UNI V OF CAUF. SERK. INSTRUMENTS FOR FOREST WORK j^EUFFEL & ESSER CO., MANUFACTURERS, Branches : 1 1 1 Madison St., Chicago. 7O8 Locust St., St. Louis. 3O3 Montgomery St., San Francisco. 127 FULTON ST., NEW YORK. 19O4 Copyright, 1904, by KEUFFEL & ESSER Co. INSTRUMENTS- FOR FOREST WORK KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., MANUFACTURERS, 127 FULTON ST., Branches : 111 Madison St., Chicago. M f \A7 7O8 Locust St., St. Louis. iMtW 303 Montgomery St., San Francisco. 1OO4 1 11990 CONTENTS. A PAGE Abney Level ........ 12, 13 Angle Mirrors ...... ... 14 Aneroid Barometers ...... 14 Arrows ......'...... 22 B Borer, Increment ........ 4 Barometers, Aneroid ...... 14 Binoculars ..... ...... 16 c Calipers Clinometers (Sighting) . 7 ,10, Compasses, Surveying . . . Prismatic .... Military .... Foresters .... Pocket ..... Sight . . 8, 9, 10, Chains, Measuring Counting Machines F Folding Rules Foresters Compass Field Glasses . 2. * 12, 13 . 8, 9 10 11 11 11 11, 13 22 23 . 1 11 16 H Hypsometers 5, 6 Hand Levels 12, 13 Hand Transit . 10 Increment Borer ... .4 Jacob Staff . - PAGE Military Compass 11 Measuring Tapes 21 Metallic tapes 20 Measuring Chains 22 o Onmimeter Odometers 13 IS Pocket Rules 1 Prismatic Compasses 10 Pocket Compasses 11 Pedometers . . - 15 Passometer 15 Pins (Surveyor's 22 R Rules, Folding 1 " Stem Analysis 4 Rain Gauges 14 s Stem Analysis Rules . . 4 Scribes, Timber 4 Surveying Compasses .. 8, 9 Sight Compasses . . 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 Steel Tapes ....... 1719, 21 Tree Caliper 2, 3 Timber Scribes 4 Tripods 9 Tapes, Tree . 17 < Measuring 1721 u Steel 17-19, 21 Metallic 20 Pocket 21 Tallying Machines ....... 23 RETAIL DEPARTMBNT, FULTON STREET. NEW YORK, March, 1904. The great increase in the demand for instruments and tools for FOREST WORK has induced us to issue this special catalogue. We have had the privilege of participating in the developing of many instruments used and re- commended by the Bureau of Forestry in Washington, and take this occasion to extend our thanks to the several forest experts who have aided us by their advice and suggestions. It is our aim to gain and maintain for this line the same high reputation which we are enjoying since many years for our Drawing Materials, Surveying Instruments, Measuring Tapes. These are described in our General .Catalogue (500 pages), which we send free on application. Those of the articles in our General Catalogue which are commonly used also for forestry work, are repeated in this list under the same numbers which they bear in our general catalogue. We hope that we shall succeed in meriting the patronage of those who are interested in the articles here described. Very respectfully, KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. KEUFFEL 8c ESSER CO. NEW YORK THEE CALIPERS. FOLDING POCKET CALIPERS, Patented Feb. 18, 1902. No. 4300. The Folding Pocket Calipers are of the style of the K & E Ivorine Pocket Rules, described under Nos. 1730-4 Ivorine, etc., on preceedino- page. They are f in. wide by about ^ in. thick and have stout steel springs to hold the folds in alignment, and the patent metal tips. The beam of this caliper i& also a handy and correct 48 in. pocket rule. One side of the 8 fold beam is blank for the first 3 folds and the other 5 folds, the beam of the caliper, are divided to inches and sixteenths. The 3 blank folds are set at right angle to the balance of the rule and are there held by a pivoted nickelplated brace, as shown in cut, forming the fixed arm The sliding arm is provided with a nickelplated spring plate, which, when pressed down holds the arm vertical on the beam. It readily passes over the joints of the beam on releasing the pressure on the springplate The other side of the caliper is divided over the entire 48 inches into 16ths, to serve as a measuring rule. 4300. Folding Pocket Caliper and Rule, 48 in. Ivorine finish, clamp and spring plate nickelplated, in cloth covered box, 9| x 2 x 1 inches each $ 4 00 TREE CALIPERK No. 4307. I iVs'a'az'j'i'j'o'M 21 zr ?s K 24 23 22 21 21 24 A 2 ! 2 2\ ,'. ^Aff.? ^ . 1 . .ITATA Tin 4305. Tree Caliper, fine quality hardwood, 18 inch, 1 clamp nut, each $ 3 15 4307. " 34 2 u u 4 50 4309. u 50 u 2 ^ - u 5 50 These calipers are of light-colored hardwood, best workmanship, finely finished, both sides of beam graduated to lOths inches and plainly numbered. The arms are detachable for convenience in transportation. The stationary arm is held by brass clamp nuts with lock nut. The eye of the sliding arm is brass-lined all around. No. 4320. with folding arms. No. 4320 folded. 4320. Tree Caliper with folding Arms, 34 inch each $ 5 50 4322. u < ( 50 ' it <( 6 50 These calipers are of light-colored hardwood, best workmanship, finely finished, both sides of beam graduated to lOths inches and plainly numbered. The arms are attached to solid brass mountings. They are held in position by clamp nuts and the sliding arm has a second clamp on the opposite side for clamping it on the beam. 4 !yV^^53T3T^5 KEUFFEL Se ESSER CO. NEW YORK. INCREMENT BORER. I -O- No. 4345. 4345. Increment Borer, tubular metalliaudle, 7", nickelplated . each $ 6 00 The 3 in. hollow auger with square shank is of steel and with the steel extractor is stored in the hollow handle, which has two screw caps. The Increment Borer (called " Zuwachsbohrer " by German foresters) serves to extract a plug of wood from the standing tree to determine its rate of growth. It will not injure the tree. STEM ANALYSIS RULES. 4347. Stem Analysis Rules, 12 in., brass, nickelplated, engine divided, one edge to lOths of inches, the other to millimeters ..................... each 4348. Stem Analysis Rules, 12 in., like No. 4347 but with center- ing pin on the lOths inches edge ........... each 2 50 3 50 TIMBER SCRIBES. No. 4350. 4352. 4350. Timber Scribe, wooden handle, small, (5'inr-h). . . 4352. u large, (6i ) . . . each $ 75 1 00 HYPSOMETERS. No. 4402. No. 4404. No. 4400. 4400. Hypsometer (after Klaussner). Brass, graduated surfaces silvered, in wooden box, 8 X 2f X 2f inches each |26 00 This Hypsometer offers the advantage over most others that the total height of the tree or other object can be read direct from one scale and that it does not require the adding of the readings above and below the observer's level. The weighted altitude-scale is much steadier in the wind than a plumbbob. This Hypsometer consists of a base rule (6 in. long), a hinged sighting rule and an altitude-scale held vertical by a weight. The base rule is gradu- ated up to 60 equal parts, each part divided to halves, forming the distance scale. It carries a slide with reading line, to which the weighted altitude scale is attached. The altitude-scale is graduated to 50 equal parts, each part divided to halves. The graduations may be read as yards, meters, feet or in any other unit, depending on the unit adopted in measuring the base line (object to observer). The" slide of the altitude-scale is set on the distance scale to correspond to the measured base line. The sighting rule is hinged to the near end of the base rule, and, like the base rule, has a hair- line siajht at its further end. At the joint of these two rules is a revoluble peep sight, which can be directed to either of the two hairlines by a milled disk. After sighting the base of the object along the base rule, the sighting rule is raised by means of a high pitch thumbscrew, until its hairline cuts the lop of the object. The instrument has a jointed ferrule with clamp screw threaded to fit the regular photographer's tripod screw. 4402. Support with Gimlet, for attaching to a tree or post, hard wood cross piece " each $ 1 00 4404. Brass Ferrule, to fit the support with Gimlet, or Jacob Staff, or tripod 1 00 For Jacob staff and Tripods see page 9. Tli is hypsometer is particularly adapted in eases where necessity of haste or the roughness of country make the use of a tripod impracticable. The resul-ts obtained are more accurate when using a tripod than without one. >|| KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. NEW YORK, j No. 4410. No. 4411. 4410. Hypsometer (after Faustmann), brass, graduated surface silvered, hinged mirror mounted in aluminum, folding sights, folding swiveling handle. In cloth covered pocket with cover flap, 3| X 7 X f in. With Directions each $19 50 This mirror-reading Hypsometer is 3| X 7 in. It is provided with two scales : the scale of heights on the lower edge of the instrument and the scale of distances on the two edges of the groove in which the slide moves. The slide carries the plumbbob cord and has two reading lines marked I and II, corresponding to the two scales of distances, also marked I and II. It is held in place by a spring. The plumbbob is stored in a small tube at the back of the frame. The peep-hole and hairline sights are hinged to fold down. The hinged mirror is 5f X f in. The cylindrical nickel-plated metal handle on the reverse side of the instrument swivels and also folds down. 4411. Brass Ferrule, to fit the support with Gimlet, (No. 4402, pp. 5) or Jacob staff, or tripod each $ 1 00 For Jacob Staff and Tripods see page 9. 4412. Hypsometer (after Faustmann), like No. 4410, but of polished hardwood, graduations on white facing with protective coating, hinged mirror mounted in aluminum, folding sights. Cloth covered pocket with cover flap, 3$ X 7 X | in. With Directions each $ 6 50 CLINOMETER FOR MEASURING HEIGHTS. 4440. 4442. 4440. Clinometer, mahogany frame with hinged cover, 4| X 4 X 1 in , silvered metal dial with cover glass Graduated to -' percentage of angle to 100% each way (by 2 ''.). num- bered at each 10%", with a second row of numbers reversed for reading in mirror. The pendulum is held by a spring, except when released by pressing a button on the reverse side of the frame, so that its location can be conveniently read on the scale. The upper edge has a peep sight and sighting pin. In the cover there is a circular mirror for reading the position of the pendulum while sighting each $ 8 00 4442. Clinometer, mahogany frame 3 X 3 X 2 i n - silvered metal dial with cover glass. Graduated to percentage of angle to 100% each way (by 2%), numbered at each 10 V. The top or bottom of the frame serve as fiduciary edge and for sighting. The pendulum is held by a spring, except when released by pressing a button on the reverse side of .the frame so that its location can be conven- iently read each $ 4 00 COMPASSES. No. 5321. 5320. Surveying Compass, with folding sights, graduated to degrees on raised ring, variation plate, two level bub- bles, ball joint and socket for Jacob staff mounting, needle about 3^ in., in polished mahogany Case . . . each $ 16 00 5321. do. do. needle about 4 in., in polished mahogany Case 18 00 5322. do. do. needle about 4^ in., in polished mahogany Case No. 5602. 5603. 5602. 5603. Military Compass, 3x3 in., needle 2 in. with agate centre and automatic stop, divisions on raised metal ring, to degrees. Polished mahogany with sighting line on lid. The sides of the box serve as fiduciary edges. . each $ 3 50 Forester's Compass, 3 in., nickel-plated, graduated on raised ring to 1 degree, fine bar needle, about 2$ in., agate centre, stop to needle (from knob) 4 59 HAND LEVELS. No. 5700. 5700. Locke's Hand Level, German Silver, 5 in., in Case .... each $ 8 00 5701. do. Bronzed, 5 . . . . 7 00 5702. do. Brass, plain, 5 .... 6 00 The Hand Level is a great help in chaining'accurately in the shortest possible time. Nos. 5700 and 5701 have telescoping eye-piece and magnifying lens for the bubble. "Copyright, 1894, by Keuftel & Ksser Co." Patented April 24, 1894. Diagram, showing appearance of field 5703. K & E Patent Hand Level, square tube, bronzed, 5 in., in Case, each $ 4 50 5704. do. " do. nickel-plated, 4 50 In No. 5703 the reflector is a narrow prismoid, crossing the middle of the field of view, so that the field appears on both sides of the reflected bubble, as shown in above diagram. As the lower surface of the tube is flat and parallel with the bubble, this hand- level can be used also as a contact level. HAXD LEVELS AXD CLIXOMETEltS. No. 5710. 5710. Abney's Reflecting Level or Pocket Altimeter, 5 in., improved, with arc divided to degrees for 60 in each direction, vernier reading to 5 minutes, gradients 1:1 to 1:10, in sewed leather case. . . . each ,$ 13 50 For Jacob staff and tripod see page 9. 13 y^vi mLgj KEUFFEL 8c ESSER CO. NEW YORK. 5712. K & E Abney Level, 6 in., arc graduated to degrees for 90 in both directions, vernier to 5 minutes, Gradients from 1:1 to 1:10. Base of tube is finished, so that the instrument can be used also as a contact level. Compass 2 in., silvered dial divided to degrees, needle about If in., agate centre and stop. Two screw sockets, so that level can be mounted on the ball joint socket either with the arc vertical or with the compass horizontal. Instrument complete with ball joint and socket, in stout sewed, velvet lined leather slins; Case . each $20 00 No. 5718 5718 K & E Pocket Omnimeter, in sewed leather case each .f 15 00 5719 like No. 5718, but with sights along one side of the frame, which fold into the frame, in sewed leather case " 18 00 The K cV E Pocket Omnimeter combines a compass, clinometer, hand level, plumb and contact level, so that it will indicate magnetic bearing, azimuth angles, altitudes, levels and slopes. The Omnimeter with folding sights will indicate aximuth angles in their horizontal plane. The combination is arranged in a rectangular frame of aluminum alloy, 5Kx2%xK in. and weighs about 5 ounces. The frame serves also as fiduciary edge. The Compass of 2 in. diameter, has a needle with agate centre and stop. It is grad- uated to 2 degrees, numbered in quadrants at every ten degrees. The Clinometer of 2 in. diameter, is of the pendulum disc pattern. It is graduated to 2 degrees, reading to 90 degrees in either direction and to percentage of slope. The prism of the hand level is attached to one of the long sides and its bubble is on the opposite side of the frame. The bubbles, are as sensitive as is permissible in a hand level. 14 > ^^" ^^TIT^^^ KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. NEW YORK. ANGLE MIRRORS. 5750. No. 5750. 5751. Angle Mirror, for angles of 90 de- grees, with small plumbbob. The handle can be unscrewed and stowed in frame of instrument. Size of instrument 2|x2Xlf in., in morocco Case each $ " 5751. Angle Mirror, plain, for angles of 90 degrees in morocco Case, 5 00 ANEROID BAROMETERS. No. 5855. No. 5880. 5855. Watch pattern, gilt case, If in. diameter, silvered dial, revolving scale 3000 feet, compensated for temper- ature, in morocco Case 5856. Like No. 5855, but altitude scale 6000 feet 5857. 5855, 12000 5858 5855, 18000 ...'.. 5880. Pocket pattern, brass case, 2| in. diameter, silvered dial, revolving altitude scale 3000 feet, compensated for temperature, in morocco Case . . . 5881. Like No. 5880, but altitude scale 6000 feet . . . 5882. " 5880, u u u 12000 u .... 5883. 5880, u u 18000 20 00 18 80 20 00 21 50 each $ 21 00 20 00 21 00 22 00 15 [ KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. NEW YORK RAIN GAUGES. 5980. 5984. 5980. Rain Gauge, Howard's model, simple construction, with graduate reading to 1 fo r in., each f 4 00 5982. do. dp. Symon's model, with prongs to -prevent tipping, with graduate reading to y^ in., 600 5984. do. do. Glaisher's model, a very reliable instrument, with graduate reading to ^ in., ... 850 PEDOMETERS AND ODEMETERS. No. 6905. No. 6910. 6900. Pedometer, watch pattern, nickel case, 1^ in., registering 12 miles by miles each $ 4 50 6901. do. do. registering 50 miles by 80 yards 5 25 6905. Passometer, watch pattern, nickel case, If in., registering to 100,000 steps each $ 6 50 Pedometers No. 6900 and 6901 indicate the distance walked. The hand advances in proportion to the length of stride, as the instrument is adjustable by an easily accessible screw. Passometer No. 6905 registers the number of steps walked and is not adjustable to length of stride. The distance walked can be computed from the number of steps re- gistered. 6910. Odometer of Brass, with silvered dials, in dust proof leather case with straps each $ 15 00 16 ' ^BT^ KEUFFEL Sc ESSER CO. NEW YORK. FIELD GLASSES. No. 6927. No. 6935. 6927. Field and Marine Glass, japanned and covered with morocco, object glass 24 lines, 8 lenses, magnifying power about 3f times. The telescoping bar is inde- pendent of the focusing screw, as described above. In soft leather case, witlT handle each $ 15 75 The glass No. 6927 represents a happy compromise between the magnifying power and the size of the field, as neither of these factors has been reduced at the expense of the other. This makes it particularly well adapted for a search glass and for general use. The focusing screw is independent of the telescoping arrangement, so that closing the glass and drawing the tubes out will not disturb the focus to which they have been adjusted by the focusing screw. 6935. Field and Marine Glass, japanned and covered with morocco, with sun shades, object glass 21 lines, 6 lenses, magnifying power about 3 times. Glass in sole leather case with handle and shoulder strap . . each $ 12 75 6935. Field and Marine Glass, like No. 6935, but object glass 24 lines . 14 20 No. 7262 D. P. l\\VW K & E Steel Tree Tape,v3/ 8 in. wide, stout bent leather case, patent centre, long- swiveling flush folding handle, opened by pushing handle pin from opposite side of case. Nickel plated mountings. Jointed anchor peg for attaching to tree. Graduations begin at end of line. 7262. K&E Steel Tree Tape, finest quality, 50 ft., one side divided lOths and lOOths feet, other side divided in the proportion of circumference to diameter, to feet, lOths and lOOths, jointed steel peg for fastening end of line to the tree ....................... each $ 9 65 As the two sides of this tape] are graduated in the ratio of diameter to circumference (L : 3.1416), either dimension can be read off opposite the other. W/Hw K&E Steel Tapes, 3/ 8 jn. wide, stout bent leather case, patent centre, long swiveling flush folding handle, opened by pushing handle pin from opposite side of case. Nickel-plated mountings. Graduations begin at outside end of ring, Please order by number. Length in feet, 25 33 5O 66 lOths of feet NO. 7250D 7251D 7252D 72537) 72501 7 7251 T 7252T 7253T 7 each $ 4 15 4 75 6 65 8 45 75 100 12ths 7254D 7255D 7254 r 7255 T 9 60 11 85 lOths of feet and Links No. 7250D7, 72517)7, 7252DL 7253DL 72541)7, 72557)7 12ths < u 725077; 7251 TL 7252TL 7253TL 1254TL 725527, each $ 4 30 4 95 6 85 8 75 9 90 12 15 - 18 KEUFFEL 8c ESSER CO. NEW YORK. Please order by number. K & E Steel Tape, 1/4 in. wide, stout bent leather case, patent centre, long swiveling flush folding handle, opened by pushing handle pin from opposite side of case. Nickel-plated mountings. Graduations begin at outside end of ring. Length in feet, Dimensions, Weight complete, IQths of feet 12ths (inches in sixteenths; each 25 2J X i in. 3 oz. No. 72707; 7270T $ 3 65 5O X | in. 5 oz. 12121) 1212 T 4 45 The Liliput Steel Tape is warranted to be of the same grade, workmanship and accuracy as the other K &> E Steel Tapes. It is made very compact and light and is therefore suitable and convenient for the pocket. It is a durable tape and will wear well. The Home K & E Steel Tapes are intended to supersede the woven tapes which on account of their low price are often used where a more reliable tape ought to be employed. They are of best quali 1 y steel and accurately divided. The grad- uations and figures are bright while the ground surface is nearly black, so that the measurements are easily read. The neat sewed leather case is convenient to use and to carry in the pocket. Please order by number. Home K & E Steel Tapes, 3/ 8 in. wide, stout bent leather case, large centre, long folding handle. Nickel-plated mountings. Graduations begin at outside end of ring. lOths of feet . 12ths ( { tt Length in feet, 25 No. 7350 D 7350 T each $ 3 20 50 7352 1) 73527' 3 90 75 73547J 73542' 5 10 100 73557> 7355 T 6 60 - 19 - KEUFFEL Sc ESSER CO. NEW YORK. K & E METALLIC TAPES. K & E Metallic Tapes, 5/8 in. wide, stout bent leather case, patent centre, long flush folding handle, opened by pushing handle pin from opposite side of case, all mountings nickel-plated); line interwoven with metal, leather re-enforced end. Graduations begin at outside end of ring. Please order by number. Length in feet, 25 33 5O 66 75 IOO lOths of feet No. 74207) 74217) 74227) 74237) 74247) 74257) 12ths 7461 J) 12ths 7, 7461 DL 74B2DL 12ths u ii 74607'7> 74B1TL 74B2TL each $ 90 1 10 1 50 Length in Meters, I O 15 Metric (one side only) . . . . NO. 7461 M 7462 J/ each $ 1 00 1 35 12ths of feet and Metric, . each No. 7461 TM 74B2TM f 1 05 1 45 66 74637; 74632' 1 55 74637; A 746377. 1 75 2O 7463 Jlf 1 55 7463 TM 1 75 75 74647) 74642' 1 75 74647)7. 7464 TL 1 95 25 746437 1 95 7464 TM 2 15 IOO 74657) 74652' 2 55 74657)7, 7465 27, 2 85 30 746537 2 55 7465 TM 2 85 21 KEUFFEL Se ESSER CO. NEW YORK. EXCELSIOR POCKET STEEL TAPES. Patented June 26, 1894. Excelsior Steel Pocket Tapes, 1/4 in. wide, patent German silver case, with spring and stop. Length in feet, 3 5 6 9 12 Inches to 16ths No. 7690 T 7691 T 7692T 7693T 7694 T each $ 1 00 1 25 1 40 1 90 2 50 Feet to lOOths No 769QJ) 7691 D 76Q2]} 7B93D 7694J9 each $ 1 00 1 25 1 40 1 90 2 50 Excelsior Miniature Steel Pocket Tapes, 5/32 in. wide, patent German silver case, 1 in. diameter, with spring and stop, 36 in. 7707. Inches in 16ths .'* , . . each $1 00 Tapes 7690T, 7691T, 7692T. are numbered inches only, the others are numbered feet and inches, or feet and lOths. Standard Plumb Bob, brass, steel point, about 8 oz ea. $ 75 " * 12 . 1 20 MEASURING CHAINS. ARROWS. U. S. STANDARD. 7780A. Steel, W. G. 12, Brass Handles, oval rings, 50 feet 7780B. 7780C. 7780D. 7781A. 7781B. 7781C. 7781D. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 100 " u 66 brazed links and rin s, 50 feet 100 " 66 each $ 4 8 50 00 3 50 6 50 6 00 11 00 5 50 10 00 Chain 7781 B has a spring-hook (snap) at 50 feet, so that!it can be separated there and the handle attached for using it as a 50 foot chain. 7786 A. Iron, W. (4. 8, Brass Handles, 2 round rings, 50 feet do. do. do. do. do. do. do. each $ 2 50 3 50 2 00 20 7786B. 7786C. 7786D. 7787A. 7787B. 7787C. 7787D. o 7810. Steel Arrows, W. G. 6, bright, 14 in., set of 11 set $ 1 50 3 sawec No. 7810. 7818. 7811. do. 7812. do. 7813. do. 7814. Brass 7815 Iron do. do. do. do. do. 14 9, japd. 12 11, bright, 12 6, 12 9, 14 11 11 . 11 . 11 . 11 . 7818. Steel Arrows, W. G. 6, bright, 14 in., with white enameled disc, 2" diam., with red figures 1 to 11, set of 11 7819. Canvas Carrying Case for No. 7818, with shoulder strap . . . 1 00 1 20 90 2 00 60 5 00 each 250 23 KEUFFEL Sc ESSER CO. NEW YORK. TALLYING MACHINES. No. 7846. No. 7847. 7846. Tallying- Machine, for keeping count by pressing on a knob, nickel-plated watch case, porcelain dial, 3 numbered dials registering to 1000, with lever for setting hands to zero each $ 4 00 7847. do. do. do. registering to 10,000 but with 4 numbered dials, 5 50 No. 7854. 7854. Tallying Machine, for keeping count by pressing on a knob, nickel-plated, registers to 999 each 2 50 Ill KEUFFEL 8c ESSER CO. NEW YORK. We are the largest manufacturers of Surveying Instruments, LEVELS, TRANSITS, LEVELIXG RODS, IIAXGIXG- POLES, ETC. 5110 &KmHmE i'l 5116 See our Oeneral Catalogue (5OO pages.) IV KEUFFEL Se ESSER CO. NEW YORK. Penta-Prisiu Range Finder, for determining distances from a short base line by sighting, and determining right angles. Traverse Table, simple construction, brass alidade, trough compass, hardwood tripod. 4330 Plane Tables, various patterns. Plaiiimeters, all kinds. Indicator Planimeters, Polar Planimeters, Compensating Planimeters, Pantograph Plan- imeters, Spherical Planimeters, Rolling Planimeters, Integra- tors, Integraph. Reckoning Ma- chines for 12, 16 and 18 figures. Calculat ions, such as Addition, Subtraction, Mul- tiplication, Divis- ion, Squaring", Cubing, Extract- ing of S q u a re Roots, etc., can be performed with rapidity and un- failing accuracy and without men- tal effort by means of this machine. Tliaeher Calcu- lating 1 11 s t r u - meiit, reads to four places, fifth place can be estimated. See our general 500 ) catalogue. K & E FOLDING POCKET RULES. No. 1727. These Rules are made of carefully tempered spring steel, f in. wide and graduated on both sides. They fold up smaller than any other rule, so that the 12 fold three foot rule is only | in. thick X 3f in. long when folded. The divisions are sharp and accurate and the numbering is very distinct on dark ground. It runs in opposite directions on two sides. The aligning springs at the joints hold the rule in a rigid straight line when it is opened without in any way interfering with folding it. Lengths 1, 2 or 3 feet (4, 8, 12 fold) in & in. X T V in., or f \, in. X. T( U ft -> the 3 ft. also T ^ in. X mm. No. 6980. No. 6986. 008. These glae have a lare, flat field and ood magnifying power and SUM well adapted lor reading graduations " Surveying and forestry Jn.striiitienr*. No. 3400. 3400. Red Chalk (Keel) in Cedar for marking stake?, 3401. very thick. 3402. Red Chalk (Keel) in Sticks, covered with paper, thin. 3403. " medium. 3404. thick. . SEE OUR GENERAL ( 500 PAGE ) CATALOGUE. VI KEUFFEL Sc ESSER CO. NEW YORK I . . I I .L I i t - _ - 1 - ^ ; - - = - J^p v 'I T 1 T 'I v 'I T ! ,. Y T -|T 'I". 'I -r T r T r T r T r T Ik "CopjrlgM. IMI. t K.uff.1 4 Kr, DllAWING INSTRUMENTS. IN SETS AND SEPARATE PIECES. I'rotrarlor*, T S<|iiai'<>N, Triangles, Siraijf lifetime*. Curves, Sprtion l.in.-r-.. Drawing KoardM, l>r:i\> iiiu Tables. Srale*, Slide Kiiles, Parallel Itnles, l)ra\viiijf I'sipers, I i-a \vhiii Inks, I'eneils, Uubbern, ro. &c. *.Vc. Everything required in the Drafting Room. All goods warranted. See our General Catalogue (500 pp.) KEUFFEL & ESSE11 CO., XEW YORK. Branches : Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco. STANDARD CROSS SECTION PAPERS. IN SHEETS AND IN CONTINUOUS ROLLS, ON DRAWING PAPER, TRACING PAPER, COLUMBIA CLOTH AND TRACING CLOTH. We call attention to the quality of the paper on which we print our "Standard" Cross Section Papers, which is a fine, tough drawing paper. The lines are more distinct than on other Cross Section Papers. STANDARD CROSS SECTION PAPERS. 10x10 to one inch. Sheets, engraving 16x20 in., on drawing paper. tracing Continuous, engraving 2> in. wide on dra 2>) 20 2 20 rawn paper. " mounted on muslin. tracing paper. " cloth. Columbia cloth. mounted on muslin, mounted on muslin. 16x16 to one inch. Sheets, engraving 17x22 in., on drawing paper. tt ti tt tt tt tracing Continuous, engraving 20 in. wide, on drawing paper. u "~ 20 " " " " " mounted on muslin. Metric, divided to millimeters. Sheets, engraving 40x50 cm., on drawing paper. . tt u tracing Continuous, engraving 50 cm. wide, on drawing paper. ,< " 50 tt.4 U" 75 75 5o ' V tracing 75 50 < cloth. 8x8 to one inch, fifth lines heavy. Sheets, engraving 16^x211 in., on drawing paper. U tt * tracing 5x5 to one-half inch. Sheets, engraving 16x20 in., on drawing paper. u .< tracing 12x12 to one inch. Sheets, engraving 16x20 in., on drawing paper. All our Profile and Cross Section Papers bear the trade-mark -Standard" along their edge. RULED CROSS SECTION PAPERS, IN SHEETS. 5x5 to one inch, sheets 16x21 in., on ledger paper. 10x10 c u u u u < u J 8x8 u u u u u u it u 400 feet to one inch, sheets 16x21 in (Topographical paper), on-ledger paper. CONSTRUCTOR'S SKETCH PAPER, PRINTED. 10x10 to one-half inch, fifth lines heavy. Engraving 5x7 in., on drawing paper. " " " tracing " 7^x10 drawing * * < " " tracing u Profile Paper, Township Paper, Loxarithmic Cross Section Paper ; DiiraiuPs), Co-ordinate Paper (VVebb'H), Field lt<