LEADING GREEKS AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE WORKERS IN THE AMERICAN COLLEGE FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES 1915 EDITED BY WILLIAM C. LEVERE EVANSTON, ILLINOIS MCMXV COPYRIGHT, 1915 BY WILLIAM C. LEVERE PREFACE The editor of this publication has tried to present here the sketch of every living Greek letter man and woman who has done im- portant work for his or her society. The most assiduous industry has been devoted to the gathering of these names and the collection of data. Thousands of letters of inquiry have been sent broadcast and literally hundreds of fraternity members have assisted in the work. To them we owe our most grateful obligation. If they had iot assisted in the generous way they have the book could not pos- sibly have been so complete. An omission of a suggested name does not necessarily mean it was rejected. It may have been that there was a failure to respond to our request for material. That there are omissions of some who should have been included will doubtless develop. We shall be surprised if we do not find their names in a certain catalogue in our office, on each card of which the signs are indicative of very many pieces of mail having been sent them, and their absence from the book is because they sent no answer. But these are comparatively few. The volume does in- clude practically all those men and women who have made fine records as fraternity workers. And with the general and continual spread of Pan-Hellenic unity, there is a growing interest in the personnel of the leaders in the American College fraternities and sororities. We have told those important things about these Greeks that concern especially their fraternity work, but have frequently given enough of a glimpse of their more secular life to help to an understanding of them. There can scarcely be assembled anywhere a company of ladies 330331 and gentlemen who could tell a finer story than those who are gatr ered in the pages of this book. They are the elect men and wome who have traveled into the wondrous land of friendship. They hav seen sights and have tales to recount which might cheer and chart a fireside company through a thousand and one nights. It may b that their tidings concern the world of the immaterial, but does the lessen their interest or their fascination? What visions are reveale to the eye of the spirit when the magic coast of fraternity issightec A continent arises from the deep and on its shores are all those fine things of life camaraderie, trueness, courage, loyalty, x trutf chivalry, good faith and honor bright. It is because they hav known these things that these Greek letter folk who people our boo are here. WILLIAM C. LEVERE. June 1, 1915. A DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES [When the memorable Greek Conference met in Chicago in May, 1913, at which fifty-five fraternities and sororities were present, a declaration of principles was made which as representative of fraternity thought and purpose takes a high place in the history of the American College Fraternity. It is worthy of a place on the walls of every chapter house in our country. EDITOR.] We, the Greek-letter societies of America, in convention assem- bled, do make the following declaration : Whereas, we believe that the people of our country are not familiar with the true purposes and ideals of our societies and with the actual conditions among the same ; Now, therefore, we, represented in convention at the City of Chicago by officers and delegates of our said societies, declare : That it is our earnest wish and desire to inculcate in our va- rious chapters or local societies, the principles of true womanhood and manhood ; to promote the moral welfare of all our members ; to stimulate and encourage scholarship; to prescribe obedience to all authority ; to encourage loyalty to and active interest in the institu- tion where they may be located ; to foster a democratic and friendly spirit between our members and all others with whom they may be associated, and to inspire among our members a true, loyal and last- ing friendship. And we do further declare that to those ends we have, through our officers and councils, dedicated ourselves in the past and do pledge ourselves for the future, that where we fail we will remedy and where we succeed, such shall be to us only an incentive to better endeavor. And we do further declare that our association together in such societies is in fulfillment of the natural desire of all people to seek friendship among one another, and that we consider our members not as elected to any privileges, but rather, pledged and dedicated to a life of striving for the perfection of our ideals. And we do further declare that we welcome all sincere criticism of our conduct and lives, and do pledge ourselves to take counsel upon the same and to remedy all things wherein we may fall short of these, our ideals and principles. And remembering our long and prosperous existence, our oppor- tunities and hopes for the future, our thousands of great and true members now in the service of the world, the thousands of our young men and women now in our brotherly care, and the service of many good and noble men and women given to the perfecting of these ideals, We do pledge ourselves to promote these things in all ways and to continue our efforts to that end. FRATERNITY AND SORORITY TABLES COLLEGE FRATERNITIES Name of Fraternity Title of National Head Where Founded When Founded 1895 InVm T)p1ta "Phi Hamilton College 1832 1914 jpnd jvappa -^anioaa Yale University . 1845 Virginia Military Institute . . 1865 eta. Theta Pi President Miami University 1839 hi Phi 1824, hi Psi President Union University, N. Y 1847 elta Chi "AA" Cornell University 1890 President Yale University 1844 >elta Phi President Union University, N. Y 1827- )elta Psi President Ooiumbia College 1847 )elta Sigma Phi President College of City of New York. . . 1899 Bethany College 1859 )elta Upsilon President Williams College 1834 Cappa Alpha (S) Knight Commiander.. Washington and Lee University Union University . . . 1865 1825- ^^"orthy Gr Master University of Virginia 1869 lambda Chi Alpha Grand President. Boston University 1909 'hi Delta Theta President Miami University 1848 >hi Kappa Psi President Washington and Jefferson Coll. 1852 'hi Kappa Sigma hi Chi Delta Grand Alpha Grand Grand -Master. President University of Pennsylvania Louisiana State University "Washington and Jefferson Coll. 1850 1909 1848 -*hi Sigma Kappa . President Mass Agricultural College 1873 University of Virginia. .... 1868 'i Kappa Phi Grand President College of Charleston 1904 'si Upsilon.. . President Union University, N. Y 1833 University of Alabama 1856 Sigma Chi Grand Consul Miami University 1855 >igma Iota President Louisiana State University. . . . 1904 . Sigma Nu Regent Virginia Military Institute 1869 Sigma Phi Chairman Bd of Dir "Unjoji Universitv. N. Y 1827- Sigma Phi Epsilon Richmond College 1901 Sigma Pi Grand Sage . Vincennes University 1897 :*au Kappa Epsilon. ""heta Chi Grand Prytanis Illinois Wesleyan University.. Norwich University . . 1899 1856 ""heta Delta Chi, President Union University N. Y 1848 Seta Beta Tau Supreme Nasi Je"WIsh Theological Seminary. . 1898 Seta Psi 1A New York University 1847 COLLEGE SORORITIES Name of Sorority Title of National Head = Where Founded WF Four Alpha Chi Omega. . Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Kappa Psi... Alpha Omicron Pi. Alpha Phi President President President President Grand President President De Pauw University. . . Macon Wesleyan College Syracuse University... St. Mary's School Barnard College 1 1 1: 1 1 1 l; i; i; 11 11 1! 1! 1{ 1* 1* IS IS IS IS 19 18 19 18 Alpha Sigma Alpha. . Alpha Xi Delta Beta Sigma Omicron. Chi Omega Delta Delta Delta. . . . Delta Gamma Delta Zeta President President President President National President... President Grand President Virginia State Normal.. Lombard College... Christian College University of Arkansas... Boston University Warren Institute Miami University. Eta Upsilon Gamma. Gamma Phi Beta. . Kappa Alpha Theta.' President President Grand President Christian College. . . . Syracuse University De Pauw University . Kappa Kappa Gamma Phi Mu Gamma. . . National President... Grand President Grand President Ruler Virginia State Normal.. Monmouth College Macon Wesleyan College. . . Pi Beta Phi Sigma Iota Chi... Sigma Kappa Theta Sigma Phi.... Zeta Tau Alpha... Grand President... President Grand President Hollins College Monmouth College SS. James and Xavier Acad. . Colby College Grand President University of Washington. . , Virginia State Normal PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITIES Name of Fraternity Profession Represented Title of National Head Where Founded When Founded Alpha Chi Sigma Chemical Agricultural Gr. Mast. Alchemist President Univ. of Wisconsin Ohio State Univ. . . 1902 1903 Alpha Kappa Kappa. Alpha Phi Sigma Medical Medical Grand Primarius . . Oracle Dartm'th College.. Univ. of Illinois. . . 1888 1908 Alpha Psi Veterinary President Ohio State Univ... 1907 Chi Zeta Chi Medical Sup. Em Grand... Univ. of Georgia . . 1903 Delta Sigma Delta.. Delta Theta Phi Dental Sup. Grand Master Univ. of Michigan. Chicago 111 1883 1913 Gamma Eta Gamma. Kappa Phi Legal Pharmacy High Chancellor. . . Grand Moderator . . Univ. of Maine. . . . Univ. of South 1901 1909 Kappa Psi Med & Pharm Grand Regent Conn. Mil. Acad. . . 1879 Medical President Univ. of Michigan. 1882 Dmega Upsilon Phi Medical Senior Gr. Master. Univ. of Buffalo. . . 1894 D hi Alpha Delta Supreme Justice Kent Coll. of Law. 1897 Phi Alpha Gamma Medical Grand President... N. Y Homeopathic 1894 Phi Alpha Sigma Medical U of Penn M Col 1888 Phi Beta Pi Medical Supreme Archon . . . Penn. Med. Coll... 1891 Phi Chi . Medical G P S Univ. of Vermont. 1889 Phi Delta Chi ... . Chem. & Pharro Grand President. . . Univ. of Michigan. 1883 Phi Delta Phi Legal President Univ of Michigan. 1869 Phi Mu Alpha Phi Rho Sigma Musical Supreme President. President N. E. Con. of Mu. Northwest'n Univ. 1898 1890 Pi Mu Medical Senior Councilor. . . Univ of Virginia. . 1892 Psi Omega Dental Grand Recorder. . . Bal. Col. Den. Sur. 1892 Theta Tau Grand Regent Univ of Minnesota 1904 Theta Xi Engineering President Rensselaer Insti... 1864 Xi Psi Phi Dental .... Supreme President Univ. of Michigan. 1889 HONORARY FRATERNITIES Name of Fraternity Profession Represented Title of National Head Where Founded '- Wher Found* Alpha Omega Alpha. Medical . . . Y. . Chairman Coll Phys & Sur Delta Sigma Rho Gamma Alpha Agricultural .I/ Forensic Sri'pnt jfjp High Chancellor... President Ohio State Univ.'.' Chicago 1897 1906 Gamma Sigma Delta Phi Alpha Tau Agricultural ... Forensic ..,. President Grand Chancellor. . President Cornell Univ Ohio State Univ. . 1899 1905 Phi Beta Kappa... Phi Kappa Phi Mtftrpiry ^' President Emerson School... Wil. & Mary Coll.. 1909 1776 Phi Lambda Upsilon Chemical President General. Univ. of Maine 1898 Pi Kappa Delta Forensic President Univ. of Illinois... 1899 Sigma Delta Chi Journalistic .. President . . 1912 Sigma Delta Psi. . . . Athletic 1909 Sigma Tau Sigma CJpsilon Engineering .. Literary ....... President President Univ. of Indiana.. Univ. of Nebraska 1912 1904 Sigma Xi Tail Bota Pi Scientific , Engineering ... President President Cornell Univ. . . Lehigh Univ 1906 1S8&-. ' i sfsr Tau Kappa Alpha. . . Forensic President Indianapolis, Ind.. 1908 PROFESSIONAL SORORITIES Name of Sorority Profession Represented Title of National Head Where Founded When Founded pha Sigma Alpha. . Normal President Va State Normal. 1901 u Phi Epsilon nega Upsilon Musical Oratorical . Supreme President. Gr ~Wor Priestess Metropolitan Coll . Northwest'n Univ 1903 1904 li Delta Delta Legal President Univ of So Calif. 1911 grna Alpha Iota Musical President Univ of Michigan 1903 2fma Sigma Sigma. Normal Grand President Va State Normal 1898 HONORARY SORORITY Name of Sorority Profession Represented Title of National Head Where Founded When Founded nicron Nu Home Ec'n'mics President Mich Agric Coll 1912 Leading Greeks 3BOTT, Clarence Eugene; Kappa Sigma; ed. at University of Wiscon- sin, 1900; C. E., 1905; initiated by Beta Epsilon chapter, 1898; grand master of chapter; mem. Wisconsin Alumni Association and Birming- nam, Ala., alumni chapter; general superintendent iron mines and quar- ries, Tennessee C. T. & R. R. Co. Address, 1405 University Ave., Bes- aemer, Ala. 3BOTT, Cinder; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at Southwestern Presbyterian University, 1896; initiated by Ten- nessee Alpha Tau, Dec. 13, 1893; chapter chaplain; first president of Louisiana Alumni Association ; presi- dent Abbott Automobile Co., direc- tor New Orleans Association of Com- merce, vice-chairman publicity bu- reau of Association of Commerce; president New Orleans Automobile Dealers' Association; m. Stella Chre- tian, June 3, 1902. Address, 2323 Canal St., New Orleans, La. BLE, Sidney Thorne; secretary St. Louis Alumni chapter; Sigma Nu; ed. at V^ashington University, 1910; LL. B. ; initiated by Gamma Omicron, fall of 1906; chapter secretary and treasurer; mem. of committee of three who drew up charter of St. Louis alumni chapter; attorney at law, age twenty-five years; m. Grace Shafer, Feb. 2, 1914. Address, 5789 Kingsbury place, St. Louis, Mo. ACKERS, William David; grand fourth counselor (national secretary) ; Sig- ma Pi; ed. at Ohio Northern Uni- versity, 1911; initiated by Zeta chap- ter, 1909, a charter member; chapter president; editor of the "Zodiac," a history of Zeta chapter; grand fourth counselor; employed in the accident department of Ginn & Co., Atlanta office. Address, care Ginn & Co., Publishers, Atlanta, Ga. ADAMS, Charles Bayley; supreme financial secretary of Phi Alpha Del- ta, 1913-1915; ed. University of Maine, College of Law, 1913; ini- tiated by Hamlin chapter; NOT., 1910; justice of the chapter, 1912-1913; delegate to national conventions in Chicago, 1913 and 1914; attorney at law; mem. firm of Blancharel & Adams. Address, 518 Eastern Trust Bldg., Bangor, Me. ADAMS, HAROLD S.; editor of the "Record" of Gamma Alpha and mem. Theta Delta Chi; ed. University of Chicago and Williams College, 1911; initiated by Chicago chapter, 1912; delegate to national convention of Theta Delta Chi in 1910 and to con- vention of Gamma Alpha in 1913; associate professor in physiological 16 LEADING GREEKS cheimsi.ry/ University .of Chicago. Address, 5731 Kenwood Ave., Chica- go, 111. ADAM8 f Howard Webster; district chief of Beta Theta Pi; mem. Phi Alpha Delta; ed. Indiana University, 1906; initiated by Pi chapter of Beta Theta Pi, Oct. 11, 1902; president, 1906, of the chapter; mem. Indianap- olis Alumni Association of Beta Theta Pi; secretary, 1906-1907; dis- trict chief, 1907-1908 and 1912, to date; delegate to district convention at DePauw, 1905 ; delegate to nation- al convention at St. Louis, 1904; mem. state committee of fraternity legislation, 1907; attorney at law; studied at University of Berlin, 1910- 1911, university of Paris, 1911, Uni- versity of Madrid, 1911-1912; mem. Masons. Address, 1838 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. ADE, George; former national presi- dent of Sigma Chi; ed. at Purdue University, 1887; initiated by Delta Delta chapter June, 1885; delegate to national conventions; contributor to "Sigma Chi Quarterly"; presi- dent Grand Council, 1909-11; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; author of many novels and plays; trustee Purdue University; mem. National Institute of Arts and Letters; dele- gate to Republican National conven- tion, 1908. Address, Brook, Ind. AHLERS, Blanche Evelyn; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. University of Call fornia, 1912; initiated by Sigma chapter, Sept., 1908; president of the chapter; secretary of San Francisco Alumnae Chapter; assistant busi- ness manager of fraternity magazine. Address, 2300 Devisadero, San Fran- cisco, Calif. AIKEN, Albert C.; Beta Theta Pi; ed. University of California, 1892; ini- tiated by Omega chapter, 1888; presi- dent of the chapter; district chief, 1893-1894; delegate to national con- vention at Chautauqua, 1891; attor- ney at law. Address, Platiron Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. AISENSTADT, E. Albert; past grand master, three year term on supreme council; Beta Phi; ed. at University of Illinois, College of Medicine, 1912; initiated by Delta chapter as a char- ter member; mem. of Chicago Alum- ni chapter; invented ritual and draft- ed the constitution; wrote "Beta Phi, Thy Wondrous Story," a his- tory; delegate to national conventions of 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914; physi- cian and surgeon, police surgeon for city of Chicago; m. Ethel Terrell of Old Fort, N. C., Dec. 9, 1913. Ad- dress, 2908 W. 12th St., Chicago, 111. AKERS, William D.; national secre- tary of Sigma Pi; ed. Ohio Northern University, 1911; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1909, charter mem.; presi- dent of the chapter; founded Phi Chi Psi, which became Zeta chapter of Sigma Pi; contributed articles to the "Emerald" of Sigma Pi, and alumni editor of the "Zeta Herald"; wrote history of Zeta chapter; mem. Zeta Alumni Association; delegate to national convention , at Champaign, 111., 1914; delegate to sixth Inter- Fraternity Conference at New York City, 1914; clerk in accounting de- partment of Ginn & Co., Atlanta office. Address, office, care Ginn & LEADING GREEKS 17 Co., Publishers, Atlanta, Ga.; resi- dence, 45^ Auburn Ave., Apartment 25, Atlanta, Ga. ALDERMAN, Mozelle; business man- ager of magazine, "Triangle" ; Sigma Sigma Sigma; ed. at Hollins College, Hollins, Va., 1910; initiated by Ep- silon chapter, 1908; chapter treas- urer; contributor to "Triangle," toasts at national conventions; at- tended two national conventions; chairman committee at national con- vention; other national convention committee; mem. secret honorary society. Address, Alcolu, S. C. ALLAN, Evelyn Wight; grand presi- dent of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1890- 1892; ed. St. Lawrence University and Leland Stanford, Jr., University, ' 1891; initiated by Beta Beta chapter; mem. New York Alumnae Associa- tion of Kappa Kappa Gamma; dele- gate to national convention at Bloomington, 111., 1890; president of first Pan-Hellenic called by Kappa Kappa Gamma at Boston, 1891; dean of women Leland Stanford, Jr., Uni- versity; m. Mansfield Allan, Alpha Delta Phi. Address, 31 Salvatierra St., Stanford University, Calif. ALLEN, Austin Ketcham; grand mas- ter of seventeenth district of Kappa Sigma for past five years; ed. Brown University, 1904; initiated by Beta Alpha chapter, 1900; grand master of ceremonies of the chapter; mem. Brown University Alumni Associa- tion and Seattle Alumni Association of Kappa Sigma; attended district convention of last five years; dele- gate to Louisville national conven- tion of 1912; representative of Gmn & Co. for Washington; mem. Ma- sons; m. Grace Henneken, 1912. Ad- dress, 4106 Burke Ave., Seattle, Wash. ALLEN, Emily Frances; treasurer Al- pha Alliance; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Boston University, 1891; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1888, a charter member; chapter president, presi- dent Alpha Alliance; contributor to magazine, author two songs; Boston University Epsilon alumni chapter; attended convention of Sigma dis- trict at Wesleyan, Boston; delegate to Canton, N. Y., Minneapolis and Cincinnati national conventions ; proofreader "Boston Evening Tran- script"; mem. College Club of Bos- ton, Boston Association of Collegiate Alumnae, the Massachusetts Society for Higher Education of Women, Col- lege Equal Suffrage League of Bos- ton. Address, 202 S'afford St., Wol- laston, Mass. ALLEN, Frank Dale; inspector of the tenth division of Sigma Nu; ed. Stanford University, 1898; initiated by Beta Chi chapter, 1895; mem. Spokane Alumni Association and Michigan Alumni Association of Sigma Nu; lawyer, general counsel Spokane International Railway; cor- poration counsel of city of Spokane, 1909; mem. Elks; m. Irene Rymal Long, 1903. Address, 1004 Paulsen Bldg., Spokane, Wash. ALLEN, Rlley Harris; Beta Theta Pi; ed. University of Chicago, Washing- ton State, 1904; initiated by Lambda Rho, 1901; chapter president; con- tributor to magazine; founder Wash- ington State chapter; a founder of 18 LEADING GREEKS Honolulu Alumni chapter, Beta alumnus; editor Honolulu "Star-Bul- letin," Honolulu, Hawaii; m. Su- zanne McArdle, 1910. Address, 1059 Alakea St., Honolulu, Hawaii. ALLEN, Robert McDowell; former province president; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at Kentucky State Uni- versity, 1900; A. B., M. A.; initiated by Kentucky Epsilon, 1901, charter member; mem. Kentucky State Uni- versity Alumni Association; delegate, 1902, national convention; attorney; head Kentucky Food and Drug Con- trol Work; secretary Food Control Officials' Association, 1901-1909; sec- retary International Pure Food Con- gress, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; special assistant to United States Attorney General, 1908-1909; presi- sident American Pure Food League, 1913-1914; Knight Templar, Shrine; m. Anniebelle McVey. Address, Lex- ington, Ky. ALLEN, Wilbur Price; proctor of sev- enth province; Sigma Chi; ed. Van- derbilt University and University of Texas, 1902; initiated by Alpha Mu chapter, 1900; Worthy C.; delegate to two national conventions; dele- gate to two district conventions; lawyer and banker; mem. Elks, K. of P.; m. Josephine Houghton, Feb. 9, 1905. Address, 604-8 Littlefield Bldg., Austin, Tex. ALMY, Don R.; eminent supreme archon of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. at Cornell University, 1897; initiated by New York Alpha chapter of S. A. E. ; emi- nent correspondent of chapter; mem. New York Alumni Association of S. A. E.; delegate to Atlantic City na- tional convention of S. A. E., 1909; Chicago, 1914; delegate to province Beta convention, 1911; chairman financial code committee; assist- ant editor of "Phi Alpha," 1911-13; chairman of committee to formulate the S. A. E. Standard Accounts Sys- tem; mem. board of directors of New York Alpha Building Associa- tion; eminent Supreme Archon, 1914-16; delegate to inter-fraternity conference, 1914; attorney-at-law; mem. Masonic order; m, Marie E. Pattison, 1906. Address, 46 Cedar St., New York City. AMERSON, George C., A. M.; past grand presiding senior of Phi Chi; ed. at Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, 1907; initiated by Phi Sigma chapter, 1907; mem. Phi Sig- ma Chicago Alumni Association; mem. grand chapter, six years; dele- gate to national conventions, 1907- 14; delegate to Chicago Greek Con- ference, 1913; surgeon; surgeon to Cook County hospital, 1906-13, West Side hospital and Garfield Park hos- pital; captain-surgeon, Illinois Na- tional Guards, 1st Infantry. Ad- dress, 59 E. Madison St., Chicago, 111. AM MEN, Samuel Zenas; founder of Kappa Alpha (southern) ; ed. Wash- ington and Lee University, A. M., 1869, Litt. D., 1895; student Johns Hopkins University; author of ritual and code of Kappa Alpha; editor of "Sun Almanac," 1907-1913; civil war veteran, C. S. N., C. S. A.: author of Ammen'e Latin Grammar and con- LEADING GREEKS 19 trlbutor to Appleton's Encyclopedia; mem. Masons and University Club; m. Nannie Kelso Wetherall, of Bal- timore, June 13, 1882. Address, Uni- versity Club, Baltimore, Md. ANDERSON, Burt Thomson; ex-presi- sident of the national executive coun- cil of Eta Kappa Nu; ed. University of Illinois, 1907; initiated by Alpha chapter, Dec., 1906; vice-president of the chapter; contributed to the "Bridge" of Eta Kappa Nu; mem. Pittsburgh and New York City Alumni Associations; national sec- retary, treasurer and president of ex- ecutive council; delegate to national conventions of 1908, 1909 and 1912; signal engineer D. L. & W. R. R., Ho- boken, N. J.; m. Tirzah Bradley, Sig- ma Kappa and Phi Beta Kappa, July, 1910. Address, 223 Burnett St., East Orange, N. J. ANDERSON, Ellery O.; national presi- dent, 1914-1915, of Delta Phi; ed. Columbia University, 1898; initiated by Columbia chapter, 1893; president of the chapter; delegate to Inter- Fraternity .of 1914; lawyer; mem. firm of Anderson, Iselin and Ander- son; m. Melicent Duryea, 1900. Ad- dress, 25 Broad St., New York City. ANDERSON, Joseph Reid; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Virginia Military In- stitute, University of Virginia, 1870; initiated by Virginia Alpha, 1869; Worthy Master of chapter; national offices, Worthy Grand Chief, Worthy Grand Keeper of Annals, chairman of High Council, founder and editor of "Alpha Tau Omega Palm," one of the framers of the revised constitu- tion of Alpha Tau Omega; manufac- turer; m. Annie W. B. Morris, Oct. 8, 1872. Address, Lee, Goochland Co., Va. ANDERSON, Robert Henry; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. Southwestern Pres- byterian University, 1907; initiated by Tennessee Eta, Sept. 19, 1903; eminent archon of chapter; Jackson, Tenn., Alumni Association; province secretary and treasurer; delegate At- lanta, Ga., 1906, national convention; delegate to province convention, Nashville, 1905; contractor in sheet metal work; mem. Masons and Elks. Address, 421 E. Main St., Jackson, Tenn. ANDREWS, Ethel Baker (Mrs. E. L.); Delta Gamma; ed. Northwestern University, 1892; initiated by Sigma chapter, 1891; president of the chap- ter; national president and secre- tary; m. Edmund Lathrop Andrews, 1899. Address, 150 Wardwell Ave., W., New Brighton, N. Y. APPEL, Theodore Burton; grand al- pha; Chi Phi; Phi Alpha Sigma; ed. at Franklin and Marshall, 1889; ini- tiated by Zeta, May 27, 1887; Zeta of chapter; national offices, Grand Gamma and Grand Alpha; physi- cian; m. Mary Calder, June 18, 1900. Address, 305 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. ARCHIBALD, Alleyne; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at University of Nebraska, 1902; initiated by Nebraska Beta of Pi Beta Phi; editor of third edition of song book; composer of Pi Beta Phi songs; teacher and concert pianist. Address, 1463 Thirteenth Av., San Francisco, Calif. 20 LEADING GREEKS ARMSTRONG, Edna; national vice- president of Delta Delta Delta; ed. Ohio State University, B. Ph., 1897, and M. A., 1912; initiated by Nu chapter, March, 1896; president of the chapter; wrote several banquet songs; mem. Alumni Associations of Ohio State University and Delta Delta Delta; district president, 1912- 1915; delegate to district convention of 1914 and to national convention of 1910; teacher of English and in- terested in college clubs and Eng- lish organizations. Address, 1655 Belmont Ave., Columbus, O. ARMSTRONG, Florence A; editor of the "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Simpson College, Iowa University, 1906; initiated by Mu chapter, 1907; delegate to national conventions of 1910 and 1912; editor of the "Lyre" 1910; edited fraternity history in 1911; attended National Pan-Hel- lenic Congress of 1913; teacher of history in high school, feature story writer for Des Moines "Register and Leader." Address, 109 E. First Ave., Indianola, Iowa. ARON, Harold Guthrle; national secre- tary of Chi Psi; ed. Hamilton Col- lege, 1909; initiated by Phi chapter, 1905; mem. Chi Psi Alumni Society of New York City; delegate to New York Inter-Fraternity Conferences of 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914; mem. of bar, New York and New Jersey; mem. of faculty and lecturer at New York Law School; m. Betsy Ritchie, Oct. 1, 1913. Address, 50 Pine St., New York City. ARTER, Sherman; Delta Tau Delta; ed. Adelbert College of Western Re- serve University, 1886; initiated by Zeta chapter Jan. 27, 1883; mem. Cleveland Alumni Association; dele- gate to national conventions, 1887,- 88,-89,-91,-95,-97,-99,1901,-03,-05,-07,-09,- 11,-13; delegate to all but two prov- ince conventions since 1889; presi- dent northern division, 1898-1902; lawyer. Address, 1308 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. AS HE, Bowman Foster; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Mount Union Col- lege and University of Pittsburgh, 1907; initiated by Ohio Sigma, 1903; eminent deputy archon of chapter; mem. Pittsburgh Alumni Association of S. A. E., vice-president Pittsburgh Alumni Association; organized Penn- sylvania Chi Omicron chapter; dele- gate to national convention, Nash- ville, 1912; superintendent of schools; mem. F. and A. M. Ad- dress, 52 De Soto St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ASHLEY, Jessie; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. New York University, 1902; ini- tiated by Nu chapter, 1900; president of the chapter; national president of Alpha Omicron Pi; lawyer, lecturer woman's law class of New York Uni- versity; candidate for justice of Court of Appeals in Socialist party in 1912, received 65,000 votes. Ad- dress, 27 Cedar St., New York City. ATHERTON, Fred Bicknell; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at Lafayette College, 1909; initiated by Pennsylvania Alpha, Sept. 25, 1905; reporter of chapter; mem. Alumni Club of Scranton; mem. committee on chap- ter house; reporter of Alumni Club; alternate delegate national conven- tion, 1907; manager, Scranton office LEADING GREEKS 21 Brooks & Co.; mem. Knights of the Round Table; m. Ruth F. Lansing, Oct. 29, 1912. Address, 423 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. ATKINSON, Paul Tulane; grand secre- tary, Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. Hamp- den Sidney College, 1907; initiated by Iota chapter, Sept., 1904; head of chapter for three years; national offices, grand secretary; exchange editor of magazine, 1909-1911; edi- tor-in-chief of magazine since 1913; attended national convention, Rich- mond, Va., 1907; New Orleans 1909, Knoxvile 1911, and Lexington, Ky., 1913; installed three chapters; mem. Interfraternity ribbon society; edu- cator; division superintendent of schools since 1908. Address, Hamp- den Sydney, Va. AUSTEN, Willard; former trustee of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Cornell Uni- versity, 1891; initiated by Cornell chapter, 1888; contributed to fra- ternity magazine; president of the Cornell Corporation of Beta Theta Pi; president of district No. 2, twice; delegate to two national conven- tions; m. Jessica Lyler. Address, Ambleside, Ithaca, N. Y. AUSTIN, Henry Warren; national president; Alpha Delta Phi; ed. at Williams College, 1888; initiated by Williams chapter, Feb., 1885; mem. and secretary Chicago Alumni Asso- ciation; mem. of corporate body of Williams, Chicago and Wisconsin chapters; national offices, president, vice-president, several terms; dele- gate to several national conventions ; youngest president elected in forty years; president, College Fraternity Reference Bureau; delegate to In- terfraternity conference held in Chi- cago May 30, 1913, which estab- lished the College Fraternity Refer- ence Bureau; banker; president Oak Park Trust and Savings Bank since 1892; served three terms in Illinois Legislature; elected state senator, 1914; treasurer Oak Park for thirteen years; m. Edna Lee Har- ris, Nov. 17, 1904. Address, 217 Lake St., Chicago, 111. AXELROTH, Harry Reiss; editor "The Carnation"; Delta Sigma Phi; ed. Washington and Lee University, 1907; initiated by Zeta, Feb. 12, 1905; chancellor of chapter; contrib- utor to magazine; mem. Philadel- phia Delta Sigma Phi Club; na- tional treasurer, 1907-1908, 1911- 1912; editor "Carnation," official journal, 1913 to present; attorney- at-law; m. Gertrude Zeigler Knight, June 22, 1912. Address, 1524 Chest- nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. AXELSON, Charles Frederic; presi- dent of western division of Delta Tau Delta; ed. at University of Chi- cago, 1907; initiated by Gamma Alpha chapter January, 1904; president of chapter; vice-president of University of Chicago Alumni Association; sec- retary-treasurer of Chicago Alumni Club of Delta Tau Delta; mem. of Arch chapter, chairman of commit- tee on arrangements for forty-first Karnea at Chicago, 1911; has per- sonally visited 30 active chapters of Delta Tau Delta; special agent for Northwestern Mutual Life Insur- 22 LEADING GREEKS ance Co.; mem. University Club and Beverly Country Club of Chicago. Address, 900 The Rookery, Chicago, 111. AVER, Thomas Parker; editor of the grand catalog of Phi Kappa Psi; ed. Brown University, 1909; initi- ated by Rhode Island Alpha, Oct. 20, 1905; contributed to the fraternity magazine; mem. New York Alumni Association; second assistant libra- rian, Brown University Library, 1909-1910; auditor Providence Pub- lic Library, 1909-1910; department supervisor Columbia University Li- brary, 1910-1913; assistant Uni- versity of Illinois Library, 1913-1914. Address, 51 Erie St., Manchester, N. H. AYLAND, Gladys Emma; national in- spector of Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. Drury College, 1912; initiated by Mu chapter, Oct., 1911; mem. Dallas Alumnae Association; visiting dele- gate of national fraternity; national Pan-Hellenic delegate, 1913. Ad- dress, 606 Southwestern Life Bldg., Dallas, Texas. AY RES, John A.; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; ed. at University of Tennessee, 1909; initiated by Tennessee Kap- pa, Nov. 14, 1907; Eminent Archon of chapter; mem. Phi Kappa Phi; scholarship fraternity; mem. Ten- nessee Kappa Alumni Association; business manager Banta's Greek Ex- change; delegate to national conven- tion, Atlantic City; law student. Address, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. B BABCOCK, Hazel Elliot Donoho; Pi Beta Phi; ed. University of Cali- fornia, 1910; M. A., 1911; initiated by California Beta, Feb. 21, 1908; president of the chapter; corre- sponding secretary of Northern California Alumnae Association; head of history department of Santa Barbara High School and Junior College; m. David Thornton Bab- cock. Address, 905 Contra Costa Ave., Berkeley, Calif. BABCOCK, Mildred Frances; chair- man undergraduate loan fund com- mittee of Pi Beta Phi; ed. at Bos- ton University, 1903; initiated by Mass. A, 1900; chapter president; president of Boston Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club, 1911-1913; wrote "Problems of Womanhood" for mag- azine, 1914; M. D., Boston Univer- sity; practiced medicine until 1911; m. Dr. Harold H Babcock, 1911. Address, Dedham, Mass. BACHMANN, Frank; editor of "The Hexagon" and mem. of supreme council of Alpha Chi Sigma; ed. University of Illinois, 1910; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1909; master al- chemist of the chapter; contributed to "The Hexagon" of Alpha Chi Sigma; mem. Chicago Alumni chap- ter; delegate to national convention in 1914; chemist and bacteriologist, the Sanitary District of Chicago; mem. K. C. N. at Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute; m. Munice O. Wells, July 1, 1910. Address, 6809 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, 111. BAG E BY, Gerard P.; first vice-presi- LEADING GREEKS 23 dent of Phi Kappa Psi ; ed. Richmond College, 1898; initiated by Phi chap- ter, Sept., 1897; wrote several fra- ternity songs; mem,. Baltimore Alum- ni Associaton; delegate to eight national conventions; lawyer: mem. Masons; m. Hope K. Jones, Dec. 2, 1908. Address, 818 Fidelity Bldg., Baltimore, Md. BAILEY, Jane Space (Mrs. Ellis C.) ; exchange editor of "The Parchment" of Sigma Iota Chi; ed. Virginia Col- lege, 1910; initiated by Iota chapter, Oct., 1909; vice-president of the chapter; chairman of song book com- mittee; m. Ellis C. Bailey, April 1, 1913. Address, 1494 Clifton Blvd., Cleveland, O. BAIRD, David E.; former province chief of Phi Chi; ed. at Baltimore Medical College, 1906; initiated by Beta Beta chapter, 1903; grand pre- siding senior of chapter; delegate to national convention at Richmond, Va., 1905-06; delegate to province convention, 1906-07; province chief, 1906-07; contributor to "Quarterly" of Phi Chi; mem. Baltimore Medical College Alumni Association; phy- sician; license by examination in Maryland, Pennsylvania, North Car- olina and Montana; Knights Tem- plars; m. Sarah A. Whitney, 1907. Address, Roundup, Mont. BAIRD, William Raimond; author of Baird's Manual; mem. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; ed. Stevens In stitute of Technology, M. E., 1878, LL. B., Columbia University; joined Alpha Sigma Xi, a young fra- ternity at Stevens Institute, in 1875; in 1877 became general secretary of this fraternity; Alpha Sigma Xi was absorbed by Beta Theta Pi in 1879; became chief of the eastern district and exchange editor of the Beta Theta Pi, 1879-1893; editor 1893 to date; author of Handbook of Beta Theta Pi, 1897; one of editors of catalogues of 1881 and 1905; author of Baird's Manual of College Frater- nities, 1879, 1880, 1883, 1890, 1898, 1905, 1912; gave chapter house to Wesleyan chapter as a memorial to his son, who was a member of that chapter; organized the second chap- ter of Phi Delta Phi, known as Storey chapter at Columbia Univer- sity; secretary of national council, 1882-1893 of Phi Delta Phi; wrote constitution and established 18 chapters; founded "The Brief," the official publication; mem. Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering, lawyer, mem. firm of Baird, Cox & Scherr; practiced in New York City since 1883; author of Principles of Amer- ican Law, study of Languages; con- tributed to Johnson's Enclycopedia and Encyclopedia Britannica; m. Jennie G. Mansfield, of Wilbraham, Mass., Sept. 29, 1886.. Address, office, 271 Broadway; residence, 63 W. 83rd St., New York City. BAKER, Edith; vice-president Delta Province; ed. at Washington Uni- versity, 1911 B. A.; initiated by Pi Beta Phi, April 27, 1907; chap- ter secretary, treasurer and vice- president; three years secretary St. Louis Club; Missouri Beta inspector of Drury College; attended national Convention, Evanston; homekeeper. 24 LEADING GREEKS Address, 235 Rosemont Ave., Web- ster Groves, St. Louis, Mo. BAKER, George Bramwell; Phi Kappa Psi; ed. De Pauw University, 1887; initiated by Indiana Alpha, 1883; mem. Boston and New York Alumni Association; district archon, 1886; delegate to district conventions of 1884 and 1887; national president 1906-1908, treasurer 1896-1900; dele- gate to national conventions of 1885, 1886, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1900, 1904, 1906, 1910, 1914; banker; member firm of Baker Ayling & Co. mem. Masons; m. Edith Thomas, 1892. Address, 50 Congress St., Boston, Mass. BAKER, Hattie May; mem. finance committee of Sigma Kappa Trian- gle; ed. Boston University, 1906; ini- tiated by Delta chapter, Sept. 19, 1904; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Boston Alumnae chapter; chairman of national examination committee; delegate to national convention at Boston, Mass., 1906; officer at in- stallation of Zeta, Nu and Omicron chapters; teacher in high school at Somerville, Mass. Address, 70 Pear- son Ave., West Somerville, Mass. BAKER, Helen E.; grand vice-presi- dent; Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. at Rich- mond College, 1907; initiated by Iota, Oct., 1905; chapter president; con- tributor to magazine; delegate to national convention, Galveston, Tex., 1910, Old Point Comfort, 1912; chair- man extension committee; dean of Woman's College, Richmond, Va. Address, Richmond, Va. BAKER, Hiram Carlton; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity, class of 1887; initiated by Mu, June, 1883; organizer and sec- retary of St. Paul Alumni chapter; employing printer with Curtis & Baker; mem. R. A. and Modern Woodmen of America; m. Katherine Gavin, Jan. 19, 1887. Address, 366 Wabasha St., St. Paul, Minn. BAKETEL, H. Sheridan; associate editor "The Centaur" of Alpha Kap- pa Kappa; Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. at Dartmouth College, 1895; initiated by Alpha Omega chapter, Oct., 1890; chapter president; contributor to magazines of Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Kappa Kappa; mem. New York Alumni As- sociations of Beta Theta Pi and Al- pha Kappa Kappa; district chief, District I, for two years; delegate to national convention, 1894; physi- cian; editor "Medical Times"; first lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, United States Army, and mem. fac- ulty of Long Island College Hospital; Thirty-second Degree Mason, Mystic Shrine. Address, 81 Fulton St., New York City. BALDINGER, Ora M.; inspector of the first division of Sigma Nu; ed. Vir- ginia Military Institute, 1910; ini- tiated by Alpha chapter, 1908; com- mander of the chapter; mem. Boston and New York City Alumni Associa- tions; president of division conven- tion for two years; delegate to four grand chapter conventions; revived Alpha chapter at Virginia Military Institute, 1909; lieutenant U. S. Army; mem. Masons' Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council Thirty-second De- gree, Eastern Star, Knights Tem- plars, Shrine. Address, 26th Infan- LEADING GREEKS 25 try, U. S. Army, Fort Crockett, Gal- veston, Tex. BALDWIN, Lena Brandin; grand presi- dent; Alpha Xi Delta; ed. at Syra- cuse University, 1906; initiated by Eta chapter, Oct., 1904; chapter president; mem. Syracuse Alumni Association; contributor to maga- zine; national offices, grand secre- tary, grand president; attended na- tional conventions, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913; attended Pan-Hellenic Con- gress three times; mem. College Woman's Club, Daughters of Ameri- can Revolution and Suffrage Club. Address, 670 Euclid Av., Elmira, N. Y. BANNING, Pierson Worrall; "Free- lance" editor; Delta Chi; ed. at Chi- cago-Kent College, 1910; initiated by Chicago-Kent chapter; chapter secretary, wrote a history of the chapter; collected funds and brought into existence the first house occu- pied by the chapter; mem. and sec- cretary of the Los Angeles Alumni chapter; established and edited "Delta Chi News," a weekly issue of the Los Angeles Alumni chapter; editor Delta Chi "Booklet of Wit and Humor," associate editor and contrib- utor to Delta Chi "Quarterly"; en- gaged in valuable statistical work for the fraternity; social secretary Municipal League of Los Angeles; m. Lila Banning Watkins, May 16, 1913. Address, 148 N. Wilton place, Los Angeles, Calif. BANTA, George; former president of Phi Delta Theta; mem. Delta Theta Phi; mem. Delta Gamma (sorority) ; ed. at Franklin College and Indiana University; initiated by Indiana Delta, May 27, 1874; affiliated Ind. Alpha; president of chapter; dele- gate to national conventions; presi- dent Zeta Province; ed. "Scroll" of Phi Delta Theta; ed. catalogue of Phi Delta Theta; editor and publisher Banta's Greek Exchange"; publish- er of forty fraternity magazines; delegate to every inter-fraternity conference gathering; mem. Free and Accepted Masons; m. Ellen Lee Pleasants, June 16, 1886. Address, Menasha, Wis. BANTA, George, Jr.; business man- ager, "Banta's Greek Exchange"; ed. Wabash College, 1914; initiated by Indiana Beta chapter of Phi Del- ta Theta; secretary of chapter; was initiated at the model initiation, Niagara Falls convention, August, 1910; mem. Fox River Valley Alum- ni Club; secretary; assistant cata- logue editor; delegate to Phi Delta Theta national convention, Chicago, 1912; delegate to Chicago Greek Con- ference, 1913; alternate delegate to inter-fraternity conference, 1913; secretary George Banta Publishing Co. Address, Menasha, Wis. BARBEE, Lindsay; editor of "Cres- cent"; Gamma Phi Beta; ed. at Uni- versity of Denver, 1899; initiated by Theta chapter, Dec. 28, 1897; con- tributor to magazine, author several songs, author nine chapter plays; mem. University of Denver Alumni Association; national offices, asso- ciate editor and editor of "Cres- cent"; delegate to national conven- tion, Evanston, 1901, Madison, 1913; 26 LEADING GREEKS president Denver Woman's Pan-Hel- lenic. Address, 1575 Lafayette, Den- ver, Colo. BARKER, Harry; Sigma Nu; ed. Uni- versity of Vermont, 1904; initiated by Beta Sigma chapter, 1900; com- mander of the chapter; mem. Phi. Beta Kappa; contributed to Delta of Sigma Nu; mem. New York City Alumni Association; mem. chapter house and extension committee; delegate to district and national con- ventions; mechanical and electrical engineer; associate editor of "Engi- neering News"; m. Marion I. Booth, 1909. Address, 6th Av. and 36th St., New York City and Montclair, N. J. BARNARD, Virgil Oates; custodian of files; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at University of Alabama, 1915; chap- ter eminent archon; contributor to magazine; mem. building committee Alabama Mu chapter house; mem. Tuscaloosa Alumni Association ; delegate to national convention, Nashville, 1912; delegate province convention, Columbus, Ga., 1913; president province Epsilon, 1914-15; secretary to president, University of Alabama; mem. Key-Ice, Jason's. Address, University, Ala. BARNEY, Clyde Orrin; grand eastern praetor of Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Chi Rho; ed. University of Syracuse, College of Medicine, 1910; initiated by Alpha. Gamma, 1907; Phi Epsilon, 1907; archon, Alpha Gamma chapter, vice-president Phi Epsilon chapter; contributed articles for Phi Beta Pi "Quarterly"; secretary and treas- urer of Syracuse chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha; presided at Eastern District convention, February, 1914, for Phi Beta Pi; instructor in sur- gery, College of Medicine, Syracuse University; assistant surgeon tc Hospital of Good Shepherd and Syracuse Free Dispensary; mem Syracuse Academy of Medicine Onondaga County Medical Society New York State Medical Society Address, Physicians' Bldg., Syracuse N. Y. BARR, Louis De Camp; vice-presiden of Phi Delta Phi, mem. of Phi Gam ma Delta; ed. at Ohio Wesleyan am Western Reserve University, 1907 initiated by Theta Deuteron of Ph Gamma Delta, 1902, and held offici of president; initiated by Ranne; chapter of Phi Delta Phi, 1904, am elected consul; contributor to mag azine; mem. national council of Ph Delta Phi; province president Ph Delta Phi; delegate three nations conventions Phi Delta Phi; delegat district convention Phi Delta Phi attorney-at-law; mem. Knights Ten: plars; m. Carolyn McElhinney, 19 1C Address, 5 Blymyer Bldg., Mansfielc Ohio. BARRETT, Jessie Edwards; Kapp; Alpha Theta; ed. at Allegheny Col lege; initiated by Mu chapter, Sept 20, 1890; mem. and president Dec ver Alumnae Association; m. Harr; M. Barrett, June 10, 1896. Address 1410 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo. BARRON, Benjamin Presley; secre tary of E. C. Smith province of Kaf pa Alpha; ed. College of Charleston 1905; initiated by Beta Gamm; chapter, 1904; delegate to nationa LEADING GREEKS 27 convention at Memphis, 1913; sec- retary of E. C. Smith province, 1912- 14; delegate to Raleigh (N. C.) Province Council, 1914; organized Columbia Alumni Association, 1911; real estate, insurance, stocks and bonds. Address, L. & E. Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. BARTELL, Floyd E.; national vice- president Phi Lambda Upsilon; Phi Lambda Upsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Xi; ed. at University of Michigan, 1908; initiated by Delta, a charter member; national offices, secretary 1911-1913, vice-president 1913; Phi Lambda Upsilon, delegate to national convention, Indianapo- lis 1911, Milwaukee 1913; in- structor physical chemistry, Uni- versity of Michigan. Address, 423 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. BARTLOW, Bert Surene, national council of Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at Miami University, 1893; initiated by Kappa chapter Dec. 20, 1889; "Be- ta" presiding officer of chapter; chap- ter editor Delta Kappa Epsilon cat- alogue; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon Association of Central Ohio; secre- tary of Kappa Chapter House Asso- ciation; delegate national conven- tion, Chattanooga, 1892; frequent visitor national conventions; chief of dairy and food division, Ohio Agricultural Commission ; mem. Ohio House of Representatives, 1898- 1902; sergeant-at-arms, Senate, Ohio Assembly, 1906-1909; alumni and field secretary Miami University, 1906-1913; supreme senator, Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order, 1902- 1903; supreme president, The Fra- ternal Censer, 1903-1906; editor-in- chief "Centennial History of Butler County, Ohio," 1905; general editor "Alumni and Former Students Cat- alogue," Miami University, 1909; life member Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society; mem. Ohio So- ciety Sons of American Revolution; mem. K. of P., I. O. O. F. and K. A. E. O. Address, Dairy and Food Di- vision, State Agricultural Commis- sion, Columbus, Ohio. BASYE, James Davis, Jr.; grand first counselor, Sigma Pi.; ed. at Uni- versity of California, 1914; initiated by Iota, May, 1913; convention del- egate Biennial Convention, Cham- paign, 111., June, 1914; mem. Cali- fornia Club; assistant manager Aetna Life Insurance Co., Oakland, Calif. Address, Hotel Carlton, Berkeley, Calif. BATTAILE, James Frank; alumni ad- visor; Kappa Sigma; ed. at Ken- tucky State University, 1908; ini- tiated by Beta Nu, Oct. 10, 1903; grand master of chapter; mem. Kentucky State University Alumni Association; manager university book store; mem. Board of Trustees of Kentucky State University; mem. Odd Fellows; m. Elizabeth Kinkead, July 11, 1911. Address, 427 W. Sec- ond St., Lexington, Ky. BAUGHMAN, Greer; senior counselor for Pi Mu, Phi Delta Theta, Pi Mu; ed. at University of Virginia 1894, Medical College of Virginia 1897; initiated by Virginia Beta of Phi Delta Theta, 1891; Virginia 28 LEADING GREEKS Gamma of Pi Mu; chapter presi- dent; chairman committee of na- tional convention of Phi Delta The- ta to establish "Honor System"; del- egate national convention Phi Delta Theta; delegate every national con- vention Pi Mu since 1900; doctor medicine, associate professor obstet- rics, Medical College of Virginia; mem. American Association Ob- etetritians and Gynecologists and Southern Surgical and Gynecologi- cal Association; has done post graduate work in Vienna in the clinics of Nothnagle, Crobak, Neus- sar and Weichselbaum; in Berlin in von Ley den's Medical Clinic; in Dresden in Leopold's Frauen Klinik, in Rotunda Hospital under Purefoy, and in London; one of the builders of the Stuart Circle Hos- pital; mem. Sons of American Rev- olution and treasurer since 1911; mem. Commonwealth Club and Country Club; m. Wilhelmina Reeve, 1904. Address, 26 N. Laurel St., Richmond, Va. BAYLY, Charles B.; national council of Phi Delta Phi; mem. Sigma Chi; ed. Wooster University, 1908 and . 1911; initiated by Beta chapter of Sigma Chi and Ranney chapter of Phi Delta Phi; vice-president of Cleveland Alumni Association; dele- gate to national convention of Sigma Chi at .Cincinnati, 1906 and of Phi Delta Phi at New York City, 1910, and Chicago, 1914. Address, office, 1447-1449 Leader Bldg., residence, 1462 E. 118th St., Cleveland, Ohio. BEACH, Agnes; Delta Gamma; ed. Universities of California and Ore- gon, 1909; initiated by Gamma chai ter, 1907; president of Beta N Alumnae Association; National Pai Hellenic delegate. Address, 53 Chapman St., Portland, Ore. BEAL, George Denton; national regi trar of Phi Lambda Upsilon; men Gamma Alpha; ed. Columbia Un versity, 1911; initiated by Gamm chapter of Phi Lambda Upsilo] 1909; president of the chapter, 191 1911; national registrar, 1911-191^ editor of the "Register," 1912-191^ delegate to national convention < 1911 and 1913; instructor in cher istry, University of Illinois; i Edith Downs, July 3, 1912. A dress, University of Illinois, Urban 111. BEALE, Cyrus Wendell; Kappa Alp] (Southern); ed. at Randolph ai Macon College, 1910; initiated 1 Chapter I, 1905; president and retary of Boston Alumni chapte delegate to national conventic Ocean View, Va., 1907; delega province convention, Washingtc D. C., 1912; attorney-at-law ; grac ate Harvard Law School. Addrei Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Richmond, Va. BEARDSLEY, Wilfred Fitch; Be Theta Pi; ed. at Northwestern U versity, 1893; initiated by R chapter; chapter president; me Chicago Alumni Association; pr cipal Evanston Township Hi School. Address, University Cli Evanston, 111. BEATES, Henry, Jr.; deputy gra president; Alpha Kappa Kappa; at University of Pennsylvania, 18 LEADING GREEKS 29 M. D.; initiated by chapter M, June, 1910; chapter primaries; deputy grand president; doctor of science Washington and Jefferson, 1911; m. Agnes T. Harrington, Oct. 3, 1913. Address 260 S. 16th St., Philadel- phia, Pa. EAUDETTE, Joseph; business man- ager of the "Purple, Green and Gold" of Lambda Chi Alpha; ed. Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, 1914; initiated by Lambda chapter, Dec., 1912; house manager of the chapter, 1913-1914; mem. Electrical Society of Mass. Institute of Tech- nology; mem. Boston and Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology Alumni Associations; electrical en- gineer for the Brasket, Shaw & Lunt Co. Address, 18 Grand St., Somers- worth, N. H. ECHTEL, George Gerald; master alumnus and managing editor of "Delta Theta Phi"; Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Albion Col- lege and Detroit College of Law, 1912; initiated by Cooley chapter, Oct., 1908; national offices, master of rolls, chancellor; editor of "Paper Book" since 1911, and regular con- tributor; delegate to national con- ventions, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913; mem. Detroit Alumni Association of Delta Tau Delta and of Delta Theta Pi; head department of history and economics, Northwestern High School; m. Marjorie Monroe, May 29, 1912. Address, 32 Woodward Av. Terrace, Detroit, Mich. ECK, Charles Gordon; Kappa Sigma; ed. at University of Nebraska, 1914; initiated by Alpha Psi, Feb. 15, 1912; chapter treasurer and house man- ager; delegate district XII conven- tion, Lawrence, Kans., March, 1914; manager reunion, 1914; athletic di- rector and instructor in science, Aurora High School; m. Alice M. Smith, Feb. 28, 1914. Address, 218 N. St., Aurora, Nebr. BECKMANN, Oscar; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at University of Michigan, 1912; initiated by Delta chapter, 1908; secretary of chapter; reorganized Toledo Alumni chapter of Delta Tau Delta; mem. Chicago Alumni chap- ter; delegate to district convention at Cleveland, 1910; delegate to na- tional convention of Delta Tau Delta at Chicago, 1911, and Indianapolis, 1913; edited first chapter directory; newspaper man. Address, 1923 Hud- eon Ave., Chicago, 111. BELFIELD, Andrew Miller; Sigma Nu; ed. at Purdue University, 1892; initiated by Beta Zeta, 1891; a char- ter member; president Seventh Di- vision; grand counselor and vice- regent; revised, indexed and codi- fied "The Law," fraternity constitu- tion and by-laws; installed chapters at Illinois, Michigan and Wiscon- sin; delegate eight national con- ventions; delegate eight district conventions; attorney-at-law ; mem. Military Order Loyal Legion, Union League Club, Indian Hill Club; m. E. T. Mills, 1911. Address, 1362 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. BELK, John Blanton; Pi Kappa Phi; ed. at Davidson College, 1915; in- itiated by Epsilon chapter Feb. 3, 1912; chapter archon; contributor 30 LEADING GREEKS to magazine; aided in building and furnishing chapter hall; principal graded school. Address, R. F. D. No. 6, Hendersonville, N. C. BELL, James F.; deputy grand presi- dent of Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Toronto University, 1882; initiated by Upsilon chapter; physician; m. Jessie Brown, 1887. Address, 202 Maclean Bldg., Portland, Ore. BELL, Thomas C.; one of founders of Sigma Chi; ed. Miami University, 1857; initiated by Alpha chapter; delegate to national convention in 1905; captain Co. A, major and brevet lieutenant colonel, 1861-1863; county superintendent of schools, Minnesota, 1872-1877; publisher of "Journal" at Worthington, Minn., 1873-1877; principal of La Creole Academy, Dallas, Ore.; president of Philomath College, Philomath, Ore.; president of Central Oregon Normal School, Drain, Ore.; mem. G. A. R.; m. Sigourney White, 1857, and Lucia Chase, 1866. Ad- dress, 2625 26th Ave., Oakland, Calif. BELLAMY, Joseph Clinch; past grand alpha; Phi Kappa Sigma; ed. at University of North Carolina, 1861; initiated by Lambda chapter, 1857; alpha of chapter; national offices, grand beta, grand alpha; alpha at reunion of Lambda Chapter June 7, 1884; wrote ante-bellum history of Lambda chapter; re-instated Lamb- da chapter, April 26, 1877; assisted in compiling "General Register" of Phi Kappa Sigma of 1910; writing history Lambda chapter to 1910; farmer; state senator, 1895-1897; di- rector state hospital for the insane at Raleigh, N. C., 1895-1901; private 36th N. C. Regiment, Confederate States Army; ordinance sergeant of Fort Caswell, N. C.; mem. Patrons of Husbandry and Farmers Alliance. Address, Whitaker's, N. C. BENEDICT, Anne Scales; Delta Delta Delta; ed. Vanderbilt University, 1905; initiated by Delta Gamma chapter, Oct., 1911; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; president of Delta Gamma Alliance of Delta Delta Delta; na- tional state secretary; m. A. B. Ben- edict, Kappa Sigma, April 9, 1913. Address, 522 Meridian St., Nash- ville, Tenn. BENNETT, Perlee Rawson; Sigmi Nu; ed. University of Kansas, 1886 initiated by Nu chapter, June 2 1884; secretary of the chapter; con tributed to the fraternity magazim and compiled ritual; mem. Chicagc Alumni Association; grand recorder 1885-1888; grand regent, 1890-1894 life mem. of grand chapter; dele gate to all national conventions sine* 1884; journalist; chief editoria writer of "Chicago Herald"; Thirty Second Degree Mason; m. Cora A Jonas, June 29, 1903. Address, 6105 Steiner Ave., Chicago, 111. BENTON, Guy Potter; M. A., D. D LL. D.; national president of Ph Delta Theta, 1912-1914; mem. Ph Beta Kappa and Tau Kappa Alpha honorary; delegate to New York in ter-fraternity conference of 1911 1915; national president of Tai Kappa Alpha, 1915-1917; ed. Bake University, A. B., A. M., Ohio Wes LEADING GREEKS 31 leyan University; studied University of Wooster and Berlin; professor of history and sociology, Baker Uni- versity, 1896-1899; president of Up- per Iowa University, 1899-1902; pres- ident of Miami University, 1902-1911; president of University of Vermont since 1911; clergyman and lecturer; uthor of Real College; m. Dolla Conantz, Arcadia, Kans., Sept. 4, 899. Address, 28 University PI., Turlington, Vt. RGHAUSEN, Oscar; Omega Upsilon hi; ed. at Ohio Medical College nd University of Cincinnati, 1904; . A., M. D.; initiated by Beta chap- er, 1902; chapter editor; national ffices, grand senior master; presi- ent of alumni chapter; physician; ssistant professor of medicine, Uni- ersity of Cincinnati. Address, 19 W. Seventh St., Cincinnati, 0. RKEBILE, Thomas Albert; Delta hi; ed. at University of Michigan, ,L. B. 1897, LL. M. 1898; initiated hy Michigan chapter, 1895; mem. Delta igina Rho; mem. Delta Chi Alumni Association, Los Angeles, Gal.; Delta Ihi Associate Chief Justice, 1897- 898; Delta Sigma Rho; vice-presi- dent, 1908-1909; lawyer; m. Lucile L. Shelley, June 10, 1902. Address, 12 Huggins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. RKELEY, Alfred R.J Sigma Alpha ]psilon; ed. at University of North Carolina, 1900; initiated by North arolina Xi, Oct. 1, 1897; eminent irchon of chapter; twice president irovince Gamma; delegate national :onvention Nashville 1908, Boston 900; Episcopal clergyman; m. >arah Bernard Manning, Dec. 11, 1907. Address, 2631 Wharton St., Philadelphia, Penn. BERNARDIN, Maud Haines; honorary president for life; Beta Sigma Omi- cron; ed. at Christian College, Co- lumbia, Mo., 1892; initiated by Alpha chapter; chapter secretary; one of the three founders of Beta Sigma Omicron; mem. Kansas City Alumnae Association; m. Joseph W. Bernardin, Sept. 7, 1898. Address, 42 Janssen PI., Kansas City, Mo. BERRY, Grace Adele Lasher; Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Northwestern Univer- sity, 1899; initiated by Epsilon chap- ter, Oct. 11, 1894; mem. Omega Psi; contributed to the "Crescent" of Gamma Phi Beta; mem. Chicago Alumnae chapter; national secre- tary, treasurer, vice-president and president of Gamma Phi Beta; at- tended conventions of 1894 and 1900 and was delegate at conventions of 1895, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909. Ad- dress, 1319 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. BERRY, William Thompson, alumni secretary; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Vanderbilt University, 1899; initi- ated by Tennessee Nu, 1896; mem. Birmingham Alumni Association, one of its founders and early presidents; delegate national convention Wash- ington, D. C., Memphis, Tenn.; physi- cian ; associate professor of Anatomy and Surgery, Birmingham Medical College; mem. High Degree Mason "Scottish Rite"; m. Rebecca Cecil, 1902. Address, 524 Brown-Marx Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. BETTERIDGE, Walter Robert; Delta Upsilon; ed. at University of Roches- LEADING GREEKS ter, 1888; initiated by the Rochester chapter, October, 1884; chapter president; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; junior delegate national convention Colgate convention, 1887; professor of Hebrew Language and Literature, Rochester Seminary; mem. Roches- ter branch American Institute of Archaeology and vice-president the Rochester branch Society of Bibli- cal Literature and Exegesis; Vorder- asiatische Gesellschaft; University Club of Rochester; contributor to religious journals; m. Mary Caroline Allen, Nov. 6, 1891. Address, 420 Harvard St., Rochester, N. Y. BEVERIDGE, Albert Jeremiah; na- tional president of Tau Kappa Al- pha; ed. DePauw University, Ph.B., 1885; lawyer, lecturer and author; practiced with firm of McDonald and Butler; Republican campaign speaker; United States senator from Indiana, 1899-1905; chairman of Pro- gressive national convention at Chi- cago, 1912; m. Katherine Langsdale of Greencastle, Ind., Nov. 24, 1887, died June 18, 1900, Catherine Eddy of Chicago, Aug. 7, 1907. Address, Indianapolis, Ind. BICKELHAUPT, Bertram Samuel; Chi Zeta Chi; ed. Physicians' and Surgeons' College, New York City, 1906; initiated by Beta chapter, 1904; deputy grand of the chapter; associate editor of the "Record" one year and editor one year; chief of Beta District two years; supreme historian, two years; organized Up- silon and Chi chapters; mem. Ma- sons; m. Maude P. Lowe, 1910. Ad- dress, 376 E. 162nd St., Bronx, New York City. BIEDLER, William B.; commander of S. Z. Ammen province of Kappa Al- pha Southern; ed. Virginia Mili- tary Institute, 1908; Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, 1910; initiated by Beta chap- ter, 1908; vice-president of Bos- ton Alumni Association, 1909-1910; president of Baltimore Alumni Asso- ciation, 1910-1913; purser of Ammen province, 1912-1913; delegate to dis- trict convention of 1912 and to na- tional convention of 1911 and 1913; electrical engineer; mem. Hammer and Tongs Society of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Address, 809 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. BIGELOW, Lulu King; Alpha Omi- cron Pi; ed. University of Nebraska, 1904 ; initiated by Zeta chapter, June, 1903; contributed to fraternity maga- zine; mem. of Chicago Alumnae chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi; dele- gate to national conventions of 1910 and 1912; delegate to National Pan- Hellenic Congress, 1906-1912; m. Clifford G. Bigelow, May 9, 1906. Ad- dress, 1612 South Fifth Ave., May- wood, 111. BILLINGTON, R. Wallace; province chief of Alpha Tau Omega; mem. Al- pha Kappa Kappa; ed. at Vanderbilt University, 1906; initiated by Beta Pi chapter, 1899; worthy scribe of chapter; president Nashville Alumni Association; secretary - treasurer Nashville Alumni Association; dele- gate to Province Conclaves; province chief of Province VIII of A. T. O.; LEADING GREEKS 33 physician; chief of Department of Orthopedic Surgery in Medical Dept. of Vanderbilt University; visiting orthopedic surgeon to Van- derbilt University Hospital and Dis- pensary. Address, 142 7th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. BINGHAM, Robert Worth; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at University of North Carolina, 1890, and University of Vir- ginia, 1891; initiated by North Caro- lina Eta, 1887; chapter worthy mas- ter; national office, chancellor; dis- trict office, province chief; several times delegate to national conven- tion; mem. Louisville Alumni Asso- ciation; lawyer, firm of Kohn, Bing- ham, Sloss and S'pindler; formerly county attorney, mayor of Louisville, chancellor Jefferson Circuit Court; mem. Masons; m. Eleanor E. Miller, 1896. Address, Commercial Bldg., Louisville, Ky. BLAKE, Clinton H., Jr.; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at Columbia College, A. B., 1904, Columbia University, A. M., 1905; Columbia Law School, LL. B., 1906; initiated Columbia chapter; chapter secretary; chapter Colum- bia University golf team; mem. and secretary Beta Theta Pi Club of New York; delegate to and temporary secretary of national convention St. Louis, 1904; secretary graduate board of directors of Columbia chap- ter; organizer and vice-president of Beta Realty Company which holds title to chapter house at Columbia; lawyer, mem. firm of Milne, Blake and McAneny; councilman-at-large and president Common Council En- glewood, N. J. Address, business, 2 Rector St., New York City; resi- dence, Englewood, N. J. BLANKENBURG, Herbert L.; asso- ciate editor of the "Palm" of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at University of Wisconsin, 1908; initiated by Gam- ma Tau chapter, 1907; treasurer of the chapter; contributed to tire "Palm" since 1908; assisted at in- stallation of Ames and Kentucky chapters; electrical engineer, Gen- eral Electric Co., Chicago, 111. Ad- dress, 456 2nd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. BL ANTON, A. H.; grand chaplain Pi Kappa Phi; ed. at Davidson College, 1915; initiated by North Carolina Epsilon, Sept. 29, 1913; chapter chap- lain and treasurer; contributor to fraternity magazine; special agent; m. Marcella Celestia Willis. Address, Box 298, Rock Hill, S. C. BLIEM, Marion Louise; Chi Omega; ed. at University of Texas, 1909; in- iated by Iota chapter, Nov. 19, 1904; chapter president; mem. and presi- dent San Antonio Alumnae chapter; delegate to national convention, Chi- cago, 1908; Y. W. C. A. secretary; clubwoman, suffragist. Address, 235 W. Mistletoe Ave., San Antonio, Tex. BLISS, A. Richard, Jr.; grand his- torian and editor; Kappa Psi; ed. at Columbia University, 1907; initiated by Gamma chapter, December, 1905; degrees, Ph. G., Ph. Ch., A. M., Phm. D., M. D.; mem. Gamma Delta Beta; national grand historian and editor, contributor to magazine, author five songs; professor of biological chem- istry; graduate School of Medicine, University of Alabama; professor of chemistry and pharmacology, Bir- 34 LEADING GREEKS mingham Medical College; mem. American Association for Advance- ment of Science, American Chemical Society and the Biochemical Associa- tion; author, "A Laboratory Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analysis" and "A Textbook of Physics and Chemistry for Nurses"; m. Loretta A. Deering, Aug. 20, 1908. Address, Medical College, Birmingham, Ala. BLU, Elmer Francis; secretary of Phi Delta Theta Alumni Club of Minne- sota; ed. at Northwestern Univer- sity, 1905; initiated by Illinois Al- pha, Oct. 11, 1901; reporter of chap- ter; lawyer; mem. of firm of Crass- weller, Crassweller and Blu. Ad- dress, Exchange Bldg., Duluth, Minn. BLUHM, Conrad; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at University of Colorado, 1895; initiated by Colorado Chi, Apr. 11, 1891; eminent archon of chapter; delegate province convention, Den- ver, Colo.; contributor to magazine; clergyman; m. May V. Henry, Aug. 7, 1900. Address, N. 1407 Mill St., Spokane, Wash. BODDIE, John Thomas; former pres- ident of Chicago Alumni Association of Phi Delta Theta; ed. Vanderbilt University, 1887; initiated by Tenn. Alpha, 1884; vice-president of the chapter; life endowment trustee, former assistant business manager of the "Scroll" of Phi Delta Theta; real estate owner and broker; mem. University, Iroquois and City clubs of Chicago; m. Judith R. Lott, Dec. 26, 1894. Address, 8 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. BOGERT, Elizabeth Thomson; corre- sponding secretary of the Indianapo- lis Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. at Butler Col- lege, 1909; initiated by Mu chapter, October, 1907; corresponding secre- tary of the chapter; delegate to na- tional convention at Meadville, Pa., 1908; teacher in Indianapolis Public Schools. Address, 2625 East Wash- ington St., Indianapolis, Ind. BOLAND, Frank Kells; Chi Phi; ed. at University of Georgia 1897; initi- ated by Eta chapter, Sept. 18, 1893; presiding officer of chapter; assis- tant editor Chi Phi "Registers" 1900, 1908, 1914; a founder of Omega chapter at Georgia Institute of Technology, 1904; an organizer, president, secretary and treasurer, Atlanta Alumni Assn.; president Eta Trust Association; physician and surgeon; professor of surgery, Atlanta Medical College; surgeon, Grady Hospital, Wesley Memorial Hospital and Georgia Baptist Hos- pital; author "Henry Gray, Anato- mist: An Appreciation," and other medical papers; m. Mollie Horsley, 1905. Address, 1026 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. BOLLING, William Edward; chief of eighth province of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at Vanderbilt Univer- sity, 1908; initiated by Tennessee Beta Pi chapter 1906; worthy master of the chapter; mem. Nashville, Tenn., Alumni Association; delegate to Pittsburgh, Atlanta and Louisville national conventions; lawyer; m. Annie McCullough. Address, 404- LEADING GREEKS 35 406 Stahlman Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. BOLT, Wade Smith; founder Sigma chapter, Pi Kappa Phi; ed. at Uni- versity of South Carolina 1909; founder Sigma chapter 1908-1909; contributor to magazine; author sev- eral songs and poems; publisher "The Otterbein Sun;" m, Bertha Kath- erine Switzer, Mar. 6. 1913. Address, Otterbein, Ind. BONNIFIELD, Allen Day; district chief of District XII of Beta Theta Pi; ed. at Iowa Wesleyan Univer- sity, 1902; initiated by Alpha Epsi- lon chapter, 1899; president of chap- ter, 1902; delegate to district con- vention, 1900; delegate to national convention, 1901; former president of Kansas City Alumni Association; secretary of Kansas City Alumni As- sociation; manager of Western Mis- souri, Union Central Life Insurance Company; m. Bessie P. Strother, 1909; mem. Masonic Order. Ad- dress, 3127 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. BOSTON, Florence Frazer; Sigma Sigma Sigma; ed. Farmville Normal School, 1913; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1911; treasurer of the chap- ter; edited the 1914 directory; teacher. Address, Warrentown, Pa. BOSTWICK, Kate King; correspond- ing secretary of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Hillsdale College, Mich., Ph. B., 1892; initiated by Michigan Alpha chap- ter, Dec. 9, 1899; president of the chapter; editor of first chapter cata- logue; mem. Cleveland Alumnae As- sociation; national historian; dele- gate to national convention at Evans- ton, 111., 1910; specialized in music at college; church soloist four years, sang with male quartette on concert tour, first soprano with ladies' quar- tette and director of church choir; m. Hubert Otis Bostwick, June 3, 1896. Address, North St., Chardon, Ohio. BOSWELL, Gordon; secretary alumni chapter; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at University of Virginia 1906, Tulane University 1907; initiated by Beta Iota chapter, 1903; delegate South- ern Conference, 1913; delegate two national conventions; mem. and sec- retary New Orleans Alumni Associa- tion; attorn ey-at-law. Address, 811 Maison Blanche, New Orleans, La. BOTT, Frank Rhea; province chief of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Wooster Uni- versity; initiated by Ohio Beta Mu chapter, 1897; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; delegate to national convention at Louisville, 1912; dele- gate to Chicago Greek Conference of 1913; sales manager; mem. Ma- sons; m. Alice King, October, 1906. Address, 610 Federal St., Chicago, 111. BOWLER, Alan Thurman; province purser; Kappa Alpha (Southern); ed. at Agricultural and Mechanical College of North Carolina, 1912; in- itiated by Alpha Omega chapter Oct. 15, 1910; second master of chapter; secretary Raleigh, N. C., Alumni As- sociation; purser Edward Chambers Smith province; delegate national convention, New Orleans 1911, Mem- phis 1913; paying teller, Citizens National Bank. Address, P. O. Box 253, Raleigh, N. C. 36 LEADING GREEKS BOWMAN, Myrtle Hatswell; alumnae advisor and province president of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Albion Col- lege, 1902; initiated by Beta chap- ter, 1899; president of the chapter; contributed to the fraternity maga- zine; mem. Alpha Alpha Alumnae Association; president of Eastern Province; instructor in voice cul- ture, Northwestern University School of Music. Address, 500 Di- versey Blvd., Chicago, 111. BO YD, H. Douglas; Gamma Eta Gam- ma; ed. at Albany Law School, Union University, 1909; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1908; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Gamma chapter Alumni Association; high chancellor of national organization, 1911-1912 and 1912-1913; delegate to national convention at Cornell University, 1911; lawyer and insurance agent; mem. Masons; m. Nellie A. Conn ell, Oct. 2, 1907. Address, 60-62 N. Main St., Gloversville, N. Y. BOYD, Leroy Stafford; Kappa Alpha (Southern); ed. at Alabama Poly- technic Institute 1892, LL. B., Tulane University 1899; D. C. L. 1901, M. Dipl. 1902, George Washington Uni- versity; initiated by Nu chapter, Feb. 1, 1889; chapter historian; national office, chief alumnus 1897; associate editor "Kappa Alpha Journal"; es- tablished chapters at University of Kentucky, Bethany, Delaware and Maryland Agricultural College; mem. Washington City Alumni Asso- ciation; delegate to national conven- tion, Norfolk, 1907; librarian; mem. Knights of Pythias. Address, U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. BRAASCH, Louise M. (Mrs. H. E.); mem. national committee on frater- nity examination of Pi Beta Phi; ed. University of Minnesota, 1911; initi- ated by Minn. Alpha chapter, April 28, 1908; president of the chapter; contributed to "Arrow" of Pi Beta Phi; delegate to national convention at Swarthmore, Pa., 1910; m. Dr. H. E. Braasch. Address, 3029 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. BRADFORD, Jane Pomeroy; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. University of Min- nesota; initiated by Upsilon chap- ter, 1894; mem. Daughters of the American Revolution; m. John M. Bradford, Aug. 15, 1900. Address, 132 Cambridge Ave., St. Paul, Minn. BRADLEY, John Miller; chief of sec- tion X; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. at University of Alabama 1912, law 1914; initiated by Theta chapter Sept. 12, 1909; presiding officer of chapter; mem. Birmingham Alumni Association; present chief section X; chairman committee of finance and building for fraternity house; delegate national conventions, 1910 and 1912; lawyer. Address, care of Tillman, Bradley and Morrow, Bir- mingham, Ala. BRAMLEY, Herbert Wright; Delta Upsilon; ed. at University of Roches- ter, 1890; initiated by Rochester chapter, 1886; chapter president; delegate to national convention, Cleveland, 1888; treasurer of 1913 convention; mem. Rochester Alumni Association; ex-president Rochester Delta U Club; mem. Masonic orders; LEADING GREEKS 37 Royal Arcanum; m. S. Minette Phip- pen, 1893. Address, 250 Main St. E., Rochester, N. Y. BRANDON, William Woodward; past eminent supreme archon Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at University of Alabama, 1891; initiated by Alabama Mu chapter, 1891; mem. Tuscaloosa Alumni Association; delegate several province conventions, province presi- dent; delegate national convention, Kansas City 1910, Nashville 1912, Chicago 1914; eminent supreme archon; delivered address before na tional convention of Phi Delta Theta 1914; probate judge of Tuscaloosa county; brigadier-general in Span- ish-American war, enlisting with 2nd Alabama Volunteers; state auditor four years; mem. state legislature; mem. Masons, Elks, K. of P., Odd Fellows; m. Lizzie A. Nabors, 1900. Address, Tuscaloosa, Ala. BRANEGAN, Gladys Alee; Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. at the University of Wisconsin, 1913; initiated by Beta chapter, March, 1911; chapter vice- president; delegate national conven- tion, 1913; secretary of Beta pro- vince; teacher of Domestic Science, Madison High School. Address, 120 W. Wilson St., Madison, Wis. BRANSON, Anna Jackson (Mrs Charles F.) ; Pi Beta Phi; ed. Swarthmore College and Columbia University, 1909; initiated by Penn. A'pha, affiliated with New York Beta chapter; initiated Dec., 1898; mem. Swarthmore Alumnae Association; province president two terms and grand vice-president one term; dele- gate to national conventions at In- dianapolis, New Orleans and Chi- cago and attended conventions at St. Louis and Swarthmore; original treasurer of fraternity settlement school; Ohio State Institute speaker, 1912-1913; mem. New Century Club of Philadelphia; m. Charles F. Bran- son, April 30, 1910. Address, 2066 East 93rd St., Cleveland, Ohio. BREAKER, George Juhan; Sigma Nu; ed. at William Jewell College, 1910, Washington University, 1913; initiated by Beta Xi chapter, 1907; affiliated Gamma Omicron chapter; chapter reporter and commander; delegate to grand chapter, 1911-1912 (national convention); delegate di- vision convention, Seventh Division, 1909; alumni editor of "The Delta" of Sigma Nu; mem. St. Louis Alumni chapter; president Pan-Hellenic As- sociation of Washington University; lawyer. Address, 512 National Bank of Commerce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. BRECHET, Bertha Marie; alumnae assistant editor of the "To Dragma" of Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. University of Minnesota, 1912; initiated by Tau chapter, 1912; president of local which is now Tau chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Calethia Liter- ary Society of Northwestern Uni- versity; teacher. Address, 2320 Grand Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. BRECKENFIELD, Elmer A.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at University of California, 1909; initiated by Theta Zeta chapter, Sept., 1909; secretary of the Pacific Coast Alumni Associa- tion, 1911-1913; delegate to national convention at Hartford, Conn., 1908; traveling salesman. Address, resi- 38 LEADING GREEKS dence, 3016 Benvemie Ave., Berke- ley, Calif.; office, 543 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. BREDIN, Honta Smalley; former president Chicago Alumnae Associa- tion; Gamma Phi Beta; ed. at Uni- versity of Michigan, 1888; initiated by Beta chapter, Oct. 13, 1884; chap- ter president; first national presi- dent, then called chairman of exec- utive board, 1893, for several years; delegate to national convention at Ann Arbor 1885, Madison, Wis., 1886, Evanston 1894, Boston 1893, Madison 1913; mem. committee of three who published first song book; helped organize and install Epsilon chapter at Evanston, 1888; helped install Theta at Denver, 1897, and Omicron at Urbana, 1913; one of the founders and first president of the Chicago Alumnae chapter; repre- sented Gamma on Madison Pan-Hel- lenic board for several years; m. Elias Arnold Bredin, July 1, 1901. Address, 847 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. BRES, Edward Sedley; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. Tulane University, 1910; initiated by Tau Lambda chapter, Oct. 4, 1904; held various chapter offices; mem. Kappa Delta Phi and Delta Tau Omega; chapter editor of 1910 Delta Kappa Epsilon catalogue; secretary Southern D. K. E. Alumni Association and Tulane University Alumni Association ; charter mem. of Delta Tau Omega, (high school frat) ; civil engineer in firm of Eustis & Bres. Address, office, 302 Cotton Exchange Bldg.; residence, 6104 Hurst St., New Orleans, La. BREW, James Jr.; national grand presi- dent of Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Uni- versity of Nashville, 1899; initiated by Phi chapter, March 24, 1904; mem. St. Mary's Hospital Alumni Association; district deputy grand president 2 years; national grand president 5 years; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913; professor of der- matology and syphilis, University of Nashville, 1903-1910, visiting genito-urinary surgeon, St. Thomas and Nashville City Hospital, 1902- 1910; mem. Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., Knights of Columbus, American Medical Association, Tenn. State Medical Association, Nash- ville Academy of Medicine, military surgeons of U. S. A.; m. Lillian Vance Davidson, April 27, 1905. Ad- dress, 804 Russell St., Nashville, Tenn. BREWSTER, Adelaide; treasurer of New York Alumnae Association of Delta Gamma; ed. at Adelphi Col- lege, 1911; initiated by Omicron chapter, Feb., 1908; corresponding secretary of the chapter; mem. Chi Upsilon Alumnae Association; mem. Alumnae finance committee; teacher; mem. Sigma Delta Phi (high school fraternity). Address, 442 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. BRIDE, William W.; general secretary of Delta Chi; mem. Sigma Chi; ed. at Georgetown University, 1904; initiated by Georgetown chapter, May 30, 1903; secretary of chapter; LEADING GREEKS 39 mem. Washington D. C. Alumni As- sociation of Delta Chi; delegate to national conventions 1904 to 1914; mem. Governing Board; editor of directory 1907, 1910, 1913; legal and exchange editor of "Quarterly"; delegate to national inter-fraternity conferences, 1911, 1912, 1914; dele- j gate to Chicago Greek Conference, 1913; inter-collegiate debater; law- yer; counsel for the United States' in the British-American claims ar- bitration; colonel on staff, governor of Nebraska; director District Na- tional bank; m. Lula Mae Fairbanks (niece of Vice-president Fairbanks). Address, 710 14th St., Washington, D. C. BRIGGS, John S.; Delta Upsilon; ed. University of Rochester, 1890; init- iated by Rochester chapter, 1886; contributed to fraternity magazine and song book; incorporator and trustee 16 years of Rochester Delta Upsilon Club; editor of 1915 song book; president of 1913 convention; delegate to national convention of 1898 and 1900; advertising counsel; mem. Masons, Commandery, Consis- tory, Royal Arcanum, Sons of American Revolution; m. Emma E. Phippen, 1900. Address, 1227 Gran- ite Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. BRINDLEY, John Edwin; Acacia; ed. at Iowa State College and University of Wisconsin, 1902; initiated by Iowa State College chapter, March, 1914; mem. alumni associations of Uni- versity of Wisconsin and Iowa State College; professor of Economic Science, Iowa State College; secre- tary special state tax commission; mem. Masonic orders; m. Mabel E. Iverson, June 25, 1908. Address, 838 8th St., Ames, Iowa. BRITTON, Gladys Courtaln (Mrs. John A. Jr.); grand registrar of Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. University of California, 1910; initiated by Sigma chapter, March 4, 1907; president of the chapter; contributed to fra- ternity chapter; mem. San Francisco Alumnae Chapter; delegate to na- tional convention, 1910; m. John Alexander Britton Jr., Oct. 27, 1910; Address, 116 Monticello Ave., Pied- mont, Calif. BROCKWAY, Ulysses Hayden; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at Yale Uni- versity, 1911; initiated by Phi chap- ter, 1910; mem. and secretary Hart- ford Alumni Association; with Travelers Insurance Co. Address, 136 Sigourney St., Hartford, Conn. BROOM ELL, Anna Pettit (Mrs. G. Lupton) ; president of Beta prov- ince of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Swarth- more College, A. B., 1907; Pi Beta Phi fellow at Columbia University, A. M., 1908; initiated by Penn. Alpha, Nov. 17, 1905, affiliated with New York Beta; president of the chapter ; contributed fraternity magazine; mem. of Philadelphia Alumni Club of Pi Beta Phi, presi- dent three years, 1908-1914, mem. New York Alumni Club, 1907-1908; edited and published first two Pi Beta Phi calendars; designed coat of arms; mem. national settlement committee, 1910-1912; chairman of coat of arms, calendar, and eym- 40 LEADING GREEKS phony committee; attended S worth- more national convention of 1910; worked toward Ph. D. degree; taught in Friend School 1908-1910, and Philadelphia High School for Girls, 1910-1913; rcu G. Lupton Broomell, Delta Upsilon, June 28, 1913. Address, 4929 Rubicon Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. BROTHERS, William Vincent; grand quaestoi of Sigma Chi; mem. Delta Chi; ed. Northwestern University, 1906; initiated by Omega chapter of Sigma Chi, Oct. 19, 1904; mem. Chicago Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi; grand annotater and grand quaestor; delegate to district con- vention of 1904-1905; delegate to j national convention of 1905, 1907,' 1909, 1911, 1913; lawyer; m. Mabel Gascoigne, Delta Gamma. Address, suite 1509, 139 N. Clark St., Chi- cago, 111. BROUSE, Olin R.; Beta Theta Pi; ed. De Pauw University, 1866; initiated by Delta chapter, 1863; president of the chapter; founder of Chicago Alumni Association of Beta Theta Pi; editor of the magazine in 1876, editor of the catalogue and general treasurer; helped found Alpha Rho chapter, delegate to national con- vention of 1866 and many others; Sunday school specialist; m. Lillian Armil Utter. Address, 845 Church St., Rockford, 111. BROWN, A. Glen; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at Northwestern Uni- versity 1912; initiated by Illinois Psi-Omega chapter, Feb., 1909; Emi- nent archon of chapter; delegate national convention, 1912; delegate province Delta convention Chicago, 1910; banker; cashier and director First National Bank of Dieterich, 111.; director Farmers and Citizens Bank of Willisville, 111.; m. Marian Warner, Pi Beta Phi, April 9, 1913. Address, Dieterich, 111. BROWN, Ada May; national president of Delta Gamma; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1887; initiated by Omega chapter; president of the chapter; mem. of Alumni Association of Wisr consin; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference of 1913. Address, 25 E. Frederick St., Rhinelander, Wis. BROWN, Clyde; secretary and treas- urer of the Evanston Alumni As- sociation of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. St. Stephen's College and North- western University, 1916; initiated by New York Sigma Phi chapter, March 28, 1912; affiliated with Illi- nois Psi-Omega; eminent corre- spondent of latter chapter; mem. of Seabury Society and Campus Play- ers of Northwestern University; contributed to the "Record" and "Phi Alpha" of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; mem. Evanston and Chicago Alumni Associations; mem. of finance and reception committee at Chicago national convention in 1914, clerk in office of eminent supreme recor- der; attended Chicago national con- vention in 1914. Address, 600 Davis St., Evanston, 111. BROWN, Francis; Alpha Delta Phi; ed. Dartmouth College, 1870; init- iated by Dartmouth chapter May, 1867; president of the chapter; mem. LEADING GREEKS 41 of executive council; delegate to national convention at Bowdoin, 1870; professor of theology and president of the faculty of Union Theological Seminary; m. Louise Reiss, 1879. Address, 80 Claremont Ave., New York City. BROWN, George; past supreme pres- ident; Xi Psi Phi; ed. at New York College of Dentistry, and University of Buffalo, 1898; initiated by Mu Chapter as honorary member; dele- gate and vice-president first reor- ganized Supreme Chapter, Buffalo, June, 1901; delegate annual conven- tion of Supreme Chapter Philadel- phia, 1902, Chicago, 1903; elected supreme president; chairman Ritual and Coat of Arms committee, 1901- 1903; contributor to Xi Psi Phi "Quarterly"; mem. New York State Alumni Association of Xi Psi Phi; doctor of dental surgery; past pres- ident fourth district Dental Society of New York State; mem. New York State Dental Society, past president Upper Hudson Dental So- ciety; mem. F. A. M.; m. Elvira M. Werner, June 14, 1906. Address, suite 207, Glens Falls Insurance Bldg., Glens Falls, N. Y. BROWN, Hilton U.; Phi Delta Theta, Tau Kappa Alpha; ed. at Butler College, 1880; initiated by Indiana Gamma Chapter, 1874; national president two terms; mem. Indian- apclis Alumni Association; dele- gate to several national conventions ; general manager "Indianapolis News"; m. Jennie Hannah, Paris, 111., 1883. Address, 6087 E. Wash- ington St., Indianapolis, Ind. BROWN, Orville Harry; Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Kansas State University and Univer- sity of Chicago, 1901; initiated by Kans. Gamma Mu chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, 1901; presiding officer of the chapter; mem. Sigma Xi and Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary; mem. Kans., Chicago and St. Louis Uni- versity Alumni Associations; worthy grand scribe by appointment of Al- pha Tau Omega; physician; m. Mar- garet Paisley, 1907. Address, Hum- boldt Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. BROWN, Walter Reynolds; former secretary general council; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at University of Minnesota 1889, Law 1892; initiated by Minnesota Alpha chapter 1885; chapter president; secretary general council; president Zeta province; delegate numerous national conven- tions; attorney-at-law; traveled ex- tensively in Far East Orient; m. Jessie B. Tyler, April 19, 1893. Ad- dress, 610 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. BROWNE, Howard S.; G. M. and G. S. of Kappa Sigma; Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Pi, Phi Delta Chi; ed. at Oklahoma University A. B. 1911, Ph. C. 1912, M. S. 1913; initiated by Gamma -Kappa chapter of Kappa Sigma Jan. 14, 1907; G. M. of chap- ter; alumnus advisor of fraternity; assistant professor of Materla Medica, Oklahoma University; m. May Melvin, Kappa Alpha Omicron, June 28, 1911. Address, 711 Asp Ave., Norman, Okla. BRUMBACK, Orville Sanford; grand 42 LEADING GREEKS trustee; Sigma Chi; ed. at Princeton University 1877, University of Michi- gan 1879; initiated by Theta Theta chapter 1873; consul of chapter; former grand consul; delegate sev- eral national conventions; mem. To- ledo Alumni Association; author of articles and songs; lawyer; mem. Masonic orders; m. Jennie C. Corey, Oct., 1881, Indianapolis, Ind. Ad- dress, 434 Spitze Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. BRUNGER, Emma; former grand treasurer of Delta Zeta; ed. Indiana University, 1911; initiated by Epsilon chapter, 1909; secretary of the chap- ter; president of Kappa Kappa Kappa; teacher of English. Address, 402 N. State St., Sullivan, Ind. BUCHANAN, Robert Earle; Delta Up- silon; ed. at Iowa State College 1904; initiated by Iowa State chap- ter 1913; mem. Acacia, Gamma Al- pha, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Gamma Sigma Delta; mem. Iowa State Alumni Association ; chairman committee on fraternities, Iowa State College, professor of bacteriology, dean of division of industrial science, Iowa State College; m. Estelle D. Fogel, 1911. Address, Station A., Ames, Iowa. BUCHANAN, Thomas Drysdale; for- mer grand president Phi Alpha Tau; ed. at New York Homeopathic Medi- cal College, 1897; initiated by Alpha chapter; one of the founders of Alpha and its vice-president; grand president (national) 1911; delegate national convention, 1914; chairman of committee to purchase a house; mem. New York Alumni chapter; author of songs and maga- zine articles; physician, specializ- ing in anaesthesia; m. Anna Marie Kuper, 1901. Address, 210 West 57th St., New York City. BUCHER, Carroll S.; recorder; Sigma Nu; ed. at Northwestern University and Washington University, 1905; initiated Gamma Beta chapter, Dec. 1, 1900; mem. Gamma Omicron chap- ter; mem. Delta Chi; delegate na- tional convention Sigma Nu, Indian- apolis, 1910; mem. Salt Lake City Alumni Association; lawyer; four years attorney for the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad for Eastern Oklahoma, at present attorney for Utah for the Denver and Salt Lake Railroad; mem. and past exalted ruler of Elks; mem. committee of three on State Associations of the grand lodge of Elks; m. Elisabeth C. Tooley, 1909. Address, 414 D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. BUCK, Frederick William; Phi Kappa Psi; ed University of Minnesota, 1909; initiated by Minn. Beta, 1905; presiding officer of the chapter; mem. Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi, honorary; mem. Duluth Alumni As- sociation; archon of fifth district of Phi Kappa Psi, 1909-1911; delegate to district convention of 1911 and to national conventions of 1908 and 1910; real estate, loans and build- ing management; m. Gladys Gilbert, 1913. Address, Torrey Bldg., Duluth, Minn. BUELL, Charles Edward; president LEADING GREEKS 43 of Alpha province of Phi Delta Theta; ed. Williams College, 1896; initiated by Mass. Alpha chapter, 1892; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Williams Alumni Club of New York City; delegate to district con- vention of 1895; vice-president of Orange County Milk Association of New York City; m. Elinor Fife, Oct. 31, 1902. Address, Shelburne Falls, Mass. BUGG, Clair Woodruff (Mrs. J. L.) ; secretary of the grand chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. State Normal School, 1905; initiated by Alpha chapter 1902; president of the chapter; grand secretary eight years; editor of the fraternity di- rectory; m. J. L. Bugg, Oct. 26, 1906. Address, 707 High St., Farmville, Va. BULL, Sleeter; vice-president; Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Xi, ed. at Ohio State College, 1910; initiated by Beta chapter, 1910; chapter chap- lain, national offices, editor, presi- dent, vice-president; delegate to na- tional convention, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; contributor to "Sickle and Sheaf"; associate in animal nu- trition, University of Illinois; mem. Masonic order, Odd Fellows; m. Lucile Simmons, Delta Gamma, 1911. Address, 806 Michigan Ave., Urbana, 111. BURD, Adelma H.; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. New York University Law School, 1903; initiated by Nu chap- ter, 1901; secretary and treasurer of the chapter; editor and publisher of the Alpha Omicron Pi song book; mem. Hunter College and New York University Law School Alumni As- sociatons; national grand presi- dent; delegate to two national con- ventions; mem. of the State of New York and the United States Su- preme Court. Address, 27 Cedar St., New York City. BURD, Henry Alfred; Tau Kappa Ep- silon; ed. Illinois Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1910; initiated by Alpha chapter, Oct. 19, 1907; president of the chapter; organized Gamma chapter at University of Illinois; professor of English in Hiram Col- lege, Hiram, Ohio, 1912-1914; fellow University of Illinois, 1914; author of several magazine articles; m. Jennie E. Heckerson, Dec. 25, 1912. Address, 808 W. Stoughton St., Urbana, 111. BURDETTE, Mrs. Clara Bradley; one of the founders of Alpha Phi; ed. Syracuse University, 1876; initiated by Alpha chapter; presiding officer of the chapter; mem. Association of Collegiate Alumni; educator, writer, lecturer, philanthropist; mem. of National Academy of Social Service; m. Robert J. Burdette, March 28, 1899. Address, 891 Orange Grove Boulevard, Pasadena, Calif. BURDICK, Francis Marlon; trustee; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Hamilton Col- lege 1869; initiated by Hamilton chapter, Sept., 1865; chapter presi- dent; delegate national convention Rutgers, 1867; contributor to maga- zine; lawyer; mayor of Utica; pro- fessor of law at Hamilton, Cornell and Columbia; m. Sarah N. Kellogg, 44 LEADING GREEKS June 8, 1875. Address, Columbia University, New York City. BURNHAM, Emily Hudson Bright ( Mrs. A. C. ) ; former grand presi- dent of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. at Boston University, 1890; init- iated by Phi chapter, 1886; presi- dent of the chapter; mem. Boston Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma; president ex-officio of Eastern province; delegate to council sessions of 1891-1893; busi- ness manager of the "Key" of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1887; grand secre- tary, 1888-1892; grand president, 1892-1894; compiled first catalogue; delegate to national conventions of 1890, 1892 and 1894 as national of- ficer; m. Addison C. Burnham, Dec. 28, 1893. Address, 15 Bracebridge Rd., Newton Center, Mass. BURNLEY, Hardin Temple; former editor "Journal," Kappa Alpha (southern) ; ed. at Richmond (Va.) College, 1891, University of Virginia, 1896; initiated by Eta chapter, 1887; affiliate Lambda chapter; I of chap- ter; editor Kappa Alpha "Journal," 1903-1909; compiled first song book; established Richmond (Va.) Alumni chapter; delegate national conven- tions 1893, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1907; manager Kerr Dry Goods Co. Ad- dress, Oklahoma City, Okla. BURR, Borden; grand counsellor of Sigma Nu; ed. University of Ala- bama, 1896, and Washington and Lee University, LL. B., 1898; initi- ated by Theta chapter, Sept., 1894; affiliated with Lambda chapter; commander of the chapter; district inspector and delegate to several district conventions; chairman of judiciary court; delegate to national conventions of 1898 at Atlanta, 1901 at New Orleans, 1913 at Atlanta; lawyer, deputy of Alabama district of B. P. O. E.; m. Masie Camp, 1901; Nell Forman, 1907. Address, 1016 Crescent Ave., Birmingham, Ala. BURR ELL, Percy Jewett; former su- preme president of Phi Mu Alpha; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Mu Alpha; ed. at Boston University 1902, New England Conservatory of Music 1896; initiated by Upsilon chapter of Beta Theta Pi Nov. 1898, by Al- pha chapter of Phi Mu Alpha; chap- ter president Phi Mu Alpha; author two musical comedies; contributor to magazine; one of the organizers of Phi Mu Alpha; national offices, supreme historian, supreme presi- dent Phi Mu Alpha; delegate na- tional convention Phi Mu Alpha, 1904; manager of "The Players"; trustee New England Conservatory of Music; producer of the "World" religious pageant in Cincinnati, Bos- ton, Baltimore and Chicago. Ad- dress, 64 Chestnut St., Cambridge, Mass. BURTON, Mary Agnes; grand secre- tary of Delta Gamma; ed. University of Michigan, 1899; initiated by Xi chapter, 1894; president of the chap- ter; mem. Xi Alumnae Association; librarian. Address, 27 Brainard St., Detroit, Mich. BURTON-OPITZ, Russell; former president Alpha Omega Alpha; Sig- ma Chi; Nu Sigma Nu,. Sigma Xi, LEADING GREEKS 45 Alpha Omega Alpha; ed. at Univer- sity of Chicago 1897, Columbia Uni- versity 1907; initiated by Omicron Omicron chapter of Sigma Chi, by Iota chapter of Nu Sigma Nu, by New York Delta chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha; honorary national secretary Nu Sigma Mu; president and trustee Apha Omega Alpha; contributor to Sigma Chi "Quarter- ly"; professor Columbia University; Thirty-Second Degree Mason; m. Jeanette Jonassen, New York, 1909. Address, 437 W. 59th St., New York City. BUSH, George B.; member governing body; Delta Chi, Phi Alpha Tau (honorary debating) ; ed. at Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1911; ini- tiated by Stanford chapter, 1909; mem. Los Angeles Alumni chapter; promoter and organizer Stanford chapter house building association; first permanent chairman on chapter House Commission to encourage chapters in house building; first General Counsel to chapters; dele- gate Inter-fraternity Conference, served on auditing and credentials committees ; counsellor and attorney- at-law; prominent in famous suits testing validity of President's with- drawal of 3,000,000 acres valuable oil lands. Address, First National Bank Bldg., Riverside, Calif. BUSWELL, Arthur Moses; grand alumnus; Alpha Xi Sigma, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilo'n; ed. at University of Minnesota, 1910; ini- tiated by Beta chapter of Alpha Xi Sigma, May, 1908; chapter reporter; mem. New York Alumni chapter; delegate national conventions, 1910, 1914; instructor in sanitary analysis, Columbia University; m. Helen Stobie, July 8, 1912. Address, Lakeview Ave., Leonia, N. J. BUTLER, Wolcott H.; president of Gamma Deuteron Association of Theta Delta Chi for 16 years; ed. University of Michigan, 1891; init- iated by Gamma Deuteron chapter, 1889; charter member; recording sec- retary of the chapter; delegate to national convention at New York City in 1891; attorney and real estate broker; mem. Masons, Knights Templars, Elks, Foresters, Wood- men; m. Mabel Lewis, 1894. Ad- dress, National Bank Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. BUTMAN, Carl Hawes; president of Southern Division of Delta Tau Del- ta; ed. Dartmouth College, Cornell and George Washington Universi- ties, 1910; initiated by Gamma Gam- ma chapter, Dec. 14, 1915; affiliated with Beta Omicron and Gamma Eta chapters; vice-president of George Washington chapter; mem. Pyramid Club, honorary; contributed to the fraternity magazine and edited the "Dixie Delta," Southern Division publication; secretary and treasurer of the Washington Alumni chapter; delegate to Nashville national con- vention of 1910; journalist; assist- ant editor, Smithsonian Institution; press agent for National Press Club. Address, Smithsonian Institution, 1903 N. St. N. W., Washington, D. C. BUTTERFIELD, Emily Helen; found- er of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. Syracuse University, 1907; ini- 46 LEADING GREEKS dated by Alpha chapter; correspond- ing secretary of the chapter; con- tributed to fraternity magazine and wrote one fraternity song; designer oif fraternity coat of arms; delegate to first national convention in 1907; president of Business Woman's Club of Detroit. Address, office, 614 Stevens Bldg., Detroit, Mich.; resi- dence, 109 Avalon Ave., Highland Park, Mich. BUTTERFIELD, Judith Grigsby; na- tional historian of Sigma Iota Chi; ed. Ward Seminary, 1905; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1903; president of the chapter; contributed to the fraternity magazine; mem. Alpha Gamma Alumnae Association; na- tional vice-president, president, his- torian and editor; delegate to na- tional conventions at Nashville twice and Memphis, Tenn.; m. D. H. But- terfleld, June, 1913. Address, 1909 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn. BUWALDA, John P.; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at University of California 1912; initiated by Washington Alpha chapter, Sept., 1906; affiliated with California Beta; eminent archon two terms of California Beta, 1912-1913; mem. Sigma Xi, The- ta Tau and Beta Kappa Al- pha, honorary, chairman of Inter- fraternity Conference at University of California, 1914; vice-president of province 1912-1913; delegate to two district conventions; graduate stu- dent, candidate for Ph. D. degree in geology, 1915. Address, 2519 Ridge Road, Berkeley, Calif. BYNUM, Suzanne; former province president; Phi Mu; ed. at St. Mary's College, Raleigh, N. C., 1907; a chapter officer; delegate national convention Norfolk, Va., 1907; con- tributor of songs and magazine arti- cles; active in secret work of the fraternity. Address, 12 Travis Ave., Charlotte, N. C. BYRNE, Lloyd R.; alumnus; Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. at University of Arkan- sas, 1905; initiated by Alpha Zeta chapter Nov. 19, 1904; chapter ex- ecutive; mem. Mu alumni chapter Fort Smith, Ark.; district chief five years; editor and author of the Manual of Pi Kappa Alpha; dele- gate national convention 1909, 1911, 1913; cashier Merchants and Farm- er's Bank. Address, Dumas, Ark. BYRNES, Ralph L.; mem. Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. University of Utah, 1902, 1906; B. S., M. S., M. D.; initiated by Pi chapter of Phi Beta Pi, 1905, and Alpha Tau chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha, 1912; vice-archon of chap- ter; mem. of Utah State Alumni As- sociation; western praetor of Phi Beta Pi; contributor to "Phi Beta Pi Quarterly" and "Shield and Dia- mond" of Pi Kappa Alpha; phy- sician, professor of bacteriology and pathology, state bacteriologist; mem. Masonic order, A. F. & A. M., R. A. M., K. T., A. A. S. R., 32nd degree, Shriner; m. Miss Edith Merritt, 1908, Delta Delta Delta. Address, Box 1814. Salt Lake City, Utah. C CADY, Mrs. Myra McPherson Post; former grand president; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. at University of Michigan 1895; initiated by Eta LEADING GREEKS 47 chapter 1893; chapter editor; mem. Detroit Alumni Association and first president; Eta Alumna repre- sentative for local Pan-Hellenic; grand president 1899-1901; district president 1895-1899; contributor to magazine; mem. first board of di- rectors and second president of Col- lege Club of Detroit; m. William B. Cady, Beta Theta Pi 1904. Address, 177 Seyburn Ave., Detroit, Mich. CADY, William Byron; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at University of Michigan 1882- initiated by Lambda chapter 1877; all chapter offices; lawyer; mem. Masonic, Fifteenth Degree, K. T.; m. Myra Post, 1904. Address, 904 Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. CAM ILL, Carl Martin; treasurer Chi- cago Auxiliary; Delta Sigma Delta; Phi Chi; ed. at Chicago College of Dental Surgery 1902; initiated by Beta chapter 1900; chapter treas- urer; mem. board of trustees Phi Chi; mem. council of deputies Delta Sigma Delta; deputy supreme grand master Beta chapter; contributor to magazine; delegate to national con- vention, Seattle, 1909; dentist. Ad- dress, 1553 Madison St., Chicago, 111. CALHOUN, Henrietta Anne; former associate editor "Eleusis"; Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon Iota; ed. at University of Illinois, Univer- sity of Michigan; initiated by Omicron Eta chapter, Chi Omega May, 1900; by Alpha chapter Al- pha Epsilon Iota; high priestess of chapter, Alpha Epsilon Iota; G. K. A. of chapter, Chi Omega delegate to national conven- tion Chi Omega, St. Louis, 1903; delegate grand chapter Alpha Epsi- lon Iota, Minneapolis, 1909; editor and contributor "Eleusis"; assistant in neuropathology, University of Michigan, formerly head of science department Columbia college, Co- lumbia, S. C. Address, 520 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor, Mich. CALLAHAN, E. Ruth; grand secre- tary, Sigma Sigma Sigma; ed. at Buffalo State Normal, 1908; initiated by Zeta chapter 1911; chapter president; organized Zeta Sigma Alumnae at Buffalo; contributor to Triangle; teacher in public school; executive board of the Teachers' Educational League of Buffalo; mem. Y. M. C. A. and Buffalo School Arts League. Address, 22 Anderson Place, Buffalo, N. Y. CAMERON, Janet Grey; chairman of the 1916 convention of Delta Zeta; ed. University of Nebraska, 1911; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1909; president of the chapter; con- tributed to fraternity magazine; mem. class of 1911 Alumni Associa- tion, Association of Collegiate Alum- nae, Delta Zeta Alumnae Associa- tion of Lincoln, Nebr.; delegate to national convention of June 1910; delegate to Inter-sorority Council; teacher in Lincoln, Nebr.; Address, 2910 O St., Lincoln, Nebr. CAMPBELL, Mabel Verne; Sigma Kappa; ed. Iowa State College 1905, B. D. S. 1908; Illinois Wesleyan 1913; patroness of Eta chapter and initiated as a member, Dec. 14, 1912; mem. Boston Alumnae chapter; 48 LEADING GREEKS head Home Economics department Rhode Island State College, formerly head same department Illinois Wesleyan University; formerly in- structor Home Economics at Iowa State College. Address, Rhode Is- land State College, Kingston, R. I. CAMPBELL, Ruffner; president .of second province of Phi Delta Phi, mem. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Davidson College 1910; and Wash- ington and Lee University, 1913; initiated by N. C. Theta chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Jan., 1908, and by Tucker chapter of Phi Delta Phi May, 1911; eminent recorder of former chapter and scriptor of lat- ter chapter; delegate to national conventions of Phi Delta Phi Dec., 1911, at Cincinnati; attorney for Wells, Swan & Campbell. Ar- dress, 6 Pearson Drive, Asheville, N. C. CANBY, Mrs. Mary Dechert Griffith; former grand president; Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. at University of Pennsylvania 1895; initiated by Beta Alpha chapter 1892; mem. Philadelphia Alumni Association; grand president 1906-1908; grand secretary 1902-1906; delegate na- tional convention Cornell University 1894; delegate national Pan-Hellenic Chicago 1907; teacher Philadelphia High School for girls 1894-1903, in Philadelphia Commercial High School 1903-1907; m. William War- ren Canby 1907. Address, Grants Pass, Oregon. CANDLER, John Slaughter; ex- knight commander of Kappa Alpha, Southern, ed. Emory College, 1880; initiated by Epsilon chapter, 1877; corresponding secretary of the chapter; grand historian, 1881, knight commander, 1882-1885; dele- gate to national convention at At- lanta, 1881; organized Nu, Phi, Psi, Omicron and Mu chapters. Candler province named for him; lawyer, held offices of soliciter general, 1886-1896, judge superior courts, 1896-1902, associate justice superior courts, 1902-1906, colonel 3rd regi- ment volunteer army in war with Spain, judge advocate general of Na- tional Guard of Georgia, 1885-1893; president general Municipal Council of the City of Atlanta, 1911-1914; mem. Knights of Pythias, Odd Fel- lows, Red Men and Elks. Address, 902 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. CANNON, Walter Bradford; vice- chairman board of directors of Al- pha Omega Alpha; mem. Phi Rho Sigma ; ed. Harvard Medical School, 1900; initiated by Mass. Alpha chap- ter of Alpha Omega Alpha, 1905; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; chairman of extension committee, national associ- ate primarius; delegate to national conventions; professor of physiology at Harvard Medical School; m. Cornelia James, June 25, 1901. Ad- dress office, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass., res. 2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. CAPELLE, George S.; trustee of Delta Upsilon until 1914; ed. University of Pittsburgh, 1901; initiated in 1898; secretary of chapter; president of Philadelphia Delta Upsilon Club; LEADING GREEKS 49 delegate to several national conven- tions; secretary Pennsylvania Delta Upsilon Association; broker; m. Josephine Harvey, 1902. Address, 1321 Gilpin Ave., Wilmington, Del. CARLSON, Alexander S.; national vice-president; Delta Chi; ed. at Syracuse University 1906; initiated by Syracuse chapter 1903; chapter president; president Syracuse Alum- ni chapter; "BB" national vice- president; delegate to national con- vention 1906, 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1913; lawyer, firm of Noxthrup, Tooks, Lynch and Carlson. Ad- dress, 32 Syracuse Savings Bank Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. CARLSON, Robert C.; former pres- ident of Evanston Alumni Associa- tion; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Northwestern University, 1913; initiated by Illinois Psi-Omega, April, 1910; eminent archon of the chapter; assistant secretary of col- lege Y. M. C. A. at Northwestern University. Address, 113 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CARMICHAEL, George Edgar; editor "Songs of Kappa Sigma," Kappa Sigma; ed. at Bowdoin College, 1897; initiated by Alpha Rho chapter, 1895; chapter grand treasurer; mem. Alumni associations of New York and Boston; song book editor; head-master Brunswick; School, Greenwich, Conn.; m. Helen Ger- trude Fox, 1912. Address, 46 Lexing- ton Ave., Greenwich, Conn. CARMODY, John Doyle; member Board of Tribunes; Phi Alpha Delta; ed. at Georgetown University, 1911; initiated by Taft chapter Mar. 17, 1908; delegate District of Columbia alumni chapter; supreme treasurer, 1909-10; supreme justice, 1910-12; in- spected all chapters of Phi Alpha Delta; delegate national convention 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; contributor to "Quarterly"; dele- gate Pan-Hellenic, Washington, D. C., 1910; attorney-at-law; major and aid-de-camp to the Governor of Minnesota. Address, 1211 Vermont Ave., Washington, D. C. CARPENTER, Archibald Dixon; Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. University of Michigan, 1907; initiated by Kappa chapter, 1899; grand president of national organization; physician and surgeon; m. Mary C. Craig, 1907. Address, 346 Pennsylvania St., Buf- falo, N. Y. CARPENTER, Edith Louise; chair- man examination committee; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at University of Ver- mont, 1900; initiated by Vermont Beta chapter, Nov. 24, 1898; chapter president; mem. Rhode Island Alumnae Club; contributor to maga- zine; visitor Swarthmore Conven- tion; stenographer; mem. O. E. S. Past Matron. Address, Peace Dale, R. I. CARPENTER, KatheHne Bailey; sec- retary of the Twin City Alumnae chapter; of Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. University of Minnesota, 1909; initi- ated by Upsilon chapter, 1901; elected president of the chapter but did not serve; two years treasurer, two years secretary and one year president of the alumnae chapter; 50 LEADING GREEKS delegate to national conventions; m. Paul D. Carpenter, 1909. Address, 612 East 25th St., Minneapolis, Minn. CARPENTER, Ruth Haynes; grand president of Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. University of Minnesota, 1906; initiated by Upsilon chapter, October, 1902; president of the chapter; mem. Senior Inter-fraternity Greeks; contributed to fraternity magazine; president of Minnesota Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Association which bought Upsilon's house; mem. Twin City Alumnae Association; district president, 1911-1913; grand presi- dent, 1913-1915; delegate to national convention in 1911; visiting dele- gate to Chicago Pan-Hellenic Con- gress, October, 1913; m. L. F. Car- penter, Dec. 2, 1908. Address, 828 University Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. CARROLL, John DeLorme; grand president; Pi Kappa Phi; ed. at Wake Forest College, 1909; Univer- sity of South Carolina, 1911; initi- ated by South Carolina Sigma chap- ter, November, 1910; chapter secre- tary; mem. Columbia Alumni chap- ter; prepared coat-of-arms and mem- bership certificates; instituting of- ficer North Carolina Epsilon, David- son College; grand secretary; grand president; delegate to national con- vention, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; head J. D. Carroll & Co., Real Estate and Insurance; mem. B. P. O. E. Address, Columbia, S. C. CARROLL, Merton Alfred; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. at Northwestern University, 1912; initiated by Illi- nois Psi Omega chapter, 1909; mem. Evanston Alumni Association; dele- gate province convention, 1910; visi- tor national convention, Kansas City, 1910; fraternity clerk in office of historian of S.A.E., 1910. Address, Benton Harbor, Mich. CARTER, E. Kemper; former district president; Kappa Alpha; ed. at Wil- liam Jewell College, University of Missouri, 1906; initiated by Alpha Delta chapter, 1903; affiliated Alpha Kappa chapter, 1912; mem. Kansas City Alumni Association; president district of Missouri, 1911; delegate national convention, Norfolk, Va., 1907; delegate district conventions, 1909, 1910, 1911; city engineer and superintendent water works. Ad- dress, Liberty, Mo. CARTER, John Battle; original found- er; Chi Zeta Chi; ed. at University of Georgia; founder of Alpha chap- ter; contributor to Chi Zeta Chi "Record"; physician; Emanuel County, Georgia, health officer; mem. Masons, W. O. W., I. O. O. F.; m. Nell L. Farris, Sept. 21, 1905. Address, Blundale, Ga. CARVER, Mary Caffrey Low; founder of Sigma Kappa; ed. Colby College, Waterville, Me., 1875; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1874; president of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Boston Alumnae Association of Sigma Kappa and ad- dressed 25th anniversary meeting; cataloguer for 20 years in Maine State Library; m. Leonard D wight Carver, 1877. Address, 26 Gurney St., Cambridge, Mass. LEADING GREEKS 51 CARWITHER, Van Court; national president of Alpha Chi Rho; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1907; initiated by Phi Phi chapter, Dec. 5, 1905; president of the chapter; mem. University of Pennsylvania Alumni Club; chairman of board of trustees of Phi Phi chapter; presi- dent of Phi Phi Club of Alpha Chi Rho; delegate to national conven- tions yearly from 1906 to 1914 ; cot- ton yarn merchant; m. Henrietta C. Parvin, Dec. 8, 1910. Address, 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.; resi- dence, Merion Station, Penn. GARY, SAMUEL BEVERLY; former grand treasurer Pi Mu; Kappa Sigma; Pi Mu; ed. at William and Mary's College, 1908, and Medical College of Virginia, 1912; initiated by Nu chapter of Kappa Sigma, 1907; by Beta Gamma chapter of Pi Mu, 1908; physician; specialist G. U. surgery. Address, 301 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. CASE, Mrs. Octa E. Wise; Delta Delta Delta; Sigma Alpha Iota (profes- sional music sorority) ed. at Adrian College, 1877; initiated by Gamma chapter, March, 1895; professional musician; m. Leland B. Case, June 24, 1897. Address, 155 Boston Blvd., Detroit, Mich. CASKEY, George Alexander, Inspector of Division IV; Sigma Nu; ed. Ohio State University, 1902; initiated by Beta Nu chapter, 1898; chapter treas- urer; mem. Columbus Alumni chap- ter; district offices, president, secre- tary, treasurer; national offices, in- spector; delegate district conven- tion, 1906, 1908; delegate national convention, 1899, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912; president and general man- ager the Kossman Dye Co.; mem. P. and A. M., Achbar Grotto, B. P. O. E.; president Ohio State Dyers and Cleaners Association. Address, 68 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. CASSADY, Edward Michael Jr.; In- spector of Division VI; Sigma Nu; ed. at State University of Iowa and Iowa State College; initiated by Beta Mu chapter, 1905; affiliate Gamma Sigma chapter; mem. Alpha Zeta, Acacia; delegate district con- vention, 1906, 1908, 1910; delegate national convention, Indianapolis, 1910; former district vice-president; national office; inspector; assistant cashier Whiting Bank. Address, Whiting, la. CATTELL, James McKeen; Delta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Xi and Phi Beta Kappa; ed. Lafayette Univer- sity, A. B., 1880; Johns Hopkins, Leipzig, Ph. D., 1887; Cambridge University, LL. D.; chapter presi- dent; mem. Lafayette, Johns Hop- kins and Columbia University Alumni Associations; national presi- dent of Sigma Xi, 1913-1915; dele- gate to national conventions of Delta Kappa Epsilon and Sigma Xi; pro- fessor of psychology, Columbia Uni- versity; editor of "Science," "Popu- lar Science Monthly," "School and Society," "American Naturalist"; m. Josephine Owen, 1888. Address, Gar- rison-on-Hudson, N. Y. CHAFFEE, Spicie Belle South; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. New England Con- 52 LEADING GREEKS servatory of Music, 1900; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1899; president of the chapter, 1900; contributed to the "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega and wrote one song; mem. Peoria Pan- Hellenic; grand vice-president, 1901; delegate to national conventions at Boston, Mass., 1900, and Evanston, 111., 1901; director of children's de- partment Peoria Musical College, Peoria, 111.; mem. Amateur Musical Club and W. C. T. U.; m. Dudley Chase Chaffee, Delta Upsilon, June 23, 1909. Address, 202 Melbourne Ave., Peoria, 111. CHAMBERLAIN, Paul Mellen; Delta Tau Delta; ed. Michigan Agricul- tural College, B. S., 1888, and Cor- nell University, M. E., 1890.; initi- ated by Iota chapter, 1886, affiliated with Beta Omlcron chapter, presid- ing officer of the chapter; co-founder of Beta Omicron chapter; mem. Tau Beta Pi, honorary; delegate to na- tional conventions at Cleveland, 1888, and Allendale, 1889; mechanical con- sulting engineer; inventor of the curved glass blue print machine and of metal dynamograph; author of "Notes on Mechanical Drawing In- troductory to Machine Designing"; mem. P. and A. M.; m. Olivia Lang- don Woodward, April 23, 1891. Ad- dress, 427 Diversey Parkway, Chi- cago, 111. CHAMBERLIN, William Fosdick; his- torian; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. at Dennison College, 1893; initiated by Lambda Deuteron chapter, 1888; mem. Alpha Delta Tau; chapter president; mem. Dayton Alumni chapter; editor "Songs of Phi Gam- ma Delta," edition 1908; district office, section chief; national offices, president, historian; delegate to numerous district conventions and all the national conventions since 1890; general agent of Travelers' In- surance Co.; mem. Masons; m. Min- nie Hannah, Gamma Phi, 1895. Ad- dress, 910 Schwina Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. CHAMBERS, Charles Carroll; field secretary of Phi Gamma Delta; mem. Sigma Delta Chi; ed. at the University of Wisconsin, 1912; ini- tiated by Mu chapter, April 17, 1909; president of chapter; mem. Pitts- burgh Graduate chapter; mem. Phi Gamma Delta Club of New York; delegate to national conventions, 1911, 1912, 1913; delegate to district conventions 1910, 1911, 1912; chapter correspondent; edi- tor of "Phi Gamma Delta," 1911-12, 1912-13; secretary Section 11, 1911-12; delegate to Chicago Greek conference, 1913; delegate to inter-fraternity conference, Novem- ber, 1913; alternate, 1914; mem. Permanent Extension committee, 1912-13. Address, 1411 Common- wealth Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. CHANDLER, Albert B.; editor Phi Delta Phi; ed. Washington Uni- versity, college 1900, law 1904; ini- tiated by Cooley chapter, 1902; was organizer of Hatchet Club, which later became Beta Theta Pi; chap- ter secretary; national offices, mem. council, editor, 1907 to date; dele- gate national convention, 1904, 1907, LEADING GREEKS 53 1908, 1909, 1911, 1913; delegate to interfraternity convention Chicago, 1913, that founded the College Fra- ternity Reference Bureau; lawyer; law dept. World's Fair Corporation, St. Louis, 1904; city attorney, Kirk- wood, Mo., 1905-8; chairman County Central Committee Progressive Party, St. Louis County, 1912-14; counsel before Supreme Court of Missouri in putting progressive ticket on the ballot; contributor to magazines; m. Harriet Hunt Whyte, 1906. Address, 408 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. CHANDLER, George Moseley; mem. board of trustees, 1912, of Beta The- ta Pi; ed. University of Michigan, 1898; contributed to fraternity mag- azine; life mem. University of Mich- igan Alumni Association; district chief, 1909-1912; keeper of the rolls, 1899-1905; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference of 1913; architect with firm of Riddle & Riddle. Ad- dress, 1957 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. CHANDLER, Walter Clift; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. at University of Tennessee, LL. B., 1909; initiated by Tennessee Kappa chapter, Oct. 14, 1907; eminent recorder of chap- ter; president Memphis Alumni As- sociation; contributor to "Record"; lawyer, firm of Marsilliot and Chan- die/; Mason, Knight Templar. Ad- dress, 1230 Exchange Bldg., Mem- phis, Tenn. CHAPPIUS, Arthur Charles; chapter house commissioner of Phi Delta Theta; ed. Tulane University, 1907; initiated by Louisiana Alpha, 1905; president of the chapter; mem. New Orleans Alumni Association; dele- gate to national conventions of 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912; attorney at law; m. Lucille Edith Crippen, Dec. 21, 1910. Address, 409 Weiss Bldg., New Orleans, La. CHASE, Leon Wilson; M. E. and A. E. secretary and president of the su- preme council of Sigma Tau; ed. University of Nebraska, 1904; ini- tiated by Alpha chapter; charter mem.; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Alpha Zeta; mem. University of Nebraska Alumni Association; professor of agricultural engineer- ing; m. Susan Barnhat. Address, 1245 No. 33rd St., Lincoln, Nebr. CHASE, Orllff Van Helk; president of chapter alumnj, and secretary of Boston Alumni chapter of Delta Tau Delta; ed. Wesleyan University, 1908; initiated by Gamma Eta chap- ter, Oct., 1904; chapter adviser; architect for Delta Tau Delta houses at Dartmouth, Tufts and Wesleyan Colleges and University; delegate to national convention at Chicago, 1907; architect with Shipley, Rutan and Coolidge. Address, 122 Ames Bldg., Boston, Mass. CHASE, William Sheafe; Delta Up- silon; ed. Brown University, 1881; initiated by Brown chapter, 1877; president of the chapter; editor-in- chief of the quinquennial catalogue of Delta Upsilon, 1884; delegate to national conventions of 1879; prin- cipal of Bristol, R. I., High School, 1881-1883; student Episcopal Theo- 54 LEADING GREEKS logical School, 1883-1885; ordained Episcopal deacon, 1885; assistant at Emanuel Church, Boston, 1885; rec- tor of St. James Church, Woon- socket, R. I., 1885-1902; special preacher and chaplain at St. Paul's School, Garden City, Long Island, 1902-1905; rector Christ's Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1905; m. Fannie Louise Jackson, April 27, 1914. Ad- dress, 481 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. CHENEY, Almira L.; Alpha Xi Delta; ed. Lombard College, 1896; initiated by Alpha chapter, April 17, 1893, one of ten founders; wrote one song and contributed to fraternity magazine; visitor at national convention of Oct., 1913; minister of the Gospel; pastor of First Universalist Church at Abingdon, 111. Address, Abing- don, 111. CHENEY, Orion Howard; national treasurer of the inter-fraternity con- ference; national president of Phi Gamma Delta; ed. N. Y. University, Michigan University, 1897; initiated by Nu-Epsilon chapter, 1895; presi- dent of Phi Delta Phi Club for two years; section chief for three years of Phi Gamma Delta; mem. board of archons for seven years; delegate to national conventions for last twelve years; delegate to every inter-fra- ternity conference; mem. of execu- tive committee of the same; treas- urer for four years; appointed state superintendent of banks of New York in 1909 by Governor Hughes; now president of Pacific Bank;* m. Margaret Danforth, 1909. Address, 78 Madison Ave., New York City. CHENEY, Roy R.; Tau Kappa Epsi- lon; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. Illi- nois Wesleyan University, 1910; in- itiated by Alpha chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, Oct. 12, 1906; mem. Bloomington Alumni Association; grand hypophetes and grand cry- sophylos (treasurer) ; cashier of Cit- izens Bank, Saybrook, 111. Address, Saybrook, 111. CHILES, Henry Clay; commander of P. B. Hamer Province of Kappa Alpha, Southern; ed. William Jewell College, A. B. 1907, A. M., 1914; LL. B. Harvard, 1910; initiated by Alpha Delta chapter, Sept., 1903; "I", presiding officer of the chapter; mem. Tau Kappa Alpha, honorary; chairman of song book committee, 1910; president of Boston Alumni chapter, 1909; assisted in founding Beta Theta chapter, 1906, and Beta Iota chapter, 1907; president of Missouri State Association, 1906; delegate to many district conven- tions and to national conventions of 1905, 1907, 1909 and 1913; lawyer; elected public administrator of La- fayette County, Mo., 1912. Address, Savings Bank Bldg., Lexington, Mo. CHRISTIAN V/ilmer; national treas- urer; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. Wa- bash College, 1892; Medical College of Indiana, 1896; initiated by Psi chapter, Sept., 1888; national treas- urer since 1900; delegate all na- tional conventions since 1898; gen- eral agent Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa; trustee, Wabash Col- LEADING GREEKS 55 lege; trustee, Indiana village for epileptics and treasurer of the board; served as police surgeon of Indianapolis, 1897-1901; medical ex- aminer for insurance companies; mem. Thirty-Second Degree, F. and A. M.; m. Edna McGillard, 1897. Address, 1624 N. Delaware St., In- dianapolis, Ind. CHRISTIE, Mary Hutton; Sigma Alpha Iota; initiated by Delta chap- ter, 1907; president of the chapter; national treasurer; national editor of fraternity magazine; delegate to national convention at Ithaca, N. Y., 1911; organist and pianist; mem. faculty of Detroit Institute of Musi- cal Art. Address, Bratshaw Apart- ments, 199 John R. St., Detroit, Mich. CHRYSLER, Alberta Oakley; Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Adrian College, 1891; initiated by Xi chapter April 9, 1884; chapter magister; delegate to national convention Canton, N. Y., 1884; author Kappa Kappa Gamma songs; delegate to Pan-Hellenic Educational Congress, Chicago, 1893; housewife and club worker; lecture, Browning and Shakespeare; former head English department Hellmuth Ladies College, London, Canada, 1889-1894; principal The Bishopthorpe School, South Bethle- hem, Penn., 1894-1899; chapter mem. National Association of Elocution- ists; spent five years in Alaska in mission and educational work; m. Walter E. Chrysler, Nov. 11, 1903. Address, Petoskey, Mich. CHURCH, F. M.; national secretary; Sigma Delta Chi; ed. University of Michigan, 1914; initated by Gamma chapter, April 23, 1913; chapter sec- retary; national secretary; delegate to national conventions, Madison 1913, Ann Arbor 1914; sporting editor "Michigan Daily," staff correspond- ent "Detroit News" and "Tribune"; publicity manager University of Michigan Athletic Association. Ad- dress, 901 Packard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. CHURCHILL, Charles Robert; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at Tulane Univer- sity, 1889; initiated by Beta Xi chapter, June, 1889; chapter presi- dent; mem. Tulane Alumni Associa- tion; editor of "Catalogue" of 1897; division president two years; na- tional vice-president four years; del- egate district conventions 1890, 1891, 1892; delegate national conven- tions 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895; presi- dent and general manager of Elec- tric Appliance Company of New Or- leans; served as volunteer in Span- ish-American War; mem. New Or- leans Association of Commerce; traveled East Indies, Central and South America; mem. Masonic or- der, Thirty-Second Degree Scottish Rite. Address, 408 Canal St., New Orleans, La. CITRON, I. Jesse; western organizer and installing officer; Alpha Phi Sigma, Alpha Sigma; ed. at College of Physicians and Surgeons, Uni- versity of Southern California; Hahnemann Medical College of the Pacific; charter member Zeta chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma; initiated by 56 LEADING GREEKS Phi chapter of Alpha Sigma; west- ern correspondent to Alpha Phi Sig- ma "Journal"; organizer of Zeta chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma; physi- cian and surgeon; m. Regina Lafee, Jan. 1, 1915. Address, 262 N. Flower St., Apt. No. 3, Los Angeles, Calif. CLARK, Dwight Freeman; Psi Upsi- lon; ed. at University of Chicago, 1903; initated by Omega chapter; physician and surgeon; mem. Ma- sons; m. Anna Keetler, 1903. Ad- dress, 1423 Judson Av., Evanston, 111. CLARK, Ephraim Wesson; national president of Theta Chi; ed. Nor- wich University, 1892; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1889; president of the chapter; formerly secretary and president of Norwich University Alumni Associaton of Boston; mem. Boston Alumni Association of Theta Chi; mem. revision of constitution and ritual committee; national sec- retary, 1909-1914; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915; civil engineer in Maintenance of Way Department of Boston Elevated Railway Co. since 1894; trustee of Norwich University; mem. I. O. O. F.; m. Harriett Isabelle White, Sept. 7, 1904. Address, 102 Otis Bldg., Medford, Mass. CLAYPOOL, Jefferson Helm; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at University of Virginia and Miami University, 1876; initiated by Eta chapter, 1872; affiliated Kappa chapter; chapter secretary; mem. Indiana Delta Kappa Epsilon Association; president Delta Kappa Epsilon Chapter House Association at Mi- ami University; m. Mary Buckner Ross, 1893. Address, 217 Law Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. CLEAVELAND, Dorothy Kendall; sec- retary of northern New York Alumnae; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at St. Lawrence University, 1912; initi- ated by New York Gamma chapter, March 20, 1914; mem. of local that became New York Gamma of PI Beta Phi; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; chapter vice-president; mem. na- tional alumnae of Pi Beta Phi; mem. northern New York Alumnae Club; alumnae mem. local Pan-Hel- lenic Conference; teacher of his- tory. Address, 11 University Ave., Canton, N. Y. CLEM, John L. Jr.; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at University of the South, 1906; initiated by Beta Theta chapter, 1903; chapter treasurer; secretary San Antonio Alumni Association; delegate to national convention; mem. firm Clem & Hersch, agents Oldsmobile; mem. A. F. and A. M., Royal Arcanum, Knights Templars, Shrine; m. Lillian E. Ben ton, Nov. 5, 1908. Address, 723 Grayson St., San Antonio, Texas. CLEMES, Julia Norton; president Chi- cago Alumnae chapter; Alpha Omi- cron Pi; ed. at Northwestern Uni- versity, 1910; initiated by Rho chap- ter, 1909; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; chapter vice-president and Pan-Hel- lenic delegate; mem. Chicago Alum- nae chapter; high school teacher, LEADING GREEKS 57 1910-1914; m. Stanley Wilson Clems, 1914. Address, 727 Foster St., Evanston, 111. CLOUD, Arthur D.; editor of Delti Chi "Quarterly"; ed. Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law, 1913; initiated by Chi- cago Kent chapter, 1910; "A" (presi- dent of the chapter); mem. "xx"; delegate to national conventions, 1910-1913; lawyer and president of Cloud Publishing Co. Address, 1100 Hartford Bldg., 8 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. COATES, Ollie Maurin (Mrs. C. E.) ; exchange editor of "Angelos"; Kap- pa Delta; ed. at Louisiana State University, 1913; initiated by Epsi- lon chapter, 1912; head of chapter; mem. Alumnae Associaton of Louis- iana State; exchange editor of "An- gelos"; mother three boys; m. Charles Edward Coates, professor of chemistry, Louisiana State. Ad- dress, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. COBB, Andrew J.; Kappa Alpha; ed. at University of Georgia, 1876; initi- ated by Gamma chapter, 1872; chap- ter office (II) ; mem. Phi Beta Kap- pa; president Athens Alumni chap- ter; mem. Atlanta Alumni chapter; delegate national convention, 1875; judge; professor of law University of Georgia, 1884-1893; dean Atlanta Law School, 1893-1898; justice Su- preme Court of Georgia, 1896-1907; presiding justice, 1905-1907; chair- man permanent committee of Geor- gia Bar Association on Revision of Judicial System and Procedure in Courts; trustee University of Geor- gia, 1891-1893; trustee Lucy Cobb In- stitute; chairman board of deacons Athens Baptist church; author of Athens, Ga., Dispensary Law; mem. American Bar Association, Georgia State Bar Association, Augusta Bar Association, Athens Bar Association; m. Starkie Campbell, Griffin, Ga., March 3, 1880. Address, P. 0. Box 155, Athens, Ga. COBB, James Orr; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; ed. at Davidson College, 1912; initiated by North Carolina Theta Jan. 6, 1909; eminent archon of chap- ter; delegate national convention Kansas City, 1910; delegate province convention Charlotte, 1910, Lynch- burg, 1912; delegate to Pan-Hellenic Council of North Carolina; real es- tate and brokerage. Address Win- ston-Salem, N. C. COBURN, Louise Helen; founder; Sig- ma Kappa; ed. at Colby College, 1877; one of five founders of the fra- ternity and Alpha chapter, 1874; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Water- hill Alumnae chapter; mem. com- mittee to revise constitution, 1911; interested in clubs, church and social improvement work. Address, Skow- hegan, Maine. COLBY, Rachel Vrooman; manager of Hall Association of Gamma Phi Be- ta; ed. University of California, 1895; initiated by Eta chapter, 1903; president of San Francisco Alumnae Association; mem. national advisory board; delegate to national conven- tion in Berkeley, 1909; alumnae delegate to Pan-Hellenic; admitted to bar but did not practice; vice- 58 LEADING GREEKS principal of high school for two years; teacher of Latin, physics and mathematics; officer in State Feder- ation of Women's Clubs and Civic League; m. William E. Colby, 1902. Address, 2901 Channing Way, Berkeley, Calif. COLE, Edward Frankly n; treasurer of Xi graduate chapter of Phi Gamma Delta; ed. Columbia University, 1886, A. M. 1887; initiated by Ome- ga chapter, 1884; mem. Columbia Alumni Association; editor of the fraternity magazine several years; president of the grand chapter; del- egate to several national conven- tions; retired manufacturer; mem. F. and A. M. ; m. Mary Lee Withers, 1906. Address, 301 West 106th St., New York City. COLE, Jesse, D. D. S.; vice-president of Xi Psi Phi; ed. Philadelphia Den- tal College, 1914; initiated by Gam- ma chapter, Oct., 1911; president, of the chapter; third vice-president of the Alumni Association of Philadel- phia Dental College; dentist; m. Dr. Elsie B. Struppler, Aug. 4, 1914. Address, 636 N. 12th St., Philadel- phia, Pa. COLE, Ruby Hasseltine; president of Alpha Alliance of Delta Delta Delta; ed. Boston University, 1906; initi- ated by Alpha chapter, 1902; vice- president of the chapter; mem. Bos- ton University Convocation; teacher of English in Dedham High School. Address, 36 Syracuse St., Roslin- dale, Mass. COLE, Warren Albert; president gov- erning board; Lambda Chi Alpha, also mem. Gamma Eta Gamma; ed. at Boston University, 1912; one of three founders of Lambda Chi Alpha and Alpha chapter, Nov. 2, 1909; chapter president; mem. Providence Alumni Association; grand presi- dent 1904-1914, registrar 1909-1913, business manager magazine 1909- 1912, traveling secretary 1912-1914; contributor of articles to "Purple, Green and Gold" and "Cross and Crescent"; delegate to three na- tional conventions; delegate inter- fraternity conference, 1914; jewelry business ; Massachusetts Highway Commission, 1911-1912; assistant at Brown Union, 1912-1913; mem. P. of H., L. 0. O. M., A. F. and A. M,; m. Lottie Mae Hathaway, Sept 13, 1910. Address, Swansea, Mass. COLEMAN, Leta; Zeta Tau Alpha, Phi Beta Sigma (honorary liter- ary); ed. at Brenan College, 1912, A. M. 1914; initiated by Omicron chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha as char- ter member, 1911; vice-president sophomore class, vice-president students union, president Cushman Club (dramatic), president of Y. W. C. A., Junior class speaker, senior valedictorian; delegate to national convention at Old Point Comfort, Va., 1912; contributor of articles to magazine; delegate and president of local Pan-Hellenic; instructor in Brenan School of Oratory. Ad- dress, Brenan College, Gainesville, Ga. COLEMAN, Phares Jr.; Kappa Alpha (Southern); ed. University of Ala- bama, A. B. 1911, LL. B. 1913; ini- LEADING GREEKS 59 tiated by Alpha Beta chapter, Sept., 1907; grand master of the chapter, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912; mem. Bir- mingham Alumni Association; secre- tary of J. L. Hardeman Province; delegate to district convention of 1912; delegate to national conven- tions of 1908 and 1912; attorney. Address, office, 923-6 First National Bank Bldg.; residence, 2310 High- land Ave., Birmingham, Ala. COLEMAN, William Macon; Theta Delta Chi; ed. at University of North Carolina, Columbia, Prince- ton, Heidelberg, Germany; alumnus University of North Carolina; grad- uated second honors, 1858; initiated by Mu chapter; first president of chapter; delegate to national con- vention, 1858; fraternity poet and song writer; contributor to frater- nity magazine; lawyer; admitted to the bar of North Carolina and Su- preme Court of the United States; attorney general of North Carolina, J.6G8; consul to Southern Prussia; editor and contributor to several newspapers; instructor in law for twenty years; at present engaged in supplying information relating to congressional legislation and the official records of members of Con- gress. Address, Evans Bldg., Washington, D. C. COLES, Elizabeth Moseley; past grand president of Alpha Delta Pi; ed. Wesleyan College, Macon, Ga., 1907; initiated by Alpha chapter, Oct., 1904; president of the chapter; mem. Atlanta Alumnae Club; presi- dent of executive council, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912; delegate to National Pan Hellenic Congress, 1911 and 1912; m. William Cruse Coles, Phi Delta Theta, Dec., 1907. Address, 21 Cleburn Ave., Atlanta, Ga. COLLINS, Mary C. Love (Mrs. H. M.); national treasurer of the Pan-Hel- lenic Congress; national president of Chi Omega; ed. Dickinson Col- lege; initiated by Delta chapter of Chi Omega; lawyer. Address, Box 69, Denver, Colo. COLSON, Henry William; grand vice- regent of Kappa Psi; ed. University of Illinois, 1910; initiated by Chi chapter, 1909; historian of the chap- ter; mem. University of Illinois Pharmacy School Alumni Associa- tion; delegate to national conven- tion at Chicago, 1913; delegate to Conference of Intermedical Fraterni- ties Chicago, 1914; instructor in chemistry of pharmacy school, Uni- versity of Illinois; pharmacist and chemist. Address, 74 E. 12th St., Chicago, 111. COLTRANE, Jenn Winslow; presi- dent; Kappa Delta; ed. Randolph- Macon Woman's College, 1906; initi- ated by Theta chapter, Oct. 27, 1903; chapter president; first Kappa Delta inspector; national treasurer; five years business manager of "An- gelos"; contributor to "Angelos"; attended every national conven- tion except the first one; worked on coat of arms, helped establish magazine, established secret sup- plement, revised constitution; in- stalled first chapter in the north; 60 LEADING GREEKS Kappa Delta delegate to National Pan-Hellenic; contributor to Banta's "Greek Exchange"; interested in so- cial service and civic work; mem. King's Daughters and on state board, Federated Woman's Club, Daughters of American Revolution. Address, 84 N. Union St., Concord, N. C. COMPTON, Frank Elbert; president; Theta Delta Chi; ed. at University of Wisconsin, 1898; initated by Sigma Deuteron, May 15, 1895; chapter president, national presi- dent; mem. Central Graduate Asso- ciation of Chicago; contributed $1,000 to the "Compton Scholarship Fund," the income to be used in awarding a prize each year to the chapter maintaining the highest scholarship average for the year; delegate inter-fraternity congress, Chicago, Illinois, 1913; educational publisher, firm of F. E. Compton & Co., 215 S. Market St., Chicago; m. Emma Blaesser, Oct 14, 1905. Ad- dress, residence, 775 Grove St., Glencoe, 111. CONGDON, Herbert Wheaton; secre- tary of insignia committee of Delta Upsilon; ed. Columbia University, 1897; initiated by Columbia chap- ter, 1894; president of the chapter; mem. New York Delta Upsilon Club and Brooklyn Delta Upsilon Club; designed coat of arms; architect; captain Twenty-Third Infantry, N. Y. N. G.; mem. Society of Colonial Wars and Sons of the American Revolution. Address, 18 Broadway, New York City. CON LEY, Walter Henry, M. D.; presi- dent of the national council of Phi Sigma Kappa; ed. Union Univer- sity, 1891; initiated by Beta chap- ter, Oct., 1888; vice-president of the chapter; mem. Beta Alumni Asso- ciation; president of the New York club; auditor and president of the national council; delegate to New York Inter-Fraternity Conference, 1913, 1914, 1915; physician and sur- geon; medical superintendent Met- ropolitan Hospital, New York City. Address, Metropolitan Hospital, New York City. CONNALLY, Thomas Whipple; Grand Zeta; Chi Phi; ed. at Emory Col- lege, Ph. B., 1902; University of Georgia, B. L., 1904; Yale Univer- sity, LL. B., 1905; initiated by Gamma chapter, Sept. 20, 1898; affiliated Eta chapter and Omicron chapter; mem. Phi Delta Phi at Yale; held every chapter office; mem. Atlanta Alumni Association and chairman executive committee; delegate to all but one national con- vention since 1900, fourteen in all; national office, grand Zeta; assisted in preparation of registers in 1908 and 1914; edited Chi Phi "Year Book" of 1904 and 1905; lawyer and real estate. Address, Connally Building, Atlanta, Ga. CONNARD, Arthur Foster; grand py- lortes in grand council of Tau Kappa Epsilon; ed. University of Illinois, 1912; initiated by Gamma chapter, Feb., 1912; charter mem- ber; mem. University of Illinois and Chicago Alumni Associations; grand LEADING GREEKS 61 pylortes since April, 1913; mechani- cal and structural engineer, design- ing conveying machinery. Address, 306 Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Aurora, 111. CONNER, Martin Sennett; Kappa Alpha (South); Phi Alpha Delta; ed. at University of Mississippi B. S. 1910, LL, B. 1912; Yale Uni- versity cum laude 1913; initiated by Alpha Upsilon chapter of Kappa Alpha, 1907; by Calhoun chapter of Phi Alpha Delta in 1912; first honor man University of Mississippi; chapter president; mem. Hatties- burg Alumni Association and Yale Alumni Association of Kappa Alpha; former associate editor of Kappa Al- pha "Journal"; delegate to national convention Birmingham, 1910; editor- in-chief "Calhoun Affairs" and of "Ole Miss," an interfrat publication, representative of fraternities before Mississippi Legislature in 1912 and lead the fight against anti-fraternity legislation; mem. University of Mississippi Pan-Hellenic Council, 1909-1912; lawyer. Address, Semi- nary, Miss. CONNOR, John Gilbert; president board of trustees of Lafayette chap- ter; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Lafayette College, 1897; initiated by Lafay- ette chapter, 1885; chapter presi- dent; largely instrumental in financ- ing and building Lafayette chapter house; mem. national board of trustees; delegate to national con- ventions, 1886, 1909, 1910; contrib- utor to magazine; president, Con- nor Millwork Co.; mem. Knights Templars, Scottish Rite Masons; m. Carrie Helen Sciple, June 25, 1889. Address, 8 Belmont Circle, Trenton, N. J. COOK, Arthur Arnold; province presi- dent of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. at University of Washington, 1911; initiated by Washington Alpha of Sigma Alpha Epsilon as a charter member, May 30, 1906; mem. Tacoma Alumni As- sociation and president; delegate to national convention Kansas City, 1910; president province Lambda; contributor to magazine; chief draftsman, office of Pierce County Engineer. Address, 621 6th Ave., Tacoma, Wash. COOK, Fanny K. Reed; Pi Beta Phi; ed. University of Michigan, 1890; initiated by Michigan Beta chapter, April, 1888; contributed to "Arrow" of Pi Beta Phi; grand vice-president and president of National Alumnae Association; attended national con- ventions at Chicago, 1893, Madison, 1897, and Syracuse, 1901; mem. O. E. S.; m. Justin T. Cook, 1905. Address R. R. 4, Homer, Mich. COOK, George; grand primarius of Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Dart- mouth College, 1869; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1890; contributed to fraternity magazine; delegate to all national conventions; physician; mem. Masons, Odd Fellows and Sons of Veterans. Address, 16 Cen- ter St., Concord, N. H. COOK, Grace Jordan (Mrs. H. W.) ; Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. at University of Arkansas B. A. 1905; initiated by Epsilon chapter as a charter 62 LEADING GREEKS member Dec. 18, 1903; chapter pres- ident; affiliated with Little Rock Alumnae Association; inspector for a number of years; installed Mu and Xi chapters; gave the first fra- ternity examinations; editor of Themis, 1904-1910; grand vice- president, 1908-1912; attended fourth, fifth, sixth national conven- tions as member of grand chapter; contributor to magazine; home maker; m. Henry Winbourn Cook, May 27, 1912. Address, 1008 W. 4th Ave., Pine Bluff, Ark. COOK, Melville Thurston; trustee; Delta Upsilon; ed. at De Pauw Uni- versity and Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1894; initiated by the De Pauw chapter, Oct., 1888; affili- ated with the Stanford chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi; chapter president; mem. In- diana Delta Upsilon club; associate editor of "Catalogue"; delegate na- tional convention Waterville, Maine, 1892; professor of plant pathology, Rutgers College; m. Dora Reavill, Alpha Phi, Sept. 8, 1897. Address, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. COOK, Wells M.; mem. of executive committee of College Fraternity Reference Bureau; Phi Kappa Sig- ma; ed. Northwestern University; member of the national executive committee of Phi Kappa Sigma; law- yer. Address, 39 S. LaSalle St., Chi- cago, 111. COOKSTON, Helen; grand vice-presi- dent of Sigma Sigma Sigma; ed. normal department of Miami Uni- versity, 1912; initiated by Kappa chapter, Nov., 1911; president of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Cincinnati Alumni Association; assisted at installation of Phi chapter; chairman of con- vention committee for 1915; dele- gate to national convention of 1913 at Buffalo, N. Y. Address, 243 Ava- lon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. COONEY, Nelson R.; grand president of Sigma Phi Epsilon; ed. Ohio Northern University, 1905; initiated by Ohio Alpha chapter, April 8, 1905; contributed to fraternity mag- azine; delegate to national conven- tion at Philadelphia, 1906; attorney at law; now developing land in Ari- zona; mem. F. and A. M., Dunkirk Lodge 549, Ada chapter Royal Arch Masons No. 138, Wooster Council No. 13, R. and S. ML; m. Lata B. Harbach, June 1, 1908. Address, Box 42, Falleson, Ariz. COOPER, Daniel William; a founder; Sigma Chi; ed. at Miami University, 1857; initiated with Alpha chapter as a charter member, being one of the founders of Sigma Chi; chapter president; minister; m. Jane Skin- ner, Oct. 6, 1859. Address, 546 Del- aware Ave., Marion, Ohio. COOVER, Winfred Forrest V.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Ohio State Uni- versity, A. M., 1903; A. B., Otter- bein University, 1900; summer school at Columbia University; cap- tain of football team, 1898, and coach and president of the athletic association, 1899; captain of football team at Ohio State University, LEADING GREEKS 63 1902; mem. Sigma Xi, Gamma Sig- ma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Lambda Upsilon (honorary) ; mem. Otterbein and Ohio State University Alumni Association; treasurer of the Iowa Gamma Association of S. A. E., 1909; professor of chemis- try and chairman of Department of Chemistry at Ohio State University; mem. Masons, American Chemical Society and National Geographic So- ciety; m. Effle R. Richer, Dec. 28, 1904. Address, Campus, Ames, la. CORBETT, Elizabeth; editor-in-chief "Angelos" of Kappa Delta; ed. at Florida State College for Women, 1911, B. S.; initiated by Kappa Al- pha chapter, 1909; secretary of chapter; delegate to national con- vention, 1911; attended National Pan-Hellenic Congress; delegate to editors' conference, 1913; editor of "Secret Magazine." Address, 230 Gilmore St., Jacksonville, Fla. CORBETT, Elizabeth F.; alumni and exchange editor of "Quarterly" of Al- pha Gamma Delta; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1910; initiated by Beta chapter, February 22, 1907; national Pan-Hellenic Congress delegate, 1911- 12-13; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; secre- tary, 1911-13; mem. University Alumni Association; author of So- rority Memorial Service; contribu- tor to Alpha Gamma Delta "Quar- terly"; suffrage worker. Address, National Home, Wisconsin. CORNELIUS, Milton E.; member of governing body; Delta Chi, Acacia; ed. at University of Nebraska A. B. 1907, LL. B. 1909; initiated by Ne- braska chapter as a charter member, 1909; mem. Daleth chapter of Aca- cia; installing officer of Ames chap- ter of Acacia; mem. Los Angeles Alumni chapter of Delta Chi; mem. of governing board; delegate na- tional convention, 1913; investment broker; Thirty-Second Degree Ma- son, Shriner. Address, Bankers Club, Los Angeles, Calif. COWLES, Frederick Ragland; presi- dent of Zeta Province of Phi Delta Theta; ed. at University of Kansas, 1905; also at Missouri School of Mines; initiated by Kansas Alpha chapter, October, 1904; secretary of Kansas Alpha Alumni Association since 1905; secretary of Missouri Valley Association of District Offi- cers, 1910; vice-president of Zeta Province, 1906-10; president of Zeta Province, 1910; contributor to "Scroll" of Phi Delta Theta; dele- gate to Pittsburgh national conven tion, 1908; delegate to Niagara Falls national convention, 1910; delegate to Chicago national convention, 1912; delegate to Des Moines, Iowa, district convention, 1905; presiding officer of Province conventions at Evanston, 1907; Kansas City, Mo., 1909; St. Louis, Mo., 1911; Madison, Wis., 1913; secured charter for Kan- sas Beta of Washburn College, 1910; installed officers of South Dakota Alpha at University of South Da- kota, 1906; installed officers of Kan- sas Beta at Washburn College, 1910; installed officers of Colorado Beta at Colorado College, 1913; installed officers of Iowa Gamma at Iowa 64 LEADING GREEKS State College, Ames, Iowa, 1913; founded system of chapter advisors; school teacher. Address 1409 Ten- nessee Ave., Lawrence, Kan. COWLES, Luzerne Simeon; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, 1897; initiated by Massachusetts Iota Tau, March 10, 1894; eminent archon of chapter; president Boston Alumni Association, treasurer chapter board of trustees, delegate province Alpha conventions, 1897, 1898, 1910; associate editor of "Record" 1895; treasurer province Alpha, 1908-1910; civil engineer with engineer of structures, Boston Elevated Railway Co.; m. Amy E. Olmsted, June 11, 1902. Address, 15 Dwight St., Brookline, Mass. COX, Albert Lyman; past province president of province Gamma of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of North Carolina, 1904; initiated by N. C. Xi chapter, Sept. 16, 1901; eminent archon of the chapter; mem. Raleigh Alumni Association; delegate to several district conven- tions; delegate to national conven- tion of 1909; attorney-at-law ; mem. Masons and Knights of Pythias; m. Arabel Parker Nash, Dec. 1, 1909. Address, 407-8 Tucker Bldg., Ra- leigh, N. C. COXE, Fred Jackson; president of general council; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at University of North Carolina, 1899; initiated by North Carolina Beta chapter, 1897; chapter presi- dent; mem. Wadesboro Alumni Club; president of Beta province; secretary to general council; dele- gate to interfraternity convention, 1908; attorney-at-law; Mason; m. Elizabeth M. Dunlap, April 25, 1905. Address, Wadesboro, N. C. CRABBS, Leo Barr; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at Kansas University, 1903; initiated by Kansas Alpha, 1902; chronicler of chapter; mem. Kansas City Alumni Association; treasurer Union Bank Note Co.; Thirty-Second Degree Mason; m. Mary Scott Johnson, Dec. 6, 1911. Address, 303 W. 10th, Kansas City, Mo. CRAIG, John J.; chancellor of Lambda district of Delta Theta Phi; ed. University of Southern California, 1913; initiated by Field Senate, 1911; tribune to national senate from chapter; mem. Stanford Al- umni Association of Delta Theta Phi; attorney-at-law; mem. B. P. 0. E., N. S. G. W., T. F. B. Ad- dress, 321 Washington Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. CRAIG, Lillian Sinclair; grand worthy representative of Sigma Iota Chi; ed. Belmont College; initiated by Zeta chapter, Feb., 1912; worthy matron of the chapter; delegate to national convention at St. Louis, Mo. Address, Navasota, Texas. CRANE, Grace Binney; Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Boston University, 1902; initiated by Phi chapter, Nov., 1898; secretary and treasurer of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; secretary of Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumni Association of Boston; alumnae delegate to Pan-Hellenic LEADING GREEKS 65 one year. Address, 385 Quincy Ave., Braintree, Mass. CRANN, Lois Smith (Mrs. James H./; national inspector of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Simpson College, Indi- anola, la., 1905; initiated by Mu chapter, 1906; charter member of chapter; business manager of the "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega for two years; delegate to national conven- tion of 1911; chairman of National Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1913-1914; delegate to Chicago Greek Confer- ence of 1913; m. James H. Crann, 1907. Address, 610 Colorado St., Davenport, la. CRAWFORD, Lulu Parker; grand vice-president; Delta Gamma; ed. at Buchtel College 1895, Emerson Col- lege 1897; initiated by Eta chapter, 1891; chapter president; attended four national conventions; delegate national convention at Evanston; grand vice-president; author several songs; contributor to magazine, spe- cial work on fraternity examina- tions; m. Robert Kingsley Craw- ford, 1901. Address, 106 Hamilton Ave., Akron, Ohio. CRAWFORD, Robert Percy; recording and corresponding secretary of Pittsburgh Alumni Association of Phi Kappa Psi; ed. Lafayette Col- lege, 1912; initiated by Penn. Theta chapter, Sept., 1908; correspondent to the "Shield" of Phi Kappa Psi; oiJ operator with William J. Craw- ford Co. Address, office, 1008 Hartje Bldg., 14 Wood St.; residence 307 Oakland Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. CRAWFORD, William Blaxham; grand historian of Kappa Alpha; ed. at Washington and Lee University, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, September, 1903; secretary of chap- ter; delegate to many national con- ventions; delegate to all district con- ventions since 1903; province com- mander two years; regular contrib- uting editor to Kappa Alpha maga- zine for eleven years; organized two active and two alumni chapters; lawyer; mem. Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E.; m. Aeneid Barlow, May 1, 1911. Address, Kissimmee, Fla. CR ITCH LOW, George Read; ex-grand president of Phi Alpha Gamma; Delta Tau Delta, Phi Alpha Gamma, Phi Beta Kappa; ed. at Wooster University, Amherst College, 1895, Hahnemann Medical College, 1898; initiated by Psi chapter of Delta Tau Delta, Oct., 1891; charter mem- ber of Gamma chapter of Phi Al- pha Gamma; founder and vice- president Phi Beta Kappa Club of Buffalo; mem. Buffalo Alumni As- sociation of Delta Tau Delta and Buffalo alumni chapter of Phi Alpha Gamma; grand president of Phi Alpha Gamma, 1897; delegate to every national convention of Phi Alpha Gamma; contributor to Phi Alpha Gamma "Quarterly"; author of Phi Alpha Gamma ritual; sur- geon to Erie County Hospital and Buffalo Homeopathic Hospital; m. Kate B. Buell, Dec., 1904. Address, 647 S. Lafayette Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. CROSETT, Frederick Melvin; trustee and director of the corporation Delta Upsilon; ed. at New York Uni- 66 LEADING GREEKS versity, 1884; initiated by New York chapter, April, 1881; chapter vice-president; chapter trustee and president of board of trustees; chap- ter editor and associate editor 1902 "Catalogue"; alumni secretary of chapter since 1899; chairman com- mittee on Delta Upsilon Semi-Cen- tennial Convention, New York City, 1884; chairman of committee on publication of the "Delta Upsilon Annual," 1884-1888; treasurer and trustee of New York Delta Upsilon Club, 1887-1890; assisted in editing 1884 and 1891 Delta Upsilon "Cata- logue"; was member executive coun- cil, 1883-1888, and its secretary three years; associate founder and chairman of committee to establish chapters of Delta Upsilon at Lafay- ette, Columbia, Lehigh, Tufts and De Pauw; associate editor "Our Record," 1886; attended all but two national conventions since 1880, mak- ing a total of thirty-two attended; business manager and editor-in- chief of "Quarterly" 1883-1892; mem. New York and New England Delta Upsilon clubs; corporation official, president and director Con- tracting Co. of America, secretary Caribbean-American Development Co., chairman board of directors Plymouth Seam Face Granite Co., president Mutual Warehouse Co., president and general manager Wern Stone Paving Co/; aide-de camp with rank of major to Gov. Charles E. Hughes; mem. Founders and Patriots of America, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolu- tion, New York State Historical As- sociation, Kane Lodge F. and A. M., Coeur De Lion Commandery, Knights Templars, Jerusalem chap- ter Royal Arch Masons, Mecca Tem- ple of Mystic Shrine, prominent clubman; m. Annie H. Kidd, June 6, 1889. Address, 101 Park Ave., New York City. CROSSLEY, Moses Leverock; Sigma Nu; ed. at Brown University, 1909; founder of local that became Delta Lambda chapter of Sigma Nu, be- ing initiated after graduation, June, 1912; mem. Sigma Xi; mem. Provi- dence Alumni Association of Sigma Nu; delegate fourteenth district con- vention, 1914; professor of chemis- try Wesleyan University; m. Elise E. McCausland, Alpha Omicron Pi, Jan., 1914. Address, 80 Pearl St., Middletown, Conn. CROSWELL, Mary Sybel; Sigma Kap- pa; ed. Colby College, 1896; initi- ated by Alpha chapter, 1892; vice- president of the chapter; contrib- uted to fraternity magazine; mem. Portland Alumni Association; grand secretary pro-tern at Syra- cuse convention; delegate to na- tional conventions at Syracuse and Waterville ; physician, (specialist ear, nose and throat; mem. Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, Rebeccahs, Grange. Address, Farm- ington, Maine. CROW, Martha Foote; founder of Alpha Phi; ed. Syracuse University, 1876; Alpha chapter, Sept., 1872; president of the chapter; wrote some songs and the ritual; mem. Syracuse University, Wellesley Col- LEADING GREEKS 67 lege, Grinell College, Universities of Chicago and Northwestern Alumni Associations; grand president of Al- pha Phi in early years; author and teacher; traveled in Etirope and Great Britain extensively; lady principal and dean of women in sev- eral schools and colleges; m. John M. Crow, Ph. D. Address, Tucka- hoe, New York City, N. Y. CULBERTSON, B. Keith; Sigma Chi; ed. at Missouri University, 1907; in- itiated by Xi Xi chapter, fall of 1903; chapter secretary; mem. Sig- ma Chi Alumni Association of Okla- homa; organizer of Oklahoma Uni- versity chapter; delegate to national convention Pittsburgh, to district convention Fayetteville, Ark.; sec- retary Oklahoma City alumni; gulf coast representative Thos. D. Mur- phy Co.; Thirty-Second Degree Ma- son, Shrine, Elks; m. Lila M. King, July 28, 1909. Address, Box 822, Beaumont, Texas. CULBERTSON, John Giffen; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Pennsylvania State College, 1907; initiated by Pennsylvania Alpha Zeta, Oct. 1, 1903; eminent archon of chapter; first president Pennsylvania Alpha Zeta Association; delegate to district conventions, 1904, 1906; to national convention, 1906; secretary and manager Wichita Falls Motor Co.; vico-president Wichita Falls Gas Co.; mem. Elks, Masons, Rotary Club. Address, Wichita Falls, Texas. CUNNINGHAM, Kenneth Reese; na- tional treasurer; Delta Kappa Epsi- lon; ed. at Amherst College, 1909; initiated by Sigma chapter, Oct., 1905; chapter treasurer; mem. Del- ta Kappa Epsilon alumni clubs of Pittsburgh, Western Pennsylvania and Amherst; delegate to national convention Hartford, 1908; attorney- at-law; m. Edna Chipman Moehr- ing, Oct. 14, 1912. Address, 501 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. CURL, Joseph Ryland; exchange edi- tor; Sigma Phi Epsilon; ed. at George Washington University B. S. 1909, LL. B. 1911; initiated by District of Columbia Alpha, Oct. 9, 1909; was co-organizer and charter member of the local and was initi- ated when the chapter was in- stalled; mem. District of Columbia Alumni Association; reported 1910 and 1912 conclaves; exchange editor Sigma Phi Epsilon "Journal"; con- tributed to magazine; lawyer, firm of Erskine, Palmer & Curl; sec- retary and instructor department of law George Washington Univer- sity, 1910-1912; mem. University Club of Wheeling. Address, 100 Schmulbach Bldg., Wheeling, W. Va. CUR REN S, Mrs. Gertrude Fitz- Ran- dolph; president of province Epsi- lon of Pi Beta Phi two terms; ed. University of Colorado, 1900; initi- ated by Colorado Alpha chapter, March, 1896; president of the chap- ter; mem. Boulder Alumni Associa- tion; attended national conventions of 1898 and 1899; mem. Daughters of the American Revolution; m. Rev. J. Wilson Current, 1898. Ad- 68 LEADING GREEKS dress, 1445 Grandview Ave., Bould- er, Colo. CURRY, Dalfers P., M. D.; permanent chairman of extension committee of Phi Chi, 1903-1906; ed. University of Louisville, 1903; initiated by Ep- silon chapter, now Alpha Alpha chapter, 1900; charter member of chapter; treasurer and grand repre- sentative of the chapter; delegate to national convention of 1903; field director Rockefeller Hookworm Committee, State Board of Health of Kentucky; mem. Masons, Knights of Pythias, W. O. W., Royal Arch Mason; m. Katherine McNeal, 1908. Address, Saint Charles, Ky. CURTIS, Harry A.; grand master al- chemist of Alpha Chi Sigma; mem, Sigma Nu, Gamma Alpha, Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Chi fraternities ; ed. at University of Colorado and University of Wisconsin; initiated by Eta chap- ter June, 1908; master alchemist of chapter; delegate to national con- vention, 1912; vice grand master al- chemist; contributor to "Hexagon" of Alpha Chi Sigma; assistant pro- fessor of chemistry, University of Colorado; m. Irene Hall, 1911. Ad- dress, 912 Lincoln PL, Boulder, Colo. CURTIS, James B., president of the inter-fraternity conference ; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at Butler College, 1881; initiated by Beta Zeta chap- ter, 1878; mem. Chicago and New York Alumni Associations, national president of Delta Tau Delta; con- tributor to magazine; delegate to inter-fraternity conference, New York, and at present the chief ex- ecutive of the same; lawyer; six years member Indiana House of Representatives, corporation coun- sel, City of Indianapolis, served as captain of Battery A, Indianapolis Light Artillery, in active service in Porto Rico, Spanish-American war; mem. Masons, Knights of Pythias; m. Jennette Cutler. Address, 115 Broadway, New York City. CUSHMAN, Jeannette Allen; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Albion College, 1893; initiated by Beta chapter, October, 1890; president of the chapter; mem. Delta Delta Alum- nae chapter; national president; in- strumental in establishing Delta Delta Alumnae chapter and her first president; delegate to national conventions at De Pauw Univer- sity, 1891; mem. Daughters of the American Revolution; m. Herbert W. Cushman, Oct., 1895. Address, 1525 Poinsettia PI., Los Angeles, Calif. CUSHMAN, Orville Ellsworth; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at University of South Dakota, 1912; initiated by South Dakota Sigma, Nov. 1, 1911; eminent archon of chapter; trustee in chapter house association, dele- gate to national convention, Nash- ville, 1912; i chemist, assistant in University of California, formerly chemist South Dakota State Food and Drug Laboratory; mem, Ma- son. Address 203 Forest Ave., Ver- million, S. D. CYKLER, Emil F.; founder Nu chap- ter; Theta Xi; ed. at University of LEADING GREEKS 69 California, 1911; initiated with Nu chapter, March, 1909, of which he was founder and charter member; mem. ,Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Xi; deputy grand lecturer of chapter; built $40,000 house for Nu chap- ter, 1915; delegate national conven- tion, New York, 1913, chairman of district convention, San Francisco, 1915, national office deputy grand lecturer, province office deputy grand lecturer, contributor to mag- azine; civil and consulting struc- tural engineer; mem. Rotary Club of San Francisco; m. Beatrice Treu- ler, Alpha Omicron Pi, Stanford, Sept. 30, 1913. Address, 2810 Ashby Ave., Berkeley, Calif. D DAGGETT, Vivian Sloan; president Texas Alumni chapter; Beta Sigma Omicron; ed. at Christian College, Columbia, Mo., 1911; initiated by Gamma chapter, February, 1910; chapter president; mem. Lambda Mu; m. Charles Daggett, May 2, 1912. Address, 2204 Fairmount Ave., Ft. Worth, Texas. DANCY, Frank Battle; Phi Kappa Sig- ma; ed. at University of North Carolina, 1881; initiated by Lamb- da chapter, 1877; chapter president; raised funds for and supervised the building of first chapter house in the fraternity at Chapel Hill, N. C. in 1887; national president, 1890-91, contributor to magazine, delegate to national convention; manufactur- er with F. S. Royster Guano Co.; m. Elizabeth H. Grimes, Raleigh, N. C., Dec. 8, 1887. Address, 1604 Munsey Bldg., Baltimore, Md. DANIELS, Richard D.; president Washington Alumni chapter; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at George Washing- ton University, 1909; initiated by Gamma Eta chapter, 1906; mem. Washington Alumni chapter, chair- man southeastern conference, 1914; lawyer; mem. Washington Country Club. Address, 1033 Newton St., Brookland, Washington, D. C. DAVEY, Berten M.; supreme archon, Phi Beta Pi; ed. at Detroit College of Medicine, 1905; initiated by Kap- pa chapter, 1903; vice archon of chapter; delegate national conven- tion, Chicago, 1903; member su- preme council, delegate district con- vention, 1905; delegate inter-fra- ternity convention of medical fra- ternities, Chicago, May 30, 1914; general surgeon; m. Genevieve M. Luger, June 27, 1906. Address, 1001 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, Mich. DAVIS, Abigail L.; national inspector, Alpha Delta Pi; ed. at Randolph Macon Woman's College, University of Chicago, 1913; initiated by Nu chapter,, 1907; chapter president; attended, 1909; delegate, 1911, 1913 national conventions, planned and managed Chicago convention, 1913, drew up system uniform chapter ac- counting, contributor to magazine; delegate convention of all fraterni- ties, June, 1913, at Chicago, which established the College Fraternity Reference Bureau; delegate Nation- 70 LEADING GREEKS al Pan-Hellenic, 1913. Address, 320 Lamar St., Weatherford, Texas. DAVIS, Mrs. Anna Bruce Houston; historian of Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. Virginia State Normal, 1900; ini- tiated by Alpha chapter; contrib- uted to fraternity magazine; second grand vice-president; m. William Emrys Davis, June 24, 1902. Ad- dress, Jellico, Tenn. DAVIS, Benjamin Marshall; librarian of Phi Delta Theta; ed. at Butler College, Indianapolis, Ind., 1890; initiated by Indianapolis Gamma chapter, 1885; president of chapter; mem. Oxford, Ohio Alumni Associa- tion; mem. Los Angeles, California Alumni Association; delegate to sev- eral district conventions; college professor; author of "Agricultural Education in Public Schools"; di- rector of educational extension at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio; m. Emma Johnson (Kappa Kappa Gam- ma), 1912. Address, Oxford, Ohio. DAVIS, Charles Hugh; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi; ed. at Iowa State University, University of Michigan, 1896; initiated by Lambda chapter of Beta Theta Pi, January, 1891; chapter president, delegate national convention Nantasket Beach, Mass., delegate national convention Phi Delta Phi, Washington, D. C., 1898, pro-consul and consul, 1898-'99, pres- ident Chicago Alumni chapter; credit man, C. D. Peacock, jewelers; mem. Masons, Elks, Loyal Legion; m. Ella R. Peacock, 1905. Address, 5300 East End, Chicago, 111. DAVIS, Hope; grand vice-president of Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. Brown University, 1906; initiated by Alpha Epsilon chapter, November, 1902; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Indianapolis Al- umnae Association of Kappa Alpha Theta; grand vice-president of na- tional organization; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1905 and 1913; president of Indianapolis City Pan-Hellenic. Address, 2051 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. DAVIS, Thomas Alexander; reporter of general council; Phi Delta The- ta; ed. at Wabash College, 1896; initiated by Indiana Beta chapter, October, 1894; chapter president; mem. Goshen-Elkhart Alumni Club; chapter house commissioner, 1906- '08, historian of general council, 1910-11, reporter of general council, 1911, president of Epsilon province, 1919-1910, the national editor of "Scroll and Palladium"; delegate inter-fraternity gathering, Chicago, May 30, 1913, which established the College Fraternity Reference Bu- reau, delegate national inter-frater- nity conference, 1913; attorney at law; m. Charlotte Parry Carmien, Jan. 3, 1912. Address, Goshen, Ind. DAVIS, Thomas Carroll; grand scribe of Omega Upsilon Phi; ed. Jefferson Medical College, 1909; initiated by Rho chapter, May 1, 1906; senior master of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Qua- ker City Alumni Association; in- strumental in organizing three chapters; senior grand master and grand scribe; delegate to national LEADING GREEKS 71 conventions of 1909, 1910 and 1914; physician; mem. F. and A. M.; m. Julia S. Adams Sept. 10, 1912. Ad- dress, 2408 W. Allegheny Ave., Phil- adelphia, Pa. DAWES, Charles G.; national presi- dent; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Marietta College, 1884; initiated by Marietta chapter; m. Caro Dana Blymyers. Address, 125 W. Monroe St., Chi- cago, 111. DAWSON, Eric Allen; former presi- dent of province Theta of Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. at University of Mississippi, 1908; initiated by Mis- sissippi Gamma chapter, Nov. 5, 1905; eminent archon of chapter; delegate to province Theta conven- tion, 1908; president of province Theta, 1907; attended Atlantic City national convention, S. A. E., 1909; assistant professor of modern lan- guages, University of Mississippi, 1909-1914; faculty of the University of Illinois, 1915. Address, Cham- paign, 111. DAYTON, Arthur Spencer; Delta Tau Delta, Phi Alpha Delta (law); ed. at West Virginia University, Yale University, 1909; initiated by Gam- ma Delta chapter of Delta Tau Del- ta, 1904; initiated by Calhoun chap- ter of Phi Alpha Delta, 1909; dele- gate national convention Delta Tau Delta, 1905; contributor to "Rain- bow" of Delta Tau Delta; attorney at law, author of legal articles. Ad- dress, Philippi, W. Va. DEAL, Don W.; Phi Kappa Psi; ed. at Northwestern University, 1904; initiated by Illinois Alpha chapter, 1900; mem. Phi Rho Sigma; mem. Springfield Alumni chapter; sur- geon; m. Sarah Merkel, 1906. Ad- dress, Leland Office Bldg., Spring- field, 111. DECKMAN, Edward John; chief of sixth district of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Dennison University, 1904; initiated by Alpha Eta chapter, April 18, 1901; manufacturers' agent or broker in power house machinery; m. Caroline I. Woodrow, June 26, 1914. Address, office, 1417 Oliver Bldg.; residence, 6968 Bennett St., Pittsburgh, Pa. DeGraff, Lawrence; grand praetor of sixth province of Sigma Chi; ed. University of Chicago, 1898; ini- tiated by Omicron Omicron chapter, 1897; tribune of the chapter; mem. Chicago and Des Moines Alumni As- sociations; consul of grand chapter, 1913; delegate to various district conventions; delegate to national convention at Oxford, Ohio; judge of district court since 1910, assist- ant attorney general of Iowa, 1904- 1907; prosecuting attorney Polk county, 1907-1910; m. Grace L. Clark, 1901. Address, 639 40th St., Des Moines, la. DE HAVEN, Jessamine B.; president of third district of Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. Allegheny College, 1910; initiated by Mu chapter, Nov. 9, 1907; corresponding secretary of the chapter; mem. Pittsburgh Alum- nae Association; attended national convention of 1913 at New York; teacher in Coraopolis High School. 72 LEADING GREEKS Address, 719 School St., Coraopolis, Pa. DENIOUS, Wilbur Franklin; worthy grand procurator; Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; ed. Baker Univer- sity, 1898; Denver University, 1902; initiated by Beta Omicron chapter of Kappa Sigma, 1896; mem. Den- ver Alumni chapter, delegate sev- eral district conventions, delegate national convention, 1902; national offices, W. G. M. C. and W. G. P., district grand master, contributor to magazine ; delegate inter-fraternity conference New York City, 1912 and 1913; lawyer; mem. Knights Temp- lars, Shrine; m. Edith J. Boughton, 1905. Address, 815 E. & C. Bldg., Denver, Colo. DENNIS, Lindley Hoag; national high chronicler and editor; Alpha Zeta; ed. at Pennsylvania State College, 1912; Initiated by Morrill chapter, 1909; chancellor of chapter; dele- gate national convention, 1912, 1914; editor "Alpha Zeta Quarterly"; in charge agricultural education in public schools of Pennsylvania; m. Geraldine C. Conner. Address, Vo- cational Division, Capital, Harris- burg, Pa. DENNIS, Myrta Kean; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. at Northwestern Uni- versity School of Music, 1906; ini- tiated by Gamma chapter, 1901; chapter secretary, alumni advisor to chapter; charter mem. Alpha Alpha chapter, Chicago Alumni chapter; delegate national conventions Greeitf- castle, 1906; Detroit, 1910; grand treasurer, 1908-1910; inspector, 1910, 1912; business manager "Lyre," 1909-1910; editor-in-chief, 1908, song book now in use; a contributor to the "Lyre"; served on organization, constitution and "Lyre" subscriptions committees; delegate at inter-soror- ity conference; instructor in piano, Northwestern University School of Music, 1907-1908; instructor and later director of music department of Red River Valley University, 1902- 1904; m. Ralph B. Dennis, Delta Tau Delta, 1904. Address, 731 Clin- ton PI., Evanston, 111. DENNISON, Walter Emerson; Beta Theta Pi; ed. Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1877; initiated by Theta chapter, 1875; chapter secretary; mem. San Francisco Alumni Asso- ciation; delegate national conven- tion, 1877, 1879; secretary national convention, 1879; business man- ager magazine, 1879-1880; frequent contributor to magazine; president Steiger Terra Cotta and Pottery "Works; mem. Sons of American Revolution, Colonial Governors; m. Isabella Baxter Richardson, 1882. Address, 2150 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda, Calif. DEPUTY, Earl Whedon; secretary Cincinnati Alumni Association; Phi Kappa Psi; ed. nt Ohio Wesleyan University, 1908; initiated by Ohio Alpha chapter, Feb. 19, 1907; chap- ter chaplain; mem. and secretary Cincinnati Alumni Association; bond salesman for Stacy & Braun. Address, 6213 Madison Road, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. DERGE, Marie; president of San LEADING GREEKS 73 Francisco Alumnae chapter of Gam- ma Phi Beta; ed. University of Cali- fornia, 1911; initiated by Eta chap- ter, 1907; president of the chapter; mem. Collegiate Alumni Associa- tion; treasurer of Gamma Phi Beta Hall Association; mem. of various committees; art student. Address, 2514 Etna St., Berkeley, Calif. DEWITT, John Hebbett; former na- tional president of Phi Delta Theta; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. at Vander- bilt University, 1894; initiated by Tennessee Alpha chapter, 1891; president of chapter; mem. Nash- ville Alumni Association; delegate to national conventions, 1894, 1896, 1900, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910; province president, 1898-1900; editor the "Scroll," 1904-1906; treasurer of the General Council, 1900-1904; edi- tor-in-chief of "Palladium," 1904-06; editor of Year Book, 1907; attorney- at-law ; mem. Masonic order, Knights of Pythias; m. Rebeca Ward, 1899. Address, 904-6-8 Stahlman Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. DICKOVER, Georgia Alberta; grand historian of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. Syracuse University, 1907; ini- tiated by Alpha chapter, 1904; char- ter mem.; president of the chapter; edited chapter history; mem. New York Alumnae Association and Wilkes Barre College Alumni Asso- ciation; province inspector; asso- ciate editor of the "Quarterly"; edi- tor-in-chief; edited Alpha Kamma Delta History, directory, 1912, con- vention minutes; contributed to Banta's Greek Exchange and "Cres- cent" of Gamma Phi Beta; delegate to national conventions of 1907, 1909, 1911; delegate to grand coun- cil meetings of 1912 and to district conventions of 1909 and 1911; teacher and Y. W. C. A. volunteer worker. Address, 18 W. Ross St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. DIM MICK, Anna Morris; Gamma Phi Beta; ed. at Goucher College, 1899; initiated by Zeta chapter, Nov., 1895; editor of "The Crescent"; mem. Pan Hellenic Association of Cleveland and mem. executive board; teacher Central High School, Cleveland, Ohio. Address, 2057 E. 88th St., Cleveland, Ohio. DOAN, Fletcher W.; Kappa of Gamma chapter; Sigma Chi; ed. at Ohio Wesleyan University, 1867; initi- ated by Gamma chapter, 1865; mem. Phoenix Alumni chapter; lawyer; associate justice Supreme Court of Arizona, 1897-1912; m. Anna Mur- ray, 1873. Address, 1009 8th St., Douglas, Ariz. DODD, Louis Frederic; treasurer and member executive council; Alpha Delta Phi; ed. at Columbia Univer- sity, 1895; initiated by Manhattan chapter, 1889; chapter president; chairman executive council, 1911- 1913; delegate national conventions 1895, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913; delegate inter-fraternity conference, 1912; lawyer; m. Florence H. de Bary, Dec., 1897. Address, 52 Broadway, New York City. DOLE, Charles Sumner; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi; ed. at Leland Stanford Junior University, 1899; 74 LEADING GREEKS initiated by Lambda Sigma chapter, 1894; mem. Territory of Hawaii Al- umni Association; delegate national convention, 1897; lawyer. Address, P. O. Box 125, Lihue, Hawaii. DONNELLY, Emmett A.; member of the executive committee of the Col- lege Fraternity Reference Bureau; Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; served as province president for Phi Gamma Delta; national secretary of Phi Delta Phi; lawyer. Address, Wells Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. DOOLITTLE, Lewis Joseph; province president; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Cornell University, 1893; initi- ated by New York Alpha, 1892; emi- nent archon of chapter; president New York Alumni Association; province president; delegate na- tional conventions 1892, 1893, 1894, 1906, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1914; special- ist patent and trade-mark law; vice president and director Hygienic Soap Granulator; mem. Masons, Shrine, Elks; m. Minnie Randall, 1898. Address, 2 Rector St., New York City. DOUGLAS, Hamilton; past grand con- sul and mem. of grand council of Sigma Chi; ed. University of Mich- igan, 1887; initiated by Theta The- ta chapter, 1878; grand consul of the chapter; delegate to national con- ventions of Sigma Chi at Chicago 1882, Cincinnati 1907; Chicago 1909, Pittsburgh, 1911, Oxford, 1913; was chairman of committee for frater- nity defense Mississippi case; lawyer; practiced in Atlanta, Ga., twenty-eight years; dean of Atlanta Law School; mem. Masons and Odd Fellows and held the following offi- ces in Knights of Pythias: Grand chancellor for state of Georgia for one year, supreme representative' of Georgia for twelve years, supreme tribune for Georgia; visited all na- tional conventions of Knights of Pythias for past twenty-five years; m. Corinne Williams, Aug. 13, 1886, at Wyoming, la. Address, Atlanta National Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. DOW, Hiram Millett; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi; ed. at Washington and Lee University, 1908; initiated by Virginia Beta chapter of Kappa Psi, 1906; charter member Tucker chapter Phi Delta Phi; grand proe- drus of chapter; delegate national convention Washington ; delegate district convention, Vanderbilt, 1908; vice-president and organizer Pecos Valley Pan-Hellenic Associa- tion, 1908; lawyer, firm of Dow and Fort; former city attorney of Ros- well and author city manager ordi- nance; Thirty-Second Degree Ma- son; mem. B. P. O. E.; m. Ella Lea Bedell, Aug. 8, 1913, at Roswell, N. M. Address, 702 North Richard- son, Roswell, N. M. DOWNEY, David George; Delta Kap- pa Epsilon; ed. Wesleyan Univer- sity, 1884; initiated by Gamma Phi chapter, 1880; mem. of the council of Delta Kappa Epsilon and editor of the "Quarterly," 1889-1891; book editor for the Methodist Episcopal Church; m. Lillian M. Terrill, June 2, 1887. Address, 150 5th Ave., New York City. LEADING GREEKS 75 DRAKE, George B.; chief of third province of Alpha Tau Omega; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. University of Colorado, 1905; initiated by Colo- rado Gamma Lambda chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, Oct. 29, 1902; chaplain of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Colo- rado Alumni Association of Alpha Tau Omega; attorney at law. Ad- dress, 307 Foster Bldg., Denver, Colo. DRAKE, Kate Calkins; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Albion College, 1902; initiated by Beta chapter, Oct., 1897; president of the chapter; mem. Alpha Alpha and Chicago Alumnae Asso- ciation; grand president, 1902- 1906; delegate to national conven- tion at Boston, 1900; m. Rollin L. Drake, Delta Upsilon, Oct. 20, 1909. Address, 2002 Proctor St., Port Ar- thur, Texas. DRAKE, Tracy C.; president North- western Alumni Association of Del- ta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1886; initiated by Psi-Omega chapter, 1882; presi- dent national convention of 1884; delegate to fifteen national conven- tions; mem. of national council; contributed to song book and "Quar- terly" of Delta Kappa Epsilon; dele- gate to Chicago Greek conference of 1913; mem. committee on anti-fra- ternity legislation; president of the Drake Hotel Co., owners and opera- tors of the Blackstone Hotel, Chica- go. Address, The Blackstone Hotel. Chicago, 111. DRISCOLL, James Gwynne; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at Wittenberg College, 1905; initiated by Alpha Gamma chapter, Sept. 22, 1902; vice-presi- dent of chapter; attended national conventions, 1903, 1904, 3909; at- tended district conventions, 1903, 1904; secretary of Wittenberg Alum- ni Association Beta Theta Pi, 1908- 14; with the Safety Emory Wheel Co., Springfield, Ohio; mem. Ma- sonic lodge and A. A. O. N. M. S.; m. Vera Isabel Rose Nov. 28, 1910, Address, 1114, So. Fountain Ave., Springfield, Ohio. DRISKELL, William Emmett; supreme sentinel; Xi Psi Phi; ed. at North Pacific College, 1914; initiated by Alpha Epsilon chapter, 1912; chief herald of chapter; mem. National Alumni Association of Xi Psi Phi; delegate national convention Minne- apolis, Feb., 1914, and elected su- preme sentinel; dentist. Address, 856-7 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Ore. DUDLEY, Mrs. Margaret Henderson; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. University of California, 1903; initiated by Sig- ma chapter, Nov., 1907; contributed to the fraternity magazine; presi- dent of San Francisco Alumnae chapter; chairman of committee to investigate and consider alumni work; assistant business manager of the fraternity magazine; m. Cap- tain C. D. Dudley, U. S. A., Aug. 29, 1901. Address, 2655 Wakefield Ave., E. Oakland, Calif. DUFFEY, Agnes; grand treasurer of Sigma Iota Chi; ed. Brenau Col- lege, 1911; initiated by Nu chapter, 1909; president of the chapter; con- 76 LEADING GREEKS tributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Georgia State Alumnae Asso- ciation; district representative; dele- gate to national convention at Cin- cinnati, 1911; elected national presi- dent at age of 19 and served three terms; did special work in reorgani- zation of Sigma Iota Chi; delegate to Junior Pan-Hellenic Congress of 1914; student and teacher of his- tory. Address, Morrow, Ga. DUGAN, Frank Clarke; Kappa Sigma; ed. University of Kentucky, B. C. E. 1910, C. E. 1913; initiated by Beta Nu chapter, Sept. 21, 1907; grand procurator of chapter; mem. board of trustees, chapter house fund of Beta Nu; assistant vice-president; executive committee of Louisville alumni chapter for twentieth bien- nial grand conclave at Louisville, Ky., 1912; engineer, division of sew- erage, Cincinnati, Ohio. Address, 2205 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. DUGGAR, Ida Morgan; president province Beta; Kappa Delta; ed. at Florida State College, 1905; initi- ated by Kappa Alpha chapter, Nov. 4, 1904; mem. Tuscaloosa alumni chapter, 1908-1909, Mobile alumni chapter since 1910; president Beta province, 1913-1915; home maker; m. Dr. Llewellyn Duggar, Dec. 10, 1907. Address, 104 Rapier Ave., Mobile, Ala. DUNCAN, Francis Ralph Emerson; associate editor of "Phi-Chi Quar- terly"; mem. Kappa Sigma Pi; ed. Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, 1914; initiated by Phi Sig- ma chapter; presiding senior of chapter; alternate to national con- vention, 1913; organizer and secre- tary and treasurer of first Phi Chi Alumni Association; Phi Sigma chapter; author of Quarterly and Directory tax laws for Phi Chi; pub- lished the "Uniform System" in loose leaf form, installed it in sev- eral chapters and edited the articles published in the quarterly on "Uni- form Accounting" ; superintendent of "The Ralph Sanitarium"; mem. Ma sons. Address, 529 Highland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. DUNCAN, Grace Alexander; editor-in- chief of "The Lamp" of Delta Zeta; ed. in Indiana University, 1912; ini- tiated by Epsilon chapter, Jan. 8, 1909; president of chapter, 1911; delegate to national convention in 1910; one of founders of Alpha graduate chapter in Indianapolis; formerly teacher at Shortridge high school; m. Frank P. Duncan (Sigma Alpha Epsilon), Jan. 7, 1914. Ad- dress, Cloverdale, Ind. DUNCAN, John Le Roy; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Emory College, 1902; initiated by Georgia Epsilon, Sept., 1899; eminent archon of chapter; member Atlanta Alumni Associa- tion; delegate district convention, Macon, 1900; delegate national con- vention Washington, D. C., 1902; contributor to Phi Alpha; secre- tary W. S. Duncan Co.; Thirty-Sec- ond Degree Mason, Shriner; m. Obie Martha McKenzie, Nov. 14, 1911. Address, 18 S. Butler St., Atlanta, Ga. DUNHAM, Morris Howell; president LEADING GREEKS 77 state alumni; Xi Psi Phi; ed. at Lincoln Dental Colleg (Nebraska); initiated as one of the organizers and charter members, Dec. 15, 1905; grand senior of chapter; mem. and president Nebraska Alumni Associ- ation of Xi Psi Phi; dentist; mem. B. P. O. E., I. O. 0. F.; m. Jasmine Sherradin, Pi Beta Phi. Address, 212 Brown Block, Omaha, Nebr. DUNN, Florence Elizabeth; Sigma Kappa; ed. Colby College, 1896; in- itiated by Alpha chapter, Nov., 1892; president of the chapter; wrote sev- eral songs and contributed poems to fraternity magazine; mem. Water- ville Alumnae chapter; grand presi- dent, 1904-1906; delegate as officer to national conventions of 1904, 1905, 1906. Address, 40 College Ave., Waterville, Maine. DUPIN, Eugene A.; associate editor of the "Masque" of Kappa Psi; ed. Columbia University, 1903; initiated by Gamma chapter, Oct., 1901; con- tributed to the fraternity magazine; charter member of New York Alum- ni chapter; delegate to national con- vention at New York City, 1905; physician; formerly assistant chem- ist New York Health Department; graduate Bellevue Hospital, New York, and demonstrator Fordham University. Address, 565 W. 144th St., New York City. DURhAM, Knowlton; chief of second district of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Colum- bia University, 1901; initiated by Columbia chapter, Dec. 23, 1898; president of the chapter; one of the organizers and first president of the Beta Theta Pi Club of New York City; mem. Columbia University Club; delegate to several district conventions and to national conven- tion of 1900 at Put-in-Bay; lawyer; office 49 Wall St., residence 1 Gram- mercy Park, New York City. DuTEIL, Bertha; Delta Delta Delta; ed. University of Nebraska, 1898; initiated by Kappa chapter, 1898; contributed to "Greek Exchange"; member University of Nebraska Al- umni Association; national treas- urer, 1908-1912; delegate to national conventions of 1900, 1902, 1908, 1910, 1912. Address, 2005 South St., Lin- coln, Nebr. DYER, Isadore; regent; Sigma Nu; ed. at University of Virginia, Tulane University, Yale University; initi- ated by Beta chapter, Jan., 1888; chapter commander; mem. New Or- leans alumni chapter; editor song book; regent, 1904-1906; physician; dean Tulane Medical School; editor "New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal," editor "American Journal of Tropical Diseases"; ex-president of Orleans Parish Medical So- ciety, Louisiana State Medical So- ciety, Southern Medical Association, New Orleans Academy of sciences; ex-vice-president American Medical Association; president, 1914-1915, Association of American Medical Col- leges; advisory counsel of the sim- plified spelling board; m. Mercedes Pliarae, 1905. Address, 2222 Pryta- nia St., New Orleans, La. DYER, Samuel; registrar; Lambda Chi Alpha; ed. at University of 78 LEADING GREEKS Maine, 1912; initiated by Beta Zeta chapter, March 28, 1913; chapter president; mem. Providence, R. I., Alumni Association; business man- ager board of publications; civil en- gineer, Attleboro Sewer Department. Address, 48 Hodges St., Attleboro, Mass. E EAGLESON, Stuart; former presi- dent Phi Gamma Delta; ed. at Wooster College, 1891; initiated by Rho Deuteron chapter, Sept. 25, 1887; chapter presiding officer; mem. Detroit graduate chapter; del- egate nineteen national conventions and numerous district conventions; section chief Ohio and Western Pennsylvania for thirteen years; representative Ginn & Co., text books; mem. Sons of American Rev- olution, Masons; m. Blanche M. Kel- ley, 1895. ' Address, 2301 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. EARDELEY, William Applebie; na- tional president of Alpha Chi Rho; ed. at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., 1896; M. A., 1899; one of the founders of the Phi Psi or mother chapter at Trinity College; secre- tary of chapter; delegate to national conventions; founded the Brooklyn chapter and the University of Penn- sylvania chapter of Alpha Chi Rho; mem. of Phi Omega Alumni Asso- ciation; mem. of New York Alumni Association of Alpha Chi Rho; pro- fessional geneologist and publisher of family geneologies; mem. Penn- sylvania Historical Society of Phil- adelphia; mem. Long Island His- torical Society in Brooklyn, N. Y.; life member of Old North West Ge- neological Society. Address, Post- office Box 91, Brooklyn, N. Y. EARLE, William H.; graduate secre- tary of Alpha Chi Rho, 1909-1914; ed. Syracuse University, 1909; ini- tiated by Phi Epsilon chapter, 1906; president of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; active in organizing building association to build chapter house; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1908, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; assistant en- gineer with Rochester Railway and Light Co.; mem. Pi Phi Chi; m. Leah B. Dumpsey, June 20, 1914. Address, 233 Rosewood Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. EATON, William Robb; alumni secre- tary of Kappa Sigma; ed. Denver University, 1909; initiated by Beta Omicron chapter, March 9, 1907; grand treasurer of the chapter; president of the Alumni Association of the Denver Law School; presi- dent of Denver Alumni Association of Kappa Sigma; alumni secretary of national organization, 1912 to date; delegate to district conventions of 1908, 1909 and later and alumni secretary; delegate to national con- ventions of 1908, 1910, 1912; lawyer; adjutant of First Squadron Cavalry, N. G. C., 1903 and 1904; district dep- uty attorney, Denver, 1910-1913; member Blue Lodge and Capitular Masonic orders; m. Leila S. Carter, Sept. 16, 1909. Address, 1124-6 First National Bank Bldg.; resi- LEADING GREEKS N 79 dence 1316 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. EBERSOLE, Morris R.; chief of tenth district Beta Theta Pi; ed. Univer- sity of Cincinnati and Cornell Uni- versity, 1898; initiated by Beta Mu chapter, 1895; mem. song book com- mittee; mem. Chicago Alumni Asso- ciation; delegate to national conven- tion of 1897 at Niagara Falls, N. Y.; engaged in advertising business; mem. Chicago University Club; m. Adeline M. Scannell, 1905. Ad- dress. 307 William St., River Forest, 111. EDLUND, Roscoe Claudius; graduate editor; Alpha Chi Rho; ed. at Cor- nell University, 1909; initiated by Phi Theta chapter, May, 1908; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Dalta Sigma Rho; chapter recorder; president Phi The- ta building association, which is a corporation owning the chapter house; editor chapter periodical, 1912-1913; mem. Alpha Chi Rho Club of New York; delegate to na- tional conventions, 1910, 1913, 1914; graduate editor of "Garnet and White"; assistant of general director of Russell Sage Foundation; secre- tary to President Schurman of Cor- nell from graduation until 1912. Address, 105 East 22nd St., New York City. EDWARDS, Roger Saunders; secre- tary of Pittsburgh Alumni chapter of Sigma Chi; ed. Bucknell College, 1904; initiated by Kappa chapter, June 15, 1901; delegate to national conventions at Detroit 1903, Pitts- burgh 1911; Pittsburgh sales man- ager of Power Specialty Co. Ad- dress 1001 Arrott Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. EHRENFRIED, Albert; chapter in- spector of Phi Rho Sigma; ed. at Harvard Medical School, 1905; ini- tiated by Nu chapter, 1902; secre- tary of chapter; president Boston Alumni chapter; surgeon, assistant surgeon Children's Hospital, Boston Consumptives Hospital, Mt. Sinai Hospital; assistant in anatomy, Harvard Medical School; assistant in surgery, Harvard Graduate School of Medicine; mem. Massa- chusetts Medical Society, Boston So- ciety for Medical Improvement, Bos- ton Surgical Society; president Old South Historical Society, Boston Club, Harvard Club"; m. Grace Wa- terman. Address, 362 Common- wealth Ave., Boston, Mass. EIDLITZ, Robert James, chairman finance committee; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Cornell University, 1885; ini- tiated by Cornell chapter, 1881; chapter president; mem. New York Alumni Association; delegate na- tional convention, 1884; associate editor "Quarterly," 1885-1887, 1889- 1895; chapter editor, 1884, "Quin- quennal; trustee of Delta Upsilon, 1912; chairman finance committee, 1914; general contractor; mem. firm Eidlitz & Son; m. Sadie Scott Boul- ton, June 5, 1890. Address, 30 E. 47th St. ,New York City. EIDSON, Margaret Leigh; national treasurer; Phi Mu; ed. at Univer- sity of Tennessee, 1909; initiated by Kappa chapter, May 15, 1908; chap- 80 LEADING GREEKS ter president; mem. Baltimore Al- umni Association; delegate national convention Macon, 1908, Niagara 1913; business manager magazine, 1910-1912; m. Charles G. Eidson, Kappa Sigma, Dec. 24, 1909. Ad- dress, College Green, Annapolis, Md. ELKIN, Archibald Bailey; Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Chi; ed. at Kentucky University, 1903; Atlanta Medical, 1909; initiated by Kappa chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha, 1902; initiated by Sigma chapter of Phi Chi; chapter president; mem. Pi Kappa Alpha Alumni Association of Atlanta; del- egate national conventions 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; province chief, 1910; Phi Chi; editor Phi Chi "Quarterly"; chairman exec- utive trustees; grand presiding senior Phi Chi, honorary life member; physician; mem. Shrine, Knights Templar; m. Amelia Sturgeon, Oct., 1913. Address, Grand Bldg., At- lanta, Ga. ELLIOT, Frank M.; former grand con- sul, Sigma Chi, 1888-90; member of executive committee; ed. at North- western University, 1877; initiated by the Omega chapter, March 12, 1873; consul of chapter; mem. Chi- cago Alumni Association; grand an- notation, 1884-86; history of Omega; real estate; president Evanston Hos- pital for 19 years; m. Annie D. Shu- man, November 13, 1878. Address, 225 Lake St., Evanston, 111. ELLIOTT, Louise Monning; national historian; Phi Mu; ed. at Wesley an College, 1906; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1904; chapter president; national president, 1907-1913; dele- gate national conventions Macon, Memphis, Atlanta, Niagara Falls; contributor to Phi Mu publications; delegate National Pan-Hellenic Con- gress, 1912, 1913, 1914; m. Chad Perry Elliott, June 30 5 1914. Ad- dress, 1705 Tyler St., Amarillo, Texas. ELY, Birdean Motter; national secre- tary; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. at Baker University, 1907; initiated as charter member of Omicron chap- ter, 1907; mem. Alpha Alpha alum- nae chapter; delegate national con- vention Madison, 1912; national secretary; m. Charles E. Ely, 1909. Address, 5411 Blackstone Ave., Chi- cago, 111. EMERSON, Robert Stephen; presi- dent founders corporation; Theta Delta Chi; ed. at Brown University, 1897; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1893; mem. Rhode Island Alumni Associa- tion; delegate national conventions, 1895, 1896, 1900, 1902, 1904, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1913; graduate treasurer grand lodge, 1909-1911; chairman standing committee on legislation; lawyer; mem. Masons, Royal Ar- canum; m. Marian Butter worth, Feb. 7, 1905. Address, 1030 Gros- venor Bldg., Providence, R. I. EMMETT, Arthur Donaldson; na- tional president of Phi Lambda Up- silon; ed. - University of Illinois, 1901; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1901; president of the chapter; mem. Sigma Xi, honorary; mem. University of Illinois Alumni Asso- ciation; national vice-president, .. LEADING GREEKS 81 tional president; assistant chief in animal nutrition; m. Clara M. Bui- lard, 1910. Address, 608 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. ENNETT, N. Thomas; editor-in-chief of Phi Mu "Cerebrum"; ed. at Medi- cal College of Virginia, 1907; ini- tiated by Gamma chapter, 1904; arch aorta of chapter; mem. Richmond Alumni Association of Phi Mu; dele- gate to national conventions 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913; general secretary for several years; editor-in-chief of "Cerebrum" since its inception; practicing physician; mem. American Medical Association, Southern Medical Association, Tri- State Medical Association, Interna- tional School of Hygiene, American School of Hygiene, American Open Air School Association, Virginia Medical Society, Richmond Academy of Medicine and Surgery; medical director, Richmond public schools; associate editor "Old Dominion Journal of Medicine and Surgery"; instructor of pediatrics, Medical Col- lege of Virginia; m. Amy Conyers Tutwiler, Oct. 6, 1909. Address, 216 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. ENSIGN, Frank G.; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at Beloit College, 1900; initiated by Chi chapter, Dec. 18, 1896; mem. Boise, Idaho alumni chapter; dele- gate sixtieth national convention, 1899, and secretary of that conven- tion; mem. committee for installing of chapter at University of Illinois; secretary Pan-Hellenic Association of Idaho; general agent National Surety Co.; m. Ann D. Plank, Kap- pa Kappa Gamma, Nov. 16, 1908. Address, Yates Bldg., Boise, Idaho. ERICSON, Lambert T; director of na- tional corporation of Delta Upsilon; ed. University of Illinois, 1904; ini- tiated by Illinois chapter; charter member of chapter; president of chapter; mem. Delta Upsilon Club of New York City; assistant super- intendent creosoting plant, Phila- delphia and Reading Railway; mem. Tau Beta Pi; m. Belle B. Garth, July 23, 1906. Address, 261 Or- chard St., Elizabeth, N. J. ERMOLD, Mark Atlee; past grand sage; Sigma Pi; ed. at Temple Uni- versity; initiated by Kappa chapter; chapter president; archon for state of Pennsylvania; delegate national conventions 1909, 1910, 1912; grand secretary, 1909-1910; grand sage, 1910-1912; author of fraternity rit- ual revision in collaboration with Byron R. Lewis; delegate interfra- ternity conference, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913; general contractor; Mason; m. Edna Garrett Ermold. Address, 73 Manhattan Bldg., 4th and Wal- nut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. ESHLEMAN, M. Burton; national sec- retary of Xi Psi Phi; ed. University of Buffalo, 1898; initiated by Mu chapter, 1898; charter member; past president of Buffalo Alumni Asso- ciation of Xi Psi Phi; past presi- dent of New York State Alumni As- sociation; past president of Univer- sity of Buffalo Alumni Association; national secretary, 1914-1915; chair- man of New York State Alumni As- sociation by-law committee; delegate 82 LEADING GREEKS to district convention at Albany, N. Y., 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912 and to national convention at Toronto, Canada, 1912; dentist; worked on bill in the state legislature to ex- empt dentists from jury duty; sec- retary of advisory board to operate free dental dispensaries; m. Susan Bishop Holmes, 1902. Address, 170 Hodge Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. ESTEP, Harvey Cole; editor of the "Bent" of Tau Beta Pi; ed. Univer- sity of Minnesota, 1908; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1908; mem. Sigma Xi, honorary; president of Cleveland Alumni Association, 1914; engineer- ing editor of "The Iron Trade Re- view" and associate editor "The Foundry; m. Helen de Camp Lynch, Feb. 17, 1909. Address, Penton, Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. ESTERLY, Virginia Judy; editor-in- chief national publications; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. at University of California, 1906; initiated by Sigma chapter, 1905; chapter president; mem. San Francisco alumnae chap- ter; editor of "To Dragma"; house- wife; m. Ward B. Esterly, 1910. Ad- dress, 244 Alvarado Road, Berkeley, Calif. ESTES, Lillian; first historian of Phi Mu; ed. Wesleyan (Ga.) and Ran- dolph Macon Woman's College; in- itiated by Alpha chapter, 1904; sec- retary of the chapter; assisted in in- stalling chapter at University of Tennessee, also in organizing chap- ter at Randolph Macon: contributed to fraternity magazine; wrote sev- eral songs; delivered toasts and speeches at convention banquets; delegate to first national convention Norfolk, Va., 1908; delegate to City Pan-Hellenic Association; recording secretary for Nathaniel Macon chap- ter of Daughters of the American Revolution; mem. Pi; secretary so- ciety at Randolph Macon Woman's College. Address, 414 College St., Macon, Ga. EUSTIS, Ernest L.; worthy grand scribe for three years of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Tulane University. 1910; initiated by Louisiana Beta Epsi- lon chapter, Oct. 6, 1906; mem. Kappa Delta Phi and Omega Beta Delta; founder later of a prepara- tory fraternity; mem. Louisiana Alpha Tau Omega and Tulane Uni- versity Alumni Associations; civil engineer and deputy city surveyor; mem. firm of Eustis and Bres; m. Nell Bres, Sept. 29, 1910. Address, office, 302 Cotton Exchange BMg., residence 7500 Hampson St., New Orleans, La. EVANS, Ruth Pauline; second grand vice-president of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. University of Washing- ton, 1912; initiated by Iota chapter, Feb. 25, 1911; vice-president of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Seattle Alumnae of Alpha Gamma Delta; president of Delta province; domestic science teacher Stadium High School, Ta- coma, Wash. Address, 3216 North Stevens St., Tacoma, Wash. EVERETT, Wallace Washburn; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. University of California, 1897; initiated by Delta LEADING GREEKS Xi chapter, Sept. 3, 1893; vice-presi- dent of the chapter; mem. San Francisco Alumni Association; na- tional archon; delegate to national conventions of 1898, 1899, 3900, 1901; publisher "Pioneer Western Lumberman" and "Pacific Coast Golf and Outdoor Sports"; mem. California Commandery Knights Templars; m. Jane F. Crellis, 1912. Address, 311 California St., San Francisco, Calif. EVERTON, Eliza M. Curtis; national president; Alpha Xi Delta; ed. at Lombard College, 1894; initiated by Alpha chapter, April 17, 1893, being one of the founders; chapter presi- dent; minister; three years state superintendent of suffrage work in W. C. T. U.; m. Rev. J. L. EVerton, Sept. 9, 1896. Address, Box 231, Clinton, N. C. EYSTER, Maude Stuart (Newell); vice-president Sigma alliance; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1905; initiated by Sigma chapter, Jan. 24, 1902; chapter presi- dent; mem. of Sigma alliance; dele- gate national convention Galesburg, 1904; contributor to magazine; m. John Bates Eyster, Aug. 3, 1911. Address, 417 West 121st St., New York City. F PAGAN, Frank Nelson; national sec- retary; Alpha Gamma Rho; ed. at Ohio State University, 1910; initi- ated by Beta chapter, Oct., 1906; ruler of chapter; delegate national convention, 1909; national secre- tary; assistant professor of horti- culture; m. Etta Wingate Jones, 1912. Address, Holmes Bldg., State College, Penn. FAIR, Helen McClelland; grand ruler; Phi Mu Gamma; ed. at New Eng- land Conservatory of Music, 1913; initiated by Eta chapter, 1910; chap- ter president; delegate national con- vention Boston 1911, Old Point Comfort, 1913; chairman extension committee; author of song; teacher of piano in Owensboro Conservatory. Address Old Orchard, Harrisburg, Penn. FALK, Lester L.; Delta Kappa Epsi- lon; ed. at Brown University, 1906; initiated by Upsilon chapter, 1903; delegate national conventions, 1904, 1905; mem. N. W. Alumni Associa- tion, Rhode Island Alumni Associa- tion; lawyer. Address, 134 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. FALL, Frank Andrews; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at Albion College, 1899; initiated by Michigan Beta Omicron, 1895; worthy master of chapter; mem. New York Alumni Association ; delegate to national convention, New Orleans, 1898; contributed to the "Palm" of A. T. O.; bursar New York University since 1905; m. Nella B. Ramsdell, June 27, 1906. Address, office, New York Univer- sity, Washington Square; residence, Colonial Heights, Bronxville, N. Y. FANNING, Clara Elizabeth; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. University of Minnesota, 1901; initiated by Upsi- lon chapter, Oct. 2, 1897; treasurer of the chapter; edited chapter offl- 84 LEADING GREEKS cer's handbook; edited convention daily of 1911; mem. New York Al- umnae chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta; president of Alpha district, 1909-1911; editor of the "Kappa Al- pha Theta," 1905-1907; delegate to national conventions of 1903 and 1904; editor of "Book Review Di- gest." Address, 39 Wamaroneck Ave., White Plains, N. Y. FARNHAM, Robert L.; life member of grand council; Sigma Chi; ed. at George Washington University, 1864; initiated by Epsilon chapter, June 10, 1864; consul of chapter; mem. Washington, D. C., and Balti- more Alumni Associations; delegate national conventions, 1892, 1893; delegate many district conventions; grand consul, 1901-1902; president grand chapter, Indianapolis, 1892; vice-president Cincinnati, 1895; has been present at every initiation of Epsilon chapter for last twenty-two years and delivered charge to can- didates; president Washington al- umni chapter; contributor to maga- zine; retired physician; m. E. J. Lowry, Nov. 22, 1875. Address, 1774 You St., Washington, D. C. FARR, Finis King; Kappa Sigma; ed. Cumberland University, 1889; initi- ated by Theta chapter, Nov. 7, 1887; grand master of the chapter; fre- quent contributor to the "Caduceus" of Kappa Sigma; mem. Cincinnati Alumni Association; national offices, W. G. M. C. 1892-1894, editor 1904- 1906, W. G. M. 1906-1908, D. G. M. 1900-1904; delegate as alumnus to national convention of 1894 and as officer from 1900 to date; professor in Lane Theological Seminary (Presbyterian) ; m. Ethel Rose Riley, June 5, 1901. Address, 5 Lane Seminary Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. FARR, Roy John; Acacia, Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Stanford University, 1912; initiated by Beta chapter of Acacia, 1909; chapter president; or- ganizer and secretary of Acacia Al- umni Association of Southern Cali- fornia; contributor to magazine; at- torney-at-law. Address, 716 Mer- cantile Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. FAUNCE, William H. P.; called first meeting of the inter-fraternity con- ference at New York; Delta Upsilon; ed. Brown University; delegate to several inter-fraternity conferences; president of Brown University since 1899. Address, Providence, R. I. FAWSETT, Charles Emerson; inspec- tor Chi chapter; Phi Chi, Phi Rho Sigma; ed. at University of Pitts- burgh, 1909; initiated by Beta Kap- pa chapter of Phi Chi 1903, by Chi chapter of Phi Rho Sigma 1905; chapter inspector; mem. Alumni As- sociation; inspector Chi chapter at present time; physician; graduate in pharmacy; mem. Masons, Royal Arcanum; m. Bess O. Bosmeyer, June 20, 1907. Address, 157 Poto- mac Ave., Domont, Pittsburgh, Penn. FAY, Roland Cecil; grand vice-presi- dent; Acacia; ed. at Kansas Uni- versity 1909, Leland Stanford Jr. University, University of California, LEADING GREEKS 85 1912; initiated by Kansas chapter, Oct., 1906; chapter secretary and editor; delegate national conven- tions 1910, 1911, 1912; grand treas- urer, 1913-1914; served on committee of two to revise constitution and by- laws; contributor to magazine; at- torney; prosecuting attorney John- son County, Kansas; mem. Masons, Shrine. Address, Olathe, Kans. FELDMAN, Abraham; mem. national executive committee of Alpha Phi Sigma; ed. University of Southern California, medical department; in- itiated by Zeta chapter, June, 1913; vice-president of the chapter; mem. Phi Pi Mu; wrote poem for frater- nity magazine; mem. of Associate Alumni of College of City of New York; medical student; taught in schools of New York City for one year, 1910. Address, 324 Branch St. Los Angeles, Calif. FENN, Charles Hawley; past worthy grand master; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at Albion College, Michigan Uni- versity; initiated by Michigan Beta Omicron chapter, Oct., 1890; chap- ter worthy master; mem. New York City and Seattle Alumni Associa- tions; delegate national conventions Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh, At- lanta; delegate many district con- ventions; president New York City Alumni Association; delegate inter- fraternity conference at University Club, New York City, 1905. Ad- dress, Prince George Hotel, New York City. FENTON, Polly; editor of "Alpha Xi Delta"; ed. at University of Wiscon- sin, 1906; at Wisconsin Library School, 1909; initiated by Theta chapter, Jan. 6, 1906; editor of "Al- pha Xi Delta," 1911 and 1914; dele- gate to Chicago Greek conference, 1913; delegate to editors' conference at Chicago, October, 1913; mem. American Library Association; mem. Asso. Collegiate Alumnae; cataloguer in Milwaukee public li- brary. Address, 179 12th St., Mil- waukee, Wis. FERGUSON, Mrs. Helen M. Dodge; one of four founders of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Syracuse University, 1876; mem. Alpha chapter; founded sor- ority, Nov. 11, 1874; president of the chapter; contributed to the "Cres- cent" of Gamma Phi Beta; mem. Syracuse University Alumnae Asso- ciation and Syracuse Alumnae chapter of Gamma Phi Beta; aided in designing pin, selecting mottoes, colors, etc.; formulated first initia- tion ritual and in building chapter house at Syracuse University; drafted the first constitution, wrote first song book and edited the fol- lowing two editions; engaged in benevolent work and traveled in Europe, Africa and Asia; mem. Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, New Century Club of Utica, N. Y.; m. Rev. J. V. Ferguson, Oct. 12, 1886. Address, 1116 Brincker- hoff Ave., Utica, N. Y. FERGUSON, Jeremiah Sweetser; worthy grand master of Kappa Sig- ma; ed. University of Maine, 1889; initiated by Psi chapter, 1888; wor- thy grand master of the chapter; 85 LEADING GREEKS mem. Alpha Omega and Alpha Sig- ma Xi; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. New York Alumni Chapter; W. G. M. of District I and later of district II of Kappa Sigma; delegate to numerous district con- ventions; national offices held, W. G. M. C., W. G. P., W. G. M.; dele- gate to many national conventions; delegate to all inter-fraternity con- ferences; physician; mem F. and A. M. and R. A. M. and Knights Tem- plars; A. O. M. S.; m. Mabel E. Cur- rier, June 19, 1893. Address, 330 W. 28th St., New York City. FERGUSSON, Erna Mary; national secretary of Phi Mu; ed. University of New Mexico, 1912; initiated by Xi chapter, 1911; chapter president; province president. Address, 1345 Fifth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. FERRIS, Albert Warren; ex-trustee; Delta Upsilon; ed. at New York Uni- versity, 1878; initiated by New York chapter, Sept., 1874; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; chapter president and trustee; mem. New York Delta Up- silon Club; delegate national con- vention, 1876; vice-president, 1882 and 1903; president District III two years; aided in establishing Columbia chapter; contributor to magazine; author Delta Upsilon songs; superintending director for the commissions of the New York State Reservation at Saratoga Springs; medical editor "The New International Encyclopedia and Year Book; consultant Italian Hospital, New York City, Binghamton (N. Y.) gtate Hospital and Saratoga, Hos- pital; mem. Saratoga County and New York State Medical Societies, New York Academy of Medicine, New York Neurological Society, American Medico-Psychological As- sociation and Saratoga Springs Med- ical Society; president New York State Commission in Lunacy, 1907- 1912; senior resident physician Glen Springs Sanitarium, Watkins, N. Y., 1912-1913; chairman section on psychiatry and neurology, New York Academy of Medicine; m. Ju- liet Anne Gavrette, 1897. Address, Reservation Commission, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. FERRIS, Margareth Sheppard; Delta Gamma; ed. Northwestern Univer- sity, 1900; initiated by Sigma chap- ter, Oct., 1896|; president of the chapter; mem. Omega Psi; mem. Spokane Alumni Asociation of Delta Gamma, Association of Collegiate Women, College Club of Spokane; national grand treasurer; attended five national conventions; delegate to Inter-Sorority Conference for five years; m. Harold G. Ferris, July 29, 1911. Address, 407 E. 16th St., Spokane, Wash. FIEKER, Theodore; Tau Kappa Ep- sllon; ed. at Illinois Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1912; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1908; chapter president; mem. Bloomington alumni chapter; delegate district conference Decatur, 1909, Lake Forest 1910; delegate na- tional convention, 1911; contributor to magazine; superintendent of schools. Address, Lexington, 111. FIELD, Mrs. Elizabeth Belle Edwards; LEADING GREEKS 87 past grand president of Alpha Phi; ed. Northwestern University, 1889; initiated by Beta chapter, June, 1885; president of the chapter; pres- ident Chicago Alumni Association; grand president of Alpha Phi, 1908- 1910; chairman of extension com- mittee; delegate to national conven- tions at De Pauw, 1890; parlia- mentarian for Madison chapter, 1908; Christian Science practi- tioner; m. Howard Field, June 12, 1890. Address, 913 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. FINK, Emanuel Bernard; Alpha Phi Sigma; ed. at University of Chicago, 1914; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1909; chapter oracle; mem. grand chapter, 1912; delegate national con- vention, 1913; bacteriologist, state hygienic laboratory, West Virginia University. Address, Box 436, Mor- gantown, W. Va. FIRKINS, I na; Delta Gamma; ed. Uni- versity of Minnesota, 1888 initiated by Lambda chapter, 1884; affiliated with Lambda Nu chapter; presi- dent of latter chapter; contributed to "Anchora" of Delta Gamma; mem. Lambda Nu Alumni chapter; editor of "Anchora," 1888-1897; wrote History of Delta Gamma; delegate to national convention of 1893, 1895, 1897 and 1907; delegate to Pan-Hellenic Convention at Chi- cago, 1893; reference librarian, Uni- versity of Minnesota; compiler of "Index to Short Stories." Address, 1528 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. FISCHER, Ernst J. C.; national chan- cellor; Lambda Chi Alpha; ed. at Cornell University, 1910; initiated by Omicron Zeta chapter, Mar. 7, 1912, being a charter member of local; national chancellor; contrib- utor to magazine; delegate inter- fraternity conference, New York, 1914; manager, Star Electric Fuze Works of Wilkes-barre, Penn.; mem. F. & A. M.; m. Maty V. Hor- ton at Covert, N. Y. Address, 261 Pierce St., Kingston, Penn. FISHER, Harry Linn; national secre- tary of Phi Lambda Upsilon; ed. Columbia University, and Williams College; initiated by Gamma chap- ter, April, 1910; councilor of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi; instructor in chemistry, Columbia University; m. Nellie E. Andrews, June 7, 1910. Address, Columbia University, New York City. FITCH, Alice Rakestraw, (Mrs. J. B.) ; Kappa Delta; ed. Illinois Wesleyan University, 1911; initiated by Omi- cron chapter, March, 1908; president of the chapter; secretary and treas- urer of Bloomington Alumnae Asso- ciation of Kappa Delta; assistant editor-in-chief of "Angelos" of Kappa Delta; also alumnae editor; dele- gate to national convention at Louisville; husband in Dairy De- partment of Kansas State Agricul- tural College; m. James Burgess Fitch, Dec. 26, 1912. Address, 1605 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kans. FITCH, Clara Gattrell Lynn; chair- man Theta service bureau; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed at Kansas Uuiver- 88 LEADING GREEKS sity 1899; initiated by Kappa chapter, November, 1895; chapter president; organizer of Kansas City alumnae chapter; chairman nomi- nating committee two conventions; delegate Beta district convention, 1898; attended national convention, 1897, 1911, 1913; contributor to magazine; mother, clubwoman, suf- fragist; m. George Fitch, Oct. 5, 1904. Address, 2406 Main St., Peoria, 111. FITCH, Rachel Louise; editor of "Tri- dent"; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Knox College, 1902; initiated by Epsilon chapter, Nov. 6, 1899; chap- ter president; editor "Trident," 1905-1915; vice-president Beta pro- vince, 1904-05; delegate national convention, Boston 1902, Galesburg 1904, Evanston 1905, Madison 1909, Syracuse 1906, Lincoln 1908, Evans- ton 1910, Columbus 1912; first busi- ness manager "Trident," 1905-1912; first visiting delegate to all chap- ters, 1905-07; chairman second song book committee, 1912; publisher catalogue, 1907, and of first history of Delta Delta Delta, 1907; chair- man examination committee; chair- man publication committee, 1910-12; installed 12 chapters; author songs; contributor to magazine; alternate delegate joint conference, Chicago, 1913; alternate National Pan-Hel- lenic; chairman at editors' confer- ence, 1913; studying for Ph. D. at University of California. Address, Cambridge, 111. FITZPATRICK, Gilbert; former grand president of Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. Chicago Hahnemann Medical Col- lege, 1896; initiated by Eta-Lambda chapter, 1895; chancellor of the chapter; formerly president of Chi- cago Alumni chapter of Phi Alpha Gamma; managing editor of the "Quarterly** of Phi Alpha Gamma; editor-in-chief of second catalogue, history and directory; chairman of constitutional revision committee; delegate to national conventions of 1901, 1907, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913; m. Elizabeth Sanford, 1913. Ad- dress, 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chica- go, 111. FLINT, Harrold Pierce; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Illinois Wesleyan University and Northwestern Law School; initiated by Alpha chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, October, 1909, by Wigmore senate chapter of Delta Theta Phi, November, 1912; chapter president; mem. Chicago Alumni chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon and organizer of an alumni chapter; delegate na- tional convention, 1909, 1911, 1912 of Tau Kappa Epsilon 1913, of Delta Theta Phij contributor to maga- zine; newspaper business; m. Irene Smith, Aug. 10, 1912. Address, Lincoln, 111. FLORY, Walter LeRoy; district chief, 1906-1910 of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Den- ison University, 1903 and Yale Law School ; initiated by Alpha Eta chap- ter, 1899; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Delta Phi; contributed to Beta Theta Pi magazine and presi- dent of Cleveland Alumni Associa- tion; delegate to several district and LEADING GREEKS 89 national conventions; lawyer; mem. American Bar Association; mem. firm of Thompson, Dine & Flory; m. Julia Hall McCune, 1908. Ad- dress 1239 Engineers Bldg., Cleve- land, Ohio. FLOWERS, Marcella Hamilton Good- rich; Alpha Phi; ed. at Goucher College, 1904; initiated by Zeta chapter, Nov. 25, 1900; chapter president; attended national conven- tion, Syracuse, 1900; delegate New York 1906, Baltimore 1910; mem. Detroit Alumni chapter; committee of one on uniform badge, 1904; cus- todian of badge, 1904-1909; busi- ness manager Alpha Phi "Quarter- ly," 1910-1913; contributor to magazine; author Alpha Phi songs; alumnae delegate local Pan-Hellenic Association 1912-1914; m. Herbert Baker Flowers, Zeta Psi, Apr. 21, 1909. Address, 3008 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. FOLLETTE, Alfred Dewitt; past grand president; Alpha Sigma Phi; ed. at Marietta College, 1876, initiated by Delta chapter, Sept., 1872; H. S. P. of chapter; past grand president; lawyer; mem. Masons, B. P. O. E.; m. Lulu Hopkins, June 14, 1881. Address, 312 Putman St., Marietta, Ohio. FOLLIN, Gerald Webb; national vice- president of Tau Kappa Alpha and national secretary of Sigma Upsi- lon; ed. Vanderbilt University, 1914; initiated by Vanderbilt chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha, 1909, and Calu- met chapter of Sigma Upsilon, 1912; president of both chapters; national treasurer of Tau Kappa Alpha, 1911-1912; delegate to national con- ventions of T. K, A. in 1911 and in S. U., 1912; lawyer; mem. Knights of Pythias; m. Grace Cleveland, 1913. Address, Fort Worth, Texas. FORBES, Morris H.; secretary Salt Lake alumni chapter; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at University of Utah, 1905; initiated by Gamma Beta chapter, Oct. 25, 1913; chapter president; founder Utah chapter; mem. Salt Lake Alumni Association; delegate as petitioner to national conven- tions, 1909, 1913; assistant engineer O. S. L. R. R.; m. July 30, 1907. Address, 11 Princeton Apts., Salt Lake City, Utah. FORCE, John Nivison; graduate fel- low; Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. at University of California, B. S. 1898, M. D. 1901, M. S. 1910; initiated by Sigma chapter, Dec. 7, 1899; chapter president; proposed design of flag; sanitarian; assistant professor of epidemiology, University of Califor- nia; mem. Military Order Loyal Le- gion of U. S.; m. Grace Ethel Wick- son, Sept. 12, 1912. Address, 2631 Derby St., Berkeley, Calif. FOREMAN, Lauren; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at Emory College, 1901; initiated by Georgia Epsilon chap- ter, Sept. 18, 1898; eminent archon of chapter; mem. Atlanta Alumni Association; president province Gamma; delegate national conven- tion, Atlanta, 1906; delegate prov- ince convention Macon 1901, Colum- bus 1903; contributor to magazine; publicity agent Southern Railway 90 LEADING GREEKS Co.; m. Sept. 18, 1898. Address Southern Railway Bldg., Atlanta Ga. FOSS, Wedell; Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Phi; ed. at University of Cali- fornia 1907, University of Washing- ton 1910; initiated by Beta Psi chap- ter of Kappa Sigma, June 1, 1908; worthy grand master of Kappa Sig- ma; delegate national convention New York City, 1910, of Phi Delta Phi, and chairman committee on ritual revision; specialist in ad- miralty law, staff officer Naval Mili- tia of Washington. Address, Fi- delity Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. FOSTER, Irving Lysander; Phi Delta Theta; ed. Brown University, A. B. 1893, A. M. 1894; initiated by Rhode Island Alpha of Phi Delta Theta chapter, Oct., 1891; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi; chapter recorder of Phi Delta Theta; established Pennsylvania Theta chapter; vice-president Alpha province, 1905-1907, and president, 1907-1911; presided at district con- ventions, 1907-1909; delegate to na- tional conventions, 1906, 1908, 1910; contributor to magazine; professor of romance languages, Pennsylvania State College; joint author and co- laboratory of four books being ele- mentary French grammars and read- ers; mem. Modern Woodmen of America, P. O. S. of A., Grange, Royal Neighbors; secretary board of trustees of the State College Presby- terian Church; m. Nellie O. Patter- son, 1898. Address, 140 S. Pugh St., State College, Penn. FOSTER, John Harold; national vice- president of Theta Chi; ed. Norwich University, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1899 ; presiding officer of the chapter; mem. Alpha Zeta; editor of the "Rattle" of Theta Chi; profes- sor of forestry, N. H. State College; mem. Masons, Thirty-Second Degree. Address, New Hampshire College, Durham, N. H. FOSTER, Kate Brown; Alpha Omi- cron Pi; ed. University of Califor- nia, 1902; initiated by Sigma chap- ter, 1907; president of San Fran- cisco Alumnae Association of Alpha Omicron Pi; contributed to frater- nity magazine; exchange editor, 1910-1915; examining officer; repre- sentative in alumni Pan-Hellenic; mem. of various committees; dele- gate to national conventions of 1908, 1910, 1912; school teacher. Address, 2717 Hillegas Ave., Berkely, Calif. FOSTER, Mary Stuart; Delta Gamma; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1894; initiated by Omega chapter, Dec. 6, 1890; president of the chapter; na- tional treasurer, 1897-1901; assisted in preparing directory, 19Q6; refer- ence librarian of Wisconsin State Historical Society; mem. Colonial Dames of America, Order of Scalpees of King Philip's War. Address, 111 West Gilman St., Madison, Wis. FOULK, Thomas Bond; Phi Kappa Sigma; ed. at West Virginia Uni- versity and Columbia University; initiated by Alpha Gamma chapter, spring of 1904; mem. New York City Alumni Association of Phi Kap- pa Sigma; delegate national con- vention Pittsburgh, 1909; chapter LEADING GREEKS 91 visitor; contributor to magazine; lawyer; mem. Masons, Elks. Ad- dress Morgantown, W. Va. FOX, Dixon Ryan; national secretary, Alpha Chi Rho; ed. at Columbia University, 1911; initiated by Phi Omega, Dec. 19, 1908; delegate na- tional conventions, 1912, 1914; col- lege instructor. Address, Hamil- ton Hall, Columbia University, New York City. PRANKISH, Ellen Huntlngton; presi- dent of Omaha Alumnae Club of Delta Delta Delta; ed. University of Nebraska, 1897; initiated by Kappa chapter, Nov., 1894; secretary of the chapter; charter member and organ- izer of chapter; published sorority directory; national grand marshal; delegate to national convention at Minneapolis, Minn.; teacher in Omaha High School. Address, 1523 South 25th St., Omaha, Nebr. FRASER, George Enfield; grand presi- dent; Acacia, Phi Alpha Delta, Alpha Kappa Psi; ed. at University of Wis- consin, 1912; initiated by Wiscon- sin chapter, 1910 Acacia; delegate national conventions 1912, 1913, 1914; grand treasurer, grand vice- president; contributor to magazine; delegate inter-fraternity conference, 1913, 1914; professor; certified pub- lic accountant. Address, 1104 Illi- nois St., Urbana, 111. FRASER, Mllford Orley; Xi Psi Phi; ed. at University of Iowa, 1901; in- itiated by Epsilon chapter, Oct., 1899; chapter president; mem. Ne- braska Alumni Association; helped organize Xi chapter at Lincoln Den- tal School; president Southern Dis- trict Alumni Association, 1909; presi- dent Nebraska Alumni Association, 1913; practicing dentist, professor and demonstrator Lincoln Dental College, 1902-1908; mem. B. P. O. E.; m. Myrtle Gay Boyd, 1901. Address, 1105 O St., Lincoln, Nebr. FRAYSER, Benjamin Hobson; Chi Zeta Chi, Pi Delta Pi, Kappa Phi; ed. at Baltimore Medical College and Tennessee Medical College, M. D. 1909; graduate in pharmacy, Uni- versity of South; grand Alpha, Pi Delta Pi, 1902-1906; grand beta, Pi Delta Pi, 1906, 1914; acting bursar Chi Zeta Chi, 1907; grand moder- ator, Kappa Phi, 1909-1912; chief of Zeta province Chi Zeta Chi, 1908- 1909; business manager Chi Zeta Chi "Medical Record," 1906-1907; associate editor Chi Zeta Chi "Medi- cal Record," 1900-1914; organizer Phi chapter of Chi Zeta Chi; re-es- tablished Theta Nu chapter at Uni- versity of South; founded Kappa Phi fraternity in University of South; assisted in founding Phi Alpha Phi in University of Tennessee, which became Tennessee Alpha of Sigma Phi Epsilon; author "The Origin and Development of American Fra- ternities," "Life of Dr. J. Ansley Griffin," founder of Chi Zeta Chi; district physician of Las Cascadas, Panama Canal Zone, and on surgical staff of Ancon Hospital, afterward detailed to Hospital Santo Tomas, Panama City; first lieutenant in M. R. C., United States Army; au- thor "The Operative Treatment of 92 LEADING GREEKS Epididymitis." Address, Foreign, Ancon Hospital, Canal Zone, Pana- ma; home, 1105 W. Clinch St., Knox- ville, Tenn. FREEMAN, Davis; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at University of Georgia, 1883; initiated by Georgia Beta, March, 1880; eminent archon of chapter; mem. Savanah Alumni As- sociation; editor S. A. E. "Record," 1885; attended national convention Louisville 1883, Athens 1884; judge city court of Savannah; mem. Masons, Odd Fellows; m. Nellie B. Parrish, Jan. 17, 1894. Address, residence, 101 East 31st St., office, County Court House, Savannah, Ga. FREIDAY, Jacob A.; vice-president; Delta Upsilon; ed. at University of Rochester, 1871; initiated by Roch- ester chapter, 1867; vice-president, 1869-1870; helped organize Delta Up- silon chapter, University of Wash- ington; delegate to national conven- tion Brown University and Western Reserve University; financial agent; missionary India nine years; inter- preter for British army that de- throned and deported the last king of Burma and annexed his kingdom to the British empire; traveled ex- tensively; engaged in general invest- ment business; m. Sarah M. Gates, 1875. Address, 316 South Eye St., Tacoma, Wash. FRENCH, vyilliam Henry; president of the national body of Delta Upsi- lon; ed. Cornell University, 1873; initiated by Cornell chapter, 1871; high private of the chapter; con- tributed to the Delta Upsilon "Quar- terly"; president of Chicago Delta Upsilon Club; mem. of Cornell Uni- versity Alumni Association; alumni trustee Cornell University; delegate to national convention at San Fran- cisco, Calif.; m. Olive Helen Walter, 1895. Address, office, 717 S. Dear- born St., Chicago, 111.; residence, 221 S. East Ave., Oak Park, 111. FREY, Morris F.; grand praetor of second province of Sigma Chi; ed. University of Virginia, 1904; initi- ated by Psi chapter, Nov. 2, 1901; consul of the chapter; former presi- dent of Washington, D. C., Alumni chapter; grand praetor of second province, 1911-1913; 1913-1915; trus- tee Psi Chapter House Association, 1911 to date; delegate to national con- ventions at Detroit, 1903 and Pitts- burgh, 1911; mem. Phi Delta Phi; lawyer; m. Ruth M. Helen, Oct. 8, 1913. Address, Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Washington, D. C. FULLILOVE, Sanford Christian; knight commander; Kappa Sigma (South); ed. at Centenary College 1896, Columbia University 1901, Tu- lane 1902, George Washington Uni- versity; initiated by Alpha Iota chapter, 1892; affiliated with Alpha Nu and Psi chapters; mem. Shreve- port alumni chapter; delegate twenty-fifth national convention; knight commander; lawyer; mem. Elks, W. O. W.; m. Amanda String- fellow, Jan. 11, 1905. Address Shreveport, La. LEADING GREEKS 93 G GABEL, Marie; Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. at University of Washington, 1914; initiated by Iota chapter, 1911; first vice-president of chapter; mem. Iota Alumni Association of Alpha Gamma Delta newspaper work; at present studying for M. A. degree at Washington University. Address, 6012 32nd St., N. E., Seattle, Wash. GADDIS, Libbey Brook; a founder of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Monmouth College, 1870; initiated by Alpha chapter, founded 1867; president of the chap- ter; mem. Galesburg, 111., Alumnae Association; founded first chapter Iowa Wesleyan University, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; m. John H. Gaddis, Feb. 24, 1880. Address, 1005 S. 5th St., Champaign, 111. GAESSELER, William George; na- tional secretary; Phi Delta Chi; ed. at Ohio State University, 1911; in- itiated by Xi chapter, Dec., 1908; chapter president; mem. Phi Delta Chi Alumni Association; delegate national convention New York 1910, Columbus, Ohio, 1914; national sec- retary-treasurer, 1913-1914; chapter installing officer, 1912-1914; contrib- utor to magazine; assistant chief chemist Iowa State College Agricul- tural Experiment Station; Mason. Address, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. GALBRAITH, Mary Wyatt; editor of "Themis"; Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. at University of Tennessee, 1909; ini- tiated by Zeta chapter, Nov. 23, 1907; chapter secretary. Address, Gal- braith Springs, Tenn. GAMBLE, Robert Bruce; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Allegheny College, 1893; initiated by Pennsylvania Omega chapter, 1890; eminent arch- on of chapter; physician and sur- geon; mem. Masons, B. P. O. E., I. O. 0. F.; m. Nella W. White, July 5, 1900. Address, 917 Dramond Park, Meadville, Penn. GANTER, Carl R.; secretary of ex- ecutive council of Alpha Delta Phi since 1901; ed. Kenyon College, 1899; LL. B. Columbia Law School, 1902; initiated by Kenyon chapter, 1895; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; dele- gate to all five inter-fraternity con- ferences at New York City; law- yer. Address, 136 W. 44th St., New York City. GANTT, Nicholas J.J Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at Vanderbilt University, 1903;, initiated by Tennessee Nu, Sept. 29, 1900; eminent archon of chapter; delegate province Epsilon convention Birmingham, 1901; dele- gate national convention Washing- ton, 1902; lawyer; firm Coleman and Gantt; mem. Masons, B. P. O. E. Address, 615 Citizens Bank Bldg., Pine Bluff, Ark. GARDNER, Charles Bradley; Delta Tau Delta; ed. University of Illinois, 1906; initiated by Beta Upsilon chapter, 1903; mem. Sigma Xi and Phi Lambda Upsilon; president of Chicago Alumni chapter of Delta Tau Delta; delegate to district con- ventions at Chicago, 1908, 1909, 1910, and to national convention at Pitts- burgh, 1913; chemist and superin- tendent; m. Bessie Barker, Oct. 1, 94 LEADING GREEKS 1913. Address, 815 W. 78th St., Chi- cago, 111. GARLINGTON, Samuel Fleming; Sig- ma Nu; ed. at South Carolina Mili- tary Academy, 1890; initiated by Tau chapter; mem. Augusta alumni chapter; attorney-at-law; mem. Georgia Legislature, 1909-1916; mem. Eagles, K. oil P., Beavers, Owls, I. O. O. F.; m. Mary Cozart, Wash- ington, Ga. Address, Augusta, Ga. GARNER, Susie; custodian of the stationery of Phi Mu; ed. Belmont and Randolph-Macon Colleges, 1913; initiated by Theta chapter, 1909; affiliated with Lambda chapter; pres- ident of the chapter; founder of Lambda chapter; president of R. M. W. C., Pan Hellenic; secretary of Alabama Alumnae Association; mem. Randolph-Macon Alumnae As- sociation; delegate to national con- ventions of 1911 and 1913. Address, Ozark, Ala. GARRISON, Anna Mills; secretary of education board of Delta Province of Delta Delta Delta; ed. De Pauw Uni versity, 1910; initiated by Delta Al- pha chapter, 1908; vice-president of the chapter; president of Delta Al- pha alliance; teacher of English. Address, 314 N. East St., Greenfield, Ind. GARTEN, Blanche; Delta Gamma; ed. University of Nebraska, 1897; initiated by Kappa chapter, Nov. 2, 1893; contributed to the "Anchora" of Delta Gamma; mem. Kappa The- ta Alumnae Association of Lincoln, Nebr.; national president, 1902-1905; chairman of national scholarship fund committee; delegate to na- tional convention at Cornell Univer- sity, 1897; delegate to National Pan- Hellenic Council. Address, 1213 H St., Lincoln, Nebr. GATES, M. Hawley; secretary Little Rock alumni chapter; Kappa Sigma, Chi Zeta Chi; ed. at University of Arkansas and University of Georgia, 1912; initiated by Xi chapter of Kappa Sigma, June, 1910; mem. Lit- tle Rock Alumni Associations of Kappa Sigma and Chi Zeta Chi; del- egate national convention Chi Zeta Chi, 1912; physician and surgeon. Address, 407 S. Trust Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. GAUS, Daisy; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. at Vassar, A. B. 1900, Columbia, A. M. 1901, New York University, LL.B. 1904, LL.M. 1906, J. D. 1912; initiated by Nu chapter, Jan., 1904; chapter secretary-treasurer, 1904- 1906; chapter business manager of "To Dragma"; contributor to "To Dragma"; admitted to the bar of New York state, June, 1904; inter- ested in social work; secretary- treasurer Kings County Hospital so- cial service committee; mem. New York City visiting committee of the State Charities Aid Association. Address, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, New York. GAUSS, Harry; Alpha Phi Sigma; ed. Rush Medical College, University of Chicago; initiated by Gamma chap- ter, B. S. 1913, M. D. 1915; oracle of the chapter; grand scribe; editor of the "Journal," 1912-1913, 1913-1914; chairman of ritual revision commit- LEADING GREEKS 95 tee and constituional amendment committee; delegate to national con- ventions of 1912, 1913; delegate to Inter-Medical Fraternity Associa- tion at Chicago, 1914; physician. Address, Rush Medical College; res- idence, 2516 Wilson Ave., Chicago, 111. GAVIN, James L.; general treasurer of Beta Theta Pi; ed. De Pauw Uni- versity, 1896; initiated by Delta chapter, 1892; president of the chap- ter; district chief; delegate to na- tional convention of 1895; lawyer; mem. Masons; m. Florence G. At- kins, 1905. Address, 1012 Hume- Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. GAZLAY, William S.; chairman of en- dowment fund committee of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Northwestern University, 1904; initiated by Illi- nois Psi-Omega chapter, 1900; re- corder of chapter; director and sec- retary of Illinois Psi-Omega Build- ing Association; former president of Evanston Alumni Association of Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon; mem. Chicago Alumni Association, Northwestern Alumni Association; mem. Deru, University Club of Chicago; chief clerk of valuation department of en- gineering department of C. & N. W. Ry. and C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. work- ing on federal valuation; m. Vir- ginia E. Miller, Kappa Alpha Theta, 1906. Address, home, 5416 Sheri- dan Rd.; office, 226 W, Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. GERRI8H, Harry Eldon; secretary board of directors Minneapolis Delta Upsilon Club, Inc.; Delta Upsilon; ed. at University of Minnesota, 1905; initiated by the Minnesota chapter, 1901; chapter president; mechanical engineer; president Mor- gan-Gerrish Co.; mem. Shrine, Knights Templars. Address, 822 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. GETCHELL, Merle Smith; second vice- president; Delta Upsilon; ed. Colby College, 1893; initiated by Colby chapter, 1889; president Delta Up- silon Club of Boston; secretary of national convention; national sec- ond vice-president; head master Brockton High School; mem. F. and A. M., I. O. O. F., N. E. A.; m. Lil- lian M. Thurston, July 30, 1895; Address, 164 Belmont St., Brockton, Mass. GETZ, Carl Henry; vice-president Sig- ma Delta Chi, Delta Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi, Alpha Delta Sigma; ed. at University of Washington, 1913; initiated by Wash- ington chapter of Delta Upsilon, Dec., 1910, by Zeta chapter of Sigma Delta Chi; chapter vice-president; mem. Puget Sound Delta Upsilon Club; delegate national convention of Delta Upsilon 1912, of Sigma Del- ta Chi 1913; at present editor of Sigma Delta Chi "Quarterly"; as- sistant professor of journalism, Uni- versity of Montana. Address, Uni- versity of Montana, Missoula, Mont. GIBSON, Mary Cornelia; Sigma Iota Chi; ed. Ward Seminary, 1908; ini- tiated by Gamma chapter, 1905; president of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine and wrote several songs; mem. Alpha Gamma 96 LEADING GREEKS Alumni Association of Sigma Iota Chi; national vice-president, 1908, 1909; national president, 1909, 1910, 1911; vice-president, 1914;' installed two chapters; delegate to national conventions of 1908, 1914; musician. Address, 12 Evelyn Court, Nashville, Tenn. GIBSON, Mary Wallihan; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at University of Denver, A. B. 1904, A. M. 1905; initiated by Colorado Beta chapter, Nov. 7, 1910; chapter vice-president; mem. Den- ver and Cleveland Alumni Associa- tions; province alumni secretary, 1908-1912; an organizer and first president of Cleveland Pan-Hellenic Association; housewife; m. Alfred Ernest Gibson, Aug. 26, 1910. Ad- dress, 2245 E. 82nd St., Cleveland, Ohio. GIBSON, Robert, Jr.; president of board of trustees of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of the South, 1887; initiated by Tennessee Omega chapter, 1884; eminent recorder of the chapter; mem. New York City Alumni Association; delegate to na- tional conventions at Nashville, At- lanta and Atlantic City; lawyer; m. Grace Dewellyn Jones, Aug. 15, 1908. Address, 14 Wall St., New York City. GIFFIN, Charles Wallace; correspond- ing secretary;. Sigma Tau; ed. Kan- sas State College; initiated by Epsi- lon chapter, Dec. 1, 1913; chairman of ritual publication; mem. commit- tee for revision of national constitu- tion; delegate national convention at Lincoln, Nebr., 1914; student of me- chanical engineering. Address, 930 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kans. GIFFIN, Nathan Ford; worthy grand chief; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at St. Lawrence University, 1895; initi- ated by New York Alpha Omicron, Sept., 1891; mem. New York Alumni Association; chief of Province V, 1911-1912; delegate to national con- vention, 1894; worthy grand chief, 1912; delegate inter-fraternity con- gress, 1912, 1913; delegate inter- fraternity conference Chicago, 1913, which established the College Fra- ternity Reference Bureau; attorney- at-law, firm of Giffin and Hannon. Address, 115 Broadway, New York City. GILLETTE, Edwin Fraser; vice-presi- dent executive council of Tau Beta Pi; Theta Xi, Tau Beta Pi; ed. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1884; Armour Institute of Technol- ogy B. S., 1906; initiated by Alpha chapter of Theta Xi 1880, by Illi- nois Beta chapter of Tau Beta Pi, April 6, 1906; delegate national con- ventions Theta Xi, 1882, 1883, 1884; editor of "Catalogue" of Theta Xi, 1892; charter member of Illinois Beta chapter of Tau Beta Pi and its first president; delegate to national convention of Tau Beta Pi, Ithaca, 1914; editor "The Bent," 1907-1908; vice-president executive council, 1913-1914; author of Tau Beta Pi poem and song; delegate to inter- fratemity conference Chicago, 1913; m. Mabel Hyde, Oct. 27, 1902. Ad- dress 8 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. LEADING GREEKS 97 OILMAN, Fred Hayward; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at University of Minne- sota, 1890; initiated by Beta Eta chapter, 1887; an organizer and president of Puget Sound Alumni Association; delegate to district con- vention; manager Pacific coast de- partment of American Lumberman; Thirty-Second Degree Mason, Shrin- er; m. Grace E. Merrifield. Ad- dress, 1040 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash. GILMORE, Agnes May; custodian of th,e badge of Sigma Kappa; ed. Bos- ton University, 1909; initiated by Delta chapter, Nov., 1905; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; secretary and president of Boston Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Kappa; delegate to national conven- tion in 1908 at Syracuse University; chairman of local Pan-Hellenic at College; assistant principal at Read- ing, Penn. High School and head of shorthand and typewriting depart- ment; mem. Ladies of G. A. R. and Daughters of Veterans. Address, 684 Western Ave., W. Lynn, Mass. GILMORE, Helen Frances; editor of "Triangle"; Sigma Kappa; ed. at Boston University, 1910; initiated by Delta chapter, Feb., 1907; president Boston alumni chapter; editor-in- chief of the "Triangle"; teacher; head of German department, Wake- field (Mass.) High School; mem. Ladies of the G. A. R. Address, 684 Western Ave., W. Lynn, Mass. GLAZEBROOK, Larkin White; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. University of the South, 1881; initiated by Tennessee Omega chapter, 1880; mem. District of Columbia Alumni Association; published and edited three fraternity directories; worthy grand chief, 1894-1900; worthy grand keeper of the annals, 1900-1912; delegate to na- tional conventions from 1894-1912; physician and surgeon since 1890; m. Jane T. Cox, Jan. 9, 1895. Ad- dress, 2022 P St., Washington, D. C. GLAZEBROOK, Otis A.; a founder of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Virginia Military Institute; founded Alpha Tau Omega at the Virginia Military Institute in 1865; for thirty-five years a member of the high council of Alpha Tau Omega; for twenty-nine years the chairman of the same; clergyman. Address, Wykagyl Park, New Rochelle, N. Y. GODDARD, Sara Charlotte; chairman of undergraduates aid fund of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1906-1916; ed. Butler College, 1903; initiated by Mu chapter, Oct., 1899; president of the chapter; contributed to the Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma; mem. Den- ver Alumnae Association; grand president of deputy convention, 1906; delegate to national conven- tion of 1900 at Columbus, Ohio; m. Richard Hewitt Goddard, July 15, 1908. Address, 1100 Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. GOECKEL, Henry Joseph; grand his- torian and editor; Kappa Psi; ed. at New College of Pharmacy, 1904; in- itiated by Gamma chapter, 1902; or- ganizer and past regent New York graduate chapter; exchange editor "Mask," 1908-1909; editor, 1906-1908; 98 LEADING GREEKS editor "The Agora," 1906 and 1913; organized and installed Beta Delta chapter at Union University; revised the present ritual and drew up by- laws for subordinate chapters which are now in force; chairman Gamma prize committee; pharmacist; foun- der of Goeckel Laboratory for Exam- ination of Foods, Drugs, etc. Ad- dress, Ferry Point Road, Westches- ter, New York City. GOES, Arthur A.; former general sec- retary of Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at University of Chicago, 1908; ini- tiated by Delta Delta chapter, Feb- ruary, 1905; delegate to annual na- tional convention at Louisville, Ky.; vice-jpresident of Chicago Alumni Club, 1912-13; secretary-treasurer of Delta Kappa Epsilon Auxiliary As- sociation, 1909-14; western general secretary, 1913: mem. national coun- cil, 1913-14; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference, 1913; lithograph- er; vice-president of Goes Lithog- raphy Company and secretary-treas- urer of Krohmer Co.; m. Mary A. McCarthy, June 12, 1913. Address, 42 West 61st St., Chicago, 111. GOESSELE, Ruth Joyce; Kappa Delta; ed. at Northwestern University, 1914; initiated by Lambda chapter, June, 1910; mem. Chicago Alumnae Association; delegate national con- vention, 1914. Address, 2715 Mil- dred Ave., Chicago, 111. GOLD, Pleasant D., Jr.; grand master of New York Alumni Association of Kappa Sigma; ed. University of North Carolina, 1898; initiated by Alpha Mu chapter, Sept., 1893; grand master of the chapter; district grand master of Carolinas District, 1911-1913; delegate to national con- vention at Louisville, 1912 ; business, investment securities; mem. Masons, Shrine, Elks; m. Elizabeth Balsley, May 15, 1901. Address, Sherman Square Hotel, New York City. GOLDSMITH, Goldwin; Delta Upsi- lon; ed. Columbia University, 1896; initiated by Columbia chapter, 1892; president of the chapter; wrote a few songs and contributed to the fraternity magazine; mem. Delta Upsilon Club of New York City and Columbia University Alumni Asso- ciation; assistant editor of the Delta Upsilon "Quarterly," 1901; editor-in- chief, 1902-1907; mem. of executive council, 1907-1912; vice-president, 1908-1910; president, 1910-1912; his- torian of the convention, 1903-1913; associate editor of "Quarterly," 1910- 1914; revived Delta Upsilon Club of New York City; designed present pledge pin; attended all conventions from 1897 to 1913 as delegate or offi- cer; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Conference from first until 1912; practised architecture, New York City, 1897-1913; now professor and head of department of architecture, University of Kansas; m. Gertrude Sumner Johnson, 1896. Address, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. GOLTRA, Sidney Ellison; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. Northwestern Uni- versity, 1915; initiated by Illinois Psi Omega, Feb. 22, 1912; librarian of the chapter; mem. of Hermit and LEADING GREEKS 99 Crow and French Club of North- western University; contributed to the "Record" of Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; attended installation of Wis- consin Phi chapter at Beloit College; delegate to national convention at Nashville, Tenn., 1912, and sergeant at arms at convention of 1914 at Chicago, 111.; clerk of the College Fraternity Reference Bureau; asso- ciate editor of the "Reference Bu- reau Bulletin." Address, 843 Jud- son Ave., Evanston, 111. GONSIOR, Albert; Chi Phi; ed. at University of Illinois, 1914; initiated by Sigma chapter, Oct., 1910; chap- ter treasurer; delegate national con- vention New York, 1914; with Chi- cago Telephone Co. Address, 3134 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. GOODSON, Meta Tenley; Sigma Sig- ma Sigma; ed. at Randolph Macon Women's College, 1908; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1904; chapter presi- dent; served on directory committee; delegate to two national conventions inspector; chairman extension com- mittee; editor one number of "Tri- angle." Address, 502 East 1st North St., Morristown, Tenn. GOODWIN, Clarene La Rue; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at Indiana University, 1883; initiated by Indiana Alpha, June, 1878; chapter president; mem. Indianapolis and Pittsburgh alumni chapters; delegate national conven- tion, Nashville 1884, Indianapolis 1880; contributor to the "Scroll"; manufacturing lumberman; mem. F. and A. M.; m. Harriet A. Kuhns, Nov. 17, 1885. Address, Underwood Ave., Greensburg, Penn. GOODWIN, Julia Rogers; Phi Mu; ed. at Wesleyan Female College, 1910; initiated by Alpha chapter, Oct. 13, 1906; chapter president; secretary Macon Alumnae Association; dele- gate national convention Jamestown, 1907; assistant editor of "Aglaia"; contributor to "Aglaia"; mem. Pan- Hellenic Association. Address, 375 College St., Macon, Ga. GORDON, Armistead Church; Chi Phi, Phi Beta Kappa; ed. University of Virginia, 1875; initiated by Alpha chapter, Sept., 1873 ; delegate several national conventions ; attorney-at- law; mem. Virginia State Bar Asso- ciation, American Bar Association, board trustees University of Vir- ginia, rector University of Virginia, 1906; chairman state library board, 1903; m. Maria Breckinridge Cat- lett, Oct. 17, 1883. Address, 405 E. Beverly St., Staunton, Va. GORDON, Charles Henry; treasurer general Phi Kappa Phi; Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi; ed. at Albion College, University of Chi- cago, Ph. D., 1895; initiated by Ep- silon chapter of Delta Tau Delta, 1882, by Phi Kappa Phi 1908, by Sig- ma Xi 1902; established Beta Pi chapter at Northwestern; composer Delta Tau Delta song; treasurer gen- eral Phi Kappa Phi; professor geol- ogy and mineralogy, U. S. Geological Survey, 1905-1913; Thirty-Second Degree Mason, Shriner; m. Mary Hydorn, June 22, 1887. Address, 100 LEADING GREEKS University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. GORRILL, William Henry;. Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa; ed. at University of California, A. B. 1895, Harvard A. M. 1900; initiated by Omega chapter, 1891; mem. San Francisco alumni chapter; district chief, 1905-1909; delegate national convention Niagara Falls 1894, Den- ver 1906, Niagara Falls 1907; attor- ney-at-law; instructor in law Uni- versity of California, 1901-1905; m. Katherine C. Bunnell, March 5, 1908. Address, 821 First National Bank Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. GOSSARD, Charles O.; Sigma Chi: ed. at Kansas University, 1911; ini- tiated by Alpha Xi chapter, 1907; consul of chapter; secretary Kansas City Alumni Association; historian, chapter letters quarterly; treasurer Home Land Development Co. Ad- dress, 3703, Belleview Ave., Kansas City, Mo. GRABNER, Frederick Corning; execu- tive secretary of Sigma Chi; mem. Beta Pi Epsilon, Omega Sigma The- ta fraternities; ed. at Beloit College, 1911; initiated by Alpha Zeta chap- ter, Jan. 19, 1909; pro consul of chapter; mem. San Francisco Alum- ni Association; mem. Chicago Alum- ni Association; delegate to two na- tional conventions; delegate to first meeting of fraternity secretaries, New York, July, 1914; executive sec- retary. Address, 606 South Michi- gan Ave., Chicago, 111. GRAFFERTY, Marian; Eta Upsilon Gamma; ed. Hardin College, 1914; initiated by Beta chapter, Nov. 16, 1912; secretary of the chapter; con- tributed to fraternity magazine; president Kansas City Alumnae As- sociation. Address, 2805 Olive St., Kansas City, Mo. GRAHAM, Mary C.; Delta Delta Del- ta; ed. at University of Nebraska, 1909; initiated by Kappa chapter, 1910; mem. local Pan-Hellenic; dean of women, University of Nebraska. Address, Station A, Lincoln, Nebr. GRANER, Walter; national vice-presi- dent of Delta Sigma Phi; ed. Cum- berland University, 1913, 1914; ini- tiated by Omicron chapter; vice- president of the chapter; mem. Dallas Alumni Club of Delta Sigma Phi; delegate to national convention at New York City, Dec. 29, 1913; law- yer. Address, Y. M. C. A., Dallas, Texas. GRANT, Amandus Newton; Beta Theta Pi; ed. De Pauw University, 1874; University of Michigan, 1876; initi- ated by Delta chapter, 1872; affili- ated with Lambda chapter; mem. De Pauw and University of Michigan Alumni Associations; re-established two chapters; chief of district three years; general secretary, 1873, 1874; delegate to national conventions of 1872, 1873, 1874; lawyer; grand mas- ter of I. O. O. F, 1887-1888; mem. Masons, Knights of Pythias, Ben Hur; m. Mary L. Darnall, 1876. Ad- dress, 434 Lemcke Bldg., Indianapo- lis, Ind. GRANT, Helen Hardie; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. at Northwestern Univer- sity, 1910; initiated by Gamma LEADING GREEKS 101 chapter, 1907; chapter president; conducted investigation leading to the establishment of province gov- ernment; national secretary, 1911- 1912; author two songs; contributor to magazine; m. Frederick C. Grant, 1913. Address, 739 S. 3rd St., De Kalb, 111. GRANT, Justin Frank; grand regent; Kappa Psi; ed. at Yale University, Ph. B. 1898; Johns Hopkins Univer- sity M. D. 1903, West Virginia Uni- versity, Atlanta College of Physi- cians and Surgeons; initiated by Xi chapter, Nov. 28, 1908; affiliated Al- pha chapter; chapter grand regent; mem. Boston graduate chapter; del- egate North Atlantic province con- ventions, 1913, 1914; delegate na- tional convention, 1910; grand vice- regent, grand regent; instituted sev- eral chapters; contributor to "Mask"; in charge Boston depart- ment of experimental medicine, Parke, Davis and Co.; mem. Ma- sons; m. Emily Jenks Bray, Sept. 7, 1904. Address, 15 Bellevue St., Tufts College, Mass. GRASS, Robert; chapter president; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at Leland Stan- ford, Jr., University, 1907; initiated by Beta Rho chapter, Oct. 8, 1904; mem. Puget Sound Alumni Associa- tion; founded Gamma Mu chapter at University of Washington; delegate national convention, Chicago Karnea; lawyer; deputy presecuting attorney for King county; served two terms in state legislature. Address, Elk Club, Seattle, Wash. GRAVES, F. Stuart; custodian, grand executive council; Nu Sigma Nu; ed. at Syracuse University, 1911; initi- ated by Mu chapter, 1906; delegate national conventions 1908, 1910, 1912; professor of pathology and bac- teriology, University of Louisville; pathologist to Louisville Public Hos- pital. Address, 101 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. GRAVES, William Lucius; district chief; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at Ohio State University, 1893; initiated by Theta Delta chapter, Jan. 25, 1890; chapter president; mem. Columbus Alumni Association; contributor of songs and poems to magazine; dis- trict chief, District VII; delegate national conventions, 1891, 1895, 1898, 1900, 1901, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913; professor of English Ohio State University; published in col- laboration "Prose Specimens"; con- tributor to "Scribners," "Mc- Clure's," "Lippincott's." Address, 1313 Forsythe Ave., Columbus, Ohio. GRAY, Viola Clarke; editor "To Drag- ma; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. at Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1902; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1903; delegate na- tional convention Boston, 1910; chairman committee on need of the chapters, 1906-1908; editor "To Dragma, 1908-1910; teacher of Eng- lish, Lincoln High School. Address, 1527 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Nebr. GREEN, A. Chester; founder Alpha Phi Sigma; ed. at Northwestern Uni- versity, 1910; initiated by Beta chapter, 1907; grand oracle of chap- ter; delegate national convention 102 LEADING GREEKS Chicago; founder of the fraternity; physician and surgeon; mem. Ma- sons, K. of P.; m. Fannye Levin, 1912. Address, 2118 North Ave., Chicago, 111. GREEN, Andrew H.; sole survivor of Bix founders; Theta Delta Chi; ed. at Union University, Schenectady, N. Y., 1849; founded fraternity and Chapter Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Central New York and Detroit alumni chapter; attended conven- tions and visited chapters; lawyer and judge; is now more than eighty- five years of age; m. Mary Miller, Dec. 31, 1863. Address, 341 Mont- clair St., Detroit, Mich. GREEN, George T.; S. A. E. Standard Accounts Clerk; ed. Northwestern University; initiated by Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1912; S. A. E. Clerk, 1913; S. A. E. Standard Accounts Clerk, 1915. Freeport, 111. GREEN, L. Pearl e; grand secretary and editor; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. at Leland Stanford, Jr. University, 1898; initiated by Phi chapter, Nov., 1895; district president; grand sec- retary, editor, author Kappa Alpha Theta handbook; contributor to magazine; delegate national Pan- Hellenic, 1908, 1909, 1914; to Greek letter conference, Chicago, May, 1913; reference librarian Stanford, 1901-1907. Address, 15 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. GREEN, Virginia Fisk; president Pa- cific Province; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. at University of Michigan, 1904; initiated by Theta chapter, 1898; chapter president; mem. New York City and San Francisco Alumni As- sociations; province president, equipment office; delegate national conventions Boston, Detroit, Cham- paign; grand vice-president, grand secretary; contributor to magazine, poetry and songs, ritual work; in- spection and installation work; housewife; m. Frederick M. Green, June, 1906. Address, 1632 Spruce St., Berkeley, Calif. GREENE, Wade; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at Albion College, University of Michigan, 1905; initiated by Beta Omicron chapter, 1901; affiliated Beta Lambda chapter; W. K. E. of chapter; president New York Al- umni Association, 1914; delegate state convention Hillsdale, Mich., 1904; realty investments; Mason; m. Pearl B. Jones, Sept. 19, 1909. Address, 149 Broadway, New York City. GRIEST, Katherlne; president Phila- delphia Alumni Club; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at Swarthmore College, 1908; in- itiated by Pennsylvania Alpha chap- ter, March 3, 1905; chapter presi- dent; attended national convention Swarthmore, 1910; chairman calen- dar committee; editor and publisher of Pi Beta Phi calendar, 1911-1915; delegate to local Pan-Hellenic; teacher of German Cheltenham High School, Elkins Park, Penn. Ad- dress, 5239 Archer Ave., German- town, Penn. GRIFFIN, J. Ansley; Kappa Alpha (Southern), Chi Zeta Chi; ed. at Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1898; Medical Department, Univer- LEADING GREEKS 103 sity of Georgia, 1906; initiated by Alpha Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha, 1895; by Alpha chapter of Chi Zeta Chi, 1903; G. M. of Alpha Pi of Kappa Alpha, E. G. of Alpha of Chi Zeta Chi; presided Chi Zeta Chi national conventions 1905, 1907, 1909; national president, 1903-1909; Chi Zeta Chi; edited Chi Zeta Chi ritual, song book and "Record," 1905-1907; practicing physician; mem. B. P. O. E.; m. Ellen Pratt, 1910. Address, 702 N. Marion St, Lake City, Fla GRIFFITH, Mary Emma; official ex- aminer of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. at Syracuse University, 1910; initiated by Lambda chapter, 1907; chapter editor of "Lyre"; official reporter national convention, 1910; exchange editor of "Lyre"; delegate to dis- trict conventions 1910, 1912; Eng- lish teacher, 1910-13; private secre- tary. Address, United States De- partment of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C. GROSVENOR, Edwin Augustus; Psi Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa; ed. at Amherst College, 1867; initiated by Gamma chapter of Psi Upsilon, 1864; chapter president; president united chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, senator Phi Beta Kappa; professor of modern government and inter- national law at Amherst; LL. D. Waoash College 1903, Alfred Univer- sity 1904, Marietta College, 1910, William and Mary, 1913, L. H. D. Amherst, 1914; m. Lillian Hovey Waters, Oct. 23, 1873. Address, 7 College St., Amherst, Mass. GRUBBS, Thomas Elmer; senior asso- ciate editor; Phi Chi; ed. at Univer- sity of California, 1910; initiated with Pi Delta Phi chapter, being a charter member of the chapter; pre- siding senior of chapter; delegate national convention Louisville, 1910; constitution revision committee, 1911; senior associate editor, 1910- 1915; compiled first song book; as- sociate editor first and second di- rectory; author several songs and contributor to magazine; established chapters at California, Southern California, Stanford, Tufts and Ore- gon; interne Los Angeles County County Hospital, 1910-1912; assist- ant surgeon Mammoth -Copper Co., 1912 - 1915. Address, Mammoth, Calif. GRULIE, Clifford Grosselle; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Rho Sigma; ed. at Miami University, 1899; Northwest- ern University M. D., 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter of Beta Theta Pi, June, 1895; by Alpha chapter of Phi Rho Sigma, May, 1900; Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Chicago Alumni Association of both fraternities; delegate national convention Phi Rho Sigma, 1897; general secretary, 1905-1913; mem. grand council, 1913; Phi Rho Sigma; physician; practice limited to children; m. Margaret Freer, April 24, 1907. Address, 1324 Madison Park, Chicago, 111. GRUNER. Emmett; alumni secretary in St. Louis; Kappa Sigma; ed. at Washington University, 1912; initi- ated by Beta Sigma chapter, 1909; grand scribe of chapter; mem. St. 104 LEADING GREEKS Louis Alumni Association; delegate district convention, 1912; alumnus advisor to Beta Sigma chapter; con- tributor to "Caduceus"; mem. firm Philip Gruner and Bros. Lumber Co. Address, Buckingham Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. GUNN, Edward R. W.; eminent su- preme "A."; Pi Kappa Phi; ed. at Emory College, 1913; initiated by Eta chapter, being a member of Cross Keys Club, chartered by Pi Kappa Phi; "A" of chapter; dele- gate national convention, 1913; na- tional secretary; contributor to "Star and Lamp"; founder of Iota chapter at Georgia Tech.; minister, Methodist conference; mem. Masons, Redmen, Odd Fellows. Address, Ox- ford, Ga. GUNNISON, Stanley; trustee of fra- ternity; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at St. Lawrence University, 1899; initiated by Beta Zeta chapter, 1896; district chief three years; member board of trustees of general fraternity for five years; delegate national con- vention; advertising, Ward & Low; mem. Masons, Elks; m. Harriet O. McLaughlin, 1900. Address, 77 Wil- son St., New York City. GUPPY, Maria Ruth; fraternity ex- aminer; Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Uni- versity of Michigan 1887; initiated by Beta chapter, 1883; chapter pres- ident; president association of col- legiate alumnae, Eugene chapter; author of songs and contributor to magazine; delegate national conven- tion; member advisory board; chair- man committee on fraternity exami- nations; dean of Women, Univer- sity of Oregon; mem. D. A. R. Ad- dress, University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. GUSTAFSON, Axel Ferdinand; high chancellor of Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; ed. at University of Illinois, 1907; initiated by Morrow chapter of Al- pha Zeta, Nov., 1905; chapter scribe; high chancellor of Alpha Zeta, 1910- 1914; associate in soil physics, Uni- versity of Illinois; Mason; m. Zora Dean McUmber, June 30, 1914. Ad- dress, 709 W. Nevada St., Urbana, 111. GUY, John Emmett; ex-president Chi- cago alumni chapter; Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. at Hahneman College of Chicago 1904; initiated by Eta Lambda chapter, 1899; mem. Chi- cago alumni chapter; delegate na- tional convention Cleveland, 1912; eye, ear, nose and throat specialist; mem. B. P. O. E., Masons; m. Mayme E. Etter, Sept. 12, 1899. Address, 307 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. GYER, Greta; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. at Syracuse University, 1912; initi- ated by Lambda chapter, 1908; chap- ter president; mem. committee of examinations; official examiner; teacher of Latin and German in Mil- son, N. Y. Address, Richfield Springs, N. Y. H HACKETT, Norman Honore; Theta Delta Chi; ed. at University of Michigan, 1898; initiated by Gamma Deuteron chapter, 1895; mem. De- troit Alumni Association; delegate LEADING GREEKS 105 national convention New York, 1914; contributor to "Shield" and regular correspondent; has visited every chapter but two in the fraternity; actor, starring in "Classmates," "Sa- tan Sanderson," "A Double Deceiv- er" and "The Typhoon"; mem. Elks. Address, 441 4th Ave., Detroit, Mich. HAGAMAN, E. Pauline; national treas- urer; Delta Gamma; ed. at Syracuse University, 1907; University of Buf- falo, law, 1910; initiated by Rho chapter, 1903; chapter treasurer; mem. Syracuse Alumni Association; mem. of grand council; delegate na- tional Pan-Hellenic, 1913-1917; at- torney-at-law. Address, office 929 Granite Bldg., residence 39 Marshall St., Rochester, N. Y. HAGAN, Horace Henry; Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Georgetown University, 1913; initiated by Edward Douglas White chapter, 1911; chapter vice- master; contributor to fraternity magazine of "Seven Great American Lawyers"; lawyer, attorney gener- al's office; author articles on Judah P. Benjamin, Wendell Phillips and Lord Mansfield, appearing in law re- views. Address, 812 W. 19th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. HAGUE, Marian Elizabeth; supervisor District II; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Colby College, 1913; initiated by AlL-ha Upsilon chapter, Nov., 1909; chapter president; president Alpha Upsilon Alliance, 1914-1915; district supervisor (District II); delegate national convention Evanston, 1910; president local Pan-Hellenic, 1912- 1913; farmer's wife. Address, R. F. D. No. 3, Gorham, Me. HALE, Stephen Fowler; associate ed- itor "The Mask"; Kappa Psi; ed. Maryland Medical College, Univer- sity of Alabama, 1904; initiated by Epsilon chapter, 1903; installed Iota chapter at Mobile, 1905; contributor to "The Mask"; physician and sur- geon; mem. Medical Society of Mo- bile County, Medical Association of Alabama; Mason, W. G. W., Wood- men Circle. Address, 53 North Con- ception St., Mobile, Ala. HALL, Eva Reed; Kappa Alpha The- ta; ed. at Northwestern University, 1890; initiated by Tau chapter. 1887; chapter president; mem. Chicago Alumnae Association; district presi- dent, 1907-1909; grand vice-presi- dent, 1909-1913; editor of "Cata- logue"; installed chapters at Mis- souri, Oklahoma and North Dakota; delegate to national Pan-Hellenic; delegate Greek letter conference, Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, 1913; teacher; mem. D. A. R. Address, 327 W. Sycamore St., Sycamore, 111. HALL, Frances Elliott Maim; a foun- der; Sigma Kappa; ed. at Colby Col- lege, 1877; founder of sorority, prin- cipal Hall-Noye's School, Washing- ton, D. C.; m. George W. Hall. Ad- dress, 221 E St. N. W., Washington, D. C. HALL, Robert Everett; special dele- gate; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at Ste- vens Institute of Technology, 1895; initiated by Rho chapter, Nov. 14, 1890; presiding officer of chapter; mem. New York and Boston Alumni 106 LEADING GREEKS Associations; delegate several dis- trict conventions; president eastern division; delegate national conven- tions, 1897, 1901; vice-president and treasurer, Gould Mfg. Co. of New England; m. Elizabeth Leonard, 1900. Address, 1558 Beacon St., Waban, Mass. HALL, Samuel Stickney; trustee; among the original incorporators of the fraternity; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Harvard University, 1888; initiated by the Harvard chapter, 1886; chap- ter vice-president; secretary and treasurer executive counsel, 1893- 1904; vice-president executive com- mittee, 1904-1906; president execu- tive committee, 1906-1908; delegate to various national conventions; con- tributor to magazine; actuary; m. Eleanor Sexton Borst, June 21, 1893. Address, 17 Upper Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. HALL, Wlnfield Scott; former national president of Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Kappa Psi, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi; ed. at Northwestern University, 1887; Harvard University, Univer- sity of Leipsic, 1895; initiated by Illinois Alpha chapter of Phi Kappa Psi, June, 1885; by Illinois Gamma of Alpha Omega Alpha; national president of Alpha Omega Alpha; contributor to. magazine; professdr physiology Northwestern Univer- sity Medical School and junior dean medical faculty; lecturer, author; ex- tensive contributor to medical jour- nals; mem. Fellow American Acad- emy of Medicine; m. Jeannette Win- ter, Oct. 11, 1888. Address, 2431 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. HAMER, John Daniel; editor "Star and Lamp"; Pi Kappa Phi; ed. at University of South Carolina, 1912; charter member of South Carolina Sigma chapter; initiated March 10, 1909; contributor of articles and edi- torials to magazine; delegate na- tional conventions 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; national journalist, 1913-1915; committee on ritual; in- stalling officer Georgia Iota chapter; lawyer; mem. B. P. O. E. Address, 124% Morgan Square, Spartanburg, S. C. HAMER, Philip Bascombe; former knight commander of Kappa Alpha (southern) ; ed. at Wofford College, 1882; initiated by Delta chapter, Oc- tober 13, 1878; G. M. of chapter; mem. Columbia, S. C. Alumni chap- ter; delegate to national convention, 1881; editor of Kappa Alpha Maga- zine, 1883-85; organized Sigma chap- ter at Davidson College, Davidson, N. C.; judge of probate and master in equity for Marion county, S. C.; mem. Order of Knights of Pythias; m. Gertrude Buck, Nov. 26, 1890. Address, 26 Wilcox, Marion, S. C. HAMILTON, James A.; editor of "The Shield"; Theta Delta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Chi; ed. at University of Rochester, 1898; initiated by Chi charge, Oct. 13, 1893; chapter presi- dent; president graduate club of Theta Delta Chi; (delegate many national conventions; teacher; mem. Microscopical Club, Scientific Alli- ance; m. Georgiana E. Montgomery, LEADING GREEKS 107 Oct. 11, 1904. Address, 897 Crotona Park North, New York City. HAMILTON, William A.; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at Northwestern University, 1879; initiated by Rho chapter, March 6, 1876; chapter treasurer; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; district assistant secretary, 1883- 1886; delegate national conventions, 1881, 1882, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, national president, 1897-1900, 1906- 1912 ; attorney - at - law. Address, Evanston, 111. HAMLIN, James Darlington; Kappa Sigma; ed. Transylvania University, 1896; initiated by Alpha Omicron chapter, 1895; biennial orator con- clave 1898, toastmaster conclave banquets 1896, 1898, 1904, 1910, 1912; delegate national conventions 1896, 1898; mem. New York Kappa Sigma Club; county judge; mem. Masons, Odd Fellows; m. Katherine Nichols, 1906. Address, Court House, Far- well, Texas. HANCOCK, Ralph James; secretary and treasurer of Birmingham Alum- ni Association of Kappa Sigma; ed. at Georgia Institute of Technology, 1908; initiated by Alpha Tau chap- ter, 1905; grand master of chapter; delegate to district convention at Macon, Ga., 1906, and Birmingham, Ala., 1907; regular contributor to the "Caduceus" of Kappa Sigma; construction contractor; m. Lottie Lavere, December, 1910. Address, Postoffice Box 70, Birmingham, Ala. HANKISON, Otto L., district chancel- lor; Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Ohio Northern University, 1910; initiated by Marshall Senate chapter as a charter member June 4, 1910; chap- ter vice-president; mem. Toledo Alumni Senate; district chancellor, Delta district; delegate national con- vention, 1913; delegate to Chicago conference when Theta Lambda Phi, Alpha Kappa Phi and Delta Phi Delta were consolidated as Delta Theta Phi; lawyer, firm of Hanki- son, Axline and Deeds. Address, 942 Ohio Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. HAN LEY, Edith Rice; district super- visor; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Goucher College, 1903; initiated by Xi chapter, 1900; delegate district conventions Baltimore, New York; delegate national convention Colum- bus; district supervisor; m. W. W. Haniey, 1905. Address, 106 Fayette St., Cumberland, Md. HANNA, Isabel A.; secretary Balti- more Alumni Association; Phi Mu; ed. at St. Mary's College, 1908; ini- tiated by Upsilon Delta chapter, Jan. 23, 1907; mem. Baltimore Alum- nae Association; served on endow- ment and finance board; delegate national convention Jamestown, 1907; contributor to song books and the "Aglaia." Address, 102 Elm- hurst Road, Roland Park, Balti- more, Md. HANNA, John Calvin; mem. executive committee of College Fraternity Reference Bureau Beta Theta Pi; ed. at Wooster College 1881; ini- tiated by Alpha Lambda chapter 308 LEADING GREEKS October 12, 1878; chapter president; mem. Chicago alumni chapter, Beta Theta Pi club of New York City; delegate district conventions, dis- trict chief 1882-'83; delegate na- tional convention 1879, 1881; at- tended twenty-three others; general secretary, 1884-'99; president, 1900- '03; trustee, 1897-1906; "Catalogue" editor, 1884-1899; mem. code com- mission, 1895-'97; active in remod- eling government of fraternity, 1892-'97; contributor to fraternity magazine; delegate Greek Letter Conference, Blackstone Hotel, Chi- cago, 1913; state supervisor of high schools of Illinois, 1914 ; principal Oak Park High School, 1898-1914; mem. American Philogical Associa- tion; president, 1912, Department of Secondary Education of the Na- tional Education Association; m. Kittie A. Parsons, Kappa Kappa Gamma, August 20, 1884. Address, 630% South 7th St., Springfield, 111. HARDEMAN, John Lumsden; Kappa Alpha; ed. at University of Georgia, 1871; initiated by Gamma chapter, June 22, 1868; mem. Macon Alumni Association; delegate first, fourth, ninth, twentieth, twenty-first, twen- ty-sixth and twenty-seventh national conventions, K. C. 1873-1875, 1898- 1901; president four terms, national commission, 1901-1911; lawyer; for- mer solicitor general ; judge superior court; m. Fannie E. Ross, Sept. 20, 1875. Address, 102 North St., Ma- con, Ga. HARDT, Frank McCullen; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at University of Penn sylvania, 1901; initiated by Penn sylvania Theta, 1900; president Philadelphia Alumni Association; delegate province Alpha convention, 1911, 1913; vice-president province Alpha, 1913; assistant cashier Na- tional Bank of Northern Liberty; m. Helen C. Liscom, Feb. 6, 1905. Ad- dress, 2216 Georges Lane, Thyme- field, Philadelphia, Penn. HARDY, David Phillip; grand vice- president; Pi Kappa Phi; ed. at Uni- versity of California, 1912; initiated by California Gamma, March, 1909; chapter president; delegate national convention Wrightsville Beach, S. C., 1912; mathematics master in Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy. Ad- dress, Box 283, San Rafael, Calif. HARDY, William Edwin; grand praetor; Sigma Chi; ed. at Univer- sity of Nebraska, 1885; initiated by Alpha Epsilon chapter, 1883; mem. Lincoln Alumni Association; dele- gate district conventions 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912; grand praetor; contrib- utor to magazine; president Hardy Furniture Co. ; m. Gertrude H. Laws, 1895. Address, 1314 St., Lincoln, Nebr. HARKNESS, Nathan J.; member ex- ecutive council; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Northwestern University, 1914; initiated by Northwestern chapter, 1910; mem. Chicago Delta Upsilon Club; delegate national convention Rochester, 1913; member executive council; law student. Address, 714 Foster St., Evanston, 111. HARMAN, Thomas D., Jr.; national president; Alpha Gamma Rho; ed. at Pennsylvania State University, LEADING GREEKS 109 1911; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1910; chapter president; delegate national conventions 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; national vice-president, treasurer, president; advertising, Stockman-Farmer Publishing Co. ; m. E. R. Weldon, April, 1914. Ad- dress, 110 Shady Ave., Pittsburgh, Penn. HARPER, Harry Halsted; the presi- dent Chicago Alumni Association; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Univer- sity of Chicago, 1908; initiated by Illinois Theta; eminent archon of chapter; delegate province Delta convention, Delaware, Ohio, 1908; delegate from Chicago Alumni As- sociation to S. A. E. National Convention at Chicago, 1914; sec- retary-treasurer province Delta, 1910-1914; real estate broker with Oliver & Co.; mem. City Club, Chicago Real Estate Board; m. Eugenia May MacLaurin, May 15, 1914. Address, 40 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. HARPER, Jesse Dean; national treas- urer; Alpha Gamma Rho; ed. at Purdue University, 1913; initiated by Delta chapter, 1911; delegate na- tional convention; national secre- tary and treasurer; editor publica- tion one year; agricultural exten- sion; Mason. Address, Purdue Uni- versity, Lafayete, Ind. HARRINGTON, Helen M.; president Wooster Alumni Club; ed. at Uni- versity of Wooster, 1912; initiated by Ohio Gamma, 1910; chapter pres- ident; teacher of German, Bowling Green High School. Address, 325 N. Prospect St., Bowling Green, Ohio. HARRIS, Abram W.; president of the honorary society Alpha Delta Tau; Alpha Delta Phi; ed. at Wes- leyan University, 1880; initiated by Middletown chapter, 1876; also mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Delta Tau, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi; chapter president of Alpha Delta Phi; president Western Alumni As- sociation; chairman of committee that built first chapter house; author one fraternity song; contributor to magazine; delegate national con- vention; president Northwestern University; Mason; m. Clara V. Bainbridge, 1888. Address, 1745 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. HARRIS, James Willis; Sigma Nu; ed. at Mercer University, B. S. 1902, law 1905; initiated by Eta chapter, 1897; chapter treasurer; inspector third division; delegate national convention New Orleans, 1904; at- torney-at-law ; m. Juliette Bussey, April 8, 1908. Address, Lumpkin St., Cuthbert, Ga. HARRIS, John Cochran; national president of Delta Sigma Phi; ed. University of Texas, 1910; initiated by Eta chapter, 1908; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Dallas Alumni Association; national president two terms; delegate to national conven- tions of 1913 and 1914; lawyer and planter; mem. Masons, Shrine; m. Nellie H. Wilson, Dec. 1, 1910. Ad- dress, 402 Commonwealth Bldg., Dallas, Texas. 110 LEADING GREEKS HARRIS, Leslie Huntington; secre- tary of national executive council of Eta Kappa Nu, also member Tau Beta Pi; ed. at Purdue University, 1907; initiated by Indiana Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Pi 1906, by Beta chapter of Eta Kappa Nu 1907; chapter secretary; delegate national conventions Eta Kappa Nu, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914; assistant professor of electrical engineering. Address, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Penn. HARRIS, Nell E.; business manager of "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. at Simpson College 1907; initiated by Mu chapter May 13, 1907; presi- dent of chapter; delegate to Na- tional Pan-Hellenic Congress, Chi- cago, October 16-18, 1913; delegate to editors' and business managers' conference; secretary to the direc- tor, Simpson College Conservatory of Music. Address, 411 W. Ashland Ave., Indianola, Iowa. HARRIS, Sarah Bacon; grand vice- president; Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. at Northwestern University, 1911; initiated by Upsilon chapter, 1908; mem. North Shore Alumni Association; delegate national con- vention Bloomington, Ind., Aug., 1910; Estes Park, Aug., 1916; grand vice-president, 1914-1916; editor of "The Key"; assistant in office of dean of Northwestern University. Addrees, 1334 Hinman Ave., Evans- ton, 111. HARRISON, Benjamin H.; grand treasurer; Alpha Chi Sigma; ed. at University of Illinois, 1910; initi- ated by Zeta chapter, 1908; master alchemist of chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni chapter; business manager of the "Hexagon"; delegate na- tional conventions 1912, 1914; dele- gate Greek Letter Conference, Chi- cago, 1913; chemist, Arbuckle Brothers. Address, 220 N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111. HARRISON, Frederick Christopher; district grand officer; Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. at University of Toronto, 1908; initiated by Alpha Epsilon chapter, April 6, 1905; chapter vice- president; head of Ontario District; physician; mem. A. F. and A. M.; m. Helen Gladys Netherland, 1914. Address, 29 Roxborough St. West, Toronto, Canada. HARRISON, Philip John; national trustee; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1904; initiated by Nebraska chapter, Oct. 3, 1902; chapter secretary; mem. Lincoln Delta Upsilon Club; contributor to Delta Upsilon "Quarterly"; na- tional trustee; mem. local inter- fraternity council; commercial de- signer, formerly registrar and pub- lisher for University of Nebraska. Address, 721 South 19th St., Lin- coln, Nebr. HARRISON, Samuel Robertson; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at West Virginia University, 1914; initiated by Gam- ma Delta chapter, Jan. 17, 1912; delegate national convention De- troit, 1913; lawyer. Address, 317 Buckhannon Ave., Detroit, Mich. HARRISON, Virginius Williams; Kap- pa Sigma; ed. at University of Vir- LEADING GREEKS 111 ginia, 1887; initiated by Zeta chap- ter, 1885; worthy grand master, 1888; physician; m. Marie Keesee, 1900. Address, 401 N. Allen Ave., Richmond, Va. HARSEN, Una Adele; president ex- ecutive board; Gamma Phi Beta; ed. at Barnard College, 1902; initi- ated by Iota chapter, 1902; chapter secretary; mem. New York Alumnae Association; delegate national con- ventions 1907, 1911; secretary- treasurer, president of executive board; contributor to the "Cres- cent"; m. Otis Yale Harsen, 1908. Address, 53 Arthur St., Yonkers, N. Y. HARSHMAN, John Burnett; "D. D.," national treasurer; Delta Chi; ed. at Ohio State University, 1907; initi- ated by Ohio State chapter, April 28, 1905; chapter vice-president; mem. Columbus alumni chapter; delegate national conventions, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913; exchange editor Delta Chi "Quarterly," 1906-1914; contributor to "Quarterly"; installed uniform system of chapter account- ing; local delegate Ohio State Pan- Hellenic Association, 1906-1907; at- torney-at-law ; secretary to commis- sion of the City of Dayton, Ohio; Mason, Scottish Rite, Thirty-Second Degree, Knights Templars, Shriner; m. Mary Louise Longbrake, Alpha Delta Gamma, July 28, 1914. Ad- dress, 826 Cottage Grove Ave., Day- ton, Ohio. HARSTR6M, Carl Axel; Theta Delta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa; ed. at Hobart College, 1886; initiated by Xi chap- ter October 11, 1880; delegate many national conventions ; treasurer grand lodge 1884, secretary 1885, president 1895-1901; contributor to "Shield"; delegate first, second, and sixth interfraternity conferences, New York; principal Harstrom's school; m. Lee Sheldon Partridge, 1888. Address, 26 Prespect Ave., Norwalk, Conn. HART, Abraham J.; supreme treas- urer Phi Alpha Delta; ed. at Uni- versity of Michigan 1914; initiated by Campbell chapter May, 1912; vice justice of chapter; delegate na- tional convention 1914; attorney-at- law. Address, 1826 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. HART, Nellie S.; national president of Phi Mu; ed. at Newcomb College, Tulane University, 1908; initiated by Delta chapter Oct. 22, 1906, char- ter member; president of chapter; charter member of New Orleans Alumnae Association; president, 1909-1913; president of Alpha prov- ince, 1910-1911; national treasurer, 1911-1913; business manager of the "Aglaia," 1908-1910; business man- ager of 1913 convention; delegate to conventions at Macon, Ga., 1908; Memphis, Tenn., 1910; Niagara Falls, 1913; chairman of constitu- tional revision committee, 1908-1909. Address, 3706 Prytania St., New Or- leans, La. HARTON, George M.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Adrian College 1891, University of Michigan 1892; ini- tiated by Michigan Alpha 1887; affiliated Michigan Iota-Beta; emi- 112 LEADING GREEKS nent archon of chapter; mem. Pitts- burgh Alumni Association; delegate national convention Charlotte, N. C., Cincinnati, Washington, Atlanta, Pittsburgh; president Atlanta con- vention 1891; contributor to "Rec- ord"; corporation lawyer; m. Carill Newman May 3, 1905. Address, 905 Berger Bldg., Pittsburgh, Penn. HASELTINE, Burton; former presi- dent alumni chapter Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. at Hahnemann Medical College 1896; initiated by Eta Lambda chapter; chapter president; one of the editors of Phi Alpha Gamma "Quarterly"; physician. Address, 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chi- cago, 111. HASELTINE, Florence Reed; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. New England Con- servatory of Music, Ripon College, 1905; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1903; chapter secretary; national editor "Lyre," work on history, rit- ual and reserve fund; m. William E. Haseltine, Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1905. Address, Ripon, Wis. HASKELL, Ruth Sibley; grand vice- president Alpha Xi Delta; ed. at Tufts College, 1906; initiated with Lambda chapter as a charter mem- ber, 1907; delegate national con- ventions, Madison, Wis., 1911; Champaign, 111., 1913; attended Syracuse, N. Y., 1909; editor Alpha Xi Delta 1909-'!!, grand secre- tary 1911-'13; grand vice-president 1913 ; contributor to magazine; m. Harold C. Haskell, 1900. Ad- dress, 65 Gorham Ave., Brookline, Mass. HATCH, HAMILTON G.; secretary Augusta Alumni Club; Sigma Nu; ed. at University of Georgia, 1910; initiated by Mu chapter, 1909; chapter recorder; civil engineer with U. S. engineer's office. Address, 2409 Walton Way, Savannah, Ga. HAUGHEY, Wilfred; supreme editor; Phi Beta Pi; ed. at University of Michigan, 1904; Detroit College of Medicine, 1906; initiated by Beta chapter October 10, 1903; affiliated Kappa chapter; contributor to fra- ternity magazine, supreme editor; physician and surgeon; mem. Amer- ican Medical Association, M. R. C., U. S. A.; m. Edythe L. Cowles, June 27, 1907. Address, 40 Poplar St., Battle Creek, Mich. HAWES, James S.; general secretary; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at Yale University, 1894; initiated by Phi chapter, 1891; chapter secretary; mem. New York Alumni Associa- tion; delegate national convention; contributor to "Quarterly"; dele- gate interfraternity conferences; lawyer; mem. Society of May- flower descendants, Military Order of Loyal Legion. Address, 30 Broad St., New York City. HAYES, Alfa Lloyd; founder; Delta Zeta; ed. Miami University, 1903; together with five others founded Delta Zeta and received a state charter October 24, 1902, this first chapter named Alpha; chapter pres- ident; attended all the district and national conventions; grand presi- dent, national inspector, historian, contributor to magazine; installed LEADING GREEKS 113 chapters at De Pauw, Indiana, Ne- braska; delegate national Pan-Hel- lenic; organizer Indianapolis Pan- Hellenic; m. Orison H. Hayes, Oct. 21, 1908. Address, 3267 Ruckle St., Indianapolis, Ind. HAYES, Cariton; exchange editor of "Garnet and White"; Alpha Chi Rho; ed. at Columbia University, 1904; initiated by Phi Omega chap- ter, November, 1902; chapter head; president Phi Omega graduate chap- ter; delegate every national conven- tion since 1903; national secretary, 1903-'08; president, 1910-12; chair- man committee on instruction; drafted constitution; contributor to magazine; professor of history, Co- lumbia University. Address, 509 W. 121st St., New York City. HAYES, Grace Christine; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at University of Vermont, 1909; initiated by Vermont Beta chapter, December 16, 1907; chapter treas- urer; mem. Rochester AlumnaB Club; teacher, Livingston Park Sem- inary. Address, Ludlow, Mass. HAYNES, Jack E.; editor "Gear" of Theta Tau; Theta Tau, Beta Theta Pi; ed. at University of Minnesota, 1908; initiated Alpha chapter of Theta Tau, 1905, by Beta Pi chap- ter of Beta Theta Pi, 1904; chapter regent; mem. Twin City Alumni Association of Theta Tau; editor "Gear" of Theta Tau; manager Haynes Photo Studio; m. Margaret Larkin, 1909. Address, 1787 Hague Ave., St. Paul, Minn. HAYS, Louese Frederick; Phi Mu; ed. at Wesleyan College, Macon, Ga., 1900; initiated by Alpha chapter, September, 1897; chapter president; delegate national conventions, Nor- folk, Memphis, Atlanta; first na- tional president; also second and third vice-president; editor-in-chief first "Annual," 1900; treasurer Georgia Federated Women's Clubs; mem. D. A. R.; m. J. E. Hays, 1902. Address, Montezuma, Ga. HAYS, William Harrison; province president; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at Wabash College, 1900; initiated by Indiana Beta, 1896; delegate, dis- trict convention, 1898, '99, '00; dele- gate national convention, 1898, 1900; province president, 1902-'07; attorney-at-law; Mason, Knights Templars; mem. Illinois Athletic Club of Chicago; life member Sulli- van lodge of Elks; m. Helen Louise Thomas, 1902. Address, Sullivan, Indiana. HAZELWOOD, Paul Joseph; manager alumni information index; Tau Kappa Epsilon; ed. at University of Illinois, 1914; initiated by Gamma chapter, June 14, 1913; mem. Chi- cago Alumni Association; editor-in- chief Volume I Tau Kappa Epsilon "Year Book"; assistant grand his- torian, 1913-14; delegate national convention, 1914; salesman, Bir- mingham and Seaman Co. Address. 7227 Harvard Ave., Chicago, 111. HAZEN, Thomas Fleming, Jr.; prov- ince secretary, Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; ed. University of Tennessee, 1915; initiated by Tennessee Kappa, February 28, 1912; secretary and treasurer of Province Iota; delegate 114 LEADING GREEKS district convention, Lexington, Ky., January, 1914; delegate national convention, Chicago, 1914; salesman, Rodgers & Co., auto dealers. Ad- dress, Box 145, Knoxville, Tenn. HE BARD, Grace Raymond; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at Iowa State University, 1882; B. S., A. M., Ph. D.; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1882; mem. Wyo- ming Alpha Alumni Association; organized Alpha Chi University of Wyoming; contributor to fraternity magazine; mem. local Pan-Hellenic council; professor of economics and sociology, University of Wyo- ming, 1908; librarian, 1891-1914; secretary board of trustees, 1891- 1908; state regent D. A. R.; state historian Wyoming Colonial Dames; state president Wyoming Library association; author; frequent con- tributor to prominent magazines. Address, The Doctors' Inn, Laramie, Wyo. HEBBLETHWAITE, Anna Kathryn; national president; Sigma Alpha Iota; ed. at Northwestern Univer- sity, 1914; initiated by Beta chap- ter, 1912; chapter treasurer; mem. Evanston Alumnae Association; del- egate local Pan-Hellenic at North- western; instructor in music. Ad- dress, 907 Lake St., Evanston, 111. HECKER, Jessie Denman; treasurer; Delta Zeta; ed. Miami University, 1907; initiated by Alpha chapter, October, 1903; chapter vice-presi- dent; national treasurer; chairman extension committee; m. Frank C. Hecker, December 27, 1907. Ad- dress, "Tannenheim," Century, Fla. HEDGE, Verne; district grand master District II; Kappa Sigma; ed. at University of Nebraska, 1903; ini- tiated by Alpha Psi chapter, De- cember, 1897; grand master of chap- ter; mem. Omaha Alumni Associa- tion; delegate district convention, Liberty, Mo., 1900; district grand master; delegate national conven- tion, Philadelphia, 1899; abstractor of titles; 32nd degree Mason; m. Grace Bennett, Kappa Kappa Gam- ma, May 24, 1903. Address, office, 414 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., resi- dence, 1816 C St., Lincoln, Neb. HEEBNER, Charles; Delta Kappa Ep- silon; ed. Lafayette College, 1878; initiated by Rho chapter, Septem- ber, 1874; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; chapter head; mem. Philadelphia Alumni Association; delegate na- tional convention, 1877; general so- licitor Reading county for P. & R. railway and P. R. C. & I. Co.; mem. Rittenhouse and University Clubs; m. Alice Schuyler, December II 1888. Address, 315 S. 41st St., Phi adelphia, Penn. HEILMAN, Rose Erskine; national! spector of Phi Mu Gamma; ed. Hollins College, 1913; initiated * Alpha Chapter February, l r president of chapter; delegate national convention, 1913; chairm*. of Alpha Province; assistant edito of "The Argaliad"; chairman o. Alumni Association Committee ol Hollins College; delegate to Nation- al Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1914; installed Xi, Rho and Pi chapters of Phi Mu Gamma; mem. of inter- LEADING GREEKS 115 fraternity clubs at Rollins College; editor of woman's page, Evansville "Journal News"; instructor in dra- matics, Alaha Camp; editor of "Alaha Camp Paper and Year Book"; chaperon, Phi Mu Gamma House, Brennen College, 1914-15. Address, 1100 South Second St., Evansville, Ind. HEINTZ, Eward Louis; grand presi- dent, Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Uni- versity of Illinois, 1901; St. Louis College of Pharmacy; initiated by Eta chapter, 1899, as a charter mem- ber; chapter vice-president; presi- dent Eta chapter house association; editor Alpha Kappa Kappa direc- tory, catalogue and history issued in 1908; delegate to national con- ventions 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1914; grand secretary; grand keeper of archives; grand president; delegate medical in- ter-fraternity, Chicago, 1914; physi- cian; one of the founders of the _gJniversity Hospital and Training ^School for Nurses; assistant pro- essor of medicine, University of jlinois; m. Bertha Hansen, May 4, '911. Address, 1856 West Chicago ive., Chicago, 111. v4-YER, Harold; national council- , Alpha Chi Rho ; ed. at Univer- of Pennsylvania, 1909; initiated jby Phi Phi chapter, March 17, 1906; ^chapter president; delegate national ^conventions, 1908, 1909; committee on publication of first address book; engineer. Address, 113 S. 37th St., Philadelphia, Penn. HELMICK, Elizabeth Allen Clarke; Pi Beta Phi; grand historian; ed. Hillsdale College (Mich.), 1898; initiated by Michigan Alpha chapter, June 25, 1896; mem. Chicago Alumni Club; secretary province Kappa, 1896-'98; chairman and treasurer Pi Beta Phi Settlement School in the Tennessee mountains; at present is working on sorority history; wife of army officer; m. Eli A. Helmick, November 20, 1898. Address, cjo Major Eli A. Helmick, Inspector-Gen- eral, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. HELMS, Arthur Trent; Pi Kappa Al- pha; ed. at University of Tennessee, L.L. B.; initiated by Zeta chap- ter February 16, 1914; chapter president; in November, 1914, with one other founded local Alpha Sig- ma Lambda to petition Phi Delta Phi; newspaperman, connected with papers in Petersburg, Va., Colum- bus, Miss., Chattanooga, Tenn., Richmond, Va., and Knoxville, Tenn.; mem. Cherokee Country Club and Public Efficiency League. Address, Knoxville, Tenn. HENDERSON, Anna Mary; Sigma Sig- ma Sigma; ed. at Peabody College, 1909; initiated by Alpha Delta chap- ter, 1907; W. C. R. of chapter; mem. Dallas Alumnae chapter; delegate national convention, 1909, national vice-president; secretary Dallas Pan- Hellenic Association; high school teacher; m. Samuel A. Henderson July 14, 1914. Address, Southland Hotel, Dallas, Texas. HENDERSON, Elmer Charless; his- torian of general council; Phi Delta Theta; ed, Westminster College, 116 LEADING GREEKS 1893; initiated by Missouri Beta chapter September 15, 1890; chapter president; president Missouri Beta Chapter House Association; mem. Fulton Alumni Club; chapter house commissioner three terms and mem. board of trustees; delegate to sev- eral district and national conven- tions; railroad cross tie and timber contractor; 32nd degree mason; mem. board of trustees Westminster Col- lege; a great great grandson of Daniel Boone; president Fulton Commercial Club; m. Anne Brown April 8, 1903. Address, 201 East Ninth St., Fulton, Mo. HENDERSON, Isabelle; business man- ager magazine; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. at University of California, 1905; Initiated by Sigma chapter May, 1907; mem. San Francisco alumni chapter; business manager two terms "To Dragma"; contributor to magazine ; corresponding secretary San Francisco alumni chapter; kin- dergartner, playground worker, pro- fessional story teller; chairman of Council of Camp Fire Guardians for Oakland, Calif. Address, 2655 Wake- field Ave., E. Oakland, Calif. HENDRICHS, Charles M.J scribe; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at Miami Uni- versity, 1901; initiated by Ohio Al- pha chapter, 1898; chapter scribe; mem. El Paso Alumni Association; physician; medical director of Hen- drich's Sanitorium; m. Edith Louise Dugurd, June 7, 1905. Address, 516 Mills Bldg., El Paso, Texas. HENNING, William Cleveland; Sigma Chi; ed. at De Pauw University, 1890; initiated by Xi chapter, 1889; ex-president Boston alumni chapter; now president St. Louis alumni chapter; delegate to national ani district conventions; secretary and treasurer A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co.; Mason, Chapter, Commandery, Shrine; m. Maude E. Lee, Jan. 29, 1891. Address, 920 N. First St., St. Louis, Mo. HENRY, Burt Webb., Delta Tau Del- ta; ed. Tulane University 1899; ini- tiated by Beta Xi chapter, 1895; vice-president New Orleans Alumni association; mem. committee for building chapter house; delegate na- tional Convention, 1898; attorney-at- law. Address, 1520 Soniat St., New Orleans, La. HENRY, Mellinger E., Kappa Sigma; ed. at Brown University, 1899; in- itiated by Beta Alpha chapter, Feb- ruary 22, 1898; grand master of chapter; founded Beta Alpha chap- ter at Brown; mem. New York Alumni Association; delegate nation- al convention, Philadelphia, 1900, New York 1910, Louisville 1912; del- egate district convention, Boston, 1903; professor of English, Jersey City High School; mem. Masons, Brown Club of New York, Harvard Club of New Jersey, University Club of Jersey City. Address Jersey City High School, Jersey City, N. J. HEPBURN, A. Barton; member of council; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at Middlebury College A. B. 1871, LL. D. 1894; initiated by Alpha Alpha chapter; mem. of council of Delta Kappa Epsilon; delegate in- LEADING GREEKS 117 ter-fraternity congresses held in New York City; banker; chairman board of directors, Chase National Bank; U. S. Bank examiner for New York, 1888-'92; comptroller of the cur- rency, 1892-'93; director large num- ber of banks and other corporations; officer Legion of Honor, France; author "History of Coinage and Cur- rency" and "Artificial Waterways and Commercial Development"; con- tributor to magazines; trustee Rock- efeller Foundation; mem. prominent clubs; m. Emily L. Eaton, July 14, 1887. Address, 83 Cedar St., New York City. HEPPNER, Amanda Henrietta; Chi Omega; ed. at University of Ne- braska, 1904; initiated by Kappa chapter June 5, 1904; president of alumnae chapter; assistant professor of German, director German dra- matics, University of Nebraska. Ad- dress, 944 Washington St., Lincoln, Nebr. HERING, Oswald Cj national council representative of Delta Kappa Epsi- lon; ed. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1897; initiated by Sig- ma Tau chapter in 1894; musical director of chapter; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon Alumni Association of New York; architect and author; studied at L'Ecole "des Beaux Arts, Paris; senior partner of firm of Hermg & Fitch; associate editor of "Concrete and Cement Age," and writer of professional articles for lay and technical magazines; mem. American Institute of Architects, Architectural League of New York, Municipal Art Society, Pennsylvania Society, "The Players"; governor of Technology Club of New York. Ad- dress, 132 Madison Ave., New York City. HERN DON, Lizzie Rhette; grand president Sigma Iota Chi; ed. at Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, O.; initiated by Delta chapter. Ad- dress, Owenton, Ky. HERRON, Stanford Morton; manag- ing editor Chi Zeta Chi "Record"; Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Zeta Chi; ed. at Vanderbilt University; initiated by Theta chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, 1905, by Tennessee Beta chapter of Chi Zeta Chi, 1913; worthy master of chapter of Alpha Tau Omega; delegate national con- vention Alpha Tau Omega, Louis- ville, 1912, Nashville 1914; medical student. Address, 165 Eighth Ave., N. Nashville, Tenn. HESS, Edward J.; Phi Alpha Delta; ed. at Chicago Law School 1909; in- itiated by Webster chapter, Novem- ber, 1907; justice of chapter; su- preme recorder, 1910-'12; supreme justice, 1912-'13; chairman board of tribunes, 1913-'14; delegate Greek Letter Conference, Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, May, 1913; lawyer; m. Ella Lundberg, March 25, 1901. Address, 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. HEWITT, Arthur F.; district chief; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at Colorado School of Mines 1905; initiated by Beta Phi chapter, September, 1908; was member of petitioning local; president Colorado alumni; delegate to national conventions at petitioner 118 LEADING GREEKS 1905, '07, '08; delegate to district conventions, 1908, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14; chief District XIV; deputy state engineer; contractor, Cuno and Hewitt; m. Elsa M. Bartels, 1913. Address, State Capitol, Denver, Colo. HEY, Harry A.; treasurer executive council; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Penn- sylvania State College, 1909; in- itiated by Pennsylvania State chap- ter, April, 1906; delegate district convention, 1914; national conven- tion, 1907, '08, '13; secretary-treas- urer executive council, 1912-'14; del- egate inter-fraternity conference, 1913; mechanical engineer. Address, 1954 E. 83rd St., Cleveland, Ohio. HEYL, Clarence W.; section chief of section eleven of Phi Gamma Delta; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. at Illinois Wesleyan University, 1908; initiated by Alpha Deuteron chapter, Decem- ber, 1905; delegate to national con- vention from Alpha Deuteron chap- ter in 1908; mem. Peoria graduate chapter; attorney-at-law; m. Mayme Randolph, December 25, 1909. Home address, 103 S. Maplewood Ave., Peoria, 111.; business address, 803 Central National Bank Bldg., Peoria, 111. HIBBITT, Charles W.; chairman ex- ecutive trustees; Phi Chi; ed. at Louisville Medical College, 1897; in- itiated by Alpha Alpha chapter, being a charter member, 1894; dele- gate to all national conventions for last ten years; grand presiding sen- ior and chairman executive trustees; professor gynecology University of Louisville. Address, Atherton Bldg., Louisville, Ky. H1CKOK, Paul Robinson; chairman of high council of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at Wooster College, 1897; initiated by Ohio Beta Mu January 30, 1895; master of chapter; province chief VII (Ohio), 1902-'08; delegate to national conventions, 1896, Cleveland; 1900, Boston; 1902, Chicago; 1904, New York; 1906, Birmingham; 1908, Pittsburgh; 1910, Atlanta, Ga.; delegate to district conventions, 1896, Alliance, O.; 1897, Columbus, O.; 1903, Delaware, O.; 1904 Wooster, O.; 1905 Cleveland, O.; 1906, Springfield, O.; 1907, Co- lumbus, O.; 1909, Delaware, O.; worthy grand chaplain, 1900-'02, 1904- '06; worthy grand chief, 1908-'10; member of high council, 1910-'14; installed Kentucky Mu Iota chapter, Lexington, Ky., February 22, 1909; delegate to inter-fraternity meetings at New York, 1909 and 1910; mem. Cleveland and Washington Alumni Associations; pastor Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C.; Freemason; Knights Templars, 32nd degree, A. A. S. R.; m. Mary Elliot (Kappa Alpha Theta), Sep- tember 6, 1900. Address, 17 Fifth St., S. E., Washington, D. C. HICKS, J. Everett; district grand master for New England; Kappa Sigma; ed. at Bowdoin College, 1895; initiated by Alpha Rho, 1895; mem. Boston Alumni Association; state manager Mutual Life Insur- ance Co.; mem. Masons, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery; m. Mary LEADING GREEKS 119 Alice Stuppel, 1897. Address, 30 State St., Boston, Mass. HICKS, Susan Bitting; Chi Omega; ed. at University of California, 1906; initiated by Mu chapter, February 10, 1902; chapter president; mem. Chicago alumnae chapter; national vice-president, 1908-1914; m. W. W. Hicks, November 30, 1909. Address, Tecumseh, Mich. HIGBIE, Henry Harold; president ex- ecutive council of Tau Beta Pi; Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi; Theta Xi; ed. at Columbia University, 1904; initiat- ed by New York Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Pi, 1903; chapter secre- tary; delegate national convention, Ithaca, N. Y., June, 1914; vice-presi- dent, treasurer, president executive council of Tau Beta Pi; contributor to "The Bent"; secretary University of Michigan chapter of Sigma Xi; professor of electrical engineering, University of Michigan; m. Helen Burch, 1905. Address, 714 Church St., Ann Arbor, Mich. HIGGINS, Mattie Mae Woodworth; al- umnae member of grand council; Al- pha Omicron Pi; ed. at University of Nebraska, 1909; chapter presi- dent mem. Omaha Alumnae Associa- tion; delegate national convention, New York City, 1908; grand register, business manager "To Dragma"; mem. local inter-sorority conference and Pan-Hellenic Association; home duties and teacher of cooking at Omaha social settlement; m. Leslie Alan Higgins, June 4, 1912. Ad- dress, 706 North 49th St., Omaha, Nebr. HIGHT, Kate M.; Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. at Indiana State Uni- versity, 1880; initiated by Delta chapter, December, 1875; chapter president; mem. Kappa alumnae chapter; delegate national conven- tion, Blomington, 111., 1879; former national president; teacher; mem. Woman's Club, D. A. R. Address, 314 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, Ind. HILBURN, Oscar Peace; Sigma Nu; ed. at Vanderbilt University, 1913; initiated by Sigma chapter No. 19, September, 1911; chapter treasurer; mem. law firm of Hilburn and Bull. Address, 26 First Nat'l Bank, Tam- pa, Fla. HILLYER, Ellison; past supreme coun- cillor, Psi Omega; ed. at New York College of Dentistry, 1893; initiated by Beta chapter, 1892; junior mas- ter of chapter; mem. New York Alumni Association; contributor to fraternity magazine; delegate na- tional convention, 1895, 1898; pro- fessor of prosethetic dentistry, New York College of Dentistry, secretary to faculty, practicing dentist; m. Lot- tie Belle Taylor, 1893. Address, 1143 Dean St., Brooklyn, New York. HINCKS, Mabel Millman; district president; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. at University of Toronto, 1907; in- itiated by Sigma chapter, 1907; chap- ter secretary; president Toronto alumnae chapter; president district convention, Syracuse, 1914; district vice-president, 1909-1911; president, 1913-'15; delegate national conven- tion, 1905, 1913; contributor to mag- 120 LEADING GREEKS azine; English reader in University of Toronto; m. Clarence M. Hincks, 1912. Address, 735 Bloor St., West, Toronto, Canada. HINDE, Anna Ford; grand vice-pres- ident, Beta Sigma Omicron; ed. at Christian College, Columbia, Mo., 1912; initiated by Gamma chapter, February, 1911; chapter president; organizer and president of Kansas City Alumni Club; delegate to na- tional convention, June, 1914; con- tributor to magazine; home-maker; m. Edgar G. Hinde, October 24, 1912. Address, 1106 S. Noland St., Inde- pendence, Mo. MINES, Elizabeth Hannah; national historian of Phi Mu; ed. at Wes- leyan Female College, 1908; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1907; secretary of chapter; secretary Atlanta, Ga., Alumni Association of Phi Mu; sec- retary of the Atlanta Pan-Hellenic; chairman Alumni Association Board ; associate editor of "The Aglaia" of Phi Mu. Address, 862 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. HINTON, Fanny Darling; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Randolph-Macon Wo- man's College, 1911; initiated by Al- pha Xi chapter, November 6, 1907; chapter treasurer; mem. Atlanta Alumnae Association; attended na- tional conventions, Chicago, Lynch- burg; delegate to Atlanta Pan-Hel- lenic. Address, 636 Spring St., At- lanta, Ga. HIRSCH, Edwin Walter; grand scribe; Alpha Phi Sigma; ed. at University of Chicago and Rush Medical College, 1914; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1912; grand chap- ter representative; delegate two na- tional conventions; grand scribe, 1914-'15; guardian of exchequer, 1913-'14; editor of the "Journal" of Alpha Phi Sigma; delegate inter- fraternity medical conference, 1914- '15; medical student. Address, 3529 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. HIRSCHFIELD, Albert Clifford; su- preme southern praetor; Phi Beta Pi; ed. at University of Oklahoma, University of Indiana, B. S., M. D., 1908; initiated by Alpha Lambda chapter, May 24, 1912; archon of chapter; organizer of chapter; dele- gate national convention, Minne- apolis, 1913; physician, formerly professor of physiology, University of Oklahoma; mem. Masons, 32nd de- gree Mason, Knights Templars Shriner; m. Florence Kynette, 1914. Address, Norman, Okla. HITT, Isaac Reynolds; former treas- urer of general council; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at Northwestern Univer- sity, B. S., M. S., 1888, LL. B., Kent Law School; initiated by Illinois Al- pha, 1886; chapter president; mem. Chicago and Washington, D. C., Alumni Associations; delegate to province conventions; president province; delegate national conven- tions, Blomington, 111., Atlanta, Ga., Washington, D. C.; treasurer to gen- eral council; delegate World's Con- gress of Fraternities at World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, and delivered address on fraternity finance; lawyer; U. 9. commissioner, D. C.; commissioner of deeds for all states at Washing- LEADING GREEKS 121 ton, D. C.; one of founders Univer- sity Club of Washington, D. C.; mem. Masons, Knights Templars, Shrine, Sons of American Revolu- tion; m. Rosa May Birch, November 13, 1889. Address, 1410 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. HOBART, Kenneth Gray; business manager of "Emerald"; Sigma Pi; ed. at University of California, 1916; initiated with Iota chapter as a char- ter member; chapter herald. Ad- dress, 2521 Ridge Road, Bsrkeley, Calif. HO BBS, Marabeth; grand secretary; Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. at Univer- sity of Minnesota, 1910; initiated by Delta chapter, April, 1909; chair- man chapter executive committee; mem. Minneapolis Alumni Associa- tion; president province Beta; at- tended national convention, Madison, Wis., 1913; grand secretary, 1911- '15; contributor to fraternity maga- zine; entire charge of examinations. Address, 2131 Fremont Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. HOBBS, Thomas Gibson; president Gamma province; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at University of Virginia, 1909; initiated by Virginia Oinicron, October, 1907; correspondent of chapter; Gamma province secretary, 1911-12; president, 1912-'14; in- stalled one chapter; attended one national convention; attorney-at-law. Address, 16 Law Bldg., Lynchburg, Va. HOBERG, Oscar W.J editor-in-chief of Phi Alpha Delta "Quarterly"; mem. Delta Kappa Nu; ed. Uniyer- sity of Illinois, 1910; initiated by Magruder chapter of Phi Alpha Delta, March, 1909; mem. supreme executive board for five years; at- torney and contributor to legal magazine; mem. Order of Coif. Ad- dress, Masonic Temple, Peru, 111. HOBSON, Elsie Garland; Alpha Phi; ed. at Boston University, 1895; in- itiated by Eta chapter, 1890; chap- ter president; mem. Chicago Alum- nae Association; national treasurer; teacher. Address, 5215 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. HOFFMAN, Abram; past supreme president; Xi Psi Phi; ed. at Uni- versity of Buffalo, 1899; initiated by Mu chapter as a charter member, April, 1898; chapter president; mem. Mu and New York State Alumni As- sociations; deputy supreme presi- dent of province; delegate to many province conventions ; delegate many national conventions; president and director of general fraternity; con- tributor to "Quarterly"; orthodont- ist, professor of prosthetic dentistry and orthodontiatat at University of Buffalo; m. Lillian L. Bartels, Octo- ber 2, 1901. Address, 529 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. HOGE, Oril Elizabeth; Kappa Delta; ed. at Illinois Wesleyan University, 1913; initiated by Omicron chapter, Nov. 1909; president of chapter; mem. Bloomington Alumnae Associa- tion; mem. chapter extension com- mittee; delegate to national conven- tion at Richmond, Va., 1912; alumnae reporter for "Angelos" of Kappa 122 LEADING GREEKS Delta; public reader. Address, We- nona, 111. HOLLAND, Philip; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at Southwestern Presby- terian College, 1902; initiated by Tennessee Zeta, 1898; American Consul to Basil, Switzerland; m. Corabelle Anderson, May 10, 1904. Address, American Consul, Basil, Switzerland. HOLLENDER, Abraham R.; chairman extension committee; Alpha Phi Sig- ma; ed. at University of Illinois Col- lege of Medicine; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1910; chapter oracle; dele- gate national convention, 1913, 1914; mem. grand chapter; chairman ex- tension committee; editor "The Journal," 1913; organized and in- stalled four new chapters; registrar and secretary, The Hoffman Prepara- tory School. Address, 2159 Caton St., Chicago, 111. HOLLISTER, William H.; Delta Kap- pa Epsilon; ed. at Williams College, 1870; initiated by Epsilon chapter, 1867; head of chapter; delegate na- tional convention, Boston, 1890; m. J. Frances Hillman, Oct. 16, 1878. Address, 43 First St., Troy, N. Y. HOLMES, Clayton Wood; former president of grand lodge; Theta Delta Chi; ed. at Lafayette College, 1869; initiated by Phi charge Octo- ber 1, 1866; founder of Phi charge; mem. and secretary of first grand lodge; editor the "Shield," 1888- 1898; wrote memorial history of Theta Delta Chi; manufacturer and head of numerous important cor- porations; 32nd degree Mason; mem. Sons of American Revolution, Sons of Veterans,, Century Club, Coun- try Club of Elmira, N. Y.; m. Charlotte Stevens, November 2, 1871. Address, 410 W. Gray St., Elmira, N. Y. HOLMES, John Albert; first past national president; Theta Chi; ed. at Norwich University, 1895; initiated by Alpha chapter June 6, 1891; as- sisted in organization of grand chap- ter 1908, president grand chapter 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911; historian, roster, short history of Theta Chi and contributions to fraternity magazine; civil engineer; mem. Northeastern Historical Genealogical Society, American Society Civil En- gineers; in. Mary Florence Murdock, Oct. 16, 1901. Address, 16 Chapel St., Somerville, Mass. HOLSTEIN, George Leonard; chair- man executive committee Kappa Psi; ed. at Philadelphia College of Phar- macy, 1903; initiated by Eta chap- ter, November, 1902; chapter re- gent; mem. Philadelphia alumni chapter; delegate province conven- tion Springfield, Mass., 1914; dele- gate national convention 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1910, 1913; grand secretary and treas- urer 1904-1906, grand regent 1906- 1910; business manager "The Mask"; contributor to fraternity magazine; systematized chapter ac- counts; pharmacist; Mason, Lodge, Chapter Council, Knights Templars; mem. I. O. O. F.; mem. National Geographic Society, Masonic Re- search Society; m. Catherine LEADING GREEKS 123 Blanche Wagner, 1905. Address, 529 N. 8th St., Lebanon, Penn. HOLSTON, John G. F.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Beta Pi; ed. at Gettys burg College, Ohio State University 1901; initiated by Pennsylvania Delta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Nov. 17, 1899; president Pennsylvania Delta corporation, 1910-1911; editor "Phi Beta Pi Quarterly," 1904- 1906; supreme vice-archon Phi Beta Pi, 1907-1908; supreme archon Phi Beta Pi, 1911; represented Phi Beta Pi at inter-medical fraternity confer- ence, Chicago, May 30, 1914; gen- eral and orthopedic surgery; visited Munich, Berlin and Vienna, 1910; mem. Masonic, Shrine. Address, 620 South St., Zanesville, Ohio. HOLT, Mary Armistead; chairman ex- tension committee; Kappa Delta; ed. at State Normal College, Farm- ville, Va., 1912; initiated by Alpha chapter Feb. 17, 1910; delegate na- tional convention, April, 1912; con- tributor to the "Angelos"; teacher. Address, 241 Armistead Ave., Hamp- ton, Va. HONNOLD, C. Edgar; Sigma Nu; ed. at Northwestern University, 1907; initiated by Gamma Beta chapter, February, 1904; chapter treasurer; president Oklahoma Alumni Asso- ciation; delegate national conven- tion Chicago 1908, Indianapolis 1910; assisted in installation of chapter at University of Oklahoma; bond broker; m. Marie Beal Clarke, April 2, 1913. Address, 921 State National Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. HOOD f J. Douglas; grand secretary Alpha Sigma Phi; ed. at University of Illinois A. B. 1910, George Wash- ington University M. A. 1913; initi- ated by Eta chapter Nov. 20, 1909; chapter president; delegate to na- tional convention Marietta 1910, Co- lumbus 1911, Detroit 1912, New York 1914; grand secretary, 1910; con- tributor to the "Tomahawk"; as- sistant biologist, U. S. biological survey; specialist in Thysanoptera of this world; author numerous pa- pers of entomological research; Ma- son. Address, U. S. Biological Sur- vey, Washington, D. C. HOOPER, Blanche Heard; president Boston alumnae; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. Tufts College, 1904; initiated by Delta chapter, October, 1901; grand secretary, 1910-1912; librarian. Ad- dress, Tufts College, Mass. HOPKINS, Heaman Halsey, Jr.; grand scribe; Theta Tau; ed. at Michigan College of Mines, 1908; initiated by Beta chapter, 1906; re- gent of chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; delegate na- tional convention, 1913; m. Irene Harper, Apr. 26, 1911. Address, 164 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. HOPKINS, May Agness; grand presi- dent; Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. at Uni- versity of Texas, 1911; initiated by Kappa chapter, 1906; chapter presi- dent; mem. Dallas Alumnae Asso- ciation; delegate national conven- tion, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912; grand secretary, grand president; dele- gate National Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913; gen- 124 LEADING GREEKS eral practitioner as a physician. Ad- dress, 606 Southwestern Life Bldg., Dallas, Tex. HORNER, Alice Maud Jones; former grand president; Zeta Tan Alpha; ed. at Virginia State Normal Col- lege, Farmville, Va., 1900; one of the founders of Alpha chapter; presi- dent of chapter; mem. Parmville Alumnae Association; attended three national conventions; grand president; helped to write consti- tution and by-laws of Zeta Tau Alpha; home-keeper; m. William Ferebee Horner, June, 1904. Ad- dress, Hamilton St., Rosemary, Hali- fax Co., S. C. HORNER, Simpson Wesley; Phi Kap- pa Psi; ed. at Dartmouth College, 1909; initiated by New Hampshire Alpha, September, 1904; chapter vice-president, secretary, Kansas City Alumni Association; helped to establish Detroit Alumni Associa- tion; delegate to two national con- ventions; manager of Kansas City branch of Lewis Motor Co.; m. Evelyn Blackburne Coons, Decem- ber, 1913. Address, 1600 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. HORNING, Albert Z.; member na- tional endowment committee, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Michigan and previously a student at the University of Indiana; char- ter member of Michigan Iota-Beta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; eminent re- corder of the chapter; president of the Evanston Alumni Association, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1904; dele- gate to national convention, S. A. E., Atlantic City, 1909; visitor to na- tional convention of S. A. E., 1914, at Chicago; mem. of the national endowment committee of the fra- ternity, 1913-1914; wholesale im- porter of coffee and teas. Resi- dence, Hotel Monnett, Evanston, 111. HOSKINS, Horace Preston; secretary of national council; Alpha Psi; ed. at University of Pennsylvania, 1910; initiated by Epsilon chapter, May 23, 1908; delegate national convention, 1912; compiled Alpha Psi directory, 1912; assistant professor of veterin- ary science, University of Minne- sota; mem. American Veterinary Medical Association, U. S. Livestock Sanitary Association; m. Anna M. Smith, Sept. 2, 1912. Address, Uni- versity Farm, St. Paul, Minn. HOSKINS, James Dickason; Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. at University of Tennes- see B. S. 1891, A. M. 1895, LL. B. 1897; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1904; dean of college of Liberal Arts and professor of history, Uni- versity of Tennessee; mem. univer- sity commission on Southern Race Problems; m. Lynn Dening, Nov. 29, 1899. Address, University of Ten- nessee, Knoxville, Tenn. HOSTETTER, Earl De Witt; grand historian; Sigma Chi; ed. at Uni- versity of Chicago, 1907; initiated by Omicron Omicron chapter, Jan- uary, 1904; consul of chapter; mem. Chicago alumni chapter; delegate district convention, 1906; national convention, 1905, 1911, 1913; grand historian; mem. executive commit- tee; editor of 1912 and 1913 editions LEADING GREEKS 125 of "Sigma Chi Manual and Direc- tory" ; lawyer, firm of Wilkerson and Cassels. Address, 1145 The Rook- ery, Chicago, 111. HOUCHENS, Josie Batcheller; grand registrar; Sigma Kappa; ed. at Uni- versity of Illinois, 1908; initiated by Theta chapter, 1908; chapter president; delegate national conven- tion, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911; pub- lished fraternity directory, commit- tee work; librarian. Address, 1106 California Ave., Urbana, 111. HOUCK, Stanley B.; national secre- tary-treasurer of Delta Sigma Rho; ed. at University of Minnesota LL. B. 1908, LL. M. 1909; initiated by University of Minnesota chapter, 1906; secretary-treasurer of chapter; charter member of mother chapter, Apr. 13, 1906; delegate to national conventions, 1910, 1911, 1913; editor of "Gavel"; national secretary since May 1, 1910; mem. Iron Wedge local; mem. general alumni associa- tion of University of Minnesota; at- torney-at-law and commerce counsel; mem. I. 0. O. F. and Masons; m. Harriett M. McKenzie, Dec. 18, 1908. Address, 348 McKnight Bldg., Min- neapolis, Minn. MOULDER, Grace Ada Small; chair- man extension committee; bulletin editor; Sigma Kappa; ed. at Boston University, 1904; charter member of Delta chapter installed Mar. 7, 1904; president Boston alumnae chapter; delegate council congress, 1913; dele- gate to national convention, 1904, 1908, 1910, 1911, 1912; attended na- tional convention, 1905, 1906, 1907; manager 1911 convention; editor "Triangle"; organized Boston alum- nae chapter; installed Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi and Omicron chapters; dele- gate national Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1912, 1913; taught English in Brock- ton (Mass.) High School, 1906-1912; m. Montague Stuart Houlder, June 7, 1912. Address, 210 Woodside Ave., Winthrop, Mass. HOUSSER, Harry Broughton; presi- dent Toronto Alumni Association of Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. at To- ronto University, 1904; initiated by Alpha Phi chapter, 1901; delegate to national convention; delegate to district convention, 1912-1914; man- ager J. H. Mackay & Co., bond brok- ers; m. Lucia Graham, November, 1908. Address, 14 Foxbar Road, To- ronto, Canada. HOUSTON, Beulah Lyon; secretary Chicago alumnae chapter; Gamma Phi Beta; ed. at Northwestern Uni- versity and University of Wisconsin, 1894; initiated by Epsilon chapter, affiliated Gamma chapter; served on ritual committee; delegate three na- tional conventions; vocal teacher; magazine writer. Address, 322 Maple Ave., Wheaton, 111. HOWARD, Ethel Switzer; Chi Omega; ed. at Northwestern Univer- sity, University of Wisconsin, 1909; initiated by Xi chapter, October, 1904, affiliated with Nu chapter; president Chicago Alumni Associa- tion, 1909-1910; contributor to fra- ternity magazine; m. John Gardner Howard, 1912. Address, 4911 Monti- cello Ave., Chicago, 111. 126 LEADING GREEKS HOWARD, Nina Foster; Delta Gamma; ed. at Northwestern Uni- versity, 1895; initiated by Sigma chapter, 1892; chapter president; mem. Chicago Sigma alumni chap- ter; delegate six conventions; for- mer national president; chairman extension committee; delegate na- tional Pan-Hellenic. Address, 615 Greenleaf Ave., Glencoe, 111. HOWE, Charles Burton; head of lo- cal chapter; Theta Xi; ed. at Cornell University, 1903; initiated with Zeta chapter as a charter member, 1903; D. G. L. of chapter; delegate to several national conventions; vice-president; contributor to Theta Xi "Quarterly"; delegate last inter- fraternity conference at University club, New York City; educator, con- nected with New York City Depart- ment of Education; m. Annie P. Kellogg, Aug. 20, 1912. Address, Crestwood Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. HOWE, Sheldon Jencks; former gen- eral secretary and editor of "Quar- terly," Delta Upsilon; ed. at Brown University, 1908; initiated by Brown chapter, October, 1905; chapter president; mem. New York Delta Upsilon Club; secretary board of trustees; delegate to inter-fraternity conference, New York, 1911, 1912. Address, 211 Atlantic Ave., Provi- dence, R. I. HOWE, Thomas Carr; Delta Tau Delta; ed. at Butler College, 1889; initiated by Beta Zeta chapter, 1885; mem. Indianapolis Alumni Associa- tion; president Butler College; doc- tor of philosophy, Harvard, 1899; m. Jennie Armstrong, 1890. Ad- dress, 48 South Anderson Road, In- dianapolis, Ind. HOWLE, Paul Williamson; senior na- tional officer Pi Mu; Kappa Alpha, Pi Mu, Phi Beta Kappa; ed. at Wil- liam and Mary College 1894, Uni- versity College of Medicine 1898; initiated Alpha Zeta chapter of Kap- pa Alpha 1891, by Beta chapter of Pi Mu 1895, by Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Kappa 1914; presiding chapter officer of Pi Mu; presiding officer of national conventions of Pi Mu, 1910-1913; senior councilor, general secretary Pi Mu; contributor to "The Cerebrum"; physician and surgeon; associate in surgery and gynecology, Medical College of Vir- ginia; m. Lena Harrison Green, Nov. 1, 1900. Address, 701 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. HOWRY, Charles Bowen; past emi- nent supreme archon; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at University of Mis- sissippi, 1867; initiated by Missis- sippi Gamma chapter, 1866; charter member of chapter; mem. Washing- ton (D. C.) Alumni Association; president 1867 national convention; federal judge, United States Court of Claims; mem. Mississippi House of Representatives 1880-1884, demo- cratic national committee 1891-1896; United States district attorney 1885- 1889, assistant attorney general of- United States 1893-1896; mem. American Bar Association; trustee University of Mississippi; m. Sallie Bird. Address, U. S. Court of Claims, Washington, D. C. LEADING GREEKS 127 HOY, David Fletcher; former presi dent; Kappa Sigma; ed. at Cornell University, 1891; initiated by Alpha Kappa chapter, May 23, 1898; mem. Sigma Xi, Quill and Dagger; mem. Ithaca Alumni Association; delegate national convention, Philadelphia, 1900; president 1900-1902; "Cata- logue" editor, 1902-1912; editor, 1904, 1906 and 1912 "Address Book." Address, Ithaca, N. Y. HUBACH, Grace Amanda Barnum; president Kansas City Alliance; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Boston University, 1902; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1900; mem. Phi Beta Kap- pa; chapter chaplain; m. Alfred G. Hubach, Aug., 1906. Address, 4331 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. HUBARD, Tazewell Taylor; Kappa Alpha (Southern); ed. at Virginia Military Institute, 1887; initiated by Beta chapter, Feb. 16, 1884; I. of chapter; mem. Norfolk (Va.) Alum- ni Association; delegate national conventions 1893, 1898; G. H. for fourteen years; attorney-at-law; m. Elizabeth M. Cannon, 1895. Ad- dress, 145 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. HUBER, Harry I.; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. at Dickinson College, 1898; initiated by Pennsylvania Sigma Phi; eminent archon of chapter; president province Beta; delegate national conventions Boston and St. Louis; lawyer; mem. F. and A. M., Royal Arcanum; m. Emily McK. Weidler, June 26, 1900. Address, 215 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. HUFF, George A. Jr.; Kappa Sigma; ed. University of Illinois, 1892; ini- tiated by Alpha Gamma chapter, Dec., 1902; director of physical training and athletics, University of Illinois, 1895 ; m. Katherine Louise Naughton, Dec., 1897. Ad- dress, 304 W. Church St., Cham- paign, 111. HUFFMAN, Martha Cline; grand treasurer; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. at University of Nebraska, 1906; initiated by Rho chapter, 1902; chapter president; district presi- dent; delegate national conventions 1911, 1913; contributor to frater- nity magazine; mother; m. Yale Bryant H. Huffman, 1907. Ad- dress, Merna, Nebr. HUGHAN, Jesse Wallace; a founder and member grand council; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. at Barnard College, A. B. 1898, A. M. 1899, Ph. D. 1911; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; contributor to 'To Dragma"; teacher of English in Eastern Detroit High School; author two books; active worker and lecturer for Socialism. Ad- dress, 61 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N. Y. HUGHES, John Gordon; grand prin- ceps; Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. at Uni- versity of South Carolina, 1897; in- itiated by Xi chapter, Sept., 1893; chapter president; grand chancellor; grand princeps; author of history of Xi chapter; contributor to fra- ternity magazine; lawyer and plant- er; state senator, term ending 1918; mem. House of Representatives from Union county, 1906-1910. Ad- dress, 71 W. Main St., Union, S. C. HUGHES, Rupert; Delta Upsilon; ed. at Adelbert College of Western Re- 128 LEADING GREEKS serve University, 1892; initiated by Western Reserve chapter, 1888; chapter president; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; delegate national convention Harvard, 1892; orator at Amherst convention, poet at Cleveland con- vention, 1914; contributor to~ maga- zine; author of novels and plays, "What Will People Say?" "Excuse Me," etc. Address, Bedford Hills, N. Y. HULETT, Minnie A. Dollar; national marshal, Delta Delta Delta; ed. at St. Lawrence University, 1905; ini- tiated by Beta chapter, March 5, 1904; alumnae advisor of chapter; mem. Beta Alliance; delegate na- tional convention Columbus, Ohio, 1912; national marshal, 1911; edi- tor "Catalogue" and "Directory," 1915; housekeeper; m. Edwin Lee Hulett, Alpha Tau Omega. Address 110 Main St., Canton, N. Y. HULLEY, Elkanah B.; editor; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. at Bucknell Col- lege, 1907; initiated by Delta chap- ter, June 18, 1904; chapter historian; mem. Omicron Alumni Chapter of Pittsburgh; proprietor advertising agency; Mason. Address, Common- wealth Bldg., Pittsburgh, Penn. HULTON, Florence; former president of Psi Alliance; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at University of Pennsylvania, 1907; initiated by Psi chapter, Sept., 1904; delegate to district conven- tion; district chaplain, librarian, vice-president; teacher of science William Penn High School for Girls. Address, 2853 Boudinot St., Phila- delphia, Penn. HUME, Maria Dudley; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Transylvania Univer- sity, 1911; initiated by Beta Zeta chapter; president of Beta Zeta alliance; alliance secretary of Delta province. Address, R. F. D. No. 4, Lexington, Ky. HUMES, Charles D.; member of the executive committee of the College Fraternity Bureau; Phi Chi.; ed. Indiana University Medical School; initiated by Mu chapter, 1907; Grand Presiding Senior of Phi Chi, 1909; chairman of the executive trustees of Phi Chi; physician. Ad- dress, 1820 E. Tenth St., Indianap- olis, Ind. HUMMELL, Charles Mahlon; Sigma Nu; ed. at Missouri School of Mines, 1904; initiated Gamma Xi chapter, 1902; commander of chap- ter; mem. St. Louis Alumni Associa- tion; delegate national conventions New Orleans and Chicago; installed chapter at University of Arkansas; manufacturer and contractor; m. Mary Eva Casey, 1906. Address, 4032 Flad Ave., St. Louis, Mo. HUNLEY, Annette Fillius; grand president; Phi Delta Delta; ed. at College of Law, University of South- ern California; charter member of Alpha chapter, installed 1911; high priestess of chapter; district high priestess and chaplain; secretary to dean and registrar College of Law, University of Southern California. Address, 3035 Fourth Ave., Los An- geles, Calif. HUNT, Caroline Louisa; Delta Gam- ma; ed. at Northwestern University, LEADING GREEKS 129 1888; initiated by Sigma chapter, March, 1882; chapter president; del- egate national convention, 1888; na- tional president, 1888; expert in nu- trition, office of experiment stations, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Address, 1432 R St. N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. HUNT, Ear| Rudolph; Sigma Chi; ed. at De Pauw University, 1905; initiated by Xi chapter, 1902; chap- ter president; mem. Indianapolis Alumni Association; delegate dis- trict convention, 1905; grand prae- tor Fourth Province, 1913-1915; con- tributor to "Quarterly"; superin- tendent of claims, Prudential Casu- alty Co. Address, 2 Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. HUNT, George Edwin; supreme his- torian of Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Sigma Delta; ed. at University of Michigan, Indiana Dental College; initiated by Delta chapter of Delta Tau Delta, by Xi chapter of Delta Sigma Delta; mem. Thirty - Second Degree Masons, Shrine; m. Maria F. Buchanan, June 23, 1908. Address, 11 W. North St., Indianapolis, Ind. HUNT, Lee F.; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Chi; ed. at Indiana University 1899, Kentucky University Medical Col- lege 1903; initiated Pi chapter of Beta Theta Pi 1895, by Epsilon chapter of Phi Chi; presiding senior >f chapter of Phi Chi; delegate na- lonal convention Phi Chi, 1896; id presiding senior, chairman ex- ion committee; physician and irgeon; mem. Masons, B. P. O. E.; m. Martha Carr, 1908. Address, 467 Union Bldg., Anderson, Ind. HUNTER, Frank A.; mem. national jurisprudence committee; Sigma Nu; ed. at Ohio State University, 1911; initiated by Beta Nu chapter, 1908; chapter reporter; mem. Colum- bus Alumni Association; delegate to national conventions, Indianapolis 1910, Atlanta 1912; editor Beta Nu "Record" one year; delegate local Pan-Hellenic, Ohio State University; attorney-at-law ; democratic candi- date for representative to General Assembly. Address, 507 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. HUNTER, George William; grand treasurer; Alpha Sigma Phi; ed. at Marietta (Ohio) College, 1886; ini- tiated by Delta chapter, June 20, 1882; banker; m. Addie M. Olney, Dec. 2, 1890. Address, Williams- town, W. Va. HUNTLEY, Edwin Dana; committee to install chapters; Theta Chi; ed. at Norwich University, 1907; initi- ated by Alpha chapter, March 14, 1903; chapter secretary; secretary Western Vermont Alumni Associa- tion; delegate national convention, 1912; grand vice-president, 1912- 1913; fraternity lecturer; laundry business; Thirty-Second Degree Ma- son, Knights Templars, Shriner, B. P. O. E. Address, 84 Buell St., Bur- lington, Vt. HURT, Mabel; Kappa Delta; ed. at Randolph-Macon Women's College, 1907; initiated by Theta chapter, March 6, 1905; national registrar, 1911-1913; contributor to the "An- 130 LEADING GREEKS gelos"; m. Charles A. Bickerstaff, Nov. 22, 1911. Address, 85 Eliza- beth St., Inman Park, Atlanta, Ga. HUSBAND, Agnes; sponsor; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Kansas Univer- sity A. B. 1911; initiated by Lambda chapter, March 9, 1908; mem. New York City Alliance; helped install chapters at Wesleyan, Macon, Ga., Stetson, De Land, Ga., and Judson, Marion, Ala.; voice teacher, Stetson University 1912-1913, College of Em- poria, 1913-1914; studied voice in Florence, Italy, 1909. Address, 620 S. Maple Ave., McPherson, Kans. HUTCHCRAFT, Lucy Keller; grand secretary's deputy; Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. at Kentucky State Uni- versity, 1906; initiated by Beta Chi chapter, Feb. 12, 1910; grand secre- tary's deputy, 1912-1914; secretary extension department Kentucky Ex- periment Station. Address, Ken- tucky Experiment Station, Lexing- ton, Ky. HUTCHINSON, Brooks Swearengen; Delta Tau Delta, Delta Chi; ed. at West Virginia University A. B. 1909, Yale University LL. B. 1912; initiated by Gamma Delta chapter, 1904; delegate national Karnea, New York, 1905, Chicago, 1909; lawyer, coal, oil and gas operation. Address, "Sonnencroft," Fairmont, W. Va. HUTCHINSON, Claude Burton; Alpha Zeta, Gamma Alpha; ed. at Univer- sity of Missouri 1908, Cornell Uni- versity 1913; initiated by Missouri chapter of Alpha Zeta April, 1907, by Cornell chapter of Gamma Alpha May, 1913; high chancellor Alpha Zeta, 1914; professor of farm crops, University of Missouri. Address, College of Agriculture, Columbia, Mo. I ING ALLS, Osmer Charles, former Na- tional President of Delta Chi; ed. at Ohio State University, 1907; initi- ated by Ohio State chapter, Oct. 7, 1903; "A" of chapter; mem. Colum- bus, O., Alumni Association; "EE," national recorder, "DD" national treasurer, "AA" national president; delegates to eight conventions; pub- lisher of Red Book of Wholesale Grocers and Law List; mem. Scot- tish Rite Mason, Shriner; m. Lau- rene Kelsey, Jan. 30, 1909; office, 500 Schultz Bldg., Columbus, O. IRISH, Robert Listen, M. D.; national president of Theta Chi, 1912-1913; ed. Norwich University, 1889; initi- ated by Alpha Chapter, 1885; held all chapter offices; president Norwich Alumni Association, 1914; delegate to conventions of 1909-10-11-12-13-14 delegate to Inter-Fraternity Confe ence, 1913; m. Fannie R. S. Haddc 1890. Address, 314 Second Av . New York City. IRONS, Ernest E.; general secrets Nu Sigma Nu, Delta Tau Delta; at University of Chicago, 1903 ; i ated by Kappa chapter of Nu Si{ Nu; delegate interfraternity medk conference, Chicago, 1914; mem. Chj cago Alumni Association of Delta Tau Delta; physician. Address, 122 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. IRVIN, Ray Warren, secretary Cleve- LEADING GREEKS 131 land Alumni Chapter of Beta Theta Pi, 1910 and 1914; ed. at Wooster College, Ohio, 1908; initiated by Alpha Lambda chapter, Dec. 8, 1904; steward of chapter; mem. Wooster Beta Theta Pi Alumni Association, secretary 1908 to date and Cleveland Alumni Chapter delegate to district convention, 1906; delegate from Cleveland Alumni Chapter to na- tional convention in 1909 and 1913; representative at Wooster Inter-Fra- ternity Alumni Committee, 1912 to date; manager the Rorheimer-Brooka Studios (decorators and furnishers). Address, 1931 E. 9th St., Cleveland, Ohio. IRVINE, Harry Garfield; district dep- uty; Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. at University of Minnesota, 1903; ini- tiated by Psi chapter, 1900; chapter treasurer; president alumni asso- ciation of Psi chapter; deputy for Psi district; delegate national con- vention Chicago, Dec., 1902; physi- cian, practice limited to dermatology and venereal diseases; post-graduate Vienna, London, 1911; m. Etta Mc- r Cabe, 1905. Address, 601 Syndicate Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. RVINE, Theodora Ursula; Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Northwestern University, 1897; initiated by Upsi- lon chapter, 1891; president of chap- .er; mem. New York City Alumni Association; delegate to national convention of 1894; head of school of oratory, Cornell College, 1899 to 1904; dramatic reader, writer of ar- ticles for speaking, editor Book of Readings, leader of crusade for pure speech; writer of original mono- logues. Address, Carnegie Hall, New York, N. Y. ISRAEL, Dorothy Marie, editor of the song book of Kappa Delta; ed. at Louisiana State University, 1915; in- itiated by Epsilon Chapter, S'ept. 28, 1912; chapter treasurer; written many songs for song book and con- tributed to "Angelos" of Kappa Delta; delegate to convention of 1913. Address, Campus and West St., Baton Rouge, La. JACKMAN, Ralph Willmarth; mem- ber executive committee, College Fraternity Reference Bureau; trus- tee of Delta Upsilon; ed. at Wiscon- sin University, Harvard University 1897; initiated by Wisconsin chap- ter, Oct., 1893; president of chapter; delegate to Chicago Greek Confer- ence, 1913; district committeeman; in charge of committee in defense of fraternities before the Wisconsin Legislature; lawyer; m. Ethel Houser, Gamma Phi Beta, 1902. Address, 20-32 Board of Commerce Bldg., Madison, Wis. JACKSON, Elizabeth Meseroll Rhodes (Mrs. Ralph T. C.), editor of the "Key" of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Cornell University, 1897; initiated by Psi chapter Dec. 7, 1894; cor- responding secretary of chapter; contributed to magazine, officer at conventions of 1912 and 1914, visitor at conventions of 1904 and 1906, ed- itor 1910; exchange editor 1906-1910; editor of "The Key," delegate to con- ference of editors, National Pan-Hel- lenic Conference, 1913; teacher 132 LEADING GREEKS Adelphi Academy 1897 to 1904, 1904 to 1907, secretary of the Inter-Muni- cipal Committee of Household Re- search; contributed to "Outlook," "Delineator," "Good Housekeeping" and "Munsey's ;" m. Ralph T. C. Jack- son. Address, 29 Oak Square Ave., Brighton, Boston, Mass. JACKSON, Fleda Coleman (Mrs. W. C.); Alpha Chi Omega; ed. North- western University, 1891; initiated by Gamma chapter 1891; mem. East- ern Oklahoma Club; Gamma Alum- nae Editor; delegate to first; m. Way- man Crow Jackson, 1898; second and third national conventions. Address, 622 N. 13th St., Muskogee, Okla. JACKSON, Paul Edward; historian of Sigma Tau; Scabbard and Blade; ed. Kansas State College, 1915; initiated by Epsilon of Sigma Tau, February 19, 1912; and by L company of Scab- bard and Blade, May 24, 1914; chap- ter correspondent to "Sigma Pyra- mid" and company correspondent to magazine of Scabbard and Blade; delegate to conventions of Sigma Tau in 1913 and 1914; delegate to con- vention of Scabbard and Blade, 1914; mem. committee on printing Sigma Tau ritual and redrafting of constitu- tion in 1914; electrical engineer. Address, Downs, Kans. JACOB, Harvey Damian; deputy chancellor; Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Georgetown University, 1913; initi- ated by White Senate Chapter, May, 1911; master of chapter; organized and installed Washington Alumni Association; deputy chancellor Beta district; delegate national conven tion Chicago, 1913; contributor to fraternity magazine; lawyer; was secretary to Justice Lurton of U. S. Supreme Court; at present connected with the Department of Justice; m. Camille Fitzpatrick, 1913. Address, The Champlain, Washington, D. C. JACOBSEN, Gussle; mem. publica- tion committee; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at James Millikin University, 1912; initiated by Delta Epsilon chapter, 1912; a charter member of Delta Epsilon and president at time of installation; president Delta Ep- eilon Alliance, 1913-1914; delegate to national convention Columbus, 1912. Address, Niantic, 111. JANVIER, Lois; president of Province Delta of Pi Beta Phi; ed. at Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, 1910; initiated by Louisiana Alpha, Oct. 19, 1905; president of chapter, 1910; mem. Newcomb Alumni Association ; mem. "Radical," an inter-fraternity club; welfare director, D. H. Holmes Co. department store. Address, 1445 Webster St., New Orleans, La. JEFFRIES, Ruth Gaddis (Mrs. Rob- ert) ; chairman Advisory Board of Delta Zeta; ed. Miami University, 1910; initiated by Alpha chapter Sept., 1908; president of chapter; editor of "The Lamp," 1910-1911- 1912; delegate to national conven- tions of 1909 and 1910; assisted at installation of chapter at Depauw University and at Indiana Univer- sity; treasurer Charleston Reading Circle, mem. board of directors of Civic League, treasurer of Charles- ton Art Association, mem. Kappa Gamma Delta, Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity; m. Robert M. Jeffries, Oct. LEADING GREEKS 133 5, 1911. Address, 870 S. Seventh St., Charleston, 111. JEWETT, Chester A ten; president of Province Epsilon of Phi Delta Theta; ed. at Depauw University, 1909; initiated by Indiana Zeta chap- ter, Nov., 1905; president of chapter, 1908-1909; state orator for Depauw University, 1908; varsity football, 1904-1905; varsity baseball, 1906-'07- '08-'09; managing editor "Sombrero," 1908; president class 1905-1906, presi- dent association of "D" men, 1908- 1909; mem. Indianapolis Alumni As- sociation; province secretary, 1908- 1909; president 1912-1913-1914; dele- gate to national conventions of 1908- 1912-1913; m. Grace Rhodes, Kappa Alpha Theta, Oct. 9, 1913; mem. Kappa Phi Omega Alpha and Tau Kappa Alpha; connected with Miller and Co., bond brokers, Indianapolis, Ind. Address, 23 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. JILLSON, Willard Rouse, Jr.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. Syracuse Univer- sity, University of Washington, 1912; initiated by Phi Gamma chapter, 1908; contributor to D. K. E. Quar- terly; editor "Syracuse Daily Or- ange," 1910-1912; editor "The Syra- cusan," alumni monthly magazine; mem. Central New York Alumni As- sociation of D. K. E. and Puget Sound Association; mem. Syracuse University Alumni Association; geol- ogist and journalist; mem. Delta Theta, Pi Delta Epsilon, Troop D, National Guard; mem. Syracuse Chamber of Commerce. Address, 4520 21st Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. JOHN, Maxcy L.; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. University of North Caro- lina, 1888; initiated by North Carlo- lina Xi chapter, Feb., 1885; eminent archon of chapter; mem. Scotland County Alumni Association ; eminent supreme historian, 1887; vice-presi- dent S. A. E. Constitutional Con- vention of 1887; delegate to national convention of 1887; lawyer, ex- mayor, and city attorney; m. Lila Bell, May 18, 1898. Address, Laurin- burg, N. C. JOHNSON, Elise Bradford; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at George Washington Uni- versity, 1898; initiated by Columbia chapter, Jan. 5, 1895; delegate na- tional convention Madison 1897, Syracuse 1906; president, 1899-1901; mother; m. Rev. Edward Darling- ton Johnson. Address, St. Paul's Rectory, Brunswick, Maine. JOHNSON, Folger; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. Georgia School of Tech- nology, 1902, and Columbia Univer- sity, 1909; initiated by Georgia Phi chapter, 1897; affiliated New York Mu chapter; eminent archon of chap- ter; president Portland Alumni As- sociation; delegate to Atlanta Con- vention; architect; m. Edith Waldo, Jan. 7, 1914. Address, 422 Commer- cial Club, Portland, Ore. JOHNSON, Harry C.; Delta Upsilon; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1903; initiated by Wisconsin chapter, 1899 ; president of chapter; president Chi- cago Delta Upsilon Club ; delegate to New York Convention of 1903; pub- lisher; m. Ina M. Gillies, Sept. 7, 1905. Address, office, 215 So. Market St., Chicago, 111.; residence, Glencoe, 111. 134 LEADING GREEKS JOHNSON, Millbank; founder of Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Northwestern Uni- versity; conceived and founded Phi Rho Sigma at Northwestern Univer- sity Medical School, October 31, 1890; first president of Phi Rho Sig- ma; physician. Address, Los Angeles, Calif. JOHNSON, Ora Bethune; supreme president of Mu Phi Epsilon; ed. The Kroeger School of Music, 1906; ini- tiated by Theta chapter, Oct. 17, 1906; president of chapter; supreme president of fraternity, supreme his- torian, delegate to national conven- tion of 1912; m. J. Forbes Johnson, March 12, 1907. Address, 5765 Ber- lin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. JONAS, Edgar A.; supreme justice of Phi Alpha Delta; ed. Chicago Law School, 1910; initiated by Daniel Webster chapter, Nov. 20, 1907; justice of chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni Chapter; vice supreme jus- tice, delegate to national convention of 1910; outlined plans for initiation work; lawyer; mem. A. F. and A. M.; M. W. A. Royal League, Hamilton Club, German Club, Chicago Bar As- sociation, Fellowship Club; m. Edna Evans, Oct. 25, 1912. Address, 1313 Fort Dearborn Bldg., Chicago, 111. JONES, C. Chester; president Kansas City Alumni Association ; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at University of Kansas, 1903; initiated by Gamma Mu chap- ter 1901, being one of the charter members; financial broker; m. Pearl Parker, 1905. Address, Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. JONES, Paul, Jr.; Kappa Alpha (so.) and Sigma Upsilon; ed, University of the South, A. B., and Harvard Law School, LL. B., 1907; initiated by Alpha Alpha chapter of Kappa Alpha and Sopherim chapter of Sigma Up- silon; grand president of chapter in Sigma Upsilon; contributor to both song book and magazine of Kappa Alpha; secretary and second vice- president of New York Alumni As- sociation of Kappa Alpha; founder and first grand president of Sigma Upsilon; associate editor of "Jour- nal" and song book of Kappa Alpha; attorney at law; won Carnegie medal at Harvard University. Ad- dress, 20 Nassau St., New York City. JONES, Ralph Kneeland; Beta Theta Pi; ed. at University of Maine, 1886; initiated by Maine chapter, Aug. 18, 1882; chapter secretary; mem. Ban- gor (Me.) Alumni Association; dis- trict chief, 1885-1886, 1887-1898; del- egate several national conventions; alumni secretary; mem. executive committee; mem. board of trustees; librarian, University of Maine; m. Grace A. Mutell. Address, Orono, Maine. JONES, Robert Mortimer; Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. New York Homeopathic Medical College and Flower Hospital, 1896; mem. Alpha chapter; president of chapter; mem. New York Alumni Association; founder of fraternity, 1894, grand president of grand chap- ter, 1912; delegate to national con- ventions of 1911 and 1912; physi- cian; specialist of diseases of nose, throat and ear; mem. F. and A. M., Commandery and Shrine. Address, 136 Madison Ave., New York City. LEADING GREEKS 135 JONES, Verner Moore; editor "Jour- nal" and general secretary; Kappa Alpha (Southern); ed. at Vanderbilt University, Washington Lee Univer- sity, 1892; initiated by Chi chapter, Oct., 1888; mem. Nashville, New York, Baltimore Alumni Associa- tions; delegate several national con- ventions; delegate Sixth Interfra- ternity Conference, New York City, 1914; newspaper worker in various fields. Address, 205 Stahlman Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. JORDON, William Newton; president Iowa Alumni Association of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Adrian College, 1886; initiated by Mich. Alpha Mu, 1882; W. M. of chapter; mem. Iowa Alumni Association; delegate to two national conventions and two dis- trict conventions; attorney at law; mem. Knights of Pythias; m. Mabel Mclntyre, 1890. Address, 4316 Uni- versity Ave., Des Moines, la. JOYCE, William M.; grand treasurer; Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Detroit College of Medicine, 1897; initiated by Ep- silon chapter, Feb., 1896; delegate national conventions 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912; assisted in publishing history and directory; physician and surgeon, specialty ear, nose and throat; Mason; m. Anna Calbert Zion. Address, 303 E. 61st St., Chicago, 111. JUMPER, Frank J.; president Omaha a'umni chapter, 1899; Sigma Nu; ed. at Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1899; initiated by Beta Upsilon chapter, 1896; commander of chapter; as- sistant general manager, McKeen Motor Co.; Mason; m. Lurline L. Bart of Vincennes, Ind. Address, 707 S. 36th St., Omaha, Nebr. JUNOD, Grace M.; treasurer of Zeta Alumnae Association of Alpha Gam- ma Delta; ed. Ohio University, 1911; initiated by Zeta chapter, June 2, 1908; president of chapter; mem. Zeta Alumni Association; instructor Commercial Department of Ohio University. Address, 209 E. State St., Athens, Ohio. KAHIN, George; Sigma Chi; ed. Har- vard University, 1913; initiated by Harvard chapter, 1909; president of chapter, 1913; mem. Press Club of Harvard; distinction in philosophy from Harvard, 1913; won second place in English Club story contest; graduate student. Address, 11 Everett St., Cambridge, Mass. KALKHOFF, F. Percy; vice-president of Alpha Chi Rho; ed. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1906; initiated by Phi Chi chapter, Dec. 20, 1903; president of chapter; mem. Brooklyn Polytechnic Alumni Association; chairman instruction committee, mem. song book committee; dele- gate to national conventions of 1905- '06-'07-'08-'09-'10-'11-'12-'13-'14 ; organ- izer of Alpha Chi Rho clubs; sales- man and junior member of Kalkhoff Co., printers. Address, 71 Decatur St., Brooklyn, N. Y. KATZENBERGER, George Anthony; secretary to World's College Frater- nity Congress Auxiliary at World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. at University of Michigan, 136 LEADING GREEKS 1888-1890; initiated by Kent chap- ter, 1888; historian of chapter for two years; delegate to the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth national conventions; secretary-treasurer, 1893-1911; cata- loguer, 1893-1911; co-editor "Brief"; compiled catalogue 1893 and direc- tory 1909; attorney-at-law; mem. Harvard Germanic Museum; life member Ohio Historical and Arch. Society; secretary Greenville Build- ing Co.; Mason, I. O. O. F., I. O. R. M., U. C. T.; m. Grace Miesse, June 1, 1899. Address, Greenville, Ohio. KEECH, George Cady; president of Chicago Alumni Association of Sigma Alpha Epsilon ; ed. University of Michigan, 1895; initiated by Mich. Iota-Beta, Nov., 1891; first chairman Chicago Section Illuminating Engi- neering Society; vice-president of Il- luminating Engineering Society; president Electric Club of Chicago, 1913; president Chicago Alumni As- sociation, 1913-1914; m. Anne M. Kennedy, June 17, 1897. Address, 215 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, 111. KEEK, Frank; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. College of City of New York 1872, Columbia University 1875; initiated by Upsilon chapter, Dec., 1871; affiliated Omega chapter; chapter president; mem. New York Phi Gamma Delta Club; delegate to many national conventions; president grand council; compiled and edited 1878 and 1898 catalogues; lawyer, lec- turer; mem. F. and A. M., M. O. of Foreign Wars, Spanish War Veter- ans. Address, 29 Broadway, New York City. KEENE, Faya Mildred; president Wesleyan alumni chapter; Delta Delta Delta; ed. at Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1906; initiated by Sigma chapter, Nov., 1902; delegate district convention Alpha province, Boston, 1907; head German department Westfield High School. Address, 12 Hancock St., Westfield, Mass. KEESLING, Francis Valentine; past regent; Sigma Nu; ed. at Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 1898; ini- tiated by Beta Chi chapter, 1894; commander of chapter; inspector eleventh division and first presi- dent; delegate national conventions 1902, 1906, 1908; vice-regent, regent; attorney-at-law. Address, office 1207 Chronicle Bldg., residence 20 Pre- sidio Terrace, San Francisco, Calif. KELLAM, Ralph Newton; mein. Coun- cil of Delta Kappa Epsilon; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1900; law, 1903; ini- tiated by Delta Kappa chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Nov., 1900; president of chapter, secretary of Philadelphia Alumni Association of D. K. E.; president of Delta Kappa Association of D. K. E.; delegate to and secretary of national conven- tion at Washington, D. C.; mem. Philadelphia Bar Association and New Jersey Bar 'Association; m. Elizabeth C. Crump, Nov. 25, 1905; attorney at law. Address, 1101 Stephen Girard Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.; residence, Merchantville, N. J. LEADING GREEKS 137 KELLER, May Lansfleld; president of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Goucher College, 1908; graduate student University of Chicago; Ph. D. University of Heidleberg, 1904; initiated by Mary- land Alpha, Jan., 1897; president of chapter; holder of European Grad- uate Fellowship of Goucher College; contributed frequently to magazine of fraternity; mem. Baltimore Alum- ni Association; secretary of Alpha Province; national president for three terms, 1908-1915; delegate to national conventions of 1910-'12-'15; delegate to Chicago inter-fraternity conventions of 1909 and 1911; mem. various National Pan-Hellenic com- mittees; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Southern Association of College Women (president) ; secretary of Maryland Beta of Phi Beta Kappa; College Club of Baltimore; on boards of various philanthropic and educa- tional societies ; Dean of Women and professor of English at Richmond College, professor of German at Wells College, 1906-1914, associate professor of English, Goucher Col- lege. Address, 1822 Linden Ave., Baltimore, Md. KELLER, Zenobia Wooten; chairman Discipline Board of Phi Mu; ed. at Belmont College, 1907; initiated by Theta chapter, April 4, 1907; presi- dent of chapter; edited first number of secret annual, "Philomathean" ; mem. Chicago Alumnae Association; delegate to national conventions 1910, 1913; formerly first vice-presi- dent, national secretary; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference of 1913; inspection and installation work; m. Irvine M. Keller. Address, 6415 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. KELLEY, Phyllis M.; vice-high priestess of Phi Delta Delta; ed. Chicago Kent College of Law, 1911; initiated by Gamma chapter, May, 1913; organized Gamma chapter; mem. Chicago Bar Association; lawyer, firm of Kelley, Sellers and Clark. Address, 956 National Life Bldg.; residence, 2215 Sheffield Ave., Chi- cago, 111. KELLOGG, James Young Cory; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. at University of Washington 1903, Columbia Univer- sity 1906; initiated by Sigma Tau chapter, 1900; afliliated Omega chap- ter; mem. Seattle Graduate Associa- tion; chief Section XIII; delegate to national conventions 1901, 1903, 1906, 1907; lawyer; formerly city councilman; m. Ethel Ann MacDou- gall, 1912. Address, 2204 Federal Ave., Seattle, Wash. KELLY, Margaret June; assistant editor of "To Dragma"; Alpha Omi- cron Pi; ed. at University of Maine, 1912; initiated by Gamma chapter, Nov., 1908; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; chapter president; mem. grand council; instructor in German at University of Maine. Address, 52 Essex St., Bangor, Me. KEMMERER, Leila; Pi Beta Phi; ed. University of Iowa, 1903; initiated by Iowa Zeta chapter, Oct. 21, 1898; vice-president and treasurer of chap- ter; mem. Pi Beta Phi and Univer- sity of Iowa Alumni Association ; at- tended Syracuse national convention of 1901; librarian in charge of exten- 138 LEADING GREEKS sion work of Davenport Public Li- brary. Address, 803 W. 14th St., Davenport, la. KENT, Fay Barnaby; vice-president; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. at Allegheny College, 1896; initiated by Delta chapter, 1894; chapter president; mem. New York City alumnae chap- ter; delegate national convention Albion, 1898; visitor Boston, 1900; vice-president and chairman exten- sion committee, chairman ritual committee; contributor to the "Lyre"; organist and choirmaster, Church of the Ascension, Mount Ver- non, N. Y.; m. Horace M. Kent, 1905. Address, "Ingleside," Tucka- hoe, N. Y. KENT, Ralph S.; mem. Standard Finance Code of Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. Cornell University, A. B., 1902, LL. B., 1905; initiated by New York Alpha, March, 1900; eminent treasurer of chapter; contributed to "S. A. E. Record"; mem. Buffalo Alumni Association; president Prov- ince Beta, delegate to Province Beta convention ; delegate to national con- vention of Boston, 1900; of Chicago, 1914; treasurer New York Alpha As- sociation; lawyer; mem. Masons, Elks and Maccabees; m. Alice V. Kyle, Dec. 18, 1905. Address, office, Iroquois Bldg.; residence, 153 Lan- caster Ave., Buffalo, New York. KENYON, Herbert A.; grand Theta ex- ecutive board; Phi Kappa Sigma; ed. University of Michigan, 1904; in- itiated by Alpha Omicron chapter, 1906; Phi Beta Kappa; Tau of Al- pha Omicron chapter; mem. Detroit Alumni chapter; delegate national conventions 1908, 1910, 1911, 1913; grand theta executive board, 1912; assistant professor of Romance lan- guages in University of Michigan; m. Bessie White Stevens, 1908. Ad- dress, 1103 Ferdon Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. KERN, Alfred Allan; province com- mander; Kappa Alpha (Southern); ed. at Randolph-Macon College, 1899; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1897; chapter secretary; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Upsilon, Mill- saps, Kit Kat; mem. Jackson (Miss.) Alumni Association of Kappa Alpha; delegate national convention, 1901; associate editor "Journal"; served on electoral commission; professor of English, Millsaps College. Ad- dress, Millsaps College, Jackson, Miss. KEYSER, William Wilson; president St. Louis Alumni Chapter of Sigma Nu; ed. Washington and Lee Uni- versity, 1898; initiated by Lambda chapter, Sept., 1898; scribe of chap- ter; won orators' medal, president Graham-Lee Literary S'ociety; pur- chasing agent for the National Bank of Commerce; m. Helen Hale Sloan, 1905. Address, care National Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, Mo.; resi- dence, 6156 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. KIERULFF, George Dudley; presi- dent Iota province; Phi Delta Theta; ed. at University of California, 1896; initiated by California Alpha, 1892; chapter president; mem. San Fran- cisco Alumni Club of Phi Delta The- ta; delegate district conventions LEADING GREEKS 139 1894, 1895; district secretary; dele- gate national conventions 1896, 1910, 1912, 1914; delegate interfra- ternity associations at California 1895, 1911, 1912; secretary-treasurer Holmes Estate Co.; Mason, Royal Arcanum; m. Gertrude Stuart Holmes. Address, Foxcroft Bldg., 68 Poet St., San Francisco, Calif. KILER, Charles Albert; grand praetor of fifth province; Sigma Chi; ed. at University of Illinois, 1892; initi- ated by Kappa Kappa chapter, Nov. 15, 1891; consul of chapter; delegate national convention Chicago, 1893; contributor to fraternity magazine; helped build Kappa Kappa house. Address, 608 W. Park Ave., Cham- paign, 111. KILGORE, Emma Brown lee; founder Pi Beta Phi; ed. at Monmouth Col- lege; initiated by Illinois Alpha chapter, April 28, 1867; chapter president; guest national conven- tions Detroit, St. Louis; m. Dr. J. C. Kilgore, 1870. Address, 201 W. Broadway, Monmouth, 111. KILPATRICK, William C.; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. Mercer University, 1903; initiated by Georgia Psi, Sept., 1899; eminent archon of chapter; contributor to magazine; secretary and treasurer of Macon Alumni As- sociation ; secretary and treasurer of Province Epsilon; delegate to Ep- silon Province convention of Dec., 1905; delegate to Atlanta convention of 1906; insurance business and peach grower; m. Marie Louise Montfort, June, 1907. Address, City National Bank, Macon, Ga. KIM BALL, George Peering; eminent supreme treasurer of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Denver, 1895; initiated by Colorado Zeta, Dec. 18, 1891; eminent archon of chapter; contributed to magazine; mem. Denver Alumni Association; delegate to all province conventions from 1896 to date except one; presi- dent of province, 1893 to 1897; eminent deputy archon, 1898 to 1900; eminent supreme treasurer, 1900 to 1906; eminent supreme archon, 1906 to 1910; eminent supreme treasurer, 1910 to date; delegate to all national conventions since 1896; first to sug- gest the inter-fraternity conference, represented Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the meetings in 1909 and 1913; gen- eral manager of Rugby Fuel Co.; mem. Knights Templars, 33rd degree Mason; m. Grace R. Porter, May 16, 1912. Address, 314 McPhee Bldg., Denver, Colo. KIMBALL, Leroy Etwood; Sigma Nu; ed. Albion College, 1910; initiated by Gamma Gamma chapter, Oct., 1906; lieutenant commander of chapter; secretary of the board of directors of the New York Alumni Association and alumni correspondent to Sigma Nu "Delta"; delegate to fifth divi- sion convention at Madison, Wis.; city editor the "Albion Evening Recorder," 1910-1911; 1911 assistant bursar New York University; author newspaper and magazine articles; mem. Knights Templars and Shrin- er; m. Gipsy M. Robinson, Kappa Alpha Theta, June 17, 1914, Albion, Mich. Address, University Bldg., 140 LEADING GREEKS Washington Square, E., New York City. KIMBALL, Martha Nutter; grand treasurer; Pi Beta Phi; ed. at Uni- versity of Denver, 1898; initiated by Colorado Beta chapter, October 5, 1894; chapter secretary; mem. Den- ver alumnae chapter; delegate to national convention, Madison, 1897; national treasurer, 1901-07; province president 1899-1901; teacher in high school. Address, 2112 South Mil- waukee, Denver, Colo. KIMBLE, Anna Moore Gillis; Alpha Xi Delta; ed. Lombard College, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter; chaplain and vice-president of the chapter; contributed to Alpha Xi Delta mag- azine and wrote four songs; editor- in-chief of the Alpha Xi Delta; chair- man of committee on nationalizing the local chapters and also constitu- tion of same; delegate to 1st, 2nd and 3rd national convention; dele- gate to inter-fraternity convention at Chicago, Sept., 1904; taught English at Lombard College two years, editor of Lombard Review; mem. O. E. S.; m. Dr. Thaddeus C. Kimble, June 24, 1903. Address, Miltonvale, Kans. KIND, John Louis; Delta Tau Delta, Phi Beta Kappa; ed. University of Nebraska, A. B., 1899, A. M., 1901, Columbia University, Ph. D., 1906; initiated by Beta Tau chapter, Jan. 16, 1897, and honorary member Beta Gamma chapter; treasurer and ad- visor of chapter; contributed the fol- lowing to the "Rainbow" of Delta Tau Delta: four articles on The Regulations of Fraternities, The Honor System, The Fraternity Situa- tion at Wisconsin, A Toast, The Kar- nea; in the "Western Inter-Collegiate Magazine": The Fraternity Situa- tion at Wisconsin; in "Banta's Greek Exchange" : The Situation at Wiscon- sin, and three articles on Uniform Bookkeeping; mem. Delta Tau Delta Club of New York, Chicago and In- diana; assistant ritualist, ritualist, national treasurer, 1906-1914; dele- gate to inter-fraternity conventions of 1911 and 1913 at New York City; mem. Committee on Inter-Fraternity Relations and published the report; assistant professor of German, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, and secretary, of department. Address, 425 Sterling Court, Madison, Wis. KING, Clarence Roderick; president of Province I of Phi Delta Phi; ed. Syracuse University, 1912; initiated by Comstock chapter, 1910; consul of chapter; delegate to national con- vention of 1913 at Chicago; attor- ney. Address, office, 431 Union Bldg; residence, 401 Grant Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. KINGMAN, H. E.; national president of Alpha Psi; ed. Colorado Agricul- tural College, 1908; initiated by Delta chapter, 1908; president of the chapter; veterinarian professor of surgery, Col. Agricultural College. Address, 522 W. Laurel St., Ft. Col- lins, Colo. KINNE, Emma Elizabeth; Sigma Kap- pa; ed. Syracuse University, Ph. B., 1906, B. L. S., 1909; initiated by Ep- silon chapter, June, 1905; wrote seven songs and several articles for Sigma Kappa "Triangle"; grand sec- retary ; mem. song book commit- LEADING GREEKS 141 tee; delegate to national conventions of 1906 and 1908; librarian, clerical and library work in Philippine Islands, assistant librarian Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I., for four years; mem. Pi Lambda Sigma. Address, 203 Lomax St., Jacksonville, Fla. KLEINSCHMIDT, R. A.; Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Chi; ed. University of Missouri, 1900; mem. Oklahoma City and Oklahoma State Alumni Associa- tions; president of fifth province of Phi Delta Phi and president of Okla- homa City Alumni Association of Phi Delta Phi; lawyer; mem. Ma- sons, 32nd degree and Shriner; m. Mabel Diedrickson, 1903. Address, 509 Patterson Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. KLINE, George M.; former supreme archon of Phi Beta Pi; ed. at Uni- versity of Michigan, 1901; initiated by Beta chapter, 1899; supreme sec- retary, 1908-1911; supreme archon, 1911-1913; helped compile first di- rectory of Phi Beta Pi; superintend- ent of Danver's State Hospital; m. Ethel A. Fry, June 23, 1906. Ad- dress, Danver's State Hospital, Haw- thorne, Mass. KNAPP, Joseph Burke; president Port- land Alumni Association of Sigma Nu; ed. Purdue University, 1904; ini- tiated by Beta Zeta chapter, May, 1901; commander of the chapter; in- spector of tenth division, 1908-1913; delegate to two district conventions ; delegate to Indianapolis national convention, December, 1902; manager Northwestern Association of Box Manufacturers; m. Cornelia Ann Pinkham, S'ept. 26, 1902. Address, 1011 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Port- land, Ore. KNICKERBOCKER, Homer J.; Omega Upsilon Phi, Beta Phi Sigma; ed. University of Buffalo, pharmacal and medical departments; pharmacy, 1893, medicine, 1898; initiated by Buffalo chapter of Beta Phi Sigma and Alpha chapter of Omega Up- silon Phi, April 1, 1896; president and treasurer of the latter chapter; contributed to the Omega Upsilon Phi Journal; mem. Lake Kenka Alumni chapter of Omega Upsilon Phi; grand scribe, senior grand master, grand editor, grand his- torian, mem. of executive council; delegate to all district conventions from 1900 on and to all national con- ventions from 1897 to date; installed several chapters; physician and sur- geon; mem. Masons; referat Abend Club of Buffalo; m. Fannie E. Plowe, May 16, 1899. Address, 196 Genesee St., Geneva, N. Y. KNOTE, Anna Miller (Mrs. John Mc- Bride) ; grand inspector of Alpha Xi Delta; ed. Wittenberg College, 1905; initiated by Zeta chapter, May 10, 1904, charter member; president of chapter; organized Pittsburgh, Pa., Alumnae Association in 1910, and Springfield, Ohio, Alumnae Associa- tion in 1914; grand vice-president, 1911-1913; grand inspector, 1913- 1915; delegate to national conven- tions of 1911 and 1913; contributed several magazine articles and three songs; m. John McBride Knote Jr., June 23, 1909. Address, R. D. 9, Springfield, O. 142 LEADING GREEKS KNOX, Edith Orilla; chapterian of Kappa Delta; ed. Northwestern Uni- versity, 1909; initiated by Lambda chapter, Dec. 14, 1907, charter mem- ber; corresponding and recording secretary of chapter; mem. Chicago Alumnae Association ; chapterian, 1910-1915; delegate to national con- ventions of 1910 at Louisville, Ky.; 1911, Atlanta, Ga.; 1912, Richmond, Va.; 1913, Asheville, N. C.; installing officer at the following chapters of Kappa Delta: Epsilon Omega, Uni- versity of Kentucky, Alpha Gamma, Coe College, Omega Xi, University of Cincinnati, Eta, Hunter College, Chi, University of Denver, Rho, Univer- sity of Wyoming; delegate to Na- tional Pan-Hellenic Congress of 1912 and 1913 and to Greek convention at Chicago, May, 1913. Address, 804 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. KOLBE, Lydia Voria; member execu- tive committee of the college fra- ternity reference bureau; grand treasurer of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. at Buchtel College; initiated by Lambda chapter, 1900; grand treas- urer for three terms; mem. Akron Kaffa Club and College Club; dele- gate to Chicago Greek Conference, May 30-31, 1913; wife of president of University of Akron; m. Parke R. Kolbe, June 17, 1905. Address, 250 E. Buchtel Ave., Akron, Ohio. KRESS, George Henry; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Uni- versity of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1896; ini- tiated by Ohio Epsilon of S. A. E., Oct. 16, 1892; eminent archon of the chapter; co-author of "Sing, Brother, Sing," wrote numerous articles for S., A. E. "Record" and "Phi Alpha"; mem. Los Angeles Alumni Associa- tion; editor manual of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; exchange editor of "Rec- ord"; delegate to Washington Con- vention of 1894; physician, specialty, eye, ear and nose, dean of the Los Angeles Medical Department of the University of California, attending eye surgeon Los Angeles County Hospital, attending physician Graves Memorial Dispensary, trustee State Medical Society, secretary and treas- urer of Los Angeles Medical Asso- ciation, president Los Angeles So- ciety for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, president University of California Alumni Club, chairman Conservation of Vision Committee of California; m. Elizabeth Hamilton Hill, June 26, 1903. Address 245 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. KRIPPNER, Arthur Frederick; regent, 1913-1915 of Sigma Nu; ed. Univer- sity of Wisconsin, 1914; initiated by Gamma Lambda chapter, 1903; social arbiter of the chapter; contributed to the Delta of Sigma Nu; mem. of Sigma Nu Alumni Association and the University of Wisconsin Alumni Association of St. Louis, Mo.; in- spector of 7th division, 1907-1911; vice-regent, 1911-1913; delegate to national conventions of 1906-1907, 1908-1909, 1910-1911; general man- ager of Missouri Gas Heater and Ap- pliance Co., St. Louis, Mo.; m. Imo- gene Franklin, Nov., 1913. Address, 1021 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. KUHN, John J.; mem. governing board of Delta Chi ; ed. Cornell University, 1898; initiated by Cornell chapter, LEADING GREEKS 143 Jan., 1897; mem. Cornell Association, Brooklyn N. Y.; contributed maga- zine articles to Delta Chi "Quar- terly," edited alumni notes of "Quar- terly" two years, wrote four or five songs; national president and treas- urer on governing board since 1904, attended almost all conventions after 1896; chairman house building com- mittee for Cornell; delegate to New York Inter-Fraternity Conference, 1911-1913; mem. law firm of Dykman, Oeland and Kuhn of 111 Broadway, New York City, and 177 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y.; mem. Cornell Club of New York City, University Club, Brooklyn. Address, 177 Mon- tague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. KUYKENDALL, Mabel; president Eu- gene, Ore., Alliance of Delta Delta Delta; ed. University of Oregon, 1910; initiated by Theta Delta chap- ter, Oct. 21, 1910; secretary and marshal of alliance; mem. State Alumni Association of Oregon; dele- gate to province convention at Berkeley, Calif., 1910; chairman of song committee at province conven- tion, 1910-1911. Address, 1250 Wil- lamette St., Eugene, Ore. KYLE, Estelle Marie; grand registrar of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Univer- sity of Colorado, 1913; initiated by Beta Mu chapter, Oct. 13, 1909; presi- dent of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kapna, Kappa Delta Pi, Mortar Board (local); delegate to 21st national convention at Evanston, 111., and marshal (manager) of 22nd national convention at Estes Park, Colo.; in- structor in education, University of Colorado. Address, 1313 University Ave., Boulder, Colo. La COUR, Arthur Burton; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. Yale University, 1904; initiated by Phi chapter, 1902; presi- dent of Southern Delta Kappa Ep- silon Association; banking and manufacturing business ; treasurer of The Rural Credit Co. and The La- Valliere Co.; mem. Masons, Louis- iana Lodge, No. 104, F. and A. M., Shriner, Jerusalem Temple; m. Eliz- abeth Lorraine Maginnis, April 26, 1911. Address, 206 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. LAMAR, George Hall; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Ala. Polytechnic Insti- tute, B. S.; Georgtown University Law School; initiated by Ala. Alpha Epsilon, 1885; exchequer of chapter; mem. Washington, D. C., Alumni As- sociation; W. G. S. (national secre- tary), W. G. C. (president), congress orator, delegate to conventions of 1890 - 1894 - 1898 - 1900 - 1902 - 1904- 1908-1910-1912; mem. constitutional revision committee at 1908 conven- tion; attorney at law; mem. Blue Lodge, Council, Chapter and Knight Templar; m. Edith Stone Sheet, April 18, 1894. Address, Fendall Bldg., Washington, D. C. LAMB, Frank H.; Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Miami Uni- versity, 1897 and Miami Medical College, 1901; initiated by Alpha chapter of Beta Theta Pi, Oct., 1893, and Omicron chapter of Alpha Kappa Kappa, 1901; primarius four years of A. K. K.; mem. Miami, Oberlin, 144 LEADING GREEKS Michigan, Ohio and Miami Medical College Alumni Associations; dep- uty grand president of Alpha Kappa Kappa; physician, specialist in dis- eases of children; mem. Masons. Address, 940 E. McMillan St., Cincin- nati, O. LAMBERT, Bernard Nelson; national president of Phi Alpha Tau; ed. Emerson College of Oratory, 1904; M. A., University of Minnesota, 1902; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1903; vice-president and chaplain of chap- ter; national president, June, 1911, to Dec. 1911, and Dec., 1913, to date, attended national conventions of June, 1911, at Des Moines, la., and Chicago, 111., Dec., 1911; director De- partment of Public Speaking, College of Puget Sound; m. Wilhelmina Swanson, Sept., 1905. Address, Col- lege of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. LAMKIN, Charles Fackler; former na- tional president of Phi Delta Theta; ed. Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., 1899; initiated by Missouri Beta chapter; president of chapter; mem. Fulton Alumni Club of Phi Delta Theta; president of Zeta province; catalogue editor; historian; con- tributor to "Scroll" of Phi Delta Theta; delegate to national conven- tions from 1898 to 1912, and to dis- trict conventions at St. Charles, Des Moines, Kansas City, etc.; mem. Masonic order, past master Warren No. 74; broker of farm loans; own- er of abstract co., Missouri Abstract Association; m. Annie B. Minter, 1905. Address, Keytesville, Mo. LA MONT, Louis Cook; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Virginia Military Insti- tute, 1905; initiated by Va. Theta, 1902; eminent treasurer of chapter and eminent deputy archon; branch manager Butte, Mont., sales office, Westinghouse Electric & Manufac- turing Co.; mem. Masonic Lodge; m. Ruth V. Walter, Jan. 21, 1913. Ad- dress, 101 Napton Apartments, Butte, Mont. LANBACH, Mary Annie McKay; Delta Delta Delta; ed. Wesleyan Univer- sity, Middleton, Conn., 1896; ini- tiated by Sigma chapter, March 15, 1895; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. graduate al- liance; grand treasurer, 1897-1900; delegate to national convention at Syracuse, 1906; teacher Camden, Me., high school, 1896-1897, East Maine Seminary, Brocksport, Me., 1898- 1899, preceptress of same, 1899-1901, matron New Orleans University, 1903-1907, secretary and registrar, 1907-1914; m. Roscoe E. Lanbach, Aug. 25, 1906. Address, R. R. No. 1, Arcola, Texas. LANDER, Mary Fort Hamilton; Chi Omega; ed. University of Arkansas, 1901; initiated by Psi chapter, 1908; treasurer of the chapter; contributed to "Eleusis" of Chi Omega; mem. Psi Alumnae Association ; supreme treas- urer of national organization; toast mistress at convention banquets; delegate to national conventions at Memphis, Little Rock and Chicago; m. Roswell Sears Lander, April 22, 1908. Address, Locust Shade, Fay- etteville, Ark. LANDRUM, Albert Brewer; grand vice-president of Alpha Kappa Kap- pa; ed. Medical Department of Ohio LEADING 145 State University, 1906; initiated by Pi chapter, Oct. 23, 1903; vice-presi- dent of the chapter; delegate to na- tional convention at Milwaukee, 1905; physician, assistant instructor in genito-urinary diseases, Medical College, Ohio State University; mem. Scottish Rite Mason, Shrine; m. Flora Esther Rohe, 1911. Address, 142 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio. LANGDON, Duncan; traveling secre- tary of Alpha Delta Phi; ed. Brown University, 1913; initiated by Brun- onion chapter, Feb. 2, 1910; mem. Phi Kappa and Tau Delta Sigma (lo- cal honorary societies); national traveling secretary; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1912 and 1913; alternate to the Fifth Annual Inter- Fraternity Conference. Address, 136 W. 44th S'., New York City. LARDNER, Lida Burkhard (Mrs. J. L.); member executive committee College Fraternity Reference Bu- reau; national vice-president of Pi Beta Phi; initiated at Denver Uni- versity; delegate to the Pan-Hellenic Congress from Pi Beta Phi; vice- president of the College Fraternity Reference Bureau. Address, 810 Mil- burn St., Evanston, 111. LAWLER, Ethel Elizabeth; national inspector Beta Province of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. University of Wis- consin, 1913; initiated by Beta chap- ter, Dec. 21, 1911; president of chap- ter; president Chicago Alumnae As- sociation, mem. Wisconsin Alumnae Club; delegate to Chicago Greek con- ference of May, 1913; instrumental in placing Lambda chapter at North- western University and installing delegate to aid at installation of Xi chapter; taught mathematics at the St6van School for Girls in 1913-1914; member Chicago College Club. Ad- dress, 5513 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111. LAWRENCE, Richard Rossman; na- tional treasurer of Phi Sigma Kap- pa; ed. Williams College, A. B. 1907; A. M. 1910; initiated by Chi chapter, June 16, 1906; charter member, vice- president of chapter; helped organ- ize the Alumni Association of Chi chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa, presi- dent June, 1910-June 1914, treasurer June 1914-1917, published the annual report in 1913, also Chi chapter di- rectory in 1913-1914, assisted in pub- lishing "The Chi News," mem. board of governors of the Phi Sigma Kappa Club of New York City, 1912-1918; secretary of club, 1912-1913; treas- urer 1913-1915; mem. national com- mittee to draw up a uniform system of chapter accounting and reported at convention of Albany, Oct. 1914; attended New York Inter-Fraternity Conference of Nov. 1914; general sales department of Western Elec- tric Co. of New York City; mem. Masonic Order. Address, 48 W. 49th St., New York City. LAWSON, Lillian Moore (Mrs. Reid); chairman Life Membership Commit- tee of Alpha Delta Pi; ed. Wesleyan College, Macon, Ga.; initiated by Alpha chapter, Oct. 1904; president Birmingham Alumnae Association national inspector, 1906-1911; dele- gate to national conventions of 1906- 07-09-11-13; installed six chapters, in- stalled first chapter, Beta, Winston Salem, N. C., 1905; delegate to Na- 146 LEADING GREEKS tional Pan-Hellenic Congress, Chi- cago, 1910; mem. executive council Birmingham Pan-Hellenic; m. Reid Lawson, April 11, 1911. Address, 923 S. 17th St., Birmingham, Ala. LEASMAN, Emil L.; ex-grand recorder of Alpha Chi Sigma; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1907; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1905; vice-master al- chemist; mem. Acacia; delegate to national conventions of 1908-10-12; farmer. Address, Irvington, Ala. LEAVELL, George W.; Sigma Chi, grand presiding senior of Phi Chi; ed. University of Mississippi, 1907; University of Louisville, 1912; initi- ated by Eta Tau Alpha chapter of Sigma Chi, Nov. 1903, and Alpha Alpha chapter of Phi Chi, 1908; grand presiding senior of Phi Chi chapter; mem. Louisville Alumni As- sociation of Phi Chi; national grand presiding senior of Phi Chi; dele- gate to national convention of Phi Chi at Louisville, Dec. 1911; physi- cian, Stout Memorial Hospital; m. Frances Cornelia Peay, Dec. 10, 1912. Address, Wuchow, West River, South China. LEE, Gilliean Farley; national secre- tary of Kappa Delta; ed. Judson Col- lege, 1911; initiated by Rho Omega Phi chapter, Oct. 1909; secretary- treasurer of the chapter; mem. Union Springs Alumnae Association ; province president; national secre- tary; delegate to national conven- tion of Aug. 1913. Address, Union Springs, Ala. LEIB, Ella Berry Boston; former grand secretary and grand president of Alpha Xi Delta; ed. Lombard Col- lege, 1899; initiated by Alpha chap- ter, April 1894; president of the chapter; contributed several articles to the magazine; first grand secre- tary, 1902-1903; third grand president 1904-1909; delegate to 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th National Pan-Hellenic Con- gress; mem. Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution, Woman's Club, O. E. S.; m. Dr. John Robert Leib, Oct. 29, 1902. Address, 1271 W. Washington St., Springfield, 111. LEI BY, Scott Smith; grand theta of Phi Kappa Sigma; ed. Franklin and Marshall College, 1902; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1899; alpha of the chapter; mem. Harrisburg Alumni Association; National chapter vis- itor; delegate to national con- ventions at Baltimore, Lancaster and Philadelphia; attorn ey-at-law, office, Harrisburg, Pa.; mem. Ma- sons; m. Maude Tyson, Sept. 4, 1912. Address, 102 Dalien St., Maysville, Perry County, Pa. LEMMON, Charles James; Kappa Sig- ma, Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Univer- sity of the South, Sewanee, 1908; in- itiated 1905 by Omega chapter of Kappa Sigma and Tau of Alpha Kap- pa Kappa; vice-president of chapter; deputy grand master Charleston Dis- trict of Alpha Kappa Kappa; dele- gate to national convention at Au- gusta, 1910; instrumental in instal- ling chapter of Alpha Kappa Kappa at Charleston, S. C.; physician and surgeon; mem. Elks, Masons and U. O. W.; m.. Grace Bragdon, Nov. 14, 1912. Address, Sumter, S. C. LENTILHON, Ida Ward; secretary New York Alumnae Association of LEADING GREEKS 147 Delta Gamma; ed. Adelphi College, 1911; initiated by Omicron chapter, May 7, 1908; "Anchora" correspon- dent for Chi Upsilon, New York Al- umnae Association; secretary, 1912; librarian. Address, Grand View Ave., Far Rockaway, New York. LEONARD, Charles B., M. D.; Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Detroit College of Medi- cine, 1904; initiated by Epsilon chap- ter, 1901; president of the chapter; mem. Alpha Omega (honorary) ; mem. D. C. H. S. and D. C. M Alumni Associations; district inspector and delegate to district conventions of 1908 and 1910; physician; m. Lillian B. Taylor, 1910. Address, office 608 Washington Arcade, residence 40 Massachusetts Ave., Detroit, Mich. LEONARD, Estella; one of seven founders of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. De Pauw University, 1891; initiated by Alpha chapter; first president of the chapter; contributed to Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega and wrote one song; teacher of voice, piano and harmony, organist and choir director of M. E. church; supervisor of music in public schools. Address, 217 Plum St., Union City, Ind. LEONARD, Louise; first grand vice- president of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. Syracuse University, 1909; initi- ated by Alpha chapter, March, 1906; ex-president, Alpha Alumnae Associ- ation; delegate to national conven- tion of 1913; secretary, College of Meiicine, Syracuse University. Ad- dress, 309 Orange St., Syracuse, N. Y. LESSER, David Barnes; grand scribe of Beta Phi; ed. Armour Institute of Technology, 1914; initiated by Gam- ma chapter, 1913; scribe of chapter; mem. Iota Tau Alumni Associa- tion; editor of Beta Phi "Quarterly," editor of Beta Phi secret semi-month- ly magazine; national grand sena- tor, grand scribe; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1913 and 1914; chemical engineer. Address, 3403 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. LEUE, Albrecht Frederic; eminent su- preme deputy archon of S'igma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Cincin- nati, 1898; initiated by Ohio Epsilon, Oct. 16, 1897; wrote five fraternity songs; mem. Cincinnati Alumni As- sociation ; delegate to Province Delta Convention at Delaware, O., 1913; editor Province Delta Annual; emi- nent supreme deputy archon, 1912- 1916; mem. national committee to revise ritual, 1909-1910; editor of "Phi Alpha," secret fraternity publi- cation, 1912-1916; delegate to na- tional conventions of Atlantic City, 1909; Kansas City, 1910; Nashville, 1912; Chicago, 1914; LL. B., Y. M. C. A. night school; admitted to Ohio bar, June, 1905; attorney at law; mem. Delta Beta, high school frater- nity; Free and Accepted Masons. Address, office, 711 Mercantile Libra- ry Bldg.; residence, 2210 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. LEVERE, William C.; editor "Leading Greeks"; secretary of the College Fraternity Reference Bureau; ed. Northwestern University; initiated by Illinois Psi-Omega chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sept. 26, 1894; delegate to every national con- vention since 1898; founder and in- 148 LEADING GREEKS staller of many chapters; has visited every one of the 78 S. A. E. chap- ters; constructive work for internal development of fraternity; discover- er of the last surviving founder of S. A. ,E. who had been lost to the fraternity for forty years; eminent supreme archon of S. A. E., 1902- 06; honorary E. S. A., 1909-12; au- thor of S. A. E. publications, cata- logue, 1904; the Original Minutes, 1904; Songs of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1904; Life of Noble Leslie DeVotie, 1905; S. A. E. Year Book, 1906-12; History of Sigma Alpha Epsilon in three large volumes, 1911; Who's Who in S. A. E., 1912; Pocket Di- rectory, 1912; author of Imperial America, 1900; 'Twixt Greek and Barb, 1900; the Evanston Poets, 1903; Vivian of Mackinac, 1911; Mackinac Days, 1915; Leading Greeks, 1915; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference, 1913; inter-fra- ternity conference, 1913; elected mem. executive committee of ten of College Fraternity Reference Bu- reau; elected national secretary of same by executive committee; edi- tor of the "Greek Quarterly" since 1913; editor of the "Bulletin" of the Reference Bureau, 1915; organ- ized Northwestern chapter of Kappa Delta sorority, which is named in his honor; gave the annual address before the Northern Illinois Pan- Hellenic Association, 1915; editor Evanston "Index," 1901-1905; magis- trate of city court, 1899-1901; city treasurer, 1901-1903; mem. Illinois Legislature, 1906-1907; Thirty-sec- ond Degree Mason and Shriner. Ad- dress, 600 Davis St., Evanston, 111. S. E. G. LEWIS, Byron Ray; sage of Sigma Pi; ed. University of Illinois, 1907; initi- ated by Phi chapter, 1908; mem. Uni- versity Alumni Association; founder and president in 1907, of lonion Lit- erary Society of Illinois University; founder of Phi chapter; grand his- torian, grand herald, delegate to na- tional convention of 1909, ritualist, prepared all rituals and ceremonials except a portion of initiation ritual now used, preparing history of fra- ternity; teacher of history, 1910-1914, in Bridgeport Township High School; candidate for superinten- dent of schools, 1914; mem. I. O. O. F.; Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., Knights Templars, chancellor com- mander Winner Lodge No. 713 Knights of Pythias ; president Bridge- port Athletic Club, president Bridge- port Chautauqua Association, mem. American Historical Society, Illinois State Historical Society, American Geographical Society. Address, Bridgeport, Lawrence County, 111. LEWIS, Eleanor Frances; head of Ex- amination Committee of Chi Omega; ed. Northwestern University, 1904; initiated by Xi chapter, April, 1904; president of chapter; contributed several articles on travel to "Eleu- sis" of Chi Omega; mem. Northwest- ern Alumnae Association and Chi- cago Alumnae Association; delegate to national convention of 1906; li- brarian. Address, Pearsons Hall, Evanston, 111. LEADING GREEKS 149 LEWIS, Hugh Cecil; Sigma Chi; ed. University of Utah, 1910; initiated by Beta Epsilon chapter, Aug. 22, 1908; pro-consul of chapter; secre- tary of Salt Lake Alumni Associa- tion; quaestor of Eighth Province; office engineer for the State Road Commission of Utah. Address, 704 W. N. T. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. LEWIS, Martha Lavinia; registrar na- tional council of Phi Mu; ed. Wes- leyan College, 1906; initiated by Alpha chapter, Dec. 21, 1904; con- tributed to magazine; mem. Macon Phi Mu Alumnae Association; mem. standing boards, alumnae editor of the "Aglaia" of Phi Mu, published first directory; delegate to national conventions of 1910, 1911 and 1913; mem. Macon Pan-Hellenic. Address, 633 Vineville Ave., Macon, Ga. LIBBEY, Fannie Whitenack; Pi Beta Phi; ed. Monmouth College, 1868; founder of Alpha chapter; m. How- ard Libbey, Oct. 9, 1872. Address, Goodhue, Goodhue County, Minn. LINDSAY, Katherine; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. Goucher College, 1909; initiated by Alpha Delta chapter, 1905; vice-president of the chapter; mem. Goucher Alumnae Association and Association of Collegiate Alum- nae; president of Alpha Beta Dis- trict, 1911-1913; chairman of educa- tional committee, 1913-1914; alumnae delegate to national convention of 1911; social worker. Address, 1341 Mt. Royal Ave., Baltimore, Md. LINDSAY, Katherine Breed; province president of Phi Mu; ed. Belmont College, 1911; initiated by Theta chapter, Dec. 10, 1910; chapter sec- retary; contributed to Phi Mu maga- zine; mem. Indiana Alumnae Associ- ation ; president of same ; delegate to national convention of 1911 at At- lanta. Address, 810 W. 2nd St., Mar- ion, Ind. LINDSAY, Robert White; alumni com- missioner of Phi Delta Theta; ed. Washington and Jefferson College, 1902; initiated by Pennsylvania Gamma, Jan. 28, 1898; secretary Pittsburgh Alumni Club, 1903-1908; increased membership from forty to three hundred; president of Province Alpha, 1910-1912, and president of province convention at Philadelphia, 1910; delegate to national conven- tion at Niagara Falls; national al- umni commissioner; treasurer of Lindsay Transfer Co.; m. Mary Vir- ginia Weyand, June 11, 1908. Ad- dress, Briar Cliff Road, Ben Avon Heights, Pa.; office, 228 Oliver Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. LINGER, Eula Grove (Mrs. Merton D.) ; grand vice-president of Sigma Kappa; Phi Beta Kappa; ed. Syra- cuse University, 1906; initiated by Epsilon chapter, June 7, 1905; secre- tary of chapter; contributed to Sig- ma Kappa Triangle; mem. Buffalo Alumni Club of Sigma Kappa; grand secretary and grand vice-president of sorority, inspector of western chapters, 1911-1912, assisted at in- stallation of Zeta and Omicron chap- ters, delegate to national conven- tions of 1907 at Syracuse, 1910 at Champaign, 111., 1911 at Boston, 1912 at Bloomington, 111.; mem. Syracuse Alumnae Club of Buffalo, Buffalo As- sociation of Collegiate Alumni, Stu- 150 LEADING GREEKS dents' Literary Club; vice-president of Syracuse Alumnae Club; mem. Eastern Star; m. Merton D. Linger, Aug. 26, 1908. Address, 362 Four- teenth St., Buffalo, N. Y. LIPPINCOTT, Mary W.; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. Swarthmore College, 1901; initiated by Alpha Beta chap- ter, 1897; president of the chapter; mem. Philadelphia Alumnae Associa- tion; national vice-president; dis- trict president; delegate to national convention of 1909. Address, River- ton, N. J. LISMAN, Francis Louis; former na- tional president of Sigma Pi; ed. Vincennes University, 1906; initia- ated by Alpha chapter, 1902; presi- dent (now termed regent) of the chapter; national president, 1908- 1909, editor of the "Emerald" of Sig- ma Pi, 1910-1911; delegate to na- tional conventions at Columbus, 1909, and Vincennes, Ind., 1908; advertis- ing writer, formerly staff man with "Philadelphia North American," "Philadelphia Press," now with United Gas Improvement Co. Ad- dress, Room 405, 1035 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. LITTLE, Margaret Carolyn; Alumna correspondent of Kappa Delta; ed.. University of Alabama, 1906; initi- ated by Zeta chapter, S'ept, 1904; secretary of the chapter, 1904-1905; contributed to the "Angelos" of Kappa Delta; mem. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Alumnae Association; assistant busi- ness manager of the "Angelos," busi- ness manager, 1908-1909; delegate to national conventions at Charlotte, N. C., April, 1906, Atlanta, Ga., April, 1911; worked on establishment of new chapters. Address, 325 Queen City Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. LITTLE, T. Hood; mem. of extension committee of Sigma Nu; ed. Central University of Kentucky, 1899; initi- ated by Zeta chapter, Sept. 9, 1895; commander of chapter three times; mem. of Chicago Alumni Association, president two terms and secretary two terms; founder of chapter at Kentucky State, 1902; delegate to four national conventions; assistant secretary of Mount Hope Cemetery Association of Chicago, 111.; mem. Elks. Address, 320, 37 W. Van Bu- ren St., Chicago, 111. LLOYD, L. Lynn; senior archon of 5th district of Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi, Phi Alpha Tau, Pi Delta Epsi- lon; ed. University of Nebraska, 1911; initiated by Nebraska Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi, Dec. 18, 1907; president of the chapter; mem. Lin- coln, Neb., Alumni Association; ju- nior and senior district archon, and delegate to 5th district convention at Lincoln, 1911; mem. national execu- tive council and delegate to national conventions as an officer; advertiser business; m. Josephine Sanford, Del- ta Gamma, Dec. 29, 1913. Address, 2520 N. St., Lincoln, Neb. LOEWE, Gilbert M., M. D.; grand or- acle of Alpha Phi Sigma; ed. Univer- sity of Illinois, 1912; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1908; oracle of the chapter; mem. University of Illinois Medical College Alumni Association; delegate to national conventions of 1911 and 1912; physician and sur- LEADING GREEKS 151 geon. Address, 108 N. State St., Chi- cago, 111. LOIZEAUX, Leon S.; president New York Alumni Chapter of Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, 1904; initiated by Eta-Lambda chapter, 1902; mem. Flower Hospital Alumni Association; vice-president of grand chapter, ob- stetrician and surgeon, fellow of American College of Surgeons; m. Anna L. Oefinger, 1907. Address, 117 E. 71st St., New York City. LOKEY, Hugh Montgomery; supreme eminent grand of Chi Zeta Chi; ed. Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1900; initiated by Epsilon chapter, 1907; secretary of Alumni Association ; supreme eminent grand, 1909-1913; oculist, aurist and naso- laryngologist; m. Rebecca Hamilton, June 21, 1905. Address, 413-414 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. LONG, David S., Ph. G., M. D.; su- preme secretary and treasurer of Phi Beta Pi; ed. Kansas University and University Medical College, 1910; in- itiated by Nu chapter, Sept. 29, 1907; chapter editor; grand western prae- tor and supreme secretary and treas- urer, delegate to national convention of 1909 at New Orleans; delegate to the Inter-Medical Fraternity Conven- tion in Chicago, May, 1914; physi- cian and surgeon; m. Bertha L. Hare, 1911. Address, Harrisonville, Mo. LOOS, Charles Louis, Jr.; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. Ohio State University, 1899, and Cornell University, 1901; initiated by Ohio Delta, Oct. 15, 1895; affiliated at Kappa Nu chap- ter, secretary of chapter; mem. Cor- nell Alumni Association and Detroit Graduate chapter; delegate to four district conventions ; chairman finan- cial committee; delegate to seven national conventions ; purchasing agent University of Michigan; mem. Masonic Order; m. Henrietta E. Westcott, Nov. 29, 1905. Address, 1043 Ferdon Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. LOUD, Alta Allen (Mrs. Edward R.); national president of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Albion College, 1898; Albion Conservatory of Music, 1897; initiated by Beta chapter, June 9, 1894; president of chapter; mem. Albion Alumnae Club; national sec- retary, 1897-1899; national president, 1906-1910, 1912 to date; contributed to Alpha Chi Omega "Lyre," edi- torial board "History of Alpha Chi Omega," wrote introduction; dele- gate to national convention of 1897 at Depauw; originator of present council system; chairman Coat of Arms Committee; chairman Endow- ment Fund Committee; delegate to National Presidents' Conference of 1911; Chicago Greek Conference of May, 1913; teacher of Greek and German at Albion College, 1898-1903; mem. Eastern Star, Albion E. L. T. Club; president Albion Review Club; vice-regent chapter of Daughters of American Revolution; m. Edward R. Loud, Delta Tau Delta, Sept. 21, 1903. Address, 504 E. Erie St., Al- bion, Mich. LOWD, Emma F., grand secretary of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Boston Univer- sity, B. A. 1887, M. A. 1907; initiated by Delta chapter, April 22, 1887; 152 LEADING GREEKS president of chapter; contributed to the Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta; mem. New York Alumnae Associa- tion of Gamma Phi Beta; national secretary, treasurer and president; delegate to national conventions; first assistant in English in Morris High School; formerly principal of evening high school in New York City; mem. Association of College Alumnae New York branch, Boston, University Alumni Association, Woman's Graduate Club of Boston University, Woman's Relief Corps Auxiliary to G. A. R., Drama League of America, Pen and Brush Club of New York, Authors' League of New York. Address, 52 Irving Place, New York City. LOWE, John Adams, M. A.; mem. na- tional council of Phi Sigma Kappa; ed. Williams College, 1906 and 1907; initiated by Chi chapter, June 16, 1906; charter member and first presi- dent; mem. Williams Club, New York City; editor the "Signet of Phi Sigma Kappa"; delegate to Boston and Albany national conventions; delegate to New York Inter-Frater- nity Conference; author, "Williamsi- ana," a bibliography of the history of Williams College, editor general cat- alogue of graduates of Williams Col- lege, and general catalogue of non- graduates, 1910; mem. Royal Arch Mason. Address, Williams College Library, Wililamstown, Mass. LUCKIE, Lorenzo Foster; Phi Delta Theta, Xi Psi Phi, Phi Chi; ed. Uni- versity of Alabama, 1906; New York College of Dentistry, 1903; Birming- ham Medical College, 1910; initiated by Alabama Alpha, 1895, of Phi Delta Theta; New York chapter of Xi Psi Phi, 1902; Nu chapter of Phi Chi, 1907; president alumni chapter of Phi Delta Theta, 1909; New York Alumni Association of Xi Psi Phi; contributed to magazine of Phi Chi; grand presiding junior and grand presiding senior; chairman National Extension Committee of Phi Chi; delegate to national conventions at Atlanta, Chicago, Louisville, Ky., and Indianapolis; physician; mem. Knights of Pythias and Maccabees. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. LYLE, W. C.; M. D., F. A. C. S.; Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Medical College of University of Georgia, 1893; initiated by Alpha Gamma chapter; primarius of the chapter; mem. University of Georgia Alumni Association; district deputy; surgeon, limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; mem. various medical societies; surgeon general state of Georgia; fellow American College of Surgeons; fel- low American Academy of Ophthal- mology and Otolaryngology; profes- sor of otology and vice-dean of the faculty of medical department of University of Georgia; m. Katherine New, 1895. Address, 409 Green St., Augusta, Ga. LYON, Elias Potter; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Hillsdale College, 1892; initiated by Beta Kappa chapter, Jan. 17, 1888; president of the chapter; mem. Minnesota Alumni Associa- tion; province chief; worthy grand chief; worked especially along lines of better scholarship while a na- tional officer; delegate to national LEADING GREEKS 153 conventions at Nashville, 1892, and New Orleans, 1898; dean of Medical School and professor of physiology, University of Minnesota; m. Nellie Eastman, Sept. 1, 1897. Address, 421 Union St., Minneapolis, Minn. M MAC INTIRE, Walter Hoge; Kappa Alpha (Southern), Acacia; ed. N. C., A. and M., 1905; M. S. Pennsylvania State College, 1909; initiated by Pi chapter, May, 1912; censor of chap- ter; soil chemist University of Ten- nessee Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion; mem. Knights Templars 32nd degree and Shriner; m. Edna E. Myer, Feb., 1911. Address, Univer- sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. MACK, Louis William; president of Province Delta of Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. University of Illinois, 1906; Harvard Law School, 1910; initiated by Illinois Beta, 1903; emi- nent deputy archon of chapter; vice- president of Chicago Alumni Asso- ciation; delegate to Province con- vention of 1906 and 1914; delegate Chicago national convention of 1914; legal representative of S. A. E.; lawyer. Address, office, 1620 Corn Exchange Bldg.; residence, 2817 Pine Grove Ave., Chicago, 111. MACK, William; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; ed. Davidson College, and Uni- versity of Missouri, 1883; initiated by North Carolina Theta, 1883; chapter recorder; mem. New York Alumni Association; president of Chattanooga Convention, 1883; dele- gate to Washington Convention; founded California Alpha chapter; editor-in-chief "Encyclopedia of Law and Procedure of Corpus Juris;" mem. Knights Templars and Shrin- ers; m. Minnie Frank Bayles, June 1, 1889. Address, 27 Cedar St., New York City. MACKALL, Henry Clinton; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Chi, Scabbard and Blade; ed. University of Minne- sota, 1906; Harvard University, 1909; initiated by Minn. Alpha of S. A, E., Oct., 1903; and Mass. Gam- ma, of Delta Chi, Oct., 1905; emi- nent deputy archon of S. A. E. chap- ter "C" of Delta Chi chapter; mem. Twin City Alumni Association of S. A. E. and Minneapolis Alumni As- sociation of Delta Chi; mem. Com- mittee on Anti-Fraternity Legisla- tion; attorney; mem. Song and Stein. Address, 311 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. MACLAY, Otis Hardy; Psi Upsilon, Phi Rho Sigma, Alpha Omega Alpha, Deru; ed. University of Michigan, 1897; Northwestern University; initiated by Phi chapter, 1904; phy- sician; mem. faculty of Northwest- ern Medical School, department of nose and throat; mem. Northwest- ern University Alumni Association; m. Urma Cornell, 1902. Address, of- fice, 1905 Field Annex Bldg.; resi- dence, 5108 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. MacLEAN, Arthur Winfield; high treasurer of Gamma Eta Gamma; mem. Beta Theta Pi; ed. Boston University, 1903, LL. B., 1906; ini- tiated by Beta chapter, Oct., 1903; 154 LEADING GREEKS chancellor of the chapter; both of Gamma Eta Gamma; mem. Alum- ni Associations of Gamma Eta Gam- ma and Beta Theta Pi; national offices of Gamma Eta Gamma; high chancellor, vice-high chancellor, high treasurer; mem. of Curia; delegate to national conventions at Bangor, Me., 1905, Syracuse, Mich- igan, Cornell and Albany; installed chapters at Cornell, Syracuse, Mich- igan and Albany; lawyer, dean Portia School of Law, Boston, Mass.; mem. Masons; m. Bertha L. Johnson, May 23, 1910. Address, 505-6 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass.; residence 1 Stone Road, Bel- mont, Mass. MACOMBER, Alexander; chief of the New England Province of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. at Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, 1905; initiated by Mass. Beta Gamma chapter, 1906; mem. State Alumni Association; delegate to the five last biennial con- gresses; consulting engineer. Ad- dress, 201 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. MACQUILLIN, Lillian Gertrude; grand treasurer of Alpha Omicron Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; ed. Brown University, 1899; charter member of Delta Sigma which joined Alpha Omicron Pi in 1895; secretary of chapter; mem. Brown University Alumnae Association; national reg- istrar, 1908 to 1910; grand treas- urer, 1910 to date; delegate to Bos- ton Convention of 1910 and Chicago Convention of 1912; business man- ager Churchill House Corporation. Address, Churchill House, 155 An- gell St., Providence, R. I. MADDOX, Susie Ware (Mrs. Wm. A.) ; Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. State Normal School, Farmville, Va., 1902; Uni- versity of Nashville, 1902; initiated by Alpha chapter; president, 1902; chairman of national committee which incorporated the sorority un- der the laws of the state of Virginia, 1902; attended several conventions; m. William A. Maddox, Theta Delta Chi, 1910. Address, Oswego, N. Y. MADDOX, William Arthur; Theta Delta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Columbia chapter; ed. William and Mary College, Va., A. B., 1904; A. M. Columbia Univer- sity, 1911; initiated by Epsilon Charge, Apr. 22, 1904; charter mem- ber and president of petitioning local Mu Pi Lambda; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Epsilon Alumni Association of Theta Delta Chi; secretary, vice-president, presi- dent 1905-1909, sustaining mem. 1904 on Theta Delta Chi Associa- tion of Va. Theta Delta Chi Associa- tion of Central New York; delegate to national convention of 1904-1906- 1910 of Theta Delta Chi; 1913 of Phi Delta Kappa; 1902 of Mu PI Lambda; mem. College Inter-Fra- ternity Council; director practise of teaching, State Normal School; formerly superintendent of schools, Henrico Co., Va.; ^professor of Psychology State Normal School, Farmville, Va.; mem. Blue Lodge, Royal Arch Chapter, Knights Temp- lars, Order of Eastern Star, Masonic LEADING GREEKS 155 Fraternity, Va.; Past Chancellor Knights of Pythias; m. Susie Ware Warner, Zeta Tau Alpha, 1910. Ad- dress, State Normal, Oswego, N. Y. MAERTZ, William Frank; vice-presi- dent and treasurer of Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. University of Minnesota, 1908; initiated by Psi chapter Sep- tember, 1905; vice-president and steward of chapter; delegate to Nashville Convention of 1907; phy- sician and surgeon; police surgeon, St. Paul, Minn., one year; spent one year, 1908-1909, at City Hos- pital, Minneapolis, Minn.; at pres- ent assistant at Lidgewood Hospital; mem. Elks, C. O. F., Knights of Columbus; m. Margaret G. Dough- erty, June 8, 1910. Address, Lidge- wood, N. Dak. MAHER, Paul P., M. D.; grand presi- ding junior of Phi Chi; ed. St. Louis University, 1914; initiated by Phi Rho chapter, January, 1911; secre- tary and treasurer of the chapter; grand presiding junior and delegate to national convention of 1913; in- tern at St. Louis Hospital. Address, City Hospital; residence, 6011 Wash- ington St., St. Louis, Mo. MA LONE, Florrie; Phi Mu Gamma; ed. Hollins College, 1911, Hollins, Va.; initiated by Alpha chapter, September, 1908; president of the chapter; contributed to the "Argal- iad" of Phi Mu Gamma; business manager of the magazine; delegate to national conventions; helped es- tablish Pan-Hellenic at Hollins Col- lege and was president in 1911. Ad- dress, 201 North Gates St., Dothan, Ala. MALT MAN, Stewart A.; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi; ed. Northwest- ern University, A. B. 1891, L. L. B. 1893; presiding officer of chapter in 1890; initiated by Illinois Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi, November, 1887; mem. Washington, D. C., Alumni As- sociation; contributed to magazine; delegate to Chicago Convention of 1888 and to Chicago and Minneapo- lis District Conventions of 1889 and 1891; delegate to World's Fair Pan- Hellenic, 1893; lawyer; U. S. Com- missioner of District of Porto Rico; government service, Washington, D. C.; mem. A. F. and A. M., B. P. O. E. Address, 708, 19th St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. MANN, William Alfred, M. D.; Delta Tau Delta, Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Uni- versity of Illinois, 1879, North- western University Medical School; initiated by Upsilon chapter of Delta Tau Delta, 1876, and Alpha chapter of Phi Rho Sigma (honorary mem- ber); president Chicago Alumni As- sociation of Delta Tau Delta in 1907 and vice-president of Chicago Alumni Association of Phi Rho Sigma in 1903; assistant editor of the "Phi Rho Sigma Journal," 1902, and alter- nate to convention of 1906; physi- cian, practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Address, 30 N. Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 111.; residence, Wilmette, 111. MANY, Anna Estelle; grand secretary of Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. Newcomb College and Tulane University, 1907; initiated by Pi chapter, 1904; na- 156 LEADING GREEKS tional auditor and grand secretary; delegate to national convention of 1912. Address, 1325 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, La. MARKEY, Dr. Clare Charles; supreme secretary-treasurer of Xi Psi Phi; ed. University of Michigan, 1901; initi- ated by Alpha chapter, October, 1898; secretary of chapter; mem. Na- tional, Illinois State and Chicago Alumni Associations ; author of pres- ent constitution and ritual; compiled first directory of fraternity, 1889; editor "Quarterly," 1903-1906; life member of fraternity; national of- fices held, supreme advisor 1902- 1914, supreme secretary-treasurer 1901-1916, honorary past supreme president 1912; officer at all national conventions since 1901; dentist. Ad- dress, 1436 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. MARSH, Rhena L. Clark; Sigma Kap- pa; ed. Colby College, 1901; initiated by Alpha chapter, October, 1897; president of the chapter; mem. New York Alumnae Association; chair- man of extension committee; grand president; delegate to national con- vention at Waterville, 1905, and Bos- ton, 1911; delegate to Inter-Sorority Conference, Chicago, 1906; m. Geo. A. Marsh, Sept. 12, 1905. Address, Scarsdale, N. Y. MARSHALL, Warner; secretary New England Alumni Association of Delta Kappa Epsilon Alumni Association for four years; ed. Western Reserve University, 1900, and Yale University, 1902; initiated by Beta Chi chapter, October, 1896; chairman national convention committee; banker, head of firm of Marshall & Co. ; mem. Bos- ton City Club, Yale Club of New York; m. May Belle Tupper, Oct. 19, 1905. Address, office, 70 State St., Boston, Mass.; residence, Newton- ville, Mass. MARTIN, Asa Earl; Kappa Alpha, South; ed. William Jewell College, A. B. 1908, A. M. 1912; initiated by Alpha Delta chapter, 1904; head of the chapter, 1907-1908; mem. Cor- nell University Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha S.; president of Mis- souri District and delegate to dis- trict convention of 1910-1911; helped install chapter at Drury College; taught in Westport High School, Kansas City, for five years; fellow in history department of Cornell University, 1913-1915; author of "Our Negro Population;" m. Anna Elizabeth Fox, June 8, 1912. Ad- dress, 7 Reservoir Ave.; Ithaca, N. Y. MARTIN, Herbert Milton; worthy grand scribe of Kappa Sigma; ed. Randolph-Macon College, 1889; initi- ated by ma chapter, Nov. 1888; grand scribe of chapter; contributor to magazine since 1890; contributed one song; mem. Danville Alumni chapter of Kappa Sigma and Dan- ville Alumni Association of Randolph- Macon College; attended several dis- trict conventions; national worthy grand scribe since 1891; attended all national conventions since 1890 to 1914; founded chapter at William and Mary College and assisted in establishing several others; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Conferences of 1911, 1912 and 1913; connected with Riverside and Dan River Cotton LEADING GREEKS 157 Mills; mem. Masonic Lodge, Knights Templars, Mystic Shrine; m. Fan- nie Bledsoe Fitzgerald, Dec. 7, 1893. Address, 349 W. Main St., Danville, Va. MARTIN, Hugh; worthy grand chief, 1912, of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Cor- nell University, 1894; initiated by Beta Theta chapter, 1889; m. Ellie Robinson, Nov. 11, 1913; architect. Address, Title Guarantee Bldg., Bir- mingham, Ala. MARTIN, Ida Shaw (Mrs. William Holmes); founder of Delta Delta Delta; national president of Alpha Sigma Alpha; ed. at Boston Univer- sity, 1889; mem. Alpha chapter, charter member; president of chap- ter; contributed several songs and articles to "Trident" of Delta Delta Delta; national president, historian and commissioner of education; founder and author of ritual and constitution of Delta Delta Delta; delegate to national conventions; honorary membership in Alpha Sig- ma Alpha for help in organizing this sorority in the normal field ; au- thor of their ritual and constitution; elected national president at nation- al convention in Oxford, Ohio, Nov., 1914; editor-in-chief of magazine, "The Phoenix," issued weekly; edi- tor of the Sorority Handbook, five editions, 1905, and every two years to 1913; editor Greek Exchange, 1912 to 1915; editor and publisher; m. W. H. Martin, Dec. 24, 1896. Ad- dress, 1 Cardington St., Roxbury, Mass. MARTIN, James Gardner; Phi Kappa Psi ; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1913 ; affiliated by Wisconsin Alpha, 1909; initiated at Amherst College; presi- dent of chapter; mem. Indianapolis Alumni Association; delegate to na- tional convention at Cleveland, 1914 ; mem. Inter-Fraternity Conference at college, assistant cashier, E. C. At- kins & Co. Address, residence, 402 S. 2nd St., Indianapolis, Ind.; office, c/o E. C. Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. MARTIN, Lester H.; Past Grand Pry- tanis of Tau Kappa Epsilon; ed. Il- linois Wesleyan University, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1889; prytanis of chapter; mem. Lester H. Martin Alumnae chapter; national offices held, grand prytanis and grand chrysopholis ; delegate to all conventions from 1909 to 1914; law- yer; mem. De Molay Commandery No. 24; m. Mary Beckwith, Sept. 12, 1904. Address, 209 Unity Bldg., Bloomington, 111. MARTIN, Stanley Watkins; worthy grand treasurer of Kappa Sigma; ed. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1889; initiated by (old) Nu, Jan., 1888; mem. Danville and Virginia Alumni Associations; delegate to district conventions and all national conventions since 1890, worthy grand treasurer since 1892; helped install several chapters; delegate to Inter- Fraternity Convention at New York, 1912; clerk U. S. Court west district of Virginia since June, 1888; mem. past district deputy grand master District No. 39, A. F. & A. M., grand representative for the State of Texas in the grand lodge of Virginia, grand 158 LEADING GREEKS representative for the State of New York in the grand chapter of Vir- ginia, past master Roman Eagle Lodge No. 122, A. F. & A. M., past high priest Euclid Chapter No. 15, R. A. M., past eminent commander Dove Commandery No. 7, K. T., all of Danville, Va., mem. Marshall Lodge No. 39 Lynchburg, Va., past grand high priest of Royal Arch Masons for Virginia, 1912; grand warden Grand Commandery of Knights Templars of Va., 1913, A. A. S. R. Dalco Consistory No. 1, Va., 32nd degree; mem. Acca Temple of A. A. O. N. M. Shrine, Richmond, Va.; Cadet Va. Tech., 1886, 1887, 1888, Major 1st Regiment Infantry Va. Volunteers, senior major of state ; m. Jessie L. Thomas, Oct. 15, 1889. Address, 255 Norfolk Ave., Lynch- burg, Va. MARTIN, William Joline; Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. Hahnemann Medical Col- lege of Philadelphia, 1889; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1897; vice-presi- dent of chapter; president Pittsburgh Alumni chapter; national grand president, 1913-1914, delegate to na- tional conventions of 1912 and 1913; associate editor "Phi Alpha Gamma Quarterly"; physician. Address, 636 Trenton Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. MASON, Carrie Knoll; grand treasurer of Sigma Sigma Sigma; ed. Normal School, Farmville, Va., 1907; A. B. Cornell University, 1911; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1907; organized Richmond Alumni Association; at tended national conventions at Richmond, Va., 1911, and Buffalo, N. Y., 1913; teacher of mathematics in John Marshall High School, Rich- mond, Va. Address, Mattoax, Va. MASON, John Edward Jr.; editor-in- chief of "The Purple, Green and Gold" of Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa; ed. University of Pennsyl- vania, 1913; initiated by Epsilon Zeta chapter, May 27, 1912; judicial and advisory officer of chapter ; mem. Philadelphia Alumni Association r chairman Board of Publications mem. Ritual Committee and Insignir Committee, designed coat of arms and seal of fraternity, designed present pledge button and suggested improvements for alumni recogni tion pin and regular badge, also de signed flag, shingle and charter editor of "The Cross and Crescent,' the secret publication; attended twc national conventions as national of ficer; founded and edited "The Purple Green and Gold"; delegate to Inter Fraternity Conference, 1914, as ma gazine editor; sometime Harrisor Scholar, now Harrison Fellow al University of Pennsylvania study ing literature and philology; in Eng lish and Romance languages; mem Modern Language Association. Ad dress, 251 South 44th St., Philadel phia, Pa. MASON, Lorena Boyd; secretary o:i Richmond Alumnae Chapter of Zet* Tau Alpha; ed. Richmond College Richmond, Va.; initiated by lotJ chapter, March 11, 1905; historiai of the chapter; contributed to th< "Themis" of Zeta Tau Alpha; mem Richmond Alumnae Association; na tional historian and editor. Ad LEADING GREEKS 159 dress, 210 East Franklin St., Rich- mond, Va. /IASON, Minnie Newel; national his- torian of Alpha Delta Pi ; ed. Wesley- an College, Macon, Ga., 1908; ini- tiated by Alpha chapter, 1905; presi- dent of the chapter, 1907-1908; con- tributed to the Adelphean and has written songs; mem. Macon Alumnae Club; president of executive council and attended every national conven- tion ; instrumental in getting sorority admitted to National Pan-Hellenic and saved it from extinction twice; mem. Macon Pan-Hellenic; teacher in Wesleyan College. Address, 280 Orange St., Macon, Ga. rfATHEWS, Joseph Howard; ex-grand master alchemist of Alpha Chi Sig- ma; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1902, one of the founders; master alchemist of the chapter; mem. Sig- ' ma Xi, honorary; national offices held: G. M. C., 1906-1908, G. M. A., 1908-1914; assistant professor of phys- ical chemistry, University of Wis- consin. Address, 128 Lathrop St., Madison, Wis. tfATHEWS, Sara B.; Sigma Kappa; ed. Colby College, Waterville, Me., 1896; initiated by Alpha chapter, Oct., 1892; contributed one song and to sorority magazine; mem. New York Alumnae Association; grand president, 1907-1908; delegate to na- tional convention of 1908; national secretary of Y. W. C. A. Address, office, 600 Lexington Ave., New York City; residence, Vineyard Haven, VIATHEWSON, Charles Frederick; president of New York Alumni As- sociation of Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. Dartmouth College, 1882; ini- tiated by Pi chapter, 1882; national president 4 terms, 1910-1914, chair- man of committee on revision of con- stitution; delegate to national con- vention of 1879 and 1882; delegate to several New York Inter-Fraternity Conferences; lawyer; m. Jeanie C. Anderson, Dec. 8, 1886. Address, 55 Wall St., New York City. MATTERN, Edwin L.; Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Chi; Alleghany College 1890 and New York University; LL. B.; 1894; initiated by Pi chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Jan. 29, 1887, and Nu Epsilon chapter of Delta Chi; mem. Pittsburgh Graduate chapter, Phi Gamma Delta Club of New York City; associate editor of the "Phi Gamma Delta Quarterly," 1889-1890, then editor; delegate to several national conventions; attor- ney; m. A. Gertrude Lewis, 1901. Address, 228 Frick Bldg., Pitts- burgh, Pa., residence, 1008 Farragut St., Pittsburgh, Pa. MATTHEWS, Robert Clayton, B. S.; secretary and treasurer of Tau Beta Pi; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon and honorary mem. Phi Kappa Phi; ed. University of Illinois; initiated by Alpha chapter, May 4, 1901; ini- tiated by Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1904; delegate to national convention, 1905; council editor of the "Bent," 1902-1913; professor of drawing and machine design, university of Ten- nessee; m. Virginia Longstreet La- mar, June 27, 1911. Address, 1717 Yale Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. LEADING GREEKS MATTOON, Winford Lecky; grand second counselor of Sigma Pi; ed. Otterbein, Dennison and Ohio State Universities, 1903; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1908, charter mem- ber; organized chapter as local; and charter member; mem. Dennison and Ohio State University Alumni Asso- ciations; archon Beta Province two terms; national grand sage, chair- man executive council two terms, and grand second counselor 1914 to date; delegate to national conven- tions of 1909-1910-1912-1914, mem. Ritual Revision Committee and de- signed pin and emblems; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Conventions of 1911-1912-1913-1914; civil engineer, real estate and tax agent for Hock- ing Valley Railroad; mem, B. P. O. B., National Tax Association, Rail- way Men's Tax Association, Railway Real Estate Association, Columbus Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Real Estate Exchang- es, National Geographic Society, Ohio Printers' Association (Key- stone Press); Ben Franklin Club of Columbus, Ohio, application papers being prepared for following: Sons of American Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Society of Mayflow- er Descendants, American Railway Engineering Association, American Society of Civil Engineers; m. Inez Newton Clark, Kansas City, Feb. 16, 1909.. Address, office, 914- 916 Spahr Bldg.; residence, 104 West Lane Ave., Columbus, Ohio. MAUCK, Alice Lesher; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. University of Nebraska, 1908; initiated by Xi chapter, 1907; alumni adviser of the chapter; mem. Kappa Kappa Alumnae chap- ter; president of western province of Alpha Chi Omega; m. Tom H. Mauck, 1910; Address 1644 L. St., Lincoln, Nebr. MAYER, Edward E.; grand archon, 1900-1901 of Phi Beta Pi; ed. Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, 1895 and 1897; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1895; grand archon of chapter; raised fund to start fraternity magazine; physician, assistant professor of Physiology, Pittsburgh University; m. Rose M. Lamm, 1901. Address, office, 800 Keenan Bldg.; residence, 5815 Ferree St., Pittsburgh, Pa. MCALLISTER, Hugh Maffit; Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. Hampden-Sidney College, 1902; initiated by Iota chapter, 1899; class secretary first term, ed- itorial staff college annual, 1899, junior orator, Union Literary Soci- ety; contributed to fraternity mag- azine; deputy grand master of fra- ternity, 1901; grand secretary, 1907; delegate to national convention of 1901; secretary of Julian R. McAl- lister & Co., general merchants, cashier Covington Savings Bank two years; four years secretary-treas- urer McAllister Hardware and Fur- niture Store; director and secretary R. R. McAllister & Sons, incorpo- rated, 1908 to 1914; secretary of Al- legheny Orchard Co.; review editor Hampden-Sidney Magazine" and author of "History of Allegheny Co., Va."; editorial staff "Handbook of Allegheny County"; after gradua- tion engaged in newspaper work LEADING GREEKS 161 with the "Review," Clifton Forge, Va., "Times-Herald," Newport News, Va., and "Trade Journal" of Peters- burg, Va.; m. Evaline Long, Jan. 3, 1907, South Side, Mason County, W. Va. Address, Covington, Alleghany Co., Va. McBRIDE, R. S.; grand editor of "Al- pha Chi Sigma"; ed. University of Minnesota, 1908; initiated by Beta chapter, 1908; charter mem. of the chapter; mem. Sigma Xi, honorary; vice-grand master alchemist, grand treasurer, grand editor, editor-in- chief and business manager of the Hexagon of Alpha Chi Sigma one year; mem. ritual revision commit- tee and chairman of committee on revision of constitution, 1912; dele- gate or officer at conventions of 1908, 1910, 1912, 1914; associate chemist National Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D. C.; m. Ger- trude H. Williams, 1909. Address, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. McBRIEN, Dean Depew; contributing editor of the "Journal" of Sigma Phi Epsilon; ed. University of Nebras- ka, 1914; initiated by Nebraska Al- pha, April 15, 1911; historian of chapter; contributed magazine ar- ticles and editorials to fraternity magazine; mem. University of Ne- braska Inter-Fraternity Council ; founder of local and charter mem- ber when it became Alpha chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon; instrumental in securing chapter for Iowa Wes- leyan; professor of history, Arkan- sas State Normal. Address, Conway, Ark. McC AND LESS, Helen LaRue; Kappa Delta; ed. University of Kentucky, 1908; initiated by Epsilon Omega chapter, Dec. 17, 1910; correspond- ent for the alumnae of the chapter and the Louisville Alumnae Asso- ciation to the Angelos of Kappa Delta; instrumental in founding chapter of Epsilon Omega. Address, 1141 S. Floyd St., Louisville Ky. McCAW, Thomas Wilson; associate editor of "The Tomahawk" of Alpha Sigma Phi; ed. Marietta College, 1914; initiated by Delta chapter, Dec. 15, 1910; president of chapter; delegate to New York national convention of Sept., 1913; one of organizers and first secretary of Marietta College Inter-Fraternity Conference; drug- gist; mem. S'ons of Veterans. Ad- dress, 125 Fourth St., Dennison, Ohio. McCOY, Ethel Josephine; mem. Flori- da Extension Committee of Alpha Chi Omega; Iota Tau; ed. Syracuse University, 1911; initiated by Lamb- da chapter, Nov., 1907; contributed several articles to fraternity maga- zine; delegate to Detroit National Convention of 1910; associate editor of the Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega; helped install Tau chapter; faculty Southland Seminary, St. Petersburg, Fla.; chief camp fire guardian, Jack- sonville Y. W. C. A.; first vice-presi- dent Woman's Missionary Society; superintendent missionary depart- ment, Florida State Sunday School Association ; recording secretary Florida Equal Franchise League. Ad- 162 LEADING GREEKS dress, Southland Seminary, St. Petersburg, Fla. McCLURE, Roy Fleming; master scholar of Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Chattanooga College of Law, 1907; initiated by Lurton Senate, 1907; dean of chapter; charter member of Lurton Senate; mem. Chattanooga Alumni Senate of Delta Theta Phil; delegate to national convention at Chicago, 1913; vice-chancellor, 1912; master scholar, 1913; district deputy chancellor; attorney-at-law ; senior warden of Temple Lodge No. 430, P. and A. M., Chattanooga, Tenn.; pro- fessor of the law of bailments and carriers in Chattanooga College of Law; vice-president of Young Men's Department, Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce ; secretary of Masonic Social Club, Chattanooga. Address, 1020 Hamilton National Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. McCONNELL, Colonel Frank Percy; grand purser of Kappa Alpha, South- ern; ed. Alabama Polytechnic Insti- tute, Auburn, Ala., 1890; initiated by Nu chapter, Sept. 16, 1886; (I) of the chapter; mem. Richmond, Va., Alumni chapter; chief alumnus 5 years, grand purser 16 years; helped organize and charter mem. of Talla- dega, Ala., Muskogee, Okla., and Fort Smith, Ark., Alumni Chapters; banker, president of Manchester Na- tional Bank, Richmond, Va.; presi- dent South Richmond Bank; colonel commanding 3rd Regiment Alabama National Guard, 1900-1906; mem. Elks, I. O. O. F., Shriner, Thirty-Sec- ond Degree Mason; m. Belle Nor- wood Tyler, daughter of Gov, Tyler of East Radford, Va., Nov. 16, 1908. Address, Manchester National Bank, Richmond, Va. McCOY, Lon Stephens; president of Province VI of Phi Delta Phi; ed. University of Southern California, 1908; initiated by Beatty chapter, 1907, charter member; chairman of committee which wrote constitution and by-laws of Beatty chapter and Province VI in 1907 convention; scriptor of chapter; delegate to dis- trict conventions at San Francisco, 1907, Portland, Ore., 1908; Los Angeles, 1910, Seattle, 1912; delegate to national convention of 1908 at New York City; attorney at law; mem. Native Sons of Golden West. Address, 338 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. McCRAY, Mary Latta; national secre- tary of Delta Delta Delta; ed. Uni- versity of Cincinnati; initiated by Zeta chapter, Nov., 1901; president of the chapter; mem. Dayton College Club; vice president, 1908-1910, na- tional secretary, 1910-1915, province vice-president; visiting delegate to district convention of 1908-1910; delegate to national conventions: Lincoln, Neb., 1908, Evanston, 111., 1910, Columbus, 1912; m. Alfred Mc- Cray, Dec. 1, 1911. Address, 11 Park- view Apartments, Dayton, Ohio. McCRILLIS, Arthur Milton; ex-his- torian of general council of Phi Del- ta Theta (four years) ; ed. Brown University, 1897; initiated by Rhode Island Alpha, Oct., 1893; president of chapter; mem. Providence and Boston Alumni Association; vice- president of Alpha Province, dele- LEADING GREEKS 163 gate to province conventions of 1903 and 1911; delegate to national con- ventions of 1896-1902-1904-1906-1908- 1910; assisted at installation of Mc- Gill University chapter and chapters at University of Toronto and Penn- sylvania State Colleges; treasurer A. B. McCrillis & Son, Incor- porated, also treasurer Telephone Sales Co.; m. Eloise Halsey Brown, Oct., 1903. Address, 17 Exchange St., Providence, R. I. McDAVIT, Clarence Godfrey; Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. Dartmouth Col- lege, 1900; initiated by Pi chapter, 1896; compiled history of Pi chap- ter; president 53d convention, dele- gate to 51st convention at Chicago, 52d at Detroit, and 53d at Spring- field, Mass. ; assistant vice-president's office, New England Telephone and Telegraph Co.; m. Edith Lauterbach, Oct. 15, 1902. Address, 50 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. McDONALD, Agnes Frances; presi- dent of the Northern New York Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi; ed. St. Lawrence University, 1909; ini- tiated by New York Gamma, Oct., 1905; president of local chapter when admitted by Pi Beta Phi; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. St. Lawrence Alumni Association and St. Lawrence Arrow Association; instructor in academic subjects in State School of Agriculture, Canton, N. Y. Address, 3 College St., Canton, N. Y.; home address, Theresa, N. Y. McDOUGALL, James Calhoun, M. D.; supreme bursar of Chi Zeta Chi; ed. Atlanta Medical College, 1911; ini- tiated by Epsilon chapter, Nov. 7, 1907; eminent grand of chapter; con- tributed to Chi Zeta Chi "Record"; mem. New York Alumni chapter; supreme bursar seven years; dele- gate to seven national conventions; organized three chapters; eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Address, 1304 Empire Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. McELFRESH, Gertrude Elizabeth (Mrs.); national treasurer of Delta Zeta; ed. Cornell University, 1909; initiated by Beta chapter, 1908 ; presi- dent of chapter; national treasurer, 1913-1916; delegate to national con- vention at Indianapolis, 1914; in- structor of English Oregon Agricul- tural College, Corvallis, Ore.; m. Fred Morgan McElfresh Feb. 24, 1905; deceased Sept. 7, 1906. Ad- dress, 3 Park Terrace, Corvallis, Ore. McELHONE, Arthur Johnston; grand praetor of ninth province of Sigma Chi; ed. Columbia University, 1902; initiated by Epsilon chapter, Nov., 1898; secretary of the chapter and associate editor; contributed arti- cles and poems to magazine and wrote several songs; mem. Wash ington, D. C., and New York Alumni Associations; grand chapter poet, 1913; grand praetor of first province, 1903-1906, grand praetor of ninth province, 1913-1915; delegate to In- ter-Fraternity Conference at New York, 1913; delegate to district con- ventions of 1899-1913 and to national convention of 1903; writer, secre- tary to Surgeon-General Wyman, 1902-1908, secretary to Mayor Gay- nor; mem. International Conference at Berlin, 1907; secretary to Vice- president Talber, National City 164 LEADING GREEKS Bank, 1910-1913; m. Jane Dierken, 1910. Address, 233 Broadway, New York City. McELROY, Cora Allen (Mrs. J. H.) ; member executive committee of the College Fraternity Reference Bureau, former national chairman of the Pan- Hellenic Congress and former na- tional president of Alpha Phi; ed. Northwestern University; initiated by Beta chapter of Alpha Phi; dele- gate to many Pan-Hellenics. Ad- dress, 5759 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. McFADDEN, Charles Atkinson; supreme guard of Xi Psi Phi; ed. at Univer- sity of Minnesota, 1909; initiated by Phi chapter, 1906; president of chap- ter; mem. Minnesota Xi Psi Phi Alumni Association; delegate to na- tional convention at Ann Arbor, 1909; mem. supreme chapter; den- tist; m. Mabel Inez Perault, 1910. Address, 600 Lonsdale Bldg., Du- luth, Minn. McFARLAND, Joseph, M. D.; presi- dent of grand chapter of Phi Rho Sigma for 8 years; ed. Medico Chi- rurgical College of Philadelphia; ini- tiated by Lambda chapter, honorary member, presided at three national conventions; professor of pathology and bacteriology in Medico Chirur- gical College of Philadelphia; m. Virginia E. Kinsey, 1892, at Philadel- phia. Address, 442 W. Stafford St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. McFETRIDGE, Elizabeth M.; editor of "Aglaia" of Phi Mu; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; ed. at Newcomb College, Tu- lane University, 1912; initiated by Delta chapter, October 9, 1909; pres- ident of chapter; associate editor of "Aglaia"; author of several articles and songs; mem. New Orleans Alum- nae Association, and Newcomb Alumnae Association; teaching fel- low in Latin, Newcomb College. Ad- dress, 4810 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. McGILVRAY, Walter Scott; Sigma Nu; ed. Stanford University, 1910; initiated by Beta Chi chapter, Sept., 1906; president of the chapter; in- spector of eleventh division, 1913- 1915, built chapter house; delegate to national convention at Indianap- olis, 1910; contractor with McGil- vray-Raymond Granite Co. ; m. Jessie C. Morgan, Stanford, 1910. Address, Raymond, Calif. McGUIRE, Betsey Thayer; Delta Gam- ma; ed. Nebraska State University, 1907; initiated by Kappa chapter, Oct., 1905; corresponding secretary of the chapter; secretary of Gamma Upsilon Alumni chapter for 2 years; president for 1 year; teacher of phys- ical training in Los Angeles High School. Address, 501 W. Central St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. McGURREN, Henry Vincent; national president of Delta Chi; ed. at Chi- cago Kent College of Law, 1910; ini- tiated by Chicago Kent chapter, Feb. 5, 1908; chapter president; mem. governing body, 1910, re-elected 1913; national treasurer, 1911-13; national president, 1913-15; contrib- utor to "Delta Chi Quarterly"; dele- gate to Chicago Greek Conference of 1913; delegate to national conven- LEADING GREEKS 165 tions at Columbus, 1910; Chicago, 1911, and Toronto, 1913; delegate to inter-fraternity conference, New York; mem. Chicago Alumni chap- ter of Delta Chi; attorney-at-law ; supt. bureau of compensation, City of Chicago; mem. Chicago Bar Asso- ciation; m. Hazel Seaton, October 8, 1904. Home address, 722 Independ- ence Blvd., Chicago, 111.; business address, V-15 City Hall, Chicago, 111. MclNTYRE, William Ainsworth; presi- dent, 1912-1914, of Phi Sigma Kappa; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1904; initiated by Mu chapter, May 16, 1901; president of the chapter; mem. University of Penn. Alumni Associa- tion, and Alumni Associations of Mu chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa and New York City; national treasurer, 1904-1908, secretary, 1908-1912; dele- gate to Inter-Fraternity Conventions of 1911 and 1912; chief road engi- neer, Association of American Port- land Cement Manufacturers; mem. F. and A. M.; m. Anna R. Upton, Oct. 4, 1904. Address, 112 Walnut Ave., Ardmore, Pa. McKEAN, Martha Hutchings; Alpha Xi Delta; ed. Syracuse University, 1907; initiated by Eta chapter, May, 1904; local Pan-Hellenic represent- ative of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Eta Pi Upsilon (hon- orary) ; contributed numerous songs and articles; one of the editors of the song book, editor of the "Alpha Xi Delta"; delegate to national con- vention of 1907 and 1909; m. Scott R. McKean, Dec. 31, 1907. Address, 844 Funston Ave., Newberry, Pa. McKENZIE, John Wallace; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. University of Min- nesota, 1911; initiated by Minnesota Alpha, May 8, 1908; eminent archon of chapter; mem. Minnesota Alumni Association; representative of Sigma Alpha Epsilon of Inter-Fraternity Council both active and alumni; dele- gate to Chicago province convention of 1910 and to Kansas City national convention of 1910; real estate busi- ness. Address, 1786 S. James St., Minneapolis, Minn. McKIBBEN, Justin Warren; chief of fifteenth division of Beta Theta Pi, 1913-1914; ed. University of Califor- nia, 1909; initiated by Omega chap- ter, 1904; president of the chapter; mem. Golden Bear, Winged Helmet, Skull and Keys; mem. University of California Alumni Association; business, with California Fruit Can- ners Association, San Francisco, Calif.; m. Florence Goddard, Alpha Phi, 1910. Address, 2522 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif. McKINLEY, Archibald Alexander; Del- ta Chi; ed. Iowa State University, 1899 and Lake Forest University; initiated by Chicago Kent chapter, 1897; mem. Chicago Alumni Associa- tion of Delta Chi; contributed to Delta Chi "Quarterly" ; lawyer, attor- ney for insurance department, State of Illinois; m. Alice B. Touhy, Aug., 1901. Address, office, 29 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.; residence, 1104 Dempster St., Evanston, 111. McKISSICK, James Rion; associate editor of the "Kappa Alpha Journal" of Kappa Alpha Southern; ed. South Carolina College, A. B., 1905; grad- uate student College of Charleston, 166 LEADING GREEKS 1905-1906; Harvard Law School, 1906-1909; initiated by Beta Gamma chapter, 1906; mem. Sigma Upsilon Randolph-Macon chapter; president of Virginia chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha, 1913; contributed to "Kappa Alpha Journal" ; president of Boston Alumni chapter, 1909, and Richmond Alumni chapter, 1911; lawyer, firm of Sirrine and McKissick; 1909-1914 In newspaper field, assistant editor of the "Times-Despatch" of Richmond, and chief editorial writer, 1909-1911; campaigned for Bryan in New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts in 1908; aggressive editorial opponent of the Virginia political machine. Address, 207 Masonic Temple, Green- ville, S. C. McKUSICK, Marshall; past chancellor of Delta Theta Phi; ed. University of S'. Dakota, Boston University, 1901; initiated by Harlan chapter, May, 1903; supreme judge of chap- ter; contributed to fraternity maga- zine; national supreme judge and as- sociate judge; organized chapter at Minnesota and Creighton Univer- sity; delegate to national conven- tions four times; dean of Law School of University of South Dakota; au- thor of legal papers and articles; mem. Masonic Lodge; m. Alice A. Bates, Aug. 24, 1905. Address, 25 High St., Vermilion, S. D. McLANE, James William; Delta Tau Delta; ed. Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, 1883; initiated by Zeta chapter, Jan., 1881; presi- dent of the chapter; mem. Cleveland Alumni Association; editor of the Rainbow of Delta Tau Delta 1 year; founded Zeta Alumni Association with one other; principal of Cleve- land Normal Training School, 1909, to date; mem. Royal Arcanum; m. Millie G. Sykes, Dec., 1886. Address, 1787 E. 87th St., Cleveland, Ohio. MCLAUGHLIN, Roy M.; Beta Theta Pi; ed. University of Cincinnati, 1905; initiated by Beta Nu chapter, Oct., 1901; mem. Diogenes Club of Cincinnati, O.; chief of seventh dis- trict, 1904-1911; delegate to nation- al convention at Lake Minnetonka, Minn., 1902; attorney, mem. firm of Gatch and McLaughlin; m. Anne S. Mackelfresh, June 8, 1912. Ad- dress, 2215 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McLENDON, Lennox Polk; district grand master of Kappa Sigma; ed. N. C. A. and M. College and Univer- sity of North Carolina, 1910; initia- ted by Beta Upsilon chapter, 1907; delegate to district conventions of 1909 and 1910; district grand mas- ter fifth district; delegate to nation- al conclave of 1912; lawyer. Ad- dress, Durham, N. C. McLEOD, Mary Catherine; exchange editor of the Triangle of Sigma Kappa; ed. University of Denver, A. B., 1909, A. M., 1910, Fed. B. Colo. State Teachers College; ini- tiated by Iota chapter, Feb., 1909; recorder of chapter; mem. Colorado I Alumnae Club; contributed to Tri- angle of Sigma Kappa; presided over first Inter-Fraternity Council held in 1913; vice-president Denver ; Woman's Pan-Hellenic; teacher and LEADING GREEKS 167 public reader. Address, 629 Grant Ave., Denver, Colo. McMAHON, Edward M.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Wiscon- sin, 1908; initiated by Wisconsin Alpha, 1904; mem. Madison and Detroit Alumni Associations; pro- 'moted house building organization; delegate to district convention at Chicago, 1910; secretary of the Mad- ison Board of Commerce, regent of the University of Wisconsin; mem. Knights of Columbus, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; m. Mabel Fay Seymour, 1914. Address, Madison Board of Commerce, Mad- ison, Wis. McMILLIN, John S.; Sigma Chi; ed. DePauw University, 1876; initiated by Xi chapter, 1872; consul of the chapter; mem. Seattle Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi; national grand consul, 1882-1884; grand praetor of eighth province; dele- gate to many district conventions and to national conventions at Richmond, Va., 1874, Philadelphia, 1876, Indianapolis, 1878;. lawyer; manufacturer; mem. Knights of Py- thias, Masons, Thirty-Second Degree, Knights Templars; m. Lonella Hiett. Address Roche Harbor, Mich. McNOBLE, George Francis; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. University of Cali- fornia, 1895; initiated by California Beta, Nov. 29, 1893; eminent archon of chapter; mem. University of Cali- fornia Alumni Association; founder of Beta chapter; lawyer and capital- ist; mem. I. O. O. F., F. & A. M., A. A. O. N. M. S.; m. Mary Carroll, May 6, 1911. Address, office, 222 E. Main St., Stockton, Calif.; residence, 403 W. Flora St., Stockton, Calif. McPHERSON, John Bruce; Sigma Chi; ed. Pennsylvania College, 1883; initiated by Theta chapter, Oct., 1880; consul of the chapter; contrib- uted to the "Quarterly" of Sigma Chi; secretary of Boston Alumni Associa- tion; grand praetor of old first prov- ince; delegate to national conven- tions at Indianapolis, Ind., 1892, Ox- ford, O., 1897; m. Cornelia H. Wright, Sept. 8, 1897. Address, office, 6 Bea- con St., Boston, Mass.; residence, 42 Garrison Rd., Brookline, Mass. McTURNAN, Clair; Sigma Chi; ed. Wabash College, 1910; initiated by Rho chapter, 1903; consul of the chapter; mem. Delta Chi; mem. In- dianapolis, Alumni Association of Sigma Chi; chairman fourth prov- ince and mem. spike committee, 1908- 1909, president of Harvard group, 1912, delegate to district conventions of fourth province, 1908, 1909, 1914, and to third province, 1913; delegate to national convention at Chicago, 1909; one of two Sigma Chis found- ing Wabash chapter of Delta Chi and charter members; mem. of constitu- tional revision committee at Miami conventions of 1913; attorney at law. Address, 1106-8 Fletcher Savings and Trust Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. MEAD, Robert G.; president of the ex- ecutive committee of Kappa Alpha; ed. Williams College, 1893; initiated by Massachusetts Alpha chapter; lawyer. Address, 62 Cedar St., New York City. 168 LEADING GREEKS MEEK, Walter J.; Alpha Tau Omega and Gamma Alpha; ed. University of Kansas, A. B., 1902, and Univer- sity of Wisconsin, Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1909; initiated by Gam- ma Mu chapter of A. T. O. in 1901, charter member Wisconsin chapter of Gamma Alpha, 1910; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi (hon- orary); mem. University of Kansas Alumni Association; national treas- urer of Gamma Alpha, 1912 to date; delegate to national convention of Association and president of Boston same at Cleveland, 1912; associate professor of physiology, University of Wisconsin, and contributor to medical journals; mem. Masons; m. Crescence Ebersole, Dec. 26, 1906. Address, 2015 Chadbourne Ave., Mad- ison, Wis. MEHAFFY, James W.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Arkansas University, 1909; initiated by Arkansas Alpha Upsilon chapter, September, 1908; eminent archon of chapter; mem. Little Rock Alumni As- sociation; city attorney of Little Rock; mem. Masonic Lodge, 32nd degree, Shrine, Elks, Knights of Py- thias; m. Ara Mitchell, Sept. 6, 1911. Address, 715 State Bank Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. MEIER, Paul C.; supreme historian of Phi Alpha Delta; ed. at Illinois Col- lege of Law, 1901; initiated by Jo- seph Story chapter, October, 1899; justice of chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni chapter; delegate to nation- al conventions in 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903; one of the organizers of Phi Alpha Delta; mem. National Coun- cil, 1902-03-04; acting recorder, 1902- 03; acting national treasurer, 1903- 04; supreme vice-justice, 1902; su- preme justice, 1905-06; permanent chairman of seventh convention; supreme historian since 1906; pub- lished third tri-ennial directory of the fraternity, 1913; author of His- tory of Phi Alpha Delta; mem. su- preme executive board since 1908; lawyer. Address, St. Croix Falls, Wis. M ELBO URN, Delia M.; national exten- sion chairman of Alpha Gamma Del- ta; ed. University of Minnesota, 1911; initiated by Delta chapter, 1908; Pan-Hellenic representative of chapter; mem. Minnesota Alumnae Association; principal Chatfield High School, teacher of Latin; mem. Sigma Tau, honorary senior society. Address, 2812 Irving Ave. S., Min- neapolis, Minn. M ELL US, Edward; former editor of "Record" of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Harvard University, 1895; ini- tiated by Massachusetts Gamma chapter, May 25, 1893; eminent ar- chon of chapter; mem. Boston Alum- ni Association of S. A. E.; delegate to national conventions at Washing- ton, 1894 and 1902; Nashville, 1898; Boston, 1900; president of Province Alpha, 1895; editor of Sigma Alpha Epsilon "Record," 1899-1901; phy- sician; m. Marion Heath, June 1, 1909; mem. all masonic orders. Ad- dress, 419 Waverley Ave., Newton, Mass. MERRILL, Frank Johnston; Phi Kap- pa Psi; ed. University of Kansas, LEADING GREEKS 169 1907; initiated by Kansas Alpha; president of the chapter; mem. Kan- sas City Alumni Association ; archon of fifth district and delegate to dis- trict conventions of 1903, 1905, 1911 and 1913; delegate to national con- ventions of 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1914; lawyer; mem. of Kansas Legislature, 1909. Address, Paola, Miami County, Kans. MERRILL, Thaddeus J.; mem. Beta Theta Pi and Phi Delta Phi; ed. Dartmouth College and University of Chicago, 1902; initiated by Alpha Omega chapter of Beta Theta Pi, 1898, and affiliated with Lambda Rho chapter of Beta Theta Pi; pres- ident of latter chapter; delegate to district conventions and to national convention at Put-in-Bay, 1900; sec- retary of Aurora Alumni Associa- tion of Beta Theta Pi; attorney-at- law; m. Miss M. T. Willis, 1905. Ad- dress, 89 S. Highland Ave., Aurora, 111. MESERVEY, Edwin C.; Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi; ed. Kansas University, 1882; ini- tiated by Kansas Alpha, 1878; presi- dent of chapter; mem. Kansas Uni- versity and Washington Univer- sity Alumni Associations; plaintiff in case of Kappa Gamma House As- sociation versus the County Com- missioners of Douglas County, Kan- sas, involving the right to tax fra- ternities and sororities in Kansas colleges, Supreme Court decision sus- taining a law exempting them from taxation; lawyer, firm of Haff, Me- servey, German and Michaels, presi- dent of Board of Civil Service and Police Commission at different times; m. Bessie M. Harris, Aug. 18, 1901. Address, 906 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. METCALF, Albert West Jr.; eminent grand of Chi Zeta Chi; ed. Vander- bilt University, 1908; initiated by Theta chapter, 1905; eminent grand of chapter; editor-in-chief of Chi Zeta Chi "Medical Record," delegate to Atlanta national convention of 1907; physician and surgeon, house genecologist, Lincoln Hospital, New York, 1908-1909; house surgeon So- ciety Lying-in Hospital, 1909-1910; resident physician, Nassau Hospi- tal; general practice, Mobile, Ala., 1911, to date; dictator, Mobile Lodge No. 321 Loyal Order Moose; mem. Mobile Co. Medical Society, Southern Medical Association; m. Anne Porter Kolby, Sept. 11, 1913. Address, 125 Dauphin St., Mobile, Ala. METZLER, Hugo; Kappa Sigma; ed. Stanford University and University of Washington, 1907; initiated by Beta Zeta chapter, 1904, Beta Psi chapter, 1907; delegate to national convention at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., 1906; lawyer; mem. Phi Delta Phi. Address, 401 Bernice Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. MEYERS, Erwin A.; president of fourth province of Phi Delta Phi, mem. Acacia; ed. University of Wis- consin, 1913, A. B., LL. B.; initiated by Harlan chapter of Phi Delta Phi, 1911, and president of the chapter, Lambda chapter of Acacia, 1912; mem. Delta Sigma Rho (honorary) ; contributed to Acacia "Journal" and 170 LEADING GREEKS "Brief" of Phi Delta Phi; opposed anti-fraternity legislation in Wiscon- sin Legislature; mem. inter-frater- nity national council of professional fraternities; delegate to district con- vention of 1912 and national conven- tion of 1913, both of Phi Delta Phi; legislative bill draftsman of Wiscon- sin Legislature, 1913, now with Sen- ator La Follette, research and bill drafting; mem. Masons. Address, present, P. O. Box 40, U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C.; permanent ad- dress, Evansville, Wis. MICKEY, Evan Stanhope; Sigma Nu; ed. Cornell College, la., 1899; ini- tiated by Chi chapter, 1898; district vice-president of Sigma Nu; banker; son of late Governor John N. Mickey of Nebraska, cashier of Osceola bank, chief clerk to governor of Ne- braska, 1903 to 1907, state bank ex- aminer, 1907 to 1910, deputy state treasurer of Nebraska, 1911; mem. Masonic Order and O. E. S. Order; m. Jessie May Carson, 1902, grand- daughter ex-Governor Boies of Iowa. Address, Osceola, Nebr. MIDDLETON, Arthur E. H.; mem. alumni board of Phi Kappa Psi; ed. Columbian University, 1893; ini- tiated by District of Columbia Alpha, 1891; president of chapter; vice- president of Washington (D. C.) Alumni Association for five years, president, 1908 to 1913; secretary New York grand arch council, 1894; mem. alumni association national board for eight years ; delegate to all district conventions from 1892 to 1914 and to all national conventions from 1892 to 1914; lawyer; mem. Loyal Legion, S. A. R., Order of Washing- ton; m. Nance Ames Ashely, 1910. Address, 223 A St., S. E., Washing- ton, D. C. MILLAR, Leslie Walker; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1902; initiated by Mass. Iota Tau, Jan. 7, 1898; eminent archon of the chapter; contributed to the "Record"; mem. Chicago Alumni Alumni Association, and president of the Boston Alumni Association, 1912-1914; Province Alpha treas- urer, then president; delegate to district conventions of 1899, 1901, 1903, 1913; eminent supreme re- corder 1904, treasurer Building Fund Board of Mass. Iota Tau chapter; raising money for chapter house; delegate to national convention at Washington, 1902; mem. inter-frater- nity alumni council of Mass. In- stitute of Technology; mem. Jovian Order; sales engineer; m. Edna Mae Dunning, Nov. 17, 1904. Address, 212 W. Illinois St., Chicago, 111. MILLBERRY, Guy Stlllman; Xi Psi Phi; ed. University of California, Dental Department, 1901; initiated by Iota chapter, Sept., 1899; mem. University of California and Uni- versity of California Delta School Alumni Association; first president of supreme chapter, 1901-1902; dele- gate to national convention at Buf- ! falo, 1901; dean and professor of chemistry, University of California; mem. N. D. A., Calif. State D. A., S. F. D. A., A. C. S. Address, 1043 Clay- ton Ave., San Francisco, Calif. MILLER, Ethelyn; associate editor of the Sigma Kappa Triangle; ed. Den- LEADING GREEKS 171 ver University and Kansas Univer- sity, 1912; initiated by Iota chapter, Nov. 6, 1908, affiliated with Xi chap- ter; president of chapter; con- tributed songs and magazines to fraternity magazine; mem. Colorado Alumnae chapter of Sigma Kappa; chairman 39th annual convention and associate editor of "The Triangle," delegate to national conventions of 1910 and 1913, proposed and carried through Inter-Fraternity session of Sigma Kappa's 39th convention, at- tended by representatives of other fraternities and sororities and non- Greek people, was first of its kind, Sigma Kappa contributor to Pan- Hellenic number of "The Crescent" of Gamma Phi Beta, toast-mistress at installation of Kansas chapter ; mem. Denver Woman's Pan-Hellenic Asso- ciation; club worker; mem. Young Ladies' Clio Club, delegate to State Federation of Women's Clubs, high scribe of American College Quill Club. Address, 416 Humboldt St., Denver, Colo. MILLER, H. Augustus Jr.; chief alum- nus and songbook editor of Kappa Alpha Southern; mem. Phi Kappa Phi (honorary) ; ed. Delaware Col- lege, 1908; initiated by Beta Epsilon chapter, 1905; I of chapter, contrib- uted many articles and poems for "Journal" of Kappa Alpha; secretary Boston and Baltimore Alumni chap- ter: mem. Delaware Alumni Asso- ciation ; associate editor of "Journal," compiled and edited "The Songs of Kappa Alpha," 1913; attended Ocean View, Va., national convention, and also New Orleans convention; teach- er of English; attended Harvard Graduate School, assistant instructor Delaware College, 1908, St. Paul's School for Boys, 1909-1911, Baltimore, Md., Millersburg Military Institute, Millersburg, Ky., 1912-1914, Peters- burg High School, Petersburg, Va., 1914; m. Marguerite K. Lohmeyer, Aug. 21, 1913. Address, 1501 Rodney St., Wilmington, Delaware. MILLER, Harriet Lucretia Funck; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. University of Wooster, 1891; initiated by Epsi- lon chapter, Feb., 1890; president of the chapter; instituted Alpha Gam- ma chapter at Columbus, Ohio, 1892; president of Beta district, 1893-1894; grand president, 1895-1897; delegate to national conventions at Syracuse, N. Y., 1895, and Madison, Wis., 1897; teacher of Latin and Greek, Wooster High School, 1892-1897; m. Fred J. Miller, Beta Theta Pi, Nov. 18, 1897. Address, 111 W. Broad St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. MILLER, Hugh Thomas; former na- tional president Phi Delta Theta; mem. Tau Kappa Alpha fraternity; ed. at Butler College, 1888; initiated by Indiana Gamma chapter, 1884; delegate to national conventions, 1891-1912; mem. Columbus, Indiana Alumni Association; secretary gen- eral council, 1889-1894; president general council, 1894-96; editor of the "Scroll" of Phi Delta Theta, 1896-1902; vice-president Irving Bank; vice-president Union Stock and Refining Co.; lieut-governor of Indiana, 1905-1908; m. Nettie Swee- 172 LEADING GREEKS ney, Dec. 26, 1900. Address, 608 Fifth St., Columbus, Ind. MILLER, Newman; national presi- dent of Sigma Chi; ed. at Albion College, Albion, Michigan, 1893; in- itiated by Alpha Pi chapter, Apr. 19, 1893; consul of chapter; mem. Chi- cago Alumni Association; delegate to national conventions; grand annota- tor, 1895-97; grand editor, 1897-1913; mem. board of grand triumvirs; mem. and chairman of executive committee; praetor fifth province, 1894-95; publisher; Mason; director of the University of Chicago Press. Address, 5515 Woodlawn Ave., Chi- cago, 111. MILLER, William O.; editor of the "Quarterly" of Delta Upsilon; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1904; initiated by Penn. chapter of Delta Upsilon, 1901; president of the chapter; contrib- uted to fraternity magazine and to Banta's Greek Exchange; mem. Pennsylvania Alumni Association; district president; mem. national executive council; delegate to na- tional convention of 1903, 1910, 1911; originator of editor's dinner at In- ter-Fraternity Conference; bursar of the University of Pennsylvania; mem. Sphinx, a senior society; m. Grace Twombly, Gamma Phi Beta, of Denver, Colo., Sept. 16, 1907. Ad- dress, 5002 Larchwood Ave. Office, 102 College Hall, University of Penn., Philadelphia, Pa. MILLS, Alfred Keister; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Denver University, '02; Lebanon Valley College, 1904, Yale University, 1905; initiated by Colorado Zeta, May 25, 1889; con- tributed to song book; mem. Kar- risburg, Pa., Alumni Association; vis- itor at Atlantic City National con- vention; deputy prothonotary Leba- non County, Pa., active in politics, lodge and church affairs; mem. Ma- sonic Order, Odd Fellows, P. O. S. A. of A., etc.; m. Edith Catherine Frantz, Dec. 27, 1911. Address, Ann- ville, Pa. MILLS, Allen G.; district grand master of Kappa Sigma; ed. University of Michigan, 1894; initiated by Alpha Zeta chapter, 1892; grand master of the chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; presiding officer at dis- trict conventions; delegate to na- tional conventions as officer; dele- gate to Chicago Greek Conference of 1913; attorney and counselor; mem. Masons, all degrees; m. Clara M. McOmber. Address, 532 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. MILLS, H. Brooker; senior grand mas- ter of Omega Upsilon Phi; ed. Med- ico-Chirurgical College of Philadel- phia; initiated by Upsilon chapter, honorary mem.; mem. Medico-Chir- urgical College Alumni Association and Philadelphia Alumni Associa- tion of Omega Upsilon Phi; physi- cian, and assistant professor of ped- iatrics at Medico-Chirurgical College. Address, 1411 Spruce St., Philadel- phia, Pa. MINOR, Dabney, M. D.; supreme his- torian, Chi Zeta Chi, Sigma Nu; ed Vanderbilt University, 1910; initi- LEADING GREEKS 173 ated by Theta chapter of Chi Zeta Chi, Oct., 1906, and Sigma chapter of Sigma Nu; treasurer, 1906-1909; president of chapter of Chi Zeta Chi; 1909-1910, mem. Sigma Nu Alumni Association; national offices in Chi Zeta Chi; district chief, 1909, for Ala., Ky., Tenn., and Ark.; editor "Record," 1910-1914; and supreme historian, 1912-1916; revised constitu- tion, and secretary of Extension Fund, delegate to national conven- tions of 1909 at Nashville, Tenn., 1911, Richmond, Va., 1913, Augusta, Ga.; and district convention at Knoxville, Tenn., 1913; physician; m. Mary Harrison, June 19, 1912. Address, 1106 16th Ave., S. Nash- ville, Tenn. Ml NOT, John Clalr; member of na- tional council and editor of Delta Kappa Epsilon "Quarterly"; ed. at Bowdoin College, 1896; initiated by Theta chapter, 1892; presiding offi- cer of chapter; delegate to national convention of Syracuse, N. Y., 1895; associate editor of "The Youth's Com- panion," Boston, Mass.; mem. Ma- sonic Lodge; m. Marion Bowman, 1912. Address, 201 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. MITCHELL, Clifford, M. D.; Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. Harvard University, 1875; Hahnemann Medical College, 1905; initiated by Eta Lambda chap- ter, 1904, honorary mem.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha chapter; presi- dent of Phi Alpha Gamma Alumni Chapter, 1912; associate editor of Phi Alpha Gamma "Quarterly"; phy- sician, specialist in diseases of the kidneys; m. Sarah C. Dorland, June 24, 1912. Address, 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. MITCHELL, Samuel Alfred; past dis- trict grand master of Kappa Sigma; ed. University of Arkansas 1903, and University of Michigan, 1906; initi- ated by Xi chapter, 1899, and affili- ated with Alpha Zeta chapter; grand master of the chapter; president of St. Louis Alumni Association 1908, 1909, 1910; delegate to national con- ventions at New Orleans, 1902; St. Louis, 1904; Denver, 1908; lawyer; mem. Masons; m. Ruth Young, June 14, 1910. Address, office, 74 Locust St.; residence, 5564 Von Versen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. MIXSON, Lawrence Harry; past grand president of Pi Kappa Phi; ed. Col- lege of Charleston, 1907; initiated by South Carolina Alpha, Dec. 10, 1904; charter member and founder; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Charleston Alumni Chapter; national offices held: historian, sec- retary, president; wrote all rituals used; wholesale feed business; mem. all Masonic orders including Knights Templars and the Shrine; m. Eliza- beth Howell McCarthy, Feb. 6, 1904. Address, 129 Ashley Ave., Charles- ton, S. C. MOCK, Harry Edgar; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha; ed. Franklin College and University of Chicago, 1904; initiated by Indiana Alpha, 1900, af- filiated with Illinois Theta; eminent correspondent of chapter; mem. Chi- 174 LEADING GREEKS cago Alumni Association; one of founders of Illinois Theta chapter; delegate to province convention at Champaign, 111., 1902; attended na- tional convention at Chicago, 1914; advocate of regular physical exami- nations of active members; physi- cian and surgeon; m. Golda Taylor, 1908. Address, 3532 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. MOCK, Lucy Byrd; founder of Chi chapter of Chi Omega; ed. Univer- sity of Arkansas, 1905, M. A.; initi- ated by Psi chapter, 1897; G. T. B. of chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine and wrote one song; mem. Psi Alumnae Association; S. G. T. B of sorority; appointed toast mistress at national convention at Lexing- ton, Ky., 1910, but could not attend; originated fraternity postal cards; founder of Chi chapter, second established chapter; writer, author and publisher, expert advertiser; in- vited to exhibit books at Interna- tional Book Exhibition at Leipsic, Germany. Address, Sign of the Mocking Bird, Fayetteville, Ark. MOLLESON, Stanley Holcomb; na- tional treasurer 1914 of Delta Upsi- lon; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. New York University, 1900; initiated by New York chapter of Delta Upsilon, 1897; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; president of the Alumni chapter of New York University; national treasurer; lawyer. Address, office, 42 Broadway; residence, 227 W. 131st St., New York City. MOLONY, William Richard; district chief of Pacific district of Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Los Angeles Department of University of California, 1901; initiated by Delta chapter, 1899; mem. Los Angeles Alumni chapter; associate editor of the "Journal of Phi Rho Sigma;" mem. medical board of examiners of California; professor of anatomy, dental depart- ment University of Southern Cali- fornia; m. Leona Egerer, 1897. Ad- dress, 506 Exchange Bldg., Los An- geles, Calif. MONIER, Roy H.; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; ed. Northwestern University, 1904; initiated by Illinois Psi Omega, 1901; eminent archon of chapter; mem. Carrollton, Mo., Alumni Asso- ciation; president of Province Zeta; delegate to province conventions Province Delta, 1904, and Provin< Zeta, 1910; chairman song book com- mittee; called Pan-Hellenic Confer- ence of Middle West at Kansas City in 1909; occupation, real estate and loans; mem. Masonic Order and Knights of Pythias; m. Lucy Derick- son, 1905. Address, Carrollton, Mo. MONIER, Will R., Jr.; Phi Delta Thet? Phi Delta Phi; ed. Vanderbilt Uni versity, A. B. 1905, and LL. B. 1908; initiated by Tennessee Alpha of PI Delta Theta, September, 1901; anc president of the chapter and by Ma- lone chapter of Phi Delta Phi, Janu- ary, 1907; president of Province Gamma of Phi Delta Theta since 1909; delegate to southern conven- tions of Phi Delta Theta at Birming- ham, Nashville, Atlanta; delegate to national conventions of Phi Delta Theta at Niagara Falls, 1910, and LEADING GREEKS 175 Chicago, 1912; lawyer; mem. firm of Monier, Bryon and Cronch ; mem. Ma- sons and Elks. Address, Noll Block, Nashville, Tenn. MONNETTE, Orra Eugene; mem. Alumni Association Board from fifth district of Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; ed. at Ohio Wesleyan Col- lege, 1895; initiated by Ohio Alpha chapter, April 12, 1891; highest pre- siding officer of chapter; compiled and published many articles in the "Shield" of Phi Kappa Phi; organ- ized the Bucyrus, Ohio Alumni Asso- ciation, helped organize and was a member of the Toledo, Ohio, Alumni Association, organized and is a mem- ber of the Los Angeles Alumni Asso- ciation; delegate to several district conventions; district archon one term and under-graduate member of Executive Council one term; nation- al secretary four terms, 1898 to 1906; national president, 1912 to 1914; delegate to all national conventions since 1892, except one; assisted in writing constitution, ritual and fra- ternity history; mem. Inter-Frater- nity Council in under-graduate days; president of the Citizens' Trust and Savings Bank, Los Angeles, Cal.; di- rector of the Citizens' National Bank; previous to 1912 was engaged in law practice in Bucyrus and To- ledo, O., and Los Angeles, Cal. ; inter- ested in genealogical research and compilation; 1911 published the Mon- net Family Genealogy; mem. Thir- ty-second degree Mason, Scottish Rite and Knights Templars, Shrine, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Huguenot So- ciety of America, Society of May- flower Descendants, Society of Co- lonial Wars, Order of Founders and Patriots, Order of Washington; m. Carrie Lucile Janeway, Nov. 6, 1895. Address, 308-10 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. MOODY, Reuben Earle; assistant ed- itor of the "Star and Lamp" of Pi Kappa Phi; ed. Wofford College, S. C., 1912; initiated by Zeta chapter, April, 1912; archon of chapter; dele- gate to two national conventions; served on ritual committee at na- tional convention; mem. College Pan-Hellenic Council; teacher, su- perintendent McCormick Public Schools; mem. Masonic Lodge, Knights of Pythias; m. Annie Lee Fulton, June 16, 1914. Address, Box 105, McCormick, S. C. MOON, Charles M.; national secretary of Gamma Eta Gamma; ed. Cornell University, 1910; president of the chapter; mem. Sigma Lambda Nu; mem. Epsilon Alumni chapter; mem. of national curia and high recorder; delegate to national conventions of 1909, 1910, 1911; attorney and coun- selor at law; mem. Masons and Elks; chapter, commander, council and shrine. Address, 623 Powers Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. MOORE, Helene; Kappa Kappa Gam- ma and Theta Sigma Phi; ed. Uni- versity of Washington; initiated by Beta Pi chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma, February, 1912; mem. se- nior honor society; grand president of Theta Sigma Phi; national hon- orary journalistic society; special 176 LEADING GREEKS work in college journalism. Address, 160 37th St., N., Seattle, Wash. MOORE, Lewis E.; past national presi- dent of Tau Beta Pi; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1900; initiated by Wis- consin Alpha, 1899; recording secre- tary of the chapter; former national president, vice-president, counselor and mem. of executive council; dele- gate to national conventions of 1909, 1910, 1912; mem. Wisconsin and Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy Alumni Associations of Tau Beta Pi; bridge and signal engineer, Massachusetts Public Service Com- mission; taught mechanics and structural engineering at Universities of Illinois, Wisconsin and Massachu- setts Institute of Technology for ten and a half years, practiced as con- sulting engineer while teaching in Boston, designed and built several bridges; mem. Western Society of Engineers, Boston Society of Civil Engineers, Society for Promotion of Engineering Education, associated mem. of American Society of Civil Engineers; author of Designing of Plate Girders; mem. Masons; m. Rowena Grace Karns, 1903. Address,. 85 Washington Park, Newtonville, Mass. MOORE, Louis Longstreth; grand sage (national president) of Sigma Pi; ed. Temple University, 1901; in- itiated by Kappa chapter, charter alumni member; president of chap- ter; contributed to fraternity maga- zine and wrote song; national offices held: grand fourth counselor, secre- tary; editor-in-chief of the "Emer- ald" of Sigma Pi; codified constitu- tion and by-laws and designed new charter; delegate to national conven- tion at Columbus, O., 1912; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Conference of 1912-1913 and 1914; assistant sales manager of the United Gas Improve- ment Co. for eight years, construct- ing and operating engineer of same; m. Claire Louise Weiss, April 15, 1903. Address, Room 918, U. G. I. Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. MORGAN, Carrie Emily; business man- ager of "Crescent" of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1886; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1885; president of chapter; mem. A. C. A. and Wisconsin Alumni Associa- tion of Gamma Phi Beta and Univer- sity of Wisconsin Alumni Associa- tion; delegate to Syracuse national convention of 1908 and Boston, 1911; wrote "The Sorority Situation at Wis- consin" for the "Greek Exchange"; superintendent of schools; mem. Clio Club, secretary of the Board of Edu- cation, secretary of the Public Li- brary Board, president N. E. Library Association, vice-president Fox River Branch, A. C. A.; mem. Industrial School Board, secretary Visiting Nurse Association, 1910, 1914; mem. standing committee to investigate sorority conditions at the University of Wisconsin. Address, 777 Harris St., Appleton, Wis. MOUNT, Winifred Van Buskirk; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. New England Con- servatory of Music, 1905; initiated by Zeta chapter, April, 1904; presi- dent of the chapter; mem. Epsilon Epsilon Alumnae chapter at Detroit National treasurer, 1909-1911; LEADING GREEKS 177 sisted at installation of Sigma and Tau chapters; m. Alfred L. Mount, Dec. 25, 1907. Address, 1001 20th St., Logansport, Ind. MULLAN, Helen St. Clair; a founder Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. Barnard Col- lege, Columbia University, 1898; LL. B. New York University, 1901; initiated by Alpha chapter, Jan. 2, 1897; mem.. N. Y. Delta of Phi Beta Kappa; mem. New York Alum- nae chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi; affiliated with Nu chapter at New York University; grand correspond- ing secretary and grand president; delegate to all national conventions; lawyer, admitted to N. Y. Bar, June, 1901; not practicing now; chairman local school board, district 25, New York City; m. George Vincent Mul- lan, June 28, 1899. Address, Uni- versity Heights, New York City. MULLENDORE, William Clinton; Alpha Sigma Phi, Phi Alpha Delta; ed. University of Michigan, 1904; initiated by Theta chapter, May, 1912; president of chapter, chapter correspondent two years; inter-fra- ternity delegate two years; presi- dent 1913-1914; associate editor of the "Tomahawk" of Alpha Sigma Phi; delegate to 1913 national con- vention at New York City; student. Address, 1315 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. MULLIN, Katherine Tobln (Mrs. How- ard B.) ; editor of the "Key" of Kap- pa Kappa Gamma; ed. Adelphi College, 1905; initiated by Beta Sigma chapter, 1905; wrote several songs for sorority; exchange editor of the "Key" for 4 years, then editor-in-chief; delegate to National Pan-Hellenic Congress, October, 1914; m. Howard B. Mullin, Beta Theta Pi, 1908. Address, 62 Van Buren St., Brooklyn, N. Y. MULLINS, Marion Day; national treas- urer of Kappa Delta; ed. at Tunston Hall and University of Texas, 1912; initiated by Sigma chapter, Nov. 18, 1911; secretary of chapter; chapter correspondent, 1912-13; delegate to Richmond national convention, 1913; elected national treasurer of the sorority. Address, 1424 Cooper St., Ft. Worth, Tex. MUNN, John Pixley; Delta Kappa Ep- silon; ed. University of Rochester, 1870; initiated by Beta Phi, 1865; mem. New York City Alumni Asso- ciation; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon National council; physician; m. Martha Buell Plum, Apr. 21, 1881. Address, 18 W. 58th St., New York City. MURRILL, Paul Ingold; Kappa Alpha, Southern; ed. Kentucky State Uni- versity, 1895; initiated by Theta chapter, April, 1893; presiding of- ficer of the chapter; mem. New York Alumni Association; organizer of S. Z. Ammen Province, 1912; chief alumnus, 1900-1903; mem. council of honor, editor of general catalogue, 1900; delegate to national conven- tions of 1893, 1897, 1899; mem. of commission to revise constitution, 1904; research chemist, U. S. Rub- ber Co.; mem. Masons, Knights Templars and Thirty-Second degree, A. A. S. R.; m. Louise Faig, 1906. 178 LEADING GREEKS Address, 256 W. 73rd St., New Yorh City. MUSGRAVE, Wayne Montgomery; grand junior president of Alpha Sigma Phi; mem. Acacia; ed. Yale, Harvard and Columbia Universities; initiated by Alpha and Beta of Alpha Sigma Phi and Yale and John Harvard chapters of Acacia; Mar 27, 1907, in Alpha Sigma Phi and Jan. 5, 1909, in Acacia; president two terms of Yale chapter and treas- urer of Harvard chapter; mem. New York Alumni Associations of Alpha Sigma Phi and Acacia; contributed to Acacia "Journal"; delegate to na- tional conventions of Alpha Sigma Phi in 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913; delegate to 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Inter-Fraternity Conferences ; lawyer, practicing in New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts; mem. Masons. Address, 51 Cham- bers St., New York City. MYERS, Herbert M.; president the Sigma Chi Chapter House Com- pany; ed. Ohio State University, 1905-1907; initiated by Alpha Gam- ma chapter, Apr. 29, 1904; consul of chapter; contributed several biog- raphies to the Sigma Chi Quarter- ly; mem. Columbus Alumni Associa- tion; delegate to district convention of 1906 at Columbus; chairman of the Ohio legislative committee of fraternity alumni; delegate to na- tional convention, Jamestown, 1907; lawyer; mem. Elks, Modern Wood- men of America; m. Virginia Wise Mapp, Oct. 25, 1911. Address, 45 Winner Ave., Columbus, Ohio. MYERS, Louis W.; Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi; ed. University of Wis- consin, B. L., 1893, LL. B., 1895; initiated by Alpha Lambda chapter of Sigma Chi, 1889, and Harlan chapter of Phi Delta Phi, 1894; con- sul of both chapters; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, 1912; mem. University of Wisconsin Alumni Association and Sigma Chi Alumni Association; grand praetor of fififth province of Sigma Chi; delegate to national conventions of Sigma Chi, 1894; judge of the superior court of Cali- fornia for Los Angeles County; m, Blanche Brown, 1901. Address, 5327 Lemon Grove Ave., Los An- geles, Calif. MYERS, Marguerite Springs; Kappa Delta; ed. St. Mary's College, Ra- leigh, N. C., and Gunston Hall, Wash- ington, D. C., 1906; initiated by Phi Delta .chapter, November, 1904; af- filiated with Sigma chapter; con- tributed to magazine; mem. Chi. Alumni Association; business man- ager of the "Angelos" of Kappa Del- ta, 1908-1909; assistant national scribe, 1907; delegate to national convention at Columbia, S. C., 1906, Washington, D. C., 1908; taught school, 1908-1912; m. Richard Austin Myers, Jan. 29, 1913. Address, 804 East Ave., Charlotte, N. C. MYERS, Qulncy Alden; Sigma Chi; ed. Butler College, and Dartmouth, 1875; initiated by Rho chapter, 1871; mem. Indianapolis Alumni Association; left Butler College in sophomore year and joined the now , affiliated local Kappa Kappa Kappa LEADING GREEKS 179 at Dartmouth College; judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana; mem. Knights Templars, Masons and Elks; m. Jessie D. Cornelius, Mar. 3, 1886. Address, 69 State House, Indian- apolis, Ind. MYERS, Walter Edward; treasurer of incorporated local chapter of Sigma Nu for twelve years; ed. Mt. Union College, 1899; initiated by Beta Iota chapter, April, 1896; eminent com- mander of chapter; mem. Cleveland Alumni Association; delegate to dis- trict convention of 1906; chairman of national extension committee four years; chairman of jurisprudence committee in 1914; codified frater- nity law; delegate from Cleveland Lumni Association to national con- itions of 1912 and 1914; attorney, mi. firm of Myers, Green and jary; mem. Masonic Lodge, Royal 'canum, etc.; m. Etta May Salmon, Apr. 23, 1904. Address, office, 719-722 Society for Savings Bldg., residence, 122 Elberon Ave., Cleveland, O. MYTINGER, George Sylvester, M. D.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Ohio Wesleyan Univer- sity, 1901, M. D. Miami Medical College, 1904; initiated by Ohio Delta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sept. 23, 1898, and Omicron chapter of Alpha Kappa Kappa, Oct. 28, 1901; presi- dent of chapter in A. K. K.; con- tributed to "Centaur" of A. K. K. and the "Record" and "Phi Alpha" of S. A. E.; exchange editor of "Centaur" of A. K. K.; helped found Rho, Tau Phi, Chi, Omicron and Omega chap- ters of A. K. K. ; mem. of committee which, re.vised the constitution of A. K. K., also the by-laws in 1906; mem. arrangements committee for Cincin- nati convention of A. K. K., 1904; designer of coat of arms; compiled and published first authoritative sta- tistics of medical fraternities in "Centaur" of A. K. K.; delegate to Minneapolis convention of A. K. K., 1903; founder and first president of Southern Ohio Pan-Hellenic Associa- tion; oculist and aurist; resident physician, Cincinnati hospital, 1904- 1906; formerly lecturer in embryol- ogy and clinical lecturer in medicine at Miami Medical College; mem. Ma- sons, Knights of Pythias and Elks; m. Rachel Keiser, Oct. 30, 1907. Ad- dress, First National Bank Bldg., Portsmouth, Ohio. N NACHTRIEB, Margaret; Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Beta Kappa; ed. Univer- sity of Minnesota, 1913; initiated by Kappa chapter, October, 1909; chap- ter correspondent, 1910-1911; life mem. General Alumni Association of Minnesota, Minnesota University Alumnae Association, Gamma Phi Beta Alumnae Association, A. C. A.; delegate to national convention at Boston, November, 1911; alumnae correspondent to "Crescent" of Gamma Phi Beta; delegate to local Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1911-1913; graduate student and scholar in De- partment of Rhetoric, 1913-1916; secretary of College Woman's Club of Minneapolis, 1914-1915; mem. Thalian Literary Society, Quill (Uni- versity dramatic club). Address, 905 6th St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 180 LEADING GREEKS NAFIS, MabeF Siller (Mrs. Louis F.); Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Northwestern University, 1901; initiated by Gam- ma chapter, 1895; president of chap- ter; contributed to "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega and wrote several songs; mem. Chicago Alumnae Association; president, 1906-1913; grand secre tary, 1900-1902, grand historian, 1905- 1910, author of Alpha Chi Omega History, 1911; delegate to nationa conventions of 1897, 1902, 1906, 1908 1910; installed chapters at Universi- ties of Colorado and Nebraska; com piled sorority directory, 1908; dele- gate to National Pan-Hellenic Con- gress, 1903 and 1913 as deputy chair- man; delegate from National Pan- Hellenic Congress to Conference of Deans of State Universities at Chi- cago, Dec. 17, 1913; wrote report of it for "Pan-Hellenic Bulletin"; dep- uty chairman National Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1913-1914; prior to mar riage was assistant registrar, College of Engineering, Northwestern Uni- versity, 1909-1913; taught in Morris, 111., High School, 1903-1904; had charge of academic department school for girls in Chicago, 1904- 1908; m. Louis Firth Nafis, Aug. 16, 1913. Address, 912 Elmwood Ave., Evanston, 111. NANCE, Theodore Layman; Sigma Chi; ed. De Pauw University, 1903; initi- ated by Xi chapter, 1899; consul of the chapter; mem. Kappa Tau Kap- pa, senior society, Skulls, inter-fra- ternity society; mem. Harvard Group and Boston Alumni Association; president of latter; delegate to dis- trict convention at Boston, 1910, and to national convention at Buffalo, 1901. Address, 50 Congress St., Bos- ton, Mass. NASH, Clara Marie Heller (Mrs. Hen- ry Raymond); grand treasurer of Eta Upsilon Gamma; ed. Forrest Park University, St. Louis, Mo.; in- itiated by Delta chapter; m. Henry Raymond Nash, Oct. 15, 1913. Ad- dress, 2204 South Hoover, Los An- geles, Calif. NATE, Rev. Joseph C.; past grand con- sul of Sigma Chi; ed. Illinois Wes- leyan University, 1890; initiated by Alpha Iota chapter, 1885; consul of chapter; contributor to Sigma Chi "Quarterly" since 1885; mem. Chi- cago and Bloomington, 111., Alumni Associations; delegate to first dis- trict convention held by Sigma Chi; national offices held: grand quaestor 1890-1899, grand consul 1899-1901, grand trustee 1903-1909; editor-in- charge of a history of Sigma Chi since 1909; delegate to all national conventions from 1888 to 1915; dele- gate to the Pan-Hellenic Association of New York; clergyman of Metho- dist Episcopal church; mem. Ma- sonic Order, I. O. O. F. and Knights of Pythias; m. Miss Ruth E. Evans, Nov. 12, 1892. Address, 411 Peoples Bank Bldg., Bloomington, 111. NEEDHAM, Delos J.; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi; ed. University of Washington, A. B. 1907, LL. B. 19( initiated by Beta Omega chapter Beta Theta Pi, Feb. 11, 1905; cor- responding secretary of chapter; delegate to 1907 national conven- tion of Beta Theta Pi; lawyer; mem. Ul rs LEADING GREEKS 181 Masons and Elks. Address, Lewis- ton, Idaho. NEFF, Elizabeth Price; founded Delta chapter of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. DePauw University, 1891; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1888; mem. Beta Beta Alumni chapter; installed chapter at Allegheny College; m. I. B. Neff, Phi Delta Theta, 1893. Ad- dress, 5819 Blackstoaie Ave., Chi- cago, 111. NELSON, Norman; Phi Delta Theta; ed. University of Minnesota, 1910; initiated by Minnesota Alpha, 1906; president of chapter; mem. Twin City Alumni Association; delegate to national convention at Niagara Falls, 1910; alumni representative at Inter-Fraternity Council of Min- nesota; business, investment bonds; m. Blanche Woods, 1911. Address, White, Grubbs & Co., State Sav- ings Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. NETTELS, Edward Carleton; former national president of Delta Chi; Chicago Kent College of Law, 1900; initiated by Chicago Kent chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni Association of Delta Chi; national treasurer, 1900-1905; national president, 1905; delegate to conventions, 1900-1905; contributor to Delta Chi "Quarter- ly"; one of originators and first business manager of "Quarterly"; traffic manager Postum Cereal Co., limited; mem. Masonic order, 32nd degree, Knights Templars; m. Oral Mae Chipps, 1895. Address, Postum Cereal Co., Battle Creek, Mich. NEWBOLD, Helen; treasurer of execu- tive board of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Barnard College, A. B. 1909, Colum- bia University, A. M. 1911; initiated by Iota chapter, February, 1906; president of the chapter; mem. Bar- nard Alumnae Club and New York Alumnae Club of Gamma Phi Beta. Address, 508 W. 113th St., New York City. NEWTON, Clarence Lucien; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi; ed. Wes- leyan University, 1902; initiated by Mu Epsilon chapter of Beta Theta Pi, October, 1899; president of the chapter; mem. New England Alumni Association and Beta Club of Bos- ton; trustee, 1910; secretary of New England Association, 1903-1906; president, 1906-1910; president of Boston Beta Club, 1910-1913; dele- gate to district convention of 1902; lawyer; lecturer at Boston Evening Law School of corporations and wills; mem. Masons; m. Alice Mc- Lennan, June 8, 1909. Address, 60 State St., Boston, Mass. NICHOLAS, Mattie Holliday Craighill (Mrs. H. T.) ; editor of the "Eleusis" of Chi Omega; ed. Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 1903; initiated by Sigma chapter, 1899; president of chapter; wrote Founders Day song for Chi Omega; mem. Lynchburg Alumni Association; mem. grand council; delegate to St. Louis na- tional convention of 1909; edited "Manual and Constitution and Ritual" of Chi Omega; instructor in psychology and pedagogy at Ran- dolph-Macon Woman's College, in- structor in English, Lynchburg High School; m. Harrison T. Nich- 182 LEADING GREEKS olas, 1909. Address, 2000 Fort Ave., Lynchburg, Va. WCKELL, Lloyd Francis; vice-grand master alchemist of Alpha Chi Sigma; mem. Phi Lambda Upsilon and Gamma Alpha; ed. University of Illinois, 1909; initiated by Zeta chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma, 1908; mem. St. Louis Alumni chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma; delegate to na- tional convention of 1914; assistant professor of chemistry, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Address, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. NICKERSON, Anna Robinson; presi- dent of Alpha Province of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Boston University, 1901; initiated by Mass. Alpha chapter, November, 1899; president of the chapter; contributed to magazine; president of Boston Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi, 1904-1907; province president, 1908-1915; delegate to dis- trict convention of 1911; delegate to national convention of 1910 and 1912; m. David Damon Nickerson, Oct. 3, 1905. Address, 74 Rockland Ave., Maiden, Mass. N1LES, Charles Frederick Mather; Phi Kappa Psi; ed. Wooster Univer- sity M. A., 1882; initiated by Ohio Gamma, 1878; president, treasurer and secretary of chapter; contrib- uted songs to Phi Kappa Psi and articles to fraternity magazine; mem. Toledo, O., Alumni Associa- tion delegate to many district con ventions; national president and treasurer of the' fraternity; helped write History of Phi Kappa Psi; delegate to ten national conven- tions; president of the Security Sav- ings Bank and Trust Co.; also at- torney; mem. all Masonic bodies, Thirty-Second Degree Mason; m. Fanny I. Sneath, 1882. Address, 315 Superior St., Toledo, Ohio. NOBLE, Clara Lane; Alpha Phi; ed. Northwestern University, 1900; initiated by Beta chapter, October, 1896; business manager of the "Alpha Phi Quarterly;" delegate to national convention at Boston, Mass., 1898; m. George W. Noble, Nov. 15, 1900. Address, 939 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111. NOLAN, Leonard Stevens, M. D.; Phi Beta Pi, Acacia and Iota Omega Omicron Kappa; ed. Syracuse Uni- versity Medical College, 1914; initi- ated by Alpha Gamma chapter of Phi Beta Pi, April, 1913; worthy archon of chapter; interne at Hos- pital of the Good Shepherd. Ad- dress, Hospital of the Good Shep- herd, Syracuse, N. Y. NORGREN, Carl A.; Beta Theta Pi; ed. University of South Dakota, 1912; initiated by Gamma Alpha chapter, Oct. 5, 1912; president of chapter; mem. Sigma Tau, honorary engineering, Beta Theta Pi Alumni Association of Omaha; delegate to national convention at Detroit, Mich., 1912, and district convention at Ames, la., 1911, from local Beta Gamma which secured their charter in 1912; consulting engineer to mu- nicipalities; mem. A. F. and A. M. Address, 1124 S. 30th St., Omaha, Nebr. LEADING GREEKS 183 NORTH, Henry Briggs; Alpha Chi Sigma; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1904; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1903; master of the chapter; na- tional grand master, grand recorder; mem. Scarlet Club, Rutgers College; associate professor of chemistry, Rutgers College; m. Harriet Clark, September, 1908. Address, 21 Hunt- ington St., New Brunswick, N. J. NORTON, Laura Hills; Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. University of Michigan, 1882; initiated by Eta chapter, 1880; president of the chapter; mem. Chi- cago Alumnae chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta; president of Delta dis- trict and one of four vice-presidents of national organization; delegate to national convention of 1901; delegate to National Pan-Hellenic Congress, in 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907; teacher of French, Lake View High School; m. James H. Norton, 1885. Address, 4410 N.- Paulina St., Chicago, 111. NULL, Florence Bloebaum (Mrs. Geo. M.) ; grand president of Eta Upsi- lon Gamma; ed. Linderwood Col- lege, 1905; initiated by Zeta chap- ter, June 5, 1905; secretary of the chapter; contributed articles for the "Adamas of Eta Upsilon Gamma;" men. Linderwood College Alumni Association; national offices held: grand treasurer, editor-in-chief of the "Adamas," grand president two terms; delegate to national conven- tions of 1908, 1912 and 1914; m. George M. Null, June 8, 1912. Ad- dress, 1504 Watson St., St. Charles, Mo. NYCE, Justin E.; Supreme Councilor of Psi Omega; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1902; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1899; grand master of the chapter; business manager of the "Frater" of Psi Omega; delegate to national conventions of 1901, 1904, 1907, 1910, 1913; dentist, professor Prosphetic Technics, Medico Chirurg- ical College. Address, 731 Wither- spoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. o OAKES, Warren D.; national treasurer for five years of Beta Theta Pi; ed. De Pauw University, 1895; initiated by Delta chapter, 1891; district chief; president The Oakes Co., makers of fans for automobiles; mem. Masons; m. Cora Parry, 1901. Address, 399 Division St., Indianap- olis, Ind. OBERST, Byron Ray; dean of Senate of Delta Theta Phi; ed. Northwest- ern University, 1915; initiated by Wigmore Senate, Feb. 10, 1912; dean of Senate; law student; chairman board of control of the law school; m. Claire M. Healy, July 5, 1912. Ad- dress, 3340 North Marshfield Ave., Chicago, 111. O'BRIEN, C. L., M. D.; mem. executive committee of Chicago Alumni Asso- ciation of Phi Beta Pi; ed. Rush Medical College, 1903; initiated by Delta chapter, 1901, charter mem- ber; archon of chapter; contributed several articles to Phi Beta Pi "Quarterly"; mem. Delta chapter Alumni Association of Chicago; na- tional supreme secretary, 1903-1906, and supreme president 1906-1908; 184 LEADING GREEKS delegate to national conventions of 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908; physician, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist; mem. Illinois Club, Chi- cago, Knights of Columbus, Alham- bra. Address, residence, 1539 W. Congress St., office, 59 E. Madison St., Chicago, 111. O'BRIEN, James M.; secretary of Los Angeles Alumni Association of Phi Kappa Psi; ed. Washington and Lee University, 1908; Initiated by Vir- ginia Beta, November, 1906; presi- ding officer of chapter; mem. Los Angeles Alumni Association; dele- gate to college inter-fraternity coun- cil; lawyer, firm of O'Brien and Spalding; formerly assistant district attorney, fifth judicial district of New Mexico; mem. A. F. and A. M., B. P. O. E. Address, 1122 Title In- surance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. O'CONNOR, J. F. T.; Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Delta Sigma Rho; ed. University of North Dakota, B. A. 1907, LL. B. 1908, Yale University, M. A. 1910, and LL. B. 1909; winner of following prizes at University of North Dakota; Palmer diamond medal for debate, Merrifield prize for first place in oratorical contest; win- ner first place state oratorical con- test; winner commencement ora- torical prize; awarded Clark medal; president senior class, president of Kent Debating Club and senate of Yale University; mem. Yale Debat- ing team vs. Harvard; mem. Grand Forks Alumni Association of Phi Alpha Delta; national president of Delta Sigma Rho, 1913-1917, and sec- ond vice-supreme justice of Phi Alpha Delta, 1911, and first supreme vice-justice, 1912; delegate to na- tional conventions of Phi Alpha Delta of 1910, 1911 and 1914; mem. law firm of O'Connor and Johnson; instructor academic department Yale University, 1910-1912; presented with gold medal by laboring men of Grand Forks for Labor Day address; presi- dent of Ad Altiora, Celtic Club, North Dakota State Oratorical Asso- ciation, Western League of Oratory. Address, Clifford Bldg., Grand Forks, N. D. OCTIGAN, Thomas P.; Phi Alpha Delta; ed. Lake Forest University, 1903; initiated by Blackstone chap- ter, Jan. 5, 1902; presiding officer of the chapter, 1903; mem. Chicago Alumni chapter; national councilor, 1903-1904; national recorder, 1906, national supreme justice, 1908; edited and issued first national di- rectory and history; installed four chapters as supreme justice; dele- gate to district conventions of 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1908; delegate to Inter- Fraternity Conference of 1904 and 1905; senior mem. law firm of Octi- gan, Zahn and Anderson; president of Octigan Drop Forge Co. ; president By-Products Realization Co.; captain and adjutant 7th Illinois National Guard; military aide to Governor Dunne; professor of law, Hamilton College of Law. Address, 1205 Fort Dearborn Bldg., Chicago, 111. ODELL, Ruth; president of Delta Zeta; ed. University of Nebraska, 1914 ; in- itiated by Zeta chapter, 1912; presi- LEADING GREEKS 185 dent of chapter; contributed to "Lamp" of Delta Zeta; mem. Nebras- ka Alumni Association of Delta Zeta; Inter-Sorority delegate to Pan-Hel- lenic Council; instructor in English at the Nebraska State Normal School of Agriculture. Address, 913 Wil- liams St., Omaha, Neb. OGDEN, Melvin P.; secretary Port- land Alumni chapter of Beta Theta Pi; Phi Alpha Delta; ed. University of Oregon, 1911; initiated by Beta Rho chapter of Beta Theta Pi, corre- sponding secretary of chapter, Dec. 4, 1909; teacher of music, Jefferson High School; mem. Royal Arch Ma- son. Address, Foot of Ivon St., Port- land, Ore. O'KELLEY, John Graham; president New Orleans chapter of Delta Tau Delta; ed. Tulane University, 1898; initiated by Beta Xi chapter, 1894; secretary of chapter; mem. New York Delta Tau Delta Club; cotton planter, 1898-1909; first vice-presi- dent Woodward Wright & Co., Lim- ited, 1909-1913; mem. A. F. and A. M.; m. Mary Lucile Hamer, June 12, 1900. Address, 1535 Octavia St., New Orleans, La. OLSON, Olaf Adolph; Alpha Kappa Phi, now consolidated into Delta Theta Phi ; ed. Northwestern Univer- sity Law S'chool, 1908; initiated by Alpha of Alpha Kappa Phi, now Wig- more Senate of Delta Theta Phi, 1905; secretary of chapter; national president of Alpha Kappa Phi, 1910- 1911, before consolidation; lawyer, practicing since 1908; mem. A. F. and A. M., Illinois Athletic Club, Ridgmoor Golf Club. Address, 1114, 69 W. Washington St., residence, 4125 N. Harding Ave., Chicago, 111. O'MALLEY, Jamea; Delta Chi; ed. Cornell University, 1901; initiated by Cornell chapter, 1897; "A" of the chapter; national "AA," "BB"; edi- tor-in-chief of the Delta Chi "Quar- terly"; delegate to national conven- tions of 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905; m. Charlotte B. Bigelow, 1909. Address, 611 W. 112th St., New York City. ONKEN, Amy Burnham; grand secre- tary of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Northwest- ern University, 1908; initiated by Il- linois Epsilon, Oct. 15, 1904; presi- dent of the chapter; national grand secretary assistant guide convention of 1912; attended national conven- tions of 1906 and 1912. Address, Chapin, 111. OSGOOD, Susanna Patton Tate (Mrs. Luther P.); Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Pennsylvania College of Music, affili- ated with Alleghany College, 1891; initiated by Delta chapter, January, 1891; founder and first president of the chapter; elected recording secre- tary at convention of 1891 at Green- castle, Ind., to serve until 1893; studied art at Art Institute of Chi- cago; studied portrait painting with Mr. William Greaves of Jamestown, N. Y., and music one year with Mr. Emil Leibling of Chicago; mem. Daughters of American Revolution and Woman's Club; m. Luther P. Os- good, Jan. 25, 1900; deceased Dec. 28, 1910. Address, Marseilles, 111. OSMOND, Arthur Edwin; ex-grand senior of Omega Upsilon Phi; ed. Medical College of Ohio, 1904; initi- ated by Beta chapter, 1902; scribe 186 LEADING GREEKS of the chapter; mem. College Alumni Association; district deputy and delegate to district conventions ; editor of the "Journal" of Omega Upsilon Phi; delegate to national conventions; physician and surgeon; m. Emilie Schmidlapp, 1910. Ad- dress, 1268 Michigan Ave., Cincin- nati, O. OSMOND, John Dexter, M. D.; Phi Gamma Delta and Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Western Reserve University, 1906 and 1909; initiated by Xi Deut- eron of Phi Gamma Delta, 1902, and Kappa chapter of Phi Rho Sigma, 1906; treasurer of P. G. D. chapter, and president for two years of chapter of Phi Rho Sigma; dis- trict chief of Phi Rho Sigma, 1912- 1914; a delegate to national conven- tion of Phi Rho Sigma at Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1912; physician; m. Nel- lie Pratt, June 15, 1912. Address, 222 Osborn Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. PALMER, Blanche Shove (Mrs. Ed- mund J.); auditor of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Syracuse University, 1881; initiated by Alpha chapter, Novem- ber, 1878; president of the chapter; mem. New York Alumnae chapter; National visiting delegate; delegate to national conventions; m. Dr. Ed- mund J. Palmer, 1886. Address, 103 West 86th St., New York City. PALMER, Elizabeth Tlbbes; president of Detroit Alliance of Delta Delta Delta; ed. Adrian College, B. Ph. 1893, B. A. 1895; initiated by Gam- ma chapter, Dec. 5, 1891; president of the chapter ; mem. Adrian College Alumni Association; vice-president of Beta province; delegate to na- tional conventions, 1897-1910; m. O. L. Palmer, Sept. 9, 1897. Address, 111 Tyler Ave., Highland Park, Mich. PALMER, Myrtal C.; Mu Phi Epsilon; ed. University of Michigan and the University School of Music, 1908; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1904; a charter member; president of the chapter; contributed songs, piano solos and articles for first year book; mem. Gamma Alumnae Asso- ciation; supreme vice-president six months and supreme president for three years; designed charter, cer- tificate of membership, pin and re- vised constitution, by-laws and ritual; edited first year book, now the "Mu Phi Epsilon Quarterly;" delegate to first convention; taught in private studio at Ann Arbor, Mich., and was organist and choir director of First Presbyterian church, later studied in Paris and became professor of pipe organ and piano; organist and choir director for three years in the First Baptist Church of Spartanburg, S. C.; mem. Eastern Star. Address, Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C. PALMER, Robert Conrad; Alpha Chi Sigma; ed. University of Missouri, B. S. and Ch. E., 1909; initiated by Delta chapter, November, 1907; master alchemist of the chapter; mem. of Sigma Xi, honorary; vice- grand master alchemist two years; founded the "Hexagon" of Alpha Chi LEADING GREEKS 187 Sigma and edited it the first two years; assisted in revision of ritual and installation of several chapters; chemical engineer with United States Forest Service; m. Myrtle L. Ogle, Feb. 23, 1911. Address, 138 Breese Terrace, Madison, Wis. RAM MEL, Louis Hermann; president of Phi Kappa Phi; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1885, and Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., 1897; initiated by Iowa chapter, 1911; sec- retary general of chapter; mem. Gamma Sigma Delta (honorary agri- cultural) ; secretary general of na- tional convention of Atlanta; pro- fessor of Botany, Iowa State College; botanist Iowa Experiment Station; m. Augusta Emmel. Address, Sta. A, Ames, Iowa. PANCOAST, Joe Anna Ross; Delta Gamma; ed. Goucher College, A. B. 1894, A. M. 1895; initiated by Psi chapter, November, 1891; mem. Goucher General Alumni Associa- tion, and Baltimore chapter of Goucher Alumnae; editor-in-chief of the "Anchora" of Delta Gamma, fifth mem. of grand council, 1898-1908; m. Dr. Omar Pancoast, 1903. Address, 1111 N. Charles St., Baltimore. Md. PARKER, John Huntington; Alpha Zeta, Acacia; ed. University of Min- nesota, College of Agriculture, 1913; initiated by La Grange chapter of Alpha Zeta, 1911; chancellor of the chapter; mem. Minnesota Alumni Association of Washington, D. C.; high scribe; scientific assistant, Bureau Plant Industry, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture; mem. A. F. and A. M. Address, residence, 815 Belmont Road; office, Cereal In- vestigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. PARKS, Albert H., M. D.; Sigma Chi and Phi Beta Pi; ed. University of Michigan, 1906; initiated by Theta chapter of Phi Beta Pi, 1902; and by Sigma Chi, 1899; national offices of Phi Beta Pi; supreme archon, su- preme vice-archon, supreme western praetor, supreme norchern praetor; delegate to eight national conven- tions; surgeon; mem. Masonic and Elk Lodges; m. Katherine Barrett, 1909. Address, 4224 Linden Hills Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn. PARMELEE, Amy Olgen (Mrs. E. N.) ; national president of Delta Delta Delta; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; ed. at Northwestern University, 1904; initiated by Upsilon chapter, 1901; chapter president for three years; mem. Northwestern A. C. A., Chi- cago College Club and University Guild; delegate to national conven- tion, 1902, '04, '06, '12, '15; delegate to district convention, 1905; na- tional secretary, 1904-1906; national president, 1906-1915; national Pan- Hellenic Congress delegate, 1904- 1915; delegate to Chicago Greek conference, 1913; secretary national Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1904'-1905; chairman, 1905-1906; treasurer, 1912- 1913; secretary, 1913-1914; chair- man, 1914-1915; mem. executive com- mittee; mem. "Who's Who Among Women"; mem. Chicago collegiate bureau of occupations. Address, 7318 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. 188 LEADING GREEKS PARRISH, Roy Earl; Sigma Chi; ed. West Virginia University, 1910; ini- tiated by Mu Mu chapter, October, 1908; tribune of chapter; mem. Clarksburg Alumni Association; at- torney at law; mem. Sphinx. Ad- dress, 724 Goff Bldg., Clarksburg, W. Va. PERROW, Mosby Garland; Kappa Sig- ma; ed. Washington and Lee Uni- versity, 1899; initiated by Mu chap- ter, March 11, 1904; was president and editor of Mu Pi Lambda frater- nity and head of Washington and Lee chapter, which fraternity was merged into Kappa Sigma March 11, 1904; mem. Lynchburg Alumni Association; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; twice delegate to Mu Pi Lambda na- tional conventions; chemist and bacteriologist; m. Louise Polk Jognes. Address, 1100 Federal St., Lynchburg, Va. PARSONS, Mabel Holmes (Mrs. E. S.); Alpha Phi; ed. University of Michigan, 1904; initiated by Theta chapter, 1892, charter member; con- tributor to Alpha Phi "Quarterly"; mem. Association of Collegiate Alumnae ; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and delegate (from University of Ore- gon) to convention of Phi Beta Kappa at University of Washington Seattle, Wash., 1914; delegate to na- tional convention of Alpha Phi at Syracuse, N. Y., 1892; assistant pro- fessor of English, University of Ore- gon; has contributed short stories to leading magazines; m. Edwin Seely Parsons, 1897. Address, 1259 Hil- yard St., Eugene, Ore. PATERSON, Robert George; Sigma Pi; ed. Ohio State University, 1909; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1901; national president, 1907-1908; national secretary, 1906 to 1907 and 1908 to 1909; delegate to national conventions at Chicago 1907, Vin- cennes 1908, and Columbus 1909; now preparing book, "Concerning Sigma Pi"; presided over informal conference of Greek fraternity repre- sentatives at Philadelphia, April, 1909; city editor of "Faigo Forum" and mem. Forum Publishing Co.; chief press agent in campaign to re- move capitol from Guthrie to Okla- homa City; repoited for several state legislatures and political conven- tions; mem. advisory board of Amer- ican Safety Steel Rail Co.; inem. Masons. Address, Fargo Forum, Fargo, N. D. PATRICK, Mary Louise; grand treas- urer and business manager of "Themis" of Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. Judson College, 1908; initiated by Beta chapter, May 1905; president of chapter; contributed several maga- zine articles to fraternity magazine and songs; delegate to national con- ventions of 1906, 1910, 1912; head of mathematics department of Bessie Tift College, Forsyth, Ga. Address, 1312 East 53rd St., Chicago, 111. PAUL, Frank Albert; national re- corder of Delta Chi; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1910; initiated by i Seattle chapter, 1907; president of i chapter, 1909-1910; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Sigma Rho at Uni- versity of Pennsylvania; charter member of latter; mem. University of Pennsylvania Alumni Club and LEADING GREEKS 189 Seattle chapter of Delta Chi Alumni; (one of publishers of "The Totem," year book of Delta Chi Alumni Club) ; national recorder, 1911, re- elected 1913; corresponding editor of the Delti Chi Quarterly, 1910-1911; delegate to national conventions at Ithaca 1909, Columbus 1910, and To- ronto 1913; attorney at law, associ- ated with Hastings and Stedman law firm; in newspaper work from 1904 to 1910 in New York, Philadelphia and Seattle, Wash.; mem. Free and Accepted Masons, Royal Arcanum; m. Effle Watson Ferris, June 29, 1912. Address, 901 6th Ave., Seattle, Wash. PAUST, Benjamin A.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Wiscon- sin, 1904; initiated by Wisconsin Alpha, 1903; charter member; emi- nent archon of chapter; mem. Mil- waukee and Twin City Alumni As- sociation; helped organize both; delegate to district convention of 1904 and 1912; prominent in financ- ing S. A. E. House at Minnesota; business, real estate and invest- ments; mem. all Masonic bodies, in- cluding Shrine; m. Jess Whited, 1907. Address, 4332 Dupont Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. PAXTON, Anna Calloway; national historian of Kappa Delta; ed. Vir- ginia State Normal, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1901; president of the chapter; contributed fco magazine; mem. Virginia State Nor- mal Alumni Association; national secretary, national president, na- tional historian, editor-in-chief of the "Angelos" of Kappa Delta; helped secure the charters for Alpha, Gamma and Lambda chap- ters; compiled the Kappa Delta Directory for 1909; chairman of conventions of 1904-1908-1909, and was secretary of conventions of 1905 and 1906; delegate to national con- ventions of 1912 and 1913; teacher in Virginia for eight years and in Oklahoma three years. Address, 7th and Alabama Sts., Okmulgee, Okla. PEACOCK, George Cleveland; Phi Alpha Delta; ed. Cincinnati College of Law, 1912; initiated by Chase chapter, June, 1912; treasurer of the chapter; mem, Cincinnati Alum- ni Association of Phi Alpha Delta; national tribune and supreme treas- urer, 1914; delegate to national con- vention June, 1912; practicing at- torney. Address, residence, 3449 Wilson Ave.; office, 2405 Union Cen- tral Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. PEAIRS, Myra Sinclair (Mrs. R. P.); secretary of national alumnae of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Illinois Wesleyan University, 1909; initiated by Epsilon chapter, Nov/ 16, 1J05; president of the chapter; mem. New York Alumnae Association, 1909- 1910, Bloomington, 111., 1910-1913, and Milwaukee Association, 1913- 1915; delegate to national conven- tion of 1912; m. Dr. Ralph P. Peairs, June 24, 1913. Address, 704 Cramer St., Milwaukee, Wis. PEARSON, Theodore B.; editor of Phi Chi medical quarterly; ed. Uni- versity of Louisville, 1903; initiated by Alpha Alpha Gamma chapter, February, 1905; presiding officer of chapter; delegate to all annual con- 190 LEADING GREEKS ventions since 1903; chairman of executive committee, 1908; associate editor, 1908-1910; editor since 1911; mem. Co. M., 1905-1008; issued first history and directory of fraternity; presiding officer of twelfth conven- tion; author of post-graduate sub- scription law; designer of coat-of- anns; physician; county health offi- cer. Address, Wilmore, Ky. PECK, Herbert Massey; Phi Delta Theta and Phi Delta Phi ; ed. Univer- sity of Virginia, 1908; initiated by Virginia Beta chapter, 1907; mem. Delta Sigma Rho, honorary; mem. Oklahoma City Alumni Associations of Phi Delta Theta and Phi Delta Phi; province president and delegate to several district conventions of Phi Delta Phi; mem. national council and delegate to national convention at Iowa City, 1908; lawyer; mem. general council of Oklahoma City Bar Association; m. Frances Saw- yer, Oct. 26, 1910. Address, 612 W. 32nd St., Oklahoma City, Okla. PEDROJA, John; Delta Theta Phi; ed. Illinois College of Law (now DePaul University), 1907; initiated by War- velle chapter, April, 1907; joined Alpha Kappa Phi, which was con- solidated with two others into Delta Theta Phi; delegate to national council from chapter; delegate to na- tional convention of 1908; speaker at several fraternity banquets; lawyer; mem. Masons, Shriner. Address, Mulberry, Kans. PENCE, Kate; national custodian of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. at Univer- sity of Kentucky, 1910; initiated by Epsilon chapter February, 1909; province vice-president, 1909-1911; province inspector, 1911-1913; dele- gate to three national conventions; delegate to three province conven- tions; mem. of Hamilton College and University of Kentucky Alumni Associations ; national custodian, 1913-1919; contributed to "Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly"; jewelry business. Address, business, 110 Broadway, Fargo, N. D.; home, 364 Merino St., Lexington, Ky. PENDLETON, Marguerite Lake (Mrs. D. D.); Delta Gamma; ed. Goucher College, 1906; initiated by Psi chap- ter, Nov. 8, 1902; president of the chapter; mem. Goucher College Alumnae Association; business man- ager of "Anchora" of Delta Gamma, 1904; grand treasurer, 1909 to 1915; delegate to national convention at Evanston, 1905; delegate to National Pan-Hellenic Congress four years, secretary of same one year; m. Dud- ley Digges Pendleton, Oct. 11, 1913. Address, 1214 Fairmont Ave., Eliza- beth, N. J. PENFIELD, E. Jean Nelson, Ph. B.; grand president, 1900-1902 of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. DePauw Univer- sity and New York University Law School, 1893; initiated by Iota chap- ter, 1889; president of the chapter; president of New York Alumnae As- sociation; winner of interstate col- legiate oratorical contest, 1892, only woman to ever take this prize; con- tributor to the "Key," grand presi- dent; delegate to first Pan-Hellenic Congress, Boston, 1892; started co- operative work between faculties and fraternities in 63 colleges; law- LEADING GREEKS 191 yer, speaker, parliamentarian and author of several parliamentary law helps for students; mem. Daughters of the American Revolution and So- rosis; m. Judge William Warner Penfield, Dec. 15, 1897. Address, 360 E. 195th St., New York City. PENNY, Arthur Guy; Theta Delta Chi; ed. Upper Canada College, Upping- ham School, Eng., McGill Univer- sity, B. A., 1908; initiated by Zeta Deuteron chapter, Oct. 8, 1904; con- tributed to the "Shield" of Theta Delta Chi; mem. Zeta Deuteron Alumni Association and honorary member Lambda Deuteron Alum- ni Association; president Zeta Deuteron Graduate Association, 1911- 1912; advertising agent, Canadian Northern Railway, 1913 to date; ed- itorial staff, "Manitoba Free Press," 1908-1909; editorial staff, "Canada Free Press," 1909-1910; assistant to general manager, Canadian tourists, London, Eng., 1910; editorial staff, "Montreal Herald," 1911, and "Mon- treal Gazette," 1912; assistant gen- eral advertising agent, Grand Trunk Railway, 1912-1913; m. Emily L. Benton, Jan., 1915. Address, 100 Roper St., Eglinton, North Toronto, Canada. [RKINS, Frances Gay; editor of the 'Quarterly" of Alpha Phi; ed. Uni- versity of Wisconsin, 1898; initiated by Iota chapter, 1896, charter mem- ber; charter member Wisconsin Alumnae Association, Milwaukee branch; visiting delegate of Alpha ti, 1911-1912; chairman of conven- ion; attended National Pan-Hellenic Congress twice: as visiting delegate and as editor of the magazine; Ger- man teacher in the high school, sec- retary of United Charities in Fond du Lac; mem. Daughters of the American Revolution. Address, 95 Sheboygan St., Fond du Lac, Wis. f PERRIN, Edna; national treasurer of Delta Delta Delta; ed. University of Nebraska, 1911; initiated by Kap- pa chapter, Oct., 1906; president of chapter; mem. University of Ne- braska Alumni Association; dele- gate to national conventions at Ev- anston, 111., 1910, and Columbus, 1912. Address, Bartlett, Cook Coun- ty, 111. PERRIN, William; grand president of Phi Alpha Gamma; mem. Alpha Delta Phi; ed. New York Homoeo- pathic Medical College, 1901; initi- ated by Alpha chapter of Phi Alpha Gamma 1897, and into Alpha Delta Phi, 1894; mem. of Rochester Alum- ni Association of Phi Alpha Gamma; delegate to national conventions of Phi Alpha Gamma at Rochester, 1913, and Philadelphia, 1914; phy- sician and obstetrician; m. Elsie Brooks, Aug. 14, 1901. Address, 626 Main St. W., Rochester, N. Y. PERRY, Edgar Roland; Tau Beta Pi; ed. University of Washington, 1913; initiated by Alpha chapter, June 4, 1912; president of the chapter, 1912- 1913; contributed to "Bent" of Tau Beta Pi; secretary Theta Chi local social fraternity and Delta Mu, local athletic fraternity ; secretary-treas- urer of Seattle Alumni Association of Tau Beta Pi; delegate to 14th na- 192 LEADING GREEKS tional convention at Madison, Wis., 1912; electrical engineer with Puget Sound Traction, Light and Power Co. Address, Waldorf Hotel, Seat- tle, Wash. PERRY, Edwin Ruthoen; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; ed. Northwest- ern University, 1900; initiated by Rho chapter of Beta Theta Pi, 1897; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, and Deru; mem. Harvard Alumni Association; chairman national convention of Beta Theta Pi, 1908; attorney at law; mem. Masonic Order; m. Paul- ine Nelson, Oct. 3, 1910. Address, Tulsa, Okla. PETERS, Edward M.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; ed. Boston University, 1911; initiated by Mass. Beta Upsilon chapter of Sigma Al- pha Epsilon, Nov., 1908; eminent archon of chapter; president of Bos- ton Alumni Association; vice-presi- dent of province Alpha and delegate to province convention at Worces- ter, Mass.; delegate to national con- ventions of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Kansas City and Nashville, Tenn.; general insurance broker, LL. B. and LL. M. from Boston University Law School; mem. I. O. O. F. and I. S. O. C. Address, 70 Kilby St., Bos- ton, Mass. PETERSEN, Leo Smith, M. D.; Su- preme president of Chi Zeta Chi; ed. College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Columbia University, 1911; initiated by Beta chapter, April 3, 1909; eminent grand of chapter; mem. New York Alumni chapter of Chi Zeta Chi; Beta chapter visitor, 1912; delegate to national convention at Augusta, Ga., Dec., 1913; physi- cian, 1st Lt, M. C., N. G. N. Y. Address, 112 E. 85th St., New York City. PETTIBONE, Robert Frederick; Beta Theta Pi; ed. Beloit College, 1877; initiated by Chi chapter, 1874; pres- ident of the Chicago Alumni Asso- ciation 1912-1913; delegate to one national convention; lawyer; m. Florence Amelia Pettibone. Ad- dress, residence, 1225 Oak Ave., Ev- anston, 111., office, 1402 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. PETURA, Frank Joseph; Acacia; charter mem. Alpha Chi Sigma; mem. Tau Beta Pi; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1904; initiated by Wisconsin chapter, May 12, 1906, of Acacia fraternity; president of chapter; mem. New York Alumni Association; delegate to national convention at Chicago, June, 1906; organizer of Wisconsin chapter; as- sistant chief engineer of Henry L. Doherty & Co.; m. Marie Grace Mil- ler, 1911. Address, 60 Wall St., New York City. PHARR, Henry Newton; Kappa Alpha, Southern; ed. Centenary College, 1892, and Vanderbilt University, 1896; initiated by Alpha Iota chap- ter, 1891; G. S. of chapter; mem. Centenary College and Vanderbilt University Alumni Associations; sugar planter and manufacturer; Republican candidate for Congress, 1904, and for governor, 1908; mem. Masons and Knights Templars; m. LEADING GREEKS 193 Anna Smith, Jan., 1898. Address, Iberia Parish, Olivier, Louisiana. PHELPS, Helen Weaver; Alpha Phi; ed. Syracuse University, 1878; in- itiated by Alpha chapter, 1874; mem. Syracuse University Alumni Association; national vice-president; delegate to national convention of 1912; m. Rev. J. D. Phelps. Ad- dress, 411 University Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. PH1LLER, Richard Montgomery; grand eigma of Phi Kappa Sigma; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1908; initiated by Alpha chapter, Sept., 1904; sigma of the chapter; mem. Philadelphia Alumni Associa- tion; delegate to national conven- tions of 1905-1908; salesman with Montgomery, Clothier & Tyler, bankers. Address, 133 S. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. PHILLIPS, Martha Keefe; Alpha Phi; ed. Syracuse University, 1894; ini- tiated by Alpha chapter, Sept., 1890; contributed to magazine; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Syracuse Univer- sity and Central New York Alumnae Associations of Alpha Phi; editor-in- chief of the "Quarterly" of Alpha Phi and delegate to eight national conventions; m. Henry Phillips. Ad- dress, 114 Waverley Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. PHILLIPS, William L.; grand secre- tary of Sigma Phi Epsilon; ed. Richmond College, 1903 ; initiated by Virginia Alpha, Nov. 1, 1901; vice- president of the chapter and first secretary; mem. Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C., Alumni Associa- tions; one of the founders of Sigma Phi Epsilon; edited and published "Journal" of Sigma Phi Epsilon and as individual enterprise for four years, editor for nine years; grand secretary since 1908; assisted in publishing fraternity directory in 1911; attended all national conven- tions; delegate to New York Inter- Fraternity Conference at all meet- ings; devotes all time to fraternity work; mem. Blue Lodge and Chap- ter Masons, Knights Templars, Shrine, Sons of the American Revo- lution; m. Nora Alice Moore, June 29, 1908. Address, 602 Times-Des- patch Bldg., Richmond, Va. PICKELS, Thomas Henry; Sigma Nu; ed. Central University of Kentucky, 1898; initiated by Zeta chapter; commander of the chapter; inspector of second division and delegate to seven national contentions; editor and publisher of "Kentucky Regis- ter"; mem. Elks; m. Mary Evans of Richmond, Ky., Dec. 29, 1903. Ad- dress, Richmond, Ky. PINKHAM, Charles Bradley, M. D.; province commander of Kappa Al- pha (so.); ed. Stanford University, 1896; initiated by Alpha Pi chapter, 1894; physician, secretary board of medical examiners, state of Califor- nia; mem. Masons. Address, 135 Stockton St., San Francisco, Calif. PIPER, Warren; author of "Chapter House Ballads of Sigma Nu"; ed. Northwestern, 1909; initiated by Gamma Beta chapter of Sigma Nu, 1907; delegate Sigma Nu national convention, Denver, 1915; member 194 LEADING GREEKS Chicago and New York Sigma Nu alumni chapters; vice-president of the grand inter-fraternity council of secondary schools; Chicago man- ager for J. F. Newman, fraternity jeweler. Address, 31 North State St., Chicago, 111. PLANT, Oscar H.; Phi Alpha Sigma; ed. University of Texas, 1902; init- iated by Epsilon chapter, 1901; scri- bus of the chapter; national prima- rius magnus, 1914; physician; in- structor of pharmacology, medical department, University of Pennsyl- vania; married, 1904. Address, 4323 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. POGUE, Thomas L.; treasurer of en- dowment fund of Phi Gamma Del- ta; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. Wash- ington and Jefferson College, 1891, and University of Virginia, 1892; initiated by Alpha chapter, Nov., 1889, affiliated with Omicron chap- ter, both of Phi Gamma Delta; treasurer of the chapter; contrib- uted to magazine; mem. Cincinnati graduate chapter; mem. board of archons, 1901-1905, national secre- tary, 1905-1913, co-editor of the cat- alogue, 1907; visited every chapter then in the fraternity; attended na- tional conventions of 1898 and 1899, was a delegate or officer at all con- ventions, 1900-1913; attorney at law, prosecuting attorney, Hamilton County, O.; mem. B. P. O. E.; m. Margaret Edwards, June 21, 1911. Address, residence, 1733 E. McMil- lan St., office, 914 First National Bank, Cincinnati, O. POOL, Floyd Richard; treasurer of Beta Theta Pi; ed. University of North Dakota, 1915; initiated by Gamma Alpha chapter, Feb., 1913; treasurer of chapter; delegate to national convention at Minnesota in 1914; mem. Inter-Fraternity Coun- cil at college. Address, Lake Pres- ton, S. Dak. POPE, Alexander; treasurer of the general council of Phi Delta Theta; Delta Chi; ed. University of Texas, 1907; initiated by Texas Beta of Phi Delta Theta, Oct. 10, 1901; pres- ident of the chapter; contributed to magazine; mem. Dallas Alumni Club of Phi Delta Theta and the Texas University Alumni Club; treasurer of general council of Phi Delta The- ta, 1910-1912, 1914 to date; delegate to district convention of 1910 and to national conventions of 1906 and 1910; president of North Texas Pan- Hellenic Association, 1914; attorney at law; m. Fanny West Harris, Kap- pa Kappa Gamma, Nov. 16, 1910. Ad- dress, 1201 Commonwealth Bank Bldg., Dallas, Texas. POTEET, Florence E.; grand treasurer of Beta Sigma Omicron; ed. Seda- lia High School, 1908; initiated by Delta I, Nov. 8, 1903; president of the chapter; mem. Alpha Phi Alpha; helped organize and mem. of Kansas City Alumnae Association; assisted in establishing the sorority; dele- gate to national convention at Mex- ico, Mo. Address, 3643 Harrison Ave., Kansas City, Mo. POTTER, Hollis Elmer; district chief of Phi Rho Sigma; mem. Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. University of Chi- LEADING GREEKS 195 cago, Rush Medical College; initi- ated into Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1903, and into Phi Rho Sigma, 1906; mem. Chicago Alumni Association of S. A. E.; physician, specialist in work with x-ray; m. Blanche Morse, 1912. Address, 122 S. Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 111. POTTS, Abbie Findlay; president of A. A. district, 1911-1913, of Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. Cornell University, 1906; A. M., Radcliffe College, 1914; initiated by Iota chapter, Nov., 1902; president of the chapter; contrib- uted sorority songs; edited conven- tion magazine, 1913; teacher of drama at the Bennett School, Mill- brook, N. Y. Address, Lansing Ave., Troy, N. Y. POTTS, John Beekman; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Rho Sigma; ed. University of Nebraska, 1907; initiated by Al- pha Tau chapter, 1905; of Beta The- ta Pi; oto-rhinologist; mem. Masonic Order; m. Miss Goldie C. Goddin, June 28, 1913. Address, 567 Bran- deis Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. POWELL, Elmer Nathaniel; Beta Theta Pi and Phi Delta Phi; ed. Kansas University, 1895, and Johns Hopkins University; initiated by Alpha Nu chapter of Beta Theta Pi, 1895, and Green chapter of Phi Del- ta Phi; contributed to "Brief" of Phi* Delta Phi; president of Kansas City Alumni chapter of Beta Theta Pi in 1904 and president of Kansas City Alumni chapter of Phi Delta Phi for twelve years; lawyer and several times acting judge; m. Illga Herbel, 1897. Address, 614-6 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. POWELL, Eva; grand president of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Univer- sity of California, 1901; initiated by Pi chapter, 1898; mem. Pi Alumnae Association; grand secretary; dele- gate to National Pan-Hellenic Con- gress; mem. Prytanean. Address, 2703 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Calif. POWELL, Hannah Jewett; Sigma Kappa; ed. Colby College, Water- ville, Me., 1893; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1892; mem. Portland, Maine, Alumnae Association; con- tributed an article to the Sigma Kappa "Triangle" on "The Sea Coast Missions"; clergyman, missionary on Maine seacoast. Address, Londville P. O., Lincoln County, Maine. POWERS, John Pike Jr.; grand chan- cellor of Pi Kappa Alpha; mem. Phi Delta Phi and Phi Kappa Phi; ed. University of Tennessee, A. B., LL. B., 1897, B. L. University of Vir- ginia; initiated by Zeta chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha, 1895; mem. Alpha chapter; president of chapter; pres- ident University of Tennessee Alum- ni; contributed tq "Shield and Dia- mond" of Pi Kappa Alpha; national offices: grand secretary, grand prin- ceps, grand chancellor; attended ev- ery national convention for past 16 years; lawyer; mem. Knights of Pythias and Royal Arch Masons; m. Lucille Allyn Bordew, Sept. 26, 1906. Address, 401 Empire Bldg., Knox- ville, Tenn. PRAY, George Raymond; Phi Beta Pi; ed. University of Michigan, 1900; in- 196 LEADING GREEKS itiated by Beta chapter, June 11, 1898; archon of the chapter; su- preme eastern praetor, 1908, supreme council, 1909-1910, supreme vice- archon, 1903, treasurer, 1904, secre- tary, 1905-1906, archon, 1907; dele- gate to Chicago national conven- tion; physician, formerly mem. fac- ulty, University of Michigan, physi- cian to state penitentiary, 1902-1913; mem. Masons, Shriner, Thirty-Sec- ond degree, Elk; m. Zoe King Por- ter, Feb. 1, 1908. Address, 406 Jack- eon St. South, Jackson, Mich. PREBLE, Alice Hosmer (Mrs. Robert B.); Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Univer- sity of Michign, 1888; initiated by Beta chapter, 1885; president of the executive committee of the chapter; mem. Chicago Alumnae Association; national president of the executive committee; delegate to several na- tional conventions; mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Chicago College Club, president of latter; m. Dr. Robert B. Preble, 1889. Address, 1518 Dearborn Park- way, Chicago, 111. PRICE, Edwin Morgan; secretary and treasurer of Kansas City Alumni Association of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1908; initiated by Beta Gam- ma chapter, Dec. 10, 1907; mem. Southwest Alumni Association of Mass. Institute of Technology; archi- tect, junior partner of Henry P. Hoit, successor to Howe & Hoit; mem. American Institute of Archi- tects; m. Mary E. Moore, Feb. 24, 1914. Address 315 E. 10th St., Kan- sas City, Mo. PRICE, Fred Allen; editor of the "Journal" of Sigma Phi Epsilon; ed. Baker University, 1909; initi- ated by Kansas Alpha, Dec., 1905; head of chapter; mem. Kansas City Alumni Association; district deputy of fraternity, delegate to national conventions at Detroit, 1912, and at Washington, D. C., 1910; delegate to several inter-fraternity conven- tions but could not attend; circula- tion manager of Lawrence, Kansas, "Journal-World." Address, 19 W. Quincy St., Lawrence, Kans. PRICE, J. Marion; Sigma Phi Ep- silon; ed. Baker University, 1892; initiated by Kansas Alpha, 1908; one of committee of instituting officers at installation of California Alpha and Colorado Beta; deputy in charge of city treasury, Denver, Colo.; mem. P. G., I. O. O. F., P. E. R. Elks, P. M., A. F. and A. M.; m. Hattie Muthes Hoover, 1894. Ad- dress, 59 W. Byers Place, Denver, Colo. PRICE, John McClintoch; district grand master of Kappa Sigma; ed. Pennsylvania State College, 1904; initiated by Alpha Delta chapter; mem. Pennsylvania State and West- minster Alumni Associations; deal- er in electrical materials. Address, Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. PRICE, Lawrence T., M. D.; senior councillor of Pi Mu; ed. Medical College of Virginia, 1903; initiated by Gamma chapter, Nov., 1899; vice- archon of the chapter; mem. Med- LEADING GREEKS 197 ical College of Virginia Alumni As- sociation; national treasurer, 1904- 1914; delegate to national conven- tions, 1904-1914; practicing physi- cian, specialist in genito-urinary and venereal diseases, instructor in Medical College of Va.; m. Louise Crutchfield, Oct. 28, 1913. Address, 301 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. PRIDDY, Bessie Leach (Mrs.); na- tional historian of Delta Delta Del- ta; ed. Adrian College, A. B. 1891, University of Michigan, A. M. 1913; initiated by Gamma chapter, Feb. 22, 1890; president and founder of chapter; mem. Delta Delta Delta Alumnae Alliance of Adrian College; national vice-president 1893-1897, historian 1902-1915; author of his- tory of the fraternity from 1885 to 1907; delegate to all national con- ventions from 1892 to 1900 and as officer from 1906 to 1912; delegate to first Woman's Pan-Hellenic Con- gress at Boston, 1891; speaker for Delta Delta Delta at the World's Fair Congress, 1893; teacher of his- tory, Adrian High School, 1910 to 1914; elected assistant professor of history for Michigan State Normal College, Sept., 1915; mem. Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, Woman's Club; m. Frank E. Prid- dy. Address, 124 W. Maumee St., Adrian, Mich. PRIEST, Barbara Elizabeth Cramer; president of the alliance of Delta Delta Delta; ed. St. Lawrence Uni- versity, 1908; initiated by Beta chapter, Oct., 1904; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; vice-president of St. Lawrence Uni- versity Alumni Association; dele- gate to Alpha Province convention of Nov., 1907; m. Professor Ward E. Priest. Address, Pleasant St., Can- ton, N. Y. PRINCE, William Loftln; grand mas- ter of district No. IV, Kappa Sig- ma; ed. Richmond College, 1898; in- itiated by Beta Beta chapter, March 6, 1898; grand master of the chap- ter; mem, Richmond, Va., Alumni Association; delegate to each an- nual district convention; delegate to national conventions at New York, 1910, and Louisville, 1912; principal of Richmond Academy; mem. A. F. and A. M.; m. Grace Woodhouse, Dec. 7, 1904. Address, 2423 Grove Ave., Richmond, Va. PR UGH, Hazel Adell; alliance presi- dent of Delta Delta Delta; ed. Mia- mi University, 1911; initiated by Delta Beta chapter, 1909; president of the chapter; contributed to the "Trident"; founded Delta Beta Alli- ance. Address, R. R. 1, Camden, Ohio. PURDUE, Ida Pace (Mrs. A. H.) ; Chi Omega; ed. University of Arkansas, 1888; initiated by Psi chapter, 1896, as a faculty mem. when chapter was a local; president of the chapter; editor of the "Eleusis," 1899-1904; grand president, 1904-1910; attended five national conventions as a na- tional oflicer; delegate to National Pan-Hellenic, 1905; m. Dr. A. H. Purdue, Dec. 22, 1898. Address, 1805 18th Ave. South, Nashville, Tenn. 198 LEADING GREEKS PURINTON, John Alden; high private of Sigma Chi; Delta Chi; ed. West Virginia University, A. B. 1903, LL. B. 1905; initiated by Mu chapter, April, 1900, affiliated with Mu Mu chapter, 1901, of Sigma Chi; mem. West Virginia University Alumni Association; delegate to Lexington Kentucky, province convention; sec- retary of Fraternal Building Co., holding company for local chapter house; attorney; secretary Morgan- town Business Men's Association, mem. Knights of Pythias, I. O. 0. F., I. O. R. M., Knights of Malta; m. Bertha C. Browning, Aug. 15, 1900. Address, 172 Chancery Row, Mor- gantown, W. Va. PUTNAM, Donald Handle; section chief of Phi Gamma Delta; ed. Ohio Wesleyan University, 1908; initiated by Theta Deuteron, October, 1904; president of chapter; delegate to na- tional and district conventions; at- torney at law; mem. Masonic Or- ders, R. A. M., K. T., Shrine. Ad- dress, 421 W. Bath Ave., Ashland Ky. Q QUIGLEY, Eugene; chancellor of Del- ta Theta Phi; ed. St. Ignatius Col- lege, Cleveland Law School, 1903; initiated by Ranney chapter, one of the founders of Delta Phi Delta which merged with two others into Delta Theta Phi; judge of chapter; contributed articles to fraternity magazine; mem. Cleveland Alumni Association of Delta Theta Phi and Cleveland Law School Alumni Asso- ciation; supreme judge 1906-1908, associate judge 1908-1910, chancellor 1913-1915; delegate to national con- ventions of 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1913; delegate to Chicago convei* tion of 1913 (which united the three fraternities); lawyer; mem. Elks, Knights of Columbus; m. Mary Ben- trice Glidden, Oct. 8, 1913. Ad- dress, 1119 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. QUIMBY, Elbert Whitney; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. University of South Dakota, 1915; initiated by South Dakota Sigma, Jan. 28, 1912; emi- nent archon of the chapter. Ad- dress, Ashton, S. D. R RADER, Jesse Lee; Sigma Nu; ed. Oklahoma State University, A. B 1908, M. A. 1913; initiated by DelU Epsilon chapter, Feb. 20, 1909; re- porter of chapter; librarian, Uni- versity of Oklahoma, 1909 to date; mem. Royal Arch Masons; m. Mary Frances Simpson, July 26, 1911. Ad- dress, 527 W. Eufaula St., Norman, Okla. RAGAN, Carroll; secretary of Alumni Club of New York of Beta Theta Pi, ed. Wabash College, 1901, University of Illinois, 1902; initiated by Tan chapter, Jan., 1898, affiliated with Sigma Rho chapter; composed 3 fraternity songs for chapter; treas- urer Wabash Society of New York; mem. University of Illinois Alumni Club; one of three founders of Beta Theta Pi chapter at University of Illinois; attended national conven- tion at Denver, Colo., 1906; news- paper reporter, then editor, later ad- LEADING GREEKS 199 vertising business; assistant secre- tary American Real Estate Com- pany, New York; mem. Masonic Or- der. Address, 527 Fifth Ave., New York City, residence, 1 Gramercy Park, New York City. RAILSBACK, Martha Louise; grand vice-president of Delta Zeta; ed. De- Pauw University, 1909; initiated by Delta chapter, 1909; president of the chapter; contributed to frater- nity magazine; mem. Indiana Alpha Alumnae Association; national cor- responding secretary, 1910-1914, as- sisted in extension work; Delta Zeta representative at Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1911 and 1912 ; teacher of Latin and German, 1909-1913. Ad- dress, 1628 N. Illinois St., Indianap- olis, Ind. RANDOLPH, Wassell; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Tennes- see, 1900, and Columbia University, 1901; initiated by Tenn. Kappa, Oct., 1898, affiliated with N. Y. Mu; eminent correspondent of the chap- ter; mem. and president of Memphis Alumni Asociation; delegate to Memphis national convention; law- yer; m. Phoebe Janet Russell of Beaver Dam, Wis., April 12, 1910. Address, 638 Randolph Bldg., Mem- phis, Tenn. RAWLINS, Edward William; president of Rho chapter Alumni Association of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Northwestern University, 1899; initiated by Rho Chapter, April 27, 1896; president of the chapter; mem. University Club of Chicago; mem. Deru (Northwest- ern senior society) ; attorney at law; m. Frances Northrop, Jan. 14, 1911. Address, 820 Hamlin St., Evanston, 111. RAYNE, Mary Elizabeth; business manager of the magazine of Alpha Xi Delta; ed. University of Wiscon- sin, 1909; initiated by Theta chap- ter, Jan., 1906; recording secretary of the chapter; mem. Madison Alumnae Association; president of the building association of Theta chapter; delegate to National Pan- Hellenic Congress, Oct., 1913. Ad- dress, 110 N. Butler St., Madison, Wis. REDPATH, Robert Upjohn, president of eastern division of Delta Tail Delta; ed. University of Michigan, 1902; initiated by Delta chapter; president of chapter; president of Delta Tau Delta Club of New York; delegate to national conventions at Milwaukee 1901, New York 1905, Pittsburgh 1909, Chicago 1911, In- dianapolis 1913; mem. Masonic Blue Lodge; m. May Sloneker, Oct. 11, 1905. Address, home, 71 Maplewood Ave., Maplewood, N. J.; office, 147 Waverly Place, New York City. REED, Jeannette; chairman examina- tion board of Delta Delta Delta; ed. Oklahoma University, 1910; initi- ated by Theta Gamma chapter, 1910, charter member; corresponding sec- retary of chapter; mem. Theta Gam- ma Alumnae Association; mem. Publication Board and Examination Board of national organization; high school teacher. Address, Box 116, Tuskahoma, Okla. RE ED A, William; counsellor of Ep- 200 LEADING GREEKS flilon district of Delta Theta Phi; ed. Illinois College of Law, 1906; in- itiated by Warvelle chapter, 1903; president of the chapter; national director and delegate to several na- tional conventions; attorney at law; chairman of political action commit- tee, Illinois Lawyers' Association; mem. Masons; m. Ethel Cardy, Dec. 31, 1910. Address, 139 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. REEDER, Dr. J. Dawson; F. A. C. S.; Kappa Psi; ed. University of Mary- land, 19*01; initiated by Delta chap- ter, 1897; organizer of the chapter; regent of the chapter, 1900-1901; mem. Medical Alumni and General Alumni Association of the Univer- sity of Maryland; secretary and treasurer of the grand chapter, 1901-1903, regent of the alumni chapter 1908-1915; mem. Board of Incorporation; delegate to national conventions of 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903; adj. faculty, University of Maryland; associate in rectal sur- gery; practice limited to rectal dis- eases; mem. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, Fellow American College of Surgeons, Fellow American Med- ical Association; mem. Knights of Pythias; m. Anne Gary Gourley, 1910. Address, 639 N. Fulton Ave., Baltimore, Md. REESE, Samuel Fletcher Demaree; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Union University, 1860; initiated by Eta chapter, 1858; eminent correspon- dent of the chapter; has written and is writing many sketches of old members of the fraternity; helped establish Kentucky Epsilon chap- ter; attended Nashville national convention in 1898; lawyer and ed- itor; president and professor of Latin at Stonewall College, 1874- 1879; mem. Masons and Odd Fel- lows. Address, Box 21, Trenton, Todd County, Kentucky. RYAN, John Harold; chief of Eighth District of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Yale University, 1908; initiated by Phi Chi chapter, March 27, 1906; corre- sponding secretary of chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. and secre- tary of Toledo Alumni Chapter; chief of Eighth District, 1913; sub- stitute at national convention of 1907; assistant manager of the Ar- buckle Regan Company. Address, 2456 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio. REID, Charles H. Jr.; high chancellor of Gamma Eta Gamma; ed. Univer- sity of Maine College of Law, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, Feb. 25, 1901; sheriff of the chapter; con- tributed to annual publication; mem. Alpha Alumni chapter of Gamma Eta Gamma; high treasurer and high counsellor on national or- ganization; delegate to all national conventions; lawyer and United States commissioner; past exalted ruler, B. P. O. E.; chairman house committee, Bangor lodge; m. Mary C. Gayton, Jan. 10, 1910. Address, 7 Hammond St., Bangor, Me REIN, Theodore Edwards; former national president of Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Northwestern University, LEADING GREEKS 201 University of Chicago, 1910; initi- ated by Wigmore Senate, 1907; president of chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni Association of Delta Theta Phi; delegate to national conven- tions 1908, 1909, 1910; national his- torian; director; district chancellor; contributing editor of "Paper Book"; delegate to inter-fraternity confer- ence; lawyer; mem. faculty of Northwestern Law School; mem. City Club of Chicago; mem. Coun- try Club; mem. Bar Association. Address, 137 South La Salle St., Chi- cago, 111. RENO, Claude Trexler; editor of the "Palm" and worthy grand scribe of Alpha Tau Omega; Delta Chi; ed. Muhlenberg College and Dickinson University, 1905; initiated by Pa. Alpha Zeta chapter of A. T. 0., Oct. 2, 1901; mem. Allentown Alumni Association; author of the "Man- ual" of Alpha Tau Omega; delegate to national conventions of 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1914, and to district conventions of the same years; dele- gate to the New York Inter-Frater- nity Conference of 1913; lawyer; mem. Legislature and candidate for Congress; m. May G. Appel, 1905. Address, Commonwealth Bldg., Al- lentown, Pa. RENSHAW, Donald; president of New Orleans Alumni Club of Phi Delta Theta; ed. Tulane University, 1910; initiated by Louisiana Alpha, Oct., 1906; reporter for the chapter; executive committee of Tulanft University Alumni Association; mem. of committee of three that raised $15,000 in three months and had house under construction in that time for the local chapter; dele- gate to district convention of 1910; mechanical and electrical engineer. Address, 741 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, La. RENTNER, Otto C.| master inspector of Delta Theta Phi; ed. DePaul Uni- versity, 1909; initiated by Warvelle Senate, Oct. 25, 1908; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; national secre- tary, 1911-1913; national president, 1913-1914; of Alpha Kappa Phi be- fore consolidation with Delta Theta Phi; delegate to all national conven- tions 1910-1914; published Alpha Kappa Phi directory; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference, 1913; at- torney at law; mem. German Club, Chesterfield Country Club, Chicago Bar Association; m. Lillian Cramp, Oct. 22, 1912. Address, residence, 2617 W. 22d Place, office, 728 Reaper Block, Chicago, 111. REPLOGLE, Louise Grant (Mrs. J. E.) ; secretary-treasurer Chicago Alumnae Association of Kappa Delta; ed. at Northwestern University, 1913; in- itiated by Lambda chapter, 1912; treasurer of chapter; Alumnae cor- respondent for the "Angelos" of Kappa Delta, and manager of "Life Subscription" list; active delegate to local Pan-Hellenic conference; m. Jacob E. Replogle. Address, 211 Catalpa Ave., Chicago, 111. RETZ, Rosalie Mary; national secre- tary of Alpha Xi Delta; ed. Univer- sity of Illinois, 1909; initiated by Kappa chapter, 1905; president of 202 LEADING GREEKS chapter; mem. Phi Delta Psi; at- tended Pan-Hellenic Congress in New York City, Oct., 1914; teacher in Ottawa Township High School. Address, 1625 East St., Ottawa, 111. REYNOLDS, Robert Low; secretary of Atlanta Alumni Chapter of Sigma Nu; ed. Mercer University, LL. B. 1909; initiated by Eta chapter, Sept., 1908; corespondent for Geor- gia to Delta of Sigma Nu; secretary- treasurer of Mercer University Alumni Association of Atlanta; delegate to district conventions of Georgia at Athens, Ga., May, 1909; secretary of executive committee of Atlanta Alumni Chapter, which had charge of the entertainment of the 16th grand council of Sigma Nu, held in Atlanta, 1912; lawyer; mem. Atlanta Bar Association. Address, 619-20 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. RICE, Earl Gannon; mem. of council of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi; ed. Syracuse University, A. B. 1905, LL. B. 1907; initiated by Phi Gamma chapter of Delta Kappa Ep- silon, Oct., 1901, and Comstock chap- ter of Phi Delta Phi; Beta of the chapter; mem. Beta Delta Beta, Tau Theta Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa, Del- ta Sigma Rho (honorary); mem. Central New York and Puget Sound Associations of Delta Kappa Epsi- lon; secretary of Puget Sound Asso- ciation, 1909-1914; president of Province I of Phi Delta Phi and del- egate to national conventions at Co- lumbus, 1907, and Iowa City, 1908; mem. of council, 1908-1909, and chairman of New York Convention, 1909, president 1909-1913, and re- elected 1911-1913, delegate to Chi- cago convention, 1913; mem. of the council of Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1913-1914; lawyer at Syracuse, N. Y., 1907-1908, Seattle, Wash., 1908; instructor in law, University of Washington Law School, 1908-1914; m. Olga Alma Keefe, June 15, 1911. Address, 1601 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash. RICE, Robert Huntington; Theta Delta Chi; ed. Lafayete College, 1901; in- itiated by Phi chapter, 1897; presid- ing officer of the chapter in 1901; purchasing agent for Salem College. Address, Box 145 (Salem Station), Winston-Salem, N. C. RICH, Irving Lyman; inspector of fourteenth division of Sigma Nu; ed. University of Vermont and Har- vard Law School, 1902; initiated by Beta Sigma chapter, 1899; com- mander of chapter; mem. Boston Alumni Chapter; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1902 and 1903; lawyer; alumni secretary of the University of Vermont. Address, 512 Barrister Hall, Boston, Mass. RICHARDS, Alvin Dawson Moore; district grand master of Kappa Sig- ma; ed. at Southwestern Baptist University; initiated by Alpha Theta chapter, Sept. 30, 1905; grand scribe of chapter; mem. Oklahoma City Alumni Association of Kappa Sig- ma; district grand master; attor- ney-at-law. Address, Tahlequah, Okla. LEADING GREEKS 203 RICHARDSON, Dorothy; Alpha Delta Pi; ed. Lawrence College, 1911; in- itiated by Theta chapter, 1907; pres- ident of the chapter; contributed to magazine; mem. Theta Alumnae As- sociation; province president and editor of the "Adelphean" ; travel- ing inspector in the interest of ex- pansion; delegate to three national conventions; assistant delegate to National Pan-Hellenic Congress at Chicago; teacher of expression and English. Address, 308 Naymut St., Menasha, Wis. RICKARD, Richard Darke; mem. of council of Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1878; initiated by Psi Omega chap- ter, 1875; secretary and treasurer and director of the Psi Omega Asso- ciation incorporated to secure fund to build a chapter house; delegate to national convention at Williams- town, Mass., 1877; secretary-treas- urer and director of the New York, Ontario and Western Railway Co. and subsidiary lines. Address, Grand Central Terminal, New York City, residence, Summit, N. J. RICKS, William B.; president of Nash- ville Alumni chapter of Sigma Chi; ed. University of North Carolina, 1889, and Vanderbilt University, 1894; initiated by Alpha Tau chap- ter, May, 1889, affiliated with Alpha Psi chapter; consul of the chapter; grand praetor of 7th province and delegate to one district convention; mem. of constitutional revision com- mittee, 1896; installing officer at in- stallation of three chapters, visited many chapters all over country, con- vention orator at Pittsburgh biennial convention of 1911; delegate to four national conventions; minister, pas- tor of Tulip Street Methodist Epis- copal Church, South; mem. Masons and Odd Fellows; m. Nora Neal, Jan. 1, 1903. Address, 717 Russell St., Nashville, Tenn. RIDDICK, Walter Garreett; Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. Washington and Lee University, 1904; initiated by Pi chapter, October, 1901; held all of- fices in chapter; mem. Arkansas State Alumni Association of Pi Kap- pa Alpha; grand chancellor, 1909- 1913; editor-in-chief of the Pi Kappa Alpha publications, 1910-1912; law- yer; honorary mem. of Delta Phi Delta. Address, Little Rock, Ark. RIDER, Paul Reece; associate editor of the "Journal" of Kappa Alpha; Acacia; ed. William Jewell College, A. B. 1909, A. M. Yale University, 1914; initiated by Alpha Delta chap- ter of Kappa Alpha, 1905; ini- tiated into Chicago University chapter of Acacia, 1812, affili- ated with Yale chapter and became secretary, 1913, and president, 1914- 1915; president of chapter of Kappa Alpha; initiated into Yale chapter of Sigma Xi, 1914; contributed to "Journal" of Kappa Alpha; mem. Kansas City and New Haven Alum- ni Associations; delegate to nation- al convention at Birmingham, Ala., 1909; associate editor of "Kappa Al- pha Journal," 1910 to 1915; fellow and assistant in mathematics, Yale University. Address, Independence, Mo. 204 LEADING GREEKS R1EBEL, Frederick, Jr.; archon of Ph Gamma Delta; ed. Purdue Univer sity, 1904; initiated by Lambda Iota chapter, 1902; treasurer of the chap- ter; president of Alpha Graduate chapter; delegate to national con ventions of 1911, 1912, 1913; elec- trical engineer; mem. Masons and Elks; m. Charlotte B. Hoffman 1906. Address, 4815 Dodge St. Omaha, Nebr. RIETZ, Henry Lewis; Alpha Tau Omega and Gamma Alpha; ed. Ohio State University, A. B. 1889; Ph. D. Cornell University, 1902; graduate work, University of Illinois; initi- ated by Illinois Gamma Zeta chap- ter; mem. Sigma XI and Phi Beta Kappa (honorary); national presi dent of Gamma Alpha, 1914; pro- fessor of mathematical statistics, University of Illinois. Address, 1107 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. RITCHIE, William Lloyd; Alpha Kap- pa Kappa; ed. University of Toron- to 1910; initiated by Alpha Epsilon chapter, April 6, 1905; president of chapter, 1907; deputy of Toronto district, 1909-1910; physician and surgeon to the Granky Consolidated Mining Co.; mem. A. F. and A. M.; m, Gladys M. Kennedy, June 22, 1910. Address, Phoenix, B. C., Can- ada. ROADS, Conger G.; supreme recorder of Phi Alpha Delta; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Delta Sigma Rho; ed. Western Reserve University, 1912; initiated by John Hay chapter of Phi Alpha Delta, Nov. 17, 1909; su- preme marshal, supreme treasurer; mem. Cleveland Alumni chapter of Phi Alpha Delta; delegate to na- tional conventions, 1911, 1912, 1913; attorney-at-law; mem. order of Coif. Address, 911 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio, ROAN, H. Acton; supreme president of Xi Psi Phi; ed. Chicago College of Dental Surgery, 1901; initiated by Lambda chapter, 1901; contrib- uted to "Quarterly" magazine; na- tional offices held: Board of direc- tors 1909-1910, secretary and su- preme vice-president 1910-1912, su- preme president 1912-1914, delegate to national conventions at Toronto, 1910, Baltimore, 1912, and Minneapo- lis, 1914; practicing dental surgery; had charge of first Free Dental Dis- pensary in Minneapolis, established by the dental society and Associated Board of Charities; president Min- neapolis Dental Society, 1910. Ad- dress, 616 Donaldson Bldg., Minne- apolis, Minn. ROBBINS, Edwin Clyde; Delta Sigma Rho; ed. Iowa State University, A. B. 1910, A. M. 1912; initiated by Iowa State chapter, 1909; treasurer of chapter; mem. national executive committee, 1911 to date; professor of economics and sociology, Mt. Hoi- yoke College; compiled "The De- baters' Handbook Series" in sev- eral volumes on "Commission Plan of Municipal Government," "Open versus Closed Shop," "Central Bank of United States," "Reciprocity"; 1911, wrote "High School Debate Book"; m. Helen H. Mossman, Oct., LEADING GREEKS 1913. Address, Mt. Holyoke Col- lege, South Hadley, Mass. ROBERTS, Bonnidell Sisson; president of central province of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. Baker University, Bald- win, Kans., 1909; charter mem., in- itiated by Omicron chapter, 1909; president of the chapter; mem. Nu Alpha, local; spent considerable time traveling for sorority on inspection and extension work; a violinist, in- terested in church, club, playground and social settlement work; m. Newton W. Roberts, 1910. Address, 320 W. 6th St., Ottumwa, la. ROBERTS, Genevieve Kate; Sigma Alpha Iota; ed. College of Music, Cincinnati, O.; initiated by Eta chapter, Jan. 24, 1914; president of chapter; teacher of music. Address, 318 S. 2nd St., Clarksburg, W. Va. ROBERTS, Samuel Henry; mem. su- preme advisory council of Phi Alpha Delta; ed. University of Michigan, A. B. 1905, LL. B. 1907; initiated by Campbell chapter, 1905; justice (chief executive) of chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; su- preme justice and supreme recorder of fraternity; delegate to national convention of 1907 of Phi Alpha Delta and 1912 convention of Coif; compiled and edited Phi Alpha Del- ta Directory of 1910; mem. constitu- tion revision committee of 1908; at- torney for John V. Farwell Co.; mem. Coif (T. K. N.); m. Katherine Sherwood, June 15, 1912; mem. Kap- pa Alpha Theta. Address, office, 102 S. Market St., Chicago, 111., resi- dence, 613 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. ROBERTSON, Virgil Otis; grand his- torian, 1905-1913, of Kappa Alpha; ed. University of Mississippi, 1904; initiated by Alpha Upsilon chapter, 1900; I of the chapter; national G. H., 1905-1913; assisted in editing the general catalogue; delegate to national conventions of 1901, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911; lawyer; mem. Elks, Knights of Pythias and Jr. O. U. A. M. Address, 301-303 Century Bldg., Jackson, Miss. ROBERTSON, William Vans Murray Jr.; grand master Birmingham Alumni chapter of Kappa Sigma; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. University of Alabama, 1908, LL. B. 1910, LL. B. Yale University 1912; initiated by Beta chapter of Kappa Sigma, Jan., 1905, and Waite chapter of Phi Delta Phi, March, 1912; grand master of Kappa Sigma chapter; contributed to "Caduceus" of Kappa Sigma; served on several commit- tees, helped organize Pan-Hellenic at Alabama and Birmingham; dele- gate to district conventions of 1908 and 1906, delegate to national con- vention, Chattanooga, 1906, as alter- nate, and to Denver, 1908, alumni delegate to Louisville, 1912; assist- ant manager Alabama Home Bldg. and Loan Association; attorney. Ad- dress, 2026 First Ave., Birmingham, Ala. ROBINSON, James Latlmer; Alpha Chi Rho; ed. Columbia University, 1904; initiated by Phi Omega chap- ter, Nov., 1902; president of chap- 206 LEADING GREEKS ter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Phi Omega Graduate chapter and New York Alumni Association; na- tional secretary 1908-1912; national president 1912-1914; attended all conventions since 1904 as delegate or officer; editor of "Labarum" (eso- teric publication); delegate to past three Inter-Fraternity Conferences; lawyer. Address, 309 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N; Y. ROBINSON, Zora Ingersoll; Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. University of Min- nesota, 1914; initiated by Tau chap- ter, 1912; registrar of the chapter; mem. senior program committee; building committee, senior advisor, self-government association; alumni delegate to national convention; Pan-Hellenic delegate and door- keeper; teacher at Marietta, Minn. Address, Marietta, Minn. ROBITSHEK, Irving Herman; grand president of Phi Delta Chi; mem. Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. University of Minnesota, 1905; initiated by Theta chapter, February, 1904; of Phi Delta Chi; mem. Theta Alumni Association; delegate to national conventions of last eight years; cleaner, dyer and laundry; mem. Masons, thirty-second degree; m. Ella Taussig, Feb. 14, 1912. Address, 86-90 S. 10th St., Minneapolis, Minn. RODES, Mary McEachin; grand secre- tary of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. State University of Kentucky, 1909; initiated by Beta Chi chapter, Feb. 12, 1910, charter member; mem. State University Alumnae Associa- tion; grand secretary, 1912, 1914, 1916; delegate to National Inter- Fraternity Conference, National Pan-Hellenic Congress. Address, R. R. 8, Forest Park, Lexington, Ky. ROGERS, Allen Livingston; Kappa Al- pha; ed. Wofford College, 1909; in- itiated by Delta chapter, June, 1906; president of the chapter, 1909; con- tributed to "Kappa Alpha Journal"; delegate to Pan-Hellenic Council at Wofford College; fifth son to be in- itiated into Delta chapter, which was founded by his father and pres- ident of the chapter forty years after its founding, the last year of its existence when fraternities were abolished by the faculty; last dele- gate from Delta chapter to a na- tional convention, Birmingham, 1909; head bookkeeper in The Cen- tral National Bank, Spartanburg, S. C. Address, 242 Hampton Ave., Spartanburg, S. C. ROGERS, Frank Fowler; editor of the "Rainbow" of Delta Tau Delta; ed. Stanford Jr. University, 1899; in- itiated by Beta Rho chapter, 1895; composed six songs for Delta Tau Delta; mem. New York Delta Tau Delta Alumni Club; mem. of arch chapter and manager of central of- fice; delegate to national convention of 1897; delegate to all inter-frater- nity conferences; editor and publish- er. Address, 122 E. 36th St., New York City. ROGERS, Gaillard Sherburne; Alpha Chi Rho; ed. Columbia University, 1909; initiated by Phi Omega chap- ter, Nov., 1905; head of the chapter; contributed to "Garnet and White" LEADING GREEKS 207 of Alpha Chi Rho; mem. Phi Omega Graduate Association; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi (honor- ary) ; national instructor, 1911- 1913, chairman of national conven- . tion committee, 1914, instituted Phi Gamma chapter; delegate to nation- al conventions of 1908, 1909, 1912, 1914; geologist on U. S. Geological Survey, 1912-1914; taught in Colum- bia School of Mines, 1909-1911; m. Marie Willoughby, March 25, 1914. Address, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. ROHR, Reinhardt; Alpha Delta Phi; ed. University of Michigan, 1884; initiated by Peninsular chapter, 1880; secretary and treasurer of the William Rohr Sons & Co,; m. Clara Roch, July, 1900. Address, Manito- woc, Wis. ROM AIM, Armand; Kappa Sigma; ed. Tulane University, 1892; initiated by Sigma chapter, 1890; mem. Tu- lane Alumni Association; attended several conventions and acted as or- ator or toastmaster; lawyer, state senator 1896, major U. S. V. 1898- 1899; mem. Louisiana Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, Shrine; m. Jessica Coleman, 1898. Address, 2013 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, La. ROOD, Myrtle Merrill; Kappa Delta; ed. University of Alabama, A. B. 1906, A. M. 1908; initiated by Zeta chapter, March 12, 1905; scribe or secretary of chapter; contributed to "Angelos" of Kappa Delta; ed- itor-in-chief of the "Angelos" of Kappa Delta; m. Prof. James T. Rood, July 29, 1908. Address, 424 Clinton St., Easton, Pa. ROOT, William Webster; founder and secretary-treasurer of Alpha Omega Alpha; ed. Cornell University, B. S. 1890, M. D., Rush Medical College, 1904; founded fraternity Aug. 25, 1902, at College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago; secretary of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; first national president, then secretary-treasurer; did gen- eral promotional work for frater- nity, securing applications, design- ing badge and writing constitution; delegate to all national conventions; physician and surgeon; contributed to "Bulletin" of American Academy of Medicine; mem. Masons, Amer- ican Academy of Medicine, Associa- tion of Military Surgeons; 1st lieu- tenant, Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army, A. M. A.; m. Anna C. Bron- son. Address, Slaterville Springs, N. Y. ROSEMOND, Mary M.; Delta Gamma; ed. Iowa State University, 1893; initiated by Tau chapter, Nov. 9, 1889; contributed to the "Anchora" of Delta Gamma; mem. national council, 1907-1911, vice-president; mem. Des Moines Woman's Pan-Hel- lenic Association; librarian; legisla- tive reference assistant in Iowa State Library, 1900-1915. Address, resi- dence, 1211 Pleasant St., business address, Iowa State Library, Des Moines, la. ROSHOLT, Ruth; Delta Gamma; ed. University of Minnesota, 1904; in- itiated by Lambda chapter, 1903; 208 LEADING GREEKS chapter correspondent; mem. Sigma Rho (senior girls' society); mem. Minnesota Alumnae Association and Lambda Nu Association of Delta Gamma; national secretary; mem. committee to revise constitution and by-laws; head of catalogue depart- ment, Minneapolis Public Library. Address, 1925 Penn Ave., S. Minne- apolis, Minn. ROSS, Evelyn Everitt; Phi Mu; ed. University of New Mexico, 1913; in- itiated by Xi chapter, May 15, 1910; president of the chapter; Zeta Prov- ince president; delegate to several national conventions; m. Edmund Ross, May 18, 1914. Address, 315 N. llth St., Albuquerque, New Mex. ROTH, Florence E. Burton; national historian of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. University of Michigan, 1905; in- itiated by Beta Delta chapter, Oct., 1901; contributed to the "Key" of Kappa Kappa Gamma; grand secre- tary 1908-1910, grand president 1910-1912, historian 1912 to date; delegate to national convention of 1904 at Columbia, Mo.; mem. Na- tional Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1910- 1911; m. Dr. A. H. Roth, Sept. 9, 1908. Address, 264 W. 10th St., Erie, Pa. ROWE, Harlan Page; Acacia; ed. University of Michigan, 1905; in- itiated by Michigan chapter, charter member; president of the chapter; national president, 1905-1906; dele- gate to national convention of 1905; associated with Miner Chipman Or- ganization, Problems of Business Management; mem. Knights Tem- plars. Address, 209 Brattle Bldg., Harvard Square, Cambridge, Mass. ROWLEY, Ridgway Lloyd; president of the San Francisco Alumni Chap- ter of Kappa Alpha; ed. University of California, 1907; initiated by Al- pha Xi chapter, Feb. 6, 1904; for- mer secretary of San Francisco Alumni chapter and reorganized it after 1906; delegate to Pan-Hellenic Meeting, 1914; engineer with Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific; m. B. Perle Strite, Jan. 5, 1909. Ad- dress, 914 Merchants Exchange, San Francisco, Calif. ROYCROFT, Joseph Edward; vice- president of Alpha Delta Phi; Nu Sigma Nu; ed. University of Chi- cago, 1896; initiated by Chicago chapter, 1896, of Alpha Delta Phi; president of chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; national recorder 1912-1914, national vice-president 1914-1916; delegate to national conventions of 1896, 1904, 1913; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Conferences of 1913-1914; professor of hygiene, Princeton University; m. Elizabeth Butler, 1889. Address, 120 Broad- mead St., Princeton, N. J. ROYER, B. Franklin, M. D.; Phi Al- pha Sigma; ed. Jefferson Medical College, 1899; initiated by Delta chapter, April, 1899, charter mem- ber; scribus magnus 1903, primarius 1904, delegate council of Magnum 1901, 1902, 1903; active life member; drafted history of installation of Delta chapter, secured first and sec- ond chapter home of Delta chapter; delegate to national conventions of LEADING GREEKS 209 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904; physician; resident physician, Jefferson Medi- cal College Hospital, 1899 to 1900; chief resident of same, 1902 to 1903; chief resident physician, Municipal Hospital for Contagious Diseases, 1903-1908; associate chief medical inspector, State Department of Health, 1908 to 1910; chief medical inspector, State Department of Health, July, 1910, to date; mem. Fellow College of Physicians, Phil- adelphia, Fellow Royal Institute of Public Health, London, Fellow's Academy of Medicine, Harrisburg, Pa., American Medical Association, American Society of the State of Penn., Philadelphia County Medical Society, Philadelphia Pathological Society, Philadelphia Society of Tropical Medicine, American Pub- lic Health Association, American School Hygiene Association, Asso- ciation for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, National Asso- ciation for the Prevention of Tuber- culosis, American Statistical Asso- ciation, University Club, Philadel- phia, Army and Navy Club, Wash- ington, D. C., Harrisburg Club, Har- risburg, Pa., Harrisburg Country Club, Anglenit Club, Harrisburg, Old Forge Fish Club, Monte Alto, Kittochtinny Historical Society; past master Mathias H. Henderson Lodge of F. and A. M., No. 661; has wriUen many papers and clinical re- ports on the treatment of various contagious diseases and on public health. Address, 331 Donaldson Apartments, Harrisburg, Pa. RUDD, Wortley F.; Phi Gamma Delta; ed. Richmond College, 1898; initi- ated by Rho Chi chapter, 1896; pres- ident of chapter; mem. financial committee of Rho Chi Chapter House Association; chemist; B. A. Richmond College, 1898; Ph. B. University College of Medicine, 1902, M. A. Columbia University, 1911; head department of chemistry, Med- ical College of Virginia, 1913 to, date; 1902, assistant principal of schools, Manchester, Va.; 1904-1906, teacher of Richmond High School; 1907-1913, professor of chemistry, University College of Medicine, Richmond; 1911, president Virginia Chemists' Club; 1913, assistant chemistry, Columbia University, N. Y.; mem. Masons, Virginia Chemist Club, Richmond Business Men's Club; m. Kate C. Vaden, 1905. Ad- dress, 120 CO'wardin Ave., Rich- mond, Va. RUEHE, Harrison A.; national treas- urer of Sigma Pi; ed. University of Illinois, 1911; initiated by Phi chap- ter; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Alpha Zeta (honorary agricultur- al); district archon; national treas- urer; delegate to national conven- tion of 1914; instructor at Univer- sity of California, 1911-1912, instruct- or at University of Illinois, 1912. Ad- dress, 612 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. RUGG, Sarah G, Pomeroy (Mrs. F. A.); editor of the "Arrow" of the Pi Beta Phi sorority; ed. Boston University, 1906, A. B.; A. M., 1909; initiated by Mass. Alpha chapter, Dec. 13, 1902; corresponding secre- 210 LEADING GREEKS tary and delegate to convention chapter; contributed to magazine; mem. Boston Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi ; alumnae editor of the "Ar- row," 1908-1910, editor-in-chief, 1911 to date; delegate to national con- vention at St. Louis, 1904, Swarth- more, 1910, and Evanston, 1914; delegate to editors' conference of the National Pan-Hellenic Congress, Oct., 1913; teacher of English and history in Pittsford, Vt., High School, Jan., 1908, to June, 1909; teacher of English, Springfield Tech- nical High School, 1909, to 1910; holder of Pi Beta Phi Fellowship for 1910-1911; student University College, University of London, Eng- land, Sept., 1910, to June, 1911; trav eled in Europe until Nov., 1911; au thor of following booxs: Christmas in Many Lands (juvenile), Christ mas in Holland ("A Loyal Little Sub ject"), in Japan ("Soburo's Re- ward"), in Spain ("Mariquita's Day of Rejoicing"), in Sweden ("A Fes tival of Light" ) ; "Little-Known Sis ters of Weil-Known Men," a volum of essays published in 1912; "Th Italians," a study of Italian immi gration now in press; has written many magazine and newspaper art cles; correspondent for Boston paper while abroad; gives travel talks to clubs ; mem. Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution. Address, 580 Com- monwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. RUNDALL, Charles O.; Sigma Chi; ed. Northwestern University, 1906; ini- tiated by Omega chapter, Oct. 15, 1904; vice-president of the chapter; mem. Omega and Chicago Alumni Associations; secretary of latter for four years; secretary and incorpo- rater of Omega House Building As- sociation ; investigate application for a charter of local at N. Dakota University, later installed Beta Zeta chapter at University of N. Dakota; delegate to district convention of 1905; lawyer; m. Mary J. Worster, Pi Beta Phi, June 20, 1911. Address, 134 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. RUN OLE, Robert Alfred; Delta Up- silon; ed. Colgate College, 1910; ini- tiated by Colgate chapter, 1907; chapter editor and chapter secre- tary; contributed several articles to Delta Upsilon "Quarterly"; secre- tary and treasurer of the Delta Upsi- lon Club of "W. Pennsylvania and one of two originators of Delta Upsi- lon Club of N. E. Pennsylvania; del- egate to the district convention of Central New York and Ontario, 1909; instructor in mathematics in Carnegie Institute of Technology; m. Garretta A. Freeman, June 25, 1913. Address, 5206 Woodlawn Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. RUNKLE, Benjamin P.; a founder of Sigma Chi; ed. Miami University, 1857; the grand consul of Sigma Chi, 1895-1897, delegate to first and twenty-second grand chapters, orator at latter; brevet major-general Civil War, brevet Colonel U. S. Army; professor of military science and tactics, Peekskill Military Academy, 1903-1904. Address, Germantown, Ohio. RYAN, E. P. Rhea; secretary of the New York Alumni Association of Kappa Sigma; Delta Sigma Delta; LEADING GREEKS 211 ed. University of Nebraska, 1900; initiated by Alpha Psi chapter, 1899 of Kappa Sigma; contributed to "Ca- duceus" of Kappa Sigma; mem. Chi- cago and New York Alumni Associa- tions of Kappa Sigma; mem. and chairman of committee which brought about the annual banquet of all fraternity men in the Philippine Islands, 1913; served five and one- half years as first lieutenant in the Dental corps of the U. S. Army; Sept. 1, 1914, began private prac- tice; mem. Masons, Thirty-Second Degree; m. Maybelle Chapman. Ad- dress, 452 5th Ave., New York City. RYAN, Oswald; former national secre- tary and national vice-president of Tau Kappa Alpha; Phi Delta Theta; ed. Harvard University, 1911; ini- tiated by Harvard chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha, May 13, 1908; found- er; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Harvard Phi Delta Theta Alumni Club; delegate to national conventions of 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913; lawyer and author of books and articles on municipal reform; candidate for mayor of An- derson, Ind.; formerly instructor at Harvard. Address, Anderson, Ind. RYDEN, Otto G.; Alpha Kappa Phi and Delta Theta Phi; ed. Northwest- ern University, 1905; initiated by Wigmore senate, 1903; chancellor of the senate; mem. Chicago Alumni Senate; director in national chapter of Alpha Kappa Phi and delegate to national conventions of 1906 and 1907 and others; lawyer; mem. Ma- sonic and Mystic Shrine; m. Ger- trude E. Gibbs. Address, 614 Hart- ford Bldg., Chicago, 111., residence, 1010 Elmwood Ave., Evanston, 111. SABIN, George Millar; ex-historian of the general council of Phi Delta The- ta; mem. Delta Mu; ed. University of Vermont, 1896; initiated by Ver- mont Alpha of Phi Delta Theta, Oct. 19, 1892; president of the chapter; mem. Burlington Alumni Associa- tion of Phi Delta Theta; alumni commissioner; delegate to province convention at Schenectady, 1896; physician and surgeon; m. Mary W. Hickok, July, 1911. Address, 244 Main St., Burlington, Vt. SAFFORD, Dorothy Noble; grand president of Alpha Omicron H; ed. Newcomb College and Tulane Uni- versity, 1910; initiated by Pi chap- ter, October, 1906; president of the chapter; chapter editor two years; contributed special articles to fra- ternity magazine; mem. New- comb College Alumnae Association; national visiting delegate included in president's office; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1910 and 1912; delegate to National Pan-Hellenic Congress and Chicago Greek Con- vention of 1913. Address, 1306 Web- ster St., New Orleans, La. SAGE, Edith Viola, editor-in-chief of Alpha Gamma Delta "Quarterly"; ed. at University of Minnesota, 1911; initiated by Delta chapter, May 9, 1908; vice-president of chapter; mem. Alpha Gamma Delta Alumni Association; mem. University of Minnesota Alumni Association; dele- 212 LEADING GREEKS gate to national convention at Madi- son, Wisconsin, 1913; president of Minnesota Association, 1913; mem. Sigma Nu honorary society; mem. Acanthus Literary Society; mem. Euterpean Glee Club; installing delegate of Alpha Gamma Delta chapter at University of Washing- ton; delegate to the students volun- teer convention in Rochester, N. Y., 1910; mem. class of 1911 of the As- sociation Training School in New York City; Y. W. C. A. secretary; Bible secretary of Minneapolis Y. W. C. A.; mem. Daughters of the Revo- lution; mem. Minneapolis Woman's College Club. Address, 4216 Lin- den Hills Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn. SALE, John Graham; grand historiog- rapher since 1905 of Pi Kappa Al- pha; ed. Washington and Lee Uni- versity, 1902; initiated by Pi chap- ter, 1901; chief executive of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; chairman of committee to rewrite the constitution which was adopted at the Chattanooga Convention in 1905, compiling a com- plete directory and manual; mem. of the supreme council for 10 years; delegate to the New York Inter-Fra- ternity Conference, 1912; lawyer, mem. firm of Stokes and Sale; mem. Blue Lodge, Chapter and Knights Templars; m. Nellie Moore Quinn, Dec. 1, 1908. Address, Welch, W. Va. SAMSON, Thomas Smallwood; Sigma Chi; ed. George Washington Univer- sity, 1865; initiated by Epsilon chapter, 1862; mem. Epsilon and New York Alumni Associations; clergyman; mem. Free and Accepted Masons and Independent Order of Odd Fellows; m. Marian Dodge Brown. Address, 627 E. Chelston Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. SANDS, Mark; worthy grand master of Kappa Sigma, 1902-1906; ed. at University of Michigan, 1893; initi- ated by Alpha Zeta chapter, 1892; contributor to "Caduceus" of Kap- pa Sigma; first secretary of Alumni, 1906-1908; delegate to six national conventions; delegate to Chi Alumni convention; district grand master, 1900-1902; a founder of Chicago Alumni Association in 1895, holding all the offices at different times; law- yer; Thirty-second Degree Mason, Shriner, K. of P. Address, 20 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. SANER, Robert Edward Lee; worthy high chancellor of Alpha Tau Ome- ga; ed. Vanderbilt University and University of Texas, 1896; initiated by Tenn. Beta Pi chapter, 1892; W. M. of chapter; president of Texas Alumni Association; worthy grand keeper of the annals; delegate to many national conventions; attor- ney at law; mem. Knights Templars and Thirty-Second Degree Mason; m. Ilcaine Marvin Smith, March 31, 1903. Address, 320-3 Commonwealth National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. SANFORD, Elmer B.; editor of the "Record" of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Michigan and Kan- sas University, 1903; initiated by Michigan Iota-Beta April 7, 1900; founder of Kansas Alpha; eminent archon of the chapter; president of LEADING GREEKS 213 Zeta province, 1903-1909; delegate to province conventions of 1905 and 1907; mem. staff of first convention daily, editor of 1909 convention daily; associate editor of the "Rec- ord," 1903 to 1910, elected editor-in- chief 1910 to date; delegate to na- tional conventions of Washington, 1902, Memphis, 1904, Atlanta, 1906, Atlantic City, 1909, Kansas City, 1910, Nashville, 1912, Chicago, 1914; attorney at law; m. Allee Barbee, Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 9, 1910. Ad- dress, 606 California Bldg., Los An- geles, Calif. SAPPER, Herbert V. L.; Sigma Chi and Phi Beta Pi; ed. University of Oklahoma, 1914; initiated by Beta Kappa chapter of Sigma Chi, 1912, and Alpha Lambda chapter of Phi Beta Pi; head of both chapters 1912, 1913, 1914; mem. Oklahoma 41umni Associations of Phi Beta Pi and Sig- ma Chi; mem. national auditing committee of Phi Beta Pi; delegate to Minneapolis national convention of Phi Beta Pi, 1913, and alternate to Sigma Chi national convention at Oxford, Ohio, 1913; mem. of local Pan-Hellenic Council; instructor in bacteriology at the University of Ok- lahoma and assistant state bacteri- ologist. Address, State Laboratory, Norman, Okla. SAXTON, Irvin Sutherland; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon, Delta Theta Phi, Phi Kappa Phi, Xi Tau Kappa; ed. Uni- versity of Tennessee 1907-1912, Yale University 1912-1913; initiated by Tenn. Kappa of S. A. E., Oct. 14, 1907, Freeman senate of Delta Theta Phi, Tenn. chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, Xi Tau Kappa, a Yale local; eminent archon of Sigma Alpha Ep- silon chapter; secretary of Tenn. Kappa Corporation to build chapter house; secretary of Yale Sigma Al- pha Epsilon Club; attorney at law; B. A. 1910 and LL. B. 1912 from Uni- versity of Tennessee, LL. B. Yale University 1913. Address, office, Me- chanic Bank and Trust Bldg., Knox- ville, Tenn., residence, Dandridge Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. SAVERS, Warner P.; president of the Cincinnati Alumni Association Kap- pa Sigma; ed. University of Ken- tucky, 1909; initiated by Beta Nu chapter, Sept. 30, 1905; delegate to national convention at Denver, 1908; salesman for the F. D. Lawrence Electric Co.; mem. Masonic Lodge. Address, 219 W, 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio 1 . SCARBOROUGH, Jewel Davis (Mrs. Dallas) ; national president of Alpha Delta Pi; ed. Wesleyan College, A. B. 1904, Texas University, A. B. 1907; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1903, affiliated with Delta chapter; president of the chapter; contrib- uted to fraternity magazine and composed fraternity songs; mem. Wesleyan and University of Texas Alumni Associations; national sec- retary, treasurer, vice-president and president; helped organize Alpha Delta Pi as a national sorority; dele- gate to national conventions at New Orleans, 1907, and Chicago. 1913; delegate to National Pan-Hellenic Congress of 1913 and 1914; regent of 214 LEADING GREEKS the John Davis chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion; m. Dallas Scarborough, 1908. Address, Box 446, Abilene, Tex. SCARDINO, Peter H.; deputy grand master of Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. medical college, Tulane University, 1907; initiated by Alpha Beta chap- ter, 1904; vice-president of the chap- ter; organized and is president of a local alumni association; mem. Tu- lane Alumni Association; phvsician and surgeon, assistant health officer city of Houston; mem. fourth degree Knights of Columbus; m. Maud Mul- ler, Oct. 26, 1911. Address, 912 Chronicle Bldg., Houston, Tex. SCHAEFER, Joseph E.; supreme first vice-president of Xi Psi Phi; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. Chicago College of Dental Surgery, 1908; initiated by Lambda chapter, 1905, of Xi Psi Phi; contributed to magazine; presi- dent of Chicago Alumni Association; delegate to national conventions of 1907, 1912, 1914; professor of dental jurisprudence and associate profes- sor of prosthetic dentistry, Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Address, 5720 Midway Park, Chicago, 111. SCHANTZ, Henry Franklin; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Muhlenberg Col- lege, 1888; initiated by Alpha Iota chapter, 1888; president of Reading, Pa., Alumni Association; physician and surgeon, surgeon to Homeopath- ic Hospital, ex-president Homeopath- ic Medical Society of Pennsylvania; mem. Masonic, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery and Mystic Shrine. Address, 402 N. 5th St., Reading, Pa. SCHEE, Florence; mem. extension committee of Pi Beta Phi; ed. North- western University, 1912; initiated by 111. Epsilon, Dec. 6, 1904; presi- dent of the chapter; contributed to "Arrow" of Pi Beta Phi; mem. In- dianola, la., Alumnae Association; delegate to twenty-second biennial convention; secretary to President of Simpson College. Address, 406 N. Buxton St., Indianola, la. SCHERFEE, Eleanor A. F. (Mrs. Samuel H. ) ; president of Los An- geles Alliance of Delta Delta Delta, 1913-1914; ed. Stanford Jr. Univer- sity, 1909; initiated by Omega chap- ter, Jan. 14, 1909; mem. Sigma Xi; mem. Los Angeles Branch of Asso- ciation of Collegiate Alumnae; mem. of board of extension of Delta Delta Delta; delegate to national conven- tion of 1912 at Columbus, Ohio; teacher of science in Los Angeles High School for three years; m. Samuel H. Scherfee, July, 1914. Ad- dress, 1023 W. Sixth St., Los An- geles, Calif. SCHLICT, Elsa I.; province vice- president of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Uni- versity of Wooster, 1912; initiated by Ohio Gamma, Sept. 20, 1910; chairman of rushing committee of chapter; contributed to the "Arrow" of Pi Beta Phi; president Wooster Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi; vice- president of Beta province, delegate to national convention at Swarth- more, 1910; delegate to inspect pe- titioning chapter; teacher of Latin and German in Bellevue High School for two years; M. A. Univer- LEADING GREEKS 215 sity of Wisconsin, 1914-1915, during leave of absence. Address, 219 W. Sandusky St., Bellevue, Ohio. SCHNADER, William A.; vice-presi- dent and legal adviser of the na- tional council of Chi Phi; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. Franklin and Mar- shall College, 1908; initiated by Zeta chapter of Chi Phi, 1904; president of the chapter; edited chapter pub- lication, 1906; mem. Chi Phi Circle of Philadelphia; delegate to national convention of 1908; lawyer and law teacher in University of Pennsylva- nia Law School. Address, 3400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. SCHRADER, Erich Julius; grand regent of Theta Tau; ed. University of Minnesota, 1905, E. M.; charter member and founder of Theta Tau; mem. Alpha chapter; regent of chap- ter, 1904-1905; contributed to frater- nity magazine; mem. S.-W. and Twin City Alumni Associations and presi- dent of former 1908-1910; grand re- gent since founding of fraternity; wrote original and present constitu- tion and ritual; delegate to all na- tional conventions; mining engineer, general manager Pittsburgh Dolores Mining Co.; mem. University Club of Minneapolis, Lambs' Club of Hel- ena, Mont., American Institute of Mining Engineers; contributed to many technical publications; mem. Masonic Lodge. Address, Rockland, via Yerington, Nevada. SCHRADER, Herman F.; associate editor of the "Centaur" of Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. at University of Minnesota and Jefferson Medical College, 1910; initiated by Epsilon chapter, Feb. 15, 1907; correspond- ing secretary of chapter; mem. Uni- versity of Minnesota Alumni Club and Jefferson Medical College Alum- ni Club; delegate to national con- vention at New Orleans, 1909; phy- sician and surgeon, University of Minnesota, 1903; assistant depart- ment of Botany, 1901-1903; Interne St. Vincent's Hospital, at Birming- ham, Ala., 1910-1911; mem. Sigma Xi; honorary mem., Botanical Re- search Club of University of Min- nesota; vice-grand, Wilsall Lodge No. 103, I. O. O. F.; mem. B. P. O. E. Address, Wilsall, Mont. SCOTT, Walter; mem. committee on extension of Sigma Nu; ed. Mt. Union College and Ohio Wesleyan University; initiated by Beta Iota chapter, 1900; president of Boston Alumni Chapter and treasurer of Chicago Alumni Chapter, 1903-1905; delegate to fourteenth divisional con- vention of 1914 and to national con- ventions at Indianapolis, 1911-1912; lawyer; A. B. Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity, A. M. and LL. B. Northwest- ern University; mem. Masons and Acacia. Address, Barrister's Hall, Boston, Mass. SEARLE, Lucy Osborn; treasurer of Delta Delta Delta; ed. Wesleyan University, 1896; initiated by Sig- ma chapter, charter member; chap- lain of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; grand treasurer, 1902-1903; delegate to national convention at Galesburg, 111., June, 1903; teacher and lady principal at Fort Edward 216 LEADING GREEKS Collegiate Institution; now teacher at American International College. Address, American International College, Springfield, Mass. SEARS, Walter James, grand re- corder and editor of Sigma Nu; ed. Ohio State University, 1894; initi- ated by Nu chapter, September, 1889, affiliated with Beta Nu chap- ter; commander of chapter; mem. Columbus, Ohio, Alumni Association of Sigma Nu; delegate to district convention; delegate to national con- vention; national grand historian, 1903-1913; author "Creed of Sigma Nu" and "Letters to My College Fra- ternity"; founder of Beta Nu chap- ter; delegate to interfraternity con- ference of 1913; mem. committee on Fraternity Legislation; publisher and manufacturer; trustee of Ohio State University since 1907; m. Jes- sie Carpenter, 1904. Address, 116 W. Spring St., Columbus, Ohio. SELLMEYER, Bernard L.; grand his- torian and editor of the "Centaur" of Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Jefferson Medical College, 1912; initiated by Epsilon chapter, Oct. 23, 1908; cor- responding secretary and historian of the chapter, 1910-1912; mem. Jef- ferson Medical College Alumni Asso- ciation; physician; clinical assistant in diseases of the ear of the Phila- delphia Polyclinic and College for graduates of medicine, 1913-1914; clinical assistant in laryngology, Jef- ferson Hospital for Diseases of the Chest; clinical assistant in laryngol- ogy, Jefferson Medical College Hospi- tal, assistant in ear, nose and throat department, Pennsylvania Hospital; mem. Camden County and New Jer- sey State Medical Societies. Ad- dress, Gloucester, N. J. SELVAGE, Watson Bartemus; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. St. Stephens Col- lege, 1898, Cornell, Pennsylvania, Harvard, Columbia, Windsor and Manchester Universities; initiated by N. Y. Sigma Phi, Feb. 21, 1895, af- filiated with N. Y. Alpha and Penn. Theta; eminent archon of chapter; mem. Phi Epsilon; president of prov- ince twice and delegate to province convention from N. Y. Alpha, 1902; wrote fraternity song and author of burial ritual; delegate to national convention at St. Louis, 1896, Nash- ville, 1898, Boston, 1900, Washing- ton, 1902, visitor at Nashville, 1912; educator. Address, 7 Wiley Ave., Chautauqua, N. Y. SEWELL, Wayne Pendleton; vice- regent of Sigma Nu; ed. Mercer Uni- versity, 1903; initiated by Eta chap- ter, September, 1898; eminent commander of the chapter; contributed many articles to the "Delta" of Sigma Nu; mem. Atlanta Alumni Association ; inspec- tor of the district and delegate to five district conventions; established chapter at Stetson University, dele- gate to national conventions at Chi- cago, Indianapolis, and Atlanta; del- egate to Pan-Hellenic Council at Uni- versity of Alabama; engaged in Ly- ceum, and Chautauqua work. Ad- dress, 1108 Healy Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. SHAPIRO, Victor Mansfield; mem. of administrative council of Delta Sig- LEADING GREEKS 217 ma Phi; ed. New York University, 1913; initiated by Gamma chapter, March, 1909; president of the chap- ter; contributed to fraternity maga- zine; delegate to district conventions of 1910 and 1911; delegate to na- tional convention of 1912; cartoonist and publicity man for "Hearst's Magazine." Address, 149 East 82nd St., New York City. SHAW, Leon Irwin; grand recorder- treasurer of Alpha Chi Sigma; ed. at Alfred University, Syracuse Uni- versity, and Wisconsin University, 1911; initiated by Alpha chapter, Dec. 2, 1909; mem. Chicago Alumni chapter; delegate to national con- ventions, 1912 and 1914; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference, May SC- SI, 1913; mem. Quarterly Board; in- structor in chemistry, Northwestern University. Address, University Club, Evanston, 111. SCHEIBLEY, F. M.; national secretary of Delta Upsilon; ed. Lafayette Col- lege, 1898; initiated by Lafayette chapter, 1899; president of the chap- ter; mem. Lafayette Alumni Asso- ciation; editor of the "Quarterly" of Delta Upsilon; delegate to national conventions of 1897 at Amherst, Mass., and 1898 at Philadelphia; manager and treasurer Strath Haven Inn Co.; m. Anna Thomas. Address, Strath Haven Inn, Swarthmore, Pa. SHELDON, Carl Edmunds; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. University of Illi- nois, 1902; initiated by Illinois Beta, Jan. 28, 1899; eminent archon of the chapter for four terms; president of Delta province, 1902-1906; delegate to district conventions at Columbus, O., 1900, Champaign, 111., 1902, Min- neapolis, Minn., 1904, Lafayette, Ind., 1906; national chapter house officer, 1904-1906, eminent supreme deputy archon, 1906-1910, editor of the "Phi Alpha" (secret organ), 1906-1910, delegate to national con- ventions at Boston, 1900, Washing- ton, D. C., 1902, Memphis, 1904, At- lanta, 1906, Atlantic City, 1909, Kan- sas City, 1910; appointed as pros- ecutor to represent the fraternity for Zeta province in Simpson Col- lege case; employed to incorporate national fraternity under the laws of Illinois; attended supreme coun- cil meetings at Boston, 1907, and Champaign, 111., 1910; city attorney for Sterling, 111., 1902-1914; mem. Board of Education, 1908-1914, judge of city court, 1914 to date; mem. A. F. and A. M., Royal Arch Masons, Knights Templars, Order of Eastern Star, B. P. O. E., Red Men, Royal Arcanum. Address, 608 Avenue C, Sterling, 111. SHEPARDSON, Francis Wayland; general secretary of Beta Theta Pi; mem. Acacia; ed. Dennison College, 1882; initiated by Alpha Eta chap- ter, March 19, 1880, of Beta Theta Pi; Chicago chapter of Acacia; cor- responding secretary of Alpha Eta chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; con- tributed many articles, reports to fraternity magazine and one song; mem. Chicago Alpha Alumni Asso- ciation of Beta Theta Pi; district chief; delegate to district conven- tion of .1881; national offices held: trustee, general secretary, associate 218 LEADING GREEKS editor of the "Beta Theta Pi" for 10 years, mem. song book committee for last three editions, editor of last edi- tion Beta Theta Pi constitution and by-laws, started and edited for four years "Alpha Eta's Shrine," a print- ed magazine designed to encourage chapter loyalty, joint editor of the Ritual of Beta Theta Pi; invited to attend and address the national con- ventions of Sigma Chi and Phi Del- ta Theta in 1913; grand president of the Acacia fraternity three terms, 1910-1914, joint author of Acacia Ritual; secretary to Chicago chapter of Phi Beta Kappa since 1900, dele- gate to council 1900 and 1913, sen- ator of the united chapters 1913- 1919; delegate to all sessions of the Inter-Fraternity Conference, secre- tary four years, chairman 1914; pro- fessor at the University of Chicago; mem. A. F. and A. M., R. A. M., K. T.; m. Cora Whitcomb, Sept. 3, 1884. Address, 5558 Kimbark Ave., Chi- cago, 111. SHEPPARD, Walter Lee; attorney- general of Phi Kappa Psi, 1906; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1901, 1904; initiated by Pennsylvania, Iota chapter, 1898; president of chapter; mem. Philadelphia Alumni Association; delegate to district convention from 1901 to 1913; dele- gate to national conventions of 1906, 1908, 1912, 1913; mem. national committee; delegate to interfra- ternity conference, 1912; lawyer; mem. firm of Porter, Foulkrod and McCullogh; m. Martha Houston Evans. Address, 6706 Cresshum Road, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. SHOCKLEY, Hugh Thomas; Kappa Sigma; ed. Wofford College, 1900; A. B. and A. M.; initiated by Alpha Nu chapter, 1898; grand master of the chapter; district grand master ten years; delegate to national con- ventions of 1904, 1906, 1908 as offi- cer; taught Wofford College, 1900- 1904, city schools of Spartanburg, 1904-1907, head master and owner of Hostoe School for Boys, 1907; past chancellor of Knights of Pyth- ias, imperial representative D. O. K. K., past commander of Spartanburg Commandery of Knights Templars. Address, 245 N. Church St., Spartan- burg, S. C. SHUGART, Nettie May Wills; presi- dent of Delta Alumni of Delta Zeta; ed. Doane College, B. S., and Univer- sity of Nebraska, A, M., 1911; ini- tiated by Zeta chapter, Feb. 12, 1910; chaplain of the chapter; mem. Doane College and Falls City, Nebr., Alum- nae Associations; national corre- sponding secretary, 1914-1916; dele- gate to national convention from alumnae association in 1914; assist- ed at installation of Iota chapter at Iowa University; delegate to local Pan-Hellenic at University of Ne- braska; ceramic artist and teacher of china painting and water color; chairman of art committee of Nebr. Federation of Woman's Clubs for 2 years; mem. Lincoln Woman's Club, Royal Highlander, Daughter of Re- bekah; m. Charles E. Shugart, Oct. 11, 1906. Address, 312 N. 14th St., Lincoln, Nebr. LEADING GREEKS 219 SIDBURY, J. Buren; Chi Zeta Chi; ed. A. B. Trinity College, N. C., A. M., M. D., Columbia University, 1912; initiated by Beta chapter, 1908; em- inent grand of the chapter; assisted in the organization of New York Alumni chapter and president, 1912- 1913; assisted in establishing Beta and Epsilon chapters; graduate of Roosevelt Hospital, 1914, and New York ^Foundling Hospital, April, 1915. Address, 175 E. 68th St., New York City. SIEGEL, Alvin Erdreich, editor-in- chief of "Journal of Omega Upsilon Phi"; ed. at Jefferson Medical Col- lege, 1910; initiated by Rho chapter, Omega Upsilon Phi, January, 1908; first junior master of chapter; mem. of Philadelphia Alumni Association of Omega Upsilon Phi; delegate to national conventions of 1908, 1909, 1913, 1914; national grand master of ceremonies; exchange editor of "Omega Upsilon Phi Journal" for 1909, 1910, 1911; physician. Ad- dress, 1618 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. SIGMAN, John Monroe; Chi Zeta Chi; ed. Medical Department, University of Georgia, 1904; initiated by Milton Anthony chapter, Dec., 1903; mem. University of Georgia Alumni Asso- ciation; one of ten founders; physi- cian limiting work to dermatology; mem. Macon Hospital Staff, visiting dermatologist; mem. American Med- ical Association, Southern and Geor- gia Medical Associations; mem. Sparta Lodge, No. 442, A. F. and A. M.; mem. Macon Medical Society; m. Leila K. Richbourg, 1910. Address, Georgia Casualty Bldg., Macon, Ga. SILVERSON, Katharine Taney; visit- ing delegate and mem. of executive board of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Uni- versity of Minnesota, 1906; initiated by Kappa chapter, 1902; mem. Min- neapolis Alumnae Association; vis- iting delegate, 1913-1914; mem. Gamma Phi Beta House Association Board, delegate to national conven- tion at Minnesota, 1906, and Wiscon- sin, 1914; mem. Pan-Hellenic Coun- cil for four years at Minnesota; m. Charles Silverson, Jan. 27, 1908. Ad- dress, 224 Broadway, New Ulm, Minn. SIMMONS, Haydn Mozart; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Phi Delta Chi; ed. University of California, medical de- partment; initiated by Sigma chap- ter of Alpha Kappa Kappa, Dec., 1898, and Zeta chapter of Phi Delta Chi, charter member; treasurer of Sigma chapter; mem. Zeta Chapter Alumni Association ; deputy to grand president of Alpha Kappa Kappa; delegate to national conveniion at Chicago, 1902, delegate to national convention of Phi Delta Chi at Co- lumbus, O., Feb., 1914; practicing physician and associate professor of pharmacy and materia medica, Uni- versity of California; mem. Scottish Rite Masons; m. Nell Church Beale, July 19, 1907. Address, 757 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. SIMONDS, Donald Dwight: Theta Chi; ed. Worcester Polytechnic In- stitute, 1908; initiated by Epsilon chapter, Oct. 4, 1906; initiated into 220 LEADING GREEKS Pi Omega Pi, a local at that time; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Worcester Alumni Association; mem. Grand chapter, delegate to national convention at Boston, Mass., 1914; formerly foreman of machine shop of Reed & Prince Manufacturing Co., Worcester, Mass.; superintendent of Bird & Son paper box factories of East Walpole, Mass.; superintendent of Corrugated Shipping Case factory of J. M. Raff el Co., Baltimore, Md.; traveling salesman in Connecticut for Globe Register Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; mem. all Masonic bodies of York Rite of A. P. and A. M. and A. A. O. of Mystic Shrine. Address, 12 Beeching St., Worcester, Mass. SIMPSON, Thomas McNider Jr.; Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Randolph- Macon College and University of Virginia, 1907; initiated by Virginia Omicron, Oct., 1902; eminent deputy archon of the chapter; contributed to S. A. E. "Record" and "Phi Alpha" and wrote two songs; secretary- treasurer of Province Gamma, 1906- 1910, president, 1910-1912; delegate to Province Gamma conventions of 1908, 1910, 1912; delegate to Kansas City national convention of 1910; associate editor of the "Record" since 1906 and exchange editor since 1909; professor of mathematics, Con- verse College, and mem. Astronom- ical Society of America; past chan- cellor of Spartan Lodge, No. 155, of S. Carolina of Knights of Pythias. Address, Spartanburg, S. C. SINTON, Arthur Clayton, Jr., M. D.; Kappa Sigma; Pi Mu; ed. Richmond College, 1910; initiated by Beta Beta chapter, Feb., 1907, of Kappa Sigma; grand master of chapter; mem. Rich- mond Alumni Association; secretary of third district, 1912-1914; delegate to national convention at New York, 1910; physician. Address. 1016 Franklin St., Richmond, Va. SISSON, Francis Hinckley; national president of Beta Theta Pi; 'ed. Knox College, 1892, and Harvard University, 1893; initiated by Xi chapter, 1888, affiliated with Eta chapter; corresponding secretary of the chapter; wrote one song; mem. N. Y. Beta Theta Pi Club; general treas- urer, general secretary, trustoe and president; delegate from the chapter to national convention of 1891; ad- vertiser, vice-president H. E. Lesan Advertising Agency, 440 4th Ave., New York City; m. Grace Loss, June 16, 1897. Address, 70 Undercliff St., New York City. SLIFER, H. Seger; editor of the catalogue and magazine of Chi Psi; ed. Wesleyan University and Univer- sity of Michigan, 1911; initiated by Alpha Alpha chapter. Address, Room 307, 50 Pine St., New York City. SLOCUMB, Mary Willis; grand presi- dent of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. at University of Wisconsin, 1907; initiated by Beta chapter, 1905; president of chapter; president Beta province, 1909-1911; national secretary, 1907-1909; president, 1911-1915; delegate to national con- ventions in 1907, 1909, 1913; dele- gate to national Pan-Hellenic Con- LEADING GREEKS 221 gress of 1910-1912; m. Dr. H. H. Slocumb. Address, Elgin, Minn. SMALL, Rainie Adamson (Mrs. W. F.); former grand president of Pi Beta Phi; ed. University of Colorado, 1880, A. B. Lombard College, 1886, A. M. 1889; initiated by 111. Beta, Jan. 26, 1883; president of the chap- ter; mem. Seattle, Washington, Alumnae Association; national grand president three terms, re- signed 1890; elected national histo- rian but did not serve; given first jeweled pin for services in changing name of sorority to Pi Beta Phi and changing the pins from plain to jew- eled; helped establish Washington Alpha chapter; delegate to national convention at Lawrence, Kan., 1885; Pi Beta Phi representative at World's Fair at Chicago, 1893; coun- ty school superintendent, good roads and farm development worker, treas- urer of N. W. Washington Horticul- ture Society, superintendent Juve- nile Growers Pacific National Dahlia Society; m. Wallace F. Small, June 16, 1886. Address, Everett, Wash. SMILEY, William Compton; worthy grand keeper of annals of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. University of Minne- sota, 1908; initiated by Minnesota Gamma Nu chapter, 1906; mem. Los Angeles and Minnesota Alumni As- sociations; chief of third province, 1910, and delegate to province con- vention at Minneapolis, 1911; wor- thy grand keeper of the annals.. 1912, compiler of the "Chapter Hand- book," a manual of business proced- ure, and frequent contributor to the fraternity magazine; assisted at in- stallation of Wisconsin Gamma Tau and Iowa Gamma Upsilon, installing officer at Wyoming Gamma Phi; treasurer of chapter house fund for 5 years of Minnesota Gamma Nu; delegate to national convention at Louisville, 1912; lawyer; mem. Ma- sons. Address, 1010 N. Y. Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. SMITH, Alexander Jefferson; former editor of "Record" of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Emory College, Ox- ford, Ga., 1884; initiated by Georgia Epsilon chapter, 1881; eminent archon of chapter; mem. Atlanta Alumni Association; delegate to many national conventions; dele- gate to province conventions; edi- tor and publisher of "Record" and catalogue of S. A. E.; stocks and bonds; m. Effie Lee Thompson, 1886. Address, 145 West Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. SMITH, Charles Hubbell; Phi Delta Chi; ed. Northwestern University, 1915; initiated by Beta chapter; sec- retary of chapter and mem. of social committee; mem. "Syllabus" board, the annual year book publication. Address, 729 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. SMITH, Edward Chambers; Kappa Al- pha, Southern; ed. Davidson College, 1881, University of North Carolina and University of Virginia; initiated by Sigma chapter, 1880, affiliated with Upsilon chapter; held highest position in chapter; mem. Raleigh, N. C., Alumni Association; national G. H. 1883-1885, K. C. 1901-1911; del- 222 LEADING GREEKS egate to national conventions of 1881, 1898, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911; chairman State Demo- cratic Executive Committee 1890, candidate for senate and congress of state; mem. Elks; m. Annie Badger Faison, Jan. 12, 1892. Address, 434 Halifax St., Raleigh, N. C. SMITH, Elda Louisa; chairman of com- mittee on extension of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Northwestern University, 1901; initiated by 111. Epsilon chapter, 1898; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; contributed several articles to magazine; province presi- dent 1904-1906, grand secretary 1906- 1910, visiting delegate, inspecting officer; delegate to national conven- tions of 1906, 1907, 1908, 1910, 1912; delegate to National Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1907, 1909; president of Springfield branch of American Col- legiate Association. Address, 710 S. 6th St., Springfield, 111. SMITH, Foss Ellsha; Sigma Chi; ed. De Pauw University, 1913; initiated by Xi chapter, 1909; pro-consul of the chapter; edited chapter bulletin, 1911-1912 and 1912-1913; mem. In- dianapolis Alumni Association of Sigma Chi; organized and promoted Sigma Delta Chi; delegate to na- tional conventions of Sigma Chi of 1911 and 1912; now with Grain Deal- ers' National Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; mem. A. F. and A. M., Knights of Pythias. Address, 48 Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. SMITH, Frances Yancey; Zeta Tau Alpha; ed. Normal School, Farm ville, Va., 1902; initiated by Alpha chapter, founder, contributed to the "Themis" of Zeta Tau Alpha; worked in revising and getting char- ter and forming constitution; at- tended national conventions at Knoxville, Tenn., and Fortress Mun- roe, Va.; traveling student secretary of the southern field of the Y. W. C. A. Business address, 1411 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.; home, Charlotte Court House, Va. SMITH, Guy Watson; grand historian of Sigma Phi Epsilon; mem. Gamma Alpha and Sigma Xi; ed. University of Colorado, 1908; initiated by Colo- rado Alpha, Oct. 11, 1905, of Sigma Phi Epsilon; vice-president of the chapter; mem. Denver and Chicago Alumni Associations of Sigma Phi Epsilon; delegate to national con- vention of March, 1908; assistant in mathematics, University of Illinois. Address, 905 S. 2nd St., Champaign, 111. SMITH, Dr. Herbert A; Omega Upsi- lon Phi; ed. University of Buffalo, 1907; initiated by Alpha chapter, Nov., 1903; senior master of the chapter; mem. Delphic Society, lo- cal; mem. Referat Abend, Univer- sity of Buffalo Alumni Association; senior grand master and delegate to national conventions of 1904 and 1906; physician and surgeon, assist- ant attending surgeon, Buffalo Gen- eral Hospital. Address, 146 Allen St., Buffalo, N. Y. SMITH, J. Boyce Jr.; Theta Delta Chi; ed. Columbia University, 1901; ini- tiated by Rho Deuteron chapter, 1898; president of the chapter; mem. LEADING GREEKS 223 Phi Beta Kappa; national treasurer, 1911, secretary, 1901, of grand lodge, editor of the "Shield" of Theta Delta Chi, 1904-1906; delegate to national conventions at Boston, 1899, Wash- ington, 1900, and Buffalo, 1901; mem. law firm of Smith, Schenck and Mc- Davitt; m. Harriet Mather Illsley, Sept. 14, 1911. Address, 111 Broad- way, New York City. SMITH, Jennie Titus; former grand president, the first, of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. Syracuse University, 1905; initiated by Alpha chapter, charter member, founded at Syra- cuse, May 30, 1904; president of the chapter; contributed two songs and several magazine articles; mem. Central New York Alumnae Associa- tion; presided at first and second national conventions as grand presi- dent; m. Clarence H. Smith, June 30, 1908. Address, Jamesville, N. Y. SMITH, John Rockwell; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Central University of Kentucky, 1903; initiated by Ky. Kappa, Feb. 24, 1900; eminent ar- chon of the chapter; mem. G. R. E. K. A., senior society; president of province Epsilon, 1902-1903, prov- ince Iota, 1903-1905; delegate to province conventions at Livingston, 1903, and Nashville, 1905; delegate to national conventions of 1902 at Washington, D. C., and 1904 at Mem- phis, Tenn.; minister of the Presby- terian church; m. Allene Fox, Nov. 6, 1904. Address, Lancaster, Ky. SMITH, Rose F.; Delta Gamma; ed. Stanford University, 1897; initiated by Upsilon chapter, March, 1897; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Delta Gamma Alumnae chapter; grand president, 1906-1910; delegate to Pan-Hellenic Congress, Madison, 1907; field com- mittee work for Y. W. C. A. of Pa- cific Coast. Address, 1200 Wilson Ave., S. Pasadena, Calif. SMITH, Sion B.; president of Phi Kap- pa Psi; ed. Allegheny College, 1886; initiated by Pennsylvania Beta chap- ter, Dec., 1881; presiding officer of the chapter; contributed to frater- nity magazine and wrote several songs; mem. Pittsburgh Alumni As- sociation; national offices held: Act- ing vice-president 1908-1910, vice- president 1910-1914, president 1914- 1916; delegate to six district conven- tions and national conventions of 1885, 1892, 1896, 1898, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1914; was record- ing secretary at all meetings but one of the grand arch council from 1892 to date, presiding officer at the 1902 semi-centennial grand arch council meeting at Pittsburgh; attorney at law; president of Winfield Railroad; mem. Masons, Thirty-second Degree; m. Anna Mae Goff, 1893. Address, 450 4th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. SMITH, Walter Shove; Alpha Chi Rho; ed. Syracuse University, 1907; ini- tiated by Phi Epsilon chapter, June, 1905; president of the chapter; for- merly president of the graduate chapter three years and now secre- tary; delegate to national conven- tions of 1912, 1913, 1914, from grad- ute chapter; superintendent Public Schools; m. Gertrude Wright, Sigma 224 LEADING GREEKS Upsilon, June, 1909. Address, 22 John St., Saugerties, N. Y. SMYTH E, Robert Adger; grand treas- urer of Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. South Carolina Military College, 1890; ini- tiated by Lambda chapter, Jan. 24, 1888; presiding officer of the chap- ter; mem. Alpha Gamma Alumni Association of Atlanta, Ga., grand treasurer since 1889, established and edited the "Shield and Diamond" of Pi Kappa Alpha for 19 years; issued the catalogue in 1891; delegate to all national conventions; cotton ex- porter, Robert A. Smythe & Co.; Commander-in-chief of the United Sons of Confederate Veterans for 2 terms; m. Ella McGahan, April 11, 1902. Address, 804 Austell Bldg., At- lanta, Ga. SNEED, Eulalie Hockaday; one of the fo/unders of Beta Sigma Omicron; ed. Christian College, Columbia, Mo.; initiated by Alpha chapter; contrib- uted to Beta Sigma Omicron maga- zine; m. Frank W. Sneed, May 18, 1895. Address, 5633 Elgin Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. SNELLING, Charles Mercer; Sigma Nu; ed. Virginia Military Institute, 1884; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1882; mem. Georgia Alumni Associa- tion; president of the district; dean of University of Georgia; m. Matilda Janet Morton. Address, Athens, Ga. SNOW, Walter A.; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. Ohio State University, 1897; initiated by Ohio Theta, Nov. 14, 1893; eminent archon of the chapter; president of province Del- ta, 1898-1900; delegate to province conventions at Delaware, Ohio, and Evansville, Ind., 1898; delegate to national conventions at St. Louis, 1896, Nashville, 1898; assisted in es- tablishing chapters Illinois Beta, Minnesota Alpha, Wisconsin Alpha; clergyman; general secretary of North Dakota Sunday School Asso- ciation, pastor Oak Park Congrega- tional church, Minneapolis, for five years, associate pastor Peoples Church, St. Paul, Minn., held pastor- ate in Glenwood, Minn., and in Liv- ingston, Mont.; m. Ella May Morris. Address, 13 A. O. U. W. Bldg., Fargo, N. D. SNYDER, Charles Edwin; editor of "Alpha Gamma Rho; ed. Ohio State University, 1909; initiated by Beta chapter, 1905; president of the chap- ter; president of Beta Alumni Asso- ciation; editor of the "Sickle and Sheaf" of Alpha Gamma Rho; agri- cultural editor. Address, 110 Shady Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. SNYDER, Edward Harrison; Theta Tau; mem. Tau Beta Pi; ed. Michi- gan College of Mines, 1911; initiated by Beta chapter of Theta Tau, 1908; regent of the chapter; chairman of committee that designed and secured adoption of Theta Tau pin; delegate to national convention at Minneapo- lis, Minn., 1911; manager of Pioche Assay Office; m. Marie Gushing, 1912. Address, Box 133, Pioche, Nev. SNYDER, Raymond Becket; Phi Kap- pa Psi; ed. Ohio Wesleyan Univer- sity, and Harvard University, A. B. 1914; initiated by Ohio Alpha, 1908; special contributor to the "Shield" LEADING GREEKS 225 and other fraternity publications; business manager of the Harvard "Crimson" and daily paper while an undergraduate; president of the Na- tional Association of College and University Newspapers and Magazine Publishers; mem. Boston and New York Alumni Association; president and secretary of the Harvard Alumni Club of Phi Kappa Psi; delegate to two national conventions and three district conventions; mem. of the firm of Doubleday, Page & Co., book and magazine publishers; occupation: magazine advertising and editorial writing, magazine and newspaper owner. Address, 627 W. 113th St., New York City. SOULE, Inez Smith (Mrs. M C.) ; founder of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Mon- mouth College, 1868; initiated by Alpha chapter 1868; m. M. C. Soule, April 12, 1869. Address, 912 No. L. St., Tacoma, Wash. SOWERS, Alva; Delta Tau Delta; mem. Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. North- western University, 1907; initiated by Beta Pi chapter, 1903; delegate to Kansas City district convention, 1913; delegate to Indianapolis Kar- nea national convention, 1913; sec- retary of Chi Alumni chapter of Delta Tau Delta; Ootyributed !to Phi Alpha Gamma "Quarterly"; delegate to Pan-Hellenic of medical fraternities, 1914; oculist. Address, 122 3. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. SPANN, J. Richard; national treasurer of Sigma Upsilon and state secretary of Tau Kappa Alpha for Virginia; ed. Randolph Macon College, 1914; initi- ated by Osiris chapter of Sigma Upsi- lon, 1912 and Randolph Macon chap- ter of Tau Kappa Alpha, 1913; chap- ter secretary of Sigma Upsilon and president of Tau Kappa Alpha; mem. Randolph Macon College Alumni As- sociation; delegate to national con- vention of Sigma Upsilon at Ashland, Va., 1913; head master of boys' de- partment of Coronal Institute and teacher of history, state superintend- ent of Epworth League and boys' work in Texas; mem. W. O. W. Ad- dress, Coronal Institute, San Marcus, Tex. SPARKS, Edwin Erie; president gen- eral of Phi Kappa Phi; mem. Chi Phi; ed. Ohio State University, A. B., 1884, A. M., 1891; Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1900; LL. D., Lehigh University, 1909; became president of Pennsylvania State College, 1908; author: "Expansion of the Ameri- can People," 1899; "The Man Who Made the Nation," 1900; "Formative Incidents in American Diplomacy," 1902; "The United States of Amer- ica," 1904; "Foundations of National Development," 1907; "The Lincoln- Douglas Debates of 1858," 1908; m. Katherine Cotton, Portsmouth, O., Jan. 1, 1890. Address, State College, Pa. SPEARS, Margaret Edna; Alpha Omi- corn Pi; ed. University of Nebraska, 1905; initiated by Zeta chapter, char- ter mem. of local chapter; president of the chapter; mem. Black Masque; composed several sorority songs; mem. Lincoln and University of Ne- braska Alumni Associations; mem. grand council and delegate to na- 226 LEADING GREEKS tional conventions of 1912; instruc- tor in South Omaha High School. Address, 630 No. 16th St., Lincoln, Nebr. SPEASE, Edward; business manager of the "Communicator" of Phi Delta Chi; ed. Ohio State University, 1907; initiated by Xi chapter, May 23, 1908, charter mem.; contributed to maga- zine; national secretary-treasurer; delegate to national convention at Chicago, March, 1909; assistant pro- fessor of pharmacy, Ohio State Uni- versity; m. Alice Kelly, June 22, 1911. Address, 89 E. Norwich Ave., Columbus, Ohio. SPENCER, Paul Mansfield; grand chap- lain of Sigma Nu; ed. De Pauw Uni- versity, 1897; initiated by Beta Beta chapter, 1896; mem. New York Alum- ni Associations; delegate to grand chapter convention at Indianapolis, 1910; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Conference at New York 1911-1912- 1913; pastor Church of the Strang- ers; mem. Knights Templars and Thirty-second Degree Mason. Ad- dress, 309 W. 57th St., New York City. SPRAGUE, Homer Baxter; former grand senior president of Alpha Sig- ma Phi; mem. Psi Upsilon; ed. Yale University, 1852; initiated by Alpha chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi, 1849; mem. Delta Kappa and Scroll and Key, local; contributed to the "Tomahawk" of Alpha Sigma Phi; president of University of North Da- kota, 1887-1891; professor and lec- turer, Drew Theological Seminary, 1896-1900; editor of department of rhetoric of "Students' Journal," 1898-1903; author of many political and historical essays; m. Antoinette E. Pardee, December, 1854. Ad- dress, 3 Wallingford Rd., Brighton, Mass. SPRAGUE, John P.; grand secretary and treasurer of Alpha Kappa Kap- pa; ed. Bates College, Northwestern University Medical School, 1903; initiated by Xi chapter, 1901; presi- dent of the chapter; editor of the "Centaur" of Alpha Kappa Kappa; professor of hygiene and physical education; m. Myrtle Belle Maxim, 1904. Address, Grinnell, la. SPROUL, Joseph Plummer; tribune of the Los Angeles Alumni Senate of Delta Theta Phi; ed. University of Southern California; 1913; initiated by Field Senate, 1911; charter mem- ber; dean of senate; mem. Alumni Association of the University of Southern California College of Law; delegate to local conventions in 1913 of law fraternities; lawyer; mem. Native Sons of the Golden West. Address, 456 E. 42nd St., Los Angeles, Calif.; office, 526 California Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. \ SPROUSE, Claude Willard; grand mas- ter of Beta Phi; ed. University of Chicago, 1914; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1912; vice-chapter master; quarterly contributor to "The Link" of Beta Phi; senior supreme counsel- lor; delegate to national conventions of 1913 and 1914; minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church; mem. Masons and Eastern Star. Address, 5727 Maryland Ave., Chicago, 111. STALEY, Helen Moffett (Mrs. H. A.); alumnae editor of "Lyre" of Alpha LEADING GREEKS 227 Chi Omega; ed. at Millikin Univer- sity, 1913; initiated by Upsilon chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, May 9, 1913; president of chapter; mem. of Town Pan-Hellenic society, Deca- tur, 111.; m. H. A. Staley, March 24, 1914. Address, Postoffice Box 984, Dallas, Texas. STARR, Gretchen O'Donnell; Alumna advisor of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. University of Washington, 1912; initiated by Rho chapter, Oct. 14, 1910; president of the chapter; con- tributed to the "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega; mem. University of Wash- ington Alumni Association and Asso- ciation of College Alumni; corre- sponding secretary to Iota Iota Alumnae Chapter; alumna advisor to Rho chapter; assistant editor of "Northwestern Philatelist;" author of Bulletin No. 12, entitled "Bibliog- raphy of the Geography and Ge- ology of the State of Washington," published by the State Geological Survey; coach of women's rowing at University of Washington; m. George E. Starr, June 7, 19 JO. Ad- dress, 1409 10th St., Seattle, Wash. STARR, James; grand alpha of Phi Kappa Sigma; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1891; initiated by Al- pha chapter, 1887; alpha of the chapter; mem. Philadelphia Alumni chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma; grand tau of the fraternity; secretary of Collieries Supply Co.; director of Hygrade Powder Co.; m. Sarah Lo- gan Wister, Oct. 15, 1901. Address, 14 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. STAUNTON, Henry Capen; national editor of "Alpha Chi Rho;" ed. Co- lumbia University A. B. 1899, B. D. General Theological Seminary of New York 1902, M. A. Columbia Uni- versity, 1904, and Ph.D. University of Berlin 1905; initiated by Phi Omega chapter, 1900; head of chap- ter; contributed songs and articles to fraternity magazine; mem. Phi Omega Graduate Chapter and New York Graduate Club; national coun- cil 1904-1907, national editor 1902- 1916, chairman of ritual commission; delegate to national conventions of 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1910, 1913; delegate to fourth and fifth Inter-Fraternity Conference; clergyman; delegate to Episcopal Synod second district and rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd; ordained deacon 1902, Whittaker, Pa.; priest Olmstead, N. Y.; curate Trinity Chapel 1906-1908; and chap- lain Community St. John Baptist, N. Y.; mem. Masonic bodies, Susque- hanna Valley Club, secretary Social Service Commission on the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York; m. Florence Eliza Jameson 1908. Ad- dress, 78 Conklin Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. STEEN, Bonito Louise (Mrs. Wil- liam) ; second vice-president of Phi Mu; ed. H. Sophie Newcomb College, 1907; initiated by Delta chapter, Oct. 22, 1906; charter mem. of chap- ter; corresponding secretary of the chapter; province president; secre- tary of grand council, 1907-1911; drafted plan for grand council; dele- gate to national conventions of 1907, 1908, 1910; m. William Steen, Phi 228 LEADING GREEKS Delta Theta, Feb. 21, 1911. Address, Lufkin, Texas. STEFFAN, Roger; Delta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi; ed. Ohio State University, 1913; initi- ated by Ohio State chapter of Delta Chi, Oct., 1909, and Theta chapter of Sigma Delta Chi; president of the chapter; contributed articles to Delta Chi "Quarterly" and "Greek Exchange" on anti-fraternity agita- tion in Ohio and inter- fraternity rela- tions; mem. Columbus Alumni chap- ter of Delta Chi; national secretary of Sigma Delta Chi for two years; delegate to national conventions of 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913; president of the Pan-Hellenic Association at Ohio State University and chairman of the legislative committee of the Ohio Pan-Hellenic League during the fight in which the Hoaglin anti-fraternity bill was defeated in 1912-1913. Ad- dress, "State Journal," Columbus, Ohio. STEPHENS, Lola; province president of Kappa Delta; ed. at Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, 1905; initiated by Sigma Sigma chapter, April, 1908; contributor to "Kappa Delta Journal"; president of Province Gamma; assistant business manager of sorority magazine; mem. Iowa State College Alumni Association of Kappa Delta; instructor in chemis- try, Iowa State College; chaperon at Kappa Delta Sorority House. Ad- dress, Lakeville, Iowa. STEPHENS, Robert Allan; worthy grand master of ceremonies of Kap- pa Sigma; ed. at George Washing- ton University, 1901; initiated by Alpha Eta chapter November 18, 1899; grand master of chapter; mem. Danville, Illinois, Kappa Sig- ma Alumni chapter; delegate to na- tional conventions; delegate to dis- trict conventions; district grand master, 1908-12; delegate to inter- fraternity conference, 1912; dele- gate to Chicago Greek conference, 1913; contributor to "Caduceus" and "Star and Crescent" of Kappa Sig- ma; lawyer; chairman judiciary committee K. of P. Grand Lodge of Illinois; publisher "Quarterly Bul- letin," Illinois State Bar Associa- tion; mem. Knights of Pythias, Elks, Odd Fellows, Red Men; m. Sept. 1, 1903, Helen P. Bennett (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Address, First National Bank Bldg., Danville, Illinois. STEPHENSON, Elizabeth Coulter; grand president of Delta Zeta; ed. Miami University, A.B., A.M., B.P., 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1903; secretary of the chapter; con- tributed to the "Lamp" of Delta Zeta; mem. Miami, Oxford College, Cornell and Collegiate Alumni Asso- ciations; national secretary and grand president; teacher; m. Henry Lee Stephenson, 1910. Address, 412 Marguerite Ave., Portland, Ore. STETSON, James Alexander; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1899; initi ated by Mass. Iota Tau, Nov. 21 1896; eminent archon of the chapter; mem. Alumni Association of Mass Institute of Technology; president ol LEADING GREEKS Province Alpha 1898-1902; dele- gate to national conventions at Nash- ville, 1898; Washington, 1902; Bos- ton, 1900; civil engineer, construc- tion engineer for the New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Co.; mem. Masons; m. Anna Corrine Vivian, June 7, 1911. Address, 4 Anthony St., New Bedford, Mass. STEVENSON, Evangeline Bridge; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. New England Conservatory of Music, 1905; initi- ated by Zeta chapter, 1906; president of the chapter; mem. Zeta Zeta Alumni chapter, Boston, Mass.; na- tional president 1910-1912; alumna adviser to Zeta chapter; delegate to national convention at Champaign, 111., 1908; m. W. B. Stevenson, July 31, 1911. Address, 22 Glenville Ave., Allston, Mass. STIGALL, Louis Virgil; president of national council of Phi Delta Phi; ed. at University of Missouri, 1910; initiated by Tiedeman chapter, Jan- uary, 1908; delegate to national con- vention at New York, 1909; delegate to Cincinnati national convention, 1911; mem. Order of Coif; attorney- at-law. Address, 411 German-Amer- ican Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. STILWELL, Lewis D.; archon of 2nd district of Phi Kappa Psi; ed. Am- herst College, 1913; initiated by Mass. Alpha, Nov., 1909; president of the chapter; contributed to the "Shield" of Phi Kappa Psi; mem. Boston Alumni Association and Har- vard Alumni Association of Phi Kap- pa Psi; mem. national executive council; delegate to district conven- tion of 1913 and national convention of 1912 and 1914; graduate student in history. Address, 60 Matthew's Hall, Cambridge, Mass. STING, Edward Henry; supreme coun- sellor and editor of the "Frater" of Psi Omega; ed. Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1895; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1894; secretary of the chapter; mem. Ohio State Alumni chapter; delegate to national con- ventions of 1895, 1898, 1901, 1904, 1907, 1910, 1913; doctor of dental surgery; mem. Masons; m. Delia Loudenslager, Jan., 1898. Address, 1181/2 S. Washington St, Tiffin, Ohio-. STIRES, Rev. Ernest M., D. D., LL. D.; former president of Phi Kappa Psi; ed. University of Michigan, 1888; ini- tiated by Va. Alpha, 1885; president of the chapter; author of fraternity "yell;" mem. New York Alumni As- sociation; district archon several years and delegate to four district conventions ; national president 1900- 1902 and delegate to six national con- ventions; rector of St. Thomas Epis- copal Church; mem. Masons, Thirty- Second Degree; m. Sarah McK. Hardwick, 1894. Address, 3 W. 53rd St., New York City. STOCKBRIDGE, Henry; Chi Phi, LL. B. University of Maryland, 1878, LL. D. from Amherst and St. John's Colleges, 1911; initiated by Phi chap- ter, 1875; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; grand alpha, the presiding national officer, and delegate to several na- tional conventions; mem. Congress, 1889-1891, commissioner of immigra- tion, Port of Baltimore, 1891-1893; elected to bench of Baltimore City, 230 LEADING GREEKS 1896; appointed to bench of court of appeals of state, 1911; mem. Board of Incorporators American Na- tional Red Cross Society; vice-presi- dent of Maryland Historical Society; ex-president Sons of the American Revolution; chancellor of Society of Colonial Wars, etc.; m. Helen M. Smith, Jan. 5, 1882. Address, 11 N. Calhoun St., Baltimore, Md. STOKES, Wyndham; Chi Phi; ed. Le- high University, 1881; initiated by Psi chapter, Oct. 5, 1883; presiding officer of the chapter; contributed to Chi Phi magazine; grand secretary of the fraternity; delegate to several national conventions; mem. Sword and Crescent; m. Inez Callaway Te- not, 1908. Address, Welch, W. Va. STONER, Edith; Kappa Kappa Gam- ma; ed. University of Missouri, 1904; initiated by Theta chapter, 1902; grand registrar, 1906-1908; secretary, 1908; grand president, 1908-1910; delegate to national convention of 1906; delegate to National Pan-Hel- lenic Congress, 1908, 1909. Address, 2725 Channing Way, Berkeley, Calif. STONEY, Gaellard; Beta Theta Pi; ed. University of California, 1888; initi- ated by Omega chapter, Jan., 1885; chief of ninth district, 1897-1901; delegate to national convention of 1900; attorney at law; mem. Bo- hemian Club and president of the Golf Club; m. Georgiana Mac Don- ald, Nov. 7, 1895. Address, 250 Mont- gomery St., San Francisco, Calif. STORMS, Chelsea L.; A. B., D. D. S.; supreme editor of Xi Psi Phi; mem. Phi Kappa Psi; ed. Colgate Univer- sity, 1906; University of Buffalo Dental College, 1909; initiated by New York Epsilon of Phi Kappa Psi, 1903 and Mu chapter of Xi Psi Phi, 1908; mem. Theta Phi (high school) and Beta Delta Beta; mem. Buffalo, New York State and National Alum- ni Associations of Xi Psi Phi; su- preme editor of Xi Psi Phi, 1910- 1916; honorary past supreme presi- dent, 1914; delegate to National Con- vention, 1910, 1911, 1912, and 1914; dentist; mem. F. and A. M.; m. Amelia M. Rehbaum. Address, 153 E. Utica St., Buffalo, N. Y. STOWELL, Clarence Warner; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Maine, 1900; initiated by Maine Alpha, Feb. 22, 1901; charter member, attended Boston National convention of 1900 as a petitioner; contributed to the "Record;" m. Providence Alumni Association; prov- ince vice-president, secretary and president air of province Alpha; delegate to last seven province con-- ventions; eminent supreme recorder, 1904-1910; eminent supreme deputy archon, 1911; founder of New Hamp- shire Alpha; delegate to national conventions at Washington, 1902; Memphis, 1904; Atlanta, 1906; At- lantic City, 1909; Kansas City, 1910, and Nashville, 1912; educator; ed- itor and author of several text books; mem. Masons, Barnard Club, Edge wood Yacht Club; m. Grace Leigh Dinsmore, July 10, 1907. Ad- dress, 357 Westminster St., Provi- dence, R. I. STRAIGHT, Lyle Fitch; Tau Kappa Epsilon; ed. Illinois Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1908; initiated by Alpha LEADING GREEKS 231 chapter, Nov., 1903; president of the chapter; mem. tester H. Martin Alumni Association; grammateus (national secretary), third term; del- egate to national conventions of 1913 at Decatur, and at Champaign, April, 1914; secretary of W. H. Gardner & Son, incorporated, general in- surance; m. Amy Kellog Hovey, Oct. 16, 1913, at Decatur, 111. Address, residence, 104 E. Empire St., of- fice, 200-4 Grieshim Bldg., Blooming- ington, 111. STRAUB, George Augustine; presi- dent of Troy Alumni Association of Sigma Chi; mem. Tau Lambda (lo- cal) ; ed. at Hobart College, 1912; initiated by Alpha Alpha chapter October 1, 1908; secretary of chap- ter; charter mem. of Troy Alumni Association; secretary and treas- urer of Troy Alumni Association of Sigma Chi for three years; presi- dent of Troy Alumni Association for two years; with Emigh & Straub, mfgrs. Address, 405 Fed- eral St., Troy, N. Y. STREET, Richard Hamilton, M. D.; grand secretary and treasurer of Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. Hahnemann Med- ical College, Chicago, 1898; initiated by Eta Lambda chapter, 1900; con- tributed to "Quarterly" of Phi Alpha Gamma; mem. and president of Chi- cago Alumni Chapter; business man- ager of "Quarterly"; delegate to Chi- cago Greek Conference of 1913; physician, specialty nose, throat and ear, professor of nose and throat department of Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital; m. Lillian Woodward, Aug. 27, 1906. Address, 32 N. State St., Chicago, 111. STROHM, Dr. Nelson Wilbert; trustee of Omega Upsilon Phi; ed. Uni- versity of Buffalo, 1912; initiated by Alpha chapter, Dec. 14, 1908; senior master of the chapter; mem. of alumni chapter; grand scribe, first junior grand master, delegate to national conventions in 1910, 1911, and in 1912; arranged for na- tional conventions held in Buffalo, 1912; physician and surgeon; mem. Mystic Monks. Address, 469 Frank- lin St., Buffalo, N. Y. STRONG, Josiah; Delta Upsilon; ed. Western Reserve University, 1869; initiated by Western Reserve chap- ter, 1865; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; clergyman, instructor and chaplain in Western Reserve College, 1873- 1876; secretary of Home Missionary Society for Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania, 1881-1884; pastor Cincinnati, 1884- 1886; president of League for Social Service, 1898-1902; president of So- cial Center Association of America, 1910; author; m. Alice Bisbee, Aug. 29, 1871. Address, Bible House, As- tor PI., New York City. STUART, Anne; grand treasurer of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Nebraska State Uni- versity, 1899; initiated by Nebraska Beta, Nov. 23, 1895; grand treas- urer 1912 of Delta and Gamma Prov- ince, president in 1904-1912; dele- gate to national conventions at New Orleans 1907, Swarthmore, Pa., 1910, and Evanston, 111., 1912; musician; post graduate work in piano 1892, 232 LEADING GREEKS studied with renowned pianists (Zeisler), preparing for soloist and professional accompanist; 1906-1914 treasurer for the Association of the Young Women's Christian Associa- tion. Address, 1906 D. St., Lincoln, Nebr. STUKES, Taylor Hudnall; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. Davidson College, 1913; initiated by North Carolina Theta, May 21, 1910; eminent archon of the chapter; delegate to national convention at Nashville 1912 and visitor at the province Gamma con- vention at Washington, 1914; assist- ant cashier Bank of Clarendon. Ad- dress, Manning, S. C. STULTS, Frances Wlllard; Sigma Al- pha Iota; ed. Northwestern Uni- versity, 1914; initiated by Beta chapter, 1913; chapter reporter; mem. Alethenai Literary Society; national recording secretary pro tern and national corresponding secre- tary, 1914-1915. Address, 1633 Hin- man Ave., Evanston, 111. SULLENGER, Charles Edmond; Apex (president) of the Delta Sigma Phi; ed. Cumberland University, 1914; initiated by Omicron chapter, Oct. 1913; president of the chapter; mem. Cumberland University Alumni As- sociation; mem. national board of control; attorney at law; mem. Knights Templars, Knights of Pyth- ias; m. Floyd Helen Ben ton, Nov. 23, 1905. Address, Lebanon, Tenn. SULLIVAN, Dr. Arthur M.; Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Indiana University and Chicago University, School of Medi- cine, 1909; initiated Dy Pi chapter, 1906; chairman of executive com- mittee of Pi chapter, 1906; physician and surgeon, surgeon to Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad and Wabash Railroad; mem. U. S. Pen- sion Board and coroner, Fountain County, Ind. Address, Attica, Ind. SUPPIGER, Solomon; vice-president of Kappa Alpha (southern); ed. at Washington University; initiated by Beta Theta chapter, 1910; vice- president of chapter; mem. Phi Del- ta Phi; secretary and treasurer of P. B. Hamer Province; delegate to P. B. Hamer Province of 1912; mem. Kappa Alpha song book committee; attorn ey-at-law. Address, Highland, 111. SUTLEFF, Helen Binninger; Pi Beta Phi; ed. University of Kansas, 1890; initiated by Kansas Alpha, 1886; presi- dent of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Kansas Alpha Alumnae Association and Uni- versity of Kansas Alumni Associa- tion; national grand guide, grand treasurer and grand president; mem. and chairman of Kansas Alpha Alum- nae Committee that founded and sup- ported a scholarship for the bene- fit of the women of the University of California; delegate to the nation- al convention at Lawrence, 1890; head cataloguer of Leland Stanford Jr. University. Address, 19 Salva- tierra, Stanford University, Calif. SWAN, Clifford Melville; president ex- ecutive council of Delta Upsilon; ed. Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1899; initiated by Technol- ogy chapter, May, 1897; alumni sec- LEADING GREEKS 233 retary of chapter; mem. Harvard' University Alumni Association, New York Delta Upsilon Club; Mass. In- stitute of Technology Alumni Associ- ation; executive council offices: treasurer 1908-1912, secretary 191.1- 1912, president 1912 to date; dele- gate to national conventions of 1906, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914 delegate to New York Inter-Frater- nity Conference in 1912 and 1913 and to Chicago Greek Conference In 1913; acoustical engineer, H. W. Johns-Manville Co. Address, 600 West 115th St., or Madison and 41st St., New York City. 8WARTZ, Charles Benjamin; Delta Upsilon; ed. Lafayette College, 1911; initiated by Lafayette chapter, Oct. 1907; president of the chapter; dele- gate to third district convention; student in Union Theological Sem- inary, New York City; 1911 to 1914; Rhodes Scholar from Pennsylvania to Oxford, Eng. SWENSON, Thorborg; Beta Alumnae deputy of Alpha Gamma Delta; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1910; in- itiated by Beta chapter, Nov. 1908; treasurer of the chapter; secretary and treasurer of Beta Alumnae Club 1912-1914, president 1914-1915; at- tended national convention at Madi son April, 1913, but not as a dele- gate, treasurer of the convention and chairman of the credentials com- mittee, attended Beta province con- vention at Minneapolis, Feb. 1910 and Beta province convention at Madison Feb. 1912, secretary pro tern. Address, 1326 Casper Ave., Rockford, 111. SWIFT, Charles Lowe; president of Yale Club of Phi Delta Theta; ed. Dickinson University, 1904; gradu- ate study at Yale University; init- iated by Penn. Epsilon, Sept. 1900; vice-president of the chapter, 1903; mem. Phi Kappa Epsilon and Book and Bond, Yale locals, secretary of Carlisle Alumni Club, president of Baltimore Alumni Club, contributed to the Scroll of Phi Delta Theta; delegate to district convention at Amherst, 1902, and to national con- vention at New York, 1903; English master at the Hill School, former- ly on Sunday staff on "New York Tribune," editorial writer for "Balti- more News," Sunday editor of "Baltimore Herald;" m. Edith Stud- ley Prince, 1906. Address, The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. SWIFT, Edward Casslus; president of Chi Psi; ed. University of Michigan 1876; initiated by Alpha Epsilon chapter; head of chapter; mem. Chi- cago and Michigan Alumni Associa- tions; delegate to national conven- tion for Chicago Alumni Associa- tion for 10 years; attorney at law; m. Helen C. Vincent, Oct. 23, 1878. Address, 1355 Ottawa Ave., Ottawa, 111. SWITZER, George Washington; Beta Theta Pi; ed. De Pauw University, 1881; initiated by Delta chapter, 1877; corresponding secretary and president of the chapter; district secretary; financed building of two chapter houses; delegate to national convention of 1879; clergyman; delegate to general conference and 234 LEADING GREEKS district superintendent; vice-presi- dent of American National Bank, Lafayette, Ind.; m. Lida Westfall, Sept. 20, 1881. Address, 617 Ferry St. Lafayette, Ind. SYMONDS, Nathaniel Gardiner; dis- trict grand master of Kappa Sigma; ed. at Leland Stanford, Jr. Univer- sity, 1901; initiated by Beta Zeta chapter, Oct. 25, 1899; mem. Pitts- burgh, New York, Indianapolis and Chicago Alumni Associations of Kappa Sigma; sales manager of Chi- cago district of Westinghouse Ma- chine Co.; m. to Irene Millberry, Dec. 25, 1901. Address, 39 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. TAMLYN, Walter I.; publication man- ager of the "Garnet and White" of Alpha Chi Rho, 1906-1913; ed. Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1905; initiated by Phi Chi chapter, Oct. 1903; head of the chapter, mem. Phi Chi Graduate Chapter; served on several committees, delegate or alternate to all national conventions from 1905 to 1912; electrical and ceramic engineer, Address, 280 Van Buren St. Brooklyn, N. Y. TAIMNAHILL, Anna Lytle; (Mrs. George William); chairman of the scholarship committee of Pi Beta PhJ4 ed. University of ^Nebraska 1898, Wellesley College 1900 and University of Chicago 1903; init- iated by Nebraska Beta, Oct. 1895; president of the chapter; president of Beta province 1908-1909; inspect- ing officer for petitioning chapter at University of Toronto, later On- tario Alpha, installing officer for Washington Beta chapter, Washing- ton State College, 1912, chairman national committee on chaperones and chapter houses 1909-1911; dele- gate to national convention at Madison, Wis., 1897; attended New Orleans convention 1908; president of National Pan-Hellenic, Chicago, 1908; head of department of Eng- lish, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga., 1900-1902, head of department of English literature, normal school, Milwaukee, Wis., 1903-1908, dean of women and head of department of English, Lewiston State Normal School, Lewiston, Ida., mem. Daugh- ters of American Revolution, As- sociation of Collegiate Alumnae; m. George William Tannahill, June 10, 1913. Address, 402 Third St. Lewis- ton, Idaho. TAPPAN, Paul Whiting; Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Wooster University, 1899; Miami Medical College, 1902; initiated by Alpha Mu chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, Oct. 12, 1895; worthy mas- ter of the chapter, president of Day- ton Alumni Association of Alpha Tau Omega; physician and surgeon; ma- jor surgeon, O. N. G. neurologist at St. Elizabeth Hospital; mem. St. John's Lodge, A.F. and A.M.; m. Anna C. Poock, March 30, 1911. Ad- dress, 1900 Wayne Ave., Dayton, Ohio. TAYLOR, Dean; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Mt. Union College, 1902; Har- vard University, 1903; initiated by Ohio Sigma, Nov. 13, 1899; affiliated LEADING GREEKS 235 Mass. Gamma, 1903; eminent archon of Sigma chapter; contributed nu- merous articles on the symbolism of the fraternity to the S.A.E. "Rec- ord;" editor of province "Delta An- nual," 1902, and delegate to province Delta convention of 1901; chair- man of ritual revision committee, 1904-1910, assistant to eminent su- preme recorder, 1903; editor of the convention daily for 1912, but unable to attend, made a study of the "Rec- ord" and its irregularities of publi- cation; assisted in preparation of S.A.E. Manual by a special study of symbolism of fraternity and its ref- erence to the coat of arms ; executed large design of coat-of-arms in col- ors ; organized Alliance, Ohio Alumni Association ; an officer at installation of Ohio Rho chapter; editor and one of proprietors of "Fairfield Daily Journal;" delegate to national con- ventions of 1902 and 1904, attended those of 1909 and 1910; mem. Sons of American Revolution, and Ma- sonic Orders; m. Jesse Minneley, Oct. 22, 1906. Address, 208 S. Court St., Fairfield, la. TAYLOR, Elizabeth Carney; vice-presi- dent of the grand council of Phi Mu Gamma, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, Oct. 1899; president of the chapter; m. Captain Charles B. Tay- lor, U. S. Marine Corps, 1905. Ad- dress, Churchland, Va. TAYLOR, Isaac Daniel; Sigma Nu; ed. Kansas University, 1899; University of Michigan, LL. B., 1902; initiated by Nu chapter, 1899; United States Attorney for western district of Okla- homa; practiced law at Emporia, Kans., until 1904, then moved to Paw- huska, Okla.; appointed assistant at- torney In 1907; held this office until elected U. S. attorney; m. Kate H. Fuller of Montpelier, Vt., June 30, 1902. Address, 804 E. Noble Ave., Guthrie, Okla. TAYLOR, Walter Emerson Lee; Phi Alpha correspondent of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. Ohio State University, B.A., 1913; LL. B., 1915; initiated by Ohio Theta chapter, Oct. 15, 1910 and Swan chapter of Phi Delta Phi April 10, 1913; mem. Ohio State University Alumni Club; Pan-Hellenic delegate; Republican county executive com- mittee, 1912-1914; mem. Loyal Order of Moose. Address, 46-14th Ave., Co- lumbus, Ohio. TEED, Freeman Golding; Sigma Chi; ed. Bucknell University, 1873; initi- ated by Kappa chapter; consul of the chapter; contributed articles to the Sigma Chi Quarterly on the early history of the conventions; president of the Los Angeles Alumni Associa- tion ; praeter of the 9th province and delegate to district conventions; grand consul of the grand chapter, 1884; active in the installation of the following chapters: Alpha Beta, Al- pha Omega, Alpha Upsilon, Phi Phi, and Alpha Delta; organized the Los Angeles Alumni Association and was first grand officer on the Pacific Coast; helped in building Kappa's house; delegate to national conven- tions of 1872, 1874, 1876, 1884 and 1912; lawyer, retired; interested in social uplift work; formerly mayor, auditor, city clerk, and president of the city council all of Los Angeles; LEADING GREEKS collector of internal revenue; past grand commander of Knights Temp- lars; representative in the Imperial Council of the Mystic Shrine; m. Fannie Schoder, Oct. 26, 1882. Ad- dress, 1315 W. 41st Place, Los Ange- les, Calif. TEFFT, Clarence Edwin; former pres- ident of Province Zeta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; mem. Phi Delta Phi; ed. at University of Nebraska, 1896; charter mem. of Nebraska Lambda- Pi chapter, May 26, 1893; eminent correspondent and eminent archon of chapter; mem. Lincoln S. A. B. Alumni Association; delegate to Province Zeta convention, 1895; delegate to S. A. E., Pittsburgh na- tional convention, 1893; officer of 1893 S. A. E. national convention; attorney-at-law ; m. Caroline Irene Sheldon, June 29, 1898. Address, Weeping Water, Neb. TEN N ANT, Earl O.; alumni president of Alpha Sigma Phi; ed. Waynes- burg College, 1911; initiated by Nu chapter, Jan. 1, 1911, one of 18 found- ers of chapter; chancellor of the chapter; mem. Alumni Association of Waynesburg College; assistant in mathematics while in college; dele- gate to Y. M. C. A. convention, 1906; president of Union Literary Society, secretary and treasurer of Oratorical Society; delegate to Tri State Ora- torical Contest; Union debater in Inter-Society contest, 1911; treasurer for three years of athletic associa- tion; president of reading circle, 1909-1910; business manager of "The Collegian," 1910-1911; national vice- president and editor of the "Carna- tion" of Alpha Phi Sigma; delegate to national conventions of 1911, at Washington, D. C.; principal of North Baltimore High School, 1912- 1913. Address, R. F. D. 1, Spraggs, Pa. TENNANT, Mary Jones; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. De Pauw University; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1887; vice-president of the chapter; con- tributed to the "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega; mem. Gamma Gamma and De Pauw University Alumni Associ- ation; national inspector; estab- lished Beta chapter at Albion, Mich.; delegate to national conventions at De Pauw and Illinois Universities and Detroit, Mich.; delegate to four national inter-fraternity conferences at Chicago and Evanston; teacher; m. Richard S. Tennant. Address, 824 S. 5th St., Terre Haute, Ind. THEISS, Mary Bartol (Mrs. Lewis Ed- win T.); Pi Beta Phi; ed. Bucknell University, A. B., 1894; A. M., 1895; graduate student at University of Michigan, 1897; fellow in classics University of Pennsylvania, 1897- 1899; Ph. D., 1899; initiated by Penn. Beta chapter, Jan. 4, 1895; affiliated with Mich. Beta; president of the Pennsylvania chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; commencement speaker Bucknell University; vice-president of New York City Alumnae Club and mem. Lewisburg Alumnae Club; grand secretary, 1899-1906; catalog- uer, 1901-1909; editor of the "Arrow," 1908-1911; editor of the "Songs" of Pi Beta Phi, first and second edi- tions; editor of the Pi Beta Phi cata- LEADING GREEKS 237 logue, 1906; chairman of committee that devised fraternity flag; mem. of literary bureau of Alpha province, 1895; delegate to national conven- tions at Boston, 1895; Syracuse, 1901; St. Louis, 1904; New Orleans, 1908; Swarthmore, 1910, and guest at Evanston, 1912; appointed by alum- nae of two women's fraternities of Bucknell in 1914 to organize a local pan-hellenic in Lewisburg; magazine writer with Mr. Theiss; correspond- ing secretary of Federation of Gradu- ate Clubs; head of department of Latin and Greek, Rockford College, Rockford, 111., 1899-1903; alumni poet Bucknell, 1903; wrote articles for "Ladies' Home Journal" on the Ad- vantage of Girls' Fraternities; mem. American Collegiate Association; m. Lewis Edwin Theiss, Phi Gamma Delta, June 30, 1903. Address, 110 University Ave., Lewisburg, Pa. THOMAS, Amos; Phi Delta Theta; mem. of Phi Delta Phi; ed. at Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1909; initiated by Nebraska Alpha, 1900; president of chapter; mem. Omaha (Neb.) Alumni Association; reporter of Omaha (Neb.) Alumni Association of Phi Delta Theta; attorney; sec- retary and mem. of executive com- mittee of Nebraska state central committee; mem. Masonic order. Address, Helen Apartments, 25th and Harvey Sts., Omaha, Neb. THOMAS, Eleanor Walter; president of the grand chapter of Alpha Kap- pa Psi; ed. Columbia University; B. S.; M. A.; College for Women, S. C.; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1901; district chaplain; lady prin- cipal and head of English depart- ment of St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. Address, St. Mary's, Raleigh, N. C. THOMAS, Nathaniel Wiley, Ph. D.; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1881; initiated by Pa. Tau, April 1881; worthy master of the chapter; contributed to "Palm" of Alpha Tau Omega; mem. Phila- delphia Alumni Association; prov- ince chief and delegate to several province conventions; worthy grand chief, chairman of high council, editor of the "Palm" of Alpha Tau Omega; delegate to ten or twelve national conventions; established six chapters; chemist; professor of chemistry in Muhlenberg College, also in Wittenberg College and chief of Bureau of Gas of Philadelphia; m. Elizabeth J. MacDonald, 1884. Address, 1513 Centennial Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. THOMAS, William F.; master of the rolls of Delta Theta Phi; ed. at Cleve- land Law School and University of Virginia, 1909; initiated by Ranney Senate, Nov. 11, 1908; mem. Cleve- land Alumni Association of Delta Theta Phi; delegate to national con- ventions 1909, 1911, 1913; master of rolls, 1909, 1911, 1913; marshal, 1913; attorney-at-law, firm of Thom- as & Kreyci; mem. Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, National Union; m. Ella V. Ashby, March 21, 1913. Address, 1455 W. 116th St., Cleve- land, Ohio. THOMPSON, John Means; Alpha Tau 238 LEADING GREEKS Omega; ed. Columbia University, Washington, D. C., 1885; initiated by District of Columbia Upsilon 1886; W. K. E. of chapter; mem. New York Alumni Association; dele- gate to Chicago Convention of 1900; m. Birdina Welles Young, June 19, 1912. Address, 95 Liberty St., New York City. THOMPSON, Lillian Wallace; Nation- al Pan-Hellenic delegate of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. University of Chi- cago; initiated by Beta chapter, 1891; contributed to the "Crescent" of Gamma Phi Beta; mem. Chicago Alumnae Association ; national treas- urer and national president; dele- gate to national convention at Den- ver, Ann Arbor and Madison; dele- gate to Chicago Greek Conference; high school teacher, Englewood High School. Address, 224 W. 61st Place, Chicago, 111. THOMPSON, Robert Mitchell; Beta Theta Pi; ed. University of Minne- sota, B. L. 1895, LL. B. 1898, LL. M. 1899; initiated by Beta Pi chap- ter; contributed to fraternity maga- zine; secretary of Minnesota Alumni Chapter for many years; chief of llth district, 1912-1913, and delegate to many district conven- tions; mem. board of trustees, 1904- 1910; distributing agent for the hand book of Beta Theta Pi for many years; sales agent for the song book for several years; have been delegate to all national conventions excepting two from 1895 to 1913; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference, 1913; general insurance and investment business; mem. Masons, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council Commandery, Scot- tish Rite and the Shrine; m. Nellie A. Williams of Harvard, 111. Oct. 9, 1909, mem. Kappa Alpha Theta. Ad- dress, 923 Metropolitan Bldg., Min- neapolis, Minn. THORN BURGH, Laura; Chi Omega; ed. University of Tennessee, 1904; ini- tiated by Pi Chapter, 1902; president of the chapter; mem. University Glee Club and Dramatic Club; con- tributed to "Eleusis" of Chi Omega; delegate to St. Louis convention of 1904 and Chicago 1908; journalist; society and club editor; dramatic and literary critic for the "Knoxville Sentinel"; mem. Southern Associa- tion of College Women, secretary of Tennessee Woman's Press and Au- thors' Club, 1912-1914; occasional contributor to periodicals; traveled in Europe, 1905-1906, and studied three months at University of Ge- neva. Address, 800 W. Main Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. THORN E, Silas Owens; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Trinity College, Durham, N. C., 1898; initiated by N. C. Xi chapter, 1896; scribe of chapter; mem. local club, 1909; manager of New Orleans office and plant of General Fire Extinguisher Co. Ad- dress, Grunewald Hotel, office cor. Canal and N. Claiborne Sts., P. 0. Box 242, New Orleans, La. THORPE, Burton Lee, M. D., D. D. S.; supreme grand master of Delta Sigma Delta; ed. Western Dental College, 1895; initiated by St. Louis Auxiliary, 1903; organizer and LEADING GREEKS 239 first grand master; supreme worthy master 1913; supreme grand master 1914-1915; wrote history of Delta Sigma Delta; dental surgeon; presi- dent of National Dental Associa- tion 1909-1910, president National Association of Dental Examiners, 1903, president of Missouri State Dental Association 1901-1902, presi- dent of Missouri State Board of Dental Examiners 1903-1904, presi- dent of St. Louis Society of Dental Science 1905, dean and professor of operative dentistry, Barnes Dental College, 1903-1905, associate editor of the "Dental Brief 1904-1914, as- sistant secretary of the Inter-Na- tional Dental Federation 1904-1914, originator and organizer of the plan for the Fourth International Dental Congress at St. Louis 1904, originator of the Jamestown Dental Federation 1907, and chairman of committee on organization, tnemi. American Medical Association, hon- orary mem. of the Kansas, Colorado, f Virginia, Ohio, Iowa and Tennessee State Dental Societies, honorary mem. L'Association Generale des Dentistes de France and of Der Cen- tral-Verein Deutscher Zahnarzte of Germany, author of volume on "Bi- ographical History of Pioneer American Dentists and their Suc- cessors," also- of "The Founders of the Missouri State Dental Associa- tion"; m. Berta Scott, 1895. Ad- dress, 3605 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. THURSTON, Hugh King; inspector of the third division of Sigma Nu; ed. University of Georgia, 1910; init- iated by Mu chapter, 1906; eminent commander of the chapter 2 terms; district secretary, 1909-1912 and president 1913-1914; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1907 and 1909 at Chicago, 111.; organized the Georgia State convention of Sigma Nu in 1909; mem. Pan-Hellenic Council at University of Georgia; lawyer; mayor of Thomaston, Ga., for past four years, youngest in state when elected; mem. Knights of Pythias and W. O. W. Address, Thomaston, Ga. TILLOTSON, Levi Nelson; supreme historian of Phi Alpha Delta; ed. Yale University, 1911; initiated by Book and Gavel chapter, May, 1910; mem. Chi Tau Kappa (honorary law fraternity) ; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; wrote history of the fraternity; lawyer, assistant trial attorney for Fidelty and Causalty Co. of New York; m. Mary Rebecca Laughlin, Dec. 27, 1906. Address, 805-10 Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. TILROE, Winifred Rogers; custodian of song book of Alpha Phi; ed. Syra- cuse University, 1896; initiated by Alpha chapter, March, 1893; mem. Syracuse University and Alpha Phi Alumni Associations; national assist- ant historian, national historian, editor of "Alpha Phi Directory" in 1912; m. Hugh M. Tilroe, July 27, 1904. Address, 403 University Place, Syracuse, N. Y. TILTON, Josephus Howard; Acacia; ed. Ohio State University, 1901; initiated by Waw chapter; charter 240 LEADING GREEKS member; treasurer senior class and played varsity football four years; captain fourth year; mem. Ohio State University Alumni Associa- tions and Ohio State Club; grand vice-president; grand president dele- gate to national convention at Chi- cago; chief clerk Ohio Highway De- partment; Thirty-Second Degree Ma- son, I. O. O. F., Varsity O. Club and Gratto. Address, 708 Hartman Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. TINKHAM, Elizabeth Richmond; presi- dent of Eta Alliance of Delta Delta Delta; ed. University of Vermont, 1901; initiated by Eta chapter, 1897; m. Henry C. Tinkham, July 2, 1913. Address, 46 So. Winooski Ave., Burlington, Vt. TIPPLE, Ezra Squler, Ph. D., D. D., LL. D.; Delta Upsilon; ed. Syracuse University, 1884; initiated by Syra- cuse chapter; recording secretary, corresponding secretary, vice-presi- dent of the chapter; chapter editor of the "Quarterly;" delegate to na- tional convention of 1882; mem. eong book committee; executive council, 1888; president of same, 1888-1889; chapter convention, 1900; president of Drew Theological Semi- nary; m. Edna E. White, June 24, 1897. Address, Madison, N. J. TOBEY, Walter, Lawrence; secretary of Hamilton Alumni Association of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Miami Univer- sity, 1891; initiated by Alpha chap- ter, 1889; president of the chapter; mem. board of trustees of national organization; gathered material for Alpha chapter for general catalogue; delegate to national convention of 1891; editor and manager of print- ing and publishing business; mem. Masonic bodies, B. P. O. E., K. of P.; m. Fannie Smith, Dec. 19, 1893. Ad- dress, Third and Market Sts., Hamil- ton, Ohio. TOLLES, Claremont Irving;' publica- tion manager of "Garnet and White" of Alpha Chi Rho; mem. Phi Alpha Delta; ed. Yale University, 1913; initiated by Phi Delta chapter, March 5, 1911; head of chapter; mem. Phi Delta graduate chapter; chairman convention committee, 1913; delegate to national conven- tions, 1912-13-14; delegate to inter- university fraternity convention at Yale, 1913. Address, 116 Fairview Ave., Naugatuck, Conn. TOMS, William Perry; president of Knoxville Alumni Association of Kappa Alpha Southern; mem. Phi Kappa Phi, Theta Lambda Phi; ed. University of Tennessee, LL. B., 1907; initiated by Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha, 1904; delegate to dis- trict convention of 1913 and to na- tional conventions of 1905 and 1907; secretary and manager of the Ful- ton Co., metal goods manufacturers; formerly secretary Knoxville Woolen Mills, woolen cloth manufacturers; president Knoxville Y. M. C. A., 1910-1914; scout commissioner, Knox County; mem. Masons, Cherokee County Club, Cumberland Club, Knoxville Lawn Tennis Club, Board of Commerce. Address, 833 Eleanor St., Knoxville, Tenn. TONSOR, Charles A., Jr., Ph. D.; Delta LEADING GREEKS 241 Sigma Phi; ed. New York Univer- sity, A. B. 1907, A. M. 1908, Ph. M. 1910, Ph. D. 1911; initiated by Gam- ma chapter, 1905; president of the chapter; college honors: Winner freshman entrance prize, Herman Ridder German prize, Eucleian Eng- lish prize twice, Seward Gibson prize in English, J. Gordon Bennett prize in economy, A. Ogden Butler fellowship; mem. track team three years, and inter-collegiate debating team two years; contributed to "Carnation" of Delta Sigma Phi; national president, 1907; delegate to national conventions of 1907, 1910, 1913; auditor of Inter-Fraternity Conference of 1912; mem. of the English staff on New York Univer- sity, Schools of Commerce, En- gineering and Arts; mem. Thirty- Second Degree Mason; m. Bertha Harris, June 26, 1913. Address, 2316 Andrews Ave., New York City. TORRANCE, Ralph Smith; Delta Tau Delta; ed. Armour Institute of Tech- nology, 1906; initiated by Gamma Beta chapter, Nov., 1902; president of the chapter; secretary two years and president one year of Chicago Alumni Chapter; delegate to one na- tional convention; consulting engi- neer, also secretary-treasurer of S. R. Fralick & Co.; m. Mary Virginia Dosch, May 14, 1910. Address, 6442 Glenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. TOWAR, DeLoss; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; ed. University of South Dakota, 1915; initiated by S. D. Sigma, March 8, 1913; eminent treasurer of the chapter; assisted in revision of by- laws of the chapter; first secretary and treasurer of Pan Hellenic Coun- cil of University of South Dakota; mem. Eclectic Society Michigan Agricultural College and Third De- gree Mason. Address, East Lan- sing, Mich. TOWNSEND, Harold Guyon; national secretary and mem. alumni associa- tion board of Phi Kappa Psi; ed. Be- loit College 1907; initiated by Wis. Gamma chapter, Dec. 19, 1903; presi- dent of the chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni association and Chicago alumni association of Beloit College; delegate to district conventions of 1909-1913; delegate to national con- ventions of 1904, 1906, 1912, 1914; delegate to Chicago Greek Confer- ence of 1913; attorney at law; mem. Kenwood Lodge 800, A. F. and A. M., B. P. O. E. 864 at Beloit, Wis. Ad- dress, 719 N. Y. Life Bldg., 39 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. TRAVIS, Julius Curtis; Kappa Sig- ma; ed. University of Michigan, 1894; initiated by Alpha Zeta chap- ter, 1892; grand master of the chap- ter; national worthy grand procura- tor and worthy grand master; dele- gate to national conventions; attor- ney at law; mem. Knights of Py- thias; m. Ethel R. Closser, 1896. Address, First National Bank Bldg., La Porte, Ind. TREDER, Rev. Oscar F. R.; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. St. Stephen's Col- lege, 1901; initiated by New York Sigma Phi, 1897; eminent archon of the chapter; mem. St. Stephen's Col- lege Alumni Association ; delegate to 242 LEADING GREEKS National conventions at Nashville and Boston; priest; mem. I. O. O. F.; past master F. and A. M.; m. Lillian E. Howe, 1904. Address, East Hamp- ton, N. Y. TBIPP, Walter Bradley; national treasurer of Phi Alpha Tau; ed. Emerson College of Oratory, 1889; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1902; rayis of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Emerson College Alumni Association ; national secretary and delegate to two na- tional conventions; formed national council; teacher of oratory and dra- matic literature; lecturer; mem. Masons. Address, 30 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. TRUMAN, James Steele; province chief of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Cor- nell University 1896; initiated by Beta Theta chapter, Oct, 1893; wor- thy master of the chapter; attorney at law; m. Ruth Nina Rich, 1903. Address, 76 Front St., Oswego, N. Y. TUCKER, Beverly Dandridge, Jr., chief of Province VI of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. University of Virginia, 1902; Rhodes Scholar from Virginia at Christ Church, Oxford, 1905-08; A. B. Oxon, 1908; M. A. Oxon, 1912; initiated by Virginia Delta; worthy scribe of chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Theta Iota Lambda, Kappa Alpha, Lambda Pi, "Raven"; rector of St. Paul's Memorial church, Uni- versity of Virginia; chaplain for students of Episcopal church; or- dained deacon of Protestant Episco- pal church in September, 1908; or- dained priest in March, 1909; rector of St. James and St. Luke's parishes. Address, University, Va. TUESBURG, L. W.; grand prytanis of Tau Kappa Epsilon; ed. at Illinois Wesleyan University, 1903; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1902; treasurer of chapter; mem. Lester H. Martin chapter of alumni, Bloomington, 111.; grand prytanis two terms; grand histor four terms; delegate to all national conventions; edited frater- nity magazine, "The Teke," for four years as histor; lawyer, admitted to the bar, 1904; mem. I. O. O. F. and Modern Woodmen; m. Grace Stev- ens, 1907. Address, 412-414 Sterry Blk., Pontiac, 111. TUGGLE, Velma Neal; business man- ager of the "Adelphean" of Alpha Delta Pi; ed. Judson College, 1911; initiated by Kappa chapter; estab- lished local chapter which petitioned and was initiated in 1910; president and corresponding secretary of the chapter; contributed to magazine; mem. Atlanta Alumnae Association; business manager of magazine since 1911; delegate to national convention of 1911; m. Robert L. Tuggle, Dec., 1911. Address, Villa Rica, Ga. TUKEY, Ethel Maxwell; editdr of "The Anchora" of Delta Gamma; mem. Omega Psi; ed. at the Univer- sity of Nebraska, 1901; initiated by Kappa chapter, October 14, 1897; president of chapter; mem. Kappa Alpha Alumni Association; delegate to national convention, 1899; at- tended conventions, 1901-05-11-13; fifth mem. of council; chapter vis- LEADING GREEKS 243 itor. Address, 3126 Chicago St., Omaha, Neb. TURNER, Emma Harper; Pi Beta Phi; ed. Franklin College, 1889; initiated by Ind. Alpha, 1889, charter mem- ber; president of the chapter; con- tributed to Pi Beta Phi "Quarterly"; mem. Franklin College Alumni As- sociation and president of national alumni association for four years; national vice-president, one term; president, three terms; helped in es- tablishment of Pi Beta Phi Settle- ment School; mem. Pi Beta Phi Loan Fund committee; delegate to nation- al conventions of 1890, 1892, 1893, 1897, as an officer; secretary of first Pan-Hellenic Congress, Boston, 1890; organized College Women's Club of Washington, D. C.; accountant; mem. College Woman's Club, Colum- bian Women Fine Arts Society and Suffrage Association. Address, Apartment 64, The Iowa, Washing- ton, D. C. TURNER, Job Darbin; president of province Iota of Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; ed. Kentucky State University, 1900; initiated by Ky. Epsilon, Feb. 10, 1900; eminent deputy archon of the chapter; contributed to "Record" of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; secretary and treasurer of Ky. Stafte University Alumni Association; president of Lexington, Ky., Alumni Association; delegate to province Epsilon conven- tions of 1904, Memphis; 1912, Nash- ville; 1914, Chicago; head depart- ment of feeding stuffs, Kentucky Ag- ricultural Experiment Station ; graduate manager of athletics at Ky. State University; mem. Elks; m. Ann Garland Claybrook, Oct. 25, 1907. Address, 135 Washington Ave., Lexington, Ky. TUTTLE, Arthur J.; Honorary Emi- nent Supreme Archon Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Michigan, Ph. B. 1892, LL. B. 1895; initiated by Mich. Iota-Beta; eminent archon of the chapter; mem. University of Michigan Alumni Association; presi- dent of province Delta; delegate to province conventions at Cincinnati and Ann Arbor, Mich; delegate to national conventions at Chattanooga, Pittsburgh, Washington, D. C., and Chicago; founder chapter at Nebraska University; United States District judge for the eastern district of Michigan; m. Jessie B. Stewart, Mar. 14, 1903; died May 24, 1912. Ad- dress, 303 Federal Bldg., Detroit, Mich. TWINING, Frances Staver; Alpha Phi; ed. Northwestern University and University of Wisconsin, 1899; initi- ated by Beta chapter, Sept. 19, 1891, affiliated with Iota chapter, presi- dent of the chapter; mem. of the Portland, Ore., Alumnae Associa- tion; national president, 1906-1908; financed and superintended building of Alpha Phi chapter house at Madi- son, Wis.; m. C. W. Twining, May 6, 1909. Address, Glenmorrie, Oswego, Ore. TWINING, Granvllle Howard; vice- president of Zeta province of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Northwestern University, 1905; ini- tiated by Illinois Psi Omega chap- 244 LEADING GREEKS ter, 1901, of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; eminent archon of the chapter; mem. Deru and Sigma Xi, honorary socie- ties; district surgeon on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad; m. Wilhelmine Sommer, 1911. Address, Mobridge, S. D. u UNDERWOOD, Charles Walton; Pi Kappa Alpha; ed. University of the South, 1905; initiated by Chi chap- ter, September, 1903; recording sec- retary and corresponding secretary of the chapter; grand secretary, 1909-1911; mem. supreme council, ex- change editor, 1908-1910, and editor- in-chief, 1911-1913, of the "Shield and Diamond" of Pi Kappa Alpha; secre- tary to the vice-chancellor of the University of the South, S'ewanee, Tenn.; mem. Masons; m. Annie M. Therrell, Feb. 28, 1910. Address, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. UPSHUR, Francis Whittle, M. D.; Phi Delta Theta, PI Mu; chapter com- missioner of latter; ed. Richmond College, 1894, Medical College of Vir- ginia, 1897; initiated by Virginia Delta chapter of Phi Delta Theta, 1893, and Beta Gamma chapter of Pi Mu, 1896; arch of Pi Mu chapter; mem. Richmond Alumni chapters of Pi Mu and Phi Delta Theta; general secretary, later senior counsellor of Pi Mu, now chapter commissioner, designed coat of arms and a delegate to nearly all of the national conven- tions; physician, professor of phar- macology and therapeutics, Medical College of Virginia. Address, The Chesterfield, Richmond, Va. UPSON, Charles Ayrault; founder of chapter at University of Pennsyl- vania of Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1900; initiated by Delta Kappa chapter, Nov. 9, 1899; head of the chapter; mem. Buffalo Delta Kappa Epsilon Club; mem. Buffalo Pennsylvania Club; delegate to national conven- tions at Springfield, 1899; president of the Upson Co.; mem. Masons; m. Ella J. Morgan, Nov. 9, 1910. Ad- dress, Lockport, N. Y. UZZELL, Rudyard Stephen; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Denver Univer- sity; initiated by Colorado Zeta, 1900; treasurer of the chapter; ex- president of the New York Alumni Association of S. A. E., secretary and treasurer of committee on alumni degree of S. A. E. ; manufacturer, lecturer for Board of Education of New York City during the winter months; traveled extensively, vis- ited all cities over 25,000 in the United States, also all countries of Europe, traveled in Canada and Mexico; past master Long Island Lodge No. 382, F. and A. M.; m. Mary Maxwell Elaine, Feb. 14, 1906. Ad- dress, 2 Rector St., New York City. VAIL, Allda; Alpha Phi; ed. Stanford Jr. University, 1909; initiated by Kappa chapter, September, 1909; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; president of San Francisco Alumnae chapter; visiting delegate, 1913-1914; record- ing secretary of general board; dele- gate to national convention of 1908 at Madison, Wis. Address, 1900 Green St., San Francisco, Cal. LEADING GREEKS 245 VALET, Edith Moore; president of Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club of New York City; ed. Barnard College, 1912; in- itiated by New York Beta, Dec. 23, 1909; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Barnard Col- lege Alumnae Association; presi- dent of chapter alumnae club; and corresponding secretary of same; chairman chapter scholarship com- mittee, American Collegiate Associa- tion; chairman of calendar commit- tee and delegate to district conven- tions; teacher of Greek; mem. Wom- en's University Club. Address, 111 W. 127th St., New York City. VAN DER VRIES, John N.; secretary of the high council of Alpha Tau Omega; ed. Hope College, 1903; in- itiated by Gamma Mu chapter; mem. Sigma Xi, honorary; mem. Kansas State and Kansas City Alumni Asso- ciations; chief of third province, 1904-1910, and delegate to province conventions of 1907, 1909, 1911; worthy grand chief, 1910-1912, and delegate to national conven- tions of 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912; professor of mathematics, University of Kansas; m. Bernice M. Taber, 1910. Address, 1644 N. H. Sts., Law- rence, Kans. VAN INGEN, William Dirk; Theta Xi; ed. Stevens Institute of Technology, 1913; initiated by Gamma chapter, October, 1909; secretary of Theta Xi Alumni Club of New York City and secretary of Alumni Association of Steven's Institute of Technology; mem. convention committee of 1914; statistician Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. Address, 34 Nas- sau St., New York City. VAN PETTEN, Harry; president of western division of Delta Tau Delta, 1906-1912; ed. Northwestern Univer- sity, 1904; initiated by Beta Pi chap- ter, October, 1900; ritualist of the chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni As- sociation; delegate to two national conventions; treasurer of the W. E. Wroe & Co., wholesale paper manu- facturers, Chicago, 111.; m. Ruth Reed of Ida Grove, la., Oct. 2, 1907. Address, 2323 Harrison St., Evans- ton, 111. VAN WINKLE, Edward; president of 25th grand lodge of Theta Delta Chi; ed. Columbian University, 1900; in- itiated by Rho Deuteron chapter, 1896; treasurer and mem. of execu- tive committee; mem. and manager of Columbia Varsity LaCrosse team; national president; editor of the "Shield" of Theta Delta Chi for vol- umes 23, 24 and 25, editor of "Bach- man Book and Biography of Andrew Green"; edited and compiled the "Quiz Book"; attended fifteen na- tional conventions; delegate to In- ter-Fraternity Conference of 1913; consulting patent engineer to Wells, Fargo Express Co. and Rhinelander Real Estate Co.; director in Lons- dale Novelty Co., Security Automatic Signal Co., and Twentieth Century Window Co.; mem. Engineers' Club of New York, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, committee man in same, American Society of Civil Engineers, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, and Engineering Society of Columbia University; m. 246 LEADING GREEKS Sama Le Roy Batdorf, Aug. 15, 1900. Address, 90 West St., New York City. VAUGHN, Cora Antoinette; president of Alpha province of Kappa Delta; ed. Randolph Macon Woman's Col- lege; initiated by Theta chapter, Nov. 17, 1906; president of the chap- ter; national secretary of sorority and delegate to national convention of 1908; mem. S. T. A. B. (secret so- ciety) and Jefferson Literary So- ciety. Address, 308 N. High St., Franklin, Va. VAUGHN, George; Kappa Sigma; ed. University of Arkansas, A. B. 1896, LL. B. 1898; initiated by Xi chapter, 1891; grand master of the chapter; contributed to the "Caduceus" of Kappa Sigma; mem. Little Rock, Ark., Alumni Association; catalogue editor, 1893-1897; printer of ritual, 1897; delegate to national conven- tion at Richmond, 1894; lawyer; for- mer president of American Associa- tion of Title Men, 1912-1913; m. Frances E. Edwards of Locksburg, Ark., April 17, 1901. Address, resi- dence, 800 Battery St., office, 1007-8 Southern Trust Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. VAUGHN, Howard; Gamma Sigma Delta; ed. Iowa State University, 1911; initiated by Beta chapter, 1909; chancellor of the chapter; first national grand chancellor of the fraternity, 1913; edited the annual report; delegate to national conven- tion at Columbus, O., 1911; live stock farmer. Address, Marion, la. VERRAL, Walter Sargeson; Alpha Kappa Kappa; ed. Toronto Univer- sity, 1909; initiated by Alpha Epsi- lon chapter, 1905; secretary of the chapter; orthopedic surgeon; mem. Masons and Odd Fellows' Lodge ;m. Sara Hinch of Toronto, Canada, Dec. 30, 1912. Address, 765 Granville St., Vancouver, B. C. VETTER, James Harry; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Chicago and University of South Dakota, 1914; initiated by Illinois Theta, January, 1909, affiliated with chapter at South Dakota University; emi- nent archon of South Dakota Sigma, 1913-1914; also eminent treasurer; eminent recorder at both chapters; mem. Chicago Alumni Associations; mem. of Pan-Hellenic Council at Uni- versity of South Dakota; student* at Rush Medical College; mem. Knights Templar and Shriner. Address, 1015 S. Jay St., Aberdeen, S. D. VINISSKY, Bernard Walter; senior supreme counselor of Beta Phi; ed. University of Chicago, 1914; initi- ated by Alpha chapter, December, 1911; senator of the chapter; con- tributed to the "Link" of Beta Phi; former intermediate supreme coun- sellor; delegate to national conven- tions of 1913 and 1914; senior law student at University of Chicago. Address, 3342 W. 12th St., Chicago, 111. VOIGHT, Irma Elizabeth; Sigma Kap- pa; ed. University of Illinois, Ph. D., 1913; initiated by Theta chapter, 1911; mem. Acoith, Delta Sigma Rho and Kappa Delta Pi (honorary); represented Illinois at Northern Ora- torical League in 1910; winner of 2d prize; winner of inter-society de- LEADING GREEKS 247 clamatory contest at Ilinois, 1911; high school teacher seven years; three as principal; dean of women, Ohio State University, 1913. Ad- dress, Box 453, Athens, Ohio. VON ROSENBERG, Frederick Charles; Kappa Sigma; ed. Univer- sity of Texas, 1884; LL. B. George- town University, 1889; initiated by Tau chapter, September, 1884; grand master of the chapter; worthy grand master of national organization, 1888 and 1889; attorney at law; ex- commissioner of banking and insur- ance of the state of Texas; descend- ant from noble family of East Prus- sia; mem. A. A. S. R., Free Masonry, Thirty-Second Degree and Shrine; m. Nina Electa Stephens, of Boise City, Idaho, Dec. 19, 1892. Address, 2510 Whitis Ave., Austin, Tex. VOORHEES, Oscar McMurtrie; Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; ed. Rut- gers College, 1888; initiated by Rut- gers chapter of Delta Upsilon; presi- dent of the chapter; contributed to Delta Upsilon "Quarterly";, national secretary, 1886-1887; secretary of the United chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, 1901, and editor of the Phi Beta Kappa "Key," 1910; mem. of national council of Phi Beta Kappa; clergy- man in New Jersey, 1891-1909, in New York City, 1909 to date; m. Al- ice R. McLain, 1891, Martha S. Elm- endorf, 1902. Address, 350 E. 146th St., New York City. VORE, Anna L. Taylor; Delta Delta Delta; ed. University of Nebraska, 1900; initiated by Kappa chapter, 1894; president of the chapter; mem. Lincoln Alliance; grand marshal; teacher, Lincoln, Neb. Address, 640 S. 30th St., Lincoln, Neb. w WAGG, Alfred H.; national councilor of Alpha Chi Rho; ed. at Dickinson College, 1909; initiated by Phi Beta chapter, 1905; president of both resi- dent and graduate chapters; dele- gate to national conventions, 1907- 08-09-10-12-13-14; national councilor, 1912-13-14; editor national address book, 1909; president Alpha Chi Rho Club of New York; vice-president, secretary and general manager of Amsterdam Development and Sales Co.; Mason, Elk. Address, 1369 Broadway, New York City. WAGNER, Franklin Allan; chairman chapter house fund committee of Sigma Nu; ed. University of Michi- gan, 1899, 1901, 1904; initiated by Gamma Nu chapter, December, 1903; contributed to the "Delta" of Sigma Nu; president of the New York Alumni chapter, 1909-1911; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Conferences of 1912 and 1913; lawyer, mem. firm of Parker, Davis and Wagner; mem. F. and A. M. ; m. Ethel Putnam, June 7, 1906. Address, 34 Nassau St., New York City. WAGNER, Louise Shlpman; president of second district of Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. University of Illinois, 1908; initiated by Delta chapter, No- vember, 1904; president of the chap- ter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. University of Illinois and Chicago Alumni Associations; deputy grand vice-president, 1909 to 1913, delegate 248 LEADING GREEKS to national convention of 1913; at- tended National Pan-Hellenic Con- gress of 1911, 1912, 1913 as a visitor; m. Fritz Wagner, Jr., Phi Gamma Delta, July 30, 1910. Address, 1902 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, 111. WAKEMAN, Ruth E.; Phi Mu; ed. Lawrence College, 1911; initiated by Iota chapter, March 28, 1912; busi- ness manager of the "Aglaia" of Phi Mu; delegate to national convention at Niagara Falls, 1913; proofreader, George Banta Publishing Co. Ad- dress, 425 Broad St., Menasha, Wis. WALES, James Albert; Alpha Chi Rho; ed. Trinity College, 1901; initi- ated by Phi Psi chapter, 1897; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, founder of Dickin- son chapter; wrote several fraternity songs; mem. chapter and New York City Alumni Associations; national counsellor, 1901-1905; first editor and publisher of the "Garnet and White," 1900-1903; graduate editor, 1903-1913; founder and chairman of graduate advisory board (which se- cures employment for members of Alpha Chi Rho); delegate to all na- tional conventions except the first; only member with this record; own- er of Wales Advertising Co., New York City; mem. F. and A. M., Jov- ian Order; m. Ethel Holbrook Beach, Sept. 30, 1909. Address, Box 7, Stratford, Conn. WALKER, Calvin Albert; secretary and organizer (1907) of California Alumni Association of Omega Upsi- lon Phi; ed. Cooper Medical College, now Stanford University, 1905; ini- tiated by Iota chapter, 1901; senior master of the chapter 1904-1905; su- pervisor of the 6th district, Califor- nia; first grand junior master, 1904- 1905; physician and surgeon; mem. I. O. O. F. and Olympic Club; m. Zella Z. Adair, 1909. Address, 292 Third St., San Francisco, Calif. WALKER, George Neman; district chief of Phi Rho Sigma; ed. Uni- versity of Nebraska Medical Col- lege, 1908; initiated by Iota chap- ter, 1903; charter member; mem. University of Nebraska and Omaha Medical College Alumni Associa- tions; physician and surgeon; mem. Elks, Masons, American Medical As- sociation and Commerce Club; HL Gladys Turner Aug. 31, 1911. Ad- dress, 203 Ganter Blk., Lincoln, Neb. WALKER, Minnie Royre; Kappa Kap- pa Gamma; ed. De Pauw University, 1890; initiated by Iota chapter, No- vember, 1887; president and corre- sponding secretary of the chapter; president of New York Alumnae As- sociation; alumnae secretary, 1906- 1908, and alumni supervisor, 1912- 1914; editor of "Kappa's Record"; deputy grand president; delegate to three national conventions from the Alumnae Association; mem. Daugh- ters of Indiana in New York; m. Guy Morrison Walker, Dec. 15, 1911. Address, 924 West End Ave., New York City. WALLACE, Arthur T.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. State University of Iowa, 1910; initiated by Iowa Beta chapter, Oct. 7, 1907; eminent dep- uty archon of the chapter; mem. Des Moines Alumni Association; secre- tary-treasurer and president of prov- LEADING GREEKS 249 ince Zeta, delegate to province con- ventions at Iowa City, 1909, Law- rence, 1911 and Columbia 1913; del- egate to national conventions at At- lantic City, 1909, and Nashville, Tenn., 1912; lawyer. Address, 707 Citizens' National Bank Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. WALLACE, Roger Wayne; Sigma Chi, Phi Alpha Delta and Tau Kappa Alpha; ed. Butler College, 1909, and Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1912; initiated by Rho chapter of Sigma Chi, Nov. 2, 1905, and affil- iated with Alpha Omega chapter; consul in Sigma Chi chapter and justice in Phi Alpha Delta chapter; president of Indiana chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha; contributed to the Sigma Chi "Quarterly"; mem. Indian- apolis Alumni Association of Sigma Chi; national secretary and treas- urer of Tau Kappa Alpha and char- ter mem. ; annotator of the 4th prov- ince of Sigma Chi, secretary of In- dianapolis Alumni Association and treasurer of Indiana State Associa- tion of Sigma Chi; charter mem. of Phi Alpha Delta at Stanford Uni- versity; delegate to district conven- tion of Sigma Chi in 1908 and to national convention of 1907; dele- gate to national convention of Phi Alpha Delta of 1911; Thirty-Second Degree Scottish Rite Mason; m. Eliz- abeth A. Thompson March 28, 1914. Address, 5316 Lowell Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. WALLING, Benjamin Bennett; grand treasurer of Theta Tau; ed. Univer- sity of Minnesota, 1909; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1908; regent of the chapter; mem. Twin City Alumni Association; president of same 1912 and 1913; delegate to national con- vention at Houghton, Mich., Jan., 1911; partner, Rebuke- Walling In- vestment Co., real estate and insur- ance. Address, 624 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. WALTER, Caroline Packer Sargent; grand secretary, 1896-1898 of Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. Swarthmore Col- lege, 1894; initiated by Alpha Beta chapter, 1891; corresponding secre- tary of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; contributed to the fraternity magazine; mem. Minneapolis Alum- nae Association for two years; and the Philadelphia Alumnae As- sociation for two years; grand president 1898-1900; delegate to national convention of 1893 at Chicago; interested in club and col- lege work; m. William Emby Wal- ter, Phi Kappa Psi. Address, 403 N. Chestnut Rd., Swarthmore, Pa. WALTHALL, James Du Bose; Sigma Chi; ed. University of Texas, 1903; initiated by Alpha Nu chapter, 1901; consul of the chapter; mem. San An- tonio Alumni Association; delegate to national convention at Detroit, 1903; attorney, formerly attorney general of Texas. Address, Central Trust Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. WALTHER, Florine Walker; Chi Omega; ed. George Washington Uni- versity, 1911; initiated by Phi Alpha chapter Nov., 1908; president of the chapter; mem. committee to edit the song book; mem. New York City 250 LEADING GREEKS Alumnae Association; delegate to na- tional conventions at Lexington, 1910, and Niagara, 1913; m. Henry J. Walther, June 24, 1913. Address, 525 W. 169th St., New York City. WALTHER, Henry Wellman Emile, M. D.; past supreme editor of the Phi Beta Pi "Quarterly"; ed. Tu- lane University, 1910; initiated by Alpha Beta chapter, March 8, 1907; archon of the chapter, 1909; contrib- uted frequently to the fraternity magazine; supreme southern prae- tor, 1908-1910; supreme editor, 1911- 1913; delegate to national conven- tions 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911; phy- sician, assistant in genito-urinary and venereal diseases in Tulane Uni- versity School of Medicine, New Or- leans, La.; m. Lilian Helen Cormier, March 12, 1912. Address, residence, 7716 Plum St., office, Macheca Bldg., New Orleans. WALTON, Mabel Lee; grand presi- dent of Sigma Sigma Sigma; ed. Randolph Macon Woman's College; initiated by Gamma chapter, April 16, 1904; vice-president of the chap- ter, contributed many articles to the magazine, "The Triangle"; national offices held: grand vice-president, as- sociate editor, business manager of magazine. Address, Woodstock, Va. WAND, J. Ben; grand histor and editor of the Teke of Tau Kappa Epsilon; ed. at the Milliken University, 1911; initiated by Beta chapter, Nov., 1911; histor of the chapter; mem. Milliken Alumni chapter; manager and editor of Clinton "Daily Public"; m. Zoa E. Stine, Sept. 5, 1911. Address, Clinton, 111. WARD, Hubert Herrick; ex-president of the general council of Phi Delta Theta; ed. Ohio State University, 1890; initiated by Ohio Zeta, 1886; ex-president Cleveland, 0., Alumni Club and ex-president Portland, Ore., Alumni Club; president of Delta province, 1896-1898; delegate to many province conventions; treas- urer of general council 1898-1900; president of general council 1900- 1902; trustee, 1902-1904; delegate to many national conventions; mem. University Club, Portland, Thirty- Second Degree Mason and Shrine; manager of Pacific Northwest Mu- tual Life Insurance Co. of California. Address, 89 4th St., Portland, Ore. WARD, Floy Elizabeth Rockwell; Kappa Delta; ed. Illinois Wesleyan University, 1909; initiated by Omi- cron chapter, March 28, 1908; sec- retary and treasurer of the chapter; contributed articles to "Angelos" of Kappa Delta; mem. Bloomington Alumnae Association; editor of the "Angelos," 1909-1911; delegate to na- tional conventions at Atlanta, Ga., 1911; m. Irving Dean Ward, Aug. 26, 1914. Address, Milner, Idaho. WARDWELL, Arthur Soper; national treasurer of Theta Xi; ed. Cornell University, 1906; initiated by Zeta chapter, May, 1904; treasurer of the chapter; director of graduate corporation of Cornell chapter since 1906; national treasurer; delegate to several national conventions; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Confer- LEADING GREEKS 251 ence of 1913 and 1914; engineer with New York Telephone Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.; mem. F. and A. M. Thirty-second Degree, Aurora Grata Consistory. Address, 541 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. WARE, Ezra Jones; Delta Tau Delta; ed. University of Michigan, 1888; initiated by Delta chapter, Oct., 1881; coresponding secretary of the chap- ter; mem. Kansas City Alumni chap- ter of Delta Tau Delta; delegate to district convention of 1888 at Cleve- land, O., delegate to national con- ventions of 1882, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1887; chemist with Parke, Davis & CQ. in clerical capacity; mem. Knights of Pythias; m. Lizzie F. Hayden, 1888. Address, 7433 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. WARNER, A. L. D.; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; ed. Harvard University, 1907; initiated by Massachusetts Gamma Dec., 1904; mem. New York City Alumni Association of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Harvard Alumni Associa- tion; m. Margherita Hall Arkell, Nov. 4, 1908; occupation sugar re- fining, the Warner Sugar Refining Co., 79 Wall St., New York City. WARNER, Lalah Ruth Randle (Mrs. Everett) ; department editor of the "Key" of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. De Pauw University, 1907; initiated by Iota chapter, Oct., 1903; presi- dent of the chapter; mem. Iota and Chicago Alumnae Associations ; alumnae and department editor of the "Key"; writer, author of "My Mountain Tops," 1912, and magazine articles; m. Everett Warner, June 25, 1914. Address, 719 W. Charles St., Muncie, Ind. WASSELL, Harry B.; national secre- tary of Phi Gamma Delta; ed. Bucknell University, 1900; initiated by Delta chapter, 1896; attorney at law. Address, 5522 Hays St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. WATERBURY, Edwin Morey; former editor of "Alpha Sigma Phi"; ed. Yale University, 1910; initiated by Alpha chapter, March 28, 1907; trus- tee of building fund of chapter; mem. New York City Alumni Asso- ciation; national editor of the "Tom- ahawk," 1909-1913; grand secretary, grand marshal, compiled data for history and directory, delegate to na- tional conventions of 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910; editor Corning, N. Y., "Evening Leader;" mem. Mason and Acacia; m. Florence Feme Ash- craft, May 31, 1912. Address, 114 Cedar St., Corning, N. Y. WATERMAN, Alonzo H.; Phi Alpha Gamma; ed. Hahnemann Medical College, 1906; initiated by Eta Lambda chapter, 1902; president of the chapter; mem. Chicago Alumni Association; grand president, archon, managing editor of the second cata- logue, history and directory, asso- ciate editor of the "Quarterly" of Phi Alpha Gamma; delegate to na- tional conventions of 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906 and 1913; physician. Ad- dress, Hptel Sherman, Chicago, 111. WATERS, Enos; Theta Delta Chi; ed. College of the City of New York, 1913, University of Illinois, 1914; in- itiated by Pi Delta chapter, Nov., 252 LEADING GREEKS 1909, president of the chapter, 1910- 1911, affiliated Kappa Delta Chapter and was president 1913-1914; acting national secretary G. L.; attended national conventions at New York, 1911, and Chicago, 1913; farmer and teacher. Address, R. R. No. 2, Car- linville, 111. WATSON, Erna Berry; former nation- al president of Beta Sigma Omicron; ed. Synodical College, 1896 ; initiated by Beta chapter, 1894; president of the chapter; wrote thirty songs and contributed to magazine; mem. Ful- ton, Mo., and Lexington, Ky., Alum- nae Associations; national president two terms and national editor two terms; edited the Beta Sigma Omi- cron "Song Book"; delegate to na- tional conventions at Jamestown and Lookout Mountain; director of art in Hamilton College, Lexington, Ky.; chairman Boone's Trail Com- mittee of the Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution; mem. of the Na- tional Old Trails committee; teacher in Missouri Valley College, Stanton College, Porter College, Hamilton College; studied in St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Chautauqua New York Summer School and under special teachers in New York, St. Louis and Chicago. Address, 901 Court St., Fulton, Mo. WATSON, Raymond E.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Alpha Delta; ed. Kan- sas University, 1911; initiated by Kansas Alpha of S. A. E., Oct. 26, 1908; herald of the chapter; con- tributed to the "Record"; secretary for two terms of Kansas City Alumni Association; vice-president of prov- ince Zeta and delegate to province convention at Columbia, Mo., Nov., 1913; delegate to national conven- tion of 1912; attorney at law with Watson, Watson and Alford, 1110 Grand Ave., Temple; m. Margaret A. Haddock, April 4, 1914. Address, 3526 Benton, Kansas City, Mo. WATSON, Vesta Lockwood; treasurer of Chi Omega; ed. George Wash- ington University, 1908; initiated by Phi Alpha, 1904; president of the chapter; mem. Washington City Alumnae Association; acting busi- ness manager of the "Eleusis" of Chi Omega; delegate to national conven- tion at Washington, D. C.; m. Charles A. Watson. Address, 1742 Lamont St., Washington, D. C. WATTS, Katherine Sallyus; business manager of the "Agalia" of Phi Mu; ed. Hollins College, 1913; initiated by Beta chapter, June, 1911; corre- sponding secretary of the chapter; vice-president of Hollins College Alumnae Association; teacher. Ad- dress, Big Island, Va. WATTS, Lawrence Arthur; Beta Theta Pi; ed. Northwestern Univer- sity, 1907; initiated by 111. Rho chap- ter, Nov., 1903; secretary of Dallas, Texas, Alumni Association of Beta Theta Pi; manager the Republic Rubber Co. of Texas; m. Hazel E. Spaulding, Sept. 11, 1906. Address, 4727 Worth St., Dallas, Texas. WAUGH, Leuman M.; mem. board of directors, supreme chapter of Xi Psi Phi; ed. University of Buffalo, dental department; initiated by Mu LEADING GREEKS 253 chapter, 1908; charter mem.; pres- ident and secretary of chapter; mem. Buffalo and New York State Alumni Associations of Xi Psi Phi; first president National Alumni As- sociation; first president Buffalo Alumni Association; delegate to na- tional convention of 1914; treasurer of Fraternity Building Co. of Mu chapter; Orthodentist, professor Pathology and Histology, Univer- sity of Buffalo; mem. Free and Ac- cepted Masons; m. Henrietta C. By- ers, 1902. Address, 576 5th Ave., New York City. WEAVER, Ethan Allen; Chi Phi; ed. Lafayette College, 1874; founder of Rho chapter, 1874, and honorary mem. of Omicron chapter, Yale Uni- versity; secretary of his class, 1883, and editor of college monthly; con- tributed to Chi Phi "Quarterly"; mem. of Chi Phi Circle of Phila- delphia; compiled and edited Gen- eral Historical and Biographical Register of Chi Phi, 1890; engaged in journalistic work until 1877; studied law, 1878 entered employ of Pennsylvania Railroad Co.; has since served in civil engineering de- partment, 15 years with chief en- gineer of construction and since 1893 with chief engineer of maintenance of way; appointed on several com- missions by former Gov. Whitaker of Pennsylvania; twice delegate to ju- dicial conventions in Philadelphia to nominate candidates for judgeship; mem. Historical Society of Penn. Moravian Historical Society, His- torical Society of Bucks County, Pa.; vice-president and mem. executive committee, Society of the Army of the Potomac; mem. Free and Ac- cepted Ancient York Masons; war- rant mem. Colonial Lodge No. 631 and trustee, Life Companion of Je- rusalem chapter No. 3, Royal Arch Masons of Philadelphia; written many genealogical, biographical and historical books and tracts; m. Mary Patterson, 1883. Address, 251 West Harvey St., Germantown, Pa. WEBB, Roscoe Hess; vice-president of Eta Kappa Nu; ed. Purdue Uni- versity, 1908; initiated by Beta chap- ter, April 27, 1907; contributed to the "Bridge" of Eta Kappa Nu; mem. Pittsburgh Alumni Association; na- tional treasurer, 1913-1914, vice-pres- ident 1913-1915, editor-in-chief of the "Bridge"; mem. installation comr mittee to Kappa chapter, Cornell University, Jan. 27, 1912; delegate to national convention at Madison, 1913; engineering apprentice with Westinghouse Electric and Manufac- turing Co., 1910; mem. sales depart- ment, 1910 to date. Address, 1412 Elm St., Wilkinsburgh, Pa. WEBBE, William Edward; former president of province Delta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. Purdue Univer- sity, 1906, University of Wisconsin, 1911; initiated by Indiana Beta, April 1, 1904; deputy archon of chapter; founder of Alpha Alpha fra- ternity of University of Wisconsin; mem. Chicago and Fort Wayne Alumni Associations; province vice- president, 1911, and president, 1912, 1913, 1914; delegate to province con- ventions of 1911, 1912 and 1914; del- 254 LEADING GREEKS egate to national convention of 1912; farmer, Barrington, 111., and treasurer of Bash Mfg. Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.; m. Blanche Lucius, Alpha Phi, June 20, 1914. Address, Bash Mfg. Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. WEBSTER, Bethuel Matthew; prov- ince president of Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; ed. University of Colorado, 1894; initiated by Colorado Chi, 1892; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Denver Alumni Association; attor- ney at law; mem. Masons, Blue Lodge, Chapter; m. Anna L. David- son, June 15, 1909. Address, 614 Kittredge Bldg., Denver, Colo. WEBSTER, Clyde Irvin; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. University of Mich- igan, 1899, A. B. 1901, LL. D.; in- itiated by Michigan Iota Beta, 1897; eminent archon of the chapter; mem. Detroit Alumni Association, province president of province Del- ta; delegate to province conventions at Purdue University and Delaware, O.; delegate to national convention at Boston, 1900, and Atlanta; United States attorney for eastern district of Michigan; mem. all Ma- sonic degrees; m. Edith May Hughes, Sept. 4, 1901. Address, 31 King St., Detroit, Mich. WEEKS, Luther Cornelius; editor-in- chief of the "Emerald" of Sigma Pi ; ed. Yale University, 1903; joined Eta chapter while an instructor at Purdue University; charter member, June 18, 1910; secretary of the chap- ter; mem. Sigma Xi (honorary); mem. of executive council; delegate to national conventions at Colum- bus, 1912, and Champaign, 1914; as- sistant in mathematics at Yale Uni- versity, 1903 to 1906, instructor at Purdue University eight years; now steward in charge and manager of Union Oil Co.'s Hotel at Oleum, Calif.; mem. Lincoln Club and West Lafayette Club ot West Lafayette, Ind.; m. Mary E. Matthews, June 12, 1912. Address, Oleum, Calif. WEHE, Waldemar C.; chief justice, 1904-1905, of Phi Alpha Delta; ed. University of Wisconsin, 1905; ini- tiated by Ryan chapter, March, 1904; delegate to national conventions of 1904-1905; practicing attorney in Mil- waukee since 1905; mem. Common Council of the city, 1912-1916; mem. Masons; m. Ruby M. Chapman, Oct. 27, 1907. Address, 800-802 First Na- tional Bank Bldg, Milwaukee, Wis. WENSTRAND, David E. W.; national president of Phi Rho Sigma; mem. of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. at Northwestern University, 1898, med- ical department, 1900; initiated by Illinois Psi-Omega, chapter of Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon, October 17, 1894; initiated by Alpha chapter of Phi Rho Sigma, November 12, 1898; emi- nent correspondent of Illinois Psi- Omega chapter of S. A. E.; mem. Milwaukee Alumni Association of S. A. E.; delegate to national con- ventions of S. A. E., 1902-1909; dele- gate to province conventions of S. A. E,, 1898, 1902, 1906, 1908, 1910; delegate to national conventions of Phi Rho Sigma, 1898, 1901, 1903, 1905; vice-president of Province Delta S. A. E., 1906, 1908; president LEADING GREEKS 255 of Province Delta of S. A. E., 1908, 1910; secretary of grand council of Phi Rho Sigma, 1895-1905; mem. grand council, 1905-1913; president of grand council, 1913 to date; au- thor of History of Phi Rho Sigma; contributed to Phi Rho Sigma "Jour- nal"; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference, 1913; called inter-medi- cal fraternity conference, May 30, 1914; instrumental in the founding of many Phi Rho Sigma chapters; physician, assistant medical direc- tor of Northwestern Mutual Life In- surance Company; m. Gertrude E. Walters, Jan. 1, 1907. Address, Northwestern Mutual Life Insur- ance Co., Milwaukee, Wis. WEST, Preston Caplinger; Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; ed. Southern Presby- terian University, 1888; initiated by Tenn. Zeta chapter, Sept., 1885, af- filiated with Virginia Omicron, 1890; eminent archon of chapter; contributed several articles to the "Record' of Sigma Alpha Epsilon; mem. Muskogee Alumni chapter; province president; delegate to na- tional conventions at Columbus, S. C., 1887, and Kansas City, 1910; so- liciter for the Department of the In- terior of the United States; mem. Masons and Elks; m. Bess D. Shelby of Fort Smith, Ark., Oct. 20, 1897. Address, The Kennesaw, 16th and Irving Sts., Washington, D. C.; per- manent home address, Muskogee, Okla. WEST, Vernon E.; correspondence editor, "Delta Chi Quarterly"; ed. at Georgetown University, Washing- ton, D. C., 1908; initiated by George- town chapter, April, 1906; president of chapter; delegate to national con- vention at Toronto, Canada, 1913; mem. Washington Alumni chapter; lawyer. Address, Century Bldg., Washington, D. C. WESTERMANN, May Cynthia Whit- ing; Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1896, A. M. 1898; initiated by Sigma chapter, Dec. 13, 1892; president of the chap- ter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; contrib- uted to the "Key" of Kappa Kappa Gamma; secretary of the St. Louis Alumnae Association for three years; acting grand treasurer, 1898- 1902; grand secretary, 1900-1902; grand president, 1902-1904; histo- rian 1904-1906; installed chapters at University of Colorado and Tulane University; taught English litera- ture in University of Nebraska for six years, later adjunct professor; Daughter of the American Revolu- tion and Daughters of 1812; m. Theo- dore Westermann, Oct. 1, 1902. Ad- dress, 4435 Forest Park Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. WESTON, Ethel Hayward; grand sec- retary of Sigma Kappa; ed. Colby College, 1908; initiated by Alpha chapter, Oct., 1903; president of the chapter; delegate to national con- ventions of 1908, 1909, 1913; dele- gate to Chicago- Greek Conference of 1913; addressed local Pan-Hel- lenic at Colby College; m. Benjamin T. Weston, Aug. 18, 1909. Ad- dress, Box 208, Old Town, Me. WESTWOOD, Herman J.; former na- 256 LEADING GREEKS tional secretary of Delta Chi; ed. Cornell University, 1897; initiated by Cornell chapter, Sept., 1894; clerk of the chapter; national secretary three terms, editor of second direc- tory and first song book; delegate and chairman at five national con- ventions; delegate to New York In- ter-Fraternity Conference of 1912; lawyer, delegate to New York State Constitutional Convention, 1915: mem. Elks, I. O. O. F., Grange; m. Cova I. Smith, Sept 2, 1903. Ad- dress, 23 E.Main St., Fredonia, N. Y. WHEAT, Harry Grove; Sigma Phi Ep- silon; ed. West Virginia University, 1912; initiated by W. Va. Beta, May 5, 1908; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; national grand guard and delegate to sev- enth national conclave, Detroit, Aug. 26, 1912; superintendent of schools, Williamstown, W. Va.; mem. Ma- sons. Address, Williamstown, W. Va. WHEELER, Bertha Robinson; presi- dent of the Waterville, Me., Alli- ance of Delta Delta Delta, 1913-1914; ed. Colby College, 1907; initiated by Alpha Upsilon chapter, May 14, 1908; secretary of local chapter which pe- titioned Delta Delta Delta; mem. Kappa Alpha (senior society) ; mem. Colby College Alumnae Association; formerly teacher, now assistant in public library; mem. Pythian Sis- terhood, the Patrons of Husbandry; m. Lyman Wheeler, April 16, 1912. Address, Bethel, Maine. WHEELER, Cleora Clark; custodian of the badge of Kappa Kappa Gam- ma; ed. University of Minnesota, 1903; initiated by Chi chapter, Oct. 9, 1899; mem. Minnesota Alumnae Association; grand registrar, 1904-6; custodian, 1911; designer of the of- ficial book-plate, publisher of the record book of the fraternity, "Kap- pas I have known," 1912; delegate to women's interfraternity confer- ence at Chicago, 1905; designer and illuminator; delegate to national conventions of 1902 and 1908. Ad- dress, 1376 Summit Ave., St. Paul, Minn. WHEELER, Edmund Burke; one of the founders of Eta Kappa Nu; ed. University of Illinois, 1905; initiated by Alpha chapter; mem. Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Xi (honorary) ; mem. New York Alumni Association of Tau Beta Pi; president of national exec- utive council of Eta Kappa Nu, 1906- 1907; telephone engineer; engineer in physical laboratory of Western Elec- tric Co. of New York; m. Grace M. Kelly, June 14, 1910. Address, 307 W. 122nd St., New York City. WHEELIHAN, Harriot Burnton; Al- pha Phi; ed. University of Wiscon- sin, 1898; initiated by Iota chapter, Oct., 1896; contributed to Alpha Phi "Quarterly"; mem. Wisconsin Alum- nae, Grafton Hall Alumnae and Chi- cago Alumnae Associations; record- ing secretary, 1910-1912, correspond- ing secretary, 1912-1914; delegate to Chicago Greek Conference of 1913; m. Frank A. Wheelihan, Phi Delta Theta, 1899. Address, 1207 Mich- igan Ave., Evanston, 111. WHELAN, Viola Ahlers (Mrs. John LEADING GREEKS 257 Louis) ; chairman of Sigma Build- ing Fund Committee of Alpha Omi- cron Pi; ed. University of California, 1908; initiated by Sigma chapter, February, 1907, charter member; vice-president of the chapter; presi- dent of San Francisco Alumnae Chapter, 1911; m. John Louis Whe- lan, Sept., 1914. Address, 2300 Di- visadero St., San Francisco, Calif. WHITAKER, Karl Enroll; president of Tampa Alumni Association of Sigma Nu; ed. at Columbia Univer- sity, 1911, A. M.; 1912, LL. B.; ini- tiated by Delta Gamma chapter, 1911; delegate to Atlanta national convention; delegate to 14th dis- trict convention, New York City, 1912; mem. extension committee; lawyer; mem. B. P. O. E.; m. Olivia Moody, Sept. 10, 1912. Address, 722 Fielding Ave., Tampa, Fla. WHITE, Albert Blakeslee; Alpha Sig- ma Phi; ed. Marietta College, 1878; initiated by Delta chapter, Septem- ber, 1874; H. S. P. of the chapter; national G. S. P. (highest office) ; did ritual work 1876-1877; delegate to several national conventions; delegate to Inter-Fraternity Confer- ence, but unable to attend; gov- ernor of West Virginia, 1901-1905; manufacturer and banker; mem. all Masonic bodies and Elks; m. Agnes Ward, Oct. 2, 1879. Address, 1019 Murdock Ave., Parkersburg, W. Va. WHITE, Andrew Dickson, M. A., LL. D., Ph. D.; grand senior president of Alpha Sigma Phi; mem. Sigma Phi, Psi Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa and Skull and Bones; ed. Yale Uni- versity, A. B., 1853; A. M., 1856; post graduate work at Sorbonne Col- lege de France and University of Berlin; author of "The College Fra- ternity"; delegate to many district conventions of Alpha Sigma Phi and to national conventions of 1864, 1868, 1884, 1912; commissioner to Santo Domingo and to France, min- ister to Germany and to Russia; am- bassador to Germany; president of American delegation to last Hague conference; professor and lecturer in history at University of Michi- gan, Stanford University, Tulane University and University of Penn- sylvania; president of Cornell Uni- versity, 1867-1885; author of many works on history, and contributor to leading reviews and magazines; m. Helen Magill, 1890. Address, 27 East Ave., Ithaca, N, Y. WHITE, Horace Henry; Kappa Alpha, Southern; ed. Vanderbilt Univer- sity, B. A. 1886, L. L. B. 1887; ini- tiated by Chi chapter, April 9, 1883; head of chapter; mem. Alexandria Alumni Association; national of- fices held: K. C., G. H., editor-in- chief; delegate to 13th and 14th na- tional conventions; lawyer; mem. F. and A. M., I. O. O. F.; m. Fannie Blythe, Dec. 27, 1887. Address, Al- exandria, La. WHITE, Lee A.; national historian and alumni organizer of Sigma Del- ta Chi; ed. University of Michigan, A. B. 1910, M. A. 1911; initiated by Michigan Gamma, 1909, charter member; secretary of the chapter; contributor to the "Quill" of Sigma 258 LEADING GREEKS Delta Chi; mem. University of Michigan Alumni Association and Seattle Alumni Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi; wrote national history, bore petition to American Confer- ence, Teachers of Journalism, Madi- son, Wis., Nov. 28, 1913; officer at national conventions of 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915; given Chester Wells Me- morial Key at national convention of 1914 at Ann Arbor, Mich.; former- ly editorial writer of the "Detroit "News," now assistant professor of journalism, University of Washing- ton; m. Florence E. Baker, July 1, 1912. Address, 5604 University Blvd., Seattle, Wash. WHITE, Lena; national president of Theta Sigma Phi; mem. Delta Delta Delta; ed. University of Washing- ton; initiated by Theta Alpha chap- ter, Jan. 31, 1912; of Delta Delta Delta; president of the chapter; and corresponding secretary; editor of the "Year Book" of the University of Washington, 1915. Address, 4714 17th Ave., N. E,, Seattle, Wash. WHITFORD, Mary; national historian of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Syracuse University, 1881; initiated by Alpha chapter, March 22, 1878; mem. Syra- cuse Alumnae Association; twice chairman of committees to prepare sorority directory and once to pre- pare song book; high school teacher since 1887. , Address, 206 Kirk St., Syracuse, N. Y. WHITNEY, Alfred Carpenter; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ed. University of Minnesota, 1903; initiated by Min- nesota Alpha, charter member; emi- nent archon of the chapter; delegate to province Delta convention of 1902 at Champaign, 111.; president Shur- meier Wagon Co., 320 E. 9th St., St. Paul, Minn. WHITNEY, Margaret Delia Mason; Alpha Phi; ed. University of Michi- gan, 1900; initiated by Theta chap- ter, Dec., 1895; mem. Omega Psi (sophomore society); contributed to Alpha Phi "Quarterly" magazine; mem. Chicago Alumnae chapter, 1901-1902, and charter mem. of San Francisco Alumnae chapter; presi- dent of the general board of Alpha Phi, 1900-1902, instrumental in form- ing Pan-Hellenic Congress; mem. Si- erra chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution ; did some post- graduate work at University of Cal- ifornia; m. Clarence Wright Whit- ney, April 30, 1901. Address, 2630 Haste St., Berkley, Calif. WHITTINGTON, Mary Thomas (Mrs. G. P.); assistant editor of the "To Dragma" of Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. H. Sophie Newcomb College, 1911; initiated by Pi chapter, March 11, 1908; president of the chapter; con- tributed to magazine; mem. New- comb Alumnae Association; delegate to one national convention; m. George Purnell Whittington, Octo- ber, 1911. Address, P. O. Box 45, Alexandria, La. WHOLENBERG, Walter Jacob; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Tau; ed. Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1910; initiated by Nebraska Alpha, April 19, 1914; president of Sigma Tau chapter, mem. Sigma Psi and Gamma Alpha; LEADING GREEKS 259 mem. supreme council of Sigma Phi Epsilon; assistant professor of me- chanical engineering, University of Oklahoma; formerly with Westing- house Machine Co., engineer in sta- tistical department of Western Trac- tion Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ad- dress, 542 Boulevard, Norman, Okla. WIELAND, Frank; former president of Delta Tau Delta; mem. Phi Al- pha Gamma; ed. at Buchtel College, 1890; initiated by Eta chapter, 1890; president of chapter; delegate to many national conventions; mem. college and medical school alumni associations; president of Delta Tau Delta, 1901, 1907; author of "College Men and Social Evils"; surgeon; staff of Cook County Baptist and Hahnemann Hospitals; m. Anne Goosley, 1896. Address, 122 S. Mich- igan Ave., Chicago, 111. WIGGANS, Cleo Claude; grand editor of Gamma Sigma Delta; ed. Uni- versity of Missouri College of Agri- culture, 1912, A. M., 1913; initiated by Missouri Delta Chapter, October, 1910; editor of Missouri Agriculture College "Farmer" for one year; mem. Gamma Alpha and Sigma Xi (honorary) ; also O. E. B. G. (local) ; instructor in horticulture, Univer- sity of Missouri. Address, Horti- culture Bldg., Columbia, Mo. WIGGS, Leslie Byron, M. D.; national historian of Pi Mu; ed. Medical Col- lege of Virginia, 1907; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1903; arch aorta of the chapter; mem. Medical Col- lege of Virginia Alumni Association ; delegate to national convention of 1912; physician, specialist in dis- eases of the kidneys, associate pro- fessor of materia medica and phar- macology, Medical College of Vir- ginia, professor of materia medica and pharmacology in Johnston-Wil- lis Training School for Nurses, med- ical consultant in diseases of the kidneys in Johnstown-Willis Sana- torium, Richmond, Va. Address, 210 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. WILBUR, Aldus; Kappa Sigma; ed. Swarthmore College, 1904; initiated by Pi chapter, 1901; G. M. of the chapter; alumnus advisor to Pi chap- ter; delegate to national convention at New Orleans, 1902; insurance ad- juster and advertising writer. Ad- dress, 317 N. Chester Road, Swarth- more, Pa. WILCOX, Ruth Myall; president of grand council of Beta Sigma Omi- cron; ed. at Liberty College, Liberty, Mo.; initiated by Omicron chapter, Sept. 16, 1908; president of chapter; national treasurer two terms, and president one; delegate to Chicago Greek conference, 1913; m. Roger Tryon Wilcox, Alpha Delta Phi, Aug. 26, 1913. Address, Chestnut Ridge Farm, Glen Gardner, N. J. WILEY, Genevra Gwynn (Mrs. Otis M. ) ; Alpha Phi ; ed. Syracuse Uni- versity, 1892; initiated by Alpha chapter, October, 1888; mem. Syra- cuse University and Syracuse Alum- nae Club; national president 1898- 1900; delegate to national conven- tion at New York, 1902; m. Dr. Otis M. Wiley, Oct. 15, 1896. Address, 3104 So. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. 260 LEADING GREEKS WILEY, William Halsted; president of the grand lodge of Theta Xi; ed. College of the City of New York, A. B., 1861, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, C. E. 1866; initiated by Alpha chapter, October, 1864; civil engineer and scientific publisher, as- sistant engineer Brooklyn Water Works, Croton Water Works, Phil- adelphia and Reading R. R., River- side Park, Chicago; superintendent of Tunnel Hill Coal Co., New Lex- ington, O.; president of John Wiley & Sons, scientific publishers; served as first lieutenant in the Civil War, 1862, captain and major, 1863-1864; mem. Township Commis- sion, East Orange, N. J., three years, chairman one year; mem. grand jury of Essex County; state commissioner at Louisiana Purchase Exposition; mem. 68th, 59th and 61st Congress; mem. American Society of Civil En- gineers and American Society of Me- chanical Engineers American Insti- tute of Mining Engineers, Ameri- can Institute of Electrical Engineers, A. A. A. S., Mil. Order Loyal Legion; Clubs: University, Engineers, Army and Navy, Cosmos, Essex County, Country, Mountain Golf; m. Joanna K. Clarke, 1870. Address, residence, East Orange, N. J.; office, 432-4 4th Ave., New York City. W ILK IE, Grace; Chi Omega; ed. Uni- versity of Kansas, 1912, and Colum- bia University; initiated by Lambda chapter; president of the chapter 1907; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and The Torch (honorary) ; mem. Kansas University Alumni Association; mem. national examination committee, 1912-1914; delegate to national con- vention at Lexington, Ky., 1910; head of home economy department at Fairmont College, Wichita, Kan. Ad- dress, 734 S. Topeka St., Wichita, Kans. WILLARD, Joseph Moody; national regent of Phi Kappa Phi; mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon; ed. Dartmouth College, 1887; initiated by Pi chap- ter of Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1887; treasurer and head officer of the chapter; helped start Phi Kappa Phi in 1900 and local secretary since; professor of mathematics, Pennsyl- vania State College; m. H. N. Munn, Baltimore, Md., 1897. Address, State College, Pa. WILLETS, Martha; grand treasurer of Kappa Kappa Gamma; ed. Swarthmore College, 1912; initiated by Beta Iota chapter, Oct. 6, 1909; president of the chapter; mem. Beta Iota Alumnae Association; delegate to national convention of 1914; teacher, secretary of Trenton Col- lege Club. Address, 219 Greenwood Ave., Trenton, N. J. WILLIAMS, Gold; Alpha Tau Omega; ed. University of Nebraska, 1901; in- itiated by Gamma Theta chapter, Sept. 29, 1901; mem. Chicago Alum- ni Association of Alpha Tau Omega; delegate to national convention at Chicago, Jan., 1902; sales manager, Marquette Portland Cement Co.; m. Paula E. Windmayer, Oct. 31, 1906. Address, Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. WILLIAMS, Howard C.; national sec- retary, 1914, of Phi Kappa Psi; ed. LEADING GREEKS 261 Dartmouth College and University of Illinois, 1908; initiated by New Hampshire Alpha, 1902; affiliated with Ilinois Delta; president of the chapter; mem. Cleveland Alumni As- sociaton; delegate to district con- vention at Bloomington, Ind., 1913, and to national convention at Den- ver, 1908, and Chicago, 1912; news- paper work and surety bonds. Ad- dress, residence, 1874 East 81st St.; office, 729 Garfield Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. WILLIAMS, Joseph Frank; vice-presi- dent of provincial conclave of Al- pha Tau Omega; ed. at Western Re- serve University, 1904; law school, 1906; initiated by Gamma Kappa chapter, 1901; worthy master of chapter; charter mem. of chapter; president of Youngstown Alumni Association; delegate to Chicago Na- tional convention, 1902-03; delegate to provincial conclaves; attorney; m. Gussie K. Hamilton, June 12, 1907. Address, 703-5 Wick Bldg., Youngs- town, Ohio. WILLIAMS, Ralph Chester, M. D.; chairman of extension committee of Kappa Psi; ed. University of Ala- bama, 1910; initiated by Iota chap- ter, Nov. 10, 1907; regent of the chapter; contributed to the maga- zine; mem. Birmingham Alumni Chapter; chairman of the ritual re- vision committee; delegate to na- tional convention at Birmingham, 1910; physician, at present employed by state board of health; mem. B. P. O. E. and W. O. W.; m. Annie Perry, Feb. 2, 1912. Address, office, care State Board of Health, Mont- gomery, Ala; residence, Hatchechub- bee, Ala. WILLIAMS, Talcott; Alpha Delta Phi; ed. Amherst College, 1873; ini- tiated in Amherst chapter, October, 1869; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; mem. New York and Philadelphia Alumni Associations of Alpha Delta Phi; national president, 1906-1908; editor of the catalogue, 1882; delegate to many conventions; journalist; dean of the School of Journalism of Co- lumbia University; trustee of Am- herst College and mem. board of managers of Archaeological Mu- seum, University of Pennsylvania. Address, 423 W. 117th St., New York. WILLIAMS, W. H.; chief of district 13 of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Dennison University, 1905; initiated by Alpha Eta chapter, 1900; delegate to national and district convention of 1913 and 1914 as district chief; civil engineer and general contractor; mem. firm of Dollut & Williams; mem. Masons, American Society of Contracting Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers; president of Louisiana Engineering Society; m. Ruby Ionia Mugnier, Dec. 30, 1908. Address, 3318, Coliseum St. and 1029 Maison Blanche, New Or- leans, La. WILLIS, Bess Grower (Mrs. R. H.) ; mem. extension committee of Sigma Sigma Sigma; ed. Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 1907; initiated by Gamma chapter, April 16, 1904; pres- ident of the chapter; president of LEADING GREEKS Roanoke Alumnae Association; na- tional grand president, 1908-1913; delegate to national conventions of 1904 and 1906; initiated into Delta Delta Delta, fall, 1914, when frater- nity became professional and col- lege chapters joined nationals; m. Russell Holman Willis, June 18, 1913. Address, 301 Maple Ave. S. W., Roanoke, Va. WILLOUGHBY, Mary Bingham; foun- der of Alpha chapter, of Gamma Phi Beta; ed. Syracuse University, 1878; mem. of Alpha chapter, president of the chapter; contributed to the Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta; life men. of Syracuse Alumnae As- sociation of Gamma Phi Beta; helped design the national badge; mem. Daughters of the American Revolution; m. Edward A. Wil- loughby, Jan. 17, 1883. Address, 1102 Park Ave., Utica, N. Y. WILSON, Charles Stuart; Phi Rho Sig- ma; ed. University of Michigan, 1907; initiated by Zeta chapter, Nov., 1903; vice-president of the chapter; treasurer of Zeta Alumni Association; national recorder, 1906 to date; organized first house build- ing fund, published first fraternity directory; physician, practice lim- ited to internal medicine; m. Grace Winnifred Smith, Jan. 17, 1908. Address, National Realty Bldg., Ta- coma, Wash. WILSON, Dunning S.; grand secretary- treasurer 14 years of Phi Chi; ed. Medical Department of the Univer- sity of Louisville, 1899; initiated by Alpha Alpha chapter, 1897; delegate to many national conventions; p sician specialist in tuberculosis; mem. Blue Lodge Masons; m. May Margaret Bonn, 1903. Address, Valley Station, Ky. WILSON, Julia Gardiner Tyler; a founder of Kappa Delta; ed. Farm- ville Normal College, 1899, 1900; mem. of Alpha chapter; mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon local at Wellesley Col- lege; wrote one song; m. James S. Wilson, Kappa Sigma, April 17, 1911. Address, Williamsburg, Va. WILSON, Leon; Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi; ed. Northwestern Uni- versity, 1909; initiated by 111. Alpha of Phi Delta Theta, Oct., 1904; president of the chapter; mem. local Inter-fraternity council; president and secretary of Chicago Alumni Associaton; delegate to dis- trict convention held at Des Moines, la.; lawyer. Address, office, First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111.; residence, Evanston, 111. WILSON, Mary Janet; Alumnae ad- viser of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. De Pauw University, 1893; initiated by Alpha chapter, 1887; contributed to "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega and to the history; grand president and editor of the "Lyre;" delegate to national convention at Boston; del- egate to fraternity conference at Albion, Mich., 1891; formerly assist- ant teacher of harmony, now libra- rian De Pauw School of Music; mem. Daughters of the American Revolution. Address, Box 165, Greencastle, Ind. LEADING GREEKS 263 WINGETT, William Floyd; grand treasurer of Sigma Phi Epsilon; ed. Delaware State College, 1909; in- itiated by Delaware Alpha chapter, April, 1907; charter mem.; presi- dent of the chapter; contributed to fraternity magazine; mem. Denver Alumni Association and Delaware State Alumni Association; district deputy of fourth district; grand guard and grand treasurer, delegate to national conventions of 1907, 1908, 1910, 1912; chemist; m. Addie H. Ellender, May 4, 1912. Address, 2935 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. WINNE, Charles K. Jr.; chief of third district of Beta Theta Pi; ed. Johns Hopkins University, 1897; initiated by Alpha Chi chapter, Oct., 1894; corresponding secretary and presi- dent of the chapter; organized and president for 3 years Albany, N. Y., Alumni Association; chief assistant secretary of national organization; delegate to district convention of 1897 and to national conventions of 1897, 1912 and 1913; attended about 10 general conventions and served on many committees; chairman of committee on arrangement of 71st convention at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1910; physician; mem. Military Order Loyal Legion; m. Sarah T. Merrill, Sept., 1910. Address, 222 Lark St., Albany, N. Y. WIRT, Frederick Alfred; mem. Sigma Phi Epsilon; grand secretary and treasurer of Sigma Tau; ed. Uni- versity of Nebraska, 1913; B. S. and C. E,; initiated by Nebraska Alpha of Sigma Phi Epsilon, April 15, 1911, chapter member of Alpha chapter of Sigma Tau, Jan. 14, 1911; president of Sigma Tau chapter, 1911-1913; assistant grand secretary and treasurer of Sigma Tau until 1914; mem. Nebraska Alumni Asso- ciation; delegate to national conven- tion of Sigma Tau, April, 1914; in- structor in farm mechanics, Kansas Agricultural College. Address, 815 Poyntz St., Manhattan, Kans. WOLCOTT, Roger H.; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Psi; B. A. Yale University, 1905, LL. B. Denver Law School, 1907, and Den- ver University School of Commerce, 1914; initiated by Yale chapter of Beta Theta Pi, March, 1903; Denver chapter of Phi Delta Phi, Jan., 1906; Denver chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, Oct., 1912; chief of 13th district of Beta Theta Pi, 1908-1910; president one year of the Denver Alumni Asso- ciation of Phi Delta Phi; mem. Den- ver Alumni Association of Beta Theta Pi and New York Beta Theta Pi Club; mem. Board of Trustees of Beta Theta Pi, 1910-1914; delegate to national convention of Beta Theta Pi, 1904; attended conventions of 1904, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912; attorney at law; mem. University Club, Cactus Club, Ma- sons and Elks; m. Louise W. Du- gal, Oct. 28, 1907. Address, 335 Symmes Bldg., Denver, Colo. WOOD, Letitia Vance; corresponding secretary of St. Joseph Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Missouri University, 1912; initiated by Missouri Alpha, Oct., 1908; treasurer 264 LEADING GREEKS and secretary of the chapter; presi- dent of St. Joseph Alumnae Club, 1913-1914; alumnae delegate to na- tional convention at Evanston, 111., 1912; domestic science teacher in St. Joseph. Address, Krug Park Place, St. Joseph, Mo. WOOD, Thanas; section chief of Phi Gamma Delta; ed. Bucknell Col- lege, 1905; initiated by Delta chap- ter, 1902; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Theta Delta Tau local; dele- gate to national conventions of 1904 and 1913; lawyer; m. Blanche ..Ste- ner, Pi Beta Phi, 1910. Address, 41 Trust Bldg., Williamsport, Pa. WOODMAN, Sophie Parsons; alumnae editor of the "Arrow" of Pi Beta Phi; ed. Barnard College, 1907; in- itiated by New York Beta, Oct., 1904; treasurer and corresponding secre- tary of the chapter; contributed to the "Arrow"; secretary, correspond- ing secretary and treasurer of the New York Alumnae Club, 1909-1914; president of New York Beta Alum- nae Association; edited first year book, 1911; chairman of committee which selected uniform initiation robe, 1911-1912; compiled material for Y. W. C. A. number of the "Arrow"; delegate to national con- ventions at Evanston, 1912, and San Francisco, 1915; mem. National- Pan-Hellenic committee to look after Barnard Situation; teacher of his- tory in Evander Childs High School, New York City. Address 561 W. 186th St., New York City. WOODROW, Genevieve Derby; Delta Gamma; ed. University of Michigan, 1900; initiated by Xi chapter, Nov., 1896; vice-president of the chapter and corresponding secretary; mem. Phi Omega Alumnae chapter of Del- ta Gamma; national treasurer, 1901- 1905; m. Thomas R. Woodrow, June 28, 1905. Address, 2337 Ash St., Denver, Colo. WOODS, Clarence Everett; editor and grand recorder from 1894 to 1913 of Sigma Nu; ed. Central Univer- sity, Richmond, Ky., 1887; initiated by Zeta chapter, 1885; reporter of the chapter; mem. several alumni associations ; chief of Second Di- vision and delegate to 25 district conventions; delegate to 13 Sigma Nu grand chapter conventions; edi- tor of weekly paper and ex-mayor of Richmond, Ky. ; m. Mamie Miller. 1886. Address, Eustis, Pla. WOODWARD, Cora Stranahan; vice- president of Alpha Phi; ed. Stan- ford University, 1893; initiated by Delta chapter, 1891; contributed to the "Quarterly" of Alpha Phi; visit- ing delegate and national president, dean of women at University of Wis- consin, 1906-1911; m. Henry Lake Woodward. Address, Alpha Phi House, Stanford University, Calif. WRAY, Edith A.; assistant editor of the "Lamp" of Delta Zeta; ed. De Pauw University, 1913; initiated by Delta chapter, Dec., 1910; president of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; contributed to the "Lamp" and wrote two sorority songs; mem. Alpha graduate chapter; national treasurer pro tern, 1914; visited -western chapters, 1914; delegate to LEADING GREEKS 265 national convention at Lake Win- ona Conv., 1912; teacher of Eng- lish, Shelby ville High School. Ad- dress, 819 S. Harrison St., Shelby- ville, Ind. WREAKS, Hugh T.; secretary of Theta Xi; ed. Stevens College, 1S90; initiated by Gamma chapter, 1887; mem. Stevens Alumni Association; editor of the Theta Xi "Quarterly"; president Wire Inspection Bureau. Address, 13-21 Park Row, New York City. WRIGHT, Edward Warner; mem. gov- erning board of Delta Chi; ed. at Usgoode Hall, Toronto, Canada, 1908; initiated by Usgoode Hall chapter, February, 1905; president of chapter; mem. Toronto Alumni As- sociation; delegate to national con- ventions, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908; mem. governing board, 1908-13; in- ternational president "A. A.," 1910- 11; barrister-at-law; mem. firm of Rowell, Reid, Wood and Wright, To- ronto; m. Geraldine B. Robinson, April 12, 1909. Address, 46 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. WRIGHT, Foster C.; Sigma Chi; ed. University of Southern California, 1899; initiated by Alpha Upsilon chapter, 1895; captain foot ball team U. S. C., 1897; contributed to Sigma Chi "Quarterly"; president of Los Angeles Alumni Association, 1913; grand praetor eighth province, 1912 to date; attorney; secretary to mayor of Los Angeles, . 1901-1905 ; trustee of Public Library, 1905- 1907; m. Irene Cavins, 1901. Ad- dress, 236 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. WRIGHT, Helen Gertrude; Alpha Chi Omega; ed. University of Illinois, 1907; initiated by Iota chapter, Oct., 1903; head of the chapter; mem. Phi Delta Psi (honorary junior so- ciety for women ) ; national secre- tary; delegate to national convention of 1908; studied art since 1909; graduated from Art Institute of Chi- cago, 1914. Address, Toulon, Stark County, 111. WRIGHT, Herbert Perry; grand trustee for ten years of Sigma Chi; ed. Northwestern University, 1887; initiated by Omega chapter, 1884; consul of chapter; banker; presi- dent Kansas Gas and Electric Co.; m. Hattie Haw, Ottumwa, Iowa. Ad- dress, 923 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. WRIGHT, Mrs. Mary Barwick; presi- dent of the Alpha Alumnae chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta; ed. De Pauw University, 1889; initiated by Alpha chapter, April, 1886; presi- dent of the chapter; contributed to the sorority magazine; editor of the first Kappa Alpha Theta catalogue published in 1889; delegate to the national convention of 1897; m. H. H. Wright, Sept. 1, 1890. Address, 124 E. Franklin St., Greencastle, Ind. WRIGHT, Ruth Huffman (Mrs. Geo. W.); custodian of the badge of Phi Mu; ed. at Belmont College, Jack- sonville, Tenn., 1908; initiated by Theta chapter January 17, 1907; secretary of chapter; president of 266 LEADING GREEKS Indiana Alumni Association; mem. Chicago Alumni Association of Phi Mu; active in extension work of fraternity; m. George W. Wright, June 25, 1913. Address, 411 West llth St., Anderson, Ind. WYCKOFF, William W.; grand master of second district of Kappa Sigma; ed. Brown University, 1899; initi- ated by Beta Alpha chapter, Oct., 1898; secretary of the Kappa Sigma Club of New York City; also grand master; mem. Clinton High School, Peddie Institute, Brown University Alumni Associations; delegate to all district conventions since 1908; manager of Sherman Square Hotel; mem. Masonic Orders, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery and Shrine; m. Leslie Hervey, Jan. 3, 1906. Ad- dress, Sherman Sq. Hotel, residence, 2039 Broadway, New York City. WYMAN, Elizabeth Heywood; a found- er of Alpha Omicron Pi; ed. Barnard College, 1898; initiated in Alpha chapter, 1897; teacher. Ad- dress, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J. WYNEKEN, Gerhardt E.; trustee of alumni chapter, Phi Sigma of Phi Chi; ed. Chicago College of Medi- cine and Surgery, 1908; initiated by Phi Sigma chapter, charter mem- ber, vide No. 4 of the chapter; con- tributed to Phi Chi "Quarterly"; mem. Phi Sigma Alumni chapter; delegate to Interfraternity Con- gress, Chicago, 1912; assistant sec- retary and registrar of the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery; m. Annie J. MacKenzie, Oct. 1, 1910. Address, 3851 Van Buren St., Chi- cago, 111. YANCEY, Hogan Lowndes; G. M. of Kappa Alpha; ed. Kentucky Uni- versity, now Transylvania, 1909; in- itiated by Alpha Theta chapter; G. M. of the chapter; attorney; for- merly city attorney of Lexington, now county attorney of Fayette County, Ky.; m. Estelle des Cog- nets, Aug. 6, 1913. Address, 620 Sayre Ave., Lexington, Ky. YORK, Harlan Harvey; president of the Providence Alumni Chapter of Sigma Nu; ed. De Pauw University, 1903; initiated by Beta Beta chap- ter, March, 1901; commander of the chapter; delegate to 14th Division Convention, 1914; professor of bot- any, Brown University; mem. Knights of Pythias and I. O. 0. F.; m. Edith Thayer Cline, Aug. 26, 1908. Address, Brown University, Providence, R. I. ZERBY, Alton Barrick; president of the national executive council .of Eta Kappa Nu; mem. Phi Kappa Phi; ed. Pennsylvania State College, 1911; initiated by Epsilon chapter of Eta Kappa NM, April 27, 1910; treasurer of the chapter; mem. Pa: State Alumni Association; national treasurer, vice-president and editor of the "Bridge" for 1914, the fra- ternity annual; officer at the na- tional conventions of 1913 and 1914; LEADING GREEKS 267 technical writer and advertiser with the Westinghouse Department of Publicity, E. Pittsburgh, Pa.; HL Pearl Briggs, July 5, 1913. Ad- dress, 7525 Ardmore St., Swissvale, Pa, ZIEGLER, Carl Gottlob; founder of Alpha Chi Rho; ed. Trinity Col- lege, Hartford, Conn.; A. B. 1897, A. M. 1900; initiated by Phi Psi chapter, 1895 (founder); E. of the chapter; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; rector of Grace Episcopal Church; president of the standing committee of the Diocese of the Marquette Episcopal Church; mem. Masons, Thirty-Second Degree, Mystic Shrine, I. O. 0. F., Knights of Pythias, K. T. O. M., National Union, Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica, A. A. 0. N. M. S.; m. Louise Langley Neff, Sept. 3, 1901. Ad- dress, 313 E. Euclid St., Ishpeming, Mich. ZIMMERMAN, Lillian G.; national treasurer, 1912-1915, of Alpha Chi Omega; ed. University of Wiscon- sin, 1910; initiated by Kappa chap- ter, 1907; president of the chapter; contributed to the "Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega; mem. Wisconsin Alum- nae Asociation; mem. Milwaukee branch of the Association of Colle- giate Alumnae. Address, 359 14th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. ZWEIZIG, Martin Luther; Chi Phi; ed. Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa., 1877; initated by Beta chapter, Oct., 1875; Alpha of the chapter; contrib- uted to the Chi Phi "Quarterly"; grand gamma, 1883-1884; editor of the "Quarterly," 1880-1883; delegate to national conventions of 1876, 1877, 1881, 1882; delegate to Inter- Fraternity Convention of Feb. 22, 1883, at Philadelphia; clergyman, serving in churches at Scranton, Pa.; Portland, Ore.; Leechburg and Reading, Pa.; mem. Masons; m. Jane R. McFadden, June 12, 1901. Address, 148 S. 5th St., Reading, Pa. ADDENDA BIGELOW, Bertha L.; president Spo- kane Alumni Association of Pi Beta Phi; ed. University of Washington, 1911; initiated by Washington Alpha, March, 1908; delegate to national convention of Pi Beta Phi at Swarth- more, Pa., 1910; delegate to Univer- sity of Washington Pan-Hellenic, 1908-10; member, Red Domino; in- structor in Spokane North Central High School. Address, E. 103 Bridge- port Ave., Spokane, Wash. 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