fiKor^air-) HISTOM AND DESCRIPTION. "^ ^ :l^9^. illBM lililii By Post for Two St.amps. BY MICHAEL T. MOB.EALL, ^Cdfc?, HIGH STREET, MANCHESTER, BALMORAL HOUST;, MATLOCK. ^t f^ ,^< ABEL MOERALL, NEEDLE AND THIMBLE MANTJFACTTJEER, Wareliouses, 4, Grresliam Street, City London, & 7, Higli Street, Manchester ; Manufactory, Studley Mills, Nr. BromsgroYe. The principal processes now exhibiting in the Machinery Department of the International Ex- hibition, Class 7 B., & Crystal Palace Sydenham, UCSB LIBRARY HISTOfiY AND DESCEIPTION OF NEEDLE MAKING. PRICE ONE PENNY. BY POST FOR TWO STAMPS. BY Michael T. Moeraxl, 7, High-st., M.axchestee, Balmokal House, Matlock. 1862. ENTERED AT STATIOXEES' H-iLL. 3LiXCHESTEE : rRL^TTED BY H. BELDDOK, 55, EArLKN'EE STEEET» IFMlfA^lc In presenting the Third Edition of this little work to the public, it gives me great pleasure to state, that the History and Description of Needle Making, on its first appearance in 1862, was kindly noticed by the press, and well received by the Needle Makers ; many of them having expres- sed to me their satisfaction and surprise that I had procured so much information, as no history of needle making had ever before been published. Descriptions of the processes have attimes appeared in the magazines, but the writers who visited the manufactories at Redditch, treated the subject more as a puff for the manufacturers who enter- tained them, so that very little was known to the public respecting it, pre\TLOus to the Great Exhi- bition of 1851. The ofiicial description on Abel Morrall's case, in Class 22, gave but little in- formation, as it was very defective ; it has been amended and forms part of this work. The cases of needles shewn in the Exhibition were not much noticed, but visitors were most anxious to see needles made by Abel Morrall's machinery in Class 6 ; and many notices of needle making appeared in the news-papers diu-ing the time of the Ex- hibition, which has brought the trade prominently before the public . The fi-equent applications from IT PEEFACE. persons connected with the press, for a history of the art, was one reason that induced me to compile the history of needle making. This useful branch of manufacture has been the staple trade of Studley, my natiye "sdUage, fi'om time immemorial, and my family are engaged in the business, and haye been for at least six gener- ations, and haye introduced most of the impvoye- ments that have been effected in the modern needle — one of the most useful implements of the world. It is indeed an important little article; and before ^yriting its histoiy, I visited the places in England where needles are made. At Long Crendon, in Buck- inghamshire, I was grayely informed that Solomon Shi'impton, a native of that ^-illage, fii-st introduced needle making into the neighbourhood of Redditch at the begimiing of the present centurj\ I answered my informant, that such tales would not do for a history of needle making, as it is well known, that needles were made in that locality, long before any needle maker came there from Long Crendon ; as I remember an old man called George Wigget a natiye of Studley, who was near one hundred years old : this old man could give no infonnation as to the introduction of needle making, but said when he first went out to work, it was to tm-n Alcock's mill at Samboume, near Studley, used for pointing and scoiu'ing needles, and that in his day, Studley was the principle place for needle making. Ha\ing PREFACE. V examined records and considted the oldest needle makers, I find the old man's testimony to be worthy of credit. In following this interesting reseai'ch through past ages, it is found the trade becomes gradually smaller, and at last is obscured in cer- tain families at Studley and Alcester. I have traced this useful art between Studley, Al- cester, Redditch, London, Long Crendon, Chester, and other places,and have gathered up the fragments of its history to compose this little work. The fii-si Edition came in useful for the Reporters at the Dublin Exhibition, the second Edition came out in 1 854, iu time for the opening of the Ciystal Palace, at Sydenham, and which contains many facts not recorded in the first, and in this present Edition will be found new facts and interesting matter, obtained from various sources although the author- ities are not always stated; my object having been to collect facts which may prove useful at some fu- ture time. I hope the Reporters will find this equally beneficial at the International Exhibition of 1862. MICHAEL T. MORRALL 7, High Street, Manchester, \7 9 Needles in tlieii* different stages of manufactui-e, see OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION, page 32. ^ d fti § ^ 8 2Q -^ ^ ^ 2 o rt tc 3 ^ 1 ft ft o •tJ ai n:J o o >, rzi t>. ;^ f=q iD w 1 4 fcJD w K 1^ 1 ^jn Tii g ^ § g o a ^ :^ JM < :3 ^ fe o h-H & o ^ 1 H ^' ^ ^ ^ 1— ( G^ CO d d d iz; t^ fe; s I I THE NEEDLE. Chapter I. High up in the Lebanon nestling amongst the mul- bery trees, stands a Adllage called Eden, believed by many people in the land, to be the first home of Adam and Eve, where the first sewing was ever done, when as we are informed "they sewed fig leaves toge- ther to make themselves aprons. ' ' How true to Nature is this, for do we not remember how in very early life; we fastened together leaves for our adornment, with thorns gathered fi-omthe May Bush, little thinking that the same thing had been done ages before in Eden, and that the most gorgeous dress originated in a fig leaf. How simple then appears the origin of needles ; if as is supposed they were first made out of thorns. Our Sacred records state that Tubal Cain worked in iron and brass ; and that one of the rivers running out of Eden contained gold which was pronounced good: we may infer that the gold was good for the making of useful and ornamental articles ; and at that early date there may have been needles made of gold, as also of iron or brass. In Dr. Abbott's Museum, at Cairo, is a wood needle of extremely old date, togetherwithapieceof sewing, taken out of the tomb of an Egyptian lady. At the Dublin Exhibition there was a collection of bone and bronze needles, foimd in Ireland and Denmark. In the City Museum London, there are some specimens of old Bri- tish needles. In this country formerly, the upper clas- ses used gold and silver needles, and some estates were held by the annual payment of one or two of these costly articles. There is a custom observed yearly, at Queen's Col- lege, Cambridge, when the Bursar gives to every mem- ber a needle and thread, in remembrance of the founder, whose name being Egglesfield, was deduced from two French words, Aguille Fit : a needle and thread Hemy Y, when Prince of "Wales, was a student in this College, and "He came into liis father's presence in a strange disguise, being in a garment of blue satin, ■ftTOught fuU of eyelet holes, and at every eyelet the HISTORY A^'D DESCRIPTION needle left hanging by the silk it -was Tn-oiiglit with." The habit of a scholar was so very different from that of a soldier in those days, that notliing coiild better allay the kings suspicions than this silent declaration of attachnientto literature andrennnciationof the sword. {Speed's Chronicle.) We know an ola Scotch woman who says in her younger days she darned her stockings with a wood needle. There are at this day Indian women, who sew with needles of porcupine quill, and thread made of the sinews of the deer. There are the fish-bone, that the Greenlanders and the South Sea Islanders use ; the wo- men of one race sitting in their snow burrows stitching by the light of theii- oil lamps ; and the women of the other race wearing while at work, a great palm leaf on their heads for shade, and cooling themselves occasion- ally by a SMom in the calm waters, within the coral reef ; the Chinese claim to have made steel needles from a remote period, we have seen some good needles that were made in that Empire. A correspondent writing from Shanghai, says, at Ningpo there is a needle man- ufactory, where you may see men grinding long steel bars to the necessary fineness, by rubbing them with theii- hands upon a stone, then notcliing them at the requii-ed lengths, breaking them off" and filing the points, while little boys take up the wondrous tale and punch the eye in each individual needle. Chapter II. The Spaniards are said to be the inventors of steel needles in Eiu-ope, and to have taught the Ger- mans the art of making them ; and it was from these countries that we derived our supplies of steel needles, until a sufficient quantity were made at home. Little is known of the history of many of our useful arts be- fore the Eeformation, the records of the Monasteries, &c., having been destroyed, or dispersed at the disso- lution of religious houses ; and it is only by the perse- verance of the learned tailor Stowe, (who spent his life in gathering up the scattered records,) that we have any information ; and when Stowe became old and OF NEEDLE MLiKING. 3 poor, the king granted Mm ''Letters Patent," to beg ii'omourloYirig subjects in the churches, for one year, and so little were his labours appreciated, that the alms were scarcely worth collecting, so the king graciously allowed him to beg a little longer, hoping thereby he might be better remunerated. If we had the records of the Augustine Priory, at Studley, they would perhaps enlighten us about needle making in that parish, which is probably the original place in England, where this branch of industry arose. A general idea prevails, that needles have always been made here, and the inhabitf.nts cannot conceive a time when there were no needles made in their \illage. The oldest needle making families are Eawlins and Blimdell. The Morralls are descended from the for- mer family, in the female line. There is a tradition which is supported by the Roll of Battel Abbey, tliat these fa>nilies originally came from Normandy ; A needle manufacturer, on a visit at Studley, from Nor- mandy, recognised the Morralls, there being a family named, de Morall in the part he came from. Needles W'cjre at an early period made in 'SVales ; vre have not produced the date of its introduction, and can only state that needles continued to be made at "Welsh Wen- lock, until about the year 1790, the Welsh needle makers have followed the trade into War^\ickshire. The earliest record of needle making in London is in the year 1545, during the reign of Henry YIIL, and the most general idea is, that tliis useful branch of industry was introduced by a Moor from Spain, who also, it is said, about the year 1563, commenced the making of his own wire, which gave him the pre-eminence over the needle makers in the other parts of the kingdom, who had to import theii's from Spain and Germany. Stowe, in his chronicles states, that when the first Q,ueen Mary reigned, needles were sold in Cheapside and some other busy streets of London, and that they were at that time made hja Spanish Negro, who refused to disclose the secrets of his art. How long the Moor enjoyed his exclusive privileges Stowe does not state. Another author, taking up the tliread of the narrative, 4 mSTOEYA^TD DESCMPTIOJSr states that the art was lost at the NegTo's death, but was soon after recoTered by one Elias Karuse, a Grerman, and other skilled workmen who came over from France, Flanders, and Germany, during^ the reign of Elizabeth, and thus the trade was re-established in London, and the sale of needles greatlyextendedthi'oughout England, Wales, and Ireland ; the importation iDecoming every year smaller, ujitU it entii-ely ceased, and exportation commenced. It may be mentioned here, as a curious incident, that soon after the execution of King Charles, Cromwell' s government resolved to apprentice Elizabeth Stuart, the second daughter of the late king, to a needle maker ;* but from the time the princess was made ac- quainted with the government's intentions, her spirits became depressed, her health declined, and her demise in 1650, prevented this cruel and tyrannical resolution being carried into effect. It appears that this b^ade was commenced at Long Crendon, in Buckinghamshire, by one Christopher Greening, who, with his wife andthi'ee children, settled in that pretty village about the year 1650, having been brought there by the iniiuence of a family named Da- rner, who took an interest in that locality. Is'o mention is made of the place where the Grreenings came from ; perhaps they were Londoners, Long Crendon being near- er the metropolis than to Studley ; and we may infer that the London needle makers were a considerable body at this time, from the fact of their being incorporated by Charter only six years later, namely, on the tenth day of November, one thousand six hundred and fifty-six, the 8th. of Charles II., (commonly called Cromwell's time.) The trade at Long Crendon possesses some distinctive characteristics, the smaller lands of needles used for domestic work do not appear ever to have made much ])rogress, the goods produced here being of a larger description, namely, sail and ])acking needles, together T\ith those used for netting and sui'gical purposes . The *The author has not been able to ascertain the name of this UP' die maker, norths place of his residence, anyptrson funiishir.o- such information v.ill confer a favour. OF NEEDLE MA KTSG, 5 making of knitting pins and pillow lace forming part of the staple trade of the village. The inhabitants of this place, by frequent intermarriages, may be consid- ered as one family ; they have a general family resem- blance, being decidedly Danish in their appearance ; they have about half-a-dozen family names, that of Shrimpton being the most numerous. The people are most of them musicians, which often leads to drinking and neglect of business. This place presents no appar- ent advantage for needle making, it being destitute of water power, and it is fourteen miles from Aylesbury which is the nearest Railway Station, the only means of conveyance being a London waggon, reminding a stranger of the picture in Dick Whittington. When at Long Crendon, we dilligently enquii^ed respecting the Darners and Greenings; those with whom we con- versed said that no such names had ever existed in the neighboui'hood. Having procured a local directory, we find that the only information on this subject is, that Lord Dormer is Lord of the Manor, and we are led to conclude that the name is not correctly spelt in the old volume afterwards referred to. The Dormers are Roman Catholics; the family mostly resides in Warwickshire, and the name of Greening may still be met with amongst the needle makers of that county The restoration of King Charles II. gave an impetus to the needle trade; the court and people never dressing more exti'avagantly than during this reign ; the king granted a magnificent coat of arms to the needle makers — the crest, an apple tree and serpent ; a shield of green with three needles in aline, ducally crowned; support- ers, a man on the right side and a woman on the left — the woman holds a needle m her dexter hand. The apple tree and serpent now forming the background of the arms, or may be left out, the crest being a Moor's head in profile, \\a'eathed about the temples and coped at the shoulders, and in his ears a pearl. The heraldist, who is seldom at a loss in searching out a genealogy when it is necessary, has given the shield Adam and Eve for supporters, and a motto, "They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons;" the inference 6 HISTOBY A^D DESCEIPTIO?^ of course being that needles must liave been employed even at that period, and thus that it is a manufactiu-e which commenced almost with man himself, and is closely connected with the history of the human race, wherever gathered or scattered on the face of the earth. By the needle, we may infer, were made the simple attu-e of the first martjT, Abel, andhis mui'derer, Cain, he garments of righteous Xoah, and those that were destroyed by theilood; Joseph's coat of many colours, and his long fioT^-ing robes in which he made himself known to his brethren in Egypt, where they went buy- ing corn. The needle was no doubt used in forming the dress of the infant Moses, in which he was presented to Pharaoh's daughter ; by it was also made the shep- herd's di-ess and the royal robes of David ; and at least, the hem of the garment of the Holy One of Israel, for which the Roman soldiers cast lots ^^dthout the gates of Jerusalem. Holy Scripture tells us about the veil of the Holy of Holies ; and we read of the garments of the priests be- ing beautifully embroidered. The mother of Sisera says unto her maidens, "Take unto Sisera needle-work of divers colours on both sides." So that in some shape or other the use of the needle is very ancient, and no doubt beguiled away the hours of the maids of Juda. The Pagan Greeks esteemed the art of needle-vrork so highly, that they attributed its invention to their fa- vourite goddess Minerva. Homer constantly introdu- ces his heroines so engaged. The conventual institutions of the middle ages were admirable schools for the various productions of the needle — embroidery, tapestry, and the rest, Magnificent garments worked by the needle, were presented to Popes Leo III. and lY. ; and also beautiful Scriptiu-e subjects were worked by the needle to adorn the var- ious chapels in Eome. The daughters of kings and nobles, although care- fully educated in polite Literature and various accom- plishments, were not considered suitable for "v^ives unless they were good needle women. The garments worn by Edward the Confessor, on OF IS^EEDLE MAKING. 7 state occasions, were embroidered by bis queen Elgi- tba. There is now in the possession of tbe Fishmongers Company in London, a splendid state pall, representing Christ delivering the keys to Peter, the production of this time. Coming dowTi to the time of Mary, Queen of Scotland, we find that she was usually engaged in sewing when she sat in coimcil vnth her ministers of state ; and during her captivity at Hardwick Hall, amused her hours with works of tapestry in order to defend herself fi'om the chill and damp of her prison walls. This injured queen has left behind her needle work of great value and beauty. In Queen Anne's time, the needle seems to have fallen into disuse ; we find in ^'The Sjjectcdo)'^^ com- menting on the idleness of the ladies of that time, proposes certain rules to amend it ; — 1st. That no maid shall be allowed to receive the addresses of her first lover, but in a suit of her own embroidery. 2nd. That before every fresh domestic she shall appear in a fresh stomacher. 3rd. That no one be married till she have all do- mestic linen ready, and a mantle for the baby ready stitched. If similar rules were adopted by society 7iou', we should have less slavery at the milliner's shops — in other words, less fancy crocheting, more of the useful and less useless labour in the houses of the middle and higher classes. "Look at my daughter's work," we have often heard fond mothers exclaim, on the return of their daughter from school. It is very pretty, but can she make her own clothes, can she bake and cook, &c. ? If not it is worse than pretty time misspent. Guicardini ascribes the invention of tapestry to the Flemings ; though it is believed that it was practised by the Saracens long before its introduction into Eu- rope. The fii'st manufactories were at Brussels, Ant- werp, Lisle, and Valenciennes; the art was introduced into France in the reign of Francis I. , who established a manufactory at Fontainbleau ; and into England in O HISTORY AXD DESCRIPTION the reign of James I. Tapestry hangings were, how- ever, kno^Ti many years earlier, and had reached great artistic perfection. Berlin patterns, and work properly so called, were not known till 1804, when the hrst pattern, on checked paper, was published by a print-seller in Berlin. In. 1810, Madame Wittich, the wife of a print-seller, in that city, and herself a celebrated workwoman, urged her husband to engage in that branch of his business with more spirit. They are worked on canvass, either worsted or silk, with wool manufactured at G-otha, and dyed at Berlin. They were inti'oduced into England in 1831. Wilks, of Eegent Street, imported a large quantity of patterns from Berlin; and from there, and Paris, the best materials of silk, wool, occ; and, more- over, engaged the best French workers to accompany him to this countiy. To this individual we owe an art, which gives amusement to so many of our ladies ; and is sometimes the horror of theii- husbands and brothers. The needle has handed down to us many an histor- ical pictui-e, and iUusti-ated the life of many a saint ; and no one in ancient times, surpassed the celebrated Miss Linwood, whose collection of pictures most of us have seen, and who worked "The Judgment of Cain," after the age of seventy. Oiu- beloved Queen is said to be a proficient in nee- dle work. The needle is alike found to be the consoler of cares in the palace and the cottage. It is the source of enjoyment to thousands, and sustenance to tens of thousands ; and is too often the companion o f squalid misery — for instance the poor shii't makers, so well described by Hood, in his "Song of the Shii-t," who get 4|d. for a long day's labour ; and of those ^Tetched creatures who toil for the "Jew slop sellers." There are also the poor milliners and di'ess makers, who are shut out fi'om the genial breeze and sunshine, and almost the light of heaven, often for seven long days in a week, for 12, 14, and 16 aye, and 18 hom-s a day, in the season, up the three pair hack. Martyrs indeed they are to pitiless poverty and miserable pride : — the poor crcatui-es. OF ^TEEDLE MAKING. 9 <'We must have our dresses, and bonnets, and mantles, and caps, &c., by nine o'clock in the morn- ing, for the review and ball to morrow evening," said several aristocratic ladies, as they bounced from a splendid equipage into a milliner's shop in Eegent St., the other day ; and it is now three o'clock." "I doubt please your ladyship," said the milliner, **that we shall not be able to get all of them done, as we only received your ladyship's commands yesterday' ' addi-essing the eldest of them. "OhI lor!" exclaimed the quorum at once. *'But indeed you must;" said the matron of the group, or I shall icithdraw my patronage', for I cannot bear to see my daughters in the ball dresses you sent home last week ; therefore they must be done" ''I shall, ladies, do my utmost to ensru-e them in time," said the shopkeeper. TVith a sad heart, even the milliner proceeds up stairs to the poor over-worked in the three 2)air back, for she knows aheady they can scarcely hold up; but rents are so high, taxes so great, and the patronage of Lady Gr. of such importance, that the cruel order must be obeyed, and money must be made while the sun shines. "Gii'ls," said she, "Lady G.'s dresses and those for the young ladies must be done to night, and the car- riage dresses home by nine o'clock in the morning, for the review in the Park : so you must again work all night." The poor pale-faced slaves: one sighs, tears start into the eyes of another, a third murmm-s at the ukase, a fourth is awakened by the order from a stupor in- duced by previous nights and days of fatigue. How the needle could tell of that sad hea\y night's work, as it passed through the splendid materials which were to adorn the persons of the ladies at that gay festive and fashionable ball a few hours later. But ^^hat matters those sighs, and tears, and miu'- murings ; they would not be seen there ; no, but they were seen somewhere else, and heard also, as truly as the sighs and groans of the negro slaves. 10 HESTOEY AXD DESCEIPTION Chapter III. Kow oiu' little wonder-worker must say a little about his own orig'in. Many of our most useful arts haye been introduced into England by refugees fi'om the continent. Tbe oldest families of needle makers are the Blimdells, Eawlins,* Hewits, Alcocks, and Chatterleys. It appears probable they were brought into this part by the Thi-ogmorton family, who protected them in time of persecution. The Connells of Eedditch are from Limerick, where the family formerly car- ried on an extensiye needle trade. There is also a family of the name of Shi'impton from Long Crendon, in the neighbourhood of Redditch ; but at yvhat time needles were iii-st made in Alcester, and Studley, in "Warwicksliii-e, we haye no information, neither is there any name giyen as the inyentor or introducer of nee- dle maldng into that locality. It is therefore probable that needles haye been made in Y^ar^^•ickshil•e at a yery remote period. Xormandy or Germany being the most likely coimtries in which the inyention had its rise, and that the introduction of the craft into London was mere- ly in consequence of some improyements in this useful branch of industry. DESCEIPTIOX OF NEEDLE MAEXN'G rS' LO>"DOX. FEOM .\2s" OLD yOLr:ME. "Preyious to the year 1563, wii^, for making needles, was imported from Spain and Germany ; but from that time the needle makers made their own -^ire. Haying dra^Ti the wii-e to its proper lineness, the needle maker proceeded to cut it into pieces the length of the needles required to be made, wliich he flattened at one end on an an^-il, in order to form the head and the eye ; then the wires are placed on a sheet of iron over the lire to soften, after which the "v\ire is pierced * Wm. the last of the Ravdius in this neighbom-hood, died a few years ago. or NEEDLE MAKING 11 at the extreme end of the flat part on the anvil, a sqnare punch is hammered half throngh, which process is termed first eyeing. The needles are then laid on a leaden block, to bring out with another punch the small bit of steel remaining in the eye; the roughness caused by punching is removed from the surface of the eye by cutting a groove in the flat part of the wire on each side of the needle ; the head is next filed round, anc' the point formed by the same process. The needles are then laid on an iron pan and placed on a charcoal fire until they become red hot, when they are thrown into a basin of cold water to harden. They are next placed on an iron shovel and held over the fire, which serves to temper them and take oiF their brittleness. The process of hardening crooks them, so that they have to undergo the operation of straightning, which is done by placing each needle on a small anvil, and a few gentle taps makes it perfectly straight. The next process is scouring. To do this they take 12,000 nee- dles and range them in small heaps against each other on a piece of new buckram, sprinlded with emery dust and oil of olives, and make up in a roll well bound at each end. This roll was originally placed under the feet of the worlanen, and scoured by moving the feet backward and forward as he sat at work at the other processes ; but now the roU is placed on the polishing table and over it a thick plank loaded with stones, which men work backward and forward for two whole days, by which means they become bright. They are then taken out and washed with hot water and soap, and afterwards placed in a round box filled with bran, mioistened a little, which is then suspended in the air by a cord, and kept stirred until the bran and the needles are both dry. The needles are afterwards sor- ted, the poiats are all turned one way, and polished with an emery stone turned with a wheel. Nothing now remains to be done but to count them, five at a time, and make them up in packets of twenty-five needles in a paper for sale." Needles were begun and finished by the makers at their own homes, unassisted by mill power in those days; in London, at Long Cren- 12 HISTOUT AXD DESCiaPTIOX don in Biickingliamsliire ; at Alcester, and Studley, in Warwickshire ; and there were but few needle makers who were mostly very poor, although they sold their needles for a high price; and needles were yeiy scarce in some parts of England at this time. Humourous tales are told of Tv'here the loss of the only needle in th.e house has thrown the whole ^-illage into dismay. Such an event is not at all likely to trouble us at the present time ; we can obtain them in abundance, and hence we find that they are lost, broken and destroyed by dozens, without a moment's consideration, because they are cheap ; and every improvement for abridging labour in the needle making, has caused more orders and employed a greater quantity of people, who are better off, in every respect, than they were formerly. EngKsb needles are now preferred in foreign countries; and the Grerman manufacturers, especially imitate our labels to meet the markets. Some very extensive fac- tories in Prussia, never label with their own names, but print on tbeii- own premises labels of English firms as they are ordered. Chapteb. IY. About tbe year 1700, a mill worked by horses, was established at Studley for pointing and scouring needles; soon after, a mill of this kind was set up at Sambourne, a yillage near Studley, superintended by a family named Biddell, who taught Richard Hemming the art of needle making, the founder of the celebrated firm of Hemming and Sons, of Hedditch. The horse mills were in the course of time superseded by John Alcock, of Alcester, who fitted up parts of the old flour mills on the River Arrow for pointing and scouring needles. About 1750, some needle makers in this locality began to aspire to the dignity of Manufacturers. Mackenzie appears to have been the first to establish a needle manufactory in 'SNTiitechapel, London ; but it cannot be determined whether any needles were made through- out at his establishment. It is quite certain that Mackenzie was supplied with needles in an unfinished state by Charles Rawlins, of Alcester, which were OF KEEDLE MAKIKO 13 finished in "WMtecliapel. Mackenzie introduced some improvements in the finisliing of his needles, which brought them into request; and Mackenzie's White- chapel needles obtained a pre-eminence over all other makes. The fame of those needles still lingers in the mind of the old lady, when she hears the well laiown cry of Whitechapel Needles, twenty-five for a penny. Mackenzie, although famed, became embarrassed, and was about to join the ConneUs of Limerick, who were needle makers in that City. Mackenzie was overtaken at Liverpool by his creditor, Chas. Rawlins, to whom he gave up his tools in payment of his debt. This was a disappointment to the Connells, and they removed to Redditch, in the year 1780 ; when needles ceased to be made in Ireland, Mackenzie returned to London, and was supplied with needles by John Shrimpton, of Long Crendon ; but the business of Ma- ckenzie gradually declined — ^he could not compete with the Alcester needle makers. One of the tools obtained by Rawlins was called by Mackenzie his money-spin- ner, which was used in burnishing the eyes of the needles. It gave the eye a bright appearance, after which they were called silver eyed. The information Rawlins received from Mackenzie, enabled him to make superior needles to any other maker ; he also silvered the eyes for other manufacturers, for which he received one shilling per thousand, or about_ten shillings per hour. A person named Jas. "Waterhouse, took Rawlins 6,000 needles to silver one dark night; he then placed a ladder to the window were Rawlins worked, and discovered the process of silvering the eyes, which he made public. Chapteb Y. The Alcester needle makers, jealous of the fame of the London needles, labelled their common qualities with Whitechapel labels ; by this means, and the greater facilities for making needles in Warwickshire, needles soon ceased to be made in London. The Alces- ter manufacturers began also to make sail and packing needles, a branch of the trade almost exclusively 14 HISTORY A2^D DESCRIPTION confiued to Long Crendon. The Long Crendon needle makers not being progressive, they looked with eon-- tempt on what they called new fangied ways of making needles, and continued to make them in the "good old way," handed do^^Ti to them through a long line of Greenings andShiimptons, fi-om old Christopher|Green- ing ; and, as a matter of course, their ti-ade declined, and the prosperous state of needle making in Wai'- wickshire atti-acted the most energetic needle makers from all parts, bringing with them useful contrivances connected with their art, and thus this manufacture became concentrated on the borders of the counties of "War-v^ick and Worcester. The fii'st Long Crendon needle makers who came into this locality settled at Alcester, and were employed by William Mascoul, a manufacturer in that town. About the year 1785, Michael Morrall who had been taught the art by his maternal imcle, Charles Kawlins, removed from Alcester to Washford Mill, Studley, and entered into partnership with his brother Abel, and John Archer, their brother in law. In 1790, two and a half millions of needles were made per week in this district one million of which were made by Morrall, Archer, and Morrall of WasIT- ford Mill, Studley. Many inprovements were made by this hi'm in the art of needle making. In 1793, Michael Morrall made some experiments in di-illing the eyes, which induced the firm to engage Charles Davis, a watchmaker of Alcester, to di-ill needles for them. They were introduced into the market for sale, but were declined in consequence of the price being so much higher than had been paid for them before the eyes were drilled. Drilling was, therefore, discontin- ued, the fii-m ha-sing sustained a considerable loss by the experiment. !Many attempts were made by this firm to induce the needle pointers to use respirators to prevent the dust entering then* lungs, but the workmen refused to use them ; the pointers' impression evidently being, if he made use of any contrivance which would lengthen his life, it would at the same +i7np fi3T»f1 fn vAflnnp fViP nmmTnf nf T^no-ps Tip nmilfl ftarn. OF liTEEDLE MAKEN'G. 15 Thi-ee rewards have been given by the Society of Arts, for the invention of machinery, as a substitute for manual labour in pointing needles — one to Thomas Wood of Berkhamstead, in 1811; one to George Prior of Otley, in 1813, and one to Thos. Eoberts of Dum- fries, in 1815. Needle pointing may be thus described: — we will suppose the workman to be seated in front of a grind- stone revohing at a velocity of from tv\^o to three thousand times per minute, he takes up from fift^^ to a hundred wii'es, spreads them out so that they lie singly (but close together,) wdth their ends perfectly even, and then introduces them between the palms of his hands, which are brought together so that the fin- gers on one side point tovrards the ^Tist on the other, the ends of the ^dres are then pressed upon the grind- stone, and by a slight motion of the hands to and fro, each ^ire is made to tm-n on its axis at the same time, and thus they are all pointed perfectly and beautifully at once, and with incredible rapidity. But whilst we are looking on, admiring the brilliancy of the scintil- lations produced by the friction, lighting up the squalid face of the operative, and thinking it forms a scene worthy of a Eembrandt, we are crossed by a reflection upon the deadly character of the work, — those verj- sparks which give a character to the scene, carry death in their path, for fatal experience has told us that where the workmen are daily exposed to the influence of the dust produced by the grindstones, six or seven years will be sufficient to terminate their existence. It is horrible to think that any portion of oui' fellow creatures should be subject to such an ordeal, but from the high rate of remimeration offered, and the fact that there are many who, fi^om loss of character, are not enabled to obtain employment at other branches of the business, no difficulty has hitherto been found in obtaining a sufficient number of operatives to perform the work. Chapter YI. About 1790, John Farr, a retired button maker, 16 HTSTOP.T AXD DESCEITTTON commenced making sail and packing needles at Alees- ter, by means of dies fixed in a stamp, after tke man- ner of making buttons. These kinds of needles -were also cast in moulds by AVilliam Connor, at Broomsgrove. At tMs time, also, James Cook commenced making bodkins by stamps in Stndley. Tbis may be said to be tbe introduction of the stamp for needle making: it bo\reTer made but little progi-ess and the needle makers had no idea of using the stamp for the smaller kinds of needles untill about the year 1800, when a Birming- ham factor, who happened to be on business at Wash- ford Mill, expressed his surprise that stamps and presses were not used in the needle making. The idea thus thi'o-^Ti out was immediately acted upon, and a press was invented and introduced in the above mill, and the attempt made to form 100 needles at a time ; but they could not succeed in making more than 35. This process was very complicated, vnd. was discontinued in consequence of the disappearance of Charles Davis, the person who worked the machine. He was foimd some time afterwards in Birmingham, making needles by stamp and press, and retui-ned to Alcester and made needles for Greorge Pardowe, of Coughton. The fii'm of Morrall, Archer and MorraU, received a large Russian order, and gave a bond to have it ready at a certain time, but the slow process of filing needles prevented them from ha^v-ing the order execu- ted soon enough : the bond was consequently forfeited, and the order countermanded. All orders for needles from the same source have invariably, since then, been sent to Germany instead of England. This firm sus- tained considerable losses through Napoleon over-run- ning Europe. Their trade had diminished because of the war. The sword makers in Birmingham were fully employed at this time, but the needle makers were without work. This firm (the largest in the neighbour- hood) stopped ; they were able to pay aU demands, but could not keep on the business. Two firms at Redditch, began by Richard Hemming and WiUiam Bartlett, took most of the orders for needles; and these two 42-Mwtn T»rtt-r/\ T\/%/\v» o4* 4-V^ri Vii^o/1 rwP 4*ria 4~t*QAci IT* T? /:^rl/^■^'f /^ri OF NEEDLE MAKING. 17 In 1811, Abel and Micliael Morrall, sons of the before-named M. Morrail, commenced stamping nee- dles, and introduced the first eye into the needles by means of the stamp. What is meant by the first eye is an indenture half through the head of the needle. Abel Morrall also contrived a punch to make the eye of two needles at each pull of the press ; and several others began to use the stamp and the press ; but so strong is prejudice, however, that long after this plan had been introduced, it was found necessary to remove the regularity of appearance which needles so made presented, to make them in fact, appear like hand-made needles in order to sell them. Needle making was introduced in Hathersage, in 1810, by Samuel Cocker, who had learned the art at Bank Top, in Manchester, and also worked at Chester for William Evans, a needle manufacturer in that City. Cocker had learned the old system of needle making ; he therefore, in 1812, engaged a person who had learned needle making from the Morralls at Washford Mills, named Robert Cook, to make needles by machinery. The workpeople of course came from the same part as R. Cook, so that they were continually leaving Hath- ■ ersage, and returned to their old homes in Warwick- shire. R. Cook continued in Cocker's employment for nine years. In 1821 he commenced for himself, and the two firms carried on in Hathersage ; but of late years the trade has gradually declined. In 1823, Abel Morrall invented a small machine for filing 100 needles at a time. This was kept private, and answered well. It was communicated to James Pardowe, of Studley, by William WoodaU, who worked (previously to his engagement with James Pardowe) for Abel Morrall. James Pardowe was the first manufacturer who introduced steam power into his mill for pointing an d scouring needles, but water power is generally used when it can be had. The process of gilding the eyes of needles, was in- ■ 18 HISTOKY A^'D DESCRIPTIOX troduced at a mamifaetory in Exeter Eo^, Bii'ming- ham, by Scambler Brothers, assisted by two of Charles Rawlins's sons ; the idea was taken from the gilt button makers. Scambler obtained a patent for this process, but the other makers set it aside thi'ough the specihcation being wrongly laid for an improyement, instead of an ornament, to the needles. This process is now only used for common qualities for exportation and labelled, "AMiiteehapelXeedles." The following sad story of smart trading may cause uncomfortable feelings in some quarters when brought to recollection: — Do we not know of certain pm-chases, made by certain simple Africans : the purchase money on om* side being needles, — "TThitechapel Sharps," duly gilded at the head — which were found after the departure of the traders, to be without eyes I It is a sad stoiy. The Redditch needle makers who prepare gilt "AVhitechapel Sharps" for the African market, say, that they dont belieye it ; that the needles were of a coarse and ill-finished kind, but they were neyer blind, yet the testimony is so sti'ong, and the effects of the cheat were so serious in damaging oiu- commer- cial character among the sayages, that we fear there can haye been no mistake. If we laugh at such stories it is with a weeping heart, for tricks like these done in any corner where new races are found, are a graye misfortime to the whole human race. "We know that about thirty years ago, one firm sent out needles without any filing, so as to render them almost useless. Chapter YII. Abel Morrall had for a considerable timeentertain- ed the idea that needles would pass thi-oiigh the work with greater ease, if made without the grooye. He made a small assortment of them, which were intro- diiced into London by Edward ^lorrall, in 1 82o. These needles were approyed of; but the difficulty of making them preyented A. MorraU from proceeding with the grooyeless needles at that time. A few grooyeless OF XEEDLE MAKING. 19 facturer of Stiidley ; but they did not take with the public. The drilled-eyed needles were soon after success- fully brought out by William Grreen, of Astwood, who had seen the drills formerly used at Washford Mill, He was supplied with needles by Abel Morrall, and sold them to the tailors and other users of needles, who soon began to ask for the drill-eyed needles at the needle shops ; and thus they came into general use. Grreen drilled the square eyed needles with great care. The reader should bear in mind that the eyes are not made with a drill ; the punch makes the eye, and the intention of di'illing is to clear the eye, and prevent the cutting of the thread. Every mechanic knows that the eye ^iJl be rough after the drill, and much trouble is taken to clear the roughness out of the eye by some manufacturers, and yet after all their tTouble needles would be less liable to cut the thread if never di'illed at all. This may perhaps appear strange to the reader ; but let him examine a needle when magnihed, and he will see the sharp edges caused by drilliug. It also appears strange that needles were made Tvith square eyes, yet such is the fact; and long after drilling came into use, the needle makers continued to make the eyes with square punches, and then drill them, Abel Morrall was the first to use a round punch in making the eye of the needle. Needles are now drilled by children, in a careless manner, as they have to drill a certain quantity per day ; and, of course, they are more anxious about the green fields and shady lanes than they are in drilling needles — ''warranted to carry a large thread and not to cut in the eye or di-ag at the head." The method usually adopted for this piu-pose is what is technically called "counter-sinking." It amounts to tliis : a girl, seated in front of the small lathe in which a drill is kept running at a high speed, takes betw^een the forefinger and thumb of her left hand from thirty to forty needles, vnth the heads downwards, then by dexterously passing the edge of a knife along the eyes, causes them all to lie one way ; 20 HISTOEY AND DESCRIPTION the eyes are now touclied one at a time upon tlie drills by which the edges of the apertiu*e are removed — then by a slight movement of the linger all the needles are turned to present the other sides of the eyes, which are treated in a similar manner and they are then left as iinished. Our reader will bear in mind that the object to be attained is a perfectly smooth eye, one that shall be free fi-om any biuT, in order that the thi-ead shall not be injured ; but let the di-ill employed be as sharp and perfect as it may, it will diive up a biuT before it, which, in this case, will be left in the centre of the eye, the worst position it could occupy. About this time an improvement was inti'oduced by Abner Mellen, of Redditch, which consisted of a pe- culiar mode of di'essing buffs used in polishing needles. This appears to be the only improvement made in the art at Redditch, which is certainly cmious when we consider its fame as a needle making place. The me- chanical part of the trade has always been done out of Eedditch. Xeedles were made there by hand, but none were made bymachinery until about the year 1828. The hand-workers prices were much reduced by the machines. Each contended that his method was the best ; and by the year 1830, some of the ''stampers" as the machine-men were called, had removed to Red- ditch. In the autimm of this year the hand-workers came to the determination of breaking all the machines in Redditch, which they carried into effect, and were proceeding to Studley, when theii* leader was taken into custody by Shailer, then constable of Studley. Eight men were lodged in prison at Worcester, and were sentenced by the Judge at the assizes to terms varying from six to eighteen months' imprisonment. The hand-workers saw it was hopeless to attempt to stop the machines, so they came to the ^ise conclusion to give up their old system, and learn to make needles by machinery ; and the two leading firms in Redditch, W. Hemming & Sons, and AV. Bartleet & Sons, pre- vailed upon the master stampers to teach them, & as far as possible, find them employment. The hand- workers OF NEEDLE MAKTN-G. 21 were vrell satisfied with tlie change : and thus came to a conchision the long-disputed question between the old and new systems of needle making. Till within a few years one man in the district made needles by hand This individual, William Bradbury, of Studley, entered into an arrangement with a London house before the introduction of machines, to make needles for them as long as he should be able to work, and to be kept by them in constant emplojTuent at a stated price ; and the old firm foimd their old work- man his work and wages up to the time of his death, which happened suddenly in 1853. Before the introduction of, or rather before the making of needles by machinery generally, in 1824, only five millions were made in this district per week, while in 1847, n.fty millions were made in the same time. Many of the hand-workers who were too old to learn the new way of making needles ; were now em- ployed in soft straightening, a process common to both ways of making them ; but this was not to last long, for Abel MorraU invented a machine for straightening, which would do more work in one hour than could be done by hand in twelve. The invention was kept private, and it is now superseded, as the process of soft straightening is dispensed with. Chliptee YIII. Abel Morrall had been for several years endeavom*- ing to make oval-eyed needles ; the great difficultj^ being to prevent the eye from cutting the tlu-ead. At length he invented a machine for burnishing the eyes, and took out a patent for the same in 1839. He then entered into an engagement with W. Bartleet & Sons, to make oval-eyed needles for them, and burnish them with his patent machine. The other needle makers seeing it to be a great improvement, entered into a league to disprove his right to the pa- tent. It was the wish of the manufacturers, except W. Hemming, to infringe on the patent ; but he pro- tested against this mode of action, informing them 22 HISTOEY AND DESCEIPTIOX that Abel Morrall, had as great a right to the patent as he had to any other property, until they proved to the satisfaction of a eoiu't of law that he had no legal claim to it ; and he, W. Hemming, would not infi-inge on any man's rights, but would A^ithdraw from the league immediately if any one infi'inged upon it. He wished them rather to prove that A. Morrall had no right to the patent. The case was accordingly brought to trial — Heroming and others, v. the Queen —and was decided in favoiu' of the patentees. The eedle makers then cndeavoiu-ed to improve on the patent, but did not succeed. They then obtained one for certain parts disclaimed before the trial of Abel Morrall's patent, which they termed Helix-eyed ne- dles. During the pending of tliis question, trade was veiy bad in this district, and Abel Morrall had an offer from France to go to that countiy, and superintend some English needle makers abeady established there. The French government offered to increase the duty on English needles, which has since been done ; but A. Morrall preferred staying in England, and making an assortment of grooveless needles He sent his nephew, Michael T. Morrall, in 1841, to introduce them in Lancashii-e, Yorkshii-e, and other adjoining ooimties. These needles were approved of in the north of England, and in the spring of 1843, they were in- troduced into London, but M. T. Morrall could not induce the shopkeepers to tiy the needles, so he gave a quantity to the men employed in the large tailors' shops at the "West End," wliich soon brought them into demand in the trimming shops of London ; from which time Abel Morrall has received the general support of the tailors in all parts of the United Iving- dom. According to the speciiication of Abel Morrall's patent machine, for Superseding Drilling his needles pass tlu'ough a process which pierces an eye nearly two sizes larger than any other needle, and is constructed on such a principle as to remove every minute angle, biuT, and rough edge, and to clean smootlily away OF NEEDLE MAKING. 23 any other cutting particle that may have been left in the eye of the needle, which no other operation has hitherto been able to effect, thereby rendering it im- possible to cut the thread. Morrall's patent method of clearing the eye may be described as follows : — a piece of tine steel wire is slightly roughened upon its surface throughout its length, which after being hard- ened and tempered, may be likened to a fine file ; this wire is run through the eyes of about a hundred needles, and its ends being made fast, the needles are then put into a violent motion. The result is ob-sT.ous. The metal inside the eyes is gradually worn away, until at the end of about an hour and a half it has become as smooth as a piece of glass ; sharp edges, burrs, rough- ness of all kinds being entirely removed from its vicinity; and when (the needles being nearly completed) this operation is repeated, it leaves the inside of the eye as bright as the exterior portion of the needle, adding one more example to the many already existing of the best results being obtained by the simplest means. Chaptee IX. In 1840, Joseph Turner, a needle manufactui-er, of Redditch, revived the practice of hardening needles in oil instead of water, as the oil did not crook them so much, and therefore the same labour in straightening them was not required. Hardening is effected by making the needles red hot in an oven, and suddenly throwing them into a tub of cold water. This sudden cooling of the steel makes it as brittle as a piece of glass. The needles will now break almost with a touch, indeed, in this condition, they would be as useless as in the soft state; but by raising their tem- perature to about 600 degrees, and by allowing them to cool gradually, the required degree of elasticity is given. The needles now require considerable force to break them, and if bent should spring into a perfectly straight line. The hardening and tempering processes are very defective at the present time, and there is ample scope for improvement in this department in the construction of an apparatus for ascertaining the heat 24 HISTORY AXD DESCRIPTIOX of the fire instead of the hardener being left to liis own judgement. The crooked needles are mostly straightened by women at their own houses. The straighteners assembled at Eedditeh, and passed res- olutions to put down the process of hardening in oil. Joseph Turner was several times mobbed at lledditoh, and at length removed to Sti^atford-on-Avon, but finding that town unsuitable for needle making, he retui-ned to Redditch, when the public opinion had cooled down. All the commoner qualities of needles are now hardened in oil, but it is foimd not to answer for better goods. The straightening of needles is a very tedious process, and often very imperfectly per- formed, the marks of the hammer being fi-equently left on them. It is a singular fact that, although so many needles are hardened in oil, yet the straighteners all find constant emplojTnent. About this time Dr. Holland inti'oduced the fan- blower in connexion with the grindstone, by the proper application of which the dust is eftcctually removed from the workshop to the exterior of the building. Dr. Holland's fans soon came into use in Sheflield and Hathersage ; but no attem^it was made to inti-oduce them in the needle district. In 1842, A. Morrall made an improvement in darning needles, by making the eyes oval ; by this means they are much easier to thi-ead, and from which they derive theu- names, rh. "Egg-eyed Darners," the eyes are also biu'ni'^hed by the patent process. In 1844 the operative needle makers formed a trades' union among themselves. In 1846 the needle pointers "struck" for an advance of wages, although thoy were earning from 2£ to as high as 6£ per week. Only little sldU or labour is requii-ed in the process of pointing ; but in consequence of the needles being groimd on a dry stone, the dust is inhaled by the pointer, and settles on his lungs, so that his life is of short duration, seldom exceeding 35 years. Their wages were mostly spent in intoxicating liquors and other degrading practices, theii- maxim OF ^^:EDLE MAKING. 25 being *'a short life and a merry one." The pointers were about the most degraded part of the population of the district : only about one in six could write his own name. Benevolent men had often sought to refoiTu this state of things. The Society of Arts offered a premium for the invention of an apparatus which should prevent the entrance of the dust into the lungs of the dry grinder. In 1821, J. H. Abraham of Sheffield, sent to the society a model of a mouth guard, which was approved of and found to answer when used by the needle pointers ; but they refused to use it for no other reason than the fear that it would tend to reduce their wages. The poraters continued to act thus tni the time of the before-mentioned strike in 1846. The manufacturers refused to give the ad- vance, and the money of the pointers was at length all gone, so that the greatest distress prevailed amongst them. The masters now called a meeting to arrange the pri- ces to be paid to the poraters; for some sorts of needles the prices were advanced, and for others reduced. It was also arranged that Abel Morrall should go to Sheffield, to inspect the fans used by the griaders, and bring back a report to the needle manufactiu"ers, which was done, and the fans introduced into some of the mills that were under the control of manufacturers. This strike continued nearly twelve months, and the pointing being one of the lirst processes, before the strike was at an end almost all the needle makers were out of work, and the manufacturers' stocks were sold off. The pointers had not only to contend with the manufacturers, but the public opinion was against them ; the press also took up the subject, and the pointers at last beginning to doubt the goodness of theu' cause \^ished to return to their work again on the terms proposed by the manufacturers. Although the pointers began to use the fans with great reluctance, they soon came to approve of the new system ; as be- fore the introduction of these fans the workmen were enveloped in dust, which prevented them having glass ■wdndows in their part of the mill — the Light being ad- 26 HISTOEY A^D DESCEIPTION mitted by holes witli wooden lids over them. The fans are constructed with a kind of funnel placed immedi- ately behind the grindstone, which has a metal tube extending to a box atthe bottom of the stone, in which the fan revolves, thereby producing a draught of air down the fimnel which takes off the particles of dust, leaving none to ily about the room. It may be said that this arrangement has been generally employed about 12 or 14 years, and already a markei change is evident in the needle pointers as a body, they are no longer that dissipated class they were, ' although much yet remains for improvement. Some years previous to the pointers' strike, a pointing machine was invented by one of the Cockers, a wire manufacturer of Hathersage. The machine could not compete -vsith the pointers in speed, there- fore it was not used. At the time of the strike it was sent to the needle manufacturers at Eedditch, but was purchased by the pointers and broken. A case of needles was sho~«Ti by Cocker & Son, of Hathersage, and one by Cocker & Son, of Sheffield, at the Great Exhibition of '51 ; but we are informed that no needles are made in Sheffield at the present time, and R. Cook, is the only needle maufacturer at Hathersage. Chapter X. The question has often been asked in magazines, why are needles made in Eedditch, when there is no river nor any apparent cause likely to attract needle making to that place l" This question may be answer- ed by stating, that of late years public writers have treated needle making too much as alledditch question, taking it for granted that the art of needle making took its rise in that place ; but it is not more than 40 or 50 years since Eedditch was only a third rate nee- dle making village ; and in 1 700 a greater quantity of needles were made by one lii'm in Studley, than were produced by all the needle makers at Eedditch. In 1700, Studley was the principal place for needle making in that locality, and the trade is supposed to OP NEEBLE MAKTKG. 27 have taken its rise at Stndley : a very pretty village and parish, in the County of War-wick ; it is 15 miles Soiith of Birmingham, 4 North of Alcester, and only 3 mil^s from Redditch. Although there is no trace of any river at Redditch, there is a small rapid stream, called the river Arrow, which takes its rise at the Lickey Hills, near Broomsgrove ; and when it enters^ TVar-svdckshire it is a good sized and useful stream. It passes through Studley and Alcester ; and turns a goodly number of old mills used in grinding and scorning needles. Emery stones are found in this stream, which are ground to powder in the mills, and used with oil and soft soap in scouring needles. These are all the processes in needle making re- quii'ing mill power. The wire and other necessaries in the art can easily be procured in Birmingham; and the Birmingham factors send off large quantities of needles, with other goods to all parts of the world. There may be other reasons why needles are made there; as all attempts to make it into a staple trade of any other district, have so far been unsuccess- ful. It is very difficult to establish a needle manufac- tory out of the needle district. As a general rule only the worst workmen can be obtained, as the others will not leave theii- own district, those who do, only remain a short time ; so that the manufacturer cannot depend upon liis workmen stopping with him. The people of' other districts do not easily learn the art — ^those who have tried to establish this branch of manufacture in Birmingham, say, that the children do not learn so soon to be useful in a needle manufactory as the natives of Redditch or Studley ; therefore if the man- ufactm-er succeeds in establishing himself no other maniifacturer will foUow him, and in all probability he T\dll not be able to make the best goods for a con- siderable time. The workmen who went from the needle disti-ict to France, returned long before the expiration of the time for which they were engaged. There is a needle manufactory at Chesterfield, estab- lished by Henry Essex, of Studley, who is now endeavouring to introduce needle making into the state of New York. 28 HISTOET AND DESCEIPTION An attempt was made about ten years ago by a London bouse, to establisb a needle manufactory at Long Crendon ; but it bas recently removed to Red- ditch. Xeedles bave been made at Long Crendon ever fiince tbe time of Cromwell ; but tbe needles made in tliis tillage were principally sail, packing, and surgeons' needles, also netting needles and knitting pins. Tbis txade was carried on in private bouses, in tbe same way in wbicb needles were generally made in tbe Seventeentb Century. Tbere is no river at Long Crendon, and it is by no means well situated for needle making. An attempt was once made in tbis ^-illage to scour tbeir needles by wind mills, but it did not answer. Fisb books were also made bere, and in tbe neigbbourbood of Eedditcb, but it is quite a seperate trade from needle making ; but tbey are often sold by needle manufactui-ers. Steel crochet books, and all kinds of needles for fancy work are made in tbis locality, by tbe workmen v>'ho came from Long Cren- don, and tbey supply tbe manufactiu-ers vriih them. These goods are made by hand in private houses. Abel Morrall was the first to make crochet hooks by stamp and press, for which a London bouse unfaiiiy obtained a patent. Chapter XL Most of tbe needle makers have agents in London, and many of the London houses have tbeir own names put on the needle labels ; but whatever be the names or addresses, it is nearly certain the needles were made in the neighboiu'bood of Redditch. Tbe inice of needles varies from ninepence per thousand and upwards. The common qualities are sold to Hawkers, who impose upon the public by representing themselves to be needle makers out of work. Xo respectable manufacturer will put his name on needles sold by this class, and tbe names on such labels are therefore fictitious. The only way to procure good needles is to go to some well Ioiotvti shop, and the best needles should not be charged more than one shilling for a OF JfEEDLE MAKING. 29 hundred. There are in most toT^Tis shops noted for needles, often kept by a venerable old lady, and these are the best places for good needles, thimbles, and other odds and ends ; those who encourage hawkers will realise in their own experience, Mrs. Harris' soliloquy while threading her needle : — Oh ! dear a me, what needles ! well really I must saj- All things are sadly altered, for the worse too, since my day; The pins have neither heads nor points, the needles have no eyes, And there is ne'er a pair of scissors of the good old fash- ioned size. The very bodkins now are made in fine new fangled ways; And the good old British thimble is a dream of other days; I'm sure I often ponder with a kind of awful dread, On those bold spinning jennies that go off on their own head ; Thcsepower-loomsand odd machines, those whizzing things with wheels. That evermore keep moving, besides one really feels So superanuated like, and laid upon the shelf, "When one sees a worsted stocking get up and knit itself I MBS. »'OETO^^ A stranger about to visit this district for the pur- pose of seeing needles made, will do best to go free of engagements with any manufactm-er, as the trade is open to inspection throughout the needle making villages. The visitor should proceed byrail to Eedditch, thence to Alcester, and return to lledditch along the river side. In addition to the old mills and the beautiful scenery, there are antiquated mansions, ivj- clad churches, studded here and there, which are sure to interest and gratify the lover of the picturesque. Studley MUl belongs to the well known firm of Abel MorraU, which was the first to bring out the celebra- ted grooveless and egg-eyed needles. Near to this mill is the old Priory, with, its stately avenue of ehns and the sociable rooks ; so often found near ancient mansions. This Priory was founded by Lord Peter de Studley, in the reign of Henry II. The old Manor House is also near to it. Farther on is Washford 30 HISTOEY AXD DESCRIPTION Mill, formerly the manufactory oftlie celebrated Joliii and Matthew Mills, who removed to Beoley MiU, and were succeeded by Morrall, Archer, and MorraU, now used by Millward & Sons, of Redditch, for pointing and scouring their needles. And near to this mill are Ahel MorraU' s needle works, and the house of Wm. Bradbury, the last indi\idual engaged in needle making by hand. Then pass over the old forge bridge, from which a view of the river is very beautiful; near to it is Ipsley Mill, and on that eminence is the Parish Chm-ch and Ipsley Court, the Bii-th place of "Walter Savage Landor. After leaving here, a pleasant walk of a mile brings us to Redditch, which is delightfully situated on a hill on the western borders of "Worces- tershire. The manufacture of needles and fish-hooks is carried on here to a great extent. Opinion seems prevalent in the mind of the public, that needle making is exclusively confined to Redditch — such is not the case — the manufacture of needles is by no means confined to that place, but, like the Potteries of Staffordshire, it is the staple trade of a disti-ict, of which Redditch may be called the capital and Studley the centre. And there is scarcely a ^-illage within ten miles that does not contribute a share of these useful articles. The trade can be traced to and fro between Alcester and Studley. The oldest firm in Redditch is that of H. Millward & Sons ; it dates from the year 1730, but at first their needles where mostly made at Studley. The next oldest firm in Redditch are the Holyoakes & Gould. The Chillingworths can-ied on an extensive needle trade at the old forge mill, near Redditch. At Studley, in addition to those other-^-ise mentioned, were the elder Charles Rawlins, Himiphi-ey Hays, and William Hewitt. At Alcester, William Archer, John and Joseph Scriven, and others. Chapter XII. Thus far have we given a concise history of the progress of needle making up to the year 1851. We will now say a little about the machinery of Abel MoiTall. or NEEDLE MAKING. 31 On its becoming knowTi in the needle district that A. Morrall intended sending his needle machinery to the Exliibition, the needle makers remonstrated strongly against it, fearing, as they said, that foreign- ers would take the trade away from the country ; but when they found him determined they offered him a large sum of money to refrain. This he declined, and still persisted in exhibiting his machinery. Thi'eats were then held out that Ms property would be des- troyed. Many letters passed between Abel Morrall and the Executive Committee of the Great Exhibition; the Committee being as anxious that needle maldng should be shewn, as the needle makers were that it should not ; yet up to the day before the opening of the Exhibition, A. Morrall was undecided whether to work his machinery or not, however, at last he con- cluded to work it ; and from the opening to the close, needle making attracted a large share of public attention. A. Morrall exhibited needle makiiig as done by hand, in addition to the machinery, 200, 000 needles were given away to visitors in the month of May. Many of the nobility examined the machinery — the Duke of Wellington and the Duchess of Gloces- ter were frequent visitors, — a single needle was made for the Prince of Wales at his own special request, vdiich he took away. On the 16th. June, the Queen, Prince Albert, and suite inspected the machinery. The Queen examined each process, and was pleased not only to express her satisfaction, but to accept from the inventor specimens of needles in their differ- ent stages of manufacture. The Queen asked many questions respecting the progress of this useful art in England — as to the nimiber of people employed before machinerj^ was introduced — the quantity of needles made per week, — the number of persons now employ- ed, and needles made. The Queen was much pleased to find that the introduction of machinery had caused more emplojTuent for the people, and ordered the questions and answers to be entered in a book. The Duchess of Kent afterwards requested some specimens the same as presented to the Queen. 32 mSTOKY AND DESCEIPTION Needle making was equally attractiye to all classes, a great number of the working people of Lancasliire, and Yorkslm-e brought home, at least, one needle made at the Exhibition. Chaptee XIII. Abel Morrall's machinery is thus described in the catalogue : — "jIoekall, a., Studley Works, Warwickshire, Inyentor and Manufacturer of machinery for maldng needles, viz., a stamp for making the heads of needles; a press, mth double punch, for making the eyes of two needles at one time ; machinery for filing the burr oif needles, caused by the stamping; a di-ill; and a model of A. Morrall's patent machine, which burnishes the eyes of 12,000 needles at one time, and it is computed that a good workman may caiTy a hundred thousand needles per day thi'ough this stage, whilst in that of eyeing, in which formerly only 400 or 500 per hour could be completed — 4,000 per hour are now easily produced. In the filing, 500 an hour was under the old system, a fair amount of work, now, 40,000 in a day of ten hours is the estimated quantity, with the additional advantage of true making. OFFICIAL DESCEIPTIOX OF XEEDLE MAEXN'G. SEE DIAGRAM, PAGE 1. On the Case, — Class No. 22, — and it was honourably mentioned. The needle maker commences with the wire, which has been previously prepared for him, in the form of rolls about three feet in diameter— the size of the wire of course depending upon the kind of needles to be made. The workman takes two or three roUs together (in aU three or foui- hundred wires) and vdth a pair of large shears cuts thi'ough the whole. He then continues to cut ofi" the -wires, so that each may be long enough for two needles, — as in the emjraviny^ Pac/e 1 The \\Tres being cut, have next to be straightened, since each one possesses the same degree of ciu-vature OF NEEDLE MAKING. 33 as the roll from wliich it is cut. This is eifected rapidly and perfectly, by placing from ten to fifteen thousand into two iron rings, which stand parallel with each other, and after having made the whole red hot in an oven, rubbing the wires to and fro by a bar of iron, which is partly curved, by which means each wire is made to rotate upon its axis, and thus its highest parts are pressed upon until it is broiight to a straight line — the whole operation not lasting more than two or three minutes. The wires are now ready for pointing, bearing in mind that they are each long enough for two needles, we can readily under- stand that it will be necessary to point both ends, in fact they are cut ofi' this length in a great measure for the convenience of holding them. The grinder then takes a mimber of these pieces in his hand, and points them, by causing them to rotate on a dry grindstone. They are now washed, then dried over a fire, and placed singly between two dies, which flattens the wire in the middle, and stamps the shapes of the heads of two needles, with indentations for the eyes, and also to mark the place of separation. The wires thus pre- pared, are taken to a hand press, and by means of a double pimch, both the eyes of the twin needles are made at one time. The next process is gone through by children : each child takes two wires in its hand, on which it places about fifty double needles, to facil- itate the process of filing, which is done by fastening the wired needles down on a strip of wood, by means of steel springs, worked by a treadle under the foot of the workman, who moves a iile over the needles until the projections caused by stamping are removed. They are now turned and the other side is filed, then placed in a kind of hand- vice, and the upper part of the double needles are moved backwards and forwards between the finger and thumb until they are broken into two. The tops of the heads are then filed round, and the roughness removed from the inside of the eye. The needles are next hardened, by being ranged in quantities on iron plates, and placed in a furnace until they are red hot, when they are taken out and emptied 34 HISTOEY AXD DESCEIPTIOX into a copper, containing oil or water, and then tem- pered by being placed over a slow fire and allowed to cool gradually. The crooked needles are now straightened by a small hammer, one at a time, on an anrU., they are then gathered together, and mixed with oil, soft soap, and emery powder, wrapped in loose canvas, and placed in a kind of mangle worked by mill power, to be scoured. They are often taken out, washed, and redressed. This process takes about a week, and when done the needles are washed in hot water, and dried in saw dust. "Winnowing and sorting follow. They are now spread out in a line on a piece of wood, the heads projecting over one side, under which is placed a red hot iron, to soften that part of the needle previous to the eyes being bui-nished, to prevent them cutting the thread. The points are then set and the needles polish- ed, being held in the hand after the manner of pointing, and rotating on a wheel covered ^vith prepared leather, which is called a "BufiV They are now coiuited, 5 at a time, and wrapped in theu' well known papers, labelled, and tied up, 10 packets of 25 needles, in a lot, for sale. About 1 00 millions of needles are made every week in the needle district, and the best qualities pass thi'ough upwards of seventj' processes. One pound's worth of steel is said to produce about 70 £ worth of needles, and there are at the present time, 100 manu- factm-ers, and 10,000 people dependant on needle ma- king for theii' daily bread. "It is somewhat remarkable that the modern needle should have been produced in as primitive a manner as it is possible to imagine, till -within the last 40 or 50 years, machinery, properly so called, not having been introduced for its manufacture till \\dthin the period named. Still more sti'ange is it that the whole of the improvements made should have been eftected by the Morralls, although so many are engaged in the trade." Professor Crises Lecture on needle making. Chapter XIY. There were twelve exhibitors of needles, three from Redditch, two fi'om Studley, one from Birmingham, OF ]o:edle maexn'g. SS' two from Sheffield, one from Hathersage, one from Long Crendon, and two from Aix~la Chapelle. Eight medals were awarded for cases containing needles, fish- hooks and other things : two exhibitors of fish-hooks from Redditch, one of whom received a medal. One case of needles from Studley honoiu-ably mentioned. The folloTsdng needle maniifactm-ers' cases are placed in the Exhibition Museum, Kensington Palace, London: — Abel Morrall, Stiidley, William Bartleet & Son, and Gr. Boulton & Son, Redditch. Abel Morrall' s machine attracted considerable atten- tion in the Polytechnic Institution, Regent Street, London. The dies and punch used at the Exhibition, together with samples of needles, are now placed in the Museiun, at Peel Park, Salford. "With respect to the award of medals for needles, we may safely infer that the juries knew little of their qualities, as each needle was fastened at the bottom of the case, covered over with glass, and not opened by the juiy. William Dyce, reporter to the jury of Class 22, said in answer to a letter sent to him by A. Morrall, that the jury of Class 22 did not award him a medal for no other reason than that they considered liim a greater exhibitor in class 6 ; and it was through some mistake he had not a medal awarded for his needles, and the juries will do aU they can in their report to rectify this mistake, which was afterwards done by the juiies, declaring Abel Morrall the inventor of the grooveless needles : and those are the kind of needles for which medals were awarded. Abel Morrall addressed an appeal to the public, in the Times of November 8th., 1851, which, up to the present time, has not been controverted ; and although he had not a medal, A. Morrall is satisfied with the public's decision, and was therefore induced to become an exhibitor at the Dublin Exhibition, and his ma- chinery, being at full work duiing the whole time of the Exhibition, formed one of the most attractive inventions ; and daily contributed to the pleasure of thousands fi'om aU parts. On its return from Dublin it was shewn at an Ex - 36 inSTOEY AXD DESCfilPTIOI?- hibition at Oldham, wliere it was equally attractive. Here it was that the first Egg Eyed sewing needles were sold. J". Eimmer & Son of Aleester, and H. Millward & Sons, of Redditch, exMbited needles in glass eases, at the United States Exhibition. Honourable men- lion was made for Eimmer & Sons needles, and a medal was awarded to Millward & Sons, for their gold eyed grooveless needles. ''It has, by this time, become pretty generally felt, that the 'council medals' 'prize medals,' and 'honoura- ble mentions,' of 1851, are commercially of very little importance, however pleasant they may be to the recipients. "We buy our knives of this cutler, and our pianofortes of that maker, and our dinner plates of this potter, not because these manufacturers hold prize medals, but because the articles are good, and worth the money paid for them." — Chamber's Journal. When Abel Morrall returned home from the Exhi- bition, after inspecting some improvements made in his patent machine, for burnishing the eyes of needles, he began to carry out some ideas he entertained with respect to fluted sail needles, and elastic steel needles for shoemaker's use, which, latter were intended to su- persede bristles ; and they being at that time very high inprice, shoemakers and dealers in bristles were anxious for a substitute. In a short time all that were made by A. Morrall were sold, but shoemakers did not find them so pliable as bristles ; and were not disposed to lose time in adapting themselves to the use of needles, so long as they could obtain the more elastic bristle. It is only by training boys to its use, that the needle can be introduced into this business. Formerly bristles were used by sadlers and harness makers, now needles are used almost exclusively. In 1852, the author suggested to Abel Morrall the -desirability of making Egg Eyed Sewing Needles, ob- ser\ing that they would be useful to persons of defeo- tive sight. During the discussion as to making them, a letter was received from Lady Lifford, asking .if he had any sewing needles, with the Egg Eye ; aa or NEEDLE MAKING. 37 she was mucL. pleased with his egg eyed darners. (Xo. 1, the Egg eyed darning needle, the eye of which is thi-ee sizes larger than the common make No. 2. No. 3, the Egg ej^ed sewing needle used in the Manchester, Liverpool, and other Schools for the blind.*) In 1853, a few were made and sent out as "samples ; and many letters of approval were received, including one from the noble Lady just mentioned. By the year 1855, they became generally known, and they have nearly superseded the round eye : a marked progress since the Great Exhibition of 1851. In 1856, James Cottrill, of Studley, took out a patent for ma- chinery, to supersede hand labour in filing needles and other things. One is in constant use in Scotland, :filing tubes at the Caledonian "Works. In 1857, he also took out a patent for grooving or fluting the sides of sail needles, in the form of a bayonet blade ; this how- ever has made but little progress. The same person obtained a third patent in 1861 , for an invention which he calls a foiu* sided sail needle ; this in our opinion is a decided improvement, and deserves the gratitude and patronage of sail makers. James Cottrill justly describes it thus : — "This needle is superior to all others, in consequence of its having four equal sides instead of three unequal sides; a smaller hole is made in the canvas, allowing the thread to pass with facility, the eye being in a right line with two of its ^^ Angles,''^ In making, and mending tarpawling for covering lug- gage trains, these needles are found very advan- tageous, as they make smaller holes than the ordinary needles. Edward MorraU, (a nephew of A. M.) has invented a most useful machine for the needle trade. "We are not permitted to describe it until the patent is secured, — it ■^dll be shewn at A. Morrall's stall, Class VI B., in the International Exhibition. Some years ago, A. Morrall began to use a Trade Mark, which soon became noted and was therefore greatly imitated ; it no longer distinguished his goods :from others. In 1861, he had new labels engraved and entered at Stationers' Hall, adapting the crest of * See Diagram, page 1 38 HISTOEY A^'D DESCEEPTIOX the Morralls as Ids Trade Mark, namely, a Demi Griffin. We perceive by the Eedditch newspaper that a deputation of needle manufacturers is gone to London to give evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons, on the subject of Trade Marks. The manufacturers are now about to use Trade Marks, and it is desii-able that there should be a decided difference between each. CHAPTEr. XT. Sewing machines have within a few years made rapid advances in this country. It is already used for producing articles greatly varying both in material and form. To what extent they may ultimately affect labour, either that of needle producers or users, re- mains to be seen, — perhaps neither so much as might be expected. The sewing machine is quite useless without a good needle. If the inventors and makers of sewing machines would adopt a uniformity of nee- dles without a thick shoulder, it would be advan- tageous to the makers and users of such needles. We suggest to persons when ordering se^nng machine needles, to be very explicit, and if possible, to send a pattern. DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERINa NEEDLES. The length and substance of a needle should be proportioned to the particular work on which it is used. The Sharps are those usually called 'Se-^dng needles.' Short Sharps are suited for rather coarser work. This length of needle was first introduced by A. Mor- rail, for Tailors, but is often used for household work. The Ground downs are also for tailors, and are shorter than the Short Sharps. The Betweens are still shorter than the Grround downs, half a size thicker, and with stronger points ; they are useful for strong sheetings, stay-making, and shoe-binding. The Blunts are half a size thicker and a size shorter than Betweens, and have still stronger points, being suited for the heaviest work, such as bed-ticks, shoe- binding, stay-making &c. The larger sizes of Betu'eehs and Blunts, do for sewing carpets, and the smaller for binding hats. The Straw are suited for millinery and light work, and they are often made double length, for sewing fents in Manchester. The following is a form for ordering needles : — Sharps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 to 7 4 to 8 to 9 5 to 10 6 to 10 7 to 11 Short 123456789 10 Ground Downs 123456789 10 4 to 7 Betweens 123456789 10 Blunts 1 23 45 6789 10 Straw 123456789 10 Harness 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 Darners 1 23456 789 10 3to74to85to9 Double Long 16 17 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 &c Steel Netting Needles 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - — Rug ditto. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Stay Casing Needles 14 15 16 17 18" 19 20 Roimd Bodkins 14 15 16 17 18 in assorted g-rosses. Sewing needles are sold by the thousand, and the letter "m" is generally used In ordering needles thus, Im, Sharps, No. 7 ; the quantity should be placed over th« number. Large needles are ordered by the gross. Abel Morrall will send, on application, printed forms for ordering all kinds of needles and thimbles. It may be interesting and amusing to conclude with ^'The Husband's Complaint," and the * 'Wife's An- swer" respecting fancy work :— 40 THE HUSBAND'S COMPLAINT. I hate the name of German wool in all its colours bright; Of chairs and stools in fancy work I hate the very sight ; The shawls and slippers that I've seen, the ottomans and bagg, Sooner than wear a stitch on me, I'd walk the streets in rags. I've heard of wives too musical — too talkative — too quiet; Of scolding and of gaming wives, and those too fend of riot, But yet of all the errors known, which to the women fall; For ever doing fancy work, I think exceeds them all. The other day when I went home no dinner was for me, I asked my wife the reason, she answered one, two, three ; I told her I was hungry and stamped upon the floor, She never even looked at me, but mutter* d one green more. Of coiu'se she made me angry, — she didn't care for that, But chatters while I talk to her, a white and then a black, Seven green's and then a purple — just hold your tongue my dear, You really do annoy me so, I've made a wrong stitch here. And as for conversation with the eternal frame, I speak to her of fifty things she answers just the same ! 'Tis '-yes love, o red's and there a black, I quite agree with you, 'Tve done this wrong, 7, 8, 9, 10, an orange, then a blue. If any lady comes to tea, her bag ia first surveyed. And if the pattern pleases her a copy there is made ; She stares too at the gentlemen, and when I ask her why, *Tis; *• my love, the pattern of his waiscoat struck my eye. And if to walk I'm inclined ('tis seldom I go out,) At every worsted shop she sees, oh how she stares about ; And there 'tis, "Oh! I must go in, that pattern is so rare, ''That group of flowers is just the thing I wanted for my chair Besides, the things she makes are such touch-me not affaiis, I dare not even use a screen — a stool — and as for chairs ! 'Twas only yesterday I put my youngest boy on one, And tintil then, I never Imew my wife had such a tongue 41 Alas for my dear 'little ones, they dare not move or speak: 'Tis, "Tom be quiet, put down that bag, Harriet wbere's your feet ? Maria standing on that stool, — it "was not made for use, "Be silent all — three green's, one red. and then a puce. Ah! the misery of a working wife, with fancy work run wild, And hands that never do aught else for husband or for child; Oui" clothes are rent and minus strings, my house is in disor- der, And all because my lady wife has taken to embroider. I'll put my children out to school — I'll go across the sea, My wife's so full of fancy work, I amsiu'e she won't missme; E'en while I write she still keeps on her one, two, three and four, 'Tis past all bearing, on my word I'll not endure it more. THE WIFE'S AXSWER. Well to be sure, I never did, why what a fuss you make, I'H first explain myself, my dear, a little for yoiu* sake : You seem to think this worsted work is all the ladies do, A very great mistake of yours, so I'll enlighten you. I need not count, for luckily, I'm filling up just now. So listen, dear, and drive away those wrinkles from your brow : — When you are in your study, love, as still as any mouse. You cannot think the lots of things I do about the house. This morning after breakfast I heard the children spell, And I'm teaching little Mary to gather and to fell ; I paid my washing bill, and then I went to see What contents in the larder for our dinner there might be. I've finished Tommy's pinafore, and fed the green canary, I've hemmed a duster, & I've made a bonnet cap for Mary I've practised that concerto thing, you thought so very fine;; I've written all the notes, as well to ask our friends to dine. I'ye filledmy vaaes with fresh flowers, so fine they are & fall, And after that — I will confess — I sorted out my wool ; I've read that paper setting forth the sweet confiding trust, Husbands should cherish for their wives, and think it yery just. I've settled all my weeklj^ bills, and balanced my accounts, With a little lot of German wool to make up the amounts, Ah! now at last my reasoiiing eonviucrS you I know, That pleasant smile — and yes, my love — it does becom* you so ; Besides, to tell the truth, all the worsted work 1 do, My bag, my cushions k my chairs, art- in compliment to you, I made a set of night-shirts, and did you not declare That the rending of the calico was more than you could bear. I knit some lambs wool stockings, and you kicked up such a rout. And ask'd how soon my ladj'ship was going to have the gout! So now, my dear, entii'ply to please you I declare, I've worked this splendid arabesque upon my vesper chair. Two hearth-rugs and an ottoman, seven chairs, & after that 1 hope to do some groups of flowers, and a handsome car- riage mat. Enough of banter; yet believe one wordbefore we pai-t, — * The rtst perhaps was fable; but this is from the heart, — The loving wife, right cheerfully, obeys her husband still, And will ever lay aside her frame to meet his lordly will. HERALDIC DESCRIPTION OF Vert, three needles in fesse, each ducaUy crowned or. CREST,— A Moor's head couped at the shoulders, in profile, ppr. wreathed about the temples or. and gu. vested round the shoulders or. in his ear a pearh SUPPOETERS,— Dexter, a man; Sinister, a woman, both ppr. each wreathed round the waist with leaves of the last ; in the woman's hand a needle or. the suppor- ters are commonly called Adam and Eve. J. R. APPLETOX, F. S. H. BETDroH-, Printer, 55, Faulkner-st., Manchester. m^^mmmmmmwmmmmm^ TIME m ^^ --^^4r^^ W SUPEKIOR AliOIcA, CASHMimi, SILK, &c., ON HEELS, FOR MENDING. M "An Article brought out by a Manufacturer of Macclesfitrld, rriust prove a great convenience to our industrious wives and daughter?. The want of handy mending material for mi/ Stockings, (so long complained '.f,) is now supplied in all re- quisite colours and qiialities by thtse Bugle Mendings." Supplied Wholesale by Leading Houses in London and Manchester. Eetail by the Berlin Wool & Smallware Depots throughout the Kingdom. N.B.— Trade Mark, Tlie Bugle, Entered at Stationers' Hall. M111)]L1 MAHlBi" AMMio Michael Morhall is informed that a Family, named Quant, have used his name to forward their interests with Manufactui'ers & Merchants in obtaining Situations of trust, without his Authority. One of this Family held the Office of Book-keeper at 7, High Street, Manchester. He was discharged and a character refused by Michael Morrall. Q> 5^ K & ^s. ^ ajNij ^ MANUFACTUEEE OF EXTI^A QUALITY CROCHET COTTON. SUPERIOR, SEWING-THEEAD. STOCKPORT. L. ARDERN begs to intimate that his well-known "Extra Quality Crochet Cotton," may be had Wholesale from the Principal Warehouses in London, Manchester, &c., &c., and Retail from all first-class Haber- ■dashers throughout the United Kingdom. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, USED IX THE EOYAL LA.UXDEY, And Pronounced by HEE MAJESTY'S LAUXDEESS, TO BE THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. Sold by aU Chandlers, Grocers, &c,, «S:c. WOTHERSPOON & CO., Glasgow and Loxdox. BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. ^^ ^^5 <^S COTTPJLL'S '^m^ PATENT FOUR-SIDED SAIL NEEDLE. This Needle is superior to all others, in consequence of its lia^ang FOUR EQUAL SIDES, instead of tin-ee un- equal ones ; it makes a smaller hole in the canvas, and al- lows the thread to pass with greater facility'-, the Eye be - iug in a right line with two of its angles. It has been fully tested by the fii'st Sail Makers in Liv- ea^ool and Glasgow, and pronounced by them to bo *'in- fimtely superior to all others as a Seaming Needle," for tbe reasons above stated, admitting of a very bt autifal finish to the work. To the workman the superiority of this Needle cannot be too well known,, .its tlat sides at once adapting them- selves to the fingers, saving the workman much pain, and it is not liable to jump. It is also invalualtle to Tent Makers as no wet can ever follow this needle. SOLD BY RESPECTABLE NEEDLE MANUFACTURERS & SHIP CHANDLERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. GENERAL Ifo. 27, PICCADILLY, MAICHEgTER. AU kinds of Scotcli and ¥elsli Knitted Hosiery. UNITED KINGDOIVI ALLIANCE FOB THE IE6ISLATIVE SUPPRESSION OF THE LIQUOR TRAFEIC. PERMISSIVE BILL FOR THE Yoluntary ProMbition of tlie Lip-or Traffic. It is not proposed by tMs measure to ask for an impe- rial enactment there and then prohibiting the traffic in in- toxicating liquors, but simply to secure a reference of the question to public opiaion. Thus the law would not oper- ate •vrithiii such districts as were not wishful to secure its benefits, but would only take effect as to the lesults of a direct expression of a preponderatiug public opinion. Cf)c preamble of tljc Uill sets fotll) tljat.. ""Whereas the common sale of intoxieatingliquors is a fruitful source "of crime, immn-ality, pauperism, dlsea^e, insanity, aud premature "death; \^hcr«by not only ihe individuals wh-ipive way t« drinkiag '< habits are fjiunaedinto misery, but giifvous wrong is done to the per- *'sons and proj erty of Her Majestj 's subjects nt large, and the puMic rateu "endtaxe* are gr'atly aiigniented ; and whereas it is right and expedi- ^'ent toC'T.ter uj onthe ratepayers of cities, boroughs, parishes, and "township"! ibe po ver to prohibit sach common sale as* aforesaid — B© " it therefore "uacted, &c. The bill itself provides that, on application of any district, the votes of the ratepayers shall be taken as to the propriety of adopting the provisions of the act ; but that a majority of at least two thirds of the votes taken shall be necessary in order to decide that question in the affirmative. The act itself would when so adopted, prohibit within that district all traffic in intoxicating liquor for common purposes, but would leave in the hands of the justices the power to appoint an agent who should sell for purposes declared legal by the act. "^Theirof.oal of the Grrnd Allisnre well deserves a careful consid- eration--thf pLm ot erjabling r certain proporiion of the inhabitant* in every di.-t'ict--a prop- rtion considerably ai> ve the commercial major- ity-- to give the mwgistraies au honly for p'acing the district under a general r^i rei-sive act, passed with such modifications as, according to the act's privi>ioMs, maybe allowed in the peculiar local lirctimetanees.' Lord Beotigham's Address at iha Social ^cience Congress, Glasgow. United Kingdom Alliance Offices, 41, John Dalton-st., Manchester, and 335, Strand, London. HYD ROPATHIO MiATLOOK BANK, ITear Matlock Bridge, Station, DERBYSHIRE. CONDUCTED BY MESSES. DAVIS BROTHERS, Formerly at Mr. Smedley's Establishment, Terms:— Board, Lodging, and Baths, 2s. 6d. per day. The mild system of Water Treatment is carried out according to MR. SMEDLEY'S Books, which may be had at each Establishment. Matlock Bank can scarcely be surpassed for its Health Restoring Qualities. Each Establishment com- mands Fine Prospects, and at the same time are well shel- tered fi'om the Xorth and East Winds. SOUTH VIEW ESTABLISHMENT, CONDUCTED BY MR. & MRS. RALPH DAVIS. The Original Managers at Mr. Smedleys beg to return their grateful thanks for the patronage they have received and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same PROSPECT ESTABLISHMEIT. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Davis return thanks for past favors and beg to inform their fi-it-nds that since last sum- mer they have greatly increased their accommodation by ad- ding the adjoining premises. ~TOER~HOTISE ESTABLISHMEIfT, CONDUCTED BY MR. & MRS. GEORGE DaYIS, who beg respectfully to announce to the Public that they treat Patients on the same plans as practised at Mr. Smed- ley' 841. RS. MULLET'S Commercial Boarding House, 22, Broad-st., TJnioa-st., Aberdeen. HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, ROCK SIDE HOUSE, MATLOCK BANK, DEEBYSHIEE: Terms, 21s. to 25/6 per week. Prospectuses on application. Proprietor.— Mr. Charles Rowland. ILLIAM lEWIN, Stationer, Printer, Engraver, and Litbogi-aphpr, 5, Princess-st, MANCHESTEEi. APARTMENTS, MATLOCK BANK. ISXI^S. J. "V^AIjKEI^, Eeturns thanks for past favours, and begs to inform her friends that she has removed from Ash Cottage to more convenient premises No, 3, Rock Side Terrace. w JONAS BROOK & BROTHERS, MANUFACTTJUEES OF SEWING COTTON, MELTHAM MILLS, HUDDEUSFIELD. FOR SEWING MACHINES, Use Brook's Patent Glace for Upper Thread, and Brook's Pri^e Six" Coid (soft) for Under Thread, in 200 or 500 yards, "White, Black, and Colors. The Glace Thread -will be found an excellent sub- stitute for Silk, and being made from the best quality of Cotton, it retains its strength in -slashing, and is not in- jured by the friction of the needle. In the Inteexational Exhibition, Class 18, Messrs. Brook & Bros, exhibit a very handsome case of Cotton Threads, Crochet and Embroidering Cottons,. in various processes of manufactiure. They also exhibit in the Machinery department, Class 7a, i)t motion, a Self-acting Sewing Cotton "Winding Machine, a new and most interesting invention securing the correct lengths, and performing an exti'aor- dinary amount of excellent work. 20, Cannon Street, West, LONDON. 2, Port Street, MANCHESTER. 76, Castle Street, , BRISTOL. 25, Cochrane Street, GLASGOW. 117, BouLEYART de Sevastopol PARIS. 32, Vesey Street, NEW YORK. 4, Custom House Square, MONTREAL. DEMT & Co, DRAPERS, LEEDS, Will on receipt of 13 PENNY STAMPS forward post free in a neat morocco case, 100 of Abel Morrall's celebrated Egg-eyed-Needles. "Warranted to carry a Large Thread, not .to Cut in the Eye, nor Drag at the Head." HEGREAT SECRET in obtaining GOOD TEA is to purchase it at a proper Tea Establishment. The Best Places in Manchester are the Three Tea Establishments of WM. SATTERTHWAITE— the one on Piccadilly, nearly opposite the Queen's Hotel; the other at the top of Oldham Street, comer of Swan Street; and the third, 160, Deansgate, M anchester. Wholesale buyers, who can pay ready money, W'll receive every attention o" calling at he "^ holesale Deparfmpnt, 53, Piccadilly. The best and purest COCOA is Satter- thwai e'p Genuine 'J rinidad. SAMUEL SMITH Manufacturer by Patent Machinery of ECCLESHILL, l^ear LEEDS. THIIVJCBLES. MOKRAT L'S Thimbles have l.-ig been highly approved of. They are -tamped wiih a number which enal les cusomirs (o select the Sizps they require, to complete their as>ortment; they also bear the name of t!'e manufacturer. He stronaiy recommend* his Tailnrs' Best Steel ThimMes ;TheLadie<' Best Vt hi e Metal Thimbles, ccmbine tbe durability of st«- el with the liahtnes- a id other advantages cf Sterling Silver, tueir biightness increases with the length of wear. NEEDLES. ABEL 'MORRALL'S Needles can he obtained in most towns in the United Kingdom. The most convenient town or place to procure them may be ascertained by writing to miK&M.A'miLi HOBBiilLIL^^ NEEDLE AND THIMBLE WAREHOUSE, 7, HIGH STREET, MANCHESTER. MANCHESTER. WILLIAM SHIERS and Co., Manufactiu-ers and Im- porters of Paper-hangings. An extensive stock of the Newest designs. Oil Painttrs and Upholsterers Articles, "Wholesale and Eetail and for Exportation. 3 and 5, DEANSGATE. S. nOTVLEY ^ & On., Manufacturers & Agents of SEWED AND PERFORATED EMBROIDERY, jVCUSLIISrS, STAYS, &o., 72, Eensliaw Street, Stretford Uoad, Mancliester. TEETH — EDWAhD mi ES^ the Cicy ol Lonrl n D -ntist, 15, Liverpool ST., Bi-hopgate Ch'irch. cnnti ue? ihe use fth* Best "Workmansh p in f-et- ot Ti eth and sarh as cannot bi'txcelled io London. Amsrica, or Paris, adnptiufr it to pvry I'atcni pnd to all hi« New Inventions, .3d, A'tendancp^d.ier da> .---'1 E-TllNK tMALy.-- « ehave great pl*-asure in re'-rimnif ndins Ptarr's Hutel, as being a perfectly < lean Comfortablt', and well-conducted Kstablishm-nt, and intend making it our ' Home" when in London." — Handel Cosi-ham, E~q. Bris ol; Cyrus and Jnmes Clark, Esq<. Streer, 'Ihos Whittaker, Esq. Scarboro; Alex Graham, Esq. London He el Glasgow; J. Bowme, Temprance Hotel Oldht m Street. Ma' cheste..^— N.B — In order to secure accom- odtttion it is advisable to write a few days in advance. E. ALCOCK'S, TEMPERANCE HOTEL & COMMERCIAL BOARDING HOUSE. 11, FISH STREET, MYTONGATE, H XJ L Ij , IN THE CllNlRE OF BUSINi-SS, ?v>ar the Railway Station and Landing Place of the Packets, Daily .News, Hull Advt-rti-er, Railway Tim:' lahles. Correct Informatou risj ecting Pac ets, Coaches, and the Railways. Cho] s, Steaks, Tea and ('> ffee at any hour. UNICORN WORKS; REDDITCH, Manufacturers of every description of Fish Hooks & Fish- ing Tackle.— Specimens shewn in Class 22, Birmingham Court at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. Merchants and Dealers supplied on the B. st Terms. GOODMAN'S mM^^^ ELASTIC STEEL PATENT ^^^g^^ PINS WITH f'INE POINIS^ IX WHITE, PURPLE & BLACK. A Sample Packet sent free by Post for Eight Starops. ROWLKY'S PatcntSHfetyNurse-y 1>RESSAND'-HAWL PINS. A Choice assortment of ^EEDLE BOOKS, BOXE», &c. Registered Crochet IIook.s, with coiled Handlts. Ready Threaded Needle and Cotton Box. (Eegistered) Needle Points for Cabinet Makers. «EL MORR ALL'S NEEDLK WAKEHOUSE, 7, High Street, Manchester. A M AXLOOK, WANTED TWO PAIR .f SECOXD-HAND GATES, inwrought iron, for a Coaury i^esidewce.... width between posts, 9orl0feet apply 7, High-st., Manchester. WIEE k VENETIAN BLIND MA.KER, BIRMINGHAM. YEOMAN & K N A P M A N , Hosiers & Haberdashers, The oldest Establishment in Liverpool for Abel Morrall's Needles. Every description constantlv on hand. Eenshaw House, 24, Eexsha^v Street, LIVERPOOL. xomm EraBT & bqk, GxiS CHA>TDELIEE MANUFACTURERS, 15, Piccadilly, Manchester. ANTIQUITIES, CURIOSITIES, ORNAMENTS. - JACKSON'S CEMENT sur- passe* m neatness, in srrcngtli, in cheapness, and retains it« Tirtnes in all elimfctes. It haa stood the te»t of time sind iH all ouarters of the world-— Sold b'j CheinisU, dc, and by the Wholesale Houses.— A Sample Bottle per Post, free for 14 Stamps, from the Proprietor, StrarCgevags, Manchetttr. J. KIRBY. OF Tiles, Steel, and Table KiiiYes, MEABRO' WORKS, Near ROTHERHAM. G^. ^W, KIHBY'S COMMERCIAL TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 4, Market Street, ^ ^ SHEFFIELD. JOHN MAT HER, dealer in Derbyshire Spar Ornaments Dob Lane, Matlock Bank. M ORRALL'S BROTLIERS, Coopers Sc Basket Makers, 8, Park Street, Leamington. AND EilE SEATIIG MAMPACTOEY, HANOVER WORKS, RIGA STREET, GUIDE TO HEALTH, BY A. I. COPEII, M. D. THE S2N1D, EDITION, In its Original Simplicity. HAVE NO MORE BLEEDING, BLISTERING, OR poisoNiisrG^. PRICE SIX SHILLINGS. Sold by JOHN SYKE^, Wooldale, near Hudder*.fleld ; W. IBWIM 5, Prince»8-st., and M. Moirall^ 7, High-St., Mancheeter. UCSB LIBRARY y-5^^") SPIXNERS AND MAXLTACTUREKS OF 2, 3, 6 & 9 CORD SEWING COTTON, THE CELEBKATED Cr0cljet aub Guipure €atim, Crocliet, Guipure, Lacet, Tatting, Applique; & Embroidery "Work^ EMBEOIDERT COTTON, MOEAYIAN COTTON, Jflaurbljiitg i; piteit S^bnn;trs, BRIDGE MILLS, BLACKFRIARS, MANCHESTER. ABEL MOEEALL, Inventeur G. D. G. Des aiguilles sans cannelure et a trou oval; On garantit que ces aiguilles peuyent contenir un fil assez gros, qu'elles ne le coupent pas a Fendi-oit du trou, et que la tete passe a trayers le tissu sans jamais I'endommager. Les aiguilles a coudre et a broder de M. Moeball faites du meilleur acier, dont la trempe est elastique, sont d'un poll des j)lns pur; les trous ont la forme ovale et sont faeilement enfiles meme par les personnes d'un age ayance. Com me elles sont perforees et polies en meme temps au moyen de la Macliine Breyetee de M. Abel Moerall, qui a pour objet de remplacer I'ancienne maniere de percer les trous; elles ne present- nent consequemment aucune asperite et font qu'il est impossible que les trous coupent le fil. On pent voir fonotionner les principaux precedes de cette fabrication dans la saUe destinee aux Macliines, au Palais de Cristal, de Sydenham, et au Exposition International, Classe 7, B., Londres. ediantillous, en boites, de 1-25. Maison de Commerce: 4, Gresham Street, City, vis- a-vis Aldermanbury, Londres. Fabrique: Studley, Comte de Warwick, Angleterre. Ces aiguilles se vendent chez toiis les Marchands de Nouveautes, Merciers, etc. M. ^C SC'^^'^t'^N REGIONAL LoRARV FACiLiT 1^1^ THIMBLES &c. SS A SI W 3F ^ © ^ 1^ 3E H 3^, INVENTOR OF THE Patent &rooYeless, & Egg-Eyed Needles. BLOND, PENT, STRAW, STAY- CASING, EMBROIDERY, BEAD, SHARPS. GROUND-DOWNS, BETWEENS, BLUNTS, RUG, CHENILLE, MATTRASS, PACKING, GLOVER'S, BLEACHERS; TAMBOUR-HOOKS, BODKINS. Cottrill's Patent Eoui' Square Sail Needles. CROCHET HOOKS, &c. &.C., WAREHOUSE 7, HIGH STREET, MANCHESTER, Studley MiUs, Warwickshire. The process of Needle Making shown at tional Exhibition, and at the Crystal Pala( teraa- yi n