Ilil r E I 1 I « i GULLIVER'S TRAVELS CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GULLIVER'S TRAVELS TO ESTABLISH THE NUMBER AND ORDER OF ISSUE OF THE MOTTE EDITIONS OF 1726 and 1727 THEIR RELATIVE ACCURACY AND THE SOURCE OF THE CHANGES MADE IN THE FAULKNER EDITION of 1735 WITH A LIST OF EDITIONS IN A PRIVATE COLLECTION AND TWENTY-FIVE PLATES BY LUCIUS L. HUBBARD CHICAGO WALTER M. HILL 1922 Two hundred copies printed Copyright 1922 By L. L. Hubbard THE TORCH PRESS CEDAR RAPIOS IOWA UM ^snvo,«J u This booklet is affectionately dedicate to a long-suffering Wife in memory of many silent evenings vouchsafed by her to its completion CONTENTS Page List of Plates ix The Writer to the Reader xi Table I. References xiv THE MOTTE EDITIONS Sequence and Composition 15 Third Edition, 1726, Continuously Paged . . 17 Table II. Collation of the Motte Octavo Editions 18 General Grounds for Priority of Issue ... 21 Portraits 25 First Edition 27 Second Edition, Volume I 29 Volume II, Part III . . . 31 Part IV . . . 33 Fourth Octavo Edition, 1727 36 Table III. Headpieces to Contents and Chap- ter I 41 The 24 Mo. Motte Edition, 1727 .... 42 FORD AND FAULKNER Text Differences 44 The Ford Corrections 45 viii GULLIVER'S TRAVELS THE FAULKNER TEXT Source of Changes eound in it 52 Hawkesworth's Criticisms of the Faulkner Text 54 List III. Changes Original With Faulkner . 63 Swift's Complaints 73 Obsolete, or Faulty English 77 List IV. Examples 79 Maps 93 APPENDIX List I. Typographical Errors — from the "Paper" 96 List II. Restitutions — from the "Book" . 108 Bibliography 127 Plates at End of Volume Plate I Plate II Plate III Plate IV Plate V Plate VI Plate VII Plate VIII Plate IX Plate X Plate Plate XI Plate XII LIST OF PLATES AT END OF VOLUME Portrait op Gulliver, First State. First Edition. General Title Page to Vol. I. (Used also for Second Edition). First Edition. Separate Title Page to Part I. (Used also for Second Edition). First Edition. Separate Title Page to Part II. (Used also for Second Edition). First Edition. General Title Page to Vol. II, Parts III and IV. First Edition. Separate Title Page to Part IV. Third Edition. General Title Page to Vol. I. Third Edition. General Title Page to Vol. II. (Used also for Second Edition Type B). Portrait oe Gulliver, Second State. Portrait oe Gulliver, Third State. Second Edition. General Title Page to Vol. I. (As in First Edition). SEE Plate II. Second Edition. General Title Page to Vol. II, Type A, Parts III and IV. ("The Second Edition"). First Edition, Page 114, Vol. II, Part III. ("ngular" for "singular"). x GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Plate Second Edition, Type A, Page 114, Vol. II, Part III. ("ngular" for "singular"). See Plate XII. Plate XIII Second Edition, Type B, Page 114, Vol. II, Part III. ("singular"). Plate XIV Fourth (8vo) Edition, 1727: General Title Page to Vol. I. ("The Second Edition"). Plate XV Fourth (8vo) Edition, 1727: General Title Page to Vol. II, Parts III and IV. ( "The Second Edition, Corrected" ) . Plate XVI Fourth Edition (Cm. 16), 1727: Gen- eral Title Page to Vol. I. Plate XVII Fourth Edition (Cm. 16), 1727: Page 109, Vol. II, Part III. ("deprived and hated"). Plate XVIII Dublin Edition (Cm. I9y 2 , Faulkner), 1735: Title Page. Plate XIX Dublin Edition (Cm. I9y 2 , Faulkner), 1735 : Portrait oe Gulliver. Plate XX Dublin Edition (Cm. I6y 2 , Hyde), 1726: Title Page. Plate XXI London Edition (Cm. 16, Stone), 1727: Title Page. Plate XXII Paris Edition (Cm. 14, Martin), 1727: Title Page. Plate XXIII Hague Edition (Cm. 15, Alberts), 1727: Title Page. Plate XXIV Hague Edition (Cm. 16, Gosse), 1727: Title Page. Plate XXV "Mildendo" Edition (Cm. I5y 2 , "Pyg- meos"), 1727: Title Page. THE WRITER TO THE READER Not many years ago there fell into the writer's hands half a score of copies of Gulliver's Travels printed in 1726 or in 1727, some of them complete in the two volumes, and others of Volume I or of Volume II, unmated. A careful scrutiny brought out the fact that of the copies dated 1726 there were several whose title pages were seemingly alike, but whose texts differed to such a degree that these could not all have been printed from the same set of forms, even if the printer's errors had been amended during the press- work. Of the portrait of Gulliver which goes with these texts there were three marked varieties, one of which is very rare. Lastly, there was at the time a debate among bookmen as to the order of issue of the several texts and of two of the three portraits (the third having been unnoticed). These facts led the writer, as occasion offered, to the study of further copies, by the aid of which, so far as they could serve, he hoped he might bring together enough evidence to settle the questions of priority. He compared copy with copy, line by line, noted misspelled words, and by tracing changes in these from one copy to another, was at last able to separate and define the different editions and to place them in what seemed to be the order of their issue. The conclusions thus drawn from within have been fully supported by later evi- dence from without. xii GULLIVER'S TRAVELS The following pages were in large measure written, and in them the first edition of Gulliver's Travels was pointed out, before the writer fell in with Mr. G. Ravenscroft Dennis's edition of that work (Cf. infra, p. 45). A single footnote in the latter might have saved the writer a large part of his labor, if he had earlier known the facts stated by Mr. Dennis. The footnote is on page xii and quotes what is thought to be the first notice of the publication of "Gulliver." It reads in part : "The following advertisement appeared in 'The Daily Journal' of October 28th, 1726. 'This Day is Published Travels into several remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver. In Two Volumes. Printed for Benj. Motte, at the Middle Temple Gate, Fleet Street. N. B. There are a few printed on a Royal Paper'." Although some large paper copies of editions other than the first might also have been printed, and been lost, the line last above quoted furnishes strong evidence that the known large paper copies with Gulliver's portrait in the rare state are of the first edition, and they might well be taken to settle this mooted question. However, the evidence set forth in the following pages may have some value from its cumula- tive character; and a knowledge of the method followed by the writer may possibly be of some aid to investigators in other like fields. A critical comparison of the various edi- tions that followed the first in rapid succession has probably never been made before, and these considerations may justify the preservation, in printed form, of the facts noted. PREFACE xiii It is even more important to compare the text of the earli- est of Motte's editions with that of his latest, which embodies corrections supplied by Swift's friend, Charles Ford ; and these texts with that of Faulkner (Dublin), which was the first to contain passages suppressed or altered by Motte, and is supposed to have had the approval, if not the active super- vision, of Swift himself. The writer wishes to express his appreciation of the in- terest taken in this work and assistance rendered by his friend, the late Professor Isaac N. Demmon. Lucius L. Hubbard Houghton, Michigan June, 1921 TABLE I. REFERENCES To find passages in Gulliver's Travels cited in these pages, when no Motte edition is accessible, the following table may be found useful : Motte Editions First, 1726, and Fourth (8vo), 1727 — (separate pagination")") ; and Third, 1726 (continuous pagination!). PART I PART II PART III PART IV PAGES CHAP. PAGES PAGES CHAP. PAGES S.P. C.P. S.P. 1-17 C.P.J 1-24 I 1-29 149-177 1-14 I 155-171 25-46 II 30-42 178-190 15-34 II 18-32 172-186 47-64 III 43-66 191-214 35-47 III 33-46 187-200 65-76 IV 67-77 215-225 48-61 IV 47-59 201-213 77-91 V 78-100 226-248 62-79 V 60-79 214-233 92-114 VI 101-121 249-268 80-93 VI 80-97 234-251 115-133 VII 122-137 269-283 94-103 VII* 98-116 252-270 134-148 VIII 138-164 284-310 104-117 VIII 117-131 271-285 118-126 IX 132-144 286-298 127-146 X 145-163 299-317 147-155 XI 164-183 318-337 (154) XII 184-199 338-353 f Hereafter designated as "S.P." and "C.P." respectively. t In the Motte C. P. edition many of the pages are misnumbered. * In all the Motte editions, and in the 8vo. ed. of Faulkner, 1735, Chap. VII, Part III, is wrongly numbered V. THE MOTTE EDITIONS SEQUENCE AND COMPOSITION Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift, was first published in 1726, at London. In that year there Were three editions and in 1727 one edition, all in octavo, and in 1727 at least one in 24mo. that bear the same imprint — "Printed for BEX T J. MOTTE. at the Middle Temple-Gate in Fleet-street." In Vol. II of all Motte editions "Benjamin" is printed in full, and "in Fleet-street" omitted. In the following discus- sion the 24mo edition, unless specifically mentioned, is not included. These several editions consist of four "Parts," Voyages respectively to (I) Lilliput, (II) Brobdingnag, (III) La- puta, etc., and (IV) to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. The four Parts were issued in two volumes of two Parts each, and in one of the four editions the two Parts that com- pose each volume are continuously paged; in the others, separately. In the following pages these terms will be ab- breviated' to "C. P." and "S. P." respectively. The state- ment has been made that the Parts were issued separately. Of the C. P. edition the Parts were obviously intended not to be thus issued. Indeed the volumes speak for them- selves and there is further contemporaneous evidence that this negative intention applies to each of the other editions also. (Cf. supra, p. xii.) Each of Parts I, II, and IV has its separate title page; Part III has a title page covering both Part III and Part IV. The separate title page except in Part I of the 2nd and 4th editions has the verso blank and is followed by "The Con- 16 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS tents" or list of chapter headings. Vol. I has also a general title page — "Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Sur- geon, and then a Captain of several Ships," with the im- print given above (p. xii). This title page has its verso blank in all issues and is followed by a leaf containing on the recto the titles of the four Parts, this in turn by "The Publisher to the Reader" (5 pp.), which is signed by Richard Sympson. These "general" leaves in Vol. I immediately precede the separate title page. In the two S. P. editions of 1726 and in that of 1727 the preliminary leaves at the front of each Vol. I are numbered, the numeration including the title page and leaf of part- contents, which themselves are, however, without numbers. In these editions, therefore, as in the C. P. edition, the Parts were evidently not intended to be issued separately, so far at least as those of Vol. I are concerned. In Vol. II as well as in Part II of Vol. I, in all of the editions, the preliminary leaves are not numbered. In one of the S. P. editions of 1726 the preliminary pages of Vol. I are xvi in number — a full signature — including four blank "versos." In the other three editions of both years there are only xii such pages, numbered throughout as above in two of them, but in the other (C. P.), only to viii inclusive. These twelve pages with the first two leaves of the text (xii-f-4) constitute signature A; signa- ture B in each case beginning with page 5. In the S. P. editions there is only one blank verso, and in the C. P. there are two, but the Contents in the latter edition are con- densed into two pages. In all of the other cases, i.e., Part II and Vol. II, in which the preliminary leaves are not num- bered (vi and viii pages respectively), signature B begins on the first page of the text. The process of gaining space is apparently responsible for this lack of uniformity in the division of the signatures. Each volume I of the four editions bears on its title page MOTTE EDITIONS 17 the term "Vol. I," whereas, of Vol. II of the 1726 editions, in only the C. P. edition is the volume number indicated. This C. P. edition is later than the other two, as will appear below, but the title page of its Vol. II was also used with the text of the next preceding edition (PI. VIII). At this point it may be well to tabulate the four editions in a tentative order of their issue (Table II), to the end that the reader may the more readily follow the evidence adduced for that order, and be better able to judge of its weight. If said order (p. 18) be correct — in other words, if the date of issue of the C. P. edition can be established as later than those of the two S. P. editions of 1726 — the order of issue of these two is clearly indicated by the title page of Vol. II of "The Second Edition." With a view to determine this point, let us here consider, apparently out of its logical order, the C. P. edition. THIRD EDITION, 1726, CONTINUOUSLY PAGED Copies of the C. P. edition (1726) are not uncommon that were apparently issued bound with certain pamphlets which review the several Parts. One copy contains the following: At the end of Part I, "A Key, being Observa- tions and explanatory notes upon the Travels of Lemuel Gulliver. . . In a letter to Dean Swift." (29 numbered pp. and 3 unnumbered pp. of "Book's printed for H. Curll") : At the end of Part II, "The Brobdingnagians. Being a Key to Gulliver's Voyage to Brobdingnag. In a Second letter to Dean Swift." (32 pp.) : At the end of Part III, "The Flying Island, . . . Being a Key to Gulliver's Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdribb. Luggnagg and Japan. In a Third Letter to Dean Swift." (32 pp.) : And at the end of Part IV, "The Kingdom of Horses. Being a Key to Gulliver's Voyage to the Houyhnhnms. In a Fourth Letter to Dean Swift." (28 pp.) Each letter has the imprint "London; Printed in the year MDCCXXVI. Price six 55.2 e •© o W r-H 2 rint- title ~ond ted" ,155 C 3 v© 3 w § 2i < < £ PL| — II isually :e nnumb Odes mb.), /■^ 3 ft " to en 0) ■* y o ™ he Se Correc umb.). c 3 ^-v c -> ;* -r **H 3 £t £---§ c C W O to :s page. ' Editioi p. vi (u 03 >o:3 U..C rt*5f ft . o^ . ~f-l Ph' a pi CD w Ph ft^Pn EL H PL, CL, w i-5 Cu Ph w -o O 3 ■"-" ^ ^; /-"*\ o 3 *-H 3 £ a 3 a « £ §2 8^ © I 1 s trait in si ate xii (num ii), 148 . ii, x blank) vi (unnu 9-310=162 ii blank) 3 a a 3 ra 3 viii (unnu 5-353=199 ii blank) •- ■£ r ft • ~ "i . o " a > Ph P'^Pm ft CU ft^Pn CM Oh Cu C CL Ph C "© c °2 s •3 •^N to O l ~* W 1—1 3 E 3 *c3 cu co be u 03 © «H cu 3 3 HH 5 w 3 c S ^ 1 - i -s *© a o E 3 /^ s 5 3 /— 3 ft C <-> ^ o is o .« 3 ^ C C o"3.tS 1^ © § CO ortrait state p. xii ( OS Ph' p. vi (u P. ii bl; 3 ^^ '> ft 03 3 Ph' p. viii 199 P. ii bla Vol. II with i third e < Ph Ph Ph w CL CL w 3 3 cu bo < o .2 Ck -H ft Ph H ft Ch l-H 1— I ft Ph l-H ft Ph o *^ 1-1 «C0 {1, N_^ ^Ph w «Ph ^,Ph >- — " u Ih (h i_ O nj nj o rt 03 > Ph Ph > Ph Ph MOTTE EDITIONS 19 Pence." The first Letter is signed "Corolini, di Marco," and each of the others "C. D. M." » These reviews or letters refer to the Parts or Voyages by chapter and page. In the second letter, i.e., the review of Part II, the references are to pages 5 to 156 and must there- fore be to a separately paged edition, i.e., to either the first or the second. In the fourth they are to pages 156 to 342 and are therefore to the continuously paged edition with which this letter is bound. Therefore at least one of the S. P. editions probably preceded the C. P. edition, and if only one it must have been the first edition, and can not have been the second, whichever title page was used in Vol. II of the latter {Cf. infra p. 32, and Pis. VIII and XI). Plates II and VI, opposite pages 149 and 155 respectively, of the two volumes of the C. P. edition, are in all editions designated as of Page 1, showing that their use in a S. P. edition was anterior to their use in the C. P. edition. In the first letter the author, referring (p. 16) to the veracity of Mr. Gulliver, quotes his editor, Mr. Richard Sympson, "in his Preface, page vi." This reference may be either to the second (S. P.) or to the third (C. P.) edi- tion. It cannot be to the first edition because the matter in question is there on page vii. Since the 3rd or C. P. edi- tion was just excluded in the reference to Part II by the low page numbers, the reference here must be to the other S. P., i.e., the second edition, which therefore also antedates the 1 In the copy that contains the four letters there is also bound immediately before the first letter a leaf of "Verses writ in the Blank Leaf of a Lady's Gulliver, as it lay open, in an Apartment of St. James's Palace." This leaf is preceded by a title-page "Lemuel Gulliver's Travels into several Remote Nations of the World. Compendiously methodized, for publick Benefit ; with Observations and Explanatory Notes throughout . . . London . . . mdccxxvi. Preceding these two leaves is a plate described on the title-page as follows : Above, the Lilliputian — Scene survey ; Beneath, see Flimnap, by his Wand, bear sway." 20 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS C. P. edition. The first letter is dated Nov. 18th, twenty days after the publication of the first edition (supra, p. xii), and was apparently published by the notorious Curll, who kept all of Swift's books on sale (footnote, first letter, p. 7). Another copy of the C. P. edition has, bound with it, the first letter, and at the end of Vol. II a pamphlet entitled "A Letter from a Clergyman to his Friend, with an Account of the Travels of Capt. Lemuel Gulliver ; and a Character of the Author. To which is added, The True Reasons why a certain Doctor was made a Dean. London: Printed for A. Moore, near St. Paul's, MDCCXXVI. Price 3d." (22 pp.). This letter is dated Dec. 7, 1726. In the first letter the author says (p. 5) "These four Voyages are bound up in two Octavo Volumes . . . The town are infinitely more eager after them than they were after Robinson Crusoe," etc. It is probable that all avail- able copies were bound and put into circulation as quickly as possible. Gay wrote to Swift, Nov. 17, 1726, "the whole impression sold in a week." 2 The date of the second of the above two pamphlets, Dec. 7, 1726, or later, may therefore represent the approximate date of issue of the 3rd edition, 3 about thirty-nine days later than that of the first edition. Beside the above evidence for the comparative order of issue of the two S. P. and the C. P. editions respectively there is a striking instance of sequence in the transformations of a word found in Part IV, 52. 12, 4 in the sentence "But it is impossible to represent 5 his noble resentment," etc. In the four editions it appears as follows: 1st edition — "rep- resent" ; 2nd edition — "repreat" ; 3rd edition — "repeat" ; 4th (8vo.) G edition — "represent." "Repeat" makes good 2 The Works of Jonathan Swift &c, London, 1S43. Vol. II, p. 594. 3 Four editions of Robinson Crusoe were issued between April 25th and August 8th, 1719. 4 This and similar references are to page and line. 5 The Dublin edition by Faulkner, 1735, reads "express." 6 The reason for this designation will appear later. See p. 73. MOTTE EDITIONS 21 sense, and is the most natural correction of "repreat." Whoever was responsible for the return to "represent" in the 4th (8vo.) edition, it is quite evident, from many other examples also, that this reversion by Motte to an earlier text was a contemporary admission that the text thus restored is the text that was derived directly from the author's man- uscript, that is, the first edition. Some typographical details of this C. P. edition are given in the foregoing table No. II. The first three Parts are printed in uniform type, the fourth in larger type. The latter Part may have been set and printed before the others were finished, which would account for the otherwise prema- ture reference to this edition in the fourth letter which is bound up with it, or perhaps the letter was printed and circulated contemporaneously with the book, as an adver- tisement. This edition contains scarcely a dozen errors of spelling in the text, and these are mostly of minor importance. With the exception of errors in the page numbers, it has been carefully edited, not less with respect also to a systematic capitalization of nouns, and to punctuation. It closely fol- lows the text of the first edition. It has the portrait in the second state. It is fairly common and is usually described in catalogues as the "First Edition [without comma] with continuous pagination," a designation that is true but liable to misconstruction. With the perspective furnished us by the above tabulation let us after some general considerations proceed to a more detailed examination of the remaining editions. GENERAL GROUNDS FOR PRIORITY OF ISSUE In weighing the evidence for priority of issue between two texts which show a word misspelled in the one and correct in the other, in "settings" otherwise identical, the 22 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS correct form is likely to mark the later 7 issue, but when the two settings are manifestly independent of each other, the correct form of the word does not necessarily mark the later issue of the text. 8 The compositor, whether he be the same or different in the two cases, may err in either case, especial- ly if he be in a hurry. The words "Subsidues" (2nd Ed., Pt. I, 35.5), and "ehe" in the running title (Ibid., Pt. IV, 165), are frequently cited as evidence of priority over "Sub- sidies" and "the," and as marking the first edition of Gulli- ver's Travels. Issuing three editions of this work within two months is a further testimony to its popularity, and in parts of two of the editions we have abundant evidence of haste. The first edition of a book of this character would natur- ally be prepared with more care, than a later edition set and printed hastily to meet a popular demand. For the first edition the compositor works from manuscript, but for later ones he would find the printed sheets of an earlier issue more convenient as copy. These statements are well exem- plified in the editions above tabulated as first and second respectively. Volume I and a part of Volume II of the first edition are singularly free from errors of spelling — which are the errors that the more readily catch the eye — while the second edition contains many. Two prominent errors of this kind have just been cited. A few of the many others are: 7 The words "Pilate" and "Pilot" in the 1st ed. of Robinson Crusoe furnish an instance in point. Where, under the old process of hand-inking, type were pulled out and put back, they might be misplaced and show an error in the later printing, but this cannot apply to an error like that from Robinson Crusoe nor to those about to be cited. s This argument was advanced and ably defended by the late Luther S. Livingston, in an article in the New York Post of De- cember 23, 1905, in which he strongly differed from some conclu- sions in the Hoe catalogue. MOTTE EDITIONS 23 FIRST EDITION second edition Part I, 3.19 too two 16.5 understood understook 27.9 momentous momentuous 44.7 to and fro two and fro 63.1 Articles Arties Part II. 163.16 Goose Goos5 Part Ill, 79.5 Abstinence Abstience 80.3 received re-received 89.7 strict strick .19 Tincture tinture Part IV, 10.16 Wonder Wondet 37.2 Language Languxge. &c. &c. The compositor of a new edition might correct some errors in the first if any there were, and overlook others. He would even make new ones, as is apparent as late as the editions of 1727. Witness the following examples from the 4th (8vo.) edition: Part I, 138.21 impossile (for "impossible") Part 11, 3.19 hurlling (for "hulling") Part III, 5.10 tryed (for "tyed" and "tied") 36.13 course (for "Cause") 105.8 think (for "thin") 155.11 omission of "found" Part IV, 5.1 expostuled (for "expostulated") 36.17 greet (for "great") 45.18 himself (for "myself") 120.23 Actvity (for Activity") 139.18 Smilies (for "Similies") All of which are given correctly in each of the earlier edi- tions. Part III of the 4th (8vo) edition is singularly free from errors of spelling. One error common to all four editions is the misnumbering of Chap. VII, Vol. II, Part III, 94, which is printed "Chap. V." While this error may have occurred in the manuscript, it must have been copied subse- 24 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS quently from the printed sheets. 9 A similar error, due rath- er to Swift's oversight, is "Lilliput" for "Blefuscu" (Pt. I, 145.8) which is first corrected in the 4th edition, and is found uncorrected in some modern editions. This correc- tion points to an unusual amount of care taken in the prep- aration of the 4th (8vo.) edition, and yet we have seen some errors in that edition, that occur in none of the pre- ceding. Of the copies used for this investigation nearly all were in contemporaneous bindings, the prevailing style being panelled calf. A few "hybrids," in which the text of one edition is joined with the title page of another, are found in circulation, but all that were noted by the writer were in new bindings. Possibly a commercial spirit has prompted some of these combinations, for in this way a "rare" edi- tion could be made that would tempt the uninformed col- lector, or a second edition palmed off as a first. Some unusual combinations probably originated during the period of the early issues. One such is the combination already noted of the preliminary leaves and text of "The Second Edition," Vol. II, with the first title page of the 3rd edition (edition not noted on title page). At least one copy like this is known in contemporaneous binding and was probably the work of the publisher; rebound copies are common ; the supply of the proper title page may have been exhausted. This combination has given rise to the belief that there were two issues of the 2nd edition, and further ground for this belief lies in some minor variations in the text that will be considered duly. Note well, that the mates (Vol. I) of these two varieties of Vol. II are in all respects identical. The first edition, as already noted, has xvi preliminary pages at the front of Vol. I while each of the later editions has but xii. The printed matter is the same in each case, 9 The same error appears in the 24mo. ed. of 1727, by the same publisher, and in the 8vo. (but not in the l2mo.) Dublin ed. of 1735. MOTTE EDITIONS 25 but in the first edition there are four blank pages, in the third, two, and in the second and fourth there is one. In these the printed matter has been moved towards the front to fill one or more of the blank pages. To the pages thus gained in the C. P. edition a fourth was added by condens- ing the three pages of the Contents into two, as already noted. The resulting xii pages of preliminary matter united with the first four pages of text form signature A, leaving 144 pages of text in Part I for the next nine full signatures. This change was in the interest of economy, and of the two editions the one that is the more economically arranged should seem to be the later. In Part II there are no differences in the signature divi- sions, between the 1st and 2nd editions — 3 preliminary leaves, 10 full signatures and two leaves of signature M. In the third edition, however, two full pages are gained in Chapters VI and VII. In Part III the second edition gains one page over the first edition, in Chapter XI. The third edition is like the second. In Part IV the first two editions are alike in their signa- tures, and the third, although slightly different from them, occupies the same number of pages. This difference is due to several slight enlargements of the text. The order of issue of the first three editions as shown in the table is thus also on economical grounds apparently justified. 10 PORTRAITS Each of the octavo editions has, as frontispiece to Vol. I, an oval medallion portrait of "Captain Lemuel Gulliver." This portrait occurs in three states. The earliest print has 10 W. Spencer Jackson, in Vol. XII, p. 144, of The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., edited by Temple Scott, rightly designates the first edition of Gulliver's Travels (Cf. Vol. VIII of the same series.) 26 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS the name of Gulliver in a tablet below the medallion, while a group of ten concentric lines in an oval surrounds the oval that forms the border of the medallion (PI. I). The second state has the name of Gulliver in or on the ten-lined oval around the portrait and a Latin quotation from Persius in the tablet where the name stood formerly. The third is a retouch of the second, as is particularly evident in the four corners outside the outer oval, and in the additional shading on the inner oval (Pis. IX and X). That this is the sequence of these portraits is apparent from the absolute identity, in all copies, of the ten oval lines in the first two states. These could not possibly have been totally erased with the name, and re-engraved without some differences. Moreover there are in some copies visible traces of erasures made of lines and letters in the tablet, when Gulliver's name was trans- posed and the Latin quotation engraved in its place. In the third state these lines are restored. The portrait in the first state occurs rarely, and then only in the first edition, both large paper and standard size. The portrait in the third state first occurs in the fourth (8vo.) edition, but not always. The other plates in these editions are two maps for Part III, and one for each of the other Parts, and a plate of symbols in Part III. The consideration of the C. P. edition was taken up out of its apparently logical order, with the object of establish- ing a fixed datum point, to which different lines of evidence might be tied. This edition appears, on satisfactory con- temporaneous evidence, to have been issued later than De- cember 7, 1726, and to have been the last edition of that year. It is important next to show that there were only two other editions or issues in 1726, and this can best be done by describing and classifying the other copies, in the order of their issue, that were printed in that year. MOTTE EDITIONS 27 FIRST EDITION Some details on this edition have already been given with the opinion that great care would naturally be taken in the preparation of the first issue of a book whose claims to public favor might in part depend upon its typographical excellence, especially if the author were unknown. This opinion is found justified for Vol. I and for the first half of Parts III and IV respectively. In Vol. I few or no cases of misspelling occur unless some of those below be such. There are cases of the use of "y" for "i" such as "coyns," "carryes" ; tyed, ty'd, tied ; Traytor, Traitor ; Pyrate, Pirate ; of the shorter form of the past participle, such as "fastned" and "stript." No uniformity seems to have been practised; different spellings of the same word occur on adjacent pages, or even on the same page ; we find Governour, Governor ; Gardener, Gardiner; Shoar, Shore; extream, extreme; Shooes, Shoos, Shoes; Cloaths, Cloths, Clothes; Wast, Waste, Waist ; Gooss, Goose ; Floud, Flood ; Scituation, Sit- uation ; and others. No arguments for sequence of editions have been based on these differences. Two words are omitted without impairing the sense ; "grave (and) decent" (Pt. II, 55.8) and "as fast (as) he could" (Part II, 61.12). There are errors of punctuation and a want of uniformity in the capitalization of nouns and numerals, but these have not been critically considered be- because they are not needed for the purpose in hand, and because no fast rule in their use seems to have been followed in any of the editions. The text of Vol. I is printed uniformly from the same font ; that of Vol. II is also uniform throughout but the type is larger than that of Vol. I. In the former the printed page of 25 lines is 5*4 inches high; in the latter, 5 T / 2 inches (second ed. 5 T % in. and 5^ in.) or less. Page 74 of Part III is wrongly numbered "44." 28 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS The usual size of the leaf in the standard 8vo. editions is about 7|J x 4% inches. Of the first edition some copies were printed on large paper, about 9% x 5^4 inches. So far as known, these large paper copies are found with the portrait in the first state only. There were seven text variations noticed in this edition, which point to changes that occurred during the press work. Three corrected words appear in only the large paper copies — all on one page ; the fourth was found in only one of the standard copies consulted. The former are "Conspiricies" and "turbulancy" (Pt. Ill, 90.11, 90.12 and 90.13), so spelled in the standard copies, and the catchword "sufficient" (Pt. IV, 64.26) which in this edition appears to have been changed only in the large paper copies to "frequent," to correspond with the first word of the next page. 11 The fourth case is "Guiuea" (Pt. Ill, 155.1) which was found correct in only one copy, and that of standard size. It may be noted, however, that the italic "n" inverted is not distinguishable from "u," and if this be a case of "pulled" type, the correct form may have preceded the incorrect. In any event the above evidence should seem to indicate that the large paper copies represent an intermediate if not the final printing of the first edition. 12 From and after page 90 in Part III there are many errors in the first edition, and signatures I to K, pp. 113-144, in all 11 The word "frequent" at the head of the next page is mis- spelled "frequant" in some copies of the second edition. 12 The errors on page 50, Pt. IV, in the large paper copies, "trea- sted" for "treated," "old" for "sold," and "ill" for "till," evidently originated during the press-work. These words severally begin or end a line. In the standard copies the "s" of "sold" is already out of alignment. It finally worked out and was re-inserted three lines further up before the second syllable of "trea-ted," as is evident from the fact that the "s" in that syllable is of the single type, and not of the usual "st" combination. The "t" of "till" seems to have disappeared from the page. These errors were noted by Ford, but have not been found thus far in copies of standard size. MOTTE EDITIONS 29 copies examined appear, with some minor exceptions (see p. 33), to be identical with the same signatures in the second edition. An examination of further copies may result in the finding of a different text for these signatures. SECOND EDITION, VOLUME I The fact has already been noted that copies of this vol- ume, which contains the error "Subsidues," are mated re- spectively with the Vol. II entitled "The Second Edition," (Type A), and with another whose relative position in the series is not indicated, but which is distinguished among the S. P. copies of 1726 by having "Vol. II" on its title page (Type B). It is none other than the title page of the C. P. edition (PL VIII). It is in this edition that occur the largest number of errors, and where consequently we should expect to find the largest number of variations in the text, if errors were corrected as they were noticed during the progress of the printing. Vol- ume I of this edition is printed in large part from a font like that used both in the first and C. P. editions, and in the absence of typographical errors equivalent pages from the three texts cannot usually be distinguished apart. In its entirety, however, the text of Vol. I of the second edition, in contrast with the uniformity that marks the other texts, is separable into four units, to-wit : pages 1-52, Part I; page 53, Part I, to p. 80, Part II, inclusive; pages 81-160, and 161-164, Part II. Each of the first three units ends on the last page of a signature. The type of the first and second units is similar but not identical ; that of the third unit is quite different from that of any of the others. Changes in the page numbers and running titles from unit to unit increase the contrasts, and finally the paper of the first and third units, so far as noted, is thinner than that of the second. These facts lead to the belief that the first and third units were not only set, but actually printed in a dif- 30 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS ferent establishment, or in different establishments, from the second. A similar inference may also account for dif- ferences noted above in the earlier issue. The three title pages of Vol. I are identical with those of the first edition,^ the first or general title page being 6jV inches high, outside border to border. The separate title page to Part I of these two editions (PI. Ill) is the only title page in the series that has a printer's device, which is a basket of fruit and flowers. The condensation of the xvi preliminary pages of the first edition into xii pages in the later editions has already been noted (p. 16). Exactly the same setting has apparently been used in each case, except that for the Contents a narrower headpiece and the omis- sion of the tailpiece were found necessary for lack of space, and in the later edition the catchword at the bottom of the last page of the Contents of Part II is printed "TRVELS." The preliminary leaves of a book are printed last. While Vol. I of the second edition was in the printing the forms of the preliminary pages of the first edition were still available, and the printer here again exercised his economical bent and used with them the old title pages in preference to labeling his new Vol. I as the second edition, to correspond with its mate, Vol. II. Examples of errors of spelling in this edition have already been given. There are at least ten of them in the first unit to two in the other ninety-six pages of Part I. In some copies corrections have been made of some of these errors which are not without interest : p. 22.3 p. 25 p. 26.21 FOUND IN COPIES gerat gerat great great Headpiece inverted Headpiece upright Headpiece inverted Headpiece upright inpartially inpartially impartially impartially five two two two These three errors occur respectively on pages 2, 5, and 6 of signature C, Part I. The signatures were printed in two MOTTE EDITIONS 31 halves or "lorms" of eight pages each, front and back, in two operations. Pages 2 and 6 were on one side — the inner form — and page 5 was on the outer. The inner form of some sheets must have been printed at the same time as the outer of other sheets, both before and after the cor- rection of the errors, leaving one side of the sheet blank in each case, while the sheets perhaps were drying. Sheets with "gerat" and "inpartially," were then printed on the back, respectively before and after the correction of the headpiece. Similarly, of sheets on which the headpiece side or outer form was printed first (uncorrected and corrected respectively), some were then printed on the other side before, and some after the two words had been corrected. In no other probable way would the intermediate combina- tions be possible. Copies with all three corrections represent therefore the latest states of the forms in question. The two copies noted in this class have in Vol. II the title page from the third edition. The uncut copy from the Hoe collection is also in this class, so that instead of being a first edition it really represents the latest printing of the second. So far, then, as Volume I is concerned, there can not be said to be a second issue of the second edition. There was but one. No other variants were noticed in Part I, and none at all in Part II. SECOND EDITION, VOLUME TWO Part III The natural, i.e., the earlier mate of the Vol. I just de- scribed is probably the more common volume, the one first above designated, and labeled "The Second Edition" (PI. XI). The publication of this edition having been shown to have preceded that of the C. P. edition, the use of the title page of the latter with the body of the former must have been simply an economical makeshift, an example of which we have already seen in Vol. I. Moreover, in the latter combi- 32 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS nation there seem to be the more passages that have under- gone alteration (Cf. pp. 31, 33). The general title page in this volume — "The Second Edi- tion" — is 6y& inches high within the outside frame of the border. The substituted title page is about 6% inches high, and as noted above has on it "Vol. II" (PI. VIII). In each of these general title pages the first letter of the date, M, is larger than those that follow it, and differs in this respect from the first edition, in which these letters are all of the same size. The "Contents," as a unit, is of a different setting and its capitals are of a different font from those of the first edi- tion. In the body of the text, however, the same font of type as in the first edition seems to have been used through- out the volume. A careful examination of Part III in many copies showed only two variants caused by the correction of two misspelled words. The identity of this Part in all other respects in all of the copies, with either title page — and there are many means of identification — is beyond question. These words are "Debr" for "Debt" (p. 15.15), and "ngular" for "singu- lar" (p. 114.6). A comparison of Part III in the first and second editions shows a well marked difference in the capitalization of nouns, in the spelling of certain words, and in several cases in the lineal grouping — or setting — of the words of the text over two or more lines. See pp. 7, 77, 82, 87, 99, 103, and 104. There are some pages that look identical in the two cases, but since great care was generally taken to have the pages in the different editions correspond at the first and last word respectively, often no dissimilarity throughout the page is distinguishable where similar type was used. These remarks apply generally to Part III; except to signatures I and K, pages 113-144. Head pieces, chapter headings and tail pieces, defective type and misspelled words show that these two signatures are identical with those of the first edition, MOTTE EDITIONS 33 as above intimated. Of defective type two instances are in "I hired" (p. 121.7) and in "Mouths" (p. 123.7), and of misspelled words a few are "Justce" (p. 113.6), "en-ed" (p. 115.9), and "menti-ed" (p. 139.5). As between the first and second editions only two variants were noted in these signatures. The error "ngular" appears in all eight copies consulted of the first edition (PI. XII). It was found corrected in two copies of the second edition, and in each case the copy had the general title page of the third edition, as might be expected (PI. XIII). The second variant is "converse" (p. 138.1) for "(he had) conversed," which occurs in the verbal form in this passage in copies of the first edition, but in the substantival (although nowhere capitalized) in all of the other editions, so far as noted. (Cf. infra, p. 93.) Of Part III, then, there were only two S. P. editions in 1726, and only one issue of each edition. Part IV A superficial comparison of Part IV of the first edition with that of the second edition leads to the belief that they are in all respects identical. The first title page, the head- pieces of the Contents and of Chapter I, the running titles and the page numbers, and finally the type of the text, all point to this conclusion. Careful scrutiny, however, leads to a different conclusion. The lower right leg of R in WORLD on the title page in one case is horizontal on the bottom ; in the other curved. The headpiece of the Contents, beside other differences, is respectively without and with stars at the four corners. Although the headpiece and the initial letter to Chapter I are the same there are three differ- ences in the chapter Contents on that page. After Chapter I the headpieces in the two editions agree only in signatures C, F, K, and N, so that on general prin- ciples it should be only in these signatures that we might possibly find other evidences of identity, but in all of them 34 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS except N we do find evidence, amounting to proof, that they were not printed from the same settings for both editions. This evidence is found : ( 1 ) In italicized nouns whose initial letters are from different fonts in the two several issues (p. 71, etc.). The forms "Gray" and "Grey" are used indis- criminately, even on the same page, so they could not have been a subject of correction from one printing to another; (2) The first edition contains the more reasonable reading in passages of which two versions exist, as might be expected where type is set from manuscript ; (3) There is often notice- able on corresponding pages otherwise alike a difference in the spacing of the words, which not seldom extends to an apparent reset of one or more lines. In signature N, however, instances of marred type, as hereinafter noted (p. 36), show that the same settings were used both in the first and second editions. This Part IV of the second edition, beside its real and pseudo-resemblances to the same Part of the first edition, has some other peculiarities not equally accentuated in the other Parts. It contains about sixty errors, and signature I, pages 113-128, occurs in two entirely different settings, which together contain, in the ratio of about two to three, about thirty errors or differences — one or more on each page but two. Copies with each signature seem to be equally common and each signature occurs in combination with each of the two title pages to Parts III and IV, so that there is no apparent clue to the order of their issue nor to the cause of the variation. The usual correspondence of pages with like-numbered pages of other settings, as previously noted, is here broken for the first time — the first time, excepting of course those pages where the printed matter was condensed for economical reasons. There are two different settings of eighteen consecutive lines on pages 119 and 120, and of several lines in the lower half of page 122; eleven lines of the latter are also differently spaced from the corresponding lines in the first edition. These two settings are best dis- MOTTE EDITIONS 35 tinguished by the absence, in one, of the signature mark "Part IV" at the bottom of page 113. In Part IV the following variants in single words were noted : p. vi. 12 p. 26.1 p. 27.20 p. 31.1 p. 54 FOUND IN COPIES Debate Dabate Dabate Debate an an an an an an Grey Gray Gray Gray Voyages Voyages Voyages Voyages "5" broken "5" whole "5" broken "5" broken four one four two Of the above, "an an," "Grey," and "Voyages" are all in the same signature (C) and on the same form, so that the changes were not all made at the same time, but "Gray" and "Voyages" first and "an" later. p. 65.1 p. 72.14 p. 77 p. /7.1 p. 106.13 FOUND IN COPIES frequant frequant frequent frequent done done down down } page numbers | from same font different font different font Years Years Years Years there there there there three four one three The first two cases and the fourth occur in signature F (pp. 1, 8, and 13 respectively). These pages are all in the outer form of the signature, and the combination of two corrected words with "frequant," and of two uncorrected words with "frequent" is an anomaly for which no explan- ation is here offered. The error of the page numbers need not be considered, for the setting of the page numbers is independent of that of the body of the text. The entire first paragraph of page 72 appears to have been reset when "down" was corrected to "done," for "Proceeding" in line 13 is found decapitalized and "with" in line 9 changed to "with." Beyond page 128 all copies of Part IV of the second edi- tion appear to be alike, except on page 177.13, where "ar- rived" in two copies is "atrived," the form found in all copies of the first edition. A defective "n" in "continue" (p. 36 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 177.12), common to all copies both of the first and second edi- tions, and seven other marred letters on pages 183 to 197, show that signature N is the same in both of those editions. The reset signature I, in Part IV, sixteen pages in a total of xiv-f-353 pages for the entire Vol. II, is certainly not sufficient to constitute two different "issues" of this edition, and we may now fairly conclude that the third or C. P. edition of 1726 was preceded by but one issue of each of the first and second editions. The order of issue of these two, indicated on the title page of Vol. II, of "The Second Edi- tion," clearly establishes priority for the edition found with the portrait in the first state. FOURTH (8VO.) EDITION, 1727 Beside the matter contained in previous issues this edition, immediately after the general title page of Vol. I, has twelve unnumbered leaves of Odes and Verses which have been ascribed to Gay, Arbuthnot and Pope. In Vol. II, facing the title page there is a leaf of "Books Printed for Benj. Motte," etc. The Odes and Verses are: "To Quinbus Flestrin the Man-Mountain, An Ode. By Titty Tit, Esq. ; Poet Laureate to his Majesty of Lilliput. Translated into English" (4 pp.) ; "A Lamentation of Glumdalclitch for the Loss of Grildrig. A Pastoral" (5 pp.); "To Mr. Lemuel Gulliver, The Grateful Address of the Unhappy Houy- hnhnms, now in Slavery and Bondage in England" (3 pp.) ; "Mary Gulliver to Capt. Lemuel Gulliver ; An Epistle" (8 pp.) ; and "The Words of the King of Brobdingnag" (4 pp.), the last not found in all copies. The title page of Vol. I contains a reference to these verses and after the designation "Vol. I" the words "The Second Edition" (PL XIV). The portrait in the third state is found in some copies of this edition. Inasmuch as Vols. II of the first and second edition re- spectively agree to the point of identity in many pages, and contain so many errors, the labeling of the latter issue as MOTTE EDITIONS 37 ''The Second Edition" may have led the compositor of the title page of this 1727 edition to designate the second volume as "The Second Edition, Corrected" (PI. XV) ; its mate, Vol. I, by comparison with preceding issues might properly be and was called "The Second Edition." In this edition the text shows so many agreements with or reversions to that of the first edition as to lead to the conclusion that the latter was used as "copy" in the com- position of the fourth (8vo.) edition, and that these two editions, among all that Motte published, are alone entitled to be accepted as definitive. The pages gained in Part III of the second edition and Part II of the third edition are in the fourth (8vo.) edition lost. In Vol. I signature B begins on page 5 of the text, and the imprint at the bottom of the first page of each signa- ture is as of Vol. I, the signatures running uninterruptedly through the volume. This seems to show the influence of the then recent C. P. edition. In Vol. II, however, there is properly a reversion to the signature grouping of the S. P. editions, and the signature imprints (omitted in Sig. C) are indicated as of Part III and Part IV, respectively. Before leaving this subject several contrasts may be point- ed out in the typography of the first and fourth editions respectively. In each edition the two volumes are printed from type of different fonts, those of Vols. I and II in the one case being respectively the same as or similar to those used in Vols. II and I in the other. In the first edition the word "Country" is uniformly spelled as here printed, but in Vol. I of the fourth (8vo.) it is with three or four exceptions printed "Countrey," the initial letter capital or lower case. A tendency is also noticeable in the first edition to print cardinal numbers altogether in lower case with the qualified noun capitalized, as "two Months," "an hundred Oxen," "two hundred Yards." In the fourth (8vo.) edition, on the contrary, these phrases are frequently printed "Two months," "an Hundred Oxen," "Two hundred yards"; but "one of 38 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS his Heels," "one of the Captains," etc., where "one" has the force of the article. Similarly in the first edition "right" and "left" in connec- tion with a part of the human body are printed in lower case, as the "left Arm, Hand, Side," as against "the Left arm, hand, side" in the fourth (8vo.) edition. See, also, the "middle Finger" and "the Middle finger" (Pt. I, pp. 9-23). As might be expected, there are many exceptions to these rules, or tendencies, and not a few cases where all rules seem to have been ignored. The cases cited are interesting principally because they seem to indicate that in those days there were no fixed general rules of typography. Some errors found in the fourth (8vo.) edition have al- ready been given (p. 23), but no variants were noticed. One copy in modern binding was seen that appears to be a "hybrid." The five title pages, all of the preliminary leaves at the beginning of each volume, Parts I and III of the text, all from the C. P. edition of 1726, have been united with the Contents and entire text of Parts II and IV of the (S. P.) edition of 1727, thus adding apparently another S. P. edition of 1726 to those above discussed. The portrait is in the second state. This is one of those casual combinations that should be considered unofficial unless good evidence be found to the contrary. In any event it would hardly con- stitute an independent issue. Another rebound copy shows the following combination: The five title pages, all the other preliminary leaves at the beginning of each volume (including the odes and verses), together with the first leaf of the text of Vol. I — all from the edition of 1727 (S. P.) — have been united with the entire text of both volumes after page 2, including the Con- tents of Parts II and IV, of the C. P. edition of 1726, thus making a C. P. edition of 1727. The portrait is in the sec- ond state. This copy is in the same category with the one last described. The following list of variations in the several editions is MOTTE EDITIONS 39 selected from a larger number to illustrate statements in the foregoing pages: PAGE & LINE 1st edition 2nd EDITION 3rd edition 4th edition Parti, 44.20 scape escape escape scape 114.10 Clumglum Glumglum Glumglum Clumglum II, 4.24 (as she) would (He) could could would III, 138.1 (he had) convers- ed (very much) converse converse conversed 144.13 deprived (and hated) deprived deprived despised IV, 9.2 stared started started stared 29.3 (signs and) words wonders Wonders words 52.12 represent repreat repeat represent 64.26 (is a) sufficient (cause) frequent frequent sufficient 71.12 (were) bred up bread up bread up bred up 72.14 (be better) down 13 down done done 74.14 (Controversies of) Property strong (Biass) Propriety Propriety Property .21 strange strange strong 90.11 (by that) Appel- lation Application Application Appellation 92.4 applies his (Words never tells never tells applies his to all Uses) &c. &c. &c 124.8 Point Problemat- ical Pointof&c. Point of &c Point Prob- lematical 141.17 wooden (vessels) wooded wooded wooden The transformations of "represent" have already been cited. The words quoted from page 92 are as follows in the first and second editions respectively : "That he applies his Words to all Uses, except to the Indi- cation of his Mind ; That he never tells a Truth," etc. "That he never tells Words to all Uses, except to the Indi- cation of his Mind; That he never tells a Truth," etc. In the first line the compositor got ahead of his "copy," and after he had set "That he" in that line, his eye caught the next two words "never tells" in the third line. The word "frequent" might have been first written in the 13 Murray's Dictionary gives "downe" as an old form of "done." 40 " GULLIVER'S TRAVELS manuscript, erased, had "sufficient" substituted for it, and the substitution might have been overlooked by the composi- tor. The original reading may have been restored simply from the uncorrected printed "copy," or it could have been re- stored by Swift, but in the latter case "frequent" on the next page would also naturally have been changed to match. There is better ground for supposing that Swift had a hand in the correction of the fourth edition. The laxity of both the com- positor and the proof reader has been seen to have been so great that the correction of "deprived" to "despised" oc- curred for the first time in the fourth (8vo.) edition. The correction "Lilliput" to "Blefuscu" where there is no error of sense to guide, may well seem rather to have been the act of a mind that was familiar with the entire work in all its details. Even Swift himself must have originally written "Lilliput" for "Blefuscu," and first noticed the error on re-reading the printed work. From the above facts it is quite possible that other copies of the Motte editions of Gulliver's Travels may be found which will show combinations of signatures that received corrections during the press work. It is impossible, without further evidence, to establish any one combination as the stem-issue, of which the others, fewer in number, would have to be considered merely as variants. There are also found bound together in contemporaneous bindings combinations of Parts that were published at dif- ferent periods, such as Vol. I, first edition (S. P.) 1726, with Vol. II, "Second Edition, Corrected" (S. P.) 1727; Vol. I, third edition (C. P.) 1726, with Part III, second edition, and Part IV, first edition, showing apparently that some odds and ends were utilized by the publisher to satisfy public demand. The following table gives a resume of the main features by which we may be enabled to recognize the different editions, as thus far known to the writer. The description of headpieces is not meant to be technical, nor in greater detail than to afford identification. ;- 5 U 5 c s Sun (?) in centre with falcon on each side ; scrolls, &c. Mermaid in centre; griffin on each side ; scrolls, &c. Urn in centre, flank- ed by winged female busts ; falcon at each end; scrolls, &c. Man and woman seat- ed with backs to cen- tre ; scrolls, flowers, &c. Head crowned with leaves in irregular frame ; falcon at each end ; scrolls, &c. ■CM fc-g 2 . e/T in "£ 11 COO Same as Part III, Chap. I, 4th (8vo) Ed. en .5 '3 Ih ** cu en 03 2 y. c 5 w 1 H Mask in centre ; dove on each side ; scrolls, &c. 5 mm. wide u en MH ^ o o Ih en CJ bfi en 'Ss C en en 03 bfi 2 o r Q 3 c i n 8 & Open book in cen- tre ; two spread falcons, flowers, &c i— T T3 t« 03 w Pn^n 3 » c (§1 Face in frame in cen- tre, with winged bust on each side; scrolls, &c. Buildings in middle back ground ; shep- herd, and shepherdess on left. Rectangle of scroll work ; two stars in each bottom corner Helmeted head with wings, over crossed trumpets Rectangle of scroll work. No star ex- actly at each of the four corners Bare head above winged breast, over crossed trumpets ; rose branches, &c. en c u C as o PhO CU ft en 1 — l CU "£ c rt o PhU u cu Q, o3 u en i— i 53 V, c 03 O PhO Ih CU Ch 03 o en >"£ t— i cu o3 O PhU Ih cu Ch o3 O 42 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS THE 24MO. MOTTE EDITION OF 1727 This edition, mentioned in the opening paragraph above, is without the portrait, but in other respects follows the general arrangement and most of the details of the fourth (8vo.) edition. Some copies include the Odes and Verses, which, however, are not mentioned on the title page (PL XVI). The paging is continuous in each of the two vol- umes ; the text numbers 264 and 269 pages respectively. In Vol. I the six preliminary leaves are the general title page (verso blank), the general Contents (verso blank), The Publisher to the Reader (2 11., of which three pages are num- bered iv-vi), the separate title page (verso blank) and the Contents (to Pt. I, 2 pp.). The other preliminary leaves are unnumbered. The Odes and Verses (xii unnumbered pages) include "The Words of the King of Brobdingnag," but are not found in all copies. Signature G begins on the last page of Part I — p. 121 — and includes the unnumbered preliminary pages of Part II (Pis. XVI and XVII). In Vol. II the six preliminary pages are unnumbered — title page (verso blank), and Contents (2 11) — and signa- ture B begins on page 1 of the text. In Vol. I the signature marks are to Parts I and II; in Vol. II they are to Vol. II, an inconsistency already noted in the fourth (8vo.) edition. Beside the usual five maps and plate of symbols in the two volumes, each Part has one engraved plate in which are one or more scenes descriptive of the text. The text of the two volumes is printed from different fonts ; the printed page in Vol. I contains usually thirty-two lines, that in Vol. II, thirty-one. Parts I and II contain about thirty errors each, many of which are different from those in the preceding editions ; Parts III and IV contain together about twenty-five. Only three variants were noted, one with a correction in the text and two, in the preliminary pages. In this edition, which was probably published at a "popu- MOTTE EDITIONS 43 lar" price, we find the occurrence of some errors noted in the preceding editions of 1726, among the most characteris- tic of which are the following: "Lilliput" for "Blefuscu" (Pt. I, 119.20) ; "Spirits and Hobgoblins" for "Sprites and Hobgoblins" (Pt. Ill, 24.26) ; "Death" for "Dearth" (Ibid., 34.28) ; "deprived" for "despised" (Ibid., 109.14, see also PI. XVII) ; "repeat" for "represent" (Pt. IV, 163.9), and "never tells Words" (Ibid., 192.5). FORD AND FAULKNER TEXT DIFFERENCES In the fourth (8vo.) edition several alterations of the orig- inal text are found, that indicate very positively the influence of Swift, or of some other person familiar with the work. Such, for example, are "Sprites" for "Spirits" (III, 31.15), "Dearth" for "Death" (III, 44.21), and "Lilliput" for "Blefuscu" (I, 145.8). These substitutions are largely in single words, and although the sense is modified by some of them, they are rather corrections of typographical errors, like the first two above, than modifications of ideas that were stated with evident intent in the earlier text. It was not until 1735 that text changes of the latter kind were made public, by George Faulkner, a Dublin publisher, changes of such positive character and such scope as must have awakened interest anew in this world classic. Of the changes made by Faulkner, some are admitted to have emanated from Swift, while as to others, opinion is still divided. It is possible to follow back, probably to their common source, (1) the typographical corrections and (2) those more extensive modifications, the former of which first found expression in the final Motte edition and confirmation in Faulkner, and the modifications, in Faulkner, seven years later. Faulkner also introduced (3) the other changes above mentioned, the source of which is a matter of inference. These three several classes of text alteration have been tabulated in an equal number of lists, in two of which are placed side by side the words or phrases affected, with or without comment as may seem necessary or appropriate. The Ford, Motte, and Faulkner text differences of Class 1 are given in List I ; the more extensive modifications, in List II THE FORD CORRECTIONS 45 — both in the Appendix. This arrangement is proper, for the evidence in the case can not be presented in chronological order; because, for the earlier text corrections, it did not develop until the later corrections were about to be made, and in connection with them. Besides, this matter conceiv- ably will have but little interest for any other readers than specialists. Mr. G. Ravenscroft Dennis in the introductory pages to the edition of Gulliver's Travels published at London by G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., in 1908 and again in 1914 (Bohn's Standard Library), has gone at some length into this subject, and has rendered valuable service to students of "Gulliver" by the evidence he has gathered from contemporary letters of Swift and others. From his work many of the following facts have been derived. THE FORD CORRECTIONS Charles Ford, a friend of Swift, sent to Motte from Dub- lin, where Swift then resided, a letter dated January 3, 1726(7), with a postscript containing as many "errors of the press" as Ford "could find, with the corrections of them as the plain sense must lead," and with the wish that Motte would insert them when he made a new edition. The author- ship of Gulliver's Travels was not at that time generally known. In his list Ford indicated a large number of typo- graphical errors, and pointed out specific passages to which he took exception, and in the body of the letter he referred particularly to the paragraph relating to Queen Anne (Pt. IV, p. 90), which he said was "plainly false in fact," and he desired that it might be left out in the next edition. These "corrections" formed the basis of such changes as were made in the fourth (8vo.) edition, 1727, but not all of them were adopted, 14 and a few others were added. 14 The "corrections," to which Ford and Swift variously allude, as of "errors of the press." and as "that paper," are the "errata" that form the postscript to Ford's letter. Beside the typographical errors, 46 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS In Faulkner's Dublin edition, 1735, which was issued both in octavo 15 and in duodecimo, 10 and formed the third of four volumes of the "Author's Works," 1T there appears for the first time a letter, presumably from Swift, in the guise of "A Letter from Capt. Gulliver to his Cousin Sympson," who, it will be remembered, was the sponsor for, and signed the introduction to, the "Travels," under the head of "The Pub- lisher to the Reader." This letter is dated April 2, 1727. A part of it, in the original typography, is here quoted from Faulkner — the part that relates to the subject under dis- cussion. A Letter from Capt. Gulliver to his Cousin Sympson. "I hope you will be ready to own publickly, whenever you shall be called to it, that by your great and frequent Urgency you prevailed on me to publish a very loose and uncorrect Account of my Travels ; with Direction to hire some young Gentlemen of either University to put them in Order, and correct the Style, as my Cousin D ampler did by my Advice, in his Book called, A Voyage round the World. But I do not remember I gave you Power to consent, that any thing should be omitted, and much less that any thing should be inserted : Therefore, as to the latter, I do here renounce every thing of that Kind ; particularly a Paragraph about her the errata include some caustic comments on the — to Ford — evident corruption of Swift's text. These comments and a few of the suggested corrections have been deleted by various forms of pen strokes, but a careful examination of all the evidence makes it probable that the deletions were made, not by Ford but by Motte. In two instances the pen strokes run beneath the lines rather than through them, and may not have been intended for deletions. Some of the Ford comments will be given in their appropriate place. 15 The portrait frontispiece from this edition is reproduced in Plate XIX. 16 Reprinted in 1752, and the 8vo. ed. in 1743 and 1772. 17 See reproduction of the 8vo. title page, Plate XVIII. THE FORD CORRECTIONS 47 Majesty the late Queen Anne, of most pious and glorious Memory; although I did reverence and esteem her more than any of human Species. But you, or your Interpolator, ought to have considered, that as it was not my Inclination, so was it not decent to praise any Animal of our Composition before my Master Houyhnhnm: And besides, the Fact was altogether false; for to my Knowledge, being in England during some Part of her Majesty's Reign, she did govern by a chief Minister ; nay, even by two successively ; the first whereof was the Lord of Godolphin, and the second the Lord of Oxford; so that you have made me say the thing that was not. Likewise, in the Account of the Academy of Projec- tors, and several Passages of my Discourse to my Master Houyhnhnm, you have either omitted some material Cir- cumstances, or minced or changed them in such a Manner that I do hardly know mine own Work. When I formerly hinted to you something of this in a Letter, you were pleased to answer, that you were afraid of giving Offence ; that People in Power were very watchful over the Press ; and apt not only to interpret, but to punish everything which looked like an Inncndo (as I think you called it). But pray, how could that which I spoke so many Years ago, and at above five Thousand Leagues distance, in another Reign, be applyed to any of the Yahooos [sic], who now are said to govern the Herd ; especially, at a time when I little thought on or feared the Unhappiness of living under them. Have not I the most Reason to complain, when I see these very Yahoos carried by Houyhnhnms in a Vehicle, as if these were Brutes, and those the rational Creatures? And, indeed, to avoid so monstrous and detestable a Sight, was one principal Motive of my Retirement hither. "Thus much I thought proper to tell you in Relation to yourself, and to the Trust I reposed in you "I find likewise, that your Printer hath been so careless as to confound the Times, and mistake the Dates of my sev- eral Voyages and Returns ; neither assigning the true Year, 48 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS or the true Month, or Day of the Month: And I hear the original Manuscript is all destroyed, since the Publication of my Book. Neither have I any Copy left ; however, I have sent you some Corrections, which you may insert, if ever there should be a second Edition: And yet I cannot stand to them, but shall leave that Matter to my judicious and can- did Readers, to adjust it as they please. . . "Indeed I must confess, that as to the People of Lilliput, Brobdingrag (for so the Word should have been spelt, and not erroneously Brobdingnag)" . . . "April 2, 1727." The corrections mentioned by "Captain Gulliver" were, so far as we know, the errata in Ford's letter to Motte (Cf. p. 45). Mr. George Birkbeck Hill thinks that although in Ford's handwriting, the letter was really composed by Swift. 18 Both the letter and the list of errata are reprinted in the February number of the Gentleman's Magazine for 1855. The editor there evidently interprets certain deleted passages in the list by italicising them, and in footnotes re- fers to some of them as "scored under," but cites one passage as having had a pen drawn through it, and adds, "but the author's request was afterwards fulfilled," — we may add, by Faulkner in 1735, but never by Motte. 19 . By some editors of Gulliver's Travels the Faulkner text has been disparaged, apparently without due; reason. Hawkesworth was one of the first of these to attack it 20 and Dennis, one of the latest critics, says "there are, besides obvious blunders, so many minor variations in Faulkner's edition, which cannot have been made with Swift's sanction, that no reliance can be placed on his text." 21 Let us try to 18 Unpublished Letters of Dean Szvift, London, 1896, p. 206. This letter is MSS. No. 561 in the Forster Library in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. The letter is reprinted by Dennis on page xxvii — but not the list. 19 Cf. note to List II, Appendix, p. 117. 20 Cf. infra, p. 55. 21 hoc. cit., p. xxix. THE FORD CORRECTIONS 49 ascertain the truth concerning Swift's relations with Faulk- ner, and examine the latter's text carefully. It may give us some needed light. There is abundant evidence to show that Swift was at first opposed to Faulkner's avowed intention to print an edition of some of Swift's writings. He so expressed him- self repeatedly, not only to Motte but to others. This is emphasized by Faulkner's critics. In fact it seems to con- stitute their entire case. At the same time Swift claimed that it was not in his "power to hinder" Faulkner, and goes on to assert his own intention not to ''intermeddle." 22 In a letter to the Earl of Oxford. February 16, 1733, Swift calls Faulkner the "prince of Dublin printers." 23 The writer in the Gentleman's Magazine, last quoted, says : "Motte had filed a bill in the English Court of Chancery, to stop the sale of Faulkner's edition in England. Swift now took Faulkner's part, and that in the most decided and em- phatic terms . . . [May 25, 1736.] He afterwards states : 'Mr. Faulkner hath dealt so fairly with me that I have a great opinion of his honesty, though I never dealt with him as a printer or bookseller ; but since my friends told me those things called mine would certainly be printed by some hedge bookseller, I was forced to be passive in the matter.' He declares it to be his intention to do the best offices he could to countenance Mr. Faulkner." 2i There is no inconsistency in Swift's final attitude towards Faulkner and his protests of loyalty to Motte, and nothing in these to negative the possibility — indeed probability — 22 Cf. Swift's letters to Motte, July 15 and November 24, 1732. quoted in the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 198, pp. 258-9, in the latter of which Swift says, "I have sent a kind of certificate owning my consent to the publishing this last Miscellany, against my will." See, further, letter to Pope, May 1, 1733, in The Works of Jonathan Swift, Bohn, London, 1843, II, 704; and again, Swift to Motte, No- vember 1, 1735, Gentleman's Magazine, ibid., p. 260. 23 Works, etc., 1843, II, 697. 2i Loc. cit., p. 261. Cf. also Works, etc., 1843, II, 770. 50 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS of his aiding in the preparation of the Faulkner edition. On this point we have sundry bits of evidence, some of which is important. On June 29, 1733, Swift wrote to Faulkner 25 and re- ferred him to "the paper" and "those papers," relating to Gulliver, which he said he had left with Mr. Pilkington, and which Mrs. Pilkington should deliver to him [Faulkner], and added that he thought Mr. Pilkington had "an edition of Gulliver where the true original Copy is interleaved in manuscript." On the same day Swift wrote to Ford : "I think you had a Gulliver interleaved and set right in those mangled and murdered pages. I enquired of several persons where that copy was. Some said Mr. Pilkington had it, but his wife sent me word that she could not find it." He added : "It will be extremely difficult for me to correct it by any other means, with so ill a memory and so bad a state of health." Six weeks later he wrote : "All I can do is to strike out the trash in the edition to be printed here." 27 On November 6, 1733, Ford in his reply to Swift says that he lent "that paper" to Mr. Corbet, "to correct his Gulliver by; and it was from it that I mended my own. There is every single alteration from the original copy ; and the printed book abounds with all those errors, which should be avoided in the new edition. In my book the [inserted] blank leaves were wrong placed, so that there are perpetual references backward and forward, 28 and it is more difficult to be understood than the paper ; but I will try to get one of the second edition [fourth (8vo.) edition, 1727], which is more correct than the first, and transcribe all the alterations more clearly." We have no evidence that Ford carried out his promise, but the world is fortunate to have, preserved, the 25 Works, etc., 1843, II, 706. 27 Unpublished Letters of Dean Swift, George Birkbeck Hill, Lon- don, 1899, p. 207. 28 Cf. Appendix, p. 95 ; also, Works, etc., 1843, II, 714. THE FORD CORRECTIONS 51 copy to which he first refers. Dennis says that Ford's de- scription agrees with that of a large paper copy of the first edition of Gulliver, which is also in the Forster Library. 29 From the foregoing it is apparent that Swift, in his atti- tude towards Faulkner and the new edition of Gulliver, passed through the several stages of opposition, indifference, and acquiescence, into that of cooperation. How active the latter became, we shall see presently. It was now nearly seven years since the appearance of the partially corrected Motte edition of 1727, and there had been from the beginning only two editions in Dublin, and one other in England — so far as known — by other publishers, and these must have been equally unsatisfactory to Swift. The smaller Motte edition had indeed been reissued in 1731, but it was without even the Ford corrections (see Pl.XVII). During the interval the shock caused in some quarters by the original publication had subsided, and the book had been accepted and enjoyed as a public satire, and Swift doubtlessly saw in Faulkner's undertaking a welcome opportunity to restore to his text without risk the passages omitted by Motte, perhaps the last opportunity he might expect to have in the then declining state of his health. This was a consideration of no mean weight, to secure his cooperation. 29 Cf. Appendix, p. 95. THE FAULKNER TEXT SOURCE OF CHANGES FOUND IN IT There were two sources, from which corrections could be had for the work in hand, for Swift had announced his belief that the original manuscript had been destroyed, and his inability to supply corrections anew. These sources were the "paper" that had passed into Motte's possession and whose contents had been embodied in his fourth (8vo.) edition; and the "book," which contained in addition to the corrections of the "paper" those more important passages which Swift wished to restore to his text. The "paper" was of course inaccessible to Faulkner, and probably would not be needed if he could get the "book," which he finally did. He thus announces the fact in the "Advertisement," which follows the title page to "Gulliver's Travels" : "We are assured that the Copy sent to the Bookseller in London, was a Transcript of the Original, which Original being in the Possession of a very worthy Gentleman in Lon- don, and a most intimate Friend of the Author's ; after he had bought the Book in Sheets, and compared it with the Originals, bound it up with blank Leaves, and made those Corrections, which the Reader will find in our Edition. For, the same Gentleman did us the Favour to let us transcribe his Corrections." 30 At this point let us consider briefly the first two sources, namely the so-called Ford corrections, 31 before proceeding 30 About half of the "new" emendations in the Forster copy of the "book," including the long passages not in the "paper," are found in the Faulkner text. 31 Through the mediation of Mr- Dennis and the courtesy of Mr. Cecil N. Smith, Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, THE FAULKNER TEXT 53 to an examination of the final changes introduced into the text by Faulkner. 1. The list of "errata," or what was also called the "paper," contains about a hundred items, which consist largely of words and short phrases with substitutes therefor. Among these there are only a few cases of obviously typo- graphical errors — which the printer might be expected to correct unaided — and only one date. There are several rather caustic comments on passages of the Motte text, which express the writer's suspicion or conviction that these were not written by the author, and there is one appeal to Motte to restore "those twelve Pages to the true Reading." No substitutes are offered for these objectionable passages, for Motte should then have in his possession the original manu- script, but the remarks have been, with two exceptions, delet- ed with a pen stroke or scroll, which may have been done by Motte, for his compositor's benefit, to avoid confusion in the preparation of the new edition. Ford himself would not have crossed them out. 2. The corrections in the "book" consist of insertions, deletions or emendations, of dates, words and short phrases, made in the printed text — with three exceptions, the same as those in the "paper" — and of original passages, some of them several pages long, that had been suppressed or, to quote Swift, had been "mangled" by the printer. These are written on leaves bound up with the original sheets. All of the corrections but one are in ink. The passages deleted are crossed out by diagonal lines, also in ink. Some of the minor corrections consist in the changing of a single letter by writ- ing over it, and these may easily have escaped the attention of the compositor, if used to prepare a subsequent edition. The corrections found on the inserted leaves were not made in the fourth (8vo.) edition. They were not in the "paper," Mr. Herbert C. Andrews, M.A., made for the writer a copy of the Ford letter of January 3, 1727, with its "errata," together with a transcript of the corrections in Ford's copy of the "book." 54 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS and since Ford has told us that his book was the later of the two, we may thus doubly infer that it did not reach Motte's hands, or at least was not utilized by him. There were two passages in the paper that were not "scandalous," and Motte might have printed them without fear of "venturing his ears." 32 The full significance of Ford's corrections will be realized by an examination and comparison of the texts of the first and last Motte editions in connection therewith, for which the reader is referred to the Appendix, Lists I and II. Hawkcsworth's Criticisms of the Faulkner Text The following much quoted passage from Hawkesworth, one of Swift's commentators (1755 and later) usually fol- lows the letter of April 2, 1727, of Captain Gulliver to his Cousin Sympson : "That the original copy of these Travels was altered by the person through whose hands it was conveyed to the press, is a fact ; but the passages of which Mr. Gulliver complains in this letter are to be found only in the first editions ; for the Dean having restored the text wherever it had been altered, sent the copy to the late Mr. Motte by the hands of Mr. Charles Ford. 33 This copy has been exactly followed in every subsequent edition, except that printed in Ireland by Mr. Faulkner ; the editor of which, supposing the Dean to be serious when he mentioned the corruptions of dates, and yet finding them unaltered, thought fit to alter them himself ; there is however scarce one of these alterations in which he has not committed a blunder; though while he was thus busy in defacing the parts that were perfect, he suffered the accidental blemishes of others to remain." This statement is not true. The "copy" that Motte re- 32 Cf. Swift's letter to Pope, September 29, 1725. 33 The full restoration of the text was not in the copy that Motte evidently used in his preparation of the 4th (8vo) edition, as stated above. Cf. Appendix, List I. THE FAULKNER TEXT 55 ceived from Ford was the list of errata with the letter of January 3, 1727, and that list did not restore the entire original text. Furthermore, Charles Bathurst, Motte's part- ner and successor, adopted in 1742 or earlier, during Swift's lifetime, most of the changes made independently and orig- inally by Faulkner. If there be any stronger argument for Swift's approval of these changes, it may possibly be found in the text itself. On this point the following statement by the Earl of Orrery is significant : "Faulkner's edition, at least the four first volumes of it . . . were published by the permission and connivance, if not by the particular appointment of the Dean himself. . ." "The English edition of Swift's works I have scarce seen : and I have had little inclination to examine it, because I was acquainted with the Dean, at the time when Faulkner's edi- tion came out, and therefore must always look upon that copy as most authentic; well knowing that Mr. Faulkner had the advantage of printing his edition, by the consent and appro- bation of the author himself. The four first volumes were published by subscription, and every sheet of them 34 was brought to the Dean for his revisal and correction. The two next were published in the same manner." 35 Hawkesworth joins issue with Orrery and files a bill of particulars in the form of eleven citations from Faulkner's text. 36 It is not necessary to discuss these criticisms at length, but two or three of them are of value for the evidence they really furn- ish against Hawkesworth's contention. First, he quotes, with- out comment a change made by Faulkner : "Whoever makes ill returns to his benefactor, must needs be a common enemy 34 Hawkesworth makes him say "six" (Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, London, 1768, vol. 1, pref., p. 7), but Orrery does not say that the "two next" volumes were brought to the Dean. 35 Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift &c, London, 1752, p. 81 ; Dublin, 1752, p. 81. 36 hoc. cit., pref., pp. 8 et seq. 56 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS to the rest of mankind, from whom THEY HAVE no obligations." (Pt. I, Chap. VI). Although this expression, according to modern canons, is faulty, the speaker, when he says "whoever makes," evident- ly has in mind the idea of plurality, and proceeds to express it in "they have." Curiously enough, there is a passage in Part IV, 140.7 of the Motte editions, unchanged by Ford, which reads: "They have a kind of Tree, which at Forty Years old loosens in the Root, and falls with the first Storm ; they grow very strait, and being pointed like Stakes with a sharp Stone, . . . they stick them erect in the Ground." [The italics are ours.] In this case, with seeming inconsis- tency, Faulkner changes "they grow" to "it grows," but this may well be, in order to lessen the amount of tautology ( for "they" occurs three times in seven lines) ; it was certainly not because of the grammar, for in the closing words of the sen- tence he allows "them" to stand, in which he is followed by Hawkesworth. But in the case above cited by Hawkesworth, a construction usual with Swift is restored, as we may see by reference to passages in Pt. I, 33.22; Pt. Ill, 19.7 and 25.10, in List III, and Pt. IV, 77.4, in List IV. That this method of expression was not confined to Swift, appears in Robinson Crusoe's regret, on the day he was washed ashore, that he had no weapon to provide sustenance for himself, nor to "defend my self against any other Crea- ture that might desire to kill me for theirs." Further along in the same chapter, where the "nurseries" are discussed, Faulkner changes the age number in three instances, in two of which Hawkesworth follows him in silence (!), and in the third criticizes as follows: "The children of the Lilliputians are said to be apprenticed at seven years of age instead of eleven, which is evidently wrong, as the author supposes the age of fifteen with them, to answer that of one and twenty with us, a proportion which will be nearly kept by supposing them to be apprenticed at eleven, and to serve five years." (Loe. cit., p. 8). The other passages involved in this comparison are given THE FAULKNER TEXT 57 by Motte as follows: "When the Girls [of "quality"] are Twelve years old, which among them is the marriageable Age, their Parents or Guardians take them home." (Pt. I, 105). "Those [girls, of the "meaner" sort] intended for Appren- tices are dismissed at Nine [Faulkner, "seven"] years old, the rest are kept to Thirteen [F., "eleven"]. (Ibid., p. 106). In brief, according to both Motte and Faulkner, the boys and girls of "Quality" go home on the attainment of their majority, which is at fifteen and twelve years respectively. According to Motte, the boys apprenticed leave at eleven ; and the girls apprenticed, at nine, the other girls of the "meaner" sort being kept until thirteen, one year beyond the attainment of their majority. The usual period of apprenticeship in England was prob- ably seven years. Seven years "with us" are equivalent to five years in Lilliput, so far at least as males are concerned, which is evident from a comparison of the ages of majority (21 :15 t= 7:5). It is also contrary to a sound principle of law to apprentice a person for a term of years extending beyond the age of majority. Hawkesworth and the Motte text violate this principle when they adopt eleven years as the beginning of apprenticeship for boys, and the Motte text when it adopts nine years for girls ; and prolong this service in the one case to sixteen years for boys, and in the other, to fourteen years for girls. The above changes in the Faulkner text are not accidental. The boy-apprentices serve from seven to twelve, the girls from seven to twelve, and the other, "meaner," girls are dis- missed at eleven ; none of them beyond the age at which they attain their majority. If Hawkesworth, the editor and critic, failed to see this, must we believe that Faulkner, the printer, would concern himself with working out the corrections? Was there not a master mind behind Faulkner? Again, Hawkesworth objects to the substitution, by Faulk- ner, of "bring" for "carry," in the passage, a "Gentleman 58 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Usher came from Court, commanding my Master to carry me immediately thither," and says "but as thither signifies to that place, to bring thither is false English." (Pt. II, Chap. 3). Hawkesworth lacks imagination. The command issues from the court, but the direction is indicated by the mes- senger. Besides, to be "brought" or "conducted" would more appeal to Gulliver's amour propre than to be "carried." In the majority of his citations Hawkesworth's criticism is openly levelled at Swift, for in those cases Faulkner retained the Motte text after it had been scrutinized by Ford. A close analysis of the others compels us to dismiss the bill at the cost of Hawkesworth's critical ability or the honesty of his motives. Charles Bathurst, whose name alone appears in the imprint of the early Hawkesworth editions of Gulli- ver's Travels, was the successor of Motte. Hawkesworth was employed by Bathurst, and part of his duty may have been to throw discredit on the work of Faulkner. That parts of Faulkner's text were not without merit in Hawkes- worth's eyes is very evident from the number of changes found in the latter's text that were taken from the former, such for example as the insertion of the expression "and so universally practised" (Pt. IV, Chap. IV; F., p. 308.10); the use of "express" for "represent" (Ibid., p. 310.12) ; "compact" for "compleat" {Ibid., p. 317.24) ; and the first long passage, substituted in Part III, Chap. VI, p. 242, slightly altered by Faulkner from Ford's copy, where Hawkesworth follows the Faulkner text to the letter ! Even Dennis, out of seventy-six changes original with Faulkner, adopts thirty-four. We have seen that Bathurst, as early as 1742, had adopted the Faulkner changes almost entirely, and if Hawkesworth thought to excuse himself on this ground, he would find himself in the dilemma of being regarded as the receiver of stolen goods, or of admitting, to that extent, the authenticity of the Faulkner text. In support of the view held by Orrery we find the follow- ing statement by "J. N"[ichols?, a Swift editor, 1801 and THE FAULKNER TEXT 59 later] : "I have some volumes of the Dean's . . . who was invariably the friend of Mr. George Faulkner; whom he employed so early as 1725 (after the death of John Hard- ing) to print the 'Drapier's Letters' ; and whom he at least tacitly permitted to publish whatever he wrote. Faulkner assures us, the Dean 'corrected every sheet of the first seven volumes that were published in his life-time.' And in 1735 Swift recommended him to Lord Houth as an 'honest man, and the chief printer' ; and used constantly to style him 'his right trusty and faithful friend'." 37 In view of Swift's oft-expressed confidence in Faulkner, the latter's statements should be entitled to some weight. 38 The caution shown by Faulkner in his early editions of Swift's Works, and his evident desire to please his author, may be appreciated after perusal of a letter from Swift to Faulkner : 38a "If this fancy should hold, of taxing me with all the papers that come out, and at the same time I should take a fancy to be a writer, I shall be discovered when I have no mind, for it will be only to catechise me whenever I am suspected." In his connection with Swift, Faulkner was even more non-committal. He did not publicly admit — at least in his earlier editions of Swift's Works — that he even knew the author personally. In his preface to the editions of 1735, and 1741-46, issued largely during Swift's lifetime, he speaks of the "supposed Author's Friends, who were pleased to correct many gross Errors, and strike out some very injudicious In- terpolations ; particularly in the Voyages of Captain Gulli- ver," and adds, "that the supposed Author was prevailed on 37 Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 47, 1777, p. 420. 38 After the entire page-proof for this work was in the writer's hands for correction, he came into possession of the Faulkner edition of Swift's Works, Dublin, 1772, and is enabled to add here, perhaps not strictly in their proper place, some important data on the matter under discussion. 3S * Mch. 28, 1732. Works, etc., 1843, II, p. 679. 60 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS to suffer some Friends to review and correct the Sheets after they were printed ; and sometimes he consented, as we have heard, to give them his own opinion." In the edition of 1735 Swift was designated simply as "J. S., D.D., D.S.P.D." In a letter to Pulteney, March 8, 1734, with his usual caution, and a possible lack of sincerity, he refers to that edition in the following terms : "You will hear, perhaps, that Faulkner hath printed four volumes, which are called my works ; he hath only prefixed the first letters of my name * * * I have never yet looked into them, nor I believe ever shall." 38b According to all the evidence accessible, the date of this letter, if given correctly, is too early to have been written after the issue of the entire edition of 1735. Possibly Swift was here drawing on his personal knowledge, and anticipated the publication of some, if not of all, of the four volumes. (Parts of Volume IV are dated as of 1733 and 1734.) However that may be, he modified his statement ten months later, in a letter to the same person, — May 12, 1735 — in which he says : "You are pleased to mention some vol- umes of what are called my works. I have looked on them very little." 38c The reason for Swift's aversion to publicity at that late day is not important here. It may have been habit. We wish merely to show that Faulkner respected it, by assuming, for the time, an even greater reserve. Perhaps Swift had a hand in Faulkner's preface. After Swift's death in 1745, however, this reserve was no longer necessary. The title- page of the edition of 1741-46 (Vol. I was the latest pub- lished) bears the full name "Jonathan Swift," etc.; and that of the edition of 1772, "The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean" etc. Let us examine the new preface, in the final edition. It is seb Works, etc., 1843, II, p. 734. 38c Ibid,, p. 740. THE FAULKNER TEXT 61 evidently the work of Faulkner, 38d who speaks of the "Editor of this, and the other Editions printed by him" etc., and among other things says that Swift consented to the printing of the first edition ( 1735) on the following conditions : "That no Jobb should be made, but full Value given for the Money ; That the Editor should attend him early every Morning, or when most convenient, to read to him, that the Sounds might strike the Ear, as well as the Sense the Understanding, and had always two Men Servants present for this Purpose ; and when he had any Doubt, he would ask them the Meaning of what they heard ; which, if they did not comprehend, he would alter and amend until they understood it perfectly well, and then would say, This zvill do; for I write to the Vulgar, more than to the Learned. Not satisfied with this Preparation for the Press, he corrected every Sheet of the first seven Volumes that were published in his Life Time, desiring the Editor to write Notes, being much younger than the Dean, acquainted with most of the Transactions of his Life," etc. This substantiates the statement of Lord Orrery in 1751, and that of "J. N.", quoted above. That Swift did correct proof for Faulkner, probably of other writings, is admitted in a letter from the former to the latter, of March 8, 1738 : 38e "You so often desired that I should hasten to correct the several copies you sent me, which, as ill as I have been, and am still, I despatched as fast as I got them." Beside the statements in Faulkner's preface ("To the Rea- der") we are told in a foot-note to the same, first printed in that edition (1772), that some insertions and omissions made in the London edition by the Rev. Mr. Tooke. "were set right by the Author in all the Editions printed by George Faulk- ner in Dublin." This probably refers to passages in our List 38d Faulkner died in 1775. 3*e Works, etc., 1843, II, p. 803. 62 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS II (p. 108). And again, Faulkner alludes to his editions as printed "under the Author's Care and Inspection." 38f After Hawkesworth's attack 38g Faulkner violated none of the proprieties, and was fully justified, in stating with some circumstantiality the alleged part taken by Swift in the pre- paration of the Faulkner edition. Even should we feel in- clined to regard Faulkner's statement as exaggerated, there is nothing in it that can not be reconciled with that in his earlier preface, and not enough of the improbable to weaken our faith in Faulkner's sincerity. Even without this extrinsic evidence, whatever be its value, we contend that the intrinsic evidence by itself goes far to support the idea of Swift's responsibility for the changes in the Faulkner text — for all of them, barring typographical errors. This argument takes on additional weight, when we examine the text of 1772 and find that in seven out of eleven cases Faulkner, in deference to the published criticisms of Hawkesworth, has restored in it the Motte readings. This is enough to prove the writ- er's contention, made on other pages herein, that Faulkner himself did not originate even the minor changes made for the first time in the edition of 1735, neither had he the wit to appreciate the fallacies in Hawkesworth's arguments. 3811 The Faulkner edition of Gulliver's Travels, of 1772, can not there- fore be regarded as the finished work of Swift. That distinc- tion belongs alone to Faulkner's earlier editions. ^Loc. cit, Vol. VII, p. 98, note. mb Supra, p. 55. 3l8h In Seasonable Advice to the Grand Jury, etc. (Works, etc., 1843, II, p. 25), Swift says: — "A lawyer may pick out expressions, and make them liable to exception, where no other man is able to find any. But how can it be supposed, that an ignorant printer can be such a critic?" LIST III SOME WORDS AND PHRASES IN THE FAULKNER TEXT THAT DO NOT APPEAR IN THE MOTTE TEXTS The following list shows most of the passages in the Faulkner text in which the reading differs from that of the corrected Motte text, involving changes that would come under class 3. 39 Some unimportant differences are not in- cluded, such as the frequent substitution of the scriptural third person singular of the verb for the commoner form. PART I Motte, 1726 40 Motte, 1727 Faulkner, 1735 Page Page CHAP. I 13.19 did not hold half a Pint 8.33 hardly held half . . . CHAP. II 33.20 was looked upon to be 21.16 was as much as much 41.8 was fastened to that 25.32 was at the end of Chain that . . . The correction is weli made, for the officers could not see Gul- liver's watch while it was in his pocket, nor know whether anything was fastened to the chain. 43.12 directed me, although 27.9 F. omits all after in very gentle terms "me." The omission of the qualifying phrase restores the full authority of command accorded the emperor in the rest of this interview. 39 Cf. supra, p. 44. •*o Where the two Motte texts agree, one quotation serves for both. "Ha." stands for Hawkesworth; "F." for Faulkner. 64 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS CHAP. Ill 56.18 Inch and half 35.30 Inch and a half The article is generally used by Swift in this connection {Cf. Pt. I, 20.20; 52.22, and 93.1). 60.10 arrived to 38.5 arrived at "arrived to" was common in Swift's day, and was not noticed by Ford in this passage and in Pt. II, 49.6; but in Pt. Ill, 154.21 Ford, both in his list and in his book, changes "arrived safe to" into "safe at." The printer of the 4th (8vo) ed. uses "safe at." 64.2-12 1724 1728 40.14-22 1724 This error was overlooked by Ford and by Faulkner. The latter evidently had not seen the 4th (8vo) ed. CHAP. VI 100.18 he hath 63.10 they have 41 104.8 Eleven 65.14 Seven .10 Nurseries .15 Exercises This substitution by F- avoids what Swift might have considered tautology, for "Nurseries" occurs in the fifth line above. Dennis seems to appreciate Swift's precept to "vary the orthography as well as the sound," when in Pt. II, Chap. VI (1st ed., p. Ill), he adopts the Faulkner rather than the Ford reading ("what" for "several"), saying that "When making this alteration Swift [Ford] did not notice that the word 'several' had already been used in the same sentence." The substitution of "Exercises" in the above passage may be an argument for Swift's participation in the Faulkner text- changes. Cf. Pt. Ill, 101.20, where Ford in his "list" says of "Assembly;" "this must have been altered, for the word Assembly follows immediately after;" also, Pt. IV, 113.22, where he substi- tutes "did" for "could," 'because "could" follows.' 106.8(7) Nine Years 66.18 seven . . . .8 Thirteen .19 eleven For a discussion of these changes, see supra, p. 56. 107.12 Kingdom 67.7 Empire The monarchs of Lilliput and Blefuscu were emperors. "King" or "Kingdom" is used on pages 12, 22, 33, 34, 36, 37 and 85. In each of these cases Faulkner follows the Motte text. 41 Cf. supra, p. 55. THE FAULKNER TEXT 65 114.12 although 71.12 yet "Though" is used four lines above, in the F. text. See remarks on tautology, under 104.10. .20 although he . . . was .18 . . . were were The influence of the 1st ed. is seen here again. In that edition the tendency is to use the subjunctive after "whether" and "al- though," whereas "was" is more frequent in the 4th (8vo.) ed. CHAP. VII 122.3 Shirts 76.18 Shirts and Sheets 128.13 made 80.14 always made "It was a Custom . . . that . . . the Emperor made a Speech." The insertion of "always" introduces an unnecessary if not illogi- cal qualification, and yet Ha. follows F. ! 131.17 brought under my Arm 82.5 carryed . . . Ha. follows the Faulkner text. PART II CHAP. I 1.11 ten Months Two . . . 93.10 ten . . . Another case where Faulkner follows the 1st ed. 8.4 uppermost (Step) 97.19 utmost . . . 18.2 three Gallons (small 103.8 two . . . Dram-cup) Three gallons = 96 gills = c. 831 cu. in. If we divide by 1728 according to the rule of Pt. I, Chap. Ill, the capactiy of our mod- ern dram-cup would be about * cu. in. or 1/18 gill. Either measure appears to be faulty, and the reason for the reduction is not ap- parent. CHAP. Ill 44.3 carry me 118.20 bring me 42 60.23 he seldom failed of a 128.19 . . . smart Word small Word 65.22 Creatures 131.13 Insects 42 Cf. supra, p. 57. Changed to "carry" in the F. ed. of 1772. 66 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS CHAP. IV 70.11 Houses, and about Six 134.14 Houses (rest omit- hundred thousand In- ted) habitants 75. 11 and reckoning 137.8 reckoning chap, v 83.22 turn 142.21 hop "Turn" occurs three lines above. Ha. follows Faulkner. 88.16 Half an English mile 145.11 an English Mile 90.14 well entertained 146.14 agreeably . . . 94.2 caught hold of 148.15 seized .4 Cloth .16 Silk Why should the printer, unprompted, make this change, which depends upon a statement in the middle of Chap. Ill, twenty-three pages back? Ha. here follows Faulkner. So does Dennis. 96.4 three hundred Yards 149.23 five . . . from the Ground On p. 76 in Chap. IV, the King's kitchen is described as a noble building about six hundred feet high. Faulkner makes the side of the house, to the roof of which the monkey carried Gulliver, fifteen hundred feet high, and apparently ignores the added difficulty we should have to raise a ladder a hundred and twenty-five feet. CHAP. VI 103.10 that 154.23 who 107.1 Qualities of the Mind 156.26 ... of Mind, that he was Master of he . . . 111.15 all several 159.9 what "Memorandums of all Questions he intended to ask me." Ha. follows Faulkner. Motte avoids tautology, for "what" occurs in the next line above. 112.22 were always promoted .32 were constantly . . . "Always" is used in the fifth line above. 116.12 he asked me . . . where 161.33 . . . where we we should find Money found . . . to pay THE FAULKNER TEXT 67 120.9 Virtue 164.4 Perfection "Virtue" occurs three lines below. CHAP. VII 126.7 cannon an hundred 167.24 two hundred . . . foot long At 12:1 these would correspond to English cannon of that period, 8J and 17 ft. long, respectively. Ha. gives them as about twelve feet (Ibid., p. 10). 130.24 biggest 170.13 largest (to contrast with "large" in the preceding line) 173.5 . . . Ninety Foot . . . 135.21 Cavalier mounted on large Steed ... an hundred foot high For the English prototypes these measurements would be 8 ft. 4 in. and 7 ft. 6 in. respectively. An average horse 16 hands high (64 in.) with a rider 5 ft. 10 in. (33 in. from the seat up) would make a total height of 97 in. A large steed might increase this total to 8 ft. 4 in. There is no apparent reason for the change of text. Curiously enough, Ha. follows Faulkner (Ha., p. 180). 136.23(22) once or more 173.24 more than once CHAP. VIII 146.10 preserve myself some 179.4 . . Hours longer than by bein< being 153.16 He then commanded 183.6 his Men to row up to that Side, and fast- ning a Cable to one of the Staples, ordered them 154.3 Men .15 Man myself from . . . Side ; and f ast- ning a Cable to one of the Staples, or- dered the Men PART III CHAP. I 4.6 to traffick for two 192.7 Months "for two Months' omitted in F. 68 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 5.6 though he was .25 although he were The change is to Swift's usual language of the 1st ed. (Cf. supra, p. 65.) CHAP. II 17.9 two or three more 199.19 two or more Ha. follows the Motte editions. (Cf. p. 82.) 20.5 the King's 201.5 his "King" occurs five lines above. CHAP. Ill 36.11(10) This Declivity 211.3 The . . . The declivity had not previously been mentioned. CHAP. V 74.3 employed 233.9 emptyed Ha. follows F. 76.14 Ancestors 234.22 Forefathers CHAP. VI 86.5 Who imagine they 240.25 . . . came . . . come into the world A single act is predicated of an individual ; hence "came" is the more correct. CHAP. VII 96.23 smaller small 246.29 small This word occurs in the last line of a paragraph which would be too crowded if the longer form were used. CHAP. VIII 109.12 Gamesters 254.11 Gamesters, Fidlers, Players The addition of "Fidlers," etc., is in Swift's manner. 111.4 discovered the secret 255.11 . . . true . . . Causes "Secret" occurs seven lines above (in F.) 114.5 Among the rest 257.1 Among others Ha. follows Faulkner (Ha. p. 268). THE FAULKNER TEXT 69 .20 this .12 the 115.1 Youth .16 Boy (heightens the contrast) .2 Libertina .17 a Libertina A manumitted female slave was liberta or liberata with reference to her master, but she was libertina with reference to the class to which she belonged after manumission, and the article here desig- nates her as one of a class. .4 Vessels .19 Vessel "Vessel" is correct, for the person had been "commander of a ship." CHAP. IX 119.3 1711 1709 259.19 1708 .4 we sailed in the River 259.19 . . . River of . . . Clumegnig, which is a Seaport town ("in" or "into"?) 122.16 have it swept so clean 261.27 have it so clean chap, x 144.13 deprived despised 274.1 despised "deprived" occurs in all the 1726 Motte eds. and is in the signa- ture (K) that is identical in the 1st and 2nd eds. In the Dublin ed. of 1726 (J. Hyde) the correct word is used — "despised." Query: Was this signature printed twice for the 1st ed. ? PART IV CHAP. I 8.4 They had long ... on their their 283(5). 10 they lank Hair in their Backs but none had long lank Faces, nor any on their Faces, Hair on their thing more than a nor any thing Heads, and only a sort of Down on more . . . Sort of Down . . . the rest of their Bodies The Ford correction reads "they had long lank Hair on their Heads, but none on their Faces, nor anything more," &c. Ha. fol- lows Ford. 70 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS CHAP. II 19.12 They seemed 292.2 The last seemed 20.13 waited to hear . . . but .20 . . . but I heard I observed "observed" is used of eye or ear, but since the ear alone func- tioned here, "heard" is an improvement. 22.15 whom 293.25 which The reference is to Yahoos, and the change to "which" places them in an inferior order. CHAP. Ill 38.9 By all these Advan- 302.5 By all which . . . tages "These" occurs in the third line above. 41.24 in the Softness, and 304.8 in the Whiteness Whiteness 42.17 Secret of ... of my .22 . . . of my having having having CHAP. IV 48.18 so perfectly well tin- 308.9 F. adds "and so un- derstood iversally practised" The change adds a "sting." Swift had complained that Motte had taken the "sting" out of several passages. Ha. follows Faulkner. 50.18 to greater La- great 309.14 greater . . . feed bor, and fed . . . fed 52.12 represent . . resentment 310.12 express . . . F's substitute avoids tautology. 58.2 to interrupt me several 313.15 often Times CHAP. V 62.6 thrice 316.17 five times 64.10 Dominions round and 317.24 . . . compact compleat CHAP. VI 80.9 weary themselves, and 324.8 ... by engaging in engage in THE FAULKNER TEXT 71 CHAP. VII 99.14 among us 334(3 14) .24 with us 108.5 undistinguishing 339.24 undistinguished 108.23 sought for with much 340.3 fought for . . . eagerness (probably a typo- graphic error) 109.7 Dirt 340.9 Mud CHAP. VIII 117.15(14) begged his Favour 344.12 ... his Honour Cf. Pt. Ill, 151.10, "entreated his Royal Favour," etc.; also, Pt. IV, 148.14, "I had the favour of being admitted," etc. 123.17 Having lived three 347.32 already Years in this Country lived Gulliver's stay in the country was about 3 years and 9 months, and the period to which this quotation relates was not long before his departure thence. Faulkner's insertion of "already" is apparently justified. 128.9 of a Rational Being [marriage at request of parents] 129.20 our 350.15 in a reasonable be- ing 351.7 their (wrong) 357.30 it grows as the rest : She CHAP. IX 140.9 they grow {supra, p. 56) 142.21 and I observed she be- 359.8 haved herself at our died . . . House, as cheerfully as the rest, and died about three Months after. CHAP X 147.4 did not find the Treach- 362.17 . . . feel . . . ery . . . Inconstancy 148.10 for the sake of their 363.7 upon the Merit Vices of . . . 149.9 Where the greatest 363.25 Where (as I have already said) . . . The parenthetical reference supplied by Faulkner is to pp. 296 72 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS dent improvement) 365.11 perhaps a little more civilized and 340 (Motte, IV, 27 and 126), 67 and 14 pages distant, respec- tively. Such a reference is in Swift's manner. Cf. Pt. I, 46.11 and 88.4; Pt. II, 57.8 and 106.10; Pt. Ill, 131.14; Pt. IV, 118.8, 146.19, and 166.3. Is it likely that Faulkner, unprompted by Swift, would make this change? Ha. and Dennis follow Faulkner. 150.17 his Honour, to my 364.16 F. omits "in all great Admiration, ap- Countries" (an evi- peared to understand the Nature of Yahoos in all Countries, much better than myself 152.8 only a little only a lit- civilized tie more (Motte ed.) civilized (Ford) "Only" occurs five lines below. CHAP. XI 164.15 the Wind might chop 372.13 . . . might proba- about bly . . . The introduction of "probably" makes a redundancy (Cf. "Cus- tom . . . always," supra, p. 65). 172.17 as a Yahoo 376.31 or a Yahoo 175.14 three Years (Cf. 378.16 five . . . (Cf. 123.17) 347.32) Gulliver's absence from home on this voyage was 5 years and 3 months, of which he spent 3 years and 9 months with the Houy- hnhnms. Neither text is literally correct, but according to the Faulkner reading, Gulliver in his conversation with the sea captain may be supposed to refer generally to the period of his absence to date. Ha. follows F. 180.14 Matter of Honour 181.22 Rotherhith [occurs here only] CHAP. XII 195.6 unless a Dispute may arise 199.17 to come in my Sight 380.28 Point . 381.17 Redriff 389.17 Omission. Cf. infra, p. 124. 391.20 to appear . . . THE FAULKNER TEXT 73 Enough running comments have been made in the above table to indicate the perspicacity involved in the changes in- troduced by Faulkner, which in nearly every case constitute a self-evident improvement of the text, and in some cases are such as no printer would have the interest or take the trouble to make. Whether Swift cooperated to make these changes or not, if he had an opportunity to see and acquiesce in them, they must be accepted as his own. From the admission made by Ford in his letter of Novem- ber 6, 1733, to Swift, that the second edition (fourth 8vo. edition) is much more correct than the first, and after our examination of the corrections in the Ford "paper" (List I), and conclusion that almost all of what we may call the typo- graphical alterations sent by Ford to Motte, January 3, 1727, were made in this "second edition," it is evident that the 24mo. edition by Motte in 1727 was published too early to benefit from these corrections, and that the 8vo. edition of the same year, duly corrected, was published after the 24mo. edition, and therefore is in fact the fifth Motte edition. If this be true, the 24mo. edition is really the fourth Motte edition. SWIFT'S COMPLAINTS In the letter to Sympson Swift's concern, unless it be feigned, seems to be because of the material alterations in his text, and not because of the casual errors of the com- positor, which one may therefore perhaps infer had already been eliminated in the "second edition," referred to by Ford. Of errors purely typographical, the only ones specified were the mistakes in some of the dates, that Swift affected to criticize. The error "ten Months" (1726 editions, Part II, p. 1) was corrected to "two Months" in the edition of 1727. In the latter edition, Part II, p. 2, the date 1722 is very evidently an accidental misprint for 1702; it is correctly given in all the earlier editions. In these also the date of 74 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Gulliver's arrival in Luggnagg is given as April 21, 1711 (Part III, p. 119) but is changed in the fourth (8vo.) edi- tion to 1709, which agrees with the Ford copy, although Dennis in his text prints 1708, and this in his words "seems to be correct" (Loc. cit., p. 212). An examination of the context shows that Gulliver was taken up into Laputa about the latter part of May, 1707 ; that he left Laputa February 16th (year not stated) and arrived at Luggnagg on the 21st of the following April, i.e. in 1708 or 1709 accordingly as he had been in Laputa nine months or one year and nine months. The shorter period seems to be the more likely. He stayed in Luggnagg three months (Part III, p. 126), which should fix his departure thence at about July 21, 1708 or 1709, instead of May 6, 1708, as given by Dennis, or May 6, 1709, as given in the Motte text. Ford's correction to 1709 (as in the fourth 8vo. edition) lessens the error but does not cure it. In Part III, at pp. 154-155, the dates April 16th and April 10th, ending the Laputa voyage at Amsterdam and the Downs respectively, have been reversed by Dennis (follow- ing earlier editors) with the remark that Hawkesworth was the first to make the "obvious correction." The logical change should seem to be to alter the latter date to April 20th. The two dates occur in the text eight lines apart. When the compositor set the first he most likely did not know the second, and a transposition of the dates by him is quite improbable. Nor would the author of an imaginary narra- tive be likely to make a transposition of this kind, where the dates are only casual and unimportant. Indeed, neither Ford nor Swift noticed the misprint, even when they were looking for errors. Assuming that in the manuscript each date had two figures, no change of the first can mend matters, but by changing "10th" to "20th" only one figure is involved, and the resulting statement is in perfect harmony with the context. Following the above, the early editions say that Gulliver's THE FAULKNER TEXT 75 absence on this trip was five years and six months, instead of three years and eight months. Dennis calls attention to this error. The only date in which an error in both the month and day may have been made, in any one case, is probably in Part IV at page two. Gulliver, after having said in Part IV that he had continued at home about five months, i.e. from April 10 (16 or 20?), 1710 (Part III, p. 155), says that he sailed from Portsmouth on August 2, 1710, which was less than four months later. To reconcile the two statements, the latter date is changed by Faulkner to September 7, 1710, in which he is followed by Hawkesworth and Dennis, without any other authority. A simpler way to avoid an error would have been to let the original date stand and change "five" months to "four," or, to be exact, to "three and a half." In Part II, p. 2, Gulliver says that on April 19th westerly winds began to blow with violence, and continued so for "twenty days together ;" that on May 2nd there was a perfect calm, and that on the following day a southern wind began to set in ! This sounds like Robinson Crusoe. In Part IV, on the outward voyage Gulliver was twelve days sailing from Portsmouth to "Tenariff" (p. 2), but on the return it took him eleven days to sail from Lisbon to the Downs, about half the former distance (p. 181), and no comment is made by him to account for the difference. Per- haps none was necessary. From these examples it is evident that Swift did not in all cases check his dates, or more likely that he did not take them seriously, and that when he later realized that he might have been careless, he humorously sought to shift the blame for inconsistencies to the printer and the adjustment of them to his "judicious and candid readers." It will be remem- bered that Ford substituted only one date, and did not make that one correct. The foregoing discussion may be briefly summarized as follows: The complaints of Swift in the (Ford) letter of 76 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS January, 1727, were against "gross errors of the press" — typographical — for which he suggested corrections ; and against corruptions of the text that were evidently due to the editor — which he merely criticized. The interleaved copy of the book went further. It not only "set right" the misprints covered by the letter, but re- stored the "mangled and murdered pages" that were the real subject of Swift's complaints, if made seriously, in his letter to Sympson, of April 2, 1727. Motte had the use of the January letter with its list of errata, when he prepared his final edition, but there is no evidence that he had access to the interleaved book. In 1733 or later Swift was able to locate and procure for Faulkner a corrected copy of the book, the acknowledgment for which is in Faulkner's prefatory "Advertisement." This enabled Faulkner to put back into the text the suppressed passages, much, we may be sure, to the gratification of their author. That Swift would ask, or could obtain, of Motte, for the benefit of a rival, the April letter to Sympson, even if such letter then existed, is in the light of all the facts, unbeliev- able. That he, still under the guise of Sympson, was nego- tiating with Motte through Erasmus Lewis, on April 27, 1727, 43 about the settlement for Gulliver's Travels, also ren- ders it improbable that he had previously in the same month prepared for Motte so important a document as that letter. Swift wrote it for Faulkner, 44 and in it, for effect, inserted the fictitious complaint, unvoiced previously by himself or Ford, about the misspelling of "Brobdingrag." The reading of the proof-sheets by Swift was a consistent conclusion to a series of acts, whose purpose and result were not only the improvement of the text, but the restoration of its impaired vigor, both of which we find embodied in the earlier Faulk- ner editions. 43 Quoted by Dennis, loc. cit., p. xv. 44 Cf. Sir Henry Craik's Life of Swift, London, 1882, p. 536. THE FAULKNER TEXT 77 OBSOLETE, OR FAULTY ENGLISH Beside text differences that were due to the early pub- lishers and to their compositors, a reconcilment of which has been attempted in previous pages, some expressions are to this day found in some editions of Gulliver's Travels, that are clearly faulty, and others that were in common use by prominent writers of Swift's day, but are not current now. Although these are really beyond the scope of this article as originally planned, they have been thought worthy of listing here. Of all the editors of Gulliver's Travels, Thomas Sheridan was probably the most critical of Swift's language. Others confined themselves largely to a discussion of the political and satirical features of the work, and to an explan- ation of obscure passages in it. The notes of Hawkesworth, whose first edition appeared in 1755, are quoted in many subsequent editions. The Hawkesworth text in spite of Hawkesworth's caustic criticism of Faulkner {supra, p. 54) appears to follow the Faulkner text often where the latter differs radically from that of Motte, but contains also some minor changes not found in either of the other two. Sheridan, in one of his footnotes (Part IV, Chap. IX) says, "in many other passages of these voyages, the author [Swift] has intentionally made use of inaccurate expression, and studied negligence, in order to make the style more like that of a sea-faring man : On which account they have been passed over in silence [by Sheridan], where such inten- tion was obvious." i5 This statement, if well founded, may justify the query in passing, "How far may the language of Gulliver's Travels be quoted as an authority for standard English of Swift's time?" An examination of the following excerpts may lead the reader to infer that Sheridan's statement, above quoted, is a 45 The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, London, 1784, vol. vi, p. 346. 78 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS good deal like the Dean's abandonment of certain matters to the adjustment of his "judicious and candid readers," but without its humor. There seems to be no rule by which we can distinguish between intent and negligence unless one be derived from a critical comparison of this work with other writings of Swift. Some phrases have been passed over by Sheridan that are as open to criticism as others amended by him, and nothing in the context seems to justify the differ- ence in their treatment. Sir Walter Scott has faithfully followed the text of Sheri- dan, without even adopting corrections suggested in Sheri- dan's notes. Dennis appears to have held pretty closely to the Motte text, where he has not introduced changes from the Ford copy or from Faulkner. LIST IV. EXAMPLES In the following list S. indicates Sheridan; Ha., Hawkesworth; D., Dennis ; and F., Faulkner. Suggested changes are in parentheses, and words affected are in italics. PART I CHAP. I 7.21 "in the posture I lay" ("in which I lay"). 18.20 "which might have so far rouzed my Rage and Strength, as to have enabled me to break the strings" ("to enable"). The misuse of tenses in compound sentences was one of the most glaring (because illogical) syntactic faults of the prominent writers of Swift's time. Cf. II, 46.11 and III, 132.12. 22.24 "that hang to a Lady's watch (Obs.; "from"). CHAP. II 33.22 "The Court was under many difficulties concerning me. They apprehended" etc. A change from the collective to the individual idea. There is nothing in the context to indicate a design to emphasize the latter. Cf. Ill, 25.10, in this list; also, supra, p. 56. 37.18 "and another secret pocket I had no mind should be searched" (S. "which I had"). 42.19 "Balls of the most ponderous Metal . . . and required" (D. "requiring"). CHAP. Ill 52.20 "I took Nine of these Sticks, and fixing them firmly in the ground in a Quadrangular Figure, two foot and a half square, I took four other Sticks, and tyed them parallel at each Corner." "Tyed to each Corner two Sticks, parallel respectively to the 80 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS adjacent Sides, and to the Ground." The author does not seem to have realized that only eight sticks were necessary to make a sym- metrical figure. 57.13 "four in a breast" ("four abreast"). CHAP. IV 69.13 "But I shall not anticipate the Reader with farther Descriptions of this Kind, because I reserve them for a greater work" ("I shall not anticipate the De- scriptions that I have reserved for the Reader," etc.). CHAP. VI 94.2 "But their manner of writing is . . . neither from the Left to the Right, like the Europeans;" etc. ("like that of the" . . .). Supplying an apostrophe after "Europeans" would also correct the error. 101.18 "Parents are the last of all others to be trusted," etc. (Omit "others." Parents are in one class, excluded from "all others.") It is then a contradiction to say that a member of the one class is a member of the others. Cf. note to Pt. II, 20.5, supra, p. 82. There is no question here of poetic license, as in "the fairest of her daughters Eve." 102.15 "The Clothes and Food of the Children are plain and simple. They are bred up in the principles of Hon- our." ("The latter"). When "They" is reached, the reader's mind goes back and instinctively connects it with the dominant idea of the preceding phrase, "Clothes and Food"). 108.13 "with a Rule of an Inch long" (Omit "of"). CHAP. VII 116.21 "After the common Salutations were over, observing his Lordship's countenance full of concern ; and en- quiring into the reason, he desired I would," etc. ("when I enquired"). The Latin participal construction was common in Swift's day. A number of examples will be found in this list. In a letter from FAULTY ENGLISH 81 Swift to General Hill, August 12, 1712, the following passage oc- curs : "And the worst of it was, that I happened last night to be at my lady duchess of Shrewsbury's ball ; where looking a little singular among so many fine ladies and gentlemen, his lordship came and whispered me to look at my box." (A goose was drawn at the bottom of a box that had been presented to Swift.) 121.1 "he hath received only verbal License" ("oral"). A mistake made by well-educated people to-day. .20 "setting fire on your House" (Obs. ; "to"). .23 "Shoot you on the Face" (Obs.; "in"). CHAP. VIII 137.10 "I did very much wonder . . . not to have heard" (S. suggests "at not having heard"). 145.2 "I underwent." Correctly printed in all editions before that of Hawkesworth, whose text was evidently followed by Sheridan, who prints "I had underwent," and corrects it only in a footnote. PART II CHAP. I 5.17 "In full view of a great Island or Continent (for we knew not whether)." Archaic for "which"; "neither does it much concern us that are musselmans, whether party of these infidels be right or wrong." Letters of a Turkish Spy, Vol. 8, B. Ill (c. 1680). 7.15 "it served to the Inhabitants only as a foot Path." (Latin double dative construe; "1853, Lytton, My Novel X. XIII. How far his reasonings and patience served to his ends, remains to be seen.") Quoted in Murray's Dictionary. 17.22 "and fell to eat" ("eating"). 19.4 "I trembled every limb" ("in every"). Used in the fourteenth century. See Murray's Dictionary. 20.5 (Cat) "Three times larger than" ("as large as.") Does this mean three times, more than three times, or four times as large as an ox? On page 21 a mastiff is said to be equal "in bulk" to four elephants, and a grey-hound somewhat "taller" than the mastiff, but not so "large." Evidently "large" is meant to cover the idea of bulk or volume. The Brobdingnagians were probably as much larger than Gulliver, 82 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS as the latter was larger than the Lilliputians, and this ratio ex- tended respectively to all objects in their several countries. 46 In the case of the Brobdingnagians we may gather this from the thickness of their hands ("not above a Foot," II, 16.14) ; from the height of their tables ("Thirty foot," II, 17.15) ; and from the state- ment that Gulliver beheld his master's countenance from the height of sixty feet (II, 24.18). The Lilliputians are described as being not six inches high (I, 8.4), and they computed Gulliver's height at twelve times their own (I, 64.9). The ratio in each case was there- fore about twelve to one. The height of an average domestic cat, at the front shoulders, may safely be assumed to be not less than 9 or 9i inches, and that of its giant prototype at about nine feet. To compare the latter cat with an ox, in bulk, we may without hyper-scrutiny apply the rule commended by Gulliver at the end of the third chapter of the Voyage to Lilliput, and use the cubes of their respective heights. The cube of nine is 729. The cube of 5 (the assumed average height of an ox) is 125. On these assumptions the cat would be nearly six 1 times as large as the ox. 47 The advantage in this com- parison lies with the cat, both as to lower height and less fullness of body, for we have taken the smaller factor for its height, and have neglected to make any allowance for the greater massiveness of the ox. Gulliver's comparison being apparently faulty, we can derive no light from his computation as to whether "three times larger" means three times, or four times, as large. We must there- fore seek elsewhere for a solution. In the phrase "When two or three more persons are in com- pany" (HI, 17.9), the word "more" is to the modern ear absolutely redundant, and corresponds to "larger" in the phrase already under discussion, and to "more" in the sentence "England . . . was com- puted to produce three times the quantity of food, more than its Inhabitants are able to consume" (IV, 83.2). These two words may therefore justly be taken to have no farther significance than a rounding out of the idea expressed in the numerals that precede them. "Larger than" may then safely be taken to mean "as large as." Apparently a similar conception is conveyed by "others" in the phrase "Parents are the last of all others" (I, 101.18). 25.8 "which aggravated my sorrows when I awaked" (S. corrects to "awoke," but the dictionaries now allow "awake" and "awoke.") 46 Cf. Pt. II, 59.15 and 80.9. 47 In passing, it may be observed that a cat 7 feet high would b? three times as large as an ox 5 feet 10 inches. FAULTY ENGLISH 83 Murray says, 5, The Str. pa. pple. awaken was already in the 13th c. reduced to awake, and at length became merely an adjective (most- ly predicative), after which a new form from the pa. tense, awoken, later awoke was substituted; but the weak awaked is also in com- mon use. (Shakspere used only the weak inflexions). 26.16 "to recover my Breath and Loss of Spirits" (Why not "Breath and Spirits"?) Cf. Pt. IV, 106.20. CHAP. IJ 36.5 "though it were but of Half an hour" (S. "was"). Cf. p. 97 under 114.20; also List III, p. 68. 40.23 "Person of Quality's house." ("house of a Person of Quality"). CHAP. Ill 43.14 "unsatiable" ("insatiable"; Cf. I, 147.2 "for my in- satiable Desire.") "Inordinate and unsaciable covetousnes." More's Utopia, p. 42 (1551). 46.11 "I owed no other obligation to my late Master, than his not dashing out the brains" ("than for his not hav- ing dashed"). 49.22 "Phrases which I had learned at the Farmer's house, and did not suit the polite style of a Court" ("and which did"). The failure to repeat the relative pronoun in the second of two connected phrases where the subject under discussion is the same but has a different syntactic value in each, is common with Swift and other writers of his day. Examples : "I make bold to en- close this letter, which your Grace may please to read, and is the substance of what he desired me to say." (Letter to Archbp. King, Feb. 22, 1723) . . . "because it requires few talents to which most men are not born, or at least may not acquire." (Hints toward an Essay on Conversation) . This suppression of the pronoun may be due to a desire to avoid tautology. In Swift's Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation, he says "it is a true mark of politeness, both in writing and reading, to vary the orthography as well as the sound." The verb "did" is in thought naturally connected by "and" to 84 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS the preceding verb "learned,'' and the mind tends to supply the same subject, which produces a confusion. 59.10 "whether I were injured or no" (S. This vulgar and ungrammatical mode of expression has be- come universal, but instead of "no," the participle "not," should be used. The absurdity of the former will appear by only repeat- ing the word to which it refers, and annexng it to it, as thus — "whether I were injured, or no injured," whereas, "whether I were injured, or not injured," is good grammar.) 62.5 "bestowed him to a Lady" (formerly current). 63.8 "my legs were not scalded, only my stockings and breeches in a sad condition" ("were in"). An obvious effort to avoid tautology. Cf. "I am at a clergyman's house whom I love very well." (Swift to Miss Van Homrigh, June 8, 1714.) . . . "an account of the print- er's death, who died yesterdav." (Swift to Archbp. King, July 14, 1724.) CHAP. IV 74.3 "a Servant on horseback would buckle my Box" (S. "on my"). If the ommission of "on" was to avoid tautology, it seems to modern ears to have been an illjudged application of Swift's rule. A foot-note in Moriarty's "Dean Swift and his Writings," N. Y., 1893, p. 233, reads : "The voyage to the Houyhnhnms * * * is not printed, or at any rate much cut down, in the popular editions of 'Gulliver'." The failure to repeat "is" in connection with "cut down" — if on tautological grounds — makes the writer really say what he evidently did not intend. The phrase — "and place it on a Cushion" — follows immediately. CHAP. V 80.13 "having been so curious to weigh and measure" (S. "as to"). 88.12 "the great Jett d'eau at Versailles was not equal for the time it lasted" ( S. "equal to it"). 91.21 "was so careless to let a huge frog" (S. "as to"). CHAP. VI 109.17 "These (Bishops) were searched and sought out through the whole Nation" (Archaic use of "search.") FAULTY ENGLISH 85 Cf. "lest the humour of searching and seizing papers should sur- vive." Swift to Pope, Jan. 10, 1721. Possibly an effort to avoid the repetition of "out." Murray says that "search" in this sense is now used only with "out," except (rarely) poetically. 110.11 "the whole Legislature is committed ("Legislation"). 118.20 "the Losses they have received" (S. "sustained"). 120.24 "wringed and extorted" (S. "wrung"). CHAP. VII 125.6 "with such Violence and Speed as nothing was able to sustain its Force." ("that" or "as that.") Murray quotes Bacon (1625) They have such Powring Rivers, as the Rivers of Asia . . . are but Brookes to them. 129.24 "And as to Ideas, Entities ... I could never drive the least Conception into their heads" (S. "of them in- to"). 130.21 "But their Libraries are not very large; for that of the King's" ("King"). 133.14 "the species of Men were originally much larger" ("Man" in first edition). CHAP. VIII 142.6 "while I slept, the Page . . . went among the Rocks to look for Birds-eggs, having before observed him from my window" ("I having"). Cf. note to Part I, 116.21, in this list. 143.14 "and my Box was tossed up and down like a Sign- post in a windy day." Dennis says that Hawkesworth altered "Signpost" to "sign," but Dennis adds that this expression is "quite in Swift's manner." Mur- ray's Dictionary quotes' Addison, 1711 — "When did the Lamb and Dolphin ever meet, except upon a Sign-post?" These are cases of metonymy. See also The Century Magazine of September, 1917, p. 711 : "Your mind is like one of those sign-posts that have only one name on it" (sic) etc. Phyllis Bottome in "The Second Fiddle." 144.7 "My Box, by the weight of my Body, the Goods that were in, and the broad Plates of Iron" ("My Box, by 86 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS the weight of the Goods that were in it, that of my Body", etc.) 154.7 "he answered, that discoursing this matter with the Sailors . . . one of them said" (Latin participal con- strue. — "when he discoursed.") Cf. Pt. I, 116.21, in this list. 157.10 "in return of his Civilities" ("for"). 158.3 "it (a tooth) was drawn by an unskilful Surgeon in a Mistake" ("by")- .14 "by putting it in Paper, and making it publick" ("on"). 162.1 "was in his return to England." ("in" may signify "during"; "on," "after.") PART III CHAP. I 4.17 "loaden" (S. and H. "laden"). Common in Swift's day. 8.22 "small Provisions" ("few"?) 9.12 "the Disquiets of my mind" ("Disquiet": Cf. Pt. I, 72.12. "Now in the midst of these intestine Dis- quiets.") Murray says that in the sense of a disturbance, disquieting feel- ing or circumstance this word and its plural are archaic or obsolete. Used by Ld. Burghley in 1574. See Murray. CHAP. II 17.9 "when two or three more persons are in Company" (S. "when two, three, or more," etc. ; F. and D. "two or more." Cf. Pt. II, 20.5 in this list). Hawkesworth has "two, three, or more" (p. 208). .23 "Kennel" ("gutter"). 19.7 "There stood by him on each side, a young Page, with Flaps in their Hands" ("with a Flap in his Hand"). Cf. supra, p. 56. FAULTY ENGLISH 87 20.16 "There was a Shoulder of Mutton, cut into an Equi- lateral Triangle," etc., etc. This attempt to satirize mathematicians has been criticized as inaccurate — "mutton of two dimensions." Prof, de Morgan, in Notes and Queries, Second Series, VI, 125. 24.3 "I observed such accidents very frequent" ("were very" or "to be very"). 25.10 "the Court was now prepared to bear their part in what ever Instrument they most excelled" ("Members of the Court were," Cf. Pt. I, 33.22, and supra, 19.7). All of the English texts consulted have this reading. 27.6 "the Intellectuals of their Workmen" (Archaic; "in- tellect"). CHAP. Ill 44.14 "the King hath two Methods . . . The first and the mildest" ("milder"). 47.5 "neither the King nor either of his two elder Sons are permitted" ("eldest (?) two Sons is"; S. and D. have "two eldest sons, are"). CHAP. IV 50.5 "(He) had great natural and acquired Parts, adorned with Integrity and Honour, but so ill an Ear for Musick," ("was adorned" . . . "had so ill"). 52.22 "Town which is about half the bigness of London, but the Houses very strongly built" ("Houses are"; no tautology is here involved). 56.22 "he doubted he must throw down his Houses" (Obs. for "feared.") 59.5 "the whole Country lies miserably wast, the Houses in Ruins, and the People without Food or Clothes." ("Houses are"). A case of anacoluthon, for forcefulness. CHAP. V 62.9 "I could not be in fewer than five hundred Rooms" ("have been"). 88 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 69.8 "and made so violent a discharge, as was very offen- sive" ("to be"). 74.3 "he had employed the whole vocabulary into his frame" ("put into" or "employed in"; Obs. in the sense of "folded into," Lat. implicare. F. and Ha. substitute "emptied"). CHAP. VII 96.16 "This Tribe marries only among each other" ("marry only among themselves"). 97.18 "we . . . entered . . . between . . . Guards, armed and dressed after a very antick manner, and something in their Countenances" ("and there was"). CHAP. VIII 114.5 "Among the rest (H., S., and D. have "others"). CHAP. IX 121.3 "I was invited." In all English editions. Should it be "visited," as in the Paris edition of 1727 (Martin, p. 238)? 123.13 "strowed" (Archaic; S. and H. "strewed"; D. "strowed"). CHAP. X 127.14 "such who are" ("as"). 130.7 "I discovered my Admiration that I had not observed" ( Archaic ; "surprise" ) . 132.12 "if it had fallen to my lot to have been born a Struld- brugg" ("to be"? Cf. 133.1, "if it had been my good Fortune to come into the World"). The first form may be correct, if the expression "had fallen to my lot" be considered as a continuing action equivalent to "had been my fortune." 146.17 "in the like circumstances" ("under"). Murray says: Mere situation is expressed by "in the circumstances," action affected is performed "under the circum- stances." FAULTY ENGLISH 89 CHAP XI 152.1 "in this Point" ("on"). 2. "whether I was a real Hollander or no" (not"). Cf. supra, II, 59.10. PART IV CHAP. I 2.23 "which was the cause of his Destruction, as it hath been of several others" ("of that of;" or add apos- trophe after "others"). 3.1 "he might have been safe at home ... at this time" ("be"). .4 "I had several men died in my ship" ("die," or "that died"). 5.5 "letting me put on my best suit of Cloaths . . . and a small bundle of Linnen" (S. and H., "and take"). 6.4 "and consider what I had best to do" (S. "best do"). 7.14 "the rest of their bodies were bare" (S. "was"). 9.22 "Leapt up in the Tree" (H., S., and D., "into"). 10.4 "I observed them all to run away" ("run"). 16.13 "but reducing it to the English Orthography, may be spelt thus" ("it may," or "we may spell it"). CHAP. II 21.20 "The mare . . . gave me a most contemptuous look; then turning to the Horse, I heard the word Yahoo." ("she turned to the Horse, and I heard"). Cf. I, 116.21, in this list. 26.8 "I . . expressed a desire to let me go and milk her" (H. and S., "desire to go and milk her." Why not "that he would let me," etc.?). 30.2 "It was at first a very insipid diet, . . . : and having been often reduced to hard fare in my life, this was not the first experiment I had made" ("because I had;" Cf. supra 21.20). 90 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS CHAP. Ill 34.23 "were qualities altogether so opposite to those ani- mals" H. omits "so;" S. gives "which were qualities altogether opposite to such as belonged to those animals." Why not "altogether opposite to the qualities of those animals"? 35.17 "writ the words" (Archaic; common in Swift's day). 36.9 "my Head, Hands and Face, that were only visible." (S. "which only were visible.") 38.18 "my Body had a different covering from others of my Kind" ("those of others;" or add apostrophe after "others"). CHAP. IV 47.9 "because doubting or not believing, are so little known" ("is"). All editions consulted, including even Sheridan, follow Motte ! 49.21 "But he insisted in commanding me" (S. suggests "persisted in commanding"). Why not "insisted and commanded?" 57.22 "under a necessity" (D. "the"). chap, v 64.1 "It is a very justifiable cause of War to invade a Country after the People have been wasted by Fam- ine" ("and invasion of a Country after"). 64.6 "It is justifiable to enter into War against our near- est Ally, when one of his Towns lies convenient for us, or a Territory of land, that would render our Dominions round and compleat." ("or is") 65.13 "There are likewise a kind of" (F., S. and O. "is"). Whately in his Logic justifies "these Kind." 67.5 "dying Groans" ("Groans of the dying"). 77.4 "this Society hath a peculiar Cant and Jargon of their own (S. "has" — "their." Should be "hath" — "its," or "have" — "their"). FAULTY ENGLISH 91 CHAP. VI 81.24 "his Honour was still to seek" (Means "not fully informed"). 81.25 The text that includes the preceding quotation, be- ginning with line 14, runs as follows : Gulliver is explaining that "the Rich Man enjoyed the Fruit of the Poor Man's Labour . . . that the Bulk of our People were forced to live miserably ... to make a few live plentifully . . . But his Honour was still to seek: For he went upon a supposition that all Animals had a Title to their share in the Productions of the Earth, and especially those who presided over the rest." This is the reading- in all English editions examined, and it has escaped criticism by the commentators. The Abbe Desfontaines be- lieved that the author's meaning was reversed. His translation runs as follows : "si quelques-uns y pretendent un droit plus par- ticulier, ne doit-ce pas etre principalement ceux qui par leur travail ont contribue a rendre la terre fertile?" The text of the Hague French edition (Gosse, 1727), follows the English version. 83.4 "three times the quantity of Food more than its In- habitants are able to consume" ("more than" is prob- ably redundant). 85.6 "the Building and Furniture of my House employ as many more, and five times the number to adorn my Wife." ("number are employed;" another case of anacoluthon). Should "Furniture" be "furnishing"? Cf. "Legislature," Pt. II, 110.11. 88.13 "these Artists ingeniously considering" ("consider." S. notes that "These artists" is a nominative, without any verb). 96.3 "my Birth was of the lower Sort, having been born of plain," etc. ("I having"). Cf. Pt. I, 116.21, in this list. CHAP. VII 99.4 "I began ... to think the Honour of my own Kind 92 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS not worth managing" (equivalent to "maintain- ing"?). 101.3 "for Brevity Sake." Euphony does not require the omission of the possessive sign with "Brevity," as with "conscience," etc. 106.19 "which when his Yahoo had found, he presently re- covered his Spirits and good Humour, but took care to remove them to a better hiding-place." ("the stones"). 111.6 "his Successor, at the Head of all the Yahoos . . . come in a Body" (S. "all the Yahoos . . . with his successor at their head, come in a body," etc.). 114.7 "who, if they were forced to undergo the same reg- imen, I would undertake for the Cure." ("and, if"). S. notes the error, but suggests no correction ; a case of anaco- luthon. 115.9 "Speculation, which he had drawn from what he observed himself, or had been told him by others" (Omit "him," or write "or others had told him"). CHAP. VIII 119.18 "the stink was somewhat between a Weasel and a Fox" ("between those of"). 123.17 "Having lived three Years in this Country, the Read- er I suppose will expect" ("I suppose the Reader"). CHAP. IX 140.7 "They have a kind of Tree, which . . . loosens . . . and falls . . . ; they grow very strait, and being point- ed like stakes with a sharp Stone, (for the Houy- hnhnms know not the Use of Iron) they stick them erect in the Ground" ("these Trees grow very strait, and are stuck into the Ground when they are pointed like Stakes with a sharp stone, for the Houyhnhnms know not the Use of Iron;") D. "it grows." Cf. su- pra, p. 56. 141.10 "cut their Hay, and reap their Oats, which there groweth" ("grow"). FAULTY ENGISH 93 142.2 "Regret that he is leaving the World, any more than if he were upon returning home" ("upon his re- turn"). CHAP. X 146.5 "of several Birds I had taken . . ., and were ex- cellent Food" (S. "and which"). Sheridan says that the sentence of which this is a part is other- wise faulty. It might be amended to read as follows : "My Master had ordered to be made for me after their manner, about six yards from the House, a Room, the Sides of which I plaistered with Clay and the Floors I covered with Rush-matts of my own contriving . . . of several Birds . . . which were excellent Food." 154.3 "That such a practice was not agreeable to Reason or Nature, nor a thing ever heard of before among them." (F., S., and D., change "nor" to "or"). 155.5 "He doubted it would be impossible for me to swim to another Country" (Obs. for "was afraid"). 159.16 "converse in that Element." Swift often uses "converse" in the sense of "being familiar with." Cf. Stone, ed., 1727, p. 131, "Law was a science I had not been con- versant in;" also, Motte, Pt. Ill, 26.9, "conversant in Lines and Figures." CHAP. XII 196.16 "To lament the Brutality of Houyhnhnms" ("to;" an unusual use of the objective genitive). MAPS The maps that accompany the text of Gulliver's Travels were probably prepared by the publisher without any re- sponsibility on the part of the author. This is pointed out by Sir Henry Craik, and Dennis calls attention to the dis- crepancy in the map of Brobdingnag. For two hundred years one other map, at least, has been copied with all of its original errors, and where not in facsimile, often with oth- ers added. On Plate III which accompanies the Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi appears to be an island due east of Japan, 94 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS with the island of Luggnagg between the two, southeast of Japan and southzvest of Balnibarbi. On page 94, Pt. Ill, Luggnagg is said to be northwest of Balnibarbi, and south- eastward of Japan. Either the text or the map is wrong. On page 52 the text says, "the Continent as far as it is sub- ject to the Monarch of the Flying Island, passes under the general name of Balnibarbi" — shown on the map as an island] According to the text (p. 95) Maldonada is a port in Balnibarbi, and the island of Glubbdubdrib is southwest of the latter ; on the map Maldonada is indicated as on Lugg- nagg, instead of on Balnibarbi, and Glubbdubdrib is south- west of Luggnagg. The suggestion may be made that if this plate be revised for future editions, the town of Lindalino and the river that flows through it should be shown on or in Balnibarbi — which the publishers of the recent Bohn edition have over- looked. APPENDIX In List I, below, are given some text differences found in the first and fourth (8vo.) Motte and in the Faulkner editions respectively, together with the Ford corrections in full, as they are found in his "paper," the postscript of the letter to Motte, of January 3, 1727, and those in the "book," indicated respectively by P and B, where not found in both. In List II are the substitutes for the passages suppressed by Motte and restored by Faulkner from a copy of the "book." In Ford's copy of the "book," there are fourteen inserted leaves — in Parts III and IV. Seven of them are still totally blank. They are in pairs, and the matter to be re- stored from them varies from a few lines to six and a half pages, the total amounting to about twelve pages. When Ford said in his "paper," against p. 69, Part IV, the place where in his "book" he crosses out six and a half pages : "You ought in Justice to restore these twelve Pages to their true Reading," he must have quoted the number from mem- ory or have had in mind the total of the substitutions. The passage added by Dennis near the end of Chap. Ill, Part III (p. 47, Motte), is found on the verso of a leaf that faces page 91. There are three other cases of misplacement — "references backward and forward" — as Ford put it. LIST I TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS FROM THE "PAPER" PART I Motte 1st Ed. Ford's "Pa- Motte 4th Faulkner 1735 1726 per" 48 (8vo.) Ed. 1727 vi.5 Country Country vii.10 Country "Nottinghamshire, his native Country" — in all editions. Is this a mis- print for "County," or is it intentional, to avoid tautology? In the next paragraph the reference to Oxfordshire is "in that County." (Cf. 1st ed., Pt. Ill, 137.14, and 2nd ed. Pt. IV, 67.13 where "Country" is wrongly printed "County". Cf. R. Crusoe, II, 6, 2nd par., 1st and 2nd eds.) 5.7 Northwest Northward 3.29 Northwest A glance at a map of Oceania will show that "Northwest" is the more correct. 15.12 advanced . . . forward 9.34. . . for- forwards wards Note the redundancy (Cf. Pt. IV, 6.1, 1st and 4th eds.). 22.13 Use Uses Uses 14.7 Use CHAP. II 36.11 of Coun- of his . . cil 41.20 he as- sured of his . . . 23.2 of his . . he assures 26.8 he assured CHAP. Ill 50.18(19) Purple .19(20) Blue (B) Purple Red . . . Green Yellow 32.13 Blue . Red .14 Green 48 Beside the following changes, "mine" before "eyes" and "ears" was changed to "my" by Ford in every case but one, and that one he probably overlooked. THE FORD CORRECTIONS 97 Yellow ... (B) White White 51.18(20) Pur- Blue (B) Purple 32.33 Blue pie 51.19(20) Red (B) Yellow .33 Red Yellow .20(21) Green (B) White 33.1 Green White The colors given by Ford represent those of the Garter, the Bath and the Thistle respectively. CHAP. V 79.8 binding bending 49.20 binding .17 arrived ... at ... at 49.28 ... to to 80.23 bold boldest boldest 50.20 boldest CHAP. VI 107.15 Domes- Domesticks 67.9 Domes- tick tick "Domestick" is here used as equivalent to "a household." 111.19 Exchequer Bills would not circulate under nine per Cent. below Par; so printed in all editions consulted. Should be "above nine per Cent," etc. 114.20 although although 71.18 although he were he was he were See note to Part III, 5.6, List III, p. 68. CHAP. VII 130.12 acquitted quitted 81.14 acquitted CHAP. VIII 141.14 Princes Princess 88.24 Princes Cf. 69.8; and 110.20, "Princes of the Blood of both Sexes." 144.5 I left I had left I had left 90.8 I left 145.8 Lilliput Blefuscu Blefuscu .31 Blefuscu 98 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS PART II CHAP. I 3.19 hulling hurlling* 94.32 hulling 7.21 the end this end of the 97.13 the end of this of this 9.14 I made However, I . . . However, I . . . 98.12 However, I... 12.8 shall should 99.33 shall CHAP. II 30.7 toward forward forward 110.6 towardly Cf. Pt. I, 147.19, "a towardly Child." 32.13 Field Fields(B) field 111.23 Field Ford's correction overlooked or disregarded by Faulkner. 39.20 the Town their Town 115.34 the Town CHAP. Ill 47.2 would perhaps would perhaps would 120.25 would 48.24 had and had and had 121.27 had 65.22 Creatures Insects (B) Creatures 131.13 Insects CHAP. IV 71.23 English European(B) English 135.6 European 74.4 buckle my buckle my 136. 16 buckle my Eleven lines above, "buckle" is used with "about his Waste (Waist)." Dennis inserts "on." CHAP. V 93.9 not stir- stirred not 148.1 not stir- ing ring 98.11 Honour Courage Courage 151.1 Courage CHAP. VI 108.4 Praise Praises Praises 157.13 Praise 111.15 all several several 159.9 what 116.14 charge- . . . extensive 162.1 . . . ex- able and ex- tensive tensive Dennis has "expensive" which is synonymous with "chargeable." THE FORD CORRECTIONS 99 120.11 were are are 164.6 are .13 were are are .7 are 123.20 Monarch mighty... (B) Monarch 166.12 Monarch In this chap. Gulliver speaks deprecatingly of the king, and the omission of "mighty" seems appropriate. Ha. follows Faulkner. CHAP. VII 133.3 from from the 133.14 Species . . . Men of Man 134.7 several moral Cf. 134.12 "Lectures in Morality." 136.21 the from the . . . Men several more the CHAP. VIII 140.15 not di- just not directly rectly Ford's "paper" says, "the Sense is imperfect." 149.7 was is 156.16 own Pre- Presence Presence sence 161.1 necessary . . . for me . . . for me 171.20 from 171.29. . . Man 172.9 several moral 173.23 that 175.29 not di- rectly 180.24 was 184.31 Presence 187.11 ...forme PART III CHAP. II 17.9 two or two or three 199.19 two or three more more more See List IV, Pt. II, 20.5. 31.15 Spirits Sprites (in Sprites 207.18 Sprites margin of Ford copy) The same phrase, "Sprites and Hobgoblins," used in early editions of a "Tale of a Tub" has been similarly corrupted in later editions. As cor- rected, it better expresses an antithesis. Hawkesworth follows the 1st Motte ed. (p. 217). 100 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 34.5 Women- Womankind women kind 208.32 Woman- kind kind 42.17 the their their 214.20 their "Goodness. For this Advantage &c the Sense imperfect." (P) CHAP. Ill 36.13 Cause 43.4 his 44.19 Death 49.13 here 59.16 Act CHAP. V 71.23 both 73.10 or 74.8 in the Book 75.15 other 77.7 Saddles 78.4 the 83.6(5) method 85.11010) dis- pose of them 86.7(5) come 87.15(12) Per- sons Dearth there act(P) Books as in Books other Project (B) Sacks thus methods dispose them came ( B ) Person's course the Dearth there act Books as in books other Sacks thus methods dispose them come person's .5 Cause 214.27 his 215.26 Dearth 218.24 there 224.21 act 231.33 Books 232.28 as 233.12 in Books 234.5 other 235.2 Sacks 235.18 thus 238.34 Methods 240.10 dispose them .25 came 241.16 Person CHAP. VI 88.23(20) of for 242.7 of 89.7(4) take to take to take .12 to take "P. 90 to the end of the Chapter seems to have much of the Author's manner of thinking, but in many places wants his Spirit." (P) 93.11(5) into in 244.10 into .16 North- West. See notes on maps, p. 94. THE FORD CORRECTIONS 101 CHAP. VII 94.7 was is 101.5 in into .20 See List II. 102.20 Ancestors Ancestor CHAP. VIII 110.4 Faction CHAP. IX 119.3 1711 .12 in a 121.6 they nev- er Factions 1709 in the they had never is into Ancestors Factions 245.5 is 249.8 into 251 (250) .5 An- cestor 254.25 Factions 1709 259.19 1708 in the .25 in the they had never 260.34 they had never chap, x 133.24 Lan- Language guages .25 Fashions, Fashions of . . . Dress 134.14 Choice choice(P) 137.14 County .18 these those 138.6 eldest oldest 140.2 were they were 141.18 come comes 142.20 continu- continue ing A change in the punctuation would .22 forgot forget 143.22 youngest : in all editions. two hundred years they could 144.1 brought brought to me me .14 sort sorts Language Fashions of choice Country those oldest they were comes continue 268.4 Lan- guages .5 Fashions, Dress 268.16 choise 270.4 Country .7 those .18 oldest 271.19 they were 272.16 comes 273.3 continue make the participial form correct, forget 273.4 forget Should be "oldest" ( ?). After hold no conversation, brought to me 273.24 brought to me sorts 274.1 Sorts 102 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS CHAP. XI 152.21 conver 154.3 petform- ed .21 safe to 155.11 and found my convey performed safe at convey performed safe at and my 279.12 convey 280.1 performed .14 safe at .25 and found my PART IV CHAP. I 2.4 Adven- Adventure 281.13 Adven- ture ture Dennis prints "Adventurer," possibly to distinguish this ship from the one in which Gulliver sailed on his second voyage (Pt. II, 2.2). 8.1 in sharp . . . and hooked . . . and hooked 283.5(7) on(sic) points, hooked .6(5) on their on their Faces, nor any Heads 49 but thing more none on their than a sort of Faces, nor any 12.20 Com- mands. But concealing 17.2 them him sharp Points, hooked on their Backs 283 (5). 10 on but none on their Faces, nor any Commands. But . . . him CHAP. II 31.12 fare fared far'd CHAP. Ill 35.16 formed in . . . into "I formed all I learned into the English Alphabet.' 42.18 having my . . . my . . . 45.12 Word word and and Honour honour their Heads, and only a Sort of 287.30 Com- mands ; but . . . 290.7 him 298.19 fare 300.25 into 304.22 my... 306.3 Word and Honour 49 Ford's "paper" reads : "This passage puzled me for some time, it should be 'long lank Hair on their Heads'," etc. THE FORD CORRECTIONS 103 The same expression occurs at p. 177.9 in the 1st ed. there reads "Word of Honor." Apparently current. .18 myself himself CHAP. IV 4th (8vo.) ed., but the both expressions were 306.7 myself 49.6 when where where 308.20 where For 3 changes ir i the L. P. copies see supra, p. 28, note. 51.7 meanest weakest weakest 309.25 meanest .10 rouling rolling on rolling on .27 rouling on upon 53.4 Office Offices Offices 310.25 Offices 54.12 my one of my one of my 311.16 one of my 55.11 the that(B) the .34 the 56.11 is it is it is 312.19 is .15 Queen a Queen a Queen .22 Queen CHAP. V 60.10 of which which which 315.9 which 63.1 or a Virtue or Virtue 316.32 or a Vir- tue 64.2 Cause of ... a War 317.17 . . War War See List IV, p. 90. .7 when where (B) when 317.22 when 65.6 those these these 318.6 these .13 are is(B) are 318.11 is .13 another a a .11 a See List II, p. 114. 67.1 Bayonets, Bayonets, Bayonets, 319.3 Bayonets, Sieges Battles (B) Sieges Sieges "Sea fights; is there no mention of Land fights?" (P) 68.16 my Hoof his Hoof his Hoof .34 his Hoof 69. See List II, Note 53, p. 117. CHAP. VI 81.12 or to or save 325.2 or to save save 104 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 85.1 and or or 327.2 or 86.3 operated operated operated .23 operated the one con- contrary . . contrary . . contrary . . trary to each other 87.18 Bones, Bones, (B) Bones, 328.19 Bones, Beasts Birds, etc. Beasts Beasts 88.12 inferior inferior inferior .33 inferior posterior Posterior "Part of P. 90 & 91 false and silly, infallibly not the same Author." (P 92.2 makes made(B) makes 310(330) .4 makes .12 Way to way of .12 way to "93. at last by an Act of Indemnity, abrupt." (P) "P. 97 a great Man. Nonsence. the author is not talking of great Men, but of Men highly born. I believe it should be of a Noble Birth, or rather Marks of Noble Blood. I take this Page to be likewise corrupted, from some low Expressions in it." (P) CHAP. VII 99.3 enlight- enlarged enlarged 314(334). 16 ened enlarged 109.2 and it and it pro- and it pro- 340.4 It pro- produced duced in them duced in them duced .6 chatter chatter, and chatter .7 chatter, reel(B) and roul .23 taken known to have known to have .22 known to myself been taken been taken have been tak- with success with Success en with Success 112.8 with with the with the 341.33 with the 113.2 the Arti- the last Arti- the last Arti- 342.12 the last cle cle cle article .22 could did did .27 did "Could follows.' *(P) 114.5 discover plainly dis- discover .33 plainly cover (B) discover THE FORD CORRECTIONS 105 CHAP. VIII 121.5 scratch search search 346.21 search 127.1 again, or again. Or again, or 349.24 again ; or .3 bestow bestow him(B) bestow him .26 bestows on him on him "bestow on him one of their own Colts." Ford's expression is unusual, but correct. 130.5 hard and hard stony hard stony 351.13 hard stony stony Cf. "grave decent," Pt. II, 55.8. .8 Rivet River (B) River .15 River .19 were are are .24 are 131.19 Family Family in the District (B) Family 352.7 Family CHAP. IX 132.13 that which (B) that 353.12 that "the only Debate : that ever happened." Ford's change to "which" does not point to Swifl 133.24 or and and 354.12 and 134.8 old Ones elder elder .19 the Older 138.21 Memory Memorys Memories 357.3 Mem- ories Where Ford changed a singular noun ending in "y" to the plural, he simply added the * 's," without changing to "ies." 139.10 Subdivi- Subdivisions .11 Subdivi- sions into sions Weeks Dennis prints "subdivision," which is better. 141.15 several certain certain 358. 18 certain 144.8 cut cuts cuts 360.1 cuts CHAP. X 145 14 Room for ... to be ... to be 361.11 ... to be made for made for made for 146.16 I made Ilikewise(B) I also made 362.6 I likewise I also(P) made 106 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 147.19 splene- splenaticks(P) Splenaticks .28 Splene- tick [adj.] spleneticks ( B ) (sic) ticks, 149.21 the their . . . their . . . 363.34 their Thoughts Minds .22 their the the 364.1 the .24 on or(B) on .2 on 150.24 their this my .20 their 152.4 and my my 365.9 my .8 only a lit- only a little only a little .11 perhaps a tle civilized more civilized civilized little more (B) civilized 154.4 agreeable ... to the 366.11 to Reason to Reason Reason .5 ever never of an .12 ever 157.13 of of an 368.3 of an CHAP. XI 172.24 their the Word and . . 377.2 their 177.9 Word of . 379.4 Word of Honour Honour Cf. supra, 45.12. 182.15 I became I had become I had become 381.30 I had be- come CHAP. XII 186.24 tempta- Temptation temptation 384.33 Tempta- tions tion 189.8 not with not the least not with 386.11 not the with(B) least with 190.1 Tribes Tribe(B) Tribes .24 Tribes 192.3 some modern modern 387.30 modern modern .9 Discovery Discoverys Discoveries 388.1 Discov- eries Cf. 138.21 in this list. 194.4 the their have any .32 the .17 have a have any 389.8 have a THE FORD CORRECTIONS 107 195.1 may con- more con- cern cerns .4 these those (B) .9 on 197.7 ask'd ask more con- .16 may con- cerns cern these .16 these in F. omits last paragraph, from 195.7 to .19. asked 390.10 asked LIST II RESTITUTIONS FROM THE "BOOK" In the following pages the quotations in the left column are from the fourth (8vo.) edition of Motte, 1727; those in the right are from the Dublin edition of Faulkner, 1735, un- less otherwise stated. F. refers to Faulkner ; D. to the Bohn edition by Dennis, 1914. Unless otherwise stated, refer- ences to Ford are to his copy of the printed book. MOTTE; 4TH (8VO.) EDI- FAULKNER; DUBLIN EDI- TION, LONDON, 1727 TION, 1735 PART II CHAP. VI 119.21 . . . "Ignorance, Idle- ness and Vice may be sometimes the only Ingredients fcr quali- fying a Legislator." CHAP, vn 136.16(14) . . . "Disease to which so many other Govern- ments are subject;" 163.28 . . . "Ignorance, Idle- ness, and Vice are the proper Ingredients," etc. (The same in Ford.) 173.19 . . . "Disease, to which the whole Race of Mankind is subject;" (The same in Ford.) PART III CHAP. Ill 42.16 (Passage omitted in the Motte Ed. It was on the Ford sheet inserted opposite p. 91, and was probably overlooked, or not discovered until too late). 42.16 "This Advantage hath enabled them to extend their Discoveries," etc. 214.15 . . . "For, although their largest Telescopes do not exceed three Feet, they magnify much more than those of a Hundred with us, and shew the Stars with greater Clearness. This Ad- vantage hath," etc. (Ford's copy is slightly different ; "of an hundred Yards among us, THE FORD CORRECTIONS 109 47.2 . . . "and the whole Mass would fall to the Ground." (Ford passage begins here.) (The remainder of this pas- sage was on the Ford sheet op- posite p. 70, Pt. IV, and, like the preceding, was not noticed by the compositor until too late.) and at the same time shew the Stars with greater Clearness. This Advantage," etc.) [Ford]. "About three years before my Arrival among them, while the King was in his Pro- gress over his Dominions, there happened an extraordinary Ac- cident which had like to have put a Period to the Fate of that Monarchy, at least as it is now instituted. Lindalino, the second City in the Kingdom was the first his Majesty visited in his Progress. Three Days after his Departure the Inhabitants who had often complained of great Oppressions, shut the Town Gates, seized on the Governor, and with incredible Speed and Labour erected four large Tow- ers, one at every Corner of the City (which is an exact Square) equal in Heigth [sic] to a strong pointed Rock that stands direct- ly in the Center of the City. Upon the Top of each Tower, as well as upon the Rock, they fixed a great Loadstone, and in case their Design should fail, they had provided a vast Quanti- ty of the most combustible Fewel, hoping to burst therewith the adamantine Bottom of the Island, if the Loadstone Project should miscarry. "It was eight Months before the King had perfect Notice that the Lindalinians were in Re- bellion. He then commanded that the Island should be wafted over the City. The People were unanimous, and had laid in Store of Provisions, and a great River 110 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS runs through the middle of the Town. The King hovered over them several Days to deprive them of the Sun and the Rain. He ordered many Packthreads to be sent 50 down, yet not a Person offered to send up a Pe- tition, but instead thereof, very bold Demands, the Redress of all their Greivances, great Im- nunitys, the Choice of their own Governor, and other the like Exorbitances. Upon which his Majesty commanded all the Inhabitants of the Island to cast great Stones from the lower Gal- lery into the Town ; but the Citi- zens had provided against this Mischief by conveying their Per- sons and Effects into the four Towers, and other strong Build- ings, and Vaults under Ground. "The King being now deter- mined to reduce this proud Peo- ple, ordered that the Island should descend gently within fourty Yards of the Top of the Towers and Rock. This was accordingly done ; but the Offi- cers employed in that Work found the Descent much speed- ier than usual, and by turning the Loadstone could not without great Difficulty keep it in a firm Position, but found the Island inclining to fall. They sent the King immediate Intelligence of this astonishing event, and begged his Majesty's Permission to raise the Island higher; the King consented, a general Coun- cil was called, and the Officers 50 Dennis substitutes "let." "Send" occurs in the next line. THE FORD CORRECTIONS 111 of the Loadstone ordered to at- tend. One of the oldest and expertest among them obtained Leave to try an Experiment. He took a strong Line of an hun- dred Yards, and the Island be- ing raised over the Town above the attracting Power they had felt, He fastened a Piece of Ada- mant to the End of his Line which had in it a Mixture of Iron mineral; of the same Na- ture with that whereof the Bot- tom or lower Surface of the Is- land is composed, and from the lower Gallery let it down slowly towards the Top of the Towers. The Adamant was not descended four Yards, before the Officer felt it drawn so strongly down- wards, that he could hardly pull it back. He then threw down several small Pieces of Adamant, and observed that they were all violently attracted by the Top of the Tower. The same Ex- periment was made on the other three Towers, and on the Rock with the same Effect. "This Incident broke entirely the King's Measures, and (to dwell no longer on other Cir- cumstances) he was forced to give the Town their own Con- ditions. "I was assured by a great Min- ister, that if the Island had de- scended so near the Town, as not to be able to raise itself, the Cit- izens were determined to fix it forever, to kill the King and all his Servants, and entirely change the Government" (D. 178.1). (The above passage was first 112 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS CHAP. VI 90.8 "I told him, that should I happen to live in a kingdom where Plots and Conspiracies were either in vogue from the turbulancy of the meaner people, or could be turned to the use and service of the higher rank of them, I first would t;.ke care to cherish and encourage the breed of Discoverers, Witnesses, Informers, Accusers, Prosecu- tors, Evidences, Swearers, to- gether with their several sub- servient and subaltern instru- ments; and when I had got a competent number of them of all sorts and capacities, I would put them under the colour and conduct of some dextrous per- sons in sufficient power both to protect and reward them. Men thus qualified and thus empow- ered might make a most excel- lent use and advantage of Plots, they might raise their own char- acters and pass for most pro- found Politicians, they might re- store new vigor to a crazy Ad- ministration, they might stifle or divert general Discontents ; fill their pockets with forfeitures, and advance or sink the opinion of publick Credit, as either might answer their private Ad- vantage. This might be done by first agreeing and settling among themselves what suspected per- sons should be accused of a printed in its proper place, in the text, by Dennis, but had been earlier printed in the appendix to Aitken's Gulliver, London, 1896.) 242.33 I told him, that in the Kingdom of Tribnia, by the Na- tives called Langden, where I had long sojourned ["sojourned some time in my Travels; Ford], the Bulk of the People consisted ["consist in a manner;" Ford] wholly of Discoverers, Witness- es, Informers, Accusers, Prose- cutors, Evidences, Swearers ; to- gether with their several subser- vient and subaltern Instruments; all under the Colours, the Con- duct, and pay ["Colours and Con- duct;" Ford] of Ministers ["of State;" Ford] and their Depu- ties. The Plots in that King- dom are usually the Work- manship of those Persons who desire to raise their own Characters of profound Politi- cians; to restore new Vigour to a crazy Administration ; to stifle or divert general Discontents; to fill their Coffers ["Pockets;" Ford] with Forfeitures; and raise or sink the Opinion of pub- lick Credit, as either shall best answer their private Advantage. "It is first agreed and settled among them, what suspected Persons shall be accused of a Plot : Then, effectual Care is taken to secure all their Letters and other [Ford writes "persons" and "then," without capitals and omits "other."] Papers, and put the Owners ["Criminals;" Ford] THE FORD CORRECTIONS 113 Plot. Then effectual Care being ["is," 1st ed.] taken to secure all their Letters and Papers, and put the criminal in safe and secure custody; ["These," 1st ed.] these Papers might be de- livered to a sett of Artists of dexterity sufficient to find out the mysterious meanings of Words, Syllables, and Letters. They should be allowed to put what interpretation they pleased upon them, giving them a sense not only which has no relation at all to them, but even what is quite contrary to their true in- tent and real meaning; thus for instance, they may, if they so fancy, interpret a Sieve to signify a Court Lady ; a lame Dog an Invader, the Plague a standing Army, a Buzzard a great Statesman, the Gout a High Priest, a Chamber-pot a Committee of Grandees, a Broom a Revolution, a Mouse- trap an Imployment, a Bottom- less-pit a Treasury, a Sink a Court, a Cap :.nd Bells a Fa- vourite, a broken Reed a Court of Justice, an empty Tun a Gen- eral, a running Sore an Admin- istration. "But should this method fail, recourse might be had to others more effectual, by learned men called Acrosticks and Anagrams. First, might be found men of skill and penetration who can discern that all initial Letters have political Meanings. Thus JV shall signify a Plot, B a Reg- in Chains. These Papers are delivered to a Set of Artists very dextrous in finding out the mysterious Meanings of Words, Syllables and Letters. For Instance, they can de- cypher ["discover;" Ford] a Close-stool to signify a Privy- Council; a Flock of Geese, a Senate; a lame Dog, an Invader; ["a Codshead a ;" Ford] the Plague, a standing Army; a Buzard, a ["prime;" Ford] Min- ister ; the Gout, a High Priest ; a Gibbet, a Secretary of State; a Chamber pot, a Committee of Grandees; [Ford's punctuation differs slightly from Faulkner's] a Sieve a Court Lady; a Broom, a Revolution ; a Mouse-trap, an Employment; a bottomless Pit, the Treasury ; a Sink, a C 1 ["the Court;" Ford] 51 ; a Cap and Bells, a Favourite ; a broken Reed, a Court of Justice; an empty Tun, a General; a run- ning Sore, the Administration. "When ["Where;" Ford] this Method fails, they have two oth- ers more effectual; which the Learned among them call Acros- ticks, and Anagrams. First, they can decypher all initial Letters into political Meanings : Thus, N, shall signify a Plot; B, a Regi- ment of Horse; L, a Fleet at Sea. Or, secondly, by transpos- ing the Letters of the Alphabet, in any suspected Paper, they can lay open ["discover;" Ford] the deepest Designs of a discontent- ed Party. So for Example, if I 61 In the Faulkner ed. of 1752 this is spelled out, as by Ford. 114 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS iment of Horse, L a Fleet at Sea. Or secondly, by transpos- ing the Letters of the Alphabet in any suspected Paper, who can discover the deepest designs of a discontented Party. So for example, if I should say in a Letter to a Friend, Our Brother Tom has just got the Piles, a man of skill in this Art would discover how the same Letters which compose that Sentence, may be analyzed ["into," 1st ed.] in the following words ;" CHAP. VII 101.18 "I desired that the Sen- ate of Rome might appear before me in one large Chamber, and an Assembly of somewhat a lat- ter Age, in Counterview in an- other." should say in a Letter to a Friend, Our Brother Tom hath ["has;" Ford] just got the Piles; a Man of Skill in this Art ["a skillful Decypherer;" Ford] would discover how ["that" for "how;" Ford] the same Letters which compose that Sentence, may be analyzed into the follow- ing Words; Resist, — a Plot is brought home — The Tour." (The above, from p. 90, agrees with Ford, except as noted, and except as to some differences of punctuation, etc. Note, that Faulkner avoids tautology in substituting "how" for "that.") 249.18 "I desired that the Sen- ate of Rome might appear before me in one large Chamber, and a modern Representative, in Coun- terview, in another." (The same in Ford.) PART IV chap, rv 48.18 . . . "that faculty of Lying, so perfectly well under- stood among human Creatures." chap, v 65.13 "There are likewise a kind of Princes in Europe, not able to make War by themselves, who hire out their Troops to richer Nations, for so much a Day to each Man ; of which they keep three fourths to them- selves, and it is the best part of their Maintenance; such are 308.9 . . . "that Faculty of Lying, so perfectly well under- stood, and so universally prac- tised among human Creatures." (Original with Faulkner, and copied by Hawkesworth.) 318.11 "There is likewise a Kind of beggarly Princes in Eu- rope, not able to make War by themselves, who hire out their Troops to richer Nations for so much a Day to each Man ; of which they keep three Fourths to themselves, and it is the best Part of their Maintenance; such THE FORD CORRECTIONS 115 those in many Northern Parts of Europe." 69.15 "Therefore he desired to be farther satisfied what I meant by Law, and what sort of Dis- pensers thereof it could be by whose Practices the Property of any Person could be lost, in- stead of being preserved. He added, he saw not what great Occasion there could be for this thing called Law, since all the Intentions and Purnoses of it may be fully answered by fol- lowing the Dictates of Nature and Reason, which are sufficient Guides for a reasonable Ani- mal, as we pretended to be, in shewing us what we ought to do, and what to avoid. "I assured his honour, that Law was a Science wherein I had not much conversed, having little more Knowledge of it than what I had obtained by employing Ad- vocates, in vain, upon some in- justices that had been done me, and by conversing with some others who by the same Method had first lost their substance and then left their own country un- der the Mortification of such Disappointments, however I would give him all the Satis- faction I was able. "1 said that those who made profession of this Science were exceedingly multiplied, being al- most equal to the Caterpillars in Xumber; that they were of di- verse Degrees, Distinctions and Denominations. The numerous- are those in many ["in Germany and other;" Ford] Northern parts of Europe." (Even Faulk- ner, in 1735, did not dare print Ford's substitute.) 320.18 "Therefore he desired to be farther satisfied what I meant by Law, and the Dispens- ers thereof, according to the present Practice in my own Country: Because he thought, Nature and Reason were suffi- cient Guides for a reasonable Animal, as we pretended to be, in shewing us what we ought to do, and what to avoid. [The same in Ford.] "I assured his Honour, that Law was a Science wherein I had not much conversed, furth- er than by employing Advocates, in vain, upon some Injustices that had been done me. How- ever, I would give him all the Satisfaction I wa3 able. [The same in Ford.] "I said there was a Society of Men among us, bred up from their Youth in the Art of prov- ing by Words multiplied for the Purpose, that White is Black, and Black is White, according as they are paid. To this So- ciety all the rest of the People are Slaves. [The same in Ford.] "For example if my Neighbor hath a mind to my Cow, he hires a Lawyer to prove that he ought to have my Cow from me. I must then hire another to defend my Right; it being against all Rules of Law that 116 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS ness of those that dedicated themselves to this Profession were such that the fair and justi- fiable Advantage and Income of the Profession was not sufficient for the decent and handsome Maintenance of Multitudes of those who followed it. Hence it came to pass that it was found needful to supply that by Arti- fice and Cunning, which could not be procured by just and hon- est Methods : The better to bring which about, very many Men among us were bred up from their Youth in the Art of prov- ing by Words multiplied for the purpose, that White is Black, and Black is White, according as they are paid. The Greatness of these Mens Assurance and the Boldness of their Preten- sions gained upon the Opinion of the Vulgar, whom in a Manner they made Slaves of, and got into their Hands much the larg- est share of the Practice of their Profession. These Practitioners were by Men of Discernment called Pettifoggers, (that is, Confonnders, or rather, Destroy- ers of Right), 52 as it was my ill Hap as well as the Misfortune of my suffering Acquaintance to be engaged only with this Spe- cies of the Profession. I de- sired his Honour to understand the Description I had to give, any Man should be allowed to speak for himself. Now in this Case, I who am the true ["right;" Ford] Owner lie un- der two great Disadvantages. First, my Lawyer being prac- tised almost from his Cradle in defending Falshood ; is quite out of his Element when he would be an Advocate for ["of;" Ford] Justice, which as an Office un- natural, he always attempts with great Awkwardness, if not with ["great Awkwardness, if not with" are omitted by Ford] Ill- will. The second Disadvantage is, that my Lawyer must proceed with great Caution; Or else he will be reprimanded by the Judges, and abhorred by, his Brethren, as one who ["that;" . Ford] would lessen the Practice of the Law. And therefore I have but two Methods to pre- serve my Cozv. "The first is, to gain over my Adversary's Lawyer with a dou- ble Fee; who will then betray his Client, by insinuating that he hath Justice on his Side. The second Way is for my Lawyer to make my Cause appear as un- just as he can, by allowing the Cozv to belong to my Adversary; and this if it be skilfully done, will certainly bespeak the Fav- our of the Bench. [The same in Ford.] "Now, your Honour is to know, that these Judges are Persons 52 This sentence should end at "Right," and the next lines be combined with what follows, to-wit : "As it was &c. . . to be en- gaged only with this Species of the Profession, I desired," etc. THE FORD CORRECTIONS 117 and the Ruin I had complained of to relate to these Sectaries only ; and how and by what means the Misfortunes we met with were brought upon us by the Management of these Men, might be more easily conceived by explaining to him their Meth- od of Proceeding, which could not be better done than by giv- ing him an Example. "My Neighbour, said I, I will suppose, has a mind to my Cow, 53 he hires one of these advocates to prove that he ought to have my Cow from me. I must then hire another of them to defend my right, it being against all Rules of Law that any man should be allowed to speak for himself. Now in this case, I who am the right Owner lie un- der two great Disadvantages. First, my Advocate, being as I said before practised almost from his Cradle in defending Falshood, is quite out of his Element when he would argue for Right, which as an Office unnatural he attempts with great Awkwardness, if not with an Ill-will. The second disad- vantage is that my Advocate must proceed with great Cau- tion; for, since the Maintenance of so many depends on the keep- appointed to decide all Contro- versies of Property, as well as for the Tryal of Criminals; and picked out from the most dex- trous Lawyers who are grown old or lazy; And having been by- assed all their Lives against Truth and Equity, lie ["are;" Ford] under such a fatal Ne- cessity of favouring Fraud, Perjury and Oppression; that I have known some ["sev- eral;" Ford] of them, to have refused ["refuse;" Ford] a large Bribe from the Side where Jus- tice lay, rather than injure the Faculty, by doing any thing un- becoming their Nature or their Office. "It is a Maxim among these Lawyers, that whatever hath been done before, may legally be done again : And therefore they take special Care to record all the Decisions formerly made against common Justice and the general Reason of Mankind. These, under the Name of Pre- cedents, they produce as Author- ities to justify the most Iniquit- ous Opinions ; and the Judges never fail of directing ["decree- ing;" Ford] accordingly." (The above from page 69 agrees with Ford's copy except as noted, and except as to some 53 "Towards ye end &c manifestly most barbarously corrupted, full of Flatness, Cant Words, and Softenings unworthy the Dignity, Spirit, Candour & Frankness of the Author. By that admirable In- stance of the Cow it is plain the Satyr is design'd against the Pro- fession in general, & not only against Attorneys, or, as they are there smartly styl'd, Pettifoggers. You ought in justice to restore these twelve Pages to the true Reading." (Ford's "paper.") 118 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS ing up of Business, should he slight differences of punctua- proceed too summarily, if he tion.) does not incur the Displeasure of his Superiors, he is sure to gain the Ill-will and Hatred of his Brethren, as being by them esteemed one that would lessen the Practice of the Law. This being the Case, I have but two Methods to preserve my Cow. The first is, to gain over my Ad- versaries Advocate with a dou- ble Fee; from the Manner and Design of whose Education be- fore mentioned it is easy to ex- pect he will be induced to drop his Client and let the Ballance fall on my side. The second way is for my Advocate not to insist on the Justice of my Cause, by allowing the Cow to belong to my Adversary; and this if it be dexterously and skilfully done will go a great way to- wards obtaining a favorable Verdict, it having been found, from a careful Observation of Issues and Events, that the wrong side, under the Manage- ment of such Practitioners, has the fairer Chance for Success, and this more especially if it happens, as it did in mine and my Friend's Case, and may have done since, that the Person ap- pointed to decide all Controver- sies of Property as well as for the Tryal of Criminals, who should be taken out of the most knowing and wise of his Pro- fession, is by the Recommenda- tion of a great Favourite, or Court-Mistress chosen out of the Sect before mentioned, and THE FORD CORRECTIONS 119 so, having been under a strong Biass all his Life against Equity and fair dealing, lies as it were under a fatal Necessity of fa- vouring, shifting, double dealing and Oppression, and besides through Age, Infirmity, and Dis- tempers grown lazy, unactive, and inattentive, and thereby al- most incapacitated from doing any thing becoming the Nature of his Imployment, and the Duty of his Office. 54 In such Cases, the Decisions and Determina- tions of Men so bred, and so qualified, may with Reason be expected on the wrong side of the Cause, since those who can take Harangue and Noise, (if pursued with Warmth, and drawn out into a Length,) for Reasoning, are not much to be wondered at, if they infer the weight of the Argument from the heaviness of the Pleading. It is a Maxim, among these Men, That whatever has been done before may legally be done again : And therefore they take special Care to record all the Decisions formerly made, even those which have through Ignor- ance or Corruption contradicted the Rules of Common Justice and the general Reason of Man- kind. These, under the Name of Precedents, they produce as Authorities, and thereby en- deavour to justify the most in- iquitous Opinions ; and they are 54 The thought here is meant to be carried forward and this would be expressed by using a dash after "Office," instead of a period. 120 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS so lucky in this Practice, that it rarely fails of Decrees answer- able to their Intent and Expec- tation." 77.3 "It is likewise to be ob- served that this Society hath a peculiar Cant and Jargon . . . whereby they have gone near to confound the very Essence of Truth and Falshood, of Right and Wrong : so that it may take Thirty Years to decide," etc. "In the Tryal of Persons ac- cused for Crimes against the State, the Method is much more short and commendable : For if those in power, who know well how to choose Instruments fit for their Purpose, take care to recommend and promote out of this Clan a proper Person, his Method of Education and Prac- tice makes it easy to him, when his Patron's Disposition is un- derstood, without Difficulty or Study either to condemn or ac- quit the Criminal, and at the same time strictly preserve all due Forms of Law." 78.11 "Advocates." .15 "In answer to which I assured his Honour that the Business and Study of their own Calling and Profession so took up all their Thoughts and en- grossed all their Time, that they minded nothing else, and that therefore, in all points out of their own Trade, many of them were of so great Ignorance and Stupidity, that it was hard to pick out of any Profession a Generation of Men more despic- 322.29 "It is likewise to be ob- served, that this Society hath a peculiar Cant and Jargon . . . whereby they have wholly con- founded the very Essence of Truth and Falshood, of Right and Wrong; so that it will take Thirty Years to decide," etc. (The same in Ford.) 323.5 "In the Tryal of Persons accused for Crimes against the State, the Method is much more short and commendable : The Judge first sends to sound the Disposition of those in Power; after which he can easily hang or save the Criminal, strictly preserving all the ["due;" Ford] Forms of Law." 323.13 "Lawyers." (Ford.) .16 "In Answer to which, I as- sured his Honour, that in all Points out of their own Trade, they were usually ["usually" is omitted by Ford] the most ig- norant and stupid Generation among us, the most despicable in common Conversation, avowed Enemies to all Knowledge and Learning; and equally disposed to pervert the general Reason of Mankind, in every other Subject of Discourse, as in that of their own Profession." 324. (Chapter heading altered to meet change of text. Accord- ing to Ford, it is "A Continua- tion of the State of England. The Character of a first Min- ister.") THE FORD CORRECTIONS 121 able in common Conversation, or who were so much looked upon as avowed Enemies to all Knowledge and Learning, being equally disposed to pervert the general reason of Mankind in every other Subject of Discourse as in that of their own Calling." CHAP. VI 90.12 "I told him, that our She Governor or Queen having no Ambition to gratify, no Inclin- ation to satisfy of extending her Power to the Injury of her Neighbours, or the Prejudice of her own Subjects, was therefore so far from needing a corrupt Ministry to carry on or cover any sinister Designs, that she not only directs her own Ac- tions to the Good of her People, conducts them by the Direction, and restrains them within the Limitation of the Laws of her own Country; but submits the Behaviour and Acts of those She intrusts with the Administration of Her Affairs to the Examina- tion of Her great Council, and subjects them to the Penalties of the Law; and therefore never puts any such Confidence in any of her Subjects as to entrust them with the whole and entire Administration of her Affairs: But I added, that in some form- er Reigns here, and in many other Courts of Europe now, where Princes grew indolent and careless of their own Affairs through a constant Love and Pursuit of Pleasure, they made use of such an Administrator, as I had mentioned, under the Ti- 310.1 (330.1 ) "I told him, that a First or Chief Minister of State, whom, ["who was the Person;" Ford] I intended to describe, was a Creature wholly exempt from Joy and Grief, Love and Hatred, Pity and Anger ; at least makes ["made;" Ford] use of no other Passions but a violent De- sire of Wealth, Power, and Ti- tles;" 122 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS tie of first or chief Minister of State, the Description of which, as far as it may be collected not only from their Actions, but from the Letters, Memoirs, and Writings published by them- selves, the Truth of which has not yet been disputed, may be allowed to be as follows : That he is a Person wholly exempt from Joy and Grief, Love and Hatred, Pity and Anger; at least makes use of no other Passions but a violent Desire of Wealth, Power and Titles;" 93.14 "by an Act of Indemnity (whereof I described the Na- ture to him) they secured them- selves from after Reckonings, and retired from the Publick, laden with the Spoils of the Na- tion." 97.1 "her Neighbors, or Ac- quaintance, in order to improve and continue the Breed. That a weak diseased Body, a meager Countenance, and sallow Com- plexion, are no uncommon Marks of a Great Man ; and a healthy robust Appearance is so far disgraceful in a Man of Quality, that the World is apt to conclude his real Father to have been one of the inferiors of the Family, especially when it is seen that the Imperfections of his Mind run parallel with those of his Body and are little else than a Composition of Spleen, Dulness, Ignorance, Ca- price, Sensuality, and Pride." 310.31 (330.31) "by an Exped- ient called an Act of Indemnity (whereof I described the Nature to him) they secure themselves from After-reckonings, and re- tire," etc. [Present tense used to correspond to "preserve them- selves" several lines above. Ford lets the past tense stand in each case.] 332.26 "her Neighbors, or Do- mesticks, in order to improve and continue the Breed. That, a weak diseased Body, a meager Countenance, and ["a" for "and;" Ford] sallow Complexion, are the true Marks of noble Blood; and a healthy robust Appearance is so disgraceful in a Man of Quality, that the World con- cludes his real Father to have been a Groom or a Coachman. The Imperfections of his Mind run parallel with those of his Body; being a Composition of Spleen, Dulness, Ignorance, Ca- price, Sensuality and Pride. Without the Consent of this illustrious Body, no Law can be THE FORD CORRECTIONS 123 CHAP. VII 107.22 "our Courts of Equity, would seldom have dismissed the Cause while either of them had any thing left." 109.19 "called Hnea-Yahoo or the Yahoo's- Evil, and the Cure prescribed is a Mixture of their own Dung and Urine forcibly- put down the Yahoo's Throat. This I have since often taken myself and do freely recom- mend," etc. [The above is the reading of the 1st ed. and may have been due to the malice of the printer's devil.] "This I have since often known to have been taken with Success, and do freely recom- mend," etc. [This is the reading of the 4th (8vo.) and subsequent editions, and is the same in Ford.] CHAP. XI 176.17 "of my Veracity, and the rather because he confessed he met with a Dutch Skipper, who pretended to have landed with Five others of his Crew upon a certain Island or Con- tinent South of Nezv Holland, where they went for fresh Water, and observed a Horse driving before him several Ani- mals exactly resembling those I described under the Name of Yahoos, with some other par- ticulars, which the Captain said he had forgot; because he then enacted ["made" for "enacted;" Ford], repealed, or altered: And these Nobles have ["these have;" Ford] likewise the Decision of all our Possessions without Ap- peal." (The same in Ford.) 339.19 "our Courts of Equity, would never," etc. (The same in Ford.) 340.21 "This I have since often known to have been taken with Success : And do here freely," etc. (Ford omits "here.") 379.1 "of my veracity. But he added," (Ford does not alter this passage, but Faulkner and Dennis omit it.) 124 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS concluded them all to be Lies. But he added," CHAP. XII 194.24 "However, if those whom it more concerns, ["may concern," 1st ed.] think fit to be of another Opinion, I am ready to depose, when I shall be law- fully called, That no European did ever visit these Countries before me. I mean, if the In- habitants ought to be believed; unless a Dispute may arise about the two Yahoos, said to have been seen many Ages ago in a Moun- tain in Houyhnhnm-land, from whence the Opinion is, that the Race of those Brutes hath de- scended ; and these, for any thing I know, may have been English, which indeed I was apt to suspect from the Lineaments of their Posterity's Counten- ances, although very much de- faced. But, how far that will go to make out a Title, I leave to the Learned in Colony-Law." The above passages printed by Faulkner agree very closely with those of the Ford copy — nearly enough to confirm the conclusion that Faulkner's statement in his "Advertisement" referred to the Ford or a similar copy, of which he actually had the use. Faulkner thus gave Swift the satisfaction of seeing the "sting" restored to most of the passages from which Motte had withdrawn it. In a few cases, however, even Faulkner was unwilling to go to the length to which Ford had urged Motte, as for example, to print "a Sink, the Court." He would not even go as far as Motte had gone — "a Court" — but printed "a C — t." On the other hand, he doubtless humored Swift, by giving or allowing a wider ap- plication to some of his innuendoes. 389.13 "However, if those whom it may concern ["more concerns;" Ford], think fit to be of another Opinion, I am ready to depose, when I shall be lawfully called, That no Eu- ropean did ever visit these Coun- tries before me. I mean, if the Inhabitants ought to be believ- ed." (Dennis adds to the fore- going : "unless a dispute may arise about the two Yahoos, said to have been seen many ages ago on a mountain in Houy- hnhnm-land." The rest of the passage is omitted by Faulkner, Hawkesworth, Sheridan, and Dennis. Ford is silent. Swift's words are too strong for an English ear, even two hundred years away. Possibly, however, Swift relented in this instance, and consented to expunge this brutal slur on his countrymen.) CONTENTS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF EDITIONS OF GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, MAINLY FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND FRANCE BELGIUM GERMANY HOLLAND — DUTCH HOLLAND — FRENCH ITALY SPAIN SWEDEN NORTH AMERICA BIBLIOGRAPHY NOTE. Abbreviations will be used in the appended list as fol- lows: Travels. . .W orld = Travels into several remote nations of the world. Four = In four parts. Lemuel . . . Ships = By Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon and then a captain of several ships. Swift . . . Dean = Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. S- P. == Separately paged. C. P. = Continuously paged. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND LONDON 1726 (Motte) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, at the Middle Temple Gate in Fleet-street, mdccxxvi. 2 v. Parts separately paged. Pp., pt. 1, xvi, 148; pt. 2, vi (unnumbered), 164; pt. 3, vi (unnumbered), 155; pt. 4, viii (unnumbered), 199; front, (port) ; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 19*. First edition. Published in two sizes; large paper (cm. 23.3) with port, in first state, and ordinary size (cm. 19i ) with port, in first or in second state. (Pis. I-VI, IX.) 1726 (Motte) Same title and imprint as first edition. M,DCC,XXVI. 2 v. Parts separately paged. Pp., pt. 1, xii, 148; pt. 2, vi^unnumbered), 164; pt. 3, vi (unnumbered), 154; pt. 4, viii (unnumbered), 199; plates as above; cm. 19£. 128 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Second edition. Ordinary size only. The three title pages of v. 1 are identical with those of the first edition. The text of v. 2 is found with two different general title pages : Type A has on it "The Second Edition" ; Type B, in the line below "Gulliver," has "Vol. II," and is the same as that of the third edition (continuous pagination). Portrait in second state. (Pis. II-IV, VII, VIII, IX, XL). 1726 (Motte) Same title and imprint as the two preced- ing editions. m,dcc,xxvi. 2 v. Each volume continuously paged. Pp., v. 1, xii (last four unnumbered), 148, and vi (unnumbered), 149- 310; v. 2, vi (unnumbered), 154, and viii (unnumbered), 155-353; plates as above; cm. 19^. Third edition. Variant : Type C. Has the prelimi- nary leaves and the text of parts 1 and 3 of the C. p. edi- tion of 1726, with parts 2 and 4 entire, of the (s. p.) edi- tion of 1727, thus apparently making a fourth (s. p.) edition of 1726. No copy in contemporary binding has been noted. Portrait in second state. (Pis. VII, VIII.) DUBLIN 1726 (Hyde) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. In this Impression, several ERRORS in the London Edition are Corrected. Dublin : Print- ed by and for J. Hyde, Bookseller in Dame's Street, 1726. (PI. XX.) 2 v. in 1. Pp., x (unnumbered) (2), 274; 5 maps, 1 plan ; cm. 16*. No port, in copy examined. LONDON 1726 (No pub.) A KEY, being Observations and Ex- planatory Notes upon the Travels of Lemuel Gul- liver. By Signor Corolini, a noble Venetian now residing in London. In a Letter to Dean Swift. BIBLIOGRAPHY 129 Translated from the Italian Original. Qui vitlt, Lector, incipi decipiatur, Out comes the Book, and the Key follows after. London: Printed in the year mdccxxvi. Price Six Pence. Pp., 29 (3, book ads. by H. Curll) ; cm. \9 l / 2 . This (first) letter is sometimes preceded by a plate and this title-page : Lemuel Gulliver's Travels into several remote Nations of the World. Compendiously methodized, for pub- lick Benefit; with Observations and Explanatory Notes throughout. The Mind of the Frontispiece. Above, the Lilliputian-Scene survey; Beneath, see Flimnap, by his Wand, bear sway. LONDON : Printed in the year MDCCXXVI. Price 2s. 6d. The above is followed by a leaf — a poem headed : — Verses writ in the Blank Leaf of a Lady's GULLI- VER, as it lay open, in an Apartment of St. James's Palace. 1726 The Brobdingnagians. Being a KEY to Gulli- ver's Voyage to Brobdingnag. In a Second Letter to Dean SWIFT. Such- Policy, such Arts, and such Decorum, Has not been seen in any State before 'em. Hesiod, aut al. London : Printed in the year mdccxxvi. Price Six Pence. Pp. 32; cm. 19*. 1726 The Flying Island, etc. Being a KEY to Gulli- ver's Voyage to Laputa, 1 1 Luggnagg, Balnibarbi. and Glubbdubdribb, Japan. 130 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS In a Third Letter to Dean SWIFT Laputians here behold with wond'ring Eyes, And see the Stocks in Balnibarbi rise ; Luggnaggian Muftis bear away the Bell, And Glubbdnbdribbians call up Sprites from Hell: The Japanese in fam'd Exploits are found, And long have been by Ogilby renown'd. GULLIVER. LONDON : Printed in the Year mdccxxvi. Price Six Pence. Pp. 32; cm. \%. 1726 The Kingdom of Horses. Being a KEY to Gul- liver's Voyage to the Houyhnhnms. In a Fourth Letter to Dean SWIFT. Here, Rochester's Remark's made good, at least, Man, differs more from Man ; than Man from Beast. London : Printed in the Year mdccxxvi. Price Six Pence. Pp. 28; cm. 19*. 1727 (Motte). Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, at the Middle Temple-Gate in Fleet-street. m,dcc,- xxvii. 2 v. Each vol. continuously paged. Pp.: pt. I., xii (iii to vi numbered), 122; pt. 2, vi (unnumbered), 129-264; pt. 3, vi (unnumbered), 118; pt. 4, vi (unnumbered), 125-269; 5 maps, 5 plates; cm. 15J. Fourth Motte edition. Has the usual 5 maps and 1 plate ; and 4 engraved plates of scenes. Some copies have the "Verses" of the 8vo ed. of this year. Some typo- graphical errors were evidently corrected during the press- work. No portrait. (PI. XVI.) 1727 (Motte) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. To which are prefix'd Several Copies of BIBLIOGRAPHY 131 VERSES Explanatory and Commendatory; never before printed. Vol. I. The Second Edition. [Vol. II — "The Second Edition, Corrected."] London: Printed for Benj. Motte, at the Middle Temple-Gate in Fleet-street. Mdcccxxvii. 2 v. Parts separately paged. Pp., pt. 1, xii, 148; pt. 2, vi, 164; pt. 3, vi, 155, and pt. 4, viii, 199; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 19i Fifth (4th 8vo.) Motte edition. Variant: — Type D. Has the five title pages, all the preliminary leaves at the beginning of each volume, and the first leaf of the text of Vol. I of the s. p. ed. of 1727, with the text of both volumes after p. 2, including the "Contents" of Parts II and IV, of the c. p. ed. of 1726, thus apparently making a c. p. edition of 1727. Only one copy noted, and that was rebound. Portrait in second or in third state. (Pis. X, XIV, XV.) 1727 Travels . . . World. By Capt. Lemuel Gulliver. Vol. III. Accidit in Puncto, quod non speratur in Anno. Gaudent securi narrare pericida ncintae. London: Printed in the Year m.dcc.xxvii. In two parts. Pp. vi, 118, and viii, 159; cm. 19*. (Half title). This volume, not by Swift, contains "A Second voyage to Brobdingnag," "A Voyage to Sporunda," and "A Voy- age to Sevarambia," the last named being stolen from "History of the Sevarites or Sevarambes," by Denis de Veiras, first published at London in 1675-1679.' (Cf. Fritz Briiggemann. Utopie und Robinsonaden, Weimar, 1914, p. 152, Note.) 1727 (Stone) Travels . . . World. By Capt. Lemuel Gulliver. Faithfully abridged. London: Printed for J. Stone, against Bedford-Row, and R. King, at the Prince's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard. MDCCXXVII. (PI. XXI.) 132 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 4 parts in 1 v. Pages numbered as of two volumes. Pp. viii or xiv, 159, and 175(4) ; front, (port.) ; cm. 16. General t.p. ; and separate t.p. to Pt. 2 only, (pp. 71-74, Contents to Pt. 2.) After the preface some copies have 2 pp. of "Contents" (to Pt. 1) ; others — "A key and com- plete index to Captain Gulliver's Travels" — 8 numbered pp. DUBLIN 1727 (Risk) Travels . . . World. Vol. I. Containing Part I. A Voyage to Lilliput. Part II. A Voy- age to Brobdingnag. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships. With Cuts and Maps of the Author's Travels. Dublin: Printed by S. P. for G. Risk, G. Ewing, and W. Smith, in Dame's-street, Mdccxxvii. 2 v. in 1 ; cm. 16^. The copy in the Yale library has a portrait of Swift, by Cook, pasted on the fly leaf opposite the t. p. Copy not examined. LONDON 1727 (Roberts) Memoirs of the Court of Lilliput. Written by Captain Gulliver. Containing an Ac- count of the Intrigues, and some other particular Transactions of that Nation, omitted in the two Volumes of his Travels. Published by Lucas Bennett, with a Preface, showing how these Pa- pers fell into his hands. London: Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane. m.dcc.xxvii. (Price 2s.) Pp., viii, 159; cm. 191. At least two editions were published in 1727. 1727 (Roberts) Gulliver Decypher'd ; or Remarks on a late Book, intitled, Travels into several remote BIBLIOGRAPHY 133 Nations of the World. By Capt. Lemuel Gulliver. Vindicating the Reverend Dean on whom it is ma- liciously Father'd. With some probable Conjec- tures concerning the Real Author. Sit mihi fas audita loqui: sit numine vestro Pandere res alta terra & caligine mersas. Virg. A En. 6. London : Printed for J. Roberts, near the Ox- ford-Arms in Warwick-Lane : And Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster. (Price Is.) Pp. xiv, 49; cm. 20. (Half-title) 1728 (Roberts) An Account of the State of Learning in the Empire of Lilliput. Together with the His- tory and Character of Bullum the Emperor's Li- brary-keeper. Faithfully transcribed out of Cap- tain Lemuel Gulliver's General Description of the Empire of Lilliput, mention'd in the 69th Page of the First Volume of his Travels. London : Printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, m dcc xxvii. Pp. 37; cm. 19J. 1728 (Austen?) A rebound copy of the 4th (8vo.) Motte edition has 4 leaves of book-advertisements at the end of Vol. II, among which, in "A catalogue of Books Printed for Stephen Austen, at the Angel over-against the North Door of St. Paul's, 1728," on p. 4, is the following: "Gulliver's Travels, 3 Vol. 8vo." This notice may refer to a Motte ed. with the spurious Vol. III. 1731 (Motte) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. London. Printed for Benjamin Motte, at the Middle Temple-Gate in Fleet-street, m.dcc- XXXI. 2 v. ; cm. 16. 134 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS For this edition the sheets of the 4th ed., 1727 (q. v.), have been taken, and new title pages set. In the copy examined there is no separate title-page for Part I. The copy contains the 12 pp. of Verses. DUBLIN 1735 (Faulkner) Volume III, of the Author's Works. Containing Travels into several remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts, viz. I. A Voyage to Lilliput. II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. III. A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubb- dubdrib and Japan. IV. A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships. Retroq; Valgus abhorret ab his. In this Impres- sion several Errors in the London and Dublin Editions are corrected. Dublin : Printed by and for George Faulkner, Printer and Bookseller, in Essex-Street, opposite to the Bridge. Mdccxxxv. One of 4 vols.; pp. xx, 404; front, (port, of Gulliver), 5 maps and 1 plan; cm. 19*. (Pis. XVIII, XIX.) Pp. 392-404 are the Verses. Yale University Library reports 11 v. in this series, extending to 1763. The vols, after Vol. IV may rather belong with a later ed. Cf. infra, 1743. 1735 (Faulkner) Volume III of the Author's Works containing, Travels into several remote Nations of the World. In four parts, viz. [&c, as in the 8vo ed. of the same year]. Pp. xii (unnumbered) viii, 336; front, (port, of Gulli- ver) ; 5 maps (1 wrongly numbered, and 2 folded) and 1 plan ; cm. 16£. The Verses occupy pp. 309-312, 332-336 (sic). Vol. I bears the title: "The Works of /. 5"., D.D., D.S. P.D. in four volumes. Containing, I. The Author's Mis- BIBLIOGRAPHY 135 cellanies in Prose. II. His Poetical Writings. III. The Travels of Capt. Lemuel Gulliver. IV. His Papers relating to Ireland, consisting of several Treatises; among which are, The Drapier's Letters to the People of Ire- land, against receiving Wood's Half-pence : Also, two Original Drapier's Letters, never before published. "In this Edition are great Alterations and Additions; and likewise many Pieces in each Volume, never before published. "Dublin : Printed by and for George Faulkner, Printer and Bookseller, in Essex Street, opposite to the Bridge. M,DCC,XXXV." Issued after July. Cf. Motte to Swift, Works, etc., 1843, II, 747. For facs. pis., cf. London ed. 1892. LONDON 1742 (Bathurst) Travels . . . World. Four . . . Lemuel . . . Ships. The Fourth Edition, Corrected. Lon- don : Printed for Charles Bathurst, at the Cross- Keys in Fleet-Street, mdccxui. Pp. xii (unnumbered), 352; 5 maps, I plan; cm. 18. (Title-page in red and black.) Charles Bathurst is said to have been a partner of Ben- jamin Motte. In this edition he has apparently borrowed from the Faulkner text. Cf. p. 325.12. DUBLIN 1743 (Faulkner) Title-page of Vol. Ill like that of 1735, except imprint, which reads: "Dublin: Printed by and for George Faulkner, in Essex- street, opposite to the Bridge, mdccxliii ;" and omission of reference to the London and Dublin editions. Pp. xx, 382; cm. 19J. 136 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Vol. I, 1746, has the title "The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., D.S.P.D., in Eight volumes, containing" [subjects of each vol.], and published from 1741 to 1746. Dublin : Printed by George Faulkner, in Essex-Street. M,d,cc,xi,vi. Vol. Ill, pp. 370-382, contains verses. Vol. VII, 1751, Letters (1714-1738), is 5th ed. Cf. Faulkner ed., 1735. LONDON 1747 (Bathurst) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. The Fifth Edition, Corrected. Lon- don : Printed for Charles Bathurst, at the Cross- Keys in Fleet-Street, mdccxlvii. Pp. x, 296; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 16$ . (Title-page in red and black.) This is one (labeled 12) of a set of twelve volumes published between 1745 and 1749 with different imprints, the other volumes being "Miscellanies," Appears generally to follow the Faulkner text. 1751 (Bathurst) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. The Fifth Edition, Corrected. Lon- don ; Printed for Charles Bathurst and sold by T. Woodward, C. Davis, C. Hitch, R. Dodsley, and W. Bowyer. mdccli. Pp. x (unnumbered), 296; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 16$. (Title-page in red and black.) This is not the same issue as that of 1747, but is reset, and generally follows the Faulkner text. One of 14 vols.? DUBLIN 1752 (Faulkner) Vol. Ill of the Author's Works, Con- taining Travels into several remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts, viz. . . . [as in previous Faulkner editions]. In this Impression several Errors in the former London and Dublin Editions BIBLIOGRAPHY 137 are corrected. Dublin : Printed by and for Geo. Faulkner, in Essex-Street. Mdcclii. Pp. xi (+ iii of book-ads.), viii (Contents, unnum- bered), 302; front, (port, of Gulliver), 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 17. Pp. 294-302 are the Verses. This is not a re-issue of the 12mo. ed. of 1735. The portrait, however, is the same, and appears to have been retouched. The text follows that of the editions of 1735, even repeating some typographical errors, and adding others. In Part III, Chapter VII is misnumbered VI, whereas in the 8vo. ed. of 1735, it is misnumbered V, as in all of the Motte editions. Cf. infra, 1772. LONDON 1752 (Millar) Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of S't. Patrick's, Dub- lin, in a series of Letters from John Earl of Or- rery to his Son, the Honourable Hamilton Boyle. Haec sunt quae nostra liccat te voce moneri. Vade, Age. Virg. yEneid. 3. v. 461. London, Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Cath- arine-Street in the Strand. Mdcclii. Pp. ii, 339 (5 11. of index); port; cm. 20i A "Second Edition, Corrected," was published the same year by Millar ; and an edition in Dublin by Faulkner. Pp. iv, 339 (5 11. of index) ; port, of Swift; half-title with vign. ; cm. 17. In the first London ed. pp. 157-158 were cancelled and a new leaf was substituted. 1755 (Bathurst) Travels . . . World. Gulliver . . . Ships. Four. Part I. A Voyage to Lilliput. Part II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. Part III. A Voy- age to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdub- drib, and Japan. Part IV. A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. London, Printed for C. Bath- urst. mdcclv. 138 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Pp. viii, 4, 286; 4 plates, 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 27 (4to.). Vol. I, Part II of The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, accurately revised in six volumes, adorned with copper-plates ; with some account of the author's life, and notes historical and explanatory, by John Hawkesworth. London, Printed for C. Bathurst, C. Davis, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, R. and J. Dodsley, and W. Bowyer. mdcclv. (Title in red and black.) The copper line-engravings, drawn and engraved by I. S. Muller, have an ornamental border an inch wide, which was omitted in subsequent Hawkesworth 8vo. eds. (Fore-title.) Vols. VII and VIII are Letters from 1703 to 1740. Printed by T. Davies and others, London, 1766. A dealer's catalogue advertises this ed. in 14 vols. 4to, 1755-68? An ed. in 12 vols. 8vo, was also issued in 1755? 1757 (Bathurst) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. London : Printed for Charles Bathurst, at the Cross-Keys, in Fleet-Street, m.dcc.lvii. Pp. xii, 264, and xii, 283(5) ; 4 woodcuts; cm. 16$. No maps nor diagram ; in form much like the 24mo. ed. of Motte, 1727, but with the text changes found in prev- ious Bathurst eds. EDINBURGH 1757 (Hamilton) The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Edinburgh : Print- ed for G. Hamilton, J. Balfour, & L. Hunter. m,dcc,lvii. [8 v.] Pp. viii, 3-392; cm. 16*. V. 2. Gulliver's Travels occupies the whole of this volume to p. 299, but has no separate title-page. B. P. L* * Boston Public Library. Copy not examined. Cita- tions from this source have not been verified. BIBLIOGRAPHY 139 LONDON 1760 Bathurst ed. with t. p. like that of 1755. Pp. xvi, 292; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. \7 l /2. One of 14 vols.(?) Hawkesworth text. EDINBURGH 1761 An Ed. of Swift's Works in 8 vols., 16mo, is listed as of Edinburgh, 1761. LONDON 1765 (Bathurst) The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Vol. II. [Vol. II, Part II.] Containing Capt. Lemuel Gulliver's Travels into several remote Nations of the World. Parts I and II [Parts III and IV]. London : Printed for C. Bathurst, in Fleet-Street. mdcclxv. 2 v.; pp. xx, 200, and xvii-xxvi, 201-408; front, (port, of Gulliver), 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 13. V. 2 of 24 v., 1765-75, according to Yale University Library. Editor, John Hawkesworth ("Sign" for "sign- post," Pt. II, Chap. VIII, p. 185). GLASGOW 1765 (Knox) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. Glasgow : Printed by James Knox, and sold at his Shop, near the Head of the Salt-mercat. M.DCC.LXV. Pp. vi (Contents unnumbered), 3-9, 10-298; cm. 16i. Evidently the Hawkesworth text. LONDON 1766 (Bathurst) Travels . . . World. Gulliver . . . 140 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Ships. Four. Part I. A Voyage to Lilliput. Part II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. Part III. A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib, and Japan. Part IV. A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. London : Printed for C. Bath- Urst, MDCCLXVI. Pp. (2) xvi, 292; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 17. (Fore-title.) Vol. II of the Works, &c, accurately revised, in 24 vols.: 1-12 (1766) The Works &c, in 12 vols.; vols. 13-18 (1766) the Six Last Vols, of the Works &c, with an Index to the whole; vols. 19-21, Letters from 1703 to 1740 (5th ed.) ; vols. 22-24, 1767, Letters from 1710 to 1742 (collected by Deane Swift; 3rd ed. 1769). (Fore- title to vol. II : The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, Vol. II, London: Printed for C. Bathurst, in Fleet-Street, mdccucvi.) Seven different imprints in the set. 1766 (Turnbull) Travels . . . World. Four. By Cap- tain Lemuel Gulliver. London : Printed for P. Turnbull in St. Paul's Church-yard, mdcclxvi. 2 vols. Pp., v. 1, xviii, 86, ii (unnumbered), and 95, ii (unnumbered) ; v. 2, ii, 87, iii (unnumbered), and 109, iv (unnumbered) ; cm. 19£. This edition follows the Motte text, and has the Verses. 1768 (Bathurst) Travels . . . World. Gulliver . . . Ships. Four. Part I. A Voyage to Lilliput. Part II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. Part III. A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnag, Glubbdubdrib, and Japan. Part IV. A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. London : Printed for C. Bath- urst. mdcclxviii. Pp. xxii, 410; 4 plates, 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 21. Vol. II of the Works &c, accurately revised, in 12 vols., with copper plates by J. S. Muller. Fore-title, "The Works" &c, in red and black. Editor, John Hawkes- worth. V. I has the imprint "London : Printed for W. Bowyer, C. Bathurst, ... and B. Collins;" Vols. 2 to BIBLIOGRAPHY 141 6 and 12 have the imprint of C. Bathurst; vols. 7 to 11, that of W. Bowyer, C. Bathurst &c. The Forster Li- brary cat. lists the foil, under "Works. 25 vol. 8vo" : Vols. 1-14, 1768; vols. 15, 16. First collected by Deane Swift, and now reprinted with addit. notes, 1775; vol. 17, 1775; vols. 18-23, Letters, 1703-1740; vol. 24, appar. a supple- ment; vol. 25. "Suppl. II [XXV]." EDINBURGH 1768 (Donaldson) Travels . . . World. Gulliver . . . Ships. In the Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift . . . Edinburgh, mdcclxviii. V. 4, pp. 307-390, v. 5, pp. ? ("copy not available"). V. 1 has the imprint "Edinburgh : Printed for A. Don- aldson mdcclxviii. 13 v.; cm. 17. B. P. L. Copy not examined. DUBLIN 1772 (Faulkner) The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver, first a Surgeon and then a Captain in several Ships, into several remote Nations of the World. In four parts. I. A Voyage to Lilliput. II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. III. A Voyage to Laputa, Balni- barbi, Luggnag, Glubbdubdrib, and Japan. IV. A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. Dub- lin : Printed by George Faulkner. mdcclxxii. Pp. viii, 404; port, only; cm. 20£. Vol. Ill of The Works of the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. In twenty volumes. Containing [contents specified in double col.]. Includes three of the Verses of the Motte ed. of 1727. Vol. I has port, of Swift. Copy in V. & A. Mus., London 1774 (Williams) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. Four. [Heads page 3 — "The Publisher to the Reader."] Pp. x, 3-310 (misnum. 210) ; cm. 17. Is a part of Vol. IV of "The Works of Jonath. n Swift, 142 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS D.D : D.S.P.D. With notes historical and critical by J. Hawkesworth, L.L.D. and others. Printed for J. Williams, Dublin: 1774." Set of 15 vols., each bearing the above title. Each Part has its sub-title at the head of its Chap. 1. Vol. IV ends at p. 414. Appears to be the Hawkesworth text, and contains notes of Hawkesworth found in earlier eds., voluminous quota- tions from Orrery, and notes of Mr. Deane Swift. Claims to be the first edition to print Swift's Letters in chron- ological order. LONDON 1781 A Hawkesworth Ed. of Swift's works in 18 vols., sm. 8vo, is listed as of London, 1781. 1782 (Harrison) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. In two Volumes. By Dean Swift. Lon- don: Printed for Harrison and Co., No. 18, Pater- noster-Row. M DCC LXXXII. Pp. 140; cm. 20§. Printed in double columns, in the Novelist's Magazine, Vol. IX. Four engravings after Stothard, by Angus, Heath, and Walker. One map and one plate printed in the text. No separate title-page to Vol. II. Reversion to the Motte text. 1784 (Bathurst) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. Four. Part I. A Voyage to Lilliput [&c, as in ed. of 1768]. Pp. xiv (2 blank), 375; cm. 22. (Title-page in red and black.) Vol. VI of the Works &c, arranged, revised, and cor- rected, with notes, by Thomas Sheridan, A. M. A new ed., in 17 vols. This vol. has the imprint of C. Bath- urst; vols. 1, 3, 4 and 5, that of Bathurst and others; the other vols., that of W. Strahan and others. Vol. I is the Life of Swift, with ports, of Swift and Sheridan. A second ed. like the above was issued in 1787; also 8vo editions in 19 vols, in 1801, and 1808. BIBLIOGRAPHY 143 1784 (Elliot) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. Four. Pp. xii, 450; 4 plates, 5 maps, 1 plan, all by A. Bell; cm. 17. Notes by J. Hawkesworth, and others. Includes three of the Verses. The general title-page of the "Works" &c has the imprint, "London : Printed for Charles Elliot, Edinburgh, mdccucxxiv." The half-title reads "Dr. Swift's Works, complete in eighteen volumes. Vol. V." EDINBURGH 1787 (Elliot) The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver into sev- eral remote Nations of the World. Who was first a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships. In four Parts. Illustrated with Copperplates. Edinburgh : Printed for C. Elliot, m.dcc.lxxxvii. Pp. viii, 9-352; 4 plates, 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 16§. Ten plates, by A. Bell, on hinges at end of volume. Pp. 345-352 are the Verses. LONDON 1792 (Harrison) A reprint of the edition of 1782, by the same publisher. 1808 (Walker) Gulliver's Travels into several remote Nations of the World. By Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. With a sketch of his life. London; Printed for J. Walker; A. John- son [&c &c.]. Pp. xii (unn.) xiv, 15-322; front.; cm. \2 l / 2 . Engraved title-page, extra; sep. t. p. to Pt. I. GAINSBOROUGH 1809 (Mozley) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. 144 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Swift . . . Dean. A new edition. Gainsborough: Printed by and for H. Mozley. 1809. Pp., viii, 287; front, after Stothard; cm. 13i. EDINBURGH 1812 (Ballantyne) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. Four. I. A Voyage to Lilliput. II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. III. A Voyage to La- puta, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib, and Ja- pan. IV. A Voyage to the Country of the Houy- hnhnms. Splendide mendax. Hor. Pp. 1-114; cm. 23. The first of five reprints in Popular Romances, with an introductory dissertation by Henry Weber, Esq., published at Edinburgh by John Ballantyne and Company, Silvester Doig and Andrew Stirling, Edinburgh ; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, and John Murray, London. 1812. 1814 (Constable) Title like preceding. Pp.. (4)382; cm. 21. V. 12 of "The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin ; containing additional letters, tracts, and poems, not hitherto published; with notes and a life of the author, by Walter Scott, Esq., Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., Edinburgh ; White, Cochrane, and Co. and Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, London ; and John Cumming, Dublin. 1814." An ed. with Scott's notes, &c, was published in 19 vols. 8vo., both at London and at Boston, in 1883. GLASGOW 1814 (Lumsden) The Adventures of Captain Gulliver in a Voyage to Lilliput. Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden & Son. 1814. Pp. 47; wood cut front, and illus. in text; cm. 10. New Ed. in 1815. ("Ross's Juvenile Library.") BIBLIOGRAPHY 145 LONDON 1819 (Walker) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With a sketch of his life. London: Printed for J. Walker; F. C. and J. Rivington; [&c &c.]. By S. Hamilton, Whitefriars. 1819. Pp. xii (unn.), xiv, 15-322; front.; cm. 14^4 (uncut). Engraved title-page, extra; sep. t. p. to Pt. 1. 1823 (McLean) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. Four. Part 1 [&c as in Ballantyne ed. of 1912.] Embellished with engravings. London : Printed for Hector McLean. 1823. Pp. 10 (unnumbered), i-xiv, 15-420; 4 plates; cm. 14$. V. 2 of "The Select Works of Jonathan Swift" &c, in five volumes. Plates engraved by Stalker and Noble. EDINBURGH 1824 (Constable) "Second edition" [with same titles as ed. of 1814 by same publisher, this being v. 11 of the series ( 16 v.) ] . Printed for Archibald Con- stable and Co., Edinburgh ; and Hurst, Robinson, and Co., London. Pp. (2)378; cm. 21. The second edition edited by Sir Walter Scott. See 1814. LONDON 1824 (Baynes) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With the life of the author. London : W. Baynes and Son . . . 1824. Pp. 278; plate; cm. 12i. Engraved title-page, drawn by H. Corbould and en- graved by G. Corbould. B. P. L. Copy not examined. 146 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 1824 (?) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships Four, &c (as in Edinburgh ed. of 1812). Pp. 1-209; cm. ?. (In "The Novels of Swift, Bage, and Cumberland? Ballantyne's Novelists' Library, v. 9. London. 1824.) B. P. L. Copy not examined. 1826 (Jones) Gulliver's Travels. By Jonathan Swift, D. D. In two volumes. London : Published by Jones & Company, 3, Acton Place, Kingsland Road. 1826. Pp. xxviii, 200, and viii, 210; port, of Swift, 1 plate, 2 engraved t. p.'s (See 1830) ; cm. 10£ (uncut). ("Uni- versity Edition"; Labeled "Diamond Classics.") 1828 (Jones) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Jona- than Swift, D.D. With a sketch of his life. Lon- don: Published by Jones & Company, [&c.]. 1828. Pp. xii, 103; cm. 18. "Jones's Cabinet Edition of Classic Tales." 1829 (Brown) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With the life of the author. London : Printed and published by R. Brown, 26, St. John- street, Clerkenwell, 1829. Pp. (2) ii, 140; 5 f. p. wood cuts; cm. 19§ (uncut). The plate opposite p. 117 has reference to p. 209 and may have been made for another edition. 1830 (Jones) [Reissue of the edition of 1826, apparent- ly the same sheets, but with the imprint] "Lon- don : Published by Jones & Company, Temple of the Muses, (late Lackington's) Finsbury Square. 1830. 1837 (Allman) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With a short biographical account of the author. London : Printed for T. Allman, 42, Holborn Hill, 1837. Pp. 342; front.; cm. 13. BIBLIOGRAPHY 147 1843 (Bohn) The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., and Dean of Saint Patrick's, Dublin : Containing inter- esting and valuable papers, not hitherto published. In two volumes. With memoir of the author, by- Thomas Roscoe; portrait and autograph [Extract from Sir Walter Scott] . London : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. 1843. 2 v., pp. lxxxiv, 844, and iv, 854; cm. 24. Printed in double columns. Gulliver's Travels, pp. 1-81. 1844 (Allman) Reissue of the edition of 1837 by T. Allman. Only 111 cm., and 32 mo. instead of 24 mo. 1845 (Nodes) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With a sketch of his life. London : George Nodes, 1845. Pp. xvi, 271; plate; cm. 12. Engraved t. p. drawn by K. Meadows and engraved by T. Phillibrown. B. P. L,. Copy not examined. 1847 (Burns) Travels . . . World. A new edition, re- vised for general use. London : James Burns, 17, Portman Street, Portman Square, 1847. Pp. viii, 216; cm. 13|. 4 full-page plates by Phiz, engraved by Cooper. EDINBURGH 1859 (Black) A Voyage to Lilliput, by Lemuel Gulli- ver, with a sketch of the life of Swift. Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black. 1859. Pp. vi, 127; cm. 16. Engraved title. Harvard U. L. Copy not examined. LONDON 1864 (Beeton) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift 148 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS . . . Dean. With a memoir of the author. Illus- trated with upwards of 300 wood-engravings, from designs by J. G. Thomson, engraved by W. L. Thomas. London: S. O. Beeton, 248, Strand, W.C. 1864. Pp. xxxvi, 364; extra col'd t. p. and col'd front.; cm. 21. Gen. half-title, and half-title to each Part. Contains the Verses of the Motte ed. of 1727, and two South Sea ballads. 1864 (Bohn) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With a life of the author. Embellished with numerous wood-engravings. London : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, 1864. Pp., (4 unnumbered) xxxii, 306; front.; cm. 22. Contains the Verses &c in the Beeton ed. of the same year. 1866 (Nimmo) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. By Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick [sic]. With prefatory memoir by George Saints- bury, and one hundred and eighty coloured and sixty plain illustrations. London : John C. Nimmo, 14, King William Street, Strand, W. C. 1886. Pp. xvi, 430; hf. t. ; vign. ; cm. 26. Evidently follows the Hawkesworth text. The illus., by V. A. Poirson, are those of the Paris ed. of A. Quantain (N.D.). 1876 (No imprint) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. First published in 1726. Lon- don : 1876. Pp. 1-178; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. ? In "The Choice Works of Dean Swift." B. P. L. Copy not examined. Cf. 1904. The title is a half-title only, with no imprint. BIBLIOGRAPHY 149 LONDON-NEW YORK 1880 (Routledge) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. London : George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. New York: 416, Broome Street. 1880. Pp. xvi, 361 (6 numbered + 12) ; 2 col'd plates; cm. 17. 1880 (Routledge) Re-issue of preceding ed., with N. Y. imprint: "9 Lafayette Place," and without the plates. Cm. 18. The cover has "Excelsior Series." LONDON 1882 (Nimmo) Jonathan Swift. Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. Four. I. A Voyage to Lil- liput. II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. III. A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnag, Glubb- dubrib, and Japan. IV. A Voyage to the Coun- try of the Houyhnhnms. " Splendid e Mendax." — Hor. By Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick. With five etchings and portrait by Ad. Lalauze. London. J. C. Nimmo and Bain, 14, King Wil- liam Street, Strand, W.C. 1882. Pp. xliv, 363; cm. 221 (uncut). (Half-title) Title-page in red and black. 150 copies on large paper. Contains some of the Faulkner emendations. 1884 (Paul) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. [London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.] Pp. 91-159; cm 16 (uncut). In "Selections from the prose writings of Jonathan Swift. With a preface and notes by Stanley Lane- Poole." Title of volume in red and black. 150 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 1886 (Nimmo) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. By Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick [sic]. With prefatory memoir by George Saintsbury, and one hundred and eighty coloured and sixty plain illustrations. London. John C. Nimmo, 14, King William Street, Strand, W.C. 1886. Pp. (i)xvi, 430; cm. 25§ (uncut). (Half-title. Title in red and black.) LONDON, ETC. 1890 (Routledge) Gulliver's Travels exactly reprinted from the first edition, and other works, by Jonathan Swift. With some account of Cyrano de Bergerac, and of his voyages to the sun and moon. Edited by Henry Morley, LL.D., Emeritus professor of Eng- lish language and literature, University College, London. London, George Routledge and Sons, Limited. Broadway, Ludgate Hill. Glasgow, Man- chester and New York. 1890. Pp. 343(1); cm. 20. Forms a part of Vol. XI of "The Carisbrook Library," extending to p. 445(3), with fore-title and half-title. This is a reprint of the second edition, and the repro- duced title-pages are "made up" — not facsimiles. 1892 (Nelson) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. With in- troduction and explanatory notes by Robert Mac- kenzie, Author of ''The 19th Century," "America," &c. With facsimiles of the original maps, etc., of the work, and twelve illustrations. London : T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row. Edinburgh ; and New York. 1892. Pp., (10)xiv, 316(8); cm. 19. Contains facs. of port, and t. p. of the Faulkner 12mo. ed. of 1735, but text follows different editors, and is ex- purgated. BIBLIOGRAPHY 151 1893 (Chatto) Jonathan Swift. A biographical and critical study, by John Churton Collins [&c.]. Lon- don : Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1893. Pp. xvi, 280(32) ; hf. t.; cm. 19. Contains reference to printing of Gulliver's Travels in Parker's Penny Post in 1726-27; also, sources for Gulli- ver's Travels, with passages taken by Swift from Sturmy's Mariners' Magazine, London, 1679. 1893 (Routledge) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. London. George Routledge and Sons, Limited. 1893. Pp., (l)iv, 361; cm. 18: (Half-title— "Gulliver's Travels.") "Sir John Lubbock's hundred books" is at top of half- title and title-page. B. P. L. Copy not examined. LONDON-NEW YORK 1894 (Macmillan) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. With a preface by Henry Craik, and one hundred illustrations by Charles E. Brock. Lon- don. Macmillan and Co. and New York. 1894. All rights reserved. Pp. xxx, 382(2); cm. 18; (Half-title). Separate title to each part, and half-titles with maps on verso. This is. textually and typographically, a repro- duction of the 4th (8vo.) Motte ed., with expurgations. LONDON 1896 (Bliss) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. London : Bliss, Sands & Foster. Mdcccxcvi. Pp. vi (unnumbered), 7-308; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 20. (Half-title.) Ornamental title-page in red and black. A reversion to the Motte text ; printed on frail paper. Cf. ed. of Longmans, Green & Co., N. Y., of same year. 152 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 1896 (Dent) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Jonathan Swift, mdcccxcvi : Published by J. M. Dent and Co. : Aldine House, London, W.C. Pp. xxii, 387; port., map; cm. 15. Notes 338-405. (Fore-title "The Temple Classics for Young People"). Harvard U. L. Copy not examined. Reprinted 1897, 1899, 1901, 1904. 1899 (Bell) Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. Ed- ited by G. Ravenscroft Dennis, B. A., Lond. Lon- don. George Bell and Sons. 1899. Pp. xxxii, 308; port., 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 18. (V. 8 of "The prose works of Jonathan Swift, edited by Temple Scott"). Facs. title-pages. B. P. L. Copy not examined LONDON-NEW YORK 1900 (Lane) Gulliver's Travels. By Jonathan Swift. Illustrated by Herbert Cole. London and New York ; John Lane, the Bodley Head. 1900. Pp. xx, (3)355; port, by Herbert Cole, 1899; cm. 19. (Engraved fore-title; engraved half-title). Leaves with cuts included in pagination; other cuts in text. Harvard U. L. Copy not examined. LONDON 1901 (Dent) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Jona- than Swift. With twelve illustrations by A. Rack- ham. London: J. M. Dent & Company, Aldine House, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 1901. Pp. xvi, 363(3) ; cm. 15. (Fore-title— "The Temple Classics for Young People.") Colored front.; title-page with colored border. In this Ed. and that of 1905 the title-page is followed directly by the "Contents." BIBLIOGRAPHY 153 1904 (Dent) Gulliver's Travels into several remote na- tions of the world. Jonathan Swift, mdcccciv. Published by J. M. Dent and Co.: Aldine House. London. W. C. Pp. xxii, 406(2) ; front, (port, of Gulliver) ; cm. 15. (Fore-title: "The Temple Classics Edited by Israel Gollancz, M.A.") Title-page with black border. The text is printed from the Bathurst ed. of 1747 (Faulkner text) ; appendix by Aitken. 1904 (Chatto) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. London: Chatto & Windus. 1904. Pp. 1-178; cm. 19. (Fore-title— "The choice works of Dean Swift.") (The choice works of Dean Swift in prose and verse. Reprinted from the original editions. A new edition with memoir, portrait, and illustrations. Pp. lxxxii, 678. Port., 5 maps, 1 plan.) B. P. L. Copy not examined. 1905 (Dent) The same as the Ed. of 1901. First pub- lished in 1900; "Second edition, March, 1903." Lacks "List of Illustrations." LONDON-NEW YORK 1906 (Routledge) Gulliver's Travels and other works by Jonathan Swift exactly reprinted from the first edition and edited with some account of Cyrano de Bergerac and of his voyages to the sun and moon by the late Henry Morley, LL.D. With a note on the name "Gulliver" by J. P. Gilson (of the British Museum). London: George Routledge and Sons, Limited. New York : E. P. Dutton and Co. 1906. Pp. 445(1) ; front, (port.) ; cm. 20. The text is that of the second ed. — the least accurate 154 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS of all the Motte eds. of 1726 — and contains none of the suppressed nor garbled passages later restored by Faulk- ner and modern editors. 1908 (Greening) Travels .... World. Lemuel . . . Ships. Vol. I [Vol. II]. By Dean Swift. London, Greening & Co., Ltd. 1908. 2 v.; pp. v. 1, xvi, 174(2) ; v. 2, (2)vi, 172; cm. 17 (un- cut). (Half-title.) 1909 (Dent) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Jonathan Swift. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. London, J. M. Dent & Co. New York. E. P. Dutton & Co. 1909. Pp. (2) xvi, 291; front.; cm. 29 (uncut). (Half-title.) 750 copies printed. Ord. ed. (23 cm.) lacks extra leaf and extra illus. LONDON 1910 (Macmillan) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. With a preface by Henry Craik and one hundred illustrations by Charles E. Brock. Mac- millan and Co., Limited, St. Martin's Street, Lon- don, 1910. Pp. xxx, 382(32); cm. 18. (Half-title). Separate title-page to each Part, and half-titles with maps on verso. Like the edition of 1894. 1913 (Bell) Gulliver's Travels. By Jonathan Swift, D.D. Edited, with introduction and notes, by G. Ravenscroft Dennis. London : G. Bell and Sons, Ltd. 1913. Pp. xxxii, 308; 5 maps. 1 plan, 2 facs. title-pages; cm. 16J. ("Bonn's Popular Library.") B. P. L. Copy not examined. BIBLIOGRAPHY 155 1914 (Bell) The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Vol. VIII. Gulliver's Travels. Edited by G. Ravenscroft Dennis. London, G. Bell and Sons, Ltd. 1914. Pp. xxxii, 308(32) ; front, (port, of Gulliver) ; 5 maps, 1 plan, 2 title-pages in facsimile; cm. 18. Fore-title — "Bonn's Standard Library. The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift edited by Temple Scott. Vol. VIII"-^)f 12 vols. LONDON, ETC. 1919 (Milford) Gulliver's Travels, The Tale of a Tub, and The Battle of the Books. By Jonathan Swift. Humphrey Milford: Oxford University Press. London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, New York, Toronto, Melbourne, Cape Town, Bombay. 1919. Pp. viii, 355, G. T.; [entire vol. 599;] front, (port.); cm. m. Reproduces title-pages of the Motte ed. of 1727 and ap- pears to have followed that text, but adopts some of Faulkner's changes, although the editor alludes to the Faulkner ed. as "issued in spite of Swift's protests." The editor also, following Hawkesworth and Dennis, attempts to improve Swift's text, and in one instance violates Swift's rule on tautology (Pt. Ill, Chap. V, p. 219, last par.) by the unnecessary repetition of the word "pro- ject." Faulkner was the first to print this phrase cor- rectly- PARIS FRANCE 1727 (Martin) Voyages de Gulliver. A Paris, Chez Gabriel Martin, rue S. Jacques, vis-a-vis la rue du Platre, a l'Etoile. m.dcc.xxvii. Avec Privilege du Roy. 2 v.; v. 2, pp. viii, 286; cm. 14§. Vign. (man in armour) on t. p. Only v. 2 examined. 156 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 1727 (Martin) Voyages de Gulliver. Seconde Edition. A Paris, rue S. Jacques Gabriel Martin, vis-a-vis la rue du Platre, a l'Etoile. Hyppolite-Louis, Guerin, a S. Thomas Chez -j d'Aquin, visa-vis S. Yves et Quay des Augustins. Dans la boutique de la V. Coustelier, chez Jacques Guerin. m. dcc. xxvu. Avec Privilege du Roy. (PI. XXII.) 2 v. in 1; pp. xxxii (28 numbered), 176, and iv, 177- 379(3) ; 4 plates; cm. 14. No maps nor plan. In his preface the Abbe Desfontaines, after having criti- cized Gulliver's Travels for certain faults, which he sum- marizes in these words : — "des choses qui rendues litterale- ment en Francois, auroient paru indecentes, pitoiables ; im- pertinentes ; auroient revoke le bon gout qui regne en France, m'auroient moi-meme couvert de confusion, & m'auroient infailliblement attire de justes reproches, si j'avois ete asses foible & asses imprudent, pour les exposer aux yeux du Public" (p. xi) — goes on to say: — "je declare que j'ai crfl devoir prendre le parti de les supprimer en- tierement. Si j'ai peut-etre laisse encore quelque chose de ce genre dans ma Traduction, je prie le Public de songer qu'il est naturel a un Traducteur de se laisser gagner, & d'avoir quelque-fois un peu trop d'indulgence pour son Auteur. Au reste, je me suis figure, que j'etois capable de suppleer a ces defauts & de reparer ces pertes, par le secours de mon imagination, & par de certains tours que je donnerois aux choses meme qui me deplaisoient. J'en dis asses, pour faire connoitre le caractere de ma Tra- duction. "J'apprends qu'on en imprime actuellement une en Hol- lande. Si elle est litterale, & si elle est faite par quelque Traducteur ordinaire de ce pais-la, je prononce, sans l'avoir vue, qu'elle est fort mauvaise, & je suis bien sur, que quand elle paroitra, je ne serai ni dementi, ni de- trompe." See also, letter of the Abbe to Swift, July 4, 1727, and Swift's reply; also, remarks of Gausseron, Paris ed., n. d., (A. Quantain). The Abbe says that he sup- BIBLIOGRAPHY 157 pressed some matter that was in his preface to the first Paris edition. MILDENDO 1727 (Pigmeos) Voyages de Gulliver. Seconde edi- tion revue & corrigee. Mildendo, chez les Freres Pigmeos. Avec privilege de 1'Empereur de Lilli- put. 1727. 2 v.; pp. vi (unnumbered), vii-xxxix (numbered), v (unnumbered), 277; and viii (unnumbered), 325; 4 plates; cm. 15i. Vol. I has a dedication to Madame la Marquise D . . . followed by "Preface du Traducteur," and the text ap- pears to be the same as that of Paris editions of the same year attributed to the Abbe Desfontaines. The preface, however, is more moderate in its criticism. (PI. XXV.) PARIS 1772 (Musier) Voyages de Gulliver. Traduit par M. l'Abbe des Fontaines. Nouvelle fidition. Tome Premier [Second]. A Paris, Chez Jean-Baptiste- Guillaume Musier, fils, Libraire, Quai des Augus- tins, au coin de la rue Gist-le-Coeur. m. dcc. lxxii. Avec privilege du Roi. 2 v.; pp. (4) xxviii, 275; (4)314(2) ; 4 plates; cm. 17. (Half-titles; vign., or printer's device, on t. p.'s.) 1779 (No Pub.) Travels into several remote Nations of the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. Paris, m. DCC. LXXIX. 2 v.; pp. ii, 215, and vi, 244; cm. 14. 1797 (Didot) Voyages de Gulliver. A Paris, de l'lm- primerie de Pierre Didot L'Aine. An V. 1797. 2 v. in 4; pp. xxxvi, 148; 149-303, and 148; 149-358. 10 plates, (designed by le Febvre, engraved by Masque- lier) ; cm. 12*. (Half-title to each of the 4 vols.) 158 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Monogram in floral circle on title-page. This edition was reprinted at Paris in 1860, and apparently follows the Desfontaines version. 1813 (Genets) Voyages de Gulliver, traduits de l'An- g'lais, de Swift, par l'Abbe des Fontaines. Edi- tion ornee de douze Gravures. Tome Premier [&c.]. A Paris, chez Genets jeune, Libraire, Rue Dauphine, No. 14, 1813. 4 v.; pp. 188; 238; 222; and 175; cm. 14£ (uncut). Vols- 3 and 4 contain "Voyages de Jean Gulliver, fils du Capitaine Gulliver," &c. Each of the four vols, contains two plates and a vignette. 1823 (Sanson) Aventures Surprenantes de Gulliver, ou les Voyages de Gulliver reduits aux traits les plus interessans. Edition ornee de six gravures et publiee par A. J. S. Paris, Sanson, Libraire, Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle, No. 3. 1823. 2 v. ; pp. 247 and 294. 6 plates, inc. vignettes on t. p. ; cm. 15 (uncut). (Half-title — "Aventures surprenantes du Capitaine Gulliver. Tome l er " ; "Tome II.") Abridged and expurgated. Chap. VI, Pt. I, omitted in toto. 1826 (Galignani) Gulliver's Travels into several remote Nations of the World. By Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. A new edition, with plates. Vol. I [Vol. II.] Paris: Published by A. and W. Galignani, at the French, English, Italian, German, and Spanish Library, No. 18, Rue Vi- vienne, 1826. 2 vols.; pp. iv (unn.) xxxvi, 327, and iv (unn.), 348 (18); half-titles; front, and 9 plates; cm. \7J/ 2 (uncut). Appears to follow the Hawkesworth text. The plates are from the Paris ed. of Didot, 1797. 1835 (Ecoles) Voyages de Gulliver, par Swift. Paris, a la Librairie des ficoles, rue Sainte-Marguerite S. G., 19. 1835. BIBLIOGRAPHY 159 2 v. in 1 ; pp. 187 and 216; cm. 12. (Half-titles— "Voy- ages de Gulliver".) Desfontaines version. 1838 (Furne) Voyages de Gulliver dans des Contrees lointaines, par Swift, Edition illustree par Grand- ville. Traduction nouvelle. Paris. Furne et Cie, Libraires-Editeurs, rue Saint-Andre-des-Arts, 55 ; H. Fournier, Aine, Editeur, rue de Seine, 16. M DCCC xxxvm. 2 v.; pp. ii, 279; ii, 319; cm. 201. (Half-title— "Voyages de Gulliver".) Following t. p. "Notice Biographique et litteraire sur Jonathan Swift, par Walter Scott" (verso — "Note des Editeurs") ; leaf with wood cut precedes text in each volume. 1841 (Gamier) Voyages de Gulliver dans des Con- trees lointaines, par Swift. Traduction nouvelle, precedee d'une notice biographique et litteraire par Walter Scott. Paris, Gamier Freres, Palais Royal ; H. Fournier Aine, 7 rue Saint Benoit. M DCCC XLI. Pp. ii, 280; front, and 7 f. p. wood cuts; cm. 17. (Half- title "Voyages de Gulliver dans des Contrees lointaines" ; verso — adv.) Eds, by same publisher, in 1845, 1852, and 1869. 1856 (Gamier) Voyages de Gulliver dans des Con- trees lointaines, par Swift. Traduction nouvelle, precedee d'une notice par Walter Scott. Illustra- tions par J. J. Grandville. Paris, Gamier Freres, Libraires. Rue des Saints-Peres, 6-Palais-Royal. 215. mdccclvi. Pp. xxxvii, 444 (3-table) ; fore-title, engraved front, (same as in Stuttgart edition of 1839) ; cm. 23. Note des Editeurs, 1 leaf. Harvard U. L. Copy not examined. 1860 (Leclere) Voyages de Gulliver. A Paris, an m DCCC LX. 160 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS 2 v. ; pp. xxxv, 152; 153-308, and 148; 149-360. 10 plates by le Febvre, engraved by Masquelier; cm. 16£ (uncut). Title-page in red and black; title-page has monogram. General half-title, with imprint. (Like Didot ed. of 1797, but has half-title for each Part.) Only 150 copies. 1869 (Gamier) [Same title as that of ed. of 1841.] Il- lustrations de Grandville. Paris, Gamier Freres, Libraires-fiditeurs, 6, Rue des Saints-Peres, et Pa- lais-Royal, 215. M DCCC LXIX. Pp. vi, 410; cm. 171 (Half-title.) BELGIUM BRUXELLES 1843 (No Pub.) Voyage de Gulliver dans les Pays lointains. Traduction nouvelle. A Bruxelles, et dans les principales villes de l'etranger, chez tous les libraires. 1843. 2 v.; pp. 186(1) and 210(1); cm. 13 (uncut). (Half- titles — "Voyages de Gulliver" ; "Pantheon classique et litteraire".) The editors intimate the "scrupulous fidelity" of this text to the original. GERMANY HAMBURG 1739 (Wierings) Des Capitains Lemuel Gulliver Reisen in unterschiedliche entfernte und unbekandte Lan- der. Erster Theil. In sich haltend die Reisen nach Lilliput und Brobdingnac. Ihrer Seltsamkeit und Anmuth wegen aus dem Englischen in das Teutsche mit Fleiss iibersetzet, und mit Kupfern gezieret. Die dritte Auflage. Hamburg. Gedruckt und ver- legt von seel. Thomas von Wierings Erben, bey der Borse, im giildnen A, B, C. 1739. 1st auch in Her- tels Handlung zu bekommen. Pp. (Pt. I, Lil. & Brob.) xiv, 224; (Pt. II, Lap. & H.) BIBLIOGRAPHY 161 viii, 228; (Pt. Ill, Sev. &c, Keys, 1746) (2)308; (Der Neue Gulliver, 1731) xliv (unn.), 318; 2 maps (Ul. & Lap.), 1 plate, and 7 other illus.; cm. I6J/2. 1762 (No Pub.) Lemuel Gulliver's samtliche Reisen. Aus dem Englischen des beriihmten Dr. Swifts von neuem ubersetzt. Mit Kupfern [Vign. of Gulliver]. Zweyte Auflage. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1762. Pp. xvi, 462; 4 f. p. illus.; cm. 18. Reprints Swift's letter of Apr. 2, 1727, and takes seri- ously his complaint about the misspelling "Brobdingnag," and prints "Brobdingrag." Pages 449-462 are translations of the Verses. STUTTGART 1839 (Krabbe) Gulliver's Reisen in unbekannte Lan- der. Von Jonathan Swift. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt, von Dr. Fr. Kottenkamp. Nebst einer Notiz fiber J. Swift, nach Walter Scott, von Au- gust Lewald. Zwei Bande, mit 450 Bildern und Vignetten von Grandville. Stuttgart ; Verlag von Adolph Krabbe. 1839. 2 v. ; pp. lxviii, 284, and ? ; cm. 20. Half-title :— "Notiz von Walter Scott." First leaf: engraved melange. Text of Scott's life of Swift, fol- lowed by engraved half-title. Harvard U. L. Copy not examined. LEIPZIG 1844 (Tauchnitz) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Jonathan Swift. With a sketch of his life. Leip- zig. Bernhard Tauchnitz. 1844. Pp. x, 342; cm. 16*. (Fore-title— "Collection of British Authors. Vol. LXIII — Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. In one volume.") 162 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS [1875] (Reclam?) Gulliver's Reisen. Von Jonathan Swift. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Dr. Kottenkamp. Leipzig. Verlag von Philipp Re- clam (?) jun. Pp. 352; cm. 131. "Universal Bibliotek," 651-654. Issued in paper covers, pp. 2-4 of which contain ads. B. P. L. Copy not examined. STUTTGART [1880] (Kroner) Gulliver's Reisen in unbekannte Lan- der, von Jonathan Swift. Fur die Jugend bear- beitet von Friedrich Werner. Mit vier Abbildun- gen. Stuttgart : Druck und Verlag von Gebriider Kroner [1880]. Pp. 127; cm. 16. ("Universal-Bibliotek fur die Jugend".) B. P. L. Copy not examined. LEIPZIG 1906 (Abel) Gulliver's Reisen zu fremden und seltsa- men Voelkern. Nach Jonathan Swift, fur die Jugend und die Familie verarbeitet von Friedrich Meister. Illustriert von W. Zweigle, Prof. Hans W. Schmidt und E. Zimmer. Zweite Auflage. Volksausgabe. Leipzig : Verlag von Abel & Miiller, 1906. Pp. 230(2); 4 f. p. woodcuts and others in the text; cm. 20. HOLLAND — DUTCH 'S GRAVENHAGE, AND AMSTERDAM 1727 (Alberts) Reisbeschryving na Verscheyde Afgele- gene Natien in de Wereld. Reis na Lilliput, door BIBLIOGRAPHY 163 Lemuel Gulliver. In 's Gravenhage by Alberts & Vander Kloot. mdccxxvii. 4 Parts in 1 v.; pp. viii, 284; 139; and 172; cm. IS; port, and 10 plates, as in the Hague French edition of the same year. Pts. I and II paged continuously. Title-page to each part, in red and black, naming the appropriate country or countries. The text is from the 1st Motte ed., even to the misnumbering of Chap. VII, Pt. III. Following the first title-page, one copy has a leaf of dedication by the publishers to their "Broeder," Thomas van Dolen. (PI. XXIII.) 1728 (Alberts) Reys na verscheide ver afgelegene Vol- keren der Wereld door KAP : LEMUEL GULLI- VER. Met de Sleutel op deszelf s vier Eerste Rey- zen. Derde en laatste Deel. In 's Gravenhage, by Alberts & Vander Kloot. mdccxxviii. Pp. xx (unnumbered), 391; cm. 15. This is a translation of the spurious third volume once attributed to Swift. It contains the portrait, and the four letters to Swift, and 2 plates. Cf. supra. 1791 (Houtgraaff) L. Gulliver's Reize naar Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib, Japan en het Land der Houyhnhnms. Vier deelen met plaaten. Amsterdam, by W. Houtgraaff, Boekverkoper in de Hartestraat, in de Dubbelde Kelder. 1791. Pp. vi, 114; yi, 136, and viii, 128; xii, 158 and leaf of directions to binder; 6 folding plates. (Half-title "Gul- liver's Reizen. Vier Deelen".) In binding the four parts together, the intermediate title-pages were omitted. Prelim, pp. iii-iv apparently mis- sing in each Part. 1792 (Elwe) Apparently like preceding edition (1791), except that the copy examined has the four half- 164 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS titles, but not the general title. Publisher, J. B. Elwe, Amsterdam, mdccxcii. 1841 (Ryckevorsel) Lotgevallen van Kapitein Gulliver. Verkorte Uitgaaf. 's Gravenhage, Nederlandsche Maatschappij van Schoone Kunsten. Bestuurder, J. J. Van Ryckevorsel. 1841. 2 Parts; pp. 79, 72; cm. 15*. (Half-title.) Wood-cut front, to each Part, and wood-cuts in text, after Grandville. HAARLEM 1862 (Kruseman) Reizen van Lemuel Gulliver naar verschillende onbekende Volkeren der Aarde. Door Jonathan Swift. Uit het Engelsch vertaald, met ophelderende Aanteekeningen en een levens- schets van den Schrijver, door J. W. N. Mossel- mans. Haarlem, A. C. Kruseman. 1862. 2 v.; pp. viii, 241, and viii. 191; port, of Swift; cm. 18. (Half-title.) HOLLAND — FRENCH THE HAGUE 1727 (Gosse) Voyage du Capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, en Divers Pays Eloignez. La Have, Chez P. Gosse & J. Neaulme. mdccxxvii. 2 v. in 1 ; pp. viii (including "Catalogue des Livres" and "Avertissement au Relieur"), 212; and viii, 220; cm. 15*; port., 5 maps, 1 plan, and 4 wood-cut illus. (PI. XXIV.) Four title-pages in red and black. A similar edition has the following additional state- ment on the title-page: "Nouvelle Traduction, plus ample, plus exacte, & plus fidele, que celle de Paris, avec Fig- BIBLIOGRAPHY 165 ures, & Cartes Geographiques." This is probably the later issue of the two, and this notice, a reply to the denounce- ment by the Abbe Desfontaines. 1762 (Swart) Voyages du Capitaine Gulliver en clivers pays eloignes. Tome Premier [ Seconde : Troi- sieme]. A la Haye, Chez Jean Swart, Libraire, dans le Toornstraat. m. dcc. lxii. 3 v. in 1 ; pp. (4) xvi (3 unnumbered), 154; vi (un- numbered), 183; and xxii (unnumbered), 238; 6 plates, but no maps ; cm. 16£. (Title page in red and black.) Includes parts of the spurious v. 3 of the English edi- tion — the "Second Voyage a Brobdingnag," "Voyages des Sevarambes ;" and the four Letters to the Dean, each with a separate t. p. Other editions by the same publish- er were issued in 1765 and 1778, with the following dif- ferences : 1765 Vol. 1, (4) xiv (unnumb.), 174(4); v. 2, (2)204 (4) ; v. 3, xviii, 268(4) ; cm. 18 (uncut). 1778 Vol. 1, (4) xiv (numb.), 170(8) ; v. 2, (2)189(5) ; v. 3, xviii (unnumbered), 268(4) ; cm. 16^. (Title page in black.) The plates in this ed. are more crude than in the others. AMSTERDAM 1787 (No Pub.) Voyages du capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, par le Docteur Swift. Traduits par l'abbe Des- fontaine. Pp. xxxii, 400; fore-title; 2 illus. after Marillier by Croutelle, and De Ghendt ; cm. 19 l A. In "Voyages imaginaires, songes, visions, et romans cabalistiques" (edites par C. G. I. Gamier, v. 14). Am- sterdam and Paris, m.dcc.lxxxvii. 166 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS ITALY VENICE 1749 (Tevernin) Viaggi del Capitano Lemuel Gulliver in diversi Paesi lontani. Traduzione dal Fran- zese, di F. Zannino Marsecco. Tomo Primo, Parte Prima. [T. p. to Vol. II abbreviated.] Contenente il Viaggio di Lilliput. In Venezia, mdccxlix. Ap- presso Giovanni Tevernin, all' Insegna della Provi- denza. Con Licenza de' Superiori e Privilegio. 2 v. in 1 ; pp. v-xii, 408; cm. 15. (Ftspc. and vign.) MADRID SPAIN 1824 (Sancha) Viajes del Capitan Lemuel Gulliver a diversos Paises remotos, traducidos de la Edicion Francesa por Don Ramon Maximo Spartal, cabal- lero maestrante de la real de Granada, y vecino de la ciudad de Plasencia. Segunda edicion con lam- inas. Con Licencia en Madrid, ano de 1824. Im- prenta de I. Sancha. 2 v.; pp. xxviii, 255, and viii, 264; front, in each vol- ume; no maps; cm. 15. SWEDEN WESTERAS 1772 (Horrn) Capitain Lemuel Gullivers Resor til at- skillige langt bort belagne Land ; Beprydde med Kopparstycken. Forra Delen. [Senare Delen.] Talkad if ran Fransyskan. Andra Uplagan. Was- teras, Tryckt hos Joh. Laur. Horrn, pa dess bekost- nad, ar 1772. 2 v. in 1; pp. xvi (unnumbered), 150(2); x, 160; 4 plates; cm. 16*. Pp. 161 &c contain an exam, of Mande- ville's "Fables of the Bees." BIBLIOGRAPHY 167 LINKOPING 1840 (Palmaer) Gulliver's Resor, af Jonathan Swift. Ofwersattning. Forsta Delen [&c] Resan till Lille- pytt. Linkoping, 1840 (Part IV, 1841). Palmaer & Ridderstad. Pp. 84, 96, 84, and 107; cm. 14£. STOCKHOLM 1889 (Aktiebolaget) Gulliver's Resor till Lilliput och Brobdingnag af Jonathan Swift. Ofversattning af C. F. Bagge. Stockholm, Aktiebolaget Hiertas Bokforlag, 1889. Stockholm, Otto Ahlstroms Boktryckeri, 1889. Pp. 190(2) ; cm. \7h. (Half-title.) NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA 1808 (Buzby) The Surprizing Adventures of Captain Gulliver in a Voyage to the Kingdom of Lilliput. Philadelphia, published by B. C. Buzby, No. 2 Nh. 3 St., 1808. Pp. 52; cm. 13. 7 £. p. crude woodcuts; vign. on title-page (Love, sc.) 1808 (Carey) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. Philadelphia : Printed for Mathew Carev, No. 122, Market Street. 1808. Pp. vi, 7-112, and 119; cm. 14. Only v. I seen. Front, to each of the two parts ; date of part 2, 1809. 1866 (Lippincott) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Dean Swift. With a life of the Author by Rev. 168 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS John Mitford, and copious notes by W. C. Taylor, LL.D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1866. Pp. xii, 13-431; cm. 18*. Half-titles to "The Works of Dean Swift," and to each of the four parts. Ode to Quinbus Flestrin. [Possibly first published in 1865.] 1873 (Lippincott) Reissue of the edition of 1866. 1918 (Lippincott) Gulliver's Travels. A Voyage to Lilliput ; a Voyage to Brobdingnag. By Jonathan Swift. With illustrations in color by Maria L. Kirk. Splendide Mendax — Horace. Philadelphia and London : J. B. Lippincott Company, 1918. Pp. 221 ; 8 f . p. colored plates ; cm. 20. Title-page in red and black in a border; half-title to each part; first leaf has half-title on recto and book-ad. on verso. NEW YORK 1812 (Durell) Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. Four. I. A. Voyage to Lilliput &c. "Splendide Mendax." Hor. Pp. xii (incl. front). 338; cm. 20 (uncut). Vol. IX of "The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., &c, ar- ranged by Thomas Sheridan, A.M., with notes, historical and critical. A new edition in twenty-four volumes, cor- rected and revised by John Nichols, F.A.S., Edinburgh and Perth. New York: Published by William Durell and Co. 1812." (Fore-title— ;The British Classics: Vol- ume the fifty-third, containing the ninth volume of Swift's works. 1812".) 1847 (Leavitt) Gulliver's Travels and Adventures in Lilliput and Brobdingnag. by Dean Swift. With copious notes, by W. C. Taylor, LL.D., and a life BIBLIOGRAPHY 169 of the author, by the Rev. John Mitford. Illus- trated by numerous engravings. New York: Lea- vill, Trow & Co., 191 Broadway, 1847. Pp. x. 11-310(4) ; front; cm. 16. (Half-title— "The life of Swift".) Extra title with vign. ; woodcuts in text. Contains some of the Verses. 1854 (Leavitt) An edition whose title is similar to the following was published in 1854. B. P. L. 1855 (Leavitt) The Works of Dean Swift; embracing Gulliver's Travels, Tale of a Tub, Battle of the Books, etc., with a life of the author, by Rev. John Mitford ; and copious notes, by W. C. Taylor, LL.D. New York: Leavitt & Allen, 27 Dey Street. 1855. Pp. x, 11-310 (Gulliver's Travels); cm. 19. Half-title to "The Life of Swift" and to "Gulliver's Travels. Voyage to Lilliput" [and "Gulliver's Travels. Voyage to Brobdingnag"]. (Parts III and IV not in- cluded.) Contains Ode to Quinbus Flestrin — one of the Verses ; also "Tale of a Tub" and "Battle of the Books," which appear to constitute the remainder of the "Works." NEW YORK-CINCINNATI 1856 (Derby) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Four. By Dean Swift, with a life of the author, by Rev. John Mitford : and copious notes, by W. C. Taylor, LL.D. New York: Derby & Jackson. 119 Nassau St., Cincinnati: H. W. Derby & Co. 1856. Pp. xii, 431 ; port, of Swift ; cm. 18i (Fore-title— "The Works of Swift," and half-title to each of the parts.) At the head of title-page, "Only complete American edition." 170 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS NEW YORK 1857 (Derby) A similar edition to the preceding, bound in 2 v., with portrait. B. P. L. Copy not examined. 1860 (Derby) A similar edition to the preceding, ex- cept that the imprint reads "498 Broadway." No portrait in the copy consulted. 1884 (Worthington) Travels . . . World. Four. Lem- uel .. . Ships. Splendide Mendax. Hor. With copious notes, and a life of the author by W. C. Taylor, LL.D., of Trinity College, Dublin. New York : R. Worthington, 770 Broadway, 1884. Pp. 334(2); front.; cm. 18*. Has an appendix to Lilliput, and to Laputa, the Ode to Quinbus Flestrin, and other Verses. The cover of some copies reads "Gulliver's Travels and Baron Munchausen." 1892 (Maynard) Gulliver's Travels. The Voyage to Lilliput. By Dean Swift. Edited and adapted for use in schools by Albert E. Blaisdell. New York: Maynard, Merrill & Co., publishers. 1892. Pp. 54(5); cm. 16*. (No. 60 of "English Classic Se- ries.") Small portrait on title-page. B. P. L,. Copy not examined. 1896 (Longmans) Travels . . . World. Four. Lem- uel . . . Ships. New York: Longmans, Green and Co. MDCCCXCVI. Pp. 308; 5 maps, 1 plan; cm. 19§ (uncut). (Half-title.) Ornamental title-page in red and black. A reversion to the Motte text; printed on frail paper. BIBLIOGRAPHY 171 1903 (Collier) Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, D.D., with an introduction by Edward Brooks. Illustrated by Beatrice Stevens. New York. P. F. Collier & Son. 1903. Pp. (2)x (unnumbered), 384; 2 colored plates; cm. 20. (Library for Young People. Vol. VI.) Fore-title, and half-title. Contains some of the Verses. NEW YORK AND LONDON 1904 (Macmillan) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Jonathan Swift. Edited, with notes and an intro- duction by Clifton Johnson. New York: The Mac- millan Company. London : Macmillan & Co., Ltd. 1904. All rights reserved. Pp. xxiv, 242(4) ; front.; cm. 14. (Gen. half-title, and half-title to each Part.) 1909 (Bowman) Gulliver's Travels to Lilliput, Brob- dingnag," Laputa and the Country of the Houy- hnhnms. Illustrated by Lancelot Speed. New York, Charles L. Bowman & Co. Mercantile Building. 1909. Pp. xxiv (inclu. fly-leaf), 25-334; 8 f. p. plates; cm. 19*. (Half-title to each part.) 1910 (Methuen) Dean Swift. By Sophie Shilieto Smith. With sixteen illustrations. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. London : Methuen & Co. 1910. Pp. xii, 340; front; cm. 22. (Half-title.) GARDEN CITY-NEW YORK 1912 (Doubleday) Gulliver's Travels. By Jonathan Swift. Edited by Anna Tweed. Illustrated by 172 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Dan Sayre Groesbeck. Garden City-New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1912. Pp. xviii, 304(6) ; 8 plates; cm. 19. (Fore-title— "Gol- den Books for Children, edited by Clifton Johnson — Gul- liver's Travels," and half-title to each part.) NEW YORK AND LONDON 1913 (Harper) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Jonathan Swift (Lemuel Gulliver) first a surgeon and then a captain of several ships. With an in- troduction by W. D. Howells and more than one hundred illustrations by Louis Rhead. Harper & Brothers, Publishers, New York & London. MCMXIII. Pp. xviii, 351 ; cm. 22\. (Half-title.) Portrait of Swift surrounded by miniature illustrations; title-page within a border; vignetted half-title to each part ; page of maps. Text corrupt. 1917 (Macmillan) Gulliver's Travels. By Jonathan Swift. Edited by Padraic Colum. Presented by Willy Pogany. The Macmillan Company. New York, 1917. Pp. xxviii, 296(3) ; 12 col'd, and other plates; cm. 19. Title-page, and half-title to each part, with vignette. Map on verso of half-title to each Part. [Attractively illustrated, but text emasculated.] BOSTON 1900 (Heath) The B. P. L. has an edition like the fol- lowing, dated 1900, in 2 v. 1901 (Heath) Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Jona- than Swift, D.D. Edited with introduction and notes by Thomas M. Balliet, Superintendent of BIBLIOGRAPHY 173 Schools, Springfield, Mass. With thirty-eight il- lustrations and a map. Part I. A Voyage to Lil- liput. Part II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. Bos- ton, U. S. A. : D. C. Heath & Co., Publishers, 1901. Pp. xii, inclu. front, (pages misnumbered), 102; and 112; cm. 19. The illustrations do not correspond to the statement on the title-page. There are 38 in Part I alone. There is also a map in each part. The cover bears the statement "The Home Library," which appears nowhere in the volume. [Text expurgated.] 1902 (Ginn) Gulliver's Travels. I. A Voyage to Lilli- put. II. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. By Jonathan Swift. Dean of St. Patrick [sic]. Edited for schools, with notes and a sketch of the author's life. Boston, U. S. A. : Published by Ginn & Company. 1902. Pp. x, 162(4) ; cm. 17*. CHICAGO 1884 (Bedford) Travels . . . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. Splendide Mendax. — Hor. With copi- ous notes, and a life of the author, by W. C. Taylor, LL.D., of Trinity College, Dublin. Chicago : Bel- ford, Clarke & Co. 1884. Pp. 333; front; cm. 18. Bound in with Munchausen. This edition appears to contain the same matter as the New York-Worthington edition of the same year, but has a different frontispiece and is of a different setting. A misnumbering of the preliminary pages has resulted in the absence of pp. 3-6 inclusive. CINCINNATI 1906 (Phonographic) A Voyage to Lilliput. By Jona- 174 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS than Swift. In the amanuensis style of phonogra- phy, by Benn (sic) Pitman and Jerome B. Howard. Cincinnati : The Phonographic Institute Company, 1906. Pp. 60; cm. 17. B. P. L. HALIFAX 1859 (Milner) Gulliver's Travels into several remote Nations of the World. By Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's. With the life of the author. Halifax : Milner and Sowerby. 1859. Pp. (3)xvi, 272(3); front; vign. ; cm. uy 2 . Engraved title-page, extra. Extra 11. of ads. with bor- der; first and last leaf pasted to cover. ("The Cottage Library" embossed on back.) UNDATED EDITIONS GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND LONDON, LONDON-NEW YORK, ETC. Cassell, Petter, and Galpin. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Dean Swift. A new Edition. With explanatory Notes and a Life of the Author, by John Francis Waller, LL.D., Vice-president of the Royal Irish Academy. Illustrated by T. Mor- ten [Emblem]. Pp. iv (unn.), xliv, 352; front.; cm. 26. A later ed., "Illustrated by the late T. Morten," has the front, colored, and 4 pp. of ads. Ornamental border. Has some of the Verses. C. Cooke. Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships Two volumes in one. By Dean Swift. BIBLIOGRAPHY 175 Cooke's Edition. [Emblem] Embellished with superb engravings. Pp. iv, 5-287(1) ; front, and 3 f. p. illus.; cm. 14. There were two editions, each with four plates after R. Corbould, by Hawkins, and Warren. In the earlier ed. these plates are dated 1795-1797; in the later, 1797, 1798, 1800 and 1801, and partly re-engraved. In the later ed. the last p. has a list of books. J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. (N. Y. : E. P. Dutton & Co.). Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. Pp. xx, 280; cm. 17. (Fore-title "Everyman's Library.") Title and opposite page with ornamental border. Wood- cuts after Rackham. Maps. First published March, 1906; again in 1909, 1910 and 1912. J. F. Dove. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With the Life of the Author. Pp. xxvi, 334; cm. \2\. Front, and vignette engraved for Dove's English Clas- sics, by G. Corbould, designed by H. Corbould. 1832? B. P. L. has editions of 1824 and 185- ? J. Harris (Successor to E. Newbery) &c. The Adventures of Captain Gulliver in a Voyage to the Islands of Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Abridged from the Works of the Celebrated Dean Swift. Adorned with cuts. Price six pence. Pp. 123(5) ; cm. 11 Crude wood cuts in text. Hayward and Moore. Travels . . . World. Lem- uel . . . Ships. Four. Splendide Mendax. — Hor. Illustrated with upwards of four hundred wood- engravings from designs by Grandville. With copi- ous notes, a Life of the Author, and an Essay on 176 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS satirical fiction, by W. C. Taylor, LL.D. of Trinity College, Dublin [1840]. Pp. 16 (inclu. front.) lx, 508; front.; cm. 24 (uncut). Appendices contain some of the Verses. Appears to follow the Hawkesworth text. T. C. & E. C. Jack. (N. Y. : E. P. Dutton & Co.) Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput and Brobdingnag, told to the children by John Lang, with pictures by F. M. B. Blaikie. "Told to the Children Series.") Pp. x, 116; 8 colored plates; cm. 14. (Half-title— T. Nelson and Sons. Gulliver's Travels, by Dean Swift. Pp. xxxii (inclu. front.), 320; cm. 15i. (Title page with border.) Ernest Nister. (N. Y. : E. P. Dutton & Co.). Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. Adapted for the young by W. B. Scott. Illustrated by A. E. Jackson. Pp. 332; six colored and other full-page illus. ; cm. 20h- (Ornamental half-title.) George Routledge & Sons, Limited. (N.Y. : E. P. Dutton & Co.) Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. Adapted for the young. A new edition with many illustrations (4 colored). Pp. xvi, 415; cm. 19. (Gen. half-title, and half-title to each Part.) George Routledge and Sons, Limited. Gulli- ver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. Lon- don and New York. Pp. (l)iv, 361(1); cm. 18*. B. P. L. Copy not examined. BIBLIOGRAPHY 177 Walter Scott. Prose writings of Swift. Chosen and arranged by Walter Lewin. London. Pp. xxviii, 352; cm. 17J. No date on title-page. Date of introduction is 1886. Belongs to the Camelot series. B. P. L. Copy not examined. Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd. Gulliver's Voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Written by Jona- than Swift, illustrated by P. A. Staynes. Pp. xiv, 237(1) ; cm. 201 (uncut). Fore-title; ornamented half-title to each part, with map on verso. Illus. in black and color. Title-page and oppo- site page with ornamental border. [1912.] This text was also issued with the imprint of Henry Holt and Co, N. Y. Ward, Lock & Co., Limited. Gulliver's Travels, by Tonathan Swift, D.D. With colored plates [bv H. C. Sandy]. Pp. 320; 8 plates; cm. 21. Fore-title, and half-title to each part. Ward, Lock & Co., Limited. (London, Mel- bourne & Toronto). Gulliver in Liliput (sic) by Jonathan Swift, D. D. Retold by Edith Robarts ; illustrated in color. Pp. 93; 8 plates; cm. 14*. (Fore-title.) Title-page within ornamental border. Ward, Lock & Co. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With a memoir of the author. Illustrated with upwards of 300 wood-engravings, from designs by J. G. Thomson, engraved by W. L. Thomas. Pp. xxxvi, 364(16) ; cm. 20. (Fore-title.) 178 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Half-title to each part. Verses and ballads. Similar to the edition published by Frederick Warne & Co., (Bee- ton's Boys' Own Library.) Frederick Warne and Co. (N. Y. : Scribner, Welford, and Armstrong). Gulliver's Travels . . . World. A new edition, revised for general use. Pp. iv, 188; cm. IS. Four f. p. woodcuts after Phiz. Frederick Warne and Co. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With a Memoir of the Author. Illustrated with upwards of 300 wood engravings, from designs by J. G. Thomson, en- graved by W. L. Thomas. Pp. xxxvi, 364; cm. 21. (Fore-title.) Half-title to each part, colored front, and ornamental title-page. (Beeton's Boy's Own Library.) Has Verses and ballads. Willoughby and Co. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With a Life of the Au- thor. Embellished with numerous engravings, by first-rate artists. Pp. 11-306; 2 woodcut front's.; cm. 21. EDINBURGH G. Ross. Adventures of Captain Gulliver, in a Voyage to Lilliput. Edinburgh. [1814]. Pp. 47; cm. 9J. Wood cut front., vignette on title-page, and cuts in text. Like Glasgow edition of 1815. PARIS BIBLIOGRAPHY 179 FRANCE Delarue. Voyages de Gulliver, par Swift. Tra- duction de l'Abbe Desfontaines, revue par Remond. Illustre de 130 dessins par H. fimy et Telory. Pp. (ii)356; front.; cm. 18£ (uncut). (Half-title.) E. Ducrocq, Successeur de P.-C. Lehuby. Same title as that of the Lehuby edition of [1843]. Pp. 447; cm. 21J. (Half-title.) The plates are the same as in the Lehuby ed., but have a border. P.-C. Lehuby. Voyages de Gulliver dans les Contrees lointaines, par Swift. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et revetue de l'approbation de M. L'Abbe Lejeune, Chanoine de la Metropole de Rouen, Pro- fesseur a la Faculte de Theologie. Illustree de 20 grands dessins par Bouchot, graves par MM. Brug- not, Chevin, Trichon, Poujet et Budzilowicz. Paris, Libraire de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse. P.-C. Le- huby. [1843] Pp. 428; cm. 19. (Half-title.) Henry Laurens. Swift. Voyages de Gulliver. Illustrations de A. Robida. fidition pour la Jeun- esse, precede d'une introduction par M. L. Tarsot, Sous-Chef de Bureau au Ministere de lTnstruction publique. [Vignette.] Paris. Librairie Renouard. Henri Laurens, fiditeur, 6, rue de Tournon, 6, Tous droits reserves. Pp. (2)iv, 128; cm. 27. (Half-title.) 180 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS PARIS Charles Letaille. Voyages de Gulliver. Nou- velle edition specialement destinee a la jeunesse et ornee de nombreuses figures decoupes. Pp. 128; cm. 13$. (Half-title.) Illustrations "cut out" and mounted on inserted leaves. First two Parts only. Librairie F. Polo. Voyages de Gulliver par Swift, traduits par l'Abbe Desfontaines, precedes d'une etude sur la vie et les ecrits de Swift par Rene De- lorme. Pp. (4)xxiv, 328; hf. t. ; woodcuts after Morten by Cooper, and Linton ; cm. 27. Cf. Cassell eds., London, etc. [c. 1872.] G. Marpon et E. Flammarion. Swift. Voyages de Gulliver. Pp. (2)ii, 315; no plates; cm. 15J. (Half-title.) Nelson (Paris, Londres, Edimbourg & New York). Voyages de Gulliver par Jonathan Swift. Pp. 64; 8 colored plates; cm. 25. La Place, Sanchez et Cie. Voyages de Gulliver, par Swift. Traduction de l'abbe Desfontaine, re- vue, corrigee, et precede d'une Introduction par Jules Janin. Illustrations de Gavarni. Quatrieme Edition. Pp. iv, 380; 16 f. p. plates, and vign. on title-page; cm. 25*. (Fore-title, and half-title to each Part.) 16 f. p. plates, and vign. on title-page. The cover has the imprint "Morizot, Libraire-Edi- teur" &c.) The text does not agree with that of the Paris ed. of 1727. BIBLIOGRAPHY 181 A. Quantin. Voyages de Gulliver. Traduction nouvelle et complete, par B.-H. Gausseron. Paris. Pp. (4)xii, 429(3) ; cm. 251 (281, uncut). (Half-title: "Voyages chez plusieurs Nations reculees du Monde, par Lemuel Gulliver, d'abord Chirurgien, puis Capitaine sur differents Vaisseaux. Complet en quatre Parties.") Colored vign. on title-page and colored illust. in text, by V. A. Poirson. Cf. London, 1886, Nimmo. The editor says of the Paris ed. of 1727: "les suppressions, les addi- tions et les contresens les plus audacieux et les plus in- croyables s'etalent avec complaisance" (p. x). GERMANY BERLIN Globus Verlag. Gullivers Reisen, nach dem Eng- lischen des Jonathan Swift fur die Jugend bear- beitet. Mit Ulustrationen in Farbendruck nach Originalen von Max Wulff. Pp. 238; 5 plates; cm. 21$. COLOGNE Verlag Hermann & Friedrich Schaffstein. Gul- livers Reisen nach Lilliput und Brobdingnag von Jonathan Swift. Nach Fr. Kottenkamps Ueber- setzung aus dem Englischen durchgesehen und ausgewahlt von H. Schaffstein. Fur Knaben und Madchen vom 12ten Jahre an. Pp. 122(2) ; cm. 20. (Fore-title, and half-title to each Part.) Fore-title, and half-title to each part. Not expurgated. LEIPZIG Abel & Miiller. Gulliver's Reizen zu fremden 182 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS und seltsamen Volkern. Illustriert von Prof. Schmidt und ancleren. Pp. 230(2) ; 4 colored plates; wood cuts in text; cm. 20. WESEL Verlag von W. Diims. Gulliver's Reizen und Abenteuer bei den Zwergen und Riesen. Der Jugend neu erzahlt von Ferdinand Goebel. Mit Farbendruckbildern von W. Schaefer. Pp. v, 72; 3 colored plates ; cm. HOLLAND — DUTCH AMSTERDAM Van Holkema & Warendorf. Gulliver's Reizen bewerkt onder toezicht van C. Joh. Kieviet. Geil- lustreerd met gekleurde en zwarte platen. Pp. iv, 212; 4 colored plates; woodcuts in text; cm. 24. (Half-titles.) Consists of 5 parts, of which Pt. 4 contains matter in Vol. 3 of the English editions, and Part 5 treats of cen- taurs, instead of horses. L. J. Veen. Gulliver's Reizen naar Liliput en andere vreemde Landen. Voor de Jeugd bewerkt door J. J. A. Goeverneur. Mit 6 Platen naar Aquarellen van Wm. Steelink. Derde Druk. Pp. 4, 210(2) ; cm. 22. (Half-titles.) Only two Parts. W. Versluys. Gulliver's Reizen naar Lilliput en Brobdingnag, door Jonathan Swift. Vertaald door Albert Verwey. Met 23 Afbeeldingen. Pp. 144; cm. 19*. BIBLIOGRAPHY 183 NO PLACE (No Pub.) Gulliver's Reizen. Voor de Jeugd bewerkt. Naar Jonathan Swift. Met vele ge- kleurde platen. Pp. 80; 3 £. p. colored plates; cm. 18i. Colored boards. PURMERENDE W. A. Makkes. Gulliver's Reis naar Lilliput. Pp. iv, 34(2) ; 8 colored plates; illus. title-page; cm. 13. (Half-title.) SWEDEN STOCKHOLM F. C. Askerbergs Forlag. Gullivers Resor i obe- kanta Lander af Jonathan Swift. Ofversattning f ran Engelska originalet. Tva Delar : Resorna till Lilliput och Brobdingnag. Med ofver 50 illustra- tioner och en planch i fargtryck. [1882]. Pp. xvi, 228; front, and port.; cm. 17. J. W. Lofvings Forlag. Kapten Lemuel Gul- livers Resa till Lilleputernes Land. En under- hallande Berattelse for Barn. Med 6 kolorerade planscher. Pp. 32; cm. 9|xl3. NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA Henry Altemus. Jonathan Swift. Gulliver's 184 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Travels arranged for young readers. [Parts 1 and 2-] Pp. 222; col'd front.; woodcuts; cm. 16. Ornamental fore-title and title-page. Henry Altemus. Gulliver's Travels into some remote regions of the world. By Jonathan Swift, D.D. With 55 illustrations. [1896.] Pp. ii, 5-216(4) ; col'd front.; cm. 15i Henry Altemus Company. [Same title and text as preceding.] With fifty-five illustrations. Copy- right 1899 by Henry Altemus. Pp. ii, (5 to 9)— 216(12 to 28) ; cm. 16. Title-page in red or blue, with black or green border. Front, in blue or black. ("Altemus' Young People's Li- brary.") David McKay. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Dean Swift. With ten full page colored plates and fifty wood engravings. Pp. 446; cm. 19. Half-title; and half-title to Life of Dean Swift, and to each part. Probably belongs to "McKay's Colored Clas- sics." David McKay. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Jonathan Swift, D.D. With four full-page col- ored plates and numerous illustrations. Pp. ii, 7-196; colored front.; cm. 17. ("McKay's Young People's Classics.") Parts I and II. NEW YORK The American News Company. Travels . . . World. By Jonathan Swift. Pp. (2)383; front, 5 plates; cm. 18i Half-title to each part. BIBLIOGRAPHY 185 A. L. Burt. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. Illustrated by Gordon Browne and C. E. Brock. Pp. (2)230(14) ; colored front; cm. 18*. Half-title to each of the two parts. A. L. Burt. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. In words of one syllable. By J. C. G. From the original by Dean Swift. Illustrated. Pp. 94(2) ; cm. 20. Copyright 1895. A. L. Burt Company. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Jonathan Swift, D.D. With eight illus. in colors and thirty-seven drawings in black and white, by Gordon Browne and C. E. Brock. Pp. xxii, 468. Half-title to each part. H. M. Caldwell Company (New York and Bos- ton). Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Dean Swift. A new edition, with explanatory notes and a life of the author, by John Francis Waller, LL.D. With fifty wood-engravings, and ten original color- ed plates. Pp. 446; cm. 192. ("Caldwell's Juvenile Classics, with colored illustrations.") Gen. half-title ; half-title to Life of Dean Swift, and to each Part. Title in red and black. Verses. H. M. Caldwell Company (New York and Bos- ton). Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Swift . . . Dean. With eighteen illustrations by Gordon Brown and others, and ten original colored plates. Pp. ii. 7-333 (9 blank + 16) ; cm. 19. ("Caldwell's Ju- venile Classics, with colored illustrations.") Verses. 186 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS H. M. Caldwell Company (New York and Bos- ton) . Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput and Brobding- nag. From the Story by Dean Swift. Pp. ii, 128; cm. 18. Seven colored plates, and process plates in text. Printed in Scotland. Chatterton-Peck Co. Gulliver's Travels into some remote Regions of the World. By Jonathan Swift, D.D. With seventy illustrations. Pp. 198(4) ; cm. 19. (Half-title.) Six illus. in color. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Travels . . . World. Gulliver . . . Ships. Four. Pp. xii, 384; cm. 16i The usual maps, and six f. p. illustrations, part colored. Henry Holt & Company. Gulliver's Voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Written by Jonathan Swift. Illustrated by P. A. Staynes. Pp. xiv, 238; cm. 20. (Fore-title.) Ornamental half-title to each part, with map on verso. First issued in 1912. Cf. supra, London, Sidgwick. Lovell Brothers & Company. Gulliver's Travels. Illustrated. Pp. xii, 13-310; cm. 18. Vign. on title-page ; wood cuts in text. Copy examined had preliminary pages, only iii to viii. The F. M. Lupton Publishing Company. Trav- els .. . World. Four. Lemuel . . . Ships. With copious notes, and a life of the author, by W. C. Taylor, LL.D., of Trinity College, Dublin. Pp. 5-333; cm. 18. BIBLIOGRAPHY 187 McLoughlin Brothers. Gulliver's Travels into some remote regions of the World. By Dean Swift. With Illustrations by T. Morten. Pp. ii, 158; col'd front.; two Parts; cm. 23. J. Slater. Gulliver's Travels into the Kingdom of Lilliput : recording his strange adventure in that remote country. Embellished with neat engrav- ings on wood. Pp. 36; front.; cm. 15. Vign., and cuts in the text. Bound with other stories. Sully and Kleinteich. Gulliver's Travels. By Jonathan Swift. Abridged by W. Dingwell For- dyce. (Printed in Great Britain.) Pp. 64; 8 colored mounted illus.; cm. 25i. BOSTON, ETC. Ginn and Company. Gulliver's Travels. A Voy- age to Lilliput and a Voyage to Brobdingnag. By Jonathan Swift, D.D. (Lemuel Gulliver). First a Surgeon and then a Captain of several ships. Edited by Edward K. Robinson. Illustrated by Charles Copeland. [1914.] Boston, New York, Chicago, London. Pp. vi, 256; cm. 17§. (Half-title to each Part, with map on verso.) Ginn & Company,. Gulliver's Travels. I. A Voyage to Lilliput. II. A Voyage to Brobding- nag. By Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick [sic]. Edited for schools, with notes and a sketch of the author's life. Boston, New York, Chicago, London. Pp. x, 162(4) ; cm. 17*. (Copyright 1886, "25.1"— "213.9.") 188 GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Houghton Mifflin Company. Gulliver's Travels. Part I. A Voyage to Lilliput. By Jonathan Swift, with introductory sketch and notes. Boston, New York, Chicago. Pp. 102(2); front, map; cm. \7\. (Copyright 1896.) (The Riverside Literature Series.) Contains the verses to Quinbus Flestrin. (Part II printed separately in a similar manner?) Lee and Shepard (Charles T. Dillingham, N. Y.). Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Illustrated by H. R. Browne. A new edition revised for general use. Pp. iv, 7-314(8) ; cm. 17. (Illus. fore-title, and vign.) James Redpath. A Voyage to Lilliput. By Lemuel Gulliver. Pp. 77; cm. 16. Additional title-page is an illustration, with the words "Gulliver's Travels" superimposed. Original paper cover bears the series name, "Redpath's books for the camp fires." B. P. L. Copy not examined. CHICAGO W. B. Conkey Company. Gulliver's Travels into some remote regions of the world. By Jonathan Swift, D.D. With sixty illustrations. Pp. 188(4); colored front; cm. 16J. (Half-title.) Only two Parts. Donohue Brothers. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. Four. Complete edition, with copious notes and a life of the author. By W. C. Taylor, LL.D. of Trinity College, Dublin. Pp. ii, 7-334; cm. 18. No illustrations. Appendices, to Lilliput and Laputa. Verses. BIBLIOGRAPHY 189 Donohue, Henneberry & Co. Gulliver's Travels . . . World. By Dean Swift. A new edition, edit- ed for young readers by Edwin O. Chapman. With more than 250 illustrations. Pp. 176. Rand, McNally & Company (Chicago and New York). Gulliver's Travels. By Dean Swift. Pp. 354(4) ; cm. 18. Rand, McNally & Company (Chicago and New York). Gulliver's Travels. By Jonathan Swift. With illustrations by Milo Winter. Pp. xii, 344; cm. 23. (Gen. half-title, and half-title to each Part.) Copyrighted 1912. CINCINNATI U. P. James. Travels . . . World. Lemuel . . . Ships. By Dean Swift. Embellished with wood cuts. Cincinnati. Pp. 170; 5 f. p. illus.; cm. 13*. B. P. L. Copy not examined. University Press. The Sources of Gulliver's Travels. Max Poll [&c]. Pp. 23 ; cm. 22 1 /,. This pamphlet it undated. It contains no reference to Collins's work, 1893. FACSIMILES OF TITLES i]ii^'llgiPi!'!iiiJ[| il[ii^";!il[!i;[|j!iiffli:iiiiiiiiiI Plate I Portrait of Gulliver : First State l TRAVEL S INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations OF THE WO RL D. In Four .PARTS. By LEMUEL GUL K LlVER y Firft a Surgeon, and then a Cap- tain of feveral SHIPS. Vol. I. L NrD N: Trinted for B e n j. Motje, at the Middle Temple-Gate in Fleet-ftreet. Mdccxxvi. ! ■ ' Plate II First Edition. General Title Page to Vol. I. (Used also for Second Edition.) T RAVE L S INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations OF THE WORLD. PARTI. A^Voyage to LILLITUT. L'O K T> N: Printed in the Year M DCC XX VI. Plate III First Edition. Separate Title Page to Part I. (Used also for Second Edition.) TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations OF THE. WORLD. By Captain Lemuel Gulliver. PART II. A Voyage to BROBDINGNAG. L O NT) O N: Printed in the Year, MDCCXXVI. Plate IV First Edition. Separate Title Page to Part II. (Used also for Second Edition.) V y " - 1 TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations OF THE WORLD. By Captain Lemuel Gulliver. PART III. A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg and Japan. PART IV. A Voyage to the Houyh n h nms. LONDON: Printed for Benja mi n Mottf, at the Mtddk-Templc-Gate. M DCOXXVI. Plate V First Edition. General Title Page to Vol. II. Parts III and IV ^C<;''1 DCC XXVL i Plate VI First Edition. Separate Title Page to Part IV • TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations . O F T H E WOR LD. IN FOUR PARTS. By LEMUEL GULLIVER, firft a Surgeon, and then a Captain of feveral SHIPS. VOL. I. , LO ND N: Printed for Benj. Motte, at the Middle Temple-Gate in Fleet- itreet. M,DCC,XXVI. 1 " Plate VII Third Edition. General Title Page to Vol. I TRAVE LS INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations OF THE WORLD. By Captain Lemuel- Gulliver. VOL. II. PART III. A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdribb, Luggnagg, and Japan. * * , PART IV. A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms. L O N T> O N : Printed for Benjamin Motte, at the Middle-Temple-Gate. M dcc xx vi. Platf, VIII Third Edition. General Title Page to Vol. II. (Used also for Second Edition, Type B.) IJIll!' mil! II ' • . ' ' * . * ' /u/>( ijilam^ ittJyfh/ijitc animijanctcfmte rcce/fiu ■' ■ 1 ■■■■ iMlIMMlIIl II I I IS Plate X Portrait of Gulliver: Third State T R AVELS INTO SEVERAL Remote Nations O F T H E WORLD. By Captain Lemuel Gulliver. PART III. i A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbt, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg, and Japan. PART IV. A Vo y ag e to the Houyhnhnms. The Second Edition. L O N T> O N: Printed for Benjamin Motte, at the ' Middle-Temple -Gate. M.d cc.xx v i . Plate XI Second Edition. General Title Page to Vol. II (Tvpe A), Parts III and IV. ("The Second Edition."/ >i* .^tatAG E . in tfc&meaneft Habits moil of them tell- ing me the^ died in Poverty and PhV grace, and the reft on a. Scaffold or a €|ibb|et» , .._■--. V . • . . v - -36 . ■ - i ' \ . v . . . . . o •••>./■ • . , v VA M O- it g the reft there was one Per- jfon wbofe |Cafe : appeared a little ngu- lajv He ha'd a Youtfi about eighteen Years old fta^iog ^y WsSde. He told- me he had for- many Years been Com- mander of a Ship^ and in; the Sea Fight at JBtiw, l^a4 ihe good Fortune to break through the Enemy's great line; pf Battle, fink, three o£. their Capital Ships, and take a. fourth^ which was thefoleCaufe, PjL^^^s^F^r^, and of the Yiaorjs.that enfuedj that .she, Youth iian(£ng ,bjf himj his- bnly 4k>n* ^as filled in the, AJ&pn. He ajded, that §ppn the Conscience: .qffonie Merit, this War being at an en$, hejttf^ to K#0f, and felici^ed at theyOtfuXt olJu- guftus tp be prefe^edtom: greater Sliip, whofe Commander: had been killed; but frithptft any .regard to his Pretenfions, n - » it Plate: XII First Edition. Page 114, Vol. II, Part III. ("ngular" for "singular.") ii4 ^VOYAGE in the meaner! Habit, moft of them tell- ing me they died in Poverty and Dif. grace, and the reft on a Scaffold or a Gibbet. Among the reft there was one Per- fon whofe Cafe appeared a little fingu- lar. He had a • Youth about eighteen Years old ftanding by his fide. He told .me he had for many Years been Com- mander of a Ship, and in the Sea Fight at ABium y had the good Fortune to break 'through the Enemy's great Line of Battle, fink three' of their Capital Ships, and take a fourth, which was the fole Caufe of sG RAFENHAGE by ALBERTS & VANPE R KLOOTV MDCCXXVII. Plate XXIII Hague Edition (Cm. 15, Alberts), 1727: Title Page VOYAGES DU CAPITAINE LEMUEL GULLIVER, E N DIVER$ PAYS ELOIGNEZ. TOME PREMIER. Premiere Partie. Contenant Ie Voyage de Lilliput. «^ -3 ^' it .Vchradrr.™-j2 ALA HA TE, Chcfc P. GOSSE & J. NEAULME. MDCCXXV1L Plate XXIV Hague Edition (Cm. 16, Gosse), 1727: Title Page VOYAGES D E GULLIVER. TOME PREMIER. Second e Edition , revue & cor'rlgfe* A MILDENDO, Chez les Freies P I G M E O S, qAvcc Privilege de V Emperw de LUl'ipm. 17*7* Plate XXV "Mildendo" Edition (Cm. \S]/ 2 , "Pigmeos"), 1727 Title Paere University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. JAN i 7 2006 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 295 910 2 3 1205 03057 2299 i t t i i , =. i t ! « 'AV.fA* i;i i ill, I i;< I |i M l \'A'A » • i t i i i i i » i,« * ■ i m i m m • • § I : 1 \ t' 1 • •• '■ ■ ™ .■■ - nil 1)1 J I ! t I • I I > l I I I I II'M • 'J » •■! M .'A ' A . i.i.i. '.V. - - - s ! • ; i •- i - < •. ' ' 'A - i i . ■ V - ■ ■ I . ■ ■ i ■ i I * J i I 1 I I ■ - I - ■ ■ i it • « » » ttai * « ■ i i i it » t i » • I i » « I i i A • i