UC-NRLF B M 550 70E Euclid's Parallel Postulate: Its Nature, Validity, and Place In Geometrical Systems. THESIS PRESENTED TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL FACULTY OF YALE UNIVERSITV FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. JOHN WILLIAM WITHERS, Ph.D. Principal of the Yeatman High School, St. Louis, Mo. CHICAGO THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY LONDON AGENTS Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd. 1905. ^^ Copyright 1905 THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO. Chicago PREFACE. The parallel postulate is the only distinctive char- acteristic of Euclid. To pronounce upon its valid- ity and general philosophical significance without endeavoring to know what Non-Euclideans have done would be an inexcusable blunder. For this reason I have given in the following pages what might otherwise seem to be an undue prominence to the historical aspect of my general problem. In the last chapter, the positions taken are only briefly defended, because they seem to flow directly and naturally from results previously won. I have included in the bibliography such works as are mentioned in the body of the thesis, and have not aimed at making a complete list. More complete biographies of Hyperspace and non- Euclidean Geometry are those of Halsted and Bon- ola, which I have mentioned in my list. My obligations not elsewhere explicitly acknowl- edged are chiefly to Professor Geo. T. Ladd, at whose suggestion this study was undertaken, and under whose sympathetic direction it has attained its present form. I am also indebted to Dr. E. B. Wilson for light upon certain mathematical aspects of the problem. Neiv Haven, Connecticut, April, 1904. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. The Pre-Lobatchewskian Struggle With THE Parallel Postulate. Historical origin of the Postulate. Attempts to dispense with it. Substitution of different definitions. Substitution of different postu- lates. Efforts to prove the Parallel Postulate on a basis of Euclid's other assumptions . . 1-20 II. The Discovery and Development of Non- Euclidean Systems. The clue. Invention of consistent geome- tries independent of the Parallel Postulate. The problem generafized. Attention directed through projective methods to the qualitative aspects "of spaCfe. Recent developments 23-60 III. General Orientation of the Problem. General significance of the historical develop- ment of non-Euclidean geometry. The motive. Complex character of the problem and what its solution requires. Delimitation of the pres- ent study 63-76 IV. Psychology of the Parallel Postulate and Its Kindred Conceptions. General observations as to the development of our space conception. Empirical sources of special geometrical conceptiohs. Of measure- ment and the consciousness of Homogeneity and Free Mobility. Of the straight TTne" Of Surfaces. Of the Parallel Postulate ; its em- pirical sources ; its direct relations to sense- V vi CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE perception; its complex nature; its relations to the conception of the straight line ; empirical nature of the straight line. The validity of the Parallel Postulate not to be settled in ab- solute fashion by any empirical investigation 79-123 V. The Nature and Validity of the Parallel Postulate. The number and variety of possible geometries. Space parameter not necessarily constant to accord with the space of experience. Distinc- tion between the facts of experience and the intellectual constructs formed on a basis of this experience. Conditions imposed upon these constructs. Non-Euclidean systems log- ically possible. The Parallel Postulate not a priori necessary. How judge the validity of Euclid. Difficulties with Poincare's doctrine of convenience. Why is Euclid most con- venient ? Kant's Argument. Its failure to es- tablish the necessary validity of Euclid. Must appeal to experience. Methods of scientific testing and the difficulties which attend them. The experimental method suggested in Ladd's A Theory of Reality 127-152 VI. Resulting Implications as to the Nature OF Space. Distinctions drawn between conceptions of space and of figures in space. The importance of these distinctions pointed out. Varieties of two-dimensional spaces and of tri-dimensional spaces possible. Possibility of a fourth di- mension.*^ Euclidean and Non-Euclidean tri- dimensional spaces independent of a fourth dimen'sion. What this implies. The space- constant and what it means. The impossibility of comparing different space-constants quan- titatively in a strict geometrical sense. Log- CONTENTS ical difficulties of the conception of variable curvature quantitatively considered. Diffi- culties due to abstract conception. Geometry must fit experience ; not experience geometry. Homogeneity does not mean mere logical any- ness. Distinction between geometrical space conceptions and the space category. The a priori element. Summary and conclusion . 155-173 VII. Bibliography 177-192 PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE WITH THE PARALLEL POSTULATE. CHAPTER I. THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE. I. Historical Origin of the Parallel Postulate. — Before the time of Euclid the science of geometry- was already well advanced in Greece. Pythagoras and his immediate followers, by perfecting a theory of ratio and proportion, and by the study of areas and the introduction of irrational quantities, had brought the subject so prominently before the Greek mind that no subsequent philosopher could afford to neglect it. Accordingly, Zeno and Democritus, Anaxagoras and Hippias, Plato and Aristotle, and the great body of thinkers who were disciples of these more or less extensively devoted themselves to its study. The duplication of the cube, the quadrature of the circle, the trisection of the angle, were all vigor- ously attacked and out of the struggle certain new and important conceptions arose. Certain lines of plane and double curvature were invented, impor- tant properties of conies were discovered, and the notion of infinity introduced. Methods of research and geometrical exposition were also accurately 2 THE PRE-LOBATCHEIVSKIAN STRUGGLE Studied, among them the method of reduction of Hippocrates, the analytical method of Plato, and the method of exhaustions of Eudoxus. i\dded to these the diorism of Leon, the determination by Menjechmus of the necessary conditions for the invertibility of a theorem which affords a fruitful method of enlarging the number of propositions, the introduction of formal logic and the powerful influence of the dialectics of Socrates and the Sophists, all contributed to make possible that re- markable outburst of mathematical genius which has been fittingly styled " The Golden Age of Greek Geometry/' It is obvious then in view of this remarkable de- velopment that Euclid was by no means the author of all the demonstrations contained in his Elements. It is impossible to state exactly what he did con- tribute. In the whole collection there is only one proofs (I, 47) which is directly ascribed to him. Of a few things, however, we are reasonably sure. Euclid brought to irrefutable demonstration propo- sitions which had been previously less rigorously proved.^ The selection and arrangement of the ^ Gow's History of Greek Geometry, Cambridge, 1884, p. 198. - Proclus, at close of the Eudemian Summary. Eudemas, a pupil of Aristotle, wrote a history of Geometry which has been lost, but Proclus, in his commentaries on Euclid, gives an abstract or summary of it. and this is the most trustworthy information we have regarding early Greek Geometry. THE FRE-LOBATCHEllSKJAA' STRUGGLE 3 propositions is his.'' He chose the theorems and demonstrations which should form a part of his system. Many available demonstrations were cer- tainly rejected."* We may attribute to his delib- erate choice the distinctive characteristics of the book as a whole. We owe to him that orderly method of proof which proceeds by statement, con- struction, proof, conclusion, even to the final Q. E. D. (oTTcp 18a Set^oi) of the modern text. He is responsible too for that peculiar logical design of the book which proceeds always from a few definitions, postulates and common notions, or axioms, by sure steps which are always of precisely the same kind until every link in the argument from premises to conclusion is securely forged. Euclid set at the beginning of his text certain definitions, postulates and common notions ^ which should serv^e as the foundation for his system. Was the parallel postulate one of this number? There is but one way to answer this question, and that is to go back to the earliest editions of Euclid at present accessible and observe whether they contain it or not. In all these earlier editions there is practical agreement in regard to the defini- ' Proclus, Friedlein's Edition, p. 69. * Compare Gow, op. cit. pp. iq8 fF. '^ Euclid did not use the term axiom. This was introduced by Proclus. 4 THE PRE-LOBATCHEIVSKIAN STRUGGLE tions of Euclid. As far back as lOO b. c. Heron's^ " Definitions " appear in the same number and in essentially the same form, though not in the same order as we have them now. Among the postulates and Common Notions,'^ however, there is consider- able fluctuation. Many editions give three postu- lates and twelve axioms. The first nine axioms relate to all kinds of magnitudes; these remain in all editions essentially unchanged ; but the last three which relate to space only and are thus distinctively geometrical fluctuate in a most interesting way. They are as follows : lo, Two straight lines cannot inclose a space; ii. All right angles are equal; 12, If a straight line meet two straight lines, so as to make the two interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, these straight lines being continually produced, shall at length meet on that side on which are the angles which are less than two right angles.^ In nearly all modern editions, except the most recent, these are called " axioms " and classed, as here indicated, in the same category with the other nine. In the older manuscripts, however, no such blunder is commit- ted. It seems hardly possible to account for this ^ Simon's Euclid Sec. 6. Die Kommentatoren des Euclid. '' Euclid's expression is Kotvai ivvowLL- * In Clavius this is the 13th axiom. Robert Simson, on whose edition modern English texts are usuallj' based, calls it the I2th axiom; Bolyai and many others call it the nth axiom. THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE 5 unless we assume that Euclid himself drew a dis- tinction between them. Of these older manuscripts by far the greater number place these axioms among the postulates where they rightly belong. The Vatican Manuscript ^ gives "axiom" 10 as postulate 6. Proclus omits it altogether with the significant remark that it is really a theorem which ought to be proved, and actually attempts to prove it in book I, proposition 4. He also gives the parallel " axiom " as postulate 5, but claims that it, too, should be proved, and quotes Germinus ^^ in support of this view. Thus it appears not only that this famous postulate is at least of classical origin, but also that the Greeks themselves better understood its true nature than the majority of modern writers have done. But we have not yet answered our question; did Euclid himself actually make use of this postulate? If so, v/as it his own invention or did he borrow it from another? The latter question we can not definitely answer since we have no means of knowing how many of the propositions which involve this assumption were first demonstrated by Euclid hi imi- 9 Discovered by Napoleon in Rome in the early part of last century and brought to France. It was edited in Paris by R Peyrard (1814-1818). who thought that he had here an edition of Euclid more ancient than Theon's (about 380 A D ) upon which many of the early MSS. which first came to light "laimed to be based. '" Germinus wrote about 60 B. C. 6 THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE self; nothing like this postulate is mentioned how- ever by any previous writer. Regarding the first question we can speak with more- confidence. The researches of Peyrard show that in the earliest manuscripts now accessible, this postulate does not appear among the other postulates and common notions at the beginning of the text, but is found in the demonstration of Proposition 29 where it is introduced to support the proof of the equality of the alternate angles of parallel lines. Euclid himself then not only employed this postulate but the position in which he placed it seems to indi- cate clearly that he appreciated the difficulties which its use involves. Surely one who had formulated a system so rigorous, who was master of a logic so keen and true that the most critical efforts of modern | thought have not destroyed but, on the contrary, have only strengthened his claims to rigor, could not have passed over such a manifest begging of the question as appears upon, the very face of this postu- late as he himself phrased it, without having first made a desperate effort to prove it. Euclid makes no attempt as did later waiters to conceal the diffi- culty under the cloak of a subtle phraseology. He states it frankly as a petitio principii of the baldest type. It must then have appeared to him not as an " axiomatic " truth, but as a theorem calling for demonstration. Euclid proves propositions more obvious bv far. He even demonstrates that two THE PRE-LOBArCIlEWSKIAN STRUGGLE 7 sides of a triangle are greater than the third side, a proposition which the Epicureans derided as being " manifest even to asses." '^ The position of the postulate seems to indicate that EucHd struggled on as far as possible without it and postulated it finally only because he could neither prove it nor' proceed any further without it. Moreover, the astronomical system of Eudoxus and the writings of x\ntolycus make it also apparent that Euclid must have had some knowledge of sur- face spherics and was therefore familiar with tri- angles whose angle sum contradicts the truth of this postulate. II. Attempts to Dispense unth the Postulate. — The intersection of two slowly converging straight lines lies of course beyond the province of observa- tion or construction. Hence it is obvious why the successors of Euclid, habituated by him to strict logical rigor, should have found fault with the i:)arallel postulate and put forth their utmost en- deavors to dispose of it in one way or another. In 1621 Sir Henry Saville^^ wrote: "In pnlcherrinw Geouietricr eorpore duo sunt iiarvi, duce lobes nee quod seiani plures in quibus elucendis et eniacu- l end is euni veferum turn reeentioruni vigilavit in- dustria." One of these "blemishes" was the par- 11 Proclus. op. cit.. also Cajori, History of Elementary Mathematics, p. 74. ^Lectures on Euclid, published at Oxford, 1621. 8 THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE allel postulate, the other EucUd's theory of propor- tion. Under the title " Parallel " in the " En- cyclopadie der Wisscnschaften und Kiinste," pub- lished at Leipzig in i^sS. Sohncke says that "in Mathematics there is nothing over which so much has been spoken, written and striven, and all so far without reaching a definite result and decision." Appended to this article there is a carefully pre- pared list of ninety-two authors who had dealt with the problem. These quotations show the extent to which these earlier efforts were carried. Indeed it appears that almost every writer on geometry ofj any note from Euclid to Sohncke had given mor or less attention to this difficult subject. These earlier endeavors struck out in various directions which we shall now briefly state and con sider. Some attempted to avoid the difficulty through a new definition of parallel lines ; by others new assumptions which were considered less faulty were substituted for Euclid's. These in reality only concealed the difficulty ; they did not remove it. A third class attempted ' to deduce the theory of parallels from Euclid's other postulates, by reason- ing upon the nature of the straight line and the plane angle. These were by far the most desperate attempts. Finally there were those who decided that if this postulate is dependent upon the other assumptions which constitute the foundations of Euclid we shall by denying it and maintaining them, THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE 9 become ultimately involved in contradiction. It was this method of procedure which resulted in the first establishment of a non-Euclidean geometry. We shall consider these attempts in the order named. (i) The Substitution of Different Definitions. Euclid's own definition was, that parallel lines are straight lines which lie in the same plane and will not meet however far produced. This defini- tion is perhaps still best for elementary geometry. In 1525 Albrecht Diirer/^ a German painter, pro- posed the familiar definition that parallel lines are straight lines which are everywhere equally distant. Clavius^'* substituted for this the assumption that a line which is everywhere equidistant from a given straight line in the same plane is itself straight. A.nother definition which is often preferred because 3f its apparent simplicity is. that parallel lines are traight lines which have the same direction. This definition possesses the peculiar advantage that ;hose who adopt it have no further difficulty; for :hey find no necessity to assume the parallel postu- ate or anything equivalent to it. This is a great idvantage, certainly ; but, as a matter of fact, any me of these definitions, though apparently more idvantageous than Euclid's, is in reality more com- )lex and less satisfactory. The first two make use 13 Cajori, p. 266. 1* Edition of Euclid, 1574. 10 THE PKE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE of the conception of distance. This of course in volves measurement, which in turn embraces the L whole theory of incommensurable quantities with I ^ its entire outfit of necessary presuppositions and, attendant difficulties. What is more, these defini- tions only hold for Euclidean geometry; they are not true for pseudo-spherical space where parallel lines are still possible and where Euclid's definition is still valid. The objection to the third definition is its use of the term " direction," a word which because of its apparent simplicity, but real obscurity and vagueness, is exceedingly misleading and troublesome. For example, the straight line is often defined as one which does not change its direction at any point, and yet this same line is said to have opposite directions. Again, the angle is! sometimes defined as a difference of direction. Mo- tion in the circumference of a circle is said to be in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, and in this sense a point may move all round the cir- cumference without changing its direction, and yet we speak of this same circumference as a line which changes its direction at every point. Killing has shown that the word direction can only be defined when the theory of parallels is already presup- posed.^'' Many other definitions have been proposed, but '•'' Einfuehning in die Grundlagen der Geometric, Pader- born, 1898. THE FRE-LOBATCHEIVSKIAN STRUGGLE ii hey throw no light upon the problem, and with one xception they may be omitted. This exception is he definition proposed by Kepler ^^ and De- argues/'^ which is that parallel lines are straight nes which have a common point at infinity ; or " If "v be a point without a given indefinite right ne CD, the shortest line that can be drawn from to it is perpendicular, and the longest line is arallel to CD." ^'^ This definition is important for rojective geometry. (2) The substitution of different postulates as been frequently made. Of these Playfair's ^® )rmulation that " Two straight lines which cut ne another cannot both be parallel to the same :raight line," is perhaps the least objection- Die. Cayley ^'^ considered this statement to be Kiomatic. Nasir Eddin (i 201 -1274), a gifted Persian tronomer, in an edition of Euclid subsequently rinted in Arabic and brought out in Rome in 1594, akes the following assumption : " If AB is per- ndicular to CD at C, and if another straight line ^^ Kepler's Paralipomena, 1604. ^ Brotiillon Proiect, 1639. 8 Stone's Neiv Mathematical Dictionary, London, 1743. » Playfair credits this axiom to Ludlum. See Halsted's tide in Science, N. S. Vol. XIII., No. 325, March 22, 1902, t. 462-465. His Presidential Address, Collected Math. Papers, Vol. I., pp. 429-459. ^ ^---^-rn-^*^ ■/ ^' or THE \ I UNIVER81TYJ 12 THE PRE-LOBATCHEVVSKIAN STRUGGLE EUF makes the angle EDC acute, then the perpen- diculars to AB comprehended between AB and EF, and drawn on the side of CD toward E, are shorter and shorter, the further they are from CD." Or in general, two straight lines which cut a thuu straight line, the one at right angles, the other at some other angle, will converge on the side where the angle is acute and diverge where it is obtuse. Nothing is here said as to whether the two lines will, or w^ill not, eventually meet ; the assumption is therefore as valid for pseudo-spherical as it is for Euclidean space. The work of Nasir Eddin was taken up by John Wallis and communicated in a Latin translation to the mathematicians at Oxford ^^ in 1651; and on the evening of July. 11, 1663, Wallis himself deliv- ered a lecture at Oxford ^^ in w^iich he recom- mended for Euclid's postulate the assumption of the existence of similar figures of different sizes, or to quote his own statement, " To any triangle an- other triangle as large as you please can be drawn which is similar to the given triangle." This is easily shown to be equivalent to the Euclidean pos- tulate. Such figures are impossible in any form of non-Euclidean space. Saccheri proved that Euclid- ean geometry can be rigidly developed if the exist- 2' Wallis. Ot^cra II., 669-673. "- EiiRel and Staeckel, " Die Theorie der ParallcUinien von Euclid his auf Gauss, Leipzig 1895. pp. 21-30. THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE 13 ence of one such triangle, unequal but similar to another, may be granted. Carnot and La Place and, more recently. J. Delboeuf,^^ have proposed the adoption of Wallis's postulate. In 1833 1- Perronet Thompson of Cambridge Dublished a book '^* in which he brilliantly demon- trates the insufficiency of twenty-one different at- tempts to dispdse of the Parallel postulate, and :loses the volume with a demonstration of his own n which he claims to " establish the theory of parallel lines without recourse to any principle not 3Tounded on previous demonstration." ^"^ This en- deavor, however, belongs to the third class of at- tempted solutions which we must now very briefly onsider. (3) The first recorded attempt to prove the parallel postulate on the basis of Euclid's other assumptions was that of Ptolemy in his treatise on pure geoiiicfry.-'' This proof assumes of course the validity of postulate six,^'^ which does not hold in elliptic s])ace and also involves the untenable assertion that, in the case of parallelism, the sum Df the interior angles on one side of the transversal must be the same as that upon the other side. 23 Engel and .Stacckel op. cit. p. 19. -* " Geometry without Axioms." -■'■• Quoted from the title. 2fi Gow. p. 301. For this we are indebted to Proclus. -' Of the Vatican MSS. : Two straight lines can not en- close a space. 14 THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE > One of the most scientific attempts of this class was that of Girolamo Saccheri in his volume en- titled. " Eiiclidis ab onini nccvo vindicatus, sive conatus gcomctriciis quo stabiliuntur prima ipsa univcrscc gcomatricE principia." ^^ This work only recently came to light. As late as 1893 Professor Klein, himself an able contributor to the knowledge of Hyperspace and non-Euclidean geometry, had not even heard of Saccheri. In 1889 E. Beltrami, at the suggestion of the Italian Jesuit, P. Manga- notti. published"" a note"^ in which he showed that Saccheri had practically wrought out a non- Euclidean geometry almost a century before Lo- batchewsky and Bolyai. Apparently the only thing which prevented Saccheri from perceiving the significance of his discovery was his blinding desire to " vindicate Euclid from every fault.'' His statement of the problem shows clearly that he was on the right road to discovery. If the parallel axiom '" is involved in the remaining assumptions -^ Published at Milan, where he was president of the Col- Icgio di Brera, shortly before his death in 1733. This work is now exceedingly rare, the only copy on the Western Conti- nent, perhaps, is that of Professor Halsted, who has trans- lated it into English. It has also been translated into German and forms a part of Engel and Staeckel's History of Parallel Theory previously referred to. '-".'J//I dcUa Realc Accademia dci Lined. ■■"' Un prcctirsorc italiane di Legendri c di Lobatchewski. •'" Saccheri calls it an axiom. He studied Clavius's edition, in which it appears as the i.nh axiom. THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE 15 of Euclid, then it will be possible to prove without its aid that in any quadrilateral ABCD having right angles at A and B and the side XC equal to the side DB, the angles C and D are also right angle? and in that event the assumption that C and D are either obtuse or acute will lead to contradiction. He proves that these angles cannot be obtuse, for in that case Euclid's axiom that two straight lines cannot enclose a space is contradicted ; but when he endeavors to prove that they cannot be acute he fails of his purpose for in this case he does not meet with any contradiction. In regard to the angles C and D he distinguishes three hypotheses as follows : ( i ) hypothesis anguli recti, (2) hypothesis anguli ohtiisi, and (3) hy- pothesis anguli aciiti. He then proves that if either hypothesis is true in a single case it is always true,'^ that in a right triangle the sum of the oblique angles is equal to. greater than, or less than, a right angle according as the hypothesis is anguli recti, anguli obtusi, or anguli acutif''' He ne;xt shows that in the first two hypotheses a perpendicular and an oblique to the same straight line will meet if suffi- ciently produced,^'* hence in these two cases Euclid's postulate is not contradicted.^^ He then proceeds 3-' Propositions y., VI., and VII. •■'•* Propositions VIII. and IX. 3* Propositions XI. and XII. 35 Proposition XIII. i6 THE PRE- LOB AT CHEW SKI AN STRUGGLE to prove that according as the triangle's angle sum is equal to, greater than, or less than, two right angles we have hypothesis angiili recti, obtusi, or acuti;^'^ and that with the hypothesis anguli aciiti we can draw a perpendicular and an oblique to the same straight line which will nowhere meet each other.3^ It is unnecessary to follow him further. We now have enough to show that Saccheri understood the close connection between the parallel postulate and right angles. In his eager quest for contradictions in pursuit of the hypothesis anguli acuti he prac- tically attained without knowing it, those far reach- ing conclusions which were disclosed a century later. But on the very verge of discovery, being blinded by an intellectual bias toward the tradi- tional view, he rejects this hypothesis upon the un- satisfactory ground that it is incompatible with the nature of the straight line; " for." says he, " it per- mits tl>e assumption of different kinds of straight lines which meet at infinity and have there a com- mon perpendicular." Conclusions very like the foregoing w^re also reached by John Henry Lambert, whom Kant calls " dcr nnverglcichliche Mann." Lambert is free from that strained reverence for Euclid which char- acterized Saccheri. and consequently advances be- 3" Propositions XV. and XVI. " Proposition XVII. THE PRE-LOBATCHEIVSKIAN STRUGGLE 17 yond him. He starts from the assumption of a quadrilateral with three right angles and examines the consequences that follow upon the hypothesis that the fourth angle is right, obtuse, or acute. He discovers that the second and third of these assump- tions are incompatible with the existence of unequal similar figures. The second assumption gives the triangle's angle sum greater than two right angles, is incompatible with the theory of parallels, but is realized in the geometry of the sphere. From this he was led to conjecture that the third hypothesis might also be realized on the surface of a sphere of imaginary radius. This is perhaps the first glimpse of the conception of " pseudospherical " surfaces afterwards developed and named by E. Beltrami. Lambert also proves that the departure of the triangle's angle sum from two right angles is a quantity which is proportional to the area of the triangle, the larger the triangle, the greater the departure. Hence in the case of elliptic and hyper- bolic surfaces this angle-sum is a variable quantity which approaches two right angles as the sides of the triangle become less and less. This of course points to the fact that in the infinitesimal the spher- ical and pseudo-spherical triangles approach the Euclidean as a limit, and that in endeavoring to test empirically the validity of the various forms of geometry for the actual space world we must seek i8 rilL I'KE-LOBATCHEIVSKIAN STRUGGLE among very large triangles for a measurable di- vergence from the Euclidean conception. Another important suggestion which we owe to Lambert, is that in a space in which the triangle's angle sum differs from two right angles there is an absolute standard of measure, a natural unit of length. Gauss and Lcgendre also assumed that the theory oi parallels is involved in Euclid's other assump- tions. Gauss did not publish anything upon the subject, and it was not known until after his death that he had interested himself in it. His corre- spondence, recently published,^^ shows that he was possibly in possession of a non-Euclidean system, but it does not make clear to what extent his in- vestigations were actually carried. He announced in 1/99 that Euclidean geometry would follow from the assumption that a triangle can be drawn greater than any given triangle. In 1804 he was still hop- ing to prove the parallel postulate. In 1830 he an- nounces that geometry is not an a priori science. In 1 83 1 he .states that non-Euclidean geometry is non-contradictory, that in it the angles of the tri- angle diminish without limit when all the sides are increased, and that the circumference of the circle of radius r ~ ttk ( - -] where k is a constant dependent upon the nature of space. It is clear '■'^ EiiRcl and Staeckcl op. cit. THE PRE-LOBATCHEIVSKIAN STRUGGLE 19 from this that Gauss had in his possession the foun- dations of pseudospherical or hyperboHc geometry, and may have been the first to consider it as prob- ably true ■'■^ of the actual world. He came to regard geometry merely as a logically consistent system of constructs, with the theory of parallels as a neces- sary axiom ; he had reached the conviction that this " axiom " could not be proved, though it is known by experience to be approximately correct. Deny this axiom and there results an independent geom- etry which he calls anti-Euclidean.^^ An important conception which Gauss introduced was his " Meas- ure of Curvature," "** which expresses the condition under which a surface has the property of free mo- bility of figures. This " measure " is the reciprocal of the product of the greatest and least radii of curvature and remains unchanged if the surface is bent without distension or contraction of its parts into any position. For example, we can roll up a sheet of paper into the form of a cylinder or cone without changing the dimensions of figures drawn upon it, and hence the geometry of the cylinder or of the cone is the same as that of a limited plane. In Legendre's work there is nothing new. His results are of interest, however, because of Dehn's ^" Compare Russell, Art. " Non-Euclidean Geometry." The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. XXVIII., pp. 674 ff. ■*o Gauss Ztim Gedacchtiiis. Leipzig 1856. *i IVerke Bd. IV., p. 215. 20 THE PRE-LOBATCHEWSKIAN STRUGGLE investigation which will come before us later. Le- crendre was able to prove, by assuming the mfinity or two-sidedness of the straight line and the Archi- medes Axiom of Continuity, (i) that the sum of the three angles of a triangle can never be greater than two right angles, and (2) that if in any triangle this sum is equal to two right angles, so is it in every triangle. DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS. II CHAPTER 11. THE DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF NON- EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS. VVe pass now to consider those attempts to solve the riddle which proceed upon the hypothesis that if the parallel postulate is dependent upon Euclid's other assumptions we shall by denying it and affirm- ing them be led into contradiction. This hy- pothesis proved to be an exceedingly fruitful one. The absolute necessity of the parallel postulate for Euclidean geometry and. the possibility of many other systems equally as rigorous and non-contra- dictory as Euclid itself have resulted from it. Several independent discoveries of non-Euclidean geometry have come to light. Schweikart's was the first to be published ; ^ Lobatchewsky's the first to find its way into print. - 1 1812 in Charkow, communicated to Bessel, to Gerling and afterward to Gauss in 1818. See Science N. S. Vol. XII., pp. 842-846. " It is interesting to note that as late as Feb. 25, i860, a non- Euclidean geometry was worked out by Prof. G. P. Young of Canada, entirely without knowing that anything of the kind had been previously done. See Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art, Vol. V., pp. .341 -.•^S^. i860. 23 jJ^/'2d, DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS Lobatchewsky 2 defines the straight Hne as one which fits upon itself in all its positions so that if we turn the surface containing it about two points of the line the line does not move. He proposes the following substitute for Euclid's postulate.-* All lines which go out from a point in a plane may with reference to a given line in the plane, be divided into two classes — cutting and non-cut ting lines. If we start in either class and move in the direction of the other we shall event- ually come upon a line which is the bounding position between the two classes. This line is of course unique and is defined as being parallel to the given line. In the following figure, A i§ the given point in the plane and CD the given straight line. AD is perpendicular to CD and EA to AD. In the uncertainty wdiether the perpendicular AE 3 Lobatchewsky first communicated his results in a lecture before the Physical and Mathematical faculty of the Univer- sity of Kasan, of which he was rector, in 1826. They were printed in Russian in the Kasan Messenger in 1829 and, in ni"ch more complete and extended form, in the Gclchrte Schriften der Unirersitdt Kasan 1836-1838, under the title " New Elements of Geometry, with a Complete Theory of PTrallels." A briefer presentation appeared in German in Berlin in 1840. Houel translated this into French at the suggestion of Baltzer in 1866, and there is an excellent Eng- lish translation by Halsted, 1896. The " Elements " is by far Lobatchewsky's greatest w^ork. This and the paper of 1829 are now both accessible in German in Prof. Engel's vol., Leip- zig. 1899. * Proposition 16. Paper of 1840. See Halsted's Translation. DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 25 is the only line which does not meet CD, we may assume it to be possible that there are other lines, for example AG, which do not cut DC. how far soever they may be prolonged. In passing over then from the cutting lines, as AF, to the non- cutting, as AG, we must come upon a line AH parallel to DC, a boundary line upon one side of which all lines, AG, etc., are such as do not meet the line DC, while upon the other side every straight line, AF,.etc.. cuts the line DC. Now the angle HAD between the parallel HA and the per- pendicular AD is called the parallel angle. H this be a right angle the prolongation AE' of the perpen- dicular will be parallel to the prolongation DB of CD. In that event every straight line which goes out from A, either itself or its prolongation, lies j6 UISCOIERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS in one of the two right angles, made by EE' upon DD'. which are turned toward BC, so that all lines, except the parallel EE', must intersect BC if they are sufficiently produced. In this case, which is Euclid's, there is but one line in the plane parallel to CB.f But if the "parallel angle" be less than a right angle, and such an assumption is perfectly legitimate, there will then lie upon the other side of AD another line AK parallel to DB and making DAK equal to the " parallel angle." Upon this latter assumption Lobatchewsky con- structs his geometry, proving in subsequent propo- sitions that a straight line maintains the character- istic of parallelism at every point,^ that two lines are always mutually parallel,*' that in a rectilinear triangle the sum of the angles cannot be greater than two right angles,' and that if in any triangle this sum is two right angles the same is true for all triangles.^ He styles this system " Imaginary Geometry," because its trigonometrical formulae are those of the spherical triangle if its sides are im- aginary, or if the radius of the sphere be taken equal to r\^ — i. Thus, by proving the possibility of other systems of geometry. Lobatchewsky destroys the traditional f- Proposition XVII. 8 Proposition XVIII. ^ Proposition XIX. * Proposition XX. DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 27 trust in Euclid as absolute truth, and opens up a vista of new and suggestive problems; nor was he wholly unaware of the epistemological import of his discovery. He remarks, " We cognize directly in nature only motion, without which the impres- sions w^hich our senses receive are impossible. Con- sequently all remaining ideas, for example, the geometric, are created artificially by the mind since they are taken from the properties of motion, and therefore space, in and for itself alone, does not exist for us." John Bolyai obtained results so closely resem- bling those of Lobatchewsky that Russell. Klein and other distinguished writers have regarded the tw^o as having had a common inspiration in the person of Gauss.^ History, however, does not sup- port this conjecture.^ "^ Bolyai's investigations were published as a twenty-four page appendix to » Russell does this in his Foundations of Geometry, p. 8, and Klein, in his Goettingen lectures published in 1893, p. 175, says, " Kein Zzveifel bestchen kann, dass Lobatcheffsky so luohl wie Bolyai die Fragestellung iltrer untcrsuchttngcn der Gaussischen Anregung verdankcn." 1" See Halsted's Article in Science N. S. Vol. IX., pp. 813- 817, June 9, 1899. Schmidt of Budapest has recently found a letter of Gauss to W. Bolyai dated Nov. 25, 1804, and accom- panied by a Latin treatise on parallel lines. This communica- tion shows that neither Gauss nor Bolyai had solved the problem. Both believed the parallel postulate to be demon- strable and were " racing to prove it." 28 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS the " Tentamcn," ^^ a work of his father, W. Bolyai, in 1831, but its conception dates from 1823. He styles his new geometry the " Science Absolute of Space." The theorems necessary and sufficient for plane trigonometry in this new conception of space are the following: a' h' ( 1 ) sinh-j^= sin x"-^"^ ^• (2) cosh i^ = cosh 4-- cosh-^, in which k k k a' and b' are the legs of the right triangle; h', the hypothenuse; A, the angle opposite a; and k, an arbitrary constant which is presumed to be uniform throughout space. When k is infinite, finite or im- aginary, these formulas give results which are true for Euclidean, Lobatchewskian. or spherical geom- etry respectively. K then is a form of the space constant. Bolyai shows a profounder appreciation of the importance of the new geometry than Lobatchew- sky. The latter never explicitly treats the problems of construction of the old geometry in the changed form which they must take in the new; such, for example, as, " To square the circle," " To draw through a given point a perpendicular to a given straight line," and the problem which in the new *' For full title see Bibliography. This work is very rare. There are only two volumes in the United States. These are in possession of Professor Halsted, to whom I am indebted for what knowledge I have of it. DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 29 geometry grows out of this : " To draw to one side of an acute angle a perpendicular parallel to the other side." All these are elegantly solved by Bolyai. He also shows that the area of the greatest possible triangle which, in this new space, has all its sides parallel and its angles zero is "^i^ where i is what we should now call the space constant. Like Lobatchewsky he points out that Euclid is but a limiting case of his own more general system ; that geometry of very small spaces is always Eu- clidean; that no a priori grounds exist for a deci- sion; and that observation can only give an ap- proximate answer as to which geometry is vaild for reality. Thus the new geometry casts no man- ner of doubt upon the geometry of perspective in so far as this deals merely with incidence and coin- cidence. Several propositions are equally true in all these geometries, including that of Riemann, which we are next to consider. It is mainly in the measurement of distances and angles that differ- ences arise. In the case of Euclidean geometry the infinitely distant parts of an unbounded plane would be represented in perspective by a straight horizon or vanishing line, but according to this new geometry we cannot hold that this line would be straight; on the contrary it would be an hyperbola as in the perspective of the terrestrial horizon. If we accept Riemann's hypothesis we cannot be sure that there will be any such line at all. for we do not 30 DISCOIERV OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS know that space has any infinitely distant parts. It is possible that if we were to move off in any direc- , tion in a straight line, we might find that after \ traversing a sufficient distance we had arrived at our starting point. 1^ rc'^j^t^e M<^ '-^i a. ,u^\ - ■^ir' It was not the purpose, however, either of Lo- l)atchewsky or of Bolyai to discuss the validity of their own or of Euclidean geometry. Their motive was logical and mathematical, not epistemological or ontological. Is the result of denying the parallel postulate contradictory or non-contradictory? That was their problem. Nor did they solve it com- pletely. The number of possible theorems in either system is practically infinite. As far as they had gone they were justified in saying there were no contradictions, but in nothing more. That latent contradictions might be revealed by further de- velopments was perfectly possible. For this reason logical dependence or independence of any group of fundamental assumptions can never be com- pletely tested by the method which they employed. The purpose of Ricmann and Hclmholtz was a 'very different one. Their motive was philosophical. The attack was no longer confined to the parallel postulate. The problem was generalized. The old synthetic method of Euclid, still adhered to by Lobatchewsky and Bolyai. w'as now^ abandoned, and the properties of space were couched not in terms of intuition, but of algebra. As a result the , UNIVERSITY / DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLlt&i^&iJ^kS^ffs 31 subsequent history of non-Euclidean geometry took on an analytical rather than a synthetic character. Riemann and Helmholtz both sought to show that all the so-called geometrical axioms of Euclid are not a priori, but empirical in character. In- his most remarkable dissertation ^^ Riemann expresses this conviction in the following language : " The properties which distinguish space from other triply extended magnitudes are only to be deduced from experience.. Thus arises the problem to dis- cover the simplest matters of fact from wliich the measure relations of space may be determined. These matters of fact are, like all mat- ters of fact, not necessary but only of empirical certainty." Riemann introduces into the problem the gen- eral conception of a manifold of which space is but a specialization arrived at through considerations of measurement. A manifold is continuous or dis- crete, according as there does or does not exist among its specializations a continuous path from one to another. When in the case of a continuous manifold we can pass in a definite way from one specialization to another, i. e.. where continuous progress is possible only forward or backward, the ^' Die Hypothesen zvelchc dcr Geometric su Gntndc licgcu This was his inaugural dissertation before the Philosophical faculty of the University of Goettingen in 1854. It was not published until after his death in 1867. 32 DISfOlERV OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS manifold is one-dimensional. If this group of specializations pass over into another entirely dif- ferent, and again, in a definite way so that each specialization of the one passes into a definite spe- cialization of the other, all the specializations thus formed constitute a doubly extended manifold. Similarly we may get a triply extended manifold, by supposing a doubly extended one to pass over in a definite way into another entirely different. This process may in general be repeated as often as we please, since from the analytical point of view there is nothing to limit the number of dimensions. | Space, however, as known to us is a manifold of only three dimensions whose specializations are points. This we know not a priori, but as a matter of experience. The line is a point aggregate in which definite progress only forward or backward is possible; a surface is a one-dimensional manifold of line specializations in which progress always into new specializations is possible only forward or backward. It is therefore a two dimensional point aggregate. In a similar manner we obtain the solid as a one-dimensional surface aggregate, a two dimensional line aggregate, or a three dimensional point aggregate. But here according to experience the process stops; further progress is not possible, for we cannot in any way visualize the result. Now to measure a continuous manifold certain postulates are necessary. Definite portions of it are DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS zz called Quanta, and comparison of these is accom- plished by measuring, which requires the possibility of superposing the magnitudes compared. There- fore at least one standard magnitude must be inde- pendent of position, i. e., capable of being moved about freely without altering its value. Let us suppose that it is the length of lines which is thus independent of position and that every line is cap- able of measurement by means of every other. In this way position fixing becomes a matter of quan- tity fixing and consequently the position of a point being expressed by means of n variables Xi, Xo, Xj, Xj^, the determination of the line comes in part to be a matter of giving these quantities as functions of one variable. The problem then is to establish a mathematical expression for the length of a line and to this end the quantities x must be regarded as expressible in terms of certain units. To accomplish this let it be assumed that the ele- ment of length ds is unchanged (to the first order) when all the points undergo the same infinitesimal motion; ds will then become a homogeneous func- tion of the first degree of the increments of dx and remains unchanged when all the dxs, change signs. The simplest case obviously is that in which ds is the square root of a quadratic function and this is ;he only one which Riemann especially considers. We must now consider Riemann's conception of :he " Measure of Curvature " of space which is a 34 DlSCOl'ERV OF S ON -EL' C LI DEAN SYSTEMS somewhat obscure and misleading" extension of the Gaussian conception. Since Riemann's use of this conception, especially as popularized by Helmholtz, has led to much confusion, it is necessary to pause for a moment and endeavor to understand what it really means. The conception goes back logically as well as historically to our notion of the straight line as a measure of length. Since exact congru- ence is essential to geometrical measurement, strictly speaking, only a straight line can be meas-: ured by a straight line. If then the stretch (definite portion of a straight line) is to be the standard of) all linear measurement, it is evident that we cannotj measure the circle except by passing to the consid eration of infinitesimal arcs, which are to be re- garded as straight. Similarly our notion of curva- ture is referred to the circle as standard of meas- urement. The curvature of the circle at any point means, of course, its amount of bending or depart- ure from the tangent line, and since this amount is! constant for the same circle and is equal to th(! square of the reciprocal of the radius, it becomes eji convenient standard for the measurement of lineai curvature in general. Now since the curvature o other curves varies from point to point we agaii pass to the infinitesimal and measure the amount o this curvature by determining the circle which mos nearly coincides with the curve at the point consid ered. This circle w^ill pass through three consecu' DISCOIERV OF XON-ELCLJDEAX SyS'lEMS 35 :ive ix)ints of the curve and hence its construction s always possible theoretically,^-' for any curve. Diane or tortuous. In an analogous way Gauss determined the curvature of surfaces by their imount of departure from the plane. In the case Df curved surfaces we can draw through any point \n unlimited number of geodesic lines whose curva- ;ure, generally speaking, will not be the same. If :hen we draw all the geodesies from the point at ivhich the curvature is tested to the neighboring points on the surface they will form a singly in- finite manifold of arcs" among which there will be one of maximum and one of minimum curvature. Representing the radii of the osculatory circles by r and ri we shall-have for the " measure of curva- ture " of the surface at the point considered the expression — — In case of the sphere, all the geo- desies going out from a point have the same curva- ture, and hence the surface has as its measure of curvature Jt-. For the Euclidean plane the radii are all infinite and the curvature is therefore zero. For the cone and the cylinder, since straight lines can be drawn in each, the measure of curvature is zero and any figure not too large which can be drawn upon the plane may also be drawn without distortion of parts upon the surface of any cylinder 13 It is interesting to note, however, that the assumption that this construction is possible is equivalent to assuming :he truth of the parallel postulate. 36 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS or cone. It is therefore an obvious corollary that for any surface to possess the property of free mo- bility its measure of curvature must have a constant value ^"^ at every point. But how is it possible to extend this conception further? In what sense is it permissible to speak of the curvature of space? Thus far it has been pos- sible to visualize results, and in extending succes- sively to wider and wider applications the notion of curvature we have not departed at all essentially from its original meaning. All along it has signi- fied some degree of departure from a standard of straightness or evenness of lines or of surfaces. Does the word then still retain any vestige of this original meaning when applied by Riemann to the conception of space? In the consideration of sur- face curvature as given above, a third dimension of space was involved ; does the curvature then of three dimensional space require a fourth dimen- sion? These are important questions, and the fail ure to comprehend their meaning has led to numer ous vagaries on the part both of mathematician and philosophers. In seeking an answer, let us note, first of all, that in the above consideration of curvature as a prop- erty of surfaces no necessary reference is made to a third dimension in the analytic development fro 1* See Minding's proof, Crelle's Journal, Vols. XIX., XX-j 1839-40. DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 3? which it results. It is only when one tries to pic- ture to himself what it may mean for sense that he seems to find need of this extra dimension. Gauss assumes that points on the surface may be deter- mined by the two co-ordinates, u, v, and finds that small arcs of the surface wjU be given by the formula ( i ) ds- = Edu- + 2Fdu.dv + Gdv'-, in which E, F, and G are functions of u, v. But u, V may be lengths of lines on the surface or angles between geodesic lines and therefore we do not need to go outside the surface itself for their analytical determination. Hence the idea of a third dimen- sion may be dropped and the measure of curvature be analytically regarded as an inherent property of the surface itself, provided of course we are dealing with a surface whose curvature is constant.'^ Xow it was this formula of Gauss which Rie- mann desired to make use of in determining a mean- ing for his " measure of curvature " as applied to space of more than tw-o dimensions. We can see . already how this conception may be given an analyt- ical meaning. As in the case of a surface we find an unlimited number of radii of curvature at any point corresponding to the geodesies going out from the same, so in regard to space as a manifold of three '■"' Otherwise a precise co-ordinate system which is required n the development of our formula would appear to be logic- illy impossible. Consult Russell's Foundations of Geometry, ;hap. III. 38 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS or of ;/ dimensions' we may have an unlimited num- ber of measures of curvature at any point corres- ponding to the surfaces that may be passed through it. If then we Hmit ourselves to a three dimensional manifold and represent its measure of curvature at any point by K we shall have K=f (XiX^XsJ ^15253; 77,^)where (X1X2X3) give the position of the point, (91S2S3 ) the orientation of the surface and {r O) the curvature at any point on the surface. Express- ing K in terms of the quantities involved in formula ( I ) for ds, we have, (2)K I 1 "[ ( i/u 2v/ E G -F 2 dG' d + 2 du dt> LyEG-F F d^ ] El/ d7> c EG-F2 ) I F Eo/EG-F^ rt'E I ^7' V eg-f d¥ d%> v/'EG-F: ^E dv from which it_is j)lain that K may have any value depending upoiTthe meaning which we give to our] linear element ds. An unlimited number of geome- tries is therefore possible, the essential foundatioi of any one of them being the expression which i1 gives for the distance between two points takei anywhere and lying in any direction from each^ other, beginning with the interval between them as infinitesimal. If we take ds^rrrdu^-f-dv^ which \\ equivalent to assuming the existence of a rectangl( DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLJDEAX SYSTEMS 39 of which ds is the diagonal and du and dv the ad- jacent sides, F in ( i ) becomes equal to zero and E and G each equal to unity. Substituting these val- ues in (2) K becomes zero, its true value for Euclidean space.^ Riemann's measure of space curvature is then 1 simply a quantity obtained by purely analytical cal- ) culation and so far forth does not necessarily in- . volve any relations that would have a meaning for sense-perception. What is the true meaning of ds? That is the important epistemological question which his treatment suggests, but does not suf- ficiently answer. Riemann himself works out one form of Elliptic geometry. It is called spherical because it holds for the surface of the sphere. If the measure of cur- vature has in actual space a positive value howso- ever small tlrere are in reality no such things as parallel lines, for all lines meet if sufificiently pro- duced, and space itself is limited though still un- bounded. It is clear that Riemann's whole discussion in- volves a profound mathematical and philosophical significance, the utmost reaches of which have not yet been fully explored. Helmholtz and Riemann reached practically the same conclusions in regard to the nature of our 5pace conception and the empirical origin of geometric axioms, but their methods of investiga- 40 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS tion were quite different. Helmholtz was a phys- icist and a physiologist, and was led to consider the problem, as he says, by attempting to represent spatially the color manifold and also by his inquiries into the origin of our ocular measure of distance m the field of vision. His method of approach was from the standpoint of natural science rather than from that of mathematics as in the case of Rie- mann While Riemann begins with an algebraic expres- sion which represents in the most general form the distance between two infinitely near points and deduces therefrom the conditions of the free mobil- ity of rigid figures; Helmholtz starts from free mobility as an observed fact in nature and derives from it the necessity of Riemann's algebraic ex- pression. He also proves mathematically the lat- ter's arc-formula, but his proof was not strictly rigid and is now superseded by that of Sophus Lie whose attention was called to the problem by Professor Klein. Helmholtz starts with congruence, without which measurement is impossible, and ther affirms that congruence is proved by experience.^ - We measure distance between points by applying to them the rule or chain, we measure angles by bringing the divided circle or the theodolite to the vertex of the angle." " Thus all geometrical meas- i6"Ueber die thatsaechlichen Grundlagen der Geometrie," Wissenschaftliche Abhandhmgen, Vol. II.. 1866 (p. 610 ff). DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 41 urement depends on our instruments being really as we consider them, invariable in form, or at least as undergoing no other than the small changes we know of as arising from variations of temperature or from gravity acting differently at different places." In all our measuring then we can only make use of the surest means we have to determine what we are otherwise in the habit of making out by sight or touch. These statements of Helmholtz though very suggestive, do not penetrate to the heart of the matter. He is certainly right, however, in starting as he does with the facts of experience out of which our geometrical conceptions, whatever we may say as to their ultimate source and justifi- cation, have come to assume the forms in which we now have them. It is interesting to take note of the axioms which Helmholtz comes to regard as being a necessary and sufficient basis for geometry. They are briefly as follows : ( I ) In a space of // dimensions, a point is uniquely determined by the measurement of // con- tinuous variables or co-ordinates. (2) Between the 211 co-ordinates of any point pair of a rigid body, there exists an equation which Is the same for all congruent point-pairs. By tak- ing a sufficient number of these point-pairs, we can E^et more equations than we have unknown quanti- ties, and thus the form of the equations may be determined and all of them satisfied. 42 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLlDEAN SYSTEMS (3) Every point can pass freely and continuously from one position to another. Hence by (2) and (3) if two systems of points m and n can be brought into congruence in any position they may also be made congruent in every other position, (4) If (n — i) points of a body remain fixed, so that every other point can only describe a certain curve then that curve is closed. If now we limit ourselves to three dimensions Helmholtz claims that these four axioms will be sufficient to give us the Euclidean and non-Euclid- ean systems as the only alternatives. This conclu- sion, however, is open to criticism. Sophiis Lie, for instance, has shown ^^ that the fourth axiom is unnecessary. It is included in the axiom of con- gruence when properly formulated. In fact, Con- gruence and Free Mobility are both involved in the conception of the homogeneity of space. Russell has also pointed out^^ that these four axioms flow directly from the fundamental assumption of the relativity of position. In a second paper/'' which from a mathe- matical view-point constitutes his greatest contribu- tion to the subject, Helmholtz adds two more 1^ " Grundlagen der Geometric," Leipsigcr Berichte, 1890. '■'*" Foundations of Geometry," pp. 128 ff, 1897. ^^ " Ueber die Thatsachen, die der Geometric zum Grund liegen." Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Vol. II., p. 618 ff., 1868. I DISCUrERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 43 axioms, namely, that space has three dimensions, and that space is infinite. The results of Riemann, Helmholtz, and Lie, had in a measure been anticipated by Wolfgang Bolyai/i in his famous " Tentamen. " to which we have already alluded. Bolyai starts his analysis with the principle of continuity,-'^ then postulates the prin- ciples of congruence and free mobility of rigid bodies -^ and finally adds to these the following postulates, (i) If any point remains at rest any region in which it is, may be moved about in Innumerable ways so that any other point than the one at rest may recur to its former position. If two points are fixed, motion is still possible in a specific way. (2) Three points not co-straight pre- vent all motion.^- From these assumptions he de- duces both Euclid and the non-Euclidean system , of his son. John Bolyai. He also observes that the measurements of astronomy show that the parallel postulate is not suffieiently in error to interfere in practieeP By casting off the assum])tion of the infinity of space Riemann and Helmholtz obtained as a third possibility for the universe, an elliptic geometry; but even this is suggested- by John -^ " Spatium est quantitas, est contimiiim."' P. 44-- 21 pp. 444, Sec. 3 : " Corpus idem in alio quoque loco vi- Jenti quaestio succurrit : mim loca siiisdem divcrsa aequalia unt?" Intiiitus ostendit, aequalia esse." -- p. 446. Sec. 5- 23 p. 489. 44 DlSCOl'ERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS Bolyai in his proof that spherics are independent of Euclid's assumption.^ ^ Beltrami was the first to become clearly conscious of the fact that the theorems of Lobatchewskian geometry may be realized in ordinary Euclidean space on surfaces of constant negative curvature.^^ Minding had already shown^*^ that the geometry of such surfaces so far as geodesic triangles are concerned could be deduced from that of the sphere by giving the radius an imaginary value, Beltrami, however, generalized the problem first for plane geometry in the Saggio, and in a subsequent paper ^^ for ;/-dimensional manifolds of constant negative curvature. He proves that a pseudo- spherical space of any number of dimensions can be considered as a locus in Euclidean space of higher dimensions. This idea of space of one type as a locus in space of another type and of dimen- sions higher by one, as Whitehead says.^'^ is partly due to John Bolyai. It is an exceedingly important conception because it brings into relation the geom- etries of Lobatchewsky, Euclid and Riemann, and -* See Halsted : " Report on Progress of Non-Euclidean Geometry " in Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. 48, 1899, pp. 53-68. • 25 " Saggio di Interpretazione della Geometria non-Eu- clidea," Giornali di Matcmatische, Vol. VI., 1868. 28 Crelle's Journal, Vol. XIX. 2T " Teoria fondamentale degli spazzii di curvatura Con- stanta " Aiuiali di Matematica II., Vol II., 1868-9. 28 Universal Algebra, Cambridge 1898, Sec 262. DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 45 by establishing the fact that demonstrations of one geometry may b^ appropriate adaptation, be made to hold good for corresponding theorems in the other two, it afforded, for the first time, a conclusive proof that the geometries of Lobatchewsky and Riemann are no more contradictory than is Euclid itself, and thus gave to all three geometries a co- ordinate rank. We must now consider another very striking change, both as to method and purpose, in the his- torical development of Meta-geometry. Thus far we have dealt altogether with metrical conceptions. The quest has been to understand the necessary pre- conditions to the possibility of spatial measurement and to this end space itself has been regarded as a species of magnitude whose peculiar properties need to be defined. Starting with a doubt as to the apodeictic truth of a single Euclidean axiom, others have been called in question and the convic- tion has grown that they are all of an empirical and somewhat arbitrary character. One after an- other of those sacred postulates which for two thou- sand years even the best minds had considered as eternally true, was denied, and new systems of geometry sprang into existence as non-contradic- tory and, so far as empirical observation could go, as valid for reality as Euclid itself. Consequently that same human desire for truth, logically pure ind indubitable, which for more than twenty cen- 46 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS turies had reposed with perfect confidence upon Euclid, gradually drove the geometer to seek the longed for necessity and logical purity wholly out- side the realm of metrical considerations. Though avowedly mathematical and technical in its aims and purposes this new movement has attained cer- tain results that are of far-reaching philosophical importance. \ Magnitude, superposition and congru- ence are now dispensed with and the • attention is directed to the purely qualitative, as opposed to the quantitative, aspects of space?, Perhaps the greatest names connected with this movement are those of Cayley and Klein. By treating the surface of the pseudo-sphere as a plane and its geodesies (corresponding to great circles on a sphere) as straight lines Beltrami had shown that all the theorems of Lobatchewskian geometry can be developed upon this surface ; but in Cayley's new Theory of Distance we seem to have a much simpler explanation, and one which requires no modification of the ordinary conceptions of space or of Euclidean planes and straight lines, but only an extension of the customary ideas of measurement. Cayley was throughout a staunch defender of Euclid. In 1858 ^^ he states that " in any system of geom- etry of two dimensions the notion of distance can be arrived at from descriptive principles alone by means of a conic called the Absolute and which in -" See Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. V., p. 550. DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 47 ordinary geometry degenerates into a pair of points." He sets himself the task of estabHshing this position mathematically in his *' Sixth Me- moir upon Quantics" in 1859. In determining the analytic expression for the distance of two points Cayley first introduces the inverse sine or cosine of a certain function of the co-ordinates and shows that metrical properties become projective wath reference to the degenerate conic called the Absolute ; ^^ but later he recognizes and adopts Klein's definition as an improvement upon his o\vn.^^ This definition is expressed by the formula : distance PO = c log AP.BQ where A and B are the fixed points AQ.BP which determine the /Absolute. This formula pre- serves the fundamental additive relation character- istic of distance; viz., distance PQ + distance QR = distance PR. We can not here enter into the details of this mathematical discussion but must be content with the popular exposition which C^ley himself sup- plies in his Presidential Address •"'^ of 1883. In condensed form his conception is this.^^ Consider an ordinary indefinitely extended plane; and let us ^" Grundgebild, see Klein. 31 Collected Math. Papers. Vol. II., p. 604 =*-' Collected Math. Papers, Vol. XL, pp. 429-459- 33 Collected Matl^. Papers, Vol. XI., pp. 435 ff. 48 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS modify only the notion of distance. We measure distance with a foot rule, let us say. Imagine then the length of this rule constantly changing (as it might do by an alteration of temperature) but under the condition that its actual length shall de- pend only on its situation in the plane and on its direction. In other words, if its length is a certain amount for a given situation and direction it will be the same whenever it returns to this position, no matter how, or from what direction it comes. Now it is plain that the distance along any given straight or curved line between any two points could be measured with this rule, and always with the same determinate result, no matter from what point in the line we begin. Of course this distance will not be what we usually mean by the term, for we do not ordinarily regard our standards as varying quan- tities. But for aught we know experimentally this may be what actually occurs. Suppose then that as this rule moves away from a fixed central point in the plane it becomes shorter and shorter; if this shortening takes place with sufficient rapidity, it is clear that a distance which in the ordinary sense of the word is finite, will in this new sense be infinite, for no number of repetitions of the length of the ever-shortening rule will be sufficient to cover it. There will be then surrounding the central point a certain finite area every point of whose boundary will be, according to this theory, at an infinite dis- DISCO I EK y OF NON-E L CLIDEA N S ) \S- 1 EMS 49 tance from the central point. Beyond this boundary there is an unkno^vable land or in mathematical lan- guage an imaginary or impossible space. By attaching to this variable standard of Cayley's suitable laws of change, the various forms of non- Euclidean plane geometry may be had upon this Euclidean plane ; and the idea may be extended so as to obtain non-Euclidean systems of solid geom- etry in Euclidean space. This connection of Cayley's Theory of Distance with the various forms of Metageometry was first pointed out by Felix Klein.^^ Klein showed that if Cayley's Absolute be taken as real we get Lo- batchewskian, or what he calls hyperbolic, geom- etry ; if it be imaginary we get two forms of elliptic geometry; the double elliptic, spherical, or Rieman- nian already considered, in which all geodesies have two points in common ; and the single elliptic which we owe to Klein ^^ and in wdiich all geodesies are closed cur\^es having only one point in common. This is doubtless logically the simplest of all sys- tems. ' Tf the Absolute be an imaginary point pair we get parabolic geometry, and if this point pair be what is known as circular points the result is the ordinary Euclidean system. The natural result of all this was that both Cay- 34 Nicht-EuclicI, Bonk T.. Chapters I. and II. 35 Also independently discovered by Simon Newcomb. See his article in Crelle's Journal, Vol. 8,3. 50 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS ley and Klein came to regard the whole question of non-Euclidean systems as having no philosoph- ical importance, since it seemed to them that it in no way concerns the nature of space, but only the definition of distance, which in their view is per- fectly arbitrary, being merely a question of conven- ience. Whether we accept this conclusion or not it must be admitted that the projective method, employed by them, is independent of metrical presuppositions and deals directly with that qualitative likeness of geometrical figures which is a necessary prerequisite to quantitative comparison. The distinction be- tween Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry is a metrical one; it essentially disappears altogether in projective geometry. Hence projective geometry deals with the conception of space from a higher point of view, which includes within its scope every variety of metrical space and whose defining adjec- tives must in consequence possess very great philo- sophical interest. Furthermore, these adjectives may also be regarded as the simplest indispensable requisites of geometrical reasoning. In this connection the important work of Sophus Lie, which was awarded the Lobatchewsky prize Nov. 3, 1897. must briefly claim attention. ^^ Felix Klein declared that this work excelled all others ,ia " Theorie der Transformations griippen," Vol. III. Pub- lished at Leipzig, 1893. DISCOVERY OF NON-EiCLlDEAS SYSTEMS 51 SO absolutely that no possible doubt could be enter- tained as to the justice of this award. Helmholtz had already originated the idea of studying the essential characteristics of space by a- consideration of the movements possible in it. Klein called the attention of Lie to this problem of Helmholtz and encouraged him to undertake an investigation of it by means of his Theory of Groups. We can but meagerly indicate the outcome of this investigation. As stated by Lie his problem is : " To determine all finite continuous groups of transformations in three dimensional space in which two points have a single invariant and more than two points have no essen- tial invariant"; meaning by invariant the distance. D, between the two points and by the statement that more than two points have no essential in- variant, no invariant which is not expressible in terms of D. He finds that under the conditions of the problem the group must be six-parametered and transitive and cannot contain two infinitesimal transformations whose path curves coincide.'*" Two solutions of the problem are given. He first investigates a group in space, possessing free mobil- ity in the infinitesimal in the sense that if a point and any line element through it be fixed, continuous motion shall still be possible; but if. in addition, any surface element through this point and the line 3^ Transformations-Gnippcn. \'ol. III., p. 405 f., 1893. 52 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS element be fixed, no continuous motion shall be possible. The groups which in tri-dimensional space harmonize with these conditions Lie finds to be only those which are characteristic of the Euclid- ean and non-Euclidean geometries, but strange to say he also discovers that for the apparently an- alogous but simpler case of the plane or two dimen- sional space there are, besides these, certain other groups where the paths of the infinitesimal trans- formations are spirals. In his second demonstra- tion, starting from transformation-equations with Helmholtz's first three postulates he proves that for a space of three dimensions the fourth postulate is entirely superfluous.^^ From an analytical point of view Professor Hil- bert in a recent article in the Mathematische Anna- len,^^ which may be mentioned here, has advanced beyond these results of Lie by showing that it is possible to do away with the dififerentiability of functions which Lie's discussion requires. From the intuitional standpoint his article ofifers no im- provement and is open to certain criticisms which Dr. Wilson ""^ has pointed out. •■'^ For a brief statement of what is essentially Lie's method in English, see Halsted's " Columbus Report," Proc. A. A. A. S., Vol. 48, 1899. Also Poincare's Art. in Nature previously cited. ■■'s Bd. 56, Heft 3, pp. 381-422, October, 1902. *f> Archiv der Mathematik und Physik III. Rcihe VI. 1. u. 2. Heft, Jan. 1903. DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 53 In his famous Festschrift,^^ however, Professor Hilbert has done more perhaps than any one else except certain ItaHans to determine the precise num- ber, meaning and relations of the postulates essential to geometry. In this older work Hilbert followed essentially the Euclidean method with a logic so keen and pure and a result so simple that many have even expressed the opinion that it will ulti- mately supersede Euclid in the elementary schools. Certain defects, however, have been pointed out by Schur,"*- Moore, ■^-^ and others, showing that Hil- bert's postulates are not independent as he had sup- posed they were, and also illustrating how difficult it is to satisfy logic when one seeks to determine the foundations of geometry by the intuitional method. The discovery of this fact has led Hilbert in his recent article to abandon this method for the more strictly logical one. He starts from the ideas of Manifoldncsses and Groups as Lie had done, but uses the new conception of Manifoldncsses intro- duced by Georg Cantor thus dispensing with any special reference to a system of co-ordinates in a geometric space. When the Lobatchewsky prize was awarded to Lie. the thesis of M. L. Gerard, of Lyons, also re- *i Grundlagen der Geometric, Leipzig 1899. *2 Mathematische Annalcn Bd. 55. p. 265 flF. *3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Societj-. Vol. III., pp. 142 ff. 54 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS ceived honorable mention. In this thesis Gerard endeavors to estabhsh the fundamental propositions of non-Euclidean geometry without any hypothet- ical constructions except the two which are assumed by Euclid."*-^ ( i ) Through any two points a straight line can be drawn. (2) A circle may be described about any center with any given sect as radius. But in order to establish the relations be- tween the elements of a triangle in a thorough- going manner he adds to these, two other assump- tions as follows : ( I ) A straight line which inter- sects the perimeter of a polygon in some other point than one of its vertices intersects it again, and (2) two straight lines, or two circles, or a straight line and a circle, intersect if there are points of one on both sides of the other. One of the most important considerations for the advocates of non-Euclidean geometry is the requirement that all its figures shall be rigorously constructed. It was to meet this re- quirement that Gerard's investigation was under- taken and it is in this fact that its significance mainly lies. When the Commission of the Physico-Mathe- matical Society of Kazan met in 1900 for the pur- pose of awarding again the Lobatchewsky prize, they found before them two new treatises on non- ■** TTiis idea was suggested and partially developed by G. Battaglini in his " Sulla Geometria Imaginaria di Lobatchew- sky," Giornale di Mat. Anno V., pp. 217-231, 1867. DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS 55 Euclidean geometry, the merits of which were so nearly equal that the decision between them was finally made by the casting of lots. These were A. N. Whitehead's investigations in his " Universal Algebra " "^^ and Wilhelm Killing's ** Grundlagen der Geometric." '**^ In the opinion of Sir Robert Ball, Whitehead's investigation excels anything previously done in two important particulars. In the first place he can treat n-dimensions by practically the same formulae as those used for two or three dimensions; and secondly, the various kinds of space, parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic, present themselves in White- head's methods quite naturally in the course of the work, where they appear as the only alternatives under certain definite assumptions. Perhaps the most significant portion of Killing's effort is his treatment of the " Clifford-Klein space- forms." whose importance lies in the fact that they show what a difference it makes whether we assume the validity of our fundamental axioms for space as a whole or only for a completely bounded portion of space. The first assumption yields the Euclidean and three non-Euclidean space-forms already men- tioned, but the second gives a " manifoldness. at *^ Cambridge, England, I? 4« Paderborn, 1898. 56 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS present not yet dominated, of different space forms." ^'' We must now call attention to the remarkable results of Max Dehn's investigation, which was undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Hilbert and published in 1900.^^ As early as 1898 Friedrich Schur had reached the conviction that elementary geometry can be built up without the use of the Archimedes axiom of ! continuity, ''^ and proved Pascal's theorem without ^the use either of this axiom or of the parallel postulate. He constructs a sect Calculus in which he shows that the theory of proportion can be founded without the introduction of irrational numbers and indicates that this might also be done without the Archimedes Axiom. Hilbert accom- plished this proof in 1899 and demonstrated thai this axiom need no longer be regarded as necessar} to elementary geometry. As we have already stated Legendre, by assuming this axiom and also tha' the straight line is of infinite length, demonstratec ( I ) that the angle sum of any plane triangle canno be greater than two right angles, and (2) that if ii *' From Professor Engel of Leipzig, in a Russian pamphle printed at Kazan, taken from Halsted's translation. *8 Dehn was a pupil of Hilbert. He was 21 years old whei; this investigation was completed. It is printed in Mat. Ami 53 Band, pp. 404-439- *^ See Preface to his Lehrbuch der Analytischen Geometii Leipzig, 1898. i DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SySTEMS 5; any triangle this sum is equal to two right angles, the same is true of every triangle. Hence the ques- tion arose, Do these two theorems actually hold good in Euclidean geometry? And the problem suggested for Dehn was, Can these theorems of Legendre be proved without the Archimedes Axiom ? ^^ The results of his investigation are very remarkable. He demonstrates the second of Le- gendre's theorems without any postulate of continu- ity, and shows that the first theorem cannot be dem- onstrated without the Archimedes Axiom. This is done by constructing a new geometry in which an infinite number of lines can be drawn through a point parallel to a given straight line, but in which also the triangle's angle sum is greater than two right angles. By assuming the Archimedes Axiom and also that an infinity of parallels can be drawn to a given straight line, through a given point. Lo- batchewsky's geometry, in t\^hich the triangle's angle sum is less than two right angles, results ; but Dehn now shows that by denying the Archimedes Axiom 50 This axiom as stated by Dehn at the beginning of his thesis is as follows : If A^ be any point upon a straight h'ne between any given points, A and B, then we can construct the points A„ A.J A^ ... so that Aj lies between A and A^, A, between A^ and A^, A, between A„ and A^ and so forth; "and moreover the sects AA^, AjA^, A,A,. A^.\^. . . . are equal to each other; then there is in the scries of points A, A^ A^ . . . a point A^ such that B lies between A and An- 58 DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS this angle sum is either greater than two right angles or else equal to two right angles, it cannot be less than two. He proves the former, as just stated, by his non-Legendrian geometry, and the latter case, namely, that this angle sum is equal to two right angles, by constructing another geometry in which the parallel postulate does not hold, but in which nevertheless all the theorems of Euclid are shown still to be true. He proves that the sum of the angles of the triangle is two right angles, and that various other theorems previously held to be exactly equivalent to the parallel postulate are still valid in this new geometry in which the parallel postulate is thus contradicted. His results are well summarized by the following table : The an- gle sum in the tri- angle is: Through a given point we can draw to a straight : No parallel. One parallel. An infinity of parallels. >2R = 2R ^ <2R Elliptic geometry (Impossible) (Impossible) (Impossible) Euclidean geometry (Impossible) Non-Legendrian geometry Semi-Euclidean geometry Hyperbolic geometry If these results of Dehn should withstand future criticism and prove to be logically unimpeachable DISCOyERV OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SySTEMS 59 they will vindicate Euclid in a remarkable manner, for not one of the proposed substitutes for his parallel postulate is, after all, its exact equivalent, except when the axiom of Archimedes is already assumed. It is impossible in this brief historical survey to do justice to certain important contributions that have very recently appeared and which from differ- V ent pomts of startmg have throwrT-:ji new light upon the foundations of mathematics in general. We refer to the contributions of Dedekind/'^ Cantor, Peano, Fieri, Padoa, Poincare, Vailati, Russell. Frege, and others on number, continuity, series, and other topics which come to be involved in any thor- ough consideration of the fundamentals of descrip- tive, projective, and metrical geometry. Collectively considered these contributions reveal a very decided movement to carry the whole of so-called pure mathematics over to a final grounding in formal or symbolic logic. We shall refer to certain features of this movement in subsequent chapters. It now remains to notice with a word, in closing this chapter, the efforts that have been made to deal with the philosophical problems created by meta- geometry. These efforts have proceeded sometimes SI Some of these writings are in reality not so recent as some of those which we have already considered, but they all belong to the one general movement to which we wish to call at- tention. 6o DISCOVERY OF NON-EUCLIDEAN SYSTEMS from the mathematicians themselves, as in the case of Riemann and Helmholtz, and sometimes from students of philosophy. With one notable excep- tion they have all suffered more or less from the writer's inability to take the point of view of the philosopher on the one hand or of the mathematician on the other — an incapacity due to lack of special training, to see the problem clearly and steadily in both its mathematical and its philosophical relations. The exception referred to is that found in the con- tributions of B. A. W. Russell, especially in his Principles of Mathematics,^^ the first volume of which only recently appeared. Mr. Russell brings to his study of the problem the training both of a mathematician and a philosopher ; the result is a con- tribution of remarkable and permanent value. In view of the historical development thus some- what imperfectly presented, we shall endeavor in the chapters which follow, ( i ) to orient the problem and point out its complex relations; (2) to trace the parallel postulate and its closely allied concep- tions to their psychological sources; (3) to deter- mine the nature and validity of this postulate and its place in geometrical systems; and finally (4) to in- dicate the conclusions which seem to follov/ from this discussion as to the nature of space. "'- Published at Cambridge, England, 1903. This is beyond question the best work on the Philosophy of Mathematics yet published. GENERAL ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM. CHAPTER III. A GENERAL ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM. The foregoing historical sketch brings promi- nently to view certain in^tters of great philosophical interest^ First of all it has certainly become clear that in so far, at least, as any system of geometry has professed scientific value, or has claimed to be in any sense valid for reality, the whole history of meta-geometry has been, as a matter of fact, one long and very fruitful search for the philosophic foundations of mathematics in general. -The same spirit which through the centuries endeavored so earnestly to justify Euclid as an orderly system of necessary and indubitable knowledge by removing the objectionable theory of parallel lines, has finally subjected the fundamentals of arithmetic as well as those of geometry, to the most searching critical testing. The sufficiency, independence, and mutual compatibility of the various adjectives which pre- sumably define our notions of number and space. have become problems of absorbing interest and promise. As is usual in every marked intellectual advance, every existing difficulty removed has 63 64 ORIENT AT ION OF THE PROBLEM opened up new fields of research, new tendencies of thought and methods of investigation, and conse- quently new and more difficult problems calling for solution. The light thus thrown both directly and indirectly upon the space problem has led to a very great re- finement of the space conception which has resulted more and more in restricting the a priori realm and in handing over to the empirical, as possibly contin- gent and depending ultimately upon the peculiar nature of experience, certain matters which were previously thought to be apodeictically true. Prior to Lobatchewsky " geometry upon the plane at in- finity " was considered as being just as well known as the geometry of any portion of the table upon which I am writing, but today the geometer " knows nothing about the nature of actually existing space at an infinite distance; he knows nothing about the properties of this present space in a past or a future eternity." ^ He does know, however, that, within the limits of the utmost refinements of instrumenta- tion and observation thus far attained, the assump- tions of Euclid are true for small portions of space and perhaps, when all due allowance for probable error is made, even for that immense region which 1 W. K. Clifford : Lectures and Essays, Vol. I., p. 359. Lon- don, 1901. We do not subscribe to the naive space-realism latent in these words of Clifford ; the passage is quoted because it indicates very clearly the changed point of view regarding the nature of geometry. ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM 65 is swept by telescopic vision. Hence the important question as to what are the necessary and sufticient marks of the category of space, once regarded as settled, takes on decidedly a new interest for specu- lative thought. Glancing back for a moment over the history of this movement, one can easily trace from a psycho- logical view-point the predominant intellectual and practical interests out of which it has grown. It is often contended that geometry is concerned with ideal objects. At present, this is certainly true; but as a matter of history it has not always been true. Geometry is in reality a complex product of two factors; the one empirical or, if you please, intu- itional, and the other logical. Both appear to be necessary to any geometry which would validate its claims to be a bona fide body of systematic knowl- edge. Our historical sketch shows that these factors have been variable quantities, the intuitional element having been steadily reduced until at present so far as space is concerned it is entirely rejected. Geom- etry as a part of "pure" mathematics is coming to be regarded as merely a branch of symbolic Logic, which no longer claims to throw direct light upon the nature of space. Xevertheless, in contemplating the " pure " ab- stract science which thus claims to be free from all intuitional bias, we should not forget its humbler 1« 66 ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM origin. Even among the Egyptians ^ and the early Greeks,^ where authentic history first finds the sub- ject already somewhat advanced, it is almost wholly an empirical matter. In the hands of the later Greeks, however, the treatment of geometry under- went essential modifications. This naive conception of things disappears. Geometry passes from a purely technical to a scientific state and becomes the subject of professional and scholarly contempla- tion. For the first time a conscious effort is made to separate the directly cognizable from what is logically deducible and to throw into distinct relief" the thread of deduction. For purposes of instruc- tion the principles which are simplest, most easily gained and apparently freest from doubt and contra- diction are placed at the beginning, and the re- mainder based ypon them. The motive now arises to reduce the number of these principles as far as possible. In this respect the superiority of Euclid was recognized, as we have seen, for more than twenty centuries. His selection of fundamental con- ceptions seemed to withstand every opposition and all efforts at a further reduction. Having at length found, however, that the denial of Euclid's parallel postulate led to a different sys- - Compare Eisenlohr : Bin Mathematischen Handbuch dcr alten Aegypter: Papyrus Rhind, Leipzig, 1877. ^ James Gow : A Short History of Greek Mathematics. Cambridge, 1884. ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM 67 tern which was self-consistent and possibly true of the actual world, a new motive arose. " Mathe- maticians "* became interested in developing the con- sequences flowing from other sets of axioms more or less resembling Euclid's. Hence arose a large number of geometries inconsistent as a rule with each other but each internally consistent." Even the resemblance to Euclid at first required in any set of axioms which it was desired to investigate was gradually disregarded. Possible systems were in- vestigated on their own account, and thus, as we have said, the intuitional aspect of geometry became altogether a matter of indifference. Geometrical propositions are no longer assertorical in character. They do not claim to state what actually is, but! merely assert that certain consequences flow from 1 given premises. Whereas Euclid asserted not only that certain geometrical inferences were logically sound but also that both the premises and the con- clusion were actually true, the new geometry pro- nounces upon the inference merely, and leaves premises and conclusion both as matters of doubt. The implications alone belong to geometry; with axioms and propositions it is not concerned. The geometer deals with certain entities to be sure, but these are carefully defined and guaranteed to exist only in the sense that they are logically compatible. ♦ Hon. B. A. W. Russell's " Principles of Mathematics," Vol. I., p. 373. Cambridge, 1903. 68 ORIENTAriON OF THE PROBLEM They are not even necessarily points, or lines, or any of those objects usually regarded as the legiti- mate subject-matter of geometry, but may be any] mental constructs which harmonize with certain con- ditions arbitrarily chosen. The question as toj whether any set of axioms and propositions hold of] actual space or not, is then a problem of appliec mathematics, to be decided, so far as decision ii possible, by experiment and observation. Purf mathematics contents itself with merely asserting that if any space has such and such properties it wil also have such and such other properties. Riemann's generalization through the intro tion of analytical conceptions so extensively employee by subsequent writers and the important works Dedekind,^ Cantor,^ and others, on the nature o! continuity, have given rise to new interests in lin< with the general demand for logical rigor and havj shown the necessity of subjecting the prerequisite of analytical geometry to a careful investigation. In the employment of the analytical method space was regarded as a manifold of points referred to system of co-ordinates and each capable of bein^ definitely determined by means of numbers. Line were defined by establishing a one to one correspond- ence between the ensemble of numbers and a certaii 5 " Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen." Brunswick, 1893.1 6 " Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre," Borchardt'sl Journal. Band 84, pp. 242-258, Dec, 1877. ORIENTATION Of THE I'KOBLEM 69 series of points; surfaces, by setting up a similar correspondence between the ensemble of numbers and a series of lines; solids, by establishing the same correspondence between the ensemble of numbers and a certain series of surfaces. Thus the geometri- cal continuum came to be regarded as generated by the number of continuum, and the question naturally arose as to how this course of procedure may be justified. Dare we include all numbers in the en- semble spoken of, imaginary and real, and rational and irrational? In the development of geometry this has actually been done. It is indeed " impos- sible to exaggerate the importance even of imaginary numbers, for without them the fabric of modern geometry could not stand for a moment."* Hence in investigating the relations of Euclid to the mod- ern system, especially if we regard the latter as the more ultimate and " pure," the question of right becomes an interesting one. Is there not really, though perhaps not so patently, as much room for doubt here as in the case of the parallel postulate? Given a co-ordinate system, we may readily admit that if any set of quantities actually determine a point, they determine it uniquely, but hoiv do ur know that they determine it at all? That is the interesting question. To say that to each of a cer- tain series of objects there corresponds a number is 'Professor Edwin S. Crawley. Popular Sci. Mon., Jan.. lOOi. 70 ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM surely quite different from saying that to every pos- sible number there corresponds an object in the given series. Cayley's Absolute requires for Euclidean geometry circular points at infinity. Dare we as- sume that there is anything in reality corresponding to these mythical entities? Not pausing to reply but only to indicate the general course of this inter- esting development, we need only say that if this question be answered affirmatively there arises an- other no less interesting and difficult, which has contributed its share to the quest for mathematical rigor resulting in the general thought movement characterized by Professors Pierpont ^ and Klein as the " Arithmetization of Mathematics." Rational numbers apparently give no trouble. Their arith- metic is easy, but when it comes to interpolating among these that infinity of irrational numbers, such as radicals, logarithms and others, met with in the development of mathematics, it has been customary to proceed upon the tacit assumption that the arith- metic of these is the same as that of rational num- bers and that whatever operations may be performed upon the one class may also be performed upon the other. Thus the Kantian '' Quid Juris? " again confronts us. Certain eminent mathematicians have replied that no rigor is possible except upon a basis of rational numbers. 8 Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, 2d series, Vol. V., No. 8, pp. 379- 385. May, 1899. ORlENTATIOy OF THE I'KOBLEM 71 To meet the demands of such reasoning the old Aristotehan logic was, of course, not altogether ade- quate, it, too, like Euclid, stood in need of critical renovation and extension. To get rid of the want of accuracy which creeps in unnoticed through the association of ideas and is therefore not allowed for when ordinary language is employed, symbols for different logical processes were introduced. It was found that all deduction is not syllogistic as the scholastics had thought. Asyllogistic inferences must also be recognized. A new logic was created, for which Boole, C. S. Peirce, and Peano have been largely responsible. To this final court of ap- peal all mathematical difiiculties are henceforth to be brought. Russell's latest work is an elaborate and thorough-going effort to establish the thesis that all pure mathematics, geometry included, is merely a branch of this symbolic logic. All this then, as inspired by one supreme motive, an age-long struggle for w^hat men have seen fit to call absolute rigor. If we turn to the cautious mathematician and ask what he means by this word, how he shall know^ when he has attained it. and what is his standard, we do not find him at all ready to reply. Indeed it is wise to be silent, for much that was once thought to be rigorous is now no longer so regarded; a large part of the reasoning of the last century would be rejected today. An English or American treatise on Calculus twenty ^2 ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM years old is now almost as obsolete as a work on chemistry of the same date would be. Geometrical rigor is a variable quantity approaching a limit which can scarcely be reached except as mathematics becomes wholly divorced from actual sense experi- ence. But geometry refuses to be thus a mere -mat- ter of logic. So regarded its territory can only be arbitrarily defined. It becomes a mere study of multiple series, so Russell has actually defined it, and as such it includes complex numbers as a legiti- mate part of its subject-matter. But why restrict it to multiple series, why not also include series of only one dimension, and thus do away with the name geometry altogether. Indeed it is only when we introduce some notion of applied geometry, some conception so defined as to resemble more or less approximately what we know to be true of our actual space, that our employment of this term seems to be anything more than an unjustifiable mis- use of words. Geometry as logic may indeed care very little as to the particularized existence, either actual or possible, of the entities with which it deals, but geometry, as geometry, in any justifiable mean- ing of this word, is certainly something more than this. And even as pure logic it is in a sense still subject to the space category; its entities are con- ceived as delimited, externalized, and otherwise spatially related. They are supposed to be capable of certain spatial transformations. How, then, do I I ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM 73 we know that certain positions and transformations of these entities are allowable, except as we fall back upon those more ultimate axioms which though they have a wider application are still in an important sense geometrical. They are logical necessities which cannot even be thought, or regarded as hav- ing any meaning whatever, without reference to some sort of co-existent realities actual or abstractly possible which are conceived of as entering into re- lations with each other which are only partially defined by these "axioms " and which inevitably imply the space category. But upon the consideration of the logical and epistemological questions thus brought to view it is not our purpose at present to enter. The aim here is simply to point out the motive dominating tills movement and to show that the general problem which lies before us is one of extreme complexity, which has been by no means generally understood by those who have essayed its solution. Certainly the profound questions growing out of the parallel postulate, its validity for reality, tiie general nature of space which this involves and the fundamental relations of Euclid to other systems 'if geometry can never be settled by pure mathematics alone, remarkable as the contributions fmm this source have certainly been. The non-Knclidcnn movement, as such, has proliably produced already rlmost all the modifications it is likely to produce in 74 ORIENTATION OP THE PROBLEM the foundations of geometry.'-^ In the final answer, if indeed a final answer is possible, the psychologist, the philosopher, the physicist, and the physiologist must each have something to say. The claims of individual investigators to have solved the problem completely, and such claims even yet occasionally appear, can only be looked upon with a measure of suspicion. On the philosophical side of the problem the old question as to the a priori nature of the postulates of Euclid affirmed by Kant and denied by Mill, is still in debate. The psychological analysis necessary to a just and fruitful treatment of this question has at times been entirely wanting ; at others, its signifi- cance has been utterly ignored. The term a priori itself has been used in widely dififerent senses by different writers and sometimes even by the same writer. The word " curvature," as applied to space, unfortunately introduced by Riemann, Helmholtz, and Beltrami, has also been a source of perennial confusion for both mathematicians and philosophers alike. The essential meaning of the straight line as used in the various forms of geometry, and of the subordinate conceptions of distance, direction, and motion by which this line is usually defined, has not been clearly determined. And finally the abstract spaces of geometry demand further study as regards ^ Consult Russell's ." Principles of Mathematics," p. 381. ORIENTATION OF THE PROBLEM 75 their relations to each other and to the space of actual experience. They require to be more thor- oughly tested by that conception which must arise when all bona iide human experiences of a spatial order are taken into the account. In the next chapter we enter upon a psychological study of the parallel postulate and certain closely allied conceptions without which this postulate would have no meaning at all. Our purpose will be tw^ofold. First, starting with experience, we shall endeavor to trace the genesis and development of these conceptions as they appeal to the ordinary consciousness of man; and secondly, starting with these conceptions in the highly abstract forms de- manded by modern geometry, we shall try to see how far these forms may be made to have meaning for actual experience. I THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE PAR ALLEL POSTULATE AND ITS KINDRED CONCEPTIONS. CHAPTER IV. PSYCHOLOGICAL SOURCES OF THE PARALLEL POSTU- LATE AND ITS CLOSELY ALLIED CONCEPTIONS. There can be little doubt that geometry sjjrang originally from man's interest in the spatial rela- tions of physical bodies. It bears in every part un- mistakable evidence of this empirical origin, and the course of its development can be rendered fully intelligible only on consideration of these traces. Various forms of sensory experience contributed the data. By virtue, it may be. of the peculiar structure of the body with its pairs of sense-organs symmetrically located, whose conscious deliverances possess in each case a remarkable similarity as con- trasted wfth those of other sense-organs, the power of orienting these organs themselves and finally of the whole body with reference to presented stimuli, has at last been acquired.^ This power of orienta- 1 Consult Loeb's Physiology of the Brain (N. Y., lOOoV Also Royce's Outlines of Psychology, pp. I39-I47- It '« P*"''- haps due to this cause that the lower animals know how to strike in and to hold more or less steadily a straipht direction in movement. Consult Von Cyon's articles in Pflncger's Archiv fner Physiologie. 79 8o PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM tion, taken with sensations of movement,^ sight, and touch,^ and of the so-called statical sense of the semi- circular canals, furnishes the empirical basis for the perception of space as a continuous whole. The unitary perception of space thus arising is, of course, complex in its nature and is determined in each case by the character of the sensory factors which it actually involves. So-called psychological spaces corresponding to different senses are not wholly identical. The space-perception of a man born blind ^ is unitary in character, but quite differ- ent from that of a man whose vision remains un- impaired. These sensory differences have been un- consciously carried over into the foundations of geometry, so that the different forms of this science can be classified as motor, visual, etc., according as special emphasis has been laid in their construction, now on one, now on another, of these sensory fac- tors. Projective geometry is entirely visual, while Euclid is largely motor. These psychological dis- tinctions are important when questions of validity ' are raised regarding the foundations of competitive systems. Had man's spatial experience been con- - Poincare holds that without sensations of movement and the actual ability to move geometry could never arise. The Monist. See also Professor Ladd's A Theory of Reality, pp. 229-230. 3 Ladd's Psychology Descriptive and Explanatory, pp. 323 f. * Consult Dr. Alexander Cameron's Thesis on " Tactual Per- ception." Yale, 1900. il PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM 8i fined, for example, to vision'^ alone, the struggle between Euclid and Lobatchewsky could never have been, since for vision alone there are no such things as parallel lines. Through a point in a plane there is neitiier one nor a pencil of lines which do not cut a given line in the plane ; every such line is seen to converge toward the given line in one or in both directions. When, therefore, we come to inquire what are the sensory factors that enter into the subordinate conceptions which define the spaces o'f the different geometries, where in each the emphasis is actually laid, in the choice of conceptions and in the charac- ter of the demonstrations which follow upon them, and finally what is the true balance to be maintained among these sensory factors in determining the na- ture of space as it appears to be actualized in the world of reality, it is plain that the psychological difficulties involved strike deeper than mere ques- tions of accommodation and convergence in visual perception. Nevertheless, investigations of this sort have thrown, and no doubt will continue to throw, light upon the general problem. We organize our experiences to harmonize with our own and with the movements of physical bodies; consequently those changes in the environment of an object which necessitate changes in the character of the move- 5 This is perhaps an impossible hypothesis, but it scn-es our purpose in this connection. 82 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM ments by which it is perceived occasion differences in the perception of its spatial properties. In this way optical illusions arise. With these so-called false perceptions, eye-movements ^ are now known to be closely related if not indeed a determining cause. The fact that long-continued practice dispels these illusions, the perceived object remaining constant while the perception itself gradually but uncon- sciously changes, indicates that the peculiar marks of any concept of space founded simply upon visual perceptions can hardly be called a priori in Kant's sense of the word. Photographs taken at intervals during the presence of these optical illusions and after they have finally disappeared show quite clearly that changes in eye-movements correspond- ing to those in the perception itself successively oc- cur. Increasing accuracy of movement and correct- ness of perception develop together. Whether the movement or the perception itself is to be regarded as the determining cause of this improvement is an interesting but difficult question. It seems very probable, however, that cerebral organization and accurate motor adjustment must first be secured before correct perception becomes at all possible. ]f the mere recognition of error were all that is needed, no long-continued process of perceptual edu- •^ Based upon some very interesting but as yet unpublished experiments in photographing eye-movements in the Yale Laboratory by Assistant Professor Judd and Dr. McAllister. PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM s-. cation would seem to be required. Correct percep- tion would then take place as quickly and completely as when, through a false perception, we have mis- taken some stranger for a friend. ^^ Turning now from these general considerations to study those special facts from which geometry as a science has actually developed, we lind that the first geometrical knowledge which can be strictly so-called was acquired accidentally and without de- sign through practical experiences in varied employ- ments. This peculiar empirical origin is shown in W'hat history w^e have of the beginnings of geometry among the ancient Egyptians "^ when as yet the scien- tific spirit in its search for the logical interconnec- tions of the experiences in question had not arisen. It appears also even more clearly in the history of primitive civilizations at large, as may be seen in the rise of metrical conceptions and in those facts of experience out of which the conception of the straight line and Euclid's theory of parallels have developed. We shall now study these developments in the order here mentioned. Primitive man was already well advanced in cer- tain geometrical ideas before measurement, strictly so-called, began. He had acquired a considerable practical knowledge of physical bodies and their grosser spatial relations without taking advantage 7 Consult Gow's A Short History of Greek M.ithematirs. Cambridge, 1884. 84 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM of this artificial assistance. Through the compari- son of various kinds of sensory experiences he had come to attribute to bodies a certain spatial con- stancy; he had learned to locate them, to estimate their form, size, and distance, with considerable accuracy and to govern his actions accordingly. But it was in the objects themselves, in their capacity to satisfy his needs and not in their spatial relations that his interests primarily centered. It was only when he had so far triumphed over his foes in the struggle for self-preservation as to be able to reflect that the place, form, and size of objects have almost everything to do with determining the character of those activities by which his wants are best satisfied and his enemies overcome or avoided, that the desire for a more accurate determination of these quanti- ties by means of measurement arose. His first esti- mates were, of course, obtained by the comparison of memory images with present perceptions. This mode of estimation, however, depends upon certain physiological and psychological conditions which are difficult to control and is therefore unsatisfac- tory when exact measurement is required. This is especially true when the interval of time between the experiences compared is large and the memory image has, as a consequence, considerably faded. Hence it becomes necessary to provide characteristics which depend as little as possible upon these conditions, and this can only be done by removing the time interval PSYCHOLOGIC .ISPBCTS OF Tllli PROBLEM 85 between the remembered and the perceived experi- ences altogether, or by rendering it as brief as pos- sible, — the ideal being the substitution of direct perception in the place of memory. . This can l)c done only by securing the exact congruence of the -bodies compared, and hence it is always theoretically impossible, because of the inevitable limitations of sense-perception, and the want of absolute rigidity in all natural objects. Nevertheless this is the prin- ciple of measurement, and it remains the same for all spatial measurements whether i)er formed by the low- est savage or the most exact geometer, as a direct perception of physical congruence or as a purely ab- stract visualization. For all physical measurement, then, a convenient portable standard of some sort is needed, and one whose want of appreciable variation during trans- portation may be directly perceived. Naturally the first objects of this sort to appeal to the primitive man would be various parts of his own body. The names of the oldest measures, and various other facts, indicate clearly that these were the standards actually employed.,^ Among these names, for exam- ple, are the hand, nail, ell, span, cubit, foot, fathom, pace, and mile. These names have, of course, lost much of their original meaning, and have now come to be associated with standard measures which they happen to represent with only tolerable accuracy. It w^as a significant forward step in civilization 86 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM when nations like the Egyptians and Babylonians abandoned these physiological for more exact phys- ical standards. But the evolution of this form of measurement has also taken place in accordance with known psychological laws. In harmony with the general principle that it is in the material rather than in the more distinctly spatial properties of ob- jects that human interests first become centered the first measurements of this sort were doubtless meas- urements of volume,^ not measurements by means of definitely chosen standards of volume, however, but merely inaccurate estimates of the capacity of vessels and storerooms by determining the quantity or number of similarly shaped bodies which they would contain.^ Similarly the first estimates of area were probably made by the number of fruit- bearing trees which a field would grow, the amount s It is interesting to note that those who have given most attention to the best methods of introducing geometry to be- ginners have generally agreed that it is best to begin with solids and considerations of volume, rather than with points, lines, and angles, and there is a decided movement now on in elementary education in America to follow with the individual a method very similar to that by which as we here find the race has been educated. Note some recent American publications such as Campbell's Observational Geometry, New York, 1899; Spear's Advanced Arithmetic, Boston, 1899; Hanus's Geometry in the Grammar School, Boston, 1898. Tlie Harvard Catalogue for 1901-1902, p. 307: Row's Geometric Exercises in Paper- Folding, Chicago, Open Court, 1901 — Tr. ^ E. Mach : The Development of Geometry, TTie Monist, Vol. XII., p. 486. Also Eisenlohr: Papyrus Rhind, etc., pre- viously cited. PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OP THE PROBLEM 87 of labor necessary to cultivate it. or the number of animals that could be grazed upon it. The meas- urement of one surface by another may have been suggested by estimating in this way the relative value of fields which lay near one another. Herodotus ^° states that when Xerxes wished to count the army which he led against the Greeks he adopted the device of drawing up 10.000 menxlosely packed together within an enclosure which was then made to serve- as a standard, and each succeeding division that filled it was counted as another 10,000. This is an example of another type of operations which naturally led to the measurement of one sur- face by another. By abstracting at first instinct- ively and then consciously from the height of the practically identical bodies thus covering a surface the notion of a surface unit w^ould finally be reached. The fact that among the Egyptians.^' the early Greeks, and even as late as the Roman '- sTrrreyo^u- rules for the measurements of surfaces of irregular figure were often grossly inaccurate, seems in gen- eral to favor this view\^'' But what needs to be emphasized most perhaps in 1" Herodotus VII., 22, 56, 103, 223. ^^ Eisenlohr : op. cit. ^-' M. Cantor: Die romischcn Agriiiicnsoren. Leipzif?. 1875. " Thucydides VI., i states that surfaces havinR equal per- imeters have equal areas. And Ahmcs in Papyrus Rhind Rcts the area of the triangle by multiplying together two of its sides. 88 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM connection with measurement is the fact that all acts of measurement exhibit the free-mobility of approxi- mately rigid bodies, and that these facts when con- ceptualized bring to clear consciousness the corre- sponding postulate which lies at the foundation of every system of metrical geometry. And further- more the recognized possibility of constructing simi- lar solids of different sizes leads by a similar path- way to the postulate of homogeneity. The modern method of defining points, lines, and surfaces as boundary conceptions, though logically necessary and presenting little difficulty to a mind skilled in abstract thinking, nevertheless conceals rather than exhibits the process whereby these con- ceptions have developed. The straight line still bears in its name "a suggestion of its origin. Straight is the participle of the old verb to stretch and line is from line^t, which signifies a thread, hence the straight line literally means a stretched cord or ; thread. By decreasing the thickness of such an ob- ject until it becomes vanishingly small the concep- tion of the line as a geometrical magnitude of only one dimension is reached by an easy abstraction. By making fast one end of a string and drawing the other through a hole or a ring and observing how more and more of it passes out until the whole becomes stretched or straight we have an example of that type of experiences from which the notion of PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM 89 the straight Hne as the shortest distance between two poyits came to be clearly discerned. Another class of simple experiences supplies that peculiar property of the straight line by which it may be defined as a unique figure determined by any two of its points. If we slide a crooked material line betw'een any two fixed points it will be observed that the portion between the two points will con- tinually alter as regards the form and position of its parts. The more uniform the object, the less this variation becomes until the limit of perceptual uniformity is reached/ when the object will be seen to slide within itself. We now have a property which belongs obviously as much to the circle or the __S£iral as it does to the straight line, for these figures also when thus operated upon are seen to possess it. But if we rotate these objects about the two points in question a difference is at once detected, and we come upon a peculiar property of the straight line. It rotates unthin itself. Now^ when we consider these two properties of the straight line. tJwt it rotates unthin itself ami is also the shortest distance hetnren t7i'o points, it be- comes perfectly obvious why this figure has been made fundamental in all systems of geometry. // is the only one-dimensional magnitude that is physio- logically simple and perceptually constant when vieived from any point not in it. The same is true of the plane, and explains its unique position among 90 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM two dimensional magnitudes. It is the perceptual simplicity and constancy of these two figures that has forced them upon us as the only invariable, and hence the only satisfactory, metrical standards. Among tridimensional objects the cube and the sphere hold a similar relation, and for a similar reason. Of these two figures the sphere is of course the simpler from a perceptual point of view. It alone of all solids appears constant, in form, from whatever external point we view it ; nevertheless the law of simplicity and economy holds in the selection of the cube as the fundamental standard of volume because of its obvious relations to the one and two dimensional standards which we have just consid- ered. Any theory of parallel lines must obviously in- volve the idea of surfaces, hence before passing on to a direct study of Euclid's conception of parallels it is necessary to take some note of the origin of this idea. The conception of surfaces as geomet- rical magnitudes absolutely without thickness was certainly not reached at a bound. Nor is it a notion which is rendered necessary by the essential nature of a perceiving mind. It is essentially a metrical conception, and is therefore conditioned by those characteristic'-' of things and our experiences with them which render measurements possible. Like the conception of spatial equality, it could have no meaning in a homogeneous fluid world, and in such PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM 91 a world would doubtless never arise. The empirical origin of this conception is also shown by the fact that even the adult mind already schooled in abstract thinking- has the greatest difficulty in clearly con- ceiving it. Perhaps not one in a thousand correctly represents to himself the surface as he has been taught to define it. It is usually imagined as a c(jr- poreal sheet of constant thickness which can be made small as we please. Suppose we consider for a moment the surface of the ink in the bottle before me. This surface, we say, is the boundary which separates the ink from the air that is above it. But what is this boundary ? Is it ink? Certainly not, for then we should still need a boundary to separate that ink from the air above it. For the same reason we cannot say that it is air. If, then, we should magnify the two as much as we please and should find that they remain always homogeneous, each filling up the space adja- cent to the other, we should still have to say that the surface between them is neither the one nor the other ; it is not a layer of air. of ink. of ether, nor of space; it is simply a boundary or geometrical sur- face, and as such occupies no space of all. And yet as we reach this conclusion how difficult it is to avoid falling back upon that class of experiences by abstraction from which this conception was orig- inally obtained, and thus picturing to ourselves an exceedingly thin material partition, or at least some 92 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OP THE PROBLEM small portion of space which might serve to keep the two substances separate and distinct from each other. This, of course, does not satisfy reason. To put a space boundary between two adjacent portions of a continuous quantity is not only to regard space as a spread-out, empty reality which, while providing " room " for things and permitting them to approach or recede from each other, nevertheless keeps them asunder; but it is also to propose the old problem over again while doubling its difficulty, for we now want a boundary between the space in question and each portion of the quantity separated by it. It is the same difficulty which is met with in all limiting conceptions. It arises from the disparity always to be felt between actual experience and those intel- lectual ideals the peculiar character of which this experience itself suggests and determines. Coming now directly to Euclid's theory of parallel lines, we note that it was also determined to be what it is by a variety of empirical data. If these data had been decidedly different from what they are some Lobatchewsky might ultimately have given us the Euclidean system, but this system would cer- tainly not have been first in the order of develop- ment. The data in question are many and simple, and were certainly familiar even to the most ancient civilizations. The ornamental designs of savage tribes in weaving, drawing, wood-carving, and the PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM. 93 like often suggest that the triangle's angle sum is two right angles. By folding a triangular piece of cloth or paper as shown in the figure, this truth is directly perceived. The angles of the triangle are seen to form a straight angle by bringing their vertices together at C'.*-* The same truth doubtless suggested itself over and over again to the workmen in clay and stone of Babylonia, Egypt, and Greece in the mosaics and pavements which they are known to have made from differently colored stones of the same shape. In this way, too, it was easily found that the plane " space " about a point can be completely filled only by three kinds of regular polygons, that is, by six equilateral triangles, by four squares and by three regular hexagons," '^ and hence that this space is always equal to four right angles. In this ancient paving, triangular stones of the same shape and size were frequently used by placing i*Tylor suggests this as the probable origin of this theo- rem. Anthropology, New York, 1896, p. 320. 15 Proclus attributes this theorem to the Pythagoreans. Gow, op. cit. foot note p. 143. 94 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM their bases on the same straight line as in the accom- panying figure.^ ^ Here the system of equally distant lines is a strik- ing feature. It is also made clear by this figure that the sum of the interior angles on the same side made by the intersection of any two of these equally distant lines by a third line is two right angles. The obvious fact that this style of paving may be extended without limit leads naturally to the convic- tion that parallel lines will not meet however far produced, for such lines are seen to be ideally unlim- ited and yet everywhere equally distant. Thus we have suggested, at least, in this simple figure all the empirical data necessary to the formation of the Euclidean theory of parallel lines. But by whatever fact or class of facts this theory was originally suggested, the mechanical arts furnish 16 See E. Mach's valuable article in The Monist, Vol. XTL, pp. 481-515. PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THU. PROBLEM. ys today innumerable examples of its practical truth. The existence of similar figures of unequal sizes ami the actual construction of rectangles whose angles all remain right angles and \vh(jse opposite sides con- tinue to be equal when tested l)y the most accurate measuring instruments are constantly recurring proofs of Euclid's validity. If. however, in the construction of quadrilaterals with angles all right angles, and sides practically the straightest possible. it had uniformly been found that the opposite sides are unequal, as actually happens in surveying such figures of large size upon the surface of the earth, we should then doubtless have reached with equal confidence a different conclusion, and our sciences of mechanics, physics and astronomy would have been quite different from what they are; but as a matter of history this has not been true. From the crudest measurements to the most refined ; from the ancient " Harpedonaptai " *^ of Egypt to the present day in the constantly increasing refinement of the powers of accurate observation, man's ability to measure slight deviations from right angles and from the equality of distances has remained rela- tively equal. There are today no observed phe- iT Egyptian " Rope Stretchers " mentioned by Democritus. Their principal duty was the construction of right angles by means of ropes divided into 3, 4- and S equa' ""•''^ ^^ IciiRth See Cantor's Vorlesungen iibcr Ccschiclilr dcr Mathcmotik. Vol. I., p. 64, Leipzig, 1894. 96 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM nomena coming within tlie scope of the physical sciences that seem to contradict in any appreciable degree the Euclidean postulate. Therefore even when we set aside, as we must, Kant's contention for the a priori synthetic nature of the parallel postu- late, it may still be claimed that there is no law of nature reached by scientific induction that can be said to have so good a right to be called funda- mentally and universally true of the world as we know it. As just stated, the .parallel postulate is rooted psychologically, in so far as direct perception is con- cerned, in the ability to discriminate slight varia- tions in the size of angles, in the length of lines, and in the departure of the latter from " absolute straightness." It requires that this ability shall re- main as a rule, relatively speaking, precisely equal in these difTerent directions. Now it is obvious that '* the relations between the least perceptible differ- ence of the angles of a parallelogram and the least perceptible differences of the lines forming its sides are exceedingly complex and variable." ^^ It is therefore possible that the law of these relations when determined by the most refined experimental analysis ^^ w\\\ prove to be in essential agreement i» Ladd : A Theory of Reality, New York, 1899, p. 315. 1^ The writer has already begun, at Professor Ladd's sug- gestion, the experimental problem here referred to. So far, however, the results obtained are not of a very positive char- acter. PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM 97 with the EucHdean postulate. Indeed this may be even confidently expected in view of the general experiences of the race to which we have referred. This conclusion, however, is by no means to be regarded as a necessary one. In fact, that ideal exactitude which is required to establish beyond doubt the validity of this postulate is no more to be expected in this than in any other form of empirical testing. The absolute validity of Euclid can never be established by any mere appeal to perceptual ex- perience, however refined. Our space may possibly be proved in this way to be non-Euclidean, but it can never be shown to be exactly Euclidean. The analysis, then, of the experiences involvetl in the theory of parallel lines requires the considera- tion of a special relation between angles and dis- tances, and the problem is to determine the peculiar character of this relation. We have already seen (Chap. I., pp. 9 and 10) that in defining angles as differences of direction, straight lines, as those which do not change their direction, and parallels, as straight lines having the same direction, we overleap at a bound the difficul- ties involved in the parallel postulate. It is there- fore evident that the peculiar properties of parallel lines are somehow bound up in the word direction, and could be distinguished if the meaning of this word were subjected to a careful analysis. Through the recognition of the importance, for Euclid, of the 98 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM idea of direction. Von Cyon -" was led to believe that, in discovering, as he thought, a special sense- organ in the semicircular canals for the perception of three fundamental directions corresponding to the co-ordinates of the Cartesian system, he had solved the whole space problem completely. But the fact already pointed out (Chap. I., p. lo) that direction as ordinarily understood can only be completely de- fined when the parallel postulate is already assumed shows quite clearly that such a solution is only ap- parent. It proceeds, in fact, upon the customary assumption expressed in the above definition that direction is the one essential, sufficient, and peculiar property of the straight line; in other vv^ords, that straightness and direction are exactly equivalent in meaning, and that the latter word is used in pre- cisely the same sense in all three of the above defini- tions. Now we wish to show that there is uncon- sciously introduced into this word as it is used in the last two definitions, in addition to the idea of straightness which it always carries, an element of meaning which ultimately arises from the peculiar structure and symmetry of our bodily organism. It will be remembered that in the early part of the present chapter we called attention to the peculiar symmetrical arrangement of corresponding sensory organs and the influence of this arrangement upon 20 PHuegc/s Archk' fucr Physiologic, 1901. FSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM 99 the orientation -^ of the body with reference to any stimulus appeaHng to the senses. This is no doubt largely due to the remarkable similarity of the sensory experiences of corresponding organs, as. for example, the eyes or the ears. These sensations, however, are not wholly identical, and their differ- ences, combined with other sensation factors, mainly those of movement brought out in repeated acts oi adjustment, give rise to characteristic distinctions in sensations of direction. For example, the direc- tions, before and behind, up and down, right and left, as actually experienced, involve sensory differ- ences somewhat analogous to those of color.-^ These differences attach themselves to our notion of direction, and when unconsciously carried over with this notion into the abstract space of mathematics they lead to confusion. There is no such thing as a difference of direction in geometrical space. In such space tzco points are always required to determine -1 This orientation may even be wholly involuntary, as in the case of the moth when it helplessly flies into the flame and is burned. -- It is an interesting fact that Helmholtz was led to inves- tigate the problem of space by the analogy which he perceived between space and the color system as tridimensional manifolds. We shall see when we come to consider the impossibility of carrying to one space the same metrical standard which was employed in another that the so-called space-constants arc qualitatively different and yet serially related to each other in a manner which is in all essential respects similar to what wc experience in the perception of differences of color. 100 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM a line. If a number of lines are conceived of as going out from a point they can only be distin- guished by an actually perceived or else an imagined relation to our bodily selves. We can transport ourselves in imagination to the vertex of any angle formed in this way, and by the use of a distinction not inherent in the figure itself we can represent the angle to ourselves as a difference of direction, and thus distinguish the lines from each other. In no other way can we do this ; we picture ourselves as it were standing at the vertex of the angle, looking alternately down its sides, and thus in imagination sensing their directions as different. We carry, then, into our abstract space-world with this notion of direction a misleading subjective dis- tinction. The bodily self enters into spatial rela- tions with the other objects of this world in a pe- culiar way ; it is not allowed to take its place, as this abstract conception of space requires that it should, merely as one among many objects of whose distin- guishing peculiarities except in so far as those quali- tative similarities are concerned which measurement requires, geometry can take no account whatever. It is also easy to see that the same " physiolog- ical " element of meaning attaches to the word direc- tion as employed in the definition of parallel lines. For what else can be meant by saying that such lines have the same direction and that even to infinity? This is clearly apparent if we follow closely the Ian- PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM loi guage of Mr. J. S. Mill in the following passage : -^ " Though, in order actually to see that two given lines never meet, it would be necessary to follow them to infinity ; yet without doing so we may know that if they ever do meet, or if, after diverging from one another, they begin again to approach, this must take place not at an infinite but at a finite distance. Supposing, therefore, such to be the case, we can transport ourselves thither in imagination, and can frame a mental image of the appearance which one or both of the lines must present at that point, which we may rely on as being precisely similar to the reality." ^'^ But the mere straightncss of tivo lines lying in the some plane cannot, of itself, justify any statement as to whether they will or 7cill not meet zchen pro- longed without limit. If it could, there would then 23 Logic. Book ii., Chap. V., § 5. -^ It is interesting to note while this passage is before ii'' that its closing statement is open to criticism. On a preced- ing page Mr. Mill has stated that " we should not be author- ized to substitute observation of the image for observation of the reality, if we had not learnt by long continued experience that the properties of the reality are faithfully represented in the image." Now it is evident that experience can only tell us this in the case of realities and images, both of which have been experienced : both must be known before we have a right to say that the one faithfully represents the other. Hence in admitting, as Mill here does, the universality of the truth of the parallel postulate, he introduces a factor of knowledge which can not, strictly speaking, be gotten from experience alone as he conceives it. 102 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM be no need whatever of the parallel postulate, for Euclid becomes established at once when the exist- ence of straight lines in this sense is granted. ' It is difficult to grasp the truth of this statement, so natural has it become through long-continued asso- ciation of these ideas to look upon " straightness " and " direction " in their adjective relations as per- fectly synonymous terms. Thus it has come to appear that if only the lines are actually straight the parallel postulate must fol- low of necessity, and that it is only when we have unconsciously or purposely introduced some sort of bending or curvature into the lines themselves that this postulate fails. But careful reflection upon the essential meaning of straight lines when carried back to the source in experience whence this concep- tion has sprung reveals that this a priori necessity of the parallel postulate simply does not exist. |: Some distinction between the idea of straightness and that of direction must obviously be maintained : if any non-Euclidean system is to be taken seriously jas having anything to do with reality. If these two / words are, in fact, identical in meaning and the word " direction " as used in the definitions of straight I lines, angles, and parallels as given above holds pre- cisely the same significance in each definition, it is easy to see that any serious struggle between Euclid and his modern rivals is out of the question, for Euclid alone is left on the field. FSVCHOLOGIC ASPUC'IS OF THE PROBLEM lo.^ A familiar illustration will assist in making this distinction clear. As everyone knows, a curve is frequently defined in elementary geometry as a line which changes its direction at every point. Now if we substitute straightness for direction in this defini- tion it becomes at once absurd. For even if we could give the resulting expression, " changes its straightness," etc., an intelligible meaning by re- garding it as signifying the amount of angular devia- tion from the tangent to the curve at the point considered, the definition would still break down when applied to the circle, for in this case we have a figure whose angular deviation from the tangent line is a constant quantity, and therefore, according to this definition, the circle could not be a curve at all. We see, then, that the word " direction " names a -complex idea which is altogether too inclusive and variable in meaning to specify accurately what is meant by the straight line. It leads to confusion where precision of statement and accuracy of mean- ing are urgently demanded, and should therefore be avoided if possible. Generally speaking, the confusion so frequently met with in discussions on the philosophic founda- tions of geometry arises from the general tendency to regard as simple and without the need or the i)OS- sibility of further analysis certain ideas which m reality are complex in character and therefore can- 104 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM not be regarded as ultimate. Emphasis is laid now upon one phase, now another, of these complex ideas, and the whole problem is solved by overlook- ing entirely the real question at issue, -^ Of all the fundamentals of geometry, that which stands most in need of satisfactory analysis is the conception of the straight line. What is there in this word, let us ask, that makes it not only univer- sally applicable, but even indispensable to all forms of geometry? What do we and what ought we to mean by " straightness " as applied to lines in all these systems? This conception, by virtue of its complication with certain metrical ideas that have always been asso- ciated with it, gives philosophically the greatest trouble in any attempted critical estimation of differ- ent geometrical systems. Angles present no diffi- culties of so serious a character. The old Euclid- ean postulate that all right angles are equal is in reality a theorem which has lately been rigorously proved,^^ and is just as true of non-Euclidean as it is of Euclidean geometry. The angular magnitude about a point is equal to four right angles in any un- bounded geometrical surface whose curvature is con- stant, and is therefore the same in all forms of 25 Killing, Gnmdlagen der Geometrie (Paderborn, 1898), Vol. II., p. 171 ; and especially Hilbert, Gnmdlagen der Geom- etrie, Leipzig, 1899, p. 16. PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OP THE PROBLEM 105 geometry.^*' Hence the creation of new geometries does not essentially modify the difficulties to be met with in the treatment of angles. Angular magni- tudes can always be expressed as ratios of linear magnitudes, and are therefore easily determined when the latter are known. Upon the possibility of such ratios the whole science of trigonometry cor- responding to any conception of space is erected. Let us, then, focus our thought upon the straight line and try by careful analysis to answer our ques- tions. Having already traced the growth of this conception as it presents itself to the consciousness of the ordinary man, let us now turn to the mathe- matician and endeavor to learn from him what he considers to be essential to the straight line as shown by his definitions. When the results of this analysis have been attained we shall then try to relate them. if possible, to actual experience. We have seen that Riemann makes room for an unlimited number of geometries differing from each other fundamentally in the meaning assigned to the linear element ds, and that in the further working out of his system emphasis was laid upon cun'a- ture^'^ as an important conception. Cayley makes 28 There may appear to be an exception to this statement in- the case of the apex of the cone where this anprular magnitude is always less than four right angles, but I have attempted to remove this objection by the word unbounded. 27 We have already noted the development of this conccp- io6 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM distance fundamental, and with the aid of Klein I shows that a variation of the laws by which distance is measured is all that is necessary to distinguish Euclidean and non-Euclidean systems. From this it appears that geometries are to be distinguished ■, by the number and character of the postulates em- 1 ployed to determine certain conceptions which for the ordinary man define the straight line. For him, as we have said, this line is at all times simply the shortest distance between two points or else a line which does not change its direction at any of its points. But these words are not simple in meaning, and therefore stand in need of definition themselves. Direction has already been considered and need no longer detain us. Let us now examine the phrase " shortest distance " and endeavor to determine its meaning. Reflection shows that this, too, is far from being a simple conception. It presupposes, in fact, all the assumptions necessary for measurement. It presumes beforehand the possibility of measuring all kinds of lines that can be drawn anywhere in space, else how could it be said that a certain one of these lines is the shortest distance between two given points. This is certainly a tremendous assumption. All the postulates demanded by metrical geometry are wrapped up in this definition. Before measure- tion in the historical treatment of Riemann's geometry in Chapter I.*, we shall take it up for more thorough treatment in our last chapter in the discussion of space conceptions. FSYCHOLUGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM 107 tnent is possible we must have a standard of meas- urement, and this standard is itself the straight line. Measurement, then, presupposes the straight line as a necessary pre-condition of its own possibility, and therefore cannot be taken as a simpler and more ultimate notion with which to define the straight line. Furthermore, the existence of a minimum is itself an assumption which involves certain logical consequences of an interesting character, which can- not be dealt with here. Finally, this definition fails in the case of straight lines which join antipodal points of double elliptic space. Between such points there is an infinity of shortest lines. These are difficulties which are certainly of a seri- ous character. Nevertheless it seems hardly possi- ble wholly to avoid some conception of distance when we talk of straight lines. Long ago Leibnitz made distance fundamental,^^ and the same point of starting has recently been taken by Frischauf and Peano. Peano defines the straight line ab as a class of points ,v, such that any point y, whose distances from a and b are respectively equal to the distances of .r from a and b, must be coincident with x. But Peano fails to prove either that such a line exists or that, if it does exist, it is determined by any two of its points.2» This, of course, is impossible with- out the use of certain special axioms. According to 2" Russell, Principles of Mathewatics, Vol. I., p. 410- 2» Russell, Principles of Mathematics. Vol T.. p. 410 flF. io8 PSYCHOLOGIC ASPEC'TS OF THE PROBLEM Peano, five such axioms are needed. The group which he has selected is an interesting one, because it defines distance by the use of hetn'cen as an in- definable notion. His axioms for the straight line ab are as follows : ( i ) Points hetzveen which and b the point a lies; (2) the point a; (3) points betzvcen a and 6; (4) the point b; (5) points between which and a the point b lies.'"' Just what is meant by be- tzveen is nowhere clearly explained. Vailati attempts an explanation which is rejected by Peano ^^ on the ground that betzveen is a relation of three points and not of two only. As a matter of fact if we confine ourselves to projective geometry even three points on a line are not so related that any one of them can be said to be betzvcen the other two. The word, between, involves a certain order- ing of the points which in projective geometry de- pends upon the nature of the quadrilateral construc- tion which requires for its proof a point outside its own plane and hence is not possible without three dimensions. It also requires four perspective tri- angles. The generation of order by this method is therefore considerably complicated and the simplest proposition involving betzveen which remains unal- tered by projection is one which requires four points. It is obvious then that if '' between " is to be estab- lished at all as a unique relation of any tzifo points 3" Rivista di Matematica, Vol. IV., p. 62. ^'^Rh'isfa di Matematica, Vol. I., p. 393. PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM 109 it cannot be done by any appeal to projective con- siderations. But in spite of this Russell ^- sets Peano's criticism aside as inadequate and adopts what is practically Vailati's position. He avoids the word " between," however, and introduces in its stead a new indefinable. He posits a class of asymmetrical transitive relations ^^ which he calls K and assumes that betw'een any two points there is one and only one relation of this class. Eight axioms which Russell shows to be distinct and mu- tually independent are required, as he thinks, to define what is meant by this class of relations.'*^ Avoiding his symbolism these axioms may be stated as follow^s: (i) There is a class of asym- metrical transitive relations K; (2) there is at least one point, and if R be any term of K we have; (3) R is an aliorelative, that is, a relation which no term has to itself; (4) the converse of R is a term of K; (5) R2 = R, (6) the domain of the converse of R 32 Principles of Mathematics, Vol. I., pp. 394 ff- ^^ In the sense in which these terms are employed by Mr. Russell they may be explained as follows : When the converse of a relation is the same as the relation itself, the relation is said to be symmetrical ; but when the converse and the orip- inal relation are incompatible the relation is said to be asym- metrical. Examples of the former are such as identity, equal- ity, and inequality; and of the latter such as better and worse, greater and less. A relation is transitive when any such con- dition as the following holds : viz.. if a be similar to b and b similar to c. then a is similar to c. ^* Princip. Math., Vol. I., pp. .WS-.^Q^- no PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM is contained in the domain of R; (7) between any two points there is one and only one relation of the class K; (8) if a, h be points of the domain of R, then either a holds the relation R to & or t holds this relation to a. The seventh axiom is obviously double. It asserts ( i ) that there is one such relation between any two points, and (2) that there is only one. The first member of the group is not an axiom at all but only the assumption of the indefinable class of relations K. With this outfit of assumptions the various forms of geometry may be constructed. The mutual inde- pendence of the entire group is shown in the usual way. Any one of them may be denied and a logic- ally consistent system built upen what remains. The fifth and seventh axioms are the most interest- ing here. In ( 5 ) we may deny either that R is con- tained in R2 or that R^ is contained in R. If we deny the former the resulting straight line becomes a series of points which does not possess the " density " or "compactness " which the construc- tions of Euclid and non-Euclid require. The gen- eral result, however, is logically sound, the series in question simply lacks the degree of continuity which geometry requires. If we deny the latter, the result proves to be untrue of angles which otherwise may be made to satisfy all the conditions expressed by this group of axioms. If a Euclidean and a hyper- bolic space be considered together all the axioms PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS OP THE PROBLEM in Still hold except the first part of (7). The whole group with the exception of (7) is shown to be necessary, but for (7) Mr. Russell is only able to maintain a high degree of probability. We have now to consider another interesting effort to reach the " minimum essential " to the notion of " straightness." This lays the emphasis upon a different factor of experience from those just considered, and consequently appeals very strongly to those who prefer to approach geometry from the motor side, rather than from that statical conception of an " empty " space which may be reached by abstraction from the materials furnished by vision alone without reference to bodily move- ments actual or imagined. The effort to w^hich we refer is that of Pieri.^"^ who proceeds to build geometry upon the two in- definables. point and motion. He defines the straight line joining two given points as the class of points whose internal relations remain unchanged by any motion which leaves the two points fixed. His system is simple and logically unimpeachable.'" But here again we are dealing with a complex idea. Motion as used by Fieri is not simply the motion