UBl NIVERSITY OP ;AN LMF-eO J UNiyERS:TY,OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIE^ „„„„,, .n.n.nJillllillnlll llilllllllilll' 3 1822 02315 9510 lOD SIXTY-FOUR YEARS A DOCTOR Cfje Pebication, To Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt, K.C.B., St. Radegund's, Chaucer Road, Cambridge, Regius Professor of Physic at the University of Cam- bridge, WHOSE pathway THROUGH LIFE FROM 1836 to 1922 has been concurrent with my own, this book of reminiscences is dedicated with a feeling of the most profound respect and admiration. Charles Brown. FOREWORD " Sixty- four Years a Doctor " is the life history of Sir Charles Brown, F.R.C.P., Honorary M.A. of Cambridge, Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Preston, and one of its oldest and most honoured citizens. Dr. Lapthom Smith's informative book, " How to be Useful and Happy from Sixty to Ninety," contains some instructions that the Author of the following reminiscences had been carrying out with gratifying results long before he became acquainted with the work in question. These reminiscences are the record of a doctor who is now in his eighty-sixth year, and cover one of the most interesting periods in national and local history. They are the intimate personal recollections and reflections of an old Prestonian. They also take the form of a review of the more important social phases of the greater portion of the last and the beginning of the present century, with special reference to the enormous advances made during this period in medical science and in the development of methods for alleviating physical pain and suffering. What profits may accrue from the publication are to be applied for the benefit of the Preston and County Royal Infirmary, with which the Author has been connected since its inception. The Publishers.