ill liiiii: iiifij!ii!!f!iiii'i|;!::lilfjiii| liiiiiiliii y / Governor Winfield T. DuRBl^ As Colonel of the 161st Ind. Vol. A HISTORY NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA From the beginning of the Mihtia System in 1787 to the present time, including the services of Indiana Troops in the WAR WITH SPAIN INDIANAPOLIS, W. D. PRATT, Printer and Binder 1901 Contents CHAPTER ]. In Early Days. CHAPTER 11. Indian Attacks and the War of 1812. CHAPTER III. Sixty Years of Militia and Legion. CHAPTPIR TV. Encampments and Active Service. CHAPTER V. Staff Organization and Signal Work. CHAPTER VI. The First Regiment, Infantry. CHAPTER Vll. The Second Regiment, Infantry. CHAPTER AH 11. The Third Regiment, Infantry. CHAPTER IX. The First Artillery. CHAPTER X. Retired Regiments, Companies and Officers. CHAPTER XI. The War with Spain. Publisher's Note Tlie compilation of a history of the National Guard of In- diana led to far greater depths than was anticipated. The National Guard of to-day is so directly the outgrowth of the militia system which began with the Northwest Territory, that its history would not have been complete unless written from that time. This was a difficult task, as official papers relating to the early days of Indiana are few. Many were lost during the moving of the State government from one capital to another, and from one State House to another. A wagon load of these valuable old documents was sold as waste paper by a janitor who did not realize their value. The record of early days is necessarily incomplete. In all cases the names are spelled as they appear on the official records. The History is issued by the publisher with the hope that it may cause the Guardsman to have a greater pride in his organization, and the people to have greater pride in the Guard. The publisher is under obligations to all the officers and men who have co-operated to make the work a success; but I)articular acknowledgment is made of the assistance given by Major John E. Miller, Colonel Charles E. Wilson, Colonel James B. Curtis. Colonel William E. English, Captain William F. Ranke and Captain William H. Drapier, Jr. The compilation and publication of this book has only been made possible by the aid given by friends of the Guard throughout the State, and those to whom the thanks of the members are extended are: ANDERSON. George F. McCuUoch. Wright Shovel Co. FT. WAYNE. W. H. Olds. Alexander Johnson. S. D. Fleming. Charles S. Bash. R. S. Taylor. S. M. Foster. ivi'^t4173 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. INDIANAPOLIS William E. English. C. C. Perry. M. A. Morris. William Garstang. Indi.anapolis Street Railway Co Thomas Taggart. B. F. Schmid. Kothe, AVells & Bauer. Horace Wood. Severin & Co. George Merritt. Hibben, Hollweg & Co. The :McElwaine-Richards Co. A. A. ^McKain. O. S. Runnels. H. H, Hanna. ^'onnegut Hardware Co. MARION. Mrs. Alice Wilson McCullough. Oliver H. Keller. Ball Brothers. Marion Fruit Jar and Bottle Co. MICHIGAN CITY. John H. Barker, President of the Haskell-Barker Car Co. TERRE HAUTE. W. R. McKeen. Crawford Fairbanks. Hulman & Co. Prox & Brinkman Mfg. Co. A. J. Crawford. E. Bierhaus & Son. G. Reiter. L. B. Root & Co. A. Ilerz. Terre Haute Shovel and Tool Co. Filbeck Hotel Co. VINCENNES. W. F. Carmisch. Wabash Paper Co. WABASH. WARSAW. Beyer Bros. CHAPTER 1. In Early Days. When Indiana was a part of the Northwest Territory, the art of war was considered as of equal importance with the arts of peace. This was of necessity; nor was it contrary to the natural tendencies of the early settlers. Many of them had lost all their possessions while serving in the War of Revolution and had corae to the great west to rebuild their shattered fortunes. Their service in the American army had left its imprint upon them and it was a new and joyful sen- sation to follow a military life for a few days at a time as a recreation and not as a necessity. The necessity for it, however, was constantly present, for a harassing and exas- perating warfare was waged with the Indians for many years. Many of the settlers came from the south, where the love for things military is inborn, and others had come from the countries of Europe in which the army was regarded as of prime importance and held in great veneration. These causes combined to produce an acquiescence in required military service and aroused an enthusiasm for military life which later bore fruit in one of the most perfect militia systems in the country. The United States Army, at the beginning of the govern- ment of the Northwest Territory, consisted of ten companies of infantry, forming one regiment, commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Harmer. The posts garrisoned by the "Regular Army" were: Pittsburg; Ft. Mcintosh, which was near where Marietta, Ohio, now stands; Ft. Steuben, near the Falls of the Ohio; and Vincennes. The regiment was 560 strong, and the Lientenant-Colonel commanding received $50 a month salarv, with a few allowances. Each of his Majors received $45 a month, each of the Captains |35 a month, each of the Lieutenants $26 a month, and each of the Ensigns $20 a month. Ft. Harmer was under command of Major Denny and the post at Vincennes was commanded by Major Hamtramck. The first appearance of the military after the arrival of the officers of the Northwest Territory was on July 4, 1788, and before the arrival of Governor St. Clair. The nation's birthdav was celebrated at Marietta by a parade of the sol- 6 NATIONAL GIL\RD OF INDIANA. diers and citizens, and Jndge Varnum delivered an oration. Following the oration was a barbecue which lasted far into the night. The population of Marietta then consisted of 132 men, besides the women and children, and the militia of the territory, so far as could be ascertained., numbered but 244. Congress had delegated to the Governor and the Judges of the territory the power to publish such laws as existed in the states at that time, which might be deemed necessary for the government of the new territory. Under this authority Governor Arthur Rt. Ckiir and Judges S. H. Parsons and J. M. Varnum published the first law at Marietta on July 25, 1788. It related to the subject of prime importance and pro- vided for the organization of the militia. This law required all males between 16 and 50 years of age to serve in the militia, which was divided into senior and junior classes. The senior class consisted of those who had borne civil or military commissions in the United States service, or graduates of colleges or universities. Each man was required to provide himself with a "musket and bayonet, or rifle, cartridge box and pouch, or powder horn and bullet pouch, with forty rounds of cartridges, or one pound of powder and four pounds of lead, priming wire and brush, and six flints." A company consisted of 64 men, rank and file; eight com- panies constituted a battalion, and two battalions a regiment. The commissioned and noncommissioned ofticers of each com- pany were one captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, four ''Ser- jeants," four corporals, one drummer and one fifer. To each battalion was given one lieutenant-colonel commanding, one major and one adjutant. Each regiment was commanded by a colonel. The law stated that "assembling at fixed periods is con- ducive to health, civilization and morality," and hence it was required that each captain should parade his company at ten o'clock on the morning of the first day of each week "at some place convenient to or near the place appointed or to be ap- pointed for public worship." Those who failed to be present at these parades were fined 25 and 50 cents. This law stood until July 2, 1701. when it was so amended as to designate Saturday for parade day instead of Sunday, and each captain was charged to "diligently exercise his company for the space of two hours." Each one was also required to go to church fully armed. The militia of the territory at this time was not effective and as an organization does not seem to have been called NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 7 upon. The only record of its appearance is when the courts of common pleas were formally opened by Governor St. Clair on September 2 following his arrival. This was a great cere- mony. The regulars and militia formed the escort to the officials. Immediately in front of the Governor, the two Judges and the Secretary, marched Colonel Ebenezer Sproat, sheriff", who was six feet and four inches tall and who carried in one hand a drawn sword and in the other the wand of his office. The procession solemnly marched to a blockhouse where the court was declared duly installed and for- mally opened. There was nothing on the docket and as no caseVas to be tried the court adjourned in equal state. The Indians gave great trouble to the settlers, and the settlers gave great trouble to the Indians. Frequent aimless and ineffectual dashes w^ere made against them by the regu- lars and some of the territory militia, but these served only to exasperate and harass both parties to it. Campaigns were made against the Wabash and Illinois Indians. For the two campaigns of General Harmer and Major Hamtramck, and of Governor St. Clair himself, against the Miamis, levies of 1,500 men were made from the militias of Pennsylvania and of Vir- ginia. The disastrous and dismal defeats of these expedi- tions were followed by Congress promptly increasing the reg- ular army to 5,000 men and appointing "Mad Anthony" Wayne to the command. Just previous to Governor St. Clair's cam- paign. Congress added another regiment to the regular army and Major Hamtramck was given the command of it with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. For W^ayne's campaign, Pennsyl- vania and Virginia were called on to furnish 2,500 men from the militia, and it was with these men that the militia of the territory served. The vigorous campaign by Wayne and the treaty of 1795 gave some relief to the settlers. When the Northwest Territory passed to the second grade of territorial government in 1790, the militia was given prompt attention. In his address to the First General As- sembly of the Northwest Territory at Cincinnati, Governor St. Clair stated that the militia law as enacted by the Gover- nor and Judges was of doubtful obligation, and he urged that it be re-enacted by the General Assembh\ This was done on October 28, 1799,' but on the December 13 following a com- plete re-organization of the militia was made which went into effect on March 1, 1800. The organization as provided for in that law is strikingly similar to that of the present day. Those who were between 18 and 45 years old, except Judges of the Supreme Court, the 8 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. Attorney-General, the Clerk of the Supreme Court, ministers of the pjospel who were licensed to preach, jail keepers and all others exempted by the United States laws, were subject to militia duty. Sixty-four privates, or, in case of necessity, from forty to eighty, rank and file, constituted a company. The equipment which each man was required to provide for himself consisted of ''a good musket, a sufficient bayonet and belt, or fusee, two spare flints, a knapsack and a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty-four cartridges suited to the bore of his musket or fusee, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball; or a good rifle, knapsack, pouch and powder horn, with twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder." The commissioned officers were severally armed with ''a sword or hanger and esponton." A regiment consisted of two battalions of four companies each, while from two to four regiments constituted a brigade, and two brigades a division. To the commanding officer of each regiment was given the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and the commissioned and non-commissioned staffs consisted of an adjutant, clerk, quartermaster, paymaster, surgeon, sur- geon's mate, sergeant-major, quartermaster-sergeant, drum- major and fife-major. Each battalion was commanded by a major, and no changes were made in the company officers as previously prescribed. A brigadier-general was provided for each brigade, and to him was given a brigade inspector with the rank of major. Each major-general, commanding a divi- sion, was allowed two aides-de-camp, who had the rank of major. This law also provided for the first uniformed bodies of troops. One battery of artillery and one troop of horse was assigned to each brigade, the members of which were to be uniformed at their own expense as the brigade commander might prescribe. Each regiment was also required to include one company of young men between 18 and 28 years old who should be known as grenadiers, light infantrymen or riflemen, as might be selected by the brigade commander. The mem- bers of these companies were required to meet frequently for drill and to wear such uniform as might be prescribed by the regimental officers. Each member was required to pay for his own uniform, and when a member of the company reached the age of 28 years he was to be transferred to one of the companies not uniformed. It was believed such organi- zations would raise the esprit de corps among the men and NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 9 would give the government the advantage of an unusually well drilled body of men as well. The officers prescribed for each battery were a captain and two lieutenants. The other members were to be four sergeants, four corporals, six gunners, six bombardiers, one drummer, one fifer and from twenty to thirty matrosses. The non-commisisoned officers were armed with swords or hangers, and each private or matross, with a "fusee, bay- onet and belt and cartridge box to hold twelve cartridges." Each troop of horse consisted of from thirty to sixty pri- vates and was commanded by a captain. The other officers were two lieutenants, a cornet, four sergeants, four corporals, a saddler, farrier and trumpeter. The commissioned officers were armed with a sword and pair of pistols, while each dragoon was required to provide a horse, saddle and holsters, bridle, mail pillion, ''vallise,"' a breastplate and crupper, pair of boots and spurs, a sabre, a justol or pair of pistols, cart- ridge box and twelve cartridges for his pistols. The Governor was designated as commander in chief, and he was authorized to appoint an Adjutant-General. The commissioned and non-commissioned officers were required to meet six days in each year and to devote five hours daily to instruction in military atfairs. The precedent for the modern camp of instruction in Indiana is over a century old. Com- pany muster was required every two m.onths except during December, January, February and ^March of each year, while battalion muster was fixed for each April, and October was named for regimental muster. The counties were divided into regimental, brigade and division districts in the follow- ing May. The General Assembly seems to have devoted the greater part of its time to laws relating to the militia and to provide for the encouragement of the killing of wolves, and under the pressing necessities of these two branches to have overlooked the fact that in the passage of the new militia law all former laws relating to the militia were repealed. After the General Assembly adjourned it was found there were no officers to carry out the provisions of the new law and no authority to appoint any. Attention was called to this state of affairs at the meeting of the General Assembly held at Chillicothe on December 8, 1800, and the Governor was authorized to appoint the general officers after duly inquiring in each local- ity as to the fitness of the man under consideration. The history of the militia of Indiana Territory is difficult to trace. The territorv was carved out of the Northwest 10 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Territory by an act of Congress which was approved May 7, 1800. At that time it embraced within its limits most of the territory now included within the State of Indiana, all of Illinois and Wisconsin, the western half of Michigan, and a part of ]\[inne.sota. There were, at that time, but three coun- ties in the territory, and they had been formed before Indiana Territory was set oiY. St. Clair County was formed in 1790 and included' all of what is now Illinois, south of the Illinois River and west of a line drawn from Fort Massac to the mouth of Mackinaw Creek. Knox County was formed the same year and embraced nearly all of the present Indiana and Michigan, Randolph County was formed in 1795 out of the southern part of St. Clair County. Wayne County was not a part of Indiana when the terri- tory was first set apart. It was established in 1796, and was cut off, to a great extent, from Knox County. It included about one-third of the present State of Ohio, one-eighth of Indiana, the northeast corner of Illinois, including the pres- ent site of Chicago, the eastern part of Wisconsin, and all of Michigan. Detroit was the county seat, but almost all the white population was left in the Northwest Territory when Indiana Territory was set apart, and it so remained until Ohio was formed on April 30. 1802, when the greater part of it was put into Indiana Territory. The boundaries of Wayne County, after it had become a part of Indiana, were fixed January 24, 1803, and they so remained until 1805, when it became a part of Michigan Territory. Thus, by the division of Indiana when Michigan was formed, June 30, 1805, and later when Illinois was formed, March 1. 1809, the history of the militia of Indiana is inter- woven with that of the neighboring states. The form of the government and the organization of Indi- ana Territory was the same as had been provided for the Northwest Territory. In 1708 it was estimated there were 5,000 white males in the territory and at once steps were taken to organize the first grade of territorial government. This was done successfully, and on July 4, 1800, the govern- ment was formally begun at Saint Vincennes. At that time Saint Vincennes was the seat of government for Knox County, Kaskaskias for Randolph County, and Ka- hokia for St. Clair County. The total population of the terri- tory, including slaves, was 5,641, and of this number 2,517 were in what is now Indiana. By 1810, the white population in what is now Indiana alone had increased to 24,520. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 11 The officers who instituted the first government were John Gibson, a native of rennsy]vanin,who was secretary, and Will- iam Clarke, Henry Vanderburgh, and John (Jriffin, who were the first Judges. William Henry Harrison, the Governor, did not arrive until January 10, 1801. The same laws that had been provided for the Northwest Territory were accepted as the laws for Indiana Territory, and it was under the militia laws of the Northwest Territory that the militia of Indiana Territory was organized. The Executive Council, composed of the officers appointed, did not wait for the arrival of Governor Harrison, to issue commissions in the militia. The total number in the territory at that time subject to militia duty was 1,111, but from that small beginning the militia was developed. The officers were men of importance and standing in their communities and a commission was coveted. It was regarded as a signal honor and was held to be the surest channel through which civil positions could be secured. Under the first plan of organization, battalions and regi- ments were organized according to counties, and the regi- ments were so designated. Randolph County was the first to organize, so far as existing records show, and commissions were issued to the officers before the arrival of Governor Harrison. On August 1, 1800, the Executive Council, then in session at Vincennes, commissioned John Edgar as lieuten- ant-colonel and Antoine Pierre Menard as major for Ran- dolph County. Colonel Edgar was a native of Ireland and had borne a commission in the British navy, but this he re- signed in order to ally himself with the Americans in their struggle for independence. He was also probate judge, county treasurer, justice of the court of quarter sessions of the peace and justice of the court of common pleas for Ran- dolph County. Major Menard was a brother jurist in both courts and afterwards became lieutenant-governor of Illinois. A handsome monument now stands to his memory in Spring- field, Illinois, and the statue which surmounts it was made by an Indianapolis sculptor, John H. Mahoney. Those in the county who were of militia age numbered 252, and four companies were organized. The officers, nearly all of whom had ser\'ed in the war of 1776, were: First Company — Captain Joan Baptust Barbant. Lieutenant Jacques Barblitt and Ensign Andrie Barbant. Second Company — Captain Nathaniel Hull, Lieutenant John Morney and Ensign Ralph Dnu'y. Third Company — Captain James Edgar and Ensign William Dunn. 12 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. This was the extent of military activity until after the arrival of Governor Harrison. About a month after his ar- rival and on February 3, 1801, he divided Knox County and formed Clark County, which included what is now southeast- ern Indiana. The seat of government was established at Springville. Three days later he turned his attention to mili- tary affairs, and the first appointments made by him were those who were to serve on his staff. This consisted of his adjutant-general and three aides-de-camp w^ho were given the rank of major. John Small, of Knox County, was appointed adjutant-general, and to him was given the rank of lieuten- ant-"collonel." The duties of the office do not seem to have been very burdensome, as Colonel Small later became sur- vej^or of Knox County and was frequenth' sent out on gov- ernment work. The first aide-de-camp appointed was Henry Hurst, a native of Virginia, who was clerk of the general courts of the territory and later became clerk of the first federal court held in Indiana. William Mackintosh was the second, and three days later he was appointed territorial treasurer. Nicholas Jarrol, of St. Clair County, was the third. He was one of the judges of the court of common pleas for St. Clair County. To each was given the rank of ''Major in the Territorial Militia." The organization of new battalions was not actively taken up until 1802, when commissions were issued to the officers of the "Second Battalion of the First Regiment of Knox County." The maximum militia strength of the county in 1800 was 535, but only four companies were organized during the year. Luke Decker, at that time one of the judges of the court of common pleas, was appointed major of the Second Battalion of the First Regiment, on July 20, and his captains were Christopher Wyant, Ephraim Jordan and Parmenus Beckes. Captain Jordan was a judge of the court of common pleas and Captain Beckes later became sheriff of the county and was killed in a duel. The lieutenants were Abraham Fry Snapp. Isaac White, Noah Purcell, Daniel Pea and Benjamin Johnson. The only ensign commissioned was Andrew Pur- cell. Captain Wyant served only until xVugust 12, when he resigned and Lieutenant Snapp was promoted. Another com- pany was accepted on September 24, of which the officers were Captain Philipp Catt, Lieutenant Daniel Sullivan and Ensign Joseph Decker. It is probable that one organization was a troop of horse, of which Lieutenants White and Johnson were officers, but there is no specific record of such a fact. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA, 13 The activity of Knox County seems to have spurred Ran- dolph County to action, as the militia of that county was reorganized on August 19 and the officers of six companies were commissioned. John Edgar was reappointed lieutenant- "collonel" and Antoine Piere Menard, major. The officers of the reorganized companies were: First Company— Captain Nathaniel Hull, Lieutenant Ralph Druiy and Ensi.^n John Marney. Second Company— Captain Jean Bapties Bgirbeaux, Lieutenant Jacques Boutillet and Ensign Andrie Barbeaux. Third Company — Captain James Dunn and Lieutenant Antoine La Chappalle. Fourth Company— Captain James Edgar and Lieutenant William Dunn. Fifth Company — Captain Ephraim BilderbaclJ, Lieutenant LeRoy EUeal and Ensign James Hughes. Sixth Company — Captain Leven Cropper, Lieutenant Thomas Lev- ans and Ensign Parker Grosvenor. St. Clair County was organized on the same day with seven, and possibly eight, companies. The militia strength of the county in 1800 was 324. John Dumolin was appointed lieutenant-colonel and George Atchison major. Both of them were judges of the courts for the county. The company offi- cers were : First Company- Captain Baptiest Lancier, Lieutenant Michael Ben- lieux and Ensign Jean Beulieux. Second Compajiy— Captain Sanson Trotic, Lieutenant Joseph Trotice and Ensign Ellene Pensano. Third Company— Captain :\nchael Longvel, Lieutenant Jean Bpt. Chartrain and Ensign Jacques Mayot. Fourth Company— Capfain William Whitesides, Lieutenant John Moore and Ensign William Scott. Fifth Company— Captain Abraham Clark, Lieutenant Isaac luix and Ensign George Dement. Sixth Company— Captain William Bohler Whitesides and Ensign Samuel Judy. Seventh Company — Captain Henry Fisher, Lieutenant Bazel Gerard and Ensign Michael Labatte. The recommendation of the last named officers was writ- ten in French and addressed to *'Son Excellence le Gouver- neur, Monsieur." James Garrison was appointed an ensign on the same day and Robert Sybord a lieutenant, but the records do not show that they were attached to any company. Dearborn County was formed early in 1803, and was the first to organize its militia in that year. It was cut oft" from Knox County and included all of Indiana east of the Green- 14 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. ville treaty line. The proclamation was issued March 7, and the seat of government was fixed at Lawrenceburg. The civil officers were appointed the same day, and with them Benja- min Chambers was appointed lieutenant-colonel commanding. Colonel Chambers was also a judge of the Court of Common Pleas and was a man of influence in the community. His or- ganization was not perfected until August 15 following, when John Brownson was appointed major and five companies were received into the service. The officers of these companies were: First Compniiy— Captain William Hall, Lieutenant Israel Standiford and Ensign Gashani Lee. Second Company — Captain Samuel Fulton, Lieutenant William Spen- cer and Ensign Thomas Fulton. Third Company — Captain Daniel Linn, Lieutenant William Clark and Ensign Michael Flick. Fourth Company — Captain Barrent Hulick, Lieutenant James Ham- ilton and Ensign William Thompson. Fifth Company — Captain Jeremiah Johnston, Lieutenant William Allinsworth and Ensign James Buckanan. Ten days later. Major Brownson was commissioned as major of the First Regiment. In the meantime Wayne county had been added to Indiana Territory by the formation of Ohio. The general proclama- tion accepting the county was issued January 24, 1803, and the civil officers were appointed in the following May. The militia officers were not commissioned until July 28, but the organization was a thorough one. Chabert Joncaire, a judge of the Courts of Common Pleas, was appointed lieutenant- colonel, and Jean Baptiest Cecot and George McDougal ma- jors. Ten companies were received with the county, of which the officers were: First Company — Lientenant Baptiest Jerome and Ensign Joseph Reaume. Second Company — Captain James May, Lieutenant James Abott and Ensign .Joseph Campeau. Third Company — Captain Antoine Beaubien, Lieutenant Jacques Campeau and Ensign Barneby Campeau. Fourth Company — Captain Jacob Visgar, Lieutenant Jacques Las- selle and Ensign Gabriel Godfrey, Jr. Fifth Company — Captain Francois Navarre, Lieutenant Joseph Me- nard and Ensign Jacques Nacare. Sixth Company — Captain Gabriel Godfrey, Lieutenant Jean Baptiest Beaugrand and Ensign John Cissney. Seventh Company — Captain Joseph Robin, Lieutenant Remain Lachambre and Ensign Hyacinth Lafort. Eighth Company — Captain George Cotterealle, Lieutenant Jean Marie Beaubien and Ensign Pierre Meni. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. IS Ninth Company — Captain Louis Campeau, Lieutenant Jacques Lasor and Ensign Pettier Thuuen. Tenth Company — Captain Louis St. Bernard, Lieutenant Joseph Sau- cier and Ensign Baptiest Rivard. Christopher Tuttle was appointed adjutant and John Baptiest Cicot, Jr., was made ensign. Clark County was the next to organize, and on September 20 Mai'ston G. Clark was commissioned lieutenant-colonel commanding. Like the other commanding officers, he was a judge of the courts of common pleas in his county. Joseph Bartholomew was appointed major. Five companies were organized, of which the officers were: First Company — Captain John Owens, Lieutenant William Phlas- ket and Ensign David Owens. Second Company — Captain George Wood, Lieutenant Isaac Shelby and Ensign Barzillai Baker. Third Company — Captain William Goodwin, Lieutenant Robert Burge and Ensign William Stacy. Fourth Company — Captain William Smith, Lieutenant William Prather and Ensign John Morris. Fifth Company — Captain DaA'is Floyd, Lieutenant John Jackson and Ensign Rezin Redman. Eandolph County continued the work by the appointment of William Kelly as adjutant of the First Regiment on March 25 of this year, and on the same day the resignation of Captain James Dunn, of the Third Company, of this county, was accepted and Ephraim Carpenter was appointed to suc- ceed him. The other appointments for the year were Walter Wilson as ensign in the Knox county regiment on November 1, and on November 20 Nicholas LaBatte was appointed a lieutenant and Jean Marie Querie an ensign in the St. Clair County regiment. The first report ever made to the United States govern- ment of the strength of the organized militia of Indiana Ter- ritory was made in 1803. The specific date is not given, but the report shows a general staff consisting of an adjutant- general, a quartermaster-general and three aides. There is no territorial record of the appointment of a quartermaster- general. The report also shows a cavalry organization which does not a])pear in the territorial records, which consisted of a captain, two lieutenants, a cornet and sixteen dragoons. The strength of the infantry was four lieutenant-colonels, six majors, two adjutants, thirty-one captains, thirty lieutenants, twenty-seven ensigns, one sergeant-major, 113 sergeants and 1,710 privates, or a total effective force of the militia of 16 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 1,949. The equipment, as shown in the report, consisted of 970 muskets, 976 rifles and 108 flints. The records are almost silent as to military affairs of 1804, and during the year the only commissions issued were on September 22, when John Berry and Matthew Rider were ap- pointed lieutenants and Josiah Eakin an ensign in the First Regiment of Clark County. It was decided during the year that the Territory should pass to the second or representative grade of territorial gov- ernment, and the elei-tion of representatives was held early in 1805. In the spring of 1805 Captain John Owens and Ensign David Owens, of the First Company of Clark County, re- signed and on Afay 25 James Bland was ai)pointed captain and Thomas Bland ensign to succeed them. A new company was also organized in the county, of which the officers were Captain William Harrod, Lieutenant George Newland and Ensign Joel Comly. Wayne County with its well organized militia was lost to Indiana on June 30 of this year, as it then became a part of the new Michigan Territory. No military action was taken by Indiana until August 24, when Jesse B. Thomas and Wil- liam Ross were appointed captains in "Dear Born" County, and on September 24. in the Knox County regiment, William Mills was made major and Abraham F. Snapp, David Robb and Benjamin Park were appointed captains. St. Clair County showed much activity during November, as three new companies were added to the regiment and new field officers were appointed. On the 11th commissions were issued to Captain Jean Palmier Beaulin, Lieutenant Joseph Manegle and Ensign Jean Bpt. Saucier as the officers of one new company, and to Captain Ettienne Pencenneau, Lieuten- ant Francis Trotier and Ensign Piere Lize as officers of the second company. Lieutenant George Demint and Ensign Joseph Lemen were commissioned also. On the next day. Major George Achison was promoted to be lieutenant-colonel commanding, Captain V\'i]liam Whitesides was promoted to be major and John :\Ioredock was appointed major. Arthur Morgan and Samuel Kilncade were at the same time ap- pointed ensigns. The third new company was accepted on the 15th and the officers w^ere Captain Franklin Jarvis, Lieuten- ant John Teale and Ensign William Scott, Jr. December saw a change in the field officers of Clark County, as Colonel Marston Clark removed from the county and Major Joseph Barthalemeaw was promoted to succeed him on the 21st. One week previous, a new company was Ex-Gov. James A. Mount NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 17 organized in Randolph County, of which the officers were Cap- tain Elisha Cabbot, Lieutenant John Hays and Ensign Jacob Self. The year 1806 was full of changes, and Knox County was first in the field with the appointment of Joel Hardin as cap- tain on January 1. On July 23, Captain Philip Catte resigned and Daniel Sulevan, his lieutenant, was appointed to succeed him. Three days later Noah Purcell was promoted to a cap- taincy in the P'irst Battalion of the First Regiment and on August 2 Ensign Andrew Purcell was promoted to a lieuten- antcy and John Decker was made ensign. Six days later the resignation of William Mills as major of the Second Battalion was accepted and Captain Ephraim Jourdan was promoted to fill the vacancy. On August 21 George Claypole was ap- pointed a captain and on September 3 Eli Hawkins was made lieutenant and John Hogue ensign. The following day Joseph Legerwood was appointed a captain, Adam Lesmore a lieuten- ant and William McClanaghan an ensign. Two days later Captain Hardin having removed, Lieutenant Isaac White was promoted to succeed him, John Murphy was made lieutenant and John Devinport an ensign. Walter Wilson was appointed a lieutenant on September 20 and on October 4 Daniel Decker was appointed lieutenant and Henry Hopkins an ensign. The last appointment of the year was on October 24, when Wil- liam Prince was made captain. St Clair County holds the record of having organized the first troop of horse in the Territory, so far as the territorial records show. The organization was accepted on July 7 and the officers were Captain James Moore, First Lieutenant Enoch Moore, Second Lieutenant Jacob Ogle and Cornet Henry Moore. On the same day Shadrack Bond, Jr., was ap- pointed regimental adjutant. John Higgins and William Pruitt were the captains of two new companies, James Stock- ton and Samuel Kennedy lieutenants and William Pruitt, Jr., and Valentine Brazil ensigns. Two new companies were ac- cepted from the county on January 10. Captain James Ganchan, Lieutenant Jehu Scott and Ensign George Achison, Jr., were the officers of thp first and Captain John Moore, Lieutenant Enoch Moore and Ensign William Cairns were the officers of the second. Adjutant Bond subsequently became Governor of Illinois. Lieutenant-Colonel Edgar, of Randolph County, resigned and Major Menard was promoted to comamnd the regiment on July 12. Previous to this, on May 3, Captain Ephraim Bid- derback was re-commissioned and Raphille Drury was ap- 18 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. pointed captnin. Ensign Andrew Baii.'ean was promoted to a lieutenantcv and Robert Kidd, one of George Kogers Clark's soldiers, was appointed lieutenant. Piere Conte, John Worley and Jesse Griggs were appointed ensigns. Other changes were made on December 1, when David Anderson was ap- pointed captain and Lieutenant Thomas Levins was promoted to a captaincy, Ensign Parker Grosvenor was promoted to a lieutenantcv and Isaac Levens was appointed ensign. Captain Smith, commanding the Fourth Company of Clark County, died and on January 10 Lieutenant William Prather was promoted to fill the vacancy. Lieutenant Ryder, who has not previously appeared in the record, removed from the county and John Work, Jr., was appointed to the office. Wil- liam F. Tully and Hugh Es^jy were appointed lieutenants on the same day. Captain Davis Floyd, of the Fifth Company, was promoted to be major on June 21, and on August 10 the example of St. Clair County was followed by Clark, and a troop of horse was organized. This troop was assigned to the First Regiment of Clark County and the officers were Captain Charles Beggs. First Lieutenant Aron Prather, Sec- ond Lieutenant James Lemon and Cornet Peter Bloom. On the same day Captain John Owens of the First Company was made major of the Second Battalion of the First Regi- ment. These and other causes made many changes in the officers of the regiment, and on November 18 the new' commis- sions were issued. Captain William Goodwin of the Third Company resigned and Ensign Rezen Redman was appointed to the place. Captain George Wood of the Second Company resigned and Robert Robertson was appointed, and Josiah Aiken was appointed captain, vice Captain Owens, promoted. John Anderson was appointed a captain, John McCoy, Eli Robertson and Jacob Font were appointed lieutenants and Absalom Hart, Thomas Chappell, Joseph Bowman and David Fonts were appointed ensigns. Dearborn County passed through the 3'ear with but few changes. On April 11, Joseph Hannah was appointed a cap- tain and James Adair, Jr., a lieutenant. The day before Christmas, Thomas McCoy and Benjamin M. Piatt, the father of Don Piatt, were appointed captains, \Allliam Whitesides, Hugh Carson and Golea, lieutenants, and John White- sides, William Cunningham, Thomas Dawson and William Buchanon, ensigns. Justus Gibbs was appointed major of the Second Battalion on October 3. By the close of 1806 the militia of the Territory had grown materially. Notwithstanding the loss of the Wayne County NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 19 militia, the effective strength of the militia of Indiana Terri- tory had increased to 2,067 men. The aides-de-camp had been dropped and the adjutant-general was the only general staff officer who remained. The cavalry consisted of two troops of a total strength of thirty-six. Of these there were two cap- tains, two lieutenants, one cornet, four sergeants, and twenty-seven dragoons. The infantry strength was 2,030, which was divided into five lieutenant-colonels, seven majors, two adjutants, thirty-one captains, thirty-three lieutenants, thirty ensigns, seventy-six sergeants and 1,846 privates. The only equipment reported at that time was 179 rifles. With the beginning of 1807 the second session of the First General Assembly of Indiana Territory again gave some at- tention to the militia. Some doubt had been expressed as to the obligations of the law of 1709, so the General Assembly passed a bill which reaffirmed that law and declared it to apply to Indiana Territory as though enacted by the General Assembly of the Territory. This act was approved by Gov- ernor Harrison on December 5, 1806, and became effective January 1, 1807. This law also required that each one in the militia should provide a "cheap uniform." Many slight amendments were subsequently made to this law, but it stood until September 17, 1807, when the revised code was adopted. This was complicated, but did not change the general plan of organization. Clark County had many changes among its officers. On April 18, 1807, John Johnson and Enoch Boon were commis- sioned captains, John Smith and Paul French lieutenants, and James Hickman and Robert Donbow ensigns. On the July 8 following John Shields was appointed captain, William Smith lieutenant and Fielding Cromwell ensign, and on August 22 Gresham Lee was made captain, Joseph Howard lieutenant and John Griffin ensign. The October muster of the Second Battalion was attended by Lieutenant-Colonel Barthalemeaw and Major Davis Floyd. On their return they sent the following joint letter to Gov- ernor Harrison at Vincennes: "Dear Sir — We have just returned from the battalion muster in the lower purchase. From their number and the inconvenient local situa- tion of that battalion, we thinlv it would be desirable to appoint a field officer in that district, and from the acquaintance which we have and the information which we have received, we would recommend Mr. John Harbison as a person wliom the people wish to receive the appointment, and one who will do justice to it. You see from the general return the number and priety of forminjx anotlier company by taking a part of Captain Johnson's company and a small part of Captain Boone's, 20 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. though of this you should be better informed in a short time, as it will be an arrangement between the oifficers of those companies. We would recommend John ]Morris, lieutenant, and David Stuart, ensign, to fill the vacancies in Captain Prather's company by resignation; Thomas Chap- pel, Heutenant, and William Pitman, ensign, to fill the vacancies in Captain Robertson's company; James Stuart, lieutenant, and Willis Ashby, ensign, to fill the vacancy in Captain Eakin's company." The recommendations were accepted, and on November 3 the commissions were issued as requested. On the same date a company of volunteer infantry was accepted and the officers commissioned were Captain William Harrod, Lieutenant George Newland and Ensign Joel Coombs. Special organizations seem to have caught the popular fancy, as three were formed during the year, St. Clair County organized a troop of horse, and the oflicers as commissioned October 26 were Captain Isham D. Gillham, First Lieutenant William Kenney, Second Lieutenant John D. Gillham and Cornet John Scott. Randolph County was also among the special organization counties, and on October 7 a company of volunteers was organized, of which James Galbraith was captain, William Boone first lieutenant and Abijah Levett second lieutenant. On the same day Captain Robert Robinson was promoted to be major of the First Battalion of the First Regiment. Early in the year, on January 15, Absolam Cox was commis- sioned a lieutenant and Robert Huggins an ensign. The Vincennes Light Infantry appears on March 17 of this year, when Porter Jones was appointed lieutenant and Chris- tian Graeter ensign. Knox County also added to the list of special organiza- tions, as on October 26 a volunteer company was organized and the officers were Captain JMichael Brouillet, Lieutenant Pierre Andre and Ensign Jean Bt. Barois. On the same date. Piere Bono was made a captain. Captain A. F. Snapp had resigned his commission in the First Battalion and on August 14 William Bruce succeeded him. Four days later Michael Brouillet was appointed captain to succeed Alex Vaile, who had resigned. On August 20 John Terrell was appointed a captain, Henry Brinton a lieutenant and William Coleman an ensign in the Second Battalion of the regiment, and four days later Jonathan Taylor was appointed major of the Third Bat- talion. One week later David Wilkins was appointed a lieu- tenant and James Neal an ensign in the First Battalion. Walter Wilson was appointed a captain in the same battalion on September 4, which was the same day that Squire Patter- son and Benjamin B. Beckes were appointed lieutenants in NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 21 the Second Battalion. Thomas Scott was appointed a lieu- tenant and Jonathan Purcell an ensijjjn on September 14 and on October 5 Andrew Purcell succeeded Daniel Sullivan, who had resigned a captaincy in the Second Battalion. Dearborn County further organized by the appointment on August 22 of Jeremiah Johnson as major, James Buchanon, Enoch Smith and George Craig as captains, Robert Scandland and John Thompson as lieutenants and Enoch McCarty, Sam- uel Arnet and Norris Canfield as ensigns. The honorary appointment of the year was given to "The Honorable Waller Tayler," who, on April 25, was made a major in the militia of the Territory and was assigned to duty as an aide-de-camp to the Governor. The relations between Great Britain and the United States were so strained by the year 1808 that war was fore- seen by all the settlers of the western states and territories, and this meant to them not war with Great Britain alone but with the Indians as well. Preparations were made for defense against both foes, and the vacancies among the offi- cers of the militia were speedily lilled. An effort was made to fill them with men who had seen previous service, and many old soldiers were again called into service. The effect was to raise the militia in importance and in the estimation of the people, and many letters were sent to Governor Harrison asking for commissions. It was desired to raise a company of grenadiers or riflemen in St. Clair County, but there was some fear that, considering the probabilty of war, the militia might take umbrage at the organization of a new company. The principal mover in this enterprise was Mr. Samuel S. Kennedy, and on Wednesday evening, February 24, he wrote to Governor Harrison on the subject. His proposition to organize the company was ap- proved by the officers of the St. Clair County militia, and the letter says: "I have the honor to enclose to His Excellency a recommendation under the signature and approbation of the field officers commanding the St. Clair County Regiment, and have further (agreeable to order) taken the approbation of the several American captains commanding foot companys. This was done with regard to their having a prefer- ence in office, to the liberty of becoming or volunteering themselves, as Grenadiers, Light Infantry or Riflemen, so that the present intended com- pany may be established without a murmur, which has been my in- structions from the Colonel. "In resorting to the ^Militia law, I find that 'It will be of great utility and advantage in establishing a well disciplined militia, to annex to each Battalion a light company to be formed of young men from the ages of eighteen to tAyeuty-eight years old, whose activity and domestic 22 NATIONAT. GUARD OF INDIANA. eirf-iimstiinces will admit of a frequency in training,' and wbo will be in readiness in all cases of emergency, not convenient for tlie militia in general; will be giving tbem a military pride and experience from wbich tbe best consequences must result. And if I furtber recollect tbe law, it goes on to say tbat the Governor sbnll appoint and commission a cap- tain, lieutenant and ensign to each Battalion, and that the said com- pany shall be distinguished by the denomination of Grenadiers, Light In- fantry or lUflemen. "The object of such companys appears to be of the first importance, and as it seems that a war with Great Britain is unavoidable, as (from experience) Indian insults will most assuredly be one of the after conse- quences. And further, as I have from an early period of my life, and still do at times, feel an anxiety to defend iny country against foi-eign and domestic insults, and from experience and opportunity I flatter my- self that I shall (under the within intended appointment) in all things thereunto pertaining, do honor to myself, my company, my regiment, and my government. "The within certificate embi-aces none of the officers but myself, relative to which I am permitted by the Colonel and Majors to transmit to His Excellency the names of such subaltern officers as have been by the (already enrolled) company designated and approved of. In doing this I shall give you the names of William Gillham, lieutenant, and Wil- liam Kinney, ensign. "His Excellency has already favored or granted me a commission of the peace, but if the command of an infantry or rifle company and an appointment in the civil authority should be considered more than I merit, I will cheerfully lay down the civil for the militaiy from the expectation already spoken of. namely to defend my country. "A general muster is intended for the first Thursday in April next. If the Governor should promote this company, commissions forwarded before that time will be thankfully received, so that they may take their station in the field of Parade. The oflicers of the regiment have assured me that 'there is not a doubt but that the Governor will feel a pleasure in establishing the Company agreeable to expectations.' If so, I am satisfied, and, if otherwise, am certainly the same and at all times in conformity to the wishes and public conduct of the Executive. "As my porso]ia1 acquaintance with the Governor is but young, nevertheless I shall at all times take a pleasure in giving any public or private information, partictilarly when requested. "With an expectation of further communications, I shall close the present address with all respect to your Exalted Dignity, and am, with consideration, Sir, your most obedient and very humble servant, "SAM S. KENNEDY. "His Excellency, "William Henry Harrison, Esquire." Mr. Kennedy's appeal was effective, for on March 17 fol- lowing a company of grenadiers was accepted from St. Clair County, and the officers commissioned were Captain Samuel Simpson Kennedy, Lieutenant William Gillham and Ensign William Kinney. On the same day a new company was re- ceived into the general militia of the county, of which the offi- cers were Captain William Vawter, Lieutenant James Robb NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 23 and Ensign Esquire Hall. Later in the year Lieutenant- Colonel George Atchison, commanding the regiment, died, and on October 26 Shadrach Bond was appointed to the com- mand. At the same time Ensign George Atchison was made a lieutenant and William Blair was appointed ensign. Jehu Scott was commissioned as captain on November 3. The Clark County regiment also underwent many changes. On March 25 the new officers appointed were Captain John Smith, Lieutenant (reorge Koberts, Ensign William Penning- ton, Lieutenant James Hickman and Ensign John Hickman. The commission of Major Davis Floyd was revoked on July G, but no reason is given in the record for this action. Captain Boone resigned and Paul French was appointed to succeed him. Captain John Johnston also resigned and Charles L. Byrns was appointed to succeed him. Robert Denbo and Elijah Hurst were appointed lieutenants and John Parkison and Robert Rusk ensigns. On October 22, Captain William Prather was appointed major of the First Battalion to suc- ceed Davis Floyd and Samuel Latton was appointed cornet in the troop of horse. The Vincennes Light Infantry underwent an entire change of officers during the year. On March 25 the resignation of Captain William Prince was accepted and Peter Jones was appointed to succeed him. On July 1, the resignations of Lieutenant Christian Graeter and Ensign Homer Johnson were accepted and Charles Smith was appointed lieutenant and Parmenas Beckes ensign. Two new companies were or- ganized in Knox County, which were assigned to the Second Battalion and which had as officers Captain Jacob Warrick, Lieutenant Hugh McGary and Ensign John Warrick. The second company was accepted August 17 and the officers were Captain Bailey Anderson, Jr., Lieutenant Enoch Berry and Ensign Hiram Maines. Wharton Rector was appointed a captain in Randolph County on October 5 and ten days later Daniel Sullivan was made an ensign in Knox. The last of the year was marked by the formation of a new county and by active preparations for the approaching war. Harrison County was formed out of Knox and Clark, subject to an act approved October 11. The preparations for war are indicated by an unsigned and unaddressed letter which is found among the few old territorial papers remaining. It is dated at Vincennes on November 23, 1808, and shows that nearly eight months were required for orders from the general government to reach the Territory. The letter is presumed to have been written by 24 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. Governor Harrison to the lieutenant-colonel commanding one of the regiments, and follows: "Sir — I received by the last mail instructions from the President of the United States to organize and equip as soon as possible the quota of militia from this country authorized by the law of the United States passed on the 30th of March. 1808. "By the next mail you will receive a detail of the detachment which is to be drawn from your regiment. But as the President has agreed to receive such volunteer companies as may otfer their services, under the provisions of the act of the 24th of I-'ebruary, 1807, in lieu of the draft contemplated by the law of March last, I must request you to make every exertion in your power to induce one or more companies of infanti-y to offer their services. But if your exertions should be unavailing, recourse must be had to the humiliating expedience of the Draft. Upon the receipt of this letter you will please immediately ap- point a day for the meeting of the commissioned officers of your regiment to consult upon the best mode of effecting the object of this letter. Before the meeting takes place, you will receive more particular in- structions. "I am, very respectfully, yours." The Indians at this time, encouraged bv the British, were becoming restless and there were grave apprehensions among the people of the Territory. Congress had conferred upon the President the right to call into active service 100,000 men, should he deem it necessary, and preparations for war were well under way. An undated message was sent by Governor Harrison to the Legislative Council and House of Represen- tatives, probably about Ibis time. The message sa^'s: '•The information whicli I have lately received from the Indian countiy increases the probability that at no very distant period we shall be involved in hostilities with some of the Indian tribes. By the .same conveyance I have also received the most explicit opinions that the tribes immediately contiguous to us are firmly determined to pre- serve their relations of amify with us. But should the more distant tribes commence a war, there will unquestionably be found amongst those which are generally friendly, individuals who will supply the others with arms and ammunition purchased in our settlements. The laws of the United States will be sufficient to prevent our citizens from furnisliing articles of that kind individually to those Avho are hostile, but no law of the United States exists for preventing them from being obtained from our citizens in the settled country through the medium of neutral tribes; nor do I believe that Congress could legislate on that subject. I therefore recommend to you gentlemen that a law be passed, empowering the Executive of the Territoiy, in case of a war between the United States and some of the Indian tribes, or others, to prohibit the sale of arms and ammimition to any neutral tribe or tribes when in his opinion the public safety requires such prohibition. The law might, with propriety, be limited to one year and from thence to yie end of the next session of the General Assembly." NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 25 With the beginning of 1809, there was an added interest in the militia, and muster dajs became days of importance. Many officers who had been commissioned as honorary ap- pointments resigned, and their places were filled with practical fighters. Great carousals marked muster days, and they were long to be remembered. Officers were lavish in their treatment of their men in order to advance political pros- pects, and many scandals grew out of the day. Those in the more exposed settlements became more alarmed over the prospects of Indian trouble, and petitions for assistance were frequent. In order to meet all calls, the militia was divided into eight classes, which did active duty in turn, and the law prohibited one class from again being called into service until the remaining seven had performed their tours of duty. The new county of Harrison sent in an abject appeal for help. It was signed by thirty-four inhabitants of Driftwood, and reads: "To bis Excelency AVilliam Henry Harrison Governor And Com- mander in Cliief of Indiana Territory. Tlie Humble petition of the In- habitants of Drift Wood, Harrison Coimty, showeth that Your Petition- ers from their Calamitous situation at the present Crisis are again Con- strained to make application to you as their Protector under god for some Assistance to Enable them to Heraain still at their Stations as we have Bore our Burthen (We had hoped through the heat of the day) Al- though attended with almost every difficulty yet We have Retained our stations with firmness Until] the present Without any help from our Government Except six men Who have Rendered all the Service they Could in our situation aided somethimes by Voluntary Militia But from the Appearance of Times in our land and the Many Depredations Com- mitted on us by the Phiemy some of which has been lately We shall be Compelled to Remove to some place of More security than here with- out Some Speedy Relief; We therefore Hope With Confidence Your Ex- eleency Will Take our Cause unto your Consideration and Grant us some assistance P.y sending to our Aid What Quantity of Men either of Militia or Rangers as you in your Wisdom shall think Expedient for our protection Which Must Most Certainly be the means of Preserving a Great part of the County from being Uninhabited if we stand our Ground Which cannot be the Case Without our Petition is Granted us the Compliance of Which Will Continue us your Loyal Subjects and We Remain in Duty ever Bound to pray, etc." Harrison County selected John Harbison as major com- mandant on January 13, and on April 11 Joseph Paddock was appointed adjutant of the First Battalion. Two new com- panies were accepted during the year, the first of which was on January 17, when commissions were issued to Captain George Beck, Lieutenant Jac Miller and Ensign John Beck. The second company was received on December 30, and the 26 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. officers commissioned were Captain Michael Smith, Lieuten- ant Jacob Miller and Ensign Frederick Wemard. On March 7, ^Majors Bartholomew and Owens, of the Clark County regiment, sent their first recommendations of the Tear to the Governor. All were acted upon, and two weeks later commissions were issued to Robert Evans, captain, vice James Bland, resigned; Jacob Fonts, captain, vice John An- derson, resigned; John Norris, captain, vice William Prather, promoted; John Thompson, captain, vice Captain Eakins, re- signed. Peter Covert was appointed lieutenant and John Crockett ensign in Captain Evans's company; William Kelly a lieutenant in Captain Fouts's company; Matthias Crum a lieutenant and John McNaught an ensign in Captain Norris's company and John McClintock, Jr., an ensign in Captain Thompson's company. Rezin Eedman was made a major on November 29, and the same day Samuel Smock was appointed captain and John Blenard, Squire Hall, James Mclntire and Andrew Gelvick, lieutenants. Dearborn County had many changes in the officers, but the records are not complete, as blank commissions were sent to be filled in by the field officers. On October 21 commissions in blank were sent to Lieutenant-Colonel Chambers for the appointment of one major, four captains, three lieutenants and five ensigns. Previous to this and on March 21, Robert Pratt was appointed a major and James McGuire, who served as county drill master, a captain. On the same day a new company was accepted, of which the officers were Captain James Dill. Lieutenant Chambers Foster and Ensign Thomas Foster. James Howell and William Connell were appointed lieutenants on May 10 and Adam D. Livingston was made an ensign. Captain Rector, of iiandolph Count}-, resigned on Janu- ary 17, and Giles Hull was appointed to succeed him. Joel Combs was also appointed a captain and Josiah Williams a lieutenant in the Knox County regiment and on April 17, Andre was appointed captain and Joseph Ledgerwood an ensign. By the division of Indiana Territory on March 1,1809, when Illinois was taken off, the Indiana of practically the same boundaries as it has to-day first commenced. As soon as it was felt that the permanent boundary lines of the State were fixed, there was unusual activity in all lines. Three new counties, Jefferson, Wayne and Franklin, were taken off from Dearborn and Clark. Jefferson was organized November 23, 1810, and Wayne and Franklin were organized four davs NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 27 later. The officers were appointed the following mouth. The war fever rose and military feeling was spurred to a high pitch. The organization of new counties caused many changes in the officers, and during this year appears for the first time a record of regiments of territorial militia consecutively num- bered. The county regiments flourished for a short time, but gradually they were displaced by the regiments bearing con- secutive numbers as Indiana Territory regiments. Many offi- cers were cont.missioned during 1810 because of the rapid approach of war with Great Britain and the activity of the Indians. Andrew Wilkins was comitiissioued a lieutenant in the Knox County regiment on February 14, and Homer John- son was made adjutant of the First Battalion on April 13. Wabash Township elected as officers, on April 21, Captain David Mills, Lieutenant Samuel Aldridge and Ensign James Duck. They were commissioned on May 2. The organization of the Second Regiment of Knox County caused many changes and promotions. On May 5 Ephraim Jordon was appointed lieutenant-colonel and assigned to the command of the First Regiment, while Noah Purcell was made major of the First Battalion and Joseph Ledgerwood major of the Second Battalion. Luke Decker was appointed a lieu- tenant-colonel and was assigned to the Second Regiment be- cause of his residence. His predecessor was Colonel Vigo. David Robb was appointed major of the First Battalion of the Second Regiment and George Claypoole major of the Second Battalion. The officers of a new company in the Second Battalion were Captain William Hargrove, Lieuten- ant William Barker and Ensign Isaac Flenner. Many other commissions were issued in this regiment. An election was held in Wabash Township on May 12, at which Hugh McGary was elected captain by a majority of forty votes, Thomas Wagner a lieutenant by thirty-two votes and Peter Whitesides ensign by a majority of eighteen votes. There is a confusion of records as to this company, and the names appear as above in one return. A second return of the election on file is signed by James Crow as poll keeper, and states that the election was held May 29 at the home of Jeremiah Rust, in Wabash Township, and that votes were cast by fifty-nine privates. The officers elected under this return were Captain Hugh McGary, Lieutenant Thomas Wag- ner and Ensign Henry Whetstone. (Commissions under this election were issued June 16 following to Captain Hugh Mc- 28 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Gary, Lieutenant James Waggoner and Ensign Thomas Whetstone. Ohio Township elected officers on May 26 at the house of Adam Young. Those elected were Captain Julius Elmer Wig- gins, Lieutenant Enoch Berry and Ensign Berry Cantwell, who were commissioned on June 16. This company was at- tached to the Second Regiment and had seventy-four privates. Another company of this regiment was formed in Ohio Town- ship and the officers elected May 25 at the house of George Toben were Captain Samuel Conner, Lieutenant Daniel Ryan and Ensign John Crawford. This company had a membership of twenty-five. The company which had been commanded by Major Robb elected officers June 9 at the house of James Robb and chose Captain Henry J. Mills, Lieutenant John Kirk and Ensign Thomas Neely. They were commissioned June 16 and were assigned to the Second Regiment. Other officers commissioned the same day were Capt. Daniel Comer, Lieutenant James Carr Veale, Jr., and Ensign Wal- lace, in the First Regiment; and later in the same regiment Captain Andrew Wilkins, Lieutenant Charles Polke and En- signs Wililam Leramon, Samuel Mc Clure and John Scott. All other otTicers in Knox were commissioned in June. Cap- tain Thomas Levens and Captain Lisman were given commissions on June IS and were assigned to the Second Battalion of the First Regiment. Three days later Captain Peter Jones, Lieutenant Conrad Crum, Lieutenant Charles Smith, Ensign Isaac Plough and Ensign Par Beckes were commissioned. The following day Pierre Bonnault was ap- pointed a captain and William Dapron an ensign in the First Battalion of the First Regiment and three days later Nathan- iel Robbins was appointed captain and James McCutcheon an ensign. The last appointments for the year in this county were on June 27. when William Carlton was commissioned a lieutenant and Thomas Allsup an ensign in the Second Bat. talion. Harrison County made several changes. Under date of April 14, Lieutenant-Colonel Harbison sent his list of changes to Governor Harrison. They were all accepted, and under date of April 21 Hiram Westfall was made captain, vice John Smith, resigned; Hugh Shaw, lieutenant, vice James Harbeson, resigned; Ruben AYright, lieutenant, vice William Pennington, resigned; Jonathan Keller, lieutenant, vice Thomas Cunningham, resigned; Robert Beverly, lieutenant, vice James Hickman, resigned; William Erwin, ensign, vice John Hickman, resigned; William Melntire, ensign, vice Jon- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 29- atban Keller, promoted. On May 23, Spier Spencer was com- missioned as captain, George F. Pope as lieutenant and Bev- erly Hurst as ensign, while on June 12 John Beck was com- missioned a lieutenant and George House an ensign. During the fall there was some confusion regarding the officers of the Harrison County regiment. There are two certificates of election on file, both attested by William Rod- man and George Beck, but neither agrees with the record of commissions issued by the Governor. One certificate, ver- batim, is : "Indina Terittory Hareson County. "tbair was an election held at George bi-ocks on the Last Sauterday in July in the year 1810 and John Beck Capt. — James IMairs Lieutenant Elijah Wright Ensign and was elected by a large mejority." The other certificate reads: "Indania Tery. Herrison County, thare was an a Lection Held at Quila Rogers on the sixth of October 1810 thare was elected Robert Bui'gh Capt. Isack Holman Leftnant and William Reddick inslne all by a merigity." While the names of all these officers appear in other organizations, it is not probable that the organizations were ever accepted with the officers indicated in the certificates. The next record of commissions to Harrison County officers is under date of September 27, when Thomas Ferry was ap- pointed captain, and October 2, when Michael Smith was commissioned captain to rank as such from March 10, 1810. The following da}^ the resignation of Beverly Hurst as ensign^ was accepted and Samuel Flanahan was appointed to succeed him. The field officers of the regiment were elected at Corydon on October 13. The opposing candidates for lieutenant- colonel commanding were Spier Shields and Joseph Paddock, the latter winning by fourteen votes to Spencer's ten. For major of the First Battalion. Paul French and James Shields were opposing candidates, but French was elected by sixteen votes to nine for Shields. Captain George Beck was unani- mously elected major of the Second Battalion. They were commissioned on November 14, and the same date John Beck was commissioned a captain. James Shields was appointed lieutenant and adjutant of the First Battalion, First Regi- ment, two days later. Dearborn County was not inactive during the year. Justus S. Sentwell was commissioned a lieutenant and Noyes Can- field an enstgn on July 30. The next commissions were issued 30 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. August 22, but there seems to have been some dispute regard- ing the election. Under date of August 9, James Dill sent to to Governor Harrison two returns, at the request of Major Robert Piatt. He states in his letter that one of the returns appears to be regular and he presumed would entitle those having received the highest number of votes to receive com- missions. The officers he names under this return are Cap- tain James McGuire, Lieutenant James Allen and Ensign John Payne. They were commissioned August 22. There is no record of the returns for the other officers, and Colonel Dill's letter says: "As 1o the other returns, I have nothing to say. Major Piatt wishes you to do as you think proper respecting it, he having no information on the subject but that is contained in the return itself." A company of riflemen was also organized in Dearborn County, and the official notification of the organization as sent to Major Piatt at Lawrenceburg, bears the date of July 30 and was written at the "Main fork of the White River." The letter reads: "Sor; Sometime in februaiy last I^ieut. Col. Chambers give me orders to I'aise a companie of Rifele men I meed the attempt and succeeded in the Sam and Has at the Present time about 70 men enrolled in said companie together with drum fife and collors and a number of said companie in uniform and agreeable to the orders of Major Jonson we held an Election on the 21 day of April Last and the following men were duly Elected as offersors of said compnie, Joseph Washeiiton Morrison Capton Jerremiaha Conney Lieutenant Lirmond Bessey Insighn Major Jonston Present at the Said Election and we med due Return to Mr. Jonston, Hoping he in a short time would obtain the Commishenes for us. but we have never got Them yet and I hop you will see to the Governor sonserning the Sam and indeavor to obtain the commishenes as soon as possable. "Sir we have Held Sevrell musters and ouer men Seemes to do verry well and prides mutch in being in a rifel company they are all young men :^rom the age of 18 and under the age of 28 years as the law directs etc. "Sir I belive the militia offersors of this battalion would be better if the field offersors would order them to Busness soon and hold a Generell muster this fall. Sir I hop you will send me an answer as soon as this Letter comes to hand and let me know what will be don in the above bisness and also send me the Laws of this Terratorey." This communication was manifestly forwarded to head- quar'er-5, as on Argust 22 commissions were issued to Caj t:iin Joseph Washington Morrison, Lieutenant Jeremiah Corley and Ensign Lirmond Ressey. Clark County received a new NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 31 company into its regiment on October 10, of which James McFarland was captain, Booth Thomas lieutenant and .Tames Gaddass ensign. By this time muster days had become such great occasions for drinking and carousing that the General Assembly was forced to stop it. An amendment to the law was passed on December 10, 1810, which forbid officers from treating their men with ''ardent spirits or strong water" on muster days, and which prohibited the sale of intoxicating liquors within two miles of the mustering place except as it might apply to tavern or inn keepers whose place of business was within the limit. This law also exempted Quakers from serving in the militia and repealed the clause in the existing law by which a "cheap uniform" was required. CHAPTER II. Indian Attacks and the War of 1812. The year 1811 marks the practical passing of regiments as distinguished by their counties. One or two commissions were issued in 1812, but 1810 marked the beginning of the new system and it was well deyeloped during 1811. William McFarland was unanimously elected major of the First Battalion, First Regiment, of Jefferson County, on Noyeraber 17; 1810, but when the return of the election was made attention was called to the fact that the new battalion was wholly within the limits of the new countj^ which was expected to be formed at the next session of the General Assembly and of which the county seat was to be Madison. The commission was issued January 1, but a more perfect organization of the militia of Jefferson County early in 1811 resulted in ]McFarland being elected to a higher position. Under date of Xoyember 23, Major Barthalameaw sent notice that in the early spring Dayid Hilless was elected a captain, Richard Tolbot a lieutenant and Enoch McCarty and Jesse Gray ensigns in the First Battalion, First Regiment, of Jef- ferson County. They were commissioned January 1, 1811. Commissions were issued March 7 to Elisha Golway, James Arbuckle, Samuel Carr and Perry Green Magner as captains, and to Lewis Goley, Williss Stucker, James Robb, John Francis Siebenthal, John Fields, Samuel Alexander and Wil- liam Dolson as ensigns. On February 23 William McFarland was unanimously elected lieutenant-colonel commanding, and he w^as commissioned on March 15. Samuel Smock and Dayid Helms were elected majors and a new company was estab- lished in the lower part of the county, of which the officers were Captain Thomas Mclntire, Lieutenant Josiah Blanking- ship and Ensign George Xeyill. They were commissioned the same day. The promotion of Captain Smock caused a yacancy in his company, which was filled May 1 by the election of Captain Benjamin Miller, Lieutenant William Sulliyan and Ensign William McClelland. William Watson was elected lieutenant in Captain Vawter's company and William Yawter and George Craig were commissioned captains May 28. Brig. -Gen. R. S. Foster indianapolis. Quarter-Master General NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 33 Harrison County experienced some trouble in its regiment during the year. George T. Pope resigned his commission as first lieutenant of a rifle company and Richard McMahon was appointed to succeed him. On June 5, Lieutenant McMahon wrote to Governor Harrison from Corydon as follows: "I expect you will not be a little surprised at a second application for a commition for me as first lieutenant of tlie Corydon Rifle Company. I am well apriesed, Sir, of the many perplexities and difficultyes you have to incaunter respectin the Militia of your Relm. and verry sorry that I should be one to trouble you. I was last spring provokt to distroy my commition under a determination never to bear a nother but finding myself imposed on by a mallitious lyor who indeavoerd to distroy tlie friendship existing between me and a man who I thought my best friend, the difference being settled to the satisfaction of both partys and being strongly soliscyteu oy the Company generally to continue to serve them, I thought I would be out of my duty as a man who wishes to sirve his Cuntrey to refuse. I feel myself under a constraint to beg your Excellenceys pardon and do hope for forgiveness as to a further explanation I ho;je to be able to give you full sattisfactiou on our first pirsonall interview. "Your mojt obedient and humble sirvent, "RICHARD McMAHON." The plea was eifective, for the commission was issued June 20, and the same day George Pope was appointed second lieu- tenant. The rifle company declined to give Captain Spencer up. Lieutenant-Colonel Paddock reported the condition of affairs to the Governor. Captain Spencer was elected a field officer of the regiment and resigned his captaincy, but when the election for a new captain was over, it was found he had been again cliosen, and he continued to fill the two offices. Thomas Berry was appointed a captain iNIarch 26 and a new company was received, of which the officers were Captain Hiram Boone, Lieutenant George Wooster and Ensign George Mcintosh. Captain Rodman moved from the terri- tory and Henry Duval was elected to succeed him, while Charles Bushey was elected to the command of the company formerly commanded by Captain Michael Smith. Two new companies which were accepted had as officers Captain Zach- ariah Lindley, Lieutenant James Macvay and Ensign Charles Battey; and Captain Andrew House, Lieutenant John Goldsby and Ensign John Carter. At this time there were five companies in the First Battalion, exclusive of the rifle company, and permission was asked to raise two more com- panies and an additional rifle company. Dearborn County organized in May. On the 25th of that month James Dill was elected lieutenant-colonel commanding 34 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. and Samuel Fulton was elected major of the First Battalion and Enoch Smith major of the Second. Four days before, commissions were issued to Captain Justus S. Sertwell, Lieutenant Noyes Canfield, Ensign Daniel Bordman, Lieu- tenant Enoch Blasdell and Ensign Charles Stevens. Clark County had several changes and on April 5 commis- sions were issued to William Patrick, John McCoy, William Montgomery and James Bigger as captains, John Jenkins, John Herrod, Henry Socles and John Chunn as lieutenants, and to Thomas Jacobs, Joseph Carr, Joseph Bowers and Joseph Stillwell as ensigns. Major John Owens resigned on June 12 and Captain Robert Robertson was promoted to fill the vacancy. Captain John Thompson died and Waller Tay- lor was elected to succeed him, whilo George Twilley was elected lieutenant and Joseph Stroud ensign. On June 1, Joseph Montgomery was commissioned capt.iin, John Waller lieutenant and Leander Depin ensign in the Second Battalion of the Second Regiment of Knox County. George Wallice, Jr., was appointed second lieutenant of the Vincennes Dra- goons on September 9, as John McCaudless resigned. County regiments are referred to but three other times in the territorial records. Robert Robertson was commissioned as colonel commanding the Clark County regiment on April 13, 1812, and this commission seems to have been the last so issued. On March 5 previous, a new rifle company was ac- cepted which had been organized in Harrison County. Tb,e oflQcers were Captain John Tipton, First Lieutenant Samuel Flanagan, Second Lieutenant Jacob Zenor and Ensign Philip Bell. On ]\[arch 16, 1812, a commission was issued to Freder- ick Shoults as a captain in Franklin County. Many other commissions were issued, but under the new order of affairs. The (Toneral Assembly created the rank of colonel by a law passed December 19, LSll, but before this was done a report of the strength of the militia was made to the general government. It showed a total strength of 4,100. The population under the census of 1810 was 24,520 and the organization of the militia was thorough. There was one adjutant-general, three quartermasters, three sergeant- majors, three quartermaster-sergeants and four drum and file-majors. In field officers there were eight lieutenant- colonels and sixteen majors. The line consisted of sixty-three captains, 126 lieutenants and ensigns, 193 sergeants, twenty- three musicians and 3,630 of the rank and file. Other officers assigned brought the total to 4,160. The equipment consisted NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 35 of fourteen swords, 130 muskets, 1,109 rifles, thirty fusees, ten bayonets and 1,396 pouches and horns. The new epoch in the militia of Indiana Territory not only included the change to the system of numbering regi- ments in consecutive order and the departure from the more cumbersome method of denoting them by their counties, but it was the beginning of the terms of active service which characterized the latter portion of the days of the Territory. The system inaugurated during the year grew during the last territorial days and the first days of statehood until an en- rolled and organized militia of over 50,000 members was the result. The year was not important in actual events, but it was marked by the incipient movement of the Indian war which followed during the next few years. Tecumseh had been active in his efforts to unite the tribes against the whites, and his efforts were ably seconded by his brother, the Prophet. General Harrison was empowered by Congress with authority to call out the militia, and in 1811 he marched against the town of the Prophet and totaly defeated the Indians in the battle of Tippecanoe. Many conferences were held with the Indians previous to the campaign against them, and during 1810, among the confi- dential messengers sent to the Indians by the Governor were Francis Vigo, Toussaint Dubois, Joseph Barron, Pierre La- plante, John Conner, M. Brouillette and William Prince, all of whom were officers in the militia. The last message was sent to them through Captain Walter Wilson, but the British Indian agent encouraged the Indians and the war resulted. Governor Harrison had called out 2.50 regular troops under command of Colonel Boyd, about sixty volunteers from Kentucky and 600 of the territorial militia, and with this force of 960 men he moved from Vincennes September 26, 1811, up the Wabash to Ft. Harrison, which he built. When the army arrived before the Prophet's town, encampment was made for the night, but before daybreak the Indians made the attack, which resulted in their overwhelming defeat. The militia was well represented in the campaign. Four companies were commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Luke Decker, and other officers from the militia were Major Noah Purcell; Daniel Sullivan, lieutenant and acting adjutant; Wil- liam Reed, sergeant-major; James Smith, quartermaster; and Dr. Edward Scull, surgeon. The militia companies were commanded by Captain Spier Spencer, Captain Frederick 36 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Gniger, Captain Scott, Captain Jacob Warrick, Captain John Norris, Captain William Hargrove, Captain Wilkins and Captain Walter Wilson. Captain Benjamin Parke com- manded a company of dragoons, and his first lieutenant was Thomas Emerson and his second George Wallace. In Cap- tain Wilson's company the other officers were Lieutenant B. V. Beckes and Ensign Joseph Macomb. After Captain Spen- cer was killed, his company of mounted riflemen was com- manded by Captain Dubois. Colonel Joseph Bartholomew served under Colonel Boyd, of the regular forces, and ren- dered good service. Governor Harrison, in his report of the battle, says: ''Colonel Joseph Bartholomew, a very valuable officer, com- manded, under Colonel Boyd, the militia infantry. He was wounded early in the action and his service lost to me. Lieutenant-Colonel Decker, who commanded the battalion of infantry on the right of the rear line, preserved his com- mand in good order. He was. however, but partially attacked. Several of the militia companies were in no wise inferior to the regulars. Spencer's, Guiger's and Warrick's maintained their posts amid a monstrous carnage; as, indeed, did Robb's, after it was posted on the left flank. Its loss of men (seven- teen killed and wounded) and its keeping its ground are suffi- cient evidence of its firmness. Wilson's and Scott's com- panies charged with the regular troops and proved them- selves worthy of so doing. Norris's company also behaved well. Hargrove's and Wilkins's companies were placed in a situation where they had no opportunity of distinguishing themselves, or I am satisfied they would have done so. This was the case with the squadron of dragoons also. After Major Daviess had received his Avound, knowing it to be mortal, I promoted Captain Parke to the majority, than whom there is no better officer. My two aides-de-camp, Majors Hurst and Taylor, afforded me the most essential aid, as well in the action as throughout the campaign." The loss in the engagement was thirty-seven killed and 151 wounded, and of Ihe latter twenty-five died of their wounds. Among those killed or mortally wounded were Colonel Joseph Hamilton Daviess, Colonel Abraham Owen, Captain W. C. Baen, Captain Jacob Warrick, Captain Spier Spencer, Lieutenant Richard McMahon, Lieutenant Thomas Berry, Colonel Isaac White and Thomas Randolph. Among the wounded were Lieutenant-Coloned Joseph Bartholomew, Lieutenant-Colonel Luke Decker, Dr. Edward Scull, Adjutant NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 37 James Hunter, Lieutenant George P. Peters, Lieutenant George Gooding, Ensign Henry Kurehstead, Captain John Norris and Captain Frederick Guiger. The war of 1812, commenced in June, again called the militia into active duty. An Indian outbreak and attack on a settlement on the Wabash about tliirty-flve miles above Vin- cennes called out a portion of the militia of Knox County. One companv of rangers was authorized by Congress to be raised in Indiana, under the call for 30,000 men. During the spring and summer, block houses were built on the frontier of Indiana, and one at Brookville was commanded by Lieu- tenant Breckenridge, one on Tanners Creek by Captain Blas- djell, and one on Laughrey by Captain James McGuire. The slaughter of -'Pigeon Roost settlement," in what is now Scott County, in which twenty-two persons were killed, called into service a portion of the Clark County militia under Major John McCoy and Captain Devault. This was in September, and the latter officer overtook the Indians in their flight and killed one. All the campaigns against Indian villages were partici- pated in by Indiana soldiers, but as a territorial organization the militia does not appear. When Governor Harrison as- sumed command of the army in 1812, it was provided that it was to consist of regular troops, rangers and militia from Kentucky and Ohio and 3,000 men from Pennsylvania and Virginia!^ Some Indiana companies accompanied General Harrison as far as what is now Piqua, Ohio, but the threaten- ing actions of the Indians on the frontier of Indiana caused them to hurry back for the protection of their homes. Many remained with the expedition as individuals, and early in the war companies were raised by (Captains Russell, Perry and Modrell, while Captain Beckes raised a company of scouts. During the winter of 1812-13, Indiana companies par- ticipated in the campaigns against the Indians by Gen- eral Hopkins, and terrible privations and sufferings from the cold weather are recorded. An expedition under Colonel Joseph Bartholomew was sent out in June, 1813, to punish Indians who were hostile and who were lurking in villages on the west fork of the White River. The war made the progress of the Territory necessarily slow. Governor Harrison resigned in 1812 to take the mili- tary command assigned him, and Thomas Posey, who was appointed Governor to succeed him, did not arrive until May 25. 1813. In the interval John Gibson, Secretary, served as 38 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. acting Governor, and under his administration the capital was removed to Corydon in December of 1812. The actual declaration of war with Great Britain had made a nation of warriors. A protest against the militia being the only ones to serve was sent to the Governor under date of August 21, 1812. It begins: "We the undersigned wish to shew your Excellency that we are willing to obey any of your calls and to defend our country at any time when called upon in time for us to make ready for to turn out and leave home." During the war Indiana furnished one general officer, five staff officers, eighteen field officers, five noncommissioned staff officers, sixty-seven captains, 132 subaltern officers, and 410 noncommissioned officers, with fourteen musicians and 2,592 privates. Many more volunteered for service than the government could accept, and it was out of the question to equip those who presented themselves. This was soon known, and the later volunteers appeared fully armed and equipped at their own expense. This caused a tremendous revival of military spirit and the militia profited by it. The extraordinary in- crease in the population of the Territory made it a difficult matter to enable the militia to keep pace with the growing population, but it was successfully done and the organization was preserved. It was in 1815 that the great increase com- menced. In 1814, at the close of the war with Great Britain, a re- port of the militia of the Territory was made which showed an aggregate strength of 5,010. In the commissioned and noncommissioned staffs there was one adjutant-general, eight adjutants, seven quartermasters, five paymasters, four sur- geons, three surgeons' mates, six sergeant-majors, four quar- termaster-sergeants and six drum-majors. The infantry re- port showed seven lieutenant-colonels, eighteen majors, eighty-seven captains, 179 lieutenants and ensigns, 325 ser- geants, seventy musicians and 4,281 rank and file. It was in the same year and at Corydon on January 3 that the act of general reorganization of the militia was passed. The age limit of those subject to duty, under this act, was from eighteen to 45, and it was also required that on muster and parade days the major and brigadier-generals should "wear a French military hat, blue cloth coat, turned up, with buff or scarlet, with gold epaulettes, white small clothes or buff, also boots and spurs.'- The commander-in-chief was authorized to appoint two aides-de-camp, to have the rank NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. 39 of colonel. It was also provided that the adjutant-general and the quartermaster- general should have the rank of colonel, and the pay of the adjutant-general was fixed at |25 per annum in time of peace and |50 per annum in time of war. It was provided that sixty men should constitute a com- pany, or, in case of necessity, from forty to eighty, rank and file; two to seven companies should form a battalion; two battalions should constitute a regiment; two to eight regi- ments a brigade, and two to four brigades a division. Officers were required to serve five years. Ferrymen on post roads, ministers who were licensed to preach, and those who had conscientious scruples against military duty were exempted from serving. ^Musters were appointed for Saturdays in April and September. The First Brigade was assigned to Knox, Sullivan and Daviess counties; the Second to Gibson, Posey, Warrick, Perry and Pike counties, and these two brigades formed the First Division. The regimental divisions for the First Bri- gade were made at Vincennes and for the Second at the Gibson County courthouse in February, 1817. The Third Bri- gade was made up of Harrison and Clark counties, and the Fourth of Orange, Washington and Jackson counties. These two brigades formed the Second Division, and the regimental divisions were made at Anthony Liver's house for the Third Brigade, and at Salem for the'^Fonrth. The Fifth Brigade was formed of Jefferson, Jennings, Switzerland and Dear- born counties, and the Sixth Brigade of Franklin and Wayne counties. These brigades formed the Third Division, and the regimental division for the Fifth Brigade was made at Switz- erland, and at Connersville for the Sixth. During this period from 1810 to the beginning of the State government, there were changes among the general officers in consequence of the change of governors and commanders- in-chief. The calling of the militia into service caused many appointments in 1812. On July 12 of that year William Jones was appointed assistant quartermaster for the militia in service and Daniel Sullivan was commissioned adjutant-gen- eral and brigade major to the militia in service. General W. Johnson was appointed judge advocate to the troops in Indi- ana and Captain Benjamin Park and John D. Hay were ap- pointed aides-de-camp, on September 6. To the latter was given the rank of captain. The following day Dr. Robert Alli- son was appointed surgeon's mate to the militia in service, and four days later Ensign Davis Floyd was made deputy 40 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. quartermaster-general for the troops in Indiana. Toussaint Dubois was commissioned as major on September 26, and to him was assigned the command of spies. General W. Johnson was appointed an aide-de-camp to the commander-in-chief on October 3, and he was given the rank of captain, while eight- een days later Charles Smith was commissioned lieutenant and adjutant-general pro tem and brigade major. William Prince was made captain on November 16. but his rank dated from October 16. Earl in 18i;i, on January 14, Lieutenant Daniel Sullivan was commissioned a colonel and appointed adjutant-general. His letter of application was dated at Vincennes, December 26, 1812, and reads: "Dear Sir — I have been informed that tlie office of Adjutant-General has been vacated by Colonel Smalls resignation. It is, Sir, with the utmost diffidence that I offer myself as a candidate for that important office, being well assured that there are many better qualified then myself. I have but little hopes of success but should you think proper to confer the appointment on me, rest assured. Sir, that I would en- deavor to deserve the preference that you would give. I am, Sir. with respect and esteem, "Your Humble Servant, "D. SULLIVAN." He served only until September 10 following, when Gen- eral W. Johnson was appointed to the oflice with the rank of colonel. Colonel Johnson's term was short, for on February 24, 1814, Waller Taylor was appointed to the office and given the rank of colonel. He served until September 17 following, when Allen B. Thorn was appointed and served until Indiana passed into statehood. Nathaniel Claypoole was appointed an aide-de-camp on February 1,5, 1813, and June 17, ISIS, Benjamin Park was ap- pointed first aide-de-camp and Eobert A. New second. Both were given the rank of colonel. The cavalry received much attention in this period, as it was of great use in following the Indians. Joseph Hamilton Daviess was commissioned as major or dragoons on Septem- ber 20, 1811, and subsequently rendered important service. Daviess County was named after him. On the same day commissions were issued to George Hunt as lieutenant- colonel. Smith Hunt as major and to Benson Miner as cap- tain, John Plummer as lieuteimnt and Baltzer Sybrook as en- sign of a rifle company. It is not given to what regiment they were assigned and none of the officers named appear in the records other than this one time. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 41 After Major Bartholomew's death, Captain Benjamin Park was promoted and his commission as major of dragoons was issued November 6, 1813. On May 14 of the following year William Prince was appointed a captain in the cavalry. Ten days later William M. Owens was commissioned as sec- ond lieutenant and John Weathers as cornet. Special companies were organized for active service, but all do not appear in the official records. In 1813, on March 27, Pierre Andre's company of rangers was accepted, and two days later William Dunn's company was accepted. April 5 following, William Hargrove's company was accepted. Pierre Andre was appointed captain of mounted volunteers on July 21, 1815, to serve six months, nis other officers were Lieu- tenant Francis Mallet and Ensign Robert Ash. The com- missions of all were dated June 10. The same day a company commanded by Captain Hyacinth Lassell was accepted for six months' service. It was a company of mounted volunteers and the remaining officers were Lieutenant Pierre Laplante and Ensign John Myers. The commissions of the officers dated from June 30. The First Regiment appears for the first time under that designation on September 22, 1810, when commissions were issued to Captain Benjamin Park, First Lieutenant Thomas Emerson, Second Lieutenant John McCandless and Cornet John Balthus as officers of a troop of horse assigned to the regiment. The regiment grew from the Knox County regiment and Colonel Ephraim Jordan, of the First Regiment of Knox County, was the first colonel of the First Regiment of Indi- ana. His election as colonel was unanimous. Under date of April 2.5. 1812, the officers of the First Battalion sent a writ- ten request to the Governor that Ephraim Jordan should be appointed colonel, Thomas Scott lieutenant-colonel, and Wil- son Lahore major of their battalion. The officers of the Second Battalion concurred in the request as to Colonel Jor- dan on May 13, and the commissions of the officers named were issued June 1. Colonel Jordan served until July 7, 1814, when Lieutenant-Colonel Scott succeeded him. Dr. Edmund Scull was appointed surgeon of the regiment June 4, 1812, and the first major of the First Battalion wsts Wilson Lagore, commissioned June 1, 1812, who was formerly a captain in the regiment. He served until October 6, 1814, when Captain Benjamin V. Beckes succeeded him. The first major of the Second Battalion was Joseph Ledgerwood, who 42 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. serA'^ed until September 25, 1812. On that date Captain Wil- liam Bruce was appointed major of the battalion, and he served until October 24, 1814, when Andrew Wilkins was com- missioned. Daniel Connor was commissioned a major on Au- gust 11, 1815, but the records do not state to which battalion he was assigned. The Vincennes Light Infantry, a noted organization of the early days, was attached to the First Regiment. The line offi- cers and dates of commissions were: CAPTAINS. 1810— October ]0 — Wilson Lagore, to rank from May 6. November 14 — William Rodsman and Robert Burge. 1811— July 22 — Francis Boyer. 1812— May 7 — Henry McGee. August 14 — Pierre Andre. 1814— February 3 — Francis Mallet. April 24 — Ambroise Mallet. September 13 — Snmuel Hogg and Robert Hay. October 6 — James Jenkins. October 24 — Ashbury Alexander. 1815— .Tanuary 21 — Charles Polk. August n — Thomas Shepard, Thomas Black, William Periy, William Purcell, General W. Johnston, infantry; Benjamin Park, cavalry. October 21 — Ovid Hunt, Jesse Hadden, Barnet Hollingsworth and Abraham Roadarmell. 1816— August 7 — Samuel Coleman. LIEUTENANTS. 1810— October 10 — Robert Buntin, Jr., and Jonathan Purcell, Jr. November 14 — Alexander Little and James Myers. 1811— July 22— Ambrose Mallet. 1812— May 16 — George R. C. Sullivan. August 18 — Hyacinth Laselle. September 25 — William Wallice. 1814— February 3 — Laurient Bruellet and Jesse Hadden. April 24 — Lewis Denoyen. September 13 — William Gamble, Abraham Roadarmell and John Stringer. October 24 — Robert Breuton. NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. 43 1815— .Tanuaiy 21— Samuel Chambers, Pierre Broulett, vice L. Broulett, re- signed. August 11 — Joseph Thomas. Smith Hansbury, James Braudy, Elisha Keller, John Culberson and James Jordan. October 21— William Baker, Jacob Pancake, John Moor. 1816— August 7 — Andrew Brooks. ENSIGNS. 1810— October 10 — Henry McGee. November 14— William Keddick, William Pitt, Elijah Wright. 1811— July 22 — Lewis Denoyer. 1812— May 16 — John Moore. August 18 — Francois Mallet. September 25 — Ephraim Thompson. 1813— March 16— John Walton. 1814— February 3— Pien-e Bruellet, James Lisman, John Flint, William Collins and Samuel Chambers. April 24 — Pierre Gamlin. September 13 — James Jordan, Friend Spears, Jeremiah Gregoiy and John Bush. October 24— James Walker and Thomas Stone. 1815— January 21 — William Watson and Francois Creley. August 11 — Andrew Westfall, Abijah Thomas, John Fielding, Brice McWelcher. Alexander West, John Reel and Melchel Richerville. October 21 — John Bradford, John Keina, Charles Mitchell. 1816— August 7 — James Cunningham. The Second Regiment was originally the Clark County regiment and as such it was under the command of Colonel Robert Robertson. It was one of the most complete regi- ments in the service, and included many special organizations, one of which was the only artillery company mentioned in the territorial records. Colonel Robertson resigned his commission on account of indisposition, and Major Joseph Bartholomew was elected to succeed him and was commissioned colonel October 21, 1811. He seems to have served until March 30, 1814, when Joel Combs was commissioned colonel. Rezen Redman was lieutenant-colonel and was commissioned as such June 10, 1813. 44 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The first major of the regiment who appears was William Montgomery, to whom the commission was issued April 4, 1812, and eleven days later, John McCoy was commissioned major. Josiah Eaken became major of the First Battalion on May 2, 1814. The staff appointments were made September 19, 1811, and Joseph Brown was appointed adjutant, Joseph Clark quartermaster and Chapman Deneslow sergeant-major. A general request from the officers that a muster master be appointed was complied with in the appointment, on October 30, 1811, of Isaac Shelby. He was also made inspector. The cavalry was a well organized and important branch of the Second Kegiment. The first reference to this branch is on September 19, 1811, when commissions were issued to John Thompson as first lieutenant, Henry Botortf as second lieu- tenant and Mordecai Swainey as cornet of a troop of horse. A volunteer mounted rifle company was received into the regiment on August 22, 1812. of which the officers were Cap- tain John B. Pittman, First Lieutenant Henry Giles, Second Lieutenant John Owens and Ensign Davis Floyd. On Sept. 22. 1815, Alexander Buckner was commissioned a captain of dragoons, John Weathers a first lieutenant and Samuel Mc- Campbell cornet. The organization was completed on Janu- ary 25, 1816, when John Coons was appointed a lieutenant. John Gibson was made captain and Edward Norris and Isaac Scribner ensigns. Eifle companies were numerous. On September 6, 1813, Joseph Stilwell was commissioned a first lieutenant, James Eobinson a second lieutenant, and Absalom Carr an ensign in one company. September 22, 1815, was a day for commissions in these organizations. Absalom Carr had risen to a lieu- tenantcy and was so commissioned that day, while John Denny was made ensign. The same day Daniel Peyton was commissioned captain, James Weir a lieutenant and James Blizard an ensign of another rifle company. On June 1, 1816, John Carr was commissioned as captain of a rifle company. The only mention of artillery in the territorial records is in connection with the Second Regiment, as June 1, 1816, com- missions were issued to John M. Lemon as first lieutenant, William Nailor as second lieutenant and Henry Hopkins as ensign of artillery. Line officers appointed during this epoch were: NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 45 CAPTAINS. 1811— July 26— John Buckner rittman, vice Robert Robertson, promoted. September 16— William Kelly and Tobias Miller. 3812— April 2 — Jacob Pierceall, Joel Combs and John Blair. October 19— John Owens. October 27— Charles Matthews, Francis Jeffries, John Blizzant and John Ferries. 1813— January 25 — John Prather. Juno 10 — William Gano Guliclf. August 16— Samuel Huston. September 6— Samuel Patterson, 1814— February 11 — Morris Morris. April 21— Samuel Work and John Carr. May 12 — Josiah Eaken. July 2 — Robert A. New. December 6 — Absalom Little. 1815— September 22 — James Lemon. 1816— May .31— Willis E. Brown. June 1 — John Conor, Abraham Kimberlin, James Downs and Richard Green. LIEUTENANTS. 1811— July 26— John Haris, vice Thomas Chappie, resigned. September 16— Philip Boyer. 1812— January 28 — William Owens, vice Joseph Clark, resigned. April 27— Samuel Walsh. April 2— Christley Bridgewater. October 19 — William Lewis. October 27 — John Carr, James Downs and John F. Ross. 1813— Januaiy 25— Samuel McGlintock and AVilliam G. Gulick. June 10 — Abraham Kimberlin. August 16 — Benoni Wood. September 6— Joseph Carr. 1814— February 14 — John Bayer. April 21— John Crocket and James Weer. May 12 — Jeremiah Jacob. 1815— April 4 — Daniel Dean. June 7 — Natiianiel Scribner. July 22 — Thomas Jacob and Daniel Dean. September 22— John Carr, Daniel Dean and Richard Green. 46 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 1816— May 31 — Joseph Lo-wery. June 1 — Daniel Williams, John Williams, Henry Giles, James John- ston, Alexander Young and Elnathan Jennings. ENSIGNS. 1811— July 26 — Joseph Gibson, vice William Pittman, resigned. September 16 — Daniel Stark. 1812— April 27 — James Ruly. April 2 — Joseph Linn and Henry Coller. October 19 — William Cllne and Neely Beem. October 27 — Martin Huckelberry. 1813— January 6 — John Crockett. January 25 — Samuel Patterson. June 10 — Daniel Peyton. August 18 — James Johnston. September 6 — Jarvis Fordyce and John Hamilton. 1814— April 21 — Abraham Henthorn. John Carr and Robert Cunningham. July 2— William H. Twilley. 1815— July 22 — William Lemon and Henry Giles. September 22 — Jesse Combs and James Fisher. 1816— May 31 — Daniel Kelzer. June 1 — Isaac Kimberlin, Joseph Robertson, John Coons, John Cum- mins, Thomas Acres and William Riddle. The Third Eesiment was formed originally from the Dear- born County organization, of which James Dill was lieuten- ant-colonel, Samuel Fulton m'ajor of the First Battalion and Enoch Smith major of the Second. Colonel Dill was greatly troubled by the election of officers in his regiment who were not permanently located in the districts. Under date of Sep- tember 5, 1811, in a letter enclosing the results of election to Governor Harrison^ Colonel Dill says: "Although every exertion has been made to give general notice and although I expressly notified the people that unless they elected persons permanently located within the districts for which they are elected, they would not be commissioned, yet they have, in two or three instances, elected persons not six months in the Territory and therefore not eligible by law. But they have also elected some who have no fixed abode anywhere. Under such circumstances it is impossible that the militia can arrive at anything, for one of these fellows is scarce commissioned until he is otf and then a new one must be had in his place. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 47 Add to this that he disregards the orders of his superior oflQcers, for if he fails of attending muster or neglects his duty in any other way, the moment you talk of punishing him he quits the Territory and treats 3 our court martial with con- tempt. Under such circumstances I am really at a loss how to act," He enclosed the results of election in Log Lick dis- trict, Arnold's district, Laughrey district and White Water district. Colonel Dill was a man of prominence, and his influence was eagerly sought to advance appointments when the war of 1812 commenced. In one letter to Governor Harrison, he advocates the appointment of Major Piatt, as follows: ''If I recollect right, you are personally acquainted with Major Robert Piatt, a gentleman who formerly commanded the mil- itia of this county. If not personally acquainted with him you know him by character. He has a wish to enter the service of his country should war be (as it already appears to be) determined on; and knowing of none whose recommen- dations will be more likely to procure him a decent appoint- ment than yours, he solicits your aid for that purpose. His views, I believe, go no higher than the rank of major, and I am of opinion few applicants will do greater credit to that rank than he will. If, sir, your own knowledge of him is sufficient to warrant your recommendation of him, or if the knowledge or wishes of others will have weight with you, I think there are few who will more highly deserve your exertions in their favor than Major Piatt." In the same letter, Colonel Dill urges the appointment of a Mr. Thomas Lawrence to a position in the service and of Captain Vane as brigadier-general in the Indiana service. A few lines lie devotes to his own a])plication for an appoint- ment in which he says, "I trust that anything you may have thought proper to say in my favor has been forwarded long since. If I succeed, 'tis well; if not, it can not be helped." The field officers of the Third Regiment were elected Janu- ary 25, 1812. Lieutenant-Colonel Dill was unanimously chosen colonel and seventeen votes were cast for him. The officers who voted for him were Majors Fulton and Smith, Captains Justus Sertwell, W. Spencer, James McGuire, Allen, Decker Crozier, and Robert Breckenridge, Lieutenants William Cald- well, James Allen, Daniel Aiken, John Jackson, William D. Smith and Enoch Blazdell, Ensigns Jacob Blazdell, Thomas Gordon and Spencer Wiley. For lieutenant-colonel, Majors Smith and Fulton were op- posing candidates, but Major Smith was elected by ten votes 48 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. to Major Fulton's five. The promotion of Major Smith caused a vacancy for which Captains Decker Crozier and John Pur- cell were candidates. Captain Crozier was elected by a ma- jority of one vote, having received six votes to five for Captain Purcell. The commissions were issued to Colonel James Dill, Lieutenant-Colonel Enoch Smith and Major Decker Crozier on March 17, 1812. The command of the regiment changed on January 31, 1814, as on that date Decker Crozier was commissioned colonel, and on ^larch 1 following a commission was issued to Samuel Fulton. The record does not state to what he was appointed, but it was probably as lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, as he had served many jears as major. George Nichols was commissioned major of the First Battalion on the July 13 following, and May 25, 1816, John Alexander was appointed to the same place. There was again a change in comand on May 29, 1810, when Rezin Redman was commis- sioned as colonel commanding. The regiment had both a rifle company and a troop of cavalry attached to it, as commissions were issued on Feb- ruary 12, 1813, to William Spencer as captain, Thomas Davis as lieutenant and John Paine as ensign of a rifle company. They took their rank from April 4, 1812. Robert Ross was commissioned as lieutenant of a rifle companv on June 4, 1813. The cavalry appears in 1815, as on August 19 commissions were issued to Thomas D. King as captain, Jacob Dennis as first lieutenant, David Finley as second lieutenant and Mah- len Brown as cornet of a troop. The line officers as commissioned before the end of the Territory were: CAPTAINS. 1811— December 10 — Charles Campbell, William Spencer and Decker Crozier. 1812— April 13— John Purcell. 1813— Februarj' 12— John Jackson. William Ross, to rank from April 4. 1812. June 4 — Stephen Johnston Paine, Spencer Wiley and George Nicholls. July 6— Enoch Blazdell. August 2 — Thomas Tate, vice Enoch Blazdell, resigned. 1814— January 7 — William Truesdel. William Caldwell and Claiborne Allen. August 16 — .James McGuire, Charles B. Cannon, William White and John Daniels. September 3 — Charles B. Cannon. William White and John McGuire. Col. Charles Kahlo Col. O. S. Runnels Col. W. J. ROBiE Col. Charles E. WlLS0^ Col. GE?ockv/ell governor MOUNT'S STA^F NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 49 1815— August 19 — James McCallister. September 1 — John Alexander. 1816— April 24 — Abel C. Pepper. May 10— James Hamilton. May 25 — James Hamilton and Thomas Covington. LIEUTENA.NTS. 1811— December 10 — William Caldwell, Daniel Aikens, William Truesdell, John M. Dorsey and John Jackson. 1812— April 13— John Sparks. 1813— February 12— Henry Wallick and Nathan Brinton, to rank from April 4. 1812. June 4 — Charles P.. Cannon, William Webb and Erasmus Powell. July 6— Thomas Tate. August 2 — Elijah Walden, vice Thomas Tate, promoted. 1814— Januaiy 7 — John Fenton and Timothy Davis. July 13— Davis P. Shook. August Ifi — James Canaday and Thomas Bm'k. September 3 — Thomas Burk and James Conaway. 1815— September 1 — Nathan C. Brace and William Byrne. 1816— April 24 — Joel Decowsey and James Sherdon. May 10 — John Hamilton. May 25 — John Hamilton. Johnston Watts and Uriah Martin. August 30 — George Watson. ENSIGNS. 1811— Dec. 10 — Stephen I. Paine, Thomas Gordon, Jeremiah Murphy, John Fenton and William Ricketts. 1812— April 13 — Thomas M. Breckenridge. 1813— Februaiy 12 — William Bills, to rank from April 4, 1812; John Good- win; James Chisen, to rank from January 19, 1813. June 4 — William Flake and Thomas Breckenridge. July 6 — James Green. July 14 — Timothy Davis. August 2 — James Rand, vice James Green, resigned; Obadiah Ste- vens, vice James Chisen, resigned. 1814— Januaiy 7 — James Weaver and John Settles. August 16 — William Weathers, John McCreany and James McKit- rick. Septemlier 3 — William Weathers and James McKittrick. so NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 1815— October 7 — Jacob Connoway. 1816— April 24 — Sbadrach Wathmay and James Powell. May 25 — Jordan Rice and Peter Brentou. The Fourth Regiment first appears in July, 1811, when John Millburn and Stephen Mapes were appointed captains. The appointment of Captain Mapes was in response to a numerously signed petition dated May 5, 1811. This peti- tion is: "To the honorable exilency of William H. Harrison Goveuor of Indiany territory greeting "We the people do nommenate and work your honorable Body to apoynt Stephen Mapes as a miUeatary eapton of this Company which you have presented befour you may it please Your exilence we labour under A verry great disadvantage on the account of our appoyntted place for nillitery exercise Which is a grate distance from us and we can have a company from the mouth of honey creek to the mouth of deer creek which dos not exceed twenty miles. Sir we measurably sub- mit our capassity into your All merciful protection hoping your exelence will remove the yoakes from of our wearied necks so no more but subscribes ourselves your humble pertishoners And Free republicans." The regiment was largely from what are now Gibson and Warrick counties, and the first mention of a field officer is of Lieutenant-Colonel Waller Wilson, who was commissioned April 21. The colonel commanding, Robert M. Evans, received his commission one week later, and Hugh McGary was ap- pointed a major on July 4 following. In a letter to Governor Posey wiiich was written at Jeffer- sonville on August 9, 1813, Colonel Eunt mentions the resig- nation of Lieutenant-Colonel Wilson and says that he refuses to serve longer. He refers to Major Robb of the First Bat- talion as the senior major and recommends that he be pro- moted. In the event this recommendation is accepted, he names Captain Millbourn for major of the Second Battalion and Captain John Johnston for major of the First Battalion. There was no change in the field officers until April 14, 1814, when William Hargrove was commissioned as colonel com- manding and John Smith was made major of the Second Bat- talion. On October 24 following, John Johnston was ap- pointed major of the First Battalion. According to the records there was but one special organ- ization, a rille company, for which commissions were issued April 22, 1812, to Captain Benjamin Beckes, First Lieutenant John Marshall, Second Lieutenant Ashbury Alexander and Ensign William Gamble. The line officers commissioned were: NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Si CAPTAINS. 1811— July 11 — John Milburn. July 16 — Stephen Mapes. July 26— Squire Patterson. September 16— Shubel York. September 19 — John Johnson, vice Brinton, resigned. 1812— February 3— James Smith. March 5 — Richard Quinley, Robert Barnaby, Caleb Newman and Henry FuUenwider. April 25— Henry Mills. May 7 — Thomas Mun. May 21 — Elias Barker and Charles Simmons. June 4 — Lewis Harman. July 4— Samuel Kennedy. 1813— May 25— William Barker. June 15— John Waller. August 16— Uriah Winchell, Lewis Tacket and Josiah Elkins. 1814— April 14— James Stewart, Miles Ai-mstrong and Thomas Alcorn. June 24 — Michael Carmack. October 24 — William Scales and Adam Hope. 1815— June 17— James Russell. 1816— May 29— Peter Jones and William Casey. LIEUTENANTS. 3811- July 26— Charles Thorn. September 16 — Isaac Montgomery and Samuel Kennedy, September 19 — George Teverbaugh. 1812— February 3 — Lewis Harmon. March 5— John Russell, Temple C. Ryan, Robert Bartley, William Wright, Ja)nes Wooten, Isaac Halman and Isaac Roth. May 21 — David Broomfield and William Nelson. June 4 — Samuel Anderson and James Stewart. July 4 — Alexander Mills. August 27— Ratcliff Boone. November 5 — William Black, vice Daniel Grass, resigned. 1813— May 25 — John Basleton and Thomas Alcorn. June 15 — Thomas S. House and Miles Armstrong. August 16 — John Carson and John B. Stinson. November 7 — Samuel Hogue, Hazel Putnam and Patrick Calvert. 1814— April 14 — Levie Jourdan, James Kennedy, James Montgomery and Henry Edwards. October 24 — Zakariah Slvelton and Alexander McDaniel. 52 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 1815— June 17 — Sebastian Catt 1816— May 29 — Charles Jones, AVilliam Stilhvell, John Wilkins, James Mc- Crary and John Drew. ENSIGNS. 1811— July 26 — Joshua Thorn. September 16 — Isaac Fleoner and Thomas Montgomery. September — Joseph Macon. 1812— February 3 — Zacharlah Lucas. March 5 — Stephen Phipps, Abraham Watts, Baxter Sparks and James Riddle. May 21 — William Holbrook and Henry Edmunds. June 4 — Thomas Montgomery and Thomas Alcorn. August 4 — Jesse Wells. August 27 — John Lance. November 5 — Thomas Tobin and Randall Wilson. November 20 — William Cummins. 1813— May 25 — James Montgomery. June 15 — Peter Jones. August 16 — William Worthington, Daniel McLaughlin, George Link- zvpiler and William Cummins. November 7 — Jesse Thomas. 1814— April 14 — Zachariah Lucas and George Hunlsinger. June 24 — David Milburn. October 24 — Daniel McDowel and Thomas Pride. 1815— June 17 — John Oatt. 1816— May 29 — Robert Durley, Alex Downey and Nathan Colvin. The Fifth Regiment grew from the Harrison County regi- ment, which was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Paddocks, and it took its new number well organized and equipped. The last report of the regiment as the Harrison County organization showed its strength to be about 700. This report mentions a rifle company attached to the regi- ment, of which the officers were Captain John Tipton, First Lieutenant Samuel Flanegan, Second Lieutenant Jacob Zenor and Ensign Phillip Bell. Three of these officers afterwards became field officers. ^Lany members of the regiment served in the Indian campaigns, and among those killed and wounded were many of those enrolled. The Fifth Regiment was located in the territory formerly occupied by the battalion of the Harrison County regiment which was commanded by Major Beck. Eight companies were NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 53 laid off in 1812, altliongh a few commissions were issued pre- vious to that date in anticipation of the formation of the regiment. These companies were commanded by Captains Bucy, Lindlev, House, Burge, Royse, Beck, Devault and Hog- gatt. The election of field officers resulted in the choice of Jo- seph Paddocks for colonel and Paul French for lieutenant- colonel, and they were commissioned November 6, 1812. On the May 24 previous to this date. Captain John Tipton of the rifle company was promoted to major of the regiment and his rise was rapid. Colonel French did not serve long, for on June 4, 1813. Major Tiyiton was commissioned lieutenant- colonel, as Colonel French had resigned. He served thus until April 22, 1814. when he was commissioned as colonel. The vacancy caused by Major French's election as lieu- tenant-colonel was filled by the commissioning, on February 27, 1813, of Hiram C. Boone as major. The vacancy caused by the election of Major Tipton as lieutenant-colonel was filled by the appointment, on June 4, 1813, of John Depauw as major. Later in the year, on September 6, Jacob Zenor was appointed major of the Third Battalion. The regiment had its share of special organizations. The first commissions issued in the regiment were on July 26, 1811, to the oflScers of a light infantry company, who were Captain Richard M. Heth, Lieutenant Joseph Denbo and En- sign Abraham Watson. The second record of commissions is to a rifle company on April 16, 1812, and the officers were Captain John Rice, JFirst Lieutenant William Pill and Second Lieutenant Elijah Wright. The election of Major Tipton caused a vacancy in his rifle company, w^hich was filled on May 24, the same day he was commissioned as major, by the election of Jacob Zenor as captain, Pierce Chamberlin as first lieutenant and Thomas Clark as second lieutenant. The year of 1813 was marked by commissions issued on June 4 to John Bell as captain of a rifle company, on June 8 to William Cunningham as second lieutenant of a rifle company, and on September G to Samuel Flanagan as captain of a rifle com- pany. Still another one was organized on July 19. 1816, of which the officers were Captain Milo R. Davis, Lieutenant Gillis McBean and Ensign George C. Spencer. On January 3 of 1814, Daniel Bell was appointed second lieutenant and Noah Mathena an ensign in a rifle company, and on March 4, 1815, Samuel Pfrimmer was appointed an ensign. One of the companies had a new captain on June 29, 1816, when Isaac 54 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Ferree was appointed, and the same day Charles Walker was appointed lieutenant. It was to officers of this regiment and on July 27, 1816, that the last military commissions under the territorial gov- ernment were issued. The officers commissioned during the territorial period were : CAPTAINS. 1812— May 24 — John Hughes. April 4— Willis Stucker. October 25 — George Copley. 1813— February 18 — John Seuor. February 27— John Wright and George Mclutosh. June 4 — Thomas Denny, vice House, resigned, and Absalom Sargent. August 2 — George French, vice Zachariah Lindley, resigned. August 13 — Samuel Ledgerwood. November 11 — Noah Wright. 1815— Mai-ch 4 — Benjamin Bogard and John W. Ogden. March 22— Ebenezer Morgan. September 12— John Lopp. 1816— June 29 — Beverly B. Boston, Edward Pennington and Isaac Ed- wards. July 30— Gilbert Bud and James Totten. July 27— Jesse Shields. LIEUTENANTS. 1812— May 24— Israel Butt. April 4 — Andrew Storm. October 25 — Thomas Rose. 1813— February 27 — William McMahon and Stephen T. Beeman. June 4 — James McKinny and Joseph Shields. August 2 — John McVey, vice James McCoy, resigned. September 6 — Benjamin Shields. November 11 — Jesse Durham, Edward C. Hunter and Samuel Harrs. 1814— June 1 — James Tatton. September 13— James W. Gather. 1815— March 4 — Daniel Bell and Heni-y Rice. March 22— Beverly Morgan. September 12— Anthony Windle, Edward McCurry, William Bennet and Frederick Moaser. 1816— June 29— Joshua Matthena, Patrick Flannagan and Isaac Darnell. July 30— West Sampson and Thomas Watson. July 27 — Samuel Watson. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 55 ENSIGNS. 1812— May 24 — Andrew Lopp. October 25— Josepli Nayall. 3 Sis- February 27— John Stewart and William Mclntire. June 4— Elijah Veach, Richardson Hencely and John Rigney. August 2— Jesse Fulton, vice Charles Bailey. November 11— John Carter, John Marrs and George Wiman, 1814— March 19— Jeremiah Hunter, June 1— James Watson and James Edwards. September 13— George Oatman. 1815— March 4 — Thomas Roberts and Elijah Veach. March 22 — Joseph Barkshear. September 12— Abram Wiseman, James Evans and William May, 1816— June 29— John Mclntire, Mason French and William Ingram. July 30— Jeremiah Jenkins. July 27 — Henry Purcell. The Sixth Regiment was in the sontheastern part of the State and what is now Switzerland, Jefferson and Clark coun- ties. The headquarters were at Jeffersonville, and among the early oflflers was Luke Oboussier, who was one of the original Swiss settlers of Vevay. The regimental officers were appointed January 28, 1812, and William McFarland was made colonel, David Hillis lieu- tenant-colonel, and John Vawter major. On June 9, 1813, Major Vawter was promoted to be lieutenant-colonel and Elisha Golay was appointed major of the First Battalion and Willis Stucker major of the Second. David McKay suc- ceeded Major Golay on October 14, 1815, Colonel McFariand closes his letter of recommendations for commissions by saying, ''The foregoing being respectfully submitted, your Excellency by issuing your commissions, if approved, will much promote the service; and with high and proper considerations of respect I have the honor to be much your Excellency's obedient and humble servant." The line officers commissioned were: CAPTAINS. 1811— September 10— Jesse E'ugate. December 16- James McCay and J.acob Rhodes. 1812— May 24 — HeniT Salliers. 56 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 1813— February 26 — Samuel Alexander. June 9 — John F. Seibenthal, Richard Hopkins. William Vawter, George Campbell. Edward Maxwell and William Nicholas. September 10 — Christopher Harrison. 1814— January 3 — David IMcCay. June 24 — Jacob Rhodes. September 13 — Williamson Dunn, 1815— May 18 — John Paul of Peter. September 1 — Jeter Ryker. .Tames Stott and .Tames Bums. October 14 — Green B. Field and Franklin Perry. November 4 — .Tohn Francis Sibbenthal, Walter Clark, Robert Cotten and Ezeldel Petty. 1816— February 17 — Joseph Howard. LIEUTENANTS. 1811— September 10 — John Francis Seibenthal, Henry Salyers and Daniel Hickman. December 16 — John Wilson. 1812— May 24 — John Lanum. 1813— March 13 — Samuel Ryker. June 9 — Luke Oboussier. Abraham Long, John Crothers, Franklin Perry and John Field. August 2 — William McCullough. September 10 — Patrick Wilson and William C. Bramwell. September 26 — Felix Monroe. 1814— January 3 — Abraham McCay. September 13 — Edward R. INIaxwell. 1815— March 7 — AVilliam Johnston. September 1 — James Ross, John McCrody, Robert B. Mitchell, Wil- liam Harbert. James Green and James B. Mitchell. October 14 — Stephen Gudgel. November 4 — Shuman Craig, Samuel Hollis. John Stapleton and Samuel Searcy. 1816— Januai-y 30 — James Allison. February 17 — Robert :McKay. ENSIGNS. 1811— September 10 — John Lanham, Edward Turner and Caleb Coudry. December 16 — Samuel Burnet. 1812— May 24— Robert McCak. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 57 1813— February 26 — David Stacker. March 13— David McCay. June 9— Er. Cox, William C. Bramwell, William Chambers, William D. McCullough, John Gudgell and Felix Monroe. August 2 — William Wales and John M. Johnson. September 10 — Thomas T. Stribliug. September 26 — Thomas Arbuckle. 1814— January 3 — William Johnson. January 31 — Charles Munroe and Alexander Levs^is. 1815— March 7— Joseph Howard. September 1 — Heni-y St. Clair, George Benuefield, John Diction, John Howes and Isaac Crawford. November 4 — Thornton Violet, William Scott, William Keith and Peter Lowstrotter. 1816— January 30 — William P. Brown. February 17— Thomas Oneal. May 10— Thomas Gilliland. The Seventh Regiment was organized in Franklin County on March 23, 1811, and in the original organization there were eight companies. The field officers elected were James Noble as lieutenant-colonel, Stanhope Koyster as major of the First Battalion and Stephen C. Stephens major of the Second Bat- talion. Commissions were issued to these officers on April 22, 1811, but when the law providing for colonels to command regiments became effective the field officers resigned and a new election was held. James Noble was elected colonel, Stan- hope Royster lieutenant-colonel and Samuel Arnett major. They were so commissioned on June 17, 1812. The vote for major of the Second Battalion was a tie between Captain Benjamin Sailor and Robert Hanna, sheriff of the county. Colonel Noble strongly urged the appointment of Captain Sailor, and, while there is no record of the commission having been issued to him, it is probable he was so appointed, as Robert Hanna was soon after appointed a captain. A portion of the regiment was ordered out in 1812 to pro- tect the settlement of Franklin, and in a letter to Governor Harrison, after he had submitted his report, Colonel Noble says: "It gives me great satisfaction that you are pleased with the line of conduct that I have pursued in ordering out a portion of my command (in the militia) to guard the settle- ment of Franklin and that your orders have been executed to your satisfaction. I hope, sir, that your orders to me will always be obeyed and executed on the shortest notice. Your conduct as Governor of the Territory and as commander-in- 58 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. chief of the militia towards the citizens generally and especi- ally those in Franklin meets their warmest approbation and will at all times lay them under obligations of gratitude to you; and the respect and attention which you are justly en- titled to from the officers of the Seventh Regiment will always be found, in uniting with you in protecting our Territory." There appears in the record the notice of a commission issued to Samuel Smock as colonel of the Seventh Regiment on September 18, 1813, and again on March 16, 1816, of a com- mission to James Noble as colonel. The resignation of Colonel Noble to the Governor bears date of February 12, 1814, and in the letter tendering the resignation he states that Lieuten- ant-Colonel Royster was elected colonel and that John Shank was elected major of the Second Battalion. There is no record of a commission as colonel having been issued to Lieu- tenant-Colonel Royster, and John Shank was not commis- sioned as major until May 25, 1816. In the course of his letter of resignation. Colonel Noble says, "I have no news worth re- lating. The people on this quarter are sickly and on the Miami die very fast." Thomas M. Breckenridge was commissioned as major on March 16, 1816. The regiment was well supplied with special organizations. The otticers of the first rifle company men- tioned were commissioned September 10, 1811, and were Cap- tain Elliott Hardon, Lieutenant Thomas Carter and Ensign Lewis Johnson. On June 17, 1814, Larkin Sims was appointed a captain of a like company, and on March 1, 1814, William Bell and Robert Wicoff were appointed ensigns. Henry Jink- inson was commissioned captain and George Williams en- sign of another company on July 13 of the same year, and on February 14. 1815, John Allen was appointed lieutenant. A company of light infantry was accepted on July 30, 1816, of which the officers were Captain David Oliver, Lieutenant Bethuell F. Morris and Ensign Henry A. Reed. The cavalry appears first in 1815, and there seems to have been an error'in issuing the commissions, as those issued on August 19 were to Captain George L. Mordoc, First Lieuten- ant John Stevenson, Second Lieutenant John Wiushel and Cornet Artima D. Wodworth. On the December 27 following, commissions were issued to Captain George L. Mordock, First Lieutenant John Stephenson, Second Lieutenant William P. Surent and Cornet John Munshel. Under 1816 and on May 23 appears the record of commissions to John Winchell as second lieutenant and Artemus D. Woodworth as cornet in the troop, but two days later commissions were issued to NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 59 John Winchell as first lieutenant, Artimas D. Woodworth as second lieutenant and Riley Woodworth as cornet. The other officers of the regiment were: CAPTAINS. 1811— April 22— Benjamin Smith, Samuel Arnett, John Gun, Benjamin Sailer, William Templeton, Samuel Lee and Thomas Brown. September 10— Abraham Hickman and William Huff. December 16 — Zachariah Glover. 1812— April 13 — Nathaniel Hindon. June 17 — Frederick Shoultz, John Brisue and Nathaniel AUarcage. 1813— February 8 — Robert Swan. February 18 — Robert Hanna. July 8— 'Thomas Bi-own. September 10 — Nixson Oliver. November 20 — William Vardaman. 1814— March 1 — Conrad Sailor, James McGinnis and Bazel Gater. March 12 — Thomas Breckinridge. October 7 — Thomas Clark, vice Nixon Oliver, resigned. 1815— February 14 — Andrew Shirk, John Miller, Charles Willdridge and Isaac Wilson. 1816— March 16 — William Arnold. May 25— Robert Wykoff. LIEUTENANTS. 1811— April 22— John W. Dorsey, James Jones, William George, Charles Royster, Robert Swan, Bazil Gater, William Wilson and John Clinton. September 10— Richard Williams. December 16 — James Leviston. 1812— April 13 — John Winchel. June 17 — James Briseu. 1813— July 8— Matthew Brown, Samuel Tappin, John Miller and William Glidewell. September 10 — Charles Willdridge. November 20— John Wilson and James Wilson. 1814— January 7 — William Cartright. March 1— George Rudisell, John Vanblaricum, James Robertson and Thomas Breckinridge. March 12— Robert P. Wicoff. 60 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 1815— February 14 — Samuel Shirk, Joseph Harter and Daniel McNeal. 1816— March 16— Timothy Allison. May 25 — Elijah Eades. ENSIGNS. 1811— April 22 — Joseph D. Clements, Robert Adams, Robert Royster, Wil- liam Hainly, William Norris, George Rudisel, George Gilman and Norris Williams. December 16 — William Noble. 1812— April 13 — David Gable, William Ramsey, John Coffe and James Mc- Ginnes. May 24 — William Morgan. June 17 — Nathaniel Winchell. 1813— February 18 — James Wilson. July 8— John Maple, George W. Wood, John Ward and John Brown. August 2 — John Norris. September 10 — Robert T. Taylor. September 26 — Andrew Shirk. November 20 — David Noble and John Hughes. 1814— March 1 — George W. Millis, Thomas Sailor and Aaron Richardson. March 12— Elijah Edes. 1815— February 14 — William Harper, James Trusler and Jacob Hossett. 1816— March 16 — Thomas Williams. May 25 — Joshua Hinesley, John Hackelman and Caleb Keeler. The history of the Eighth Eegiment is not complete, as many commissions were issued in blank and no reports made as to how they were filled out. The headquarters of the regi- ment were in Wayne County, and the official records show a few commissions issued in 1811, when there follows an inter- val of two years. There is no record of the commissioning of Colonel G. Hunt, but under date of August 11, 1813, he made a detailed report of the regiment to (lovernor Posey. In the same letter he reports having ordered out the com- pany commanded by Captain William Holman, and says the action ''Grew out of repeated calls from the frontiers, and the time of one company being about to expire and the Indians still continuing to plunder houses and other prop- erty and having killed one man, 1 determined to call a board of officers for council to adopt some plan to quiet the minds of the citizens and for the safety of the county. The inhabi- tants were still flying in all directions and sacrificing their NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. 61 property. In this state of things the council resolved that it was expedient that the colonel order out an additional com- pany." Arrangements were under way for the regiments com- manded by Colonel Dill and Colonel Noble to join with Colonel Hunt's for a muster at which Governor Posey was to be present. Colonel Hunt's report shows that he was elected colonel, to rank from January 25, 1812, William Scare lieutenaht- colonel, to rank from the same date, S. Hunt major, to rank from January 3, 1812, and L. Brown major, to rank from Jan- uary 25. 1812. The staff consisted of Adjutant John Turner, who ranked from 1811, and Captain John Farlow. The cap- tains reported and date of ranks were: William Whitehead, January 8, 1812; Richard Lewis, January 25, 1812; Enos But- ler, January 17, 1812; John Ireland, September 25, 1812; John Walker, captain of a rifle company, to rank from February 2, 1813. The lieutenants mentioned in the report were: William Hunt, February 29, 1814; William Price, September 25, 1811; Robert Galbraith, August 3, 1812; John Hart, February 2, 1813; Hugh Bailey, January 17, 1812. The ensigns were James Warren, February 2, 1813; Absalom Harvey, August 13, 1812; James Lindley, September 20, 1812. He also nominated John Patterson for captain, Joseph Lewis and David Canady for lieutenants, and Joseph Spencer, Joel Ferguson and Runnels Fielder for ensigns. The official records show a change in commanding officers on June 3, 1814, when Lieutenant-Colonel William Scarce was promoted, and on December 9 following John Turner was ap- pointed a major. Blank commissions for all companies "com- pleat" were issued September 20, 1811, and the official records of commissions issued are: CAPTAINS. 1811— September 20 — William Whitehead, James Shaw, Richard Lewis. 1812— April 13— John Ireland. 1813— February 3 — John Walker. September 6 — John Patterson. 1814— July 29 — Joseph Lewis. 62 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 1815— February 4 — William Hunt. June 7 — Joseph Spencer, Isaac Beasou, Pleasant Harris. September 25 — Asa Perro. LIEUTENANTS. 1811— September 20 — William Hunt, John Montgomeiy and Charles Morgan. 1812— April 13— Robert Galbreath. 1813— February 3 — John Hart. September 6 — David Canady and Joseph Lewis. 1814— July 29 — John Leaiy. September 13 — Isaac Meek. 1815— February 4 — Noah Fonts. June 7 — John Miers, Thomas Ray, William Burk, Isaac Meek. September 25 — Greenbuiy Cornelius. ENSIGNS. 1811— September 20 — Jonathan Gilbert and Jesse Garret. 1812— April 13 — John Smith and Absalom Harvey. 1813— February 3 — James Warm. September 6 — Runnels Fielden, Joel Ferguson and Joseph Spencer, 1814— Junel4 — Pleasant Harris, Thomas Yvlsehart, Robert T. Taylor, David Noble, David Carr and John Carr. July 29 — Richard G. Pares, .Jesse Elston and James Bedwell, September 13 — Reynold Fielden. 1815— February 4 — Noah Fonts. June 7 — Joseph Little, John Bratton and Dniry Ball. September 25 — William Dunbar, Jesse Buzan and Thomas McCarty. The Ninth Eegiment was one of the best organized of the later regiments. Its headquarters were at Jeffersonville, and Jol)n Depauw was the first colonel and was commissioned as such on January 10, ISli. There is no record as to the lien- tenant-colonel, but the regiment was so large that it was di- A'ided into three battalions. William Hoggatt was commis- sioned major of the First on January 24, 1814, and Alexander Little as major of the Third on the February 8 following. Jesse Roberts was the first major of the Second and was com- missioned March 7 next. During 1816 the changes in bat- talion commanders caused the appointment of Samuel Melroy as major of the Third on January 1, and, on March 23 next, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 63 of Jesse Durham as major of the same battalion. The same day Absalom Surgeant was commissioned major of the Sec- ond. Amos Hornbnrgh was paymaster, James Gregory quar- termaster, and Jacob Enuta adjutant. The regiment was well supplied with special organiza- tions, for a rifle company, of which the officers were Captain Noah Wright, Lieutenant Elijah Wright and Ensign George Holesapple, was accepted February 8, 1814, and soon after the organization of the regiment. On April 28, 1815, an inde- pendent company was attached to the regiment, of which the officers were Captain John Parker, Lieutenant Isaac Scott and Ensign James Shoemaker. The other officers of the regiment were: CAPTAINS. 1814— January 10 — Thomas Denny, Samuel Huston, George French, Absa- lom Sargeant. John Beck, Henry Dewalt. Charles Busey and John Royce. January 24 — Jeremiah Rankin and Samuel Marrs. February 8— Clift Glazebrook, Jesse Roberts, William Kennedy and Jesse Durham. March 7— John Maxwell. August 10 — John Milroy. September 17 — William Reed. 1815— July 22— Valentine Baker. 1816— January 26 — William Herron. March 28— John E. Clark. May 10— John Craig, William Flln, Mordecai Reddicks, William Case, Lewis Roberts, Absalom Fields and James McKinney. June 29 — Andrew House and David Heddricks. LIEUTENANTS. 1814— January 10 — Thomas Pitts. January 24 — Dennis Callehan and John Cunningham. Februaiy 8— John Storm. John Maxwell, John Cox, James McKin- ney, Doiy Catlin, John Robertson, George Hattabaugh and Sam- uel Young. March 7 — Joseph Maxwell and .John Gaskins. September 17 — Valentine Baker and John Craig. 1815— July 22— John Pew. 1816— May 10 — Richard Bene, Matthew Flin, John Sweney, Thomas Irons, Johnson Vest, Thomas Young, Joseph Scott, Roger Thompson. June 29— George House and William Elrod. 64 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. ENSIGNS. 1814— January 10 — John Cooley. January 24 — John Morris and John Marrs. February 8 — Joseph Maxwell, Jesse Fulton, John Rigney, SamUel Catliu. Richard Beem. Thomas Thompson, Joseph Young, Wil- liam Cline and John Carter. March 7 — Harvey Findley. September 17— Joshua Taylor and Isaac Rogers. 1816— March 23 — John Wolfington and John G. Henderson. May 10 — Miller Wiatt, Stephen S. Walsh, John Vandever, James 'Woodard, Samuel Vest, William Henderson, Martin Wilson and Moses Holman. The Tenth Regiment was probably organized in Warrick County, as its first colonel commanding, Hugh McGarey, lived in that county. The field officers of the regiment were the first onfs commissioned, and they were appointed January 20y 1814. The officers were Colonel Hugh McGarey, Lieutenant- Colonel Guillielmus Wiggins, Major rSamiiei Connor, com- manding the First Battalion, and Major Thomas E. Castle- berry, commanding the Second. On the September 13 follow- ing, Major Castleberry became colonel commanding and James Duckworth was appointed major, to succeed him. The record of organization is incomplete, but as far as known the officers were; CAPTAINS. 1814— January 20 — Ratliff Boone. Elias Altizer and William Buck. June 24 — John B. Stinson, Seth Hargraves and George McHenry. October 10 — Adam Young and William Gumming. December 27 — William Ross. 1815— February 4 — Thomas Givens. March 11 — John Crunk. 1816— May 4 — John Lout and Joseph A. Barnett. LIEUTENANTS. 1814— January 20 — James Hammins and John Lout. June 24 — Thomas Duckworth, Daniel Miller, John French and John Marrs. October 10 — John Hadden and Benjamin Keeth. December 27 — Martin Stutevil. 1815— March 11 — John Carson and Henry Edmond. 1816— May 4 — John Luel, John Hall and William Blevins. Lieut. -Col. William C. Burk Lieut. -Col. A. W. Lyon Lieut-Col. A. F. Ramsey Lieut. -Col. C. C Schreeder Lieut. -Col. David A. Coulter Lieut. -Col. W. T. Gott LiEUT.-COL. H. F. Houghton Lieut. -Col. Cha-il-^.s A. Carlisle Lieut. -Col. S. E. Murdock governor mount's staff NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 65 ENSIGNS. 1814— January 20— John Luce and John Morton. June 24 — William Skelton, Charles Jones and William Elliott. September 13 — Timothy Downan. October 10 — William Stone, Timothy Downing, Julius Gipson and William Todd. December 27 — William Spencer and William Weatherholt. 1815— March 11— William Butler. 1816— May 4 — John Hathway. Tbe Eleventh was one of the best organized of the later territorial regiments and probably drew the most of its mem- bers from those living in Franklin County. Its first colonel was William Helm, who was commissioned April 29, 1814. Major Lews Johnston, of the First Battalion, was appointed the same day. Thomas Brown was appointed major on June 3 following, and Allen Crister was appointed major on March 4, 1815. The regiment numbered several special organizations in its body, and early in its existence, on August 9, 1814, a rifle company was accepted, of which the officers were Captain William Morgan, Lieutenant John Vance and Ensign John Reed. Samuel Lee was appointed an ensign in the rifle com- pany on May 12, 1815. Two more rifle companies were organ- ized and both were accepted on June 29, 1816. The officers of the first were Captain John Vance, Lieutenant Thomas Reed and Ensign John White. The officers of the other one were Captain Joseph Caldwell, Lieutenant William McGeorge and Ensign William Jackson. Among the line officers of the regiment was Edgehill Burn- side, who first appears as ensign and later was promoted to a captaincy, and who was the father of General A. E. Burnside, of Civil War fame. The other officers of the regiment were: CAPTAINS. 1814— April 29— Daniel Heaton. June 3— Robert Swan, Abraham Neighbours, Peter Winchell and Samuel Ely. August 9 — Benjamin Elliot and Thomas Cai-ter. October 22— Robert Hannah. 66 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 1815— February 4 — John W. Lee. March 4 — James Alexander and George Ish. May 12 — Daniel Conner. September 20 — Edgehill Burnslde. September 22 — David Carr. 1816— March 16 — Adam Ryman. June 29 — Tliomas Trusler. ltei:tenants. 1814— April 29 — William Webb and Noah Beacham. June 3 — Matthew Brown, William Glidewell, Samuel Hanna and James Minor. August 9 — .iohn Lee and Charles Davis. September 17 — John Ward. 1815— February 4 — Thomas Walters and Joseph McCormack. March 4 — Richard Thornberry and William Willitz. September 20— Bird Stiles. September 22 — Andrew Penticost and Henry Edmunds. 1816— March 16 — William Manly. June 29 — Isaac Limpus. Augupt 21 — Calvin B. Howe and John H. Newland. ENSIGNS. 1814— April 29 — Forest Webb and Thomas Yowell. August 9 — Philip Bradshaw and Rezen Davis. September 17 — Edgehill Burnside. October 22— Nathaniel Winchel, vice Robert T. Taylor, resigned. 1815— March 4 — John Sutherland and Asa Dawson. May 12 — Thomas Trusler and Isaac Miller. September 20 — Lina ISfaddan. September 22 — William Brown. 1816— March 16 — Archibald Morron. June 29 — Abraham Boyes. August 21— Jeremiah Wood and Samuel Lennen. The Twelfth Regiment was young when Indiana passed from the territorial stage to that of statehood. Colonel Sam- uel Connor, Major Ratliff Boone, who commanded the First Battalion, and Major William Black, who commanded the Second, were commissioned October 21, 1895. The only other commissions issued before the State government commenced were on March 14, 181G. Joseph Springer and Elias Roberts were made captains, Samuel Eslick and Stephen McDaniel lieutenants, and John Cassady, Michael House and William Weatherholt ensigns. I NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 67 The Thirteenth Eegiraent was organized in the last six months of the existence of Indiana Territory. The first com- mission was issued to Jesse Roberts as colonel commanding on February 20, 1810. The majors were appointed June 29 and William Reed was assigned to the command of the First Battalion and Joseph Pennick of the Second. The other officers were: CAPTAINS. 1816— April 20 — Alexander Walker, Samuel Lewis, Eli Newlin, Thomas Coplin aud William Farris. May 20 — ^\'illiam Redman, Pleasant Parks, James Fidler, Robert Stott aud Joseph W. Doak. June 29 — Daniel Freeman, Daniel AVeathers and Peter Bengannin- gannin. LIEUTENANTS. 1816— April 20 — James Gisten, Reuben Kilgore, George Wolfinton, Charles Vandeveer and William Pennick. May 20— Joseph Scott, Samuel Shield, Marquis Knight, James Laugh- lin and AVill C. Green. June 29 — John Eastridge, Daniel Crowman and Joseph McGrue. ENSIGNS. 1816— Api-il 20— John McKinney, Will Crawford, Joseph Hazlewood and Richard Kerley. May 20— .Tohn Cook, Benjamin Pinkley, Wase Glover, Charles Bay- ley and Coonrod Gross. June 29 — Samuel Mathis and Isaac Stallcup. CHAPTER III. Sixty Years of Militia and Legion. The constitution adopted in 1816 provided for a militia organization along the same lines as the previous laws, and great care was taken to preserve the organization then in existence. The admission of Indiana to the union caused a great rush of immigrants, and the population increased by leaps and bounds. One of the first steps taken was to enroll all subject to militia duty in the State organization, and the militia increased in numbers according to the population, but the increase in population finally proved too much for the officials, and it was found to be impossible to make the organ- ized militia keep pace with the increase. There are no State records in existence for the militia in the first twenty-five years of the State history of Indiana, and only imperfect records up to the Civil War. That the organization was maintained and that, until 1833, it was held in high repute, is well known. In the period from the begin- ning of statehood to the Mexican War, the militia of Indiana reached its highest and lowest points and its decline from its maximum was rapid almost beyond explanation. Every in- ducement that could be thought of was offered for keeping the organization to its high standard until the call to arms in 1846 accomplished in a few days that which laws and pub- lic appeals had not accomplished in years. The militia laws were found to be defective in many par- ticulars, and slight amendments were made to them on Janu- ary 3, 1817, but without effect. In his message to the General Assembly in December of the same year. Governor Jennings advocated a revison of the laws so they might meet existing conditions, but the General Assembly was too much occupied in organizing the different branches of the State government to act on the recommendation. In spite of this handicap, the militia was continued, and in it were all branches of the service. On December 20, 1819, there were in the State five divisions and ten brigades. The aggregate strength was 14,990, and the strength of the infan- try was 14, .567. Of infantry organizations there were twenty- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 69 four rej^iments, 233 companies, 911 commissioned ofiBcers and 13,65G noncommissioned officers and privates. The artillery had a total strength of 135. In the three batteries there were twelve commissioned officers and 123 noncommissioned offi- cers and privates. The cavalrv was stronger and had an aggregate strength of 288 in the five troops. Of the total cavalry given, twenty-one were commissioned officers. At this time Indiana was one of the best equipped states in the union. The artillery had one four-pounder iron cannon. There were but five states in the union that had any cannon powder, and Indiana was one of the five, having twelve pounds of it. There were but three states that had shot and shell, and Indiana had four rounds. The issuing of commissions was an important matter then and was of particular importance to those entitled to receive them, as a commission was still a mark of signal honor and distinction. The Secretary of State issued them on request of the Adjutant-General, and there was great complaint about failure to send commissions ordered. Stephen Ranney was Adjutant-General, and the complaints became so numer- ous that he finally asked an investigation of Governor Jen- nings, who sent a special message to the General Assembly on December 1, 1820, asking that body to take some action and expressing the opinion that the trouble was in the office of the Secretary of State. This action aroused the General Assembly to the necessity of providing better laws for the militia, but it first gave its attention to the matter of com- missions and provided that the records of the officers should be carefully kept. In the administration of William Hen- dricks, an act was passed at Corydon on January 11, 1823, by which the Adjutant-General was required to keep a roster of the general and field officers. Company muster was re- quired in May of each year, and a two days' regimental mus- ter was required in April. Brigade drill and muster was re- quired in Se[>tember and was to last at least three days. By the close of 1823 the militia had not increased greatly in numbers, but the organization was better and the cavalry and artillery had grown in both numbers and organizations. On December 12 of that year the aggregate strength was 15,818 and of this number 14,919 were in the infantry. There were fourteen brigades, thirty-three regiments, 261 compan- ies, 988 commissioned officers and 13,931 noncommissioned officers and men. The cavalry force had increased to two 70 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. regiments, twelve troops, forty-nine commissioned officers and 542 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a total of 591. The artillery contained seven batteries, twenty-six commissioned officers and 282 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a total of 308. At this time there were five six- pound brass cannon, and for the entire organization there was one knapsack. Music was furnished on 137 drums, 129 fifes and five bugles or trumpets. By this time the great number of those subject to duty made it almost impossible to keep the correct strength of the organization. The laws under which the organization was maintained proved inadequate to meet the demand and some minor changes were made in January of 1821, but these did not relieve the situation. The officers were not as particular about their reports as formerly and the returns to the State were very imperfect. When the general government called for a report of the militia strength and organization at the close of 1825 the Adjutant-General reported an aggregate "reported strength" of 20,322, but there were at least 10,000 more, as stated to the general government, who were not included in the total given, although they were enrolled and organized but could not: be accounted for on account of the imperfect reports made by the general and field officers. The total infantry strength then reported was 18,805. There were six divisions, fifteen brigades, fifty-five regiments, 307 companies, 1,336 commissioned officers and 17.469 non- commissioned officers and privates. In the cavalry there were nineteen companies, seventy-six officers and 918 non- commissioned officers and privates, or a total strength of 994, In the artillery there were eleven batteries, forty-four commissioned officers and 479 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a total of 523. In the record of equipments, the knapsack seems to have been lost, for bnt two haversacks are accounted for and no knapsack. There were ten iron cannon, while music was pro- vided for by 185 drums and 168 fifes. An unusual effort was made during the next year to secure a correct return of the militia and when the general govern- ment called for a report of the strength at the close of 1826 the aggregate strength reported as organized was 37,787. This number, however, included 7,000 not on the records be- cause of defective reports, and tl^e Governor and Adjutant- General certified to the number. In the infantry branch there were seven divisions, eighteen brigades, fifty regiments, 430 companies, 1,582 officers and NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 71 27,795 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a total of 29,377. In the cavalry there iwere nineteen troops, seventy- three officers and 843 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a toal of 916. There were ten batteries in the artillery, thirty-eight commissioned officers and 456 noncommissioned officers and men, or a total of 494. The haversacks disap- peared during the year, for the report of equipment shows four knapsacks and*^six canteens only. There were seven six- pound iron cannon, while music was furnished by 228 drums, 406 fifes. The records of organization had been so imperfectly kept that many arms had been issued and not accounted for. The federal g-^overnment issued arms according to the returns made, and many of those sent to Indiana had been, in turn, issued to companies which had disbanded. The Legislature of 1828 passed a law to secure record of these arms, but it proved to be ineffectual, and while the enrollment in the militia increased, its usefulness and its organization de- creased. The officers were negligent in returning the strength of their organizations, so that when the next call came from the general government for a report of strength the Governor and Adjutant-General were compelled to report 12,000 as the estimated number of those not reported. The call was for the strength at the close of 1828, and, including the estimated number, the aggregate strength re- ported was 42,852. The infantry reported consisted of 29,442. There were seven divisions, eighteen brigades, sixty-three regiments, 430 companies, 1,647 commissioned officers and 27,795 noncommissioned officers and privates. In the cavalry there were nineteen troops, seventy-three commissioned offi- cers, 843 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a total of 916. The artillery consisted of ten batteries, thirty-eight cona- missioned officers and 456 noncommissioned officers and pri- vates, or a total of 494. There, was a further decline of interest and duty by 1830, so the report for that year was most defective. The aggre- gate strength of the recorded militia was but 16,420, although the Governor and Adjutant-General reported to the general government that the strength was at least 50,000, but it was impossible to state the exact number on account of the negli- gence of the officers in making returns. No attempt was made to show the number of brigades or divisions in that year, and the report was necessarily brief. There were 769 officers and 14,422 noncommissioned officers and privates in the infantry, or a total of 14,991. The cavalry 72 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. report showed a total of thirty commissioned officers and 322 noncommissioned officers and privates, or 352, In the artil- lery there were twenty-nine commissioned olficers, and 307 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a total of 336. A separate rating was made of riflemen, which showed thirty- seven officers and 707 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a total of 741. This condition of affairs roused the Legislature to action, and under the law approved January 30, 1830, Hancock, Dela- ware, Randolph and Warren counties were each given a bri- gade, and Delaware County was attached to the Eighteenth Brigade. By the session of 1831 the Legislature became con- vinced that certain support must be given to the militia and that the laws should be such as would meet the demands upon a large organization. A general revision was made under date of February 10, 1831, in which the militia age was pre- scribed as from eighteen to forty-five j^ears and the troops were armed as before except that the troopers did not have to provide cruppers. The divisions prescribed were: First Division — Second Brigade, Gibson, Pike and Dubois counties; Twelfth Brigade, Vanderburgli, Warrick and Posey counties. .Second Division — Eighth Brigade, Clark and Floyd counties; Ninth Brigade, Perry and Spencer counties. Third Division — Sixth Brigade, Franklin, Union and Ripley counties; Thirteenth Brigade, Wayne. Fayette, Allen and Randolph counties. Fourth Division — Fourth Brigade, AVashiugton county; Seventh Bri- gade, Orange and Lawrence counties; Fourteenth Brigade, Jackson, Bar- tholomew and Johnson counties. Fifth Division — Fifth Brigade, Jefferson, Jennings and Scott coun- ties; Tenth Brigade, Dearborn and Switzerland counties. Sixth Division — First Brigade, Knox, Daviess and Martin counties; Eleventh Brigade, Sullivan, Vigo and Green counties. Seventh Division — L'ifteenth Brigade, Monroe. Owen and Clay coun- ties: Seventeenth Brigade, Shelby, Marion. Madison, Hendricks, Hamil- ton and Hancock counties; Eighteenth Brigade, Decatur, Rush, Henry and Delaware counties. Eighth Division — Sixteenth Brigade. Putnam, Parke and Vermillion counties; Twentieth Brigade, Tippecanoe. Clinton, Carroll, Cass, Elk- hart and St. Joseph counties; Nineteenth Brigade, Montgomery, Warren and Fountain counties. Under this law each company was entitled to from forty to 100 men. Four to six companies composed a battalion; two battalions a regiment; three to six regiments a brigade; and two to three brigades a division. The commander-in- chief was the Governor, who was allowed a staff of one Adju- tant-General, one Quartermaster-General, and two aides-de- camp, all of whom had the rank of colonel. To each division was assigned a major-general, whose staff consisted of one NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 73 division inspector, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and a division (]uartermaster and two aides-de-camp, all of whom had the rank of major. The brigade was commanded by a brigadier-general, who had an inspector, with the rank of major, and one aide-de-camp and one quartermaster, both of whom bore the rank of captain. The officers for each regi- ment were a colonel, lieutenant-colonel, a major, a surgeon with the rank of captain, a paymaster, a surgeon's mate and a judge advocate with the rank of lieutenant. The company officers consisted of a captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, a drummer and a fifer. The regimental noncommissioned staff consisted of a sergeant- major, a quartermaster-sergeant, a provost marshal, a forage master, a drum-major and a fife-major. It was further provided that the general and field officers and the general, division and brigade staff should wear the uniform prescribed for the United States army, but the com- panies might adopt any uniform decided upon by a majority vote. During the same session a resolution was adopted ask- ing Congress to uniformly arm the militia. Congress failed to act on the resolution and a similar one was adopted the next year. The general report to the Secretary of War was again de- fective. The aggregate strength reported for 1832 was 53,- 913. The laws passed had the effect of slightly stimulating public interest in military affairs, and a better report was secured in 1832. At the close of that year there were in the infantry nine divisions, twenty-two brigades, seventy-nine reg- iments, 158 battalions, 734 companies, 2,573 commissioned officers, and 46,159 noncommissioned officers and privates, or a total in this branch of the service of 48,732. In the cavalry there were 106 commissioned officers and 1,681 noncommis- sioned officers and privates, or a total of 1,787. In the artil- lery there were sixty commissioned officers and 620 noncom- missioned officers and privates, or a total of 680. The rifle- men reported this year were 122 officers and 2,592 noncom- missioned officers and privates, or a total of 2,714. The attention of the Legislature was called to this report by Governor Noble in his annual message, in which he said that not over three-eighths of the entire strength of the militia had been reported and incorporated in the report. This was the last report made for many years to the general government, and the issue of arms from the government was based on this report until the outbreak of the Mexican War. The officers failed to make reports of the strength of their 74 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. commands, and.except on paper, the militia of the State was a matter of history. A few companies liere and there kept their organizations, but it was not jxeneral. There is no report as to the strength or conditon of the militia nntil 1844, but the organization was maintained on paper and a few companies were in existence. Three com- panies were called into active service on September 19, 1836, under the command of Major Andrews. They were sent to preserve the peace at a meeting of the Pottawatimies near the Tippecanoe Kiver, and their presence was effective, for there was no trouble. A few scattering papers among the records of the State show that during 1839 commissions were issued to officers in the First. Second, Fourth, Ninth, Tenth, Thirteenth, Sev- enteenth, Eighteenth. Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-third', Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-ninth, Thirty-second, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-eighth, Fortieth, Forty- fourth, Forty-seventh, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty-first, Fifty- third, Fifty-sixth. Fifty-seventh, Fifty-eighth, ' Fifty-ninth, Sixty-second, Sixty-fourth, Sixty-sixth, Seventieth, Seventy- second, Seventy-fifth, Seventy-seventh, Seventy-ninth, Eighty- third, Eighty-seventh, Eighty-eighth, and Eighty-ninth regi- ments. George K. Steele was major-general commanding the Tenth Division, John J. Mechan was brigadier-general com- manding the Sixteenth Brigade, and Ishan Fuller, of the Twelfth Brigade. The colonels commissioned during the year, so far as rec- ords show, were: Daniel Brawley of the Sixty-second, Walter Donaldson of the Fiftieth, Jolm L. Berry of the Seventy-sec- ond, Henry Oilan of the Eighty-seventh, John Osborn of the Sixty-sixth, Samuel Cavit of the Thirty-fourth, John Sheek of the Sixty-fourth, James A. McPheters of the Nineteenth, Lemuel Gentry of the Twentieth, Valentine Baker of the Thirty-eighth Jesse Nash of the Twenty-sixth, and John Van- dine of the Fifty-ninth. The lieutenant-colonels commissioned were: Cyrus Wol- verton of the Fiftieth, Andrew Beel of the Eighty-ninth. Dan- iel Kress of the Seventeenth, Abner G. Christy of the Sixty- sixth. Elisha G. Lane of the Eighty-seventh, John Hyden of the P"'orty ninth. Thomas Gambriel of the Eighty-third, Wil- lim C. Kick of the Forty-ninth, Thomas Melvin of the Sixty- fourth, James M. C. Vane of. the Nineteenth, John Eller of the Twentieth, and Peter Smith of the Twenty-sixth. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 75 The majors were John B. Swain of the Fiftieth, Henry McGill of the Eighty-ninth, John R. Tinbroolv of the Seventy- second, Leonard H.Smith of the TJiirty-eighth, John Martin of the Twenty-tliird, William C. Dnrland of the Seventeenth, John Douring of the Eighty-seventh, Aquilla Jones of the Seventv-seventh, William D. Farley of the Forty-ninth, Wil- liam H. Dille of the Sixty-sixth, Alfred Bnrton of the Sixty- fourth, Leonard H. Smith of the Nineteenth, James Nash of the Twenty-sixth. William A. Richardson of the Fifty-ninth, and William A. Lawler of the Eighty-eighth. Artillery is referred to in the Second, Forty-ninth and Twenty-third, and cavalry in the Twenty-sixth, Seventeenth, Thirty-fonrth. Seventieth, Forty-seventh, Fourth, Fifty-eighth and Eighty-eighth. Riflemen and light infantry companies were in the Ninth, Eighty-eighth, Sixty-sixth, Second, Twenty- first, Sixty-second, Eighty-ninth, Fiftieth and Sixty-sixth. The companies mentioned by name are the Orange Guards in the Fifty-first, Orange Blues in the Thirteenth, Vincennes Guards in the First, Marion Guards in the Fortieth, Marion Pioneers in the Fortieth, GoA-ernor's Guards in the Tenth, Bedford Guards in the Eighteenth, New Albany Guards, Gov- ernor's Guards of Evansville and the Jackson Guards of West Union, Fayette County. From 1810 to 1844 strenuous efforts were made by the Legislature to revive the waning military spirit in the State, and many inducements were offered to companies to organize. On February 24, 1840, the militia was divided into two classes, the active, which was composed of those between eighteen and thirty years old, and sedentary, which consisted of those between thirty and forty-five years old. Volunteer artillery and light infantry companies were authorized, which could be incorporated, and they were empowered to elect their own oflicers. It was believed that more interest would be taken in the militia if more independent companies should be organized, and volunteer organizations of not less than thirty-two mem- bers, rank and file, were authorized by a law passed January 31, 1842. All companies so organized were called the inde- pendent militia, but they were subject to the same rules and regulations as the other militia, which was called the district militia. When three or more companies of the independent militia were in one county, they were authorized to form themselves into battalions and regiments. A battalion con- sisted of from three to five companies and a regiment con- 76 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. sisted of two battalions. Each oompanj was permitted to adopt any name it pleased and the State agreed to arm all. The laws did not prove as stimulating as it had been be- lieved they would, and on January 23, 1843, the independent militia companies were empowered to elect second and third lieutenants if they so desired. On the February 11 following, each company of riflemen and each troop of cavalry was fixed at fifty, rank and file, and each company of light infantry and grenadiers at sixty, rank and file. Two days later the oflScers of regiments were authorized to prescribe the uniforms of their regiments and to make by-laws. Every inducement of commissions and uniforms was pre- sented, but there was no material increase in interest, and os* January 15, 1844, a law was passed to accept a volunteer company of not less than thirty-two, rank and file, if no greater number could be secured. Such companies were au- thorized to select their own uniform by a majority vote and they were to serve six years in the independent militia. During these years the regiments mentioned in the com- missions issued were the First, Second, Eighth, Ninth, Elev- enth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth,, Twentieth, Twenty- third. Twenty-eighth. Thirtieth, Thirty-first, Thirtv-fourth, Thirty-eighth, Fortieth, Forty-first, Forty-Afth, Fortv-eighth, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty-first, Fifty-fifth, Fifty-eighth, Fifty-ninth, Sixty-first, Sixty-sixth, Sixty-seventh, Seventy- seventh, Seventy-eighth and Eighty eighth. The organizations mentioned as having been assigned to regiments were the Marion Guards, Marion Rifle company, Marion Riflemen, Marion Light Horse, Perry Township In- fantry, and Washington Light Horse in the First Regiment of independent militia; Orange Guards in the Thirteenth; Marion Riflemen and Marion Guards in the Fortieth; the Greensburgh Artillery in the Forty-first; Morgan Rangers in the Fifty-fifth; German Rifle company in the Twenty-eighth; Danville Guards in the Sixty-first; Newburg Rifle company in the Thirty-fourth; Aberdeen Rifle company and the Ham- ilton Light Horse company in the Sixty-fifth; Sugar Creek Rifle company in the Fifty-eighth; Wayne Guards in the Fifty- fifth; Spencer Yellow Jacket Rifle comi>any in the Twenty- eighth; Jackson Township Volunteers in the Eleventh; Prairie Rifle company in the Fifty-ninth; Boonville Infantry in the Thirty-fourth; German Washington Guards in the Tenth; Anderson Guards in the Thirty-fourth; Independent Blues in the Fifty-third; Mooresville Independent Rifle com- pany in the Forty-fifth; New Frankfort Independent Artillery NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 77 in the Twenty-ninth; Harrison Blues in the Thirty-first; Inde- pendent company, rifle rangers in the Twenty-third; Lafay- ette Rangers in the Forty-ninth ; Mississiniwah Fairview Ran- gers of New Albany in the Sixty-ninth; Newport Light In- fantry in the Fifty-ninth; New Albany Guards in the Twenty- eight; Deerfield Light Infantry in the Seventieth; Attica Greys in tlie Seventy-fourth; Newburgh Infantry in the Thirty-fourth; Versailles Volunteers in the Thirty-third; Spencer Greys in the Twenty-eighth; Independent Greys in the Sixty-fifth; and Lebanon Rifle company in the Sixty- Eighth. Riflemen are mentioned as being in the Twentieth, Forty- eighth, Fiftieth, and light infantry in the Twenty-third, Forty-eighth, Fourteenth and Seventy-seventh. Artillery is referred to in the Twenty-third, and cavalry companies and light horse companies in the Twenty-ninth, Fifty-eighth, Forty- first and Forty-fifth. Organizations specified as belong- ing to the independent militia were the Washington Guards,^ York Guards and Huntington Guards. Organizations which are mentioned but not assigned to a regiment in the existing records were the Independent Blues, Portland Guards, Bloomington Light Infantry, Independent Rangers, Logansport Greys, Noble Rangers, Highland Ran- gers, Grand Prairie Guard, Crooked Creek Rifles, Kosciusko Guards, ^V^ashington Bbies, Ladoga Light Horse company, Marion Pioneers. Carroll Horse Guards, Franklin Volunteers, Goshen Guards, AVashington Greys, Wayne County Blues, Cass Guards, Randolph Guards, Independent Riflemen of Lake County, Lafayette Hussars, Mishawaka Rangers, Amer- ican Light Infantry, Lake County Rangers, Georgetown Rifle- men, Johnson County Rifle company, Jefferson Blues, Noble Rangers, Eagle Village Light Infantry, Independent Riflemen, Decatur Artillery company, Indiana Blues, Boone County Union Light Infantry, Lafayette Blues, Capitol Guards, Crooked Creek Rifles, Republican Guards, Spencer Guards, Boone County Rangers, Winimac Rifle Rangers, JNIounts Run Rangers, Lawrenceburgh City Guards, Lexington Artillery company. New Frankfort Artillery, Jamestown Light Horse company, and Rensselaer Riflemen, In the independent militia during 1842, G. N. Fitch was commissioned colonel, Hervey Brown lieutenant-colonel and J. W, Dunn and George W, Drum majors in the First Regi- ment and Henry W, Ellsworth lieutenant-colonel, and Daniel Rhein major in the Second Regiment. During the following 78 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. year Westley Smith was commissioned a lieutenant-colonel and Thomas P. Miller a major. The other commissions issued were: In the Eighty-eighth, William A. Lawless as lieutenant-colonel and Durham Hood as major; in the Sixty-second, William E. Rank as colonel and John Ensminger as lieutenant-colonel; in the Twenty- eighth, Nathaniel Isioore as lieutenant-colonel and Isaac P. Smith as major; in the Thirty-first, Lewis Jordan as colonel and Isaac Lawner as major; in the Thirtieth, Samuel B. Mul- len as colonel, Isaac M. Dawson as lieutenant-colonel and John R. Lee as major; in the Forty-fifth, Bealis Johnston as colonel, Gustavus H. Way as lieutenant-colonel and John J. Graham as major; in the Seventy-eighth, S. S. Tipton as colonel and B. H. Smith as major; in the Fifty-eighth, Bladen Ashby as lieutenant-colonel and Isaac A. Rhinearson as major; in the Thirty-eighth, David Cooley as colonel; in the Sixty-sixth, Eli Deal as lieutenant-colonel; in the Seventy- seventh. George M. Maxwell as colonel; in the Fiftieth, Eras- tus M. Benson as major; in the Ninth, Hiram B. Malott as colonel and Robert Neely as major; in the Thirty-eighth, Moses Monicle as colonel; in the Fiftieth, John B. Swain as colonel; and in the Sixty-seventh, James H. Anderson as major. The oldest complete record of Indiana's war department which is in existence are the reports of the Adjutant-General and the Quartermaster-General for 1844. Both are necessar- ily brief. The report of Quartermaster-General Beck shows that, on paper, there were twenty-four brigades. Both Gen- eral Beck and Adjutant-General David Reynolds complain of the almost entire absence of records as to the militia. Under date of November 30, 1844, General Reynolds sub- mitted his report to Governor Whitcomb, in which he de- scribes existing conditions thus: ''In consequence of the en- tire failure of the major-generals to return to me the strength of the divisions composing the militia, it is impossible for me to make any return of the number of men in the State subject to military duty. The martial spirit of the State seems to have languished away, so that by common consent, more perhaps than through the inefficiency of the laws, the military organization is almost entirely abandoned. Offices have been vacated and not filled; and hem^e it is that the few officers who hold commissions are unable to report the strength of the militia under their commands.'' General Reynolds put forth every effort to make a correct list of the companies then in existence and the dates of their NATIONAI- GUARD OF INDIANA. 79 organization. There were three regiments of independent militia, one on Marion, one in Tippecanoe and one in Cass counties. Between December \, 1843, and the date of his re- port he had issued commissions in the district militia to one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, two majors, fortj-two cap- tains, forty-seven lieutenants, and thirtv-flve ensigns. In the independent militia he had commissioned one major, twenty- five captains, fifty-one lieutenants, and seventeen ensigns, or a grand total of 224 ofticers, of whom 128 were in the district militia and ninety-four in the independent militia. General Reynolds consulted every source of information and made two Hsts of the independent companies which had been organized, some of which he stated might possibly have disbanded. Those organized between April 27, 1842, and Jan- uary 6, 1844, were classified under the years of organization. Those organized in 18-42, with the dates of organization, were: Marion Guards. April 27; Marion Riflemen, April 30; Lafay- ette Hussars, June 2; Rifle Company, name not given, June 2; Riflemen, June 12; Marion Rifle Company', June 9; Independ- ent Company of Lake County, June 9; Goshen Guards, June 9; Cass Guards, June 23; Randolph Guards, June 23; Franklin Volunteers of Marion County, June 29; Carroll Horse Guards, July 15; Company, no name on records, July 16; Marion Pioneers,. July 19;' Ladoga Light Horse Company, July 26; Ar- tillery Company, July 26; Perry Township Infantry of Marion County, August 23;' Kosciusko Guards, August 24; New Frankfort Independent Artillery, August 24; Crooked Creek Rifle Company of Cass County, September 6; Cass Rangers, September 6;' Grand Prairie Guards, September 12; Indiana Blues of Jefferson County. September 16; Highland Rangers, September 22; Marion Horse Company, September 22; Inde- pendent Blues of Warren, September 22; Noble Rangers of Cass County, October 6; Logansport Greys, October 6; York Guards of Tippecanoe County, October 6; Independent Ran- gers, November 18; Bloomingtou Light Infantry, Novem- ber 18. During 1843 independent organizations were continued, and those listed, with dates of organization, were: Company, February 10; Riflemen, Carroll County, February 16; Lafay- ette Blues, February 16; Independent Riflemen, March 27; Eagle Village Light'lnfantry of Boone County, April 15; De- catur Artillery Company, April 21; Independent Riflemen, May 1; Union Light Infantry, May 8; Washington Guards, May 18; Riflemen, May 26; Johnson County Guards, June 12; Johnson County Rifle' Company, June 13; Deerfield Light In- 80 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. fantrv, June 15; Boone County Rangers, August 15; Winamac Rifle Rangers. August 15; Mounts Run Rangers, August 16; Lawrenceburg City Cruards, August 15; Light Artillery Com- pany, August 15; Spencer Greys, August 21; Republican Guards. August 29; Georgetown Riflemen, September 16; Washington Light Horse, September 28; American Light In- fantry, Xovember 17. General Reynolds took his office January 6, 1844, and the companies organized between that date and the date of his report were: Independent Greys of Hamilton, March 8; Jamestown Light Horse Company-, March 20; Rensselaer Riflemen, March 8; Newport Independent Light Infantry, May 14; Hamilton Light Horse Company, May 28; Aberdeen Rifle Company, June 10; Danville Guards, June 8; Lafayette Guards, June 25; Independent Company of Rifle Rangers of Crawford, July 25; Raccoon Rifle Company, of Boone, August 6; Rising Sun Greys, August 12; Clarke Guards, August 27; Mooresville Independent Rifle Company, August 27; Ander- son Guards of Warrick County, September 13; Boonville In- fantry, September 20; Rifle Comi)any, Elkhart, September 40; Prairie Rifle Company, September 25; Spencer Yellow Jacket Rifle Company. October 2; Jackson Township Volunteers of Fayette County, October 19 ; Wayne Guards of Allen County, November 4, The total number of companies reported at that time was seventy-six, or about one-tenth of the militia. Nearly all trace of the arms which had been issued by the general gov- ernment was lost, and many companies which had received arms had disbanded without returning the equipment. The legislature appointed a committee to investigate the military needs of the State and to aid in securing a return of the arms outstanding. Before this committee could report, the mili- tary spirit was aroused through a call to arms. General Reynolds had continued his efforts to revive the latent military spirit, and during 1845 several new companies were organized and arms sent to them, but many of the com- panies disbanded without even opening the boxes of guns and other equipment. Nearly all the commissions issued during the year were to fill vacancies in those organizations which had been kept alive by the unusual exertions and interest of their officers. In the District Militia, 2 colonels, 2 lieutenant- colonels, 3 majors, 23 captains, 27 lieutenants and 18 ensigns were commissioned, or a total of 75 officers. In the Independ- ent Militia, 1 lieutenant-colonel, 10 captains, 28 lieutenants Major F. E. Stevensot Major R. L. Kennedy Major G. W. Krietenstein Major E. J. Robison Major J. D. Wellman Major Harry 1_. Kramer MaJO"? FtE-^THER M. DURSIlSi governor MOUNT'S STAFF NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 81 and 11 ensigns, or a total of 50, were commissioned. The en- tire number of commissions issued was 125. In his report, made at the end of 1845, and dated Novem- ber 29, General Reynolds was greatly discouraged. He said: "It is true, however, that while our system has undergone a gradual paralysis, the martial spirit of the people is not extin- guished, but exhibits itself in the form of a number of ener- getic companies of independent militia, as well as a few regi- ments of district militia, which have survived the general disorganization. It would seem also, if not quite, impossible to revive military discipline, unless some exigency should de- mand an active service. War, with its thrilling incidents, could alone, as we believe, fully accomplish it; and no State in the Union would more fearlessly and promptly respond to even its first notes of preparation than Indiana." The contingency to which he referred came about within six months in the outbreak of the war with Mexico, and, as he had predicted, Indiana responded nobly. The first invasion of the country by the Mexicans was on April 24, 1846, and Congress was notified on May 11. War was declared two days later and 50,000 volunteers were called for. The notifica- tion was sent to Indiana that three regiments of infantry would be required on May 16, and was received late in the evening of May 21. Governor Whitcomb issued his proclama- tion calling for volunteers the following day, and by June 10, or in eighteen days, the entire thirty comjjanies necessary had reported, and a few days later twenty-two additional com- panies were organized and clamoring to go into active service. Not a single organization, regiment, brigade or division ex- isted when the call was issued which could be ordered out, and the response was solely from patriotism. ''Had our militia been organized at the time," said General Reynolds, ''it is evident that the raising of our troops would have been facilitated and hastened by merely calling on the proper oflS- cers to order out their respective commands." There was the greatest ignorance as to the things needed for active service, and orders were issued to give informa- tion which every private in the present organization pos- sesses. One order issued was that dress or parade uniforms were not required in actual service, and "will not be used in this campaign by either officers or men." The uniform recom- mended was, "A cloth or forage cap and a gray mixed or sky blue jeans hunter's frock coat, and pantaloons without straps, is suggested (not required) for neatness and comfort. The coat to reach half down the thigh, double-breasted, 82 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. double row of white military buttons, eagle stamped, or black mould buttons, made to button close around the throat. For non-commissioned officers, same as above, only the sergeants to wear white worsted epaulets on each shoulder and the pants to have white worsted stripes, one and one-half inch wide, down the sides. Corporals to wear epaulets, but not the stripes. The orderly sergeant is distinguished by a red worsted sash on duty." Those organizations which had other uniforms were per- mitted to wear them, and this order was intended to apply only to those which had to purchase new outfits. The volunteers were ordered to concentrate at Ft. Wayne, Logansport, Lafayette, Terre Haute, Indianapolis, Centre- ville, Lawrenceburgh, Bedford, Yincennes, Evansville and Rome. New Albany was selected as the point for general con- centration, and the companies were ordered there. General Reynolds went in person to supervise the organization of the regiments, which was accomplished on June 24. Field officers were elected the following day, and the troops were mus- tered into the service by Colonel Churchill, inspector-general of the U. S. A., and Lieutenant Hammond, U. S. A. The officers were all elected from those who had come in with the companies, and Joseph Lane, colonel of the Second Regiment, was elected a brigadier-general to command the brigade, but the United States officers declared they had no authority to accept an officer of such high rank. Colonel Lane therefore left in command of the regiment, but as soon as the brigade reached Texas he was made brigadier-general and Captain William A. Bowles was elected colonel. The brigade embarked for Mexico on July 12, as the gov- ernment was unable to move it before that date, and the organizations were: First Regiment — Colonel, James P. Drake, who had been captain of the Marion Volunteers; lieu- tenant-colonel. Christian C. Nave, who was captain of the Hendricks County Volunteers; major, H. S. Lane, who was captain of the Montgomery Volunteers. The companies composing the regiment were: Mad An- thony Guards, of Allen County, Captain J. W. McLain; Wayne Guards, of Allen County, Captain D. W. Lewis; Wa- bash Rangers, of Miami County, Captain J. W. Wilson; Cass County Volunteers, Captain S. S. Tipton, who later resigned and was succeeded by Captain S. Lasselle; Wabash Invinci- bles, of Carroll County, Captain R. H. Milroy; Fountain Vol- unteers, of Fountain County, Captain R. M. Evans; Montgom- ery Volunteers, of Montgomery County, Captain J. B. Pow- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 83 ers, who was succeeded by Captain Allen May; Putnam Blues, of Putnam County, Captain J.'H. Roberts; Hendricks County Volunteers, Captain S. C. Crawford, and Marion Volunteers, of Marion County, Captain John McDougal. Second Regiment — Colonel, Joseph Lane, promoted, and succeeded by Captain Bowles; lieutenant-colonel, William R. Haddon; major, James A. Cravens; Sullivan Volunteers, of Sullivan County, Captain J. W. Briggs; Clay County Volun- teers, Captain J. Osborn; Greene County Volunteers, Captain L. H. Rosseau; Lawrence Greys, of Lawrence County, Captain H. Davis; Hoosier Boys, of Orange County, Captain William A. Bowles, who was later elected colonel and was succeeded by Captain T. B. Kinder; Washington Riflemen, of Washing- ton County, Captain A. Dennis; Posey Guards, of Washing- ton County, Captain N. Kimball; Indiana Riflemen, of Vander- burg County, Captain W. Walker; Spencer Greys, of Floyd County, W. L. Sanderson; Lanesville Legion, of Harrison County, Captain C. Gresham. Third Regiment — Colonel, James H. Lane; lieutenant- colonel, William M. McCarty; major, Willis A. Gorman. Johnson Guards, of Johnson County, Captain D. Allen; Brown County Blues, Captain J. Taggart; Shelby Riflemen, of Shelby County, Captain V. Conover; Monroe Guards, of Monroe County, Captain J. Sluss; Bartholomew Volunteers, Captain J. S. Boardman; Dearborn Volunteers, Captain George Dunn; Switzerland Riflemen, Captain S. Carter; Washington Guards, of Jefferson County, Captain W. Ford; Madison Rifles, of Jefferson County, Captain T. L. Sullivan; Clark Guards, of Clark County, Captain T. W. Gibson. The call to arms aroused great interest in military mat- ters, and the legislature considered a bill for the re-organiza- tion of the militia. The bill passed the House and failed to pass the Senate, but the organization of companies preceded under the old laws. No report of the strength of the militia was made, but General Reynolds believed, from his sources of information, that three brigades were organized in the Dis- trict Militia, but only one regiment reported to him. The twenty-two companies which desired to enter active service identified themselves with the Independent Militia, so that during the year of 1846 there were, in that division, 144 new companies, five new regiments and five separate and new bat- talions. The troops which answered the first call numbered 2,553, and, as they were called for twelve months' service only, many were home when the second call for troops was received. The 84 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. second call was for one regiment only, and was received April 24, having been issued five days before. Governor Whitcomb at once issued his proclamation and preference was given to those companies which had organized to respond to the first call, but had not been mustered in. Some of the companies reported without the required number of men, and so anx- ious were they to get into service that in many instances they were kept by their officers at their own expense until they were filled, as the government declined to furnish subsistence to any that did not meet tlie requirements. Old Fort Clarke, near Jeffersonville, was selected for the organization of the Fourth Eegiment, and General Eeynolds again in person supervised the work. The regiment v»'as organized June 16, 1847, and embarlced for the front June 27. As this regiment went to the front, it consisted of: Colonel, Willis A. Gorisian; lieutenant-colonel, Ebenezer Du- mont; major, William M. ]McCoy; adjutant, Edward Cole; ser- geant major, Joseph Combs; quartermaster sergeant, T. M. Smith; temporary surgeons, Dr. Brower and Dr. Finley. Company A, ]\Iarion Guards, of Grant County, Captain J. M. Wallace; Company B, Gosport Guards, of Owen County, Cap- tain J. 1. Alexander; Company C, Dearborn County Guards, Captain W. T. Baldridge; Company D, Marion County Infan- try, Captain E. Lander; Company E, Spencer County Volun- teers, Captain J. W. Crooks; Company F, Columbus Legion, of Bartholomew County, Captain M. Fitzgibbon; Company G, Kough and Ready Guards, of Monroe County; Captain D. Lun- derman; Company H, Fort Harrison Guards, of Vigo County, Captain L. Cochran; Company I, Northern Rangers, of La- porte County, Captain R. Fravel; Company K, Hoosier Boys of Dearborn, Dearborn County, Captain A. L. Mason. The Fifth and last regiment called for was composed chiefly of those who had seen service, and the War Depart- ment expressed a preference for the veterans. The call was received at Indianapolis August 31, having been issued August 20, and the ten companies reported to the adjutant- general's office by September 28. Two days later General Reynolds went to Madison, which had been selected as the point for organization, but as no arrangement had been made for quarters or subsistence, he did not order the companies in until October 1. The regiment was organized October 22, and the regiment embarked for Vera Cruz on October 31. Many more companies applied than could be accepted, and the mar- tial spirit in the State was so high that several companies of regulars were recruited in the State in addition to the quotas NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 85 called for. With the exception of Company K, which was not full, the entire regiment left together. Company K was left behind to fill its ranks, which was done in a short time, and it then joined the regiment. The organization of the Fifth Regiment was: Colonel, James H. Lane; lieutenant-colonel, Allen May; major, John M. Myers, adjutant, John M. Loi^d; surgeon, J. S. Athon; assist- ant surgeon, P. G. Jones; sergeant major, F. P. Bradley; quar- termaster sergeant, J. Oldshue. Company A, Indiana Guards, of Jefferson County, Captain Hull; Company B, Rough and Ready Guards, of Clarke County, Captain G. Greene; Com- pany C, Covington Guards, of Fountain County, Captain R. M. Evans; Company D, Hancock B'hoys, of Hancock County, Captain J. R. Bracken; Company E, Shelbyville Hards, of Shelby County, Captain S. McKenzie; Company F, Centre Guards, of Marion County, Captain J. McDougal; Company G, Grabbers No. 2, of Dearborn County, Captain A. C. Gibbs; Company H, Washington Guards, of Grant County, Captain E. G. Cary; Company I, Montgomery Boys, of Montgomery County. Captain M. D. Manson; Company K, Wayne Guards, of Allen County, Captain D. W. Lewis. As soon as the war Avas over, the military spirit died out almost as quickly as it had been aroused. While the govern- ment called for but five regiments, enough companies were organized and offered their services to fill eight regiments. It was impossible to maintain a militia under the laws as they existed, and during 1848 but 135 commissions were issued. Laws under which the militia could have been maintained were passed by the House in two sessions, but both times the Senate failed to act on them. By the close of 1850 it was impossible to tell anything about the militia. According to the arms outstanding, of which the State had a record, there were then thirty-three infantry companies, fifteen rifle com- panies and seven troo^js of cavalry, but no report was made by any of them. The legislature finally realized the situation, and in 1853 a law was passed for the organization of the militia by congressional districts, and in the following Octo- ber an elaborate set of rules for county regiments and bri- gades by congressional districts were adopted. This proved to be without effect, and under date of December 9, 1854, Adjutant-General Tomlinson, writing from Marietta, Georgia, urged the establishment of a professorship of military science at the State University at Bloomington. His suggestion was not adopted. 86 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Governor Wright called the attention of the legislature to the failure of the laws passed to secure satisfactory re- turns, and said that while thousands of commissions had been issued, not one brigade enumeration had been perfected. The legislature responded by passing an act on February 12, 1855, which provided for the organization of military companies by filing articles of incorporation in the same manner as build- ing, mining and manufacturing companies were organized. The law was practically of no value and merely provided for the organization of the militia in a general w^ay without reg- ulations sufficient to secure any general result. Many of the commissions issued were for the sole i^urpose of conferring honorary military titles only, and there was no change in the general situation. At the close of 1856 General Tomlinson suggested that a system of bounties be paid, but this was not adopted, and he did not have one return of the strength of the militia, if there was any, although the commissions sent out w^ere numbered by the thousand. The probabilities of civil war caused a slight revival of in- terest in things military, and here and there during 1859 and 1860 a few companies were organized. All of them had but a brief existence, and in many cases no detailed reports were made. The aggregate strength of such companies during the entire two years was not 500 men. This was the condition of the Indiana militia when the civil war seemed a certainty. The actual outbreak of the war found the State without any preparations to meet the emergency. Governor Lane, in his message to the Legislature in 186J, referred to the import- ance of a well organized and thoroughly drilled militia in the then existing conditions of national affairs, and he promised to concur in any measure that might be devised toward that end. He called attention to the ^'present very defective militia laws of the State," and a bill was drawn which passed the House, but failed to jjass the Senate. When the war actually commenced, Indiana had no militia that Avas organized. There were less than 500 stands of effect- ive first-class small arms in the State and eight pieces of weather-worn and dismantled cannon. An unknown number of old flint-lock and altered to percussion muskets were scat- tered through the counties, and were in the hands of former members of the disbanded militia. Tender authority of [an act of March 5, 1861, Governor Morton took steps to secure a re- turn of these, but they were of no value except for drill pur- poses. NATIONAL GUARD OK INDIANA. 87 On Februarj 11. 1801, there was but |10,368.58 in the State treasury, and the most of this was in trust funds. Governor Morton tried to secure arms, and on March, 1861, he secured an order for 5,000 muskets, but as the armories were depleted the order could not be filled. He called the legislature in special session April 24, 1861, and on May 11 the law reorganizing the Legion was passed. At that time there w^as no organization to speak of, and in the following November, Morton C. Hunter, of Bloomington, was placed in command of the Fifth Brigade district, and Richard W. Thompson, of Terre Haute, of the Sixth Brigade district. The organization of the legion was assigned to John Love, of Indianapolis, who was appointed major-general on September 10, 1861. General Love was actively assisted by John L. Mansfield, of Madison, who was first commissioned brigadier-general commanding the Third Brigade of the First Division, and later succeeded General Love. The First Divi- sion consisted of the Third. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Brigades, and was commanded by General Mansfield. The Second Division, which was commanded by Major-General James Hughes, of Bloomington, was composed of the First, Second, Seventh and Eighth Brigades. The total strength of the legion was 697 companies. The First Division contained 347 companies. The Third Brigade was composed of the Ninth Regiment, of Jefferson County, with 12 companies; the Ninth Regiment, of Jennings County, with 15 companies; the Tenth Regiment, of Switzer- land c'ounty, with 16 companies; four companies of Barthol- omew county; the Johnson County Regiment of 14 companies the Hendricks County Regiment of 11 companies; the Morgan County Regiment of' 11 companies; the City of Indianapolis Regiment of 16 companies; the Marion County Regiment of 10 companies; ten separate companies of Marion County; the Boone County Regiment of 15 companies, and the 13 compa- nies of Hamilton County, or 147 in all. The Fourth Brigade was commanded by General Alexan- der C. Downey, of Rising Sun, and consisted of the Eleventh Regiment, of Ohio County, of 5 companies; the Twelfth Regi- ment, of Dearborn County, of 13 companies; 4 companies from Ripley County; 7 companies of Decatur County; 2 companies of Union County; 5 companies of Fayette County; 6 compa- nies of Rush county; 7 companies of Shelby County, and the Franklin County Regiment of 9 companies, or 58 in all. The Fifth Brigade consisted of the Wayne County Battal- ion of 6 companies; the Hancock County Battalion of 9 com- 88 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. panies; the Delaware County Regiment of 16 companies; the Randolph County Battalion 'of 11 companies; 5 companies of Henry County; il companies of Madison County; 10 compa- nies of Jay County, and 6 companies of Grant County, or 74 in all. The Sixth Brigade consisted of the Howard County Regi- ment of 13 companies; 6 companies of Clinton County; 9 com- panies of Carroll County; 5 companies of Cass County; 4 com- panies of Miami County; 2 companies of Wabash County, and 4 companies of Fulton County, or 43 companies in all. The Ninth Brigade consisted of 1 company of Allen County. 3 companies of DeKalb County, 6 companies of Hunt- ington County, 1 company of Kosciusko County, 1 company of Lagrange County, 5 companies of Noble County, 2 companies of Steuben CounYy, 2 companies of Wells County, and 3 com- panies of Whitley County, or 24 in all. The Second Division contained 351 companies. The First Brigade had two commanders in its history — General An- drew Lewis, of Princeton, and General James E. Blythe, of Eyansville. The brigade was composed of the First Regi- ment, of Posey County, of 17 companies; the Second Regi- ment, of Vanderburg County, of 28 companies; the Second Battalion, of Yanderburg County, of 10 companies; the Third Regiment, of Warrick and Gibson Counties, of 15 companies; the Fourth Regiment, of Spencer County, of 14 companies; the Grandview Battalion of 10 companies; 8 companies of Gibson County; 4 companies of Dubois County; 8 companies of Pike County; 11 companies of Daviess County; 4 companies of Greene County, and 4 companies of Sullivan County, or 133 in all. The Second Brigade also had two commanders — General James Hughes, of Bloomington, and General Henry Jordan, «)f Corydon. It was composed of the Fifth Regiment, of Perry County, of 19 companies; the Sixth Regiment, of Harrison County, of 14 companies; the Seventh Regiment, of Floyd Countv, of 10 companies; the Eighth Regiment, of Clark and Scott counties, of 12 companies; 5 companies of Scott county; the Crawford County Regiment of 10 companies; the Monroe County Regiment of 10 companies; the Lawrence County Reg- iment'^of 12 companies: the Orange County Regiment of 7 companies; 7 companies of Washington County; 8 companies of Jackson County; two companies of Brown County, and 1 company of Owen County, or 123 in all. The Seventh Brigade was composed of the Vigo County Regiment of 23 comi)anies; the Parke County Regiment of 19 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 89 companies; the Montgomery County Regiment of 12 com- panies; 4 companies of Clay County; 11 companies of Putnam County; 3 companies of Vermillion County; 6 companies of Fountain County; 5 companies of Tippecanoe County, and 2 companies of Warren County, or 85 in all. The Eighth Brigade consisted of 1 company of White County; 1 company of Jasper county; 1 company of Pulaski County; 3 companies of Marshall County; 3 companies of St. Joseph County, and 1 company of Laporte County, or 10 in all. The personnel of the Legion was constantly changing on account of the members entering the United States service, and it was the great training school for the volunteer army. Governor ^lorton appreciated its value in this particular, and on October 16, 1862, an encampment of the officers was or- dered for Indianapolis. Nearly four hundred officers on that date began a two weeks' tour of inspection under officers of the regular army. Two regiments were organized and the work was both theoretical and practical. The Legion was frequently called into active service, and there was scarcely a time during the war that some portion of it was not on dut3', either guarding the southern border, suppressing internal troubles or aiding Kentucky. Portions of it were called out on July 18, 1862, when the Second and Third Regiments were ordered into active service on account of the raid on Xewburg. The threatened attack on Evans- ville, the Kirby Smith raid, the two Morgan raids, and the Adam Johnson raid in 1864, gave many of the members a slight taste of actual warfare. Internal troubles resulting from secret organizations and resistance to drafts also caused many calls. The raid by General Morgan in July, 1863, caused great alarm throughout the State, and Governor Morton called for volunteers. Witliin forty-eight hours 65,000 men responded and thirteen regiments and one battery were organized. The regiments were in service for a week, and v^ere numbered from the 102d to the 114th, inclusive. The 102d, 103d and 108th were composed exclusively of the Legion, while four Legion companies were in lOltli, seven in the 105th, and one each in the 107 and the 112th. The other companies consisted of "Minute Men." Altogether, over 50,000 members of the Le- gion were called into active service for periods of ten to thirty days, and over 800. companies were enrolled in the Legion. The mngnificent response by Indiana to the call for volun- teers is well known, and the part the soldiers of the State took in that great struggle is the most glorious page in the 90 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. State's history. Indiana sent a total of 208,367 men to the front. Of this number 129 regiments of infantry included 175,776; 13 regiments of cavalry, 21,605; 1 regiment of heavy artillery and 26 batteries of light artillery, 10,986. The terms of service were: three years, 165,617; one year, 21,642; nine months, 742; six months, 4,082; one hundred days, 7,415; three months, 6,308; sixty days, 587; and thirty days, 1,874. The tremendous amount of work in the Adjutant-General's office in looking after the records of those who had served during the war and the defective militia laws, combined to cause a delay in a thorough organization of the militia during the years immediately following the war. Companies were organized as independent bodies and were incorporated, while the State furnished arms. Adjutant-General John C. Green- wait assumed the duties of his oflfice on April 1, 1870, and on the last day of the year he submitted the first report after the close of the war. Xeither of his predecessors had made reports, and his report covered only that period in which he had been in charge. Until 1877 no attempt was made to organize the Legion, and the work which has resulted in the present National Guard was commenced by Adjutant-General George W. Russ. General Greenwalt made no attempt to organize the Legion, as he did not deem it expedient under the laws then existing. He encouraged the organization of independent companies and promptly armed those which sent in requisi- tions. Dui'ing 1870 but three companies were organized. They were the Emmet Guards, of Indianapolis, on March 1, with sixty men; Company A, Indianapolis National Guards, on April 14, with sixty men, commanded by Captain John L. Hanna; and the Tiafayette Scheutzen, on June 21, with sixty men, commanded by Captain P. J. Welshibillig. Seven com])anies were organized during 1871, although one was short-lived. The Bloomington Guards, consisting of sixty men under the command of Captain W. J. Allen, was organized July 12 of that year, but disbanded in May of the next year. The other companies organized during the year of 1871 were: Prairie City Guards, of Terre Haute, on June 26, with 100 men. commanded by Captain John A. Bryan; Union Guards, of Kockville, on July 12, with sixty men, commanded by (Captain W. A. Magill; the Muncie Guards, on August 15, with 100 men, commanded by Captain Frank Ellis; the Angola Zouaves, on September 5, with sixty men, commanded by Captain Ora Pierce; Laporte Scheutzen, on September 12, with sixty men commanded by Captain Charles NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 91 Peo; and the Business College Volunteers, of Indianapolis, on October 1, with sixty men, commanded by Captain T. B. Wightman. The Business College Volunteers, of Indianapo- lis, "and the Laporte Scheutzen were in existence only until 1874, when they were disbanded. During 1872 five new companies were organized — the Vin- cennes National Guards, on June 47, with fifty men, com- manded by Captain John Ellick; the South Bend Rifle Com- pany, on July 15, with eighty men, commanded by Captain George Pfleg'er; the Waveland Zouaves, on August 22, with sixty men, commanded by Captain C. T. Dorwin; the Laporte Zouaves, on August 30, with sixty men, commanded by Cap- tain L. A. Cale; and the First National Zouaves, of New Albany, on November 20, with sixty men, commanded by Captain John I>enny. The organized companies were called into active service early in 1873. but the power of the State to preserve the peace by arms was limited. There was not one company on which the Governor could depend in time of trouble, and all services rendered were entirely voluntary. On April 15, 1873, there was an outbreak of violence at Knightsville, and when the State was apjjealed to, it was necessary to call for vol- unteers. A detachment of the Indianapolis police force was sent under the command of (j'hief of Police Thompson, and the Emmett Guards, of Indianapolis, promptly volunteered. A part of the company was sent under command of Captain Barry, and the presence of troops restored peace and order without delay. A strike of railroad engineers caused another call for troops on December 27 of the same year at Logans- port. A portion of the Indianapolis police force was sent and the offers of the Emmett Guards and the Business Col- lege Volunteers, of Indianapolis, to serve, were accepted. The troops were placed under the command of General Ma- cauley and served but a few days. The trouble in Wayne County over the removal of the county seat was reported to the State, but no troops were sent, although the sheriff was supplied with ammunition and authorized to organize a posse and arm it. These calls to active duty constrained Adjutant-General Connor to call attention to the fact that the militia was en- tirely unorganized. This he did in his report of January 1, 1875, in which he asked for proper laws on the subject. The companies did not report to the State and were wholly and entirely independent, although armed by the State . His appeal was without result, for he did not get the laws. Dur- 92 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. ing 1874 he organized tlie State Guards, of Indianapolis, and the Noblesville Guards. Again were the troops called out during the summer of 1876. There was a strike among the employes of the O. & M. Railroad Comijany, and traffic on the road was obstructed at Vincennes. The sherilf of Knox County sent an urgent call for troops, and Logansport responded with twenty-five men, under the command of Captain Chase. Lieutenant Dailey, of Captain Jack's compaiiy, of Peru, with twenty-five men, and Captain Waiter, of Indianapolis, with fifty men, comprised the force ordered out. The troops were taken to Indianapolis and quartered in the State House, but the local authorities of Vincennes succeeded in handling the trouble, and the troops were not sent. At the beginning of 1877, the year which marked the great change in the militia system of the State, the complete roster of independent companies in the State and the date of their organization, as given in the official list, was: 1870— Jauiinry 1 — Inrliana University, Bloomington. January 2t — Lafayette Guards. Marcn 1 — Emmett Guards, of Indianapolis. April 14 — Indianapolis Nationel Guards. June 20 — Rockville Guards. June 21— Prairie City Guards, of Terre Haute. July 15 — :Martinsville Guards. August 2 — Ft. Wayne Light Guards. 1871— June 20 — New Castle Guards. September 5 — Angola Zouaves. September 28 — College Guards, of Indianapolis. 1872— June 27 — Vinceniies National Guards. July 15— South Bend Rifle Company. August 22 — Waveland Guax'ds. August .30 — Laporte Zouaves. November 20--New Albany Guards. 1873— June 30 — Evansville Zouaves. 1875— September 16 — Zionsville Zouave Guards. December 8— Ft. Wayne Light Guards. 1876— January 22 — Huntington Light Guards. Mach 6 — Lafayette Guards. March 6 — Crawfordsville Guards. March 13- Ft. Wayne Cadets. March 18 — Indianapolis High School Cadets. May 5— Logansport (^rays. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 93 June 6— ludiauapolis Centenuial Cadets. June 15— Lagi-ange Light Guards. June 20— Asbury Cadets, of Greencastle. June 28— Peru Grays. July 28— Greensburg Light Guards. August 7 — Pulaski Guards. September « — Delaware Guards, of Muncie. September 18— Benton County Cavalry, of Fowler. Octol>er 13— Greencastle College Cadets. October 19 — Jackson Guards, of Tippecanoe County. November 27 — Jeffersonville Rifles. George W. Russ entered upon the duties of the Adjutant- General on February 18, 1877, and he brought with him an interest in things military, an energy and a yigor that soon showed results in the beginning of a trained force of soldiers on which the State could depend in times of emergency. During the first year General Russ was in charge, the rail- road strikes dem^onstrated in all parts of the country the imperatiye necessity of haying a well organized and equipped militia. General Russ found the State without a single or- ganized company of militia and nothing but the independent companies to rely upon. The State was helpless in the event of trouble except for such response as might be voluntarily made to a call for assistance. General Russ grasped the situation and exerted himself to organize companies and enroll them in the Indiana Legion. In tills he succeeded so well that through his efforts, by the last of 1878, there were enrolled in the Legion the Conners- yille Guard, of Connersyille; Company A, National Guard, of Indianapolis; Lafayette Guard, of Lafayette; Indianapolis Light Infantry, of Indianapolis; Monroe Guard, of Blooming- ton; Lane Guard, of Crawfordsville; Evansville Rifles, of Ev- ansville; Wabash Guard, of Snoddy's Mill; Marshall County Guard, Company A. of Plymouth; North Manchester Guard, of North :Manchester; Rochester Light Guard, of Rochester; Richmond Light Guard, of Richmond; Lebanon Cadets, of Lebanon; Governor's Guard, of Terre Haute; Shelby Rifles, of Shelbyville; Russ Rifles, of Indianapolis; Marshall County Guard, Company B, of Bourbon; Newport Light Guard, of Newport; Tree's' Grays, of Anderson; Tykle Guard, of Middle- town; Kokomo Guard, of Kokomo; Lime City Battery, of Huntington; and the Terre Haute Light Guard, of Terra Haute. The last named had been in existence for many years as an independent organization, but at the beginning of the troubles in the summer of 1877 their seryices were tendered to the State with 100 men and were accepted. They saw the 94 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. desirability of being- enrolled in the Legion, and at their own request they were taken into the State service. In addition to these militia companies, there were organ- ized during the first two years of General Russ's term the Grover Light Guard, of Greensburg, on July 28, 1877; the Lawreneeburg Light Guard, of Lawrenceburg, on June 22, 1877; the Indianapolis National Guards, of Indianapolis, on November 17, 1877; Purdue University Cadets, of Lafayette, on November 17, 1877; and the Hibernian Rifles, of Indianap- olis, on May 24, 1877. The great railroad strikes of the summer of 1877 were a menace to the entire country, and Indiana was affected, but not so seriously as some other points. So threatening did the aspect become in Indianapolis that a committee of public safety was appointed, and finally Governor Williams was ap- pealed to for State aid. In July he ordered a portion of the militia to be ready to serve, and Company A, National Guard of Indianapolis, under the command of Captain Kiley, was ordered into camp at the United States arsenal in Indianap- olis to protect it and its stores. The Indianapolis Light In- fantry, under the command of Captain Nicholas R. Ruckle, was held at its armory at the corner of New York and Dela- ware streets. The Terre Haute Light Guard at once tendered its services, and, under the command of Captain Cliarles O. Wood, was held under arms at its armory in Terre Haute. The Lafayette Light Guard, under the command of Captain Carnahan. was held at its armory in Lafayette. The Logans- port Grays, under the command of Captain Chase, and the Cass County Blues, under command of Captain Zigler, were both indey)endent companies but offered their services and were held under arms in their armories at Logansport. The Montgomery Guard, of Crawfordsville, Captain Lew Wallace commanding, which was also an independent company, hur- ried to Indianapolis and tendered its services. They were sworn into the service of the State and remained on duty throughout the strike. These companies rendered good service in the protection of property, but the strike assumed such great proportions and there was such danger to the lives of the citizens, that it was deemed expedient to be prepared for an emergency, and a call for volunteers was issued in Indianapolis. The response called into service eleven companies, which were promptly organized, drilled and equipped. This call was issued July 26, and the organization which was so quickly perfected was composed of the most prominent and distin- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 95 guisbed men in the city. There has never i been an organi- zation of State troops in the history of Indiana in which were so many men of prominence. Governor Williams tendered the command to G*eneral Benjamin Harrison, but the committee of public safety had asked General Daniel Macauley to assume command, so Gen- eral Harrison declined, but took command of a company. Headquarters were established in the federal building in Indianapolis, and the regiment served about thirty days and rendered good service. Fortunately there were no serious clashes, and the trouble was adjusted without any loss of life in Indianapolis. Those who served on General Macauley's staff as aides-de- camp, with the rank of captain, were Livingston Howland, Wood G. Tousey, S. K. Fletcher. James W. Kennard, and W. P. Fishback.' J. W. Gordon was chief of staff, with the rank of colonel. Charles L. Holstein was assistant adjutant- general, with the rank of captain, John D. Nicholas was com- missary of subsistence, with the rank of major, and N. T. James Was assistant commissary of subsistence, with the rank of first lieutenant. James Miller was appointed assist- ant adjutant-general, with the rank of captain. The company organizations of the volunteers that were assigned to the First Regiment, Indiana Legion, were: Company C— Ben.ifimin Harrison, captain; Eli F. Ritter, first lieu- tenant; and W. H. McKay, second lieutenant. Company H— Rol)ert S. Foster, captain; Samuel F. Gray, first lieu- tenant; and' William M. Wiles, second lieutenant. Company D — John .T. Palmer, captain; .Tames B. Black, first lieu- tenant; and* Alfred Sinker, second lieutenant. Company E — Frederick Knefler, captain: C. J. Dobbs, first lieu- tenant; .ind BeRjamin D. House, second lieutenant. Company I— Georaje H. Chapman, captain. Company F — William J. Richards, captain. Company G — Henry C. Adams, captain: A. J. Ralph, first lieu- tenant: and George W. Stubbs. second lieutenant. Company K— Charles E. Emrick, captain; H. E. Smith, first lieu- tenant; and' F. J. Cadwallader, second lieutenant. Company L — John Coburn, captain; W. H. Craft, first lieutenant; and C. W. Tutewiler, second lieutenant. Those assigned to the Second Hegiment were: Company A— Lew Wallace, captain; Isaac C. Ellston, first lieu- tenant; Janies H. Wallace, second lieutenant; and W. P. Herron, third lieutenant. A troop of cavalry, which was called Company A, First Cavalry, Indiana Legion, had as officers Henry Jordan, cap- tain: Henry Dailey, first lieutenant; and John McMasters, second lieutenant. 96 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. General Riiss also had much trouble with the Wabash Guards. Early in the year some of the members of the com- pany went into a saloon at Stringtown, Fountain County, after a drill, with their arms. The company had no armory, and the members were permitted to take their arms home with them. These men were drinking, and while so engaged some negroes and white men entered the saloon, and an alter- cation followed in which one of the negroes was killed. Great excitement followed, and the sheriff of the county called on the company to assist him in making the arrests of the par- ties charged with the murder. The company responded, and charges were publicly made that the members of the company were patrolling the streets of Stringtown under arms. Gen- eral Russ investigated and found they were acting under the orders of the sheriff according to law, so no action was taken regarding the charges. After the trouble had quieted down, one officer and thirty-two men, who were miners, were mustered out, as General Russ deemed it best that no one who was in any way interested in mining troubles should re- main in the organization. The other members were farmers. There was high feeling against the company, w^hich cul- minated in another outbreak in June and a call was made for troops to assist the sheriff. The Indianapolis Light In- fantry, under command of Captain N. R. Ruckle, was ordered out and reported to the sheriff at Coal Creek within five hours from the receipt of the order. The company remained on duty until June 20, when it was relieved by the Lane Guards, of Crawfordsville, under the command of Captain Benneen. This company remained on duty until July 3, when it was considered unnecessary to hold troops there longer. The Wabash Guards were later disbanded, as were also the Connersville Guards and Company A, National Guards, of Indianapolis. General Russ urged a uniformity of uniforms and that the regulation fatigue uniform of the United States army be adopted. He was the first to urge that the uniforms be furnished by the State or the cost of them allowed to the men by the State. He suggested that the men be permitted to buy and wear any dress uniform they might see fit. He tried to secure an encampment of the troops, but found there were no tents, and in his annual report he urged that the State provide tents, camp equipage, subsistence and trans- portation to and from an annual camp. The recommenda- tions were the first made for provisions on the line of the present organization. Col. J. R. Henry i i . tw Lieut. -Col. J. E. Roberts Coi (RIG. -Gen. B. a. Richardson Lieu"^. Major L. R. Gignilliat GOVERNOR MOUNT'S STrtTF '-' I LI B. HAKK'ISON . H. C. tVlEC'liEXv' ' -Col. ^^/. A; Ri-iiiR NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 97 At the close of 1878, the companies in the Indiana Legion and the officers were: Terre Haute Light Guard— Captain Charles O. Wood, First Lieu- tenant F. C. Crawford and Second Lieutenant W. H. Armstrong. Indianapolis Light Infantry— Captain Nicholas K. Ruckle, First Lieutenant George Butler and Second Lieutenant James R. Ross. Lafayette Guard— Captain James R. Carnahan, First Lieutenant Collins Blaclimer and Second Lieutenant Charles E. Erving. Monroe Guard, of Bloomington— Captain H. J. Feltus, First Lieu- tenant Alfred R. Howe and Second Lieutenant Thomas C. Purcell. Evansville Rifles— Captain William M. Blakey, First Lieutenant Jacob W. Messick and Second Lieutenant Henry Hammersley. Marshall County Guard, Company A, of Plymouth— Captain James E. Houghton, First Lieutenant Hiram Moore and Second Lieutenant William Holland. Lebanon Cadets— Captain Felix Shumate, First Lieutenant Frank Gregoiy and Second T-ieutenant John H. Busby. Marshall County (Juard, Company B, of Bourbon — Captain George Stockman, First liieutenant Charles H. Wynant and Second Lieutenant John K. Lawrence. Lane Guard, of Orawfordsville— Captain John A. Denneen, First Lieutenant D. W. Staras and Second Lieutenant M. G. McCarty. Rochester Light Guard— Captain H. P. Bitters, First Lieutenant John J. Myers and Second Lieutenant Benjamin M. Elliott. Governor's Guard, of Terre Haute— Captain W. P. Hector, First Lieutenant John T. StaQ' and Second Lieutenant Newlan Rogers. Shelby Rifles, of ShelbyviJle— Captain John W. Vannoy, First Lieu- tenant Angubt Dcpray and Second I-ieuteuant William Craycraft. Russ Rifles, of Indianapolis— Captain Robert Emmett, First Lieu- tenant J. R. Forbes and Second Lieutenant C. S. Butterfield. Richmond Light Guard— C.nptain Joseph Iliff, First Lieutenant Sam- uel F. Judy and Second Lieutenant Henry T. Barnes. Newport Light Guard— Captain Jacob A. Senders, First Lieutenant Robert B. Sears and Second Lieutenant A. C. Brokaw. North Manchester Guard— Captain A. A. McKain, First Lieutenant Samuel Dunbar and Second Lieutenant James Arnold. Trees' Grays, of Anderson— Captain Larry Anderson, First Lieu- tenant David R. Berg and Second Lieutenant Cornelius Dougherty. Tykle Guard, of Middletown— Captain Charles C. Shedron, First Lieutenant Joseph A. Young and Second Lieutenant Joseph A. Swope. Kokorao Guard— Captain Francis M. Gideon, First Lieutenant Wil- liam T. Wiley and Second Lieutenant Baker A. Bannum. Lime City Battery, of Huntington — Captain George Wetmore, First Lieutenant Charles W. Walkins and Second Lieutenant A. J. Rose- braugh. Nearly all these companies ceased to exist before regi- ments were organized, and but four, the Terre Haute Light Guard, the Indianapolis Light Infantry, the Evansville Rifles, and the Richmond Light Guard, became companies when the new order was instituted. All others had disbanded. During the two years from 1879 to 1881, a number of new companies were organized and enrolled in the militia. All 98 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. of them were included in the regiments, and they were the Sherman Guards, of Frankfort, the Waterloo Rifles, the Mc- Cune Cadets, of Rockville, and the Remington Guards. Again, and it proved to be the last call to active service before the organization of regiments, the Indianapolis Light Infantry was called out to preserve the peace. An atrocious murder\vas committed at Salem and the ^'Regulators," then quite numerous in that part of the State, had demolished the jail in an effort to lynch the prisoner. In the disguise of women's clothing he' had been hurried to New Albany by the sheriff, and on October 31, 1879, the Light Infantry was sent as a guard when he was returned to Salem for trial. Many threats were made of blowing up bridges over which the train passed, and dreadful deeds said to be about to be done, but the company took him back, remained on duty three days during the trial, and returned him to Xew Albany in safety. CHAPTER IV. Encampments and Active Service. The National Guard s^^stem of to-day is a comparatively recent product in Indiana. To General James R. Carnahan, who became Adjutant-General January 17, 1881, is due more credit for it than to any one man, and he may be justly called the father of the National Guard. General Russ had commenced the work, and, later, General N. R. Ruckle per- fected the details. To those three men is due the credit for the foundation of the system of to-day, but to General Carna- han is due greater praise than either of the others. He <;:ave to the Legion a tremendous impetus; he first organized regiments and he held the first encampments. This was done, not with the aid of the State but in spite of the State, for no support was given the Legion by the State. The organization was maintained through pride only and en- tirely at the expense of the members. There were separate companies in the State when General Carnahan entered upon the duties of his office, but he was not satisfied with a Legion of separate companies. He assumed seemingly impossible tasks and carried them through successfully, and he inspired among the members of the Legion a feeling of pride in their organization. He brought the Legion prominently before the public as an or- ganization and he received substantial aid and support from the veterans of the civil war. Public spirit had died down somewhat and there were few organizations as a nucleus for General Carnahan to work around. He lost no time and by the end of his second year he had an organized Legion of twenty-nine companies of infantry, with 10-3 officers and 1,491 enlisted men; five com- panies of artillery, with eighteen officers and 175 enlisted men, and one company of cavalry, with three officers and forty-four enlisted men, or a total of 211 officers and 1,710 enlisted men. This was but a small proportion of those in the State subject to military duty, the number then being 320,546, but it was a well organized, well drilled, and, con- sidering that the State did practically nothing for it, a well equipped force. 100 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The State furnished arms only and the companies uni- formed themselves at their own expense. All adopted the neat and plain blue uniform of the United States army, and in soldierly bearing and proficiency in drill, the Indiana Le- gion compared favorably with the organized troops of any other State. During his first two years in office, General Carnahan organized two regiments of infantry and one of artillery, and before he completed his term he organized the Third Regiment of infantry. This was a good beginning, but the struggle was a long and hard one, as the Legislature gave no assistance for many years and everything that has been secured has been only after the greatest effort. Regimental organizations have existed since 1882. but during their early years they lacked coherence, as they were changed frequently to meet the exi- gencies of each encampment. .Military enthusiasm was aroused in towns which were not large enough to maintain companies properly and these companies were mustered into service only to drop out on the expiration of the first term after the novelty wore off. The regiments were suffering from this, and there was little esprit de corps, but still there was enough to keep up the organizations, and gradually the companies became more fixed and the changes less frequent. The multiplication of companies caused many reorganiza- tions of regiments, as new regiments were organized, and this tended to demoralize the organization. Such were a few of the struggles of the earlier days, but slowly though surely the Lejiion reached a solid foundation, the State more and more assisted it. the arms and equipment improved in quality and quantity, until the National Guard of to-day is an organization of which the State may be proud. Nearly all the officers in the earlier days were veterans of the civil war who strongly encouraged the Legion. The regiments were organized in general so that one should cen- ter around Indianapolis, one be north and east of that city, one north and west, and one in the southern part of the State. The companies varied from very good to very bad, and there were varying degrees of discipline. By 188'^ the Legion increased to a total of 170 officers and 1,912 men. Of this number fifty were in the cavalry company and 260 in the eight companies of artillery. At that time there were thirty-four infantry companies, and the organization of Gatling gun sections was taken up. Nearly all these sections were composed of boys from twelve to four- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 101 teen years old, and they became exceedingly proficient in drill. " The division of regiments into two battalions was made in 1886, and two years later the divison into three battalions. By 1890 the infantry was uniformly armed with the Spring- fields, and the Legion had grown. The total enrollment in 1891 was 2,-372 and the next year 2,002. It was deemed large enough to organize a brigade, and March 23, 1893, the First Brigade was organized and Brigadier-General McKee was appointed to the command. No encampment was held in 1884 owing to the companies having been in active service through so much of the summer, and in announcing that no encampment would be held Gover- nor Matthews said: "The Governor desires at this time to tender his sincere thanks and most hearty commendation to the officers and men composing the active militia for the prompt response to his calls for duty and in preserving order within the bordei's of the State. Yom- strict obedience to orders, your patience and forbearance under many provoking circum- stances, your thorough discipline and particularly your success in accom- plishing the objects for which you were called into the field, without loss of life, have won for you the approval of all citizens of this common- wealth." The frequent calls to active service produced greater in- terest in the Legion, and the membership increased that year to 2,668, and the year following, or 1895, to forty-six com- panies, with a total of 8,016, the highest reached in recent years. The Legislature of 1895 took more interest in the troops and passed a much needed militia law which changed the name of the Indiana Legion to the Indiana National Guard. The law became effective on March 5 of that year and the present name dates from, that time. In 1896 the membership decreased to 2,891 and in 1897 to 2,643. Many things were desired for the Guard in the last year and the appropriation was not sufficient to provide the needed equipment and to hold an encampment, so it was decided by Governor Mount and Adjutant-General Gore that the encampment would be abandoned for the year and the money expended otherwise. This was done and the result was that at the outbreak of tfie war with Spain the Indiana Guard was prepared to take the field before that of any other State. The probabilities of war with Spain resulted in an increase of membership, and the Guardi in 1898 num-? bered 2,822. 102 NATIONAL GUARD OP^ INDIANA. The call for troops for the Spanish-American war took into the United States service all of the Natiofnal Guard ex- cept one battery of artillery. No attempt was made to re- organize the Guard until after peace was declared and the volunteers mustered out of United States service. The work was commenced February 1, 1899, by mustering in one com])any in each congressional district, and under this arrangement nine companies of infantry — Terre Haute, Frankfort. Indianapolis, Vincennes, Evansville, New Albany, Madison, South Bend and Martinsville — were organized, and the batteries at Indianapolis and Attica. This plan did not prove satisfactory, and about the middle of August com- panies were organized wherever practicable. By the close of 1900 the work had been so well done that three regiments were organized and the total strength was 2,118. The Gen- eral Assembly of 1901 further encouraged the Guard by pro- viding for the payment of those who attended drills. In addition to the calls made upon it to preserve peace and restore order in the State, the Legion and Guard has promptly responded at all times when State pride made it desirable that there should be a military demonstration. The members observed August 8, 1885. the day of the public funeral of General U. S. Grant, by services in all the armories in the State; and again, on December 1 of that year, when Vice-President Thomas A. Hendricks was buried at Indian- apolis, many of the companies were present. The Legion was represented August 22,' 1889, when the cornerstone of the Soldiers' and vSailors' Monument was laid in Indianapolis, and February 0, 1900. when the body of General Lawton lay in state for one day in the State House at Indianapolis. Again, in January, 1901, many companies went to Indianapolis to honor the memory of Governor Mount the day his body lay in state in the State House, and on ]\[arch 16, of that year, the entire National Guard went to Indianapolis to pay the last tribute to the memory of ex-President Benjamin Harrison a^ his body lay in state in the State;House. The companies have uniformly responded to all calls made upon them in their home towns, with cheerfulness and promptness, and have come to be looked upon as organiza- tions to be relied upon to represent the home city with credit and honor. To General Carnahan belongs the credit of holding the first State encampment of the Legion. The military code prescribed that encampments should be held, but the Legis- lature had never made an^^ appropriation for holding one, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 103 SO the Legion bad never come together. The men could not afford to bear the expense in addition to giving their time, but they were enthusiastic for it if ways and means could be provided. General Carnahan, early in February of 1882, proposed to Lieutenant-Colonel James R. Ross, inspector- general on Governor Porter's staff, that an attempt should be made to hold an encampment and the proposition was enthu- siastically received. While the project was under consideration Raper Com- mandery, Knights Templar, of Indianapolis, submitted a proposition to furnish, with the aid of the business men of Indianapolis, money to defray all expenses of the camp, to provide subsistence for the troops and to relieve the State from all pecuniary liability in the matter. The proposition was accepted and Raper Commandery received in return all results from gate money, sutlers' privileges and other sources. The entire plan and management of the camp was left" in the hands of the State authorities, and the first camp, was held as on the order of a county fair, but it was neces- sary. The railroad conjpanies granted free transportation to the Indiana companies both to and from the encampment and through the efforts of the Indiana delegation in Congress a resolution was adopted under the terms of which the general government loaned tents to the State. Thus it was that the first encampment of the Legion was continued for six days without costing the State of Indiana one cent. Invitations were extended to the finest drilled and disci- plined organizations in all parts of the country to attend the encampment and compete for the prizes offered by Indian- apolis firms, and the invitation was accepted by twenty-one organizations, representing Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New York, Ohio and Michigan. Ten of these organizations were sections of artillery, and the ex- amples of such organizations, showing the possibilities to be achieved by citizen soldiers, was a great stimulus to the Indiana Legion. In addition to the legion, the Logansport Grays and the xXsbury Cadets, Independent companies, were in camp. The visiting companies and the two independent companies were formed into a temporary regiment, which was placed under the command of Captain Chase, of the Grays. The Portland Cavalry company marched overland, about eighty miles, to the camp, and the horses were unfit for drills or other duty after its arrival. 104 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The camp was opened on the exposition grounds near Indianapolis on July 1 and was placed under the command of General Carnahan. While drills and all military duties were insisted upon and faithfully carried out, a part of each day was devoted to competitive drills, and great crowds attended. This made it the more difficult to keep the quarters clean, but the camp was concluded in such a manner as to win high praise from many of the officers of the regular army who were present. A detail from the men stationed at the United States arsenal in Indianapolis acted as head- quarters guard and assisted the members of the Legion in many small ways. The United States Cavalry band from Jefferson Barracks was employed for the week, and the Sec- retary of War detailed Major Jared A. Smith, Engineers Corps, U. S. A., and Lieutenant Edward L. Randall, Fifth Infantry, U. S. A., as inspectors. A number of boys from the Indianapolis Classical School served as mounted order- lies at headquarters and appeared in the uniform of their school. They gave great attention to drills, observed camp routine in all of its details, and the enthusiasm and desire of the little chaps to appear well at times overtaxed their strength. All organizations participated in every detail of camp routine and the men of the different States fraternized so there was not a thing to mar the pleasure of the encamp- ment. Regular duties and prize drills occupied all the time and on Sunday the Rev. Myron W. Reed, of the First Presby- terian Church of Indianapolis, served as chaplain and held religious service. It was attended by all in the camp save those on duty. The prize drills opened with a free for all artillery drill on Saturday, July 1. Eight batteries contested, representing Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Louisi- ana. The first prize was awarded to the Asbury Cadets, of Greencastle, under the command of Captain Frank Joyce, and the second prize to Battery A, of Louisville, Ky., under the command of Lieutenant C. B. Bly. The free for all infantry drill was, up to that time, the finest competitive drill ever held in this country, and the best organizations in the United States participated. The first prize (|1,500) was won by the Chickasaw Guards, of Memphis, Tenn.; and the second (|1,000) by the Crescent Rifles, of New Orleans, La. The Asbury Cadets ranked third and the McKeen Cadets, of Terre Haute, fourth. The judges for these two contests were Lieutenants Graham D. Fitch, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 105 Warren P. Newcomb and H. C. Carbaugh, Fifth Artillery, U. S. A. In the contest of infantry companies of Indiana, the Mc- Keen Cadets, of Terre Haute, won the first prize; the Evans- ville Rifles, second; and the Logansport Grays, third. The judges of this drill were Lieutenants H. T. Reed, George F. Barney and John F. Thompson, U. S. A. The Porter Light Artillery, of Michigan City, won the prize in the State artillery contest. Special prizes were of- fered by Indianapolis firms. A silver cup valued at |75 was awarded to the Indianapolis Light Infantry for standing first in proficiencv in guard duties and care of arms; and a silver cup valued at $50 was awarded to the Portland Cavalry for standing first in cleanliness of quarters. The Richmond Light Infantry won a silver cup valued at $75 for reporting in camp with the greatest proportion of men according to their muster rolls. The prizes were presented by Governor Porter on July 6, the last day of the camp, and a general review and parade of the troops was held in the city of Indianapolis. So great was the success of the first encampment that General Carnahan determined to hold another during the summer of 1883. As the State still failed to make any pro- vision whatever for the Legion, General Carnahan again ap- pealed to the citizens of Indianapolis and the appeal was not in vain. Colonel Eli Lilly was particularly active in raising the necessary funds and carrying the project through to success. Again all the railroads running into Indianapolis gave their assistance and all the troops in the State were taken to the camp free. The same grounds were selected as had been occupied at the previous encampment and the same general plan was adopted, except that it was made more of a State affair. Prizes were offered for which companies from Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and Kentucky contested, and again the gen- eral government order a detail from the United States ar- senal into camp with the Legion. The encampment had less the appearanr-e of a county fair or a picnic, although it was to some extent nocpssary. More attention was given to the duties of regular camp life, and these, with the competitive drills, occupied all the time of the men. The special features of the camp were the mounted artil- lery drill by the Indianapolis Light Artillery and the sham battle which was held the last day and with which the en- campment was brought to a close. 106 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The tents for the camp were rented and borrowed from dealers, and the reports of the armv ofticers of the encamp- ment gave the liCgion great credit for what had been accom- plished under adverse circumstances and roundly scored the State for neglecting to lend any assistance. The prize drills were as great successes as were those of the previous year. In the contests for companies in the Legion, that of artillery resulted as follows: First, ir^ection B, Indianapolis Light Artillery; second, Section A, Indianapolis Light Artillery; third, Columbus Light Artillery; fourth. Rockville Light Artillery; fifth, Por- ter Light Artillery. Infantry — First, lndiana])0]is Light Infantry; second, Kichardson Zouaves; third, Tecumseh Rifles. Zouaves — First, Richardson Zouaves; second, Dick Thompson Zouaves, of Terre Haute. Mounted Artillery — First, Indianapolis Light Artillery. The free for all infantry was for a first prize of $1,500 and a second prize of $750. The Indianapolis Light Infantry won the first and the Branch Guards, of St. Louis, Mo., were sec- ond. Third place was given to the Paris (Illinois) Light In- fantry. Section No. 1, Indianapolis Gatling Gun Detachment, won the first prize in the Gatling gun drill; the Smith Gavitt Cav- alry company, with no competition, the cavalry drill; and the Indiana Veterans' Corps, with no coraj)etition, the veterans' prize. In the summer of 1S84 no general encampment was held, but General Carnahan determined to put a part of the troops in camp, and for that purpose visited Richmond to see if it could be accomplished there. The citizens took up the mat- ter enthusiastically and the city council voted an appropria- tion for the purpose. Mr. J. F. ]\niler gave free use of Glen Miller, just east of the city, and the Second Infantry with Battery A and the Columbus Light Artillery were ordered into camp. The camp was established June 30 and continued until Jul.^- 6, inclusive. The camp was under the command of Colonel Ruckle, of the Second. A portion of the tents used were loaned by Ohio and a section of Battery B. of Cincin- nati, of the Ohio National Guard, contested with Battery A, of Indianapolis, in a prize drill, which was won by the In- dianapolis battery. July 4th was observed by Governor Por- ter, of Indiana, and Governor Hoadly, of Ohio, visiting the camp, and a parade was given in their honor. The afternoon of the same day Governor Porter reviewed the troops and NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 107 the followino- day a sham battle was fought. On Sunday the entire First Regiment, Ohio National Guard, visited the camp and were the guests of the Indiana troops. A gate ad- mission was fliarged, whir-h was divided among the com- panies, pro rata. The Tliird Regiment went into camp at Peru. Through the efforts of Colonel Kirk, the citizens of Peru raised suffi- cient money to defray all expenses, and the Porter Light Ar- tillery, of Michigan City, and the McAllister Battery, of But- ler, camped with the regiment. All were under the com- mand of Colonel Kirk. No genera] encampment was held in 1885, but the First Veteran Regiment went into camp from August 19 to August 24 of that year with the Veteran Association of Northern Indiana, at Ft. Wayne. Witli them were the Elkhart Light Artillery, the Attica Light Artillery, McAllister Battery, of Butler, Indianapolis Light Artillery and the Indianapolis Gatling Gnn Squad. From Michigan there were the Jackson Grays, the Emmett Rifles, the Jackson Guards and Company G. First Regiment, all of Jackson. Ohio was represented by the Toledo Cadets. Guilliland Guards, of Van Wert, Ohio, and the Toledo Artillery. The entire camp was under com- mand of General Reuben Williams, of Warsaw. Governor Gray reviewed the troops on Friday, August 21, and on Mon- day, August 24. a sham battle was fought before camp was broken. The Third Regiment again held an independent encamp- ment, but this time at Laporte. The regiment was in camp August 3 to 10, inclusive, and with it were the Richardson Zouaves, of Indianapolis; Thompson Rifles, of Terre Haute; Shelby ville Light Infantry; McPherson Light Infantry, of Portland; Porter Tiight Artillery, of Michigan City; McAllis- ter Battery, of Butler, and the Gatling Gun Battery, of Mich- igan City. The troops united with the citizens of Laporte in services in memory of General Grant on August 4, and Thurs- day, August 6, Governor Gray reviewed the troops. The weather proved unusually stormy, but it cleared enough for the review to be held on the square. An artillery duel closed] the day. A competitive drill was held Friday, in which Com- pany L Third Regiment, of Peru, carried off the honors. The Richardson Zouaves gave an exhibition drill. Other cities began to cast longing eyes towards the State encampment, and the next general encampment was held at Lafayette from July 26 to ^August 2, inclusive, 1886. This camp' was a departure from the previous State camps in that 108 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. it not only had the conntv fair and picnic features, but it also went into partnership with Barnum's circus and became an adjunct to that organization. The citizens of Lafayette offered prizes for competitive drills, and again the railroads agreed to transport the troops and their baggage free of charge. Governor Gray and Adjutant-General George W. Koontz took an active interest in the camp, and it was de- cided that a general encampment should be held in the Fair Grounds, at Lafayette. After arrangements had proceeded so far that it was impossible to stop, it was found that Barnum's circus had arranged to be in Lafayette on Wednesday, July 28, the day set apart for the free-for-all drills. This was expected to be the gre;it day of the encampment, and those in charge were convinced that the presence of the circus would materially affect the receipts. Arrangements were therefore made with the circus by which one price of admission was to admit all ticket holders to the circus and encampment, and the re- ceipts were divided. In return for this the entire Legion joined with the circus in its regular parade in the morning and for once the Legion became an adjunct to a circus, or a circus became an adjunct to the Legion. The agreement was fulfilled the receipts were divided with mutual profit, and the Indiana soldiers marched in line with gilded chariots, elephants and other accessories of *'the greatest show on earth." In addition to the First Veteran, the Second and Third Regiments of infantry and the First Artillery, the Indian- apolis Light Infantry, the Logansport Grays, the Indianapo- lis Emmett Guards and the Indianapolis Rice Guards, which did not belong to the Legion, were present. The organiza- tions from other States which entered the drills were the Taylorville Guards, of Taylorville, 111.; (^ompany F, of the First Kentucky Legion, of Louisville, Ky., and Battery A. of the Illinois National Guard, of Danville, 111. The total number of men in camp was 1.013. The camp was named Camp Gray, in honor of Governor Gray, and the first day was devoted to getting the camp in shape. The following day the first drills of the Indiana Le- gion were held, and the next day was given up to the circus and the artillery drills. Thursday was set apart for old sol- diers, and the free-for-all drills were held then. Friday Gov- ernor Gray reviewed the troops and a general parade was held. A sham battle was given on Saturdav, and Sundav NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 109 services and inspectiou occupied the day. Camp was broken on Monday, when the prizes were awarded. The Louisville company won the first prize in the free-for- all infantry drill, and theRichardson Zouaves, of Indianapo- lis, second. The Indianapolis Liaht Artillery took first prize in the free-for-all artillery drill, and Battery A, Illinois Na- tional Guard, took second. In the infantry drill for Indiana Legion organizations, the Richardson Zouaves, of Indianapo- lis, which was Company A of the Second Regiment, took the first prize ; Company B^ of the same regiment, of Ft. Wayne, second, and Company H. of the same regiment, of Brazil, third. Company L. of Ft. Wayne, won the prize for the best company in the Veteran Regiment, and the Rice Zouaves, of Indianapolis, the only company entered, took the prize for the zouave drill. The Indianapolis Light Artillery took the first prize in the artillery drill of Indiana batteries, the Rock- ville Light Artillery second, and the Attica Light Artillery third. The Indianapolis battery again took first prize in the Catling gun drill, and the Peru Catling Gun Squad took second. Company B, of the same regiment, of Ft. Wayne, won the prize for companies which had never competed before. The weather was excessively hot during the encampment and there were many prostrations. But one proved to be serious, and John Shroyer, a member of Company D, of the First Veteran Regiment, of Andrews, died in camp on Sun- day morning. The officers of the Legion met in Indianapolis on March 6, 188S, and. decided to hold an encampment at Evansville during the summer if the citizens of Evansville would pro- vide the necessary means for it. The Business Men's Enter- tainment Association took the matter up and accepted the suggestion, agreeing to furnish cash prizes for drills and pay all expenses of the encampment. It was decided that the encampment should be held August 20 to 27, inclusive, and Adjutant-General Koontz was designated to command the camp, which was again named Camp Gray in honor of the Governor. The First, Second and Third Regiments of In- fantry and the First Artillery were all in camp. Company G, of' the First Tennessee, were the guests of the First Ar- tillery throughout the camp. Garvin's grove, just east of Evansville, was selected as the site for the cariip, but for several days previous to the date set for the opening there was an almost incessant down- pour of rain, which flooded the grounds. When the troops ar- no NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. rived ou Moudav, August 20, the rain was still falling, and it was impossible to send the men out to such grounds. They were quartered in different buildings in the city for the flight, but the weather cleared next day and. by after- noon they were marched out and pitched their tents. Two parades Were made through the streets of Evansville and two sham battles were given, one on the evening of August 23 and the other the afternoon of the 25th. Governor Gray reviewed the troops on Friday, August 24, and the display made was the best in the history of the Legion up to that time. It was the first encampment in which all troops were uniformed in the regulation uniform, and many of the uni- forms were new. Again the rain descended and drenched all when camp was broken on Monday, but there were no serious effects from it. None but Legion companies contested for the prizes. In the infantry drills the first prize was awarded to Company B, of the Second Kegiment, of Ft. Wayne; the second to Com- pany G, First Kegiment. of Evansville; the third to Com- pany A, First Regiment, of Indianapolis; the fourth to Com- pany E. First Regiment, of Evansville. in the artillery drill the first prize was awarded to Com- pany C. of Rockville; the second to Company B, of Elkhart, and^the third to Company G, of Ft. Wayne. The prize for Gatling gun drill was awarded to Company G, of Ft. Wayne, and for the Zouave drill to Company L, Second Regiment, of Indianapolis. Services were conducted Sunday afternoon by the Rev. E. F. Walker, of Evansville. Before another general encampment the State had awak- ened to a sense of the responsibility of providing for the Legion, and under the law of March 8, 1889, money was pro- vided for encampments and for providing for the needs of the Legion, so that the speculative features of the encamp- ments might be abolished. The new law also permitted a permanent organization of the regiments and resulted in much good to the Legion. Adjutant-General Nicholas R. Ruckle at this time entered upon the duties of his office and established the Legion on a basis of systematic reports which more nearly conformed to those in force in the army than at any other time. The first camp held under the new law was at Indian- apolis, July 22 to July 28, inclusive, and it was named Camp Hovey in honor of the Governor. Armstrong's Grove, a short distance north of the city, was selected as the site, and the camp was laid out on tactical lines. The three in- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Ill fantry regiments, tlie artillery regiment and three separate companies were in camp. The encampment was devoted en- tirely to the work in hand and strict discipline was enforced, which caused some slight grumbling, but which proved to be a valuable precedent. The only variation from the military routine was the re- view of troops by Governor Hovey on Saturda3\ July 27. It had been set for Friday, but a tremendous rain-storm pre- vented, and it was deferred for one day. Street parades, com- petitive drills and all other distracting features were en- tirely eliminated, and the men devoted all the time to learn- ing the duties of soldiers. The same general plan was adopted for the camp of 1890, which was held from August 4 to August 9, inclusive, in Coquillard Park, a short distance east of South Bend. The only deviation from military routine was on Thursday, August 7, when Governor Hovey reviewed the troops in camp. In the evening the entire brigade paraded in the city. All separate companies had been assigned before this camp opened, so the three infantry regiments and the artillery regi- ment were camped together, with no others. The entire strength in the camp was 1,520. Ft. Wayne secured the camp of 1891, which was held in the Driving Park, or ''Hayden's Farm," near that city, from July 20 to July 25, inclusive. By this time the Fourth Regi- ment of Infantry had been organized and all the troops in the Legion were ordered into camp. An innovation was tried with great success, in a contest between the regiments as to which would be on the march to the camp grounds in the shortest time after disembarking from the trains. All the troops arrived between 6 and 7 o'clock on Monday morning and the Second Regiment was on the road in five minutes after the arrival of the train. None of the regiments occu- pied over eight minutes. For the first time a rifle range was established and instruction was given to all the com- panies. Governor Hovey reviewed the brigade on Thursday, July 23. and at o'clock that evening, on the urgent request of the people of Ft. Wayne, a parade was given through the streets of the city. The results of this camp were the most satisfactory in the history of general encampments, and the attendance, 1,609, was the largest. During 1892 the Legion came together twice. The first time was for the annual encampment, which was held about one and" one-half miles north of Frankfort, from July 25 to July 30, inclusive. The attendance slightly exceeded that of 112 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. the previous year, there bein^ 1,G80 men in camp. The weather was intensely hot and there were many prostrations from the heat, but none with serious results. Governor Chase reviewed the brigade on Friday, July 29, and again the troops had the benefit of a rifle range. Later in the year, the First, Second, Third and Fourth Regiments Infantry attended the opening exercises of the Cohirabian Exposition at Chicago on October 21. The signal honor of being assigned to the right of the line of the Na- tional Guard organizations of the United States fell to In- diana, and the brigade, under the command of Colonel W. e7. McKee, of the Second Regiment, made a line appearance and caused much favorable comment. The Indiana Legion fol- lowed the organizations of the United States army. The encampment of 1893, held at Terre Haute, showed 1J17 men present out of a total of 2,294 enrolled, and 163 officers out of 191 enrolled. The encampment was held at Forest Park from July 21 to July 27, inclusive. The grounds were not well adapted to the encampment, as they were too small to properly accommodate the number in camp and were at times fairly overrun with picnic parties. Short rifle ranges were established and, in a limited degree, instruction was given in shooting. Governor Claude Matthews reviewed the brigade on Tuesday, July 25, and with this exception there was no break in the usual routine. This was the first encampment held under the completed brigade organization, and Brigadier-General Will J. McKee was in command. The remaining annual camps were held at Fairview Park, a short distance nortli of Indianapolis. That of 1895, held from July 21 to July 27, inclusive, was the best arranged of any of the camps. The First, Third and Fourth Infantry Regiments were in an open grove east of the park and the Second Infantry and Artillery were in a grove south of the park. There were ample drill grounds and the rifle range was the best one in years. Many companies were in camp before sunset of Saturday, July 20, and those which arrived after sunset were quartered in t\ie State House over night on account of a heavy rainfall which commenced late on Sat- urday afternoon and continued through the early part of the night. All were in camp early Sunday morning and camp routine was taken up at once. Thursday, July 25, the usual regimental drills were abandoned and the brigade was re- viewed by Governor Matthews. The encampment the next year was held in the same place and the same regiments were assigned the same positions. Lieut. -Col. F. W. Frank Lieut. -Col. J. T. Barnett Major F. E. Strouse Lieut. J. N. Lehew 3RIGADE staff OFFICEHS ;L(Etj'T^ '^- K. Scott Major VV. H. Keksmnfi NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 113 The troops arrived during the night of July 25, and camp routine was commenced on the following morning. The amount of work performed was not as great as in former years on account of the frequent rains. The review by Gov- ernor Matthews, which was set for Thursday, July 30, was abandoned on account of a heavy downpour of rain. Many of the troops had already taken their places in the field, but they were rushed back to quarters. The rifle practice was abandoned, as the river overflowed the range set apart and but little was accomplished in this direction. An innovation was introduced in the camp work and Genera] McKee decided to give the troops some training which might be of value in actual service. On Tuesday after- noon, July 28, the First and Second Regiments of Infantry and Batteries C and E left camp about the middle of the afternoon, under command of Colonel James R. Ross, of the Second Infantry. The troops were in heavy marching order, with one day's rations and forage, and were ordered to march to a point about eight miles north of the camp and there bivouac for the night. The march was to be conducted as though through an enemy's country, and the following morn- ing this df^tachment was to attack the camp. The Third and Fourth Infantry and Battery A were designated as the de- fending party, and were to oppose the attacking party at a crossing of the river about a mile and a half north of the camp. Sufficient blank ammunition was issued to indicate the positions of each organization when under fire, but not enough to make the movement degenerate into a sham bat- tle, it being the intention to make it a test of the ability of the commanding officers to make the proper tactical dispo- sition of their forces to attain the objects of each. Four officers of the regular army volunteered to act as umpires. Shortly after the attacking force left the camp, a heavy rain set in, but the troops continued their march without complaining. The rain ceased for a short time and was then followed by a still harder one which flooded the coun- try. It was decided by the medical officers that the troops should be recalled to camp, and this was done, although both officers and m^n desired to carry out the original pro- gram. They reached camp about 11 o'clock that night, mud covered but happy and cheerful. Even thougii the attack had to be abandoned, the pro- gram for the defense was observed. Colonel George W. Gun- der was in command of this force, and it left camp at 3:30 Wednesday morning and formed for the defense. The enemy 114 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. was imaginary, but the movement was executed in all de- tails. The position assumed was held to be faulty and un- tenable by the umpires, and the troops were withdrawn and formed on the south side of the river. The camp was broken July 31, and was one of the best in results that had been held, considering the interference in drills which was necessary by reason of the rain. The troops were again called together at the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, which is fully treated else- where. The next and last camp was of the reorganized Na- tional Guard, and it was also held at Fairview Park, Indian- apolis, in 1900. The several camps were located in an open grove east of the Park, and ample drill grounds were near by. Battery C reported in camp Sunday evening, July 22, having marched overland from Attica. The camp was formally opened July 23. and was continued until July 28, inclusive. It was a camp of work, as manv of the men had never been in a camp before, although the majority of officers were men of experience. Governor James A. Mount reviewed the troops Friday evening, July 27, at the hour when evening parade was usually held. Particular attention was given to rifle practice, and the same range was used that had served in previous years. During the last twenty years, or since the formation of regiments, the State has found it necessary to call the troops to its aid but few times. There have been threatened out- breaks several times for which troops have been ordered under arms, but the instances are few where they left the armories. Timid civil officers have hesitated about calling on the military branch until it was too late, and the name of Indiana has suffered from one end of the country to the other when, had the civil authority showed the same zeal and earnestness that the military has always displayed, many of the blots on Indiana's name would never have been placed there. One of the earliest instances of this kind was a threatened lynching when the State was called on for aid. Company C, of the First Veteran Regiment, of Lafayette, was ordered out near midnight, without previous warning, and within an hour and a half every one of the forty-eight members was in the armory fnily armed and equipped. Some of the men lived two miles iii the country and every man was a veteran of the civil war. P]ach one had forty rounds of ball cartridges in the cartridge boxes and the company was prepared to uphold the law. The sheriff then withdre^v the call and the men went to their homes, but as soon as this action was made NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 115 known the prisoner was lynched. The assembling of troops to respond to a call has many times had the salutary effect of preventing disturbances of the peace, and there has not been a single" case in the history of the State which could not have been prevented by the troops. The years 1S9:1 and 1894 are memorable in the history of Indiana'for disturbances Avhich the military arm of the State had to attend to. The Columbian Athletic Club completed arrangements to hold a prize fight near the State line be- tween Indiana and Illinois at Roby, Lake county, and a large body of men in Chicago boasted that they would see that the arrangements were carried out. The local authorities did not feel able to cope with the situation and Judge J. H. Gillett, of the Thirty-first Judicial Circuit, asked that troops should be sent to Roby to assist in enforcing order. Governor Mat- thews acted proniptly and early in the morning of September 4, 1893, Adjutant-General Irvin Robbins, Quartermaster-Gen- eral S. M. Compton. Assistant Surgeon-General E. E. Carey, Major H. B. Smith, Adjutant W. S. Rich and Lieutenant C. A. Garrard left for Roby. They arrived there early in the even- ing, and within a few moments Companies A, of Bremen; B, of Ft. Wayne; C, of Goshen; D, of Plymouth; E, of Elkhart; G, of Rochester; I, of Waterloo; K, of Auburn, and L, of La- porte, of the Third Regiment, were on the ground under com- mand of Colonel J. K. Gore. Companies K, of Frankfort, and L, of Kokomo, of the Second Regiment, and D, of W^abash, and H, of Warsaw, of the Fourth Regiment, were attached to the command. Ten men of Battery E, of Ft. Wayne, with a Gatling gun, completed the force. The troops had 24,000 rounds of ammunition and the total force on the ground was 618 men. Tn ('hicago two trains had been loaded with men deter- mined to hold the prize fight, but as soon as it was learned that troops were on the way the attempt was abandoned. General Robbins learned of this and at 2 o'clock the follow- ins" morning ordered all troops to return home except Com- pany B, of the Third, of Ft. Wayne; Company H, of the Fourth, of Warsaw, and the section of Battery E, of Ft. Wayne, which was left under command of Major John E. Milier, of the Third Regiment. They remained on duty until the following Wednesday, when they were ordered home. This was the first test of the Legion under the new form of organization, and it proved conclusively its good condi- tion and the rapidity with whi^h a large body of men could be mobilized in a distant part of the State. 116 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. DiiriDg the months of June and July, 1894, nearly all the troops in the State were in active service. The coal strikes in the southern part of the State and the railroad strikes in the northern part, combined to produce constant calls for troops. Durinj? these two mouths forty companies were in the field in Daviess, Sullivan and Lake counties, serving from eight to twenty _days each. This extraordinary expense was not provided for by any appropriation by the Legislature at its previous session, and Governor Matthews, by his personal work and on his personal credit, provided the money to pay the men who had served, a total of $41,917.49. He did this, trusting to the next Legislature to reimburse him, in order that those who had served might not be compelled to wait for their money. They were promptly paid and the Legisla- ture afterwards refunded the money to (jovernor Matthews. The strike of miners in the southern part of the State and their determination to permit no trains to be operated which contained cars of coal, seriously interfered with trafficiou all railroads and threatened the destruction of much property. The orders were issued to the troops on June 2. The First Infantry was ordered to Vincennes to await the arrival of General McKee and his staff. Company G, of Jeffersonville, joined Company C, of New Albany, and a special train hur- ried them to Princeton, where they were joined by Company K, of that city, and Company E, of Evansville. The train then proceeded to Vincennes, where Company A, of Vin- cennes, and Company D, of Washington, were awaiting it. Colonel John W. Ebel, of the First, was in command, and his entire staff reported with him. General McKee, with his staif, left Indianapolis by special train at 10:30 the night of June 2, taking rations for 2.50 men for three days and additional ammunition. The train ran direct to Vincennes, but at a point west of Switz City an at- tempt was made to flag it by a crowd of men supposed to be striking miners. Warning had been given that this would be done so as to delay the train, and the engineer paid no at- tention to the signal. General McKee's train and that of the First Regiment arrived at Vincennes within a few min- utes of each other, about o o'clock in the morning. In the meantime troops under the command of Colonel James R. Ross, of the Second Regiment, were being hurried to Sullivan county. The train for Colonel Ross' command left Indianapolis at G:30 p. m. on Saturday, June 2. The troops on board when the train started were Companies A, D and M, of Indianapolis; C, of Anderson, and B, of Lebanon, of the Second Regiment; M, of Indianapolis, of the Third, and NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 117 fifteen men of Battery A, of Indianapolis, with one Gatling gnn. Adjutant-General Bobbins, Quartermaster-General ?:^ompton and Assistant Surgeon-General Gary, of the Gov- ernor's staff, and the staff of the Second Regiment, accom- panied these troops. At Seymour, Company F, of Aurora, of the Fourth, was taken on board, and the train was run to Mitchell. At that point Companies B, of Terre Haute, F, of Brazil, and 1, of Greencastle, of the First, under the command of Major D. McAuliff, were added to the force and the train was run to Clark's Switch, or Cannelsburg, where it arrived shortlv after daybreak. None of the officers of the First Regiment knew the des- tination of their commands until after they reported to General McKee at Vincennes. The troops did not leave the cars at Vincennes, but were at once moved to Sullivan and arrived there about 5 a. m. As the troops were to aid the civil authorities, the sheriff was summoned to Sullivan, and there was a delay of some hours owing to that fact. The first blockade on the road was at Shelburn, but the railroad companv had no engine with w^hich to move the train, and word was sent to Evansville to send out an engine and crew. As soon as the engine arrived, at 11 o'clock, the train pro- ceeded to Shelburn. where seventeen cars loaded with coal were found, which had been there for some days. A crowd of some 500 citizens and miners had collected there, but no violence was attempted. The crowd taunted and jeered the troops, but contented itself with that. A guard was thrown out and the cars were moved under this protection. This train was escorted through Currysville, when the troops returned, were reloaded on cars and moved to Alum Cave, a branch of the Evansville & Terre Haute road, where more loaded cars were detained. Before the troops reached that point it was necessary to remove obstructions from the track. Heavy timbers, portions of car wrecks and many other things had been piled on the track, and all were re- moved. A large number of miners had collected and were greatly angered by the moving of the cars. They were the most threatening that had been seen, but the display of force prevented any outbreak other than the pulling of a single coupling pin. ' The cars which the company desired were cut out and started on their way and the train was guarded as far as Farmersbtirg. The coal train then passed on north and the troops returned to Shelburn, where they went into camp about 7 p. m., in a grove a short distance from the rail- road station. This force numbered 246 officers and men. 118 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The troops under command of Colonel Ross had a quiet day on Sunday. AA'heu the train arrived at Seymour the sheriff of Daviess County and the officers of the railroad in- formed Colonel Ross that 250 miners had assembled at Can- nelsburc; and 300 more were on the way and were expected to arrive about the time the troops would reach there. Prep- arations were made for possible trouble and maps of the surrounding country were carefully studied while the run was being made to Cannelsburg. That point was reached soon after daylight, and the crowd of 5o0 miners proved to be a committee of twenty-tive which had come to confer with the authorities. The troops had debarked about half a mile east of the switch, and the full force of 453 officers and men marched to the station. When the real condition of things was seen, the train was run to the station and the troops went into camp in a groA'e near the railroad. The coal which had been held there was sent to its destination without trou- ble and details were sent out to scour the surrounding coun- try for miners, but none were found. The regular routine of a camp of instruction was therefore taken up and, beyond placing a heavy guard on duty at night and keeping scouting parties out as' a precaution, there was nothing to indicate that it was active service. It was evident that so large a force of men was not needed at Cannellsburg and that General McKee and the smaller force under his command had the hardest work to do. Mon- day morning General Robbins ordered Companies B, of Terre Haute, and F, of P.razil, of the First, to report to General McKee at Shelburn, and those companies reached Sullivan in time to take part in the operations of General ]McKee's com mand on that day. Later in the day General Robbins ordered that Companies' I, of Greencastle, of the First, and F, of Aurora, of the Fourth, with the deta^^hment from Battery A, of Indianapolis, should remain at Cannellsburg under com- mand of Major Charles B. Rockwood, and that the rest of the troops, under r-ommand of Colonel Ross, should at once re- port to General McKee. This left a garrison at Cannellsburg of 127 men. Colonel Ross and his force embarked at 6 o'clock Monday evening nnd reached Sullivan about 10. While the day had been quiet for the troops at Cannells- burg, it had been a busy one for those at Sullivan. The civil officers met with General ^McKee at Sullivan on Monday morning; and it was decided that an effort should be made to serve the writ of injunction against the residents of Shel- burn and vicinitv who were charged with being responsible NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 119 for detaining the trains. It was also decided to appoint new deputy sheriffs to assist the sheriff, and this was done on the spot, so that all officers could accompany the train of troops. Just before noon, Companies B and F, of the First, reported and were attached to the force. Camp was broken at noon and the train started for Shelburn, but while on the way the sheriff stated that he had no papers to serve and there was nothing for the troops to do at that point except see that the coal train passed in safety. It was reported that the miners had placed obstructions on the track about two miles north of Sullivan at a point opposite what is known as Ebenezer Graveyard, and at the top of a long grade called Stannard's Hill The troops therefore followed the coal train, and just before it reached the point named it stopped. The military train stopped instantly and the troops de- barked rapidly' and were hastily sent out to endeavor to ar- rest the miners who were said to be assembled in the woods, but the stopping of the train and the time necessary to make the formations enabled any who might have been there to escape. The obstructions on the track were fence rails driven be- tween the ties, brush and old railroad timbers which had been laid on the track. It was not considered necessary to escort the train farther, and after waiting until it was out of sight, the train with troops on board started back. This return proved to be a most fortunate thing for the troops. Threats had been freely made that the military train would be blown up with dynamite, but little attention had been paid to them, as rumors of all kinds were in circulation. The unexpected I'eturn of the train alone prevented the plot from being carried out. The train had not proceeded more than half a mile on its return before a number of men were seen coming on to the track, and the train was stopped for in- vestigation. The train was heavy and, as it was on a grade, it was difficult to bring it to a sudden stop and the men com- menced to run. Deyuity sheriffs and the troops jumped from the train and pursued them, but they had secured too great a start to be overtaken. The pursuit revealed the fact that many of the miners had been in concealment. While Major T. F. Stunkard, of thd First, was in pursuit of one of the men who had been seen near the railroad, he was fired upon by a man who dropped out of a tree and ran. Major Stunkard returned the fire, but without effect and the man disappeared in the timber. This was but one of many instances in which men were driven 120 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. from hiding places and showed that a well laid plan had been adopted, as these men intended to join those surprised on the track. Deputy Sheriff Willis also fired on one of the men whom he was pursuing, but without effect. The entire plan was exposed by four sticks of dynamite which were found beside the track, which had been dropped by the men who had first fled. With the dynamite was the necessary amount of fuse for firing it, and it was the un- doubfed intention to place it on the track so it would blow up the train on its return. The men had expected that the military train would accompany the coal train further on the road, and its unexpected return played havoc with their plans. While some of the troops and the civil officers were pursu- ing the fleeing men, others were scouring the neighborhood and stopping all passers-by. Many of them were there from curiosity, but the deputy sheriff's arested four who could not give satisfactory accounts of themselves. They had come up the track with a man on a bicycle who was, it later devel- oped, a messenger for the strikers who were concealed in the graveyard. The troops had no sooner returned to the train than the report was received that the train which they had just es- corted was stopped at Parraersburg by some twenty-five strikers, and that the engineer and fireman had been forced to run the five cars of coal down the Alum Cave branch to a place called Miller's Switch, about five miles from Farmers- burg. There the cars were set on fire and an attempt was made to burn a high bridge to prevent the engine from re- turning to Farraorsburg. The fire at the bridge was extin- guished by the engineer and fireman before great damage had been done, but the five cars of coal were entirely de- stroyed On receipt of this news the military train was run to Farmersburg instead of to Sullivan, and there it remained for the night, the men staying in the cars. While there word was received from Colonel Koss that his force was at Sulli- van and he was ordered to Farmersburg at once and arrived there at midnight Avith Companies A, I) and M, of Indianapo- lis, and C, of Anderson, of the Second, and M, of Indianapolis, of the Third, aggregating 236 officers and men. Tlie start to Alum Cave on Tuesday morning, June 5, could not be made until about 9 o'clock, as the partially burned bridge had to be repaired before the heavy military train could pass over it in safety. This delay enabled the Capt. Carroli ORD. OFF. I. Major H. I_. Hutson chief quartermaster NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 121 detachment of Battery A, of Indianapolis, with the Gatling gun, under command of Captain Cnrtis, which had been or- dered from Cannellsbiirg, to reach the main body of troops. Company M, of Indianapolis, of the Second, was left at the partially burned bridge, to guard it until the military train should return, and Company F, of Brazil, of the First, was left to guard a series of high trestles some distance farther on. The coal cars at Miller's Switch were still burn- ing, so that it was impossible for the military train to pass, and the troops were disembarked there. A heavy guard was detailed and the remainder of the troops started to march to Alum Cave. The formation was in double line, extended order, and reached about three-quarters of a mile on each side of the railroad. Colonel John W. Ebel, of the First, was in command of the right wing, and Colonel James R. Ross, of the Second, of the left wing. The outer flank of each wing was well advanced, forming a half circle, and thus the march over the rough country was made. A!um Cave was entirely surrounded and the com- munity was brought within the lines. The intervals were contracted, and within this circle of soldiers the deputy sheriffs looked for those for whom they had warrants. But one arrest was made, as all for whom warrants were out had been warned and were in hiding. The one man arrested was later released, as he was not the one wanted, although he bore the same name. The return march to the train was made with great cau- tion, as it was reported the miners would attempt an am- bush. An advance guard was formed and flankers were sent out on both sides, as the rough nature of the country made it advantageous for an ambush. Before the train was reached, a heavy, cold rain commenced to fall and the troops were drenched when they reached the cars. Fires were made and the train was run back to Farmersburg, the trestle and bridge guards having been taken up. That point was reached about 5 o'clock and a detached post was established there. Companies A, of Vincennes; B, of Terre Haute, and F, of Brazil, of the First, were detailed to remain there, and were placed under the command of Colonel John W. Ebel. This force consisted of 146 officers and men. The balance of the troops returned to Shelburn, which was the headquarters until June 10, and Colonel James R. Ross was placed in com- mand. Colonel Ebel at once established his post and posted guards. The branch was patrolled as far as Alum Cave and 122 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. the lines were extended alone the main track as far as the graveyard, where thej met those extended from Shelburn. The night was not to be one of on let. however, as about one o'clock in the morning some of the sentries tired a few shots at persons who were throwing stones at the train. The firing was heard at Shelburn, and Colonel Ross at once ordered two companies under Major E. P. Thayer, of the Second, to go to the assistance of the Farmersbiirg post. It was impossible to communicate with Colonel Ebel by telegraph, as the opera- tor at Farmersbnrg telegraphed the train dispatcher at Ev- ansville that the military train had been fired upon and at- tacked by miners, and then he fled from his post. This report was repeated to Colonel Ross and the two companies were on their way in twelve minutes. As soon as Major Thayer arrived he opened communication with Colonel Ross, and an engine and three coaches were sent to return his command. The same night several stones were thrown at the train at Shelburn and a number of shots were fired by the sentries. One of the stones struck a member of Battery A, after it had struck the ground, and injured him slightly. On Wednesday, June 6, Company D, of Indianapolis, of the Second, under command of Captain H. T. Conde, was sent as far south as Carlisle, to escort a coal train through. The men were concealed in the cars so that, if the train should be stopped, they might arrest the parties interfering with the traffic. They remained on the train until it reached Pimento, but it was not interfered with. That night, and on all sub- sequent nights, a strong picket line was posted some distance from the sentries near the train, and there was less annoy- ance from the throwing of coal, bricks or other missiles. During the days scouting parties were sent out in all direc- tions to prevent the congregating of miners in numbers and to distract attention from the civil officers, who were serving warrants. These parties were also instructed to make maps of the country, and some of the sketches submitted showed superior talent. Company A, of the Second, covered the entire country from Shelburn to Sullivan, making the fifteen miles in four hours and a half. The post at Cannellsburg, under Major Rockwood, was the quietest one established, and the only incident that prom- ised to break the monotony was about 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. A few of the disorderly element at Montgomery, about two and a half miles east of the post, compelled the crew of one of the trains to set out on the siding four cars NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 123 of coal. Requests were received from the deputy sheriffs for assistance, but as the main track was not interfered with Major Kockwood declined to take the troops out until morn- ing;. The next morning the civil officers took the cars out without opposition of any kind. The post was maintained until Saturday, June 9, when the detachment of Battery A on duty there was ordered to Shelburn, and Company I, of the First, was ordered home to Greencastle, and Company F, of the Fourth, was ordered home to Aurora. The Shelburn post was the only one to enjoy any excite- ment. On Wednesday night, June 6, two companies were sent three miles south of Shelburn. as it was reported the miners intended to burn bridges, and the following night the train was again stoned, causing the sentinels to fire. The scouting parties were then sent from three to eight miles out during the day, and there was no more trouble from that source. The people of Shelburn were chagrined that the presence of iroojjs was necessary to prevent violations of the law, and a meeting was held. It was agreed that they would see that the law was upheld, and a committee was appointed to confer with the military authorities. On this guarantee of the citizens Company D, of the First, and one Gattling gun detachment of Battery A were ordered to Farmersburg, and the remainder of the troops was moved to Sulivan on Sundav, June 10. Colonel Ebel partially suspended camp routine that day and nearly his entire command attended church in the vil- lage. On the following Wednesday he received tents and other e(juipage and a regular camp was established, which was a great relief. A reduction of force was commenced on Monday, June 11, at the Shelburn post. On that day Companies E, of Evans- ville, and K, of Princeton, of the First, and D and M, of In- dianapolis, of the Second, and M, of Indianapolis, of the Third, were ordered to their homes. On the following Friday, June 15, Company G, of eTeffersonville, of the First, was or- dered home. Two days later Companies A, of Vincennes, and B, of Terre Haute, of the First, with Colonel Ebel and his staff, were sent home, and the remainder of the troops at Farmersburg were ordered to join the main body at Sullivan and the Farmersburg post was abandoned. On June 20, Com- panies C, of New Albany, and 1), of Washington, of the First, were relieved and sent home, and the following day Governor Matthews recalled all troops. Those at that time on duty 124 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. were Company F, of Brazil, of the First; Companies A, of Indianapolis, and C, of Anderson, of the Second, and the two detachments of Battery A. Camp was broken at 10 in the morning and the troops were embarked, but word was re- ceived from Star City that the miners who had gone to work there had been compelled to quit work, and the train was held until the middle of the afternoon under orders of the Circuit Judge. No violence was feared, and the troops started home, each company reaching its home by evening. The second tour of active duty for the summer was in the northern part of the State and called out many of those companies which had not served in the coal troubles. The great American Railway Union strike caused its greatest outbreak of violence in Chicago, and the trafiQc on all roads was suspended. The interference with the movement of the mails caused the United States government to send troops to Chicago, and the trouble overflowed into Indiana. The seat of the greatest disturbance in Indiana was at Hammond, and the sheriff of Lake County sent repeated requests for troops. The situation became so threatening that on the morning of .luiy 8. 1894, GoA^ernor Matthews ordered fifteen companies and a Catling gun squad to be mobilized at Ham- mond. Orders were issued to Colonel J. K. Gore, of the Third, and Colonel G. W. Gunder, of the Fourth, to go to Hammond with their commands. General Bobbins left Indianapolis at 3:30 with his staff, stores for 750 men and a detachment from Battery A. of Indianapolis. At Tipton, Company F, of El- wood, of the Second, and Company G, of Muncie, of the Fourth, were taken on board. Company L. of Kokomo, and Company B, of Lebanon, of the Second, joined the train at Rochester. Colonel Gimder. of the Fourth, had left Marion at 5 in the afternoon, with Company A. of Marion, of the Fourth, and en route he took up Companies D. of Wabash, and E. of Bluffton, all of the Fourth, and joined the troops with General Bobbins at Rochester. At North Judson, Com- pany H, of Knox of the Second, joined the forces and the train was run to Griffith, ten miles south of Hammond. Colonel Gore received his orders about noon and left Elk- hart at 4:45. With him were Companies C, of Goshen, and E, of Elkhart, of the Third, and he took on board at South Bend, Company F, of that city, and at Laporte, Company L. Com- pany A, of Bremen, and Company I), of Plymouth, of the Third, and Company H, of Warsaw, of the Fourth, joined him at Chrisman, but Ijy reason of confusion in orders by the NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 125 railroad officials, the train did not reach Griffiths nntil about 3 a. m. General Robbins had held his train until the arrival of Colonel Gore, and his troops, and the combined force num- bered 750 men. The train was run to Hammond with great care, and that city was reached about 4 a. m. The troops were debarked, with the exception of the artil- lery. The Gatling gun was placed on a coal car in front of the engine, and the troops marched to the center of the city, accompanied by the train and the Gatling. The streets were vacated, with the exception of a large force of policemen and three companies of United States troops, which were with- drawn to Chicago as soon as the Indiana troops reached the scene. The troops were at once posted so as to protect the de- pots, bridges and ail other exposed places, and a camp was established on a triangular piece of sandy ground at the in- tersection of the railroads. Colonel G. W. Gunder, being the ranking colonel, was placed in command and the camp was named in his honor. Nearly all the men were engaged in the tiresome work of guard duty all the time. The only disturb- ance was on the night of July 11th, when the strikers burned a bridge of the Monon road over the Calumet river and one company was sent there to prevent further depredations. On that day trains were moved from Chicago and guard duty was required day and night. There were outbreaks at Whiting and East Chicago, and Company F, of South Bend, of the Third, and Company B, of Lebanon, of the Second, were sent there under command of Major Feasor. Major Feasor was relieved July 13 by Major E. P. Thayer, of the Second, and on the evening of that day Companv F, of Elwood, of the Second, was added to the force, having been moved from Roby. These troops assisted in the arrest of three men who were posting notices on the railroad property in violation of the injunction. Captain Skinner, of Company B, of Lebanon, of the Second, took com- mand of the post on July 17, but the following day Major W. T;. Kiger, of the Fourth, was sent there with Company H. of Warsaw, of the Fourth, and Company B, of Ft. Wayne. There was a change of troops on the 17th. The com- panies ordered to Hammond to relieve those on duty were Company G, of Covington, and I, of Crawfordsville, of the Second; B. of Decatur, of the Fourth; B, of Ft. Wayne; G ,of Rochester; H, of Angola, and K, of Auburn, of the Third, and a section of Battery E, of Ft. Wayne. As soon as these com- 126 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. panies reported, eleven were ordered home. Colonel Gunder was relieved of command and ordered home the same day, and Colonel Gore, of the Third, assumed command, while Major S. A. Bowinan took command of the Third Regiment. Colonel Gore was in command but two days when Company E, of Elkhart, of the Third, was ordered home, and the Colonel accompanied it. There was some little excitement at Whiting on the 19th. Company H, of Warsaw, of the Fourth, which had been on duty there, was ordered home, and late in the afternoon Major Kiger learned that the Standard Oil Company would pay about !S21,000 that evening and that trouble might fol- low. Be asked for reinforcements and Company K, of Au- burn, of the Third, was sent to him and arrived about dark. During the night the strikers cut the air-brakes on a cattle train which was passing through Whiting, and also pulled the coupling pins. The troops were called out and the com- panies were deployed up and down the tracks, one on each side of the train. Under this guard the train was started, and as soon as it had left the yards, squads of skirmishers were sent through the railroad yards and thirteen men were placed under arrest. Ten of them were tramps who had been stealing a ride, but two of them were identified as those who were pulling coupling pins. They were turned over to the United States authorities and sent to Hammond under arrest. The heat was severe and scores of the men were over- come. On July 20, General Robbins was overcome and was compelled to return to Indianapolis. Major Bowman took command temporarily, and Colonel H. B. Smith, of the Sec- ond, was ordered to Hammond to take command of the force. When he reached Hammond the troops there were Compa- nies T, of Crawfordsville, and G, of Covington, of the Second; G, of Rochester, H, of Angola, and 1, of Waterloo, of the Third; E, of Bluffton, of the Fourth, and Battery E, of Ft. Wayne; or a total of 2SS men. Company L, of Kokomo, of the Second, was at East Chicago, and Companies B, of Ft. Wayne, and K, of Auburn, of the Third, at Whiting. There was no trouble, and the work of reducing the force was commenced the next day. Company L, of Kokomo, of the Second, was ordered home first, and Company G, of Cov- ington, of the Second, was ordered to East Chicago. On July 24, Companies B, of Ft. Wayne, and G, of Rochester, of the Third, were sent home, and three days later Company 1, of Crawfordsville, was ordered home. Orders were issued on NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 127 Saturday moruing, July 28, that the remainder of the troops should be sent home, and camp was broken and the tents packed. About noon orders were received to hold the troops at Hammond, but all had left eifcept Company K, of Auburn, of the Third, and Battery E, of Ft. Wayne. These organiza- tions were held until Monday and were quartered in the coaches^ as the tents had been packed. The long strike by coal miners in 1897 did not result in a call for troops, although the troops were prepared to re- spond promptly. The exchange of prisoners between the the State Prison at Michigan City, and the Reformatory at Jefifersonville on April 12, 1897, caused a detail of one officer and twenty-eight men to be made from Company D, of In- dianapolis, of the Second, and Company C, of New Albany, of the First, to guard the trains. The exchange was made without trouble and these were the only calls made on the military during the year. The war with Spain called all out and is fully treated elsewhere. No other calls have been made which resulted in calling the troops out, although different companies have been notified to be in readiness to go. During 1899 there were three such instances. On April 13 theatened trouble by plate-glass workers at Alexandria caused warnings to be issued to the separate companies at Terre Haute, Frankfort and Indianapolis, and again, on .July 2G, when trouble was threatened between strikers and non-union colored miners neai' Evansville, the companies at Terre Haute, Frankfort, Indianapolis, Yincennes, Evansville, New Albany and Mad- ison, and Battery A were cautioned to be in readiness to re- spond, but the trouble was averted. The Indianapolis com- pany and Battery A were ordered to Peru on August 9 to protect a prisoner threatened with lynching, but before they left their armories a message was received stating that the danger was passed. A special train had been provided to take the troops there, but it was not needed. CHAPTER V. Staff Organization and Signal Work. The commander-in-chief of the Guard, by virtue of the constitution, is the Governor, and his personal representa- tive, so far as the Guard is concerned, is the Adjutant-Gen- eral. The Governor also appoints a military' staff, the mem- bers of which are ?^iven ranks ranging from brigadier-gen- eral to major. These titles are to a large extent honorary, and, with few exceptions, carry no duties with them. Many of those appointed by Governor Mount have been retained by the present Governor. Governor AVinfield T. Durbin of Anderson, the present commander-in-chief, is a veteran of two wars and has always been deeply interested in military affairs. He enlisted in the One-hundred-and-Thirty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry as a private, June 5, 1864, and served until September 29 of the same year. He was appointed by Governor Mount commis- sary-general on his staff, with the rank of colonel, and was designated as paymaster when the Indiana troops were mo- bilized at the outbreak of the war with Spain. The extraor- dinary ability he displayed in paying off the men quickly, satisfactorily and without ostentation of any kind attracted the attention of the Governor, and when the One-hundred- and-Sixty-first Regiment was organized in response to the second call. Colonel Durbin was given command of it. He was mustered into United States service July 15, 1898. He served with his regiment until it was mustered out of serv- ice April .SO, 1899, when he returned to his home in Anderson. He was elected Governor in November, 1900, and was inaugu- rated January 14, 1901. John R. Ward, of Monticello, adjutant-general with the rank of brigadier-general, is probably the youngest man who ever held that office. He was appointed on the twenty-ninth anniversary of his birth, April 1, 1901. His previous experi- ence was as second lieutenant of Company I, of Monticello, which served in Colonel Durbin's regiment through the war with Spain. Brigadier-General Robert S. Foster, of Indianapolis, quar- termaster-general, is a A'eteran of the civil war. He entered Adjt.-Gen. John R. Ward MONTICELLO AS SECOND LIEUTENANT. 161ST I. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 129 the service as captain of Compauy A, Eleventh Indiana Vol- unteer Infantry, April 17. ISfil. and was mustered into United States service April 25, 1861. He resigned on July 3 folloAving, and the next day was appointed major of the Thir- teenth Indiana. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel Octo- ber 25, 1861, colonel on April ?>0, 1862, and brigadier-general of the United States Volunteers June 12, 1863. He was ap- pointed brevet major-general March 31, 1865, and as such was mustered out of the service. During the strikes of 1877 Gen- eral Foster was captain of Company H of the volunteer regi- ment raised in Indianapolis for State service. He was ap- pointed Quartermaster-General by Governor Durbin and as- sumed the duties of his office April 1, 1901. Charles E. Wilson, of liafayette, military secretary with the rank of colonel, was first appointed to that position by Governor Blount at the beginning of his term. The position combines the duties of secretary to the Governor and mili- tary secretary, and during the organization of the Indiana troops for the war with Spain Col. Wilson was of great as- sistance. He was reappointed by Governor Durbin. Captain William E. English was born on the old English homestead, near Lexington, Scott County, Indiana, No- vember 3. 1851, and is the only son of the late Hon. William H, English, former Speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives, ex-Member of Congress, ^candi- date for Vice President in 1880, author of ' ''The Conquest of the Northwest" and ''History of Indiana," and one of the ablest men Indiana has produced. A handsome bronze statute has been erected in his honor at English, Indi- ana, which was named for him, as was also English Avenue, in the city of Indianapolis. Captain English's grandfather, Hon. Elisha G. English, was also long a prominent citizen of Indiana and was appointed by President Buchanan United States Marshal for that State and was for some twenty years a member of the Indiana Legislature, serving in both House and Senate. "Through his father on the maternal side Captain English is directly descended from the celebrated Jost Hite, who brought the first colony to Virginia that settled west of the Blue Ridge mountains, locating on a grant of land of over 100,000 acres made to him by King George II of England. Capt. English's great-grandfather, Lieutenant Philip Eastin, was an officer in the Fourth Virginia Regiment of the Conti- nental line and served during the entire Revolutionary War. His great-great-grandfather, Captain Charles Smith, was an 130 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. officer under Colonel George Washington in the French-Eng- lish Colonial War and was wounded at the battle of Great Meadows, and his great-great-great-grandfather, Colonel John Hite, was a Colonial officer and a member of the first Board of Justices of Frederick Count}', Virginia, after independence was declared. Captain English removed with his parents to Indianapolis at an early age and received his rudimentary education in that city. Having decided to take up the law as a profession, he entered the law department of the Northwestern Christian University, and upon graduat- ing therefrom formed a partnership with Hon. John R. Wil- son, under the firm title of English & Wilson. After five years thus spent he retired from the firm in order to devote particular attention to the magnificent structure known as English's Opera House Block, which he had erected a short time before. At the end of six years he arranged his affairs for a lengthy foreign tour and traveled abroad for some three years, visiting every country in Europe, from Norway to Greece, and various portions of Asia Minor, North Africa, Canada, Mexico, Cuba and South America. During his tour he wrote a series of letters which appeared in the Indianap- olis paper, and attracted general attention, evidencing marked literary ability. His letters from the Holy Land, North Africa, Turkey and Egypt were widely and favorably commented ujion. Captain English is one of the prominent members of the Masonic fraternity in Indiana and his "His- tory of Early Masonry" in that State, published in 1895, was highly endorsed by his Masonic brethren. He has taken a total of forty-three Masonic degrees of various kinds and has served as President of the Masonic Relief Board of Indi- anapolis, Representative of the Grand Lodges of New York and Tennessee for Indiana, Grand Lecturer, Grand Marshal, Grand Junior and Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, Worshipful Master of Center Lodge No. 28 F. and A. Masons, High Priest of Indianapolis Chapter No. 5 Royal Arch Masons, Illustrious Master of Indianapolis Council No. 2 Royal and Select Masters, Sword Bearer of Raper Com- mandery No. 1 Knights Templar, Noble of Murat Temple of the Mystic Shrine and is a Thirty-second degree member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Captain English is also connected with various other societies and organizations and is Past Grand Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent Order of Elks for the United States, ex-President of the Indianapolis Commercial Club, ex-President of the Indianapolis Hendricks Club, ex-President of the Indianapolis Board of Park Com- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 131 missioners, President of the Indiana Society Sons of the Amei-iean Revolution, Vice-President of the Indiana His- torical Society, Vice-President Indiana Humane So- ciety, besides being a member of the National Society of Colonial Wars, Huguenot Society of America, Holland Soci- ety of Chicago, National Civic Federation, National League of' American Sportsmen, Western Waiters' Association, Indiana Forestry Association, Indianapolis Bar Association, Indianapolis Board of Trade, Indianapolis German House, New York Lambs Club, New York Knickerbocker Athletic Club, and the Indianapolis University Club, Columbia Club, Marion Club, Country Club, Canoe Club, Aquatic Club, etc. Captain English has been made an honorary member of two labor unions, "The Musicians' Protective Association" and <'The National Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes," in recognition of his various services to the cause of labor as represented by the Indianapolis branches of these organiza- tions. Captain English is a gentleman of fine appearance and of great personal popularity, a quick and ready debater, a forcible speaker and an excellent presiding officer, and when occasion requires and he is called to preside over or address public meetings or conventions his capacity is made most manifest and his abilities show to their best advantage, ffl Captain English has long been a leader in Indianapolis politics and has repeatedly represented his party associates in delegate capacity in municipal, township, county, state and national conventions. In his earlier political associations and aflfi nations he was strongly bound to the old Democratic party and an active participant in its councils, but when the new element in that party came into control of its organiza- tion and assumed a position upon national affairs which he believed to be in total abandonment of its former correct Jetfersonian principles upon questions of sound financial policy and loyalty to the flag, he promptly afiQliated with the Republican party, of which he has ever since been an active, zealous and influential member. He began active participa- tion in politics some years previous to his majority and was treasurer of the leading local political club of his party in the presidential campaign of 1872, president of the same in 1876, and again president of the Young Men's Club in 1878.ffl In 1875 he was the nominee of his party for council in the eleventh ward of Indianapolis, but declined. In 1882 he was chairman of the Center Township delegate convention, in 1885 and 1891 he was chairman of the Indianapolis city 132 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. convention, in 1890 and 1896 he was chairman of the Marion County convention, and at the national convention of clubs of his party, held in New York, October 4, 1892, was elected vice-president of the organization and member of the national committee for the State of Indiana for the ensuing four years. Captain English served as a member of his party's State executive committee, as a member of the county committee of ilarion County for over twenty years continuously, and for years as a member of the city committee of Indi- anapolis at the same time, and in 1878 was elected chairman of the city committee. In that capacity he so satisfactorily conducted the affairs of the campaign at the spring election of 1878 that in recognition of his ability as a political organ- izer and manager he shortly after was also unanimously chosen to the position of chairman of the Marion County com- mittee, and given the general management there during the exciting State campaign of 1878. It was while holding these two important positions that he was unanimously nominated by his party friends of Marion and Shelby counties as their candidate for joint representative, nothwithstanding there were several worthy and talented competitors for the nomi- nation. His canvass for this office attracted general attention throughout the State, and although the district was carried by the opposition two years before, by a majority of nearly 700, and at this election, on the general ticket, by over 200, Captain English was elected, leading his ticket nearly five hundred votes. He had the honor of being the youngest member of the House of Representatives, although repre- senting the then largest district in the State, and of being the third of his immediate family to hold a seat in that body, his father and grandfather both having previously been mem- bers of the House of Representatives. H e served with distinction during both the regular and extra sessions, and was a recognized leader. He was con- sidered one of the best parliamentarians in the body and Speaker Cauthorne frequently called iq^on him to preside over the deliberations of the House. The Speaker appointed him to the chairmanship of the standing committee on the affairs of the city of Indianapolis and a member of the com- mittee to reapportion the State for congressional and legis- lative purposes. His bill upon congressional apportionment — ''House Bill No. 468" — passed both houses and became the law after one of the most bitter legislative struggles ever witnessed in the NATIONATi GUARD OF IiNDlANA. 133 State. He was also author of the popular law limiting the indebtedness of Marion County and various other bills and resolutions of like importance were proposed by him. Among them were the first bill introduced providing for a reduction of official fees and salaries, the bill abolishing the unneces- sary offices of city treasurer and assessor, the bill providing for'a reappraisement of real estate and the reduction of tax- ation thereon and the original bill providing for a metropoli- tan police system in Indianapolis. Captain English was prominently spoken of as a candi- date for Congress at the expiration of his legislative term in 1880, but declined to allow the use of his name before the convention of that year. However at the succeeding election, two vears later, there was a general desire among his party friends that he should become the candidate in his district, and, although several prominent and able gentlemen were candidates for the position, he was unanimously nominated at the convention held at Shelbyville, May 8, 1882. The oppos- ing candidate nominated against him had the advantage of being a candidate for re-election, having been elected two years before by nearly one thousand majority. But in the face of this large majority to overcome, Captain English entered upon a vigorous campaign, making a thorough per- sonal canvass, besides speaking in every township in the district. His ability as a canvasser being well known, his nomination alarmed the opposition, notwithstanding their previous majorities in the district, and every effort was made to insure his defeat. However, despite the majority to over- come and the exceptional fight made against him, he carried the district and was elected after one of the hottest political campaigns ever known in the State. In the words of the Washington Chronicle, ''Mr. English made a useful, capable and attentive representative, always in attendance upon the sessions of the House and ever watch- ful of the interests of his constituents." Among other im- portant bills introduced by him were those providing for an international copyright law, the issuance of silver certificates of small denominations and the increase of the pensions of crippled soldiers and sailors. His comprehensive report on the proposed alcoholic liquor traffic commission from the committee of which he was chairman was adopted by the House and attracted much favorable comment. At the close of his official term it was the general desire of his party that he accept a renomination, but, influenced by personal con- siderations, he positively declined to be a candidate. His 134 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. declination was received with regret, and the congressional convention, upon assembling at Indianapolis, August 31, 1884, to nominate his successor, unanimously adopted the follow- ing in reference thereto: ''Resolved, That we hear with regret of Mr. English's wish and determination not to be a candidate for re-election, and we unqualifiedly express our confidence in him as a faith- ful representative." Representative English was not only thus warmly ap- proved by his party friends, but his course in Congress re- ceived indorsement from his constituents regardless of party. One of the leading opposition papers of the State at that time, the Indianapolis Daily Times, said: "He is fair and liberal toward his political opponents and always ready to do a favor. He won the reputation of being a hard-working and successful member of the Indiana Legislature, and we are glad to find him on the same line in Congress." The able organ of Hancock County, the Greenfield Republican, said: "He makes a faithful and eflicient represetnative, and in his official duties does not discriminate against those who differ from him politically. As a business representative he is now, as when a member of the Indiana Assembly, far above the average and entitled to the confidence of his constituents." Thus Captain English left official position with kindly words from both political friend and foe, after never having suffered defeat in convention or at the polls. In the language of the Washington Free Press, at the close of the congres- sional session, "Mr. English came into the House of Repre- sentatives, the youngest member of that body, going out with the good will and respect of the entire House, and with as many personal friends as the most popular members." Al- though frequently spoken of in that connection, Captain English has declined to be a candidate for election to any office since that time, but has continued an active, zealous worker in political affairs. In the presidential campaign of 1892 he was a prominent participant both before and after the presidential nomi- nations. In the heated preliminary contest within his party ranks between the friends of the various aspirants for the presidency he was one of the leaders in Indiana of the ex- presidential following, and as a result thereof was selected by his party friends of the Indianapolis district as a delegate to the national convention at Chicago over several well-known and active competitors. He was one of the most prominent NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 135 members of that body, havino' been chosen in the organiza- tion as chairman of the important ''committee on rules and order of business" for the government of the convention, and having been hiter unanimously selected by the Indiana dele- gation to make the speech to the convention on behalf of the State of Indiana presenting their choice for the ofiSce of President of the United States. In the performance of this distinguished duty he acipiitted himself with great credit and honor, his speech being generally pronounced by press and public to be, in the language of the Daily News, "one of the best oratorical efforts" delivered before that magnificent as- semblage. The Associated Press declared it "eloquently" rendered, and The Indianapolis Sentinel's telegraphic special from Chicago voiced the general verdict in the statement "that it was generally conceded that Mr. English made the best seconding speech of the convention." Captain English was for the second time elected unani- mously a delegate from the Indianapolis district to the na- tionar convention of his party held in Chicago in 1896, where he was one of the managers of the campaign of Indiana's can- didate for nomination as the presidential standard bearer. In the national campaign of 1900 Captain English was again a most active participant in the presidential contest and this time made an especially brilliant speaking campaign throughout the various parts of Indiana in behalf of McKin- ley, Roosevelt and the entire Republican ticket. No speaker was in greater demand at all Republican gatherings, and he was everywhere greeted with the most enthusiastic audi- ences. His influence was widely felt in all parts of Indiana in this campaign, and at its close he received personal letters from both President :McKinley and Vice-President Roosevelt in acknowledgment of his eminent services in behalf of the Republican nominees. Upon the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, noth- withstanding his immense business interests, and the sacri- fices incident thereto. Captain English promptly tendered his services to Governor Mount of Indiana and through the Gov- ernor and Senator Fairbanks was shortly thereafter offered an appointment by President McKinley as paymaster in the army with the rank of major. This tender was promptly de- clined, he stating that he desired active service only and re- questing an appointment of lower rank, if need be, provided the service was at the front. Following this, after failure to receive appointment in the Adjutant-General's department, for which he applied, he was 136 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. on May 17th, 1898, appointed by President McKinley to the rank of Captain of United States Volunteers, and assigned to the Quartermaster's department. Not desiring to serve in that department for the reason before given of a desire for more active service at the front, at his own urgent and per- sonal request he was on June 10th, 1898, promptly detached and transferred from service in that department, without having performed any duty in it, and was immediately as- signed to duty as an Aide upon the personal staff of Major- General Joseph Wheeler, commanding the Cavalry Division, (and served as such throughout the Santiago campaign), as shown by the following special order issued by General Wheeler: "Headquarters Cavalry Division, U. S. Army. "Special Order No. 22. "Pursuant to instructions from the War Department, Captain William E. English, IT. S. Volunteers, is assigned to duty as Aide to the Major-General commanding, to date .Tune 10, 1898, the day on which he reported for duty. By command of Major-General Wheeler. "J. H. DORST, "LieuT.-Col. U. S. Vols.. Assistant Adjutant-General. "Official: "M. F. STEELE, Aide." Captain English was among the first soldiers who em- barked for Cuba, sailing from Tampa, June 13, on the trans- port "Allegheny," in company with General Wheeler and the members of his staff. He had the distinguished honor to be the only Indiana volunteer in General Shaffer's army. In the bombardment of El Poso hill during the battle of July 1st before Santiago he was disabled and dangerously injured by his frightened horse rearing and falling backward with and upon him as a result of a Spanish shrapnel shell exploding close to him, which slightly wounded his horse upon the shoulder, besides killing and wounding several soldiers about him, among the wounded being Mason Mitchell, the well-known actor-lecturer, and Sergeant Devore of Roose- velt's Rough Riders. Colonel Roosevelt, in his history of the Rough Riders, states that he himself received a slight wound on tlie back of the hand from a piece of the same deadly missile, and, as shown by the following extract from the Evansville (Ind.) Daily Journal, of Oct. 13, 1900, he later con- firmed this statement in a public address delivered in the city of Evansville during his vice-presidential campaign, in which, in closing, he said: "I want to have the privilege of intro- ducing the speaker who is to follow me. My successor on this platform is a man disabled as a result of the same shell Col. William E. English Capt. U. S. V. AND A. D. C. Staff of Major-General Josfph Wi Santiago Campaign, Spanish- American War Colonel and Inspector General, Staff of Governor or Inc NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 137 which struck me, in the war with Spain. He refuses to follow men who are opposed to civic honesty at home and national honor abroad. I have the honor to introduce Cap- tain English, of your own State." General Samuel S. Sumner was in command of the Cav- arly Division at the time referred to, as a result of the ab- sence of General Wheeler on account of illness (General Wheeler reaching the front later), and Captain English was tor that reason serving temporarily upon his staff. General Sumner, sitting on his horse a few feet away, was an eye witness to the injury which disabled Captain English, and in reference thereto the following valued evidence has been placed on file in the War Department by General Sumner: "August 23. 1899. "Brigadier-General Tlieo. Sfhwan. President Board, "War Department, Washington, D. C: "Sir— I remember very well the injury of Captain Wm. E. English on .Tuly 1st .'it El Poso, where he was temporarily acting as an Aide upon my staff. I was duite near him and saw his horse rear and fall; at the time 1 thought he was struck (or the horse) by a piece of the shell which burst over our heads, but learned later that he had escaped a wound, though severelv injured by the horse's fall. "S. S. SUMNER, "Col. 6th Cav., late Brig.-Gen., "Commanding Cavalry Brigade and Division." Captain English was crushed beneath the falling horse, and upon removal was found to be dangerously injured in- ternally, and while still disabled and confined from these injuries was attacked by virulent dysentery accompanied by malaria, until his (Condition from these various complications became so alarming that after consultation the surgeons in charge ordered his immediate removal from the climate of Cuba and return to the United States as the only hope of saving his life. ITe was therefore ordered transferred to the hospital at Siboney by written order of Major L. M. Cramp- ton, Chief Surgeon in charge of Headquarters Hospital (and Major Frederick J. Combe, Assistant Surgeon), and thence together with many other sick and wounded soldiers on board the hospital transport "Seneca*' for removal to the United States. The transport sailed from Cuba the day the sur- render of Santiago was agreed upon by the Spanish and American commanders, and it became well known through the newspapers because of the extreme privations and hard- ships endured on the homeward voyage. It was first ordered to Tampa, but the restrictions of the health authorities there caused its destination to be changed 138 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. to Fortress Monroe, where it was again refused a landing on account of yellow fever being reported on board, and after various vexatious dela.vs it was eventually permitted to land in New York harbor. Mrs. English, who had unsuccessfully but persistently and courageously- followed her husband to each of these ports, finally secured his release from quaran- tine, in which he was held in New York. After the necessary rest and recuperation in that city, Captain English returned to his home in Indianapolis, where his friends received him with congratulations and rejoicings, his death having been bulletined by the newspapers but a short time before. Shortly after his arrival his enthusiastic friends of the G. A. K. vet- erans marched in a body to his residence to tender him their fraternal welcome on his return, which was followed a few days later by a jjublic reception given by the Columbia Club, the leading club organization of the city, and still later on his brethren of the Masonic fraternity at a public assemblage presented him with a beautifully jewelled officer's sword, with the words. "As a token of his services to his country," hand- somely engraved upon it. A most striking and gracious wel- come and greeting was extended by the Indiana Republican State convention, which being then in session invited Captain English to a seat in the convention near the presiding ofQcer and when he appeared before them, bronzed, feeble and ema- ciated from his Cuban experiences, gave him three rousing cheers and a patriotic ovation such as has seldom been wit- nessed in a j)olitical convention. Captain English continued in such bad health as a result of the effects of the injury received and the illness contracted in Cuba, that he was granted an extended sick leave by the War Department, and the war having in the meantime ended, he was finally at his own request honorably discharged from the army of the Ignited States. December '31, 1898. On that evening at a dinner in celebration of the event the following highly flattering and complimentary letters were read from his old commander. General Wheeler, and from Governor Mount and United States Senators Fairbanks and Tuipie of Indiana, who were most largely responsible for his appoint- ment to the army by the President of the United States: "House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, Dec. 8th, 1898. "Dear Captain English — I am very glad to hear that friends of your oily are to tender you a manifestation of their esteem and respect. I was very glad, indeed, to have you on my staff in Cuba, and it was with regret that your being disabled in front of Santiago on July 1 and your NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 139 subsequent illness deprived me of tlie continuance of your service with me. Wishing you many years of happiness and trusting that your State and country may have the continued benefit of your services, believe me truly yom- "friend. JOSEPH WHEELER." "Executive Department, State of Indiana, "Indianapolis, Dec. 18th, 1898. ":^Iy Dear Captain— I desire to express to you through this communi- cation that which I have stated publicly, viz.: My appreciation of the promptness with which you tendered your services in the war with Spain. You were one of the first in this State to pledge your support and offer your services to the government. It gave me pleasure to promptly recommend you for the position of paymaster, with the rank of Major. It was a truly chivalrous spirit which you manifested when you de- clined this and asked for 'active service at the front.' You were com- missioned a Captain and assigned to the staff of fighting General Joseph Wheeler. In front of Santiago de Cuba you found Avhat you sought— 'active service at the front.' In this severe battle you were disabled, and by subsequent sickness compelled to return home. You did your duty promptly and faitlifully. I trust God will give you many years in which to enjoy the priviletres and blessings of the country to the defense of which you so promptly responded. Sincerely your friend, "JAMES A. MOUNT, Governor." "United States Senate, "Washington, D. C, Dec. 30th, 1898. "Dear Captain English- 1 am in receipt of your favor of recent date. ad vising me that yon" are to retire from service in the army on the 31st inst. Permit me this opportunity to congratulate you upon the fact of your early tender of services during the recent war and upon the excel- lent record made by you while in the array. I am gratified to have been of some little service to you in securing the commission which you de- sired. You have splendidly vindicated all I promised in your behalf. Wishing you health and happiness, I remain, "Very Sincerely, "CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS." "United States Senate, "Washington, D. C, Dec. 9th, 1898. "lion. W. E. English, Indianapolis, Ind.— Having learned from the War Department that your resignation from the army had been ac- cepted, to take effect from the date of December 31st, next, allow me to congratulate upon this highly honorable conclusion of your military serv- ice. Your very early tender of service to the government in the late war with Spain, your volimtary and earnest dechnation of non-active duties and your urgent request to be assigned to the field at the front, your gallant participation in the victorious campaign against Santiago, until you were disabled in action in the face of the enemy, have amply justified the expectation of yom- friends, and the sound judgment of the heroic Wheeler in selecting you as a member of his military staff and household. You may thus now retire and return again to civil life with the consciousness of having rendered to the State and to your country the bravest and truest service in a perilous time destined to be mem- orable in our history. Yours very truly, "DAVID TURPIE." 140 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. At the close of his service in the army Captain English patriotically decided that he would not accept the pay due him from the government therefor, and so notified the War Department in the following letter (copied from the official records), addressed to the Adjutant-General of the army at Washington: "Indianapolis, Oct. 20, 1899. "General H. C. Corbin, "Adjutant-General, U. S. A.: "Sir — I bave drawn no pay at any time and do not know the amount due me from the government for my services as Captain U. S. V. and A. D. C. on the staff of Major-General Joseph Wheeler during the Spanish- American War. My active service was confined to the Santiago cam- paign, but whatever the amount due me is, I desire to turn it bacli into the United States treasury. This is sijnply a little matter of sentiment on my part, and if you Avill inform me as to the procedure necessary to cover it baclv into the treasury or forwai'd me any papers which it will be necessary for me to sign, I shall be imder obligations to you. "Respectfully, "WILLIAM E. ENGLISH, "Late Captain U. S. V." In pursuance of these instructions the necessary papers were prepared, forwarded and promptly signed by Captain English whereby 11,150, the full amount due him for his entire army service, was covered back into the United States treasury, as shown and attested by the official records of the Auditor of the Treasury for the War Department and the Assistant Treasurer of the United States. On the day following his retirement from the United States Army, Governor Mount, in recognition of his services, honored Captain English still further by appointing him Pay- master-General on the stair of the Governor of Indiana, with the rank of Colonel, and iie has since been reappointed on the Governor's staff as Inspector-General with the rank of Colonel by Governor Mount's successor in office. Governor Durbin. By virtue of his services in the Spanish-American War, Captain P^nglish is at j)resent serving as Department Commander for Indiana of the National Association of Span- ish-American War Veterans, Vice-Commander of Indiana Commandf'rv ^lilitary Order of Foreign Wars, Vice-Presi- dent of the United States Volunteers' Association and mem- ber of The Society of the Army of Santiago de Cuba, made up of soldiers who served honorably in the Santiago cam- paign. Captain English became identified with Indiana military affairs at an early date and was one of the charter members NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 141 of the well known Indianapolis Light Infantry, signing the original charter agreement April 14, 1877, and with the rest of the company being mnstered service in the Indi- ana National Guard on July 14, 1877. He was a member of the committee that prepared and filed the original articles of incorporation, member of the first committee on finance and member of the board of audit during the first year of the company's existence, and for many years was one of the most active members, serving through the Coal Creek riots and on other important and notable occasions. The "William E. English Guards," named for Captain English, was organized and mustered into State service May 16, 1886, and was the first colored company in the State to enter the Indiana Na- tional Guard. The ''William E, English Zouaves," of Indi- anapolis, one of the crack zouave companies of the United States, is also named in his honor, as is "Captain William E. English Camp No. 64" of the National Associatio nof Spanish- American War Veterans. Captain English is one of the largest property owners in Indiana and devotes the greater part of his time to his ex- tensive interests in the city of Indianapolis, where he resides, although spending considerable time at his beautiful country seat in Scott county also. Flis magnificent block fronting on IMonument Place in Indianapolis (occupying one entire square), in which is located English's Hotel and English's Opera House, is universally conceded to be one of the finest and handsomest buildings in the United States. Captain English, however, never permits his private interests to cause him to neglect public affairs or to lessen his activity and public spirit in all that affects the requirements and duties of good citizenship. Colonel Harold C. Megrew, of Indianapolis, was appointed by Governor Mount, April 12, 1897, and was designated as chief of staff'. He served through the war with Spain as major of the One-hundred-and-Sixty-first Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Colonel William J. Henley, of Rushville, Judge Advocate General, was appointed by Governor Mount. Judge Henley is one of the judges of the Appellate Court of Indiana. Dr. Orange S. Runnels, of Indianapolis, surgeon-general, with the rank of colonel, was appointed by Governor Mount and rendered the State signal service at the close of the war with Spain. Governor Mount realized that many of the sol- diers would return home sick, and, without waiting for the sanction of the Washington authorities, he directed Dr. Run- 142 NATIONAL G LARD OF INDIANA. nels to establish a State hospital at Camp Mount and to be present to handle all such cases that might come to him. Indiana was the only State in the Union to provide this serv- ice, and Dr. Runnels prepared everything that sick men would need. The orders to establish the hospital were issued Aug- ust 30, 1898, and Dr. Eunnels had it prepared for the recep- tion of patients September 2. From that date until Decem- ber 1. when the hospital was closed. 417 patients were treat- ed. The men came from the warm climates exhausted, and many of those who were sulfering from typhoid fever were also inoculated with malaria, and yet there were but six deaths in the hospital. Dr. Runnels for the first time combined both allopathic and homeopathic schools of medicine in the hospital, and he was tireless in providing everything required in a well-estab- lished hospital. There was no delay in transferring the sick from the cars to the hospital, and at different times there were employed six physicians, fifteen trained nurses and twenty-five other employes. W. J. Robie, of Richmond, Chief of Ordnance, with the rank of colonel, was appointed to his present place April 12, 1897. He enlisted in several New Hampshire regiments dur- ing the war, but. being so young, his father took him out. He then ran away from home and enlisted in the Sixtieth Massacliusetts on July ], 1864, and was mustered out Novem- ber 28 following. George E. Rockwell, of Cincinnati, was appointed chief of engineers, with the rank of colonel, April 12, 1897. Colonel eJames R. Henry, of Indianapolis, was appointed by (rovcn-nor ^Mount chief signal oflicer at the beginning of his term. He had no previous experience with the Guard. Colonel A. R. Beardsley, of Elkhart, chief inspector of riflle practice, was appointed by Governor ^[ount when he first assumed the office. Colonel Charles Kahlo, of Indianapolis, Assistant Adju- tant-General; was appointed and commissioned February 12, j8!)2, as inspector of rifle practice, with the rank of colonel, on the staff of Governor Ira E. Chase. He was reappointed to the same position on the staff of Governor Matthews and was again appointed by Governor James A. Mount in 1897, and by Governor Durbin. Colonel Kahlo is a veteran of the civil war, having en- tered the three months' service as second lieutenant of Com- pany D, Fourteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on April 23, 1861. He took part in the campaign in West Virginia under NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 143 General ^IcClellan from June 2 to July 17, 1801. He re-en- listed for the three years' service in the Thirty-eighth Ohio, on August 18, 1861, and on the expiration of that term re- entered the service as ftrst lieutenant in the One-hundred- and-Sixty-third Ohio, on May 12, 1864. The regiment was at- tached to Haskin's Division, Twenty-second corps, in the de- fense of Washington. He was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division, Tenth Corps, Army of the James, and de- tached as aide-de-camp on the staff of Colonel Miller. He was ordered to Columbus, Ohio, August 28, 1864, and on the September 10 following was mustered out and honorably dis- charged. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel T. Murdock, assistant military secretary, was appointed by Governor Mount. Lieutenant-Colonel James E. Roberts, of Indianapolis, as- sistant inspector-general, was appointed by Governor Mount. Lieutenant-Colonel William G. Irwin, of Columbus, was appointed by Governor Mount and made assistant judge ad- vocate-general. Lieutenant-Colonel David A. Coulter, of Frankfort, as- sistant commissary-general, was appointed by Governor Mount. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles A. Carlisle, of South Bend, as- sistant chief signal officer, had no previous experience with the Guard when he was appointed to his present position. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles C. Schreeder, of Evausville, assistant chief of engineers, was born at Berlin, Germany, January 19, 1817, and when five years old was brought to this country and shortly thereafter moved to Evansville. He enlisted in Company D, Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on December 14, 1862, when but fifteen years old, and served un- til September 20, 1863. On January 17, 1865, he enlisted in Company E, One-hundred-and-Forty-third Indiana, but was mustered out October 26, 1865, on account of the close of the war. He entered the State service February 12, 1892, having been commissioned lieutenant-colonel of artillery by Gov- ernor Chase, and the June 1st following he was promoted and made chief of ordnance with the rank of colonel. Gov- ernor Mount appointed him to the position he now occupies on April 12, 1897, and he was reappointed by Governor Durbin. Lieutenant-Colonel H. F. Houghton, of Indianapolis, was commissioned as such on the staff of Governor Mount, June 144 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 28, 1898. as master of transportation. He had charge of the assemblin and in the fall of that year was placed in com- mand of the newly organized Battery F, and remained in command nntil 1890. In addition to his duties as commander Captain Stevenson maintained the prize drill team which is mentioned in the sketch of the Rockville organizations. Major George W. Krietenstein, of Terre Haute, was ap- pointed aide-de-camp by Governor Mount. 3R1G.-GEN. W. J. McKEE indianapolis Brigade Commander NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 145 Major L. M. Dunlap is aide-de cumi) and was appointed by Governor Blount. Major Leigh R. Gignilliat, of Culver, was appointed by Governor Mount. Major Giftnilliat is instructor at Culver Military Academy. Major Sherman Trout, of Crawfordsville, was appointed aide-de-camp with the rank of major. ]Major Harry L. Kramer, of Indiana Mineral Springs, is an aide-de-camp, having been ap])ointed by Governor Mount. Major Fletcher M. Durbin, of Anderson, aide-de-camp, served during the war with Spain in the One-hundred-and- Sixty-first Volunteers as second lieutenant of Company A. He was appointed to his present position by Governor Mount. THE BRIGADE STAFF. All the troops of Indiana constitute the First Brigade, which was organized in 1803. From the organization Brig- adier-General W. J. McKee has been in command. The head- quarters organization was at once perfected, and has been maintained from the first. Brigadier-General W. J. McKee, of Indianapolis, was a member of the Indianapolis Light Infantry before it was iden- tified with the State. When it was mustered into State serv- ice on July 16, 1877, General McKee was a sergeant. He was promoted second lieutenant on January 27, 1880, and became first lieutenant May 5, 1883. He was elected major of the Second Regiment and commissioned August 16, 1883, and be came lieutenant-colonel July 24, 1888. He served as such rintil July 24, 1889, when he became colonel. He was in command of the Second when the brigade was organized, and was promoted to his present rank, his com- mission dating from March 23, 1893. He was in command at the beginning of the war with Spain, and on May 27, 1898, was appointed a brigadier-general in the United States Vol- unteer service. He was assigned to duty at Camp George H, Thomas, and in August established Camp Poland at Knox- ville. The following December he established the winter camps at Camp Heiskell and other places. He was discharged March 15, 1899, and the same day was re-appointed to his present position. Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Frank, of Indianapolis, assist- ant adjutant-general, was a charter member of the Indian- apolis Light Infantry in 1877. From that date to the present he has responded to every call by the State, and while with 146 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. the Light Infantry serve! during the railroad strikes of 1877; at Salem, Washington County, in protecting a prisoner in 1878, and at the Coal Creek miners' strike of 1879. In 1885 he was elected first lieutenant of Company A, Second Infan- try, and while so serving went to Shoals, Martin County, to protect a prisoner. In 18S(; he was elected captain of the company. He became first lieutenant and quartermaster of the regiment June 1, 1888, and first lieutenant and adjutant July 1. 1890. On May 5, 1893. he was appointed to his present position with the rank of major, and on June 1, 1895, was pro- moted lieutenant colonel. He has attended every encamp- ment since 1886 and served during the coal miners' strike of 1894. At the outbreak of the war with Spain he was on duty at Camp Mount, and when the Guard was reorganized in 1899 he was re-appointed to his present position on May 22. Lieutenant-Colonel William M. Wright, of Indianapolis, chief medical officer, was a member of the Indianapolis Light Infantrv. He was appointed assistant surgeon of the Sec- ond Kegiment on June 9, 1891. On May 6, 1893, he was ap- pointed chief medical officer with the rank of major, and June 1, 1895. was given the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He was re-commissioned Noveml)er 3. 1899. Taeutenant-Colonel John T. Barnett. of Indianapolis, as- sistant inspector-general, entered the United States Military Academy at West Point July 1, 1873, and graduated June 13, 1878. From October 10. 1870. to July 1. 1877, he was absent from the academy on sick leave. After his graduation he was assigned to the Fifth United States Cavalry, and was com- missioned second lieutenant June 13. 1878. He was stationed in the Department of the Platte and served with the regi- ment and on detached duty until August 10. 1886. when he was placed on the retired list on account of disability in- curred in the line of duty. His service with the Indiana troops commenced May 5. 1893'. when he Avas coiumissioned assistant inspector-general of the First Brigade with the rank of major, and he so served until 1896. when he resigned on ac- count of temporary absence from the State. On April 25. 1898. he was again commissioned assistant-inspector-general with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, a commission he resigned May 12. 1898. to take the commission as colonel of the One- hundred-and-Fifty-ninth Indiana Volunteers in the war with Spain. He went into service with the regiment and served through the full time. About half the time he was in United States service he was in command of the First Brigade, Sec- ond Division. Second Army Corps, and for a short time was NATIONAL GTTARD OF INDIANA, 147 ill command of the Second Division, Second Army Corps. He was honorably discharjred November 23, 1898. When the brigade was reorganized he was again appointed assistant in- spector-general with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Major William H. Kirshner, of Indianapolis, chief com- missary of subsistence, enlisted July 29, 1882, as a private in the Richardson Zouaves, which later became Company A, Second Infantry. He was promoted corporal in July, 1883, and sergeant in September, 1885. After nine x^ars' contin- uous service he did not re-enlist, but he served in the quar- termaster's department under General Richardson from April 1 to September 1, 1898, and was in charge of the field hospital at Camp Mount under Surgeon-General Runnels from that date until December 1. He was appointed to his present position November 10, 1899. Major Frank E. Strouse, of Rockville, engineer officer, entered the State service in May, 1890, as private in the Rock- ville Light Artillery, Battery C, First Artillery. He was pro- moted corporal in 1891 and sergeant the following year. He drilled as gunner corporal in the prize team of the Rockville Battery, and during 1894 and 1895 was captain of the DePauw TTniversity Artillery. Under his training it broke the world's record in mounting and dismounting piece and carriage, and in appreciation of this the University was given the first breech-loading pieces coming to the State. He was appointed aide-de-camp on the staff of General McKee in June, 1895, and promoted to Ms present position in 1900. Captain Carrol B. Carr, ordnance officer and inspector of small arms practice, was born in Wooster, Ohio, December 28, 1865. He was educated at Franklin School, Washington, D. C, and later at the University of Wooster. From 1881 to 1886 he received military instruction from an officer of the regular army assigned to the University. He entered mili- tary service as second sergeant of the Steele Cadets, an inde- pendent company at Wooster. This was one of the best drilled companies in the country, and Captain Carr served from 1880 to 1882 as a member, and in that time saw service at the Silver Creek mining strike. From 1882 to 1881 he was a member of the Wooster City Guards, also an independ- ent company, and which had a high reputation for efficiency and as a prize drill coraxjany. He entered the service of Indi- ana June 5. 1895, as second lieutenant of Company H, Second Infantry, and when the regiment went into T"^nited States service for the war with Spain he went in as second lieuten- ant. He was appointed regimental commissary May 12, 1898, 148 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. and was mustered out with the regiment November 4, 18U8, but was retained as a civilian employe by Colonel W. T. May to assist in mustering out the other regiments. He was ap- pointed to his present position November 3, 1898. Captain CsLvr was the first responsible Indiana oifioer to settle his ac- counts with the government and draw pay after the Spanish war. Captain Carr has lived in Indianapolis since 1893, hav- ing been for the seven years previous with the Standard Oil Company at Louisville. Be is now actuary of ^:he American Central Life Insui-ance Company and is a member of Indiana Comma ndery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and a past membei- of the Board of Officers; a member of the Military Order of Foreign Wars, and one of the board of officers of the Indiana Commandery; a ])ast captain of the Sons of Veteran, and a member of Poland Camp, Spanish War Veterans. Captain Carr was married in 1889 to Miss Gibbons, of Louisville. Ky.. and their only child and daughter, Octavia, is known to many National Ouai-dsmen as the '"third lieutenant of Company H." First Lieutenant AVilliam A. Lvreber, of Indianapolis, aide- de-camp, entered the service in Company D, Second Infantry, March 1, 1890. He was promoted sergeant May 10, 1895, and elected second lieutenant .luly 1^1. 1897. In this capacity he served through the war with Si)ain. He was appointed to his present position. Harman L. Hutson, of Indianapolis, chief quartermaster with the rank of major, entered the service as a private of Company H, Third Infantry. January 20. 1893. On May 19 following he became commissary sergeant of the regiment, and May 19, 1891. was appointed quartermaster sergeant. He became quartermaster of the regiment May 2. 1898. and served through the war with Spain. When the brigade was reorganized he was appointed to his present position and commissioned. Major Charles T. Maclntire, of Indianapolis, chief signal officer, first entered the State service as a private in the In- dianapolis liight Infantry in 1886. and was promoted quarter- master sergeant in 1889. He was appointed captain and as- sistant chief signal officer by Governor ITovey. June 15. 1891. and was re-commissioned with the sauie I'ank and same duties by Governor Chase in January, 18!>2. He was promoted major July 1. 1892. On the organization of the First Brigade he was commissioned captain and chief signal officer, and was present during the Roby and Sullivan county trouble. When the National Guard was organized he was appointed chief NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 149 signal officer with the rank of major. AVhen the war with Spain commenced he was commissioned a captain in the Ignited States Volunteer Signal Corps on June 22, 1898, and was assie^ned to command the fourteenth company. When the Indiana Brigade was reorganized he was appointed to his present position and commissioned. First Lieutenant Harry K. Scott, of Angola, aide-de- camp, was mustered into State service in Company H, Third Infantry, of Warsaw, in 1887, and served two years. In Jan- uary, 1893, he was mustered into Company H, Third Infan- try, of Angola, and the following June was appointed quar- termaster sergeant. He became battalion adjutant in May, 1S94, and on June 5, 189G, he was promoted regimental adju- tant, and as such served with the regiment through the war with Spain. He served with his regiment during the strike at Hammond. He was appointed to his pi'esent position Decem- ber 18, 1800. THE SIGNAL CORPS. The Signal Corps of the Indiana National Cuard was first organized in 1802 under command of Major C. T. Maclntire, at that time major and chief signal oflficer. Its rapid progress is largely due to the interest and faithfulness of Major Mac- lntire. When it was first oiganized the Major gathered up and put together old pieces of wire until he had enough to put up a line. He next secured some old telegraph instru- ments from the scrap pile and overhauled them. This is the way the Signal Corps first started, and it caused no little amusement at its first encampment. The corps has made rapid progress since its organization, and is now equipped with two sets of fine heliographs, fiags, torches, wire, tele- graph instruments and all tools connected with a telegraph line and used in constructing one. The corps is a stall" organ- ization under the general charge of the chief signal officer upon the brigadier-general's statT. There is appointed and commissioned a first lieutenant, who has immediate command of the corps under the direction of the chief signal officer. Members of the corps must be telegi'aphers, electricians or linemen. First Lieutenant John N. LeHew, of Warsaw, command- ing the Signal Corps entered the service as a privat<^ of Com- pany H, Fourth Regiment, in 1802. While in camp at Terre Haute in 1803 he wa.s detailed from the company for signal work. He returned to the company and servcMl with it at Roby in Septeml)er, 1803. and at Hammond during 1804. He 150 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. was then transferred from the company to the Signal Corps as a private and was appointed signal sergeant June 5, 1895. During the Spanish-American war he served in the Four- teenth Company, United States Volunteer Signal, Corps as first second-class sergeant. He re-enlisted in the Guard after the close of the war as a private in the Signal Corps in 1899 and was appointed by Governor Mount to his present position on December 8 of that vear. Col. George W. McCoy vincennes /lANDING THE FIRST InFANTR\ CHAPTER VI. The First Regiment, Infantry. The present First Rej?iinent of Infantry was organized June 12, 1882. and it was uni(iue in that all the companies were composed of veterans of the civil war, and the regiment was known as the First Veteran Regiment, Indiana Legion. The regiment was of particular value to the Legion because of the experience of its members and the example it set for the other organizations. During the first encampments the mem- bers were of great benefit to the organization in their in- structions to those who were inexperienced. The organization was 449 strong, and the regiment went into the first camp ever held in the State. During the camp the Union Oyster Company, of Baltimore, Md., presented the regiment with a handsome silk national flag and a regimental banner on which was the seal of the State. The value of the stand of colors was |150. In this, the first encampment, the regiment showed a strength of 295 officers and men. In 1883 it lost its adjutant, L E. Kirk, of Kokomo, who was appointed colonel of the newly organized Third Regiment, The encampment near Lafayette in 1886 was marked for the regiment by the death from sunstroke of John Shroyer, a member of Company D, of Andrews, which occurred August 1. The regiment had 379 men in camp, and the prize of |200 for the best company in the regiment was won by Company Ti, of Ft. Wayne, under command of Captain Weldon. The ag- gregate strength of the regiment at this time was 578. By the time of the encampment at Evansville in 1888, the character of the regiment had undergone a great change. Nearly al! the veteran companies had been mustered out of service on the expiration of their terms. Other companies were assigned to the regiment, and in the competitive drill for infantry companies the regiment took two prizes. The second prize of $200 was won by Company G, of Evansville, under the command of Captain C. H. McCarer, and the fourth prize of $50 was won by Company E, of Evansville, under command of Captain Henry Horster. The regiment, under command of Colonel Ewing, formed the attacking party in 152 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. the sham battle, and its strength in the camp was 405 officers and men. The passing: of the last veteran company, Company A, of Terre Haute, from the First Regiment, was in 1889. It was made a separate company and continued in service but a short time, as the members were growing old. It was the last one to leave the service. At this time the regiment had a total strength of 575, and of this number 463 were in camp. It was during this encampment that regiment received the regulation blanket bags. The strength of the regiment remained about the same, and by the close of 1891 it was reported at 416 officers and men. In October, 1892, the regiment sent 246 officers and men to the dedicatory exercises of 'the Columbian Exposition. The companies which were present were A, E, C, F, H and I. The total strength of the entire regiment at this time was 561. The gallery practice made during 1892 showed good re- sults by the regiment. The average score of the companies in the regiment were: B, 30.24; H, 29.34; A, 25.91; I, 25.18; K, 24.21; E. 23.72; F, 16.34. The highest possible score was 50. The highest individual scores in the regiment resulted in a tie between Privates H. Turrell and Case, of A and B, with 42 each. Private McClellan, of K, had 41; Corporal A. H. Ljendecker. of T, 40: Private Walker, of E, and Lieuten- ant Tread way. and Private Phipps, of H, 39 each; Captain McAuliff and Private Decker, of F, 35 each. Company H, made the second largest aggregate score in the State with 1,353, and special mention was made in the official notice of the result of Companies F, 11 and A for the large number of men who shot. The averages of the companies made on the inspection this vear were: "^ A, 86.10; H, 82; I, 81.8; C, 79.8; E, 78: K, 77; F, 71.9; B, 71.2. The strength of the regiment later was: 1892, 501; 1893, 562; 1895, 681; 1896, 546, and 1897, 575. The headquarters of the regiment have been changed at various times. AVhen it was organized, Indianapolis was the headquarters. In 1885 headquarters Avere changed to Delphi and in 1888 to Evansville. Terre Haute became headquarters in 1891 and New Albany five years later. At the outbreak of the war with Spain the regiment con- sisted of but eleven companies, and an additional company was organized at Vincennes, which was assigned to the reg- Major Thomas B. Coulter Major WiL:r,iAM J. Colei/an Chaplain George Knox ', '. ' LIEUT. -Col. James F. Fee Bat. -ADJ. JaMe.s N. McCoy Quartermaster Edward Bierhaus. Jr. SyRGE-DN .Eugene. !-2A\^Kir.s OFFICERS OF FIRST INFAN1;rY ... ..);;' XATIOXAT. OT'AKD OF INDIANA. 153 iment as Company L. With these twelve companies, the reg- iment entered the United States service as the One-hundred- and-fiftj-niuth. The regiment, as it is organized to-day, consists of nine companies, divided into three battalions. It was reorganized under orders issned Jnly 20. 1900, and the regimental head- quarters were established at Vincennes. The officers of the regiment from its beginning, and dates of commission, have been: Colonels— Eli F. Ritter, of Iiulianapolis, .Tune 12. 1882; .Tames Watts, of Delphi, .fannary 9. 18S.5; W. D. Bwint?, of Evansville, .Tune 25, 1888; John W. Eliel. of Terre Haute, December 15. 1891; George H. Penning- ton, of New Albany, January 11. 1896; John T. Barnett. of Indianapolis, May 12, 189S; and George W.' McCoy, of Vincennes, April 27, 1900. laeutenant-Colonels — Joseph Turnock, of Indianapolis, June 13, 1882; J. H. Rohan, of Ft. Wayne, August 6, 1888; John W. Ebel. of Terre Haute, April 17, 1891; George W. McCoy, of Vincennes. December 31. 1892; and James F. Fee, of Greencastle. .Vpril 27, 1900. Ma.1ors — John W. Patterson, of Covington, April 25, 1882; .Tames M. Watts, of Delphi. November 22, 1882; J. H. Rohan, of Ft. Wayne. June 10, 1885; Franls;'R. Weldon. of Ft. Wayne, .Tanuary 9. 1886; R. P. Davis, of Terre Haute, Januarv 9, 1886; William Ivrensburg. of Lafayette, April 14, 1887; C])arles F. Griffin, of Hammond. August 13. 1888; I. :\I. Davis, of Lafayette, Deceml)er 20, 188S; Charles H. McCarer, of Evans- ville, July S. 1S89; George H. Pennington, of New Albany. March 19. 1891; Harrj- Stinson, of Evansville, March 19, 1891; H. P. Cornick, of Evansville, February 8, 1892; George W. ^NlcCoy, of Vincennes, February 8, 1892; D. McAuiiff. of Brazil. December 31, 1892; J. F. Fee, of Green- castle. July 16. 1895; Theodore J. Louden, of Bloomington, June 6, 1896; William J. Coleman, of New Albany, April 27. 1900; and Thomas B. Coulter, of Vincennes, July 6, 1900. Surgeons — (Jeorge F. Beasley, of Lafayette, February 22, 1882: Thomas C. Stunkard, of Terre Haute, February 8. 1892; and Eugene Hawkins, of Greencastle. July 3, 1900. Assistant Surgeons— W. H. H. Crigler, of Covington. June 13, 1882: E. L. Siver. of Ft. Wayne. January 8. 1887: T. C. Stunkard. of Terre Haute. March 14, 1891: P^ugene Hawkins, of Greencastle. Februaiy 8. 1892; Wm. S. Davis, of Terre Haute. May 4. 1898; and George L. Guthrie, of Dnpont, July 3, 1900. Regimental Adjutants— I. E. Kirk, of Kokomo. Novemlier 22, 1882; Will C. David, of Indianaioolis. June 30. 1883: Asbury McCormack, of Delphi. ..\pril 14. 18S7; AVillard C. Keller, of Evausviile. July 12. 1888; William D. Moore, of Evansville, May 9, 1891; Chas. O. Ebel, of TeiTe Haute, Februaiy 8. 1892: Jolin I). Ewing. of Evansville. July 8. 1892: Frank W. Parks, of Terre Haute. May 10. 1893; Ed F. Dishman, of New Albany, .Tanuary 27, 1896: and D. R. Gebhart. of New Albany, July 9, 1900. Battalion Adjutants— IT. R. Scott, of Evansville, .Tune 13, 1892; W. F. Starr, of Greencastle, August 5, 1895; Edwin L. Glass, of A'incennes, May 11. 1892; Ed F. Dishman, of New All)any, May 24. 1894; Charles Rawles. of Bloomington. .lune 20. 1896; Deloss Albin. of (Jreenca.stle, Oc- 154 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. tober ai, 1896; William M. Louden, of Bloomingtou, July 11, 1900; Johu R. Gebbait. of New Albany, July 10, 1900; aud James N. McCoy, of Vincennes, July 13, 1900. Quartermasters— George W. rouier, of Richmond, November 22, 1882; Frank H. Elstro, of Richmond, April 9, 1887; Harry Stinson, of Evansville, July 18. 1889; E. Bierhaus. Jr., of Vincennes, May 9, 1891; L. H. Pennington, of New Albany, May 5. 1898, S. M. Compton, of Indianapolis. May 12, 1898; E. Bierhaus. Jr., of Vincennes; July 3, 1900. Chaplains— I. B. Timberlake, of New Albany, May 14, 1891; Joseph W. Clokey, of New Albany, January 10, 1898; William K. AVeaver, of Greencastle, May 12, 1898; and George Knox, of Vincennes, July 3, 1900. The organization of tlie regiment by companies from its inception to date has been: 1882— A. Terre Haute; B, South Bend; C, Lafayette; D, Covington; E, Richmond; F, Kokomo; G, Elkhart; H, Delphi; I, North Vernon. 1883— A, Terre Haute; B, South Bend; C. Lafayette; D, Covington; E, Richmond; F, Kokomo; G, Elkhart; H, Delphi; I, North Vernon, K, Columbus; L, Ft. Wayne; M, Indianapolis. 1886— A, Terre H.aute; B, Goshen; C, Lafayette; D, Andrews; E, War- saw; F, Peru; G, Boswell; H, Delphi; K, Morristown; L, Ft. Wayne; M, Evansville. 1888 — A, Terre Haute; B, Rockville; C, Waynetown;. D, Crawfords- ville; E, Evansville; F, Franklin; G, Evansville; H, Mt. Vernon; I, Co- lumbus; K, Princeton; L, Lafayette. 1889— A, Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, Waynetown; D, Crawfords- yille; E, P^vansville; F. Brazil; G, Evansville; H, Mt. Vernon; I, Colum- bus; K, Princeton: L, Lafayette; M. Evansville. 1890— A, Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Cannelton; E, Evansville; F, Brazil; G, Evansville; H, Mt. Vernon; K, Princeton; L, Sullivan: M, Evansville. 1891— A, Vincennes: B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Cannelton; B, Evansville; F, Brazil; G, Terre Haute; H. Bloomnigton; I, Green- castle; K. Princeton; L, Sullivan. 1892 — A, Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Washing- ton: E, Evansville; F, Brazil; H, Bloomington; I, Geencastle; K, Prince- ton. 1893— A. Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Washmg- ton; E, Evansville: F, Brazil; G, Jeffersonvllle; H, Bloomington; I, Greencastle; K, Princeton. 1894— A, Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Washing- ton; E, Evansville; F, Brazil; G. Jefferson ville; H, Bloomington; I, Greencastle; K. Princeton; L, Scottsburg. 1895— A, Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Washing- ton; E, Evansville; F, Brazil; G, Jeffersonvllle; H, Bloomington; I, Greencastle: !.■. Scottsburg; :m, Evansville. 1896 — A, Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Washing- ton; F, Brazil; H, Bloomington; I, Greencastle; K, Princeton; L, Scotts- burg: M, Evansville. 1897 — A. Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Washing- ton; E, Evansville; F, Roachdale; H, Bloomington; I, Greencastle; K, Princeton; M, Evansville. 1898— A, Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D. Washing- ton; E, Evansville; F, Roachdale; G, Brownstown; H. Bloomington; I, Greencastle; K, Princeton; L, Vincennes: M, Evansville. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 155 1900— A, Vincennes; B, Terre Haute; C, New Albany; D, Washing- ton; E, Evansville: F, Madison; H, Bloomington; I, Greencastle; fe, Martinsville. The colouel commanding, George W. McCoy, of Vin- cennes, has been in the First Kegiment since Company A, of Vincennes, was assigned. He entered the State service as captain of Company A, June 17, 1889, and served as such until February 8, 1892, when he was promoted major. He became lieutenant-colonel December 20, 1892, and his commission as colonel was issued April 27. 1900. Colonel McCov has attended every camp of instruction held in the State from 1889 to 1900, inclusive. During the summer of 1892 he acted as assistant inspector-general, and as such made the general inspection of the Third Infantry. During the coal strikes in 1894 he served with a detachment of his regiment in Sullivan County for sixteen days, or until the troops in that section were relieved. He remained with his regiment at the outbreak of the war with Spain and was mustered into United States volun- teer service as lieutenant-colonel of the One-hundred-and- fifty-ninth Indiana Volunteers, and was on duty with his regiment at Camp Alger, near Falls Church, Virginia, until August 3, 1898, when the regiment broke camp and marched to Thoroughfare Gap, a distance of about sixty miles. Dur- ing the march and for about twenty days he was in command of the regiment, as the colonel was absent on sick leave. From Thoroughfare Gap the regiment moved with the entire Second Army Corps to Camp Meade at Middletown, Pa. The regiment returned to Indianapolis from Camp Meade, and he was mustered out of service on November 23, 1898. Dur- ing his entire term of service, Colonel McCoy was never on the sick list, and he was only absent from duty four days on leave of absence granted while the regiment was at Camp Meade. As soon as he left the military service he returned to his home at Vincennes and again became actively engaged in the insurance business in the firm of McCoy, Boeckmann & Co Lieutenant-Colonel James F. Fee, of Greencastle, is a vet- eran of two wars. At the outbreak of the civil war he was living in ^lonroe County, Indiana, and on April 19, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the first cojupany raised in the county. One week later the company was ordered to camp at Terre Haute, but when it arrived there the call for three months' 156 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. service men was filled. On May 10 the company was mus- tered into the service of the State for one year, as were the other nine companies in Camp Vigo. The regiment thus formed was later reorganized and mustered into United States service as the Fourteenth Indiana, the same number it had held in the State service. One entire company, except the captain, declined to enter the United States service for three years, all, however, being willing to enter for the period originally contemplated, one year. ]\Iany other members of tli(^ regiment declined to enter the three years' service and all were sent to Indianapolis. Colonel Fee was among this num- ber. The entire company and enough additional men to make the total 105 were counted oft' the right of the line as the men stood in Illinois street, Indianapolis, and sent to Kich- mond, Ind., to complete the Sixteenth Indiana, which was being organized for one year. The remainder, including Colonel Fee, was sent to Camp Morton, where they remained until July 9, 1861, when they were discharged. Many had enrolled in regiments being organized for three years at Camp Morton, while others returned to their homes to organize companies for the three years' service under the call which had just been issued by the President. Colonel Fee was among the latter, and another company was quickly raised in Monroe county, which returned to Camp Vigo at Terre Haute on August 20, 1801. The company was mustered Into United States service September 5, 1861, and was as- signed to the Thirty-first regiment as Company G. Colonel Fee was mustered in as a sergeant. He was made second lieutenant February 22, 1804, and first lieutenant September 15 following. He was discharged January 10, 1800. having served the full time, or foui' years and seven months, with the one company. Colonel Fee ])articipated in all the engagements with his regiment, beginning with Fort Donelson, Shiloh, and until the regiment left the service. The regiment veteranized in January, 1804, and in the latter part of June, 1805, it was sent to Texas and formed a part of the "Army of Observa- tion" until December of that year, when it was ordered home for muster out and discharge. Few regiments from Indiana lost more men in the service than the Thirty-first. Colonel Fee entered the service of the State as captain of Company I, First Regiment, of Creencastle, on June 27, 1891. He was re-elected to the same position when the company was reorganized March 0, 1894, and was promoted to major July 17, 1895, and assicrned to the command of the First Battalion. NATIONAL (ULVKD OF INDIANA. 157 He entered n])on these duties three days later, and so con- tiuned until the rej^iment entered the United States service on :\ray 12, 1898. He retained his rank and eonimanded the battalion as it was organized in the State service, and served continuously with the regiment until it was mustered out of service, No- vember 28, 1898. While he was absent in this duty he was elected city clerk of Greencastle and entered upon the duties of the office September 18, 1898, to serve a four years' term. He has also engaged in prosecuting pension claims and in fire insurance. When the regiment was reorganized he was appointed lieutenant-colonel. Dr. Euuene Hawkins, major and surgeon of the regiment, is from Greencastle, and first commenced his military service as ''lance sergeant" of Company 1, First Infantry, of Green- castle, on June 27, 1891. He was appointed captain and as- sistant surgeon of the regiment February 6, 1892, and was re-commissioned February 0, 1890. He held this rank at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war, and was appointed to the same office in the regiment after it entered United States servicei. He was mustered out of the United States service November 28. 18!i8, and was placed on the retired list of the National Guard. When th«^ Guard was reorganized he was appointed to his»])resent office and commissioned July 8, 1900. Major Hawkins was in charge of the medical department at Farmersburg for fourteen days during the railroad riots of 1894. He is now practicing his profession at Greencastle. Di'. George L. Guthrie, assistant surgeon, with the rank of cai)tain, was appointed to that position July 3, 1900, on the reorganization of the regiment. He is now engaged in the practi<-e of liis profession in Indianapolis. William R. Davidson, of Evansville, was appointed assist- ant surgeon, with the rank of first lieutenant, on May 18, 1901. David K. Gebhart. adjutant, with the rank of captain, enlisted as a private in Company C, of New Albany, in 1891, and was appointed a corporal in May, 1892, and ser- geant on September 21 following. In January, 1894, he was ap]»ointed regimental sergeant-major, and was mustered into the United States service as regimental-adjutant, having been, appointed in January, 1898, and served as such during the Spanish American war. On January 20, 1900, he was ap- pointed aide-de-camp on the staff of the brigadier-general commanding, and on July 9 following was appointed to his present position. 158 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Lieutenant E. Bierhaus, Jr., of "S'inceunes, regimental quartermaster, entered the service of |tbe State as a sergeant of Company A, First Eegimeut, on June 17, 1889. He was promoted to t}ie position lie now holds in May, 1891, by Colonel Ewing. He served until the expiration of his term, May 9, 189-1, when he was re-commissioned and served until discharged, May o, 1898. He re-enlisted July ?>, 1900, and was at once appointed to the present position. His active service was during the strike of 1894. during which he filled all the duties of his office. George W. Biegler, of Terre Haute, was appointed com- missary, with the rank of captain. May 1o, 1901. He first en- listed in Company B, First Infantry, March 20, 1889, as a pri- vate. He was made second lieutenant May 14, 1891, and first lieutenant December 8, 1891. He was promoted captain July 14. 1892. and was in command of the company during the Pjianish war. After peace was declared, he was appointed a captain in the Twenty-eighth United States Volunteer Infan- try and at once went to the Philippines with his regiment. The present chaplain of the regiment is the Kev. George Knox, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Vincennes. He entered the service of the State in this office April 27, 1900, as chaplain, with the rank of captain. He was present with his regiment at the annual encampment, and has taken an 'active interest in the welfare of the members. Mr. Knox has estab- lished and followed a plan of trying to hold one service a year with each company in its home town. He is highly esteemed by all the officers and men of the regiment, and has a power- ful influence in the organization. THE FIRST B. ATT A LI OX. The First Battalion of the regiment now has its headquar- ters at Bloomington, and consists of Companies K of Martins- ville, H of Bloomington, and D of Washington. The battalion is under the command of Major Theodore J. Louden, of liloomington. Major Louden commenced his military career as a private in Company H, of Bloomington, on May 21, 1891. He was subsequently appointed corporal and sergeant, and in June, 1891, he was elected first lieuten- ant. He was commissioned July 8, 1891, and on April 18, 1894, he was commissioned captain. In 1896 he, with all other captains in the First Regiment, took an examination for promotion as major. He received the highest grade, and Avas commissioned June fi of that year. He served through NATIONAL OTTAllD OF INDIANA. 159 the war witli Spain as battalion major, and on the reorgan- ization of the reo-iment was re-commissioned as major on April 27, 1900. William M. Louden, adjutant of the battalion, with the rank of first lieutenant, enlisted in Company H, of Blooming- ton, as a private on May 22, 1891. He was appointed first sergeant of the company April 18, 1895. He was commis- sioned as captain of the company eTune 17, 1896, and as such served through the war with Spain. He was on special de- tached service as recruiting officer from June 8 to July 15, 1898. On July 11, 1900, he was appointed and commissioned in his present position. Company K, Martinsville, is located in a town which has been identified with the Ijegion and National Guard previous to the organization of the present company. The first com- panv organized was called the Martinsville Rifles, and its or- ganization was perfected July 17, 1884. It was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company L, and formed a part of the Third Battalion, which was under the command of Major A. S. Helmes, with headquarters at Worthington. Early in 1886 the company was transferred to the Second Battalion of the same regiment as Company G, and was then under com- mand of Major Ben. C. Wright, of Indianapolis. On the ex- piration of its term of service the company disbanded. Dur- ing the entire term of service the officers were Captain Watt Piercy, First Lieutenant F. O. Brake, and Second Lieutenant R. B. Mitchell. The company which now represents Martinsville in the Guard was organized in April, 1898, for service in the Span- ish-American war. It left Martinsville for Camp Mount, near Indianapolis, April 26, and was mustered into State service April 27, and assigned to the Second Regiment as Company K. The company served through the war with the regiment, and after peace was de(;lared it was the ninth separate com- pany to reorganize and entered the Guard August 9, 1899. When the First Regiment was organized the company was as- signed to it with its former letter. The officers have been : Captains— Grant S. Monical and Emmett F. Branch. First Lieutenants — Emmett I*'. Branch and Hugh E. Rutledge. Second Lieutenants— Hugh E. Rutledge, George D. Long and Ronald A. Foster. Captain Emmett F. Branch was elected first lieutenant of the company on its organization, and was commissioned May 11, 1898. He served with his company through the war. 160 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. and when it was reorganized he was elected captain and com- missioned August 9, 1899, when the company was mustered into State service. First Lieutenant Rutledge was elected second lieutenant of the company on its organization, and served through the war. He was elected to his ])resent place when the company reorganized, and was sworn in and commissioned with the company. Second Lieutenant Ronald A. Foster was a charter mem- er of the company, and entered as a private. He was ap- pointed a corporal soon after the company entered the State service, and a shoi't time after it entered the United States service he became a sergeant. When the company was re- organized he was appointed first sergeant, and was elected second lieutenant October U, 1899. and commissioned four days later. The present roster is: First Sergeant — AVinter. Charles W. Quartermaster Sergeant — Henderson. Courtland M. Sergeants— Bain, Harvey W.; Bain, Jarvis J.; McCormiek. William E.: Dutton. Harry F.; Kennedy, Park W. Corporals— BroAvu. Clarence G.; Shireman, Howard F.; Cure, Frank AY.: Clark, William; Rogers, Charles; Voshell. James T. Musician — Gravis, Fred W. Pi.}y^,ites— .\skew, Charles; Crone. Alva I.; Campbell. Charles; Dailey. Ch.irles A.; Egbert. Robert H.; Foust. Theodore; Givau. Jeny E.; Goss. Frank; Howell. Walter; Hodges. Curtis A.; HaiTison. Ralph; Johnson, Hez K.; Jones, Charlie; Lindley. Morton B.; Lingle. Newton D.; Lank- ford. Howard; Maxwell, Donald J.; Miller, John; Miller. William A.; Miller. Charles; 3Lajor. Otis; Moore. Frank; McFarland, Otis; Minton. Roscoe; Norman. Grant; North. Charles; Owens, Henry: Payne. Frank; Rilev. Harry; Rose. Frank; Rundell, Ora; Rossier. Emil; Suter. Robert: Steele, Charles; Shipley, Jesse; Staley. Bert; Shireman. Elmer; Tate, Webster; Thomas. Charles; Welman. Roy; Welman, Ed; Walls. Ray; AYafford, Heni-y; Watson, Charles. Company H, of Bloomington, has held that letter in the regiment from the first organization of a military company. It was March 20, 1891, that the Bloomington Light Infantry became a part of the Legion, and for a time it served as an unattached company. On October 31, 1891, the orders were issued assigning it 'to the First Kegiment as Company H. The officers at that time were Captain Henry W. Nuekolds, First Lieutenant T. J. Louden, and Second Lieutenant E. L. Tredvvay. The company took fifty-two men to the first camp, and was the largest company in the regiment. The company also made the second largest aggregate score in the company ritie j)ractic(' carlv in 1892. with a total of 1,353. It was as- Lieut. Rolla A. Foster Lieut. Hugh E. Rutledge Lieut. Walter D. Schreeder Lieut.: WI'Ijni^ A. SiTPmr; Uieut. Samuel Webb Lie'jt; >:11haM A. Hcphiii3 OFFICERS OF FIRST INFANTRY NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 161 signed to the First Battalion, which was then commanded by Major H. P. Cornick. of Evansville, and in the general inspec- tion made during the fall of 1892 stood second in the regi- ment with a general average of 82. Early in 1894 the company was transferred to the Third Battalion, of which Major George H, Pennington, of New . .Albany, was in command. The company continued in the Third Battalion until the regiment was mustered into United States service during the war with Spain. The officers of the company were : Captains— Henry W. Nuckokls, T. J. Louden, W. M. Louden, and Wm. Hutchings. First Lieutenants— T. J. Louden, W. M. Louden, William Hutchings, and Samuel Webb. Second Lieutenants — E. L. Tredway, Ed Neeld, C. L. Rawls, H. A. Axtell, W. E. Adkins, Edgar A. Binford, and AVinnie A. Sutphin. The company was reorganized February 14, 1900, and was the sixteenth separate company. It was then given its form- er letter and assigned to the First Regiment and First Bat- talion. Captain William Hutchings has risen from the ranks in Company H. He was appointed a corporal May 21, 1891, a sergeant June 1, 1893, and first sergeant March 1, 1896, and June 17, 1890, he became first lieutenant. As such he served through the war with Spain, and on the reorganization of the company was elected captain, and so commissioned February 14, 1900'. First Lieutenant Samuel Webb was elected to his present place and so commissioned February 14, 1900, when the com- pany was reorganized. Second Lieutenant Winnie A. Sutphin enlisted in Com- pany H as a private March 17, 1897, and was soon made cor- poral. He served through the war with Spain as a corporal, and when the company was reorganized he was elected sec- ond lieutenant and commissioned February 14, 1900. The present members are: First Sergeant— Godsey, Charles A. Quartermaster Sergeant — Sparks, Everett A. Sergeants — Alltop, Charles O.; Goodman, Newton; Goodman, Isaac. Corporals— Davis, Scott; Payne. .John W.; Smith, Benjamin R., and Dickson, William R. Musician — Berry, Robert T. Privates— Alltop, Otis L.; Anderson, George M.: Baker, Elzie; Beck, David E.; Brown, George F.; Brownfield, John C; Bowles, Harry H.; Butcher, Samuel R.; Bundy, Frank T.; Buzzaird, Raleigh B.; Davis, Effer; Dobson, George S.; Emery, Charles R.; Eads, David F.; Foster, 162 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. James W.; Faulkner. John W.; Garrison. Jacob O.; Heusley, Charles H.; Hines, Charles F.; Hughs, Dorsey G.: Homire, John., Jr.; Homire, Ed- ward H.; .Jackson, Walter G.; Johns, Alouzo F.; Lowder, Walter A.; Martin, Charles; Moore, Roy S.; Mathews, Oswald; Mathers, Mitchell D.; May, Omar; Mitchell, Elmer; Nevins, Earnest; Rogers, Olin A.; Rogers, Marion; Sparks, Bert; Suggs, Charles; Stoute, Kenneth M.; Sanders, Bert; Strange, Edward; Strange, Harry; Smith, Edward; Shaw, John W.; Sullivan, George B.: Sullivan, Elmer F.; Shaw, Alonzo; Suggs, H. Albert; Taylor, William A. Company D, of Washington, is located in a city which has been interested in military affairs for many years. The Pea- body Eifles, the first organization to become a part of a regi- ment; was organized February 27, 1883. It was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company 1 on July 2 following its organization, and under orders issued November 1, 1884, it was assigned to the Third Battalion, and was known as Com- pany F. Again was the letter changed in 1886, and the com- pany was assigned to the First Battalion as Company D, The company served its one term of enlistment only, and was then disbanded. The officers who served with it were : Captain— Hale Clark. First Lieutenant — Charles Jones. Second Lieutenants — John Downey and Aden C. Barber. Again was a company organized May 10, 1892, but the organization was not perfected so that the entire company could attend camp, and only the officers and noncommissioned officers were present at the first camp. It was assigned to the First Regiment as Company D. The company was as- signed to the Second Battalion under command of Major George W. McCoy, and so served until May 23, 1894, when it was transferred to the First Battalion. Under orders issued January 24. 1898, the company was transferred to the Second Battalion, but is now again in the First. The company en- tered United States service with its old letter. The officers have been: Captains — Aden C. Barber, E. Ross Smith, and Henry P. Johnson. First Lieutenants— M. G. O'Neall, J. O. Hunt, R. S. Brown. E. Ross Smith, Frank W. Clements, and Samuel S. Cox. Second Lieutenants — J. T. McCain, John N. Healy, Fank Clements, Edward F. Kendall, and Hugh G. Faith. The company was reorganized May 5, 1900, and was as- signed to the First Regiment as Company D. First Lieutenant Samuel S. Cox entered the State service April 16, 1898, as private, and with that rank entered United States service for the war with Spain. On July 1 following, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 163 while at Camp Alger, he was promoted corporal, and was mustered out of United States service with that rank. He was active in the reorganization of the company, and was elected first lieutenant and commissioned May 5, 1900. The present roll is: First Sergeant — .Toshua G. Evans. Quatermaster-Sergeant— Henry C. Faith. Sergeants— Rol)ert S. Wood, Jolin R. Mattingly, and Frank L. Snvder. Corporals— Charles A. Russell, Grover Allen, M. M. McBrlde, and ,Tohn E. Harness. Musicians — N. B. Davis and Brant Bingham. Privates— Allegree, John; Albin, Elmer J.; Bedsoe, Scott; Brewer, James A.; Ballon, Jesse F.: BeuTnmett. George; Cooper, James O.; Can- no. George W.; Carnahan, Harley W.; Carter, Howard; Cosby, Clay E.; Carnahan, Roscoe; Clark, John; Daugherty, J. J.; Daugherty, Charles; Donaldson, Austin I.: Dorsey, A. W.: Everett, Andrew; Eaton, Ross L.; Hayes, Charles C; Hayes, John; Heavenridge, Jesse L.; Heavenridge, A. L.; Hart, Martin Ij.; Hinkle. John; Irwin, Harry; Jones, Howard; Johnson. E. S.; King, Roy B.; Kellams, Alonzo P.; Lyons, Arthur; Like, Silas G.; Mattingly, D. P.; Myers, J. N.; Mills, Arthur J.; McLemore, Albert; Pinnick, Arthur; Purcell. James; Quassy, John; Raney, Charles E.; Smith, Oscar; Smith, B. F.; Steen, John E.; Stephenson, Will P.; Sturgeon, John; Toms, S. C: Vance, Ezra; Weber, H.; West, John; Wliite, W. W. THE SECOND BATTALION. The Second Battalion is composed of the companies at Evansville, Madison and New Albany, and is commanded by Major William J. Coleman, and his adjutant is lieutenant John R. Gebhart, both of New Albany. Major Coleman entered State service as a private on Oc- tober 1, 1889, in Company C, First Regiment. His rise was rapid, and he became a corporal May 1, 1890; sergeant No- vember 1, 1890; first lieutenant, November 1, 1891, and cap- tain, October 1, 1892. Major Coleman attended all the en- campments, and was in command of Company C during the coal strikes in Sullivan County from June 2 to June 23, 1894. He entered the United States service as captain of Company C, and left New Albany for Camp Mount on the morning of April 20. 1898. The company entered the United States serv- ice on May 12, and was in service at Camp Alger and other places in Virginia until November 23, when it was mustered out of service. When the First Regiment was reorganized Captain Coleman was made major of the Second Battalion, and has held the rank since 1900. John R. Gebhart enlisted in Company C, of New Albany, as a private in October, 1891, and was appointed corporal 164 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. until August 1, 1895, when he was commissioned first lieu- tenant of the company. He was recomraissioned December 14. 1897, and served through the war with Spain in that ca- pacity. He was appointed to his present position July 10, 1900.' Evansville, the home of Company E, has been identified with the Legion and Guard from early times. The first or- ganization which became identified with a regimental organ- ization was the Evansville Rifles, which was organized Octo- ber 17, 1877, with forty-nine officers and enlisted men. The company stood high in efficiency and drill, and was a source of great pride to the city. In August, 1881, the armory of the Rifles was entirely destroyed by fire. All uniforms and equipment belonging to the company were in the building, and all were lost. The financial loss was about |3,000, but the company promptly set about raising money, again pur- chased uniforms and equipment and drew new arms in time to attend the encampment. In appreciation of the energy and public spirit of the company the State relieved the coun- ty of all responsibility for the loss of State property. The Evansville armory was again burned in July, 1894. The company was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company C, but it was disbanded in 1883 after completing its term of enlistment. The officers of the Rifles were : Captains — William M. Blakey, Jacob W. Messick, Richard L. Daws, and Georjze A. Cunningbam. First Lieutenants — Jacob W. Messiclv, Richard L. Daws, George A. Cunningham, and Thomas E. Garvin, Jr. Second Lieutenants— Walter S. Viele and Harry Stinson. The next organization was called the Smith Gavitt Cav- alry Company, and was organized May 14, 1883. It served one term only, and was noit assigned to any regiment. The company took the first prize for cavalry drill at the encamp- ment held the summer it organized. The officers were Cap- tain Thomas E. Garvin, Jr., First Lieutenant Cave J. Morris and Second Lieutenants T. Davis and William E. Gavitt. Evansville then experienced a boom in military organiza- tions. The Bennett Rifles, the first of the new organizations, was organized August 21, 1885, and was assigned to the First Regiment as Company M. The company remained in exist- ence until its term expired in 1891, when it failed to make an efficient reorganization. The officers were: Captains— W. A. Street and J. W. Roberts. First Lieutenants— R. H. McCutcheon and R. B. Amos. Second Lieutenants — James Bennett and "Walter Parks. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 165 Two other companies were soon organized and were re- ceived into the State service but a week apart. The first one of the two received was the Evansville Light Infantry, which was accepted October 10, 1887, and assigned to the First Regiment as Company G. It served one term only, and the officers during its life were: Captains — Charles H. MoCarer, Heni*y Lubberman, and Gus A. Mann. First Lieutenants — Hany Stinson, Jobn M. Fuuke. and Frank A. Foster. Second Lieutenants— Joseph Burk, Henry Lubberman, Frank A. Foster, and August F. Duysiug. Third Lieutenants — B. F. Rohlander and Ben R. Beecher. Company E, of the First Regiment, was the next one to organize, and it was received into the State service October 17, 1887. It took the name of Evansville Rifles, and is one of the parents of the present company. The company main- tained its existence up to and through the war with Spain. The company was at once assigned to the First Regiment as Company E, and that letter has been retained by the Evans- ville company under the present organization. The history of the company is that of the regiment in the greatest par- ticulars. The officers have been: Captains — Heniy Horster, H. P. Cornick, J. F. Blum, Q. E. Mc- Doweil. and J. F. Blum. First Lieutenants — Frederick Gumbert, Harry P. Cornick, J. F. Blum, Q. E. McDowell. F. R. Farrow, and Edward R. Spain. Second Lieutenants — Harry P. Cornick, Julius F. Blum, H. R. Scott, F. Bockenroger, Q. E. McDowell, F. Farrow, F. W. Stute, and W. D. Schreeder. The last. Company M, was organized through the united efforts of Major Cornick and Captain Blum. It was mustered into State service by Colonel John W. Ebel, then command- ing the First Regiment, on May 29, 1895. It was assigned to the First Regiment as Company M. The officers of the com- pany have been: Captain— Julius F. Blum. First Lieutenants— Andrew G. Bays. W. N. Hollingsworth, and J. Merriil Woods. Second Lieutenants— R. F. Dubois, J. Merrill Wood, and D. I. Mc- Cormick. Under these officers the company responded to the call of the Presidetit for service in the war with Spain, and went to Camp Mount 106 strong. Twenty-eight men were rejected by 166 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. the surgeons and twenty-five returned home voluntarily. The company was then recruited to its full strength, and entered the United States service. Lieutenant Hollingsworth re- signed, and was succeeded by Lieutenant Woods and David I. McCormick was assigned to the company as second lieuten- ant. The present company is composed of members of both Company E and Company M, and was mustered into the State service on April 26, 1899, the anniversary of the response of the two former companies to the President's call. The offi- cers still serving. Captain Julius F. Blum, First Lieutenant Edward R. Spain and Second Lieutenant Walter D. Schree- der, were elected. The company was assigned to the First Regiment as Company E, and now is a part of the Second Battalion. On Deceniber 17, 1000, it was ordered to Boon- ville. The call was received at 7 ]>. ni., and at 8:15 forty men were at the train when the orders were countermanded. Captain Julius F. Blum has long been identified with mili- tary affairs in Evansville. He assisted in the organization of Company E, and was first enrolled as a private October 5, 1887. His service with that organization was corporal, No- vember 1, 1887; sergeant, December 11, 1887; second lieuten- ant, May 7, 1888; first lieutenant, April 8, 1889; captain, March 11, 1892; resigned, January 1, 189L Captain Blum then gave his attention to the new com- pany, Company ^1, and was commissioned captain May 29, 1895. He served with it in that capacity through the war with Spain, and entered the United States service May 12, 1898, and w^as mustered out November 23, 1898. He was com- missioned as captain of the reorganized company, which was then unassigned, on April 20, 1899, and as captain of the fifth separate company on January 20, 1900. When the First Reg- iment was reorganized he was commissioned as captain on July 3, 1900. He has attended, as an officer, every encamp- ment held from 1888 to 1900. inclusive. First Lieutenant Spain joined Company E as a private April 1, 1890. He was promoted corporal and appointed first sergeant October 30, 1893. As such he served through the war with Spain, and when the company was reorganized he was elected to his present position. Second Lieutenant Walter D. Schreeder first enlisted as a private in Company E April 22, 1897, when but fifteen years of age. He went to Camp Mount with his company at the outbreak of the war with Spain, but was rejected by the surgeons and honorably discharged May 12, 1898. When the NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 167 present company Avas reori;anized by Captain Blum, Lieuten- ant Schreeder re-entered the service, and was mustered on April 26 and elected second lieutenant. The present roll is: First Sergeant— Gale K. Wheeler. Sergeants— .lohn F. Sherwood, Fred Huether, H. C. Pickhardt, Al- bert Magerkurth, and John B. Hodson. Corporals— John W. Triml)le, Will C. Beiderman, Hany Smythe, Arthiu- Heim. and Thomas Nickels. ^Vrtificer— James F. Butler. Wagoner— P. L. Pritchett. Privates— Andel. Ernest: AUheide. Henry; Brady, Albert; Brady, Claude; Badger, Henry D.; Clark, John T.; Eaker, Lucian E.; Erskiue. Joseph; Farrand, Curtis; Fabian. Ollie; Hilgedieck, Walter; Hutchason, Richard M.; Jordan, Lynn C; Johnston, Thomas H.; Lant, Walter D.; Lauer, Harry R.; Lenn, Charles J.; Masters, James B.; Mills, Herb; Meguire. Samuel; Maier, Andrew; Neihaus, Frank J.; Ornm, Burton; Reese. Will J.; Rickets, Hany; Rasure, Bert D.; Steinmetz, Joe; Schu, Joseph; Schreiber, Oscar D.; Sullivan, Claude; Smith, John ^f.; Speer, August: Wallace, Harry J.; Wallenmeyer, G. F.; Weigert. Charles E.; AVnght, Claude; Knoll, Richard; Dickman, John W.; Phillips, James A.; Sparrow, James; Thomas, W. A. Company F, of Madison, is one of the babies of the Guard. It was organized for service during the war with Spain, large- ly through the efforts of Captain Garber, and was assigned to the One Hundred and Sixty-first Indiana as Company D. It had no previous conection with the Guard. When the war was over the company was reorganized May 16, 1899, as the seventh separate company, and was later assigned to the First Regiment as Company F. But four of the present officers and men have served be- fore. Sergeant Tlall and Thomas Cooney, .Jr., were members of Company F, One Hundred and Fifty-ninth Indiana Volun- teers, and Private Renfroe was in the Hospital Corps during the war with Spain. Thomas Cooney, Jr., and C. E. Earnest have both seen service in the Sixth United States Infantry. The officers have been: Captains— Charles E. Cosby, Richard W. Buchanan, Guilford S. Gar- ber, and Howard W. Graham. First Lieutenants— Cyrus A. Jackson, Howard W. Graham, William A. Kirk, and Armand Rous. Second Lieutenants — Richard W. Buchanan, William A. Kirk, Ar- mand Rous, and Frederick Herbst. Captain Graham was elected first lieutenant on the reor- ganization of the company, and was commissioned as such May 16, 1899. He was promoted captain November 10, 1899, when Captain Garber resigned to accept a commission as 168 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. second lieutenant in the Thirtietli United States Volunteers. First Lieutenant Armand Rous was elected second lieu- tenant and commissioned November 10, 1899, while serving as sergeant. On March 4, 1901, he was elected to his present position. The present roster is : First Sergeaut— Fred Herbst. Quartermaster Sergeant— Fred Dipper. Sergeants — John H. Taylor, William E. Leland, and Robert M. Hall. Corporals — Elmer L. Crozier, James L. Dillon, Fred Soeder, and Harry H:itz. Musicians — James H. Woolford and John W. Graham. Privates— Ralph. O. P.; Rurris, Wm. E.; Crozier, Fred; Dielenheim, Jos., Jr.; Earnest, D. C; Earnest, C. E.; Echert, J. A.; Garber, Hugh; Glass, Wm. R.: Humphreys, Wm. H.; Hunter, Harry; Kelley, Wm. G.; Kelley, Thos.; Kohl, Fred; Krueger, John W.; Lauer, E. A.; Layton, Louis'; L017, Jesse; McGregor, Thos.; Medlicott, Sam; Mountjoy, H. F.; Renschler, Ed .L; Robinson. Jesse; Quirin, John; Simpson, Geo.; Schmidt, H. ^^^; Smith, Jas. T.; Scheser, John; Tower, Frank; Waas, Albert AV.; Walsh. John E.: Wallace, H. L.; Wendel, F. M.; Whedon, Harr>- Weber. Clyde E.; Lambert, Rene; Dickerson, C. E.; Drake, N. F.; Pogue, Tyreo; Renfroe, M. D.; GoUer, Joseph; Cooney, Thos., Jr.; Dillon, J. M.: Creamer, W. A.: Phillips. S. D.; Peak, Walter; Cole, R. H. B.; Grace, Clyde; Woolford, H. O. New Albany, the home of Company C, has been repre- sented in the State military since June 13, 1889, when a com- pany was organized through the efPorts of George H. Pen- nington. It was the second separate company, and was as- signed to the First Regiment as Company C on April 2, 1890. From the date of its organization to the present time and through the war with Spain, it has retained that letter. The company served with the regiment at all encampments and through the Spanish-American war. The officers have been: Captains — George H. Pennington, Thomas F. Wolfe, F. I. Leyden, W. J. Coleman, and O. H. Gandy. First Lieutenants— J. R. Weathers, George B. Cardwill, Charles H. Poucher, W. J. Coleman, W. L. Grove. F. Kraft, John R. Gebhart, J. F. MeCurdy. O. H. Gandy, and Joseph J. Fox. Second Ijieutenants— M. Lewis, Thomas F. Wolfe, Frank I. Leyden, J. B. Harrison, George Allen. W. J. Baer, J. F. McCurdy, O. H. Gandy, J. J. Fox, and Earl Edmondson. The company was reorganized as the sixth separate com- pany early in 1899, and was mustered into the State service May 15. The officers were Captain William J. Coleman, First Lieutenant James F. McCurdy and Second Lieutenant Otha H. Gandy. Lieutenant McCurdy resigned and Lieutenant Gandy was promoted and Joseph Fox was elected to fill the Lieut. Oliver I. Alton Capt. Acolph H. Kruse Capt. Emmet F. Branch Cart. J. F. Blum Lieut. W liiam H. Hoff Lieut. Joseph J. Fox Capt. Wilmam IIutchincs OFFICERS OF FIRST INFANTRY NxVTIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. 169 vacancy. Captain Coleman was promoted to be major, and promotions for each of the company officers followed, and Earl Edmondson was elected to fill the vacency. The com- pany was assigned to the Second Battalion when the regi- ment was reorganized. Captain Otha H. Gandy was commissioned as second lieu- tenant May 15, 1899, andVas promoted to the first lieuten- antcy on the November 27 following. He was commissioned as captain July IG, 1900. First Lieutenant Fox was commissioned second lieuten- ant November 27, 1899, and first lieutenant July 16, 1900. Second laeutenant Edmondson was commissioned July 16, 1900. The roster now is: First, Sergeant — Robert A. Jacobus. Quarl ermaster Sergeant — August Haertel. Sergeants — Cliarles McCor; Calvin Condit, Leon Harrel, and Har- rison Farrell. Corporals— Dallas Mclntyre. George Kessner, Frank Underhill, Ed- ward Denny, John Cronin, and Frank Hay. Musicians— Charles Miller and Martin Linnie. Wagoner — David Richards. Privates— Anderson, James; Barth, Charles; Boutell, Edward; Bar- ton. Howard: Bareford, Richard; Boersig. Frank; Carpenter, Carl; Cau- fleld, John; Clark, Fred; Coomes, James: Dean, Rolla; Dillon. Wm.; Dillard, Harry; Elsom, Charles; Farabee. Edward; Freeman. Edward; Gray, Charles; Griefe, John; Hale, Jesse; Helm, Louis; Hammond, .Tohii; Harrell. Newton; Haywood, John; Hosea, Charles; Jackson, Bert; Jackson, Thomas: Kost, John; Kessner, Lloyd; Lamppin, Arthur; Lucas, George; Long, William; McKinley, Ezra; Munz, Chnrles; Olinick, .John; Payton, Rutherford; Reibel, Clarence; Robinson, Ruhl; Siltz, Philip: Self, John; Stelle, Clark; Tennyson, William: Tapp, Charles; Wells, George; Wooten, Nelson; Wayman, Eugene; Whiteman, Robert; Zimmerman. Charles; Alton, Frank A.; Bruner, Harry; Lee, Harry; Linnie, Clyde; Landpheare, Jesse; Conrad, Alvan; Renn, Hany. THE THHID BATTALION. The headquarters of the Third Battalion are located at Vincennes. Major Thomas B. Coulter, commanding the bat- talion, first entered the service of the State as a private in Company A, First Regiment, September 7, 1891. He became a corporal December 1 following, a sergeant May 1, 1892; a second lieutenant January 19, 1893, and captain May 14, 1894. He was recommissioned as captain October 15, 1897, and was discharged from the State service May 12, 1898, in order to enter the United States Volunteer service. He was recom- missioned as captain of the fourth separate company on April 170 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 25, 1899, and Dromoted major of the Third Battalion July 6, 1900. Major Coulter served with his company during the coal miners' strike in Sullivan County from June 2-18, inclusive, 1894. He was at that time but nineteen years old, and had been elected captain but two weeks before the company was called into active service. He was with his regiment in all the service incident to the war with Spain, and in the differ- ent camps. The adjutant of the battalion, First Lieutenant James N. McCoy, has risen from the ranks. He enlisted in Company A, First Infantry, as a private May 10, 1891, and served in that capacity until the period of enlistment expired. He re- enlisted on the reorganization of the company, and served as a private until July, 1896, when he was transferred to the hospital corps, and'served therein until the expiration of his term. Albert Catlin, of Terre Haute, was appointed battalion quartermaster, with the rank of second lieutenant, on May 13, 1901. On the organization of the fourth separate company, which later became Company A, he enlisted April 25, 1899, and served as corporal until July 13, 1900, when he was ap- pointed and commissioned to his present office. Terre Haute, the home of Company B, has always been full of military spirit, and many organizations were main- tained there before the State rendered any aid, and when it was necessary for the members to uniform and equip them- selves at their own expense. The first Terre Haute organization which was assigned to a regiment was the Terre Haute Light Artillery, which was organized June 25, 1878, with thirty-three officers and enlisted men, and which was assigned to the First Regiment, Light Artillery, as Company C. It flourished until May 22, 1884, when an attempt was made to reorganize it under the name the Fort Harrison Light Artillery, but the members lost in- terest, and it was soon after disbanded. The officers were: Captains—William Dreuselve, Franlc Calvert. .Tohn P. Piker, David T. Rushwortb, and Lewis G. Hoops. First Lieutenants— Frank Calvert, Henry S. Dinkle, George W. Har- ris, and Henry Davis. Second Lieutenants— Theodore Volrath, A. S. Rushworth, Lewis G. Hoops, Wm. J. Blue, and John W. Dawson. The Hager Veterans, an organization of the veterans of the civil war, and the one which maintained an organization NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 171 for the longest period of time; was located in Terre Haute, and was assigned to the First Infantry as Company A. The company was organized January 17, 1881, and then had fifty- six officers and enlisted men. It remained as Company A until July 15, 1889, when it was detached from the regiment and called the first separate company. It was at that time the only company of the veteran regiment in existence. All the officers resigned in December, J890, and on the February 3 following the company was again assigned to the First In- fantry as Company G, but interest in the organization waned and it disbanded in a few months. The officers were: Captains — John A. Bryan, Robert P. Davis, H. B. Sweet, and Charles O. Ebel. First liieutenants — Saninel Cochran, Charles S. Darnell, Lawrence Burgett, John H. Henderson, H. B. Sweet, J. A. Anderson. Second Lieutenants — Charles S. Darnell, Leslie HoAvard, George W. Miller, William Tomlinson, J. T. Triche, and Ed Wright. The latter part of 1881. December 28, the McKeen Cadets of Terre Haute were organized, with fifty officers and en- listed men. ]\[any members of the Tei-re Haute Light Guards became members of the new company, and the first captain was from that organization. It was assigned to the Second Regiment of Infantry as Company B. The company was in existence for one term only, and the offices were: Captain— M. N. Smith. First Lieutenant— Crawford McKeen. Second Lieutenants— Walter Strange and William Briggs. Another old company reorganized and entered the State service — the Dick Thompson Zouaves. Its organization as the Thompson Rifles was perfected March 1, 1883, and it was assigned to the Second Regim.ent of Infantry as Company G. When the company reorganized April 27, 1886, it adopted a new name — the Terre Haute Light Infantry — and was as- signed to the Second Regiment as Company M. It served one term as that company, when it was disbanded. The officers were: Captains — Charles L. I'eltus, George H. Crregory. and John W. Ebel. First Lieutenants — J. A. Anderson, George H. Gregoiy, and Emery C. Frend. Second Lieutenants— G. B. Edmunds, W. E. Barnes, August H. Kolsch, Charles M. Gilmore, and B. E. Lockwood. The first Company B of the First Regiment, which was located at Terre Haute, was organized March 21, 1889, and at once assigned to the regiment and given the letter which it 172 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. still bears. From that date until tbe present the company has had a continuous existence and has taken part with the regiment in all active service, encampments and the war with Spain. The officers have been ; Captains— J. W. Ebel, A. T. Ballinger, G. W. Biegler, and J. E. Thomas. First Lieutenants— .T. F. Trie he, Charles O. Ebel, George W. Biegler, F. W. Parks, .1. E. Thomas, Ben Wimer. J. E. Thomas, and William H. HofE. Second Lieutenants— Ij. D. Sparks, A. T. Ballinger, George W. Bieg- ler, F. W. Parks, J. E. Thomas, D. C. Sloeum, F. Eichelberger, and A. W. Dudley. After having served in the war with Spain the company was reorganized March 1. 1899, as the first separate company. Captain Biegler was again elected to command, but was ap- pointed a captain in the Twenty-eighth United States In- fantry, and so resigned. When the First Regiment was re- organized the company was given its old letter and assigned to the Third Battalion. The officers are: Captain James E. Thomas, First Lieuteant William H. Hoff, and Second Lieu- tenant Alvin W. Dudley. Captain Thomas enlisted in Company B as a private in June, 1889, and was promoted as a corporal and sergeant. On May 16, 1892, he was commissioned as second lieutenant of the 'company and as first lieutenant March 6, 1893. As such he served through the war with Spain. He was com- missioned as captain October 5, 1899. Lieutenant Hoff was commissioned as first lieutenant March 1, 1899. Lieutenant Dudley entered the service as second lieuten- ant of Company B, March 1.5, 1897, and served through the war with Spain in that capacity. On the reorganization of the company he was again elected second lieutenant and commissioned March 1, 1899. The roll now is: First Sergeant — .Tames F. Dempsey. Quartermaster Sergeant — William D. Phillips. Sergeants— Con B. Wooderson, Royal R. Dempsey, and Charles Kiefner. Corporals— James W. Shaw, William G. Tully, Marion B. Hancock, and Bert E. Ball. Privates — Annis, Hugh:Annis, Sam; Aschei-man, A.; Ahrens, Emil; Bechtel, Henry; Brandenberg, George C: Brewer, Ross; Bruce, Herbert H.; Beachamp. Ralph; Boles, Ben H.: Brentlinger, A. J.: Boyer, Joseph; Champ, Oria; Coleman, Jesse T.; Cheney, William H.; Dawson, Frank; Davis, Scott L.; Evans, Tom H.; Farmer. Sam T.; Fortner, Roy: Ful- ghum, Cecil: Fisher, Eddie; Gemmecke, Charles; Hancock, Charles L.; NATIONAIi GUARD OF INDIANA. 173 Hankey, John E.; Hoff, Herbert; Joseph, John; Lowery, James F,; Mewhinney, William; Mosel, Fred; Miller, Ralph; O'Mara, James F.; Pearson, Charles L.; Robinson, James F.; Sontag, William; Stuempfle, George- Shearer, Chester; Smocli, Homer; Stewart, Harry; Stahl, Joseph; Sparltes, Charles H.; Taxas, Charles B.; Veach, Robert; Wal- lace, Robert L.; Wimer, Ben E. Company I, of Greencastle, which has been so called since it was first assigned to the First Regiment, was mustered into State service June 21, 1891. It remained unassigned until October 31 following, when it was given its present let- ter in the First Regiment. It has taken part in all encamp- ments with the regiment and served through the war with Spain. The oflflcers have been: Captains— James F. Fee, Lee D. Mathias, E. G. Fry. John H. Morris. Will H. Graham, Wilbur F. Starr, and Charles Donnohue. First Lieutenants— Homer I. Jones, Leo D. Mathias, John H. Morris, E. G. Fry, Will H. Graham, Charles Donnohue, and Earl C. Lane. Second Lieutenants— J. E. Stevens, Ed G. Fry, W. F. Starr, W. H. Graham, Paul Allen, J. Benton Curtis, R. L. Cooper, and Samuel K. Stewart. The company was reorganized after having been mustered out of United States service and again entered the Guard in 1900. It was the eighteenth separate company, and was then assigned to the First Regiment with its old letter. The of- ficers were Captain James F. Fee, Lieutenants Donnohue and Curtis. The present officers are Captain Charles F. Donno- hue, First Lieutenant Earl C. Lane, and Second Lieutenant Samuel K. Stewart. Captain Donnohue enlisted in Company I as a private, and served as such from January 14, 1896, to July 1, 1896. He was commissioned first lieutenant June 24, 1897, and served as such through the war with Spain. He was elected to his former position when the company was reorganized and com- missioned March 12, 1900. He became captain July 5, 1900. Lieutenant Lane was commissioned July .5, 1900, and Lieu- tenant Stewart December 27, 1900. The present member- ship is : Sergeants— Harry S. Landes, Fred Peyton, Oscar Cosner, Richard M. Hazlett. Corporals — Harry Hawliins, Lawrence Allen. Arthur Meyers, True Thomas. Privates— Allen, Fred; Albin. James; Brown, Walter; Buis, Clar- ence; Cannon, James; Cunningham, Will; Crawley, Lawrence; David- son, Franli; Donohue. Dan; Donohue, Ralph; Davenport, Charles; B'an- ner, Claude; Farrou, Hale: Gill, Oscar; Glidwell, Will; Green, Carl; Haskel, Charles; Ilamrick, Albert: Houck, Roy; Harmon, Harry; King, Calvin; Lane. Frank; Lynch, Harvey; McCoy, Frank; Matson, John; 174 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. May, Charles; Noe. Jesse; Pierce, Oral; Peyton, Thomas; Petit, Charles; Procter, Artie: Preslon, Charles; Roberts, Den-ill; Smythe, Herbert; Stoner. Andy; Stewart, Glen; Smedley, Earl; Tuttle, Thomas; Welch, John; Wilson, Guy; Williams, Clarence; Woodram, James; Woods, Ed- ward; Collings, Frank; Day. Walter; Day, Ernest; Swineheart, Carl. Vincennes lias held the letter A ever since its military company was first assigned to the regiment. (Jompany A was one of the first companies organized for the First Regi- ment after the National Guard was provided for, and it was mustered into service June IT, 1889. Since that date it has served continuously and has a remarkable record in the few resignations of officers that have taken place except because of pressing business. The system of promotion has been gen- erally observed. The company has attended all State encampments since its organization, and in 1894 was on duty for sixteen days in Sullivan County during the miners' strike. It was a part of the military escort detailed for duty at the funeral of Gov- ernor Hovey. On April 25, 1898 the company was ordered to Indian- apolis, and on May 12 it was mustered into United States service. The company served with the One Hunderd and Fif- ty-ninth Indiana all through the war, and was mustered out of service November 28. The company lost three members while in the service. First Lieutenant Charles D. McCoy contracted typhoid fever while in the service, and on October 9, while the company was home on a furlough, he died. Corporal Judson P. Alton and Private William Everette also died while in service. On April 5, 1899, the company was reorganized as the fourth separate company, and when the regiment was reor- ganized was again assigned to it as Company A. During the history of the company it has furnished to the regiment one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, two majors, two battalion adjutants, one commander of the signal corps, one quartermaster and one regimental quartermaster-sergeant. The officers have been: Captains — George W. McCoy, Tunis Cox, Ellison L. Cory. Tunis Cox, T. B. Coulter, and A. H. Knise. First Lieutenants — Mason J. Niblack, Charles D. McCoy, A. H. Kruse, Oliver I. Alton. Second Lieutenants — John W. Nordhaus, James L. Harris, Ellison L. Cory, Edwin 1,. Glass, Tunis Cox. Thomas B. Coulter, Herman J. Piel, Ed Coleman, Charles D. McCoy, Ifred Castor, A. H. Kruse, Raymond A. Smith, William Jenkins, Oliver I. Alton, Hiram A. Hopkins. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 17S Lieutenant Oliver I. Alton was elected to succeed Lieu- tenant William Jenkins, who enlisted in the United States army early in 1899, and soon after the company was reorgan- ized. Lieutenant Alton was promoted to succeed Lieutenant Kruse when Major Coulter was promoted. Second I;ieutenant Hiram A. Hopkins was elected to his present office in July, 1900, to succeed Lieutenant Alton. The present membership is: First Sergeaut— Charles Alton. Quartermaster Sergeant — William Milam. Sergeants — Louis Mominee and Clarence Milligan. Corporals— Sam Everett, Guy C. Davis, Walter Wood and Fred E. Milam. Musicians— Clarence Smith and W. B. Keasling. Privates— Ash. Charles. Ash. Joseph; Balgenorth, Frank; Barthol, mia, Charles; Bouchie, Anthony; Bouchie, William; Clifton, Matthew; Cusick. Terry; Dickson, Ed; Daugherty, Oliver; Everett, Larkin; Fisher, Alex; Fortner, David; Green, Clarence; Hai-vey, L.; Hatcher, John; Hazelman, Arthur; Hedden, J. N.; Hogue, John; Holt, Frank; Hopkins, E. G.; Jones, Kemp; Johnson, Lewellyn; Jordan, Archie; Jenkins, Jo- seph; Jenkins, Eli; Linkons, Willie; McCormick, Ellis W.; Milligan, James; Martin. William; Milam, John; Milam, E. O.; Mominee, John; Munsterman, John; Richardville, Henry; Smith, Frank; Smith, C. E.; Smith, William; Scott, Ben; Scott, William; Threlkeld, C. P.; Thorne, George: Williams, Carl; Woodman, William; Wheeler, Crit Vincennes, for a brief time, had a second company in the National Guard. It was organized for the Spanish-American war, and was composed principally of students of Vincennes University. It was mustered into the Guard just before the First Kegiment entered United States service, and was as- signed to it as Company L. It was never reorganized. The officers were Captain Robert A, Simpson, First Lieutenant Lee B. Purcell and Second Lieutenant John B. Bayard. CHAPTER VII. The Second Regiment, Infantry. The Second Regiment Infantry was organized May 27, 1882, and reorganized July 2, 1883. Its headquarters have always been at Indianapolis, and the companies composing it have always been in the central part of the State. It has been called ujjon more frequently than other regiments for parades and ceremonies by reason of its central location and the Indianapolis companies have served more frequently than any others by reason of the many public atfairs that are held in the capital city. The regiment, too, has furnished more general officers of the Guard by reason of its officers living at general headquarters. At its organization the regiment had a strength of 658, and when the Second entered its first camp it had 506 of its men in line. It was armed with Springfield rifles, and 63 of the members were veterans. The first division of the regi- ment into battalions was made November 1, 1884, and Companies A, B, D and E were assigned to the First Battal- ion; C, I, K and M to the Second; and F, G, H and L to the Third. ]Major W. J. McKee commanded the First, Major George W. Koontz the Second and Major A. S. Helmes the Third. By 1886 the regiment had 625 members, and it was highly commended by Major R. Loder of the Third United States Artillery, who was present at the encampment held at Lafay- ette, and who said in his report: "The company and regi- mental drills were frequent and properly conducted. I must mention the Second Regiment, Colonel N. R. Ruckle, as an instance of what the energy and attention of a regimental commander will do." It was the first time the companies had come together, and Colonel Ruckle, in his report, especially commended Captains Charles H. McCarer of Company A, of Indianapolis, and Frank B. Rawls, of Company B, Fort Wayne, "for their prompt and intelligent discharge of duty." Colonel Ruckle assumed command of the camp on the Satur- day of the week and Lieutenant Colonel McKee commanded Col. Harry B. Smi indianapolis imanding the second NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 177 the regiment. Four members of Company A were prostrated by the heat during the encampment, but the etfects were not serious. In 1888 the strength of the regiment decreased to 411 meu, but by the close of 1880 it had again increased to 520, and of this number it had 348 in camp. In 1891 it again dropped to 382 and in 1892 it increased to 568. In 1892, when the general gallery practice was held, Com- pany B, of Lebanon, made the largest aggregate company score in the State— 1,412— as well as the second best average company score — 37.2. out of a possible 50. The second best individual scores in the State were made by Captain Edens, First Sergeant A. B. Carr. and Privates I). Groves and Henry Wells,, all of Company B, who made 47 each out of a possible 50. Companies E of Indianapolis, and K of Frankfort, were commended for the large number of men who shot. The average scores made in the regiment were: Company B, of Lebanon, 37.15; H, of Waynetown, 31.31; K, of Frankfort, 30.95; E. of Indianapolis, 24.12; and D, of Indianapolis, 18.6. The inspection of the regiment during 1893, when all points were considered, resulted in a grading of the com- panies on the basis of perfection at 100, as follows: D, 87; K, 80 2 3: ^, 76 7-9; E, 76; H, 67 2-3; C, 56 7-9; B, 55; L, 53 2 9; and I, 50 2-3. At this time the regiment w^as 609 strong. In 1895 it was 700; in 1896, 495, and in 1897, 610. It entered the United States service as the One-hundred- and-fifty-eighth Indiana and as such served through the war with Spain. It was re-organized as the Second Regiment, Indiana National Guard, July 20, 1900. The officers from the first organization and dates commis- sioned, have been: Colonels— Nicholas R. Ruckle, of Indianapolis, May 27, 1882; Wil- liam J. McKee, of Indianapolis, Januaiy 24, 1889; James R. Ross, of Indianapolis, May 23, 1893; Harry B. Smith, of Indianapolis, June 23, 1897. Lieutenant Colonels— Merrill N. Smith, of Terre Haute, June 12, 1882; William J. McKee, of Indianapolis. June 12, 1885; B. C. Wright, of Indianapolis. .Linuary 24, 1889; H. B. Smith, of Indianapolis, October 20. 1893; E. P. Thayer, Jr., of Greenfield, June 23, 1897. Majors— Merrill N. Smith, of Terre Haute, February 8, 1882; Wil- liam J. McKee, of Indianapolis, August 16, 1883; George W. Koontz, of Richmond, July 12, 1884: A. S. Helms, of Worthington, November 20, 1884; John R. Clayton, of Shelby ville, September 8, 1885; Benjamin G. Wright, of Indianapolis. December 28, 1886; J. H. Oliver, of Indianapolis, August 11, 1888; Charles A. Reith, of Goshen, July 24, 1888; W. W. Robbins, of Bunker Hill, July 20, 1889; Harry B. Smith, of Indianapolis, July 20, 1889; Edwin P. Thayer, Jr., of Greenfield, July 10, 1891; W. S. 178 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Rich, of ludiaiiapolis, January 24, 1894; C. B Roekwood, of Inaiauapo- lis. .Tanuaiy 26. 1894: A. H. Skinner, of Rochester, March 25, 1897; H. T. Conde, of Indianapolis, June 23, 1897; John J. Backmau, of Aurora, April 27, 1900: John H. Tarltou, of Franklin, April 27, 1900. Surgeons — George H. McCune, of Rockville, June 12, 1882; John H. Oliver, of Indianapolis. May 28, 1885; E. L. Siver, of Ft. Wayne, January I, 1888; Albert C. Kiniberlin. of Indianapolis, June 9. 1891; George D. Kahlo. of Indianapolis. July 3, 1893; F. R. Charlton, of Indianapolis, April 25, 1895. Assistant Siu'geous — f^eo. H. McCune, of Rockville, February 8. 1882; William W. Hitdicock. of Soutli Bend, June 27. 1882; Jolui H. Oliver, of Indianapolis. .May 26, 1884: O. E. Ilolloway, of Kuiglitstown, May 28, 1885; W. V\'. Harnctl. of Ft. Wayne. November 26, 1888; William M. Wright, of Indianapolis. June 9. 1891; George D. Kahlo. of Indianapo- lis, :May 26. 1893: Frederick C. Woodl)urn. of Indianapolis, July 3, 1893; F. R. Charlton, of Indianapolis, April 30. 1894! Oliver T. Logan, of In- dianapolis, April 25, 1895; Homer I. Jones, of Indianapolis, November 9. 1896; Paul J. Barcus, of Crawfordsville, :May 4, 1898, and May 20, 1901. Adjutant.';— Harry B. Smith, of lndianai)olis. May 26. 1884; F. W. Frank, of Ii'dianai)()lis. July 25. 1889; George W. Powell, of Indian- apolis. May 12, 1893; Hoyt N. McClain, of Indianapolis, July 11. 1900; Mansur B. Oakes. of Indianapolis, January 26, 1901. Quartermasters— Ben C. Wright, of Indianapolis. May 26. 1884; F. W. Frank, of Indianapolis, Jime 6, 1888; George W. Keyser. of Indian- apolis. November 14. 1890; Vance Noel, of Indianapolis, May 26, 1893; John A. Conlen. of Indianapolis, June 18, 1895; Milton I. Hopkins, of Indianapohs, June 23. 1897. Assistant Quartermaster — John W. Reeder. of Bunker Hill. Commissary — Harry B. :Mahan. of Indianapohs. April 24, 1901. Chaplains— G. A. (^arstensen. of Indianapolis, October 21, 1893. Battalion Adjutants— Cliarles B. Rockwood. of Indianapolis, May II. 1892; Ed S. R. Seguin. of Indianapolis, May 11. 1892: W. S. Rich, of Indianapolis. May 11. 1892: AV. F. Christian, Jr., of Indianapolis. Feb- ruary 10. 1894; E. R. Prather. of Anderson. May 18. 1894; Harry A. Murphy, of Indianapolis. July 11. 1895; Guy A. Boyle, of Indianapolis. April 9, 1897: Taylor C. Power, of Indianapolis. March 30. 1898; William B. Poland, of In'dianapolis. Mav 10, 1898: Mansur B. Oakes, of Indian- apolis. July 6. 1900: Cliarles H. Maltby. of Aurora. July 10. 1900; AValter H. Unversaw. of Franklin, July 17. 1900: Robert L. Moorhead. of In- dianapolis. February 5, 1901. Tho cities wlilch linvo Itecit r('])i'(^fJoiito. Merrill, W. C. David, X. R. Ruckle, J. P. Cameron, Charles Mansur, and C. H. Reynolds. The chairman appointed :Messrs. Pee, Bixby, Merrill, Wade, and Butler a committee on membership. Messrs. Ruckle, Knefler, and Bixby were appointed a committee to NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 183 draft a constitution and by-laws. The meeting adjourned to meet at 4:30 p. m., Saturday, April 14, 1877. Five days after- ward another meeting- was held in the United States court room, and, in the absence of General Knefler, Major James R. Ross was called to the. chair. No constitution was submitted as yet, but a mutual agreement binding the body into an asso- ciation was arranged and signed by forty-three members. At the next meeting, April 19, 1877, an election of officers was held, which resulted as follows: President, Fred Knef- ler; vice-president, Frank L. Bixby; treasurer, Frank P. Wade; secretary, F. M. Wright; assistant secretary, John T. IMacauley. At the next meeting, on the 21st, a number of names were balloted for and accepted. These, together with the charter members, practically constituted the company as it was first organized, numbering in all 150 men. Both the fatigue and dress uniforms used first by the companv were ])urchased by the members in June, 1877. In the following July and August, the great railway strike of 1877 occurred, and the raw company was quartered at the arsenal at once to await orders, but was never called into action. The first competitive drill the company entered was at St. Louis, in 1878. It w^ent with little preparatory discipline, was inexperienced, and went to pieces on the field. However, this event caused an increased desire for military discipline. In the year 1878 the Coal Creek miners' strike excited the country. Two or three of the strikers were killed by their own men and the company was ordered to the front without any preliminaries. When it first arrived at Coal Creek the strikers showed a dispositon to treat the young soldiers with contempt, but soon changed their minds. This strike was settled without the loss of blood, and after two weeks' serv- ice the company was ordered home. The Light Infantry company, under command of Captain James R. Ross, in 1883, took first and second money in the national drill and the same prizes in the State drill. At this time the company made a record that has never been equaled. The time allotted was forty-five minutes, and the company made 97.G per cent, in forty-two minutes, performing 165 evo- lutions, most of which were in double time. Its two com- petitors completed but 100 numbers. In 1884, at Louisville, Kentucky, the company was placed third in competition with nine companies. In 1885 the na- tional drill at Philadelphia was attended. The second prize was captured— a purse of $1,000. The company attended the 184 NATIONATi GUARD OP INDIANA. Nashville drill in 1881 and the Washington drill in 1886, when it was placed sixth in competition with thirty-nine companies. In 1898 the company responded to the call for volunteers bv the President and was mustered into the United States service as Company D of the One-Hundred-and-Fifty-eighth Regiment of Infantry, Indiana Volunteers. The officers of the companv while in the United States service were Captain Frank F. McCrea, First Lieutenant Albert T. Isensee, and Second Lieutenant William A. Kreber. The captains who have served the company since its or- ganization are General N. R. Ruckle, Colonel James R. Ross, General Will J. ^fcKee, Captain R. J. Scott, Major H. T. Conde. Captain F. F. McCrea, Major W. S. Rich, and Captain W. A. Kreber and Hoyt N. McClain. The other officers were: First Lieutenauts— George Butler, James R. Ross, William J, Mc- Kee, A. H. Lowes. George Butler, Henry T. Conde, Frank F. McCrea, A. T. Iseusee, William A. Kreber, and Edwin J. Amtlior. Second Lieutenants— James R. Ross, William J. McKee, R. F. Scott, H. T. Conde. Frank F. McCrea, Albert T. Isensee, William A. Kreber, Ralph Miller, Edwin J. Amthor and Fred W. Rubin. Major Conde has been connected with the organization from its beginning until June 23, 1897, when he was appointed major. He served as its captain from 1893 to 1897. For many years he never missed a drill, and well deserves the title, ''Father of D Company." The company has been proudly successful in all its social managements and has always been favored by the attendance of the best citizens at its social functions. At the funeral of Colonel James R. Ross in 1900 the old I. L. I. boys who served under him turned out to the strength of about sixty men, wearing the badge of the organ- ization, under the command of Captain R. S. Scott, and it was noticed with surprise that they still had the swing of the 1. L. I. boys of f-fteen years ago. A respected citizen remarked: "There march some of the best business men of the citv." The members take great pride in the fact that Colonel H. B. Smith was educated in D Company and served with the organization from November 1. 1877, to June 1. 1881; also that Captains T. C. Power, W. H. Drapier, Jr., H. I. Jones, M. B. Oakes, and First Lieutenant R. L. Moorhead have seen service in the ranks of the company. The company was reorganized as the Third Separate Com- pany and mustered into State service, April 12, 1899, and was given its former letter when the regiment was reorganized. ^ ^ w> -^' '«^ . i.H-^ n! 1 ^' I ^^ -4 ?^"^" ; _yS.'A ^'^i:Oti_ Major J. J. Backman Major J. H. Tarlton Bat. Adj. C. S. Maltby ;at. Adj. W. H. Unversaw AssT. Surg. H. Lieut. -Col. E. P. Thayer, Jr. Jones S, officers of second infantry R, Charlton NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 185 Captain Hoyt N. McClain entered State service as adju- tant of the Second, July 19, 1900, He received his first military training in the military department of De Pauw University, at Greencastle, which he attended for six years. In the battalion he served as acting adjutant and captain. He also organized a company at Danville for service in the war with Spain and was elected captain, but could not get in the service. He was elected to his present position and commissioned November 12, 1900, First Lieutenant Edwin J. Amthor enlisted in the com- pany as a private in 1893 and served until 1896, when he served in the quartermaster's department until 1897, and was made corporal. He was the ranking corporal during the war with Spain, and when the company was reorganized he was made first sergeant. On the promotion caused by the resignation of Captain Rich, he was elected second lieuten- ant and was commissioned February 8, 1900. On the June 21 following, he was promoted first lieutenant. The present roster is: First Sergeant— Spears, F. E. Quartermaster Sergeant — Dawson, M, A. Sergeants— Astley, O. M.: McAdams, F. A.; McHatton, J. W.; Brid- well, H.; Williams, R. J., and Teetor, R. J. Corporals— Campbell, W.; Sellers, H.: Jenkins, H. L.; McAdams, .7. B. ; Lorenz, F. G. ; Wriglit, G. ; Crane, B. ; and Richardson, H. L. "Wagoner — G rider, George. Artificers— Kattau, W. C, and Wilson, C. Privates— Anfderheide, J.; Boyce, W.; Blytlie, S.; Bly, J. W.; Cad- wallader, O.; Edmonds, C. R.; Fisher, R. H.; Griffin, D.; Goodwin, O. S.; Greim, W. L.; Holderman. B.; Hinkle, C; Hartpence. G. C; Hindman, R. R.; Hunter, W. E.; Ivor, H. C; Kennedy, W. B.; Landers, W. H.; Martin. W. L.; Newhouse, W.; Nichols, D. W.; Phares, G. E.; Piper, F. W.; Parker, R. C: Ploch, C. L.; Rowe. J. R.; Richey, C; Seyfert, L.; Schmidt, W. H.; Swartz, G.; Sharp, F. W.; Spiegel, H. C: Ulrey, J. W.; Wonier, W. C; White, W. A.; Zerringer, H. A. The Richardson Zouaves entered the service of the State July 29, 1882, with fifty-nine officers and men. It was main- tained as a separate company until the re-organization of the Second Regiment, when it was assigned to it as Company J), and under that letter it continued until the re-organization on the expiration of its first term of service on November 10, 1885, when it adopted the name of Richardson Rifles. It was then given the letter A and held it until the re-organization of the regiment in 1888, when it dropped the name of Richard- son Rifles and since then has been known as simply Com- pany A. 186 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. About 4 o'clock the morning,' of April 14, 1888, the armory on Collej^e Avenue which was jointly occupied by the com- pany and Battery A was destroyed by fire and all arms and equipments except six Springfield rifles burned. Both organ- izations were relieved from all responsibility by the State. The officers have been: Captains — B. A. liichardson, Charles H. McCarer. W. .T. Kerchival, .Tohu G. Prinz, Hariy B. McMahau, H. C. Castor, .Tames Little and Charles A. Garrard. First Lieutenants — William .T. Kerchival, Charles H. McCarer, F. W. Frank. H. C. Castor, G. H. Mueller, George B. Hereth, Charles Gammer- diuger, John G. Prinz, H. Mahan. .Tohn G. Prinz, .Tames Little, William H. Herr, Andrew T. Hull. .Tr., and Francis E. Doake. Second Lieutenants — A. .T. Aldrich, William J. Kerchival, George E. Hereth. C. Gammerdinger, John G. Prinz, Joseph X, Held. Jr., H. Mitchell. Albert H. Off, H. C. Aufderheide. James E. Gordon. Webb Irvin, Louis H. Mackey, Clayton Gwinup, William T. Cramer. Captain Charles A. Garrard enlisted in the State service on July 1, 1884. and was commissioned second lieutenant of Battery A on February 16, 1891. He became first lieutenant September 7, 1801, and served with the battery in that capac- ity through the war with Spain. He was appointed aide-de- camp on the brigade stalf on the reorganization of the Guard, and was promoted to his present position May 22, 1901. Lieutenant Cramer was commissioned May 22. 1901. The present roll is: Sergeants — Shelliy. Clarence: Fulton. Theo.: Lorusch, Charles: and Marney. ^y. J. Corporals — Cramer. S. B.; Johnson, Robert; Green, Lorin; and Murray. P^red. Privates — Aldridge, .Tesse; Branson, Lenord O.; Brown, John; Brown, Charles; Cheseldine. George; Carver, Blount; Cooper, Arthur; Eudan. Fred; Duncan. Jame.s B.; Driftmeyer. Charles; Duckham, Jesse; Dohirty, .T. E.; Gwinup, Mason; Gwiuup. Arthur. Gwinup, T. ; Green, Ralph; Horton, Andrew; Hodge, Melviu; Hunter, Scott; Hervey, Walter; Harrison, Edgar; Hill, Vance; Hughes, EdAviu; Hollenbeck, Theo.; Jac- obs, Roy; Jones. Charlie; Johns, John; Kinnie. Edwin; Kepner, Hariy; Lawrence, Roy; Lichteuburg, Frank; MattheAvs, Allen; May hew, M. C; Peterson. Elmer; Patton, Robert: Pfeiffer. William; Schaffer, .Tohn; Shelby. Arley; Simms. Robert; Smith. Julius: Sutton, John; Shotwell, Charles; Schoufield, William; Spencer. Raymond; Richardson, Joseph; Tegue, Orj^heus; Thompson, Frank; Wright. Ivy; Winnebrenner, Loren; Weber, John; Warrenburg. .Tames; Wallace, Jesse. At n meeting held early in June, 1895, it was decided to organize n new infantry comi?any at Indianapolis for the Indiana National Guard. Colonel James K. Ross, of the Second Infantry, began th(^ enrolbuent of recruits, and on NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 187 the evening of June 5, 1895, tbe company was mustered by Major W. S. Rich, of the Second Infantry. This company, which was assigned as Company H, Second Infantry, was organized principally through the efforts of Captain Charles S. Tarlton, who had had a long and varied experience in the National Guard and was recognized as a thoroughly equipped officer. An indefatigable worker, a hard student and a strict disciplinarian, he utilized his experience in planning the organization and control of the new company. Captain Charles S. Tarlton was elected captain; Harry B. Mahan, who had passed through all the intermediate ranks in the National Guard, from private to captain, was elected First Lieutenant; and Carroll B. Carr, who had had several years' service in the Ohio Natiounl Guard, and a military school education, was elected second lieutenant. Captain Tarlton was aided in his successful management of the company by the fact that the policy of the company was always agreed upon in advance by the three commis- sioned officers. Each officer was assigned certain duties, and non-commissioned officers obtained their places only by com- petitive examinations, and held them only so long as could be demonstrated th;it they were the best fitted to retain their places. The purpose being to be sure of a company fit for actual service at any time. For certain reasons, it seemed as if the company went to its first camp of instruction with a prejudice existing against it, but its strict maintenance of discipline, training in mili- tary courtesy, as well as an unexpected proficiency in drill, earned the re<'ognition and approval of the regimental offi- cers. Early in the summer of 181>6, it was announced that a competitive drill would be held at the fair grounds on July 4, and H Company accepted the invitation to participate, win- ning first place by a good margin in percentage over the near- est competitor, although the team presented had never once all drilled together. The prize money won in this drill was put to a most com- mendable use. I^pon the petition of Captain Tarlton, the erection of the targets at Fairview Park was hurried, and H Company went into camp two weeks before the regular en- campment.* In this time they finished a full season's course on the range, being the first company in the State ever to have done so. The advantage of this work was shown by the fact that H Com])any raised the average of the entire brigade over 3 per cent, in the subsequent rifle practice. 188 NATIONAI. GUARD OF INDIANA. During the following winter of 1896-97, a reception and ball was tendered Brigadier-General McKee and staff at the Propjlaeum. Mrs. C. S Denny acted as chaperone, surround- ing herself with a bevy of charming girls, and Colonel H. G. Megrew, an honorary member of the company, was master of ceremonies. The members of the company did not crowd the floor, but devoted themselves to the entertainment of their guests, who still seem to agree that as a strictly military ball it has never been equaled in Indianapolis. As the annual camp of instruction of the National Guard had to be abandoned for the year 1897, Company H concluded to take a second season's course in rifle practice at its own expense. On June 21. 1897, it went to Lake Maxinkuckee and camped for two weeks on the grounds of the Culver Military Academy, where the Academy range was used for a full course, including skirmish firing. The following is a complete roster of the company from its organization to this time: CHARTER MEMBERS. Captain— Tarltou. Charles S. First Lieutenant — Malian, H. B. Second Lieutenant — Carr, Carroll B. Allison. Lawrence; Astley, Otis: Burns. Robert; Connett, Walter; Corey. L. G.; Coe, .Tames; Dickerson, Charles; Engle, Francis: Elliott, Albert E.; Escotl, Walter A. (corporal); Entwistle. James; Franklin, Harry M. (sergeant); Fleming, Cliarles; Foy, Charles (corporal); Groff, Harry A.: Greider, George W.; Hutton, W. AY.; Hutton, J. W. (first ser- geant); Kemper, Henry F. ; Lohrman, Henry E. (corporal); Lail, Charles G. (died September. 189.5); Lee, .Jacob: Lingenfelter, Robert; Maxwell, Charles S. (sergeant); Moon, Clarence C; May, B. D.; Milner, Harry W.; McCurdy, W. C; McFall, .Joseph W.; McAllister. Charles: Orvis. Wil- liam H. (corporal); Orman, Charles; Penrose, W. S.; Ropkey, Earl C; Suher, Frank: Shilling. Elmer E. (sergeant): South, Lawrence: Sanford, Frank; Sheph.ard. William E. (sergeant): Sanders. C. A.: Tucker. Clar- ence A. (corporal); A'ictor. Henry: Victor, Fred: Williams. Frank; Wil- liams. Edwin; Watson, Frank L. (first sergeant); Wilkins, W. C. RECRUITS. Arbuckle, Lewis: Atherton. Ernest A.: Bowman, Hany L.; Berry, H. v.; Burke, C. P.; Eorsheim. A. F.; Brown. A. F.; Bauer, C. L.: Batch, Harry T.; Braden. David. Jr. (sergeant): Bolen, Sigel; Clarke, Ed; Clarke, Charles ST.; Chambers, W. S.; Curry, John; Caldwell. Fred; Davenport, W. J.: Davis, John; Decker, Thos.; Dickson, Arthur; Duncan, Elbridge; Donner, T. F.; Engle. William; Eaton, James E.; Fiekes, E. B.; Gilison, C. E. : Groom, Geo. A.; Geider. August: Good, Harvey H.; Greeg, J. N.; Higgins. W. C; Holmes. Edward; Hill, Charles L.; Haspel, Fred; Hartsack, Samuel: Hussey, Edward J.; Haspel, Emil G.; Hendricks, Charles M.; Jackson, Earl; Jordan, Robert: Jalesky, Albert C; Kohnle. Chas. R.: Kissingei-, Harry E.; King. F. B.: Lanyon, R. J.; Leachman, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 189 Guy; Martin, H. O.; Maloney. AV. J.; Maxwell, Clifford C; Moore, Prank Munsell, Arthur; Miller, William: Miles, A. J.; Mcl^ine, Albert; McKee Earl; McNimery, Charles; McHatton, William;, Norwood, Newton S. Newlin, .Tno. T.'; Nicholson, Fred; Pontius. Walter A.; Pierson, Otto C. Periy, Ezra S.: Phillips, Rome; Quinn, William C; Rauscher, F. H. Rawlings, Geo.; Robertson, Frank; Roach, Guy E.; Simmons, Paul B.; Sulgrove. Norman R.; Smith, John; Seibert, Wm. G.; Spilker, Andrew Spore, Abraham; Sennett, Earl .1.; Smock, Thos. W.; Simon, Chris. G.: Stutsman, David A.; Sears, Oliver M.; Thompson, Edgar L.; Turner B. v.: Twigg, William; Thomas, W. F.; Wrightsman, Homer H.; Wil son,, Leo C; Wilson, Oscar H.; Warner, R. D. During the late winter and early spi'ing of 1898, keeping pace with the rising war feeling, Comauy H redoubled its efforts to fit itself for service, and when on April 26 the Presi- dent's call for troops came it marched into Camp Mount with its full complement of eighty-four men, with a waiting list of thirty more. Then followed the details with w^hich all are familiar, including the long weeks of waiting and hoping at Chicka- mauga, from May 1<» to August 20, but it is not too broad a statement to make that there was not a company in the whole park in which there was less discontent. The efficiency of the men of the company was recognized at the higher headquarters, there never being less than six- teen men on '^daily duty." Lieutenant Carr was detailed as regimental commissary before leaving Camp Mount and served as such until mustered out. Captain Tarlton was on special detail more than two-thirds of the time, either on recruiting service, court martial duty or as division range officer. Lieutenant Mahan served on several general courts martial. The detailing of commissioned officers gave the non- coms a chance which they embraced with credit to them- selves and the company. When, on August 26, the regiment proceeded to Camp Poland, at Knoxville, Tennessee, drill was suspended for lack of a drill ground, and the spare time was utilized m beautify- ing q\iarters. Then followed the return to Camp Mount, the big recep- tion and dinner by the citizens, the quick furlough and they were home at last. The grand climax came two nights before the "muster out," in a banquet at English's, when nearly every man made a speech. On November 4 was the last march before the paymaster, and Company H,One-Hundred-and-Fifty-eighth Indiana Infan- try had passed into history. During its term of service it had not lost a man. 190 NATIONAL < ; I' A lil) OF 1 XI )I ANA. As judividnals. the Phi1ii>])ine service elaimed a uumber of H men. Captain Tarlton became a first lieutenant in the Thirtieth U. S. X., where he has seen much arduous service and has added to his reputation, demonstratinij;' his fitness for even hiiiher rank. Burke became a cavalry sergeant on recruiting service. Yunker was shot five times in one action, but returned to be a hero among his comrades. Jackson and ("lark were made sergeants and Wiggins, Yunker and Cottrill made corporals in regiments sent to the Philippines; Monahan and Caldwell went into the artillery; McNimery into the cavalry; Sennett, the hospital corps; and Luckebill, the infantry. Poor Burt Cottrill— always the life of the company, and the one whose spirit never liag:ged — *'taps" was sounded over his grave in the far-ort" islands of the Pacific. He was born in Indianapolis, February 8, 1878, and attended the pub- lic schools until fifteen years old. and was three years in High School. He was in Howe Military School at Lima, Indi- ana, for two years, and returned home June 4, 1898, when he enlisted. The })resent Company H is the youngest company in the Indianapolis battalion, and the enrollment for its re-organiza- tion did not begin until early in the summer of 1900. After several preliminary meetings held during the month of July, 1900, the cojnpany, after having been formally enrolled by Lieutenant Harry M. Franklin, was mustered into the service on the night of July 9, 1900, by Captain Carroll B. Carr, ord- nance officer and inspector of small arms practice. In the effort to re-organize the company in time to participate in the annual encampment, sufficient care was not taken as to the composition of the company, with the inevitable result that after attending camp in this unformed condition, even ununiformed, the company suffered a complete collapse and was subsequently re-organized in November of 1900. In this re-organization, which was practically the true beginning of the company, William H. Drapier, Jr., was elected captain, Harry M. Franklin first lieutenant and Albert P. Smith sec- ond lieutenant. The ''second growth" of the company proved to be a successful one, and the company rapidly pushed itself to the front during the winter of 1900-01, with the result that at the battalion inspection held in March, 1901, the company ranked second in the Indianapolis battalion. Company H stood first in general appearance, first in inspection under NATIONAL (U'AKI) ()F INDIANA. 191 anus, tii'st in the exercises. I'onnation aud uuunuil, first in the maintenance of discij)line, first in conipeteucj of uon- coniniissioued officers, attaining a general average which accorded it second phice in the inspection. Tliis success in so short a time was due to adhering strictly to the example set hj Captain Charles S. Tarlton in securing the best possible material for non-commissioned officers, making promotions not from social position or favor- itism, but on efficiency and fitness as evidenced by rigid exam- ination, and inspiring each man to put forth his best efforts towards the success of the company. The present commanding officer of Company H. Captain William H. Drapier. Jr., was born in Indianapolis in 1869, in which place he has lived practically all of the time. Since graduating from the Shortridge High School in 1887, he has been continuously in the insurance business, being at present the resident assistant secretary of the National Surety Com- pany of Xew^ York. Although previously identified with inde]>endent military organizations, his first service in the National Guard was when he enlisted in the Indianapolis Light Infantry as a private in June of 1890. When Colonel James Ross re-organ- ized the comi)any. Cai)tain Drapier became corporal, after- wards sergeant, serving in several detailed positions, and finally, in 1891. as regimental sergeant-major on Colonel Ross's staff, in which capacity he served through the mining strikes of that year. In July of 1896 he re-entered Company D. Second Infantry, as a private, remaining until it was mustered into the United States service. In the second call for volunteers, he enlisted as a jirivate in Company F. One-IIuudred-and-Sixty-first Indiana Infantry, U. S. v.. Mhere he passed rapidly through the line of promo- tion to the rank of second lieutenant, being afterwards de- tailed as battalion adjutant and mustered out after about ten months of active service, including garrison duty in Cuba. In the re-organization of Company H. Second Infantry, I. N. (>., he took the position of first lieutenant, succeeding to the captaincy in November :>(), 1900. Captain Drapier is an officer of the Indiana Commandery of the ^Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States and of General John S. Poland Command, No. 13, Spanish War Veterans. Lieutenant Harry il. Franklin was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on June 24* 1871. He attended the public schools of that city and graduated from the Indianapolis High School in 1887.' Short! V afterwards he began the study of law and 192 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. was admitted to practice in November, 1892. He is at present connected with the Potomac Life Insurance Company, in the legal department. His first military experience was with the Porter Cadets, consisting of a number of boys who drilled faithfully with wooden guns and pasteboard helmets. When H Company was organized he enlisted as a private and was mustered on June 5, 1895, as one of the charter members. During July of the same year he was made a lance corporal, and after passing an examination he was made a corporal February 17, 1896, and on May 16 was made a sergeant. When the Indiana National Guard was called out in re- sponse to the President's call for volunteers, he reported with his company and was mustered into the federal service on May 10, 1898. ' On' July IT of the same year he was appointed first ser- geant by his captain, and was mustered out of the service as such on November 1, 1898. with his company. He assisted materially in the re-organization of H Company and was elected second lieutenant of iiis old company and commis- sioned as such on July 9, 1900. On November 30 he was elected first lieutenant, and now holds this commission. • Lieutenant Franklin is a member of General John S. Poland Command, Spanish War Veterans. Lieutenant Albert P. Smith was born in Indianapolis. Oc- tober 10, 1871. and has lived there all his life. He graduated from the Shortridge High School in 1892; from the De Pauw University in 1895: from the Indiana Law School in 1897; and took a post-graduate course in the Har- vard Law School in 1898. He is the junior member of the law^ firm of Smith, Duncan, Hornbrook & Smith. His previous military experience consisted of three years in the De Pauw Cadet Corps, having graduated with the rank of first lieutenant. He was elected second lieutenant of Company H. Second Infantry. I. N. G., November 30, 1900. He is a member of the Indiana Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. The present roster is: First Sergeant — Downey, Brandt C. Quartermaster Sorsreant — Hamblen. Gilbert R. Sergeants — Bauer. Conrad L.: Denny, George L.: and Golder. Clar- ence A. Corporals — Bone. J. Samuel: Dwiggins, Wesley J.: Haspel. Emil G.; Crabill, Herbert. Musician— Miller, Claude J. Wagoner— Breedlove, Roland H. CAPT. J. B. KlNTER CAPT. J. K. RITTER Capt. W. O. Bragg Capt. J. R. Griffis . Cait.; E. 'L.' Mi3)D\Fi-i;oN OFFICERS OF SECOND lNFA|SITRy > . ., ^>^ >>, ], \ ] Capt. W. H. Drapier. Jr. Capt. Noah Loughrun NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 193 Privates — Arbaugh, Archibald M.; Barclcdall, Clareuce B.; Blake, Jesse C; Bolinger, Walter Q.; Cahill, Ralph; Cordrey, James W.; Fender, Edward C; Haftield, Wm. T.; Ham, Joseph A.; Holland, George B.; Hortou, Roy J.; Howell, Asbm'y; Jacobs, Stephen S.; Kelly, Austin; Kennedy, Omar R.; Maley, John F.; Moore, Frank; Moore, Grant; Mor- teubeck. Arthur AV.; JMunsell. Arthur E.; Pearson, Roy A.; Rains, George H.; Richardson, William H.; Robinson, William F.; Rupkey, Earl; Schaefer. William F.: Schmidt. Isaac F.; Skinner, William A.; Smith, Frank W.: Steadman, Ernest E.: Stetzel, Frank J.; Trout, William V.; Welch, John T.; AVilliams, Earl A.; Williams, George S.; Winter, John H. The present Company C was organized early in 1900. It Avas the twentieth separate company and was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company C when it was re-organized. The officers are Captain Taylor C. Power, First Lieutenant Walter A. Escott, and Second Lieutenant Thomas E. Cathro. Robert L. Moorhead was the first second lieutenant, but was promoted adjutant. Captain Power enlisted as a private in Company D, in November, 1893, and was ayjpointed a corporal in November, 1894, and sergeant June 1, 1895. On the August 30 following he was appointed battalion sergeant major and regimental sergeant major in October, 1897. He served through the war with Spain as battalion sergeant major, to which position he was appointed March 30, 1898. On the organization of Com- pany C he was elected captain. First Lieutenant Walter A. Escott was commissioned March 22, 1900. Second Lieutenant Thomas E. Cathro was sergeant major of the first battalion until February 21, 1901, when he was promoted to his present position. The roster is: First Sergeant — Richardson, N. H. Sergeants— Kostenbader, W. J.; Mertz, F. J. P. Coi-porals— Skinner, J. G.: Elliott, J. T.; Murray, R. E.; Bridges, C. W. Musician — Wyon, W. Privates— Akin, C. G.; Agal, V.; Asbury, Edward; Averill, H.; Bar- rett, C. B.; Beiger, F. A.: Blue, R. H.; Bronson, ^\. L.; Buhler, R. B. Calvin, C; Carter, H. A.; Covington, E.; Coffin, J. H.; Darter, A. L. De Lury, J. H.; Eberts, G. W.; Easterday, L. R.; Echols, L. G.; Gray, J. Groves, R. R.; Hadley, E. C; Harms, A. E.; Havens, G. H.; Johnson W. M. E.; Jackson, F. T.; Keith, E.; Knickerbocker, E. B.; Laud, C. Leek, F.; Lease, F.; McDermid, N.; Myers, A. J.; Miles, L. E.; Neal, W, I.; Oldridge, H. G.; Pratt, A. J.; Reed, F. L.; Rock, E.; St. Clair, C. E. St. Clair, A.; Steiner, H.; Sites, A. L.; Struckman, F. L.; Strauss, A. E. Tobias, H. O.; Walterman, C. L.; Wacker, C. J .; Wherrott, O.; Whit- ridge, F.; Weinlie, W.; Zepp, M. F. 194 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The Tecum sell KiHes, an organization of sixtj-two officers and men, was oroanized for State service, July 27, 1882, altliongh it was not received into State service until Octo- ber G, following. It existed as a separate company until the reorganization of the Second Regiment on July 2, 1883, when it was assigned to that organization as (Company E. It lasted only until the expiration of its term of service in 1885, when it passed out of existence as a State organization. The offi- cers were: Captains— E. .1. Oriffith and Theodore Pfafflln. First Lieuteiiant — Frank Richards. Second Lieutenant— C. S. Tarlton. The colored people became filled with the military spirit, and this resulted in the organization of the Streight Rifles October 10, 1882, with fifty-nine officers and enlisted men. It was received in the State service October 27 and remained a separate company until 1886, when it re-organized as the Will E. English Guards and was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company K. In 1888 it was changed to Com- pany M of the same regiment and served as such until 1896, when it was detached from the regiment and made the first separate company. It remained unassigned until mustered out of service on its own request April 25, 1898. Many of the members entered the United States service during the war with Spain as members of the Second Separate Company. The officers were: Captains — James Rhodes, Lawson Seaton, James Rhodes, and John J. Buckner. First Lieutenants — W. E. Murphy, Cassius Bartlett, I. B. Davis, J. J. Buckner, and John Edlin. Second Lieutenants — G. W. Davis, Emanuel Collins, J. J. Buckner, and Jesse H. Ringgold. The Ross Guards, another colored organization which was in existence until 1898, was organized January 2, 1885, and was mustered into State service the same day. In the year after its organization it was assigned to the Third Regiment as Company M and served as such until mustered out of service on its own request April 5, 1898. The members of the company furnished the nucleus for the First Separate Company during the war with Spain. The officers have been: Captains — James H. Thomas, J. \I. Porter, Ama L. Stevenson and Jacob M. Porter. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIxVNA. 195 First Lieuteuaiitt- — Abraham L. Johnson, Jacob M. I'orter, Charles Rogers, and Sidney Moore. Second Lieutenants — Henry E. Jones, Charles Rogers, J. A. Foster, A. L. Stevenson, Sidney Moore, and James Powell. The Carnahan Veteran Guards, organized January o, 1885, was the only representative of Indianapolis in the First Vet- eran Regiment. The company was in existence but a short time, and served with the Veteran Regiment as Company M. Tts officers were Captain Frank E. Benjamin, First Lieuten- ant John A. M. Cox, and Second Lieutenant Francis M. Hay. The company known as the Shepherd Light Infantry was re-organized June 7, 1880, under the name of the Shepherd Ritles and was assigned to the Second Regiment as Com- pany I. The company existed for a short time only and dis- banded before the end of its first term of service. The offi- cers under State service were Captains Tinsley W. Stagg and D. J. Sullivan, First Lieutenant Ed L. Shepherd and Second Lieutenant W. S. Beck. The Indianapolis Merchants' Zouaves Cadets were organ- ized June IT). 1880, and assigned to the Second Regiment as Company L. Jacob Fox was cai»tain, but in spite of all tliat he could do to maintain interest in the organization it became inefficient from loss of members and was mustered out of service April 2, 1800, and an honorable discharge was given to Captain Fox. Company E. Second Regiment, first ai>pears in the service in 1889. It was made up of many members of the independ- ent company known as the Indianpolis Rifles, and was as- signed to the Second Regiment as Company E on July 15, 1880. It only appears until 1808, when it seems to have dropped out of existence as an organization. The officers were: Captains— C. S. Tarlton and M. V. Scott. First Lieutenants — W. G. Beach and Harry B. Mahan. Second Lieiitenants — .T. K. Dean. Herbert Wilson and James Maher. THE SECOND BATTALION. The Second Battalion consists of companies B, of Muncie; 1, of Union City; F, of Winchester; and G, of New Castle; and the headquarters are at Aurora. The major commanding, John J. Backmau, is a native of Aurora and was born there September 1'), 1804, and entered the State service lMarch.5, 1891, as first lieutenant of Com- pany F, Fourth Infantry. He was promoted captain March 5, 1894, and major of the regiment September 9, 1896. He has 196 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. attended all State encampments since he was mustered in and was in active service for two weeks during the miners' strike of June, 1894. He then was stationed at Clark's Switch. He served through the war with Spain as major of his regiment and was in command of the men with him on all movements except the last. During forty-live days he was in command of the regiment. When the Guard was re-organized he was appointed major of the Second Infantry in April, 1900. Lieutenant Charles S. Maltby, of Aurora, battalion adju- tant, enlisted in Company F, Fourth Kegiment, as a private, and attended the encampments at Ft. Wayne, Frankfort and Terre Haute with the regiment. He served as battalion adju- tant of the Fourth Infantry from December 23, 1897, to May 12, 1898, when he was mustered into the United States service for the war with Spain and served in the same capacity. He was appointed to his present position on July 10, 1900. The first company which Muncio supported was organized in 1891 and was called the Muncie Fencibles. On November 6, 1891, it was assigned to the Fourth Regiment as Company G, served one terra only and was then disbanded. Its officers were: Captains — Arthur F. Rowley and T. K. Heiusohn. First Lieutenants — Thomas K. Heinsolm. Jacob Melton, and Walter Shoemaker. Second Lieutenants— Charles B. Kirk. M. Carmichael, Walter Shoe- maker,, and Gillam Watterhouse. The present company was the first volunteer company or- ganized in Delaware County for the war with Spain. For nearly three months the company drilled in hopes of getting into service, and Captain Bitter and his friends visited Indi- anapolis many times to try to get the company into service. The best that could be secured was the promise that if an- other call was issued the company would be accepted, but the war was closed before this was done. Many of the mem- bers joined the New Castle company and three were at once appointed non-commissioned officers. The company was mustered into State service September 27, 1899. as the eleventh separate company, and was assigned to the Second Eegiment as Company B. It was at Indianap- olis during the services in memory of General Lawton and it attended the first camp of instruction. The officers have been: Captain— .Tohn K. Ritter. First Lieutenants — John R. Seldomridjje. Walter E. Petty and Leslie Roy Naftzger. Second Lieutenants — Jacob S. Melton, Robert P. Youngman. Capt. Jesse H. Barlow 160th ind. vol. inf. Capt. Hoyt. N. McClain second infantry NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 197 Captain Bitter has been for many years identified with organizations of a military character, and for two years dur- ing the war with Spain and subsequently he tried to enter the United States service. Being unsuccessful in this, he organized the present company and has since commanded it. He has drilled with Canton Muncie, I. O. O. F., for fifteen years, and has been captain for eight years, having taken "part in many competitive drills. He is also an officer in Company No. 90, U. B. K. P. Captain Bitter has always stood high as a commanding officer and in the competitive drill at the Detroit encampment of Knights of Pythias he was placed in command because of his superior qualifications. Lieutenant Boy Naftzger was appointed April 5, 1901. The present roster is: Sergeants— Fiekes, Edwin B.; Kirk, Herbert; Warfel, Jacob M.; Montely, Wm.; Miller, Elmer E. Corporals— Carey, Chas. W.; Green, Earl; Nold, Ralph; Nickerson, Walter; Green, D wight; Canfield, J. Branson. Trumpeter — Tincher, Edward. Privates — Downing, Dr. J. Franklin; Greer, .T. Fenimore; Crawford, Lawson; Cupp, Joseph E.; Carey. Wilbur; Manning, Frank; Crawley, Claude; Huston, Earl; Hager, Russell; LaRue, Herbert; McElvee, Claude; Reid, Lee B.; Ream, Milton; Sweeny, Chas. W.; Winder, Ed- ward; Younce, Edward; Zuber, Edward; Shaffner, Chas. H.; Lotz, Wal- ter J.: Dearth, Ira; Martin, Chas. E.; Harrington, Roy; Snyder, Clay; Carmichael, Porter; Knapp, Geo. H.; Long, Edward L.; Van Nuys, Ash- ton M.; Vance, Walter S.; Nelson, Franklin; Stewart, Claude; Calvert, Ernest J.; Cranor, Otto E.; Tuttle, William S.; Dick, Carl; Bailey, Al- bert; Hedrick, Carl; Paxson, Joseph; Parsons, Roy; Cranor, John. Company F is the second military organization which has flourished in Winchester. On August 28, 1883, the Winches- ter Light Guards were organized and mustered into State service October 15 following. The company served through but one terra of enlistment as Company 1 of the Second Begi- ment. The officers were Captain Enos M. Ford, First Lieu- tenant Albert M. Biissell, and Second Lieutenant Benjamin C. Marsh. The present company was organized September 22, 1896, with fifty-five members, and was mustered in by Major W. S. Bich. It was assigned to the Second Begiment as Company F, and such it has been since. There was not a man with any military experience and the members paid no attention to the preliminary work, but at once took up the school of the soldier, with the result that they were turned down on their first inspection and were compelled to wait six months before they could secure their arms and equipment. 198 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. As no camp of instruction was held during the summer of 1897, the company decided to hold one of its own at Lake Pequanaha, about ten miles from Winchester. A requisition was made for tents and kitchen utensils and the company left for the lake on the second Saturday in July. When the men arrived about six in the evening, it w^as found that the tents and supplies were at Winchester, and it was necessary to send a detail back for them. The things reached the camp about four next morning. The guard mount was ludicrous in the extreme, and blank cartridges were issued to the guards and bayonets were fixed. Three days of the camp were sufficient,'and the company returned home. During the winter, dances and minstrel entertainments were given, while football games and indoor gymnastics were frequent. At midnight on April 25, 1808, the orders to report in Indianapolis for muster into United States service were re- ceived, and. as luul been previously arranged, two rounds were fired from a cannon and by one o'clock the drum corps was out. Messengers were sent into the country and Lieu- tenant Jericho received recruits as fast as he could admin- ister the oath and swore in the last one ten minutes before the train left. The company took fifty men in uniform and thirty without, and the one thing most vividly remembered by the members was the first dinner at Camp Mount, which was followed the next day by a chicken dinner, some twenty- five chickens having disappeared from neighboring hen roosts the previous night. The company served through the war with Spain and on the re-organization of the Guard the former members of the companv re-organized it and were assigned to their old regi- ment with the same letter. The company was mustered in June 13, 1900. The officers have been: Captains— .Tobn R. Wright. Walter H. Daly and William O. Jericho. First Lieutenants— Grant C. Mnrkle. Walter Daly, William .Tericho and Ulysses G. Daly. Second Lieutenants— Walter Daly. William O. .Tericho, Hany G. Conklin, W. H. Zeigler and Morton L. Hunt. Captain William O. Jericho, the present captain, enlisted in Company F as a private, September 22, 1896. He was promoted sergeant November 23, 1896, and became second lieutenant on "December 23 following. In February, 1898, he was promoted first lieutenant, and as such served through the war with Spain. On the re-organization of the company he was elected captain. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 199 Lieutenants Daly and Hunt were commissioned November 22, 1900. The present roster is: First Sergeant— Curtis, Will F. Sergeants — Bourqiiin, Alva C; Longfellow, Perry A.; Davis, Charles G. Corporals — Lewis, Ed J.; Stout, Clyde; Getter, Fred W.; and Con- yers, Tom B. Musicians — Haggett. Wilbur, and Simmons, Will C. Privates — Benson, Charles N.; Bartholomew, Charles W.; Cheno- weth, John B.: Chenoweth, Benj. H.; Cox, Raymond G.; Cc^n, Ed- ward M.; Conyers, Fred I.; Cummins, Fred; Daly, George W.; Darrah, Joe W.; Darrah. William H.; Diggs, Raymond M.; Edwards, Clinton B.; Ford. Oscar S.; Fisher, Wm. E. (deserted); Gray, Oliver B.; Huffman, Oliver M.; Huffman, Alonzo L.: Hageman, Hamlen M.; Harris, Lewis F.; Hunt, Charles F.; Hickman, Waldo R.; Hiatt, George W.; Hinshaw, Clark C; Ilbinger. Christian; Jones, Geo. A.; Longfellow, Howard F.; Myers, Edward B.; Mauzy, Nathan; Miller, Alva C; Mincer, William F.; Murray, Marcus L.; May, Albert; Pierce, Gilvie; Pike, Thomas A.; Paver, B^rank A.; Ran, Ora; Shephard, John J.; Simmons, Evert E.; Starbuck, Wendell G.; Summers, Joseph E. (deserted); Stump, Percy G.; Williams, Fred C. a Company I was mustered into the service of the State of Indiana, at Union CAty, on March 20, 1900, and was desig- nated as the nineteenth separate company, until the regi- mental organization previous to the annual camp of instruc- tion, when the company was assigned to the Second Battalion of the Second Infantry, and given the letter I. At the time of the organization and muster-in- of the com- pany the complement of commissioned officers consisted of Captain John W. Arthur, First Lieutenant James R. GrifQs, Second Lieutenant Don P. Shockney. Captain John W. Arthur resigned April 21, 1900, and Cap- tain Edwin A. Anderson was elected to succeed him April 23, 1900. Ca])tain Edwin A. Anderson resigned October 9, 1900, and First Lieutenant James R. Griffis was commissioned cap- tain, and First Sergeant Edward G. Evans was elected first lieutenant, October 15, 1900. First Lieutenant Edward G. Evans resigned February 6, 190T, and Second Lieutenant Don P. Shockney was elected first lieutenant, February 11, 1901, First Sergeant Charles C. Early being elected second lieuten- ant, February 11. 1901. Captain James R. Griffis was born in Union City, Indiana, December 9, 1870, where he has resided ever since. He gradu- ated from the high school of Union City in 1896, and at once entered Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio, and remained there until the outbreak of the Spanish-American war, when 200 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. he enlisted in the First Kegiment Band of the Ohio Volnteer Infantry. After the close of the war he entered Indiana Uni- versity, at Blooraington, Indiana. He was elected first lieutenant of the nineteenth separate company, Indiana National Guard, when it was mustered into the service of the State on March 20, 1900. In September of the succeeding year he was admitted to the practice of law in Randolph County and immediately was appointed deputy prosecuting attorney in the county. He was elected to the captaincy of Company I October 15, 1900. First Lieutenant Don P. Shockney was born in Union City. Indiana, March 28, 1880, where he has lived ever since. He graduated from the high school of Union City in 1897, and at once entered Indiana University, at Bloomington, In- diana. On March 20, at the organization and muster-in of the nineteenth separate company, he was elected second lieu- tenant of the company. On February 11, 1901, he was com- missioned first lieutenant of Company I. Second Lieutenant Charles C. Early was born at Ingomar, Ohio, June 25, 1873. By occupation he is a carriage trimmer. He enlisted at Indianapolis. June 20, 1898, for service in Bat- tery H, First United States Artillery, and was discharged February 23, 1899, when he took up his residence at Union City. He was mustered into the service of the State of Indi- ana on March 20. 1900. in the nineteenth separate company, and on the same day was promoted to sergeant. On October 15 of the same year he was appointed first sergeant of Com- pany I, and on February 11, 1901, was commissioned second lieutenant, which position he now holds. The present roll is: First Serjeant — Whisler, Rosko L. Sergeants — Bupt, Daniel P. L.; Rend, iTrhuk: Hoover, Charles S. Corporals— Coby, Curtis; Kaucher, Edward J.; Suttou, Harry J.; and Crawford, George T. Musicians — Bolen, Claude R., and Underwood, Amos. Privates — Bailey, William F.; Black, Leolon; Bannon, William E.; Brown. Charles A."; Cumrine, George W.; Dunn. Frank E.; Dennisou, Oliver S.; Doherty, Troy; Eib, James H.; Fowler, Jesse; Farabee, John W.; Fowler, George J.;' Fouts. Edward L.; Gerstner, John S.; Horine, Archie H.; Henry, George W.: Hook, Warren S.; Hinsky, John; Hormire, Hurschel; Johnson, Harry H.; Kemp, Resh.: Kaucher, George W.; Koon, Lonnie E.; Lindley. Oren G.; Lauter. Archie J.; Murry, Herbert; McKenzie, William; Oyler, Henry; Puterbaugh, Simeon E.; Puterbaugh. John O.; Snyder, James H.; Sharitz, James O.; Sutton. Ernest C; Stra- ley, Melvin; Tibbitts, John M.; Thompson, Russel F.; Tritt, Albert R.; Underwood, .Joseph C; Vick, James; Wiggins. George B.; Williams. Her- bert B.; Welker, George. Lieut. C. R. Gery Lieut. G. M. White Lieut. C. Gwinup Lieut. E. N. Caldwell Lieut. J. R. Walden Capt. H. H. Wpightsiv:/ OFFICERS OF THE SECOND INFANTRY NATIONAT; GUARD OF INDIANA. 201 Company G, of New Castle, has been organized since the war with Spain. A. D. Ogborn was the moving spirit and was elected its first captain. The company was mustered into State service September 26, 1899, with Captain Ogborn in command and James I. Meyers as first lieutenant and M. P. Gaddis second lieutenant. The company was assigned to its present place and has since served with the regiment. The oflScers have been: Captains — A. D. Ogborn and James 1. Meyers. First Lieutenants— James I. Meyers, M. P. Gaddis, and Homer I. Wrigbtsman. Second Lieutenants— M. P. Gaddis, Homer I Wrigbtsman, and Joseph A. Greenstreet. Lieutenant Wrightsraau was a private in Company H, Second Infantry, and as such was mustered into United States service for the war with Spain. He served as clerk in the assistant adjutant-general's office at the headquarters of the Second Division, First Army Corps, at Camp George H. Thomas, Chickamauga Park, and at Camp Poland, Knox- ville, Tennessee. He was mustered out with his regiment and located in New Castle to practice his profession of law. On the organization of the present company he enlisted and was made second sergeant, but was elected second lieutenant July 12. 1900, and was promoted to his present position Oc- tober 15, following. Lieutenant Joseph A. Greenstreet was first sergeant of the company and was elected second lieutenant October 15, 1900. The present roll is: First Sergeant — Conwell, D. W. Sergeants— Hutchins, H.; Keesling, C. R.; Browne, R. W.; Sullivan, P. F. Corporals— Parlier, ,T. W.; Burgess, O. R.; Cory, G. H.; and Huliman. Harry. Privates— Anderson, Robt.; Byers, Gus; Cluggish, H.; Crondall, Cotto; Davenport. F. N.; Draper, G. E.; Hoover, Wm.; Hutson, C. F.; Hutchins, E.; Jackson, Ed; JoIj, W. A.; Kern, C. F.; Kern, R.C.; Lowery. Curtis; Mendenhall, Fred; Morris. N. E.; MeCormacli, F.; Younce, Lora; Young, C. W.; Kelly, R. R.: Patton, W.; Poll?, W. D.; Pressnall, T. W.; Richart, Artie; Shaffer, J. A.; Taylor. W. A.; Witch, Frank; Gilmore, Cliff; Gilmore. Clyde; Hedges, Emmett; Evans, H. H.; Runyun, W. B.; Williams. J. C; I.ouck, Ed C; Nuahara, F. A.; Jeffries, Robt.; Sanders, Low A.; Myers, Chas. 202 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. THE THIRD BATTALION. The headquarters of the Third Battalion are at Franklin, and it consists of companies L, of Lebanon; K, of Danville; E, of Franklin; and M, of Greenfield. Major John H. Tarlton, of Franklin, who is in command, commenced his military career as first lieutenant of the inde- pendent military company at Indianapolis called the Indiana State Guards, in 1872, and serAed until 1876. The company was called on b}' Governor Hendricks in 1873 and sent to Logansport during the railroad strikes and again in 1874, when it was sent to Porter County. He was appointed cap- tain of Company E, Second Infantry, of Franklin, on March 26, 1896. and as such served with his company through the war with Spain'. On the re-organization of the Guard, he was promoted major and was commissioned July 16, 1900, and was assigned to the command of the Third Battalion of the regi- ment. Lieutenant Walter H. Unversaw, of Franklin, battalion adjutant, enlisted in Company E, Second Regiment, of Frank- lin, on the organization of the company, August 17, 1891, and served as a private and company clerk until May 16, 1896, when he was promoted corporal. He re-enlisted on the re- organization of the company in 1897 and was promoted ser- geant^ December 22, 1897, and so served until the company was mustered into United States service for the war with Spain. He was then promoted quartermaster sergeant and served through the war with the regiment. Lieutenant Un- versaw VN^as one of the prime movers in the re-organization of the company, and when it was mustered in, June 1, 1900, he was elected as first lieutenant. On July 17, 1900, he was promoted to the position he holds at present. The Lebanon company is located in a town which sup- ported a company longer, without a break, than almost any other of the smaller cities of the State. The Lebanon Rifles were organized June 3, 1882. with fifty-five oflScers and men, and the company served nearly twelve years in the State service. It was first assigned to the Second Regiment as Company M. and there served until the organization of the Third Regiment, to which it was transferred as Company B. In 1886 it was made Company A of the Third and served under that letter until the Fourth Regiment was organized, when it was again transferred, on February 3, 1891, and made Company B of the Second. It served with that regiment nntil its time expired. The officers were: NATIONAL GUARD >0F INDIANA. 203 Captains— John M. Powell, James S. Siever, Ed L. Hawley, William Cason, Louis A. Brlens, D. N. Lewis, and Noah Loughiun. First Lieutenants— Charles F. Devol, George D. Seiver, John T. An- derson, Louis A. Edeus, William Cason, E. M. Bruce, T. F. Garrett, E. L. Hawley, D. Newton Lewis, A. B. Carr, and E. N. Caldwell. Second Lieutenants — James S. Seivers, George D. Siever, John T. Anderson, Edward HaAvley, Louis Edens, J. F. Atkinson, E. N. Caldwell, Milton Woodbeck, A. B. Carr. Lon Hoover, and Alonzo Laughlin. The present company was organized during September, 1899, and mustered into service November 23 following. The present officers were elected and the company became the thirteenth separate company until the Second Regiment was re-organized, when it was assigned to it as Company L. At the time of its muster it numbered fifty-four men, but was soon recruited to the maximum number. A hall was secured and fitted up as an armory and the company commenced its regular drills. The company was in Indianapolis the day General Lawton's body lay in state and all expenses were borne by a few of the patriotic citizens of Lebanon. The company also was present at the camp in 1900. From the re-muster of the company to the present time there have always been applications pending sufficient to keep the com- pany at its full strength. Captain Noah Loughrnn, son of Hugh and Eliza Loughrun, was born June 24, 1843, at Millford, Muskingum County, Ohio, Four years later his parents moved to Hamilton County, Indiana, near Jolietville, where they resided on a farm until he was fifteen years old, and moved to the village of Joliet- ville. He assisted his father on the farm as other boys and attended the common school in the winter, and was attending school at the village when the great war of the rebellion broke out in 18G1. He volunteered in Company F, Tenth Regi- ment, Indiana Infantry, for the term of three years, and was mustered into the service September 18, 1861, and was mus- tered out with the regiment at the expiration of the term of service, having participated in every battle that the regiment was in. He was wounded at the battle of Chickamauga, quite severely, but did not leave the field until the battle was over. He subsequently assisted to raise and organize a company in the One-Hundred-Forty-Seventh Indiana Volunteers and was elected second lieutenant and was mustered out with the regiment by reason of the end of the war. When the war closed, he became a farmer, which was continued till 1870, then moving to Zionsville, Ind., and served as town marshall and justice of the peace, after which he entered the practice of law. He wa^ nominated by his 204 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. party in 1890 for representative to the General Assembly, but was defeated, and in 1894 was elected prosecuting attorney, in which oflflce he gave universal satisfaction, and was re-nomi- nated in 1896 and also in 1900 for the same office, but was de- feated through a combination of opposition parties, generally being ahead of his ticket. When the Spanish war was declared he responded to his country's call. Although fifty-five years of age, he re- cruited and organized a company and tendered its services, having been chosen its captain. The quota for the dis- trict was full and the company was never received for that reason. The latter part of 1899 he organized and was ap- pointed captain of the thirteenth separate company of the National Guard, which became Company L of the Second Regiment, and is now captain and in command of the com- pany, and has the confidence and esteem of every man in the company. In December, 3865, he was married to Miss Cornelia Baird, youngest daughter of David and Amy Baird, to which union have been born eight children. Captain Loughrun is of that class of men growing too few, whose word is as good as his bond. He is implicitly trusted as a lawyer, and universally esteemed and respected as a neighbor and citizen. First Lieutenant Edward N. Caldwell was born in Leba- non. Indiana, September 2. 1870. receiving an education in the Lebanon schools. He always took a great interest in mili- tary from the time he was a small boy. At the age of four- teen he joined a militia company in Lebanon under Captain John Powell, who afterward became lieutenant-colonel of the Third Regiment. His first encampment was at Lafayette, in 1886. At that time the companies had to furnish their own uniforms and pay their company cook while at camp. He remained with this company until it was mustered out, and re-entered the service in Company A. Third Regiment. In 1889. he was appointed third sergeant and attended the encampment at Camp Hovey, Indianapolis. In January. 1890, he was elected second lieutenant of the company and at- tended the encampments at South Bend and Ft. Wayne. Be- ing in poor health he resigned his commission, September 22, 1891. At the time of the declaration of war with Spain serious illness of his family prevented his entering the serv- ice. In September, 1899. he took an active part in organizing the present company and at its election and muster on No- vember 23, 1899, he was elected first lieutenant. Lieut. M. L. Hunt ■ ' LmuT, R. P. Youngman Lieut. F. R. Little ' ' LIEUT. J. C. JENKINS ' ' 1_ 1 .1 U , . C. C. EARLY OFFICERS OF THE SECO N D 1 N FA NTR Y , NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 205 Secoud Lieutenant Alonzo Laughliu first enlisted in Com- pany B. ^^econd Indiana Legion, and served until the company Avas' mustered out on account of special order. His second en- listment was June 16, LS98, at Indianapolis, when he was assigned to the Third United States Artillery and served with it until August IG, 1899, in the Philippine Islands, taking part in the Spanish-American war and Philippine incurrection. He enlisted November 23, 1899, in Company L, and was elected second lieutenant. The present roll is: Sergeants— Davis, Charles R.; Barker. Benjamin; Morris, Nathan A.; and Diclis, Fred. Corporals— Diclvs, Claude E.: Otterman, George H.; Darnell, Karl B.; Porter, Blauio; and White, Benjamin O. Privates— Beaman, Harry A.; Belles, Harry L.; Benedict, Edward N.; Caldwell. David A.; Campbell, Jasper W.; Davis, Oscar L.; Davis, Benjamin I..; Davis, Evert M.: Davis, Frank M.; De Witt, Arthur C; Dicks. Willis W.: Dicks, Hany E.; Dye, William V.; Essex, Claude; Ford, Charles W.; Ford, Ora A.; Fraley, Clifford A.; Fleetwood, Ray- mond; Ferguson, Albert G.; Griswold, James L.; Harley, William A.; Hall, Bert; Hall, Charles F.; Hawkins, Frank B.; Harshbarger, John G.; Hriekleberry. Bowen C: Loughrun, Harry; Lennox. Harry L.: Mc- Guvie, Charles: Martin, John R.: :Mors, William; Nelson, Ora; Patton, Walter M.; Scott, Robert I.: Smith, Andrew F.; Tinder, Edward; Wal- ton. Cliff ton; Walton. John T.; West, Art; Wall, Claude; Wall, Fred A.; Vidito, Ezra O. Franklin College students furnished the first company from that town to the State service. The company was called the Franklin College Cadets and was organized October 18, 1887. It was assigned to the First Regiment as Company F only until July 15, when the State recalled the arms as the organization was not deemed to be such as was contemplated by the law. The uniform.s were private property of the mem- bers. The officers of the company were Captain C. E. Goodell, First liieutenant C. D. Hazelrigg, and Second Lieutenant Allen W. Clark. On August 17, 1894, another company was organized which was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company E and as such served through the Spanish war. When the com- pany was re-organized, June 1, 1900, it was again assigned to the Second Regiment, with its old letter. The officers have been: Captains— Samuel B. Eccles, John H. Tarlton, and Edward L. Mid- dleton. First Lieutenants— P. A. Reynolds, F. L. Kennedy, Walter H. Un- versaw, and James R. Walden. Second Lieutenants— F. L. Kennedy, Ora J. Shuck, A. M. Dunham, James R. Walden, and Fred M. Swift. 206 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Captain Edward L. Middleton served for three years as a corporal in Company E, Second Regiment, and with the Twenty-Seventh Battery during the war with Spain. He was elected captain on the re-organization of the Guard. First Lieutenant James R. Walden was for three years a sergeant of Company E and served with that rank through the war with Spain in the One-Hundred-Fifty-Eighth Indiana. He was elected to his present position September 12, 1900. Second Lieutenant Fred M. Swift was quartermaster ser- geant in the present company until September 12, 1900, when he was elected set;ond lieutenant. The present roll is: First Sergeant — Cisco, David A. Quartermaster Sergeant — Burton. George S. Sergeants — Moore, Roy; Hall, John; and Legan, Homer. Corporals — Bramgiu, Clarence; McClanahan, Perry; Hickey, James; and Peek, Homer. Privates— Adams, Sam D.; Byers, Robert E.; Bills, Ed; Byfield, Gus C; Brown, Nicholas; Barnes, A. F.; Barnes, Tilford; Chandleer, Walter v.; Crawford, Ralph; Cole, Ossie; Dill, Ralph; Freidenburg. Ed; Fare- hing, George; Goft', Carl; Goff. William: Goldsboro, Homer; Good, Fred Green, John; Green, Charles; Gee, Homer; Henderson, A. G.: House Thomas; Han-ison, Columbus; Kelley, Ward; Long, Baron; Loscher, Oscar H.; Lee. Edward; Mitchell, Cortez; Mitchell, Thomas; McDonald. Clarence; Mathews. Irwin; Norton, Homer; Paskins, Harry; Pope, Her bert; Parr, Roscoe; Strohmeier, Robert; Smock, Ora; Sellers. Ray; Ter man, Charles; Thompson. Frank: Walden, John: Walden, Otis: Yeast, Edward. Company M was organized in 1900, and on August 24 the company was duly mustered by Bregadier-General James K. Gore. The following is a complete roster of the company on the day of muster: Captain— Bragg, AValter O. First Lieutenant — Gery. Clifford R. Second Lieutenant — Jenkins. John C. Sergeants— Gery. Raymond E.; Barnes, Charles Albert; Morford, Paul; Ashe, Robert S.; Barrett, Harvey D, Corporals— Pierce. Clyde; Slifer, Geordia; Barrett, Willard M.; Cauldwell, Theodore L. Musicians — Gooding, Horace, and West, Claude. Privates — Bailey, Fred: Barrett, Harvey N.; Barrett, James O. Beecher, Thomas: Bidgood, Fred O.; Black, James B.; Black, Walter A. Boots, Ralph R.; Butts, Eugene: Cohee, Thomas; Comstock, William D. Fisk, Jolm; Gross, William E.; Handy, William F.; Harlan. George G. Harlan, Lawrence: Harvey, Wilbur; Harvey, C«rl; Heller, William H. Humes, James Ira; Logan, Ralph G.; Peck, William; Ponti, Gaetano Poulson. James I.; Rock, Carl; Rosser, John V.; Schuh, Charles J. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 207 Scbuh, Victor E.; Smith, Raymond: Smith, Hem-y H.; Smith, OUie O.; Souder, John S.; Tague, George O.; Tymer, Irving E.; Weaver, Earl; Windsor. Claude C; Webb, Corville. On Auj^ust 27, 1000, the officers received their commis- sions, and^on August 28 the company was assigned to the Third Battalion, Second Regiment, and designated Com- pany M. First Lieutenant Clifford R. Gery was on August 28, 1900, appointed recruiting and mustering officer, ahd the following named men have been mustered in since the organization and original muster: Walter Boyden. Harry Dye, Wellington Garner. Franlj; O. Lamber- son. Will :McFee, Elva D. Newby, Harry Schwartz, Horace Wilson, Roy Wilson, Robert S. Ellison, Earl Qintman .Taclfson, Paul Barnett and James A. Swain. The following named non-commissioned officers and en- listed men have been honorably discharged: Sergeants Rob- ert S. Ashe and Raymond E. Gery, and Privates Will F. Handy and Gaetano Ponti. The following changes in the non-commissioned officers have been made: Corporal Geordia Slifer, promoted to ser- geant; Corporal Clyde Pierce, promoted to sergeant; Private Carl Rock, appointed corporal; Private Horace E. Wilson, ap- pointed corporal. The company was promptly armed and equipped, and on October 9, lOOOl with 53 men, including officers, participated in the military parade given by the Fall Festival Society — Indianapolis Carnival— at Indianapolis. The company has a membership of Vayne. April 28. 1897; Charles E. Barnett, of Ft. Wayne, April 26, 1898; Reginald W. Garstang, of Indinaapolis. April 26, 1898; Callie A. Rennoe, of South Bend, July 12, 1900; Jacob W. Hill, of South Bend, May 6, 1901. Chaplains— W. D. Parr, of Elkhart and Kokomo. October 3, 1891; S. W. (ioss of South Bend. May 10, 1897; Charles S. Medbury, of Angola, May 4, 1898. Adjutants— John Gurnebeck, of Russiaville, July 14, 1883; Sol A. Pennington, of Kokomo, November 8, 1884; Cornelius T. Dorwin, of Decatur. March 23, 1888: Richard E. Locke, of Waterloo. April 13. 1891; 212 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Harry T. Tunston. of South Beud, Julj- 14, 1893; Newton W. Gilbert, of Angola, May 18, 1894; Hariy K. Scott, of Angola, April 13, 1897; Elmer D. Rex. of South Bend, July 12, 1900. Quartermasters— Charles F. DeVal, of Peru, June 23, 1884; John I>. Hale, of Decatur, April 9, 1892; E. G. Melendy, of Fremont, December 20, 1892; Harmon L. Hutson, of Angola, Mav 2, 1898; Fred L. Dennis, of South Bend, July 12. 1900. Commissary— William J. Hunker, of South Bend, May 1, 1901. Regimental Judge Advocate — Henry F. Underwood, of Peru, No- vember 8, 1884. Regimental Inspector — Charles M. Kirli:, of Kokomo, November 20, 1884. Battalion Adjutants— Charles H. McBride, of Elkhart, May 13, 1892; Elmer D. Rex, of South Bend, May 11, 1892; C. M. Davis, of Rochester. May 28, 1892; Newton W. Gilbert, of Angola. November 13, 1892; Harry K. Scott, of Angola, :May 19, 1894; J. E. Gaskius, of Ft. Wayne, Febru- ary 3, 1894; Elmer D. Rex, of South Bend, Jime 22, 1895; F. H. Hil- geman, of Ft. Wayne, February 6, 1896; John C. Noel, of Dekalb. April 14, 1897; B. J. Collins, of Goshen. April 8. 1897; Harry R. Ford, of Mishawaka, July 10, 1900; Clyde L. Hine, of Waterloo, July 10, 1900: Dick H. Ott, of Rockville, July 16, 1900: Simon P. Clapham, of Colum- bia City, August 15. 1900; John L. Washburn, of Columbia City, Febru- ary 18, 1901. The organization of the regiment by companies has been: 1883— A, Waterloo; R, South Bend; C. Winimac; D. Lebanon; E, Peru; F, Francisville: G, Valparaiso; H, Russia ville; I, Elkhart. 1884 — A, Waterloo; B. Lebanon; C, Peru; D. Valparaiso; E, Russia- ville; F, Elkhart; G, Crown Point; H, Kokomo: I, Peru; K. Frankfort. 1886— A, Lebanon; B, Delphi; C, Valparaiso: D, Marion; E, Elkhart; F, Crown Point; G. Peru; H, Elkhart; I, Rockville; K, Waynetown; M. Indianapolis. 1888— A, Lebanon: B, Delphi; C, Valparaiso; D, Marion; E, Elk- hart; F, South Bend; G, Rochester; H, Peru: I, Waterloo; K, Frankfort; L. Ft. Wayne; M, Indianapolis. 1889— A, Lebanon; B. Decatur; C, Valparaiso; D, Marion; E, Elk- hart; F, South Bend; G, Rochester; H, Peru; I. Waterloo; K, Frankfort; L, Ft. Wayne ;M, Indianapolis. 1890— A, Lebanon; B, Decatur; C, Valparaiso; D, Marion; E, Elk- hart; F, South Bend: G, Rochester; H, Peru; I, Waterloo; K, Frank- fort; L, Fowler; M, Indianapolis. 1891— A, Andrews; B, Ft. Wayne; C, Valparaiso; D, Mishawaka; E, Elkhart; F. South Bend; G, Rochester; I, Waterloo; K, Warsaw; L, Fowler; M, Indianapolis. 1892 — A, Andrews and Bremen; B, Ft. AVayne; C, Valparaiso; D, Mishawaka; E, Elkhart; F, South Bend; G, Rochester; H, Angola; I, Waterloo; K. Warsaw and Aiiburn; L. Fowler; M, Indianapolis. 1893— A, Bremen; B, Ft. Wayne; C, Goshen; D, Plymouth; E, Elk- hart; F, South Bend; G, Rochester; H, Angola; I, Waterloo; K, Auburn; L, Laporte; M, Indianapolis. 1894— A, Bremen; B, Ft. Wayne; C, Goshen; D, Plymouth; E, Elk- hart; F, South Bend; G, Ft. Wayne; H, Angola; I, Waterloo; K, Au- burn; L, Laporte; M, Indianapolis. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 213 1895— A. Knox: B, Ft. Wayne; C, Goshen; D, Plymouth; E, Elkhart; F. South Baud; G, Ft. Wayne; H, Angola; I, Waterloo; K, Auburn; L, Laporte; M, Indianapolis. 1896— A, Knox; B, Ft. Wayne; C, Goshen; E, Elkhart; F, South Bend; G, Ft. Wayne; H, Angola: I, Waterloo; K, Auburn. 1897 — A, Knox; B, Ft. Wayne; C, Goshen; D, North Manchester; E, Elkhart; F, South Bend; G, Ft. Wayne; H, Angola; I, Waterloo; K, Auburn; L, Ligonier. 1898— A, Knox: B, Ft. Wayne; C, Goshen; D, North Manchester; E, Elkhart; F, South Bend; G. Ft. Wayne; H, Angola; I, Waterloo; K, Auburn; L, Ligonier. 1900— A, Monticello: B, Rochester; C, Lagrange; D, Ft. Wayne; E, Elkhart; F, South Bend; G, Columbia City; H, Warsaw; I, Tipton; K, Auburn; M, Crawfordsville. 1901— A, Monticello; B, Rochester: C, Lagrange; D, Ft. Wayne; E, Elkhart; F, South Bend; G, Columbia City; H, Warsaw; I, Tipton; K. Auburn; M, Crawfordsville. Colonel George M. Studebaker, of South Bend, who is in command of the regiment, entered the service August 6, 1887, as captain of Company F, Third Regiment. He served as such until January 15, 1891, when he was promoted major, and on December 20, 1892, he became lieutenant-colonel. His promo- tion to his present position was made March 25, 1897. He entered the United States service for the war with Spain and was in command of the regiment, which was mustered in as the One-hundred-and-fifty-seventh. When the regiment was reorganized he was again appointed to the command and was commissioned April 27, 1900. Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen A. Bowman, of Waterloo, be- came a second lieutenant in Company I, Third Infantry, July 13, 1888, and was promoted first lieutenant April 14, 1889. He was captain October 14, 1889, and became major of the regiment December 20, 1892, and lieutenant-colonel March 25, 1897. He was discharged May 10. 1898, but when the regi- ment was reorganized was appointed to his formed position. Major Walter W. Barnett, of Ft. Wayne, regimental sur- geon, was born in Preble county, Ohio, July 18, 1857, and graduated at Wittenburg College, Springfield, Ohio, in 1880. He attended the Ft. Wayne College of Medicine, from which he graduated in 1886, and located in that city. He served through the war with Spain as surgeon of the One-hundred- and-fifty-seventh, and on the reorganization of the regiment was appointed surgeon on July 13, 1900. Captain Callie A. Rennoe, of South Bend, assistant sur- geon, has served in the Guard since July 12, 1900, when he was appointed to his present position. First Lieutenant Jacob W. Hill, of South Bend, was ap- pointed assistant surgeon May 6, 1901. 214 NATIONAL GTARD OF INDIANA. Captain Elmer D. Kex, of South Bond, adjutant, en- tered tlie service in Company F, Third Regiment, on February 3, 1887, and was promoted second sergeant in 1880 and first sergeant in IDOO. He was elected second lieutenant in 1891 and" was appointed battalion adjutant May 11, 1892. He re- signed May 24, 189:}, but was appointed sergeant major June 6, 1894, and battalion adjutant June 22, 1895. As such he entered United States service in the One-hundred-and-fifty- seventh Indiaiui, and while in service was promoted regi- mental adjutant, to take effect July 11, 1898. He was mus- tered out of service with the regiment, and on its reorganiza- tion was again ai)pointed adjutant on July 12, 1900. Captain Fred L. Dennis, of South Bend, quartermas- ter, enlisted as a }»rivate in Company F, Third Regiment, in April, 1898. He entered the service of the United States as a corporal in the cou»pany and M'as promoted sergeant major of the First Battalion, One-hundred-and-fifty-seventh Indiana, July 11. 1898. He was mustered out with the regiment, and on "the reorganization of the South Bend company he was elected second lieutenant. The company was assigned to the Third Regiment with its old letter, and he was appointed to his present position July 12, 1900. Captain William J. Hunker, of SouHi Bend, was appointed commissary May 1, 1901. The ReV. Charles S. ^ledbury, of Angola, chaplain, was first commissioned chaplain of the regiment May 5. 1898, and served with the regiment through the Spanish war. He was re-appointed chaplain of the re-organized regiment July 14, 1900. He is now pastor of the Christian Church at Angola. THE FIRvST BATTALION. The First Battalion consists of Companies F, of South Bend; E, of Elkhart; B. of Rochester, and H, of Warsaw. Major George W. Feasor, of South Bend, who is in com- mand of the battalion, first enlisted in the South Bend com- pany in June, 188'>. He was ap])ointed a corporal the follow- ing August, a sergeant in February, 1887, and first sergeant in the fall of 1887. On July 1, 1889, he was elected first lieu- tenant of his company and became cai)tain February 9, 1891. He was promoted major December 20, 1892, and as such served with the regiment through the war with Spain. When the regiment was reorganized he was again commissioned major on April 27, 1900. Lieutenant Harry R. Ford, of ^lishawaka, adjutant of the battalion, commenced his military service in Company G, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 215 First Regiment Infantry, Ohio National Guard, in which he enlisted as a private. He was discharged as first sergeant December 22, 1896, because of removal from the State. At the beginning of the war with Spain he was mustered into United States service as battalion sergeant major with the One-hundr)?d-and-fifty-seventh Indiana, and was commissioned battalion adjutant July 11, 1898, while in service. He was discharged with his regiment, and on the reorganization was appointed to his present position, July 1.0, 1900. South Bend's first organization in a regiment was in the First Veteran Regiment. The company was called the South Bend Veterans, and was organized April 29, 1881, with 48 officers and men. The company was assigned to the regiment as Company B, and served as such until 1880, when it was mustered out of service. The officers were: Captains — Joseph Turnock, Edwin Nicar and John Hughes. First Lieutenants — John Hushes and George Coquillard. Second Lieutenants — John Greenwalt. George Coquilard and Chris- tian King. The South Bend Light Ouards were organized soon after the Veterans, and the birthday of that organization was June 7, 1881. There were then 07 officers and men, and it was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company 1. The com- pany was in existence for but a short time, as it was found impossible to raise money for expenses. The officers were: Captains— C. B. Vanpelt and E. B. Reynolds. First Lieutenants — John Hay, B. B. Reynolds and D. B. J. Shaffer. Second Lieutenants — C. FJ. Crouch, William E. Myler and J. F. Deacon. The next organization was formed August 4, 1880, and was called the South Bend Guards. It was mustered in February 3, 1887, and was assigned to the Third Regiment as Company F, and that letter in that regiment has been retained by South Bend to the present day. The officers have been: Captains — Wayne McMichael, George M. Studebaker, George W. Feasor, H. Bccleston, H. T. Funston and George W. Freyermuth. First Lieutenants — Lewis Brewer. Charles Henry, George W. Fea- sor, H. Wagner. A. C. Carpenter. H. Eceleston. Wilson E. Snyder. George Freyermuth and Harry Faulkner. Second Lieutenants— Henry Wagner. E. Rex, H. Eceleston, Wilson Snyder, George E. Freyermuth, Hariy Faulkner, John S. Johnson and Ernest S. Porter. After the Spanish- American war the company was re- organized July 1, 1889, as the eighth separate company. Fred 216 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. L. Denuis was elected second lieutenant, but resigned shortly before the regiment was reorganized and Ernest S. Porter was elected. Captain George W. Freyermuth, now commanding the company, enlisted as a private in Company F, June 8, 1888, and was promoted corporal, sergeant and first sergeant, and while serving in the last capacity he was elected second lieu- tenant February 6, 1893. He became first lieutenant January 2, 1894, and captain March 16, 1897. He served through the war with Spain in command of the company, and was again elected captain when the company was reorganized. I/ieutenant Harry E. Faulkner enlisted in Company F in February, 1887, and re-enlisted in March, 1889. He served as a private, corporal and sergeant. He was elected second lieu- tenant January 2. 1894, and first lieutenant March 16, 1897. He served through the war with Spain as first lieutenant, anid on the reorganization of the company was again elected to his former position. Ernest S. Porter, second lieutenant, was elected to his present position and commissioned July 16, 1900. The present roster is: First Sergeant — Willard Isaac. Sergeants— Platz, John D.; Frick, Clyde W.; Slusser, Walter H.; Doolittre, Charles; Dempsey, Albert. Coiporals — Swartz, Barney H.; Mason, Joseph E.; Kochler, ; Dudley, Percy; Calvert, Arthur. Musicians — Andresiak, Staneslaus, and Peak. Frank. Privates — Andresiak, John; Arnold, Louis J.; Cunnings, Edward; Chause, Moses; Farber, Fred; PMsh, William B.: Garue, Stephen; Brim- ley, F. H.; Goetz, George L.: Goetz, John; Hawley, Madora C; Hndak. Frank; Humphery, Edward J.: Irvin, Clarence; Hycka, Martin; Jawar- ski, John: Johnson, Gust; Kwilinski. Mabislaus; Kruetzer, Oscar; Kib- bler, Harry; Lovell. Arthur; Mason, Lee D.; McMillen, Scott; Neidbalski, S.; Peltier. George: Smith, Garfield; Smith, Frank; Snyder. Walter C; Shultz, Edward ;"Wrbanski, Frank: Wagner, Wilber E.; Whitten, Wal- ter: Wentz, Albert: Zulka, John; Wantz, Leory; Sherman, Herbert: Teeter. Harry: Niveuheui. Frank; Landeman, Jesse; Krause, Theodore; Charles, E. Brimley; Szlinasche, Alexander; Mecklenburg, Alfred: Schmidt, Jacob; Waldschmidt. Albert: Warlick, Arthur; Burkhart, Ralph: Davis, Floyd; Piasecki, Paul: Fisher, George; Berger, Ernest; Conklin, George; Haslanger, Gastar; Stilhvell, Clarence; May, Harry: Gan'inger. Lawrence; Parker, James; Landeman, Arthur; Wheeler, Lewis P. Elkhart has been the home of nmuy military organiza- tions. The first was organized March 17, 1884, and was called the Elkhart Veteran Guards. Jt had a membership of 47 offi- cers and men and became Company G of the First Veteran DUARTERMASTER FRED I_ . DENNIS CHAPLAIN C. S. MEDBURY BAT. ADJT. CLYDE L. H.NE AFST. tvHG. C. A. HtNNOE MAJOR AUBRY L. KOHLMAN MAJO* JCSDPti;R. HA'iRlSON OFFICERS OF THIRD INFANTRY NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 217 Kegiment. The company served until March 17, 1885, when it was mustered out on the expiration of its term. The offi- cers were: Captulu — James K. Gore. First Lieutenants — Noah R. Palmer and Walter H. Merritt. Second Lieutenants — Cbarles H. Doty. The Elkhart National Guards were organized July 14, 1883, and served as Company F of the Third Regiment. It served but one term, and its officers were: Captain — John Vogel. First Lieutenants — A. F. Lenhart and Herbert Compton. Second Lieutenants — Herbert Compton and Ed S. Conrad. The Elkhart Light Artillery, organized April 10, 1884, was the next military organization in the city. It was assigned to the First Artillery as Company H and served as such until 1887, when it was made Company B. The company was in existence until 1889, when it became inefficient by reason of the discharge of a large portion of its original membership and the resignation of its officers, and it was disbanded. The officers were : Captains — C. G. Conn and J. W. Cummins. First Lieutenants — J. W. Cummins, Michael Collins, W. F. White and Henry Trump. Second Lieutenants— ^V. F. White, W. H. Trump and Calvin C. Robbins. On November 28, 1884, the Elkhart Cadets were organized and assigned to the Third Regiment as Company F. In 1886 it was changed to Company E, and that letter has since been held by the Elkhart company. The Cadets served but one term and were mustered out in 1887, when the letter E was assigned to the second company in Elkhart. The present company is really the descendant of two companies, as many members enlisted in the second company, which, strictly speaking, might be termed the original of the present com- pany. The officers of the Cadets were: Captain — Heni-y R. Doty. First Lieutenant— Charles M. Truby. Second Lieutenant — Lee W. Barney. The Koontz Rifles, from which organization the present company is directly descended, was organized January 1, 1886. The company first served as Company H, Third Regi- ment, but when the regiment was reorganized in 1887 it be- came Company E. It has served from then until the present day as Company E, of the Third. The officers have been: 218 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Captaius — .Tanies K. Gore. William V. Catliuus. Charles E. Walley. Edward Chandler. Henry R. Doty. E. C. Noreross and Joseph E. Graves. First Lieutenants— W. E. Carpenter. William V. Cadmus. C. E. Wal- ley. Charles Steuson, Ed Chandler, George W. Foster. E. C. Noreross, C."^ E. P'oster. .Tosenh E. Graves, Norman E. Beall. Arthur W. Posey and G. A. GroU. Second Lieutenants — Georue H. Whitemau. Frank Garrett, C. E. Walley, Charles Sten.son. Charles Lonti. John McGee. W. H. Thomas, William Titus. Ernest C. Noreross. Charles E. Foster. V. M. Pangborn, Norman E. Beall. G. A. Groll and Wiiliam E. Sigle. Tlie coinijaiiY was reorganized as the twenty-second sep- arate company,' March 28. 1900. after the war with Spain, and on the reorganization of the Third Regiment was given its old letter. Captain Graves was re-elected and Arthur W. Posey was elected first lieutenant and G. A. Groll second lieutenant. Lieutenant Posey resigned and Lieutenant Groll was promoted, while William E. Sigie was elected second lieu- tenant. Ca]>tain .Tosei>h E. Graves was first elected as first lieu- tenant of the company, June 8, 1897. and served as such until commissioned captain on March 15, LS98. He was in com- mand of the com]iany during the war with Spain, and on the reorganization of the (•om]»any was again elected captain. Lieutenant Gnstave A. Groll was born in Monroe, Mich- igan, in 1872. and moved to Elkhart in 1886. He enlisted as a private in Gompany E. October 13, 1892, and served with the company at Roby. He became a sergeant June 3, 1898, and was elected and commissioned second lieutenant March 5, 1898. He served as such through the war with Spain and M'hen the company was reorganized was again elected second lieutenant. In November, 1900, he became first lieutenant by reason of the vesijiuation of Li^Mitenant Posey. Second Lieutenant William E. Sigle was born in Constan- tine, Michigan. January 20. 1880. He removed to Grand Rap- ids in 1883 and from there moved to Elkhart. He enlisted in Company E in 1897, and ser\ ed during tlie war with Spain as a private. When the company was reorganized he was made a sergeant, and in August, 1900. was promoted first sergeant. He was elected and commissioned second lien- tenant October 29. 1900. The membership now is: First Sergeant — McClave, J. Frank. Sergeants — Stillman. Albert H.: Cook. George: Meyers, Joseph: Hook, Charles. Corporals — Kline. Siinon P.: CniTier. Heniy: Rohrer. Clarence K.; Winegardner. Kenneth E. Musician — Robert Higgins. 1 NATIONAL GUAUD OF INDIANA. 219 Pi-ivate—Kartliolomew. Clarence: Baylor, CJeorge C; Barney, IInf,'li C; Bressler, Benjamin F.; Bowen, Charles M.: Baler, George; Chaffe, Clarence- Carpenter. Norman E.; Cassell, Orin K.; Corner, William R.; Gulp, Arthm- E.: Dederlion. Edward : DriscoU, Bert A.; Dunmire, George: Ebey, Fred: Estep. Cliarles; Fancil, Victor; Foster, Fred; Grei- ner. I>avid; Gruber, .Tolm F.; ?Ialin, Ora H.; Hudson, Scott; Herman- sader, Cliester: Kline. Charles; Keefer, Carl: McCorrey, Martin: Mc- Connell, Frank: McFillin. Elmer: :Markley. Arthur; Mangold, Albert; Mott, George; ^ilussellmau, Charles: Osier. Erwin; Osier, Walter; Osier. Howard: Piatt. Oliver; Palmer. Edward; Poalson, Jesse; Ilaber, Clyde; Riggel, Clyde: Kynerson. Arthur: Smith. Andrew; Smith, Charles; Steven's, civde; Shutts. Robert J.: Siprass. Herman A.; Swartzell. Charles A.; Truax, Reuben; Truax, Oscar; Van Patten, Simon; Vemier, George; Wambaugh. Frank C: Whitmore, Clyde; Winterhoff, August: Witman, AIouko; Zimmerman, Albert. The Eochcster company onj;iiuitocl in tbe Manitou Blues, organized Anonst 4, 1887, ninstered August 15 and as- signed to the Third Regiment as Company G. The company remained so until 181)4, when it was transferred to the Second regiment as Company B, and served as such until the close of" the war with Spain. The comi»any Avas reorganized early in 1000 as the fifteenth separate company and was assigned to the Third Regiment, bur with its old company letter of B. The officers have been: Captains— H. C. Long, A. H. Skinner. H. N. Goodwin. Ernest L. dinger and Cyrus M. Davis First Lieutenants— J. F. Collins. A. H. Skinner and E. H. Fitz- gerald. Loyd True. Samuel Swartwood. H. M. Goodwin. C. M. Davis. Horace M.' Goodwin and Lee Montgomery. Second Lieutenants— A. H. Skinner. E. H. Fitzgerald, Cyrus M. Davis. Sampel Swartwood, H. :M. Goodwin, A. IT. McCarter. Christian Maier. Cliarles O. Phillips and Prentiss L. Hoot. Captain Davis and Lieutenant Hoot were commissioned February 8, 1000, and Lieutenant ^fontgomery on November \0, 1000.' The roster now is: First Sergeant— :M('Carter. Harley. (Quartermaster — Jones, Fred B. Sergeants — Jones, Ed: .Tones. Charles: Day, Albei-t. Corporals— Tuttle. Henry E.: Delp. William: Swartwood. John: Hartman. .John. Pi-ivates- Alexander, Homer: Blackburn, John: Batchelor. Asa; Brugh. Mont: Biggs, Earl; Biggs, Cusey; Bunnell, Charles: Bouck, George L.; Crim. Bert L.; Colwell. Alva; Downs. Edward; Durbin, Wil- liam R.: Day, Francis A.: Davis, Charles; Dubois, Don: Demont, Eugene: Elkius. James: Feece, Clint: Goss. Loyd: Graeber, Ernest: Goodrich, Charles: Hoot. Henry F.: Hartman. Clyde; Holman. Hugh; Jessen, Bernard; Joues. Freeman: Jones, Hosea; Knapp, James H.; 220 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Lynch, Beverly; Lowman, Perry; Mow, David W.; Odaffer, Ray; Packer, Frederick; Rogers, Frank; Ross. Frank; Steffy, Samuel; Stinson, Frank; Sidmore, Fred; Stalil, Alva; Slick, John; Stockberger, Ross; Tester, George; Tuttle, Delphus; Winn, William; Wood, Clyde; Wilhoit, Clifford; Yike, Henry E. The Warsaw Light Guards were organized September 29, 1886, and assigned to the First Regiment as Company E. When the regiments reorganized in 1888 it was transferred to the Second as Company K, and on the organization of the Tliird, February 3, 1891, it was again transferred to that reg- iment, and as Company K. In 1892 the company was dis- banded, but immediately reorganized and assigned to the Fourth Regiment as Company H, on May 13, 1892. The task or reorganizing was assigned to Captain Harter. The company served three days at Roby under Captain Harter in September, 1893, when the trouble arose over prize fighting. It was also called out to the Chicago riots, July 8, 1894, and was stationed at Hammond, Indiana. The com- pan}-, with other companies of the Indiana National Guard, arrived at Hammond at daybreak, Monday morning, relieving a company of the Fourth United States Infantry which was sent there Sunday. On July 13, at 2 a. m., the men of this company were aroused from their slumbers and in less than ten minutes were on their way to Tolleston to stop an out- break there. It made the twelve-mile trip by rail and on foot. Orisson P. Lee, then colonel on Adjutant-General Robbins' staff, and w^ho has since died in the Philippines, was in com- mand of this detail. After returning from this trip the company was divided, the first platoon in command of Captain L. E. Harter was sent eight miles from Hammond, making the march in four hoars, to guard a railroad bridge, and remained there three days, with only one day's rations. The second platoon, in command of Lieutenant W. A. Winebremer, was sent to East Chicago. Some of the men of this platoon fired several shots into a mob which wrecked a train of oil tanks. On July 26 the company was sent to Whiting, Indiana, and on July 27 returned home, having had eleven days' active service. On arriving home the citizens gave the company a banquet and presented it with a handsome silk flag. Early in April, ] 898, when war with Spain was a certainty, Captain Sharp recruited the company to its maximum strength of 84 men, and then he added twenty men to take the places of those whom he knew would be rejected at the physical examination. The company answered the call with over 100 men. n r m S X > O 2 i .« 5 po yi o o s O r :^ O „ y 33 _ c ^ O Z H 1 >s 5? o 2 > NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 221 Those wbo re-enlisted in the United States Army for serv- ice in the Philippines from the eompanj were Captain Charles A. Sharp, Sergeant James Pepper, Corporals Edwin Ripple and Thomas Dwyer, Musician Ernest E. Pollock and Private Earl A. Coffeen. The movement to reorganize the company was started June 1, 1900, by William J. Hafert, formerly first sergeant of the company, and on June 20 it was mustered into State serv- ice as the thirtieth separate company. It was assigned to the Third Regiment July 3. The company attended the camp of instruction of that year, and on its return home moved into its new armory. This is one of the finest and largest in the State, and it is 133x44 feet and includes an officers' room, reading room, ordnance room and a drill hall 44x100 feet. The rooms are handsomely decorated and furnished. The present olficers. Captain William J. Hafert, First Lieutenant Claude D. Se Cheverell and Second Lieutenant Walter S. Rrubaker, were all commissioned June 26, 1900. The officers of the company from its beginning have been: Captains— Charles A. Funk, M. M. Milice, L. E. Harter, John L. Chandler, L. E. Hai-ter, W. A. Winebrenner, Charles A. Sharp, Wil- liam .1. Hafert. First Lieutenants — George B. Baker, George Reid, L. E. Harter, W. B. Berroth. A. F. Biggs, Ray Trish, W. A. Winebrenner, C. A. Sharp, Edwin G. Hinkley, Claude D. S. Cheverell. Second Lieutenants— John A. Dye, M. M. Milice, W. B. Berroth, John L. Chandler, Ray Trish. W. A. Winebrenner, Charles A. Sharp, W. S. Hughes and Walter S. Brubaker. The present roster of the company is: First Sergeant — Runyan, James J. Quartermaster Sergeant — Schade, Conrad. Sei-geants — Kilmer, Orville B.; Coleman, Louis E.; Graves, Earl. Musicians — T^'hitacre, Clarence, and Kintzel, Walter. Corporals — Markwood, Lee; McGinley, Walter S.; Vancuren, Roy; Beyer, Carl F.; White, Charles. Privates — Alexander, Lloyd A.; Bennett, Beulamin L.; Bennett, Ernest F.; Blue, Louis A.; Blodgett, Harry O.; Bonewit, Walter; Bar- rick, Clyde E.; Barrick, Walter; Bradway, Jesse; Beebe, Earl S.; Cook. Haven; Cook, Burk C; Chapman, .John IL; Crites, Donald B.; Durbin, Heniy G.; Grove, Leo E.; Gilliam, Charles B.; Garner, Chester A.; Hut- ton, Joe B.; Haunsman, John; Helser, Fred; Leedy, Clarence E.; Nye, William; Ooley, Charles; Pepper, Charles; Poulson, Harvey L.; Rodgers, James D.; Shroyer, Harvey II.; Stoneburner, James A.; Sellers, Virgil W.; Shaffer, Charles; Tenney, Jerome; Vancuren, Homer E.; Watson, Harrj' M.; Wissler, Charles D.; Wright, John W.; Scliade, William; Kilmer, James A.; Schaefer, Walter G.; Lowery, Squire B.; Kyle, J. L.; Goss, V. C; Noel, Bert; Wilcox, Lawrence; Hayden, Eugene E. 222 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA THE SECOND BATTALION. The Second Battalion consists of Companies K, of Au- burn; G, of Columbia City; I), of Ft. Wayne, and C, of La- grange. Its headquarters are at Auburn. ^Sfajor Aubre.y L. Kuhlniau, of Auburn, the major com- manding, organized Company K, of Auburn, and was com- missioned cajitain January 12, 1892. He was with his com- pany at Koby in September, 1893, and at Hammond and ^Yhiting in July, 1894, during the strike. He was placed in command of the post at Whiting, which was garrisoned bj two companies of the Third, and assisted in the capture of strikers who were stopping trains there. He was commis- sioned major March 25, 1897, and placed in command of the First Battalion of the Third. He served through the war with Spain as major commanding the Third Battalion of his regiment, and was placed on the retired list April 1, 1900. When the regiment was reorganized he was again commis- sioned major and placed in command of the Second Battalion on April 27, 1900. Lieutenant Clyde L. Hine, of Waterloo, battalion adju- tant, enlisted in Company I, of Waterloo, in February, 1892, was promoted corporal in June following and sergeant in August following. He acted as first sergeant the greater part of the time, and was elected second lieutenant of the company June 27, 1896. He was mustered out with the com- pany and re-enlisted as a sergeant in 1897, and was appointed battalion sergeant major May 20. 1897. He served with the company at Hammond and Roby, was with the regiment at the dedication of the Columbian Exposition and has attended every encampment. As battalion sergeant major he served through the war with Spain, and was mustered out with the regiment. In the spring of 1899 he Avent to the State of Washington, but returned to Indiana in the fall and took up school teaching. He again entered the State service July 10, 1900. in the position which he now holds. On January 14, 1892, the company at Auburn was organ- ized, and on May 13 of that year was assigned to the Third Regiment as Compan,^' K. The company served through the war with Spain and was reorganized as the fourteenth sep- arate company December 14, 1899. On the reorganization of the Third Regiment the company was again assigned to it with its old letter. The officers have been: Captains — A. L. Kuhlman and J. F. Lulinum. First Lieutenants — C. F. DuAVan. .lames F^-^Lahnum. .Joseph N. Grover, Othello B. Rufner, Benjamin F. .lolliff. Lieut. C. a. Wray Lieut. Edward Graves Lieut. J. L. Bireley Lieut. J. L. Boyer Lieut. G. A. Groll OFFICERS OF THE THIRD INFANTI Lieut. W. E. Sigle LiEOl. S. N , .ylARKLE^ NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 223 Second Lfeutenants — C. M. Kemp, Joseph N. Grover, G. C. Olurk, John J. Wolf, John W. Brown and John K. McDowell. James F. Lahnnm enlisted in Company K, of the Third Regiment of Infantry, I. N. G., January 12, 1802, and was elected first sergeant on the same date. He seryed as first sergeant for two .years, and in 1894 was elected first lieuten- ant, and seryed until the expiration of his term. In 1895 he was reelected first lieutenant of the company, and in Feb- ruary, 1896, was elected captain of Company K, which office he retained until May 10, 1898. On May 10, 1898, he was com- missioned captain of Company K, One-huudred-and-fifty-sey- enth Indiana Volunteer Infantr.y, and seryed as captain until Xoyember 1, 1898, when the company was mustered out' at Indianapolis. On December 14, 1900, he remustered the com- pany at Auburn, which was first known as the fourteenth sep- arate company, and was elected captain. First Lieutenant B. F. Jolilf enlisted in Company K as a priyate, on January 12, 1892, and seryed as a priyate until February, 189(!. at which time he was promoted to sergeant. He seryed as sergeant during the Spanish-American war, and was discharged at Indianapolis, Noyember 1, 1898. On De- cember 14, 1900, he wns mustered into the National Guard and was elected first lieutenant by the fourteenth separate company. Second Lieutenant John R. McDowell enlisted as a pri- yate in Company K in 1897, and seryed as such during the war with Spain. He was mustered in with the reorganized company as priyate on January 13, 1900, was promoted corporal. He was elected second lieutenant December 21, 1900. The present roll is: First Sergeant — Hilkey, E. Morton. Quartermaster Sercennt — Lobmiller. Herman A. Sergeants — Hoodlemier. Clyde S.; Reesch. Frank: (irogg. AVilson. Corporals— Richards, John B.; Wolf, .\ndrew J. Musicians — Diersteiu, George A.: Little. Edward O. Privates — Beard. Charles R.; Baker. Edward; Brandon. Art: Bran- don, Asa: Br.vant, Byron E.; Bryant. James W.: Brown, Charles: Burk- nett, George H.; Baxter, Frank C.; Burknetl, :Morton: Click. Pearhe; . Carle, Frank; Wolf. George E; Case. Garr: Davidson. Harvey O.; Feag- ler, Lester; Guinn, David; Gregg, Frank IL; (irube. Cary E. ; Hensinger. George; Holderman, Thomas H.; Knapp. Carl C: McDougall, Wade; McClellan, Newton; Myles. Charles S.; Olinger, Frank L.; Refner, Claude C: Richards. Jacob. Reeder, Morton B. ; Springer. :Melvin; Sherch, Chauncey: Thomas, John P.; Wallerschild. Harry J.: Wjilliam- son. .Joseph D.: AVilliamson, Harry: Wolf. George D.: Walters, Charles E.; Weeks. Arthm- B. ; Walters. Dorsev E. : Zimmer. John. 224 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The company at Columbia City was organized June 88, 1895, and was received into the service. It was first assigned to the Fourth Regiment as Company G, and served as such until mustered into United States service for the war with Spain, when it became Company G, One-hundred-and-sixtieth Indiana Volunteers. The company was reorganized May 18, 1900, and was assigned to the Third Regiment with its former letter. The officers have been. Captains — Joseph R. Harrison and Lloyct D. Cliaphajn. First Lieutenants — David S. Linvill, Lloyd D. Clapham and Spur- geon N. ISIarkley. Second lieutenants — Lloyd D. Olaphaiu, Spurgeon N. Markley and Edward Graves. Captain Clapham is a native of Ontario, Lagrange County, Indiana, and was born May 2, 1875. He was educated at the Columbia City High School and has lived in Columbia City since 1884. He spent three years as an apprentice in a print- ing office, and when eighteen years old began to learn the jeweler's trade. He has followed this business since, and is now the owner of a store in his home city. His military career began in 1895, and it was largely through his efforts that a military company was organized at Columbia City. He was elected second lieutenant on its organization, and held that position when the war with Spain broke out. He served with his company through the war and was mustered out with his regiment after one year of service, eighty-four days of which were on foreign soil. After his return home he reorganized the company and was elected first lieutenant, and was promoted captain in September, 1900, when Captain Harrison was promoted major. Captain Clapham has had six years of military experience, and during the war with Spain had the unique experience of having under his command two brothers, both of whom are older than he is. Simon P. Clapham. born in Stevenson County, Illinois, February IG, 1873, was a sergeant in the company, and as such was mustered into the United States service. He was promoted first sergeant, and after the company was mustered out was appointed battalion adjutant in the Third Regiment, but resigned in January, 1901. The other brother, John T. Clapham, was born in Mifflinsburg, Pennsylvania, July 25, 18G5, and when the war broke out entered the com- pany as a private. During his service he was promoted cor- poral and sergeant and assigned as quartermaster sergeant. After his discharge he enlisted as a private in Company F, Thirtv-fourth United States Volunteers, and was sent to the NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. ^ 225 Philippines with his regiment. He was promoted first ser- geant of the company, and was with Colonel Howse and Major l*enn on the famous chase to rescue Lieutenant Gil- more and the American prisoners. He was sixty-six days on the march at that time, and for his services has been rec- ommended for a commission. Lieutenant Spurgeon N. Mark ley entered State service as a private, 2, 1898. He entered the United States serv- ice with the company and was promoted corporal June 28, 1898. He joined the reorganized company and was elected second lieutenant May 18, 1900, and was promoted first lieu- tenant September 13, 1900. He is engaged in the shoe busi- ness. Lieutenant Edward Graves was born at Coesse, Whitley County. January 15, 1881, and enlisted as a private in Company G, Fourth Regiment, March 24, 1898. He served with the company through the war with Spain and was in Cuba for eighty-four days. He was adjutant's orderly for eight months of his service. He was discharged with the regiment, and re-entered the Guard May 18, 1900, as ser- geant. He was elected second lieutenant September 13, 1900. The present membership is: First Sergeant— Slesman, W. H. Quartermaster Sei'geant— Wallace, F. M. Sergeants— Russell, B. D.; Eastom, C; Harrisson, G.; Anthes, E. Corporals— Lawrence, W.; Weber. R.; Markley, H.; North, A. E. Musicians — Garber, S.; Strauss, W. Wagoner— Burnswortb, C. W. Privates— Anglemeyer, E.; Anderson, A.; Borau, L.; Briggs, H. P.; Beeching, O.; Cummings, G. W.; Curtis, E.; Collins, J.; Doriot, H. D.; Fullerton, W.; Greiser. F. W.; Gregg, F.; Hossler, J. A.; Hess, J. H.; Hull, H.; Harshberger, F.; Inks. W.; Judcl, S. E.; Miner, F.; McOlin- tock, M. J.; McComb. W.; Mossman, H. B.; Noble, V.; Press- ler, A.; Pressler, L.; Pi-essler. C. E.; Pressler, K. V.; Prescott, J. C; Quinn, L. L.; Redman, E.; Russell, L. E.; Stickler, W. E.; Spear, R. D.; Surface, C. E.; Snyder, W.; Vandeford, A.; Wilcox, E. H.; Wordon, L. A.; Workman, I.; Welsbeimer, L. The Ft. Wayne Veterans was the first organization of Ft. Wayne to be identified with a regimental organization. It was organized October 9, 1883, and served its three years' term only as Company L of the First Regiment. It was mus- tered out of service on the expiration of the first term. The officers were: Captains— J. H. Rohan, Frank R. Weldou and James Harper. First Lieutenants — Francis R. Welden, James Harper and A. C. Brown. Second Lieutenants— W. M. Barilard, M. R. Gardner and Jasper Edsall. 226 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The Ft. Wajne Rifles, the next organization to be formed, was organized September 5. 1885, and was at once assigned to the Second Regiment as Company B. As Company B it served fiom that day until the close of the war with Spain, although February 3, 1891, it was transferred to the Third Regiment, but still retained its letter. The Rifles went into camp with the Legion at Lafayette, Indiana, in 1886, and took part in the prize frills. It won second prize in the State drill and first prize in the maiden class of companies which had never before competed for a prize. The company went to the Inter-State drill at Wash- ington, D. C, in 1887, and stood sixteenth in ninety-eight com- panies there. At the encampment at Evansville, in 1888, the company won first prize, and this was the last prize drill held under the direction of the military authorities of the State. The company took part in the expedition against the Roby prize fighters in 1893 and served during the railroad strikes. It furnished several officers to the United States Army, and was well represented in the United States Volunteers serving in the Philippines. In the latter service it had two officers and many men. The officers have been: Captains — Frank Wise. Frank W. Rawles. William Peltier. Charles J. Bnlger. .1. E. Miller and C. E. Reese. First Lieutenants — Thomas .T. Deagen, I. W. Leonard. C. J. Bulger, William H. Peltier. H. W. Hageman, P. A. Thompson, J. W. Thomp- son and John B. Fonner. Second Lieutenants — I. W. I-eonard. W. H. Peltier. W. W. Kerr, John-^E. Miller, C. E. Reese, J. W. Thompson. E. .T. Barr and W. W. Kerr. The German ^Military Company was organized April 8, 1888, and was assigned to the Third Regiment as Company L. It was made up of German veterans of the Franco-Prussian war and made but little progress in the tactics of the United States Army, and for that reason was disbanded during the year following its organization. Its officers during its short existence were Captain Herman Hohnholz, First Lieutenant Will Finke and Second Lieutenant H. Krone. An infantry company of 61 members was organized De- cember 11, 1893, and was assigned to the Third Regiment as Company G on May 23, 1894. It served as Company G through the war with Spain. The officers were: Captains — J. B. Fonner, W. A. Spice and O. C. Meyer. First Lieutenants — H. C. Mains, W. A. Spice, O. C. Meyer. William S. McLeod and Maurice J. Archbold. Second Lieutenants — W. J. Spice, O. C. Meyer, W. S. McLeod, .John C. Jackson and Jesse L. Birely. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 227 The company was reorganized and mustered into the Guard July lo, 1900. It consisted of 56 members, and the present officers were elected. It was assigned to the Third Regiment as Company D. Captain O. C. Meyer enlisted in the State service Decem- ber 11, 1893, and w^as at once made first sergeant of the com- pany. He served through the strikes of 1894 and was elected second lieutenant to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- tion of Lieutenant Mains on March 28, 1895. Captain Spice was unable to pass the physical examination at the outbreak of the war with Spain, and Lieutenant Meyer was elected captain May 9, 1898. He commanded the company during the war and reorganized it in July, 1900. He was again elected captain. Lieutenant Maurice J. Archbold served as a private in Company G from May 10, 1894, to the June following, when he was appointed quartermaster sergeant, and so served until the company was mustered into United States service during the war with Spain. He was then appointed first sergeant of Company G, and served in that capacity through the war. He re-enlisted in the company on its reorganization and was elected first lieutenant. Second Lieutenant Jesse L. Birely served as a private in Company G from July 21, 1896 to February 25, 1897, when he was appointed corporal. When the company was mustered into United States service he was appointed sergeant and served as such through the war with Spain. He re-enlisted in the reorganized company and was elected second lieu- tenant. The present roster of the company is: First Sergeant — Arney. Forest. Sergeants— Walcle, William F.; Meyers, Henry F.; Holmes, Frank L.; Potter, John F. Corporals — Dunfee. Charles F.: Bartel, Robert R.; Donivan. Harry F.: Craig, Clarence. Musicians — Stradley, William D.; Szlnk. Edward E. Privates — Arney, William A.; Bates, Lewis C: Bryson, Fred J. Conley, William G.; Close, Ernest A.; Cassady, Earl.; Cook, Walter E. Craig, James C; Dailey, George M.; Driesbach, Clyde; Eylenberg George: Ellison, William H.; Fisher, Harry W.; Fox, Lewis S.; Firks, August; Fackler, Orvel; P^risby, Rodger L.; Gorrell, John T.; Green, Richard E.: Horstman, John; Hamilton, Hugh; Hewitt, Harry; Has linger, Herman; Koch, William; Killeu, William A.; Kolb, Edward H. Krumlauf, James A.; Kidd, .John A.; Lewis, Bert; Meyer. Gust G. Murray, William; Mustain, Han-y J.; Miller, Earl E.; Miser, Walter B. Metzner, Harry; Robertson, Charles G.; Richard, Sara; Rosselot, Fred 228 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Steller, Clyde; Suyder. Edward; Snyder, James O.; Thiel, Herman; Trythall, Alfred J.; Utley, Jacob C; Walter, William H.; Walters, William H.; Walters, William; Zwick, William C. Company C, of Lagrange, was mustered into State service April 9, 1900. At tbat time 57 men were present out of a total of 60 on the roll. The company was less than thirty days in making up the roster, and attended the camp of in- struction at Indianapolis. The present officers, Captain S. S. Piatt, First Lieutenant John L. Boyer and Second Lieuten- ant William H. Kaufman, were elected when the company was organized. Lieutenant Boyer is a native of Pennsyl- vania, having been born at Carlisle in 1871, and he served in the Pennsylvania National Guard from 1889 to 1893. The present roster is: Sergeants — Slack, Newton W.: Munger. Edwin C; Billman, Charles A.; Stewart, Festus E.; Ivans, Edward. Corporals — Alwine, Lewis; Church. Fred; Rowe. Melvin: Lytle, Frank R. Musicians — Wier, Lewis: Gilbert, Ernest. Privates — Archer, Joseph; Barrett, Arthur: Betts. William: Butt. Clyde; Brown, Bert; Brown, Carl; Brown. Ira E.; Billman, Worthy; Barrows, Charles; Beach, Sidney: Crystlee. Samuel; Cressler, Fay; Cline, Ray; Dibble, Ray; Deavenbaiigh. Christian; Deter, Noah; Davis. Orla; Ecker, Jay; Ford. Carl: Foid, Myroui; Fashbaugh. William; Gage, Albert; Gage, Oliver; Holsiuger, Doran: Hoft", Jay; Hughes, Carl; Jackson, Howard; Kitchen, Freman; Keyes, Harvey; Large, Benjamin; Machan, Lawrence; McLain, Charles: Oliver, Elmer; Portner, Charles; Price, Claude; Price, Yern; Roy, Harry; Shelly, Cecil; Stinebarger; Thomas; Shultz. John: Schermerhorn: John: Thompson, Clyde; Wert, Milo; Wyland, Earl. THP: third BATTALION. The Third Battalion consists of Companies A, of Monti- cello; M, of Crawfordsville, and I, of Tipton. Its headquar- ters are at Columbia City. Major Joseph R. Harrison was born in Noble County, Indiana, May 28, 1802. His father is of Scotch-English and his mother of English parentage. He was educated in the public schools of Churubusco, Indiana, and at the age of four- teen years began teaching school. At seventeen years of age he entered the clerk's office of the Whitley Circuit Court as deputy, serving until 1888. when he was offered and accepted the position of first assistant clerk of the United States Court of the Fourth District of New Mexico. In 1890 he re- turned to Columbia City, his present home, and entered the office of Collins & Adams, and uuder their direction took a CAPr. O,, C. Ml V LR Capt. S. S. Platt Capt. L. D. Clapham Capt. G. S. Harney 3FF1CERS OF THE THIRD INFANTRY Lieut. M. J. Archboud Ca-'t. J. E. Graves NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 229 course in law. Passing the required examination, he was ad- mitted to the bar, but never practiced. During the past ten years he has conducted a book, stationery and general store at his home. His first service with the Indiana National Guard was in May 28, 1895. He organized and was commissioned as cap- tain of Company G, unassigned, afterwards assigned to the Fourth Kegiment, and was a member of the regiment when the call came for volunteers for Spanish-American war serv- ice. Enlisting therein, he was assigned as captain of Com- pany G, One-hnndred-and-sixtieth Indiana Volunteers, serv- ing until the muster out of the regiment. Captain Harrison was assistant adjutant-general of the Third Brigade, First Division, First Army Corps, at the Camp Weil Farm, Kentucky, and had command of the First Bat- talion of the One-hundred -and-sixtieth Indiana Volunteers as acting major for about three months during the Spanish- American war. Tn June, 1900, he organized and was com- missioned as captain of the twenty-seventh separate com- pany, afterwards Company G, of the Third Infantry, Indiana National Guard. July 22, 1900, he was commissioned as major of the Third Battalion. During the campaign of 1900 he was nominated by the Democrats as their candidate for joint representative for Kosciusko and Whitley counties, and reduced the Republican majority about 500 votes. He was a member of the Columbia City School Board for a number of years and is the present secretary of the Business Men's organization of Columbia City. Lieutenant John R. Washburn, the present adjutant, was appointed February 18, 1901. Company A, of Monticello, was a volunteer company or- ganized at Monticello for the Spanish-American war. After having been mustered out of United States service the com- pany was reorganized and assigned to the Third Infantry as Company A. The present officers, Captain Anthony A. An- heir, First Lieutenant Wilbur A. Tharp and Second Lieuten- ant Orville A. Rothrock, were commissioned November 2, 1899, the date the company was mustered into service. Captain Anheir served as first lieutenant and Lieutenant Tharp first sergeant of the company during the war with Spain, when it was known as Company I, of the One-hundred- and-sixty-first Indiana Volunteer Infantry. The present roster is: 230 NATIONAI; GUARD OF INDIANA. First Sergeuut— Didlake. Roy P. Sergeants— Niekersham. George; I.ougliry, Howard K.; Simous, Walter A.; Crowell, Richard; Davis, Edward G. Corporals— Seymour, Vernie; Moore, George E.; Day. Everett; Hull, Warren K.; Henry, Austin F. Musicians— Gardner, Everett; Hamilton, Glenn. Privates— Baer, Frank M.; Burns, Stewart; Berkshire, Samuel H.; Black, Oliver C.; Babb, Samuel L.; Bennett, William H.; Coen, Oliver C; Cowger, Earle; Cain, August C; Christy, Perry N.; Davis, Harry; Day, Earle; Elder. James; Fox, James; Gardner, Russel; Gardner, Nor- wood; Hanaway, George E.; Houts, William H.; Imes, Ray; Karp, James; Lawrie, James AV.; Loughry, W. W.; Million, Roy S.; McElhoe, Charles; Nordyke, Earle J.; Phoebus. Everett; Rankin, John J.; Ran- sopher, Calvin; Shafer, Harry; Shafer, James; Simons, Frank; Tam. William: Tharp. Oliver S.; Tharp, Fred S.; Wickersham, Earle; Wick- ersham, Ray; Wingard, Orin; Ward, James A. The first company of Crawfordsville to joint the KState troops was :McPherson Post Uniform Rank, organized De- cember 7, 1887, which was assigned to the First Regiment as Company U and served with that organization until April 2, 1899, when it was transferred to the Second Regiment as Company I. The company served until the latter part of 1894, when it was mustered out of the service. The officers were: Captains— George W. Lamb. M. V. Wert and F. B. McClamrock. First Lieutenants— Martin V. Wert, W. H. Morrison, F. F. McClam- rock, William McNeely, H. McClamrock, LcAvis Elliott and Charles Wilhite. Second Lieutenants— J. McDaniel, Earl McCampbell, W. R. Cruce, James B. Wilhite, Luke Wood and Charles Williams. On November 21, 1895, another company was organized, which was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company M, the letter now held by the company. The company served through the war with Spain with the regiment and w-as mus- tered out when peace was declared. The present company was reorganized February 16, 1900, as the seventeenth sep- arate company, and when the regiments were reorganized was assigned to the Third as Company M. The officers have been: Captains— Joseph McDaniel, Clinton A. Williams, Martin V. Wert, Frederick B. Alexander. Charles O. Wilhite and George S. Harney. First Lieutenants— C. A. Williams, William H. McNeeley, C. O. Wilhite, I. C. Elston, Jr., and Charles A. Wray. Second Lieutenants— J. E. Sargent, James H. Stump, C. A. Williams, Isaac C. Elston, Jr., George S. Harney and Clinton A. Williams. Captain George S. Harney entered the service of the United States as quartermaster sergeant. He enterd the NATIONAL GUARD O^" INDIANA. 231 Guard April 26, 1898, and after entering United States serv- ice he was promoted second lieutenant August 28, 1898. He was commissioned captain February IG, 1900. Lieutenant Charles A. Wray served through the war as first sergeant and was elected first lieutenant on the reorgan- ization of the company. Lieutenant Williams was commissioned February 16, 1900. The present roster is: Sergeants — Coppage. Henry C; Gerard. Earle; Henry, Claude L.; Moore, Walter A.; Stephens, William. Corporals — Harrington, Harry; Spillman, Theodore; Tutt, Frederick. Privates — Black, William; Boraker, Isaiah; Brattain, Elijah; Brat- tain, Harry; Britton, Walter. .Jr., Burroughs, Frank; Caldwell, Hai-vey; Clements, Charles; Cox, L.; Cox. Ralph; Cunningham, Ira; Davidson, Edward H.; Davis, Walter; Dobson, Joseph; Elkins, Albert H.; Esra, Bert; Esra, Frank; Evans, Walter; Foreman, Frank; Frier, Bert; Hastaday, William; Heath, James N.; Hughes, Charles R.; Jones, El- mer; Jones, Paul; Kepler, Fred; Kinsey, Charles; Macey, Richard; Michael. Elmer J.; Miller, Harvey; Mitchell, Frank; McDonald, Earl; McDonald, Herbert; Nutt, Howard; Peare, George A.; Arnbaum, Ben; Regan, John; Reese, John; Sering, Jack; Shular, Earl; Tinsley, Lucius; Tomlinson, PJrnest; Werliner, Bert; Werliner, Frank; Wert, Fred G.; Woodworth, Will; Zackary, Thomas J. Company I, of Ti^jton, was organized April 25, 1898, just previous to the war with Spain, through the efforts of George Dyer and J. H. Barlow. Tt was first assigned to the Second Regiment as Company K, and later to the Fourth as Com- pany L The officers commissioned were Captain George Dyer, First liieutenant Robert Van Buskirk and Second Lieutenant George Knee. Captain Dyer resigned November 19, 1898, and each of the lieutenants were promoted. Sergeant J. H. Barlow was then elected second lieutenant, and so commissioned on November 80. The company served through the war with the regiment and was mustered out April 25, *1899. The present company is largely due to the efforts of Captain Barlow, who took up the work of reorganization in less than a year. He was somewhat handicapped, as others had made unsuccessful efforts to organize a company. He was elected captain, and Harry Phares, who had served through the war as corporal, was elected first lieutenant. William McCreary, who had served as private and musician during the war, was elected second lieutenant. The company was received into State service March 23, 1900, and was assigned to the Third Regiment with its pres- ent letter. It has a large armory and is able to maintain 232 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. itself without assessment. It has had but one call since re- organization, having been ordered to the armory March 4, 1901. The present roster is: First Sergeant — Nelson, William. Sergeants— Watson, Frank E.; Matthews, Otto K.; Furvy, Glen; Bennett, Frank; Hutohins, Harry. Corporals — Kinder, Robert; Kitzmiller, Edward; Lane, Hallie; Con- ley, Charles; Partlow, Monroe. Musician — Teter, Sam E. Cook — Miller, Frank. Privates— Bates, Clyde; Bowlin, Frederick E.; Campbell, Guy L.; Doty, Oscar: Foster, James I.; Frazer, Orville; Hertle, Isaac; Hilligoss, Arthur; Hilligoss, Orlean; Hopp, Fred; Hughes, Ben; Hughes, Otto; Jones, Richard T.; Jarrett, William A.; Johnson, James M.; Kirber, John; LudAvig, Charles; Lindsey, Lewis; Mahan, James M.; Moore, Walter; McEntee. John H.; McLucas, Fred E.; Nelson, Frank H.; O'Banion, Fred M.; Propst, Harry; Peetz. Herman; Porter, Albert C; Porter, Spencer A.; Partlow, .John C; Richardson, Ora; Ridley, Caleb B.; Seright, Dilver; Showhan, Joseph E.; Smith, Alphus; Shupard, Charles; Smith, William H.; Staum, Arthur; Teter, Pearl W.: Teter, Ralph; Watson. Carl; AVilson, C. Perry; Wilcox, Lloyd. Commanding the First Artillerv CHAPTER IX. The First Artillery, The First Regiment of Light Artillery was organized No- vember 22, 1882, with five companies, and headquarters were established in Indianapolis. The artillery has been promi- nent in the State military service, and the fame of Indiana ' military organizations has been spread through the country more by organizations of this branch than of any other. When first organized the regiment was 194 strong, and the companies were equipped with five two-pound bronze cannon, four rifled cannon and two Galling guns. By 1884 it had grown to eight batteries, a number that was maintained until 1886 when its strength was 422 officers and men. In 1888 the headquarters were moved to Elkhart, and the strength of the regiment was 2.33 officers and men. In 1889 it was reduced to a battalion, and the headquarters were moved to Michigan City, but its strength remained at 212 men. A number of the small squads were disbanded, and there was a concentration of effort towards the organization of complete batteries. At this time the batteries had five 3-inch guns and four 12-pound brass cannon. In 1891 the regiment reached a strength of 317 officers and men, and the "headquarters were moved to Indianapolis the following year, when 206 officers and men constituted its strength. Captain J. B. Curtis, of Battery A, was in com- mand from this time until Batteries A and B entered the United States service for the war with Spain. The battalion was reorganized July 6, 1900, and the pres- ent commanding ofiicers appointed. The general officers since its organization and dates of commissions were: REGIMENTAL. Colonels— Eli Lilly, of Indianapolis, November 22, 1882; Joseph A. Closser, of Indianapolis, November 25, 1884; C. G. Conn, of Elkhart, April 18, 1888. Lientenant-Colonels— Joseph A. Closser, of Indianapolis, November 22, 1882; George W. Johnston, of Indianapolis, November 25, 1884. Majors— H. H. Wood, of Michigan City, November 22, 1882; George W. Johnston, of Indianapolis, August 13, 1884; W. D. Stansifer. of Columbus, November 25, 1884. 334 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Surgeons— .T. R. Bigelow, of Indianapolis, April 28, 1883; W. H. Lopp, of Columbus, June 16, 188C. Assistant Surgeons— W. H. Lopp, of Columbus, June 8, 1883; Wil- liam Wands, of Indianapolis, November 25, 1884; D. A. Thompson, of Indianapolis, September 30, 1887. Adjutants — Irviu Robbins, of Indianapolis, December 15, 1882; J. S. Dodge, of Elkhart, April IS, 1888. Quartermaster — S. K. Fletcher, of Indianapolis, December 15, 1882. Judge Advocate — John R. Wilson, of Indianapolis, December 15, 1882. Paymaster — Harris P. ^Vetsell, of Indianapolis. December 19. 1882. BATTALION ORGANIZATION. Majors— H. H. Woods, of Michigan City, November 22, 1882; James B. Curtis, of Indianapolis, captain commanding; Alfred B. Schanz, of Attica, .July 6, 1900. Assistant Surgeons— R. W. Garstang, of Indianapolis, December 9, 1896. Adjutants — Daniel A. Thompson, of Indianapolis, September 9, 1889; Thomas A. Winterrowd, of Indianapolis, July 1, 1896; Robert T. Oliver, of Indianapolis. July 13, 1900; Raymond P. Van Camp, March 26, 1901. Quartermasters — Joseph C. Willard, of Ft. Wayne, September 9, 1889; Bert B. Adams, of Indianapolis. July 7. 1892; Raymond P. Van Camp, of Indianapolis, July 13, 1900; Wm. Garrard Comly, of Indianap- olis, April 19, 1901. Commissary — Ernest H. Biu'ford, of Indianapolis, March 26, 1901. The batteries which have composed the membership are: 1882— A, Indianapolis; B, Michigan City; C, Terre Haute; D, Butler; E, Columbus. 1884— A, Indianapolis; B. Michigan City: C, Terre Haute; D, Butler; E, Columbus; F, Rockville; G, Attica; H, Elkhart. 1886— A, Indianapolis; B, Elkhart: C, Lafayette; D, Rockville; G, Attica; H, Peru; I, Ft. Wayne; K, Elkhart: L, Peru. 1888— A. Indianapolis; B, Elkhart; C, Rockville; D, Attica; G, Ft. Wayne; I, Peru; K. Peru. 1889— A, Indianapolis: B, Elkhart; C, Rockville; D, Attica; E, Ft. Wayne. 1890 — A, Indianapolis: C, Rockville: E, Ft. Wayne. 1891— A, Indifinapolis; C, Rockville: E, Ft. Wayne. 1892— A. Indianapolis; C, Rockville; E, Ft. Wayne. 1893— A, Indianapolis: C. Rockville: E. Ft. Wayne. 1894 — A. Indianapolis; C. Rockville: E. Ft. Wayne. 1895— A. Indianapolis; C. Rocliville; E, Ft. Wayne. 1896— A, Indianapolis; C, Rockville; E. Ft. Wayne. 1897— A, Indianapolis; E, Ft. Wayne; Dana, unassigned. 1898 — A. Indianapolis: C, Dana; E, Ft. Wayne. 1899 — A, Indianapolis; C, Attica. 1900— A, Indianapolis; B, Ft. Wayne; C, Attica. The present major commanding: the battalion, Alfred B. Schanz, of Attica, first entered military life in Battery B, Sec- ond Brii^ade, National Guard of Pennsylvania, as a trum- peter. He enlisted at Pittsburji', May 25, 1884, and was pro- moted until bv October 1. 1887, he was first serjjeant. On NATIONAI; GTJARD OF INDIANA. 235 that date lie was discharged at Mt. Gretna, Pa., on account of his removal to New York State. In 1890-01, Major Schanz was the leader of the Leslie Exploring Expedition through Alaska. He held special commissions with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and in the eleventh United States census as expert for the Nushagak district. The expedition traveled through the wilderness by every possible method of progress — packing, rafting, skin-canoeing, dog-sledging and snow-shoeing — over 0,000 miles in thirteen months. The en- tire route was mapped and many important geographical dis- coveries were made. In 1894 Major Schanz removed to Indiana and located at Indiana Mineral Springs, near Attica. In April, 1898, after the declaration of war with Spain, he organized the Attica Light Artillery and recruited over two hundred men for service, but the battery w^as unable to have an opportunity to serve. The entire battery was organized, uniformed and equipped without expense to the State, as the result of eftorts made by Major Schanz. A practice march was made to La- fayette, where camp was established for drill and instruc- tion. It was named "Camp Wilson" for Colonel Charles E. Wilson, of Lafayette, at that time military secretary to Gov- ernor Mount. The battery was mustered into State service June 20, 1809, and assigned as Battery C. On July 6, 1900, when the battalion was reorganized, Captain Schanz was promoted major. "* Dr. Reginald W. Garstang, assistant surgeon of the bat- talion, was appointed to his present position with the rank of captain, December 8, 1890. He served in that capacity until the outbreak of the war with Spain, wiien he was mustered into the United States service with the One-hundred-and flfty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry as assistant sur- geon. He accompanied the regiment to Chickamauga Park, Georgia, and thence to Port Tampa City, Florida, at which place he was detached and assigned to duty at the hospital of the Third Division, Fifth Army Corps. ^Mlen orders were issued to move all troops from Tampa and Port Tampa City to Fernandina, Florida, Dr. Garstang was placed in charge of the Ambulance Corps of the Second and Third divisions, and preceded the troops to Fernandina in order to establish hospital arrangements. He remained with these organiza- tions until August .31, 1898, when he was returned to his regi- ment and accompanied it home. He was reappointed to his 236 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. former position when the Artillery Battalion was re- organized, Raymond P. Van Camp, of Indianapolis, adjutant of the battalion, first entered the service as a private in Battery A, April 11, 189S. He entered United States service with the battery, and was appointed wagoner on July 1, 1898. He served with the battery through the war and was on the firing line on San Juan road, Porto Rico, when the news of the peace protocol having been signed was received. He was mustered out with the battery November 2.5, He was ap- pointed first lieutenant and quartermaster of the battalion July 17, 3900, and adjutant March 26, 1901, William Gerrard Comly of Indianapolis was appointed quartermaster, with the rank of first lieutenant, on April 19, 1901, He was born in San Antonio, Texas, and graduated from. Yale University in 1893, He located in Indianapolis in 189.5, and is secretary and treasurer of the Varney Electrical Supply Company, Ernest H, Burford, of Indianapolis, was appointed com- missary, with the rank of first lieutenant, on March 26, 1901. The battalion today consists of three batteries — A, the Indianapolis Light Artillery; B, of Ft, Wayne, and C, of Attica. THE INDIANAPOLIS LIGHT ARTILLERY, By Capt. J. B. Curtis. In August, 1882, a half dozen young men held a meeting at the Uenison House, where they discussed the feasibility of organizing a single section of artillery. This meeting was attended by Harry Allen, afterwards first sergeant; Lewis Cooper, afterward gun corporal of the prize section; Edward Miller, afterwards sergeant and member of the famous drill team; Frederick Dietrichs, afterwards known as ''the best No. 1 in the United States"; Leslie Richardson, Charles H, New and -James B, Curtis, afterwards captain and for seven- teen years drill master of the famous championship team. Their interest in battery work had been aroused by a com- petitive drill held in Indianapolis in July. At that drill many of the famous companies of the country were pitted against one another and the contest was a most interesting one. Im- mediately thereafter several military companies were organ- ized in Indianapolis, but the Light Artillery is the only one which has survived. The first meeting was soon followed by others, and within less than two months, as a result thereof, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 237 an entire battery was sworn into the Indiana Legion, under eonnnand of George ^V. Johnston. With the exception of Captain Johnston, the members averaged about twenty-one years of age. Asa result, their work was begun with youth- ful enthusiasm, which was fortunately retained as the years advanced. While sworn into the service as Battery A, the organization was also incorporated and became popularly known as the ^'Indianapolis Light Artillery." Another contest was announced shortly after the organi- zation of the battery, to occur during the following summer, and the services of Lieutenant Hamilton, U. S. A., were se- cured as an instructor. He proved to be a most iMinstaking and efficient officer, as a result of which the primary work of the battery was begun upon a proper basis. It had made such progress in drill by the spring of 1888 that it entered in four classes of the contests for prizes at the encampment of that year, in each of which it won, which was a powerful incentive to the members, giving the organization an unusual strength for a new one. In the spring of 1884 the battery was challenged by the Cincinnati Light Artillery for a contest. The meeting took place at Kichmond, where a clean victory was scored, the Cin- cinnati artillerymen falling behind twenty per cent. Just after that drill Captain Johnston resigned and was suc- ceeded by Lieutenant Curtis, who had begun his career with the battery as a private, and who had commanded "the team" in all the victorious drills. After this victory effort was made to procure an armory as the private property of the organization, and one was completed in }»[arch, 1885. Work was at once begun for the great Southern drills announced for May. After six weeks of preparation, the battery went to Mobile to compete with all the famous artillery organiza- tions of the country. There it met its first reverse, which was due to an unfortunate accident. After the drill was more than two-thirds completed in a faultless manner, it was found that the cartridges were too large and the cannon could not be loaded, which made it impossible for it to com- plete the work in this contest. Notwithstanding this unfor- tunate result, the battery went to New Orleans the following week, where it met all its Mobile competitors, in addition to others, in a contest for the Cotton Centennial Medal and cash prizes offered by the Cotton Exposition directors. The other competitors seemed to feel that the battery was out- classed on account of its misfortune at ^lobile, but they were doomed to disappointment, as the Mobile prize would un- 238 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. doubtedlj have goue to this battery except purely for an accident, which was not appreciated by these competitors. The battery r-aptured the cash prize at New Orleans, and the beautiful Cotton Centennial Championship Medal was awarded to Captain Curtis for making the highest score of any officer in the drill. This victory, of course, at once put the organization at the top of the list of batteries in the country, as it was the first time the famous New Orleans batteries, and especially the Washington Artillery, with its proud record, had been defeated in a contest where no objec- tion could be made. ]n 1886 the battery entered three drills at the Lafayette contest and won first prize in each. It is claimed that no other company of any class, in the United States, ever made a similar record in one week, and this statement is thought to be true. In 1887 the great National Encampment at Washington was announced. The members of the battery had been look- ing forward to a visit to the capital and were naturally en- thusiastic. All other previous drills had been in the "man- ual of the piece, mechanical maneuvers and foot move- ments." As a result, their ardor was somewhat dampened when it was announced that the Washington drill would be a mounted one. The battery had no horses of its own, but was soon at work, and appeared upon the drill field at Wash- ington in magnificent condition, where its competitors were easily swept from the field before it, and it receiA^ed first prize at the hands of General Sheridan, in addition to another medal for the captain. The Washington drill became a his- torical one and added much to the reputation of the battery, as more than forty crack military organizations participated, coming from every part of the United States. At Nashville, in 1888, the battery again appeared in the South to meet the organizations of that section. That drill was one of great perfection on the part of all companies, but vir-tory once more perched upon the Indianapolis banners. This was the last contest in which the New Orleans batteries appeared against the battery, and after it was announced that first prize had again gone to Indianapolis, Captain ThompsoD, of the Louisville Field Artillery, stated that he would follow them no farther, as they seemed invincible. However, a new Southern organization took up the effort to wrest the laurels from the battery. The Dallas (Tex.) bat- tery had appeared at Nashville, and notwithstanding its de- feat, it entered the lists at Kansas City in 1890, where the NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 239 Indianapolis battery appeared in new territory and before an entirely new set of United States army officers for judges. Its work, however, on this occasion was so absolutely perfect and superior, that it easily took first prize, and there was not even a murmur from the Dallas, St. Louis, Kansas City and other batteries which engaged in the contest. Having up to this time won thirteen prizes and visited many cities in different parts of the country, the organization felt it to be its duty to entertain the famous companies of the country at Indianapolis, and announced that it would man- age a prize drill in 1891, in which it would take no part, so as to leave the fight open to the visitors. This drill was the most successful one ever given in the country, not only in a financial sense, but because all the companies departed for their homes after the prizes were awarded without the usual '^kick'' that so often followed the announcement of the result. The judges on this occasion had been most carefully selected by Captain Curtis, after mature deliberation, and as a result of his experience and personal Icnowledge of a large number of army officers. The board was composed of Lieutenants Birkheimer. Rumbough and Campl)ell, all of the Third United States Artillery. Forty military companies participated in this encampment, four of them coming from Texas; and on this occasion, with the Indianapolis Battery not in the con- test, the Dallas (Tex.) Battery won first prize, Rockville (Ind.) second, and Danville (111.) third. In 1892 the battery again appeared in the West, partici- pating in a contest at Omaha, Nebraska, which was indeed a very sharp one, as the Dallas Battery, encouraged by its vic- tory of the year previous, when the Indianapolis Battery was not in, had set its heart upon defeating the old time cham- pions. In this, however, they were doomed to disappoint- ment, as the announcement of the judges awarded first prize to the Indianapolis Battery and gave to it the highest score which had ever been recorded in a drill contest. In 1891 the battery once more turned its face to the South, and at Little Rock met many of its old time competi- tors, including the Dallas team, where the contest was sharp but decisive in favor of the Indiana Battery, which again was awarded first prize. This contest, like many of those in the Southern cities, as well as the one at Indianapolis, was made exceedingly interesting on account of the attendance of the beautiful Sponsors and Maids of Honor, upon the drill, which, of course, inspired the various organizations to their best 240 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. work. The chivalry and beauty of the South made these con- tests, when they were being held so frequently, most inter- esting. They were especially enjoyed by the Indianapolis Battery, as it was the only Northern military company which continuously attended every great drill in the South to which it was invited. It was always free from any of the alleged jealousy which is said to exist against Northern com- panies, and never had reason to complain of its treatment in any Southern city. On the other hand, it was overwhelmed with evidences of good will and friendship on every hand. In 1895 one of the greatest drills ever announced was taken in charge by the St. Louis Fair Association, which had made a success of so many public enterprises in the city of St. Louis. The prizes hung up were the largest ever offered. As a result the preparation was unusually complete and every company participating was upon its mettle. Notwith- standing this fact, the judges once more awarded first prize to the Indianapolis Battery, second prize on this occasion going to Rockvllle, and Dallas, which had so many years been upon the heels of the ''pride of Indiana," got only third. At this drill second prize was won by an Indiana battery, as just stated, going to the Rockville Battery, which had for years watched with great interest and longing eyes the progress of the battery at the Capital City and taken it as a model for its work. In 1896 the battery appeared at Savannah, Georgia, at the beautiful May Festival and Military Contest held in that city. As a result of the continuous successes of the Indian- apolis Battery, no contestant could be procured, and the money set aside for artillery was given to the Indianapolis Battery by default, it, however, giving daily exhibition drills for the benefit of the management and audiences. This prac- tically closed the competition work of the battery. While its continuous successes had been a source of unalloyed satis- faction, yet they had practically brought to an end competi- tion. It had met and vanquished in a dozen different sections of the country all of the crack organizations of its class. Its victories had really been too continuous for the good of com- petitive drills, as no organization could any longer be induced to drill against it. With this important class out, it was practically impossible to make a success of competitive drills in other classes. One was announced for St. Louis later, but the announcements were afterwards withdrawn. Artillery, of course, is one of the picturesque features of any drill field, and without it success can hardly be expected. Lieut. C. H. Dunlop Capt. H. a. Gallon Lieut. W. W. Heiskell Commissary E. H. Burford OFFICERS OF FIRST ARTlLlESN W G. C-)Mt,Y,jC^, 'IVi. NATIONAL GUARD OP^ INDIANA. 241 From 1885 until 1900 the "drill team" held itself in con- stant readiness to meet any challenge, and was continuously under the supervision of Captain James B, Curtis, who had been twice promoted and commissioned as a colonel and three times offered the majority of his regiment during that period, but who declined in order to remain with the organization with which his military record was made. No other company in the United States can show a continuous record of entry to all contests to which it was invited for fifteen years and the winning of eighteen prizes. The record easily marks the Indianapolis Light Artillery as the champion military com- pany of the United States. The result attained is due very largely to the personnel of the organization and the esprit de corps brought about to a large extent by its very early suc- cesses. Another reason for the success of the organization is the fact that it changed officers so seldom. Captain John- ston, who was Ji veteran of the Civil War, retired in less than two years after the organization of the battery, and was suc- ceeded by Captain James B. Curtis, who continued in com- mand until September 25, 1900, having been captain of the battery over sixteen years and having always had charge of the preparation of the men for the contests and command of the '^'drill team" in competition. At the date just men- tioned, when his services as commander of the battery termi- nated, the following order was issued: "State oC Indiana, James K. Gore, Adjiitant-General. ' 'Indianapolis, September 27, 1900. "Special Orders, No. 37. "After over eighteen years of faithful service in the Indiana Na- tional Guard, both as captain of the Indianapolis Light Artillery and as chief of artillery on the staff of the Governor, James B. Curtis Is hereby placed on the retired list of the Indiana National Guard, with the rank of colonel, and is entitled to all the rights of a retired officer, in accordance with section 67 of the militia law, approved March 5, 1895. "By order of the Governor, "JAMES K. GORE, "Adjutant-General. "Colonel James B. Curtis, Retired, New York. N. Y." It is thought that no other organization mustered into the National Guard in the United States continuously had one person as commanding officer for so long a period. This cus- tom applied as well to the other officers, as the battery was entitled always to three lieutenants and during its entire ex- istence has had but twelve persons who filled this rank, and 242 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. the first four but for a very short time, and the last three re- cently promoted, of course but a very short time, and this caused by the retirement of the other officers after the Span- ish-American war. Its officers from the time of its origin to the present date, in the order in which they were elected, were as follows: Captains— George AV. Johnston, James B. Curtis, Harry A. Gallon. Lieutenants— Ernest Kitz, James I. Lyon, James B. Curtis, T. A. WinterroAVd, Carroll DeWitt, Daniel A. Thompson, John Bodemiller, Charles A. GarrarcL Edward B. Johnson, Harry Gallon, Walter Heiskell, Frederick Swan, Charles A. Dunlap. Of these the only one who died while connected with the service was Lieutenant Bodenmiller, who met an accidental death while sailinji a canoe, in 1891. He had long been con- nected with the "drill team'' and was gun corporal of the Prize Drill Section at the time of his death and for several years previous thereto. This important position, upon which much of the success of the drills depended, was discharged at different times by Lewis Cooper, Harry Jackson, John Boden- miller and Edward B. Johnson, in the order named. Among the members of the "team'' who made enviable reputations and became well known throughout the country, in addition to the officers of the battery, were Frederick Dietrich, Wil- liam Myers. Edward Miller. Homer Van Wie, Johnson Holmes, James Boswel!, Charles Dunlap, Arthur Navin, W. L. Mayhew, O. M. Murphy, Charles H. New, Charles Drapier, Harry Murphy, J. B. Okey, Thomas Christian, Hal Ridgely, Edward Wood, Preston Kelsey, A. L. Willard, Charles Van Tilburgh, Smith Strickland and Decatur McAllister. In addi- tion to this, it must be remembered that many of the minor officers above mentioned at different times drilled in the ranks in the contests. Their interest in the organization and their desire to have it continue as holder of the championship, led them, year after year, to lay asid*^ their shoulder straps and once more become privates, which added very materially to the prospects of success. During its existence as a j)rize drill organization, it de- feated every competitor it ever had — souiething no other com- pany can say. in addition to the drills mentioned, as an organization the battery made many famous trips and gave exhibition drills in almost every city in the State of Indiana. One of the chief desires of Captain Curtis was to have it parade on Fifth avenue. New York, which end was only accomplished shortly before his retirement, when on the return of Admiral Dewey NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 243 the battery went in a body to New York city and participated in the reception on October 1, 1899. It received a most hearty welcome at the metropolis, as well as fayorable press men- tion on account of its experience in Porto Rico during the Spanish-American War Immediately after its return it went to Evansville, Indiana, where it participated in the reunion of the "Blue and the Gray,"' and its last public appearance under Captain Curtis was in a parade in May, 1900, during the Grand Army reunion in Indianapolis. At the time of the organization of the battery, the militia of the State was known by the title of Indiana Legion, and as a part of this the battery was mustered into seryice in September, 1882. The only member remaining with it contin- uously in the seryice of the State, from the time of its muster in until September. 1900, was Captain Curtis. The next per- sons in period of seryice were Lieutenant Garrard, William Meyers and Edward Johnson. The battery was remustered into the seryice at the expiration of its term continuously until the present time. When the militia law was re-drafted, the military servants of the State became known as the Na- tional Guard, of which the battery became a part. During its seryice it was constantly liable to the call of the State, and in 1891 was forty-one days in active service during the coal strikes and railroad strikes of that year. At a number of other times it was called out for duty in minor distur- bances and never failed to respond with its full quota within an hour of the time when notice was issued. The roster of the company was always kept to the limit allowed by law. By careful husbanding of its resources the organization acquired its first armory on College avenue, in 1885, which was a frame structure and was destroyed by fire some four years later. As this building was erected on leased ground, it afterwards purchased its own real estate on North Sen- ate avenue, where it constructed and still owns its pres- ent beautiful brick armory, consisting of a. drill room and club rooms. During its existence as a National Guard or- ganization, its membership was composed of three hundred persons at different times. In addition to rendering services in quelling disturbances when called upon by the State, the battery attended every camp of instruction, where its work was always the object of admiration by all of the other guardsmen. The battery was mustered into the State service as a four gun organization and has always remained such, being the only full battery the National Guard of Indiana has ever had. 244 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. During the Spanish-American war and for nearly two years thereafter it had four modern breech-loading cannons. It now has two breech loaders, two Rodman and two Gatling guns. Its breech-loaders are historical on account of being used in the Porto Rican expedition. The battery was in special charge of the remains of Vice- President Thomas A. Hendricks while they were lying in state at the Marion County Court House, the new capitol not being then completed. It escorted the funeral procession mounted and fully equipped with four guns. On this occasion members of the Cabinet and many prominent officers of the regular army commented upon it favorably. It performed similar services at the funerals of (xovernor Hovey, ex-Gov- ernor and then Minister to Mexico Isaac P. Gray, and more recently, the late lamented Governor James A. Mount. The battery has furnished many of its members for com- missioned officers 01 other organizations and for staff duty. Out of its ranks came Majors George W. Johnston. D. A. Thompson and George W. Keyser and Captains Wilbur Chris- tian and Charles Castor, as well as Lieutenants T. A. Win- terroth, B. B. Adams, C. A. Garrard, Harry Murphy and Robert Oliver. In addition to these commissioned officers who gave the benefit of their experience to the many other organizations of the State, it has furnished non-commissioned officers by the score, having as many as nine such on duty at one time at a camp of instruction. Just previous to the call of the President for troops, when war with Spain was declared, the battery received permission from the brigade commander, William J. McKee, to muster a membership of 177 in accordance with the law just passed by Congress, providing such a number as the war footing for a battery in active service. When the call of the President was received and the order of the Governor issued, not only were all of these men at the armory ready to respond, but not less than one hundred other young men of the State and Capi- tal City were present clamoring to be mustered in. The bat- tery was at once ready to report for duty, but was ordered to disband for the day and report at (Jamp Mount, near Indian- apolis, the following morning, which it did. It was one of the few organizations ready with a full quota of men when the mustering officers of the Federal government arrived. It was mustered into the service of the United States on May 10, 1S9S, as the Twenty-seventh Light IJattery, Indiana Vol- unteers, and under orders from the \^'ar Department pro- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 245 ceeded to Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, May 17. While at this rendezvous for troops its mounted drills were a mar- vel, not only to the assembled organizations of the govern- ment, but were the subject of special comment by many for- eign military representatives. These officers of foreign gov- ernments were at a loss to understand how a purely volun- teer organization could be so perfect in full battery drills, which it gave daily at the foot of the famous Snodgrass Hill. The battery was not only perfected here in every detail of drill, but given practice marches through Tennessee and Georgia and thoroughly instructed in every branch of cam- paign service. On July 15 an order was issued making the battery a part of (xeneral Miles's expedition to Porto Rico, and it thus became the only Indiana organization which landed upon for- eign soil during the continuance of the war. It left Chick- amauga Park on July 17, by special train, and embarked at Newport News, Va., upon the transport Roumanian. The transport was totally unfit for such service and inadequate for the accommodation of four batteries which were loaded upon it in addition to a large number of other troops. Each battery carried with it its full quota of 120 horses and mules, and there were also taken on board other horses for head- quarters and wagon trains, so that the transport in fact be- came what it was commonly termed at the time, ''a floating livery stable." It was slow, quarters were cramped, the facilities for eating bad. and in fact it was altogether inad- equate for the service. Much complaint was made by both the officers and men on account of the discomforts of this voyage. The officers of the battery, however, were utterly unable to make the surroundings of the troops any more pleasant because the transport was in command of a quarter- master detailed by the War Department, who was in supreme control. The batteries forming this battalion were then un- der the command of Major George B. Rodney, Fourth United States Artillery, who was in charge throughout the expedi- tion. Ten days were consumed in embarking, on the voyage, and in disembarking, but notwithstanding all the disadvan- tages the organization arrived in Porto Rico and landed at Arroyo with the men in good spirits. Target practice was immediately begun, which was pronounced well nigh perfect by Major-General Brook, who was in command of that divi- sion of the army of invasion. On the night of August 11 orders were issued by him for the Pennsvlvania Battery and the Indiana Batterv to make 246 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. a night march on Giiayama and hold themselves in readiness on the following morning- to make an attack upon the Spanish outposts immediately north of that town on the road to San Juan. Under great difficulties this march was made, the men sleeping for the remainder of the night in the streets of Guayama, where they awakened the next morning in high spirits over the immediate prospects of "getting a whack" at the enemy. Each soldier was issued two days individual ra- tions and the march was taken up for the point of attack, when just before the engagement was to be opened General Brook received a message from President McKinley to cease hostilities, as a protocol had been signed. It was, indeed, a sad sight to look upon the eager young fellow^s of the bat- tery as they marched back to Guayama and were encamped in a field near that city, with all prospect of active warfare gone, notwithstanding the fact that they had undergone all the hardships and discomforts of preparation for the same. As a matter of fact, for the first time, tears and oaths were the order of the day. The battery was kei)t in Porto Rico for more than a month after this, and made what was known as the famous ''mud march" from Guayama to Ponce, over what was really con- sidered an impassible road for artillery. At many points dur- ing the march the guns were onl}- gotten along by reason of the men taking a hand at the Avheels. Drills were impossible in the rainy season, and the period of inactivity was most de- moralizing upon all of the trooj)s. Notwithstanding this, the battery was returned to the United States from Ponce on the transport Concho, and arrived at Indianapolis, where it was mustered out on November 27, 1898, without the loss of a man and with none seriously incapacitated. The record was a most surprising one, as each of the other four batteries lost from one to five men. The Porto Rican battalion was made up of the Twenty-seventh Indiana Battery, Battery A, Pennsylvania, Battery A, Missouri, and Battery A, Illinois. During the war with Spain the National Guard of Indiana had been disbanded, and it was considered by many doubtful whether the members of the Twenty-seventh Indiana Battery would again enter the State service on account of its long and successful career and because of some complaints arising out of the hardships of the campaign: but notwithstanding all the difficulties surrounding it, the battery was again re- mustered as soon as the Adjutant-General was ready to re- ceive it, and Captain James B. Curtis was once more unan- imouslv elected as its chief. Harrv A. Callon became senior NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. 247 first lieutenant and Walter Heiskell junior first lieutenant, and Fred Swan second lieutenant. On the retirement of Captain Curtis, as heretofore mentioned, he was succeeded by Harry Callon, who had long- been his chief reliance, and who was his choice for the succession. Lieutenants Heiskell and Swan were promoted and Charles Dunlap became second lieu- tenant. These are now the officers of the battery. It is be- lieved to have before it as bright prospects for the future as it has honorable record in the past. The roster of member- ship is as follows: First Sergeant — Heiskell. F. W. Quartermaster Sergeant — Tyndell, Robert. Veterinary Sergeant — Boswell, D. A. Sergeants — Railsbach, Chester A.; Oliver, D. A.; Gelbreath, Victor; and Hewitt, Horace. Coiijorals — Thompson, Raymond; Sanders, Fred W.; Amthor, Oscar; Kahn, Isaac; Kinder, Charles; and Nichols, George. Wagoner — Barnhill, Martin. Buglers — Schellschmidt, Alviu. and Powell, Russell. Guidon — Hann. Otis. Privates— Adam, L. F.; Batty, B. R.; Brinkmeyer, Geo. H.; Bosher, Roy; Caine, J. H.; Clancy. .T. G.; Clark, Roy; Cramer, H. W.; Criley, W. K.; Crawford, Chester; Doolittle, E. F.; Driesbach, G. E.; Erven, Charles E.; Gilbreath, Hall; Holland, Charles W.; Haines, J. M.; Harms, C. F.; Irwin. Mark; King, Arthur; Klinck. Charles L.; Long, Harry; Love, W. J.; Large, Michel; Langdon, H. C; Lemmink, William; Malone, Howai-d; Mayer, I^ee M.; Meyers, Earl A.; McBride, Herbert; Pritchard, T. B.; Quack, Charles C; Railsbach, C. E.; Rassmussen, W. T.; Sellers, Earl; Spaan, ,J. E.; Smith. E. J.; Sullivan, Joseph P.; Sinix, Charles B.; Taylor, .T P.: Wegner. Fred; Webb, Heniy J. BATTEKY B. By Capt. W. p. Ranke. The Ft. Wayne Light Artillery, or Battery B, L N. G., is a reorganization of the Twenty-eighth Light Battery, Indiana Volunteers. Previous to its muster into the United States Volunteer service it was known as the Zollinger Battery, in honor of Colonel Charles H. Zollinger, for many years mayor of Ft. Wayne, and who was instrumental in its formation. The Zollinger Battery was a reorganization of the Zollinger Catling Crun Squad. In November, 1887, several of the orig- inal squad members, with the assistance of H. C. Eastwood, reorganized it and elected him captain and Charles Cherry first lieutenant. The squad being without funds to secure a suitable armory, little interest was taken and drills were few during the winter. 248 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Tn April, 1888, through the efiforts of Colonel Zollinger, two guns and uniforms were secured from the State and an order secured to organize a full battery. It was accepted April 8, 1888, and J. C. Willard was elected second lieutenant. At the State encampment held at Evansville that year, the battery won its maiden honor, taking third prize in the artil- lery drill and first prize in the Gatling gun drill. In Septem- ber Captain H. E. Eastwood and Lieutenant Charles Cherry resigned, and J. C. Willard was elected captain, William F. Eanke first lieutenant and W. W. Mungen second lieutenant. After the Indianapolis encampment in 1^889 Captain J. C. Wil- lard resigned and Lieutenant W. W. Mungen was promoted. D. S. Eckert was elected second lieutenant. In the spring of 1891, the battery having served its first enlistment, it was lemustered and baptain W. W, Mungen and Lieutenant William P. Ranl^e were re-elected and Cor- poral J. E. Wolf was elected second lieutenant. Lieutenant D. S. Eckert not being remustered. In August the battery drilled for points against infantry at the National German Kriegerfest and beat them easily and secured first prize. In June the battery entered the national competitive drill held at Omaha and won third money, although they were compelled to use strange guns, theirs not having arrived in time. The Indianapolis Light Artillery generously loaned theirs. Shortly afterwards Lieutenant J. C. Wolf resigned, and Sergeant M. J. Cleary was elected to fill the vacancy. In 1893 Lieutenant M. J. Cleary resigned, and Sergeant C. A. Teagarden was elected in his place. In the fall the battery was on duty at Roby, to suppress prize fights. The battery was remustered in the spring of 1894, haring served its second enlistment, and the oflficers elected were: Captain, William F. Ranke; first lieutenant, C. A. Teagarden, and second lieutenant, Henry C. Niemeyer. During the rail- road strike in August of that year the battery was on duty at Hammond. In 1895 Lieutenant C. A. Teagarden resigned, and Second Lieutenant H. C. Niemeyer was elected first lieu- tenant and Frank W. Alderman second lieutenant. Before the encampment in 1890 Lieutenant Henry C. Niemeyer re- signed, and Sergeant Frank C. Kehler was promoted to the position and Corporal Clyde A. Snowberger was elected junior first lieutenant, the battery being entitled to another officer. The battery having served its third enlistment, it was re- mustered in August, 1897, and the officers elected were: Captain, William F. Ranke; senior first lieutenant, W. Frank Lieut. W. C. Cleary Capt. F. V. Martin Lieut. O. S. Jones ASST. SUR. R. W. Garstang Lieut. N. D. Hull Capt. W OFFICERS OF FIRST F. Ranke kRTILL^RV NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 249 Alderman; junior first lieutenant, Will C. Cleary; second lieu- tenant, Oliver S. Jones. Durinej the excitement previous to a declaration of war against Spain about one hundred additional men were ex- amined and conditionally taken in as members of the battery, and when it was ordered to Indianapolis to be mustered into the volunteer service, one hundred and forty-two re- sponded. On May 13 the battery was mustered into United States service as the Twenty-eighth Light Battery, Indiana Volunteers, with its four ofilcers and 121 men. It was or- dered to Chickamauga Park, Georgia. In June the battery was increased from 125 officers and men to 176 officers and men. The military spirit was so great that it took Captain William F.Ranke,who had returned home for recruiting, just two days to enlist the additional men. The battery remained at Chickamauga Park until September 3d, when it was or- dered to Indianapolis for a furlough, and was finally mus- tered out on October 31, 1898. The health and the condition of the men during its service in the South was excellent, but during its furlough the first and only death occurred, Michael J. Motherwell dying of typhoid fever. During the summer of 1809 Captain William F. Ranke attempted to reorganize the battery, but ceased when he secured a captaincy in the Thirty-ninth Volunteer Infantry. A short time before it sailed to the Philippines he resigned on account of his business at home, not being able to dis- pose of it exce})t at a loss. In February, 1900, he secured the necessary number of men and was mustered into State service, with the following officers: Captain, William F. Ranke; first lieutenants. Will C. Cleary and Fred J. Meyer; second lieutenant, Oliver S. Jones. Captain William F. Ranke is the only member that served in the battery con- tinuously from its organization in 1887 to its muster into United States service in 1898. The battery has always had the respect and confidence of the citizens, as numerous testi- monials have shown. Captain William F. Ranke entered the service of the State as a private in Rattery E, October 19, 1887. He was pro- moted sergeant and was commissioned first lieutenant Sep- tember, 1888. On May 16. 1894, he was commissioned captain and served as such through the war with Spain. When the battery was reorganized he was again elected captain and so commissioned. First Lieutenant William C. Cleary enlisted in the battery as a private and was promoted corporal, sergeant, first 250 NATIONAI- GUARD OF INDIANA. sergeant, and on August 18, 1897, he was commis- sioned first lieutenant. As such he served through the war with Spain, and when the battery was reorganized he was again elected to his old place and commissioned. Lieutenant Fred J. Meyer served in the battery as a pri- vate, corporal and sergeant, and entered United States serv- ice as first sergeant. As such he served through the war. Lieutenant Oliver v^. Jones entered the service as a pri- vate in Battery E on June 1, 1888, and served as such until May 16, 1800, when he was appointed quartermaster sergeant. Reserved in this capacity until August 18, 1897, when he was appointed second lieutenant. During this time he served with his battery at Koby in 1893. When the war with Spain was declared he entered United States service with the battery and served through the war. Near the close of the war he entered the field hospital at Camp Mount, sultering from typhoid malaria fever, on October 24, and was discharged as convalescent November 22. He has never missed an encamp- ment or any call for service. He was active in the reorganiza- tion of the battery, and was again commissioned second lieu- tenant February 5, 1900. The present membership is: First Sergeant -Bernard Hedekin. Quartermaster Sergeant — George J. Depner. Veterinary Sergeant— Wiu. F. Myers. Sergeants — Harry D. Alderman, .Tolm C. Schefer. Cliarles F. Haak, and Clinton M. Ramsey. Corporals— John F. Bariels. Henry C. Moriarity, Halle D. Stokes. Christ F. Zollinger, and Harry C. Clark. Bugler— Will C. Browand. Privates — Beanmann. Paul; Beam, Caloin; Benter, .Tolui A.: Daugb- erty, W. ^Y.•. Dolan. Charles .1.; Greider, Finley C; Gouty, Elvin C; Gross, AVm. H.; Hahn. Christ: Heckman. Clarence G.; Hodge, Chester J. ; Hak. Joseph, .Ti-. : Kreckman, Charles O. ; Lannert, John ; Mennewisch, Wm. H.: Molitor, Charles A.; Molitor. Edward; Moore, Robt. A.; Neu- man, Mathias; Rank, Charles G.; Scliramm, Frank; Stellhorn, Charles; Truechet, Louis; Edward, Raypole; Weill )anm, John; Enright, James D.; Stellhorn, Henry C; Flaig, Albert; Pelz, William C; Kramer, Robert A.; Bangher, Walter B. ; Pontius, PJlmer; Adams, John E.; Pamim, Aug- ust F.; Shoemaker. Clifton: Burkhardt. Fred J.; Hollopeter, Homer; Kiefoy, Frank G.; Beach, George. BATTEKY C. By Maj. a. B, Shanz. Battery C. now stationed at Atti'-a, Indiana, was mustered into the State service on June 20, 1899, when the National Guard was reorganized. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 251 Under the name "Attica Light Artillery" this battery first found its being immediately after the first call to arms in the Spanish war. There was a hope, which afterward proved un- founded, that there might be a second call for organizations as such, and with this expectation Alfred B. Schanz, formerly a member of Battery B, National Guard Pennsylvania, Pitts- burg, ably assisted by Fred V. Martin, a grain merchant of Attica, now Emigration Commissioner in Porto Rico, began the agitation which resulted in the formation of this artil- lery company. The first meeting was attended by 110 pros- pective recruits, and at different times over 200 were en- rolled. The citizens of Attica responded liberally to calls for contributions, and one platoon of forty officers and men were completely uniformed and equipped. The State oflflcers, through the friendly offices of Colonel Charles E. Wilson, were induced to issue to this independent organization two muzzle-loading rifles with caissons, and later two Gatling guns, with which ordnance drills were carried on daily until the picked platoon had acquired remarkable proficiency. During the summer of 1898 the Attica Light Artillery made a practice march from station to Lafayette, Indiana, and went into camp at Camp Wilson in the fair grounds, the camp being named after their loyal friend. Colonel Charles E. Wilson, then military secretary to Governor Mount. While in camp the battery was visited by a number of officers from Indianapolis and elsewhere, among them Captain Pickering, U. S. A., and Colonel R. P. De Hart, whose reports on the battery's work were an element in its later success. Although the battery was offered no opportunity for serv- ice in the Spanish war, military enthusiasm was aroused and the organization was kept up in a highly efficient state by the efforts and sacrifices of its officers and men. The conse- quence was that when, as an independent battery, it ai)p eared at the State encam])ment G. A. R. in Terre Haute in May, 1899, and passed in review with all of the National Guard then existing, it made so forceful an impression upon Gov- ernor Mount and the reviewing officers that the first steps were taken then and there to give it recognition for the sacri- fices of time, energy and money it represented. A month later the Attica Light Artillery discontinued its existence and became Battery C, Artillery Battalion. Since that time Battery C has honestly and loyally kept up its thorough and efficient character. There has been no tendency to accomplish anything except plain effectiveness. 252 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. At the Blue and Gray reunion at Evansville, in October, 1899, Battery C and Battery A met for the first time, and prompt mutual recojifnition of genuine military merit laid the founda- tion for the spirit of comradeship which is so important an element in the harmonious relations between all the batteries at present in the battalion. In 1900, Battery C attended its first camp of instruction at Fairview Park, and under orders of Brigadier-General Mc- Kee made a mounted march from home station to Indianapo- lis and return, a distance of nearly two hundred miles, with raw men and rawer horses, but without accident or injury to man or horse. The march was practically a forced march, the daily average being thirty miles — twenty being consid- ered a fair average. There was no claim that anything re- markable had been done, but the battery felt amply praised by the remark of General McKee: "The battery was ordered to do it, and did it well." Battery C's officers have been: Captains — Alfred B. Schanz and Fred V. Martin. First Lieutenants — Fred V. Martin, Nathaniel D. Hull, and William B. Stearns. Second Lieutenants—William B. Stearns, Robert B. Ray, and Ed- uard F. Otto. The present membership is: First Sergeant— D. C. Griswold. Quarrel-master Serseant — C. E. Thompson. Sergeants— W. G. McMasters, C. E. AUee, R. E. Smith, and J. O. Smith. Corporals— Jarrett La Mont, C. W. Barr, M. L. McNett, J. B. Mar- latt. Franli Pollom, D. Julien, Chas. L. Robins. Trunipeters — "\Vm. Mosier and C. Mosier. Privates — Angstadt, Jno.; Bethel, Frank; Bethel, F. M.; Bowen, W. H.; Brown, Geo. E.; Maguire, W.; Corwin, Jno. C; Fuggazzi. F. M.; Hirlinger, .T. W.; Holmes, C. H.: Julien, C: -Johnson, Chas. C; Johnson. Geo. W.; Kisling. C; Kramer, W. C; Kiger, H. T.; Lancaster, M. L.; Le Claire, J. C; Marmadulje, Roy; Mathis, Jesse; Pattengale, George; Prather, C. O.; Painter, Kearney: Rhoades, W. H.; Reynolds, Rich- ard; Smith. H.; Smith, F. L.; Songer, J. A.: Thomas, J. W.; Weidenham- mer, A.; Weigle, Frank; Wilson, N. A.: Schmerhorn, J. R.; Julien. Sam- uel; Harris, Ernest; Bowman, John. Col. Geo. W. Gunder, Retired CHAPTER X. Retired Regiments, Companies and Officers. The State keei)s in touch with those who have served as commissioned officers for over five years by placing them on the retired list. The officers so i)laced are entitled to wear the uniform of the rank they bear on the retired list and are subject to call to active duty by the State. A number of companies may be said to be on the retired list, as durino; the history of the Legion and Guard many places have supported companies which are not now repre- sented on the rolls. The Fourth regiment has never been re- organized and may be classed as on the retired list at this time . The regiment was organized as a battalion July 5, 1890, and reorganized as a regiment December 19, 1891. The mul- tiplication of companies made this necessary, and headquar- ters were established at Marion. As a battalion the strength was 278 and the officers appointed were Major George W. Gunder, of Marion; Surgeon Thomas C. Kimball, of Marion; Assistant Surgeon W. W. Wilson, of Decatur; Adjutant L. G. Lilliard, of Marion, and Quartermaster Jacob J. Todd, of Bluffton. The companies which served through the days it was a battalion were: A, of Marion; B, of Decatur; C, of Portland; D, of Richmond; E, of Elulfton; F, of Aurora, and G, of Muncie. As a battalion, the organization took part in the gallery practice of that year, and Companies A of Marion, G of Mun- cie and F of Aurora were among those officially commended for the large attendance of members. The average company scores were: C, 33.19; D, 22.88; F, 22.66; B, 19.63; A, 14.7, and G, 1 3.-56. In 1892, after the organization had grown to a regiment, its membership was 412. and in 1893 it reached its highest point, 583. The year following it dropped to 491, and in 1896 to 380. By the close of 1897 it increased to 508. The regi- ment responded to the call of the President for service dur- in the war with Spain and served as the One-hundred-and- sixtieth Indiana. Since the war it has never been reorgan- ized. After its regimental organization, the officers were: 254 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Colonel — George AV. Gnnder. of Marion. Lieutenant-Colonel— W. L. Kiger, of BlufEton. Majors— W. L. ICiger, of Bluffton; W. W. Keen, of Portland; M. L. Byers. of Decatur: G. E. Downey, of Aurora; L. E. Harter, of Warsaw; J. J. Backman, of Aurora; E. P. ]Miller, of Decatur. Surgeons— Thomas C. Kimball, of Marion and John J. Kyle, of Marion. A.ssistant Surgeons— J. J. Kyle, of Marion; Frank W. Foxworthy, of Indianapolis: PJugene Buehler, of Indianapolis. Adjutants— L. C. Lilliard, of Marion; George T. Whitaker, of Dun- kirk; Harry F. NcFeely, of Marion. Quartermasters— Jacob J. Todd, ot Bluffton. and Ransom Allen, of Ossiau. Battalion Adjutants— AY. H. Bien, of Marion; L. L. Martz, of Bluff- ton; Isaac J. Bradford, of Alarion; Charles S. Maltby, of Aurora; Fred L. Beshore, of Marion. Chaplains— C. K. Jones, of Marion; Welford D. Weaver, of Indi- anapolis: and Wm. J. Vigus, of Indianapolis. Tlie (ompaiiies which have composed the regimental or- o-anization are: 1892— A. Marion; B. Decatur; C. Portland; D, Richmond; E, BlufEton; F, Aiu-ora; G, Muncie; II, Warsaw. 1893_.A. Marion; B, Decatur; C. Portland: D, Wabash; E, Bluffton; F, Aurora; G, Mimcie; H, Warsaw. 1894_A. Marion; B. Decatur: D, AYabash; E. Bluffton; F, Aurora; G, Muncie; H. Warsaw. 1895_A. Marion: B. Decatur: C, Lafayette; D, Wabash; E, Bluffton; F, Aurora; G, Columbia City; H, AYarsaw. 1896_A, Marion ; B, Decatur: C. Lafayette; D, Wabash; E, Bluffton; F, Aurora; G, Columbia City; H, AYarsaw. 5897— A. Marion: B. Decatur; C. Lafayette: D. AA^abash: E, Bluffton; F, Ossiau: G. Columbia City; H, Warsaw. X898— A, Marion; B, Decatur; C. Lafayette; D. AA^abash; E, Bluffton; F, Ossian: G, Columbia City; H, Warsaw. Cities and toA^'ns which formerly supported military or- .ganizations. but which are not represented in the Guard at the present time are numerous: Anderson su])ported a company from the fall of 1801 to 1897. The company was unassicrned until May 13, 1892, w^hen it was attached to the Second Resjiment as Company C. The company did not change its letter or reoiment during its term. The officers were: Captains— Clarence C. Thomas. B. T. Perkins, K. M. Burr, and Charles R. Keesler. _ ^ First Lieutenants— Kenneth M. Burr, E. R. Prather, Ellis C. Carpen- ter; A. C. AA'right: and W. S. AYagoner. Second Lieutenants— Percy M. Kessler, E. R. Prather, Ellis C. Car- penter; (Jeorge H. AVebb; and AYilliam AY. Lewis. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 255 Andrews for many years supported a company of infantry which, during- its life, saw service with three regiments. It was organized as the Andrews Old Guards, June 2, 1886, and was assigned to the First Regiment as Company D. When the regiments reorganized in 1888, the company was trans- ferred to the Second as Company G, and again, when the Third Regiment was reorganized, February 3, 1891, the com- pany was again transferred and made Company A of that regiment. It was mustered out of service early in 1892. The officers were: Captain, Lessel Long; first lieutenants, John R. Alpaugh and John H. Moore, and second lieuten- ants, James M. Ashley and Milton Woodbeck. Angola first organized its company November 10, 1891, and was assigned to the Third Regiment as Company H. It served through the war with Spain with that regiment, but was never reorganized. The officers have been: Captains— George MoNeal, C. H. Stoue, J. E. Waugli, Silas Bressler, and N. W. Gilbert. ^ ^^.„. First Lieutenants— J. E. Waugli, P. P. Sanborn, W. F. Williamson, F. P. Brewer, C. F. Kinney, T. Frank Kemeiy, and Robert H. Car- penter Second Lieutenants— C. H. Stone, P. P. Sanborn, William F. Wil- liamson, F. P. Brewer, C. F. Kinney. Frank Kemery, Robert H. Car- penter, and Charles F. Kinney. Attica has been represented in the Guard by artillery only, but the first battery traveled a stormy road. It was organized October 1, 1888, and was called the Attica Light Artillery. It was assigned to the First Artillery as Com- pany G, and served as such until 1888, when it was made Com- pany D, and so served until mustered out of State service under orders issued April 2, 1890. The officers were: Captains— Samuel Turman and Fred Lash. First Lieutenants— Robert S. Minor, Fred Lash, George F. Holder, and Wolf Hirst. Second Lieutenants— Samuel Turman. .Tacob Hess, Edward Doty, and .Tames Slaughter. Aurora first supported a company in 1891, and it was at once assigned to the Fourth Regiment as Company F. The company served until 1897. when, on the expiration of a term of service, it was mustered out. The officers were : Captains— George E. Downey, .7. .T. Backman, and W. H. Thompson. First Lieutenants— .7. .7. Backman, F. M. Downey, and H. E. Sie- Second Lieutenants— .7. J. Kyle, H. McMullen, G. W. Baker, H. E. Siemantel. and F. K. Spaeth. 256 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. The Boswell Guards were organized June 4, 1886, and were mustered into the First Regiment as Company G. The com- pany was transferred to the Second Regiment in 1888 as Company H. On the expiration of its term, July 15, 1889, it was not deemed advisable to remuster the company as an or- ganization, but the ofter was made to remuster it as a pla- toon. The oifer was not accepted and the company was not reorganized. The otficers were: Captains— T. M. Davis and George Noliu. First Lieutenant — James Yarbrougli. Second Lieutenants— Isaac B. Kberly and Isaac B. Schrader. Bluffton's company was organized December 12, 1890, and was assigned to the Fourth Regiment as Company E at once. The company served under that designation through the war with Spain, but was never reorganized. The officers were: Captains— William L. Kiger, J. Z. Brickley, J. W. Goodyear, W, Bruce Montgomery, A. E. Springstead, Cbarles L. Nolan, W. W. Weisel, Jr., Charles F. Brunn, Henry Johnson, and H. C. Brown. First Lieutenants— J. W. Goodyear, Bruce Montgomery, Fred Tan^ geman, Charles L. Nolan, D. W. Weisel, E. P. Hunter, Charles R. Pugh, and L. A. Burgan. _ _.,, ^ ^ ^ Second Lieutenants— M. J. Sawyer. John L. Warmg, Will Robert- son, Henry Johnson, L. A. Burgan, and Fred Tangeman. The first attempt to organize a company at Brazil did not meet w^ith i)ermanent success. The Grant Guards were or- ganized August 31, 1885, and were mustered into the State service as Company H. Second Regiment. The company re- mained in existence but a short time, when it disbanded. The oflicers were: Captain, Elias Wilder; first lieutenants, Dennis McAuliff and William Daly, and second lieutenant, Oscar Thomas. In 1889 another company was organized, which was as- signed to the First Regiuient as Company F on July 15, 1889. The company was in continuous existence until 1897, when it was mustered out. In that time it remained as Company F of the First, and took part in all service with that regi- ment. The officers w^ere: Captains— William Daly, D. McAuliffe, R. E. Wolfe, E. R. Livesy, and Harry A. Britton. First Lieutenants— D. McAuliff, R. E. Wolfe, Norval N. Clyne, J. S. Sollsday. H. A. Britton, and Harry Foster. Second Lieutenants— T. W. Davis. A. C. Biddle, Norval N. Clyne, .lohn Stunkard. Han-y Foster, and Robert A. Glenn. liate in 1891 a company was organized at Bremen, which w\is not assigned to any regiment until May 13, 1892, when it Lieut. C. O. Wilhite Mrs. Alice Wilson McCulloch MARION NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 257 was made a part of the Third as CompaDy A. The company served but one term of enlistment and was mustered out towards the close of 1894. Its officers were: Captain — I. Frank Wine. First Lieutenants — F. F. Wiltrout and E. Heckaman. Second Lieutenants — Edw.ard Heckaman and Q. E. Landeman. The company at Brownstown was mustered into State serv- ice December 31, 1897, and was assijjcned to the First Regi- ment as Company G. The company served through the war with Spain, but was not reorganized. The officers were: Captain — Ralph B. Applewhite. First Lieutenant — John C. Brannaman. Second Lieutenant — Thornton Heller. Bunker Hill maintained a company from 1885 to 1892. It was called the Bunker Hill Light Guards, and was organized October 31, 1885. It was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company E and served with that regiment until 1888, when it was made Company C, as which it was known until it dis- banded. The officers were: Captains — W. W. Robbing, .1. N. Davis, and R. N. Reeder. First Lieutenants — John W. Reeder. John Davis, Jacob Clemens, and William Lane. Second Lieutenants — John W. O'Hara, Jacob Clemens, R. N. Reeder, and John Strominger. During one term of enlistment a battery was supported at Butler, DeKalb County. It was known as McCallister Battery, and was assigned to the First Artillery as Company D. It was organized July 7, 1881, and, including the full complement of commissioned and noncommissioned officers, had a membership of 46. The first officers were Captain George Spayht, First Lieu- tenant James M. Rohrbaugh and Second Lieutenant John Madden. Captain Spayht removed from the State, and his place was filled by the election of John H. Ocker, who was commissioned July 12, 1882, and recommissioned June 18, 1883. The commissions to the two lieutenants were issued July 12, 1881. but Lieutenant Madden never mustered, and Augustus Obendorf was elected to succeed him and was com- missioned August 11, 1882. The battery had two twelve-pound brass cannon and stood high in care of arms and general efficiency. On the expira- tion of its term of service the battery was disbanded. 258 NATIONAL GUARD OP' INDIANA. The company at Cannelton was organized in 1889 and was known as the third separate company until April 2, 1890, when it was assigned to the First Regiment as Company D. The company served but one term. Its officers were: Captain — W. C. Henning, Jr. First Lieutenants — G. Palmer and E. E. Haering. Second Lieutenants — E. E. Cummings and Leon Leaf. During one term of enlistment Columbus supported both artillery and infantry. The artillery company, known as the Columbus Light Artillery, was organized August 31, 1882, and was composed of fifteen officers and enlisted men. W., D. Stansit'er was first in command with the rank of first lieutenant, and was commissioned September 5 in the year of organization. Ten days later F. O. Hague was commis- sioned second lieutenant. The battery was assigned to the First Artillery and was given the letter E. Lieutenant Hague resigned and Lieu- tenant Stansifer was promoted as captain on August 14, 1884. and James A. Sibley was elected first lieutenant and commissioned as such on November 26 following. The battery had one twelve-pound bronze cannon, but was never very prosperous and was mustered out of service when its term expired. The infantry was composed of veterans of the civil war and was organized April 10, 1883. The name Columbus Vet- erans was adopted and it was assigned to the First Veteran Eegiment as Company K. The officers, all of whom were commissioned May 19, 1883, were Captain David Newsom, Lieutenant -Tames W. Smith and Lieutenant Thomas B. Prather. The company served its one term of enlistment only and was mustered out of service when it expired. Again was a company, called the Gent Guards, organized March 17. 1888, which was assigned to the First Regiment as Com])any L It existed only until 1890, when it fell below the standard of efficiency and was disbanded. The officers were: Captains— W. J. Beclv, H. A. Valentine, C. E. .Taclison, and Charles A. Reeves. First Lieutenants — William L. McCampbell, Hosford E. Valentine, C. E. Jackson, Cliarles Reeves, and Albert Stevens. Second Lieutenants— H. E. Valentine, Cliarles E. Jaclison, C. Reeves, Albert Stevens, and William T. S. Jones. Twice has Covington supported a company of infantry, and both saw service in wars. The first company was com- posed entirely of veterans of the civil war and was organized NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 259 July 26, 1881. It was called the Phil Kearney Veterans, and was assigned to the First Veteran Regiment as Company D. The original officers, off of whom were commissioned August 11, 1881, were Captain John W. Patterson, First Lieu tenant Henry J. Meehan and Second Lieutenant Charles H. Edwards. The company then mustered 48 officers and men. Lieutenant Edwards served only until September 23, when he resigned, and Murphy Lewis was elected to fill the vacancy. Captain Patterson was promoted to be major on April 25, 1882, and Lieutenant Meehan became captain. Lieutenant Lewis first lieutenant, and R. C. Nelson was elected second lieutenant. Captain Meehan served only until the end of his term and Lieutenant T^ewis retired at the same time. Lieu- tenant Nelson then became captain. John G. Beynier first lieutenant, and James Menefee second lieutaut. These offi- cers were commissioned June 0, 1883, and Lieutenant Menefee was promoted January 10, 1885, and Benjamin Vanleer was elected, and served until the term of the company expired the following year, when it was disbanded. The second company was organized May 20, 1893, and the officers were Captain C. E. McCampbell, First Lieutenant R. E. Murray and Second Lieutenant Frank McClure. Under orders issued June 1 of that year, the company was assigned to the Second Regiment as Company G and took part in the labor troubles at Hammond. Early in 1894, Lieutenant Mur- ray resigned, and M. Mayer was elected first lieutenant to succeed him. They commenced with a strength of 39 officers and men, and it remained about that strength until the latter part of 1895, when it increased to 43. Early in 1895 Lieuten- ant Mayer resigned, and later in the year W. N. Whitehall was elected first lieutenant. By the end of the next year there was a complete change of officers, and at that time they were Captain F. E. Harden, First Lieutenant Allen Shaff and Second Lieutenant W. G. Miles, who served until the company entered the service of the United States with the One-hundred-and-fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteers in the war with Spain, when William G. Miles was captain, Gregor X. Miller first lieutenant and Ora L. Clark second lieutenant. Since the reorganization of the Guard no company has been organized in Covington. Crown Point has had but one company in the Guard, the Crown Point Blues, which was previously known as the Crown Point Grays. It was organized May 14, 1884, and served in the Third Regiment as Company G until 1886, when it was made Company P. The company disbanded in 1887 260 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. on the expiration of its service. Charles F. Griffin and H. W. Wise were captains, Henry P. Hewgill first lieutenant, and the second lieutenants were John J. Wheeler and Clarence W. P.arr. A battery was organized at Dana in 1897, which was short- lived on account of the war with Spain. It was mustered in as Battery C. and many of the members enlisted in the in- fantry companies when it was learned but two batteries would be accepted from Indiana. The officers were Captain Charles A. Pefley. First Lieutenants Thomas J. Lang and Hal L. Fillinger. and Second lieutenant Cale B. Jackson. The company at Decatur was organized July 7, 1889, and on July 15 of tliar year was assigned to the Third Regiment as Company B, vrhere it served until the Fourth Regiment was oragnized, when it was transferred to that organization, but retained its letter. It served with that regiment through the war with Spain, but has never been reorganized. Its officers have been: Captains — J. S. Coverdale, M. L. Byers. .Jolin H. Steele, D. Quiim, C. M. King. .Tohn T. Myers, Edward P. Miller, and John 'SI. Lenhart. First Lieutenants— jI. L. Byers. .J. W. Tyndall, J. H. Steele, D. F. Quinn, .7. T. ]Myers, Hugh Miller. Richard D. Myers, J. M. Lenhart, Solomon C. Edington. and C. E. Barnhart. Second Lieutenants— P. L. Andrews, C. M. King, M. F. Burkhead^ Hugh Miller, E. P. Miller, J. M. Lenhart, S. R. Dull, S. C. Edington, Charles E. Barnhart, and Richard D. Myers. Delphi's first representation in the Legion was in Com- pany H. First Veteran Regiment, known as the Carroll Vet- erans. The company was organized A]U'il 5, 1882, with forty- nine officers and enlisted men. The first officers, all of whom were commissioned April 8. 1882, were Captain John M. Watts, First Lieutenant Lewis Gros and Second Lieutenant Edward H. Gresham. These officers s'^rved until December 18. when Captain Watts was promoted major and each of the lieutenants was promoted. William V. Lytle was elected second lieutenant. Captain Gros retired on the reorganiza- tion of the company and the two lieut;orth Manchester. Recruits— Andereck, William, North Manchester; Aughenbaugh, Ed A., Servin; Argerbright, Hany, North Manchester: Baker. William Edward, Roann; Brown William J., Roanu; Bell. Frank E., North Man- chester; Criswell, Harry, Liberty Mills; Coblentz, Clarence L.. Liberty Mills; Coble, William, Jr., Servia; Cleveuger, Joseph C, North Man- chester; Darnell, James D., North Manchester; Finkenbiner, John S. North ^Manchester; Grossnickle, Jacob L., North Manchester: Haider- man. A" erne, Roann; Hippensteel. .^acob. Servia: Hippensteel. James W., Servia; Howe. William H.. North Manchester; Isleye. Grant. Lib- erty :Mills; Jones, Neil L., Roann; Lockridge, Bruce, Roaun; Marshall, Lew, Laketon; Sexton, Tral G., North Manchester; Sprinkle, Melvin D., Makin; Shock, Barnett, North Manchester; Toomire, Phillip E., North Manchester. (1) Appointed from private. (2) Transferred to band. (3) Died Au- gust 27. (4) Died July 29. COMPANY E, OF ELKHART. Captain— Graves, Joseph E., Elkhart. First Lieutenant— Beall, Norman E.. Elkhart. Second Lieutenant— Groll, Gustave C, Elkhart. First Sergeant— Hopkins, William H.. Mishawaka. Quartermaster-Sergeant— Lefebre. Edward A., Jr.. Elkhart. Sergeants— Goldman, Harry H.. Elkhart; Hook, Charles, Elkhart; Carper. John A,, Elkhart; Jones, Arthur, Elkhart (1); Pangborn, Spen- cer. Elkhart (21. Corporals — Fetzer, Ernest. Elkhart: Darling. Robert, Elkhart (3); Kyte, ^Y. Archie, Elkhart (4); McBride, Guy T., Elkhart (4); Witman, Joseph, Elkhart (4); Adams, George, Elkhart; Carper, Frank J.. Elk- hart. ^Musicians— Higgins, Robert, Elkhart: Boice. Arthtir L.. Elkhart. Artificer— Smith, John E., Elkhart. Wagoner— Smith, Frank, Elkhart. Privates— Addis, Benjamin E.. Mishawaka; Adams. Albert E.. Elk- hart; Adams. Arthur A., Elkhart: .Alexander. James. Elkhart: Aldiuger, George J., Elkhart; Aurand. .Tames C, Elkhart; Ball, Claude N.. Elk- hart: Bickel. John. Elkhart (5): Brown. Merwin. Elkhart; Cone. Ernest J., Elkhart; Carrier, Henry W., Elkhart: Connell. Edward L., Elkhart; Corner, John E., Elkhart; Corner. William M., Elkhart: Conwav, Thomas, Elkhart (5); Deal, Otto E.. Elkhart: Dunn, Irvin J.. Elkhart; Ebright, Arthur C. Elkhart; Garl. Earl E.. Elkhart; Godfrev, Emmett C, Elkhart; Groatveld. Gilbert G.. Elkhart; Hoetger. Peter. Elkhart; Huth. Leo, Elkhart; Ham. I>eForest. Elkhart; Inwood, John. South Bend; Jones, Leflfey R., Elkhart: Kreider, Frank E., Elkhart; Leininger, William H., Elkhart; JIcBride, Earl A., Elkhart; McClave, Frank J., Elkhart; Mann. Victor, Elkhart; Mowery, Elmer, Elkhart: Nusbanm, Lawi-ence. Elkhart; Overly, Guy, Elkhart; Putney. Orrie E., Elkhart; Pangborn, Earl, Cassopolis. Mich.: Posey, Arthur, Elkhart: Parmater, Joseph, Elkhart; Peters, John C. South Bend (5); Pfotenhauer, Albert, South Bend: Robinson, John. Elkhart; Roher, William H., Elkhart; Rossiter, Sherman J., Elkhart; Rowe, Henry. Elkhart: Smith. Otis E., Elkhart; Sigle. William, Elkhart; Shanks, Claude L., Elkhart; Shine, Francis M., Elkhart; Showalter, James F., Elkhart; Stillman, Albert NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 305 H., Elkhart; Stineback, George E., South Bend; Swayiie, Lem H., Elk- hart; Singer, William H., Elkhart; Taylor, William C, Elkhart; Tteter, Berton R., South Bend; Topping, Ernest, Elkhart; Turner, Charles L., Elkhart; Urquhart, Charles G., South Bend; Wagner, Thomas, Elkhart; Welty, Frank, Elkhart; Williams, Edward L., South Bend; Wicks, Ernest J., Elkhart. Recruits— Buck, Verlie, Elkhart; Bell, Albert, Elkhart; Bulla, Guy, Elkhart; Connelly, William, Elkhart; Cook, George H., Elkhart; Church, Ira Harrison; Elkhart; Everett, Herbert E., Elkhart; Farley, Paul, Elkhart; Fransen, Axel, Elkhart; Galpin, Robert F., Elkhart; Grazer, Michel, Elkhart; Hendershot, William A., Elkhart; Howland, Smith, Elkhart; Ives. Asa, Elkhart; Kantz, Asa H., Elkhart; McLoughlin, Wil- liam, Elkhart: Overly, Bert, Elkhart; Fressler, Ransom, Albion; Fletcher, Phillip, Elkhart; Snyder, John L., Elkhart; Strieby, Adam F., Elkhart; Scheurenbrand, Albert, South Bend; Spiecher, Hiram, Elkhart; Takker, William, Elkhart; Trachsel, William S., Elkhart; Van Houten, George W., Elkhart. (1) Died August 19. (2) Promoted from corporal September 5. (3) Died September 1. (4) Promoted from private September 5. (5) Trans- ferred to band .Tune 30. COMPANY F. OF SOUTH BEND. Captain— Freyermuth, George W., South Bend. First Lieutenant— Faulkner, Harry E., South Bend. Second Lieutenant— Johnston, John S., South Bend. First Sergeant— Keller, Thaddeus T., South Bend. Quartermaster-Sergeant- Lockstidt, Otto W., South Bend. Sergeants— Garrett. Ward B., South Bend; Bilstein, Lewis C, South Bend; Blakeman, Leopold F., South Bend; Alward, Albert F., South Bend. Corporals— Smith. Durwood J., South Bend; Miller, Prank .!., South Bend; Vahlert, George E., South Bend; Drais, Rutherford B., South Bend; Brown, Melvin L., South Bend; Wendt, Charles, South Bend (1). Musicians— Garceau, Arthur J., South Bend; Fleegel, Christian, South Bend. Artificer— Herring, Peter, South Bend. Wagoner— Hartman. Homer, South Bend. Privates— Bailey, Edward L., South Bend; Baxter, Emmett L., South Bend; Bernhard, Albert R., South Bend; Bertch, William H., South Bend; Borden, William A., South Bend; Bourden, Louis, South Bend; Bovee. Clarence J., South Bend; Dempsey, Albert I., South Bend; Denslow, Louis, South Bend; Dominick, William G.. South Bend; Doo- little, Charles G.. South Bend; Doremus, Harry R., South Bend; Elliott, John R., South Bend; Engeldrura, John J., South Bend; Entzlan, Fred H., South Bend; Field, Everett, South Bend: Flagle. William A., Soutli Bend; Frick, Clyde, South Bend; Frye. Charles, Soutli Bend; Herring, George W., South Bend; Herring, Harry W., South Bend (2): Hilbfrg, Otto P., South Bend; Hinkle, Francis M., South Bend; Houston, Benja- min PL, South Bend; Huey, Otto C, South Bend; Jameson, Henry K., South Bend: Johnson, James C, South Bend; Keebler, George, South Bend; Kentner, Irvin, South Bend; Kopper, August, South Bend; Kuespert, Frank, South Bend; Lobough. Frederick. South Bend; Lovell, Arthur C, South Bend; Lowry, Ralph E., South Bend; Mason, Edgar J., South Bend; Mayer, Lorenz, South Bend; McCullough, Wm. M., South Bend: McGill, Robert IL, South Bend; Miller, Rex T., South 306 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Bend; Minsel, Oscar, South Bend; Mussel. Rudolph B.. South Bend; Perkins, Han-y O., South Bend (3); Platz, John D., South Bend; Porter, Ernest S., South Bend; Priest, John F.. South Bend; Quiulan, William M., South Bend; Rach, Charles. South Bend; Rickel. Egbert, South Bend; Ritter, Harvey F., South Bend; Schrumpf. Louis E., South Bend; Sester, August P., South Bend; Seifer, Frederick, South Bend; Schenl- der, Fred K., South Bend; Severance. Merrit E., South Bend; Slusser, Walter H., South Bend; Smith, John R., South Bend; Smith, Frank A., South Bend; Stewart. Harvey G., South Bend; Stroup. Robert I., South Bend; Walling, Claude E., South Bend; Welty, Albert. South Bend. Recruits— Andresiak, Waclaw Y., South Bend; Cooper. Yoras L., South Bend; Connell, Clarence, South Bend; Clarke. John. South Bend; Curry, Yerge, South Bend; Engleman, Jesse F., South Bend; Heiser, Henry C, South Bend; Heiser, Lawrence W., South Bend; Hupp, Ernest E., South Bend; Hilderbrand, Alexander, South Bend; Jacobs, Jesse W.. South Bend; Keebler, AYilliam. South Bend; Krushanzki, Steven, Mishawaka; Meisner. John, South Bend; McDonald, Samuel M., South Bend; McGlinsey, Clinton, South Bend; Reid, Robert, South Bend; Shafer, Charles, South Bend; Shupert, Russell, South Bend; Sledzikowski, Albert, South Bend; Swintz, George, South Bend; Thome, Jacob, South Bend; Wagoner, Wilber E., South Bend; Wesolowski, Marion S., South Bend; Williard, Isaac, South Bend. (1) Promoted from pri^'ate August 15. (2) Died October 17. (3) Died August 20. COMPANY G, OF FT. WAYNE. Captain— Meyer, Otto C, Ft. Wayne. First Lieutenant— McLeod, William S., Ft. Wayne. Second Lieutenant— Jackson, John C, Ft. Wayne. First Sergeant— Archbald, Maurice J., Ft. AVayne. Quartermaster-Sergeant— Miller, Henry L., Ft. Wayne. Sergeants— Birely, Jesse L.. Ft. Wayne; Johnson. Elbe C, Ft. Wayne; Arney, Forest, Ft. Wayne; Holmes, Frank L., Ft. Wayne. Corporals— Heffelfinger, Robert, Ft. AVayne; Schane, Joseph E.. Ft. AA''ayne; Ohlfest, Otto, Ft. AVayne; Clippinger, Isaac D., Ft. Wayne; Hartwig, August C, Ft. Wayne; Potter, John F., Ft. Wayne. Musicians- Hessert, Edward G., Ft. Wayne; Fillers, Lee H., Ft. Wayne (1). Artificer- Johnston, Glenn W„ Ft. AVayne. Wagoner— Sesseman, John AV., Ft. Wayne. Privates— Allen. George AV., Ft. AA^ayne; Angell, Robert L., Ft. AA^avne; Archer, Fred, Ft. Wayne (2); Bartel, Robert R., Ft. Wayne; Beaber, William J., Ft. Wayne (3); Bird, Thomas S., Ft. AVayne; Bishop, Frank H.. Ft. AVayne ;Brockerman. Rudy B.. Ft. AVayne: Brower, Frank A., Ft. Wayne; Brower, Charles S.. Ft. Wayne; Butlor. George P., Toledo, O. (4); Carmer, Geoi'ge W., Ft. AVayne; Carmer, William A., Ft. Wayne; Conley. William G., Ft. Wayne; Craig, Clarence, Ft AA^ayne;' Dalby, William A., Ft. Wayne; Daugherty. Walter W., Ft. Wayne; Davis, Harvey R., Ft. Wayne; DeLong. Levi B., Portland; Driftmeyer, Fred J., Ft. Wayne (5); Driver, Isaiah, Ft- Wayne; Ebr- man, Frederick H.. Ft. Wayne; Ehrman, George, Jr., Ft. Wayne; Bpple, Edward C, Ft. Wayne; Erwin, James S., Ft, Wayne; Fisher, Harry W., Ft. Wayne; Gorrell, John T., Ft. Wayne; Hamilton, Hugh, Ft. Wayne; Hargrave, Robei-t, New Haven; Hasty, Alfred B., Ft Wayne; Holmes, William E., Ft. AVayno: Honeck, Conrad, Ft. AA'ayne; Howe, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 307 John, Ft. Wayne; Kaylor, Celester E., Ft. Wayne; Kayser, William D. C, Ft. Wayne; Lotz, William J., Ft. W^ayne; McCaffery, William H., Ft. Wayne'; Method, Orba, Goshen; Myers, David J., Chicago. 111.; Meyers, Henry F., New Haven; Miller, George E., New Haven; Morris, James C, Ft. Wayne; Morrison, Joseph H., Ft. Wayne; Neisser, Wil- liam M., Ft. Wayne; Nogal. Frar.k I... Ft. Wayne; Piehl, John G. F., Ft. Wayne; Porter, Robert. Ft. Wayne; Richards, William H., Ft. Wayne; Roder, Henry T., Ft. Wayne: Rnopke, Paul A., Ft. Wayne; Sams, Wil- liam S., Ft. Wayne; Schumann, George H., Ft. Wayne; Spitler, Berton A., Ft. Wayne; Stapleton. George L., Woodburn; Taylor, Harry L.. Ft. Wayne; Tyler, Sidney W.. Ft. Wayne; Underwood. Arthur E., Ft Wayne; Umwake, Douglass. Indianapolis; Webster, Frank, Ft. Wayne; Whitney, George B., Ft. Wayne; Williamson, Levi E., Harlan; Wood, Harry M., Ft. Wayne. Recruits— Donivau. Harry T.. Ft. Wayne; Driesbach, Clyde F., Ft Wayne; Larimore, James A., New Haven; Magers, John F.. Ft. Wayne; Milier, Fred A., Ft Wayne; Osborne, Charles E., Ft Wayne; Szink, Edward E., Ft Wayne; Wheeler, Herbert M., Ft Wayne; Willson, Frederick M., Ft. Wayne. (D Transferred to band. (2) Died August 15. (3) Died August 27. (4) Died July 31. (5) Discharged July 13. COMPANY H, OF ANGOLA. Captain— Gilbert Newton W., Angola. First Lieutenant— Kemery, T. Frank, Angola (1); Carpenter, Robt H., Angola (2). Second Lieutenant— Kinney, Chas. F.. Angola (3). First Sergeant— Norton, Arthur, APgola. Quartermaster-Sergeant— Lowther, Bart, Angola. Sergeants— Stocker, James C, Angola; Brewer, Frank P., Angola; Jarrard, William L., Angola; Jackson, Homer, Angola, Corporals— Ferguson, William F., Angola; Scovell, George B., An- gola; Patee, Frank J., Angola; Brown, Harley J., Angola; Stuck, Don G., Orland; McConnell, George W., Angola. Musicians— Brown, Harry C, Angola (4); Brokaw, Juseph, An- gola (4); Harmon, W. E.. Angola (5): Williamson, W. E., Angola (5>. Artificer— Carrick, William E., Angola. Wagoner— Johnson, Frank, Angola. Privates— Ball, Grant Pleasant Lake: Bennett Edgar, Pleasant Lake; Bennett, George, Pleasant Lake; Berlein. John S., Angola; Brow- er, George. Angola: Cnrrick. Thomas; (i.. Angola: Clark. Eatham. Otis, Elkhart: Lehman, Henry, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 309 Waterloo; Lindner, Rudolph, Hammond (6); Martin, Allen D., Kendall- ville; McKinley, Otis N., Ft. Wayne: MoGowan, Melvin, Auburn (7); Miller, Adolph," Ft. Wayne; IMitflieil. Thomas W., Ft. Wayne (8); Mona- han, John A., EUihart; Newell, Delbert, Hammond (6); Nodine, Albert, Waterloo; North, Frank I^., Butler; Oberlin, Clyde B., Butler; Oberlin, Clyde B., Butler; Opdyke, Daunt, Summit; Opdyke, Hollana, Summit; Pachett, Joseph. Hamilton; Penick, Allie, Summit; Perry, Lucius, Buf- falo. N. Y.; Pettit. Harry, Elkhart; Pulver, John R., Summit; Ramsey, Thomas J., Urbana (9): Rank, Richard II.. Ft. Wayne (8); Resler, Sher- man C, Waterloo; Rising, Clinton, DeKalb; Rohrbaugh, Claude, Water- loo; Shea, William, Angola; Schroeder, Charles, Sedan; Sessions, Chas., South Bend (10);Singrey, Guy, Auburn; Smurr, William, Butler; Smurr, David, Butler; Swartz, B. L., South Bend (10); Thomas. William J., Auburn f6); Vanscoik, Charles, Garrett; Waite, Charles M.. Hammond (6); Wheaton, Willis O., Sedan. Recruits— Anderson. Frank, Hudson; Bryant, A. Eugene, Troy; Coffman, William H. E.. Arctic, Ohio; Clark, Jesse, Hudson; Casebeer, Curtis, Hamilton; Cheyney, William E., Hicksville, Ohio; Engle, Alva, Butler; Eviston, Charles A., Butler; Enzor, Marshall, Butler; Enzor, David H.. Butler; Greer, E. Victor. Hudson; Greenwood, George M., Butler; Hose, William L., Butler; Heckathorn, Orin W.. Hudson; Hook, Orrin, Butler; Harper, Jackson B., Corunna; Kepler. Benjamin F., Hamilton; Krehl. William F., Helmer; Lint, Oliver A., Butler; Mitchell, George, Butler; Oren, George. Butler; Rowe, John Adam, Hudson; Rit- ter, Frederick, Hudson (11); Shade, Richard, Helmer; Warner, Todd E., Butler; Waller, Mack, Hamilton; Winegart, George Lewis. Ketulall- ville. (1) Resigned June 27. (2) Promoted from second lieutenant June 30. (3) Promoted from sergeant June 30. (4) Promoted from corporal August 12. (5) Promoted from private August 12. (6) Transferred to band June 29. (7) Transferred from Company K June 30. (8i Trans- ferred from Company G June 30. (9)Transferred from Company D .Tune 29. (10) TransfeiTed from Company P June 29. (11) Discharged August 12. COMPANY K, OF ALBURN. Captain— Lahnum, James F., Auburn. First Lieutenant— Rufner, Othello B.. Auburn. Second Lieutenant — Wolf. John J., Anbuni. First Sergeant— Ililkey, Morton, Auburn. Quartermaster-Sergeant— Brown, John W.. Aul)urn. Sergeants— Rader, Irwin E., Auburn; Jolliff, Benjamin F.. .\uburn; Keller, Worthy E., Auburn; Picker, Charles A., Auburn. Corporals — HC'lman, Phillip, Cedar; Elson. Charles T.. Aubuni: Mc- Donald, Alexander, Defiance, O., Williamson, James, Auburn; Wolf, George W., Auburn; Martin, Charles, Fairfield Center. Musicians— McNany, Dick, Garrett; McDowell. John R.. Auburn. Artificer— Feagler, Wilson, Auburn. AVagoner— Leighty, William O., St. Joe. Privates— Ankney, Samuel A., Auburn: Ankney. Albert W., Au- burn; Baer, Frank, Auburn; Bohlke, August, Auburn; Bradford. Forest, Garrett; Basse. John C. Garrett: Baker, Bert. Auburn: Breuo, William F., Delaware Bend, O.; Budd, James, Auburn; Budd, Emanuel. Dt^ fiance, O.; Borland. Edward D., Auburn: Baird. Charles R.. Auburn; Caldwell, Weber W., Garrett; Carey, Charles. Auburn: Currie, Morris, 310 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. St. Joe; Daum, Frank H., Auburn; Donley, Frank; Auburn; Edwards, Calvin, Auburn; Elliott, Jesse E., Summit; Elliott, Thomas W., De- fiance, O.; Everett, George W., Auburn; p'oltz, Charles C, Garrett; Gar- rett, Roy C, Auburn;; Grindle, William, Butler; Grogg, Wilson, Au- burn; Grear, John, Auburn; Holdman, Thomas H.. Auburn; Hall, John H., Butler; Hensinger, George, Auburn; Hirsch, Simon; Deflauce, O.; Hoodelmier, Twite L., Auburn; Jones, George, Auburn; Jones. J;iy B., Auburn; Krueger, Fred H., Auburn; Lane, Francis E., Aumirn; Love- land, Luther J., Newville; Maxwell, Hugh C, Oufa; Maxwell. Leslie, Alvarado; Miller, Carl F., Auburn; Miller. Frank, Auburn; :Mili,s. 3.ioi-- ton J., Auburn; Nicholas, Clinton E., Auburn; Owen, Vinson, Auburn; Olinger, Melvin D., Auburn; Ruple, Mark S., Auburn; Rosenbery, James S., Richland; Ueasoner, Orson L., St. Joe; Robbins, Hugh E., Auburn; Robinson, William, Defiance, O.; Reesch. Frank, Auburn; Sowle. Wil- liam E., Auburn; Smith. Oscar, Auburn; Town, William E., Auburn; Trostel. Abner, St. Joe; Vanderbogeart, Frederick, Butler; West. Henry, Auburn; Wheelock, Hayden G., Auburn; AVhite, James L.. St. Joe; Williamson, Joseph D., Auburn; Wolf, William H., Auburn; Woodcox, Arthur, St. Joe; Shreve, Thomas, Warsaw. Recruits— Brand, Frank, Waterloo; Collins, George F.. G:irrett; Cle- ment, Guy C, Waterloo; Callander, Oza L., Concord; Deal, George W., Auburn; Funk, William D., Moore's Station; Fox. Fred. Auburn: Gin- gery, Christopher C. Hicksville, O.; Gramling, Henry W.. Summit; Hathaway, Charles H., Garrett; Husselman, Milo D., Auburn; Heist, Bennett, Auburn; Kolbe, August G., Auburn; Lahnum. Wesley G., Au- burn; Luce, Clarence, Waterloo; :Mosher, Edson D., Waterloo; Markwal- der, John, Columbia City; Magee. William J.. Idaville; Markley. Mryon. Summit; Niles, Fred L., LaGrange; Nichols, Jacob T., Orangeville; Timmerman, William B., Auburn; Van Auken, Everett C, Auburn; Walter, George T., St. Joe; Tingling, Adam D., Auburn; Tingling, Luther L., Auburn. COMPANT L. OF LIGONIER. Captain— Green, Charles A., Ligonier. First Lieutenant— Ochs, Jacob L., Ligonier. Second Lieutenant— Shobe, Ray, Ligonier. First Sergeant— Musson, Henry, Ligonier. Quartern! aster- Sergeant— King, Richard B., Ligonier. Sergeants— Reed, James P., Ligonier; Knepper, OAven O., Ligonier; Kitson, E. Finley, Ligonier; Wolfe, Otto C, Ligonier. Corporals— Milner, William, Ligonier; Stansbury, Herbert, Ligonier; Stage, Rollie E., Ligonier; Pearman, Norman. Ligonier; Whitmyer, Henry F., Topeka; King, Volnie, Ligonier. ^Musicians— Hire, George A., Ligonier; Worden, Verne, Albion. Artificer— Stansbury, Edward D., Ligonier. Wagoner— Ferguson, George, Ligonier. Privates— Anderson, Thomas G., Ligonier; Anspaugh, James L., Albion; Anspaugh, John L., Albion; Banta, Charles R., Ligonier; Bill- man, John, Ligonier; Bowei', Lawrence M., Ligonier; Brady, Marion, Ligonier; Campbell, Samuel J., Cromwell; Clawson, Samuel J., Ligo- nier; Clucas, Jesse E., Albion; Cole, Prentice B., Albion; Cook, William E., Ligonier; Curry, John W., Elkhart; Davis, Eli, Albion; Decker, Orval, Ligonier; Eytcheson, Charles E., Ligonier; Fitzhugh, Melvin L., Cromwell; Flowers, Earl, Ligonier; Flowers, Oscar, Ligonier; Gale, Spaulding, A., Ligonier; Green, John B., Ligonier; Hadley, Frank, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 311 Albion (1^; Hanev, Charles, Ligonier; Hanrdenbrook, Carl, Albion; Har- denbrook', Jav A., Albion; Hawk, Albert, Albion; Hlmes, George W., Ligonier; Hire, Elmer, Ligonier (1); Hinuian, Perry R., Ligonier; House, Herbert E., Stanton. Mich.; Koontz, Arthur, Ligonier; Lougenecker, Ethan S., Ligonier; Mayfield, Frank, Cromwell; Milner, George, Ligo- nier; Monk, James C, Ligonier; Morrison, Harry L.. Indianapolis; Mullen, Bert, Albion; O'Conner, Edward, Ligonier; O'Conner, James, Ligonier; Parks, Charles R., Albion; Randecker, John, Ligonier; Rarick, Marion A., Ligonier; Reed, Joseph C, Cromwell; Rench, David E., Ligonier; Robbins, Forest B., Ligonier; Roche, Robert. LaPicire. Mich.; Rose, Frank A., Ligonier; Regula, Peter, Ligonier; Scliurt. Lee S., Albion; Shaffer, Henry W., Ligonier; Shoemaker, Clarence, Auburn; Slabaugh, Willard, Ligonier; Smith, Delbert, Ligonier; Smith. James M., Ligonier; Sparrow, Charles F., Kimmel; Stigner, Charles U.. Wa- Avaka; Wade, Norman, Ligonier; Wemple, Clarence E., Ligonier; Wolfe, Jay L., Ligonier: Wolfinger, Jasper, Ligonier; Wolfinger, Sampson, Ligonier; Yonker, George W., Ligonier; Zimmerman, Clarence D., Wa- Recruits— Britzius, Charles A., Butler; Benthin, Edward, Liuonier; Bly, Stephen D., Cromwell; Carr. James D., Ligonier; Droud. Marion F.," Cromwell; Draper, Walter. Ligonier; Fritz. Charles W.. Edgtrton, O.; Greathouse, Amos F., Moscow, Kan.; Golden, James S.. Ligonier; Home, Valentine G., Ligonier; Home, Henry P.. Ligonier; Huff, Her- bert A., W\awaka; Hostetter, Arthur P., Ligonier; Hadley, Frank F., Ligonier; Heltzel. Seymour, Ligonier; Kreger. Claude N., Ligonier; Pen- land, Marion, Cromwell; Reiske, Gustavus, Ligonier; Sweetnam, Arthur H., Ligonier; Schneider, C. C, Ligonier; Stutsman, E. D., Ligonier; Teal, Harry H., Ligonier; Todd, Louis O., Cromwell; Van Scoyke, William A., Ligonier; Wier, Harry W., Ligonier; Wills, George A., Ligonier (2). (1) Discharged July 28. (2) Discharged August 8. COMPANY M, OF PLYMOUTH. Captain— Capron, John C, Plymouth. First Lieutenant— Fish. Claude D., Plymouth. Second Lieutenant-Lankenaw, William, Plymouth. First Sergeant— Lanfesty, Ed, Plymouth. Quartermaster Sergeant— Corbin, Harry, Plymouth. Sergeants— Giller, Ed J., Plymouth; Neil, Edward R.. Plymouth; Kendall, Lee M., Plymouth; Protsman, Charles A., Plymouth. Corporals— Crawford, Charles, Plymouth; White, Arthur B.. Plym- outh; Tyrrell, Noyes E., Plymouth; Ocker,, Emory, Plymouth; AUman, Bert, Piymouth; Bailey. Percy. Plymouth (1). Musician— Kuisley, Norman, Bourbon (2). Artificer— Bollinger, George. Plymouth. Wagoner— IMiller, Everett, Bourbon (3). Privates— Alexander, James N., Plymouth; Anders. Bert, Plymouth; Andrysiak, Steven, South Bend; Baker, George, Donaldson; Board, William, Plvmouth; Broadsord, William. Plymouth; Beehler, Henry F.. Plymouth; Cannon, Blias, Plymouth; Conboy, James, Plymouth; Crane, William. Plymouth; Broadsord, William, Plymouth, Beeler, Henry F., William, Plymouth; Broadsort, William, Plymouth; Beehler, Henry F., Earl, Plymouth; Cross, George, Plymouth; Dawes, Harry. Carbon; Drake, Urban S., Argos; Edwards, Pierpont, Monticello; Elder, Peter, Plvmouth; Fristo, Harry, Bourbon; f enrich, Henry, Deipnl; Haines, 312 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Ora, Ai'gos; Hayes, Edward. Plymouth; Hoham, George, Plymouth; Irwin, Charles M., Argos; Johnson, Melvin D.. Plymouth; Kanarr, Sey- mour, Plymouth; Kanouse, Francis, Argos; Kepler, Ed. Plymouth; Linkenhelt, Floyd. Plymouth; Miller, Charles, Bourbon; Mowrer. New- ton P.., Bourbon: Nefi', Charles D., Argos; Pontius, Wilber. Plymouth; Portz, John. South Bend; Powell, William, Plymouth; Radel, Frank, Plymouth; Reed. David, Plymouth; Riggens, Lawson E., Bourbon; Riggens, William, Plymouth; Robinson, Arthur, Delphi; Rowell, John, Donaldson; Sausser, William G.. Argos; Sayles, Dwight, South Bend; Schearer, William, Plymouth; Schroeder, Willard, Marshall; Schroeder, William, Plymouth; Shepherd. William, Donaldson; Shively, Jesse, Bourbon; Snyder, Verne, Bourbon; Soice, Claude, Plymouth; S tangle, Quincy V.. Bourbon; Stout, Frank H., Plymouth; Stroup, Norman, Plymouth (4); Stuller, Burl. Plymouth; Tabor, David. South Bend; Traffka, Antoni. South Bend; Turner, Charles O., Noblesville; Turner, Herbert, Noblesville; Taughn, Hariy, Yantsville; White, William E., Plymouth; Wickizer. E. Otis, Argo; Willford, Dallas, Bourbon; Williams, Lora B.. Plymouth; Wilson, William, Plymouth; Wiseman, Charles M., Plymouth; Wolfe. Charles. Donaldson; Wolfe. George, Donaldson. Recruits— Ball, Charles L.. Plymouth; Barnum. George Homer, Knox; Butler, Russell H., Warsaw; Bayman. Claude A., Plymouth; Bayman. May Rue, South Bend; Blycker, Axel. South Bend; Calls, John, South Bend; Doppler. Frederick L.. Plymouth; Elder, John W., Plymouth; Jacobson. Samuel. Donaldson; Lechlitner, Adam L., Plym- outh; LeBrash. Charles L., Plymouth; Miller, Clarence C. Plymouth; Miller, Sol, I'lymouth; Marshall, John, Plymouth; Miller. Michael, South Bend; McKague, Robert G., Plymouth; Ohler, James Martin, Argos: Osborne, John S., Plymouth; Pietraszewski, Stephen, South Bend; Porogi, John, South Bend; Primley, Seneca, Ji'., Plymouth; Rals- ton. William, Leiters Ford; Stahl. Henry S.. Culver: Tutt. R. Harvey, South Bend. (1) Promoted from private June 10. (2) Transferred to baud June 30. (3) Appointed from private July 20. (4) Discharged August 11. The Second Regiment, Indiana National Guard, was the second regiment to be mustered into United States service, and on May 10 it became the One-hundred-and-fifty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteers. The regiment was doomed to great disappointment so far as active service was concerned, for it did not get beyond camp life. It moved to Chicka- mauga on May IB, leaving Indianapolis in the evening and reaching Chattanooga the following evening. The men re- mained in the cars all night, and the entire day following was consumed in moving to Lytle, Georgia, a distance of but twelve miles, as troops were pouring into the park from all parts of the country and there was but one railroad from Chattanooga to Lytle. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon the train reached Lytle and the regiment started on a three-mile march for camp. It was dark before the camping place was reached, and the men bivouacked for the night. The next NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. 313 morning camp was established and the regiment was bri- gaded with the Second Ohio and the First West Virginia, the brigade which was commanded by General McKee. Five months of monotonous routine duty followed, which was not brightened by any prospect of seeing duty in Cuba or Porto Rico. The grounds became so unsanitary that a portion of the troops, including the regiment, was ordered to Camp Poland, near Knoxville, Tennessee, and camp was broken on August 25 and established at Camp Poland the fol- lowing day. There it remained until September 12, when it was ordered to Indianapolis to be mustered out. The regi- ment reached Camp Mount two days later, and was fur- loughed for thirty days from September 17. It re-assembled October 17, and was discharged November 4. The regiment lost ten men by death while in the service. Company A, of Indianapolis, lost but one, Corporal Victor C Rossburg, of Indianapolis, who died September 30 while at his home on a furlough. Company B, of Rochester, lost two men — Private Newton D. Allis, of x\thens, who died at his home October 29 while on a furlough, and Private Ira W. Stevens, of Morton, Indi- ana, who died September 2 while at Camp Thomas, Georgia. Company C, of Frankfort, lost but one member, Private Ashley J. Jennings, of Lafayette, who died July 1 at Camp Thomas, Georgia. Company D, of Indianapolis, lost two men — Private Harry A. McMullen, of Indianapolis, who died August 5 at Camp Thomas, Georgia, and Private Clarence C. Wiley, who was one of the recruits, and who died September 19 at In- dianapolis. Company G, of Covington, lost but one member — Musician Louis G. Boothroyd, of Delphi. He was transferred from the company to the band and died September 19. Company L. of Kokomo, lost but one member — Private John A. Moon, of Greentown, who died at Camp Mount Octo- ber 20. Company M. of Crawfordsville, lost two members — Pri- vate Benjamin F. Britton, of Crawfordsville, who was one of the recruits and entered the service June 15, died August 17 at Camp Thomas, Georgia, and Private Harry Mitchell, of Crawfordsville, who died October 10 at Camp Mount. While Company F, of Winchester, did not lose any men in the service, it has lost an unusually large number of members by death. The first one was Private Samuel L. Petro, who lived near Modoc, Randolph County. He was born in Fayette 314 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. County, Indiana, February 28, 1874, and was the son of B. H. and Martha A. Petro. Soon after his birth his parents moved to the present home, and when he was four years and seven months old his mother died. His early years were spent without a mother's care, and he was among the people of the neighborhood and soon became a favorite. He joined the Knights of Pythias February 35, 1896, and had commenced the study of medicine when the call for volunteers was made. He joined the company and with it entered the United States service. He returned to his home after he was mustered out, but in twenty three days was stricken with appendicitis, and died December 1, 1898. Private Petro was orderly to General Poland, who died of enteric fever at Ashville, North Car- olina. Private Marshall Henry Taylor was born at Hagerstown, Indiana, June 20, 1872, and with his parents moved to Union City in 1875. Pie attended the schools of Union City until the second year in High School, when he commenced to work for the railroad company. He was in this service from Septem- ber 23, 1892. until September 11, 1897, when he resigned on account of ill health and Avent to his home in Union City. He enlisted in the company April 30, 1898, and served through the war. After having been mustered out of United States service he returned to his old employment and was killed in the yards at Indianapolis, December 30, 1898. Private Frank O. Eckerle was born in Benton, Indiana, July 30, 1870. On March 1. 1880, the family moved to Lynn, Indiana, where he received his early schooling. He was a member of the company at the outbreak of the war and served until it was mustered out of service. He was taken sick suddenly on the evening of March 17, 1899, and died the next day. Corporal James A. Bales, of Winchester, was the second victim of the service. He was eighteen years old when he entered the service of the State, and after the company en- tered the United States service — July 7, 1898 — he was pro- moted corporal. He contracted a disease while in the service, but remained with his company until it was mustered out. He never recovered and died April 27, 1900, and his funeral was attended by the G. A. K. in addition to the members of his old company. Corporal Homer W. Engle was born June 6, 1878. and was one of the promoters of Company F. He took an active part in its organization and sei-ved with it during the war. While at Chickamauga he had a severe attack of measles, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 315 which left him in a debilitated condition, and from which he never fully recovered. He died at the home of his parents in Winchester, January 31, 1900. He had been a member of the Christian Church since he was twelve years old, and was a member of the Christian Endeavor Society, the Alumni Asso- ciation of the Winchester High School, Knights of Pythias and the Sons of Veterans. He was buried with military honors February 2. Clyde Stout was born in Clinton County, Ohio, August 2, 1879, and served in the company for some time. He volun- teered for service during the war, but his failing health se- cured for him an honorable discharge. He died October 27. The recruits for the regiment were received into United States service during June. The following is a roster of the regiment as mustered out of the service. Unless otherwise designated, it shows service from April 26 until November 4. FIELD, STAFF AND NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Colonel— Smith, Harry B., Indianapolis. Lieutenant-Colonel— Thayer, Edwin P.. Jr., Greenfield. Ma.iors— Rich, William S., Indianapolis; Skinner, Albert H., Roches- ter; Conde, Henry T., Indianapolis. Surgeon— Charlton, Fredericli R., Indianapolis. Assistant Surgeons— .Tones, Homer I.. Indianapolis; Barcus. Paul J., Crawfordsville. Adjutant— Powell, George W., Indianapolis. Quartermaster— Hopkins, Milton I., Indianapolis. Chaplain— Carstensen, Gustav A., Indianapolis. Battalion Adjutants- Power, Taylor C, Indianapolis; Boyle, Guy A., Indianapolis; Poland, William B., Indianapolis. Sergeant Majors— Brazington, AVilliam C, Indianapolis; Braden, David C, Indianapolis; Meredith, Peter C, Rochester; Moorhead. Robert L., Indianapolis. Hospital Stewards— Wright, Charles E.. Indianapolis; Moore. Harry S., Indianapolis; Newland, Harrod C, Indianapolis. Commissary-Sergeant- Swope, Horace G.. Greenfield. Quartermaster-Sergeant— Bridges, Frank L., Indianapolis. Color Sergeant— Kief er, Henry, Indianapolis. Chief Musician— Jamison, Frank B., Lafayettte. Principal INIusicians— Adams, George B., Lafayette; Braden, James, Indianapolis. COMPANY A, OF INDIANAPOLIS. Captain— Little, James, Indianapolis. First Lieutenant— Herr. William IT., Indianapolis. Second Lieutenants — Mackey, Louis H.. Indianapolis (1); Gadd. Espy M., Indianapolis (2). First Sergeant— Core, William F., Indianapolis (3). (Juartermaster-Sergeant— Smith, Bertrand L.. Indianapolis. 316 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Sergeants— Murray, Ivy C, Indianapolis; Armstrong:, George C, Indianapolis; Parker, Austin A., Indianapolis (4); Gwinup, Clayton, Indianapolis (5^. Corporals— Rosberg, Victor G., Indianapolis (6); West Charles W., Indianapolis; Loy, Oscar L., Indianapolis; Peterson. Elmer M.. Indian- apolis (7>; Richardson, Joseph, Indianapolis (8): Cheseldine. George H., Indianapolis (9); Leet, George H., Indianapolis (10); .Tacobs. Roy W., Indianapolis (9): Shelby, Clarence L., Indianapolis (9): Nash. Preston H.. Danville (9); Gessell, Elmer H., Selma (9): Reinking. Ferdinand, Indianapolis (9i; Demmy, William J.. Indianapolis (11). Musician— Murphy, Marshall H., Lafayette (12). Artificer— Ray. George. Indianapolis (13). Wagoner— Henzie, Frank, Indianapolis (14). Privates— Acklin. Francis. Indianapolis: Agee. Alfred C, Indian- apolis; Agee. William .!.. Indianapolis; Ball, William T.. Indianap lis; Barlow, Willard L., Indianapolis; Beauchamp. Ralph H.. Indianapolis; Bridwell. Harry, Indianapolis; Clark. AVilliam H.. Indianapolis: Chil- ders. Clarence W., Indianapolis (15); Coons. Henry D., Indianapolis; Corkin, William L.. Indianapolis; Cramer, William, Indianapolis: Dun- can, James B., Indianapolis; Duke, Arthur E.. Indianapolis; Ends, Benjamin. Indianapolis: Foltz. Herbert. Indianapolis (16): Fate. Clar- ence P., Indianapolis; Faust, Theodore, Indianapolis: Fodrea. .John H., Indianapolis: Fullen, Theodore, Indianapolis: Gibson. Louis E.. Indian- apolis: Groves, Clarence. Indianapolis; Groves, Walter R., Indianap )- lis; Hamilton, Harsey S., Indianapolis; Hawkins, Albert G., Indian- apolis: Helm, EdAvard P., Indianapolis; Helm, Harry B., Indianapolis; Hodges, Melvin B., Indianapolis; Hood, Frank F., Indianapolis; Job- son, Richard A., Indianapolis: Jobson. Foi'est B.. Indiana])()lis (17): Judah. Parker, Indianapolis; Kinne. Edwin R.. Indianapolis: Krueger, Robert. Indianapolis; Laurence. Kenneth, Indianapolis: Lee. James, Indianapolis; Little.iohn, Frank L.. Indianapolis: Lorash, Charles R., Indianapolis; Marshall, Otis A., Danville; Matthews, Allen, Indian- apolis: Ranch. George, Indianapolis; Roberts. Harry. Indianapolis; Sellers. Earl W., Indianapolis; Shelby, Edgar L.. Indianapolis; Shirk. Charles J., Indianapolis; Simmendinger. John P.. Indianapolis; Smith, Julius H., Indianapolis; Smock. Louis G., Indianapolis: Snyder. Wil- liam H., Indianapolis; Sti'ub, Herman E., Indianapolis; Swindler. Ern- est M.. Indianapolis; Swisher, Alva, Indianapolis; Terry, James A., Indianapolis; Thornberry, Samuel II.. Indianapolis; Tilford, Max, In- dianapolis; Walton, Alba, Indianapolis; Wesby. Charles O., Indian- apolis; Young. Benjamin Y.. Indianapolis: Young. Christy V.. Indianapo- lis: Youse. Frank L., Indianapolis. Recruits— Anecker, John T., Indianapolis: Archey, Hugh, Milroy; Ashford, William S., Indianapolis; Beeson. Herbert E.. Greensburg; Brown. Frank. Plainheld; Brown, Conrad C, Fortville; Carr. Yictor M., Indianapolis; Cooley, EdAvard L., Connersville; Conway. Edward J., Indianapolis;; Dinger, Frank R.. Connersville; Pry, Charles Henry, Reading, Pa.; Gray, Frank, Indianapolis; Hill, William, Greensburg; Highstreet, George J., Indianapolis Herpiek, George C. Indianapolis; Lichlyter, George, Indianapolis; Payne, Charles E.. Connersville; Rob- erts Charles E., Indianapolis: Ruth, George B., Reading, Pa.; Rash, I]ddie J.. Eden; Sandusky, Harry C, Greensburg; Thompson, John, Indianapolis; Whaley, Benjamin F.. Shelbyville; Wregg, Harry, Con- nersville. NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. 317 (1^ Resigned June 27. (2) Promoted from first sergeant July 12. (3) Promoted from sergeant July 12. (4) Promoted from corporal Septem- ber 16. (5) Promoted from corporal September 1. (6) Died Septem- ber 30. (7) Promoted from artificer July 18. (8) Promoted from wag- oner September 1. (9) Promoted from private July 7. (10) Promoted from private September 16. ( 11) Promoted from private October 1. (12) Trans- ferred to band June 14. (13) Appointed from private July 18. (14) Ap- pointed from private August 16. (15) Discharged August 16. (16) Dis- charged August 10. (17) Discharged August 15. COMPANY B. OP ROCHESTER. Captain— dinger, Ernest L., Rochester. First Lieutenant— Davis, Prederick AV., Rochester. Second Lieutenant— Phillips, Charles O., Rochester. Pirst Sergeant— Karn, Jacob A., Peru. Quartermaster Sergeant- Bowman, Harley, Rochester (1). Sergeants— Phillips, Jay P., Rochester; Jones, Charles V.. Roches- ter; Moore, Alonzo P.. Swauville (Ij; Collins, Oscar J., Hammond (1). Corporals— Ginn, Charles C, Marion: Day, Albert L., Rochester; Jeffries, Frank, Rochester; Apt, Charles G., Rochester (2); Berry. Ivan A Rising Sun (2); Borders, Charles. Pulaski (2): Dresen. Louis. Ko- ko'mo (2); Jones. Fred B.. Rochester (2); Hey. Edward C, Rochester (2); Hoot, Prentiss L., Rochester (2); Howell, Franklin R., Kewanna (2); Noftsger, B. E.. Rochester (2). Musicians— Kennel, Albert, Lafayette (3); Shannon, Frank, Clark's Hill (3). Artificei-— Horn, David, Cicero. Wagoner— Zeigler, Joseph E., South Bend. Privates— AUis. Newton D., Athens (4); Armington. John C. Ander- son (5); Ayers, Robert L., Greentown; Baker, George S., Portland; Baker. Mitchell, Rochester; Barker, Leo, Farmland; Berry, Melville S., Rochester; Beatley. Elvans. Kokomo; Borders, Walter, Pulaski; Bow- man, John W., Rochester; Braim. George C, Indianapolis; Brickert, Clarence P.. Bargersville; Burris, Harry M., Farmland; Carr. James A., Indianapolis (6); Chamberlain, Harry, Rochester (6); Davidson, William S.. Rochester; Deiss, Elmer S., Cariisle; Duvall, Oliver, Ridgeville; Elsworth, Burl R., Peru; Favorite, Berne O., Union City; Freeman, Thornt, Lynn; Hall, Charles M., Rochester; Harrington, George; Bruces Lake; Harris. L. G.. Rr\K'es Lake; Hartman, John W., Rochester; Hetz- ner, Harry H., Rochester; Hewitt, Charles, Kokomo; Hill, Martin L., Lynn; Hoffman, Clayton, Rochester; Keel, Clyde C, Rochester; Kelting, Henrv, Indianapolis; Knapp. James H., Rochester; Lacey, John E., Lynn; Lowery, Ora C, Clayton; McClain, Robert A., Greenwood; Mc- Henry. Bruce L., Rochester (7); Mclntire. Austin. DeLong; :\IcKee, Ira S., Rochester; Merauda, Charles, Ridgeville; Myers, Edward B., Lynn; Nutter, Edward, Greentown; Piper, Charles A.. Rochester: Reece, William. Lynn; Ross, Frank E.. Rochester; Seward. Samuel M., Greenfield; Shaffer, Daniel E., New Castle; Smith, Dell G., Rochester; Smith, Howard, Kewanna; Stookey, Curt J., Kewanna (5); Street, Rob- ert P., Rochester (51; Talley, Edward, Rochester; Trueler, Robert N., Indianapolis; Tuttle, Henry E., Rochester; Watson, Lorenzo D., Roches- ter; Williams, John, Deerfield; Williams, Milton B., Rochester; Winn, William. Rochester; Stevens, Ira W., Putnam County (8). 318 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. Recruits— Alexander, Houier, Rochester; Bonnell, William E., Sa- lina; Briice. George W., Bruce Lake; Clark, Nathan F., Rochester; Eas- terday. Elmer, Rochester; Ice, George, Rochester; Jones, Ed. Rochester; Jones, Freeman, Rochester; Jessen, Bernard, Rochester; Landauer. Je- rome, Peru; Moore, Albert, Fletchers Lake: Mow, John, Rochester; McKee, Frank, Rochester; Nifong, Israel A., Plymouth; Prew, Charles, Rochester; Rutledge. Curtis, Rochester; See, Sanford, Denver; Shock, Lewis, Rochester; Stockburger, Ross, Rochester; Trickle, Jesse L., Germany; Thrush, .James, Rochester; Ware, Lon, Rochester; Wenger, Charles N., Rochester; Whittenburger, Loren, Peru; Zellers, William, Kewanna. (1) Promoted from corporal, July 7. (2) Promoted from private, July 7. (3) Transferred to band. June 14. (4) Died October 29. (5) Transferred to hospital corps, June 27. (6) Transferred to hospital corps, August 16. (7) Discharged July 19. (8) Died September 2. COMPANY C, OF FRANKFORT. Captain— Allen, David F., Frankfoi-t. First Lieutenant— Kramer, Harold M., Frankfort. Second Lieutenant— Van Arsdel, William F., Frankfort. First Sergeant— Petty, Frank L., Frankfort. Quartermaster Sergeant— Nye, Frank, Frankfort. Sergeants— Bird, John W., Frankfort; Erisman, Chas. W., Frank- fort; Fisk, Nathan B., Frankfort (1); Morris, William G., Frankfort. Corporals— Hardegg, Ralph H., Frankfort; Heimberger. Earl R., Frankfort; McFarland, William R., Frankfort; Stone, Charles A., Frankfort; Ychacall, Monto F.. Frankfort (3); Alexander, Roy, Frank- fort (2); Barricklow, John C, Frankfort (2); Logan, Charles P., Michi- gantown (2); McNeff, Frank E., Frankfort (2); Phillips, Oscar P., Frankfort (2); Smith, Louis A., Frankfort (2); White, Albert T., Frank- fort (2). Musicians— Smith, Owen B. (4); White, Charles C, Morgantown (4). Artificer— Ticen, Willard. Frankfort. Wagoner— Kinder, Ulysses G., Frankfort. Privates— Alexander, William, Frankfort; Ashley, Arthur P., Frank- fort; Allen, John W., Frankfort; Altum, Edward, Frankfort; Arm- strong, John, Frankfort; Brinson, Lee A., Kirklin; Bell, Russell R., Mulberry; Boxwell, James A., Frankfort; Cash, Elmer N., Hillsboro; Coonrod, Josephus, Frankfort (5); Clark, Elmer S., Frankfort; Cheadle, Frank W., Frankfort (6); Catterlin, Ardell R., Frankfort; Caldwell, Harvey E., Elizaville; Denton, Lee. Frankfort; Daiiner, Charles K.. Frankfort; Everman, William, Kirklin; Evans, John A., Frankfort; Forsythe, Louis H., Frankfort; Fryman, Louis J., Frankfort; Fisk, Frank A., Jr., Frankfort; Fraizer, Andrew D. F., Frankfort (7); Gard, Abraham, Frankfort; Griner, Fred L., Frankfort (S); Henderson, How- ard L., Frankfort; Hinds, Philip R., Frankfort; Irvin, Bert C, Frank- fort; Jennings, Ashley J., Iyafayette(9); Jones, Thomas, Frankfort: Jones, Samuel W., Frankfort; Johnson, Lonzo E., Scircleville; Kelleher, Rich- ard H., Cyclone; Kelley, Raymond, Frankfort; Lewis, Charles R., Ross- ville; Lewis, William B., Frankfort; Loop, Earl C., Greontown (10); Lichlyter George W., Clark's Hill; Merritt, Lee S,, Mulberry; Merrltt, Arch.'N., Frankfort; Mitchell, Omar, Frankfort; McFarland, Audley O., Frankfort; Merrill, Elmer E., Frankfort; Moore, James, Rossville; Ma- hoy, Frank, Frankfort; Nice, George, Sedalia; Oliphant, Homer N., NATIONAIi GUARD OF INDIANA. 319 Forest; Pence, John K., Frankfort; Rains, Albert S., Tipton; Salmon, Russell G.. Freeport; Scott. Jesse E., Colfax; Stinebaugh, Charles W., Frankfort; Shepherd, James F.. Frankfort; Stout. Ulriek T.. rieasant Hill, O.; Spencer, Jacob E., Frankfort; Shanklin, Hari-y C, Frankfort; Tranberger, Cyrus B., Forest; White, Herbert R., Colfax; Yoxtheimer, Henry. Frankfort Recruits — Aughe, Earl E.. Frankfort: Reaver. Walter. Frankfort: Boxwell, AValter S., Frankfort; Brown, Wilbur. Frankfort: Caldwell, Joseph, Colfax; Cash, William Arnold, Hillisburg; Coffin, Edward S., Frankfort; Davis, Charles R., Frankfort; Dunbar, Martin B.. Colfax; Emmens, Joseph, Frankfort; Fall, Jerry M.. Frankfort (8); Fisher. John, Frankfort; Kern, William D., Frankfort; Mattix, Carey A., Kll- more; Meeks, Fred R., Kirklin; McCray, William, Frankfort; AlcCarty, Lawrence F., Frankfort; McCarty, Clarence Jess, Frankfort; Nolan, Owen, Kokomo; Opperman, John H., Frankfort; Sayler, Walter R., Frankfort; Smith, John Ed, Frankfort; Smith, Sweet, Frankfort; Stan- ley, Charles, Frankfort; Squiers, William C, Frankfort; Surface, David F., Frankfort; Welker, William F., Winchester; Worley, John Franklin, Frankfort; Youmans, Newell, Darlington. (1) Discharged November 21. (2) Promoted from private, July 7. (3) Discharged August 18. (4) Transferred to band. June 14. (5) iDs- charged May 24. (6) Discharged November 25. (7) Discharged Novem- ber 19. (8) Transferred to hospital corps. United States Army, Au- gust 12. (9) Died July 1. (10) Transferred to hospital corps. United States Army, June 27. COMPANY D, OF INDIANAPOLIS. Captain— McCrea, Frank F., Indianapolis. First Lieutenant— Isensee, Albert T., Indianapolis. Second Lieutenant— Kreber, William A., Indianapolis. Sergeant — Rosengarten, EdAvin H., Indianapolis. Quartermaster Sergeant— Bell, Loyde S., Indianapolis. Sergeants— Keep, George H., Indianapolis; Miller, Ralph, Indianap- olis; Ketcham, John Lewis, Indianapolis; Vinnedge, Albert. Indian- apolis. Corporals— Amthor, Edwin J., Indianapolis; Cornwall, Alfred E., Indianapolis; Downey, Brandt C, Indianapolis; Stanford, Perkins W., Indianapolis; Rubin, Fred W., Indianapolis; Stone, Arthur M.. Indian- apolis; Hornaday, Fred W., Indianapolis (1); Johnson, Fred T.. Indian- apolis (1); Oakes, M. B., Indianapolis (1): Cathro. T. E.. Indianap- olis (1); Walker, Charles G., Indianapolis (1); Wilkinson, Samuel W., Indianapolis (1). aiusicians— McCormick, Vine H., Lafayette (2); Todd, Henry C, Lafayette (2) Artificer— Blessing, Lorenzo D., Mapleton (3). Wagoner— Hobbs, Arthur E., Indianapolis (3). Privates— Allen, George B., Indianapolis; Beckman, Jason A., Indi- anapolis; Bly, Jordan A., Indianapolis; Brough, John G.. Indianapolis; Bucker, Guy Eugene, Indianapolis; Byfield. Harry W.. Indianapolis: Carpenter, Fred E.. Indianapolis; Chieli. George J.. Indianapolis: Dono- van, Jesse F.. Indianapolis: Dungau, Fred S., Indianapolis: Fisher, John, Greenfield; Fort, Charles O., Fortville; Foster, Fred J.. Indianap- olis (4) Free, Charles L., Indianapolis (5); Fromhold, Andrew F., Indian- apolis; Gifford, Roy A., Indianapolis; Gough, Robert W.. Greenfield; 320 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. Greenwood, Frank E., Indianapolis; Griffey, Pleasant B., ludianapolis; Groenendyke, Frank A., Indianapolis; Hastings, Paul, Indianapolis; Hawkins, Wilbur R., Danville (2); Heim, William J.. Indianapolis (6); Hinkley, Earl L., Indianapolis; Jenkins, Harry L., Indianapolis; Joiner, Gerald A., Indianapolis; Jones, Harry A., Indianapolis; Krause, Harry E., Indianapolis; Laken, J. Harry, Indianapolis; Lewis, John P., Indian- apolis; McAdams, Fred A., Indianapolis; McCaslin. Carl, Brownsburg; McClaine. Carl E., ludianapolis; Mc^Mullen, Harry A., Indianapolis (7); Merritt, John E., Indianapolis; Messick, Juett E., Greenfield; Miller, Walter E., Indianapolis; Morford, Paul A., Greenfield; ^'ew, Chai-les v., Greenfield; Owens, Thomas T., Greeufleld (8); Patterson, William, Greenfield (5); Rider, Bernard L., Greenfield; Rinehart, E. Robert, In« dianapolis; Robbins, Earl, Indianapolis; Roland, Winfield, Greenfield; Rouzer, Harry M., Indianapolis: Schmidt, Fred, Indianapolis; Scott, Robert H., Mooresville; Skillman, William T., Indianapolis; Slifer, Geordie, Greenfield; Wall, Pendleton S., Greensburg; Wallace, Albert H., Indianapolis; Walton, John M., Greenfield; White, Arthur Earl, Indianapolis; Williams, EdAvin L.. Indianapolis; Wolf, Arthur, Indian- opils; Young, Ralph A., Indianapolis. Recruits— Atkinson, Frank T., Fortville; Baker, Charles W., Fort- ville; Baker, Albert R., Fortville; Burns, Lee, Indianapolis; Comer, Robert, Indianapolis; Crago, Clinton, Connersville; Dickey, James Al- bert, Indianapolis; Farlee, William B., Indianapolis; Godar, Jacob, Connersville; Hirlinger, Frank, Carter sburg; Johnson, Horace G., Indi- anapolis; Lewis. Edward, Fortville; Lunsford, Arthur G., Fortville; Morford, Joe, Connersville; jNIcPherson, George W., Noblesville; Rich- ardson. Edward W., Indianapolis; Rick. Frank, Indianapolis; Smith, John W., Indianapolis; Stubbs, George W., Noblesville; Walters, Harry A., Indianapolis; Webb, Royal. Indianapolis; Weaver. Logan, Carthage; Wiley, Clarence C, Fortville (9); Wolfe. Thomas J., Connersville; Za- watzky, Anthony, Chicago. 111.; Zimmerman, Dean, Indianapolis. (1) Promoted from private, July 7. (2) Transferi'ed to band, June 15. (3) Appointed September 1. (4) Discharged August 31. (5) Discharged August 10. (6) Discharged August 8. (7) Died August 5. (8) Discharged September 16. (9) Died September 17. COMPANY E. OF FRANKLIN. Captain— Tarlton, John H., Franldin. First Lieutenant— Kennedy, Frank L., Amity. Second Lieutenant- D unham, Addison M., Franklin. First Sergeant— Kelly, Smith. Franklin. Quartermaster Sergeant— TJnversaw, Walter H., Franklin. Sergeants— Bowen, Charles E.. Franklm; Cisco, David A., Franklin; Gribben. Elbert, Franklin; Walden, James R., Franklin. Corporals— Tracy. Clarence A., Whiteland; Ditmars, John W., Whiteland; Moore, Roy E., Franklin; Bronson, Abraham L., Franklin; Everson, William G., Norwalk, O.; Hanley, Erastus T., Johnson County; Hart, Joseph K., Johnson County (1); Kelly, James W., Frank- lin (1); Bolser, William J., Franklin (2); LeMasters, H. W., Franklin (1); Lentz, William, Indianapolis (1); Roberts, Fritz L., Danville (1). Musician— Dry bread, Seneca N., Franklin (3). ..irtificer— Pickerel, Otto L., Trafalgar. Wagoner— Poe, Austin E., Franklin. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 321 Privates— Arthur, Elijah, Franklin; Baker, Robert L., Eaton; Barnes, Albert C, Jr., Greenfield; Barrett, Jesse O., Greenneld; Borg- stead, Fred, Franklin; Bowen, James, Indianapolis; Brownfield, John C, Indianapolis; Brownlee, Rolla A., Indianapolis; Byers, Robert B., Franklin; Chamberlain, Herbert, Indianapolis; Coffin, Osro H., Mo- hawk- Golfer, Thomas J., Johnson County; Davis, Ossie D„ Johnson County; Davis, Orlando L., Danville; DeMotte, George, Johnson County; Ditmars, Rolla, Jolmson County; Estep, John W., Danville; Fisher, James W., Evansville; Fisher, Michael J., Urmeyville; Grigsby, Jess S., Greenfield; Hall, John, Johnson County; Hamilton, Pete, Franklin; Harrison, Joseph, Franklin; Hickey, James, Franklin; Howell, Clark, Danville; Hupp, Alva L., Marion; Irwin, Edgar, Franklin; Johnson, Otis Danville; Johnson, William R., Franldin; Jones, Paul, Danville; Ki"-er George, Greenfield (3); King. Oral O., Willow Brancn; Kinnick, Jesse R., Urmeyville; Lee, Nathan R.. Chicago, 111.; Lewis, Curtis H., Indianapolis; McCurdv, William C, Indianapolis; McClain, Fred S., Franklin; McGee, William E., Whiteland; Mitchell, Harry H., Balti- more, Md. (3); Monroe, William 11., Franklin; Myers. John G., Indianap- olis; Netz, William, Ashland; Olmstead, William S., Johnson C mnty; Parmerlee, James W., Minerva; Reeves, Clinton M., Mohawk; Roach, Guy E., Danville; Ryker, Edwin. Franklin; Scott, David O., Greenfield; Shepherdson, Frank, Indianapolis; Sims, Charles T., Danville; Smith William E., Greenfield; Spears, Fred E., Franklin; Stokes, Thomas T., Indianapolis; Stanley, Walter H., Indianapolis; Vandegrift, Elza, Franklin (5); Walden, Otis M., Johnson County; Wallace, Charles, Nineveh; Wilkes, Robert A.. Johnson County (3); Williams, Edward, Greenfield; Wilson, Horace F., Petroleum. Recruits— Alexander, William, Franklin; Engert, Casper, Franklin; Eberts, George W., Indianapolis; Follett, Charles W., Franklin; Fisher, Benjamin, Urmeyville; Green, Charles H., Franklin; Gibson, Silas G., Kirkwood, Ky.; Hungate, George, Franklin; Hamilton, Elzia, Frank- lin; Hendricks. Albert, Franklin; Henry, James P., Franklin; Hull, Jos- eph, Greenwood; Israel, Everett. Franklin; Israel, Frank M., Franklin; Johnson, Attison, Franklin; Jacobs, Noah, Franklin; Landers, Sanford J., Franklin; McClanahan, Perry, Franklin; Newman, Joseph B., Lafay- ette (6); Parr, Harry G., Franklin; Perkins, Roscoe, Whiteland; Richard- son, Harry. Franklin; Stevens, James F., Trafalgar; Utley, Thomas, Samaria- Winkler, Weslev, Franklin; Walden, Ezra F., Franklin. (1) Promoted from private, July 7. (2) Promoted from musician, July 7. (3) Transferred to hospital corps, June 27. (4) Transferred to ambulance reserve corps, July 2. (5) Transferred to hospital corps, July 21. (6) Transferred to band, July 3, COMPANY F, OF WINCHESTER. Captain— Daly, Walter H., Winchester. First Lieutenant— Jericho, William O., Winchester. Second Lieutenant— Conklin, Harry G., Winchester. First Sergeant -Smith, Harry A., Winchester. Quartermaster Sergeant— Whitaker, Clarence E., Winchester (1). Sergeants— Daly, Ulysses G., Winchester; Howard, Frederick W., Winchester; Shocldey, Harry B., Winchester (2); Stace, Harry C, Win- chester; Zeigler, Walter H., Winchester (3). Corporals— Bourquin, Alvah C, Winchester; Cronenwett, John D., Winchester; Engle, Homer W., Winchester; Semans, Henry T., Jr., 322 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Winchester; Tooker, Lert, Winchester; Bales, James A., Winches- ter (4); Bragg, Henry H., Winchester (4); Dragoo, William S., Win- chester (4); Jaqua, Warren R., Winchester (4); Smith, Troy, Winches- ter (4); Tolen, George R., Franklin {4); Wandell, C. H., Winchester (4). Musician— Wiley, Albert, Lafayette (5). Artificer— Bosworth, Rosecrans J., Indianapolis. Wagoner— Hunt, Edward, Winchester (6). Privates — Austin, John H., Winchester; Ayers, Eppa F., Winches- ter; Benson, Charles N., Lynn; Bond, Samuel, Winchester; Brannen, David W., Indianapolis (6i; Brooks, Archibald, Winchester; Brown, Ora, Winchester; Burres, Lester C, Farmland; Busick, Gillen D., Win- chester; Daly. Charles B., Winchester; Davis. Charles. Winchester: Day, Otho, Winchester; Dotterer, Jacob F.. Vernon (7); Downing, Charles M., Modoc; Eckerla, Frank O., Winchester; Edwards, Harry C, Ridgeville; Getter, Frederick W., Winchester; Guthrie. Harry E.. Rich- mond; Gullett, Harry C, Ridgeville; Harker, Leamy W., Deerfield; Hawkins, Harry L., Indianapolis; Hiatt, Howard E., Lynn; Hood, Harry G., Franklin; Hubig, Henry, Greenfield (8); Jackson, Sylvester C, Indianapolis; Keller, George W., Indianapolis; Kendall, John O., Winchester; Lennon, Frank, Jr., Winchester; Longfellow, Perry A., Lynn; Mendenhall, Alva C, Winchester; Miller, Charles R., Winchester; Mitchell, Harry. Indianapolis; Monroe, Asa, Winchester; Morrical, Ar- thur, Winchester; Munden, Charles, Franklin; Parker, Robert H., Ben- gal; Pegg, Harry. Winchester; Petro, Samuel L., Winchester; Reath, Theodore P., Indianapolis; Rhodes. Ollie, Winchester; Rinard, Luther, Winchester; Ross, Charles M.. Winchester; Ruby, Edward T., Indian- apolis; Sasser, Walter T., Chester; St. Myre, George, Winchester; Sims, Charles A., Burns City (9); Stanley, Pleasant H., Winchester; Staples, John M., Indianapolis; Stewart, William O., Orange; Stickley, George, Winchester; Taylor, Marshall, Winchester; Vestal, Eugene G., Win- chester; Walrod, Claire R., Indianapolis; Warrum, Mack, Greenfield; Watkins, John P., Frankfort; Wigmore, Frederick W., Winchester; Williams, Otis W., Winchester; Workman, Charles A., Indianapolis. Recruits— Burris, Clyde W., Farmland; Chenoworth, Henry, Lynn; Cunningham, Walter, Winchester; Clear, William J., Union City; Daly, James E., Lynn; Edwards, Jesse, Winchester; Edwards, Frank O., Ridgeville; Flood, Elisha, Farmland; Hollingsworth. Frank. Lynn; Hin- shaw, Stephen E., Rural; Hill, Daniel M., Winchester; Jones, John L., Clark P. O.; Lewis, Edward J., Winchester; Mann, William R., Spartan- burg; St. Meyers, James F., Lynn; McProud, Wilbur C, Farmland; Norris, Francis A., Ridgeville; Payne, Harry, Winchester; Peti'o, John L., Modoc (10); Phelps. Lawrence, Fountain City; Pierson, Grant U., Spartanburg; Piatt, Harry M., Lynn; Rinard, Kelly G., Winchester; Scott, Hugh J., Winchester; Somerville, Bruce A., Farmland; Sheppard, Ozroe, Parker City. (1) Promoted from sergeant, July 25. (2) Transferred to hospital corps, June 27. (3) Promoted from corporal, July 7. (4) Promoted from private, July 7. (5) Transferred to baud, June 14. (6) Appointed Au- gust 20. (7) Discharged August 13. (8) Discharged August 8. (9) Dis- charged September 4. (10) Discharged August 16. COMPANY G, OF COVINGTON. Captain— Miles, William G., Covington. First Lieutenant— Miller, Gregor X., Covington. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 323 Second Lieutenant- Clark, Ora L., Covington. First Sergeant— Savage, Mark W.. Covington. Quartermaster Sergeant— Sweet, Louis S., Covington. Sergeants— Bostic, Thomas A., Covington; French, Frederick C, Covington; Hendrix, George W., Covington; DeHaven, R. M., Coving- ton (1). Corporals— Walker, S. B., Covington (2); Rhodes, Joseph M., Cov- ington; Walther, Edward, Clinton (2); Rabb, Herbert R., Covington; Thompson, Elmer C, Marion (2); Samuels, F. W., Waterman (2); Zufall, AVilliara W., Covington; Evans, Lewis H., Covington (2); Godwin, Charles A., Attica (2); Mealey, George, Greenfield (2); Gebhart, David, Covington (2); O'Brien, Thomas C, Covington (2). Musicians— McDonald, Arthur W., Delphi (3); Boothroyd, Louis G., Delphi (4). Artificer— Hendrickson, Geo. C, Covington. Wagoner— Rogers, George W., Covington. Privates— Adamson, John M., Covington; Adams, John W., Danville, 111.; Alexander, Robert E.. Covington: Barkley. John, Covington; Ben- nett, Charles C, Lebanon; Bever, Charles A., Monroeville; Bever, Frank, Monroeville; Booe, Edward M., Indianapolis; Coppage, Henry C, Crawfordsville (5); Cox, Charles M., Danville, 111.; Crockett, Clinton, Perrysville; Crane, Charles F., Covington; Crowe, Scott, West Lebanon; rowe, Thaddeus S., West Lebanon; Crowder, Wiley B., Coal Creek; Dale. Omer P., Lebanon: Denman, Richard M.. Covington; Diffender- fer, John A., Covington; Earl, George W., Indianapolis; Ellsberry, Wal- ter B.. State Line; Evans, Harry L., Covington; Fitzpatrick, .Joseph, Covington; Puller, Harry H., Winchester; Gookins, William R., Veed- ersburg; Gordon. Charles A., Greenfield: Grady. Hardy, Veedersburg; Grady, Mathias C, Veedersburg; Hall, Charles F., Fountain; Hendrick- son. Joseph W.. Covington; Hoon. Henry D., Covington; Hoover, John W., Marshfield; Hyde, Eugene, Covington; James, John O., Covington; Johnson, Charles W.. Veedersbiu-g; Layman, Charles A., Veedersburg; Leo, Frank, Indianapolis; Madosh, John W., Covington; Martin, Lewis T., Covington; McKeehan, Terrel W., Covington (6); Meeker, Hulford M., Stone BlulT; Miller, Isaac M., Covington; Murphy, Charles B.. Cov- ington; Nichols, William M., Marion; Pickett, Marion, Independence, Ky.; Pritchard, Oliver A.. Covington; Rhodes, George, Covington (5); Ricketts, Abraham L., Foster; Riggin, Frank A., Attica; Rogers, James E., State Line; Snodgrass, William, Bvansville (7); Songer, Charles A., Veedersburg; Stuart, Walter O., Greenfield; Steinhauer, William. Indi- anapolis: Thomas, Scott, West Lebanon; Troutman, Beecher, Younts- ville (7); Vandevender, Charles W., Cayuga; Vanleer, Robert H., Cov- ington; Weber, Henry F., Indianapolis; Yeley, Ralph A., Indianapolis; York, Charles, Covington. Recruits— Appelget, .John C, Veedersburg; Baldwin, Arthur, Attica; Banks, Allen W., Foster; Bingham, Homer A., Veedersburg; Cooper, Roy, Attica; Crowder, Alonzo, Coal Creek; Crane, Elmer, Covington; Dengier, George V., Attica; Dill, Benjamin F., Covington: Dunbar, Grant. Perrysville; Foster, Lucius B., Attica; Jenkins, Zacharaiah, Covington; Jones, Joseph N., Covington; Mahoney, Dennis, Attica; Rogers, John, Attica; Runkle, John W., Hillsboro; Schmidt, Claude F., Covington; Shepard, Charles P., Attica; Shaffer, Melvin C, Covington; Shoemaker, George H., Foster; Spinning, Oliver L., Covington; Tate, Frederick A., Perrysville; Wyand, Frederick C, Hillsboro; Webb, Fred L., Attica. 324 NATIONAL GUAKD OF INDIANA. (1) Promoted from corporal, July 17. (2j Promoted from private, July 7. (3) Transferred to band. June 14. (4) Transferred to band, June 14. Died September 19. (5) Transfen-ed to hospital corps, United States Army, August 16. (6) Transferred to hospital corps, July 19. (7) Transferred to hospital corps, United States Army, May 31. COMPANY H, OF INDIANAPOLIS. Captain— Tarlton, Charles S. First Lieutenant— Mahan, Han-y B. Second Lieutenant— Carr, Carroll B. First Sergeant— Franklin, Harry M. Quai-termaster Sergeant— Shilling, Elmer E. Sergeants— Maxwell, Charles S. ; Sheplierd. William D. ; Escott, Wal- ter A.rOrvis, AVilliam H. Corporals— Burke, Clem P.; Lorman, Henry E.; McFall, Joseph H.; Clark, Chai'les; Fleming, Charles; Arbuckle, Louis; Astley, Otis; Eaton, James E.; Enloe, Solon A.; Hussey, Edward J.; Thompson Edgar L.; Victor, Henry. Musicians— Twigg, Frank M.; Nicholson, Frederick. Artificer— Moon, Clarence C. Wagoner— Higgins, Will C. Privates— Arbuckle, Frank; Atherton,; Batch. Harry; Bauer, Conrad L.; Beher, Tilden; Berry, Hewell V.; Bolen, .James H.; Bolen, Sigel; Borshelm, Alfred F. ; Bostic, John A^'.: Bowman, Harry L.; Brown, Perley S.; Brown, William W.; Caldwell. Frederick; Chambers, W^m. S.; Church, Wm. M.; Cottrill, Burton C: Cox, Joseph; Cox. Wil- liam; Crawley, Thomas; Davis, John; Decker. Thomas: Dickson. Ar- thur; Duncan, Elbridge; Eastham, Geo. W.; Fickes, Ed.; Gaddis, Hariy L.; Golder, Clarence A.; Good, Harvey A.; Greer. Thomas H.; Gregg, James M.; Grider, George; Groom, George A.; Hamblen, Gilbert R.; Haspel, Emil G.; Heller, Bobert J., Jr.; Hosier, Ovid N.; Hill, Charles L.; Hutton, Wm. W.; Jackson, Wm. E.: Johnson, Geo. W.; Johnston, Norman R.; Junker, Frank; King, Frank B.; Leach, Silvia P.; Looke- bill, Thomas; McCauley, Ross I.; McCoy, Oliver M.; McHatton, Wm.; McKee, Earl; McNimery. Charles H.; Maloney, Wm. J.; Maxwell. Clif- ford C; Medsker. John W.: Miles, Aquilla; Miller, William :m.; Miluor, Wm. E.; Monahan, Hugh: Montague, Wallace L.; Moore, Frank: Mun- sell, Arthur E.; Newland, John T.; Perry, Ezra S.; Phillips, Rome; Pitzger, Wm. M. ; Reed. Frank L.; Richardson, Wm. H.; Roose, Elmer W.; Sears, Oliver; Sennett, Earl J.; Shimer, Charles B.; Smith, James E.; Smock. Thomas W.: Stetzel. Frank J.; Stutsman, David A.; Taylor, Nicholas N.; Thomas, W\alter; Warner. Russell D.; Williams. Edwin; Wilson, Leo C; Wilson, Oscar II.; Winstead. Eugene; Woodruff, Dan- iel; Wrightsman, Homer H. COMPANY I, OF SHERIDAN. Captain— Cox, Orlando A., Sheridan. First Lieutenant— Scott, Charles E., Westfield. Second Lieutenant— Newby, Everett E.. Sheridan. First Sergeant— Carter, Charles L., Sheridan. Quartermaster Sergeant— Stotler, Fred J., Sheridan. Sergeants— Palmer, Arthur R., Sheridan; :MoiTis. Andrew J., Sheri- dan; Alexander, Fred, Noblesville; Mace, Oscar, Sheridan. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 325 Corporals— Cline, Walter, Indianapolis; Lovell, Albert G., Sheridan; Remsen, Hayes, Arcadia; Spencer, Commodore P., Sheridan; Kerche- val. James W., Sheridan; Beerbower, Charles, Indianapolis; Anderson, Floyd, Elizabethtown (1); Burke, Jesse, Indianapolis (1); Myers, Charles A., Arcadia (1); Pritsch, Walter, Sheridan (1); Wolfe, Clyde, Shelby- ville (1); Spencer, Lawrence L., Sheridan (1). Musicians— Russell, Elmer Clyde, Lafayette (2); Hasty, Eugene J., Lafayette (2): Jackson, Perry, Lafayette (2); Featherstone, H. R., Brightwood. Artificer— Eberwein. Andrew M., Sheridan. Wagoner— McKinzie, Oscar, Sheridan. Privates- Allee, Frank, Carmel; Anderson, Alvin, Indianapolis; Barrett. Noah D., Hamilton County; Bergman, John, Indianapolis; Blume, William H., Indianapolis; Boardman, Fred, Sheridan; Boelsterli, Ernest, Indianapolis; Brown, Leslie, Sheridan (3); Bryant, Riley G.; Princeton; Christian, Daniel L., Noblesville; Cox, Charles, Conneaut (4); Cox, Gerald, Sheridan; Cox, Robert, Winchester; Cartwright, Duane W., Broad Ripple (3); Danforth, James li., Indianapolis; Dillon. Albert H., Sheridan; Drake, Edwin E., Indianapolis; Ensey, John, Indianap- olis; Fouteh, (Jeorge, Boxley; Green, Joseph, Crawfordsville; Haskett, Otis, Sheridan; Hazleton, Fred, Indianapolis; Herbster. Fred, Pittsboro; Jones, Fred, Indianapolis; Keller, Thomas, Indianapolis; Kerr, George H., Noblesville; Lee, Charles, Carmel; Lockman, Milton, Indianapolis; McKenzie, Bus., Sheridan; Malin, Ernest, Sheridan; Matheny, Chelton, Indianapolis; Mathews, John C, Clinton County; Mathews, Samuel F., Clinton County: Michael. Fred, Milton; Moler. William A., Frankfort; Norris. Bert, Indianapolis; Patten, Frank, Emrichstown; Platter, Frank C, Indianapolis; Rambo. Benjamin, Clarksville; Roberts, John, Bright- wood; Ross, Jesse, Sheridan; Scott. Edward, Sheridan; Shaffer, John M., Indianapolis; Slack. William W., Pine Village; Smith, Edward C, Tuscola, 111.; Spencer, Theodore, Sheridan; Spencer, Raymond, Indian- apolis; Stanley, Orin, Sheridan; Stephens, Dallas, Sheridan; Thoman, Charles, Indianapolis; Thompson, Charles, Sheridan (5); Walker, Lew, Limedale; Werthen, George, Indianapolis; Wilson, George E., Pitts- burg, Pa.; Wood, James, Indianapolis; Woods, William, Sheridan. Recruits— Barron, Walter, Deming; Burton, Charles F., Sheridan Beall, .John A., Cicero; Brattain. Otis, Noblesville; Bristow, Merton, Pickard; Brinson, Elmer E., Kirkland; Caldwell, Sylvester, Kirkland; Cottingham, Harry, Sheridan; Cox, Leslie A., Sheridan; Gasper, Ilar- vev, AVestfleld; Hall, Amos, Sheridan; Hiner, Curtis O., Sheridan; Johnson. Cecil, Sheridan; Johnson, Homer B., Sheridan; Jump, David, Noblesville; Lovell, Walter, Sheridan; Mace, John, Pickard; Mlkels, Howard, Sheridan; Moriarty, Michael, Pickard; Miesse, Robert, Nobles- ville; McDonald, James E., Sheridan; Oberlease, Lon, Cicero; Osborn, .Tolm H.. Noblesville; Small, Arthur O., Cicero; Schlichter, Albert, Sher- idan; Wainscott, Omer, Pickard. (1) Promoted from private, July 8. (2) Transferred to band, June 14. (3) Transferred to hospital corps, June 28. (4) Transferred to signal corps, July 22. (5) Discharged August 11. COMPANY K, OF MARTINSVILLE. Captain— Monical, Grant S., Martinsville. First Lieutenant— Branch, Emmett F., Martinsville. Second Lietuenant— Rutledge, Hugh E., Martinsville. 326 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. First Sergeant— Elmore, Samuel C, Martinsville. Quartermaster Sergeant— Cox, Stephen J., Martinsville. Sergeants— Barkhurst, Charles W., Martinsville; St. Clair, Walter D., Indianapolis (1); Wintei*, Charles W., Martinsville; Foster, Roland A., Martinsville. Corporals— Coleman, J. O.. Morgantown (1): Robinson, F. C, Mar- tinsville (2); Russell, Thomas S., Martinsville; Long, George D., Mar- tinsville; Bain, Harvey W., Martinsville (1); Williams, James E., Mar- tinsville (1); Henderson, Courtland M.. Martinsville; Smock, Thomas B., Martinsville; Barnett, Phillip A., Kewanna (1); Mcllhenny, G. M., Martinsville (1): Schnaiter, Clifton F., Martinsville (1); Avery, Terry A., Martinsville (1). Musicians— Cooley, Ray L., Clark's Hill (3); Lovelace, Leonard B., Clark's Hill (3). Artificer— Givin, Jerry E., Martinsville (1). Wagoner— Bothvrell, William, Martinsville. Privates— Aggers, Walter, Hinesdale; Alexander, Elbert N.. Mon- rovia; Allen, Noah A., Martinsville; Asher, Arthur R., Martinsville; Bailey, Oliver M., Martinsville; Burns, Isaac, Mai-tinsville; Burns, Jef- ferson, Martinsville: Campbell. Albert T., Indianapolis: Coleman, Waldo R., Morgantown: Cox, Edward E., Martinsville; Daily, Charles A., Morgan County; Davis, William H., Martinsville; Dent. Louis W., Martinsville; Duncan, Charles F., ^Martinsville; Dutton, Harry F., Mar- tinsville; Elkins, Eugene G., Exchange; Esteb, Walter L., Martinsville; Fesler, Ralph C, Morgantown; Fletcher, Llewellyn, Martinsville; Fletcher. William H.. Martinsville; Hastings. Ellis G., :\Iartinsville: Hilton, Fred, Martinsville; Hinson, Albert G. P., Martinsville; Hughes, William, Lineton; Johnson. George, Martinsville; Jones. Charles W., Martinsville; Kinney. Martin L., Martinsville: Lankford, Tony H., Mar- tinsville: Lasch. Frederick, Martinsville: Leach. George. Martinsville; Leach, Taylor J., Morgantown; Lowe, Herbert V., Martinsville; Man- augh, Charles W., Swanville; Miller, Luther L.. Herbemont; Miller, William A., Martinsville; McClister, William, Paragon; McCormiek, William F., Martinsville: McMuIlen, Benjamin F., Martinsville; Perry, Clarence H.. Martinsville: Piatt, Presley H.. Martinsville; Pool. Schuy- ler C, Morgantown; Poppino. Frank, Martinsville; Poppino, Oscar, Martinsville: Reynolds. Louis, Martinsville: Kundell, Ora E.. Martins- ville; Rutan, James, IMartinsville; Seaman, Charles E.. Martinsville; Sellars, John, Naples: Shipley, Jesse L., Martinsville; Smith, Harry O., Martinsville; Smith. Robert C. Martinsville: Stayton, Oliver Z., Mar- tinsville; Stewart, Ulysses. Martinsville: Stiles, Edwin B.. Martinsville; Suter, Henry, Paragon; Suter. Robert G., Paragon; Van Fleet. Hart- ford, Indianapolis; Wemer, Julius E., Morgantown; Williams, Emmett v., Martinsville; Winter, John E., Martinsville: Wills, William H., Clay- ton. Recruits — Askew, Harry, IMartinsville: Baker, John C, Paragon Barnett, Dennis A., Kewanna: Barnett. Joseph B., Kewanna; Bain, Jar vis J.. Martinsville; Bain, Charles I., Martinsville; Calvert, Percy H. Mooresville; Davee, Benjamin IT., Martinsville; Edwards, William H. Martinsville; Fowler, Franklin P., Wilbur; Hoover, Edward, Horton ville; Hutton, Harvey, Mooresville; Major, Robert, Martinsville; Mer cer Joseph L., Martinsville; Monical, Matt Y., Brooklyn; Ritzier, Charles, Brooklyn; Scott, James B., Martinsville; Stewart, Wiley, Mar- tinsville; Tiemeier, Charles C, Martinsville; Wampler, Jesse, Gosport NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 327 Wilson, Thomas R., Kewanna; Woods, Edward, Martinsville; Youngen, August, Martinsville. (1) Promoted from private July 7. (2) Promoted from artificer July 7. (3) Transferred to band June 14. COMPANY L, OF KOKOMO. Captain — Jacobs, Robert L., Kokomo. First Lieutenant— Owen, Philip, Kokomo. Second Lieutenant— Lang. Joseph, Kokomo. First Sergeant— Fromer. Albert J., Kokomo. Quartermaster Sergeant — Ellis, Ernest E., Kokomo. Sergeants- Lindell, Darby, Kokomo; McCoy, Charles H., Kokomo; Sailors, Clyde, Kokomo; Simmons, Dalton J., Kokomo. Corporals— Cady. George N.. Kokomo (1); Dwiggins, John W., Ko- komo (1): Hodson. Milton L., Russiaville (1); Martin, Alva A., Kokomo; Cooper, Orson S., Kokomo; Bridenstein, Louis A., Kokomo; Mason, Loren 1).. Kokomo; Jacks, Harry B., Kokomo (1); McMuUen, W. D., Indianapolis (1): Sperlin, Claude. Kokomo (1); Stebbins, Ernest V., War- ren (1); Wood, Raymond, Kokomo (1). Musicians— Bowen, Clarence W., Kokomo; Simpson, Henry, Col- fax (2); Strode, Fred A., Kokomo. Artificer — Cooper. Ferdinand, Kokomo. Wagoner — Sullivan, Thomas A., Kokomo. Privates— Adams, Claude V., Danville; Ayers, Albert, Danville; Banta, Charles H., Kokomo; Bates, Omer C, Kokomo (3); Benson, Harry, Kokomo: Blazer, Harry L., Kokomo (4); Butcher, Kenneth C, Kokomo: Clark. Samuel B., New London (3); Coffin, George O., Ko- komo; Davis, Pearl A., Kokomo; DeLon, George B., Kokomo; Derek, Claude J., Kokomo; Ducker, Lee R., Sedalia, Mo.; Earhart, Frederick, Kokomo: Gallaher, Walter G., Windfall; Gerhard, Earl D., Kokomo; Griffith, Everett F., Kokomo; Griffith, Hurley, Kokomo; Hawkins, Jo- seph H.. Russiaville: Hawley, Frederick B., Kokomo (4); Hoover, Thad- ius C, Kokomo; Hoffman. AVilliam R., Kokomo; Hurst, Clyde E., Cass- ville; Johnson, Ralph J., Kokomo; Kahl. Edward, Kokomo; Keller, Roscoe. C, Kokomo; Kirk. Harry B., Kokomo; Lane, Robert, Kokomo; Lewis, Leslie F., Kokomo: Loop, Ch.irles H., Kokomo; Markland, Charles B., Kokomo; McDonald, Archie P., Montpelier; McPhersou, Hiram M., Ma- rion; Miller. Howard, Indianapolis; Moon, John A., Greentown (5); Myers, Rudolph. Kokomo: O'Donnell. Andrew, Montpelier; Orme, John H., Kokomo (6^; Pennington. Edgar. Danville; PeiTin, Robert E., Ko- komo: Riddle, George J., Kokomo; Schultz, Herman S., Kokomo; Sea- graves, Alton. Kokomo; Seymour. Paul C, Kokomo (4); Shafer, Chester J.. Kokomo; Sherman, Victor C, Elwood; Siler, Christopher S., Ko- komo; Simmons, Victor G., Kokomo: Springer, Harry M., Kokomo; Stew- art, Charles R., Kokomo; Sullivan, William J., Kokomo; Temple. Charles W., North Salem; Thompson, Lee R.. Kokomo; Thorne. George R., Kokomo (3); Troyer, Ira P.- Kokomo; Warrenburg, LaiTude, More- ton: Walker, Andrew J.. Kokomo: Wimmer, Dee F.. Kokomo. Recruits— Arbnckle, Charles D., Kokomo; Burgan. Frank E., Green- town; Burgan, Albert, Kokomo; Clinger, Elmer J., Kokomo; Coomler, Ovid C. Kokomo: Davis, Thomas B., Kokomo: David, Estle, Green- town; Dixon, Edward, Kokomo: Easter, Charles M., Kokomo; Ingle, Charles. Kokomo; Jones, Willard, Kokomo; James, Ambrose D., Ko- komo; Kinner, Joseph N., Kokomo; Leach, Frederick, Kokomo; Lines. 328 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. Winfield, Kokomo; Miller, Levi. Kokomo; Jliller, Jefferson, Kokorno; Mote, Lee, Kokomo; Miinier, Joseph F.. Kokomo; Myers, Rolla D., Gass- ville; Newhoiise, Allen, Jerome; Reinhart, Ernest, Troy, O.; Scott, John G., Kokomo; Weaver, John G., Kokomo; Weger, Charles J., Kokomo; AVilliams, Ernest, Winchester (7V, Yoder, William A., Cassville. (1) Promoted from private, July 7. (2) Transferred to band, June 14. (3) Transferred to hospital corps, June 27. (4) Transferred to hospital corps, August 12. (5) Died, October 20. (6) Discharged, August 20. (7) Transferred to band, July 14. COMPANY M, OF CRAWFORDSVILLE. Captain — Wilhite. Charles O., Crawfordsville (1). First Lieutenant— Elston, Isaac C, Jr., Crawfordsville (2). Second Lieutenant — Harney, George S., Crawfordsville (3). First Sergeant — Wray, Charles A., Crawfordsville. Quartermaster Sergeant — Lane, Oliver P., Crawfordsville (4). Sergeants— :Maxwell, John C, Crawfordsville; Mitchell, Birchard H., Crawford.sville; Spratt, Robert A., Crawfordsville; Harding, Chase, Crawfordsville (5). Corporals— Casey, J. B.. Crawfordsville (6); Cox, Paul E., Crawfords- ville; Dunlap, Robei-t, Crawfordsville (6); Eckley, Paul M. (6); Herron, Joseph, Crawfordsville; Luddington, Ira L., Crawfordsville (6); Mc- Quowen, Charles, Crawfordsville; Taylor, Harry, Crawfordsville; Max- well, George, Crawfordsville (6); Miller, Harry, Crawfordsville (6); McBroom, Joseph, Crawfordsville (fi); Barton, Daniel, Crawfordsville (6). Musicians— Gruber, Carl P., Oakland (7); Wurster, Charles C. G., Lafayette (7). Artificer — Moore, Walter A., Crawfordsville. AVagoner — Rogers, Silas, Crawfordsville. Privates — Borst, George, Crawfordsville; Bratton, Howarid, Craw- fordsville; Breaks, Walter,, Crawfordsville; Bryd, Charles, Alamo; Caper, Archibald, Crawfordsville; Caplinger, Jesse, Crawfordsville; Cole, Ever- ett B., Crawfordsville; Coons, Herman, Crawfordsville; Courtney, Rob- ert R., Crawfordsville; Cox, Howard, Crawfordsville, Cox, Lon, Craw- fordsville (8i; Dinneen. Jas., Crawfordsville; Dorsey Roy R., Crawfords- ville; Duncan, Carl L., Crawfordsville; Ellis, Charles, Crawfordsville; Ellis, Ira, Crawfordsville; Ervin, Harvey, Crawfordsville; Fordyce, Will- iam E., Crawfordsville; Fry, George M., Crawfordsville; Fiy, Oliver R., Crawfordsville (9); Gilkey, Charles, Adams; Hartman, Robert, Craw- fordsville: Heath, William S., Alamo; Henry, Claude, Crawrordsville; Kelly. Walter. Crawfordsville; Lee, Walter J., Crawfordsville; Little, George, Crawfordsville; Lucas, Harry, Crawfordsville; Mahaney, Tim- othy, Crawfordsville: Mitchell, Hariy, Crawfordsville (10); Morgan, James C, Crawfordsville; Murphy, James, Crawfordsville; Murray, Thomas C, Crawfordsville (11); Myers. Lee J., Crawfordsville; McCal- lum, Daniel A.. Linden; McCarthy, John A., Crawfordsville; ^McClure, Clarence, Crawfordsville; INIcMains, Guy, Crawfordsville; Nelson, James G., Crawfordsville: Pattison, Harley, Crawfordsville; Paul, Earl, Craw- fordsville; Paul, John, Crawfordsville: Ray. Benjamin F., Lafayette; Richmond, William L., Crawfordsville (12): Rogers. Frank, Crawfords- ville; Ruddle, Patrick, Crawfordsville: Spillman, Theodore, Crawfords- ville; Shoemaker. Henry C. Crawfordsville (13); Standly, Omar J., Crawfordsville: Staton, Arthur. Crawfordsville; Stephens, William, Crawfordsville; Stotz, Carl H., H., Crawfordsville; Sweeten. Allen S., Burton C. Cottrill Serct. a. T. Jones Corp. Clyde Stout on the roll of honor Corp. Robt. Darling Hamil-^on B. Paul NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 329 Crawfordsville: Taylor, Charles. New Ross; Trask, Simon E., Craw- fordsville; Tutt, Frederick, Crawfordsville; White, Robert, Crawfords- ville; Youngblood. Wilford, Crawfordsville. Recruits — Britton, Benjamin F., Crawfordsville (14); Dean, Samuel, New Richmond; Ellis, Orville B., Crawfordsville; Ellis, Edward W., Crawfordsville; Gerard, Earl, Crawfordsville; Gill, Claude, Crawfords- ville; Hartley, Ora J., Crawfordsville; Harris, Hayse, New Richmond; Hughes, Charles R., Alamo; Kineaid, Samuel E., New Richmond; Lay- mon, James W., Crawfordsville; Larape, Henry, Linden; Morgan, Her- bert, Crawfordsville; Michael. Merge, Alamo-; Myers, Doctor F., Alamo; McCallum, Neil, Linden; McCall, .Tames, Linden; Pride, Burnie, Craw- fordsville; Rogers. William A., Wesley; Robinson, Charles W., Craw- fordsville; Richai'dsou, Claude E., Crawfordsville; Sering, Perry, Craw- fordsville: Watson, Clyde, Yountsville; Whittet, Calvin S., Crawfords- ville; Williams. Edward S., Crawfordsville. (1) Promoted from first lieutenant, August 28, to succeed Frederick B. Alexander. (2) Promoted from second lieutemuit, August 28. (3) Pro- moted from quartermaster sergeant, August 28. (4) Promoted from sergeant. (.5) Promoted frojn corporal, September 16. (6) Promoted from private, July 7. (7) Transferred to band, June 14. (8) Discharged, July 4. (9) Transferred to Hospital Corps, August 4. (10) Died, Octo- ber 10. (11) Transferred to Hospital Corps. August 12. (12) Discharged, August 9. (13) Discharged July 16. (14) Died, August 17. The First Regiment, Indiana National Guard, was unfor- tunate in entering the service. Its commanding officer, Colonel Pennington, was permanently injured while in camp and before it was mustered into United States service by his horse falling on him, and the regiment was compelled to give up all its arms and equipments to supply the two regiments which preceded it in the service. It was mustered into ITnited States service May 12, when it became the One-huudred-and- fifty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. The companies com- posing it then were: A, of Vincennes; B, of Terre Haute; C, of New Albany; I), of Washington; E, of Evansville; F, of Roachdale; G, of Brownstown; H, of IJloomington; I, of Greencastle; K, of Princeton; L, of Vincennes; M, of Evans- ville. The regiment left Camp Mount May 22 for Dunn Loring, Virginia; and reached there on the morning of May 24, when it went into Camp R. A, Alger. Camp routine was performed until August 3, when it marched by easy stages and via Bull Run battlefield, Manassas Junction and Bristow Station, to Thoroughfare Gap, a distance of forty miles, where it went into camp in an old stubble field that was thoroughly sat- urated with water. It was but a few days until the camp became so muddy that it was almost impossible to pass through the company streets, and orders were issued for the discharge of the regiment from service. The frequent rains 330 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. and exposure bad a distressing effect on the men, and on August 28 the entire Second Army Corps was moved to Camp Meade, near Middletown, Pennsylvania. The regiment reached there about 10 o'clock that evening, and the next morning went into camp. It remained there until September 11, when it left for Indianapolis and arrived at Camp Mount two days later. On September 18 it was furloughed for thirty days, and the furlough was extended until November 10, when it re-assembled and was mustered out November 23. The regiment suffered a loss of eleven men while in serv- ice. Company A, of VincenneS; lost three members. The first one was Private William Everett, of Vincennes, who died July 23 in the general hospital at Ft. Meyer, Virginia. First Lieutenant C. 13. McCoy, of Vincennes, was the second. He had l)een a member of the company from April 3, 1893, and had passed through the grades of private, corporal and ser- geant. He was elected first lieutenant February 19, 1896, and as such served with the company through the active service of the war. He died at his home in Vincennes, October 9, while on a furlough. Corporal Judson Alton, whose home was in Fritchton, Indiana, died there October 16, w^hile on a furlough. Company B. of Terre Haute, lost but two men. Private CharlesB.Caton.of Terre Haute, died at Ft. Meyer, Virginia, on June 25, and Private Sherman Stultz, of Terre Haute, died at the same place August 28. Company C, of New Albany, lost but one man — Musician Richard L. Hinds, whose home was in Noblesville, and who died at Ft. Meyer, Virginia, August 12. Company I, of Greencastle, lost one by death — Corporal Earl Fiske, of Greencastle, who died at Ft. Meyer, Virginia, August 3. Company K had but one death — William B. Robin- son, of Owensboro, who entered the service as a private and was appointed artificer June 11. He died at Philadelphia September 13. The only death in Company L, of Vincennes, was that of Private James F. Snyder, of Pinkstaff, Illinois, who was one of the recruits. He entered the service June 20 and died October 20 while home on furlough. Company M.. of Evansville, suffered the earliest death in regiment. Private Frank J.. Olney, of Evansville, died at Indianapolis May 21. The only other death was that of Pri- vate Charles C. Sweeten, of West Franklin, who died June 22 at Camp Alger. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 331 The recruits for the regiment were mustered into United States service in June. The following roll shows the regi- ment as mustered out and indicates, unless otherwise specially designated that each one served from April 26 to November 23. FIELD, STAFF AND NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Colonel— Barnett, John T., Piqua, O. Lieutenant-Colonel— McCoy, George W.. Yincenues. Majors— Fee, .Tames F. ,Greenoastle; McAuliff, Dennis, Brazil; Lou- den, Theodore J., Bloomiugtou. Surgeon — Stunlcard, Thomas C, Terre Haute. Assistant Surgeons— Hawkins, Eugene, Greencastle; Davis, AVilliam S., Terre Haute. Adjutant— Gebhart, David R., New Albany. Quartermaster— Compton, Samuel M., Indianapolis. Chaplain— Weaver, William K., Greencastle. Battalion Adjutants— Uawles, Charles L., Bloomington; Powers, Nicholas, Brazil (1); Albin, Deloss F., Brick Chapel. Sergeant Majors— Hopkins, Edwin C, New Albany; Slocum, De- Witt C, Terre Haute (2); McGaughey, Walter M., Greencastle. Hospital Stewards— Hawkins, Robert AY., Brazil; Townsend, Terry M., Jeffersonville; Langdon, Harry K., Greencastle (3). Commissary Sergeant — Campbell Robert H., Bloomington. Quartermaster Sergeant— Crissie, Alexander, Evansville (4). Color Sergeant— Slater, Guy E., Indianapolis. Chief Musician— Shirts, George, Noblesville. Principal Musicians — Linne, Martin H., New Albany; Steinberg, Charles, Bloomington. (1» Resigned, .Tune 11. (2) Discharged, July 9. (3) Discharged, July 27. (4) Promoted from corpo'-ai Company E, October 15. COMPANY A. OF YINCENNES. Captain — Coulter, Thomas B., Yincennes. First Lieutenant— McCoy, Charles D., Yincennes (1); Kruse, Adolph H.. Yincennes (2). Second Lieutenant— Smith, Raymond A., Yincennes (3). First Sergeant— Irwin, James R.. Yincennes (4). Quartermaster Sergeant — Hamm, Louis, Yincennes. Sergeants— Sparrow, Edward S., Yincennes; Thorne, Emery C. Yin- cennes; Fossmeyer, Fred, Yincennes (5); Salter, Arthur, Yincenues. Corporals— Peek, Oscar. Yincennes (6); Castor. Fred, Yincennes; Al- ton, Oliver I., Yincennes (6); Harris, Charles E., Yincennes (7); Hughes, James A., Yincennes; Alton, Judson, Yincennes (8); Jenkins, William, Yincennes; Williamson, Elijah C, Sanborn; Aubry, Paul H., Yin- cennes (G); Hackett, William S., Sanborn (6); Wathen, AYilliam H., Yin- cennes (6); Wells, Harry B., Yincennes (6); Avery, Edgar, Sanborn (9). Musicians— Hall, Frederick W., Yincenues; Wilson, Thomas B., Yin- cennes. Artificer — Salter, Charles, Yincennes. Wagoner — Dreiman, August, Yincennes. Privates — Adams, Claud, Yincennes; Alexander, Ralph S., Yin- cennes; Allen, John W., Yincennes (10); Baker, Clarence, Linton; Bar- 332 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. thclomai, Eugene V., Yincenues; Beamou, John F., Viucenues; Bouifield, Frederick R., Danville; Browning, Frank, Vincennes; Bubeuzer, August, Freelandsville; Charles, Albert, Yiuceuues; Cliurcli Lee O., Vincennes; Clifton, Matthew, Vincennes; Cloin, Lawrence R., Vincennes; Cooper, Edward, Terre Haute; Courter, William A., Vincennes; Crane, John F., Terre Haute; Devine, Thomas W., Vincennes; Everett, Daniel S., Vin- cennes; Everett. Larkin, Vincennes; Everett, Samuel, Vincennes; Ev- erett, "William, Vincennes (11); Fitch, Bj^ron B., Vincennes; Flory, John Vincennes; Fortuer, James H., Vincennes; Fry, Nelson, Vincennes; Gregory, Harry W., Vincennes; Haas, Charles Z., Vincennes; Hardesty, Golden, Vincennes; Hawkins, Clyde, Wheatland; Hawkins, Oscar, Vin- cennes; Inderrieden, Elmo A., Vincennes; Joice, Joseph J., Vincennes; Jordan, Archie T , Vincennes; Kiefner, Franklin R.. Vincennes; Kirk- wood, Charles, Vincennes; Lacky, Frederick C, Vincennes; Lamb, Grant, Vincennes; Martin, Lewis F., A'incennes; Milam, William H., Vincennes; Miller, David F., Vincennes; Muir, John, Vincennes; Nolting, Jonas, Freelandsville; Owens, Archie. Vincennes; Pennington, Jerome, Vincennes: Powell, Oscar, Sanborn; Rice, Lee L., Vincennes; Rider, La- fayette N., Vincennes; Ruth, Andy, Vincennes; Scott, William, Vin- cennes; Sloan. John F., Vincennes; Smith, Glenn R., Vincennes; Taylor, Thomas H., Vincennes; Towusley, Everett O., Vincennes; Tryon, Er^vin E., Ten-e Haute: Tiu-ner, George R., Vincennes; Witshark, Theodore, Vincennes; Williams, Harley J., Cowan. Recruits — Brommelhaus, Henry, Vincennes; Bouchie, Charles H., Vincennes; Daugberty, David, Vincennes; Dill, George, Vincennes; Dodd, Edward I.., Vincennes; Devine, Henry, Vincennes; Edwards, El- mer, Sanborn; Greene, Clement L., Vincennes: Hamm, Michael, Vin- cennes: Hartel, Martin S., Vincennes; Heidenreich, John, Vincennes; Kassens, Henry C, Vincennes; Martin, William T., Vincennes; Meyer, Otto, Vincennes; McCleave, Isaac G., Vincennes; INIcCormick, William W., Vincennes: Randolph, Joseph T., Vincennes; Ratcliff, Harry" E., Vincennes: Smith, Charles E., Vincennes; Taylor, Frank, Vincennes; Way man. Thomas. Vincennes; Weisenberger. John J., Vincennes; Wood, Walter, Vincennes. (1) Died, October 9. (2) Promoted from second lieutenant, October 10. (3) Promoted from first sergeant, October 10. (4) Promoted from sergeant, October 10. (5) Promoted from corporal, October 10. (6) Pro- moted from private, September 6. (7) Promoted from private, October 10. (8) Died, October 16. (9) Promoted from private, October 17. ^10) Discharged, July 27. (11) Died, July 23. COMPANY B, OF TERRE HAUTE. Captain — Biegler, George W.. Terre Haute. First Lieutenant — Thomas, James E., Terre Haute. Second Lieutenant — Dudley, Alvin W.. Terre Haute. First Sergeant— Hoff, William, Terre Haute. Quartermaster Sergeant — Cochran, Charles, Terre Haute (1). Sergeants — Wilson, Bruce, Terre Haute; Welch. Hari-y O., Terre Haute (2); Leasure, Carl. Terre Haute: Catlin, Albert, Terre Haute. Corporals — Dempsey, Royal R., Terre Haute; Buckingham, Charles B., Terre Haute; Boggs. Harry, Terre Haute; Hayman, Robert, Terre Haute; Clark, Noah W., Terre Haute (3); Cooper, AVilliam S., Terre Haute (4); Eaton, Franklin S., Terre Haute; Graves, Robert O., Terre NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 333 Haute (5); Logan, Gilbert H., Terre Haute (6); Meadows, Robert B., Ten-e Haute (3); Nattkemper, Otto F., Terre Haute (3); Roth; Louis H., Terre Haute (6). Musician— Gosnold, Charles O.. Terre Haute. Artificer— Roberts, Frank W., Terre Haute. Wagoner— Smock, Homer, Terre Haute. Privates— Bacon, William, North Vernon; Bailey, Edward, Terre Haute: Baldridge. Edward, Terre Haute; Bayless, William N., Vigo County; Brown. Frauk, Terre Haute; Buckingham, Arthur, Terre Haute; Buckingham, Edward, Terre Haute; Burk, Charles P., Terre Haute; Caton, Charles B., Terre Haute (7); Catlin, Alvah E., Terre Haute; Clark, Burton B., Terre Haute; Collins, Fred O., Terre Haute; Coole, Charles, Terre Haute; Crandell, Joshua T., Terre Haute (8); Daw- son, Frank N., Terre Haute; Davis, Sidney H., Terre Haute; Duerson, Charles W., Terre Haute; Graves, John C, Terre Haute (9); Haas, Henry W., Terre ECaute; Handy, Alga, Terre Haute; Harrow, Thomas, Terre Haute; Hawkins, Elmer' H., Terre Haute; Hays, Homer, Terre Haute; Hebb, Albert L., Terre Haute; Jiencke, William H., Terre Haute (10); Kloer, Arthur, Terre Haute; Leek, Oscar, Terre Haute (11); I^wis, Henry, Terre Haute; Lowe. Charles, Terre Haute (12); Lyon, Walter B., Terre Haute; Kniptasch, Docus, Terre Haute; Mays, Arthur, Terre Haute; Mondy, Ellis O., Terre Haute; Moss, Rolla K., Terre Haute; Nowling, Fred P., Terre Haute; Owens, Clarence, Terre Haute; Pearson, Charles H., Terre Haute; Plumb, Edward D., Terre Haute; Pearson, Orrin G., Terre Haute; Rawson, Grant I.. Terre Haute; Renner, Ernest L.. Terre Haute; Retz, William C, Terre Haute; Robinson, James F., Terre Haute; Roesch, John, Terre Haute: Russell. Oliver, Terre Haute; Schell, Robert C, Terre Haute; Secrist, Leo, Terre Haute; Stalnaker. Morton S., Terre Haute; Stultz, Sherman, Terre Haute; Strode, Charles M., Terre Haute; Tully, Edward A., Terre Haute; Trueblood, Cecil M., Terre Haute: Van Ulzen, William, Terre Haute; Vice, Charles R., Terre Haute: Whitlock, Charles C, Terre Haute; Wilkinson, Guy W., Terre Haute (11); Willis. William I., Terre Haute; Wlmer, Benjamin, Terre Haute. Recruits— Augustine, Hubert, Terre Haute; Bays, Harold C, Sulli- van; Carpenter, Harry L., Terre Haute (13); Cheek, Harry C, Seeely- ville; Cline, Percy G., Terre Haute; Cline, William H., Terre Haute; Davis. Raymond C. Terre Haute; Dempsey. James F., Terre Haute; Farmer, Sam T., Terre Haute; Heckelsberg, Henry P., Terre Haute; Herbert, Claude L., Terre Haute; Keifner, Charles L., TeiTO Haute; Lockman. Oliver M., Terre Haute; Lovvish, Earl, Seelyville; Mand, Fred B., Terre Haute; Morrison, George W., Terre Haute; Moore, Chauncey P., Chicago, 111.: McCollum, George, Terre Haute; McGahan, Claude, Terre Haute; O'Mara, James, Terre Haute; Pegg, Charles F., Terre Haute; Preston, Morgan, Seelyville; Phillips, William D., Terre Haute; Shaw, James W., Jr., Terre Haute; Stevenson, Thomas L., Wat- kins; Strauss, Louis E., Terre Haute; Thompson, Charles K., Terre Haute; Vail, Silas H., Terre Haute (14); Wittman, Frank C, Terre Haute; Wooderson, Con B., Terre Haute. (1) Promoted from sergeant. (2) Promoted from corporal, August 31. (3) Promoted from private, August 1. (4) Promoted from private, August 11. (5) Promoted from private, June 25. (6) Promoted from private, August 31. (7) Died, June 25. (8) Discharged. July 12. (9) Dis- charged, July 28. (10) Transferred to Hospital Corps, June 10. 334 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. (11) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 18. (12) Transferred to Hos- pital Corps, September 5. (13) Discharged, August 11. (14) Transferred to Hospital Corps, September 8. COMPANY C, OF NEW ALBANY. Captain — Coleman, William .T., New Albany. First Lieutenant — Cebliart. .Tohu R., New Albany. Second Lieutenant — McCurdy, James F., New Albany. First Sergeant — Gaudy, Otha H., xVew Albany. Quartermaster Sergeant — Harbeson. Berry G., New Albany. Sergeants — Detriclj, William, New Albany (1); Groves, George W., New Albany; Scbuler, George A., New Albany; Hamilton, Walter A., New Albany. Corporals — Crutchfield, Edward W., New Albany; Whitman, Harry E., New Albany; Lutz. John C. Jeft'ersonville; Greenaway, Homer T., New Albany; Greenaway, Clarence O., New Albany. Musicians — Hammond, John W., New Albany; Hinds, Richard L., Noblesville (5); Cook, Nelson, Clermont. Artificer — iMagness, Owen G., New Albany. Wagoner — Richards, William D.. New Albany. Privates —Bailey, Homer H., Jeffersonville; Bauerla, Henry C, Jeffersonville (2); Beers, Harry J., New Albany; Burkhardt, Robert H., Georgetown; Curry, Walter H., New Albany; Davis, John S., New Al- bajiy; Durnell, Oscar, New Albany; Easley, Bruce, New Albany; Ed- monson, Earl E.. New Albany; Faucett, Charles, Bloomtield; Foster, John A., Kendallville; Glore, Albert, New Albany; Goodbub, Albert F., New Albany: Goodwin, Charles E., New Albany; Graham, Hubert, New Albany; Hale, Jesse W., New Albany; Haywood, John T., New Albany; Hogan, Edward M., NeAV Albany; Hough, Lloyd, New Albany; Jacobus, Robert A., New Albany: Johnson. Earl, New Albany; Johnson, Isaac V., New Albany: .Johnson, Richard M., New Albany; Kern, Joseph A., New Albany; Knapp, Fred. New Albany; Knauer, Henry, New Albany; Krohn August H., New Albany; Lamke. John, New Albany; Lamke, Louis, New Albany; Largent, Otto H., New Albany; Leach, Oscar E., New Albany; Lehman, Grant, Bloomfield; Losson, Chas. J., New Albany; Love, Robert H., Mitchell; Lynch. Wm. C. New Albany; McCory, Chas., New Albany; McCoy, Earl, Lawrence; McHeury, John W., New Albany (3); Mclntyre, Dallas, New Albany; McLaughlin, John I., New Albany; McMullen, Beverly, New Albany; McMuUen, Norval, New Albany; Mc- Williams, Albert, New Albany; Mayes, William B., New Albany; Mid- dleton, Robert B., New Albany (4); Miller, Charles C, New Albany; Norton, .Tob J., New Albany; Nunemacher, Vinton S., New Albany; Reibel, Clarence J.. New Albany; Roche, William, New Albany; Rager, Benjamin J., Memphis; Salyards, Lester R., New Albany; Schechter, George W., New Albany: Schrodt, William M., Jeffersonville; Shoe- maker, Oscar T.. Jeffersonville; Shrader, Horace W., New Albany; Smart, Clarence D.. New Albany; Spence, Jesse L., New Albany: Tenny- son, William B., New Albany: Terry, William C, New Albany; Thomas, Edward, Tipton: Weber, Frank H., New Albany: Wilson, Marshall L., New Albany; Yelton, James W., New Albany. Recruits — Barrett, Charles P.. New Albany; Bogle, Edgar, Milton, Pa., Carpenter, Archie S., New Albany; Cook, Harvey, Salem; Day, George H., New Albany; Durnell, William T., New Albany; Fielden, William, New Albany; Harrell, Leon, New Albany; HoUis, Raymond E., NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 335 New Albany; Jackson, George, Salem; Jeuks, Frank, New Albany; Jen- kens, Fay, New Albany; Kersey, John A., New Albany; Kessner, Lloyd W., New Albany; Lowi-y, Stewart N., New Albany; Merkel, Frank Z., New Albany; Moss, Charles, New Albany; McDonald, Alauson F., New Albany; McLelleu, Arthur W., Indianapolis; Ramsey, Winfred E., New Albany; Kobbins, Albert W., Indianapolis; Ross, Albert B., New Albany; Russell. David :m., New Albany; Shrader, Walter, New Albany; Spence, Arthur E., New Albany; Whalen. Cliff, New Albany; Williams, Albert C, Salem; Woner, John H., Orleans. (Ij Promoted from corporal, September 8. (2) Transferred to Hos- pital Corps, June 10. (3) Discharged, June 20. (4) Discharged, June 21. (5) Died August 12. COMPANY D, OF WASHINGTON. Captain — Smith, E. Ross, Washington. First Lieutenant — Clements, Frank W., Washington. Second Lieutenant — Kendall, Edward F., Washington. First Sergeant— Campbell, Lorenzo L., Washington. Quartermaster Sergeant — Meyers, Edward, Washington. Sergeants— Jett, James C, Washington; Williams, John, Washing- ton; Johnson, Heniy P., Washington; Lewis, Harry, Washington. Corporals— Greene, Charles F., Washington; Hyatt, Harry V., Wash- ington; Rodarmel, Firman A., Washington; Mills, James E., Washing- ton; Cox, Samuel S., Washington (1); Crawford. George V., Washing- ton (1); Case, Oliver M., Pike County (1): Ellis, Frank N., W^ashing- ton (1); Evans, Joshua, Washington (1); Hill, Abraham H., Aurora (2); Mack, Charles, Washington (1). Musicians — Kendall, John, Washington; Rayhill, Corwin, Washing- ton. Artiticer — Waller, James, Washington. Wagoner — Green, Robert E., Wheatland. Privates— Banta, Joe M., Washington; Belcher, William M., Wash- ington: Bailey, Robert, Washington (3); Chadd, George, Washington; Collins, Hiram H., Washington; De Vine. Sherley, Washington; Flana- gan, James B., Washington; Gould, Charles, Washington; Gaither, Frank E., Washington; Hart, Zackariah, Washington; Hawkins, William, Washington; Huff, Edward M., Martin County; Hyatt, Frank S., Wash- ington; Healey, Edward, Washington; Harris, Edward B., Daviess County; Hammersley, Harry E., Daviess County; Haines, Richard J., Washington (4); Jones, John J., Washington; Keith, Lewis H., Wash- ington (5); Kelly, William E., Washington; Lyon, Grant, Daviess Coun- ty; McBride. :\Lat M.. Washington (3); McBride, James C, Washington; Morgan, James D.. Coruettsville; McCormick, Clay, Washington; Meyers, James W.. Washington: Mattingly, James A., Washington; Mat- tingley, John R., Daviess County; Moore, O. Bruce, Washington; Miller, Arista. Washington (3); Moore, Charles, Washington; Nimnicht, Charles L., Washington; Patterson, Harry. Washington: Record, Harvey, Terre Haute (3); Ruggless. Nathan. Daviess County; Robinson, Ronald R., Knox County; Rayhill, John, Washington; Scott, John, Daviess County; Smith, Benjamin F., Washington; Seachrist, Frank, Wheatland; Smith. Joseph M,. Daviess County; Spainhour, Hershel, Washington (6); Stun- kard. Joseph. Brazil; Tomey, Johnson, Daviess County; Vance, Walter S.. Henry County; Waller, George, Washington; Waller, Luther, AVash- ington; Williams, Walter L., Terre Haute; Winters, Henry B., Wash- 336 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. ington: White, Fabe A., Wasliiugton ; Wilz, John S., Washington; Wil- son. William T., Washington; West, Lee E., Washington (4); Wykoff, Seth, Washing4;on; Yarbrough, John W., Daviess Countj-; Yunt, Frank, Washington. Recruits — Auberiy, William M., Washington; Auberry, Alphonsus E.. Washington; Auberry, Arthur J., Washington; Baxter, Edward, Vin- cennes; Cannon, John W., Cornettsville; Colbert, John A., Washington; Dunbar, George W., AVashington: Fitzpatrick, Leo, Washington; Glee- son, Charles, Vincennes; Hawkins, Hugh W., Washington; Hancock, Charles L., Vincennes; Hallermau, August N., Vincennes; Herrin, Nor- ton J., Washington; Jones, Stimpson, Arcadia, Illinois; Kellams, Alonzo P., Washington; Lewis, George A., Petersburg; Ledgerwood, Beecher, Reeve; Lett, Hugh, Daviess County; Morgan, John L., Elnora; Miller, James. Vincennes; Riley, James E., Washington; Wallace, George B., Washington; Wathen. Francis IL, Vincennes; Woodling, Edgar E., Washington. (1) Promoted from private July 1. (2) Promoted from private Aug- ust 30. (3) Transferred to hospital corps June 10. (4) Transferred to hospital corps September 2. (5) Discharged June 27. (6) Discharged July 23. COMPANY E, OF EVANSVILLE. Captain — McDowell, Quiucy E., Evansville. FiJ'st Lieutenant — Farrow, Felix R., Evansville. Second Lieutenant — Stute, Fred W., Evansville. First Sergeant — Spain, Edward R., Evansville. Quartermaster-Sergeant — Junker, John W^, Evansville. Sergeants — Gerst, George B., Evansville; Kingsbuiy, Herbert S., Evansville; Wallenmeyer, John C, Evansville. Corporals — Burdett, Walter S., Evansville; Norcross, Herbert L., Evansville; Youngmeier, Louis W., Evansville; Duggins, Justin C, Evansville; McCutchan, Charles, Evansville; LeMasters, WMUiam B., Evansville; Bell, Homer J., Evansville (1); Browning, William A., Ev- ansville (1); Kingsbury, Walter, Evansville (1); Skeels, Robert H., Ev- ansville (1); Wilson, Edward, Evansville (1). Musicians — Klippert, Walter G., Evansville; Pfisterer, Edward, Ev- ansville. Artificer — Hitch. Oscar, Evansville. W^agoner — Schaefer, Benjamin, Evansville. Privates — Barenfauger, Edward H., Evansville; Beviuger, Cook, Evansville; Boner, Dan, Evansville; Brady, Brwin, Evansville; Clancy, Patrick, St. Louis, Missouri; Dauter, Henry E., Evansville; Davidson, Owen, Evansville; Dick, Arthur, Evansville; Draheim, Heniy J., Ev- ansville; Drochelman. Edward, Evansville; Eskew, Frank, Evansville; Foster, John W.. Evansville; Fraysei", Elmer J., Evansville; Fuller, Charles H., Evansville; Groves, Hany, Cincinnati, Ohio; Groeninger, Henry, Evansville; Gutting, Charles F., Evansville; Hubert, Oliver C, Evansville; Hudson, Lloyd, Evansville; Huether, Fred P., Evansville; Hughes, Hugh, Evansville; Ivie, James H., Evansville; Klein, Carl J., Evansville; Klippert, William T., Evansville; Lamb, Tuman J., Evans- ville; Link, John J., Evansville; Miller, Oval C, Evansville;. Mitchell, Oscar M., Evansville; Morrison, William H., Evansville; Niehaus, Ben- jamin J., Evansville; Niehaus, Frank J., Evansville; Reincke, Henry, Evansville; Richstein, Leonard. Evansville; Roe, Den B., Evansville; NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 337 Rooney, Patrick, Butte City, Montana (2); Schmidt, Jacob S., Bvans- ville; St. Clair, George N., Evansville; Schneider, Otto H. A., Evans- ville; Seip. Henry G., Evansville; Sauer, Charles X., Evansville; Stumpf, Frank A., Evansville (3); Sullivan, Claude, Evansville; Temple, Arthur, Evansville; Vaughn, John A., Evansville; Vinson, Claude, Evansville; Voight, Charles H.. Evansville; Wolfe, James D., Evansville; Woodruff, Joseph, Evansville; Wire, William F., Evansville; Young, John M., Ev- ansville. Recruits — Becker, Arthur, Evansville; Brunner, William, Evans- ville; Childs, Leslie, Chandler; Dahmer, Charles, Evansville; Easton, Perry H., Stinesville; Hedderich, August, Evansville; Jones, William E., Evansville; Meyer, Ernst, Evansville; Kiefer, William, Evansville; Miller, Theodore F., Evansville; Moss, Fred, Evansville; Murphy, Clar- ence, Evansville; Nester, George V. M.. Evansville; Nickens, George E., Evansville; Pickhardt, Henry' C, Evansville; Richstein, Edward, Ev- ansville; Rothe, Adolph G., Evansville; Schnute, Christie W., Evans- ville; Schmahl, Walter, Evansville (4); Schimmell, Charles H., Evans- ville; Schreiber, Hugo, Evansville; Sprinkle, Herbert U., Boonville; Steele, James L., Evansville; Walker, William H., Evansville; Weis- ling, George, Evansville. (1) Promoted from private July 1. (2) Transferred to Hospital Corps August 7. (3) Discharged September 12. (4) Discharged December 1. COMPANY F, OF ROACHDALE. Captain— -Morris, John H., Roachdale. First Lieutenant — Garber. Guilford S., Madison. Second Lieutenant — Turner, Robert F., Roachdale. First Sergeant — Cassidy, Charles J., Roachdale. Quartermaster-Sergeant — Ader, Charles E., Groveland. Sergeants — Ghormley, Albert J., Roachdale; Clark, Virley E., Roachdale; Cooney, Thomas. Madison: Jefry, Sherman B., Roachdale. Corporals — Miller, Walter M., Cloverdale; Hall, Robert M., North Madison: Mangus, James C, Ladoga; Schoolcraft, Wiley, Madison; Martin, Ross B., Madison; Lear, Elbridge H., Roachdale; Bundy, George B., Madison (1); Hewitt, Dawson J.. Madison (1); Rogers, Joseph L., Madison (1); Soeder, Fred J., Madison (1); Whitaker, Walter, Parkers- burgh (1); Brothers, Alvah A.. Fincastle (1). Wagoner — Lantz. James, Ladoga. Privates— Adams, Hars^ey E., Roachdale; Bennett, William A., Madison; Biesen, John F., Madison; Black, Harvey W., Bainbridge; Blakely, Theodore, Roachdale; Brinkworth, Albert G., Madison (2); Byrd, Clarence M., Ladoga; Cooney, Dave, Madison; Coffman, Lloyd W., Cloverdale: Davis, Albert ]M., "^ North Madison; Deeds, William, Ellettsville; Elmore, John, Ladoga; Furnish, Benjamin, Madison; Gar- rety, James P., Madison; Gibbs, Clarence E., Wirt; Goforth, Nathaniel, Ladoga; Griffin, George. Madison; Grim, Charles C, Indianapolis; Guil- liams. Fred P., Greencastle (3); Hall, Frank J., Madison; Hines, Charles F., Roachdale; Hines, John H., Roachdale; Huuton, James, Madison; King, Benjamin, Madison; Lauer, Jobn, North Madison; Lewis, Daw- son, Roachdale; Lockridge. Albert R., Madison; Medlicott, Samuel, Madison; Miles, Harley, Madison; Miller, Jacob T., Montgomery Coun- ty; Mills, Charles L., Madison; Mullen, James. Ladoga; Nichols, Ferd, Madison; O'Hora, Willliam, Madison; Petty, George W., Roachdale; Rea, Leon, Bainbridge; Riley, Thomas H., Madison; Schill, John J.. 338 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Madisou; Skillman, Clare. Putnam County; Smith, Moses, Madison; Smith, Thomas F., North Madison; Smith, Everett, Madison; Street, Charles F., Kansas City, Missouri; Stultz, James R., Fincastle; Teetor, John M., Madison; Turner. Robert. Madison: Van Cleave, Frank, Mont- gomeiy County; Warner, Charles, Montgomery County; Welch, Charles, Parkersburgh; Whaley, Hugh L., Ellettsville; Whann, Clarence, Madi- son; Whitted, Delmar, Carpentersville; Wilson, James, North Madison. Recruits — Adams, Albert A., Madison; Botts, Samuel, Madison; Bridges, Edward S., Carrollton, Kentucky: Brisben, George E., North Madison; Couchman. Arthur, Roachdale; Cordrey, William H., Madi- son; Dawson, John C. Carpentersville; Duffy, William P., North Madi- son; Eppelsheimer, Jacob, Madisou; Garrity, James P., :Madison; Ga- best, Edward, Madison; Genter. Louis F., Madison; Gray, Edward, North Madison: Gentrup, Charles. Madison; Garber, Michael E., Madi- .son; Hillis, Ira, Carpentersville; Heberhart. Charles, Madison; Kilcum- mins, Luke, Madison; Long, James E., Deputy; Mahoney, Clarence, New Marion; Risk. Joseph H., Carpentersville; Spangler, George F., North Madison: Stuchman. George. West Madison; Summerfield, Ma- rion, Madison; Tandy, William R.. Madison; Ward, William, West Madison: Worley, John J., Lynchburg, Virginia; Young, Thomas H., Carpentersville. (1) Promoted from private July 1. (2) Discharged June 15. (3) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 18. COMPANY G, OF BROWNSTOWN. Captain — Applewhite, Ralph B.. Brownstown. First Lieutenant — Branaman, John C, Brownstown. Second Lieutenant — Heller, Thornton, Brownstown. First Sei'geant — Hall. William A., Brownstown. Quartermaster-Sergeant — Bond, Charles A., Columbus (1). Sergeants — Russell, William B.. Seymour; Boyatt. Edward, Browns- town; Gossraan. John L., Brownstown; Hackendorf, Frank, Browns- town. Corporals — Bobbins, George, Brownstown (2); Goss, Bruce, Browns- town (1); Hanna, Sherfey, Brownstown (1); Thomas, William, Crothers- ville; Sewell, Sylvester, Brownstown; Lubker, Percy, Brownstown; Converse, George, Brownstown; Richards, Polk, Vallonia; Boyatt, Everett E., Brownstown (2^; Burkhalter. Abe, Brownstown (2); Ellis, Charles, Malott Park (2); Russell, Walter. Plainfield (2). Musicians — Easum, Claude L., Crothersville: Nelson, Ira A., Croth- ersville. Artificer— Lewis, Shelby, Crothersville (2). Wagoner — Miller, David J., Brownstown. Privates — Adams. Ernest, Crothersville; Agan, John R., Crothers- ville; Adkins. Frank. Columbus; Bantz. Asbury, Crothersville; Bedel, John A., Crothersville; Beavers, John, Mooney; Blain, Robert B., North Vernon (.3); Briner, Edmond P., Brownstown; Brown. Morton, Mooney; Browning, Earl, Brownstown; Chappell, Arthur, Crothersville; Chap- pell, Enuis, Crothersville; Cochrum, ]\Iathias, Brownstown; Collins, David F.. Crothersville; Crittenden. William R., Columbus; Cusick, Charles, Columbus; Easum, Clyde, Haughville; Erwin, Ralph, Browns- town; Evans, Harry O., North Vernon; Goss, Everett, Brownstown; Hegwood, Carl, Clear Springs; Hennessy, Roger, Indianapolis; Hufifer, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 339 Harry G., Newbern; Huffer, Elmer, Columbus; Hunter, Andrew J., Co- lumbus; Ireland, William, Brownstowu; Jacobs, Charles, Indianapo- lis; Jenkins, Alfred, Brownstown; King, Otto, North Vernon; Lanham, Ora F, Indianapolis; Maring, Charles G.. Columbus; Maliurin, George W.. Brownstown; McCallie, Edgar L., Auburn; McClintic, Elijah, New- bern; McClintic, John, Newbera; Mellencamp, Charles, Tampico; Mil- ler , Paris li.. Roachdale; Moreland, IMoses. Brownstown; Moore, Arthur O., Crothersville; Murray. Edward B., Brownstown; Nelson, Albert J., Crothersville; Payne. William. Brownstown; Rankin, Harry B., Gales- burg, Illinois; Robinson, Clarence, Tampico; Romine, Robert R., North Vernon; Sanders, Gilbert, Brownstown; Shultz, William E., Columbus; Thompson, Hugh, Crothersville; Walker, William, Columbus; Weir, Robert M., Crothersville; Williamson, John L., Columbus; Wiley, Charles E., Bloomington; Wray, Samuel, Eclipse; Young, Claude, Sey- mour (4); Young, Leslie. Crothersville. Recruits — Adams. Charles, Crothersville; Bevers, Isaac J., Medora; Benton, James H., Brownstown; Beavers, Elmer, Goss Mill; Borden, Charles R., Vallonia; Brown, Rutherford B., Goss Mill; Cartwright, Louis A., Brownstown; Downing, Ralph V., Tampico; Durham, Charles B., Brownstown; Emmons, Cyrus, Goss Mill; Gossman, George, Browns- town; Gossman. Wacker, Vallonia; Hegwood, Olin L., Mooney; Kin- dred, Thomas. Kurtz; Kinsella, Thomas R., Cincinnati, Ohio; Martin, George W., Mooney; McCaslin, ^lurray, Crothersville; Pruett, Thomas v.. Houston: Ratcliff, James B , Ewing; Ryker, Herbert V., Vallonia; Seifres, George :m., Tampico; Scott, Thomas L., Goss Mill; Stotz, Frank B., Brownstown; Tfowbridge. Leonard, Vallonia; Tabor, Jesse, Ewing; Wilson, Willard, Ewing; Wilson, John A., Brownstown. (1) Promoted from private August 23. (2) Promoted from private July 28. (3) Discharged .luly 3. (4) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 19. COMPANY H, OF BLOOMINGTON. Captain — Louden, William M., Bloomington. First Lieutenant — Hutchings, William, Bloomington. Second Lieutenant — Binford, Edgar A., Bloomington. First Sergeant — Feltus, Harry J.. Bloomington (1). Quartermaster-Sergeant — Misner, John, .Teffersonville. Sergeants — Webb, Samuel, Bloomington; Rhorer, Charles E., Bloom- ington; Mefford. Calaway E., Bloomington (2); Peterson, Wilburn O., Bloomington. Corporals— Colegrove, William H., Bloomington (3); CuUen, James H., Nashville (3); Dunn, William B., Bloomington (4); Sparks, Everett, Bloomington (3); Sut]iliin, Winnie A., Bloomington; WeblJ, Jesse M., Bloomington (3); Edmondson. Walter E., Bloomington; McGovney, Dud- ley O.. Columbus; Strong, Charles G., Bloomington; Young, Joseph, Harrodsburg (5); Kerr, Patrick H., Bloomington (6). Musician — Miller, Clarence W., Bloomington (7). Artificer — Lane. Robert J., Bloomington (8V Wagoner — Clark, Ule, Bloomington. Privates— Allen, AVilliam B., Alfordsville; AUtop, Charles O., Bloom- ington; Anderson, George M., Ellettsville; Badgley. Joshua D., Bloom- ington; Berry, Robert T., Bloomington; Binkley, Samuel C, Blooming- ton; Caldwell, Dwight, Ellettsville; Campbell, Edgar H., Monroe Coun- ty; Cardwell, Samuel P., Bloomington; Creech, Melvin, Bloomington; Demarcus, Fred D., Spencer; Dickson. William R., Bloomington; 340 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. Doiithitt, Charles, Sanders: East, Morton, Bloomington; Eller, Raymond H., Bloomington; Everly, Lewis, Spencer; Finley, Martin L., Blooming- ton; Frye, Charles T., Bloomington; Goss, Romie C, Bloomington; Gillaspy, William. Bloomington; Goodbody, Alfred B.. Bloomington (9); Goodman, Isaac, Bloomington; Guthrie, Charles E., Bloomington; Hed- rick, John, Monroe County; Hanson, Charles, Sanders; Hiekam, Alva, Bloomington; Hodges, William L., Bloomington; Infield, Eber E., Spen- cer; Jeffries, Newton A., Bloomington; Kerr, Charles I., Laketon; Knis- sel, George, Bloomington; Lake, James H., Bedford (9); Langley, John P., Bloomington; Lyne, George, Bloomington; McCabe, John, Bloom- ington; Masters, Frank H., Bloomington; Moore, Oscar E., Victor; Neill, Joseph A., Bloomington; Payne, John W., Bloomington; Peter- son, August, Bloomington; Pierson, Allan, Spencer; Pruitt, Alfred, Bloomington; Rawlins. Rodolphus, Monroe County; Rush, Lewis O., Bloomington; Shaw, William, Bloomington; Sparks, Bert, Bloomington; Sparks, William G.. Bloomington; Sulfivan, (^eorge, Bloomington; Tal- bott, Edward D., Bloomington; Van Dyke, Francis E., Bloomington; Vint, James M., Stinesville; Wampler, Emmett O., Spencer; Whitesell, Benjamin, Spencer. Recruits — Burns, Edward, Smithville; Clinton, Frank. Bloomington; Carrico, Alphonsus L.. Loogootee; Davis. Scott. Unionville; Delap, Wil- liam Z., Monroe County; Drake, Charles H., Smithville; Gillaspy, Em- met, Bloomington; Goodman. Newton, Bloomington; Hawkins, Henry R., Bartlettsville: Howard. Samuel P., Smithville; Jones, Orrin C, Bloomington; Litz, Elmer, Smithville; Meadows, Christopher C, Bloom- ington; Messick, Michael H., Bedford; Magennis, John W., Blooming ton; Magennis, James E., Indianapolis; Rymnn. Wilbur, Cedar Grove Sager. Arthur E.. Bloomington; Sanderson. Mark M.. Monticello Stump, Moses, Brown County; Smith, Benjamin R., Bloomington; Sie benthal. Ward A., Bloomington; Woodward. Frank P.. Smithville Young, Walter G., Unionville. (1) Promoted from sergeant August 29. (2) Discharged July 25. (3) Promoted from private July 29. (4i Promoted from private August 29. (5) Promoted fi'om private June 27. (6) Promoted from private July 27. (7) Appointed July 20. (8) Appointed :\Iay 12. (9) Transfered to Hos- pital Corps June 18. COMPANY T, OF GREBNCASTLE. Captain — Starr, Wilbur F., Greencastle. First Lieutenant — Donnohue, Charles F., Greencastle. Second Lieutenant — Curtis, Benton. Greencastle. First Sergeant — Rhea, James O., Greencastle. Quartermaster-Sergeant — Graham, Harry. Indianapolis. Sergeants — Conklin, Will. Greencastle; Lane, Earl, Greencastle; Landes, Harry. Greencastle; Kennett. Harry. Greencastle. Coi-porals — Fiske, Earl, Greencastle (1); Stewart, Samuel K., Green- castle; Cooper. Ralph, Greencastle; Lawson. Edward, Greencastle; Moss, James, Greencastle; Evens, Edgar E., Cloverdale; Reed, William, Greencastle (2); Richardson, Joel H., Greencastle (2); Starr, Fred, Greencastle (2); Sackett. Luther, Greencastle (2); Springer, Morton, Greencastle (2); Smith, Fred W., Brazil (2); Bridges, Frank L., Green- castle (3). Artificer— Smythe, Fred H., Putnam County. Wagoner — Peyton, Fred A., Greencastle (4). NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 341 Privates — Allen, Laurence, Greencastle; Alkire, Louis, Greencastle (5); Bard. John A., Brazil; Black, Edwin, Greencastle; Blakely, Francis, Greencastle; Blue, William S., Greencastle; Bowen, Millard M., Green- castle; Broekaway, Edward, Greencastle; Conklin, Charles, Greencas- tle; Conklin, Harry, Greencastle; Corn, George P., Greencastle; Cosner, Oscar, Greencastle; Curetou, John, Brazil; Donnohue, Daniel, Green- castle; Dunn, Albert, Greencastle; Evens, Irwin, Cloverdale; Farmer, Hancell, Putnam County; Fowler, Roy, Tuscola, Illinois; Galey, Scott. Bloomington; Garrett, Orestes, Greencastle; GiCford, William, Brazil (6); Gill, Oscar, Greencastle; Hall, Herschel S., Danville; Harleman, Allen, Greencastle; Hawkins, Harry, Greencastle (6); Hazelet, Richard, Green- castle; Hepler. Lilburn, Putnamville; Hibbitt, George, Greencastle; Hill, James. Putnam County; Hillis, Edward, Greencastle; Irwin, Henry O., Putnam County; Ivy, William A., Greencastle; Jenkins, Edward E., Greencastle; Jones. Everett, Greencastle; Lane, Edward, Greencastle; Lane, Philip, Greencastle (5); Lumsdou. Ralph, Brazil; Middleton, Ern- est, Greencastle; McConkey, James, Greencastle (7); McFadden, Paul, Bainbridge; Nelson, Omer L., Putnam County; Paxton, Lea, Green- castle; Payne, Allan, Brazil; Pearson, .Joseph, Greencastle; Preston, Albert G., Greencastle; Reeves, Homer E., Greencastle; Reeves, Shirley, Greencastle; Reynolds. Milford M., Greencastle; Roberts, William T., Putnam County; Schaffer, Lee T., Sandborn; Sellers, Clay, Greencastle; Shoemaker, William. Putnam County; Smith, Thomas, Bloomington; Steele. William R., Greencastle; Tucker, Paul, Greencastle; Tucker, William, Rensselaer; Tuttle, Thomas, Putnam County; Wilson, Frank, Greencastle; Yeomans, Arthur J., Greencastle. Recruits — Bennett, Roy, Gi'eencastle; Brann, Oscar E., Manhattan; Brackney, George A., Brazil; Beachbard, Thomas S., Rushville; Cox, William, Indianapolis: Davison, Clarence F.. Greencastle; Dale, Henry C, Greencastle; Evens. Walter, Greencastle; Green, Charles, Gosport (8); Gobin, Fred C, Greencastle: Grooms, William I., Greencastle; Hathaway, Samuel E.. Reelsville; Hitt, John W., Indianapolis; Hens- ley, James W., Litchfield, Illinois; Jones, William, Brick Chapel; Monce, Harry E., Knightsville; McCoy, William M., Greencastle; Newton, Ar- thur M., Brazil; Newton, William, Brazil; Newgent, James E., Green- castle; Reeves, Charles W., Putnam County: Russell. Edward, Brazil; Sanders, Charles H.. Brazil; Sourwine, John G., Brazil; South, John L., Gosport; Thomas. True. Greencastle: Traubarger, Fernando G., West- field; Williams, Artie F., Greencastle; Wells, Charles, Greencastle. (1) Died August ?,. (2) Promoted from private July 1. (3) Promoted from private August 30. (4) Appointed August 1. (5) Transferred to Hospital Corps September 3. (6) Transferred to Hospital Corps Sep- tember 11. (7) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 10. (8) Discharged July 31. COMPANY K, OF PRINCETON. Captain — Soller. George, Princeton. First Lieutenant — Eaton, Alva C, Princeton. Second Lieutenant — Brownlee. Paul S., Princeton. First Sergeant — Watt, Ollie, Princeton. Quartermaster-Sergeant — Baker, Robert, Princeton. Sergeants — Brick. Charles E., Princeton; Ervin, .John F.. Princeton; Taylor, James R.. Buckskin; AVilson, William M.. Princeton. Corporals — Chambers, Henry H.. Princeton (1); Duncan, Frank B., Princeton; Moes, William F., Princeton; McGinnis, John R., Princeton; 342 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Johnson, Alfred M., Owensville (1); Salzman. Louis O., Princeton; Wheeler, James F., Princeton; Kinp:, Percy M., Princeton (Ij; Littell, George A., Princeton (2); Mowiy, William, Princeton (1); Strickland, Leonard F., Princeton (1); Minford, Roderick S., Princeton (3). Musicians — Eller, Joseph I., Fisher; Eaton, William P. Princeton. Artificers — McDonald, Claude, Princeton (4); Robinson. William B., Owensville (5) Wagoners — Brewer, Iva M., Princeton (6); Myers, J. W., Prince- ton (7). Privates— Alvis, Walter M., Patoka; Baker, Fred J., Princeton; Bru- ner, Arthur, Princeton; Burton, George H., Gibson County; Cathcart, Wylie, Bloomington; DePriest. Isaac W., Princeton; Dewees, Walter P., Gibson County; Eaton, Fred B., Princeton (8); Emerson, Erastus D., Owensville; Fella, Adolph. Princeton; Finney, Fred, Mai'tinsville; Fritz, John F., Princeton; Grigsby. John H., Princeton; Harris, Walter, Patoka; Johnson, Byron il., Owensville; Key., Victor H., Patoka; Kirk- man, George P., Princeton; Knowles. Forman E., Owensville; Lucas, George L.. King; Massey. Samuel B.. Princeton; Masters, Meredith, Princeton; Malone. Thomas, Gibson County; Megenity, Robert W., En- glish; Metz. Joseph H.. Princeton; McClure, William S.. Princeton; Mc- Connell, William T., Oakland City; McGillem, Jacob, Owensville; Mc- Gregor, James H.. Owensville; McReynolds. Daniel, Patoka; Olds, Eu- gene L., Gibson County; Osborn, John L., Princeton; Patterson, Robert S., Patoka; Polk, Frank E., Princeton; Robb, Orien P., Gibson County; Shepler, John L., Owensville (9); Ship, Bush, Gibson County; Stevens, Charles F., Francisco; Steele, Gustus A., Princeton; Stickman, Amail W., Gibson County; Summers, James F., Princeton; Stott, John W., Princeton; Smith, Jesse L., Posey County; Simpson, Marion E., Owens- ville; Spitzer, George C, Gibson County; Taylor, Eugene B., Princeton; Thompson, Newton, Gibson County: Westfall, Marion O., Owensville; Woods, Clyde, Princeton; Wilgus, William R., Princeton. Recruits — Allen, Garrard. Princeton; Bennett, Orion. King; Bird, Horace, Princeton; Cain, Spurgeou A.. Hazleton; Dor.sey. John R., Princeton; Fritz, Frederick A., Princeton; Ferguson, John F., King; Hall, John S., Princeton; Hall. Wilber, Princeton; Hammond. Omar, Sullivan; Lucas, Oscar, King; McCormick, Ellis G., Yincennes; McCon- nell, Frank, Oakland City; Megenity, George. English; Montgomery, Burgess, Owensville; Montgomery, Willis E., Princeton; Nelson, Frank, Hazleton; Netrieton, Millard, Olney. Illinois; Rhodes. John T., Patoka; Smith, Ulysses G.. Owensville; Smothers, William, Owensville; Sterne, Augustia, Princeton; Strickland, Karl S.. Owensville; Thulke. Charles W., Princeton; Witherspoon, George, Princeton; Whitney, Hugh. Princeton. (1) Promoted from private July 21. (2) Promoted from private July 21; transferred to Signal Corps September 2. (3) Promoted from pri- vate September 10. (4) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 11. (5) Appointed June 11; died September 13. (6) Discharged August 23. (7) Appointed August 24. (8) Discharged August 26. (9) Discharged July 6. COMPANY L, OF YINCENNES. Captain — Simi)son, Robert A.. Yincennes. First Lieutenant — Purcell, Lee B., Yincennes. Second Lieutenant — Bayard. John B., Yincennes. First Sergeant — Robinson. Winfield. Yincennes. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Quarteruiastev- Sergeant — Kennedy, William R., Viucennes. Vin- Sergeants— ^yatts, Hariy T., Vincennes; Bayard, Maurice F. cennes; Purcell, William T., Vincennes; Thuis, Charles A., Vincennes. Corporals— Albright, Albert B.. Vincennes (1); Holman, Lewis A., Willis; Dunn, Thomas, Wheatland (2); Emison, W. C, Vincennes (2); Yelton. Marion, Vincennes: Agnew. Ray G., Vincennes; Johnson, Smi- ley C, Vincennes; Roseman, Andrew, Vincennes; Foreman, Karl T., Bruceville (2); Houck, Andrew D., Bruceville (2). Musician— Sickels, James O., Edwardsport. Artificer— Hartigan, John E., Vincennes. Wagoner — Piel, Herman F., Vincennes. Privates— Alton, William, Viucennes; Aston, Frank, L., Lanceville, Illinois; Bailey, James E., Vincennes; Bailey, Louis R., Vincennes; Ballou, Seth J., Bicknell: Barnes, Judy K., Greenville, Illinois; Bick- nell, Clarence, Bicknell; Blackwell, Edward E., Bicknell; Bledsoe, Clark, Shoals; Breen, John J.. Vincennes (3); Bryant, Isaac D., Ed- wardsport; Carter, Benjamin, Crawford County, Illinois; Castor, Charles C, Vincennes; Crum, William L., Friendsville, Illinois; Dougherty, Walter L., Vincennes; Demaree, Maurice D., Bloomington; Fields, Thomas F., Vincennes; Fleming, George B., Bruceville; Gardner. Charles L., Vincennes; Greenhow, Barney F., Vincennes; Gwin, Rob- ert, Vincennes; House, Claude M., Bicknell; Huffman, Clarence, Lance- ville, Illinois; Huffman, Walter C, Lanceville, Illinois; Hurst, William E., Viucennes; Johnson. Charles A., Washington (4); Johnson, Edward P.,' Vincennes; Kelso, Charles O., Rushville (5); Keneipp, Frank, Vin- cennes; Lloyd, Orzo B., Monroe City (6); Marone, Martin E., Vincennes; McCarty, Florence, Vincennes; McOuat, Burford, Indianapolis (7); Or- gan, Lewis, Lanceville, Illinois; O'Rourke, Owen M., Lanceville, Illinois; Perry, Roland L., Vincennes: Pickerel, Charles, Lanceville, Illinois; Reedy, Emery M.. Knox County; Reel, Ervin L., Vincennes; Roberson, Charies B., Bicknell; Roberts, Leon H., Cleveland, Ohio; Ruddy, Ern- est, Vincennes; Ryan, Edgar Z., Lanceville, Illinois; Shirts, Walter, No- blesville; Simpson, Paul \V., Bruceville; Smith, Ammon E., Cards Point, Illinois; Smith. Joseph, Allendale, Illinois; Smith, Oath H., Bick- nell: Thuis, Edward, Vincennes; Treudley, Hari-y B., Cincinnati, Ohio (3); Turner, Harry, Mt. Carmel, Illinois; Weger, Charles, Jasper; Wirth, Anton J., Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Recruits— Braden, Ambrose, Mitchell; Brocksmith, Charles A., Vin- cennes; Cox, Sumner, Emison; Crooke, Dean, Mitchell; Dayson, Wil- liam, Vincennes; Dorey, Maurice, Vincennes; Dunn, William, Wheat- land; Fox. John W., Emison; Fox, Elmer, Bruceville; Frey, Emil, Vin- cennes, Fulk, Moses M., Farmer; Fletcher, Malott, Indianapohs; Hamm, Louis P., Vincennes; Johnson, George W., Koleen; Mansfield, Aden, Robinson: Miller, Charles A., Vincennes; McCarty. Harry, Vincennes; McDowell, William F., Vincennes; Olmstead, George, Brownstown; Pierson, Edward F., Vincennes; Roseman, Edward, Vincennes; Robin- son, Richard C, Vincennes; Schmidt, Herman, Vincennes; Stewart, Ethelbert C, Lanceville, Illinois: Shelkofsky, Otto, Vincennes; Sparks, Oscar. Vincennes; Soete, Hari-y W.. Vincennes; Snyder, James F., Plnkstaff, Illinois (8); Wetzel, Edward, Vincennes; Wittenmyer, Joseph B., Emison. (1) Promoted from private June 11. (2) Promoted from private July 15. ^3) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 18. (4> Transfeired to Hos- 344 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. pital Corps July ]8. (5) Discharged November 28. (6) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 19. (7) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 11. (8) Died October 20. COMPANY M, OF EVANSVILLE. Captain — Blum, Julius F., Evansville. First Lieutenant— Hollingsworth, Nesbit W., Evansville (1); Woods, Joseph M., Evansville (2). Second Lieutenant — McCormick, David I., Indianapolis (3). First Sergeant — Winfrey, George B., Evansville. Quartermaster-Sergeant — Loetzerich, Fred, Evansville. Sergeants — Schweitzer, George E., Evansville; Norcross, Orion R., Evansville; Berridge, Willoughby, Evansville; Wiltshire, William, Ev- ansville. Corporals— Osborne, Will J., Evansville (4); Winfrey, Thomas C, Evansville; Turner, Edwin B., Evansville; Case, William S., Evans- ville; Myers, James M., Evansville; Coleman, Lawrence L., Evansville; Garton, Alfred C, Evansville (6); Victor, Richard. Evansville (4); Win- frey, Byrd B., Evansville (4); Winters, T. A., Evansville (4); Herpel, William A., Evansville (5); Clausheide, Charles, Evansville (4). Musician — Johnston, Chester D., Evansville (7); Koerner, Otto J., Evansville (8). Artificer — Munson, James F., Evansville. Wagoner — Grainger, Ira, Evansville. Pi-ivates — Amos, Heed. Evansville; Basler, Henry, Evansville; Bit- trolff, Ray, Evansville; Blum, John, Evansville; Brashear, Frank G., Evansville; Brashear, Fred, Evansville; Bryant, John L., Evansville; Bullington, James R., Evansville; Cecil, William J., Evansville; Chea- ney, Alfred A., Evansville; Coffey, Henry J., Evansville; Collins, Lewis P., Evansville; Coughlin, Mike, Howell; Denton, Charles, Evansville; Daugherty, James H., New Haven. Missouri; Eissler, William, Evans- ville (9); Fox, Heniy, Evansville: Hummel, Alfred J.. Evansville; Hatchell. James A., Evansville: Higginbottom, Taylor, Evansville; Holtman, Harry, Evansville; Hopkins, Hamilton C, Evansville! Janes, Benjamin F., Evansville; JefCers. Percy L., Evansville; Johnson, Jes- tice, Evansville; Koegel. Charles E.. Evansville; Koob, Frank T., Evansville; Lavender, Charles S., Evansville (10); Long, Frank .J., West Franklin; Marts, John A., Evansville; Menifee, Rush, Evansville; Mil- ler, Owen, Evansville; Nelligan, Timothy, Evansville; Olney, Frank L., Evansville (11); Drum, Burton. Evansville; Peck, Joseph E., Evans- ville; Posey, Jesse J., Evansville; Scherer, Heniy D., Evansville; SchlafPer. Edwai'd, Evansville; Schreiber, Benjamin F., Evansville; Schulze, Henrj', Evansville: Seek, Ernest A., Evansville; Sherwood, John, Evansville; Speer, August. Evansville: Stretmater. Fred, Evans- ville; Supp, August, Evansville: Sweeten, Charles C, Evansville (12); Ulrich, Walter W., Evansville; Van Pell, Henry, Evansville; Wagner, Adolph O., Evansville; Walters. Charles M., Evansville; Wells, John W., Evansville; Wieggers, August G., Evansville; Wurth. William J., Evansville; Young, James P., Evansville. Recruits — Aydt, George, Evansville; Bicking, Norman F., Evans- ville; Bitter, Edward V., Evansville: Burgess. Clete D., Evansville; Brown, Frederick, Survant; Cecil, Frank, Evansville; Copeland. Thomas C, Evansville; Clemens, Joseph, Evansville; Cox, William S., Evans- ville; Denton, Edward, Evansville; Eberhart, George, Evansville; Fox, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 345 Ernest, Evansville; Holtman, George, Evansville; Hougliland, Harry, Evansville (13); tlobell, William, Evansville; Innis, Alexander H., Ev- ansville; Johnson, William C, Evansville; Monroe, Tony, Chrisuey; Murphy Edward, Evansville; Phelps, Andrew, Evansville; Picliett, Frank J., Evansville; Soper, Harvey C, Evansville; Winternheimer, Jacob. Evansville; Woehler, Charles W.. Evansville. (1) Resigned June 18. (2) Promoted from second lieutenant June 19. (3) Assigned July 9. (4) Promoted from private July 1. (5) Promoted from private September 12. (6) Discharged September 11. (7) Trans- ferred to Hospital Corps June 10. (8) Appointed June 12. (9) Trans- ferred to Hospital Corps September 1. (10) Transferred to Hospital Corps June 18. (11) Died May 24. (12) Died June 22. (13) Ti-ansferred to Hospital Corps September 1. The Fourth Regiment became the One-hundred-and-Six- tieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered in May 12. It then consisted of Company A, of Marion; B, of Deca- tur; C, of Lafavette; D, of Wabash; E, of Blufftou; F, of Ossian; G, of Columbia City; H, of Warsaw; I, of Tipton; K, of Huntington; L, of Anderson; M, of Logansport. The regiment was on garrison duty in Cuba, and was thus partially recompensed for giving up its arms and equipments to the other regiments at Camp Mount. The men went on guard duty armed with clubs at first. The regiment left Camp Mount at 7 o'clock on the evening of Monday, May 16, for Chickamauga Park, Georgia, and arrived at Chattanooga the next evening. It remained on the cars all night, and next morning went to the park, where, after a breakfast of canned beans, the march of 31/2 miles to the site for the camp was made. Camp was established about 11 o'clock, and company, bat- talion and regimental drills took up about five hours daily. The regiment was vaccinated and uniforms and equipments were issued during the latter part of May and first part of June. Rifle practice was the feature of the last month at Chickamauga. The regiment received orders on Wednesday, July 27, to proceed to Newport News to join the force to in- vade Porto Rico. Reveille was sounded on the morning of July 28 at 2 o'clock, and the regiment marched out of camp at 4:40 for Rossville, seven milles distant, and reached there at 7 a. m. After lounging around all day, the regiment went on board the train and left at 9 o'clock. At 5 o'clock the next afternoon Salisbury. North Carolina, was reached; Richmond, Virginia, at o the following morning, and Newport News at 8:30 the same morning. The regiment went into camp called Camp Grant, on a sand hill, the signing of the peace protocol having caused the orders for Porto Rico to be countermanded, and remained there for twenty-two days. 346 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. On Thursday, October 18, a mob of about 200 soldiers, with guns and ammunition, aroused by the murder of Private Andrews, of Company I, by a negro, at Bloodfleld, a suburb of Newport News, started with the avowed intention of clean- ing out the place. Assembly was sounded and the companies formed as quickl.y as possible. Company H was the first one to form across the road, and was supported by Company G, which arrived a moment later, and the two held the men in check until the rest of the regiment came up and surrounded them. They were quieted down and went to their quarters. A company was sent to the city each evening to patrol the streets and preserve the peace. On Sunday, August 21, the regiment broke camp and that night started for Lexington, Kentucky, which was reached the following Tuesday morning. It then went into camp at Camp Miles, on the Weil farm, about 31/2 niiles west of Lexington, and remained there until Friday, September 16, when it was moved to Camp Hamilton, about 41/0 miles east of Lexington. The march of eight miles was made between 9:30 in the morn- ing and 2:30 in the afternoon. The murder of a soldier of the Twelfth Tsew York by a member of the provost guard seemed likely to precipitate a riot, and the regiment was sent into the city to preserve the peace on the evening of Monday, Octo- ber 10. The regiment was on duty all night and rounded up about 400 prisoners. The regiment left Camp Hamilton on the evening of No- vember 9 and emViarked on a train for the south, but because of delay by the railroad company did not get away until after midnight. It reached Columbus, Georgia, about noon Friday, November 11. A camp was established, called Camp Conrad, and on December 17 the 30-caliber TTnited States magazine rifle was issued to the men. A fine rifle range was established and practice was undertaken with great enthusiasm. On Friday, January 6, 1899. the First Battalion broke camp and moved to Charlestown, South Carolina, to embark for Cuba, and reached there at 8:30 p. m., Saturday, June 7. The work of loading on the transport Saratoga was com- menced next morning, and at 1:15 Sunday afternoon the boat steamed out of the bay for Matanzas, Cuba. Tuesday follow- ing land was sighted at 12:30, the pilot was taken aboard at 2:30, and a half an hour later the anchor was dropped. The battalion disembarked on Thursday, January 12, at 7 a. m., and marched to camp about 2i/^ miles west of the city on a hill overlooking the Matanzas cemetery. After remaining NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 347 there six days General Sanger condemned the camp on ac- count of the proximity of the cemetery, and the battalion was moved to a position east of the city, along the harbor, and near the old Spanish fort, ''Oastilo de San Severine." It was on a bank of coral and overgrown with cactus. The work of cleaning up the camp was at once commenced, but on Wednesday, January 26, Company H was detailed as a part of the provost guard and moved to the old Spanish barracks of Santa Christina. With it were Company M, of the Eighth Massachusetts and Company D, of the Third Ken- tucky. The work was harder than any other, but it was pre- ferred by the men because it brought them in contact with the people and gave them an opportunity to see the city. The other companies demanded their turn, and Company K was sent to relieve Company H on March 7. On March 14 there was a strike on the railroad and an additional guard was needed to protect the railroad property. Company H was again sent, and remained at the station until March 19. The regiment remained in Cuba until March 26, when the entire regiment was loaded on the transport Thomas and started for the United States at 5:30 that after- noon. Land was sighted Wednesday morning, March 29, and the anchor was dropped at the quarantine station. Savannah, Georgia, on the same day at noon, and the men were taken to the station, where their clothing and equipments were fumigated, when they were sent to Camp Homeward, south of the city. From this time the preparations for muster out were con- tinued, arms and equipments were turned in, physical exam- inations made, and Tuesday, April 25, 1899, the men were dis- charged and sent home. Banquets were tendered nearly all the companies on their return. The regiment's loss by death during its service was twelve. Sergeant Major Eugene L. Cole, of Marion, was the only mem- ber of a commissioned or non-commissioned staff who died. His death occurred at his home on September .3. Company A. of JNIarion, lost Corporal Roy R. Bigley, of Marion, who died November 9, 189S, at Ft. Thomas, Kentucky. Company F lost Private Converse T. Lucas, of Ossian, who died at Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, November 7. Company G, of Columbia City, lost Private Judson Baker, who died at Columbus, Georgia, December 4. Company H, of Warsaw, lost two men by death. The first death was that of Private Hamilton Bruce Paul. He was the son of Philip and Rebecca C. Paul, and was born in Waj'ne 348 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. township, Kosciusko County, May 8, 1876. He was a grad- uate of the common schools and of the Warsaw High School, and enlisted in Company H, Fourth Regiment, April 23, 1895. He served his first term of enlistment and was discharged April 22, 1898, but re-enlisted the following day, and with his company entered the United States service. Although he was accustomed to outdoor work, yet while at Chickamauga Park he was seized with cramps of the stomach and dysen- tery, which developed into congestion of the brain. His seri- ous condition was not realized when he was first taken sick, but everything possible was done for him and to relieve his sufferings. In spite of all efforts, he died at 2:30 on the morn- ing of June 14. Sergeant Silas C. Sapp was the only son of Lyman and Lizzie Sapp, and was born in Warsaw in 1875. He enlisted in Company H April 23, 1895, and was transferred to the band. He was returned to the company March 7, 1898, and was ap- pointed corporal on April 15 following. He was discharged on the expiration of his term of service, April 22, 1898, but re-enlisted the following day and immediately on his re-enlist- ment was appointed a sergeant. He entered United States service with the company, and while at Camp Hamilton, near Lexington, Kentucky, was taken ill with typhoid fever and died on September 15, at 6:37 p. m. Company 1, of Tipton, lost two men, one in a tragedy. Private Nelzo Andrews, of El wood, was killed by a negro on August 15, while the regiment w^as at Newport News. The second was that of Private George Vawter, of Tipton, who died October 9 while the regiment was at Lexington, Ken- tucky. Company K, of Huntington, lost two men. Private Frank Rosebrough, of Huntington, died July 22 while the regiment was at Chickamauga Park, and eight days later Private Henry S. Altenbach, of Huntington, died at the same place. Company L, of Anderson, lost one man — Private Oscar Wynn, whose home was at Lebanon. He was a recruit who entered the service June 21, and he died October 20 while the regiment was at Lexington. The only death in Company M, of Logansport, was that of Private Orestes Rizer, of Burnettsville. He was a recruit who entered the service June 24, and he died at Lexington, Kentucky, on November 8. The service of the regiment was from April 26, 1898, to April 25, 1899. Unless otherwise indicated those in the fol- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 349 lowing roster served the full term. All recruits were mus- tered in June. As mustered out the regiment was: FJELD, STAFF AND NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Colonel — Gunder, George W., Marion. Lieutenant-Colonel — Kiger, William L., Bluffton. Majors — Harter, Lawrence E., Warsaw; Backman, John J., Aurora; Miller, Edmund P., Decatur. Surgeon — Kyle. John J., Marion. Assistant Surgeons — Foxworthy, Frank, Indianapolis; Buehler, Eugene, Indianapolis. Regimental Adjutant — McFeely, Henry F., Marion. Quartermaster — Allen, Ransom, Ossian. Chaplain-— Weaver, W. D., :\[arion (1); Vigus, William J., Indian- apolis. Battalion Adjutants—Martz, Levi L., Bluff ton; Maltby, Charles S., Aurora: Beshore, Fred L., ^Marion. Sergeanr-:Majors — Miller, Arthur R., Decatur; Kelsey, Edgar E., Huntington; Cole, Eugene L.. Marion (2); Noftzger, Arthur R., War- saw (3). Hospital Stewards— Starrett, Walter K., Marion; Pfaff, John A.. Indianapolis; Sommer, Edgar L., Indianapolis. Quartermaster-Sergeant — Kocher, D. C. R., Bluffton. Commissary-Sergeant — Hitchcock, Samuel E., Blullton (4). Color Sergeant — Jones, Eldon, Marion. Chief Musician — Swinart, James L., Warsaw (5). Principal Musicians — Custer, Burr, Marion (5); Moon, Robert B., Warsaw (6); Pollock. Ernest E., Warsaw (7); Crammei-, F. A.. Logans- port (7). (1) Resigned November 16, 1898. (2) Died September 3. (3) Appoint- ed September 3; discharged February 5. (4) Discharged February 15. (5) Appointed July 1. (6) Discharged December 21. (7) Appointed January 1. COMPANY A, OF MARION. Captain — Ballon, Fred D., Marion. First Lieutenant — Vail, Boston L., Marion. Second Lieutenant — Beshore, Frank L., Marion. First Sergeant — Fryer, John Otto, Marion. Quartermaster-Sergeant — Bogue, Pearl, Marion (1). Sergeants — Hicks, Bert J., Marion: Myers, Tasso A., Marion; Cham- bers, George W., Marion (2); Baldwin. Oliver P., Marion (3); Stover, Harry, Marion (4^. Corporals — Clothier, George F., Marion (5): Baldwin, Edgar M., Fairmount (6); Bigley, Roy R., Marion (7); Dimmick, Lytton E., Marion (8); Fisher, Otto A., Marion (9); Huffman, Fred E., Jonesboro (10); Holmes, Jesse M., Van Buren (11); Harness, George T., Galveston (12); Parker, A.llen D., Fairmount (13); Wells, William H., :\Iarion (14); Webb, Victor J., iMarion (15^; Daily, Don Day, Jonesboro (16); Gaiser, Lewis, Van Buren (11); Henry, Lamotte, Marion (10); Moore, Walter L., Marion (11); Watson, Ross, Marion; Sammons, Jesse, Jonesboro (17). Ai-tificer — Jlartin, Frank O., Marion. Wagoner — Abel, Samuel H., Marion (18). Musician — Taylor, Sidney, Aurora (19). 350 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Privates — Acbor, Noah A. J.. Marion; Bishop, William A., Mariou; Bennington, Lemuel B., Grant County: Burner, James, Marion (20); Bogue, Otto G., Mariou; Beck, Ambler L., Marion; Carll, David H., Jonesboro; Crow, John H., Fairmouut (21); Cbasey, Louis O., Fair- mount; Cox, Burl W., Fairmouut; Dale. Leslie A., Marion; DeSbon, J. Frank, Fairmouut: Eberle, Lawrence E., Marion; Emerson, Albert W., Marion; Eberhart. Edward W., Marion; Fry. Clarence O.. Mariou; Gos- sett, Asa L., Marion (22); Gould, Leroy C, Indianapolis (23); Hay worth, HoUis R., Fairmouut; Hawkins, Conrad R., Marion; Hillsamer, Harvey H., Marion; Howard, W. Harry. Marion; Hunter, Theodore A., Marion; Kenyon, George H., Jonesboro; Kelsay, William, Mariou; Lehman, Delbert B., Marion; Loer. Oliver H.. Herbst (24); McClure, Edward, Marion; McFeely, Otto H., Marion; Mitchell. Wilbur F., Mariou; Mar- shall. Yerlin W.,' Roseburgh (25); Morehead. Lotus W., LaFontaine (26); Nicholson, Edward B.. Marion; Nie. Henry. Jouesboro (27); Owings, Leu S., Upland; Parry. Samuel, Marion (23); Penn, Martin L., Jones- boro; Pittenger. John "w.. Upland (28); Pittenger, William H., Upland; Ryebolt, Oscar, Marion; Roberts, Reubin F., Jonesboro; Steele, Harold, Marion (29); Sohn, John W.. Jr., Marion (30); Smith, Leroy R., Fair- mount; Smith, Frank, Marion; Smith, Edward, Marion; Stout, John W., Upland; Stout, George W., Marion (31); Sewall, Samuel Darmouth, Mariou; Tappau, David, Fairmouut (3^); Tudor, Roy, Mariou (33); Tur- ner, Harry F.. Van Bureu; Turpillat. William, Marion: Van Devanter, R. Spencer, Marion (34); Whitney, John C, Marion; Whitson, Rufus A., Jonesboro; Woollen. Murtou. Fairmouut. Recruits — Anderson, Charles W., Swayzee; BoUar, Charles M., Gas City; Corn, Clyde Everett, Jouesboro; Daily. Dar D., Jouesbox'o; Darter, Oliver J., Marion: Gaiser, Orval. Van Buren: Ham. Avery Grant, Ma- rion; Hobbs. Frank AV., Marion (35); Holmau, Jesse, Marion; Kendall, Madison T., Marion; Opperman. Theodore J., Marion; Payne, Charles T., Fairmouut; Reed. Harry H., Marion; Seal, John Newton, Hackle- man; Shearer, HeniT Clifford. Jonesboro: Shriber, Robert, Jonesboro (36); Smith, Calvin R.. Marion: Waller, Curtis, Mariou; Yergin. Pearl D., Marion (37). (1) Discharged November 13. (2) Promoted from corporal March 20. (3) Promoted from corporal March 4. (4) Promoted from corporal No- vember 18. (5) Discharged February 10. (6) Promoted from private February 18. (7) Promoted from private July 28: died November 9. (8) Promoted from private June 28. (9) Promoted from private February 18. (10) Promoted from private Januai-y 11. (11) Promoted from pri- vate March 4. (12) Promoted from private March 20. (13) Promoted from private November 18; discharged March 31. (14) Promoted from private June 28. (15) Promoted from private November 18; discharged December 19. (16) Promoted from private June 28. (17) Discharged Januaiy 30. (18) Appointed October 9. (19) Appointed March 12. (20) Discharged December 29. (21) Discharged December 21. (22) Dis charged December 8. (23) Trausfen-ed to Hospital Corps November 12 (24) Discharged December 22. (25) Discharged January 12. (26) Dis charged Januaiy 17. (27) Transferred to Hospital Corps October 5 (28) Discharged November 5. (29) Transferred to Hospital Corps De cember 26. ^(30) Discharged March 11. (31) Discharged February 10, (32) Discharged January 14. (33) Discharged February 18. (3.4) Dis charged September 20. (35) Transferred to band December 1. (36) Dis charged Januaiy 8. (37) Discharged Januaiy 30. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 351 COMPANY B. OP DECATUR. Captain — Lenhart, John M., Decatur. First Lieutenant — Edington, Solomon C, Decatur (1); Barnhart, Charles E., Decatur (2). Second Lieutenant — Myers, Richard D., Decatur (3) First Sergeant — Bushnell, William, Decatur (4). Quartermaster-Sergeant — Watkins, John W., Decatur (5); Reichart, Hany, Decatur (6). Sergeants — Roop, Jesse B., Decatur (7); Andrews, John D., Decatur (8); Andrews, Louis, Decatur; Steele, Harland, Decatur (9); Ault, John C, Decatur (10; Beery, Charles, Adams County (11). Corporals — Vaughn, Fred, Decatur (12); Ault, Chai'les E., Decatur (13); Ashbaucher, Henry S., Decatur (14); Bell, Harry E., Decatur (15); Bobo, Rollin T.. Decatur (16); Brothers, Charles, Decatur (17); Hudson, James F.. Decatur (14); Lee, Jasper, Decatur (17); Macy, Edwai-d B.. Monroe (18); Miller, Craig. Decatur (19); Rape, Lewis, Geneva (20); Russell, Arthur J., Decatur (19); Werst, Oliver, Monroe (21); Bollinger, Arthur O., Hoagland (22); Lipes, Robert B., Hoagland (23). Musicians — Kern, John D., Decatur; Gossiuger, Franli, Decatur. Artificer — Russell, James M., Decatur. Wagoners — Foreman, William, Decatur (24); Weimer, Schuyler, De- catur (25). Privates— Andrews, Leslie B., Decatur; Baker, Jason P., Decatur; Barkley, William A.. Decatur; Barnett, Ed. Adams County; Barthell, Roman, Decatur; Blossom, Dallas E., Indianapolis; Bowers, George, Decatur; Broadbeck, Harry E., Bobo; Burch, Emerson H., Indianapo- lis; Burkhead, Cladd, Decatur; Burrell, George W., Decatur; Chilcot, James O., Decatur; Closs, Edward M., Decatur; Conrad, George, De- catur; Cutting, Arthur P., Decatur; DeVoss, Arlie, Decatur; Everts, George H., Decatur; Fisher, Jonas, Decatur; Fuller, Bun-ton, Adams County; Gass, John, Traders Point; Gault, AVilliam, Decatur; Good, John H., Decatur (26); Gordon, Lorenzo, Decatur; Hale, John, Decatur; Hess, Jacob, Adams County; Hower, Charles W., Adams County; Hurst, William, Decatur; Kitson, Charles. Decatur; Knoff, Benton, Decatur; Myers, Harvey E., Decatur (27); Noll, William, Adams Coun- ty; Parrish, French, Decatur; Peterson, Charles, Decatur; Peterson, Frank, Adams County; Peterson, Robert S., Decatur (28); Piercy, Jacob F., Decatur (29); Quinn, Hariy M., Decatur: Railing, Samuel M., Deca- tur; Reed, Fred G., Petroleum; Rich, Joseph E., Adams County; Roop, Chauncey, Willshire, Ohio; Ruby, Frank, Decatur (26); Sampson, Louis, Decatur (30); Shaffer, Ora V., AVarsaw (29); Smith, George R.. Indian- apolis; Suman, Isaiah, Adams County (31); Toney, Edward, Decatur; Tucker, William, Cun-yville; Wolford, Roy, Decatur; Wey, Charles M., Peru; Woodward, Charles, Decatur. Recruits — Barber, Edward R., Decatur; Brandyberry, John H., Mon- roe; Buchanan, James S., Decatur; Fisher, Amos S., Decatur; Frank, John L., Monmouth; Fulton, Edmund, Decatur; Garwood, John W., Decatur; Hahnert, Alfred, Monroe; Hakes, James Z., Pleasant Mills; Hanna, John G., Berne; Johnson, Thomas J ., Monroe; Lord, Charles, Monmouth (32); Mumma, Charles, Decatur; Mcintosh, Lloyd, Hoagland (33); McKinzie, Leonard, Roann (33); Roop, Lorin, Steele; Schiedegger, Samuel, Berne; Sims, Samuel L., Decatur; Smith, Frank L., Monroe; Tindal, Henry, Decatur; Waggoner, William A., Monmouth; Whitcomb, Claude W., Hoagland. 352 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. (1) Resigned, August 5. (2) Promoted from first lieutenant, August 10. (3) Promoted from first sergeant. August 10. (4) Promoted from sergeant, November 12. (5) Appointed while sergeant, August 28; dis- charged January 16. (6) Appointed while sergeant, February 1. (7) Dis- charged, January 30. (S) Discharged March 15. (9j Promoted from corporal, November 17. (lOi Promoted from corporal, February 1. (11) Promoted from corporal, March 10. (12) Discharged, March 11. (13) Promoted from private. Jauuai-y 2. (14) Promoted from private, February 1. (15) Promoted from private, July 8. (16) Promoted from private, March 2. (17) Promoted from private, July 7. (18) Promoted from private, July 7; discharged, December 15. (19) Promoted from private, November 17. (20) Promoted from private, January 2. (21) Pro moted from private. March 16. (22) Promoted from private, March 13 (23) Promoted from private, November 17; discharged, February 20 (24) Discharged, December 31. (25) Appointed, December 29. (26) Trans ferred to Hospital Corps. November 12. (27) Discharged, February 25, (28) Discharged, March 26. (29) TransfeiTed to band, May 25. (30) Dis charged, January 31. (31) Transferred to Hospital Corps, November 4, (32) Discharged, March 26. (33) Discharged, Januaiy 31. COMPANY C, OF LAFAYETTE. Captain — Marks. Thomas R., Lafayette. First Lieutenant — Glasscock. James L., Lafayette. Second Lieutenant — Hubbard, Charles A., Lafayette. First Sergeant — McCauley. John P., Lafayette (1). Quartermaster Sergeant — Penrod, Leander J., Lafayette. Sergeants— Newsom, Gilbert P., West Newton (2); McGrath, John C. Lafayette; Hopper. Albert M., Lafayette; Hencke, Fred S., Lafayette; Throckmorton, O. P., Lafayette (3). Corporals— Doyle, John C, Lafayette (4): Eckhart, Frank E., Lafay- ette (5); Duffy. George A., Lafayette; Madden, John, Romney; Hogan, John T., Lafayette; Lucas, Loyd, Lafayette; Fry, Norman M., Lafay- ette (5); Harvey, Louie D., Klondike (6j; McKee, John R., Lafayette (7); Powers, Robert E., Lafayette (8); Lawson, Charles A., Lafayette (9); Marks, Chancellor K., Lafayette (10). Musician — Mitchell, Amos, Lafayette (11). Artificer — ilills, William H., Lafayette. Wagoner— Olinger, Frank, I^afayette (12). Privates— Adams, William R., Lafayette; Ball, Seymour, Brookston; Barcus, Clarence E., Lafayette; Barry, William M., Lafayette; Bates, Hari-y E., Lafayette; Battenberg, Melvin H., Lafayette; Bowen, Thomas AY., Lafayette; Cass, Earl R., Lafayette; Chissom, James A., Lafayette; Ellsworth, Lawson. Lafayette; Eversole, Jesse Y., Lafayette; Eldridge, William, Lafayette; Ford, Robert Y., Lafayette; Gephart, George, Lafayette; Gresham, Floyd A., Lafayette; Grimes, William B., Lafayette; Harvey, Oliver W., Klondike: Hedrick, Clarence C, Lafay- ette; Hughes. William, Lafayette; Jackson, Edgar Y., Lafayette (14); Kelm. Herman C. A., Lafayette; Kennel, Frank, Lafayette; Kinsey, Reulien L., Lafayette (11); Kopf, ^Matthias P., Lafayette; Kummings, William F., Lafayette; Kuntzwiler, Clyde, Lafayette; Layton, Alva T., Greencastle: Layton. William, Lafayette; Lehmen, William J., Lafay- ette; Lucas, Dan R., Lafayette (15); McBroom, Elam R., Lafayette; Mc- Culloch, Robert C, Dayton; AIcGregor, Charles, Lafayette (16); Mac- kessy, William, Lafayette; Menges, Rufus. West Lafayette; Moore, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 353 Beujamin T. J., Lafayette (17); Nichols, George, Lafayette; Norris, Al- bert J., Lafayette; Nourse, Loring H., Lafayette; Page, James T., La- fayette; Pflughaupt, Henry C, Komney; Penrod, Solomon, Lafayette; Phillips, Wilber A., Lafayette; Powers, Robert E., Lafayette; Robeson, Courtney V., Lafayette (18); Rosenberger, John W., Dayton; ShafCuer, Tod, Lafayette (19); Smith, Harry C, Jr., Lafayette; Stanton, William B., Lafayette; Stewart, Albert. Indianapolis; Stretch, Harry, Lafayette; Taylor, Miles C, Lafayette: Todd, Fred L., Lafayette (20); Vander- kleed, Fred O., Lafayette (21); Wade, Claude, Lafayette; W\alsh, Frank J.. Lafayette; Warner, Edward F., Lafayette; Werkhoff, Charles A., La- fayette; Whitehead, Herbert C, West Point; Younker, Frank E., West Point. Recruits — P>all, Edward L., Lafayette; Byers, Frank C, Lafayette; Dahm. Peter J., Lafayette; Degnan, Thomas, Lafayette; Harris, Joshua N., Lafayette; Hauser, Martin, Lafayette; Jeukinsou, Arthur B., Lafay- ette; Kelsey, Richard A., Lafayette; Marshall, John L., Lafayette; Munn, David, Lafayette; McCauley, Thomas A.. Lafayette (16); Quaco, Samuel O., Lafayette; Rhodes, Howard W., Lafayette; Royce, George, Lafayette; Siepelt, Charles F. W., Lafayette; Shoup, Fred, Lafayette; Smith, Louis H., Lafayette; Storm, Charles H., Lafayette; Stretch, Simon H,, Lafayette; South worth, Harry, Lafayette; Sullivan, Michael A.. Lafayette; Vandamark, Arlington, Lafayette; Wade, John L., La- fayette. (1) Promoted from sergeant, November 16. (2) Discharged, Januaiy 30. (3) Promoted from corporal, February 6. (4) Promoted from pri- vate, July 23. (5) Promoted from private, December 15. (6) Promoted from private, February 6. (7) Promoted from private. May 12. (8) Pro- moted from private, December 31; discharged, Janiiary 1. (9) Promoted from private. January 3. (10) Promoted from private, July 23. (11) Dis- charged, March 17. (12) Appointed, March 27. (13) Discharged, Decem- ber 31. (14) Transferred to band, July 5: discharged, November 5. (15) Discharged. November 20. (16) Transferred to Hospital Corps, No- vember 17. (17) Discharged, February 25. (18) Discharged, February 19. (19) Discharged, November 22. (20) Discharged, March 20. (21) Dis- charged, March 21. (22) Discharged. March 26. COMPANY D, OF WABASH. Captain — Wimmer, John R., Wabash. First Lieutenant — Reed, Arthur G., Wabash. Second Lieutenants — Sayre, Arthur, Wabash (1); Mills, John G., Wa- bash (2). First Sergeant — Gardner, Andy C, Wabash. Quartermaster Sergeant — Pearson, Andrew, Wabash. Sergeants — Owen, Abner R., Wabash; Malott, Frank, Wabash; Mur- phy, Frank, Wabash. Corporals— Mills, John, Wabash (3); Little, Ross, Wabash; Stuart, George, Wabash (4); La Salle, Clarence H., Wabash (5); Martin, Fred C, Wabash (6); Porter, James O., Wabash (6); Vigus, Edward, Wabash (7); Henley, Frank K., Wabash; Seymour, Francis, Wabash; Rogers, Will- iam, Danville (8); Sommers, William, Wabash (5); Stewart, Howard, Wabash (5); Sullivan, Lawrence, Wabash (5); Williams, Gilbert, Wa- bash (8). Musicians — Huddleston, W. A., Wabash; Carey, Rome, Wabash (9); Sommers, Arthur, Wabash (10). 354 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA- Wngoner — Forest, Lon, Wabash (11). Artiticer— Hale, Arthur, Wabash (12). Privates— Angle, Bert, Kellers (13); Anthony, Burt, Wabash (14); Bahler, Fred, Wabash; Baldwin, John, Wabash (15); Ballinger, Bert, Wabash; Beach, Edward, Wabash; Beeks, Lot, Lagro (16); Bennett, Lay- man, Wabash; Bent, Frank, Wabash; Brackeuhammer, Christian, Wa- bash; Bradley, Clarence. Wabash; Brady. George, Wabash; Brady, W'ill- iam, AVabash; Carrouthers, Ernest, Wabash (17k Clevell, Charles, Wa- bash; Corey, Joseph G., Wabash; Day, Emerson, Wabash; Edwards, Duncan, Wabash; Edwards, Ernest, Wabash; Fell. Lawrence, Wa- bash (IS); Flinn, Jeny, Wabash (14); Gardner, Glenn, Wabash; Gard- ner, Eolland, Wabash (.20): Harris, Bert, Lafayette; Hobson, Fred, Wa- bash; Hunter, Harrv' B.. Wabash; Jackson, Leander, Wabash; Johnson, Edward, Wabash; Jones, Frank, Wabash; Jones, Porter G., Wabash (21); Kendall, Wnrren, Wabash; Knight, Yemen, Wabash (22); Lassond, Will- iam, Wabash; Long. Chester, Wabash; Miller, Lester K., Miami County; Owens, Frank, Wabash (23): Palmer, Amos, Wabash; Printy, Everett, Wabash; Rose, Edward, Wabash (24); Ripley, Clarence. Wabash; Smith, Charles L., Wabash; Schilly. Frank, South Bend; Schuar, Gilbert, Wa- bash; Shanahan, George, Wabash; Smith. Hugh, Bluff ton (2.5); Summer- land, John, AVabash; Stewart, Robert, AA'abash; Sutter, John AA"., AA^a- bash; Thomas, Howard, Wabash; Tower, Fred. AA'abash; Wibel, Frank, Tocsin; AVoods. Clyde. Wabash (26); AA'eber, AVilliam, Wabash; AValter, Fred, Wabash (27); Williams, Benjamin, AA'abash. Recruits — Anderson, William, La Gro; Berry, Clarence R., W^abash; Blair, John, Wabash (28); Cover, Claude, AA'abash; Curnutt, Chester, La Gro; Follis, Arthur, AVabash; Fosnough, Nelson, Wabash (29); Gray, A''asy, Wabash; Hammes, Fred, Wabash; Hoover, Roy W., Wabash (30); Ivoiy, John. AA'abash: Liuiuger, Clarence, AA'abash; Alader, Albert F., Wabash; Mariner, Ernest, Wabash: :Mariner, Herbert, AA'abash; ?.Iiller, Ross, Wabash; McCune, Charles, AA'abash; McQuade, Hugh, Wabash; Oswalt, Charles F., Wabash (31): Reed, Otto A., Wabash (32); Reed, John T., AA^abash (32); Ross. Arch, AA'abash (33); Schriver. Daniel A., AA'abash; Spauldiug, Frank. Wabash; Stauffer, Owen. Wabash; Straughn, Hugh. Wabash. (1) Discharged. February 1. (2) Promoted from sergeant, February 1. (3) Appointed from musician. December 29. (4» Appointed from ar- tificer. July 1. (5) Promoted from private. July 1. (6) Promoted from private. March 15. (7) Dischai-ged, Januaiy 30. (8) Promoted from pri- vate, December 29. (9) Transferred to band. December 1. (10) Ap- pointed from private, December 29. (11) Appointed. May 12. (12) Ap- pointed, July 1. (13) Discharged, October 1. (14 1 Discharged. Januaiy 5. (15) Discharged, March 26. a6) Discharged, October 8. (17) Dis- charged September 26. (18) Discharged, October 8. (19) Discharged, February 23. (20) Discharged, February 2. (21) Discharged, Alarch 9. (22) Discharged, March 19. (23) Discharged. February 22. (24) Dis- charged. March 12. (25) Discharged, July 22. (26) Transferred to Hospital Coi-ps, October 19. (27) Discharged, February 16. (28) Dis- charged. January 4. f29) Discharged. January 30. (30) Discharged, January 25. (31) Discharged, March 26. (32) Transferred from Com- pany H. .Tune 25. (33) Discharged, March 12. COMPANY E, OF BLITFFTON. Captains — Brunn, Charles F., Bluffton (1); Johnson, Henry. Bluff- ton (2); Brown. H. Clyde, Bluffton (3). NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 355 First Lieutenants— Pusli. Charles. Bluff ton (4); Burgan, Lester A., Blufftou (5). Second Lieutenant— Taugemanu, Fred J.. Bluffton (6). First Sergeant — Kress, Jacob M., Ft. Wayne (7). Quartermaster Sergeant — Pence, Samuel, Blufi'ton (8). Sergeants— Britt, Jacob. Bluffton; Myers. Dillon, Bluffton (9); Mc- Cormidv, John W.. Bluffton; Wassou, Bert, Bluffton (10). Corporals— Bouham, Carl. Bluffton (111; Bennett, Orlando, Bluffton; Bruun, Walter, Bluffton (12); Jones, William G., Bluffton; Smith, N. Frank. Bluffton; Earnst, Will W., Bluffton (12); Hackney, Charles A., Bluffton (13); Johnson E. M., Bluft'ton (12); O'Neill, Charles, Bluff- ton (10); Thomas, Ralph, Bluft'ton (14); Worster, S. Louis, Bluffton (14), Travis, Harry M., Bluffton (12). Musicians— Stewart, William, Warsaw (15); Hathaway, Carl T., Warsaw (15); Ferguson, W. E., Blufftou (16); Bray, Jesse, Bluffton (17); Hammond, A. C, Murray (18). Artificer— Bennett, Ruben, Bluffton. Wagoner — Hart, George W., Poueto. Pi-ivates— Baughman, William J., Bluffton; Bays, Charles W., Bluff- ton; Buckles. Clifton C, Blufftou; Christ, Jesse, Craigville; Cotton, Mar- shall S., Bluffton: Davis, Bruce W., Bluffton; De Hart, James E., Bluff- ton; Dunn, Charles R., Bluffton; Eggleston, H. Taylor, Bluffton; Eggle- ston, H. Grant, Blufftou; Ehrsam. Paul, Bluffton (19); Ellsworth, Charles, Petroleum; Frank, Joseph W., Montpelier; Graf, John, Bluff- ton; Houtz, Henry L., Bluff"ton; Hesher, Bert M., Bluffton; Hesher, William D., Bluffton (20); Huffman, Charles, Bluffton; Hurt, Jacob H., Bluft'ton; Jones, S. Keller, Poneto; Kapp, Frank, Bluffton; Keagle, Thomas, Pennville: Kerfoot, Thomas, Bluffton; Kreep, Forest L., Bluff- ton (21); Lewis. Frank, Bluft'ton; Lopsigar, Charles, Bluffton; McCor- mick, Frank. Bluffton; Maddox. Archibald. Bluffton (22); Milholland, Henry, Bluft:ton; Mastersou, John A., Bluft'ton; Morrow, Joseph, Penn- ville; Mosure, Charles A., Bluft'ton; Moore, Frank, Bluffton; Morgan, Edward C, Bluffton: Morehead, Charles F., Blufftou; Murphy, W. Hempton. Montpelier (23); Nolan, Thomas H., Montpelier; O'Donnell, Harry, Montpelier; Palmer, William E., W^arren (24); Phillips, Bert, Bluffton; Priest, Howard, Bluffton; Rhine, William, Pennville (25); Rine- hart, Vernon, Bluffton (26): Ripple, Elmer E.; Bluft'ton; Schlegel, Jacob, Bluffton; Schnurr, George. Bluffton (27); Sinninger, Cal, Warren; Skin- ner, Clark W., Petroleum (28); Suiter, Bert, Fiat; Wilhelm, Frederick, Bluffton; Williams, John E., Domestic; Wilson, Edgar M., Pennville; WJsner, Sharp, Bluffton. Recruits— Angel, William T., Bluffton (29); Barr, James Homer, Bluffton; Barrett, John. Bluft'ton; Burgner, D. Harry, Bluffton; Bixler, Harry, Bluffton; Brickley, Philo M., Bluffton: Brickley, Samuel J., Bluff- ton; Cotton, Ralph C. Bluffton; Cookerly, Rollie, Bluff'ton; Hackett, Den- nis A., Bluffton; Hill, George R., Bluft'ton: Mosure, Edward L., Bluffton; Morris, William D., Bluffton; McBride, Carl W., Bluff'ton; McGinness, A. Earl, Bluffton; Reift', William H., Bluffton; Studabaker, Clem. Vera Cruz; Tribolet, George, Bluffton; Wasmuth, Harry R., Bluffton; Weaver, Oris, Bluffton; Weaver, Roy H., Bluft'ton; Wisner, Horace L., Bluffton; Yarger, William J., Bluffton. (1) Resigned. January 4. (2) Promoted from second lieutenant, Jan- uary 5, and discharged, January 31. (3) Promoted from first sergeant, February 1. (4» Resigned. January 28. (5) Promoted from quartermas- ter sergeant, January 5. (6) Promoted from corporal to sergeant, Jan- 356 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. uary 13; to second lieutenant, January 28. (7) Promoted from ser- geant, February 24. (8) Promoted from sergeant. (9) Promoted from corporal, February 24. (10 1 Promoted from private, February 24. (11) Promoted from private, February 3. (12) Promoted from private, June 29. (13) Promoted from private, January 28. (14) Promoted from private, November 5. (15) Transferred to band, May 25. (16) Ap- pointed, June 29. (17) Appointed, March 10. (18) Appointed, January 7. (19) Discharged, Februaiy 14. (20) Discharged, February 18. (21) Dis- charged, January 29. (22) Discharged, January 30. (23) Discharged, December 28. (24) Transferred to Signal Corps. October 2. (25) Dis- charged, September 30. (26) Transferred to Hospital Corps. November 4. (27) Discharged, October 8. (28) Discharged, February 21. (29) Dis- charged, August 12. COIMPANY F, OF OSSTAN. Captain — Derr. Elmer E., Ossian. First Lieutenant — AVilson, Floyd K., Ossian. Second Lieutenant — Mills, George M., Ossian. First Sergeant — Allen,, Stanley, Ossian. Quartermaster Sergeant — Todd, Levi A., Ossian (1). Sergeants — Allen, Lafayette, Ossian; Deam. Warner J., Ossian; Hoopengardner, Wilson, Ossian; Norris, Palmer O., Roanoke; Duncan, William A., Montpelier (2). Corporals— Deam, Charles, Ossian (3); Beaty, Harry W., Ossian; Foughty, Franli E., Ossian; Beaty, Victor H., Ossian; Glass, Fred, Ossian (4); Hartley, Fi-ank, Montpelier (4); Koous, James P., Ossian (4); Wolfcale. Davis W., Uniondale; McAfee, Ernest, Kingland (5). Cole- man, Alfred, Montpelier (6); Foster, Clio D.. Montpelier (5); Piggott, Frank, Montpelier (6). Musicians — Allen, Marion P., Ossian (7); Wagner, Clyde, Ossian; Reed, Harry C, Montpelier (8). Artifioer — Hedge, Edward, Montpelier (9). Privates — Alberson, Dennis, Montpelier; Alberson, Samuel, Ossian; Baker, Ira D.. Zanesville; Barnes, William D., Montpelier; Bowman, Otis T., Ossian (15); Cartwright.Jas. S., Montpelier; Clark, Frank; Ossian; Crosbie, Rule J.. Montpelier; Crowl, Charles C, Ossian; Dollman, Will- iam E., Poe (10); Fatscher, Heuiy, Ossian; Fuchshuber, Gottlieb C, Ossian; Greider, Sherman; Warsaw (11); Grames, James C, Ossian; Harris, Leon. Montpelier; Hayes, Floyd, Ossian; Hency, John, Ossian; Hoopengardner, Marion, Ossian; Johnson, Bert, Ossian; Johnson. Samuel, Tocsin;Kerr, J. A., Montpelier; Lawrence, Luther, Montpelier; Liniuger, Frank, Ossian; Lucas, Converse T., Ossian (12); Lutz, Cassius, Poe; Mc- Clish, Charles, Montpelier; McKinsie, Joseph D., Ossian; Miller, Ernest, Kingsland; Milliken, James A., Ossian; Millington, Albert, Tocsin; Mills. Charles R., Ossian; Mills, Fred, Kingsland; Mills, Robert L., Ossian; Mitchell, James A., Prospect; Murphy, Samuel J., Montpelier; Norris, Marion L., Roanoke; Nolan, John, Hartford City; Potee, John, Ossian; Pugh, Otto A., Montpelier; Reece, Jacob, Sheldon; Reed, John W., Wells County; Riley, Frank L., Sheldon; Snarr, Franklin B., Wells County; Shock, Alexander B., Montpelier; Simmons, George P., Ossian; Storms, Daniel K., Roll: Swaim, Charles T., Ossian; Tinsley, Charles N.; Mont- pelier; Twibell, Edward, Montpelier: Tisron, Robert F., Ossian; Tur- nock, Samuel, Montpelier; Walker, Calvin. Sheldon; Walker, William, Sheldon; Wickins, George H.. Ossian: Wilmington, George H., Ossian; NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 357 Wilmington, DeCamp F., Prospect; Wilson, Frank, Uniondale; Wilson, John P., Montpelier; Wilson James L., Sheldon; Woods, James L., Shel- don; Woods, Dewey, Sheldon; Woods, Artemas, Sheldon. Recruits — Bavchnian, Arthur, Keystone; Cunningham, Everett A., Montpelier; CronJn, Sylvester, Hartford City; Cronin, David, Hartford City; Donaldson, Wesley, Montpelier; Fultz, Ellis, Montpelier; Mote, Harry T.. Montpelier; Murphy. Charles O., Montpelier; Murphy, Charles, Montpelier (13); McTaggertt, Jesse A., Roanoke; Schenck, Benjamin M., Bradford, Pa.: Shamberger. Emmor, Hartford City; Shields. Fred E., Montpelier (14); Stroup, William II., Montpelier; Swindler, James, Roll; Thomas, Grant, INIontpelier; Ward, Charles, Hartford City; Wilson, Will- iam, Montpelier; Williams, John, Montpelier. (1) Discharged January 31. (2) Promoted from corporal January 8. (3) Promoted from private December 1. (4) Promoted from private July 13. (5) Promoted from private January 31. (6) Promoted from private December 1. (7) Transferred to band May 25; discharged January 30. (8) Appointed December 31. (9) Appointed December 28. (10) Trans- ferred to Hospital Corps November 4. (11) Transferred to band May 25. (12) Died November 7. (13) Discharged January 31. (14) Transferred to Hospital Corps October 14. (15) Discharged January 31. COMPANY C, OF COLUMBIA CITY. Captain — Harrison, Joseph R., Columbia City. First Lieutenant — IJnvill, David Swan, Columbia City. Second Lieutenant — Clapham, Lloyd D., Columbia City. First Sergeant — Gallivan, Thomas, Columbia City (1); Clapham, Si- mon P., Columbia City (2). Quartermaster Sergeant — Washburn, John L., Columbia City (3); Wallace. Byron P., Columbia City (4). Sergeants— Malone, Otis, Columbia City; Reece, Doctor J., Columbia City (5); Erdmann, August E., Columbia City; Clapham, John T., Co- lumbia City (6); Brown, Edwin M., Columbia City (7); Warner, Way- man. S., Whitley (8). Corporals— Gardner, William F., Columbia City (9); Kronk, Charles, Churubusco (10); Clark, Walter L., Columbia City (11); Corse, Alfred E., Columbia City (12); Cotton, Elmer K., Churubusco (13); Croxton, Daniel C, Coesse (14); Fuller, Jethro, Logansport (14); Holbrook, Charles F., Columbia City (15): Kinney, James R., Churubusco (15); Markley, Spur- geon N., Columbia City (12); Miller, Horace W., Columbia City (16); Pence, Elmer E., Collins (12); Squires, Horatio H., Churubusco (17); Yontz, Ralph, Columbia City (12). Musicians — Ferren, Philip, Columbia City (18); Myers, Christian D., Columbia City (19): Squires. Oliver P. M., Churubusco (20). Artificer— Waterfall, Fred S., Columbia City. Wagoner — Hoose. William, Columbia City. Privates — Anthes, Adolph, Columbia City; Binkley, Daniel, Colum- bia City; Binkley. Lewis. Columbia City; Rrenneman, Franklin R., Columbia City (21); Brown, Brwin L., Columbia City (22); Bryan, How- ard, Columbia City; Chapman, Carlos D., Columbia City; Connolly, John, Huntington; Croy, Daniel, South Whitley: Croy, James, South Whitley; Dull. Charles, Collins; Erb, Howard, Gilead; Fullam, John, Churubusco; Graves. Edward. Columbia City: Groesbeck, Fred, Colum- bia City; Gross, Raymond, Churubusco; Grove, Laurtes H., South Whit- ley; Haynes, Jedd, Columbia City; Hammontree, Joseph, Columbia 358 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. City (23 1 ; Harshbarser, Paul, Coesse: Jackson, Lawrence B., Churubus- co; Jellison, Floyd O., South Whitley; Jellison, Robt. A., South Whit ley; Johnston, Jas., Churubusco; Long, Peter J., Logansport; Lowry, Al bert S., Indianapolis; Mitten. P'rank L., Seattle, Wash. (25); Monroe Stephen L., Columbia City; More, Charles H., Columbia City; Myers Ira Sankey, Columbia City; Nott, George W., Collins; Norris, Fred South Whitley; Pickard, Walter IL. Alexandria; Rapp, Fred, Churu busco; Rapp. John, Churubusco; Reid. Ralph, Rossville; Ruckmau Charles F., Columbia City (26); Russel, Earl D., Collins; Shafer, Calvin Columbia City; Slentz, Brodie, Columbia City; Slesmau, William H. Columbia City; Smith, Mell C, Logansport; Smoots, John, Upper San dusky. Ohio; Souder, El, Columbia City; Vernon, Nathaniel E., Logans port (27): Wallace. Frank M., Columbia City (28); Webber, Harry E. Wabash; Whiteleather, John F., Columbia City (29); Winegarduer Adrian, Columbia City. Recruits^Bakev, .Judson, Columbia City (30); Barr, Alfred F., Co- lumbia City; Buntain. Alva. Larwill: Butler, Richard, Columbia City Brown, Eli', Columbia City (31); Brand, Charles C, Columbia City (32) Clark. Frank L.. Coesse (26); Curtis, Elmer, Larwill; Crowel, Sal, Co- lumbia City: Crowel, Charles O.. Columbia City; Eastman, Clarence Larwill; Fletcher. James, Columbia City; Ferguson, Charles M., Colum bia City; Garty. Robert W., Columbia City; Gilbert, Willis, Columbia City; Kane. John. Columbia City (31; Klingamau, Gid, Columbia City Nott, Frank, Churubusco (33); Miller, Harry W.. Columbia City; Nies wonger, Elza, Columbia City; Pine, Charles R., Columbia City; Prugh Raymond, Larwill; Rindfusz, Clyde, Columbia City; Waugh, Harvey E., Collins. (1) Discharged November 14. (2) Promoted from sergeant November 14. (3) Discharged February 5. (4) Promoted from sergeant February 14. (5) Discharged November 14. (6) Promoted from corporal November 14. (7) Promoted from corporal November 22; discharged March 1. (8) Promoted fi-om corporal ^Larch 9. (9) Discharged November 14. (10) Transferred to band December 1: discharged December 5. (11) Pro- moted from private February 18. (12) Promoted from private June 28. (13) Promoted from private November 14. (14) Promoted from private November 22. (15) Promoted from private February 8. (16) Promoted from private October 17. (17) Promoted from private March 8. (18) Transferred to band May 25. (19) Transferred to band May 25; dis- charged January 14. (20) Appointed June 1. (21) Discharged March 4. (22) Discharged' March 1. (23) Discharged October 6. (24) Transferred to Hospital Corps November 12. (25) Discharged January 20. (26) Dis- charged February 10. (27) Discharged November 1. (28) Transferred to band December 1. (29) Discharged April 4. (30) Died December 4. (31) Discharged January 30. (32) Discharged December 12. (33) Dis- charged December 20. COMPANY H, OF WARSAW. Captain— Sharp, Charles A., Warsaw. First Lieutenant — Hinkley. Edwin G., Ft. Wayne. Second Lieutenant — Hughes. William L., Warsaw. First Sergeant — Hafert. William J., Warsaw. Quartermaster Sergeant — Kehler, Herbert, Warsaw. Sergeants — Egner, INIartin M., Warsaw: Foulke, Erwood B., War- saw (1); Sapp, Silas C, Warsaw (2); Scott, Allen C, North Webster (3); NATIONAL GIJAKD OF INDIANA. 359 Bennett, James M., Warsaw {A); Davis, Fred, Warsaw (5); Pepper, James W., Warsaw (6). Corporals— Lehman, Edgar E., Warsaw; Meek, John C, Warsaw; Lehman, Herbert C, Warsaw (7); Minear, Melvin W., Claypool (8); Dwyer, Thomas, Monticello (9); Miller, Than., Warsaw (10; Mote, Fred B., Warsaw (10); Phillips, Homer B., Warsaw (11); Philpot, Ernest E., Warsaw (12); Ripple, Edwin M., Warsaw (10); Se Cheverell, Claude D., Warsaw (13); Smith, Oliver P., Warsaw (14); Williams, John S., Wa- bash (12). Musician — Wilcox, Maurice, Warsaw (15). Artificer— Hall, Foster, North Webster (16); Carr, Verne V., War- saAV (17). Privates— Adams, Charles W., Atwood; AUer, John, Warsaw; Babb, Eben H., Monticello; Baugher, Noah, North Webster (18); Bell, Isaac N., Hecla; Bird, Clarence. Pierceton; Brubaker, Walter, Warsaw; Bumhour, Alva W., Warsaw; Chilcott. Gartield, ^lonticello; Coffeen, Earl A., Troy, Ohio; Coyner, Earl, Merom (15); Delia, Thomas A., Warsaw (19); Dun- fee, George C, Monticello; Gorsline, Charles E.. Kewanna; Hill, San- ford. Warsaw; Kilmer, Orville, Mentone; Kuhn, Ira, North Webster (20); LaFoUette, Howard, Warsaw; Lehman, Alonzo A., Warsaw; Linton, Charles E., Logansport (21); Lougacre, Lewis, Warsaw; Loveday, George D., Warsaw; McCarter, Charles M., Warsaw; McClintic, Mar- tin, North Webster; Maguire, Ulysses S., Warsaw (22); Matthews, John C Warsaw; Mulford. Roy, Warsaw (21); NefC, Howard, Warsaw; New- comb, Edward, Atwood; Orcutt, Amos, Etna Green; Or- cutt, Beannah T., Etna Green; Paul, Hamilton B., War- saw (23); Rankin, Henry B\, Monticello; Rhodes, Harry O., North Manchester: Ryland. Thomas, Warsaw (24); Sandford, Isaac R., Indianapolis (25); Schade. Conrad, Warsaw; Scott. Ernest L., Warsaw; Seymour, Vernie, Monticello; Shock. George, North Webster; Simpson, Otho, Center: Sloane, Roy, Warsaw (26); Sloane, Wilbur, Warsaw; Smith, Fred E., Monticello; Smith, Worley, North Webster; Snoke, Andrew J., North Webster; Spielman, Don J., Indianapolis; Stuart, Donald, Warsaw; Swihart, Fred, Hecla; Vanator, Edward, Warsaw (27); Ward. George B., Warsaw; White, Frank, Warsaw (15); Wilcox, Ardon C, Warsaw; Wilcox, James A., Warsaw (28); Wilcoxon. Emery, Monticello. Recruits— Anderson, Myron HoUis, Whitley County; Bockman, John C, South Bend; Bowman, Daniel A., Leesburg; Brown, Lewis W., Wa- bash; Carver, James E., Irvington (29); Chapman, Clark, Mentone; Coleman, Louis Jl, Warsaw; Foote, Joel W., Warsaw; Harris, Scott E., Warsaw; Haun, George C, Warsaw; Harter, Charles F., Noble County; Kiste, Charles M., Warsaw; Keith, Harry E., Warsaw; Kuhn, Arthur, North Webster; Moore, Roy, Warsaw; McLaughlin, William, Wabash; McCleary, George, Warsaw; McVicker, George, Warsaw (27); Ply, Wil- liam, Wabash; Powers, Charles A., Warsaw; Sarber, Curtis S., Men- tone (26): Sherburn, Elliot, Warsaw; Stewart, Charles H., Indianapolis (30); Watson, William D., Etna Green; Wiley, Hiram, Warsaw. (1) Discharged January 4. (2) Died September 15. (3) Discharged November 14. (4) Promoted from corporal September 15. (5) Promoted from corporal February 23. (6) Promoted from corporal January 1. (7) Discharged January 4. (8) Promoted from wagoner January 1. (9) Promoted from private December 19. (10) Promoted from private July 1. (11) Promoted from private August 12. (12) Promoted from private February 1. (13) Promoted from private May 12; discharged December 360 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 15. (14) Promoted from private September 18. (15) Transferred to band May 25. (16) Discharged December 16. (17) Appointed January 1. (18) Discharged January 4. (19) Discharged October 25. (20) Discharged October 9. (21) Transferred to Hospital Corps November 7. (22) Dis- charged October 24. (23) Died June 14. (24) Discharged January 13. (25) Transferred to Hospital Corps July 19. (26) Discharged February 1. (27) Discharged March 31. (28) Transferred to Hospital Corps No- vember L (29) Discharged March 4. (30) Discharged November 26. COMPANY I, OF TIPTON. Captain — Dyer, George, Tipton (1); Van Buskirk, Robert M., Tip- ton (2>. First Lieutenant — Knee, George, Tipton (3). Second Lieutenant — Barlow, Jesse H., Tipton (4). First Sergeant— Matthews, Horace S., Tipton (5). Quartermaster Sergeant — Russell, James, Tipton (6). Sergeants— Mount. Cleo, Tipton (7); Grishaw, Edwin, Sharpsville (8); Bues. Harry, Atlanta (9); Mitchell, Harry, Tipton; Gifford, Allan, Tipton (10). Corporals — Alexander, Dillon, Elwood (11); McKay, Otho, Sharps- ville (12): Wolverton, Willard N., Tipton (13); Haskett, Robert, Tipton (14); Brothers, William, Elwood (15); Phares, Harry, Tipton; Dowell, George, Terre Haute (16); Eaton, Elbert, Sharpsville (17); Lane, George L., Tipton (18); Law. Clarence, Tipton (19); Napier, Walter, Elwood (20); Smith, Alphos O., Tipton (16); Snider, Charles, Cloverdale (19); Tenny- son, Jacob J., Tipton (17); Zauss, Charles, Sharpsville (21); Kramer. Francis, Elwood (19); Rice, Frank, Tipton (19). Musicians— Brook, Elmer L., Warsaw (22); Hassel, Elmer L., War- saw (22), Hutchins, Harry, Springfield, Ohio (23); McCreary, William, Tipton (24). Artificer — Henderson. William, Elwood (25). Privates — Altmeyer, Joim J.. Elwood; Andrews, Nalzo, Elwood (26); Basey. Morton, Tipton; Barbo, Walter, Elwood; Brothers, William, El- wood; Burnes. Edward, Tipton; Coyle, Cullodin, Elwood (27); Cox, Theodore, Tipton (28); Cook, Artie Walter, Tipton; Douglass, Edward, Elwood; Douglass, Harry, Elwood; Furry, Clem, Tipton; Fields, Estes, Tipton; Franklin, Charles B., Sharpsville (29): Grishaw, George, Sharps- ville; Gillian, James, Tipton (30); Garretson, Edward E., Elwood; Her- man, Hari-y, Tipton; Henry, Jasper, Tipton; Hoback, Frank, Sharps- ville; Justice, Harry, Tipton; .Tarrett, Fred, Tipton (28); Kennedy. Wil- liam, Elwood; Kapphan, Gustave, Elwood; Long, LeRoy, Tipton (28; Lamb, Peter W., Elwood: Lovcjoy, James L., Kokomo (31); Logan, Frank, Tipton (28); Leach. Charles, Tipton (32); McNew, David, Tip- ton; Moreland, Buzz, Indianapolis; ^Martin, George, Elwood; Norris, Jesse, Tipton: Norris, John, Tipton; Phillips, William, Atlanta; Pan- cake, Harry, Indianapolis: Peal, Peter, Elwood; Partlow, Monroe, Tip- ton; Pickerel, Oliver. Sharpsville; Rhoades. William, Atlanta; Recobs, Fred, Tipton; Spaulding. Jerry, Sharpsville; Seright, Dilver, Tipton; Swartz, Daniel, Murray; Taylor, Elmer, Tipton; Tobin, William, Tip- ton; Thurman, Rolla, Elwood: Temple, William T., Dearborn County (33); Umphreys, Howard, Sharpsville: Vawter, George. Tipton (34); Wilson, Claude. Tipton. Recruits— Bailey, William, Sharpsville: Campbell, Carl M., Gold- smith: D.ny. William, Groomsville; Dever, Hiram. Hobbs Station; Gor- Sergt. Silas C. Sapp Corp. Homer W. Engle Frank O. Eckerle on the roll of honof Samuel I_. Petro Corp. 0. A Bales NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 361 bit, Benjamin, Sheridan; Hedrick, Henry, Tipton; Honeas, Dan, Sliarps- ville; Kennedy, George, Hobbs; Matthews, Otto, Tipton; Mossmau, George, Tipton; Nelson, William, Tipton; Paul, Gussie, Sheridan; Pick- ett, Albert W., Tipton (35); Philpott, Theodore, Groomsville; Purvis, Charles W., Wiles (36); Redd, Antoine, Kempton; Rubush, Carl, Sharps- ville (37); Russell Isaac. Sharpsville; Snider, Otto, Tipton; Woodruff, Clarence, Tipton. (1) Resigned November 18. (2) Promoted from first lieutenant No- vember 20. (3) Promoted from second lieutenant November 20. (4) Promoted from first sergeant November 20. (5) Promoted from ser- geant December 19. (6) Promoted from artificer October 4. (7) Pro- moted from corporal December 19. (8) Promoted from corporal August 12. (9) Promoted from corporal December 31. (10) Transferred to Hos- pital Corps December 30. (11) Transferred to Hospital Corps October 23. (12) Promoted from wagoner April 4. (13) Discharged January 13. (14) Promoted from private October 19. (15) Promoted from private December 19; discharged March 14. (16) Promoted from private Febru- ary 1. (17) Promoted from private August 12. (18) TransfeiTed to Sig- nal Corps November 5. (19) Promoted from private July 13. (20) Pro- moted from private December 31. (21) Promoted from private March 14. (22) Transferred to band May 26. (23) Appointed December 30. (24) Appointed November 20. (25) Appointed October 4. (26) Died August 18. (27) Transferred to Hospital Corps November 13. (28i Dis- charged March 27. (29) Discharged February 24. (30) Discharged January 31. (31) Transferred to Hospital Corps July 10. (32) Trans- ferred to Hospital Corps October 29. (33) Transferred to Hospital Corps October 22. (34) Died October 9. (35) Discharged January 4. (36) Di.s- charged March 18. (37) Discharged December 16. COMPANY K, OF HUNTINGTON. Captain — Lee. Orison, P., Indianapolis. First Lieutenant — Wood, Leonard F., Huntington. Second Lieutenant — Spencer. Herbert B., Huntington. First Sergeant — Bloss, William II., Muncie. Quartermaster Sergeant — Creamer, Edgar R., Huntington. Sergeants — Hadley, Otis W.. Huntington; Morford, William S., Huntington; Beel. Thomas W., Huntington; Slusser. Charles A., Hunt- ington; Mitchell, Walter S., Huntington (2). Corporals— Powell, Howard O., Peru (3); Saylor, Levi, Huntington; Gibler, Blias, Huntington (4); Richards, Calvin B., Huntington; Bow- man, Walter O., Muncie: Glenn, Robert R., Huntington (5); Kern, Fred G., Andrews (5); Kunce, Oren H., Huntington (6): Lovill, Clarence, Huntington (7»; Plasterer, Charles H.. Huntington (8); Sprinkle, Ches- ter L., Huntington (9); Toopes, Eugene O., Huntington (6); Commons, Alexander C, Logansport (10); Shock, Edward A., Huntington (9); Steele, Carl P., Huntington (6 and 11). Musicians— Parry, Walter B., Huntington; Bolinger. Bert, Bippus (12); Day, Ray, Akron (13). Aritflcer — Keiser, Oscar L., Huntington. Wagoners — Snyder, Henry H., Huntington (14); Cook, John F., Huntington (15). Privates — Altenliach, Henry S., Huntington (16); Altenbach, Wil- fiam G., Huntington; Anson, Bert, Huntington: Baity, Edward S., Peru; Brown, John M., Huntington: Brown, George V., Wheatfield; Brubaker, 362 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Charles R., Huntington; Burman, William C, Huntington; Bretbruu- ner, William W., Rochester: Bucher, Charles M., Huntington; Cole, Thomas J., Huntington; Duff. Aaron J., Markle; Elser, Harvey W., Huntington; Eggimann. Charles F., Huntington; Faurote, Charles E., Green Oak; Fulton, Hubert M., Huntington; Fetters, Earhait, Hunt- ington: Ferguson, George W., Huntington; Fisher, Harry, Huntington; Graves, Robert. Franklin; Hier, MaiheTV AV.. Huntington; Hughes, Howard H., Huntington: Jacobs. Fay. Huntington; Klein, John J., Huntington; Kitt. Milton J., Huntington; Kumler, Oliver M., Grass- creek; Klein, Lon S., Huntington (17); Lyon, Clarence. Huntington; Lamoree. Ray, Akron (18); Leicht, William, Huntington; Lew, Burt E., Huntington; Layman, Wilbur, Huntington: Morgan, William J., Hunt- ington: Miller, Charles R., Huntington; McLean, John F., Gilead: Pressel, Ira O., Huntington; Reifert, Otto, Huntington; Reed, Fred, Huntington: Rosebrough, Frank, Huntington (19); Rathgeber, Jacob W., Huntington; Robinson, John C, Akron; Spigelmyre, Ford E., Hunt- ington; Stickle. Samuel, Huntington (20); Seber, Oliver, Huntington; Smith, Odis, Huntington; Snoke, YwUiam H., Huntington; Simonton, Herman B.. Huntington (28); Shamp, Carl, Akron; Thrasher, Benjamin G.. Huntington (18): Tertlinger. Herman O., Huntington (21); Voght, Edward M.. Huntington; Wright, Harvey W., Huntington; Whitehurst, Jacob W.. Warren; Yeater, Rutherford H., Huntington. Recruits — Alles. .Joseph W., Huntington: Baker, Edward F., Hunt- ington; Boehner, John, Huntington; Burman, Herman, Huntington; Custard, John F., Plum Tree; Culler, William H., Huntington (22); Drabenstot, Frank, Huntington (22); Erlenbaugh, William, Huntington; Fetters, Samuel, Huntington; Fryer, John F., Huntington; Gusman, Abraham L., Huntington; Hippensteel, Harvey R.. Makin; Johnson, Leroy, Huntington; Kesler. Herman. Huntington; Kitt, Morton, Hunt- ington; Mayne. Robert C, Huntington; Miller, William H., Huntington; Myers, John W., Huntington; Pfeifer, George D., Huntington; Strauss, Leroy W., Huntington (23); Stalder, Henry W.. Huntington; Sprinkle, Roscoe M., Makin. (1) Discharged January 10. (2) Promoted from corporal March 1. (3) Discharged February 24. (4) Discharged :March 30. (5) Promoted from private June 25. (6) Promoted from private July 24. (7) Pro- moted from private December 11. (S) Promoted from private March 1. (9) Promoted from private February 1. (10) Promoted from private October 25. (11) Discharged November 29. (12) Discharged March 14. (13) Appointed January 11. (14) Discharged October 26. (15) Appointed October 26. (16) Died July 30. (17) TransfeiTed to Signal Corps July 11. (18) Discharged January 30. (19) Died July 22. (20) Discharged November 7. (21) Discharged December 8. (22) Transferred to Hos- pital Corps December 20. (23) Discharged January 30. COMPANY L. OF ANDERSON. Captain — Burr, Kenneth :m.. Anderson. First Lieutenant — Collins. John B.. Anderson. Second Lieutenant — Sausser. George C. Anderson. First Sergeant — Brunt, Herbert C, Anderson. Quartermaster Sergeant — Ellis. John J., Anderson (1). Sergeants — Worden, Dorr S., Anderson (2); Newsom, Lee C. Ander- son: Martin. David V., Anderson (3); Towell, Chauncey O., Anderson. Corporals — Beason, George, Anderson (4); Tharp. Charles E.. Pen- dleton (4); Davenport, R. E.. Anderson (5i; Fisher, Charles. Anderson NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 363 (6); Medsker, Byrou, Anderson (7); INIoon, Bert. K., Anderson (8); Pattie, James O., Anderson (9; Weger, Charles G., Anderson (10); Ross, John A., Anderson; Welsh, Richard, Anderson (10); Henry, Howard F., An- derson (11); Nichols, Robert N., Anderson; Hopper, John L., Ander- son (5). Musician — Cook, Roscoe, Anderson (12). Wagoner— Dee. Thomas M., Anderson. Artificer— Rhonemus, Arthur, Dayton, Ohio (13). Privates— Antrim, Robert H., Anderson; Aldred, Howard M., Lapel; Bailey, Carl G., Anderson; Baker, Joseph C, Anderson (14); Bechtoldt, George A., Anderson; Benbow, Frank M., Anderson; Boyd, Charles, Anderson: Bond, George W., Jr., Anderson; Bromau, William H., Pen- dleton; Brown, Clay M., Anderson; Burr, Claude S., Anderson (17); Bush, Harry, Anderson; Carpenter, Claude A., xVnderson; Carpenter. Egbert E., Anderson (15); Cole, Clement C, Ripley County; Cooper, Bert J., Anderson; Crull, Harry W., Anderson (16i; Cumberledge, Wil- liam J., Anderson; Dietrich, Herman, Anderson; Dunbar, Enos J., An- derson; Durbin. George H., Anderson; Eaton, Edward, Anderson; Falk- nor, Chester R., Anderson; Fischer, Henry H., Anderson; Fickle, Oliver F., Anderson (24V. Fountain, James A., Anderson; Garrison, Levi, An- derson; Hinegar, Ethel L., Madison County; Halleubeck, Morris A.. Madison County; Hunt, Volney M.. Jr., Anderson; Inclenrock, Edward M., Pendleton (24); Keicher, John F., Anderson; Kellar, Elmo, Koko- mo; Kendric, Henry M.. Anderson; Keorper, John, Anderson; Lawson, Onier, Anderson; Lay, John T.. Anderson (20); Levy, Frank M., Ander- son; Lindstrom, Oscar, Anderson; Livesay, Butler, Anderson (25); Loch, Lewis F., Anderson: Lycan, William P.. Anderson; Martin, Jefferson T., Indianapolis; Mingle, Wilford W., Pendleton; Miller, James, Hunts- ville; Moore, Harry, ^Anderson; Mourer, Clarence B., Anderson; :Mur- phy, Robert, Anderson: Neff. William, Honey Creek; Roach. Othello, Anderson (18); Rosenfield, Harry, Markleville; Shaffer, Charles M., Anderson; Smith, Joseph H., Anderson; Thomas, Harry, Anderson; Wagoner. William H., Hartford City (19); Williamson, Lowell C, An- derson; AVilliams. William, Anderson; Wilson, Frank M., Anderson; Wilson, Robert L., Anderson. Recruits — Bidwell, Charles, Anderson; Bonhomme, Jesse, Ander- son; Bosworth, Isaac, Anderson; Cobnrn, John W., Anderson (20); Cum- mings, Elmer W., East Bank, West Virginia; Denney, Manford, Ander- son; Evans. Francis, Anderson (21); Griffith, Harry Z., Anderson; Hayes, John S., Anderson: Hawkins, Harry C, Anderson; Jeffers, Roy S., Anderson; Keckler, Frank. Anderson; Mansfield, William, Anderson; Munyon Bert, Anderson {22); McConnell, Robert, Anderson; Moulden, Howard. Anderson: Radway, Louis E., Anderson: Ricketts, Amos, An- derson: Seybert, Clarence B.. Anderson; Sine, William B.. Jr., Morgan- town. West Virginia; Smith. Thomas C, Coal Port, Pennsylvania; Stark. John. Anderson; Trees, Rolla C, Anderson; Weger, Lee, Ander- son; Wynn, Oscar, Lebanon. (1) Promoted from sergeant February 16. (2) Promoted from cor- poral February 22. (3) Promoted from corporal January 8. (4) Pro- moted from private June 26. (5) Promoted from private June 25. (6) Promoted from private December 8. (7) Promoted from private March 4. (8) Promoted from private October 26. (9) I'romoted from private June 21. (10) Promoted from private December 8. (11) Discharged October 18. (12) Transferred to band May 25. (13) Appointed October 1. (14) Discharged March 31. (15) Discharged March 27. (16) Discharged 364 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. February 10. (17) Discharged December 18. (18) Discharged Novem- ber 8. (19) Transferred to Hospital Corps November 7. (20) Dis- charged January 31. (21) Discharged March 11. (22) Discharged No- vember 15. (23) Died October 13. (24) Transferred to Hospital Corps November 12. (25) Transferred to Signal Corps September 27. COMPANY M, OF LOGANSPORT. Captain — Bender, David S., Logansport. First Lieutenant — Dunn, William C, Logansport. Second Lieutenant — Fitch, Leroy, Logansport. First Sergeant — Behmer, Walter P., Logansport. Quartermaster Sergeant — Johnson, James, Logansport (1). Sergeants — Burkit, Frank, Logansport; Grinuell, Robert B., Logans port (2); Crawford, Thomas H., Galveston (6); Richardson, Charles, New Waverly (3); Huckleberry, William G., Logansport. Corporals — Crooks, Alva A., Metea; Johnson, Clarence W., LoganS' port; Senders, Charles G., Burrows; Gipe, Isaac N., Logansport; Os- borne, Harry A., Logansport: Ayers, Wise, Logansport (4); Bear Charles, Logansport (4); Bruner, Charles, Lucerne (5); Denbo, Robert J., Logansport (7): Fickel, Harry. New Waverly (7); Hewlett, Leroy, Lo- gansport (7); Viney, Hal T., Logansport (7); B^'ournier, Lucian, Logans- port (7 and 8). Musicians — Castle, Kirk, Waverly (9); White, Fred, New Wa- verly (10). Artificer — Holman, James W., Galveston (11); Elliott, James W., New Waverly (10). Privates — Albert, Anthony, Logansport; Albert, William H., Bur- rows; Asmus, Gust. Logansport (12); Banta, Charles, Cass County; Booth, Edwin B., Logansport; Carroll, Owen, Logansport; Catterlin, Fenton, Logansport (13); Cory, Harry, Logansport; Cripe, John W., Cass County; Crockett, Charles, Cass County; DeLawter, Jesse B., Pipe Creek; Dolan, James W., Logansport; Dreyer, Gustave, Logansport; Fisher, Oscar B., Logansport; Frushour, Francis, Lucerne; Fox, Eman- ual A., Logansport; Gates, William R. L., Logansport; Geiger, Frank E., Logansport, Gemmill, Thomas B., Logansport; Gibson, Arthur F., Logansport; Grainger, John I., Logansport (14); Grant, William R., Logansport (15t; GrifBn, William, Logansport; Griffin, John A., Logans- port; Hager, INIatthew, Logansport; Hiukle, Jonathan, Logansport; Hutton, Edwin L.. Cass County; Izor, Emmet, Logansport (16); Jack- son, Ernest. Logansport; Jackson, Ira T., Logansport; Kerns, Charles W.. Cass County; Kearns, Frank C, Lincoln, Nebraska (17); Laemle, Daniel W., Royal Center; Ludwig. Samuel, Logansport; McElheny, Thomas J., Logansport (18); McGinley, John, Logansport; Medeu, Al- bert, Logansport; Merritt, Elmer, Logansport; Myers. Rollings H., Lo- gansport; Newby, John A., Logansport; O' Riley, John, Logansport; Peck, Charles A.. Burrows; Powell. .John W., Logansport; Putnam, John, Logansport (12); Ray, Clare M., Logansport (19); Ray, John F., Logansport; Rennels, Benjamin. New Waverly; Robertson, Rennie, Galveston; Rollings, William, Logansport; Rupp, Jacob, Logansport; Smith, Leroy, Logansport (13); Snyder, Mahlon. Logansport; Stoughton, Arthur, Logansport; Voll, Robert, Logansport; Wetsel, George H., Lo- gansport (16). Recruits — Banta, Beaufort. Logansport; Barron, Leon L., Royal Center; Boyer, Alex B.. Logansport (20); Castle. Bert. Logansport; Gall. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 365 Edward, Logansport; Hanna, Thomas J., Buruettsville (21); Hartman, Henry, Logansport; Houser, Calvin E., Logansport; Moore, William, Logansport; Patterson, Albert, Logansport (22); Patton, Jesse B., New Waverly; Powell, Anson B., Metea; Rizer, Orestes D., Burnettsville (23); Rollings, Lee J., Logansport; Runyan, Alden C, Logansport; Swi- gart, John F., Logansport; Tosler. William, Logansport; Wallrath, Henry, Logansport; Williams, Charles S., New Waverly (24). (1) Promoted from sergeant. (2) Promoted from corporal November 19. (3) Discharged February 24. (4) Promoted from private March 13. (5) Promoted from private November 13. (6) Promoted from corporal Febrnarv 26. (7) Promoted from private August 8. (8) Discharged March io. (9> Appointed November 3. (10) Appointed February 26. (11^ Discharged February 25. (32) Discharged January 31. (13) Trans- ferred to Hospital Corps. (14) Discharged February 29. (15) Dis- charged April 1. (16) Transferred to Hospital Corps November 18. (17) Tran°sf erred to band May 25; to Signal Corps September 30. (18 » Dis- charged January 25. (19) Discharged December 19. (20 1 Transferred to Sfgnal Corps July 8. (21) Discharged February 1. (22) Transferred to Hospital Corps July 19. (23) Died November 8. (24) Discharged March 10. TWENTY-SEVENTH BATTERY, OF INDIANAPOLIS. Battery A, Indiana Xatioiial Guard, became the Twenty- seventh Indiana Volunteer Battery. The complete history of the service of the organization in the United States service will be found in Chapter IX, as written by Captain J. B. Cur- tis, commanding. The service of each member was from April 26 to November 25, unless otherwise indicated, except the re- cruits, who v/ere enrolled in June. The members as mustered out were: Captain— Curtis, James B., Indianapolis. First Lieutenants— Garrard, Charles A., Indianapolis; Johnson, Ed- ward B., Indianapolis. Second Lieutenant— Gallon, Harry A., Indianapolis. First Sergeant — Meyers, William E., Indianapolis. Quartermaster Sergeant — Oliver, Robert T., Indianapolis. VeterinaiT Sergeant — Kinter, Joseph B., Marion Center, Pa. Sergeants— Dunlap, Charles, Indianapolis; Heiskell, Walter W., In- dianapolis; Navin, Arthur J., Indianapolis; Swan, Frederick A., Indian- apolis; Boswell, David A., Indianapolis; Barnhizer, Martin, Indian- apolis. Corporals — Boswell, James F., Indianapolis: Langdon, Harvey C, Indianapolis; Hann, Otis C. Indianapolis; Hewitt, Horace B., Indian- apolis; Heiskell, Frank W., Indianapolis; Railsback, Chester A., In- dianapolis; Oliver, Daudridge H.. Indianapolis; Emrich, William F.. Indianapolis; Cooper. Ronoldo M.. Indianapolis; Enos, Charles, Indian- apolis; Hornaday. Harry B., Indianapolis; Palmer, Henry A., Indian- apolis; Murbarger, Harry E., Indianapolis; Payne, Edward, Martins- ville; Wilkins, Albert H., Indianapolis. Artificers— Allen, Joseph C. F., Indianapolis (2); Junemann, Fred, In- dianapolis (2). Farrier — Cox, James, Indianapolis (2). 366 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Saddler — Burton, "William, New Castle. Blacksmith — Hill, Ilemy C, Indianapolis. Wagoner — Van Camp, Raymond, Indianapolis (6). Musician — ScliellscLimidt, Alvin, Indianapolis. Privates — Adam, Louis (J., Indianapolis; Alder, John E., Indiau- apolis; Amthor, Oscar W., Indianapolis; Barnhill, Morton, Nora; Bar- ron, Robert D., Logansport; Beach, Lewis J., Indianapolis; Beaver, Stanley, Indianapolis; Becker, William L., Indianapolis; Blackketter, George E., Indianapolis; Breuuau, Edward E., Indianapolis; Bristow, Joseph A., Indianapolis; Bookwalter, Glen J., Indianapolis; Brush, John R., Indianapolis; Byrani. Norman S., Indianapolis; Burke, Orriu T., Indianapolis; Burkhart, Thomas A., Paragon; Burns, James A., Indianapolis: Chamberlain, John H., Indianapolis; Clark, Roy, Indian- apolis; Collins, Fred L., Indianapolis: Commons, Ernest L., Center- ville; Cooper, William R.. Indianapolis; Cosier, Alpha B., Indianapolis; Culver, William F., Indianapolis: Davis, AVilliam A., Columbus; Dar- nall, David B., Raccoon; Doolittle, Edwin F., Indianapolis; Evadinger, Emil, Indianapolis; Ferris, Iradelle V., Indianapolis; Flanagan, George W.. Indianapolis; Forsythe, Andrew, Indianapolis; Fulmer, Harry H., Indianapolis; Furnas, Horace R., Indianapolis; Gilbreath, Victor, In- dianapolis; Garstin, Bert N., Indianapolis; Gates, Edward E., Indian- apolis; Gillette. Fred E., Indianapolis; Groenwaldt, Edwin J., Indian- apolis; Griffith, Harrj', Indianapolis; Haiwey, Flave J., Centerville; Haspel, Joseph G.. Indianapolis; Haughey, Theodore P., Indianapolis; Hawkins, Guy E., . Indianapolis; Hays, George S., Crawfordsville; Helm, Walter B., Indianapolis; Henderson, Harry L., Indianapolis; Hess, George V., Indianapolis: Hubbard, Melford P., Brookville; Hun- ter, Charles W.. Indianapolis; Hutton. John H., Indianapolis, Hynes, Amos P., Indianapolis: Johnson, Alfred, Indianapolis; Kahn, Isaac, In- dianapolis; Karelson, J., Valentine, New York (3); Kinder, Charles A., Indianapolis; King. Arthur T., Indianapolis: Kinsley, Bert, Shelbyville; Kuhn, George F., Indianapolis; Lacy, William J., Frankhn; Light, Oli- ver, Indianapolis; Mcintosh. Alexander J., Indianapolis; Manion, James H., Indianapolis; Masters, Joseph L., Irvington; Mayfield, Clif- ford H., Indianapolis; Metzger, George H., Indianapolis; Middleton, Edward, Franklin; Milliken. Harry B., Indianapolis (4); Morrow, Wil- son H., Indianapolis (5(; Musser, Delbert S., Indianapolis; Nichols, George M., Indianapolis: Park. Carl W., Waverly; Patten, James C, Indianapolis; Pattison, Harry O., Crawfordsville; Pattison, Samuel L., Indianapolis: Rapp, Oscar. Indianapolis: Reid. Lee C, Indianapolis; Riley, Hany, North Vernon; Rosenthal. Ed J., Indianapolis; Sanders, Maurice E., Indianapolis; Sellers, Samuel N.. Indianapolis; Shearer, Maurice E.. Indianapolis: Spaan, John E., Indianapolis; Stanley, Lewis W., Carthage; Stanton. Robert G., Indianapolis; Thomas, Harry S., Indianapolis: Thompson. Ray C, Indianapolis; Tyndall. Robert H., In- dianapolis: Voris, John V.. Indianapolis; Webb. Heniy J., Indianapolis; Wegener, Ferdinand, Indianapolis: White, Earl T., Indianapolis; White- head, Harry L., Indianapolis: Williams, Archie C.. Indianapolis; Wil- liamson, Le Roy, Versailles ; Youngman, Robert P., Muncie. Recruits — Adams. Samuel, Indianapolis: Alfree, Hany D., Craw- fordsville: Allison, Herbert C, Indianapolis; Bacon, C. Wesley, Indian- apolis; Bassett, Harry W.. Indianapolis: Bristow, Thomas. Indianapo- lis; Carney, Frank F.. Columbus; Catherwood. Joseph, Indianapolis; Cox, Harrison P., Indianapolis: Carlon, George T., Indianapolis; Coff- man, William W., Morgantown: Clancy, John J., Indianapolis; Craw- NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 367 ford, Chester C, luclianapolis; Erdmau, Joseph, ludiauapolis; Petty, Arnold H., Indianapolis; Flanagan. Henry W., Indianapolis; Frey, Herman, Indianapolis; Garvey, James C, Indianapolis; Gorby, Thomas L., Franklin; Hamlin, George L., Indianapolis; Hendricks, Ezra R., Indianapolis; Howell, Harry R.. Danville; Hutchinson, Fred, Indian- apolis; Julian, Paul, Irvington; King, William R., Danville; Knefler, Ernest F., Indianapolis; Kettenbach, Charles E., Irvington; Martindale, Elijah B., Jr.. Indianapolis (8); Miller, Andrew, Indianapolis; Moore, Aquilla A., Trafalgar; McGee, Charles H., Mt. Jackson; McGee, Junius M., Indianapolis; Pennington, Robert M., Indianapolis; Pearce, Charles W., Indianapolis; Peck, William Henry, Indianapolis; Pritchard, Ben- jamin, Indianapolis; Rotach, John, Indianapolis; Roberts, Hariy W., Danville; Rynerson, John, Columbus; Rutledge, William F., Indian- apolis, Reub. Albert F., Indianapolis; Smith, Harry R., Warsaw; Swick, Harrj' M., Indianapolis; Stutsman, Fred H., Danville; Thayer, Ira K., Indianapolis; Truitt, Loren, Indianapolis; Williams, Charles F., In- dianapolis; Worley. Samuel K., Indianapolis. (1) Appointed July 15. (2) AppQinted September 1. (3) Discharged July 18. (4) Discharged September 22. (5) Discharged September 17. (6) Appointed July 1. (7) Discharged June 9. (8) Discharged July 24 to accept commission in U. S. A. TWENTY-EIGHTH BATTERY, OF FORT WAYNE. Battery E, of Ft. Wayne, became the Twenty-eighth Bat- tery of Light Artillery, Indiana Volunteers, when it entered the United States service. It was mustered into the volun- teer service May 12, and three days later went to Chicka- mauga Park, Georgia, where it arrived May 17. The battery did not get away from the park and spent the summer in drill until September 3. when it was ordered to Camp Mount to be mustered out. It was furloughed for thirty days on September 14 and was mustered out and discharged Octo- ber 31. The battery lost one member by death — Private Michael Motherwell, of Ft. Wayne. He was a recruit and entered the service June 16, and died on September 28 while at his home on a furlough The roster as mustered out. except as otherwise desig- nated, and showing full service except in the case of the re- cruits, who were enrolled in June, is: Captain — Ranke, William F., Fort Wayne. First Lieutenants — .Mderman, P^rank W.. Fort Wayne; Cleary, William C, Fort Wayne. Second laeutenant — Jones, Oliver S., Fort Wayne. First Sergeant — Meyer, Fred J., Fort Wayne. Quartermaster Sergeant — McCollem. Han-y E., Fort AVayne. Veterinary Sergeant — Durfee, George T., Fort Wayne. Sergeants — Jenne, Fred C, Fort Wayne (1); Mungen, Charles C. Fort Wayne (2); Niemeyer, Henry C, Fort Wayne (3); Dierkes, Ed- 368 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. ward J., Fort Wayne; Snowberger. Claude, Fort Wayue; Hasenfuss, Walter D., Fort Wayne; Alderman, Harry D., Fort Wayne. Corporals— Barr, Frank F., Fort Wayne; Briggemann, William F., Fort Wayne; Buck, Edwin C, Fort Wayne; Christen, Andrew F., Fort AVayne; Coyle, Francis J., Peru; Depner, George J., Fort Wayne; Haak, Charles F., F'ort Wayne; Furste, John H., Fort Wayne (4); ^Murphy, John H., Fort Wayne; Noll, Clem J., Fort Wayne; Scheffer, John C, Fort Wayne; Rogers, William C, Fort Wayne; Vordermark, John F., Fort Wayne: Whiteleather, Claude F., Fort Wayne; Zollinger, George W., Fort Wayne. Musicians — Carpenter. Silas W., Fort Wayne; Luddington, James A. Fort Wayne. Artificers — Hollopeter, Herbert S., CoUingwood (5); McNutt, Henry F.. Fort AYayne. Saddler— Caston, John E., Fort Wayne (6). Farriers — McMiller, Andrew, Spartanburg; Strouse, David W., Ft. Wayne. AYagoner — Jones. John L., Fort Wayne. Privates— Aid riclL George B., Fort AA'ayne; Bartels, John F., Fort AA'ayne; Baumann. Paul, Fort AA'ayne; Bierbaum, AA'illiam, Fort Wayne; Blackburn, Rad, Fort Wayne; Blaising, A'ictor H., New Haven; Bowser, Delmore, Fort AA'ayne; Boyer, Merald G., Fort AA'ayne; Bran- nan, Richard, Fort AA'ayne; Bricker, Leslie J., La Otto; BriningsthuU, Jesse M., Fort AA'ayne; Browand, AA'illiam A., Fort AYayne; Brown, Archibald, Rochester: Brubaker, Omar J., Rochester; Butler, AA'illiam H., Maples; Carle, Pearl, Indianapolis; Carson, AAllliam B., Fort AYayne; Clink, Gustave, Edgerton; Davis, Ormonde C, Fort Wayne; Didion, Otto E., Fort AYayne; Edgar, Harry B., Fort AA'ayne: Fisher, Jacob. Fort Wayne: Freese, Fred J., Baldwin; Fromuth, John, Fort Wayne; Grabner, Samuel L., Alonroeville; Griswold, Charles. Peru; Gumpper, Fred C, Fort Wayne; Harper. John S., New Haven; Hensel, Frank. Fort AYayne; Howenstein. Charles, Foi't Wayne; Hedekin, Ber- nard, Fort Wayne: Hendryx, Aylmer E., Indianapolis; Hendrix, Fred C, Fort Wayne; Hewitt, Marshall, Fort Wayne; Hodge, Chester J., Auburn; Huefner. Paul, Fort Wayne; Jenness, Dayton H., Fort Wayne; Jocquel, Charles L.. Fort Y'ayne; Johnson, Frank O., Fort AA'ayne; Johnson, AA'illiam H.. Baldwin; Jones. George N., Dana; Kariger, Jo- seph, Fort AA'ayne; Kinsey, Frank M., Heller's Corner; Knoll. Harry H., Fort AA'ayne: Lauer. Isadore M., Rochester: IMahurin, Melville J., In- dianapolis: Maugnusson. Edward. Edgerton; Mennewisch, AA'illiam H., Fort AA'ayne: Aleyers, Earl O., Indianapolis; Aliller AA'illiam M., New Haven; Murphy. George J., Fort Wayne; Alurphy, AA'illiam H., Fort Wayne; Nagel. Martin F., Fort Wayne; Newman, George AA'., Edgerton: Wayne; Nagel. Afartin F., Fort Wayne; Newman, George W., Edger- ton; Nortt, Frank. Toledo, Ohio; Pettit, Joseph E.. Fort Wayne: Rabel, George, Fort AA'ayne; Ranney, Fred AA'., Fort AA'ayne; Redelsheimer, Adolph, Fort Wayne: Reese. Frank W., Indianapolis: Reinking. Frank J., Fort Wayne; SchafEer, Frank, Fort Wayne; Schroeder. Hermann, Fort AA'ayne: Seaman, Joseph B., Fort Wayne; Shepherd, Thomas A., Fort AA'ayne: Shreve, Charles B.. Fort Wayne; Smith, LeLoss AA'., In- dianapolis: Smith, Joseph P., Fort AA'ayne: Smith, Thomas C, Indian- apolis: Soest. Charles L., Fort AA'ayne: Southard, Roy, Dana; Sovine, Fred, Fox-t Wayne: Stokes, Halle D.. Fort AA'ayne; Sullivan, Joseph P., Indianapolis; Swank. Stephen. Sheldon; Swift". Kennett. Fort Wayne; Thiebolt, Fred AY., Fort Wayne; A'an Roy, John, Fort Wayne; Walsh, NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 369 Patrick, Fort Wayne; Walters, Fred, Fort AVayne; Webster, Charles O., Osgood; Weller, ,Christ C, Fort Wayne; White, Charles S. S. Ridgeway; Wilcox, George H., Fort Wayne; Wright, Martin, Fort Wayne; Zollinger, Henry A., Fort Wayne; Zuber, Jacob B., Fort Wayne. Recruits — Backes, William W., Fort Wayne; Banks, Harvey S., Fort Wayne; Bedson, Percy W.. Fort Wayne; Bradtmiller, Herman W., Fort Wayne; Broeking, William, Fort Wayne; Brown, William, Fort Wayne; Deturk, Frank, Fort Wayne; Double, Alvin, Fort Wayne; Eckart, Charles J., Fort Wayne; Eckart, Harry, Fort Wayne; Ely, Solomon, Cedarville; Evans, William M., Chicago, 111.; Erickson, Richard W., Fort Wayne; Farquharson, Guy O., McComb, O.; Freese, Walter, Bald- win; Geake, Charles H.. Fort Wayne; Geary, John J., Fort Wayne; Gouty, Elvin C, Fort Wayne; Gorrell. Rollie A., McComb, O.; Hazelet, John C, Thurman; Harrod, Morgan, Fort Wayne; Hartman, Hugh, Fort Wayne; Holnholz, Conrad F., Fort Wayne; HoUopeter, Alfred M., Fort Wayne; .Jully, George, Fort Wayne; Kahle, Frederick, Fort Wayne; Knecht; George, Fort Wayne; Lasher, Edgar, Fort Wayne; Lindman, Harry, Fort Wayne: Liggett, Phrot C, Fort Wayne; Lucas, Edward M., Kokomo; Merillet, Louis F., Zulu; Murphy, .Tames, Fort Wayne; Motherwell, Michael, Fort Wayne (8); Moriarity, Henry C., New Haven; Nichoff, Nathaniel J., Fort Wayne; Nolan, Charles D., Fort Wayne; O'Connell, Joseph B., Fort Wayne; Raypole, Edward W., Fort Wayne; Ritchie, Burt L., Fort Wayne; Schafer, George H., Fort Wayne; Scheid, George A., Fort Wayne; Sherbondy, Frank, Ft. Wayne; Snyder, Jesse, Fort Wayne; Surfus, Jerry. Huntertown; Studebaker, David E., Fort Wayne; Suter. Arthur, Fort Wayne; Tilbury, Royal, Fort Wayne; Wefel, Edward, Fort Wayne; Wehrmeister, George W., Fort Wayne; Wilson, Birchard, Fort Wayne; Young, Harry J., Fort Wayne; Zimmerman, Paul J., Fort Wayne. (1) Discharged July 16. (2) Promoted from corporal July 16. (3) Pro- moted from private July 1. (4) Promoted from private July 16. (5) Ap- pointed August 1. (6) Appointed July 1. (7) Transferred to signal corps July 25. (8) Died September 28. THE SECOND CALL. As soon as those who responded to the first call were armed and equipped, the President issued a second call, dated May 25, 1898, for 75,000 more men. The quota for Indiana to fill was not announced until June 18, and during the inter- val the companies which had been organized for service be- sieged the State officers for places under the call. The entire National Guard, with the single exception of Battery C, of Dana, was already in the United States service. Battery C had been offered the opportunity of serving as an infantry company under the first call, but the members preferred to await a second call and enter the service as artillery, if pos- sible. It was finally announced that Indiana would be expected to furnish one regiment and two separate companies of in- fantry. The latter assignment had been secured in order that 370 NATIONAL GUARD OP INDIANA. colored companies might be accepted, as there was a great de- sire among the colored people to be represented. The entire regiment necessarily was composed of volun- teer companies. All of them had been organized and drilled in anticipation of the second call, and from among those clam- oring for admission the companies at Jeffersonville, Colum- bus, Richmond. Shelbyrille. Hammond, Monticello, Mount Vernon. Madison, Lawrenceburg, Xew Castle, Rnshville and Michigan City were ordered to Camp Mount. In addition authority was giren to Jacob Porter and John J. Buckner, who had previously served in the Guard, to raise the two separate companies. First Lieutenant J. C. Waterman, U. S. A., was ordered to Indianapolis as recruiting officer. The work of organization w^as undertaken at once, and Winfield T. Durbin, of Anderson, who had served as pay- master under the first call and was a member of Governor Mount's staff, was selected as colonel. The companies were assigned letters as follows: A, Hammond; B, Mt. Vernon; C, Shelbyville: D, Madison: E, Jeffersonville; F, Richmond; G, Xew Castle: H. Rushville; I, Monticello; K, Columbus; L, Michigan City: ^I. Lawrenceburg. Company H, of Rushville, was the first to report for duty. The regiment was mustered into United States service by battalions and the entire organization was received into United States service by July 15. By this time the land and sea fight at Santiago had indicated the early termination of the war, but in spite of the belief general among the men that they would not get away from Indianapolis, the spirits were kept up and they gave strict attention to the duties of camp and drill. The regiment remained at Camp Mount per- fecting itself until Augnst 11, when it was ordered to Jack- sonville, Florida, where it arrived August 14. It was assigned to the Seventh Army Corps under the command of General Fitzhugh Lee, at Camp Cuba Libre. That it would be a part of the army of occupation was now understood and the spirits of the men rose. It was moved from Jacksonville to Camp Onward at Savannah until December 13, when it embarked for Cuba and reached Havana two days later. During the stay at Savannah a number of low dives were started on the outskirts of the camp, and these were speedily disposed of by Colonel Durbin, against whom suits were brought by several of the proprietors. The regiment went into camp at Camp Columbia, Mariana, Cuba, on December 17, and remained there on garrison duty NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 371 until March 29, 1899, when it embarked for Savannah for mus- ter out, and reached that city two days later. A camp was established and the regiment was finally mus- tered out and discharged April 30, 1899, at Savannah, It came home by way of Washington, D. C, where it was re- viewed by the authorities, and the companies from north of Indianapolis reached there on the morning of May 3. Gov- ernor Mount welcomed them and Colonel Durbin turned over to the State authorities the colors of the regiment. The loss from death was heavier in the One-hundred-and- sixty-first than in any other Indiana regiment, the number of deaths reaching twenty while in service, although one was on detailed duty at the time of his death. John I. Lewis, of Bedford, who entered the service July 3 as hospital steward, was the only one of the field and staff who died. His death occurred at Jacksonville, Florida, Sep- tember 8. Company A. of Hammond, lost two men. On September 4 Private Earnest R. Puhlman, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, died at Jacksonville, and on October 14 Private Fred Schroe- der, of Hammond. Company D, of Madison, lost three men. The first was Private John A. Sebree, of Ghent, Kentucky, who died at Jacksonville, October 14. On November 3, and at the same place. Private Frank M. Green, of North Vernon, died. The last death was that of Private Alonzo N. Graham, of Lan- caster, at Camp Columbia, Cuba, on January 24, 1899. Company E, of Jeffersonville, lost but one — Private Rob- ert Angleton, of Jeffersonville, who died at his home on Octo- ber 11. Company F, of Richmond, lost two men. Private Denver Brown, whose home was in West Manchester, Ohio, died at Jacksonville October 23, and Private Charles F. Trimble, of Richmond, died at Mariana, Cuba, on January 17, 1899. Company H, of Rushville^ lost but one man — Private Clyde 0. Gable, of Rushville, who died November 3 at Ft. McPher- son, Georgia. It was in Company I, of Monticello, that the greatest mor- tality existed, that company losing six men. Private Clar- ence D. Kuns, of Brookston, died at Camp Libre, September 24, and Corporal Wallace D. Stivers, of Rensselaer, at the same place, on October 14. Private George Kepperling, of Chalmers, Indiana, died October 23 while at his home on fur- lough. Private William G. Weaver, of Monticello, died at Savannah, November 7, and Private Joseph F. Turner, of San 372 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Pierre, died there November 30. In addition to these Jacob Dexter, of Goodland, who was a member of the company, but was serving on detached duty, died at Camp Cuba Libre, of smallpox, also. Company K. of Columbus, lost but one man — Private Charles Everson, who died at Camp Onward, Georgia, on De- cember 2. Company L, of Michigan City, lost Charles E. Leiter, artif- icer, whose home w^as at Bedford. He died October 17 at Jacksonville. Company M, of Lawrenceburg, lost two men — Private Henry H. Stille, of Sunman, who died October 17 at Jackson- ville, and Private Andrew Gould, of Lawrenceburg, who died at Mariana, Cuba, February 17, 1899. FIELD. STAFF, NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF, AND BAND. Colonel— Durbin, Winfield T., Anderson. Lieutenant-Colonel— Backus, Victor M., Indianapolis. Majors — Megrew, Harold C, Indianapolis: Peterson, Matt R., U. S. Army (1); Olds, Lee M.. Hammond (2). Surgeon— Smith, Wickliffe, Delphi. Assistant Surgeons — Gerrish, Millard F., Seymour; Wilson, James, Wabash. Adjutant — Tichenor, Oliver i\r.. Princeton. Quartermaster — Brunt, John R.. Anderson. Chaplain — Beiderwolf, William E., Logansport. Sergeant INIajor — Starr, William T., Richmond. Hospital Stewards— Rathert, William H., Fort Wayne; Espey, James G., Jeffersonville (3); Lewis, John I., Bedford (4); Jones, George B., Rushville. Quartermaster Sergeant — Saltzgaber, Baird G., Lebanon. Principal Musicians — Hay, George C, Whiting (8); Lord, Harry M., Mt. Vernon (9): Walker. Frederick E., ShelbvAille (6). Chief Musicians — Montani. Tony, Indianapolis (7); Williams, Ernest S., Winchester. Privates— Braselton, Edgar, Princeton; Bronson, Warren, Shelby- ville; Byers, John H., Shelbyville; CofCey, Albert P., Spencer; Crocker, Joseph, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Hammock, John W., Dugger; Harris, Wil- liam S., Spencer; Jakes, David B., Rensselaer: McCloud, John W., Sulli- van; Webb, Merida S., Manila. (1) Resigned November 29. (2) Promoted from captain of Company A November 26. (3) Discharged November 23. (4) Died September 8. (5) Appointed February 10. (6) Appointed November 29. (7) Discharged November 3. (8) Appointed Febrnaiy 6. (9) Discharged February 6. COMPANY A, OP HAMMOND. Captain— Silverthorn, George M., Chicago, 111. (1). First Lieutenant — Johnson, August H. W., East Chicago (2), Second Lieutenant — Durbin, Fletcher. Anderson (3). First Sergeant — Meehan, James E., Whiting. NATIONAL GUAKD OF INDIANA. 373 Sergeants— Main. William E., Chicago, 111. (4); Murray, Joseph E. D.. Chicago; Carr, Stephen, East Chicago; Ripley, Stephen M., Ham- mond ;Schloer, Frank J.. Hammond; DeFrees, E'red B., Indianapolis (5). Corporals— Vermett, Carl A., Hammond (6); Crandall, E. L., Chi- cago, 111. (7); Eggers. Peter, Saginaw (8^; Mason, Charles J., Hammond; Coates, .John S., Chicago, 111.; Holzapfel, W. J., Chicago 111. (7); Scheer, paraiso (10); Green, George W., Hammond; Crandall, Llewyllen D., Whiting; Bowser. Emerson L., Valparaiso (11); Ibsen, Francis C, Chi- cago, 111. Musician — Brown, Theodore. Chicago, 111. Artificer — Cole, .Tames, Warsaw. Wagoner — Frenck, Fred M.. Hammond. Privates— Adams, Elmer, East Chicago; Anderson, Fred, Chicago, 111.; Boyd, Dayton, Chicago, III: Brock, Joseph, Whiting; Butler, Edwin v., Hammond (12); Baum, Edward. Chicago, 111.; Baloy, Steve, East Chicago; Crandall, Jean A., Chicago, 111. (13); Cahill, Thomas E., Chi- cago, 111.; Craick, William A., Hammond (14); Danielson, Daniel, East Chicago; Dorin, Mathias, Chicago, Ill.;Eyerraan, Max, Whiting; Faol, Edward.' Hammond; Fenlayson, Daniel W., Hammond; Fliermaus, Fred W., Pullman, 111.; Field, Alfred C. Chicago, 111.; Freel, John H., Whit- ing; Galloway, Joe W., East Chicago; Genter, Ernest, Chicago, 111.; Grohnert, Mack, Hammond; Hansen. Louis, Chicago, 111.; Hahlweg, Emile, Hammond; Hahlweg, Charles, Hammond; Holzkampf, August L., Chicago, 111.; Hayes. Frank J., Whiting: Hornak. George J., Hammond; Johnson, John, Chicago. 111.; Jones, Patrick F., Chicago, 111.; Jones, Elmer L„ Ross; Kronchel!. John, Hammond; Koai, Frank, East Chi- cago; Keitzer, Peter. Hammond; Keller, Fred, Chicago, 111.; Knechen- berg, Fred, Chicago, 111.; Kimball, Harry T., Chicago, 111. (13); Kitchen, Joseph A., Valparaiso; Larsen, Carl A., Hammond (15); Larsen, Andrew C, Chicago, 111. (16); Larsen, Charles, East Chicago; Lucas, Horace, Alexandria (16); Lunow. Martin F., Chicago, 111. (17); Miller, John, Hammond, Malik, Albert, Chicago, 111.; Matis, John, East Chicago; McConnell, Fred L., Valparaiso; McGrath, Patrick H., Ham- mond: Nelson, William, Chicago, 111.; Nichols, Robert, Chicago, 111.; Neff, William E., Hammond; O'Connor, Thomas J., Hammond (18); O'Connor, William, Chicago, 111.: Pandak, Joseph, East Chicago; Peter- son, John, East Chicago: Peto. Julius, East Chicago; Polgat, Steve, East Chicago; Polder, John, East Chicago; Prouix, Louis C, Hammond (19); Puhlman, Ernest R., Pittsburg, Pa. (20); Pope, Chode, Hammond; Rhodes, Peter, Hammond (21); Ryan, Thomas, Hammond; Sabo, John, East Chicago; Schroeder, Fred, Hammond (22); Smith, Taylor, Chicago, 111.; St. John, Louis, Hammond; Strabel, Henry J., Crown Point; Strom, Gust., Chicago, 111.; Strieker, Henry, Chicago, 111.; Trahan, Benj., Valpa- raiso (23); Vacha, Joseph A., Whiting; Vosalick, Edward, Chicago, 111. (24); Werner, John, Chicago, 111.; Wheeler, Burr O.; Hammond (25); Will- iams, John D., Whiting; Woodward, Frank, Whiting; Wood, William, Chicago (27\ Recruits — Berry, Frederick A., Vincennes (26); Bouchie, Louis N., Vincennes (26); Byerly, Samuel, Indianapolis (16); DriscoU, Charles J., Vincennes (26); Fortune, Walter, Evansville (26); Handy, Alga, Terre Haute; Haas, Henry. Terre Haute: Howe, Charles F., Columbus; Koutz, Charles P., Boonville (26); Levy, Abraham, Chicago, 111.; Miller, Parley A., Bloomington (26); Parke, Albert C, Patoka (26); Rogers, Jesse A., Princeton (26). 374 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. (1) Promoted from first lieutenant November 30. (2) Promoted from second lieutenant November 30. (3) Appointed November 30. (4) Pro- moted from corporal January 4. (5) Promoted from private July 27; discharged December 1. (6) Promoted from private April 6. (7) Pro- moted from private January 4. (8) Promoted from private November 12. (9) Promoted from private August 27. (10) Promoted from private April 4. (11) Discharged March 18. (12) Discharged December 22. (13) Transferred to hospital corps August 20. (14) Discharged March 13. (15) Discharged January IG. (16) Transferred to hospital corps Septem- ber 15. (17) Transferred to band September 21. (18) Discharged Decem- ber 22. (19) Discharged September 29. (20) Died September 4. (21) Discharged March 18. (22) Died October 14. (23) Discharged March 10. (24) Discharged March 2. (25) Discharged Februaiy 13. (26) Trann- from One-hundred-and-Fifty-ninth Regiment. (27) Discharged January 6. COMPANY B, OP MT, VERNON. Captain — ^Menzies, Winston, Mt. Vernon. First Lieutenant — Williams, Asa F., Mt. Vernon. Second Lieutenant — Welch, Percy, Mt. Vernon. First Sergeant — Lowenhaupt, Mike, Mt. Vernon. Quartermaster Sergeant — Jones, Frank, Springfield. Sergeants— Works, Edward, Mt. Vernon; Stephens, Harold, New Harmony (1); Fuhrer, William B., Mt. Vernon; Schultz. Oscar T.. Mt. Vernon; Kreutzinger. James H., Mt. Vernon; Moore, Noble, Mt. Vernon; Corporals— Bennett, Charles A., Mt. Vernon (3); Green, George, Jr., Mt. Vernon (4); Nash, Flairance W., Poseyville; Miller, Charles H., Mt. Vernon; Kreutzinger, James H., Mt. Vernon; Moore, Noble, Mt. Vernon; Tingle, George R., Princeton; Stewart, William, Mt. Vernon (5); Switzer, Harry T., Princeton (6); Utley, James K., Mt. Vernon (7); Welsh, Mich- ael. Indianapolis (8); Bays, Harold G., Sullivan (7 and 9); Harris, John M., Princeton. Musicians — Stalnaker, Morton, Terre Haute; Lance, Edward, New Harmony (10). Artificer — King, Samuel W., Mt. Vernon. Wagoner — Kahn, Samuel, Mt. Vernon. Privates — Allen, James, Mt. Vernon; Alsop, Linwood Z., New Har- mony (11); Bayer, George, Fort Branch; Berlin, Charles T., New Harmony: Bieker, Franii, Mt. Vernon (12); Boren, Ralph T., New Har- mony; Brokaw, Arthur, Fort Branch; Bruce, George M., Fort Branch (13); Cantrell, James, West End, 111.; Casey, Benjamin F., Owensville; Cawthorne, Arthur, New Hainnony (14); Cooper, Levi, Fort Branch; Cox, George, Carnii. 111.; Cox Charles F., Princeton; Cravens, George W., Mt. Vernon; Crilley, James, Fort Branch; Cunningham, Isaac N.. Hazleton (15); Drear, Thomas, Mt. Vernon; Easmon, Jacob, Carmi, 111.; Edwards, Cale, New Harmony; Estes, Samuel, New Har- mony; Frohman, Peter, Mt. Vernon; Grabert. Gustave W., Mt. Vernon; Groves, David, Wadesville: Hanks, Charlie, Princeton; Harding, George F., Golden Gate, 111.: Hayes. William S., Mt. Vernon; Hill, Richard, Mt. Vernon; Holleman, Porter G., Mt. Vernon; Houchin, Otta D., Pikeville; Jones, Lemuel P., Mt. VerHon; Keitel, Andrew, Mt. Vernon; Kennedy, John, Union County, Ky.; Koerner, Ferdinand, Mt. Vernon; Kuykendall, Noah, Bufkin; Lance, John, New Harmony; Lance. James, New Har- mony (17); La Grange, Oscar W., West Franklin; Mans, Charles G., Mt. Vernon: Males, John W., Evansville; Marshall, David R., Evansville; NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 375 Mc\tee George, Oatsville (18); Meadows, Floyd, Priuceton (19); Miller, Charles A., Mt. Vernon; Murphy, George A.. Bufkin; MuriDhy, Orvel, Mt Vernon; Newell, Frank, New Harmony; Nicholson, Arthur, Spring Run, 111.; Nuthman, Charles, Princeton; Ott, Floyd, Princeton; Parke, James, Pleasantville; Parmer, Marion, Emma, 111.; Pearson, John F., Hazleton; Pfeifer, August, Mt. Veilion; Pirnat, Albert, Mt. Vernon; Powers, William M., Mount Vernon; Reavis, Fred G., Princeton, Rede- nour, Frank. New Harmony; Reed, Robert R., Boonville; Rose, Henry, Owensville; Schaefer August E., Mt. Vernon; Singleton, Peny P., Pike- ville; Sluder, Lafayette, Henderson, Ky.: Smith, Jay J., Hazleton; Smith, Henry, Owensville; Summers, John, Evansville; Switzer, Lyman, Princeton; Spencer, Samuel, Posey ville; Trapp, William, Carmi, 111.; Turner, Burl E., Owensville (16); Vint, Everett, Mt. Vernon; Wallace, Peter, Boonville, AValter, Edward, Mt. Vernon (16); Ward, Clarence E., New Harmony; Weissinger, Jesse, Mt. Vernon; Westfall, Thomas A., Hazleton; Woerner, William, Mt. Vernon; Wehr, Otto, Mt. Vernon; Yeger, Harvey, Owensville. Recruits— BaMwin, Walter, Mt. Vernon: Corkin, William L., Indi- anapolis; Hoge, Smith, Delphi; Norton, Nelson, Sullivan (9). (1) Discharged February 1. (2) Promoted from corporal February 16. (3) Discharged January 2S. (4) Promoted from private December 1. (5) Promoted from private February 9: (6) Promoted from private Octo- ber 28. (7) Promoted from private February 21. (8) Promoted from private February 27. (9) Transferred from the One Hundred Fifty-Ninth Regiment. (10) Transferred to band August 23. (11) Discharged Janu- ary 30. (12) Discharged Febniary 2. (13) Discharged March 15. (14) Discharged February 7. (15) Discharged September 27. (16) Trans- ferred to hospital coi-ps August 23. (17) Discharged January 23. (18) Discharged January 25. (19) Discharged March 2. COMPANY C, OF SHELBYVILLE. Captain— Hudgins. Thomas J., Shelbyville. Flitet Lieutenant— Goodrich, George E., Shelbyville. Second Lieutenant— Reynolds, Ivy L., Shelbyville. First Sergeant— Maddox, Robert C, Shelbyville (1); Parklson, Moses A., Shelbvville (2). Quartermaster Serge.ant— Hudgins, Robert H., .Jr., Morristown. Sergeants— Dickman, Joseph L., Shelbyville (3); Alexander, Earl, Indianapolis (4); Hopkins, Jo^n S., Indianapolis; Ballard, Walter B., Shelbyville; Miles, Con L., Shelbyville (5); MHlson, Major R., Shelby- ville (6). Corporals— Goodrich, Charies, Shelbyville (7); Oaks, Bert, Edinburg, (8); Roemerman, Chris, Shelbyville (9): King, Wm. F.. Shelbyville (10); Law, Eugene E., Shelbyville (11); Kuntz, Matthias, Shelbyville; Vanars- dall, Elmer, Shelbyville: Davis, Edwin F., Shelbyville; Leffler, Fay, Shel- byville (8); Ray, John T., W^nterroud; Wiles, Miller, Shelbyville (11); MatheAvs, James G., Shelbyville (12); VanPelt, Downey, Shelbyville; Dale, George H., Jamestown (14). Musicians— Michelson, William A., Shelbyville; Moore, Wiley F., Shelbyville (13). Artificer— Chesser, Marshall C, Winterroud (13). W\i goner— Ellis. Fred, Anderson (15). Privates— Beard, Otto, Shelbyville (16); Byers, John, Shelbyville; Carson, Arthur, Shelbyville: Chenden. Albert, Shelbyville; Clark, Harry E., Indianapolis; Collins, William, Shelbyville (17); Comstock, John, 376 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Slielbvville;Cooper, John. Shelby ville; Cosier, Curtis, Shelby ville (16); Cutsinger, Heni-v. Shelby ville; Dale, August M., Jamestown; Davis, Larue, Shelby ville; Dickman, John, Shelby ville; Didlein, Herman, Indi- anapolis; Ditsoh, Frank, Indianapolis; Ebner, Edward, Indianapolis; Evans, John, Shelbyville (18); Feaster, Ora, Shelby ville; Feaster, Wilber, Shelby ville; George, Horace, Indianapolis; Hiestand, John F., Shelby- ville; Hendrickson, True, Shelbyville (19); Hilt, Henry, Flat Rock; Itce. John, Shelbyville: Johnson, Camden A., Oakland (20); Johnson, George S., Shelbyville; JoUiff. Fiuley. Flat Rock; Kelly, Austin U., Indianapolis; Lane, Harry E., Shelbyville; Law, Eugene E., Shelbyville (9); Law, George, Shelbyville (21); Louden, Charles A., Shelbyville; Ludwig, John M., Indianapolis; Madden, Charles H„ Indianapolis (22); Mitchell, Charles. Shelbyville; Morris. Leroy, Shelbyville (23); Olmstead. Edward, Edinburg; Osborn, William. North Vernon; Parrish, George W., Shelby- ville; Perkins, Omer E., Rush County; PeiTy. Andrew J., Edinburg (24); Perry, Howard. Lawrence; Palmer. Marshall. Fairland (25); Prosser, Ora, Indianapolis; Price. Ira J., Shelbyville; Roberts, William A., Shelbyville (26 1; Roth, Robert, Slielby ville; Runyon, James, Shelbyville; Rupert, Frank. Shelbyville; Stlttsworth, Ora, Logansport; Schacherer, Louis A., Shelbyville; Schumaker, William A., Sunman; Shipley, George, Indianapolis; Simms, Thomas, Shelbyville; Sims, Everet, Indianapolis; Smith, John A.. Shelbyville; Spice. Arthur T.. Huntington; Steely. John, Indianapolis (27): Titus. Joseph R., Winterroud (28j; Towns. Arthur, Shelbyville; Taught. Fred. Shelbyville (29); Wheeler, Jerry, Shelbyville; Westerfield. Commodore, Manilla: Wiles, Robert, Jr.. Shelbyville; Wil- son. William W.. Shelbyville (30); Williams. James A., Fairland (31); Winterrowd. Floyd. Indianapolis; Woods. George. Smithland; Worland, Frank. Shelbyville; Worland, Maurice, Shelbyville; Wycoff. Oscar. Edin- burg; Youngman Leon E.. Shelbyville. Recruits— Burke. John C, Yincennes (32); Coats, William T., Shelby- ville (32); Hamm, Michael. Yincennes (32); Kloer. Arthur. Terre Haute; Kopp, John G.. Evansville (32); Molder. William. Shelbyville; McCrisa- ken. James, Yincennes (32); Soden, Charles, Bicknell (32); Yan Pelt, George W., Shelbyville. (1) Discharged November 19. (2) Promoted from sergeant November 19. (3) Promoted from corporal December 3: discharged January 25. (4) Promoted from corporal February 7. (5) Discharged March 31. (6) Promoted from coi-poral April 5. (7) Promoted from private Febru- ary 12. rS) Promoted from private December 3. (9) Promoted from pri- vate August 8. (10) Promoted from private October 31. (11) Promoted from private April 5. (12) Discharged February 6. (13) Appointed August 8. (14) Promoted from private February 1. (15) Appointed Oc- tober 31. a6) Discharged February 6. (17) Discharged January 24. (18) Discharged Februaiy 15. (19) Discharged Februaiy 27. (20) Dis- charged January 11. (21) Discharged January 14. (22) Discharged March 21. (23) 'Discharged January 25. (24) Discharged February 2. (25) Discharged Februaiy 20. (26) Discharged March 4. (27) Discharged August 20. (28) Discharged January 15. (29) Discharged September 29. (30) Discharged February 17. (31) Discharged March 16. (32) Trans- ferred from the One Hundi'ed Fifty -Ninth Regiment. COMPANY D, OF MADISON. Captain— Cosby, Charles E.. Madison (1).; Buchanan, Richard W., Madison (2). First Lieutenant— Jackson. Cyrus A., Madison. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 377 Second Lieutenant— Parkhnrst, Layton W., Lebanon (3). First Sergeant— White, Harry K., Dalton, N. Y. (4); Ferguson, W. Scott, Canaan (5). Quartermaster Sergeant — Taylor, John S., Hanover. Sergeants— Griffith, Ulysses J., Vevay (6); Stoner, Henry, Bright- wood (7); Huclileberry, Silas D., North Vernon; Garter, Everett, Sey- mour. Corporals— Groub, John C. Seymour (8); Boeglin, Louis, Bryant- burg (9); Jeffries, John, Madison; Ferris, William, Lancaster (10); Bur- roughs, Elmer, Mt. Sterling (11); Herring. William, Pleasant (12); Miles, Gus E., North Vernon (12); Neal, De Courcy, Brooksburg (12); Oliver, Samuel, Madison (13); Vawter. Charles D., Madison (13); Rayborn, Wil- liam E., Canaan; Tharpe, Charles A., Cartersburg (12); Hufford, Ray- mond R., Cartersburg (14); Wheeler, Cale K., Evansville (11 and 26); Sayers, Robert M., Mitchell. ' Musicians— Harper, John E., Pleasant; Brownscombe, Charles W., Bedford (15 and 26). Artificer — Loyd. Joseph W., Versailles. Wagoner — Reidel, Ronald H., Zion. Privates— Abbott. Harrison, Madison; Adams, George W., Guthrie; Arnold, Edward, Vernon; Ballard, Martin, Madison; Bassett, Robert S., Versailles; Barnes, Walter. Anderson (16); Blue, Arthur, Seymour; Bucy, Leander, Brightwood; Casey, Ashby, Madison; Chambers, Clarence, Kent; Clarkson, Andrew J., Madison; Coryell, Charles, Hayden; Davis, Chester, North Vernon; Dale, Wesley, North Vernon (17); Dowleu, Henry, Bedford; Dugan, William M., Indianapolis; Euler, Nelson C. B., North Vernon (18;: Foster, Charles, North Vernon; Frooks, James, Madi- son; French, Elmanuel, Indianapolis; Gilligan, Joseph, Faulkner; Gra- ham, Alonzo N., Lancaster (19) Gilbert, William B., Madison (20); Green, Frank M., North Vernon (21); Griffin. Harvey, Canaan; Gimbbs, Wil- kison E., Madison; Gaussin, Clarence C, Bedford; Harrison, Thomas, Beecamp; Harper, Charles E., Pleasant; Hagau, Robert E., Canaan Hargrove, Benjamin R., North Vernon; HaAvkins, John S., Ghent, Ken- tucky (22); Hankins, James, Madison; Henderson, Charles C, Seymour; Henderson, Arthur. Seymour! Hill. William, Seymour; Hyatt, William, Madison; Jackson, Hiram, China, Indiana; Jackson, Matthew, Seymour (22); Jenkins, William E., Madison; Lawler, Roy, North Vernon; Los- letter, Rudolph, Madison (23); Logan, Michael L., Bryantsburg (17); Losletter, George, Madison; Lunger, Isaac, Madison; Mattheys, James, North Vernon; IMathews, John M., Mauville; Mathews, Aubrey E., Mc- gregor; Metz, Fred, Versailles; Myer, William, Madison (24); Parsons, Elmore O., Madison; Prather, John K., Seymour; Redman, Roland E., Bedford; Rea, Harvey, Haney's Corner; Renfro, Marcus D., Canaan (17); Ricketts, Clarence, Vevay; Riley, David, Reddington; Robinson, Riley, Seymour; Spaunagel, Joseph, North Vernon; Shepherd, Harry B., Dupoiit; Selu-ee, John A., Ghent, Kentucky (25); Scanlan, Charles J., Seymour; Schwab, Frank, North Madison; Skinner, William A., Indian- apolis; Strang, Morton O., North Vernon; Strickland, Lafe, North Ver- non; St. John, Jospph, Hayden; Teepe, Ernest J., North Vernon; Thomp- son; William E., Bedford; Vawter, John S., Madison; Vandemore, Oris, North Vernon; Weed, Charles, Bedford: Welch, Homer M., Seymour; Whiteker, Albert L.. Wilmore, Kentucky; Wilson, Charles S., Madison; Wray, Millard, Clear Spring. Recruits— Grain. Gilbert D., Evansville; Evans, Harry O., North Vernon; Hatcher, John H., Vincennes; Haskins, John W., Evansville; 378 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Ivor, Charles N.. Canaan; King, Otto, North Yernon; Ray, Wesley M., Bloomington; Reinlnga, William, Englefield; Ruth, Andy, Vlncennes; Sthair, Harry, Gosport; Whitaker, James K.. Bloomington. (1) Resigned February 25. (2) Promoted from second lieutenant February 26.(3) Promoted from sergeant February 26. (4) Transferred to Signal Corps September 16. (5) Promoted from sergeant March 18. (6) Promoted from corporal December 9. (7) Promoted from corporal March 15. (8) Discharged September 19. (9) Discharged January 12. (10) Discharged .January 31. (ID Promoted from private December 9. (12) Promoted from private March 15. (13) Promoted from private August 20. (14) Discharged INfarch 15. (15) Promoted from private De- cember 7. (16) Discharged January 3. (17) Transferred to Hospital Corps August 20. (18) Discharged September 13. (19) Died January 24. (20) Discharged August 21. (21) Died November 3. (22) Discharged March 7. (23) Discharged January 20. (24) Dl.scharged March 21. (25) Died October 14. (26) Transferred from the One-bundred-and-Fifty- ninth Regiment. COMPANY E, OF JEFFERSONVILLE. Captains — Balrd, Lewis C, Jeffersonville (1); Fortune, James W., Jeffer-sonville ^2). First Lieutenant — Crooker, William W., .Jeffersonville (3). Second Lieutenant — McCauley, Edward A., Jeffersonville (4). First Sergeant — Yan Liew, John R., Jeffersonville (5). Quartermaster Sergeant — Tiramonds, John W., Jeffersonville (6). Sergeants — Samuels, Conway C, Jeffersonville (7); Meiboom, Henry J., Jeffersonville; Ferguson. Ross, Jeffersonville (8); Strieker, Henry F., Charlestown (9). Corporals — Biedenbach. John, .Jeffersonville; Bonnell, John H., Jef- fersonville (9); Biddle, Cal. Ovid (10); Lee, John. Cincinnati, Ohio (11); Le Clare, James N., Jeffersonville (12): Peckinpaugh, Thomas L., Jef- fersonville (13); Laldley, Willis J., Jeffersonville; Pickering, John C, Indianapolis (9); Raines, Walter P., Utica (9); Keifer, Thomas F., Jef- fersonville; Thorp. Elmer, Jeffersonville (14); Hyatt, Walter E., Sellers- burg; Worrell, Luther M., Jeffersonville (14); Flora, Francis G., Charles- town. Musicians — Jones. Percy, Hope (15); Dumenil, Ellsworth, Topeka, Kansas (16). Artificer — McClure, Julian C, Austin. Wagoner — Kelly, Marion, Jeffersonville. Privates — .\ngleton, Robert Jeffersonville (17i; Barnard, Charles O.. Eden; Belknap, William E., Jeffersonville; Bottorff, Hai-vey J., Jeffer- sonville; Bridgewater, Daniel, Scottsburg: Buckley, Benjamin C, Jef- fersonville; Carr, Charles F., Jeffersonville: Carr, Warren, Charleston; Clemraons, Jesse, Oard Spring; Clemens, Walter H.. Ooard Spring; Da- vis, Charles S.. Southport; Delanty. .John, Jett'ersonville; Dobson, An- drew, Utica; Dorsey, Walter A., Jeffersonville (18); Edwards, Steve, Scottsburg; EUerman, William H., Jeffersonville; Ervin, Howard L., Anderson: Gilbert, William B., Jeffersonville; Griffiths, James C, Jef- fersonville; Griffith, John A.. Charlestown (19); Harrell, A. Thomas, Sellersburg; Harris, .Tames, Logansport: Herberich, Jacob, Jefferson- ville; Herman. John, Indianapolis: Harbin, Robert L., Charlestown; Hartley, Clarence, Jeffersonville (20>; Howard, Frank L., Charlestown; Houghland, Roscoe, Austin; Jackson, Schuyler C, New Albany; Jacobs. NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 379 James N., Jeffersouville; Javens, Jackson E., Joffersonville (21); Jones, David, New Albany; Kelly, Joliu E., Louisville, Kentucky; Kennedy, Hugh, Jeff ersonvi lie; Klostei*mau, Otto, Louisville, Kentucky; Know- land, William A., Oliarlestown; Koons, Charles, Charlestown; Koons, Walter I.. Charlestown; Mayberry, Charles, Charlestown; Meadows, John R.. Jeffersouville; iNleyer, John F., Jeffersouville; Meyer, John H., Jeffersouville: Miller, John I.. Indianapolis; Mitchell, Herbert, Jeffer- souville; Mitchell, Berkie, Austin; O'Brien. Frank, New Albauy; Oliver, James D., Utica; Ogden, Homer O., New Albany; Pearson, Theodore B., Jeffersouville; Perry, Archie C, Austin; Phillips, Orville G., Oard Spriug (22); Powei'S, Eugene S., Jefl'ersouville; Powers, Claude, Jeffer- souville; Rogers, Charles T., Charlestown; Rhodes, Fred P., Atlanta (23); Ryan, John E., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Rector, John A., Indian- apolis; Sauer, Elmer C. Jeffersouville; Stepp, Jesse, Jeffersouville; Sims, Willis B.. Utica; Smith, George, Indianapolis; Taylor, George S., Jeffersouville; Talum, William, Utica; Tohmas, Wilmer H., Indianapo- lis; Thompson, W^illiam M., Scottsburg; Tobin, James, Anderson; Tobin, Mathew, Anderson (24); Tomlin, Lafe W., Jeffersouville; Twomey, George W., Jeffersouville; Vance. Arthur R., New Albauy; Weaver, Howard, Jeffersouville; Wright, Charles M., Jeffersouville; Wurfel, WMlliam J., Jeffersouville; Whitsitt. Lemuel PI, Deputy (14); Youmans, Edward H., Jeffersouville. Recrxiits — Applegate, Charles L., Fortville (25); Doane, Charles R,, Washington (26); Dunham, Jesse. Woodbury (27); Kelley. Albert E., Bainbridge (26.^; McCafferty, William. Washington (26); Nelson, Fred, Detroit, Michigan; Perry, Homet R., Jeffersouville; Thompson, James W., Indianapolis; Webb, Frank F., Indianapolis (25); White, Edwin, Waltham. Massachusetts (25 and 28). (1) Resigned January 6. (2) Promoted from first lieutenant January 6. (3) Promoted from second lieutenant January 6. (4) Promoted from first sergeant January 6. (5) Promoted from sergeant January 17. (6) Promoted from corporal December 1. (7) Promoted from corporal Jan- uai'y 17. (8) Promoted from corporal September 22. (9) Promoted from private December 1. (10) Promoted from private December 27. (11) Promoted from private July 31. (12) Promoted from private November 10. (13) Promoted from private October 1. (14) Transferred to Signal Corps December 10. (15) Transferred from Company K December 22. (16) Transferred to band August 23. (17) Died October 11. (18) Dis- charged January 28. (19) Transferred to Hospital Corps September 15. (20> Discharged February 18. (21) Discharged March 18. (22) Dis- charged February 9. (23) Discharged Februaiy 13. (24) Discharged January 7. (25) Transfeii-ed from band July 18. (26) Transferred from One-hundred-and- Fifty-ninth Regiment. (27) Transferred to Hospital Corps August 20. (28) Discharged Februai-y 28. COMPANY F, OF RICHMOND. Captain— Smith, William M., Richmond (1); Comstock, Paul, Rich- mond (2). First Lieutenant — Kimmel, Elmer E., Richmond (3). Second Lieutenant— Drapier, William H., Jr., Indianapolis (4). First Sergeant— Martin. William, Richmond (5); Edwards, Leroy, Richmond (6). Sergeants— Tauer. Oscar P., Jr.. Richmond; Tauer. Paul O., Rich- mond (7): Sheppard, Henry W.. Richmond (7); Keller, Frank, Richmond (7); Weissgerber, John C, Richmond (8). 380 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. Corporals — Addlernan, John F.. Whitewater (9); Bode, Frederick, Richmond (10); Steele, John J., Richmond (9); Bader, Charles E., Rich- mond; Handley. Albert E., Richmond (9); Weissgerber, Franli H., Rich- mond (11); Cline, Walter S., Indianapolis (10); McCoy, Earl, Lawrence (10 and 29); Stratton, Roy O., Richmond; Kuhlman, Charles O., Rich- mond; Petry, Harvey C, Fountain City; Arnett, Willis M., Richmond. Musicians — Muye, George, Richmond (12); Foard, William G., Rich- mond. Artificer — Hennigar, Harry H., Richmond (13). Wagoners — Williams, Granville, Richmond (14); Hennigar, Gilbert S., Richmond (15). Privates — Addlernan, Samuel C, Whitewater; Allen, Roy M., Rich- mond; Allinder, William R., Richmond; Brown, Denver, West Man- chester, Ohio (16); Bucy. Charles E., Indianapolis; Caseley, John E., Richmond (17); Cassel, Walter H., Richmond; Clark, John W., Rich- mond; Connaughton, John F., Richmond (13); Cook, Harry P., Rich- mond; Cook, Joseph R., Richmond (18); Darnell, Charles E., Centerville (19); Decker, Berttie E.. Richmond; Dickerson, Benjamin F., Richmond; Dickey, Marshal D., Richmond; Duke, James F.. Richmond; Duke, Wil- liam H., Richmond: Edwards, John, Richmond; Elliott, Worley F., Rich- mond; Estep, William C, Richmond; Francis, John S., Metamora; Fudge, Rufus, Clebunie, Tex. (18); Fossenkeraper, Charles O., Glen Mil- ler; Francis, George B.. Indianapolis; Granger, Herman E., De Motte; Graham, Stephen R., New Harmony; Grice, Alonzo N., Richmond; Ha- ley, Jerry, Chicago, Illinois; Harmeyer, Harry, Richmond; Hassard, Richard B., Richmond; Henderson, Robert J., Lynn; Hieger, William E., Richmond (20); Higgs, George H., Richmond; Hites, John H., Rich- mond; Hoar, John, Centreville (19); HoUopeter, John, Richmond; Hollo- well, Charles A., Danville, Illinois; Holtcamp, Charles, Richmond; Horr, Argus O., Richmond; Hurst, Addison C, Richmond; Jarrett, Littleton B., Webster; Juday, Lista B., Eldorado, Ohio; Kain, Harry F., Rich- mond (21); Kelly, Harry E., Richmond; Lanius, Charles W., Richmond; Loftus, Michael. Richmond; Lovin, George E., Richmond (22); Morgan, Charles E., St. Elmo, Colorado: Mull, Albert, Richmond; Murray, Alden, Metamora; Moss. Abraham T., Richmond (23); Nolan, William, Rich- mond (24): Nye, Edward L., Richmond; Pryfogle, William T. S., Rich- mond (14); Pyle, John B. W., Richmond; Reese, William, Hammond (25); Reckers, Henry J.. Richmond; Rusche, Frank, Richmond; Ryder, Harry, Richmond; Stanley, Franklin B., Richmond; Smith, Fred H., Richmond; Smith, George D., Richmond (2fi); Snyder, William E., Co- lumbus; Sanders, John H., Richmond; Simpson, AValter, Spring Grove; Stegall, Everett E., Richmond; Thomas, Harry J., Richmond; Thomas, Ira L., Richmond; Thompson, Joseph H., Richmond; Toler, George C, Richmond; Trakowski, Fred W.. Richmond; Trimble, Charles F., Rich- mond (27); Triplett, Harry N., Richmond; Vanzant, Charles E., Rich- mond: Weaver, Samuel J., Richmond; Woessner, William, Metamora; Wright, Silvester E., Lynn (28); Yedding, Ferdinand, Richmond; Zur- welle, George R., Cox's Mills; Zurvvelle, William S., Cox's Mills. Recruits — Bader, Robert S., Richmond; Burgan, Burton E., Terre Haute (29); Hamilton. John, Richmond (30); Hill, John, Greencastle (29); Levy, Carl, Evansville (29); Lucas, Charles, Indianapolis (31); MaxweU, Clifford, Indianapolis (31); Metlin. Earl, Evansville (29); Sa- crist, Leo. Terre Haute (29); Shearer. Chester A., Terre Haute (29); Sing- ler, George, Evansville (29). NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. 381 (1) Resigned IMarch 31. (2) Promoted from first lieutenant April 1. (3) Promoted from second lieutenant April 1. (4) Promoted from ser- geant April 1. (5) Disonarged February 18. (6) Promoted from ser- geant April 10. (7) Promoted from corporal March 13. (8) Discharged January 17. (9) Promoted from private August 20. (10) Promoted from private IMarch 13. (11) Promoted from private October 18. (12) Ap- pointed September 1 (13) Discharged March 11. (14) Transferred to Hospital Corps August 23. (15) Appointed January 1. (16) Died October 23. (17) Discharged Februaiy 23. (18) Transfen'ed to Signal Corps De- cember 10. (19) Transferred to band August 23. (20) Discharged De- cember 31. (21) Discharged September 27. (22) Discharged February 24. (23) Discharged March 3. (24) Discharged February 20. (25) Dis- charged September 28. (26) Discharged March 4. (27) Died Januarv 17. (28) Transferred to Hospital Corps September 15. (29) Transferred from the One-hundred-and-Fifty-ninth Regiment. (30) Discharged February 7. (31) Transferred from band December 22. COMPANY G, OF NEW CASTLE. Captain— Ogborn, Albert D., New Castle. First Lieutenant — Meyers, James I., New Castle. Second Lieutenant— Pitman. Charles M., New Castle. First Sergeant — Puckett, Fred W.. Muncie (1). Quartermaster Sergeant — Luther E. Murray, Blountsville (2). Sergeants— Engle, William T., Indianapolis (3); Welshbacher. John, Middletown; Owens, Charles B., Franklin; Eilar, Benjamin W., New Castle (4); Martin, Albert O., Muncie (5). Corporals — Keesling, Ray, I\Techan!csb\irg; McKimmey, Linley W., Muncie; Robinson, Elmer, Fishers Switch (6); Allen, Alonzo, New Castle (7): Shellenbarcer. Charles, iMuncie (8); Gaddis, Max P., New Castle (9); Goddard. Joseph, Mi, of Indianapolis, assistant surgeon, formerly captain and assistant surgeon of the One- hundred-and-sixtieth Indiana. THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. Second Lieutenant William G. Miles, of Covington, for- merly captain of Company G, One-hundred-and-fifty-eighth Indiana. THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. Captain David F. Allen, of Frankfort, formerly captain of Company C, One-hundred-and-fifty-eighth Indiana. THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY^ UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. Second Lieutenant Charles R. Wood, of Kokomo, formerly private and corporal in Company L, One-hundred-and-fifty- eighth Indiana. FORTIETH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. First Lieutenant Quincy E. McDowell, of Evansville, for- merly captain of Company E, One-hundred-and-fifty-ninth In- diana. FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. First Lieutenant Henry F. McFeely, of Marion, formerly adjutant of the One-hundred-and-sixtieth Indiana. FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, UNITED STATES VOIJJNTEERS. Captain James L. Anderson, of Frankfort, formerly cap- tain of Company L, One-hundred-and-sixty-first Indiana. Captain John L. Ketcham, Jr., of Indianapolis, formerly sergeant in Company D, One-hundred-and-fifty-eighth In- diana. 402 NATIONAL GUARD OF INDIANA. First Lieutenant Richard W. Buchanan, of Madison, for- merly second lieutenant of Company D. One-hundred-and- sixty-flrst Indiana. Second Lieutenant William E. Parsons, of Angola, for- merly private in Company H, One-hundred-and-fifty-seventh Indiana. FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. First lieutenant Temple H. Owens, of Columbus, former- ly second lieutenant of Company K, One-hundred-and-sixty- first Indiana. First Lieutenant David I. McCormick, of Indianapolis, formerly second lieutenant of Company M, One-hundred-and- fifty-ninth Indiana. FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. First Lieutenant James F. Powell, of Indianapolis, for- merly second lieutenant of Company A, colored. FORTY NINTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY, UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. First Lieutenant James H. Thomas, of Indianapolis, for- merly first lieutenant in Company A, colored. APPENDIX A GOV. DURBIN'S STAFF. The staff of Governor Durbin was announced July 11, 1901. It is as follows : Brigadier General — John R. Ward, Adjutant-General Monticello R. S. Foster, Quartermaster-General Indianapolis James K. Gore, Honorai-y Elkhart B. A. Richardson, Honorary Indianapolis Colonel — Charles E. Wilson, Military Secretai-y Lafayette Charles Kahlo. Assistant Adjutant-General Indianapolis Wm. E. English, Inspector-General Indianapolis Wm. J. Henley, Judge Advocate-General Rushville D. A. Coulter, Commissary-General Frankfort Henry Jameson, Surgeon-General Indianapolis T. H. Johnson. Paymaster-General Indianapolis N. T. DePauw, Chief of Engineers New Albany C. C. Schreeder, Chief of Artilleiy Evansville W. W. Richardson, Chief Signal Officer Indianapolis A R. Beardsley. Chief I. R. F Elkhart A. F. Ramsey. Assistant Quartermaster-General Crawfordsville William Garstang, Master Transportation Indianapolis Charles A. Carlisle, Chief of Ordnance South Bend S. T. Murdock. Assistant Military Secretary- Lafayette Lieutenant- Colonel — E. H. Wolcott, Assistant Judge Advocate-General Wolcott Fred Van Orraan, Assistant Commissary-General Evansville Albert E. Sterne, Assistant Surgeon-( general Indianapolis T. J. McCoy. Assistant Paymaster-General Rensselaer Edward II. Bowen, Assistant Quartermaster-General Delphi W. E. Hitchcock, Assistant Chief Engineer Muncie Eniest H. Tripp. Assistant Chief of Ordnance Indianapolis GOVERNOR'S STAFF. 405 Lieutenant- Colofiel— A. W. Lyon, Assistant Chief of Ai-tillery Ligonier E. J. Robison, Assistant Cliief Signal Officer Indianapolis Wm. C. Burk, Assistant Cliief I. R. P Thorntown L. R. Gignilliat, Assistant Inspector-General Culver Wm. C. Irwin, Assistant Master Transportation Columbus Major — Fletcher M. Durbin, Personal Aide Anderson John D. Welman. Aide-de-camp New Albany H. L. Kramer. Aide-de-camp Indiana Mineral Springs A. G. Lupton. Aide-de-camp Hartford City Walter Brown, Aide-de-camp Elkhart Abe Miex-, Aide-de-camp Ligonier L. C. Davenport, Aide-de-camp Bluff ton S. M. Cragun. Aide de-camp Lebanon F. E. Stephenson, Aide-de-camp Rockville T. J. Hudgins, Aide-de-camp Martinsville Charles Arnold, Aide-de-camp Huntington Henry Marshall, Aide-de-camp Ijafayette H. M Atkinson, Aide-de-camp Wabash Charles Bieler, Aide-de-camp Indianapolis A. L. Bodurtha, Aide-de-camp Peru R. E. Breed, Aide-de-camp Marion W. J. Alf ord. Aide-de-camp Anderson Francis T. Roots. Aide-de-camp Connersville COMPANY INDEX. Aberdeen 76, 80 Anderson 93, 97, 254, 362, 363, 364 Andrews 255 Angola 90, 92, 255, 307, 308 Attica 77, 250, 251, 252, 255 Auburn 222, 223, 309, 310 Aurora 255 Bloomington 77. 79, 90, 92, 93, 97, 160, 339, 340 Bluffton 256, 354, 355, 356 Boonville 76, 80 Boswell 256 Bourbon 256 Bourbon 93, 97 Brazil 256 Bremen 256, 257 Brownstown 257, 338, 339 Bunker Hill 257 Butler 257 Cannelton 258 Columbia City 224, 225, 357, 358 Columbus 258, 385, 386 Connersville 93 Covington 258, 259, 322, 323, 324 Crawfordsville 92, 93, 97, 230, 231, 328, 329 Crown Point 259, 260 Dana 260 Danville 76, 80, 208, 209 Decatur -. . . .79, 260, 351, 352 Deerfield 77, 79 Delphi 260, 261 Eagle Village 77, 79 Elkhart 80, 216, 217, 218, 219, 304, 305 Evansville 75, 92, 93, 97, 164, 165, 166, 167, 336, 337, 344, 345 Francisville 261 Frankfort 76, 77, 79, 98, 261, 262, 318, 319 Franklin 205, 206, 320, 321 Ft. Wayne 92, 225, 226, 227, 228, 247 to 250, 301, 302, 306, 307, 367, 368, 369 COMPANY INDEX. 407 Fowler 261 Georgetown 77, 80 Goshen 77, 79, 262, 263, 302, 303 Greencastle 93, 173, 174, 340, 341 Greenfield 206, 207, 208 Greeusburg 76, 93, 94 Hammond 372, 373, 374 Huntington 77, 92, 93, 97, 361, 362 Indianapolis 75, 76, 77, 79, 90, 91. 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 182 to 195, 236 to 247, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 324, 365, 366. 367, 389, 390, 391, 392 .Jame.stown 77, 80 •Teffersonville 93, 263, 378, 379 Knightstown 263 Knox 263, 300 Kokorao 93, 97. 263, 264, 327, 328 Ladoga 77, 79 Lafayette 77, 79. 80. 90. 92, 93, 94, 97, 264, 265, 352, 353 Lagrange 93, 228 Laporte 90, 91, 92, 265 Lawrenceburg 77, 80, 94, 388, 389 Lebanon 77. 93, 97, 202, 203, 204, 205 Lexington 77 Ligonier 265, 310, 311 Logansport 77. 79, 92, 265, 364, 365 Madison 167, 168, 376, 377, 378 Marion 265, 266, 267, 349, 350 Martinsville 92, 159, 160, 325, 326, 327 Michigan City 267, 386, 387, 388 :\[iddletown 93, 97 Mishawaka .'. ..77, 267 Monticello 229, 230, 384. 385 Mooresville 76. 80 :\rorristown 267 Mt. Vernon 267, 374, 375 Mounts Run 76, 77, 80 Muncie 196, 197 New Albany 75, 77, 91, 92. 168. 169, 334, 335 Newbnrg 76, 77 New Castle 92, 201, 381. 382 Newport 80, 93. 97 North Manchester 93, 97. 267, 268. 303. 304 North Vernon 268 Ossian 268. 356, 357 Oxford 268 408 COMPANY INDEX. Peru 93, 268, 269 Plymouth 93, 97, 269, 311, 312 Portland 77, 269, 270 Princeton 270, 341, 342 Remington 98, 270, 271 Rensselaer 77, 80 Richmond 93. 97, 271, 272, 376, 380, 381 Risin? Sun 80 Roachdale 272, 337, 338 Rochester 93. 97, 219, 220, 317, 318 Rockville 90, 92, 98, 272, 273 Rushville 273, 382, 383, 384 Russiaville 273 Scottsburg 273 Shelbyville 93, 97, 273, 274, 375, 376 Sheridan 274, 324, 325 Snoddys Mill 93 South Bend 91. 92. 215, 216, 305, 306 South Whitley 274 Sullivan 274 Terre Haute. 75. 76, 79. 80. 90. 92, 93, 97. 170. 171. 172, 173, 332, 333, 334 Tipton 231, 232, 360, 361 Union City 199, 200 Valparaiso 274, 275 Versailles 77 Vincennes 20. 23. 42, 75. 91, 92. 174. 175, 331. 332, 342, 343, 344 Wabash 275, 353, 354 Warren 79 Warsaw 220, 221, 358, 359. 360 Washington 77, 79, 80. 162, 163, 335, 336 Waterloo 98, 275, 276, 308, 309 Waveland 91, 92 Waynetown 276 West Union 75 Winchester 197, 198, 199, 321, 322 Winamac 71. 80. 276 Worthington 276. 277 Companies from 1840 to 1846 75 to 80 Legion companies 88 to 97 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO—i^> 202 Main Library 642-3403 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 LIBRARY USE This book IS due before closing time on the last dote stamped below DUE AS STAMPED BE LOW OBRARY USE j ^^2777 ^^OlR.0ii?r 'jf UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORAANO. 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