay (Major A. W. C). Report on the Mysore General Census of 1871 [together with Supplement and Appendices] : (Mysore). Map, la. 8vo. 1874-75 Lindsay (W. Lauder). The Obstacles to the Utilization of New Zealand Flax : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1867 Lindsay (W. S.). Our Navigation and Mercantile Marine Laws, considered with a view to their General Revision and Consolidation ; also an Inquiry into the Principal Maritime Institutions. xii + 280 pp., 8vo. 1852 Lingard (Rev. John). Reply to the Observations of the " Edinburgh Review " on the Anglo-Saxon Antiquities : * Pamph, vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Ling§e (A. G. N.). Legislation industrielle, contenant le Code des Prud'- hommes, avec Recueil des Lois, decrets, ordonnances, et arretes concernant la justice industrielle. 2nd edit, xiv + 344 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1855 Lion (H. J.). Extrait d'un article publie dans le " Journal de Commerce de Batavia, Bataviaansch Handelsblad," du 19 Juin, 1869. Sur la statis- tique dans les Indes neerlandaises : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Lipke (Wilhelm). Notion de la Monnaie : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. 1853 List (Frederick). National system of Political Economy. Translated from the German by G. A. Matile ; including the Notes of the French Translation by H. Richelot, with a Preliminary Essay and Notes by S. Colwell. [Translation]. lxxxiv + 497 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1856 Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings of the — . Sessions 1845-83: Liverpool (Literary, 8fc, Soc). Plates, &c, 8vo. 1846-83 — Index to Papers contained in Proceedings . . . Vols. 1 — 25. (Bound with vol. 26) : ' Id. 8vo. 1871 Literary Fund. (Royal) Summary of Facts from the Records of the Society, in Answer to the ' Case of the Reformers of the — , as stated by C. W. Dilke, C. Dickens, and J. Forster.' Together with a Report of the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, 1858 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 8. 8vo. 1858 270 LI— LO Littlemore Asylum. Superintendent's Report, 1849 ! * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 6. 8vo. [1849] Littleton (Thos.). The Health of Plymouth : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1877 Liturgy. The Exclusion of the Queen from the — , Historically and Legally considered. By a Barrister. [Anon.]. 4th edit. : *Pamph, vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 Liverpool (Earl of). Remarks on Paper Currency ; from a Treatise on the Coins of the Realm, 1805 : * Overstone Colin., vol. 3. 8vo. 1857 — Speech on the Report of the Bank Committee : *Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 — A Treatise on the Coins of the Realm, in a Letter to the King [dated May 7th, 1805, together with an Appendix containing an Account of the Relative Values of Gold to Silver among the Ancient Persians, Grecians, and Romans]. New edit. 295 pp., 8vo. 1880 Two other copies. Liverpool. Watch Committee for the Borough of, Report on the Police Establishment and the State of Crime, with Tabular Returns, 1838-41. 4 vols., fol. Liverpool, 1839-42 — Borough Prison. Chaplain's Annual Report : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1843 Liverpool Financial Reform Association. The Cost of the Customs and Excise Duties : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 6. 8vo. [1852] Liverpool. Incorporated Chamber of Commerce of, Report of the Special Committee on the State of Trade in connection with the Discrediting of Silver as Money. 20 pp., 8vo. Liverpool, 1879 Liverpool. Literary and Philosophical Society of—. Proceedings. Sessions 1845-83. Vols. 2—34. Plates, 8vo. 1846-83 — Index to Papers contained in Proceedings . . . Vols. 1 — 25. (Bound with vol. 26). 28 pp., 8vo. Liverpool, 1871 Liverpool Statistical Society. Proceedings of the — , 1838. Part 1, vol. 1 : * Stat. Soc. Rep., 8fc. 8vo. 1835-41 Ljungberg (C. E.). Forsok till Allman Statistik, eller Statistisk ofversigt af alia staters makt och hjelpkallor f orfatt-ningar och kulturforhallanden. xxxvi + 364 pp., 8vo. Orebro, 1851 Llandaff (William, Bishop of). Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Llandaff ... in 1821 : * Pamph., vol. 19. 8vo. 1822 Lloyd (Sampson S.). Minister of Commerce and Agriculture. Debate in the House of Commons, July, 1879 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1879 Lloyd's. Analvses of Wrecks and Casualties reported in " Lloyd's List," during the Years 1866-71. 6 nos. in 1 vol. 4to. 1867-72 Lobscheid (Rev. W.). English and Chinese Dictionary, with the Punti and Mandarin Pronunciation. Part I. 2013 pp., sm. fol. Hongkong, 1866 Local Government Board. (Formerly the Poor Law Board . . .). Annual Reports (England and Wales) : Pari. Rep. Commiss. (Poor). 8vo. 1835-52 — (England and Wales) : Pari. Acct, $c. (Poor). 8vo. 1852-83 — (Ireland) : Pari. Rep. Commiss. (Poor). 8vo. 1847-63 Local Government Manual and Directory for Unions, Urban, Rural, and Port Sanitary Authorities and School Attendance Committees for 1880. (Corrected to December, 1879). xii + 416 pp., 8vo. 1880 Local Taxation. Abstracts of Returns of (England and Wales), 1861-82 : Pari. Acct., fyc. Fol. 1862-83 Local Taxation Committee. Annual Reports. 8vo. 1871-82 — Local Taxation Review, April, 1871 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. [1871] Loch. (G.). Particulars connected with the Conveyance of Passengers on the Brussels and Antwerp Railway : * Stat. Soc. Rep. 1 vol., 8vo. 1835-41 LO 271 Lochrane (Ferdinand). Advantages to be derived from the Decimalisation of our Currency, Weights, and Measures : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 Lock (Frederick). Dictionnaire topographique et historique de l'ancien Paris (avant l'annexion), indiquant la situation, origine, et l'etymologie des rues, l'historique des monuments, edifices, etablissements detruits ou encore existants, l'habitation des personnages celebres, etc., avec une notice historique sur Paris, et un plan. lix + 516 pp., plan, 12mo. Paris \cir. 1855] Lock (John). On Terrestrial Magnetism : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 3. 4to. 1852 [Locke (John)]. Note on the re-Coinage of 1696-99 : *Polit. Econ. Club. (Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 — Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and Raising the Value of Money. [Being an] Essay on Interest and Value of Money : *«/". R. McGulloch (Principles of Polit. Economy). 12mo. 1870 Locke (John). Additional Observations on the Valuation and Purchase of Land in Ireland : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 15. 8vo. 1852 — Ireland's Recovery ; or Excessive Emigration and its Reparative Agencies in Ireland : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1853 — The Land Question. Expediency of facilitating the Sale and Transfer of Land in Great Britain : Id., S. 5, vol. 32. 8vo. 1858 Locker (A.) : — Commercial Panics : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1867 I Condition of the Working Classes in Royal Commission on Railways : Id. 12mo. 1868 Schools Inquiry Commission : Id. 12mo. 1869 Royal Commission on Water Supply : Id. 12mo. 1870 Foreign Countries: *Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1871 Fine Arts at the International Exhibition, 1871 : Id. 12mo. 1872 Fine Art Workmanship at International Exhibition, 1872 : Id. 12mo. 1873 Lockie (John). Topography of London. 1 vol., 8vo. 1810 Loew (H.). Monographs of the Diptera of North America : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vols. 6 and 11. 8vo. 1867-74 Logan (William). The Moral Statistics of Glasgow : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2. 8vo. 1849 Logan (W. H.). The Scottish Banker, or, a popular exposition of the practice of Banking in Scotland. 134 pp., 18mo. Edinb., 1839 Lombard (H. C). De l'lnfluence des Saisons sur la Mortality a differens ages : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 4to. 1832 Lombroso (C). Dell' Influenza dell' Orografia sulle Stature : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1877 — Saggio di statistica della recidiva : Id. La. 8vo. 1877 — De l'influence de l'orographie sur la Stature. (A translation) : * Annates Demog. internat., vol 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Lomenie (Louis de). Les Mirabeau, Nouvelles Etudes sur la Societe francaise au xviii e Siecle. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1879 London (Bishop of). The Protestant Religion and No Surrender. The Charge of the — , as delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1850. Together with an Appendix containing an account of the Doings of the Popish Priests in London : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 London (John, of Tiverton "). Some considerations on the Importance of the Woollen Manufactures : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1740 London. The Endowed Charities of the City of — , reprinted at large from Seventeen Reports of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities ; with a copious Index. xvi + 687 pp., la. 8vo." 1829 — Sanitary Condition of the City of—. A Letter from the " City Remem- brancer " : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 8vo. 1848 272 LO London — Contd. — Corporation of, Catalogue of Sculpture, Paintings, Engravings, and other Works of Art . . . together with Books not included in the Catalogue of the Guildhall Library. 2 vols., 8vo. 1867-68 — Correspondence, etc., relating to the Parochial System and Parochial Charities of the Ancient City of — , with a Parochial Map of the City. 60 pp., plan, 8vo. 1870 — Corporation of, Catalogue of the Library. Supplements 10 — 15. 6 vols., 8vo. 1870-79 — Report on the City Day-Census, 1881, by the Local Government and Taxation Committee of the Corporation of London. 2nd edit. 8vo. 1881 — The Chamberlain of London (Treasurer) in Account with the Corporation of London, in respect of the City's Estate, 1879-81, also in respect of various Public and Trust Funds in the City of London. Sm. fol. 1880-82 — Collection of the Yearly Bills of Mortality, from 1657 to 1758 inclusive; together with several other Bills of an earlier date, to which are sub- joined [four Essays]. [Anon.]. 1 vol., 4to. 1759 1. Natural and Political Observations on the Bills of Mortality : Qraunt 2. Another Essay in Political Arithmetic, con- cerning the Growth of the City of London . Petty. 3. Past Growth and present State of the City of London : Morris 4. Comparative view of the Diseases and Ages, and a Table of the Probabilities of Life for the last thirty years : J. P. — Map of, by W. Faden. 4th edit. (2 sheets, in cases). Sm. fol. 1819 — Observations on the Buildings, Improvements, and Extension of the Metropolis, of late years. [Anon.] : * Paniph., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 — Di varie Societa e Istituzioni di Beneficenza in Londra. [Anon.]. 2 vols., 12mo. Lugano, 1828-32 — [Weekly] Tables of Mortality for the Metropolis. Vols. 1—5. Fol. 1840-44 Ditto, to which are added Returns of Births. Vols. 6—10. Fol. 1845-49 — Weekly Returns of Births and Deaths . . . 8vo. 1850-83 — The Hospital System of — . [Anon.] : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 1. 8vo. 1856 — and Suburbs. Stanford's Library Map of — : Stanford. Obi. fol. [1862] — Metropolitan Medical Relief Map of — , by the Society for Organising Charitable Relief and Repressing Mendicity. Sheet, folded, 8vo. 1878 — Map of — . Showing the average number of Houses per Acre, in the Superintendent Registrar's Districts, by the Census of 1871. Sheet. 1881 London Chamber of Commerce. " Chamber of Commerce Journal " [Monthly]. Established to Promote Intercommunication between Chambers of Commerce throughout the World. Maps, 4to. 1882-83 London Directory. La. 8vo. [1874-83] London and Suburban Directory. La. 8vo. 1880 London Institution for the Diffusion of Science and Literature. The Inaugural Oration spoken on the 4th of November, 1815, at the Cere- mony of laying the First Stone of the — : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 London Library. Catalogue of the, with a Classified Index of Subjects, by R. Harrison. 4th edit., xxxix 4- 1022 pp., la. 8vo. 1875 Supplemental volume, 1875-80, by R. Harrison. 219 pp., la. 8vo. 1881 — Catalogue of the, by John G. Cochrane. 2 vols., 8vo. 1847-52 Supplement to the Second Volume of the Catalogue. 64 pp., 8vo. 1856 London Medical Examiner. Monthly Review and Statistical Journal of Practical Medicine. Edited by Edwards Crisp. Vol. 1, 288 pp., 8vo. 1851 London. Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes. (Healthy Homes) . Plans: * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 8. 8vo. 1856 LO 273 London. Royal Society of—, Proceedings, &c., of the — : Boy. Soc. Plates, &c., 8vo. 1832-83 London Statistical Society. Statistical Illustrations of the Territorial Extent and Population, Rental, Taxation, Finances, Commerce, Con- sumption, Insolvency, Pauperism, and Crime of the British Empire. Compiled for, and published by order of the — , 3rd edit., xvi + xxviii + viii + 170 + 1 pp., 8vo. 1827 (Selection from the Contents.) Dedication to Monsieur Cesar Moreau, by the Members of the London Statistical Society Advertisement. Preface Disquisition, Historical, Commercial, and Political, illustrative of the Nature and Effects of an External Trade in Corn, and of Currency Introduction to the Third Edition Numerous Tables of Statistics Index London University College. Proceedings at the Annual General Meetings, 1853-59 : * Tracts, S. 4, vols. 4 and 8. 8vo. 1853-59 — Professorial Dissertations for 1872-73 : Id., S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. [1873] — Calendar, 1853-83. 8vo. 1853-83 — Catalogue of the Books in the General Library and in the South Library, with an Appendix. 3 vols. 8vo. 1879 London (Watford) Spring Water Company. Reports on the Results of Microscopical Examinations of . . . Waters supplied from the Thames . . . by E. Lankester and P. Redfern, together with a Chemical Report of . . . Water from Chalk Springs near Watford, by T. Clark and J. Smith * * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. [1852] London and Westminster Bank. Record of the Proceedings of the, during the first thirteen years of its existence. 75 pp., portraits, 4to. 1847 Londonderry. Ordnance Survey of the County of, Vol. 1. City of Londonderry and Parish of Templemore, by Colonel Colby. 9 + 2 + 336+16 pp., maps and plates, 4to. 1837 An earlier edition 1 vol., map, and plates, 4to. 1835 Long* (Rt. Hon. Charles). A Temperate Discussion of the Causes which have led to the present High Price of Bread. 2nd edit. : * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Long (George). America and the West Indies Geographically described by — , G. R. Porter, and G. Tucker. xii + 648 pp., maps, 8vo. 1845 — The Geography of Great Britain by — , and George R. Porter . . . iv + 540 pp., 8vo. [cir. 1850] (Part 1. England and Wales, with a supplementary body of Statistics to the year 1850. By Hyde Clarke [Library of Useful Knowledge]). Long (Rev. J.) :— Adams's Reports on Vernacular Education in Bengal and Behar, 1835-36, and 1838 ; with a brief View of its past and present Condition. 40 + 342 pp., la. 8vo. Calcutta, 1868 Peeps into Social Life in Calcutta a century ago : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1868 Village Communities in India and Russia : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. [cir. 1869] The Eastern Question in its Anglo-Indian Aspect : Id., S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1877 Oriental Proverbs and their uses in Socio- logy, Ethnology, Philology, and Educa- tion : Id., S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. [1877] Longfield (Rt. Hon. Judge M.);— Lectures on Political Economy. 267 pp., 8vo. Dublin, 1834 Address delivered at the Opening of the Ninth Session of the Society : * Stat., £fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 Address on Social Economy : * Soc. Science Assocn. {Trans.). 8vo. 1861 Proposal for an Act to authorise the issue of Land Debentures in connexion with Sales made by the Landed Estates Courts ; with a copy of the proposed Act: * Soc. Science Assocn. {Trans) . 8vo. 1861-63 T 274 LO Limits of State Interference with the Dis- tribution of Wealth in applying Taxation to the Assistance of the Public : *Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 The Tenure of Land in Ireland : * Cobden Club Essays. 12mo. [cir. 1876] Longfield (Rt. Hon. Judge M.)— - Contd. Opening Address by — , as President, with Appendix ; being the Author's Notes upon Interference, Valuation, and Law of Distress : * Stat., $c, Soc., Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 Longley (John). Observations on the Trial by Jury ; particularly on the Unanimity required in the Verdict : * Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 Loomis (Elias). Storms in Europe and America : * Smithsn. Gontribn., vol. 11. 4to. 1859 — Phenomena and Laws of the Aurora Borealis : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1865 Lord (James). The Vatican and St. James's ; or, England independent of Rome. 121 pp., la. 8vo. 1875 Lorenz (Dr.). Proposition presentee par — , sur la maniere d'offrir la possibility de tenir a l'occasion des Congres et des expositions graphiques des discours libres sur les questions qui pourraient se presenter : * Congres Internat. de Stat. (Commiss. Permanente). 4to. 1878 Lorenz (J. R.). Sur les rapports de la meteorologie et la climatologie a la statistique agricole : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Loua (T.). Rapport a la Commission de statistique municipale : *Annales De'mog. internat., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Louandre (Ch.). La Noblesse f rancaise sous l'ancienne monarchic ; ses origin es, ses titres, ses privileges, son role politique et social, sa decadence. vi + 312 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1880 Louis (E. C. A.). Pathological Researches on Phthisis. Translated from the French, with introduction, notes, additions, and an Essay on Treat- ment by Charles Cowan. li + 388 pp., 8vo. 1835 Louisiana. Annual Reports of the Board of Health to the General Assembly for 1871-72. 2 vols., diagrams, &c, 8vo. New Orleans, 1872-73 Louvois (Marquis of). Etudes historiques sur — , et sur Dubois, par un Inconnu. [Anon.] : * Inconnu (Etudes, &fc). 8vo. 1868 Lovat (Matthew). Narrative of the Crucifixion of — , executed by his own hands at Venice in July, 1805 . . . By C. Ruggieri. Illustrated: * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Lovelace (Earl of). On the Subdivision of Real Property, and its effects upon Agriculture and the Produce of the Soil in France. (From the Work of MM. Monnier and Rubichon) : * Stat. Soc. (J7.), vol. 11. 8vo. 1848 — On Climate, in connection with Husbandry, with reference to the " Cours d' Agriculture, par le Comte de Gasparin " : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1848 — On the Construction of a Collar Roof, with Arched Trusses of Bent Timber, at East Horsley Park. Plan : Id., Miscell., vol. 5. 8vo. 1849 — On Harbours of Refuge : Id., S. 5, vol. 25. 8vo. 1849 Lovely (W.). Where to go for Help. Giving Police Stations, Fire Engine and Fire Escape Stations, Hospitals, Coroners, &c, in London, with other useful Information. 3rd edit. 15 pp., 18mo. 1880 Low (Sampson). Handbook to the Charities of London, 1874, 1880. Revised by Charles Mackeson. 2 vols., 12mo. 1874-80 — The Charities of London in 1852-53. A Report of their Operation, Resources, and General Condition. 226 pp., 12mo. 1854 Lowe (John). On the Policy of Recognising the Independence of the South American States: * Pamph., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 — On the Recognition of Columbia by Great Britain : Id., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 Lowe (Joseph). Present State of England in regard to Agriculture, Trade, and Finance. 2nd edit. 418 + 106 pp., 8vo. 1823 LO— LY 275 [Lowndes (William)]. A Report containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins, 1695 : * Polit. Econ. Club (Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 Lowndes (W. T.). Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature . . . New edition .. .By H.G.Bohn. With appendix. New edit. 6 vols. in 11. 12mo. 1857 Loyd (Samuel J.) : Lord Overstone. Lozivy (Auguste). De l'Economie des Engrais, ou de la methode de Pierre Jauffret : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1837 Lubbock (Sir John W.). On the Tides : *Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1830 '35 '37 '38 — Influence of the Moon upon the Weather : Id. 12mo. 1839 — On Currency, 1840 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 11. 8vo. 1840-42 — On the " Country Clearing " : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 28. 8vo. 1865 — Social and Religious Condition of Man : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1869 Lube (D. G.). Argument against the Gold Standard, with an Examination of the Principles of the modern Economists, Theory of Rent, Com Laws, & c . 192 pp., 8vo. 1832 Lucas (C). Sur l'utilite des travaux preparatoires, et notamment des rap- ports relatifs aux questions soumises aux deliberations du Congres de Stockholm, Lettre de — : * Internat. Prison Congress, Stockh., 1878. 8vo. 1879 Luharsky (A. de). Rapport addresse au dixieme Congres internationale de Statistique par l'entremise de la Commission permanente du Congres : * Congres Internat. de Stat. (Commiss. Permanente). 4to. 1878 Lumley (William G.). The Minute of the Poor Law Board for the Re- pression of Vagrancy : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 29. 8vo. [cir. 1848] — Instructions relative to the Emigration of Poor Persons, at the cost of the Poor Rate : * Tracts, S. 5. vol. 29. 8vo. 1849 — Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, 1854, with introduction. 12mo. 1855 — Account of the Banking Establishment in Belgium termed " l'Union du Credit de Bruxelles " : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 20. 8vo. 1857 — Present state of Administration of Relief to the Poor in the Metropolis, and the Charge of the Poor Rate thereon : Id., vol. 21. 8vo. 1858 — The Law of Parochial Assessments, explained in a Practical Commentary on the Statute 6 and 7 Wm. 4, cap. 96. 4th edit. 168 pp., 12mo. 1858 — Observations upon the Statistics of Illegitimacy : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 25. 8vo. 1862 — The Statistics of the Roman Catholics in England and Wales : Id., vol. 27. 8vo. 1864 Lunacy. Annual Reports of Commissioners in — , (England and Wales) : Pari. Rep. Commiss. 8vo. 1854-79 Lund (H. F.). La construction des Tables de la Mortality a l'aide des donnees de la statistique generale : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1875 Lunier (Dr.). Discours d'inauguration du president : * Conferences Internat. de Stat. 8vo. 1880 Luzzalli (L.). Movimento dei Depositi a Risparmio presso le Casse di Risparmio e presso altri Istituti di Credito in Italia confrontati con alcuni altri fattori dell' economia nationale : Italy (Movimento). Sheet. 1880 Lyne (Francis). Tribunals of Commerce. A Letter to the Bankers of London, reviewing the Origin and Progress of the movement in favour of Tribunals of Commerce : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1854 Lynn (W. T.) :— On Stellar Distances : History of the Koyal Observatory, Green- * Brit. Jim. 12mo. 1875 vrich: * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1881 Some Eemarks on Nebulae : Id. 12mo. 1876 Styles of the Calendar and Observance of Planetary Eesearch and Discovery : Easter : Id. 12mo. 1882 Id. 12mo. 1877-78 Halley's Comet : Id. 12mo. 1883 T 2 278 MA McCulloch (J. R.). Preface to "A Select Collection of Early English Tracts on Commerce, from the originals of Mun, Roberts, North, and others" : * Polit. Econ. Club (Early Tracts). 8vo. 1856 — Preliminary Notice to Tracts and other publications on Metallic and Paper Currency by Lord Overstone : * Overstone Tracts. 8vo. 1857 — A select collection of Scarce and Valuable Economical Tracts. Edited, ■with prefaces, by — : * Overstone Colin. 8vo. 1857-59 M'Dermot (M.). A Vindication of the Poetical Character of Pope, and an Inquiry into the nature of Poetical Images : * Pamph., vol. 20. 8vo. 1822 Macdonald (Jas.). General View of the Agriculture of the Hebrides or Western Isles of Scotland. Map and plates : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1811 Macdonald (W.). Local Government and Taxation in Scotland : * Cobden Club Essays. 12mo. 1882 Macdonell (John). A Survey of Political Economy, viii + 432 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1871 McDonnell (Alexander). Notes on the French System of Railways : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 Macdonnell (James) : — Report of the Registration of Titles Com- mission, 1857 : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857*60 Marriage Settlements; their Social and Economic Effects : Id. 8to. 1868-70 Macdonnell (Randal W.) : — Statistics of Irish Prosperity : * Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel. 8to. 1861-63 Macdonnell (Robert) : — Statistics of Small Pox and Vaccination in Ireland: * Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel, 8vo. 1857-60 Our Hospital System compared with those of England, France, and Austria : Id. 8vo. 1857*60 Description of some Leases hased on the principle of Parliamentary Tenant-right : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8to. 1876-79 Land Transfer and Registration : Id. 8to. 1880-82 Report to the Council on the Impediments to Express Contracts as to the Occupa- tion of Land in Ireland : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-G8 Observations on the case of Burton, and so-called Moral Insanity in Criminal Cases : * Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel, 8vo. 1861-63 Patronage and Purchase in making Appointments : Id. 8vo. 1868-70 Macfarlan (Rev. D.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Dumbarton. Map and plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1811 Macfarlane (James). The Coal- Regions of America ; their Topography, Geology, and Development ; with a Coloured Geological Map of Pennsylvania, a Railroad Map of all the Coal-Regions, and numerous other maps and illustrations. 1 vol., maps, &c, la. 8vo. New York, 1873 Macfie (R. A.). Colonial Questions pressing for immediate solution in the interest of the Nation and the Empire. Letters and papers. 120 pp., 8vo. 1871 McGregor (John). British America. 2 vols., maps, 8vo. Edinb., 1832 — History of the British Empire, from the Accession of James I. [Together with] a review of the Progress of England from the Saxon Period to the last year of Queen Elizabeth, 1603. Vols. 1—2. 8vo. 1852 Machado (Joaquim J.). Mocambique : * (Soc. de Geographia de Lisboa). 8vo. 1881 McHenry (George). The Cotton Trade ; its bearing upon the Prosperity of Gt. Britain and Commerce of the American Republics. 272 pp., 8vo. 1863 Machiavelli (Nicolo). II Principe, e discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio di — preceduti da un discorso del Prof. P. S. Mancini sulla dottrina politica del Machiavelli e dalle considerazioni del Prof. Andrea Zambelli sul libro del principe. lxxxviii ■+■ 576 pp., 12mo. Torino, 1852 MA 279 Macintosh (Charles H.). The Canadian Parliamentary Companion and Annual Register, 1881. Established 1862 : Canada (Pari. Companion, fyc). 12mo. 1881 Mackay (Charles). The Gaelic Etymology of the Languages of Western Europe, and more especially of the English and Lowland Scotch, and of their Slang, Cant, and Colloquial Dialects. [Dedicated to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales]. xxxii + 604 pp., la, 8vo. 1877 Mackenna (P. J.). Ancient and Modern India, by the late W. C. Taylor, LL.D. Revised and continued by — : W. C. Taylor. 2nd edit. 8vo. 1851 McKenna (P. J.) :— Criminal Jurisdiction of Courts of Quarter Session in Ireland : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 Factory Education : Id. 8vo. 1855-56 Partnership with Limited Liability : Id. 8vo. 1855-56 Disposal of our Convicts : * Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 Observations on Lord Brougham's Bill for the Further Amendment of the Law of Evidence in Criminal as in Civil Cases : Id. 8vo. 1857-60 Mackenzie (Sir G. S.). General View of the Agriculture of the Counties of Ross and Cromarty. Map: * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1810 Mackenzie (Rt. Hon. Holt). Notes to Mr. Pennington on his Pamphlet on the Importation of Foreign Corn : ^Currency, 8rc, vol. 11. 8vo. 1840-42 — Observations on the means of collecting Information on various points of Statistics, explanatory of a Proposition for the Appointment of a Committee to consider the expediency of opening Books for the Con* temporary Record of various Statistical Facts, and to prepare the forms in which such Books shall be kept : * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1835-36 — Some Observations on the Principles to be followed in preparing a Report on the Food of the Metropolis : Id. 8vo. 1835-36 Mackeson (Chas.) : — Present State of Music in England : *Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1872 Metropolitan Charities : Id. 12mo. 1872-73 Census of England and Wales : Id. 12mo. 1874 Vital Statistics of England and Wales : Id. 12mo. 1875 Primary Education in England and Wales : Id. 12mo. 1876 Public Health and Mortality : Id. 12mo. 1877 Working of the School Board System : Id. 12mo. 1878 Metropolitan Water Supply : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1879 Low's Handbook to the Charities of Lon- don, 1874, 1880. 2 vols., 12mo. 1874-80 Progress of London : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1880 London Hospitals and their Management : Id. 12mo. 1881 Agricultural Depression, its Extent and Causes : Id. 12mo. 1882 Census of United Kingdom : Id. 12mo. 1882 The British Museum : Id. 12mo. 1883 The Royal College of Music : Id. 12mo. 1883 Mackey (Rev. D. J.). Diocesan Maps of England and Wales, shewing the Provisions of the Bishoprics Act, 1878, of the Episcopal Church of Scot- land, and of Ireland. Maps, mounted. 1879-80 Macknight (Thomas). The Life of Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke, Secretary of State in the Reign of Queen Anne. xv -+- 728 pp., 8vo. 1863 M'Konochie (Captain). Summary View of Statistics and Existing Com- merce of the Principal Shores of the Pacific Ocean. Map, 365 pp„ 8vo. 1818 Maclaren (C). Railways compared with Canals and Common Roads, and their Uses and Advantages explained: * Pamph., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 Maclaren (James). On the Impolicy of Providing for a Family by Life Assurance, since the Recent Discoveries in California and Australia ; with a Proposal for the Establishment of a New Office, upon a Plan which would secure the Assured from the Effects of a Fall in the Value of Gold, 1853 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 Another copy : * Polit, Pamph., vol. 8. 8vo. 1851-53 280 MA Maclean (Charles) : — View of the Consequences of Laying Open the Trade to India to Private Ships, ■with some Kemarks on the nature of the East India Company's Eights : * Pamph. vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 Eemarks on the Evidence delivered before both Houses of Parliament on the East India Company's Affairs : Id. vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 Suggestions for the Prevention and Miti- gation of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases, comprehending the Abolition of Quarantine and Lazarettos ; with some Opportune Remarks on the Danger of Pestilence from Scarcity : * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Remarks on the British Quarantine Law and the so-called Sanitary Laws of the Continental Nations of Europe, especially those of Spain : Id., vol. 21. 8vo. 1823 Maclean (Charles H,). An Account of the Proceedings of the Statistical Section of the British Association in September, 1834 1 * Stut. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-37 Macleod (Henry D.) : — The Elements of Political Economy. xliv + 573 pp., 8vo. 1858 Dictionary of Political Economy, Biogra- phical, Bibliographical, Historical, and Practical. Vol. 1, 683 pp., 8vo. 1859 The Definition and Nature of the Science of Political Economy : * Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8vo. 1862 The Theory and Practice of Banking. 2nd edit. 2 vols., 8vo. 1866 Two other copies, 1st edit. 8vo. 1855-56 The Principles of Economical Philosophy. Vol. 1. 2nd edit, xliv + 676 pp., 8vo. 1872 Macleod (Kenneth M.). Report of the Administration of the Glasgow Unemployed Relief Fund during the Winter of 1878-79 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1879 M'Mechan (W.). Proposal for Prevention of Corrupt Practices at Parlia- mentary Elections by enabling Revising Barristers, subject to appeal, to determine disqualified persons : ^ Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 Macmichael (W.). A Brief Sketch of the Progress of Opinion on the subject of Contagion ; with some Remarks on Quarantine : * Pamph., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 M'Mordie (Hans). The Reformatory and Industrial School System, its Evils and Dangers : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1874 M'Neel-Caird (A.) : Caird (A. WNeel-) - McNeill (Sir John). Address on Social Economy : # Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.), 8vo. 1863 McParlin (T.). History and Climate of New Mexico : * Smithsn. Pep. 8vo. 1877 Macpherson (David). Annals of Commerce, Manufactures, Fisheries, and Navigation ; with Brief Notices of the Arts and Sciences connected with them, from the Earliest Accounts, 4 vols., 4to. 1805 — History of the European Commerce with India, vi -+- 440 pp., map, 4to. 1812 Macqueen (C. E.). The True Principles of Taxation : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1861 M'Queen (James). General Statistics of the British Empire. 224 pp., 8vo. 1836 — Statistics of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce. Drawn up from Official and Authentic Documents, 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Macren (C. V.). Universal Free Trade : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 Madsen (C. L.). Recherches sur la loi du mouvement telegraphique inter- national, ix + 68 pp., map, la. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1877 Maeso (Justo). Registro Estadistico de Buenos Aires : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3. 4to. 1855 MA 281 Maestri (P.) :— Statistica Medica del Regno d'ltalia, Igiene dell' esercitq : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 Statistik von Ttalien : Id. 4to. 1863-65 Compte Rendu des travaux de la Sixieme Session du Congres international de Statistique reuni a Florence, 29 Sep- tembre — 5 Octobre, 1867 : * Congrh Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 Statistique d'ltalie : Id., 4to. 1867-68 Travaux statistiques d'ltalie : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Magaldi (V.). Delle Casse di Risparmio postali in Europa : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1881 Magee (Rev. W. C). Christian Socialism ; Many Members, One Body ; a Charity Sermon preached at . . . Walcot, 1852 : *Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Magna Carta. A Fac- Simile of — . From the Original in the British Museum, with the Seal of King John and his Securities, also the Shields of the twenty-five Barons, and the Principals concerned, a.d. 1215. Sheet, framed Magnitot (A. de). De r Assistance et de l'Extinction de la Mendicite. xi + 492 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1856 Mahogany Tree. The — , its Botanical Characters, Qualities, and Uses, with directions for Cutting it in the West Indies and Central America, notices of the projected Interoceanic Communications of Panama, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec, and appendix on the use of Mahogany for building Vessels. [Anon.]. 117 pp., plates, 8vo. Liverpool, 1850 Ma'ikow (L.). Essai d'une nomenclature classified des professions et conditions : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Mailly (Edward) :— Sur les marees en differens points des cdtes Recent Estimate of the Population of the deBelgique: World: * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1873 * A. Quetelet (Rapports, afc). 4to. 1846-50 '■ History of the Royal Institution of Great Britain : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1867 Eulogy on Quetelet : Id. 8vo. 1874 Main (R.). Naval Finance : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1869 Maine. Reports of the Trustees, Steward, and Superintendent of the Insane Hospital. 53 pp., 8vo. Augusta, 1849 Mainwaring (George B.). Observations on the present State of the Police of the Metropolis. 2nd edit : * Pamph., vols. 19 and 20. 8vo. 1822 Maitland (J. G.), Property and Income Tax. The Present State of the Question, 1853 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 — Property and Income Tax. Schedule A and Schedule D. 2nd edit. 1853 : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 Maitland (William). The History of London from its Foundation to the Present Time. Continued to the year 1772 by the Rev. John Entick. [Corrected edition], 2 vols, in 1, maps, plans, and plates, fol. 1756-72 Makgill (George). Remarks on the Amount, Character, and Distribution of Crime in Scotland : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1853 Malchus (C. A. Pr. von). Statistik und Staatenkunde; ein Beitrag zur Staatenkunde von Europa. xvi + 588 + 2 pp., 8vo. Stuttgart, 1826 — Die Sparcassen in Europa. Darstellung der statutenmassigen Einrich- tungen der grossen Mehrzahl von solchen in Europa, mit einer Nachweise des Betrages der in denselben aufgesammelten Ersparnisse. Nebst Ansichten fiber die sach- und zweckmassige Bildung der Einrichtungen fur die Verwaltung solcher Anstalten. xii + xlviii + 353 + 60 pp., 8vo. Heidelberg, 1838 Malcolm (A. G.). The Sanitary State of Belfast, with suggestions for its Improvement. Plans : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1852 282 MA Malcolm (A. G.). Influence of Factory Life on the Health of the Opera- tive, as founded on the Medical Statistics of this Class in Belfast : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 10. 8vo 1855 Malheiro (Lourenco). Exploracoes Geologicas e Mineiras nas Colonias Portuguezas : * (Soc. de Geographia de Lisboa). 8vo. 1881 Mallet (Edouard) : — Population de Geneve, depuis le seizieme Siecle jusqua' a 1833 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1837 Notice sur la Population de la Suisse : Id., S.3,vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 De la Population de la Sicile : Id., S. 3, vol. 2. 8vo. 1842 Mallet (Sir Louis). The Political Writings of Richard Cobden ; with an Introductory Essay by — : B. Cobden. 12mo. 1878 Mallet (R.). Manual of Earthquakes : * Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 — Earthquake Phenomena : * Smithsn. Bep. 8vo. 1859 Malley (George O.) :— Defects of Private Bill Legislation : * Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1868-70 Preservation of the Seed of the Flax Plant in Ireland : Id. 8vo. 1868-70 The Utilization of the Reclaimable Waste Lands of Ireland : Id. 8vo. 1868-70 Mouvement de la Population de la ville de Geneve pendant 1834: * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1835 Notice sur les anciennes Pestes de Geneve : Id., S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. 1835 Becherches historiques et statistiques sur la Expediency of the Total Abolition of Grand Juries in Ireland : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 Suggestions for the Extension of the Juris- diction of the Civil Bill and Quarter Sessions Courts in Ireland : Id. 8vo. 1871-76 Malmesbury (Earl of). Official Correspondence on the Italian Question. 500 pp., 12mo. 1859 Malou (J.). Sur les journaux beiges, 1830-42 ; lettre a Sir Francis J. : * Belgium (Bulletin Commiss. stat.), vol. 1. 4to. 1843 Malouet (V. P.). Collection de memoires et correspondances officielles sur l'administration des colonies 5 vols., 8vo. Paris, An X [1802] 1 — 3. Sur la Guiane franchise et hollandaise I 5. Sur le Regime colonial 4. Sur Saint Dominique Malta and Gozo. Statistical Abstracts showing the Population in Malta and Gozo (including Comino), by the Census taken 31st March, 1851, and a comparative View of the Census taken in 1842. 30 abstracts on 27 Sheets \_cir. 1851] Malte-Brun ( — ). Dizionario Geografico portatile ; traduzione dal Francese, con aggiunte di A. F. Falconetti. 2 vols., la. 8vo. Venezia, 1827 Malthus (Rev. T. R.). An Essay on the Principle of Population ; or, a View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness ; an Inquiry into our prospects respecting the future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which it occasions. (Two copies). 5th edit. 3 vols., 8vo. 1817 Another copy 4th edit. 2 vols., 8vo. 1807 Another copy 1st edit, ix + 1 + 396 pp., 8vo. 1798 — Observations on the Effects of the Corn Laws, and of a rise or fall in the price of Corn on the Agriculture of the Country. 3rd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 26. 8vo. 1815 Another copy : ... * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 4. 8vo. 1814-16 — The Grounds of an opinion on the Policy of restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn; intended as an Appendix to "Observations on the Corn Laws " : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 26. 8vo. 1815 Another copy : ... * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 4. 8vo. 1814-16 — Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent, and the Principles by which it is regulated : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 26. 8vo. 1815 Another copy : ... * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 4. 8vo. 1814-16 MA 283 Malthus (Rev. T. R.). Statements respecting the East India College, with an appeal to Facts, in Refutation of the Charges lately brought against it in the Court of Proprietors : * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 — The Measure of Value stated and illustrated, with application to the alterations in the Value of the English Currency since 1790 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 8vo. 1823 Another copy: * Tracts on Polit. Peon., vol. 1. 8vo. 1821-25 — Definitions in Political Economy, preceded by an Inquiry into the Rules which ought to Guide Political Economists in the Use of their Terms, &c. 261 pp., 8vo. 1827 Another copy. —- - Principles of Political Economy considered, with a View to their Practical Application. Second edition, with considerable Additions from the Author's own Manuscript, and an original Memoir, liv + 446 pp. 8vo. 1836 Malton. Statistical Survey of the Parishes of Old and New Malton. (1606-1841) : W. G. Gopperthwaite. MS. Map, fol. Maltzahn (Baron). Statistics of Mecklenburgh Schwerin : * Gongres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Man (E. Garnet), The Commerce and Prospects of England, and a Review of the Agricultural, Iron, and Cotton Trades : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1880 Manchester, Improvement of — ; a Report setting forth a Plan proposed by the Towns Improvement Company : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 8vo. 1846 — Police. Criminal and Miscellaneous Statistical Returns of the — 1840-56. 13 vols., la. 8vo. Manch., [1841-57] — Treasurer's Statements of Receipts and Expenditure, 1873-77. iv -1- 167 pp., 8vo. ib., 1874-78 Manchester Free Library. Catalogue of the Books. Reference Depart- ment. Prepared by A. Crestadoro, Ph.D. 975 pp., la. 8vo. 1864 Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs: Second Series, vols. 2—15. 8vo. 1813-60 Third Series Portrait, plates, &c, 8vo. 1862-83 — Proceedings. Sessions 1857-58-1879-83. Vols. 1—19. 8vo. Manch., 1857-80 — Catalogue of the Books in the Library. 173 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 Manchester Night Asylum. The Third Annual Report of the — , for the Destitute and Houseless Poor, for the year 1840-41, Plan : * Stat. Soc. Pep., fyc. 8vo. 1835-41 Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association. Proceedings : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1853 Manchester Statistical Society. Collection of Miscellaneous Reports, &c. : * Stat. Soc. Rep. Sfc. 8vo. 1835-43 Reports of Committees on — The State of Education in the Borough of Manchester in 1834. 2nd edit, viii + 42 + 2 pp.. 1837 The State of Education in the Borough of Salford in 1835. 42 + 2 pp. 1836 The State of Education in the Borough of Bury, Lancashire, in July, 1835. 23 + 3 pp. 1835 Second Report of the Manchester Statis- tical Society, August, 1835. For cir- culation among the members [with list of members]. Single sheet, 4to. [1835] The State of Education in the Borough pf Liverpool in 1835-36. 74 + 16 + 2 pp. 1836 Reports of Committees on — Contd. The State of Education in the City of York in 1836-37. 16 + xiv + 1 pp. 1837 On the Condition of the Working Classes in an Extensive Manufacturing Dis- trict in 1834-36. 15 + xv + 1 pp. 1838 Members and Officers of the Statistical Society of Manchester for the years 1842-43. Leaflet, 4to. [cir. 1843] Collection of Miscellaneous Reports and Papers. 55 pp. 1838 (a.) An Inquiry into the Origin, Progress, and Results of the Strike of the Operative Cotton Spinners of Preston, from October, 1836, to February, 1837: S. Ashworth, 1837 284 MA Manchester Statistical Society — Contd. Miscellaneous Reports, &c. — Contd. (b.) Remarks on the Classification of Offences : S. Romilly (c.) A Statement shewing the Amount of Money Recovered in the Court of Requests, and in the Court-baron, Manchester, with the Comparative Costs of Recovery in each Court in the years 1829-33 : S. D. Darbishire, 1835 (d.) Report on the State of Education in the Borough of Bolton in 1837, being the result of an inquiry made for the Statistical Society of Manchester, and read at the British Association, Liverpool, 1837 (c.) An Account of the Number of Steam Engines and Water Wheels, with the Amount of Horse Ppwer in Bolton and the Adjoining Townships in 1837: S.Ashforth Miscellaneous Reports, . 1825 Manzoni (A.). Esplorazione delle profondita marine : * Italy (IstrUzioni scientifiche) . 8vo. 1881 Mapother (E. D.) : — Differences between the Statutes bearing on Public Health for England and Wales : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 Sanitary State of Dublin : Id. 8vo. 1864-68 Unhealthiness of Irish Towns, and the Want of Sanitary Legislation : Id. 8vo. 1864-68 Consolidation of Sanitary and Medico- legal Offices : *Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1868-70 Dublin Hospitals ; their Grants and Govern- ing Bodies : Id. 8vo. 1868-70 Opening Address as President, by — : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 Maps. Reprinted and published by Kelly and Co., and presented to the Subscribers to the Post Office Directory of Sussex. Sheets. - Hertfordshire described. The situations of Hartford, and the most Ancient towne of St. Albons, with such memorable Actions as have happened Kent, with her Cities and Earles described and observed Middlesex, described with the most famous Cities of London and Westminster, a.d. 1610 4. Surrey, described and divided into Hundreds. A.D. 1610 5. Sussex, described and divided into Rapes, with the situation of Chichester, the cheife Citie thereof, and the armes of such Nobles as have been dignified with the title of Earles since the Conquest, and other Acci- dents therein observed, a.d. 1646 MA 289 Marcard (Q. W.). Zur Beurtheilung des National -Wohlstandes des Handels und der Gewerbe im K. Hannover. Plan : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 3. 8vo. 1836 March (Hon. G. P.). Description and History of the Camel : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1854 Marcoartu (A. de). On a proposed International Congress to Diminish the Casualties at Sea : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1882 Marine Society. Bye-Laws and Regulations of the — . 81 pp., 12mo. 1829 Marjoribanks (Charles). Letter to the Rt. Hon. Charles Grant, on the Present State of British Intercourse with China. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 18. 8vo. 1833 Marmora (Alberto della). Sul progetto di una nuova radicale ed unica circoscrizione Territoriale dell' Isola di Sardegna. Maps : * Italian Tracts. 4to. 1851 Marriage (Joseph). Letter on the Distressed State of the Agricultural Labourers. 4th edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1832 Marriage with Deceased Wife's Sister. Considerations on the State of the Law regarding, [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 12. 8vo. 1840 Marriage and Divorce. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vols. 17 and 18. 8vo. 1820-21 Marriage of the Royal Family. An Appeal to the Legislature for the Repeal of the Act regulating the — . [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Marriages. List of Chapels belonging to the Church of England, of places of Public Worship Registered for Solemnization of Marriages, [and] of Superintendent Registrars, Registrars of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, &c. 115 pp., sm. fol. 1839 — On the Present State of the Law as to Marriages Abroad between English Subjects within the Prohibited Degrees of Affinity. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 12. 8vo. 1840 — Tables of — , in the Irish Census Returns for 1841. Remarks on, by Thomas A. Larcom: * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 8. 8vo. 1845 Marriott (General W. F.). A Grammar of Political Economy. xx + 268 pp., 12mo. 1874 Marryatt (Jos.). Speech upon the Petition of the Ship Owners of the Port of London, against any alteration in the Duties on Timber. 2nd edit. : * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Marsh (Charles). Speech on the Clause in the East India Bill, " Enacting further facilities to persons to go out to India for Religious Purposes " : * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 Marsh (Herbert) : — Address to the Senate of the University of Cambridge, occasioned by the Proposal to introduce in that Place an Auxiliary Bible Society: * Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 A Letter to the Pit. Hon. N. Vansittart,M.P.; being an Answer to his Second Letter on the British and Foreign Bible Society : *Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 Sermon on the Bible Society :Id., vol.1. 8vo. 1813 Confutation of the Opinion that the Vital Principle of the Reformation has been lately conceded to the Church of Rome : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 A Letter of Explanation to the " Dissenter and Layman," on the Views of the Pro- testant Dissenters : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1816 Inquiry into the Consequences of neglect- ing to give the Prayer Book with the Bible, with Remarks . . . relative to the British and Foreign Bible Society : Id., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 Marshall (Prof.). The Coal Question : * Prof. Thorpe (Coal). 8vo. 1878 Marshall (A. and M. P.). The Economics of Industry. 228 pp., 12mo. 1879 Marshall (Henry). Contribution to Statistics of the Army : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. [cir. 1828] — On the Mortality of the Infantry of the French Army : Id., S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. [cir. 1828] u 290 MA Marshall (J.). Topographical and Statistical Details of the Metropolis; the Population in 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1832 — A Digest of all the Accounts relating to the Population, Productions, Revenues, Financial Operations, Manufactures, Shipping, Colonies, Commerce, &c, &c, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, diffused through more than 600 volumes of Journals, Reports, and Papers Presented to Parliament during the last Thirty-five years. In two parts. With a separate Index to each. Arranged by — . 2 parts in 1 vol., 4to. 1833 — An Analysis and Compendium of all the Returns made to Parliament (since the commencement of the Nineteenth Century) relating to the Increase of Population in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Church Establishment of England and "Wales; and the Amount and Appropriation of the Parochial Assessments, Tithes, Ac, &c, . . . By—. 258 pp., 4to. 1835 Martel (Count de). Types revolutionnaires. Etude sur Fouche et sur le Communisme dans la pratique en 1793. xxiii + 570 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1873 Martens (Edouard von). Critical list of the Mollusca of New Zealand contained in European Collections, with references to descriptions and synonyms : N. Z. (Natural History). La. 8vo. 1873 Martens (G. F. de) : — Nouveau Recueil general de Traites, Conven- tions, et autres Transactions remarquables, servant a la connaissance des Relations etrangeres des Puissances et Exats dans leurs rapports mutuels. Redige sur copies, collec- tions et publications authentiques . . . Con- tinuation du Grand Recueil. 2 vols. (18 and 20), 8fo. G/ottingue, 1873-75 Table generale du Recueil des Traites de Q-. F. de Martens et de ses continuateurs. 1494-1874. Partie chronologique. Partie alphabetique. 2 vols., 8vo. Grottingue, 1876 Nouveau Recueil general de Traites et autres Actes relatifs aux Rapports de Droit Inter- national . . . Continuation du Grand Recueil. Vols. 2—7, 2nd Series. 8to. ib., 1878-82 Martianu (D. P.). Statistik von Roumanien : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 Martin (Francis Offley). Account of Bethlem Hospital, abridged from the Report of the late Charity Commissioners ; with some information respecting Bridewell. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 6. 8vo. 1853 Martin (Frederick). Armed Forces of Europe : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1871 — Births, Deaths, and Marriages, and the Comparative Progress of Popula- tion in some of the Principal Countries of Europe : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 40. 8vo. 1877 — The Property and Revenues of the English Church Establishment. 2nd edit., xii + 136 pp., la. 8vo. 1878 — Statesman's Year Book. A Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilised World (from the commencement in 1864) : * Statesman's Year Book. 12mo. 1864-81 Martin (James R.). Official Report on the Medical Topography and Climate of Calcutta, with notices of its prevalent Diseases : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 4to. 1839 Martin (John). Outline of a comprehensive Plan for diverting the Sewage of London and Westminster from the Thames, and applying it to Agricultural Purposes, &c. : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 3. 8vo. 1850 — Contributions to Military and State Medicine. First volume. 306 pp., 8vo. 1881 Tbe Effects of Health and Disease on Mili- taiy and Naval Operations. — "Howard Medal Prize Essay" of the Statistical Society of London 2. The Influence of Drinking Water in Origi- nating or Propagating Enteric Fever, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Cholera MA 291 Martin (John B.). The Elections of 1868 and 1874 : * Stat. Sac. (JZ.), vol. 37. 8vo. 1874 — On some Effects of a Crisis on the Banking Interest : Id., vol. 42. 8vo. 1879 — An Inquiry into the History, Functions, and Fluctuations of the Bank Note Circulation of the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, and the United States : * Bankers, Inst, of (JX). 8vo. 1880 — Our Gold Coinage ; an Inquiry into its Present Defective Condition, with a view to its Reform : Id. 8vo. 1882 Martin (Matthew). Substance of a Letter ... to the Right Hon. Lord Pelham on the State of Mendicity in the Metropolis. 1811 : * Pari. Rep. Select Committee (Mendicity, $*c). 8vo. 1816 Martin (R.). Intemperance as a Factor in the Production of Disease : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1873-74 — Sanitary Progress and its Obstacles in Manchester : Id. 8vo. 1874-75 Martin (Richard B.). Notes on the Purchase of the Railways by the State : ' * Stab. Soc. (Jl), vol. 36. 8vo. 1873 Martin (R. Montgomery). The Past and Present State of the Tea Trade of England, and of the Continents of Europe and America : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 18. 8vo. 1832 — Taxation of England, Ireland, and Scotland ; proportion paid by the Rich, Middle, and Working Classes ; rationale of a Property Tax and Annual Expenditure of Fifty Millions of Money. Sheet. 1832 — Have the Present Ministers any claims on the future confidence of the Nation ? : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1833 — Facts relative to the East and West India Sugar Trade : Id., S. 5, vol. 18. 8vo. 1834 — History of the British Colonies 5 vols., maps, 8vo. 1834 Vol. 4. Possessions in Africa and Australasia Vol. 1. Possessions in Asia. „ 2. „ the West Indies „ 3. „ North America Europe — The History, Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of Eastern India ; comprising the districts of Behar, Shahabad, Bhagulpoor, Goruckpoor, Dinajepoor, Puraniya, Ronggopoor, and Assam, in relation to their Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, Fine Arts, Population, Religion, Education, Statistics, &c. Surveyed under the Orders of the Supreme Government, and collated from the Original Documents at the East India House with the permission of the Honourable Court of Directors. 3 vols., maps and plates, 8vo. 1838 — Statistics of the Colonies of the British Empire. 906 pp., map, la. 8vo. 1839 — Ireland before and after the Union with Great Britain. 3rd edition ; with additions, 1848 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 — Railways : Past, Present, and Prospective. 2nd edit., with additions. 1849 : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Martineau (Harriet). Illustrations of Political Economy. 9 vols., 18mo. 1834 Martorelli (Francesco). Sull' esercizio delle ferrovie ripartito fra lo stato e l'industria privata : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1878 Marx (C. F. H.). On. the Decrease of Disease effected by the Progress of Civilization. By — and R. Willis. vii + 102 pp., 12mo. 1844 Maryland. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Maryland Hospital to the General Assembly of — , for 1846-52. 3 vols., 8vo. Baltimore, 1850-53 Masers de Latude (Henri). Life of — , who was imprisoned thirty-five years ; [with an] account of the Bastille : * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 u2 292 MA Mason (James;. Review of the arguments in favour of Restricting the Importation and Allowing the Exportation of Corn t * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 26. 8vo. 1814 Mason (O. T.). Bibliography of Anthropology : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo, 1880 Mason (Stephen). The Depreciation of Silver, and a Gold Standard for India : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8ro. 1876 Mason (W. Shaw). Statistical Account or Parochial Survey of Ireland. 3 vols., maps and plates, 8vo. Dublin, 1814-19 Mason Science College, Birmingham. Calendar for the Session 1882*83 : Birmingham {Mason Science Coll.). 12mo. 1882 Maspero (G.). Histoire ancienne des peuples de 1' Orient. Ouvrage con- tenant neuf cartes et quelques specimens des ecritures hieroglyphiques et cuneiformes. vii + 608 pp>, maps, 12mo. Paris, 1875 Massachusetts. Official Publications: — (Arranged Chronologically in the following order, Census; Agriculture; Education; Finances; Geology; Government; Health, &c. ; Industry; Laws; Lunacy; Poor; Prisons; Railways; Zoological, &c, Survey ; Public Documents. (A series numbered 1 — 35, and others not numbered). Boston; Cambridge; Charlestown; Concord; Dorchester; Lawrence; Lowell; Roxbury). — Census. Instructions of the Secretary of State to Town and City Clerks, Registrars, and others, relating to the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, embracing the Laws of the Commonwealth on the subject. 31 pp., 8vo Boston, Mass., 1849 — Report of the Joint Special Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts appointed to consider the expediency of modifying the Laws relating to the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. 57 pp., 8vo. ib., 1849 ^— Abstract of the Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1855. 252 pp., 8vo. ib., 1857 — Instructions concerning the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Massachusetts. 56 pp., 8vo. ib., 1860 — Census and Industrial Statistics of Massachusetts, 1875. [Specimen forms of Enumerator's Book, &c.]. Sm. 4to. ib., 1875 — Census of—, 1875 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1876-77 Vol. 1. Population and Social Statistics I Vol. 3. Agricultural Products and Property „ 2. Manufactures and Occupations — Compendium of Census of Massachusetts, 1875. 321 pp., 8vo. ib., 1877 — The Census of, 1880. Compiled from the Returns of the Tenth Census of the United States by C. D. Wright. xxiv + 698 pp., 8vo. ib., 1883 — Agriculture. Report of the Proceedings of the " American Convention of Cattle Commissioners." 9 pp., 8vo. ib., 1869 — Annual Report of the Commissioners on Contagious Diseases among Cattle. 6 pp., 8vo. ib., 1871 — Education. Graduated Tables [showing the comparative cost of education in each town and in each county of Massachusetts] . 15 pp*, 8vo. [ib., cir. 1841] — Abstract of the Massachusetts School Returns for 1839-46. 4 vols., 8vo. ib., 1840-46 — Report of the Committee on Public Instruction on the Present Organiza- tion of the Grammar and Primary School Committees. 32 pp., 8vo. ib., 1852 — Defects Existing, and Improvements Needed, in the Public Schools of Massachusetts. 20 pp., 8vo. ib., 1862 — Annual Reports of the School Committees [of thirty-four schools]. 8vo. ib., 1850-66 MA 293 Massachusetts, Official Publications— Contd. — Education — Contd, Annual Reports of the Trustees of the Massachusetts Nautical School, 1867-72. 6 pamph., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1873 Annual Report on the Promotion of Industrial Art Education in the State of Massachusetts, 1872. 36 pp., 8vo. ib., 1873 The General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to the Public Schools, with the Alterations and Amendments to 1876. 83 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Statement of Grants and Allowances by the Legislature to sundry- Institutions, 1860-75. 7 pp., 8vo. [ib.] 1876 Finances. Abstract of the Returns of Joint Stock Companies for the years 1851-52. 7 pp., 8vo. [Boston, 1852] — Abstract of the Returns of Insurance Companies in Massachusetts, 1854 and 1855. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1855-56 — Abstract of the Returns and Statements of Foreign Insurance Companies, 1854 and 1855. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1855-56 — Annual Report upon Loan and Fund Associations. By the Insurance Commissioners. 37 pp., 8vo. ib., 1858 ._ Abstracts of the Returns from the Banks, and from the Institutions for Savings in Massachusetts, 1838. 22 vols., 8vo. ib., 1839-64 — Abstracts of Returns from the Savings Institutions in Massachusetts, and from certain Banks of Issue not certified as under U.S. Laws, 1865. 56 pp., 8vo. ib. 1866 — Report of the Commissionei's appointed to Inquire into the Expediency of Revising and Amending the Laws relating to Taxation and Exemp- tion therefrom. 575 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Annual Report of the Commissioner of Savings Banks, including the Abstracts of Returns from the Savings Institutions in Massachusetts, 1869-75. 4 vols., 8vo. ib., 1870-76 — Geology. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts 692 pp., illustrations, 8vo. Amherst, 1833 1. Economical Geology 3. Scientific Geology 2. Topographical Geology 4. Catalogue of Animals and Plants — Government. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1873. [List of Executive, Senators, and Representatives.] Sheet, 8vo. Boston, 1873 — Abstract of Returns of the Sheriffs of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. 3 pp., 8vo. ib., 1874 — Census of Legal Voters for the years 1865 and 1875, arranged in parallel columns by Councillor, Senatorial, and Representative Districts, 31 pp., 8vo. [ib.], 1876 — Address to the Two Branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, 1868, 1872, and 1877. 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1868-77 — Health, &C. Annual Reports of the Board of Trustees of the Massa- chusetts General Hospital for 1843-78. 31 vols., plates, 8vo. ib., 1844-79 — Annual Report of the State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity of Massachusetts. Supplement containing the Report and Papers on Public Health, 1879 and 1880. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1880-81 ^— Industry. Report of Commissioners . . . concerning the Artificial Propa- gation of Fish. With other documents. 54 pp., 8vo. ib., 1857 . — Statistical Informatipn relating to certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts, 1865. 805 pp., 8vo. ib., 1866 294 MA Massachusetts. Official Publications — Contd. — Laws. Constitution of the State of Massachusetts and of that of the United States. 36 + 29 pp., 12mo. Boston, 1798 — Constitution of Massachusetts, Constitution of the United States, Rules and Orders of the House of Representatives. 86 pp., 12mo. ib., 1853 — General Corporation Act of 1870 (1870, cap. 224) ; with Amendments and Additions thereto, 1870-74, relating especially to Manufacturing and similar Private or Business Corporations. 43 pp., 8vo. ib., 1874 — Abstract of Wills Proved and Letters of Administration Granted in the Probate Courts of the several Counties of the Commonwealth, for the five years ending 30th September, 1874. 19 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — An Act to Regulate the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. 11 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — An Act in addition to the above. 5 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 — General Laws and Resolves passed by the Legislature of Massachusetts during the Sessions of 1856-76. 10 vols., 8vo. ib., 1856-76 — Lunacy. Report on Insanity and Idiocy in Massachusetts by the Com- mission on, [together with the Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Charitable Institutions]. 213 + 15 pp., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1855 — Act to Establish a Hospital for Insane in "Western Massachusetts, 1855 : *E. Jarvis (Stat, of Insanity). 8vo. 1850-55 — Article on Commission of Lunacy, &c. : Id. 8vo. 1850-55 — On the Causes of Idiocy ; being the Supplement to a Report by Dr. S. G. Howe and the other Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Massachusetts to inquire into the condition of the Idiots of the Commonwealth, 1848 ; with an appendix : E. Howe. 8vo. ib., 1858 — Bye-Laws of the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester. 22 pp., 8vo. ib., 1860 — Annual Report of the Directors of the Massachusetts Infant Asylum, 1868-69. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1868-69 — Poor. Abstract of the Returns of the Overseers of the Poor in Massachusetts, 1851. 10 pp., 8vo. [ib.] 1851 — Returns relating to the Poor in Massachusetts, 1852. 20 pp., 8vo. [ib.] 1852 — Report on the Joint Standing Committee on Charitable Institutions . . . 1855 : * E. Jarvis (Stat, of Insanity). 8vo. ib., 1850-55 — Abstracts of the Returns relating to the Poor and to Indigent Children in the several Cities and Towns in Massachusetts, 1861. 41 pp., 8vo. ib., 1862 — Prisons. Abstracts of the Keepers of Jails and of the Overseers of the Houses of Correction, 1854, 1857. 2 vols.,' 8vo. ib., 1855-57 — Abstracts of Returns of Criminal Cases tried before Justices of the Peace and Police Courts throughout the Commonwealth, 1856. 8vo. ib., 1857 — Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Massachusetts State Prison. 14 pp., 8vo. ib., 1862 — Abstracts of Sheriffs' Returns concerning the Jails and Houses of Cor- rection in the Commonwealth, 1863. 53 pp., 8vo. ib., 1864 — Railways. Report of the Joint Special Committee on the Management of the Western Railroad. 104 pp., 8vo. ib., 1866 — Boston, Hoosac Tunnel, and Western Railroad Company. Report of the Corporators. 135 pp., maps, 8vo. ib., 1875 — Zoological, &c, Survey, Report published by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State. 3 vols., illustrations, 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1839-41 1. Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds I 3. Invertebrata, comprising the Mollucsa, 2. Herbaceous Plants and Quadrupeds | Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata MA 295 Massachusetts. Official Publications — Contd. — " Public Documents." (A series numbered 1 — 35, and others not numbered) . — Report to the Legislature of Massachusetts, relating to the Registry and Returns of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the Commonwealth, 1848.81. 21 vols., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1851-81 — Annual Report of Board of Education, 1855-78. 16 vols., 8vo. ib., 1856-79 — Report of Librarian of the State Library, 1871-76. 6 vols., 8vo. ib., 1872-77 — Annual Report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, and Abstract of Returns of the Agricultural Societies of Massachusetts, 1838-76. 19 vols., illustrations, 8vo. ib., 1839-77 — Report of the Treasurer and Receiver- General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1854-75. 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1855-76 — Report of the Auditor of Accounts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1854-78. 9 vols., 8vo. ib., 1855-79 — Annual Report of the Adjutant- General of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, 1862-76. 9 vols., 8vo. ib., 1863-77 — Annual Report of the Bank Commissioners, 1851-65. 7 vols., 8vo. ib., 1851-66 — Annual Report of the Insurance Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for 1863-79. 20 vols., 8vo. ib., 1863-79 Part 1. Marine and Fire Insurance Part 2. Life and Accident Insurance — Abstract of the Certificates of Corporations, organized under the General Laws of Massachusetts, 1871-75. 4 vols., 8vo. ib., 1872-76 — Annual Report of the Commissioners on Public Lands. 2 pp., 8vo. ib., 1874 — Annual Report of the Attorney General, 1871-75. 4 vols., 8vo. ib., 1872-76 — Annual Report of the Board of Inspectors of the Massachusetts State Prison, togetherwith the Annual Reports of the Officers of the Institution, 1862-75. 8 vols., 8vo. ib., 1863-76 — Annual Report of the State Agent for Aiding Discharged Convicts. 6 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1871-83. 9 vols., 8vo. ib., 1871-83 — Abstract of Returns of the Registers of Deeds of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 3 pp., 8vo. ib., 1874 — Annual Reports of the Board of State Charities for 1866-78. 13 vols., 8vo. ib., 1866-79 — Annual Reports of the Trustees of the State Reform School, 1870-76 7 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1871-77 — Aggregates of Polls, Property, Taxes, &c, as assessed, 1st May, 1871-78. 8 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1872-79 — Annual Reports of the Trustees of the State Industrial School for Girls, for 1865-76. 9 vols. 8vo. ib., 1866-77 — Annual Reports of the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital at Northampton, 1858-76. 11 vols., plates and plans, 8vo. ib., 1858-77 — Annual Reports of the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital at Taunton for 1854-76. 12 vols., 8vo. ib., 1855-77 — Annual Reports of the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester, 1845-76. 16 vols., plates and plans, 8vo. ib., 1846-77 — - Annual Report of the Inspectors of the State Almshouse at Bridgewater, 1857-76. 13 vols., 8vo. ib., 1857-77 — Annual Reports of the Inspectors of the State Workhouse at Bridge- water, 1873-76. 4 nos., la. 8vo. ib., 1874-77 296 MA Massachusetts. Official Publications — Contd. — " Public Documents " — Contd. — Annual Report of the Inspectors of the State Primary School at Monson, 1857-76. 14 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1857-7/ — Annual Report of the Inspectors of the State Almshouse at Tewksbury, 1857-76. 13 vols., 8vo. ib., 1858-77 — Annual Reports of the Trustees of the Perkin's Institution and Massa- chusetts Asylum for the Blind, 1843-76. 13 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1843-77 — Annual Report of the Trustees of the Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble-minded Youth at South Boston, 1851-78. 10 vols., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1852-79 — Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners, 1870-77. 8 vols., 8vo. ib., 1872-77 — Returns of the Railroad Corporations in Massachusetts, 1859-68. 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1860-69 — Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts, 1870-79. 12 vols., maps, 8vo. ib., 1870-79 — Annual Report of the Surgeon- General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1865-71. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1866-72 — Annual Report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries, 1869-77. 9 vols., maps, and illustrations, 8vo. ib., 1869-77 — Report of the Tax Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1874. 167 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Public Documents of Massachusetts ; being the Annual Reports of various Public Officers and Institutions, 1862-77. 13 vols., 8vo. ib., 1863-78 ~t— Register and United States Calendar, 1841. 250 pp., 12mo. Boston, Mass., 1841 — State Record and Year Book of General .Information. Edited by N. Capen. 5 vols., 12mo. ib., 1847-51 — American Education Society. American Quarterly Register and Journal of the — , 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1830-41 s — American Statistical Association, Collections of the — : U.S.A. (Am. Stat. Assocn.). 8vo. 1843-44 — Constitution and Bye-laws of the — , with a List of Officers, Fellows, and Members, 1862 : Id. 8vo. 1862 — American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs of the — . New series. Vols. 1—11 : U.S.A. (Am. Acad.). 4to. 1833-82 — Proceedings of the, (from commencement), 1846-73. 8 vols. Plates, la. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1848-73 New Series, 1873-83 Plates, la. 8vo., ib., 1874-83 — General Hospital. A History of the — : N. I. Bowditch. 8vo. ib., 1872 — Teachers' Association. Constitution and Bye-Laws, together with a List of Members and Officers. 13 pp., 8vo. ib., 1858 — Boston. General Abstract of the Bill of Mortality of the City of, 1838-39. 2 sheets, fol. ib., 1839-40 — List of Persons, Co-partnerships, and Corporations, who were taxed on 6,ooo dollars and upwards, in the City of — , 1850. 136 pp., 8vo. ib., 1851 — City of — , Auditor's Estimates, 1851-52. 36 pp., 8vo. ib., 1851 — Report on the subject of a Railroad Track on the Marginal Streets of the City. 24 pp., map, 8vo. ib., 1851 - — Rules of the School Committee, and Regulations of the Public Schools of the City of, 1851-52. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1851-52 MA 297 Massachusetts. Official Publications— Contd. — Boston — Contd. — Report of the Commissioners of Alien Passengers and Foreign Paupers. 41 pp., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1853 — Report of the Board of Visitors of the Boston Lunatic Hospital, 1847-54. 4 vols., 8vo. ib., 1848-54 — Report on the Census of, 1845-55. 2 vols., maps, 8vo. ib., 1846-56 — Seventh Annual Report of the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of—, 1859. 45 pp., 8vo. ib., 1859 — An Oration delivered before the Municipal Authorities of the City of, 4th July, 1859, by G. Sumner ... 125 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1859 — Report of the Cochituate Water Board to the City Council of Boston, 1864. 61 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 — List of Persons, Co-partnerships, and Corporations, who were taxed on 20,000 dollars and upwards, in the City of Boston, 1865. 148 pp., 8vo. ib, 1866 — Map of the School District. Sheet, folded, 12mo. ib., 1868 — - Report . . . relating to a Public Park for the City of Boston. 94 pp., plan, 8vo. ib., 1869 — Annual Report of the Hospital at Rainsford Island, Boston Harbour, 1855-69. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1856-70 — Expenditures of the Public Schools. Report of the Committee on Accounts, School Committee. 100 pp., 8vo. ib., 1870 — First Medical and Surgical Report of the Boston City Hospital, edited by J. Nelson Borland and David W. Cheever. 688 pp., 8vo. ib., 1870 — Board of Trade. Proceedings, relative to a Canal from the Lakes to the Mississippi, and the Caughnawaga Ship Canal from the St. Lawrence to Lake Champlain. 36 pp., 8vo. ib., 1870 — Annual Report of the Sealer of Weights and Measures. 9 pp., 8vo. ib., 1870 — Board of Trade, Annual Report, 1859-71. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1859-71 — Annual Report of the Chief of Police, 1851-72. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1851-72 — Majority Report of Committee on Ordinances on Election of a Physician as Superintendent of the City Hospital. 10 pp., 8vo. ib., 1872 — City of — , Mayor's Message, giving his Reasons for not approving the Order concerning the Opening of the Public Library on Sunday. 10 pp., 8vo. ib., 1872 — Annual Report of the Overseers of the Poor of the City of — , 1871-72. 79 pp., 8vo. ib., 1872 — Annual Report of the Board of Directors for Public Institutions of the City of— 1868-69-1872-73. 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1869-73 — Digest of Statutes and Ordinances relating to the Public Health. New edition. 76 pp., 8vo. ib., 1873 — Annual Report of the School Committee of the City of Boston, 1857-74. 11 vols., 8vo. ib., 1857-74 — Report of the Medical Commission upon the Sanitary Qualities of the Sudbury, Mystic, Shawshine, and Charles River Waters. 108 pp., diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1874 — Municipal Register, 1845-75. 6 vols., 8vo. ib., 1845-75 — School Committee. Report of the Committee on Industrial Schools, May, 1875. 8 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Manual of the Public Schools of the City of Boston. 128 pp., 12mo. ib., 1875 — Rules of the School Committee, and Regulations of the Public Schools of the City of—. 139 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 298 MA Massachusetts. Official Publications — Contd. — Boston — Contd. — Auditor of Accounts' Annual Report of the Receipts and Expenditure of the City of Boston and County of Suffolk, 1823-76. 36 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1824-76 — Annual Report of the Superintendent of Streets. 35 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 — Report of the Joint Special Committee on Improved Sewerage, July, 1877. 37 pp., map, and illustrations, 8vo. ib., 1877 — Annual Report of the City Registrar of the Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the City of, 1851-78. 14 vols., 8vo. ib., 1852-79 — Annual Report of the Board of Health of the City of Boston, 1873-79. 7 vols., 8vo. ib., 1873-79 — Report of the Superintendent of Public Schools of the City of — , September, 1879. 70 pp., 8vo. ib., 1879 — Almanac and Business Directory, 1873. 552 pp., 12mo. ib., 1873 — Prison Discipline Society. Annual Reports of the Board of Managers of the—, for 1849-50, 1852. 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1849-52 — Cambridge. Annual Report of the President of Harvard College, 1867-68—1871-72. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1868-73 — Charlestown. Statement of the Receipts, Expenditures, &c, of the City of Charlestown, 1849. 34 pp., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1849 — Concord. Annual Reports of the Selectmen and other Officers of the Town of Concord, 1873-74, 1879-80. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1874-80 — Dorchester. Annual Report of the Finances of the Town of Dorchester, 1855. 44 pp., 8vo. ib., 1855 — Regulations of the School Committee of Dorchester. 16 pp., 8vo. ib., 1864 — The Taxable Valuation of the Real and Personal Estates, with the Polls and Amount of Tax, in the Town of Dorchester. 183 pp., 8vo. ib., 1869 — Lawrence. Rules and Regulations of the School Committee of the City of Lawrence. . 26 pp., 8vo. Lawrence, 1858 — Lowell. Bill of Mortality of the City of, 1849-50. 2 vols., 8vo. Lowell, 1850-51 — Auditors' Annual Report of the Receipts and Expenditure of the City of Lowell, together with the Treasurer's Account, 1865. 117 pp., 8vo. ib., 1866 — Report of the Joint Special Committee on the Introduction of Water. 60 pp., 8vo. ib, 1866 — Roxbury. Laws Regulating the Fire Department in the Town of Rox- bury. 36 pp., 8vo. Roxbury, 1845 Matheson (J., jun.). The Silver Dilemma : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1876 Matile (G. A.). National System of Political Economy, by F. List. Trans- lated from the German, by — , including the Notes of the French Translation by H. Richelot, with a Preliminary Essay and Notes by S. Colwell. [Translation] : F. List. 8vo. 1856 Matlekovics (A.). Rapport sur le bilan general et les tableaux du com- merce exterieur : * Congres Internat. de. Stat. 8vo. 1876-78 Matteucci (C). Life of Stefano Marianini : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1869 Matthyssens (H. F.). La Hollande, l'Angleterre, et la Belgique. Modi- fications proposees au tarif des Douanes . . . des Pays-Bas. Traite de commerce, 1846, entre la Belgique et la Hollande, 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 Maugham (Robert). A Treatise on the Principles of the Usury Laws : * Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 MA 299 Maunder (E. W.). Application of the Spectroscope to Astronomy : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1878 Maunsell (Henry). The only safe Poor Law Experiment for Ireland : Letter to Lord Viscount Morpeth : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1838 Maurice (J. F.). Connection between the Ordinary Work of Soldiers in Peace Time and Warlike Efficiency : * United Service Inst. (Lectures). 8vo. 1873 Mauritius. Official Publications. Report of the Committee appointed by his Excellency the Governor to consider the Valuation of the Rupee : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 4to. 1850 — Reports of the Acting Registrar-General for the Quarters ending June and Dec, 1872, and March, 1873. Fol. 1872-73 — Annual Report of the Registrar- General on Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Mauritius and its Dependencies, 1872-78. 4 vols., fol. 1873-79 — Blue Book for the Colony of—, 1862-81. 3 vols., fol. Port Louis, 1863-81 — Census of — -, and its Dependencies, 1851-81. 3 vols., fol. 1851-81 — Mauritius Almanac and Civil Service Register for 1866. 179 + 10 pp., 8vo. 1866 — Mauritius Almanac and Colonial Register, 1873-83. 8 vols., 8vo, 1873-83 Mavor (W,). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Berkshire. Plates: * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1809 Maximum, A, or the Rise and Progress of Famine. Addressed to the British People, by the Author of a Residence in France during the years 1792-95, &c, 1801. [Anon.] : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1800-01 Maxwell (Charles C). The Confectionery and Marmalade Trade of Dundee: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1867 Maxwell (Clerk). Action at a Distance : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1873 Mayer (Brantz). On Mexican History and Archaeology : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 9. 4to. 1857 Mayes (Charles). Essay on the Manufactures more immediately required for the Economical Development of the Resources of the Colony, with special reference to those Manufactures, the Raw Materials of which are the Produce of Victoria: * Victoria (Prize Essays). 8vo. 1881 Mayhew (Henry). London Labour and London Poor ; the Condition and Earnings of those that will work, cannot work, and will not work. 3 vols., plates, 8vo. [1864] Another copy (with Appendix) 3 vols., plates, la. 8vo. 1851 — London Labour and the London Poor. Those that will not work. (Extra volume) xl + 504 pp., plates, la. 8vo. 1862 — The Criminal Prisons of London, and Scenes of Prison Life. By — , and J. Binny. xii + 634 pp., plates, 8vo. 1862 Mayne (Edward G.). Inquiry into the Foreign System of Registering Dealings with Land by means of Maps and Indexes : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1852 Mayr (Georg) : — Vier Karten iiber den Bodenertrag im Koenigreiche Bayern nach dem Cataster und der Ernte des Jahres 1863 : Bavaria (Vier Karten). 4 sheets. 1867 Statistique de Baviere : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 Oscillationszahlen fur v. Hermann's bayer- ische Mortalitatstafeln : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Travaux statistiques de Baviere : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Die amtliche Statistik in Bayern t Id. 4to. 1872-74 Zur Verstandigung iiber die Anwendung der geographischen Methode in der Statistik : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Die Bayerische Bevolkerung nach der Gre- biirtigkeit. Bearbeitef von — : Bavaria (Bayerische Bevolkerung, Src). Sm. fol., L876 Die G-esetzmassigkeit im Gesellschaftsleben Statistische Studien. xii + 354 pp., 12mo. Miinchen, 1877 De la mortalite des enf ants a Munich : * Annates Demog. intemat. ,vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 300 MA— ME Mayr (Georg)— Contd. Rapport sur l'Exposition graphique. [Diagrams] : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Sur la statistique des institutions crees dans la grande industrie en fareur des classes _ laborieuses : Id. 4to. 1876-78 tJber die Statistik der in der grossen In- dustrie zu G-unsten der arbeitenden Klassen getroffenen Einricbtungen : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Die neunte Versammlung des interna- tionalen statistischen Congresses zu Budapest im Jahr 1876 und die Ver- sammlungen der permanenten Commis- sion des Congresses in Wien, 1873; Stockbolm, 1874 j und Budapest, 1876 : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 May's British and Irish Press Guide and Advertiser's Dictionary and Handbook . . . 1874-83. Maps, 8vo. [1874-83] Mayson (J. S.). Malays of Cape Town : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1854-55 Mazzini (C. M.). L'Inchiesta agraria in Italia : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1879 Meadly (G. W.). Two Pairs of Historical Portraits ; Octavius Ccesar and William Pitt, Pvienzi and Buonaparte : * Pamph., vol, 18. 8vo. 1821 Meadows (J.). Quantity of Coal brought into Manchester in the years 1834 and 1836 : * Stat. Soc. Rep,, fyc, 1 vol., 8vo. 1835-41 Mearns (Andrew). The Statistics of Attendance at Public Worship in England, Wales, and Scotland, 1881-82. 2 sheets, folded, in cover, ovo. 1882 Measure of Value in Direct Taxation. [Anon.] * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878 Mechanical Engineers. Institution of, Proceedings. Plates, 8vo. 1879-83 — Library Catalogue, May, 1881, of the — , [together with a] Subject Index of Papers in the Proceedings, 1847.80. 96 + 22 pp., 8vo. 1881 Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Die Entwickelung der Pflanzen in Mecklenberg im Jahre 1854. 28 pp., 8vo. Schwerin, 1855 — Die meteorologischen Beobachtungen in Mecklenburg, 1854-55. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1855-56 — Die Beobachtungen iiber die Entwickelung der Pflanzen in Mecklenburg im Jahre 1855. 34 pp., 8vo. ib., 1856 — Ueber die Wahrnehmbarkeit von Ebbe und Fluth in der Ostsee. 17 pp., 8vo. ib., 1856 — Beitrage zur Statistik Mecklenburgs. l er Band. 1 u. 2 Hefte, 8 er Band. l te Hefte. 3 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1858-75 Medcalf (W.). Municipal Institutions of the City of Manchester : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1853-54 — Municipal Government : Id. 8vo. 1855-56 Medical and Chirurgical Society (Royal) of London. Transactions of the—. Plates, 8vo. 1846-83 — Proceedings of the — . 8vo. 1856-83 — General Index to first 33 vols, of the Proceedings of the — . 336 pp., 8vo. 1851 — General Index to first 53 vols, of the Proceedings of the — . 355 pp., 8vo. 1871 — Catalogue of the Library of the, with an Index of Subjects. 3 vols., 8vo. 1879 — Supplements 1 and 2 to the above Catalogue, 1879-82. 2 vols., 8vo. 1880-83 Medical Chronicle. Nos. 1—3. Plates : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1853 Medical Combinations against Life Insurance Companies. [Anon.]. 1851: * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 1. 8vo. 1841-52 Medical Directory . . . (for the United Kingdom). 8vo. 1875-83 Medical Herald. Vols. 1—3. La. 8vo. Louisville, Ky., 1879-82 Medical Missionary Society in China. Proceedings, &c. : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. 1839 ME 301 Medical Reform. Observations on — . By a Member of the University of Oxford. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Medical and Surgical Association (Provincial). Transactions. Portrait, map, and plates, vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. 1833-34 Medicine. The Unity of — . Its Corruptions and Divisions as by Law Established in England and "Wales, with their Causes, Effects, and Remedy. [Anon.] 154 pp., chart, 8vo. 1858 Medicine. Hindu, Review of Various Works relative to. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 4to. [cir. 1845] Medico-Statistical Association. First Report : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1852 Meding (Henri). Paris medical. Vade-mecum des Medecins etrangers. 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1852-53 Medley (G. W.). The Reciprocity Craze. A Tract for the Times : * Gobden Club Publications. 12mo. 1881 Meech (L. W.). Relative Intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 9. 4to. 1857 Meek (P. B.). Palaeontology of the Upper Missouri : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 14. 4to. 1865 — Check List of American Invertebrate Fossils : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 7. 8vo. 1867 Meekins (T. C. Mossom). Are Peerages for Life Legal and Constitutional ? : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 7. 8vo. 1856 Meenen (M. Van). De l'influnce du libre arbitre sur les faits sociaux : * A. Quetelet (Rapports, 8fc). 4to. 1846-50 Meidinger (Heinrich)i England and Wales, considered in a Geognostical and Hydrographical Light. 1841. MS. 237 pp., sm. 4to. — Statistische Uebersicht der Mainschifffahrt und der Flosserei in 1840. Map : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 25, 8vo. 1841 — England und Wales in geognostischer und hydrographischer Beziehung : Id., S. 2, vol. 2. 8vo. 1844 — Zur Statistik Frankfurts. Wohnplatze, Bevolkerung, Brod- und Fleischver- brauch, Cewerb- und Armenwesen. viii -t 166 pp., 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1848 — Statistische Uebersicht der Neckar-Schifffahrt und Flosserei. Map : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 25. 8vo. 1850 — Das Britische Reich in Europa ; statistische Darstellung seiner Entwicke- lung besonders unter dem jetzigen Verwaltungssystem ; mit Verleich- ung der Vereingten Staaten. xii + 1 + 634 pp., 8vo. Leipzig, 1851 — Die deutschen Strome in ihren Verkehrs — und Handels — Verhaltnissen mit statistischen Uebersichten. In vier Abtheilungen. 3 vols., 12mo. ib., 1853-54 1. Die Donau. 2. Der Ehein. 3. Die Elbe. 4. Die Weser, Ems,, und Oder. — Deutschlands Eisen- und Steinkohlenproduction in der Neuzeit ; eine geographisch-statistische Uebersicht. iv + 258 pp., map., 8vo. Gotha, 1857 Meisser (Dr.). Etablissement Geographique de Bruxelles fonde par Ph. Vander Maelen. 7 nos. in 1 vol., plates, 8vo. Brux., 1831-33 Meitzen (August). Die Irische Landfrage und die Stein- Hardenbergische Gesetzgebung : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. [1876] — Gutachten uber die Bearbeitung des Forststatistik : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Rapport sur la statistique de la Sylviculture : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Mela (Const.). Commercial Manual. (In Greek). 602 pp., 8vo. Athens, 1864 302 ME Memminger (J. D. G. von). Beschreibung von Wiirttemberg. Herausge- geben von dem konigl. statistisch-topographischen Bureau. 3rd edit., xxvi + 844 + 2 pp., 8vo. Stuttgart, 1841 Anotber edition. 14 vols, in 7. Maps and plates, 8vo. ib., 1824-38 Mengotti (Francesco). II Colbertismo, dissertazione di : G.Beccaria. 12mo. 1852 Menier (M.). Tkeorie et application de l'lmpot sur le Capital. 642 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1874 — L'Avenir economique. 2 vols., la. 8vo. ib., 1875-80 Mentel (M.). Recherches et observations faites a Surinam en consequence des ordres et instructions de M. Malouet, par MM. — , et Mettereau : * V. P. Malouet. 8vo. [1802] Menzies (Allan). Report to tbe Trustees of tbe Bequest of James Dick, for the benefit of the Country Parochial Schoolmasters in the Counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Moray. 2nd edit. 100 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1836 Mercantile Guarantee Societies. A Review and Synopsis of the — Established on the Continent, Practically Applying the Principle of Insurance to Commercial Transactions, 1850 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 1. 8vo. 1841-52 Mercantile Law Conference. The authorised Report of the—, 1857 ... : Law Amendment Soc. 8vo. 1857 [Mercator]. Considerations on the present state of Bank Notes, Specie, and Bullion. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 14. 8vo. 1811 — Sketch for a new Division and Sub- division of Monies, Weights, and Coins. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Mercator (Ernst). Differenzen. Ein volkswirthschaftlicher Versuch : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1879 Merchants' and Bankers' Almanac for 1870. Edited by J. Smith Homans, jnn. 16 + 240 pp., plates, la. 8vo. New York, 1870 Mercier de Lostende (Baron). De l'etat militaire de la Prance : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1874 Merivale (Herman). Lectures on Colonization and Colonies, 1839-41. New edit., 685 pp., 8vo. 1861 Another copy [1st edit.]. 2 vols. 8vo. 1841 — The Utility of Colonization : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1862 Merrick (F.). The Christian Duty of caring for Neglected and Criminal Children : * B. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 Merrill (Hon. W. H.). The Proposed Volunteer Adult Reformatory at Warsaw, New York : * E. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 Messance (M.). Recherches sur la Population des Generalites d'Auvergne, de Lyon, de Rouen, et de quelques Provinces et Villes du Royaume, avec des reflexions sur la valeur du bled tant en Prance qu'en Angle- terre, 1674-1764. 330 pp., 4to. Paris, 1766 Messedaglia (A.) : — La Statistics, e i suoi metodi prolusione al corso di statistica presso la R. Univer- sity di Roma : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 La Scienza Statistica della Popolazione : Id. La. 8vo. 1877 SulT Atlante di Demografia italiana, pubbli- cato dalla direzione della Statistica del Regno : Comunicazione all' Accademia dei Lincei nella seduta del 16 febbraio, 1879 : Id. La. 8vo. 1878 La Statistica della Criminalita Prelezione al corso di Statistica presso la R. Universita di Roma, 15 gennaio 1879: Id. La.8vo. 1878 La Statistica, i suoi metodi e la sua com- petenza : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1879 Calculs des Valeurs moyennes : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Discours sur une Diagramme solide a trois dimensions ou stereogramme des nes- vivants en Suede, 1750-1875 : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 4. La. 8vo. 1880 Di alcuni argomenti di Statistica teorica ed italiana Prelezione al corso di Statis- tica, presso 1' Universita di Roma per l'anno scolastico 1879-80 : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 ME— MI 303 Messedaglia (A.) — Contd. II calcolo dei valori medii e le sue applica- zioni statistiche : *Arch. di Stat. La.8vo. 1880 La Storia e la Statistica dei metalli preziosi : Id. La. 8vo. 1881 La Moneta e il sistema monetario in gene- rale. 2 parts, 8vo. Eoma, 1882-83 Another copy : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1881 Messenger (John A.). Some of the Causes to which the Discordancy of the Commercial Statistics of various Countries is chiefly to be attributed : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Metcalf (John T.). Miasmatic Fevers : * U.S.A. (Sanitary Commiss.) 8vo. 1864 — Yellow Fever : Id. 8vo. 1864 Metcalfe (Rich.). Sanitas Sanitatum et omnia Sanitas. 333 pp., plan, 8vo. 1877 Meteorological Observations. Maritime Conference held at Brussels for Devising a Universal System of — . (In English and French) : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 1. 4to. 1853 Methodism as it is. Reprinted from the "Eclectic Review" of August, 1846. 2nd edit., 1846. [Anon.] : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 Metropolitan Association for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrious Classes. Reports, &c. (Healthy Homes) : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 8. 8vo. 1856 Metropolitan Board of Works. Report of the Main Drainage Committee on the Tenders for the Metropolitan Sewage, 1863 : * Metropolitan Sewage (Tracts). 8vo. [1863] Metropolitan Police. Criminal Returns. Number of Persons taken into Custody by the Metropolitan Police, and the results, in the years 1831-82 ; with comparative statements. La. 8vo. 1832-83 [Metropolitan Sewage]. [Tracts] 8vo. [1863] of Towns, and their Final Report. A Letter to F. Doulton, Esq., M.P., from a Ratepayer. [Anon.]. 1. The Sewage of the Metropolis and how to utilise it : T. Ellis 2. The Utilisation of the Metropolitan Sewage and the Reduction of Local Taxation, together with a Brief Review of the Evidence taken by the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Sewage Metropolitan Board of Works. Report of the Main Drainage Committee on the Tenders for the Metropolitan Sewage, 1863 Mettereau ( — ). Recherches et observations f aites a Surinam en consequence des ordres et instructions de M. Malouet, par MM. Mentel et — : * V. P. Malouet. 8vo. [1802] Meusel (Johann G.). Litteratur der Statistik. 2nd edit. 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1806-07 — Lehrbuch der Statistik. 4th edit., xxiii + 1 + 824 pp., 8vo. ib., 1817 Mexican Bondholders. Report of the Committee of — , 1850 : * Currency, Src, vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Meyer [A. J.]. Memoire sur les Bulletins meteorologiques aux Etat-Unis, et sur les avantages que le commerce et l'agriculture ont deja retires de leur publication : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Meyer de Knonau (G.). Rapport sur la statistique de la Suisse : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Miall (Prof.). On [1] Coal Plants. [2] Animals of the Coal Measures : *Prof. Thorpe (Goal). 8vo. 1878 Michael (Colonel). Agricultural Machinery : *Parl. Miscell. Pep. (Vienna Univ. Exhib.) Part II. 8vo. 1873 Michell (T.). Statistics of Crime in Russia : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 27. 8vo. 1864 Michelsen (E. H.). The Merchant's Polyglot Manual ; in Nine Languages : English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese ... vi + 2 -f- 336 pp., 8vo. 1860 Michigan. Messages of the Governors of, 1873. 8vo. Lansing, 1873 — Statistics of the State of — . Collected for the Ninth Census of the United States, 1st June, 1870. cxxiv -f 711 pp., diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1873 304 MI Michigan — Contd. — Laws of the State of, relating to the Public Health. 86 pp., 8vo. Lansing, 1876 — Annual Report of the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan, relating to the Registry and Return of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-76. 9 vols., 8vo. ib., 1868-81 — Annual Report of the Secretary of the State Board of Health of the State of Michigan, 1873-81. 9 vols., 8vo. ib., 1874-81 Mice- Charity. Report of the Trustees of Lady Mico's Charity on the Education of the Negro and Coloured Population of Jamaica, Mauritius, Ac. * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 3. 8vo. 1841 Middlesex, described, with the most famous Cities of London and West- minster, a.d. 1610 : * Maps, Reprinted, fyc, by Kelly and Go. Sheet. Middleton (Col. P.). Changes of Tactics consequent on the Improvement of Weapons and other circumstances : * United Service Inst. (Lectures). 8vo. 1873 Middleton (John). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Middlesex. Map : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1807 Miers (Edward J.). Catalogue of the Stalk and Sessile-Eyed Crustacea of New Zealand : *N.Z. (Natural History). Plates, la. 8vo. 1876 Migerka (P.). Oesterreichs commercielle und industrielle Entwickelung in den letzten Jahrzehenten. Von Dr. — und Dr. H. F. Brachelli. 59 + lix pp., diagrams, la. 8vo. Wien, 1873 Military Discipline. An Argument on Military Obedience. By a Half- Pay Officer. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 1 7. 8vo. 1820 Mill (James). Elements of Political Economy. Second edition, revised and corrected. 2nd edit., viii 4- 299 pp., 8vo. 1824 Two other copies 1st edit, viii + 235 pp., 8vo. 1821 Mill (John Stuart). Article on the Currency Question; from the " Westminster Review," 1844 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 13. 8vo. 1844 — Essays on some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy. vi + 1 + 164 pp., 8vo. 1844 — A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive ; being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investiga- tion. 2nd edit., 2 vols., 8vo. 1846 — Considerations on Representative Government. viii + 340 pp., 8vo. 1861 — Utilitarianism. Reprinted from " Eraser's Magazine." 3rd edit., 1+96 pp., 8vo. 1867 — Principles of Political Economy, with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy. People's edit., xx + 591 pp., 8vo. 1875 Two other copies 5th edit., 2 vols., 8 vo. 1862 Another copy 4th edit., 2 vols., 8vo. 1857 Another copy 1st edit., 2 vols., 8vo. 1848 Millar (W. H.). Statistics of Deaths by Suicide among Her Majesty's British Troops serving at Home and Abroad during the ten years 1862-71 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 37. 8vo. 1874 Millard (H. B.). The Climate and Statistics of Consumption. 108 pp., 8vo. New York, 1861 Milligan (Rev. J. L.). Executive Pardons : * E. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 Millon (C). Observations sur le regne de Louis XV : * Millot. 12mo. 1806 Millot (L'Abb6). Elemens de l'Histoire de France depuis Clovis jusqu'a Louis XV. 8 e edition, corrigee et augmentee d 'observations sur le regne de Louis XV . . . continuee jusqu'a la mort de Louis XVT, par Ch. Millon, et jusqu'au jour du couronnement de Napoleon I er empereur et roi, par M. Delisle de Salez. [Avec supplement jusqu'a 1805.] 8th edit., 4 vols., plate, 12mo. Paris, 1806 MI 305 Mills (J.). Credit Cycles and the Origin of Commercial Crises : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1867-68 — Post- Panic Period, 1866-70 : Id. 8vo. 1870-71 — Inaugural Address on Scope and Method of Statistical Enquiry and on some Questions of the Day, as President : Id. 8vo. 1871-72 Mills (Robert). Statistics of South Carolina. 782 + 30 pp., 8vo. Charleston, 1826 Milne (Joshua). Treatise on the Valuation of Annuities and Assurances on Lives and Survivorships, on the Construction of Tables of Mortality, and on the Probabilities and Expectations of Life. 2 vols., 8vo. 1815 Milner (Bishop). Reflections on the Letters of " Conciliator " on the Ques- tion of Catholic Emancipation: * Parriph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Milner (T. H.) :— On the Eegulation of Floating Capital and Freedom of Currency ; with an Attempt to Explain Practically the G-eneral Monetary System of the Country, 1848 j * Currency, 8fc, vols. 5 and 12. 8vo. 1843-49 Some Remarks on the Bank of England 5 its Influence on Credit, and the Principles upon which the Bank should Regulate its Rate of Interest : * Currency, Sfc, vols. 5 and 10. 8vo. 1831-51 Milnes (A.). The Ricardo Theory of Rent : * Brit. Assocn,. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1882 Milnes (R. M.), Statistics of Literature : * Gongres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Milnes (R. Monckton). Address on Social Economy • * Soc. Science Assocn, (Trans.). 8vo. 1862 Milton's Plan of Education in his Letter to Hartlib, . . . with the Plan of the Edinburgh Academical Institution founded thereon : * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Milward (A.). The Decimal Coinage. A Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, advocating, as a preliminary step, the Issue of a Five-Farthing Piece : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1853 Minasi (P. J.). Decimal Coinage. A Word in Behalf of the Poor Man's Penny : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1854 — On a Decimal Coinage for the United Kingdom : * Stat. Soc. (/Z.), vol. 17, 8vo. 1854 Mineral Statistics. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geology. [1848-bl]. Maps and plates, la. 8vo. 1848-82 Mines and Manufactures. Physical and Moral Condition of Children and Young Persons Employed in, [Anon.]. 267 pp., map and plates, 8vo, 1843 Minet (H.). Dn cadastre considere dans les rapports avec les grands travaux geodesiques : * Gongres Internal de Stat. 4to. 1853 Mining Journal and Commercial Gazette, conducted by Henry English. 3 vols., fol. 1835-36 Mining Manual and Almanac for 1851. Compiled by H. English. 437 pp., 12mo. [1851] Minnesota. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Statistics of the State of — , for the Year 1882. 229 pp., 8vo. Minneapolis, 1883 Minto (William). A Manual of English Prose Literature, Biographical and Critical, designed mainly to show Characteristics of Style. xiv + 634 pp., 12mo. Edinb., 1872 [Mirabeau (Comte, pere)]. Notes du memoire sur l'esclavage des negres, vol. 5 : * V. P. Malhouet. 8vo. 1802 Miraglia (N.). Sui lavori eseguiti per incarico del governo durante l'anno 1875, dalle stazioni agrarie italiane : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1876 Miscellaneous Statistics of United Kingdom : Pari. Acct., fyc. (Stat. Tables). Fol. 1857-83 x 306 MI— MO Missions. Town and City, Report of the Conference on Missions held at Birmingham, 1858 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 8. 8vo. 1859 Missouri. St. Louis. Major's Message, with accompanying Documents, to the City Council of the City of—. 1 vol., 8vo. St. Louis, 1873 Mitchell (C. and Company). Newspaper Press Directory and Advertiser's Guide . . . 1869-83: Newspaper Press Directory. Map, sm. fol. 1869-83 Mitchell (James). Treatise on Benefit or Friendly Societies, the Laws respecting them, &c. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 6. 8vo. 1826 Mitchell (S. W.). Researches upon the Venom of the Rattlesnake : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 12. 4to. 1860 Mitchell (Rev. Walter). On the Geometrical Isomorphism of Crystals, and the Derivations of all other Forms from those of the Cubical System. 68 pp., diagrams, 8vo. 1874 Mitchell Library of Glasgow. Reports of the : Glasgow. 8vo. 1882-83 Modderman (T.). Reflexions sur la question de la Mainmorte : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 [Modicus]. On Reform in Parliament. [Anon.] : * Paraph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Moldenhawer (J.). Fremstilling af Blindeforholdene i Danmark, stottet paa statistiske Data, samt Meddelelser om Blindeforholdene i andre Lande : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1879 Molesworth (Sir William). Speech of — , in the House of Commons, 1849, for a Royal Commission to inquire into the Administration of the Colonies : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 — Speeches of — , in the House of Commons . . . 1850, on the Bill for the Better Government of the Australian Colonies : Id., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Molesworth (Rev. W. N.). The Progress of Co-operation at Rochdale : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1861 — The Training and Instruction of the Unemployed in the Manufacturing Districts during the present Crisis : Id., 8vo. 1861 — The History of the Reform Bill of 1832. xii + 354 pp., 8vo. 1865 Molinari (G. de). Cours d'Economie politique. 2 vols., 8vo. Brux., 1863 — Lettres sur les Etats-Unis et le Canada, addressees au " Journal des Debats" a l'occasion de l'Exposition universelle de Philadelphia. 1 + 365 + 1 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1876 — L'Evolution economique du dix-neuvieme siecle. Theorie du Progres. vii + 469+1 pp., 8vo. ib., 1880 Molloy (Constantine). Central Criminal Court for the County and City of Dublin : * Stat, 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 — Observations on the Law relating to the Qualification and Selection of Jurors, with Suggestions for its Amendment: Id., 8vo. 1864-68 — Irish County Courts : Id., 8vo. 1868-70 — Report on the Application of the Principles recommended by the Judicature Commission to the Irish County Courts : Id., 8vo. 1871-76 Molroguier (P.). Regime municipal de la France. 257 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1849 Monaham (James H.). Functions of Grand Juries in Criminal Cases : * Stat., 8rc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 — Suggestions for a Bill to regulate Sales of Property : Id., 8vo. 1876-79 Another copy: * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1878 Mondiere (A. T.). Statistique des naissances et des deces dans la popu- lation annamite de la Cochinchine francaise pendant les six annees de 1872 a 1877, suite : *Annales De'mog. internat., vols. 4 and 5. La, 8vo. 1880-81 Money (W. Taylor). Observations on the Expediency of Shipbuilding at Bombay : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 25. 8vo. 1811 MO 307 Money. Situation of Great Britain with respect to its Coins and Bank Notes. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 12. 8vo. 1810 — A Method of Increasing the Quantity of Circulating Money, upon a New and Solid Principle. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1817 — Letter to Lord A. Hamilton on alterations in the Value of — . [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vols. 1 and 15. 8vo. 1823 — The representative of Value, with considerations on the Bank Question, Railway Companies, Savings Banks, and the National Debt. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 8vo. 1837 — Essay on distinctions between Money and Capital, Interest and Discount, Currency and Circulating Medium, essential to be observed in the Reform of our Monetary Laws. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. 1858 — Bullion, and Foreign Exchanges of 1772. Tables and Statements relating to — . [Anon.]: * Earl of Liverpool. 8vo. 1880 Money Crisis. An Article on the — . [Cir. 1847]. [Anon.] : * Currency, fyc, vol. 10. 8vo. 1831-51 Monfalcon (J. B.). Histoire statistique et morale des Enfants trouves, par J. F. Terme, et— : . J. F. Terme. La. 8vo. 1837 Mongredien (A.). Potato Crop in Ireland, Report on, for 1850 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1850 Monnier (Alex.). Histoire de l'Assistance dans les temps Anciens et Modernes. 568 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1856 Monsell (Rt. Hon. William). Address at the Opening of the Twenty- second Session : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1868-70 Montagu (Basil) : — Inquiry respecting the Insolvent Debtors' Bill, with the opinions of Dr. Paley, Mr. Burke, and Dr. Johnson, upon Imprison- ment for Debt: * Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 Some Inquiries respecting the Punishment of Death for Crimes without Violence : * Pamph., vol. 12 8vo. 1818 Thoughts on Liberty, and the Rights of Englishmen : Id., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 Montalembert (Comte de). Des Interets Catholiques aux dix-neuvieme siecle. 2nd edit. 205 + 1 pp., 8vo. 1852 Monteagle (Lord). (Speech on) Repeal of Taxes and Reduction of Expenditure in the House of Commons, July, 1833, by the Rt. Hon. T. Spring Rice : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 8to. 1833 Montesquieu (Charles S. Baron de). Esprit des Lois. Avec les notes de l'auteur et un choix des observations de Dupin, Crevier, Voltaire, Mably, La Harpe, Servan, &c. 600 pp., portrait, 12mo. Paris, 1864 Montgomery (R.). Notes on the Movements of the Bank of England Reserve in the last Ten Years : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1874-75 Anothercopy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1875 — The Silver Controversy : * Manch. Stat. Soc. (Trans.). 8vo. 1879-80 Monypenny (David). Remarks on the Poor Laws, and on the Method of Providing for the Poor in Scotland. 2nd edit., with considerable additions. 2nd edit. 389 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1836 Moore (Arthur). Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Ireland : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1857 — Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Ireland ; Observations on the late Government Bill of 1857 : * Stat., $-c, Soc. Irel. 8vo. 1857-60 — Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Ireland ; with the Government Bill of 1859 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1860 Moore (J. S.). Friendly Sermons on the Protectionist Manufacturers of the United States : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1877 x2 308 MO Moraes Sarmento (Affonso de). Terrenos adjacentes aos rios Zambeze e Chire, desde as suas ultimas cachoeiras ate ao mar. Mappa coordenado por — de accordo com os dados e obeervacoes por elle colhidas durante as suas viagens de 1877-80. Map, folded, la. 8vo. [cir. 1881] Moreau (Cesar). East India Company's Records, founded on Official Docu- ments, showing a View of the Past and Present State of the British Possessions in India, as to their Revenue, Debts, Assets, Trade, and Navigation ; to which is added a variety of Historical, Political, Financial, Commercial, and Critical Details from the Period of the First Estab- lishment, 1600, of the Honourable East India Company, to the Present Time, July, 1825, 45 pp., obi. fol. 1825 — • Rise and Progress of the Silk Trade in England, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, February, 1826. 16 pp., obi. fol. 1826 — Chronological Records of the British Royal and Commercial Navy, from the Earliest Period, a,d. 827, to the Present Time, 1827, 85 pp., obi. fol. 1827 — The Past and Present Statistical State of Ireland, in a series of Tables. 56 pp., fol. 1827 — Chronological Records of British Finance from the Earliest Period, a.d. 55 to the Present Time, 1828. 27 pp., obi. fol. 1828 — Examen comparatif du commerce de la France avec tous les pays du monde, aux deux epoques de paix les plus importantes qui ont precede la Revolution, 1787 a 1789, et suivi la Restauration, 1819 a 1821, con* sidere sous le point de vue des importations et des exportations, reunis et separement. 2 + 12 pp., obi. fol. 1828 — Examen impartial du commerce de la Grande Bretagne avec toutes les parties du monde durant les periodes les plus remarquables des dix- septieme, dix-huitieme, et dix-neuvieme siecles. Sheet, folded, sm. fol. 1828 — Examen statistique du royaume de France en 1787, considere sous les rapports de son etendue, de sa population, de ses revenus, de ses depenses, de sa dette, de son commerce, et de sa navigation, le tout etabli d'apres des documens officiels, recueillis et mis en ordre sous une forme nouvelle. Sheet, folded, sm. fol. 1828 — * Rise and Progress of the Wool Trade and Woollen Manufacture in Great Britain, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time (July, 1828). 8 pp., fol. 1828 — Apercu statistique etabli d'apres des documens officiels par — , des quatre- vingt*six departemens du royaume de France. Sheet, folded, sm. fol. 1830 — Notice biographique de la vie et des travaux de — . La. 8vo. Moreau de Jonnes (Alexandre). Statistique de VBspagne. Territoire, population, agriculture, industrie, commerce, navigation, colonies, finances. viii + 318 pp., map, 8vo. 1834 — Statistique de la Grande Bretagne et de l'lrlande, 2 vols, in 1, map, 8vo. Paris, 1837-38 — Population de la France comparee a celle des autres etats de 1 'Europe : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 4to. 1842 Morehouse (Q. R.). Researches upon the Anatomy and Physiology of Respiration in the Chelonia : * Smithsn. Gontribn., vol. 13. 4to. 1863 Moret y Prendergast ( — ). Local Government and Taxation in Spain : * Golden Club Essays. 8vo. 1875 Moreton (Hon. A. H.). Civilisation, or a brief Analysis of the Natural Laws that Regulate the Numbers and Condition of Mankind. 216 pp., 8vo. 1836 Morfit (Campbell). Recent Improvements in Chemical Arts : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 MO 309 Morgan (Lady). Absenteeism. 160 pp., 8vo. 1825 , — Letter to Cardinal Wiseman, in answer to his " Remarks on Lady- Morgan's Statements regarding St. Peter's Chair." 1851 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Morgan (Alfred). Index to Papers contained in the Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Vols. 1—25, 1844-71 s * Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Soc, 8vo. 1871 Morgan (H. J.). The Dominion [of Canada], Annual Register and Review . . . 1878. The first volume : Canada (Ann. Register, 8fc), 8vo. 1879 Morgan (John Ed.). Medical Education at the Universities ; * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1875 Morgan (L. H.) :— Degrees of Kelationship among different Nations : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 Classificatory System of Relationship, Turanian and Malayan : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 17. 4to. 1871 Classificatory System of Relationship, Ganowanian : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 17. 4to. 1871 Descriptive System of Relationship, Aryan, Semitic, and Uralian : Id., vol. 17. 4to. 1871 Morgan (R.). Familiar Observations on Life Insurance, and the causes affecting Population, &c. 1841 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1829-50 Morgan (Thomas). The Amendment of the Patent Laws referring to several Points not hitherto discussed : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1877 Morgan (William). An Appeal to the People of Great Britain, on the present Alarming State of the Public Finances, and of Public Credit. 4th edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 35. 8vo. 1797 Morier (R. B. D.). Government considered in its Historical Development in Germany and England, with Special Reference to Recent Legislation, on the Subject in Prussia : * C»bden Club Essays. 8vo 4 1875 — The Agrarian Legislation of Prussia during the Present Century : Id. 12mo. [cir. 1876] Morley (John). On Compromise. 2nd edit., revised, x + 227 pp., 8vo. 1877 Morlot (A.). Study of High Antiquity : * Smithsn. Pep. 8vo. 1862.64, Morogues (Baron de). Recherche des causes de la richesse et de la misere des Peuples Civilises. Lithograph. 649 pp., 4to. Paris, [cir. 1832] Morpurgo (E.) : — Recenti studi statistici sulla pena di morte ; *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 Studii di economia nazionale italiana a pro- posito di alcune pubblicazioni ufficiali : Id. La. 8vo. 1878 La Seienza Demografica e il prinio Con- gresso Jnternazionale di Demografia : let. La*. 8vo. 1879 Antonio Rosmini-Sebati e i suoi Coucetti sulF ufficio scientifico della statistica : Id. La. 8vo. 1878 Id. La. 8vo, 1881 Morrell (J. C). Pollution of Rivers and Water, and its Prevention : * Manch, Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1874-75 Morris (Corbyn). Observations on the Past Growth and Present State of the City of London, with Tables (from 1601-1757). Reprinted 1758 : *London (Bills of Mortality). 4to. 1759 Morris (D.). The Past and Present Productive Power of Cotton Machinery: * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1865 Morris (Edward). A Short Inquiry into the Nature of Monopoly and Forestalling. 3rd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 34. 8vo. 1800 Morris (J. G.). Catalogue of the Described Lepidoptera of North America: * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 3. 8vo. 1862 Le Condizioni del mutuo soccorso in Italia ed in altri Stati di Europa : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1876 L'UfBci Scientifico e l'Assunto Civile della Statistica : Id. La. 8vo. 1877 Le Associazoni operaie e il tipo Leclaire : Id. La. 8vo. 1878 Le inchieste della Repubblica di Venezia Frammenti di una storia della Statistica : 310 MO Morris (J. G.). Synopsis of Described Lepidoptera of North America : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1862 Morrison (C). An Essay on the Relations between Labour and Capital. xv + 1 + 328 pp. 8vo. 1854 Morrison (John R.). A Chinese Commercial Guide ; a Collection of Details respecting Foreign Trade in China : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 18. 8vo. 1834 Morrison (Rev. Robert). A Memoir of the Principal Occurrences during an Embassy from the British Government to the Court of China in the year 1816 : * Pamph., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 Morse (Arthur). Agriculture and the Corn Law. Prize Essay. Showing the Injurious Effects of the Corn Law upon Tenant Farmers and Farm Labourers : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Morselli (E.). II suicidio saggio di statistica morale comparata. xvi-f 512 pp., diagram-maps, 8vo. Milano, 1879 Mortality of the British Army, at Home and Abroad, and during the Russian War, as compared with the Mortality of the Civil Population in England. [Anon.]. 21 pp., diagrams, fol. 1858 Morton (William T. G.). Statements supported by Evidence, on his Claim to the Discovery of the Anaesthetic Properties of Ether. 582 + 135 + 33 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1853 Moss (J. F.). Science Teaching in connection with Elementary Schools : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1879 Motley (John L.). The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. New edition. Complete in 1 vol. xi + 1 -+- 930 pp., plate, 12mo. 1874 Mott (P. T.). Reformatory Punishment : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1879 Mott (Valentine). Haemorrhage from Wounds, and the Best Means of Arresting it : * U.S.A. (Sanitary Commiss.). 8vo. 1864 — Pain and Anaesthetics : Id. 8vo. 1864 Motte (S.). Outline of a System of Legislation for Protection to Aborigines : * Aborigines Protection Soc. 8vo. 1837-41 Mouat (Frederic J.). Elements of Anatomy. Translated into Hindustani. Part 5. The Brain and Nervous System. 131 pp., la. 8vo. Calcutta, 1848 — On Prison Discipline and Statistics in Lower Bengal. [Continuation of a Paper in vol. 25, p. 175] : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 30. 8vo. 1867 — Administration Reports of the Jails of the Lower Provinces, Bengal Presidency, 1857-69 : (Bengal. Jails). Sm. fol. and la. 8vo. 1858-70 i — On Prison Discipline and Statistics in Lower Bengal : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 35. 8vo. 1872 — . Prison System of India : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 — Medical Statistics, with especial reference to Cholera and Syphilis : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1874 — . The Value of European Life in India in its Social, Political, and Economic Aspects : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1875 — On International Prison Statistics: * Stat. Soc, (Jl.), vol. 39. 8vo. 1876 — Preliminary Report of the Ninth International Statistical Congress, held at Buda-Pesth, September, 1876 : Id., vol. 39. 8vo. 1876 — Propositions de M. Mouat, extraites de son " Preliminary Report," &c, presente a la " Statistical Society " a Londres : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. (Commiss. Permanente). 4to. 1878 — Reports on : 1. The Fourth Session of the Permanent Commission of the International Statistical Congress. 2. The First Session of the Inter- national Congress of Demography and Medical Geography. 3. The Second Session of the International Prison Congress, 1878 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 42. 8vo. 1879 MO— MU 311 Mouat (Frederic J.). Note on the Tenth Census of United States of America: * Stat. Soc (Jl.), vol. 43. 8vo. 1880 — Education and Training of the Children of the Poor : Id., vol. 43. 8vo. 1880 Mouncey (A. H.). Small Wares and Fancy Goods : * Pari. Miscell. Rep. (Vienna Univ. Exhib.). Part III. 8vo. 1873 Moxon (T. B.):— The Banks of the United Kingdom ; their Resources and Reserves. (Privately printed) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1875 Recent Variation between the Bank and Market Rates of Discount : *Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1877-78 Indian Finance : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1880-81 Another copy : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1881 Moylan (J.) Impolicy of a Revival of Protection as a Remedy for the present Depression : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1876-79 Moyriac de Mailla (Pere Joseph A. M. de). Histoire Generale de la Chine ; ou, Annales de cet empire, traduits du Tong-kien-kang-mou, par le feu — , . . . publiees par l'Abbe Grosier, et dirigees par le Roux des Hautesrayes . . . Ouvrage enrichi de Figures et de nouvelles Cartes Geographiques de la Chine, ancienne et moderne, levees par ordre du feu Empereur Kang-hi, et gravees pour la premiere fois : China (Histoire Generale). Maps, &c, 4to. 1777-83 Mudrony (S.). Rapport sur la statistique des institutions creees dans la grande Industrie en faveur des classes laborieuses : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Miihry (A.). Allgemeine Geographische Meteorologie oder Versuch einer uebersicht lichen Darlegung des Systems der Erd-Meteoration in ihrer klimatischen Bedeutung. xii + 203 pp., 8vo., diagrams. Leipzig, 1860 Muller (J.). Recent Progress in Physics : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1857 Miiller (Max). Chips from a German Workshop ... 2nd edit., 2 vols., 8vo. 1868 Essays on the Science of Religion | Essays on Mythology, Traditions, and Customs Mulhall (M. G.). Balance Sheet of the World, 1870-80. 143 + 31 pp., plates, 8vo. 1881 Mulhall (M. G. y E. T.). Manual de las Republicas del Plata . . . viii -f 403 + 1 pp., 12mo. Buenos Aires, 1876 Mulholland (W.). Application of Commercial Enterprise to the Construc- tion of Railways : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 — Report as to the best Means of reducing the Town Law of Ireland to a Code : Id. 8vo. 1871-76 Mull (Thomas). England's Treasure by Forraign Trade ; or, the Ballance of our Forraign Trade is the Rule of our Treasure . . . 1664. 124 pp., 12mo. Glasgow, 1755 Another copy: * Polit. Econ. Club (Early Tracts). 8vo. 1856 — A Discourse of Trade, from England vnto the East- Indies ; Answering to diuerse Obiections which are vsually made against the same. The Second Impression, corrected and amended. By T. M., 1621 : Id. 8vo. 1856 Munch (P. A.). Chronica Regum Mannias et Insularum. The Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys. Edited from the Manuscript Codex in the British Museum, and with Historical Notes. 191 pp., 8vo. Christiania, 1860 Mundell (Alexander). Reasons for a Revision of our Fiscal Code : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 8vo. 1828 — The Operation of the Corn Laws during the last Sixty Years : Id., S. 5, vol.' 20. 8vo. 1833 312 MU Mundella (A. J.). What are the Conditions on which the Commercial and Manufacturing Supremacy of Great Britain Depend, and is there any Reason to think they have been, or may be, Endangered ? : * Stat. Soc. (JZ.), vol. 41. 8vo. 1878 Municipal Corporations Companion, Diary, Directory, and Year Book of Statistics . . . 1878-80. 3 vols. 8vo. [1878-80] Munro (A.). Our Unemployed Females, and what may best be done for them : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1862-63 Munroe (Henry). Medical Statistics oi the Hull Police Force, 1857-59 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 10. 8vo. 1859 Murchison (John H^ British Mines considered as a means of Investment. 3rd edit. 238 pp., 12mo. 1855 Murdoch (John). Indian Year-Book for 1862 ; a Review of Social, Intel- lectual, and Religious Progress in India and Ceylon : Indian Year Booh. 8vo. 1863 Murland (James W.). Opening Address by — , Vice-President : * Stat, fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 Murphy (Joseph J.) :—. Private and Local Business of Parliament : * Stat , See, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 Laws relating to Joint Stock Companies : Id. 8vo. 1857-60 Means of increasing the usefulness of the Post Office : Id. 8vo. 1857-60 On the Tenures and Taxation of India : Id. 8vo. 1857-60 Principles of a Note Circulation : *Stat., Sfc, Soc. Irel. 8to. 1857-60 Debt and Taxation of Ireland : Id. 8vo. 1864-68 Relation of the State to Railways : Id. 8vo. 1864-68 Bimetallism as a Policy for the British Empire : Id. 8vo. 1880-82 Murray (A.). General View of the. Agriculture of the County of Warwick. Map: * Aqricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1813 Murray (Chas.S.). Rating of Chronometers, : ; * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1880 — Watchmaking by Machinery : Id. 12mo. ] 881 — Locks and Safes i Id. 12mo. 1883 Murray (J.). Amount and Employment of Steam and Water Power in Townships named, by — , and R. Birley, 1837 : * Stat. Soc. Rep., fyc. 8vo. 1835-41 Murray (James). French Finance and Financiers under Louis XV. viii + 357 pp., 8vo. 1858 Murray (John). On the Topography of Meerutt, and the principal Diseases in the Horse Artillery at that place. Plan : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1839 Museum of Practical Geology and Geological Survey. Catalogue of the Library compiled by H. White and T. W. Newton. 602 pp., 8vo. 1878 Musgrave (John). Tables of Reference to the Grand Jury Laws of Ireland : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2, 4to. 1835 Musgrave (T. M.). Considerations on the Re-establishment of an Effective Balance of Power.. 2nd edit. : * Pamph., vol, 3. 8vo. 1814 Mushet (Robert) :— An Enquiry into the Effects produced on the National Currency and Rates of Exchange, by the Bank Restriction Bill, 3rd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 12. 8vo. 1811 Another copy. 2nd edit. : * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1810 A Series of Tables exhibiting the Gain and Loss to the Fundholder arising from the Fluctuations in the Value of the Currency : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 39. 8vo. 1821 Mustard Seed. On the Efficacy of White — , as a Cure for Various Complaints. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 MU- NA 313 Mutual Life Assurance Company of New York. Report Exhibiting the Experience of the — , for fifteen years ending 1st February, 1858. 35 pp., diagrams, 4to. New York, 1859 Myers (Thomas). Remarks on a Course of Education designed to pre- pare the Youthful Mind for a Career of Honour, Patriotism, and Philanthrophy : * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 N. [N. (N.)]. Sur le traitement rationnel des prisonniers dans le but d'assurer une reforme morale durable, par un directeur de penitentier anglais. [Anon.] : * Internat. Prison Congress, StocJch., 1878. 8vo. 1879 Naismith (John). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Clydesdale. Map : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1806 — An Inquiry concerning the Propriety of Increasing the Import Duty on Foreign Corn : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Nanson (E. J.). Proportional Representation : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1880 Napier (Gen. Sir Charles J.). A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir J. Hobhouse, President of the Board of Control, on the Baggage of the Indian Army. 2nd edit., 1849 : * Indian Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1845-49 — Defects, Civil and Military, of the Indian Government. Edited by Lieutenant- General Sir W. F. P. Napier, K.C.B. xii + 437 pp. 8vo. 1853 Napier (C. O. Groom). Legislative Protection to the Birds of Europe : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1875 [Napier (William)]. Some Details of the Resources and ascertained Traffic of Sweden. Map : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 19. 8vo. 1854 Naples and Sicily. Naples. Quadro storico-analitico degli atti del Governo de' Dominj al di qua del faro owero.manuale per gli uffiziali giudiziarj ed amministrativi. viii -f 419 pp. 8vo. Napoli, 1833 — Quadro statistico Bull' Amministrazione della Giustizia penale ne' reali Dominj di qua del Faro, 1832 : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 1. 4to. 1833 — Quadro statistico sull' Amministrazione della Giustizia penale ne' reali Dominj di qua del Faro, 1833 : Id., S. 4, vol 1. 4to. 1835 — Prodotti del Industria Napolitana ; Id., S. 5, vol. 3. 4to. 1842 — Sicily. Giornale di Statistica compilato dagl' impiegati nella Direzione Centrale della Statistica di Sicilia^ 2 vols., 8vo. Palermo, 1836-37 — Tavola de' movimenti della popolazione Siciliana, 1856. 101 pp., 8vo. ib., [1858] — Palermo. Statistica della Istruzione pubblica in Palermo, 1859. 186 pp., 8vo. ib., 1860 Napoleon I (Emperor). Observations on Lord Bathurst's Speech in the House of Peers relative to Bonaparte's Imprisonment, March, 1817. [Anon.]: * Pamph. y vol 12., 8vo. 1818 Nardi (l'Abbe). Sur la statistique officielle et privee dans l'ensemble des Etats italiens : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56; — Note sur la statistique des Etats italiens : Id. 4to. 1857-58. Nasse (E.). On the Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, and Inclosures of the Sixteenth Century in England. Translated from the German of—, by Col. H. A. Ouvry : * Cobden Club Essays. 8vo. 1871 National Anti-Corn Law League. The Three Prize Essays on Agricul- ture and the Corn Law [with Address by George Wilson], 1842 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 314 NA— NE National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Trans- actions. (From commencement in 1857) : * Soc. Science Assocn. 8vo. 1858-83 — Trade Societies and Strikes. Report of the Committee on Trades Societies : Id. 8vo. 1860 — Journal of Social Science, including Sessional Papers of the — . 1865-66 : Id. 8vo. 1866 — Sessional Proceedings of the — , with which is united the Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Law : Id., La. 8vo. 1867-83 — [and] Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Law. Twenty-fifth Anniversary. A Manual for the Congress, with a Narrative of Past Labours and Results, by J. Clifford- Smith, with portraits : Id., 12mo. 1882 National Association for the Protection of Industry and Capital throughout the British Empire : *Polit. Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1846-52 National Bank. Report, 1859: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. [1859] National Debt. On the Expediency and Necessity of Striking off a Part of the National Debt, with Observations on its Practicability with the least possible Injury. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 18. 8vo. 1821 — Resolutions relative to the National Debt, and Operations of the Sinking Fund. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 — Suggestions for the Gradual Payment of the National Debt. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. 1859 National Philanthropic Association. Sanatory Progress ; being the Fifth Report of the Association. Plates, 8vo. 1850 National Prison Congress. Transactions of the National Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline, held at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1870: E. C. Wines (Trans., fyc). 8vo. 1871 National Prosperity. The Restoration of — , shewn to be immediately practicable. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 8vo. 1821 National Society for the Education of the Poor. Account of the Report of the—, 1813: * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 — Church School Inquiry, 1846-47. Result of the Returns to the General Inquiry made by the — , into the State and Progress of Schools for the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church throughout England and Wales. 1 vol., sm. fol. 1849 National Society. Statistics of Church of England Schools for the Poor in England and Wales, 1866-67 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. [cir. 1867] Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. 8vo. 1867-83 Navagero (Andrea). Funeral Oration, delivered at Venice, on the Death of the Doge Leonardo Loredano [1521]. Translated from the Original Italian by C. Kelsall. To which are subjoined Remarks on the Venetian Republic: * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 Navigation, Annual Statements of the — , and Shipping of the United Kingdom: Pari. Acct., fyc. (Trade, $-c). Fol. 1853-82 Navigation Laws of England. A short Review of the History of the — , from the Earliest Times ; to which are added a Note on the Present State of the Law, &c. ; . . . By a Barrister. 2nd edit., 1849. [Anon.] : *Polit. Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 Navigation Maritime. I. Jaugeage des navires: * Stat. Internat. La. 4to. 1876 — II. Les marines marchandes : Id. La. 4to. 1881 Neaves (Lord). Address by, on Statistics and their Fallacies : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1871 Needham. (J. P.). Facts and Observations relative to the Disease called Cholera, as it has recently prevailed in the City of York. 138 pp., 8vo. 1833 NE 315 [Nehemiah]. The Letters of — ; relating to the Laws affecting Joint Stock Banks, and the Effects likely to be produced, by the Measures of Sir Robert Peel, upon the System of Banking . . . [Anon.]. 1845 : * Currency,' fyc, vol. 2. 8vo. 1840-47 Neild (Alderman). The Price of Printing Cloth and Upland Cotton from 1812 to 1860 : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § P. 8vo. 1861 Neild (James). State of the Prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales, with Documents ... on the Condition of Prisoners in general. lxiv + 643 pp., portrait and plan, 4to. 1812 Neill (Archibald). The Bradford Building Trades : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1873 Neison (P. G. P.). Method of Conducting Inquiries on Comparative Sanitary Condition of various Districts: * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 7. 8vo. 1844 — Contributions to Vital Statistics, being a Development of the Rate of Mortality and the Laws of Sickness . . . with an Inquiry into the Influence of Locality ... an Analytical View of Railway Accidents, and an Investigation into the Progress of Crime in England and Wales. 3rd edit., xliv + 630 pp., 4to. 1857 Another copy 2nd edit, vii + 148 pp., 4to. 1846 Another copy [1st edit.] . vii + 148 pp., 4to. 1845 Another copy : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 8. 8vo. 1845 — Observations on the Questions pending in the Manchester Unity of the Order of Odd Fellows : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 6. 8vo. 1846 — Report on the Bengal Military Fund : Id., S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1849 — Mortality of Master Mariners: * Stat. Soc. (Jl,), vol. 13. 8vo. 1850 — Observations on Odd Fellows and Friendly Societies. 13th edit., 1851 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 Another copy : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 6. 8vo. 1851 — On the Rate of Mortality among Persons of Intemperate Habits : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 — On the Rate of Mortality in the Medical Profession : Id., vol. 15. 8vo. 1852 — Mr. Christie and the Law Property Assurance Society, [1852] : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 — Reply to Mr. Christie's Attack on the Law Property Assurance Society. 1852. [Together with Mr. Christie's Reply and Balance Sheet, and Report of the L. P. A. Society] : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 — Analytical View of Railway Accidents : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 26. 8vo. 1853 — Statistics of Crime in England and Wales for the years 1842, 1843, and 1844. 1847 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 3. 8vo. 1826-54 Neison (P. G. P., jun.). The Influence of Occupation upon Health : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1868 — The Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows. 75 pp., 8vo. 1869 — Some Statistics of the Affiliated Orders of Friendly Societies (Odd Fellows and Foresters) : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 40. 8vo. 1877 — The Rate of Fatal and non-Fatal Accidents in and about Mines and on Railways, with the Cost of Insurance against suchAccidents. Preliminary Report. 73 pp., la. 8vo. 1880 — The Rates of Mortality and Sickness according to the Experience, for the five years 1871-75, of the Ancient Order of Foresters' Friendly Society, with a series of Monetary Tables. 217 pp., la. 8vo. 1882 Nemnich (Philip A.). Universal European Dictionary of Merchandise in [twelve] languages. 1 vol., 4to. 1799 316 NE Nervo (Baron de). Les Finances francaises sous l'ancienne monarchie, la republique, le consulat et l'empire. 2 vols., la. 8vo. Paris, 1863 Nessmann (E.). Die Aufgabe der Statistik bei Bildnng der Handelsbilanz : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Internationale Handelsstatistik. Vergleichendes Yerzeichniss von 112 Waaren deren gleichmassige Nachweisung in sammtlichen handel- treibenden Landern zn erstreben ist : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Netherlands. Official Publications: — (Arranged chronologically). — Estat ou Tarif des Droits d'Entree et Sortie sur les Marchandises, Manu- factures, et Denrees, 1680 (with MS. additions). Fol. Brux., 1754 — Verzameling van Stukken, betrekkelijk de onbeperkte vrijheid van den Handel in Granen, Uitgegeven op last des konings. 334 pp., 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1823 — Monvement de la population dans le royaume des Pays-Bas, 1815-24. 21 + 31 pp., 8vo. La Haye, 1827 — Staten van de Bevolking der Steden en gemeenten van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, op den 1 Januarij, 1840. 83 pp., 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1841 — Model voor het jaarlijsch uitvoerig en beredeneerd verslag van den toestand der province. Art. 162, alinea 1 en 2 der wet van 6 Julij, 1850. Staatsblad,. No. 39. 16 pp., sm. fol. [cir. 1850] — Model van het uitvoerig en beredeneerd Verslag van den toestand der gemeente, art. 182, der wet van den 29 sten Junij, 1851, Statsblad No. 85. [Annex]. Toelichting tot de staten derWerkelijkeontvangsten en uitgaven [with forms]. 11 + 7 pp., sm. fol. [cir. 1851] — Uitkomsten der derde tienjarige Yolkstelling in het koningrijk der Nederlanden, 1849. 12 vols., fol. 's Gravenhage, 1852-53 — Bevolkingtafelen, twaalf jarige staten der Levendgeborenen en Sterf- gevallen, Levens- en Sterftewet voor het koningrijk der Nederlanden. lvi + 441 pp., fol. ib., 1856 — Uitkomsten der vierde tienjarige Yolkstelling ... 3 vols., foL ib., 1863-64 — Statistisch Jaarboekje voor. het Koningrijk der Nederlanden i — xv Jaar. 12 vols., 12mo. and la. 8vo. ib., 1851-68 — Algemeene Statistiek van Nederland, Beschrijving van den Maatschap- pebjken toestand van het Nederlandsche volk in het midden der Negentiende reuw. 2 — 10. 9 parts, maps, 8vo. Leiden, 1870-74 — Uitkomsten der vijfde tienjarige Yolkstelling . . . 3 vols., fol. 's Gravenhage, 1873-75 — Statistiek der Bevolking van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden over 1875. 141 pp., 4to. ib., 1876 — Statistiek der Ligting voor de Nationale Militie in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, 1872-75. 92 pp., 4to. ib., 1877 — Bijdragen tot de Algemeene Statistiek van Nederland, Sterftetafelen over 1840-51, 1850-59, 1860-69. 46 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Sterfte- Atlas van Nederland over 1860-74. 1 vol., fol., maps. Amsterdam, 1879 — Statistiek van de Schulden der Polders en Waterschappen in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. 93 pp., 4to. 's Gravenhage, 1879 — Biidraeren tot de Algemeene Statistiek van Nederland. Jaargang, 1876-78. 8vo. ib., 1877-80 — Berekening van de waarde der onroerende Goederen (gebomode en ongebomode eigendommen) in het Rijk. 69 pp., 4to. ib., 1880 — Uitkomsten der zesde tienjarige Yolkstelling ... 12 vols., fol. ib., 1881 — Statistiek van het Groncrediet in Nederland, 1876-77—1879-80. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1880-82 NE 317 Netherlands. Official Publications— Cont d. — Overzigt van de Sterfte naar den leeftijd en de oorzaken van den dood in elke gemeente van Nederland gedureade 1875-80. 1181 pp., 4to, 's Gravenhage, 1882 — Statistische Bescheiden voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. La. 8vo. and 8vo. ib.> 1867-83 Deel. I — X. 1 stuk. Loop der Bevolking 1865-74 Deel. I. 2 stuk. Ligting voor de Nationale Militie, 1863-67 Deel. VII. 3 stuk. Loting voor de Nationale Militie, 1868-71 Deel. II— VI. 2, 3 stuk, 1" Gedeel. Enkel Provinciale eft Huishoudelijke Rekeningen 2 de Gredeel. G-emeenterekeningen, 1865-70 Deel. V — VIII. 2 stuk. Sterfte naar de oor- zaken van den dood in 1869-74 Deel. V. 3 stuk. Loop der Bevolking, 1860-69 — Statistiek van den Loop der Bevolking von Nederland over 1878-80* 8vo. ib„ 1880-83 — Statistiek der geboorten en der sterfte naar den leeftijd en de oorzaken van den dood in Nederland, 1880-83. Sheets, 8vo. 1880-83 — Statistiek van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. Nieuwe serie. Staten van de in-, uit- en Doorgevoerde Voornaamste Handelsartikelen, Jan. — Feb., 1883. 2 nos.> gm, fol. 's Gravenhage, 1883 — Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Nederlandsche en vreenide Kolouien, biizonder, betrekkelijk de vrijlating der Slaven. 1844-46. 12 vols,, 8vo. Utrecht, 1844-46 — Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland. Staatkundig en Staat- huishoudkundig Jaarboekje, 1850-81. 32 vols., 12mo. Amsterdam, [1850J-81 — Soci6te de Statistique des Pays-Bas. Resume statistique pour le royaume des Pays-Bas, 1850-80. lvii + 179 pp., 8vo. La Haye, 1882 — Rotterdam. A New Picture of — . [Anon.]. Map and plans, 12mo. 1825 — Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost*Indie\ Elfde Jaar- gang, 1882, 1 vol., maps, &c, la. 8vo. Amsterdam, [1882] Neuman (M.). Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. By — and Baretti. New edition by M. Seoane. 2 vols., 8vo. 1862 Neumann (P. X.) : F. X. von Neumann- Spallart Neumann- Spallart (P. X. von). Ubersichten iiber Production, Welthandel und Verkehrsmittel . . . separat-abdruck aus Behm's geographischem Jarhbuche v. und vi. Bande. 2 nos., 12mo. Wien, 1874-76 — Die Getreideproduction in Oesterreich und anderen Staaten : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. [1877] — Indien als Kaiserreich : Id., S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1877 — Quelles sont les meilleures regies d'apres lesquelles on devrait dresser le bilan general et les tableaux du commerce exterieur : * Congres Internat, de Stat, 4to. 1876-78 — Sur la statistique agricolc : Id. 4to. 1876-78 — Uebersichten iiber Produktion, verkehr und Handel in der Weltwirth- schaft, 1878. xii +■ 226 pp., 12mo. Stuttgart, 1878 — Memoire sur la reforme de la statistique des metaux precieux : * Congres Internat. de Stat. (Commiss. permanente). 4to. 1878 — Der Schutz in der Weltwirthschaft : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1879 — Die vierte Session der Permanenz- Commission des internationalen statis- tischen Congresses in Paris, 1878 : Id., S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. [1879] — und G. A. Schimmer. Dr. Adolf Ficker. Nekrolog. Portrait : Id. S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1880 New British and Foreign Temperance Society. Reports 1 — 4. 4 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1837.40 318 NE New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane. Reports of the Board of Visitors, &c, of the, 1844-61. 12 pamph., 8vo. Concord, 1844-61 New Jersey. Historical and Descriptive Account of the State Lunatic Asylum at Trenton. By H. A. Buttolph, Superintendent. 22 pp., 8vo. [Trenton, 1849J-50 — Annual Report of the Officers of the State Lunatic Asylum at Trenton, 1849. 42 pp., plan, 8vo. ib., 1850 — Fifth Annual Report of*the Board of Health of the State of, 1881, [with Report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics]. 344 pp., 8vo. Mount Holly. 1881 New South Wales. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically). — Report, Commercial, Statistical, and General, on the District of Port Phillip, New South Wales, for the half-year ended 31st July, 1846 : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1846 — Statistics of New South Wales, 1837-54. 3 vols., fol. Sydney, 1850-55 — Censuses of the Colony of, 1846, 1856. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1846-57 — The Industrial Progress of — , being a Report of the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1870 at Sydney, together with a variety of papers illus- trative of the Industrial Resources of the Colony. xi + 729 pp., maps, 8vo. ib., 1871 — Mines and Minerals of, and Notes on the Geological Collection of the Department of Mines . . . (N.S.W. Inter- colonial and Philadelphia International Exhibition). 252 pp., map and diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1875 — Mineral Map and General Statistics : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1876 — Railways of New South Wales. Report on their Construction and Working during 1876. 106 pp., map and plans, fol. Sydney, 1877 — Annual Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, 1876. 184 pp., maps and plates, 4to. ib., 1877 — Blue Book for 1876-78. 3 vols., fol. ib., 1877-79 — Financial Statement of the Colonial Treasurer of New South Wales, 1875-81. 7 vols., fol. ib., 1875-81 — Catalogue of Exhibits, New South Wales Court. Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880. 13 + 106 + v pp., 8vo. ib., 1881 — Annual Reports from the Registrar- General on Vital Statistics, 1865-82. Fol. ib., 1865-82 — Census of—, 1881. lxxii pp., sm. fol. ib., 1882 — Statistical Register of , 1849-82 Fol. ib., 1859-83 (Contents.) 1. Population, Immigration, Vital Statistics 2. Religion, Education, and Crime 3. Trade and Commerce 4. Mills and Manufactures 5. Monetary and Financial 6. Production 7. Miscellaneous Statistical View of New South Wales Australasian Statistics Sydney City and Suburban Sewage and Health Board. Reports and Progress Reports (1—12). 14 vols., fol. ib., 1875-77 Registrar-General's Report on the Vital Statistics of Sydney and Suburbs, 1879-82 (incomplete). 15 sheets, fol. [ib., 1879-82] , with Information respecting the Resources of New Plan, 12mo. ib., 1872 — Visitors' Guide to South Wales. New York (State of). Official Publications :— (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Census; Canals; Education; Emigration; Finances ; Libraries ; Lunacy ; Poor ; Prisons; Railways; Miscellaneous; New York, City of ; Brooklyn). NE 319 New York (State of). Official Publications— Contd. — Census. Censuses of the — , for 1855, 1865. 2 vols., sm. fol. Albany, 1857-67 - — Census of the — , for 1875. xxxiv + 465 pp., maps, sm. fol. ib., 1877 — Canals. Reports of the State Engineer and Surveyor on the Canals of the, 1850, 1853-54, and 1862. 4 vols., plans and maps, 8vo. ib., 1851-63 — Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners of the, 1854-74. 2 vols., maps and plans, 8vo. ib., 1855- 75 — Report of the Commissioners invited ... to consider a Report on the Subject of Tolls upon Canals ... 74 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Education. Annual Reports of the Directors of the New York Institu- tion for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, to the Legislature of the, 1843-48. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1844-49 — Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the State Normal School of the, 1849. 22 pp., 8vo. Albany, 1850 — Fifteenth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the, 1869. . 349 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1869 — Emigration. Report of the Select Committee appointed by the Legis- lature of New York to examine into Frauds upon Emigrants. 148 pp., 8vo. ib., 1847 — Report of the Select Committee to examine into the Condition, Business Accounts, and Management of the Trusts under the Charge of the Commissioners of Emigration, &c. 270 pp., 8vo. ib., 1852 — Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Emigration of the, 1848-62. 10 nos., 8vo. New York, 1849-63 Ditto, reprinted, 1847-60 428 + ii + 63 pp., 8vo. ib., 1861 — Finances. Laws of the — , relating to the Assessment and Collection of Taxes, comprising the General Laws and those applicable to the Respective Cities, together with Forms and Instructions. 2 + 228 + 1 pp., la. 8vo. Albany, 1856 — Annual Reports of the Superintendent of the Banking Department of the— 1854, 1859. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1855-60 — Annual Report of the Comptroller of the — , 1859. 98 pp., 8vo. ib., 1860 — Annual Report of the Comptroller, exhibiting the Revenues and Expen- ditures of the County Government, 1860. 140 pp., 8vo. New York, 1861 — Civil List and Forms of Government of the Colony and — . Compiled from official sources by S. C. Hutchins. 600 pp., 8vo. Albany, 1869 — Report of the Commissioners appointed to Revise the Laws for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes in 1871, [also] Second Report, . . . 1872, with a Code of Laws relative to Assessment of Taxation [1872] : * Cobden Club Publications. 12mo. 1871-72 — Annual Reports of the Superintendent of the Insurance Department, 1863-71. 8vo. Albany, 1863-72 Part 1. Fire and Marine Insurance | Part 2. Life and Casualty Insurance — Libraries. State Library. Catalogue 3 vols., la. 8vo. ib., 1856-72 1. General Library, 1855 I 3. Subject Index of the General Library, 2. Law Library, 1855 [ 1872 — State Library. Annual Reports of the Trustees, 1868-81. 8vo. ib., 1868-82 — Annual Report of the Trustees of the Astor Library, 1849-77 (in 1 vol.), 1878-82. 8vo. ib., 1850-83 — Lunacy. Annual Reports of the Trustees of the New York State Asylum for Idiots, 1853. 24 pp., 8vo. ib., 1854 320 NE New York (State of). Official Publications— Contd. — Lunacy — Contd. — Annual Report of the Inspectors and Superintendent of the New York Asylum for Insane Convicts, at Auburn, N.Y., 1860. 22 pp., 8vo. Albany, 1861 — Annual Reports of the Managers of the State Lunatic Asylum of the, 1850, 1851, 1869. 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1851-70 — Poor. Annual Report of the Secretary of State relative to Statistics of the Poor of the, 1853, 1855.- 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1853-55 — Prisons. Report of the Select Committee of the Assembly of 1851, appointed to examine into the Affairs and Condition of the State Prisons in this State. 256 pp., 8vo. Albany, 1852 — Annual Reports of the Inspector of State Prisons of the, 1857-59. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1858-60 — Annual Report of the Secretary of State on the Criminal Statistics of the, 1861. 338 pp., 8vo. ib, 1862 — Railways. Annual Reports of the State Engineer and Surveyor on the Railroad Statistics of the—, 1849, 1854. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1850-55 — Report of the Special Committee on Railroads appointed under a resolu- tion of the Assembly, 28th February, 1879, to investigate Alleged Abuses in the Management of Railroads Chartered by the — . 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1880 — Miscellaneous. Documents of the Senate of the, Fifty.. Seventh Session, 1834. Vol. 2. 8vo. ib., 1834 — Documents relative to the Colonial History of the — , procured in Holland, England, and France, by John Romeyn Brodhead. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, (1603-1778). 10 vols., maps, &c, 4to. ib., 1856-58 — Report of Dr. Peters on the Longitude of the Western Boundary Line of the — . 15 pp., map, 8vo. ib., 1868 — Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of the — . Vol. 1. 8vo. ib., 1865 — Annual Reports of the Metropolitan Board of Health of the Metropolitan Sanitary District, 1866-68. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1867-69 — Manuals for the use of the Legislature of the — , for 1870-71. 2 vols., diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1870-71 — Results of a Series of Meteorological Observations made at Sundry Academies in the—, from 1826 to 1863, with records of Rainfall, &c, to 1871. 2 vols., maps, plates, and diagrams, 4to. ib., 1855-72 — The Clerk's Manual of Rules, Forms, and Laws, for the Regulation of Business in the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, including " CroswelPs Manual." 144 + 91 pp., 12mo. ib., 1874 — Court of Appeals of the State of New York, In the matter of the People . . . against the Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company, Appellant. 107 pp., 4to. ib., 1878 — Annual Reports of the New York State Museum of Natural History by the Regents of the University of the—, 1873-77. 5 vols., map and plates, 8vo. ib., 1875-79 — The Banking System of the — , with Notes and References to Adjudged Cases ; including also an Account of the New York Clearing House : /. Cleaveland. 8vo. 1857 — Annual Register. Compiled by Edwin Williams, 1831-35. 5 vols., maps and illustrations, 12mo. New York, 1831-35 — American Agricultural Association. Journal of the, Vol. 1. Diagrams, sm. 4to. ib., 1881 NE 321 New York (State of). Official Publications — Contd. — Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Annual Reports, 1868-69. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1868-69 — Chamber of Commerce of tke State of — . Annual Reports of the — , 1860-61, 1868-69. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1861-69 — Addresses of the Special Committee of the — , on Customs Revenue Reform. 73 pp., 8vo. ib., 1877 — Prison Association of—, Report of tke, including a List of the Officers and Members. 396 pp., 8vo. Albany, 1850 — Medical Society of the State of — , Transactions, 1860-61. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1860-61 — State Agricultural Society. Transactions, with an Abstract of the Proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies, 1853-67. (Parts 1 and 2). 3 vols., plates, 8vo. ib., 1854-68 — Reports of the Special Committee appointed by the — , on the Statistics, Pathology, and Treatment of the Epizootic Disease known as the Rinderpest. • 144 pp., plates, 8vo. ib., 1867 — Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents. Annual Report of the Managers of the — , to the Legislature, &c. 79 pp., 8vo. New York, 1853 — Vassar College. A College for Women, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Its Foundation, Aims, and Resources : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 — New York (City of). Annual Report of the Interments in the City and County . . . with a Brief View of the Sanitary Condition of the City, 1842. 59 pp., 8vo. New York, 1843 — Revised Laws concerning Passengers in Vessels coming to the — , and for the Protection of Emigrants. 34 pp., 8vo. ib., 1850 Amendments to ditto 8 pp.. 8vo. ib., 1851 — Annual Reports of the City Inspector, of the Number of Deaths and Interments in the — , 1851-52. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1852-53 — Table of the Semi-Centennial Mortality of the— , 1804-53. Sheet. [1854] — Annual Report of the Comptroller of the City and County . . . exhibiting the Revenues and Expenditure of the said City and County, 1858. 94 pp., 8vo. New York, 1859 — Annual Reports of the Governors of the Almshouse, 1851-59. 6 vols., 8vo. ib., 1852-60 — Corporation of the — . Annual Report of the Comptroller, exhibiting the Revenues and Expenditures of the City Government, including the opera- tions of the several Trust and Sinking Funds, 1860. 288 pp., 8vo. ib., 1861 — Corporation of the — . Communication from the Comptroller, trans- mitting his Financial Estimates, or Budget, for 1861. 178 pp., 8vo. ib., 1861 — Annual Reports of the City Inspector of the—, 1862-64. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1863-65 — Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction, 1869-71. 3 vols., 8vo. ib., 1870-71 — Annual Report of the Board of Health of the Health Department of the, . 1870-71. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1871-72 — Annual Reports of the Board of Education of the City and County of, 1853, 1874. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1854-75 — American Geographical and Statistical Society [altered in 1871 to the American Geographical Society of New York]. Bulletin, Journal, and Proceedings of — , 1852-65. Maps and plates, 8vo. ib., 1852- [64] — Journal of the—, 1870-83. 8vo. ib., 1870- [83] T 322 NE New York (State of)—Contd. — American Institute of the City of — . Transactions, 1853. 566 pp., 8vo. Albany, 1854 — Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. Annual Report of the, 1850. 11 pp., 8vo. New York, 1851 — Metropolitan Industrial League. Tariff of the United States, with Proposed Revision thereof; being the Argument presented to the Tariff Commission by the — . 2 + iv + 198 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1882 — Brooklyn. Annual Reports of the City Superintendent of Schools, Brooklyn, New York, 1860-61, 1868. 2 vols., 8vo. Brooklyn, 1861-69 — Annual Reports of the Departments of Police and Excise of the City of Brooklyn, New York, 1876, 1879-82. 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1877-83 New Zealand. Official Publications: — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Census; Exhibitions; Geological Reports, &c; Statistics of the Colony; Miscellaneous; Natural History Publications; Auckland; Canterbury; New Munster). — Census. Results of Censuses of the Colony of New Zealand, 1871, 1874, 1878. 3 vols., fol. Wellington, 1872-80 — Results of a Census of the Colony of—, 1881 Sm. fol. ib., 1882 Part 8. Sickness and Infirmity 9. Land, Live Stock, Butter Part 1. Population and Houses 2. Ages of the People 3. Coniugal Condition of the People 4. Education of the People » 10 ' Indu9t ™s, Land and Budding Societies, 5. Birthplaces of the People Public Libraries, Mechanics' Insti- 6. Religions of the People tutes, &c., Places of Worship 7. Occupations of the People I Appendix — Exhibitions. Exhibition [International], 1865. Reports and Awards of the Jurors, and Appendix. vii + 531 pp., la. 8vo. Dunedin, 1866 — Handbook of — , [Prepared for the] Sydney International Exhibition, 1879, by James Hector, M.D. Published by direction of the Royal Commissioners for New Zealand. 3 + 105 pp., maps and diagrams, la. 8vo. Wellington, 1879 — Official Catalogue of Exhibits, [in the] New Zealand Court [at the] International Exhibition [at] Sydney, 1879. xv + 71 pp., 8vo. Sydney, [1879] Appendix to the above 67 pp., 8vo. Wellington, 1880 — Handbook of — . [Prepared for the Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880]. By James Hector, M.D. [by direction of the Hon. the Premier]. 2nd edit., revised, 4 + 112 pp., maps and diagrams, la. 8vo. ib., 1880 — Catalogue of Exhibits [in the] New Zealand Court [at the] International Exhibition [at] Melbourne, 1880. xiv + 91 + 7 pp., 8vo. Melbourne, [1880] — Geological Reports, &c. Geological Maps. Sketch Map of the Geology of—. By Dr. Hector, F.R.S. Map, folded. "8vo. 1869 — Geological Survey of, Maps of the Buller Coal Field to illustrate Reports by Mr. Cox and Mr. Denniston. (Geological Reports, 1874-77). Fol. [cir. 1878] — Geological Reports. Reports of Geological Explorations, 1867-79. Maps, &c, la. 8vo. Wellington, 1869-79 — Statistics of the Colony. Statistical Tables in anticipation of the Annual Volume of Statistics of New Zealand, 1869. 1 vol., fol. ib., 1870 — Statistics of the Colony of — 1853-61, 1866-82 Fol. ib., 1858-83 4. Finance, Accumulation, Production 5. Law, Crime, Education Report Statistical Summary 1. Blue Book (Governors, Parliament, &c.) 2. Population and Vital Statistics 3. Trade and Interchange 6. Miscellaneous Appendix. — Census : Population and Dwellings NE 323 New Zealand. Official Publications— Contd. — Miscellaneous. The Laws of England ; Compiled and Translated into the Maori Language. 72 pp., fol. Auckland, 1858 — Observations on the State of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of — . 44 pp., fol. ib., 1859 — Agricultural Statistics of New Zealand, February, 1869 ("New Zealand Gazette," No. 28, 1869). 8 pp., fol. Wellington, 1869 — Agricultural Statistics in February, 1873. 9 pp., fol. ib., 1873 — Meteorological Returns and Reports, 1868-77, including Returns and Averages for previous years. Diagrams, la. 8vo. ib., 1869-78 — Museum and Laboratory Reports. Annual Reports on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory, together with a List of Donations and Deposits, 1866-67—79-80. La. 8vo. Auckland, 1867-80 — Friendly Societies. Reports by the Registrar, 1877-82. 6 parts, fol. Wellington, 1877-82 — Natural History Publications. Catalogue of the Samples of Fibres and Manufactured Articles prepared from the Phormium Tenax, exhibited by the Flax Commissioners in the Colonial Museum, Wellington, 1871. 35 pp., la. 8vo. Auckland, 1871 — Catalogue of the Birds of — ,with Diagnoses of the Species, by Frederick W. Hutton, F.G.S. ix + 1 + 85 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1871 — Fishes of — . Catalogue, with Diagnoses of the Species, by Frederick W. Hutton, F.G.S. [Notes on the Edible Fishes, by James Hector, M.D., F.R.S.]. xv + 1 + 133 + ii + iii pp., plates, la. 8vo. Wellington, 1872 — Phormium Tenax as a Fibrous Plant. Being Selections from the Reports of the Commissioners appointed by the New Zealand Government, 1870-72. v + 3 + 134 pp., plates, la. 8vo. ib., 1872 — Catalogue of the Echinodermata of — , with Diagnoses of the Species, by Frederick W. Hutton, F.G.S. vi + 1 + 17 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1872 — Catalogue of the Tertiary Mollusca and Echinodermata of — , in the Collection of the Colonial Museum, by Frederick W. Hutton, F.G.S. xvi + 48 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1873 — Catalogue of the Land Mollusca of — , with Descriptions of the Species. Collected from various Authors. 3 + xxvii pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1873 — Critical List of the Mollusca of — , contained in European Collections, with References to Descriptions and Synonyms, by Edouard von Martens. v + 51 + viii pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1873 — Catalogue of the Stalk and Sessile-Eyed Crustacea of — . By Edward J. Miers, F.L.S. xiii + 136 + 3 pp., plates, la. 8vo. 1876 — Manual of the Indigenous Grasses of — . By John Buchanan. xiv + 1 + 175 pp., plates, la. 8vo. Wellington, 1880 — Manual of the — Coleoptera, by Captain Thomas Broun. xix + 651 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1880 — Manual of the — Mollusca. A Systematic and Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine and Land Shells, and of the Soft Mollusks and Polyzoa of New Zealand and the adjacent Islands, by Frederick W. Hutton, F.G.S. xvi + iv + 224 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1880 — Palaeontology of — , part 4. Corals and Bryozoa of the Neozoic Period in — . Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods. xvi + 34 pp., plates, la. 8vo. ib., 1880 — Map of the Colony of — , from Official Documents, by John Arrowsmith. Mounted and folded, 12mo. 1850 — Institute. Transactions and Proceedings of the — , 1868-82. Edited by J. Hector, C.M.G. Map and plates, la. 8vo. Wellington, 1875-83 Index to vols. 1 — 8 44 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1877 t2 324 NE New Zealand. Official Publications— Contd. — Auckland. Province of — . Government Loan, 500,000?. Sketch of the ■* present position of the Province of Auckland, Statistically and Financially. 52 pp., map, 8vo. 1863 — Canterbury. Plan of the Association for Founding the Settlement of — . New Zealand, 1848 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1838-49 — New Munster. Statistics of — , New Zealand, from 1841 to 1848. 43 pp., fol. Wellington, 1849 Newall (General D. J. P.). Military Colonisation as a Reserve for India. (Privately printed) : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1881 — The Highlands of India Strategically considered, with special reference to their Colonisation as Reserve Circles, Military, Industrial, and Sanitary. 274 pp., map, diagrams, and plates, 8vo. 1882 Newbigging (Thomas). The Gas Manager's Handbook, consisting of Tables, Rules, and Useful Information for Gas Engineers, Managers, and others engaged in the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas. 2nd edit. 316 pp., 12mo. 1874 NeWcastle-upOn-Tyne Public Libraries. Catalogue of the Books in the Central Lending Department. Compiled by W. John Haggerston. viii + 329 pp., la. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1880 Newcomb (Simon)* Investigation of the Orbit of Neptune : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 15. 4to. 1867 — On the Investigation of the Orbit of Uranus : Id., vol. 19. 4to. 1874 — On the General Integrals of Planetary Motion : Id., vol. 21. 4to. 1876 — A Memorial of Joseph Henry : * Smithsn* Miscell. Colin., vol. 21. 8vo. 1881 Newcome (Frederick N.). Diminishing Annuities. A New Philosophy in Lending Funds : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1880 — Plan to Liquidate the National Debt with Less than the Cost of Interest. A Paper on Diminishing Sinking Funds : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1880 Newdegate (C. N.). Letters to the Rt. Hon. H. Labouchere, M.P., on the Balance of Trade . . . 1849 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1846-52 — Collection of the Customs' Tariffs of all Nations, based upon a Transla- tion of the Work of Hubner. 368 pp., 4to. 1855 Newlands (James). Report on the Establishment and Present Condition of the Public Baths and Washhouses in Liverpool. 103 pp., plans, 8vo. Liverpool, 1856 Newman (P. W.). The English Universities. An abridged Translation [from the German]. Edited by— t V. A. Huber. 8vo. 1843 — Lecture on Vegetarianism : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 12. 8vo. 1871 Newmarch (William). An Attempt to Ascertain the Magnitude and Fluctuations of the Amount of Bills of Exchange ... in Circulation at one time in Great Britain . . . during each of the Twenty Years 1828-47, and also . . . [of] Bills drawn upon Foreign Countries. From Journal of Statistical Society, (1851) : * Currency, 8fc>, vol. 10. 8vo. 1831-51 Another copy: * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 — An Article on the Financial Pressure: * Currency, 8fc, vol. 10. 8vo. 1831-51 — Banking Institute [Paper on]. Guarantee Annuity Fund for Bank Officers, 1852 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 1. 8vo. 1841-52 — The New Supplies of Gold. Facts and Statements relative to their actual Amount, and their Present and Probable Effects. Revised edit. 8vo. [1853] Another copy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1853 — On the Loans Raised by Mr. Pitt during the First French War, 1793-1801, with some Statements in Defence of the Methods of Funding Employed : * Stat. Soc. {JL), vol. 18. 8vo. 1855 NE— NI 325 Newmarch (William). On the Electoral Statistics of the Counties and Boroughs in England and Wales during the Twenty-five Years from the Reform Act of 1832 to the Present Time : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 20. 8vo. 1857 — A History of Prices and of the State of the Circulation during the Nine Years 1848-56 : * F. TooJce. 8vo. 1857 — (History of Prices). (Authorised German Translation) : Id. 8vo. 1858-59 — Manual of Statistics by Porter, revised by — : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1859 — On the Electoral Statistics of England and Wales, 1856-58, Part 2, Results of Further Evidence : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 22. 8vo, 1859 — On the Statistical Sqciety of London : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — Address of, on Economic Science : * Brit, Assocn. Hep., § F. 8vq. 1861 — Notice of Professor J. E. T. Rqgers's History of Agriculture and Prices in England, 1259-1400 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 29. 8vo. 1866 ! — Inaugural Address (as President of the Statistical Society) 16th November, 1869, on the Progress and Present Condition of Statistical Inquiry : ' Id., vol. 32. 8vo. 1869 — Address on Economy and Trade : * Soc. Science. Assocn, (Trans.). 8vp. 1871 — On the Progress of the Foreign Trade of the United Kingdom since 1856, with Especial Reference to the Effects Produced upon it by the Protectionist Tariffs of Other Countries : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 41. 8vo. 1878 Newmarch (William T.). Central Statistical Commission of Austria, Analysis of Report for 1866 : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 30. 8vo. 1867 — Letters written Home in the years 1864-65, describing Residence in Canada, and Journeys to New York, Washington, and the Pennsylvanian Oil Region, and a Visit to the Army of the Potomac ; also Letters from the Iron Region of Styria, and from Austria and Hungary. 202 pp., portraits, 8vo. 1880 Newspaper Press Directory and Advertiser's Guide . . . 1869-83. Map, sm. fol. 1869-83 Newton (Alfred). On the Collecting of Nests, Eggs, &c, of North America: * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 Newton (H. A.). Metric System of Weights and Measures : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1865 Newton (Sir Isaac). Representations of — -, on the Subject of Money, 1712-17: *Polit. Econ. Club (Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 Newton (John P.). The Return to Nature ; or, a Defence of the Vegetable Regimen: * Pamph., vols. 19 and 20. 8vo. 1821-22 Newton (Thos. W.). Catalogue of the Library of the Museum of Practical Geology and Geological Survey : Geology. Mus. of Practical. La, 8vo. 1878 Nicholson (Francis). Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Man- chester Literary and Philosophical Spciety. 173 pp., 8vo. Manch., 1875 Nierop (A. H. van). De Nederlandsche Naamlooze Vennootschappen [1838-82] door—, en E. Baak. xliii + 494 pp. 8vo. Zwolle, [cir, 1882] Nightingale (Florence). Notes on Hospitals ; with Evidence given to the Royal Commission on the State of the Army in 1857. 108 pp., plans, 8vo. 1859 — Remarks on Native Colonial Schools and Hospitals, from the Sanitary Statistics of the Aborigines of British Colonies : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F, 8vo. 1863 — Sanitary Statistics of Native Colonial Schools and Hospitals. 67 pp„ la. 8vo. 1863 — Proposal for Improved Statistics of Surgical Operations : * Congres Intefnat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 — On Trained Nurses for the Sick Poor : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1876 326 NI— NO Nimmo (Joseph). Cost of Transportation, Railroad Confederations, and the Governmental Regulation of Railroads : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1881 Nimmo (Joseph, jun.). Comparative Rates of Wages in the United States and in Foreign Countries : U.S.A. (Comparative Wages). 8vo. 1882 Niobey (P. Al.). Histoire medicale du Cholera-Morbus Epidemique qui a regne, en 1854, dans la Ville de Gy (Haute-Saone). Plan : * Tracts, Miscell. vol. 5. 8vo. 1858 Noble (Daniel). Facts and Observations relative to the Influence of Manu- factures upon Health and Life : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 8vo. 1843 — The Brain and its Physiology : a Critical Disquisition on the Methods of Determining the Relations subsisting between the Structure and Functions of the Encephalon. 450 pp., illustrated, 8vo. 1846 — Some of the Vices of the Poor Law Medical Relief System : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1855-56 — Constitution and Functions of the Coroner's Court : Id. 8vo. 1858-59 — Certain Popular Fallacies concerning the Production of Epidemic Disease : Id. 8vo. 1859-60 — Fluctuations in the Death-Rate : Id. 8vo. 1863-64 — Thoughts on the Value and Significance of Statistics : Id. 8vo. 1865-66 Noble (John). The Queen's Taxes ; an Inquiry into the Amount, Incidence, and Economic Results of the Taxation of the U. Kingdom. 258 pp., 8vo. 1870 Nolan (Francis). British Citizenship as opposed to American Citizenship : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1868-70 — Essay on the Simplification effected by the Codes of Law for British India, and the desirability of framing Similar Codes for England, Ireland, and Scotland : Id. 8vo. 1871-76 — Creation of a Public Commission for the Purchase of Land for Re-sale to Tenants in Ireland: Id. 8vo. 1876-79 Norby (K.). De l'Assistance pubbque et des etablissements de charite et institutions pieuses en Norvege : * Stat. Internat. 4to. 1880 Norman (George W.). Remarks upon some Prevalent Errors with respect to Currency and Banking, and Suggestions to the Legislature and the Public as to the Improvement of the Monetarv Svstem, 1838 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 8. 8vo. 1837-38 — Letter to Charles "Wood, M.P., on Money and the Means of Economising the Use of it : Id., vols. 6 and 11. 8vo. 1827-54 Another copy. — An Examination of some Prevailing Opinions as to the Pressure of Taxation in This and Other Countries. Fourth edition, with a Supple- mentary Chapter, continuing the Financial Review to the Present Time. 4th edit., 142 pp., 8vo. 1864 Another copy. 3rd edit., 1850 : *Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Another copy. 3rd edit.: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. 1850 — Papers on Various Subjects. (For Private Circulation). 261 pp., 8vo. 1869 — An Attempt to answer the Question, — Why it is that so much Land is occupied and cultivated by its Owners in France, and some other European Countries on the Continent, and so little in England : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 36. 8vo. 1873 [North (Sir Dudley)]. Discourses upon Trade; Principally Directed to the Cases of the Interest, Coynage, Clipping, Increase of Money. 1691. [Anon.] : * Polit. Econ. Club (Early Tracts). 8vo. 1856 Northampton. Copies of the Polls taken at Northampton for the Election of Knights of the Shire in 1702, 1705, 1730, 1748, and 1806. 398 pp., 4to. Northampton, 1832 NO 327 Northcote (Sir Stafford H.). Twenty Years of Financial Policy. A Summary of the Chief Financial Measures passed between 1842 and 1861. 399 pp., 8vo. 1862 — Address on the Condition of England: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1869 Norway. Official Publications : — (Arranged Chronologically under the following heads, Statistiske Tabeller; Norges Ofncielle Statistik; Annuals; Miscellaneous; Christiania). — Statistiske Tabeller for Kongeriget Norges. 6 vols., fol. Christiania, 1838-57 1. Rsekke. Tabeller over Folkemsengden i Norge de 29 de Nov., 1835 2. Rsekke. Tabeller over Udssed og Avl samt Kreaturhold i Norge den 29 de Nov., 1835 3. Rsekke. Tabeller vedkommende Norges Han- del og Skibsfart i Aaret 1835 4. Rsekke. Tabeller over ^gteviede, Fodte og — Norges Ofncielle Statistik. ^Bldre Rsekke, 4to. og:NyRa3kke,8vo. ib., 1861-83 Dode i Norge for Aaren 1801 til 1835 inclusive 5. Rsekke. Tabeller vedkommende Norges Han- del og Skibsfart i Aaret 1838 16. Rsekke. Tabeller over Folkenisengden i Norge den 31 te December, 1855, samt over de i Tidsrummet 1846-55, iEgteviede, Fodte og Dode A.No.l. A. „ 2. B. B. B. C. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. 1. 3. 1. A. Skolestatistik, 1861-79. 15 Hcfter. For 1875 ombandle Beretningerne kun Almueskolevsesenet og alene for 1867 og 1870 Almueskolevse- senet i Byerne Fattigstatistik. 1866-77. 12 Hefter. Aarg. 1866 indebolder tillige Oversigt for Aarene fra 1851 af Kriminalstatistiske Tabeller. 1860-79. 20 Hefter Skiftevsesenet. 1865-80. 14 Hefter. A. Stemmerets-, Indtsegts- og Skat- teforholdenel868. Jfr. C. No. 14 B. Rigets Strafarbeidsanstalter. 1875-81. 6 Hefter Folketsellingen i Norge i Januar, 1866, 1876. 2 Hefter Folketsellingerne i Norge, 1801 og 1825. 1 Hefte Folketsellingen i Norge, i Januar, 1876. 3 Hefter B. Folkemsengdens Bevsegelse, 1856-65, 1866-69, 1851-75, 1876-80. 18 Hefter Femaarsberetninger om Rigets og Amternes okonomiske Tilstand for 1856-75. For de to sidst- nsevnte Femaar angaa Beret- ningerne kun de enkelte Amters okonomiske Tilstand Norges Handel og Skibsfart. 1860-70. 11 Hefter Udd*ag af Konsulatberetninger vedkommende Norges Handel og Skibsfart. 1871-76. 6 Hefter. Jfr. C. No. 16 36. A. Norges Handel. 1871-79. 9 Hefter 3a. Norges Handel. 1880-82. 3 Hefter 3c. B. Norges Skibsfart. 1871-78. 8 Heft. 3b. Norges Skibsfart, 1879-81. 3 Hefter 4. Sundhedstilstanden og Medicinalfor- holdene. 1859-79. 21 Hefter 5. De Spedalske i Norge. 1860-79. 20 Hefter 5b. Sindssygeasylernes Virksomhed. 1872-79. 8 Hefter 6. Beretning om den hoiere Land- brugsskole i Aas. 1862-64, 1870-71, 1874-75. 6 Hefter 8 Weights and Measures. Uniformity of (Lords' Report), 1824 (94), 1834 (464), 1835 (292), 1862 (411) W. Indies. Commercial Distress, 1831-32 (381) Westminster Bridge. The New, 1856 (389) Westminster City. Improving the Approaches to the Houses of Parliament . . . ; first Report, 1831-32 (567) ; second (614) Wine. Duties, 1852 (495). 8vo. Witnesses' Expenses (Parliamentary Com- mittees), 1840 (555) Wool Trade, State of the British. (Lords' Report) 1828 (515) Young, Frederick, and others. Petition of, complaining (shut Policemen are employed as Spies . . . 1833 (627) Zemindar of Nozeed and Mustaphanagur. Monies advanced on the Lands of the late, 1831 (P. B.-2) the — Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons King's Bench, Fleet, and Marshalsea Prisons [1814-15 (152)] : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 — Report from the [Select] Committee of the House of Commons on Mad- houses in England [1814-15 (296)] : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 — Climbing Boys. Report presented to the House of Commons by the Committee appointed to examine the several Petitions against the Employment of Boys in Sweeping of Chimneys [1817 (400)] : Id., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 — Reports of the Secret Committee of the Two Houses of Pai-liament on the Expediency of the Bank of England resuming Cash Payments : Id,, vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 — Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to Inquire into the State and Description of Gaols and other Places of Confinement [1819 (579)] : Id., vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 — Report of Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to Consider of so much of the Criminal Laws as relates to Capital Punish- ment in Felonies [1819 (585)] : Id. vol. 15. 8vo. 1820 — Report from the Select Committee on the Law of Partnership. [1851 (509)]: — Reports of Commissioners — Accounts, Public. 1831 (313) — Ireland. Nineteenth Report, 1831 (12) ; twentieth, 1831-32 (75) ; twenty-first, 1833 (102) Agriculture. Reports, Digest, and Appendix, 1881 (C-2778-I), (-II) * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 12. 8vo. 1851 Army. Military Education. Re-organising the System for Training Officers for the Scientific Corps, 1857 (052) ; Appendix (053) — Practicability of consolidating the different Departments, 1837 (78) — Promotion and Retirement, 1876 (C-15G9) PA 349 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Reports of Commissioners — Contd. Army — Contd. — Punishments, Military, 1836 (59) — Sanitary Condition. General Report of Com- mission on Improving Barracks and Hos- pitals, 1861 (2839) — Sanitary Condition. Regulations affecting tlie Organisation of Military Hospitals, and the Treatment of the Sick and Wounded, 1857-58 (2318) Army in the Crimea and in the East. Hos- pitals of the, 1854-55 (1920) — Sanitary Condition of the Army in the East. Report on Proceedings of the Sanitary Commission, 1857 (2196). 8vo. — Supplies to the Army in the Crimea, 1856 (2007), Appendix (2007-1), Index (422-1) Armv (East Indies). Reorganisation of the, 1859 (2515). Supplements (2541) — Sanitary Condition, 1863 (3184). 8vo. Births, Marriages, and Deaths in England and Wales. On the State, Custody, and Au- thenticity of Registers or Records of, 1837-38 ^148) Boroughs, England and Wales. Boundaries and Wards of certain, 1837 (238) Brooke, Sir James, Position of. 1854-55 (1976) Caledonian Canal. First thirty-three Reports, 1803-38, and the seventy-first, 1876 — Claims for Injuries and Damages against Canal, 1826 (93) Cambridge University. State, Studies, and Revenues of, 1852-53 (1559, 1017) — Commissioners. Gen. Report, 1861 (2852) Canada, Lower. On Grievances complained of in, 1837 (50) Charities, England and Wales. Analytical Digest of Reports, 1843 (433), (434) — Charity Commissioners. Third Report, 1856 (2060) ; twenty-first, 1874 (C-881); twenty- third, 1876 (C-1455) Charities, City Parochial. Reports with Appen- dices, 1880 (C-2522) (-1), (-II) Charities, Ireland. Charitable Donations and Bequests ; Thirty-first Report, 1876 (1538) Children's Employment in Mines and Manu- factories. Reports of Sub-Commissioners, 1842 (381), (382) — Second Report of Commissioners, 1843 (430) — Appendix to above, with Reports of Sub- Commissioners, 1843 (431), (432) Cholera. Epidemic of 1866 in England, 1867-68 (4072) Church, England and Wales. Building new Churches : Fifth to Eighteenth Report, 1825-38 — State of the Established Church (Duties and Revenues) : First to Fifth Report, 1835-38 Church of Ireland. Temporalities, 1876 (C-1400) — Ecclesiastical Inquiry. First Report, 1831 (93) Churches, Scotland : Fourth Report, 1828 (534) ; sixth, 1831 (330) j seventh, 1835 (221) Civil List. Gratuities and Fees, 1837 (72) Civil Service Commission : Second Report, 1857 (2171) ; twentieth, 1876 (C-1857) Civil Service Inquiry Commission, 1875 (1113-1), (C-1317) Commons, Metropolitan, Act: Ninth Repoit, 1876 (76) Copyhold Commissioners : Thirty-fourth Annual Report, 1876 (C-1437) Corporations : Municipal Corporations County Courts. First Report, 1854-55 (1914) County Rates, 1835 (508), 1836 (58); Appendix (part 2), 1837 (97) Courts of Law and Equity. England. Practices and Proceedings of the Courts of Common Law : Third Report, 1831 (92) ; fourth, 1831-32 (239) — Ireland. Seventeenth Report, on Courts of Quarter Sessions and of the Assistant Barristers, 1828 (144) ; twenty-first, on Metropolitan and Consistorial Courts, 1831 (146) Criminal Law. First Report, 1834 (537) ; second, 1836 (343) ; third, 1837 (79) — Correspondence between the Home Secretary and Commissioners, 1837 (76) Customs Frauds, 1843 (480), (481), (502) — Customs Commis>ioners of, First to Twenty- sixth Report, 1857-81 — Index to Reports, 1870 (C-118). 8vo. Dean Forest. First and Second Reports, 1835 (283) ; third (515) ; fourth and fifth .( 61 °) Decimal Coinage, Final Report on, with Draft Report by Lord Overstone, 1859 (2529) — Questions communicated by Lord Over- stone to, 1857 (2213) Dockyard Economy. Evidence; 1859 (139) East India. Bengal Sanitary Commission. Second Annual Report, 1867 (260) — Currency, 1867-68 (148) — Indigo Cultivation, 1861 (72) (72-1) — Judicial Establishments. Reform of, First Report, 1856 (2035) ; second (2036) ; third (2097) ; fourth (2098) — Salt. Manufacture and Sale of, and Tax on, 1856 (2084-1, III, IV) — Torture at Madras, 1854-55 (420) — Works, Public, 1852-53 (407-1) Ecclesiastical Commission, England and Wales. Twenty-eighth to thirty-first Report, 1876-79 — Church Estates Commission : Twenty-fifth Report, 1876 (C-1454) Ecclesiastical Commission, Ireland: 1835 (113), 1837 (100), 1837-38 (53) Ecclesiastical Courts, England and Wales. Practice and Jurisdiction of, 1831-32 (199) Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues. England and Wales, 1834 (523), 1835 (67) — Duties and Revenues, Ireland : First Report, 1833 (762) ; second, 1834 (589) ; fourth, 1837 (500) Education, England and Wales. Popular Edu- cation, 1861 (2794-1). 8vo. — Reports of Assistant Commissioners, 1861 (2794-11— IV). 8vo. — Answers to Questions, 1861 (2794-V). 8vo. — Minutes of Evidence, 1861 (2794- VI). 8vo. 350 PA Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — Reports of Commissioners — Contd. Education, Ireland. 1831 (13) — Third Report (Education of Lower Classes), 1826-27 (13) ; sixth (Hibernian Society, Orphans, &c), (442) ; seventh (Royal Cork Institution), (443) — Annual Reports. 1834 (97) ; 1833-34 (500), 1835-36, (378), 1837-38 (447), 1844 (394) — Administration of Funds voted by Parlia- ment and on National Education. Fii^t ten Reports, and the twenty-third and forty- second, 1834-76 Elections, England and Wales. Boundary Com- missioners, 1867-68 (3972) Emigration. General Reports, 1842 (567) 1844 (178) ; thirty-third, 1873 (C-768) Excise. Generally including England and Wales. Inquiry into the Excise Establish- ment : First Report, Tea Permits and Surveys, 1833 (1) ; second, Wine Permits and Surveys, 1834 (2) ; third, Summary Jurisdiction, 1834 (3) ; fourth, Survey of Brewers, 1834 (4) ; fifth, Stone Bottles and Sweets, 1834(5) ; sixth, Tobacco and Foreign Spirits 1834 (6) ; seventh, British Spirits, 1835 (8) ; eighth, Starch, 1834 (9) ; ninth, Vinegar, 1834 (10) ; tenth, Malt Duty (Ireland), 1834 (11) ; digest of first ten reports, 1835 (12) ; twelfth, Auctions, 1835 (14) ; thirteenth, Glass, 1835 (15) ; four- teenth, Paper, 1835 (16) ; fifteenth, Malt, 1835 (17) ; sixteenth, Hops, 1835 (18), 1835 (19) ; seventeenth, Soap, 1836 (20) ; eighteenth, Bricks, 1836 (21) ; nineteenth, Excise Licences, 1837 (83) ; twentieth, Excise Establishment, 1836 (22) — Report of Committee of the Board of Excise upon recommendations of Commissioners in their twentieth report, 1837 (96) Factories. Emplovment of Children in : 1833 (519), 1834 (167) — and Workshops Act, 1876 (C-1443), (C-1443-I) — Directions to Inspectors relative to Regula- tion of, 1837 (74) Fisheries, England and Wales. Salmon Fisheries, 1861 (2768) Fisheries, Ireland. State of, First Report, 1837 (77) ; second (82) Friendly and Benefit Building Societies. First Report, 1871 (C-452) ; second, parts 1 and 2, 1872 (C-514), (C-514-I) Guiana (British). Report on Treatment of Immigrants in, 1871 (393) Hand Loom Weavers. 1841 (296) — Assistant Commissioners' Reports, 1839 (159), 1840 (43-1), (43-11), (217), (220) — Report bv Mr. Hickson on, 1840 (639) Harbours of Refuge. 1845 (611) Health of Large Towns, and Populous Districts ; First Report on—, 1844 (572). 8vo. Herring Fisheries. On the Fishing of 1833, 1835 (10). Highland Roads and Bridges. First twenty-four Reports, 1803-38, 1837 (44) — Report on Estimate of Sums wanted, 1816 (468) Highland Roads and Bridges — Contd. — Origin and Extent of, 1813-14 (63) — Estimate of Sums wanted for, 1821 (603) Historical Manuscripts. Fourth Report, 1874 (C-857) ; fifth, 1876 (C-1432) j part 2, Index (C-1432-I) Holyhead Harbours and Roads. Annual Re- ports of Shrewsbury and Bangor Ferry Road, 1831-38 — Origin of their Commission and their present Jurisdiction and Duties, 1831 (298) — Improving the Road from London to Holv- head. Eighth to fifteenth Report, 1831-38 — Making a Harbour of Refuge at Holyhead. 1847(446). Evidence (516) Inclosure Commissioners. Thirty-first Report, 1876 (C-1438) Inland Revenue. Fourteenth Report, 1871 (C-370) ; Supplement, (C-370-I) ; nine- teenth, 1876 (C-1607) Lancaster. Course of Proceedings in Suits, &c., in Courts of County Palatine of, 1836 (202) Loan Fund Board of Ireland. Thirty-eighth Report, 1876 (C-1468) Local Taxation. Poor Law Commissioners on, 1843 (486), (487), (488) London Stock Exchange. Minutes of Evidence, &c, 1878 (C-2517-I) Lunacy. Report of Metropolitan Commis- sioners in Lunacv to the Lord Chancellor 1844, 8vo. — Reports from Commissioners of, Eighth to Thirty-third Report, 1854-79. 8vo. Lunatic Asvlunis, Ireland. Twentv-fifth Re- port, 1876 (C-1496). 8vo. Malta. The Affairs of, 1837-38 (141) Mauritius. Report of Royal Commissioners on the Treatment of Immigrants in, 1875 (C-1115). Appendix (C-1115-I) Medical Charities (Ireland). Poor Law Com- missioners on, 1841 (324), (324a) Mercantile Laws. Alterations in the Law of Partnership, and the Assimilation of, Second Report, 1854-55 (1977) Merchant Seamen's Fund. Condition, Prospect of, 1847-48 (931) — Copv of Commission for Inquiry into (47*8) Metropolis. Improving the, and Increasing Facilities of Communication in same. First Report, 1844 (15) — Sanatory Commission for Improving the Health of the, Second Report, 1847-48 (911) ; third (979) — Turnpike Roads North of the Thames. Fifth to twelfth Reports, 1831-38 Militarv Inquiry. Fifteenth Report on the Ordnance Departments, 1810-11 (261) j Mines. Operation of the Act 5 & 6 Vict., c. 99, and the State of the Population in Mining Districts : 1844 (592) ; 1845 (670) - Condition of all Mines in Great Britain, and the Health and Safety of Persons em- ployed therein, 1864 (3389). 8vo. PA 351 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Reports of Commissioners — Contd, Municipal Corporations, England and Wales. First Eeport, 1835 (116). Appendix; Part 1 (Midland, Western, and South- western Circuits) ; part 2 (South- Eastern and Southern Circuits) ; part 3 (Northern and North Midland Circuits) ; part 4 (Eastern and North- Western Circuits) ; part 5 (Places not in any District) . Second (London and Southwark, London), Com- panies, 1837 (239) — Boundaries and Wards of Certain Boroughs and Corporate Towns. Part 1 (Aberyst- with to Faversham) ; part 2 (Folkestone to Nottingham) ; part 3 (Oswestry to York), 1837(238) Municipal Corporations, Ireland. First Eeport, 1835 (23) ; Supplement Report, 1835 (24) ; Appendix to first, part 1 (Southern, Mid- land, Western, and South-Eastern Circuits, and part of North-Eastern Circuit), 1835 (27) ; part 3 (Conclusion of North- western Circuit), 1836 (29) — Appendix to the First Report, Report on the City of Dublin, in two Parts — Instructions given by Lord Lieutenant re- specting Boundaries and Divisions into Wards of the several Cities, &c, in Ireland, 1837 (301) Municipal Corporations, Scotland. General Report, 1835 (30). Appendix, 1836 (34) — Local Reports, part 1 (Aberbrothwick to Fortrose), 1835 (31) ; part 2 (Glasgow to Wigton), 1836 (32) ; part 3 (Burghs of Regality and Barony and unincorporated Towns), 1836 (33) National Gallery. Site for the, 1857 (2261) Navy. Promotions and Retirement, 1840 (235) — Best means of Manning the, 1859 (45, Sess. 2) ; (2469, Sess. 1) Occupation of Land (Ireland) : Evidence taken, 1845, part 1 (606), part 2 (616), part 3 (657) Ordnance Memoir (Ireland) : 1844 (527) Oxford University. On the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of, 1852 (1482) Parliament. Houses of, Plans for building the, 1836 (66) Parliamentary Representation, England and Wales. Proposed Division of Counties mentioned in Schedule (F) of the Reform (England) Bill, 1831-32 (357), (141), (parts 1 — 8) — Metropolitan Districts for Future Election of Members, 1831-32 (198) — Proposed Boundaries of Boroughs, 1831-32 (0.36) Parliamentary Representation, Ireland. In- structions by Chief Secretary for Ireland, respecting, Reports thereon : 1831-32 (519) Patents for Inventions for 1875 ; 1876 (451) Parochial Benefices, Ireland. Second Report, on Unions of, 1834 (406) Passing Tolls and Local Dues on Shipping, Ireland, 1854-55 (1911). Scotland, the Channel Islands, &c. (1967) Patriotic Fund. First and Second Reports, 1857-58 (163) ; fourteenth, 1876 (C-1378) Pauper Children. Report of Poor Law Com- missioners on the Training of, 1841. 8vo. Pentonville Prison. First Report, 1843 (449) Peterhead and Banff Harbours. Memorials to Commissioners of Highland Roads and Bridges, concerning Damage done by a Storm to the Works, 1820 (242) Penal Servitude Acts. Working of the, 1878-79 (C-2368-I, II) Pilots. Laws and Regulations of Pilotage in United Kingdom, 1836 (56) Poor, England and Wales. Administration and Operation of the Poor Laws : Report, 1834 (44). Appendix A. Assistant Commis- sioners' Report, Evidence collected by E. Chadwick, Rural Questions (44). Ap- pendix B. Answers to Rural Questions and Town Queries (44). Appendix C. Com- munications to Commissioners (44). Ap- pendix D. Papers on the Operation of a Labour Rate (44). Appendix E. Reports by H. C. Codd and G. Henderson on Vagrancy (44). Appendix F. Foreign Communications on the Management of the Poor in Belgium, France, and America (44) — Annual Reports. First to fourteenth Report, 1835-48. — Annual Reports of Commissioners for Ad- ministering the Laws for Relief of Poor in England. First Report, 1849 (1024); second, 1850 (1142) ; third, 1851 (1340) ; fourth, 1852 (1461). 8vo. — Report of Poor Law Commissioners on the continuance of the Commission, and some Amendments of the Laws relating to Relief of the Poor, 1840 (226), (227) Poor, Ireland. First Report, 1835 (369). Ap- pendix (C). State of Poor and Charitable Institutions in Principal Towns, and Report on Dublin, 1836 (35). Appendix (D). Baronial Examinations relative to Earnings of Labourers, Cottier Tenants, Employ- ment of Women and Children, Expendi- ture (36) . Appendix (E) . Baronial Exami- nations relative to Food, Cottages and Cabins, Clothing and Furniture, Pawn- broking and Savings Banks, Drinking (37). Appendix (F). Baronial Examination rela- tive to Con-acre, Quarter or Score Ground, Small Tenantry, Consolidation of Farms, Emigration, Landlord and Tenant, Agri- culture, Taxation, Roads (38). Supple- ment II to Appendices (D), (E), (F). Returns of Civil" Bill Ejectments, 1827 to 1833, and Answers to Queries from Magi- strates, assembled at Petty Sessions, 1836 (39) . Appendix (G) . State of Irish Poor in Great Britain (40). Appendix (H). Part 1. Reasons for Recommending Voluntary Associations for Relief of Poor, and Reasons for Dissenting from Voluntary System (41). Appendix (H). Part 2, Remarks on Evidence in Appendices (D) . (E), (F) (42). Second, 1837 (68). Third, 1836 (43) 352 PA Parliamentary Papers — Confd. — Reports of Commissioners — Contd. Poor, Ireland — Contd. — Annual Eeports of Commissioners for ad- ministering the Laws for Belief of Poor in Ireland, with Appendices. First to six- teenth Report, 1847-63 — Annual Reports under the Medical Charities Acts. First to seventh Report, 1852-59. 8vo. — Administration and Operation of Poor Laws, 1844 (557) ; with Appendices containing Minutes of Evidence Post Office. Management of the ; Fourth Report, 1836 (49) ; fifth, 1836 (50) ; sixth, 1836 (51); seventh, 1837 (70); eighth, 1837 (85) ; ninth, 1837 (99) ; tenth, 1837-38 (112) Public Worts, Ireland. First Report, 1831-32 (327) — Annual Reports, with Abstract of their Expenditure. First Report, 1833 (75) second, 1834 (240); third, 1835 (76) fourth, 1836 (314); fifth, 1837 (483) sixth, 1837-38 (462) Railways. Reports of the Commissioners of Railways, 1847-48 (938) ; 1849 (1061) Report to Lords of Committee of Privy Council for Trade and Foreign Planiations on, for 1851, 1852 (1533) — Causes of Accidents on Railways, and on removing such causes by further legislation, 1877 (C-1637) — Railway Commissioners. Second Annual Report, 1876 (C-1474) Railwavs. Ireland. First Report, 1837 (75) ; second, 1837-38 (145) — Accounts and Works of, Second Report, 1868-69 (4086) Real Property. Law of England respecting, Third Report, 1831-32 (484) ; fourth, 1S33 (226) Records, Public, England. Report of Pro- ceedings, 1819 (545) — Report of Commissioners on, 1837 (71) ; General Report (60) Religious Instruction and Worship. The opportunities and means of — , and the Pastoral Superintendence afforded to the People of Scotland. First to ninth Report, 1837-39 Roads and Bridges. England and Wales, Ap- pendix to Report. 1840 — Scotland, Making and repairing of, Fourth to ninth report, 1818-23 — Rapport des Commissaires stir la Prison de Pentonville, 1843-44. Translation of 2nd Report [No. 536, 1844] from the "Monitenr beige " : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1844 — Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners. Thirteenth General Report, 1853. [1852-53, (1647)] : Id,, S. 3, vol. 2. 8vo. 1853 — Miscellaneous Reports — Accounts. Public, Report of .Messrs. Brooks- Shannon River. Improvement of the Navigation of the. First Report, 1836 (143) ; second, 1837-38 (130); third, 1837-38 (142); fourth, 1839 (172) ; fifth, 1839 (173) — Improving the Navigation of the, First Report, 1840 (64) ; second, 1841 (88) Sierra Leone. State of the Colony and its De- pendencies. 1826-27 (552) South Australia. Annual Reports of Coloni- sation Commissioners of, First, 1836 (491) ; second, 1837-38 (97) ; fourth, 1840 (556) Statute Law. Consolidation of the, 1835 (406) — First Report, 1854-55 (1963) ; second, 1856 (2045) ; third, 1857 (2219) Tanjore Debts. Seventh Report, 1831 <42) ; eighth, 1831-32 (396) ; ninth, 1833 (104), 1834 (6) Tidal Harbours. State of Harbours, Shores, and Navigable Rivers of the United King- dom. First Report, 1845 (665) ; second, 1846 (6921, (7? 6) ; Appendix to second, 1847 (874) ; Supplement II, 1847-48 (943) Tithes, England and Wales. Reports of Com- missioners. 1837-38 (4) ; 1841 (295) Transportation and Penal Servitude, 1863 (3190). 8vo. Universities, Scotland. Report by a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the, 1831 (310) — Evidence taken before the Commissioners of the Universities of ; Edinburgh 1837 (92) ; Glasgow (93) ; St. Andrew's (94) ; Aber- deen (95) — First Report of Commissioners for visiting the Universities of King's College and Marischal School, Aberdeen, 1837-38 (123) Wales. Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry for South Wales. (Turnpike Roads, High- ways and Bridges, " Bebecca Biots.") 1844 (531) Weights and Measures. Eestoration of the Standard, 1842 (356) — Condition of Exchequer Standards. First Eeport, 1867-68 (4077) ; second, Intro- duction of the Metric Svstem into the Kingdom, 1868-69 (4186) ; third, Abolition of Troy Weight, 1870 (C-30) ; fourth, Inspection of Weights and Measures, 1870 (C-147) ; fifth, Business of Standard De- partment, condition of Official Standards and Apparatus, 1871 (C-257) ; Index to Eeports 1873 (C-716) Woods, Forests, and land Bevenue of the Crown. First to sixty -first Eeport, 1812-83 Aborigines, Eeports from Governors on State of, in North America, Canada, Proclama- tions, Despatches, &c, 1834 (617) bank and Beltz on a System of Book- keeping, 1831 (50) PA 353 Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — Miscellaneous Reports — Contd. Accounts — Contd. — of France. Report by John Bowring, 1831 (78) ; second Report, 1831 (289) ; third, 1831-32 (586) Agricultural Statistics. England. Reports of Poor Law Inspectors on, 1854-55 (1928) — Scotland. Report of Highland Society to Board of Trade on, 1854-55 (1786) ; and on Small Holdings, for 1856, 1857 (2154) ; for 1857, 1857-58 (2307) Agriculture, Reports from Consuls on, and condition of Population, 1836 (84) " Almorah " Ship. Extract from Report of King's Proctor on seizure of, 1831-32 (399) America. British North, Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition, Reports on the, by Henry Y. Hind, 1860 — United States of, Supplement to Captain G-alton's Report on' Railways in, 1857-58 (2399) Army. Military Education. Second G-eneral Report by the Director- General of, 1876 (C-1491). 8vo. — Royal Artillery. Report of Adjutant- Greneral on Organisation of, 1872 (C-561). Map to accompany Report, 1872 (C-561-I) — Report of a Committee on Preparation of Army Medical Statistics, 1861 (366) Army in the Crimea and in the East. Report of Board of General Officers on Statements made in Reports of Sir John McNeill and Colonel Tulloch animadverting on the con- duct of certain Officers and others, 1856 (2119) ; Index (422) Army (East Indies) Military Finance Commis- sion, Reports of the, on certain retrench- ments that have been made, and their saving, 1861 (59) — Recruits. Reports relating to expense of, for Regiments serving in India, 1874 (129) — Report of Major- General Hancock on the Organisation of the Indian Army, 1859 (2516) Ballykelly (Londonderry). Reports from Magistrates, &c, as to Riotous Proceedings at, 1835 (345) Board of Health. Agar Town, St. Pancras. Report on Sanitary Condition of, 1851 (388). 8vo. — Epidemic Cholera of 1848-49. Report on, 1850 (1273), (1274), (1275) ; 1852 (1523). 8vo. — Extra-mural Sepulture for Country Towns. Report on a General Scheme of, 1851 (1348). 8vo. — Metropolitan Interment Act. Report of Preliminary Proceedings under, 1851 (479). Second Annual Report, 1852 (264). 8vo. — Report on Quarantine, 1849 (1070). 8vo. — Second Report on Quarantine ; Yellow Fever, 1852 (1473). 8vo. Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals. Reports of Special Committee of Governors, with Abstract of Accounts, 1836 (102) Butter. Report on Experiments for the Analysis of Butter, 1876 (293) Caledonian Canal. Report of Mr. Walker to the Board of Treasury on, 1837-38 (551) Canada. Report of Mr. Richards on the Waste Lands in Canada, and Emigration. 1831-32 (334) — Emigration of Pauper Children to, Report by Mr. Doyle on, 1875 (9). 8vo. — Fourth Report of Standing Committee of Grievances made to Assembly on the con- duct of Lord Aylmer, 1836 (570) — Report of the Earl of Durham on Affairs of British North America, 1839 (3) ; Appen- dices A and C (3—1), (139) — Reports and Correspondence on Charges against Mr. Gugy, 1837 (355) — Reports and Correspondence on Charges against Mr. Chisholme and Judge Fletcher, 1837 (270) — Reports of Select Committees of House of Assembly on the case of Captain Phillpots, 1833 (543) Ceylon. Report of Colonel Colebrooke on Administration of ; also on its Revenues. Report of C. H. Cameron on Judicial Establishments and Procedure, 1831-32 (274) Children's Friend Society. Report from Governor of Cape of Good Hope on Con- dition and Treatment of Children sent out by, 1840 (323) Cholera. Report by Mr. Radcliffe on the Recent Diffusion of, in Europe, 1872 (340) Cholera-Morbus, Report on the, in England, 1848-49. 1852. 8vo. Clyde River Purifications. Report of Sir John Hawkshaw on, 1876 (C-1464) Clyde River and Port of Glasgow. Reports of Captains Denison and Bethune on, 1847 (242) Coal Trials. Reports from Commanding Officers of Indian Troop Ships on the, conducted during the last Season, 1873 (408) Common Pleas, England. Report on Con- solidation of Offices of the Court of King's Bench and, 1835 (314) Coolie Emigration from India. Report by Mr. Geogheghan on, 1874 (314) Coolies. Extracts from Report of French Labour Laws Commission on Importation of Indian — into the French Colonies, 1875 (C-3282J Corn, Grain, &c. Scotland. Report of Com- mittee of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on mode of striking Fiars, &c, 1834 (259) — Report of Commissioners of Customs on the Corn Trade in Isle of Man, Guernsey, and Jersey, 1835 (74) — Foreign Countries. Reports from the Consuls on Price of Corn in, 1834 (18) Coronations. Report of Superintendent of Police in Hyde Park on the day of Her Majesty's Coronation, 1837-38 (565) Crown Lands. Abstract of Reports on Manage- ment of, and Treasury Minute thereon, 1837 (134) 2a 354 PA Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — Miscellaneous Reports — Contd. Crown Lands — Contd. — Ireland. Report on Experimental Improve- ments on the Crown Estate at Pobble O'Keefe, co. Cork, 1837-38 (69) Croydon Drainage, &c. Further Reports from Board of Health on, 1852-53 (1009). 8to. Danish Claims. Report of Commissioners for Investigating the, 1835 (121) Debt and Debtors, Ireland. Report from Ser- jeant O'Loughlin and Chamber of Com- merce, Dublin, on Bankrupt and Insolvent Laws, 1834 (205) " Deutschland " steamship. Report on Loss of the, on the Kentish Knock Sand, 1876 (C-1403) Dover Harbour. Report on Harbour of Refuge to be constructed in Dover Bay, 1847 (821) — Reports and Plans for Construction of a Harbour of Refuge and Breakwater in Dover Bay. Minutes of the Admiralty and Treasury approving same, 1847-48 (476) East India. Accounts. Report by Mr. Forster on the carrying out of the recommenda- tions of the Commission of Inquiry into Accounts, 1866 (462) — Amalgamation of Supreme and Sudder Courts. Report of Commissioners ap- pointed by Governor of Madras on a Scheme for the, 1860 (199) — Baroda State. Report of Commission on Administration of, 1875 (1203) — Coal Fields. Copy of Report by Dr. McClel- land on, 1836 (372) — Condition of. Report by Sir James Caird, K.C.B., on, with Correspondence, 1880 (C-2732) — Education. Reports showing Progress of, in India, since 1866, 1870 (397) — Forest Department. Report on Administra- tion of the, 1874 (C-1110) — Madras. Public Instruction at, Report of Director of, for 1857-58 : 1860 (49) — Products of. Reports on Tea and Tobacco Industries, 1874 (C-982) — Reports on Silk and Timber Industries, 1874 (C-982-I) — Reports on Cultivation of, and Trade in Jute, in Bengal, &c., 1874 (C-982-II) — Public Works. Annual Reports of Militarv Board on Progress of, 1837-38 (726). — Public Works. Reports of Dr. Sprenger on the Calcutta Madrissa, 1860 (34) — Trade Routes and Fairs. Reports on, on the Northern Frontier, 1874 (C-1002) — Wheat, Indian. Report on, by Dr. Forbes Watson, 1878-79 (C-2348) Education. Great Britain. Committee of Council. Report of, on Application of Sums voted by Parliament for Public Education, 1839 (284) — London School Board. Reports of Inspectors on Schools supported by the, 1876 (75) Egypt. Report by Mr. Cave on Financial Condition of, 1876 (1425) Electoral Contests. Reports on Practices pre- vailing in certain European Countries in, 1882 (C-3159) Emigration. Reports from Commissioners for, to Colonial Secretary, 1831-32 (724) — Beport from Agent- General for, from United Kingdom, 1837-38 (388) Emigration, Canada. Report from Agent for 1836-37 (132) — Annual Report from the Agent for 1837, and Correspondence, 1837-38 (389) Entails, Scotland. Report of Lords of Session on future Entail Bill, 1835 (163) Extra-Mural Interments. Report on a General Scheme for, 1850 (1158). 8vo. Fees. First Report of Treasury Committee on Fees and Emoluments of Public Offices, 1837 (162) ; second, 1837 (277) Fire Insurance Duties. Report on, 1857 (2168) ; Revised Report, 1863 (3118) Folkestone Harbour. Report on State of, and Memorial from Merchants, &c., of London thereon, 1837-38 (287) France. Commercial Relations between France and Great Britain. First Report, 1834 (64) ; second. (Silks and Wine), 1835 (65) Friendly Societies. Sickness and Mortality among, in England. Report and Tables by the Actuary of National Debt Office, as shown by the Quinquennial Returns, 1852-53 (955) ; Further Report, 1854 (506) Gaols and Prisons, England and Wales. Prison Discipline. Report by Inspectors on, 1 843 (457) Giles's, St., Cemetery (St. Pancras). Report to Board of Health by H. Austin and R. Rawlinson on Alleged Revolting Prac- tices in, 1850 (1228). 8ro. Hartismere Union (Suffolk). Report to Poor Law Commissioners on the Administration of Board of Guardians of, 1837-38 (550) Health. General Board of, Report of the, on the Public Health Act, the Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Acts, 1854 (1768) Helena, St. Commissioners' Reports regarding Compensation to Civil or Military Servants of the East India Company at, 1837-38 (737) Highlands of Scotland. Mr. Telford's Surrey and Report on the Coasts and Central Highlands of Scotland, 1802-03 (45) Holyhead Harbour. Report on, 1837-38 (264) Jamaica. Reports from Bishop of, on Religious Instruction of Coloured and Slave Popula- tion, and number of Churches and Clergy- men, 1831-32 (481) Juvenile Offenders. Reports relating to Plans for a Prison for, 1837 (80) Kilkenny Canal. Report of Mr. Griffith on the line of Canal between Kilkennv and Inistioge, 1833 (723) Labouring Classes. Local Reports on Sanitary Condition of. 1842, 8vo. Lancaster. Report of Commissioners on Re- moving the Assizes from, 1831-32 (621) Land Tenure (Europe). Reports on, in the several Countries of Europe. Part 1, 1870 (C-66) PA 355 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Miscellaneous Reports — Contd. Lighthouses, Scotland. Report on Operations of the Board, Amount of Funds, and Management, 1833 (89) Liverpool Harbour. Report and Surrey of Harbour of Holyhead, Liverpool, and Port Dynllaen, with Correspondence, 1837 (113) Local Taxation. Beport of President of Poor Law Board on progressive Increase of, 1870 (470) London Bridge. Beports presented to the City by Messrs. Telford, Clarke, "Walker, Bennie, Jolliffe, and Banks, 1831-32 (61) Malt. Beport of Board of Excise. Answers of Irish Distillers, Account of Drawback for last six years, 1831-32 (150) Marine Glue. Beport on the advantageous results of applying Marine Glue to the deck of the " Penelope " during service on Coast of Africa ; also Beports of Committee of Master Shipwrights on, 1846 (444) Maynooth College. Beport of the Visitors of the, 1831 (267) Meteorology. Beport of a Committee, relative to the Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade, 1866 (3646) Militia. Beports of Officers on State of Staff of the Disembodied, 1835 (201) Mills and Factories. Beports from each of the Four Factory Inspectors on Educational Provisions of Factories Act, together with Joint Report, 1839 (42) Municipal Corporations. Reports on certain Boroughs by T. J. Hogg, 1837-38 (686) Navy. Sailing Qualities. Beport to Admiralty of the Sailing of Ships " Vernon," "Port- land," "Endymion," &c, 1835 (319) — Beports from Bear-Admiral Hyde Parker, and others on Trial Cruises of " Trafalgar," " Queen," "Albion," " Canopus," " Bodney," "St. Vincent," "Vanguard," "Daring," and " Superb," 1846 (305) — Steam Vessels. Beports to Admiralty by Sir Charles Napier on, under his command, 1847-48 (477) Negro Education. Beport from C. J. Latrobe, on, in Jamaica, 1837-38 (113) — Beport from C. J. Latrobe to Lord Glenelg on, in Windward and Leeward Islands ; also Beport of Trustees of Lady Mico's Charity, 1837-38 (520) Netherlands. Public Accounts of, Beport by J. Bowring on, 1831-32 (236) Newgate Gaol (London) . Beport of Committee of Court of Aldermen on Beport of Inspec- tors of Prisons in relation to, 1836- (414) — Reply of Inspectors of Prisons with regard to above, 1836 (486) Newtown Barry Affray. Beport of Brigade- Major Bushe on the, 1831 (241) Oaths. Beports on Political Oaths, or, Affir- mations, required from Members of Foreign Legislative Assemblies, 1882 (C-3130). Official Statistics. First Beport of Committee, and Beport thereon by Commissioners of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, 1878-79 (107) ; Second and third Beports, 1881 (39) Ordnance. Report as to Casualties in the Royal Artillery, &c, now employed on North Coast of Spain, &c, 1837 (253) — Martini - Henry Rifle. Reports of Two Battalions of Infantry using the, Cost of Alterations recommended, &c, 1874 (387) Packet Establishment (Post Office). Falmouth Station. Report of Vice-Admiral Malcolm, 1831-32 (257) Parliament. New Houses of, Reports of Com- missioners of Woods, Forests, &c, on Mr. Barry's Plans and Estimates for building the proposed, 1837 (216) Parliamentary Eepresentation. England and Wales. — On the Metropolitan Districts for future Election of Members to serve in Parliament, 1831-32 (198) — Beport from E. J. Littleton, M.P. ; Captain F. Beaufort, and Lieutenant T. Drummond to Lord Melbourne on proposed Boundaries of Boroughs, 1831-32 (0.36) Parliamentary Bepresentation, Scotland. Be- ports of Commissioners on the Boundaries of the Cities, &c, in respect to the Election of Members to serve in Parliament, 1831-32 (408) Partnership. Law of, Beport by Mr. Bellenden Ker on the, 1837 (530) Patagonia. Welsh Colony of Chupat. Beports received by Admiralty on the Condition of, 1876 (C-1583) Pauperism. Report of Mr. B. Weale on Com- parative State of Pauperism in Fourteen Agricultural Unions, and in the Seven Manufacturing Unions in his District, 1840 (629) Penitentiaries (United States). Beport of Mr. William Crawford on, 1834 (593) Police. Ireland. Report of Mr. P. O'Gorman on Charges against Sub-Inspector Flinter, 1833 (605) Poor. England and Wales. Union Charges. Report of Poor Law Commissioners on Charges Disallowed by Auditors of Unions, 1837-38 (539) — .Ireland. Report by G. Nichols on Poor Laws, 1837 (69) ; Second Report, 1837 (104) ; Third Report, on Condition of Labouring Classes, and Provision for Relief of the Poor in Holland and Belgium, 1837 (126) — Scotland. General Assembly, Report by a Committee of the, on Management of, 1839 (177) Poor Laws (Foreign Countries). Beports to Local Government Board by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, with remarks by Mr. A. Doyle, 1875 (C-1255) — Beport on Laws relating to Belief of Poor in Holland, 1876 (C-1620) — Report on Poor Laws of United States, and on Combination there, of Private Charity with Official Relief, by J. J. Henley, 1877 (C-1868) 2Ag 356 PA Parliamentary Papers— Contrt. — Miscellaneous Reports— Contd. Poor Rates. Ireland. Reports relative to Valuation for, and to the Registered Elec- tive Franchise, 1841 (292), (293), (305), (306), (307a), (3076), (307c), (308), (309), (310), (326), (328) Port Dynllaen Harbour. Report on the, 1837-38 (492) Post Office. Communication with France. Report, Evidence, &c, from French Post Office, sent to the Treasury by Commis- sioners of Inquiry, 1835 (416) — Report, 1835, by Commissioners on Mail Coach Contracts, 1835 (542) — Reports from Commissioners for Inquiring into Post Office Department regarding Mail Coach Contracts, 1835 (313) — Twenty-third Report of Commissioners of Revenue. Minute of Treasury. Letter of Postmaster- General thereon, 1834 (222) Prices. Report to Secretary, Board of Trade, on Prices of British and Irish Produce in 1871-77 ; 1878-79 (C-2247) Prussia. Report on Prussian Commercial Union, by J. Bowring, 1840 (225) Railway. Communication between London, Dublin, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. Third Report of Treasury Committee on, 1841 (8) — Communication between London, Edin- burgh, and Glasgow. Appendix to Fourth Report of Treasury Committee on, 1841 (132-11) — Inspectors. Reports, Returns, &c, made to Committee of Privy Council bv, 1841 (116) Rivers Pollution. Report to Local Government Board by Dr. R. Angus Smith, F.R.S. 1882 (C-3080). 8vo. Roads. Ireland. Report on Roads made at the public expense in the Southern District, by Richard Griffith, 1831 (119) Roads, Public, in European States. Reports on Construction and Maintenance of, 1882 (C-3129) Sabbath Day. Report of Committee of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on the Observance Bill, 1834 (405) Sanatory Condition of Labouring Classes of Great Britain. Supplementary Report on Interment in Towns, by E. Chadwick, 1843 (509). 8vo. Schools of Design. Reports by Mr. Dyce on State of, in Russia, Bavaria, and France, 1840 (98) — Report of the Council of the School of Design, 1843 (454) ; Third Report, 1844 (566) ; fifth, 1846 (730) — Report of Special Committee of the Govern- ment School of Design on the State and Management of the School. 1847 (835) — Report of Second Special Committee ap- pointed to report to Board of Trade. Measures for carrying out Recommenda- tions of the above Report, 1847 (850 ) Sheriffs, &c. (Scotland) . Report of Committee of Judges of Court of Session, on Fees of Sheriff Clerks, 1837 (119) Shipping. Admeasurement of, Report of Com- missioners of Admiralty on Best Mode of Measuring Tonnage of Ships, 1834 (43) Slave Trade. East African, Reports on Present State of the, 1874 (C-946) — Further Reports on East African, 1874 (C-1062) — Report of Committee of the Council and Assembly of Antigua on State and Employ- ment of Apprenticed Africans Liberated in 1828, 1831-32 (743) — Report from House of Assembly in Jamaica, on Injury sustained during the late Rebel- lion, 1831-32 (561) — Reports from Governors of Slave Colonies on Treatment of Africans condemned under Abolition Acts, 1831 (304) Sligo. Reports of Outrages during Elections for the County and Borough of, 1837-38 (166) Small Pox (Metropolis). Report of Dr. Bridges on, for 1876-78, 1880 (75) Smithfield. (Treasury Committee). Appro- priation of, and the Establishment of a new Meat Market, 1856 (2115). 8vo. Spitalfields. Report from Dr. Kay to Poor Law Commissioners on Distress in, 1837 (376) Sugar. Report of Experiments on Sugar Refining, by Dr. A. Ure, 1833 (590) — Beet, Ireland. Report on Composition and Cultivation of, 1852-53 (1578). 8vo. — Industry in Foreign Countries. Reports on the, 1876 (C-1485) Switzerland. Report on Commerce and Manu- factures of, by John Bowring, 1836 (60) Thames River. Report by Commander Birstal on the State of, from Putney to Rother- hithe, 1857 (17) Thames Tunnel. Report of Mr. Walker to the Treasury on the Works at the, 1837-38 (548) Thompson, Mr. Report from Select Committee of House of Assembly of Lower Canada respecting, and Correspondence on the Charges against him, 1837 (220) Tithes, Ireland. Report of Mr. H. Curran on conduct of Police in collecting, 1834 (239) — Report sent to Irish Government respecting Detention of Cattle, seized for Tithes, in Wexford Gaol, 1837 (392) Tontines and Life Annuities. Report and Ob- servations of Mr. Finlaison on, and dura- tion of Life among the Nominees, 1860 (585) Trade Marks. Reports on Legislation in Foreign Countries relating to, Part I : European Countries, 1878-79 (C-2284). 8vo. Van Diemen's Land. Convicts. Report on State of Prison Discipline in, 1837-38 (121) Vienna Exhibition, 1873. Reports on the, Part I, 1874 (C-1072) ; Part II (C-1072-I) ; Part III (C-1072-II); Part IV (C-1072-II1). Maps and plans, 1874 (C-1072-IV). 8vo. Vine Disease. Reports of Secretaries of Em- bassy and Legation on the effects of the, on the Commerce of the Countries in which they reside, 1859 (2570-1) PA 357 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Miscellaneous Reports — Contd. Water Supply, Metropolis. Eeport by General Board of Health on, 1850 (1218). Appendices I, Returns to Queries addressed to Metropolitan Water Companies (1281) ; II, Engineering Reports and Evidence (1282) ; III, Report and Evidence, Medical, Chemical, Geological, &c. (1283); IV, Cesspool System in Paris (1284). 8vo. — Reports to President of General Board of Health on the, under the provisions of the Metropolis Water Act, 1856 (2137). 8vo. West Indies. Report of Captain J. W. Pringle on Prisons, with Plans; I, Jamaica; J I, Barbados and Antigua, 1837-38 (596), (596-11) Western Australia. Statistical Report on ; Land Regulations, and Despatch from the Governor to Lord Glenelg, 1837-38 (687) Winchester Gaol. Report of Visiting Magis- trates on the State of, 1831-32 (383) Woolwich Dockyard. Report from Mr. Brunei, with Plans of Proposed New Docks and River Wall at, 1831-32 (378) — General Board of Health. Letter of the President of the General Board of Health . . . accompanying a Report from Dr. Sutherland. On Epidemic Cholera in the Metropolis in 1854 [1854-55 (1893)] : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 7. 8vo. 1855 — General Board of Health. Report on the Results of the Different Methods of Treatment pursued in Epidemic Cholera [1854-55 (1989)] : Id., S. 6, vol. 7. 8vo. 1855 — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Aberdeen University. Purchase of the Rights of, to Copies of Books published, 1831-32 (656) Abyssinian Expedition. Estimates, &c, for 1874 (199) ; 1875 (321) Accounts, Public. Papers from Committee on, 1831 (40) Acts of Parliament. Uniformity in Drawing of, 1838(149) — Number passed since 1800, 1834 (411) ; 1835 (364) ; 1836 (435) — Printing and Sale of, relating to Scotland, 1834 (530) Admiralty. Salaries and Retired Allowances of the Judge of the High Court of, 1833 (230), (244), (253) Admiralty Court, Ireland, Causes in, 1831 (201) — Scotland, Compensation for loss of Office, 1831-32 (303) Admiralty Droits, Accounts of Receiver-General, 1833 (282), (283), (287), (741) Advertisement Duty. Number of Advertise- ments in, and Duty paid by London News- papers, 1832-34; 1835 (108) — Assessed upon each paper in Ireland, 1835 (265) Afghanistan. Military operations in, 1843 (31), (428) Africa (West). H.M. possessions in, 1876 (C-1402) Agricultural Labourers. Parishes employing Poor as, 1833 (144) — Wages, &c, of, in England and Wales, and Ireland, 1861 (14), (14-1) ; 1862 (2) Agricultural Statistics for Great Britain. With Abstract Returns for United Kingdom, British Possessions, and Foreign Coun- tries, 1867-83. 8vo. — County Summaries, showing acreage under each Crop, number of Live Stock in Great Britain in 1874-76. 8vo. .Agricultural Statistics. Ireland. 1859-75. — General Abstracts showing acreage under the several Crops, Live Stock, Emigration from Irish Ports, and number of Scutch- ing Mills, for 1857-76. 8vo. — Returns of Agricultural Produce in 1850-55. — Tables showing Average Produce of Crops, Emigration, and Number of Scutching Mills in 1856 and 1875 Agricultural Statistics (United Kingdom). Bill for Collection of, 1857 (146) — Acreage of Land under Crops, Grass, &c, in 1866 (3727) — Circular respecting Collection of, 1862 (205) Algiers, Battle of, 1816. Prize Money to Seamen, Soldiers, &c, and Vessels engaged in, 1834 (31), (66). America (British North). Emigration to, 1857 (14) America. United States of. Recruiting in, Papers relating to, 1856 (2080), (2094) " Amphitrite " Convict Ship. Loss of the, 1834 (427) Anatomy. Letter from College of Surgeons to Lord Melbourne, 1831-32 (36) Animal Inoculation. Address by Professor Pasteur on, 1881 (423) Annuities. Amount of Life, Sums issued for Payment of, &c, 1831-32 (128) Apothecaries, London. Certificates granted by Apothecaries Company, 1833 (435) — Regulations issued by Society of Apothe- caries, 1835 (531) Appeals. Colonial, 1831-32 (431) — against Convictions by Justices of the Peace in England and Wales, 1838 (168) Archbishops and Bishops. Annual Revenue, &c, of, 1837 (240), (439) Armagh. Investigation into Disturbance at, 1835 (101) Arms, Ireland. Number Registered, Licences Granted, &c, 1831 (347) ; 1836 (265) 358 PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c- Contd. Army. Annual Eeturns of the, 1875-77. 8to. — Artillery and Engineer Corps, Number of Officers in, Promotions, &c, 1872 (336), (89) — Artillery Officers on Supernumerary List, 1863 (58) — Brevet, Officers promoted by, 1831-32 (286) — Cavalry Appointments, 1833 (15) — Civil Employment of Half- Pay Officers, 1831-32 (173) — Commissions. Promotions by Brevet, by Purchase of Unattached Commissions, &c, 1831 (326), (327) } 1833 (187), (742) — Commissious, manner of obtaining, 1874 (281) — Effective Strength and Establishment of the Army, 1831-32 (317), (388) ; 1838 (424) — Estimates for Army Services, 1831-45 — Extraordinary Expenses. Statements of Expenditure on account of, 1831-39 — Full-Pav and Half- Pay, Officers on, Ac, 1831-32 (456) ; 1835 (137) } 1836 (150) ; 1837 (153) ; 1837-38 (426) ; 1833 (9) ; 1835 (287) •— General and Staff Officers, 1836 (599). Appointments made on the Staff, 1868-74 ; 1875 (244) — Manufacturing Establishments, Annual Accounts of, 1876 (67) — Medical Department. Statistical Account of Sickness, Mortality, and Invaliding among Troops, 1837-38 (138) — Medical Department. Statistical Reports on Sickness, &c., 1839 (166) ; 1840 (228) ; 1842 (358) ; 1852-53 (1639) — Medical Department, Annual Reports of the, for 1859-83. 8vo. — Medical Supplies. Amount paid for, in Aruiy, Navy, &c, 1835 (202) — Officers who are Members of Parliament, 1831-32 (676) — Orange Lodges in the, Orders forbidding, 1835 (414) — Pensions, Warrant for granting, 1833 (30) — Prize Monev, account of Unclaimed, 1837-38 (543) ; 1839 (490) — Punishments, Number of Prisoners com- mitted, under Sentence of Court-Martial, &c, 1834 (129) ; 1835 (167) ; 1838 (584) — Purchase Commission, Estimate to defray charges of, 1875 (299) — Receipt and Expenditure, 1837-38 (640); 1844 (368) ; 1856 (421) — Receipts and Expenditure of Paymaster- General, 1831-32 (231) ; 1833 (227) — Recruiting Districts. Number of, &c., 1831-32 (501) ; 1875 (339) — Regiments. Officers who have Exchanged, 1875 (93), (242), (458) — Rewards. Warrant granting Additional Pay for Good Conduct, &c., 1837-38 (425) Army in the Crimea and in the East. Return of the Killed in Action, Wounded, &c, 1857 (57) — Ears. Defence and capitulation of, 1856 (2032), (2071) Army — Contd. — Medical and Surgical History of the British Army in Crimea, 1857-58 "(2434), Parts I and II Army (East Indies). Amalgamation of the Armies of the Queen and the East India Company. Papers on Discontent among European Troops, 1860 (169-I-II). Memo- rials. 1862 (255), 1863 (263) — Anderson, Lieut. -Col. Correspondence on the Stoppage of Promotion of, 1872 (81) — Artdlery Officers. Memorials, &c, by, and Returns relative to, 1874 (376), (377) ; 1875 (358), (296) — Bengal Military Fund. Correspondence respecting, 1864 (343) — Bombay Army. Sanitary State of, 1874 (112) — Military Finance. Orders, Proceedings, &c. respecting, 1866 (251), (251-1) — Mutinies in East Indies. Papers, Despatches, &c, relative to, 1857 (2265), 1857-58 (2294), (2295), (2302), (2316), (2330), 2363), (2448), (2449) — Native Troops. Number of, &c., 1861 (58) — Pensions. Correspondence relative to Military Retiring Funds, 1863 (240) — Sickness, Mortality, &c, of European Forces, 1875 (429) — Staff Corps, &c. Names of Officers on, 1874 (84) — Strength, Cost, &c, of the Army in India. 1862 (298) ; 1871 (467) ; 1873 (265) ; 1875 (357) Arundel. Letter from Returning Officer of, to Boundary Commissioners, 1831-32 (506) Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Improve- ment Act, 1876 (294) Asaph, St., and Bangor Dioceses. Remon- strances made to Church Commissioners respecting the union of, 1837 (74), (121) Assessed Taxes. Cases determined on Appeal in England and Scotland, 1831-32 (87), (53) — Persons Compounding for, 1831-32 (224), 1834 (575) — Percentage allowed to Surveyors, 1833 (303) — Surcharges under the Assessment Tax Act, &c, 1836 (304) Assessments. Metropolitan, Value of, 1862 (32) Assistant Barristers (Ireland). Number of, Fees, &c, 1834 (265), (383) Assizes. Memorials, 1834 (146) ; 1844 (308) — Towns, where held, 1833 (402) Athlone Borough. Property, Estates, &c, belonging to, 1833 (472) Attornies and Solicitors. Articles of Clerkship, &c., filed in the King's Bench, 1819-32 ; 1833 (350) — Duties, &c, on Admission of Attornies, 1833 (329), (330), (409) ; 1837 (469). Audit Office. Amount paid in 1836, for Salaries of the, 1837 (438) Australia. Convicts. Correspondence on Secondary Punishment, 1834 (82), (614) — Ecclesiastical Affairs. Progress of the m^ans of Public Worship, 1837 (112) ; 1837-38 (75) PA 359 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Australia — Contd. — Emigration. Correspondence relative to, 1837 (358) Balbriggan. Shipping, Dues, and Charges, &c, 1834 (355) Bank of England. Balances in, Gold and Silver passed through Bullion Office, 1825 (102) — Balances in, of Unclaimed Dividends, 1836 (19) ; 1837-38 (92) ; 1844 (27) — Branch Bank Notes in Circulation, 1833 (733) ; 1834 (142) — Charter. Resolutions in Committee on, 1833 (0-63) — Charter. Correspondence, &c, relative to renewal of, 1833 (352), (728) — Exchequer Bills purchased by, 1837 (32) — Liabilities and Assets. Debtor and Creditor Account, 1790-1829 ; 1833 (469) — Liabilities and Assets. Public Deposits, and Quarterly Averages of, 1836 (342), 1843 (46) ; 1844 (38) — Notes in Circulation, Promissory Notes, Post Bills, &c, 1831 (140) ; 1831-32 (120) ; 1833 (597) Bank of Ireland. Notes in Circulation, 1834 (435) ; 1844 (371) Bank of Scotland. Charter granted to National Bank, &c, 1831 (257) Banks. (Private and Joint Stock), Bankruptcies. Number of, 1833 (433), (488), (439) — Country Bankers, Memorials of, to the Government, 1828-33 ; 1833 (457) — Joint Stock Banks. Places where, have been established, 1831-32 (495); 1833 (351), (504) ; 1836 (172) ; 1844 (423) — Notes in Circulation. Value and Number of Country Bankers' Notes Stamped, 1826-33 ; 1833 (456) — Notes. Aggregate Amount of, Circulated in England and Wales, 1834 (162), (354) (588) ; 1835 (16), (445) ; 1836 (234) Banks (Private and Joint Stock), Ireland. Number of, and Notes in Circulation, &c, 1836 (219), (346) ; 1844 (232) Bankers and Banks. Name of every Bank other than Private in United Kingdom, 1857-58 (4) — Bankruptcies in 1844-75 ; 1876 (115) Bankruptcy. Amendment of the Law of, Paper by W. J. Law on, 1841 (289) — Business of the Court of, 1833 (310), (208) ; 1837 (202), (406) — Chief Registrar's Fees, &c, 1844 (273) — Commissioners appointed for Cambridge, 1833 (625) — Comptroller in Bankruptcy. General Report for 1870 ; 1871 (210) — Court of Review. Rules, &c, of the, 1831-32 (110) ; Issues tried, Petitions heard and decided, &c. 1831-32 (99), (366), (682) ; 1834 (315) ; 1835 (619) ; 1837 (66) — Dividends. Money divided among Creditors, 1831-32 (148) — Dividends. Amount transferred and paid out as, 1836 (22) ; 1837 (52) ; 1837-38 (139) ; 1844 (326) Bankruptcy — Contd. — Fees received by Commissioners, &c, 1831 (303), (314) ; 1831-32 (332) — Fiats and Commissions of, issued, 1822-37 ; 1833 (342) ; 1837-38 (239) ; 1839 (224) — Number of Country Banks become Bankrupt, 1826-33 ; 1833 (443) — Number of Bankruptcies, 1833 (178) , (179) 1837-38 (522) — Official Assignees. Number of Fiats, under their superintendence, &c, 1833 (719) ; 1834 (120) ; 1835 (225), (534) — Secretary of Bankrupts. Duties performed by, 1831-32 (433). Fees received, Com- pensation Account, &c, 1833 (624) ; 1834 (611) — Miscellaneous. Papers relating to Court of, 1833 (689) ; 1835 (615) — and Insolvency. Returns from Accountant in Bankruptcy, 1861 (80) Barilla. Duty paid on, for home consumption, 1837-38 (562) Barracks. Number of, in United Kingdom, 1831-32 (227) — Expenses in the fortification of, in Ireland, 1844 (94) Bastardy. England. Children affiliated, 1835 (589) — Number of Pauper Marriages, and Illegiti- mate Births in Cambridge and Suffolk since Poor Law Amendment Act, 1837-38 (694) Bath Gaol. Persons committed to, 1833-35 ; 1835 (182) Bath, Order of the. Fees and Expenses paid on creation of, 1834 (437) Bay of Bengal. Name, Tonnage, &c, of all Steamships which sailed from the United Kingdom to, in 1875 (219) Beer. Beerhouses and Victuallers. Number of Persons Licensed to Sell Beer, &c., 1831-32 (223) j 1833 (95) ; 1834 (214) ; 1835 (311), (123),(263) ; 1836 (259), (112); 1837 (160) ; 1837-38 (184), (554), (638) ; 1839 (15), (365) ; 1840 (213) ; 1876 (192) — Number of Barrels Exported, &c, 1831 (60) ; 1844 (227) Belfast Academical Institution. Names of Sub- scribers, amount of Subscriptions, &c, 1837 (178) Belfast Lunatio Asylum. Correspondence re- specting the case of Robert Breakey, 1837- 38 (303) Belgians. His Majesty the King of the, Money paid into the Exchequer out of Annuity granted to Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg, 1834 (33) ; 1837 (107) — Sums received and paid by the Trustees of the King of the Belgians, 1836 (108) Belgium. Papers relative to Affairs of, 1833 Bell, Grant, and Agar. The King v., Costs of the Prosecution, &c, 1834 (163) Benefices. Presentations to Ecclesiastical, 1874 (324) ; 1875 (40) — Residence of Clergy. Abstracts showing the number of Benefices, &c, 1852-53 (72) 360 PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Bills of Exchange. Duties on, 1831-32 (513) — : Public and Private Bills Births, Deaths,and Marriages, England. Annual Reports of the Registrar-General. First to forty-fourth Report, 1839-83. 8vo. — Tables of Number of, registered in 1875, 1876 (C-1457). Fol. Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Ireland. Annual Reports of the Registrar-General. First to fourteenth Report, 1864-77. 8to. Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Scotland. Annual Reports of Registrar- General. Third to twenty-first Report, 1857-75. 8vo. — Detailed Annual Reports of Registrar- General. First to twenty-fifth Report, 1861-83. 8vo. Bishops, Lands and Leases. Rates of Renewal Fines on, in Ireland, 1833 (381) — Persons purchasing the Fee of Lands, 1834 (298) ; 1835 (219 — Mr. Finlaison's answers to questions on Leases. 1837 (104) Blanchfield and Byrne, Messrs. Conviction and Judgment thereon of, 1831 (222) Board of Health. Central and other Boards of Health of 1831-32 ; Papers relating to Cholera, Ac, 1831-32 (230), (155), (258), (376), (283) — Drainage of Lands, forming sites of Towns, &c, 1852 (1471). 8vo. — Metropolitan Interment Act. Correspon- dence on purchase of Cemeteries, 1852 (190). 8vo. — RemoTal of Soil Water and Drainage of Towns, 1852 (1535) — Sewage Manure, 1852 (1472) Bode, Baron de. Letter to Chancellor of Ex- chequer by, 1837-38 (163) Bones imported into the United Kingdom, 1837-38 (636) Boroughs. England and Wales. Receipt and Expenditure, 1839 (10), (133) — Instructions to Commissioners, for settling the Boundaries of, 1835 (389) — Rates chargeable upon eaeh County and Borough, 1873 (381) Borris Chapel (Ireland). Correspondence on attendance of Military at Roman Catholic Chapels, 1835 (198) Boyd, Mr. Correspondence relating to the putting to death of, 1834 (453) Bradford (York). Number of Metropolitan Police sent to, 1837-38 (118) Brandy, Hollands, and Tobacco. Duties on, 1834 (75) Brazils. Imports, Exports, &c, Value and Quantities of, 1844 (73) _ Capture of British Ships, 1820-27; 1831-32 (537) Bread. Price of Quartern Loaf in London, 1781-1815 ; 1834 (92) — Places in England where an Assize of Bread is set, Convictions, &c., 1835 (128) Bricks and Tiles. Duty on, in England and Scotland, 1831-32 (267) ; 1833 (420) ; 1837-38 (217) &C— Contd. "Brighton Guardian" Newspaper. Expenses of Prosecuting the, 1835 (312) British Guiana. Orders for better regulation of Labour, &c, in, 1837-38 (ISO), (232) — Despatch announcing dissolution of Lord Melbourne's Cabinet, 1835 (71) British Museum. Income and Expenditure, number of Visitors, &c., 1831-38, 1844 and 1876. — Purchase of Collections. Coins, Fossils, &c, 1834 (68), (508) — Money expended, Bequests, &c, 1833 (345) — Sums paid by the Board of Works on account of, 1833 (615) — Resolutions,&c, by the Trustees with reference to report of the Select Committee, 1836 (516) ; 1837 (409) Browne, Colonel. Balances due by, at his Death, amount paid, &c, 1831-32 (79), (262) Brudenell, Lord. Papers relative to Court- martial and removal from command of the 15th Hussars, 1836 (178) Building Societies. Incorporated, Name. Ab- stract of Accounts of, &c., 1876 (423) j 1878-83 Burghs, Roval (Scotland). Emoluments, Ex- penses, &c, 1835 (175) ; 1836 (170) Burials and Burial Grounds. Expense of pur- chasing Grounds, number of Interments, &c., 1834 (403), (502), (561) — Burial Grounds closed or under notice, 1852-53 (99) ; 1876 (60) Burnham and Stoke, Hundreds of (Bucks). Union of the Parishes of, 1835 (64) Bury (Lancashire). Letter from Poor Law Commissioners respecting Petition from, 1837 (295) Butter and Cheese. Quantities Imported, 1844 (203) Calcutta. Bankers' claims on King of Oude, 1834 (197), (344) — Correspondence relative to Report of Select Committee of, 1834, 1835 (393) — Compensation to Mr. Arnott, of the " Cal- cutta Journal," 1836 (165) Canada. Estimate for Armv, &c, 1837-38 (623) — Correspondence and Papers relative to the Affairs, Grievances, Insurrection, Civil Government, &c, 1831-32 (740) ; 1833 (433), (697); 1834 (149); 1836 (113), (392), (212) ; 1837 (0.42) ; 1835 (211), (421); 1837 (292), (51), (61); 1837-38 (72), (80), (99), (100), (357), (95), (231), (86), (181), (524), (705); 1840 (221), (222) — Caldwell, Sir J. Debt due bv, to Lower Canada, &c, 1837 (556) — Canada Company. Money received from the, 1834 (150) — Lord Durham. Expenses, Correspondence, &c, relating to Establishment of, as Gover- nor-General, 1837-38 (376), (252), (605), (634), (642) — Ecclesiastical Affairs and Clergy Reserves, 1833(432); 1834 (514), (624); 1840(205-1) PA 301 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Canada — Contd. — Crown Revenue. Correspondence on Appro- priation of, 1831 (102) — Lord Gosford. Expenditure of the Office and Establishment of, 1837-38 (251) — Sir P. B. Head. Despatches from, 1836 (391), (425) ; 1837 (271) ; 1837-38 (94), (516) — Imports and Exports, Trade, &c. Address to His Majesty on, 1836 (389) — Lands. Sales of, &c, 1835 (92); 1837 (269) — Lands. Correspondence on Lands granted to Mr. Felton, 1836 (75), (489) — Orange Lodges. Despatches respecting, 1836 (571) ; 1837 (352) — General Post Office. Establishment of the, 1833 (499) — Water Communication. Letter on Expendi- ture of Rideau Canal Works, 1831-32 (504) — Correspondence on, and Reports respecting Progress and Expenditure, 1831-32 (492) Candles. Duty paid on Wax, &c, 1831 (16) Canterbury. Persons committed to Gaol for Riotous Conduct at, 1835 (378) Cape of Good Hope. Papers from the Governor of, 1837 (503) — Papers relative to Caff re War, and Death of Hintza, 1836 (279) Capes, John. Communications on the Deten- tion of, 1831-32 (623) Capital Crimes and Punishments. Cases Re- ported to the King, 1824-34: 1835 (304), (590) Cards and Dice Duty received on, 1831-32 (427) Carlisle. Number of Persons Assessed to the House Duty in, 1833 (407) Carlisle and Glasgow Road. Amount of Debt affecting the, 1836 (480) Carlow County. Expenses of Committee on the Carlow Investigation, 1836 (203) Carnatic Debts. Sums Awarded by the Car- natic and Tanjore Commissioners, 1836 (478) ; 1837-38 (255) Carrickfergus Borough. Names, Residence, &c, of Freeholders, 1834 (80), (329) Cattle. Number of Live Cattle, &c, in Great Britain and Ireland ; Prices of Meat, Pro- visions Imported, &c, 1878 (273), (401) Census : Population Ceylon. Charter for Improving Administration of Justice in, 1833 (332) — Instructions for the Island of, 1833 (698) — Paumben Channel, Deepening of the. Cor- respondence and Report on the, 1872 (C-611) ; 1873 (C-761) — Salt Monopoly. Letters on the, 1834 (228) Chancery, Court of, England. Business Prac- tice and Procedure, &c, of the Court, 1831-32 (318); 1834 (34), (216); 1835 (376) ; 1836 (370), (32) ; 1837 (143) — Establishment and Officers, Compensations, Salaries, Fees, &c, 1831-32 (100) ; 1833 (532), (573), (574), (630) ; 1834 (247), (107) ; 1835 (410) ; 1837 (205) ; 1840 (376) ; 1844 (66) Chancery, Court of, England — Contd. — Masters in Chancery. Names of, who have Retired, &c, 1830-31 (158) — Paymaster- General. Receipt and Expendi- ture of, on behalf of, 1876 (390) — Suitors' Fund and Accountant- General. Receipts and Expenditure of, &c, 1833 (55) ; 1837 (170) ; 1837-38 (373) Chancery. Court of, Ireland. Business, Regu- lation, &c, of the Court, 1831-32 (485) ; 1834 (448) — Establishment and Officers, Compensation, Salaries, Fees, &c, 1831-32 (329) ; 1834 (2) ; 1835 (239) ; 1836 (543) Chancery Office (Scotland). Treasury Minute regulating the, 1837 (261) Charities, England and Wales. Digest of Com- missioners' Reports, 1831-32 (63) — Papers relating to Charities generally, Com- missioners' Expenses, Funds, &c, 1833 (47), (429), (252); 1834 (460); 1836 (265) ; 1837 (482), (267) ; 1835 (618) ; 1837-38 (720) ; 1839 (266) — Charitable Funds. Capital transferred to Trustees of, 1876 (33) — Endowed Charities. General Digests of, for various Counties, 1875 (243, 243-1) ; 1876 (155, 155. I-IX) — Exemption from Income Tax of Rents, &c, applied to Charitable Purposes, 1865 (382) Charities, Ireland. Results of Suits instituted by Commissioners ; Salaries, Funds, &c, 1831-32 (412) ; 1833 (598) ; 1837-38 (160) Charlton's Charity. Sums Distributed, 1823-30 ; 1831-32 (411) Chelsea Hospital. General Receipts and Dis- bursements, Estimates, &c, 1831 (124) ; 1831-32 (672) ; 1834 (232) — Account of the Old and New Establishment 1834 (115) — Unclaimed Prize Money, 1809-35 ; 1836 (133) China. Resolutions to be Proposed, 1833 (0.27) — Petition for a Permanent Residence at Peking of a Representative of His Majesty, 1833 (90) — Papers relating to East India and China Trade, 1833 (229), (272), (306), (391), (425) ; 1834 (319) — Commercial Reports from Consuls, 1876 (C-1602). 8vo. — Correspondence, Despatches, &c, 1831-32 (517) ; 1833 (410) ; 1834 (127) ; 1837-38 (128) Cholera Morbus, Epidemic of, 1831-32. In- formation on Infectious Disease in Eastern Europe, &c, 1831 (49) Church, England and Wales. Drawbacks al- lowed on Building Materials, 1837-38 (325) — Building Acts. Sums expended for Building Churches, &c, 1852-53 (125), (51) — Churches and Cathedrals Restored since 1840 ; 1876 (125) — Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues. Com- munications referring to, 1838 (11) 362 PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Church, England and Wales — Contd. — Charges of Commissioners for Building New Churches, 1831-38. Applications for Additional Churches, &c, 1831-32 (708) ; 1831 (88) — Number and Value of Benefices in each Diocese, 1836 (594) — Receipts and Expenses by Church and Chapel Wardens, 1831-32 (384) Church, Ireland. Benefices, Augmentations, Value of, &c, 1833 (491), (399), (265) — Benefices Suspended by Ecclesiastical Com- missions, &c., 1835 (382), (388) — Building and Repairs of Churches. Money Appropriated for, 1837 (306) — Church Temporalities. Resolutions to be proposed. Returns relating to, 1833 (031), (064) ; 1834 (035) ; 1835 (460) — Church Temporalities. Accounts of Com- missioners of, 1876 (263) — Ecclesiastical Commission. Return of Law Expenses of the, 1834 (594) — Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Receipts and Disbursements, Salaries, Fees, &c, 1835 (169) ; 1836 (485) ; 1837-38 (142) — Revenues and Patronage. Summary and Digest of Inquiry into, 1833 (263) Church, Scotland. Additional Churches. Me- morial for obtaining, 1837 (373) — Church Establishment. Commission of In- quiry into, 1835 (628) — Drawbacks allowed on Building Materials, 1836 (301) — Highland Churches, Letter on the State of, 1831-32 (647) — Miscellaneous Papers, Receipts for Seat Rent, &c, 1831-32 (709) ; 1833 (049) — Proceedings in the case of Churchwardens of Bungay v. Child, 1835 (243) Church Rates. Suits for Recovery of, 1835 (487) — Sums charged on, &c, 1837 (87) ; 1845 (428) — Receipts and Expenditure generally, 1856 (323) ; 1859 (4) — Parishes which have refused, 1856 (319) Cinque Ports. Appointments made by the Lord Warden of the, 1835 (617) — Persons committed for Felonies in each of the, 1836 (185) Cirencester Union. Dietary Table issued for, 1844 (102) Civil Bill Decrees (Ireland). Persons com- mitted to Prison under, 1836 (184) Civil Contingencies. Accounts and Estimates of Expenses generally, 1831-44 — Expenses of Patent creating Sir James Saumarez a Baron of the United Kingdom 1831-32 (297) Civil Contingencies Fund. Receipts and Pay ments in connection with, 1876 (122) Civil List. Account of Hereditary and Tern porary Revenues of the Crown, &c. 1831-32 (121) — Estimates of Payments of Salaries, &c. 1831 (279) ; 1831-32 (113) — Pensions, Gratuities, Fees, &c, 1837-38 (272), (46), (696) Civil Service. Fees levied on Candidates for the, 1876 (128) Clergy. England and Wales. Numbers of, Resident and non-Resident Clergy, &c, 1833 (35) ; 1837 (260) Clergy, Ii-eland. Number of, Resident and non-Resident Clergy, &c., 1835 (81) — Salaries, Emoluments, &c, 1833 (721); 1835 (461) ; 1837-38 (266) Clergy, East Indies. Salaries, &c, 1833 (626) — Persons on Ecclesiastical Establishment of Church of England, Presbyterian Church, &c., 1836 (536) Clerks of the Crown. Salaries and Emolu- ments of, 1834 (389) Clerks of the Peace. Ireland. Salaries and Emoluments of, 1834 (388) Clocks and Watches. Exported and imported since 1825, 1833 (490) Clonmel Borough. Freemen admitted into the Corporation of, 1835 (353) Clonmel Endowed School. Estates belonging to, Number educated, 1812-32, 1833 (439) Clover Seed (Ireland). Quantity annually imported, 1826-35, 1836 (396) Coals, England and Wales. Duties on Coals, Reduction of, 1831-32 (468) ; 1833 (296) — Duties in Foreign Ports on English Coal, 1834 (444) — Grant of Charles II to Sir T. Clarges of an Annuity of 500Z. paid upon the Coal Duties, 1836 (588) — Duties levied on Imports and Exports of, in 1863 and 1873, 1876 (373) — Imports and Exports. Coals brought Coast- ways, &c, 1833 (586), (367) ; 1834 (454), (294); 1835 (51), (240); 1836 (228); 1837 (371) ; 1837-38 (344) ; 1844 (264) — London Market. Quantity imported, Duties &c, 1833 (25), (197) — Price of, in the London Market, 1831 (165) Coals, Ireland. Duties on Imports and Sale of, 1831 (15) — Metage of Coals, 1831-32 (643) Coal Mines. Government Inspector's Report, for 1854-55 (1994) Cocoa. Imported 1821-30, Consumption at Home and in the Navy, 1831-32 (460) ; 1833 (322) Coffee. Quantity Exported and Imported, Duties, &c, in 1826-33 and 1844 Coffee House Keepers. Number of Informa- tions against, and Results, 1831-32 (331) Coin. State of Coinage, Issue of New Coin, &c, 1828 (434) ; 1831 (147) ; 1831-32 (135) ; 1833 (760) ; 1836 (559) ; 1837-38 (406) — Gold and Silver coined, 1790-1829, 1833 (138) — Deputy Master of the Mint, Sixth Report of the, 1876 (C-1504) 8vo. — Import and Export of Coin, Bullion, and Plate, &c, 1825 (204), (369) ; 1833 (390) — Light Gold delivered to the Mint for re-Coinage, 1844 (46) — Silver and Copper purchased on Account of the Mint, 1815-34, 1836 (53) PA 363 Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Coleraine Borough. Estates and Offices of, 1834 (91) Collins. Dennis, Law Costs, &c, incurred in his Prosecution, 1833 (41) Colonial and Australian Banking Companies. Charters granted to, 1837-38 (457) Colonial Office. Expenses of the, 1836 (573) Colonies, The. Persons holding Offices, who are not at present in the execution of their Duties, 1831-35 — Civil and Military Establishments, &c, 1831-32 (211), (210) ; 1833 (434) ; 1834 (323) ; 1835 (49) ; 1836 (537) ; 1837 (442) ; 1831 (260) — Reports on past and present State of, 1846 (728) j 1847 (869) ; 1847-48 (1005) ; 1857-58 (2403) ; 1861 (2841) ; 1876 (C-1622), (C-1622-I) — Imports of Sugar,' Rum, Cotton, Cocoa, Ginger, &c, from, 1836 (298) — Receipts and Expenditure, &c, of, 1835 (374), (586), (408) ; 1836 (598) — Return of the Annual Cost of Colonies to the British Exchequer, 1875 (104) Commercial Credit. Sums advanced for the relief of, in Ireland, 1837-38 (723) Commercial Daily List. Memorial and Corres- pondence respecting the, 1837-38 (117) Commissariat. Estimates of Sums required for Commissariat Departments, 1831-44 — Sums required for Half-Pay, Pensions, &c, 1831-32 (131) ; 1833 (175) — Receipt and Expenditure of Commissaries,&c, 1831-32 (341) ; 1842 (388) ; 1844 (103) — Loaves purchased, 1816-31. Total Cost and Average Price thereof, 1831-32 (269) — Officers of, on full and half -pay, 1837 (544) Commissary Courts (Scotland). Compensation to Clerks of, 1831-32 (124) Commissions of Inquiry. Expenses of Officers' Salaries, &c, 1831-32 (512) ; 1834 (291) — Commissions issued since 1830, Persons employed, Expenses, &c, 1836 (528) ; 1837 (290) ; 1837-38 (346) Committals. Ireland. Number of Persons committed for Trial, 1844 (138) Committees (House of Commons). Expenses paid by Treasury on account of, 1831 (273) Common Pleas, Court of. England. Writs Issued and Sealed ; Receipts and Disburse- ments, &c, 1833 (447) ; 1836 (601) — Ireland. Sittings of the Court, Cases heard, &c, 1831-32 (361) Consistorial Court (Scotland). Causes insti- tuted and decided, 1823-30 ; 1837 (459) Constabulary : Police Constabulary, England and Wales. Number of Chief Constables ; Salaries, &c, 1844 (222) Constabulary, Ireland. Effective Force of, in each County or Citv, Charges, &c, 1833 (379), (518) ; 1836 (215) Consuls at Foreign Ports. Names of Consuls, Salaries, &c.,1833 (756); 1834 (392), (436) — United States. Tonnage of British Vessels entering and departing from the various Ports, 1836 (590) Contagious Diseases Acts. Operation of. Re- port of Assistant Commissioner of the Police on, 1876 (276) Contempt of Court. Persons confined for, 1837-38 (674) Convicts and Transportation. Number re- moved for Transportation, 1834 (7) — Correspondence on Convict Discipline and Transportation, 1854-55 (1916, 1988) ; 1856 (2101) — Convict Establishments, Hulks, &c. Papers and Reports relating to, 1831-38 — Corporal Punishments. Number of Convicts Flogged in Middlesex, 1830-32 ; 1833 (473) — Dietaries for Convicts, 1857 (154) — Instructions to Surgeons and Masters of Convict Vessels during Voyage, 1834 (81) — New South Wales. Convicts in, 1826-28, 1831-32 (161) — Convicts whose Sentences have been Com- muted to Imprisonment, 1837 (196) Convicts and Transportation, Ireland. Officers employed, Convicts discharged, &c., 1833 (101) ; 1837 (194), (196) — Account of Convict Establishment at Cork, 1835 (535) Coolies. Ships employed in conveying, to W. Indies, Number taken, &c, 1874 (293) Copper. Imported and Exported in 1826-38 and 1844 — Quantity of Copper, Tin, Spelter, Iron, Lead, and Antimony Imported in each year from 1785 to 1827 ; 1828 (416) — Quantity of Copper, Sheets, Bolts, &c, in the Dockyards, 1833 (259) ; 1835 (159) Copyright. Price of each Book entered at Stationers' Hall, 1831-35, 1836 (357) Cork County. Correspondence on the Removal of Stipendiary Magistrates, 1834 (110) Cork Port. Imports and Exports of, 1825-31 ; Shipping generally of, 1816-30 j 1831 (283) Corn, Grain, &c. Average Prices of, generally, 1831 (125) ; 1836 (224) ; 1844 (122), (156) — Ireland. Yearly Average Price of Wheat and Oats, 1824-37, 1837-38 (177) — Foreign Countries. Prices of Foreign Corn, 1826-27 (26) ; 1831 (72) — Foreign and Colonial Grain Warehoused, &c, 1837-38 (635), (413) — Wheat, &c, delivered duty free; Forfeitures, &c., 1844 (263) — Corn Laden Ships entered inwards in 1843. Number of, 1844 (198) — Import and Export of, Duties, &c, generally, 1831 (120), (155), (97) ; 1831-32 (422), (426), (89), (423) ; 1833 (243), (206), (749), (262), (205) ; 1834 (5621, (568), (215), (373), (468) ; 1835 (196), (452), (592), (596) ; 1837 (524) ; 1837-38 (158), (430), (345) ; 1844 (56), (339), (134) — Ireland. Import and Export of, 1834 (244), (208) ; 1857 (139) — Ireland. Quautities Sold by Weight and Measure, 1833 (727) set PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Corn, Grain, &c. — Contd. — Quantity of Grain, Flour, and Live Stock Imported in J 849-51, and in 1856 ; 1852 (14) ; 1857 (105) — Keturn from Corn Inspectors of different Customs of Selling, 1834 (105) — Miscellaneous. Persons appointed to make Returns of Sales of Corn, 1831 (37) — Principle on which Contracts for, are made in Navy and Commissariat, 1834 (106) Cornwall and Lancaster. Duchies of, Revenues of the, 1837-38 (665) — Receipts and Disbursements of Duchy of Cornwall, 1876 (82) Coronations. Expense of Coronation of Wil- liam IV and Queen Adelaide, 1831 (216) ; 1831-32 (179) — Expenses of the Coronation of George III, George IV, and William IV ; also Estimate of Expense of that of Queen Victoria, 1837-38 (350), (544) Coroners, England and Wales. Date of Ap- pointment of, Distance travelled, 1829-32, Money received, 1831-32 (703) — Inquests held in King's Bench Prison, 1825-32 ; 1831-32 (698) — Inquests held in Metropolitan Prisons, 1832-34; 1834(179) — Inquests on Bodies of Illegitimate Children, 1832-37 ; 1837-38 (471) — Number of, Inquests, Charges, Fees, &c, 1837-38 (162) ; 1840 (209) ; 1844 (78) Corporal Punishments. Army, 1830-33, dis- tinguishing each year, 1834 (88) ; 1836 (131), (381) — in Indian Army, 1827-35 ; 1836 (319) — Navy and Marines. Punishment in Marine Corps, 1830-33 ; 1834 (393) — Number of Persons Flogged in the Navy, 1853-55 ; 1857 (48) Corporations : Municipal Corporations. Cotton. Import and Export of Cotton, Duties, &c., 1829 (314); 1831-32 (349), (650), (692) ; 1834 (565) ; 1835 (471) — Cotton Manufactured Goods, Yarn, &c, Ex- ported, 1818-26 ; 1828 (553) County Business (England and Wales). Re- turns from Clerks of the Peace, 1833 (621) County Rates. Valuation of each Parish, Rate per Acre, Ac, 1831-32 (577), 1844 (268) — Expenditure of Grants in aid of, 1852-53 (66) — Debt Chargeable on each County and Borough in England and Wales, 1873 (381) County Treasurers. England and Wales. Ac- counts of the, 1833 (522) ; 1837-38 (506) ; 1844 (76) ; 1873 (343) ; 1874 (318) ; 1876 (273) ; 1878 (129) County Treasurers, Ireland. Amounts in the hands of, 1833 (147) ; 1835 (259), (381) — Order appointing Rules for regulating Audit of Accounts, 1837-38 (12) — Receipts for the Fee Fund, 1837-38 (604) Courts of Law and Equity. England. Writs issued, Rules and Regulations, Causes tried, &c, 1833 (707) ; 1834 (5) ; 1835 (257) ; 1836 (529) ; 1837-38 (450), (477) &C— Contd. Courts of Law and Equity — Contd. — High Court of Justice and Court of Bank- ruptcy. Receipts and Payments, 1876 (393) Courts of Law and Equity. Ireland. Letter as to Suggestions of Commissioners of Judicial Inquiry, Answers thereto, 1831 (214) ; 1831-3*2 (192) — Returns relating to Superior Courts of Justice, 1834 (402) Courts of Law and Equity. Scotland. Names of Commissioners of Inquiry into, 1833 (663) — Reductions in Establishments of, 1836 (214) Courts Martial. Army (East Indies). Sen- tence of, on Lieutenant W. Y. Torckler, Memorials, &c, 1863 (255) Crime and Outrage, Criminal Offenders. Ac, generally. Number of Persons Committed for Trial, Sentenced, Flogged, Executed, &c, for various offences, Ac, 1831-52. — Tables showing number of Criminal Offen- ders, 1852-56 Crime, Ac. : Judicial Statistics Crime and Outrage, Ireland. Persons Com- mitted to Gaol, Convicted, Acquitted, Nature of Offence, Ac, 1830-38 — Tables showing number of Criminal Offen- ders, 1847 (822), 1852-53 (1,556) Crime and Outrage, Scotland. Number Com- mitted, Nature of Crimes, Ac, 1831-52 Crimes and Criminals: Judicial Statistics Criminal Law. Statements on, 1837 (88) Criminal Law Amendment Act. Number of Convictions under, 1874 (359) Cripplegate, St. Giles Parish. On the Adop- tion or not of the Act for better Regula- tion of Vestries, 1831-32 (723) Crown Lands. Generally and in the Colonies. Sales of, in Canada, 1824-33, 1834 (615) — Ireland. Papers relating to Improvements, Ac, of, 1831-32 (355), (418) ; 1833 (571), 1836 (315) — Scotland. Receipt. Expenditure, Rents, Ac, 1823-32, 1833 (307) Crown Rights. Scotland. Along Seashores, granted since the Union, 1837-38 (511) Croydon. Drainage, Ac. Inquiry into the Epi- demic at Croydon, 1852-53 (1683). 8vo. Customs. Generally. Duties, Revenue, Ac, 1813-32 (368), "(467), (066), (98); 1833 (747) — Duties collected at each Port, Custom House, Ac, of United Kingdom, 1834 (457), 1835 (106), (5) ; 1836 (262), 1837 (85), 1844 (204), 1845 (599), 1876 (22) — Establishment and Officers. Compensations, Salaries, Ac, 1831-32 (106), 1833 (337), (414) ; 1834 (258), (77), (564) — Receipt of Revenue, 1819-32, 1833 (414) Customs. Ireland. Duties, Ac, collected since 1828, 1835 (233), 1836 (183) Customs Duties. (Foreign Countries.) Rates of Import Duty in Foreign Countries on British Produce. Part IV, Metals other than Iron or Steel, 1870 (398). Part VI, Earthenware, Porcelain, and Glass, 1871 PA 365 Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Customs Duties. Foreign Countries — Contd. (344-1). Part XI, Miscellaneous Articles, 1874 (316-11), 1876 (205), 1880 (120), (120-1) ; 1882 (322), (322-1). 8vo. Cyprus. Reports of the High Commissioner for 1879, 1880 (C-2543), 8vo. ; for 1880, 1881 (C-3092) Danish Claims. Minutes of the Treasury Board on, 1837-38 (91), (555) Dartmoor Prison Buildings. Sum required for preparing the, 1834 (507) Dart nouth. Number of Vessels belonging to, and Amount of Customs. 1830,1831-32 (51) Deal and Sandown Castles. Duties performed by the Captains of, 1835 (131) Dean Forest Bill. Memorials respecting, 1836 (456) Death. Sentences of, for Housebreaking and Larceny, Number Executed, 1833 (183) Debt and Debtors. England. Papers relating to Debtors generally ; number sent to Prison, &c, 1833 (99), (494) ; 1835 (173), (199) ; 1836 (417) — Insolvent Debtors. Persons discharged, Divi- dends paid, &c, 1831 (141) ; 1837-38 (546) Debt and Debtors. Ireland. Number of Per- sons Imprisoned and Discharged, 1831-32 (530) ; 1833 (356) Debt and Debtors. Scotland. Number Im- prisoned for Debt, &c, 1823-37 ; 1833 (397) ; 1835 (174) ; 1837 (408) Deccan Prize Money. Names of Prize Agents, Letters from Trustees, Value of, &e., 1831-32 (726), (76); 1833 (580), (701), (702), 1837-38 (556) Demerara. Commission appointing a Governor in 1803 ; subsequent Commissions up to 1831, 1831-32 (705) Deputy Lieutenants. Names, number, &c, of, 1831-32 (741) ; 1835 (397) ; 1836 (318) ; 1876 (52) — Circular to, of Kerry, 1831-32 (624) Derry Cathedral. Correspondence on a Breach of the Law committed in the Churchyard of, 1837-38 (392) Derwentwater Estates. Annual Receipt and Balance of, 1787 to 1831 ; 1831-32 (168) Deserted Children. Number taken up in Manchester, 1832-35 ; 1836 (23) Devonport. Dockyard. Reduction in Hours of Workmen since 1816, 1834 (618) — Orders for the Embarkation of the Marines at the late Election, 1835 (38) Devonshire Sessions. Persons arrainged, Of- fences, Sentences, &c, 1834 (143) Diplomatic Service. Persons employed in, Salaries, Pensions, Changes in Embassies, &c, 1833 (267), (304), (428), (764), (766) Disfranchisement Bills. Total Expenses relative to, 1831 (274) Dissenters. Number of Dissenting Meeting Houses, &c, 1835 (350) ; 1836 (443) Distilleries. Ireland. Detections made in Public Distilleries, 1833, 1834 (415) — Scotland. Duties paid, 1833, 1834 (125) District Surveyors. Name of District and Sur- veyors, Fees, &c, 1831-32 (505); 1833 (22) Dividends. Number of Persons for whom Dividends were due last half-yearly Pay- ment, 1833 (202) Dockyards. Admiralty Order 1830, Officers, Men employed, &c, 1831-32 (256), (253), (254) — Balance Sheets, showing Cost of Ship- building, &c, 1873 (97), (96) Dominica. Communications relative to the Hurricane at, 1835 (328) Dorchester Unionists. Indictment and Record of Conviction against G. Loveless and others, 1835 (250) — Correspondence relative to Free Pardon of the Dorchester Labourers, 1837 (191) Dover Harbour, &c. Receipt and Expenditure of, 1830-31 ; 1831-32 (448) Down and Raphoe Deaneries. Memorial of Rev. T. Plunket, 1834 (154), (261) Drunkenness. Number of Persons taken into Custody byMetropolitan Police for, 1838-43; 1844 (217) Dublin City. Custom House. Relief of Mer- chants who lost by the Fire at the Custom House, 1837 (312) — Harbour and Port. Receipts and Disburse- ments for the, 1813-32 ; 1833 (722) — Hospitals. Seventeenth Report of Board of Superintendence, 1876 (C-1379) — Police. Appointment of Officers holding situations above Sol., 1831-32 (414) — Valuation. Summary of Documents relating to the New, 1833 (5) — Wide Streets, Paving, &c. Returns relating to Treasurer of the Commissioners, Salary of Secretary, &c, 1831-32 (415) ; 1835 (379) — Memorials and Maps relating to Dublin and Kingstown Ship Canal, 1833 (603) — Remission of Duty on Timber for Building Adam and Eve Chapel, 1835 (58) — Salaries paid to Curates, &c, 1837-38 (582) Dundalk. Bailiffs for, since 1813. Charges for Summonses, &c, 1833 (632) ; 1834 (387) — Persons Committed to Gaol, Number Tried, &c, 1832-34 ; 1834 (386) Dungannon Meeting. Correspondence relating to the, 1835 (120) Durham. Lands Disposed of, and Number of Churches Endowed bv the late Bishop of, 1835 (432) ; 1836 (205) — Writs Issued from Durham County Court, 1826-34; 1836 (247) — Writs Issued from Durham Chancery Court. Causes Tried, 1826-34 ; 1836 (204) — Charter Granted to the University of, 1837-38 (187) — Papers Presented to Judges of Assize by Grand Juries of, 1837-38 (276) Dutch Embargo. Vessels Detained in the United Kingdom, 1833 (388) — Advances made to Crews of Dutch Vessels by the Crown, 1834 (509) East India. Acts of Council, Government, &c. Regulations passed in 1831, 1833 (277) 366 PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, East India — Contd. — Acts, &c. Correspondence on Constitution of Indian Governments, 1833 (418), (754), (755) ; 1837-38 (156) — Acts, &c. Promulgation of Laws, kc, 1835 (187) — Acts of Government of, 1834-38, 1840 (137) — Administration of Justice in, Names, Sala- ries, &c., of all Persons connected with the, 1857-58 (392). Letter and Despatch relating to Judicial Procedure, 1859 (73), (49) — Agra Presidency. Correspondence respecting the, 1835 (255), (57) — Baroda. Despatches, Minutes, &c, relating to alleged Corruption of Officers of the Bombay Government, &c, 1852-53 (615-1, II, III, IV) — Correspondence on the Marriage of the Gaekwar of, 1875 (C-1249) — Papers respecting the Deaths of Bhow Scindia and Govind Naik, 1875 (C-1250) — Correspondence on Reforms in the Adminis- tration of, 1875 (C-1251) — Correspondence respecting Deposition of Mulhar Rao, 1875 (C-1252) — Correspondence on the Appointment of a Commission to Investigate certain Charges against the Gaekwar, 1875 (C-1271) — Proceedings of the Commission, 1875 (C-1272) — Bombay. Despatches, Reports, Memorials, &c, relating to Riots at, 1874 (305) — Bombay. Lands Sold in the Island of, in 1864 ; 1874 (47) — Cabul. Correspondence of Sir A. Burnes during his Mission to, 1837-39 ; 1859 (1) — Cachar. Correspondence on the Looshai Raids, 1872 (210) — Census of 1871-72. Memorandum on the, 1875 (C-1349) — Charter of the East India Company. Cor- respondence respecting the, 1833 (125), (126), (370), (378), (549) — Chinchona Plant. Introduction of the, into India, 1863 (118) — Civil Service. Appointments filled up by Natives, 1867-71 ; 1874 (184) ; 1875 (63) — Civil Service. Rules, Memorials, &c, 1875 (315), (139) — Clergy. Regulations as to Appointment, Pay, &c, of, 1875 (181) — Coinage, &c. Resolution on the subject of a Gold Currency for India, 1865 (79) — Compensations, Salaries, and Pensions, 1831-32 (689), (538) ; 1833 (693), (582) ; 1834 (198), (569), (306), (506) ; 1835 (6), (23), (614), (43), (207), (241), (335), (613), (117), (183), (226), (266), (560), (587) — Cotton. Cultivation of, Papers showing Measures taken since 1847 to Promote the, Parts I— III, 1857 (296). Correspondence, 1863 (132, 132-1) — Council of India. Letter on recent Appoint- ment of Members to, 1872 (58) &C. — Contd. East India — Contd. — Debt and Liabilities. Notifications and Accounts of the Public Debt, &c, 1859 (94), (90), (124) ; 1861 (68) — Debt and Liabilities. Stocks, Loans, Debts, &c, Chargeable on East India Revenues, 1859 (34); 1861 (34); 1863 (32); 1864 (44) — Education. Despatch No. 4, 1859 (210) — Education. Further Correspondence relative to. Part I, Bengal and N.W.P. ; II, Madras ; III, Bombay, 1859 (186) — Education. Amount Spent on, in each Presidency. Minute, &c, 1860 (48), (35) — Educational Service. Correspondence re- specting Pensions to Officers of the, 1872 (355) — Evidence, Law of. Act for the Improvement of the, 1861 (264) — Famine in Bengal. Correspondence, Tele- grams, &c, relating to, 1874 (C-933), (C-954), (C-955), (C-955-I), (C-955-II), (C-955-III), (C-955-IV) ; 1875 (123) — Famine in Bengal. Quantitv and Cost of Grain Bought for the, 1875 "(460) — Finance and Revenue Accounts, 1860 (305) ; 1861 (259) ; 1863 (269) ; 1864 (309) ; 1866 (272) ; 1867 (251) ; 1873 (203) ; 1874 (169) ; 1875 (204) ; 1876 (226) — Finance Accounts. Despatches relating to, 1859 (54), (189) — Financial Measures. Correspondence relat- ing to, 1860 (339), (481) ; 1861 (32), (233) ; 1862 (354), (412) — Financial Questions. Paper by Sir John Strachey on some, 1874 (326) — Forest Department. Despatches, &c., on Forest Conservanoy in India. Part I, India, 1871 (466); Part II, Madras, (466-1) ; Part III, Bombay (466-11) — Government Studs. Papers on the State of the, 1874 (69) — Home Accounts, 1835-82 — Income, Expenditure, &c, of the Govern- ment of India since 1834 ; 1859 (198) — Income Tax. On the Withdrawal of the, 1875 (188) — Irrigation. Despatch and Reports relative to Irrigation Works, 1861 (149) — Irrigation. Minutes, &c, relating to Open- ing up of the Navigation of the River Godavery to Berar, 1862 (55) — Judicial and Legal Affairs. Correspondence, Memorials, &c, relating to, 1831-32 (483) ; 1837-38 (275), (673), (175) — Loans. Terms on which, have been Raised in the last Ten Years, 1861 (114) — Loans Raised in England, 1874 (40), (92) ; 1875 (19), (13) — Loans Raised in India, 1874 (41), (283) ; 1875 (293), (89) ; 1876 (400) — Madras and Orissa Famine. Papers relating to the, 1867 (490) — Meteorological Department. Despatches on the Organisation of a, 1874 (185) — Opium Revenue, 1875 (350) PA 367 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. East India — Contd. — Oude. Papers on the Administration of, 1837-38 (599), (660) ; 1856 (2086) ; 1861 (426) — Porto Novo Iron Company. Correspondence, &c, respecting the, 1852-53 (634) — Progress and Condition of India. State- ments exhibiting the Moral and Material, for 1859-81 — Railways in . Report on, by Juland Danvers, Esq., for 1869-70—1882-83 — Railways. Contracts for Construction of, 1859 (259) ; 1871 (450) — Railways. Correspondence on Proposed Break of Gauge, &c, 1873 (122) ; 1874 (181), (372) — Railways. Letter on Guaranteed, 1874 (221) — - Revenue and Expenditure. Accounts of the Annual, 1825-42 and 1852 — Revenue. Papers, &c, relating to Finances of the Company. Estimates, Moneys Sup- plied, Bills Drawn, &c, 1830 (22) ; 1835 (72) ; 1836 (495) ; 1837-38 (109) — Revenue and Expenditure. Comparison of the, of, 1875 (102) — Revenues. Disbursements of Annual, 1854 (251) ; 1854-55 (253) ; 1856 (104) { 1857 (41) ; 1857-58 (486) — Revenue Survey and Assessment in N.W.P. since 1833. Results of, 1852-53 (999) — Revenues. Amount of Indian Land Revenue, &c, since 1851 j 1859 (200) — Revenues. Permanent Settlement of Land Revenue, 1867 (450) — Roads. Number of Miles of New Roads and Canals Opened since 1848. Expense, &c, 1859 (92) — Sanitary Measures in, Report on, with Miscellaneous Information, for 1867-83 — Slavery in, Papers relating to, 1834 (128) — Tariff. Customs Duties in 1872-73. Articles Imported Free, &c, 1875 (109) — Torture. Despatch, Correspondence, &c, on Alleged Cases of, 1854-55 (346) ; 1857 (117) — Trade, Imports and Exports, Shipping, &c, Papers relating to, 1831 (14) ; 1831-32 (518) ; 1833 (730) ; 1834 (554) ; 1828 (412) ; 1831-32 (454), (473) ; 1836 (535) ; 1837-38 (206) ; 1840 (202; — Trade of , with British Possessions and Foreign Countries for 1869-70—1882-83 — Treaties, Conventions, and Arrangements with Native States since 1834 ; 1856 (341) — Visit of Prince of Wales to India. Amount required for, 1875 (329) — Waste Lands. Despatches, &c, relating to the Sale of. Redemption of Land Revenue, &c, 1862 (327), (431) ; 1863 (164) — Weights and Measures. Copy of Act to Regulate the, 1872 (94) — Works, Public. Budgets of, for 1853-57 1857-58 (11) — Writers and Cadets. Number of. Appointed, &c, 1813-33 ; 1833 (536) ; 1834 (336) ; 1840 (599) East India — Contd. — Periodical Publications and Printing Presses Licensed in India, 1814-30 ; 1831-32 (37) — Despatch relative to Superintendence of Native Religious Institutions, 1844 (137) Eccleshall and Stone. Number of Houses of ioZ. Talue in, 1834 (118) Ecclesiastical Commission, England and Wales. Orders in Council Ratifying Schemes of the, 1837 (198) ; 1837-38 (423), (10), (179) Ecclesiastical Corporations (Ireland). Income of, &c, 1833 (264) Ecclesiastical Courts. Names and Salaries of Officers connected with, 1844 (353) Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues, England and Wales. Communications with reference to, 1837 (204), (327) " Eclair," H.M. Ship. Officers and Men who volunteered to serve on board, 1846 (125) Edinburgh. Civil Causes instituted in the Court, 1836 (600) — Correspondence on the projected Tunnel through the Mound in, 1837 (259) Education. England and Wales. Committee of Council. Order in Council appointing a, 1839 (287) — Extracts from Minutes of Proceedings, 1839 (177) ; 1840 (490) — Great Britain. Minutes of, Committee of Council, 1840 (18) ; Part II, 1840 (254) ; 1841 (317) ; 1842 (442) ; 1844 (84) ; 1845 (622) ; 1846 (741) ; 1847, (787) ; 1847-48 (998). Correspondence, &c, respecting Management Clauses, 1849 (1090), Schools of Parochial Unions, 1849 (1111). Cor- respondence, Financial and Tabular State- ments of Grants, &c, Reports of Inspectors of Schools, 1850 (1215), (1216) ; 1851 (1357), 1852 (1479); 1852-53 (1623); 1854(1787); 1854-55(1926); 1856(2058); 1857 (2237) ; 1857-58 (2380). Schools of Parochial Unions and Reformatory Schools, with Reports of Inspectors, 1856 (2079) ; 1857 (2238). New Code of Regulations, 1876 (C-1458) 8vo. — Reports of Committee of Council on, with Appendices, 1859 (2510) ; 1860 (2681) ; 1861 (2828) ; 1862 (3007) j 1875 (C-1265-I-II); 1876 (C-1513-I-II) ; 1877 (0-1780-1) ; 1878-79 (C-2342-I); 1881 (C-2562-I), 8vo. — Elementary Day Schools and School Fees, &c, Number of Scholars, 1876 (295), (78) — Grants for Educational Purposes, for the Erection of Schools, &c, 1834 (178) ; 1835 (236) ; 1836 (502) ; 1837 (372) ; 1837-38 (395), (695) — London School Board. Return from, showing Number of Schools, Cost of same, and Income and Expenditure of Board, &c, 1876 (265), Schools inspected in 1875, 1876 (129) — Minutes of the Committee of Privy Council, 1857-58 (191), (192) — Popular Education. Paper by Mr. Tremen- heere on, 1861 (354) 368 PA Parliamentary Papers. — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Education. England and Wales — Contd. — Two Papers by Mr. Chad wick on Half -Time Teaching, Military and NavaV Drill, and Cost of Education, 1862 (120) — Letter to Mr. Senior explanatory of the former paper, 1862 (120-1) — Public Education Expenditure in 1875, 1876 (C-1463). 8vo. — Public Schools. Statutes, Schemes, and Regu- lations made by Commissioners, 1876 (90) — School Boards that have and have not Schools under their Management, 1876 (264) — Other Papers. Number of Bills filed, Peti- tions, &c, Papers on Education, 1831 (215) ; 1839 (16) — Abstract of Answers and Returns relative to the State of, 1835 (62) Education, Ireland. Board of Education. Returns from the, Grants made, &c., 1833 (725) ; 1837 (507) ; 1837-38 (446) — Children in Charter Schools, 1826-30 ; 1831 (157). — Scholars taught in 1831, Eree Scholars, Salaries, &c, 1831 (106) — Letter on the Formation of a Board of Education, 1831-32 (196) — Applications for New Schools, 1831-32 (445) — Masters employed in Schools of Erasmus Smith, &c, 1833 (355) — Commission of Inquiry into State of Religious and other Instruction, 1834 (356) — Books, Schools, and Children under Super- intendence of Commissioners, 1835 (390) Education, Scotland. Board of Education, Third Report of the, 1876 (C-1506) 8vo. Second Report of Accountant to the, 1876 (C-1381). 8vo. — Committee of Council on, Reports of the, 1876 (C-1514); 1877 (0-1781) } 1878 (C-2049). 8vo — Education Inquiry. Abstracts of Answers and Returns, 1837 (133) — Grants, Applications for, Number of Schools that received, 1837 (304) ; 1844 (309) — Minutes of Committee of Council, Code of Regulations, 1876 (C-1459). 8vo. — School Rate. Incidence of, levied in 186 classified Parishes in, 1876 (433) Elections, England and Wales. Counties, Cities, Boroughs. I. General Electoral Returns. Return showing Population in 1831, and estimated Population in 1866, Number of Electors, &c, 1866 (3626). Summary to above (3736). II. Inhabited House Duty, Property and Income Tax, Poor Rate, &c. Return showing Popula- tion and Number of Inhabited Houses in 1851, Number of Electors, &c, 1852-53 (106) — Expenses, &c., 1833 (98), (151), (401) — Electors, Number, Rateable Value, 1876 (170), (134) — Registered Electors and Numbers Polled, &c, 1833 (189); 1836 (190), (199); 1837-38 (329), (531) &C. — Contd. I Elections. England and Wales — Contd. I — Register of Electors, Cost of Printing, 1876 (429) — In regard to particular Counties and Boroughs, Oxford Citv, Number Enrolled, Expense, &c, 1833 (653) — Stafford Borough. Houses of 10Z. and upwards not included in present Limits, 1833 (606) Elections, Ireland. Registered Electors and Numbers Polled, &c, 1833 (177), (767), 1836 (227), (229), (321) — Miscellaneous Correspondence relative to late Elections, 1835 (170) — In regard to particular Counties and Boroughs, Dublin City, Fees, &c., received, claimed, &c., 1837 (174) — Kerry Election, Communications relative to marching of People during, 1835 (197) Emigration. Act passed in North America for levying a Tax on Emigrants, 1831-32 (730) — Correspondence relating to, 1833 (141) — Despatches, &c, 1842 (373) ; 1844 (181) — Emigrant Ships. Number of, Emigrants taken for last two years, 1852-53, (23) — from India. Declaration between British and French Governments relative to, 1873 (0-687) — New South Wales and Tasmania. Corres- pondence respecting, and Disposal of Crown Lands, 1834 (616) — Numbers Emigrated from Great Britain, 1825-32 ; 1833 (696) — Correspondence, &c, respecting, 1835 (87) ; 1836 (76) — Statistical Tables relating to. Emigration and Immigration from and into the United Kingdom, 1877 (5) ; 1878 (9) ; 1878-79 (32) — West Indies and Mauritius. Correspondence on Emigration of Labourers to, 1844 (530) — Other Papers, Extract of a Letter by the Chairman of the Emigration Committee, 1836 (526) Ettrick Forest. Warrant appointing Lord Douglas, Chamberlain of, 1833 (201) Euphrates Biver. Despatches relating to the recent Expedition to the, 1837-38 (356) Evora Monte, Convention of. Letters &c, relating to the, 1837-38 (112) Exchequer Court, Ireland. Sittings of the Court, 1831-32 (176) — Order for Payment of Jurors in the case of His Majesty v. the Lord Primate of Ireland, 1833 (437) Exchequer Oourt. Scotland. Writs issued, Number of Causes tried, &c, 1831-32 (320), (273) ; 1836 (504) ; 1837-38 (178) Exchequer and Exchequer Bills. Accounts of Monies in the Exchequer, 1831 (47) ; 1833 (8); 1834 (12); 1835 (19); 1836 (8); 1837 (63) ; 1837-38 (106) ; 1835 (127) — Estimate of sum required to pay interest on Exchequer Bills, 1831 (38) — Monies received on account of H.M.'s Exchequer, 1844 (221) PA 369 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Exchequer and Exchequer Bills — Contd. — Papers relative to Issue, Outstanding Defi- ciency, &c, of Exchequer Bills, 1835 (7) ; 1837 (272) ; 1837-38 (327), (352), (519) : 1814 (421) — Names of Commissioners officiating for Issue of, Salaries, &c, 1831 (154) — Comptroller and other Officers of the Exchequer, 1834 (104), (122) ; 1844 (220) Exchequer Informations, Ireland. Number of Informations filed, 1820-26 ; 1831 (136) Excise, England and Wales. Duties, Revenue, Cost of Collection, &c, 1831-32 (634) ; 1834 (57) ; 1843 (45) ; 1844 (414) — Establishment and Officers, Compensations, Salaries, Eees, &c, 1831 (332), (693) ; 1833 (500), (176) ; 1835 (593) ; 1837 ( 375 ) — Prosecutions, Seizures, Eines, &c., in Scot- land and Ireland, 1831-32 (149) Excise. Ireland. Prosecutions, &c, Excise Informations filed, 1833-34; 1834 (520) Executions. Persons Sentenced to Death, Number executed, 183 4 (200) — Number of, in London, 1837 (165) Explosives. Annual Report of the Inspector of, 1876 (C-1502) Factories. Reports of Inspectors, for 1835-77 — Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for 1878-83. 8vo. — under Inspection, Steam and Water Power, Persons Employed, &c, 1857 (7) ; 1867-68 (453) ; 1871 (440) ; 1878-79 (324) — and Workshops Inspected in 1881 j 1882 (184) — Factory Children in the County of York attending Schools, 1857-58 (30-1) . — Inspectors and Superintendents, Directions, Regulations, &c, to, 1833 (274) ; 1834 (596) ; 1836 (483) ; 1837 (67), (219) ; 1837-38 (254) — Memorials of the Short-Time Committee, with Report thereon by Leonard Homer, 1837 (241) ; 1837-38 (399) — Number of Factories, Persons Employed, Children, &c, 1836 (138), (254) ; 1837 (122) ; 1839 (135) — Prosecutions under Factory Act. Number of Persons Fined, Summoned, &c, 1836 (77), (278); 1837(97); 1837-38(120); 1840 (171) ; 1842 (40) ; 1844 (106) — Miscellaneous Papers. Persons on the Factory Commission. Surgeons appointed, Correspondence, &c, 1833 (331) ; 1835 (156) ; 1836 (243), (353) ; 1837 (99) Fairfax, Colonel, and Nicholas Yates. Warrants granting Pensions to, 1833 (292) Fawley (Hants). Resolutions passed at a Meeting of the Magistrates for, 1831 (199) Fee Fund. Amount in various Departments, in 1832 ; 1833 (406) Fees. Treasury Minute, 1830, relating to, 1837 (529) — Abolition of, 1837-38 (498) Felony. Amount received by Solicitor to the Treasury, 1833 (765) Fever Hospitals (Ireland) receiving Public Aid, either from Parliamentary Grant or Local Assessment, 1831-32 (564) Fiji. Correspondence respecting the Colony of, 1876 (C-1624) Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for 1805-79. Fol. and 8vo. Financial Resolutions moved, 1831-32 (0 - 42) Fine Arts. Attitude of the State towards, in Great Britain and in Foreign Countries, 1876 (C-1524) Fire Damp. Number of Persons destroyed by, since 1810; 1834 (595), (625) Fire Insurance. Sums Paid for Duty, by each Insurance Office, 1831-38 and 1844 — Sums Insured on Farming Stock, exempt from Duty, 1837 (463) First Fruits, Ireland. Receipts and Expendi- ture, &c, by the Board of, 1831 (195) ; 1831-32 (91), (416) Fisheries. Port of London. Fishing Vessels Entered at the Coast Office, 1824 (271) Fisheries. Ireland. Advances of Money granted for Promoting, 1852-53 (109) — Report of Inspectors of, for 1875 ; 1876 (C-1467) — Sums Transferred to the Board of Works in 1830 ; 1836 (293) Fisheries. Scotland. Report by the Com- missioners of the Fishery Board for 1875, 1876 (C-1541) Flax, Hemp, Linen, &c. Imports and Exports, &c, of, 1826 (413); 1828(454); 1829(321), (181); 1831-32 (534) — Hemp Purchased. Drawback allowed on Cordage Exported, 1820-31 ; 1831-32 (324) Foreign Enlistment Act. Exemption of British Subjects from, 1835 (323) Forth Ferries. Scotland. Memorials relating to, since 1833 ; 1837-38 (189) Four-and-a-half per Cent Duties. Note pray- ing for the Abolition of, 1831-32 (562) — Amount of Duty, Sums Received from each Island, 1820-32; 1833 (317) ; 1836 (120) — Act and Memorial from Barbadoes for Repeal of, 1837 (289) France. Ava and France. Despatch respect- ing a Treaty negotiated between, 1873 (C-864) — French Claims. Treasury Minutes, Appeals, &c, relative to, 1831 (151) ; 1831-32 (502) ; 1833 (219) ; 1834 (76) ; 1835 (296), (611) — Imports and Exports, from and to France, 1814-31; 1828 (349); 1831 (189) — Treaties, Conventions, &c, for Suppression of the Slave Trade, 1837-38 (117) Freemen. Persons admitted to Freedom of Cities and Boroughs, 1833-35 ; 1837 (4) — Number of, Entitled to Vote, 1840 (379) French Fishermen. Memorials complaining of the Aggression of, on the British Coast, 1837-38 (143) Friendly Societies. Generally. Number of, filed in Great Britain and Ireland since 1793; 1831-32 (90) — ditto in 1831-33 ; 1834 (96) 2b 370 PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Friendly Societies — Contd. — Fees Received, Returns relating to, 1834 (381) ; 1837 (71) — Reports of the Registrar of, in England, from 1857-73. 8vo. Friendly Societies. Scotland. Number filed in, 1834 (193) Friendly Societies. Ireland. Number filed since 1793 ; 1831-32 (259) Friendly Societies. England, Scotland, and Ireland. Report of the Chief Registrar of, (and Trades Unions) for 1875-82 — Regulations respecting, 1876 (48) — Treasury Minute respecting Reports from the Actuarial Commission, 1876 (167) — Sickness and Mortality. Quinquennial Re- turns of, for 1855-60, 1860-65, 1865-70, 1870-75. Part 1-1880 (365) Galway. Catholic Freemen Elected or Admitted, 1831 (185) — Landed Estates vested in Corporation of, 1833 (711) Gambia. Correspondence respecting the Affairs of, 1876 (C-1409) Game Laws. Number of Persons in Gaol for Offences against, &c, 1831-32 (65), (175), (497) ; 1,834 (72) ; 1836 (179), (484) Gaols, &c. : Prisons Gaols and Prisons. England and Wales. Places of Confinement, ^Number of Prisons, &c, 1833 (485) ; 1836 (581) — Chaplain's Salaries and Duties, 1831-32 (622) ; 1835 (200) — Expenses of Prisons, &c, 1833 (228) ; 1836 (569) ; 1839 (258) — Reports and Schedules transmitted to Secre- tary of State, 1831 to 1844 — Other Papers. Expenses of Building. &c., since 1800, 1831 (316) — Officers, &c, Employed, Salaries, &c., 1833 (146), (493) ; 1835 (86) Gaols and Prisons. Ireland. Salaries, &c., of Inspector-General of, 1833 (64) Gas Companies (Metropolis). Accounts of the, for 1875 ; 1876 (291) Gas Purification. Correspondence respecting Patterson's Patent for, 1876 (260) George's, St., Church (Dublin). Building Accounts &c., 1831-32 (77), (328) Glass. Duty paid on Foreign Glass Imported in, 1831-32 (386), (289) ; 1834 (338) 1835 (297) ; 1836 (171) ; 1837 (228) (374) 1837-38 (322) — Home Consumption. Quantity Imported 1823-28, 1833 (579) — Number of Glass Houses, 1826-32. Duty on Flint and Plate Glass, 1833 (364) Gloves. Number of dozen pairs Imported, with Duty paid, 1826-28; 1831 (96) Gold and Silver. America and Russia. Quan- tity raised in 1790-1829, showing Increase and Decrease, 1833 (216) — Yalue of, raised in Mining Countries of America and Russia, 1836 (83) — Bank of England. Quantity of Bullion, &c, in, 1844 (355) &C. — Contd. Gold and Silver Plate. Duty levied on, 1804-32 • 1833 (246) — Places in United Kingdom where there are Ofiices for Assaying, 1837 (249) Government Insurances and Annuities. Monies Received and Disposed of, Contracts for Grant of, 1876 (152) Government Messengers. Contingent Expenses of, 1833 (470) Grand Caymanas Island. Memorial to the Queen from the Inhabitants of, 1837-38 (269) Grand Juries. Ireland. Abstracts of Annual Accounts of, 1831-38 — Amount Collected in each Parish, 1826-32 ; 1833 (601) — Banks Selected for the Custody of the Public Money for each County, 1837-38 (382) Great Seal. Fees and Stamps Charged, &c., 1835 (620) Greece. Greek Loan. Sums paid for the Service of Greece, 1831-32 (728) — Issues on Account of Interest and Sinking Fund of the, 1837 (200) — Treaties, &c. Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty and the King of Greece, 1837-38 (111) Greenwich Hospital. Expense of the Estates of, 1833 (258) — Freight Money Received, 1819-37 : 1837-38 (35) — Income and Expenditure, 1831-32 (156) ; 1876 (395) — Number of Seamen and Royal Marines on the List of out-Pensioners, &c, 1846 (287) — Schools. The Inspector's Annual Rej orts on the State of, 1845-48 Guernsey. Letter respecting Office of Governor, Emoluments from Tithes &c, 1835 (185) Gunpowder Manufactured at Waltham Abbey. Quantity Sold since 1828, 1835 (621) — Sold by Retailers, 1835 (380) ; 1836 (107) Guiana (British). Correspondence relating to Complaints of Portuguese Residents in, 1872 (C-641) — Disturbance among Indian Immigrants, 1873 (C-879) Hackney Coaches, &c. Drivers of, Convictions, Penalties, &c, 1835 (139) ; 1837 (218) Haileybury College, Rules and Regulations, Expenses, &c, 1835 (55) ; 1837-38 (5) Half-Pay (Civil and Military). Amounts Paid for, 1834 (563); 1837-38 (732); 1840 (502) ; 1831-32 (48) ; 1835 (8) — Names of Officers on, 1837-38 (426) Hamburgh. Correspondence since 1823, re- specting British Grievances, 1835 (181) Hand-Loom Weavers. Instructions to Assistant Commissioners of Inquiry into, 1837-38 (212) Hawkers and Pedlers. Number of Hawkers Licensed, 1800-43, 1844 (123) Hawkins's Fossils. Memorials recommending the Purchase of, by the British Museum, 1837-38 (527), (637) PA 371 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd, Hay, R. W., and Sir J. Barrow. Treasury Minutes granting Pensions to, 1836 (340) Head Money. Amount Awarded for Captured Negro Slaves, 1827-33 ; 1833 (710) — Amount granted to Crews of Vessels engaged in Battle of Copenhagen and other Actions, 1833 (748) — Amount allowed for Destruction of Pirates, &c, 1826-28 ; 1834 (224) Health. Public. Reports of Medical Officer of the Committee of Council on the State of, First to Thirteenth Reports, 1859-71 — New Series. 1. Annual Report to Local Government Board (for 1873), 1874 (C-1021). 2. Supplementary Report on some Inquiries under Public Health Act, 1858, 1874 (C-1066). 3. Report to Lords of Council on Scientific Investigations in Aid of Pathology and Medicine, 1874 (C-1068). 4. Annual Report to Local Government Board for 1874, 1875 (C-1318). 5. Papers on European Rela- tions of Asiatic Cholera, 1875 (C-1370). 6. Report on Scientific Investigations in Aid of Pathology and Medicine, 1875 (C-1371). 7. Annual Report to Local Government Board for 1875, 1876 (C-1508). 8. Reports on Scientific Investigations in Aid of Pathology and Medicine, 1876 (C-1608). Reports of Medical Officer for 1876-82 ; for 1879-80 on the Progress of Levantine Plague; and on Quarantine in the Red Sea, 1881 (C-2905). 8vo. — Sanitary State of the People, Papers re- lating to, 1857-58 (2415). 8vo. Hereditary Revenue. Amount required for Charges formerly paid from the, 1831-32 (594) — Monies applicable to Civil Government, 1837-38 (3) Hibernian Military School. Number of Pupils Admitted to, since 1839, 1844 (363) Hides and Tallow Imported into Great Britain, 1825 (246) Highlands of Scotland. Letter relative to the Distress in the, 1837 (501) Highways. Receipts and Expenditure on ac- count of, in 1854 and 1874 Holborn Union. Letters respecting Election of Guardians for, 1837-38 (493) Holyhead Harbour and Roads. Sums expended on the Holyhead Road, Rate of Toll, &c, 1831-32 (471) — Proposed Harbour of Refuge at Holyhead, 1846 (380), (630) Holyhead Steam Packets. Number of Pas- sengers by, 1833 (486) Honduras. Commissions granted to General Officers, &c, 1835 (418) — Removal of Lieut.-Colonel Bradley from the Army, 1836 (135) — Expense of Government of, 1824-36, 1836 (607) — Correspondence respecting Charge against Colonel Arthur, &c, 1837 (332) Hops. Collection of Duties. Account showing Total Weight of, charged with Duty in each year, 1800-52, 1852-53 (96) — Amount received as Excise Duty on, 1847-51, 1852-53 (114) — Contracts for Supply of, to Greenwich Hos- pital, 1830-44, 1844 (236) — Duties, Imports and Exports, &c, 1826 (63) ; 1833 (217), (196) — Number of Acres in Great Britain under Cultivation of Hops, Duties, &c, 1831-38 and 1852-53 Horse Patrol. Monies received and expended for, 1837 (65) House of Commons. Chaplains. Names of, since 1700, 1837-38 (437) — Divisions. Number of, 1843 (55) ; 1856 (449) ; 1876 (0-148) — Establishment, Salaries, &c, 1831-32 (398) — Account of 2Z,oool. voted for Expenses of Houses of Lords and Commons, 1833 (325) — Privilege of Parliament. Warrants Issued, 1825-35, for Breaches of, 1835 <575) 1 — Select Committees. Number of, Appointed, Subjects of Inquiry, &o., 1876 (0"147) — Sittings of the House, Number of, 1876 (0-149) — Standing Orders relative to Private Bills and other matters, 1844 (588) ; 1856 (378) ; 1876 (411) — Ventilation of the. Letter from Dr. Reid on, 1837 (21) — Miscellaneous. Minute relating to the Re- tirement of Henry Seymour, Serjeant-at- Arms, 1835 (356) House of Lords. Amount Paid for Salaries, &c, 1833 (324) House Tax and Window Duty. Houses rated at lol. in Great Britain, 1833 (365) — Papers relating to, generally, 1833 (323), (129), (563) 1 — In regard to Particular Places. Number of Surcharges in London and Middlesex, and Sunderland, 1833 (427), (298) — Instructions to District Surveyors in Kent, 1833 (387) — for Oxford and Cambridge. Amount of Surcharges, 1833 (341) — Persons Assessed for First Time to, &c, 1833 (570) Howard v. Gosset. Shorthand Writer's Notes in the Case of, 1845 (305) Hull. Shipping. Vessels and Tonnage entered inwards, 1808-34, &c, 1833 (656) ; 1834 (50) ; 1835 (77) ->- Trinity House. Amount Paid to, by the Crown, 1836 (300) *- Trinity House. Sums Received and Dis- bursed by, 1834-36, 1836 (531) Illegitimate Children. Number of Orders of Affiliation made, 1837-38 (449) Illicit Distillation (Ireland) . Number of Per- sons Prosecuted for, 1844 (136) Imports and Exports. Great Britain and generally. Returns of Various Articles of Import and Export, &c, 1825 (193) ; 2b2 372 PA Parliamentary Papers. — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Imports and Exports. Great Britain — Contd. 1826 (372), (385), (397), (54), (222); 1826-27 (307), (294), (539), (297), (501), (345), (489); 1828 (248), (113), (322), (496); 1829 (50); 1831 (153), (253); 1831-32 (662), (050), (690), (633), (325), (367), (424), (461), (462); 1833 (550), (336); 1844(155) Imports and Exports. Ireland. In the years 1720, 1760, 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1827, 1828 (359) Income and Expenditure, United Kingdom. Accounts of Net Public, in each year from 1688 to 1801, 1868-69 (366) — Gross Public, in 1876 (19 1) — Income in each year from 1871, 1876 (193) Income and Property Tax. Amount of Pro- perty Assessed in Great Britain, 1859-60, 1860 (546) — Exemptions from the, 1881 (280) — Numbers of Persons Charged to the Income Tax in Great Britain, and Receipts in 1859-60, 1861 (509) Indentured Africans in the Colonies. Orders in Council respecting, 1837-38 (728) Indexes to Reports and Papers. General Index to Sessional Papers, 1801-32, 1833 (737) — General Index to Bills, Reports, &c, 1832 -44 1845 (396-1) — Indexes to Reports, 1801-34, and Catalogue to Reports, 1835-37, 1837 (498) India : East India India Office. Names of all Persons in, receiving Pensions, 1872 (383) Inns of Court. Amount Paid by Law Students in Ireland. 1833 (631) — Papers relating to D. W. Harvey's Applica- tion to be called to the Bar, 18*34 (349) Insurances against Fire. Stamp Duties on, 1831 (77) Insurances, Marine. Duty received from Sea Policies, 1831, 1833 (644) — Letter from Committee of Lloyd's for Re- duction of Duties on, 1833 (211) — Returns from Consuls relative to Duties on, 1833 (763) Insurance Companies. Names, Places of Busi- ness, and Objects of all, with Copies of Accounts, 1856 (178) ; 1857 (70) Intestates' Estates. Cases in which the Crown haa Administered, 1824-30, 1831-32 (343) Ireland. Papers relating to the State of, Ex- penditure, &c, 1834 (459) ; 1844 (74) Irish Society. Receipts and Expenditure, &c, of the, 1876 (16), (73), (164) Iron. Quantity Imported and Exported, 1825-28, 1829 (313) — Ditto in 1S31-32 (455) ; 1833 (297) ; 1835 (299) ; 1836 (367) Islands (Southern Ocean). Correspondence re- lative to Ships calling at, to Relieve those Shipwrecked upon them, 1876 (289) Jamaica. Acts of Council, &c. Protest against Proceedings of the Governor and Assembly of, 1836 (174) Jamaica — Contd. — Ecclesiastical Affairs, ft©., 1835 (228). Memo- rial of Missionaries in, 1833 (540). Sums required for the Erection of Chapels Des- troyed in Jamaica, 1834 (476) — Education. Abstract of Parishes relative to Schools and Education, 1837 (353) — Revenue and Taxes, 1831-32 (58) — Slavery. Papers relative to Act for the Abolition of, 1836 (0'44) — Miscellaneous. Laws passed for Relief of Catholics, &c., 1831-32 (59) ; 1833 (541), (544) James's, St., Westminster, Number of Rate- payers in Parish of, 1831-32 (683) Japan. Commercial Reports for 1875, 1876 (C-1603). 8vo. Jesuits. Notices to Secretaries of State by, and other Religious Orders, 1831-32 (66) ; 1833 (411) ; 1836 (110) Joint Stock Companies. Names, Objects, &c., of all, formed in 1876 (443) Judges' Criers, &c. (Ireland). Fees received by, 1836 (296) Judges. Salaries and Pensions, &c. to, 1792-1832 ; 1831-32 (664) ; 1833 (118), (255) ; 1834 (29) — India and the Colonies. Pensions, &c, to Judges who have served in, 1833 (545) Judicial Factors (Scotland). Number of, &c, 1831-32 (203) ; 1834 (314) Judicial Statistics. England and Wales. Part I. Police, Criminal Proceedings, Prisons. Part II. Common Law, Equity, Civil and Canon Law. For 1856-80 Judicial Statistics. Ireland. Parts I and II. For 1864-80 Judicial Statistics. Scotland. Reports on, for 1868-79 Jurors. England and Wales. Persons qualified to serve on Juries, 1836 (336) — Ireland. Persons on the Panel in Kildare, who were fined, 1833 (602), (724) — East Indies. On extending Trial by Jury in Criminal Cases, 1833 (729) Justice of the Peace Clerks. Fees levied by, 1833-35, &c., 1837 (37) ; 1837-38 (476) Justice of the Peace Courts. Scotland. Number held in Glasgow, &c., 1837-38 (600) Justices of the Peace. Number of, for each County in England and Wales, 1856 (110) Justiciary Courts, Scotland. Persons tried for Capital Crimes ; Convictions, Acquittals, &c, 1827-31 ; 1831-32 (499) — Number of Diets and Criminal Trials before, 1833-36; 1837-38 (81) Keadv Investigation. Proceedings at the, 1835 (362) Kildare. Curragh of, State of the, Rents, Profits, &c, 1833 (81) "Killarney" Steamer. Correspondence on the Loss of the, 1837-38 (515) Kilmainham Hospital. Salaries of Officers, &c., 1831-32 (314) ; 1834 (331) King, Sir A. Bradley. Sum required to pay Compensation to, 1831-32 (642) PA 373 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c— Contd. King's Bench, Court of. Number of Pleas issued, 1830-34, &c., 1834 (283) King's Bench Prison. Number of Prisoners confined, 1831-32 (311) — Day Rules granted to Prisoners, 1805-32 ; 1833 (732) King's Chaplains. Scotland. Number of, Salaries, &c, 1835 (627) King's Counsel. Licences granted to, for last ten years, 1835 (155) King's County. Documents declaring it in a State of Disturbance, 1834 (241) King's Inns. Dublin. Amount received and expended by the, 1831-32 (410) King's Printer. Ireland. Charge in Civil Contingencies for Payments to, 1836 (610) King's Remembrancer. Scotland. Minutes, Reports, &c, respecting Office of, 1837 (22) Kingstown Railway. Correspondence respecting the, 1833 (291) Ladebat's Property (Mr.). Sequestration of, 1836 (268) Lagan River Navigation. Minutes respecting, Debentures issued, 1825-31, &c, 1831 (212), (312) ; 1831-32 (204), (403) Lanarkshire Justices of the Peace. Number of Courts held, Causes tried, &c, 1837-38 (672) Lancaster. Prisoners tried, Fees received, Writs issued, &c, 1831-32 (619) (576) j 1834 (452) ; 1836 (521), (180) Lancaster, Duchy of. Receipts and Disburse- ments of, 1876 (29) Land (Colonial) and Emigration Board. Cor- respondence relative to, 1840 (613) Land. Owners of one Acre and upwards. Return for 1872-73 of Name and Address of all, &c. Parts I and II, 1874 (C-1097) Land. Ireland. Owners of one Acre and upwards of, 1876 (C-1492) — Names of Proprietors of, Area and Valuation of all Properties, 1876 (412) Land. Scotland. Return for 1872-73 of Name and Address of every Owner of one Acre and upwards, &c, 1874 (C-899) Land Tax. Assessments for the Division of Middlesex, 1837-38 (495) — Expenses for the Redemption and Sale of, 1831-32 (466) ; 1833 (620) Law Charges. Scotland. Amount required to defray Expenses of, 1831 (32) ; 1834 (187) Law Commission. Scotland. Sums expended each year by the, 1837-38 (82) Lead. Exported, 1821-28 ; 1828 (344) — and Lead Ore Exported and Imported, Amount of Duty, &c, 1828-38 Leaf and Co., Memorial from, respecting Seizure of Silk, 1831-32 (49) — Specification of Goods seized, &c, 1831-32 (189), (237) Leamington Priors. Number of Ratepayers of lot. and upwards in, 1834 (24) Leet Juries for the Manor of Stepney. Fines assessed by, 1827-33 ; 1834 (348) Legacy Duty. Revenue from Duties on Legacies, &c, 1823-34 ; 1834 (101) Legacy Duty — Contd. — Capital on which, has been paid since 1797, &c, 1834 (505) ; 1836 (253) ; 1844 (72) Legacy Duty Office. Prosecutions by the, 1828-32 ; 1833 (408), (316) Leith Harbour. Correspondence relative to, 1836 (233) Leith, North. Sums received by Minister of, as Stipend, Pew Duty, &c, 1835 (317) Letters Patent. Minute of Privy Council for Trade on granting, 1837 (337) Libraries, Public. Receipts and Expenditure, &c., of each Library established under the " Free Libraries Act," 1876 (439) Libel. Number of Prosecutions for, Costs, &c, 1834 (202), (410), (54), (85) Licences (Excise). Number of, to sell Spirits, &c, issued, Licences transferred, &c, 1831-32 (717) ; 1833 (426), (455) ; 1835 (480), (269) Licensed Victuallers. Convictions against, 1833, (419) Licensing Acts ; Number of Persons taken into custody for Drunkenness, Ac., 1876 (361) Life and Fire Insurances. Sums paid into the Stamp Office for Duty on, 1837 (229) Lighthouses, Light Dues, &c, United Kingdom. Monies received by Woods and Forests since 1800, &c, 1833 (308) — Private Lighthouses Purchased since 1836. amount paid, 1837-38 (709) — Trinity House. Reduction of Duties of Lights by, 1833 (87) — Trinity House. Receipt and Application of Tolls &c, by, 1835 (164); 1836 (608) ; 1837 (62) ; 1844 (10) — Miscellaneous Papers. Lighthouses in the hands of the Crown and of Private Indi- viduals, 1833 (170) Lighthouses, &c. Ireland. Receipt, Expense, &c, of Corporation of Dublin, for Build- ing, &c, 1831 (118) ; 1837-38 (734), (530); 1844 (372) Lighthouses, &c. Scotland. Abstract of Ac- counts of Commissioners for Erecting Northern, 1833-48 — Sums Levied by Commissioners, 1833 (339) — Shipwrecks on Scotch Coast. Memorials for Additional Lighthouses, 1836 (232) Lighting of Towns. Ireland. Towns that adopted the Act 9 Geo. IV, 1836 (306) Limerick. Clerk of the Peace, Appointment of 1831 (130) Limerick City. Estates and Income of, 1833 (649) Linen and Linen Manufactures. Imported, Exported, &c, 1826 (224) ; 1837-38 (343) Linlithgow Ale Licences. Resolutions by Justices of Peace, 1834 (417) Literary and Scientific Institutions. Communi- cations, &c, respecting, in Foreign Countries, 1835 (210), (464), (578), (633) ; 1844 (493) Liverpool. Imports and Exports, Shipping, &c, 1833 (415), (290) ; 1836 (225), (305) — Expenses of Witnesses on the Liverpool Disfranchisement Bill, 1831-32 (587) 374 PA Parliamentary Papers. — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c- ■Contd. Livings, Small, Scotland. Increase of Minis- ters' Stipends, 1834 (102) Loan Societies. England and Wales. Number of. Abstract of Accounts of, &c, 1837-38 (683) ; 1844 (65) ; 1876 (262) — Ireland. Rules of Loan Funds, 1836 (230) Local Authorities. Returns of Receipt and Expenditure of, 1873 (342) ; 1876 (83) — Monies Borrowed bj all Vestries, District Boards, &c., 1874 (396) «- Ireland. Return of Monies Borrowed, &c., by, 1876 (231) Local Taxation, England and Wales. Abstracts of Returns for 1861 and 1871-83 w Rate in the Pound levied as Local Taxes on Rateable Areas in 1868, 1870 (437) — Rental and Rateable Value of the Parishes and Townships, 1867-68 (497) — Return of Local Expenditure in England, showing Population in 1871, Number of Prisons, &c, 1876 (18) Local Taxation, Ireland. Returns of, for 1869-75 London. Chamber of, Annual Accounts of the Chamberlain, 1876 (365) — Coals. Sums received and paid by the City Chamberlain for, 1844 (71) — Liverymen of the City of, Number entitled to Vote, 1876 (454) — Port of, Correspondence relative to Petitions of Shipowners, 1826-27 (278) ■rr- Port of, Payments from Consolidated Fund for Improving the, 1833 (709) — University. Charter granted to, 1835 (80) ; 1836 (604) ; 1837 (89), (90) — Miscellaneous. Rates, Poor Rates, and Tithes of each Parish in, 1830-32, 1833 (757) London Gazette, Account, 1831-32 (200) Londonderry. Extracts from City Charter, relative to Office of Recorder, 1835 (537) Londonderry and Culmore Forts. Papers on the Situation of Governor, 1831-32 (575) Lord Chamberlain's Office. Fees, &c, received by Comptroller of, 1829-35, 1835 (568) Lords Lieutenants of Counties, Ireland. Ap- pointed under Acts, 1831 (264) Lotteries. Contracts for State Lotteries, &c, since 1807, 1834 (586) Louth, County of. Indictments and Verdicts against Persons tried at Spring Assizes, 1833, 1834 (139) Lucia, St. Memorials regarding Expenditure of, 1831-32 (213) Lunatics and Lunatic Asylums, England and Wales. Monies received for Licences by Metropolitan Commissioners of Lunacy, 1831-32 (266) ; 1833 (704) ; 1844 (325) — Number of Lunatics and Criminal Lunatics Confined, &c., 1833 (133) ; 1844 (195) — Madhouses and Asylums. Licences granted to, &c, 1837-38 (304) — Pauper and Criminal Lunatics. Returns made to Clerks of the Peace, 1839 (326) — Miscellaneous ; Fees received, Number of Commissions, Patients admitted, &c, 1838 (752) ; 1835 (372) ; 1836 (444) Lunatics and Lunatic Asylums, Ireland. Re- port of Inspectors -General on, 1844 (567) — District and Public Lunatic Asylums. Cor- respondence, Expense, Number of Patients Admitted, &c, 1828 (234) ; 1833 (695), (192) ; 1836 (69) ; 1837 (280) ; 1837-38 (330) ; 1839 (391) ; 1840 (304) — Number of Lunatics Confined, &c, 1831-32 (574) Machinery. Countries to which Machinery has been Exported, 1823-27 ; 1826-27 (496) Madras. Memorial of European Population of, relative to Religious Ceremonies of the Natives, 1837 (357) Magistrates, England and Wales. Criminal Informations against, 1820-33 ; 1831 (99) ; 1834 (116) — Names of, Persons Appointed as, &c, 1831-32 (531), (39), (498) ; 1834 (613) ; 1836 (62), (151), (583) — Appointments at Disposal of, 1837-38 (326) Magistrates, Ireland. Criminal Informations against Local, 1820-30 ; 1831 (176) — Warrants, Fees Paid, Numbers of, &e, 1831,33 (93), (330), (463) ; 1833 (191) — Correspondence on Dismissals of, &c, 1834 (357) ; 1835 (102) ; 1836 (372) Malav Peninsula;. Correspondence on the Affairs of Native States in, 1876 (C-1512) — Maps and Sketches (C-1505-I) Maldon Corporation. Charges on Renewing Charter of, 1835 (404) Malt. Convictions and Prosecutions under Malt Laws, 1831-34 ; 1835 (29) — Duties, Drawbacks, Import and Export, Quantities Manufactured, &c, 1830 (58) ; 1831 (137), (224) ; 1831-32 (243), (268). (252), (245); 1833 (94), (242), (289); 1834 (445), (47) ; 1835 (237), (122) ; 1836 (258) ; 1837 (490) ; 1844 (121) — Persons Licensed to Sell Beer and Spirits in United Kingdom, 1854-55 ; 1856 (373) Malt, Ireland. Quantity Made and Charged with Duty, 1823-33 ; 1833 (642) — Memorial for Alterations in Excise Laws, 1836 (550) Malt, Duties, Scotland. 1819-30 ; 1831 (187) Malta. Government, Customs, Pensions, &c. Papers relating to, 1836 (39) Man, Isle of. Imports and Exports of, 1834-43 ; 1844 (336) Manchester. Burials. Number of, 1821-30; 1831-32 (729) — Money Paid into Court of Requests by Debtors, &c, since 1809, 1834 (272) Manchester and Salford. Number of Beer Houses in, 1839 (182) Margate Pier and Harbour. Receipts and Dis- bursements on Account of, 1831-32 (699) Marine Insurance. Duty Paid on, 1837-38 (159) — Stamp Duty Received for, 1820-43 ; 1844 (335) — Sums Received for Stamps on Marine Policies, 1831 (76), (122) ; 1831-32 (727) Marines. Commissions, Promotions, &e, 1830-31 (307) ; 1834 (420) ; 1835 (385) ; 1837 (93) PA 375 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Marines — Contd. — Officers Killed and Wounded during the late War with France, 1808-15 ; 1837 (124) Maritime Officers (East India Company). Compensation to, 1837-38 (324) Marlborough, Duke of. Payments to, from the Post Office, 1836 (552) Marriages. Manchester. Number of, Solem- nised in 1821, 1837 (354) ; 1837-38 (52) — Number of, at London, Manchester, and Birmingham. Fees, &c, 1836 (497) — Places Licensed for, 1837-38 (412) Marriages. Ireland. Sixth and Seventh Re- ports of Registrar- General of, 1857 Martin, St., in-the-Fields Parish. Number of Ratepayers in, 1831-32 (695) Marylebone Parish. Number of Ratepayers in, 1831-32 (684) . Master of the Rolls, Ireland. Letters from. Rolls Orders, &c, 1831 (287). (322), (344) Matrimonial Suits. Number of, 1840-43, 1844 (354) Mauritius. Correspondence on Introduction of Indian Labourers into, 1840 (331) — Minute Authorising Construction of a Citadel at Port Louis, 1833 (71) — Documents on the Illegal Detention of Persons, 1836 (144) — Indian Immigrants. Correspondence on Condition of, 1875 (C-1188) Maynooth College. Money Voted to. Number of Professors, Salaries, &c, 1835 (488) Medical Inspectors. Local Visitations, 1880 (378) Members of Parliament. Fees Demanded of, 1837 (48) Memel and Dantzic. Ships Entered Inwards at Port of London from, 1835 (454) Menai Bridge. Sums Paid to the Exchequer for, 1831 (188) Mendicancy in Ireland. Suppression of, 1840 (168) Merchant Seamen. Apprentices. Number of, 1837-38 (473) — Despatches on the Discharge of British Sea- men in Foreign Ports, 1835 (214) — Mercantile Marine Fund. Receipt and Ex- penditure of, 1876 (444), (97) — Merchant Seamen's Fund. Accounts, &c., of the, ' 1836 (241) ; 1837 (252) ; 1837-38 (431) ; 1844 (229) ; 1876 (402) — Trinity House (Hull). Sums Received by, for Relief of Disabled Seamen, 1833 (572) Merchant Seamen's Hospital. Sums Received by President and Governors of, 1833 (715) Merchant Seamen's Hospital (Bristol). Sums Received by President and Governors of, 1833 (694) Merchant Shipping, British. Tables showing Progress of, 1875 (214) ; 1876 (2) Meteorology. Report of Meteorological Com- mittee of the Royal Society for 1875, 1876 (C-1536) Metropolis. Interments. Petition against North Metropolitan Cemetery Bill, 1837 (394) ; 1837-38 (264) Metropolis — Contd. — Water Supply. Letters, Memorials, &c., from Waterwork Companies, 1831-32 (208), (393), (397) — Miscellaneous. Number of Householders in each Parish, 1831-32 (95) Metropolitan Board of Works. Report for 1875, 1876 (290) — Returns relating to, 1882 (160) Middlesex County. Cash Balance in hand of Treasurer, 1835 (391) Middlesex Indictments, 1833 (639), (640) Military Asylums. Expenses of the, 1831-32 (78) Military Establishments. Resolutions on the Motion for Returns on the, 1831-32 (082) Militia. Persons Drawn by Ballot for Middle- sex, Expenses, 1816-34, &c., 1834 (426), (231) ; 1836 (416) — Strength of Regiments, 1876 (427) Mills and Factories. Mills in Counties of Lan- caster and York, where the system of Relays of Children is observed, 1837 (317) Mines. Returns concerning Mines in America and Russia, relative to Precious Metals, 1831-32 (338) Ministers (Dissenting) Ireland. Expenses, &c, ' of, 1834 (612) ; 1835 (154) ; 1837-38 (730) Mint. Coin. Purchase of Bullion for Coinage, 1837-38 (21) ; 1844 (40) — Establishment ' and Officers, Expenses, &c, 1833 (705) ; 1836 (322) — Prosecutions. Charges of, 1816-27, 1828 (392) Miscellaneous Services. Great Britain. Sup- plies voted annually on account of, 1831-38 and 1844 — Supplies voted annually, 1831-37, 1837 (231) Miscellaneous Charges. Ireland. Supplies voted annually on account of, 1833-38 — Minute on the Irish Estimates, 1831 (235) — Grants voted on account' of, &c, 1831 (177) ; 1831-32 (542) Miscellaneous Charges. Scotland. Supplies voted annually on account of, 1835-38 Miscellaneous Statistics : Statistical Tables Mitchell, Captain. Expenses of his Mission to the Peninsula, 1837-38" (198) Monastic and Conventual Institutions Abroad. Laws and Ordinances relating to, 1876 (C-1395), (C-1420) Mortality. Number of Persons Buried, Ages, 4c, 1813-30, 1831-32 (638) Mumbles Lighthouse. Receipt and Expen- diture, 4c, of, 1816-32, 1833 (501), (726) Municipal Corporations, England and Wales. Abstracts of all Monies Received and Ex- pended by, in 1840, 1841, 1873, 1876, and 1878. — Benefices in the gift of, Circular to Mayors, Persons qualified to vote for Members of Parliament, Expense of Reports, &c., 1836 (74), (173), (248) ; 1837-38 (339), (347) — Charitable Funds in possession of, Questions to London Companies by Commissioners, Protests, 4c, 1834 (460), (431) ; 1835 (386), (434), (135) ; 1837 (203) 37(5 PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. ■Contd. Municipal Corporations. England — Contd. — Estimate. Names of Commissioners, Regu- lations, &e., 1833 (654), (578), (4) — Leases granted by, since 1835, 1841 (70) Municipal Corporations, Ireland. Elections on Sunday, 1831-32 (707) — Roman Catholics admitted since passing of the Relief Bill, 1833 (568) Municipal Corporations, Scotland. Names of Commissioners for inquiring into State of, 1833 (662) National Debt. Additions to the Debt, 1831-38 and 1844 — Receipt and Expenditure by Commissioners for the Reduction of, 1831-38 and 1844 — Annuities granted since 1829 ; Purchase and Sales of Bills ; Sums applicable to Reduction of, 1833 (616) , 1834 (317) . (511) ; 1837 (325) 1837-38 (499), 1844 (28) — Sinking Fund. Amount applied to Discharge of the Debt from the, 1831-32 (27) — Miscellaneous. Prices of Funds and Wheat, 1834 (165) — Interest on the Public Debt, with Price of Gold, 1798-1800, 1834 (103) Rational Gallery. Annual Report of the Director for 1875, 1876 (12) — Correspondence respectingthe,&c, 1833(750) — Estimates of Sum Required for Erection of the, 1831-32 (611) ; 1834 (189) National Portrait Gallery. Nineteenth Report of the Trustees, 1876 (C-1507) Navarino, Battle of. Losses of Crews of Ships engaged in, 1833 (608) — Correspondence respecting Head Money, Pensions, &c, 1834 (450), (32) Nary. Estimates, 1831-38 and 1844 — Supplementary Estimates, Memoranda, Surpluses, and Deficits, 1833 (58), (112) ; 1834 (451), (255) ; 1837 (443), 1840 (435), 1873 (107), 1875 (318), 1876 (84) — Civil Affairs. Number of Naval Half- Pay OfQcers in any Civil Office, 1831-32 (137) — Corporal Punishments, Ac Returns relating to, 1834 (419) ; 1837-38 (305), (371) — Crime and Punishment in the Navy. Reports on, 1865 (115) ; 1866 (275), (47) — Masters, Mates, Cadets. &c. Number who passed Examination ; Promotions, &c, 1835 (624), (130) ; 1836 (439) ; 1837-38 (165) — Medical Department. Statistical Reports on Health of the Navy, 1830-36, 1840 (159) ; 1841 (53); 1837-43; 1852-53 (555), fol. ; for 1856-83, 8vo. — Medical Department. Patients Admitted to Naval Hospitals, 1832-34, 1835 (185) — Medical Department. Number of Officers in the. Expense, &c, 1837-38 (675) — Office. Officers, &c, Emploved. Cash sent for Dockyards, &c, 1833 (505), (424) — Pensions to Widows, &c, 1837 (410) — Promotions, Retirements, Ac, 1831 (306) ; 1831-32 (229), (228); 1833 (57); 1834 (428), (619), (134) ; 1835 (160) — Prize Money. Proclamation for Distribu- tion of, 1837-38 (676) Navy — Contd. — Receipt and Expenditure, &c, in 1831-41, 1844, 1854, and 1856 — Scientific Purposes. Expenses for, 1837-38 (510) — Sailing Qualities, &c, of Vessels ; Experi- mental Squadrons, 1836 (244); 1846 (163) — Seamen and Boys. Number who entered the Navy in 1874 (382) — Ships Commissioned, Built, &c., 1831 (170) ; 1834 (170) ; 1876 (239) — Strength of the, Men and Bovs, Wages, Ac, 1833 (69), 1835 (161) ; 1836 (513), (589) — " Vanguard," H.M.S. Proceedings respect- ing loss of, with Chart, &c, 1876 (C-1384), (C-1384-I) — Victualling Department. Consumption of Stores, Expense, &c, 1831-32 (255) ; 1833 (62), (70) — Miscellaneous. Roval and Admiralty Yachts, Aides-de-Camp, Ac, 1833 (56) ; 1835 (75) ; 1837 (251) ; 1845 (509) Negro Apprenticeship. Abolition of. Memorial, Ac, 1837-38 (535), (727), (27) Negro Education. Statement of Appropriation of 2o,oooZ. for Schools, Ac, 1836 (211) — Instructions to the Inspector of Schools in West Indies, 1837 (393) Netherlands. Treaty of Commerce and Navi- gation with the, 1837-38 (107) — Sums Contributed by Great Britain for Erection of Fortifications in, 1831-32 (25) New Brunswick. Award of the King of the Netherlands relative to Disputed Boundary between, and United States, 1831-32 (688) Newfoundland. Commission Appointing a Governor to, 1831-32 (515), (704) New Guinea. Correspondence respecting, 1876 (C-1566) New Ross. Ireland. Sums paid for Quayage and Pilotage, 1832-35, 1836 (467) New South Wales. Government, State of the Colonv, and Administration of Justice, 1831-32 (163), (162), (335), (369), (620), (430), (394) ; 1835 (584) ; 1837-38 (410) — Civil and Military Establishment, Ac, Ex- pense of. 1831-32 (563) — Crown Lands, Ac Instructions for Disposal of, 1831 (328) ; 1831-32 (606) — Emigration and Crown Lands. Correspon- dence respecting, 1846 (399-2) — Miscellaneous. Instructions for Promoting the Moral and Religious Instruction of the Aborigines, 1831 (261) — Expense from 1825 of the Three Veteran Companies of, 1831-31 (625) ; 1834 (515) Newspapers Stamp Duty and Advertisements, Ac, 1836(294) ; 1837 (526), (291) ; 1837-83 (307), (62), (73), (368) — London Newspapers. Stamps issued for, Ac, 1831-32 (290), (30); 1833 (758), (657) (502) ; 1835 (625) ; 1837 (232) — Provincial Papers. Stamps issued, .Adver- tisement Duty, Ac. 1833 (569), (524) ; 1836 (493), (388) ; 1837-38 (684) PA 377 Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c— Contd. Newspapers — Contd. — Number of, &c, transmitted through the Post Office, 1831-32 (146) ; 1837-38 (87) Newspapers. Ireland. Stamps issued to, 1831-32 (242) 1833 (358), (658), (503) ; 1834 (412), (510) ; 1836 (146) — Stamps issued to, in Dublin, 1836 (177) ; 1837 (462) Newspapers. Scotland. Numbers of Stamps issued, Advertisement Duty, 1831-32 (465) Newtown Barry Affray. Depositions before the Inquest on those Killed in, 1831 (342) — Indictments against Captain Graham, &c, 1831 (221) New Zealand. Despatches relative to Affairs of, Laws, &c, 1837-38 (122) ; 1840 (560) ; 1812 (61) — Eevenue and Expenditure of, each year since its Establishment, 184 I (328) — Expedition for Recovery of British Subjects Detained by Natives, 1835 (585) Niger Expedition. Correspondence relating to the, 1840 (57) North American Boundary. Correspondence, &c, relating to the, 1837-38 (118) Northern Lighthouses. Number of, erected in Scotland, &c, 1837-38 (89) — Communications regarding Portpatri ck Light- house, 1837-38 (372) Notaries in Scotland. Appointment of Clerk for the Admission of, 1831-32 (417) Nova Scotia. Papers relating to Foreign Trade and Customs, 1836 (390) Oaths taken by Members of the Corporation of London, 1834 (153) O'Brien. The King v. Affidavits, Orders, and Proceedings in the case of, 1834 (55) Oil. Olive and Palm Oil Imported, 1817-31, 1831-32 (514), (585) Oleo - Margarine. Correspondence on the Manufacture of, in United States, 1880 (C-2767) Orange Lodges. Addresses to the King from, and Answers thereto, 1835 (84), (30) Ordnance. Annual Estimates, Land and Sea Service, 1831-41 — Brevet Rank. Officers who received, on His Majesty's Accession, 1831-32 (261) — Officers Killed in the War with Franc •, 1808-15, &c, 1837 (129) ; 1839 (539) — Receipts and Expenditure, 1831 (180) ; 1837 (281) — Stores, Contract Prices, &c, Harness in Store. Receipts from Sale of Old Stores, 1820-35, 1833 (520) ; 1836 (602), (592) — Miscellaneous. Purchase of a Building in Carlisle, 1833 (108) — Naval Officers forming part of Ordnance Board since 1793 ; 1837 (458) — Contract for the Sale of Property in Tooley Street, 1837-38 (375) Ordnance Survey. United Kingdom. Expense, &c, of the, 1846 (423) Orkney Islands. Expenditure at the Election for Orkney and Shetland, 1836 (461) Outrages (Ireland). Reported to the Constabu- lary Office, Dublin, 1837 (212) ; 1837-38 (214) — Rewards offered for Discovery of Murders, &c, 1837-38 (157) Oxford University. Correspondence respect- ing Measures of Improvement in, 1854 (1727) Packet Establishment (Post Office). Accidents by Fire and Losses at Sea, Number of, &c, 1834 (538) ; 1836 (327) — Communication with Ireland. Correspon- dence, Memorials, &c, respecting, 1834 (192), (126) ; 1835 (109), (151), (78) ; 1836 (192) ; 1837-38 (710), (203), (219), (349) — Dover Packet. Tonnage Duties paid at Calais by the, 1831-32 (147) — Falmouth Station. Passengers conveyed, Freights of Specie, 1834 (130) — Number of Packets, Passengers, Fares, Expenses, &c, 1831-32 (302) ; 1834 (566), (156) ; 1835 (251), (355), (482) Palace Court, Westminster. Number of Writs of Execution issued from, 1835 (433) Pancras, St , Parish. Monies received and expended, 1830-32 ; 1833 (712) Paper. Duties and Drawbacks. Prosecutions &c., 1831 (346) ; 1834 (456) — Duty on Stained, 1823-33 ; 1833 (302) Parish Rates (Metropolis). Number of Rate- payers,^., 1831-32 (694), (736) — Persons rated to the Relief of Poor in St. James's, Westminster, 1831-32 (358) Parkhurst Prison. Reports relating to, 1840 (244) ; 1841 (314) ; 1842 (397) — Rules for Young Offenders, 1838. 8vo. Parliament, Houses of. Fire at the, Evidence taken before Privy Council, Expense of Repairs, &c, 1835 (1) ; 1836 (499) — Tenders for the Embankment, Terrace, and Foundations of the, &c, 1837-38 (65) Parliamentary Representation, England and Wales. Papers relative to Assessed Taxes, Population in 1821 and 1831, Number of Houses, &c, 1831 (68), (208), (209), (110), (178), (111), (108), (233), (144), (69), (84), (121), (207), (64), (112) ; 1831-32 (19 ), (218), (151), (180), (232), (178), (68), (182), (67), (183), (442), (207), (184), (81); 1852 (86) — Parochial Assessments. Proportions to Rent at which, are made, 1831-32 (444), (522) — Instructions by Secretary of State, and Reports thereon, 1831-32 (17), (18), (14) — Particulars of 120 Boroughs as to Houses, Population, Limits, and Taxes, enumerated, 1831-32 (92), (126), (19), (20), (21), (32), (42), (41) — Alterations of Game Duties 1831-32 (222) — Relative Importance of Ten Boroughs 1831-32 (69) — Information about Places contained in Reform Bill, 1831-32 (107), (31) — Boundaries of Boroughs, Extent in Acres contained in, &c, 1831-32 (0-39), (493) 378 PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c- ■Contd. Parliamentary Representation. England- Contd. — Electors, Freeholders, and Freemen, Num- ber of, &c., 1831 (134), (149), (150) ; 1831-32 (109), (112), (209) Parliamentary Representation, Ireland. Popu- lation of Counties in 1831, 1831-32 (60) — Instructions by Chief Secretary of Ireland, and Reports thereon, 1831-32 (435), (519) — Electors, Freeholders, and Freemen, Number of, &c, 1831 (183), (200), (213) ; 1831-32 (409), (550) ; 1844 (533) Parliamentary Representation, Scotland. Popu- lation of the several Counties in 1831 (258) Parliamentary Committees. House of Commons, Expense of various Select Committees, 1 833 (759), (117) ; 1835 (298), (430), (528) — House of Lords. Expenses of Lords' Com- mittees since 1800, 1833 (288) Parliamentary Papers. General Index to Accounts and Papers, Reports of Com- missioners, Estimates, &c., 1801-52 — General Indexes to Bills, Reports, &c, 1852-57; 1852-69; 1870-79 — Indexes to Bills, 1801-52 ; to Reports of Select Committees, 1801-52 — List of Bills, Reports, Estimates, &c., 1847-48 (719) ; 1849 (564) ; 1850 (697) ; 1869-79 — Printing, &c., Expense of, 1844 (410) — Receipts from Sale of. Number issued, 1833-37, &c, 1837-38 (74) ; 1844 (226) Parochial Benefices. Ireland. Churches in eacb Benefice, 1833 (400), (521) Passage Vessels and Passengers. Act Passed in 1819 by the United States, for Regulating, 1835 (98) Passing Tolls Levied for the Maintenance of Harbours, &c., since 1807, 1837-38 (659) Patents. Fees for Taking Out a Patent in the United Kingdom, 1837-38 (729) Pauper Lunatics and Idiots, England and Wales. Number of, in each County, 1837 (508) Paymaster-General. Expenses of Establish- ment, Salaries, Rules, &c, 1836 (585), (575), (593) ; 1837 (34) Pembroke Dockyard. Correspondence with Mr. Hawkes, Shipwright of, 1835 (318) Penitentiary (Millbank). Reports of Com- mittee of, 1831-38 — Expense, &c. Letter to Committee of, &c, 1835 (176) ; 1837-38 (205), (216) Pensions, Generally. Persons Entitled to, Number Granted, &c, 1831 (87) ; 1833 (326), (220) ; 1837-38 (24), (351) — Compensations. Grants for, 1834 (404) — Pensions Payable out of Particular Funds : Civil List, 1831 (284), (345) ; 1833 (745) ; Consolidated Fund, 1835 (324); 1837 (450) ; 1880 (270) — Resignation of, 1831 (334) ; 1836 (50) Pensions Payable in Scotland on the Civil List, 1831 (79) Permanent Services (Ireland). Sums Paid Yearly for, 1837-38 (736) Persia. Expense of Diplomatic Mission to. 1835 (100) — On the Relations with, 1857 (2217) Personal Estates. Sums Paid in Various Counties in England, 1833 (40) Pershore Union. Letters and Correspondence relative to, 1837-38 (718), (641) Peru. Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation with, 1837-38 (105) Peter's, St., Parish (Dublin). Assessment Passed at, 1833 (357) Petitions, Public. Number of, Cost, &c., 1854-55 (486) Petty Sessions. England and Wales. Abstract of Fees Received, Number of Convictions, Fines, &c, 1844 (285) — Ireland. Costs, Fines, &c, 1836 (415) Phoenix Park (Dublin). State of, Expendi- ture, 1826-32, &c., 1833 (145) Physicians, College of, London. Bye-laws of the, 1833 (533) — Minute appointing a Committee for Revising Bye-laws, &c, 1835' (346) Pilotage. Returns relating to, 1876 (292) Pilots. Sums Received by Trinitv House from Thames and Sea Pilots, 1831 (126) ; 1831-32 (187) ; 1836 (352) ; 1834 (328), (477) — Receipts and Application of Surplus Rates of Pilotage, 1837 (201) Pilots, Ireland. Receipts of Pilotage. Number of, 1833 (510) Plate and Equipage. Officers for whom, are Provided, 1833 (452) Pluralities. Number of Clergymen Holding Two Livings, 1837-38 (320) Plymouth Breakwater, &c- Tenders for Supply of Limestone for, 1835 (511) Police. Metropolitan Police Force. Receipt and Expenditure for, 1831-38 and 1876 — Number of Persons taken into Custody. Expense of Horse Patrol, Magistrates, &c, 1833 (599), (225) ; 1834 (434), 53 ; 1836 (323) — Report of Metropolitan Police Commissioner for 1875, 1876 (C-1594) Police, England and Wales. Number of Police Forces. Population of each District. Ex- pense, &c, 1876 (17) — Reports of Inspectors of Constabulary for 1873-74 and 1874-75 Police, Ireland. Dublin Police Force. Salaries of Magistrates, &c, 1833 (440); 1834(310) — Number, Distribution, &c, of the Con- stabulary Force, 1834 (201) ; 1837 (391) : 1837-38 (383) — Rewards and Superannuations granted to Constables, 1831-32 (359) — Royal Irish Constabulary. Number and Cost of, in last Ten Years, 1882 (161) — Other Papers, &c, relating to Constabulary, 1833 (438), (193) ; 1837-38 (37) Police, Scotland. Eighteenth Report of Inspector, 1876 (246) Police Gazette. Cost of Printing, &c, 1830-34, 1835 (112) Polish Exiles. Estimate for the Relief of, 1834 (475) Political Unions. Addresses to His Majesty from, with Answers, 1835 (63) PA 371) Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — -Contd. Poor, England and Wales. Abie-Bodied Poor. Number of, Relieved, &c., 1844 (118) — Annual Reports of the Poor Law Commis- sioners, First to Fourteenth Reports, 1835-48 : Pari. Rep. Commiss. — Annual Reports of Commissioners for Administering Laws for Relief of. First to Fourth Reports, 1849-52 — Annual Reports of Poor Law Board. Fifth to Twenty-third Reports, 1852-71 — Annual Reports of the Local Government Board. First to Eleventh Reports, 1872-82. 8vo. — Boards of Guardians. Number of Guar- dians for each Parish, &c, 1876 (421) — Expenses of Committee of Inquiry on New Poor Law Act, 1837 (545) — Labour Rate Bill. . Documents and Letter relative to, 1833 (619), (412) — Medical Officers and Medical Relief. Par- ticulars relative to, 1857-58 (230) — Metropolitan District. Rental, &c, of Pro- perty assessed to Poor Rate, 1857-58 (208) — Number Relieved, Expenditure, &c, 1803-04 (175) ; 1831-32 (216) ; 1833 (32) ; 1834 (335) ; 1835 (284), (444) ; 1844 (241) — Outdoor Relief. Order withholding, to the Abie-Bodied, &c, 1837-38 (172), (711) — Pauper Children. Effect on Girls, of the System of Education at Pauper Schools, by E. C. Tufnell, 1875 (10). 8vo. — Paupers Relieved, 1850-74. Number of, per 1,000 of Population, &c, 1876 (214), (206) — Paupers Relieved in Lancashire, Expense, &c., 1862 (225), (312) — Poor Law Unions, Expense, &c, of, 1854 (490) — Poor Law Unions (Assessments), 1876 (397) ; 1882 (172) — Poor Rates, Paupers Relieved, Expenditure for Relief, &c, 1857-61 and 1876-77 — Religion of Inmates, of Workhouses, &c, 1876 (257) — Rules of Commissioners, 1837 (532) — Settlement and Removal, Expense of, &c, 1856 (436) — Unions, Size of, Population of each, &c, 1837-38 (236) — Workhouses. Expenditure since 1868 for building, &c, 1876 (86) Poor, Ireland. Fourth Annual Report of Local Government Board 1876 — Commission of Inquiry. Expenses, Salaries, &c, of, 1834 (175) ; 1835 (559) — Letter from N. W. Senior ; and Remarks by G. C. Lewis, on Third Report of Commis- sioners, 1837 (90), (91) — Plan for Lessening Pauperism in Ireland, 1837-38 (270) — Workhouses. Expenses in Building, Furni- ture, Education of Paupers, &c, 1843 (275) ; 1844 (376) Poor, Scotland. Reports of the Board of Supervision, Index, 1845-58, Thirtieth Report, 1876, (C-1382); Thirty-first, 1876 (C-1627). 8vo. Poor Rates. England and Wales. Assessments Amount Levied, &c, 1844 (63) ; 1847-48 (735) ; 1852 (2) Poplar Fund. Capital of the, Number of Pensioners, &c, 1835 (138) Population of Great Britain. Abstract of Answers and Returns for taking an Account of the, in 1801, 1801 (140); 1801-02 (9) — ditto, in 1811, 1812 (316), (317) — ditto, in 1821, 1822 (502) — Abstract of Population Returns for 1831, 1833 (149) — Comparative Account of, in 1801,1811, 1821, and 1831, with Annual Value of Real Pro- perty, 1815 ; also Statement of Progress in the Inquiry regarding Occupations of Families and Persons, and Duration of Life, 1831 (348) — Abstract of Answers and Returns for taking an Account of, in 1841. Age Abstract, 1843 ; Enumeration Abstract, 1843 (496) ; Occupation Abstract, Part 1, England and Wales, and Islands in British Seas, 1844 (587) ; Part 2, Scotland, 1844 (588) Population of Great Britain, Census of 1851. Population Tables, Part 1, Numbers of Inhabitants in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831,1841, and 1851 ; vol. 1, 1852-53 (1631) ; vol. 2, 1852-53 (163,2) — Part 2, Ages, Civil Condition, Occupation, and Birthplaces, with the numbers of the. Blind, Deaf and Dumb, and Inmates of Workhouses, Prisons, Lunatic Asylums, and Hospitals ; vol. 1, 1852-53 (1691-1) • vol. 2, 1852-53 (1691-11) — Index to Names of Places in the Popu- lation Tables, 1852-53 (1633) — Religious Worship, England and Wales. Report, Notices of different Churches, Spiritual Provision and Destitution, Sum- mary Tables, 1852-53 (1690). 8vo. — Education. Report. Summary and detailed Tables, 1852-53 (1692). 8vo. — Religious Worship and Education, Scotland. Report and Tables, 1854 (1764). 8vo. Population of England and Wales, Census of 1861. Population Tables, vol. 1, Numbers and Distribution of People, 1862 (3056) ; vol. 2, Ages, Civil Condition, &c, 1863 (3221) — General Report, with Appendix of Tables, 1863 (3221) Population of England and Wales, Census of 1871. Preliminary Report, 1871 (C-381) — Population Tables. Area, Houses, and In- habitants. Vol. 1, Counties, 1872 (C-676) vol. 2, Registration or Union Counties, with Index to Population Tables, 1872 (C-676-1) ; vol. 3, Population Abstracts, Ages, Civil Condition, Occupations, and Birthplaces, 1873 (C-872) ; vol. 4, General Report, 1873 (872-1) — r Return relating to Areas, Inhabited Houses, and Male Population of United Kingdom. 1876(59) 380 PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Population of England and "Wales, Census of 1881 ; Preliminary Report, 1881 (C-2955) — Area, Houses and Population. Yol. 1, Counties, 1883 (C-3562) j vol. 2, Registra- tion Counties, 1883 (C-3563) ; vol. 3, Ages, Condition as to Marriage, Occu- pations, and Birthplaces of the People (C-3722) ; vol. 4, General Report (C-3797) Population of Ireland. Abstract of Population Returns 1831, 1833 (634) — Census of 1831, with Comparative Abstract as taken in 1821, 1833 (23) — Popidation of Counties in Ireland, 1831, 1833 (254) — Expenses incurred under the Population Act for Ireland, 1833 (442) Population of Ireland. Abstract of Answers and Returns (Age Abstract, 1841), 1843 (497) — Report of Commissioners appointed to take Census of 1841, 1843 (504) — Addenda to Census for 1841, showing Num- ber of Houses, Families, and Persons in the Townlands and Towns, 1844 — Abstract of Census taken in 1841 and 1851, 1851 (1400) Population of Ireland, Census of 1851. Part I. Showing Area, Population, Number of Houses by Townlands and Electoral Divi- sions. Vol. 1, Province of Leinster; vol. 2, Munster ; vol. 3, Ulster ; vol. 4, Connaught, 1852-53 — Part II. Returns of Agricultural Produce in 1851, 1852-53 (1589) — Part III. Report on the Status of Disease, 1854 (1765) — Part IV. Report on Ages and Education, 1856 (2053) — Part V. Tables of Deaths. Vol. 1, contain- ing Report, Tables of Pestilences, and Analysis of the Tables of Deaths ; vol. 2, Tables and Index, 1856 (2087) — Part VI. General Report, with Appendix, Tables, and Index to Names of Places, 1856 (2134) Population of Ireland, Census of 1861. Part I. Showing Area, Population, Number of Houses by Townlands and Electoral Divi- sions. Vol. 1, Province of Leinster ; vol. 2, Munster; vol. 3, Ulster; vol. 4, Con- naught, and Summary of Ireland, 1863 (3204) — Part II. Report and Tables on Ages and Education. Vols. 1 and 2, 1863 (3204-1) — Part III. Vital Statistics. Vol. 1, Report and Tables relating to Status of Disease ; vol. 2, Reports and Tables relating to Deaths, 1863 (3204-11) — Part IV. Reports and Tables relating to Religious Professions, Education, and Occupations, 1863 (3204-III) — Part V. General Report, with Appendix Tables, Summarv, and Index to Names of Places, 1868 (32*04-1 Y) &c. — Contd. Population of Ireland, Census of 1871. Abstract of the Enumerator's Returns, showing : (1) Number of Inhabitants in 1841, 1851, 1861, and 1871; (2) Religious Profession in 1861 and 1871 ; (3) Number of Houses in 1841, 1851, 1861, and 1871; (4) Number of Families in 1841, 1851, 1861, and 1871. 1871 (C-375) — Part I. Area, Houses, and Population ; also Ages, Civd Condition, Occupations, Birthplaces, Religion, and Education. Vol. 1, Province of Leinster ; vol. 2, Munster; vol. 3, Ulster; vol. 4, Con- naught, with Summary Tables and Indexes, 1872 — Part II. Vital Statistics. Vol. 1, Report and Tables relating to Status of Disease, 1873 (C-876) ; vol. 2, Report and Tables relating to Deaths, 1874 (C-1000) — Part III. General Report, with Summary Tables and Appendix, 1876 (C-1377) Population of Ireland, Census of 1881. Pre- liminary Report, 1881 (C-2931) — Part I. Area, Houses, Population, &c. Yol. 1, Province of Leinster; vol. 2, Mimster ; vol. 3, Ulster ; vol. 4, Con- naught, 1881-82 — Part II. General Report, with Maps, Diagrams, Tables, and Appendix, 1882 (C-3365) Population of Scotland, Census of 18C1. Population Tables and Report. Vol. 1, Numbers of Inhabitants, Families, Children at School, Houses, Rooms with Windows, in the Civil Counties and Parishes, Regis- tration Counties and Districts, Burgh Towns, Villages and Islands of Scotland ; also a Classification of Families according to their Si2es, 1862 (3013) ; vol. 2, Ages, Civil or Conjugal Condition, Occupations, Birthplaces, with Number and Ages of Blind, Deaf and Dumb, and Inmates of Poorhouses, Prisons, &c, 1864 (3275) Population of Scotland, Census of 1871. Tables of Number of Population, of Families, of Children receiving Education, of Houses, and Rooms with Windows, in Scotland and its Islands, on 3rd April, 1871, 1871 (C-380) — Eighth Decennial Census. Vol. 1, with Report, 1872 (C-592) ; vol. 2, with Re- port, 1873 (C-841) Portadown. Investigation concerning the con- duct of Constable Brennan, 1835 (258) Portpatrick Lighthouse. Expense of, 1837 (323) Portsmouth School of Naval Architecture. Papers relating to, 1833 (185) Portugal. Decree equalising Duties on Imports from aU Countries, 1834 (318) Post Horse Dutv of Great Britain. Names of Lessees of,*1820-35, 1835 (407) Post Office. Reports of Postmaster-General. First to Twenty-fifth Report, 1 854-79. 8vo. — Cape of Good Hope, Zanzibar, &c, Mails. Contracts for Conveyance of, 1873 (199), (374), (241) PA 381 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Sec — Contd. Post Office — Contd. — Communication with France. Letters sent to, and received from France, Rates of Postage, &c, 1837 (120), (106) — Glasgow Post Offices. Authority of Post- master for non-Delivery of Letters on 23rd July, 1835 (513) — Appointment of Cashier of the Post Office in Scotland, Salary, &c, 1837-38 (195) — Establishment, Officers, Compensations, Salaries, Fees, &c, 1831-32 (392); 1833 (706); 1834 (20); 1835 (261), (565), (512), (541), (294), (442); 1836 (111), (260), (436) ; 1837 (496), (35) ; 1837-38 (77) ; 1844 (207) — Names of Places in United Kingdom where a Penny Post is established, 1837 (86) — India, China, &c. Mails. Contracts for Conveyance of, 1874 (301), (351) — Letter Carriers' Fund, Letter respecting the, 1835 (522) — Lost and Missing Letters, Letters containing Money stolen, 1829-33, Parties dismissed, Amount lost, &c, 1834 (204) ; 1837 (197) ; 1837-38 (704) — Mail Coaches, Number of Passengers, Mile- age, Expense, &c, 1835 (401), (429) ; 1836 (176), (364), (145), (49) — Opening and Detaining Letters, 1834 (19) — Postmaster-Generals in U. Kingdom. Name, Rank, &c, of, 1831-32 (691) ; 1844 (362) — Railroads, Contract with London and Bir- mingham Railway for Conveyance of Mails, 1837-38 (496) — Revenue, Management, &c, 1835 (20), (165), (443), (40) ; 1837 (206) ; 1837-38(265). (534) — Shipping and Commercial List. Letter respecting the London, 1837 (230) — Sunday Labour, Persons employed, Corres- pondence on Detention of Letters on Sunday, 1835 (566) ; 1837 (316) — Expenses of Prosecutions, &c, 1835 (607) — Small Government Assurances and Annuities. Tables of Premiums, Regulations, &c, 1865 (3445), (3450), (3501) Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Salaries, Fees, &c, 1834 (236) ; 1835 (623), (224) Preventive Service. Cost, &c, of Coastguard, Captains employed, &c, 1833 (744) ; 183 1 (117) Priddv's Hard. Letter respecting Repair of Magazine at, 1831 (311) Prisage and Butlerage of Wines. Duchy of Lancaster, 1831-32 (552) Prison Discipline. Colonies. Papers on the Improvement of, 1876 (C-1517) Prisoners. Number of, in Great Britain, Sentence, Treatment, &c, 1837-38 (124) ; 1839 (277) ; 1840 (600) Prisons, England and Wales. Reports of Inspectors for the Home District. First to Tenth Reports, 1836-45, fol. ; and Fifteenth, 1851, 8vo. — Northern and Eastern District. First to Fourth Reports, 1836-39 ; Thirteenth and Fourteenth, 1847-49 Prisons, England and Wales — Contd. — Southern and Western District. First to Seventh Reports, 1836-42 — Scotland, Northumberland, and Durham. First to Eleventh Reports, 1836-46 Note. — In 1857 the Prison Districts were reduced to three, viz., " Northern," "Southern," and "Midland ;" in 1863 to two, viz., "Northern" and " Southern." — Northern District. Twenty -ninth to Fortieth Reports, 1864-76. 8vo. — Southern District. Thirtieth to Fortieth Reports, 1865-76. 8vo. Prisons. Convict, Reports of Directors of the, on their Discipline and Management, for 1850-75. 8vo. — Reports of Surveyor- General of Prisons. First, on Construction, &c, of Pentonville Prison, 1844 (594) ; Second, 1847 (867) ; Third, on Discipline and Management of Convict Prisons, 1850,1851 (1419) ; Fourth, on the same, and Treatment of Juvenile Offenders, 1851, 1852-53 (1572) ; Fifth, 1852, 1852-53 (1659); and Sixth, 185?, 1854 (1816), on the same; Seventh, on Discipline, and Substitution of Penal Ser- , vitude for Transportation, for 1854-55 (2004) ; Eighth, for 1856-57, on the same, 1857-58 (2414) ; Ninth, General Report for 1860-61, 1862 (3055), 8vo. — Military Prisons. Reports on Discipline and Management of, for 1874 and 1875. 8vo. — Censuses of Population of Convict Prisons taken in 1862 and 1873, by Dr. W. A. Guy, F.R.S. Parts I and II, 1875. 8vo. Prisons, Ireland. Reports of Inspector- General on State of, Third to Twenty-Second Re- ports, 1825-44, fol. ; Thirtieth and Fifty- fourth Reports, 1852-75. 8vo. — Reports of Directors of Convict Prisons in Ireland. Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Twenty- second Reports, 1858-75. 8vo. Prisons, Scotland. Reports from General Board of Directors of. Third, Fourth, and Thirtv- seventh Reports, 1842-76 Private Business, House of Commons. Num- ber of Committees on Private Bills, &c, 1837 (441) — Limitation of Time for receiving Petitions, &c, on Private Bills, 1831-38 — List of Committees on Private Bills, 1831-38 — Parliamentary Agents, Rules to be observed by, 1837 (88) — Standing Orders relating to Private Bills, 1837 (515) ; 1837-38 (731) Privy Council Office. Expense, &c, of the, 1836 (612) — Number of Appeals and Petitions heard before the, 1837 (111) ; 1844 (393) Privy Council. Ireland. Fees and Salaries of Officers, 1833 (148), (311) Privy Seal. Warrants appointing Lord Mel- ville Keeper of, Salarv, &c, 1833 (278), (463), (661) Prize Money. Despatches relative to Distribu- tion of Burmese, 1837 (534) 382 PA Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Prize Money — Cot id. — Banda and Kirwee Booty. Correspondence on the, 1872 (273) ; 1875 (85), (156), (292) Proclamations. Ireland. Number of, Sums Paid to Newspapers for insertion of, &c, 1837 (56) ; 1833 (238), (633) Procurators Fiscal. Salaries, Fees of, 1834 (610) Promissory Notes. Issue of, in United King- dom, 1844 (205) Promulgation of the Statutes. Number of Copies sent out, Expense, &c, 183V-38 (733) ; 1843 (22) Property and Income Tax. Annual Value of Assessed Property, Quota of Land Tax Assessed, 1798, Tithes, &c, 1844 (316) Protestant Dissenting Ministers. Ireland. Dis- tribution of Grants to, 1837 (127) Provisions. Cured and Salted, Quantity Im- ported and Exported, 1844 (338) Prussia. Commerce. Notes respecting British Produce, &c., imported into, 1826-27 (277) ; 1840 (161) — Ecclesiastical Establishments of, 1836 (62) — Prussian Commercial Union Treaty. Names of States that have joined, 1837-38 (472) Public and Private Bills. Public Bills pre- sented, 1801-35; 1836 (41) — Number of Public Bills introduced, &c, 1835-38 and 1876 — Number of Private Bills introduced, 1854-55 (485) j 1876 (0146) Public Offices and Departments. Appoint- ments, Reduction of Offices, Increase and Diminution of Salaries, &c, 1831-38 and 1844; 1876 (135); 1833 (218), (405), (514), (592); 1834(256) — Qualifications for Office, 1833 (680) — Redundant List. Number of Persons on the, 1837 (527) — Patents of various Officers, 1833 (614) Public Offices. Scotland. Salaries, Fees, &c, of Officers, 1837 (164) Public Works and Buildings. Advances of Money for Exchequer Bills, &c, 1831-43 - — Museums, &c, Correspondence on Free Admittance to, 1837-38 (119) Public Works and Buildings. Ireland. Advances of Money, Exchequer Bills, &c, 1831-38 Quarantine. Vessels placed in, 1826-30 ; Fees, &c., 1831 (226), (206) Quarter Sessions. England and Wales. Cities and Boroughs holding, 1836 (546) Quarter Sessions. Ireland. Places and Periods where, were held in 1832-33 ; 1834 (397) Quassia. Imported, 1840-44, 1844 (206) Queen Anne's Bounty. Purchases by the Governors, 1800-26 ; Charters granted by Queen Anne, Salaries, Fees of Officers, &c, 1831 (67), (129); 1834 (108); 1837 (175), (217), (279), (377) — Receipts and Disbursements, 1837 (114) ; 1876 (417) Queen's Messengers' Expenses, &c, 1844 (571) Quit and Crown Bents. Ireland. Paid to Commissioners of Woods and Forests for Ireland, 1837-38 (381) &C— Contd. Bailways, U. Kingdom. Reports of Officers of Bailwav Department to Board of Trade, for 1841-46, 1851, 1854, 1855, 1858 — Accidents on. Beports to Board of Trade upon, for 1854, 1855, 1871, 1875, 1876, and 1880-83 — Accidents and Casualties. Quarterly Returns of, 1875-76 — Bills of the Session. Report on Railway, Tramway, Gas, and Water, 1876 (10) — Capital, Traffic, Working Expenditure, &«., General Reports in regard to, for 1871, 1875, and 1879 — Capital, Traffic, &c. Returns showing, for 1871-, 1874, 1875, and 1878 — Loans, Monies raised, 1826-43 ; 1844 (159) — Railway Companies' Powers Act Report by Board of Trade on the Applications made in 1875 under the, 1876 (124) — Subscription Contracts, 1837 (95) Bailways, Ireland. Minute respecting the Rail- road Commission, 1837-38 (654) Ramsgate Harbour. Trust Account for two years, 1829-31, 1831-32 (666) Rangoon and Western China. Memorial rela- tive to British Trade in, 1873 (258) Rape Seed. Quantity Imported into Great Britain, 1821-32 ; 1833 (708) Ratlicormac. Sir R. H. Vivian, Letter from Lord Fitzroy Somerset to, 1835 (28) Real Property. Duties paid on the Sale or Mortgage of, 1829-31 ; 1831-32 (122) Receipt Stamps. Amount raised by Duties on Receipts, 1833 (119) Receivers-General of Taxes. Salaries and Allow- ances of, 1833 (120) ; 1835 (111) Reciprocity Duties, 1833 (340) Recorder. Names of Barristers appointed to the Office of, 1837 (171) Records, Public, England. Reports of the Deputy Keeper of, Fourth, 1843 ; Nine- teenth, 1857-58; Thirty -second, 1871; and Thirty-seventh, 1876 — Record Commission. Receipts, Expenses t>f, Ac, 1834 (27); 1837 (177); 1837-38 (639) — Record Searches. Fees, Ac, received for, 1831-32 (685) — Rules for Disposal of Valueless Documents, 1882 (80) Records, Public, Ireland. Eighth Report of Deputy Keeper of, 1876 (C-1469). 8vo. Reformatory and Industrial Schools. (Great Britain). Beports of Inspectors of, Fourth, 1861 ; and Nineteenth, 1876. 8vo. — (Ireland). Fourteenth Report of Inspector of, 1876 (C-1494). 8vo. Regent Street. Receipts and Expenditure for Paving, Lighting, Ac, 1831-32 (472); 1834 (275) Registered Electors. Ireland. Places where Electors are Registered, 1834 (440) Registration of Deeds. England. Fees received bv Register Officers 1825-32, &c, 1833 (436) ; 1835 (67) PA 383 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Registration of Deeds. Ireland. Receipts and Expenditure of Office for the, 1834 (243) ; 1835 (103), (361) ; 1836 (121) Registry Acts. Expenses of Registrars, &c, 1837-38 (267) Religious Instruction and Worship. Corres- pondence, Letter, &c, respecting, 1835 (629) ; 1836 (273) ; 1837 (265) Religious Tests required on entering the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, 1833 (562), (751) Renfrewshire. Returns from the Sheriffs of, 1837-38 (514) Reports of the House of Commons. List of, 1834 (626) Requests, Courts of. Number of. Fees, Salaries, of Assistant Barristers, &c, 1835 (524), (352) ; 1836 (216) — London and Westminster. Cases heard and determined in, 1833 (63) — Southwark. Persons Committed for Debt. Expense, &c, 1831 (240) ; 1835 (375) — Westminster. Sums paid into Court, 1821-32, 1833 (561) ; 1835 (231) Revenue Offences. Persons Confined for, Amount of Punishment, 1833 (248) Revenue. Population and Commerce of the United Kingdom. Tables of the, Parts I— XXII, 1820-52, — Collection of the Revenue. Charges for, &c, 1836 (264) — Exchequer Receipts and Payments, 1835-38 — Expenditure of United Kingdom, 1821-32, 1833 (548) — Gross Revenue in 1875-76. Cost of Collect- ing, &c, 1876 (392), (450) — Net Public Income of United Kingdom for 1831-38 and 1843 — Public Income and Expenditure for 1827-37 Revenue, Public. Ireland. Balances of Public Money, 1793-1833. Expenditure of Ire- land, &c, 1833 (659) Revenue, Public. Scotland. Districts for Col- lection of Taxes, &c, 1831-32 (336) Revising Barristers. Estimate of Sum required for Expenses of, 1833 (53) — England and Wales. Number Employed, Total Cost of Revision,&c, 1833 (39) ; 1836 (240) ; 1837-38 (397) Revising Barristers. Ireland. Appointed for the Registry of Votes, &c, 1833 (100), (382) Rewards Paid, 1830, for Discovery of Offenders in the Disturbed Districts, 1831-32 (390) Ribbons Imported, 1826-30, and Amount of Duty, 1830-31 (168) Rideau Canal (Canada). Estimate of Amount required for the, 1831-32 (612) Roads and Bridges. Ireland. Sums Expended, 1824-30 for, 1831 (211) Roads and Bridges. Scotland. Rents of all Turnpike Gates, 1832-35 ; 1836 (514) Rolls, Master of. England. Salary, &c, of, and his Secretary, 1833 (535) Roman Catholics. Number of Persons in Holy Orders in the Church of Rome Convicted of Celebrating any Marriages between Protestants, 1820-32 ; 1831-32 (589) Ross, Captain John. Sum required to make a Grant to, 1834 (493) Royal Academy. Conditions on which Apart- ments at Somerset House were bestowed on the, 1834 (404) Royal Artillery. Full-Pay Retirements Vacant, 1840. Promotions, 1814-40, 1841 (51) Royal Burghs, Scotland. Sums Paid by each Burgh, 1823-33 ; 1834 (522), (567) Royal Dublin Society. Communications between Irish Government and, 1837-38 (105) Royal Military Canal. Rates and Tolls, Re- ceipts and Expenses, 1833 (740); 1834 (196) Royal Parks and Palaces. Expenses of, &c, 1831-32 (194), (352), (351) ; 1837-38 (28) Rum. Imported and Exported, 1828-33 Russia. Period since 1832, in which there has been an Ambassador to St. Petersburgh, 1835 (99) — Correspondence respecting Central Asia, 1874 (C-919) — Exports from Russia to Great Britain, 1831-35; 1836(587) — Ukase Increasing Duties on Articles Imported into, 1831-32 (447) Russia Company. Charges Levied by the, for Support of English Clergy. Charter, &c, 1836 (558), (303) Russian-Dutch Loan. Communications, &c, relative to Payment of the, 1831-32 (52), (72), (71), (578), (583) — Sums Paid on Account of, 1831-38 Saccharometers and Hydrometers. Sums paid for Repair of, 1824-31 ; 1831-32 (246) Saffron Walden. Letters to the Guardians of, respecting arrangements for Religious Worship, 1837 (535) Salaries, Public. Charges of the Civil Depart- ment, 1815-35, 1835 (609) Salvage. Persons acting as Commissioners of, in the Cinque Ports, 1837 (275) Salmon Fisheries. England and Wales. Fifteenth Report of Inspectors, 1876 (C-1466) Sasines. Scotland. Emoluments of Clerk of the Peace, &c, 1831 (321) Savings Banks. Annuities, Number of, granted through Savings Banks, 1837-38 (244) — Banks enrolled for enabling Depositors to Purchase Government Annuities, 1834 (316) — Depositors. Number of, &c., 1833 (368) — Establishment and Management, 1852 (521); 1857 (128) ; 1876 (308) — National Debt Commissioners. Sums Re- ceived and Paid by the, 1833-38 — Receipt and Expenditure, &c, 1831-32 (238), (172), (127); 1833 (38); 1834 (578); 1837-38 (199), (411) ; 1844 (286) — Trustees and Managers of, 1857-58 (55) — Post Office, 1876 (197) Scinde. Correspondence and Papers relating to, 1836-43 ; 1843 (489), (490) 384 PA Parliamentary Papers— Coi, td. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Science and Art Department of Committee of Council on Education. Twentv-third Report of the, 1876 (C-1543) — Catalogue of Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington Museum, lt>7< ; . 8to. Sederunt, Act of, Regulating Fees of Sheriff and Stewart Clerks of Scotland, 1837 (20) ; 1837-38 (468) Sermon Preached before the House, on 21st March, 183t», by the Rev. J. Allen, D.D., 1831 -32 (0-57) Session, Court of (Scotland). Number of Causes Instituted and Decided in, 1831-38 — Business of the Court, &c, 1831-32 (202) ; 1835 (504) ; 1837 (407) — Establishment, Salaries, &c, 1831-32 (350) ; 1833 (369) ; 1835 (157) ; 1837 (30) — Smiths v. Jones. Papers relative to the Cause, 1837-38 (328), (549) Sessions of the Peace. Number of Days they lasted, 1831-32 ; 1834 (41) Sewers. Charges, &c, made by Commissioners of, 1831-32 (319), (744) ; 1833 (314) Shannon River. Tolls and Expenditure, &c, of the. Letters on its Improvement, 1831 (175) ; 1831-32 (731) ; 1833 (371) ; 1834 (599) ; 1836 (61) Sheep Stealing. Convictions and Sentences for, 1826-31 ; 1831-32 (134) Sheriffs. England and Wales. Accounts of Sheriffs Audited, 1835 (294) Sheriffs. Ireland. Number of Appointments, Salary, &c, 1836 (132) ; 1837-38 (268) Sheriffs, &c, Scotland. Receipts and Expenses, Salaries, Act Regulating Fees. Cases De- cided in Sheriff Courts, &c. 1831-38 Shipping. Generally. Vessels that have En- tered and Cleared from all Ports of United Kingdom, Tonnage, Cargoes, &c., 1825 (77); 1826 (198), (373), (398), (138), (3 1876 (C-1525) Sugar. Import and Export of. Consumption, Duty, &c, 1829 (223), (319), (340) ; 1831 (225) ; 1831-32 (457), (651) ; 1833 (319) ; 1837 (370) ; 1844 (153), (250) ; 1873 (243) ; 1874 (300) — Refined Sugar. Exported from London, 1827-33 1833 (525), (643) ; 1837-38 (523) 2c 38fi PA Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, Superannuations. Amounts granted for, Num- ber of Persons Superannuated, &c., 1831 (190) ; 1831-32 (469), (353) ; 1833 (105), (735) ; 1834 (160), (206) ; 1835 (594), (88) ; 1836 (149) ; 1837 (157) ; 1837-38 (242) ; 1810(167) ; 1841 (175) ; 1844 (149) Supplies. Amount Voted by Parliament, &c., 1831-32 (28) ; 1835 (115) Surgeons, Royal College of. England. Number who obtained Diplomas, 1823-32, 1833 (459) — Monies received for Diplomas, 1823-32, 1833 (600) Surinam. Convention relative to Immigration of Labourers from India to, 1872 (C— 473) Surplice Fees charged for Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1834 (553) Survevs and Valuations. Ireland. Sums ad- vanced for, 1837-38 (190) — Ordnance Survey. Progress of, 1837 (522) Surveys. Great Britain and Ireland. Report of the Progress of the Ordnance Survey, 1859 and 1876 — Correspondence respecting the Scale for Ordnauee Survey, 1854 (1831) Sussex. Confinement of Prisoners for Trial at the Assizes held in, 1837 (118) Tallow, Flax, Hemp, and Hides imported, 1825 (209) ; 1826 (360) Tanjore Debts. Correspondence respecting, 1835 (588), (597) Taxed Carts. Duties Paid on, 1833 (137) Taxes and Duties. Arrears, Surcharges, Taxes discontinued, &c., 1831 (70), (80) ; 1833 (386); 1834 (190); 1835 (194); 1836 (109) ; 1837 (506) — Net Produce of the several, &c, 1829 (172) ; 1833 (746) ; 1835 (192) — Number of Inspectors - General of, Pay- ments for Cost of Collection, &c, 1831 (187) ; 1837 (313) Taxes. Receivers-General of, Salaries and Emoluments of, 1831-32 (225) ; 1834 (413) Tea. Imports, Exports, Duties, Home Con- sumption, &c, 1826 (250) ; 1836 (220), (356) — East India Compaav's and Private Trade. Tea Sold, 1829-33, 1834 (407), (621) Telegraphs and Telegraph Companies. Corre- spondence respecting Telegraphic Commu- nication with the Mediterranean and India, 1857-58 (2406) — India, Convention with Shah of Persia for continuing the Telegraph through Persia, 1873 (C-796) — Post Office Telegraphs. Number sent, Re- ceipts and Payments, &c., 1876 (116) ; 1874 (267) Thames Tunnel. Treasury Minutes and Cor- respondence on the, 18*35 (448) ; 1837 (422) Thames River. General Report of the Con- servators for 1875, 1876 (370) Theatres. Number and Name of each Theatre Liceised, 1820-32, 1831-32 (543) Thorn, John Nicoll, alias Sir William Courten&y. Order of Commitment under which he was confined in the Kent Lunatic Asylum, 1837-38 (497), (525) &C— Contd. Timber Imported into United Kingdom: 1826-38 Tin. Imported and Exported, 1826-34 Tipperary County. Persons Committed, Police Reports, &c, 1836 (226) — Correspondence relative to the Disturbed State of, 1837-38 (735) Tithes, England and Wales. Agreements, Com- mutations, Apportionments, &c; 1831-32 (38) ; 1837-38 (213), (393) ; 1840 (68) ; 1841 (234) ; 1837 (98), (440); 1810 (609), (27), (310); 1837-38 (137), (566) — Legal Proceedings. Suits commenced in Lancaster, &c, 1833 (761) ; 1834 (332) — Miscellaneous. Papers relating to Convic- tions for Non-payment of, &c, 1833 (190), , (691) ; 1835 (582) ; 1837 (103) Tithes, Ireland. Advances and Relief to Clergy, 1833 (480), (523) ; 1834 (382) ; 1836 (355), (562) — Arrears Due in the several Dioceses from 1829, 1833 (509) — Compositions, Agreements, &c, 1831-32 (136); 1833 (479), (511); 1834 (309), (333), (401) ; 1835 (405) ; 1836 (5) — Lay Tithes. Name of Impropriator, Size of Parish, &c, 1831-32 (326) — - Military and Constabulary, and Affrays in the Collection of Tithes, 1833 (512), (471), (441); 1834 (109); 1835 (179), (119); 1837-38 (253) — Legal Proceedings, Bills Filed, Causes Insti- tuted, &c, 1836 (505), (420), (582) — Value of Livings, 1833 (651) — Miscellaneous. Resolutions to be Proposed by Lord J. Russell, 1837-38 (0"73) Tobacco and Snuff. Imports and Exports. Duties, Home Consumption, &c, 1826 (252), (197) ; 1831-38 Tontine Annuities. Sums subscribed by Nomi- nees (now dead) of Tontines created in Ireland, 1773-77, 1833 (458) Tower of London. Number of Persons Ad- mitted. 1824-38, 1837-38 (478) Trade and Manufactures. Scotland. Income and Expenditure of Board for Encourage- ment of, 1844 (176) Trade, Navigation, &c. Papers relating to, Customs Duties, Shipping, Imports, Ex- ports, &c, 1834 (9), (194), 1837 (33); 1836 (54) ; 1837-38 (188) ; 1843 (35) ; 1844 (36) ; 1842 (375) — Table snowing Trade of United Kingdom in each year, 1841-50, 1854-55 (1987) Trade, Navigation, and Commerce. Reports from Ministers and Consuls on Trade of various Countries and Places for 1854-59, 1862, 1868, and 1876. 8vo. — Reports from Secretaries of Embassy and Legation on Manufactures and Commerce of the Countries in which they reside, for 1857-61, 1864-67, 1875 and 1876. 8vo. — Annual Statement of the Trade and Navi- gation of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions in 1853-68 PA 387 Parliamentary Papers — Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Trade, Navigation, and Commerce — Contd. — Annual Statement of Trade of United Kingdom in 1869-83 — Annual Statement of Navigation of United Kingdom in 1869-82 — Monthly Accounts of Trade and Navigation of United Kingdom. 8vo. Training Schools and Ships. Number of Boys who have entered the Navy and Merchant Service, 1876 (375) Transport Vessels. Expenses of, 1831-32 (166) Transports. Cost, Tonnage, Power, &c, of, 1873 (361) ; 1874 (222), (413) Treasury Chest. Sums received into, and paid out of the, 1876 (113) Trigonometrical Surveys. Memorials relating to, 1836 (106) ; 1837 (525) Trinidad. Memorials from, Expenditure, Revenue, &c., 1831-32 (212) ; 1834 (609) Trinity College. Dublin. Order for Substi- tuting fixed Sums for Electors, 1836 (345) Trinity House. Deptford Strond. Receipt and Expenditure, 1833 (88) — Pilots and Pilotage, Sums received by Trinity House, 1833 (403) — Elder Brethren, Rules as to the Admission of, 1835 (371) — Pensions and Pensioners, 1836 (40) Trinity House. Hull. Sums Received and Disbursed by, 1824-33, 1833 (617) Tristan D'Aciinha. Correspondence relating to the Island of, 1876 (C-1445) Turkey. Correspondence on Turkish Pro- ceedings near Aden, 1874 (C-920) Turnpike Roads, England and Wales. Ab- stracts of Income and Expenditure of Turnpike Trusts, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1844, 1850, 1853-55, 1874 — General Reports of the Home Secretary on Turnpike Trusts, 1857 — Receipts and Expenditure of Turnpike Trusts, 1834-50, 1852-53 (12) Turnpike Roads, Scotland. Income and Ex- penditure of, 1852 (285) ; 1876 (C-1518) Union with Ireland. Compensations on account of Elective Franchises, 1833 (476), (517) United States of America. Boundary Line. Expenses of Convention at London, rela- tive to, 1836 (611) Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Degrees conferred, Amount received for Stamp Duty, Articles of Subscription, &e., 1834 (290), (13), (94), (0-53) Universities. Ireland. Number of Students, &c, 1831-32 (264) Universities. Scotland. Minute relative to a Grant for repairing the, 1 835 (326) Universities and Colleges, Ireland. Reports by the Vice-Chancellor on the Condition and Progress of the Queen's University, 1857 (2151) ; 1876 (C-1565) — Reports by the Presidents of the Queen's Colleges : — — Belfast, 1876 (C-1470). 8vo. — Cork, 1876 (C-1561). 8vo. — Gal way, 1857 (2162) ; 1876 (C-1440). 8vo. Unstamped Publications. Persons Committed for Selling, &c, 1831-36 Vaccination. Reports of the National Vaccine Establishment, 1833 (16) ; 1835 (83) ; 1837 (528) ; 1837-38 (308) — National Vaccine Board, Establishment, Salaries, &c, 1831-32 (712) — Papers relating to History and Practice of, 1857 (2239) Vagrants. Number of, Shipped to Ireland, 1823-32, Number Removed, &c, 1831-32 (710), (565) ; 1833 (78) ; 1835 (171) Van Diemen's Land. Aborigines. Military Operations against the, 1831 (259) — Convicts, Number Committed for Trial, 1829-35, Despatch relative to Convict Dis- cipline, 1837 (268) ; 1837-38 (309) — Crown Lands. Sales and Appropriations of, 1823-34, 1836 (492) — Miscellaneous, 1837-38 (61) ; 1836 (426) Vaudois. Extracts of Treaties, 1690-1704, relating to, &c, 1831-32 (446) Ventilation and Warming of the Houses of Parliament. Letters, &c, on the, 1837-38 (204), (277), (358) — Expenses of Experiments for, 1837-38 (725) Veterinary Department. Report of the, for 1875, 1876 (C-1542) Victualling Department (Navy). Sums required to complete Yard at Gosport, Correspon- dence, 1831 (281), (282) — Wheat Purchased, 1816-31, 1831-32 (219) Vinegar. Licensed Vinegar Makers, Duty Paid, 1844 (228) " Vixen" Ship. Papers on the Seizure of, by Russia, 1837-38 (129), (139) Volunteers and Yeomanry. Effective Force, Expense, &c, 1831-40 — Expenditure, Strength, and Establishment, 1876 (C-1428). 8vo. Wales. Number of Writs of Intrusion Issued, Leases and Contracts for Tacknotes, 1820-36, 1836 (603) Walmer Castle. Sums Expended, 1825-34, for Repairs of, 1835 (118) Warehousing of Goods, Warehouses of Special Security, Value of Goods Warehoused in London, &c, 1831 (152); 1833 (743), (454), (560); 1834 (161), (516), 1835 (359) ; 1837 (161), (54) Water Supply. Metropolis. Accounts of Metropolitan Water Companies for 1875 Waterford Mail. Hour of Delivery of the, 1837-38 (103) Waterford Port and City. Imports and Exports of, 1825-30, 1831 (17) Waterloo Bridge (New Street). Expense of 1831 (71) Waterloo Fund. Application for the Transfer of the Waterloo Annuities, 1837-38 (453) Ways and Means. Account of Sums in the Exchequer in 1830, 1831, and 1832, 1831 (46) ; 1831-32 (316) ; 1834 (177) Weaver River. Cheshire. Receipts for Tonnage Dues, 1795-1837, 1837-38 (90) 2c2 388 PA Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — Accounts and Papers, Estimates, &c. — Contd. Weights and Measures. Instructions to In- spectors of, Certificates given by them, Ac, 1835 (73), (136), (172) — Reports of the Warden of the Standards, for 1866-78. 8vo. tt- Number of Convictions for False, 1876 (348) West Indies. Amount advanced for assistance of West India Proprietors 1833 (736) — Government. State of the Colonies, Terri- torial Affairs, Ac., 1831-32 (363), (432); 1839 (107), (107-11), (107-1 V) — Imports from, to United Kingdom in 1837, 1837-38 (394) — Immigrants and Liberated Africans. Num- ber admitted into, 1857 (145) — Prisons in, Bill for better Government of, 1837-38 (682) — Miscellaneous. Despatches relating to the Hurricanes in, Protest of West India Merchants, 1831-32 (197), (382) Western Australia. Population, Kevenue, El- ports, Ac., of, 1835 (422) Westmeath County. Proclamation of Baronites in the, 1834 (292) Westminster Abbey. Fees for Admission to, 1837 (242) — Monuments erected in, 1750-1837, 1837-38 (116) Westminster Bridge. Accounts of the Treasurer of Commissioners of, 1834 (620) Westminster City and Liberties. Authority under which Municipal and Parochial Governments are carried on, 1833 (713) Westminster Constables. Number Employed for Houses of Parliament, 1833 (714) Westminster Court of Requests. Money paid by Debtors, 1821-31, 1834 (46) Westminster Courts Leet. Money received as Fines, 1800-34; 1834 (576) 5 1835 (230) Westminster Improvements. Expenses of Optional Streets, Bates Collected, Ac, 1831-32 (549) ; 1834 (276) Wexford Magistracy. Correspondence on the Appointment of a Stipendiary Magistrate, 1835 (305) — Port and Harbour. Sums received for Improving, 1836 (584) Whale Ships. Correspondence and Memorials relating to Missing, 1837 (233), (73) Whiskey. Deficiency Duties on, 1834 (414) White, Sir Thomas. Amount Vested in Cor- poration of Leicester by Will of, 1833 (720) Wight, Isle of. Governor of the. Letters Patent of the, 1831 (245) Wilcox, Rev. J. Memorial of a Committee acting in Defence of, 1834 (293) — House of Lords' Papers. Acts. Register of Public General Acts, with Explanatory Report, vol. 1, 1801-30, 1859 (23-1) ; vol. 2, 1830-59 (23-11) Armv (East Indies). Correspondence on the Payment of a Capitation Rate, 1862 (165) — Education of Candidates for First Commis- sions in the Army, 1875 (159) Williams, Henry. Reported Maltreatment of to Slave named, in Jamaica, 1831 (101) Wills. England and Wales. Unattested Wills, 1835 (616) — Number of Suits touching the Yaliditv of Wills, Number Proved, Ac, 1837-38 (386) Windhurst, Edward. Warrant of Conviction and Commitment of, 1831 (275) Window Duty. Dwelling Houses Assessed to. Proceedings for non-Payment of, 1835 (150), (110) ; 1836 (42) ; 1837-38 (564) Windsor Castle. Expense for the Repairs of, 1831 (271) Wines. Quantity Imported and Exported, Duties, Home Consumption. Ac., 1828 (320); 1831 (103), (254), (98), (251), (103), (0.28) ; 1831-32 (406) ; 1833 (260), (366), (389) ; 1835 (358) ; 1836 (530) ; 1837-38 (369) Witnesses. Regulations of Magistrates for Attendance of, &c, 1833 (398) Wolverhampton'. Inquiry into Proceedings which occurred at, 1835 (343) Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues. Accounts Of Commissioners of, 1876 (39) — Produce of Land Revenue in Wales, 1832-35, 1835 (468) — Salaries of Auditors". Collectors of the Revenue, Ac, 1831-32 (16), (348) Wool and Woollen Manufactures. Imports and Exports, Manufacture, Home Con- sumption, Ac., 1825 (237) ; 1831-32 (387) ; 1833 (526), (453) ; 1834 (229), (495) ; 1835 (191) ; 1836 (256) ; 1837 (314) ; 1837-38 (340) ; 1844 (197) ; 1843 (210) — Auction Duty paid on Foreign, 1844 (365) Woolwich Academy. Average Number of Cadet* at, since 1827, 1835 (608) Works, Public. Ireland. Forty -fourth Report of the Board of, 1876 (C-1509) Works, Public. Loan Board. First Annual Report of the, 1876 (269) Writs of Error. Number brought into the Exchequer Chamber, 1830-36, 1836 (548) Writs of Execution. Surrey. W r arrants issued on, 1826-31, 1831 (239) Yarmouth, Great, Election. Memorial soliciting Payment of Expenses, 1835 (544) Yarmouth. Isle of Wight. Sums expended for the Harbour, 1876 (158) Yarns, British. Rates of Import Duty, in Mexico and South America on, 1878 (339) Youghal Town. Church Rates levied in 1832, 1833 (383) Army — Contd. — Soldiers who Volunteered to go to India in 1871-72, 1872 (34) County Rates, England and Wales. Papers delivered in by Mr. Michael Irish in his Evidence before the Committee on, 1831 (24) PA 389 Parliamentary Papers— Contd. — House of Lords' Papers — Contd. Decimal Coinage in Canada. Act for the Intro- duction of ; also Third and Fourth Reports of Select Committee of Assembly on Public Accounts, 1859 (123) East India. Affairs of the East India Com- pany. Eeturns and Papers relative to the, I-V, 1852 — Education. Letter and Memorandum on, 1858 (283) — Education. Despatch relating to ; also General Report on Public Instruction in the Lower Provinces of the Bengal Presi- dency, 1859 (115) — Finance. Receipts and Expenditure, Depatches, &c, 1859 (60), (61), (75), (88) — Judicial Despatches to India, 1860 (272) — Meer Ali Morad. Report of a Commission on the Charge against, of having made Fraudulent Alterations in the Treaty of Nownahar, 1853 (169) — Oudh. Report of the Financial Commis- sioner on the Rights of Occupancy in, 1866 (29u) — Oudh and Kirwee, Prize Money. Papers, Letters, &c, relating to the, '1875 ' (2J>4), (284), (287) ' East India — Contd. — Public Works. Cases where the Expenditure on, has exceeded the Original Estimates during 1863-73, 1874 (81) — Punjab and Bazotee Expeditions. Forces Employed, Number of Casualties, Ac, 1873 (272) — Treaties and Engagements between the East India Company and Native Powers iu Asia, with Historical Notices thereon, 1853 .(251) Judicial Statistics. Deficiency of, &c, 1856 (54) Ordnance Survey, Ireland. Cost of Plans, &c, 1858 (15) Poor. Abstract of Answers and Returns relative to the Expense and Maintenance of the Poor in England. La. fol., 1805 ' Sessional Papers. Tables and Indexes to the, for the Sessions 1837, 1837-38, and 1'839 — Titles, Tables of Contents, and Indexes to the, 1874 Statutes, Public and Private. Index to (1801-52) . Part I, Public General Acts. Part IIj Local and Personal, and Local Acts, and the Private Acts in Classes, 1854 Parliamentary Reform. A Letter to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, on his Apostasy from the Cause of — . To which is subjoined an Appendix, containing Important Documents on that Subject. [Anon.]. '3rd edit. : *Pamph., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 Parliamentary Remembrancer. The, Volume 3, Session I860. (In- cluding a Digest of the Parliamentary Papers issued during the Session). Conducted by T. Smith. 2 + 276 pp., sm. fol. 1860 Parliamentary Returns. Precis of Official Papers, being Abstracts of all- - directed to be printed by both Houses of Parliament. Sessions 1880-81. Parnell (Sir Henry, Bart.): — Observations upon the State of Currency in Ireland, and Exchange between Dublin and London : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 12. 8vo. 1804 Principles of Currency and Exchange, illus- trated by Observations on the Currency of Ireland. 4th edit.: Id., S. 5, vol. 12. 8vo. 1805 Speech on a Motion to assimilate the Cur- rencies of Great Britain and Ireland : Id., S. 5, vol. 12. 8vo. 1809 Substance of Speeches in the House of Commons, with Additional Observations on the Corn Laws : * Patnph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 History of the Penal Laws against the Irish Catholics ; from the Treaty of Limerick to the Union. New edit. : La. 8vo. 1880-82 Observations on Paper Money, Banking, and Overtrading ; including those Parts of the Evidence taken before the Com- mittee of the House of Commons which explain the Scotch System of Banking, 1827 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 6. 8vo. 1826-28 On Financial Reform. 3rd edit. 383 pp., 12mo. 1831 A Plain Statement of the Power of the Bank of England, and of the use it has made of it, . . . 1832 : * Currency, Sfc, vol. 10. 8vo. 1831-51 Id., vols. 20 and 21. 8vo. 1822 Parochial Taxation. Sketch of a Simple, Original, and Practical Plan for Suppressing Mendicity, Abolishing the Present System of Parochial Taxation, and Ameliorating the Condition of the Lower Classes of Society. [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 21. 8vo. 1823 Parrot (J.). Clinique des maladies de l'enfance. Lecon inaugurale, 1879, a 1' Hospice des Enfants assistes de Paris : * Annales Demog. internat., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 390 PA Parry (John S.). Infant Mortality, and the Necessity of a Foundling Hospital in Philadelphia : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1871 Parry (Thomas). Recent Commercial Crises, and their Lessons (privately printed) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1878 Paschen ( — ). Statistik von Mecklenburg- Schwerin : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 — Antrag von die Anwendung der Wahrscheinlichkeits-Reclinung in der Statistik betreffend : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Pascual (A.). Sur l'etat, l'organisation et le progres de la statistique en Espagne : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Passy (M.). On the Division of Heritable Property, and its Influence on the Distribution of Wealth [in France]. Translated by Sir John P. Boileau : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 6. 8vo. 1843 Patent Office. Catalogue of the Library. Vol. 1, Authors. 715 + 17 pp., 4to. 1881 Patents. Index to Abridgments of : * Index Soc, No. 7. Sm. 4to. 1880 Pateras (T.). Programma dello Archivio di Statistica. Manifesto del Fondatore : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo., 1876 Paterson (A. H.). Diet of the Poor in connection with the Tenure of Landed Property: * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1854-55 Paterson (William). The Merchant Statesman, and Founder of the Bank of England; his Life and Trials : * S. Bannister. Fac-similes, 12mo. 1858 — The Writings of — , Founder of the Bank of England and of the Darien Colony. Edited by S. Bannister. 2nd edit., 3 vols., portrait, 8vo. 1859 — The National Debt Redeemed (1717). Edited by S. Bannister. (An Inquiry into the State of the Union of Great Britain, and the Past and Present State of the Trade and Public Revenues thereof. By the Wednesday's Club held in Friday Street, 1716-17). 7 + 198 pp., 8vo. 1861 Patterson (John). Railway Accounts for 1868 ; just issued by the Board of Trade, with Suggestions for Railway Reform : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1870 Patterson (R. H.) : — Economy of Capital ; or, Gold and Trade. 456 pp., 8vo. 1865 Another copy. Railway Finance. vi + 76 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1867 The Science of Finance, a Practical Treatise. 710 pp., 8vo. 1868 On our Home Monetary Drains, and the Crisis of 1866 : * Stat. Soc. {JL), toI. 33. 8vo. 1870 On the Rate of Interest, and the Effects of a High Bank Rate during Commercial and Monetary Crises : *Stat. Soc. {JL), vol. 34. 8vo. 1871 Is the Yalue of Money Rising in England and throughout the World ? With Remarks on the Effect of the Fluctuating Conditions of Trade upon the Value of Money : Id., toI. 43. 8vo. 1880 The New Golden Age, and Influence of the Precious Metals upon the World. 2 toIs., 8vo. Edinb., 1882 [Paucton (A. J. P.)]- Metrologie ou Traite des Mesures, Poids et Monnoies des anciens Peuples et des Modernes. 955 + 6 pp., 4to. Paris, 1780 Another copy. Paull (Samuel). Agricultural Statistics: * Stat. Soc. («7Z.), vol. 17. 8vo. 1854 Pauperism. Parish Settlements and — . [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1828 Pauperism in Scotland. Association for obtaining an Official Inquiry into — , Second Report of the Committee : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 4to. 1841 Pawnbroking. An Apology for the Business of — . By a Pawn-Broker, 1744. [Anon.] : * Over stone Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1859 Pawnbroking and Pawnbrokers; with Mr. Porter and the British Association. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 6. 8vo. 1810 PA— PE 391 Payne (Daniel B.). An Address to the Proprietors of Bank Stock, on the Management of the Governor and Directors of the Bank of England, and on the Laws relating thereto : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Another copy : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 9. 8vo. 1811-57 — Third Letter on the Reduction of the Interest upon the Public Debt on the Paper Issues of the Bank, &c. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 1. 8vo. 1824 Payne (George). A Manual explanatory of Congregational Principles. 2nd edit., 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Peace Congress. Proceedings of the First General Peace Convention held in London, June, 1843. 118 pp., 8vo. 1843 Peacock (Edward). Index to English- Speaking Students who have Graduated at Leyden University : * Index Soc, No. 13. Sm. 4to. 1883 Peacock (Mabel G. W.). An Index of the Names of the Royalists whose Estates were Confiscated during the Commonwealth, 1651-52 : * Index Soc, No. 2. Sm. 4to. 1878 Peacock (Thomas F.). Building Societies and the Act of 1874 : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1875 Pears (Edwin). Prisons and Reformatories at Home and Abroad, being the Transactions of the International Penitentiary Congress held in London, 3rd — 13th July, 1872 ; including Official Documents, Discussions, and Papers Presented to the Congress. Edited, at the request of the Inter- national Committee by, — : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Pearson (C. H.). On the Working of Australian Institutions : * Essays on Reform. 8vo. 1867 Peat Bogs in Ireland. Hints for the Cultivation of — , . . . [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Pecchio (Giuseppe). Storia della Economia pubblica in Italia . . . Saggio storico sulla Amministrazione finanziera dell' ex-regno d'ltalia, 1802-14 ; aggiuntavi dello stesso la dissertazione, Sino a qual punto le produzioni scientifiche e letterarie seguano le leggi economiche delle produzioni in generale. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Torino, 1852 Peck (J. M.). Guide for Emigrants to the West. 2nd edit., xii + 381 pp., 12mo. Boston, 1837 Peek (Francis). Social Wreckage. A Review of the Laws of England as they affect the Poor. ix + i + 279 pp. 8vo. 1883 Peek (Sir Henry W.). An Abstract of the Trade of the United Kingdom for the Six Years 1869-74. (From the Customs Reports). 3 + 27 pp., obi. la. 8vo. [1876] — - The Churches of the City of London, with Names of Incumbents, Values of the Livings, Income of the Parochial Charities, Census of Returns for last three Decades, Capacity of the Churches, and Details of the several Congregations, taken on Sunday, 1st May, 1881. Sheet. [1881] — Statistics in connection with the Trade of the United Kingdom with France [1871-80 and two previous Decennial Periods]. 6 pp., obi. sm. fol. [1881] — Parliamentary Constituencies of England and Wales (Counties and Boroughs inclusive). (Compiled from Census of 1881). Sheet. 1883 — Parliamentary Constituencies of Ireland (Counties and Boroughs inclu- sive). (Compiled from Census of 1881). Sheet. 1883 Peel Policy. The, An Article on—, from the " Quarterly Review," 1847. [Anon.] : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 10. 8vo. 1831-51 Peel (Sir Robert, Bart.). The Speeches of the late Rt. Hon.—, delivered in the House of Commons [with a General Index to the four volumes, embracing every Subject on which these Speeches were delivered, from 1810 to 1850] ; and a Brief Chronological Summary of the various Subjects on which the Speeches! were delivered. 4 vols., 8vo. 1853 392 PE Peel (Sir Robert, Bart.). Speeches of the Rt. Hon.—, in the Honse of Commons, 6th and 20th May, 1844, on the Renewal of the Bank Charter, and the State of the Law respecting Currency- and Ranking, 1844 : * Currency, &fc, vol. 13. 8vo. 1844 — Speech of — , . , . 1849, on the State of the Nation : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 1, 8vo, 1838-49 — Speech of-'-, on the Financial Condition of the Country, 1842 ; with the Schedules containing the New Customs Duties and the Tax upon Property and Income. Revised, 1842 : Id., vol. 2, 8vo. 1839-50 Peirce (Rev* B. K.). General View of Preventive and Reformatory Insti- tutions in the United States? *E. C. Wines (Trans, fyc). 8vx>. 1871 Pelet (Gen.). Memoirs Militaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV, pub. par. : * France (Documents inedits). 4to. 1838-42 — Atlas des Memoires Militaires relatifs a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XTV, Seize Tableaux des Mouvements et Camps des Armees Belligerantes en 1704 Maps, &c. Paris, 1841 Plan de Namur . . . Bombarde en juillet, 1704 (au dix-millieme) Plan de Verceil . . . Pris le 21 juillet, 1704 (au dix-millieme) Places d'Allemagne — Plan d'Augsbourg, pris en septembre et en decembre, 1703 Plan de Donawertb, prise en juillet, 1704 „ de Passau, occupe en Janvier, l704 „ d'Ingolstadt, investi en aout „ Places du Piemont — Plan de Suse, pris en juin, 1704, et en Octobre, 1707 Plan de Pignerol, occupe en aout, 1704 „ d'lvree, pris en 1704 „ de Cbivasso, pris en juillet, 1705 Places de la Lombardie et du Comt« de Nice — Plan de Desenzano, pris en novembre, 1704 „ de Nice, pris en aout, 1705 Camp d'Ostiglia, occupe en juillet, 1704 „ de San-Pietro di Legnago, occupe* en juin, 1701, et en juin, 1703 Places des Pays-Bas — Plan de la "Ville et de la citadelle de Liege, octobre, 1702 Plan de Treves, pris en 1702 et en 1704 „ de Hombourg, occupe en 1704 et en 1705 „ de Trarbacb, pris en 1702 et en 1704 Cartes des bords de la Moselle et du Rbin — Camps des armees alliees sous Maestricht, 1704 et 1705 Carte des lignea de la Lauter, emportees par l'armee francaise le 4 juillet, 1705 Camps de Sierck, en octobre, 1704 et en juin, 1705 Carte des environs de Haguenau, octobre, 1705, mai, 1706 Pellet (Stephen). Constitutional Aids. Progress of Taxation, with a New Plan of Finance : * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Peltier (P. A.). Memoir of [J. C. A.] Peltier, by — , his son : * Smithsn, Pep. 8vo. 1867 Pencovitz (Alexander). Notice historique sur la creation et l'organisation de la statistique officielle dans la principaute de Roumanie suivie du texte de la Loi qui regit actuellement cette institution : Roumania (Notice). La. 8vo. 1872 Another copy : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Pennington (James). A Letter to Kirkman Finlay, Esq., on the Importa- tion of Foreign Corn, and the Value of the Precious Metals in different Countries . . . 1840 : * Currency, fyc, vols. 6 and 11. 8vo. 1827-54 — Memoranda on Coins and Money, and Letter from Mr. Huskisson, 1827 : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1827-54 Pennsylvania. Official Publications: — — Bye- Laws of the State Lunatic Hospital at Harrisburg. 19 pp., 8vo. Harrisburg, 1851 — State Lunatic Hospital of, 1861. Annual Report of the Trustees and Superintendent of the — . 30 pp., 8vo. Harrisburg, 1862 — Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of Public Charities of the State of, and Statistical Report, 1873-77. 5 vols., 8vo. Phila., 1874-78 PE 393 Pennsylvania. Official Publications — Contd. — Asylum, for the Relief of Persons deprived of their Reason. Annual Report on the State of the — . 30 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1853 — Hospital for the Insane. Reports for 1841-50. By Dr. T. S. Kirkbridge. 10 parts in 1 vol., plates and plan, 8vo. ib., 1851 — Hospital for the Insane. Proceedings on the Occasion of Opening the New — , at Philadelphia. 26 pp., 8vo. ib., 1859 — House of Refuge . . . Annual Report of the Board of Managers of the—. 1866. 36 pp., 8vo. ib., 1867 — Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the—, 1849-50 and 1866. 3 pamph., 8vo. ib., 1850-67 — Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. Annual Report of the Managers of the, 27 pp., 8vo. ib., 1847 — Philadelphia. Auditor's Report of the Accounts of the Blockjey Alms- house, 1848, 1850, 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1849-51 — Report of the Board of Health of the City and Port of—, 1864, 1869. 2 vols. 8vo. ib., 1865-70 =» Annual Report of the Board of Public Education of the First School District of Pennsylvania, comprising the City of Philadelphia, 1871-73. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1872-74 — Statistical Inquiry into the Condition of the People of Colour of the City and Districts of—. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 32. 8vo. 1849 — Public Ledger Building. Account of the Opening of the, 20th June, 1867. 186 pp., 8vo, Phila., 1868 — Academy of Natural Sciences of— , Proceedings of the, 3rd series. (From commencement). Plates, la. 8vo. ib., 1871-83 — Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, Instituted 1787. Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy, Published under the Direction of the—, 1845-67. Plans, &c, 8vo. ib., 1845-67 Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, with two Supplements, 29 vols., sm. fol. 1833-45 Pepe (Gen. Guillaume). Relation des evenemens politiques et mili- taires qui ont eu lieu a Naples en 1820-21 : * Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 — Histoire des Revolutions et des Guerres d'ltalie en 1847-49. 434 pp., 12mo. Brux., 1850 Pequito (Rodrigo A.). Investigates geographicas dos Portuguezes. Professor [H.] Milne Edwards. Traduccao de — : * (Soc. de Geographic/, de Lisboa.) 8vo. 1879 Percy (John). Metallurgy. The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores, and adapting them to Various Purposes of Manufacture of Iron and Steel. With Illustrations, chiefly from original drawings, carefully laid down to scale. xvi 4- 934 pp., plates, 8vo. 1864 Pereire (Emile). Enquete sur la Banque de France. Depositions de — , et I. Pereire devant le Conseil Superieur du Commerce, de l'Agriculture et de l'lndustrie. Du Systeme des Banques et du Systeme de Law. (Articles publies en 1834). xxxii + 273 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1866 Pereire (Isaac). La Banque de France et 1' Organisation du Credit en France. 2nd edit. 216 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1864 — Principes de la Constitution des Banques et de l'Organisation du Credit. 324 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 — Enquete sur la Banque de France. Depositions de E. Pereire et — , devant le Conseil Superieur du Commerce, de TAgriculture, et de l'lndustrie. Du Systeme des Banques et du Systeme de Law. (Articles publies par MM. Pereire, 1834) : E. Pereire. La. 8vo. 1866 394 PE Perier (Casimir). Les Finances et la Politique. De l'lnfluence des Insti- tutions politiques et de la Legislation financiere sur la Fortune publique. vii + 359 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1863 Perigal (Frederick). Chart of the Navy of Great Britain from the earliest period of History. 2nd edit. Obi. 4to. 1860 Perigot (C). Cartes pour servir a l'intelligence de la France et ses Colonies. Geographie et statistique, par — [et] E. Levasseur. 1 vol., maps, 12mo. Paris, 1868 Perl (L.). Annexes au rapport sur la nomenclature des marchandises par les chemins de fer : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 — Considerations sur le programme des chemins de fer : Id. 4to. 1872-74 — Sur la statistique des chemins de fer et du mouvement des marchandises du commerce interieur : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Perozzo (M.). Expose des mesures anthropometriques : * Annates Demog. intemat., vol. 2. La. 8vo. 1878 — Numero Assoluto dei Nati Vivi (Maschi) e loro superstiti classificati per eta secondo i risultati dei Censimenti in Svezia, 1750-1875. (Roma, 1880.) Plaster model in case. Perpetual Motion. A Few "Words inducing towards the Discovery of Perpetual Motion, perhaps the Actual Discovery thereof. [Anon.] : *Pamph., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 Perrot (E.). Des chemins de fer beiges, 1835-44 : * Belgium (Bulletin Commiss. stat.) vol. 2. 4to. 1845 Persia. Letter to a Member of Parliament, relating to the Bill for the Opening of Trade to and from Persia through Russia. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1741 Pery (G.). Mouvement de la population en Portugal : *Annales Demog. intemat., vol. 1. La. 8vo. 1877 Peterkin (W. A.). The Administration of the Poor Law : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1871 Petermann (Augustus). Cholera Map of the British Isles, showing the Districts attacked in 1831, 1832, and 1833. Sheet. 1848 — Statistical Notes to the Cholera Map of the British Isles, 1831 T 33: * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 4to. 1848 — Hydrographical Map of the British Isles, exhibiting the Geographical Distribution of the Inland Waters. Map, mounted. 1849 Petermann (T.). Statistique de Saxe : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 — Travaux statistiques de Saxe-Royale : Id. 4to. 1869-71 Petersen (Aleksis). Landmanden og Nationalakonomien : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1880 — Polyteknisk La3reanstalt og Nationalokonomi : Id., S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1880 Petersens (Hj. Af.). Exposition Universelle de 1878 a Paris, Royaume de Suede. II. Catalogue. Redige par — : * Sweden (Exposition, 1878. Paris). 8vo. 1878 Petre (Hon. Henry W.). Account of the Settlements of the New Zealand Company. Map and plates, 87 pp. 8vo. 1841 Petrie (Capt. M.). Strength, Composition, and Organisation of the Army of Great Britain. 2nd edit. 168 pp., 16mo. 1864 Pettenkofer (M. von). Schreiben an den Vice-prasidenten der Vor- bereitungs- Commission iiber der Cholera : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Petty (Sir William). Five Essays in Political Arithmetick : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 5. 8vo. 1687 PE— PH 395 Petty (Sir William). The Political Anatomy of Ireland, with the Esta- blishment for that Kingdom when the late Duke of Ormond was Lord Lieutenant. To which is added " Verbum Sapienti ;" or an Account of the Wealth and Expences of England, and the Method of Raising Taxes in the most Equal manner. 204 + 24 pp., 12mo. 1691 — Another Essay in Political Arithmetic, concerning the Growth of the City of London ; with the Measures, Periods, Causes, and Consequences thereof; 1683 (reprinted, 1759) : * London (Bills of Mortality) . 4to. 1759 — his Quantulumcunque concerning Money, 1682 : *Polit. Econ. Club (Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 — History of the Survey of Ireland commonly called the Down Survey, 1655-56. Edited by T. A. Larcom, xxiii + 426 pp., 4to. Dublin, 1851 Peuchet (Jaques). Bibliotheque commerciale, Ouvrage destine a repandre les connaissances relatives au Commerce, a la Navigation, et aux divers Etablissemens qui out l'un et l'autre pour objet. 3 series in 9 vols., 8vo. Paris, an x — xiii [1802-04] — Statistique elementaire de la France, contenant les principes de cette science et leur application a l'analyse de la richesse, des forces et de la puissance de l'empire francais ; a l'usage des personnes qui se destinent a l'etude de T administration. 630 -+- 1 pp., 8vo. ib., 1805 Peyron (M.). Essays on Spain : * J. F. Bourgoing. 8vo. 1808 Piizmaier (August). Kritische Durchsicht der von Dawidow verfassten Wortersammlung aus der Sprache der Aino's : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 13. 8vo. 1851 Pfoundes (C). Our Sailors — for Defence and Commerce. At Home and Abroad : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1882 Phelan (Denis). Statistical Inquiry into the present state of the Medical Charities of Ireland ; with Suggestions for a Medical Poor Law. 325 pp., 8vo. Dublin, 1835 Philanthropist, The, or Repository for Hints and Suggestions calculated to Promote the Comfort and Happiness of Man. 7 vols., map, 8vo. 1811-19 Philippart (John). Supplementary Observations on . . . Colonel Roberts' Letter to the Officers of the Army, explaining the Cause of the Plan for the Officers' Benefit Fund being for the present abandoned : * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 — Observations on the Bill rendering the Militia Disposable for Foreign Service : Id., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Phillips ( — ). Speech delivered in the Court of Common Pleas, Dublin, in the Case of Guthrie v. Sterne, for Adultery : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Phillips (Benjamin). The Prevalence and alleged Increase of Scrofula : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 9. 8vo. 1846 Phillips (J. O. Halliwell-). Historia Collegii Jesu Cantabrigiensis. Edidit et notis instruxit — : J". Shermann. 8vo. 1840 Phillips (J. R.). Local Taxation in England and Wales : * Golden Club Essays. 12mo. 1882 Phillips (Sir Richard). A Million of Facts, of Correct Data and Elementary Constants in the Entire Circle of the Sciences. 3rd edit., 1047 pp., 12mo. 1835 [Philo- Junius]. Reform. Parti. [Anon.]: *Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 [Philodicaeus]. On the Disappearance of the Gold Coin and the Resump- tion of Cash Payments. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 [Philograntus]. Letter respecting an Additional Examination of Students in the University of Cambridge. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 20. 8vo. 1822 396 PH— PI [Philopatris (A. M.)]. Scotiee Indiculum ; or, the Present State of Scot- land, together with divers Reflections upon the Antient State thereof. [Anon.]. 274 pp., plate, 12mo. 1682 [Philopatris Vigorniensis]. Consequences of returning to the Old Standard of the Currency ; with remarks on the Evidence published by the Secret Committees of the two Houses of Parliament . . . 1819. [Anon.] : * Currency, fyc, vol. 7. 8vo. 1796-1840 [Philopenes]. Usury Explained; or, Conscience quieted in the case of Putting Out Money at Interest, 1695-96. Reprint. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings of the—, 1870-83 : Glasgow. Philosophical Soc. of. 8vp., plates, &c, 1871-83 [Philostratiotes (^cXoarrpaTLcoTTjs)']. Sanitary Reform of the British Army. 3rd edit. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 10. 8vo. 1859 [Philostratus]. Somatopsychonoologia ; showing that the Proofs of Body, Life, and Mind, considered as distinct Essences, cannot be deduced from Physiology, but depend on a distinct sort of Evidence. 2nd edit. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol, 24. 8vo. 1824 Philpott (Henry). Free Trade versus Protection ; or, a Tariff for Revenue only versus a Tariff for Spoils only : I Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1881 Phimister (Alexander, jun.). Statistical Table showing the State of Education in the City of Glasgow in 1846. Sheet. Glasgpw, 1846 [Phocion]. In Reply to Cato, in Defence of the People of England, and in Vindication of the Public Press. By a Barrister. [Anon.]. 2nd edit. : * Pamph., vol., 18. 8vo. 182] Physicians. Lives of British — . [Anon.], viii + 341 pp., portraits. 12mo. 1830 Physicians. Royal College of, The Nomenclature of Diseases, drawn up by a Joint Committee appointed by the — -. xxiv + 327 pp., la. 8vo. 1869 Piantanida (G. J.). Sui risultati del Censimento italiano eseguito nel 1871 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1875 Piccone (A.). Botanica : * Italy (Istruzioni scientifiche). 8vo. 1881 Pichler (W.). Statistique des bains et eaux minerales de l'Europe : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Pick (E.). Abstract of a Lecture on Memory : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Pickering (Charles). On the Gliddon Mummy Case : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 16. 4to. 1870 Pickering (John). The Anti-Vaccinatpr and Public Health Journal : Anti-Vaccinator. Sm. 4to. 1872-73 — Anti- Vaccination. The Statistics of the Medical Officers to the Leeds Small-Pox Hospital exposed and refuted : * Tracts, S. 6. vol. 11. 8vo. 1876 Picot (J.). Statistique de la Suisse. 574 pp., 12mo. Geneve, 1819 Piercot (M.). Discours a l'ouverture de la premiere Session du Congres sur la Statistique : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1853 Pilar (G.). Revolution of the Crust of the Earth : * Smithsn. Pep. 8vo. 1876 Pillon (P.). L'Annee philosophique \ Etudes pritiques sur le mouvement des idees generales dans les divers ordres de Connaissances. lere et 2eme, annees (1867-68) : Anne'e philosophique. 12mo. 1868-69 Pillory. Brief Observations on the Punishment of the — . [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Pim (Jonathan). The Condition and Prospects of Ireland, and the Evils arising from the Present Distribution of Landed Property ; with suggestions for a Remedy. xxiii 4- 348 pp., 8vo. Dublin, 1848 — Opening Address of the Eighth Session : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 PI-PL 397 Pim (Jonathan). Necessity of a State Provision for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, the Blind and the Imbecile : *Stat, 8fc, Soc. Irel, 8vo. 1864-68 — Opening Address by, as President : Id., 8vo. 1876-79 Pim (Joseph T.). Condition of our Railways considered with reference to their purchase by the State : * Stat., 8fc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1864-68 — Municipal Government and Taxation : Id. 8vo. 1871-76 — Our Commercial Depression is not due to Free Trade, and would not be removed by Limited Protection : Id. 8vo. 1876-79 — Ireland in 1880, with Suggestions for the Reform of the Land Laws. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1880 — Our Foreign Commerce and Free Trade Policy : Id. S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1881 Another copy: * Stat:, $c., Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1880-82 Pimentel (Henriquez). Tableaux indicateurs des origines et progres des Assurances sur la vie, precedes d'un Aper9u historique : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1869 Pinckard, (George H.). The Practice and Experience of the Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society: * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1851 Pinto (M. de). Essay on the Circulation and Credit, and Letter on the Jealousy of Commerce. Translated by the Rev. S. Baggs. xix + 247 pp., 4to. 1774 Piperno (S.). La cagioni dell' aggio : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1880 Pitkin (Timothy). Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America. 600 pp., la. 8vo. New Haven, 1835 Pitman (Isaac). Brief Writing i * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1864 Pitman (R.). Terms of Sentence : * E. C. Wines {Trans., 8fc). 8vo. 1871 Pitt (Wm.) :— General View of the Agriculture of the County of Stafford. Map and plates : * Agricult Surveys. 8vo. 1808 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Leicester. Map : Id. 8vo. 1809 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northampton. Map : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1809 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Worcester. Map: Id. 8Vo. 1810 Pitt (Rt. Hon. William),. The Speeches of the — , in the House of Commons, 1781-93. Vol. 1. 3rd edit, xi + 450 pp., 8vo. 1817 — Memoirs of the Life of the : G. Tomline. 4th edit., 8vo. 1822 Pius VII (Pope). Narrative of the Journey and Imprisonment of Pius VII after his departure from Rome, until his return to that City. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Playfair (Lyon). Industrial Instruction on the Continent : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. 1852 Playfair (W.). Statistical Tables exhibiting a View of all the States of Europe ; showing with the greatest Accuracy their Population, Military and Marine Strength, Revenue and Expenditure, Form of Government ; with their Seas, Rivers, and Mountains, Climate, Soil, and Productions ; Division of each Country, Chief Towns, Situation, Number of Houses and Inhabitants; Historical Occurrences, &c. Translated from the German of J. G. Boetticher, of Koenigsberg. [Together with] a Sup- plementary Table [added] containing the Changes since the Publica- tion of the Original Work by — : J. G. Boetticher. 4to. 1800 Plener (Ernst von). Englische Baugenossenschaften : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1873 — The English Factory Legislation from 1802 till the Present Time. Autho- rized Translation, by F. L. Weinmann. Introduction by A. J. Mundella, M.P. 2nd edit, xxiv + 175 pp., 12mo. 1873 Plowden (W. C). Census of the N. W. Provinces of India, 1872 : India (N. W. Provinces. Census). 2 vols. Sm. fol. 1873 — Recensement de l'lnde, 1881 : * Annates De'mog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 398 PL— PO Plummer (J.) : — Co-operation in Lancashire : •Brit Aim. 12ino. 1862 Social and Moral Effects of Distress in Lancashire: Id. 12mo. 18G3 Employment of Children in Trades, &c. : Id. 12mo. 1864 Working Men's Clubs and Institutes : Id. 12mo. 1865 Working Men's Industrial Exhibitions : Id. 12mo. 1866 Trades Unions and the Paris Exhibition of 1867 : Id. 12mo. 1868 Technical Education at Home and Abroad : Id. 12mo. 1869 Progress of Australian Native Industries : Id. 12mo. 1870 Improved Dwellings for Metropolitan Labouring Classes : Id. 12mo. 1871 Industrial Results of Photography : *£rit. Aim. 12mo. 1872 Capital and Labour : Id. 12mo. 1873 Work and Wages at Home and Abroad : Id. 12mo. 1874 Popular Art Education in England : Id. 12mo. 1875 British Newspaper Press in 1875 : Id. 12mo. 1876 Sewing Machine, its Industrial and Social Results : Id. 12mo. 1877 Artizans' and Labourers' Dwelling Act : Id. 12mo. 1878 War Industries of the United Kingdom : Id. 12mo. 1879 Social and Industrial Progress in Australia : Id. 12mo. 1883 Pluto, The Presence of, in Elysium. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Plymley (J.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Salop. Map and plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1803 Police. Insurance against Robbery ; or the Present System of the Police considered, and a New One proposed. [Anom] : * Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 — De la Police des mceurs. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 11. 8vo. 1880 Police. Metropolitan^ Report of a Committee of the Statistical Society of London upon the Sickness and Mortality among the Metropolitan Police Force, 1839 : * Stat. Soc. (JZ.), vol 2. 8vo. 1839 Police Report. Considerations of the, of 1816, with a Plan for effectually Suppressing the Trade of Thieving. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 Political Dictionary ; forming a Work of Universal Reference, both Con- stitutional and Legal ; and embracing the Terms of Civil Administration, of Political Economy and Social Relations, and all the more important Statistical Departments of Finance and Commerce. 2 vols., 12mo. 1845-46 Political Economy. Opinions of the late !Mr. Ricardo and of Adam Smith on some of the leading Doctrines of — , stated and compared. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vols. 23 and 24. 8vo. 1824 — A few Observations on some Topics in — . [Anon.] : * Tracts on Polit. Economy, vol. 1. 8vo. 1821-25 — Essays on, in which are illustrated the Principal Causes of the Present National Distress ; with Appropriate Remedies. [Anon.]. 1 + 463 pp., 8vo. 1830 Political Economy Club. Names of Members (1821-80) Rules of the Club, and List of Questions discussed (1833-80). 3 vols., 8vo. 1860-81 — Minutes of Proceedings, 1821-82, Roll of Members, and Questions discussed. Vol. 4. 378 pp., portrait, 8vo. 1882 — A Select Collection of Early English Tracts on Commerce, from the Originals of Mun, Roberts, North, and Others, with a Preface and Index 1 vol., 8vo. 1856 Preface by McCulloch 1. A Discourse of Trade from England unto the East Indies . . . 1621 : Mun 2. The Treasure of Traffike, or a Discourse of Forraigne Trade . . . 1641 : Roberts England's Treasure by Forraign Trade . . . 1664: Mun England's Interest and Improvement . . . 1673: Fortrey 3 4. 5. England's Great Happiness ; or, a Dialogue between Content and Complaint . . . Bj a real and hearty Lover of his King and Countrey, 1677 6. Britannia Languens, or a Discourse of Trade . . . 1680 7. Discourses upon Trade . . . 1691 : North 8. Considerations on the East India Trade . . 1701 PO 399 Political Economy Club — Contd. — Select Tracts On Money Preface by McCulloch 1. A Discourse of Coin and Coinage, 1675 : Vaughan 2. On the Alteration of Coin, 1626 Cotton 3. Exportation of Gold and Silver in Foreign Coins and Bullion, 1660 4. Quantulumcunque concerning Money, 1682 : Petty 5. Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins, 1695 : Lowndes 6. Note on the Re-Coinage of 1696-99 : Locke 7. Representations on the Subject of Money, 1712-17: Newton 8. Tables of Changes in the Standard of Coins in England from 1066-1717 1 vol., 8vo. 1856 9. Note on Scotch Money, with Tables 10. Coin in General, with proposals for regu- lating Value of Coin in Ireland, 1729 : Prior 11. Essay upon Money and Coins, part 1, 1757 : Harris 12. Essay upon Money and Coins, part 2, 1758 : Harris 13. Coin in General, and Coins of Gold and Silver in Great Britain, 1762 : G. W. 14. Value of the Ancient Greek and Roman Money, 1771 : Pamper 15. Tables showing the Denominations of . . . Greek and Roman Coins, and their Values ... Political Geography. Statistical Tables of the Principal Empires, Kingdoms, and States in Europe. (In four parts, large sheets, folded, bound.) With an Introduction. [Anon.]. Sheets, folded, 4to. 1789 Political Pamphlets 1 vol., sm. fol. 1836 Russia, 1836 : Cobden True Tales of the Irish Peasantry, as related England, Ireland, and America : Cobden b themselves ; selected by Mrs. Johnstone, The Political Martyrs of Scotland ; persecuted ••. ._ during the years 1793 and 1794 from tne Report of the Poor-Law Corn- Ireland and O'Connell missioners Political Pamphlets . 8 vols. 8vo. 1838-53 Vol. l. 1. Fragment on the Irish Roman Catholic Church, 1845 : Smith 2. Letters on American Debts, 1844 : Smith 3. Democracy in Modern Communities, 1838 : Ouizot 4. Speech on the State of the Nation, 1849 5. „ StateoftheNation,1849: Peel 6. „ Labours of the Session, 1848 : Disraeli 7. Legislation and the Improvement of the Dwellings of the Poor, 1849 : Serope 8. Notes of a Tour in England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1849 : Serope 9. Review of the History of the Navigation Laws of England, 1849 10. Article on "An Essay on the Principle of Population : " Hickson 11. Practical Financial Reform, 1849 12 — 16. Financial Reform Tracts, 1 — 5 17. Financial Reform Tracts, No. 6 ; National Budget, 1849 : Cobden 18. Plan for Founding the Settlement of Canterbury, New Zealand, 1848 19. Speech on Sugar Duties, &c, 1841 : Pussell 20. Reconciliation between the Middle and Labouring Classes, 1842 21. Speech on Motion for defraying Expenses of Council of Education, 1847 : Macaulay 22. Speech to the Electors of Tiverton, 1847 : Palmerston 23. Alarm to the Nation on State Education pro- posed by the Government, 1847 : Baines 2 4. Minutes of the Committee of Council of Education, 1847 Vol. 1— Contd. 25. Letter on the Government Plan of Edu- cation, 1846 : Baines 26. Methodism as it is, 1846 27. Report on the Law of Property as to a General Map of England 28. Ireland before and after the Union, 1848 : Martin 29. State of the Nation and Condition of the Working Classes, 1849 30. Laws which relate to the Medical Profession in England, 1844 : Davies 31. Review on Agricultural Distress, 1836 : Carmichael Vol. 2. 1. Examination of some Opinions on Taxation, 1850 : Norman 2. Direct Taxation. Prize Essay : X + Y 3. Letter on the Assessed Taxes, 1850 4. Speech on the Financial Condition of the Country, 1842 : Peel 5. Reminiscences of Opinions in 1849, on Taxation 6. Investigation into the Condition of the British People from 1839 to 1847 : Banson 7. Public Debt, with a Plan for its Final Extinction, 1839 8. Letter on Condition of England, and Means of Removing the Causes of Distress, 1843 : Torrens 9. Letter on the Principles which regulate Wages, 1844 : Torrens 10. Letters on the keeping up the Price of Bread and Rent of Land, 1844 : Baines 400 PO Political Pamphlets — Contd. Vol. 2— Contd. 11. Evidence of J. D. Hume upon the Corn Law, 1839 12. Three Prize Essays on Agriculture and the Corn Law, 1842 : Hope; Morse; Greg 13. Report on the Law of Property as to a General Map of England 14. Art of Agriculture established on True Principles, 1849 : Drummond 15. Is it the Producer or the Consumer that Pays a Protecting Duty ? 1850 : Slacker 16. Statistics of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce, 1850 : Macqueen 17. Price of Wheat in Europe, 1850 18. Influence of Subdivision of the Soil, 1849 : Barton 19. Hints for the Valuation of Ecclesiastical and other Property, 1848-49: Ancona 20. Railways — Past, Present, and Prospective, 1849: Martin 21. Law relating to Allottees of Shares in Railway Companies, 1846 : Shaw vol. a. 1. Speech on Colonial Policy, 1850 : Russell 2. Speech for a Royal Commission to inquire into the Administration of the Colonies, 1849: Molesicorth 3. Speeches on Bill for better Government of Australian Colonies, 1850 : Molesicorth 4. Steam to Australia and New Zealand, 1850 5. The A B C of Colonisation, 1850, by Mrs. Chisholin 6. Observations on Speech on Colonial Expen- diture and Government, 1848 : Danson 7. Investigation into the Condition of the British People from 1839 to 1847 : Danson 8. The Sugar Question, part 1 ; the East Indies and the Mauritius, 1848 9. The Sugar Question, part 2? the British West Indies and Foreign Sugar-growing Countries, 1848 10. Letter on the Policy of Permitting Emigra- tion from India to the Mauritius, 1840 : Archer 11. The Social Lessons of the Day, &c. 12. Fermentation of Europe, and Public Credit, and Public Order 13. Analysis of Evidence on Metropolitan Sewerage Manure, 1847 14. Formation and Constitution of a Kmgdom of Upper Italy, 1848 : Granville Vol. 4. 1. Sermon on the Message of the Church to Labouring Men, 1851 : Kingsley 2. Sermon on Christian Socialism, 1852 : Magee 3. Sermon on the Social and Intellectual State of England compared with its Moral Condition, 1850 : Wiseman 4. Letter to Cardinal Wiseman regarding St. Peter's Chair, 1851 : Lady Morgan 5. Notes on the Cardinal's Manifesto, in a Letter to Lord Russell, 1850 : Cumming 6. Sermon on Salvation, 1850 : Cumming Vol. 4— Contd. 7. Roman Catholic Question, Speeches on the, 1851, by the Earl of Aberdeen ; Sir James Graham; Vincent Scully; Serjeant Shee ; and Lord Stanley 8. Roman Catholic Question on opening of Parliament, 1851 9. Letter on Statements concerning the Colle- giate Church of Brecon, 1851 : Thirl- wall 10. Sermons bearing reference to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, 1850: Bennett 11. Protest against the Institution of Rev. Mr. Gorham to Brauipford Speke : Lord Bishop of Exeter 12. Account of the Great Secession from the Scottish Established Church, 1843: Fletcher 13. On the Church and the Establishment 14. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese by the Bishop of London, November, 1850 15. Manual Explanatory of Congregational Principles, 1850: Payne 16. Numerical Statistics of Wesleyan Metho- dism, 1849 : Hillyard 17. Reasons for differing from Dr. Symington's View of the Levitical Marriage Law : Binney 18. Mis-statements as to Scriptural Education in Ireland before the National System, 1850: Hoare 19. The Confessional Unmasked, 1851 : C. B. 20. Exposure of the Society of the Sisters of Mercy, 1852 : Spurrell Vol. 5. 1. Letter and Tables on the Balance of Trade, 1845-48: Newdegate 2. Two Letters, and Tables, on the Balance of Trade, 1845-48 : Newdegate 3. Letter and Tables on the Balance of Trade, 1846-50: Newdegate 4. Finances and Trade of the United Kingdom in 1852 5. New Budget? a Financial Statement, 1852: DisraeH 6* — 11. Tracts on Protection, numbered 1 — 6, 1850 12-13. Two Tracts on Finance and Trade, 1852 14. Papers on Self-imposed Taxation ; Capital and Cotton Trade in Great Britian, 1850 : Porter 15. Partial Remedies for West India Distress : Crosley 16. The Wine Trade and its History : Shaw 17. Evidence on Laws relating to Parochial Assessments, 1850: Lewis Vol. 6. 1. Property and Income Tax, 1853 : Maitland 2. Property and Income Tax, the Present State of the Question, 1853 : Maitland 3. How should an Income Tax be levied? 1852 : Hubbard 4. Objections to a reform of the Income Tax cousidered, 1853 : Hubbard PO 401 Political Pamphlets — Contd Vol. 6 — Contd. 5. A just Income Tax, how possible, 1852 : Hemming 6. Principles of Taxation with reference to a Property Tax, 1851 : Babbage 7. Letters on the Income Tax : Conversion of Consols, &c, 1852 : Willi ch 8. Direct Taxation. Prize Essay : X + Y 9. Elements of Taxation, and summary of evidence on the Property and Income Tax, 1851 : X+ Y 10. Financial Keform Tracts. (Two Tracts) 11. The Wine Trade and its History : Shaw 12. Third Letter on the Wine Trade and its History : Shaw 13. Flax versus Cotton, 1850 : Warnes 14. Flax Movement, with directions for the preparation of Flax-Cotton : Claussen 15. Steam Communication with the Australian Colonies and New Zealand, 1850 16. La Verite. Recueil d'actes officiels etc., relatifs aux evenements a Paris, decembre, 1851 17. Modifications proposees au tarif efc aux lois de navigation des Pays-Bas, 1850 : Matthyssens Vol. 7. 1. Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Reports, &c, 1829 2. Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science 3. Account of Lord Bacon's Novum Organon Scientiarum 4. On Probability 5. First Lessons in Differential and Integral Calculus, 1836 10. 11. Vol. 7— Contd. Observations on Life Insurance and causes affecting Population, 1841 : Morgan Contributions to the History of Insurance : HendriJcs Means offered by the Colonization Assurance Corporation to Artisans, Emigrants, &c, 1850 Colonization Assurance Corporation Report on Western Australia, 1850 Facts in Figures ; Quarterly Digest of Statistics for 1st March, 1850 Analytical View of Census of New South Wales for 1846 : Mansfield Vol. 8. 1. Account of the late Discoveries of Gold in Australia, 1851 : Erskine 2. Distribution of Gold throughout the World, 1853: Wyld 3. Notes on the Isthmus of Panama, 1852 : Dunlop 4. Letter on Effects of Californian and Austra- lian Discoveries, 1852 : Scheer 5. Observations on the Recent Supplies of Gold, 1852 : Johnson 6. Few Words on the Gold Question, 1852 : Browne 7. Observations on the Effectof the Californian and Australian Gold, 1852 8. Remarks on the Production of the Precious Metals, 1853 : Faucher 9. Impolicy of Providing for a Family by Life Assurance, 1853 : Maclaren 10. Jottings on Money : Wilson Pollard-Urquhart (William) : Urquhart (William Pollard-) Polybiblion. Revue bibliographique universelle. [Premiere serie.] Tomes 1—12. 12 vols., la. 8vo. Paris, 1868-74 — Deuxieme serie La. 8vo. ib., 1875-83 1. Partie Litteraire 2. Partie Technique Poole (Braithwaite). Twenty short Reasons for Railway Companies being themselves the Carriers of Goods : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 24. 8vo. 1844 — Report to the Directors of the North- Western Railway on Coal Traffic : Id., S. 5, vol. 24. 8vo. 1849 — Statistics of British Commerce. A Compendium of the Productions, Manufactures, Imports and Exports of the United Kingdom, in Agri- culture, Minerals, Merchandise, &c. 332 pp., 8vo. 1852 Poole (William F.). An Index to Periodical Literature by — . Brought down to January, 1882, with the Assistance, as Associate Editor, of W. I. Fletcher ... 3rd edit., xxvii + 1442 pp., la. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1882 Poor (Henry V.). Manual of the Railroads of the United States, 1874-75. lviii + 820 pp., map, 8vo. New York, 1874 — Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Internal Improvements, and of the Internal Commerce, of the United States, with a Review of the Charges of Monopoly and Oppression made against Railroad Companies : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 38. 8vo. 1881 2d 402 PO Poor. Giving Alms no Charity, and Employing the Poor a Grievance to the Nation. Addressed to the Parliament of England, 1704. Reprinted. [Anon.] : ' * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 Poor of the United Kingdom. (Various series of Reports, &c.) : Pari. Papers. Fol. 1835-82 Poor Law Board. Communications, &c Sm. fol. 1851-54 Communications from the Poor Law Inspectors to the President of the Poor Law Board, on a Draft Bill relating to the Laws of Settle- ment, Removal, and Bating, prepared by George Coode. iv + 60 pp. Poor Law Settlement Question. Letter, 1854, and a Statement and Calculation as regards the Croydon Union, by Geo. Bandolph. 2 pp. Baines (Mr.). Poor Law Removal Bill. State- ment of the Joint Committees of the Parishes of St. Marylebone and St. Pancras, Middlesex, against the Bill ... 3 pp. Poor Law Commissioners. Two Reports addressed to H.M.'s Commis- sioners appointed to inquire into the Administration and Operation of the Poor Laws, by C. H. Cameron, John Wrottesley, and J. W. Cowell, and a Letter from Count Arrivabene on the Management of the Poor in Belgium. 1 + 224 pp., 8vo. 1834 — Instructions given by the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State of the Poor of Ireland, to the Assistant Commissioners : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. [dr. 1835] — Proposal to withhold Out-door Relief from Widows with Families, in the Report of the— : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 9. 8vo. 1840 — Local Taxes of the United Kingdom, containing a Digest of the Law, with a Summary of Statistical Information concerning the several Local Taxes in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 280 pp., 8vo. 1846 — Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department from the — , on an Inquiry into the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, with Appendix. xxx +1+457 pp. 8vo. 1847 Poor Laws. Second Letter to Sir Robert Peel on the Causes of the Increase of Pauperism and on the — . By one of his Constituents. 2nd edit. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 15. 8vo. 1819 — Observations on the — , and Pauperism. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 15. 8vo. 1822 — The Abolition of the — , the Safety of the State ; the Calamitous Results of the Present System of Pauperism. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1833 — The Rights of the Poor and the Poor Laws. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1833 — Beneficial to Landed Property in Ireland, deduced from their Effects in England. By a Land Agent. [Anon.] : Id., S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1833 — Extracts from Information received by his Majesty's Commissioners as to the Administration and Operation of the Poor Laws. 2 vols., 8vo. 1837 Another copy 8vo. 1833 — A Dissertation on the Poor Laws. By a Well- Wisher to Mankind. [Anon.]. 1786: * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 Poor Rates. A Plan suggested for Superseding the Necessity of the Poor Rates, by Means of Cottage Acres, and Farms, termed Leaven Farms. [Anon.] : * Pamph,, vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 — Report of [Leeds] Rates Inquiry Committee : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 4to. 1850 Population. Etat de la Population. I. Tableaux : * Stat. Internat. 4to. 1875-76 Population of the United Kingdom. (Numerous Reports, Returns, &c.) : Pari. Acct., 8fc. Fol. 1801-83 Population, Manufacturing, Inquiry into the State of the — , and the Evils therein existing. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1831 PO 403 Population. The Question of — , particularly as to Increase of Numbers in the United States, Examined, in reply to an article in the " Edinburgh Review," on " Godwin on Population." [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1821 Porter (A.). Notes on the Pathology of Famine Diseases : * (Madras Sanitary Rep.). Sm. fol. 1878 Porter (G. R.). Analysis of M. Moreau de Jonnes' work, entitled, " Statistique de l'Espagne :" * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-35 — On the Connection between Crime and Ignorance as exhibited in Criminal Calendars : Id. 8vo. 1835-36 — Some Remarks on the Bills of Mortality for the Kingdom of Denmark in the year 1834 : Id. 8vo. 1835-36 — Progress of the Nation in its various Social and Economical Relations, from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. New edit. 846 pp., 8vo. 1847 An earlier edition 350 pp., 8vo. 1836 — A Statistical Account of the Mineral Products obtained in France during the years 1832-33, taken from official documents : * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1836-37 — An Account of the Public Works, which were in Progress or recently Completed in France at the end of 1835 : Id. 8vo. 1836-37 — Brief Memoir of the Growth, Progress, and Extent of the Trade between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, beginning with the Eighteenth Century : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. 1837 — Statistical Inquiries into the Social Condition of the Working Classes : Id., S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 — Statistical View of the Recent Progress and Present Amount of Mining Industry in France : Id., S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. 1838 — Examination of some Facts obtained at the Enumeration of the Inhabi- tants of Great Britain, 1841 : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vols. 4 and 6. 8vo. 1841-43 — Examination of Traffic Returns of Railways for 1843 : Id., vol. 7. 8vo. 1844 — America and the West Indies Geographically described, by Professor Long, — [and] G. Tucker : G. Long. Maps, 8vo. 1845 — The Influence of Education shown by facts recorded in the Criminal Tables for 1845-46 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1847 — The Geography of Great Britain, by George Long . . . and — . Part 1, England and Wales ; with a Supplementary Body of Statistics to the year 1850 by Hyde Clarke : G. Long. 8vo. [cir. 1850] — Manual of Statistics : * Admiralty Manual. 8vo. 1851 Another copy. Revised by W. Newmarch : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1859 — [On Taxation, Capital, and the Cotton Trade]. Papers read before the Statistical Section of the British Association . . . Edinburgh, 1850 : *Polit. Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1846-52 Porter (G. W.). Hand-list of Bibliographies, classified Catalogues, and Indexes placed in the Reading Room of the British Museum for reference : Brit. Museum. 8vo. 1881 Porter (Henry J. Ker). The Prevalence of " Spedalske " or Leprosy in the Kingdom of Norway : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1867 — The Extension of the Contagious Diseases Act : Id. 8vo. 1868 Porter (H. W.). On some Considerations suggested by the Annual Reports of the Registrar- General. 73 pp., 8vo. 1860 — An Essay on Life Assurance : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1860 2 d2 404 PO Porter (Robert P.). Statistics of Public Indebtedness, embracing the Funded and Unfunded Debts of the United States, and the Several States, and of Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships, and School Districts. Compiled under the direction of — : * U.S.A. (Tenth Census). 4to. 1881 Portlock (J. E.). An Address explanatory of the Objects and Advantages of Statistical Enquiries, delivered at the Second General Meeting of the Statistical Society of Ulster, 1838 : * Stat. Soc. Rep., fyc. 1 vol. 8vo. 1835-41 — Notes on Agricultural Schools in reference to the Templemoyle Agricul- tural Seminary : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4, and S. 5, vol. 21. 8vo. 1843 Porto Seguro (Viscount de). Quelques renseignements statistiques sur le Bresil, tires de sources officielles : * Congres Internat. de Stat. Sm. fol. 1876 Portraits in the " British Gallery of Portraits," Jerdan's " Portrait Gallery," Knight's " Gallery of Portraits," and " Lodge's Portraits." Index to — : * Index Soc, No. 7. Sm. 4to. 1880 Portugal. Relatorio do Ministerio dos Negocios do Reino apresentado as Camaras Legislativas em 30 Junho de 1854 pelo Ministro e Secretario de Estado dos Negocios do Reino. 1 vol., fol. Lisboa, 1854 — Les Colonies portugaises. Court expose de leur situation actuelle. 3 + 13G pp., 8vo. Lisbonne, 1878 — in 1872. Constitutional Life of a Nation of the Latin Race. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1873 — Lisbon. Hospital de S. Jose. Ralatorio e Contas da receita e despeza do, 1851-55 : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 2. 4to. 1853-56 — Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Boletim da — . Maps and plates, la. 8vo. 1878-83 — Occasional Publications of the — 8vo. 1878-81 L'Enseignement commercial en Portugal. Renseignements. Traduction. 8vo. 1878 De l'Enseignement de la Geographic Pro- jet de Reforme presente au Gouverne- ment portugais par la Societe. Traduc- tion. 8vo. 1878 Expedition portugaise a l'Afrique centrale (de A. A. de Serpa Pinto, Hermenegildo de Brito Capello et R. Ivens, membres de la Societe) . Representation au Gouverne- ment portugais en demandant l'organisa- tion de cette expedition . . . Traduction. 8to. 1878 Exploration geographique et commerciale de la Guinee portugaise. Projet presente au GouTernement portugais. Traduction. 8vo. 1878 L'Hydrographie africaine au XVI s Siecle. d'apres les premieres explorations por- tugaises. Lettres au President : L. Cor- deiro. 8vo. 1878 L' Industrie miniere au Portugal. Ren- seignements statistiques : O. Ouedes. 8vo.l878 Le Marquis de Sa da Bandeira. Extrait du Rapport lu dans la premiere seance solennelle de la Societe . . . Traduction : B. A. Pequito. 8vo. 1878 Investigaooes geographicas dos Portuguezes pelo, Prof. E. Milne Edwards. Tradutjao de E. A. Pequito. 8vo. 1879 Bases d'un plan d'etudes commerciales presentees par la Societe de Geographic de Lisbonne : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. 1879 O Districto de Lourenco Marques no Pre- sente e no Futuro : A. de Castilho. 8vo. 1880 Questoes Africanas. Proposta apresentada em sessao . . . Fev., 1880 da Sociedade . . . pela Commissao Nacional Portugueza de exploracao e civilisaqao d' Africa (Com- missao Africana). 8vo. 1880 Questoes Africanas. Representa>* Dresden. Festschrift fiir die xxv Versammlung deutscher Land- und Forstwirthe zu Dresden, 1865. ix + 248 + 69 pp., maps, 8vo. Dresden, [1865] — - Amtlicher Bericht iiber die 25 Versammlung deutscher Land- und Forstwirthe zu Dresden, 1865. viii + 610 pp., plan, 8vo. ib., 1866 — Mittheilungen des Statistischen Bureaus der Stadt Dresden. Heft V. 49 pp., la, 8vo. ib., 1877 — Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Dresden. VIII und IX Jahresbericht. 1870-71 und 1871-72. 8vo. ib., 1872 — Leipzig. Mittheilungen des Statistischen Bureaus der Stadt Leipzig. Heft 3, 4, 6—10. 7 parts, 4to. Leipzig, 1869-76 Say (Horace). Etudes sur 1' Administration de la Ville de Paris et du Departement de la Seine. viii + 484 pp., maps, &c, 8vo. Paris, 1846 Say (Jean B.) : — Trait e d'Economie politique, ou Simple Exposition de la maniere dont se forment, se distribuent, et se consomment les richesses ; seconde edition, entierement refondue et augmentee, d'un epitome des principes fondamentaux de l'ficonomie politique. 2nd edit., 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1814 Translation of the above, by C. E,. Prinsep. 4th edition. 2 vols., 8vo. 1821 Letters on Political Economy, particularly on the Causes of the General Stagnation of Commerce. Translated from the French: * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Notes, explicatives, et critiques : *M. Storch (Cours d' Hconomie politique) . 8vo. 1823-24 CEuvres diverses de, contenant ; Catechisme d'Economie pohtique, Fragments et Opuscules inedits, Correspondance gene- rale, Olbie, Petit Volume, Melanges de morale et de Litterature ; precedees d'une Notice historique sur la vie et les travaux de l'auteur. xviii + 748 pp., la. 8vo. 1848 Letter on the Currency Question. [Trans- lated from the French] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 15. 8vo. 1822 Vollstandiges Handbuch der praktischen National-Oekonomie. Aup dem Fran- aosischen ubersetzt von J. v. Th. 6 vols., 8vo. Stuttgart, 1829-30 Say (J. B. Leon). Histoire de la caisse d'escompte, -1776 a 1793 : * Currency fyc, vol. 4. 8vo. 1824-43 Say (Leon). Theorie des Changes etrangers. Traduit et precede d'une introduction par — : G. J. Goschen. 3rd edit. 8vo. [1863] SA— SC 443 Say (Leon). Observations sur le Systeme financier de M, le Prefet de la Seine. 64 pp., 8vo, Paris, 1865 — Rapport sur le Pavement de l'lndemnite de Guerre et sur les Operations de Change qui en ont ele la consequence. (Extrait du " Journal des Economistes," novembre, 1874). 56 pp., diagram, la. 8vo, ib., 1874 Sealia (Martino B.). Historical Sketch of National and International Penitentiary Congresses in Europe and America : *E. C. Wines, 8vo. 1871 — La Riforma Penitenziaria in Italia. Studi e Proposte. 368 pp., map, 8vo. Roma, 1879 Scalzi (Francesco). La Meteorologia in rapporto alle febbri miasmatiche e pneumoniti nell' anno 1877. 88 pp., diagram, 4to. Roma, 1878 Scarlett (Sir James). Opinions of — , Sir Edward B. Sugden, and Mr. Richards on the Privilege of the Bank of England, 1833 : * Currency, 8fc, vol. 9. 8vo. 1811-57 Schaffle (A. E. P.). Socialism ; its Nature, its Dangers, and its Remedies considered. By the Rev. M. Kaufmann, B.A. Founded on the German work " Kapitalismus und Socialismus," by — : M. Kaufmann. 8vo. 1874 Scheer (Frederick). A Letter to Thomas Baring, Esq., MP., on the Effects of the Californian and Australian Gold Discoveries, 1852 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 8. 8vo. 1851-53 Schenzl (G.). Memoire sur la Meteorologie agricole : * Congres. Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876,78 Scherzer (Karl v.). Fachmannische Berichte fiber die osterreichisch- ungarische Expedition nach Siam, China, und Japan (1868-71). xvi + 494 pp., map and plates, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1872 — La Province de Smyrne consideree au point de vue geographique, econo- mique, et intellects el, par Charles de Scherzer, en collaboration avec C, Humann et J. M. Stock el. Traduit de l'allemand par F. Silas. Avec une carte de TAsie-Mineure, une carte thermale, et plusieurs cartes speciales. 4 + 258 pp., map, and diagrams, 8vo. Vienne, 1873 — Die wirthschaftlichen Zustande Smyrnas im Jahre 1874 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1875 Scheutz (George and Edward). Speoimens of Tables, Calculated, Stereo- moulded, and Printed by Machinery. xviii + 50 pp , 8vo. 1857 Schilthuis (U. G-). De Verhouding van den Landbouw tot den Bodem en de Bevolking, de toestand van de Landbouwende Klasse in Nederland, en de verbeteringen daarin mogelijk en wenschelijk. xvi + 186 pp., 4to. Haarlem, 1853 Schimmer (G.). Programme d'organisation d'une Statistique internationale des etablissements d'enseignement : *8tat. Internat. 4to. 1872 Schimmer (G. A.). Dr. Adolf Ficker. Nekrolog, von — , und F. X. v. Neumann- Spallart. Portrait : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 9. 8vo. 1880 Schlagintweit (M.M. de). Contributions to Statistics by Measurements of Human Tribes : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Schleisner (P. A,). Vital Statistics of Iceland : * Stat. Soc. (JZ.), vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 — Oversigt over Kobenhavns fornemlig epidemiske Sygdomsforhold i 1874 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1875 — Expose statistique de 1' Organisation des Hopitaux Civils en Danemark. Presente au Congres d'Hygiene et de Sauvetage de Bruxelles, par le Comite danois. 35 + liii + 1 pp., plates, 4to. Copenhague, 1876 Schmidt (A.). Memoire sur les tableaux du commerce exterieur : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 444 SC Schmidt (Hermann). foreign Banking Arbitration ; its Theory and Practice. A Handbook of Foreign Exchanges, Bullion, Stocks, and Shares, based upon the new Currencies, &c. viii + 272 pp., 12mo. 1875 — : Arbitrages de banque. Theorie et pratique, par — , et T. Notthafft. - [Avec Table de reduction du temps et f rais des depeches telegraphiques]. vi + 272 + 2 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1876 — : Tate's Modern Cambist ; a Manual of Foreign Exchanges and Bullion ; with the Moneys and other Mediums of Exchange of all Trading Nations ; also Tables of Foreign Weights and Measures, with their Equivalents in English and French. 17th edit. : W. Tate (Modern Cambist). 8vo. 1880 Schnabel (Georg N.). GeneraLStatistik der Europaischen Staaten, nebst einer theoretischen Einleitung ; zweite Auflage. 2 vols, in 1, maps, 8vo. Wien, 1833 Schneer (Alexander). Ueber die Nbth der Leinen-Arbeiter in Schlesien und die Mittel ihr abzuhelfen. 168 pp., 8vo. Berlin, 1844 — Die Dismembrationsfrage mit Benutzung der amtlichen Quellen des Preuss. Minist. des Innern : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 4. 8vo. 1845 - — Ueber die Zustande der arbeitenden Klassen in Breslau : Id., S. 6, vol. 2. 8vo. 1845 SJchneller (J.). Zur internationalen Statistik der Mineral- und Heilguellen sowie der Bader : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Schnierer (J. de). Rapport sur la statistique internationale des livres publics : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4. S. Jordan. 1877 Vol. 14. Wasps. Synopsis of American : H. De Saussure. 1875 North American Fishes of the East Coast : Gill. 1873 Nebulse and Clusters. Bibliography of : E. S. Holden. 1877 Vol. 15. Botany. Bibliographical Index of North American : S. Watson. 1878 Toner Lectures. 1873 Cancerous Tumors : J. J. Woodward. 1873 Brain. Dual Character of the : C. E. Brown- Sequard. 1877 Heart. On the Strain and Over Action of the : /. M. Da Costa. 1874 Fever. Nature and Mechanism of : H. C. Wood. 1875 Fever. Surgical Complications, &c., of : W. W. Keen. 1877 Surgery. Subcutaneous : W. Adams. 1877 American Crawfish and Fresh Water Crustacea. 1878 Reptiles. Collection of, 1878 Vol. 16. Shells, Land and Fresh Water, of North America : G. W. Tryon. 1873 Inflammation, Reparatory Nature of, in Arte- ries : E. O. Shakespeare. 1879 Exchanges. Scientific and Literary, 1879 Smithsonian Institution. Business Arrange- ments of, 1879 Humming Birds, described Species of : D. G. Elliot. 1879 Scientific and Literary Institutions of the United States. 1879 Vol. 17. Smithsonian Institution. Origin and History of : W. J. Bees. 1879 Vol. 18. Smithsonian Institution — Proceedings of Board of Regents of, 1846-76 Reports of Special Committees of Board of Regents- 1854-75 SM 401 Smithsonian Institution — Contd. Vol. 18— Contd. Reports of Executive Committees of Board of Regents. 1846-75 Biographical Sketches, &c. 1880 Building Committee. Journal of. 1847-67 Financial and Statistical Statements. 1846-79 Journal of Proceedings of the. 1849-77 Vol. 19. National Museum, Proceedings of the United States—, 1878-79 Vol. 20. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Wash- ington. 1871-80 Vol. 21. J. Smithson and his Bequest : W.J.Reex. 1880 The Scientific Writings of James Smithson. Edited by : W. H. Rees. 1879 Ditto. Memoir of : W. R. Johnson. 1881 Ditto. Works and Character of : J. R. Mc D. Irby. 1879 Henry. Joseph, Memorial of. 1880 Vol. 22. United States National Museum. of the, Vols. 3 and 4, 1880-81 Proceedings Vol. 23— Contd. Natural History of Arctic America. Contribu- tions to the, made in connection with the Howgate Polar Expedition, 1877-78 : L. Kumlien Vol. 24. Fishes of North America. Synopsis of the : D. S. Jordan, and C. E. Gilbert. 1882 Vol. 25. Philosophical Society of Washington. Bulletins of the, Vols. 4 and 5, 1880-82 Anthropological Society of Washington. Trans- actions of the, Vol. 1, 1879-82. Abstract of Transactions. 1879-81 Biological Society of Washington. Proceedings of the, Vol. 1, 1880-82 Vol. 26. Sanitary Drainage of Washington City. Sug- gestions for the : G. E. Waring, jun. 1880 List of Foreign Correspondents of the Smith- sonian Institution. 1882. Additions and Corrections to the List. 1883 Coleoptera of North America. Classification of the : J. L. Le Conte and G. H. Horn. 1883 Vol. 27. The Constants of Nature. Part IV. Atomic; Weight Determinations : G. F. Becker. 1880 The Constants of Nature. Part V. A Recal- culation of the Atomic Weights : F. W. Clarke. 1882 Check List of Publications of the Smithsonian Institution. 1881 Catalogue of Publications of the Smithsonian Institution (1846-82) : W. J. Rhees — Notices of Public Libraries of the United States of America. By C. C. Jewett. An Appendix to the Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the—. 207 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1851 — A Memorial of Joseph Henry. iv + 528 pp., portrait, La. 8vo. ib., 1880 — First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the — , 1879-80. By J. W. Powell, Director. xxxiii + 603 pp., plates, sm. fol. ib., 1881 Smits (E.). Statistique nationale. Developpement des trente et un tableaux . . . relatifs aux mouvemens de la population dans les Pays- Bas, depuis la creation du royaume jusqu'a 1824 inclus. Memoire : *A. Quetelet (Tracts). 8vo. 1827-29 — Statistique des Tribunaux de la Belgique pendant les annees 1826-30. Par—, et A. Quetelet : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 4to. 1833 Smugglers. A Free Apology in Behalf of — , so far as their Case Affects the Constitution. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1749 Smugglers of French Cambricks. Seasonable Advice to all — , and French Lawns, with a Brief State of Smuggling in 1745. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1751 Smuggling. Advice to the Unwary, or Abstract of Laws against — in general, and Adulteration of Tea. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1780 Smyth (Ackoute). Outlines of a New Theory of Political Economy : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 8vo. 1828 Smyth (Robert Carmichael-). Transportation and Emigration, as regards Railway Communication . . . [in America.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol.|24. 8vo. 1850 Vol. 23. Fishes of the Pacific Coast of the United States. Bibliography of the, 1879 : T. Gill. 1882 North American Ichthyology. Contributions to. (Part III) The Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands : Baron H. F. A. Fggers. 1879 Catalogue of the Collection to Illustrate the Animal Resources and the Fisheries of the United States, exhibited at Philadelphia in 1876 : G. B. Goode 462 SM— SO Smyth (Capt. William H.). Sketch of the Present State of the Island of Sardinia. xii 4- 351 pp., map and plates, la. 8vo. 1828 [SllOW (E. M.)]. Report of the Delegates to the International Statistical Congress held at St. Petersburg in August, 1872; by E. Young, W. Barnes, [and] — : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 8vo. 1875 Snow (John). On the Mode of Communication of Cholera. 2nd edit, vii + 162 pp., maps, 8vo. 1855 Social Lessons of the Day. Parisian Notions of Freedom. Some Measures of the French Government. From the " Economist ": *Polit. Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Social Science. National Association for the Promotion of, Transac- tions of the — (from the commencement in 1857) 8vo. 1858-83 1. Birmingham 1857 2. Liverpool 1858 3. Bradford 1859 4. Glasgow 1860 5. Dublin 1861 6. London 1862 7. Edinburgh 1863 8. York 1864 9. Sheffield 1865 (List of Meetings.) 10. Manchester 1866 11. Belfast 1867 12. Birmingham 1868 13. Bristol 1869 14. Newcaatle-on-Tyne.. 1870 15. Leeds 1871 16. Plymouth 1872 17. Norwich 1873 18. Glasgow 1874 19. Brighton 1875 20. Liverpool * 1876 21. Aberdeen 1877 22. Cheltenham 1878 23. Manchester 1879 24. Edinburgh 1880 25. Dublin It 81 26. Nottingham 18*2 27. Huddersfield 1883 (Addresses and Papers read in " Economy and Trade " Department) 1867. Social Economy. President's Address on : Sir B. C. Brodie Railway Accidents : Lord Brougham Social Economy, Teaching of : W. M. Williams Science and Social Progress : B. A. Smith Employers under Factory System and Em- ployed, Relations between : E. Akroyd "Women, Industrial Employment of Women in Factories in Birmingham, Employ- ment of : J. S. Wright Women, Industrial Employment of : C. Bray Early Closing Movement : J. Lilwall Strikes : A. Edgar Income of the Kingdom, and the Mode of its Distribution : C. Bray Food, Economic Advantages of Co-operation in the Provision of : J. Holmes Pauper Population of England and Wales, Census of the : J. T. Damon Workhouses, Trc atment of the Poor in : Louisa Twining Labour, Charitable Employment of : W. M. Thomas Libraries and Museums, Free Public, and their usefulness : D. Chadwick Banks, Law of Saving : W. W. Barry „ Penny : Bee. J. E. Clarke Baths and Washhouses, Utility of: W. Hatces Building Cottages : T. H Braeebridge Dispensaries, Self-supporting : T. H. Brace- bridge Intemperance: A. Stenthal Prostitution : W. Acton 1858. President's Address on i Sir J. Colonization. Stephen Importance of the Statist in Relation to Social Science : J. T. Danson 1858— Contd. Economic Science, Educational Aspect and Necessity of : W. B. Hodgson Emigration : J. M. Mack ay „ Results of : N. Wattrhouse "Associated Labour," Principles of : H. Smith Provident Association, Liverpool : J. Wilson Labouring Classes, Dwellings of the, and their Improvement : H. Boberts Scotland, Houses of the Working Classes of ; the Bothy System : J. Begg Statute Fairs, their Evils and Remedy : Jf, Stephenson Working Men's Refreshment Rooms : Rev. J. E. Clarke Friendly or Benefit Societies : C. Hardwick Poor, Value of Town Gardens to the : S. Broome Entertainments for the People. Literary and Musical : S. Taylor Nottingham, Public Walks and Recreation Grounds of : G. W. Enfield Penny Savings Banks, and their Extension by County Associations : E. Akroyd Pauper Labour, Self-supporting : O. Carr Workhouse Schools and Parish Apprentices : W. R. Lloyd Workhouse Visiting Society. Objects and Aims of the : Louisa Tunning Indirect Taxation; its bearing on the Social Condition of the People : C. E. Macqueen Report on the " Congres International de Bien- faisance " : H. Roberts Free Library and Museum of Liverpool : J. A. Picton Method and Range of Statistical Inquiry : J. T. Danson 1859. Progress of Civilisation. President's Address on : Sir Jas. P. Kay Shuttleivorth, Bart. so 463 Social Science. National Association for the Promotion of— Contd. Addresses and Papers read — Contd. 1859— Contd. Information desirable to be Collected at the Census of 1861 : H. Mann Theory and Tendency of Strikes : H. Fawcett Facts relating to West Yorkshire Coal Strike : J. Holmes Chain and Tracemakers of Cradley Heath and their Employers : N. Forrest Economical Appropriation of Wages : R. Baker Benefit Societies : Rev. N. Stephenson Benefit Building Societies : J, A. Binns Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace : A. Edgar Obstacles to Cottage Building in Scotland : Rev. J. Begg Training and Supervision of Workhouse Girls : Louisa Twining West Indian Labour Question : S. Cave Protection of Labour against Chinese Immigra- tion : H. Fawcett Direction in which the Census Inquiry of 1861 should be extended : J. T. Hammack Suggestions for the next Census : N. Waterhouse How to make Statistics Useful : Rev. J. Begg Trade Societies. Usefulness of : J. Watts Causes of Strikes and their Prevention : J. Plummer Evil and Impolicy of Strikes : M. Ross Nature of the Relationship between Employer and Employed : J. Macfarlane The Factory Question, as it was and as it is : M. Balme Female Factory Workers and Houses for them Moral Tendency of Factory Labour : D. McBurnie Condition of the Factory Operatives of Brad- ford : J. James Market for Educated Female Labour. Over- crowded state of the : Bessie R. Parkes Industrial Employment of Women : Jessie Boucherett Art Decoration, a suitable Occupation for Women : J. Stewart Suggestions for simplifying Plans of Social Provision : Rev. W. Webster The Bradford Savings Bank : T. Haigh On giving Interest in Penny Banks : Rev. J. E. Clarke Post Office Savings Banks : C. W. Sikes Bradford Charitable Inquiry Society : G. G. Macturk Recreation in its Moral Aspects : Rev. G. Hough Objects, Methods, and Success of Young Men's Christian Association : D. Wainwright Journeymen Bakers ; Limitation of the Hours of Labour : J. Lilwall Medical Professional Remuneration : J. Ogle Bastardy in our Rural Districts : T. C. Wilks Cruelty of the System of Chimney Sweeping Climbing Boys : W. Wood Loss of Life in Coal Mines : P. H. Holland 1860. Social Economy. President's Address on : Sir Jas. Emerson Tenient Notes on the Practice of Truck [or Barter System] in Scotland : J. H. Burton I860— Contd. Institution and Operation of "Wages Arrest- ment," and its Effects on the Working Classes : G. Anderson Co-operation : M. D. Hill Trades Unions and their Tendencies : E. Potter Improvements necessary for the more effectual Working of Trades Unions Improvement of the Dwellings of the Labour- ing Classes : H. Roberts Efforts in Scotland to Improve the Dwellings of the Working Classes : H. Roberts Overcrowded Villages : Rev. J. Montgomery Right Condition of an Agricultural Commu- nity : Rev. P. Hope Movement for Abolition of Statutes, Mops, or Feeing Markets : Rev. N. Stephenson Evils of the Working Man's Saturday Night : Rev. J. E. Clarke A Year's Experience in Woman's Work : Bessie R. Parkes The Victoria Press : Emily Faithfull The Poor Laws : E. Adamson Some Defects in the English Poor Law : G. Robinson Workhouse Inmates : Louisa Twining Destitute Incurables in Workhouses : Margaret F. Elliot and F. P. Cobbe Anonymous Writing in the Daily Press : W. Hawes Results of the " Libraries Acts " of 1850 and 1855 : F. Edwards Formation of Public Reading Societies : C. J. Plumptree Development of the Yorkshire Penny Savings Banks : E. Akroyd How the Condition of the Labouring Classes may be Raised by Co-operation : H. Fawcett Co-operative Societies : J. Watts Objects of Trades Unions : A. F. Hunter Trades Unions and their Effects upon Society : P. Allan Trades Unions and their Objects : W. Cam Trades Unions not Injurious to the Welfare of the Community : A. Eraser Workman and Master : T. Pringle Dwellings of the Poor and Working Classes in Glasgow : McKeddie Workmen's Houses : J. Salmon Evils of the Bothy System : Rev. J. Begg Social Condition of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland : Rev. A. Clark Predatory Instinct of Man : J. T. Dunning New Application of the Examination Test : Prof. Craik 1861. Social Economy. President's Address on : Hon. Judge Longfield The Journeymen Bakers' Case : W. N. Hancock Social Condition of the Labouring Population in Ireland : W. Hickey State of the Irish Town Poor : H. McCormack Pawnbroking and its Pernicious Influence : 1). Macrae Working Class Association in England and Italy : S. Crawford 464 SO Social Science. National Association for the Promotion of— Contd. Addresses and Papers read — Contd. 1861— Contd. Condition of Working Women in England and France : Bessie R. Parkes Condition of Young Women in Manufactories in Dublin : Anne Jellicoe Irish Poor in Workhouses : Ellen Woodlock and Sarah Atkinson Rearing of Pauper Children out of Work- houses: M. S. O' Shaughnessy Economy of Administration of Voluntary, as dis- tinguished from Legal Charity : M. O'Reilly One Source of Error in the Interpretation of Statistics : C. M. Ingleby Law of the Fluctuation of Wages : Prof. Hennessy Working Men's Reading Rooms : R. Elliott Aversion of Employers to treat with their Workmen in Disputes Logic of the Labour Problem : J. Scott Labour in connection with Trades Unions : T. J. Dunning Subletting System in the Tailoring Trade : J. McCarthy Irish Labourers in Liverpool : Prof. Shaw Women's Work among the Female Peasantry of Ireland : Catherine Brougham Condition of the Working Classes ; their Habi- tations : Rev. J. B. Robinson Report of the Society for Promoting Employ- ment of Women : Jane Crowe Female Compositors : Emily Faithfull Local Societies for Promoting Employment of Women : Jessie Boucherett Remunerative Employment for Educated Women : A. Over end Employment of Women : Mrs. Bayley Advantages derived from Embroidery by Em- ployment of Women : D. Sheriff What shall we do with our Pauper Children ? : Mary Carpenter Anonymous Publications : Prof Sennessy American Slavery and its Influence upon Great Britain : Sarah P. Remond Application of the Public Free Libraries Act to Dublin : F. W. Connor Plans of Recreation for Working Men : H. Solly 1862. Social Economy. President's Address on : R. M. Milnes. Importance of Local Statistics for the Promo- tion of Social Science : R. Valpy Investigation of Trade Differences : J. M. Ludlow Strike of the Stonemasons in London : F. Har- rison Building Trade Disputes in Scotland: H. G. Reid Should Apprenticeship be under Indenture ? : G. Lushington Report on the Co-operative Movement in Ger- many : Prof Huber Condition <-f Iriph Labourers in the East of jjondon : W. Pollard- Urquhart Sanitary Instruction of the Labouring Classes : H. Roberts 1862- Contd. Operation of the London Poor Laws : R. E. Warwick Equality of Taxation : T. E. C. Leslie Moral and Social Effects of the Volunteer Movement : J. Macgregor Measures taken by Employers for Promoting Prudence and Forethought amongst Work- men : H. Roberts Official Employment of Women in Works of Charity : Rev. J. S. Howson Free Library of Birmingham : E. C. Osborne Social Economy of a Working Man's College : R. B. Litchfield Liverpool Co-operative Provident Association : J. Wilson Relation of Co-operative Success to the Im- provement of the Working Classes : Rev. H. Solly Moral Errors which endanger the permanence of Co-operative Success : G. Holyoake Improved Dwellings for Workpeople : E.Akroyd Improvement of the Dwellings of the Agricul- tural Labouring Classes: Rev. J. B. Robinson Improved Dwellings for Industrial Classes : T. Pagliardini Hastings Cottage Improvement Society : W. A . Greenhill Necessity for adopting the Model Lodging House System in Dublin : N. Robinson Progress of Public Opinion on Woman's Work : Bessie R. Parkes Drawbacks connected with the Employment of Women : Emily Faithfull Condition of Women as affected by the Law : Mary C. Tabor Medicine as a Profession for Women : Emily Davis Report on Female Emigration : Maria S. T. Rye Emigration of Educated Women from a Colo- nial point of View : Florence Hill Women's Supervision of Women's Industry : Anne Jellicoe Dublin Society for the Employment of Edu- cated Women : Barbara Corlett Society for the Relief of Distress : W.D. Bromley Cheap Reading for the People : G. H. Ferguson Saturday Half-holiday Question in the Metro- polis : B. Shaw Amusements of the Working Classes : J. Hyde Flower Shows for the Poor of London : Rev. S. H. Parkes Address on Taxation : J. G. Hubbard Theory and Practice of Taxation : C. E. Mac- queen Direct Taxation : J. Partridge Results of the Total Abolition of Indirect Tax- ation : G. R. Martin 1863. Social Economy. President's Address on : Sir John McNeill Physical and Moral Forces by wbich Human Societies gradually improve : F. Foucou Relations between Great Britain and her Pos- sessions Abroad : R. R. Torrens so 465 Social Science. National Association for the Promotion of— Contd. Addresses and Papers read — Contd. 1863— Contd. Ample Fund for Emigration in the Colonial Crown Lands : C. E. Bagot Queensland, Principle and Operation of its System of Emigration : H. Jordan Influence of Emigration on Social Condition of the Highlands : Rev. T. McLauchlan Female Middle Class Emigration : Jane E. Lewin Superintendence of Female Emigration : Ellen Lay ton Inadequacy of Emigration as a means of Raising Wage* in Old Countries : C. Drysdale Co-operative Stores : H. Pitman Edinburgh Co-operative Building Company: H J. Reid Co-operation in Germany : M. Kyllmann Plea for Short Apprenticeships, especially to the Printing Trade : J. Wilkie Position of the Cotton Districts : E. Potter Provident Institutions : T. Y. Strachan Advantages of the Post Office Savings Banks : F. J. Scudamore Continental Establishments for Supplying the Working Population with wholesome Dressed Food : H. Roberts Working Men's Clubs and Institutes : Rev. H. Solly Club Houses for the Working Classes : T. H. Bastard Early Closing Movement in Edinburgh : Rev. J. Begg Influence of Public Opinion on the Habits of the Working Classes : Mrs. Bayly Report of the Irish Society for the Employment of Educated Women : A. B. Corlett Working of the Edinburgh Society for the Employment of Women : Phoebe Blyth Collisions of Benevolence and Social Law : Rev. W. J. Blaikie Results of the Poor Law Administration in England and Ireland : E. Chadwick Effects of Poor-houses in checking Pauperism : W. S. Walker Injustice of exempting the Income of Property on the ground of its Charitable Employment : T. Rare Ladies' Committees and Mixed Committees : Louisa O. Hope Emigration in connection with the Commerce of Great Britain : H. H. Bagot Co-operation as a Means of Securing Houses for Working Men : Rev. J. Begg Co-operation ; its Origin, Progress, Difficulties, and Objects : A. Campbell Past and Present Aspects of Co-operation : J. Plummer Disadvantages of Apprenticeship : G. Hurst Hinds' Houses and Bothies : J. Robb Scottish Agricultural Labourers : R. S. Skirving Necessity of appointing Public Inspectors for Rural Cottages : Rev. J. Begg Recent Improvements in the Dwellings of the Working Classes in Large Towns : J. Gowans Abuse of Yearly Societies or Benefit Clubs : A. Laing 1863- Contd. Unfit Employments in which Women are Engaged : Emily Faithfull Cause of the Distress prevalent among Single Women : Jessie Boucherelt Employed Dressmakers and Milliners : J. Fitter Operation of the Poor Laws : R. E. Warwick Inequality of Poor Law Rating and Charge - ability : G. Austin Causes of Destitution in the Highlands, and its Remedy : J. Ramsay Social Science in the Pentateuch : Rev. W. G. Blaikie Moral Education of the Soldier : Lavina Solly The River Plate Countries as Fields for Emi- gration : G. Gilmour 1864. Economy and Trade. President's Address on s E. Chadwick International Maritime Law and its Effects upon Trade : H. Ashworth Constitutional Relations of British Coloi.ies to the Mother Country : J. Bushby Cotton Famine : R. A. Arnold Co-operation during the Cotton Scarcity, and the Growth of the Halifax Store : G. J. Holyoake Poor Laws, Settlement and Removal, Irre- movable Poor : J. L. Foster Plans adopted for the Relief of the Poor of Paris : W. B. Jerrold Taxation : W. Pollard- Urquhart Free Trade and Direct Taxation : J. Noble, jun. Agricultural Gangs, their Influence upon Morals and Education : T. Sutton The National Exodus ; its Consequence and Results : J. Yeats Houses for the People, and how to provide them : J. Holmes Principles of Association applied to the Dwell- ings of the Poorer Classes : W. Westgarth Imitable Features of the Railway Benefit Building Societies of Euston : G. J. Holyoake Proper Sphere of the Savings Bank, Penny Bank, and Post Office Savings Bank : W. W. Morrell Public Dining Halls : J. Freeman Lancashire Public Works : R. Rawlinson Domestic Servants of the Present Day : J. Colston Importance of Apprenticeship : T. H. Hartley Temptations to the Young in London and our Great Cities : W. H. Yates Address on Steam Cultivation : E. Holland Agricultural Co-operation : J. Gurdon Cottage Building : C. W. Strickland Cottage Investments : Rev. F. O. Morris Statute Hirings : Rev. Canon Randolph 1865. Economy and Trade. President's Address on : E. Chadwick Arbitration between Employers and Employed in Strikes and Locks-out i J. Wilson Partnerships of Industry : G. J. Holyoake Official Inspection of Railways : E. Hill 2 H 4G(i SO Social Science. National Association for the Promotion of— Contd. Addresses and Papers read — Contd. 1865— Con td, Rise and Growth of the Trades of Sheffield : E. Leader The Game Laws : G. Hope Closing of Public Houses on Sunday : R. Martin Municipal Savings Banks : J. Rayner Consolidation of Railways into one System : . McLaren Free Trade in Silver : E. J. Watherston Railway Accidents : L>. M. Home 1881. Economy and Trade. President's Address on : Goldivin Smith Participation by Labour in the Profits of Manufacturing Enterprises : S. Taylor ; J. H Fox ; J. H. Campbell Commercial Dealings with other Nations : J. J. Shaw ; W. H. S. Monck Tariffs, Bounties, and Commercial Treaties : G. Baden-Powell Special Industries in Ireland : Rev. J. Chamney ; N. G. Richardson Agriculture of a Nation in relation to its Pros- perity : B. De la Bere Associative Farming : T. Pagliardini Value of Land, not Rent, the true Basis for Taxation : W. Saunders Out-door Relief Systems in England and Ire- land : R. H. Jephson Anomalous Differences in the Poor Laws of Ireland and England : A. Shackleton National Compulsory Insurance : W. C. Taylor Reform of Post Office Industrial Life Assurance : W. L. Blackley Friendly Societies and the Post Office : A. J. Myers Flow of Gold from England to America : Sir J. B. Phear Bimetallism as a Policy for the British Empire : J. J. Murphy Reclamation of Waste Lands : G. H. Kinahan Irish Railways : F. J. Watherston Place of Women in the Administration of the Irish Poor Law : Jsabella Tod 1882. Economy and Trade. President's Address on : Bonamy Price Railways. Rates and Fares. Report of the Select Committee on : W. A. Hunter ; E. J. Watherston Licensing Laws. What Reforms are desirable in the ? : A. Balfour ; G. Baden- Powell Social and Economical advantages of Large and Small Farms : W. Lipscomb ; G. Murray Peasant Proprietorship : E. K. Fordham Wine Production in France. Note on the Statistics of : A. E. Bateman 472 SO Social Science. National Association for the Promotion of— Contd. Addresses and Papers read — Contd. 1882— Contd. Question of County Government Boards : E. K. Ford ham Our Present and Future Food Supplies : C. E. Drysdale Importance of Emigration : C. Pfoundes What bas Free Trade done for us ? : L. Levi 1882— Contd. Commercial Relations between the United Kingdom and Spain : Don A. de Mareoartu Reform of British Chambers of Commerce : K. E. Murray The Charities of Italy: Eev. A.W.Worthington The Silver Question : W. Westgarth — Trade Societies and Strikes. Report of the Committee of Trades Societies. 651 pp., 8vo. 1860 — Journal of Social Science, including the Sessional Papers of the — . Edited by Edwin Lankester, 1865-66. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. 1866 — Sessional Proceedings of the — , with which is united the Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Law. Vols. 1 — 16. La. 8vo. 1867-83 — [and] Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Law. Twenty-fifth Anniversary. A Manual for the Congress, with a Narrative of Past Labours and Results, bv J. Clifford- Smith. With portraits. viii + 190 pp., 12mo. 1882 Social Science Review. Vols. 1 and 2. Sm. fol. 1862-63 — and Journal of the Sciences. Edited by B. W. Richardson. New Series. 8vo. 1864-66 Society for Organising Charitable Relief and Repressing Mendicity. Metropolitan Medical Relief Map of London. Sheet, folded. 1878 Soest (G. H. van). Communication sur la statistique cadastrale dans les Etats Mussulmans : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Soetbeer (A.). Ueber Hamburgs Handel, viii + 304 pp., 8vo. Hamburg, 1840 Soitsos (J. A.). (I. A. %ovtcto<;). Treatise on the Derivation and Distribu- tion of Wealth. (In Greek). 488 pp. 8vo. Athens, 1851 Solimbergo (G.). Navigazione e commercio coi piroscafi della Compagnia Rubattino : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1878 Sollohub (Count). Sketch of the Fundamental Principles of Prison Reform in Russia : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Solly (Edward). Indexes of Portraits in the "European Magazine," " London Magazine," and " Register of the Times " : * Index Soc, No. 4. Sm. 4to. 1879 — Index of Hereditary English, Scottish, and Irish Titles of Honour : Id., No. 5. Sm. 4to. 1880 Somers (Lord John). A Defence of the Constitution of Great Britain and Ireland, as by law established, against the Innovating and Levelling Attempts of the Friends to Annual Parliaments and Universal Suffrage : *Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Somers (Robert). The Southern States since the War, 1870-71. xii + 286 pp., map, 8vo. 1871 — The Scotch Banks and System of Issue, including Translation of " Les Banques d'Ecosse," by L. Wolowski. With Notes, Remarks, and Appendix. xii + 244 pp., tables, 8vo. Edinb., 1873 Somers-Vine (J. R.) : Vine (J. B. Somers-) Somerville (Robert). General View of the Agriculture of the County of East Lothian. Map : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1805 Sommer (Johann G.). Das Konigreich Bohmen statistisch-topographisch dargestellt 6 vols., plate, 8vo., Prag., 1833-38 1. Leitmeritzer Kreis 3. Bidschower Kreis 5. Chrudimer Kreis 2. Bunzlauer Kreis 4. Koniggratzer Kreis 6. Pilsner Kreis SO 473 Sommer (Joiiann G.). Das Kaiserthum Oesterreich, geographisch-statis- tiscli dargestellt : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 1. 8vo. 1839 Sonntag (August). Terrestrial Magnetism in Mexico : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 2. 4to. 1859 Sormani (G.). Geographie nosologique de l'ltalie, avec sept planches : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 Sormani (J.). Memoire sur le rapport entre les conceptions, les deces, et la temperature : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Souter (David). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Banff. Map and plates : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1812 South Australia. Official Publications: — (Arranged chronologically). — Report on the Statistics of, by E. Stephens : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 — Blue Book for 1866, 1869, 1870. 3 vols., fol. Adelaide, 1867-71 — Agricultural and Live Stock Statistics, 1869-70—1872-3. 4 vols., fol. ib., 1870-73 — Statistics of Australian Colonies. Statistics showing the relative Positions and aggregate Importance of the Australasian Colonies at the close of 1873. Sheet, [ib., 1874] — Return showing the Progress of South Australia during the past Five Years, 1869-74. Sheet, ib., 1875 — Conference of Government Statists, January, 1875. Sheet. [1875] — South Australia : its History, Resources, and Productions. Edited by W. Harcus. xv + 432 pp., maps and plates, 8vo. 1876 S. Austr. edit., without maps xi + 311 pp., 8vo. Adelaide, 1876 — Wheat Statistics, 1875-76. 5 pp., fol. ib., 1876 — Statistical Sketch of South Australia. By J. Boothby. iv + 92 pp., diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1879 An earlier edition v + 66 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 Another edition 86 pp., maps, 8vo. 1876 — Census of South Australia, 1861, 1871. Part 1, Summary Tables, 1876. 3 vols., fol. Adelaide, 1862-79 — Woods and Forests. Annual Report of the Foxiest Board, with Observator's Progress Report and Appendices, 1879-80. 42 pp., plans, fol. ib., 1880 — Statistical Register of— , 1860-82 Fol. ib., 1861-83 1. Population 2. Vital Statistics 3. Production 4. Interchange 5. Law, Crime, &c. 6. Revenue and Expenditure 7. Religious, Educational, and Charitable Institutions — [Photographic] Views of South Australia. La. 4to. — Adelaide Almanac and Directory for South Australia, 1873-80. 6 vols., maps, 8vo. ib., 1873-80 — Royal Society of. Transactions and Proceedings, and Reports of the — , 1877-82 : Boy. Soc. of S. Australia. Plates, &c, 8vo. 1878-82 — South Australian Institute. Annual Reports. 8vo. [Adelaide, 1874-83] — Comprising the Public Library, Art Gallery, and Museums of South Australia. Addresses delivered at the Laying of the Foundation Stone by H.E. Sir W. F. Drummond Jervois and others. 29 pp., 8vo. ib., 1879 — Adelaide. Register of the Rainfall, kept in Grote Street, Adelaide, 1st January, 1839, to 16th December, 1879. 27 pp., diagrams, fol. ib., 1879 — [Photographic] Views in the City of — , South Australia. Extra la. fol. South Carolina. Annual Reports ... of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the State, for 1858 and 1859. 2 vols., 8vo. Columbia, 1859-60 474 SO— SP South Sea Trade. A True Account of the Design and Advantages of the—, and the Progress of the Subscription towards the South Sea Company. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 16. 8vo. 1711 South Yorkshire Viewers' Association. First Annual Report, 1857-58 : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1858 Sowray(John R.). Chronological, Historical, and Statistical Diagram, from the Year 1600 to the present time (1850). Sheet, mounted, \_cir. 1850] Another copy. Spackman (William P.). Statistical Tables of the Agriculture, Shipping, Colonies, Manufactures, Commerce, and Population of the United Kingdom. 107 pp., 12mo. 1842 Spain. Official Publications: — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Anuario; Census; Commerce; Finances; Public Works ; Railways, &c. ; Miscellaneous). — Anuario Estadistico de Espana, 1858-65. 4 vols., 4to. Madrid, 1859-67 — Census. Nomenclator de los pueblos de Espana, 1857. viii + 999 pp., 4to. ib., 1858 — Censo de la poblacion de Espana, segun el recuento verificado en 21 de Mayo de 1857. xi + 867 pp., fol. ib., 1858 — Censo de la poblacion de Espana segun el recuento verificado en 25 de Diciembre de 1860. 819 + xci pp., map, la. fol. ib., 1863 — Memoria sobre el Movimento de la Poblacion de Espana en los afios 1858-61. xxxviii + 79 + 118 pp., maps, diagrams, 4to. ib. 1863 — Nbmenclator que comprendi las poblaciones, grupos, edificios, viviendas, albergues, &c, de las cuarenta y nueve provincias de Espana. 2 vols., la. fol. ib., 1863-64 — [Moviemento de la Poblacion, 1866-70]. [Extract]. Sm. fol. [cir. 1871] — Resultados Generates del Censo de la Poblacion de Espana segun el em- padronamiento hecho en 31 de Diciembre de 1877. viii + 601 pp., 4to. Madrid, 1879 — Commerce. Memorias Comerciales redactadas por el Cuerpo Consular de Espana en el extranjero. (Junta de Aranceles y de Valoraciones) . Tom. VIII, ano 1883, con Supplementos. Sm. fol. ib., 1883 — Tablas de Valores para la Estadistica comercial y el Arancel de Aduanas para los anos de 1881 y 1882. Edicion oficial. 47 pp., 12mo. ib., 1883 — Finances. Estadistica admini strati va de la Direccion general de Contribuciones. 314 pp., 4to. ib., 1855 — Public Works. Direcion general de Obras Publicas Comision central hidrologica. Aforos practicados en las cuencas de los rios Ebro, Duero, Guadiana, Guadalquivir y Tajo, durante el ano 1880, por las cinco divisiones hidrologicas. 253 pp., 8vo. ib., 1881 — Memoria sobre las Obras publicas . . . 1873-81. Comprendiendo lo Rela- tivo a Puertos, Faros, Boyas, Valizas, Rios, Canales y aprovechamiento de Aguas . . . 165 + cxcvi pp., 4to. ib., 1883 — Railways, &c. Situacion de las Carreteras del Estado que comprende el plan general en 1° de Julio de 1880, 1881. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1881 — Carta de las carreteras de Espana, 1881. Map folded in cover, ib., [1881] — Carta de los ferro-carriles de Espana, 1881. Map folded in cover, ib., [1881] — Situacion de los ferro-carriles en 1° de Enero de 1881, 1882. 2 vols. 8vo. ib., 1881-82 — Miscellaneous. Estadistica minera correspondiente al ano de 1863. Pamph, 4to. ib., 1865 — Censo de ganaderia de Espana segun el recuento verificado en 24 de Setiembre de 1865. Hi + 22 pp., 8vo. ib., 1868 SP 475 Spain. Official Publications — Contd. — Unchristian Perfidies of the Most Christian Cabinet of France towards Free Spain. By a British Traveller in the Peninsula. [Anon.] : *Pamph., vol. 22. 8vo. 1822 — A Short Discussion of the Spanish Question. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 — Preliminary Discourse, read in the Cortes at the Presentation of the Projet of the Constitution. To which is added the Present Spanish Constitution. Translated from the Spanish : Id., vol. 22. 8vo. 1823 — Finances of—. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 8vo. [1834] — Real Academia de la Historia. Los restos de Colon. Informe de la — , al Gobierno de S. M. sobre el supuesto hallazgo de los verdaderos restos de Christoval Colon en la Iglesia Catedral de Santo Domingo. Publi- cado por el Ministerio de Fomento. vii + 1 + 197 pp., facsimiles, 12mo. Madrid, 1879 — Institution Libre de Enseiianza. Boletin de la — , 1877. 5 numbers, la. 8vo. ib., 1877 — Saragossa. Division hidrologica de Zaragoza. Itinerarios del Rio Ebro y todos sus afluentes. 707 pp., 4to. ib., 1882 — Porto-Rico. Estadistica General del Comercio Exterior de la Provincia de Puerto-Rico correspondiente al afio de 1881. 145pp., sm.fol. Puerto-Rico, 1882 [Sparkassen, Preussen, &c.]. [Anon.] : * von Malchus. 8vo. 1838 Spaulding (Hon. E. G.). History of the Legal Tender Paper Money Issue during the Great Rebellion, being a Loan without Interest and a National Currency. vi + 213 + 40 pp., 8vo. Buffalo, N.Y., 1869 Specie. Brief Observations on a Late Letter addressed to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt by W. Boyd, Esq., 1846. On the Duration of Life among the English Gentry, with additional Observations on the Duration of Life among the Aristocracy : W. A. Guy On the Principles of Railway Management, and on the Profitable Increase in the Traffic pro- duced by Great Reductions in the Charges : J. Butler Williams The Prevalence and alleged Increase of Scrofula : Benjamin Phillips The Influence of Scarcities and of the High Prices of Wheat on the Mortality of the People of England : William Farr A Statistical Account of the Municipal Pro- visions for Paving, Lighting, and Cleansing the Streets and Public Places of the Metro- polis, and for Protecting them from Nui- sances : Joseph Fletcher Statistical Account of the Constitution and Operation of the Criminal Courts of the Metropolis : Joseph Fletcher Vol. 10, 1847. Abstract of the Statistics of Crime in England and Wales from 1839 to 1843 : Rev. Whit- worth Russell On the Duration of Life of Sovereigns : William A. Guy On the Accounts of the Bank of England under the Operation of the Act 7 and 8 Vict., cap. 32 : J. T. Danson Vol. 10, 1847— Contd. Statistics of Prussia : Bernard Hebeler Education in the Mining and Manufacturing District of South Staffordshire, being a Report to the Council of the Statistical Society by its Secretaries On the Mortality among Der Majesty's Troops serving in the Colonies during the Years 1844 and 1845 : Col. A. M. Tulloch Statistics of the Sanitary Condition of the Eorough of Reading : John Billing Statistical Account of the Markets of London : Joseph Fletcher Vol. 11, 1848. Report of a Committee of the Council of the Statistical Society of London, consisting of Lieut.-Col. W. H. Sykes, Dr. Guy, and F. G. P. Neison, to Investigate the State of the Inhabitants and their Dwellings in Church Lane, St. Giles's The Progress of the Prussian Nation, 1805, 1831, 1842 : 21 C. Banfield A Contribution towards an Investigation of the Changes which have taken place in the Con- dition of the People of the United Kingdom during the Eight Years extending from the Harvest of 1839 to the Harvest of 1847, and an attempt to develope the connexion (if any) between the changes observed and the variations occurring during the same period in the Prices of the most necessary Articles of Food : J. T. Danson Report to the Council of the Statistical Society of London, from a Committee of its Fellows appointed to make an Investigation into the State of the Poorer Classes in St. George's- in -the -East A Statistical View of the Principal Public Libraries in Europe and the United States of North America : Edward Edwards On the Sub-Division of Real Property, and its Effects upon Agriculture and the Produce of the Soil in France, shown by the Facts adduced in the recent Wo'rk of MM, Monnier and Rubichon : Earl Lovelace Vol. 12, 1849. Analysis of the Report of Surgeon F. P. Strong, of the Bengal Army, to the Bengal Govern- ment, for 1847, of the Mortality in the Jails of the 24 Pergunnahs, Calcutta : Col. W. H. Sykes Remarks on the Plan adopted for taking the Census in 1841, with Suggestions for its Improvement : Rev. E. Wyatt-Edgell Statistics of the Civil Service of England, with Observations on the Constitution of Funds to Provide for Fatherless Children and Widows : W. Farr Moral and Educational Statistics of England and Wales : Joseph Fletcher Some Particulars of the Commercial Progress of the Colonial Dependencies of the United Kingdom during the Twenty Years 1827-46 : J. T. Danson 2i 482 ST Statistical Society, London — Contd. — Journal — Contd. Vol. 13, 1850. On the Relative Value of Averages derived from Different Numbers of Observations : William A. Guy Influence of Sub-Division of the Soil on the Moral and Physical Well-Being of the People of England and Wales : John Barton Mortality of Master Mariners : F. G. P. Neison Proposal for preserving and making a General Index of the Parish Registers anterior to 1837 : Bev. E. Wyatt-Edgell Statistical Account of the Police of the Metro- polis : Joseph Fletcher Progress of the Foreign Commerce of France during the Reign of Louis Philippe, 1830-48 : J. T. Danson Vol. 14, 1851. Vital Statistics of Ireland : P. A. Schleisner Of the Quantity of Gold and Silver supposed to have passed from America to Europe from tbe Discovery of the former Country to the Present Time : J. T. Danson Expenditure in India on Public Works from 1837-38 to 1845-46 inclusive: Col. W. H. Sykes Contribution to the Vital Statistics of Scotland : James Stark An Attempt to ascertain the Magnitude and Fluctuations of the Amount of Bills of Exchange (Inland and Foreign) in Circula- tion at one time in Great Britain, in England, in Scotland, in Lancashire, and in Cheshire, respectively, during each of the Twenty Years 1828-47, both inclusive ; and also embracing in the inquiry Bills drawn upon Foreign Countries : William Neicmarch On the Rate of Mortality among Persons of Intemperate Habits : F. G. P. Neison A Statistical Review of the National Debts and Revenues in Proportion to the Extent of Area and Population of the various Countries of Europe i T. J. Brown A Statistical Account of Auckland, New Zealand, as it was observed during the Year 1848 : Arthur S. Thomson Statistics of New Munster, New Zealand, down to 1848, compiled from Official Records in the Colonial Secretary's Office On the Duration of Life among the Clergy : William A. Guy Sanitary Statistics of the Metropolis : B. T. Jopling On the Statistics of Places of Worship in England and Wales, founded on a Table compiled by the Rev. T. Blisse : Rev. E. Wyatt-Edgell Vol. 15, 1852. Statistics of the Farm School System of the Continent, and of its Applicability to the Preventive and Reformatory Education of Pauper and Criminal Children in England : Joseph Fletcher History of Coffee : John Crawford Taxation and Eevenue of the Free City of Frankfort-cn-the-Maine : Col. W. H. Sykes Vol. 15, 1852— Contd. Mortality and Sickness of the Bombay Army, 1848-49 : Col. W. S. Sykes On Commercial Statistics, and an Attempt at a Universal Commercial Code : Leone Levi On the Vital and Medical Statistics of Chitta- gong : J. B. Bedford Influence of Elevation on the Fatality of Cholera : William Farr On the Rate of Mortality in the Medical Profession : F. G. P. Neison On the Effect of the Remission of Taxes on the Revenue in the Thirty Years from 1822 to 1851 inclusive : W. A. Guy On the Population of the Colony of British Guiana, as enumerated on the 31st March, 1851 On the Statistics of the Insane, Blind, Deaf and Dumb, and Lepers, of Norway : by Professor Hoist. Translated from the Danish by A. S. O. Massey Additional Observations on the Valuation and Purchase of Land in Ireland : John Locke Vol. 16, 1853. On the History and Consumption of Tobacco : John Crawford On the Relation of the Price of Wheat to the Revenue : W. A. Guy On the Immediate and Remote Effect of the Remission of Customs and Excise Duties on the Productiveness of those Branches of the Revenue : W. A. Guy Statistics of Mental Diseases in Denmark, ac- cording to the Census of 1st July, 1847 : J. B. Hiibertz Analytical View of Railway Accidents : F. G. P. Neison Freehold Land Societies : Thomas Beggs Vol. 17, 1854. Resume of the Statistical Congress held at Brussels 11th September, 1853, for the pur- pose of introducing Unity in the Statistical Documents of all Countries : Leone Levi On the Duration of Life among Medical Men : W. A. Guy Contribution to the Natural History of the New Zealand Race of Men ; being Observa- tions on their Stature, Weight, Size of Chest, and Physical Strength : S. A. Thomson On the System of Registration in the United States of America : Josiah Curtis On the Relation of the Price of Wheat to the Revenue derived from Customs and Excise Duties: W. A. Guy Old and New Bills of Mortality ; Movement of the Population ; Deaths and Fatal Diseases in London during the last Fourteen Years : John Angus A Statistical and Historical View of the Statute Law of the Realm, and of the Number of Statutes passed in each Reign, from the Earliest Recorded Period to the Present Time : William Tayler On Agricultural Statistics i Samuel Paull ST 48: Statistical Society, London — Contd. — Journal — Contd. Vol. 17, 1854— Contd. Our Commerce with Eussia, in Peace and War J. T. JDanson On a Decimal Coinage for the United Kingdom : Frederic J. Minasi Historical and Statistical View of the Colony of Victoria : G. M. Bell Statistics of the United States of America: Thomas A. Welton Vol. 18, 1855. The Effect of the Recent Orders in Council in relation to English, Eussian, and Neutral Commerce : Alfred Waddilove On the Loans raised by Mr. Pitt during the First French War, 1793-1801, with some Statements in Defence of the Methods of Funding employed ; William Newmarch On the Statistical Position of Religious Bodies in England and Wales : Horace Mann On the Mortality arising from Naval Opera- tions : William B. Hodge On the Influence of Social Degradation in pro- ducing Pauperism and Crime, as exemplified in the Free Coloured Citizens and Foreigners in the United States : Rev. Robert Everest A Ten Years' Retrospect of London Banking : James W. Gilbart The Mining Resources of France, 1841-52 : H. Reader Lack Vol. 19, 1856. Resume of the Second Session of the Inter- national Statistical Congress, held at Paris, September, 1855 : Leone Levi On the Nature and Extent of the Benefits con- ferred by Hospitals on the Working Classes and the Poor : William A. Guy Analysis of the Statistics of the Clearing House during the Year 1839 : Charles Babbage On the Distribution of the Emigrants from Europe over the Surface of the United States : Rev. Robert Everest The External Commerce of British India during two periods of years ; namely, the eight years (ended 30th April) 1834-35 to 1841-42, and the five years 1849-50 to 1853-54 : Col. W. H. Sylces The Present State of the Mining Industries of the United Kingdom : Robert Hunt On the Mortality arising from Military Opera- tions : W. B. Hodge The Bank of England ; its present Constitu- tion and Operations : Charles Jellicoe On the Financial Statistics of British Govern- ment Life Annuities (1808-55), and on the Loss sustained by Government in Granting Annuities : Frederick Hendriks Vol. 20, 1857. On the Relation between Crime, Popular Instruction, Attendance on Religious Wor- ship, and Beer Houses : Rev. John Clay An Account of the Banking Establishment in Belgium termed " L'Union du Credit de TJv.iTPlles : " William G. Lumley Vol. 20, 1857— Contd. On the Duration of Life among Lawyers, with additional Observations on the Relative Longevity of the Members of the Three Learned Professions : William A. Guy Of the Proportion of Foreigners to Natives, and of Foreign and Native Convicts, in several States of Europe and America : Rev. R. Everest On the Pay of Ministers of the Crown : William Farr On the Progress of Fire Insurance in Great Britain as compared with other Countries : Samuel Brown On the Electoral Statistics of the Counties and Boroughs in England and Wales during the Twenty-Five Years from the Reform Act of 1832 to the present time : William New- march On the Statistics of the British Land Tax Assessment, and particularly of England and Wales, from 1636 to 1856 ; with Notes upon the Political Arithmetic of the earlier period of its Settlement : Frederick Hen- driks Vol. 21, 1858. Report on the International Statistical Congress, held at Vienna, September, 1857 : Samuel Brown On the Annual Fluctuations in the Number of Deaths from Various Diseases, compared with like Fluctuations in Crime and in other Events, within and beyond the Control of the Human Will : William A. Guy Notes on Public Works in India: Col. W. H. Sykes Metropolitan Railway Terminal Accommoda- tion, and its Effect on Traffic Results : Wil- liam A. Wilkinson On the Present State of the Administration of the Relief to the Poor in the Metropolis, and the Charge of the Poor Rate thereon : W. G. Lumley On the Statistics of Indian Revenue and Taxa- tion : Frederick Hendriks Tables relating to the State of the Population of Great Britain at the Census of 1851, with a Comparative View, at the Different Ages, of the Population of France ; also a Com- parative Return of Births and Deaths, 1838-54: Charles M. Willich ; with some Remarks by way of Preface by E. T. Scargill, Assistant Secretary Report on the Proceedings of the Congres International de Bienfaisance held in Frank- fort-on-the-Maine, September, 1857 : Henry Roberts Chronicon Pretiosum Snathense ; or Lists of Prices of Various Kinds of Agricultural Produce, and of other Articles, in the Ecclesiastical Peculiar of Snaith, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, in the Sixteenth, Seven- teenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. Compiled from the Probate Records of the Peculiar : Rev. Charles B. Robinson 2 i2 484 ST Statistical Society, London — Contd. — Journal — Contd. Vol. 22, 1859. On the Electoral Statistics of England and Wales, 1856-58. Part II. Results of Fur- ther Evidence : William Newmarch On the Vital Statistics of the Society of Friends : Joseph J. Fox On a Standard of Public Health for England : E. Headlam Greenhow On the Duration of Life as affected by the Pursuits of Literature, Science, and Art ; with a Summary View of the Duration of Life among the Upper and Middle Classes of Society : William A. Guy Propositions and Inferences, with Statistical Notes, touching the Provision of Country Dwellings for Town Labourers, and in par- ticular lor those of the Town of Liverpool : J. T. Damon Results of Different Principles of Legislation and Administration in Europe ; of Competition for the Field, as compared with Competition within the Field of Service : Edwin Chadwick Some Observations and Statistics on the Univer- sities of Russia in the Year 1856 : A. Koolomzine Observations on Illegitimacy in the London Parishes of St. Marylebone, St. Pancras, and St. George's, Southwark, during the Year 1857, deduced from the Returns of the Registrar- General : William Acton Vol. 23, I860. On the Rate of Wages in Manchester and Sal- ford and the Manufacturing Districts of Lancashire, 1839-59 : David Chadwick On the Distribution and Productiveness of Taxes, with reference to the Prospective Ameliorations in the Public Revenue of the United Kingdom : Leone Levi A Review of the Statistics of Spain down to the Years 1857 and 1858, chiefly founded on the Spanish Census Returns of those years : Frederick Hendriks Extracts from the Tables and Official Infor- mation respecting the Prussian States for the Year 1849, published by the Statistical De- partment at Berlin ; and a few Remarks by the Translator : Sir Francis H. Goldsmid, St. Statistics of the English Poor Rate before and since the passing of the Poor Law Amend- ment Act : Frederick Purdy On the Application of a New Statistical Method to the ascertainment of the Votes of Majorities in a more Exhaustive Manner : Thomas Mare Abstracts and Inferences founded upon the Official Criminal Returns of England and Wales for the Years 1854-59, with Special Reference to the Results of Reformatories : T. S. Lloyd Saker Observations on the State of the Aboriginal Maori Inhabitants of New Zealand : F. D. Fenton Vol. 24, 1861. Report to the Statistical Society on the Pro- ceedings of the Fourth Session of the Inter- national Statistical Congress, held in London, July, 1860: James T. Hammuk Vol. 24, 1861— Contd. The Effect of the Gold Supplies on the Foreign Exchanges between the United Kingdom and Foreign Countries, and on the Price of Silver : Francis Jourdan On the Progress of the Expenditure of the United Kingdom, 1800-60 : Leone Levi On Taxes upon Enjoyments : Esquirou de Parieu Some Observations on the Fallacy of the War- burton Argument in favour of an Indiscrimi- nating Income Tax : William L. Sargant On the Origin and Numerical Development of Serfdom in the Russian Empire : Arthur de Suscheh On the Earnings of Agricultural Labourers in England and Wales, 1860 : Frederick Purdy Numerical Analysis of the Patients treated in Guy's Hospital for the last seven Years, from 1854 to 1861 : John C. Steele Vol. 25, 1862. The Resources of Popular Education in Eng- land and Wales ; Present and Future : Horace Mann On the Vital Statistics of Sweden from 1749 to 1855 : F. Hendriks Observations upon the Statistics of Illegitimacy : W. G. Lumley On the Inclosure Commission, its Powers, and the Principle on which they have been exer- cised : John W. Tottie On the Progress and Economical Bearings of National Debts in this and other Countries : Leone Levi On the Earnings of Agricultural Labourers in Scotland and Ireland : Frederick Purdy Vol. 26, 1863. On the Statistics of Tonnage during the First Decade under the Navigation Law of 1849 : John Glover On the Cotton Trade and Manufacture, as affected by the Civil War in America : Leone Levi On the Rationale and Working of the Patent Laws : J. F. T. Sogers Recent Financial and Taxation Statistics of tbe United States : Cornelius Walford On the Pay and Income of the British Soldier, as compared with the Rate of Agricultural Wages : Major- Gen. Sir A. M. Tulloch On Sufficient and Insufficient Dietaries, with Especial Reference to the Dietaries of Prisoners : William A. Guy The Expenditure of the United Kingdom for Colonial Purposes : Frederick Purdy On the Progress of Official Statistics in the Netherlands (1858-63), with a New Dutch Life Table : by Dr. von Saumhauer. Contri- buted by Frederick Hendriks The Industrial Progress of Victoria, as con- nected with its Gold Mining : H. S. Chapman Vol. 27, 18e4. On a Continuous Price of Wheat for 105 Years, from 1380 to 14S4 : J. E. T. Sogers ST 485 Statistical Society, London — Contd. — Journal — Contd. Vol. 27, 1864— Contd. On the Commercial Progress and Resources of Central British America, the Lake Winnipeg and Saskatchewan Districts : Henry Y. Hind On certain Results and Defects of the Reports of the Registrar- General : William Lucas Sargant A few Statistics relating to Shipping Casualties : Henry Jeula On Shipwrecks in the Royal Navy : William B. Hodge Resources of Brazil : James Heywood Prices of Edibles and Potables in A.D. 1506 : Col. W. H. Sykes The Statistics of the Roman Catholics in England and Wales : William G. Lumley On the Mortality of Eurasians : P. M. Tad Statistics of the City of Aberdeen \ James Valentine Statistics of Crime in Russia : T. Michell Vol. 28, 1865. On the Commercial Progress of the Colonies and Dependencies of the United Kingdom : E. T. BlaTcely On the Extension of Modern Subjects, as . Parts of Regular Study, in Educational Institutions : James Heywood Inconsistencies of the English Census of 1861 with the Registrar-General's Reports, and Deficiencies in the Local Registry of Births : William L. Sargant On Infant Mortality, and on Alleged Inaccu- racies of the Census : William Farr On Public Schools and the Civil Service of India : Horace Mann On the Statistical and Fiscal Definitions of the Word " Income : " J. E. Thorold Rogers On the Supposed Extinction of the Turks and Increase of the Christians in Turkey : Hyde Clarke On the Variation of Prices and the Value of the Currency since 1782 : W. Stanley Jevons On the " Country Clearing:" Sir John Lubbock On the Economic Condition of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland : Leone Levi. On the Original and Acquired Meaning of the Term " Statistics," and on the Proper Functions of a Statistical Society ; also on the Question whether there be a Science of Statistics ; and, if so, what are its Nature and Objects, and what is its Relation to Political Economy and " Social Science : " William A. Guy Vol. 29, 1866. Mortality of Children in the Principal States of Europe : William Farr Organisation, Strength, and Cost of the English and French Navies in 1865 : Colonel W. H. Sykes On the Statistical Progress of the Kingdom of Italy : Samuel Brown On the Frequent Autumnal Pressure in the Money Market, and the Action of the Bank of England : W. Stanley Jevons Vol. 29, 1866— Contd. Observations on French Population Statistics, particularly those of Births, Deaths, and Marriages : T. A. Welton On the Budgets and Accounts of England and France : Major- General Balfour On the Economic Condition of the Highlands of Scotland : Duke of Argyll A Notice of Professor J. E. T. Rogers's History of Agriculture and Prices in England, 1259-1400: William Newmarch Railway Extension and its Results : B. Dudley Baxter Vol. 30, 1867. On Strikes and Combinations, with Reference to Wages and the Conditions of Labour : Jacob Waley On Prison Discipline and Statistics in Lower Bengal : Frederick J. Mouat On the Progress of Elementary Education : William L. Sargant On the Military Conscription of France : Major- General Balfour Qn the Mortality of London Hospitals, and Incidentally on the Deaths in the Brisons and Public Institutions of the Metropolis : William A. Guy Central Statistical Commission of Austria ; Analysis of Report for 1866 : W. Thomas Newmarch On the Judicial Statistics of England and Wales, with Special Reference to the Recent Returns relating to Crime : James T. Hammick On the Statistics of Civil Procedure in English Courts of Law : William John Bovill On Public Instruction in Turkey : Hyde Clarice Vol. 31, 1868. Form of Government and Educational System of the University of Cambridge : James Report on the Sixth International Statistical Congress, held at Florence from 29th Septem- ber to 5th October, 1867 : Samuel Brown On the Trade with the Coloured Races of Africa : Archibald Hamilton On the Agricultural Statistics of the United Kingdom : James Caird On the Comparative Population of European States : Samuel Brown On the Finances of the United States of America, 1861-67 : Leonard H. Courtney Statistics of the Kingdom of Greece : Demetrius Bikelas The Increase of Material Prosperity and of Moral Agents, compared with the State of Crime and Pauperism : J. H. Elliott On the Condition of the Metallic Currency of the United Kingdom, with reference to the Question of International Coinage : W. Stanley Jevons Vol. 32, 1869. Statistical Notes regarding the Colony of Natal Dr. Mann 486 ST Statistical Society, London — C until — Journal — Contd. Vol. 32, 1869— Contd. On the Rise, Progress, and Future Prospects of Tea Cultivation in British India : Charles H Fielder On the Cost and Organisation of the Civil Service : Horace Mann On the Agricultural Statistics of the United Kingdom. (Second Paper) : James Caird On Insanity in Crime ; and on the Plea of In- sanity in Criminal Cases : William A. Guy On the Statistics of the Kingdom of the Nether- lands : Samuel Brown On the Classification of the People by Occu- pations ; and on other Subjects connected with Population Statistics of England : T. A. Welton Inaugural Address on the Progress and Present Condition of Statistical Inquiry, delivered on Tuesday, 16th November, 1869, by the President : William Newmarch, Esq., F.R.S. Report on the Seventh International Statistical Congress, held at the Hague, 6th — 11th September, 1869 : Samuel Brown On the House Accommodation of England and Wales, with reference to the Census of 1871 : Robert H I. Palgrave Vol. 33, 1870. On Joint Stock Companies : Leone Levi On International Coinage and the Variations of the Foreign Exchanges during Recent Years : Ernest Seyd Finance of the Free Church of Scotland : Rev. Robert Buchanan On the Home Monetary Drains and the Crisis of 1866 : R. H Patterson On the Incidence of Local Taxation : J. E. Thorold Rogers Statistical Notes on the Free Town Libraries of Great Britain and the Continent : William E. A. Axon On the Claims of Science to Public Recogni- tion and Support ; with Special Reference to the so-called " Social Sciences : " William A. Guy On Wool Supply : Archibald Hamilton Vol. 34, 1871. On Currency Laws, and their Effects on Pauperism : Ernest Seyd Suggestions upon the Preparation and Printing of Parliamentary Statistics : Frederick Purdy On the Local Taxation of Great Britain and Ireland: R. H. Inglis Palgrave ("Tayler Prize Essay") On the Rate* of Interest, and the Effects of a High Bank Rate during Commercial and Monetary Crises : R. H. Patterson On the Geographical Distribution of Intel- lectual Qualities in England : Hyde Clarke Inaugural Address delivered on Tuesday, 21st November, 1871, by the President : William Farr, Esq., M.J). Suggestions for the Collection and Arrange- ment of Local Statistical Information : James T. Hammick Vol. 35, 1872. Comparative Health of Seamen and Soldiers, as shown by the Naval and Military Statis- tical Reports : T. Graham Balfour On the Limits of Legislative Interference with the Sale of Fermented Liquors : Leone Levi On Prison Discipline and Statistics in Lower Bengal : Frederic J. Mouat On the Colonies : Archibald Hamilton The Bank Act and the Crisis of 1866 : Ham- mond Chubb The Official Trade and Navigation Statistics : Stephen Bourne Tonnage Statistics of the Decade 1860-70: John Glover Statistics of Telegraphy : Sir James Anderson Some Statistics relating to the Traffic through the Suez Canal j to Merchant Vessels touch- at St. Helena; and to Losses posted on " Llojd's Loss Book : " Henry Jeula On the Consumption of Tobacco in the United Kingdom, 1801-70 : William E. A. Axon Inaugural Address delivered at the Society's Rooms, Tuesday, 19th November, 1872, by the President: William Farr, Esq., M.D. Statistical Critique on the Operation of the Bank Charter Act of 1844, and Suggestions for an Improved System of Issue : Ernest Seyd Vol. 36, 1873. John Howard as Statist : William A. Guy The Relative Supplies from Town and Country Families to the Population of Future Genera- tions : Francis Galton Notes on Banking in Great Britain and Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, and Hamburg ; with some Remarks on the Amount of Bills in Circu- lation, both Inland and Foreign, in Great Britain and Ireland ; and the Banking Law of Sweden : R. H. Inglis Palgrave Notes on the Purchase of the Railways by the State : Richard B. Martin On our National Parliamentary Accounts, with Suggestions for Establishing a Doomsday Book giving the Value of National Govern- mental Property or Assets as the Basis of a Sound System of Accounts, by which Expen- diture for Capital and Current Account shall be separately shown : Frank P. Fellows The Statistics of Legislation : Frederick H. Janson An Attempt to answer the Question, Why it is that so much Land is Occupied and Culti- vated by its Owners in France and some other European Countries on the Continent, and so little in England ? : G. Warde Norman Inaugural Address delivered at the Society's Rooms, on Tuesday, 18th November, 1873, by the President : William A. Guy, Esq., M.B. High Price of Coal ; Suggestions for Neutra- lising its Evils : Sir Rowland Hill Vol. 37, 1874. The Recent Progress of National Debts : R. Dudley Baxter ST 487 Statistical Society, London — Contd. — Journal— Contd. Vol. 37, 1874— Con td. Some Statistics of the Courts of Justice and of Legal Procedure in England : F. H. Janson The Census of Bengal : Henry Beverley On the Keconstruction of the Income and Property Tax : Leone Levi Statistics of Deaths by Suicide among Her Majesty's British Troops Serving at Home and Abroad during the Ten Years 1862-71 : W. H. Millar The Elections of 1868 and 1874 : John B. Martin Local Government among Different Nations : Sir Charles W. Dilke, Bt. The Co-operative Land Movement : E. W. Brabrook Inaugural Address delivered at the Society's Booms, on Tuesday, 17th November, 1874, by the President : William A. Guy., Esq., M.B. The Value of Death-Bates as a Test of Sanitary Condition : N. A. Humphreys Vol. 38, 1875. The Consumption of Intoxicating Liquors at Various Periods as affected by the Bates of Duty Imposed upon them : Rev. Lawson Bums On Improved Dwellings and their Beneficial Effect on Health and Morals, with Sugges- tions for their Extension : Charles Gatliff The Mercantile Navies of the World in the Years 1870 and 1874 compared : Henry Jeula Marriages between First Cousins in England, and their Effects : George H. Darwin Friendly Societies and Similar Institutions : E. W. Brabrook The Progress of our Foreign Trade, Imports and Exports, during the past Twenty Years : Stephen Bourne The Effect of Migrations upon Death- Bates : Thomas A. Welton Inaugural Address of James Heywood, Esq., President of the Statistical Society, delivered on Tuesday, 16th November, 1875 Statistics at the Paris Geographical Congress : IE. G. Ravenstein John Howard's True Place in History. A Supplement to the Paper entitled " John Howard as Statist : " W. A. Guy Vol. 39, 1876. The Banking Institutions, Bullion Beserves, and Non-Legal- Tender Note Circulation of the United Kingdom Statistically Investi- gated : John Dun On the Principles which Begulate the Bate of Interest, and on the Currency Laws : Robert Baxter On the Municipal Government of Paris : Sir Charles W. Dilke, Bt. On International Prison Statistics : Frederic J. Mouat Statistics relating to the Support of Beligious Institutions in England and Wales : Herbert S. Skeats The Supply of Gas to the Metropolis : Harry Chubb Vol. 39, 1876— Contd. On the Valuation of Bailways, Telegraphs, Water Companies, Canals, and other Com- mercial Concerns, with Prospective, Deferred, Increasing, Decreasing, or Terminating Profits : William Farr On the Validity of the Annual Government Statistics of the Operation of the Contagious Diseases Acts : Rt. Hon. James Stansfeld The Opening Address of James Heywood, Esq., President of the Statistical Society, delivered on Tuesday, 21st November, 1876 Preliminary Beport of the Ninth International Statistical Congress, held at Buda-Pesth from 1st to 7th September, 1876: Frederic J. Mouat The Physical Bequirements of Factory Chil- dren : Charles Roberts Vol. 40, 1877. Statistical Besults of the Becent Treaties of Commerce between different States of Europe : Leone Levi The Growing Preponderance of Imports over Exports in the Foreign and Colonial Trade of the United Kingdom : Stephen Bourne Some Statistics of the Affiliated Orders of Friendly Societies (Odd Fellows and Foresters) : Francis G. P. Neison On the Becent Economic Progress of New Zealand : Archibald Hamilton The Cost of English Local Government : Captain P. G. Craigie Fires and Fire Insurance considered under their Historical, Financial, Statistical, and National Aspects : Cornelius Walford The Populations of Bussia and Turkey : E. G. Ravenstein Inaugural Address of G. J. Shaw Lefevre, Esq., M.P., President of the Society, delivered on Tuesday, 20th November, 1877 Births, Deaths, and Marriages, and the Com- parative Progress of Population in some of the Principal Countries of Europe : Frederick Martin Abstract of a Beport published by the Italian Government on the International Statistics of Savings Banks : Edward W. Brabrook Vol. 41, 1878. Becent Accumulations of Capital in the United Kingdom : Robert Giffen Diagrams exhibiting the Positions of the Bank of England, the Bank of France, the German Beichsbank, the National Bank of Austria, the Netherlands Bank, the National Bank of Belgium, the National Bank of Italy, and the State Bank of Bussia, with Bemarks thereon, and Beference to the Note Issue System of the Bank of England : Ernest Seyd What are the Conditions on which the Com- mercial and Manufacturing Supremacy of Great Britain depend, and is there any Beason to think they have been, or may be Endangered ? : A.J. Mundella 488 ST Statistical Society, London — Contd. — Journal — Contd. Vol. 41, 1878— Contd. On the Progress of the Foreign Trade of the United Kingdom since 1856, with Especial Reference to the Effects produced upon it by the Protectionist Tariffs of other Countries: William Newmarch On the Debts of Sovereign and Quasi- Sovereign States, Owing by Foreign Countries : Hyde Clarke The Famines of the World ; Past and Present, Part 1 : Cornelius Walford The Owens College, Manchester, and a Northern University : James Hey wood Opening Address of G. J. Shaw-Lefevre, Esq., AT. P., President of the Society, delivered on Tuesday, 19th November, 1878 Remarks on the Statistical Use of the Arithmor meter : Professor W. S. Jevons Vol. 42, 1879. Reports on (1) The Fourth Session of the Permanent Commission of the International Statistical Congress, held in Paris, 10th — 20th July, 1878; (2) The First Session of the International Congress of Demography and Medical Geography, held in Paris, 5th — 10th July, 1878 ; (3) The Second Session of the International Prison Congress, held in Stockholm, 20th — 27th August, 1878 : Frederic J. Mount On the Fall of Prices of Commodities in Recent Years : Robert Giffen The Famines of the World ; Past and Present. Part 2 : Cornelius Walford The Colony of Victoria ; its Progress and Present Position : Henry H. Hayter On some Phases of the Silver Question : Stephen Bourne The Feasibility of Compulsory Education in Ireland : W. Neilson Hancock On the Celtic Languages in the British Isles ; a Statistical Survey : E. G. Ravenstein On Tabular Analysis : William A. Guy On some Effects of a Crisis on the Banking Interest : John B. Martin Agriculture in England and the United States. The Inaugural Address of Thomas Brassey, Esq., M.P., President of the Society, delivered on Tuesday, the 18th November, 1879 Vol. 43, 1880. Ig the Value of Money Rising in England and throughout the World? with Remarks on the Effect of the Fluctuating Conditions of Trade upon the Value of Money : R. H. Patterson The Strikes of the Past Ten Years : G. Phillips Bevan On certain Changes in the English Rates of Mortality : Thomas A. Welton On the Education and Training of the ChildreD of the Poor : Frederic J. Mouat Vital Statistics of Cavalry Horses : T. Graham Balfour Ten Years' Statistics of British Agriculture, 1870-79 : Captain Patrick G. Craigie Vol. 43, 1880— Contd. On the Home Produce, Imports, Consumption, and Price of Wheat over the Harvest Years 1852-53 to 1879-80 inclusive: J. B. Lames and J. H. Gilbert A Survey of Indictable and Summary Juris- diction Offences in England and Wales, from 1857 to 1876, in Quinquennial Periods and in 1877 and 1878 : Professor Leone Levi On the Increase of Popidation in England and Wales : R. Price Williams Inaugural Address of James Caird, Esq., C.B., F.R.S., President of the Statistical Society, delivered on Tuesday, 16th November, 1880 Note on the Tenth Census of the United States of America : Frederic J, Mouat Vol. 44, 1881. The Question of the Reduction of the Present Postal Telegraph Tariff : R. Price Williams The Method of Statistical Analysis : Wynnard Hooper On Methods of Electing Representatives : H. R. Droop The History and Statistics of the Irish Incum- bered Estates Court, with Suggestions for a Tribunal with Similar Jurisdiction in England : R. Denny Urlin On Temperature, and its Relation to Mortality : an Illustration of the Application of the Numerical Method to the Discovery of Truth : William A. Guy On the Number of Deaths from Accident, Negligence, Violence, and Misadventure in the United Kingdom and some other Countries : Cornelius Walford The English Stations in the Hill Regions of India; their Value and Importance, with some Statistics of their Products and Trade : Hyde Clarke The British Land Question : James Caird, Esq., C.B., F.R.S., the Opening Address of the President of the Society, delivered 15th November, 1881 The Industrial Resources of Ireland : G. Phillips Bevan Vol. 45, 1882. The Economic Progress of Italy during the last Twenty Years, since the Formation of the Italian Kingdom in 1861 : Prof. Leone Levi The Tonnage Statistics of the Decade 1870-80 ; a Sequel to Two Previous Papers on the Decades 1850-60 and 1860-70 : John Glover The Use of Import and Export Statistics : Robert Giffen The National Expenditure upon Alcohol : Stephen Bourne Two Hundred and Fifty Years of Small Pox in London, together with a Supplement relating to England and Wales : William A. Guy The Relative Mortality after Amputations, of Large and Small Hospitals, and the Influence of the Antiseptic (Listerian) System upon such Mortality : Henry C. Burdett ST 489 Statistical Society, London— Contd. — Journal — Contd. Vol. 45, 1882— Contd, The Utility of Common Statistics : Robert Oiffen, Esq., the Inaugural Address of the President of the Society, delivered on Tues- day, the 21st November, 1882 Vol. 46, 1883. Statistics of Agricultural Production : Major P. &. Craigie The Parliamentary Representation of the Metro- politan, Agricultural, and Manufacturing Divisions of the United Kingdom, with Suggestions for its. Redistribution: Arthur Ellis Vol. 46, 1883 — Contd. The Recent Decline in the English Death-Rate, and its Effect upon the Duration of Life : Noel A. Humphreys Education in India and the India Commission on Education : Rev. James Johnston Popular Education in England and Wales before and after the Elementary Education Act of 1870 : Rowland Hamilton Food Products, and their International Distri- bution : Stephen Bourn? The Progress of the Working Classes in the Last Half Century : Robert Qiffen, Esq., LL.D. The Inaugural Address of the President of the Society, delivered 20th November, 1883 — General Index [to the] Journal of the — 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1854-74 The First Fifteen volumes [1838-52]. I Volumes 26—35 (1863-72). Volumes 16—25 (1853-62). — Report of the Registration Committee of the — , 1847 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 8vo. 1848 — Catalogue of the Library of the — , iv + 142 pp., 8vo. 1859 Statistics, Popular, and Universal Geography . . . 100 + 1 pp., map, 12mo. 1835 Statistics made Easy; or, Tables for England and Wales: * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 8vo. 1835 Statistique Internationale. Territoire. Superficie de l'Burope. xx + 227 + 1 pp., maps, la. 4to. St. Petersb., 1882 — Population. Etat de la population- iv + 123 + 2 pp., 4to, Stockh., 1875-76 — Agriculture. xv + 228 pp., la. 8vo. Nancy, 1876 — Viticulture. Statistique viticole. Premiere partie. Viticulture de la Hongrie, 1860-73. iv + 247 pp., la. 4to. Budapest, 1875 — Navigation Maritime, I. Jaugeage des Navires. 78 pp., 4to. Christiania, 1876 — Navigation Maritime, II. Les Marines marchandes. 80 pp., la. 4to. ib., 1881 — Prevoyance. Caisses d'epargne. 1 vol., diagrams and maps, la. 8vo. Rome, 1876 — Prevoyance. Banques d'emission. Paged by divisions, la. 8vo. ib., 1880-82 — Assistance pubjique et des Btablissements de Charite et Institutions pieuses en Norvege. 120 pp., 4to. ib., 1880 — Justice. L'Administration de la justice oivile et commerciale en Europe. Legislation et Statistique. xlvi + 631 pp., la. 4to. Paris, 1876 — Grandes Villes. Mouvement de la Population des grandesvilles. Premiere section. Tome i. xxvii -I- 283 + 1 pp., 4to. Budapest, 1876 — Grandes Villes. Statistique des Finances des grandes villes. Deuxieme section. Tome i. 9 + 352 pp., 4to. ib., 1877 — Programme d'organisation d'une statistique internationale des etablisse- ments d'enseignement. 55 pp., 4to. Vienne, 1872 Another copy, in German 55 pp., 4to. Wien, 1872 — Bulletin des finances des grandes villes, 1879. 39 pp., la. 8vo. Budapest, 1881 — Banques d'Emission. Grande Bretagne. 47 pp., la. 8vo. Rome, 1882 Statistique. La, Journal des Faits : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 1. 4to. 1838 Stchepkine (S.). Essai d'une nomenclature classified des professions et conditions : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 490 ST Steam to Australia and New Zealand. A Collection of Letters, &c. . . . relative to the various Routes proposed . . . With an Appendix. 2nd edit. Revised, &c, 1850 : *Polit. Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Stebbings (R. P.). On Louis Agassiz : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1873 Steele (John C). Numerical Analysis of the Patients treated in Guy's Hospital for the Seven Years, 1854-60 : * Stat. Soc (JZ.), vol. 24. 8vo. 1861 — Statistical Tables of the Patients treated in Guy's Hospital during 1861 : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 1. 8vo. [1862] Steet (G. Carrick). Notes on the Development and Growth of Boys between 13 and 20 years of age : * St. George's Hospital Eep. 8vo. 1877 Stein (Christian G. D.). Handbuch der Geographie und Statistik ; nach den neuesten Ansichten fur die gebildeten Stande, Gymnasien und Schulen. Vierte Auflage. 4th edit., 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1819 Steinthal (Rev. S. A.). Licensing Laws, and Proposals for their Arrange- ment : * * Manch. Stat, Soc. 8vo. 1868-69 Stephanitz (Alexander). Russische Eisenbahn-Werthpapiere. Ein Nach- schlagebuch fiber die finanzielle Lage aller russischen Eisenbahn- Gesellschaften, deren Betriebs-Resultate, Vertheilung der Einnahmen, Statuten, etc., etc., fur die Jahre 1874-81, nach offiziellen Quellen. 4 + 148 pp., la. 8vo. St. Petersb., 1883 Stephen (Sir George). The Principles of Commerce and Commercial Law explained by a Course of Lectures delivered by — . v + 1 + 269 pp., 12mo. 1853 Stephen (Sir James). Address on Colonization by : * Soc. Science Assocn. 8vo. 1858 Stephen (Leslie). On the Choice of Representatives by Popular Constitu- encies : * Essays on Reform. 8vo. 1867 Stephens (E.). Report on the Statistics of South Australia : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Stephenson (George). The Story of the Life of — ; including a Memoir of his Son, Robert Stephenson. A new edition, thoroughly revised : S. Smiles. Portraits, &c, 12mo. 1864 Stephenson (R. Macdonald). Report upon the Practicability and Advan- tages of the Introduction of Railways into British India ; with copies of the Official Correspondence with the Bengal Government, and full Statistical Data respecting the existing Trade upon the Line connecting Calcutta with Murzapore, Benares, Allahabad, and the North- West Frontier ; copies of Miscellaneous Correspondence . . . map, 1845 : * Indian Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1845-49 — Railways in Turkey. Remarks upon the Practicability and Advantage of Railway Communication in European and Asiatic Turkey. Map : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 32. 8vo. 1859 Stephenson (Robert). The Story of the Life of George Stephenson; including a Memoir of his Son — . A new edition, thoroughly revised : S. Smiles. Portraits, &c, 12mo. 1864 Stephenson (W.). The Scientific Aspects of Children's Hospitals : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1871 Sterlich (R.). Sur la recidive : * Congres Internat, de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Steuart (Sir James, Bart.). An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Oeconomy ; being an Essay on the Science of Domestic Policy in Free Nations. In which are particularly considered Population, Agriculture, Trade, Industry, Money, Coin, Interest, Circulation, Banks, Exchange, Public Credit, and Taxes. 2nd edit. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1770 Another copy 1st edit, 2 vols., 4to. 1767 ST 491 Stevens (Ed.). Sur les octrois communaux de Belgique, 1845 : * Belgium (Bulletin Commiss. stat.) vol. 3. 4to. 1847 Stevens (Captain John). An Historical Account of all Taxes under what denomination soever, from the Conquest to the Death of George I. 2nd edit. xxxi + 374 pp., 8vo. 1733 Stevens (John A., jun.). On George Gibbs : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1873 Stevens (M.). Memorandum on the Working of the Cellular System in Belgium : * Internat. Prison Congress, London. 8vo. 1872 Stevens (Robert). An Essay on Average ; and on other Subjects con- nected with the Contract of Marine Insurance ... x + 2 + 184 pp., 8vo. 1813 Stevens (Robert W.). Stowage of Ships and their Cargoes ; Information regarding Freights, Charter Parties, &c. 5th edit. 712 pp., plates, 8vo. 1869 Stevenson (W.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Surrey. Map : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1809 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Dorset : Id. 8vo. 1812 Stewart (Alexander P.). The Medical and Legal Aspects of Sanitary Reform. By — and E. Jenkins : * Tracts, Miscell., vol. 3. 8vo. 1867 Stewart (Dugald). Lectures on Political Economy ; to which is prefixed Part 3 of the Outlines of Moral Philosophy. Edited by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb., 1855-56 Stewart (J. C). Facts and Documents relating to the Affairs of the Union Bank of Calcutta, during his service as Secretary to that Institution. Calcutta, 1848 : * Indian Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1842-49 Stewart (Col. M.). Some Considerations on the Policy of the Government of India ; more especially with reference to the Invasion of Burmah : * Pamph., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 Stieda (W.). Les mariages consanguins : *Annales Demog. internat., vol. 3. La. 8vo. 1879 Stille (Alfred). Dysentery: * U.S.A. (Sanitary Commiss.). 8vo. 1864 — Vaccination in Armies. By F. G. Smith and — : Id. 8vo. 1864 Stimmel (A. P.). Untersuchungen fiber die Bevolkerung Geburts- und Sterblichkeits-Verhaltnisse von Stuttgart : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 1. 8vo. 1834 Stimpson (William). Synopsis of Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, Bay of Fundy : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 6. 4to. 1855 — Check List of Shells of North America : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 2. 8vo. 1862 — Researches upon the Hydrobunse and Allied Forms : Id., vol. 7. 8vo. 1867 Stirling (Patrick J.). The Philosophy of Trade; or, Outlines of a Theory of Profits and Prices, including an Examination of the Principles which Determine the Relative Value of Corn, Labour, and Currency. xxvii -I- 380 pp., 8vo. Edinb., 1846 — The Australian and Californian Gold Discoveries, and their Probable Consequences ; or, an Inquiry into the Laws which Determine the Value and Distribution of the Precious Metals ; with Historical Notices of the Effects of the American Mines on European Prices in the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. In a series of Letters. 279 pp., diagrams, 8vo. ib., 1853 — Harmonies of Political Economy. By F. Bastiat. Translated from the French, with a Notice of the Life and Writings of the Author by — : F. Bastiat. 8vo. 1860-70 — Economic Sophisms. By F. Bastiat. Translated from the fifth edition of the French by— : Id. 8vo. 1873 Stocking (S. W.). The Political Divisions of the United States : * U.S. A. (Stat. Atlas). La. fol. 1874 492 ST Stockwell (John N.). Memoir of the Secular Variation of the Elements of the Orbits of Eight Principal Planets : * Smitfom. Contribn., vol. 18. 4to. 1873 Stockel (J. M.). La Province de Smyrne considered au point de vne geographique, econoniique, et intellectuel. Par C. de Scherzer, en collaboration avec C. Hurmann et — . [Translation from the German] : C. de Scherzer. Maps and diagrams, 8vo. 1873 Stossel (J.). Statistik von Schweiz : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 — Statistique de Suisse : Id. 4to. 1867-68 Stoker (Charlotte M. B.). Necessity of a State Provision for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb of Ireland : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 Stokes (Whitley). Irish Manuscript Series. Vol. 1, part 1. On the Calendar of Oengus : Irish Acad. Boy. 4to. 1880 Stolk (T. van). Communication on National Revenues : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Stoney (G. Johnstone). The Natural System of Coinage : * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1868 — The Effect which a Mint Charge has upon the Value of Coins, to which is added a Proposition for Securing at once some of the Advantages of International Coinage : Id. 8vo. 1870 Stopes (H.). Some Results of the Removal of the Malt Tax : * Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1881 — The Influences of the Beer Duty : Id. 8vo. 1882 Storch (Heinrich) : — Statistische Uebersicht der Statthalter- schaften des Russischen Reichs nach ihren merkwiirdigsten Kulterverhalt- nissen. 128 pp., fol. Riga, 1795 Tableau historique etstatistique de l'Empire de Russie & la, fin du dix-huitieme siecle. 2 vols., maps, 8to. Basle, 1800 Cours d'ficonomie politique ; ou, Exposi- tion des Principes qui determinent la Prosperite des Nations . . . avec des Notes explicatives et critiques par J. B. Say. 5 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1823-24 Considerations sur la nature du Revenu National, 1824 : * Currency, Sec, vol. 4. 8to. 1824-43 Story (William). Essay upon the Agriculture of Victoria, with reference to its Climatic Advantages and the Geological and Chemical Character of its Soils ; the Rotation of Crops, and the Sources and Application of Manures ; the Zoological Economy adapted for the Australian Colonies, and the Introduction of Cotton and other Warm-Climate Products into an Australian System of Husbandry . . . Illustrated by a Plan of a Model Domain : * Victoria (Prize Essays). 8vo. 1861 Stott (John). On the Mortality among Publicans and other Persons engaged in the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, 1826-76 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1876 Straeten (J. van der). Institutions et Taxes locales du Royaume-Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande. Par E. Fisco et — . Deuxieme edition, revue, augmente, et mise au courant jusqu'au l er Octobre, 1862 : E. Fisco. 8vo. 1863 Straits Settlements. The Singapore Directory for the — , 1877-78-79, by T. J. Keaughran. 3 vols., la. 8vo. Singapore, 1877-79 — Singapore. Meteorological Observations at the H.E.I. Company's Magnetical Observatory at; — , by Captain C. M. Elliott, in 1841-45 : India. (Madras, Meteorological Observ.). 4to. 1850 Strang (John) : — Report on tbe Mortality Bills of tbe City of Glasgow and Suburbs for 1851, with Illustrative Social Statistics : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 5. 8vo. 1852. Social and Economic Statistics of Glasgow, with Observations on the Mortality Bills, and Cholera of 1854 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 8. 8vo. 1855 ST 493 The Comparative Progress of the English and Scottish Population, as shown by the Census of 1861 : *Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Report on' the Census of the Parliamentary and Municipal City of Glasgow, 1861 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1861 Strang (John)— Contd. Report on the Vital and Economic Statis- tics of Glasgow for 1856 and 1857 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 5. 8vo. 1857-58 Report on the Vital and Economic Statistics of Glasgow for 1858. 8vo. Glasgow, 1859 The Altered Condition of the Embroidery Manufacture of Scotland and Ireland since 1857 : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Strang ways (H. B. T.). Forty Years Since and Now : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 36. 8vo. 1875 Stratton (Thos.). The Affinity between the Hebrew Language and the Celtic. 3rd edit. 71 pp., 8vo. Edinb,, 1872 Street Nomenclature. A Plan for Preventing the Inconvenience resulting from the Number of Streets of the same Name in London-. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 32-. 8vo. 1858 Streeten (R. J. N.). Address of the Council of the Worcestershire Natural History Society : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 1. 8vo. 1834 Streeter (Edwin W.). Notes and Additions to " Gold ; " or Legal Regu- lations for the Standard of Gold and Silver Wares . . . Translated . . . from "Die gesetzliehe Regelung des Feingehaltes von Gold-und Silber- Waaren " . . . : * A. von Studnitz. Map, l2mo. 1877 Streets' Indian and Colonial Mercantile Directory for 1878-79 (including Trade Returns, Tariffs, Population, &c.) : Indian and Colonial Directory. Maps, la. 8vo. 1878 Streets (J. H.). Natural History of Hawaiian and Fanning Islands and Lower California : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 13. 8vo. 1878 Strelbitsky (General J.). Territoire. Superficie de l'Europe • * Stat. Internal. La. 4to. 1882 Strickland (Thomas). Observations on an Intended Proposition to the Legislature, in regard to a New Arrangement as to the Limiting Price of Corn. 1814 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 4. 8vo. 1814-16 Stringher (B.). Appunti di Statistica comparata delle Banche di emissione : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1877 Strong (Frederick). Greece as a Kingdom ; or, a Statistical Description of that Country, from the arrival of King Otho, in 1833, down to the Present Time. xiii + 404 pp., plate, 8vo. 1842 Strousberg (B. H.). Conspiracy Detected, in a Letter to the Rt. Hon. J. W. Henley, Refutation of certain Statements published by R. Christie and others on the subject of Life Assurance. 6th edit., 1852 : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 Stuart (Alexander). The Financial Statement of—, Colonial Treasurer of New South Wales, January, 1877 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1877 Stuart (J. M.). On the Prospects of Free Trade in Italy [1875] : * Cobden Club Rep. 12mo. 1870-78 Stubbs (William). The Constitutional History of England, in its Origin and Development. 3 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1874 Stuckenberg (P.). Les societes pour le patronage des detenus liberes en Danemark: * Internat. Prison Congress, StocJch., 1878. 8vo. 1879 Studnitz (Arthur von). Gold ; or, Legal Regulations for the Standard of Gold and Silver Wares in different Countries of the World; translated and abridged from " Die gesetzliehe Regelung des Feingehaltes von Gold- und Silber-Waaren von — " by Mrs. Brewer, with Notes and Additions by E. W. Streeter. xi + 139 pp., map, 12mo. 1877 494 SU Sudre (Alfred). Histoire du Communisme ; on, Refutation historique des Utopies socialistes. iv + 500 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1849 Suess (Edward). Boundary Line between Geologv and History : * Smithsn. Rep. 8vo. 1872 Sugar Question ; being a digest of the evidence taken before the Com- mittee on Sugar and Coffee Plantations. One of the Witnesses, 1848 : Part I. The East Indies and the Mauritius ; Pari II. The British West Indies, and Foreign Sugar Growing Countries. [Anon.]. 1848 : * Bolit. Pamph., vol. 3. 8vo. 1840-50 Sugar Trade. Considerations on the Nature of the — ; the comparative importance of the British and French Islands in the West Indies . . . [Anon.]. Plates : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 10. 8vo. 1763 Sugden (Edward B.) :— Considerations on the Rate of Interest, Redeemable Annuities, and Foreign Loans, 1817. 3rd edit. : * Currency, Src, toI. 9. 8vo. 1811-57 A Letter to J. Williams, Esq., M.P., in Reply to his Observations on the Abuses of the Court of Chancery : * Pamph., toI. 25. 8to. 1825 Opinions of Sir James Scarlett, — , and Mr. Richards, on the Privilege of the Bank of England, 1833 : * Currency, Sec, vol. 9. 8vo. 1811-57 Another copy. [2nd edit.] : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 Sullivan (Wm. K.). Dublin Monthly Journal of Industrial Progress. Edited by— : Dublin Monthly Jl. 8vo. 1854 Sumichrast (P. E.). The Birds of South Western Mexico : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 13. 8vo. 1878 Summers (W.). Economical Aspects of the Land Question in England : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1878-79 Sumner (George). An Oration delivered before the Municipal Authorities of the City of Boston, 4th July, 1859 . . . : Mass. (Boston, Oration). La. 8vo. 1859 Sundt (Eilert) : — Om Dodeligheden i Norge. 206 + ix pp., 12mo. Christiania, 1855 Om Griftermaal i Norge. 12mo. ib., 1855 Om Saedeligheds-Tilstanden i Norge. iv + 326 + xix pp., 8vo. ib., 1857 Om JEdrueligheds-Tilstanden i Norge. 120 pp., sm. 4to. Christiania, 1859 Fortsatte Bidrag angaaende Saedeligheds- Tilstanden i Norge. 101 pp., map, sm. 4to. ib., 1864 Supplies. A Plan for Raising the — , during the War. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 35. 8vo. 1798 Surgeons. Royal College of — . Classed Catalogue of the Books contained in the Library. lxii 4-1171 pp., 8vo. 1843 Suringar (M.). Un discours addresse par — , aux prisonniers de la maison centrale de Leeuwarde, en Hollande : * B. de la Sagra. 8vo. 1839 — Plan et reglement d'une societe pour l'amendement des jeunes delinquants tant prisonniers qne liberes : Id. 8vo. 1839 Surr (T. S.). Refutation of certain misrepresentations relative to the Nature and Influence of Bank Notes, and of the Stoppage of Issue in Specie, at the Bank of England, upon the Prices of Provisions, as stated in the Pamphlets of W. Boyd and W. Frend, 1801 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1800-01 Surrey, described and divided into Hundreds, a.b. 1610 : * Maps, reprinted, <$*c, by Kelly and Co. Sheet. Surtees Society. The Publications of the... Illustrated, 8vo. Durham, 1853-83 Vol. 26. Wills and Inventories from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, by Jas. Raine, jun. Vol. 33. Kural Economy in Yorkshire in 1641, by Henry Best 35. The Fabric Rolls of York Minster, wifn Appendix of Illustrative Documents su— sw 495 Surtees Society — Contd. Vol. 36. The Visitation of the County of York, 1665-66, by Wm. Dugdale, Esq. 37. The Works and Letters of Dennis Gran- ville, D.D. Nathan Drake's Account of the Sieges of Pontifract Castle A Brief Memoir of Mr. Justice Rokeby 38. Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham. Part 2 39. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Grospels. Part 2 40. Depositions from the Castle of York in the seventeenth century 41. Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Coun- ties in 1530, by Thos. Tonge 42. Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains, by J. R. Walbran. Vol. 1 43. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Grospels. Part 3 44. The Priory of Hexham, its Chronicles, Endowments, and Annals. Vol. 1 45. Testamenta Eboracensia. A Selection of Wills from the Registry at York. Vol. 3 46. The Priory of Hexham, its Title Deeds, Black Book, &c. Vol. 2 47. The Remains of Dennis Granville, a further Selection from his Papers 48. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. Part 4 49. Kirkby's Inquest Inquisitions of Knights' Fees Nomina Villarum for Yorkshire Appendix of Illustrative Documents 50. Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Ambrose Barnes, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 51. Symeonis Dunelmensis Opera et Collec- tanea. Vol. 1 52. The Correspondence of John Cosin, D.D., Bishop of Durham Papers Illustrative of his Life and Times. Part 1 53. Testamenta Eboracensia. A Selection of Wills from the Registry at York. Part 4 54. The Diary of Abraham de la Pryme, the Yorkshire Antiquary 55. The Correspondence of John Cosin, D.D., Bishop of Durham. Part 2 I Vol 56. 57. 58. I 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. The Register, or Rolls of Walter Gray, Archbishop of York The Register of the Guild of Corpus Christi in the city of York An Account of the Hospital of St. Thomas of Canterbury Feodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis. A Survey of the Estates of the Prior and Convent of Durham in the fifteenth century Missale ad usam Insignis Ecclesise Ebora- censis. Vol. 1 Ditto ditto. Vol. 2 Liber Pontificalis Chr. Bainbridge Archie- piscopi Eboracensis The Autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton, of East Newton, co. York Manuale et Processionale ad usam Insignis Ecclesise Eboracensis Acts of Chapter of the Collegiate Church of SS. Peter and Wilfred, Ripon, 1452-1506 Yorkshire Diaries and Autobiographies in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies Chartularium Abbathise de novo Monasterio, Ordinis Cisterciensis Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains, by J. R. Walbran. Vol. 2, part 1 Selections from the Household Books of Lord Wm. Howard, of Naworth Castle. Papers, Letters, and Documents illustra- tive of his Life and Times Cartularium Abbathise de Whiteby, Ordinis S. Benedicti Dialogi Laurentii Dunelmensis Monachi ac Prioris Breviarium ad usam Insignis Ecclesie Eboracensis. Vol. 1 Cartularium Abbathise de Whiteby. Vol. 2 The Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley, M.D. . . . Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfred, Ripon. Vol. 1 Breviarium ad Usum Insignis Ecclesie Eboracensis. (Secundum Usum . . .) (York Breviary). [Edited by Mr. Lawley] Surveyors' Institution. Transactions. Vols. 1—16. 8vo. 1868-83 Sussex, described and divided into Rapes, with the Situation of Chichester, the Cheife Citie thereof, and the Armes of such Nobles as have been dignified with the title of Earles since the Conquest, and other Accidents therein observed, a.d. 1646 : * Maps, reprinted, fyc, by Kelly and Co. Sheet, Sutherland (J.). Practical Results of the Application of Statistics to Army Sanitary Purposes : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 Sutief (Mooldie A., Khan Bahadoor). On the Advantages of a Periodical Census : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Sutton (William). Institute of Actuaries' Text Book of the Principles of Interest (including Annuities certain), Part 1 : Actuaries, Inst. of. 8vo. 1882 Swaine (Edward). Equity without Compromise; or, Hints for a Just System of National Education. 3rd edit. : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 4. 8vo. 1846 496 SW Swan (James G.). The Indians of Cape Flattery, Washington Territory : * Smithsn. Contribn., vol. 16. 4to. 1870 — The Haidah Indians of Queen Charlotte's Islands : Id., vol. 21. 4to. 1876 Swank (James M.). Statistics of the Iron and Steel Production of the United States, compiled for the Tenth Census : * U.S. A. (Censuses). Maps, 4to. 1881 Swansea. Letters to the Ratepayers in the Swansea Union, relative to the Expenditure of the Parochial Rates. 36 -f- xliii pp., 4to. Swansea, 1844 Sweden. Official Publications: — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Officiela Statistik; Statistisk Tidskrift; Banking; Commerce; Finances; Justice; Vital Statistics; Miscellaneous ; Exhibitions). — Officiela Statistik. Bidrag till S veriges 4to. Stockh., 1851-83 A. Befolkningsstatistik. Argangarne 1851-55, 3 haften ; 1856-60, 3 haften; 1861-69, hvardera 1 hafte ; 1870, 3 haften ; 1871-81, hvardera 1 hafte B. Rattsvasendet. Argangarne 1857-75, hvar- dera 2 haften ; 1876-81, hvardera 1 hafte Sammandrag af Justitie-Statsininisterns underdaniga Embetsberattelser for afen 1830 till och med 1856, under fortgaende jemforelse med senare afgifna underdaniga Berattelser : Afdelningarna I, II, III : 1 C. Bergshandtering. Argangarne 1858-81, hvardera 1 hafte D. Fabriker och Manufakturer. Argangarne 1858-81, hvardera 1 hafte E. Inrikes Handel och Sjofart. Argangarne 1858-81, hvardera 1 hafte F. Utrikes Handel och Sjcfart. Argangarne 1858-81, hvardera 1 hafte G-. Fangv&rden. Argangarne 1859-81, hvardera 1 hafte H. Kungl. Maj:ts Befallningshafvandes Fe- mSrsberattelser. Argangarne 1856-75, hvardera 25 haften jemte Sammandrag I. Telegrafvasendet. Argangarne 1861-82, hvardera 1 hafte K. Helso- och Sjukvarden 1. Medicinalstyrelsens (Sundhets-Kol- legii) underdaniga Berattelse. Argan- garne 1861 jemte Ofversigt af Arsbe- rattelserna 1851-60, 1 hafte ; 1862-81, hvardera 1 hafte 2. Ofverstyrelsens ofver Hospitalen underdaniga Berattelse. Argangarne 1861, 2 haften; 1862-81, hvardera L. Statens Jernvagstrafik. Argangarne 1862-64. hvardera 1 hafte ; 1865-66, hvardera 2 haften; 1867-77, hvardera 1 hafte; 1878 och 1879, hvardera 2 haften ; 1880, 2 haften ; 1881, 2 haften M. Pcstverket. Argangarne 1864 (och f orut- gangna ar), 1865-76, hvardera 1 hafte ; 1877, 3 haften; 1878, 2 haften; 1879, 2 haften ; 1880, 1 hafte ; 1881 N. Jordbruk och Boskapsskotsel Hushallningssallskapens Berattelser. Argangarne 1865-81, hvardera 24 a 26 haf ten jemte Sammandrag ; af Srgan- gen 1881 : 14 haften Sammandrag af Kungl. Maj:ts Befall- ningshafvandes Arsvaxtberattelser. Argangarne 1874-82, hvardera 1 hafte Landtmateriet. Argangarne 1867-82, hvar- dera 1 hafte Folkundervisningen. Argangen 1868, 1 hafte Skogsvasendet. Berattelse intill 1870 cch argangarne 1870-81, hvardera 1 hafte Valstatistik. 1, 3, 4, 5. Biksdagsmanna- valen 1872-81, hvardera 1 hafte 2. Kommunala rostratten 1871, 1 hafte Allmanna Arbeten. Argangarne 1872-81, hvardera 1 hafte Lots- och Fyrinrattningen samt Lifraddning- sanstalterna a rikets kuster. Argangarne 1873-82, hvardera 1 hafte Kommunernas fattigvSrd och finanser. Argangarne 1874-80, hvardera 1 hafte V. Branvins tillverkning och forsaljning. Till- verkningsaren 1873-81, 5 haften X. Aflonings- och pensionsstatistik. Argangen 1881, 1 hafte 8vo. ib., 1867-83 u 1 hafte — Statistisk Tidskrift, 1867-68, 1870 (H. 2 och 3), 1871-83 (Contents.) I. Sammandrag. — Indelning, Areal Folkmangd, vigde, fodde och Dode Tm- migranter, Emigranter, Yrken, Under- visning Rattsvasende. Fangvard Sjukvard Fattigvard Areal, jordbruk, och boskapsskotsel Fast egendom Landtmateri, Skogsvasende II. Bergs-o. fabrikshandtering- handel ocli sjofart Vagar. jemvagar Post, telegraf Sparbanker Finanser Kommunala finanser Kommunala rostratten Riksdagsmannaval Sparbankerna i Sverigeir, 1879 III. Om den naturliga folkokningen i Sverige SW 497 Sweden. Official Publications — Contcl. — Banking. Tariffer for In- och Utvexling af vissa Utlandska Silfvermynt-Sorter [1807]. Sheet, fol. [or. 1807] — Bank Returns 3 sheets, fol. Stockh., 1823 Specificeradt Sammandrag utur Bankena General Hufvud-Bocker for Aren 1776 och 1777 Sammandragen Tableau 6fver Bankens Till- gangar, Fordringar, Skulder, Miga Vinst och Totala Ofverskott, enligt Verkets Bakenskaper for Aren 1778-1822 3. Specificerad Uppgift ofver Bankens Till- gangar, Fordringar, Skulder samt behallna Ofverskott, enligt 1822 ars Bokslut — Uppgift ofver Wexel-Bankens Stallning, 1830-35. 11 sheets, fol. ib., 1830-36 — Uppgift ofver Bankens Metalliska Kassa samt utelopande sedlar och Depositions-Skuld, 1836-56. 41 sheets, fol. ib., 1836-56 — Ofversigt af Bankens hela stallning, 1830-55, 1857-60. 30 parts, fol. ib., 1831-61 — Berattelse till Rikets Hogl. Stander, angaende Banco- Verket, 1820-65. 22 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1821-65 — Berattelse angaende Riksbanken, af riksdagens revisorer, 1867, 1870-72. 4 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1867-72 — Sammandrag af uppgifter angaende de Enskilda sedelutgifvande bankernas, skadinaviska kreditaktiebolagets samt Aktiebolaget Stock- holms Handelsbanks stallning, 1871-72. 1 vol., fol. ib., 1871-72 — Sammandrag af Filialbankernas Stallning, 1871-72. 1 vol., fol. ib., 1871-73 — Sammandrag af de Enskilda bankinrattningarnes, 1873-74. 1 vol., fol. ib., 1873-75 — Uppgift ofver Riksbankens Metalliska Kassa, 1863-78. 1 vol., fol. ib., 1863-78 — Ofversigt af Sveriges Riksbanks Stallning, 1871-72, 1875-82. 4to. ib., 1870-83 — Sammandragen af de Enskilda bankinrattningarnes stallning, 1871-82. 8 sheets, fol. ib., 1872-83 — Sammandrag af Riksbankens Stallning, 1872-83. 1 vol., fol. ib., 1872-83 — Sammandrag af de solidariska enskilda bankernas samt aktiebankernas och kreditaktiebolagens, 1875-83. 1 vol., fol. ib., 1875-83 — Commerce. Utriges Handel och Sjofart, 1839, 1841-57. 18 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1841-48 — [Commercial Tables, 1810-1851]. 1 vol., la. obi. fol. ib., 1853-55 — Uppgift a rikets in- och utforsel af vissa huf vudsakliga varor 1874-83. Sheets, fol. ib., 1878-83 — Finances. Underdanigt Betankande till Kongl. Maj:t, angaende forenklande af Beskattningsvasendet samt Uppbords- och Redogorelse- Verket, afgifvetden 30 April, 1847, af serskildt i Nader utsedde Comiterade. 1 vol., sm. 4to. ib., 1847 — Utdrag af Riksgalds- Kontorets, 1854-74. 13 parts., fol. & 4to. ib., 1855-75 — Uppgifter om Hypoteksinrattningarne, 1871, 1874-82. 1 vol., fol. ib., 1871-82 — Riks-Stat, 1849-84. Sm. 4to. ib., 1848-83 — General- Sammandrag ofver 1856-82, ars Bevillning. 18 sheets, fol. ib., 1857-83 — Kapital-Konto till Riks-Hufvud-Boken, 1854-81. 4to. ib., 1857-83 — Justice. Justitie-Stats-Ministerns underdiniga berattelse . . . for- hallandet med intecknad och said fast egendom och landet, 1841-43. 3 parts, sm. 4to. and obi. la. 8vo. ib., 1843-45 — Justitie-Stats-Ministerns underdaniga berattelser . . . angaende civile rattegangs-arendena och brottmalen i Riket, 1837-55. 6 vols., sm. 4to. and 4to. ib., 1839-57 2 k 498 SW Sweden. Official Publications — Contd. — Justice — Contd. — Justitie-Stats-Ministerns . . . underdaniga berattelse om forballandet med den a landet lagfarna egendom samt meddelade och dodade inteckningar, 1845-56. 9 parts, obi. sm. fol. and 4to. Stockh., 1847-58 — Vital Statistics. Tabell-Commissionens underdaniga Berattelse angaende ISTativitetens ocb Mortalitetens forhallande 1816-20, 1838-39. 2 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1823-41 — Tabell-Commissionens underdaniga berattelse angaende Nativitetens ocb Mortalitetens forhallande i Sverige, 1831-48 . . . : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 2. 4to. 1838-51 — Tabeller af Tabell-Commissionen angaende Nativitetens ocb Mortali- tetens, 1821-50. 5 vols., la. obi. fol. Stockh., 1828-55 — Tabell- Kommissionens underdaniga berattelse for aren 1851 med 1855. 75 + lvii pp., 4to. ib., 1857 — Miscellaneous. Befallningshafvandes Femarsberattelser, 1828. 25 parts. 8vo. ib., 1829 — Embets-Berattelse for aren 1848, 1849 och 1850. 25 parts in 1 vol., sm. 4to. ib., 1853 — Befallningshafvandes Femars berattelser, 1827-55. 7 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1833-57 — Bergsbandteringen, 1833-55, 1857. 24 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1835-58 — Inrikes Sjofart, 1839-57. 15 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1840-58 — Fabriker und Manufakturer, 1839-57. 17 vols., sm. 4to. [ib.,] 1841-58 — Styrelsens ofver Fangelser och Arbets- Inrattningar i Riket underdaniga Berattelse om Fangvarden, 1848-49, 1854-58. 7 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1849-60 — Telegraf- Styrelsens underdaniga Berattelse angaende Elektriska Telegraf-Verkets stallning ocb verksamhet ar 1860. 17 pp., 4to. ib., 1861 — Sundbets- Collegii underdaniga berattelse om Medicinalverket i Riket. 1851-60. 10 vols., sm. 4to. ib., 1853-62 — Notices sur la Suede a l'occasion du Congres International des Sciences geograpbiques de 1875, a Paris. 94 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Karter ofver utstraekningen af Sveriges jemte Norges och Danmarks Jernvagar vid Slutet af hvarje ar under tjugufemarsperioden 1856-80. Charts, ib, [1881] — Exhibitions. Weltausstellung, 1873, inWien. Schweden. Statistische Mittheilungen von Dr. Elis Sidenbladh. 210 pp., maps, 8vo. ib., 1873 — Exposition universelle de 1878, a Paris. Royaume de Suede. I. Expose statistique. viii + 554 pp., map, 8vo. ib., 1878 — Exposition Universelle de 1878 a Paris. Royaume de Suede. II. Catalogue Redige par Hj. af Petersens. xxx + 207 pp., 8vo. ib, 1878 — Some details of the Resources and ascertained Traffic of — : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 19. 8vo. 1854 — Anteckningar om Allmanna Vag-ocb Vattenbyggnads-arbeten i Sverige under aren 1870, 1871 och 1872. 54 pp., 8vo. Stockh., 1873 — Numero assoluto dei Nati vivi, Maschi, e loro superstiti classificati per eta secondo i risultati dei censimenti in Svezia 1750-1875. Roma, 1880. Plaster model in case. Swiney (William). A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Benjamin D' Israeli, M.P. ... In Reply to several Anonymous Articles and Letters in the " Times " and "Morning Chronicle" Newspapers, respecting certain Life Assur- ance Companies Established since the passing of the Act 7 and 8 Vict., 1852 : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 SW— SY 499 Switzerland. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically). — Recueil officiel des pieces concernant le droit public de la Suisse. 2 vols., 8vo. Neucbatel, 1832-34 — Ditto. Tome 3 e : * Tracts, Miscell, vol. 5. 8vo. 1841 — Voranschlag der wahrscheinlichen Einnabmen und Ausgaben fur 1836 : Id., S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. [1837] — Botschaft des Bundesrathes an die hobe Bundesversammlung, betrefEend die eidgenossische Volkszablung vom 1 Dezember, 1870 : Id., S. 3, vol. 6. 8vo. 1871 — Greburten, Sterbefalle, und Tramingen in der Scbweiz, 1867-72 (Scbw. Stat., Nos. 22 and 24). 2 vols., 4to. Bern, 1874-75 — Handel der Scbweiz mit dem Konigreich Italien (Scbw. Stat., No. 23). 60 + 87 pp., 4to. ib., 1875 — Die Ersparnisskassen der Scbweiz (Scbw. Stat., No. 21). xxvi + 142 pp., 4to. ib., 1875 — Manuel statistique de la Suisse (avec une carte des cbemins de fer), 1879. 190 pp., 4to. ib., 1879 — Tableau General de l'lmportation, de 1 'Exportation, et du Transit en 1880 et 1881, avec indication des frontieres par lesquelles le traffic a eu lieu. 2 vols., fol. [1880-81] — Eidgenossiscbe Volkszablung vom 1 Dezember, 1880 (Scbw. Stat. No. 51). xlix + 296 pp., maps, 4to. Bern, 1881 — Zeitscbrift fur scbweizeriscbe Statistik, 1871-82 . 4to. ib., 1871-82 — Statistique des Cbemins de Fer Suisses, 1880-81. 2 fols., fol. ib., 1881-82 — Mouvement de la Population de la Suisse, 1880 (Scbw. Stat., No. 53). xviii + 124 pp., 4to. ib., 1882 — Societe Suisse d'Utilite publique. Les Caisses d'epargne de la Suisse considerees avec celles des autres pays ; . . . (Extrait du vol. 23 des Memoires de cette Societe) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1838 Sykes (Colonel W. H.) :— Land Tenures of the Dekkan. 29 pp., plate, 8vo. 1835 An Abstract of the Proceedings of the Statistical Section of the British Associa- tion, at the Meeting held in Dublin in August, 1835 : *Stat. Soc. {Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-37 Abstract of the Statistics of the Collec- torates of Dukhun (Deccan) in 1827-28 : Id. 8vo. 1834-37 Ages and Diseases of 240 Miners and 1 20 Common Labourers in Cornwall : Id. 8vo. 1834-37 On the Increase of Wealth and Expendi- ture in various Classes of Society, as indicated by Official Returns : Id. 8vo. 1834-37 Special Report on the Statistics of the four Collectorates of Dukhun, under the British Government. (From the Seventh Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, page 217.) 120 pp., 8vo. 1838 Statistics of the Metropolitan Commission in Lunacy : * Stat. Soc. (II.), vol. 3. 8vo. 1840 Statistics of Civil and Criminal Justice in British India, chiefly from 1836 to 1840 Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1843 Analysis of the Report of Surgeon F. P. Strong to the Bengal Government for 1847, of the Mortality in the Jails of the 24 Pergunnahs, Calcutta : *Stat. Soc. (II), vol. 12. 8vo. 1849 Discussion of Meterological Observations taken in India at various Heights, em- bracing those at Dodabetta on the Neel- gherry Mountains, at 8,640 feet above the level of the sea. 92 pp., 4to. 1850 Expenditure in India on Public Works from 1837 to 1846 inclusive : *Stat. Soc. (II.), vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 Mortality and Sickness of the Bombay Army, 1848-49 : * Stat. Soc. (II.), vol. 15. 8vo. 1852 Taxation and Revenue of the Free City of Frankfort-on-the-Main : Id.,\ol. 15. 8vo. 1852 The External Commerce of British India during Two Periods of Years, namely, the Eight Years 1834-35 to 1841-42, and the Five Years 1849-50 to 1853-54 : Id., vol. 19. 8vo. 1856 Address to the Society for the Encourage- ment of Arts, Manufactures, and Com- merce : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 32. 8vo. 1856 Speech, 18th February, 1858, on the Pro- posed India Bill, with Notes and Appen- dices : Id., S. 4, vol. 8. 8vo. 1858 2k2 500 SY— TA Sykes (Colonel W. H.)— Contd. Notes on Public Works in India : *Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 21. 8vo. 1858 Notes on the Progress and Prospects of the Trade of England with China since 1833 : *Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Comparison of the Organization and Cost in Detail of the English and French Armies, 1863-64 : Id. 8vo. 1863 Price of Edibles and Potables in A.D. 1506 : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 27. 8vo. 1864 Organisation, Strength, and Cost of the English and French Navies in 1865 : Id., toI. 29. 8to. 1866 Outlines of an Industrial Science. 2nd edit. Modes of Banking in America, Manchooria, and China : *Brit. Assocn. Sep., § F. 8vo. 1866 Statistics of the Charitable, Educational, Industrial, and Public Institutions founded by the Native Gentry of India during the last five years : Id. 8vo. 1866 Analysis of the Report upon the State of the Empire of France presented to the Senate and Legislative Body, February, 1867 : Id. 8vo\ 1867 Syme (David). 2nd edit, xii + 195 pp. 8vo. 1877 — Representative Government in England, its Faults and Failures. 2nd edit, xxv + 220 pp. 8vo. 1882 Symmons (J.). Reform without Innovation ; or, Cursory Thoughts on the only Practicable Reform of Parliament, consistent with the Existing Laws and the Spirit of the Constitution : * Pamph., vol. 9. 8vo. 1817 Symonds (Arthur). On the Erroneous Principle and Defective Classifica- tion of the Official Statistical Tables of Crime : * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-37 Symonds (J. A.). The Sanitary Statistics of Clifton : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1864 Symons (George J.). Literature of Vegetable Technology. By B. D. Jack- son; founded upon the Collections of — : * Index Soc, No. 11. Sm.4to. 1882 Symons (Jelinger C). Outlines of Popular Economy : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1840 Synge (Gen. M.). Purity and Impurity in the Use and Abuse of "Water : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1863 Syson (E. J.). Comparative Mortality in Large Towns : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1870-71 T. Tabberner (John L.). Letter on the Supply of Water to London, and Sanitary Reform : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 2. 8vo. 1847 Tadman (L.). The Consequences of Commuting the Tithes : * Pamph., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 Taine(H.). Les Origines de la France contemporaine. Tomel. L'Ancien Regime. viii + 553 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1876 — Les Origines de la France contemporaine. La Revolution. [Tome 1, 2 e edition.] 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1878-81 Tait (Lawson). An Essay on Hospital Mortality, based upon the Statistics of the Hospitals of Great Britain for fifteen years. vii -f- 136 pp., diagrams, 8vo. 1877 — Hospital Mortality : Tait (P. M.):— On the Mortality of Eurasians : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 27. 8vo. 1864 The Population and Mortality of Calcutta : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1867 The Population and Mortality of Bombay ; derived from the last Census and the Reports of the Health Officers of Bombay to the latest date : Id. 8vo. 1869 * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1877 The Theory and Practice of Accident In- surance by Sea and Land : *Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1876 Vital and other Statistics applicable to Musicians : Id. 8vo. 1880 Another copy : •Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7- 8vo. 1880 TA 501 Talbot (J. B.). The Miseries of Prostitution : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 6. 8vo. 1844 Talfourd (T. N.). An Attempt to Estimate the Poetical Talent of the Present Age : * Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 Tallack (William) :— Humanity and Humanitarianism, "with special reference to the Prison Systems of Great Britain and the United States, the Question of Criminal Lunacy and Capital Punishment : * Howard Assocn. 8vo. 1871 Another copy: *H. C. Wines. 8vo. 1871 The Boarding-out of Pauper Children in England. Bevised edition : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1877 Another copy : •Brit. Assocn. Rep., § E. 8vo. 1876 English Convict Prisons. Some needed Eeforms, 1877-78, with a Letter to the Chairman and Directors of those Pri- sons : * Howard Assocn. 8vo. [cir. 1878] Talleyrand (M. de). Memoir concerning the Commercial Relations of the United States with Great Britain : * Pampli., vol.4. 8vo. 1814 Tappan (Henry P.). The Growth of Cities : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 3. 8vo. 1855 Tarassenko-Otreschkoff (Narces). De l'Or et de l'Argent, leur Origine, Quantite extraite dans toutes les conferees du monde connu depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1855; Accumulation actuelle de ces metaux dans les principaux Etats, et leur rapport mutuel suivant leur poids et leur valeur. Vol. 1. xxi + 1 + 349 -f 2 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1856 Tarbell (H. S.). The Prison School : *E.C. Wines (Trans., #•<;.). 8vo. 1871 Tartini (Chev. F.). Document relatif aux poids et mesures dans le Grand-Duche de Toscane : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 Tartt (W. M.). Essay on some Modern Works, chiefly Biographical. 2 vols., 8vo. 1876 Tasmania. Official Publications :— (Arranged chronologically). — Statistical Summary of Tasmania, 1816-65. 8 pp., fol. Hobart Town, 1866 — Tasmanian Industries ; with some Notices of those of the Australian Colonies and New Zealand. 101 pp., 8vo. [ib.j 1869 — Practical Hints to Emigrants intending to proceed to Tasmania. 2nd edit. 48 pp., 8vo. ib., 1871 — Journals of the House of Assembly (with Appendices). Vol. 24, 1872. Fol. ib., 1873 — Tasmanian Public Library. Report for 1872. 6 pp., fol. ib., 1873 — Salmon. History of its Introduction ; and Distribution of Ova, 1869-72. 12 pp., fol. ib., 1873 — Statistical Tables relating to the Colony of Tasmania. 7 pp., fol. [ib., 1875] — Progress Report [of the International Exhibition Commissioners for the Melbourne and Philadelphia Exhibitions]. 17 pp., fol. 1875 — Tasmanian Contributions to the Intercolonial Exhibition, Melbourne, 1875, and Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876. 10 pp., 8vo. Hobart Town, 1875 — Report on Vaccination for the year 1879. Sheet, fol. ib., 1880 — Report of the Officer of Health for the Towns of New Town, Sandy Bay, and the Wellington Hamlets, 1876-80. 5 sheets, fol. [ib.] 1877-81 — Census of the Colony of, 1881 ; with Introductory Report ; [and Indexes]. xlv + 200 pp., fol. Hobart, 1882 General Eeport Part 1. Population, Buildings, and Land ,, 2. Ages of the People „ 3. Education Part 4. Birthplaces „ 5. Conjugal Condition „ 6. Sickness and Infirmity ,, 7. Occupations 502 TA Tasmania. Official Publications— Contd. — Statistics of the Colony of, 180-4-82 22 vols., fol. Hobart Town, 1836-83 Statistical Summary Introduction 1. Blue Book 2. Population 3. Trade and Commerce 4. Finance 5. Establishments and Institu- tions maintained or assisted by Government 6. Crown Lands, Agriculture,&c. 7. Law, Crime, &c. 8. Education, Religion, &c. 9. Vital Statistics 10. Miscellaneous — Van Dieman's Land Annual for 1834. iv -f 261 pp., 12mo. ib., [1834] — Royal Society of, Reports, Papers, and Proceedings : Boy. Soc. of Tasmania. 8vo. 1848-82 — Meteorological Observations taken at Hobart Town, Tasmania, during the years 1856-58. (Supplement to vol. 3 of the " Papers and Proceedings ") : Id., 4to. 1859 — Hobart. Results of Meteorological Observations for Twenty Years, for Hobart Town, 1841-60. 21 pp., fol. Hobart Town, 1861 — Results of Twenty-five Years' Meteorological Observations for Hobart Town . . . 1841-65 ; to which is added a Meteorological Summary for Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, &c. 46 pp., fol. ib., 1866 — Results of Five Years' Meteorological Observations for Hobart Town ; with which are incorporated the Results of Twenty-five Years' Observa- tions, published previously, and completing a Period of Thirty Years. [1841-70]. 37 pp., fol. ib, 1872 Tate (William). Tate's Modern Cambist ; a Manual of Foreign Exchanges and Bullion, with the Moneys and other Mediums of Exchange of all Trading Nations ; also Tables of Foreign "Weights and Measures, with their Equivalents in English and French. By H. Schmidt. 17th edit, xi + 245 pp., 8vo. 1880 Another copy 12th edit. 8vo. 1863 Tatham (Edward). Observations on the Scarcity of Money, and its Effects upon the Public : * Pamph., vol. 7. 8vo. 1816 — A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Grenville, on the Metallic Standard, 1820 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 7. 8vo. 1796-1840 Taxation. Brief Reminiscences of Opinions in 1849 on — . [Anon.] : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 Another copy: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. [1850] Taxation, Currency, and Prices. Comparative Tables of, for Fifty-four Years, 1784-1837. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 4to. 1837 Taxation, Free Trade, etc. A Familiar Treatise on, comprising Facts usually unnoticed or unconsidered in Theories of those subjects. With Notes on subjects arising incidentally. [Anon.]. 2 + 324 pp., 8vo. 1846 Taxes, On, or Public Revenue, the Ultimate Incidence of their Payment, their Disbursement, and the Seats of their Ultimate Consumption. By an Officer in the Military and Civil Service of the Hon. East India Company. [Anon.]. xii + 361 pp., 8vo. 1829 Tayler (William). The History of the Taxation of England, with an account of the Rise and Progress of the National Debt, vii + 132 4- lii pp., 8vo. 1853 — Statistical and Historical View of the Statute Law of the Realm, and of the Number of Statutes passed in each Reign from the Earliest recorded Period to the Present Time : * Stat. Soc. (J7.), vol. 17. 8vo. 1854 — The Popes of Rome, from the Earliest Times to Pius IX, a.d. 1870 ; with an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Papal Power, and the Proceedings of the (Ecumenical Council of Trent, vii + 226 pp., 8vo. 1870 — Les Recidives de la Grande Bretagne, 1868-74 : * Congres Internat. de Stat. La. 4to. [cir. 1874] TA— TE 503 Tayler Prize Essays on Local Taxation, 1871. By R. H. I. Palgrave and J. Scott. (Read before the Statistical Society in 1871). 2 essays in 1 vol., 8vo. 1871 Taylor (Henry). The Decimal System, as applied to the Coinage and Weights and Measnres of Great Britain. 4th edit. 76 pp. f 12mo. 1851 Taylor (James). A Sketch of the Topography and Statistics of Dacca. Printed by Order of Government : (Bengal. Sketch). Map, la. 8vo. 1840 — A Letter to His Grace the Duke of Wellington, &c, on the Currency, 1830 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 1. 8vo. 1802-44 Taylor (P. A.). Vaccination : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1881 Taylor (Richard C). Statistics of Coal, the Geographical and Geological Distribution of Fossil Fuel, cxlviii -+- 754 pp., maps and diagrams, 8vo. 1848 Taylor (Thomas). Memoirs of John Howard, Esq., F.R.S., the Christian Philanthropist, with a detail of his most extraordinary labours in the cause of benevolence. 2nd edit. 439 pp., portrait, 12mo. 1836 Taylor (W. B.). Kinetic Theories of Gravitation : * Smithsn. B&p. 8vo. 1876 Taylor (W. Cooke). Ancient and Modern India, by the late—. Revised and continued to the Present Time, by P. J. Mackenna. 2nd edit., viii + 2 + 612 pp., 8vo. 1851 Tcharoukovsky (A.). Considerations sur la statistique des accidents sur les chemins de fer : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Teevan (W. P.). On Tumours in Voluntary Muscles ; with an Analysis of Sixty-two Cases, and remarks on the Treatment : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1863 Telegraph Companies. Particulars of — , 1851-70. 8 diagrams in sheets \_cir. 1866-70] 1. Electric and International Telegraph Com- pany. Diagram shewing the successive reductions in the Tariffs, 1851-70 2. British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph. Diagram shewing Annual Increase of Miles of Line, Wire, and Number of Messages, 1855-66 3. Telegraphs. Diagram shewing Annual In- crease of Miles of Line, Wire, and Number of Messages, 1855-66 4. Electric and International British and Irish Magnetic, and United Telegraphs. Diagram shewing Annual Increase of Miles of Line, Wire, and Number of Messages, 1855-66 5. Electric and International Telegraph Com- pany. Diagram shewing the [Annual] Development of Telegraph business of the — , as compared with the railway business of the United Kingdom, 1857-69 6. British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co. Diagram shewing Rate of Increase of Net Receipts and Mileage [1857-69] 7. Electric and International Telegraph Com- pany. Diagram shewing rate of increase of net Receipts and Mileage [1857-69] 8. United Kingdom Telegraph. Diagram shewing Annual Increase of Miles of Line, Wire, and Number of Messages, 1861-66 Teliow (Bro.). Confidence in the Inmates of Reformatories as an Element of Success : *U. C. Wines (Trans., 8fc). 8vo. 1871 Temperance Journal. The, for 1839 and 1840. 2 vols., 4to. 1839-40 Temperance. Societe Francaise de, La Temperance, Bulletin de la — . Tome 5, 1877, Nos. 3 and 4. 176 pp., diagram-maps, la. 8vo. Paris, [1877] Templeman (Thomas). A New Survey of the Globe; or, an Accurate Mensuration of all the Empires, Kingdoms, Countries, Principal Provinces, and Islands, in the World. ix + 35 pp., obi. fol. [1729] Tenison-Woods (J. E.). Palsentology of New Zealand, Part 4. Corals and Bryozoa of the Neozoic Period in New Zealand : *N.Z. (Natural Hist.). Plates, la. 8vo. 1880 [Tennant (Charles)]. The Bank of England and the Organisation of Credit in England. Third edition ; revised and further enlarged, with the Evidence of Isaac and Emile Pereire before the French Commis- sion of Inquiry into the Bank of France ; also, Abstract of the American Free Banking Act, and Outline of a Joint Stock Bank on the New Principles. 3rd edit., xvi + 990 pp., 8vo. 1867 504 TE— TH Tennant (Charles). The People's Blue Book. Taxation as it is, and as it ought to be. 4th edit, x + 966 pp., 12mo. 1872 Tennent (Jas. Emerson). Address on Social Economy : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1860 Terbutt (Charles). The Violation of the Principles of Economic Science caused by the Law of Distraint for Rent : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1866 Terekhow (M.). Essai sur la statistique internationale du commerce.. Tableaux comparatifs de la classification et de la tarification des marchandises dans les differents pays de l'Europe et aux Etats-Unis, et projet d'une classification universelle des marchandises pour les tarifs douaniers et les tableaux de commerce : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Terme (J. P.). Histoire statistique et morale des Enfants trouves. Par — , et J. B. Monfalcon. 503 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1837 Terrell (Hull). Strictures on the Dangerous Practices and Extravagant Expenditure of the Directors of the London Mutual Life and Guarantee Society ; with Suggestions as to Retrenchment, and a Refutation of the Mis-statements of the Directors [1852] : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy: * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 Territoire. Superficie de l'Europe : * Stat. Internat. La. 4to. 1822 [Th. (J. von)]. Vollstandiges Handbuch der praktischen National- Oekonomie, von J. B. Say. Aus dem Franzosischen ubersezt von — : *J.B.Say. 8vo. 1829-30 Theobald ( — ). Statistik der deutschen Gymnasien fur 1835, von — und Brauns : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2. 8vo. 1835 Thevenin (Evariste). Cours d'Economie industrielle, recueilli et publie par — : * Assocn. polytechnique. 12mo. 1"866 Thierry-Mieg (C). Rapport sur les forces morales et materielles de l'industrie du Haut-Rhin pendant les dix dernieres annees, 1851 a 1861. Presente a la Societe industrielle de Mulhouse au nom d'une commission par — , secretaire, et adopte par cette Societe : *L.Reybaud. 8vo. 1863 Thiers (Adolphe). Histoire de la Revolution francaise. 5 vols., 12mo. Brux., 1845-46 Thimbleby (John). What is Money ? or, Man's Birthright " Time," the only Real Wealth : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 8vo. [cir. 1848] Thirlwall (Bishop of St. David's). A Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the Statements of Sir Benjamin Hall, Bart., M.P., with regard to the Collegiate Church of Brecon, 1851 : •Polit. Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1843-52 Thom (Adam B.). County and Borough Magistrates' List and Official and Parliamentary Register for 1878 : County and Borough List. 8vo. 1878 Thom (Alexander). Thorn's Irish Almanac and Official Directory for 1844, 1853, and 1880 : Irish Aim., 8fc. 8vo. 1844-80 — Statistics of Ireland. From Thorn's Irish Almanac and Official Directory for 1848, 1852, and 1853. 1 vol., 8vo. Dublin, 1848-53 — Statistics of Great Britain and Ireland. Reprinted with Additions from Thorn's Irish Almanac and Official Directory for 1865. 162 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 Thoma (C). Das unterirdische Eisfeld bei der Dornburg am siidlichen Fusse des Westerwaldes. Chart : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 2. 8vo. 1841 Thomas (Joseph). Popular Statistics and Universal Geography . . . : Stat. Popular. Map, 12mo. 1835 TH 505 Thomas (Rev. Josiah). An Address to a Meeting hoi den at Bath, 1st December, 1817, for the purpose of Forming a Church Missionary- Society in that City ; with a Protest against the Establishment of such a Society in Bath. 5th edit. : * Paraph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Thomas (Llewelyn). Brief Considerations on Diseases of the Ear. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 11. 8vo. 1876 Thompson (Charles). Some Exceptional Articles of Commerce and Undesirable Sources of Revenue : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Thompson (C. Halford). The Effects of Free Trade without Reciprocity : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 7. 8vo. 1877 — " Commercial Treaties and Foreign Competition." A Treatise on " Fair Trade." 48 pp., 8vo. 1881 Thompson (G. A.). New Theory of the Two Hemispheres, whereby it is Attempted to Explain, on Geographical and Historical Facts, the Time and Manner in which America was Peopled : * Pamph., vol. 5. 8vo. 1815 Thompson (Silvanus P.). Apprenticeship Schools in France : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1879 — Technical Education. Where should it be Given ? 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 1879 — On Artisan Education : * Brit. Assocn. Pep., § F. 8vo. 1882 Thompson (William). Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth most Conducive to Human Happiness. A new edition, by W. Pare. xxxii + 463 pp., 8vo. 1850 Another copy 1st edit., xxiv + 600 pp., 8vo. 1824 Thomson (Arthur S.). Statistical Account of Auckland, New Zealand, as it was observed during the year 1848 : * Stat. Soc. (JZ.), vol. 14. 8vo. 1851 — Contribution to the Natural History of the New Zealand Race of Men, being Observations on their Stature, Weight, size of Chest, and Physical Strength: Id., vol. 17. 8vo. 1854 Thomson (Rev. J.). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Fife. Map and plates : *Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1800 Thomson (Robert D.). British Annual and Epitome of the Progress of Science. 3 vols. 18mo. 1837-39 Thomson (William T.) : — Statements as to the Rates of Interest : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 4. 8vo. 1850 On the Present Position of the Life Assur- ance Interests of Great Britain. A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Joseph W. Henley, M.P., . . . 1852 : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy. 2nd edit. : ....* Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 Further Suggestions with Reference to the Amendment of the Joint Stock Companies Registration Act as regards Life Assur- ance Institutions, contained in a Letter addressed to P. Whitmarsh, . . . 1852 : * Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. 1852-53 Another copy: * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 2. 8vo. 1852-53 Suggestions in Regard to the Regidation of the Rate of Interest on Landed Securities : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 28. 8vo. 1854 Investigation of the Affairs of the Widows' Fund of the Burgh and Parochial School- masters of Scotland, as at 31st August, 1859 : Id., S. 4, vol. 2. 4to. 1859 Illegitimacy in Scotland : Id., S. 4, vol. 2. 4to. 1862 Report upon the Fund, for a Provision for the Widows and Children of the Ministers of the Church, and of the Heads, Principals, and Masters, of the Universities, of Scotland. 46 pp., fol. Edinb., 1862 The Rate of Interest on Landed Securities in Scotland : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 37. 8vo. 1868 Thomson (M.). A propos du budget de l'Algerie : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 Thorburn (Thomas). Diagrams relative to the Extent, Population, Employment, Longevity, Wealth, Constituency, Pauperism, and Crime, of the Counties of Scotland. Diagrams. Edinb., 1853 506 TH Thorburn (Thomas). Dock and Light Dues of Liverpool, 1826-52. Diagram, mounted. 1853 Thorburn (W. R.). Co-operative Stores ; their Bearing on Athenaeums, &c. : * Brit. Assocn. Sep., § E. 8vo. 1861 Thore (A. M.). Recherches statistiques sur l'alienation mentale faites a l'hospice de Bicetre : H. Aubanel. 8vo. 1841 Thorne (James) : — National Collection of Sculpture : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1860 South Kensington Museum : Id. 12mo. 1861 International Exhibition of 1862 : Id. 12mo. 1862 Koyal Academy Commission : Id. 12mo. 1864 Railways in their Social Relations : Id. 12mo. 1865 National Art Collections : *Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1866 Exhibition of National Portraits : Id. 12mo. 1867-69 National Galleries : Id. 12mo. 1870 Notes on Architecture and Public Improve- ments : Id. 12mo. 1863-78 Thorne (L. T.). On the Post Office : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1882 — Electric Lighting : Id. 12mo. 1883 Thornton (Edward). India ; its State and Prospects, xx + 354 pp., 8vo. 1835 Thornton (Henry). An Inquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain : * Overstone Colin., vol. 3. 8vo. 1857 Another copy : * Currency, fyc, vol. 1. 8vo. 1802-44 Another copy : * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 1. 8vo. 1802 — Speeches on the Report of the Bullion Committee : * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 2. 8vo. 1811 — Historical Summary of the Corn Laws, containing the substance of the Statutes passed from 1660 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 20. 8vo. 1841 Thornton (W. T.). A Plea for Peasant Proprietors ; with Outlines of a Plan for their Establishment in Ireland. xii 4- 256 pp., 8vo. 1848 — The Income Tax : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1862 — On Labour ; its "Wrongful Claims and Rightful Dues ; its Actual Present and Possible Future. viii + 439 pp. 8vo. 1869 Thorpe (Prof.). Coal : Its History and Uses. By Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Riicker, and Marshall. Edited by — . Plates, &c. 8vo. 1878 — The Chemistry of Coal : * Prof. Thorpe {Coal). 8vo. 1878 Thorpe (R.). A Commentary on the Treaties entered into . . . for the purpose of Preventing any Illicit Traffic in Slaves : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 Thubron (Robert). The Dock and Port Charges of Great Britain and Ireland. 2nd edit, xii -f- 448 pp., maps, and plans, 8vo. 1877 Supplement viii + 231 pp., maps, and plans, 8vo. 1881 Thuringia. Mittheilungen des statistischen Bureaus vereinigter thiirin- gischer Staaten. Bande 1 und 2. 2 vols., 4to. Jena, 1867-71 Thurlow (Lord). The Company and the Crown. Second edition, revised and corrected. 2nd edit, ix + 2 -f- 301 pp., map, 8vo. 1867 — Trade Unions Abroad, and Hints for Home Legislation. Reprinted from a Report on the Amsterdam Exhibition of Domestic Economy. v + 397 pp., la. 8vo. 1870 — Communication on the Advantages of a Periodical Census, by Mooldie A. Sutief Khan Bah : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Thurnam (John). Observations and Essays on the Statistics of Insanity, including the Treatment in Establishments for the Insane, and Statistics of the Retreat, near York. 1 vol., la. 8vo. 1845 — The Statistics of the Retreat, consisting of a Report and Tables, exhibiting the Experience of that Institution for the Insane ; from its Establishment in 1796 to 1840 : * Life Assurance Tracts, vol. 1. 8vo. 1841-52 TI-TO 507 Tickell (Richard). Anticipation; containing the Substance of His Majesty's Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on the approaching Session . . ., 1778. Reprinted : * Pamph., vol. 19. 8vo. 1822 Times. The, [Originally " The Daily Universal Register"]. (From the commencement). 1785-1883 — Index to, and to the Topics and Events of the Year 1863. xxvii f 201 pp., la. 8vo. 1864 Times Newspaper. Index from 1867 to 1872 and 1877-78, by S. Palmer. Sm. 4to. 1868-78 Timmins (Samuel). The Resources, Products, and Industrial History of Birmingham and the Midland Hardware District. A series of Reports collected by the Local Industries Committee of the British Association, Birmingham, 1865. Edited by — : Birmingham (Resources, Sfc). 8vo. 1866 Tissot (Victor). Voyage au Pays des Milliards. Quarante-cinquieme edition, revue et augmentee. 45th edit., 388 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1878 Tite (William). Address by — . The Metrical System of Weights and Measures : ' * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1863 — The Paris Improvements and their Cost : Id., 8vo. 1863 — The Comparative Rates of Mortality in Paris and London : Id., 8vo. 1864 Tjader (I. I.). Karta ofver Fahlu eller Stora Kopparbergs Grufwor sam- mandragen och utgifven. 7 pp., 39 maps and diagrams, fol. [Stockh., 1845] T'kint de Naeyer (M.). Projet de loi relatif aux Societes de Secours mutuels, Rapport : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1851 Tobacco. Statement on the enormous Duty on, 3rd edit. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 8vo. 1837 Tobler (Titus). Ueber die Bewegung der Bevolkerung . . . : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 1. 8vo. 1835 Tocqiueville (A. de). On the Penitentiary System in the United States, and its application in France ; with an Appendix on Penal Colonies, and also Statistical Notes. Translated with Notes by Francis Lieber : * J. de Beaumont. 8vo. 1833 Tod (Isabella M. S.). Principles on which Plans for the Curative Treat- ment of Habitual Drunkards should be based : * Stat., fyc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 — Boarding out of Pauper Children : Id. 8vo. 1876-79 Another copy: * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1878 Todd (Alpheus). On Parliamentary Government in England ; its Origin, Development, and Practical Operation. 2 vols., 8vo. 1867-69 Todd (C). South Australia ; its Observatory and Meteorology : * 8. Australia (Observatory, fyc.). 8vo. 1876 Todd (T. J.). The Book of Analysis ; or, a new Method of Experience ; whereby the induction of the Novum Organon is made easy of appli- cation to Medicine, Physiology, Meteorology, and Natural History ; to Statistics, Political Economy, Metaphysics, and the more complex Departments of Knowledge. iv + iii + 186 pp., la. 8vo. 1831 Toggenburg (G. Chev. de). Discours d'inauguration : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Tomline (George, Bishop of Winchester). Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable William Pitt. 4th edit. 3 vols., 8vo. 1822 Tomlinson (C). Recent Practical Application in Meteorology : * Brit. Aim. 12mo. 1861 Tomlinson (J. C). The Science of Phrenology consistent with the Doctrine of Christianity : * Pamph., vol. 26. 8vo. 1826 508 TO Toner (J. M.). Address before the Rocky Mountain Medical Association, containing some observations of the Geological Age of tbe World . . . 112 pp., 12mo. Washington, 1877 Tooke (Thomas). Thoughts and Details on the High and Low Prices of the thirty years from 1793 to 1822. 2nd edit, xi + 392 + 15 + 39 + 79 pp., 8vo. 1824 Another copy. Another copy, 1st edit 1 vol., 8vo. 1823 — A Letter to Lord Grenville on the Effects ascribed to the Resumption of Cash Payments on the Value of the Currency, 1829 : * Currency, fyc, vol. 1. 8vo. 1802-44 — On Mr. Tooke's Letter to Lord Grenville on Currency, taken from the " London Magazine," March, 1829 : Id., vol. 1. 8vo. 1802-44 — On the Currency, in connection with the Corn Trade, and on the Corn Laws. To which is added a Postscript on the Present Commercial Stagnation. 1829 : Id., vol. 9. 8vo. 1811-57 — An Inquiry into the Currency Principle ; the connection of the Currency with Prices, and the expediency of a separation of Issue from Banking. 2nd edit. 1844 : Id., vol. 13. 8vo. 1844 Another copy, 1st edit. 1844: Id., vol. 5. 8vo. 1844-49 Another copy : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 8vo. 1844 — Pamphlets on Currency and Banking 1 vol., 8vo. 1826-56 (Contents.) Considerations on the State of tbe Currency. 2nd edit., 1826 A Letter to Lord Grenville on the Effects ascribed to tbe Resumption of Casb Pay- ments on the Value of the Currency. 1829 An Inquiry into the Currency Principle ; the connection of the Currency with Prices, and the Expediency of a Separa- tion of Issue from Banking. 1844 On the Bank Charter Act of 1844, its Principles and Operation ; with Sugges- tions for an Improved Administration of the Bank of England. 1856 — On the Bank Charter Act of 1844, its Principles and Operation, with suggestions for an Improved Administration of the Bank of England. viii + 179 pp., 8vo. 1856 — A History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation from 1793 to 1837, preceded by a brief sketch of the state of the Corn Trade in the last two Centuries. (Continuation of the History of Prices, 1838-56). 6 vols., 8vo. 1838-57 Vols. 1 and 2, 1838 Vol. 3 [continuation in 1838 and 1839] with Remarks on the Corn Laws and on some of the alterations proposed in our Bank- ing System. 1840 Vol. 4 [continuation] from 1839 to 1847, with a General Review of the Currency Question, and Remarks on the Operation of the Act 7 and 8 Vict., cap. 32. 1848 Vols. 5 and 6 [continuation] during the nine years 1848-56, completed by W. Newmarch, with an Index to the six volumes. 1857 — (History of Prices). Topham (E.). Dresden, 1858-59 Authorised German Translation. 2 vols., 8vo. The Life of J. Elwes. 2nd edit., 1790 : *Pamph., vol. 25. 8vo. 1825 Toreno (Count). On the Principal Events which took place in Spain, 1808-14. Translated from the Spanish by W. Walton : *Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 Toropow ( — ). Materiaux pour la statistique medicale de la population indigente de St. Petersbourg : * Gongres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Torr (J. B.). Our Criminal Legislation in recent Years, and the alleged Increase of Crime in Lancashire : * Manch. Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1862-63 TO 509 Torrens (Major). On the Means of Affording Effectual and Permanent Torrens (Col. Robert): — A Letter to the Freemen of Rochester on the Petition against Lord Burning's Return being declared frivolous and vexatious, and on the right of the eldest son of a Scotch Peer to represent an English County, City, or Borough : * Pamph., vol. 14. 8vo. 1819 An Essay on the Production of Wealth : with an Appendix, in which the Prin- ciples of Political Economy are applied to the actual circumstances of this Country. xvi + 430 pp., 8vo. 1821 Essay on the Influence of the external Corn Trade upon the Production and Distribution of National Wealth. 4th edit., xxiv + 550 pp., 8vo. 1827 Two other copies 2nd edit., 8vo. 1820 Colonization of South Australia. xv + 303 + xxii pp., map, 8vo. 1835 Supplement to a Letter addressed to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Melbourne on the Derangement in the Money Market, and on Bank Reform, 1837 : * Currency, Sfc, vol. 8. 8vo. 1837-38 A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Melbourne on the Causes of the Recent Derangement in the Money Market, and on Bank Reform, 1837 : Id., vols. 7 and 8. 8vo. 1796-1840 Torrens (Sir Robert R.) : — Transfer of Land and the Registration of Title : * Stat., Sfc, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 The Land Transfer of Australia as Applicable to Ireland : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § P. 8vo. 1864 Reducing the Poors' Rates, and of Relief to the Labouring Classes : * Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Reply to the Objections of the "West- minster Review" to the Government Plan for the Regulation of the Currency, 1844 : * Currency, 8$c, vol. 13. 8vo. 1844 An Inquiry into the Practical Working of the Proposed Arrangements for the Re- newal of the Charter of the Bank of England, and the Regulation of the Cur- rency . . . 2nd edit., 1844 : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1840-47 Another copy. 1st edit. : Id., vol. 13. 8vo. 1844 On the Operation of the Bank Charter Act of 1844, as it affects Commercial Credit, 1847 : Id., vols. 5 and 12. 8vo. 1844-48 The Principles and Practical Operation of Sir Robert Peel's Bill of 1844 Explained and Defended against the Objections of Tooke, Fullarton, and Wilson, 1847-48 : Id., vols. 5 and 12. 8vo. 1844-49 A Letter to Lord Ashley on the Principles which Regulate Wages, and on the Manner and Degree in which Wages would be Reduced by the passing of a Ten Hours' Bill, 1844 : *Polit. Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, M.P., on the Condition of England, and on the means of removing the Causes of Distress. 2nd edit., 1843 : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839-50 An Essay on the Transfer of Land by Registration under the Duplicate Method Operative in British Colonies : *Cobden Club Publications. 12mo. [cir. 1876] Torrens (W. T. MacCullagh). Lancashire's Lesson ; or, the need of a Settled Policy in times of Exceptional Distress. viii + 191 pp., 8vo. 1864 Torres (J. de). Statistique de Portugal : *Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 Torrey (John). Description of Plants Collected by Col. Fremant in California : * Smithsn. Gontribn., vol. 6. 4to. 1855 — Observations on the Batis Maritinia of Linnaeus : Id., vol. 6. 4to. 1855 — On a New Pitcher Plant from North California : Id., vol. 6. 4to. 1855 Toth (K.). Zur Eisenbahnstatistik : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Tottie (John William). On the Enclosure Commission, its Powers, and the Principle on which they have been exercised : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol 25. 8vo. 1862 Toussaint Louverture. History of—. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 4. 8vo. 1814 Townsend (Joseph). Journey through Spain in 1786-87, with particular attention to Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce, Population, Taxes, and Revenue, and Remarks in passing through a part of France. 2nd edit., 3 vols., map and plates, 8vo. 1792 510 TR Tracts, &c. (Statistical Society's Collection) divided into the following Series : — I. General Statistics and Political Economy. II. Physical Statistics : Geography, Meteorology, &c. III. Vital Statistics : Population, Emigration, Registration, Mortality, Life Tables and Assurance, &c. IV. Mental and Moral Statistics : Religion, Morals, Education, Literature and Art, Politics, Law, Government, Criminal Statis- tics, Prisons, &c. V. Social and Economical Statistics: Poor Laws, Social Condi- tion, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, Finance, Currency, Revenue, Banking, Taxation, &c. VI. Medical and Sanitary Statistics: Sanitary Condition, Medical Topography, Medicine, Insanity, Lunatic Asylums, Hospitals, &c. Miscellaneous. — Series I. 8vo. General Statistics and Political Economy . . . 1821-81 Vol. 1, 1821-33. 1. Demand and Consumption 2. Restoration of National Prosperity 3. New Theorv of Political Economy : Smyth 4. Division of Labour in Civil Life : Wickens 5. Statistics of Western India : Jercis 6. History, Government, and Resources of British India 7. Lecture on Political Economy : Jones 8. Domestic Policy of British Government Vol. 2, 1835-54. 1. England and Wales ; Area, Population, &c. 2. L'Irlande en 1834 : Sismondi 3. The Science of Political Economy : Atkinson 4. The Colonies and Great Britain must be incorporated 5. Die Statistischen Vereine der Englander: Fall at i 6. Letters on the State of Ireland 7. Arrangement of Local Information : Stanley 8. Statistics of Bengal : Bedford 9. Facts in Figures 10. Freedom in America : Welton Vol. 3, 1833-41. 1. Saggio statistico dell' Italia : Serristori 2. National- Wohlstandes des Handels u. d. Gewerbe im K. Hannover : Marcard 3. Condizione della scienza statistica in Italia : Graberg da Hemso 4. Der statistische Verein in Sachsen 5. Economie politique : Galos 6. Uebersicht des K. Sachsen in statistischer Beziehung 7. Apercus statistiques sur la Loire-inferieure 8. Administration du Conseil d'Etat, 1839 : Bigaud 9. „ . 1840: Bieu 10. Vues generates sur la statistique : Le Plug 11. Rapport sur le 4me volume de la statistique de la France (Agriculture) 12. Biblioteca de escritores economicos espa- iioles : de la Sagra 13. Commission centrale de Statistique, Bel- gique. Statuts orgamques Vol. 4, 1843-53. 1. Wissenschaft der Statistik : Fallati 2. Estudios estadisticos sobre Madrid, Pobla- cion : de la Sagra 3. Estado de la Economia politica en Espana : Villeneuve-Bargemont 4. Die Dismembrationsfrage : Sehneer 5. Die Einrichtung der belgischen Volkszah- lung : Fallati 6. Travaux de la Commission centrale de sta- tistique (Belgique) 7. Stand der administrativen Statistik in Deutschland, 1848-49 8. Das neue deutsche Reich 9. Die Einrichtung der administrativen Sta- tistik in Norwegen 10. Frankreichs Staatshaushalt und Wehrkraf t : Beden Vol. 5, 1687-1857. 1. Five Essays in Political Arithmetic : Petty 2. Theorie der Statistik : Graberg von TLemso 3. Influence des Academies et des congres scientifiques : Quetelet 4. Statistik im Allgemeinen und iiber die Statistik von Frankfurt : S.L.B. 5. Statistik in Beziehung zur Staatsverwal- tung: Beden 6. Congres international de bienfaisance : Ward 7. Report by W. Farr, M.D., on the Interna- tional Statistical Congress, Paris, 1855 8. The Great Powers. — Supplement to ditto Vol. 6, 1845-61. 1. Method and Range of Statistical Enquiry : Danson 2. Report by W. Farr, M.D., on the Interna- tional Statistical Congress, Vienna, 1857 3. Economical Views of Greek Philosophers : Christie 4. The Cost of Customs and Excise Duties 5. Taxation ; Direct or Indirect : Boult 6. Removal of the Poor on the Ground of Settlement : Baines 7. Legislative Expression : Coode TR 511 Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Series I. 8vo. General Statistics and Political Economy . . . — Contd. Vol. 7, 1859-81. 1. Manual of Statistics : Porter 2. Chart of Industrial Life : Ellis 3. True Scope of Economic Science : Hodgson 4. Competition : Hodgson 5. Economic Science as a branch of Educa- tion : Hodgson 6. Inaugural Address [on Commerce, &c, at Edinburgh University] : Hodgson 7. Ancient and Modern Luxury : Wilkins 8. Portugal in 1872 9. Commiss. centrale de Statistique, Belgique 10. Statistics by Intercomparison : Galton 11. The Mathematical Theory of Political Economy: Jevons 12. New South Wales Mineral Map and General Statistics 13. British Association, Considerations for and against Section P : Galton; Farr 14. Free Trade without Beciprocity : Thompson 15. Differenzen. Ein volkswirthschaftlicher Versuch : Mercator 16. Madrasah Literary Club, Calcutta, Address : Abdur-Rahman 17. Economic Conditions of Good Trade : Hoyle 18. Landmandeu og Nationalokonomien : Peter- sen N 19. Polyteknisk Lsereanstalt og Nationaloko- nomi : Petersen 20. Protection or Free Trade : Reid 21. The Classification of Statistics : Geddes 22. Science and Industry : Siemens Vol. 8, 1846-81. 1. Eeport on Port Phillip, N. S. Wales, 1846 2. Products and Eesources of Tasmania : Whiting 3. The Progress of Victoria : Archer 4. The British Army in 1868 : Trevelyan 5. Syed Ahmed Bahadoor on Dr. Hunter's " Our Indian Mussulmans " 6. New South Wales : Robinson 7. New South Wales ; its progress during 1862-71: Rolleston Vol. 8, 1846-81— Contd. 8. The New Harbour at Dover : Hoseason 9. On the Reduction of Continental Armies : Fischhof 10. Universal Conscription : Hime 11. The Eastern Q.uestion : Long 12. Albania and the Albanians : Wassa 13. Military Colonization as a Reserve for India : Newall Vol. 9, 1871-80. 1. Idees sur les Bureaux communaux de sta- tistique : Korosi 2. Exactions, vols et cruautes des armees prus- siennes en France 3. Sir John F. W. Herschel : Quetelet 4. Belgium : Statistical and Commercial Report : Barron 5. Etat militaire de la France : Mercier de Lostende 6. Resources, Productions, and Social Con- dition of Spain : Delmar 7. Interpolation and Adjustment of Series : De Forest 8. Indien als Kaiserreich : Neumann- Spallart 9. Einleitung in die Wirthschaftsgeschichte : Weisz 10. La legge di Periodicita delle Crisi : Boccardo 11. Arbeiterfrage in der Landwirthschaft : Leo 12. Der Schutz in der Weltwirthschaft : Neu- mann- Spallart 13. Die vierte Session der Permanenz-Commis- sion des internat. stat. Congresses in Paris, 1878 : Neumann- Spallart 14. Statistische Skizze der Oesterreichisch- Ungarischen Monarchie : Brachelli 15. Statistische Skizze der Europaischen Staa- ten : Brachelli 16. Australasian Colonies. Statistical Return, 1880 17. Dr. Adolf Ficker. Nekrolog : Neumann- Spallart; Schimmer 18. Inauguration de la statue d' Adolphe Quetelet — Series I. 4to. General Statistics and Political Economy . . . 1818-55 Vol. 2, 1840-53— Contd. 3. Essai sur la statistique generate de la Bel- gique : Heuschling 4. Bibliographic historique de la statistique en Allemagne : Heuschling 5. Xenophontis et Aristotelis de ceconomia pubhca doctrinse illustrantur : Hildebrand 6. Sur l'institution d'une Commission centrale de statistique, Belgique : Villerme 7. Exposicion al Congreso de Venezuela, 1846 8. Der Volkswohlstand im Preussischen Staate : JDieterici 9. Die jetzige Aufgabe der Statistik in Bezie- hung zur Staatsverwaltung : Reden Vol. 3, 1836-55. 1. Registro estadistico de Buenos Ayres: Maeso 2. Budget fur das Jahr 1841, Danemark 3. Regulations of the Glasgow and Clydesdale Statistical Society Vol. 1, 1818-45. 1. Delia Statistica e dei suoi Progressi in Italia : Grdberg da Hemso 2. Statistik der K. Preussischen Rheinlande 3. La Statistique, Journal des faits 4. Abstract of the Report of the Statistical Committee of Leeds, 1838-40 5. Voyage fait en Bretagne : Benoiston de Chateauneuf et Villerme 6. Appreciation des documents statistiques eh des moyennes : Quetelet 7. Notice sur M. Edouard Smits : Quetelet 8. Die statistischen Tabellen des Preussischen Staats, 1843 : JDieterici 9. Shipping, Trade, Agriculture ... of the Hawaiian Islands : Wyllie Vol. 2, 1840-53. 1. Outlines of Popular Economy : Symons 2. Situation economique de la Belgique : Arrivabene 512 TR Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Series II. 8vo. Physical Statistics Vol. 1, 1834-40. 1. Natural History of Worcestershire : Hastings 2. Address to the Worcestershire Natural His- tory Society : Streeten 3. Articulo inserito nel Nuovo Giomale de' Letterati : Grdberg da Hemso 4. Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldea : Beke 5. Das Kaiserthum Oesterreich : Sommer 6. Climate, Soil, and Productions of British Guiana : Hancock 7. Description of British Guiana : Schomburgk Vol. 2, 1841-52. 1. Das unterirdische Eisfeld bei der Dorn- burg : Thoma 2. Degli ultimi progressi della geografia : Grdberg da Hemso 3. England und Wales in geognostischer und hydrographischer Beziehung : Meidinger 4. Tide Observations : Whewell 5. Rapport sur les travaux de l'observatoire royal, 1849 : Quetelet 6. Geological Report on the Damoodah Valley : Williams 7. Antoine d' Abbadie's Journey to Kaffa : Beke 8. Ditto 2nd edit. : Beke 9. Reasons for returning the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of France : Beke 10. Recent Nilotic Discovery : Beke 11. Rapport sur les travaux de l'Observatoire royal, 1852 : Quetelet 12. Die Staaten im Stromgebiet des La Plata in ihrer Bedeutung fur Europa : Reden Vol. 3, 1863-57. 1. Rapport sur les travaux de l'Observatoire royal, 1853 : Quetelet 2. Meteorologie nautique : Quetelet 3. Ethnographic . . . de la race noire : Quetelet 4. Les embellissements du Pare de Bruxelles : Quetelet 5. Tropical Vegetable Fibres : Sharp 6. Tides of the W. Coast of U. States : Bache 7. Address to Ethnological Society, London : Brodie — With Sketch of the Progress of Ethnology: Cull 8. Prairie du Chien, U.S.A. : Brunson 9. The Growth of Cities : Tap pan 10. Access to an open Polar Sea : Kane 11. Statistics and Geography of the Production of Iron : Hewitt 12. Madison ; capital of Wisconsin : Draper 13. City of Watertown, Wisconsin — Series II. 4to. Physical Statistics Vol. 1, 1835-53. 1. Progres des sciences niathematiques en France depuis 1830 : Dupin 2. Instructions pour Pobservation des phe- nomenes periodiques : Quetelet 3. Researches on the Voltaic Arc : La Hive 4. Reduction of Thermometrical Observations, 1774-81, 1787-1843 : Glaisher 5 to 7 . Observation des phenomenes periodiques, 1850-52: Quetelet 8. Maritime Conference for devising an Uniform System of Meteorological Observations, Brussels, 1853 1834-81 Vol. 4, 1857-58. 1. Sur les Etoiles filantes et magnetisme ter- restre : Quetelet 2. Passages de la lune et des etoiles : Quetelet 3. Perturbations magnetiques : Quetelet 4. Variations des Instruments meteoro- logiques : Quetelet 5. Rapport sur l'Observatoire royal, 1856 : Quetelet 6. Physiologie, statistique et astronomie, Rap- ports : Quetelet 7. Communications, Academie royale de Bel- gique : Quetelet 8. Rapport sur des Memoires de concours : Quetelet Rise and Progress of the British Association Heights of Tides, United States : Bache Tide Tables: Bache Die Durchstechung der Landenge von Suez : Czarnig Magnetisme terrestre : Quetelet Vol. 5, 1858-81. 1. South Yorkshire Viewers' Association 2. Lecture on the Gulf Stream : Bache 3. Considerazioni sui principii di fisiologia vegetale : Bertini 4. Parallel Roads of Glen Roy : Babbage 5. Address to the Ethnological and Anthropo- logical Department [Brit. Assocn.] : Evans 6. Declinaison et inchnaison a Bruxelles, 1870: Quetelet 7. Lois concernant le developpement de l'homme : Quetelet 8. Loi de periodicite de l'espece huniaine: Quetelet 9. Unite de l'espece humaine : Quetelet 10. Ten Years' Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1861-70 : Howard 11. Gold Yield of Nova Scotia, 1860-72: Heatherington 12. Darwinian Theory, and Migration of Organisms : Wagner 13. Logarithmic and Trigonometrical Tables computed by M. Prony : Sang 14. Field and Forest ; December, 1875 15. Electricity ; the sole agent in Creation : Coxworthy 16. Contributions to Burman Mineralogy : Doyle 17. Petroleum ... as an illuminator : Doyle 18. The Adoption of a Prime Meridian : Flem ing 19. The Climate of Mackay : Both 1835-58 Vol. 2, 1835-58. 1. Carta Geognostica della Toscana : Giulj 2. Observations des phenomenes periodiques, 1853: Quetelet 3. On Self -repeating Series : Warburton 4. Of the Constants of Nature. Class Mam- malia : Babbage 5. Observations des phenomenes periodiques, 1856: Quetelet 6. Physikalske Meddelelser : Arndtsen ; Han- steen TR 513 Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Series III. 8vo. Vital Statistics 1800-81 Vol. 1, 1800-40. Estimate of the Inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland : Eden 2. Statistical Account of the Population of England and Wales : Capper 3. Question of Population, particularly as relates to the . . . United States 4. State of the Manufacturing Population 5. Topographical and Statistical Details of the Metropolis : Marshall 6. Mouvement de la population de Geneve, 1834: Mallet 7. Die Bewegung der Bevolkerung . . . : Toller 8. Population of Scotland : Wilson 9. Becherches sur la population de Geneve, 1549 a 1833: B.C. (Alph.) 10. Becherches sur la population de Geneve, 1549 a 1833 : Mallet 11. Notice sur la population de la Suisse : Mallet 12. The Population of Pontypool : Kenrick 13. Besolutions relative to Emigration : O'Brien 14. Emigrations de la Grande Bretagne et de l'lrlande: B.C. {Alph.) 15. Becherches statistiques sur la population du Mexique, 1840 : Oaleotti Vol. 2, 1841-54. 1. Census of N. S. Wales, 1841 : Mansfield 2. Ueber den Zustand der Indianer in Nord- Amerika : Herr 3. De la population de la Sicile : Mallet 4. Mouvement de la population des Etats sardes : d'Espine 5. Delia popolazione del Portogallo : Balbi 6. Census of N. S. Wales, 1846 : Mansfield 7. Statistique generale [Belgique]. Begistres de population 8. Besults of Census of Great Britain, 1851 : Cheshire 9. Census of Stromness, 1851 : Burdon 10. Thirteenth Beport of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, 1853 Vol. 3, 1833-52. 1. Parochial Begister of Scotland : Cleland 2. Mortality of the French Army : Marshall 3. Mortality and Probability of Human Life in Glasgow : Cleland 4. Fecondite et mortalite proportionnelles des peuples : Ivernois 5. Lord J. Bussell's Bill for Begistering Births, Deaths, and Marriages : Yates 6. Essai statistique sur la Mortalite du Canton de Geneve, 1838 : d^Espine 7. Glasgow Bills of Mortality, 1841-42 : TFatt 8. Verification des deces dans la ville de Paris 9. Mortality in Prisons : Baly 10. An Essay on Bate of Mortality among Children : Wiglesworth 11. Beport of the Begistration Committee of the Statistical Society, 1847 12 to 15. Mortality of Edinburgh and Leith, Sept., 1847— Aug., 1848 : Stark 16. Annuaire de la mortalite genevoise,1844-45 : d'Espine 17. Begistration of Causes of Death in Public Institutions : Oairdner Vol. 4, 1833-53. 1. Mortalite proportionnelle des populations normandes : Ivernois 2. Die wahrscheinliche Lebensdauer im arzt- lichen Stande : Casper 3. An Essay on Insurance against Sickness, Decrepitude, and Mortality 4. "Vital Statistics (from "British Annals of Medicine ") 5. Observation des phenomenes periodiques de l'homme : Schwann 6. Vital Statistics : Jopling 7. Pensions des f onctionnaires, de leurs veuves, et de leurs orphelins : Visschers 8. Notice statistique sur les lois de mortalite et de survivance : d'Espine 9. Bisks of Life Assurance Companies : C. J. 10. On Methods of Approximation : Hardy 11. On the Values of Annuities : Hardy 12. Bisks of Life Assurance Companies : C. J. 13. A Problem in Life Contingencies : Gray 14. Progress of the Assurance of Life and Property on the Continent : Brown 15. Measure of the Probabilities of Survivor- ship between Two Lives : Gray 16. Value of Selection as exercised by Policy- holder against the Company : Higham 17. Premium for Assurances on the Lives of Military Officers in Bengal : Jellicoe 18. Allowance for Surrender of Policies of Assurance : Jellicoe 19. The Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society : Pinckard 20. Lebensversicherung : Hopf 21. Die Lebensversicherungsanstalten Deut- schlands : Hopf 22. Lecture on the Law of Shipping and Marine Insurance : Levi 23. Bisk in the Assurance of a Select Life : Spens Vol. 5, 1852-58. 1. Beport on the Mortality Bills of Glasgow and Suburbs, 1851 : Strang 2 and 3. Vital and Economic Statistics of Glasgow for 1856 and 1857 : Strang 4. Die Bevolkerungsverhaltnisse Osterreichs im vorigen Jahrhundert : Goehlert 5. Life Assurance in Theory and Practice: Sheppard 6. Vertheilung der Ueberschusse bei Lebens- versicherungsanstalten : Hopf 7. Versichere dein Leben ! 8. Lebens-Chancen der Israeliten : Glatter 9. Modern Assurance Cos. Vindicated : James Vol. 6, 1857-81. 1 and 2. Begistration in Ireland : Moore 3. Mortality in Australia and England : Beddoe 4. Beport on Census of Glasgow, 1861 : Strang 5. Statistica dei sordomuti di Sicilia nel 1863 : Lancia di Brolo 6. Account of the Churches of Abbey-Dore, Kilpeck, Allensmore, and Holraer : James 7. Botschaft des Bundesrathes, betreffend die eidgenossische Volkszahlung, 1870 8. Instructions as to taking the Census (Eng- land and Wales), 1871 2l 514 TR Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Series III. 8vo. Vital Statistics — Contd. Vol. 6, 1857-81— Contd. 9. The Underwriting of 1872: Danson 10. Values of Life Annuities : Stark 11. Vorschlage zur Beseitigung der Massen- Auswanderung : S. v. H. 12. Solvent Life Offices : Knott 13. Relative Numbers of the Sexes amongst Emigrants: Welton 14. Mortality among Publicans : Stott 15. On the Growth of Population : Bourne 16. Over- Population Craze ; a Refutation and a Plea : Anti-Malthusian 17. Fremstilling af Blindeforholdene i Dan- mark : Moldenhawer 18. Growth of Manchester Population : Baker 19. On Mortality Tables : Sewat Vol. 7, 1860-81. 1. Necrology, History, &c, of Coity, Laleston ... in Glamorgan. Vital Statistics of the Peers of the United Kingdom : James 2. Essay on Life Assurance : Porter 3. Origines et progres des Assurances sur la vie : Pimentel 4. Zustandderdeutschen Lebensversicherungs- Anstalten, 1870 : Hop/ 5. Infant Mortality in Philadelphia : Parry — Series III. 4to. Vital Statistics Vol. 1, 1841-51. 1. Tables of Mortality : Galloway 2. Caisses de prevoyance des ouvriers mineurs — Rapport au Roi (Belgique) 3. Report and Valuation for the Bengal Mili- tary Fund : Davies 4. Report of the Bengal Military Fund : Neison 5 to 7. Rechenschaftsbericht der Lebens- versicherungsbank fur Deutschland, 1848-51 8. Life-Contingency Tables : Farren 9. Projet de loi relatif aux societes de secours mutuels, 1850 (Belgique) 10. Pensions en faveur des veuves et des orphelins : Yisscliers 11. Projet de loi relatif aux societes de secours mutuels, 1851 (Belgique) Vol. 2, 1819-53. 1. Uebersicht der Bodenflache und Bevol- kerung des preussischen Staata, 1817 2 to 7. Glasgow Mortality Bills, 1836-40: Paul; Watt 8 to 10. Nativitetens och Mortalitetens i Sverige, 1831-48 11. Influence des saisons sur la mortalite a differens ages : Lombard 12 and 13. Vergleichende Zusammenstellung der Gebernen, . . . K. Sachsen, 1834-36 14. Ueber die Bewegung der Bevolkerung im K. Bayern : Hermann 15. Establishment of Parochial Societies for granting Government Annuities 16. Rates of Government Annuities Vol. 7, 1860-81— Contd. 6. De Waarnemingen der Bevolkings-Sta- tistiek : Yerweij 7. Policy Values, Popularly Explained and Illustrated: Sewat 8. Construction des Tables de mortalite : Lund 9. Associations de prevoyance de l'Angleterre : Br ab rook 10. Vital Statistics of Tasmania : TZowell 11. Censimento italiano, 1871 : Piantanida 12. Delia Emigrazione . . . : Ellena 13. Progress of Population of the United States, 1790-1870: Jarvis 14. Influence of Civilisation on the Duration of Life : Lewis 15. Infantile Mortality in S. Australia : Hayter 16. Der 40. Jahresbericht des Registrar-Gen. fur England und Wales : Yarrentrapp 17. Medical Officer of the Local Government Board and Registrar- General : Varren- trapp 18. [Life Assurance Bonuses] : Hewat 19. Vital and other Statistics applicable to Musicians : Tait 20. Die Geschlechtsverschiedenheit der Kinder in den Ehen : Goehlert 21. Plan du depouillement du recensement de la ville de Budapest : Korosi 1819-53 Vol. 3, 3 842-53. 1. Census of Benares : Prinsep 2. Tables de mortalite et population : Quetelet 3. Des deces dans la ville de Bruxelles : Lucpetiaux 4. De la duree de la vie chez les savants : Benoiston de Chateauneuf 5. Prince Edward Island. Census and Statis- tical Returns, 1841 6. JStudes sur la mortalite dans les bagnes, 1822-37: Chassinat 7. Recherches sur la loi d'accroissement de la population : Yerhulst 8. Censimento di Sardegna, 1846 9. Seventh Census of the U.S., 1850 : De Bow Vol. 4, 1837-52. 1. Census of the Armenian Population of the City of Calcutta : Avdall 2. Mouvement de la population sarde, 1828-37: Yillerme 3. Local Census of Lanarkshire : Watt 4. Population de la France comparee a celle des autres fitats : Moreau de Jonnes 5. Recensement des fit-ats prussiens en 1843 ; tableaux statistiques : Yillerme 6. De la veritable loi de population : Yillerme 7. Mortalite a Bruxelles comparee a celle des autres grandes villes : Lucpetiaux 8. Deaths in Bombay during 1851 : Leith TR 515 Tracts, &c- — Series IV. ■Contd. 8vo. Mental and Moral Statistics 1781-1881 Vol. 1, 1833-37. 1. Discipline, Studies, Examinations, and Prizes of Westminster School 2. Endowed and Voluntary Churches in Edin- burgh compared 3. Ecclesiastical Statistics of United States and 203 Towns of England 4. Education in the Parish of Kirriemuir 5. Statistics of Education in Bristol : Fripp 6. Educational Statistics of the Highlands 7. Societe pour l'instruction primaire et popu- laire, Bruxelles 8. Public Instruction, Port William, Bengal, 1835 9. Church Accommodation of Glasgow, Barony, and Gorbals : Collins 10. Moral Statistics of France : Ghierry 11. Plan of University, for Manchester : Jones 12. Education, Employment, &c, Asylum for the Blind, Glasgow 13. Public Instruction, Fort William, Bengal, 1836 Vol. 2, 1834-50. 1. Report on the Aberdeen Public Schools 2. Statistik der deutschen Gymnasien fur 1835 : Braun und Theobald 3. Report on the State of the Peasantry at Boughton, Heme Hill, &c. : Liardet 4s. Industrial Schools for Peasantry : Duppa 5. Moral Statistics of Glasgow : Logan 6. Ragged Schools ; their Principles and Modes of Operation Vol. 3, 1839-41. 1. Instruction publique de Geneve : LaRive 2. fitat actuel de l'instruction primaire en Belgique : Ducpetiaux 3. Regime et systeme d'enseignement des ecoles annexees a 1' Universite de Liege 4. Public Instruction, Fort William, Bengal, 1837 5. Government Plan for Promoting National Education: Russell 6. State of Education in Newcastle-on-Tyne 7. Promotion of Education in England 8. Essay on the Condition of the Hindu Female : Kesavajl and Pdndurang 9. Die Schullehrer-Bildungs-AnstaltenDeutsch- lands : Eisenlohr 10. Education of the Coloured Population of Jamaica, Mauritius, &c. Vol. 4, 1843-53. 1. Templemoyle Agricultural Seminary : Port- lock Moral and Religious Education of the Working Classes : Ashley Society for Promoting Christian Education in Syria. Third Report 4. Educational Conference, 1844 5. Report on the State of the Schools for the Poor at Manchester : Fleming 6. Scholarship Examination : Hindu and Hooghly Colleges, 1845-46 7. A System of National Education : Swaine 8. Educational Provision in West Kent Vol. 4, 1843-53— Contd. 9. The Influence of Education shown by Criminal Tables : Porter 10. Hints on an Improved System of National Education : Dawes 11. Action de la noblesse dans les societes modernes. (Review of) 12. Industrial and Scientific Progress in North of Ireland : Macadam 13. Constitutional Defects of the University and Colleges of Oxford 14. University College, London ; Annual Meeting, 1853 Vol. 5, 1781-1839. 1. Account of Prisons and Hospitals in Russia, Sweden, and Denmark : Coxe 2. Influence des causes qui modifient les ele- ments sociaux : Quetelet 3. Reflections concerning the inexpediency of Capital Punishments : Wix 4. Criminalite en France, en Belgique, en Angleterre, et en Allemagne : Ducpetiaux 5. Patronage des liberes de Geneve 6. Reglement sur la prostitution 7. Operations des tribunaux de Geneve, 1838 8. Comite genevois de patronage pour les liberes ; 2me rapport, 1838 9. Foundling Hospitals of France 10. Rapport sur les enfants trouves : Smith Vol. 6, 1840-50. 1. Penitencier central pour les jeunes delin- quants : Ducpetiaux 2. Om de sanitaire Forholde : Solst 3. Borough Prison, Liverpool ; Chaplain's An- nual Report, 1843 4. The Miseries of Prostitution : Talbot 5. Rapport des Commissaires de la prison de Pentonville 6. Societe pour le patronage des jeunes detenus et des jeunes liberes 7. Jahrbucher der Gefangnisskunde 8. Maison centrale de correction, Louvain 9. Report on the Dieting of Prisoners 10. Statistics of Suicide, 1846-48 : Jopling 11. Ecoles de reforme en Belgique 12. Notas para la historia de prostitucion en Espafia : de la Sagra 13. Statistics of Suicide, 1849-50 : Jopling Vol. 7, 1851-57. 1. Word to the Wise : Observations on Peer- age for Life : Babbage 2. Are Peerages for Life legal? : Meekins 3. County Education : Brereton 4. Proceedings at the East India College, Haileybury, 1856 5 and 6. Examinations at the E. India Co.'s Military College, Addiscombe, June and Dec, 1856 7. Crime in Scotland : Makgill 8. Education of Poor in Liverpool : Sume 9. Observations sur la statistique intellec- tuelle et morale de la France : Fayet 10. Statistics of Crime in Ireland : Wilson 2l2 516 TR Tracts, &c- — Series IV. ■Contd. 8vo. Mental and Moral Statistics — Contd. Vol. 7, 1851-57— Contd. 11. Efficiency of the Judiciary; Need of Re- form : Field 12. Systeine de l'emprisonnement separe ou cellulaire : Ducpetiaux Vol. 8, 1857-60. 1. Free Public Libraries and Museums : their usefulness : Chadwick 2. Records of the Royal Literary Fund 3. University College, London, Annual Meet- ing, 1859 4. Conference on Town and City Missions, Birmingham, 1859 5. Employment of a Norum Organum Mora- lium : Chregg 6. The Proposed India Bill : Sykes 7. Statistical Details [Prostitution in London and Paris] : Everest 8. Arabic Fund — Appeal on behalf of 8o millions of the Human Family : Ameuney 9. Census of Religious Worship for England and Wales : Hume 10. Real Property Law Reform : Hunter 11. German Resolutions and British Policy: Asher Vol. 9, 1861-81. 1. Practical Effect of Error in Faith . . . 2. Education as illustrated by Medical Usages : Guy 3. Notes on the Free Libraries of Great Britain and the Continent : Axon 4. Compulsion in Primary Education : Bremner 5. On Extent of Ancient Libraries : Axon 6. Are we to hare Education for our Middle Class Girls ? : Gurney 7. University College, London, Professional Dissertations, 1872-73 8. School Board Work, Manchester : Bremner 9. Medical Education at the Universities : Morgan 10. The Teachings of the Mountains — A Ser- mon : Bradlee 11. Analysis of Elementary Education Statis- tics : MacCarthy 12. The Grand Hereafter — A Sermon : Bradlee 13. The Myth of Ra (the supreme sun-god of Egypt) : Cooper 14. English Landscape Art in 1877 : Dawson 15. Weak Points of the Elementary Education Code : MacCarthy 16. Natural and Revealed Religion — A Sermon : Bradlee 17. Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb 18. Ditto ditto : Van Praagh 19. The "German" System of Teaching the Deaf : Buxton 20. The Government Code : MacCarthy 21. Technical Education : Thompson 22. Bibliotheque publique de Geneve Vol. 10, 1852-81. 1. Industrial Instruction on the Continent : Playfair 2. Education of Poor Children in English and German Towns : Kay Vol. 10, 1852-81 —Contd. 3. Church of England Schools for the Pooi in England and Wales 4. Improvement of English Orthography *• Fry 5. Popular Education in Bengal: Chucker- butty 6. A Sermon Preached at Dorchester [U.S.A.], in June, 1870 : Hall 7. Vassar College ; its Foundation, Aims, &c. 8. Oriental Proverbs and their Uses : Long 9. La nouvelle Societe Indo-Chinoise : Legrand 10. Bases d'un plan d'etudes commerciales 11. Primary and Secondary Schools : MacCarthy 12. The Science of Seeing, applied to the teaching of the Alphabet : Wilson 13. General Council on Education in India, 1881 Vol. 11, 1850-81. 1. Report on the Treatment of Juvenile Offenders [in France] 2. Paper on Judicial Statistics : Levi 3. International Maritime Law, as affecting • belligerents and neutrals : Cobden 4. Methode, bei jeder Art von Wahlen sowohl der Mehrheit als den Minderheiten die ihrer Starke entsprechende Zahl von Ver- tretern zu sicbern: Burnitz ; Yarrentrapp 5. Laws of Conduct in Indust. Life : Ellis 6. On codifying English Law : Lawson 7. Discipline in Country and Borough Gaols : Bremner 8. Prisons and Prisoners : Ranken 9. Die Irische Landfrage und die Stein-Har- denbergische Gesetzgebung : Meitzen 10. The Crimean War ; or the Turk avenged 11. Reformatory and Refugee Journal, 1876 12. Solicitors and Law Societies 13. Administrative Organisation : Chadwick 14. Fifty Years of Drinking : Hoyle 15. Proportional Representation : Nanson 16. De la police des moeurs 17. Private Bill Legislation and Local Govern- ment: Bagot Increase of Divorce in Scotland : Coldstream 18 Vol. 12, 1829-51. 1. Law affecting Parish Apprentices : Meadows 2. Forms of Deeds and Documents in England and France : Okey 3. Laws of England and Scotland on Mar- riage, &c. : Prater 4. Statutes of the University of Cambridge (12th Elizabeth, a.d. 1570) 5. Law as to Marriages Abroad 6. Law regarding Marriages with a Deceased Wife's Sister 7. Die Resultate der Rechts-Pflege . . . 1849-50 : Korbach 8. Law of Patents for Inventions : Turner 9. Law of Partnership Vol. 13, 1835-51. 1. Les Bibliotheques de Vienne : Balbi 2. Villemain ; Literature du Moyen Review by L. 3. Ramee ; Architecture du Moyen Age Age. TR 517 Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Series IV. 8vo. Mental and Moral Statistics — Contd. Vol, 13, 1835-51 — Contd. 4. National Association for the Protection of Authors : Jerdan 5. Spirit of Historical Study : Creasy 6. Provision of Public Libraries : Edwards 7. Maps of the Land, Sea, and Heavens : Bannister 8. Philosophy of Language : Gilbart 9. Kritische Durchsicht der Sprache der Aino's : Pfizmaier Vol. 14, 1831-53. 1. Administration publique du Canton de Vaud, 1803-31 2. Statistics of the Army : Marshall 3. Have the Ministers any claim on the confi- dence of the Nation ? : Martin Vol. 14, 1831-53— Contd. 4. Defence of British India from Russian Invasion : Mead 5. Case of Mr. McLeod : Urquhart 6. Right to be heard on Petitions to the Crown : Bannister 7. The Cabot Library 8. Destruction of Aboriginal Races by Coloniz- ing Nations : Aplaro^ovXog 9. Progress of Jewish Emancipation since 1829 10. Colonial Expenditure and Government : JDanson 11. Congres des Amis de la paix, Bruxelles, 1848 12. Ireland; the People, Land, and Law in 1851 13. Ireland's Recovery : Locke Series IV". 4to. Mental and Moral Statistics 1833-66 Vol. 1, 1833-52. 1. Statistique des tribunaux de la Belgique, 1826-30: Quetelet ; Smits 2. Amministrazione della Giustizia penale, 1833 (Napoli) 3. Administration de la justice criminelle en Belgique (1826-39) : Ducpetiaux 4. Alienes et enfants trouves de l'Hospice de Tours : Charcellay 5. Enfants trouves en Belgique : Ducpetiaux 6. Stato e condizioni delle carceri giudiziarie Vol. 2, 1834-66. 1. Systeme electoral en Belgique : Visschers Vol. 2, 1834-66— Contd. 2. Grand Jury Laws of Ireland : Musgrave 3. Istruzione primaria negli Stati Sardi, 1850 4. Enseignement superieure en Belgique, 1841 5. Gelehrtenschulen, . . . ijn K. Sachsen, 1833 6. Uebersicht der Unterrichts-Anstalten der Preussischen Monarchie 7. Projet de loi relatif a l'instruction publique en Belgique 8. Report on the Widows' Fund of the School- masters of Scotland : Thomson 9. Science and Practice of Polit. Econ. : Gibbon 10. Ecoles de reforme de Ruysselede 11. Illegitimacy in Scotland : Thomson — Series V. 8vo. Social and Economical Statistics 1696-1882 Vol. 1, 1818-24. 1. The Finances of Great Britain, 1818 2. New System of Bullion Payments : Bollman 3. On Circulation and Currency : Sinclair 4. Principles and Practice of Banking : Joplin 5. Necessity of Reforming our Financial System 6. Alterations in the Value of Money 7. The Measure of Value stated and applied to English Currency : Malthus 8. Facts relative to the Bank of England 9. Reduction of the Interest on the Public Debt : Payne 10. Plan of a National Bank : Ricardo Vol. 2, 1828-33. 1. Revision of our Fiscal Code : Mundell 2. Supposed Advantages of the Sinking Fund 3. Suggestions for Regulating the Currency 4. Paper Currency and Corn Laws 5. Necessity of a National Banking System 6. Die Staatschulden und Staatspapiere : Lex 7. Traite des monnaies et des poids et mesures : Guerin de Thionville 8. What has the Currency to do with the present Discontents ? 9. Position of the Government with relation to the Bank of England : Wells 10. Essay on Currency and Banking 11. Evidence before the Committee on the Bank of England Charter : Scotus Vol. 2, 1828-33— Contd. 12. The Evils of Gold as a sign of Value 13. Repeal of Taxes and Reduction of Expen- diture : Bice 14. Causes of the present Distress, 1833 : Beid Vol. 3, 1834-44. 1. Finances of Spain 2. Speech on Repeal of the Malt Tax : Hume 3. Impolicy of Tax on Cotton Wool : Graham 4. Tobacco Question 5. Money the Representative of Value 6. What is Money ? : Thimbleby 7. Private and Public Capital and Income of the United Kingdom : Allen 8. On the Evidence of Manchester Chamber of Commerce on Currency : Leatham 9. Metallic, Paper, and Credit Currency : Bosanquet 10. Remarks on Prevailing Errors regarding Currency and Banking 11. Recherches sur l'oret sur l'argent: Faucher 12. Dangers and Defects of Private Security, and their Remedies : Saunderson 13. Inquiry into Currency Principle : Tooke Vol. 4, 1845-53. 1. Analysis of Returns, Private Joint Stock Banks of London : Gilbart 2. Regulation of Discount by Bank of England 518 TR Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Series V. 8vo. Social and Economical Statistics — Contd. Vol. 4, 1845-53— Contd. 3. Organisation du Credit foncier : WolowsJci 4>. A Plan for a Domestic Currency 5. Plan for the application of Assurance to Debts, Bills of Exchange, &c. : Cansdell 6. Opinions in 1849 on Taxation 7. Rates of Interest : Thomson 8. Pressure of Taxation in this and other Countries : Norman 9. The Property and Income Tax : Scott 10. The Principles of Taxation : Babbage 11. Laws of the Currency in Ireland : Gilbart 12. Prize Essay on the Application of Inven- tions to Practical Banking : Sharp 13. Einances and Trade of U. Kingdom, 1852 14. Proceedings of the Banking Institute, October, 1851, to April, 1852 15. Notion de la monnaie : Lipke Vol. 5, 1853-54. 1. The New Supplies of Gold : Neiomarch 2. Remarks on the Production of the Precious Metals : Chevalier 3. Account of the Prussian Land Credit Com- panies : Pollard- Urquhart 4. Principles of Taxation ; Babbage 5. Decimal Coinage : Milward 6. „ Byley 7. „ Broion 8. Decimal Coinage : what it ought., and what it ought not to be 9. Unlimited and Limited Liability : Sawes 10. Decimal Coinage : Hinasi 11. Report of Committee on Decimal Coinage : Mathhone 12. Tribunals of Commerce : Lyne Vol. 6, 1826-52. 1. Treatise on Friendly Societies : Mitchell 2. Savings Banks in England, Wales, and Ireland : Pratt 3. Practical Plan to Redress the Grievances of Benefit Societies : Wright 4. Address on the Opening of the Mont de Piete, Limerick : Barrington 5. Ditto ditto. 3rd edit. 6. Pawnbroking and Pawnbrokers 7. On Questions pending in Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, with Suggestions : Neison 8. French Savings Banks : Prevost 9 and 10. The Savings Bank Circular, Decem- ber, 1848, and February, 1849 11. Odd Fellow and Friendly Societies : Nelson 12. Periodical Savings applied to Provident Purposes : Robertson 13. The Duties of the Public to Charitable Savings Banks : Hancock Vol. 7, 1838-53. 1. Les Caisses d'epargne de la Suisse con- siderees en elles-memes : de Candolle 2. 24me Rapport des Administrateurs de la Caisse d'epargne de Geneve, 1840 3. ler Rapport de la Caisse des families de Geneve, 1840 4. Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des ouvriers mineurs, (Belgique) Vol. 7, 1838-53 — Con td. 5. Chemin de fer de l'Ultat ; Caisse de re- traite et de secours, (Belgique) 6. Pensions de retraite; Caisse des veuves et orphelins, Belgique 7. Caisses de prevoyance des ouvriers mineurs en Belgique : Visschers 8. De l'Organisation de Caisses communes de prevoyance : Visschers 9. Societes de secours mutuels pour les ouvriers en Belgique 10. Societe Lyonnaise de secours mutuels 11. Caisse de retraites et pensions viageres pour la vieillesse en France 12. Mines ; Caisses de prevoyance 13. Caisse generale de retraite (Belgique) 14. Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des ouvriers mineurs, 1851 : Visschers Vol. 8, 1822-38. 1. The Spitalfields Act : Hale 2. Parish Settlements and Pauperism 3. Plan for Diminishing the Poor's Rates in Agricultural Districts : Allen 4. The Abolition of the Poor Laws 5. Poor Laws, beneficial to Landed Property in Ireland 6. The Rights of the Poor, and Poor Laws 7. The Poor Law Amendment Act : White 8. State of the Poor of Ireland 9. A Dep6t in Upper Canada to receive the Poor of England : Buchanan 10. Parochial Settlements an Obstruction to Poor Law Reform : White 11. Principles upon which the Poor Law Amendment Act is founded : Leslie 12. History of the Parish of St. Martin-in-the- Fields : Simpson 13. The only safe Poor Law Experiment for Ireland : Maunsell 14. Evils affecting the Highlands and Islands of Scotland : Fullarton ; Baird 15. Pauperism in Berwickshire : Turnbull Vol. 9, 1840-49. 1. Management of Poor in Scotland : Alison 2. Proposal to withhold Out-door relief from Widows with Families 3. The State of St. David's Parish, with moral . . . Statistics of Dundee : Levn* 4. Pauperisme en Belgique : Ducpetiaux 5. Observations on the Famine of 1846-47 in Scotland and Ireland : Alison 6. Relief of Destitution in the Highlands 7. Dep6ts de mendicite et ecoles de reforme 8. Report on Relief of the Extreme Distress in Ireland and Scotland Vol. 10, 1736-66. 1. Spirituous Liquors the bane of the Nation 2. Enquiry into the State of the British Distillery 3. Supplement to ditto 4. Pernicious Consequences of the Gin Trade to Great Britain 5. Vindication of above : Holden 6. Considerations on Nature of Sugar Trade 7. The Corn Trade and Corn Laws TR 519 Tracts, &c. — Series V. -Conttl. 8vo. Social and Economical Statistics — Gontd. Vol. 11, 1803-11. Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance : Paine Influence of Stoppage of Issues in Specie on Prices of Provisions : Boyd The Doctrine of Equivalents : Craufurd Effects of the Bank Restrictions : King Vol. 12, 1804-11. 1. The High Price of Bullion : Ricardo 2. The Principles which regulate the Course of Exchange : Blake 3. Cause of the Depreciation of Currency 4. The Abundance of Paper in Circulation, and the Scarcity of Specie : Francis 5. Analysis of the Money Situation of G. Britain 6. A Defence of Bank Notes : Orenfell 7. Effects produced on the Currency by the Bank Restriction Bill : Mushet 8. State of Currency in Ireland : Parnell 9. Principles of Currency and Exchange: Parnell 10. Speech on a Motion to assimilate the Cur- rencies of G. Britain and Ireland : Parnell Vol. 13, 1810-12. 1. Considerations on Commerce, Bullion, Coin, Circulation, &c. : Chalmers 2. The Depreciation of the Paper Currency of Great Britain : Lauderdale 3. Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee : Bosanquet 4. Ditto ditto : Sinclair 5. An Examination of a pamphlet on Cur- rency, by W. Huskisson 6. The Question concerning the Depreciation of our Currency : Huskisson 7. Remarks on above : Sinclair 8. Supplement to Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee : Bosanquet Vol. 14, 1810-13. 1. The Principles which regulate the Course of Exchange : Blake 2. The Question concerning the Depreciation of our Currency : Huskisson 3. State of the Finances and the Sinking Fund of Great Britain : Huskisson • 4. Speech on the third reading of "Lord Stanhope's Bill :" Johnstone 5. Present State of Bank Notes, Specie, and Bullion : Mercator 6. Speech on the second reading of " Lord Stanhope's Bill :" King 7. Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee : Sinclair 8. Remarks on a pamphlet on Currency, by W. Huskisson : Sinclair Vol. 15, 1819-23. 1. Causes of the Increase of Pauperism 2. Observations on the Poor Laws 3. Agricultural Distress of the Country : Richards 4. Second Address to Landowners of United Empire : Western Vol. 15, 1819-23— Contd. 5. A few Remarks on the State of the Laws for regulating Masters and Workpeople 6. The Financial Situation of the Country : Robinson 7. Reduction of National Interest to keep up War Rents 8. Alterations in the Value of Money Vol. 16, 1696-1732. 1. England's Interest : a Brief Discourse of the Royal Fishery : Puckle 2. Conduct of the Administration with regard to our Trade and Navigation 3. Scheme to prevent the Running of Irish Wools to France 4. Importance of Jamaica to Great Britain 5. A true Account of the Design and Advan- tages of the South Sea Trade 6. State of the Silk and Woollen Manufac- tures 7. General Maxims in Trade 8. The Turkey Merchants and their Trade 9. Advantage of Gibraltar to the Trade of Great Britain 10. Original, Progress, and Immense Greatness of the British Woollen Manufacture 11. Trade and Navigation of Great Britain: Gee 12. A Support of the Tory or Church Party 13. Conduct of the Parliament as far as it relates to the Woollen Manufacture 14. The Revival of the Salt Duty Vol. 17, 1734-85. 1. Scheme of Excise on Wine and Tobacco 2. Excise Bill for Repealing several Subsidies and an Impost on Tobacco 3. Dissertation on the present Conjuncture, particularly with regard to Trade 4. Consequences of Trade to the Wealth of any Nation, by a Draper 5. The Draper confuted, or an Impartial Answer to the " Consequences of Trade " 6. Importance of the Woollen Manufactures : London 7. Remarks upon Mr. Webber's Scheme and the Draper's Pamphlet 8. Improvement of the Woollen Manufacture 9. Trade to and from Persia through Russia 10. The Grasier's Advocate ; or, Free Thoughts of Wool and the Woollen Trade 11. Method to pay National Debt without a New Tax 12. Making of Bar Iron with Pitt, or Sea Coal Fire : Postlethwayt 13. The Charitable Corporation vindicated : Innes 14. Apology in behalf of the Smugglers 15. Seasonable Advice to all Smugglers of French Cambricks 16. The Great Advantage of Eating Pure and Genuine Bread 17. Abstract of Penal Laws against Smuggling and Adulteration of Tea 18. Report on Importation from Ireland 520 TR Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Series V. 8vo. Social and Economical Statistics — Contd. Vol. 18, 1828-35. 1. Free Trade and Colonization in India 2. State of the Tea Trade of England : Martin 3. British Intercourse with China : Majori- banks 4. Slavery and Emancipation : Burnley 5. Chinese Commercial Guide : Morrison 6. East and West India Sugar Trade : Martin 7. Commerce des ports de la Nouvelle-Russie etc. : Hagemeister Vol. 19, 1835-52. 1. Societe centrale d'edilite, Paris : Jullien 2. Tableaux des Interets de la France relatifs au commerce des sucres : Dupin 3. Commercial Account of the Russian Ports of the Black Sea 4. Diseours d'ouverture de la Societe serici- cole : Hericart 5. Production de la Soie en France : Le Flay 6. Livorno ed i suoi traffici : Serristori 7. The Cotton Trade of India : Briggs 8. Proposed Diminution of Customs Duty on Foreign Brandy : Sharp 9. Relazioni cowmerciali dell' Egitto . . . coi porti dell' Italia : Qriberg da Hemso 10. Ways and Means. Corn Laws . . . : Hume 11. Delia partecipazione di Trieste e dell' Austria al commercio delle Nazioni 12. Geschichte der Entstehung des grossen deutschen Zollvereins : Sick 13. Prospects of Penny Postage : Hill 14. Free Trade and Slave Labour : Hodgkin 15. Proposed General Chamber of Commerce in Liverpool : Levi 16. An International Code of Commerce : Levi 17. British Guiana Catalogue, Exhibition, 1851 18. Statistics of Scotch Iron Trade : Barclay 19. International Code of Commerce : Levi 20. Die Zolltarife aller Lander : Huebner 21. Condition and Progress of the Colony of Victoria : West garth 22. Resources and Traffic of Sweden : Napier 23. Wine in relation to Temperance, Trade, and Revenue : Shaw Vol. 20, 1826-41. 1. Letter to the Rt. Hon. R. Peel (On Econo- mical Matters) : Dumbell 2. Views on Corn and Currency : Joplin 3. Importation, Exportation, and Consumption of Foreign Corn, 1660-1826 4. Corn Trade of Canada : Chapman 5. Corn Laws, Scotch Trusts, and Entails 6. Operation of the Corn Laws : Mundell 7. The Evils of the Corn Laws : Chalmers 8. Corn Duties of England, and its Grain Trade with Mediterranean : Pappaffy Mr. Huskisson, Free Trade, and the Corn Laws : Atkinson Historical Summary of the Corn Laws : Thornton 10 Vol. 21, 1822-52. 1. Agricultural Distress of the Country ; its Cause Demonstrated : Richards Vol. 21, 1822-52— Contd. 2. Distressed State of the Agricultural Labourers : Marriage 3. Statistica agraria dell' isola del Giglio : Gttulj 4. De l'economie des engrais : Lozivy 5. Engrais Jauffret, suivant une Methode breve tee : Jauffret 6. Proces-verbaux des Seances du Comite d'Agriculture de Lorient : Jauffret 7. Societe royale d' Horticulture de Paris, Dis- cours d'Ouverture : Hericart de Thury 8. Fondation d'une colonie agricole de jeunes detenus a Mettray 9. Journal of the Agricultural Society of Western Australia, 1842 10. Six Letters to Sir R. Peel : Banfield 11. Notes in reference to Templemoyle Agricul- tural Seminary : Fortlock 12. The Policy of a National System of Agricul- tural Statistics : Fleming 13. On Climate in connection with Husbandry : Lovelace 14. Agricultural Statistics of France : Hume 15. Influence of Trees on the Climate of a Country : Balfour ,• Cullen ; Smith 16. Causes of the Prosperous Agriculture of the Lothians of Scotland : Hancock 17. Inquiry into the Foreign Systems of Re- gistering Dealings with Land : Mayne 18. Report of the Potato Crop in Ireland for 1850 : Mongredien Vol. 22, 1829-40. 1. Report of a Meeting of Operative Spinners at Ramsey, Isle of Man 2. The Political Multum in Parvo : Smethurst 3. The Cotton Factory System and the Ten Hours' Factory Bill : Finlay 4. Population of Manchester and vicinity engaged in the Cotton Trade 5. Factory Statistics. The Ten-Hour Factory Bill: Sadler 6. The Curse of the Factory System : Fielden 7. The Teeth a test for Age : Saunders 8. The Rights of Labour Defended : or, the Trial of Glasgow Cotton Spinners 9. Travail des enfants dans les manufactures 10. Cours de legislation industrielle : Wolowski Vol. 23, 1840-53. 1. Employment of Children in Factories and other Works : Horner 2. ficole industrielle de Bruxelles 3. Cours de legislation industrielle : Wolowski 4. Ueber die Noth der Leinen-Arbeiter in Schlesien : Schneer 5. Sur les cites ouvrieres : Villerme 6. Moral Tone of the Factory System : Baker 7. Produits espagnols envoyes a l'Exposition de Londres : Ramon 8. Industrial College for Artisans : Twining 9. Explosions in Coal Mines : Blackwell Vol. 24, 1837-54. 1. Railways and Turnpike Roads : Gordon 2. Law of Railroad Undertakings, Prussia, 1838 : B. H. TR 521 Tracts, &c. — Series V. -Coutd. 8vo. Social and Economical Statistics — Gontd. Vol. 24, 1837-54— Contd. 3. The Selection of Projected Lines, with description of the Railway Scale 4. Reasons for Railway Companies being the Carriers of Goods : Poole 5. Railway Statistics, 1845 : Clarke 6. Theory of Investment in Railway Com- panies : Clarke 7. Want of Regulations of Labourers engaged on Railways : Chadwick 8. Speed on Railways considered in a Com- mercial Point of View : Sidney 9. Railways in England and France : Salomons 10. Application of a Government System of Railways, Ireland : Brown, 11. Railway Accounts and Dividends : Webb 12. Report on Coal Traffic : Poole 13. Railway Communication between Atlantic and Pacific: Carmichael- Smyth 14. Government Aid for carrying out an Effi- cient Railway System, Ireland: Webb 15. Railway Loans : Hill Vol. 25, 1811-53. 1. Shipbuilding at Bombay : Money 2. Canal entre le Rhin et le Danube : Klein- schrod 3. Uebersicht der Mainschifffahrt und der Flosserei im 1840 : Meidinger 4. Pacific Steam Navigation Co. : Wheelwright 5. The Overland Mail and Austrian Lloyd's 6. On Harbours of Refuge : Lovelace 7. Indian River Navigation : Bourne 8. Statistische Uebersicht der Neckar-Schiff- fahrt und Flosserei : Meidinger 9. Establishment of a Line of Steamships to the Western Coast of Africa 10. Captain M' Chore's Despatches. Off Point Warren and Cape Bathurst : M'Clure Vol. 26, 1814-15. 1. Imports and Exports of Corn : Mason 2. The Corn Laws : Rose 3. The Foreign Corn Trade : Western 4. Objections to Corn Bill refuted : Spence 5. Reduction of Corn Prices by Importation 6. On the Effects of the Corn Laws : Malthus 7. On Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn : Malthus 8. Nature and Progress of Rent : Malthus Vol. 27, 1854-56. 1. Different Plans of Decimal Accounts and Coinage : Rathbone 2. The French System of Measures, Weights, and Coins : Yates 3 and 4. Complete Decimal System. Parts 1 and 2 : Jessop 5. Decimal Coinage 6. Ueber Gold- und Silber-Wahrung : 0. K. 7. The Funding System : Rickards 8. International Association for obtaining a Uniform Decimal System ; Yates 9. Ditto ditto. 2nd edition 10. National Debt and Sinking Fund : F. C. 11. On the results of the Operations of the Gotha Life Assurance Bank : Hopf Vol. 28, 1856-57. 1. Analysis of the Statistics of the Clearing House, 1839 : Babbage 2. International Association for obtaining a Uniform Decimal System. 1st Report 3. Regulation of the Rate of Interest on Landed Securities : Thomson 4. Statistics of Belgian Railway Traffic in 1844-45: Clarke 5. Management of Railways in India : Clarke 6. Fibrous Substances of the East and West Indies : Sharp 7. Indian Fibres, fit for Textile Fabrics, or, for Rope and Paper Making : Royle 8. Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Preston Strike : Ashworth 9. Bread for the People : Cooke 10. Apercu des Institutions de prevoyance de la Belgique : Visschers 11- Les Ouvriers europeens : Cochin Vol. 29, 1840-55. 1. Des Associations ouvrieres : Villerme 2. Poorer Classes in Great Towns : Slaney 3. Emigration of Poor Persons : Lumley 4. The Repression of Vagrancy : Lumley 5. The Price of Bread : James 6. Forces navales de la France : Joinville Vol. 30, 1857-58. 1. International Coinage for Great Britain and the United States : Alexander 2. Inquiry into the English System of Weights and Measures : Alexander 3. Decimal Coinage 4 to 6. Answers to Questions to the Decimal Coinage Commissioners Vol. 31, 1843-60. 1. Failure of a National Bank . . . U.S.A. 2. Sulle Finanze dello Stato Pontificio 3. Distinctions between Money and Capital 4. Indian Revenue and Taxation : Sendriks 5. Direct and Indirect Taxation : Sandars 6. What is the best Unit of Length ? 7. Chronicon Pretiosum Snathense ; or Prices of Agricultural Produce : Robinson 8. Report of Directors of the National Bank 9 and 10. Penny Banks : Clarke 11. A Few Pages on Taxation : Potter 12. Gradual Payment of the National Debt 13. Direct Taxation ; an Inquiry : Courtney 14. Currency Question and the Bank Charter Committees : Pollard- Urquhart 15. Finance of Railways, United Kingdom : Grinsted Vol. 32, 1855-60. 1. The Price of Bread : James 2. Redemption of Mortgages in Building Societies : James 3. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, &c. : Address : Sykes 4. Twenty-fifth Exhibition of American Manu- factures by the Franklin Institute 5. Commerce, Resources, &c, of India : Wylie 522 TR Tracts, &c— Contd. — Series V. 8vo. Social and Economical Statistics — Contd. Vol. 32, 1855-60— Contd. 6. Invention, Water instead of Coals as the Impelling Power : Kingsley 7. Plan for preventing the Inconvenience of Streets of the same Name : White 8. Sale and Transfer of Land in Great Britain : Locke 9. Finances ... of India : Kennedy 10. View of American Agriculture : Jay 11. Railway Communication in European and Asiatic Turkey : Stephenson 12. Inquiry into the Condition of the People of Colour of Philadelphia 13. Rate of Wages in Manchester and Salford, 1839-59: Chadioick Vol. 33, 1786-95. 1. On the Population of Ireland : Howlett 2. Enquiry into the Influence of Enclosures upon the Population : Howlett 3. Enclosures, a Cause of Improved Agricul- ture, of Plenty . . . : Howlett 4. Insufficiency of the Causes of the Increase of the Poor Rates : Howlett 5. Hints on the Distresses of the Poor : R.S. 6. One Cause of the present Scarcity of Corn Vol. 34, 1800. 1. The Scarcity and High Price of Provisions 2. Thoughts on present Prices of Provisions 3. Short Enquiry into the Nature of Monopoly and Forestalling : Morris 4. Thoughts and Details on Scarcity : Burke 5. Causes of the present High Price of Bread Vol. 35, 1789-1802. 1. Increase of the Revenue, &c, of Great Britain, 1792-99 : Rose 2. Observations on the Income Tax : Beeke 3. Present Measures of Finance : Lauderdale 4. Plan for Raising Supplies during the War 5. On the State of the Profits and Accumu- lations of the Bank of England 6. The Conduct of the Bank Directors 7. Proposals for paying off the whole of the National Debt : Bird 8. On the Pecuniary Distresses of the Country : Sinclair 9. On the Alarming State of the Public Finances and Public Credit : Morgan 10. On the Debt on the Civil List : Rose 11. Remarks on the Resources of the East Indies 12. Objects and Effects of the French Expedi- tion to the West Indies Vol. 36, 1840-81. 1. Cultivation of Cotton in India 2. Social Life in Calcutta a Century ago : Long 3. The Case of the Irish Tenant : Lufferin 4. Russian Trade with India 5. On the Aptitude of North American Indians for Agriculture : Heywood 6. Association in aid of Social Progress in India : Prichard 7. The Land Question : Botly 8. Statistics of the Liquor Traffic : Burns Vol. 36, 1840-81— Contd. 9. Large and Small Farm Systems . . . Agricul- tural Statistics of Belgium : Jenkins 10. Our Social and Material Condition : Hoyle 11. Geschichte der Preise ungarischer Landes- producte : Konek 12. Labour, Wages, Production in the Factories in France and Belgium : Redgrave 13. Trade and Commerce of Bristol : Bruton 14. English Free Trade and Foreign Protection : Shepheard 15. Forty Years since and now : Strangways 16. Excise Liquors and the Anglo-French Treaty : Hoyle ; Briggs 17. Increasing Dependence of this Country upon Foreign Supplies : Bourne 18. True relation between Imports and Exports : Bourne 19. The Depression of Trade : Chadwick 20. Commercial Crises and their Lessons : Parry 21. Progress of British Commerce : Watherston 22. Colonial and Indian Trade of England : Watson 23. The Export Trade of U. Kingdom : Bourne 24. Minister of Commerce and Agriculture : Lloyd 25. Ireland in 1880 : Pirn 26. Aspect of Trade Depression : Bourne 27. Commerce and Prospects of England : Man 28. Good and Bad Times 29. Deficient Harvests and diminished Exports : Bourne 30. Our Foreign Commerce and Free Trade Policy : Pirn Vol. 37, 1839-81. 1. India Revenue Letter 2. The Tax upon Paper 3. Wie steht es um Steuern und Abgaben in Bayern ? 4. Interest on Landed Securities in Scotland : Thomson 5. Local Taxation : Gardner 6. Ocean Penny Postage : Brittain 7. Die Kommunal-Besteuerung in England und Wales : Bodiker 8. Local Taxation Reform : Craigie 9. Registration of Colonial Government Bonds 10. Trade and Salt in India Free : Balfour 11. Valuation of Coal Mines . . . : Hedley 12. Reform of Local Taxation : Wells 13. Protectionist Manufacturers of the United States : Moore 14. The Canadian Tariff : Gait 15. Scientific and Practical Definition of " Income :" Chadwick 16. Penny Postage Scheme, 1837 : Chalmers 17. Dialogue sur le traite de commerce franco- anglais : Guyot Vol. 38, 1847-81. 1. Railway and Government Guarantee : Whitehead 2. A Mile of Railway in U. Kingdom : Haggard 3. Railway Facts and Lower Fares : Haggard \ 4. Universal Penny Railways : Jones TR 523 Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Series V. 8vo. Social and Economical Statistics — Contd. Vol. 38, 1847-81— Contd. 5. Acquisition of Railways by the State : Haggard 6. Railway Amalgamation : Haughton 1. Argument against the State undertaking to buy Railroads : Atkinson 8. Plimsoll Sensation ; A Reply : Glover 9. Railways Amalgamated : Haughton 10. Street Pavements : Dawson 11. The Canadian Pacific Railway : Hewson 12. Railways ; should they be Private or National Property ? : Watherston 13. American or Foreign Ships ? : Hill 14. Internal Improvements of U.S.A. : Poor Vol. 39, 1821-81. 1. Gain and Loss to the Fundholder, from Fluctuations of Currency : Mushet 2. Reduction of [Bank] Dividend, 1838 : Cook 3. Money, Morals, and Progress : Anglo- Americana Walley 4. The Financial Revulsion of 1857 : 5. Frankreichs Finanzlage: Horn 6. Rate of Wages in Lancashire : Chadwick 7. The Profession of Chartered Accountants in Scotland : McClelland 8. La prime des billets de la Banque de France : Juglar 9 to 13. Statistics of Savings in Ireland, 1860-71, 1873, 1875, 1879 : Hancock French Metric System, and Duodenal Arithmetic: Nystrom 15. The Silver Question : Nourse ; Jevons 16. The National Banking System : Knox 17. Address [Currency and Banking] : Knox 18. Local Value of a Legal Tender Currency [India] : Smith 19. History of Money in China : Delmar 20. Dry Bank Statistics : Knox 1-1 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Vol. 40, 1847-81. Suggestions for a Domestic Currency Report on Decimal Coinage The Metric System : Libra Monetary Laws Seignorage and Charge for Coining : Seyd International Gold Coinage Bishop Berkeley on Money : Harvey The Bank of England's Reserve : Aitchison Nouvelle forme d'obligations appelees " Bons accumulatifs :" Barron Currency of Mauritius : Cohen de Lissa Movements of the Bank of England Reserve in the last Ten Years : Montgomery Banks of the United Kingdom : Moxon Financial Statement of the Colonial Trea- surer, N.S.W., 1877 : Stuart Our Bankruptcy Laws : Brutz Bimetallism and its connection with Com- merce : Cazalet The Bank of India : Daniels Report on Trade in connection with the discrediting of Silver as Money Continuous Audit of Public Accounts : Dillon Bank Note and Banking Reform : Greig Vol. 40, 1847-81— Contd. 20. Decimal System applied to Coinage : Guthrie 21. Plan to Liquidate the National Debt : Newcome 22. The Silver Question : Indian Finance Diffi- culties : Westgarth 23. A New System of Money : Jennings 24. Indian Finance : Moxon 25. The Monetary Conference in Paris : Seyd Vol. 41, 1866-80. 1. Village Communities in India and Russia : Long 2. The Claims of the Poor : Bose 3. The City Parochial Endowments : Trevelyan 4. Organisation of Societies : Walker 5. Englische Baugenossenschaften : Plener 6. Co-operative Production : Brassey 7. Remarks on the Report on Friendly Societies : Scrope 8. The Charity Organisation Society 9. The Operations of our Building Associa- tions : Doran 10. Sulla Cassa-pensioni nella provincia Bo- lognese : Besso 11. Boarding-out of Pauper Children : Tallack 12. Bristol Building Societies 13. Report of the Glasgow Unemployed Relief Fund, 1878-79 : Macleod 14. Statistica delle opere pie . . . nel 1878 : Bodio Vol. 42, 1843-82. 1. Causes of Discontent in Ireland : O'Brien 2. Opium Trade of India and China : Allen 3. Cooly Labour in Calcutta : Waite 4. Les consommations de Paris : Juglar 5. The Local Taxation Review, April, 1871 6. Large and Small Farm Systems : Jenkins and the Tenant-Right Bill 7. Where are we ? [On Social Statistics] : Walker 8. Mr. Goschen's Bill on Scotch Banks : Cra- croft 9. The Great Central Gas Company : Croll 10. Five Free Trade Essays : Reid 11. Die wirthschaf tlichen Zustande Smyrna's in 1874 : v. Scherzer 12. Valuation of Property in Ireland : Jeph- son 13. Sui lavori eseguiti durante l'anno 1875 dalle stazioni agrarie italiane : Miraglia 14. Die Getreideproduction in Oesterreich : Neumann- Spallart 15. Bank Rates, Prices of Wheat, Coal, Iron, and Rails, 1863-78 : Hedley 16. Sull' esercizio delle ferrovie : Martorelli 17. Bills of Sale registered in England and Wales, 1878-79 : Edmonds 18. The Cotton-Ties : Wells 19. A Big Fraud ! . . . A Protective Tariff : Wells 20. Cost of Transportation, Railroad Confedera- tions . . . : Nimmo 21. Free Trade versus Protection : Philpott 22. Dear Food : Ford 524 TR Tracts, &c. — Contd — Series V. 4to. Social and Economical Statistics 1689-1857 Vol. 1, 1830-49. 1. Patentables de la Belgique en 1833 2. Le commerce exterieur [de la France] 3. Note but quelques monopoles usurpes par les ouvriers : Villerme 4. Des flcoles de reforme : Lucpetiaux 6. Enquete et rapport sur le travail dans les prisons (en Belgique) 6. Statistique des travaux publics sous la Monarchie de 1830 : Chevalier 7. Accidents produits dans les Ateliers par les appareils mecaniques : Villerme 8. Agricultural Value of Sewer and other Drainage Waters : Johnson 9. Metropolitan Sewers Vol. 2, 1833-42. 1. Canal de jonction de la Sambre a l'Oise 2. Navigation de la Sadne, depuis Gray jusqu'a Chalons 3. Adresse de la Commission commerciale du Havre aux Cbambres 4. Voranscblag der wabrscheinlichen Ein- nahmen und Ausgaben, 1836 5. Uebersicht der stattgef undenen Getreide-u. Victuabenpreisen, 1834-36 6. Beilagen zum Rechenschafts-Bericht pro 1837. [Aargau] 7. Sulla uniformita de' pesi e delle misure delle due Sicilie : Viseonti 8. Trade between tbe United Kingdom and the United States : Porter 9. Rapporto letto ul Beal Istituto d' incorag- giamento alle Scienze naturali : Cantarelli 10. Mining Industry in France : Porter 1 1. L'exploitation minerale en Belgique 12. DieGewerbe-GesetzgebungenDeutschland's: Re den Vol. 3, 1842-52. 1. Prodotti della industria NapoUtana 2. Premier appel au bons sens . . . dans la ques- tion des sucres : Lupin Vol. 3, 1842-52— Contd. 3. German Navigation- and Trade-Union : (Translated by) Waddilove 4. Saggio d'un Prospetto generale delle strade ferrate europee, 1847 : Balbi 5. On Deterioration of Railway Plant and Road : Huish 6. Commercial Progress of the Colonial Depen- dencies during 1827-46: Danson 7. Production et l'emploi du sel en Angle- terre : Milne Edwards 8. Proposed National Code of Commerce : Led Vol. 4, 1689-1714. 1. Prevention of Exportation of Wooll Un- manufactured: Carter 2. Way to make the Poor Happy : Cornelius 3. Care for Trade in England : Lacy 4. Europa Libera ; expedient to restore the Pubhck Peace of Europe 5. A short View of the Dangers and Mischiefs from the Bank of England 6. Annuities to raise a Stock for improving the Fishery of Great Britain Vol. 5, 1835-57. 1. The Valuation of the Rupee, Mauritius 2. Saving to the Country in the Manufacture of Iron : Cort 3. Review of Mr. C. Cort's Petition for services rendered by his father : Cort 4. Chemins de fer et routes ordinaires [beiges] 5. Memoire sur l'atelier de charite, Gand. 6. Taxation, Currency, and Prices, 1784-1837 7. Compte General de 1' Administration des Finances du Canton de Vaud, 1834 8. Zusammenstellung der Grenz-Eingangs- Abgaben in Oesterreich . . . : Reden 9. Die Theorie des Werths : Friedlander 10. Statistics of Lighthouses : Babbage 11. New Plan for Street Railways : Rammell — Series VI. 8vo. Medical and Sanitary Statistics 1826-81 Vol. 1, 1826-40. 1. Hamburgs Chma und Witterung : Buek 2 and 3. Uebersicht der Verhandlungen des Sanitatraths, Aargau, 1828 und 1829 4 and 5. Out Cases at the Birmingham Infir- mary, 1833 and 1834 6. Untersuchungen iiber die Bevolkerung . . . von Stuttgart : Stimmel 7. Statistics of Fever and Small Pox in Glas- gow : Cowan 8. Fever in Glasgow, 1837 : Cowan 9. Inquiries into the Social Condition of the Working Classes : Porter 10. Sickness and Mortality, W. Indies : Halliday 11. Medical Topography of Sarun : Rankine 12. On the Topography of Meerutt : Murray 13. Om de sanitaire Forholde : Hoist 14. Medical Topography of Kalee Xemaoon and Shore Valley : Lollard 15. L'fitat des habitations de la classe ouvriere a Bruxelles Vol. 2, 1841-48. 1. Om Sygepleien i Strafleanstalterne i Norge : Hoist 2. Account of the General and Medical Topo- graphy of Ajmeer : Irvine 3. Facts on the Influence of Manufactures upon Health and Life : Noble 4. Medizinalwesen und den offenthchen Gesundheitszustand im Kanton St. Gallen 5. Ueber die Zustande der arbeitenden Elassen in Breslau : Schneer 6. Causes of Death in Manchester : Robertson 7. Report on State of Birmingham : Slaney 8. Improvement of Manchester, Report on 9. On the Health of Towns : Guy 10. Supply of Water to London : Tabberner 11. The Sanatory State of Edinburgh: Stark 12. Sanitary Condition of the City of London 13. Public Slaughter Houses : Grantham TR 525 Tracts, &c.—Contd. — Series VI. 8vo. Medical and Sanitary Statistics— Gontd. Vol. 3, 1848-53. 1. Irish Amelioration Society 2. Sanatory Condition of Bolton : lEntwistle 3. Hull considered, in relation to the Health of its Inhabitants : Cooper 4. Report of the Proceedings of the Medical Staff, Sculcoates Union 5. Effects of Workshops, &c, on Consump- tion : Guy 6. Plans for the Improvement of the Health of the Metropolis : Rowed 7. Zur heilkundigen Statistik der Insel Portorico : J. 8. Annales du Conseil central de salubrite publique de Bruxelles 9. Habitations of Industrial Classes : Gavin 10. Plan for diverting the Sewage of London from the Thames : Martin 11. Report on the Sanitary Condition of London, 1850-51 : Simon 12. The Sanitary State of Belfast : Malcolm 13. Connection of Atmospheric Impurity with Disease : M'Cormac 14. Report on the Waters from the Thames : Lankester ; Redfern; Clark; Smith 15. Report of the Directors of the London (Watford) Spring Water Company 16. Chaleurs des 7, 8, 9 juillet, 1853: Quetelet 17. Ouragan du 28 juin, 1853 : Quetelet 18. Meteorologie nautique : Quetelet 19. Manchester and Salford Sanitary Associa- tion, Proceedings Vol. 4, 1830-44. 1. Hospital for Small Pox and Vaccination, St. Pancras : Gregory 2. Defects of Dispensaries : Kay 3. Les anciennes pestes de Geneve : Mallet 4. Small Pox and Vaccination Hospital, St. Pancras, Report of : Gregory 5. Medical Relief for Labourg. Classes : Rumsey 6. Society for Treatment of Diseases of Spine 7. The Medical Missionary Society in China. 8. Memoire sur la Pelvimetrie : Vanhuevel 9. Society for Treatment of Diseases of Spine 10. Die Sterblichkeit in Gefangnissen : Gedike 1 1. Observations on Quackery : Cowan 12. New Operation for Cure of Amaurosis : Adams 13. Admission of Medical Pupils to the Wards of Bethlem Hospital : Webster 14. On the Statistics of Fever in St. Thomas's Hospital : Burton 15. Rapport annuel sur les Travaux de la Societe medicale, Geneve, 1843 16. Comparative Economy of thirty-two Pro- vincial Hospitals and Infirmaries 17. Report of Guy's Hospital Lying-in Charity, 1833-40: Lever Vol. 5, 1847-53. 1. Vision in Health and Disease : Smee 2. Treatment of Dysentery : Baly 3. Medical Reform : Simpson 4. Electricity, Galvanism, 4c, as auxiliaries to Medicine and Surgery : Wright Vol, 5, 1847-53— Contd. 5. Ether Discovery : on the Claims of Jackson and Morton 6. Report on Asiatic Cholera, Boston 7. Remarks on the Comparative Value of Anaesthetic Agents : Hayivard 8. History of the Cholera in Manchester in 1849 : Leigh ; Gardiner 9. Hunterian Oration, 1851 10. Actstykker angaaende Cholera, Epidemien i Christiania, 1850 11. First Report of the Medico-Statistical Asso- ciation : Gairdner ; Begbie 12. On the Protection against Small Pox afforded by Vaccination : Balfour 13. Nature, Causes of Yellow Fever : Bascome 14. Report of the Cholera in Jamaica : Parkin 15. Medical Chronicle, June — August, 1853 Vol. 6, 1833-53. 1. Alienation men tale : JEsquirol 2. Notice statistique sur les alienes du departe- ment du Bas-Rhin : Renaudin 3. On the Want of Treatment for the Poor of Unsound Mind : Heywood 4. Statistics of the Retreat, 1769-1840 5. General Lunatic Asylum, Stafford. Statis- tical Tables, 1844 6. State of the Lincoln Lunatic Asylum, 1848 7. Littlemore Asylum. Report for 1849 8. Sindssyge, Blinde og Dovstumme i Norge i 1835: Hoist 9. Statistique des Maladies mentales en Dane- mark, 1847 : Hiibertz 10. Account of Bethlem Hospital : Martin Vol. 7, 1851-56. 1. Sindssyge, Blinde og Dovstumme i Norge i 1835: Hoist 2. Kliniska Forelasningar i Barnsjukdomarne, Stockholm : Berg 3. Numerical Method of conducting Medical Inquiries : Hodqkin 4. Conclusions statistiques contre les detrac- teurs de la Vaccine : Bertillon 5. Notice sur la premiere invasion du Cholera. Geneve : d'LJsptne 6. Report on the different Methods of Treat- ment in Epidemic Cholera 7. Epidemic Cholera in the Metropolis in 1854 8. Classification of Diseases for Statistical Returns Vol. 8, 1853-55. 1. Report on the Condition of the Working Classes of Nassau : Twining 2. Lecture on Respiration : Hop ley 3. Report on the Sanitary Condition of the City of London for 1854-55 : Simon 4. Rechenschaftsbericht des Hamburger Ve- reins zum Schutze von Auswanderern 5. Social Statistics of Glasgow . . . : Strang 6. Healthy Homes — Report of the Metropo- litan Association . . . 7. Results of Sanitary Improvement : Smith 8. De la condition physique des classes out- rieres : Roberts 526 TR Tracts, Sec. — Contd. — Series VI. 8vo. Medical and Sanitary Statistics— Contd. Vol. 9, 1850-58. 1. On Procreative Power : South 2. Protective Powers of Vaccination : Seaton 3. De la Condition physique des classes ouv- rieres : Roberts 4. Conseils a, la classe ouvriere pour 1' amelio- ration de leurs demeures 5. Esquisse geographique des invasions du Cholera en Europe : d'JSsjjine 6. Congres international de bienfaisance ; Dis- cours d'ouverture : Ward 7. Financial Aspect of the Sanitary Question : Chadwick 8. Microscopical Examinations of the Metro- politan Water Supply : Hassall 9. Draining, &c., the Parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington : JBroadbridge 10. Sur l'adoucissement et la purification de l'eau des grandes villes : Ward 11. Sanitary Condition of the British Army : Guy Vol. 10, 1851-60. 1. Acclimation of European Troops for Service in India : Bird 2. Medical Statistics of the Hull Police Force, 1857-59: Munroe 3. Sur l'alucite ou teigne des bles : Herpin 4. The Sanitary Reform of the British Army : &l\offTpaTUi)TT)g 5 and 6. Sindssyge, Blinde og Dovstumme i Norge i 1835 og 1855 : Hoist 7. Military and Naval Hygiene : Bird 8. Insalubrity of the Deep Cornish Mines, and the consequence : Roberton 9. Letter to Ladies in favour of Female Phy- sicians : Gregory 10. Unpolluted Streams : Coode 11. Influence of Factory Life on the Health of the Operative : Malcolm, Vol. 11, 1863-81. 1. Tumours in Voluntary Muscles : Teevan 2. Increase of Lunacy : Robertson 3. Small Pox ; its Cause and Prevention 4. „ and Vaccination : Gibbs 5. Hospital Expenditure in London : Blood 6. Medical Statistics, with Reference to Cholera and Syphilis : Mouat Vol. 11, 1863-81— Contd. 7. Kobenhavns fornemlig epidemiske Sygdoms- forhold i 1874 : Schleisner 8. On Winter Cough, Catarrh, &c. : Dobell 9. Cancer and External Tumours : Robinson 10. The Sentry System ; or, How to Extinguish Scarlet Fever and Small Pox : Clarke 11. The Effects of Contagious Diseases Act 12. Ratio of Disease in the Adult Male Com- munity : Dickson 13. Medical Responsibility in the Choice of Anaesthetics : Jones 14. Trained Nurses for Sick Poor : Nightingale 15. Anti-Vaccination. Statistics of Leeds Small Pox Hospital Refuted : Pickering 16. On Diseases of the Ear : Thomas 17. Westminster Training School for Nurses 18. Die Zwillinge : Goehlert 19. Vaccination : Taylor 20. The Means of Determining Causation in Insanity : BZuggard 21. Diphtheria in West Sussex : Kelly Vol. 12, 1858-81. 1. Health of Soldiers and Seamen in Foreign Climates : Bird 2. Improvement of the Dwellings of the Labouring Classes : Roberts 3. Ditto ditto 4. Typhoid Fever in Islington : Ballard 5. Dwellings of Working People in London : Kay-Shuttleworth ; Waterlow 6. Sanitary Condition of Communities : Letheby 7. Lecture on Vegetarianism : Newman 8. 9, and 10. Glasgow Improvement Trust : Russell • 11. Filth Diseases in Town and Country : Russell 12. Enteric Fever in Glasgow : Russell 13. Arrest of Infectious Disease by Isolation of the Sick : Ashby 14. Methods of disposing of Sewage 15. Progress of Public Health : Beddoe 16. Hydropathy : Boddy 17. Address on Health : Powell 18. Metropolis Water Supply : Watherston 19. Sanitary Progress : Chadioick 20. The Smoke Question : Siemens Series VI. 4to. Medical and Sanitary Statistics 1839-53 Vol. 1, 1840-53. 1. De l'fitat des travailleurs, Vira-Magadino, Suisse : Arrivabene Committee for obtaining an Inquiry into the Pauperism of Scotland ; 2nd Report 3. Statistical Report of 190 cases of Insanity, 1830-40: Rare 4. Construction d'un quartier modele destine aux ouvriers : Ducpetiaux 5. Hindu Medicine 6. Notes to the Cholera Map of the British Isles, 1831-33 : Petermann Vol. 1, 1840-53— Contd. 7. Reports on the Increase of Poor Rate 8. Report on the Condition of the Working Classes of Nassau : Twining Vol. 2, 1839-52. 1. Medical Topography of Calcutta : Martin 2. Medicinische Statistik des Catharinen- Hospitales, Stuttgart, 1828-38 : Cless 3. Quelques elements de l'hygiene : Bertillon 4. Delle risaie e della loro influenza sull' umana salute : Gramegna TR 527 Tracts, &c. — Contd. — Miscellaneous. 8vo Vol. 1, 1841-62. 1. Hospital System of London 2. Patients in Guy's Hospital, 1861 : Steele 3. Ditto, St. Bartholomew's, 1860: Edwards 4. Ditto ditto 1861 : Edwards 5. System of Madhouses in England: Brimfield 6. Supposed Increase of Insanity : J arms 7. What shall we do with the Insane ? : Jarvis 8. Comparative Liability to Insanity : Jarvis 9. Insanity and Insane Asylums : Jarvis 10. Causes of Insanity : Jarvis 11. Insanity among the Coloured Population of the Free States : Jarvis Vol. 2, 1854-66. 1. Bank of England Charter Act, 1844; Eesults, 1844-66 : Willich 2. Franchise Returns and the Boroughs : Baxter 3. Redistribution of Seats : Baxter 4. Report on the Bahamas, 1864 : Rawson 5. Report on Principal Public Schools: Hodgson 6. Education of Girls : Hodgson 7. The Sugar Question \ Bureau 8. Proceedings of the Decimal Association,1854 9. Decimal Coinage : Hendriks 10. Registers of Hastings Parishes : Greenhill Vol. 3, 1849-65. 1. Duration of Life amongst Clergy : Hodgson 2. Mortality of Stoke-upon-Trent : Arlidge 8. The Assurance Register 4. Conditions affecting the Constitution in Phthisical Persons : Smith 6. The Case of the Journeymen Bakers : Guy 6. Census of the Blind and the Deaf andDumb: HammicJc 7. Aspects of Sanitary Reform : Steward ; Jenkins 8. Hygiene of Massachusetts : Curtis — Miscellaneous. 4to Vol. 1, 1833. 1. Amministrazione della Giustizia penale, Napoli, 1832 Vol. 2, 1852-64. 1 and 2. Relatorio do Hospital de S. Jose, 1851-52: Branco 3. 4, and 5. Relatorio e Contas do Hospital de S. Jose, 1851-55 6. Die Beschlusse des Internationalen Statis- tischen Congresses, 1863 : JEngel 7. Statistique des prisons de la Belgique, 1851 a 1855 : Ducpetiaux Tracts on Bullion, &c Vol. 1, 1797-1810. 1. Observations on the Bank of England and the Paper Circulation : Baring 2. The Paper Credit of Great Britain: Thorn- ton 3. The Effects of the Bank Restrictions : King 4. Expose of the present Ruinous System of Banks 1838-66 Vol. 4, 1838-66. 1. Observations on the Poor Bill : Bentham 2. Accommodation in St. Pancras Workhouse : Jones 3. The Workhouses of Dudley Union : Doyle 4. Views in Ethnography : Beke 5. Thermal Ventilation : Watson 6. Laws referring to Child Murder and Abor- tion : Greaves 7. The Indian Empire : Knight 8. Enrolment of Coloured Citizens in the Militia : Bird 9. South Lancashire and the Cotton Manu- facture : Ashworth 10. Cultivation of Cotton in Italy : Devincenzi 11. Agricultural Statistics, Ireland, 1864 Vol. 5, 1839-64. 1. Histoire medicale du Cholera -morbus epidemique de Gy, 1854 : Niobey 2. Rate of Mortality in Manchester : Whitehead 3. Ditto ditto, 3rd edit. : Whitehead 4. Hospital de S. Jose, de Rilhafolles : Correira 5. Hospital de Alienados em Rilhafolles : Pulido 6. The Construction of a Collar Roof of Bent Timber, East Horseley Park : Lovelace 7. Sanitary Legislation . . . : Rumsey 8. Biographia Britannica Literaria 9. Literature under the Anglo-Saxons : Wright 10. Droit public de la Suisse Vol. 6, 1843-63. ltoll. Meteorology of England: Glaisher 12. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Sanitatsverhalt- nisse . . . Pest : Glatter 13. Guida per allevare i Bachi da Seta : Freschi 14. Decline of Irish Prosperity : Hancock 15. Cape of Good Hope, Universal Exhibition, 1855 16. Universal Exhibition, Cape of Good Hope, 1855 Vade Mecum : Blancheton 1833-64 Vol. 3, 1839-60. 1. Rapport de la Commission d'inspection des etablissements d'alienes, 1856 2 to 6. House of Correction, Lewes, Sussex; Chaplain's Reports, 1838-43 7. Den postpliocene formation det sydlige Norge : Sars ; Kjerulf 8. Codes criminels de l'Autriche, la Prusse et la Saxe : Asher 9. Die Heilung und Verhiitung des Cretinis- mus : Guggenbiihl 3 vols. 8vo. 1797-1810 Vol. 1, 1797-1810— Contd. 6. The Principles of Currency and Exchanges applied to the Report on the High Price of Gold Bullion 6. Principles which regulate the Course of Exchange : Blake 7. A Defence of Bank Notes : Grenfell 8. Effects of the Bank Restriction Bill : Musket 528 TR Tracts on Bullion, Sec— Contd. Vol. 2, 1811-19. 1. Speeches on the Report of the Bullion Committee : Thornton 2. Ditto ditto: Vansittart 3. Speech ditto : Rose 4. Ditto ditto : Castlereagh 5. Speeches ditto : Canning 6. Speech on the Bill commonly called Lord Stanhope's Bill : Johnstone 7. Observations on the Propriety of Resuming Cash Payments : Sinclair 8. The Evils of a Metallic Currency : Cockburn 9. On the Plan proposed by the Secret Com- mittee for Examining the Affairs of the Bank : Cooke 10. The Real Cause of the High Price of Gold Bullion Vol. 2, 1811-19— Contd. 11. 0^ the Impracticability of the Resumption of Cash Payments : Congreve 12. Pernicious Effects of a Variable Standard of Value Vol. 3, 1810-12. 1. The Question concerning the Depreciation of our Currency : Huskisson 2. Remarks on Huskisson's Pamphlet : Sinclair 3. Defence of Abstract Currencies : Wilson 4. Reply to Bosanquet's " Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee": Si card o 5. The Depreciation of Paper Currency : Bicardo 6. Ditto ditto : Lauderdale Tracts on Corn and Bullion Vol. l. Determination of the Average Depression of the Price of Wheat in War, 1800 : Brand Different Effects of Peace and War on the Price of Bread Corn, 1801 : Duthy Investigation of the Circumstances that have led to the Scarcity of Grain, 1801 : Anderson Maximum ; or the Rise and Progress of Famine, 1801 The Discharge of 37,000,000/. of the National Debt . . . 1800 On the Influence of the Stoppage of Issues in Specie, 1801 : Boyd Observations on the Publication of Walter Boyd, M.P., 1801 : Baring Brief Observations on a Letter by W. Boyd on the Stoppage of Issues of Specie, 1801 Refutation of certain Misrepresentations rela- tive to the Nature ... of Bank Notes, 1801 : Surr Vol. 2. Reflections on the Abundance of Paper in Cir- culation and the Scarcity of Specie, 1810 : Francis Letter, containing Observations on some of the Effects oi our Paper Currency, 1810 Further Considerations on the State of the Cur- rency, 1813 : Lauderdale Proposals for an Economical and Secure Cur- rency, 1816 : Bicardo The Government and the Bank, 1818 Thoughts on the New Coinage . . . and a New System of Coins and Weights, 1816 Essay on Money, 1818 : Prinsep Letter on the Pernicious Effects of a Variable Standard of Value, 1819 : Copleston Vol. 3. Speech on Motion to consider Effects of Resump- tion of Cash Payments, 1822 i Bicardo Plan for the Establishment of a National Bank, 1824: Bicardo Considerations upon the Agriculture, Com- merce, and Manufactures of the British Empire, 1822 : Turner On Alterations in the Value of Money, 1823 6 vols., 8vo. 1800-29 Vol. 3 — Contd. Letters on the True Principle of estimating the Extent of the late Depreciation in the Cur- rency . . . 1822 : Paget An Enquiry into the Progressive Value of Money in England, 1812 : Young Speech upon the [U.S.A.] Tariff, 1824: Webster Vol. 4. A Letter on the Corn Laws, 1814 : Lauderdale Intended Proposition to the Legislature in regard to Limiting [the] Price of Corn, 1814 : Strickland Letters on the Present State of the Agricultural Interest, 1816 : Crombie Effects of the Corn Laws and of a Rise or Fall in the Price of Corn, 1814 : Malthus Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restrict- ing Importation of Foreign Corn, 1815 : Malthus Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent, 1815: Malthus Vol. 5. Essay on the Management and Mismanagement of the Currency, 1825 The Cause of our Present Distresses ; and the Remedies . . . shortly considered, 1826 Letter on the Cause of our Present Embarrass- ment and Distress, 1826 : Western Two Letters on Scottish Affairs, 1826 The Bank of England Defended, or, the Prin- cipal Cause of High Prices, 1826 Edict of Diocletian, fixing a Maximum of Prices throughout the Roman Empire, A.l>. 303. 1826 Three Lectures on the Transmission of the Precious Metals from Country to Country, 1828: Senior Address ... on the Affairs of the Bank of Eng- land, 1828 Questions respecting the National Debt and Taxation, 1829 : Cazenove Vol. 6. Observations on Paper Money, Banking, and Overtrading, 1827 : Parnell TB, 529 Tracts on Corn and Bullion— Contd. Vol. 6— Contd. . Industry of the People connected with Internal Bills of Exchange, 1826 Elementary Propositions on the Currency, 1826 : Drummond Vol. 6— Contd. On the Petition of the Chamber of Commerce of Newcastle-upon-Tyne for the continued circulation of Local One Pound Notes, 1828: Doubleday Upon . . . some Parliamentary Measure to Con- trol the Issues of Country Bankers, 1826 Tracts on Political Economy 2 vols., 8vo., 1821-27 Vol. 1. The Measure of Value, stated and illustrated, 1823 : Malthus On Mr. Ricardo's Principles of Political Eco- nomy and Taxation, 1822 : Reynolds Considerations on the Accumulation of Capital, and its Effects on Profits, 1822 Inquiry into Principles respecting the Nature of Demand . . . 1821 A few Observations on, some Topics in Political Economy, 1825 Discourse on the Rise, Progress, &c, of Poli- tical Economy, 1824 : McCulloch Proceedings of the Levant Company respecting the Surrender of their Charters, 1825 Vol. 2. On Protection to Agriculture, 1822 : Ricardo Substance of Two Speeches respecting Colonial Policy and Foreign Commerce, 1825 : Hus- Elementary Propositions on the Currency, 1826 : Drummond Letter to the Electors of Bridgenorth on the Corn Laws, 1826 : Whitmore Speech on the Financial Situation of the Country, 1826 : Robinson Corn and Currency, in an Address to Land owners, 1826 : Graham On the Interests of Land and Trade in Restric- tions on Importation of Foreign Corn, 1827 Tracts on Protection, 1850 : * Polit. Pamph., vol. 5. (Contents.) 8vo. 1846-52 1. Introductory Tract. 15 pp. 2. The Occupations of the People. 15 pp. 3. An Abstract of Political Opinions. 16 pp. 4. The War of Classes. 16 pp. 5. The Blessings of Cheapness. 16 pp. 6. Ditto. 16 pp. Tracts (Separate Collections will be found under the following heads): — Cobden Club Essays, &c. 8vo. and 12mo. ; Corn Trade. 8vo. ; Cotton Supply Association. 8vo. ; Currency and Banking. 8vo. ; Essays on Reform. 8vo. ; Howard Asso- ciation. 8vo. ; Indian Pamphlets. 8vo. ; Life Assurance Controversy. 8vo. ; Life Assurance Essays. 8vo. ; Life Assurance Tracts. 8vo. ; Metropolitan Sewage. 8vo. ; Overstone Collection of Select Economical Tracts. 8vo. ; Pamphleteer. 8vo. ; Political Economy Club. 8vo. ; Political Pamphlets. Sm. fol. and 8vo. ; Quetelet. 8vo. ; Tayler Prize Essays. 8vo. ; United States. Sanitary Commission, &c. 8vo. ; Victoria. (Government Prize Essays). 8vo. Trade. Dissertation on the Present Conjuncture, particularly with regard to—. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 17. 8vo. 1739 — New and Old Principles of — , Compared ; or, a Treatise on the Principles of Commerce between Nations,. 1788. [Anon.] : * Overstone Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1859 — Report of the Special Committee on the State of — , in connection with the Discrediting of Silver as Money : * Tracts., S. 5, vol. 40. 8vo. 1879 Trade and Commerce. Observations touching—, with the Hollander and other Nations. Presented to King James by Sir Walter Raleigh. [Anon.] : * Overstone Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1859 Trade. Council of—. Advice of His Majesty's — , concerning the Expor- tation of Gold and Silver in Foreign Coins and Bullion, 1660 : * Polit. Econ. Club (Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 Trade and Navigation. Address to the Merchants of Great Britain ; or, Review of the Conduct of the Administration with regard to our — . By a Merchant retir'd. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 16. 8vo. \_cir. 1738] 2m 530 TR— TU Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Annual Statements of the : Pari. Acct., 8fc. Fol. 1853-82 Trade Societies and Strikes. Report of the Committee on Trade Societies appointed by the National Association for the Promotion of Science : * Soc. Science Assocn. (Trans.). 8vo. 1860 Traice (W. H. J.). Facts on Adult Education : *Manch, Stat. Soc. 8vo. 1876-77 — Patent Law : Id. 8vo. 1881-82 Travis (George). Laws and Ordinances of the Falkland Islands, 1853-73 : Falkland Islands. Sm. fol. [1873] Trefort (A.). Discours de cloture : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Tremenheere (Henry). Agricultural and Educational Statistics of several Parishes in the County of Middlesex : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 6. 8vo. 1843 Trevelyan (Sir Charles). The City Parochial Endowments : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 41. 8vo. 1871 Trevelyan (Sir C. E.). The British Army in 1868 : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 8. 8vo. 1868 Trinidad. Political Account of the Island of Trinidad, from its Conquest by Sir Ralph Abercrombie in 1797 to the present time . . . [Anon.]. 1 + 20 pp., 1807 : * W. Eton (History of Malta). 8vo. 1802-07 Trinity College. Examination Papers, 1823-24 [the Original Papers]. 2 vols., fol. 1824 Tripier (Louis). Les Codes francais collationnes sur les textes officiels. 17th edit, vi + 1707 + xciii pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1866 Trotter (Alexander). Observations on an Improved System of Farm Book-keeping, as practised by Alexander Trotter, of Dreghorn, on two Farms situated near Edinburgh: * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-37 — Observations on the Financial Position and Credit of such of the States of the North American Union as have contracted Public Debts. viii + 455 pp., map, 8vo. 1839 Another copy. Trotter (James). General View of the Agriculture of the County of West Lothian. Maps and plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1811 Truman (Matthew). Food and its Influence on Health and Disease, with Dietetic Rules for the Preservation of the Health, viii + 240 pp., 8vo. 1842 Tryon (G. W., jun.). Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America : * Smithsn. Miscell. Colin., vol. 16. 8vo. 1878 Tucker (George). The Laws of Wages, Profits, and Rent investigated. x + 189 + 1 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1837 — America and the West Indies Geographically described by Professor Long, G. R. Porter [and] — : G. Long. Maps, 8vo. 1845 Tucker (Josiah). A Brief Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages which respectively attend France and Great Britain with regard to Trade ; with some Proposals for Removing the principal Disadvantages of Great Britain in a New Method. 3rd edition, corrected, with addi- tions, 1753: * Overstone Colin., vol. 1. 8vo. 1859 Tuckett (J. D.). A History of the Past and Present State of the Labouring Population; including the Progress of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce ; showing the Extremes of Opulence and Destitution among the Operative Classes, with Practical Means for their Employment and Future Prosperity. 2 vols., 8vo. 1846 Tuckey (James H.). Maritime Geography and Statistics ; or, Description of the Ocean and its Coasts, Maritime Commerce, Navigation, &c. 4 vols., 8vo. 1815 TU 531 Tuckwell (Rev. W.). The Method of Teaching Physical Science : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1869 — School Banks : Id., 8vo. 1877 Tufts (G.). Family Visitation of the Wards of the State, as practised in Massachusetts: * E. C. Wines (Trans., 8fc). 8vo. 1871 Tuke (Daniel H.). Prize Essay on the Changes since the time of Pinel in the Moral Management of the Insane. 119 pp., 8vo. 1854 Tuke (John). General View of the Agriculture of the County of York- shire, North Riding. Map and plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1800 Tulloch (Gen. Sir Alexander M.) : — On the Sickness and Mortality among the Troops in the West Indies : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 1. 8vo. 1838 On the Sickness and Mortality among the Troops in the United Kingdom, abstract of his Statistical Report, by J. W. C. Lever : Id., vol. 2. 8vo. 1839 Comparison of the Sickness, Mortality, and Prevailing Diseases among Seamen and Soldiers, as shown by the Naval and Mili- tary Statistical Reports : Id., vol. 4. 8vo. 1841 On the Mortality among Her Majesty's Troops serving in the Colonies during 1844-45 : *Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 10. 8vo. 1847 The Crimean Commission and the Chelsea Board ; being a Review of the Pro- ceedings and Report of the Board. xv + 189 pp., 8vo. 1857 On the Pay and Income of the British Soldier as compared with the Rate of Agricultural Wages : * Stat. Soc. (JL), vol. 26. 8vo. 1863 Tunstall (James). The Climate of Bath in Reference to Pulmonary Con- sumption. 136 pp., plate, 12mo. 1854 Tupp (Alfred C.) :— The Indian Civil Service and the Com- petitive System. 142 + xcvi pp., 8vo. 1876 Statistics of the North- West Provinces of India . . . 1853-72. Published under the authority of Government : N.W. Provinces (Stat). La. 8vo. 1877 [Imperial Gazetteer of the North- West Provinces of India, 1876-77.] La. 8vo. [cir. 1878] The Indian Civil Service List for 1880 : Indian C. S. List. Diagram. 8vo. 1880 Tupp (A. Cotterell). The Proceedings of the International Monetary Conference, Paris, 1881. Condensed and Translated, with Notes. Part I. 54 pp., 8vo. 1881 Turgot (A. R. J. baron de l'Aulne). OEuvres de — , avec les notes de Dupont de Nemours, augmentees de lettres inedites des questions sur le com- merce . . . et precedees d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Turgot par Eugene Daire. New edit. 2 vols., la. 8vo. Paris, 1844 — Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth. Translated from the French, 1793. Reprinted: * Overstone Colin., vol. 4. 8vo. 1859 Turkey. Saalnami, or Official Almanack, 1296 (1881). 522 pp., 8vo. Constantinople, 1881 Turkey Merchants and their Trade vindicated from the aspersions of the Italian Merchants. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 16. 8vo. 1720 Turnbull (George). Report on the progress and present state of Pauperism in Berwickshire: * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 8. 8vo. 1838 Turner (Prof.). Letter on Philology : * Smithsn. Rep., 8vo. 1851 Turner (Samuel). Considerations upon the Agriculture, Commerce, and Manufactures of the British Empire; with Observations on the Practical Effect of the Bill of the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, for the Resumption of Cash Payments by the Bank of England ; and also upon the Pamphlet lately published by David Ricardo, entitled Protec- tion to Agriculture, 1822 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 3. 8vo. 1812-24 Turner (T.). Remarks on the Amendment of the Law of Patents for Inventions : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 12. 8vo. 1851 Turner (Rev. T. S.). The Statistics of the Indian Opium Revenue : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1876 2m 2 532 TU— UN Turnor (Edmund). Proceedings of the several Committees and Meetings held in consequence of the intended Petition to Parliament, from the County of Lincoln, for a limited Exportation of Wool, in the years 1781-82 : * Pamph., vol. 23. 8vo. 1824 Tuscany. Sanitary Regulations. Translated from the Italian hy order of the Commissioners of H.M. Customs .[with Supplements containing Tariff Regulations]. 164 pp., 4to. 1800 — Rapporto generale della pubblica Esposizione dei prodotti naturali e industriali della Toscana. 342 pp., 8vo. Firenze, 1851 Tvethe (M. Braun). Gorges Statistik. 393 pp., 8vo. Christiania, 1848 Twining (Miss). The Employment of Women in Workhouses : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1861 Twining (T.). Notes on the Organisation of an Industrial College for Artisans. (Privately printed) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 23. 8vo. 1851 — Letters on the Condition of the Working Classes of Nassau : Id., S. 6, vol. 1. 4to. 1853 Tyndall (J.). On the Importance of the Study of Physics as a Branch of Education for all Classes : * Boy. Inst. (Lectures). 8vo. 1855 u. Ulster Statistical Society. An Address explanatory of the Objects and Advantages of Statistical Inquiries, delivered at the Second General Meeting, 1838, by J. E. Portlock : * Stat. Soc. (Rep., 8fc). 8vo. 1835-43 Unger (S. E.). Uber die preussischen Lehrerwittwen- und Waisencassen : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1863-65 Unienville (Baron d'). Statistique de l'lle Maurice et ses Dependances, suivie d'une notice sur cette Colonie et d'un Essai sur File de Madagascar. 3 vols, in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1838 Unit of Length. What is the best — ? With Answers, showing that the best— is the Metre. [Anon.] : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. 1858 Unitarians. An Examination of Mr. Cobbett's Objections to the Bill for the Relief of the — . By the Author of " An Appeal to Protestant Dissenters." [Anon.]: * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 United Service Institution (Royal). Journal. Maps and plates, 8vo. 1858-83 — Index of the Lectures and Papers contained in Vols. XI — XX of the Journal of the — , with the names of their Authors. 75 pp., 8vo. 1878 — Lectures to Officers of Volunteer Corps at the — . 95 pp., 8vo. 1873 — Catalogue of the Library of the — . liii + 425 pp., 8vo. 1865 United States of America. Official Publications : — (Arranged chrono- logically under the following heads, Statistical Abstract; Census ; Agriculture ; Coast Survey ; Commerce and Navigation ; Education ; Finances ; Geology ; Govern- ment; Medical and Surgical; Meteorology; Navy; Patents; Post Office; Sanitary Commission, &c. ; War; Miscellaneous). — Statistical Abstract, 1878-82. (From commencement). (Contents.) 8vo. Washington, 1879-83 Public Revenue and Expendi- tures, Customs Duties, In- ternal Revenue, National Debt State National Bank, and United States Notes and Cur- rency, National Banks, and Savings Banks Coinage and Production of Gold and Silver Imports and Exports Production Immigration Shipping Area, Population, &c, of States and Territories, Public Lands Postal Service Population Education Railroads Agriculture Coal UN 533 United States of America. Official Publications — Contd. — Census. Return of the whole Number of Persons within the several Districts of the, in 1790, 1800, 1810. 3 vols, in 1, obi. fol. Washington, 1802-11 — Fifth Census, 1830 ; Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the, to which is prefixed a Schedule of the Number of Persons within the several Districts, in 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820. 27 + 163 + 165 pp., fol. ib., 1832 — Sixth Census, 1840 ; Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the, as corrected at the Department of State. 476 pp., fol. ib., 1841 — Sixth Census, 1840 ; Statistics of, as collected and returned by the Marshals of the several Judicial Districts. 409 pp., obi. fol. ib., 1841 — Sixth Census, 1840 ; Compendium of the Enumeration of the Inhabi- tants, and Statistics of the — . 379 pp., fol. ib., 1841 — Seventh Census, 1850 ; Instructions to United States Marshals, and to Assistants. 28 pp., 8vo. ib., 1850 — Seventh Census, 1850. 1022 pp., fol. ib., 1853 — Seventh Census, 1850 ; embracing a Statistical View of each of the States and Territories . . . with an Introduction . . . and an Appendix . . . : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 4to. 1853 — Seventh Census ; Abstract Report of the Superintendent of the Census for 1st December, 1852; to which is appended the Report for 1st December, 1851. 160 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1853 — Seventh Census, 1850 ; Mortality Statistics of the — . 304 + 1 pp., Washington, 1855 : * (Executive Doc. Index) . 8vo. 1855 (Contents.) I. The Cause of Death V. The Season of Disease II. The Age and Sex VL The Duration of Illness ttt m, m n Mil VJLL The Occupation of the Persons reported III. The Colour and Condition to have Died in the Twelve Month8 IV. The Nativity preceding June [1850] — Seventh Census, 1850 ; Compendium. 400 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1854 — Eighth Census, 1860 ; Preliminary Report on the, 294 pp., 8vo. ib., 1862 — Eighth Census, 1860. 4 vols., fol. ib., 1864-66 — Eighth Census, 1860 ; Compendium. 8vo. ib., 1862 — Ninth Census, 1870 ; Instructions to Assistant Marshals. 28 pp., 8vo. ib., 1870 — Ninth Census, 1870; Statistics . . . Compiled from the Original Returns, by Francis A. Walker. 3 vols., diagram, maps, 4to. ib., 1872 — Ninth Census, 1870 ; Statistical Atlas of the — ; Based on the Results of the, with Contributions from many eminent men of Science and several Departments of the Government : compiled under authority of Congress, by F. A. Walker, MA Diagram- maps, &c, la. fol. 1874 (Contents.) 1. Physical Features of the United States 2. Population, Social, and Industrial Statistics 3. Vital Statistics List of Memoirs and Discussions : — 1. The Physical Features of the United States : J. D. Whitney The Woodlands and Forest Systems of the United States : W. H. Brewer The Geological Map of the United States : C. H. Hitchcock and W. P. Blake The Mines and Mining of the West : R. W. Raymond 1. The Coal Measures of the United States : C. H. Hitchcock 2. The Political Divisions of the United States : S. W. Stocking The Minor Political Divisions of the United States : S. A. Galpin The Progress of the Nation : F. A. Walker Population, 1780-1800 : JB. B. Elliott 3. An Approximate Life Table for the United States : U. B. Elliott Relations of Race and Nationality to Mor- tality in the United States : F. A. Walker — Ninth Census, 1870; Compendium. 942 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1872 534 UN United States of America. Official Publications — Contcl. — Census — Contd. — Tenth Census, 1880 ; Statistics of the Population, compiled by P. A. Walker. lxxxix + 375 pp., diagram-maps, &c, 4to. Washington, 1881 Progress of the Nation, 1790 to 1880 I Influence of the Physical Features upon the Elements of the Population Distribution of Population — Tenth Census, 1880 ; Statistics of Public Indebtedness, embracing the Punded and un- Funded Debts of the — , and the Several States, and of Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships, and School Districts ; compiled under the Direction of R. P. Porter 667 pp., diagrams, 4to. ib., 1881 National Debts of tbe World Ownership of National Debt National Loans of the United States History of State Debts, &c. — Tenth Census, 1880 ; Statistics of the Iron and Steel Production of the — ; compiled by James W. Swank. 180 pp., maps, 4to. ib., 1881 — Tenth Census, 1880 ; The History and Present Condition of the Seal- Islands of Alaska. 176 pp., maps and plates, 4to. ib., 1881 — Tenth Census, 1880 ; Compendium. Part I. Statistics of Population and of Agriculture. Part II. Statistics of Manufactures ; Power used in Manufactures ; Mining ; Railroads, Steam Craft, Canals, Telegraphs and Telephones ; Occupations ; Fisheries ; Foreign Parentage ; Areas, Dwellings, and Families ; Alaska ; Life Insurance ; Fire and Marine Insurance ; Valuation and Taxation ; Public Indebtedness ; Newspapers and Periodicals ; Public Schools ; Illiteracy ; Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes ; Mortality. 2 parts, 8vo. ib., 1883 — Agriculture. Monthly Reports of the Department of Agriculture, 1865-76. 12 vols., 8vo. ib., 1865-76 — Centennial Album of Agricultural Statistics, including Maps, Charts, Diagrams, Illustrations of Industrial Colleges, and Type Specimens of Breeds of Farm Animals. Maps, diagrams, &c, obi. la. fol. ib., 1876 — Report of Wheat and Corn on Hand in the Seven States producing a Surplus of Corn. Sheet, ib., 1882 — Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1862-82, including the Annual Reports of the — Superintendent of Gardens and Microscopist Grounds Botanist Statistician Plates, &c, 8vo. ib., 1863-83 — Special Reports [by the] (Department of Agriculture) upon the Con- dition of Crops and Live Stock, Prices of Farm Animals, Rate of Wages, Rates of Transportation Companies, and Agricultural Educa- tion. Nos. 13—61. 8vo. ib., 1879-83 — Preliminary Report on the Forestry of the Mississippi Valley, and Tree Planting on the Plains. 45 pp., 8vo. ib., 1883 — Coast Survey. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, 1851-62. 10 vols., maps, &c, 8vo. and 4to. ib., 1852-64 — Sketches accompanying the Annual Report of the Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey, 1851. Maps and charts, in 1 vol., 4to. ib., 1852 — Commerce and Navigation. Report on the Trade and Commerce of the British North American Colonies, and upon the Trade of the Great Lakes and Rivers. 906 pp., 8vo. ib., 1853 — Report on the Commercial Relations of the — with all Foreign Nations (Digests, Tariffs, and Returns). 4 vols., 4to. ib., 1856-57 — Report on the Commercial Relations of the — with Foreign Nations, 1860, 1861. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1861-62 Entomologist and Curator of the Museum Chemist UN 535 United States of America. Official Publications — Contd. — Commerce and Navigation — Contd. — Statistics of the Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the — . 222 pp., map., 8vo. Washington, 1864 — Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in Answer to a Resolution of the House of the 7th instant, transmitting Information as to the Trade between the — , and the British North American Provinces since the Abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty. 40th Congress, 2nd Session, Ex. Docs. 240 and 295. 8vo. 1868 — Report of the Special Commissioner of the Revenue upon the Industry, Trade, Commerce, &c, of the, 1866-69. 4 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1866-69 — Monthly Reports on the Commerce and Navigation of the, 1866-69, 1871-73, 1875. 4to. ib., 1866-75 — List of Merchant Vessels of the, 1867, 1875. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1869-76 — Annual Reports on the Commercial Relations between the — and Foreign Nations, 1870-78. 8vo. ib., 1871-79 — Report on the Internal Commerce of the, 1879-80. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1879-81 — Special Report on the Foreign Commerce of the — for the Six Months ended December, 1882. 10 pp., 8vo. ib., 1882 — Annual Reports of the Commerce and Navigation of the, 1848-49 — 1882. 8vo. ib., 1849-83 — Quarterly Reports of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics ; showing the Imports and Exports of the, 1875-76—1882-83. 8vo. ib., 1876-83 — Monthly Summary Statements of the Imports and Exports of the, 1879-83. 4to. ib., 1879-83 — Commerce of the World, and the Share of the — therein. Annual Reports upon the Commercial Relations of the United States, 1879-81. 8vo. ib., 1880-83 — [Monthly Reports on the] Commercial Relations of the — , 1880-83 (including Ostrich Farming in the United States, October, 1882 ; Cereals in Europe, India, and Algeria, November, 1882 ; and Glass Manufactures of Europe, March, 1883). 8vo. ib., 1881-83 — Education. A Statement of the Theory of Education in the, as approved by many leading Educators. 22 pp., 8vo. ib., 1874 — The National Bureau of Education ; its History, Work, and Limitations. 16 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — Comparative Statistics of Elementary Education in Fifty Principal Countries, 1870-80. Sheet, folded, 8vo. [ib., cir. 1880] — Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1870-73, 1875-80. 10 vols., 8vo. ib., 1870-82 — Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education. Plans and plates, 8vo. ib., 1871-83 1871. Report on the Systems of Public Instruc- tion in Sweden and Norway Methods of School Discipline Compulsory Education 1872. German and other Foreign Universities Reports on Systems of Public Instruction in Greece, Argentine Republic, Chili and Ecuador, with Statistics of Portugal, and an Official Report on Technical Education in Italy Inquiry concerning the Vital Statistics of College Graduates Distribution of College Students in 1870-71 Facts of Vital Statistics in the United States, with Tables and Diagrams 1872— Contd. The Relation of Education to Labour Education in the British West Indies The Kindergarten American Education at the International Exposition to be held at Vienna in 1873 Schools in British India 1873. List of Publications by Members of certain College Faculties and Learned Societies in the United States, 1867-72 Account of College Commencements during 1873 in the Western and Southern States 1874. Proceedings of the Department of Super- intendence of the National Educational Association 536 UN United States of America. — Education — Contd. 1874— Contd. Drawing in Public Schools : the Present Relation of Art to Education in the United States History of Secondary Instruction in Germany 1875. Proceedings of the Department of Super- intendence of the National Educational Association at Washington, January, 1875 Education in Japan Account of the Systems of Public Instruc- tion in Belgium, Russia, Turkey, Serria, and Egypt Waste of Labour in the work of Education : P. A. Chadboume. Suggestions respecting the Educational Exhibit at the International Centennial Exhibition, 1876 1879. Training Schools for Nurses Proceedings of the Department of Superin- tendence of the National Educational Association Value of Common School Education to Common Labour : Edward Jarvis Training Schools of Cookery American Education as described by the French Commission to the International Exhibition of 1876 1880. College Libraries as Aids to Instruction Proceedings of the Department of Superin- tendence of the National Educational Association, February, 1880 Official Publications — Contd. 1880— Contd. Legal Rights of Children Rural School Architecture English Rural Schools Report on the Teaching of Chemistry and Physics in the United States : F. Wiggles- worth Clarke The Spelling Reform 1881. The Construction of Library Buildings The Relation of Education to Industry and Technical Training in American Schools Proceedings of the Department of Superin- tendence of the National Educational Association at its Meeting at New York, February, 1881 Education in France Causes of Deafness among School Children and its Influences on Education ; with Remarks on the Instruction of Pupils with impaired hearing, and on Aural Hygiene in the Schools : S. Sexton 1882. Proceedings of the Department of Super- intendence of the National Educational Association at its Meeting at Washington, March, 1883 Industrial Art in Schools : C. G. Leland Maternal Schools in France Technical Instruction in France 1883. Legal Provisions respecting the Exami- nation and Licensing of Teachers — Bureau of Education. Leaflets 8vo. ib., 1880-83 The Indian School at Carlisle Barracks Fifty Years of Freedom in Belgium ; Education in Malta ; Third International Geographical Congress at Venice in 1881 ; Illiteracy and Crime in France ; School Savings Banks ; and Education in Sheffield Library Aids Instruction in Morals and Civil Government Planting Trees in School Grounds Natural Science in Secondary Schools Progress of Western Education in China and Siam Vacation Colonies for Sickly School Children The Discipline of the School Education and Crime — Industrial Education. A Special Report ; with Appendixes. 319 pp., 8vo. ib., 1883 — Finances. Banking. Report on the Condition of the Bank of the — ; also, Statements in relation to the Situation of the different Chartered Banks in the different States, and the District of Columbia : * Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 1820 — General Regulations under the Revenue and Collection Laws of the — . vii + 749 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1857 — Reports of the condition of the Banks throughout the — . 352 pp., 8vo. ib., 1859 — An Act to provide Internal Revenue to Support the Government, to Pay- Interest on the Public Debt, and for other Purposes ; approved 30th June, 1864, as amended by the Act of 3rd March, 1865. 130 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 — Reports of a Commission appointed for a Revision of the Revenue System of the—, 1865-66. 483 pp., 8vo. ib., 1866 UN 537 United States of America. — Finances — Gontd. Official Publications — Contd. Revenue Commission. Special Reports 8vo. Washington, 1866 1. Report on Copper Mining and Manufacture 2. „ Iron and Steel 3. „ Wool and Manufactures of Wool 4. Treaty of Reciprocity with Great Britain 5. Distilled Spirits, and the Influence of the Duplication of Taxe3 on American Industry 6. Petroleum as a source of National Revenue Proprietary and other Medicines, and the Relations of Foreign Trade to Domestic Industry Cotton as a source of National Revenue Report on the Taxation and Manufacture of Malt Liquors in Great Britain and on the Continent of Europe Estimates of Appropriations required for the Service of the Fiscal Year ending 30th June, 1868, 1871. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1866-69 Reports of the Special Commissioner of the Revenue. Five Reports, 1865-69 (together with Appendixes) 1 vol., 8vo. ib., 1866-69 (Appendixes.) 1866. A. Table showing the Aggregate Receipts of Internal Revenue . . . since the commence- ment of the system, 1863-66 B. Digest of Laws relating to Duties on Imports, 1861-66 . . . c. Comparative Statement of the Rates of Duties and Imposts under the several Tariff Acts 1842-66 D. Table comparing the Average Wholesale Prices of certain leading Articles of Con- sumption, 1859-62 . . . E. Exhibit of some Eight or Nine of the lead- ing Industrial Products of Massachusetts, 1854-55—1864-65 . . . F. Report of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department, on the present Progress of Shipbuilding in the United States (Two other copies, one containing (in addition) Form of a Bill establishing Rates of Duty on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, Imported into the United States . . .) 1867. A. Table showing the Aggregate Receipts of Internal Revenue . . . 1864-67 B. Expenditures of the United States Govern- ment at different periods, 1821-67 c. Statement of the Indebtedness of the several States . . . 1861, . . . 1865, . . . 1867 D. Draught of a proposed Law for the Inspec- tion and Collection of the Revenue . . . 1867 e. Revenue Systems of Great Britain, France, and Northern Germany F. Table showing the Aggregate Sales of Mer- chandise, ... by Wholesale and Retail Dealers . . . 1867 G. Report of the Special Commissioner of the Revenue on the subject of Cotton, 1867 Two other copies 1868. A. Table showing the Aggregate Receipts of Internal Revenue, . . . 1865-68 B. Letter to Hon. David A. Wells, ... on the Currencies of Great Britain, France, and the United States, 1868 1868— Contd. C Statement of the Indebtedness of the several States, . . . 1861, . . . 1865, . . . 1868 d. Tables showing the Comparative Cost of Provisions . . . House Rent, &c, in the Manufacturing Towns of the United States, 1860-61 and 1867-68; also the Average Weekly Wages and Expenditures of the Families of Workmen, . . . 1867-68, as compared with 1860-61. Prepared by Edward Young E. Tables showing the Average Weekly Wages or Earnings of Workmen employed in the Manufacturing Establishments of the United States, 1860-61 and 1867-68. Pre- pared by Edward Young F. The Tariffs of the United States, showing the Revenue Collected . . . 1789-1868, the Amount of Dutiable Imports and Free Goods . . . Another copy 1869. A. Proportion and Numbers of the Popula- tion of the United States constantly Sick and Disabled. By Edward Jarvis, M.D. B. Table showing the exact Cost of the Support of Forty Persons Employed in the Manu- facture of Cotton Goods ... in Massa- chusetts . . . 1869 c. Analysis of the Industry of the United States engaged in the Production of Leather and of the Manufacture of Leather d. Life Table of American Seagoing Sailing Vessels, approximate E. Rates of Discount in Europe F. Relative Values of Gold and Silver at dif- ferent periods, 1845-69 Gh Comparison of Wholesale Prices of certain Commodities in the Markets of London and Manchester before and subsequent to the Discoveries of the new Gold Fields of California and Australia H. The Tariffs of the United States. State- ments showing the Revenue Collected . . . 1789-1868, the Amount of Dutiable Im- ports and Free Goods . . . 538 UN United States of America. — Finances — Contd. Official Publications — Contd. 1869— Contd. Statement of the principal Articles enter- ing into Consumption in the United States, 1867-69 Information relative to the Cost of American Pig Iron Table showing the Comparative Rates of Duty on Imports Levied and Collected 1869— Contd. under the respective Tariffs of the United States, Great Britain, the German Zoll- verein, Switzerland, France, Eussia, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, during the year 1869 . . . Another copy, with Appendixes A to H only — Revenue of the — . Official Report, by Mr. David A. Wells : * Cobden Club Publications. 12mo. 1870 — Securities. Letter on tbe Credit of the U. S. Government, with Com- parative Tables. 29 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1871 — Receipts and Expenditures of the, 1864-65—1867-68. 4 vols. 8vo. ib., 1866-72 — Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on the Operations of the Internal Revenue System, 1863-68, 1881. 7 vols., 8vo. ib., 1863-81 — Statement of the Public Debt of the — on the 1st November, 1867, 1st January, 1868, and for the month of February, 1881. 3 sheets. 8vo. [ib.], 1867-81 — Refunding of the National Debt. Notes of an Interview between the Finance Committee of the Senate and the Secretary of the Treasury, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Treasurer of the United States. 67 pp., 8vo. ib., 1881 — Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances, 1849-82 8vo. ib., 1849-82 (Contents.) Annual Reports of the — Supervising Architect First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Auditors Chief of the Bureau of Statistics Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey Commissioner of Customs „ Indian Affairs Commissioner of Internal Revenue First and Second Comptroller Comptroller of the Currency Director of the Mint United States Life-saving Service „ Lighthouse Board Register of the Treasury Solicitor of the Treasury Treasurer of the United States — Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1866-82. 14 vols., 8vo. ib., 1866-82 — Report of the Director of the Mint upon the Statistics of Production of the Precious Metals in the — . 2 vols., plates, 8vo. ib., 1881-82 — Annual Report of the Director of the Mint for the Fiscal Years ended 30th June, 1881-83. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1881-83 — Geology. Report on the Geology and Topography of a Portion of the Lake Superior Land District in the State of Michigan, by J. W. Forster and J. D. Whitney. In two parts. Part I. Copper Lands. 224 pp., plates, 8vo. ib., 1850 — Sixth Annual Report of the — Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah, for 1872. xi -f 844 pp., plates, 8vo. ib., 1873 — Artesian Wells upon the Great Plains ; being the Report of a Geological Commission appointed to examine a portion of the Great Plains East of the Rocky Mountains, &c. 37 pp., map, 8vo. ib., 1882 — Government. Journal of the Senate of the — , December, 1854, to March, 1855. 582 pp., 8vo. ib., 1854-55 — Index to the Executive Documents of the House of Representatives of the, 1854-55 34 pp., 8vo ib., 1855 UN 539 United States of America. Official Publications — Contd. — Government — Contd. — Congressional Directory for the 2nd Session of the Forty-first Congress of the — . 2nd edit. 128 pp., plan, 8vo. Washington, 1871 Ditto, 3rd Session 1st edit. 118 pp., 8vo. ib. 1869 — Message from the President to the two Houses of Congress, with Reports of the Heads of Departments, and Selections from accompanying Docu- ments. (Abridgment), 1871-72 and 1872-73. 2 vols., 8vo. 1872 — Medical and Surgical. Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality in the Army of the, January, 1839, to January, 1855. 703 pp., map, 4to. Washington, 1856 — Annual Report of the Surgeon- General, United States Army. 8 + 8 pp., 8vo. ib., 1866 — Catalogue of the — Army Medical Museum, Surgical, Medical, and Microscopical. 664 + 136 + 160 pp., plates, 4to. ib., 1866-67 — Report on Epidemic Cholera and Yellow Fever in the U.S. Army during 1867. ' 156 pp., 4to. ib., 1868 — Nomenclature of Diseases, prepared for the Use of the Medical Officers of the — Marine Hospital Service, by John M. Woodworth, M.D. " xxii + 210 pp., 8vo. ib., 1874 — Statistics, Medical and Anthropological, of the Provost Marshal- General's Bureau, by J. H. Baxter, M.D. 2 vols., maps and diagrams. 4to. ib., 1875 — The Cholera Epidemic of 1873, in the—. 1025 pp., 8vo. ib., 1875 — International Exhibition of 1876. Representation of the Medical Depart- ment of the U. S. Army linos. 8vo. Phila., 1876 The Medical Staff of the — Army, and its Scientific Work. An Address delivered to the International Medical Congress at Philadelphia, 1876, J. J. Woodward. 28 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1876 List of Skeletons and Crania in the Section of Comparative Anatomy of the United States Army Medical Museum. 52 pp. Washington Hospital of the Medical Department, United States Army : — Description of the Models of Hospital Cars. 10 pp., plans Description of the Models of Hospitals. 23 pp., plans Description of the Models of Hospital Steam Vessels. 12 pp., plans Description of Perot and Co.'s Improved U.S.A. Medicine Wagon. 16 pp., plates Description of the U.S. Army Medical Transport Cart : Model of 1876. 16 pp., plates Description of Selected Specimens from the Surgical Section of the Army Medical Museum. * 22 pp. List of Microscopical Preparations from the Army Medical Museum. 7 pp. Description of Selected Specimens from the Medical Section of the Army Medical Museum at Washington. 21 pp., plan. Typho-Malarial Fever : is it a Special Type of Fever? being Remarks introductory to the Discussion of the Question in the Section of Medicine, International Medi- cal Congress : J. J. Woodward. 41 pp. — Surgeon-General's Office. Circular No. 9. A Report to the Surgeon- General on the Transport of Sick and Wounded by Pack Animals. By George A. Otis. 32 pp., plates, 4to. Washington, 1877 — Annual Report of the Supervising Surgeon-General of the Marine- Hospital Service of the, 1873-74, 1878-81. 5 vols., 8vo. ib., 1873-81 — Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1861-65). Medical volume, parts 1 and 2 ; Surgical volume, parts 1, 2, and 3. 5 vols., plates and diagrams, ib., 1870-83 — (See also Works under U.S.A. Sanitary Commission, &c). — Meteorology. Meteorological Register for twelve years from 1831 to 1842 inclusive. Compiled from Observations made by the Officers of the Medical Department of the Army. 324 pp., 8vo. ib., 1851 540 UN United States of America. Official Publications — Contd. — Meteorology — Contd. — Army Meteorological Register for twelve years from 1843 to 1854 inclusive. Compiled from Observations made by the Officers of the Medical Department of the Army. 763 pp., charts, 4to. Washington, 1855 — Results of Meteorological Observations made under the Direction of the — Patent Office and Smithsonian Institution from 1854 to 1859 inclusive. Vol. 1. 1 + 1219 pp., 4to. ib., 1861 — Papers relating to the Transit of Venus in 1874. Part I. 25 pp., 4to. ib., 1872 — Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the — Naval Observatory, 1863-65, 1867-74 11 vols., 4to. ib., 1865-77 1870. Zones of Stars observed "with the Meridian Transit Instrument, 1846-49 Appendices to ditto 1870. Report on Difference of Longitude between Washington and St. Louis : W. Harkness Reports on the Observations of Encke's Comet during its return in 1871 : A. Hall and W. Harkness On the Right Ascensions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars . . . : S. Newcomb 1871. Results of Observations made with the Transit Instrument and Mural Circle, 1853-60 Catalogue of Stars observed during the years 1845-71 : M. Yarnall — Navy. Report of Naval Committee ... in favor of ... a Line of Mail Steamships to the Western Coast of Africa . . . -with Appendix : * Tracts, S. 5. vol. 25. 8vo. 1850 — The Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the Years 1849-52 4 vols., maps, fol. Washington, 1855-56 1. Chile ; its Geography, Climate, &c, &c. I 3^ Solar Parallax 2. Andes and Pampas ; Natural History, &c., &c. | 4. Magnetic and Meteorological Observations — Annual Report of the Secretary of the Navy for 1862. 530 pp., 8vo. ib., 1863 — Patents. A Digest of Patents issued by the — from 1790 to 1st January, 1839. To which is added the Present Law relating to Patents. 670 pp., 8vo. ib., 1840 — Laws of the — relating to Patents and the Patent Office. 152 pp., 8vo. ib., 1848 — Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Agriculture, 1847-61. 15 vols., plates, 8vo. ib., 1848-62 — Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents, 1846-71. 28 vols., plates, 8vo. ib., 1847-72 — Post Office. Annual Report of the Postmaster- General of the — for the Fiscal Year 1865. 117 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 — List of the Post Offices in the — , with the names of the Postmasters annexed ... 293 pp., 4to. ib., 1868 — Sanitary Commission, &c. Report of the Committee of Internal Health, on the Asiatic Cholera. Map and illustrations : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 5. 8vo. 1849 — Military, Medical, and Surgical Essays prepared for the Sanitary Commission. Edited by W. A. Hammond, M.D....552 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1864 (Contents.) 1. Military Hygiene and Therapeutics : Post; Van Buren 2. Control and Prevention of Infectious Diseases : Harris 3. Quinine as a Prophylactic against Malarious Diseases : Van Buren 4. Vaccination in Armies : Smith; Stille 5. Rules for Preserving the Health of the Soldier : Van Buren 6. Scurvy : Hammond 7. Miasmatic Fevers : Metcalf 8. Continued Fevers : Upham 9. Yellow Fever : Metcalf 10. Pneumonia : Flint 11. Dysentery : Stille 12. Pain and Anaesthetics : Mott 13. Hemorrhage from Wounds : Mott 14. Treatment of Fractures : Packard 15. Amputations : Smith 16. Excision of Joints : Hodges 17. Venereal Diseases : Bumstead UN 541 United States of America. Official Publications — Contd. — Sanitary Commission, &c. — Contd. — Documents [of the] Sanitary Commission. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1866 — Sanitary Commission Bulletin (1863-65). 3 vols, in 1. 1280 pp., diagram, 8vo. ib., 1866 — Statement concerning the Army and Navy Claim Agency of the U.S. Sanitary Commission from 1st September, 1861, to 1st October, 1866. 16 pp., 8vo. [Washington] 1866 — War. Reports upon the Purchase, Importation, and Use of Camels and Dromedaries, to be employed for Military Purposes, 1855-57. 238 pp., plates, 8vo. ib., 1857 — Report on the Art of War in Europe in 1854-55 and 1856, by Colonel R. Delatield, U.S.A. 277 pp., plates, plans, and diagrams, 4to. ib., 1861 — Narrative of Privations and Sufferings of — Officers and Soldiers while Prisoners of War in the hands of the Rebel Authorities. 283 pp., 8vo. ib., 1864 — Reports of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War. 128 + 34 pp., illustrations, 8vo. ib., 1864 Fort Pillow Massacre Eeturned Prisoners General of the Army Adjutant-General Inspector-General Judge Advocate- General Quartermaster- General Commissary-General of Sub- sistence Surgeon-General Report of the Secretary of War, 1866, including the reports of the — Paymaster-General Chief of Ordnance Chief of the Signal Office Chief of Engineers 8vo. ib., 1866 Supplemental Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1866 Investigations in the Military and Anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers. By B. A. Gould. xiv + 655 pp., charts and plates, 8vo. ib., 1869 Report of the Joint Select Committee to inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the late Insurrectionary States (Ku Klux Conspiracy). 13 vols., 8vo. ib., 1872 1. Report of Committee 2. North Carolina 3. South Carolina, part 1 4. „ part 2 5. „ part 3 10. Alabama, part 3 11. Mississippi, part 1 , 12. „ part 2 13. Miscellaneous and Florida 6. Georgia, part 1 7. „ part 2 8. Alabama, part 1 9. „ part 2 — Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer to the Secretary of War, 1872. 292 pp., maps and illustrations, 8vo. ib., 1873 — Report on the Bill, "An Act to enable honorably Discharged Soldiers and Sailors, their Widows and Orphan Children, to acquire Homesteads on the Public Lands of the United States." 17 pp., 8vo. ib., 1873 — An Essay concerning important physical features exhibited in the Valley of the Minnesota River, and upon their signification, by G. K. Warren. 22 pp., maps, 8vo. ib., 1874 — Report on the Hygiene of the — Army, with Descriptions of Military Posts. 567 pp., maps and plans, 4to. ib., 1875 — Miscellaneous. Report (to Senate) upon Weights and Measures : Pres. J. Q. Adams. La. 8vo. 1821 — Message from the President transmitting Information on the Subject of California and New Mexico. 976 pp., maps, 8vo. Washington, 1850 — Digested Summary and Alphabetical List of Private Claims which have been presented to the House of Representatives from the 1st to the 31st Congress. Vol. 2, H to ; vol. 3, P to Z. 2 vols., 4to. ib., 1853 542 UN United States of America. Official Publications — Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Report on the — , and Mexican Boundary Survey, by William H. Emory. Vol. 1. . xvi + 258 + 174 pp., plates, 8vo. Washington, 1857 — Abstracted Indian Trust Bonds. Report of the Select Committee. 365 pp., 8vo. ib., 1861 — Report of the Secretary of the Interior. 27 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 — The Statutes at Large, and Treaties of the — , 1861-66. 4 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1862-66 — Special Report on Immigration ; accompanying Information for Immi- grants relative to the Prices and Rentals of Land, ... to which are appended Tables showing the average weekly Wages, . . . 1869-70. 231 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1871 — Second Annual Report of the Board of Indian Commissioners, 1870. 149 pp., 8vo. ib., 1871 — Report of the Surveyor- General of the Land Office for Wyoming. 30 pp., 8vo. ib., 1871 — Report of the Commission appointed to Devise Rules and Regulations for the Purpose of Reforming the Civil Service. 30 pp., 8vo. ib., 1871 — Alabama Claims. The Case of the — to be laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration to be convened at Geneva, 1871. 204 pp., 8vo. ib., 1872 — Special Report on the Customs- Tariff Legislation of the United States ; with Appendixes. cxcviii + 221 pp., 8vo. ib., 1874 — Labour in Europe and America ; a Special Report on the Rates of Wages, the Cost of Subsistence, and the Condition of the Working Classes in Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, and other Countries of Europe ; also in the — , and British America. 864 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 Another copy. — Public Libraries in the — ; their History, Condition, and Management. Special report. 2 vols., illustrations, 8vo. ib., 1876 — Reports of Foreign Societies on Awarding Medals to the American Arctic Explorers, Kane, Hayes, and Hall. 70 pp., plate, 8vo. ib., 1876 — Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Part 3. Report of the Commissioner for 1873-74 and 1874-75 777 pp., 8vo. ib., 1876 A. Inquiry into the Decrease of the Food- I b. The Propagation of Food-Fishes in the Fishes Waters of the United States — State of Labour in Europe, 1878. Reports from United States' Consuls. 428 pp., 8vo. ib., 1879 — International Exhibition, 1876 5 vols., maps, &c, 8vo. Phila., 1879 (Contents.) and 2. Report of the Director-General, in- cluding the Reports of Bureaus of Ad- ministration . Reports of the President, Secretary, and Executive Committee, together with the Journal of the final Session of the Com- mission Appendix to the Reports of the United States Centennial Commission and Centen- nial Board of Finance Grounds and Buildings of the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876 Centennial Commission. International Exhibition, 1876. 9 vols., plans and plates, la. 8vo. and sm. fol. Washington, D.C. 1880 (Contents.) 1. Report of the Director-General, including the Reports of Bureaus of Administration 2. Reports of the President, Secretary, and Executive Committee, together with the Journal of the Final Session of the Com- 3 — 8. Reports and Awards. Groups 1 — 36, and Collective Exhibits 9. Grounds and Buildings of the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876 UN 543 United States of America. Official Publications — Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Report on Trichinae and Trichinosis. Prepared by W. C. W. Glaizier, M.D. 212 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1881 — American Pork. Resnlt of an Investigation made nnder authority of the Department of State of the — . 49 pp., 8vo. ib., 1881 — Tariff of the — , with Proposed Revision thereof, being the Argument presented to the Tariff Commission by the Metropolitan Industrial League: N.Y. (Metropolitan Industrial League). 8vo. 1882 — International Bureau of Exchanges. A Communication relative to the Establishment of an, (containing a List of Official Publications, 1867-81). 113 pp., 8vo. Washington, [1882] — Comparative Rates of Wages in the — , and in Foreign Countries. 35 pp., 8vo. ib., 1882 — Further Important Documents respecting the American Question. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1813 — Considerations on British Commerce, with reference particularly to British India, the — , and the Slave Trade. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 — Connected View of the whole Internal Navigation of the — . [Anon.]. 192 pp., maps, 8vo. Phila., 1826 — Ecclesiastical Statistics of the — , and of Two Hundred Towns and Villages of England. Supplement to the Congregational Magazine for the year 1834 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 1. 8vo. 1834 — Letter on the supposed Failure of a National Bank, the supposed Delin- quency of the National Government, Debts of the States, and Repudia- tion . . . : Id., S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. 1843 — The Industrial Resources, &c, of the Southern and Western States ; embracing a View of their Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures, Internal Improvements, Slave and Free Labor, Slavery Institutions, Products, &c, of the South; together with Historical and Statistical Sketches of the Different States and Cities of the Union ; Statistics of the United States Commerce and Manufactures from the earliest periods, compared with other Leading Powers ; the Results of the Different Census Returns since 1790, and Returns of the Census of 1850, on Population, Agriculture, and General Industry, &c. With an Appendix : J". B. B. Be Bow. 8vo. New Orleans, 1853 — Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the, and the Opinion of the Judges thereof, in the Case of Dred Scott versus John F. A. Sandford, December, 1856. By B. C. Howard. 239 pp., 8vo. Washington, 1857 — Congress and Phelps, Dodge, and Co. An Extraordinary History ; or an Abstract of so much of the Proceedings and Investigations of the 43rd Congress ... in relation to " Moieties and Customs Revenue Laws," as pertain to the Controversy between the United States Government and the Firm of Phelps, Dodge, and Co. : B. A. Wells. 8vo. 1875 — Railways. Annual Reports of (various) Railroad Directors, &c. 8vo. Boston, &c, 1848-80 — - Almanac ; or, Complete Ephemeris for the year 1843. By John Downes. vi + 324 pp., 8vo. Phila., [1842] — Congressional Globe, containing the Debates and Proceedings of Congress, 1861-72, with Appendixes and Indexes. 15 vols., 4to. Washington, 1861-72 — American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs of the, New Series. Plates, 4to. Cambridge, Mass., 1833-83 544 UN United States of America — Contd. — American Academy of Arts and Sciences— Contd. — Proceedings of the (from commencement) 1846-73. 8 vols., plates, la. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1848-73 New Series, 1873-83 Plates, la. 8vo. ib., 1874-83 — American Agricultural Association. Journal of the, Vol. 1. 2 nos., diagrams, sm. 4to. New York, 1881 — American Education Society. American Quarterly Register and Journal of the, conducted by B. B. Edwards. 5 vols., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1830-35 — American Geographical and Statistical Society [altered in 1871 to the American Geographical Society of New York~] . Bulletin, Journal, and Proceedings of the, 1852-65 : N.Y. {Am. 8fc, Soc). Maps and plates, 8vo. 1852- [64] — Journal of the, 1870-82: Id. 8vo. 1870- [83] — American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Useful Knowledge. Transactions of the — . New series, 4to. Phila., 1862-83 — Proceedings of the—. . 8vo. ib., 1867-83 — Catalogue of the Library of the — . Part III. 307 pp., 4to. ib., 1878 — American Statistical Association. Collections of the — . 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1843-47 — Constitution and Bye-laws of the — , with a List of the Officers, Fellows, and Members, i862. 12 pp., 8vo. ib., 1862 — Foreign Missions. Annual Reports of the American Board of Commis- sioners, 1810-59. 28 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1820-59 — Geographical Society of the Pacific. Transactions and Proceedings of the—, 1881. 77 + 42 pp., map, &c, 8vo. San Francisco, Cal., 1882 — National Academy of Sciences. Annual for 1866. 154 pp., 12mo. Cambridge, 1867 — Annual Report to the Senate, 1867-68. 2 vols., 8vo. [Washington], 1867-68 — National Board of Trade. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting held in Richmond, December, 1869. xi + 362 pp., 8vo. Boston, 1870 — National Educational Association. Addresses and Journal of Pro- ceedings at the Session held in St. Louis, 1871-72. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1872-73 — National Insurance Convention of the — . Report of Proceedings, 1871. 177 pp., 8vo. ib., 1871 — National Quarantine and Sanitary Association of the — . Quarantine Regulations approved by the Association. 39 pp., 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1860 — National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. Proceedings and Debates of the Fourth Convention, held in the City of Boston, June, 1860. 288 pp., 8vo. ib., 1860 — Sanitary Code for Cities, by Henry G. Clark, M.D. Revised and adopted by the—. 50 pp., 8vo. ib., 1865 — Political Education. Society for, Economic Tracts, Nos. 1—4. 12mo. New York, 1881 What is a Bank? What Service does a Bank Perform? 1880. By E.Atkinson. 1881 Political Economy and Political Science. A Priced and Classified List of Books recommended . . . Compiled by W. G-. Summer, David A. Wells, W. E. Foster, R. L. Dugdale, and Qt. H. Putnam. 1881 Subjects and Questions pertaining to Political Economy . . . 1881 Usury Laws, their Nature, Expediency, and Influence. Opinions of Jeremy Bentham . . . 1881 UN— UR 545 United States of America — Contd. — Prison Discipline Society. Annual Reports of the Board of Managers of the—, 1849-50, 1852. 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1849-52 — Vassar College. A College for Women, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Its Foundation, Aims, and Resources : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 10. 8vo. 1873 University College, London. Proceedings at the Annual General Meetings, 1853-59 : * Tracts, S. 4, vols. 4 and 8. 8vo. 1853-59 — Professorial Dissertations for 1872-73 : Id., S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. [1873] — Catalogue of the Books in the General Library and in the South Library, with Appendix : London Univ. Coll. 3 vols., 8vo. 1879 University College Calendar, from 1853-84. 8vo. [1853J-83 Upham (J. Baxter). Continued Fevers : * U.S.A. {Sanitary Gommiss.). 8vo. 1864 Ure (Andrew). The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain investigated and illustrated ; with a Supplement by P. L. Simmonds. 2 vols., plates, 8vo. 1861 Another copy 2 vols., plates, 8vo. 1836 — The Philosophy of Manufactures, or an exposition of the scientific, moral, and commercial economy of the Factory System of Great Britain. 3rd edit, xvi + 766 pp., plates, 8vo. 1861 Another copy 8vo. 1835 Urlin (R. Denny) :— A Proposal for Increasing the Utility of the Quren's Colleges : *Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 Remarks on the Middle Class (Female) Emigration Society, and Miss Rye's Visit to Otago : Id. 8vo. 1861-63 Dwellings of Working Men in Cities, and the Efforts that have been made to Im- prove them : Id. 8vo. 1864-68 Recommendations of the Land Transfer Commission of 1869 considered with especial reference to their applicability to Transfer of Land in Ireland : * Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1871-76 The History and Statistics of the Irish Incumbered Estates Court, with Sugges- tions for a Tribunal with Similar Juris- diction in England : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 44. 8vo. 1881 Urmston (Major H. B.). Notes on the Bunnoo District, 1869 : * (Punjab. Selections from Records). 8vo. 1868-71 Urquhart (David). Case of Mr. McLeod, in whose person the Crown of Great Britain is arraigned for Felony. 2nd edit. : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1841 — Diplomatic Transactions in Central Asia from 1834 to 1839. xix + 240 pp., 4to. 1841 — Tabular View of the Relations of Great Britain and Russia, 1833-38. Sheet, folded. 1841 Urquhart (William Pollard) : — Essay on Subjects in Political Economy. 124 pp., 8vo. Aberdeen, 1850 A Short Account of the Prussian Land Credit Company in Ireland : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 5. 8vo. 1853 Plan for the Reduction and Ultimate Ex- tinction of the National Debt : *Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1855-56 The Currency Question and the Bank Charter Committee of 1857-58, reviewed by an M.P. : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 31. 8vo. 1860 Competitive Examinations : *Stat., Sec, Soc, Irel. 8vo. 1861-63 Dialogues on Taxation, Local and Imperial. 168 pp., 8vo. Aberdeen, 1867 Uruguay. Republica Oriental del. Resume statistique (population, commerce, finances) pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris. 118 pp., la. 8vo. Montevideo, 1878 — Sinopsis estadistica de la Republica Oriental de Uruguay, 1876, 1877, y parte de 1878. 94 pp., la. 8vo t ib., 1879 2n 546 UR-VA Uruguay — Contd. — Direccion de Estadistica general Cuad. IV. Comercio exterior, 1872-73 V. Defunciones bautismos y matrimonios en 1874. Instruccion publica VI. Comercio exterior en 1873, navegacion, valor territorial, deuda publica, y apuntes estadisticos, 1875 VII. Mortalidad, bautismos y matrimonios, movimiento del hospital, emigracion poblacion y area territorial, 1875 . 4to. and sm. fol. Montevideo, 1875-82 Cuad. VIII. Comercio interior, existencia de ganados, apuntes estadisticos, 1876 XI. Poblacion y su movimiento, Comercio exterior e interior. Navigacion. Haci- enda y varios datos, 1879. Estadistica del comercio exterior. Resumen detal- lado de los productos del pais expor- tados para el exterior, datos estadisticos, 1880 Uwins (D.). Modern Maladies and Present State of Medicine : * Pamph., vol. 13. 8vo. 1818 Uzielli (G.). Geografia e Topografia \ * Italy (Istruzicne Scientifiche) . 8vo. 1881 V. [V. (R.)]- 0n the Interests of the Church of England. 2nd edit. [Anon.] : * Pamph., vol. 19. 8vo. 1822 Vacher (Dr.). Annnaire de Paris. Premiere Annee, 1872 : .Annuaire de Paris. 8vo. 1872 Vacher's Parliamentary Companion, containing Lists of the House, of Lords and House of Commons, with their Town Residences. 18mo. 1873-83 Valentine (James). Statistics of the City of Aberdeen : * Stat. Soc. («7L), vol. 27. 8vo. 1864 — Census Reform : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1871 Valpy (R.). A Short Sketch of a Short Trip to Paris in 1788 : * Pamph:, vol. 3. 8vo. 1814 Valpy (Richard) : — Lettre de — , Membre de la Section Statis- tique du bureau de Commerce (Board of Trade d' Angleterre) , donnant des renseignements sur ies publications statistiques du bureau, et souinettant des observations sur les questions portees au programme du Congres : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1853 On the Board of Trade : Id. 4to. 1860-61 Statistik von Grossbritannien : Id. 4to. 1863-65 Tableau comparatif du nombre de cate- gories adoptees pour les tissus dans les tableaux d'importation et d'exportation des differents pays : * Congres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Travaux statistiques de Crrande Bretagne , et d'Irlande : Id. 4to 1869-71 Upon Changes in the Industrial and Com- mercial Statistics of the United King- dom : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Value of Money. A Letter to Lord Archibald Hamilton on Alterations in the — ; and containing an Examination of some Opinions recently published on that subject. [Anon.]. 1823: * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 3. 8vo. 1812-24 Van Bruyssel (Ernest). Histoire du Commerce et de la Marine en Belgique. 2 vols., 8vo. Brux., 1861-63 Van Buren (William H.). Military Hygiene and Therapeutics. By — and A. Post: * U.S.A. (Sanitary Commiss.). 8vo. 1864 — Quinine as a Prophylactic against Malarious Diseases : Id. 8vo. 1864 — Rules for Preserving the Health of the Soldier : Id. 8vo. 1864 Vance (Andrew). The Tenure and Improvement of Land in Ireland, considered with reference to the Relation of Landlord and Tenant, and Tenant-Right. By W. D. Ferguson and — . Printed for Private Circu- lation : W. D. Ferguson. 8vo. 1851 VA 547 Vancouver (C). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Devon. Plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1808 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Hants. Plates : Id. 8vo. 1810 Vandermaelen (Ph.). Dictionnaire geographique du Luxembourg. 288 pp., la. 8vo. Brux., 1838 Van Diemen's Land. Royal Society of, Reports, Papers, and Proceedings of the—, 1847-55 : Boy. Soc. of Tasmania. 8vo. 1847-55 Vanhuevel (Dr.). Memoire sur la Pelvimetrie et sur un nouveau mode de Mensuration pelvienne. Illustrations : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 4. 8vo. 1840 Van Praagh (William). Oral Education of the Deaf and Dumb : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 9. 8vo. 18:8 — List of British Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, with Name, Location, Names of Principals, when Established, Number of Pupils and Teachers, and how Supported, 1880. MS. Sheet. Vansittart (Rt. Hon. Nicholas) : — Speeches on the Report of the Bullion Committee : * Tracts on Bullion, vol. 2. 8vo. 18ll First Letter on the Subject of the British and Foreign Bible Society ; addressed to the Eev. Dr. Marsh : * Pamph., vol 1. 8vo. 1813 Letter to John Coker, Esq. : Id., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 Outlines of a Plan of Finance proposed to be submitted to Parliament : Id., toI. 1. 8vo. 1813 Vardon (T.). Second Letter to the Rev. Dr. Marsh, occasioned by his " Inquiry into the Consequences of neglecting to give the Prayer Book with the Bible" : * Pamph., vol. 1. 8vo. 1813 The Budget for 1815 : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Speech in the House of Commons, 20th February, 1815, in the Committee of Ways and Means : Id., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 Speech on Proposing a Grant of i,ooo,ooo£. for Providing Additional Places of Wor- ship in England : Id., vol. 12. 8vo. 1818 An Inquiry into the State of the Finances of Great Britain ; in answer to Mr. Morgan's Facts, 1796 : * Currency, %c, vol. 7. 8vo. 1796-1840 Observations on the State of Education in England : * Stat. Soc. (Proceedings). 8vo. 1834-35 — On the State of Parliamentary Representation in England and Wales : Id. 8vo. 1834-35 — Index to the Local and Personal and Private Acts, 1798-1839. 38 Geo. Ill— 2 and 3 Vict. : * Pari. Papers (Index to Acts). La. 8vo. 1840 Varigny (C. de). L'Invasion chinoise et le Socialisme aux Etats-Unis : * Bevue des Deux Mondes. La. 8vo. 1874-78 Varrentrapp (A.). Note sur le mode de recensement de la population dans les Etats appartenant a l'Union douaniere de l'Allemagne : * Gongres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1853 Varrentrapp (George) : — Methode, bei jeder Art von Wahlen sowohl der Mehrheit als den Minderheiten die ihrer Starke entsprechende Zahl von Vertretern zu sichern. Yon G. Burnitz und— : * Tracts, S. 4, vol 11. 8vo. 1863 Statistique de Francfort : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 Der 40. Jahresbericht des Registrar Gene- ral fur England und Wales, &c. : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. [1879] Medical Officer of the Local Government Board and Registrar- General (In Ger- man) &c. : Id., S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. [1879] Die Bewegung der Bevolkerung und der Witterungs- und Gesundheitszustand in Frankfurt im Jahre 1862. 48 pp., 8vo. Frankfurt-a-M., 1865 Vastey (Baron de). Political Remarks on some French Works and News- papers concerning Hayti : * Pamph., vol. 13. 8vo. 1818 Vauban (Marshal). A Project for a Royal Tythe, or General Tax . . . [Translated from the French]. xviii + 176 pp., 8vo. 1708 2n2 548 VA— VE Vaud. Canton de, De F Administration publique du — , des 1803 a 1831 : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 14. 8vo. 1831 — Compte general de 1 'Administration des Finances, 1834 : Id., S. 5, vol. 5. 4to. [1835] — Compte rendu par le Conseil d'Etat du Canton de Yaud sur son admini- stration pendant 1843. 177 pp., 8vo. [cir. 1843] Vaughan (Rice). A Discourse of Coin and Coinage. The first Invention, Use, Matter, Forms, Proportions and Differences, Ancient and Modern ; with the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Rise or Fall thereof, in our own or Neighbouring Nations, and the Reasons ; together with a Short Account of our Common Law therein, 1675 : *Polit. Econ. Club (Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 Vaughan (William). Memoir, with Miscellaneous Pieces relative to Docks, Commerce, &c. viii +134 + 9 pp., portrait, 8vo. 1839 Venezuela. Interesting Official Documents relative to the United Provinces of Venezuela, the Act of Independence, &c. (in Spanish and English). xxiii + 309 pp., 8vo. 1812 — Campaigns and Cruises in Venezuela and New Grenada and in the Pacific Ocean from 1817 to 1830, and Sketches of the West Coast of South America; also Tales of Venezuela. [Anon.]. 3 vols., 12mo. 1831 — Exposicion que dirige al Congreso de Venezuela en 1846 el Secretario de lo Interior y Justicia : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1846 Verde-Delisle (M.). De la Degenerescence physique et morale de l'Espece Humaine determinee par le Vaccin. 256 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1855 Verga (A.). Prime linee d'una Statistica delle frenopatie in Italia : *Arch. di Stat. La. 8vo. 1877 — Dei pazzi che trovavansi reclusi nei manicomi ed ospitali d'ltalia alia fine dell' anno 1877 : Id. La. 8™. 1880 Verhulst (P. F.). Recherches Mathematiques sur la Loi d'Accroissement de la Population : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 3. 4to. 1844 V6rite. La, Recueil d'actes officiels, pieces authentiques . . . relatifs aux evenements qui se sont passe a Paris . . . dec, 1851. [Anon.]. 1852: * Polit Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1850-53 Vermont. Annual Report of the Directors and Superintendent of the Vermont Asylum for the Insane. 8 pp., 8vo. Rutland, Vt., 1850 — Biennial Report of the Officers of the Vermont Asylum for the Insane, for the two years ending 1st August, 1872. 14 pp., 8vo. Montpelier, Vt., 1872 — Reports ... of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the State of — , for 1867-76. 10 vols., 8vo. Rutland, Vt., 1869-78 Verri (Pietro). Meditazioni sull' Economia Politica , aggiuntevi le mono- grafiedi G. E. Carli sul censimento di Milano . . . (Bibl. dei Com. Ital.) : * C. Beccaria. 12mo. 1852 Versmann (J.). Statistique de Breme et d'Hambourg : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 — Sur l'etat et l'organisation de la statistique a Hambourg : Id. 4to. 1872-74 Verweij (A. J.). De Waarnemingen der Bevolkings-Statistiek. Plates : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 7. 8vo. 1874 Vesselovsky (A.) : — Tableau du Commerce Exterieur de la Russie de 1856 a 1871. Commission Imperiale Russe del' Exposition Univer- selle de Vienne en 1873 : * Russia {Tableau du Commerce). La.8vo. 1873 L'Imp6t sur le Revenu Mobilier en Italic Legislation et Resultats : * Russia (L'lmpot sur le Revenu). La. 8vo. 1879 Statistique de la propriete fonciere et des lieux habites de la Russie d 'Europe : * Annates Demog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8to. 1881 Annuaire des Finances russes : * Russia (Annuaire, fyc). La. 8vo. 1875-83 VE— VI 549 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. [Anon.]. 390 pp., 8vo. 1844 Vethake (Henry). The Principles of Political Economy. xvi + 415 pp., 8vo. Phila., 1838 Vibe (A.). Kiisten und Meer Norwegens. (Erganzungsheft zu Petermann's Geograph. Mittheilungen) . 23 pp., maps and plates, 4to, Gotha, 1860 Victoria. Official Publications : — (Arranged chronologically under the following heads, Census; Agriculture; Exhibitions; Mines; Patents; Libraries; Miscellaneous). — Census. Censuses of — , for 1861, for 1871, and for 1881. Fol. Melbourne, 1862-83 — Regulations and Instructions for the Guidance of Persons employed on the Compilation of the Censuses of Victoria, 1871 and 1881. ib., 1871-81 — Agriculture. Agricultural and Live Stock Statistics of Victoria, 1860-65, 1867. 7 vols., fol. ib., 1861-68 — Agricultural Statistics of the Colony of Victoria for the year ending 31st March, 1871. (" Victoria Government Gazette," No. 31, 1871). 16 pp., fol. ib„ 1871 — Agricultural Statistics, 1866-83. Fol. ib., 1866-83 — Exhibitions, Victorian Exhibition, 1861. Translations of Prefatory Essays in French and German. 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1861 — Victorian Exhibition, 1861. Catalogue of the ; with Prefatory Essays, indicating the Progress, Resources, and Physical Characteristics of the Colony by W. H. Archer, Frederick Muller, R. Brough Smyth, Professor Neumayer, Frederick McCoy, A. R. C. Selwyn, W. Birkmyre. [Together with] Report on Class 3. Indigenous Vegetable Substances. 300 + 61 pp., 8vo. ib., 1861-62 — Statistical Tables relating to the Colony of Victoria. Prepared for the London International Exhibition of 1873. Sheet, fol. ib., 1872 — Statistical Tables relating to the Colony of Victoria. Compiled from Official Records, for the Philadelphia International Exhibition of 1876. Sheet, fol. ib., 1875 — Mines. Mineral Statistics of—, 1867-70, 1874, 1876-82. Fol. ib., 1868-83 - — Quarterly Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars, 1871-83. Fol. ib., 1871-83 — Report of the Chief Inspector of Mines, 1876-82. Fol. ib., 1877-83 — Report of the Inspector of Explosives to the Minister of Mines for 1882. 3 pp., fol. ib., 1883 — Patents. Abstracts of Specifications of Patents applied for from 1854-66, Metals, part II, section I. 68 + 69 pp., illustrations, 4to. ib., 1876 — Patents and Patentees, Indexes for the years 1871, 1873-75. Vols. 6, 8 — 10. 4 vols., illustrations, 4to. ib., 1873-79 — Libraries. Catalogue of the Public Library of — . 2 vols., plates, plans, and botanical illustrations, la. 8vo. ib., 1880 — Report of the Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of—, for 1881. 60 pp., sm. fol. ib. 1882 — Miscellaneous. The Statistical Register of — , from the Foundation of the Colony; with an Astronomical Calendar for 1855. Edited by W. H. Archer. iv + 447 pp., 8vo. ib., 1854 — Registrar- General's Report of the Births, Deaths, and Marriages, in the Colony of Victoria for 1857. 30 pp., fol. ib., 1857 — Meteorological Report, with Diagram of Barometric Pressure, &c, 1856-58. 2 vols., fol. ib., 1857-58 550 VI Victoria. Official Publications— Contd. — Miscellaneous — Contd. — Report of the Registrar- General on the Progress and Statistics of — , 1851-58. Compiled from Authentic Official Records. 46 pp., 8vo. Melbourne, [dr., 1858] — Civil Service Commission. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into and report upon the Civil Service of the Colony. 144 pp., fol. ib., 1859 — Victorian Government Prize Essays, 1860. viii + 387 pp., map and plan, 8vo. ib., 1861 (Contents.) Collection and Storage of Water in Victoria I Origin and Distribution of Cold in Quartz Veins Agriculture in Victoria | Development of the Kesources of the Colony — Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Municipalities and the Charitable Institutions in Victoria. 74 + xc pp., fol. ib., 1862-63 — Statistical Notes on the Progress of Victoria in relation to Agriculture and Live Stock, 1835-60, 1861-67. 8 vols., 4to. ib., [1860-67] - — Report of the Conference of Government Statists, held in Tasmania, 1875, with Introductory Letter by the Government Statist of Victoria, and Appendices. 33 pp., fol. ib., 1875 — Victorian Year Book, 1873, 1881-82. 870. ib., 1874-82 - Statistical Register of the Colony of, 1858,81 Fol. Adelaide, &c, 1859-83 9. Religious, Moral, and Intel- lectual Progress Statistical Summary of Victoria 1. Blue Book 2. Population 3. Finance 4. Vital Statistics, &c. 5. Law, Crime, &c. 6. Production 7. Interchange 8. Accumulation Statistics of Friendly Societies Australasian Statistics — Annual Report of the Proceedings of the Government Statist in connec- tion with Friendly Societies, 1879-81. Fol. Melbourne, 1880-83 — The Gold Era of — , the Present and Future of the Colony, its Commercial, Statistical, and Social Aspects : B. Caldwell. Map and plan, 8vo. 1855 — Royal Society of, Transactions and Proceedings of the — (from com- mencement), 1854-82 : Boy. 80c. of Victoria. Maps, plans, &c, 8vo. 1855-83 — Progress Reports and Final Report of the Exploration Committee of the— 1857-73. Sm. fol. [1863-73] — Melbourne. Registrar-General's Report on the Vital Statistics of — , and Suburbs, 1860-68. 23 sheets, fol. Melbourne, 1860-68 — Government Statist's Report on the Vital Statistics of Melbourne and Suburbs, 1880. Sheet, fol. ib., 1881 Viebahn (G. de). Sur la statistique du Zollverein : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 Viebahn (Johann Georg von). Statistik und Topographie des Regierungs- Bezirks Dusseldorf. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Dusseldorf, 1836 Vigne (Godfrey T.). Six Months in America. 2 vols., 8vo. 1832 Villard (P.). L'emigration des ouvriers creusois consideree au point de vue hygienique et sanitaire : * Annales Demog. internat., vol. 5. La. 8vo. 1881 Villeneuve-Bargemont (Vizconde Alban de). Noticia sobre el estado de la Economia Politica en Espafia y sobre los trabajos de Don Ramon de la Sagra ; Escrita en frances por — ; traducida al castellano con notas y observaciones : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 4. 8vo. 1844 VI 551 VillermS (M.) :— Tableau de l'etat physique et moral des Ouvriers employes dans les manufactures de coton, de laine, et de soie. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1840 De la veritable loi de la Population. (The True Law of Population, &c.) Par Thomas Doubleday. Rapport par — : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 4to. 1843 Rapport d'un voyage fait dans les cinq departements de la Bretagne, pendant les annees 1840 et 1841 : Benoiston de Chateauneuf. 4to. 1843 Sur l'institution d'une Commission Centrale de Statistique : * Tracts, S. 1, vol. 2. 4to. 1845 Mouvement de la Population Sarde pendant la periode decennale de 1828-37 : * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 4to. 1846 Recensement des Etats prussiens en 1843 : Id., S. 3, vol. 4. 4to. 1846 Note sur quelques Monopoles usurpes par les ouvriers de certaines industries : ■"' Id., S'. 5, vol. 1. 4to. 1847 Des Associations ouvrieres : Id., S. 5, vol. 29. 8vo. 184$ Des Accidents produits dans les Ateliers industriels par les appareils mecaniques : Id., S. 5, vol. 1. 4to. 185q Sur les Cites ouvrieres : Id., S. 5, vol. 23. 8vo. 185Q Alphabetical List of Members of the New House of Commons, 1880 ; with various Electoral Statistics. 24pp.,sm.4to. [ctV.1880] The County Companion, Diary, Statistical Chronicle, and Magisterial and Official Directory . . . 1879-80. Compiled and edited by — : County Companion. 8vo. 1879-81 Villerm^ (M., fils). Les Douanes et la Contrebande. 266 pp., 8vo. Paris, 1851 Villetard (Edmond). Histoire de l'Internationale . . . 392 pp., 12rrjo. Paris, 1872 Vincent (Benjamin). Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information relating to all Ages and Nations : Haydn's* Dictionary of Dates. 14th edit. La. 8vo. 1873 — New Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with Indexes of Authors and Subjects by — . (Vol. 2, Including the Additions from 18.57-82) : * Boy. Inst. 8vo. 1857-82 [Vindex]. Observations on the Present National Distress. [Anon.] : *Pamph., vol. 17. 8vo. 182Q — A Postscript to Observations on the Present Agricultural and National Distress. [Anon.] : Id., vol. 21. 8vo. 1822 Vine (J. R. Somers) :— English Municipal Institutions; Jheir Growth and Development, from 1835 to 1879 ; statistically illustrated. vi + 272 pp., la. 8vo. 1879 The Municipal Corporations Companion. Diary, Directory, and Year Book of Statistics . . . 1878-80 : Municipal Corporations Companion. 8yo. [1878-80] Vingtrinier (Dr.). Observations sur les alienes dans les prisons, et sur les jeunes detenus : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1855-56 Violet (Thomas). The Advancement of Merchandize ; or, Certain Proposi- tions for the Improvment of the Trade of this Common- wealth . . . and also Against the Transporting of Cold and Silver. 40 pp., la. 8vo. 1651 Virey (Giuseppe). Compendio di Storia fisica e morale dell' Uomo. 344 pp., 12mo. Torino, 1853 Virginia. Annual Reports of the President and Directors of the Western Lunatic Asylum for 1850 and 1851. 2 vols., 8vo. Richmond, Va., 1850-51 — Reports of the Eastern Lunatic Asylum in the City of Williamsburg for 1850 and 1851. ' 2 vols., 8vo. ib., 1850-51 — The Debts of the States. Special Message of Governor Walker to the General Assembly of Virginia. 14 pp., 8vo. ib., 1873 Visconti (Perdinando). Sulla uniformita de' Pesi e delle Misure ne' reali Dominj di qua dal Faro del Regno delle due Sicilie : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 2. 4to. 1837 Visschers (Auguste) : — De l'etat actuel de l'exploitation minerale, D'une Loi sur les Pensions des fonction- &c, en Belgique, 1830-41 : * Belgium naire8j de leurg veuye8 efc de leur3 (Bullettn Commiss. stat.) vol. 1. 4to. 1843 Another copy : orphehns : » Tracts, S. 5, vol 2. 4to. [1843] * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1844 552 VI-W Visschers (Auguste) — Contd. De l'etat actuel et de l'avenir des Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des ouvriers mineurs en Belgique : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1847 De l'organisation de Caisses communes de Prevoyance en faveur des classes laborieuses en general : Id., S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1848 Memoire sur les modifications apportees aux Statuts du Caisse de Pensions en faveur des veuves et des orphelins : Id., S. 3, vol. 1. 4to. 1844-49 Du Systeme electoral en Belgique, Ejections generates, 1847 et 1848 : * Belgium {Bulletin Commits, stat) vol. 4. 4to. 1851 Another copy : * Tracts, S. 4, vol. 2. 4to. 1850 Caisses de Pensions, en faveur de l'ordre judiciaire, 1844-49 : * Belgium {Bulletin Commiss. stat.) vol. 4. 4to. 1851 Travaux des commissions provinciales de statistique depuis leur creation en 1843 : Id., vol. 4. 4to. 1851 Caisses de prevoyance en faveur des ouvriers mineurs. Examen des comptes de l'annee 1851 : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 7. 8vo. 1853 Apercu des Institutions de Prevoyance de la Belgique : Id., S. 5, vol. 28. 8vo. 1857 Eapport francais sur la statistique de l'industrie : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1857-58 Vital Statistics. Article on Vital Statistics, from the " British Annals of Medicine :" [Anon.]. * Tracts, S. 3, vol. 4. 8vo. 1837 Viticulture. Statistique Viticole. Premiere partie. Viticulture de la Hongrie, 1860-73 : * Stat. Internat. La. 4to. 1875 Vitu (Auguste). Guide Financier, Repertoire general des Valeurs finan- cieres et industrielles cotees sur les Bourses francaises et sur les principaux Marches de l'Europe, de l'Amerique, et des Indes. Budgets, Dettes publiques, Rentes sur l'Etat, Emprunts municipaux, Compagnies de chemins de f er, Banques d'Etat, Societes de credit, Compagnies anony- mes a responsabilite limitee et en commandite, Societes civiles, etc. viii + 1066 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1864 Vivian (E.). The Admission of Illegitimate Children into Workhouses as a means of preventing Infanticide : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1865 — The comparative Mortality of Abstainers and Non- Abstainers from Alcoholic Liquors : Id. 8vo. 1875 Vizetelly (Henry). On Wine and Beer : * Pari. Miscell. Rep. (Vienna Univ. Exhib.) part 4. 8vo. 1873 Voght (Baron von). Account of the Management of the Poor in Hamburg, 1788-94, 1796. Reprinted: * Pamph., vol. 11. 8vo. 1818 Vogt (G.). Statistics of Switzerland : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1860-61 Voltaire (Jean Arouet de). Siecle de Louis XIV, suivi de la liste raisonnee des enfants de Louis XrV, des princes de la Maison de France de son temps, des Souverains contemporains, des marechaux de France, des ministres, de la plupart des ecrivains et artistes qui ont fleuri dans ce siecle. 609 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1872 Voluntaryism in England and Wales, or the Census of 1851. [Anon.]. 113 pp. 8vo. 1854 Von Baumhauer (E. H.). Universal Meteorograph : * Smiihsn. Rep. 8vo. 1879 Vuitry (Ad.). Etudes sur le Regime financier de la France avant la Revolution de 1789. Les Impots romains dans la Gaule du v 6 au x e siecle. Le Regime financier de la monarchic feodale aux xi e , xii e , et xiii e siecles. xii + 540 pp., la. 8vo. Paris, 1878 w. W. (G.). Reflections on Coin in general ; on the Coins of Gold and Silver in Great Britain in particular; on those Metals as Merchandize, and also on Paper passing as Money. 1762. [Anon.] : *Polit.Econ. Club (Select Tracts). 8vo. 1856 WA 553 Waddilove (Alfred). The Effect of the Recent Orders in Council in Relation to English, Russian, and Neutral Commerce : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 18. 8vo. 1855 — Some remarks on the Law of Mortmain and Gratuitous Judicial Assistance exemplified by the Law of England : * Gongres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1869-71 Waddilove (Wm.). The system of Discriminating Duties investigated according to the Proposals made to several of the North Sea States of Germany, for establishing a German Navigation-and-Trade-Union. Translated by — . (Copy of the Proposals adjoined) : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 3. 4to. [1847] Wade (Col. Sir C. M.). A Narrative of the Services, Military and Political, of — , from the date of his appointment to India, in 1809, to that of his return to England, in 1844 ; with an Appendix of Official Documents : * Indian Pamph., vol. 2. 8vo. 1845-49 Wade (John). British History, Chronologically arranged ; comprehending a Classified Analysis of Events and Occurrences in Church and State, and of the Constitutional, Political, Commercial, Intellectual, and Social Progress of the United Kingdom, B.C. 55 — -a.d. 1837. 3rd edit, xii + 1185 pp., la. 8vo. 1844 Wages. Report of the Committee for inquiring into the present appropria- tion of — , and Sources of Income, and considering how far it is consonant with the Economic Progress of the People of the United Kingdom : *Brit. Assocn. Bep., § F. 8vo. 1880-81 Wagner (H.). Die Bevolkerung der Erde, von — , und E. Behm. 6 vols., maps, 4to. Berlin, 1873-80 Wagner (Moritz). The Darwinian Theory, and the Law of the Migration of Organisms. Translated from the German, by James L. Laird : * Tracts, S. 2, vol. 5. 8vo. 1873 Waite (P. J.), Proposals for the Organization of Cooly Labour in the Harbour and City of Calcutta and Howrah : * Tracts, S. 5, vol. 42. 8vo. 1869 Wakefield (Edward). Account of Ireland, Statistical and Political. 2 vols., 4to. 1812 Wales (Princess of). Journal of an English Traveller, from 1814 to 1816 ; or, Memoirs and Anecdotes of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales and of her Court, with Letters of Her Royal Highness, the Earl of Liverpool, and Mr. Whitbread, &c. [Anon.] : *Pamph., vol. 10. 8vo. 1817 Wales (William). Inquiry into the Present State of Population in England and Wales. 79 pp., 8vo. 1781 Waley (Jacob). On Strikes and Combinations with Reference to Wages and the Conditions of Labour : *Stat. Soc, (Jl.), vol. 30. 8vo. 1867 Walford (Cornelius). Recent Financial and Taxation Statistics of the United States : * Stat. Soc. (Jl), vol. 26. 8vo. 1863 — The Insurance Guide and Handbook. 2nd edit, viii + 422 pp., 8vo. 1876 — Fires and Fire Insurance Considered under their Historical, Financial, Statistical, and National Aspects : * Stat. Soc, (Jl), vol. 40. 8vo. 1877 — Insurance Cyclopaedia. Vols. 1 — 5, A — Han. 5 vols., la. 8vo. 1871-78 — The Famines of the World ; Past and Present. Part I. Natural Causes : * Stat. Soc. (Jl.), vol. 41. 8vo. 1878 — The Famines of the World ; Past and Present. Part II. Artificial Causes : Id., vol. 42. 8vo. 1879 — On the Number of Deaths from Accident, Negligence, Violence, and Misadventure, in the United Kingdom and some other Countries : Id., vol. 44. 8vo. 1881 554 WA Walker (Amasa). The Science of Wealth ; a Manual of Political Economy, embracing the Laws of Trade, Currency, and Finance. 6th edit., revised. xxxvi + 496 pp., diagrams, 8vo. Boston, Mass., 1871 Walker (P.). Census of the Population of the United States : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 Walker (Francis A.)- The Progress of the Nation : * U.S. A. (Stat. Atlas). La. fol. 1874 — Relations of Race and Nationality to Mortality in the United States : Id. La. fol. 1874 — Statistical Atlas of the United States, based on the Results of the Ninth Census, with Contributions from many Eminent Men of Science and several Departments of the Government. Compiled under authority of Congress : Id. La. fol. 1874 — The Wages Question, a Treatise on. Wages and the Wages Class. iv f 415 pp., 8vo. New York, 1876 — Money. xy + 550 pp., 8vo. ib., 1878 — Money in its Relations to Trade and Industry, iv + 339 pp., 8vo. ib., 1879 — Reports and Awards. Groups 1 — 36. International Exhibition, 1876 : * U.S.A. (Internat. Exhib.). La. 8vo. 1880 — Statistics of the Population: * U.S.A. (Tenth Census). 4to. 1881 Walker (Henry). Descriptive Catalogue of the Fossil Remains of Vertebrata from the Sewalik Hills, the Nerbudda, Perim Island, *Pamph., vol. 19. 8vo. 1821 York. Statistics of the Retreat, Report, and Tables exhibiting the experience of that Institution for the Insane, 1796-1840 : * Tracts, S. 6, vol. 6. 8vo. 1841 Yorkshire Union of Mechanics Institutes. Report of the—, 1855-57, 1860, 1862. ' 5 vols., 8vo. Leeds, 1855-62 Young (Arthur), Course of Experimental Agriculture. 2 vols., 4to. 1770 — The Farmer's Guide in Hiring and Stocking Farms. 2 vols., 8vo. 1770 — Rural Oeconomy ; or, Essays on the Practical Parts of Husbandry. To which is added the Rural Socrates, being Memoirs of a Country Philosopher. 520 pp., 8vo. 1770 — Six Months' Tour through the North, of England ; containing an account of the Present State of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Population. 4 vols,, plates, 8vo. 1770-71 — The Farmer's Letters to the People of England ; with Sylvae, or Tracts on Husbandry, and Rural Economics. 3rd edit. 2 vols., plates, 8vo. 1771 — The Farmer's. Tour through the East of England. 4 vols., plates, 8vo. 1771 — Political Arithmetic, containing Observations on the Present State of Great Britain ; and the Principles of her Policy in the Encouragement of Agriculture. Addressed to the CEconomical Societies Established in Europe. To which is added a Memoir on the Corn Trade. Drawn up and laid before the Commissioners of the Treasury by Governor Pownall. xii + 4 + 366 pp., 8vo. 1774 — Tour in Ireland, with Observations on the State of that Kingdom in 1776-79. xi + 384 + 168 pp., plates, 4to. 1780 — Travels during 1787-89, with a view of ascertaining the Cultivation, Wealth, Resources, and National Prosperity of France. 2 vols., maps, 4to. Bury St. Edmunds, 1792-94 A French Translation 2 vols., maps, 12mo. Paris, 1860 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Herts. Plates : * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1804 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Norfolk. Plates : Id. 8vo. 1804 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Suffolk. Maps and plates. 3rd edit. : Id. 8vo. 1804 — Annals of Agriculture and other Useful Arts. Vols. 1 — 44. 44 vols., plates, 8vo. 1784-1806 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Essex. 3 vols., plates: * Agricult. Surveys. 8vo. 1807 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Lincoln. Plates : Id. 8vo. 1808 — General View of the Agriculture of the County of Sussex. Maps and plates : Id. 8vo. 1808 57i YO— YV Young (Arthur). General View of the Agriculture of the County of Oxfjrd. Maps and plates : *Agricult. Siirveys. 8vo. 1809 — An Inquiry into the Rise of Prices in Europe during the last Twenty-five Years, compared with that which has taken place in England ; with Observations on High and Low Prices : * Pamph., vol. 6. 8vo. 1815 — An Inquiry into the Progressive Value of Money in England, as marked by the Price of Agricultural Products; with observations upon Sir G. Shuckburgh's Table of Appreciation. The whole deduced from a great variety of Authorities, not before collected, 1812 : * Tracts on Corn and Bullion, vol. 3. 8vo. 1812-24 — Voyages en Italie et en Espagne pendant les annees 1787 et 1789. Traduction de M. Lesage, avec une introduction par L. de Lavergne. [Translation]. xii + 424 pp., 12mo. Paris, 1860 Young (Edward). Tables showing the Comparative Cost of Provisions . . . House Rent, &c., in the Manufacturing Towns of the United States, 1860-61 and 1867-68 ; also the Average Weekly Wages and Expendi- tures of the Families of Workmen . . ., 1867-68, as compared with 1860-61 [and] Tables showing the Average Weekly Wages or Earnings of Workmen employed in the Manufacturing Establishments of the United States, 1860-61 and 1867-68. (Appendices D and E to Report of 1868) : * U.8.A. (Revenue. Special Commiss.). 8vo. 1866-69 — Special Report on Immigration ; accompanying Information for Immi- grants relative to the Prices "and Rentals of Land, the staple Products, Facilities of Access to Markets, Cost of Farm Stock, Kind of Labour in Demand in the Western and Southern States, &c. ; to which are appended Tables showing the Average Weekly Wages . . . 1869-70 : * U.S.A. (Immigration Special Rep.). 8vo. 1872 Another copy. — Information for Emigrants to the United States of America, relative to Prices, Produce, Labour, &c, with Tables for the Year 1870. xxvii + 232 + 14 pp., maps, 8vo. 1873 — Statistical Organisation of the United States of North America : * Congres Internal, de Stat, 4to. 1872-74 — Table showing the extent of the Public Lands of the United States, the quantities sold and granted for different purposes, and the quantities remaining undisposed of : Id. 4to. 1872-74 — Special Report on the Customs Tariff Legislation of the United States ; with Appendixes: * U.S.A. (Customs Tariff Legislation) . 8vo. 1874 — Report of the Delegates to the International Statistical Congress held at St. Petersburg, in August, 1872 : * Congres Internal, de Stat. 8vo. 1875 Young (Frederick). Imperial Federation of Great Britain and her Colonies. In Letters edited by — (one of the writers). xxix + 184 pp., sm. 4to. 1876 Young (Sir George). The House of Commons in 1833 : * Essays on Reform. 8vo. 1867 — A proposed Reduction to System of the ' Modifications,' or Privileges to work Overtime, which are granted under the Factory Acts to particular Trades : * Brit. Assocn. Rep., § F. 8vo. 1877 Ysasi (M. de). L'association formee, en Angleterre, pour l'adoption d'un systeme postal, international et colonial, exprime des vceux pour que le Congres porte son attention sur la reforme dont elle poursuit la realisation ; Lettre au Congres : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1853 Yvernes (Emile). Statistique judiciaire : * Congres Internat. de Stat. 4to. 1867-68 — Notice sur la statistique judiciaire en France : Id. 4to. 1872-74 YV— ZV 573 Yvernes (Emile). Justice. L'Administration de la justice civile et com- merciale eu Europe. Legislation et statistique : * Stat. Intemat. La. 4to. 1876 — De la recidive et du regime penitentiaire en Europe : * Gongres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 — Rapport sur la recidive prise isolement et envisagee dans ses relations avec le regime penitentiaire : Id. 4to. 1876-78 — Rapport sur les travaux de statistique internationale : Id. 4to. 1876-78 Zambelli (A.). II Principe, e discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio di Nicolo Machiavelli, precedati da un discorso del Prof. P. S. Mancini sulla dottrina politica del Machiavelli, e dalle considerazioni del Prof. — sul libro del principe : N. Machiavelli. 12mo. 1852 Zammarano (L.). La questione agraria in Irlanda : * Arch, di Stat. La. 8vo. 1881 Zannetti (A.). Antropologia ed etnologia, per E. Giglioli e — : * Italy (Istruzione scientifiche) . 8vo. 1881 Zante. Prospetto Statistico della Campagna di — . Compilato nelle Mesi di Agosto e Settembre, 1819, stil Nuovo. MS., mounted and folded, 8vo. Zaragoza (J. de). Statistique de l'Espagne : * Gongres Intemat. de Stat. La. 4to. 1867-68 Zedlitz-Neukirch (L. von). Der Preussische Staat in alien seinen Bezie- hungen. Vols. 2 and 3. 8vo. Berlin, 1836-37 Zen (Pietro). Prospetto Statistico della Campagna di Zante. Compilato nelle Mesi di Agosto e Settembre, 1819, stil Nuovo : Zante (Prospetto, 8fc). 8vo. Zimmerli's Statistical Diagram Chart. 1 sheet (blank specimen). Zimmermann (E. A. W.). Political Survey of the Present State of Europe. viii + 358 pp., 8vo. 1787 Zinnis (A.). De la Mortality chez les Enfants a la mamelle a Athenes. 16 pp., 8vo. Athenes, 1877 — De la prophylaxie des maladies contagieuses — variole, scarlatine, diph- therie, rougeole, et coqueluche, a Athenes. 24 pp., la. 8vo. ib., 1878 Zlinszky (E.). Memoire sur la statistique internationale des registres fonciers et hypothecates : * Gongres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1876-78 Zuccagni-Orlandini (Chev. A.). Observations sur l'organisation de la statistique : * Gongres. Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1853 Zuelzer (Dr.). Beitrage zur Medizinal Statistik. Herausgegeben von Deutschen Verein fair Medizinal Statistik ; durch Dr. Schweig, Dr. Schwartz, und — : Germany (Deutschen Verein, 8fc.*). 8vo. 1875 Zukunft. Die, Socialistische Revue. Hefte 1 — 24. 24 parts, 8vo. Berlin, 1877-78 Zverinsky (B.). Nomenclature des marchandises transportees par les voies fluviales dans les tableaux des differents pays : * Gongres Intemat. de Stat. 4to. 1872-74 HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, 8T. MARTIN'S LANE. sl ja AN OUTLINE OF THE OBJECTS OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY. The Statistical Society of London was founded, in pursuance of a recommendation of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, on the 15th of March, 1834 ; its object being, the careful collection, arrangement, discussion and publication, of facts bear- ing on and illustrating the complex relations of modem society in its social, economical, and political aspects, — especially facts which can be stated numerically and arranged in tables ; — and also, to form a Statistical Library as rapidly as its funds would permit. The Society from its inception has steadily progressed. It now possesses a valuable Library and a Reading Room ; Ordinary Meetings are held monthly from November to June, which are well attended, and cultivate among its Fellows an active spirit of inves- tigation : the Papers read before the Society are, with an abstract of the discussions thereon, published in its Journal, which now con- sists of forty-six annnal volumes, and forms of itself a valuable library of reference. The Society has originated and statistically conducted many special inquiries on subjects of economic or social interest, of which the results have been published in the Journal, or issued separately ; the latest instance being the institution of the " Howard Medal " Prize Essay. To enable the Society to extend its sphere of useful activity, and accomplish in a yet greater degree the various ends indicated, an increase in its numbers and revenue is desirable. With the desired increase in the number of Fellows, the Society will be enabled to publish standard works on Economic Science and Statistics, espe- cially such as are out of print or scarce, and also greatly extend its collection of Foreign works. Such a well-arranged Library for reference, as would result, does not at present exist in England, and is obviously a great desideratum. The Society is cosmopolitan, and consists of Fellows and Hono- rary Members, forming together a body, at the present time, of over nine hundred Members. The Annual Subscription to the Society is Two Guineas, and at present there is no entrance fee. Fellows may, on joining the Society, or afterwards, compound for all future Annual Subscrip- tions by a payment of Tiventy Guineas. The Fellows of the Society receive gratuitously a copy of each part of the Journal as published quarterly, and have the privilege of purchasing back numbers at a reduced rate. The Library (reference and circulating), and the Reading Room, are open daily for the convenience of Members. Nomination Forms and any further information will be fur- nished, on application to the Assistant Secretary, ft «H — o JOURNAL OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY. COST of a COMPLETE SET (if not out of print). 1838-83. (46 Vols., unbound.) I. (1838.) 9 Numbers at 1*. 6d - II. (1839.) 3 Numbers at U. 6d. and 3 Parts at 2*. 6d - III— XI. (1840-48). 9 vols. 10* 4 XII. (1849.) Including a double number - . XIII— XIX. (1850-56.) 7 vols, at 10* 3 XX. (1857) : - XXI. (1858) M - XXII. (1859) ' - XXIII. (1860) - XXIV— XXV. (1861-62.) 2 vols, at 15* 1 XXVI— XXVII. (1863-64.) 2 vols, at 14* 1 XXVIII. (1865) - xxix. (1866) : - XXX. (1867) - XXXI. (1868) - XXXII. (1869) - XXXin. (1870) XXXIV. (1871) (1872) (1873) ;... (1874) Vol. Vol. Vols, Vol. Vols Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vols Vols Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. General Analytical Indexes :— To the First Fifteen Volumes (1838-52) „ Ten Volumes (1853-62) (1863-72) *.