FALOGUE OF THE V' AMBRIDGE PUBLlC [iBRARY GIFT OF SEELEY W. MUDD and GEORGE I. COCHRAN MEYER ELSASSER DR.JOHN R. HAYNES WILLIAM L. UONNOLD JAMES R. MARTIN MRS. JOSEPH F.SARTORI la Ikt UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHBRN BRANCH ^v This book is DUE on the last date stamped below .o7n-8,'26 -::-Z 881 C14 Jambrldge, I'ass. Fabllc libr.sry OatalOFTUc of the C arub r i c"'_2 e pu o 1 i c library. ^^r-^^-Z-tTSr: 1 w.' r ?rar Southern Branch of the University of California Los Angeles Form L I 01^ CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY 88 7 BOSTON RAND AVERY COMPANY jpranfelin Prcsa 1887 I N' 1 ConimontDcnltl) of ac^nflEflfacftuscttief. An Act for the Preservation of Books and other Property/ helongin>j to Public Libraries. Be it enacted, etc., as foixows : — Whoever wilfully and maliciousl}- or wantonl}' and without cause writes upon, injures, defaces, tears, or destroys an^' book, plate, picture, engrav- ing, or statue, belonging to an}- law, town, city, or other public librar}', shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the juil not exceeding six months, for every such offence. Approved, Feb. SG, 187S. CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY ITS HISTORY. The Cambridge Public Library had its origin in the Cambridge Athenseum, which was incorporated in February, 1849, for the pur- pose, as is stated in its charter, " of establishing and maintaining in the City of Cambridge a lyceum, public library, reading-room, lectures on scientific and literary subjects, and for promoting such other kindred objects as the members of the corporation shall from time to time deem advisable and proper." ^ In October, 1850, a lot of land, containing ten thousand square ^ feet, and situated on the corner of Main and Pleasant Streets, in H Cambridgeport, was presented to the corporation by Mr. Edmund T. gj Dana, of Cambridge, and accepted at a legal meeting held on the ^ twenty-fifth of that month. The deed of gift contained the follow- ^ ing conditions: 1st. That the corporation should, within two years, erect upon the land, and complete, so as to be fit for occupation, a building suitable for the purposes of the Cambridge Athenaeum, as set forth in the act whereby the same was incorporated. 2d. That the land and building (with the exception of the lower story and cellar of the building, which might be used for other purposes) should be used forever for the purposes of a lyceum, public library, reading-room, lectures on scientific and literary subjects, and for promoting other kindred objects, as set forth in the Act of Incor- poration. In the following year an edifice, named the " Athenffium," was erected upon the land presented by Mr. Dana, at a cost of about $18,000 ; it was dedicated and opened to the public in November, 1851. It appears, then, that one of the chief objects of this corpora- tion in obtaining a charter, and of Mr. Dana in his gift of land to the corporation, was the establishment and maintenance in the City IV HISTORY OF THE LIBRARY. of Cambridge of a Public Library. A reading-room, which was also contemplated, was abandoned, after trial, for want of support. In April, 1855, the Directors received official notice that the late Mr. James Brown, of Watertown, had bequeathed books to the value of $1,000 to the Athenaeum, and had directed his executors to pur- chase and deliver the same, agreeably to a list to be furnished by the Directors. Immediate measures were taken to establish the contemplated Library. A commodious room was set apart and furnished in the Athenjeum building; a code of Regulations was adopted; and a Catalogue was prepared and printed of the books received from the bequest of Mr. Brown, and of the few volumes contributed from other sources. The cost of printing the Catalogue, and the other incidental expenses, were defrayed by a timely donation of $250, made for that purpose by the executors of the will of the late Mr. Thomas Dowse, of Cambridge. After various delays incident to such undertakings, the Library was opened for the delivery of books in November, 1857. Miss C. F. Orne was appointed Librarian. According to the Regulations, any person residing in Cambridge, known to the Librarian, or recommended by any citizen thus known, was entitled to the use of the Library, upon the payment of one dollar per annum, and subscribing a promise to comply with the regulations adopted for its management. In March, 1858, the Athenieum Corporation disposed of its real estate and personal property to the City of Cambridge. The Library was also transferred to the City ; the City obligating itself to con- tribute not less than $800 per annum, for the term of fifteen years, for its support and increase, and to maintain it forever for the use of the inhabitants of Cambridge. In consideration of this obligation assumed by the City, Mr. Dana released the Athenteum Corporation from the conditions contained in his deed of gift. The "Athenaeum" tlienceforth became the "City Hall;"' and the " AtheniBum Library," now the property of the Cit}', received the name of the "Dana Lil)rary." The intentions of Mr. Dana in relation to the Library, which till 1879 bore his name, are evident from the following clause, being clause No. 23, of his last will and testament : — "I give to Edmund T. Hastings and to William W. Wellington, and to the survivor of them, fifteen thousand dollars, in trust, to appropriate the same in such manner as I may by any instrument in writing under my hand appoint." HISTORY OF THE LIBRARY. In a separate instrument, bearing the same date as the will, the testator did direct as follows : — " To Edmund T. Hastings and William W. Wellington, or whosoever else may execute the trust created by the twenty-third clause of my will: "The sum of fifteen thousand dollars, bequeathed by the said twenty-third clause, is to be paid over, if and whenever my trustees or trustee shall deem it expedient to do so, to the City of Cambridge, to be held by the said City in trust, as an entire fund, the income thereof to be appropriated annually, forever, to the increase and support of the library of the Cambridge Athenseum: provided, how- ever, that if and whenever my said trustees or trustee shall be of opinion that it is not expedient that the said sum of fifteen thousand dollars should be so appro- priated, the same to be paid over to my heirs at law; and provided, further, that the said capital sum be paid over, either to said City of Cambridge, or to my heirs at law, within three years from my decease. Edm. T. Dana." The Trustees appointed by the will, in an instrument signed by them and transmitted to the City Council, signified their intention to paj' this sum of fifteen thousand dollars to the City of Cambridge, whenever they should receive it from Mr. Dana's executor. It unfortunately happened that the instrument referred to in Mr. Dana's will and copied above, though signed by Mr. Dana, was not duly attested. It was therefore contended by the residuary legatees, " that, by the twenty-third clause in the will, nothing passed to the City of Cambridge, the same not being named as lega- tee ; and it not being competent for a testator, by a duly executed will, to create for himself a power to dispose of his estate to lega- tees by another instrument not duly executed as a will or codicil."' The case was brought, by the administrator, with the will annexed, before the Supreme Court of this State, which, after a full hearing, decided that the twenty-third clause in the will, with the unattested instrument signed by Mr. Dana, did not " create a valid bequest to the City of Cambridge."' Thus were the generous intentions of Mr. Dana frustrated ; and the munificent donation, which he designed for the Library, passed into the hands of his residuary legatees. In 1874 the Library was made free to the public, and in June of that year Miss Orne was succeeded by the present Librarian. In 1875 the Library was arranged by subjects, and a new catalogue was issued. In 1879, by vote of the City Government, the name of the library was changed to the Cambridge Public Library, thus identifying it more closely with the other public institutions of the city. HISTORY OF THE LIBRARY. The catalogue printed iu 1875 was followed by five supplements, and these by six bulletins. The library had increased, meanwhile, from seven to eighteen thousand volumes; and in 1885 the need of a new catalogue had become imperative. An additional appropria- tion of two thousand dollars being granted in 1886 for the purpose, this catalogue has been prepared. The present need of the Library is a suitable building of its own, for which it appeals to the generosity of the citizens of Cambridge. ORDINANCE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE IN RELATION TO THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ADOPTED JUNE 30, 1858, AXD AMENDED IN lS5i>, 187'.l, AND 1880. 1. The library. '• Monet3, how paid. ■2. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. »■ CERTAIN MONEYS TO BE PAID TO THE TRUS- " How ELECTED TEES. 7. DUTIES or Trustees. Librarian. 9. Such moneys to be in addition to appro- o. Moneys, how e.xpended. Fees. By-laws. priation. 6. Report of Trustees. Section- 1. The library, heretofore known as the "Dana Library," shall be called " The Cambridge Public Library." Sect. 2. The care, superintendence, and management of said library shaU be vested in a Board of Trustees, to consist of one member of the Board of Aldermen, one member of the Common Council, and five citizens at large, one of whom shall hold office for one year, one for two years, one fo" three years, one for four years, and one for five years, their sev- eral terms of office to be determined by lot, the same to be chosen in the month of January next ; and annually thereafter in the month of January one citizen at large, whose term of office shall be for five years from the third Monday in said January, unless sooner removed. Sect. 3. There shall be elected, annually, in the month of January, in convention of the City Council, one member of the Board of Aldermen, and one member of the Common Council, to serve for the current munici- pal year ; and one citizen at large, whose term of office shall be five years from the third Monday of said January ; and any vacancy in the Board of Trustees shall be filled forthwith in the same manner. Sect. 4. Said Trustees may choose from their number a chairman and secretary. They shall choose, annually, in the month of January, a suit- able person to be Ubrarian, who shall be removable at the pleasure of the Board, and shall receive such compensation as the Trustees may from time to time determine. viii ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE LIBRARY. Sect. 5. Tlie Trustees shall expend all monevs presented to the Hbrar3-, or appropriated by the City Council, for the purchase of books or the improvement of the library. They may establish such fees for the use of the library, and shall make and publish such needful by-laws and regu- lations, as shall extend the benefits of the institution as widely as prac- ticable throughout the community ; and all moneys received for the use of the library shall be paid quarterly into the city treasury. Sect. 6. The Trustees shall present to the City Council, annu.ally, in the month of December, a report of their proceedings, and a statement of the condition of the library, the number of books added during the year, with an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures, together with any other information or suggestions which they may deem desirable. Sect. 7. Xo money shall be paid from the city treasury on account of the library, except by order of the Trustees, and in pursuance of an order signed by the mayor ; and in no case shall the amount drawn exceed the amount appropriated for the library. Sect. 8. Whenever any moneys arc received into the city treasury, under the provisions of the two hundred and fiftieth chapter of the stat- utes for the year eighteen hundred and sixtj--nine the treasurer shall com- municate to the mayor, in writing, a statement of the amount received, and the mayor shall thereupon draw his order, directing the treasurer to paj- the amount to the Board of Trustees of the library, to be applied by them to the general purposes of that institution. Sect. y. All payments of money made in pursuance of the previous section, shall be in addition to the amount annually aiipropriatcd by the City for the library, and the amount thereof shall be added by the auditor to the appropriation. RULES AND REGULATIONS. I. Ant person residing in the citj- of Cambridge, above fourteen j-ears of age, who is known to the Librarian, or who may be recommended bj- any citizen, shall be entitled to the use of the Library, upon subscribing a promise to comply with such rules as may be adopted for its management. II. The Library shall be open for the delivery of books daily, from 2 to 8 o'clock P.M., (Sundays and legal holidays excepted,) and till 8.30 P.M. on Saturdays. III. Subscribers shall be allowed to take one volume at a time, and to retain the same one or two weeks, according to the class to which it belongs. Any book retained two weeks beyond the time allowed shall be sent for by the Librarian, and the expense of obtaining it shall be paid by the delinquent. No person owing a fine shall receive books from the Library until the same is paid. Books will not be exchanged on the day they are issued. One da;/ at least must elapse between the issue and the return of a book, provided another be wanted. IV. Every person entitled to the use of the Library shall receive a printed slip, on which must be entered the shelf number of the book that is desired ; and the presentation of this slip shall be the only mode of obtaining any book. V. To secure as far as possible equal advantages to all, any person keeping a book longer than the time allowed shall pay a fine of two cents per day, according to the class to which the book may belong, for each day until the book is returned. VI. Books that are of a rare and costly character, or from their size are unsuitable for general circulation, are placed in the Reference Library, and marked R. L. in the catalogue. These shall not be taken from the Library, unless by written consent of two of the Trustees. Persons enti- RULES AND REGULATIONS. tied to the use of the Library may receive such books for consultation in the rooms while the Library is open ; and the Lilnarian shall make an entry of the withdrawal and return of all books so taken. Any person neglecting to return a l)ook thus temporarily consulted, to the Librarian, shall pay the same fine as for a week's detention beyond the time pre- scribed by the Rules. VIL All injury to books beyoud reasonable wear, and all books lost, shall be made good, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, by the person liable. Every book detained more than four weeks shall be deemed as lost. AVriting on books, even for corrections of the press, is unx'Ondition- ALLY FORBIDDEN. (See the law on the back of the title-page.) VIII. No person, having a book from the Library, shall lend it to any one not a member of the same household. IX. No person will be allowed, under any circumstances, to take from the rooms any newspaper or periodical, unless the same is upon the Cata- logue, and issued as prescribed by Rule No. IV. X. All persons will be required to conduct themselves quietly while in the Library room, and no conversation will be permitted in the room. No person, unless ollicially connected with the Library, will be allowed access to the books on the shelves. XI. Any person abusing the privilege of the Library, by a violation of these regulations, or in any other way, shall be immediately reported to the Trustees, who may, if they think the case requires it, exclude such per- son for a time, or permanently, from the use of the Library, according to the nature of the offence. DUTIES OF THE LIBRARIAN. The Librarian sliall, under tlie Trustees, have charge of the room, Library, and all connected therewith, and be responsible for due care in keeping the same. He shall in person, or b3' an assistant, attend during the time of the delivery of books, and shall perform such duties in connection with the Library, as the Trustees may require. He shall enter, in a book to be provided for that purpose, every book when received, its cost if purchased, or the name of the donor if given, and shall cause it to be properly numbered on the back of the cover. He shall make an alphabetical catalogue of all books belonging to the Librarj', which shall be open to the public during the hours for the delivery of the books. He shall acknowledge all gifts to the Librarj-, as soon as they have been reported to the Trustees, and accepted by them. He shall cause all books, pamphlets, maps, etc., belonging to the Library, to be marked or stamped with the words — "Cambridge Public Librarj'. ' ' He shall cause every volume intended for circulation to be neatly covered with suitable paper, and to have attached to it such rules as are needful to be known bj' those who take books from the Library ; and no book shall be taken until it shall have been entered in the catalogue, and covered and numbered. He shall, once a year, immediately after the last Saturday in Novem- ber, present to the Trustees a detailed report of the condition of the Library, embracing the number of volumes, and such other facts as the Trustees may require. These rules and regulations, or any of them, may be repealed, amended, altered, or enlarged, at any legal meeting of the Trustees, by a majoritj' of the whole number. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, 1881. ALDERMAN, COMMON OOUNOIL. Edward R. Cogswei.i,. John H. Corcoran. OmZEHS AT L4EGE, (Term, five years.) Jabez a. Sawyer (elected 1883). Henry H. Gu.more (elected 1885). Joseph J. Kelley (elected 1884). Charles Walker (elected 1886). Samuel L. Montague (elected 1887). SECRETARY, Charles Walker. LIBRARIAN. Almira L. Haywaud. ASSISTANTS, Ellen F. Lowell. Etta L. Russell. FORMER TRUSTEES. MATOBS. John Sargent, 1858, '59. Charles H. Saunders, 1868, '69. James D. Green, 1860. Hamlin R. Harding, 1870, '71. Chas. Theo. Russell, 1861, '62. Henry O. Houghton, 1872. George C. Richardson, 1863. Isaac Bradford, 1873-75. Z. L. Raymond, 1864. Frank A. Allen, 1877. J. Warren Merrill, 1865, '66. Samuel L. Montague, 1878, '79. Ezra Parmenter, 1867. James M. W. Hall, 1880. XIV BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ALDERMEN. John Remick, 1858 James P. Richardson, 1859, '60. Levi L. dishing, jr., 1861, '62. George H. Folger, 1863, '64. Joseph II. Tyler, 1865. Sumner Albee, 1866. William Page, 1867, '68. John S. March, 1869, '70. Joseph A. Holrn&s 1871, '72. Hamlin R. Harding, 1873. WiUiam L. Whitney, 1874, '75. George F. Piper, 1876, '77. James A. Fox, 1878. Moses G. Howe, 1879, '80. Henry H. Gilmore, 1881. John W. Fairbanks, 1882. Samuel W. McDaniel, 1883, '84. Edward R. Cogswell, 1885-87. Marshall T. Bigelow, 1858-60 Jared Shepard, 1861. Joseph H. Tyler, 18G2. George P. Carter, 1863. Samuel H. Folsom, 1864. Sumner Albee, 1865. Charles W. Eliot, 1866. Jabez A. Sawyer, 1867. Alvaro Blodgett, 1868. Gustavus A. Smart, 1869, '70 John COUNCILMEN. James Richardson, 1871. Jo-shua (i. Gooch, 1872. George F. Piper, 1873-75. Edward P. Tucker, 1876, '77. Isaac A. Nay, 1878-80. William B. Durant, 1881. Samuel W. McDaniel, 1882. Charles Bullock, 1883. C. G. H. Bennink, 1884, '85. Edgar B. Champlin, 1886. H. Corcoran, 1887. George Livermore, 1858-65. William W. Wellington, 1858-73 Anson Hooker, 1858-69. Charles Deane, 1865-75. Anson P Hooker, 1870-74. John S. March, 1873-84. John B. Taylor, 1874-76. Hersey B. Goodwin, 1876-85. CITIZENS AT LAEGE, Edward P. Tucker, 1878-80. John Conlan, 1881-83. George H. Folger, 1881-83. Samuel L. Montague, 1881-87. Joseph J. Kelley, 1884-87. Jabez A. Sawyer, 1884-87. Henry H. Gilmore, 1885-87. Charles Walker, 1886-87. THE CATALOGUE. The present catalogue contains about eighteen thousand five hundred volumes. It has been prepared by Miss Lizzie A. Williams, from the Librarian's card catalogue. The books are entered b}^ author, and title or subject, most of them appearing twice. Histories and works of travel will be found under the countries of which they treat, and also under the sur- names of their authors. Biographies appear under the surnames of subject and of author. Works of fiction may be found under their authors, or the first word of their titles not an article. The subject entries are limited to those which seemed indispen- sable, and include. Archaeology, Architecture, Arctic explorations. Art, Astronomy, Bible, Biography (general works). Botany, Chem- istry, Christianity, Cookery, Costume, Drainage, Drawing, Education, Etiquette, Electricity, Fish and Fishing, Games, Gardening, Geology, Health, History (general works), Home, Literature (general works), Music, Mythology, Ornithology, Painting, Physics, Political economy, Religion, Socialism, Steam engine. Telegraph, Voice culture. Woman, Zoology, and others less important. An author's name is followed (1) by his biographies, (2) by criti- cisms upon his works, and (3) by the works themselves. The possessive form of a word is made to directly follow the singular, for convenience in finding books having similar titles. Books in foreign languages will be found in a classified list at the end of the catalogue. Readers will always be cheerfully aided by the Librarian or her assistants, in the selection of books, or in seeking any information which the Library contains. ALMIRA L. IIAYWARD, Librarian. HOAV TO GET A BOOK. Catalories will be found on the tables in the waiting-room. Slips ol paper on which to write the numbers of such books as you desire are always to be obtained at the Librarian's desk. C'op\-, in full, upon the slip, the name and residence on the card 3-ou are using. Write the number before the period in the first column on the slip ; the number after it, in the second column ; do not use the third column unless j-ou need to specify which vol- ume of a work you desire. The card and slip, with the book which j-ou return, should be passed in at the receiving desk ; the new book will be delivered to you from the Librarian's desk. The slip upon which your book is charged is retained until the book is returned to the Library. The letters " K. L.," at the end of a title, show that the work is for reference only, and cannot be taken from the rooms, except upon certain conditions. (iSee No. VI. of the Rules and Regulations.) The Librarj" is arranged bj- subjects as follows : — Sections 1 and 11. — (All shelves numbered from 111 lo 211, and from 1111 to 1211).— BlOtiRAPHV. Sections 2 and 12. — Essays. Sermons, etc. Sections 3, 4, 9, and 10. — Fiction. Sections 5 and 14. — History and Poetry. Sections fi, 13, and 16. — Poetry, Science, and Art. Sections 7 and 17. — Travel, Foreign Languages, and Bound Peri- odicals. Section 8. — U.S. Pibi.ic Documents. If readers will remember this classification, the first figure or figures of the shelf number will give them the key to the character of the book selected. Juvenile books are on shelves numbered from 433 to 471. and from 911 to 94:1. A list of book.t in foreign languages will be found at the end of the catalogue. CATALOGUE. "A man's a man for a' that." [A novel.] N.T., 1870. 10° .38.5.4 Abbe Constantine. [A novel.] L. Halevy. X.Y., 1882. 16° 941.9 Abbe Tigrane. F. Fabre. N.Y., 1875. 12°. 132.17 Abbey, Heniy. The city of success, and othei' poems. N.Y., 1884. 12° 577.6 Abbey of Croyland, Ingulph's chronicle of. H. T. Riley, rmiis. London, 18.54. 12°, 514.3 Abbeys, canities, and ancient halls of England and Wales. J. Timbs. London, [n.d.] 2 V. 12° 474.13 Abbot, The. W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12°, 314.1 The same 315.1 Abbot, Francis E. Scientific theism. Boston, 1885. 12° 1248.18 Abbott, Benjamin V. Judge and jury. X. Y.. 1880. 12° "... 124.18 Abbott, Charles C. Naturalist's rambles about home. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1324.4 The same 1.327.13 Primitive industries of the North American Indians. Salem, 1881. 8° 677.11 Abbott, Charles E. Upland and meadow. N.Y.,1886. 12° 1249.8 Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian grammar. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 1237.9 and Seeley, J. K. English lessons. Bus- ton, 1872. 12° 235.18 Abbott, Edward. Long-look house. Boston. 1877. 1G° 441.32 Out doors at Long-look. Boston, 1878. 12° 446.20 Paragraph history of the U.S. Boston, 1875. 16° 566.17 A trip eastward. Boston, 1880. 16°. . . 913.20 Abbott, Ezra. Authorship of the fourth .gos- pel. Boston, 1880. 8° 284.18 Abbott, Jacob. American history. N.Y.,1860. 16° 541.23 Auyiist series. N.Y., 1871. 3 v. 16°. August and Elvie 436.1 Hunter and Tom 4.36.4 Schooner JIary Ann 436.2 Frnnconia stories. N.Y., 1850. 10 v. 16°. Malleville 435.1 Wallace 435.2 JIaryErskine 435.3 Mary Bell 435.4 Beechnut 435 . 5 Rodolphus 435.6 Ellen Linn 435.7 Stuyvesant 4.35.8 Caroline 435.9 Agnes 435.10 Gentle measures in the management of the young. N.Y., 1872. 12° 232.19 Abbott, .Jacob — concluded. Histories. N.T., 1854-60. 22 v. 16°. Alexander the Great 122.15 Alfred, King of England 122.19 Charles 1 122.22 Charles II 122 23 Cleopatra 122.3 Cyrus the Great 122.12 Darius the Great 122.13 Elizabeth 122.5 Genghis Khan 122.9 Hannibal 122.17 Julius Ca?sar 122.10 Margaret of Anjou 122.2 Mary Queen of Scots 122.4 Nero 122.18 Peter the Great 122.26 Pyrrhus ' 122.16 Richard 1 122.25 Richard II 122.20 Richard IV 122.24 Romulus 122.11 William the Conqueror 122.21 Xerxes the Great 122.14 Juno stories. N.Y., [n.d.] 4 v. 16°. Jimo and Georgie 435.27 Hubert 435.30 Marco Paul series. N.Y., 1852. 6 v. 16°. In New York 435.11 On the Erie canal 435.12 In Maine 435.13 In Vermont 435.14 In Boston 435 . 15 At the Springfield armory 435.16 Hollo's tour in Europe. N.Y., 187-3. 10 v. 16°. On the Atlantic 435.17 In Paris 435.18 In Switzerland 435.19 In London 435.20 On the Rhine 435.21 In Scotland 435.22 In Geneva 435.23 In Holland 435.24 In Naples 4.';5.25 In Rome 435 . 26 Science for the ijounrj. N.Y., [n.d.] 4 v. 12° Force 6.37.8 The same 1317.4 Heat 635.16 The same 1317.1 Light 635.15 The same 1317.2 Water and land 641.14 The same 1317.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 12< Abbott, J. S. C. American pioneers and fialrints. UaiiU'l Boone. N.Y., 1872. 12° , Kit Carson. N.Y., 1S7.3. 12° . Christopher Columbus. N.Y., 1875. David Crocljelt. N.Y., 1874. 16° . . Ferdinand de Soto. N.Y., 1874. 12°. Benjamin Franklin. N.Y., 1870. 12° Miles Standisli. Boston, 1875. 12° . Peter Stiiyvesant. X.Y., 1873. 12° . Austria, Empire of. N.Y., 1859. 8° . Christianity, History of. Boston, 1875 joo Frederick II., King of Prussia. N.Y., 1871 8° French revolution of 1780. N.Y., 18.59. 8°, Histories. N.Y., 1851-71. 10°. Cortez Henry IV Hortense Joseph Bonaparte Louis XIV Louis Philippe Maria Antoinette Philip, chief of the Wampanoags . . . Madame Roland Italy from tlie earliest period to the pres- ent day. N.Y., [n. d.] 12° Napoleon I., History of. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 8°, Napoleon at St. Helena. N.Y., 18.jr>. 8°. Napoleon and Josephine, Correspondence of. N.Y., 1850. 12° Napoleon IIL, History of. Boston, 1869. 8°, Romance of Spanish history. N.Y., 1869. 12° Russia, Empire of. N.Y., 1860. 8° . . . and Conwell, K. H. Lives of the presidents of the United .States. Boston, 1882. 8° . Abbott, Lyman. In aid of faith. [Lectures.] N.Y., 1886. 16° Laicus. N.Y., 1872. 12° Ed. How to succeed. [Essays.] N.Y., 1882. 16° Abbott, .Samuel. Ardenraohr. Among the hills. London, 1876. 8° Abelard and Heloise. A media;val romance, with the letters of Heloise. Mrs. A. S. Richardson, Ed. Boston, 1884. 16° . . Abell, Mrs. L. E. Recollections of Napoleon on St. Helena. London, 1373. 12° . . Abercrombie, John. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers. N.Y., 1855. 16° . Philosophy of the moral feelings. N.Y., 1S54. 16° Abiding memory, The. [Sermons with me- moir.] Richard Metcalf. Boston, 1883. 12° Ablett, AVilliara H. English trees and tree- planting. London, 1880. 8° . . . . Aboard the Mavis. A cruise about Long Island, by five boys and five girls. R. Markham". N.i'., 1S80. 8° Abolition of the presidency. H. C. Lock- wood. N.Y'., 1884. 12° Abominations of modern society. [Sermons.] T. DeW. Talmage. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . About, Edmond. Germaine. Boston, 1800. 12° Man with the broken ear. N.Y.,1867. 12°, Nose of a notary. Boston, [n.d.] 16° . . Kouge et noir. Phila., 1873. 12° . . . 162.5 161.15 147.22 715.11 133.8 147.23 177.11 212.22 521 1 .•)27.12 533.1 .530.10 122.28 122.27 122.6 122.1 122.29 122.30 122.8 122.31 122.7 .524.4 135.4 i:35.2 133.5 135.6 .534.8 526.6 1125.1 1247.8 412.0 1221.3 773.12 951.3 128.4 625.24 625.25 1225.7 1.326.8 448.9 1236.3 266.20 425.3 412.11 4.32.17 426.10 About, Edmond — concluded. Story of an honest man. N.Y., 1880. 8° . :I05.:.' Tolla. Boston, 18.56. 12° 114.21 About England with Dickens. A. Rimmer. London, 1883. 12° 775.13 About Grant. J. L. Swift. Boston, 1880. 12°, 104.7 About people. K.G.Wells. Boston, 18.85. 18°, 1241.4 About old story-tellers. D.G.Mitchell. N.Y., 1878. 12° 176.22 Above suspicion. Mrs. J. II. Riddell. Boston, J876. 8° .•".65.31 The same. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 0.54.1 Abrantes, Duchess de. Memoirs of Napoleon, his court, and family. N.Y., 1873. 2 v. 8°, 175.13 Abroad again; or, a fresh foray in foreign lands. C. Guild. Boston, 1877. 8°. . 402.11 Absaraka. Home of the Crows. Mrs. M. J. Carrington. Phila., 1808. 12°. . . . 724.14 Absentee, The: Madame de Floury; Emile de Coulanges; The modern Griselda. M. Edgeworth. N.Y., 18.55. 12° ... . 340.5 Abyssinia, Life in. M. Parkyns. London, 18.53. 2 V. 8° 2.57.6 Acadia, History of, from its discovery, to its surrender to England by the treaty of Paris. J. Hannay. St. John, N.B., 1879. 8° 490.20 Acadian geology. J. W. Dawson. London, 1808. 8° 043.5 Accidents and sickness. Help in. Boston, 1871. 16° 031.20 In case of accident. D. A. Sargent. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 16° 1.321.13 Accomplished gentleman. An. J. Sturgis. N.Y., 1S79. 16° 391.2 Achsah. A New England study. W. M. F. Round. Boston, 1876. 12° 414.24 Acoustics, Wonders of: or the phenomena nf sound. H. Radau. N.Y., 1870. 12°. . 63712 The same 1317. 5 Across the chasm. [A novel.] N.Y., 1885. 16°, 906.24 Across the continent. S Bowles. Springfield, 186.\ 12° 667. 18 The same 6*i2.8 Across the Pampas and the Andes. R. Craw- ford. London, 1884. 12° 786.16 Actaea, pseud. See Agiissiz, C. E. Acting and oratory. For public speakers, teach- ers, actors, etc. J. E. Frobisher. N.Y., 1879. 12° 682.3 Acton, R. .Our colonial empire. N.Y. , [n.d.] 18° 691.13 Actor's note-book. Leaves from an. G. Van- denhoff. N.Y., 1860. 12° 225.24 Actor's tour, An; Seventy thousand miles with Shakespeare. D. C. Baiidmann. Boston. 1885. 12° 789.10 Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States, from the days of David Garrick to the present time. B. Mathews and L. Button, ICds. N.Y., 1886. 12° . 11. ',7 I. Garrick and his contemporaries. II. The Kembles and their contemporaries. Actors, and the art of acting. G. U. Lewes. N.Y., 1878. 12° 170 23 Actors, English, from Shakespeare to Mac- ready. II. B. Baker. N.Y.. 1870. 2v. 12°, 182.10 Actors, Our old. II. B. B.aker. London, 1881, 12° HIS. 18 Acts of the apostles, Evidential value of the. J. S. Howson. Phila., ISSO. 1:;° . . . 128.5 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Adfidem; or, Parish evidences. E. F. Burr. Boston, 1871. 12° 626.15 Adam, Alexander. Roman antiquities. N.Y., 1837. 8° 649.5 Adam Bede. Mrs. M. Cross. N.Y., 1859. 12°, 337.15 The same 337.29 Adam Hepburn's vow. A tale of kirk and covenant. A. S. Swan. N.T., [n.d.] 12° 974.19 Adam and Eve. [A novel.] L. Parr. Phila., 1S81. 8° 3i)5.4 Adams, Miss. Journal and correspondence of tUe daughter ot John Adams. 1785. Ed. by her daughter, Mrs. C. A. de Windt. N.T., 1841-42. 2 V. 12° 176.18 Adams, Mrs. Abigail. Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife, during tlie revolu- tion, with a memoir of Mrs. Adams. C. F.Adams. N.T., 1876. 12° 171.5 Adams, Charles F. Leedle Yawcob Strauss, and other poems. Boston, 1878. 12° . 573.8 Adams, Charles Francis. Life of John Adams, with his works. Boston, 1856. 10 v. 8°, 119.1 Memoirs of John Quincy Adams. Phila., 1874-75. 5v. 8° 118.7 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. A college fetich. (Phi Beta Kappa address.) Boston, 1884. 8° 1232.4 Railroads ; their origin and problems. N. Y. , 1S7S. 12° 281.25 Adams, Charles K. A manual of historical literature. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1217.3 Adams, Emily. Six months at Mrs. Prior's. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 911.21 Adams, George. Lectures on natural philoso- phy. Phila., 1806. 4 v. 8° 635.1 Adams, H. C. Balderscourt. London, [n.d.] 16° 452.16 Boys of Westonbury. London, 1878. 12°. 446.14 Hair-breadth escapes. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . 449.18 School-days at Kingscourt. London, [n.d.] 12° 914.4 Stories for Sundays. London, [n.d.] 16°, 433.18 Winborough boys. London, 1872. 16°. . 433.6 Adams, H. G. Beautiful butterflies. London, 1871. 12° 235.16 Beautiful shells. London, 1871. 12° . . 621.8 Cyclopsdia of female biography. Loudon, 1860. 12° . 213.20 David Livingstone. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 178.26 Adams, Henry. Gallatin, A., Life of. Phila., 1879. 8° 276.7 Randolph, John, Life of. Boston, 1882. 12° 1114.11 Adams, James C, Adventures of. T. H. Hit- tell. Boston, 1867. 16° ..... . 711.3 Adams, John. Works and life. C. F. Adams. Boston, 1856. 10 v. 8° 119.1 Life. C. F. Olid J. Q. Adams. Phila., 1.S71. 2 V. 12° 102.13 Life. J.T.Morse. (American statesmen.) Boston, 1885. 16° 1121.17 Discourses on Davila. Boston, 1805. S° . 221.15 Adams, John G. Whittemore, Thomas, Me- moir of. Boston, 1878. 12° 176.17 Adams, John Quincy, Memoir of. C. F. Adams. Phila., 1874. 12 v. 8° . . . 118.7 Life of. Josiah Quincy. Boston, 1858. 8°, 119.2 The same 118.6 Life. (American statesmen.) J. T. Morse. Boston, 1882. 12° 1111.13 Adams, Mrs. J. S. Allegories of life. Boston, 1872. 12° 232.14 Adams, Mrs. John, Letters of, and memoir by C.F.Adams. Boston, 1840. 2 v. 16°. 211.31 Adams, Mary. An honorable surrender. N.Y., 1883. 16° 943.16 Adams, Nehemiah. At eventide. [Discourses.] Boston, 1877. 12° 272.29 Eliot, John, Life of. Boston, 1870. 8° . . 115.17 The sable cloud. Boston, 1861. 12°. . . 432.28 Adams, Oscar Fay. Hand-book of American authors. Boston, 1884. 10° 1121.12 Hand-book of English authors. Boston, 1884. 16° 1121.6 Through the year with the poets. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August. Boston, [n.d.] 8 v. 16° . . 585.19 Adams, Samuel, Life and public services of. W.V.Wells. Boston, 1865. 3 v. 8° . 118.5 Adams, W. H. D. Alpine adventures. Lon- don, 1878. 12° 497.18 Beneath the surface; or, Wonders of the underground world. London, 1876. 12°, 482.18 Famous books. [English literature.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 128.8 Famous caves and catacombs. London, 1886. 12° 797.4 The forest, the jungle and the prairie. London, 1873. 12°' 722.14 Hunter and trapper in North America. London, 1874. 12° 465.11 The land of the Incas, and the city of the sun. Boston, 1885. 12° 1415.10 Life in the primeval world. London, 1872. 16° 621.11 Lighthouses and lightships. N.Y., 1870. 12° 253.12 Page, squire and knight. Boston, 1883. 8° 395.17 The secret of success. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 286.11 Shakespeare, Concordance to the plays of. London, 1886. 8° 572.12 Shore and sea. London, 1883. 12° . . . 932.3 Topography and history of the Rhine valley. (See Franco -Prussian war.) London, [n.d.] 2 V. 8° 593.1 Washington, and other great military com- manders. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1124.22 Woman's work and worth. N.Y., 1880. 12° 125.7 Women of fashion and representative wo- men. London, 1878. 2 v. 8° . . . . 1117.2 Adams, William T. All adrift. Boston, 1883. 16° 916 24 Army and navy series. Boston, [n.d.] G v. 16°. Soldier boy. The 4.58.13 Sailor boy. The 4.58.14 Young lieutenant, The 458.15 Yankee middy, The 458.16 Fighting Joe 458.18 Brave old salt 458.19 Bout club series. Boston, [n.d.] 16°. All aboard 457.20 Boat club, The 4.57.19 Now or never 457.21 Down South. Boston. 1881. 16°. . . . 913.11 Going South. Boston, 1880. 16°. . . . 911.12 Going West. Boston, 1876. 16° ... . 457.22 In doors and out. [A novel.] Boston, [n.d.] 12° 946.20 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 16° . 450.18 16° . 4:i7.8 '.t|9.» 4r.(i.20 • !)19.2 Adams, William T. — concluded. Isles of the sea. Boston, 1877. 10°. . . 4.58.21 Lake breezes. Boston, 1879. 10°. . . . 4.>7.30 Lake shore neries. Boston, (n.(l.| v. 10°. Through by daylight 4.')7-7 Lightning express. The 4.")7.8 On lime 4.57.9 .Switch off 457.10 Break up 457.11 Bear and forbear 457.12 Little by little. Boston, 1871. 10° . . . 4.56.19 Living too fast. [A novel. | Boston, 1876. 12° 306.8 Marrying a beggar. [A novel.] Boston, 1800. 12° 3(U.81 Money maker. The. Boston, 1874. Our standard bearer. Boston, [n.d.] Out West. Boston, [n.d.] 10° . Poor and proud. Boston, 1.875. 10° Snug harbor. Boston, 1884. 10°. Starry flat/ series. Boston, [n.d.] 6 v. 10°. Starry flag. The 457.1 Freaks of fortune 4.57.2 Breaking away 4.57. .3 Seek and find 457.4 Make or break 4.57.5 Down the river 4.57.0 Square and compass. Boston, 1885. 12° . 928.15 Up the river. Boston, 1882. 16°. . . . 914.11 Upward and onward series. Boston, 1874. 6 v. 10°. Bivouac and battle 457.28 Cringle and cross-tree 4.57.27 Desk and debit 4.57.26 Field and forest 457.24 Plane and plank 457.25 Sea and shore 457.29 Vine and olive. Boston, 1876. 10° . . . 458.20 Way of the world. [A novel.] Boston, 1S07. 12° 946.21 Wonijtille series. Boston, [n.d.] v. 10°. Hich and humble 4-57 . 1 3 In school and out 4.57.14 Walch and wait 4.57.15 Work and win 457.10 Hope and have 457.17 Haste and waste 457.18 Tncht club series. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. Little Bobtail . . . ' 4.50.12 Yacht club 4.56.13 Coming wave 456.15 Dorcas club 450.10 Ocean bom 450.17 Youn'i America abroad. Boston, [n.d.] 16°. Outward bound 45S.1 Shamrock and thistle 458.2 Red cross 4.58.3 Dikes and ditches 4.58.4 Palace and cottage 458.5 Down the Khine 4.58.0 Up the Baltic 458.7 Northern lands 458.8 Cress and crescent 458.9 Adamson, Kobcrt. Fichte, Life of. Phila., 1881. 10° 178.32 Addies husband. [A novel.] X.Y.. 188.5. 10°, 906.13 Addison, .Joseph, Life of. [English men of let- ters.] W. .J. Courthope. N.Y., 1884. 12° 192.45 Essays. Chosen and edited by J. R. Green. London, 1880. 16° IDl.U Addison, .Joseph — concluded. Sir Roger de Coverley. London, [n.d.] 12° 1222.11 Work.'<. G. W. Greene, Ed. N.Y., 18.54. Ov. 12° 133.1 I. Tran.slations. II. Dialogues on medals, travels, letters, etc. III. The freeholder. The plebeian. The lover. IV. The t.atler. The guardian. V. and VI. The spectator. Adela Catlicart. G. Macdonald. Boston, [n.d.[ 12° 336.11 The same 336.18 The s.ame 336.31 Adele. .J. Kavanagh. N.Y., 1865. 12° . . 425.4 Adeler, Max, pseud. .See Clark, Charles H. Adirondack tales. W. H. H. Murray. Bos- ton, IS77. 12° 366.18 Adirondack wilderness of Xew York, Topo- graphical survey of. V. Colvin. Albany, 1873. 8° 739.4 Adirondacks, .\dventures in the wilderness of the. \y. H. H. Murray. Boston, 1SI)9. 12° '. 711.1 Adirondacks, The, as a health resort. J. W. Stickler, £■(/. N.Y., 1886. 18° ... . 781.20 Adler, G. J. Ollendorff's new method of le.arn- ing the German language. N.Y., 1846. 12° 728.28 Admiral's ward, The. Mrs. A. V. Hector. X.Y., 188.3. 10° 943.19 Adrift in a boat. W. H. G. Kingston. Plilla., 1809. 12° 401.17 Adrift in the ice-fields. C. W. Hall. Boston, 1877. 12° 445.20 Advance and retreat. Personal experiences in the United States and Confederate States armies. J. B. Hood. Xew Orleans, 1880. 8° 183.15 Advent movement. J. White. Battle Creek, 1808. 12° 2.34.23 Adventures in the .lir. Memorable experi- ences of great aeronauts. W. de Pouvielle. London, 1877. 12° 780.17 Adventures in Tliule. [Stories for boys.] W. Black. London, 188.3. 12° 919.19 Adventures of a brownie. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1872. 16° 453.25 Adventures of a consul abroad. L. Monti. Boston. 1878. 12° 382.8 Adventures of a griffin. London, 1807. 12°, 452.22 Adventures of a roving diplomatist. H. Wik- otr. N.Y., 1867. 12° 425.5 Adventures of a widow. [A novel.] E. Faw- cett. Boston, 1884. 12° 959.11 Adventures of a young naturalist. L. Biart. N.Y.. 1871. 12° 734.6 Adventures of Captain Mayo; or, A Pho-ni- cian expedition, B.C. 10*X). L. Cahun. N.Y., 1876. 8° 324. l7 Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. E. Brad- ley. N.Y., 1800. 12° 421.11 Adventures of Rob Roy. J. S. Grant. Lon- don, [n.d.] 10° 384.1 The s.-ime 443.23 Adventures of Tom Hanson. F. Garside. London, 1S77. 12° 440.11 Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. V. Meunier. N.Y., 1869. 12°, 001.15 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Adventures on the ocean. J. S. Sleeper. ]ios- ton. [n.d.] 12° 444.38 Adventurous lives. B. H. Becker. London, 1878. 2v. 12° 1120.5 Advertising, History of. H. Sampson. Lon- don, 1874. 8°". 228.1 Advocacy, Illustrations in. R. Harris. Lon- don, 1884. 16° 1231.9 Aerial world, The. G. Hartwig. X.Y., lS7.i. 8° 712.20 .SJschylus, Dramas of. A. Swanwick, Trans. London, 1873. 2 v. 8° 616.3 Tragedies of. N.Y.. 1856. 12° ... . 614.3 .SIsop and others, Fables of. Bewick. Lon- don, 1871. 12° 234.7 iEsop's fables. S. Croxall. Boston, 1864. 16°, 4-53.19 iEsthetios, The science of. H. N. Day. New Haven, 1872. 12° 6.".1.13 Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian dispute. Russia's advance towards India; with a description of Afghanistan, and of the military resources of the powers concerned. T. F. Rodenbougb. N.Y., 1885. 12°. . 1422.1 Afloat and ashore. J. F. Cooper. N.T., 1871. 12° 312.9 The same 381.1 Afloat in the forest. M. Reid. Boston, 1867. 10° 467.2 Afoot and alone. [Travels.] S. Powers. Hart- ford, 1872. 12° 715.19 Afraga ; or Life and love in Norway. T. Miigge. Phila., fn.d.] 12° . . . " 357.38 Africa. Baker, S.W. Ismailia. N.Y., 1875. 8°, 717.3 Barker, M. A. A year's housekeeping in south Africa. London, 1877. 12° . . 492.8 Bell, N. R. E. Heroes of north African dis- covery. London, 1877. 12° 176.27 Bellairs, Lady, Ed. The Transvaal war. London, 1885. 8° 1429.2 Cameron, V. L. Across Africa. X.Y., , 1877. 8° '. 487.13 Cunynghame, A. T. My command in south Africa. 1874-78. London, 1879. 8°. . 763.4 Du Chaillu, P. B. Explorations in equato- rial Africa. N.Y., 1861. 8° 664.4 Elton, J. F. Lakes and moiuitains of Africa. London, 1879. 8° 773.4 Geddic, J. Lake regions of central Africa. London, 1881. 16° 761.22 Gillmore, P. A ride through hostile Africa, with adventures among the Boers. Lon- don, 1881. 8° . • 776.4 Holub, E. Seven years in south Africa. 1872-70. Boston, 1881. 2 v. 8° . . . 765.9 Jameson, Prof., and others. Discovery and adventures in Africa. N.Y., 18.55. 16°. 711.17 Krapf, J. L. Travels and labors in eastern Africa. Boston, 1860. 12° 710.1 Livingstone, D. Missionary travels in south Africa. N.Y.. 1858. 8° 717.5 Long, C. C. Naked truths of a naked people. N.Y., 1877. 8° 487.5 Pinto, A. de S. How I crossed Africa. Phila., 1881. 2 v. 8° 769.5 Pringle, Mrs. M. A. A journey towards the mountains of the Moon. Edinburgh, 1884. 8° " . . . 787.6 Beade, W. W. Savage Africa. N.Y., 1804. 8° 665.12 Rowley, H. Africa unveiled. London, 1870. 16° 521.7 Africa — concluded. Schweinfurth, G. Heart of Africa. N.Y., 1874. 2 V. 8° 716.14 Stanley, H. M. Through the dark conti- nent. N.Y., 1878. 2v. 8° 718.14 The same 718.15 Suakin. 1885. A sketch of the campaign of tliis year. By an officer who was there. Loudon, 1885. 12° 1422.10 Taylor, B. Journey to central Africa. N.Y., 1856. 12° 714.17 Lake regions of central Africa. N.Y., 1873. 12° 713.6 Travels in south Africa. N.Y., 1872. 12° 713.7 Thomas, C.W. West coast of Africa. N.Y., 1860. 12° 664.25 Thomson, Joseph. Through Masiii Land. A journey tlirough eastern equatorial Africa. 188.3-84. Boston, 188,5. 8° . . 788.8 African Islands, West. A. B. Ellis. London, 1885. 8° 794.6 After dark, and other stories. W. Collins. N.Y., 1874. 12° 3.35.29 After icebergs with a painter. L. L. Noble. S.Y., 1861. 8° 662.4 After life. Sequel to " Journal of a home life." E. M. Sewell. London, 1868. 12°, 413.15 After many days. F.C.Fisher. N.Y.,1877. 8°, 369.6 Afterem, George, pseud. Silken threads. [A detective story.] Boston, 1885. 12° . . 968.5 Afterglow. (No name series.) Boston, 1877. 10° 362.66 Aftermath. [Poems.] H. W. Longfellow. Bos- ton, 1873. 12° " 554.9 Afternoon songs. Mrs. J. C. R. Dorr. N.Y., 1885. 16° 580.2 Against the stream. Mrs. E. R. Charles. N.Y., 1873. 12° 321.1 Agamemnon, and other poems. R. Browning. Boston, 1882. 10° 576.4 Agamemnon's daughter. [A poem.) D. J. Snider. Boston, 1885. 16° 585.6 Agamenticus. E. P. Tenney. Bostou, 1878. 10° 383.1 Agassiz, Mrs. E. C. A first lesson in natural history. Boston, 18.59. 16° 621.9 and A. Seaside studies in natural history. Boston, 1865. 8° 623.13 Agassiz, Louis. His life and correspondence. Mrs. E. C. Agassiz. Boston, 1885. 2 v. 12° 1135.7 The same 1135.18 Geological sketches. Boston, 1866. 12°, 642.21 Methods of study in natural liistory. Bos- ton, 1863. 12° 622.20 and Mrs. E. C. A journey in Brazil. Bos- ton, 1808. 8° 735.5 and Gould. A. A. Principles of zoology. N.Y., 1866. 12° 621.1 and others. A journey in Brazil. Boston, 1860. 8° 643.10 Agatha's husband. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y.. [n.d.] 8° 343.9 The same .343.-36 Age, The. [A satire.] P.J.Bailey. Boston, 18.58. 12° 614.12 Age of fable. T. Bulfinch- Boston, 1855. 12°, 052.20 The same. E. E. Hale, Ed. Boston, 18S2. 12° 1215.1 6 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Age of fable, Poetry of the. T. Biilfinch, Kd. Boston, 1803. Vl° (ill. 10 Agnes. J.Abbott. N.Y., [n.d.) 10° . . . 4^5.10 Agues, Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., ISCSIS. S° 323.3 Agnes Gray. A. Bronte. Memoir by C. Bronte. Lomloii, 1874. 12° 363.63 Agnes llopeloun's school and holidays. Mrs. M, O. W. Oliphant. London, 1872. 16°, 461.19 Agues of Sorrento. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Bos- Ion, 1801'. 12° 820.1 Agriculture. How crops feed. S." W. John- son. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 638.8 How crops grow. S. W. Johnson. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 638.9 Report of the Mass. state agricultural ex- periment station at Amherst, Mass. Bos- ton, 1885. 8° .5.58.7 Agricultural chemistry. H. Davy. Phila., 1821. 8° 047.15 Agricultural practice, Lessons in the science of. n. Tanner. London, 1881. 18°. . 674.26 Aguecheek. C. Fairbanks. Boston, 1859. 12° :!52.23 Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce. N.Y., 1805. 2 V. 12° 426.17 Home influence. N.Y., 1870. 12° . . . 420.15 Mother's recompense. X.Y., 1870. 12° . 420.10 Vale of cedars. N.Y., 1870. 12° . . . . 420.19 Woman's friendship. N.Y., 1870. 12°. . 426.18 Aid, Early, in injuries and accidents. F. Es- march. Phila., 1883. 12° 1312.11 Aide, Hamilton. ''A nine days' wonder." Boston, 1875. 8° 361.30 Rita. An autobiography. Leipzig, 1859. 12° .333.14 Aide-de-camp, Adventures of an. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d. I 10° 384.2 Aiken, Dr., Ed. Select works of the British poets. Phila., 1831. 8° 013.11 Aiken, Aunt Lizzie, The story of. Mrs. G. Anderson. Chicago, 1880. 16°. . . . 178.18 Aiken, Lucy. Correspondence with Dr. Chan- ning. 1.S20-42. Boston, 1874. 12° . . 204.10 Memoirs of the court of Queen Elizabeth. N.Y., 1870. 12° 114.4 The s.ame 145.12 Aiken, P. F. Memorials of Robert Burns. London, 1870. 12° 171.0 Aileen Ferrers. S. Morley. N.Y., 1875. 8° . 346.02 Ailie Gilroy. W. Chambers. London, 1872. 16° 363.21 Aim! Fire I! Bang I II Stories for young folks. J. M. Beecher. Boston, ISSl. 16° . . 913.6 Aiin6e. A tale of the days of James II. A. Giberne. N.Y., 1873. 16° 441.1 Air and rain. K. A. Smith. London, 1872. 8° 634.3 Air, Relations of, to clothes, houses, etc. M. von Pettenkofer. London, 1873. 16° . 031.17 Air, Tlirough the. Forty years as an aeronaut. J. Wise. Phila., 1873. 8° 727.10 Air, Travel-s in the. Ed. by Glaisher. London, 1871. 8° 718.5 "Airy, fairy Lillian." Mrs. M. Argles. Phila., 1879. 12° 374.27 The same 392.2 Akenside, Mark. The pleasures of imagina- tion. [A poem.) Portland, 1805. 12° . 582.5 Poetical works. Life by A. Dyce. Boston, [n.d.] 16° " .562.10 Alabama. Messages, Annual and special, of Cod. W. H. Smith, to the general assembly of Alabama. Montgomery, 1870. 8°. . 739.21 Alaska. Bancroft, II. 11. History of, 1730- 1885. San Francisco, 1886. S° . . . . 1420.0 D.ill, W. H. Alaska and its resources. Boston, 1870. 8° 727.5 Hall, H. Seal islands of Alaska. Pelioff, I. Resources, industry aiul population of Alaska. See Vol. VIII. of tenth U.S. census 802.11 Jackson, S. Alaska and missions on the north Pacific coast. N.Y., I.S80. 12°. . 706.1 Scidmore, E. R. Its southern coast and the Sitk.an archipelago. Boston, [n.d.] 12°, 792.1 Wardman, G. A trip to Alaska. Boston, ls84. 16° 771.21 Whympcr, F. Travels and adventures in Alaska. N.Y., 1869. 8° 003.1 Albany, Countess of. V. Paget. (Famous wo- men.) Boston, 1884. 16° 1121.16 Albany, Settlement and early history of. W. Barnes. Albany, 1804. 8° 518.10 Albee, John. Literary art. A conversation between a painter, a poet and a philoso- pher. N.Y., 1881. 10° 128.30 Albemarle, Earl of. Fifty years of my life. X.Y., 1877. 12° . . '. 172.7 Alb^rdie, J. B. Wheelwright, William, Life and labors of. Boston, 1877. 12°. . . 172. (i Albert, I'rlnce, The e.arly homes of. A. Rlm- mer. Edinburgh, 18.83. .8° 777.7 See also Prince Consort. Albert Victor, Prince of Wales, and Prince George. Cruise of H.M.S. " B.acchante." With additions by J. N. D.-ilton. London, 1880. 2 V. S° 790.5 Albert Lunel. Lord Brougham. N.Y., 1872. 8° 346.32 Albert N'Yanza, the great basin of the Xile. S. W. Baker. London, 1860. 8° . . . 730.9 Albret, Jeanne de. Queen of Navarre, Life of. M. W. Freer. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 1124.9 Albro, John A. Shep.ard, Thomas, Life of. Boston, 1870. 8° 115.18 Alcestis. [A musical story.] N.Y., 1874. 16° '. .362.14 Alcock, Rutherford. Art and art industries in Japan. London, 1.S78. 12° 657.18 Capital of the Tycoon. N.Y., 1863. 2 v. 12° 004.14 Alcohol; its use and abuse. W. S. (Irecnlield. N.Y., 1879. 16° 073.2 Alcohol and the state law as applied to the liquor traffic. R. C. Pitman. N.Y., 1877. 12° 055.22 Alcott, A. Bronson. Concord days. Boston, 1872. 12° 303.44 Emerson, R. W., His character and genius. Boston, 1882. 12° 1114.12 Record of his school. E. P. Peabody. Bos- ton, 1874. 12° 233.21 Sonnets and canzonets. Boston, 1882. 16°, 575.18 Table-talk. Boston, 1877. 12° 272.7 Tablets. Boston, 2879. 12° 294.7 Alcott, Louisa M. Aunt Jo's scrap bag series. Boston, 1872-82. 16° I. My boys 430.18 IL Shawl straps 436.17 in. Cupid and Chow-chow 436.19 IV. Mv girls 4,S6.26 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Alcott, Louisa M. — concluded. V. Jimmy's cruise in the "Pinafore," etc 436.27 The same 430.28 VI. An old fashioned Tliauksgiving, etc., yi6.13 Eight cousins. Boston, 1875. 16° . . . 827.24 The same 3:^7.25 Hospital sketches, and Camp and fireside stories. Boston, 1869. 16° 430.20 The same 436.21 The same 430.22 Jack and Jill. Boston, 1880. 10°. . . . 327.34 The same 327.35 Little men. Boston, 1871. 10° ... . 327.15 The same 327.16 The same 327.17 Little women. Boston, 1869. 10° . . . 327.18 The same 327.19 The same 327.22 The same 327.23 Lulu's library. Stories for children. Bos- ton, 1886. 16° 931.14 Old fashioned girh Boston, 1870. 16°. . 327.11 The same 327.12 The same 327.13 The same 327.14 Proverb stories. Kitty's cla«s day, etc., Boston, 1S82. 16° '. 941.15 Rose in bloom. Sequel to " Eight cousins." Boston, 1876. 16° 327.30 The same 327.31 Silver pitchers. Boston, 1876. 16° . . . 327.28 The same 327.29 Spinning wheel stories. Boston, 1884. 16°, 931.3 Under the lilacs. Boston, 1878. 10°. . . 327.32 The same 327. .33 Work. Boston, 1873. 16° 327.9 The same 327.10 Alcott, W. A. In the wilderness of pills and powders. Boston, 1859. 12° 342.30 Alden, E. Clark, Mrs. M. A. O., Memoir of. Boston, 1837. 18° 211.22 Alden, Mrs. I. M. The Chautauqua girls at home. Boston, 1877. 12° 364.68 An endless chain. Boston, [n.d.] 12°. . 9.58.8 Ester Kied. Boston, [n.d.]. 12° ... . 9.56.16 Ester.Eied yet speaking. Boston, [n.d.] 12°, 950.21 Four girls at Chautauqua. Boston, 1877. 12° 304.50 Julia Ried. Boston, [n.d.] 12° ... . 956.17 The King's daughter. Boston, [n.d.] 12°, 9.56.19 Links in Rebecca's life. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 956.15 Man of the house. (Juvenile.) Boston, 1883. 16° 918.4 Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 956.22 Mother's boys and girls. (Juvenile.) Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 924.17 A new graft on the family tree. Boston, 1880. 12° 379.9 Ruth Erskine's crosses. Boston, 1879. 12°, 364.88 Spun from fact. Boston, [n.d.] 12°. . . 976.18 Three people. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . . . 950.18 Two boys. (Juvenile.) Boston, [n.d.] 12°, 922.13 Wise and otherwise. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . 956.20 Young people at home. Boston, [n.d.] 12°, 924.6 and Foster, Mrs. I. H. Dr. Deane's way, and other stories. Boston, [n.d.] 16° . 451.11 From different standpoints. Boston, 1878. 12° 364.89 Alden, Joseph. The science of government in connection with American institutions. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1318.5 Thoughts on the religious life. N.Y., 1879. 10° 291.11 Alden, W. L. Christopher Columbus, Life of. N.Y., 1S8L 16° 1111.9 Cruise of the canoe club. N.Y., 1883. 16° 918.5 The moral pirates. N.Y., 1881. 10° . . 918.9 Shooting stars. [Humorous sketches.] Jf.Y., 1878.^12° 273.14 Alderbrook. Mrs. E. Judson. Boston, 1856. li'° .343.31 Alderdice, Mrs. E. W. Heart's delight. N.Y., 1S79. 12° ;t82.25 Aldrich, Thomas B. Cloth of gold. [Poems.] Boston, 1S74. 10° .551.27 Flower and thorn. [Poems.] Boston, 1877. 16° 571.7 Friar Jerome's beautiful book, and other poems. Boston, 1881. 18° .583.21 From Ponkapog to Pesth. Boston, 1883. 12° 775.14 Lyrics and sonnets. [Selected.] Boston, 1881. 18° 583.8 Marjorie Daw, and other people. Boston, 1873. 12° 363.8 Mercedes, and later lyrics. Boston, 1884. 12° 576.22 Out of his head. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . .345.29 Poems. Boston, 1885. 12° 578.3 Prudence Palfrey. Boston, 1874. 12° . . 363.9 The queen of Sheba. Boston, 1877. 12° . 304.66 The Stillwater tragedy. Boston, 1880. 12°, 396.29 Story of a bad boy. Boston, 1870. 16°. . 434.14 Aldridge, Reginald. Ranch notes. London, 1884. 12° "781.4 Alec Forbes of Howglen. G. Macdonald. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 330.13 The same 330.14 Aleck and mutineers of the "Bounty." Bos- ton, [n.d.] 10° 432.29 Alexander I., Emperor of all the Russias, Life and times of. C. Joyneville. London, 1875. 3 V. 8° 193.3 Alexander, the Great, History of. J. Abhott. X.Y., 18.54. 16° 122.15 Alexander, the Great, Life and actions of. J. Williams. X.Y., 185.5. 16° 121.16 Alexander, Mrs. See Hector, Mrs. A. F. Alexander, Francesca. The story of Ida. Boston, 1883. 16° 951.2 Roadside songs of Tuscany. J. Ruskin, Ed. N.Y., 1884. 8v. 8° 572.7 Alexander, H. H. Guiteau, Life and trial of. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 1217.1 Alexis the runaway. Mrs. K. A. Parker. Bos- ton, 1868. 16° 452.23 Alfieri Yittorio, Life of. W. D. Howells. Bos- ton, 1877. 16° 1S1.3 Alford, E. M. Margaret. London, 1871. 12°. 333. 2U Alfred the Great, History of. Abbott, J. X.Y., 18.54. 16° 122.19 Hughes, T. Life. London, [n.d.] 10° . 146.13 PauU, Dr. Life. London, 18.53. 12° . . 212.18 Alfred Hagart's household. A. Smith. Bos- ton, 1865. 12° 345.34 Algebra, Elements of. Saunderson. London, 179-3. 8° 634.6 A treatise on. T. Strong. N.Y., 1859. 8°, 639.6 8 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Alger, Horatio. The backwoods boy. (Lin- coln.) N.Y., 1883. 12° 917.23 The same 910.8 Ben's nugget. Pliila., [n.d.] 10°. . . . 910.2 Brave and bold. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. . . 442.2:) (Charlie Codiuan's cruise. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 437.2 D.-»n the detective. X.Y., 1884. 10°. . . 917.10 Do and dare. Phila., 1>W4. 12° ... . 928.0 Frank's campaign. Boston, [n.d.] 10° . . 442.. 38 From canal boy to president. (Garfield.) N.Y., 1881. 10° 913.21 From farm boy to senator. ("iVebster.) N.y., 1882. 10° 914.24 Gran'ther Baldwin's Thanksgiving, and other jioenis. Boston, [n.d.] 10° . . . r)8.').4 Hector's inheritance. Pliila., [n.d.] 10° . 931.7 Herbert Carter's legacy. Boston, 187-'). 10°, 441.8 Jack's ward. Boston, 1875. 10° ... . 441.9 Luck and pluck series. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. Luck and pluck 442.1.5 Sink or swim 442.10 Strive and succeed 442.18 Try and trust 442.19 Bound to rise 442.20 Risen from the ranks 442.21 Ra;/r)ed Dick serU'n. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. Ragged Dick 442.1 Fame and fortune 442.2 Rough and re.ady 442.4 Ben, tlie luggage boy 442.5 Mark, the match boy 442.3 Ruf us .and Rose 442.0 Sam's chance. Boston, 1870. 10° . . . 442. .39 Shifting for himself. Boston, [n.d.] 10° . 911.14 Strong and steady. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. . 442.40 Tattered Tom series. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. Tattered Tom 442.7 Paul the peddler 442.8 Phil the fiddler 442.9 Slow and sure 442.1(1 Julius, the street boy out West .... 442.11 Young outlaw, The 442.12 Telegraph boy, The. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. 449.12 Tom, the bootblack. N.Y., [n.d.] 10°. . 913.1 Tony the hero. N.Y., [n.d.] 10°. . . . 913.2 Train boy. N.Y., 188:3. 10° 919.10 The same 919.11 Wait and Iiope. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. . . 442.45 Western boy. N.Y., 1878. 10° .... 447.12 Young adventurer. Phila., [n.d.] 10°. . 919.12 Young circus lider. Phila., [n.d.] 10°. . 919.13 Young explorer. Boston, 18-0. 10°. . . 91:!. 4 Young miner. Boston, [n.d.] 10° . . . 449. :J2 and Cheney, O. A. Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues. Boston, 187.'). 10°, 441.10 Alger, W. R. Forrest, Edwin, Life of. Pliila., 1877. 2v. 8° 173.14 Kriend>liips of women. Boston, l.s08. 12°, 236.21 History of the docirinc of a future life. Phila., 1804. 8° . . 627.7 Solitudes of nature and of man. Boston, l>i67. 12° 263.14 Alglave, E., and Boulard, J. The electric light. Its history, productions and ap- plications. N.Y., 18s4. 8° 1319.3 Algonquin legends of New England ; or, Myths and folk lore of the Micmac, Passama- quoddy and Penobscot tribes. C. G. Le- lanil. Boston, 1884. 12° 1415.6 Alhambra, The. W.Irving. N.Y., 1855. 12°, 218.10 Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland. Biographical sketcli and letters. N.Y., 188.5. 1'2° . . Ii:i4.8 Alice. Sequel to " Ernest Maltravers." E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1872. 10° . . . 344.17 Alice Krand. A. G. Riddle. N.Y., 1875. 12°, ;m.l3 Alice Learmont. [A fairy tale.) Mrs. D. M. Craik. London, l.'^4. 10° 918.14 Alice Lorraine. R. D. Blackmore. N.Y., 1875, 8° 347. -25 Alice's adventures in Wonder -land. C. L. Dodgson. Boston, 1869. 12° ... . 4.5:!.l(i Alicia Warlock, and other stories. W. Collins. Boston, 1875. 8° :J35.1 Aliens, The. [A novel.] H. F. Keenan. N.Y., 1880. 12° 974.21)- Alison, A. Essays. (See British Essayists, Vol. VL) N.Y., 1872. 8° 1211. 1 Europe, History of. Edinburgh, 1853. 20 v. 12° 475.1 Miscellaneous essays. Boston, 18.54. 8°. . 237.10 All aboard. W. T. .\dams. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 4.57.20 All adrift; or. The Goldwiug club. W. T. Adams. Boston, K><83. 10° 910.24 All around a palette. Mrs. L. W. Champney. (111. by "Champ.") Boston, 1878. 1'2° . 446.17 All around the house; or, How to make home happy. Mrs. H. W. Beecher. X. Y., 1S7.'<. 12° . . 273.22 All for greed. Bamness de Bury. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 340.50 All quiet along the Potomac, and other poems. Mrs. E. L. Beers. Phila., 1879. 12°. . 582.11 All round the year. [Poems.] E. and D. R. Goodale. N.Y., 1881. 10° .583 12 All Saints' day, and other sermons. C. Kings- ley. N.Y., 187.8. 12° -282.7 All true. Records of peril and adventure by sea and land. (Juvenile.) Dr. Macaulay. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 912.24 All the way round ; or, Wliat a boy saw and heard on his way round the world. A. E. Carr. N.Y., lf70. 16° . 713.22 All the Year Round. 1859-00. Ed. by Charles Dickens. N.Y., 18.59-00. 3 v. 8° . . . 754.3 Allegories of life. Mrs. J. S. Adams. Bostoir, 1872. 12° 2:i2.14 Allen, Alexander V. G. Continuity of Chris- tian thought. Boston, 1884. 12° . . . 1242.3 Allen, Ethan, Life of. J. Sparks. {See Amer- ican biography, Vol. I.) 111.2 Allen, D. O. India, Ancient and modern. Boston, 1856. 8° 478.3 Allen, G. G. Phonography, A self-instructor in. Boston, 18S3. 18° (580.0 Allen, Grant. Babylon. [A novel.] Phila., 188.5. 16° 969.10 Colin Clout's calendar. London, 1883. 12°, 1225.15 The colour-sense. Boston, 1879. 8° . . . 0.50.18 Colours of flowers, as sliown in the British flora. London, 1882. 10° 1313.2 Flowers and their pedigrees. London, 1S83. 12° 1317.17 Allen, Joseph H. Christian history. Boston, 188:!. 3v. 16° 1221.14 I. Early Christianity. II. The middle age. III. Modern phases. Fragments of Christian history. Boston. 1880. 10° [ .... .591.10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 9 Alien, Joseph H. — concluO.cd. Outline of Christian history. A.D. 00-1880. Boston, 1880. 16° 1421.10 Hebrew men and times. Boston, 1870. 12° 28.5.21 The same 484. .5 Our liberal movement in theology. Boston, 1SS2. 10° 1221.1 Allen, Mary A. und C. B. Man wonderful in the house beautiful. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 1324.8 and Safford, M. J. Health and strength for girls. Boston, [n.d.l 16° 1.314.5 Allen, Paul. History of the American revolu- tion. Baltimore, 1S22. 2 v. 8° ... 543.10 Lewis and Clark's expedition to the Pacific in 1804-6. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 18°. . . 731.11 AUeu, R. L. The American farm book. N.T., 1849. 12° 648.12 Allen, Thomas, Memorial addresses delivered in Congress on. Washington, 1884. 8° . 119.19 Allen, William. American biographical and historical dictionary. Cambridge, 1800. S° " 543.11 Allen, Willis Boyd. Pine cones. Boston, [n.d.] 16° " 931.11 Allen, Zachariah. Solar light and heat. JST.Y., 1879. 8° 676.7 Allen Prcscott. [A novel.] N.T., 1834. 2 v. I:>° 334.7 AUibone, S. A. Dictionary of English litera- ture, and British and American authors. Phila , 1859. 3 v. 8° E. L. Great authors of all ages. Phila., 1880. 8° 193.12 Allingham, William. Poems. Boston, 1801. 16° 611,18 Allison, Frances E. Men, women and money. Chicago, 1885. 16° 1241.19 AUston, Washington. Vol. XIV. of Artist biographies. M. F. Sweetser, Ed. Bos- ton, 1879. 18° 191.1 Lectures on. W.Ware. Boston, 1852. 12°, 265.19 Worku: Lectures on art. N.Y., 1850. 12°. . . 651.15 Monaldi. Boston, 18.56. 12° . . . ■. . 412.18 Allusions, Familiar. A hand-book of miscel- laneous information. W. A. and C. G. Wheeler. Boston, 1882. 8° 1215.5 Allworth Abbey. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worlh. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 415.12 Ally Transome. H.Smith. N.Y., 1873 16°, .363.10 Almost a duchess. (No name series.) Bos- ton, 1884. 16° 945.13 Almost a woman. S. A. Frost. N.Y., 1876. 10° 441.30 Almost an Englishman. M. L. Scudder. N.Y., 1878. 16° 382.9 Almy, Charles, Jr., and Fuller, H. W. The law of married women in Mass. Boston, 1878. 12° 285.16 " Aloha ! " A Hawaiian salutation. G. L. Chancy. Boston, 1880. 12° 762.18 Alone. Mrs. M. V. Terhiuie. N.Y., 1873., 12° 423.1 Along the way. [Poems.] M. M. Dodge. N.Y., 1879'. 16° 582.18 Aloys, B. Auerbach. X.Y., 1877. 10° . . . 368.20 Alphabet, Tlie. An account of the origin and development of letters. I. Taylor. Lon- don, 1883. 2t. 8° ....... . 1226.3 Alpine adventure, Narrative of. W. H. D. Adams. London, 1878. 12° 497.18 Alpine flowersfor English gardens. W. Robin- son. London, 1870. 8° 2.52. .5 Alps, Hours of exercise in the. J. Tyndall. N.Y., 1871. 8° 736.16 Alps, Scrambles amongst the. E. Whyinper. London, 1871. 8° 716.12 Alsatian motmtains, In the. K. Lee. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 77.-<.15 Altar at home. Prayers for the family and closet. By clergymen in and near Bos- ton. Boston, 1855. 12° 287.14 Alton Locke. C. Kingsley. N.Y., 18.56. 12°. :342.13 Amateur work. (Home decoration.) London, [n.d.] 4° 6.S4.5 The same. Vol. IV 1614.2 Amazon, The. [A novel.] F. Dingelstedt. N.Y., 1868. 16° 331.14 Amazon, The. [Anovel.] C. Vosmaer. N.Y., 1884. 16° 962.9 Amazon valley. Exploration of the. W. L. Herndon. Washington, 18.54. 8° . . . 786.7 Amber gods, and other stories. Mrs. H. P. Spofford. Boston, 1863. 12° 317.17 Ambergris island; or, The new Eldorado. G. R. .Jackson. Boston, 1882. 16°. . . . 941.21 Ambler, I. W., Life of. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . 175.15 Amenities of home. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . . 681.34 America. Antiquities. See also Archaeology, and Indians. Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America. N.Y., 1872. 12° 643.25 Blacket, W. S. Lost histories of. Lon- don, 1884. 8° 594.5 Nadaillac, Marquis de. Pre-historic America. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1417.6 Biography. Belknap, J. American biography. N. Y., 18.55. 3 V. 16° 121.7 Carroll, H. Twelve Americans, their lives and times. N.Y., 1883. 12° ... . 1118.5 Lossing, B. J. Lives of celebrated Ameri- cans. Hartford. 1869. 8° 166.7 Parton, J. Famous Americans. Boston. 1867. 12° 132.13 Rogers, T. J. American biographical dic- tionary. Phila., 1829. 12° 216.15 Sabine, L. American loyalists. Boston, 1847. 8° 136.5 Discovery. Bowen, B. F. America discovered by the Welsh in 1170 A.D. Phila., 1876. " 12°, 482.15 Robertson, W. History of discovery and conquest of America. N.Y., 1854. 10°, 471.2 Tytler, P. F. History of discoveries of America. N.Y., 18.55. 16° ... . 471.1 Vining, P. E. An inglorious Columbus. Evidence of the discovery of America in the fifth century A.D. N.Y., 1885. 8°, 1425.5 Uistory of Central America. Bancroft, H. H. History of Central Amer- ica. Vols. I. and II. San Francisco, 1883. 2 v. 8° 1426.1 History of North America. . Abbott. J. American history. X.Y., 1890. 16° 541.23 Butterworth, H., Ed. Young folks' his- tory of America. Boston, 1881. 12° . 592 14 De Vere, S. Romance of American his- tory. N.Y.,1872. 8° 541.20 Dodge, N. S. Stories of American his- tory. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 596.5 10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. America — continued. Lossing, B. J. A history of the U.S. diir- ing the first one huiulreil years of its existence. Diila., 1876. 4° . . . . R. L. Mackenzie, R. History of America. Lon- don, 1882. 12° 59."). 6 Robertson, W. History of America. N. Y., 1837. 8° .i45.7 Winsor, J., Ed. Narrative and critical his- tory. Boston, [n.d.] "Vols. II.-IV. 8"^, R. L. Vol. I. (Not yet published.) II. Spanish explorations and settle- ments in N. America from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries. III. English explorations and settle- ments. (1497-1089.) IV. French, Dutch. Portuguese and Swedish explorations. (1500- 1700.) Wright, H. C. Children's stories of Amer- ican history. N.Y., 18S5. 12o . . . 1415.24 Yonge, C. M., and Weld, H. H. Aunt Charlotte's stories of American history. N.Y., [n.d.l 12° 1411.21 Tratel in Central America. Hates, H. W. Central America, the West Indies, and South America. London, 18S2. 8° 777.9 Morelet, A. Travels in Central America. N.Y., 1871. 12° 715.7 Sanborn, H. J. A winter in Central America and Mexico. Boston, 1886. 12°, 797.6 Stephens, J. L. Travels in Central Amer- ica. N.Y., 18.55. 2v. 8° 065.13 Travel in 2forth America. Butler, W. F. The great lone land. Lon- don, 1872. 8° 736.5 Carver. J. Through the interior of N. America. 1706-08. Dublin, 1779. 12°, 724.2 Dale, R. W. Impressions of America. N.Y., 1878. 18° 28.3.1 Dixon, W. n. New America. Pliila., 1867. 8° 736.14 Faithful), E. Three visits to America. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 786.18 Hall. B. Travels in N. America. Edin- burgh, 1829. 3v. 12° 72311 Holyoake, G. J. Among the Americans, and a stranger in America. Chicago, 1881. 12° 1212.2 Hudson, T. S. A scamper through Amer- ica. N.Y., 1882. 12° 778.16 Johnston, J. F. W. Notes on N. Amer- ica. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 8° ... . 543.8 The same 775.8 Ludlow, F. H. The heart of the conti- nent. N.Y., 1870. 8° 717.10 Murray, H. British America. Vol. I. N.Y., 18.5.5. 10° 471.3 Price, R. L. Sport and travel iu the two Americas. Phila., 1877. 8° . . . . 487.11 Rusling, J. F. Across America. N.Y., 1874. 12° 728.13 Sala, (>. A. America revisited. London, 1.882. 2v. 8° 784.11 Trollope, A. N. Am. Phila., 1862. 12°, 534.10 2'racel in South America. Baxley, H. W. What I saw on the west coast of N. and S. America. N. Y., 1865. 665.3 America — concluded. Bishop, N. II. A thousand miles' walk across S. America. Boston, 1869. 12°. 724.13 Marcoy, P. Travels in S. America. N.Y., 1875. 2 V. 4° 71S.1 America and Europe. A. G. de Gurow?ki. N.Y., 1857. 12° 224.2 America and France. The inthience of the I'.S. on France in the eighteenth century. L.Rosenthal. N.Y., 18S2. 12°. . . . 1217.11 America and her commentators. H. T. Tuck- erman. N.Y., 1S64. 8° .543.3 America before Europe. A. de Gasparin. N. Y., 1862. 12° 242.3 America, Life and liberty in. C. Mackay. N.Y., 18.59. 12° 663.7 America, Resources and prospects of. S. M. Poto. N.Y., 1866. 12° 242.7 Americau, The. H. James. Boston, 1877. 12° 366.19 American actor series. The elder, and the younger Booth. A. B. Clarke. Boston, 1882. 12° 1111.10 Charlotte Cushraan. C. E. Clement. Bos- ton, 1S82. 12° 1111.14 Mrs. Duff. J. N. Ireland. Boston, 1882. 12° 1113.19 Charles A. Fechter. K. Field. Boston, 1882. 12° 1114.7 American adventure by sea and land. X.Y., 18.5.5. 2 v. 16° 711.15 American almanac and treasury of facts, sta- tistical, financial, and political for the year 1878. A. R. Spoftord, Ed. N. Y., 1878. 12° 273.9 The same for 1880 294 15 The same for 1881 295.3 The same for 1882 295.12 The same for 1883 1219.21 The same for 1884 1228.12 The s.ime for 1885 1243.1 Americau annals; or, A chronological history of America, 1492-1806. A.Holmes. Cam- bridge, 1.S0.5. 2v. S° 5.56.10 American artist life. H. T. Tuckerman. N.Y., 1807. 8° 118.11 American character, Sketches of. Mrs. S. J. Hale. Boston, 1829. 12° 252.25 American citizen's manual. W. C. Ford. X.Y., 1882-3. 2v. 12° 1222.1 Vol. I. Governments, national, state and local. The electorate. The civil ser- vice. Vol. II. The functions of governments, state .and federal. Americau code of manners. N.Y., [n.d.] 18°, 681.22 American colleges; their students and work. C. F. Thwing. N.Y., 1878. 16° . . . 283.2 American colleges, and the American public. With after-thoughts on college .and school educ-ition. N. Porter. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 285.3 American comments on European questions, international and religious. J. T. Thomp- son. Boston, 1884. V 1234.8 American commonwealths. H. E. Scudder. Ed. Kansas. The prelude to the war for the Union. L. W. Spring. Boston. 1885. 10°, 1421 5 Kentucky, a pioneer commonwealth. N. S. Shaler. Boston, 1885. 12° 598.20 Maryland; the history of a palatinate. W. H.Browne. Boston. 1884. 12° ... 1421.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 11 American commonwealths — concluded. Oregon. The struggle for possession. W. Barrows. Boston, 1884. 12° ... . 598.18 Virginia. A history of the people. J. E. Cooke. Boston, 1883. 12° 598.12 American currency. History of. W. G. Sum- ner. X.T., 1874. 12° 227.21 American diplomacy and furtherance of com- merce. E. Schuyler. N.Y., 18S6. 8° . 1432.2 American discovery, Heroes of. N. K. E. Bell. N.T., [n.d.] 4° 929.12 American explorers. T. W. Higginson. Bos- ton,*ls77. 10° 493.1 American family in Paris. KT., 1870. 16°. 363.22 American fortunes. Famous, and the men who made them. [Sketches.] L. C. Hollo- way. Phila., 1884. 8° 1123.6 American four-in-hand in Britain. A. Carne- gie. N.Y., 1883. 8° 777.2 American gazetteer. Charlestuwn, 1797-1804. 2 V. 4° 231 . 15 American girl abroad, An. A. Trafton. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 723.16 American girl, and her four years in a boys' college. O. L. Anderson. N.T., 1878. 12° 373.15 American girl's home-book of work and play. Mrs. H. Campbell. N.Y., 1883. 12°. . 085.23 American government, Nature and form of the. G. Shea. Boston, 1882. 16° . . 1221.2 American historical and literary curiosities. Fac-similes, autographs, etc. J. J. Smith. Phila., 1866. 4 v. 4° K. L. American home book. Mrs. C. L. Smith. Boston, 1872. 12° 403.5 American Institute of Instruction, Lectures before the. 1859. Boston, 1860. 12° . 641.8 American interiors. The book of. Prepared by C. W. Elliott, from existing houses, with preliminary essays and descriptions. 111. in heliotype. Boston, 1876. 4° . . R. L. American Irish, and their influence on Irish politics. P. H. Bagenal. Boston, 1882. 16° 1212.23 American .Journal of Science and Arts. 1835. 250.4 American leaves. S. Osgood. N.Y., 1867. 12° 247.14 American Literature. Adams, O. F. Handbook of American authors. Boston, 1884. 16° 1121.12 Bryant, W. C. Selections from American poets. N.Y., 1854. 10° 551.43 Duyckinck, E. A., and G. L. Cyclopedia of American literature. Vol. II. N.Y., 1855. 8° 257.2 Griswold, R. W. Poets and poetry of America. Phila., 1855. 8° 552.1 Lyrics, Modern American. Boston, 1880. 16° 583.6 Nichol, J. Historical sketch of American literature. Edinburgh, 1882. 8° . . . 1226.4 Prose, American. Hawthorne; Irving; Longfellow; Whittier; Holmes; Lowell; Thoreau; Emerson. Boston, 1880. 12°- 124.8 Read, T. B. Female poets of America. Phila., 1864. 8° .552.4 Rejected addresses. N.Y., 1855. 12° . . 552.25 Tyler, M. C. History of American litera- ture. Vol. I. 1607-76. Vol. It. 1676-1765. N.Y., 1879. 2v. 8° 284.4 American men of letters. C. D. Warner, Ed. Boston, 1881-85. 16°. Cooper, .Tames Fenimore, by T. R. Louns- bury 1114.16 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, by O. W. Holmes . 1129.6 Fuller Margaret, by T. W. Higginson . .1120.16 Irving, Washington, by C. D. Warner . . 1111.3 Poe, Edgar Allan, by G. E. Woodbury . .1121.19 Thoreau, Henry D., by F. B. Sanborn . . 1115.3 Webster, Noah, by H. E. Scudder . . . .1114.19 Willis, Nathaniel P., by H. A. Beers. . . 1131.7 American merchants, Lives of. F. Hunt. N.Y., 1850. 2 v. 8° 141.3 American navy. C.J.Peterson. Phila., 1839. 8° .543.2 American note-books. N. Hawthorne. Bos- ton, 1868. 2v. 12° 256.10 The s.ame, in one vol 372.1 American notes, and reprinted pieces. C. Dickens. London, [n.d.] 12° .... :j55.1 The same 3.55.19 The same .393.1 American oratory. Phila., 1836. 12° . . . 241.11 The golden age of. E. G. Parker. Boston, 1857. 8° 2.54.2 American people, History of. A. Oilman. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 599.1 The same 599.3 The same 1421.6 American pictures drawn with pen and pencil. S. Manning. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . . . . 568.0 American politician, An. [A novel.] F. M. Crawford. Boston, 1885. 12° ... . 965.6 American politics, (non-partisan,) from the beginning of, to date. History of the po- litical parties, tables of elections, taxes, salaries, etc. T. V. Cooper and H. F. Fenton. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1216.6 American progress, Review of. (First century of the republic.) N.Y., 1876. 8° . . . 485.2 American republic. Founders of the. A his- tory and biography, with a supplementary chapter on ultra-democracy. C. Mackay. Edinburgh, 188-J. 12° 1137.2 American Revolution. Allen, P. History of the. Baltimore, 1822. 2v. 8° 543.10 Barclay, S., Ed. Personal recollections of the. N.Y., 1859. 12° 214.11 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Domestic history of the. Phila., 1876. 12° 482.10 Fox, E. Adventures in the. Boston, 1847. 18° 211.20 Freneau, P. Poems on the events and actors in the. [A reprint.] London. 1861. 16° 575.9 Graydon, A. Men and events of the. Phila., 1846. 8° 116.5 Greene, G. W. Historical view of the. Boston, 186.5. 12° 543.13 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of the. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 8° 557.2 Moore, F. Diary of the. Hartford, 1876. 8°, 481.11 Romance of the. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. . . 541.7 Sparks, J. Correspondence of Washington during the. Boston, 1853. 4 v. 8° . . 545.3 The same 593.10 Stone, W. L. Border wars of the. N.Y., 1854. 2v. 16° 471.7 Thornton, J. W. Pulpit of the. Boston, 1860. 12° 266.3 12 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. American Revoliilion — concluded. W'alsun, E. Men ami times of tlie. X.V., 18(51. 12° lt)2.14 Watson, n. C. Cainp-fiies of llu>. N.V., 1865. 8° 545.8 Winsor, J. Reader's haiul-book of the. 1701-83. Boston, 1880. 10° .501.4 American senator. The. A. Trollope. N.Y., 1877. 8° 309 7 American stai;e, History of the. T. A. Brown. N.Y., [u.tl.] 8° 484.2 American statesmen. Homes of. Anecdotes, personal and descriptive sketches. N.Y., ls.-,4. 8° 183.5 American statesmen. J. T. Morse, Ed. Bos- ton, 1882-8."). 10°. Adams, .John, by . J. T. Morse 1121.17 Adams, John Q., by .J. T. Morse . . . .1111.13 Calhoun, John C, by H. von Hoist . . . 1111.17 Gallatin, Albert, by J. A. Stevens .... 1115.16 Hamilton, Alexander, by U. C. Lodge . . 1111.15 Jackson, ,\ndrew, by W. G. Sumner . . . 1114.8 Jefferson, Thomas, by J. T. Morse . . .1114.18 Madison, James, by S. H. (iay 1128.4 Marshall, John, by A. B. M,i^'nuler . . .1121.20 Monroe, James, by D. C. Gilman .... 1115.8 Hanilolph, John, by H. Adams 1114.11 Webster. Daniel, by H. C. Lodge . . . .1115.13 American Unitarian pulpit. Annals of the. W. B. Sprague. N.Y., 180.5. 8° . . . 231.7 American woman's home. C. E. Beecher and .Mis. II. B Stowe. X.Y., ISCii). 12° . . 2-32.7 American wonderland. R. M. Bache. Phila., 1S71. 12° 453.7 Americans, Three, and three Englishmen. Lectures on Hawthorne, Emerson, Long- fellow, Wordsworth, C'oleriilge and Shel- ley. C.F.Johnson. N.Y., 1880. 12° . 11.38.3 Ames, Azel, Jr. Se.\ in industry. Boston. 1875. 12° 243.18 Ames, Charles G. George Eliot's two mar- riages. Phila., 1886." 10° 1251.10 Ames, Fisher. Works. S. Ames, Ed. Bos- ton, 18.54, 2 V. 8° 107- 4 Ames, Mrs. Mary Clemraer. .See Hudson, Mrs. Mary Cleinmer. Ames, Sheldon. History and principles of the civil law of Rome. London, 188.3. 8° . 599.8 Science of law. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . . . G.55.9 Science of politics. N.Y., 1883. 12° . . 1312.7 Amicis, Edmondo de. Constantinople. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 782.17 Holland and its people. X.Y., 1881. 12°. 760.19 Military life in Italy. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . 773.22 The same 778.21 Morocco; its people and i>laces. X. Y., [n.d.] 8° 765.3 Tlie same 772.0 Spain and the Spaniards. N.Y., 1881. 12° 769.7 Amiel, Henri Frederic. His journal intime. Trans, willi an introduction and notes, by Mrs. H. Ward. N.Y., 188.5. 12° . .1135.19 Among my books. J. R. Lowell. Boston, 1870. 8° 253.2 The same. (Second series.) Boston, 1870. 12° 253.30 Among the brigands. J. DeMille. Boston, 1.S72. 16° 467.17 Among the cannibals. J. Verne. London, [n.d.] 12° 324.35 Among the Carbonari. Adventures of Peyton Smith with the secret society. (Juvenile.) G. Stebbiiig. London, 18.86. 12° . . . 935.7 Among the guerillas. J. R. Gilniore. N.Y., 1866. 12° 437.1 Among the hills. E. F. Poynter. N.Y., 1881. 10° 370.34 Among the pines. J. R. (iilmore. N.Y., 1802. 12° 331.22 Among the squirrels. Mrs. M. A. Denison. N.Y., 1808. 10° 461.9 Among the trees. M. Lorimer. N.Y.,1S69. .'<°, 647. 18 Among the Turks. C. Hamlin. N.Y., 18T8. l-_'° 492.13 Amongst machines. Mechanical appliances used in the manufacture of wood, metal and other substances. N.Y., [n.d.| 12°, 1312.23 Amongst the Maoris. Mrs. Norris. Ijondon, [n.d.] 12° 4.55.0 Amoor, upper and lower. Travels in the reglr>n of the. T.W.Atkinson. N.Y., 1800." 8°, 004.2 Amoor, Voyage down the. P. McD. Collins. N.Y., ISOO. 12° 004.13 Amory, Martha B. Copley, J. S., Life of. Boston, 1882. 8° 1112.7 Amory, Thomas C. Coffin, Admiral Sir Isaac, Life of. Boston, 1886. 8° 11,39.0 Old Cambridge and new. Boston, 1871. 8°, 5.33.9 Sullivan, James, Life of. Boston, 18.59. 2v. 8° 107.7 The transfer of Erin. Phila., 1877. S° . 488.4 Amos, Sheldon. Political and legal remedies for war. N.Y., 1880. 12° 124.21 Ampere, Andre -Marie. .Journals and corre- spondence. Story of his love. London, l,'s7:!. 8° 1.57.3 Amphibiou's voyage. The. ]'. Gillmorc, J^on- don, 1885. 12° 789.19 Anatomical studies for the use of artists. London, 1833. Folio R.I.. Anatomy. Huxley, T. H. Anatomy of ver- tebr.aled animals. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . 6,33.10 Mivart, St. G. Elementary anatomy. Lon- don, 187.3. 10° " . . . 031.28 Sh.arpey, W., joint ed. Quain's anatomy. London, 1807. 2 v. 8° 632.11 Ziegler, E. Pathological an.atomy. I^on^ don, 1883. 8° '. . . . 1319.12 Anatomy for artists. J. Marshall. N. Y.. 1875. 8° 628.8 Anatomy of melancholy. R. Burton. Phila., 1857. .so 221.14 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Z. G. Whitman. Boston, 1842. 8° . . 137.3 Ancient and modern Britons. I..ondon, 1884. 2 v. 8° 141(i.9 Ancient eastern world. Five great monarchies of the. G. Riiwlinson. N.Y., 1871. 3 v. 8° .52fi.4 Ancient mariner. The. S. T. Coleridge. III. by David Scott. With the life of the artist and description of the plates. London, 1S83. 10° 584.14 Ancient nation. The. A sign and a wonder. By the author of "The knights of the frozen sea." N.Y., 1875. 10° .... 364.84 Ancient regime. The. H. A. Taine. N.Y., 1876. 12° 482.11 Ancient songs and ballads. From the reign of Henry II. to the revolution. J. Rilson, Ed. London. 1,877. 12° .575.4 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 13 Ancient states and empires. J. Lord. N.Y., 18Uii. 8° 484.1 Andersen, Hans Christian. The improvisa- tore. N.Y.,1809. 12° 317.9 The same 347.41 Only a tiddler. N.Y., 1870. 12° ... . 4.54.3 O. T. A Danish romance. N.Y., 1870. 12°, 414.4 A poet's bazaar. N.Y., 1871. 16° . . . 724.16 Sand hills of .Jutland. Boston, 1860. 12°. 421.16 Spain and a visit to Portugal. N.Y., 1870. 8°, 72.5.16 Stories and tales. (First series.) London, 180.5. 12° 4.54.1 The same. (Second series. ) 454.2 Story of my life. N.Y., 1870. 12° . . . 317.11 Two baronesses. N".Y., 1870. 12° . . . 317.10 The same 317.12 Wonder stories told for children. Boston, [n.d.l 12° 9.35.11 Andersen, Mrs. M. E. The merchant's wife. Boston, 1876. 12° . '. 413.23 Anderson, Edward L. Northern ballads. N.Y., 1874. 16° .551.36 On horseback; in the school and on the road. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1212.22 Anderson, Mrs. Galnsha. Story of Aunt Lizzie Aiken. Chicago, 1880. 16° 178.18 Anderson, .James. Memorable women of puri- tan times. London, 1882. 2 v. 12°. . 146.15 Ladies of the covenant. (Scottish memoirs.) N.Y., 1880. 12° 192.19 Aaderson, J. H. Patriotism at home. Bos- ton, 1866. 16° 452.14 Anderson, J. Wallace. Lectures on medical nursing. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1313.6 Anderson, Mary, The stage life of. W. Win- ter. N.Y., 1886. 16° 1138. S Anderson, Olive S. L. American girl, and her four years in a boys' college. N.Y., 1878. 12° " .373.15 Anderson, P. History of English manufacture in western India. London, 185(). 8° . . 513.1 Audersou-Maskell, Mrs. A. E. Four feet, wings and tins. Boston, [n.d.] 4° . . 923.12 Andersson, Charles John. LakeXgami. N.Y., 1856. 12° 735.7 Travels and explorations of the Okavango river. (Africa.) N.Y., 1861. 8° . . . 736.4 Andes, The, and the Amazon. J. Orton. Jf.Y., 1870. 8° 7-25.12 Andover, Mass. Catalogue of the Memorial Hall library. Lawrence, 1874. 12° . . R. L. Historical sketches of. S. L. Bailey. Bos- ton, 1880. 8° 538.11 Andover Review, Editors of the. Progressive Orthodoxy. Boston, 1886. 16° . . . 1247.2 Andover Theological Seminary, Histoiy of the. L. Woods. Boston, 188.5. 8° . . . . 1424.1 Andre, John. Life of. W. Sargent. Boston, 1861. 12° 151.8 Andreas Hofer. C. Mumlt. N.Y., 1868. 8°, 325.1 Andrew Harvey's wife. L. T. Meade. N.Y., 1880. 12° 379.2 Andrevsr, John A. Memoir with personal reminiscences. P. W. Chandler. Boston, 1880. 16° 104.16 Discourse delivered before tlie New Englaiul Historic - Genealogical society, Boston, April 2, 1808, on the life and character of the late president of the society. With proceedings and appendix. E. Nason. Bo.-ton, 1868. 8° 117.13 Andrew, John A. — cnnduOed. Sketch of the official life of. N.Y., 1868. 12° 212.15 Andrew, W. P. India and her neighbour.'!. London, 1878. 8° 692.2 Andrews s, E. A. Latin-English lexicon. X.Y.. [n.d.] 8° . . . r R. L. Andrews, Fanny. A family secret. Phila., 1876. 8° 365.36 Prince Hal. Phila., 1882. 12° 942.18 Andrews, Jane. Ten boys who lived on the road from Long ago to Now. Boston. 1886. 16° 932.24 Andrs'w^s, J. N. Sermons on the Sabbath and law. Battle Creek, Mich., 1870. 12°. . 262.18 Andrews, John W. Suggestions on the law of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1225.14 Andrew^s, Sidney. The South since the war. Boston, 1866. 12° 254.11 Andrews, William A. A daring voyage across the Atlantic. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . . . 761.10 Andromeda. [A novel.] J. Fletcher. Bos- ton, 1885. 16° 969.3 Andy Luttrell. Mrs. M. A. Denison. Boston, 1869. 16° 444.9 Anecdote, Century of. 1760-1860. J. Timbs. London, [n.d.] 12° • . . 236.22 Anecdote, The world of. E. P. Hood. Lon- don, 1870. 12° 243.2 The same 221.11 Anecdotes and reminiscences of illustrious men and women of modern times. Lon- don, 1872. 12° 272.16 Anecdotes, Literary and scientific. W. Ked- (Vie, Ed. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 347.9 Anecdotes of dogs. E. Jesse. London, 18.58. 16° 461.5 Anecdotes of the habits and instincts of ani- mals. Mrs. R. Lee. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°. 449.14 Anecdotes of the habits and instincts of birds, reptiles and fishes. Mrs. R. Lee. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 449.15 Anecdotes relating to public men. J. W. Forney. N.Y., 1881. 2 v. 12° ... 128.16 Ange. [A novel.] Mrs. F. M. Church. N.Y., 1879. 16° 363.83 Angel in the house. The betrothal and es- pousals. (Poems.) C. Patmore. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 2v. 12° 554.17 Angell, Henry C. Hunt, William M., Records of. Boston, 1881. 16° 191.10 Angelo, Michael. Duppa, U. Life. London. 1846. 12° 148.5 Eastlake, Lady. Life. (Five great paint- ers.) London, 1883. 2 v. 12°. . . .1128.14 Grimm, H. Life. Boston, 1865. 2 v. 12°, 215.1 Selected poems. With translations from various sotirces. E. D. Cheney, Ed. Bos- ton, 188.5. 12° 585.4 See also Buonarroti. Angler, The scientific. D. Foster. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1312.8 Angling flies, British. M. Theakston. Lon- don, [n.d.] 16° 672.10 Angling, The pleasures of, with the rod and reel, for trout and salmon. G. Dawson. N.Y., 1876. 12° 482.14 Anglo-Saxon kings. History of England under the. J. M. Lappenberg. London, 1881. 2 V. 12° 592.8 14 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LlBItAllY. Anglo-Saxon literature. J. Earle. Lonilon, In..!.] 10° 12-11.0 Selections from tlie. L. F. Klipsteiii. NY., 18.50. •.' V. 1:;° 243.5 Anglo-Saxons, History of the. T. Millar. Loiulon, l.S^O. 12° 511.15 Tlie same. K. Piilgrave. London, 1870. 12° 4!):5.17 Animal I're.itlon, Eccentricities of the. J. Tiinljs. Boston. 1809. 12° 021. .J Animal intelligence. G. J. Romanes. N.Y., iss:{. 12° 079.24 Animal kingdom, The. G. Cuvier. London, 1849. 8° 629.8 Animal life. Marvels of. C. T. Holder. N.T., is,8,5. 12° 1325.23 Animal life as affected by the natural condi- tions of existence. K. Semper. N.Y., 1881. 12° 678. 8 Animal locomotion. Walking, swimming and Hying: with a dissertation on aeronautics. .r B. Pettigrew. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 655.1 Animal-lore of Sliakespeare's time. E. Phip- son. London, 188:3. 12° 1317.21 Animal mechanism. A treatise on terrestrial :inil aerial locomotion. E. J. Marey. X.Y., 1874. 12° 0.")5.2 Animal mechanism and physiology. J. H. Griscom. N.Y., 1855. 10° 6;J1.29 Animal parasites and messmates. P. J. van Beneden. N.Y., 1876. 12° 655.3 Animals. Clever dogs, horses, etc. S Hib- l.erd. London, [n.d.] 8° 462.1 Animals and birds. Wild. Their haunts and hal)its. A.Wilson. X.Y., 1882. 4°. . Stl5.7 Animals and plants, The variation of, under diinieslication. C. Darwin. N.Y., 1808. 2 V. 12° 622.13 Animals and their masters. A. Helps. Lon- don, 1873. 12° 2:i2.9 Anna, the Professor's daughter. M. Daal. Boston, 1885. 12° 968.15 Anna Karenina. Count L. N. Tolstoi. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 977.1 Annals of a sportsman. I. Turg^nieff. X.Y., 188.5. 16° 967.9 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. G. Macdon- ald. X.Y., 1867. 12° 336.2 Annals of an eventful life. G. W. Dasent. London, [n.d.] 12° . 946.22 Annals of curious and romantic lives. C. L. Brightwell. London, 1874. 12° . . . 170.19 Annals of industry and genius. C. L. Bright- well. London, 1874. 8° 1:54.13 Annals of our time. 1837-1871. J. Irving. London, 187.5. S° 481.12 Anne. [A novel.] C. F. Woolson. N.Y., J882. 10° 943.1 The same 043.2 Aone Boleyn. Benger, E. O. Memoirs of A. B. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 177.15 Dixon, W. H. See " History of twoQueens." London, 1873. 4 v. 8° 1412.0 Friedmann, P. A chapter of English his- tory. London, 1884. 2 v. 8° ... . 11270 Anne, Queen. Ashton, J. Social life in the reign of. London, 188:5. 12° ... . .598.15 Burton, J. H. History of the reign of. Edinburgh, 1880. 3 v. 8° 1424.2 Morris, E. E. The age of. (Epochs of modern history.) N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 497.9 Anne of Geierstein, W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12° 3H.2 The same 31.5.2 Anne Warwick. [A novel.] G. M. ( laik. N.Y.. 1877. 8° ;565..5:; Annouchka. [A tale.] L S. Turg(?nef. Bos- ton. 1884. 10° 902.1 Annual register for 1704. London, 179.5. 8° . 531 8 Anson, W. S. W., Ed. Asgard and the gods. (.Juvenile.) Phila., [n.d.] 8° . . . . 448.11 Anstey, V. The black poodle, and other tales. X.V., 1884. 10° 060.5 The giant's robe. N.Y., 1884. 10° . . . 0.57.18 The tinted Venu<. X.Y., 18a5. 16°. . . iKJ7.l:! Vice versa. X.Y., 188;J. 16° 002 21 Antediluvian antiquities. Fragments of the age of Methuselah. Boston, 1820. 12°. 207.1 Antefix pa|)ers, The. (Art Education.) Bos- ton, 1N75. 8° 618.22 Anthony, Henry B. Memorial addresses on his life and character, delivered in Con- gress. 188.5. Washington, 188.5. 8° . . 110.21 Anthropology, A manual of. C. Bray. Lon- don, 1871. 12° C31.5 Anthropology. An introduction to the study of man and civilization. E. B. Tylor. N.Y.. 1881. 12° 678.13 Anti-slavery apostles, Acts of the. P. Pills- bury. Boston. 1884. 12° 1232.18 Anti-slavery conflict. Recollections of the. S. J.May. Boston, 1809. 12° 213.12 Anti-slavery d.ays. A sketch of the struggle which ended in the abolition of slavery in the U.S. X.Y., 1884. 12° 1415.2 Anti-slavery measures. History of. Boston, 18(54. 8° 513.4 Anti-slavery opinions before 180O. W. F. Poole. Cincinnati, 1873. 8° 221.5 Antinous. A romance of ancient Rome. A. Ilau^rath. N.Y., 1882. 18° 041.8 The same 064.4 Antiquary, The. W.Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12= 314.3 The same :{15.3 Antique views of the town of Boston. Boston, |n.d.] 8° H. L. Antiquities, Christian, Dictionary of. A con- tinuation of, "The dictionary of the Bible." Ed. by W. Smith and S. Cheet- ham. Hartford, 1870. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1!. L. Antiquities, X'orthern. M. Mallet. London, 18.59. 12° 062.2-1 Antiquities, Popular, of Great Britain. (Cus- toms, etc.) J. Brand and H. Ellis. London, 1855. 3 v. 12° 222.5 The same 1227.0 Antiquities of Israel. H. Ewald. Boston, 1870. 8° 481.13 Antiquities, History of. M. Duncker. Lon- don. 1877. Ov. 8° 699.3 Antiquity of intellectual man. C. P. Smith. Edinburgh, 1.S08. 12° 641.7 Antiquity of man. C. Lycll. Phila., 1863. .so 643.8 Anton, P. England's essayists. Bacon, Addi- son, De Quincey, Lamb. London, [n.d.) 16° 1131.1 Masters in history. Gibbon, Grote, Macau- lay, Motley. London, [n.d.] 16° . . . 1131.2 Antonia. Mme. A. Dudevant. Boston, 1870. 12° 3.52.26 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 15 Antonia; or, The fall of Rome. W. Collins. X.Y., 1S74. 12° 335. .30 Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. P. B. Watson. N.Y.. 1884. 8° 112.5.10 Antony Brade. R.Lowell. Boston, 1874. 12°, 363.42 Auts. The natural history of the agricultural ant of Texas. H. C. McCook. Phila., 1880. 8°, GT6.14 Auts and their ways. With illustrations, and an appendix giving a complete list of genera and species of the British ants. W.F.White. London, [n.d.] 12° . .1312.14 Auts, bees and wasps. A record of observations on the habits of the social hymenoptera. J. Lubbock. X.Y., 1882. 16° ... . 679.1.5 Apache campaign, An. in the Sierra Madre. 1S83. J. G. Bourke. N.T., 1886. 12° . 1422.15 Apache country. J. E. Browne. N.Y., 1869. 12° 666.15 Apes, Anthropoid. R. Hartmann. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1327.4 Apocalyse revealed. The. E. Swedenborg. X.Y., 1878. 2v. 8° 277.2 Apostles, The. E. Eenan. N.Y., 1866. 12°, 256.4 Appeal to Cajsar, An. A. Tourgee. N.Y., 1884. 16° 1231.24 Apple-blossoms. [Verses.] E. and D. E. Goodale. X.Y., 1878. 16° .582.1 Appleton, Xathan, Memoir of. R. C. Win- throp. Boston, 1861. 8° 168.6 Appleton, Thomas Gold, Life and letters of. .S. Hal.', Ed. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . .1134.11 Works : Chequer-work. Boston, 1879. 12° . . 292.23 A Nile journal. Boston, 1876. 12° . . 725.20 Syrian sunshine. Boston, 1877. 16°. . 271.13 Windfalls. Boston, 1878. 12° ... . 282.9 Appleton, William, Memoir of. C. Robbins. Boston, 1863. 4° 118.3 Appleton Temporary Home, The. A record of work. Boston, [n.d.] 12° .... 124.5 Appleton's Journal. N.Y. 11 v. 4° . . . 755.1 Vol. I. July-Dec, 1876. II. Jan. -June, 1877. in. July-Dec, 1877. IV. Jan. -June, 1878. V. July-Dec, 1878. VI. Jan.-June. 1879. VII. July-Dec, 1879. VIII. Jan.-June, 1880. IX. July-Dec, 1880. X. Jan.-June, 1881. XI. July-Dec, 1881. Apuleius, Works of. London, 1869. 12° . . 614.5 Aquarium, Fresh and salt water. J. G. Wood. London, 1868. 16° 621.29 Aquarius, pseud. Advanced whist. London, 1884. 32° 686.22 Arabella Stuart. [A novel.] G. P. R. James. N.Y., 1844. S° 427.1.") Arabesques. Mrs. R. S. Greenough. Boston, 1872. 12° ;552.21 Arabia. Burton, Mrs. I. Arabia, Egypt and India, Travel in. London, 1879. 8°. . 773.11 Crichton, A. History of Arabia. N.Y., 18.5,5. 2 v. 16° 471.4 I'algrave, W. G. Journey through central and eastern Arabia. London, 1868. 12°, 712.2 Taylor, B. Travels in Arabia. N.Y., 1872. 12° 722.6 L'pton, R. D. Gleanings from Arabia. London, 1881. 12° 778.8 Arabian days' entertainments. W. Ilauff. Boston, 1882. 12° 914.15 Arabian nights' entertainments. E. Forster, Trans. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 448.5 The same. E. W. Lane, Ed. X.Y., 1868. 2v. 12° 4.53.4 Tlie same 453.5 Arabian nights. The new. Phtl.a., 1883. 12°. 9J7.1 Arabistan; or. The land of the "Arabian nights." W. P. Fogg. London, 1875. S° 768 14 Arabs and Turks. Their origin, history and religion ; with chapters on other tribes of western Asia. E. L. Clarke. Boston, 1876. 12° 483.30 Arazo, Francois. Biographies of scientific men. Boston, 1859. 2 v. 12° 163.8 Arcadia, The Countess of Pembroke's. Sir P. Sidney. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 9.53.15 Arcana Ceelestia. The heavenly Arcana con- tained in the Holy Scriptures. Trans. from the Latin of E. Swedenborg. N.Y., 1877. 10 V. 8° 277.1 Archaeological Institute of America. First annual report of the executive committee. 1879-80. Cambridge, 1880. 8° . . . . 092.16 Archaeology. (The Gentleman's Magazine Library.) Boston, [n.d.] 8° .... 12.53.2 Abbott, C. Primitive industry; or. Illus- trations of the handiwork, in stone, bone and clay, of the native races of the north- em Atlantic seaboard of America. Salem, Mass., 1881. 8° 677.11 Conant, A. J. Footprints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley. St. Loms, 1879. 8° 676.1 Mac Lean, J. P. The mound builders, with an investigation into the archaeology of Butler County, Ohio. Cincinnati, 1879. 12° 675.8 Mitchell, Arthur. What is civilization ? N.Y., 1881. 8° . . 677.5 Short, John T. The North Americans of antiquity. N.Y., 1880. 8° t)76.5 Westropp, H. M. Prehistoric phases of archeology. London, 1872. 12° . . . 652.8 Archer, Thomas. By fire and sword. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 976.2 Archery, The book of. History and practice of the art. G. A. Hansard. London, 1841. 8° 683.1 Archery, The witchery of. Adventures and directions. M. Thompson. N.Y., 1879. 16° 291.20 Archie Digby; or. An Eton boy's holiday. G. E. W. London, 1886. 12° ... . 932.25 Archie Lovell. [A novel.] Mrs. A. Edwards. N.Y., 1871. 8° 34.5.9 Archie's shadow. M. E. Peebles. Troy, N.Y., 1868. 12° 463.15 The same 463.16 Architect, National. Designs, plans, details, etc. G. E. Woodward and E. G. Thomp- son. N.Y., [n.d.l 8° 018.21 Architect and Building News, The Ameii- can. Boston, 1881-80. 11 v. 4° . . . 029.11 Vol. IX. Jan.-June, 1881. X. July-Dec, 1881. XI. J.an.-June, 1882. XII. Julj--Dec.. ia'*2. XIII. Jan.-June, 188;;. 16 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Architect ami Building News, Tlie Amorican Vol. XIV. July-Dec, 188;}. XV. Jan. -June, 1S84. XVI. July-Ucc, 1884. XVII. Jan.-June, 1885. XVIII. July-Dec, 1885. XIX. Jaii.-June, 188idence3. X'.Y., 1853. 8° 647.7 Eastlake, C. L. History of the Gothic re- vival. London, 1872. 8° 02;3.4 Eidlitz. L. The nature and function of art, more especially architecture. X.Y., 1S>S1. 8° 1211.6 Fletcher, B. Model houses for the iiidiis- trial classes. London, 1S71. 8° . . . 6.')4.r2 Fuller, A. W. Artistic homes in city and country. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1882. Ob. folio R. L. Gardner, E. 0. Home interiors. (Illus- tr.iled.) Boston, 1878. 12° 6.57.14 Illustriited homes. Boston, 1875. 16° . 26:). 22 Gwilt, J. Encyclopivdia of architecture. London, 1871. 8° 64!). 3 Holly, H. H. Modern dwellings in town and country. Adapted to American wants and climate. X.Y., 1878. 8° . . 654.13 Hull, E. Building, and ornamental stones, of Great Britain and foreign countries. London, 1872. 8° 649.6 Mason, G. C. The old house altered. X. V., 1878. 8° 654.15 • Narjou.x. F. Notes and sketches of archi- tecture. Taken during a journey in the northwest of Europe. Boston, 1877. 8°, 654.9 Palliser's American cottage homes. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 619.15 Parker, J. H. The A B C of Gothic archi- tecture. Loudon, 1882. 18° 686.1 Reed, S. B. Cottage houses for village and country homes, with plans and specifica- tions. X.Y., 18S:J. 16° 686.11 Dttellings for village and country, with general descriptions and detailed esti- mates. X.Y., 1885. 4° 618.27 Kosengarten, A. Hand-book of architectural styles. N.Y., 1876. 8° 654.1 The same 684.1 Ruskin, J. Poetry of architecture. To which is added, Suggestions on works of art. X.Y., 1882. 12° 689.7 Seven lamps of aicliitecture. X.Y., 18.57. 8° 649.8 The same 689.10 Architecture — concludi d. Huskin, J. Lectures on architecture and painting. N.Y., 1859. 8° 649.9 The same 689.10 Smith, T. R., diid Slater, J. Classic and early Christian architecture. N.Y., 1882. 16° 685.7 Gothic and renaissance architecture. N.T., 1880. 12° 682.10 Vaux, C. Villas and cottages. N. Y., 1864. 8° 623.7 Vill.ige builder, Tbe. Plans, plates, etc. 4°, 6.38.1 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Discourses on archi- tecture. Boston, 1875. 8° 628.14 Arctic explorations. See also Polar Regions. Arctic explorations from the earliest times to 18,^3. The realm of the ice -king. London, [n.d.] 12° 917.21 Blake, E. V. Arctic experiences. N. Y., 1874. 8° 727.11 Greely, A. W. Three years of Arctic ser- vice. An account of the Lady Franklin bay expedition. 1881-84. X. Y., 1886. 2 v. 8° 790.4 Half hours in the far North. N.V., liS76. 12° 491.5 Hall, C. F. Arctic researches. N.Y., 1865. 8° 727.7 Hayes, I. I. Arctic boat journey. Boston, 1860. 12° 666.19 Open polar sea. N.Y., 1867. 8° . . . 716.10 Hendrick, Hans, the .\rctic traveller, Me- moirs of. London, 1878. 12° ... . 178.4 Hyde, A., joint ed. Adventures in Arctic regi(ms. See "The frozen zone and its explorers." Hartford, 1876. 8° . . . 767.10 Kane, K. K. Arctic explorations. Pliila., 1.S56. 2 v. 8° 716.13 Lamont, J. Yachting in the Arctic seas. In the neighborhood of Spitzbergcn. London, 1876. 8° 496.18 Latiman, C. Lockwood, Lieut. James B., of the Greely Arctic expedition. Life and explorationsof. N.Y., 1885. 16° . . . 781.16 Maikham, C. I!. The threshold of the un- known region. London, 1873. 8° . . . 736.6 Mudge, Z. A. North pole voyages from America, from the second Grinnell expe- dition, to that of the '■ Polaris." X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 48:3.25 Nordenskicild, A. E., Arctic voyages of. 1858-79. London, 1879. 8° 763.19 Nourse, J. E. American Arctic explora- tions. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 784.9 The same 785.13 Ed. Narrative of the second expedition of C. F. Hall. 1864-OJt. Washing-ton, 1879. 8° 765.4 Recent polar voyages. 1875-76. London, [n.d.] 12° 4'.i2.10 Richardson, Sir J., and others. Last of the Arctic voyages. London, 1855. 2 v. 8°, 727.1 Sargent, E., Ed. Arctic adventure. Bos- ton, 18.57. 12° 715.20 Smith, M D. Arctic expeditions from Brit- ish and foreign shores, from the earliest times to the expedition of 187.5-76. Edin- burgh, 1877. 8° R. L. Arctic sunbeams; or. From Broadway to the licsphorus, by the way of the north pole. S. L. Cox. N.Y., 1882. 12° 772.13 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 17 \' Ardenmohr: among the lulls. A record of scenery and sports in the Highlands of Scotland. S.Abbott. London, 1876. 8°, 773.12 Arena, The, and the throne. Discourses on astronomical subjects. L. T. Townsend. Boston, 1874. 12° 234.25 Arg^ ntine Republic as a field for European emigration. F. Latzina. Buenos Aires, 1883. S° 739.27 Argentine Republic; or. Civilization and bar- barism. D. F. Sarmiento. N.Y., 1868. 12^ 733.18 Argles, Mrs. M. (pseud., The Duchess.) Airy, fairy Lilian. Phila., 1879. 12° ... . 374.27 The same 392 2 Beauty's daughters. Phila., 1880. 12°. . 396.28 Doris. Phila , 1883. 12° 965.1 In durance vile, and other stories. Phila., 1SS.5. 12° 966.15 Lady Valworth's diamonds, and The haunt- ed chamber. Phila., 1887. 12°. . . . 978.18 Loys, Lord Beresford, and other tales. Phila., 1883. 12° 940.9 A maiden all forlorn, and other stories. Phila., 1885. 12° 968.4 A mental struggle. Phila., 1886. 12° . . 975.15 jMolly Bawn. >hila., 1878. 12° .... 373.33 O tender Dolores. Phila., 1885. 16° . . 967.15 Phyllis. Phila., 1877. 12° 366.25 Portia. Phila., 18S3. 12° 944.11 The same 944.12 Rossmoyne. Phila., 1884. 12° 956.14 Argyle, Anna. Olive Lacy. Phila., 1874. 12°, 353.29 Argyll, Duke of. See Campbell, G. D. Ariadne florentina. Lectures on wood and metal engraving. J. Ruskin. N". T., 1882. 12° Ariosto, Tales from. Retold for children by a lady. Boston, 1880. 16= Aristophanes' apology. [Poem.] R. Brown- ing. Boston, 1875. 12° Aristophanes, Comedies of. London, 1871. 2 v. 12° 615.8 Aristotle, Life and works of. G. Grote. Lon- don, 1872. 2 V. 8' 144.9 Arithmetic. How to become quick at figures. The shortest methods of business calcula- tions. Boston, 1885. 12° 1321.8 Arius the Libyan. An idyl of the primitive Church. N. C. Kouns. N.T., 1884. 12°, 1229.4 Arizona and New Mexico. S. W. Cozzens. Boston, 1873. 8° 726.2 Arizona, as it is; or. The coming country. H. C. Hodge. N.Y., 1877. 12° 492.9 Ark of Elm island. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1870. 16' 442.26 Armadale. [A novel.] W. Collins. N.T., 1S74. 12° 335.28 The same 335.31 Armies of Asia and Europe. With letters de- scriptive of a journey from Japan to the Caucasus. E. Upton. N.Y., 1878. 8° . 496.4 Armies of Europe, The. G. B. McClellan. Phila., 1801. 8° 642.6 Armourer's prentices. The. C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1884. 12= 9.59.12 Arms and armor. C. Boutell. N.Y., 1870. 12°, 668.15 Armstrong's primer of English history. N. Y., 18S5. 18° 1411.24 Army life, Journal of. R. Glisan. San Fran- cisco, 1874. 8° 735.1 689.1 911.10 .566.13 Army life in a black regiment. T. W. Higgin- son. Boston, 1870. 12° 213.17 Army life on the border. Thirty years of. R. B. ilarey. N.Y., 1800. 8° 717.17 Army of tlie Cumberland, History of the. Written from the journal of Gen. G. H. Thomas, and otficial and other docu- ments, furnished by him. 111. by cam- paign and battle maps. T. B. van Home. Cincinnati, 1875. 2 v. and atlas. 8° . . .557.6 Army sketches. Frontier. J. W. Steele. Chi- cago, 1883. 12° 1222.12 Armytage, Mrs. Old court customs and mod- ern court rules. London, 1883. 12° . . 1228.5 Arnault, M. V., and others. Napoleon Bona- parte, Life of. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 18°. 181.20 Arndt, Ernst Moritz, the singer of the Father- land, Life and adventures of. Boston, 1879. 12° 182.20 Arne. [A novel.] B. Bjornson. Boston, 1881. 10° 388.1 The same 733.17 Arnold, Arthur. Through Persia by caravan. London, 1877. 2 v. 8° 763.10 Arnold, Benedict, Life of. I. N. Arnold. Chi- cago, 1880. 8° 193.5 The same. J. Sparks. (Am. biography, Vol.IIL) 111.2 Arnold, Cecil. An index to Shakespearian thought. Selections classified and ar- ranged under appropriate headings. N.Y., 1880. 8° 293.5 Arnold, Edwin, as poetizer and as paganizer. An examination of the "Light of Asia," for its literature and for its Buddhism. W. C. Wilkinson. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . 1242.7 Works : India revisited. Boston, 1886. 12° . . 797.11 Indian idylls. From the Sanscrit. Bos- ton, 1883. 12° 576.21 Light of Asia. Boston, 1S79. 12°. . . .582.13 Pearls of the Faith. [Poems.] Boston, 1883. 16° 576.11 Poems. Boston, 1880. 16° .582.26 The poets of Greece. London, 1869. 8°, 617.6 The secret of death, with some collected poems. Boston, 1885. 16° 585.5 The song celestial. Boston, 1885. 10° . 585.12 Arnold, Frederick. Oxford and Cambridge. London, [n.d.] 8° 498.1 Turning points in Ufe. N.Y., 1873. 12° . 234.11 Arnold, Howard P. European mosaics. Bos- ^ ton, 1864. 12° 661.22 Gleanings from the Pontresina and the upper Engadine. Boston, 1880. 12° . . 766.11 Great Exhibition. (Paris.) N.Y., 1868. 12° 734.5 Arnold, I. X. Lincoln, A., Life of. Chicago, ISSo. 8° 1132.1 Arnold, Matthew. Discourses in America. London, 1885. 12° 1245.7 Dramatic and later poems. London, 1885. 12° 578.5 Essays in criticism. Boston, 1865. 12°. . 264.12 God and the Bible. Boston, 1876. 12° . . 282.28 Literature and dogmas. Boston, 1873. 12°, 234.18 Mixed essays. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... . 286.1 Poems. (Complete.) Boston, 1SS4. 12° . 564.5 New poems. Boston, 1867. 12° ... . 614.14 Prose writings, Passages from the. N.Y., l&^O. 12= 124.14 18 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LlBltAHY. Arnold, >I;ittlie\v, concluded. Art — continued. .St. I';iiil and Prolesl.iiitism. London, 1S70. Lossing, B. J. Outline history of the fine 12' 217.14 arts. N.Y., 1854. 12' Liibke, W. Ecclesiastical art in Germany 6.53.5 Arnold, Samuel Greene. History of the State of Khode Island. N.Y., IS.")!!. 2 v. 8= . 544.3 during the middle ages. Edinburgh, Arnold, Thomas. Life and correspondence of. A. 1'. Stanley. Boston, 1800. 2 v. 12^ . l.jl.6 1870. 8' 018.12 History of .art. London, 1809. 2 v. 8', 018.8 Works: Moody, F. W. .Schouls and masters of Enfjiish literature, A manual of. Lou- painting. With an appendi.x on the 251.4 principal galleries of Europe. N.Y., 1876. S' Rome, History of. N.Y., 1S54. S' . . 517.4 654.2 Thesecond Punic war. London, 1886. 12', 1422.21 Midler, C. 0. Ancient art and its re- Aruott, Neil. Elements of phjsics. I'liila., mains. The archajology of art. Lon- IS.rj. 2 V. 8° 634.5 don, 1.S72. 8' 649.28 Around a spring. G. Droz. N.V., 187.'{. 16°, 362.10 Owen, A. C. Art schools of mediajval Around the Hub. A boy's book about Boston. Christendom. London, 1876. 12° . . 687.2 S. A. Drake. Boston, 1881. V2° . . . 014.13 Perrot, C, and Chipiez, C. Art in Chal- Around the tea-table. [Sermons.] T. De W. dea and Assyria. London, 1884. 2 v. Talnia'.!e. Phila., 1874. 12' 267.12 8' 688.0 Around the world. E. D. G. Prime. N.Y., Art in Phu?nicia and its dependencies. IS7_'. 12' 724.3 London, 1885. 2 v. 8' Egyptian Art. N.Y., 1883. 2 v. 8' . 1614.1 Around the world in eighty days. J. Verne. 1614.3 London, 187.3. 8° 324.6 Poynter, E. J., and Buxton, H. J. W. Th(» snme .324.13 German, Flemish and Dutch painting. N.Y., 1881. 12' Around the world on the y.acht "Sunbeam." 682.25 Mrs. T. Brassey. N.Y., 1878. S'' . . . 408.18 Reber, F. von. History of ancient art. Till' ^.1nlG 763.7 N.Y., 1882. 8' Redgrave, G. li., Ed. Outlines of orna- 684.6 Around the world with Gen. Grant. 1877-70. J. U. Youns. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 8° . . 765.1 ment. N.Y., 1884. 12' 087.15 Arr, E. H., pxeuJ. See Kollins, Mrs. E. IT. Smith, G. W. Spani^-h .and French paint- Arrows of the Chace. Letters published in ing. N.Y., 1884. 12' 687.21 the daily newspapers. 1840-1880. J. Kus- Taine, H. A. Art in Greece. N.Y., kiii N Y 1881. 8"' 284.20 1871. 10° 651 .20 Art. liior/rapli!/. See also Artists. Art in the Netherlands. X.Y., 1871. Buxton, n. J. W. English painters; with a chapter on American painters, by S. 16° 0.52.25 Turner, F. C. A short history of art. R. Koehler. N.Y., 18s:i. 12' .... 685.19 London, 1886. 8' 1013.4 Keane, A. H., Ed. Early Teutonic, Italian Viardot, L. Wonders of Italian .art. and French masters. London, 1S80. 4°, R. L. N.Y., 1870. 16° ft51.21 Spooner, S. Biographical history from Wincklemann, J. History of ancient art. the earliest ages to the present time. Boston, 1872. 4 v. 8° 018.9 N.Y., 1867. 2 V. 8' 618.10 Literature. Thackeray, W. M. Short notices of the Alcock, Sir R. Art and art industries in landscape painters of England. Lon- Japan. London, 1878. 12° ... . 057.18 don fn d.l 4° 628.10 Allston, W. Lectures on art. N. Y., 1850. 12° History. 051.15 Bell, N. R. E. Elementary history of art. Antefix papers. The. On art educational Architecture, sculpture, painting, mu- subjects by members of, and others sic. X.Y., 1882. 12' 683.23 connected with, the Mass. Normal Art The same 687.0 School. Boston, 187.5. 8' 618.22 Benjamin, S. G. W. A critical and his- Art at home series. I. A plea for art in torical sketch of art in America. N.Y., the house. W. J. Loftie. II. Sugges- , 1880. 8' 683.3 tions for house decoration in painting, woodwork, and furniture. R. and A. Contemporary art in Europe. N. Y., 1877. S' 6.54.8 Garrett. Phila., 1877. 12' 057.1 De Forest, J. B. Short history of art. Bacon, H. Parisian art and artists. Bos- N.Y., [n.d.] 12' 685.2 ton, 1883. 8° 084.8 Bellairs, W. The fine arts and their uses. the U.S. X.Y., 18.34. 2 v. 8° . . . 669.6 London, 1876. 12' 609.30 Gilbert, J. Landscape art before Claude Birdwood, G. C. M. The industrial arts and Salvator. London, 1885. 8° . . 688.9 of Japan. London, 1880. 2 v. 12' . 082.14 n.avard, H. The Dutch school of paint- Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress. ing. X.Y., 188.-). 12' 1612.8 N.Y., 1877. 8' 0.54.4 Jacquemart, A. History of ceramic art. Carter, S. N. Art suggestions from the London, 1873. 8' 618.5 masters. Selected from the worlis of Jewitt, L. Ceramic art in Great Britain. artists, and other writers on art. First Ancient and modern pottery and por- series. Sir J. Reynolds, .Sir Cliarles celain. N.Y., 1878. 2 V. 8' . . . . 683.13 Bell, Wm. Hazlitt, B. R. Haydon. Lacroix, P. Arts in the middle ages and N.Y., 1881. 8' 082.1.5 renaissance. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . . . 618.4 Cheney, E. D. Gleanings in the fields of The same 628.1 art. Boston, 18S1. 12° 082.17 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 19 Art — continued. Art — continued. C'laevreul, M. E. Laws of contrast of Palgrave, F. T. Essays on art. N.Y., color, and their applications to the arts. 1861. 12° 608.18 London, [n.d.] 12° 057.7 Poole, R. S., arid others. Lectures on Chorley, H. F. Recent art and society. art. London, 1882. 16° 685.13 N.Y., 1874. 12° 652.18 Ruskin, J. Lectures on art. Oxford, Coan, T. M., Ed. Art and literature. 1870. 10° 651.23 N.Y., 1883. 16" 1224.12 The same 085.10 Dresser, C. Principles of decorative de- Political economy of art. X.Y., 18.58. sign. London, [n.d.] 8° 054.6 12° 651.9 Eastlake, C. L. Notes on the pictures in Scott, W. B. Fine and ornamental arts. tlie Louvre gallery at Paris and the N.Y., 187.5. 12° 652.22 Brera gallery at Milan. Boston, 1883. Smith, W. Art education. Boston, 1872. V2" 685.20 8° 669.8 Eidlitz, L. The nature and function of Wedmore, F. Studies in English art. art. (Architecture.) N.Y., 1881. S' . 1211.6 London, 1870-80. 2 v. 12° ... . 087.7 Fairholt, F. W., Ed. A dictionary of Wheat ley, H. B., joint author. Art work terms in art. (Illustrated.) London, in porcelain. X.Y., 1882. 8° . . . 684.12 [n.d.] 12° 0.54.5 Art work in gold and silver. X.Y., Farrar, C. S. Sculpture, painting and architecture. Topical lessons, with 1882. 8° 084.11 Wornum, R. N. Analysis of ornament. special references to valuable books. London, 1873. 8° 054.7 Cliicago, ISSl. 8° 683.19 Manuals of instruction. Fenollosa, E. F. Review of tlie chapters Amateur work in decorative art. Lon- on painting in Gouse's " Japanese art." don, [n.d.] 4° 684.5 Boston, 188.5. 8° 1013.2 Ayres, 6. B. How to paint pliotographs French, H. W. Art and artists in Con- in water colors and in oils; to work in necticut. Boston, 1879. S° . . . . 6.54.16 cr.ayon; retouch negatives; and instruc- Fuller-Ossoli, M. Art, literature and tions in ceramic painting. N.Y., 1878. the drama. [Essays.] Boston, 1874. 12° 657.16 12° 227.11 Barnard, G. Foliage and foreground drawing. (Illustrated.) London, 1876. on house decoration, music, dress, etc. 685.11 12° 657.25 Phila., [n.d.] 12^ The same 648.22 Gullick, T. J., joint author. Painting Boot, W. H. J. Trees, and how to paint popularly explained. London, 1873. them in water colors. N.Y., 1883. 8°, 684.17 12° 657.8 Burchett, R. Linear perspective for the use of schools of art. London, 1873. Hamerlon, P. G. Art essays. N. Y., [n.d.] S° 682.24 12° 657.9 The graphic arts. A treatise on draw- Davidson, E. A. Drawing for brick- ing, painting and engraving. Bos- layers. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 681.2 ton, 1882. 12° ' . . 682.30 Drawing for cabinet makers. N. Y., Harrison, J. E. Studies in Greelv art. [n.d.] 16° 681.3 London, 188.5. 12° 1612.13 Gothic stone-work. Church architect- Howard, F. Colour as a means of art. ure. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 081.4 (For amateurs.) London, [n.d.] 16°. 081. 1 Model drawing. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 081.5 Jameson, Mrs. A. Sacred and legendary Elegant arts for ladies. Painting, needle- art. Boston, 1865. 2 v. 16° . . . . 053.24 work, etc. London, [n.d.] 16° . . . 651.22 .Jarves, J. J. The art idea. N.Y., 1864. Elwes, A. T. Animal drawing. N.Y., 10° 668.23 1882. 8° 684.13 Art studies. N.Y., 1861. 8° . . . . 669.5 Foster, V. Simple lessons in water color Art thoughts. N.Y., 1869. 12°. . . 651.5 landscape. Edinburgh, 1883. 8° . . 684.16 Koehler, S. R., Ed. Art directory and Fowler, F. Oil painting. A hand-book year-book. A chronicle of events in the for the use of students and schools. art world. N.Y., 1884. S° . . . . 688.5 N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 1011.7 Lessons and lectures on art. With dia- Georgens, D., and others. Ladies' book grams to illustrate composition, etc. of art needle-work. Designs and in- London, 1875. 8° 619.12 structions. London, [n.d.] 4° . . . 618.20 Long, S. P. Art; its laws, and reasons Hulme, F. E. Flower painting in water for them. Boston, 1871. 12° ... 6.51.10 colours. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 684.15 The same 687.19 Hunt, W. M. Talks on art. Boston, Mollett, J. W. Dictionary of words used in art and archaeology. Boston, 1883. 1875. 8° 618.23 The same. (Second series.) Boston, 8° 684.9 1883. 8° 618.20 Morelli, G. Italian masters in German James, M. E. How to decorate our ceil- ings, walls and floors. London, 1883. Berlin.) London, 1883. 12° ... . 687.5 16° 686.7 Morris, W. Hopes and fears for art. Johnson, E. W. The studio arts. N. Y., Boston, 1882. 12° 1212.18 1878. 18° 657.23 Newton, C. T. Essays on art and archae- Jones, Mrs. C. S., joint author. House- ology. London, 1880. 8° 683.6 hold elegancies. N.Y., 1875. 8° . . 649.24 20 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Art — ciiiiclwlffd. Jones, Owen. Grammar of Ornament. London, [n.d.] 4^ R. L. Keniblc, M., Ed. A guide to decorative art. Uoston, [n.d.] 12° 687.14 Leiand, C. G. The minor arts. Por- celain painting, wood carving, stencil- ling, modelling, mosaic work, etc. London, 1880. 16=' 681.25 Leitcli, R. P., joint authnr. Easy studies in water color painting. London, [n.d.] 4^ G28.1S McLaughlin, M. L. China painting. A manu.ll for the use of amateurs in the decoration of hard porcelain. Cincin- nati, 1877. 12=" 657.12 Suggestions to china painters. Cincin- nati, 1884. 12^ 1611.9 Marshall, J. Anatomy for artists. X.Y., 1878. 8° . . . 628.8 Miller, F. Glass-painting. A course of instruction. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 1612.5 Oil painting. Hand-book of, for young' artists. N.Y., 1872. 12° 668.13 Putnam's art hand-books. N.Y., 188.5. 2v. 16° 1011.3 Vol. I. Sketching from nature, land- scapes ,ind flowers. II. Drawing in black and white. Figure drawing. Water color painting. Human figure. Saward, B. C. Decorative painting. A practical hand-book on painting and etching upon various objects and ma- terials. London, 1S83. 12° ... . 085.25 Tayler, F. Studies in animal painting. London, 1884. 8° 688.7 Wyatt, M. D. Art of illuminating. Lon- don, [n.d.] 8' 669.4 Art catalogues of the Exhibitions of 1853, '55, '62, -07, -71. X.Y., 1862-71. 2 v. 4° . R. L. Art education. The education of the artist. C. Chesneau. C. Bell, Trans. X.Y., 1880. 12° 1612.1.5 Art, High. (Humorous.) L. A. Roberts. Springfield, 1872. 8° 652.13 Art, Industrial. A monthly review of tech- nical and scientific education at home .-ind abroad. J. H. Lamprey, Ed. Vol. I., July-Dec, 1877. London, 1877. 8° . 628.7 Art Journal, The. 1849-1876. N.Y., 1849- 76. 28 V. 4° R. L. Art, The magazine of. (Illustrated.) N. Y., 7 V. 8° 029.10 Art needlework. A complete manual of em- broidery in silks and crewels, with full instructions as to stitches, materials and implements. London, [n.d.] S° . . . 688.3 Art needle-work for decorative embroidery. A guide to embroidery in crewels, silks, etc? L. P. Hale, AU Boston, 1879. 12°, 657.21 Art needlework. Hints and helps to home taste and recreations. Mrs. S. C. Jones and H. T. Williams. N.Y., 1876. 8°. . 649.27 Art needlew^ork, painting and wood carving. X.Y., 1881. 12° 685.5 Art needlework. Skilful Susy. A book for fairs and bazaars. E. Gay. Jf.Y., 1885. 12° 1612.16 Art of amusing. F. Bellew. X.Y., 1860. 12° . . 463.4 Art of beauty. Mrs. H. R. Ilaweis. N.Y., 1878. 12- 273.6 Art of fiction. W. Besant. Boston, 1884. 16°, 1231.13 Art Review, The American. Boston, 1880. 4' . ^ . . . R. L. Art student in Munich. A. M. Elowilt. Bos- ton, 18.54. 12= 0.52.23 Artemus Ward; his book. C. F. Browne. N.Y., 1867. 12° 247.13 Artemus Ward; his travels. C. F. Browne. N.Y., 1867. 12° • . 247.12 Artemus Ward in London. C. F. Browne. N.Y., 1807. 12° 001.5 Arteveld, James, and Philip, van. Two epi- sodes in the history of the fourteenth cen- tury. J. Hutton. London, 1882. 12° .1114.21 Arthur, Kimi. Firth, H. King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. (Juve- nile.) London, 1884. 12° 928.4 Hanson, C. H. .Stories of the days of King Arthur. London, 1882. 10° 1221.8 J. T. K., Ed. Legends of King Arthur and his knlRhts. London, 1808. 16°. . 432.11 Mallory, Sir T. The boy's King Arthur. Ed. by S. Lanier. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . . 923.9 King Arthur and his knights. London, 1808. 12° 511.16 Arthur, King, The new. An opera without words. N.Y., 1885. 12° 578.6 Arthur, Chester A. Sketch of his life. Boston, 1880. 12° 178.34 Arthur, T. S. The bar-rooms at Brantley. Phila., 1877. 12° 360.33 Danger. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 345.30 Nothing but money. Boston, 1865. 12° . 422.9 Orange blossoms, fresh and faded. Phila., 1878. 12° 372.29 Our neighbors in the corner house. Jf.Y., 18.50. 12° 426.9 Six nights with the Washingtonians, and other temperance tales. Phila., [nd.] 8°, .309.22 Strong drink; the curse and the cure. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 301.70 Ten nights in a bar-room. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 444.35 Three years in a man-trap. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 301.69 What came afterwards. Sequel to "Noth- ing but money." N.Y., 1865. 12°. . . 411.3 Window curt.iins. N.Y., |n.d.] 12°. . . 378.14 Woman to the rescue. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. 361.71 Arthur, William. Diflferences between the physical and moral law. X.Y., 1884. 12° 1318.8 Italy in transition. N.Y., 1800. 12°. . . 721.6 Arthur Blanc; or. The hundred cuirassiers. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° . . 384.3 Arthur Bonnicastle. J. G. Holland. N.Y., 187.3. 12° 333.21 Arthur Erskine's story. A tale of Knox. By the author of "The Spanish brothers." London, 1884. 12° 959.13 Arthur Mervyn ; or. Memoirs of the year 1793. C. B. Brown. Boston, 1827. 2 v. 12° . 342.37 The same. Phila., 18.57. 2 v. 12°.. . 342.40 Arthur O'Leary. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.] 10° 351.1 Arthur's aquarium. Mrs. H. F. Parker. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 10' 922.2 Artist and tradesman's companion. M. L. Bvrn. N.Y., 1867. 12° 242.9 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Artist's love. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1861. 12'= 415.10 Artist's married life, The. L. ScUefer. Bos- ton, 1861. 16' 2.51.23 Artist's portfolio. Gatherings from an. J. E. Freeman. N.T., 1877. 16^ 657.5 The same. (Second series.) Boston, 1883. 12" 775.2 Artiste. [A novel.] M. M. Grant. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 395.6 Artists. See also Art biography. Biographical and critical sketches of Ameri- can artists. Historical account of the rise and progress of art in America. H. T. Tuckerman. X.Y., 1882. 8° . . . 111G.4 Artist-Biographies. M. F. Sweetser, Ed. Boston, 1877-79. 15 v. 18° 191.1 I. Titian. IX. Guido Reni. II. Raphael. X. Van Dyck. III. Diirer. XI. Turner. lY. ilurillo. XII. Leonardo da V. Rembrandt. Vinci. VI. Claude Lorraine. XIII. Fra Angelico. VIL Joshua Reynolds. XIV. Allston. VIII. Michael Angelo. XV. Landseer. Illustrated biographies of great artists. X.y., 1879-83. 23 V. 12^ Corregglo, Antonio Allegri da, by M. C. Heaton 195.22 Durer, Albrecht, by R. F. Heath . . . 195.20 Figure painters of Holland, by R. Gower, 195.12 Fra Bartolommeo di Paolo, and Mariotto Albertinelli, Andrea d'Agnolo, by L. Scott 195.18 Fra Giovanni Angelico da Fiesole, and the early Florentine painters of the fif- teenth century, by C. 31. Phillimore . 195.17 Giotto, by H. Quilter 195.13 Hogarth, by A. Dobson 195.9 Holbein, Hans, by J. Cundall .... 195.5 Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry, by F. G. Stephens 195.15 Little masters of Germany, by AY. B. Scott 195.8 Mantegna and Francia, by J. Cart Wright, 195.21 Raphael, by N. II. E. Bell 195.3 Rembrandt, by J. W. Jlollett 195.2 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, by F. S. Pulling . 195.16 Riibeus, by C. \Y. Kett " 195.10 Tintoretto, (Jacopo Robusti,) by W. E. Osier 195.6 Titian, by R. F. Heath 195.1 Turner, J. il. W., by W. C. Monkhouse . 195.7 Van Dyck, by P. R. Head and F. Hals . 195.4 Velasquez, by E. Stowe 195.14 Vinci, Leonardo da, by J. P. Richter . . 195 11 Watteau, Antoine, by J. W. Mollett . . 195.23 Wilkie, Sir David, by J. W. Mollett . . 195.19 Artists, Italian, Stories of the. From Vasari. X.Y., 188.5. 12° 1129.10 Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. C. E. Clement and L. Hutton. Boston, 1879. 2 v. 12° 182.14 Artists and Arabs. H. Blackburn. Boston, 1874. 16' 711.18 Arts, The Fine, Quarterly Review. B. B. Woodward, Ed. London, [n.d.] 3 v. 8° 628.9 Vol. I. May-Oct., 1863. II. Jan.-May, 1864. III. Oct., 1864,-Jan., 1865. Arts and manufactures. Five black arts. His- tory, manufacture and uses of printing, pottery, gas-light, glass and iron. Co- lumbus, 1861. 12° 636.14 Arts, manufactures and mines, Dictionary of. A. Ure. Boston, 185.3. 3 v. 8= . . . 689.7 As it may happen. An American story. R. S. Davis. rUila., [n.d.] 12° 364.71 As it was written. A Jewish musician's story. H. Harland. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° ... . 967.16 As long as she lived. F. W. Robinson. X.Y., 1876. 8° 365.-35 As pretty as seven, and other tales. L. Bech- stein. London, [n.d.] 12° 413.7 As ■we went marching on. A war story. G. W. Hosmer. N.Y., 1885. 18° ... . 9.51.25 Asbury twins, The. Sequel to " Our Helen." R. S. Clarke. Boston, 1876. 12° . . . 364.45 Ascanio. An historical romance. A. Dumas. London, [n.d.] 12° 361.62 Ascents and adventures. A record of moim- taineering in every quarter of the globe. H. Frith. London, 18&4. 12° ... . 919.4 Aschenbroedel. [A novel.] (No name series.) Boston, 1382. 10° .385.26 The same 385.27 Asgard and the gods. Tales and traditions of our northern ancestors, told for boys and girls. Dr. W. Wagner. Phila., [n.d.] 8°, 448.11 Asbango-laud, Journey to. P. B. Du Chaillu. N.Y., 1S67. 8° 737.3 Ashantee campaign. The story of the. W. Reade. London, 1874. 12° 768.12 Ashauti war. The. A narrative prepared from official documents. H. Brackenburg. Edinburgh, 1874. 2 v. 8° 1416.8 Asheldon schoolroom. The. F. M. Peard. London, 1884. 12° 919.5 Asbenhurst, Thomas R. Design in textile fabrics. London, 1883. 16° 686.8 Asbmont, pseud. Dogs ; their management and treatment in disease. 1885. 12°.. . 1325.18 Asbmore, Annie. Faithful Margaret. X.T., 12° 367.16 AsbtoD, John. Chap-books of the eighteenlb century. London, 1882. 12° .... 1219.3 Dawn of the nineteenth century in England. X.Y., 1&S6. 2v. 8° 1428.10 English caricatures and satires on Xapoleon L N.Y., 1884. 2 V. S° 1127.1 Old times. Social life at the end of the eighteenth century. N.Y., 1885. 8°. . 1428.1 Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. London, 188.3. 12° 598.10 Ed. Adventures and discourses of Captain John Smith. X.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . .1413.11 Humour, wit and satire of the seventeenth century. London, 1883. 12° .... 1228.10 Ashwell, a! R., and Wilberforce, R. G. Life of Samuel Wilberforce. N.Y., 188.3. 8°, 1119.1 Asbwortb, Henry. Recollections of Richard Cobden and the anti-corn-law league. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 178.19 Asbwortb, John. Strange tales from humble life. London, [n.d.] 6 v. 16° . . . . 368.3 Asia. Anneni.a and the campaign of 1877. With maps and plans. C. B. Xorman. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 496.3 Asia, Central. A ride to Kliiva. F. Burnaby. N.Y., 1877. 12° 715.21 Sketches of. A. Vumbery. Phila., 1868. S°, 725.4 22 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Asia, Central — concluded. Travels ill. A. Vambery. X.Y., ISOo. 8', 730.2 Asia Minor, On horseback through. F. Bur- naby. London, 1878. 12" 778.12 Asia and Europe, Armies of. With letters de- scriptive of a journey from Japan to the Caucasus. E. Upton. N.T., 1878. 8= . 496.4 Asiatic studios, Keligious and social. A. C. Lyall. London^ ia'<2. 8= 1226.8 Aspendale. 11. W. Preston. Boston, 1871. * 10' 432.10 Aspirations. [A novel.) H. Hays. N.Y., ISsi;. 12' 977.11 Aspirations of the world. L. M. Child, Ed. Boston, 1878. 10^ 281.13 Assyria. Its princes, priests and people. A. II. Sayce. London, 1885. W. . v. 6 of 781.17 Assyrian discoveries. G. Smith. N.Y., 1875. 8' 717.4 Asthma, Notes on. J. G. TUorowgood. Thila., 1873. 10= 0:51.10 Astor Library, Catalogue of. N. T., 1857. 5 v. 8= R. L. Astoria. W. Irving. N.Y., 18.55. 12' . . . 712.5 Astronomer, The practical. Containing va- rious topics connected with astronomy. T.Dick. N.Y., 1.846. 12° 074.17 Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion's " History of the lieavens." J. F. Blake. London, 1877. 12° 6.55.16 Astronomy. Ball, R. S. Elements of. N.Y., 1880. 12° 074.10 Burritt, E. 11. The geograpliy of the heav- ens. With an atlas. N.Y.,"[n.d.] 12° . 1317.18 Clerlfe, A. M. A popular history of as- tronomy during the nineteenth century. Edinburgh, 1885. 12° 1316.6 Denison, E. B. Astronomy without mathe- matics. N.Y., 1869. 12° 645.22 Ennis, J. Origin of the stars. N.Y., 1868. 12° 645.16 Fellowes, F. Astrononiv for beginners. N.Y., 188.5. 16° . . ". 1321.25 Ferguson, J. Astronomy explained and made easy. London, 1710. 8° . . . . 645.12 Flammarion, C. Wonders of the heavens. N.Y., 1871. 12° 044.23 The s.inie 1317.8 Guillemin, N. Tbeheavens. N.Y.. 1871. 8°, 645.5 Wonders of the moon. N.Y., 1873. 12°, 645.21 The same 1317.9 Hill, U. The stars and constellations. A new method of identifying the more con- spicuous stars and constellations visible to the naked eye. N.Y., 1S8.5. 4° . . . 619.17 Humboldt. A. von. A physical description of the heavens. London, 1807. 12°. . 645.29 Johnston, A. K. School atlas of astronomy. With de^-criplions by R. Grant. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° R. L. Kirkwood, D. Meteoric astronomy. Phila., 1807. 12° 645.20 Mitchel, O. M. Popular astronomy. N.Y., 1860. 12° 645.23 Newcomb, S. Popular astronomy. (Maps and engravings.) X.Y., 1878. 8° . . . 6.50.9 Olmstoad, D. Text -book of astronomy. N.Y., 18.-i9. 8° 645.4 Proctor, R. A. Easy star lessons. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1312.1 Essays on astronomy. London, 1872. 8°, 645.10 Astronomy — concluded. I'roctor, R. A. Jlalf-hours with the stars. Easy guide to the knowledge of the constellations. London, 1870. 4= . . 619.8 Myths and marvels of astronomy. N.Y., 1877. 8° 656.6 Other worlds than ours. N.Y.,1871. 12°, 645.14 The poetry of astronomy. Phila., 1881. 12° 678.1 Smith, W. H. A cycle of celestial objects. Oxford. 1881. 8° 077.13 Warren, H. W. Recreations in astronomy. With directions for practical experiments, and telescopic work. N.Y., 1879. 12' . 075.1 At a high price. E. Buerstenbinder. Mrs. Wister, Trans. Boston, 1879. 12° . . . 308.38 At any cost. A story for boys. Mrs. L F. Mayo. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° " 962.17 At Capri. C.Bauer. Phila., 1875. 12° . . 316.14 At daybreak. [.V novel.] A.Stirling. Bos- ton, 1,SS4. 10' 9.57.16 At eventide. (Discourses.) N.Adams. Bos- ton, 1877. 12° 272.29 At home and abroad. Mrs. M. Fuller-Ossoli. Boston, 1874. 12° 227.8 At home and abroad. J. P. Kennedy. N.Y., 1S72. 10' 233.14 At last. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1872. 12° 423.2 At last. A Christm.as in the West Indies. C. Kingsley. London, 1871. 12° ... . 352.30 At love's extremes. M. Thompson. N.Y., 1SS5. 12° 905.24 At odds. Baroness von Tautphoeus. Phila., ISC,;!. 12° 3.54.12 At school Willi an old dragoon. S. J. Mac- Kcniia. London, 1S74. 12° 4.53.14 At the b.ack of the noi;th wind. 6. Macdonald. London, 1871. 12° 330.5 At the councillor's. E. John. Mrs. ^Vister, Trans. Phila., 1877. 12° 316.24 The same 310.28 At the court of King Edwin. [A drama.] W. Leighton, Jr. Phila., 1878. 12' . . . .571.15 At the eleventh hour. [A novel.] Mrs. A. Edwards. N.Y., 1882. 10' 941.10 At the Red Glove. Mrs. K. S. Macquoid. N.Y., 1.S85. 12° 905.23 At the sign of the Lyre. [Poems.] A. Dob- son. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 578.2 Atalauta in the South. [A romance. | M. IIowc. Boston, 1886. li.° 975.12 Atalanta in Calydon. ]Apoem.] A. C. Swin- burne. Boston, 1866. 16° 612.24 Atheism in philosopliy, and other essays. F. n. Hedge. Boston, 1884. 12° ... . 1242.2 Atheism, Lectures on modern. E. Naville. Boston, 1807. 12° 205.29 Athenaeum, The; or, Spirit of the English m.aga/.ines. (Incomplete.) Boston, 1817- 27. 12 V. 8° 2.59.2 Athens, Ancient. Its history, topography and remains. T. H. Dyer. London, 1873. S° 783.12 Athens, Antitiuities of, and other monuments of Greece. J. Stuart and N. Revett. London. 1858. 12° 008.17 Atherstone priory. L. N. Comyn. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 362.6 Atherton, and other tales. M. R. Mil ford. Boston, 1854. 12° 420.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 23 Atkinson, J. B. The noithern capitals of Eu- rope. N.T., 1873. 1-1° 724.4 Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and western Si- beria. N.T., 1858. S' 605.6 Tliesame 727.8 The upper and lower Amoor. N.Y.,1S60. 8^, 664.2 Atkinson, William P. Books and reading. Boston, 1S60. 12' 251.16 Classical and scientific studies. Cambridge, 1S65. S-^ 642.5 History and the study of history. Boston, 1884. 16° 1231.10 Atla; a story of the lost island. Mrs. J. G. Smith. N.Y., 1886. IS' 961.8 Atlantic essays. T. W. Higginson. Boston, is-l. 12^ 264.9 Atlantic islands. (Illustrated.) S. G. W. Ben- jamin. N.Y.,187S. 8° 496.10 Atlantic Monthly. Boston, 1870-86. 33 v. 8°, 742.1 Vol. XXV. Jan.-Juue, 1870. XXVI. July-Dec, 1870. XXVII. Jan.-June, 1871. XXVIII. July-Dec, 1871. XXIX. Jan.-June, 1872. XXX. July-Dec, 1872. XXXI. Jan.-June, 1873. XXXII. July-Dec, 1873. XXXIII. Jan.-June, 1874. XXXIV. July-Dec, 1874. XXXV. Jan.-June, 1875. XXXVI. July-Dec, 1875. XXXVII. Jan.-June, 1876. XXXVIII. July-Dec, 1876. XXXIX. Jan.-June, 1877. XL. July-Dec, 1877. XLI. Jan.-June, 1878. XLII. July-Dec, 1.S7S. XLIII. Jan.-June, 1879. XLIV. July-Dec, 1879. XLV. Jan.-June, 1880. XLVI. July-Dec , 1880. XLVII. Jan.-June, 1881. XLVIII. July-Dec, 1881. XLIX. Jan.-June, 1882. L. July-Dec, 1882. LI. Jan.-June, 1883. LII. July-Dec, 1883. LIII. Jan.-June, 1884. LIV. July-Dec, 1884. LV. Jan.-June, 1885. LVI. July-Dec, 1885. LVII. Jan.-June, 1886. Atlantic ocean. Notes on the northern Atlan- tic. K. Brown, Rt London, 1880. 12°, 761.9 Atlantic tales. (From the "Atlantic Month- ly.") Boston, 1866. 12° 413.16 Atlantis : the antedeluvian world. I. Don- nelly. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1213.13 Atlas, The collegiate. Consisting of maps of modern and historical geography, and a copious index. X.Y., [n.d.] 8° . . . 718.13 Atlas of the world, Bradley's, with isometric index to maps. Phila., 18S(i. Folio . . R. L. Atlas of the world. Historical, statistical and descriptive letterpress. Rand, McNally, and Co. Chicago, 1881. 4° R. L. Atlas, Mitchell's new general. Slaps and plans, valuable tables, a list of Post Offices of the U.S., and the census of 1860 and 1S70. Phila., 1876. 4° R. L. See also Boston, JIassachusetts, United States. Atmosphere, The. C. Flammarion. N.Y., 1873. 8= 647.1 Atonement of Learn Dundas, The. Mrs. E. L. Linton. Phila., 1876. 8° 365.32 Atomic theory. The. A. Wurtz. N.Y., 1881. 12° 678.2 Attache in Madrid, An. N.Y., 1S56. 12°. . 735.11 Attic philosopher in Paris; or, A peep at the world from a garret. E. Souvestre. N. Y., 1870. 16° 291.12 Attorney, An, in search of practice. G. Ste- phen. Boston, 1874. 12° 227.12 Attwood, F. G. (Artist.) Manners and cus- toms of the Harvard students. Boston, 1877. Ob. 4° R. L. Atwater, E. E. History and significance of the sacred tabernacle of the Hebrews. N.Y., 187.5. 8° 481.7 Atwood, Thomas. The ship "Mary Alice." Boston, 1878. 12° 391.21 Aubert Dubayet; or. The two sister republics. [A story.] C. Gayarre. Boston, 1882. 12° 942.2] Aubertin, J. J. A flight to Mexico. London, 1882. 12° 772.24 Audsley, G. A. and Bowes, J. A. Keramic art in Japan. London, 1881. 4° . . . R. L. Audsley, W. and G. Polj-chromatic decora- tion as applied to buildings in the niedioB- val styles. London, 1882. 4° . . . . R. L. Audubon, John James. Adventures and dis- coveries of. Mrs. H. St. John. Boston, 1801. 16° 151.13 Life of. Ed. by his widow. N.Y., 1869. 8°, 139.2 Works: Birds of America. N.Y., [n.d.] 8 V. 8° R. L. Auer, Adelheid von. It is the fashion. Phila., 1872. 12° 317.2 Auerbach, Berthold. Aloys. N.Y., 1877. 16°, 368.20 Black Forest village stories. N.Y., 1869. 12° 3.34.3 Brigitta. N.Y., 1880. 16° 376.24 The convicts and their children. N. Y., 1877. 16° 364.56 Edelweiss. Boston, 1869. 16° 362.28 The foresters. N.Y., 1880. 10° ... . 378.6 German tales. Boston, 1869. 16° ... 362.27 The good hour. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 382.23 Joseph in the snow. Boston, 1868. 16° . 364.1 Landolin. N.Y., 1878. 16° 376.2 Lorley and Reinhard. N.Y., 1877. 16° . 368.2 Master Bieland and his workmen. N.Y., 1883. 16° 949.9 On the heights. Boston, 1869. 16° . . . 364.2 The same 364.3 Spinoza. N.Y., 1882. 16° 388.24 Villa on the Rhine. N.Y., 1869. 2 v. 12°, 364.4 Waldfried. N.Y., 1874. 12° 343.32 Auersperg, Count von. The last knight. [Poems.] N.Y., 1871. 12° 563.14 August and Elvie. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1871. 16° 436.1 Augusta, Maine, History of. J. W. Xorth. Augusta, 1870. 8° 542.1 Aulnay Tower. B. W. Howard. Boston, 1885. 12° 968.1 The same 968.7 Aumale, Due d'. Princes de Cond^, History of the. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° 135.7 Aunt Jane's hero. Mrs. E. Prentiss. N.Y., 1870. 12° 414.16 24 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. Boston, 1872-?2. G v. 16". I. Jlyboys 4.36.18 II. Sliawlstraps 406.17 III. Cupid and Chow-Chow 436.10 IV. My girls 436.26 V. Jimmy's cruise in the "Pinafore" . . 436.27 VI. An old-fashioned Thanksgiving . . . 016.13 Auut Madge's story. R. S. Clarke. Boston, 1872. 16° 466.4 Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Phila., [n.d.] 12^ 363.3,1 Aunt Kachel. J. D. C. Murray. London, 1886. 12° 976.1 Aunt Serena. B. W. Howard. Boston, 1881. 16° 388.8 The same 388.9 Aurelian. W. Ware. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 34.5.4 Aurora. |.V novel.] M. A. Tincker. Phila., 188(1. 12" 972.2 Aurora Floyd. M. E. Braddon-Maxwell. N.Y., 1871. 8° .36.5.13 Aurora Leigh. [A poem.] Mrs. E. B. Brown- ing. X.Y., 18.57. 12" 566.4 Austen, Jane, Memoir of. Austen-Leigh, J. E. London, 1870. 8° 157.12 Bradbournc, Lord E., Ed. Letters and critical remarks. London, 1884. 2 v. 12° 1134.9 Tytler, S. Jane Austen and her works. London, [n.d.] 12° 185.17 IForts; London, 1S82. 6 v. 12° Emma 9-53.1 The same 312.23 Lady Susan, and fragments of other tales. With a memoir 9.53.2 Mansfield Park 312.24 The s.ame 0.53.3 Nortlianger Abbey 953.4 Pride and prejudice 953.5 Sense and sensibility 953.6 The same 312.26 Austin, George L. History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1870. 8° 481.4 Wendell Phillips, Life and times of. Bos- ton. 1884. 12° 1126.20 Austin, James T. Life of Elbridge Gerry. Boston, 1828. 8° 167.12 Austin, Jane 6., Mrs. Cypher. N.T.. 1869. 8° 347.14 The Desmond hundred. (Round robin series.) Boston, 1S83. 16° 398.21 The same 398.22 DoraDariing. Boston, 1865. 12° ... 463.13 Nantucket scraps. Boston, 1883. 10° . . 771.9 Outpost. (Sequel to "Dora Darling.") Boston, 1867. 12° 463.14 Shadow of Moloch mountain. N.Y., 1870. 8° 347.13 Austin, Sarah. Characteristics of Goethe. London, 1833. 3 v. 8° 114.1 Fragments from German prose writers. N.Y., 1841. 16° 256.1 Austin, Stella. For old sake's sake. N.Y., 1877. 16° 446.6 Pat. A story for boys and girls. X.Y., 1880. 12° 912.8 Austin Elliot. U. Kingsley. Boston, 1863. 12° 425.9 Austin Friars. Mrs. J. U. Riddell. London, in.d.] 12° 954.2 Australia. J. F. V. Fitzgerald. London, 1881. 12° Australia. New South Wales, the mollier colony of tlie Australias. G. H. Reid. Sidney, Australia, 1876. 8° Australia, Three colonies of. S.Sidney. N.Y., 1800. 12° Australian life and scenery, Sketches of. By one who has been a resident for thirty years. London, 1876. 12° Austria, Empire of. J. S. C. Abbott. N.Y., 1859. 8° Austria, House of. W. Coxe. London, 1874. 4v. 12° Austria-Hungary. I). Kay. London, 1880. 12" ' . . . Austrian Arctic voyage. 1872-74. J. Payer. N.Y., 1.877. 8° Authors and publishers. A manual of sugges- tions and information forbeginners in literature, willi general hints for authors. N.Y., 1883. 8° Authors, books, and publishers, Fifty years among. J. C. Derby. N.Y., 1884. 8° . Authors, Great, of all ages. Prose selections witli inde.\es. S. A. Allibone. Phila., 1880. 8° Authors, Pleasant, for young folks. A. B. Harris. Boston, [n.d.] 16° Authorship of the fourth Gospel. External evidence. E. Abbott. Boston, 1880. 8°, Autobiography, An, with essays. Boston, 1873. 16" Autobiography. Ed., with essays, by W. D. Howells. Boston, 1877. 6 v. 10°. Alfieri, Yittorio, Life of Frederica Sophia Willielmina, Princess roy- al of rrussiii, Mitmoirs of. 2 v Gibbon, Edward, Memoirs of Goldoni, Carlo, Memoirs of Herbert, Lord of Chcrbury, and Thomas Elhvood, Lives of Marmoiitel, J. F., Memoirs of Autocrat of the breakfast table. O. W. ' Holmes. Boston, 18.58. 12° Automaton car, and other sketches. F. Mc- Landbnrgli. Chicago, 1876. 12° . . . Autumn holidays of a country parson. A. H. K. Boyd. "Boston, 186.5. 12° Autumnal catarrh. M. Wyinan. N.Y., 1872. 8° Avenger, The. T. De Quincey. Boston, 18.50. 12° Average man. An. R. Gr.ant. Boston, 1864. 12° Avery, Benjamin P. California pictures. N.Y., 1878. 8° A-way on the Moorlands. A. C. Chambers. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° Awdry, Frances. Story of a fellow-soldier. London, 1875. 16° Axon, William E. A. Lancashire gleanings. Manchester, 1883. 12° Ayers, George B. How to paint photographs in water colors and in oils; to work in crayon; retouch negatives; and instruc- tion in ceramic painting. X.Y., 1878. 12° Ayres, Alfred. The mentor. For such men and boys as would appear to advantage in society. N.Y., 1884. 16° 701.19 489.6 661.9 786.19 .521.1 532. 13 761.13 480.14 1218.12 1127.9 103.12 1121.10 284.18 161.4 181.3 181.1 181.0 181.4 1SI.2 181.7 267.19 242.18 251.24 632.16 421.15 059. 1 480.19 445. 1 303.40 1227.6 657.16 686.19 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 25 Ayres, Alfred — concluded. The orthoiipist. A pronouncing manual. N.Y., 1880. 10° 127.24 Ayres, Anne. Muhlenberg, William Augustus, Life and work of. K.Y., ISSO. 8= . . 18G..5 Aytoun, W. E. Bothwell. [A poem. J Uos- ton, 1856. n° 611.1 Sinclair, Korman, Life of. Edinburgh, ISO I. 3 V. 12° 1113.22 Azahar. Extracts from a journal in Spain in 1881-82. E. C. Hope-Edwardes. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 775.11 Azamat-Batuk. A little book about Great Britain. London, 1S70. 12° 511.11 Azarian. An episode. Mrs. H. P. Spofford. N.T., ISSl. 16° .376.29 Azarias, Brother. The development of English literature. N.Y., 1879. 12° 292.1 Azores, Among the. L. H. Weeks. Boston, 1882. 16° 771.3 Azores, A summer trip in the, with a glimpse of Madeira. C.A.Baker. Boston, 1882. 18°, 771.4 Azores, A trip to the. B. de F. Henriques. Boston, 1867. 12° 001.24 B.O.W.CThe. J. DeMille. Boston, 1871. 16°, 407.11 "Bab" ballads, Fifty. Much sound and little sense. W. S. Gilbert. London, 1877. 12°, 573.23 Babcook, Emma \X. Household hints. X.Y., 1881. 12° 682.27 Baden-Baden, A summer at. (Illustrated.) E. Guinot. London, [n.d.] 8° . . . . R. L. Babolaiu. G. Droz. N.Y., 1873. 10° . . . 302.23 BabyKue. (No name series.) Boston, 1881. 10°, 385.20 The same 385.21 Baby's grandmother, The. Mrs. L. B. Wal- ford. N.Y., 1884. 10° 962.2 Babylon. [A novel.] G. Allen. Pliila., 1885. 10° 969.10 Babylonian life and history. E. A. W. Budge. London, 18S5. 16° v. 4 of 781.17 Baccalaureate sermons. A. P. Peabody. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 1242.19 Bach, Johann Sebastian. His life and writings. Adapted from the German of Hilgenfeldt OTid Forkel. London, 1809. 10° . . .1121.14 Life of. R. L. Poole. (The great musi- cians.) N.Y., 1882. 12° 1114.1 Bach and Beethoven. C. Barnard. Boston, 1871. 16° 463.11 Bache, Richard M. American wonderland. Phila., 1871. 12° 453.7 Bachelder, J. B. The tourist's guide of the U.S. Boston, 1873. 12° 762.26 Bachelor Bluff. His opinions, sentiments, and disputations. O. B. Bunce. X.Y., 1881. 16° 1212.1 Backlog studies. C. D. Warner. Boston, 1S73. J2° 264.16 Backsheesh ! or, Life and adventures in the Orient. (Descriptive and humorous sketches.) T.W.Knox. Hartford, 187.5. 8°, 487.6 Backwoods boy; or. How a young rail-splitter became president. (Abraham Lincoln.) H. Alger. N.Y., 1883. 12° 017.23 The same 919.8 Backwoodsman, The; or. Life on the frontier. C. F. Wraxall, ^(7. Boston, ISOlj. 10° . 4.50.10 Bacon, Albert M. A manual of gesture. Chi- cago, 1873. 12° 041.10 Bacon, Edwin M. Dictionary of Boston. Bos- ton, 1886. 12° 797.14 Ed. King's handbook of Boston. Cam- bridge, 1883. 16° 771.14 Bacon, Francis, Life of. Church, R. W. (Eng- lish men of letters.) N.Y., 1884. 12° . 192 46 Dixon, W. H. Personal history of. Bos- ton, 1861. 12° 102.19 Fowler, T. Life of. (English philosophers.) N.Y., 1881. 12° . . .' 179,8 Bacon, Francis — concluded. Spedding, J,, .Ed. Life and times of. Bos- ton, 1880. 2 V. 8° 1218.1 Works : Essays. N.Y., 18.55. 16° 217.23 Essays; or, Counsels, civic and moral, and The wisdom of the ancients. Boston, 1879.. 10° 123.19 The Promus of formularies and elegan- cies. Illustrated by passages from Shakespeare. Ed. by Mrs. Henry Pott. Boston, 1883. 8° 572.5 Works. Boston, 1800-64. 15 v. 12° . 112.1 Works. Popular edition based upon the popular edition of Spedding. Boston, 1881. 2v. 8° 1218.2 Bacon-Shakespeare controversy, Bibliogra- phy of, with notes and extracts. W. H. Wyman. Cincinnati, 1884. 8° . . . . 1234.6 Bacon, G. B., Ed. Siam as it was, and is. N.Y.,1S73. 12° *. . . . 713.2 Bacon, Henry. Parisian art and artists. Bos- ton, 1883. 8° 684.8 A Parisian year. Boston, 1882. 16° . . 771.1 Bacon, Leonard. Genesis of Xew England churches. N.Y., 1874. S° 541.1 Bacon, Leonard W. Memorials of Emily Bliss Gould of Rome. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 182.21 Bacon, Thomas S. The reign of God, not "The reign of law." Baltimore, 1878. 12°, 286.10 Bacon, Nathaniel, Life of. W. Ware. (Ameri- can biography. Vol. III.) 111.3 Bacourt, Chevalier de. Souvenirs of a diplo- mat. Letters from America during the administrations of Presidents Van Buren, Harrison, .and Tyler. N.Y., 1885. 12° . 1245.17 Badcock, John. Vignettes from invisible life. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1318.6 Baddeck, and that sort of thing. C, D. War- ner. Boston, 1874. 12° 001.27 Badeau, Adam. Aristocracy in England. N.Y., 1886. 16° . . ." . . . .'^ . . 1251.24 Conspiracy. (A Cuban romance.) N.Y., 1885. 12° 074.24 Military history of U. S. Grant. 1861-65. N.Y., 1868-1881. 3 v. 8° 156.7 Baden-Powell, Geo. S. >few homes for the Old Country. London, 1872. 8° , . . 726.3 Baden-Pow^ell, Willhim, Canoe travelling, Lond.Mi, 1871. 12° 723.2 Baedeker's guide books. Boston, 1874-78. 16°. Belgium and Holland 764.1 Lower Egypt, with the Fayiim and the peninsula of Sinai 704.2 Northern Germany 764.3 26 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bsedeker's guide books — concluded. SoutUeia Germany and Austria, including eastern Alps 7()4.4 Norlliern Italy, including Legliorn, Flor- ence, Ravenna, etc 764.5 Central Italy and Kome 764.6 Southern Italy and Sicily, with excursions to Lipari Islands, etc 764.7 London and its environs 764.8 Palestine and .Syria 764.9 Paris aiui its environs 764.10 The lihiiie, from Hotterdara to Constance . 764.11 .Switzerland, Italy, Savoy, etc 764.12 Traveller's manual of conversation in Eng- lish, Prench, (Jerman and Italian . . . 764.13 Bagehot, Walter. The English constitution, and other political essays. N.T., 1877. 12^ 246.28 The English constitution. London, 1SS2. 12= 12.37.14 Lombard street. N.Y., 1873. 12^ . . . 244. S Physics and polities. N.Y., 187-3. 12°. . 655.11 Bageual, Philip II. American Irish and their influence on Irish politics. Boston, 1882. 16° 1212.23 Bagot, Alan. Civil engineering as applied to .igriculture and estate management. Lou- don, 1885. 12° 1325.5 Bahama Islands, Birds of the. C. B. Cory. Boston, 1880. 8° K. L. Baile, J. Wonders of electricity. N.T., 1872. 12" " 634.12 Bailey, Alfred. The succession to the English crown. London, 187!). 12° 202.18 Bailey, .James JI. The Banbury boom. Bos- ton, 1880. 16° 127.12 England from a back window. Boston, 1879. 12° 493.15 Life in Danbury. Boston, 1873. 12° . . 234.22 They all do it. Boston. 1877. 16° . .'. 368 25 Bailey, John M. The book of ensilage. (On preservinggreen fodder.) Billerica, Mass., 1880. 8° 076.16 Bailey, L. 11. Talks afield about plants. Bos- ton. 188."). 16° 1314.10 Bailey, Miss, pseud. Edna Lyall. Donovan. N.Y., 1,886. 12° . . . " 972.15 The same 972.16 In the golden days. N.Y., 1886. 10° . . 975.10 We two. Sequel to "Donovan." N.Y., 1886. 12° 972.17 The same 972.18 Won by waiting. N.Y., 1886. 12° . . . 977.17 The same 977.18 Bailey, Philip .James. Tlie age. [A satire.] Boston, 18,>8. 12= 614.12 Bailey, Sarah L. Historical sketches of Ando- ver, Mass. Boston, 1880. 8° . . . . 5?8.11 Bailey, W. Whitman. The botanical collector's hand-book. Salem, Mass., 1881. 12° . 674.24 Bailey, William L. Our own birds. A familiar natural history of the birds of the United States. Phila., 1869. 10° 621.13 The same. Phila., 188.5. 12° . . . .1325.16 Bailiff's maid. The. E. John. Mrs. Wister, Trmiit. Phila., 1881. 12° 397.13 Bain, Alexander. Education as a science. N.Y., 1879. 12° 6.58.22 Mill, James, Life of. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . 1113.7 Mill, John Stuart. A criticism with person- al recollections. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . . 1113.8 Baiii, Alexander — concluded. Mind and body. N.Y., 187.3. 12° ... 631.4 Practical essays. X.Y., 1884. 12° . . .1228.17 Bainbridge, Lucy S. Bound the world letters. N.Y., 1882. 12° 778.14 Bainbridge, William F. Self-giving. A story of Christian missions. Boston, [n.d.] 12- 946.24 Baines, Thomas. Greenhouse and stove plants, palms, ferns, etc. London, 188.5. 8°. . 1326.7 Baird, Charles W. Ilistory of the Huguenot emigration to America. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 V. 8' 1425.2 Baird, Henry M. The history of the rise of the Huguenots of France. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 8° " 499.6 The same. N.Y., 1883. 2 v. 8' . . . .V.(9.5 Baird, Robert. Baird, H. JI.. Life of. N.Y., 11^66. 12° 210.6 Baird, S. F., and others. Birds of North America. Salem, 1870. 2 v. 4° . . . R. L. Water birds of North America. Boston, 1882. 8° 1223.2 Baker, Benjamin. Beams, columns, and arches." London, 1870. 12° 6.37.9 The actual lateral pressure of earthwork. N.Y., 1881. 18° 674.27 Baker, C. Alice. A summer in the Azores, with a glimpse of Madeira. Boston, 1882. 18° 771.4 Baker, George M. The globe drama. | Plays.] Boston, 188.5. 16° '. . 1251.9 The handy speaker. [Selections.] Boston, |n.d.]. 2 v. 16° 123.6 Tlie mimic stage. Boston, 1871. 12° . . 615.18 JCd. Reading club and handy speaker. No. 9. Boston", 1881. 16° 123.26 Ed. The popular speaker. [Reading-club Nos. 9-16.] Boston, 1885. 2 v. l(i" . . 1251.4 Running to waste. Boston, 1875. 16° . . .363.30 The social stage. Boston, 1871. 12° . . 016.13 Baker, Henry B. English actors from Shakes- l)e.are to Macready. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 12° 182.10 Our old actors. Loudon, 1881. 12°. . .1118.18 Baker, James. Turkey. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . 486.15 Baker, John, Trans. Montesquieu's Grandeur and decadence of the Romans. N.Y., 1882. 12° 595.10 Baker, L. C. History of the United States secret service. Phila., 1867. 8° . . . 545.4 Baker, .Sir Samuel W. The Albert N'Yanza; the great basin of the Nile. London, 1866. 8° 7.36.9 Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. London, 1.879. 8° 703.22 Eight years' wanderings in Ceylon. Phila., I,s73. 12' 064.24 Exploration of the Nile tributaries. Hart- ford, 1868. 8° 664.7 Ismailia. Expedition to central Africa. N.Y., 1875. 8° 717.3 Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. Phila., 1867. 8° 725.5 Rifle and the hound in Ceylon. Phila., 1869. 12' 711.2 Baker, William M. Blessed Saint Certainty. Boston, 1881. 12° .397.12 Carter Quartermau. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . 305.10 Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire. N.Y., 1878. 8° 377.7 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 27 Baker, William M. — concluded. His majesty, myself. (Xo name series.) Boston, 1S80. 16^ 385.5 The same 385.8 The same 38.5.9 Mose Evans. N.T., 1874. !■>" 3-54.29 The new Timothy. N.Y., 1870. 12" . . 425.7 The making of a man. Sequel to "His Majesty, myself." Boston, 18.84. 16° . 966.7 The Virginians in Texas. N.Y., 1878. 8°, 377.45 A year worth living. Boston, 1878. 12^ . 373.26 Bake-well, Frederick C. Great facts. N.T., 1800. 12" 6.36.16 Balaustion's adventure. [A poem.] K. Browning. Boston, 1871. 12=. . . . 567.11 Balch, William S. A peculiar people; or. Re- ality in Romance. Chicago, 1881. 12° . 942.5 Balderscourt ; or. Holiday tales. H. C. Adams. London, [n.d.] 1(3° 452.16 Baldwin, James. The art of school manage- ment. N.Y., 1881. 12° 128.24 An introduction to the study of English literature and literary criticism. Vol. I. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 1218.5 The story of Siegfried. N.Y., 1882. 12° . 916.22 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America. N.Y., 1S72. 12° 643.25 Pre-historic nations. N.Y., 1869. 12^ . . 484.6 Bald-win, Lydia Wood. Yankee school-teacher iu Virginia. X.Y., 1884. 12° ... . 959.22 Baldw^iu, William J. Steam heating for build- ings; or. Hints to steam fitters. N.Y., 1881. 12° 678.24 Baldw^in. Dialogues on views and aspirations. V. Paget. Boston, 1886. 12° ... . 12.52.5 Balestier, Wolcott. A victorious defeat. N.Y., 1886. lt:° 978.2 Balfour, Clara L. Women worth emulating. N.Y., [n.d.] 12' 178.12 Balfour, Francis M. A treatise on comparative embryology. London, ISSl. 2 v. 8° . 677.14 Balfour, John H. Plants of the Bible. Lon- don, 1885. 12° 1327.5 Ball, John, and Hooker, J. D. Journal of a tour in Morocco and the great Atlas. London, 1878. 8' 763.3 Ball, Robert S. Elements of astronomy. N.Y., 1880. 12° 674.16 Ball of the vegetables, and other stories in prose and verse. M. Eytinge. N.Y., 1883. 4^ ^ 923.5 Ballads and legends of Hindustan, Ancient. Torn Dutt. With an introductory me- moir by Edmund Gosse. London, 1SS5. 18- 585 8 Ballads, British, The book of. S. C. Hall, Ed. London, 1849. Roy. 8° 613.1 Ballads, Classic. Mrs. M. W. Tileston, Ed. Boston, 18S3. 12° 576.20 Ballads, English and Scottish. Parts I.-III. F. J. Child, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . R. L. Ballads for little folk. A. and P. Cary. N.Y.. 1874. 8° 5.52.5 Ballads and other poems. A. Tennj-sou. Boston, 1880. 16° 58:3.13 Ballads and sonnets. D. G. Rossetti. Boston, 1881. 8= 574.8 Ballads, and The rose and the ring. W. M. Thackeray. London, 1879. 12° . . . 582.8 Ballads and verses vain. A. Lang. N.Y., 1884. 16° 577.9 Ballantine, Heniy. Midnight marches through Persia. (Maps and illustrations.) Boston, 1879. 8° 493.21 Ballantine, J. Roberts, David, Life of. Ed- inburgh, 1866. 4° 169.1 Ballantine, William. Experiences of a barris- ter's life. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1113.14 The old world and the new. London, 1884. 8° 788.9 Ballantyne, Robert M. Battery and boiler. N.Y., 1883. 12° 917.3 Black ivory. Jf.Y., 1873. 16° 443.9 Dog Crusoe. Boston, 1862. 16° ... . 443.10 Dusty diamonds. N.Y., 188.3. 12° . . . 917.14 Fighting the flames. Phila., 1868. 16° . 443.16 The floating light. Phila., 1871. 16° . . 443.13 ■ Freaks on the fells. Boston, 1865. 16° . 443.18 Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader. Boston, 1865. 16° 443.20 The giant of the Xorth. N.Y., 1882. 12° . 914.20 The golden dream. N.Y., 1878. 16° . . 449.2 The same 011.23 Hudson's Bay. Boston, 18.59. 16° . . . 443.11 In the track of the troops. London, 1876. 16° 449.3 The iron horse. London, 1877. 16°. . . 416.26 The liglit-house. London, 1876. 16° . . 449.4 The lonely island. London, 1880. 12°. . 912.20 Martin Rattler. London, 1864. 16° . . . 443.17 The ocean and its wonders. London, 1876. 16° 449.5 Philosopher Jack. London, 1880. 12°. . 912.2 The pirate city. N.Y., 1874. 16° ... 443.38 Posthaste. X.Y., 1880. 12° 386.17 The red man's revenge. X.Y., 1881. 16° . 914.8 Rivers of ice. N.Y., 1875. 16° .... 441.16 The rover of the Andes. NY., 188.5. 12°, 932.18 The settler and the savage. N.Y., 1877. 16° 445.18 Shifting winds. Boston, [n.d.] 16°. . . 443.12 Silver Lake. Phila., 1868. 16° .... 443.8 Six months at the Cape. London, ISSO. 12° 912.12 Under the waves. London, 1876. 16°. . 44.5.19 Ungava. Boston, 1859. 16° 443.14 Wild man of the West. Phila., [n.d.] 16°, 443.19 World of ice. London, 1876. 16° . . . 449.6 Ballard, Julia P. Insect lives; or, Born in prison. Cincinnati, 1879. 12° ... . 674.5 Ballin, Ada S. The science of dress in theory and practice. London, 188.5. 12° . . . 1327.12 Ballooning. A concise sketch of its history and principles. G. May. London, 1885. 12° 1327.1 Ballou, Maturin M. Due South. N.Y., 1885. 12° 792.10 Due West. Boston, 1884. 12° 782.13 Edge tools of speech. (Quotations.) Boston. 1886. 8° 12.53.1 Genius in sunshine and shadow. Boston, 1887. 12° 12-52.9 History of Cuba. Boston, 1854. 12° . . 723.12 Notable thoughts about women. Boston, 1882. 12° 1217-10 Ballroom repentance, A. A. Edwards. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 964.3 Baltic, Shores of the. London, 1841. 2 v. 12°, 723.1 Balzac, Honore de, Life of. E. E. Saltus. Boston, 1884. 8° 1126.11 Balzani, Ugo. Eaily chronicles of Europe (Italy). London, 1883. 12° 1413.8 28 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMUUIDOE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bancroft, Aaron. Washington, George, Life of. riiila., [n.il.l 12' 179.4 Bancroft, George. United States of America, Constitution of the. X.Y., 18S2. 2 v. 8° 695. C United States, History of the. Boston, 1855. 10 V. 8° 557.1 The same. Boston, 1S76. 6 v. 12= . . 557.12 Bancroft, Huliert Howe. Alaska, History of, 17ai-lSS.-j. San Francisco, 18S6. S^ . . 1426.6 California, History of. San Francisco, 1884. 8^ 1426.4 Vol. I., 1542-1800. Vol. IV., 1840-45. Central America, History of. Vols. I. and II. San Francisco, ISS:;. 2 v. 8° . . 1426.1 Mexico, History of. San Francisco, 1883- 8.5. 4 V. 8° 1426.2 North Mexican states, and Texas, History of. Vol. I. San Francisco, 1884. 8=' . 1426.3 Pacific states, Native races of the. N.Y., 1874-75. 5 V. 8^ 556.2 United States, History of the north-west coast of the. Vol. 11. 1800-46. San Francisco, 1884. 8° 1426.5 Bancroft's "Pacific coast guide-book." J. S. Ililti'll, Kd. San Francisco, 1882. 16° . 771.8 Band of three, A. L. T. ileade. N.Y., 1886. ltj= 907.17 Bandman, Daniel E. An actors tour ; or. Seventy thousand miles with Shakespeare. Boston', 1885. 12° 789.10 Banished son. The, and other stories. Mrs. C. L. Hontz. Pliila., [n.d.] 12° ... . 341.18 Banister, Henry C. Music. N.Y., 1885. 16°, 1328.16 Banking. The country banker; his clients, cares, and work. From an experience of forty years. G. Rae. London, 1885. 12°, 1248.1 Banks, Mrs. Mary Ross. Bright days in the old plantation time. Boston, 1882. 12°. 916.1 Banks of New York. J. S. Gibbons. N.Y., 1859. 12° 223.21 Banned and blessed. E. Werner. Mrs. Wis- ter, Trans. Phila., 1884. 12° ... . 947.12 The same 947.13 Barnard, Joseph. Plymouth and the pilgrims. Boston, [n.d.] 12° .598.16 Baptismal ((Ut'stion, The. Including a review of Dr. Dale's " Inquiry into the usage of Baplizo." D. B. Ford. Boston, 1879. 8° 276.14 Baptist history. Lectures on. W. R. Williams. Pliil.a., 1877. 12° 482.23 Bar-rooms at Brantley; or, The great hotel speculation. T. S. Arthur. Phila., 1877. 12° 3G6!33 Barbara Heathcote's trial. [A novel.] K.N. Carey. Pliila., 1885. 16° 969.4 Barbara's vagaries. M. L. Tidball. N.Y., 1886. 16° 976.8 BarbaryStates, History of. M. Kussell. N.Y., 18.54. 16° 473.1 Barbauld, Mrs. Anna L. Memoir and works. G. A. Ellis, J?6. E. Dicey. London, 1806. 12° 532.2 Battle lyrics, The boy's book of. T. D. Eng- lish. N.Y., 1885. 8" 572.18 Battle of the books, A. M. A. Dodge, Ed. Cambridge, 1870. 12" 246.20 Battle of the frogs and mice. Homer. N.Y., 1872. 12" 017.10 Battles, Land, from Hastings to Inkerman. Mrs. Valentine. London, [n.d.] 12° .1411.10 Battles of the war. The twelve decisive. 1801- .65. W. S win ton. N.Y., 1807. 8° . . .545.2 Batty, Joseph H. Practical taxidermy and home decoration. X.Y., 1880. 12° . . 682.0 Baudelaire, Charles. Poe, Edgar A., Works of, and a study of bis life. London, [n.d.] 12° 1114.3 Bauer, Caroline, and the Coburgs. C. Nisbct, Ed. London, 188.5. 12° 11:55.9 Memoirs of. Boston, 188.5. 12° .... 1135.6 Bauer, Clara. At Capri. Phila., 187.5. 12° . 310.14 Dead to the world. Boston, 1875. 12°. . 310.15 Valentine, the Countess. Phila., 1874. 12°, 316.16 Bauerman, Hilary. Descriptive mineralogy. N.Y., 1884. 16° l;fcl 4 , Text-book of systematic mineralogy. N.Y., 1881. 10° 678.19 Baur, William. Religious life in Germany. London, 1872. 12° 474.6 Bautaiii, JI. The art of extempore speaking. N.Y., 1850. 12° 297.6 Bavaria, Walks in. An autumn in the country of the p.ission play. L. G. Sequin. Lon- don, 1884. 12". ' 780.7 Bavarian Iliglijands and the Salzkammergut. With an account of the habits and man- ners of the inhabitants. H. Schmid and K. Stieler. London, 1874. 4° . . . . R. L. Bax, Ernest Belfort. History of philosophy. London, 1880. 12° ".I;i27.16 Baxley, H. Willis. What I saw on the west coast of South and Xorth .\merica. N. Y., 180.5. 8" 665.3 Baxter, Ricliard, Life of. (Heroes of Christian history.) G.D.Boyle. N.Y., 1884. 10°, 1120.7 Dying thoughts. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . . 217.24 Bay of Seven Islands, and other poems. J. G. Whittier. Boston, 18S.J. 10° .... 584.11 Bay State monthly. A Massachusetts magazine of literature, history, biography and state progress. Boston, 1884. Vol. I. 8° 752.3 Bayard, Lord de. History of the feats, ex- ploits, triumphs and achievements of the Good Knight without fear and without reproach. 'n.Y., 1SS4. 4" 920.7 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 31 Bayard, Lord de — concluded. Bayard, the r/ood chevalier, History of. L. Larchey. London, 1883. 8'^ 1123.1 Bayard, C'heralier, Life of. W. G. Simms. N.Y., 18.54. 8^ 142.7 Bayles, James C. House drainage and water service. N.Y., 1878. S° 656.17 Baylies, F. Historical memoir of New Plym- outh. Boston, 1866. 2 v. 8° .j45.1 Baylor, Frances C. On both sides. [A novel.] Phila., 1886. 12^ 974.8 Bayne, Peter. Essays in biography .and criti- cism. Chicago, 1880. 2 v. 12' . . . 124.1.5 Lessons from my masters, Carlyle, Tenny- son, and Kiiskin. N.T., 1879. 12° . . 292.20 Miller, Hugh, Life and letters of. Boston, 1871. 2v. 12° 146.2 Beach, Charles A. The magic hammer. Springfield, 1874. 16' 4.53.6 Beach, D. N. Plain words about our Lord's worlv. Boston, 18S6. 16° 1251.27 Beach, W. W., Ed. The Indian miscellany. Albany, 1877. 8° ". 488.13 Beaconsfield, Earl of. (Benjamin Disraeli.) Brandes, G. A study of. N.Y., 1880. 12- 185.12 Hitchman, F. Public life of. London, 1881. 12° 1124.19 Towle, G. M. Life. N.Y., 1879. 16°. . 191.2 Memorials of. Reprinted from " The Stand- ard." London, 1881. 12° 178.29 TForfc-s; Coningsby. XY., 1870. 8° . . 369.1 Contarini Fleming. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . 427.8 Endymion. X.Y., 1880. 12° .... 379.23 LotUair. N.Y., 1870. 12° 422.14 The Runnymede letters. London, 1885. 12° 1248.9 Vivian Grey. N.Y., 1876. 8° . . . . 369.4 The young duke. X.Y., 187.5. 8° . . . 369.5 Beaconsfield, Wit and wisdom of. Selected 6;/ H. G. Calcraft. N.Y., 1881. 12°. . 295.10 Beal, Samuel, Trans. Tr.avels of Fah-hian and Sung-yun. London, 1869. 8° . . . . 725.17 Beale, Anne. Gladys, the reaper. N.Y., 1881. 12° .397.21 Simplicity and fascination. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 387.25 Beale, Lionel S. Bioplasm. London, 1872. 16° 633.19 Disease germs. London, 1872. 12° . . . 633.11 How to work with the microscope. Phila., 1870. 12° 6.37.4 The microscope, its application to practical medicine. London, 1867. 8° . . . . 632.12 The mystery of life. London, 1871. 16° . 246.16 On slight ailments ; their nature and treat- ment. Phila., 1882. 8° 1311.8 Beale, Stephen. Profitable poultry keeping. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1318.19 Beale, Thomas. Natural history of the sperm whale. London, 1839. 12° 622.9 Bear and forbear. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 4,57.12 Bear hunters. A. Bowman. Boston, 1802. 16^ 434.22 Bear-worshippers of Yezo and the island of Karafuto. (Saghalin.) The adventures of the Jewett family and their friend Oto Nambo. E. Greey. Boston, 1884. 4° 924 7 The same 925.16 Beard, D. C. The American boy's handy- book. N.Y., 1882. S° 684.2 Beard, George M. American nervousness. N.Y., 1881. 12° 678.15 Eating and drinking. N.Y., 1871. 8° . . 232.18 Beard, .(ohn K. Toussaint L'Ouverture, Life of. London, 18.53. 12° 1.32.11 Beardsley, E. Edwards. Johnson, W. S., Life and times of. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . . . 172.8 Seabury, Samuel, Life and correspondence of. - Boston, 1881. 8° 196.4 Beaten paths. Mrs. E. W. Thompson. Boston. 1874. 12° 712.17 Beaton's bargain. [A novel.] Mrs. A. F. Hector. N.Y., 1886. 16° 975.16 Beatrice. J. Kavanagh. N.Y., 1876. 12° . 366.35 Beatrix Randolph. J. Hawthorne. Boston, 1^84. 12° 9.55.25 Beattie, James. Life. W. Forbes. Boston, 1807. 8° 141.8 Poetical works; with memoir. A. Dyce, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 16° ..... . 566.16 Beatty, John. The belle o' Becket's lane. Phila., 188.3. 12° 946.1 Beaudry, Louis N. Spiritual struggles of a Roman Catholic. N.Y., 187.5. 12° . . 211.27 Beaufort, Duke of, and Morris, M. Hunting. Boston, 1885. 12° 1322.12 Beaumarchais, and his times. L. de Lom^nie. Loudon, 1856. 4 v. 12° 164.3 Beaumont and Fletcher, Works of. London, 18.59. 2 V. 8° 613.4 Beauregard, General. The military operations of, in the war between the states, 1861-65. Including a brief personal sketch, and a narrative of his services in the war with Mexico, 1846-48. A. Roman. N.Y., 1884. 2v. 8° 1125.7 Beauties of the studies of nature. J. H. B. de Saint Pierre. London, 1799. 12° . . . 222.4 Beautiful face, The. E. H. Mitchell. N.Y., 1880. 12° 379.10 Beautiful fiend. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1871. 12° 416.3 Beautiful homes; or. Hints iu house furnish- ing. H. T. Williams and Mrs. C. S. Jones. N.Y., 1878. 8° 654.10 Beauty and the beast, and Tales of home. B. Taylor. N.Y., 1872. 12° 411.14 Beauty's daughters. Mrs. M. Argles. Phila., 1880. 12° . 396. 2S Beauvoir, J^ac^wis de. Conclusion of a voyage round the world. London, 1872. 12° . 724.10 Beaver, The American, and his works. L. H. Morgau. Phila , 1868. 8° 668.2 B6bee. [A novel.] L. de la Ram^. Phila., 1874. 12° 422.11 Bechstein, J. M. Cage and chamber birds. London, 18.56. 16° 621.10 Bechstein, Ludwig. As pretty as seven, and otiier tales. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 413.7 Becker, Bernard Henry. Adventurous lives. London, 1878. 2 v. 12° 1129.5 Becket. [.A drama.] Alfred, Lord Tennyson. London, 1884. 16° 584.25 Beckett, Edmund. Clocks, watches and bells. London, 1874. 12° 127.17 Bee's bedtime. Mrs. J. L. Hallowell. Phila., 1873. 10° 434.3 Beck^vith, Arthur. Majolica and Fayenee. N.Y., 1877. 12° 6.57.2 32 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bed-time stories. Mrs. L. C. Moulton. Bos- ti>n, 1873. 10° 434.6 Bede, Cuthbcrt, pxcxul. (Bradley, E). Adven- tures of Mr. Yerdant Green. N.T., ISGO. 10 421.11 Bede's charily. H. Smith. X.Y., 1872. 10=. .363.11 Bedell, Gregory T. The pastor. I'hila., 18S<). 12° 124.22 Bedford, G. S. Diseases of women and diil- drcu. N.Y., 1856. S° 633.2 Bedollierre, E. de la. Mother Michel and her cat. N.Y., 180,5. 10° 431.10 Bedouiu tribes of the Euphrates. (Maps and sketches.) Lady Anne Blunt. N.Y., 1879. 8° 496.22 Beebe, Mrs. C. D. Lace, ancient and modern. N.Y., 1880. 8° 083.20 Beechcroft. C. M. Tonga. N.Y., 1872. 12-=, 322.3 Beecher, Catharine E. Woman's profession. Pliil.i,, 1872. 12° . 220.15 and Stowe, Mrs. 11. B. American woman's lionie. N.Y., 1809. 12° 232.7 Beecher, Uenry Ward. Evolution and religion. Parti. (Sermons.) N.Y., 1885. 12° . 1.327.7 Eyes and ears. Boston, 1802. 12° . . . 236.10 Fruits, flowers and farming. N.Y., 1859. 12° 648.16 Jesus, the Christ, Life of. X.Y., 1871. 8°, 116.8 Lectures to young men. N.Y., 1854. 12°. 281.1 Norwood. [A novel.] N.Y., 1868. 12° . 412.7 The same 412.8 Star papers. N.Y., 1855. 12° 241.13 The same. (Second series.) N.Y., 1859. 12° 206.19 Yale lectures on preaching. N.Y., 1872. 12° 206.10 The same. (Second series. 1873). . . 206.11 The same. (Third series. 1874) . . . 200.12 Beecher, Mrs. Henry Ward. All around the house. N.Y., 1878. 12° 273.22 Florida, letters from. N.Y., 1879. 12°. . 285.20 From dawn to daylight. N.Y., 18.59. 12° . 312.5 Motherly talks with young housekeepers. N.Y.,"l873. 12° 225.1 Beecher, Julia M. Aim! Fire!! Bang!!! Stories for children. Boston, 1881. 16°, 913.6 Beecher, Lyman. Autobiography, correspond- ence, etc. Charles Beecher, Ed. N.Y., 1865. 2v. 12° . 102 3 The same 165.10 Lectures on political atheism. Boston, 1852. 12° 243.3 Sermons. Boston, 18.52. 12° 263.1 Yiews of llieolog)-. Boston, 185.3. 12°. . 626.14 Beechey, II. W. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Life and works of. London, 1852. 2 v. 8°. 139.5 Beechnut. J. Abbott. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 435.5 Beef bonanza. The ; or, How to get rich on the plains. Cattle-growing, sheep-farming, horse-raising, and dairying in the far West. J. S. Brisbin. Phila., 1881. 12°, 127.16 Beehler, W. II. The cruise of the " Brooklyn," 1881-84. Phila., 188.5. 8° 794.3 Beerbobm, Julius. Wanderings in Patago- nia; or. Life among the ostrich-hunters. N.Y., 1879. 10° 370.0 Beers, Mrs. Ethel Lynu. All quiet along the Potomac, and other poems. Phila., 1879. 12° 582.11 Beers, Henry A. Willis, N. P.. Life of. Bos- ton, 188.5. 12° 1131.7 Beers, Henry A. — concluded. Kd. AVillis, N. P., Prose writings of. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1243.17 Bees. Tlie honey-bee; its nature, homes and products. W. H. Harris. London, [n.d.] 12° 1324.23 Beesly, A. H. Franklin, Sir John. H.Y., 1S81. 16° 178.31 The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. X.Y., |n.d.] 10° 591.1 Beesly, Mrs. Stories from the history of Kome. London, 1878. 10° 497.16 Beet-root sugar, and the cultivation of the beet. E.B.Grant. Boston, 1807. 12°. 297.3 Beethoven, L. van. Letters. (1790-1826.) Lady Wallace, Trans 134.5 Life. J. Moscheles, Ed 147.18 Life. L. Xohl. Chicago, 1881. 12° . . 194.17 Beeton. S. O. Dictionary of biography. Lon- don, 1875. 8° 171.4 Dictionary of geography. London, 1868. 8°, 646.2 Beginnings of life. The. H. C. Bastian. N.Y., 1872. 2v. 12° 633.13 Behaving. Papers on children's etiquette. Boston, 1878. 12° 273.7 Behind a brass knocker. [Stories.] F. Bar- nard anJ C. H. Ross. London, 1883. 8°, 395.18 Behind the bars. Mrs. G. Luiit. Boston, 1871. 12° 265.25 Behind time. [A story for children.] G. P. Lathrop. N.Y. [n.d.] 16° 931.20 Behnke, Eniil, joint author. The child's voice ; its development, etc. London, 1885. W 1328.9 Behreus, Julius W. The microscope in botany. Itoslon, 1885. 8° 1.326.4 Behrends, A. J. F. Socialism and Christian- ity. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1252.3 Being a boy. C. D. Warner. (Illustrated by "Champ.") Boston, 1878. 10° ... 446.13 Bek's first corner. Mrs. N. Conklin. N.Y., 1S8.'5. 12° 947.1 Bel-Marjory. L. T. Meade. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 447.5 Belcher, Joseph. Historical sketches of hymns, their writers, and their influence. Albany, N.Y., 1873. 12° 234.29 Belcher, Lady. The mutineers of the " Boim- ty." N.Y., 1871. 12° 007.17 Beleaguered city, A. A story of the seen and the unseen. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. London, 1880. 12° 396.18 Belgium and Holland. [A guide-book.] K. Ba-deker. Boston, 1874. 16° ... . 764.1 Beliefs about the Bible. M. J. Savage. Bos- ton, 1883. 12° 1232.1 Belinda. M. Edgeworth. X.Y., 1855. 12° . 346.6 Belknap, Jeremy. American biography. N.Y., 18.5.5. 3t. lO" .' . . . 121.7 Xew Hampshire, History of. Boston, 1813. 3v. 8° 528.17 Bell, Charles, Sir. Expression as connected with the fine arts. London, 1805. 8° . 629.5 Expression ; its anatomy and philosophy. X.Y., 1883. 12° . . " 1321.19 The hand. London, 1S7D. 10° .... 031.15 Bell, Currer, paeud. See Nichols, Mrs. Char- lotte Brontd. Bell, Edward. Goethe's letters, with notes and a short biography. London, 1884. 12° 1126.18 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 33 Bell, Ilenry G. Mary, Queen of Scots, Life of. N.Y., 1855. 2 V. 16^ 121.20 Bell, Mrs. L. C. True blue. A story of tlie great North-west. Boston, [n.d.j 12' . 363.80 Bell, X. R. E., ( pseud., D' Anvers, N. ) An ele- mentary history of art. X.Y., 1882. 12% 6a3.23 The same 687.0 Heroes of American discovery. X.Y., [n.d.] e ". . . . 929.12 Heroes of north African discovery. Lon- don, 1877. 12^ 176.27 Lowest forms of water animals. X.T., 1882. 16' 1313.1 Music, Elementary history of. London, 1882. 12= 687.17 Science ladders. N.T., 1S84. 12' . . .1318.16 Part 1. Forms of land and water. 2. Story of early exploration. 3. Vegetable life. 4. Flowerless plants. 5. Lowest forms of water animals. 6. Lowly mantle and armor wearers. Bell, William A. Xew tracks in North Ameri- ca. X.Y., 1S71. 8' 665.20 Bella; or, The cradle of liberty. A story of insane asylums. JI. E. Berry. Boston, 1874. 12= .364.73 Bellairs, William. The fine arts, and their uses. London, 1876. 12' 6G9.30 Bellairs, Lady, Ed. The Transvaal war, ISSO- 81. London, 1SS5. 8° 1429.2 Bellamy, Edward. Miss Ludington's sister. Boston, 1884. Ki' 962.6 Belle and the boys. Mrs. C. F. Corbin. Chi- cago, 1880. 16= 911.1 Belle Brittan. H. Fuller. N.Y., 18.58. 12' . 421.17 Belle o" Becket's lane. J. Beatty. Phila., 1883. 12' 940.1 Belles and ringers. |A novelette.] H. Smart. Phil.a., 1881. 16' 378.19 Bellewr, Frank. The art of ^musing. N.Y., 1866. 12' 463.4 That charming evening. N.Y., 1878. 12' . 273.5 Bellingham, H. B. G. Ups and downs of Spanish travel. London, 1883. 12' . . 782.3 Bello-ws, H. W. The old world in its new fHce. N.Y., 1868. 2 v. 12' 226.23 and others. Institute essays. Boston, 1880. 8' 125.15 Bells, The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. London, 1872. 16' 345.23 Belmont, Mass. Petition for the annexation of a part of, to Cambridge. Boston, 1880. 8', 692.8 Belt, Harriet P. Marjorie Huntingdon. [A novel.] Phila., 1884. 12' 958.19 Belt and spur. Stories of the knights of the middle ages, from the old chronicles. N.Y., 1883. 12' 1222.17 Belton Ebtate, The. A. TroUope. Phila., 1860. 12' 422.7 The same 903.1 Beltz, George Fred. Memorials of knights of the garter. London, 1871. 8' . . . . 117.11 Ben, the luggage boy. H. Alger. Boston, Ind.] 10' 442.5 Ben Blinker; or, Maggie's golden motto. D. Wise. Boston, 1877. 12' 445.15 Beu-Hur. A tale of the Christ. L. Wallace. N.Y., 1880. 12= 378.12 The same 957.1 The same 957.2 Ben Milner's wooing. H. Parr. Boston, 1877. 10= 368.32 Benares and Kumaon, Life and work in. J. Kennedy. With an introductory note by Wm. Muir. N.Y., 188.i. 12' ... . 789.11 Bench and bar. L. J. Bigelow. N.Y., 1867. 12' 244.3 Bench and bar, Wit and wisdom of the. F. C. Moncrieff. N.Y., [n.d.] 18' .... 1214.4 Beneath the surface; or. The wonders of the under-ground world. W. H. D. Adams. London, 1876. 12' 482.18 Benedict, Frank Lee. John Worthington's name. N.Y., 1884. 8° :346.14 A late remorse. N.T., 18.83. 12°. . . . 946.13 Miss Dorothy's charge. N.Y., 1873. 8' . 346.25 The price she paid. Phila., 1883. 12° . . 948.22 The same 948.23 St. Simon's niece. N.Y., 1875. 8° . . . 365.8 'Twixt hammer and anvil. N.Y., 1876. 12' 425.27 Benedict, William A., and Tracy, H. A. Sut- ton, Mass., History of. Worcester, 1878. S' 494.19 Benefactors, Our great. Short biographies of men and women, eminent in literature, science, philanthropy, art, etc. S. A. Drake, £tZ. Boston, 1884. 8' . . . .1122.11 Bengal, Annals of rural. W. W. Hunter. N.Y., 1808. 8' 606. 4 Benger, E. O. Anne Boleyn, Memoirs of. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 177.15 Mary, Queen of Scots, Memoirs of. Phila., [n'd.] 12' 177.16 Benham, G. C. A year of wreck. N.Y., 1880. 12' 379.17 Benham, William. Tait, Catharine and Crau- furd. Memoirs of. London, 1879. 12' . 192.24 Benjamin, S. G. W. Art in America. N.Y., 1880. 8' 683.3 Atlantic islands. (Illustrated.) N.Y., 1878. S° 496. 10 The choice of Paris. X.Y., 1870. 16=. . 311.23 Contemporary art in Europe. N.Y., 1877. 8' 654.8 The cruise of the "Alice May" in the gulf of St. Lawrence and adjacent waters. N.Y., 1885. 8' 788.4 The multitudinous seas. N.Y., 1879. 10', 761.4 Troy; its legend, liistory and literature. N.Y., [n.d.] 16' 591.11 The Turk and the Greek. N.Y., 1867. 12', 714.2 Benjamin, Park. The age of electricity. N. Y., 1886. 12' 1,327.22 Benuer, Samuel. Prophecies of future ups and downs in prices. Cincinnati, 1876. 10' 271.19 Bennet, J. H. AYinter and spring on the sliores of the Mediterranean. London, 1875. 12' 715.4 Bennett, C. H. Character sketches. London, [n.d.j 8° 275.1 Benning, Howe. Quiet corners. [A story.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12' 977.13 Ben's nugget; or, A boy's search for a fortune. A story of the Pacific coast. H. Alger. Pl.ila., [n.d.] 10' 916.2 Benson, Eugene. Art and nature in Italy. BustoiCl8S2. 10' 771.7 Benson, James W. Time and time tellers. London, 1S75. 12' 285.23 34 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bent, J. Theodore. The Cyclades; or, Life araong tlie insular Greeks. London, 1885. 12= Bent, .Samuel Arlliiir. Short sayings of great men. Boston, 1882. S' Bentley's Miscellany. Vols. XXXV.-XLVIII. 18.14-CO. London, 18.-.4-G0. 14 v. 8^ . Benton, J. G. Ordnance and gunnery. N.Y., ISOL 8° Benton, Joel. Emerson as a poet. N.Y., 188:!. 16° Benton, Thomas H. Thirty years' view. X.Y., 18.54. 2 V. 8" Bentzon, T. Itemorse. [A novel.] N.Y., 18-S. 1-J' Beppo, tlie conscript. T. A. Trollope. I'hila., [n.d.] 12 Stranger's songs. R. B. Brough, 'J'lans. London, 18.50. 16° Berard, A. B. England, School history of. N.Y., 1872. 12' Berber, The. A tale of Morocco. \V. .S. Mayo. N.Y., 187;!. 12° " . Bergsoe, Willielra. Pillone. Boston, 1878. 1C° Berlngton, Joseph. Literary history of the niiiUlle ages. London, 1833. 12° . . . Berjean, Charles. The horses of antiquity. Loiidon, 18(54. 4° Berkeley. A. C. Fraser. Phila., 1S81. 16" . Berkeley, }!isli George, Two hundreth birth- day of. \ discourse given at Yale Col- lege, March 12, 188.5. N. Porter. N.Y., 1SS.5. S' Berkley, E. The Pharaohs and their people. NY., [n.d.l 12^ Berlin and Sans-.Souci. C. M. Mundt. 8° . . Berlin under the new empire. H. Vizetelly. London, 1879. 2 v. 8° Berlioz, Hector, Autobiography of. Compris- ing his travels in Italy, Germany, Kussia and England. R. and E. Holmes, Tranx. London, 1884. 2 v. 12° Selections from his letters, with a biograph- ical sketch of the author, by W. E. Ap- thorp. N.Y., 1879. 12° Bermuda. An idyl of the summer islands. Mrs. J. C. K. Dorr. N.Y., 1884. 10° . Bermuda Islands, A guide to the. J. II. Stark. Boston, [n.d.] 12° Bernard, Baylc. Lover, Samuel, Life of. N.Y., 1874. 8° '. Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes. N.Y., 1871. 12° Bernstein, Julius. The five senses of man. N.Y., 1870. 12° Berquin, M. The cliildren's friend. Boston, 180.5. 10° Berry, Martha E. Bella. A story of insane asylums. Boston, 1874. 12° Celesta. Boston, 1807. 16° Crooked and straight. Boston, 1867. 16° . The crook straightened. Boston, 1868. 16°, Bersier, Eugene. Coligny; the earlier life of the great Huguenot. London, 1884. 12°, Berthet, Elie. The pre-liistoric world. Phila., [n.d.] 12° Bertram, James G. The harvest of the sea. N.Y., 1800. 8° Bertrams, The. [A novel.] A. Trollope. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 789.21 1218.9 750 1 042.7 1221.10 555.2 360.47 3.53.20 012.23 6.59.5 311.7 .383.3 1225.17 R. L. 194.30 ll;!3.8 1411.17 325.2 770.10 1128.21 185.2 781.6 781.5 145.14 256.6 655.13 434.8 364.73 433.23 433.21 433.22 11.32.2 075.6 608.4 903.2 Bertrand du Gucsclin, Life and times of. D. K.Jamison. Charleston, 1864. 2 v. 8-, 149.10 Besaut, Waller. The art of fiction. Boston, I8S4. 10° 1231.13 Coligny, Gaspard de. Life of. London, 1879. 10° 192.10 Dorothy Foster. N.Y., 1884. 16° ... 002.10 French humorists. London. 1873. 8° . . 143.3 Rabelais. Phila., [n.d. | 12 2S:i.\S The revolt of man. [A novel.] X.Y., 1882. 10° 388.29 Studies in early French poetry. London, 1808. 12° 012.12 and Rice, James. By Celia's arbor. X.Y., 187.S. 8° 305.73 The seamy side. [A novel.] N.Y., 1880. 8° 377.42 Sir Richard Whitlington, Lord Mayor of London. N.Y., 1881. 16° 1111.8 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay. N.Y., l.s79. 32° 391.9 With harp and crown. Boston, 1870. 8°, 305.9 The same 309.30 Bessey, Charles E. Botany for schools and colleges. X.Y., 1880. 12° 074.11 Bessie Harrington's venture. J. A. Mathews. Boston, 1878. 12° 363.65 Bessie Lang. A. Corkrau. X.Y., 1877. 16° . 368.9 Bessie Wilinerton. [A novel.] M. AVestcott. N.V., 1.S74. 12° 364.31 Bessie's fortune. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1886. 12° 424.53 Bessou, Pere, Life of. A Dominican artist. Phila., 18411. 10' 204.14 Best of all good company. W. B. Jerrold. Bos- ton, 1874. 8° 232.3 Best of husbands. J. Payne. N.Y., 1874. N- 427.34 Betham-Ed-wards, M. Six life-studies of fa- mous women. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... 185- Hi Bethesda. [A novel.) B. Elbon. N.Y., 1884. 12" 9.52. IS Betrothed, The. A. Manzoni. London, 1.844. 2 V. 10° 302.30 Betrothed, The. W.Scott. Edinburgh, ls71. 12° 314.4 The same .- 315.4 Betsey Lee. [A poem.] N.Y., 1873. 16°. . 011.6 Better land. The. A. C. Thompson. Boston, 18.5,5. 12° 265.12 Better self. The. J. II. Friswell. London, 187.5. 12° 422.13 Betrween the gates. B. F. Taylor. Chicago. 1878. 12° 492.18 Beulab. [A novel.] Mrs. A. J. Wilson. N.Y., 1874. 12° 301.3 Bevan, G. Phillips. A hand-book to the in- dustries of the British Isles and the Uni- ted St.ates. London, 1882. 12°. . . . 087.9 Beverly, Mass., History of: from its settlement in 1030 to 1842. E. M. Stone. Boston, 1843. 12° 497.14 Historical sketch of. C. H. Webber and W. S. Nevin.s. Salem, 1877. 12° . . . 492.15 Bewrick, Thom.as, and his pupils. A, Dobson. Boston, 1884. 16° 1128.0 Berwick's select fables. London, 1871. 12°. 2:i4.7 Beyond recall. A. Sergeant. X.Y., 188.3. K, 943.23 Beyond the breakers. R. D. Owen. PliiUa., 187.3. 8° .- . 340.53 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 35 Beyond the gates. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1S83. 10= 949.16 The same 949.17 The same <.I49.20 Beyond the grave. H. Cremer. X.Y., 18S6. 16= 1238.22 Beyond the Himalayas. (Adventures.) J. Geddie. London, 1SS2. 12= 916.14 Beyond the Mississippi. A. D. Richardson. Hartford, 1867. 8= 717.11 Beyond the snow. P. F. Reed. Chicago, 1873. 12= 334.12 The same 946.23 Bezold, Wilhelra von. The theory of color in its relation to art and art industry. Bos- ton, 1876. 8^ 683.17 Bianciardi, Mrs. E. D. R. At home in Italy. Boston, 1SS4. 16= 771.19 Biart, Lucien. Adventures of a young natural- ist. N.T., 1871. 12= 734.6 An involuntary voyage. X.T., ISSO. 12=. .386.16 My rambles in the New World. London, 1877. 12= 768.8 Bible, The. (Illustrated.) N.Y., 1846. 4= . R. L. Bible, The Holy. (Revised version. ) Oxford, 1885. 8= 1243.18 Bible. Balfour, J. H. Plants of the Bible. London, 188.5. 12= 1.327.5 Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the count- ing-house. Lectures to merchants. Phila., [n.d.] 12= 282.27 Boutell, C, Ed. Dictionary of the Bible. London, 1871. 8= 284.13 Brunton, T. L. The Bible and science. London, 1881. 12= 129.20 Calmet, A. Dictionary of the Bible. Bos- ton, 1837. 8° 221.1 Chambers, T. W. A companion to the revised Old Testament. N.T., 188.5. 12° 1243.19 Cleveland, E. Bible sketches. [Poems.] Boston, 1S7.5. 12= 5.52.30 De Hass, F. S. Recent travels and explo- rations in Bible lands. N.Y., 1880. 8= . 767.2 Gage, W. L. Studies in Bible lands. Bos- ton, 1869. 12= 715.13 Geikie, C. Hours wilh the Bible; or. The Scriptures in the light of modern dis- covery and knowledge. N.Y., 1881-84. 6 V. 12° ; 125.25 Vol. I. From the Creation to the Patri- archs. II. From Moses to the Judges. III. From Samson to Solomon. IV. From Rehoboam to Hezekiah. V. From Menasseth to Zedekia anil contemporary prophets. VI. From the Exile to Malaclii. (Com- pleting the Old Testament.) Glelg, G. E. History of the Bible. X.Y., 18.5.5. 2 V. 16= 471.5 Iiigraham, J. P. T. Why we believe the Bible. N.Y., 188.5. 16= 1238.16 Jacox, F. Bible music. [Sermons.] Bos- ton, 1872. 12= 228.2 Kinns, S. Harmony of the Bible with science. X.Y., [n.d.] S' 1218. 3 Lee, A. Eventful nights in Bible history. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.10 Mathews, J. M. The Bible, and men of learning. N.Y., 1860. 8° 231. S Bible — concluded. Michelet, J. Bible of humanitv. X.Y., 1877. 8= ". . . . 274.4 Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. Bos- ton, 1866. 12= 228.13 Stebbins, G. B. Bible of the ages. Detroit, 1872. 8= 265.2 Stoughton, .1. Our English Bible. Its translations and translators. London, [n.d.] 12° 128.17 Willson, M. and R. P. Mosaics of Bible history. With illustrative poetic and prose selections from standard literature. X.Y., 1883. 2v. 12= 1225.8 Young, R. Analytical concordance to the Bible. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° R. L. Young men of the. [Lectures.] Boston, 18.59. 12= 22:^.23 Bible folk-lore. A study in comparative my- thology. Author of "Rabbi Jeshua." London. 1884. 12= 1237.12 Bible hygiene; or. Health hints. Phila., IS^O. 16= 673.23 Bible knowledge, By-paths of. London, 1885. 6v. 16° 781.17 Vol. I. Cleopatra's needle. A history of the London obelisk, with an ex- position of the hieroglyphics. J. King. IL Fresh light from the ancient monu- ments in Egypt, Assyria, Pales- tine, Babylonia, Asia Minor. A. H. Sayce. III. Recent discoveries on the temple hill at Jerusalem. J. King. IV. Babylonian life aiul history. E. A. W. Budge. V. Egypt and Syria. Their physical features, wilh relation to Bible history. J. W. Dawson. VI. Assyria. Its princes, priests and people. A. H. Sayce. Bible myths and their parallels in other reli- gions. A comparison of the Old and New Testament myths and miracles, with those of heathen nations of antiquity, consider- ing also their origin and meaning. N.Y., 1883. 8° 1216.0 Biblical interpretation. History of. (Bampton Lectures, 1885.) F. W. Farrar. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1253.3 Biblical study. Its principles, methods and history, together with a catalogue of books of reference. C. A. Briggs. N.Y., 1883. 8° 1223.8 Biblical things not generally known. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . ." 294.8 Bibliographer's manual of English literature. W. T. Lowndes. Loiulon, 1857-64. 10 vols, and appendix. 12° 247. 15 Bibliography of the local history of Mass. J. Colbiirn. Boston, 1871. 8° . . . . .536.9 Bickmore, Albert S. Travels in the East In- dian archipelago. X.Y., 1869. S° . . 665.16 Bicycle, The, and how to ride it. By a practi- cal bicyclist. London, [n.d.] 18° . . . 1214.25 Bicycle tour in England and Wales. 1S79. With an appendix on the use of the bicy- cle in Europe and the United States. A. D. Chandler and J. C. Sharp, Jr. Boston, 1881. 10° 764.23 :;•; CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBHAHY. Bicycler, The Aiiierican. A manual fi)r Hie (ili>erver, tlie learner and the expert. C. K. I'ntt. IJoston, 1870. 1(1° .... 073.8 Bickersteth, Edward II. Yesterday, today aii.l furever. [Poem.] X.Y., 18.-iO. ISo, 584.8 Bierce, , il.A. Cohwehs from an empty >kiill. London, 1874. 12° 2C4 19 Bieriiatzki, .1. ('. The Ilalhg IJostoii, 18.")6. Vl° 034.17 Big brother, Tlie. A story of Indian war. G. C. Eg-leslon. N.Y., 187.). 12° . . 411. l.j Bigelowr, Jacob. Modern inqiuries. Boston, ISl'M. s° 253.1 Plants of ISoston. Boston, 1824. 8" . . . 047.3 Rational medicine. Boston. 185S. 16°. . 631.19 Th.' u-efnl arts. Boston, 1840. 2 v. 8° . 036.20 Bigelow, .Jcdiii, Ed. Franklin. Benjamin, Life of. Phila., 1874. 3 v. 12° 136.2 The same 167.9 Bigelow, L. J. Bencli and bar. X.Y., 1867. no 244.3 Biglo^w papers. J. K. Lowell. Boston, 1848. 12° 5.54.16 The same. (Second series. ) 5.54.20 Bigotry. [A satire.] G. Phillips. London, 1S56. 8° 5.52.7 Bikelas, D. Loukis Laras. Reminiscences of a Greek merchant, during the Greek war of independence. X.Y., ISSl. 10° . . 383.23 Billerica, Mass.. History of, with a genealogical register. II. A. Ilazeii. Boston, 188:3. so 0'.)6.4 Billiards, Scientific. Practice shots, with hints to amilenrs. A. Gamier. N.Y., 1880. Ob. 4° 683.9 Billings, .Tohn I-. Principlesof ventilation and heating. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1319.4 Bimetallism in the United Stales, History of. J. L. Langhlin. N.Y., 1880. 8° . . . 1322.10 Biographia, Dramatica. S. Jones. London, 1812. 3v. 8° 141.5 Biographia, Litj'raria: or. Biographical sketclies of literary life and opinions. S. T. Coleridge. N.Y., 1872. 2 v. 12°. . .1129.17 Biographical essays. M. Midler. London, 1884. 12° 1237.13 Biographical lectures. G. Dawson. London, 1880. 8° 1132.12 Biographical sketches. H. Martineau. N.Y., ISOn. 12° 214.0 Biographical sketches. C. K. Paul. London, 188:3. 12° 1118.12 Biography, Dictionaries of. Allen, W. Ameri- can and historical. Cambridge, 1809. 8°, ,543.11 Beeton. Lives of eminent persons of all times, with the pronunciatii5. 12°. 11:35.10 Wood, Wallace, Ed. The hundred greatest men of history. With portraits. N.Y , 1885. 8° 1123.5 Biography, Stuilies in. (Topics of the time.) T. M. Coan, £•° ... 72.J.1 Black Beauty; his grooms and companions. The autobiography of a horse. A. Sewell. London, [n.d.] 10° 447.1.3 Black but comely; or, Tlie adventures of Jano Lee. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° 1).>5.1 Black forest village stories. B. Auerb.icli. X.Y., 1869. 12° 334.3 Black hill^, The. Scenery, soil, climate, etc. R. I. Dodge. N.Y., 1870. 12° ... . 714.22 Black ivory. R. M. Ballantyne. N.Y., 1873. lfi° 443.!) Black man of the SduIIi, The. C. Stearns. N.Y.. 1872. 12° 252.6 Black poodle. The, and other tales. F. Anstey. N.Y., 1884. 10° '. 900.6 Black-robes; sketches of missions and minis- ters. K. P. Nevin. Phila., 1872. 12° . 2;J5.14 Black spirits .and white. F. E. TroUope. X.Y., 1877. 8° .305.05 Black watch. Legends of the; or. Forty-second ITighlandors. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] l(i° Blackburn, H. Artists and Arabs. Boston, 1874. 16° Breton folk. An artistic tour in Brittany. Boston, 1881. 12° rioturcsrjue Normandy. Boston, 187.3. 18°, Blackburne, E. Owens. Ilhislrious Irish wo- men. (Memoirs] London, 1877. 2 v. 8°, Blacket.W. S. Researches into the lost his- tories of America. London, 1884. 8° . Blackie, .John Stuart. Self-culture. N.Y., 1874. 10° What does history teach ? NY., 1880. 10°, Blackmore, Richard D. Alice Lorraine. X.Y., 1875. 8° Clara Vaughan. Phila., 1872. 12° . . . The same. London, 1883. 12° . . . . Cradock Xowell. N.Y.. 1860. 8° . . . Cripps, the carrier. N.Y'., 1870. 8° . . . Erema. X.Y'., 1877. 8° History of Sir Tliomas Upmore, formerly known as Tommy Upmore. X.Y., 1884. 16° Lorna Doone. X.Y., 1874. 8° .... The same. 12° MaidofSker. N.Y., 1872. 8° Mary Anerley. X.Y., 1880. 16° ... . Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. 1872 . . Blade, Tlie, and the ear. A. B. Muzzey. Bos- ton, 1805. 12° 241.20 Blades, William. The biography and typogra- phy of William Caxton, England's first printer. X.Y., 1882. 12° 1124.12 Blaikie, William G. Uow to get strong .and how to st.ay so. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° " .... 674.21 Livingstone, David, Personal life of. X.Y.. 1881. 8° 180.11 .Sound bodies for our boys and girls. X'.Y., 1884. 16° 1231.2 Blaine, James G. Life and public services, with incidents, speeches, etc. R. U. Con- well. Boston, 1884. 12° 1128.1 Work-i : Garfield, J. A., Eulogy on. Boston, 1882. 10° " 1111.11 The same 1118.10 025.18 1251.12 347.25 344.1 947.15 309.41 305.09 369.10 962.20 :347.20 947.22 .'!47.28 .378.1 519.11 Blaine, .lames G. — conrludid. Twenty years of Congress. Kornicli, Conn. 2 V. 8° 1410.2 The same 1410.8 Blair, David. Easy grammar of natural philoso- phy. Phila., 1821. 12° 0.53.22 Blair, Hugh. Sermons. Boston, 17!12. 2 v. 8° 218.2 The same. London. 1797-1801. 5 v. .s°, 287.2 Blake, Benoni, M.D. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . . 148.22 Blake, E. V. Arctic experiences. N.T., 1874. .'4° 727.11 Blake, Henry ^^, {late Capt. lllh Rerjiment -V. F. ) Three years in the army of the Potomac. Boston, 1865. 10°. . . . 1421.13 Blake, J. L. Conversations on vegetable phy- siology. Boston, 18:30. 12° 287.20 A gener.al biographical dictionary. X.Y., 1S35. 8° . ^. 119.3 Blake, John F. Astronomical myths. Lon- doi>, 1.S77. 12° ......... 055.10 Blake, Mary E. On the wing. Boston, 1883. 18° 771.11 Blake, William, Life of. A. Gilchrist. Lon- don, 1803. 2 V. 8° 207.2 A critical essay. A. C. Swinburne. Lon- don, 1808. 8° 157.5 Illustrations of the Book of Job. Boston. 1875. 4° 11. L. Blakston, W. A., and others. Canaries and cage birds, British and foreign. N.Y., |n.d.] 4° R. L. Blameless prince. The. [Poems.] E. C. Sted- man Boston, 1809. 12° 551.12 Blanc, Charles. Art in ornament and dress. N.Y., 1877. 8° 0.54.4 Blanc, Louis. History of ten years, 18.30-40. London, 1844. 2 v. 8° .53). 1 Blanchard, Claude, Journal of. Commissary of the French auxiliary .army, sent to the U.S. during the American revolution, 1780-83. Albany. 1.870. 4° 481.14 Blanchard, Lamau. Poetical works. London, 1>;70. 12° 575.13 Blanchard, lUifus. Rise and fall of political I).arti.'s in the U.S. Chicago, 1884. 1(>° . 590.11 Blanche .and Beryl. Mnie. De Stolz. London, [n.d.) 10° 402.17 Blanid. [A poem.] R. D. Joyce. Boston, 1879. 12° 582.12 Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. Isis unveiled. X.Y., 1877. 2 V. 8° 274.9 Blazing star, The. W. B. Greene. Boston, 1872. 12° 2.35.3 Bleak House. C. Dickens. London, [ii.d.] 12° 355.3 The same ^50.2 The same 357.2 The same 393.3 Bleeker, Leonard. Order-book in the cam- paign of 1779. N.Y., 180.5. 8° . . . . 518.17 Blennerhassett papers. W. II. Safford. Cin- cinnati, 1864. 8° 540.0 Blessed damozel. The, and other poems. D. G. Itossetli. Boston, 1882. 12° . . . 575.17 Blessed Saint Certainty. [A novel.) W. M. Baker. Boston, ISSl. 12° 397.12 Blessington, Countesx of. Country quarters. Phila., [n.d.) 12° . . . ." . . . . 307.15 Blind, Mathilde. Eliot, George, Life of. Bos- ton, 188.!. 10° 1115.10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 39 Blind, MathiUle — concluded. Madame Roland. (Famous women.) Bos- ton, ISSO. 10° 1138.4 Tarantella. [A romance.] Boston, 18S.i. 12° 905.16 Bliudpits; a story of Scottish life. N.T., 1869. 12° 317.15 Blithedale romance, Tlie. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 18.55. 12° 342.22 The same 372.8 Blitz, Signor. Fifty years in the magic circle. Hartford, 1S71. 12° 641.2 Blockade of Pbalsburg. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. London, 1870. 12° . . . .352.18 Blockade-runner, Narrative of a. J. Wilkin- son, Capf. in the late C. S. N. N.T., 1877. 12° 493.6 Bloody chasm. The. [A novel.] J. W. De Fornst. N.Y., 1881. 10° 388.2 Bloomfield, Lord Benjamin. Memoir. Lady Georgiana Bloomfield, Ed. London, 1884. 2 T. 8° 11.33.1 Bloomfield, Baroness Georgiana. Reminis- cences of court and diplomatic life. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 12.37.18 Bless, C. A. Heroines of the crusades. Phila., 1881. 12° 1113.2 Blossoming of an aloe. Mrs. C. Hoey. X.Y., 1N75. 8° :J46.33 Blouet.Paul. John Bull and his island. X.Y., 1884. 12° 782.7 Blow, Susan E. A study of Dante. X.T., 1880. 12° . . . ". 1249.11 Blue banner. The. The adventures of a Mus- sulman, a Christian, and a Pagan, in the times of the crusades, and the Mongol conquest. L. Cahun. Phila., 1878. 8° 324.30 Blue flag and cloth of gold. A. Warner. N.Y., 1880. 10° 444.29 Blue jackets of '01. History of the navy in the war of secession. W. J. Abbot. N.Y., 1880. 8° 1432.5 Blue ray of sunlight. The influence of, and of the blue color of the sky, in developing animal and vegetable life; in arresting disease, and in restoring health. A. J. Pleasanton, and others. Phila., 1870. 8° . 0.55.18 Blue stocking, A. Mrs. A. Edwards. X.Y., 1877. 12° 372.14 Bluffton. A story of to-day. M. J. Savage. Boston, 1878. 12° 372.21 Blum, George, and Wahl, L. Seaside and fire- side fairies. Phila., 1874. 10° ... . 453.18 Blunders in writing and speaking, and how to avoid them. N.Y., [n.d.] 10°. . . .1241.25 Blunders of vice and folly. J. G. Hargraves. London, 1871. 12° 333.18 Blunt, Lady Anne. The Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. N.Y., 1879. 8° 496.22 Blunt, J. J. The reformation in England. London, 1878. 16° 128.12 Blush roses. [A novel.] C. F. Morse. N.Y., 187S. 8° '. 377.6 Boaden, James. Kemble, John Philip, Memoirs of. Phila., 182.5. 8° 1122.5 Boardman, George D. Epiphanies of the risen Lord. N.Y., 1879. 12° 292.3 Studies in the creative week. X.Y., 1878. 12° 282.13 Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the counting- house. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 282.27 Boardman, W. E. Faith work under Dr. Cul- lis. Boston, 1876. 12° 261.19 In the power of the spirit. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 291.6 Boat club. The. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 457.19 Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. W. C. Prime. K.Y., 1867. 12° 003.15- Boating. See also Rowing. Boat-sailing. A practical guide to the man- agement of boats under all conditions. D. Frazer. Boston, 1879. 16° ... . 073.10 Boat voyages. Adventurous. R. Ricliard- son. London, [n.d.] 16° 931.4 Oarsman's manual and catalogue. Troy, 1871. 4° 629.1 Bobbin boy. The. W. M. Thayer. Boston, 1800. 12° 4:?8.1 Boddy, Alexander A. To Kaiman the holy. Scenes in Muhammedan Africa. London, 1885. 12° 789.13 Bodily strength and skill. Wonders of. C. Rus- sell. N.Y., 1871. 16° 041.21 Bodines ; or, Camping on the Lycoming. A guide to camping out. T. S. Up de Graff. Phila., 1879. 12° 702.7 Bodleys afoot. The. H. E. Scudder. Boston, 1880. 8° 448.2 The same 924.12 Bodley family, Doings of, in town and country. H. E. Scudder. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . 465.20 The same . . . . 924.9 Bodley family. The English. H. E. Scudder. Boston, 1884. 8° 923.3 The same 924.15 Bodley grandchildren. The, and their journey through Holland. H. E. Scudder. Bos- ton, 1882. 8° 915.8 The same 924.14 Bodleys on wheels. H. E. Scudder. Boston, 1879. 8° 465.22 The same 924.11 Bodleys, The, telling stories. H. E. Scudder. N.Y., 1877. 8° 405.21 The same 924.10 Bodleys, The Viking. An excursion into Nor- way and Denmark. H. E. Scudder. Bos- ton, 1885. 8° 920.11 Body and mind. H. Maudsley. N.Y., 1S74. 12°, 033. 16 Body and will. An essay on the will in its metaphysical, physiological and patholo- gical aspects. H. Maudsley. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1315.9 Bogart, W. H. Boone, Daniel, Life of. N.Y., 1859. 12° 102.4 Bohn, Henry G. Hand-book of proverbs. Lon- don, 1870. 12° 234.9 Boismont, A. B. de. Hallucinations. Colum- bus, 1800. 12° 223.1 Boit, Robert A. Eustis. [A novel.] Boston, 1SS4. 12° 9-58.5 Boker, G. H. Konigsmark, and other poems. Phila., 1869. 12° 552. 2;3 BoUes, Albert S. Financial history of the U.S., 1774-1789. N.Y., 1879. S° 284.15 The same, 1789-1860. N.Y., 1883 . . . 097.9 The same, 1861-1885. N.Y., 1880 . . . 1428.11 Bologna, Etruscan. [A study.] R. F. Burton. London, 1876. 8° . " 793.0 40 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bolton, Mrs. Saiah K. IIo«' success is won. Boslon, |ii.d.] 10° 1121.21 Lives of girls who became famous. N.Y., [n.d.l 12° 1137.15 Poor boys who became famous. N.Y., 1885. joo !t32.2 Social studies in England. Boston, [n.d.| 10° 1247.1 Bompas, George C. Buckland, F., Life of. Pliila., 1S85. 8° 1132.4 Bonaparte, Josppli, History of. J. S. C. Ab- bott. N.Y., 1801). 10° 122.1 Bouapaite, Madame, Life aud letters of. E. L. iJidi.T. N.Y., 1S7'.I. 12° 178.10 Bonaparte, X. See Napoleon I. Bonaparte -Patterson marriage. W . T. K. SafTfll. riiila., 1873. 8° 148.13 Bonar, lloratius. Tlie white fields of France. (Mission to the workingraen of France.) N.Y., 18711. 12° . 21)2.13 Bonar, James. Malthus and his work. Lon- don, 18S.J. 8° 1244.0 Bones and I ; or, The skeleton at home. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12°. . . 1228.8 Bonne-Marie. A tale of Normandy and Paris. A. F. Durancl. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. . . 371.25 Bouneau, A. Aliramion, Mnie. B. de, Life of. London, 1870. 8° 115.5 Bonner, John. Rome, A child's history of. N.Y., lS.-)e. 2v. 16° ". . 472.10 U.S., A child's history of the. ^".Y^, 1865. 2 V. 1(1° . . . ." 451.19 Bonneville, B. L. E., Co;)*. Adventures in the Kocky Mountains. N.Y'., 18.'i4. 12°. . 713.11 "Bonnie Lesley." Mrs. H. Martin. N.Y., |n.d.] 12° 370.3 Bonny Kate. F. C. Fisher. N.Y., 1878. 8° . 369.24 Bomiyborough. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Buslon, 1886. 12° 972.4 The same 972.5 BonTvick, James. Pyramid facts and fancies. London, 1877. 12° 778.25 Book for every day. Containing an inexhaust- ible store of amusing and instructive arti- cles. J. Mason, Ed. N.Y., 1870. 12°, 491.1 Book of days, The. R. Chambers. Edinburgh, 1803." 2 V. 8° 237.2 Book of golden deeds. C. M. Yonge. Cam- bridge, 1865. 10° 210.16 Book of Job, William Blake's illustrations of the, with descriptive letterpress, and a sketch of the artist's life and works by C. E. Norton. Boston, 1875. 4° . . . E. L. Book of Job, with notes, introduction and ap- pendix. A. B. Davidson. Cambridge, Eng., 1884. 12° 1288.12 Book of nature. With a sketch of the author's life. J. M. Good. N.Y., 1831. 8° . . 287.1 The same. Hartford, 1S.")0. 12° ... . 623.11 Book of noble English women. Lives made il- lustrious by heroism, goodness, and great attainments. C. Bruce, Ed. London, 1875. 12° 491.2 Book of sibyls. (Mrs. Barbauld, Miss Edge- worth, Mrs. Opie, Miss Austen.) Mrs. R. Ritchie. London, 18!-3. 12° 1124.10 Book of snobs. W. M. Thackeray. Boston, 1875. 12° 373.9 Book of the beginnings. An attempt to recov- er and reconstruct the lost origines of the myths and mysteries, types, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece, and Africa as the birthpl.ice. G. Massey. London, 1881. 2 v. 8° 1233.1 Book of the beginnings. A study of the Gene- sis, Willi an introduction to the Penta- teuch. R. II. Newton. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 1231.6 Book of the East, and other poems. U. H. Stoddard. Boston, 1871. 10° ... . .wl.25 Book of vagaries. J. K. Paulding, Ed. \.Y., IWiS. 12° 734.16 Book of worthies. C. M. Yonge. London, 1869. 16° 211.25 Book-hunter, The. J. II. Burton. N.Y., 1803. 12° 244.12 The same 1242.20 Book-keeping, The new Bryant an Ordinances, rules and orders of the City. Boston, 1869. 8° 319.1 School Committee, Reports of, 185S-.59. Boston, 18.58-.59. 2 v. 8° .319.2 Streets, Report on the nomenclature of, 1879. Boston, 1879. 8° .528.22 Boston Board of Trade, Reports of, 1857-62. Boston. 6 V. 8° 319.4 Boston City Hospital. Report. Boston, 1870. 8° 6.39.2 Boston, Dictionary of. E. M. Bacon. Histor- ical introduction by G. E. Ellis. Boston, 1886. 12° 797.14 Boston, East, History of. W.H.Sumner. Bos- ton, 1858. 8° .5.37.7 Boston Evening Transcript, 1830-3.5. 10 v. Folio 159.1 Boston Latin-school. Celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its foimdiug. Oration by Phillips Brooks. Poem by Robert Grant. Boston, 1883. 16°, 1421. T Boston Monday Lectures. With preludes on current events. J. Cook. Boston, 1877- 84. 12°. Christ in modern thought. With a prelimi- nary lecture on the methods of meeting modern imbelief 128.26 Conscience 285.12 Heredity 285.13 Labor 294.21 Marriage 283.22 Occident 1232.24 Orthodoxy 272.33 Socialism 294.22 Transcendentalism 272.30 Boston orators. J. .S. Loring. Boston, 1855. 8° 537. » Boston Public Library. Catalogues with sup- plements. Boston, 1801-85. 8° . . . R. L. Boston Society ot Natural History. Anniver- sary memoirs, 1S30-18SO. Boston, 1880. 4° R. L. Boston Weekly Advertiser. 1861-64. 4 v. Folio 159.2 Bostonians, The. [A novel.] H. James. X.Y., 1886. 12° 072.23 Boswell, James. Johnson, Samuel, Life of. London, 1847. 8° 167.1 BosTvell and Johnson; their companions and contemporaries. J. F. Waller. N.Y.. [n.d.] 18° 181. IT Botany. Manuals. Bailey, W. W. Botanical collector's hand- book. Salem, Mass., 1881. 12° . . . 674.24 Bessey, C. E. Botany for high schools and colleges. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . . 674.11 Gray, A. Introduction to structural and systematic botany, and vegetable physi- ology. N.Y., 1875. 8° 638.0. 42 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LlBliARY. Botauy. Manuals — ronctudcd. Botany of the norlliern U.S. X.Y., ISGS. 8° " 638.10 School and field-book of botany. N.Y., 1S70. 8° r.47.12 Lindley, J., and Moore, T., Edx. The treasury of botany. A dictionary of the vegetable kingdom, and a glossary of botanical terms. London, 1S74. 2 V. 12° 647.2.5 !M'Alpine, D. Botanical atlas. Contain- ing representations of tlie leading forms of plant life, with explanatory letter- press. N.Y., 18S:}. 2 V. 4° ... . R. L. Manton, W. P. Field botany. A hand- book for the collector. Boston, 18S2. 18°, 673.30 Maout, E. Le, and Docaisue, J. System of botany. I,oi«don. 1873. 8° . . . 639.3 Paston, Sir J. Botanical dictionary. London, 1S6S. S° 047-4 Sachs, J. Text-book of morphological and physiological botany. Oxford, [n.d.] 8° . .^ 638.5 J^lisceUaneous. Blake, J. L. Conversations on vegetable physiology. Boston, 1830. 12° . . . 287.20 Cooke, M. C. Fungi; their nature and use. N.Y.. 1875. 12° 6;3S.7 Darwin, C. Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. N.Y., 1877. 12° 6.53.2 The mnvements and habits of climbing plants. N.Y., 1870. 12° 647.26 Lubbock, Sir J. British wild flowers con- sidered in relation to insects. London, 1875. 12° 651.29 Flowers, fruit and leaves. London, 1886. 10° 1328.17 Smith, J. Botany, Domestic. The struc- ture and uses of plants. London, 1883. 12° 1312.19 Botanic garden. The. [A poem.] N.Y., 1798. 12° 612.1 Both sides of the street. M. S. Walker. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 10° 4.54.10 Bothwell. [A poem.] W. E. Aytoun. Bos- ton, 18.50. 12° 011.1 Bothwell ; or. The days of Mary, Queen of Scots. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 10°, 384.5 Botta, Charle.s. Ilistory of the independence of the U.S. Phila., 1821. 3 v. 8° . . . 540.7 Botta, Yincenzo. Cavour, Count, Life of. N.Y.,lSe2. 8° 241.9 Dante as philosopher, patriot and poet. X.Y., 1805. 12° .507.7 Bottone, S. R. The dynamo. How made and how used. London, 1884. 16°. . . . 1321.6 Boughton, George II. Sketching rambles in Holland. X.Y., 18-<.5. 8° 788.2 Bouldiu, Powhatan. Home reminiscences of John Randolph of Roanoke. Danville, Va., 1S78. 12° 177.10 Boulger, D. C, Ed. General Gordon's letters from the Crimea, the Danube, and Arme- nia, 1854-58. London, 1884. 12° . . . 1128.8 Boulton, S. B. The Russian empire. Its ori- gin and development. N.Y., 1882. 18°. .596.1 Bound by a spell; or. The hunted witch of the forest. Mrs. Greene. London, 1885. 12°, 970.20 Bound in honor. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1878. 10° 445.25 Bound to rise. H. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 10°, 442.20 Bound together. [Tales] F. J. Fargus. N.Y., 1884. 16° !iii6.6 Bound together; A sheaf of papers. D. G. Mitchell. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1228.14 Bourbon lilies. A story of artist life. Mrs. L. W. Champney. Boston, 1878. 12° . 371.14 The same 371.1-5 Bourke, John G. An Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre, 1883. N.Y., 1886. 12° .1422.15 The snake dance of the ^Io(|uis of Arizona. N.Y., 1884. 8° 785-7 Bourne, B. F. The captive in Patagonia. Bos- ton, 1853. 12° 662-11 Bourne, E. E. Wells and Keniiebunk, Maine, History of. Portland, 1875. S° . . . 542-5 Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants. N.Y., 1809. 16° :il2-13 Bourne, John. A catechism of the steam-en- gine in its applications in the arts. N.Y., 188-5. 12° 1325.21 Hand-book of the steam-engiue. X.Y., IS70. 12° 634.13 Bourrienne, M. de. Napoleon I., Memoirs of. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 8° 135.3 Boutell, Charles. Arms and armor. N.Y., 1870. 12= 608-15 Ed. A Bible dictionary. London. 1871. 8° 284.13 English heraldrj'. London, 1807. 12° . . 642.15 Bouton, Nathaniel. Concord, N.H., Ilistory of. Concord. 1850. 8° .542-2 Bovet, Felix. Egypt, Palestine, and Phicnicia. N.Y., 1883- 12° 775.4 Bow in the cloud. The. C. W. Briggs. Bos- ton, 1S54. 12° 2li3.19 Bo'wden, J. The naturalist in Norway. Lon- don, 1869. 12° 002-10 Bo^^ditch, Nathaniel, Memoir. N. I. Bow- ditch. Boston, 1840. 4° 118.1 Discourse on life of. A. Young. Boston, 1838. 8° 221.13 Bowditcb, Nathaniel I. Ilistory of the Massa- chusetts General Hospital. Boston, 1851. 8° 481-19 Suffolk surnames. Boston, 18.58. 8° . . 221.10 Boweu, B. F. America discovered by the Welsh in 1170, A.D- Phila., 1870. 12° . . . 482-15 Bowen, Francis. Gleanings from a literary life, 1838-1880. N.Y., 1S80. 8° .... . 293.3 Modern philosophy. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . 650.4 Bow^en, H. Courthope. The Shakespeare read- ing book. (Selections ) X.Y., [n.d-] 12°, 1213.21 Bowen, G. S., and Webb, Walter. The law rel.ating to electric lighting in England. London, 1882. 8° 1311.10 Bowker, R. R. Economics for the people. N.Y., 1886. 16° 1328.21 Bow^les, Samuel, Life and times of. G. S. Mer- riam. N.Y., 1885. 2 v. 8° 1132-8 Works : Across the Continent. Springfield, 1865. 12° 662-8 The same 007-18 Parks and mountains of Colorado. Spring- liold, 1809. 12° 040-7 Bowman, Anna. Bear hunters. Boston, 1862. 1G° 434.22 How to make the best of it. London, [n.d.] 10° 912-19 Kangaroo hunters. Boston, 1861. 10°. . 434.23 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 43 Bovrra, Haniette. Miscalculation. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 372.15 A young wife's story. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . 36.5.79 Bowriug, Sir John. The Philippine Islands. London, 1859. 8° 667.5 Boxall school. A tale of schoolboy life. B. "Heldmaun. London, ISSl. 12° . . . 916.15 Boy and man. A story for young and old. London, [n.d.] 16° 447.14 Boy emigrants, The. X. Brooks. X.T., 1877. 12° 445.11 Boy engineers, The. What they did and how they did it. J. Lukin. N.Y., 1878. 12° . 176.25 Boy farmers of Elm Island. E. Kellogg. Bos- ton, 1870. 16° 442.27 Boy from Bramley. V. F. Townsend. Boston, [n.d] 16° 4:37.7 Boy in grey. The. H. King.^ley, London, 1871. 12° 44.3.36 Boy inventor. The. Memoir of Matthew Ed- wards. Boston, 1860. 16° 211.15 Boy joiner and model maker. Directions for making numerous articles for use and ornament. E. A. Davidson. XT., [n.d.] 8° 654.14 Boy knight, The, who won his spurs, fighting with King Kichard of England. A tale of the Crusades. G. A. Henty. Boston, 1883. 12° 919.15 Boy life in the U. S. navy. H. H. Clark. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° ." 028.24 Boy traders, The; or, The sportsman's club among the Boers. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., 1877. 16° 446.18 Boy trapper, The. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., [n.d.] 16° 447.7 Boy travellers lii the far East. T. W. Knox. y.Y., 1S80-84. 8° 765.2 Part I. Japan and China. II. Adventures of two youths in a jour- ney to Siam and Java, with de- scriptions of adjacent islands. III. Adventures of two youths in a jour- ney to Ceylon and India, with descriptions of Borneo, the Philip- pine islands, and Biirmah. IV. Egypt and the Holy Land. V. In Central Africa. Boy travellers in South America. T. W. Knox. X.Y., 1SS6. 4° 929.13 Boy with an idea, The. Mrs. Eiloart. X.Y.. 187S. 12° 446.29 Boy's adventures in the wilds of Australia. W. Howitt. Boston, 1866. 16° 438.7 Boy's book about Indians. E. B. Tuttle. Phila., 1873. 12° 438.11 Boy's book. Every. Sports, games, etc. E. Routledge, £a. London, [n.d ] 8° . . 46:5.1 Boy's book of trades and the tools used in them. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° aj7.15 Boy's country book. W. Howitt. London, 1880. 12° 912.1 Boy's Froissart, The. Sir John Froissart's chronicles of adventure in England, France, Spain, etc. (Juvenile.) S.Lanier, Ed. N.T., 1879. 8° 448.7 Boy's handy book, The American. What to do, and how to do it. D. C. Beard. X.Y., 1882. 8° 684.2 Boy's Mabinogion, The. The earliest Welsh tales of King Arthur in the famous red book of Hergest. (Juvenile.) S.Lanier, Ed. N.Y., 1881. 8° 448.20 Boy's modern playmate. A book of games, sports and diversions. J. G. Wood, Ed. London, [n.d.] 12° 9:32.15 Boy's vacation on the Great Lakes. J. A. Rose. Providence, R.I.. 1880. 12° 761.11 Boy's workshop, with plans for in-door and out- door work." By a boy and his friends. With an introduction by H. R. Waite. Boston, [Ti.d.] 16° ....... . 921.11 Boyce, A. P. Art of lettering. Boston, 1875. Ob. folio R. L. Boyd, A. K. H. The autumn holidays of a country parson. Boston, 186.5. 12° . . 251.24 Council and comfort from a city pulpit. Boston, 1864. 12° 661.17 Leisure hours in town. Boston. 1862. 12°, 7:32.7 Boyd, Mark. Reminiscences of fifty years. N.Y., 1871. 12° 114.7 Boyd, Pliny S. Up and down the Merrimac. Boston, 1879. 12° 762.14 Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Falconberg, N. Y., 1879. 12° :374.28 Goethe and Schiller: their lives and their works. X.Y., 1879. 12° 182.15 Gunnar. Boston, 1874. 18° ;362.:38 Idyls of Xorway and other poems. X.Y., 1882. 10° 584.2 Norway. X.Y., 1886. 12° 1422.22 Queen Titania. X.Y., 1881. 16° . . . . 388.5 Boyhood of great men. Intended as an exam- ple to" youth. X.Y., [n.d.] 16°. . . 1121.3 Boynton, C. B. History of the U.S. navy dur- ing the rebelli.m. KY., 1867. 2v. 8°, 487-4 Boynton, E. C. History of West Point and the progress of the U.S. military academj". X.Y., 1864. 4° 518.2 Boynton, H. V. Sherman's historical raid. Cincinnati, 1875. 12° 116.11 Boys. Lady M. A. Barker. London, [n.d.] 12° 438.22 Boys, A book about. K. H. MoncriefE. Boston, 1869. 12° 242.16 Boys and girls in biology. S. H. Stevenson. X.Y., 187.5. 12° 641.12 Boys and girls of the revolution. C. H. Wood- man. Phila., 1877. 12° 445.12 Boys at Chequasset. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 451.9 Boys coastwise: or. All along the shore. W. H. Rideing. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° . . . . 92!l.4 Boys in the mountains and on the plains. W. H. Rideing. X.Y., [n.d.] 8° . . . . 773.19 Boys of Grand Pre' school. J. De Mille. Bos- ton, 1871. 16° 46712 Boys of other countries. Stories for American boys. B. Taylor. X.Y., 1876. 12° . . 441.24 Boys of '76. A history of the battles of the revolution. C. C. Coffin. X.Y., [n.d.] 4° 925.9 The same 465.19 Boys of Sierras; or. The young gold hunters. A story of California in '49. W. Mont- gomery, Ed. Boston, 1884. 4° . . . 923.6 Boys of "61; or, Four years of fighting from the battle of Bull Run to the fall of Rich- mond. C. C. Coffin. Boston, [nd.] 4°, 925.11 The same 915.4 Boys of thirty-five. A story of a seaport town. E. H. Elwell. Boston, 1884. 16° . . . 918.8 44 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Boys of Westonbury; or. The monitorial sys- tem. H.C.Adams. London, 1878. 12°, 446.14 Boys, Tlip, and I. A cliiUl's liistory for cliil- dren. Mrs. .Atolesworlli. N.Y., IS-S-'i. 10° 022.3 Boys' lieroes. E. E. Hale. Boston, [n.d.] 10°, 921.24 Boz, jixeud. See Dickens, Cliarles. Brabourne, Edward, Li>rd. Ferdinand's adven- ture and otiicr stories. X.Y., 188:5. 12°, 916.17 Friends and foes from fairy land. Boston, 1S8C. 12° 932.11 Etl. Austen, Jane, Letters of. London, 1SS4. 2 V. 12° 1134.9 Brace, Cliarles L. Dangerous cl.isses of Xew York. N.Y., 1S72. n° 246.14 Home life in Germany. N.Y., 1853. 12°, 244.9 Hungary in IS.".I. X.Y., 1851. 12° . . . 732.2 The Norse folk. N.Y., 18.)7. 12° ... 602.22 Races of the Old H'orld. N.Y., 1803. 8° . 008.9 Bracebridge Hall. W. Irving. N.Y., 185.5. li'o 218. S Brachet, A.. Etymological dictionary of the French languase. 0.x ford, 1873. 12° . 244.6 Brackenburg, Heiiry. The Ashanti war. Edinburgh. 1S74. 2 v. 8° 1410.8 Brackett, Anna C. Education of American girls. N.V., 1874. 12° 225.18 Brackett, Cyrus F., and Anthony, W. A. Ele- mentary text-book on iihysics. Part I. Mechanics. Heat. N.Y., 1884. 10°. .1324.18 Brackett, George E. Farm talk. Boston, 18li8. 12° 262.17 Brackett, L. P., and Vaughan, Jlrs. M. C. Woman's work in the civil war. Pliila., 1807. 8° 174.12 Bradbury, Wm. F., and Smith, Elbridge. Cam- bridge High School history and catalogue. Cambridge, ).'<82. 8° 1222.14 Braddon, E. Life in Indi.a. London, 1872. 12°, 715.17 Braddou-Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. Aurora Floyd. X.Y., 1871. 8° . .• ' . 365.13 Birds of proy. N.Y., 1867. 8° 305.14 Charlotte's inheritance. N.Y., 1874. 8° . 305.15 Dead men's shoes. X.Y., 1876. 8° . . . .305.18 Dead sea fruit. N.Y., 1876. y° . . . . 305.19 Eleanor's victory. X.Y., 1875. 8° . . . 3(!5.20 Fenton's quest. N.Y., 1871. 8° . . . . 305.21 Hostages to fortune. N.Y., 1875. 8° . . 365.4 John Marchmonl's leg.icy. ■ N.Y., 1863. 8°, 365.22 Joshua Haggard's daughter. X.Y., 1877. 8° .."... 365.58 Lost for love. N.Y., 1875. 8° 347.18 The Lovels of Arden. N.Y., 1874. 8°. . 305.24 My sister's confession, and other stories. Boston, 1876. 8° 377.21 An open verdict. X. f., 1878. 8° . . . 305.70 Publicans and sinners. X.Y., 1874. S° . 365.26 A strange world. X.Y., 187.5. 8°. . . . 365.27 The same 369.39 Str.angers and pilgrims. X.Y., 1874. 8° . 361.44 Taken at the Hood. N.Y., 1874. 8°. . . ,347.19 Weavers and weft. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . 305.54 Bradford, Alden. Massachusetts, History of, 1020-1820. Boston, 18.35. 8° . . . . 567.18 Xew England chronology. Boston, 1843. 12° ^". 484.21 Bradford, W. Plymouth Plantation, History of the. Boston, 1856. 8° 555.7 Bradley, George G. Kecolleetions of A. P. Stanley, late Dean of Westminster. X.Y., 188.3. 12° 1115.9 Bradley, W. J. The liainford Series. Boston, ISOli. 16°. Gilbert Starr and his lessons 442.40 Gill)ert's last summer at Kainford .... 442.41 Jack Arcombe 442.43 The same ,404.8 Bradley's Alias of the world; with isometric inilex to maps. Phila., 1880. Folio . . R. L. Braggadocio. A book for boys. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. X.Y., 180.5. 16° 451.0 Brain, The. Bastian, H. C. Tiie brain as an organ of mind. N.Y., 18*0. 12° . . . 074.12 Carpenter, W. B. Unconscious action of the brain. Boston. 1871. 12° .... (S33.8 Corning, J. L. Brain exhaustion, with some preliminary considerations on cere- bri dynamics. X.Y., ia'*4. 12° . . .1318.12 Brain-rest. X.Y., lss3. 10° 1313.4 Holbrook, M. L. Hygiene of brain and nerves, and the cure of nervousness. N.Y., 1878. 12° 658.11 Luys, J. The brain, and its functions. X.Y., 1882. 12° (179.8 Wood, H. C. Brain-work and overwork. Phila, 1880. 18= 073.17 Brainerd, D., Life of. W. B. O. Peabody. (.\merican biography, vol. VIIT.) . . . 111.2 Memoir of. J.Edwards. X.Y., [n.d.] 10% 131.18 Braintree and Quincy, Mass., A history of old. With a sketch of Randolph and Holbrook. W. S. Pattee. Quincy, 1S78. S^ . . . 494.18 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. C. I..ever. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12= .351.29 Bramston, A. R., and Leroy, A. C. Historic Winchester; England's first capital. Lon- don, 1884. 12= 786.15 Bramston, M. Rosamond Ferrars. X.Y., [n.d.] 10= 445.3 Branch, Oliver E.. Ed. The Hamilton speaker. Selections for reading, speaking, etc. X.Y., [n.d.] 12^ 123.21 Brand, John, and Ellis, Henry. Popular an- tiiiuities of Great Britain. London. 1855. 3 V. 12= 222.5 The same. 1877 1227.9 Brandes, George. Lord Beaconsfield. A study. X.Y., 1880. 12= 185.12 Brandon. (). Tiffany. N.Y., 1858. 12= . . 341.26 Brant, Josejdi, (Th.ayendanega,) Life of. W. L.Stone. Albany, 1804. 2 v. 8= . . . 117.4 Brassey, Mrs. Anne. Around the world in the y.icht '-Sunbeam." X.Y., 1879. 8 . . 498.18 The same 703.7 In the Trades, the Tropic, and the Roaring Forties. X.Y., 1885. 8= 785.9 Sunshine and storm in the East. X.Y., 1880. 8° 763.26 Thes.ime 763.27 Brassey, Thomas, Life and labors of. \. Helps. London, 1872. 8° 115.1 Work and wages. X.Y., 1872. 8° . . . 246.11 Brattle Sala. Boston, 1863. 1::° 333.9 Breaking away. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 10^ . . ' 4.57.3 Breathings of a better life. L. Larcom, Ed. Bi.ston, 1879. 16° . 2.8:3.20 Breck, Samuel, Kecollections of, with passages from his note-books. 1771-1862. H. E. Scudder, EJ. Phila., 1877. 12° . . . 171.24 Breckeuridge, R'lbert J. Memoranda of for- eign travel in Europe. Phila., 1839. 12°, 721.4 Bredif, L. Demosthenes. With extracts from his orations, and a critical discussion of " The trial on the crown." Chicago, 1881. 8° " . 197.1 Bremer, Fredrika. Wvrk». Translated by Mary Howitt. London, [n.d.] 12°. A diary. The H family 34111 Father and daughter 341.13 Home, The 341.14 Homes of the New World 601.4 Life ill the Old World 713.20 The neighbors, and other tales 341.10 The president's daughter 341.9 Brennau, Martin S. A popular exposition of electricity, with sketches of some of its discoverers. N.Y., 188.5. 10° . . . .1321.15 Brentano, Fairy tales from. Told in English by Kate F. Kroeker. London, 1885. 12°, 928.20 Brentford parsonage. X.T., 1876. 16°. . . 441.14 Bressaut. [A novel.] .1. Hawthorne. X.Y., 1873. 12° .3.54.19 Breton folk. An artistic tour in Brittany. H. Blackburn. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1881. 12° 761.17 Brew^er, E. Cobham. A dictionary of miracles. Phila., 1884. 8° 12:36.4 Dictionary of phrase and fable. London, [n.d.] 8° 254.19 The reader's hand-book of allusions, refer- ences, etc. Phila., 1880. 8° 284.17 Roman history, A guide to. X.Y., 1852. 16° 6.59.12 Brewer, J. S. Henry VIIL, The reign of. London, 1884. 2 v. 8° 1424.4 Brewer's family. The. Mrs. S. Ellis. N.Y., 1807. 16° 303.39 Brewster, David. Letters on natural magic. N.Y., 18.5.5. 12° 6-53.11 Martyrs of science. N.Y., 18.54. 16° . . 211.23 More worlds than one. X.Y., [n.d.] 12°. 2:34.12 Newton, S(> Isaac, Life of. N.Y.,[n.d.l 10°, 131.6 Newton, Sir Isaac, Life and writings of. Edinburgh, 1855. 2 v. 8° 149.3 Brewster, William, Life and times of. A. Steele. Phila., 18.57. 8° .5.55.8 Briar -hill lectures. Certain aspects of the church. J. C. Smith. N.Y., 1881. 12°, 127.20 Bric-a-Brac series. See Stoddard, E. H. Bricks without straw. A. W. Tourgee. N.Y., 18.80. 16° . . . .378.4 The same 378.5 Brickw^ood, E. D. The arts of rowing and training. London. 1806. 12° .... 642.19 Bridal eve. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1861. 12° 417.6 Bride of Lara mermoor. W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12° 314.5 The same 315.5 Bride of Llewellyn. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila.. 1861. 12° 417.7 Bride of Omberg. E. F. Carleii. N Y., 1854. 12° 413.20 Bride of the Rhine. Two liundred miles in a Mosel row-boat. G. E. Waring. Boston, 1878. 12° 497.8 Bride's fate. The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1S61. 12° 416.16 Bridge of history over the gulf of time, Tlie. T.Cooper. London. 1872. 12°. . . . 243.26 Bridges, Mrs. ( Colunel), (Mrs. Forrester, pseud. ) Diana Carew. Phila., 1876. 12° ... . 426.23 Dolores. Phila., 187-5. 12° ;354.:32 June. Phila., 1884. 12° 9.54.19 Mignon. Phila., 1877. 12° 306. ;30 Roy and Viola. Phila , 1881. 12° . . . 379.16 Bridges, F. D. Travels round the world. A lady's journal. London, 188:3. 8° . . 774.10 Bridgmau, Laura Dewey, the deaf, dumb and blind girl. Life and education. Mrs. M. S. Lamson. Boston, 1878. 12° . . 177.29 ■ Bridgman, Thomas. Pilgrims of Boston. N.Y., 18-56. 8° -5.55.5 Bridle bits, The. Practical horsemanship. G. C. Battersby. N.Y., 1886. 16°. . . .1:328.23 Brief essays and brevities. G. H. Calvert. Boston, 1874. 12° 203.13 Brigadier, Frederick. [A novel.] MM. Erek- niann and Chatriaii. N.Y., 1875. S° . 395.7 Briggs, Charles Augustus. American Presby- terianism. Its origin and early history. • N.Y., 1885. S° '. 1423.9 Biblical study. N.Y., 18.-3. 8° . . . . 1223.8 46 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Briggs, C. W. The bow in the cloud. Boston, 1S54. 12° 263.10 Bright, Ileiiiy A. A year in a Lancasliire gar- den. Lomloii, 1870. 12° 2!I2.5 Bright, Jolin, Life and speeches of. (.;. 1!. Smith. N.Y., 1S81. 8° 1112.2 | Life and times of. W. Robertson. N.Y. , [n.d.] 8° 1125.5 Si)ecches on the American question. Bos- ton, ISfw. 12° 233.15 Bright, William. Chapters of early English Church history. Oxford, 1878. 8° . . 274.18 Bright days in (he old plantation time. Mrs. M. i:. Banks. Boston, 1.'n82. 12° . . . 910.1 "Bright Eyes." See Theamba, Inshla. Brighter age. The. |A poem.] J. B. Water- bury. Boston, 1*50. 12° .5.51.13 Brighton, Mass. Catalogue of the Holtou library. Boston, 180(1. 8° R. L. BrightTvell, C. L. Annals of curious and romantic lives. London, 1S74. 12° . . 170.19 Annals of industry and genius. London, l.'^74. 8° 134.13 Early lives and doings of great lawyers. London, 1860. 16° 147.13 Brigitta. [A novel.] B. Auerbach. X.Y., ISSO. 10" 370.24 Brill, B'rancis. Farm-gardening and seed-grow- ing. N.Y.. 1872. 8° 048.14 BrlUat-Savariu, A. Gastronomy as a fine art. London, 1S77. 12° 'l"he same Hand-book of dining. N.Y., 1865. 1(>° . Brimley, George. Essays. W. G. Clark, Ed. London, 1882. 12° Brine, Mrs. Mary D. Papa's little daughters. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . The stories grandma told. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° Brinton, Daniel G. Myths of the New World. X.Y., 1808. 12° Brisbin, James S. The beef bonanza; or. How to get rich on the plains. Phila., 1881. 12° 127.10 Bristed, Charles Astor. Five ye.irs in an Eng- lish University. N.Y., 187.!. 12° . . . 235.5 The upper ten thousand. N.Y., 1852. 12°, 204.18 British animals, e.xtinct within historic times, with some account of British wild white cattle. J. E. Uarting. Boston, 1880. 8°, 077.2 British author.s. Personal traits of. E. T. Mason, iU X.Y., 1885. 4 v. 12° . .1129.14 Vol. I. Byron, Shelley, Jloore, Rogers, Keats, Southey, Landor. IL Wordsworth, Coleridge, Lamb, Haz- litt, Leigh Hunt, Proctor. III. Scott, Hogg, Campbell, Chalmers, Wilson, De Quiucey, Jeffrey. IV. Hood, Macaulay, Sydney Smith, Jer- rold, Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Thackeray. British Constitution, The. A. Dean. Chi- cago, 188:5. 10° " . . . . 1214.24 British gallery of contemporary portraits, with short biographical notices. London, 1822. 2 V. Folio R. L. British Guyana, The colony of, anil its labour- ing population. H. V. P. Bronkhurst. London, 1883. 12° 778.17 British Islands, A short geography of. J. R. fOKi A. S. Green. London, 1879. 10° . 764.17 273.2 1231.1 651.18 1222.7 915.11 930.7 668.10 British Museum, Handy book of. T. Nichols. LoiKlon, 18711. 8° 717-9 British Muscinn, Lives of (he founders of (he. 15TO-ls7(). E. Edwards. London, 1870. 8°, 175.8 British novelists and (heir s(yles. D. Masson. Bos(on, 1S59. 12° 203.17 British Parliament, Anecdotal history of the. Notices of eminent parli.imentary men, with examples of their oratory. G. II. Jennings, .E'li. N.Y.. 1881. 8° . . . . 187.2 British Plutarch. Lives of the most eminent divines, patriots, statesmen, warriors, phi- losophers, poets and artists of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, from the accession of Henry Vlll. to the present time. F. Wrangham. London, 1816. v. ,'<° . 172.4 British popular customs, present and p.ist. T. F. T. Dyer. London, 1870. 12° . . . 282.22 British social wasps. E. L. Ormerod. London, 1S(;8. 12° 622.14 British theatre, The; or, A Collection of Plays which are ac(ed at (he Theade Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, Haymarket, and Lyceum. Widi Biographical and Critical Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12v. 10° 571.2 Vol. I. The Beaux' Stratagem. As You Like It. Every .Man in his Humor. Fatal Curiosity. Twelfth Night. —Vol. II. The Conscious Lovers. Much -Vdo about Nothing. The Jealous Wife. Lionel aiul Clarissa. King John. — Vol. III. Meas- ure for Measure. Know Your Own Mind. King Henry V. Merry Wives of Windsor. Clandestitu! Marriage. — Vol. IV. Othello. A Bold Stroke for a Wife. The Beggar's Opera. The Provoked Husband. A New Way to Pay Old Debts. —Vol. V. The Busy Body. Inkle and Yarico. Lovers' Vows. Rule a Wife and ll.ave a Wife. The Road to Ruin. — Vol. VI. The Hypo- crite. King Henry VIII. Coriolanus. George Barnwell. The Comedy of Errors. — VII. Romeo and Juliet. Julius Ca!sar. The Brothers. The Gamester. Isabella. — Vol. VIII. The Constant Couple. A Bold Stroke for a Husband. King Henry IV. Hamlet. All in the Wrong. — Vol. IX. The Poor Gentleman. The Country Girl. Wheel of Fortune. The Duenna. Barbarossa. — Vol. X. King Lear. The Jew. King Richard III. Oroonoko. Rivals. — Vol. XI. The Rival Queens. Surrender of Calais. Such Things Are. The Way to Get Married. The Careless Husband. — Vol. XII. Douglas. The Maid of the Mill. Venice Preserved. The Heir at Law. A Cure for the Heart-Ache. British thought and thinkers. Introductory studies, cridcal, biographical and philo- sophical. G. S. Morris. Chicago, 1880. 12° 126.13 Britons, ancient and modern. A retrospect. London, 1884. 2 v. 8° 1410.9 Brittan, S. B. Man and his relations. X.Y., 18S4. 8° 632.8 Brittany and its by-w.ays. Mrs. B. Palliser. Lomlon, 1809. 12° 710.2 Britten, Emma Uardinge, Ed. and Tram. Ghost-land; or. Researches into the mys- teries of occuUisra. Boston, 1876. 8° . 270.1.5 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 47 Broad ocean, The. W.Jones. London, [n.cl.] \C° 641.16 Broadley, A. JI. How we defended Arabi and liis friends. Egypt and the Egyptians. London, 18S4. 8° 787.11 Brock, Mrs. C. Sunday echoes in week-day hours. N.Y., 1876. 12° 441.26 Brock, William. Havelock, Sir Henry, Life of. London, 1858. 16^ 211.12 Brockett, L. P. Powell, Walter, Life of. N.Y., 1872. 8= 139.9 Brocklehurst, Thomas W. Mexico to-day. London, 1883. 8" ". 773.20 Brockley Moor. J. W. L. X.T., 1874. 12', 322.18 Brockmau, Jauie. Worth doing. A home story. London, [n.d.] 16= 447.29 Brodhead, John R. New York, History of the State of. N.Y., 1859. 2 v. 8°. . . . 544.9 Brodie, Emily. Lonely Jack and his friends atSunnyside. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 935.12 BrogUe, Due He. The king's secret. Corre- spondence of Louis XV. with his diplo- matic agents, from 1752 to 1774. K.Y., |n.d.] 2 v. 8° 499.4 Broken chains. E. Buerstenbinder. Boston, 1875. S= 347.21 Broken shaft. The. Tales in mid-ocean, by various authors. H. Xorman, Ed. N.Y., 1886. 16' 975.1 Bromfield, John, Reminiscences of. Salem, 1S52. 8' 1125.6 Bromley-Daveuport, W. Sport. Fox-hunt- ing: sahnon-fishing; covert-shooting; deer- stalking. London, 1885. 8' 1322.10 Bronkhurst, H. V. P., Ed. The colony of British Guyana and its labouring popula- tion. London, 1883. 12° 778.17 Bronte, Anne. Agnes Grey. London. 1874. 1:;= .303.83 Tenant of Wildfell Hall. N.Y., 1808. 12% 363.6 The same 368.62 Bronte, Charlotte. See Nicholls, Mrs. C. B. See "Two great Englishwomen." P. Bayne. London, 18S1. 12= '. . 1122.3 Bronte, Emily, Life of. A. M. F. Robinson. Boston, 1S83. 10- 1115.11 Wuthering Heiglits. X.Y., 186S. 12= . . .363.7 The same 363.63 Brook, Sarah. French history for English children. London, 1881. 12= .... 592.15 Brook Farm to Cedar mountain, in the war of the great rebellion, 1801-62. G. H. Gor- don. Boston, 1883. 12= 696.5 Brooke, James, Rajah of Sarawak, Life of, from his personal papers and correspond- ence. S.St. John. Edinburgh, 1879. 8=, 1122.10 Brooke, Henry. The fool of quality. N.Y., 1800. 2 V. 12° 216.11 Brooke, Stopford A. Christ in modern life. X.Y,, 1872. 12° 266.2 English literature. N.Y., 1876. 18=. . . 261.21 Faith and freedom. Boston, 1881. 12= . . 129.3 Notes on the " Liber Studiorum " of J. M. W. Turner. London, 1885. 12= . . . 1012.14 Ed. Robertson, F. W. Life and letters of. Boston, 186.5. 2 v. 12° 215.12 The same 215.13 Brookes, The. cf Biidelniere. [A novel.] G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12= . . 955.2 Brookline, Mass. Public library catalogue with supplement. 2 v. 8= R. L. Brooklyn, N.Y., History of, with the town of Bushwick, and village and city of Wil- liamsburgh. H. R. Stiles. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1807. 3v. 8= • . .528.19 "Brooklyn," Cruise of the, in the south At- lantic station, 1881-84. W. H. Beehler. Phila, 1885. 8° 794.3 Brooks, Charles T. Ansonius and his poem "Mosella." Boston, 1878. 12° ... 497.8 Channing, William E. A centennial mem- ory. Boston, 1880. 16° 123.8 Medford, Mass., History of. Boston, 1S.55. S=, .542.16 Poems, with memoir by Charles W. Wendte. W. P. Andrews, ^d. Boston, 1885. 1C=. 1131.11 Ed. World-priest. Boston, 1873. 16°. . 5.53.15 Brooks, E. S. Historic boys. N.Y., 1885. 4°, 929.8 In Leisler's times. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . . 976.11 In No-man's land. A wonder story. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 16° 935.10 Brooks, H. M., Ed. The days of the spinning- wheel in New England. Boston, 1886. 16=, 1251.17 Brooks, Maria Gowan. Zophiel; or. The bride of seven. [A poem] Boston, 1879. 12=, .582.3 Brooks, Noah. The boy emigrants. N.Y'., 1877. 12= 445.11 The Fairport nine. N.Y., 1880. 16° . . 912.6 Our base ball club, and how it won the championship. N.Y., 1884. 4° . . . 926.6 Brooks, Phillips. The candle of the Lord, and other sermons. N.Y., 1881. 12= . . . 129.22 The influence of Jesus. [Lectures.] N.Y.. 1879. 12= 292.9 Lectures on preaching. Delivered before the Divinity School of Yale college. 1877. N.Y., 1877. 12= 272.10 Oration on the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Bos- ton Latin-school. Boston, 1885. 16= . 1421.7 Sermons. N.Y'., 1878. 12° 282.21 The same 282.26 Brooks, Sarah W. Even-songs, and othtr poems. Boston, 1868. 12° .551. l.S Brooks, Shirlej'. Wit and humor. Poems from Punch. London, 1875. 12= . . . 56;3.13 Brooks, W. K. Invertebrate zoology. Hand- book for laboratoiies, and seaside work. Boston, 1882. 8= 677.21 Broome, Edward W. Rowland Hill, preacher and wit. N.Y., [n.d.] 18= 191.19 Broome, Mrs. F. N. See Barker, Lady M. A. Brotherhead, W. The centennial book of signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence. Phila, 1875. 4= R. L. Brothers and sisters: or. True of heart. Mrs. E.Marshall. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . . 374.7 Brothers Rantzau, The. MM. Erckmann and Chatrian. London, [n.d.] 12°. . . . 3.52.14 Brough, R. B. Character sketches. London, [n.d.] 8° . . .■ 275.1 Brougham, Lord Henry, Life and times of. By himself. N.Y., 1871. 3 v. 12° ... 214.3 Works: Albeit Lunel. [A novel.] N.Y., 1872. 8° :346.32 Lives of men of letters of the time of George IIL London, 1855. 8° . . . 148.20 Lives of philosophers of the time of George IIL London, 18.55. 8° . . . 148.19 Statesmen of the time of George III. London, 18.55. 3 v. 8° 1:30.3 and Bell, Sir Charles. Paley's " Natural theology." N.Y., 185.5. 2 v. 16° . . 025. 2:i 48 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brougham, .lolin. His life, sloiie« and poems. \V. Winter, A'lJ. li.iston, ISSl. 12° . . 104.23 Tlie same 387.18 Broiightdn, Itlioila. Joan. N.Y., 1877. 8° . 305.57 Nancy. N.Y., 1874. 12° 342.12 Second thoughts. N.Y., 1880. 10° . . . .■591.2.^. Brought to l>ay. E. I!. Koe. Boston, 1SS2. 12°, 1)42.12 Brought to the ffont; or. The young defenders. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1871). 16°. . . . 44.'!. 39 Browrii, Charles BiocUden, Life of. W. H. Prescott. (American biography, vol. I.), 111.2 Worku : Arthur Mervyn. Phila., 1857. 2 v. 12°, 342.37 The same. (1827.) 342.40 Edgar Huntley. Boston, 1827. 12° . . 331.2 The same. (1857.) 425.6 Jane Talbot. Boston, 1827. 12° . . . 331.8 The same. (1857.) 334.19 Ormond. Boston, 1827. 12° .... .331.4 The same. (1857.) 425.17 Wieland. Boston, 1827. 12° .... 331.1 Brown, C. 11., Copt. Imprisonment and escape from Chilian convicts. Boston, 1854. 12' 723.18 Brcwrn, E. E. Washington, Young folks' life of. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 1124.8 Brown, Helen Dawes. Two college girls. Bos- tr.Y.,[n.d.] 12", 426.4 anil Cameron. V. L. To the gold coast for gold. London, 1883. 2 v. 8° ... . 777.5 and Drake, C. F. T. Unexplored Syria. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° 726.9 Burton, Robert. The anatomy of melancholy. Phila., 1857. 8° 221.14 Burton, W. E. Cyclopedia of wit and humor. N.Y., 18.58. 2v. 8' 237.4 Burton, Puv. Warren. The district school as it was and is. Boston, 1850. 12^. . . 261.3 Burton, William E., Actor, author and mana- ger. Life, etc. W. L. Keese. X.Y., 1885. 120 1132.3 Burty, Philippe. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the indus- trial arts. N.Y., 1869. 8° 6.52.10 Bury, Baroness de. All for greed. Boston, [n.d.l 8° 346.50 Burying the hatchet; or, The young brave of the Delaware. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1879. 16^ 911.25 Busch, Moritz. Bismarck in the Franco-Ger- man war, 1870-71. N.Y..1879. 2v. 12". 182.11 Our chancellor; sketches for an historical picture. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1126.15 Bushel of corn, A. A. S. Wilson. Edinburgh, 188.3.. 12° 1317.15 Bush, Mrs. Forbes. Memoirs of tlie queens of France. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 177.18 Bush, George. Mohammed, Life of. N.Y., 1854. 16° 121.14 Bush, James S. The evidence of faith. Bos- ton, 1885. 12° 1237.15 Bush, R. J. A journal of Siberian travel. N.Y., 1871. S° 717.18 Bush boys, The. M. Reid. Boston, 1858. 16°, 467.9 Bush wanderings of a naturalist. London, 1862. 16° 621.15 Bushman, The; or. Life in a new country. E. W. Landor. London, 1847. 8° . . . 736.8 Bushnell, Horace. Life and letters. M. B. Cheney, Ed. N.Y., 1880. 8° . . . . 186.4 Works : The character of Jesus, forbidding his clas- sitieation with men. N.Y., 1884. 18°. 1231.11 Moral uses of dark things. N.Y., 1808. 12° 243.9 Women's suffrage. N.Y., 1869. 12°. . 226.10 Business. M. F. Carr. Edinburgh, 1873. 12°, 233.22 Business and social forms, rules, etc., Manual of. T.E.Hill. Chicago, 1870. 4° . . 628.15 Business, Common sense in. Principles and laws of success in farming, manufactures, and buying and selling merchandise. E. T. Freedley. Phila., 1879. 12° ... 273.23 Business, A practical guide to. Hand-book for the American farmer, merchant, me- chanic, investor, etc. L. G. Welsh. Phila., 1875. 8° 488. S The same 226.11 Bussey, George M. Xapoleon I., History of. London, 1840. 2 v. 8° 1112.1 But a Philistine. V. F. Townsend. Boston, 1884. 12° 952.21 But yet a woman. A. S. Hardy. Boston, 188:^. 12° 947.2 The same 947.3 Butcher, S.H. Demosthenes. N.T., 1882. 16°, 1111.19 64 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Butler, Alfred J. Tlie ancient Coptic churches of Egypt. Oxford, 1884. 2 v. 8^. . . 788.6 Butler, Alban. Lives of the saints, fathers and martyrs. UaUimore, 1880. 4 v. 8^ . . 1133.5 Butler, Benjamin F. History of the Depart- • ment of the Gulf. J. Parton. N.Y., 1864. 8° 54.5.9 The same .545.10 Butler, Lieut.-Col. Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux. [A story.] Boston, 1882. 12' . 916.7 Butler, Samuel. Evolution, old and new. Sa- lem, 1S79. 12° 675.3 Butler, Samuel, (author of Hudibras.) Poet- ical works. Boston, |n.d.] 2 v. 16° . .563.2 Butler, S.inuicl. D.D. Atlas of ancient geog- raphy. Phila., 1841. 8° 717.12 Butler, William. The land of the Veda. Rem- iniscences of India. X.Y., 1872. 8° . . 72(i.l The same 779.10 Butler, William Allen. Doraesticus. A tale of the Imperial City. N.Y., 1885. 12° . 974.21 Lawyer and client. X.Y., 1871. 12° . . 2.!6.23 Butler, William F. The great lone land. Lon- don, 1S72. 8° 736.5 The wild north land. London, 1874. 8° . 726.16 Butson, A. A. Strange. The art of washing. X.Y., 1881. 12° 081.18 On the leads; or. What the planets saw. N.Y., 1880. 12° 674.15 Butt, Beatrice M. Delicia. N.Y., 1879. 16°, 376.9 Eugenie. N.Y., 1877. 16° 368.15 Geraldiiip Hawthorne. N.Y., 1883. 10° . 943.15 Miss Molly. X.Y., 1876. 16° 363.50 Butterflies, Beautiful. H. G. Adams. Lon- don, 1871. 12° 235.16 Butterflies, British. W. S. Coleman. London, lsti7. 16^ 021.16 Butterflies : Their structure, changes, and life- histories, with special reference to Ameri- can forms. With practical instructions. S. H. Scudder. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . 677.9 Butterflies of the eastern United States. G. H. French. Phila., 188(;. 12° ... . 1327.10 Butterfly hunters. H. S. Conant. Boston, IsiiS. 12° 462.5 Butter-worth, Hezekiah. The story of the hymns. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 582.2:5 Young folks' history of America. Boston, 1881. 12° 592.14 Young folks' history of Boston. Boston, 18S1. 16° 591.16 Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. Boston, 1885. 4° 926.20 Zigzag journeys in classic lands. Boston, ISsi. 4° 448.10 The same 920.2 Zigzag journeys in Europe. Boston, 1879. 4° 448.6 The same 926.1 Zigzag journeys in the Levant. Boston, 1886. 4° 933.4 Zigzag journeys in northern lands. Bos- ton~ 1884. 4° 923.8 The same 926.5 Z'.gzag journeys in the Occident. From Boston to the Golden Gate. Boston, 1883. 4° 915.14 The same 926.4 Zigzag journeys in the Orient. The .Adri- atic to the Baltic. Boston, 1882. 4° . . 915.3 The same 926.3 Butterworth, Hozekiah — concluded. Zigzag journeys in the sunny South. Bos- ton, ia87. 4° 9.?3.5 The same 933.6 Buxton, Edward N'. The A H C of free trade. London, 1S82. 16^ 295.13 Buxton, H. J. W. English painters. N.Y., 1883. 12° 085.19 and Poynter, E. J. German, Flemish and Dutch painting. N.Y., 1881. 12°. . . 682.25 Buxton, Thomas F., *//•. Memoirs, with selec- tions from his correspondence. Ed. by his son. Phila., 1849. 12° 151.15 Buz; or, The life and 'adventures of a honey bee. M.Noel. N.Y., 18S6. 10° . . .1328.18 By Celia's arbor. A tale of Portsmouth town. W. Besant and J. Rice. N.Y., 1878. 8°, 365.73 By fire and sword. A story of the Huguenots. T. Archer. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 976.2 By his own might. W. von Hillern. Phila., 1872. 12° 317.1 By proxy. J. Payn. X.Y., 1878. 8° . . . 365.80 By shore and sedge. B. Harte. Boston, 1885. 18°, 9.jl .21 By stUl water*. Mrs. I.F.Mayo. N.Y.,1874. 12°, 337.1 By the sea. Mrs. S. Currier. N.Y., 1871. 12°, 242.4 By the Tiber. [A novel.] Jl. A. Tincker. Boston, 1881. 16° 378.23 By uphill paths; or, Waiting and winning. E. van Sommer. London, 1883. 16° . . . 949.23 Bye -■words. Tales, new and old. C. M. Yonge. London, ISSO. 12° 398.13 Byles, John B. Sophisms of free-trade. Phila., 1872. 12° 236.18 Bynner, E. L. Damen's ghost. (Round robin series.) Boston, 1881. 16° 398.11 The same .398.12 Nimport. Boston, 1876. 16° 368.19 Tritons. Boston, 1878. 16° 382.11 Byrn, M. Lafayette. Artist's and tradesman's companion. N.Y., 1807. 12° .... 242.9 Byrne, Mrs. Wm. Pitt. Cosas de Espafia. Lon- don, 1806. 8° 218.3 Byron, Lord G. G. N. Elze, K. Life of. Lon- don, 1872. 8° 151.16 Gait, J. Life of. X.Y., 185.5. 16° . . . 131.8 Guiccioli, Counten.'i. My recollections of. N.Y., 1869. 12° 214.2 Jeaffreson, J. C. The real Lord Byron. New views of the poet's life. Boston, 1883. 12° 1118.3 Medvvin, T. .Journal of the conversations of Lord Byron, at Pisa. 1821-22. Balti- more, 182.5. 16° 1121.4 Moore, T. Life, with letters and journals. Phila., 1846. 2 v. 12° 179.2 Nichol, J. Life. (English men of letters. ) N.Y., 1880. 12° 192 28 Passages from memoirs of. N.Y.,1878. 12°. 177.7 TForfc*: Boston, 1861. 10 v. 16°. . . . 505.1 Vols. I.-II. Miscellaneous poems. — III. Beppo. Prophecy of Dante, etc. — IV. Childe Harold's pilgrimage. — V. The Giaour. Mazeppa, etc. — VI. Manfred. Marino Faliero. — VII. Sardanapalus. Two Fosc.ari. Cain. — VIII. Heaven and earth. The deformed transformed. Werner. — IX. {misshifi.) — X. Don .Juan. Childe Harold's pilgrimage. W. J. Rolfe, Ed. Boston, 1886. 12° .588.1 Byzantine Empire, History of the. 716-1057. G. Fin lay. London, 1856. 8° . . . . 597.2 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 55 Cable, George W. The Creoles of Louisiana. N.Y., 1SS4. 8° 1423.5 Dr. Sevier. Boston, 1885. 12° .... 9.58.22 The Grandissimes. N.T., 1880. 12° . . 379.7 Madame Delphine. N.Y., 1881. 16° . . 378.31 Old Creole days. X.Y., 1879. 12° . . . 363.76 The silent South; The freedman's case in equity; The convict lease system. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 12.51.3 Cabot, George. Life and letters of. H. C. Lodge. Boston, 1877. 8° 173.15 Cabot, S., Life of. C. Hayward, Jr. (Amer- ican biography, vol. IX. ) 111.2 Cadell, H. M. Ida Craven. N.Y., 1876. 16°, 362.50 Cadet life at West Point. Maj.-Oen. G. C. Strong. Descriptive sketch of West Point by B. J. Lossing. Boston, 1862. 12°. . 281.2 Cadogan, Adelaide. Illustrated games of pa- tience. London, 1883. 8° 684.14 Caesar. [A sketch.] Froude, J. A. N.Y., 1879. 8° 184.2 The same. Liddell, H. G. N.Y., 1877. 16° 181.14 Caesars, The. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1854. 16° 133.10 Caesars, Lives of the twelve. C. Suetonius Tranquillus. A. Thomson, Trans. X.Y., 1883. 8° 1116.12 Cahun, Leon. Adventures of Captain Mago; A Phoenician expedition. B.C. 1000. N.Y., 1876. 8° .324.27 Blue banner. The. Phila., 1878. 8° . . 324.30 Caine, T. Hall. Cobwebs of criticism. London, 1883. 12° 1232.14 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Recollections of. Boston, 1883. 8° 1117.1 Caird, James. India; the land and the people. London, 1883. 8° 784.5 Cairnes, J. E. Leading principles of political economy. N.Y., 1878. 8° 6.56.15 Tlie sLave power. X.Y., 1872. 8° ... 221.16 Cairo, Petra, and Damascus in 1839. J. G. Kinnear. London, 1841. 12° .... 484.7 Cakes and ale. D. Jerrold. London, 1852. 12- 225.16 Cakes and ale at Woodbine. R. B. Coffin. N.Y., 1868. 12° 311.3 Calamities and quan-els of authors, The. I. Disraeli. N.Y., 1868. 2 v. 12° . . . 243.4 Calcraft, H. G., Ed. Wit and wisdom of Lord Beaconsfield. N.Y., 1881. 12°. . . . 295.10 Calder, Alma. Miriam's heritage. N.Y., 1878. S° 377.4 Calder, JI. T. Soci.al charades. Boston, 1873. 12° 615.16 Calderon de la Barca, Mme. F. E. Life in Mexico during two years. Loudon, 1843. 8° 472.8 Calderwod, Mrs., of Potton. Her letters from England, Holland, and the Low Countries in 17-56. A. Fergusson, Ed. Edinburgh, 1884. 8° 1133.2 Calder-wrood, Henry. Teaching; its ends and means. London, 1881. 16° 1212.19 Calderwood secret. V. W. Johnson. X.Y., 187.5. 8° 361.39 Caleb Krinkle. C. C. Coffin. Boston, 1875. 12° 364.6 Calef, Robert. Salem witchcraft; More won- ders of the invisible world. Boston, 1865. 8° .528.13 Calfa, Vincenzo. The Bible of liumanity. J. Michelet, Trans. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . 274.4 Calhoun, John C. Hoist, H. von. (American statesmen.) Boston, 1882. 12° . . .1111.17 Caliban ; the missing link. Essays on Shakes- peare. D. Wilson. London, 1873. 12°, 228.4 California. Avery, B. P. Pictures in prose and verse. KY., 1878. 8° 486.19 Bancroft, H. H. History of. Vol. I. 1542- 1800. Vol. IV. 1840-15. San Francisco, 1884. 8° 1426.4 Cone, M. Two years in. Chicago, 1870. 12° 725.22 Farnham, E. W. Indoors and out. N.Y., 1856. 12° 661.10 Fisher, W. M. Californians, The. London, 1876. 12° 491.9 Hittel, J. S. Resources of. San Francisco, 186.3. 8° 541.3 Hutchings, J. M. Scenes and wonders in. N.Y., 1870. 12° 716.6 Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. N.Y., 1874. 8° 717.7 California. (Descriptive.) X.Y., 1872. 8° 667.1 Roberts, E. Southern California. Santa Barbara and around there. Boston, 1886. 18° 791.4 Van Dyke, T. S. Southern California. N.Y., 1886. 12° 797.10 Whitney, J. D. Yosemite guide-book. Cambridge, 1874. 16° 711.19 Called back. F. J. Fargus. X.Y., 1884. 16°, 0.57.3 Called to account. Mrs. P. Cudlip. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° .36.5.82 Callender, E. B. Stevens, Thaddeus, Life of. Boston, 1882. 12° 1114.4 Callista, A sketch of the third century. J. H. Newman. London, 1873. 12° "... .372.28 Calthorp, Annette. Myrtle and cypress. Lon- don, 1876. 12° 371 20 Calumet of the coleau, and other poetical legends of the Border. Also a glossary of Indian names, and a guide-book of the Yellowstone National Park. P. W. Nor- ris. Phila., 1884. 12° .577.5 Calverly, C. S. Fly leaves. [Poems.] N.Y., 1872. 16° 551.24 Calvert, George H. Brief essays and brevities. . Boston, 1874. 12° 263.13 First years in Europe. Boston, 1866. 12°, 732.11 The gentleman. Boston, 1863. 16° . . . 253.21 Joubert, Selections from. Boston, 1867. 12°, 262.5 Shakespeare. A biographical study. Bos- ton, 1879. 16° 194.5 Stein, Charlotte von. [A memoir.] Boston, 1877. 12° 182.2 Wordsworth. A biographical, aesthetic study. Boston, 1878. 12° 182.3 Calvert, L., Life of. G. W. Burnap. (Ameri- can biography, vol. IX.) 111.3 Calvin, John, Life of. T. H. Dyer. London, 18.50. 8° 154.8 56 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cambridge, England. Memorials, enlarged from the work of J. Le Keux by C. H. Cooper. (111. bj' piigraviiif;s and etch- ings.) Cambridge, [ri.d.] 3 v. 8° . . R. L. Ccimbridge, Mass. Amory, T. C. Cambridge, old and new. Boston, 1S71. S° . . . .>33.9 Gilman, A., Ed. Caml)ridge of 1770; the diary of Dorothy Dudley. Boston. 1870. 12° '. :563.45 Paige, L. 1!. History of C. 16.>0-1S77. Boston, 1877. 8° 494.1 The same 494.2 The same 494.-3 The same 494.4 The same 494.. 5 Stillman, W. J., Ed. Poetical localities of C. (111. by beliotypes from nature.) Bos- ton, 1876. 4° R. L. Munifipal documents: Celebration of the two hundred and fif- tieth anniversary of the .settlement of, held December 28, 1880. Cambridge, 1881. 8° 593.4 The same. (Four copies.) 593.5-8 In the "Centennial" Proceedings, July 3, 1875, in celebration of the centennial anniversary of Washington's taking command of the continental army on Cambridge Common. Cambridge, 187.5. 8° 518.20 Charter and ordinances of the city. Cam- bridge, 1857. 8° 152.13 The same. 1871. 8° 318.3 The same. 18S0. 8= 318.3 Fire department, Report of the chief en- gineer of. 1871-74. 4 V. 8° . . . . 318.4 Memorial to the men of, who fell in the first battle of the revolution. Cam- bridge, 1870. 8° 168.15 Soldiers monument. Proceedings in rela- tion to the building and dedication of. Cambridge, 1870. 8° 168.16 Petition of the Mayor of, for annexation of a part of Belmont. Hearing before the committee on towns. Boston, 1880. 8° 692.8 Town and city documents, with the Mayor's annual address. 18:58-1865. 8°, 318.2 Cambridge book of poetry and song. From English and American authors. C. F. Bates, Ed. N.Y., 1882. 8° 572.4 Cambridge Chronicle. 1846-188.5. 25 vols. Folio 159.3 Cambridge directory. 1848-1885. 37 v. 10' and 8= 318.1 Cambridge, First Church in. 2.50th .annivers.ary , of its organization. Cambridge, 1880. 8°, 14.32.10 Cambridge High school. History and Cata- logue. W. F. Bradbury. Early history. E. Smith. Cambridge, 1SS2. 8° . . .1222.14 Catalogue of the library of. Cambridge, 18.53. 8^ R. L. Cambridge Hospital, Exercises at the dedica- tion of the. 1886. Cambridge, 1880. 1G°, 1421.14 Cambridge sermons. A. McKenzie. Boston, 18S3. 12=' 1225.11 Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett. Deceivers ever. N.Y., 1S7S. 8° 369.19 In a grass country. Phila., 1886. 12° . . 976.10 Juliet's guardian. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . 369.2 Cameron, V.L. Across Africa. N.Y.,1877. 8°, 487.13 Cameron pride. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1873. 12° 424.1 The same 424.23 Camilla: a tale of a violin. The artist life of Camilla Urso. C. Barnard. Boston, [n.d.j 10= 364.74 Cammann, U. J., and Camp, II. N. The charities of New York, Brooklyn and Staten Island. X.Y , 1808. 4° . . . . 251.2 Camp, George S. Democracy. N.Y., 1855. 12°, 653.10 Camp and jungle, Scenes in. W. G. Cum- ming. Edinburgh, 1871. 8° .... 718.6 Camp, court and siege. Personal adventure and observation during two wars. W. Hoffman. N.Y., 1877. 12° 492.3 Camp fire, Memorial Day, and other poems. K.B.Sherwood. Chicago, 1885. 10° . 585.10 Camp-fire and wigwam. E. S. Ellis. Phila., 188.5. 12° 932.9 Camp life in the woods, and the tricks of trap- ping and trap making. W. H. Gibson. N.Y., 1881. 12° 674.25 Campaigning on the O.xus, and The fall of Khiva. J. A. MacGahau. N.Y., 1874. 8° 726.14 Campaigns of the civil war. See Civil war; or, U. S. history. Campan, Madame. Marie Antoinette, Memoirs of the court of. Phila., 1850. 2 v. 12°, 177.21 Campaner Thai, The. J. P. F. Richtcr. Bos- ton, 18iU. 1:^= 243.12 Campbell, Sir George. White and black. The outcome of a visit to the United States. N.Y., 1879. 8° 557.8 CatnpbeU.G.D., Duke of Argyll. lona. Lon- don, 1871. 12° 2.30.24 Primeval man. N.Y., 1869. 16° . . . . 253.18 The reign of law. London, 1867. 8° . . 205.1 The unity of nature. N.Y., 1884. 8° . . 1319.1 Campbell, Mrs. Helen. The American girl's home-book of work and play. N.Y., 18S3. 12° 685.23 His grandmothers. N.Y., 1S77. 16° . . :308.21 Miss Meliuda's opportunity. Boston, 1886. 12° 978.13 Mrs. Herndon's income. Boston, 1886. 12° 974.16 The problem of the poor. N.Y., 1882. 10°, 941 .17 Unto the third and fourth generation. N. Y., 18S0. 18° :583.22 The What-to-do club. A story for girls. Boston, lSri5. 12° 964.17 Campbell, J. F., Ed. Popular tales of the west Highlands. Edinburgh, 1860. 4 v. 12° 483.5 My circular notes while traveling round the world. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 496.20 Campbell, John, Lord. Lives of chief jus- tices of England. Boston, 1873. 5 v. 8° 1.54.9 Campbell, L. J. English synonyms, preposi- tions and foreign phrases. Boston, 1881. 18° 1111.14 Campbell, Lewis, and Garnett, Wm. Maxwell, James Clerk, Life of. Loudon, 1882. 8°, 1116.7 Campbell, Kt-il. Napoleon I. at Fontaine- bleau and Elba. London, 18C9. 8° . . 157.9 Campbell, S. M. The story of creation. Bos- ton. 1S77. 12° 658.4 Campbell, Thomas, Life and letters of. W. Beattie. London, 1849. 3 v. 8° . . . 106.5 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 57 Campbell, Thomas — concluded. Workfi: Petrarch, Life of. London, 1841. 2 v. 8° 166.4 Poetical works, with notes and a bio- graphical sketch by W. A. Hill. Boston, 1854. 16° 561.6 Camping amons cannibals. A. St. Johnston. London, 18S:i. 12° 782.11 Camping out. C. A. Stephens, Ed. Boston, 1872. 10' 460.10 Camping out. The hunter's hand-book, hints oil provisions, stores and cooking. By an old hunter. Boston, 18S.5. 18^. . . .1241.20 Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks, and grayling fishing in northern Michigan. A. J. Northrup. N.Y., 1830. 18°. . . 761.7 Camps in the Caribbees. Adventures of a nat- uralist in the Lesser Antiles. F. A. Ober. Boston, 18S0. 8° 763.21 Cau you forgive her? A. Trollope. N.T., [n.d.] 12° 353.3 The same 963.3 Canada. Jones, C.H. History of the campaign for the conquest of, in 1776; from the death of Montgomery to the retreat of tlie British army under Sir Guy Carle- ton. Phila., 1882. S° 593.12 Leggo, W. History of the administration of the Earl of Dutferin. Montreal, 1878. 8° 494.14 Legislative assembly. Journals of the, 1844 and 1845, with appendix. Montreal, 1845. 3v. Folio 852.2 Parkiuan, F. The old regime in. Boston, 1874. 8° 515.5 Russell, W. U. Defences, condition and resources of. Boston, 1865. 12° . . . 721.3 Tables of the trade and navigation of. Que- bec, 1855. 8° 739.1 Traill, Mrs. C. P. Backwoods of. London, [n.d.l 16° 711.5 Tuttle, C. R. Short history of the domin- ion of, 1500-1878. With the contempora- neous history of England and the United States. Boston, 1878. 8° 495.5 Canadian Crusoes, Tlie. Mrs. C. P. Traill. Boston, 1866. 12° 661.18 Canaries and cage-birds, British and foreign. W. A. Blackstone, W. Swaysland, and A. F.Wiener. N.T., [n.d.] 4° R. L. Canary, The. Its management, etc. F. Smith. London, 1868. 12° 252.16 •See Birds. Candle of tlie Lord, Tlie, and other sermons. Phillips Brooks. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . . 129.22 CandoUe, Alphonse de. Origin of cultivated plants. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1325.8 Canoe and camera. A tour through the Maine forests. T. S. Steele. N.Y., 1880. 12° . 766.12 Canoe and saddle. T. Winthrop. Boston, 1863. 16° 443.33 Canoe travelling. W. Baden-Powell. London, 1871. 12° 723.2 Canoeing in Kanuckia; or. Haps and mishaps, afloat and ashore, of the statesman, the editor, the artist and the scribbler. C. L. Norton and J. Habberlon. N.Y., 1878. 12° 492.19 Canova, Antonio. His works in sculpture and modelling, engraved in outline by Henry Moses; with descriptions by the Counters Albrizzi, and a biographical memoir by Count Cicognara. London, 1849. 3 v. 8° R. L. Canterbury chimes: or, (Hiaucer tales retold for children. F. Storr and H. Turner. Boston, 1879. 16° 911.2 Canterbury tales. S. Lee. N.Y.. 18-57. 12°, 342. & Canterbury tales. H. and S. Lee. Boston, 1886. 3v. 16° 975.2 Canton, Fourteen raontlis in. Mrs. J. H. Gray. London, 1880. 12° ". 762.21 Cape Ann, In and around. A hand-book of Gloucester, Mass., and its vicinity. J. S. Webber. Gloucester, 1885. 16° . . . 781.22 Cape Cod. C. Nordhoff. X.Y., 1868. 12° . 218.7 Cape Cod. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 186.5. 12°, 244.24 Cape Cod, History of. F. Freeman. Boston, 1860. 2v. 8° .544.14 Cape Cod folks. [A novel.] S. P. McLean. (First edition.) Boston, 1881. 12° . . 397.15 The same. (Second edition.) .... 397.23 Capen, El win A. Oology of New England. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1886. 4° ... R. L. Capes, W. W. Roman history. The early em- pire. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 521.8 Capital and labor. Arbitration between; a his- tory and an argument. D. J. Ryan. Co- lumbus, O., 1885. 8° ...... . 1244.5- Capital and population. A study of the eco- nomic effects of their relations to each other. F. B. Hawley. N.Y., 1882. 8° . 1217.6 Capital of the Tycoon, The. R. Alcock. X.Y., 1863. 2v. 12° 664.14 Captain Fracasse. T. Gautier. N.Y., 1880. 16° -376.18 Captain Mansana, and other stories. B. Bjorn- son. Boston, 1882. 16° 943.4 Captain Nelson. A romance of colonial days. S.A.Drake. N.Y., 1879. 8° . . . . 377.11 Captain of the guard. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° 384.6- Captain of the Janizaries. A story of the times of Scauderbeg and the fall of Con- stantinople. J. M. Ludlow. N.Y., 18S6. 12° 976.3 Captain Phil. A boy's experience in the west- ern army during the war of the rebellion. M. M. Thomas. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . . .919.22 Captain Sam ; or, The boy scouts of 1814. G. C. Eggleston. N.Y., 1876. 12° ... 441.25 Captain Waters and Bill his Bo'son. A tale of the ocean and the farm. C. F. Swain. N.Y., 1877. 12° 367.32 Captain Wolf, and other sketches of animal biography. N.Y., 1870. 16° 461.2 Captains of industry; or, Men of bu>iness who did something besides make money. J. Parton. Boston, 1884. 12° 1128. S Captives, The. E. Leslie. London, [n.d.] 12° 433.3 Capturing a locomotive. A history of secret service under the late war. W. Pitten- ger. Phila., 1882. 12° 595.7 Card essays. Clay's decisions, and card table talk. H. Jones. Loudon, 1879. 12° . 682.1 Cardinal sin, A. F. J. Fargus. N.Y., 1886. 10° 975.7 Cardinal's daughter. [Sequel to " Fern Flem- ing."] Mrs. C. A. Warfield. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 367. IS 58 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cards and canl tricks. A history of playing cards with instructions. H. E. Heather. London, [n.d.] 12" 1612. !» Cards, History of playing. Ed. by E. S. Tay- lor hikZ others. London, 186."). 12° . . 035.25 Care of infants. A maiui.il for mothers and nurses. S. Jex-Hlako. London, 1884. 18'" 1314.8 Carey, Annie. Autobiographies of a lump of coal, etc. Bo.ston, 1871. 16° .... 436.5 The history of a book. London, [n.d.] 4°, 221.17 School girls; or. Life at Montague Hall. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 378.32 Carey, H. C. The unity of law. Pliila., 1872. 8° 627.5 Carey, Rosa N. Barbara Heatlicole's trial. 1'liil.a., 1885. 10° 969.4 ForLilia?. Phila., 1886. 16° 969.5 Nellie's memories. Phila.. ISSO. 12° . . 36:i.8S Not like other girls. Phila., 1884. 16°. . 9.57.6 The same 962.11 Queenie'.s whim. Phila., 1881. 12° . . . 379.25 Robert Ord's atonement. Phila., 1885. 16°, 906. 17 The same 906.20 Wooed and married. Pliila., 1876. 12° . 423.21 Carey, William, Life of. [Heroes of Christian history.] J. Culross. N.Y., 1882. 12°, 1113.11 Caricature and other comic art, in all times and many lands. J. Parton. N.Y., 1877. 8° 275.2 Caricature and grotesque in literature and art. History of. T. Wright. London, 1865. 8° 652.11 The same 651.3 Carita. Mrs. M. (). W. Olipbant. N.T., 1877. 8° 323.32 The same. 12° 953.12 Carleu, Emilie F. The bride of Omberg. N.Y., 18.54. 12° 413.20 Gustavus Lindorm. N.Y., 1853. 12° . . 3.33.16 Carleton, ii^eud. See Coffin, C. C. Carletou, George W., Ed. Classical diction- ary. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1114.6 Carleton, Will. Centenni.al rhymes for young folks. N.Y., 1876. 12° ,5.52. .32 City ballads. N.Y., 1886. 8° 572.9 Farm ballads. N.Y., 1873. 8° .... 552.3 Farm legends. N.Y., 1876. 8° .... .552.29 Irish peas.intry. London; 1869. 2 v. 12°, 347.10 Willy Reilly and his dear Colleen Bawn. N.Y., 1879. 12° 3S6.4 The same 426.22 Carlisle, Karl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. C. C. Felton, Ed. Boston, 1885. 12° ^ . . 734.17 Carlyle, Alexander. Autobiography. Boston, 1S61. 12° 161.13 Carlyle, Mrs. Jane W. Letters and memorials prepared for publication by Thomas Car- lyle. J. A. Froude, EdI N.Y., 1883. 2 V. 8° 1116.14 The same 1116.15 Carlyle, Thomas. Conway, M. D. Life. N.Y., 1881. 12° . 187.18 Froude, J. A., Ed. Reminiscences. N.Y., 1881. 12° 187.10 The same 187.11 History of first forty years of his life. N.Y., 1882. 2v. 8° 1112.9 History of his life in London. 1834-1881. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1128.22 Carlyle, Thomas — continued. Guernsey, A. H. His life — his books — his theories. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... . 191.3 Hood, E. P. Philosophic thinker, theo- logian, liistorian and poet. London, 1875. 12° 1124.11 Masson, D. Personally, and in his writ- ings. [Lectures.] London, 188.5. 16° . 1241.21 Mead, E. D. The philosophy of. Boston, 1881. 16° 295.6 Nicoll, H. J. ^Life of. London, [n.d.] 16° 1121.24 Shepherd. R. II., and Williamson, C. N., Edn. Memoirs of life, and writings of. London, 1881. 2 v. 12° 1113.12 Wylie, W. II. The man and his books. London, 1881. 12° 1124.20 Works: London, [n.d.] 19 vols. 12°. . 1235.1 Vol. I. Sartor Resarlus. The French revi>luiion, (Vol. I.) II. The French revolution, (Vols. II. and III.) III. Life of Friedrich Schiller. Mis- cellanies, (Vol. I.) IV. Miscellanies, (Vols. II. and III.) V. Miscellanies, (Vols. IV. and V.) VI. Miscelliinies, (Vols. VI. and VII.) VII. Heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. VIII. Oliver CromwelTs letters and speeches with elucidations. (Vols. L and II.) IX. The same. (Vols. III. and IV.) X. The same. (Vol. V.) Latter- day pamphlets. XI. Life of John Sterling. Life of Frederick the Great, (Vol. I.) XII., XIII., XIV., XV., Life of Freder- ick the Great. (Vols. II. to IX.) XVI. The same, (Vol. X.) Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels, (Vol. I.) XVIL WiUioIra Meister, etc. (Vols. II. and IIL) XVIIL Tales by Musa;us, Tieck, and Richter. XIX. The early kings of Norway. An essay on the portraits of John Knox. Anthology, The. [Essays, selected and arranged with the author's sanction, by E.B.irrett.] N.Y., 1876. 12° . . 237.18 Cromwell, Letters and speeches of, with elucidations. N.Y., 1860. 2 v. 12°, 164.13 Elves, The. (From the German of Tieck.) N.Y., 18.5.5. 8° 427.11 Essays. .See British essayists. Vol. I. N.Y., 1872. 8° 1211.1 Essays, Critical and miscellaneous. Bos- ton, 1865. 8° 237.8 Frederick the Great, Life of. N.Y., 18.58. 6v. 12° 163.11 French revolution, History of. N.Y., 1858. 12° 535.9 German romance. Specimens of. Boston, 1841. 2v. 12° 334.11 Heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history. London, [n.d,] 10°. . . . 1231.4 My Irish journey in 1849. N.Y., 1882. 12° 772.17 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 59 Carlyle, Thomas — concluded. Past and present. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 1238.8 Sartor resartus. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . . 218. IG Schiller and Sterling, Biographies of. London, 1857. 12° 164.2 Sterling, .John, Life of. Boston, 1S52. 12° 151.4 Carlyle, Thomas, and P^merson, IJalpIi Waldo, Correspondence of. 1834-1872. Boston, 1883. 2v. 12° 1223.1 The same. Supplementary letters. Bos- ton, 1886. 12° 1248.12 Carnegie, Andrew. American four-in-hand in Britain. N.Y., 1883. 8° 777.2 Round the world. N.Y., 1884. 8° . . . 785.1 Triumphant democracy. N.Y., 1SS6. 8° . 1429.11 Carola. IL Smith. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 957.9 Carolina sports by land and water. W. Elliott. London, 1SG7. 12° 734.14 Caroline. J. Abbott. I^.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 4.35.9 Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of Great Britain and consort of King George IV., The trial of. Collated with the journals of the House of Lords. J. Nightingale. London, 1821. 3 v. 8° 693.11 CaroU, Martha. How Marjory helped. Boston, 1874. 12° 363.26 Caron, Pierre. French dislies for American tables. N.Y., 1886. 16° 1251.7 Carpenter, F. B. Six months at tlie White Housewith A. Lincoln. N.Y., 1866. 12°, 2.52.26 Carpenter, Frank D. Y. Round about Rio. Chicago, 18S4. 12° 782.1 Carpenter, Harvey. The mother's and kinder- gartners friend. Boston, 1884. 16°. .1231.21 Carpenter, James, and Nasmyth, James. The moon, considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite. London, 1885. 8° . . 1329.2 Carpenter, J. E., Ed. Penny readings in prose and verse. London, [n.d.] 11 v. 12° . 261.2 The standard reciter. London, 1868. 16°, 243.21 Popular readings in prose and verse. Lon- don, [n.d.] 5 vols. 12° 1243.4 Carpenter, Mary, Life and works. J. E. Car- penter. London, 1879. 12° 185.10 Our convicts. (Vol. II.) London, 1864. 8° 267.6 Carpenter, Matthew H. Memorial addresses on his life and character delivered in the Senate and Hotise of Representatives, Jan. 26, 1882. With the proceedings at his funeral. Washington, 1SS2. 8° . . 118.12 Carpenter, Williaral3. Lecture on unconscious action of the brain. Boston, 1871. 12°, 633.8 The microscope and its revelations. Phila., 1881. 12° 678.18 Principles of mental physiology. N.Y., 1877. 12° " 674.4 Carpenter, W. Boyd. Truth in tale. Ad- dresses to children. London, 1885. 16°, 1247.4 Carpenter, William Laiit. Energy in nature. Lectures on the forces of nature and their mutual revelations. X.Y., 1883. 12° . 1318.3 Carpenter and joiner. The. (Designs and models.) R. Ridilell. Phila , 1872. Ob. folio 619.7 Carpet knight, A. H. Klemniing. Boston, 1885. 12° .'^ 965.18 Carr, Addis E. All the way round ; or. What a / boy saw and heard on his way round tlie world. N.Y., 1876. 16° 713.22 Carr, Beryl. Marston Hall. N.Y., 1880. 12°, 386.30 Carr, Mrs. Comyns. North Italian folk. Lon- don. 1878. 12° 1219.9 Carr, M. F. Business. Edinburgh, 1873. 12°, 233.22 Carrel, Armand. History of the counter revo- lution in England under Charles II. and James U. London, 1857. 12° ... . 511.5 Carriage painters' illustrated manual. F. B. Gardner. N.Y., 1871. 16° 668.24 Carrington, Mrs. M. J. Absaralca. Phila., 1868. 12° 724.4 Carriston's gift, and otlier tales. F. J. Fargus. N.Y., 1885. 16° 967.6 Carroll, Howard. Twelve Americans — their lives and times. N.Y., 1883. 12°. . . 1118.5 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, Charles L. Carroll, Winchester, pseud. See Curtis, Mrs. C. G. Carrothers, Mrs. J. D. The sunrise kingdom. Life and scenes in Japan, and woman's work for women there. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 772.2 Carryl, Charles E. Davy and the goblin. Bos- ton, 1886. S° . '. 929.16 Carry's confession. F. W. Robinson. London, [n.d.] 12° 9.56.1 Carson, Kit, Life of. J. S. C. Abbott. X.Y., 1873. 12° 161.15 Carter, John, Life of. J. F. Mills. N.Y., 1868. 12° 214.14 Carter, Robert. A summer cruise on coast of New England. Boston, 1864. 12°. . . 663.25 Carter, Robert B. Eyesight: good and bad. London, ISSO. 12° . . ^ 679.20 Carter, Ruth. Errors; or. The rightful mas- ter. N.Y., 1879. 12° 3S0.14 Carter, Susan N., Ed. Art suggestions from the masters. (First series.) N.Y., ISSl. 8° 682.15 Carter quarterman. W. M. Baker. N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.10 Carthage. (Story of the nations.) A. J. Church and Arthur Oilman. N.Y., 1886. 12° . 1431.3 Carthage and the Carthaginians. R. B. Smith. London, 1879. 12° 1415.14 Carthage and her remains. N.Davis. N.Y., 1861. 8° 664.3 Carthaginian, The young; or, A struggle for empire. G. A. Henty. N.Y., 1887. 12°, 937-3 Cams, William, Ed. Mcllvaine, C. P., last Bishop of Ohio, Memorials of. N.Y., 1882. 8° 189. .3 Carver, John. Travels through the interior of North America, 1766-68. Dublin, 1779. 12° 724.21 Cary, Alice. Clovernook. N.Y., 1884. 2 v. 12°, 1228.1-3 Married, not mated. N.Y., 1856. 12° . . 425.23 Pictures of a country life. N.Y., 1876. 12°, 411.8 Cary, Alice and Plucbe. Ballads for little folk. N.Y., 1874. 8° 552.5 Last poems of. N.Y., 1873. 12° . . . . .551.2 Memorial of. Mrs. M. Clemmer-Hudson. N.Y., 1873. 12° 113.3 Poetical works of. Boston, 1886. 12° . . 578.10 Cary, Phoebe. Poems of faith, hope and love. N.Y.,]S6S. 16° .553.8 Casey, Silas. Infantry tactics. N.Y., 1862. 3v. 18° . . . " 291.14 Cash-boy's trust. The. A.M.Mitchell. N.Y., 1872. 16° 434.13 Casimir Maremma. .Sir A. Helps. Boston, 1870. 12° 364.15 60 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cassell, J. History of war between Franco and Germany, (1870-71.) London, [n.d.] 1! \. 8° 536.3 Cassell's popular gardening;. D. T. Fisli, Ed. N.Y., [n.a.]^2 V. 8° CSS. 10 Gassy. II. Smith. N.Y., [n.d.] \G= ... 331.8 Cast away in the cold. J. Hardy. Boston, ISCO. 16° 433.2 Castaways, The. M. Reid. Boston, 1S70. W 467.3 Caste. .S.A.Story. Boston, 18-56. 12° . . 42.5 1 Castelar, Emilio. Old Rome and new Italy. -N.Y., 187.3. 12° 733.3 Castilian days. J. Hay. Boston, 1871. 12°. 724.22 Castle and town. [A novel.] F. M. Peard. I'liila., 1882. 12° 389.16 Castle Blair. A story of youthful days. F. A. Shaw. Boston, 1878. 12° .371.23 Castle Daly. A story of an Irisli home thirty years ago. A. Keary. Phila., 1883. 12°, 947.14 Castle Ilohenwald. A. Streckf u.ss. Mrs. Wis- ter. Trans. Phila., 1879. 12° . . . . 302.21 The same 374.2.5 Castle Nowhere. [Sketches.] C. F. Woolson. Boston, 1875. 12° 317.23 Castle Rackrent, and essays and tales. M. Edgemirth. N.Y., 18-55. 12° ... . .346.1 Castle Richmond. A. TroUope. N.Y., 1860. 12° 353.32 Castle St. Aiigelo, and the evil eye. Addition- al chapters of '"Roba di Roma." W. W. Story. London, 1877. 12° 733.22 Castlemon, Harry, pseud. See Fosdick, C. A. Castles and their heroes. B. Hutton. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° ... • 127.1 Castles in England, Remains of. G. J. Park- yns. London, 1816. 2 v. 12°. . . . 513.6 Castles in the air. R. B. Cofhn. N.Y., 1871. 12= 2.54.21 Castleton, D. R. Salem. A tale of the seven- teenth century. X.Y., 1874. 12° . . . 3.34.9 Cat, The. An introduction to the study of back- boned animals, especially mammals. St. G. Mivart. N.Y., 18S1. 8° 077. 8 Catechism of the Council of Trent. Published by c'immand of Pope Pius V. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 274-12 Catharine of Aragon. See "History of two queens." W. H Dixon; London, 1873. 4v. 8° 1412.6 Cathedral cities. Ely and Xorwich. Drawn ami etched by R. Fiirren. Introduction * by E. A. Freeman. Cambridge, Eng., 1883. Folio R. L. Cathedral towns of England, Ireland and Scot- land, with intervening places. T. W. Sil- loway iinil L. L. Powers. Boston, 1883. 12° 775.15 Cathedrals, Essays on. J. S. Howson. Lon- don, 1872. "s° 231.11 Cathedrals of England, Hand-book to. Lon- don, 1867-09. 6v. 8° 649-10 Cathedrals of Wales, Hand-book to. London, 1870. S° 649-11 Catherine. W. M. Thackeray. Boston, 1875. 12° 373.11 Catherwood, Mary U. Craque-o'-doom. [A story.] Phila., 1881. 12° .389.7 Old caravan days. Boston, [n.d.] 16°. . 921.12 Catlin, G. The Norlh American Indians. Lon- don, 1866. 2 V. 8° .547.1 Caton, John Dean. Miscellanies. Boston, 1880. 8° 284.14 A summer in Norway. Chicago, 1875. 8°, 712.19 Cats, The book of. Feline facts and fancies. C. H. Ross. London, 18(;s. 1G° . . . 446.1 Cats: their points and classilic.atiou. With chapters on feline ailments and their remedies. How to train them. etc. \V. G. St.ables. London, [n.d j 12° . . . 1325.2 Catskills, The. The land of Rip Van Winkle. A tour through the romantic parts of the Catskills. Its legends and traditions. A. E. P. Searing. N.Y., 1884. 8° . . . . R. L. Cattle-raising on the plains of Xorth America. W. von Kichthofen. N.Y., 188-5. 16° . 781-11 Caubul, The kingdom of. M. Elphinstone. London. 2 v. 8° 726.11 Caucacus, Notes on the. By "Wanderer." London, 1883. 8° . ." 777.10 Caucus system. The American. Its origin, purpose and utility. G. W. Lawton. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1245 8 Cavalier, The. G. P. R. .lames. Phila., 1877. 12° 366.29 Cavaliers of fortune; or, British heroes in foreign wars. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] Ui° ;K4.7 Cave, Marie E. Color. X.Y., 1869. 12° . . 669.19 The same 61)9.20 Drawing without a master. X.Y., ISO."*. 12°, 652.21 Cave-BroTwn, J. Lambeth palace and its asso- ciations. Eilinburgh, [n.d.] 8° . . . 599.7 Cave life in Vick^burg. ^N.Y., 1864. 10° . . 443.29 Cavendish, Willi.am, Duke of Newcastle. His memoirs, and those of Margaret, his wife. C- H. Firlh, Ed. N.Y.. 1886. 8° . . . 1143.2 Cavendish, W. and M., Duke and Ducliexs of Newcastle. Lives of, by the Duchess. Preface and notes by M. A. Lower. Lon- don, 1872. 16° 163.15 Caverly, Robt. B. History of Indian wars of N. E. Fifty years in the midst of them. Boston, 1SS2. 12° 595.9 Caverns, Celebrated American: Mammoth, Wyandot .and Luray, with descriptive notices of caves in other lands. H. C. Hovey. Cincinnati, 1882. 8° . . . . 773.10 Caves and catacombs, Famous. W. II. D. Adams. London, 1886. 12° 797.4 Cavour, Count C. B. di. Life of. W. Botta. N.Y., 1862. 8° 241.9 Life. C. de Mazade. N.Y., 1877. S° . . 173.16 Caxton, William. The biography 'and typog- raphv of England's first printer. W. Bhides. N.Y., 1SS2. 12° 1124.12 Caztocia. [Essays.] E. Bulwer-Lytton. N.Y., IStU. 12° 2.54 7 Caxtons, The. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1873. 12° 344.13 Cazembe, Sacerda's journey to, in 1798. R. F. Burton, Trans. London, 1873. 8° . . 736.11 Cazin, Achille. Phenomena and laws of heat. N.Y., 1868. 16° 6:57.14 Cecil Dreeme. T. Winthrop. Boston, 1801. 12° 334.5 Cecilia. Madame d'Arblay. London, 1796. 5 V. 16° 331.7 Celebrated characters. A. de Lamartine. N.Y.. 1854. 2v. 12° 132.1 Celebrated claimants, ancient and modern. London, [n.d.] 12° 261.4 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 61 Celebrated saloons. Madam Gay. Bostou, iNol. 16° 2.53.27 Celebrated travellers, Lives of. J. A. St. .John. X.Y., 1854. 3v. 8=' 121.10 Celebrated women, Portraits of. C. A. Sainte- Beuve. Boston, ISGS. 16° 212.14 Celebrities I have known; with episodes poet- ical, social, sporting and theatrical. (Second series.) J.P.Lennox. London, 1877. 2 V. 8° 1119.3 Celesta. (Juvenile.) M. E. Berry. Boston, 1867. 16° ' 433.23 Celeste, Maria. Galileo, The private life of. Pliila., [n.d.] 12° 178.30 Celestial objects for common telescopes. T. W. Webb. London, 1881. 16° . . . . 1313.12 Celestial scenery. T.Dick. Phila., 184.5. 12°, 645.24 The same. 1855 646.10 Celestial symbol interpreted ; or, The natural wonders and spiritual teachings of the sun, as revealed by the triumphs of mod- ern science. H. W. Morris. Phila., 1883. 12° 1315.1 Centennial book of signers of the Declaration of Independence. Illustrated with en- gravings, portraits, views, etc. W. Broth- erhead. Phila., 1875. 4° E. L. Centennial commissioner in Europe. 1874-76. J. W. Forney. Phila., 1876. 12° . . . 483.31 Centennial Exhibition,- 1876, Art gallery of. Descriptive text by E. Slrahan. Phila., 1877. 4° . . . .' E. L. Centennial Exposition. Frank Leslie's his- torical register of the U. S. centennial exposition, (1876,) with nearly eight hun- dred illustrations, drawn expressly for the work; including illustrations and de- scriptions of all previous International E.xhibitions. F. H. Norton, Ed. N.Y., 1877. 4° B. L. Centennial International Exhibition, (1S7C, ) Masterpieces of. Phila., [n.d.] 3 v. 4°, R. L. Tol I. Fine art. E. Strahan. II. Industrial art. W. Smith. III. History. J. M. Wilson. Centennial Jubilee, Our National. Orations, addresses, and poems delivered on the Fourth of July, 1876. F. Saunders, Ed. X.T., 1877. 8° 488.12 Centennial rhymes for young folks. W. Carle- ton. N.ir., 1876. 12° 552.32 Century, The: its fruits and its festival. A history and description of the Centennial Exhibition with a preliminary outline of modern progress. E. C. Bruce, Phila., 1877. 8° 485.5 Century, The: [formerly Scribiier's Magazine.) Vols. I.-XXXII." N.T., 1870-86. 8° . 753.2 Vol. I. Nov., lS70,-Apr., 1871. II. May-Oct., 1871. III. Nov., 1871,-Apr., 1872. IV. May-Oct., 1872. V. Nov., 1872,-Apr., 187-3. VI. May-Oct., 1873. VII. Nov., lS73,-Apr., 1374. VIII. May-Oct., 1S74. IS. Nov., 1874,-Apr., 1875. X. May-Oct., 1875. XI. Nov., lS75,-.\pr., 1876. XII. May-Oct., 1876. XIII. Nov., 1876,-Apr., 1877. Century, The — concluded. Vol. XIV. May-Oct., 1877. XV. Nov., 1877,-Apr., 1878. XVI. May-Oct., 1878. XVII. Nov., 1878,-Apr., 1879. XVIII. May-Oct., 1879. XIX. Nov., 1879,-Apr., 1880. XX. May-Oct., 1880. XXI, Nov., 1880,-Apr., 1881. XXII. May-Oct,, 1881. XXIII. Nov., 18Sl,-Apr., 1882. XXIV. May-Oct., 1882. XXV. Nov., lS82.-Apr., 1883. XXVI. May-Oct., 188:3. XXVII. Nov., lS83,-Apr., 1884. XXVIII. May-Oct., 1884. XXIX. Nov., lSS4,-Apr., 1885. XXX. May-Oct., 1885. XXXI. Nov., lS85,-Apr., 1886. XXXII. May-Oct., 1886. Century of dishonor, A. A sketch of the United States government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes. Mrs. H. H. Jackson. N.Y., 1881. 12° .592.9 Century of roundels, and other poems. A. C. Swinburne. N.Y., 1883. 12° ... . 576.16 Ceramic art. tSee Art, Ceramic. Cerise. 6. J. W. Melville. London, 1866. 12° 354.3 The same 955.3 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Don Quixote. Boston, 18.54. 4 v. 16° 341.3 Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote. Boston, 1882. 18° 1214.15 Cervantes. (Foreign classics for English read- ers, Mrs. Olipbant. El.) Phila., [n.d.] 16° 194.25 Cervus, G. I. Cut: a story of West Point. Phila., 1886. 12° 976.16 Cesette. A story of peasant life in France. E. Pouvillon." N.Y., 1882. 16° 941.20 Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus. N.Y., 1878. 8° . 538.7 Ceylon. Baker, S. W. Eight years in C. Phila., 187.3. 12° 664.24 Rifle and hound in C. Phila., 1869. 12°, 711.2 Forbes, Major. Eleven years in C. Lon- don. 1841. 2v. 8° 735.2 Hjeckel, E. A visit to C. Boston, 1883. 8° 777.3 ChadTwick, Henry. Sports and pastimes of American boys. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° . . . 929.2 Chadwick, John W. The Bible of to-day. N.Y'., 187S. 12° 285.4 Book of poems. Boston, 1876. 18° . . . 571-6 Faith of reason. The. Boston, 1879. 12°. 294.12 In Nazareth Town, and other poems. Bos- ton, 188:5. 16° 584.12 The man Jesus. [Lectures.] Boston, 1881. 16° 1212.12 Ed. The two voices. Poems of the moun- tains and of the sea. Troy, 1886. 18° . 585.16 Chain-bearer, The. J. F. Cooper. N.T., 18-55. 12° 312.11 The same 381.3 Chaldea, The story of. From the earliest times to the rise of Assyria. (Story of the nations.) Z. A. E^'ozin. N.Y., 1SS6. 12° 1422.16 Chaldea and Assyria, Art in. From the French of G. Perrot and C. Chipiez. W. Arm- strong, Trans. London, 1SS4. 2 v. 8°, 6S8.6 62 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Chaldean account of Genesis. From the ciini- fiiriii inscriptions. G. Smith. N.Y., 1876. S'^ 481.3 Chaldean magician, The. An adventure in Rome iu the reign of Diocletian. E. Eelsell. Boston, 1884. 12°. . . .1229.19 Charades, enigmas, puzzles, etc. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 127.5 Charades, plays and pantomimes. E. E. Brew- ster. Boston. 1S81. 16° 123.25 Charades, Social. M. T. Caldor. Boston, 1873. 12° 615.16 Charcot, ,J. M. Diseases of the spinal cord. Cincinnati, 1881. 8° 677.19 Charities of New York, Brooklyn and Staten Island. H. J. Canmann aiid H. N. Camp. N.Y., 1808. 4° 251.2 Charlemagne, History of. G. P. R. James. N.Y.. 1854. 8° 131.3 Charlemagne, Legends of. T. Bulfinch. Bos- ton, 1863. 12° 343.1 Charles I., Correspondence with Sir Edward Nicholas; with diary and correspondence of John Evelyn. W. Bray, Ed. London, 1883. 4 V. 12° . . .' 1129.18 Charles I., History of. J. Abbott. N.Y., 18.54. 16° 122.22 Charles II., History of. J. Abbott. N.Y , 185.5. 16° 122.23 Charles II., London under. J. F. Molloy. London, 1885. 2 v. 12° 1422.9 Charles, Prince, and the Spanish marriage. 1617-1623. A chapter of English history. S. R. Gardiner. London, 1809. 2 v. 8°, 696. a Charles Stuart, Prince, Count ot Albany, (com- monly called The Young Pretender,) Life of. From the state papers and other sources. A. C. Ewalil. London, 188-3. 12° 1118.10 Charles V., Emperor of Germany, History of the reign of. W. Robertson. N.Y., 18.55. 8° 536.11 Tlie same. 1842 531.11 The same. 1854. 10° 473.11 Charles the Bold, Duke of Buryundy. Life. J. F. Kirk. Phila., 1864. 3 v. 8° . . 152.5 Charles, Mrs. E. R. Against the stream. N.Y., 1873. 12° 321.1 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. N.Y., 1864. 12° 321.10 Conquering and to conquer. N.Y., 1875. 12° 321.2 The cripple of Antioch, and other scenes. N.Y., 1864. 12° 364.37 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. London, 1805. 12° .321.3 Draytons, The, and the Davenanls. X.Y., 1866. 12° 321.4 Early dawn, The. N.Y., 1804. 12°. . . 321.5 Joan, the maid. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... 321.28 J-apsed but not lost. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . 321.27 Martyrs of Spain, etc. N.Y., 1865. 16° . 162.11 Note-book of the Bertram family. Sequel to " Winifred Bertram." N.Y., 1870. 12° 321.21 On both sides of the sea. Sequel to " The Draytons and the Daveuants." N.Y., 1867. 12° 321.6 Sketches of women of Christendom. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 128.3 Tales of Christian life. N.Y., 186.5. 16° . 431.15 Three martyrs of the nineteenth century. Livingstone, Gordon, Patterson. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1137.8 The two vocations. N.Y., 180.5. 10° . . 321.9 Victory of the vanquished. N.Y., 1871. 12° 321.7 Winifred Bertram. X.Y., 1806. 12° . . 321.8 Charles Auchester. S. E. Sheppard. N.Y., 1863. 8° 340.12 The same. 12° 0.5S.17 Charles O'Malley. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.] 12° ' 351.3 The same 351.4 Charles, River, An account of some of the bridges over. Cambridge, 18.58. 8° . . 207.3 Charlestov^n, Mass., and Bunker Hill, Bibli- ography of. F. Hunnewell. Boston, 1880. 8° 693.0 Charlestown, M.ass., The genealogies and es- tates of. T. B. Wyman. Boston, 1879. 2 V. 8° 528.14 64 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Charles-worth, Maria L. Stinistering children. X.Y., lS.").t. 12° 304. ?2 OliviT (if Uiomill. N.Y., 1876. 12°. . . :!44.33 Charlesworth, V. J. Ilill, liowlaml, Life of. N.Y., [n.il.] 12° 171.19 Charley Laurel. W. H. G. Kingston. Lon- don, lii.d.] 10° .... ' 4G4.1.J Charlie Asgarde. A. St. Johnston. London, 18S4. 12° 928.12 Charlie Bell, llie waif of Elm island. E. Kel- logg. Boston, 1875. 16° 442.25 Charlie Codman's cruise. II. Alger. Boston, [n.d.l 10° 437.2 Charlie Kingston's aunt. Pen Oliver, pseud. London, 188.5. 12° 904.11 Charlie Koss. The father's story of the kid- napped child, with various incidents con- nected with the search for him. C. K. Ross. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 172.9 Charlotte, Princens of \\'alen. Memoir and correspondence. Lady K. Weigall. Lon- don, 1874. 12° 185. 9 Charlotte's inheritance. Sequel to "Birds of prey." M. E. Braddon-Maxwell. N.Y., 1874. 8° 305.16 Charming widow, A. K. S. Macqiioid. N.Y., 1S74. 12° 426.1 Charnock, John. Nelson, Lord, Life of. Bos- ton, 1800. 8° 141.0 Chase, A. W. Family i)liysician, farrier, bee- keeper; and second receipt book. Toledo, 1883. 12° 1223.7 Chase, Eliza B. Over the border; Acadia, the home of Evangeline. Boston, 1884. 12°, 780.4 Chase, George W. Haverhill, Slass., History of, 1040-1800. Haverhill. 1861. 8° . ". 494.20 Chase, S. P., Life of. J. W. Schneckers. N.Y., 1874. 8° 107.3 Life of. R. B. Warden. Cincinnati, 1874. 8° 107.2 Chase of Leviathan, The; or, Adventures on the ocean. M. Reid. London, 1885. 12° 928.13 Chaste as ice and pure ,as snow. M. C. Des- pard. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 425.18 Chateau d'Or; Norah; Kitty Craig. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1880. 12° .... 424.40 The same 424.47 Chatrian, \., joint author. See Erckmann, E. Chats. (Juvenile.) G. Ilamlen. Boston, 1885. 16° 1241.1 Chats about books, poets and novelists. M. W. Hazeltine. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1219.22 Chats with young women. Five minute. D. Lewis. N.Y., 1874. 12° 225.20 Chatterbox, The. J. Erskine, Ed. Boston, IS'^4. 4° 925.18 Chatterbox. 1880. J. E. Clarke, Ed. Boston, 1880. 4° 9.33.7 Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical works, with notices of his life. Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 10° .561.5 Chatterton; a story of 1770. D. Masson. Lon- don, 1874. 8° 142.0 Chattock, R. S. Notes on etching. N.Y., 1883. 12° 687.3 Chaucer. (English men of letters.) A. W. Ward. N.Y., 1880. 12° 192.26 Poetical works of. London, 1859. 8° . . 613.7 Tales from, in prose. (Juvenile.) C. C. Clark. London, 1870. 12° 440.19 Chaucer's England. M. Browne. London, 1809. Vcd. I. 12° 512.11 Chaucer's Stories simply told. M. Seymour. London, 1884. 16° 918.11 Chaunceys, The. Memorial. W. C. Fowler. Bnston, 18.'5S. 8° 156.12 Chautauqua girls at home. Sequel to " Four girls at Chautauqua." Mrs. I. M. Alden. Boston, 1877. 12° ,364.68 Cha-wner, Edward. Gleanings from German and French poiHs. London, [n.d.] 12°, 573. '24 Checker-player, The American. Compris- ing twenty-two openings, with five hun- dred variations of the best analyzed play, etc. C. F. Barker. .Boston, 1880. 16° 681.17 Checkmate. [A novel. [ J. S. Le Fanu. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 8° 377.22 Cheerful words from the writings of George Macdonald. E. E. Brown, Ed. Boston, 1880. 12° 124.9 Cheever, Henry T. Washburn, Ichabod, Auto- biography an'd memorials of. Boston, 1878. 12° 182.5 Chellis, Mary I). The Revere estate. N.Y., 1883. 12° 943.14 Chelsea householder, A. [A novel.) N.Y., 1883. 16° 943. '20 Chemical history of a candle. M. Faraday. London, 1861. 10° 633.23 Chemical physics. Elements of. J. P. Cooke, Jr. Boston, 1873. 12° 636.1 Chemical and geological essays. T. S. Hunt. Boston, 187.5. S° 634.7 Chemistry. Cooke, J. P., Jr. The new C. N.Y., 1874. 12° 634.11 Eliot, C. W., and Storer, F. H. Inorganic C. N.Y., 1809. 12° " . . 635.6 Johnston, J. F. W. Chemistry of common life. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 10° 035.12 The same, (New edition, complete in one volume.) N.Y., 18S0. 12° .... 675.13 Muspratt, S. Chemistry as applied to arts and manufactures. (Vol.1.) N.Y.,[n.d.| Roy. 8° 6:!9.1 Regnault, M. V. Elements of C. Phila., 1860. 2v. 8° 030.2 Roscoe, H. E. (Science primer.) N.Y., 1872. 12° 653.8 and Schorlemmer. A treatise on C. 3 vols, in 5. N.Y., 1883. 8° .... 1323.3 Strecker, A. Organic chemistry, Sliort text-book of. N.Y., 1882. 8° . . . . 639.14 Vogel, H. Chemistry of light and photog- raphy, The. N.Y.,"l875. 12° ... . 635.5 Chemistry of the second batteries of Plants and Faure. J. H. Gladstone and A. Tribe. London, 1883. 16° 1313.11 Chemistry of cookery. The. W. M. Williams. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1325.17 Cheney, Mrs. C. Emmji. Young folks' history of the civil war. Boston, 1884. 12° . .1411.20 Cheney, Mrs. Edna D. The child of the tide. N.Y., 1875. 10° 434.4 Gleanings in the fields of art. Boston, 1881. 12° 682.17 Sally Williams. Boston, 1873. 16° . . . 433.8 Cheney, John Vance. The old doctor. N.Y., 1885. 16° 969.1 Cheney, Mary B., Ed. Bushnell, Horace, Life and letters of. N.Y., 1880. 8° . . . . 186.4 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 65 Cheuo'weth, Mrs. C. van D. Stories of the saints. Boston, 1S80. 12° 127.25 Chequer-Twork. [Sketches.] T. G. Appleton. Huston, 1879. 12= 292.23 Cherbuliez, Victor. Jean Teterol's idea. N.Y., 1878. 12° 366.48 Meta noklenis. X.Y., 1878. 12°. . . . .360. .39 Miss Kovel. Boston, [n.d.] 8° .... 340.38 Samuel Brohl and company. N.Y., 1877. 1>^ 3GG.26 Cherbury, Herbert, Lord of. Autobiography. \V. D. Howells, Ed. Boston, 1877. 16°, 181.2 Cherry and Violet. A. Manning. N.Y,, 1800. 12= 333 13 Chesebro', Caroline. Foe in the household. Boston, 1871. 8° 427.20 Peter Carradine. N.Y., 1803. 12= . . . 42.5.20 Chesneau, Ernest. The education of the artist. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1012.15 Chesuey, C. C. Essays in military biography. N.Y., 1874. 8° 115.3 Waterloo lectures. London, 1874. 8° . .1428.12 Chess players hand-book. H. Staunton. Lon- don, 187.5. 12= 635.23 Chess player's manual. G. H. D. Gossip. London, 1883. 8° 688.1 Chester, Sarah E. Our three boys. N.Y., 1875. 10° 444.14 Chesterfield, Earl of. His wit and wisdom, in prose and verse. W. Ernst-Browning, Ed. London, 1875. 12° 1245.21 Chestnut Street club, Boston, Sketches and reminiscences of. Mrs. J. T. Sargent. Boston, 1880. 1::° 125.24 The same 295.0 Chevalier's daughter. The. Being one of the Stanton Corbet chronicles. L. E. Guern- sey. N.Y., 1830. 12° 397.1 Cheverus, Cardinal, Life of. J. Huen-Du- bourge. Boston, 1S39. 12° 148.10 Chevreul, M. E. The laws of contrast of color. London, [n.d.] 12° 6.57.7 The same. 18-57. 10' 608.22 Chickering, J. W. The hillside church. Bos- ton, 18-50. 16° 228.18 Chicot, the jester. Sequel to "Marguerite de Valois." A.Dumas. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 361.73 Chief justices of England, Lives of. Lord Campbell. Boston, 1873. 5 v. 8° . . 1-54.9 Child, Francis J., Ed. English and Scottish ballads. Boston, 18-57. S v. 10°. . . 011.4 English and Scottish popular ballads. Re- vised edition, parts 1-.3. Boston, [n.d.] 4=, K. L. Poems of religious sorrow, comfort, counsel and aspiration. Boston, 1886. 10° . . 58S.5 Child, Lydia Maria, Letters of. With a bio- graphical introdifction by J. G. Wbittier, and an appendix by Wendell Phillips. Boston, 1883. 16° 1115-6 The same 1115.20 Works : Aspirations of the world. Boston, 1878. 16° 281.13 Children of Mount Ida. N.Y.,1871. 10°, 433-5 Hopper, Isaac T., Life of. Boston, 1854. 8° 148.12 Looking toward sunset. Boston, 1865. 12° 218.6 Philothea. jST.Y., 1851. 12° 422.6 The progref-s of religious ideas. N.Y., 1869. 3 v. 12=. .' 232.16 Child, The. An elucidation of Froebel's prin- ciples of education. M. H. Kriege. N.Y., 1872. 12° 236.14 Child of the cavern ; or. Strange doings under- ground. J. Verne. London, 1877. 12°, 324.38 Child of the island glen. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1872. 16° 442.23 Child of the tide. Mrs. E. D. Cheney. N.Y., 1875. 16° 434.4 Child life. [Poems.] .J- G. Whittier, Ed. Boston, 1872. 12° . 553.21 Child life in Italy. E. Watson. Boston, 1866. 10= .333.7 Child life in pictures. Reproduced in heliotype from the works of the most famous ar- tists. Boston, 1876. 4° R. L. Childe Harold's pilgrimage, iord Byron. W. .1. Rolfe, E;. Boston, 1886. 12° . . . 588.1 Childhood, boyhood, youth. (Autobiographi- cal.) L. N. Tolstoi. I. F. Hapgood, Trans. N.Y., [n.d ] 12° 977.16 Childhood of the world. E. Clodd. Boston, 1.S74. 16° 451.16 Children of all nations; their homes, schools and playgrounds. Loudon, [n.d.] 4° . 926.12 The same 926.13 Children of Mount Ida. L. M. Child. N.Y., 1871. 10° 433.5 Children of old Park's tavern. F. A. Humph- rey. N.Y., 1886. 16° 931.18 Children of the Abbey. [A novel.] R. M. Roche. Pbila.. 1876. 12° 386.12 Children of the earth. [A novel.] A. R. Mac- farlane. N.Y., 1886. 16° 978-11 Children of the olden time. Mrs. H. Mackar- ness. London, 1874. 4° 451-2 Children of the New^ forest. F. Marryat. N.Y., 1864. 12° , 455.7 Children's crusade. G. Z. Gray. N.Y., 1870. 12= ". 474.3 Children's friend, The. M. Berquin. Boston, 1.S65. 10= 434.8 Children's year. The. M. Howitt. Boston, 1804. "lO° 438.10 Childs, Emery E. U. S., A history of the. N.Y., 1886. 16° 596.14 Chimes and rhymes for holiday times. A. L. Hayward, i'd. Boston, 1883. 18°. . . 584-4 The same 584.5 China- See aho Chinese Empire. Cooke, G. W. China in 1857-58. London, 1858. 12° 734.19 Davis, J. F. Description and history of. London, 1857. 2 v. 12° 476-0 Douglas, R. K. China. London, [n.d.] 12°, 778.9 Eden, C. H. China, historical and_ descrip- tive. London, 1877. 12° ..... . 492.24 The same. With an appendix on Corea . 782.12 Gray, J. H. A history of the laws, man- ners and customs of the people of China. London, 1878. 2 v. 8° 496-5 The same 767 - 4 Legge, James. The religions of China. Con- fucianism and Faoism described and com- pared with Christianity. N.Y., 1881. 12°, 768.2 Wheeler, L. N. The foreigner in China. Chicago, la^l. 12° 768.14 Williams, Mrs. H. D. A year in China. N.Y., 1864. 12° 733.8 Williams, S. Wells. China, the middle kingdom. N.Y., 1883. 2 v. 8° . . . 776.11 66 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. China, South, bordi'ilaml*. Across ClirysS. A journey of exploraliou through the south Cliina borilerUimls from Canton to Mandalay. A. K. Colquhoun. N.Y., 1883. 2 V. ;>= "9.4 China and Japan, Earl of Elgin's mission to. L. Oliphant. N.Y., iSOO. S' . . . . 6aac B. Elements of English speech. N.Y.. 1884. 10° 1241.3 Choate, Rufus. Brown, S. G. Memoir and works. Boston, 1802. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1.55.4 Neilson, J. Memories of Choate, with some consideration of his studies, meth- ods and opinions, and of his style as a speaker and writer. Boston, 1884. 8° . 1122.9 P.irker, E. G. Reminiscences of. N.T., 1800. 12' 165.3 Choate, Rufus — concluded. Works : Addresses and orations. Boston, 1802. 2 v. 6° 1S5.4 Choice of a dwelling. The. A practical hand- book. G. Wheeler. r,ondoi), 1.S72. ,S° . 048. 1 Choice of books, and other literary pieces. F. Harrison. London, 1880. 10' .... 1247.5 Choice of Paris. S. G. W. Benjamin. N.T., 1870. 10' 311.23 Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. Fishing. Bos- ton, 18S.-,. 2 V. Il:^ 1322.14 From grave to gay. [Poems.] N.Y., 18.84. 18° 585.2 Chopin, F.. Life of. F.Liszt. Phila , 1803. U.\ 211.9 The works of, and their proper interpreta- tion. [Lectures.] J. Kleczynski. Lon- don, [n.d.] 10° tV><7.16 Chorley, Henry F. Modern German music. London, 1,854. 8° 649.18 Recent art and society as described in his memoirs. N.Y., 1874. 8° 0.52.18 Chorley, Phinche, and Young. Personal remi- niscences. (IJric-a-brac series.) N.Y., 1874. 10° 134.16 Choson, the land of the morning calm. A sketch of Korea. P. Lowell. Boston, 1886. 8° 790.1 Choy Susan and other stories. W. II. Bishop. Boston, 1884. 12° 964.5 Christ. Boston Monday lectures. 1880-1881. Christ in modern thought. Boston, 1881. 12°, 128.26 Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life. N.T., 1872. 12° 206-2 Eggleston, E. Clirist in art. The story of the words and acts of Jesus Christ, as related in the l.^nguage of the four Evan- gelists, arranged in one continuous nar- rative. (Illustrated.) N.Y., 1875. 4' . 019.13 Christ in literature. A treasury of choice readings in prose and verse, from writ- ers of all ages, illustrative of the acts and words of Jesus Christ ; together witli the Four Gospels arranged in one continuous narrative. N.Y., 1875. 8°, 619.14 Farrar, F. AY. Life of Christ. N.Y., 1874. 2 V. 12° 166.3 Geikie, 0. Life and words of Christ. N.Y., 1877. 2v. 8°. . . 175.3 The same 1122.12 Gonsaulus, F. W. The transfiguration. Boston, 1880. l(i° . 1251.25 Mozoomdar, P. C. The oriental Christ. Boston, 1883. 12° 1225 20 Parker, J. The inner life of Christ. [Ser- mons.] N.Y., 1884. 8° 1244.1 Schaff, P. The person of Christ. The per- fection of his humanity viewed as a proof of his divinity. N.Y., 1881. 16° . . . 128.18 Christian ambassador, The, and other ad- dresses. H. Varley. Boston, 1875. 12', 205. .32 The same 291.2 Christian antiquities. Dictionary of. Wra. Smith ami Samuel Cheetham, Eds. Hartford, 1880. 2 v. 8° R. L. Christian art and symbolism. R. St. J. Tjr- whitt. London, 1872. 12° 049.13 Christian belief and life. A. P. Peabody. Bos- ton, 1875. 12° 200.27 Christian believing and living. [Sermons.] F. D. Huntington. Boston, 1860. 12° . 287.5 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 67 Christian centuries, The eigliteeii. J. White. N.Y., 1800. 12= . .' 484.4 Christian charity in the ancient clmrch. G. Uhlliorn. N.Y., 1883. 8" 1226.9 Christian communion. Sermons by living min- isters. T. R. Sullivan, FA. Boston, 1848. 12° 287.7 Christian days and tliouglils. E. Peabody. Boston, 18.58. 12° 287.12 Christian ethics. A. Wuttke. Boston, 1873. 2 V. 12° 62.5.10 Christian Freeman and Family Visitor. Nov., 1841, -Nov., 1844. Boston, 1841-44. 2 v. Folio 169.4 Christian hero. The; or, General Gordon. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1135.2 Christian history. Fragments of. To the foun- dation of the holy Roman empire. J. H. Allen. Boston, 1880. 16° 591.10 Christian Iiistory in its three great periods. J. H.Allen. Boston, 1SS3. 3 v. 10° . .1221.14 I. Early Christianity. II. The middle age. III. Jlodern pbases. Christian history. Outline 'of. A.D. .50-1880. J.H.Allen. Boston, 1886. 16° . . .1421.10 Christian institutions. Essays on ecclesiastical subjects. A.P.Stanley. N.Y., 1881. 8°, 293,8 Christian keepsake and missionary annual. Phila., 1838. 12° 236.2 Christian layman, The; or. The doctrine of the Trinity fully considered and adjudged according to the Bible. N.Y., 1840. 12°, 287.6 Christian names, History of. C. M. Yonge. London, 1884. 12° 1242.8 Christian religion. The theology of the New Church. E. Swedenborg. N.Y., 1878. 8°, 277.10 Christian singers of Germany. C. Winkwortli. London, [n.d.] 12° 1113.17 Christian spirit and life. [Sermons.] C. A. Bartol. Boston, 1850. 12° 266.1 Christian, The, in the world. D. W. Faunce. Boston, 1875. 12° 265.23 Christian thought. The continuity of. A study of modern theology in the light of its his- tory. A. V.D.Allen. Boston, 18S4. 12°, 1242.3 Christian truth and modern opinion. [Ser- m.ins.l N.Y., 1874. 12° 266.17 Christian woman. The calling of a, and her training to fulfil it. [Lectures.] M. Dix. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1221.13 Christian Osborne's friends. Mrs. H. M. Davidson. Edinburgh, 1869. 12°. . . 414.13 Christiani, Adolph F. The principles of ex- pression in pianoforte playing. N.T., 1886. 8° 1613.3 Christianity. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Christianity. Boston, 1875. 12° . . . 527.12 Christianity and modern thought. Boston, 1872. 12° 265.10 Christianity and scepticism. (Boston lect- 1 ures.) Boston, 1872. 12° 266.6 Coquerel, Athanase, the younger. First history of tlie transformations of Chris- tianity. Boston, 1867. 12° 256.14 Farrar, F. W. The early days of Christian- , ity. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1218.4 I Feurbach, L. The essence of Christianity. Boston, 1881. 12° 129.23 Fisher, G. P. The beginnings of Christian- ity. N.Y., 1877. 8° 274.7 Christianity — concluded. Fisher, G. P. Supernatural origin of Chris- tianity. N.Y., 1866. 8° 027.13 Guizot, F. P. G. Actual state of Christian- ity. N.Y., 1866. 12° 266.8 Essence of Cliristianity. N.Y., 1865. 12°, 266.8 Harris, S. L. The relations of Christianity to civil society. N.Y., 1.88.3. 12° . . . 1222.18 King, T. S. Christianity and humanity. [Sermons.] Boston, 1877. 12° ... . 272.8 Milman, II. H. History of Latin Christian- ity. N. v., 1860-61. 8 v. 12°. . . . 525.1 Modern Christianity. Boston, 1875. 12° . 242.1 Peabody, A. P. Christianity and science. N.Y., 1875. 12° 266.7 Pressense, E. de. Early years of Christian- ity. N.Y., 1870. 12° 244.17 Uhlhorn, G. Conflict of Christianity with heathenism. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... . 296.8 Christian's mistake. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1806. 12° 343.12 The same 343.38 Christian's secret of a happy life. H. W. S. Boston, [n.d. I 16° 291.3 Christians and Moors of Spain, Story of the. C. M. Yonge. London, 1878. 16° . . . 283.5 Christie Johnstone. C. Reade. Boston, 18.55. 12° 335.12 Christie's faith. F. W. Robinson. London, [n.d.] 12° 950.2 Christine. L. Enault. N.Y., 1883. 16° . . 949.4 Christmas book of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. W. M. Thackeray. Boston, 1875. 12° . . 373.12 Christmas cake, A. Lady M. A. Barker. Lon- don, 1871. 12° 4.37.21 Christmas-eve and Easter-day, etc. [Poems.] K.Browning. Boston, 1804. 12°. . . 567.10 Christmas guest. The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 415.11 Christmas in Narragansett. E.E.Hale. N.Y., 18,84. 12° 964.8 Christmas stories. C.Dickens. N,Y,, 1869. 12°, 356.3 The same 3.57.3 The same 393.4 Christmas stories. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1885. 1::° 424.52 Christmas story teller. A medley. By old hands and new ones. N.Y., 1877. 8° . .386.13 Christmas-tide in song and story. N. Y., 188.5. 12° 1238.24 Christmas-tree land. Mrs. Jlolesworth. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 918.16 Christus, A mj'stery. 1. The divine tragedy. 2. The golden legend. 3. The New Eng- land tragedies. H. W. Longfellow. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° .575.19 Christus Victor. [Poems.] Boston, 1865. 12°, 581.1 Christy Carew. M.Hartley. N.Y., 1880. 16°, 376.19 Chromotography, Fields's. Treatise on colors and pigments used by artists. T. W. Salter. London, [n.d.) 8° 654.11 Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. Annals of English history. T. Forester. London, 1844. 12° 512.5 Chronicle of the Cid, The. R. Markham, Ed. N.Y., 188.3. 4° 6m.*l Chronicles of Carlingford. Mrs. M. O. W. Olipbiint. N.Y., 1862. 8° 323.4 Chronicles of England, France, .and Spain. Edward II. to Henry IV. Sir J. Froissart. London. 1,849. Roy. 8° 526.1 68 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRAHY. Chronicles of Eiigiierraiid de Moiistrelet. Fiencli ami Eii-lisli history. 1400-151(1. T. Jolines, Tranx. London, 180(i. 2 v. S^ 478.2 Chronicles of the city of Gotliam. X.Y., 1S30. IL'' 432.22 Chronological tables, Blair's. J. W. Koss. Lnn.loM. lS.->0. 12^ 4S4.13 Chrysanthemum, The. Its history, culture, classilicaticiii and nomenclature. F. W. Burbiidge. London, 1884. 8^ . . . . ISl'.Ml Chums: A tale for the youngsters. H. Sev- erne. N.Y., [n.d.] 16^ 440.10 Church, A. K. Precious stones considered in their scientific and artistic relations. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 1312.20 Church, Alfred J. The Chantry priest of Bar- net. N.Y., 1885. 12° 964.7 Roman life in the days of Cicero. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1411.19 The same 1415.4 Stories from Homer. N.Y., 1878. 16°. . 446.25 Stories from Livy. N.Y., 18S3. 12°. . . 598. 2 Stories from the Greek tragedians. N.Y., 1880. 12° 294.13 Stories from Virgil. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . 126.12 Stories of the East, from Herodotus. "S.Y., 1881. 12° 592.7 Stories of the old world classics, for chil- dren. Boston, 1884. 12° 1231.5 Stories of the Persian war, from Herodotus. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 141.-,. 5 The story of the last days of Jerusalem. N.Y., 1S81. 12° 091.5 The true traveller's t^ile. After the Greek of Lucian of Samo.sata. N.Y., laSO. 12° 128.21 With the king at 0.\ford. A tale of the great rebellion. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . 974.17 and Brodribb, W. J. History of Tacitus. London, 1873. 12° 525.4 Pliny's letters. Edinburgh, 1872. 12° . 262 14 and Gilman, Arthur. Carthage, The story of. N.Y., 1S86. 12° . ." 1431.3 Church, Arthur H. Food, its sources, constit- uents and uses. X.Y., 1877. 12°. . . 655.17 Church, B. Expeditions ajiainst Indians and French, 1089-1704. Boston, 1807. 4' . 518.19 Church, Ella K. The home garden. N.Y., 1881. 12° 681. .31 The home needle. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . . 6^5.14 How to furnish a home. N.Y., 1881. 12°, 682.20 Church, F. J., TranK. Plato's "Trial and death of Socrates." London, 1880. 12°, 126.3 Church, Mrs. Florence M. Ange. N. Y., 1879. 16° 303.8.3 "Sly own child." N.Y., 1870. 8° . . . 305.48 Out of his reckoning. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . 377.12 Sybil's friend. London, 1874. 12° . . . 455.5 Church, The evangelical. Discourses by min- isters of different denomin.itions, illus- trating the spiritual unity of the church of Christ. H. Tullidge, Ed. N.Y., 1879. 8° 276.2 Church history. Blunt, J. H., M. Key to the knowledge of ancient church history. London, 1869. 16° 473.20 Bright, W. Early church history. Oxford, 1878. 8° 274.18 Lamson, A. The church of the first three centuries. Boston, 1860. 8° .... 267.4 Church history — cimrlwleJ. Perry. G. G. History of the Church of England, with an appendix containing a sketch of the history of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United .States of America. .J.A.Spencer. N.Y.. 1879. 8°, 274.22 Scliaff, P. History of the Christian church. N.Y., 1882-85. 4 v. )S° 1425. 1 Vol. I. Apostolic Christianity. .V.D. 1- lOu. II. Ante-Nicene Christianity. 100-325. III. Nicene and Post-Nicene Chris- tianity. 311-000. IV. Mediieval Christianity. .500-1073. Smith, P. Church history during the mid- dle ages, with a summary of the reforma- tion. Centuries XI. to XVI. N.Y., 188.5. 2v. 12° 1422.5 Stanley, A. P. History of the Eastern Church. N.Y., 1864. 8° 478.4 Trench, R. C. Medieval church history. N.Y., 1878. 8° 274.17 Wordsworth, C. Church history to the Council of Nica;a, A.D. .325. N.Y., 1881. 12° 691.9 Church-building in the middle ages. Histori- cal studies of. C. E. Norton. N.Y., 18S0. 8° 683.10 Church law. Suggestions on the law of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Uni- ted States. Its sources and scope. J. W. Andrews. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1225.14 Church of Scotland, History of. A. 1'. Stan- ley. London, 1S72. 8° 241.6 Church polity, Princijiles of, as illustrated by modern Congregationalism. [Lectures.] G. T. Ladd. N.Y., 1SS2. 8° 1215.6 Churches, Reunion of the. J. J. I. Dollinger. N.Y., 1872. 12° ^ . 265.20 Churchill, Charles. Poetical works, with notes and life of the author by W. Tooke. Bos- ton, |n.d.] 3 V. 10° 502.5 Churton, Henry, pneud. Sec Tourgee, A. W. Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Life of. W. Forsyth. N.Y., 1805. 2v. 12° 142", Trollope, A. A life of C. N.T., 1881. 2 V. 12° 178.24 Works: Cicero de Officiis. A. P. Peabody, Trans. Boston, 1883. 10° 1224.11 Tusculan disputations. A. P. Peabody, Trans. Boston, 1886. 12° 1252. f. Cincinnati of Massachusetts. Memorials. F. S. Drake. Boston, 1S73. 8° 117.2 Cincinnati, Ohio, Pocket-book of. M. King. C.imbridge, M.iss., 1879. 16° .... 764.14 Cipher. Mrs. J. G. Austin. N.Y., 1869. 8°, 347.14 Circassia. G. L. Ditson. X.Y., 18.50. 8° . 664.8 Circuit rider, The. E. Eggleston. N.Y., 1874. 12° 342. lo Circumnavigation of the ^lobe, and progress of discovery in the Pacific Ocean, from the voyjige of Magellan to the death of Capt.ain Cook. X.Y., 1854. 18° . . . 731.14 Circumstantial evidence. Famous cases of. S.W.Phillips. Boston, 1875. 8° . . . 257.10 Circus life and celebrities. T. Frost. London, 1S7.5. 12° 212.3 Cist, Hein-y M. The army of the Cumberland. N.Y., 1.S82. 12° .591.22 City and suburb. [A novel.] Mrs. .1. H. Rid- dcll. London, |n.d.] 12° 954.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 69 City ballads. W. Carletoii. N.Y., 1880. 8°, 672.9 City cousins. (Juvenile.) Jlrs. W. J. Hays. N.Y., 1886. 12° 932.1 City ill the sea, Tbe. Stories of the deeds of the old Venetians: from the chronicles. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1411.1.3 City of Success, and other poems. H. Abbey. X.Y., 1884. 12° 577.6 City of the saints, The, etc. Utah and Ciili- fornia. R. F. Burton. N.Y., 1862. 8° 665.7 City of the Sultan in 1830. J. Pardoe. Lon- don, 1838. 3v. 12° 721.2 Civil government. Treatises on. J. Locke. London, 1884. 16° 1241.7 Civil policy of America, The. J. W. Draper. N.Y., 1865. 8° 232.5 Civil service in Great Britain. A history of abuses and reforms, and their bearing upon American politics. D. B. Eaton. N.Y., ISSO. 8= 296.7 Civil service in the U. S. from the reports of 1884. A catalogue of all non-elective positions with the compensation of each, and full information with regard to the open competitive examinations. J. M. Comstock. N.Y.,18S.'J. 12° 1242.21 Civil Service Reform Commission, First annual report of. Washington, 1884. 8° . . . 349.10 Civil service series. The precis book. Lessons in accuracy of statement and preciseness of expression. W. C. Monkhouse. Lon- don, 1877. 16= 271.23 Civil War in America. 1861-65. See also U. S. History (Civil War). Annals of the war, 1861-65. Written by leading participants, Jsorlh and South. Phila., 1879. 8° 495.7 Blake, H. X. Three years in the army of the Potomac. Boston, 186.5. 16' . . . 1421.13 Campaifjns of the Cidl War. N.Y., 1881. 12=. 1. The outbreak of rebellion. J. G. Nic- olay 591.16 2. From Fort Henry to Corinth. M. F. Force 591 . 17 3. The Peninsula; McClellan's campaign of 18G2. A.S.Webb 591.18 4. The army under Pope. J. C. Ropes . 591.19 5. Antietam and Fredericksburg. F. W. Palfrey 591.20 0. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. A. Doubleday 501.21 7. The army of the Cumberland. H. M. Cist .J91.22 8. The Mississippi. F.V.Greene. . . 591.25 9. Atlanta. J. D. Cox 591.23 10. The march to the sea. Franklin and iSTashville. J. D. Co.x 591.24 11. The Shenandoah Valley, in 1864. G. E. Pond 591.26 12. The Virginia campaign of '64 and '65. Army of the Potomac, and the army of the James. A. A. Humphreys . . . 591.27 Supplementary volume. Statistical record of the armies of the U. S. F. Philis- terer 591.28 Cheney, Mrs. C. E. Young folks' history of the Civil War. Boston, 1884. 12°. .1411.20 Dodge, T. A. A bird's-eye view of the war. Boston, 188-3. 8° 097.12 Civil AVar in America — concluded. Draper, J. W. History of the war. N.Y., 1867. 3 v. 8° 557.4 Gordon, G. H. A diary of events in the great rebellion. 180.3-65. Boston, 1882. 8° 593.13 Greeley, H. The American conflict. Hart- ford, 1867. 2 V. 8= .547.11 Kelsey, D. M. Deeds of daring by both blue and gray. Phila., 1885. 8= . . .1429.12 Moore, T., Ed. Anecdotes, poetry and in- cidents of the civil war. 1860-6."j. N.Y., 1866. 8= .5.56.8 Paris, Com(c de. History of the war. Phila., [n.d.] 3 v. 8° 481.1 Parker, F. A. The battle of Mobile Bay and the capture of Forts Powell, Gaines, and Morgan. Boston, 1878. 8=" . . . 498. 16 Porter, Admiral. Anecdotes of the war. N.Y., 1885. S° 1429.4 Schouler, W. History of Massachusetts in the civil war. Boston, 1808-71. 2 v. S°, .546.3 Thomas, G. H. History of the army of the Cumberland. Cincinnati, 187.5. 2 vols, and atlas. 8= .557.6 Townsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the war. N.Y., 1884. l:i= 1413.6 U. S. navy in the cicil tear. N.Y., 188.3. 12°. 1. The blockade and the cruisers. J. R. Soley 698.1 2. The Atlantic coast. D. Ammen . . 698.2 3. The Gulf, and inland waters. A. T. Mahan 698.3 Civilization in England, History of. H. T. Buckle. N.Y., 1858-«)1. 2 v. 8' . . . 513.3 The same. London, 1878. 3 v. 16°. . 1421.8 Civilization in the fifth century. History of. A. F. Ozanam. Phila., 1867. 2 v. 12°, 254.20 Civilization, The origin of. Sir J. Lubbock. N.Y., 1871. 8=^ 626.7 Clackitts, The, of Inglebrook Hall. Mrs. Prosser. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 431.10 Claiborne, J. F. H. Quitman, J. A.. Life of. X.Y., 1860. 2v. 8° 142.2 Clapp, Herbert C. Is consumption contagious ? Boston, 1881. 12° 675.24 The same 675.25 Clapp, William W., Jr. Record of the Boston stage. Boston, 1S.>3. 8° 233.23 Clara Vaughan. R. D. Blackmore. London, 1883. 12° 947.15 Clare and Bebe. By the author of " His heart's desire." Pliila., 1879. 12° 392.9 Clarence. C.M.Sedgwick. N.Y., 1852. 12°, 312.3 Clarendon, Earl of. The history of the rebell- ion and civil wars in England. 1641-60. Basil, 1798. 6 v. 8° 499.5 Life, with a continuation of his history of civil wars of England. Basil, 1798. 2 v. 8° 179.1 Lives of his friends. London, 1852. 3 v. 8° 135.1 Clark, A. Old log schoolhouse. Phila., 1864. 16° 451.27 Clark, Alex.inder. Workday Christianity. Phila., 1S71. 12° 266.13 Clark, Arthur B. L. L. L. ; or, Fifty law les- sons. N.Y., ia82. 12° 1219.16 Clark, B. F. Mirthfulness and its exciters. Boston, 1870. 12° 2;i5.7 70 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Clark, Charles n., (psewcZ., Max Aileler.) El- bow-room. Pliila., 1870. 12° ... . 357.33 The fortunate island, and other stories. Boston, 1882. 1(5^ 388.18 Out of the hurly-burly. I'hila., 1874. 12° 357.10 Clark, Charlotte M. How she came into her kingdom. Chicago, 1878. 12° ... . 364.70 Clark, E. C. Early Koman law. London, 1872. 12° 527.5 Clark, Edson L. Arabs and Turks. Boston, 1876. 12° 483.30 Daleth; or. The homestead of, the nations. (Efiypt.) Boston, 1804. 8° 065.15 Fundamental questions relating to Genesis and the Hebrew Scriptures. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1222.9 The races of European Turkey. N. Y., 1878. 8° 098.8 Clark, Edward H. G. Man's birthright. N.Y., 1885. 18° 1241.10 Clark, F. E. Danger signals. The enemies of youth from the business man's stand- point. Boston, 188.5. 12° 1248.13 Our vacations. How to enjoy them. Bos- ton, 1874. 16° 711.21 Clark, Georgiana C. Dinner napkins and how to fold them. London, [n.d.] 10° . . 1011.8 Ed. Jolly games for happy homes. N.Y., 1881. 10° 127.4 Clark, H. H. Boy life in the U.S. navy. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 028.24 Clark, Henry James. Mind in nature. N.Y., 1865. 8° 023.5 Clark, M. A. O. Memoirs of. E. Alden. Bos- ton, 1837. 18° 211.22 Clark, T. M. Building superintendence. (For architects, etc.) Boston, 1884. 12° . . 087.8 Clark, W. P. The Indian sign language, with notes of gestures taught our deaf-mutes. Phila., 1885. 8° 1319.9 Clark, William R. Savonarola: his life and times. N.Y., 1878. 12° 177.25 Clarke, Adam. A commentary on the New Test.ament. Phila., 1838. 8° . . . . 221.2 Clarke, Benjamin. Crocker the clown. Lon- don, [n.d.] 10° 444.31 Land of the pigtail, [China,] from a boy's point of view. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 447.9 Clarke, C. C. Tales from Chaucer in prose. London, 1870. 12° 440.19 Clarke, Charles, and Mrs. Mary Cowden. Many happy returns of the day. London, [n.d.] 10° '..... 401.23 Recollections of writers. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 177.22 The Shakespeare key. Loudon, 1879. 8°, R. L. Clarke, Edward U. The building of a brain. Boston, 1874. 16° 033.20 The same 633.21 Sex in education. Boston, 1873. 16° . . 231.19 The same 234.20 Visions: A study of false sight. Boston, 1878. 12° 281.15 Clarke, Mrs. H. S. Their children. Boston, 1874. 10° 301.10 Clarke, J. Erskine, Ed. The Chatterbo.x. Bos- ton, 1884. 4° 025.18 Clarke, James Freeman. Anti-slavery days. X.Y., 1884. 12° 1415.2 Tlie Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin. Boston, 1852. 12° 287.15 Clarke, James Freeman — concluded. Common sense in religion. Boston, 1874. 12° \ 224.0 Essentials and non-essentials in religion. Boston, 1878. 16° 271.28 Events and epochs in religious history. Boston, 1881. 8° 1211.10 Every-day religion. Boston, 1886. 12°. . 1249.2 Go up higher. [Discourses.] Boston, 1877. Vl° 272.31 The hour which Cometh and now is. Bos- ton. 1877. 12° 266.35 The ideas of the apostle Paul, translated into their modern equivalents. Boston, 1884. 12° 1232.5 The legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. Boston, 1881. 12° 12',i.0 Memorial and biographical sketches. Bos- ton, 1878. 12°; 177.9 Self culture. Boston, 1881. 12° . . . . 125.20 The same 129.19 Ten great religions. Boston, 1871. 8°. . 626.4 The same. Part IL A comparison of all religions. Boston, 1883. 8° . . . . 1223.4 Clarke, Marcus. His natural life. N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.3 Clarke, Mrs. Mary Cowden. The complete concordance to Shakespeare. London, 1878. 8° 11. L. The girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. N.Y., 18.")7. 2v. 12° 1:32.14 The iron cousin. N.Y., 1873. 12° . . . 313.24 A rambling story. Boston, 1875. 12° . . :K3.23 The trust and the remittance. Boston, 1874. 10° 012.20 Yarns of an old mariner. Boston, 1875. 10° 447. ;50 Clarke, R. S. The Asbury twins. Boston, 1870. 12° . . . . " The doctor's daughter. Boston, 1872. 16°, Janet, a poor heiress. Boston, 1883. 16° . Kittyleen. Boston, 1884. 16° LiUle Prudy's Flyaway series. Boston, 1871-73. 6 v. 10°. Little folks astray Prudy keeping house Aunt Madge's story Little grandmother Little grandfather Miss Thistledown Quiiinebasset girls. Boston, 1878. 12° . . Clarke, Samuel C. Fishes of the east coast of Florida. N.Y., 1881. 8° Clarke, William H. Horses' teeth: their anat- omy, dentistry, etc. N.Y., 1880. 12° . Clarkson, L. The shadow of John Wallace. N.Y., 1884. 12° Class interests; Their relation to each other and to government. A study of wrongs and remedies, to ascertain what the peo- ple should do for themselves. Author of "Conflict in nature and life." N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.1 Classic tales. [Essays and poems.] J. and A. Taylor. Boston, 1884. 10° 951.12 Classical and scientific studies. [Lecture. ] W. P. Atkinson. Cambridge, 1805. S° . 042.5 Classical dictionary. Brief information con- cerning classical history and mythol- ogy. G. W. Carleton, Ed. N.Y., 1882. U° 1114.0 364.45 466.1 943.9 921.1 406.2 400.3 400.4 400.5 400.6 400.7 304.69 1:322.4 072.7 904.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 71 Classical dictionary, Smith's new. Greet; and Rumaii biography, mythology and geog- raphy. C.knW\on,Ed. N.Y., 1S76. S^ R.L. Classical literature. Manual of. J. J. Eschen- burg. Phila., 1S39. 8° 241. .'i The same, with additions. 1S49 . . . 24.5.5 Classical writers. J. R. Greene, Ed. Livy. W. W. Capes. N.Y., 1880. 18^ . . . 101.7 Classics for children. Boston, 188-5. 10°. Tlie heroes; or, Greek fairy tales for my children. C. Kingsley 971.1 The lady of the lake. W.Scott .... 971.2 Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare. H. N. Hudson, .ETd 971.. 3 Queutin Durward. W. Scott 971.4 Robinson Crusoe. D.Defoe 971.5 Selections from Irving's sketch-book. II. B. Sprague 97 1 . Stories of the Old World. A. J. Church . 971.7 The Swiss family Robinson. J. 11. Stick- ney, Ed 971.8 Tales of a grandfather. W.Scott. . . . 971.9 Tales from Shakespeare. C. ancJ M. Lamb, 971.10 The water babies. C. Kingsley .... 971.11 Classics, The, for the million. An epitome, in English, of the works of the principal Greek and Latin authors. H. Grey. X.Y., 1SS3. 16= ".12.51.14 Classification of animals. Introduction to the. T. n. Huxley. London, 1869. 8' . . . 622.5 Claude Lorraine. (Artist biographies. Vol. VI,) Boston, 1878. 10° 191.1 Claudia. A. M. Doxiglass. Boston, 187.5. 12°, 415.20 Claus, C. Text-book of zoology. A. Sedg- wick ami F. G. Heathcote. N.Y., 1SS5. 2 V. 8° 1319.14 Claverings, The. A. Trollope. N.Y., 1800. S' 3.53.12 Clay, Henry. Life. Boston, 1876. 12°. . . 176.1 Life of. G. D. Prentice. N.Y.,1831. 10°, 147.14 Claydon, P. W. Samuel Sharpe, Egyptologist and translator of the Bible. London, 1883. 12° 1118.22 Clayton, E. C. English female artists. Lon- don. 2 V. 8° 174.4 Queens of song. N.Y., 186.5. 8° . . . . 168.18 Clemens, E. J. M. La Plata countries of South America. Phila., 1886. 12° 797.12 Clemens, S. L. Innocents abroad. Hartford, 1870. 8° , 716.7 The same ....'. 716.8 Life on the Mississippi. Boston, 1883. 8°, 776.5 The same 779.2 Old and new sketches. Hartford, 1875. 4°, 247.19 The prince and the pauper. Boston, 1882. 8° 395.13 The same 395.14 The stolen white elephant, and other sketches. London, 1873. 12° ... . 1219.2 A tramp abroad. Hartford, 1880. 8° . . 765.6 The same 765.8 Roughing it. Hartford, 1872. 8° . . . . 717.13 and Warner, C. D. The gilded age. Hart- ford, 1871. 8° 347.49 The same 347.53 Clement, Mrs. Clara E. Cushman, Charlotte, Life of. (American actor series.) Boston, 1882. 12° 1111.14 Eleanor Maitland. Boston, 1881. 12° . . 389.8 Hand-book of legendary and mythological art. N.Y., 1871. 12° 668.11 Clement, Mrs. Clara E. — cuncluded. Hand-book of painters, sculptors, etc. N.Y., 1S74. S° 145.16 Outline history of painting. N.T.,1883. 12°, 687.2 An outline history of sculpture for begin- ners and students. N.Y., 188.5. 12°. .1612.11 and Hutton, Lawrence. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. Bos- ton, 1879. 2 V. 12° 182.14 Clement's trial and victory. Mrs. M. E. Gellie. X.Y., 1875. 12° 4.37.20 Clemmer, Mrs. Mary, Memorial of. E. Hud- son. Boston, 18S6. 12° 1137.11 See also Hudson, Mrs. M. C. * Cleopatra. Mme. A. M. Durand. Boston, 1886. 16° 975.3 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, History of. J. Abbott. X.Y.,1854. 16° 1223 Cleopatra's needle. A history of the London obelisk, with an exposition of the hiero- glyphics. J. King. London, [n.d.] 16°, 696.4 The same 781.17 The same. E. Wilson. London, [n.d.] 12° 493.14 Clerke, Agnes M. History of astronomy dur- ing the nineteenth century. Edinburgh, 1885. 12° " 1316.6 Clevehall. E. M. Sewell. London, ia55. 12°, 371.1 Cleveland, Edward. Bible sketches. [Poems.] Boston, 1875. 12° 552.30 Cleveland, Grover. Life and public services, with incidents, addresses, etc. F. E. Goodrich. Boston, 1.884. 12° ... . 1128.2 Cleveland, Richard J. Voyages of a merchant navigator of the days that are past. N.Y., 1886. 16° 1138.9 Cleveland, Rose E. George Eliot's poetry, and other studies. X.Y., 1885. 12° . . 1245.6 Clever woman of the family. The. C. M. Yonge. N.Y.. 1865. 8° 322.2 Cleverdale mystery. The; or. The machine and its wheels. W. A. Wilkins. N.Y., 1882. 16° 941.14 Cle'w of the maze, and The spare half hour. C. H. Spurgeon. N.Y., 18S4. 12° . .1232.10 Cliff climbers, The. M. Reid. Boston, 1864. 16° 467.5 Clifford, F. S. A romance of perfume lands. Boston, 187.5. 12° 441.19 Clifford, Wm. K. Common sense of the exact sciences. London, 1885. 12° ... . 1325.13 Lectures and essays. London, 1879. 2 v. 8° 284.12 .Seeing and thinking. London, 1879. 16°. 673.15 Clifton picture, The. G. J. A. Coulson. Phila., 1878. 8° 395.24 Climate and cosmology. Discussions on. J. Croll. X.Y., 1886. 12° 1327.11 Clinical medicine. Manual of. T. H. Tanner. Phila., 1856. 10° 631.21 Clinton, De Witt, Life of. J. Renwick. N.Y., 1854. 10° 121.4 Clinton, H. R. The war in the Peninsula, and Wellington's campaigns in France and Belgium. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 1422.8 Clive, Lord. Life of. G. B. Malleson. Lon- , don, 1882. 8° 1117.7 Clive, Mrs. Caroline W. Paul Ferroll. N.Y., ia56. 12° 412.12 Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. N.Y., 1802. 12° 341.29 72 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Clockmaker, The. Sayings and doings of Sam Slick of Slickville. T. C. Halibur- ton. N.Y., 1872. 10= 432.16 Clocks, watches and bells. A rudimentary treatise. S. Beckett. London, 1S74. 12°, 127.17 Clodd, E. The childhood of the world. Bos- ton, 1874. 16= 4.51.16 Cloister and hearth. C. Reade. X.Y., 1801. 8^ 335.24 Cloriuda; or. The rise and reign of His Excel- lency Eugene Rougon, the man of pro- gress, three times minister. E. Zola. Phila., 1880. 12= 3S3.25 Cloth of gold. [Poems.] T. B. Aldrich. Bos- ton, 1874. 16= 5.51.27 Cloud pictures. F. H. Undersvood. Boston, 1872. 12= 234.16 Clovernook; or. Recollections of our neighbor- hood in the West. A. Gary. N. Y., 1884. 2v. 12° 1228.13 Clyde Wardleigh's promise. M. D. Xauman. Phila., 1873. 12° 333.23 Clytia. A romance of the sixteenth century. A. Hausrath. N.Y., 1884. 18° ... 051.10 Coal, A lump of, a grain of salt, and other auto- biographies. A. Carey. Boston, 1871. 16° 436.5 Coan, Titus. Adventures in Patagonia. A missionary's exploring trip. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 766.3 Life in nawaii, 1835-81. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 772.12 Coan, Titus M. Topics of the time. Studies in biography. Jf.Y., 188:3. 16° . . . . 1224.6 £(?. Art literature. N.Y., 1883. 16° . .1224.12 Historical studies. N.Y., 1883. 16°. . 1224.7 Social problems. N.Y., 1883. 16° . . 1214.21 Studies in literature. N.Y., 1883. • 16°, 1224.8 Cobb, James F. Martin the skipper. X.Y., [n.d.l 12° !)17.7 Workman and soldier. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. ;J86.1!) Cobbe, Frances Power. The confessions of a lost dog. London, 1867. 16° ... . 452.9 Darwinism in morals, and other essays. Boston, 1883. 12° 245.14 The same 1225.16 Duties of women. [Lectures.] Boston, 1881. 12° 129.1 Hours of work and play. Phila., 1807. 12° 263.7 The peak in Darieu. [Essays.] Boston, 1882. 12° ..... 1219.18 Religious duty. Boston, 1883. 12° . . . 265.8 The same 1227.5 Cobbett, William. English grammar. N.Y., 1884. 18° 1224.15 Rural rides in England. 1821-32. London, 1885. 2v. 12° 792.22 Cobden, Paul. Take a peep. Boston, 1874. 16° 437.19 The turning wheel. Boston, 1872. 16° . 437.18 Cobden, Richard, Biography of. J. McGil- christ. N.Y., 1865. 12° 213.21 Life of. J. Morley. Boston, 1881. 8° . . 1112.3 Mission of. Lord Hobart. London, [n.d.] 12° 243.14 • Recollections of, and the anti-corn-law league. H. Ashworth. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 178.19 Cobden Club essays. (Second series.) Lon- don, 1872. 8° 245.13 Cobwebs and cables. H. Smith, N.Y., 1881. 1-:!° 379.26 CobTwebs from an empty skull. Bierce, M.A. London, 1874. 12° 264.19 Cobwebs of criticism. A review of the first reviewers of the "Lake," "'Satanic" and " Cockney " schools. T. H. Caine. Lon- don, 188;3. 12° 1232.14 Cockaynes in Paris, The. B. Jerrold. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° ... 422.2 Cocktou, Henry. Sylvester Sound. London, [n.d.] 12° 445.16 Valentine Yox. Phila., [n.d.] 8° . . . 427.27 Codmau, John. The ronnd trip, by way of Panama, California, Oregon, etc. N.Y., 1879. 12° 762.0 Coffee; its history, cultivation and uses. R. Hewitt, Jr. X.Y., 1872. 8° 64714 Coffee; from plantation to cup. History of coffee i)roduction and consumption. F. B. Thurber. N.Y., 18^1. 8° . . . . 677.18 Coffin, Charles Carleton, [pseud., Carleton.) The boys of '70. A history of the battles of the revolution. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° . . 465.19 The same 925.9 The boys of '61 ; or. Four years of fighting. Boston, [n.d.] 4° 915.4 The same 925.11 Building of the nation. N.Y., 1883. 8° . 697.7 The same 925.10 Caleb Kriukle. Boston, 1875. 12= . . . 364.0 Following the flag. Boston, 1805. 16°. . 454.10 Garfield, James A., Life of. Boston, 1880. 12° 178.34 My days and nights on the battle-field. Boston, 1865. 12= 661.25 Old times in the colonies. N. Y., 1881. 8°, 448. 13 The same 925.8 Our new way around the world. Boston, 1809. 8° 662.2 The same 794.8 The seat of empire. Boston, 1870. 12°. . 484.17 The story of liberty. N.Y., 1879. 8° . . 448.1 The same 925.7 Story of the great Boston fire. 1872. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 217.5 Winning his way. Boston, 1860. 16° . . 4.54.12 Coffin, .Sir Isaac, Admiral. His life, and Eng- lish and American ancestors. T. C. Amory. Boston, 1886. 8= 1139.6 Coffin, J. Newbury, Newburyport, and West Xewbury, History of. Boston, 1845. 8°, 478.5 Coffin, Levi, the reputed president of the un- derground railroad. Reminiscences of. Labors in behalf of fugitive slaves. Cin- cinnati, 1880. 12° 192.20 Coffin, R. B. Cakes and ale at Woodbine. N.Y., 1868. 12= 311.3 Castles in the air. N.Y., 1871. 12°. . . 254.21 Matrimonial infelicities. N.Y., 186.5. 12°, 3:33.10 Coffin, R. F. An old sailor's yams. N.Y., 1.884. 12° 964.6 Coffin, R. S. The Oriental harp. [Poems.] Prov., R. I., 1828. 8° 552.6 Cohen, J. Soils. The throat and the voice. Phila., 1879. 18= 673.16 Coins, Ancient and modern. J. R. Snowden. Phila., 1860. 8° 6.52.3 Coins, medals and seals. W. C. Prime. N.Y., 1864. i>' 6.52.7 Coins of all nations. Gold and silver. [A man- ual.] J. U. Eckfeldl and W. E. Du Bois. Phila., 1851. 4° 629.2 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 73 Colange, Leo de. French piclures. Boston, 1879. 4" R. L. Colburu, J. Bibliography of the social history of Massachusetts. Boston, 1871. 8' . . 536. i) Colcomb, J. C. R. The defence of Great and Greater Britain. Its naval and military aspects. London, l&SO. 8° 1429.1 Cole, Arthur C, Ed. Studies in microscopical science. Vol. L London, 1883. 8°. .1315.13 Cole, G. R. Fitz-Roy. The Peruvians at home. Loudon, 1884. 12' 786.24 The same 792.14 Cole, J. R. The horse's foot and how to shoe it. Cincinnati, 1879. 12° 658.26 Coleman, W. S. British butterflies. London, 1867. 16° 621.16 Our woodlands, lieaths and hedges. Lon- don, 18-59. 12° 648.28 Coleridge, A. D. Translation of Hellborne's " Life of Schubert." London, 1869. 2 v. 12° 113.2 Coleridge, Samuel T., Life of. (English men of letters.) H.D.Traill. N.Y., 1884. 12°, 192.47 and Southey, Robert, Reminiscences of. J. Cottle. N.T., [n.d.] 12° 178.20 Works : The ancient mariner. London, 1883. 16°, 584.14 Biographia literaria; or, Biographical sketches of my literary life and opin- ions. H. N. Coleridge, Joint .Ed. X.Y., 1872. 2 V. 12° 1129.27 Lectures on Shakespeare, and other Eng- lish poets. London, 1SS3. 12° . . . 1232.7 Miscellanies, Esthetic and literary: to which is added the "Theory of life." T. Ashe, Ed. London, I8S.5] 12° . . 1248.5 Osorio. [A tragedy.] London, 1873. 16°, 611.8 Poetical and dramatic works, with me- moir. Boston, 1854. 3 v. 10° . . . 501.1 Coleridge, Sara. Plantasmion. [A fairy tale. ] Boston, 1874. 12° 422.4 Memoirs and letters. Ed. by her daughtsr. N.Y., 1874. 12° 112.6 Coles, Edward, second governor of Illinois. Sketch of his life, and of the slavery struggle of 1823-24. E. B. Washburne. Chicago, 1882. 8° 189.4 Coles, L. B. The philosophy of health. Bos- ton, 1848. 16° 281.6 Coligny, The earlier life of the great Huguenot. E. Bersier. London, 1884. 12° ... 1132.2 Coligny, Gaspard de. Admiral of France. Life of. W. Besant. London, 1879. 16°. . 192.10 Colin Clout's calendar. The record of a sum- mer. G.Allen. London, 1883. 12°. .1225.15 College education, The new departure in. A reply to President Eliot's defense of it. J. McCosh. X.Y., 1885. 12° . . . .1238.14 College fetich, A. The Phi Beta Kappa ad- dress at Cambridge, 188;]. Third edition, with supplementary matter. C. F. Adams, Jr. Boston, 1SS4." 8° 1232.4 College, The, the marhet and the court. [Lect- ures.] C. D. Dall. Boston, 1867. 12° . 223.20 College book. The. C. F. Richardson and H. A. Clark, Ed.-<. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1878. 8° R. L. College tramps. Adventures of Yale students in Europe. F. A. Stoker. N.Y., 1879. 12°, 762.24 College tramps. A jolly summer. N.Y., 1885. 12° ! 792.8 Collier, Robert Laird. English home life. Boston, 1880. 16° . ". 781.18 Colling, James K. Art foliage for sculpture and decoration. Boston, 1.S73. 4° . . R. L. Examples of English medieval foliage, and colored decoration of the twelfth century, with descriptive letterpress. Boston, 1875. 4° R. L. Collins, Mortimer. A Summerfield imbroglio. Boston, 1876. 12° 364.40 Collins, Perry McD. A voyage down the Amoor. N.Y., 1860. 12° 664.13 Collins, W. Lucas. La Fontaine, and other French fabulists. Pliila., [n.d.] 16°. .1111.16 Collins, W. H. Perspective explained. Lon- don, 1872. 12° 669.18 Collins, William. Pocket atlas of historical geography. London, 1871. 12° ... 484.23 Poetical works. Boston, [n.d.] 16°. . . 562.14 Collins, (William) Wilkie. After dark, and other stories. X.Y., 1874. 12°. . . . 335.29 Alicia Warlock, and other stories. Boston, 1875. 8° 335.1 Anlonia; or. The fall of Rome. X.Y., 1874. 12° 335.30 Armadale. N.Y., 1874. 12° .33.S.2S The same 335. .31 Basil; or, The crossed path. Pliila , [n.d.] 12° 3;35.6 The dead secret. N.Y., 1874. 12° . ... 335.32 The frozen deep. Boston, 1875. 12° . . 335.7 Hide and seek; or. The mystery of Mary Grice. X.Y., 1874. 12° 335. :33 "I sav no;" or. The love-letter answered. N.Y., 1884. 10° 962.4 Man and wife. X.Y., 1871. 8° . . . . :»5.3 The moonstone. X.V., 1874. 12° . . . 335.34 The new Magdalen. N.Y., 1873. 12° . . 335.9 Xo name. Boston, 1863. 2 v. 12° . . . 335.10 Poor Miss Finch. X.Y., 1874. 12° . . . 3:55. .35 Queen of hearts. X.Y., 18.59. 12° . . . 335.11 The two destinies. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . 335.26 The woman in white. X.Y., 1870. 8° . . 335.2 The yellow mask. X.Y., 1879. 16°. . . 391.13 Collyer, Robert, Life of. A. H. Conant. Bos- ton, 1868. 16° 134.3 Works : The life that now is. Boston, 1871. 12° 265.30 Xature and life. Boston, 1868. 12° . . 265.24 The simple truth. Boston, 1878. 16° . 271.27 Colman, Henry. European life and manners. Boston, 18.50. 2 v. 12° ..... . 236.4 Colman, James F. Knightly heart, and other poems. Boston, 1873. 12° 551.3 Colman family. [Memoir.] R. B. Peake. London, i.'yi. 8° 142.11 Colomb, J. B. B. True as steel. London, 1879. 12° 386.3 Uncle Chesterton's heir. N.Y., 1879. 12°, 375.7 Colonel Cheswick's campaign. F. L. Shaw. Boston, 1886. 16° 975.9 Colonel Dunwoddie, millionaire. A story of to-day. \V. F. Baker. X.Y., 1878. 8° . 377.7 Colonel Enderby's wife. Mrs. W. Harrison. N.Y., 1885. 16° 967.14 Colonel's daughter. The; or, Winning his spurs. C.King. Phila., 1883. 12° . . 944.17 Colonel's opera cloak. Mrs. C. C. Brush. Bos- ton, 1879. 10° 385.2 The same 385.7 74 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Colonna, Vittoria. T. A. Tiollope. N.Y., 1ST7. 10° 181.18 Color. Mine. SI. E. Cavt'. N.Y., 1869. V>° . OO'.i. 19 The same GU9.20 Color, The theory of, in its relation to art, and art industry. \V, von IJezoUl. Boston, 187(5. 8° GS3.17 Color-blindness. Its danger and its detec- tion H.J.Jeffries. Boston, 1879. 12°, 658.29 Color-guard, The. J. K. Ilosmer. Boston, 1S(j4. 12° 712.13 Color-sense, The. Its origin and development. An essay in comparative psychology. G. Allen. Boston, 1879. 8° 056.18 Colorado. Bowles, S. Its parks and mountains. Springfield, 1869. 12° 646.7 Fossett, F. Historical, descriptive and statistical work on. the Kocky Mountain gold and silver mining region. Denver, 1876. 12° 49.3.9 Its mines, farms and health resorts. N.Y., 1880. 12° 766.13 Grealorex, E. Summer etchings in Colo- rado. N.Y., 1873. 12° 727.4 Hayes, A. A. New Colorado, and the Santa Fe trail. N.Y., 18S0. 8° 767.. 5 Pabor, W. E. Colorado as an agricultural state. Its farms, fields and garden lands. K.Y., 1883. 12° 771.10 Taylor, B. A summer trip to Colorado. N.Y., 1867. 12° 732.13 Colored cadet at West Point. Autobiography of Lleid. Henry Ossian Flipper, U.S.A. First graduate of color from the U. S. Military Academy. N.Y., 1878. 12°. . 178.2 Colours of flowers as illustrated in the Brit- ish flora. G.Allen. London, 1882. 10°, 1313.2 Colquhoun, Archibald K. Across ChrysC. A journey through the south China border lands. N.Y.,"l883. 2 v. 8° .... 779.4 Amongst the Shans. An historical sketch of the Shans, by H. S. Hallett. The cradle of the Shan race, by T. de Lacouperie. X.Y., 1885. 8° 788.7 Colquhoun, John. Moor and loch. Highland sports. Edinburgh, 1884. 2 v. 12°. . 786.18 Colton, G. H. Orators of France. N.Y., 1847. S° 1.38.6 Colton, G. W. and C. B. General atlas. Let- terpress descriptions, by R. S. Fisher. N.Y., 1871. Folio R. L. Columbia and Canada. Notes on the Great Republic and New Dominion. W. F. Rae. N.Y., 1S79. 8° 763.17 Columbia River, Adventures on the. R. Cox. N.Y., 1832. 8° 605.4 Columbian speaker. The. J. L. Campbell and O. Root, Jr. Boston, 1874. 12° . . . 262.8 Columbus, Christopher. Abbott, J. S. C. Life of. N.Y., 1875. 12°, 147.22 Alden, W. L. The first American citizen, (by adoption.) 1440-1506. N.Y., 1881. 16° 1111.9 Goodrich, A. History of. N.Y., 1874. 8°, 166.6 Helps, Sir Arthur. Life of. London, 1869. 12° 214.10 Irving, W. Life and voyages of. N.Y., 1855. 3 v. 12° 732.1 Lamartine, A. de. Life of. X.Y., 1877. 16° 181.9 Columbus, Ohio. Its history, resources and progress. J. II. Studer. Columbus, 1873. 12° 287.4 Colville, II. E. The accursed land. (Edom.) London, 1884. 12° 789. 2 Colvin, Sidney, Ed. Selections from the writ- ings of Walter Savage Landor. London, 1882. 8° 1214.14 Colvin, Verplanck. Topographical survey of the Adirondack wilderness of New York. Albany, 1873. 8° 739.4 Combe, Andrew. The management of infancy. N.Y., 184.5. 12° 040.20 The principles of physiology. N.Y., 184vS. 10° 633.24 Combe, George. A system of phrenology. N.Y., 1841. 12° " . 031.0 Combe, William. The three tours of Dr. Syn- tax. London, [n.d.] 12° 012.5 Combustion of coal, A practical treatise on. Description of various devices for the economic generation of heat. W. M. Barr. Indianapolis, 1879. 8° . . . . 058.28 Comedy of terrors. J. De Mille. Boston, 1872. 8° 347.17 Comegys, Benjamin B. How to get on. Phila., |n.d.] 12° 935.5 Comfort, G. F. and Mrs. A. M. Woman's edu- cation and health. Syracuse, 1874. 12°, 262.6 Comic almanack. W. M. Thackeray, and others. London, 1835-43. S'' . . . . 252.4 Comic dramas. M. Edgeworth. N.Y., 1855. 12° • 340.8 Coming earthquake, The, and the signs that betoken its api)roach, with other tracts. D. B. Taylor. Boston, 1875. 12° . . . 203.26 Coming empire. The; or. Two hundred miles in Texas on horseback. H. F. McDanield (Old N. A. Taylor. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 402.20 Coming man, The. J. Smith. London, 1873. 3 V. 8° 2.32.15 Coming of the Lord. Sixteen addresses on " The blessed hope." Boston, [n.d.] 10°, 291.4 Coming race. The. N.Y., 1871. 12^ . . . 254.17 Coming wave. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 450.15 Comins, Lizzie B., (pseiul., Laura Caxton. ) Ilartwell farm. Boston, [n.d.[ 12° . . 342.16 Commerce, The growth and vicissitudes of. From B.C. 1500 to A.D. 1798. J. Yeats. N.Y., 1878. 12° 6.-)8.13 The manual of. Source, mode of produc- tion, or manufacture, of the principal ar- ticles of commerce 1318.9 Manual of recent and existing commerce, 1789-1872. Showing the development of industry at home and abroad, during the continental system, the protectionist pol- icy, and the era of free trade. J. Yeats. N.Y., 1878. 12° 658.16 Natural history of the raw materials of com- merce. With a copious list of commer- cial terms in several languages. J. Teats. N.Y., 1878. 12° 226.13 The same 658.14 Technical history of commerce. Skilled labor applied to production. J. Yeats. N.Y., 1878. 12° 658.15 Commercial and business anecdotes. Cyclopae- dia of. F. Kirkland. N.Y., 1864. 2 v. 8° 237.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 75 Commercial products of the sea; or, Marine contributions to food, indur^try and art. P. I. Simmonds. N.Y., 187!). 12° . . 658.21 Commines, Philip de. Memoirs of. A. U. Scroljle. London, 1855. 2 v. 8°. . . 142.1 Common-place book. Mrs. A. Jameson. Lon- don, 185.5. 12^ 240.0 Common-place book. K. Southey. N.Y., 18.55. 2 V. 8° ". . . . 231.4 Common sense about women. T. W. Higgin- son. Boston, 1882. 12" 1213.8 Common sense in religion. J. F. Clarke. Bos- ton, 1874. 12° 224.6 Common sense of the exact sciences. W. K. Clitlord. London, 1885. 12° ... . 1325.22 Communism and socialism in their history and theory. [A sketch.] T. D. Woolsey. X.Y., 1880. 12° 294.16 Comparative politics. E. A. Freeman. N.Y., 1874. 8° 232.12 Composition, School. Advanced language lessons for grammar schools. W. Swin- ton. N.Y., 1874. 16° 1241.5 Compton, Francis Snow. Esther. N.Y.,1884. 10° 957.7 Comstock, John M. Civil service in the U.S. ; from the reports of 1S84. N.Y., 1885. 12°, 1242.21 Comyn, L. N. Atherstone priory. Boston, [n.d.] 16° .".... 362.6 Elena. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 312.11 Conant, Augustus H., Life of. K. Collyer. Boston, 1808. 10° 1.34.3 Conant, A. J. Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley. St. Louis, 1879. 8° 070.1 Conant, H. S. Butterfly hunters. Boston, 1808. 12° 462.5 Concord, (Mass.,) in the colonial period. A history of the town, from 1635 to 1089. C. H. Walcott. Boston, 1884. 8° . . . 1416.4 Concord days. A. B. Alcott. Boston, 1872. 12° 363.44 Concord fight. Proceedings at the centen- nial celebration of the, April 19, 1875. Concord, Mass., 1876. 8° 528.5 Concord guide-book. G. B. Bartlett, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 764.20 Concord school of philosophy. Lectures on the life and genius of Goethe. F. B. San- born, Ed. Boston, 1886. 12° ... . 1137.3 Concord and Merrimack rivers, A week on. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1868. 12° . . 242.8 Concord, N.H., History of. N. Bouton. Con- cord, 1856. 8° 542.2 Concordance, Analytical, to the Bible. Con- taining every word in alphabetical order, arranged under its Hebrew or Greek origi- nal, with the literal meaning of each, and its pronunciation. R. Young. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° R. L. Conde', Princes de, History of. M. le Due D'Aumale. London, 1872. 2 v. 8°. . 135.7 Condensed novels. Bret Harte. Boston, 1871. 16° 422.22 Condensed novels and stories. B. Harte. Boston, 18S2. 12- 942.14 Couder, Claude 1!. Heth and Moab. Explo- rations in Syria, 1SS1-S2. London, 1883. 8= 793.4 Judas Maccabajus and the Jewish war of independence. London, 1879. 12° . . 192.11 Conder, Claude R. — concluded. Tent work in Palestine. N.Y., 1878. 2 v. 8° 496.14 Condit, Charles L. Painting and painters' materials. N.Y., 1883. 12° 687.1 Conduct of life. R. W. Emerson. Boston, 1800. 12° 220.20 Cone, Mary. Two years in California. Chica- go, 1870. 12° 725.21 The same 725.22 Confectioner's hand-book. N.Y., 1868. 12°, 653.1 Confederacy, Cradle of the. South-western political liistory to 1801. J. Hodgson. Mobile, 1876. 8° 692.3 Confederate soldier in Egypt. W. W. Loring. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 784.10 The same 787 . 1 Confederate States, The secret service of, in Europe ; or. How, the Confederate cruisers were equipped. J. D. Bulloch. N.Y., 1884. 2v. 8° 699.2 Conference papers. Analysis of discourses, doctrinal and practical, delivered on Sab- bath afternoons to the students of the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J. C. Hodge. N.Y., 1879. 8° 284.8 Confessions of a clarinet-player. E. Erck- manu and A. Chatrian. Loudon, [n.d.] 16° 352.36 Confessions of an English opium-eater. T. De Quincey. Boston, 18.55. 10° . . . 247-4 Confessions of a frivolous girl. A story of fashionable life. R. Grant. Boston, 1S.S0. 12° 396.26 Confessions of a lost dog. F. P. Cobbe. London, 1867. 16° 452.9 Confessions of a medium. N.Y., 1882. 12°, 1212.21 Confessions of a pretty woman. J. Pardoe. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 365.67 Confessions of Con Cregau. C. J. Lever. London, [n d.] 12° 412.16 Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. C. J. Lever. N.Y., 1800. 10° 351.5 The same 351.6 Confidence. H. James, Jr. Boston, ISSO. 12°, 396.10 The same 396.17 Conflict in nature and life. A study of antag- onism iu the constitution of things, for the elucidation of the problem of good and evil, and the reconciliation of optim- ism and pessimism. N.Y., 1883. 12° .1225.13 Confucius. The Chinese classics. J. Legge, Trans. N.Y., 1875. 8° 274.2 Confucius, Music lesson of. [Poems.] C. G. Lelaud. Boston, 1872. 16° 551.41 Congdon, Charles T. Essays from N.Y. Tri- bune. 1857-03. N.Y.", 1869. 12° . . 223.13 Reminiscences of a journalist. Boston, 1880. 12° 125.19 Congo, The river, from Its mouth to B6t6b6, with a general description of the natural history and anthropology of its western basin. H.H.Johnston. London, 1884 . 787.4 Congo, The, and the founding of its Free State. A story of work and exploration. H. M. Stanley. N.Y., 1885. 2 v. 8° . 7t>4.4 Congregationalism of the last three hundred years, as seen in its literature. Lectures delivered at Andover Theological Semi- nary. 1870-79. H. M. Dexter. N.Y., 1880. 8° 276.16 76 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Congregationalism, History of. G. Puncliard. N.Y., 1865. 3v. 12=" 476.5 Congressional government. A stiuly in American politics. ^Y. Wilson. Boston, 1S8.">. 12° 12-12.9 Congreve, George Thomas. Consumption and other chest diseases. London, 18S1. 16°. 1321.9 Coningsby ; or. The new generation. B. Dis- raeli. N.Y., 1870. 8° 369.1 Coningtou, John. Miscellaneous writings. London, 1872. 2 v. 8^ 245.8 Trans. Virgil's "^Enid." N.Y., 1807. 8°, 616.2 Virgil's works. (In prose.) Boston, 1880, 8° 125.13 Conjugial love. E. Swedenborg. N.Y., 1878. 8° ■ 277.4 Conjurer Dick; or, The adventures of a young wizard. A.J.Lewis. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 935.14 Conjuring, The secrets of stage. R. Houdin. Trans, and Ed. with notes by A. J. Lewis. N.Y., 1881. 12^ 127.9 Conkliu, Mrs. Nathaniel. Bek's first corner. N.Y., 1883. 12° 947.1 Tessa Wadsworth's discipline. N. Y., 1879. 12° 374.30 Conn, n. \V. Evolution of to-day. N.Y.,1SS6. 12° 1327.15 Counaught circuit, Anecdotes of the. From 1W14. O.J.Burke. Dublin, 188.5. S= . 1428.3 Connecticut, Art and artists in. H. W. French. Boston, 1879. 8° 0.54.16 Connecticut Agricultural Society, Transac- tions of, for 18.56. ILartford, 18.56. 8° . 738.8 Connecticut, History of. T. Dwight. N.Y., 18.55. 16° 471.9 Conquering and to concjuer. Mrs. E. R. Ch.arles. N.Y., 1875. 12° .321.2 Conqueror, The, .and his companions. J. R. Plauche. London, 1874. 2 v. 8° . . 193.4 Conrad Hagen's mistake. O. Roquette. Phila., 1881. 12° 378.27 Conrad the squirrel. Life and times of. Lon- don, 1872. 12° 462.9 Conscript, The. A. Dumas. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 3.54.30 Conscript, The. E. Erckmann and A. Clia- triaii. N.Y., 1869. 12° 352.25 Conservation of energy, The. B. Stewart. N.Y., 1876. 12= '. 655.4 Conservative reformation. The, and its theol- ogy. E. P. Krauth. Phila., 1871. 8= . 627.6 Conspiracy. A Cuban romance. A. Badeau. N.Y., 1885. 12° 074.24 Conspirators, The; or. The Chevalier D'Har- mental. A.Dumas. London, [n.d.] 12=, 361.75 Constable and Gillies, Personal reminiscences by. (Bric-a-brac series. Vol. X.) R. H. Stoddard, Ed. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . . 134.29 Constable of France, and other military his- toriettes. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° 384.8 Constance's fate: A story of Denzil Place. [Poem.] V. Fane. N.Y., 1876. 12= . .571.1 Constantinople. E. de Amicis. N.Y., [n.d.] 12= 782.17 Constantinople, The fall of. The story of the fourth crusade. E. Pears. N.Y., 1886. 8= 1429.5 Constitutional amendment, The. Discussion on the observance of the Sabbath. Battle Creek, Mich., 1873. 12= 263.12 Constitutional class-book. J. Story. Boston, 1834. 12= 484.20 Constitutional progress. M. Burrows. Lon- don, 1872. 12° 236.11 Constitutions of the several states, and of the U.S. N.Y., 1879. 8= 276.11 Consular reminiscences. G. H. Horstmann. Phila., 1SS6. 12= 797.9 Consumption andolher chest diseases. Show- ing consumption to be curable in all its stages. G. T. Congreve. London, 1881. 16' 1321.9 Consumption. Is consumption contagious ? Can it be transmitted by means of food '? H. C. Clapp. Boston, 1882. 12= . . . 075.24 The same 675.25 Contarini Fleming. B. Disraeli. X.Y., 1870. 8= 427.8 Contemporary portraits. Thiers, Strauss, Monod, Vinet, Verny, Robertson, and others. E. de Pressense. N.Y., 1880. 12= 185.11 Contraband; or, A losing hazard. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12= .... 955.4 Contrary winds, and other sermons. W. M. Taylor. X.Y., 1883. 12° 1225.21 Contrast of color, The laws of. M. E. Chev- reul, London, 1857. 16° 668.22 Convalescent, The. X. P. ^Tillis. N.T., 1859. 12° 414.17 Conversation. Its faults and its graces. A. P. Peabody, Ed. Boston, 1882. 18= . . 1214.6 Conversations on some of the old poets. J. R. Lowell. Cambridge, 1846. 12=. . . 262.16 Conversations with an ambitious student. E. Biihver-Lytton. N.Y., 1832. 12°. . . 2.51.21 Conversion of the northern nations, The. C. Meiivale. N.Y., 1860. 12= 244.4 Convicts, The, and their children. B. Auer- bach. N.y., 1877. 16° 064.56 Conviray, C. L. Life's promise to pay. Phila., 1876. 12° .361.51 Conway, Hugh, pseud. See Fargus, F. J. Conway, Moncure D. Carlyle, T., Life of. N.Y., 1881. 12° 187.18 Deraonology, and devil lore. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 8° 284.6 Emerson at home and abroad. Boston, 1882. 12° 1114.13 The rejected stone. Boston, 1861. 12= . 474.7 Travels in South Kensington, with notes on decorative art and architecture in Eng- land. N".Y., 1882. 8° 684.4 The wandering Jew. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . 294.23 Conwell, Russell H. Blaine, James G., Life and public services of. Boston, 1884. 12°, 1128.1 Why and how the Chinese emigrate. Bos- ton, 1871. 8° 2.53.5 Conybeare, W. J., and Ilowson, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. N. Y., 1861. 2 v. 8° 166.1 Cook, Clarence. The house beautiful. N.Y., 1.S78. 8= 628.6 Cook, Dutton. Doubleday's children. X.Y., 1877. 12° 371.10 Cook, James, Capt. Three voyages round the world. C. K. Low. London, 1876. 16°, 722.19 Cook, Joel. A holiday tour in Europe. Phila., 1879. 12= 403.19 Summer rambles near Philadelphia. Phila., 1882. 12= 772.4 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBIIAIIY. 11 Cook, Joseph. Boston Monday lectures with preludes on current events. Biology. Boston, 1877. 12" 272.1.3 Conscience. Boston, 1879. I2" . . . . 285.12 Heredity. Boston, 1S79. 12' 28.5.13 Labor. Boston, 1880. 12° 294.21 Marriage. Boston, 1879. 12° 285.22 Occident. Boston, 1884. 12- 1232.24 Orient. Boston, 1886. 12° 12-52.11 Orthodo.xy. Boston, 1S7S. 12° ... . 272.. 33 Socialism. Boston, ISSO. 12° 294.22 Transcendentalism. Boston, 1877. 12° . 272.30 Cook, Marc. The wilderness cure. N.Y., 1881. 12° 764.24 Cooke, Carrie A. Many colored threads from the writings of Goethe. Boston, [ii.d.] 12' 1213.15 Cooke, Frances E. Parker, Theodore, The story of. Boston, 1883. 12- 1114.22 Cooke, George F., Life of. W. Dunlap. N. Y., 1813. 2v. 16° 131.14 Cooke, George Willis. Eliot, George. A crit- ical study of her life, writings, and phi- losophy. Boston, 1883. 12° 1118.20 Emerson, E. W. His life, writings, and philosophy. Boston, 1881. 12° . \ . . 1111.1 Poets and problems. Boston, 1886. 12° . 1249.14 Cooke, George Wingrove. China, 18.57-58. London, 1858. 12° 734.19 Cooke, John Esten. Dr. Vandyke. N.Y., 1872. 8° 377.32 Henry St. John, gentleman. N.Y., 1859. 12° 421.13 Justin Harley. Phila., 1874. 12° . . . 3.54.10 The Maurice mystery. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°. 907.8 Mr. Grantley's idea. N.Y., 1879. 32°. . 391.11 My lady Pokahontas. A true relation of Virginia. Boston, 188.5. 16° ... . 966.16 Pretty Mrs. Gaston. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . 345.13 Stories of the Old Dominion. X.Y., 1879. 12° 176.30 Virginia. A history of the people. Bos- ton, 1SS.3. 12° 598.12 The Virginia Bohemians. N.Y., 1880. 8°, 377.44 The Virginia comedians; or, Old days in the Old Dominion. N.Y., 1883. 16°. . 943.17 Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Scientific culture, and other essays. N.Y., 1881. 12° ... . 129.18 The same 1238.15 Cooke, Josiah P., Jr. Elements of chemical physics. Boston, 1873. 12° 636.1 The new chemistry. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 634.11 Religion and chemistry. X.Y., 1864. 8° . 630.4 Cooke, M. C. Freaks and marvels of plant- life; or, Curiosities of vegetation. N.Y., [n.d.l 12° 679.12 Fungi. Their nature and uses. N.Y., 1875. 12° 638.7 Cooke, Mrs. Rose Terry. Somebody's neigh- bors. Boston, 1881. 12° .397.2 The sphinx's children, and other people's. Boston, 1886. 12° 977.9 Cookery. Breakfast, dinner and tea. N.Y., 1868. 12°, 631.3 Browne, P. A year's cookery. Giving dishes for every day in the year, with practical instructions for their prepara- tion. N.Y., tn.d.] 12° 124.16 Caron, P. French dishes for American tables. N.Y., 1886. 10° 1251.7 Confectioners' hand-book. N.Y., 1808. 12°, 653.1 Cookery — concluded. Corson, J. Cooking school text-book, and housekeeper's guide. Domestic economy as taught in the New York Cooking School. X.Y., 1879. 12° 128.27 A new family cook-book. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 1246.1 Evving, E. P. Cooking and castle building. Boston, 1880. 16° 127.10 Farman, E. Cooking club of Tu-whit Hol- low. Boston, 1876. 16° 441.22 Francatelli, C. E. Cook's guide, and house- keeper's and butler's assistant. London, 1877. 12° 125.16 Frederick, Mrs. Hints to housewives, on the preparation of economical and taste- ful dishes. London, 1880. 12°. . . . 681.12 Henderson, Mrs. M. F. Diet for the sick. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1228.24 Practical cooking and dinner-giving. X. Y., 1879. 12° . 294.9 Hooper, M. Every day meals; recipes for breakfast, luncheon and supper. Lon- don, 1877. 12° 273.1 Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Boston cook-book. What to do, and what not to do in cook- ing. Boston, 1884. 12° 1228.18 Murrey, T. J. Breakfast dainties. N.Y., [n.d.] IS- 1241.22 Fifty salads. N.Y., [n.d.] 18°. . . . 1241.8 Valuable cooking receipts. N.Y., 1&S5. 16° 1241.23 Owen, C. A new cook-book. Culture in the kitchen and practical receipts. N. Y., [n.d.] 12° 1246.5 Culture and cooking; or. Art in the kitchen. N.Y., 1881. 12° 128.29 Parloa, M. The Appledore cook-book. Practical receipts. Boston, 1879. 12° . 294. 1 New cook-book. A guide to marketing and cooking. Boston, 1880. 12° . . 125.22 Savarin, B. Hand-book of dining. N.Y., 1865. 16° 651. IS Smith, M. S. Virginia cookery book. X. Y., 1885. 12° 1228.22 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. Breakfast, luncheon and tea. X.Y., 1875. 12° 273.31 Common sense in the household. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 273.30 Cottage kitchen. X.Y., 1883. 12° . . 1228.1 The dinner year book. N.Y., 1878. 12°, 273.21 Warne's model cookery. London, 1868. 12° 651.16 Washington, Mrs. The unrivalled cook- book and housekeeper's guide. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1245.11 Youmans, E. A., Ed. Lessons in cookery. Hand-book of the National Training School for Cookery, (South Kensington, London.) X.Y., 1878. 12° 273.19 Cooley, A. J. Cyclopajdia of receipts and in- formation in the arts and sciences. N. Y., 1880. 2v. 8° 275.5 Perfumes and cosmetics, Practical receipts for. London, 1868. 12° 263.27 Cooley, Timothy M. Haynes, Rev. Samuel, Life and character of." X.Y., 1837. 12", 287.11 Coolidge, A., and Mansfield, J. History of New Kngland. Vol. I. Boston, 1859. 8° 551.1 The same .547-14 Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, S. C. 78 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Coolie, The. His rights and wrongs. E. Jen- kins. N.Y., 1S7I. 1-2° 236.2.5 Coolies, In quest of. J. L. A. Hope. London, 1S72. 12° 724.7 Coomassie and Magdala. U. M. Stanley. N.Y., 1874. 8° 727.12 Cooper, Charles Henry. Memorials of Cam- bridge, England. Cambridge, [n.d.] 3 V. S° R. L. Cooper, Elizabeth. Wentwortli, Thomas, (Earl of Strafford and Lord-Lieut, of Ireland.) Life of. London, 1874. 2 v. S° . . . 175. .5 Cooper, H. Stonehewer. Coral lands. Lon- don, 1880. 2 V. S^ 779.11 Cooper, James Fenimore. Life. (American men of letters.) T. Lounsbury. Boston, 1S83. 12° ..... 1114.10 WorkK : Naval history of the U.S. X.Y., 18.54. 3 V. in 1. 8° 544.6 Tales. Boston, 1871-77. 12°. Afloat and ashore 312.!) The same .381.1 Bravo, The 312.10 The same 381.2 Chain bearer, The 312.11 The same 381.3 Crater, The 312.12 The same 381.4 Headsman, The 312.14 The same 381.6 Heidenmauer 312.15 The same 381.7 Home as found 312.17 The same 381.8 Homeward bound 312.10 The same 381.9 Jack Tier 312.18 . The same 381.10 Leather Stocking tales.' Deerslayer 312.13 The s.\me 381.5 Last of the Mohicans 312.19 The same 369.43 The same 381.11 Pathfinder, The 313.5 The same .381.17 Pioneers, The 313.7 The same . . 381.19 Prairie, The 313.8 The same .381.20 Lionel Lincoln 312.20 The same 381.12 Mercedes of Castile 312.21 The same .381.13 Miles Wallingford 381.14 Monikins, The 313.2 The same 381.15 Ned Myers 313.3 Oak openings 313.4 The same 381.10 Pilot, The 313.6 The same 381.18 Precaution 313.9 The same .321.21 Red rover. The 313.10 The same 381.22 Red skins, The 313.11 The same 381.23 Satanstoe .313.12 The same 381.24 Cooper, James Fenimore. Tales — concluded. Sea lions 313.13 The same 381 . 25 Spy, The 313.14 The same .382.1 The .sune. 2v 313.15 Stories of the sea 444.42 Stories of the wood 444.26 Travelling bachelor 313.10 Two admirals 313.17 The same 382.2 Water witch. The 313.18 The same 382.3 Ways of the hour .382.4 Wept of Wish-ton-Wish 313.19 Thes.ame .382.5 Wing and wing 313.20 Thes.ame 382.6 Wyandotte 313.21 The same 382.7 Cooper, T. T. Travels of a pioneer of com- merce. (In China ) London, 1871. 8°, 763.1 Cooper, Thomas. The bridge of history over the gulf of time. London, 1872. 12° . 243.26 Cooper, Thom.as V., and Fenton, Hector T. American politics, (non partisan.) N.Y., In.d.] 8° 1216.6 Cooper, Thompson. A new biographical dic- tionary. London, 188:?. 8° 1122.7 Co-operation as a business. C. Barnard. N.Y., 18S1. 12° 128.28 Co-operative stores. History of, based on the German of E. Richter. N.Y., 18R7. 12°, 223.9 Copeland, R. Morris. Country life. Boston, ISOO. 8° 047.13 Copley, John Singleton, Domestic and artistic life of. By his granddaughter, M. B. Araory. Boston, 1882. 8° 1112.7 Sketch of life, and list of works. A. T. Perkins. Boston, 1873. 4° 130.7 Coppee, Henry. Grant, U. S., Campaigns of. N.Y., 1866. 8° 156.8 History of the conquest of Spain by the Arab Moors. Boston, 1881. 2 v. 12° . . . 592.11 Coppinger, R. W. The cruise of the " Alert." London, 18.83. 8^ 783.1 Copp's Hill burial ground. Epitaphs from. T. Bridgman. Boston, 1851. 12= . . . . 244.14 The same 145.17 Copsley annals, preserved in proverbs. Bos- ton, 1868. 16° 402.10 Coquerel, Alhanase, the Younger. First liis- torical transfonnations of Christianity. Boston, 1867. 12° ". 250.14 Coquette, The. The life and letters of Eliza Wharton. A novel founded on fact. Mrs. H. Foster. With an historical pref- ace and a memoir of the author, by J. E. Locke. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 372.22 Coral lands. H. S. Cooper. London, 1880. 2v. 8° 779.11 Corals and coral islands. J. D. Dana. N.Y., 1872. 8° 023.3 Corbett, William. A biography. E. Smith. London, 1879. 2 v. 8° 1113.18 His life and writings. How to get on in the worur. R. Waters. N.Y., 1885. 12° . 1129.15 Corbin, Mrs. C. F. Belle and the boys. Chi- cago, 1880. 10° 911.1 Cordery, J. M. Charles I., and the great re- bellion. Phila., 1876. 12° 482.12 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 79 674.20 202.15 368.9 171.1 178.28 914.16 754.1 131S.12 1:513.4 368.14 195.22 642.12 Corea, ihe hermit nation. W. E. Griffis. X.Y., 1SS2. 8° 773.14 See also Korea. Corfield, W. n. Dwelling houses : their sani- tary construction and arrangements. Phila., ISSn. 12° Corinne ; or. Italy. (Translated into English.) Mine. De Stael. X.T., 1876. 12° . . . Corkrau, Alice. Bessie Lang. X.Y., 1877. 16° Cormenin, Viscount de. Orators of France. Phila., 1876. 12° Corneille and Racine. (Foreign classics for English readers. ) H. M. TroUope. Phila., 1881. 12° Cornet of horse. The. A tale of Marlborough's wars. G. A. Henty. Phila , 1881. 12°, Cornhill Magazine, The. London, 1860-68. 17 V. 8° Corning, J. Leonard. Brain exhaustion, with some preliminary considerations on cere- bral dynamics. N.r., I&84. 12° . . . Brain rest. N.T., 1883. 16° Cornwrall, Barry, pseud. See Proctor, B. W. Coronation. A story of forest and sea. E. P. TiMiney. Boston, 1877. 16° Correggio, Antonio Allegri da. Life. (111. biographies.) M. C. Heaton. N.Y., 18.-<2. 12° Correlation and conservation of forces. X. Y., I860. 12° Correspondent, The. (Rules for correct writ- ing, etc.) J.W.Davidson. X.Y., 1886. 16° 1251.8 Corson, Juliet. Cooking school text-book and housekeeper's guide. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 128.27 A new family cook-book. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 12-16.1 Cortes, Hernando, History of. J. S. C. Abbott. N.Y., 18.55. 16° 122.28 Despatches of. G. Folsom. X.Y., 1843. 8°, 138.3 Life of. Sir Arthur Helps. N.Y., 1871. 8° 114.12 Corw^in, Thomas. A sketch. A. P. Russell. Cincinnati, 1S81. 12° 1111.2 Cory, Charles B. Birds of the Bahama Islands. Boston, 1880. 8° R. L. Cosas de Espafia. Mrs. W. P. Byrne. London, 1866. 8° 218.3 Cosmos. A. von Humboldt. X.Y., 1855. 5 v. 1L'° 644.17 Costa, J. M. da. Medical diagnosis. Phila., 1864. 8° 633.3 Costume. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England, from the earliest period. London, [n.d.] 12° 514.4 Hinton, H. L. Select historical costumes. X.Y., 1868. 8° 652.5 Holt, A. Gentlemen's fancy dress. How 10 choose it. London, [n.d.] 12°. . . 1228.3 Hunt, Mrs. A. W. Our grandmothers' gowns. llUustrated.] London, [n d.] 12° 1228.21 riancbe, J. R. British costume. London, [n.d.] 16° 731.8 Acyclopiedia of costume; or. Dictionary of dress. London, 1876. 2 v. 4° . . R. L. Smith, J. M., Ed. Ancient Greek female costume. [Illustrated.] Descriptive pas- sages from the works of Homer, Herodo- Costume — concluded. tus, and other Greek authors. London, 1882. 12° 687.4 Wingfield, L. Civil costume in England, from the confjuest to the regency, as ex- emplified in the International Health Ex- hibition, South Kensington. London, 1884. 4° R. L. Cottage kitchen. The. A collection of practi- cal and inexpensive receipts. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 188:5. 12° 1228.1 Cottages of the Alps. A. C. Johnson. X.Y., 1860. 12° 663.16 Cotterill, C. C, and Little, E. D. Ships and sailors. London, 1868. 16' 641.19 Cotterill, James H. Applied mechanics. London, 1884. 8° 1319.5 Cottin, Mnip. Sophie. Elizabeth; or. The ex- iles of Siberia. N.Y., 18.59. 16° . . . 864.20 Matilda, Princess 0/ England. N.Y., 1885. 2 v. 16° 967.10 Cotton, John, Life of. A. W. McClure. Bos- ton, 1870. 12° 115.15 The same. .See Vol. I. of " Chief Fathers of N. E." Boston, 1870. 12° ... . 595.1 Cotton cultivation. Hand-book to. Madras versus America. J. T. Wheeler. N.Y., 1866. 12° 648.21 Cotton manufacture in the U.S. S. Batchelder. Boston, 186.3. 10' 6:35.9 Cotton spinning: its development, principles and practice. With an appendix on steam engines and boilers. R. Marsden. London, 1884. 16° 686.21 Cotton states. The, in the spring and summer of 1875. C. Xordhoff. N.Y., 1876. 8°, 727.16 Coues, Elliott. The check list of North Ameri- can birds. Boston, 1882. 8° .... 677.22 Fur-bearing animals of North America. Boston, 1877. 8° 656.5 Key to North American birds. N.Y., 1872. 8° 629.4 Coulson, J. G. A. The Clifton picture. Phila., 1878. 8° .395.24 The ghost of Redbrook. Phila., 1879. 8°, 377.18 The Lacy diamonds. X.Y., 1876. 8° . . 365.40 The odd trump. N.Y., 1875. S° . . . . 346.13 Coultas, Harland. The home naturalist. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 655.23 Council of Nice, History of the first, A. D. 325. With a life of Constantine. Dean Dudley. Boston, 1880. 16° 127.11 Counsel and comfort from a city pulpit. A. H.K.Boyd. Boston. 1864. 12° . . . 661.17 Count Erbach. A story of the reformation. A. Stein. X.Y.. [n.d.] 16° 943.8 Count of Monte Cristo. A. Dumas. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 427.37 The same 427.42 Count Robert of Paris. W.Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12° 314.7 The same 315.7 Count Silvius. G.Horn. X.Y.. 1882. 12° . 389.19 Counterfeit presentment, A. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1877. 18° :568.28 The same 391 . 16 Counterparts; or. The cross of love. S. E. Sbeppard. Boston, 1859. 8° .... 361.31 Countess Gisela. E. John. Mrs. Wister, Trans. Phila., 1869. 12° 316.12 The same 316.20 80 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Country book, A. W. Ilowitt. Londdii, 1859. V2° G(il.l9 Country by-ways. S. (). Jewett. Boston, 1881. 18° 12U.1 The Siiiiie Till. 2 Country cousins. Short stutlies in the natural history of the U. S. E. Ingersoll. N.Y., 1884. 4° 02n.l4 The same 926.15 Country doctor, A. S. O. Jewett. Boston, 1884. 12° 958.6 The same 958.7 Country gentleman. A, and his family. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. London, 1886. 12°, 976.14 Country homes, and how to save money. S. E.Todd. Hartford, 1870. 8° . . . . 241.1 Country life. R. M. Copeland. Boston, 18(!0. 8° 647.13 Country living and country thinking. M. A. Dodge. Boston, 1863. 12° 217.19 Country of the dwarfs. P. Du Chaillu. N.Y., 1872. 12° 715.2 Country pleasures. The chronicle of a year, chiefly in a garden. O. Milner. Boston, 1881. 12° 1212.5 Country quarters. CountesK of Blessington. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 367.15 Country walks of a naturalist with his chil- dren. W. Houghton. London, 1869. 16° 461.22 Coup d'Etat, The story of the. M. De Mau- pas. X.Y., 1884. 12° 1415.3 Coupland, William C. The spirit of Goethe's "Faust." London, 1885. 12°. . . . 1248.3 Coupon bonds, and other stories. J. T. Trow- bridge. Boston, 1873. 12° 413.2 Course of empire. The. Outlines of the chief political di.anges in the history of the world. C. G. Wheeler. Boston, 1884. 8° 594 4 Court circles of the republic. Society at Wash- ington. Mrs. C. F. EUet and Mrs. 1!. E. Mack. Phila., 1872. 8° 174.10 Court customs. Old, and modern court rule. Mrs. Armytage. London, 1883. 12'' . . 1228.5 Court of Anna Carafa. Mrs. H. R. St. John. London, 1872. S" 347.48 Court Eoyal. [A novel.] S. Baring-Gouhl. Phila., 1886. 12° . 976.0 Courtship and marriage. Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Phila., [n.d.) 12'' 375.8 Courtship in seventeen hundred and twenty, and in eighteen hundred and sixty. Ro- mances of two centuries. II. Smart. Phila., 1877. 16° 364.00 Cousin, Victor. History of modern philosophy. N.Y., 1853-54. 2 v. 12° 027.1(3 The youth of Mme. de Longueville. N.Y., 18.54. 12° 151.7 Cousin Clara ; or, The mislaid jewels. D. Wise. Chicago, 1881. 10° 918.7 Cousin from India, The. G. M. Craik. N.Y., 1871. 16° 462.23 Cousin Henry. A. Trollope. N.Y.. [n.d.] 12°, 963.4 Cousin Maude and Rosamond. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. X.Y., 1874. 12° 424.3 The same 424.24 Cousin Polly's gold mine. Mrs. A. E. Porter. N.Y., 1878. 8° 377.10 Cousins. L. B. Walford. N.Y., 1879. 16° . 376.7 The same 376.40 Covetousness, .\n essay on., T. Dick. N.Y., 183il. 12' Cowper, William, Life of. G. Smith. (Eng- lish men of letters.) N.Y., 1880. 12° . Trans. Homers "Iliad." X.Y., 1855. 12° Poetical works. Boston, [n.d.] 3 v. 16° The task. See " Annotated poems" . . Cox, George W. The Greeks and the Persians. N.Y., 1876. 16° An introduction to the science of compara- tive mytliology and folk-lore. London, 1881. 12° Lives of Greek statesmen. Solon, Themis- tokles. London, 1885. 16° The same. Ephialtes — Hermokrates. N.Y., 1886. 16° Mythology of the Aryan nations. London, 1870. 2 V. 8° . ." and Jones, E H. Popular romances of the middle ages. N.Y., 1880. 12° .... The same Tales of Teutonic lands. London, 1872. ]2° Cox, Jacob D. Atlanta. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) N.Y., 1882. 12° . . . . The march to tlie sea, Franklin and Nash- ville. N.Y., 1882. 12° Cox, John E. Old constitutions of the Free Masons. London, 1871. 8° Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River. N.Y., 1832. 8° Cox, Samuel S. Arctic sunbeams; or. From Broadway to the Bosphorus, by way of the nortli pole. X.Y., 1882. 12° . . . Orient sunbeams; or, From the Porte to the Pyramids. N.Y., 1882. 12° Search for winter sunbeams. N.Y., 1870. 8° Cox.Sidney. Friendly counsel for girls. N.Y., ISOS. 12° Coxe, William. House of Austria. Limdon, 1847. 4 V. 12° Marlborough, Memoirs of the Buke of. Lon- don, 1848. 3 V. 12° Cozzens, Fred S. The sayings of Dr. Busli- wliacker. N.Y., 1867. 12° The Sparrowgrass papers. N.Y., 1870. 12°, Cozzens, .Samuel W. The marvellous country; or, Three years in Arizona and New Mex- ico. Boston, [n.d.] 8° The same The young silver seekers. Boston, 1883. 10°" The young trail hunters. Boston, 1877. 10° Crabbe, litv. George. Life. By his son, George Crabbe. Boston, 1834. 12° . . }Vork.t : Poems. London, 1847. 12° Tales and poems. London, 1847. 12° . Crabtre, A. D. The funny side of physic. Hartford, 1872. 8° CracoTW and the Carpathians, Try. A. H. Hutchinson. London, 1872. 12° . . . Craddock, Charles E., pseud. See Murfree, M. N. Cradock No well. A tale of the New Forest, R. D. Blackmore. N.Y., 1806. 8° . . 287.10 192.42 617.9 562.6 583.2 521.6 078.10 1131.8 1138.5 008.8 394.12 421.4 .333.25 591.23 591.24 246.4 665.4 772.13 772.15 725.6 266.22 .532.13 146.8 242.10 2,56.5 726.2 787.3 917.2 445.13 297.4 014.17 012.21 247.18 712.4 309.41 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 81 Craig, A. R. Tour luck's in your hand; or, The science of modern palmistry. Lon- duii. [n.d.l 12' 658.12 Craig -Kuox, Isa. Young folk's history of England. Boston, [n.d.] 12° ... . .512.7 Craik, Mrs. D. M. The adventures of a brownie. N.Y., 1872. 10° Agatha's husband. X.Y., |n.d.] 8= . . 843.9 The same .343. .S6 Alice Learmont. London, 1S84. lfi° . . 918.14 A brave lady. N.Y., 1870. 8° 343.6 The same 343.37 Children's poetry. London, 1881. 16°. . 576.3 Christian's mistake. N.Y., 18«6. 12° . . .343.12 The same 343.-38 Fair France, N.T., 1871. 12° .... 343.24 Trans. A French country family. N.T., 1868. 12° 34:3.13 n.annah. N.Y., 1872. 12° 343.15 The same 343.40 Head of the family. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . 343.7 The same 343.10 The same 343.41 Hero, and other stories. X.Y., 1874. 12°, 343.42 His little mother, and other tales .and sketches. N.Y., 1881. 12° 397.6 John Halifax, gentleman. N.Y., 18.59. 12°, .343.26 The same 343.27 The same .343.43 "King" Arthur. X.Y., 1886. 12° . . . 977.7 The laurel bush. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . . 343.35 The same 343.44 A legacy. Life of John Martin, schoolmas- ter and poet. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . . . 176.28 A life for a life. N.Y., 1869. 12° ... 34:3.22 The same 343.45 The little lame prince. N.Y., 187.5. 10° . 4:36.10 Little Sunshine's holiday. N.Y., 1871. 16° 462.20 Miss Tommy. A mediseval romance. In a house-boat. A journ.il. N.Y., 1884. 12° 958.13 Mistress and maid. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . 343.21 The same 343.46 My mother and L N".Y., 1874. 12°. . . 343.23 The same 343.48 A noble life. N.Y., 1866. 12° 343.17 The same 343.18 The same 343.19 The same ;343.49 The Ogilvies. N.T., 1871. 12° .... :343.14 The same 343. .50 Olive. N.Y., 1866. 16° .343.28 The same 343.51 Plain speaking. [Essays.] N.Y., 1882. 12°, 1212.24 Poems. Boston, [nd.] 16° .551.28 Plucky boys. Boston, [n.d.] 12° ... 928.9 Sermons out of church. N.Y., 187.5. 12° . 218.22 The same .343.52 Studies from life. N.Y., 1861. 12°. . . .343.25 The same 343. .53 Thirty years. Poems new and old. Boston, 1881. 16° .575.6 Twenty years ago. N.Y., 1872. 16° . . 462.22 Two marriages. N.Y., 1867. 12°. . . . 343.16 The same 34:3.54 Unkind word, and other stories. N.Y., 1870. 12° 343.20 The same 343. .55 A woman's kingdom. N.Y., 1808. 8°. . 34:3.8 The same 343.56 Craik, Mrs. D. M. — concluded. A woman's thoughts about women. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .343.11 Young Mrs. Jardine. X.Y., 1880. 12° . 396.9 Craik, George L. English literature, History of. N.Y., 1864. 2 V. 4° 231.1 Ed. The pursuit of knowledge under diffi- culties. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 12° . . 242 17 The same 1228.15 and others. England, Pictorial history of. London, 1849. 8 v. 8° 517.3 Craik, Georgiana M. Anne Warwick. N.Y., 1877. 8° 365.53 Cousin from India. N.Y., 1871. 16° . . 462.23 Hard to bear. A true man, by M. C. Ster- ling. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . " .369.20 M,ark Dennison's charge. N.Y., 1881. 12°, 379.15 Sylvia's choice. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 346.16 Craik, Henry. The State in its relation to ed- ucation. London, 1884. 12° .... 1237.10 Crampton, G. E. E. Silver sands. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 433.12 Cranch, Christopher P. Satan. [A libretto.] Boston, 1874. 16° .551.38 Trans, of Virgil's " JEneid." Boston, 1872. 8° 617.4 Crane, Anne M. Opportunity. Boston, 1867. 12° 334.15 Crane, J. L. The two circuits. Chicago, 1878. 12° 942.22 Crane, Thomas F. Italian popular tales. Bos- ton, 1885. 8° 395.25 Crane, William W., and Moses, Bernard. Poli- tics. An introduction to the study of comparative constitutional law. N.Y., 1884. 12° 12:32.13 Cranford. Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° ... • 364.21 Cranmer, Thomas, Life and times of. Mrs. K. F. Lee. Phila., 1855. 16° ... . 111.4 Craque-o'-doom. A story. M. H. Cather- wood. Phila., 1881. 12° 389.7 Crater, The. J.F.Cooper. N.Y., 185.5. 12°, 312.12 The same 381.4 Craven, Mme. Augustus. Eliane. X.Y., 1882. 16° 941.11 Fleurange. N.Y., 1873. 16° :362.9 A sister's story. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 165.1 Cra'wford, Francis Marion. An American poli- tician. [A novel.] Boston, 1885. 12° . 965.6 Dr. Claudius. N.l'., 18S:3. 12° .... 947.7 The s-ame 947.8 Mr. Isaacs. X.Y., 1882. 12° 944.15 The same 952.6 The same 952.7 A Roman singer. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 958.1 The same 9.58.2 A tale of a lonely p.arish. N.Y., 1886. 12°, 977.4 Zoroa-sler. [A novel.] N.Y., 1885. 12° . 965.22 Crawford, J. B. The Credit Mobilier of America. Its origin and history. Boston, IS,80. 12° 126.9 Crawford, Mabel S. Life in Tuscany. X.Y., 18.59. 12° 666.11 The same 715.3 Crawrford, Robert. Across the Pampas and the Aiule.<. London, 1884. 12° 786.16 Craw^furd, Oswald. Portugal, Old and new. London. 1880. 8° 767.3 The world we live in. [A novel.] N.Y., 1884. 16° 962.14 82 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Crayfish, The. An introduction to tlie study of zoology. T. H. Huxley. N.Y., 1880. 12° 675.16 Crayon, Porte, pseud. See Strother. H. D. Crayon miscellany, The. W. Irving. X.T., 1S.54. 12° 243.0 Creagh, James. Over the borders of Christen- dom and Eslaraiah. London, 1870. 2 v. 8° 408.12 Creasy, Edward -S. England, History of, from the earliest times. Vcibt. I. and II. (To Richard III.) London, 1869. 2 v. 8° . 1428.4 History of the Ottoman Turks. London, 1877. 12° 49.'}. 3 Rise and progress of the English constitu- tion. London, 1880. 12° 1422.11 Creation. The biblical cosmogony in the light of modern science. A. Guyot. X.Y., 1884. 12° . 1318.1 Creation, The, and the early developments of society. J. II. Chapin. N.Y., 1880. 12° 120.8 Creation, Sketches of. A. Winchell. N.T., 1870. 12° 244.18 Creative week. Studies in the. G. D. Board- man. N.Y.. 1878. 12° 282.13 Creator and creation. L. P. Hickok. Boston, 1872. 8° 24.5.16 Credit Mobilier of America: Its origin and his- tory, and the relation of members of Congress therewith. J. B. Crawford. Boston, ISSO. 12° 126.9 Credulities past and present. Amulets, talis- mans, divination, etc. W. Jones. Lon- don, 1880. 12° 126.10 Creed and greed. [Lectures.] D. W. Rhodes. Cincinnati, 1879. 12° . . ._. . . . 292.16 Creighton, Louise. Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough. Uie ot. N.Y., 1879. 16°, 181.22 Edward, the Black Prince, Life of. N.Y., 1878. 10° 181.21 Creighton, Mandell. Age of Elizabeth, History of. N.Y., 1870. 10° 511.17 Simon de Monlfort, Earl of Leicester, Life of. N.Y., 1870. 10° ." 181.23 Cremation and other modes of sepulture. K. E. Williams. Phila., 1884. 10° ... 1313.8 Cremer, Hermann. Beyond the grave. N.Y., 18S6. 16° . . 1238.22 Creoles, The, of Louisiana. G. W. Cable. X.Y., 1884. 8° 1423.5 Cressy and Poictiers; or. The story of the Black Prince's page. J. G. Edgar. London, [n.d.] 12° 917.6 Crests from the ocean world; or. Experiences in a voyage to Europe. A. Tripp. Bos- ton, 1864. 12° 714.21 The same 667.10 Crew of the " Dolphin." H. Smith. N.Y., 1870. 18° 362.48 Crichton, Andrew. Arabia, History of. N.Y., 1,S.5.5. 2 V. 16° 471.4 Crichton, E.. and ^^^leaton, H. Scandinavia, History of. N.Y., 18-54. 2 v. 16° . . 473.9 Cricket field. The. Boston, 18.59. 10°. . . 652.24 Cricket's friends, The. B. W. Johnson. Bos- ton, 1868. 16° 4.53.23 Crime in England, History of. Illustrating the changes of the laws, in the progress of civilisation. L. O. Pike. London, 1870. 2 V. 8° 1428.5 Crime, Increase of, and its cause, with a few solid questions. A. B. Boone. Boston, 1S72. 12° 201 20 Crime, The punishment and prevention of. E. F. Du Cane. London, 1SS.5. 12°. . . 1248.2 Crime of Christmas day. A tale of the Latin Quarter. N.Y., 1885. 10° '.t60.12 Crime of Henry Vane, The. F. J. Stimson. N.Y., 1884. 16° 957.17 Crimea, The British expedition to. W. H. Ru.ssell. London, 1858. 8° 664.6 Crimea, The, and Transcaucasia. The narr.i- tive of a journey. J. B. Telfer. Lon- don, 1S70. 2 v. 8° 767.15 Crimea, The invasion of the. A. W. Kinglake. N.Y., lS6.!-75. 4 v. 8° ....". . 515.4 Crimea, War in the. W. H. Russell. London, 18-55. 12° 512.4 Crimean war, With Lord Stratford in the. J. H. Skeene. London, 1883. 8° . . . . 1412.2 Criminal trials in England, during the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Vol. II. D. Jardine. London, [n.d.] 16° ... . 473.28 Cringle and cross-tree. W. T. .\dams. Boston, 1874. 16° 457.27 Cripple of Anlioch, and other scenes. Mrs. E. R. Charles. N.Y., 1804. 12° . . . 364.37 Cripps, the carrier. R. D. Blackmore. N.Y., 1876. 8° .365.69 Criss-cross. [A novel.] G. D. Litchfield. N.Y., 18a5. 10° 969.16 Cristiani, R. S. A technical treatise on .soap and candles, fats and oils. Phila., 1881. 8° 677.7 Criterion, The. H. T. Tuckerman. N.Y., 1806. 12° 2.54.26 Critical essays, and literary notes. B. Taylor. NY., 1880. 12° 125.8 Critical and social essays. N.Y., 1867. 10° . 253.23 Critical miscellanies. (First series.) J. Mor- ley. N.Y., 1879. 12° 286.23 Criticisms on the best authors of the nine- teenth century. W. Shepard, £J. Phila., 188-5. 16° 1241.24 Crock of gold. The. M. F. Tupper. N.Y., 184-5. 12° 371.22 Crocker, LTriel II. Excessive saving a cause of commercial distress. Boston, 1884. 8° . 1322.5 The history of a title. Boston, 188.5. 4°. 395.23 Crocker the clown. B. Clarke. London, [n.d.] 10° 444.31 Crockett, David, Life and adventures of. J. S.C.Abbott. N.Y., 1874. 10°. . . . 715.11 Croffut, W. A. A midsummer lark. X.Y., 1883. 16° 943.24 Crofton boys, The. H. Alartineau. London, [n.d.] 10° 4.54.9 Croker, John Wilson, Secretary to lite Admir- alty, 1809-30. Correspondence and dia- ries. L.P.Jennings. X.Y., 1884. 2 v. 8°, 1122.13 CroU, James. Discussions on climate and cos- mology. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1327.11 Croly, George. The beauties of the British poets. Boston, 1861. 12° 573.18 George IV., Life and times of. N.Y., 18.5-5. 10° 121-17 Salathiel. [A story.] N.Y., 1833. 2 v. 12° 640.8 Croly, Mrs. Jennie C. For better or worse. Boston, 1875. 12° 247.16 Jennie Juueiana. Boston, 1864. 12° . . 242 I CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 83 Crommelin, May. A jewel of a girl. N.Y.,1878. go . . ; 365.74 Croimwell, Oliver. Cailyle, T. Letters, speeches, etc., of. Lou- don, [n.d.] 12=' . . . Vols, viii.-x. of 12.35.1 Letters and speeches with elucidations. N.Y., 1800. 2v. 12° 164.13 Guizot, F. Life of C. London, 1877. 12°, 192.17 Lamartine, A de. Life of C. N.Y., 1877. Kjo 181.10 Miniihy, D. Cromwell in Ireland. A his- tory of Croinwell's Irish campaign. Duh- lin, 1S83. 8° 1412.3 Picton, J. L. The man and his mission. N.Y., |n.d.] 8° 1116.13 Russell, M. Life of C. X.Y., 18.52. 2 v. 16° 1111 Stewart, C. E. A story of the civil war. London, 1857. 2 v. 12' 940.14 Crook straightened, The. Sequel to " Crooked and straight." M. E. Berry. Boston, 1808. 16° 433.22 Crooked and straight. M. E. Berry. Boston, ]S(i7. 16° 433.21 Crooked places. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 337.2 Crosby, (i.S. The mystery. Phila., 187.5. 12°, 415.4 Crosby, Sylvester C. Early coins of America. Boston, 1878. 4° 629.9 Crosland, Mrs. Xewton. Hubert Freeth's pros- perity. Phila., 1874. 12° 853.16 Memorable women. Boston, 18.57. 12° . 163.9 Cross, .1. \V., Ed. George Eliot's life as relat- ed in her letters and journals. N.Y., 1885. 3v. 12° 1134.3 The same 1134.6 Cross, Mrs. Marian, [pseud., George Eliot.) Blind, M. Life of. Boston, 188.3. 16°. .1115.10 Cooke, G. W. A critical study of her life, writings and philosophy. Boston, 1883. 12° 1118.20 Tl'orts ; Adam Bede. N.Y., 1859. 12° ... . 3.37.15 The same, with Felix Holt. Scenes of a clerical life. Boston, 1870. 12° . . . 337.29 Daniel Deronda. X.Y., 1870. 2 v. 12°, .337.24 The same .337.25 The same. 8°. [Complete] .... 3.37.26 The same 3-37.27 The same 337.28 Essays and leaves from a note-book. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1237.1 Trans. Essence of Christianity. Boston, 1884. 12°. . 129.23 Felix Holt. X.Y., 1866. 8° 337.22 The same 337.23 The impressions of Theophrastus Such. N.Y., 1870. 12° 337.32 The legend of Juhal, and other poems. Boston, 1874. 10° 566.7 Middlemarch. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 v. 12° . 337.19 The same 337.20 The same. 8° 337.21 Mill on the Floss. N.Y., 1860. 12° . . 337.10 The same, with Romola and Silas Mar- ner. Boston. 1870. 12° 3.37.30 Romola. Boston, 1869. 12° 3.37.17 Silas Marner. N.Y., 1801. 12° ... 337.18 Spanish gipsy. [A drama.] Bost.. 1868. 16°, 566.3 Wit and wisdom of George Eliot. [Selec- tions.] Boston, 1873. 8° 362.40 Cross above the crescent. A romance of Con- stantinople. H. Southgate. Phila., 1878. 12° 374.6 Cross and crescent. W. T. .\dams. Boston, 1875. 10° 458.9 Cross and the dragon ; or, Light in the broad East. B. C. Henry. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 792.2 Cross of Berny. The. E. de Girardin, and others. Phila., [n.d.] 12° *«.22 Cross patch, and other stories. Adapted from the myths of Motlier Goose. S. C. Wool- sey. Boston, 1881. 16° 913.16 Crouch, Julia. Three successful girls. X.Y., ISTl. 12° 317.18 Cro-we, Catharine. Ghosts and ghost-seers. N.Y., 1808. 12° 224.10 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Early Flemish painters. London, 1872. 1;^° . 668.14 History of painting in Xorlh Italy. Lon- don, 1871. 2 T. 8° 669.9 Titian. His life and times, with some ac- count of his family. London, 1877. 2v. 8°, 196.6 Crowest, F. Great tone-poets. London^ 1874. 8° 114.6 Crown from the spear. Mrs. C. V. Hamilton. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 377.13 Crown of wild olive. Lectures on work, traffic, and war. J. Ruskin. X.Y., 1806. 12°, 624.14 The same. 1882 689.2 Crowned heads of the time. Portraits with short biuth Africa. London, 1879. 8° . . . 783.4 Cup and the falcon. [Poem.] A. Tennyson. N.Y., 1884. 16° 584.17 Cup and platter; or. Notes on food and its effects. G. O. Drewry and H. C. Bartlett. London, 1870. 16° 073.21 Cupid and the sphinx. H. Flemming. N.Y., 1878. 12° 382.18 Cupples, A. J. Master Charlie. Phila., 1871. 16° 451.13 Cupples, George. Cupples Howe, mariner. Boston, 1885. 16° 967.7 The deserted ship. Boston, 1873. 16°. . 444.27 The same 914.17 The green hand. London, 1879. 10° . . 447.17 Cupples, Mrs. George. Driven to sea; or. The adventures of Norris Seton. Boston, 1881. 12° 444.28 Thesame 014.19 Singular creatures and how they were found. Boston, 1872. 16° 4.52.12 Cupples Howe, mariner. G. Cupples. Bos- ton, 1885. 16° 907.7 Curate, The, and the rector. E. Strutt. N.Y., 1S71. 12° 414.2 Curate in charge. The. Mrs. M. 0. W. Oli- phant. London, 1883. 10° 000.14 Thesame. 8° 427.38 Curiosities of the law reporters. F. F. Heard. Boston, 1871. 12° 246.22 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 85 Curiosities of the search-room. A collection of serious and wliimsical wills. London, 1880. 8° 1216.10 Curious myths of the middle af;es. S. Baring- Gould. Boston, 1867. 12° 2.53.16 Curious questions in history, literature, and social life. A manual of general infor- mation. S. H. Killikelly. Pittshurgh, Pa., [n.d.] 8° 12.53.4 Currier, Mrs. Sophronia. By the sea. N.Y., 1871. 12° 242.4 Curse of Clifton. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 18.51. 12° 415.9 Curse of gold. Mrs. A. S. Stephens. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 375.1.5 Curtis, Mrs. C. 6. From Madge to Margaret. Boston, 1884. 12° 391.24 The same tt.j2.8 Curtis, Benjamin Robbins. Memoir and writ- ings. Ed. by his son, B. R. Curtis. Bos- ton, 1879. 2v. 8° 193.2 Dottings round the circle. Boston, 1876. 8°, 487.1 Curtis, George Ticknor. Buchanan, James, Life of. N.Y., 18S:j. 2 v. 8° . . . . 1119.2 MeClellan's last service to the Republic. N.Y., 1886. 16° 1411.23 U. S., History of the constitution of the. N.Y., 18.58. 2v. 8° 546.1 Webster, Daniel, Life of. N.Y., 1870. 2 v. 8° 155.2 Curtis, George William. Bryant, William Cul- leu, Life, character and writings of. A commemorative address. N.Y., 1879. 12°, 182.4 The Howadji in Syria. N.Y., 1867. 12° . 722.3 Lotus-eating. N.Y., 1854. 12° .... 667.14 Nile notes of a Howadji. N.Y., 1S70. 16°, 725.18 The Potiphar papers. N.Y., 1858. 12° . 247.9 Piue and I. N.Y., 1858. 12° 364.24 Trumps. N.Y., 1861. 12° 341.8 Curtis, Samuel I. Ingersoll and Moses. Chi- cago, 1880. 16° 127.18 Curtius, E. Greece, History of. N.Y., 1871. 5v. 12° 523.1 CurTven, Henry. A history of booksellers. London, 1873. 12° 235.8 Curiwen, Samuel, Joiu'iuil and letters. 1775- 83. G.A.Ward. Boston, 1864. 8°. . 168.7 Cusack, M. F. Daniel O'Connell; the libera- tor. His life and times, political and social. Dublin, 187.5. 2 v. 8°. . . . 174.18 Speeches and public letters of O'Connell the liberator. Dublin, 1875. 2 v. 8° . 174.19 Cushing, Caleb. The treaty of Washington. N.Y., 1873. 12° 477.11 Cushing, L. S. M.anual of parliamentary law. Boston, [n.d.] 18° 1251.18 Cushing, William. Inde.x to the North Ameri- can Review. Cambridge, 1878. 8° . . 359.2 Initials and pseudonyms. A dictionary of literary disguises. N.Y., 1885. 8° . . 1233.6 Cushnian, Charlotte. Her letters and memo- ries of her life. E. Stebbins, Ed. Bos- ton, 1878. 8° 174.15 The same 174.16 Life of. (American actor series.) C. E. Clement. Boston, 1882. 12° ... . 1111.14 Cushman family, Genealogy of the. H. W. Cushman. Boston, 18-55. 8° . . . . 154.2 Cussans, John E. The grammar of heraldry. London, 1366. 16° 652.26 Hand-book of heraldry. London, 1882. 12°, 685.9 Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth B. " Boots and sad- dles." N.Y., 1885. 12° 792.5 Custer, George A. Life. F. Whittaker. N.Y., 1876. 8° 174.2 Custis, G. W. P. Washington, George, Pri- vate memoirs of. N.Y., 1860. 8°. . . 137.2 Customs, ceremonies and superstitions. Ob- • servations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain. J. Brand and H. Ellis. London, 1877. 3 v. 12° 222.5 The same 1227.9 Cut: a story of West Point. G. L Cervus. Phila., 1886. 12° 976.16 Cuthbert, J. H. Fuller, Richard, U.D., Life of. N.Y., 1879. 12° 182.7 Cutter, John C. Lessons in hygiene. Phila., 1885. 12° 1325.15 Cutts, M. P. S. Jarvis, Hon. W., Life and times of. N.Y., 1869. 12° 113.8 Cuvier, Georges. The animal kingdom. Lon- don, 1849. 8° 629.8 Essay on the theory of the earth. N.Y., 1818. 8° 643.6 Cuzco and Lima. C. R. Markham. London, 18.56. 12° 660.14 Cyclades, The; or. Life among the insular Greeks. J. T. Bent. London, 1885. 12°, 789.21 Cyclopaedia. See also Encyclopajdia. Cyclopsedia, The annual. 18&4-85. N.Y. 8=, R. L. Burn, R. S. Self-aid C. (Drawing and Mechanics.) London, [n.d.] 8° . . . 669.27 Cassell's concise C. N.Y., 1883. 8° . . . 1223.2 Champlin, J. D., Jr. Cyclop;cdia of com- mon things for young folks. N.Y., 1879. 8° 284.11 The young folks' cyclopnedia of persons and places. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . . . 293.4 Cooley's cyclopsedia of receipts and infor- mation, in the arts, maiuifactures, profes- sions and trades. X.Y., 1880. 2 V. 8°, 275.5 Johnson's universal cycloptedia. A scien- tific and popular treasury of useful knowl- edge. N.Y.. 1S78. 4 V. Roy. 8° . . . R. L. Lalor, J. L., Ed. Cyclopasdia of political science, political economy, and of the po- litical history of the U.S. Chicago, 1883. 3 v. 8° R. L. McClintock and Strong, J. Cyclopsedia of biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature. N.Y., 1880-81. 10 v. 8° . R. L. Supplement to the same. Vol. L .A-Cn. N.Y., 1885. 8° R. L. Cyclopaedic science simplified. J. H. Pepper. London, 1869. 16° 635.10 Cyprus. Baker, S. W. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. London, 1879. ' 8° 763.22 Cesnola, L. P. di. Its ancient cities, tombs and temples. Researches and excavations during ten years residence in that island. N.Y.. 1878. 8° 538. 7 Liiher, F. von. Historical and descriptive Cvprus; with additional matter by Mrs. A. B. Joyner. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . . 493.16 Cyrilla. [.4. novel.] Baroness Tautphoeus. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 346.47 Cyrus the Great, History of. J.Abbott, N.Y., 1854. 16° 122.12 Czar, The. A tale of the time of Napoleon I. By the author of "The Spanish Brothers.'' London, 1882. 12° 942.23 86 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Daal, Marie. Anna, the professor's daughter. C. Mueller, Tram. Boston, 1S85. 12° . 968.15 Dab Kinzi-r. A story of a growing boy. W. O. StoiUlard. X.Y., ISSl. 10= 913.12 Daddy Danvin's dovecote. A country tale. • .1. II. Ewing. Boston, 18S5. l(i° . . . 921.14 Dagonet the jester. London. 1S86. 12"= . . 976.4 Dahlgreu, Rcar-Admiral John A. Memoir by his widow, Mrs. M. V. Dahlgren. Bos- ton, 1S82. 8== 1116. r, Dahlgren, Ulric, Memoir of. Pliila., 1872. 8° 114.:3 Dahlgren, Mrs. Madeline V. The lost name. Boston, 1882. 12° 976.6 South Mountain magic. Boston, 1882. 12°, 1217.16 South Sea sketches. Boston, 1881. 12° . 768.24 A Washington winter. Boston, 1883. 12°, 946.12 Dahn, Felix. Felicitas. A tale of tlie German migrations, A. D. 476. London, 1883. 12°, 952.16 Daily bread, and other stories. Boston, 1870. 16° 432. 2.j Dairy farming, to which is added a description of the chief continental systems. J. Long. London, 188.">. 12° 1612.10 Dairy farming; tlie theory, practice and meth- ods of dairying. J. P. Sheldon. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° R. L. Daisy. A sequel to "Melbourne House." S. Warner. Phila., 1874. 12° .374.4 Daisy chain, The. C. M. Tonge. X.Y., 1865. 2 V. 12° 322.4 Daisy Miller. [A study.] H. James, Jr. N.Y., 1879. 32° .391.7 The same. (A comedy in three acts.) H.James. Boston, 1883. 12° . . . 947.10 Daisy Plains. [A story.] S. Warner. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 972.8 Daisy Thornton and Jessie Graham. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... . 424.42 The same 424.43 Daisy Travers ; or. The girls of Hive Hall. A. T. Samuels. Boston, 1876. 16° . . . ,364.58 D'Albertis, L. M. New Guinea; what I did, and what I saw. Boston, 1S81. 2 v. 8°, 767.16 Dale, K. W. Impressions of America. N.Y., 1878. 18° . . . ■ 283.1 Nine lectures on preaching. Delivered at Yale College, 1878. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . 272.32 Dall, Mrs. Caroline H. The college, the mar- ket, and the court. Boston, 1867. 12° . 223.20 Historical pictures retouched. Boston, 1860. 12° 217.17 My first holiday. Letters from Colorado, Utah and California. Boston, 1881. 12°, 768.-22 Patty Gray's journey to the Cotton Islands. Boston, 1869-70. 3 v. 16°. From Boston to Baltimore 4.36.13 From Baltimore to Washington . . . . 436.14 On the way ; or, Patty at Mount Vernon, 436. 15 What we really know about Shakespeare. Boston, 1886. 12° 1248. 17 Woman's right to labor. Lectures. Bos- ton, 1860. 12° 262.13 The same 287.16 Dall, W. H. Alaska and its resources. Boston, 1870. 8° 727.5 Dallas, Alexander J. Life and writings, by his son. Phila., 1871. 8° 152.9 Dalton, J. G. Lyra bicyclica. Forty poets on the wheel. Boston, 1880. 16° ... . 583.10 The same 683.25 Daltou, John C. Human physiology. Phila., 1S7I. 8° 633.1 Dalton, William. Stories of conquests of Mex- ico and Peru. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 463.6 The white elephant. X.Y., 1860. 16° . . 463.7 Daltous, The. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.) 16° 351.7 Daly, Frederic. Henry Irving in England and America. London, 1S84. 12° ... . 1128.13 Dame Nature. Trans, from the French of X. B. .Saintine. N.Y., 1869. 16° .... 434.12 Daman's gliost. [A novel.] K, L. Bynner. (Uound robin series.) Boston, 1881. 16°, 398.11 The same 398.12 Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders; a companion for the seaside. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . . 658. '24 Dan, the detective. H. Alger, Jr. N.Y., 1884. 16° 917.16 Dana, James, D.D. Sermons to young people. New Haven, 1806. 4° 232.9 Dana, James D. Corals and coral islands. N.Y., 1872. 8° 623.3 Dana, liichard Henry, Jr. Poems and prose writings. N.Y., 1850. 2 v. 12° ... 230.7 To Cuba and back. Boston, 1859. 12° . 661.20 Two years before the mast. N.Y., 1840. 18° 362. .32 The same. 16° 434.18 The same 434.24 Dana, Samuel L. Muck manual for farmers. Lowell, 1851. 12° 648.26 Danbury, Life in. J. M. Bailey. Boston, 1873. 12° 234.22 Danbury boom. The. Phases in the social and domestic history of tliat remarkable vil- lage. J.M.Bailey. Bostcm, 1880. 16°, 127.12 Dance of death. The. Hans Holbein, (Ar- tist.) With explanatory descriptions, by H. Noel Humphreys. (Illustrated.) Lon- ■ don, 1808. 10° 041.15 Danforth, Parke, pseud. See Talbot, Hannah. Danger; or, Wounded in the house of a friend. A temperance story. T. S. Arthur. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .345.30 Danger signals. The enemies of youth, from the business man's standpoint. F. E. Clark. Boston, 1885. 12° 1248. 13 Dangers and duties. Talks to men and women. D. W. Rhodes. Phll.a., 1880. 12°. . . 127.2 Dangerous classes of New York. C. L. Brace. N.Y., 1872. 12° 246.14 Daniel, George. Merrie England in the olden time. London, [n.d.] 12° 511.6 Daniel Deronda. Mrs. M. Cross. N.Y., 1876. 2 V. 12° .337.24 The same 337.25 The same, (complete. ) 8° .337.26 The same 337.27 The same 337.28 Daniell, Alfred. The principles of jdiysics. London, 1884. 8° 1319.7 Daniels, W. H., Ed. Haven, liittliop Gilbert, Memorials of. Boston, 1880. 12°. . . 194.15 Temperance reform, and its great reform- ers. N.Y., 1878. 8° 274.15 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 87 Danish Greenland; its people and its products. Dr. H. Kink. London, 1S77. 8° . . . 767.1 Danish parsonage, A. By an angler. London. 18S4. 12° 959.15 Dannenberg, Georg. From liand to hand. Phila., 1882. IT 389.23 A new race. [A novel.] Phila., 1S80. 12° 396.27 Dante. Blow. S. E. A study of. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.11 Botta, V. Dante as philosopher, patriot and poet. N.Y., 186.5. 12° 567.7 Oliphant, Mrs. il. O. W. Dante. (Foreign classics for English readers. No. 1.) Phila., 1877. 16° 271.10 Dante. (See "Makers of Florence.") r; London, 1876. 8° 173.11 Rossetti, D. G., Ed. and Trans. Dante and his circle. London, 1874. 8° . . . . 146.14 Rossetti, M. F. A shadow of Dante. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 567.1 Symonds, J. A. Study of Dante. London, 1872. 12° 567.9 irorfes ; The divina commedia. J. Ford, Tran.f. London, 1870. 12° 578.7 The divine comedy. H. W. Longfellow, Trarui. Boston, 1867. 3 v. 8° . . . 567-16 Vol. I. Inferno. II. Purgatorio. III. Paradise. The divine comedy. (First canticle.) T. W. Parsons, Tran.f. Boston, 1807. 8° 567.15 The new life. C. E. Norton, Trajis. Bos- ton, 1SU7. 8° 567.13 Vita nuova. Trans., with an introduc- tion and notes, by T. Martin. Edin- burgh, 1871. 16° 1241.2 The vision ; or, Hell, purgatory and para- dise. H. F. Gary, Traiui. London, [n.d.] 12° .567.8 Danvers, Mass., Historical sketch of. C. H. Webber and W. S. Nevins. Salem, 1877. 12° 492.15 D'Anvers, N., pseud. See Bell, N. R. E. Daphne. [A novel.] By "Rita." Phila., 18.S0. 10° 391.22 D'Arblay, Mrae. F. B. Diary and letters. Ed. by her niece. London, 1854. 7 v. 16° 101.1 Works : Cecilia. London, 1796. 5 v. 16°. . . 331.7 Evelina. N.Y., 18.57. 2 v. 16° . . . 311.10 The wanderer. London, 1814. 5 v. 12°, 341.19 Darby, John. Brushland sketches. Phila., 18S2. 16° 1212.26 Hours with. Phila., 1877. 16° ... . 244.27 Daring and suffering. W. Pittenger. Phila., 1863. 16° 464.3 Daring voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, by two Americans, the brothers Andrews. N.T., 1880. 12° 761.10 Darius the Great, History of. J.Abbott. N.Y., 18.54. 16° 122.13 Dark continent. See Africa. Dark davs. F. Fargus. (H. Conway, pseut/.) N.Y., 1884. 1(F 966.3 Darkness and daylight. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.2 The same 424.25 Darling, Grace, the heroine of the Fame Isl- ands. Her life and its lessons. E. Hope. N.Y., 188.3. 16° 1115.17 DarUng, Mary G. In the world. Sequel to " Battles at home." Boston, 1871. 12°, 412.6 Darrell, Joyce. Winifred Power. [A novel.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 964.24 Darryll Gap. V. F. Townsend. Boston, 1866. 12° 354.2 Dartmouth College, History of. B. P. Smith. Boston, 1878. 8° 494.12 Darwin, Charles, Life of. G. Allen. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 1131.25 Works : Darwinism stated by Darwin himself. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1318.11 The descent of man. N.Y., 1871. 2 v. 12° 624.15 The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. N.Y., 1877. 12°, 6.58.2 Expression of the emotions in man and animals. N.Y., 187--5. 12° .... 624.10 The formation of vegetable mould through . the action of worms, with obsei-vation on their habits. N.Y., 1882. 12° . . 679.2 Insectivorous plants. N.Y., 1875. 12° . 647.21 Journal of his voyage in the ship "Bea- gle," round the world. N.Y., 1884. 12° 797.2 The same (abridged for the young) . . 676.2 The movements and habits of climbing plants. X.Y., 1876. 12° 647.26 Natural history and geology. N.Y., 1804. 2 V. 12° ^". 646.5 The origin of species. N.Y., 1860. 12°. 624.16 The variation of animals and plants. N.Y., 1868. 2v. 12° 622.13 and Francis. Power of movement in plants. N.Y., 1881. 12° • . . 678.5 Darwin, Erasmus, Life of. E. Krause. (Pref- ace by C. Darwin.) N.Y., 1880. 12° . 192.23 Darvriniana. Essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism. A. Gray. N.Y., 1876. 12° 228.22 Damrinism, and other essays. J. Fiske. Lon- don, 1879. 12° 292.17 The same 1248.10 The same 1318.10 Darwinism in morals. F. P. Cobbe. London, 1872. 8° 245.14 The same. 188.3. 12° 1225.16 Darwinism stated by Darwin himself. Pas- sages from the writings of Charles Dar- win. X. Sheppard, Ed. N.Y., 1884. 12°, 1318.11 Daryl, Philippe. Public life in England. H. Frith, Trans. X.Y.. [n.d.] 16° ... 771.23 Dasent, George Webbe. Annals of an eventful life. London, [n.d.] 12° 946.22 Dates, Dictionary of; relating to all ages and nations. J. Hayden. N.Y., 1877. 8° . 488.11 Dates, Index of. (.•Mphabetically arranged.) J. W. Rosse. London. 1859. 12° . . . 477.9 D'Aubign^, J. H. M. History of the reforma- tion, of the sixteenth century. N.Y., [n.d.] 5 V. 12° 476.1 The same. (Incomplete.) 1843. 8°. . 531.12 History of the reformation in Europe, in the time of Calvin. N.Y., 1873. 8 v. 12° 476.2 The same. Vol. 1 476.3 Daudet, Alphonse. Jack. Boston 1S77. 12°, 368.23 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Daudet, Alplionse — concluded. Kings in exile. [A novel.] Boston, ISSO. 1C° Little good-for-nothin;,'. Boston, 1878. 12°, The nabob. Boston, 187S. 12° .... Daughter of an Egyptian king. H. Reed, Trans. Phila., 1878. 12° Daughter of an empress. V. M. Mundt. N. Y., 18(57. 8° Daughter of Bohemia. [A novel.] F.C.Fisher. N.Y., 1874. 8° Daughter of Fife, A. A. E. Barr. N.Y., 188(5. 16° Daughter of Heth. W. Black. N.Y., 1871. 8°, Daughter of the Philistines. (No name series.) Boston, 18S3. 1(5° The same Daunt, Achilles. The land of the moose, the bear, and the beaver. London, 188.5. 12°, The same Three trappers. A story of adventure in the wilds of Canada. N.Y., 1882. 12° . Davault's mills. [A novel.] C. IL Jones. I'hila., 187(5. 12° D'Avenant, Sir William. Dramatic works. Edinburgh, 1872. 3 v. 8° Davenport, F. O. On a man-of-war. Detroit, 1878. 12° Davenport, John, Life of. A. VV. M'Clure. Boston, 1870. 8° Davenport, John, Life of. See Vol. II., Chief fathers of New England. Boston. 1870. 6 V. 12° Davenport, R. A. History of the Bastile and of its principal captives. London, 187.3. 12° The same Perilous ailventures. N.Y., 1855. 16° . . Davenport Dunn. C. J. Lever. London, 1872. 16° David, King of Israel. W. M. Taylor. N.Y., 187.5. 12° David Copperfield. C.Dickens. London, [n.d.] 383.16 368.. 37 ,368.34 361.58 325.4 365.43 975.26 347.24 945.7 945.8 792.11 935.3 916.23 361.48 615.1 281.21 115.16 595.1 .535.8 .595.11 711.8 351.8 145.11 2 V. 12° The same The same The same David Easterbrook: An Oxford story. T. Polk- inghorne. London, 1883. 12° ... . David Elglnbrod. G. Maedonald. Boston, [n.d] 12° Davidger, Reuben, Adventures of. J. Green- wood. N.Y., 1866. 12° Davids, T. W. Rhys. Buddhism. Life and teachings of Gautama the Buddha. Lon- don, [n.d.] 16° History of Indian Buddhism. N.Y., 1882. 8° Davidson, A. B. The book of Job, with notes. Cambridge, Eng., 1884. 12° Davidson, Ellis A. Boy joiner and model maker. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° Drawing for bricklayers. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, Drawing for cabinet makers. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° Drawnig for stone-masons. London, [n.d.] 12° Gothic stonework. Church architecture. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° Model drawing. Elementary principles of. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 355.4 356.4 357.4 393.6 946.15 3.36.12 713.19 271.24 1215.4 1238.12 654.14 681.2 681.3 681.4 681.5 Davidson, Mrs. H. M. Christian Osborne's friends. Edinburgh, 1869. 12° ... 414.13 Davidson, J. Morlsson. Eminent English lib- erals in and out of Parliament. Boston, 1880. 12° 192.29 The new Book of Kings. Boston, 1884. 16° 1421.2 Davidson, James Wood. The correspondent. X.Y., 188(5. 16° 1251.8 Davidson, J. Thain. Forewarned — forearmed. [Sermons to young men.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1249.4 Talks with young men. N.Y., 1884. 12° . 1232.23 The. same 1249.9 Davidson, L. M., Life of. C. M. Sedgwick. (American blograpliy. Vol. VII.) . . . 111.2 Davie, W. R., Life of. F. M. Hubbard. (Amer- ican biography. Vol. SV.) 111.3 Davies, Charles M. Heterodox London. Lon- don, 1874. 2 V. 8° 498.5 Mystic London. London, 1874. 8° . . . 498.6 Orthodox London. London, 1874. 8° . . 498.7 Unorthodox London. London, 1875. 8° . 498.8 The same 231 .9 Davies, Clement. Modern whist. N.Y., 1886. 16° 1611.10 Davies, E. The gift of the Holy Ghost. Read- ing, Mass., 1874. 12° 124.6 Davies, G. Christopher. Peter Penniless, game- keeper and gentleman. London, [n,d.] 12° 932.17 The "Swan " and her crew. London, [n.d.] 12° 922.12 Wildcat Tower; or. The adventures of four boys in pursuit of sport and natural his- tory in the North Countrie. London, [n.d.] 12° 932.13 Davies, G. S. Julian's dream. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 445.2 Davies, James. Hesiod and Theognis, Lives of. London, 1873. 16° 147.16 Davies, Thomas A. How to raalve money, and how to keep it. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . 3.52.32 Davies, William. The pilgrimage of the Tiber, from its mouth to its source. London, 1873. 8° 767.17 Davis, D. C. Earthy and other minerals, and mining. London, 1884. 12° 1324.13 Davis, Henry Winter. Speeches and addresses. N.Y., 1867. 8° 245.3 Davis, Irenfeus P. Hygiene for girls. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1313.3 Davis, Sir J. F. China. London, 1857. 2 v. 12° 476.6 The Chinese. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 v. 16° . . 471.8 The same 473.27 Davis, Jefferson. The rise and fall of the Con- federate government. N.Y., 1881. 2 v. 8° .593.2 Davis, L. Clarke. A stranded ship. N.Y., 1869. 16° 4;52.23 Davis, I>r. N. Carthage and her remains. N.Y., 1861. 8° 664.3 Davis, Rebecca Harding. A law unto herself. Phila., 1878. 8° 365.75 Margret Howth. Boston. 1862. 12°. . . 317.16 Pro aris et focls. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 251.20 Davis, Robert S. As it may happen. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .364.71 Davis, William T. Plymouth, Ancient land- marks of. Boston, 1883. 8° 695.7 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 89 Davy, Sir Humphry. Agricultural chemistry. Phila., 1821. 8= 647.15 Davy and the goblin; or, What followed read- ing " Alice's adventures in Wonderland." C. E. Carryl. Boston, 18S6. 8' . . . 920. IG Da-wes, Anna Laurens. How we are governed. Boston, |n.d.] 12° 141.5.19 Davirn of history. C. F. Keary, Ei}. London, 1878. 12^ " 497.21 Dawn to daylight. Mrs. H. W. Beecher. N.Y., 18.59. 12° 312 5 Dawson, George. Biographical lectures. G. St. Clair, £(i. London, 1886. 8°. . .1132.12 The pleasures of angling. N.Y., 1876. 12", 482.14 Dawson, .John William. Acadian geology. London, 1868. 8° 643.5 The origin of the world. N.Y., 1877. 12°, 6.55.24 Day, H. A lawyer abroad. N.Y., 1874. 12°, 724.6 Day, Henry N. The science of sesthetics. New Haven, 1872. 12° 651.13 Day, Lai Behari. Folk tales of Bengal. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 947.11 Day, Lewis F. Instances of accessory art, with notes. London, 1880. 4° R. L. Day, Thomas. Sanford and Merton. N.Y., 1865. 16° 462.12 Day, William H. Headaches; nature, causes, and treatment. London, 1877. 12° . . 658.3 Day by the fire, A. L.Hunt. Bost., 1870. 12°, 2.53.13 Day-dawn in dark places. A story of wander- ings and work in Bechwanaland. J. Mac- kenzie. London, [n.d.] 12° 786.1 Day dreams of a schoolmaster. D'A. W. Thompson. Boston, 1885. 18°. . . . 1251.1 Day of doom, The. M. Wigglesworth. X.Y., 1867. 12° . 612.11 Day of fate. E. P. Roe. N.Y., 1880. 12°. . 379.11 The same 379.12 Day of wonders. A medley of sense and non- sense. M. Sullivan. N.Y., 1880. 12° . 912.5 Day's ride, A. C. J. Lever. Lond., [n.d.] 16°, 3.51.9 Days of BrJce. G. Aguilar. N.Y., 1865. 2 v. 12° 426.17 Days of ray youth. A. B. Edwards. Phila., 1874. 12° ,345.24 Days of the spinning-wheel in New England. Gleanings from old newspapers. Boston, 1886. 16° 1251.17 Days r>f yore. H. Keddie. London, 1868. 16°, 311.6 Days with great authors. Comprising selec- tions from Dickens, Thackeray, Scott, etc. With biographical sketches. B. Jerrold. N.Y., 1883. 8° 1218.11 Dead men's shoes. M. E. Braddon-Maxwell, N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.18 Dead sea fruit. M. E. Braddon-Maxwell. N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.19 Dead Sea, Expedition to. 1847-48. By one of the party. Phila., 1&49. 12° .... 723.10 Dead secret, The. W.Collins. X.Y., 187-5. 12°, 335.32 Dead sin, The, and other stories. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .337.4 Dead lo the world. C.Bauer. Bost., 1875. 12°, 316.15 Dealings with the dead. L. M. Sargent. Bos- ton, 1S56. 2 V. 12° 232.13 Dean, Amos. The British Constitution. Chi- cago, 1SS3. 16° 1214.24 Deane, Charles. Liverraore, George, Memoir of. Boston, 1869. 4° 118.4 Deane, Milly. Marjory. London, 1872. 12° . 364.33 Dear Lady Disdain. J. McCarthy. N.Y., 1876, 427.39 Dearly bought. Mrs. C. L. Burnhara. Chicago, 1S.S4. 12° 9.54.23 Death and eternity. F. Rowan, Trans. Bos- ton, 186.3. 12° 265.18 Debatable land, The. R. D. Owen. N.Y., 1872. 12° 2.35.12 Debit and credit. G. Freytag. N.Y., 1858. 12° 311.24 De Bussigny, H. L. Hand-book for horse- women. X.Y., 1884. 16° 686.17 Decatur, S., Life of. A.S.Mackenzie, (.\mer- ican biography, Vol. XL) 111.3 Deceivers ever. Mrs. H. L. Cameron. N.Y., 1878. 8° 369.19 Decision of character, and other essays. J. Foster. London, 1882. 12° 1229.1 Decoration. Audsley, W. and G. Polychro- matic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaival style. Lond., 1882. 4° . R. L. Colling, J. K. Art foliage for sculpture and decoration. Boston, 1873. 4° . . R. L. English mediaeval foliage and decoration. Boston, 1875. 4° R. L. Day, Lewis F. Instances of accessory art. London, 1880. 4o R- L- Edie, Robert W. Decoration and furniture of town houses. N.Y., 1881. 12°. . . 682.19 Lienard. Decoration and ornamentation of the nineteenth century. Bost., 1875. 4°, R. L. De Costa, B. F. Rambles in Mount Desert. N.Y., 1871. 16° 731.4 Decrow, W. E. Yale and " the City of Elms." Boston, 1882. 12° 772.10 Dedham, Mass., History of. 1635-1827. E. Worthington. Boston, 1827. 8° . . . 537.6 Deeds of daring by both blue and gray. Nar- ratives of adventure during the civil war. D. M. Kelsey. Phila., 188.5. 8° . . .1429.12 D'Eon de Beaumont, The strange career of the chevalier. J. B. Telfer. London, 1885. 8° 1133.3 Deep waters. A. H. Drury. Boston, 1874. 8°, 427.3 Deephaven. S. O. Jewett. Boston, 1877. 18°, 368.10 Deer slayer, The. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 1855. 12° 312.13 The same 381.5 Deer-stalking in the Scottish Highlands. With an account of the red deer, forests, folk- lore, etc. W. Scrope. London, 1883. 8°, 787.10 Deerbrook. H. Marlineau. Lond., 1870. 12°, 421.8 De Felice, G. Protestants of France, History of. London, 1853. 12° 5.35.6 Defence of Guenevere. [Poems.] W. Morris. London, 1875. 16° 565.11 Defoe, Daniel. His life and recently discov- ered writings. 1716-1729. W.Lee. Lou- don, 1869. 3 V. 8° 175.9 Life of. W. Minto. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . 192.7 Works : Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Lon- don, 182;?. 8° 465.7 The same 465.8 The same 465.9 Works, with Chalmers's life of the author. N.Y.. [n.d.] 8° 152.7 De Fonblanque, E. B. Political and military episodes in the life of J. Burgoyne. Lon- don, 1876. 8° 481.9 De Fontaine, F. G., Ed. The fireside Dickens. A cyclopedia of the best thoughts of C. Dickens. N.Y., 18S3. 8° 1233.3 90 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. De Forest, John \V. The blooily chasm. X.T., 1881. 16° 388.2 European acquaintance. N.T., 1858. 12°, 002.12 Uonest John Vane. New Haven, 1875. 16°, Sm.Sl K:it(! Biaumont. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . . 377.23 Miss Raveuel's conversion from secession to loyalty. N.Y., 1807. 12° .342.3 Playin- the mischief. X.Y., 1875. 8°. . 357.28 The Wei herol affair. N.Y., 1873. 8° . . 346.17 De Forest, Julia B. A short history of art. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° "... 6*5.2 De Hass, Frank S. Buried cities recovered; or, Explorations in Bible lands. Phila., 1883. 8° '-. . . 777.15 Itecent travels and explorations in Bible lands. N.Y., 1880. 8° 767.2 Deirdre. [A poem.] (No name series.) R. D. Joyce. Boston, 1870. 16° 571.5 De Kay, Charles. The vision of Nimrod. |A P'lem.] N.Y., 1881. 12° 575.8 De Kroyft, S. H. A place in thy memory. X.Y.. 18.50. 12° '' . . . . 287.13 Delamotte, Philip H. Progressive drawing book. London, 1869. 12° 669.22 Del Mar, Alexander. History of money in an- cient countries, from the earliest times to the present. London, 1885. 8°. . .'. 1432.1 Delamer, Eugene S. The flower garden. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° G48.29 Delaney, Mrs. .See Granville, Mary. Deldee ; or, The iron hand. F. Warden. N.Y., 1885. 16° 9G0.11 Delesdernier, E. P. Fannie St. John. N.Y., 1874. 12° 281.3 Delicia. B. M. Butt. N.Y., 1879. 16°. . . 376.9 Delusion; or, The witch of New England. Boston, 1840. 10° 331.17 Delusions, Extraordinary popular. C. Mackay. Li.ndon, 1809. 12° 213. 9 Dempster, C. L. H. Iseulte. N.Y., 1875. 8°, 325.24 The same a57.20 De Mille, J. U. a. W. C. Serus. Boston, 1871-72. 5 v. 10°. The B. O. W. C. A book for boys. . . 467.11 Boys of Grand X'i-6 school 467.12 Lost in the fog. . ._ 467.13 Fire in the woods 467.14 Picked up adrift ; 467.15 Comedy of terrors. Boston, 1872. 8° . . 347.17 The Dodue club. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . . 427.12 Helenas household. X.Y., 1876. 12°. . 390.5 The lady of the ice. N.Y , 1870. 8° . . 377.34 The lily and the cross. Boston, 1875. 12°, 342.21 The living link. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 346.52 An open question. N.Y., 1873. 8° . . . 377.35 Youti'j Dodge club series. Boston, 1872-73. 16°. Among the brigands 467.17 The seven hills 467.18 Demlng, P. Tompkins, and otiier folks. Lon- don, 187-5. 12° 951.17 Democracy. G.S.Camp. N.Y., 1855. 12°. 653.10 Democracy. [An American novel.] N.Y., 1880. 10° .370.20 Democracy, The coming. G. Harwood. Lon- don, 1882. 12° 1219.14 Democracy in Europe. [History.] Sir T. E. .May. N.Y., 1878. 2 v. 8° 498.14 Democratic government. A study of politics. A. Stickney. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . . 1245.2 Democratic party, The. Its political history and influence. J. H. Patton. N.Y., 1884. 16° 1231.16 Demonology and devil-lore. M. D. Conway. N.Y., 1879. 2v. 8° 284.6 Demonology and witchcraft. [Letters.] W. Scott. X.Y., ls.5.5. 16° 131.13 Demosthenes. S. H. Butcher. (Classical writers.) N.Y., 1882. 16° 1111.19 Demosthenes. With extracts from his ora- tions, and a critical disi'ussion of "The trial on the crown." L. Bredif. Chi- cago, 1881. 8° 197.1 Demosthenes and -•^chines. The two orations on the crown. G. W. Biddle, Trans. Phila, 1881. li° 293.12 Denis Donne. Mrs. P. Ciidlip. N.Y., [n.d.) 8° 365.83 Denis Duval. W. M. Thackeray. Boston, 187.5. 12° 373.11 Denise. M.Roberts. N.Y., 1864. 2 v. 16°. 432.30 Denison, (Jharles. Rocky Mountain health re- sorts. Boston, 1880. 8° 763.30 Denison, E. B. Astronomy without mathe- matics. N.Y., 1869. 12° 645.22 Denison, Mrs. Mary A. Among the squirrels. N.Y., 186S. 16° 461.9 Erin-go-bragh I Washington, D.C., 1879. 16° 382.32 His triumph. Boston. 1883. 16° . . . . 949.7 The master. Boston, 1802. 10° ... . 304.20 Old slip warehouse. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . 377.5 Rolhmell. Boston, 1878. 12° 373.28 Talbury girls. The. Boston, 1871. 12° . 4.52.3 That husband of mine. Boston, 1S77. 16°, ;30S.24 That wife of mine. Boston. 1877. 16°. . 308.31 Victor Norman, rector. Phila., 187.3. 10°, 3:)3.0 Denton, William. Is Darwin right? or. The origin of man. Wellesley, Mass., 1881. 12° "....-.. 678.21 Radical discourses on religious subjects. Boston, 1872. 12° 262.34 The same 291.8 What was he? Wellesley, Mass., [n.d.] 12° 291.9 and E. M. F. The soul of thiugs. Boston, 187.5. 3 v. 12° 042.24 Department of the Gulf, History of. J. Par- ton. N.Y., 1864. 8° . ." .545.9 The same 545.10 Department of the Gulf, Twenty months in the. A. J. H. Duganne. N.Y., 18(>5. 12° 001.8 Depths of the sea. The. C. W. Thompson. N.Y.. 1873. 8° . . .' 023.14 De Quincey, Thomas. Masson, D. Life of. (English men of letters.) X.Y., 1882. 12° 192.34 Page, H. A. Life and writings, with un- published correspondence. X.Y., 1877. 2 V. 12° 247.23 Works : Autobiographic sketches. Boston, 18.55. 10° 133.11- The avenger. Boston, 18.59. 16° . . . 421.15 Biognaphical essays. Boston, 18.54. 16°, 133.9 TheCffisars. Boston, 1854. 10° . . . 133.10 Confessions of an English opium eater. Boston, 1855. 10° 247.4 Essays, historical and critical. Boston, 1853. 2v. 16° 228.6 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 91 De Quincey, Thomas. Works — concluded. Essays, miscellaneous. Best., 1854. 16'^, 247.5 Essays on philosophical writers. Boston, 1854 2 V. 16° 247.8 Essays on poets and English writers. Boston, 18.5.5. 16° 247.7 Essays, theological. Wt.,ia54. 2 v. 16°, 228.15 Literary reminiscences. Boston, 1854. 2v. 16° 1.33.12 Logic of political economy. Bost.,lS59. 16° 224.21 Memorials. Boston, 18.56. 2 v. 16°. . 226.17 Narrative and miscellaneous papers. Boston, 18.54. 2 v. 16° 247.3 Note-book of an opium eater. Boston, 1855. 16° 247.6 Derby, Edward, Earl of. Translation of Ho- mer's " Iliad." N.Y., 1805. 2v. 8° . 617.8 Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers. N.Y., 1^^. 8° . . . 1127.9 Desbordes-Valmore, Madame. Memoirs. C. A. Sainte-Beuve. With a selection from her poems. Boston, 1873. 12°. . . . 176.13 The same 1.39.12 Descartes. J. P. Mahafty. Phila.,1881. 12°, 19426 Descent and Darwinism. O. Schmidt. N.Y., 187-5. 12° 655.5 Descent of man. The. C. Darwin. N.Y., 1871. 2v. 12° 624.15 Deschanel, A. P. Natural philosophy. Lou- don. 1S72. 8° 636.8 Desert, The, of the Exodus. E. H. Palmer. Cambridge, 1871. 2 v. 8° 726.6 Desert warfare. The eastern Soudan campaign. B. Burleigh. London, 1884. 8° . . . 1416.10 Desert world. The. A. Mangin. London, 1869. 8° 717.2 Deserted ship, Tlie. A story of the Atlantic adventures in the early life of Cupples Howe, mariner. 6. Cupples. Boston, 1881. 12° 444.27 The same 914.17 Deserted wife, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1861. 12° 417.5 Deshler, C. D. Afternoons with the poets. X.Y., 1879. 12° 292.10 Design in textile fabrics. T. R. Ashenhurst. London, 188.3. 16° 686.8 Design, The practical draughtsman's book of. MM. Armengaud and Amouroux. Phila., 1873. 4° 638.2 Desk and debit; or. The catastrophe of a clerk. W.T.Adams. Boston, 1872.- 16° . . 4.57.23 Desmond hundred. The. Mrs. .J. G. Austin. (R.'und-robin series.) Boston, 1882. 16°, 398.21 The same 398.22 Despard, Matilda C Chaste as ice, and pure as snow. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 425.18 Kilrogan cottage. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . . . 377.3 Desperate remedies. T. Hardy. N.Y., 1874. 16° 362.5 De Soto, Ferdinand, Life of. J. S. C. Abbott. X.Y., 1873. 12° 1.33.8 Dessert book, The. Boston, 1872. 12° . . 651.8 Destiny ; or, The chief's daughter. S. E. Fer- rier. London, 1882. 2 v. 12°. . . . 9.53.7 Destiny of man, The, viewed in the light of hisorigin. J. Fiske. Boston, 1884. 16°, 1231.17 De Stolz, Madame. The house on wheels. Boston, 1871. 12° 266.24 Destruction and reconstruction. Personal ex- periences of the late war. R. Taylor, Lieut.-Gen. in the Confederate army. N.Y., 1879. 8° 293.1 Detlef, Carl, pseud. See Bauer, Clara. Detmold. W. H. Bishop. Boston, 1879. 18°, 383.5 Devas, C S. Groundworkof economics. Lon- don, 1883. 8° 1315.14 De Vere, Scheie. The romance of American history. X.Y., 1872. 8° 541.20 Studies in English. N.Y., 1867. S° . . . 644.7 Wonders of the deep. N.Y., 1869. 12° . 226-12 Devereux, George H. Literary fables of Yri- arle. Boston, 1854. 12° .551.17 Sam Shirk. N.Y., 1871. 12° 364.19 DeverevLx, W. Cope. Fair Italy, Sicily, and Malta. London, 1884. 12° 786.10 The same 789.6 Devereux. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1872. 12° 344.14 The same 369.31 Devey, J- Modem English poets. (Essays.) London, 187.3. 8° 227.5 Devil, The. A. R^ville. London, 1.S71. 12°, 254.25 Devil puzzlers, and other studies. F. B. Per- kins. N.Y., 1877. 12° 272.20 Devil's chain. The. E. Jenkins, J/. P. Lon- don, 1876. 12° 414-23 Devil's portrait. The. A. G. Barrili. N.Y., 1885. 18° 951-22 De 'Voe, Thomas F. The market assistant. N.Y., 1867. 12° 6.51.17 Devoy, John. The land of Eire. The Irish land league, etc. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . . . 783.7 Dew^ees, F. P. The Molly Maguires. The ori- gin, growth, and character of the organi- zation. Phila, 1877. 12° 272.1 DevB-ey, Mary E. Sedgwick, C. M., Life and letters of. N.Y., 1871. 8° 114.16 Devpey, Orville, Autobiography and letters of. M. E. Dewey, £c/. Boston, 188.3. 12° .1124.18 Works: Discourses on human life. N.Y., 1841. 12° 263.8 The problem of human destiny. N.Y., 1864. 8° 624.1 De Witt, Madame. See Witt, Mme. de. De Witt, John, History of the administration of. J. Geddes. Vol. L 1623-1654. N.Y., 1880. 8° 186.2 Dexter, D. Gilbert, Ed. Selected poetical gems. Cambridge, 1880. 16° 583.22 Dexter, Henry M. The Congregationalism of the last three hundred years, as seen in its literature. N.Y., 1880. 8° . . . . 276.16 Diabolism, Modern. (Spiritualism.) M. J. Williamson. N.Y., 1873. 16° ... . 635.13 Dialogues from Dickens. W. E. Fette, Ed. Boston, 1870. 12° 614.18 The same. [Second series.] 615.17 Dialogues, drawing-room plays, and evening amusements. S. S. Steele. Phila., 18S1. 12° 1213.3 Dialogues for school and social entertainment. Mrs. J. W. Shoemaker, Ed. Phila., 1885. 12° 1243.7 Diamond cut diamond. T. A. Trollope. N.Y., 1860. 12° 353.28 Diamond necklace, Story of the. A sketch of the life of the Couiife.is de la Motte, with particulars of the careers of the other act- ors in this remarkable drama. H- Vize- telly. London, 1881. 12° 598.8 92 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Diamond ring, The. E. H. Mitchell. London, 18S2. 12° 947.0 Diamonds and precious stones. L. Dioulafait. N.Y., 1874. 16° 042.11 Diamonds and precious stones, their history, value and cliar.acteristics. H. Emanuel. London, 1S07. 12° 643.21 Tlie.siine 1317.23 Diana. fS. Warner. N.Y., 1877. 12° ... 374.1 The same 374.2 Diana Carew; or. For a woman's sake. Mrs. Uridges. I'hila., 1876. 12° 426.23 Diane Coryval. (No name series.) Boston, 1S84. 16° 945.11 The same 945.12 Diary, A. The H family. V. Bromer. London, 1853. 12° 341.11 Diary of a late physician. S. Warren. Lon- don, 1878. 12° 372.24 Diary of a woman. O. Feuillet. N.Y., 1879. 12° 366. .50 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Mrs. E. R. Charles. London, 180.5. 12° .... 321.3 Diaz, Mrs. Abby M. The Jinimyjohns. Bos- ton, 1878. 12" 446.12 Lucy Maria. Boston, 1874. 16° .... 434.16 The school-master's trunk. Boston, 1874. 16° 347. 6 Astory book for children. Boston, 1875. 10°, 441.11 William Henry. Boston, 1872. 16°. . . 434.15 William nenry letters. Boston, 1870. 16°, 434.17 Dibdin, Charles, Songs of. T. Dibdin. Lon- don, 1864. 12° 011.9 Di Gary. M. J. Thornton. N.Y., 1879. 8° . 377.31 Dicey, A. V. Lectures introductory to the study of the law of the English Conslitu- tion. London, 188.5. S° 1320.11 Dicey, Edward. Battle-fields of 1866. Lon- don, 1866. 12° 532.2 Emanuel, Victor, Life of. N.Y., 1882. 10°, 1111.18 Dick, Robert; baker of Thurso, geologist and botiinist. S. Smiles. N.Y., 1S79. 12° . 177.20 Dick, Thomas. Celestial scenery. Phila., 1845. 12° 045.24 The same 646. 10 An essay on covetousness. N.Y., 1836. 12°, 287.10 Improvement of society. N.Y., 1855. 10°, 640.11 Mental illumination of mankind. Phila., 184.5. 12° 040.29 The philosophy of a future state. Phila., 1845. 2v. 12° 625.8 The practical astronomer. N.Y.,1846. 12°, 674.17 The sidereal heavens. N.Y., 18.5.5. 12° . 0.53.17 Dick Cheveley; his adventures and misadven- tures. W. H. G. Kingston. N.Y., 1881. 12° 912.15 Dick Netherby. Mrs. L. B. Walfonl. N.Y., 18.'<2. 10° 388.10 Dick Onslow among the redskins. W. H. G. Kingston. Boston, 1804. 16° ... . 464.11 Dick Rodney; or. The adventures of an Eton boy. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16°, 384.9 Dick Sands, the boy captain. J. Verne. N.Y., 1879. 12° 324.34 Dick's wanderings. J. .Sturgis. Boston, 1882. 12° . . ." 942.13 Dickens, Charles. Letters, Ed. by his sister- in-law and his eldest daughter. Vol. I. 1833-.56. Vol. II. 18.57-70. Vol. III. 1836-70. N.Y., 1879. 3 v. 12° ... 185.6 The same 185.7 Dickens, Charles — continued. Dolby, 6. Dickens, as I knew him. The story of the reading tours in Great Britain and America. (1800-1870.) Phila., 1885. 12° 1129.13 Fontaine, F. G. de. Best thoughts of. N.Y., 187.3. 8° 347.52 The fireside Dickons. A cyclopa'dia of the best thoughts of Dickens. With a complete index. N.Y., 1883. 8° . . 1233.3 Forster. J. Life of. Phila., 1872. 3 v. 12°, 113.12 Jerrold, IJ. A day with Dickens. ■ Boston, 1873. 8° 140.11 Kent, C. Dickens, as a reader. Phila, 1872. 8° 114.10 Perkins, F. B. The life and works of. N.Y., 1870. 12° 210.10 Sala, G. A. His speeches, letters and say- ings, and sketch of the author. A sermon on his death, by Dean Stanley. N.T., 1870. 8° 3.57.7 Ward, A. W. Life of. (English men of let- ters.) N.Y., 1882. 12° 192.37 Works: London, N.Y., and Boston, [n.d.] 12°. American notes, and reprinted pieces . . 355.1 The same 355.19 The same, with Pictures from Italy . . 393.1 Barnaby Rudge. 2v .3.55.2 The same 3.50.1 The s.ame 3.57.1 The same 393.2 Bleak House. 2 v .3.55.3 The same 3.50.2 The same 3.57.2 The same ;l'.»3.3 Christin.as stories 3.50.3 The same 357.3 The same 393.4 David Copperfield. 2 v 3.55.4 The same 3.50.4 The same 357.4 The same 393.6 Dombey and son. 2 v 3.55.5 The same 350.5 The same 357.5 The s.ame 393.7 Drawn from life. (Sketches of young people.) 12° 394.7 England, Child's history of 511.14 The same 691.4 Great expectations 3.50.0 The same 3.50.7 The same 393.9 Hard times 356.0 The same 350 8 The s.ame, with Christmas stories . . 357.15 The same 393.10 Little Dorrit. 2v 3.55.7 The same 3.56.9 The same 3.57.8 The same 393.12 Martin Chuzzlewit. 2 v 355.8 Thes.ame 3.50.10 The same 394.1 Master Humphrey's clock, and other sto- ries 3.55.22 The same 393.11 The Mudfog papers 370.22 The mystery of Edwin Drood .... 356.11 The same 393.8 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 93 Dickeus, Cliailes — concluded. Nicholas Nickleby. 2 y 355.9 The same 35G.12 The same 357.9 The same 394.2 Old curiosity shop. 2v 3.55.10 The same 3.56.13 The same 357.10 The same 393.5 Oliver Twist 355.11 The same 356.14 The same 3.56.15 The same 357.11 The same .394.3 Our mutual friend .3-55.12 The same 355.15 The same 356.16 The same 3.57.13 The same 3.57.17 The same 357.12 The same 394.4 Pickwick club, The papers of the . . . .355.13 The same. 2v 355.18 The same 357.14 The same 394.5 Poems. (Complete.) 585.14 Short stories 3.55.24 Sketches by Boz 3.55.14 The same 3.57- 10 Tale of two cities. 2v .3.55.17 The same 3.55.16 The same 394.6 The uncommercial traveller 3.55.20 The same, with Master Humphrey's clock 3.55.21 The same, with Message from the sea 355.23 The same 393.8 Dickens dialogues. W. E. Fette, Ed. Boston, 1870. 12° 014.18 The same. [Second series.] 615.17 Dickens dictionary, A. 6. A. Pierce. Bos- ton, 1872. 8° 113.11 Dickens, Charles, (the younger.) Dictionary of Paris. London, [n.d.] 16° ... . 704.27 Dictionary of London. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°. 291.17 Dictionary of the Thames. 1880. London, 1880. 16° 764.16 , Ed. Mathews, C. J., Life of. London, 1879. 2 V. 8° 183.12 The same 1122.6 Dickinson, Anna E. A paying investment. Boston, 1876. 16° 304. .39 A ragged register of people, places and opinions. X.Y., 1879. 10° 292.14 Wliat answer? Boston, 1868. 12° . . . 364.16 Dickinson, Mrs. Ellen E. New light on Mor- motiism. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1422.3 Dictionaries. Arts, manufactures and mines. Dictionary of. A. Ure. London, 1878. 4 v. 8° . 0.39.7 Bible, Dictionary of tlie Holy. A. Calmet. Boston, 1837. 8° 221.1 Bible, Dictionary of the. W. .Smith. Bos- ton, 1860. 12° 228.13 Bio'jraphy. Allen, W. American, and historical, B. Boston, 1832. 8° r 1.52.4 The same. 1809 543.11 Beeton's dictionary of B. London, 1875. 8° 171.4 Dictionaries. Bionraphy — concluded. Drake, F. S. American B. Boston, 1876. 8° 175.1 The same 117.8 Smith, W., Ed. Greek and Roman B. and mythology. London, 1870. 3 v. 8° R. L. Stephen, L. Ed. Dictionary of nation- al B. N.Y., 1885-86. 6 v. 8° . . .1127.10 Vol. I. Abb-Anne. II. Annesley- Baird. IIL Baker-Beadon. IV. Beal-Biber. V. Bicheno-Bottisham. VI. Bottomley-Browell. Thomas, .1. Universal B. and mythology. Phila., 1871. 2 v. 8° R. L. Christian antiquities; a continuation of "The dictionary of the Bible." W. Smith and S. Cheetham, Eds. Hartford, Conn., 1876. 2 v. 8° R. L. Classical, Smith's new. Greek and Roman biography, mythology, and geography. X.Y., 1876. 8° R. L. Dates, Dictionary of, relating to all ages and nations. J. Haydn. N.Y., 1877. 8° 488.11 English language. Johnson, S. Diction- ary of. London, 1877. 8° R. L. Ogilvie, J. The imperial D. of the Eng- lish language. N.Y., 1883. Vols. L- IV. 4° R. L. Stormonth, J. D. of the English lan- guage. X.Y., 1885. 4° R. L. Webster, N. D. of the English language. Springfield, 1873. 4° R. L. Worcester, J. E. D. of the English lan- guage. Boston, 1870. 4° R. L. English literature and authors. S. A. Alli- bone. Phila., 18.59. 3 v. 8° .... R. L. English synonyms. R. Soule. Boston, 1871. 12° 236.5 Every-day difficulties; or. Hard words made e.-isy. N.Y., [n.d.] 16= 225.17 French and English. De Lolme, Prof., and Wallace and Henry Bridgman, Eds. N.Y., 1881. 8° 729.53 Meadows, F. C. French and English. N.Y., 18:38. 16° 729.39 Spiers and Surenne. French and Eng- lish. N.Y., 1870. 8° R. L. German-English and English-German. D. Fosdick, Jr. Boston, 1846. 4° . . . . 728.1 Whitney, W. D., and Edgren, A. H. German and English D. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° R. L. Machines, mechanics, engine-work and en- gineering. (Illustr.ited.) N.Y., 1869. 2 V. 8° 488.6 Music and musicians. G. Grove, Ed. Lon- don, 1879. 3v. 8° 276.12 Names, Noted, of fiction. W. A. Wheeler. Boston, 1809. 12° 164.18 Plants, Popular names of. London, 1882. 8° 1311.2 Quotations from English and American poets. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 574.11 Science, .and terms used in philosophy, lit- eriiture, professions, commerce, arts and trades. W. M. Buchanan. London, 1884. 12° 1324.11 Diderot and the encyclopaedists. J. Morley. N.Y., 1878. 8" 183.3 94 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. D'Ideville, Cuiint II. Bugeaud, Marshal, Me- moirs of. 1784-1849. London, 1884. 2v. S° 1127.2 Didler, Eugene L. Bonaparte, Madame, Life and letters of. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . . 178.10 Diet for the sick. A treatise on tlic value of foods, their applications to special condi- tions of health and disease, and on the best methods of their preparation. Mrs. JI. F. Henderson. N.Y., 188.5. 12° . . 1228.24 Diet ill health and disease. T. K. Chambers. N.Y., 1878. 12° 27.3.19 Dieulafait, Louis. Diamonds and precious stones. X.Y., 1874. 10° 042.11 Digby Grand. An autobiography. G. J. TV. Slelville. London, |n.d.] 12° ... . Digestion. Diseases of the digestive organs in infancy and childhood. L. Slarr. Phila., 1886. 8° . . 1326.14 Disorders of. Their consequences and treatment. T. L. Bruuton. London, 1SS6. 8° . 1326.15 Dikes and ditches. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1808. 16° 4.58.4 Dilke, Charles W. Greater Britain. Phila., ISO'.i. .s" 662.3 Dillaway, C. K. Hi,itory of the Roxbury grammar school. Boston, 1860. 10°. . 223.10 Dimau, J. Lewis. Orations and essays; with selected parish sermons. A memorial volume. Boston, 1882. 12° 1213.9 The thelstic argument as affected by recent th.'ories. Bo.-ton, 1881. 8° 187.16 Dinglestedt, F. The Amazon. N.Y., 1868. 12= .331.14 Dinglefield. (A story for girls.) Mrs. O'Reilly. London, 1883. 12° ... . 916.11 Dingy house at Kensington. N. Y., [n.d.] 12° 389.6 The same 389.12 Dinner napkins, and how to fold them. G. C. Clark. London, [n.d.] 16° 1611.8 Dinwiddle, William. Times before the refor- nuation. N.Y., 1880. 12° 591.6 Dippold, George T. The great epics of mediaj- val Germany. An outline of their con- tents and hir^tory. Boston, 1882. 12° .1219.15 Diocese of Massachusetts, Centennial year of. Commemorative discourses by Vr. Court- ney, G. H. Shattuck, and Bishop B. H. Paddock. Boston, 1885. 8° 518.22 Discarded daughter. The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1861. 12° ... 417.3 Discarded wife. The. E. A. Dupuy. Phila., [n.d.l 12° 424.18 Discourses in America. M. Arnold. London, 1885. 12° 1245.7 Discovery of the great West. F. Parkman. Boston, 1869. 8° 736.12 Discriminate. A companion to " Don't." A manual for guidance in the use of correct words and phrases in ordinary speech. By Critic. N.Y., 188.5. 16° . ". . . . 1241.9 Disease germs. L. S. Beale. London, 1872. 12° 633.11 Diseases of the skin. J. M. Neligan. Phila., 18.52. 12° 633.9 Diseases of modern life. B. W. Richardson. N.Y., 1876. 12° 033.25 Diseases of women and children. G. S. Bed- ford. N.Y.. 18.56. 8° 833.2 Disorders of literary men. Boston, 1825. 12°, 225.23 Disosway, E. T. South meadows. Phila., 1874. 12° 317.13 Disowned, The. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1871. 16° 344.15 The same .369.32 Disraeli, Benjamin. See Beaconsfield, Earl of. Disraeli, Isaac. Amenities of literature. Bos- ton, 1864. 2 V. 12" 223.2 The calamities and quarrels of authors. N.Y., 1868. 2 V. 12° 243.4 The literary character. N.T., 1868. 8° . 254.5 Dissolving views. [A novel.] Mrs. A. Lang. X.Y., 18S4. 16° 962.3 Distinguished men of modern times. N.Y., 185.5. 2 V. 16° 121.6 Disturbing element. The; or. Chronicles of the Blue-Bell Society. C. M. Yonge. NY., 1879. 16° ,391.3 Dita. ifir?;/ M. Majendie. N.Y.. 1877. 16° . 368.33 Ditson, George L. Circassia. N.Y., 1850. 8°, 664.8 Divers and seamen, English. A. Esquiros. London, 1808. 12° 222.1 Divine comedy, The. Dante Alighieri. H. W. Longfellow, Trans. Boston, 1867. 3 v. 8° 567.10 Divine comedy, First canticle of. Dante Ali- ghieri. T. W. Parsons, Trans. Boston, 1807. 8° .507.15 Divine guidance. Memorial of A. W. Dodge. M.^A. Dodge. N.Y., 1881. 12° ... 1113.0 Divine love and wisdom. E. Swedenborg. N.Y., 1877. 8° 277.5 Divine Providence, Angelic wisdom concern- ing. E. Swedenborg. N.Y., 1878. 8°, 277.6 Divine sovereignty, and other sermons. R. Thomas. Boston, 188.5. 12° .... 1248.19 Divine tragedy, The. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1871. 12° .5.54.10 The same 554.22 Divorce, and divorce legislation, especially in the U. S. T. D. Woolsey. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1213.14 Dix, John Adams. Memoirs. M. Dix, Ed. N.Y., 188.3. 2 v. 8° 1117.11 Dix, Moigan. Lectures on the calling of a Christian woman, etc. N.Y., 1883. 12°, 1221.13 Sermons, doctrinal and practical. N.Y., 1878. 12° 285.8 Dixie, Lady Florence. Across Patagonia. N.Y., 1881. 8° 769.4 In the land of misfortune. (Africa.) Lon- don, 1882. 8° 774.11 Dixon, Charles. Rural bird life. Essays, with instructions for preserving objects. Bos- ton, 1880. 8° 676.17 Dixon, Edith, and De Morgan, Mary. Six by two. Stories of old schoolfellows. Lon- don, 1873. 12° ■ 942.17 Dixon, Robert B. Fore and aft. A story of actual sea life. Boston, 1883. 12° . . 917.10 Dixon, Win. Hepworth. New America. Phila., 1807. 8° 7.36.14 Bacon, Lord, Personal history of. Boston, 1861. 12° 162.19 Her majesty's tower, (London.) N.Y., 1869. 12° 667.13 The same 514.2 The same. 1885. 2 v. 8° 1417.3 History of two queens. London, 1873. 4 v. 8° 1412.6 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 95 Dixon, Win. ITepworth — concluded. Penu, William, History of. London, 1872. 8° 1117. f) Russia, Free. N.Y., 1870. 8° 72.5.11 The same. 2 v 77-1 . 14 TheSwitzers. London, 1872. 8° . . . 726.1.5 Royal Windsor. London, 1879. 4 v. 8° . 784.2 Do and dare; or, A brave boy's fight for for- tune, n. Alger. Phila., 1884. 12° . . 928.6 Doane, George W. Songs by the way. Albany. N.Y., 187.5. 12° .573.1 Dobell, Sydney. Poems. Boston, 1860. 16°, 611.19 Dobson, Austin. At the sign of the lyre. (Poems.) X.Y., 188.5. 1-J° .578.2 Bewick, Thomas, and his pupils. Boston, 1884. 16° 1128.6 Ed. Eighteenth century essays, selected and annotated. N'.Y., 1883. 16° . . . 1231.18 Old-world idylls, and other verses. London, 1883. 18° .584.20 Dobson, W. T. The classic poets, their lives and their times. London, 1879. 12° . 1248.8 Doctor, The. R. Southey. N.Y., 18.56. 12°, 345.36 Dr. Barringford's school ; or. The long holiday. n. O-den. X.Y., 1SS4. 16° 922.24 Doctor Basilius. A. Dumas. London, [n.d.] 12° 361.63 Doctor Ben. An episode in the life of a fortu- nate unfortunate. (Round-robin series.) Boston, 1882. 16° 398.25 The same .398.26 Doctor Breen's practice. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1881. 12° :589.9 Doctor Claudius. F. M. Crawford. N.Y., 1SS3. 12° 947.7 The same 947.8 Dr. Deane's way, and other stories. Mrs. L H. Foster and Mrs. G. K. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 451.11 Dr. Gilbert's daughters. M. H. Mathews. Phila., [n.d. J ^12° 397.22 Doctor Grattan. W. A. Hammond. N.Y., 1885. 12° 964.9 Doctor Grimshawe's secret. [A romance.] N. Hawthorne. Ed., with preface and notes, by Julian Hawthorne. Boston, 1883. 12° 944 13 Doctor Johns. D. G. Mitchell. N.Y., 1866. 2 V. 12° 331.27 Dr. Marigold's prescriptions. C. Dickens. N.Y.,18(;0. 8° .357.6 Doctor Oldham at Gieystones. N.Y., 1860. 12° " 342.15 Dr. Ox, and other stories. J. Verne. Boston, 1874. 18° 324.12 Dr. Sevier. G. W. Cable. Boston, 1885. 12°, 9.58.22 Dr. Syntax, The three tours of. W. Combe. London, [n.d.] 12° 612.5 Doctor Thorne. A. Tiollope. X.Y., 1860. 12° 353.24 Doctor Tom. E. Payson. Boston, 1877. 16°, 371.4 Dr. Vandyke. J. E. Cooke. N.Y., 1872. 8°, 377.32 Dr. Wilmer's love; or, A question of con- science. M. Lee. N.Y., 1877. 12° . . 366.24 Dr. Worth's school. A. Trollope. N.Y.,[n.d.l 12° 963.5 Doctor Zay. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1882. 16° 94:?. 5 The same 913.0 Doctor's daughter. The. K. S. Clarke. Bos- ton, 1872. 16° 466.1 Doctor's dilemma. The. H. Smith. N.Y., 1872. 8° .346.46 Doctor's little daughter. The. E. Meteyard. London, 1872. 16° 363.29 Doctor's prot^g^. The. M. E. Stone. Chicago, In.d.] 12° 383.17 Doctors, A book about. J. C. Jeaffreson. N.Y., 1862. 8° 222.15 Doctors and patients; or, Anecdotes of the medical world, and curiosities of medi- cine. J. Timbs. London, 1876. 12° . 227.3 The same. 2 v 1124 1 Dodd, Henry P. The epigrammatists. Lon- don, 1870. 8° 2.54.1 Dodd family abroad. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.] 10° 351.10 Doddridge, Philip. Harslia, D. A. Life of. N.Y., 186.5. 8° 166.12 Stanford, C. Life. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . 194.18 Dodge, M. Abby, {p.-ieud., Gail Hamilton.) Battle of the books. Cambridge, 1870. 16° 246.20 Comments on the controversy between Herbert Spencer and Frederic Harrison. "The insiippressible book." Boston, 18S5. 12° 1248.16 Country living and country thinking. Bos- ton, 18-67. 12° 734.14 Ellis, A. B. West African islands. London, 1885. 8° 794.6 Ellis, Mrs. Charles. A summer in Normandy witli my children. N.Y., 1.S78. 12° . . 440.27 Ellis, Daniel, Thrilling .adventures of. N.Y., 1807. 12° 601.1 Ellis, Edward S. Cami)-fire and wigwam. Phila., 1885. 12° 932.9 Footprints in the forest. Phila., [n.d.] 10° 931.21 Great river .lerie.f. N.Y., [n.d.] 3 v. 10°. 1. Down the Mississippi 931.22 2. Up the Tap.ijos 931.23 3. Lost in the wilds 931.24 Lost trail. The. Phila., [n.d.] 16° . . . 928.21 Ned in the block-house. Phila., [n.d.] 10°, 922.15 Ned in the woods. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 919.21 Ned on the river. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 918-15 Ellis, George E. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston, March 17, 1776. Boston, 1876. 8°. . . .528.4 Half century of Unitarian controversy. Boston, 18.59. 8° 027.11 History of the battle of Bunker's Hill. Boston, 1875. 10° .541.24 Rod man and white man in North America. Boston, 1882. 8° 1216.5 Thompson, B., {Count Rumford,) Memoirs of. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 168.2 Ellis, Giace A. Barbauld, Mrs. A. L., Memoirs of. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12° 132.12 Ellis, Henry, Sir. The Elgin and Phig.aleian marbles. London, 1846. 2 v. 16° . . 608.21 The Townley gallery. London, [n.d.] .2 v. 10° 608.20 Ellis, Mrs. Sarah. The brewer's family. N.Y., 1807. 10° .363.39 Chapteis on wives. N.Y., 1860. 12° . . 411.10 Women of England. N.Y., 18.39. 12°. . 223.14 Ellis, Sumner. Chapin, Edwin H., Life of. Boston, 1882. 8° 1112.13 Ellis, William. Three visits to Madagascar. N.Y., 18.59. 8° 665.8 Ellis, Wm. S. Antiquities of heraldry. Lon- don, 1869. 8° 6.52.9 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 107 EUswrorth, H. W. The American swine breeder. Boston, 1840. 16= fi21.17 Ells'worth, O. A single gentleman. Boston, 1S(M. 16"' 462.15 Ellwanger, H. B. A treatise on the cultiva- tion and varieties of the rose. N. i'., [n.d.] n° 674.28 EUwood, Thomas, Life of. W. D. Howell?, Ed. Boston, 1877. 10° 181.2 Elmes, James. Metropolitan improvements; or, London iu the nineteenth century. (111.) London, 1827. 4° R. L. Elphinstone, M. The kingdom of Cauljul. London, 1842. 2 v. 8° 726.11 Elocution and philosophy of expression, Man- ual of. G. Robertson. Dayton, Ohio, [n.d.] 12" 681.20 Elocution simplified; with an appendix on stammering and other defects of speech. W. K. Fobes. Boston, 1877. IG" . . . 6.57.13 ■See aUo Expression, Reading, and Voice. Elocutionist, The classical. A collection of gems in poetry and prose. W. H. McDou- ga.\,Ed. X.Y., 1S79. 12'= 286.19 Eloquence, British. [Selections.] C.A.Good- rich. N.Y., 1854. S" 221.18 Eloquence, The principles of. Abhe Maury. N.y., 1855. 12° 262.27 Elsa. A. C. Hogbin. Phila., 1879. 12° . . .392.6 Elsberg, Louise. The throat and its functions. N.Y., 1880. 12° 674.10 Elsie at Xantucket. Sequel to ''Elsie's rela- tions." M. Finley. N.Y., 1884. 16° . 383.37 Elsie Dinsmore. M. Finley. N.Y.,[n.d.] 12°, 361.53 Elsie Vi-nner. O. W. Holmes. Boston, ISSl. 12° 364.12 Elsie's children. Sequel to "Elsie's mother- hood." M. Finley. N.Y., [n.d.] IS' . 361.56 Elsie's girlhood. Sequel to " Holidays at Rose- lands." M. Finley. X.Y., [n.d.] 16'' . 361.15 Elsie's kith and kin. M. Finley. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 973.12 Elsie's motherhood. Sequel to "Elsie's wom- anhood." M. Finley. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 361.55 Elsie's new relations. Sequel to "Grand- mother Elsie." M. Finley. X.Y., [n.d.] 16° 383.35 Elsie's widowhood. Sequel to " Elsie's chil- dren." M. Finley. X.Y., 1880. 16°. . .361.78 Elsie's womanhood. Sequel to "Elsie's girl- hood." M. Finley. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° . .361.54 Elson, Louis C. Curiosities of music. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 681.19 Elton, J. Frederic. Lakes and mountains of Africa. London, 1879. 8° 773.4 With the French in Mexico. Phila., 1867. 8° 717.16 Elves, The. J. L. Tieck. T. Carlyle, Tiann. X.Y., 1855. 8° 4-27.11 Elwell, E. H. The boys of thirty-five. Bos- ton, 1884. 16° 918.8 Elwes, Alfred. Swift and sure. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 462.11 Ely, Alfred, Journal of. C. Lanman, Kd. N.Y., 1862. 12° 215.6 Ely, Richard T. The labor movement in America. N.Y., [n.d.] 1'2° 1252.10 Ely and Norwich. Cathedral cities. Drawn and etched by R. Farren. Introduction by E. A. Freeman. Cambridge, Eng., 1883. Folio R. L. Elze, Karl. Byron, Lord, Life of. London, 1872. S^ 151.16 Emanuel, Harry. Diamonds and precious stones. Their history, value and char- acteristics. London, 1867. 12° ... 643.21 The same 1317.23 Embryology, comparative, A treatise on. F. M.Balfour. London, l&Sl. 2 v. 8° . 677.14 Embryology, Elements of. M. Foster and F. M.Balfour. (Second edition.) London, 1883. 12° 1312.17 Embury, Emma C. Poems. N.Y., 1809. 12°, 552.15 Emerson, Ellen R. Indian myths ; or. Legends, traditions, and symbols of America, com- pared with other countries. Boston, 1884. 8° 1234.1 Emerson, G. R. Gladstone, W. E., Life of. London, [n.d.] 12° 11.37.12 Emerson, George B. Reminiscences of an old teacher. Boston, 1S7S. 10° 123.7 Trees and shrubs of Massachusetts. Bos- ton, 1875. 2 V. 8° 638.3 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Alcott, A. B. An estimate of his character and genius in prose and verse. Boston, 1882. 12° . .1114.12 Benton, J. Emerson as a poet. N.Y., 1883. 10° 1221.10 Conway, M. D. Emerson at home and abroad. Boston, 1882. 12° 1114.13 Cooke, G. W. His life, writings and phi- losophy. Boston, 1881. 1-2° 1111.1 Guernsey, A. H. Philosopher and poet. N.Y., 1881. 10° 191.21 Holmes, O. W. Life. (American men of letters.) Boston, 1885. 12° 1129.6 Morley, J. An essay upon. N.Y., 1884. 16° 1121.13 Sanborn, F. B., Ed. Genius and character of. [Lectures at the Concord School of Philosophy.] Boston, 1885. 1'2° . . . 1129.7 H'orfcs ; Conduct of life. Boston, 1860. 12° . . 226.20 English traits. Boston, 18.57. 12° . . 224.23 Essays. Boston, 1858. 2 v. 12° . . . 226.18 Fortune of the republic. Boston, 1878. 16° 281.16 Letters and social aims. Boston, 1876. 12° 224.25 May-day, and other poems. Boston, 1867. 12° ,5.52.20 Miscellanies. Boston, 1856. 12° . . . 226.16 Ed. Parnassus. [A collection of poems, j Boston, 1875. 8° 552.8 Poems. Boston, 1846. 12° 552.19 Poems. (Complete.) Boston, 18S4. 12°, 577.12 Representative men. Boston, 18.57. r2°. 224.14 Society and solitude. Boston, 1870. 8°, 253.8 Emerson, R. W., and Carlyle, T. Correspond- ence of. 1834-72. Boston, 1883. 2 v. 12°, 1223.1 The same. Supplementary letters. Bos- ton, 1886. 12° 1248.12 Emerson and Longfellow. Tributes by the Mass. Historical Society. Boston, 1882. 8° 1112.12 Emerson, William A. Dougl.ass, Mass., His- tory of. Boston, 1879. 8° 494.16 Hand-book of wood engraving. Boston, 188L 16° 681.35 Emerton, James H. Life on the seashore; or. Animals of our coasts and bays. Salem, Mass.,l&SO. 12° 674.13 108 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Emery, Sarah A. Three generations. Boston, 1872. S" 346.55 Emigrant's story, The, aiul other poems. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1875. 10° . . .553.14 Emigrants to America from Great Britain, Lists of. 1000-1700. J. C. Hotten. N.Y., 1874. 4° R. L. Emigration. A trip to prairie land; being a glance at the shady side of emigration. F. J. Rowbotbam. London, 1885. 12°. 702.18 Eminent men in literature, art, and arms. Lon- don, [n.d.] 4v. 10° 121.1 Eminent women of the age. Hartford.'lSOS. 8°, 151.17 Emma. J. Auston. London, 1853. 16° . . 312.23 The same. London, 1882. 12°. . . . 953.1 Emmons, William. Bunker Hill. [A poem.] [t. p. w.] 12° 551.19 Emotions, The. J. McCosh. N.Y., 1880. 12°, 294.17 Empires of the East, The ancient. A. H. Sayce. N.Y., 18S4. 12° 1415.8 Empty heart, The. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1874. 12° 423.3 Ena; or, The ancient Maori. G. H. Wilson. London, 1874. 12° 243.8 Enault, Louis. Christine. N.Y., 1883. 10° . 949.4 Enchanting and enchanted. F. W. Hackliin- der. Mrs. Wistcr, Trans. Phila., 1871. 12° 362.1 Encyclopsedia. See also Cyclopaedia; Dic- tionary; Gazetteer. The American. (Appletons'.) N.Y., 1881- 82. 16 vols, and iiule.x. 8° R. L. Annual volumes, 1884, 1885. American educational. N.Y., 1875. 8° . 251.1 Britannica. Vols. I.-XXIL Boston, 1875- 80. 4° R. L. Chambers's. (Illustrated.) London, 1874. 10 V. 8° R. L. Female biogr.aphy. 11. G. Adams. Lon- don, 1809. 12° 213.20 Military encyclopaedia. E. S. Farrow. N.Y., 1885. 3 V. 8° R. L. National, of useful knowledge. London, 1851. 12 V. 8° R. L. End of a coil. S.Warner. N.Y., 1880. 12°. 379.13 The same 379.14 End of the w'orld. [A story.] E. Eggleston. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 422.12 End of the world; with new interpretations of history. W. H. Holcombe. Phila., 1881. 12° 129.7 Endless chain, An. Mrs. G. R. Alden. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 958.8 Endymion. B.Disraeli. N.Y., 1880. 12° . 379.23 Energy and motion. A text-book of element- ary mechanics. W. Paice. N.Y., 1884. 16° 1321.16 Energy in nature. Lectures upon the forces of nature and their mutual relations. W. L. Carpenter. N.Y., 1883. 12° ... 1318.3 Enfield, Viscountess, Ed. Leaves from the diary of Henry Gr^ville. London, 188.3. 8°, 1119.7 Engelbacb, A. H. Two campaigns. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° ; 445.4 Engineering, Civil, as applied to agriculture, and estate management. A. Bagot. Lon- don, 1885. 12° 1325.5 Engineer's own book, The young. Principles and theories of the steam engine, instruc- tions, tables, formulas, etc. S. Roper. Phila., [n.d] 16° 1321.3 Engineers' and mechanics' pocket-book. Rules, t.ables, etc. C. H. Haswell. N.Y., 1879. 12° 675.11 Engineers, Lives of the. S. Smiles. London, 1874. 4v. 12° 171.9 "Vol. I. Embankments and canals. Verrauy- den; Myddleton; Perry; Brind- Icy. II. Harbors, lighthouses and bridges. III. History of roads. Metcalfe; Tel- ford. IV. The steam engine. Boulton; Watt. Engineers. Stories from the lives of Watt, Arkwright and Stephenson. N.Y., 1858. 10° 635.17 England. See also Great Britain. Constitutional history. Bagehot, W. The Englisli Constitution. London, 1882. 12° 240.28 The same 1237.14 Creasy, Sir E. Rise and progress of the English Constitution. London, 1880. 12° 1422.11 Dicey, A. V. Lectures to the study of the law of the Constitution. London, 1885. 8° 1326.11 Fortescue, Sir J. The governance of England. The difference between an absolute and a limited monarchy. Ox- ford, 1885. 8° 1432.3 Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English Constitution. London, 1S72. 12° . . 227.18 Hallam, II. Constitutional history of England. Boston, 18.54. 3 v. 8° . . 513.2 Hamilton, W. D. Outlines of the con- stitutional history of England. Lon- don, 1848. 12° 511.13 May, T. E. Constitutional history of England, 1700-1871. N.Y., ISSO. 2 v. 12° 091.1 Russell, Earl J. English government and Constitution. London, 1873. 12° . . 256.13 Stubbs, W. Constitutional history of England. Oxford, 187.5. 3 v. 12° . 493.7 Ed. Select charters, and other illustra- tions of English constitutional his- tory. Oxford, 1881. 12° .... 598.3 Taswell-Langmead, T. P. English con- stitutional history, from the Teutonic conquest to the present time. Boston, 1881. 8° 094.0 Yonge, C. D. Constitutional history of England, from 1700-1800. N.Y., 1882. 12° 691.15 General history. Armstrong's Primer of English history. N.Y., 1885. 18° 1411.24 Ashton, J. Dawn of the nineteenth century in England. N.Y., 1880. 2 v. 8° 1428.10 Bailey, A. Succession to the English crown. London, 1879. 12° ... . 292.18 Berard, A. B. School history of England. N.Y., 1872. 12° 659.5 Carrel, A. History nf the counter-revo- lution in England, under Charles II. and James IL London, 18.57. 12° . 511.5 Clarendon, E. Earl of. History of the rebellion and civil wars in England. 1641-00. Basil, 1798. 6 v. 8° . . . 499.5 See also 179.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 109 England. General history — continued. England. General history — continued. Colcomb, J. C. R. The defence of Great James, Kin'j, and Charles I., Annals of. and Greater Britain. Sketches of its London, 1681. Folio 861.2 naval, military and political aspects. Jesse, J. H. Court of England under London, 1880. 8° 1429.1 the Stuarts. London, 18.57. 3 v. 12', 212.9 Cordery, J. M., and Thillpotts, J. S. Keightley, T. History of England. X.Y., Charles I. and the great rebellion. 1855. 5 V. 16° 471.10 Phila., 1ST6. 12° 482.12 Knight, C. History of England, from the Craig-Knox, I. Young folks" history of earliest period to the present times. England. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . . . 512.7 Boston, 1874. 8 v. 8° 485.7 Craik, G. L., and others. Pictorial his- Half hours of English history. London, tory of England. London, 1849. 8 v. 8° 5J7.3 1865. 8° 513 5 and "Valentine. Mrs . Eds Half hours Creasy, E. S. History of England from ^.WffrlA t *.•* ^> * t l^i a I ^^ J ^JAlhJ*^ ^^f\^ftjm .A_&UflX J..1 \../ 14 J. O of English history. London, [n.d.] the earliest times. JLondon, 1869. 2 v. 1428.4 4 V. 12° 696.2 8° Vol. I. From the Pioman period to the death of Henry III. Vol. I. To the end of the reign of Ed- ward I. II. From Edward I. to the death IL Edward IL to Richard III. of Elizabetli. Dickens, C. Child's history of England. III. From James I. to William Boston, 1871. 12° 511.14 and Mary. The same 691.4 IV. From Queen Anne to Victo- ria. Freeman, E. A. Old English history for children. London, 1869. 12° . . . 511.4 Lecky, W. E. H. A history of England History of the Norman conquest. Ox- in the eighteenth century. N.T., 1878. ford, 1870. 5 V. S° 513.7 4v. 8° 694.2 Froude, J. A. History of England. N.Y., Leed, H. English history and tragic 1865. 12v. 12° 514.6 poetry, as illustrated by Shakespeare. English in Ireland. (Vol. I. missing.) Phila., 186.5. 12° 512.8 X.T., 1874. 3 V. 12° 521.3 Lingard, J. History of England, from G.ardiner, S. R. History of England, from .55-1688. Boston, 1853-.55. 13 v. 12°, 512.1 the accession of James I. to the out- Macaulay, T. B. History of England. break of the civil war. 1603-1642. Lon- London, 1819. 5 v. 8° 516.3 don, 1883. 10 V. 12° 1413.2 The same. (Vol. V. only) .... 483.6 English history for students. Being McCalman, H., Ed. An abridged history the introduction to the study of Eng- of England, from the time of the an- lish history. N.T., 1881. 8° . . . 694.3 cient Britons to tlie reign of Victoria. English history for young folks. B.C. N.Y., 1880. S' . . . ". 693.1 55-A.D. 1880. X.Y., 1881. 16" . . 591.14 McCarthy, J. H. England under Glad- Greene, .J. R. Conquest of England. stone, 1880-1884. London, 1884. 12°, 1415.9 N.Y., 1884. 8° 1416.1 Mahon, iord. (Earl of Stanhope.) His- History of the English people. X.Y., tory of England. 1701-1713. Boston, 1880. 4v. 8° 693.4 1872. 2v. 12° 511.8 The same. (Abridged.) London, The same. 1713-1783. 7 v. 12° . . 511.1 1875. 12° 498.3 Martineau, H. History of England, from The same 511.3 1800-1854. Boston 1864 4 v 8° 515.3 Making of England. N.Y., 1882. 8° . 697.2 History of England, during the thirty Guest, M. .T. Lectures on the liistory of years' peace, 1816-46. London, 1849. England. London, 1879. 12° . . . 493.20 2 V. 8° 517.1 and Underwood, F. H. Hand-book of Molesworth, W. M. History of England, English history. Boston, 1886. 12°, 1422.20 1830-74. London, 1874. 3 v. 8° . . 515.2 Guizot, F. P. G. A popular history of Neele, H. Romance of the history of England, from the earliest times to the England. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 532.5 accession of Victoria. Boston, [n.d.] Penrose, C. E. History of England. 4v, 8° 693.12 London 1880 1''° 511.10 Popular liistory of England, 1837-1874. Pulling, S. J., Ed. Dictionary of English Boston, [n.d.] 8° 594.3 history. N.T., 1884. 8° 1417.11 Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts, and western Rae, W. F. The Opposition under George Europe, 1678-97. N.Y., 1876. 16° . 511.18 III. X.Y., 1874. 12° 233.5 Hodgetts, J. F. The English in the mid- Ranke, L. von. History of England. dle ages. From the Norman usurpa- (Principally in the seventeenth cen- tion, to the days of the Stuarts. Their tury.) Oxford, 1875. 6 v. 8° . . . 694.1 mode of life, dress, arms, occupations. Raven, J. The parliamentary history of and amusements. London, 1885. 8°, 1424.11 England from 1832. London, 1885. 12°, 1415.20 Holt, E., Ed. Public and domestic life Seeley, J. R. The expansion of England. of George III. London, 1820. 2 v. 8°, 172.18 [Lectures.] Boston, 1883. 12° . . . 598.17 Hume, D. History of England, B.C. 55 Shakespeare's. William Winter. Boston, to A.D. 1688. Boston, 1854. 6 v. 8°, 516.2 1886. 18° 1711.1 Hunnewell, J. F. The Imperial Island. Skottowe, B. C. Our Hanoverian kings. England's chronicle in stone. Boston, A short history* of the four Georges. 1886. 8° 1414.4 1714-1830. London. 1884. 12° . . . 1415.21 110 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. England. General history — concluded. Stories from English history. London, [n.d.] 16° 473.20 Stories from English history. Boston, 1S76. 16° 512.12 Strickland, A. Stories from English his- tory. Phila., [n.d.] 10° . . . . 407.4 Thierry, A. History of the Norman con- quest. London, 1874. 2 v. 12°. . . 511.9 Thompson. A. B. History of the Vic- toria England. B.C. 54 to A.D. 1S09. London, 1870. 12° 514.5 Timbs, J. Stories of ancestral English history. London, 1869. 8° . . . . 113.14 Towle, G. M. Young people's history of England. Boston, 1886. 12°. . . .1422.17 Vaughan, R. Revolutions in English his- tory. Vol.1. N.Y., 1860. 8° . . . 516.4 Walpole, S. History of England, from the conclusion of the war of 1815. Lon- don, 1879. 3v. 8° 1416.11 Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English his- tory. From RoUo to Edward 11. Wars in France. Phila., 1868. 12°. . . . 511.2 Wars of the Roses. London, 1S77. 16° 497.6 Reformation times. London, 1879. 16° 591.5 England and Spain. London, 1883. 12° 1411.14 Stories of English history. London, [n.d.] 12°.' 483.4 Young folks' history of England. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 497.20 England, Travel in, dpscription, etc. Bailey, J. M. England from a back window. Boston, 1879. 12° 493.15 Bartholomew, J. An atlas of the counties of England. London, 188.5. 16° . . . 781.14 Bolton, Mrs. S. K. Social studies in Eng- land. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 1247.1 Cathedrals of England. London, 1867-69. 6v. 8° 649.10 Cobbett, W. Rural rides in England, 1821- 1832. With economical and political ob- servations. London. 1885. 2 v. 12° . 792.22 Daniell, G. Merrie England in the olden time. London, [n.d.] 12° 511.6 Escott, T. H. S. England ; her people, pol- ity and pursuits. N.Y., 1880. 8° . . . 692.6 Goadby, E. England of Shakespeare. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 691.11 Hoppin, J. M. Old England; its scenery, art, and people. Boston, 1879. 16° . . 761.3 Mateaux, C. L. Around and about old Eng- land. N.Y., 1883. 4° 923.11 Miller, H. First impressions of England. Boston, 18.")5. 12° 247.2 Nash, J. Mansions of England in the olden time. London, 1872. 4 v. 4° ... . R. L. Rimmer, A. Ancient streets and home- steads of England. (Illustrated.) Lon- don, 1877. 8° 498.2 England with Dickens. London, 1883. 12° 775.13 Sequin, L. G. Rural Engl.and. Loiterings along the lanes, the common-sides, and the meadow-paths, with peeps into the balls, farms, and cottages. London, [n.d.] 4° R. L. England, Travel in, etc. — concluded. Southern coast of England. Antiquari- an and picturesque tour. (Illustrated.) London, 1849. 4° 718.3 Taine, H. Notes on EngUand. N.Y., 1872. 12° 664.12 White, R. G. England without and within. Boston, 1881. 12° 768.10 England and Italy, Notes in. Mrs. S. Haw- thorne. N.Y., 1869. 12° 666.16 England and Wales, Abbeys, castles, and an- cient halls of. J. Tinibs. London, [n.d.] 12° 474.13 England and W.ales, Black's Guide to. Contain- ing plans, maps, views, and a list of hotels. Eclinlnirgh, 1881. 12° 778.13 England, Aristocracy in. A. Badeau. N.Y., 1886. 16" 1251.24 England, The visions of. [Poems.] F. T. Pal- grave. London, 1881. 12° 575.16 English Art, Gems of. Text by F. T. Pal- grave. London, 1869. 8° R. L. English biography. Adams. O. F. A brief h.and-book of Eng- lish authors. Boston, 1884. 16° . . . 1121. li Anton, P. England's essayists. Bacon, Addison, De Quincey, Lamb. London, [n.d.] 16° 1131.1 Bower, G. S. English philosophers. David Hartley and James Mill. N.Y., 1881. 12°, 1135.23 Circumnavigators, English. The most re- markable voyages round the world by English s,ailors. Edinburgh, [n.d.] 12°. 598.13 Clayton, E. C. English female artists. London, 1876. 2 v. 8° 174.4 Davidson, .1. M. English Liberals, in and out of parliament. Boston, 1880. 12° . 192. ;;9 Doran, Dr. Lives of the queens of Eng- land. N.Y., 185.5. 2v. 12° 112. '.t Edgar, J. G., Ed. Heroes of England. London, 1870. 12° 170.16 Esquiros, A. English seamen and divers. London, 1868. 12° 222.1 Forster, J. Statesmen.of England. N.Y., 1855. 8° 142.9 Gairdner, J. England. (Early chroniclers of Europe.) London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 1413.7 Higginson, T. W. English statesmen. N.Y., 187.5. 16° 212.1 Meteyard. E. Group of Englishmen. (1795- 1815.) London, 1871. 8° 157.4 Navigjitors, Early English. Lives of Drake, Cavendish, and D.ampier. N.Y., 1854. 16° 121.11 Smith, Edward. Story of the English Ja- cobins. Being an account of the persons implicated in the charge of high treason, 1794. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 123.29 Smith, Goldwin. Three English statesmen. N.Y.,1807. 12° 148.15 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Eng- land. Phila., 185.5. 6 v. 8° .... 116.7 The same. (Abridged.) London, 1867. 12° 134.4 Thackeray, W. M. English humorists of the eighteenth century. N.Y., 1854. 12°, 148.3 The same 373.10 Timbs, J. English eccentrics. London, 1875. 8° 145.5 Williams, F. Lives of the English cardi- nals. Phila, 1868. 2 v. 8° .... 144. T CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ill English biography — concluded. Emjlhh men of letters. J. Jlorley, Ed. N.Y., 1878-84. 12°. Addison, .Joseph, by W. J. Courthope Bacon, Francis, by R. W. Church . Bunyan, John, by J. A. Froude Burns, Robert, by J. C. Shairp . . Byron, Lord, by J. Nichol .... Chaucer, Geoffrey, by A. W. Ward Coleridge, Samuel, by H. D. Traill Cowper, William, by G. Smith . . Defoe, Daniel, by W. ilinto . . . De Quincey, Thomas, by D. Masson Dickens, Charles, by A. W. Ward . Dryden, John, by G. Saintsbury Fielding, Henry, by A. Dobson . . Gibbon, Edward, by J. C. ilorison Goldsmith, Oliver, by W. Black . . Gray, Thomas, by E. W. Gosse . . Hawthorne, Nathaniel, by H. James Hume, David, by Prof. Huxley . . Johnson, Samuel, by L. Stephen . Lamb, Charles, by A. Angler . . Landor, Walter Savage, by S. Colvin Locke, John, by T. Fowler . . . Macaulay, T. B., by J. C. Morison . Milton, John, by M. Pattison . . Pope, Alexander, by L. Stephen Scott, Walter, by R. S. Hutton . . Shelley, Percy B., by J. A. Symonds Sheridan, Richard B., by Mrs. Oliphant Southey, Robert, by E. Dowden . . Spenser, Edmund, by R. W. Church Sterne, Laurence, by H. D. Traill . Swift, Jonathan, by L. Stephen . . Wordsworth, William, by F. W. H. Myers, English philosophers. N.Y., 1881-83. 12°. Baccm, Francis, by T. Fowler . . Hamilton, Sir William, by W. H. S Monck Shaftesbury and Hutcheson, by Thomas Fowler Smith, Adam, (1723-1790,) by J. A. Farrer, English poets. Modern. J. Devey. Lon- don, 1873. 8° ." . . . English poets, Home pictures of. N.Y., 1869. 12° English poets. Lives of the most eminent. S. Johnson. London, 1854. 3 v. 8° English Radical leaders. R. J. Hinton. (Brief biographies, Vol. IL) N.Y., 1875. 12° English worthies. Old. Portraits with brief biographies. London, 1853. 4° . . . English worthies. A. Lang, Ed. N.Y., 1885-86. 16°. Darwin, Charles, by G. Allen .... Marlborough, J., by G. Saintsbury. . . Shaftesbury, First Earl of. by H. D. Traill " English language. Abbott, E. A., and Seeley, J. R. English lessons. Boston, 1872. 12° Chambers, R. History of English language and literature. Hartford, 1837. 12° . . Choate. I. B. Elements of English speech. N.Y., 1884. 10° De Vere. M. S. Studies in English. N.Y., 1867. 8° Federheld, F. " Ingglish as she is spelt." N.Y., 1885. 1&° 192.45 192.46 192.36 192.8 192.28 192.26 102.47 192.42 192.7 192.34 192.37 192.32 192.43 192.1 192.4 192.38 192.22 192.5 192.2 192.. 35 192.33 192.. 30 192.41 192.21 192.27 192.3 192.6 192.44 192.25 192.9 192.40 192.39 192.31 179.8 187.13 1118.4 187.3 227.5 146.10 1.54.7 145.19 R. L. 1131. .35 1138.1 1138.7 235.18 297.5 1241.3 644.7 1241.15 English langnage — concluded. Gould, E.S. Good English. N.Y., 1867. 8°, 644.12 The same. (Revised.) 1880 .... 292.21 Hodgson, W. B. Errors in the use of Eng- lish. X.Y., 1882. 12° 1212.27 Lounsbury, T. R. History of the English language. N.Y., 1879. 18° 291.21 McElroy, J. G. R. The structure of Eng- lish prose. A manual of composition and rhetoric. N.Y., 18*5. 12° 1243.8 Many mistakes mended. Corrections, etc. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1252.2 Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the English lan- guage. N.Y., 1800. 8° 644.3 Origin and history of the English lan- guage. N.Y., 1862. 8° 644.2 Oliphant, T. L. K. Sources of standard English. London, 1873. 12° ... . 644.16 Phelps, A. English style in public dis- course, with special reference to the usages of the pulpit. N.Y., 1883. 8° . 1223.3 Selection of, English synonyms, A. Bos- ton, 18.52. 8° 644.13 Trench, R. C. English language, past and present. N.Y., 1868. 12° 262.22 Wedgwood, H. A dictionary of English etymology. London, 1872. 8° . . . . 644.1 White, R. G. Every-day English. A sequel to "Words and their uses.'' Boston, 1880. 12° 125.9 English literature. Dramatic. Doran, Pr. Annals of the English stage. N.Y., 186.5. 2v. 12° 232.10 The same. Roy. 8° 257.1 Hawkins. T., Ed. The origin of the English drama. Oxford, 1773. 3 v. 12°" 614.7 Hone, W. English miracle plays de- scribed. London, 1823. 8° . . . . 616.1 Ward, A. W. English dramatic litera- ture. London, 1875. 2 v. 8° . . . 237.19 History of En'jlish literature. Arnold, T. A manual of English litera- ture. London, 1873. 8° 251.4 Azarias, Brother. Development of Eng- lish literature. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . 292.1 Baldwin, J. An introduction to the study of English literature, and literary criticism. Vol. I. Poetry. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 1218.5 Brooke, S. Primer of English literature. N.Y., 1876. 18° 261.21 Buckland, A. Story of English literature. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1222.21 Chambers, R. Cyclopsedia of English literature. Boston, 1855. 2 v. 8° . . 257.3 Craik, G. L. History of English litera- ture. N.Y., 1864. 2v. 4° .... 2.31.1 Croly, G. The beauties of the British poets. Boston, 1S61. 12° 573.18 Gilman, A. First steps in English litera- ture. N.Y., 1870. 10° 253.24 The same 243.24 Grey, H. A bird's-eye view of English literature; from the seventh century to the present time. N.Y., 1884. 18° . 1241.28 Lillie, Mrs. J. Story of English litera- ture, for young readers. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . 28:3.8 The same 1229.2 112 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. English literature. Uixtory — continued. Micrtz, L. A new method for the study of English literature. Chicago, 1879. 12° 294.11 Minto, W. Characteristics of English poets; from Chaucer to Shirley. Edin- hurj;h, 1874. 12° 1225.2 English prose literature. Biograpliical and critical. London, 1881. 12° . 1225.1 Morley, II. A first sketch of English literature. London, [n.d.] 8° . . . 225.10 English literature in the reign of Victo- ria, with a glance at the past. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1213.1.^) Tables of English literature. London, 1870 508. 1 Nicoll, 11. J. Landmarks of English literature. N.Y., 1883. 12° ... . 1222.20 Oliphaiit, Mrs. M. O. W. The literary history of England, in the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nine- teenth century. N.Y.,18S2. 3v. 12°, 1217.19 Perry, T. S. English literature in the eighteenth century. N.Y., 1883. 12°. 1222.19 Phillips, M. G. A popular manual of English literature. Containing out- lines of the literature of France, Ger- many, Italy, Spain, and the U.S. With histoiical, scientific, and art notes. N.Y., 1885. 2 V. 8° 1236.11 Keed, U. Lectures of English literature. Phila., 1807. 16° 242.14 Richardson, Mrs. A. S. Familiar talks on English literature; from the Englisli conquest of Britain, 449, to the death of AV.ilter Scott. Chicago, 1881. 12°. 128.7 Swiiiton, W. Masterpieces of English literature. Selections from British and American authors, from Shakespeare to the present time. With notes, glos- sary, etc. N.Y., 1880. 8° 275.4 Taiue, U. A. History of English litera- ture. N.Y., 1879. 12° 125.2 The same 286.13 The same 295.7 The same in two volumes 267.5 Thomes,',W. J., £d. Early English prose romances. London, 1858. 3 v. 12° . 412.1 Tuckerraan, B. English prose fiction. From Sir Thomas Malory to George Eliot. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1222.0 Underwood, F. 11. Hand-book of Eng- lish literature. Vol. I. American au- thors. Vol. II. English authors. Boston, 1878. 2 v. 8° 274.11 Washburn, E. W. Studies in early Eng- lish literature. N.Y., 1882. 12° . . 1222.2 Welsh, A. H. Development of English literature and language. Chicago, 18S2. 2v. 8° 1218.7 Yonge, C. D. Three centuries of Eng- lish literature. N.Y., 1872. 16° . . 226.4 Poetry. Child, F. J., Ed. English and Scottish ballads. ' Boston, 1857. 8 v. 16° . . 611.4 The same. (Revised and enlarged, parts I. -in.) R. L. Gosse, E. From Shakespeare to Pope. An inquiry into the causes and phe- nomena of the rise of classical poetry iu England. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . .1245.19 English literature. Puetry — concluded. Lanier, S. The science of English verse. N.Y., 1880. 12° 675.19 Linton, W. J., and Stoddard, R. 11., Eds.' English verse. N.Y., 1883. 5 v. 12°. 576.17 Vol. I. Chaucer to Burns. II. Lyrics of the nineteeutli cen- tury. III. Ballads and romances. IV. Dramatic scenes and charac- ters. V. Translations. Living English poets. Poems of. Boston, 1883. 12° 576.13 Lyrics, English. N.Y., 1884. 18°. . . 585.1 Macdonald, (». England's antiphon. (Early religious poetry.) Phila., [n.d.] 12° 223.16 Mackay, C, Ed. A thousand and one gems of English poetry. London, 1867. 12° 614.8 Main, D. M., Ed. A treasury of English sonnets. N.Y., 1881. 8° 574.5 Parton, J., Ed. Humorous poetry of the English language. N.Y.. 1857. 8° . 552.10 Percy, T., Ed. Keliques of ancient Eng- lish poetry. London, 1845. 8° . . . 613.8 Richardson, Mrs. A. S. Stories from old English poetry. N.Y., 1871. 10° . . 451.10 Robertson, E. S. English poetesses. Critical biographies, with illustrative extracts. N.Y., 1883. 12° .... 1126.3 Ward, T. H., Ed. The English poets. Selections; with critical introductions by various writers. N.Y., 1880. 4 v. 12° 575.7 Vol. I. Chaucer to Donne. II. Ben Jonson to Dryden. III. Addison to Blake. IV. Wordsworth to Sydney Dobell. English and foreign life, Stories of. W. and M. Howitt. London, 1853. 12° . . . 311.5 English, The. (Conversion of the West.) G. F. Maclear. London, [n.d.] 16° . . . 283.7 English, The, at the Xorlh pole. J. Verne. London, [n.d.] 10° 324.21 English, The, in America. Virginia, Mary- land, and the Carolinas. J. A. Doyle. London, 1882. 8° 695.10 English Colonies in America, A short his- tory of the. H. C. Lodge. N.Y., 1881. 8° 693.8 English conferences. Rome and Christianity. Marcus Aurelius. E. Renan. Boston, 1880. 16° 123.14 English court-life. Recollections from 180.3- 1837. A. Murray. London, 1868. 12° . 512.10 English "Daisy Miller." V. W. Johnson. Boston, 1882. 10° 388.28 English governess at the Siamese court. Mrs. A. H. Leonowens. Boston, 1870. 12° . 715.15 English gypsies and their language. C. G. Leland. N.Y., 1873. 12° 234.4 English home life. R. L. Collier. Boston, 1886. 16° 781.18 English industry and commerce. W. Cunning- bam. Cambridge, Eng., 1882. 16° . .1217.12 English letters, Four centuries of. Selections from the correspondence of writers, from the Paston letters to the present day. W. B. Scoones, £(i. N.Y., 1880. 12° . 125.12 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 113 English manufacture in western India, History of, to tlie eighteenth century. P. Ander- son. London, 1850. 8° 513.1 English navy. The naval history of Great Britain from the declaration of war by France in 1793 to the accession of George IV. W.James. London, 1878. 6 v. 12°, 1413.1 English note-books. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1870. 2 V. 12° 256.11 The same 2.56.12 The same 372.10 English novel, The, and the principle of its development. S. Lanier. N.T., 188.3. 12= 1225.3 English orphans. The. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1870. 12° 424.4 The same 424. 2-r>l. 3Sv. 16° 2.55.1 Essayists, British. N.Y., 1872. v. 8° . . 1211.1 Vol. I. Carlyle. II. Jeffrey. III. Macaulay. IV. Macintosh. V. Sydney Smith; Talfourd; Stephen. VI. Wilson and Alison. Essays. Arnold, M. Essays in criticism. Bos- ton, 1865. 12^ 264.12 Mixed essays. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... 286.1 Bain, A. Practical essays. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1228.17 Burroughs, J., and others. Essays from •'The Critic." Boston, 1882. 12°. . .1217.14 Dobson, A., Ed. Eighteenth century essays. K.Y., 1883. 10° 1231.18 Eliot, George, pseud. Essavs and leaves from a note-book. N.Y., 1884. 12° . .1232.11 The same 12.37.1 Hayward, A. Selected essays. London, 1878. 2v. 12° 286.14 Nadal, E. S. Essays, at home and else- where. London, 1882. 12° 1217.13 NewtoD, W. W. Essays of to-day. (Re- ligious and theological.) Boston, 1879. 12° 286.15 Rice, A. T., Ed. Essays from the "North American Review." N.Y., 1879. 8= . . 284.10 Spencer, H. Moral, political, and aesthetic essays. N.Y., 186.5. 12° 233.11 Essentials and non-essentials in religion. [Lec- tures.] J.F.Clarke. Boston, 1878. 10°, 271.28 Estelle. Mrs. Annie Edwards. N.Y., 1874. 12^ .345.25 Ester Reid. Mrs. G. R. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 9.56.10 Ester Reid yet speaking. Mrs. G. R. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 9-56.21 Esther. F. S. Corapton. N.Y., 1884. 16°. . 9.57.7 Esther Pennefather. A. M. Perry. N.Y., 1878. 8^ 377.1 Estrange, A. G. l\ Ed. The friendships of Mary Ru^sell Mitford. N.Y., 1882. 12°, 1114.14 Estvan, B. War-pictures from the South. N.Y., 1863. 12° 664.11 Etcher's hand-book, The. P. G. Hamerton. London, 1871. 12° 609.21 The same 081. .33 Etching and etchers. P. G. Hamerton. Lon- don, 1868. 8° 618.6 Etching, Notes on. R. S. Chattock. N.Y., 188:^. 12= 687.3 Etching, A treatise on. M. Lalanne. Boston, ISSO. 8° 683.5 Etchings from two lands. C. A. Mason. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 16° 791.2 Etchings of rustic figures; or, A picturesque delineation of the arts, agriculture, etc., of Great Britain. W. H. Pyne. London, [n.d.[ 8° R. L. Eternal hope. [Sermons.] F. W. Farrar. N.Y., 1878. 120 282.14 Ethelyn's mistake. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. X.Y., 1874. 12° 424.7 The same 424. .30 Ethics, Data of. H.Spencer. N.Y.,1879. 12°, 292.2 Ethics of the dust. J. Ruskin. N.Y., 1866. 12° 643.17 The same 689.19 Ethnology. Bancroft, H. H. Kative races of the Pacific coast. N.Y., 1875. 5 v. 8°, 556.2 Brown, R. Races of mankind. A popular description of the characteristics, man- ners, and customs of the princip.al varie- ties of the human family. London, [n.d.] 2v. 8° . . 480.3 Featherstone, A. Social history of the races of mankind. Boston, 1881. 8°. . . . 694.7 Nott, J. C, and others. Indigenous races of the earth. Phila., 18-57. 8° . . . . 629.3 See also V. S. Gov. Pub. (Bureau of Eth- nology. ) Etiquette. American code of manners. X.Y., [n.d.] 18' 681.22 Duffey, Mrs. E. B. Ladies and gentlemen's etiquette. A manual of the manners and dress of American society. Phila., 1877. 12° 272.3 "A gentleman." Etiquette and eloquence; or. The perfect gentleman. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 297.8 Gow, A. M. Primer of politeness. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 680.5 Hand-book of etiquette. N.Y., 1800. 12°, 223.17 Papers on children's etiquette. Boston, 1878. 12° 273.7 Party-giving on every scale. Cost of enter- tainments, and fashionable modes of ar- rangements. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 128.10 The same 1246-2 .Sherwood, Mrs. J. Manners and social usages. N.Y., 1884. 16° 686.15 Social etiquette of New York. N.Y., 1879. 12° 273.20 The same 1212.10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 115 Etiquette — concluded. Ward, Mrs. 11. O. Etiquette of the best society. Customs, manners, morals, and home culture. Phila., 1878. 12° . . . 273.15 Wiggiii. E. E. Lessons in manners; for school and home use. Boston, 1884. 10°, 686.12 The same 686.13 Etna. A history of the mountain and its erup- tions. G. F. Randall. London, 1878. 12° 768.11 Eton College, History of. 144(V18S0. H. C. M. Lyte. London, 1880. 8° 692.17 Eton and Harrow, Rambles around. A. Rim- mer. London, 1SS2. 12° 775.18 Eton, Harrow, Rugby and other great public schools, Every-day life at. Sketched by the head-scholars of the various schools. C. E. Pascoe, Ed. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 1219.4 Etonians, Eminent. [Memoirs.] Sic E. Creasy. London, 1876. 12° 171.10 Etruscan inscriptions. Alexander, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. London, 1872. 8° 652.12 Etting, F. M. Independence Ilall, History of. Boston, 1876. 4° 538.1 Etymological dictionary of the English lan- guage. W. M. Skeat. N.Y., 1882. 8° . 1215.17 Eucharist, Letters on the. Letters to a mem- ber of the church of Rome, formerly a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal church. E. O. Phinney. Baltimore, ISSO. 12° 129.12 Eucken, Rudolph. The fundamental concepts of modern philosophic thought, critically and historically considered. N.Y., 1880. 12^ 675.20 Eugene Aram. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1872. 16° 344.19 The same. 2 v. 16' 344.18 The same. 8° 369.33 Eugene, Pnnee. [A novel.] C. Mundt. N.Y., 1868. 8° 325.17 Eugenie. B. M. Butt. N.Y., 1877. 10' . . 368.15 Euler, Leonard. Letters on natural philosophy. N.Y., 1854. 2v. 12° 653.14 Euphorion. Studies of the antique and medi- ;L-val in the renaissance. V. Paget. Bos- ton, 1884. 2 V. 8° 1236.6 Euripides. Life and works. W. B. Donne. Edinburgh, 1872. 16' 217.21 Euripides. Life. (Classical writers.) J. P. Mahaffy. X.Y., 1879. 10' 194.4 Euripides, Tragedies of. T. A. Buckley, Trana. N^Y., 1857. 2 v. 8^ .... 015.4 Europe. Georjraphy and history. Alison, A. History of Europe. 1789- 18:35. Edinburgh, 185.3. 20 v. 12° . 475.1 Dyer, T. H. Modern Europe. From the fall of Constantinople to the establish- ment of the German Empire. 1453- 1871. London, 1877. 5 v. 8' . . . 498.20 Vol. I. 1453-1530. IL 1.521-1598. III. 1.593-1721. IV. 1714-1796. V. 1794-1871. Freeman, E. A. Historical geography of Europe. London, 1882. 2 v. 8° . . 597.9 Fyffe, C. A. History of modern Europe. Vol. I. 1792-1814.' N.Y., 1881. 8' . 091.6 Europe. Geography, etc. — concluded. Hallam, H. Europe during the middle ages. N.Y., 18.53. 3 v. 8' ... . 531.4 History of Europe. An illustrated rec- ord of important events in the annals of Europe during the years 1812-1815. (Views of Paris, Moscow, Dresden, Berlin, Leipsic, etc.) London, 1815. ■ Folio R. L. Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals. X.Y., 1809. 2v. 8° . . . 478.6 Nichol, J. Tables of European history, literature, and art. Glasgow, 1884. 8°, 1424.3 Travel in. Arnold, H. P. European mosaics. Bos- ton, 1804. 12° 661.22 Atkinson, J. B. An art tour in the north- ern capitals of Europe. N.Y., 1873. 12° 724.4 Calvert, G. H. First years in Europe. Boston, 1860. 12° 732.11 Colman, H. European life and manners. Boston, 18.50. 2 v. 12° 236.4 Cook, J. Holiday tour in Europe. Let- ters written for the Public Ledger in 1878. Phila., 1879. 12° 493.19 De Forest, J. W. European acquaint- ance. N.Y., 1853. 12° 662.12 Felton, C. C. Familiar letters from Eu- rope. Boston, 1865. 12° 7.35.15 Europe viewed through American spec- tacles. Phila., 1878. 8° 496.11 Flagg, W. J. Three seasons in European vineyards. N.Y., 1869. 12° ... . 712.3 Forney, J. W. Letters from Europe. Phila., 1867. 12° 733.9 King, H. Twelve months in Europe. Washington, 1S7S. 12° 497.17 Peake, E. Pen-pictures of Europe. Phila., 1874. 8° 736.10 Pitman, M. J. European breezes. Bos- ton, 1882. 16° 772.9 Rudler, F. W., and Chisholm, G. G. A compendium of geography and travel. AVith ethnological appendix by A. H. Keane. London, 188.5. 8° . . . . 785.14 Taylor, B. By-ways of Europe. N.Y., 1869. 12° 734.18 Wills, M. H. A summer in Europe. Phila., 1876. 12° 712.21 Europe, Literature of the south of. J. C. L. S. deSismondi. London, 1846. 2 v. 12°. 474.11 Europeans, The. H. James. Boston, 1879. 12° 374.18 Eustace diamonds. The. A. Trollope. >f.Y., [n.d.] 12' 963.8 Eustis. R. A. Bolt. Boston, 18^. 12° . . 9.58.5 Euta-w. A sequel to "The forayers."' W. 6. Simms. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 367.24 Euthanasy ; or, Happy talk towards the end of life. W. Mountford. Boston, 1882. 12°, J213.24 Evangelical fathers, The later. M. Seeley. N.Y.. [n.d.] 12' 192.15 Evangelists in the church, from Philip, A.D. 35, to Moody and Sankey, A.D. 1875. P. C. Headley. Boston, 1875. 12° ... 266.30 Evans, Augusta J. See Wilson, Mrs. A. J. Evans, D. Morier. Facts, failures and frauds. London, 1&59. 12° 282.11 Evans, Elizabeth E. Laura, an Anxrican girl. Phila.. 1884. 12° 946.25 116 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Evans, E. P., Trans. Lessing, Gottbold E., Life of. Boston, 1S66. 2 v. 12° . . . 132.8 Evans, John. Sliakespeare's "Seven ages." London, 1831. 12° 2',t7.16 Evans, T. W. Heine, Heinrich, Memoirs; with fragments of his writings. London, 1884. 12° . . . . ■ 1128.9 Evans, W. F. Tlie primitive mind-cure. Bos- ton, 188.5. 12° 1248.11 Evelina. JInie. F. D'Arblay. N.Y., 1857. 2 v. 16° 311.10 Evelyn, John. Ilis diary and correspondence. Willi the private correspondence between King Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicho- las, and between Sir Edward Hyde and Sir Richard Browne. Ed. from the origi- nal MSS. by W. Bray. London, 18S;3. 4v. 12° 213.7 The same 1129.18 Even-songs, and other poems. S. W. Brooks. Boston, ISGS. 12° 5.51.15 Evenings with a reviewer; or, Macaulay and Bacon. Boston, 1882. 2 v. 8° . . .1215.10 Evenings with the sacred poets. F. Saunders. N.T., 1870. 8° 012.4 Evenings with the skeptics; or, Free discussion on free thinkers. J. Onen. N.Y., 1881. 2v. 8° 1211.7 Everett, C. C. The science of thought. Bos- ton, 1809. 12° 0.35.7 Everett, Edward. Memorial from the City of Boston. Boston, 1865. 8° 109.2 Works : Dowse, Thomas, Eulogy on. Boston, 1859. 8° 155.6 Mount Vernon papers. N.T., 1800. 12° 223.19 Orations and speeches. Boston, 1853. 4v. 8° 1.55.5 Washington, George, Life of. N.Y., 1860. 12° 162.15 Everett, William. Double play. Boston, 1871. 12° 4.37.14 On the Cam. Cambridge, 1865. 12° . . 217.16 School sermons ; preached to the boys of Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass. Boston, 1882. 10° 1213.22 Everett-Green, Evelyn. The heiress of Wyl- mington. London, 1885. 12° ... . 968.16 True to the last; or, My boyhood's hero. London, 1885. 12° 9:i2.5 Everglade to cafion, From, with the Second Dr.igoons. (Second U.S. Cavalry.) An authentic account of service in Florida, Mexico, Virginia, and the Indian country, 1836-187.5. T. F. Ilodi-nbough, £ii. N.T., 1875. 8° 718.8 Evergreens, The book of. J. Hooper. N.Y., 1868. 12° 648.17 Every Boy's Annual. E. Routledge, Ed. London, 1882. 8° 448.17 The same for 1883 915.9 Tlie same for 1886 929.7 Every day. |A novel.] F. W. A. Pike. Bos- ton, 1871. 12° 426.8 Every day English. .Sequel to "Words and their uses." R. G. White. Boston, 1880. 12° 125.9 Every day home advice. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . 1222.3 Every day life and morals. G. L. Chancy. Boston, 1885. 10° 1238.6 Every day religion. [Sermons.] T. De W. Talmage. N.Y., 1S75. 12° 266.29 Every day topics. J. G. Holland. X.Y., 1876. 12° 225.27 Every Girl's Annual. A. A. Leith. London, 1882. 8° 448.18 The s.ame for 1885 929.14 Every m.an his own mechanic. -V guide to con- structive and decorative work that m.ay be done by the amateur. London, [n.d.] 8°, 684.3 Every Saturday. Boston, 1800-09. 8 v. 4°. 519.2 Eve's daughters; flr, Common sense for maid, wife, and motlier. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y.. 1882. 12° 1219.11 (This is not a novel, and will be issued only by i)ermission from the Librarian.) Evidence of faith, The. J. S. Bush. Boston, 1885. 12° 1237.15 Evil eye, and other stories. K. S. Macquoid. London, 1876. 12° ,361.49 Evins, John H. Memorial addresses on his life and character, delivered in Congress, 1885. Washington, 1885. 8° .... 119.22 Evolution. Beecher, H. W. Evolution and religion. Parti. [Sermons.] N.Y., 1885. 12° 1327.7 Butler, S. Evolution old and new; or. The theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Mr. Charles Darwin. Salem, 1879. 12°, 675.3 Chapman, H. C. Evolutions of life. Phila., 1873. 8° 623.16 Conn, H. W. Evolution of to-day. A summary of the theories of a quarter of a century. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1.327.15 Haeckel, E. Evolution of man. A popular exposition of the principal points of hu- man ontogeny and phylogeny. N.Y., 1879. 2 V. 12° 658.30 Romanes, G. J. Mental evolution in ani- mals. With an essay on Instinct by Charles Darwin. N.Y., 1884. 12° . .1.318.14 Scientific evidences of organic evolution. London, 1882. 10° ." 674.29 Savage, M. J. Evolution and religion. Phila., 1880. 10° 1.328.13 The religion of evolution. Boston, 1870. 12° 206.33 Wilson, A. Chapters on evolution. N.Y., 1883. 8° 1312.9 Ew^ald, Alexander C. Prince Charles Stuart, commonly called The Youtir/ Pretender, Life of. London, 1883. 12° 1118.19 Stories from the state papers. Boston, 1882. 12° 1217.17 Studies re-studied. (Historical sketches.) London, 1885. 12° 1428.7 Sydney, Algernon, Life and times of. Lon- don, 1873. 2 V. 8° 157.6 Ewald, Heinrich. Antiquities of Israel. Bos- ton, 1870. 8° 481.13 E'OT'bank, Thomas. Life in Brazil. N.Y., 1850. 8° 737.8 Ew^ing, Emma P. Cooking and castle-build- ing. Boston, 1880. 16° 127.10 E'wing, Mrs. Juliana Horatia, and her books. By her sister, H. K. F. Gatty. London, 1885. 12° 1137.1 Work-t : The brownies, and other tales. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 973.10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 117 Ewing, Mrs. Juliana H. H'orks — concluded. Daddy Darwin's dovecote. Boston, 1885. 16° 021.14 A flat-iron for a farthing. [A stoiy for boys.] Boston, 1886. 16° 961.14 Jackanapes. Boston, 1885. 16° . . . 921.22 Jaclvanapes. Daddy Darwin's dovecote. The story of a short life. Boston, 1886. 16° 931.13 Jan of the windmill. Boston, 1876. 16°, 368.1 Lob-lie-by-the-fire, and other tales. N.T. , [n.d.] 12° 973.11 Melcliior's dream. Brothers of pity, and other tales. Boston, 1886. 12° . . . 961.16 Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances. Bos- ton, 1881. 16° 388.11 Six to sixteen. Boston, 1876. 16° . . 441.38 Story of a short life. N.T., [n.d.l 8° . 395.22 We and the world. Boston, 1880. 16° . 913.3 Examinations considered as a means of selec- tions. H. Latham. Boston, 1886. 12°. 1249.3 Excursions. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1863. 8° 253.6 Excursions of an evolutionist. J. Fiske. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 1229.18 Executor, The. [A novel.] Mrs. A. F. Hec- tor. N.Y., 1883. 16° 949.15 Exercise and training. C. H. Ralfe. (Health primers.) N.Y., 1879. 16° 673.1 Exeter schooldays, and other poems. S. I. Hudgens. Cambridge, [n.d.] 12° . . 576.15 Exile's trust. The, and other stories. F. Browne. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 342.5 Exiles, The. A Russian story. V. Tissot and C. Amero. Phila., [n.d.] 16° ... . 378.33 Exodus of Israel, The true story of, with a brief view of monumental Egypt. H. Brugsch- Bey. Boston, ISSO. l¥° 766.4 Expanse of heaven, The. R. A. Proctor. X.Y., 1874. 12° 644.18 Expedition against Fort du Quesue. W. Sar- gent. Phila., 1855. 8° 544.12 Expelled. The story of a young gentleman. B. Heldmann. London, 1882. 12° . . 917.15 Experiences of a barrister; and. Confessions of an attorney. S. Warren. Boston, 1880. 12° 394.13 The same 425.15 Experiences of a barrister's life. W. Ballan- tine. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1113.14 Expiated. H. Prior. Boston, 1873. 6° . . 369.27 Exploration of the world. J. Verne. N.Y., 1879-81. 3v. 8° 763.15 Vol. I. Famous travels and travellers. Exploration of the world — concluded. II. The great navigators of the eigh- teenth century. III. Explorers of the nineteenth cen- tury. Explorers, Half hours with the early. T. Frost. London, [n.d.] 8° 246.5 Exposition at Paris, (1878,) Illustrated and descriptive history of. A. Bitard, Ed. Paris, 1878. 4° R. L. Reports of the U.S. Commissioners. Wash- ington, 1880. 5 V. 8° 329.4 Expression, Anatomy and philosophy of, as connected with the fine arts. C. Bell. London, 1865. 8° 629.5 The same. 1883. 12° 1.321.19 Physical expression. Its modes and prin- ciples. F. Warner. N.Y., 1886. 12° . 1327.6 Synthetical philosophy of expression, as applied to oratory and personation. M. T.Brown. Boston, 1886. 12° ... . 12.52.1 Expression of the emotions in man and ani- mals. C.Darwin. N.Y., 1873. 12°. . 624.10 Extempore speaking. The art of. Hints for the pulpit, the senate, and the bar. M. Barrtain. N.Y., 1859. 12° 297.6 Extempore speech. How to acquire and prac- tice it. W. Pittenger. Phila., 1883. 12°, 685.24 Eye, The. A practical guide to the study of the eyes. Their medical and surgical treatment. H. W. Williams. Boston, 1862. 12° 658.1 Eye, The, in health and disease. B. J. Jeffries. Boston, 1871. 8° 634.2 Eye for an eye. A. Trollope. X.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 963.26 Eyebright. S. C. Woolsey. Boston, 1879. 16°, 449.17 Eyes ; how to use them, and how to preserve them by the use of spectacles. J. Brown- ing. London, 1883. 16° 1314.7 Eyes and ears. [Sketches.] H. W. Beecher. Boston, 1802. 12° 2.36.10 Eyesight, and how to care for it. G. E. Har- lan. Phila., 1879. 10° 673.1.3 Eyesight, good and bad. A treatise on the ex- ercise and preserv.ation of vision. R. B. Carter. London, 18S0. 12° 679.20 Eyster, Nellie. Chincapiu Charlie. Phila., 1867. 10° 464.2 Eytinge, Margaret. Ball of the vegetables, and other stories. N.Y., 1883. 4° . . . . 923.5 Eytinge, S., Jr. Treasure trove. [A poem.] Boston, 1873. 16° 611.7 Eyton, R. M. The Laodiceans, and other es- says. London, 1884. 12° 1231.22 Fables and legends of many countries. J. G. Saxe. Boston, 1872. 16° 551.34 Tables, The book of, (chiefly from iEsop.) H. E. Scudder, £(J. Boston, 1882. 12°. .1214.13 Fables of La Fontaine. E. Wright, Jr., Trans. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 582.15 Fables of Pilpay. N.Y., 1872. 12° ... . 2.33.20 Fabre, F. Abbe Tigrane. N.Y., 1875. 12° . 132.17 Face illumined, A. E. P. Roe. N.Y.,1878. 12°, 374.21 The same 374.22 Face to face. [A novel.] N.Y., 1886. 12° . 977.11 Facts, failures, and frauds. Revelations, finan- cial, mercantile, criminal. D. M. Evans. London, 1859. 12° 282.11 Fagan, Louis. Panizzi, Sir Anthony, Life of. Boston, 1880. 2 v. 8° 186.14 Fah-hian and Sung-yun. Travels of Buddhist pilgrims. 400-518. S. Beal, Trans. Lon- don, 1869. 8° 725. 17 Fainalls of Tipton, The. [A novel.] V. W. Johnson. N.Y., 1884. 12° 958.9 Fair barbarian, A. Mrs. F. H. Burnett. Bos- ton, 1881. 16° .378.25 The same 378.26 Fair France. Mrs. D. M. Craik. X.Y.. 1871. 12° 343.24 Fair god. The. A tale of Mexieo. L. Wallace. Boston, 1873. 12° 361.23 118 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fair maid of Perth; or, St. Valentine's day. W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1S71. 12° . . . 314.8 The same 315.8 Fair play. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Soutliworth. Phila., lS(il. 12° 410.7 Fair Puritan, The. W. H. Herbert. Phila., 187.1. V2° 421.18 Fair Sa.von, A. J. McCarthy. N.Y., 1873. 12°, 34.i.l9 Fair words about fair woman. Gathered from the poets, by O. 13. Bunce. N.Y., 1884. 8° .574.12 Fairbairn, A. M. Religion in history and in the life of to-day. N.T., [n.d.] 16° . . 1421.9 Fairbairn, James. Crests of the families of Great Uritain and Ireland. Edinburgh, [n.d.] 2v. 8° 628.11 Fairbanks, Charles. Aguecheek. Boston, 1859. 12° 352. .33 Faire gospeller. The, Mistress Anne Askew. A. Manning. N.Y., 1856. 16°. . . . 331.13 Fairer than a fairy. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° 384.10 Fairfax, Robert. Vice-Admiral, etc. Life. 1666-1725. C. R. Markham. London, 1885. 8° 1133.9 Fairfax, Lord Thomas, Life of. C. R. Mark- ham. London, 1870. 8° 155.7 Fairfield, Sumner L. Life; by his wife. N.Y., 1847. 16° 212.20 Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England. Lon- don, [n.d. I 12° 514.4 Tobacco: its history and associations. Lon- don, 1870. 12° 1312.18 Fairport nine, The. (Juvenile.) N. Brooks. N.Y., 1880. 16° '. 912.0 Fairy fancies. L.S.Eden. London, 1870. 12°, 422.10 Fairy geography. The children's; or, A merry trip round Europe. F. E. Winslow. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 765.11 Fairy tales from Bientano. K. F. Kroeker, Trans. London, 1SS5. 12° 928.20 Frfere, M., Ed. Eastern fairy legends. Collected from oral tradition. Phila., 1879. 12° 292.19 Grimm, MM. Fairy tales and popular stories. London, 1872. 12° 441.21 The same 453.11 Harrison, Mrs. B. The old-fashioned fairy book. N.Y., 1884. 16° 931.1 Laboulaye, E. Fairy book. N.Y., 1867. 12° 453.13 Fairytales. N.Y., 1885. 4° 926.16 Last fairy tales. N.Y., 1885. 12°. . . 928.18 Percival, J. M., Ed. Roumanian fairytales. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 931.12 Raymond, R. W., and Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. Treasures from fairy land. N.Y., [n.d. I 1-2° 448.3 Segur, 5Ime. (a Comtesse de. Fairy tales for little folkrf. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 453.12 Faith and freedom. S. A. Brooke. Boston, 1881. 12° 129.3 Faith and rationalism. With short essays on related topics. G. P. Fisher. N.Y., 1879. 12° 285.25 The same 1238.20 Faith cures; or. Answers to prayer in the heal- ing of the sick. C. Cullis. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 291.5 Faith, hope and love, Poems of. P. Gary. N.Y., 1868. 16° 553.8 Faith of reason, The. Discourses on the lead- ing topics of religion. J. W. Chadwick. Boston, 1879. 12° 294.12 Faith work, imder Dr. Cullis, in Boston. W. E. Boardman. Boston, 1870. 12°. . . 261.19 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Mrs. A. D. T. Whit- ney. Boston, 1863. 12° 327.2 The same 327.3 Faith White's letter-book. 1620-23. (Plym- outh, New England.) Boston, [n.d.] 12°, 922.4 Faithful Margaret. A. Ashmore. N.Y., 1877. 12° .367.16 Faithful!, Emily. A reed shaken with the wind. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 413.3 Threevisits to America. N.Y.,[n.d.] 12°, 786.18 Falcouberg. [A novel.] H. II. Boyesen. N.Y., 1879. 12° 374.28 Falconer, William. Poetical works. W^ith a life by J. Mllford. Boston, [n.d.] 16°. 562.12 Fall of Damascus. [A historical novel.] C. W. Russell. Boston, 1878. 12° ... 372.23 Fall River, Mass. A centennial history. 1056- 1870. II. M. Earl. N.Y., 1877. 4° . . 528.7 Public library. Catalogue of. Fall River, 1801. 8° . R. L. Fallacies. A view of logic from the practical side. A. SIdgwick. N.Y., 1SS4. 12° . 1318. 4 Fallen pride. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Soutliworth. Pbila., 1861. 12° 417.4 Falloux, Cuiint de. Switchlne, Mme., Life and letters of. Boston, 1867. 8° .... 134 12 False colors. Mrs. P. Cudlip. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 365.85 Fame and fortune. H. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 442.2 Familiar letters of Peppermint Perkins. J. Perkins. Boston, 1886. 16° 1247.7 Familiar talks to boys. J. Hall. N.Y., 1876. 12° 265.34 Family affair, A. [A novel.] F. J. Fargus. N.Y., 18S.5. 16° 967.18 Family doom. The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1861. 12° 416.5 Family feud, A. L. Harder. Mrs. Wister, 7Vrt/!S. Phila., 1877. 12° 316.26 The s.anie 316.27 Family llight, A. E. E. and S. Hale. Boston, [n.d.] 4°. Egypt and Syria 915.15 The s.inie 925.2 France, Germany, Norway .ind Switzerland, 915.5 The same 925.1 Spain 925.3 The same 925.17 Family fortunes. A domestic story. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. N.Y., 1881. 12° 397.25 Family nomenclature. M. A. Lower. London, 1875. 2 v. 8° 651.12 Family romance. B. Burke. London, [n.d.] 12° 411.11 Family secret, A. F. Andrews. Phila., 1S70. 8° 365.36 Family tree, A. A. de Fonblanque. Boston, 1876. 8° 365.33 Family and church. C. Loyson. (Pire llya- cinthe.) N.Y., 1870. 12° 266.18 Famous books. Sketches in the highways and byewaysof English literature. W. Adams. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 128.8 Famous boys and famous men. (III.) N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 178.8 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 119 Famous persons and places. N. P. Willis. \.T., 1854. 12= 712.10 Famous women series. Boston, 1883-86. 10°. Albany, Couiifesso/, by V. Paget .... 1121.10 Bronte, Emily, by M. F. Ptobinson . . .111.5.11 Edgen-ortli, Maria, by Helen Zimmern . .1118.21 Eliot, George, by M. Blind 1115.10 Fuller, Margaret, by Mrs. J. W. Howe . . 1115 19 The same 1115.21 Fry, Elizabeth, by Mrs. E. R. Pitman . . 1121.15 Martineau, Harriet, by Mrs. F. F. Miller . 1121.22 Lamb, Mary, by Mrs. A. Gilchrist . . . 1115.15 Rachel, by N. H. Kennard 1138.2 Roland, Madame, by M. Blind 1138.4 Sand, George, by B. Thomas 1115.14 Wollstonecraft, Mary, by E. R. Pennell . . 1121.18 Famous women, Six life-studies of. M. Beth- am-Edwards. N.T., 1880. 12°. . . . 185.16 Fanchette. By one of her admirers. (Round- robin series.) Boston, 1883. 10° . . . 398.29 The same 398. .30 Fanchon, the cricket. Mme. A. Dudevant, (pseud., George Sand. ) Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 352.20 Fancy work. Ladies'. Hints and helps to home taste and recreations. Mrs. S. C. Jones and H. T. Williams. N.Y., 1876. 8° . 649.27 Fane, Violet. Constance's fate. [Poem.] N.Y., 1876. 12° 571.1 Fanuie St. John. A romantic incident of the American revolution. E. P. Delesdernise. N.Y., 1874. 12° 281.3 Fanning, David. Adventures in North Caro- lina. 1775-83. (Re-print.) N.Y., 1865. 8° 518.8 Fanny's birthday gift. J. II. Mathews. N.Y., 1874. 16° 441.3 Fanshawe, The DoUiver romance, and otlier pieces. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1870. 12° 372.2 Far above rubies. Mrs. J. 11. Riddell. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12= 954.5 Par from tlie madding crowd. T. Hardy. N.Y., 1874. 16° 302.4 Faraday, Michael. Life. J. H. Gladstone. N.Y., 1S72. 16° 211.14 Jones, B. Life and letters of. PhiUi., 1870. 2v. 8° 157.7 Tyndall, J. Faraday as a discoverer. N.Y., 180S. 12° 104.10 Works : Chemical history of a candle. London, 1861. 10° 633.23 Fargus, Frederick J., (Hugli Conway, pseud.) Bound together. |Tales.] N.Y., 1884. 16° 966.6 Called back. X.Y.. 1884. 16° 9.57.3 A cardinal sin. X.Y., 1881. 16°. . . . 9.57.7 Carriston's gift, and other tales. X.Y., 1885. 16° 907.6 Dark days. N.Y., 1884. 10° 960.3 A family affair. N.Y., 1885. 10° ... 907.18 Living or dead. N.Y., 1886. 10° . . . . 975.20 Slings and arrows, and other tales. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 969.15 Farjeon, B. L. Duchess of Rosemary Lane. N.Y., 1877.' 8° 305.68 Grit, N.Y., 1872. 8° 347.37 An island pearl. N.Y., 1876. 8° . . . . 365.5 Jessie Trim. N.Y., 1875. 8° 346.43 Joshua Marvel. Boston, 1871. S° . . . 340.. 35 Love's victory. N.Y., 1875. 8° . . . . 310.51 Farjeon, B. L. — concluded. Shi.dows on tlie snow. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . 365.63 The sign of the silver flagon. N.Y., 1875. 8° 347.36 Solomon Isaacs. X.Y., 1877. 12° . . . 364.67 Farm ballads. W. Carleton. N.Y., 187.3. 8°. 552.3 Farm festivals. [Poems] W. Carleton. N.Y., 1881. 8° 574.6 Farm legends. [Poems.] W. Carleton. N.Y., 1876. 8° 5.52.29 Farman, Ella. The cooking club of Tu-whit Hollow. Boston, 1876. 16° 441.22 Farmer boy. The. W. M. Thayer. Boston, 1864. 10° 438.3 Farmer's vacation, A. G. E. Waring, Jr. Boston, 1876. S° 718.7 Farming. Aee also Agriculture. Allen, R. L. The American farm-hook. N.Y., 1849. 12° 648.12 Bailey, J. M. The book of ensilage; or. The new dispensation for farmers. (On preserving green fodder.) Billerica, Mass., 1880. 8° 676.16 Brackett, G. E. Farm talk. Boston, 1808. 12° 262.17 Brill, F. Farm gardening, and seed grow- ing. N.Y., 1872. 12° 648.14 Greeley, H. What I know of farming. X.Y., 1871. 8° <>48.5 How I found it, North and South. To- gether with Mary's statement. Boston, 1880. 12° 127.13 How to get a farm, and where to find one. N.Y., 1804. 16° 228.9 Leiand, E. H. Farm homes, indoors and outdoors. N.Y., 1881. 12° 128.19 Mead, P. B. Our farm of four acres. N.Y., 1800. 12° &*S-15 Morris, E. Farming for bovs. Boston, 1808. 12° 648.19 Oemler, A. Truck-farming at the South. A guide to the raising of vegetables for northern markets. N.Y., 1883. 12°. .1312.10 Pinkham, T. J. Farming as it is. Bos- ton, ISOO. 12° 646.15 Starr, F. R. Farm eclioes. N.Y., 1881. 12° 129.14 Yankee farming; or, Tim Bunker papers. X.Y.,1S(;S. 12° 214.12 Farm-yard club of Jolham. An account of the families and farms of that famous town. G. B. Loring. Boston, 1870. 8°. 487.7 Farnell's folly. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1885. 12° 965.9 Farnham, Eliza W. California, indoors and out. X.Y., 1856. 12° 661.10 Farquharson, Martha, pseud. See Finley, M. Farragut, David G. Life, journal and letters; by his son, L. Farragut. X.Y., 1879. S= 193.9 Farragut and our n.-ival commanders. 1861- 1865. J. T. Headley. N.Y., 1867. 8° . 175.10 Farrar, C. A. J. Down the West Bnancli ; or, Camps and tramps around Katahdin. Boston, 1880. 12° 935.8 Richardson and Rangeley Lakes, Maine. Boston, 1877. 16° 491.21 Farrar, Charles S. Art topics ; with special ref- erence to valuable books on painting, sculpture, and architecture. Chicago, 1881. 8° em.w 120 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Farrar, Frederick W. The early days of Chris- tianity. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1218.4 Ephphatha; or, The amelioration of the world. [Sermons.] N.Y., 18S0. 12° . 124.17 Eric; or, Little by little. N.T.,[n.d.] 12". 852.15 Eternal hope. Sermons preaclied in West- minster Abbey, 1877. N.Y.,1878. 12° . 282.14 Interpretation, History of. N.Y., 1886. 8°, 1253.3 Julian Home. N.Y., 180."). 12° ... . 364.28 Life of Christ. Jf.Y., 1874. 2 v. 8° . . 166.3 Life and worlt of St. Paul. N.Y., [n.d.] 2v. 8° 175.18 St. Winifred's. N.Y., 1867. 12° ... . 334.8 Sermons and addresses delivered in America. N.Y., 1880. 8^ 1254.1 Treasure thoughts. Boston, [n.d ] 10° . 1247.3 Words of truth and wisdom. N.Y., 1883. 10° 1212.25 Farrar, Mrs. .lolin. Recollections of seventy years. Boston, 1806. 12° 214.16 The same 214.18 Parrer, James Anson. Primitive manners and customs. London, 187'.). 12° ... . 286.21 Military manners and customs. X.Y., 188.5. 12° 1422.2 Farrer, Richard R. A tour in Greece, 1880. Edinburgli, 1882. 8° 783.9 Farrovsr, W. Milton. How I became a crack shot; with hints to beginners. Newport, 1882. 18° 686.4 Fashion and famine. [A novel.] Mrs. A. S. Stephens. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .... 375.16 Fashionable sufferer. A; or. Chapters from life's comedy. A. Hoppin. Boston, 1883. 1-2° 946.6 Fast and loose in Dixie. Personal experience as a prisoner of war at Libby, Macon, Savannah, Charleston, etc. J. M. Drake. N.Y., 1880. 12° .591.9 Fast friends. J.T.Trowbridge. Boston, 1885. 12° 4.37.4 Tlif same 445.7 Fat and blood, and liow to make them. S. W. Mitchell. Phila., 1877. 12° 0.55.21 Fat and blood : an essay on the treatment of certain forms of neurasthenia and hys- teria. S. W. Mitchell. Phila., 18S4. 16°, 1313.14 Fatal m.arriage, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., ISOI. 12° 415.17 Fatal secret, The. Mrs. E. T). E. Jf. South- worth. Other stories by her sister Mrs. Frances Br\den. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 417.17 Fate of Mansfield Humphreys; with the episode of Mr. Washington Adams in England, and an apology. R. G. White. Boston, 1884. 12° 959.6 Fate of republics. Boston, 1880. 12° ... 126.5 Fated to be free. Sequel to " Off the Skelligs." J. Ingelow. Boston, 187.5. 10°. . . . 361.9 Father and daughter. F. Bremer. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .341.13 Fathers and sons. I. S. Turgeneff. N.Y., 1807. 16° 302.18 Faunce, D. W. The Christian in the world. Boston, 1875. 12° 265.23 Fauriel, Claude. The last days of the consul- ate. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1422.19 Faust. J. W. von Goethe. Brooks, C. T., Tran.s. Boston, 1857. 12°. 615.12 H.ayward, A., Trans. Boston, 1858. 12° . 615.13 Taylor, B., Tea it.s. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 4°, 617.1 Favorite authors in prose and poetry. Boston, 1885. 12° 1237.2 Fa^wcett, Edgar. The adventures of a widow. Boston, 1884. 12° 9.59.11 Ellen Story. N.Y., 1876. 8° 305.37 A gentleman of leisure. Boston, 1881. 18°, 3S3..30 A hopeless case. Boston, 1880. 18°. . . 383.21 Rutherford. N.Y., 1884. 12° 9.58.11 Social silhouettes. The impressions of Mr. Mark Manhattan. Boston, 1885. 12° . 974.1 Song and story. [Later poems.] Boston, 1884. 12° 577.11 Tinkling cymbals. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 9.")8.12 Fawcett, Henry, Life of. L. Stephen. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 1132.9 Free trade and protection. London, 1878. 12° 281.17 Fa"wcett, Mrs. Millicent G. Political economy for beginners. London, 1880. 10° . . 1313.8 Fa-wcett, W. L. Gold and debt. An American hand-book of finance. Chicago, 1S77. 12°, 483.39 Fay, Amy. Music study in Germany. Chi- cago, 1881. 10° 081.23 Fayoum, The; or. Artists in Egypt. P. Lenoir. London, 187:5. 12° 715.10 Fearful responsibility. A, and other stories. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1881. 12° . . 392.30 Featherman, ,\. Social history of the races of mankind. Fifth division: Aramaeans. Boston, 1881. 8' 694.9 Featherstonehaugh, Mrs. Lill;or, Kilcorran. Pliila., 1878. 10° :371.6 Feats on the Fiord. H. Martineau. London, [n.d.] 10° 2.53.28 Fechter, Charles Albert, Life of. K. Field. (American actor series.) Boston, 1882. 12° 1114.7 Federalist, The. A commentary on the Con- stitution of the U.S. Essays by Hamil- ton, Jay, and M.adison. Also the Conti- nentalist, and other papers, by Hamilton. J. C. Hamilton. Phila., 1880. 8° . . . 093.2 Federheld, Fritz, Ed. " Ingglish az she iz spelt." N.Y., 1885. 18° 1241.15 Feet, Dress .and care of the. X.Y., 1871. 10°, 031.16 Felkin, R. M., and Wilson, C. T. Uganda, ami the Egyptian Soudan. London, 1882. 2 V. 12° gfifl.a Felicitas. A tale of the German migrations, A.D. 470. F. Dahn. London, 1883. 12°, 952.16 Felix Holt. Mrs. M. Cross, (pseud., George Eliot.) Boston, 1870. 12° .... .337.29 Felker, P. H. What the grocers sell us. N.Y., 1880. 12° 674.7 Fellow, A. Rochester, pseud. The Winnipeg country. Boston, 1880. 10° 791.5 Fello'ws, Francis. Astronomy for beginners. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 1321.25 Felmeres, The. S.B.Elliott. N.Y., 1879. 12°, 392.7 Felton, C. C. Ancient and modern Greece. Boston, 1807. 2 v. 8° 527.2 Ed. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. Boston, 18.55. 12° 7:54.17 Familiar letters from Europe. Boston, 1S05. 12° 735.15 Popkin, J. S., Memorial of. Cambridge, 1852. 12° 1.33.7 Fencer, The modern. With the most recent means of attack and defence when en- gaged with an adversary. T. Griffiths. London, [n.d.] 10° 686.16 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 121 Fenelou, F. de S., Life of. J. Cormack. N.Y., 1854. 16° 131.5 Worktt : Ancient philosophers. N.Y., 18.54. 10°, 131.5 Telemachus, Adventures of. N.Y., 1859. 12° 103.7 Penn, George Manville. Middy and ensign; or, The jungle station. N.Y., 1883. 12° . 917.19 The parson o' Dumford. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 909.6 Poverty corner. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 904.19 The vicar's people. N.Y., 1881. 16° . . 388.14 Fenton's quest. M. E. Braddon-Maxwell. N.Y., 1871. 8° 365.21 Ferdinand and Isabella, History of the reign of. W. H. Prescott. Boston, 1856. 3 v. 8° 5.33.6 Ferdinand's adventure, and other stones. Xoi-cZ Crabourne. N.Y., 1SS3. 12° . . 910.17 Ferguson, A. Konian republic, History of the. N.Y., 1854. 16° 473.2 Ferguson, J. Astronomy, [t.p.w.] 12° . . 645.12 Fergusson, Ale.xander, Ed. Calderwood, Mrs., of Potton, Letters and journals of. Edin- burgh, 1884. 8° 1133.2 Fergusson, James. Rude stone monuments. London, 1872. 8° 049.2 Fergusson, Kobert, Life and works of. Lon- don, 1851. 8° 1.39.10 Ferishtah's fancies. [Poems.] E. Browning. Boston, 1885. 12° 577.16 Fermentation, Studies on. The diseases of beer, their causes, and the means of pre- venting tliem. L. Pasteur. London, 1879. 8° 070.6 Fermentation. P. Schiitzenberger. N.Y., 1879. 12° 0.55.0 The same 679.9 Fern, Fanny, pseud. See Parton, Mrs. J. Memorial volume. N.Y., 187.3. 12°. . . 134.11 Fern glen farm. (Juvenile.) H. P. Redden. London, 1884. 12° 973.4 Pern leaves. Mrs. J. Parton. Auburn, 1854. 2 V. 8° 218.5 Fernald, Woodbury M. A view at the founda- tions. Boston, 1885. 16° 631.14 Feme Fleming. Mrs. C. A. Warfield. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 367.17 Ferns in their homes and ours. J. Robinson. Salem, 1878. 12° 658.9 Ferns, A second century of. W. J. Hooker. London, 1861. 8° 629.6 Perrier, Susan E. Destiny; or. The chief's daughter. London, 1881. 2 v. 12°. . 953.7 The inheritance. London, 1881. 2 v. 12°, 953.9 Marriage. London, 1881. 2 v. 12°. . . 953.8 Ferris, George T. The great German com- posers. N.Y., 1879. 10° 191.4 The great Italian and French composers. N.Y., 1879. 16° 191.5 Great singers. N.Y., 1880. 10° ... . 123.2 The great violinists and pianists. N.Y., 1881. 18° 191.18 Ferry-boy and the financier. Boston, 1804. 10' 452.15 Fertilization of flowers. The, II. Muller. London, 1883. 8° 1311.15 Festival poems. A collection for Christmas, the New Year, and Easter. Boston, 1884. 10° .584.21 Festivals, games, and amusements. H. Smith. N.Y., 1855. 12° 261.12 Fetridge, W. P. Rise and fall of the Paris commune in 1871. N.Y., 1871. 8° . . 534.7 Feudal period. W. C. Hazlitt, Ed. London, 1S73. 16° 444.17 Feudge, Fannie R. History of India. Boston, 1S8>. 12° 592.2 Feuillet, Octave. The diary of a woman. N. Y., 1879. 12° .306.50 A marriage in high life. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 317.28 Romance of a poor youug man. N.Y., 1859. 12° 311.15 F^val, Paul. The Jesuits. N.Y., 1878. 10°. 283.9 Fiammetta. A summer idyl. W. W. Story. N.Y., 1866. 16° 972.6 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. Life. R. Adamson. Phila., 1S81. 10° 178.32 The nature of the scholar, the vocation of the man, the doctrine of religion. With memoir by W. Smith. London, 1873. 8° 1234.7 Fichte's "Science of knowledge." A critical exposition. C. E. Everett. Chicago, 1884. 16° 1238.4 Fiction, History of. J. Dunlop. London, [n.d.] 8° 347.45 Fictitious names, Hand-book of. O. Hamst. London, 1808. 8° 168.14 Fiddy Scraggs. A. J. Buckland. London, [n.d.] 16° 462.10 Field, Alice D. Palermo. N.Y., 1886. 10° . 791.0 Field, David Dudley. Speeches, arguments and miscellaneous papers. N.Y., 1S84. 2 v. 8° 1234.9 Field, Henry M. Among the holy hills. N.Y., 1884. 12° 782.6 Atlantic telegraph. History of the. X.Y., 1866. 12° 491.12 From Egypt to Japan. N.Y., 1877. 12- . 492.14 From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. N.Y., 1877. 12° 492.1 The Greek Islands and Turkey, after the war. N.Y., 1885. 8° 793.9 On the desert. With a brief review of re- cent events in Egypt. N.Y., 1883. 12°, 772.25 Field, Mrs. Henry BI. Home sketches in France. N.Y., 1875. 12° 243.7 Field, Mrs. James A. High lights. Boston, 1886. 10° 909.24 The same 975.13 Field, Kate. Haphazard. Boston, 1873. 12°, 261.11 Fechter, Charles A., Life of. (American actor series.) Boston, 1SS2. 12° . . . 1114.7 Ten days in Spain. Boston, 1875. 16° . 711.16 Field and forest. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 10° 457.24 Field and forest, Halt hours in. Chapters on natural history. J. G. Wood. X.Y., 1880. 10° 931.5 Field, dungeon, and escape. A. D. Richardson. Hartford. 1805. 8° 736.1 Field paths and green lanes in Surrey and Sus- sex. L. J. Jennings. London, 1884. 12°, 789.4 The same 282.4 Field sports of the United States. W. H. Her- bert. N.Y., 1864. 2v. 8° 660.6 Fielding, Henry, Life of. (English men of letters.) A. Dobson. N.Y., 188:5. 12°. 192.43 Fields, Mrs. Annie. How to help the poor. Boston, 1884. 16° 1224.16 Under the olive. [Poems.] Boston, ISSl. 18° .5S3.11 122 CATALOGUE OF TUE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIHRAHY. Fields, James T. Biographical notes and per- sonal siictclies witb unpublished frag- ments and trilnitfs from men and women of letters. Mrs. A. Fields. Boston, 1881. 8° 1112.4 Works: Ballads, and other verses. Boston, 1881. 10° ,583.15 Underbrush. Boston, 1877. 18° . . . 271.15 Yesterdays with authors. Boston, 1872. 8° 251.8 Fiery Cross, The; or, The vow of Montrose. B. Hutton. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° ... . 591.2 Fifine at tlie fair. [Poems.] K. Browning. Boston, 1S72. 12° 067.3 Fifteen days. An e.xtnict from Edward Colvil's journal. Boston, ISOO. 1()° 3.31.12 Fifty years' observation of men and events, civil and military. E. D. Keyes. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1237.3 Fifty years of my life. G. Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. N.Y., 1877. 12° . . . . 172.7 Fifty years with the Sabbath schools. A. Bui- lard. Boston, 1870. 12° 250.17 Fighting Joe. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 1. Bjornsou. N.Y., 1809. 10° 454.18 The same 388.25 Fishing. See Fish. Fiske, .John. American poetical ideas. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1243.2 Darwinism, and other essays. Boston, 1885. 12° " 1248.10 The same 292.17 The same 1318.10 The destiny of man, viewed in the light of his origin. Boston, 1884. 16° . . . .1231.17 E.\cursioiis of an evolutionist. Boston, 1884. 12° 1229.18 The idea of God, as atl'ected by modern knowledge. Boston, 1880. 10° ... 1251.2 Myths and myth-makers. Boston, 1873. 12° . . . ." 234.1 Outlines of cosmic philosophy. Boston, 1878. 2v. 8° 284.5 The presidents of America. Boston, 1879. 4° R. L. The unseen world, and other essays. Bos- ton, 1870. 12° 227.23 Fiske, S. Mr. Dunn Browne's experience in the army. Boston, 1866. 12° ... . 002.24 124 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fitch, J. G. Lectures on teaching. Delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1880. Cambridge, England, ISSl. 12° ... 129.11 Fitch, .)., Life of. C. Whittlesey. (American biography, Vol. VII.) 111.3 Fitch, John, (the inventor of the steamboat.) Life. T. Westcott. Phila., 1878. 12" . 18.5.1 Fitch Club, The. By Jak. X.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 932.10 Fitzgerald, Percy. The great canal at Suez. Its history, with an account of the strug- gles of its projector, F. de Lesseps. Lon- don, 1870. 2 V. S° 496.9 Dumas, Alexandre, Life and adventures of. London, 1873. 2 v. 8° 174.3 Garrick, David, Life of. London, 1868. 2 V. 8° 157.8 George IV., Life, letters and opinions of. N.Y., 1881. 8° 187.14 The romance of the English stage. Phila., 187.5. 12' 2,54.6 Fitzgibbon, Mary. A trip to Manitoba. Lon- don, 1880. 8° 785.6 Fitz-Patrick, \Y. J. Irish wit and worthies. Dublin, 1873. 8° 134.9 Lever, Charles, ;Life of. London, [n.d.] 8°, 1133.4 Five acres too much. R. V. Roosevelt. N.Y., 1SC9. 12° 224.4 Five gateways of knowledge. G. Wilson. London, ISSO. 12° 123.15 Five weeks in a balloon. J. Verne. London, [n.d.] 12' 324.10 Flag of distress. A tale of the south seas. M. Reid. X.Y., 1876. 12" 467.19 Flag of truce. The. S. Warner. N.Y., 1875. 16° 444.5 Flagg, Willi.im J. A good investment. N.Y., 1872. 8° 340.15 Three seasons in European vineyards. N.Y., 1869. 12' 712.3 Flagg, Wilson. Birds and seasons of New England. Boston, 1875. 12° .... 216.1 Halcyon days. Boston, 1881. 12° . . . 1212.3 Mount Auburn: its scenes, its beauties and its lessons. Boston, 1861. 12° ... . 297.15 Studies in the field and forest. Boston, 1S57. 12° 254.3 Woods and by-ways of New England. Boston, 1872. 8° 246.12 Flags of maritime nations. From the most authentic sources. Washington, 1882. 4° 629.12 Flammarion, Camille. The atmosphere. K.Y., 1873. 8° 047.1 Stories of infinity. Boston, 1873. 12°. . 644.19 Wonders of the heavens. N.Y., 1871. 12°, 644.23 The same 1317.8 Flat-iron, A, for a farthing. Passages In the life of an only son. Mrs. J. H. Ewing. Boston, 1886. 16° 961.14 Flatland. A romance of many dimensions. By a Square. Boston, 1885. 16° . . .1238.11 Flaubert, Gustave. Salammbo. [A novel.] N.Y., 1886. 12° 977.2 Flavel, John. Meditations and sermons. 1689. Vol. IL Folio 861.1 Flaxman, John. Anatomical studies of the bones and muscles, for the use of artists. London, 1833. Folio R. L. Lectures on sculpture. London, 1865. 8°, 649.12 Fleay, Frederick G. Shakespeare, William, Life and works of. N.Y., 1886. S° . . 1139.5 Flechmann, General, Ed. Miot de Melito, Oji(ii(, Memoirs of. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . 189.6 Fleming, George, pseud. Hee Fletcher, Julia. Fleming, George. A manual of veterinary sani- tary science and police. London, 1875. 2 v] 8° 6.56.13 Flemish school of painting. A. J. Wauters. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1612.1 Flemming, Harford. A carpet knight. Bos- ton, 1885. 1-2° 905.18 Cupid and the sphinx. N.Y., 1878. 12° . 382.18 Fletcher and Beaumont, Works of. London, 18.59. 2 v. 8° 013.4 Fletcher, Austin B. Advanced readings and rec-itations. Boston, 1881. 12' . . . . 129.4 Fletcher, Banister. Model houses for the in- dustrial classes. London, 1871. 8° . . 6.54.12 Fletcher, Eliza, Autobiography of. Boston, 1870. 12° 110.9 Memorials of. A woman's work. C. A. Salmond. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° Il:i5.12 Fletcher, J. History of Poland. N.T., 1854. 10° 473.13 Fletcher, Julia, (pseud., George Fleming.) Andromeda. Boston, 1885. 16° ... . 969.3 The head of Medusa. Boston, 1880. 16°. .378.18 Kismet. Boston, 1877. 16° 362.58 The same 302.59 Mirage. Sequel to " Kismet." Boston, 1878. 16° .362.72 The same 362.73 Vestigi.a. Boston, 1884. 16° 949.24 Fleurange. Mme. A. Craven. N.Y., 187.3. 16°, 362.9 Flint, Austin. Medical ethics and etiquette. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1225.0 The physiology of man. N.Y., 1871. 4 v. 8° . . ." 032.1 Flint, Charles L. Grasses and forage plants. Boston, 1860. 8° 647.16 Milch cows and dairy farming. Boston, ISOe. 12° 023.17 Flint, Robert. Theism. The Baird lecture, for 1870. Edinburgh, 1SS3. 12° . . .1243.14 Flip; a California romance. Foimd at Blazing Star. BretHarte. Boston, 1882. 18° . 941.13 Flipper, Henry O. Autobiography of the first graduate of color, from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. N.Y., 1878. 12° 178.2 Flirtation camp; or. The rifle, rod, and gun in California. [A sporting rom.ance.] T. S. Van Dyke. N.Y., 1881. 12° .... 387.9 Flitters, tatters, and the counsellor, and other sketches. M. Hartley. London, 1882. 12° 942.8 Floating city. A; and, The blockade runners. J. Verne. N.Y., 1874. 8° 324.2 Floating light. The. R. M. Ballantyne. Phila., 1.S71. 10° 443.13 Floating matter of the air, in relation to putre- faction and infection. J. Tyndall. N.Y., 1882. 12° 679.16 The same 1312.21 Flora symbolica. J. Ingram. London, [n.d.] 8° 648.8 Flora's interpreter. Mrs. S. J. Hale. Boston, 1841. 12° 648.23 Floral decorations for the dwelling house. A. Hassard. London, 1870. 12° ... . 647.23 Floral design. Suggestions in. F. E. Hulme. N.Y.,'"[n.d.] 4° R. L. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 125 Florence, City of. A. J. C. Hare. X. Y., [n.d.] 16° . .' 771.22 Florence and its environs, Walks in. S. and J. Horner. London, 1SS4. 2 v. 12° . 7S9.5 Florence, Jlakers of. Dante, Giotto, Savona- rola, and their city. Mrs. M. O. W. Oli- phant. London, 1876. 8' 17.3.11 Florence Erwin's three homes. Boston, 1802. 16° 433.20 Florian, M. Moors of Spain, History of the. y.Y., 1854. 10° 473.18 Flower garden, A simple. C. Barnard. Bos- ton, 1870. 12° 244.15 Flower garden. The. E. S. Delamer. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 048.29 Floriculture. Baines, T. Greenhouse and stove plants, flowering and fine-leaved palms, ferns, and lycopodiums. London, 1885. 8° . 1.320.7 Henderson, P. Practical floriculture. K.Y., 1800. 12° 646.16 Hale, S. R. A book about roses ; how to grow and show them. Edinburgh, 1877. 12°. 6.57.11 The same 686.3 Johnson, E. A. Winter greeneries at home. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 6.57.17 llollison, J. R. The new practical win- dow gardener. London, 1877. 12° . . 657.4 Rand, E. S. Seventy-five popular flowers. Boston, 1870. 12° 647.19 The window gardener. Boston, 1874. 16°. 651.28 Saxton's Rose culturist. X.Y., 18.52. 12°. 648.18 See also Gardening and Window Gardening. Florida, Camping and cruising in. J. A. Hen- shall. Cincinnati, 1884. 12° 786.8 Exiles of. J. R. Giddings. Ohio, 1858. 8°. 541.5 In the wilds of. A tale of warfare and hunting. W. H. G. Kingston. London, 1880. 12° 912.17 Its scenery, climate and history. A com- plete hand-book and guide. S. Lanier. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 491.15 Letters from. Mrs. H. W. Beecher. X.Y., 1879. 12° 285.20 Florida for tourists, invalids, and settlers. Climate, soil, productions, resorts, routes of travel, etc. G. M. Barbour. X.Y., 1882. 12° 761.25 Flower, Edward F. Bits and bearing reins; with observations on horses and harness. London, [n.d.] 12° 659.13 Flower and thorn. [Later poems.] T. B. Aldrich. Boston, 1877. 10° 571.7 Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces. J. P. F. Richter. Boston, 1863. 2 v. 12°. . . 251.9 Flower mission and what grew out of it. K. A.Hill. Phila., [n.d.] 16° 911.17 Flow^ers. Allen, G. Flowers and their pedi- grees. London, 1883. 12° 1317.17 Harris, A. B. Wild flowers and where they grow. Boston, [n.d.] 4° . . . . 638.17 Hulme, F. E. Familiar garden flowers. (First series.) N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 638.15 Familiar wild flowers. (First and second series.) London, [n.d.] 12° . . . . 038.14 MiiUer, H. The fertilisation of flowers. London, 1883. 8° 1315.4 Pratt, A. Flowering plants and ferns of Great Britain. London, [n.d.] 6 v. 8°, 647.9 Thayer, E. H. Wild flowers of Colorado. (Illustrated in color.) N.Y., [n.d.] 4°. R. L. Flow^ers of history. Collected by Matthew of Westminster. London, 185.3. 2 v. 12° 5.32.9 Flowers of the sky. R. A. Proctor. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 675.10 Floy Lindsley. [A story for girls.] N.Y., 1875. 16° ......... 433.13 Floyd Grandon's honor. A. M. Douglas. Boston, 1884. 12° 953.19 Fly-fishing in Maine lakes: or. Camp life in the wilderness. C. W. Stevens. Boston, 1881. 18° 76421 Flyleaves. [Poems] C. S. Calverley. N.Y., 1872. 16° 551.24 Fly-rods and fly-tackle. Suggestions as to their manufacture and use. H. P. Wells. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1325.10 Flying leaves from East and West. [Travels.] E. Pfeiffer. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 792.15 Fobes, Walter K. Elocution simplified. Bos- ton, 1877. 16° 657.13 Five minute recitations. Boston, 1886. 18°, 1241.27 Fock, H. C. A. L. The symmetry of pleasing proportions. Cambridge, 1877. Folio . R. L. Foe in the household. C. Chesebro. Boston, 1871. 8° 427.20 Fogg, Wra. P. Arabistan; or. The land of the " Arabian nights." London, 1875. 8° . 763.14 Folk-lore. Dyer, T. F. T. Domestic folk- lore. N.V., [n.d.] 18° 123.27 Geldart, E. M. Folk-lore of modem Greece. Tales of the people. London, 1884. 12°, 959.7 Henderson, W. Notes on the folk-lore of the northern counties of England, and the borders. London, 1879. 8° 1226.10 Folk-songs. J. W. Palmer, Ed. N.Y., 1867. 8° R. L. Folk-tales of Bengal. Lai Behari Day. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 947.11 FoUen, Mrs. C. Sketches of married life. Bos- ton, 18.38. 16° 432.12 The well spent hour. Boston, 1868. 16°. 4.52.10 Follow^ my leader; or. The boys of Templeton. A school story. T. B. Reed. N. Y., 1885. 12° 935.15 Following the drum. Mrs. Viele. X. Y., 18.58. 12° 662.14 Folsom, George. Despatches of Hernando Cortez. N.Y., 1843. 8° 1.38.3 Folsom, Xathaniel S., Ed. The four Gospels; translated from the Greek text of Tisch- endorf, with notes. Boston, 1885. 12° . 1243.9 Fonblanque, Albany de. A family tree. Bos- ton, 1876. 8° 365.33 How we are governed. London, [n.d.] 12°, 294.10 A tangled skein. Boston, 1863. 8° . . . 365.29 Fontaine, Edward. How the world was peo- pled. N.Y., 1S72. 12° 622. S Fontaine, Hippolyte. Electrolysis: A treatise on nickeling, coppering, gilding, silvering, etc., by electricity. N.Y., 1885. 8° . .1322.11 Fonvielle, Wilfrid de. Adventures in the air. Memorable experiences of great aeronauts. London. 1877. 12° 786.17 Thunder and lightning. London, 1868. 12° ...."; 658.18 Food. Church, A. H. Its sources, constitu- ents, and uses. N.Y., 1877. 12° . . . 655.17 Fothergill. .1. M., and Wood, H. C. Food for the invalid; the convalescent; the dys- peptic; and the gouty. N.Y., 1880. 12°, 675.23 126 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Food — concluded. Maoilonalil, J. Food from the far West of American aKriculture. Beef proiluclion, and importation of dead meat from Amer- ica to Great Britain. N.Y., [n.d.] 12= . 285.0 Uldiards, E. H. Food materials and their adulterations. Boston, IS.'^l!. 10'= . . . 1328. U Smith, E. Food.s. N.Y., 1S74. 12" . . 655.7 Fool of quality. II. Brooke. X.Y., 1800. 2 v. 12° 210.11 Fool's errand, A. A. W. Tourpce. N.Y., 1879. 16° 363.85 The same 363.89 The game 394.14 Foote, Andrew II. Life. J. M. lloppin. N.Y., 1874. 8° 147.3 Foote, Mary Ilallock. John Bodewin's testi- mony. Boston, 1880. 12° 977.6 The lid-horse claim. Boston, 1883. 16°. 943.21 Footfalls on the boundary of another world. K. D. Owen. Thiha., 1871. 12°. . . . 214.5 Foot-notes ; or. Walking as a fine art. A. Bar- ron. Wallingford, Conn., 1875. 12°. . 228.20 Footprints in the forest. E. S. Ellis. Phila., (n.d.J 16° 931.21 Footprints of famous men. .J. G. Edgar. N.Y., 1872. 16° 170.15 Footprints of the Creator. H. Miller. Bos- ton, 18.54. 12° 04.-5.15 Footsteps to fame. [Essays.] H. Friswell. London, 1874. 8° 222.14 For a woman. N. Perry. Boston, 1886. 18° 951.26 For a woman's sake; or, The mysteries of the castle. H. Wackenhusen. Boston, 1875. 8° .361.41 For better or worse. J. C. Croly. Boston, 187'). 12° 247.16 For fortune and s'ory. A story of the Soudan war. Lewis Hough. N.Y., 1885. 12° . 976.21 For liberty's sake. .1. B. Marsh. London, 1873. 12° 311.2 For Lilias. R. N. Carey. Phila., 1886. 16° . 969.5 For old sake's sake. S. Austin. N.Y., 1877. V,- 440.6 '■ For Percival." M. Veley. Phila., 1879. 8°, .369.38 For summer afternoons. S. C. Woolsey. Bos- ton, 1876. 18° .362.49 For the king. C. Gibbon. N.Y., 1872. 8° . 340.22 For the major. C. F. Woolson. N.Y., 1883. l(;o 949.5 Forayers, The; or, The raid of the dog-days. W. G. Siniras. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . :507.23 Forbes, Archibald. "Chinese" Gordon, Life of. London, 1884. 10° 1126.17 Glimpses through the cannon smoke. N. Y., 1880. 12° 120.6 Souvenirs of some continents. London. 1SS5. 12° 792.12 Forbes, Gordon S. Wild life in Canara and Ganjam, India. London, 1885. 12° . . 792.17 Forbes, Major .J. Eleven years in Ceylon. London, 1S41. 2 v. 8° 735.2 Forbes, Robert B. Person.al reminiscences. Boston, 1878. 12° 285.7 Forbes, William. Beattie, James, Life of. Boston, 1807. 4° 141.8 Forbes-Robertson, .John. The great painters of Christendom. London, [n.d.] 4°. . R. L. Forbidden frnit. T. Hackliinder. Boston, 1877. 12° 368.29 Forbidden land. A voyager to the Corea. E. Oppert. X.Y., 1880. 8° 765.5 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. NY., issi. 12° 591.17 Force. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1883. 16° . . . . 637.8 Force and matter. L. Biicliner. London, 1870. 12° 036.18 Forces of nature. A. Guillcmin. N.Y., 1872. S° 029.7 Ford, David B. The baptismal question. Bos- ton, 1879. 8° 276.14 Ford, James, 2V«ns. The "DivinaCommedia," of Dante. London, 1870. 12° ... . 578.7 Ford, Sallie R. Ernest Quest. N.Y., 1878. 12° .373.20 Ford, Worthington C, Ed. American citizen's manual. N.Y., 1882-8,3. 2 v. 12° . . 1222.1 Vol. I. Governments, national, state and local; tlie electorate; the civil service. II. The functions of government, state and federal. Forde, II. A. The old ship; or, Better than strength. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 449.25 Fore and aft. A story of actual sea-life. R. B. Di.xon. Boston, 188.3. 12° 917.10 Fore and aft. W. D. Phelps. Boston, 1871. 10" 421.12 Foregleams and foresliadows of immortality. E. n. Sears. Phila., 1873. 12° ... 206.4 Foregone conclusion, A. W. D. Howells. lioston, 1875. 12° 345.26 The same 392.22 Foreign classics forEnglish readers. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant, Ed. 5 vols. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. Cervantes, by Mrs. Oliphant 194.25 Dante, by Mrs. Oliphant 271.10 La Fontaine and other fabulists, by W. L. Collins 1111.10 Montaigne, by W. L. Collins 291.13 Petrarcli. by H. Reeve 271.30 Rabelais, by W. Bes.^nt 283.18 Saint Simon, by C. W. Collins 194.11 Sevigne, Mme. de, by A. I. Thackeray . . 101.20 Voltaire, by Co(. Ilamley 271.21 Foreign countries and British colonies. Lon- don. 6 vols. 1.S80-8I. 12°. Australia, by J. F. V. Fitzgerald .... 701.19 Auslria-Hungar}', by I). Kay 701.13 Egypt, by S. Laue-Poole 701.20 Greece, by L. Sergeant 701.14 Peru, by C. H. Markham 701.15 The West Indies, by ('. XL Eden .... 761.16 Foreign marri.age, A. [A novel.] V. W. John- son. N.Y., 1880. 8° 377.43 Foreign travel. Memoranda of. (Europe.) R. J. Breckinridge. Phila., 1839. 12° . . 721.4 Forest glen; or. The Mohawk's friendship. E. Kellogg. Boston. 1877. 16° 440.23 Forest house. The. E. Erckmann and A. Cha- trian. Boston, 1871. 10° 434.10 Forest, jungle and prairie. W. 11. D. Adams. London, 1873. 12° 722.14 Forest life, and forest trees. J. S. Springer. N.Y., 18.50. 12° 001.7 Forest trees of North America. T. H. Michaux. Phila., 1871. 3 V. 8° R. L. The same. T. Nuttall. Phila., 1871. 2 V. 8° R. L. Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, H. W. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 127 Forester, Thomas. Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. London, 1844. 12° ... 512.5 Paris and its envu-ons. London, 1859. 12°, 732.15 Foresters, The. [A novel.] B. Auerbach. X.T., 1880. 16° 378.6 Forestier, Auber. Echoes from mist-land; or, TheXibelungenlay. Chicago, 1877. 12^, 272.26 Forestry. Ablett, W. H. English trees and tree-planting. London, 1880. &"'... 1326.8 Brown, J. C. Forests and forestry of north- ern Russia and lands beyond. Edinburgh, 1884. 12° 1324.6 Emerson, G. B. Trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts. A report originally published agreeably to an order of the legislature, by the com- missioners on the zoological and botanical survey of the state. Boston, 1875. 2 v. 8° 638.3 Fuller, A. S. Practical forestry. A treatise on the propagation, planting, and cultiva- tion of the indigenous trees of the U.S. ; with notes on valuable exotic species. X.Y., 1884. V2° 1318.22 Helmsley, W. B. Hand-book of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Contain- ing descriptions, native countries, etc., of the best species in cultivation; with cul- tural details, comparative hardiness, etc. Boston, 187.3. 8° 649.30 Hough, F. B. The elements of forestry. Information concerning the planting and care of forest trees for ornament or profit : with suggestions upon the creation and care of woodlands. Adapted to the U.S. Cincinnati, 1882. 12° 1219.5 Macgregor, J. L. L. The organization and valuation of forests, on the continental system, in theory and practice. London, 1883. 8° 1315.11 .See also Trees. Forewrarned, forearmed. [Addresses to young men.] J. T. Davidson. N.Y., [n.d.] 12^ 1249.4 Forgiveness of sin, The Christian doctrine of. .1. F. Clarke. Boston. 18.52. 12= . . . 287.15 Forgotten meanings; or. An hour with a dic- tionary. A. Waites. Boston, 1886. 18°, 1251.15 Forney, .John W. Anecdotes relating to pub- lic men. X.T., 1881. 2 v. 12= . . . 128.16 Centennial commissioner in Europe. 1874- 76. Phila., 1870. 12= 483.31 Letters from Europe. Phila., 1867. 12° . 733.9 The new nobility. [A novel.] N.Y., 1881. 12° '. 397.5 Forrest, Edwin, the American tragedian, Life of. W.R.Alger. Phila., 1877. 2 v. 8°, 173.14 The same. (American actor series.) L. Barre,tt. Boston, ISSl. 12= ... . 178.33 Forrest house. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1879. 12= 424.44 The same 424.45 Forrester, Mrs., pseud. See Bridges, Mrs. (Colonel.) Forrester, Francis, pseud. See Wise, Daniel. Fors clavigera. Letters to the workmen and laborers of Great Britain. J. Ruskin. M.Y., 1882. 12= 689.5 The same. 2v 624.12 Forster, John. Dickens, Charles, Life of. Phila., 1872. 3 v. 8° 113.12 Forster, John — concluded. Goldsmith, Oliver, Life and adventures of. London, 1848. 8° 143.9 Landor, Walter S., Life of. Boston, 1869. 12° 147.2 The same. 8= 173.2 Statesmen of England. N.Y., 185.5. 4= . 142.9 Forsyth, William. Cicero, Life of. X.Y., 186.5. 2v. 8= 142.5 Lawyers, ancient and modern. N.Y., 1875. 8° 14:?. 5 Napoleon at St. Helena. N.Y., 18-55. 2 v. 12= 184.3 The novels and novelists of the eighteenth century. N.Y., 1871. 12° 254.12 Fort, George F. The early historj' and anti- quities of freemasonry. Phila., 1877. 8° 1211.8 Fortescue, .Sir John. The governance of Eng- land. Oxford, 1885. 8° 1432.3 Fortunate failure, A. [A novel.] C. L. Row. Boston, [n.d.] 12= 389.17 Fortunate island. The, and other stories. C. H.Clark. Boston, 1882. 16= .... .388.18 Fortune of the republic. R. W. Emerson. Boston, 1878. 16= 281.16 Fortune seeker. The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1861. 12° 417.11 Fortune, The way to. [Essays.] London, 1883. 16° 12.38.20 Fortune's fool. J. Hawthorne. Boston, 188-3. 12= 9.53.10 Fortunes, Famous American, and the men who have made them. A series of sketches of many of the notable merchants, manu- facturers, capitalists, etc., in the country. L. C. Holloway. Phila., 1884. 8= . . 1123.6 Fortunes, Great, and how they were made. J. D. McCabe, Jr. Phila., 1871. 8° . . . 143.8 Fortunes of Glencore, The. C. J. Lever. Lon- don, [n.d.] 16° 351.11 Fortunes of Miss Follen. Mrs. Goodwin-Tal- cott. N.Y., 1876. 12= 361.47 Fortunes of Xigel. W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12° 314.6 The same 315.6 Fortunes of Rachel. E. E. Hale. N.Y., 1884. 12° 9.54.24 Fortunes of the "Ranger" and "Crusader." A tale of two ships, and the adventures of their passengers and crews. W. H. G. Kingston. London, [n.d.] 10° ... 447.15 Fortune's wheel. [A novel.] A. I. Shand. N.Y.,18S6. 16° 961.15 Forty days in the desert, on the track of the Israelites. London, [n.d.] 8° . . . . 498.11 Forty-five guardsmen, The. [An historical romance.] Sequel to "Chicot, the jest- er." A.Dumas. N.Y., [n.d.] 12= . . 361.74 '49. The gold seekM- of the Sierras. J. Miller. , N.Y., 1884. 12° 9.59.16 Forwood, W. S. Mammoth cave of Ken- tucky. Phila., 1870. 12= 7-33.12 Fosdick, Charles A., (pseud., Harry Castle- mon.) Stories. Phila., [n.d.] 16°. Don Gordon's shooting box 917.18 Gunboat series. Frank, the young naturalist 408.4 The same 468.22 Frank in the woods 4()S.6 The same 468.23 128 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fosdick, C. A. Gunboal series — concluded. Frank on the prairie 468.7 Tlie same 4ftS.24 Frank on a gunboat 408.8 The same 40S.2.5 Frank before Vicksburg 468.9 The same 468.26 Frank on the Lower Mississippi . . . . 468.10 Tlie same 4(18.27 Joe Wayring at borne. Phila., [n.d.] 10°, 930.5 Rocky Mountains series. Frank among tlie raiicheros 468.11 Frank at Don Carlos' rancho 468.12 Frank in the mountains 468.13 Rod and gun club 019.20 Rollinr; stone series. Tom Newcombe 468.1 Go ahead 468.2 No moss 468.3 Roughing it series. George at the fort 913.26 George at the wheel 913.23 George in camp 919.1 Sportsman's club series. Sportsman's club in the saddle .... 468.14 Sportsman's club afloat 468.1.5 Sportsman's club among the trappers . . 468.10 Snowed up 468.21 B'rank Nelson in the forecastle .... 468.28 Trapper series. Buried treasure 446.22 Boy trapper 447-7 The mail carrier 447.31 Foss, Edward. Biographical dictionar>' of the judges of England. London, 1S70. S° . 175.2 Ed. Westminster Hall, Memories of. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 8° 513.4 Fossett, Frank. Colorado. An historical, de- scriptive and statistical work, on the Rocky Mountain gold and silver mining region. Denver, 1876. 12° 493.9 Colorado; its mines, forests, and health re- sorts. N.Y., 1880. 12° 706.13 Poster, David. The scientific angler. X.Y., 1883. 12° . . . . 1312.8 Foster, Elon. Cyclopsedia of illustrations. N.T., 1870. 8° 257.4 Foster, Ernest. Lincoln, Abraham, Life of. N.Y., 1885. 16° . . 1131.13 Foster, George E. Se-quo-yah, the American Cidmus and Moses. Milford, Jf.H., 188.5, 1131.23 Foster, Mrs. Hannah. The coquette; or. The life and letters of Eliza Wharton. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 372.22 Foster, Mrs. I. H. Echoing and re-echoing. Boston, 1878. 12° 364.90 and Alden, Mrs. I. M. From different standpoints. Boston, 1878. 12° . . . 364.89 Foster, J. W. The Mississippi valley. Chi- cago, 1869. 8° 664.1 Foster, .John. Essays, on decision of charac- ter, and other subjects. London, 1882. 12° 1229.1 Foster, M. Physiology. (Science primers.) Hygiene. R. S. Tracy. X.Y., 1883. 18°, 1314.1 A text-book of physiology. N.Y., 1880. 12° 674.8 and Balfour, F. M. Elements of embryol- ogy. London, 188.3. 12° 1.312.17 Foster, Vere. Simple lessons in water-color landscapes. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. . . 684.17 Foster, William E. Libraries and readers. N.Y., 188.3. 18° 1214.18 Foster-sisters, The; or Lucy Corbet's chroni- cle. L. E. Guernsey. N.Y., 1S86. 12°, 974.4 Fothergill, J. M liner. The maintenance of health. N.Y., 1879. 12° 675.4 and Wood, H.C. Food for invalids. N.Y., 1880. 12° 675.23 Fothergill, Jessie. The first violin. N.Y., 1878. 10° 376.4 The same 370.37 Healey. N.Y., 188.5. 10° 967.19 Kith and kin. N.Y., 1881. 16° ... . 388.10 The same 388.23 "One of three;" and. Made or marred. N.Y., 1881. 16° .376.35 Peril. N.Y.. 1884. 16° 966.9 Probation. N.Y., 1879. 16° .376.17 The same 376.38 The Wellfields. X.Y., 1880. 16°. . . . 376.23 Foul play. C. Keade and D. Boucicault. N.Y., 1877. 12° .3.35. .36 Foundation of death. The. A study of the drink question. A. Gustafson. Boston, 1884. 12° 1.324.12 Foundations ; or. Castles in the air. R. Por- ter. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 4.32.31 Foundry practice, American. A treatise on the management of cupolas, and the melting of iron. T. D. West. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1312.2 Fouque, F. de la M. Tliiodolf. N.Y., 1805. 12° 317.8 Four, and what they did. II. C. Weeks. N.Y., 1871. 16° 451.25 Four feet, two feet, and no feet ; or. Furry and feathery pets, and how they live. Mrs. L. E. Richards. Boston, 1886. 4° . . 933.2 Four feet, wings, and fins. Mrs. A. E. Ander- son-Maskell. Boston, [n.d.] 4° . . . 923.12 Four Georges, The. W. M. Thackeray. Bos- ton, 187-5. 12° 373.10 Four girls at Chautauqua. Mrs. I. M. AMen. Boston, 1870. 12° .304.50 Four gold pieces; a story of Normandy. J. Gourand. N.Y., 1875. 16° 361.28 Four Mac Nicols, The. A story for boys. W. Black. N.Y., 1882. 16° 913.25 Four months in a sneak-box. A boat voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and along the Gulf of Mexico. X. H. Bishop. Boston, 1879. 8° 763.18 Four years in Secessia. J. H. Browne. Hart- ford, 1805. 8° 660.9 Four years with General Lee, in the late war between the States. W. H. Taylor, (of hisstafif.) N.Y.,1S77. 8° 498.13 Fourth gospel. The. E. H. Sears. Boston, 1S72. 12° 207.17 Fowler, Frank. A hand-book on oil painting. X.Y., [n.d.] 16° 101 1. 7 Fowler, William C. Local law in Massachu- setts and Connecticut. Albany, 1872. 4° 218.1 Memorials of the Chaunceys. Boston, 1858. 8° 1.50.12 Fow^ler, William H. Twenty years of inside life in Wall Street. N.Y., 1880. 8° . . 275.3 Fox, Caroline, Extracts from the journals and letters of. Memories of old friends. Phila., 1882. 12° 1213.18 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 129 Fox, Charles James, Early history of. G. O. Trevelyaii. N.Y., 1880. 8° 196.3 Works : History of the old township of Dunstable, N.H. Nashua, 18-40. 12° 484.0 Fox, Ebenezer. Adventures in the revolution- ary war. Boston, 1847. 18^ 211.20 Fox, George, Life of. J. Marsh. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 147.5 Fox, T. B. The ministry of Jesus Christ. Bos- ton, 1840. 12° 261.13 Fox's book of martyrs. N.Y., 1842. 8° . . . 1:39.11 Foxcroft, Frank, Ed. Resurget. A collection of hymns and songs of the resurrection. Boston, 1879. 12° 573.21 Pox-hunting. C. A. Stephens, Ed. Boston, 1878. 10° 400.11 Foxton, E. Herman. Boston, 1860. 2 v. 12° 343.2 Fra Augelico. (Vol. XIII. of Artist biogra- phies.) Boston, 1879. 16° 191.1 Fra Bartolommeo. Mariotto Albertinelli. Andrea d' Agnolo. (Illustrated biogra- phies of tlie great artists.) L.Scott. N.Y., 1880. 12° 19.5.18 Fra Giovanni Angelico, and the great Floren- tine painters. C. M. Phillimore. X.Y., ISSO. 12° 19.5.17 Frackelton, S. S. Tried by fire. A work on cliina painting. N.Y., 1886. 4° . . . K. L. Fragoletta. By Rita. Phila., 1881. 12° . . 397.20 Frame, Elizabeth. The twilight of faith. Bos- ton, 1871. 16° 4.32.3 Framingham, Mass., History of. W. Barry. Boston, 1847. 8° 547.4 Francatelli, Charles E. The cook's guide, and housekeeper's and butler's assistant. Lon- don, 1877. 12° 125.16 France. Bioiirnphy. Challice, Mrs. Illustrious women of France. London, 1873. 12° . . . .1135.13 Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen. Boston, 1878. 12° 177.17 King, E. French political leaders. N.Y., 1870. 12°. ' 145.20 Masson, G. France. (Early chroniclers of Europe.) X.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . .592.1 Present leaders of France. From " Lon- don Daily News." Phila., 1873. 12° . 132.6 History. Brook, S. French history for English children. London, 1881. 12° ... 592.15 Bush, Mrs. F. Memoirs of the queens of France. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . . 177.18 Campan, Madame. Memoirs of the court of Marie Antoinette. Phila., 18.50. 2 V. 12° 177.21 Erckmann-Chatrian, MM. Invasion of France in 1814. X.Y., 1871. 16° . . 473.22 Fauriel, C. The last days of the consul- ate. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1422.19 Godwin, P. History of ancient Gaul. N.Y., 1860. Vol.1. 8° 534.12 Guizot, F. P. G. A popular history of France. Boston, 1876. 6 v. 8° . . 486.4 Jackson, Lady C. C. The court of France in the sixteenth century. 1514-1559. N.Y., 1886. 2 v. 8° 1429.6 Macdonell, J. France since the first em- pire. London, 1879. 12° 592.4 France. History — continued. Marshall, E. A history of France, for children. N.Y., 1877. 12° .... 491.16 Martin, H. Age of Louis XIV. Boston, 186.5. 2 V. 8° 5.30.1 Decline of the French monarchy. Bos- ton, 1866. 2v. 8° 536.2 A popular history of France, from the first revolution to the present time. Boston, 1877-82. 3 v. 8° .... 485.8 Vol. I. 1789-1795. II. 179.5-1832. III. 1832-1881. Masson, G. An abridgment of Guizot's " History of France." Boston, [n.d.] 8° 692.18 Pardee, J. Episodes of French history. N.Y., 18.59. 12° 331.29 Pierson, Mrs. H. W. History of France in words of one syllable. N.Y., [n.d.] 4°, 926.17 Ritchie, L. Romance of French history. London, [n.d.] 12° .532.3 Roelker, B. Constitutions of France. Boston, 1848. 12° .534.9 Simon, J. The government of Louis Adolphe Thiers. 1871-1873. N.Y., 1879. 2 V. 8° 499.3 Thiers, M. A. History of the consulate and the empire of France under Napo- leon. Sequel to " The history of the French revolution." London, 1845-61. 10 V. 8° 485.1 Trollope, T. A. Sketches from French history. London, 1878. 12° ... . 595.4 White, J. History of France. N.Y., 1859. 8° 536.6 Yonge, C. D. History of France under the Bourbons. London, 1866. 4 v. 8°, 699.5 Yonge, C. M. Young folk's history of France. Boston, 1879. 12° ... . 591.7 History of France. N.Y., 1882. 18° . 691.12 Revolutions. Abbott, J. S. C. Revolution of 1789. N.Y., 1859. 8° 536.10 Carlyle, T. History of the revolution. N.Y., 1858. 12° 535.9 The same .... vols. i. and ii. of 1235.1 Gardiner, B. M. The revolution, 1789-95. Boston, 1883. 18° .596.3 Lamartine. A. de. History of the revolu- tion of 1848. Boston, 18.54. 12° . . 483.17 Morris, W. O'C. The revolution, (1789.) London, 1874. 8° 534.4 Revolution and the first empire. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 591.3 Shobert, F. History of the revolution. London, 1854. 5 v. 12° 535.1 Taine, H. A. Revolution. N.Y., 1878. 3 V. 8° 499.1 Van Laun, H. French revolutionary epoch. History of France from the be- ginning of the first French revolution to the end of the second empire. N. Y., 1879. 2 V. 8° 499.2 Travel, descriptions, etc. Dumas, A. South of France. Pictures of travel. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 733.15 Elliot, F. Court life in France. London, 1873. 2v. 8° 536.7 Field, Mrs. H. M. Home sketches in France. N.Y., 1875. 12° 243.7 130 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. France. Trntel, ilencriptions, etc. — concluded. Givnville-Murray, E. C. High life In Fiance iiniler the republic. Social and satirical sketches in Paris and llie prov- inces. London, 1S84. 1-'° 7S6.9 Hainerlon, P. G. Notes of rural life in France, in peace and war. Boston, 1870. 12° 482.9 James, H. A little tour in France. Bos- ton, 188.5. 10° 780.5 Lacroi.t, P. France, 1700-89. The eigh- teenth century. Its institutions, cus- toms, and costumes. London, 1876. 8°, 628.2 Morgan, Lady. France. London, 1818. 2v. 8° 534.3 Murray. E. C. G. Round about France. London, 1878. 12° 282.20 Parker-Belloc, B. La belle France. Lon- don, 1808. 12° 735.13 Reminiscences of a canoness. Anecdotes and sketches of court life in France during the reigns of Louis XIV. and Louis XV. London, 1S74. 2 v. 12°. 171.8 France and Belgium, Through, by river and canal, in the steam yacht "Ytene." W. J. C. Moens. London, 1870. 8° . . . 773.7 France and Belgium, History of the war in. (1815.) \V. Siborne. London, 1858. 8°, 498.19 France and Germany, History of the war be- tween. J. Cassell. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 8° 536.3 France and Italy, Stories and sights of. Mrs. S. J. Lippincott. Boston, 1807. 16° . . 731.3 France before Europe. J. Michelet. Boston, 1871. 12° 535.12 Francia, Life of. (Illustrated biography. ) J. Cartwright. N.Y., 1881. 12° ... . 195.21 Franclllon, R. E. Left-handed Elsa. Boston, [n.d.) 16° 364.42 Rare good luck. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . . 365.61 Under slieve-ban. A yarn in seven knots. N.Y., 1881. 16° 376.27 Zelda's fortune. Boston, 1874. 8° . . . 346.58 Francis, J. W. Old New York. N.Y., 1866. 12' 147.4 Francis of Assisi. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. London, [n.d.] 12° 101.16 Franco-German war, to the catastrophe of Sedan and the fall of Strasburg. Col. A. Borbstaedt and F. Dwyer. London, 1873. 8° 498.15 Franco-German war. Struggles and experi- ences of a neutral volunteer. J. Furley. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° 490.13 Vol. I. In France among Germans. II. In and out of Paris during the commune. Franco-Prussian war, The: Its causes, inci- dents, and conseciuences. H. M. Ilozier, Ed. With the topography and history of the Rhine valley, by W. H. D. Adams. London, [n.d. 1 2 v. 8° 593.1 Franconia stories. See Abbott, Jacob. Frank among the rancheros. C. A. Fosdick. Cincinnati, 1871. 10° 408.11 Frank at Don Carlos' rancho. C. A. Fosdick. Cincinnati, 1871. 10° 468.12 Frank before Vicksburg. C. A. Fosdick. Cin- cinnati, 1806. 16° 468.9 Frank Hilton; or, "The queen's own." J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 10° 384.12 Frank in the mountains. C. A. Fosdick. Cin- cinnati, 1871. 10° 408.13 Frank in the woods. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., 1808. 16° 408.0 The same 408.23 Frank Manly; or. The drummer boy. A story of the war. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1870. 10° 4:57.25 FrEink Mildmay. F. Marryat. London, [n.d.] 12° 456.5 Frank Oldfield. T. P. Wilson. London, 1870. 10° 452.13 Frank on a gunboat. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., 1860. 16° 468.8 Frank on the lower Mississippi. C. A. Fos- dick. Cincinnati, 1871. 10° 408.10 The same 408.27 Frank on the prairie. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., 18li5. 16° 408.7 The same 468.24 Frank Redcliffe. A story of travel and adven- ture in the forests of Venezuela. A. Daunt. London, 1883. 12° 017.16 Frank Sinclair's wife; and Forewarned, fore- armed. Mrs. J. II. Riddell. London, (n.d.) 12° 954.7 Frank the young naturalist. C. A. Fosdick. Cincinnati, 1808. 10° 408.4 The same 468.5 Frank's campaign. The farm and the camp. II. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 10° ... . 442.38 Frank's ranche; or. My holiday in the Rockies. Being a contribution to the Inquiry, What are we to do with our boys? Boston, 1886. 16° 781.21 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography, letters and essays. N.Y., 18.54. 2 V. 16° 121.3 Bigelow, J., .EcZ. Autobiography. Phila., 1808. 8° 107.9 The same 130.2 Sparks, J., Ed. Autobiography. Bos- ton, 1850. 8° " . . . 136.4 Life. Abbott, J. S. C. N.Y., 1876. 12° . 147.23 Life of, for the young. Boston, 1876. 12° ■ 170.3 May hew, H. Life of, for the young. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 1:34.1 Parlon, J. Life of. N.Y'., 1864. 2 v. 8° 107.8 Works. J. Sparks, Ed. Boston, 1840. 10 V. 8° 130.3 Franklin, John, Sir, Discovery of the fate of. Capt. McClintock. Boston, 1800. 12° 003.10 Life of. A. H. Beesly. N.Y., 1881. 10°. 178.31 Franklin Square song collection for school and homes. J. P. McCaskcy, Ed. N.Y., 1881. 8° 683.18 Vols. L and II. Franks, Augustus W. Japanese pottery. London, 18S0. 12° 681.21 Franzos, Karl Einil. The Jews of Barnow. N.Y., 188:5. 10' 943.10 Fraser, A. Campbell. Berkeley. Phila., ISSI. 16° 194. .'SO Fraser, J. B. Mesopotamia, History of. N.Y., 18.54. 16° 473.16 Persia, History of. N.Y., 18.54. 10° . . 473.15 Frazar, Douglas. Boat-sailing, Practical. Boston, 1879. 16° 673.10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 131 Frazar, Douglas — concluded. Perseverance island ; or, The Robinson Crusoe of tbe nineteenth century. Bos- ton, 1885. 12° 928.16 Freaks of fortune. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 457.2 Freaks on the fells. R. M. Ballantyne. Bos- ton, 1805. 16° 443.18 Fred, Maria and me. Mrs E. Prentiss. N.Y., 1868. 16° .363.16 Fred Markham in Russia; or, The boy travel- lers in the land of the czar. W. H. G. Kingston. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 449.30 Frederica Sophia Wilhelniine, Princexs Royal of Pntsaia. Memoirs. W. D. Howells, Ell. Boston, 1877. 2 v. 16° ... . 181.1 Frederich, Frederick. The lost despatch. Bos- ton, 187-5. 8° 377.19 The same 347.40 Frederick I. History of his war against the communes of Lombardy. G. B. Testa. London, 1877. 8° 1428.6 Frederick II., Emperor of Germany, History of. T. L. Kington. London, 1862. 2 v. 8° 524.7 Frederick II., Kbig of Prussia. {Frederick the Great.) Abbott, J. S. C. History of. N.Y., 1871. 8° 5.33.1 Carlyle, T. History of. N.T., 1858. 6 v. 12° 163.11 The same vols, xi.-xvi. o£ 1235.1 Dover, Lord. Lite of. N.Y., 18.55. 2 v. 16° 121.18 Longman, F. W. Life of, and the seven years' war. Boston, ISSl. 18°. . . . 191.12 Macaulay, T. B. History of. N.Y., 1877. 16° 181.11 Frederick the Great, and his court. C. Mundt. N.Y., 1866. 12° 325.5 Frederick the Great, and his family. C. Mundt. N.Y., 1867. 8° 325.6 Frederick, Mrs. Hints to housewives on the preparation of economical and tasteful dishes. London, 1880. 12° 681.12 Free lance, A, in the field of life and letters. W. C. Wilkinson. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 254.14 Free Russia. W.H.Dixon. N.Y., 1870. S°, 725.11 Free trade. Buxton, E. N. A B C of free trade. London, 1882. 16° 295.13 Byles, .J. B. The sophisms of free tnade and - political economy. Phila., 1872. 12° . 236.18 Fawcett, H. Free trade and protection. London, 1878. 12° 281.17 Mongredien, A. Free trade and English commerce. N.Y., 1879. 16° .... 123.4 Free trade movement in England. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 591.13 Trumbull, M. M. The American lesson of the free-trade struggle in England. Chi- cago, 1884. 12° 1238.9 Wells, D. A. Free trade and free enter- prise. (Proceedings in the Cobden Club. 1873.) N.Y., 1873. 16° 247.17 See also Protection. Freedley, Edwin T. Common sense in busi- ness. Phila., 1879. 12° 273.23 Home comforts. Phila., 1879. 12° . . . 273.24 Freedom in science and teaching. E. Haeckel. N.Y., 1879. 12° 292.4 Freedom of faith. [Essays.] T. D. Munger. Boston, 1SS3. 12° 1225.4 Freeman, Edward A. Comparative politics. N.Y., 1874. 8° 232.12 English towns and districts. A series of addresses and sketches. London, 1883. 8° 776.9 Greater Greece and Greater Britain ; and George Washington the expander of Eng- land. [Two lectures.] London, 1886. 12°, 1421.12 Growth of the English Constitution. Lon- don, 1872. 12° 227.18 Historical essays. London, 1871. 8° . . 477.5 The same. (Second series) 693.7 The same. (Third series) 692.4 The historical geography of Europe. Lon- don, 1882. 2 V. 8° .597.9 The same 697.3 Methods of historical study. London, 1886. ^° '. 12.53.5 Norman conquest of England, History of the. Oxford, 1870-76. 5 v. 8° ... 513.7 The ofiiee of the historical professor. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 1242.6 Old English history for children. London, 1869. 12° 511.4 Outlines of history. KY., 1872. 16° . . 473.21 Saracens, History and conquests of the. London, 1876. 12° 491.10 Sketches from the subject, and neighbour lands, of Venice. London, 1381. 12° . 772.5 Some impressions of the U.S. N.Y., 1883. 12° 775.10 The unity of history. London, 1872. 12°, 252.10 Freeman, Frederick. Cape Cod, History of. Boston, 1860. 2 v. 8° 544.14 Freeman, James E. Gatherings from an artist's portfolio. N.Y., 1877. 16° 657.5 Gatherings from an artist's portfolio in Rome. Boston, 1883. 12° 775.2 Freemasonry, History of. N.Y., 1874. 8° . 245.7 The early history and antiquities of free- masonry, as connected with ancient Norse guilds and the oriental and medieval building fraternities. G. F. Fort. Phila., 1877. 8° 1211.8 Old constitutions of the Free Masons; Lon- don, 1871. 8° 246.4 Opinions on its origin, nature, and tendency. J. C. Odiorne. Boston, 1830. 12° . . 297.21 Freer, Martha Walker. Jeanne d' Albert, Queen of X'aearre, Life of. London, [n.d.] 12°, 1124.9 Freese, Jacob R. Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. Phila., 1869. 12° 734.10 Fremautle, W. H. The gospel of the secular life. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1229.21 Fremont, Mrs. Jessie Benton. Story of the guard. Boston, 1863. 16° 426.14 Fremont, John C. Life, explorations and pub- lic services. Boston, 1856. 16° ... 102.8 Report of expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains in 1842-13. Washington, 1845. 8°, 737.1 French, B. F. Louisiana and Florida. 1527- 1702. N.Y., 1875. 8° 547.5 French, G. H. The butterflies of the eastern U.S. Phila., 1886. 12° 1327.10 French, H. W. Art and artists in Connecticut. Boston, 1879. 8° 654.16 French, Harry W. Nuna, the Bramin girl. Boston, 1882. 16° 388.12 Our boys in India. The w.iuderings of two young Americans in Hindostan. Boston, 1SS3. 8° 773.18 132 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. French history. See France, History of. French laiijuage. (For books in French, see list at the end of the catalogue.) French etymological dictionary. A. Brack- et. Oxford, 1873. 12=' 244.6 French literature. Besant, W. Early studies in French poetry. London, ISCS. 12° 612.12 French humorists. London, 187.3. S°, 143. .3 Cousin, Jouffroy, and Constant, B. Philo- sophical miscellanies. Boston, 18:31). 2 v. 12° 290.1 Gautier, T., joint author. Famous French authors. N.Y., 1879. 8° 183.9 Half-hours with the best French authors. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 224.5 James, Henry. French poets and novelists. London, 1878. 12° 177.8 The same 1232.12 Jouffroy. Introduction to ethics, including a critical survey of mor.al systems. Bos- ton, 1839. 2 V. 12° 296.2 Matthews, J. B. French dramatists of the nineteenth century. N.Y., 1881. 12° . 1113.1 Saintsbury, G. Short history of French literature. Oxford, 1882. 12° ... . 1222.8 Van Laun, H. History of French litera- ture. N.Y., 1876. 3v. 8° 245.19 Vol. I. From its origin to the renaissance. IL From the renaissance to the end of the reign of Louis XIV. III. From the end of the reign of Louis XIV. to the end of the reign of Louis Philippe. French and Belgians. P. E. Gibbons. Phila., 1879. 12° 702.9 French and Indian War in New England and parts adjacent. 1744-49. History. With a memoir of Maj. Gen. Shirley. S. G. Drake. Albany, N.Y., 1870. 8° . . . 486.10 French and Italian note-books. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1872. 2 v. 12° 256.9 The same 372.3 French country family, A. Mme. De Witt. N.Y., 1868. 12° 343.13 The same 343.39 French country house, A week in a, and other tales. Mrs. A. K. Sartoris. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 395.8 French heiress in her own chateau. Author of "One only." London, 1878. 12°. . 932.4 French home life. Edinburgh, 1873. 8° . . 246.13 French pictures with pencil and pen. L. de Colange. Boston, 1879. 4° R. L. French, The, at home. A. Rhodes. N.Y., 1875. 16° 263.24 Freneau, Philip. Poems on the events and actors in the American war of independ- ence. A reprint. London, 1861. 16° . 575.9 Frfere, M. Eastern fairy legends. Phila., 1879. 12° 292.19 Freres.The. Mrs. A. F. Hector. N.Y., 1882. 16°, 388.21 The same 388.22 Fresh fields. [Sketches.] J. Burroughs. Bos- ton, 1885. 12° 1242.5 Fresh hearts, with other things. R. T. S. Low- ell. Boston, 1860. 16° 553.13 Fresh leaves in, "The book and the story." Mrs. E. Ranyard. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . 217.8 Fret cutting and wood carving, A manual of. T. Seaton. London, 1875. 12°. . . . 069.28 Fret-salving and wood-carving for amateurs. G.A.Sawyer. Boston, 1875. 12° . . 681.10 Preytag, Gustave. Debit and credit. N.Y., 1858. 12° 311.24 Ingo. N.Y., 1873. 16° 362.15 Ingraban. N.Y., 1873. 16° 362.20 The lost manuscript. N.Y., 1809. 8° . . 346.23 Friar Anselmo, and other poems. Mrs. J. C. R. Dorr. N.Y., 1879. 12° 582.9 Friar Ilildebrand's cross; or. The monk of Tavystoke Abbaye. M. A. Paull. Lon- don," 1882. 12° 946.16 Friar Jerome's beautiful book, and other poems. T. B. AUlrich. Boston, 1881. 18° . . 583.21 Friars-wood post-office. C. M. Yonge. Lon- don, 1879. 18° 378.9 Friction and lost work, in machinery and mill- work. K.H.Thurston. N.Y., 188.i. S°, 1.326.1 Fridolin's mystical marriage. A. Wilbrandt. X.Y., 1884. 18° 9.51.13 Friedmann, Paul. Anne Boleyn. A chapter of English history, 1527-36. London, 1884. 2 V. 8° 1127.6 Friend Fritz. A tale of the banks of the Lau- ter. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. N.Y., 1877. 12° .366.15 Friendly council for girls. S. Cox. N.Y., 1868. 12° 266.22 Friends : A duet. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1881. 12° 379.27 Tlie same .379.28 Friends and foes from fairy land. Lord Bra- bourne. Boston, 1886. 12° 932.11 Friendsin council. A. Helps. Leipslc,1873. 12°, 261.7 Friends worth knowing. Glimpses of Ameri- can natural history. E. Ingersoll. N.Y., 1881. 16° . . 921.2 Friendship of books, and other lectures. F. D. Maurice. London, 1874. 12° . . . 227.6 Friendships of women. W. R. Alger. Bos- ton, 1808. 12° 236.21 Fris-wrell, J. Hain. The better self. London, 1875. 12° 422.13 Footsteps to fame. London, 1874. 8° . . 222.14 The gentle life. London, 1870. 12°. . . 254.16 Frith, Henry. Ascents and adventures. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 919.4 Brave days of old. London, 1886. 12°. .1423.13 Escaped from Siberia. N.Y., 1886. 12° . 974.3 King Arthur, and his knights of the Round Table. London, 1884. 12° 928.4 On the wings of the wind. London, 188.5. 12° 928.8 Schoolboys all the world over. N.Y., 1881. 12° 912.11 Unac, the Indian. London, 1884. 12°. . 919.3 Frithiof's saga. E. Tegner. N.Y., 1867. 12°, 614.15 Frobisher, J. E. Acting and oratory. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . ^ 082.3 Frobisher, &!(• Martin. Life; containing a nar- rative of the Spanish Armada. F. Jones. London, 1878. 12° 178.7 Frcebel, Friedrich, Reminiscences of. B. von Marenholz-Biilow. Boston, 1877. 16° . 176.14 Froebel's Mother songs, games and stories. F. and E. Lord, Eds. London, lSa5. 8° . .572.11 Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of adventure in Engl.and, France, Spain, etc. Ed. for boys by S. Lanier. N.Y., 1879. 8° . . 448.7 Chronicles of England, France and Spain. London, 1849. Roy. 8° 526.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 133 From attic to cellar. A book for young house- keepers. Mrs. Oakey. N.Y., 1879. 16°, 283.19 From cadet to colonel. The record of a life of active service. T. Seaton. N.Y., 1877. 12° 172.5 From canal boy to president; or, The boyhood and manhood of James A. Garfield. H. Alger, Jr. N.Y., 1881. 16° 913.21 From Cape Cod to Dixie. J. M. Mackie. X. Y., 1864. 12° 662.26 "From Dan to Beersheba." J. P. Xewuian. X.Y., 1864. 12° 735.10 From dawn to dark in Italy. Buston, |n.d.] 12° " 414.5 From different standpoints. Mrs. I. M. Alden and Mrs. I. H. Foster. Boston, 1878. 12° 364.89 From dreams to waking. Mrs. E. L. Linton. N.Y., 1877. S° 369.11 From farm boy to senator; the boyhood and manhood of Daniel Webster. H. Alger, Jr. X.Y., 1882. 16° 914.24 From fourteen to fourscore. Mrs. S. W. Jewett. X.Y., 1871. 12° 352.12 "From grave to gay." Selections from the poems of H. Cholmondeley-Pennell. N. Y., 1884. 18° 585.2 From hand to hand. G. Dannenberg. Mrs. \yister, Trans. Phila., 1882. 12° . . . 389.23 From hand to mouth. A. M. Douglas. Bos- ton, 1878. 12° 366.34 From home to home. Autumn wanderings in the North-West (of America), 1881-84. A.S.Hill. London, 18a5. 8° . . . . 788.11 From jest to earnest. E. P. Roe. X.Y., 1875. 12° :326.23 The same 354.38 From log-cabin to the White House. W. M. Thayer. Boston, 1881. 12° 914.3 From Madge to Margaret. Mrs. C. G. Curtis. Boston, 1884. 12° 391.24 The same 952.8 From my youth up. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1874. 12° 423.4 From Ponkapog to Pesth. [Travel.] T. B. Aldrich. Boston, 1883. 12° 775.14 From powder monkey to admiral. W. H. G. Kingston. N.Y., 1884. 12° 917.11 From the earth to the moon. J.Verne. X.Y., 1874. 8° 324.8 Tlie same 324.9 Fromeutin, Eugene, painter and writer. L. Gonse. Boston, 1883. sm. 4° . . . . 1122.2 The old masters of Belgium and Holland. Boston, 1882. 8° 684.7 Fronteuac and New France under Louis XIV. F. Parkman. Boston, 1877. 8° . . . 485.9 Frost, H. F. Schubert, Life of. X'.Y., 1881. 12° 194.28 Frost, John. U.S., A popular history of the. N.Y., 188L 12° 691.8 Frost, S. Annie. Almost a woman. X'.Y., 187G. 16° 441.30 Frost, Thomas. Circus life and celebrities. London, 1875. 12° 212.3 Half-liouis with the early explorers. Lon- don, [n.d.] 8° 246.5 Frothingham, Octavius B. Parker, Theodore, Life of. Boston, 1874. 8° 145.2 Ripley, George, Life of. Boston, 1882. 12°, 1115.5 Smith, Gerrit, Life of. N.Y., 1878. 12° . 177.4 Frothingham, Octavius B. — concluded. Visions of the future, and other discourses. N.Y., 1879. 12° 286.4 Frothingham, Richard. Battle of Bunker Hill. Boston, 187.5. 8° 541.21 Boston, History of the siege of. Boston, 1851. 8° 537.8 King, Thomas Starr, Tribute to. Boston, 186.5. 16° 13.3.13 Rise of the republic of the U.S. Boston, 1872. 8° 237.14 Warren, Joseph, Life and times of. Bos- ton, 186-5. 8° 156.4 Froude, James Anthony. Cifisar. [A sketch.] N.Y., 1879. 8° 184.2 Cariyle, Thomas, History of the first forty years of the life of. N.Y., 1882. 2 v. 8° 1112.9 History of his life in London. 1834-1881. X.Y., 1884. 12° 1128.22 Ed. Reminiscences of Cariyle. X'.Y., 1881. 12° "..... 187.10 The same 187.11 Ed. Cariyle, Mrs. Jane W., Letters and memorials of. N.Y., 1883. 2 v. 8° . .1116.14 The same 1116.15 The English in Ireland. X.Y., 1873. 3 v. (Vol L missing.) 12° 521.3 History of England. N.Y., 1865. 12 v. 12° 514.6 Luther: A short biogi-aphy. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1126.5 Oceana; or, England and her colonies. N.Y., 1886. 8° 793.11 Short studies on great subjects. N.Y. , [n.d.] 12° 226.1 The same. (Second series) 226.2 The same. (Third series) 282.25 Frozen Asia. A sketch of modern Siberia. C.H.Eden. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°. . . . "62.17 Frozen deep. The. W. Collins. Boston, 1875. 12° 335.7 Frozen sea. The great. A personal narrative of the voyage of the "Alert" during the Arctic expedition of 1875-76. A. H. Markham. London, 1880. 12° . . . . 766.6 Frozen zone, The, and its explorers, for one thousand years. A. Hyde, joint Ed. Hartford, 1876. 8° 767.10 Fruit between the leaves. [Essays.] A. Wyn- ter. London, 1875. 2 v. 12° ... . 282.23 Fruit culture. Barry, P. The fruit garden. X.Y., 1872. 8° 648.11 Downing, A. J. Fruits and fruit-trees of America. X.Y., 1855. 12° 646.13 Elliott, F. W. Fruit growers' hand-book. Rochester, X.Y., 1870. 16° 647.24 Hills, W. H. Small fruits; their propaga- tion and cultivation; including the grape. Boston, 1886. 8° ." . . 1329.4 Roe, E. P. Success with small fruits. a.Y., 1880. 8° 683.4 Strong, W. C. Fruit culture; and the lay- ing out and management of a country home. Boston. 188.5. 16° 1321.24 Thomas, J. J. The American fruit cultur- ist. N.Y., 1867. 12° 646.14 Thomson, D. Fruit culture under glass. Edinburgh, 1873. 8° 048.7 See also Horticulture. 134 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fruits, flowers, and farming. II. \\. BeecUer. N.Y., 1850. 12° 648.10 Fry, Kli/.abeth, Life of. Mrs. E. R. Pitman. (Famous women series.) Boston, 1884. 10° 1121.15 Fryer, W. J. Architectural iron work. N.Y., 1876. 8° 654.3 Pudge family in Paris. T. Brown, Kd. N.Y., isis. 10° .-)5.'3..34 Fuel of the sun, The. W. M. Williams. Lon- don, lS-0. 8° 045. 2 Fuller, Albert W. Artistic homes in city and country. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1882. Ob. folio R. L. Fuller, Andrew S. The grape culturist. N.Y., 1S15. 12° 640.17 Practical forestry. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . . 1318.22 Fuller, Arthur B., Life of. H. F. Fuller. Boston, 1803. 16° 161.8 Fuller, Hiram. Belle Brittan. N.Y., 18.58. 12° 421.17 Fuller, Horace W. Imposters and adventu- rers. Noted French trials. Boston. 1S82. 16° 1212.29 and Almy, Charles, Jr. The law of mar- ried women in Massachusetts. Boston, 1878. 12° 285.16 Fuller, Margaret. See also Ossoli, Cnuntess d'. (Marchessa Ossoli) Life of. Mrs. J. W. Howe. Boston, 1883. 12° 1115.19 The same 1115.21 Fuller-Ossoli, Margaret. T. W. Higginson. (American men of letters.) Boston, 1884. 12° 1126.16 Fuller, Manila. Righted at last. N.Y., 1874. 8° 377.36 Puller, Richard. Life. J. H. Cuthbert. N.Y., 1S79. 12° 182.7 FuUertoQ, Georgiana, Lady. Grantley Manor. Baltimore, [n.d.] 12° 972.10 Fullness of blessing; or. The Gospel of Christ, as illustrated from the Book of Joshua. S. F. Smiley. N.Y., 1870. 12° . . . . 267.21 Fulton, C. C. Europe viewed through Ameri- can spectacles. Phila., 1878. 8° . . . 496.11 Fulton, Justin D. Show your colors. N.Y., 1875. 10° 403.19 Fulton, R. Life. J. lienwick. (American biography. Vol. X.) 111.2 Life of, and history of steam navigation. T.W.Knox. N.Y.. 1880. 12° . '^ . .1137.13 Fulton, K. I., and Trueblood, T. C, Edn. Choice readings from standanl author.s. Boston, 1885. 12° 1245.14 Fun jottings. N.P.Willis. N.Y., 1853. 12°. 452.1 Fundamental questions. Chiefly relating to the Book of Genesis and the Hebrew Scriptures. E. L. Clark. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1222.9 Fungi: their nature and use. M. E. Cooke. N.Y., 1875. 12° 638.7 Funny side of physic; or. The mysteries of medicine. Presenting the humorous and serious sides of medical practice. An expose of medical humbugs, quacks, and charlatans, in all ages, and all countries. A. D. Crabtree. Hartford, 1872. 8° . . 247.18 Fur bearing animals of North America. E. Coues. Boston, 1877. 8° 0.50.5 Fur country, The. J.Verne. Boston, 1874. 8°, 324.20 Fur land. The groat. Sketches of life in the Hudson Bay territory. H. M. Robinson. N.Y.. 1879. 12° 762.5 Furley, John. Struggles and experience of a neutral volunteer. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° 490.13 Furness, W. II. Jesus. Phila., 1871. 8°. . 114.11 Verses translated from the German, and hymns. Boston, 1880. 18° 586.3 Furniture designs, The cabinet of practical, useful, and decorative. H. Lawford. N.Y., [n.d.] Folio R. L. Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. Religion and laws of ancient Greece and Rome. Boston, 1874. 12° 525.3 Future life. History of the doctrine of a. W. R. Alger. Phila., 1804. 8° . . . . <127.7 Future state, The jdiilosophy of. T. Dick. Phila., 1845. 2 v. 12° 125.8 Fyfe, J. Hamilton. Enterprise beyond the seas. London, 1871. 12° 240.25 Merchant enterprise. London, 1871. 12°. 2.52.23 Fyffe, C. A. Modern Europe, History of. (Vol. L) N.Y., 1881. 8° 091.6 G. G. T. T. ; or. The wonderful adventures of a Pullman. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1877. 1G° 371.8 Gaboriau, Emile. Other people's money. Bos- ton, 1875. 8° 346.11 Gabriel Conroy. Bret Harte. Boston, 1882. 16° 389.24 The same 427.41 Gaddings with a primitive people. W. A. B. Groham. N.Y'., 1878. 16° 281.18 Gage, A. P. Physical technics. A teaclier's manual of physical manipulation. Bos- ton, 1884. 10° 1325.19 Gage,W^illiamL. Mendelssohn, Life of. N.Y., 1805. 8° ■ . . . . 134.7 Ritter, Carl, Life of. N.Y., 1867. 12° . . 210.8 Studies in Bible lands. Boston, 1809. 12°, 715.13 Gagneur, M. L. A Nihilist princess. Chicago, 18S1. 12° 387.16 Gairdner, James. Early chronicles of Europe. (England.) London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 1413.7 Gajani, Guglielmo. The Roman exile. Bos- ton, 18.56. 12° 334.24 Gala-days. M, A, Dodge. Boston, 1864. ]2 244 22 Galama. J. B. de Liefde. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . 340. ciO Galaxy, The. N.Y"., 1870-77. Vols. XI.- XXIV. 8° 741.2 Vol. XI. Jan.-June, 1871. XII. July-Dec, 1871. XIII. Jan.-June, 1872. XIV. July-Dec, 1872. XV. Jan.-June, 1873. XVI. July-Dec, 1873. XVII. Jan.-June, 1874. XVIII. July-Dec, 1874. XIX. Jan.-June, 1875. XX. July-Dec, 1875. XXI. Jan.-June, 1876. XXII. July-Dec, 1876. XXIII. Jan.-June, 1877. XXIV. July-Dec, 1877. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 135 Galdos, B. Perez. Gloria. N.Y., 18S2. 2 v. 18° 041.3 Marianela. N.Y., 1883. 18° 041.23 Trafalga. KY., 1884. 18° 951.7 Gale, Ethel C. Hints on dress. N.Y., 1872. 12° 234.13 Galileo, Private life of. Compiled principally from liis correspoHdence, and that of his eldest daughter. Si-iter Maria Celeste. Phila., [n.iL] 12° 178.30 Gallatin, Albert, Life of. H. Adams. Phila., 1879. 8° 276.7 Writings of. H. Adams, Ed. Phila., 1870. 3v. 8° 276.5 Gallenga, Antonio. Episodes of my second life. American and English experiences. Phila., 1885. 12° 1129.8 Iberian reminiscences. Travel in Spain and Portugal. London, 1883. 2 v. S° . . 779.5 Gait, John. Byron, ior(/, Life of. N.Y., 18.55. 16° 131.8 The entail. Edinburgh, 18G8. 16° . . . 331.15 Lawrie Todd. London, 1840. 12° . . . 347.2 Woolsev, Cardinal, Life of. London, 1846. 8° .' 139.4 Galtou, Douglass. Observations on the con- struction of healthy dwellings. Oxford, 1880. 8° 676.19 Galtou, Francis. Hereditary genius. N.Y., 1871. 12° 634.9 Inquiries into human faculty and its devel- opment. N.Y.,1883. 8°" 1311.16 Gama, Vasca da. G. M. Towle. Boston, 1878. 12° 178.1 Game bird shooting, American. J. M. Murphy. N.Y., 1882. 12° 672.8 Gaines. Aquarius. Advanced whist. Lon- don, 1884. 35,° 686.22 Bellew, Mrs. C, Ed. The merry circle. London, [n.d.] 12° 273.4 Bellew, Frank. That charming evening. N.Y., 1878. 12° 273.5 Bohn, H. G., Ed. Hand-book of whist, piquet, ecarte, backgammon, bowls, etc. London, 1867. 16° 635.20 Cadogan, A. Games of patience. (Illus- trated.) London, 1883. 8° 684.14 Cassell's Book of sports and pastimes. N.Y., [n.d.] S° 683.21 Gill, W. F. Parlor tableaux. Boston, 1871. 12° 244.10 Lewis, A. J. Parlor, and evening party, entertainments. London, [n.d.] 12° . 685.1 Mayne, L. D. What shall we do to-night ? N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 273.20 The same 463.3 Valentine, Mrs., Ed. Games for family parties and children. London, 1869. 12° 431.19 Williams, H. T., and Frost, S. A. Even- ing amusements; or, Merry games for merry people. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . . . 273.8 Wood, J. G., Ed. The boy's playmate. London, [n.d.] 12° 932.15 Gamgee, John. Yellow fever a nautical disease. X.Y., 1870. S° 676.4 Gangooly, J. C. Life and religion of the Hin- doos. Boston, 1800. 12° 721.10 Gannett, E. S. Gannett, W. C, Memoir of. Boston, 1875. 8° 115.7 The same 115.8 Garden of Eden, Talks on the. G. Yeager. Phila., 1873. 16° 4.31.4 Garden, Tour round my. J. B. A. Karr. Lon- don, 18.56. 10° 2.35.25 Garden, The wild. W. Robinson. London, 1870. 12° 254.22 Gardening. Bright, H. A. A year in a Lan- cashire garden. London, 1879. 12° . . 292.5 Downing, A. J. Landscape gardening. N.Y., ia55. 8° 647.8 Fish, D. T., Ed. Cassell's Popular garden- ing. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 v. 8° 688.10 Harris, J. Gardening for young and old. The cultivation of garden vegetables. N.Y., 1883. 12° 685.17 Ornamental gardening for Americans. A treatise on beautifying homes, towns, cemeteries, etc. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . 1612.2 Pvoe, E. P. Play and profit in my garden. X.Y., 1873. 12° 263.4 Schenck, P. A. Gardeners text-book. Boston, 1851. 12° 648.32 Smee. A. Plan and cultuie of my garden. London, 1872. 8° 618.11 Warner, A. Gardening by myself. N.Y., 1872. 12° 648.25 Williams, H. T. Window gardening. N.Y., 1872. 8° 647.17 Wood, S. Multum-in-parvo gardening. How to grow fruits, vegetables and flow- ers. London, 1877. 12° 657.10 See Floriculture and Fruit Culture. Gardens of the sun; or, A naturalist's jourual on the mountains, and in the forests and swamps of Borneo and the Sulu Archi- pelago. F. W. Burbridge. London, 1880. 8° 774.9 Gardiner, Bertha M. The French revolution, 1789-1795. Boston, 18S3. 18° ... • 596.3 Gardiner, Samuel R. Charles, Prince, and the Spanish marriage. A chapter of English history. London, 1869. 2 v. S° . . . 696.3 England, History of, 160.3-42. London, 1883. 4v. 12° 1413.2 English history for students. N.Y., 1881. go 694.3 English history for young folks. N.Y., 1861. 16° 591.14 Historical biographies. London, 1884. 18°, 1131.9 Gardiner, William. The music of nature. Boston, 1837. 8° 649.10 Gardner, Celia E. Rich Medwav's two loves. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 361.21 Terrace roses. N.Y., 1878. 12° ... . 307.35 Tested; or, Hope's fruition. N.Y., 1874. 12° 334.2 A woman's wiles. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . . 334.27 Gardner, Dorsey. Quatre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo. A narrative of the campaign in Belgium in 1815. Boston, 18S2. 8° . 695.5 Gardner, E. C. Home interiors. Boston, 1S78. 12° 657.14 Homes, and all about them. Boston, 1885. 12° 687.22 Homes, and how to make thcra. Boston, 1874. 8° 649.14 The house that Jill built. (Home archi- tecture.) N.Y., 1882. 12° 685.16 Illustrated homes. Boston, 1875. 12° . . 263.22 Gardner, F. B. Carriage painter's manual. N.Y., 1871. 10° 668.24 136 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gardner, F. B. — concluded. Everybody's paint book. A guide to out- door and in-door painting. N.T., 18S4. 16° 080.14 Gardner, Francis. Memorial. Boston, 1876. V2° 171.22 Gardner, John. Lonsevity. London, 1871. lfi= ' 631.22 Gareth and Lynette. [A poem.] A. Tenny- son. Boston, 1872. 16° 565.8 Garfield, James A. Alger, H. From canal boy to president. N.Y., 1S81. 10° . . 913.21 Blaine, J. G. Eulogy delivered before tlie Senate and House of Kepresentatives of the U. S., Feb. 27, 1882. Boston, 1882. 16° 1111.11 Bundy, J. M. From birth to presidency. From Mentor to Elberon. A. F. Rockwell. Eulogy. J.G.Blaine. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 1118.10 Coffin, C. C. Life of Garfield; and a sketch of the life of C. A. Arthur. Boston, 18S(). 12° 178.34 ninsdale, B. A. President Garfield, and education. (Uiram College Memorial.) Boston, 1882. 12° 1213.10 Hoar. G. F. Eulogy delivered at Worcester Dec. 30, 1881. Boston, 1882. 16°. . .1111.12 Pedder, H. C. Garfield's place in history. • N.Y., 1882. 12° 1213.10 Garland, Hugh A. Randolph, John, Life of. X.Y., 185.5. 8° 140.2 Garnett, F.ichard, Ed. Select letters of P. B. Shelley. N.Y., 1883. 18° 1214.10 Gamier, Albert. Scientific billiards. Practice shots, with hints to amateurs. N. Y., 1880. Ob. 4° 683.9 Garratt, Alfred C. Myths in medicine and old-lime doctors. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . 1324.0 Garrett, Edward, p.'ieud. See Mayo, Mrs. I. F. Garrett, Klioda and Agnes. Suggestions for house decoration in painting woodwork and furniture. (Art at home series.) Phila., 1877. 12° 6.57.1 Garrick, David, Life of. P. Fitzgerald. Lon- don, 1808. 2 V. 8° 1.57.8 Garrison, William Lloyd. The story of his life, (1805-1879,) told by his children. N.Y., 188.5. 2v. 8° 1130.1 Vol. 1. 180.5-35. II. 1835-40. Garrison and bis times. Sketches of the anti- slavery movement in America. O. John- son. Boston, 1880. 12° 194.9 Garroters, The. [A farce.] W. D. Howells. X.Y., 1&S6. 18° 951.28 Garside, Firlh. Adventures of Tom Hanson. London, 1877. 12° 446.11 Garstang Grange. T. A. Trollope. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 375.22 Garth. J. Hawthorne. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . 369.8 Gas and ventilation. E. E. Perkins. Phila., 1809. 12° 635.8 Gas-consumer's guide. The. Boston, 1871. 10° 035.10 Gas engines. W. Macgregor. London, 1885. 12° 1327.2 Gascoyne, the sandalwood trader. R. M. Bal- lantyne. Boston, 1805. 10° 443.20 Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Bronte', Charlotte, Life of. N.Y., 1858. 2 v. 12° 102.10 The same, in one vol 162.23 Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. — concluded. yi)iicis. Cranford. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 304.21 Mary Barton. N.Y., 1806. 12° . . . .343.4 North and South. N.Y., 1877. 12° . . 378.15 Rightatlast. N.Y., 1800. 12°. . . . 304.17 The same, with other talcs 334.16 Ruth. Boston, 1S53. 12° 343.3 Wives and daughters. N.Y., 1866. 8° . 357.24 Gaspar the Gaucho. M. Reid. London, 1879. 12° 449.10 Gasparln, Count Agenor de. America before Europe. (U.S. in 1801.) N.Y., 1802. 12° 242.3 The same 5tl.l6 Gastronomy as a fine art. Brill.it-Savarin. London, [n.d.] 10° 273.2 The same 1231.1 Gates ajar, The. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 18(50. 12° 3.54.25 The same .354.20 Gates into the Psalm-country. M. R. Vincent. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 285.10 Gates of the East. A winter in Egypt and Syria. H.C.Potter. N.Y., 1877. 10°. 731.18 Gattina, F. P. de la. Rome and the papacy. Phila., 1872. 12° 527.9 Gatty, Alfred. A key to Tennyson's "In me- moriam." London, 1882. 10°. . . .1231.20 Gatty, H. K. F. Mrs. Juliana H. Ewing, and her books. London, I8S.5. 12°. . . . 1137.1 Gaudeamus ! Humorous poems from the Ger- man. C. G. Lcland, Ed. Boston, 1S72. 10' 551.44 Gaussen, L. The world's birthday. London, 1871. 16° 451.24 Gautier, Judith. The tisurper. An historical romance of Japan. Boston, 1884. 12° . 959.4 Gautier, Theophile. Captain Fracasse. N.Y., 1880. 10° 370.18 My household of pets. Boston, 1882. 16°, 1221.4 Spirite. N.Y., 1877. 12° 360.37 andothers. Famous French authors. N.Y., 1879. 8° 183.9 Gay, John. Poetical works. With a life of the author by Johnson. Boston, [n.d.] 2v. 16° .562.13 Gay.'J. Drew. The Prince of Wales in India. N.Y., 1877. 12° 492.2 Gay, Madame. Celebrated saloons. Boston, 1851. 16° 2.53.27 Gay, Elinor. Skilful Susy. (Art needlework. ) N.Y., 1885. 12° 1612.10 Gayarre, Charles. Aubert Dubayet; or, The two sister republics. Boston, 1882. 12°, 942.21 Louisiana, History of. N.Y., 1806. 2 v. 8° 545.0 Philip IL of Spain. X.Y., 1866. 8° . . . .533.4 Gaye, Selina. The world's lumber room. A gossip about some of its contents. X.Y., 188.5. 12° 1325.25 Gaylord, Glance, pseud. See Bradley, W. J. Gayworthys, The. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, 1805. 12° 326.21 Gazetteer, Lippincott's pronouncing. A geo- graphical dictionary of the world. Edition of 1806. J. Thomas, and others, Eds. Phila., 187.5. 8° R. L. Geddie, J.ames. History of the administration of John De Witt. Vol. I. 102.3-1054. N.Y., 1880. 8° 186.2 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 137 Geddie, John. Beyond the Himalayas. Lon- don, 1882. 12^ 910.14 Central Africa, Lake regions of. London, ISSl. 16° 701.22 Russian empire, The. Londnii, 1S82. 12=, 772.23 Gehring, F. Mozart, Life of. (Great musi- cians.) N.Y., 188.3. 12° Ills. 8 Geier-Wally. A tale of the Tyrol. W. von Hillern. N.Y., 1879. Ifi^ 391.10 The same. S'' 305.1 Geiger, Lazarus. Contributions to the history of the development of the human race. Boston, 1880. 8° 27.5.0 Geikie, Archibald. Class-bf)ok of geology. London, 1880. 12° 1327.18 Geological studies at home and abroad. N.y., 1882. 12° 079.17 Outlines of field geology. London, 1879. 10° 073.11 Text-book of geology. London, 1882. 8°. 1311.7 Geikie, Cunningham. The English reforma- tion. How it came about, and why we should uphold it. N.Y., 1879. 12= . . 285.14 Hours with the Bible. N.Y., 1881-84. v. 12° 125.25 Life and works of Christ. N.Y., 1877. 2 v. S° 175.3 The same 1122.12 Geikie, James. The great ice age. N.Y., 1874. 12° 043.14 Geldart, E. M. Folk-lore of modern Greece. London, 1884. 12° 959.7 Gell, William, and Gaudy, J. P. Pompeiana. London, 1875. 8° 534.11 Gellie, Mrs. M. E. Clement's trial and victory. N.y., 1875. 12° 437.20 Stephen the .schoolmaster. N.Y.,[n.d.] 12°, 396.6 Gemini. (No name series.) Boston, 1878. 16°, 302.74 Gemmill, Jane W. Notes on Washington, the national capital. Phila., 1884. 12° . . 782.16 Gems. History and mystery of precious stones. W. Jones. London, 1880. 12° . . . . 1327.3 Gems, Leisure hours among the. A. C. Ham- lin. Boston, 1884. 12° 1324.7 Gems of thought. Choice selections from many authors on one hundred different subjects. C. Northend. N.Y., 1879. 12°. . . . 294.3 Genealogies and pedigrees, American, An in- dex to. D. C. Durrie. Albany, 1886. 8°, 11.32.13 Genealogy. See New England Historical Re- gister; Drake; Bond; Shirley: Heraldic Journal; Boutwell; Cussans; Town His- tories; Cushman; Chauncey; Beltz; Free- man. General Bounce; or, The lady and the locusts. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12°, 9.55.6 Generals, Famous. (Young American's Li- brary.) Boston, 1876. 6 v. 12°. Napoleon Bonaparte 176.7 Jackson, Andrew 176.8 Lafayette 176.9 Marion, Francis 176.10 Taylor, Zachary 170.11 Washington, George 176.12 Genesis, Chaldean account of. Description of the creation, the fall of man, the deluge, the tower of Babel, the times of the pa- triarchs and Nimrod, Babylonian fables, and legends of the gods. From the cuni- form inscription?. G. Smith. N.Y., 1870. 8° 481.3 Genesis, Notes on. F. W. Robertson. N.Y., 1877. 12° 272.4 Genesis of species. St. G. Mivart. N.Y., 1871. 12° 622.11 Genevieve; or, The history of a servant girl. A. de Lamartine. London, 1804. 12° . 304.76 Genghis Khan, History of. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1860. 10° 122.9 Genial showman. The. Reminiscences of the life of Artemus Ward. E. P. Hingston. N.y., 1870. 8° 377.25 Genin, Thomas H. Selections from his writ- ings, with a biographical sketch. N.Y., 1869. 8° 168.13 Genius in sunshine and shadow. M. M. Bal- lon. Boston, 1887. 12° 12.52.9 Gentianella. Mrs. Randolph. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 304. .30 Gentle belle, A. F.C.Fisher. N.Y., 1879. 8°, 377.30 Gentle life. The. [Essays.] J. H. Friswell. London, 1870. 12° 254.16 Gentle measures in the management of the young. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1872. 12° . 232.19 Gentle savage. The. [A novel.] E. King. Boston, 1883. 12° 946.2 Gentleman, The. G. H. Calvert. Boston, 1863. 16° 253.21 Gentleman cadet, The. His careerand adven- tures at Woolwich. A. W. Drayson. N.Y., Jn.d.] 12° 386.10 Gentleman of leisure. [A novel.] E. Faw- cett. Boston, 1881. 18° .383.30 Gentleman's Magazine Library, The. G. L. Gomme, Ed. Archaeology. Part I. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 8° 1253.2 Popular superstitions. Boston, [n.d.] 8°. 1234.12 Genung, John F. Tennyson's " In memori- am." [A study.] Boston, 1884. 12° .1229.23 Geoffry the Lollard. F. Eastwood. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 414.11 Geoffry Hamlyn, Recollections of. H. Kings- ley. Boston, 18.59. 12° 311.19 Geographical studies. C. Ritter. Boston, 1803. 8° 646.1 Geography, ancient. S. A. Slitchell. Phila., 1851. 12° 722.2 Atlas of ancient. S. Butler. Phila., 1841. 8° 717.12 Dictionary of. S. O. Beeton. London, 1868. 8° 646.2 High school. S. S. Cornell. N.Y., 18.57. 12° 659.6 Geology. Agassiz, L. Geological sketches. Boston, 1866. 12° 642.21 Buckland, W. Geology and mineralogy. London, 1858. 2 v. 8° . . . . T . 627.12 Dawson, J. W. Acadian geology. Lon- don, 1868. 8° . . . • 643.5 Geikie, A. Class-book of geology. London, ISSe. 12° 1327.18 Geological sketches at home and abroad. N.Y., 1882. 12° 679.17 Outlines of field geology. London, 1879. 16° 673.11 Text-book of geology. London, 1882. 8° " 1311.7 Green, A. H. Part I. Physical geology. London, 1882. 8° " . 1315.5 Jukes-Browne, A. J. Physical geology. The student's hand-book. London, 1884. 12° 1318.17 138 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Geology — concluded. Kingsley, C. Town geology. London, 1872. 16° 642.22 Lee, C. A. The elements of geology. N.Y., 1855. 16" 646.12 Lyell, C. Klements of geology. N.T., 1871. 10° 643.12 Principles of geology. N.Y., 1872. 2 v. 8° 643 4 Nicols, A. Geological history. Chapters from the physical history of the earth. N.T., 1880. 12° 675.21 Rogers, W. B. Geology of the Virginias. A reprint of annual reports, anil other papers. X.Y., ia'*4. 12° 1322.9 Winchell, A. Geological excursions; or, The rudiments of geology for young learner.*. Chicago, 1S84. 12° ... . 1318.23 Sparks from a geologist's hammer. Chi- cago, ISSl. 12° 079.1 Geometry and trigonometry, Elements of. A. M. Legendre. N.Y., 185.3. 8° . . . 0.50.1 The same 030.10 Geonomy : creation of the continents by the ocean currents. An advanced system of physical geology and geography. J. S. Grimes. Phila., ISSo. 16° 1.321.11 George Eliot's poetry, and other studies. R. E. Cleveland. N.Y., 1SS5. 12° .... 1245.6 George II., Memoirs of, from his accession to the death of Queen Caroline. John, ioni Hervey. N.Y., iaS4. 3 v. S° . . 1417.9 George II., Sketches of the reign of. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Boston, [n.d.] 8°. 737.12 George III., Men of letters of the time of. H. Brougham. London, 18.55. 8° . . . . 148.20 George III., Public and domestic life of. E. l\o\t. Ed. London, 1820. 2 v. 8° . . 172.18 George IV., Life and times of. G. Croly. X.Y., 18.5.5. 10° ". 121.17 George IV., Life, letters, and opinions of. P. Fitzgerald. N.Y., 1881. 8° 187.14 George IV., Memoirs of. R. Huish. London, 1875. 12° If4.11 Georges, the four, History of. Vol. I. J. Mc Carlhy. X.Y.. 18S.5. 12° 1415.12 The same. S. M. Schmucker. N.Y., 1875. 12° 512.3 The same. B. C. Skottowe. London, 1884. 12° 1415.21 George, Henry. Progress and poverty. N.Y., 1880. 12^ 294.18 Protection, or free trade. N.Y., 1886. 12°. 1.327.17 George at the fort ; or, Life among the soldiers. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., 1882. 10°. . . 913.20 George at the w heel ; or. Life in the pilot- house. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., [n.d.] 16° 913.23 George in camp; or. Life on the plains. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., [n.d.] 10° 919.1 George Geith of Fen Court. Mrs. J. II. Rid- dell. London, [n.d.] 12° 421. 10 The same 954.8 George Mason, the young backwoods-man. Boston, 1829. 12° 423.20 Georgian plantation, Journal of a residence on a. Mrs. F. A. Kemble. N.Y., 1863. 12° 603.13 Georgians, The. (Round-robin series.) Mrs. K. H. Hammond. Boston, 1881. 10° . 398.5 The same 398.6 Geraldine Hawthorne. B. M. Butt. N.Y., 18Si. 10° 943.15 Gerard, James W. The peace of Utrecht. 1713-14. N.Y., 18a5. 8° 1423.12 Gerard, Jules. Lion hunting in Algeria. London, 18.57. 16° 722.18 Gerhard, William P. Drainage and sewerage of dwellings. N.Y., 18S4. 12°. . . . 1318.2 A guide to sanitary house inspection. N.Y., 1885. 10° 1328.5 Germaine. E. About. Boston, 1860. 12° . 425.3 German concjucst of England in 1875. By an eye-witness in 1925. (From Bl.ackwood's Magazine.) Phila., [n.d.] 10°. . . . 331.25 German fairy tales. MM. Grimm. London, 1804. 12° 4.53.11 The same 441.21 German love. Fragments from the papers of an alien. M. Muller, Ed. London, 1884. 12° 9.58.18 German music. Modern. H. F. Chorley. London, 1854. 12° 649.18 German tales. B. Auerbach. Boston, 1869. 10° 302.27 Germany. Art. Atkinson, J. B. The schools of modern art in Germany. N.Y., 1881. 4° " R. L. Scott, W. B. German artists. The little masters of Germany. N.Y., 1879. 12° 195.8 Bidiimphy. Austin, S. German prose writers. N.Y., 1841. 16° 256.1 Ferris, G. T. The great German compos- ers. X.Y., 1.S79. 16° 191.4 Strauss, G. L. M. Men who have made the new German empire. London, 1875. 2v. 8° 174.14 Tuttle, H. German political leaders. N.Y., 1876. 12° 145.21 nislory. Gindely, A. History of the thiity years' war. X.Y., 1884. 2 v. h° . . 1416.7 Lewis, C. T. History of Germany. N.Y., 1874. 12° 532.1 McCabe. War between Germaiiy and France, 1870-71. N.Y., 1871. 8° . . 533.3 Malleson, G. B. The battle-fields of Ger- many; from the outbreak of the thirty years' war, to the battle of Blenheim. London, 1884. 8° 1417.1 Sime, J. History of Germany. N.Y., 1874. 10° 532.10 Yonge, C. M. Young folk's history of Germany. Bostcm, [n.d.| 10° . . . 497.10 Lanyuwie. (For books in German, see list at the end of the catalogue.) German and English dictionary. W. D. Whitney and A. H. Edi^ren. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° R. L. LUernlure. Baskerville, A. Poetry of Germany. Phila., 1804. 12° .... .5.54.12 Carlyle, T., Ed. Specimens of German rom.ances. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 12° . 334.11 Chawner, E. Gleanings from German and French poets. London, [n.d.] 12°, 573.24 Dippold, G. F. The great epics of me- dia;val Germany. An outline of their contents and history. Boston, 1882. 12° 1219.15 De Wette. Theodore; or, The skeptic's couverslon. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 12° . 296.4 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 139 Germany. Literature — concluded. Dulcken, H. W., Ed. The book of Ger- man songs. From the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. London, 1S71. 12° 576.2 Gostwick, J., and Harrison, R. Outlines of German literature. N.T., 1873. 8°, 2.33.3 Hillebrand, K. German thought, from the seven years' war to Goethe" s death. N.Y., 1880. 12° 125.14 Hosmer, J. K. .Short history of German literature. St. Louis, 187'.». 8° . . . 284.7 Knortz, K., Ed. Representative German poems. Original texts with English versions. N.Y., 1885. 8° 572.8 Menset, W. Specimens of his literature. N.Y., 1840. 2 V 12° 296.3 Scherer, W. History of German litera- ture. X.Y., 1886. 2 V. 12° . . . . 1248.21 Taylor, B. Studies in German literature. N.Y., 1879. 16° 292.24 Taylor, W. Historic survey of German poeti7. London, 1830. 3 v. 8° . . 613.10 Travel, etc. Biedeker, K. A guide-book to northern Germany. Boston, 1877. 16° 764.3 Guide-book to southern Germany and Austria; including the eastern Alps. Boston, 1873. 16° 764.4 Baring-Gould, S. Gtermany, present and past. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 597.8 The same. 2 v. 8° 766.5 Baur, W. Religious life in Germany. London, 1872. 12° 474.6 Brace, C. L. Home life in Germany. N.Y., 1853. 12° 244.9 German home life. N.Y., 1876. 12°. . 272.2 Green, S. G. Pictures from the Genuan fatherland, drawn with pen and pencil. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 568.14 Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. Boston, 1881. 12° 128.23 Howitt, W. Rural and domestic life of Germany. Phila., 1843. 8° . . . . 662.1 Johnson, A. C. Peasant life in Germany. iSr.Y.,1858. 12° 662.16 Ruggles, H. Germany seen without spec- tacles. Boston, 1883. 8° 777.6 Stael-Holstein, Baroness de. Manners, literature and arts of Germany. N.Y., 1859. 2 v. 12° 532.11 Steffens, H. German university life. Phila., 1874. 12° 164.19 Gerry, Elbridge, Life of. J. T. Austin. Bos- ton, 1828. 8° 167.12 Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare commentaries. N.Y.. 1877. 8° 276.13 Gesta Romanorum. Entertaining moral stories invented by the monks, as a fireside recre- ation, and commonly applied in their dis- courses from tlie pulpit ; whence the most celebrated of our own poets and others have extracted their plots. C. Swan, Trans. London, 1877. 12° 332.23 Gesture, A manual of. A. M. Bacon. Chicago, 1873. 12° 641.10 Getting on in the world. W. Mathews. Chi- cago, 1873. 12° 235.4 The same 264.23 Gettysburg, The battle of. S. P. Bates. Phila., 1876. 8° 481.15 Gettysburg, The battle of. -[From the " His- tory of the civil war in America."] Comte de Paris. Phila., [n.d.] 8° . . 1433.2 Gettysburg, From, to the Rapidan. The army of the Potomac, 1863-64. A. A. Hum- phreys. X.Y., 1883. 12° 691.18 Ghost of Redbrook, The. J. G. A. Coulson. Phila., 1879. 8° 377.18 Ghost-land; or. Researches into the mysteries of occultism. E. H. Britten, Trans, and Ed. Boston, 1876. 8° 276.15 Ghosts and ghost-seers. C. Crowe. N.Y., 1868. 12° 224.10 Giannetto. Lady M. E. Majendie. Edinburgh, 1875. 12° 317.29 Giant cities of Bashan. J.L.Porter. London, 1866. 12° 733.7 Giant of the north ; or, Pokings round the pole. R. M. Ballantyne. N.Y., 1882. 12° . . 914.20 Giant raft. The. J. Verne. N.Y., 1881. 2 v. 12° 942.1 Vol. I. Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon. II. The cryptogram. Giant's robe. The. [A novel.] F. Anstey. N.Y.. 1884. 16° 957.18 Gibb, John. Gudrun, Beowulf and Roland, with other mediaeval tales. London, 1884. 12° 954.20 Gibbes, R. W. Cuba for invalids. X.Y., 18C0. 12° 663.17 Gibbon, Charles. Fortheking. N.Y., 1872. .8°, 346.22 In honor bound. N.Y., 1875. 8° . . . . 427.4 Gibbon, Edward, Memoirs of. W. D. Howells, Ed. Boston, 1877. 16° 181.6 The same. (English men of letters. ) J. C. Morison. N.Y.. 1878. 1:;° ... 192.1 Works : History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. (Vols. II. and HI. missing.) Boston, 1854-55. 8 v. 8°. 524.1 The same. Phila., [n.d.] 5 v. 12° . 595.2 Gibbons, J. S. Banks of Jfew York. X.Y., 1859. 12° 223.21 Gibbons, Phebe E. French and Belgians, Phila., 1879. 12° 762.9 Gibbs, Alfred S., Ed. and Trans. Correspond- ence of Goethe's mother. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 187.1 Giberne, Agnes. Aimde. N.Y., 1873. 16° . 441.1 Drusie's own story. N.Y., 187.5. 12° . . .363.81 The rectors home. X.Y., 1879. 12° . . 363.72 Sun, moon and stars. A book for begin- ners. N.Y., 1880. 12° 674.14 The world's foundations; or, Geology for beginners. London, 1884. 12° . ." . . 1325.12 Gibson, A. M. A political crime. The history of the great fraud. X.Y., 1885. 8° . . 1429.8 Gibson, John. Science gleanings in many fields. London, 1884. 12° 1318.7 Gibson, O. The Chinese in America. Cin- cinnati, 1877. 12° 491.14 Gibson, W. Hamilton. Camp life in the woods, and trapping. Jf.Y., 1881. 12° ... 674.25 Highways and byways ; or, Saunterings in New England. N.Y., 18S:J. 4° . . . . R. L. Giddings, Joshua R. Exiles of Florida. Ohio, 1858. 8° 541.5 History of the rebellion. N.Y., 1864. 8°. 547.7 Gideon Fleyce. [Anovel.] H.W.Lucy. X.Y., 188:5. 16° 943.18 140 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gideon's rock. K. SaiMulers. I'liila., 1871. 10° 432.21 Gifford, Stephen Nye, Memorial of, by the Mass. Legislature. Boston, 1880. 8' 1142.1 Gifford, William. Jonson, Hen, Memoir and works of. Boston, 1858. 8° 118.8 Gift, Tlieo. A matter-of-fact-girl. N.T., lasi. 10° 370.33 Pretty Miss Bellew. N.Y., 1875. 10° . . 302.47 Gift of the Holy Ghost. The beli«>ver's privi- lege. E. Davies. Heading, Mass., 1874. 12° 124.0 Gil Bias of Santillano, Adventures of. T. Smollett, Trans. London, 1872. 12° . 351.28 Gilbert, Frank. Life of Jelhro Wood, inventor of the plow. Chicago, 1882. 12° . . . 1212.30 Gilbert, Josiah. Landscape in art, before Claude and Salvator. London, 1885. 8°, 688.9 Gilbert, Jot-iah 11., Ed. Burning words of brilliant writers, (^notations from reli- gious literature. Troy, 1883. 8° . . . 1223.0 Gilbert, Luther M. The home physician. N.Y., 1SS3. 10° ". . . 1313.13 Gilbert, W. S. Fifty Bab ballads. London, 1877. 12° .573.23 Original plays. N.Y., 1870. 12° ... . .575.5 Gilbert .Slarr and his lessons. W. J. Bradley. Boston, 1800. 10° 442.40 Gilbert's last summer at Kainford. W. J. Bradley. Boston, 1800. 10° 442.41 Gilchrist, Alexander. Blake, William, Life of. London, 1803. 2 v. S° 207.2 Gilchrist, Anne. Lamb, Mary, Life of. (Fa- mous women.) Boston, 1883. 16° . . 1115.15 Gilded age, The. S. L. Clemens and C. D. Warner. Hartford, 1871. 8° . . . . 347.49 The same 347.53 Gilder, Jeanette L., Ed. Representative poems of living poets. N.Y., 1886. 8° . . . 587.1 Gilder, Richard W. The poet and his master, and other poems. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . 573.20 Gilder, William TI. Ice pack and Timdra. An account of the search for the " Jean- nette," and a sledge journey through Siberia. N.Y., 1883. S° 774.4 Sehwatka's search. Sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin Records. N. Y., 1881. 8° 765.12 Gile's minority. Mrs. R. O'Reilly. Boston, 1874. 16° 431.8 Giles, Henry. Human life in Shakespeare. [Lectures.] Boston, 1808. 12°. . . . 263.18 The same 1212.28 Gilfillau, George. The bards of the Bible. N.Y., ia5e. 12° 297.2 Modern literature. N.Y., 1840. 2 v. 12°, 236.15 Gilham, William, Major. Manual of instruc- tion for the volunteers aud militia of the U.S. Phila., 1861. 12° 641.4 Gill, William F. Parlor tableaux. Boston, 1871. 12° 244.10 Poe, Edgar A., Life of. N.Y., 1877. 12°. 172.15 GUI, AVilliam J. The river of Golden Sand. The narrative of a journey through China and eastern Thibet to Burmah. With a memoir. H. Yule, Ed. London, 1883. 12° 789.18 GUI, William W. Life in the southern isles. London, [n.d.] 12° 762.1 Myths and songs from the south Pacific. London, 1876. 12° 1218.4 Gillett, E. II. IIuss, John, Life and times of. BosKm, 1803. 2 v. 8° 154.3 GUlies, Mary. The voyage of the " Constance." London, [n.d.] ■. . . 447.28 Gillmore, Parker. The " Amphibion's" voy- age. London, 1885. 12° 789.19 The great thirst laud. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . 406.6 Prairie and forest. (A guide to the field sports of N. America.) London, 1881. 12° . 782.21 A ride through hostile Africa, with adven- tures among the Boers. London, 1881. 8° 770.4 GUman, Arlhur. First steps in English litera- ture. N.Y., 1870. 10° 243.24 The same 2.53.24 First steps in general history. X.Y., [n.d.] 16° 590.10 History of the American people. Boston, [n.d.) 12° 599.1 The same 509.3 The same 1121.0 Kings, queens, and barbarians. Boston, [n.d. I 10° 922.6 Magna Ch.arta stories. Boston, [n.d.] 10°, 922.9 Rome, from the earliest times to the end of the Republic. (Story of the nations.) N.Y., 188.5. 16° 1422.13 Seven historic ages. N.Y., 1874. 10° . . 217.22 Shakespeare's morals. N.Y., 1880. 12° . 582.20 Tales of the pathfinders. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 1421.3 and others. Poets' homes. (Second series. ) Boston, 1880. 12° 282.31 joint author. Carthage. (Story of the na- tions.) N.Y., 1886. 12° 1431.3 Gilmau, D. C. Monroe. James, in his rela- tions to the public service, 1776-1826. Boston, 1883. 16° 1115.8 Gilmore, John. Storm warriors; or. Life-boat work on the Goodwin sands. London, 1875. 12° 178.6 Tlie same 722.7 GUmore, J. K. Among the guerillas. N.Y., 1800. 12° 437.1 Among the pines. N.Y., 1862. 12°. . . 331.22 Down in Tennessee. N.Y., 1864. 12°. . 421.3 Gindely, Anton. History of the Thirty Years' War. N.Y., 1884. 2V. S° 1410.7 Ginger-snaps. Mrs. J. Parton. N.Y., 1870. 12° 244.20 Ginz's baby. E. Jenkins. London, 1870. 12° 251.22 Giotto. (In "Makers of Florence.") Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. London, 1870. 8°. . 173.11 (Illustrated biography.) H. Quilter. X.Y., 1881. 12° 195.13 Gipsies, Our, in city, tent, and van. Their origin, life, practice, dialect, etc. Y. S. Morwood. London, 188.5. 8° . . . . 1424.7 Gipsies. ''I've been a gypsying;" or, Ram- ble among our gipsies in their tents and vans. G. Smith of Coalville. London, 1883. 12° 778.20 See also Gypsies. Gipsy's prophecy. The. Mrs. E. D. E. Jf. Southwortli. Phiha., 1801. 12° ... 417.14 Giraffe hunters, The. M. Held. Boston, 1867. 10° 467.1 Girardin, Emile de. and others. The cross of Berny. Phila.. [n.d.] 12° 333.22 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 141 Girl, The, he married. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° 384.13 Girls at Quiiiuemont, The; or, Miss Annie's butterflies. F. McC. Harris. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 929.9 Girls of Bredon; and Manor Ilcuise stories. Mrs. S. Leathers. London, [n.d.] 1(1°. 447.16 Girls «lio became famous, Lives of. Mrs. S. K.Bolton. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . .11:57.15 Gironiere, Paul P. de la. Twenty years in the Pliilippines. N.Y., 1854. 12° ... . 734.7 Girondists, History of. A. de Lamartine. (Vol. I. missing.) N.Y., 1854. 3 v. 8°, 535.4 Glaciers of the Alps. J. Tyndall. Boston, 1S61. 8° 643.11 Glad tidings. [Sermons and prayer meeting talks.] D. L. Moody. N.Y., 1876. 12^ . 260.31 Gladden, Washington. Plain thoughts on the art of living. Boston, 1868. 12° . . . 243.19 Things new and old. Discourses of Chris- tian truth and life. Columbus, Ohio, 1883. 8° 1223.13 Working people and their employers. Bos- ton, 1876. 12^ 218.25 Gladiators, The. A tale of Rome and Judea. (i. .J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12°, 955.7 Gladstone, J. H, Life of Michael Faraday. N.Y., 1872. 16° 211.14 and Tribe, Alfred. Chemistry of the second batteries of Plante and Faure. London, 1883. 16" 1313.11 Gladstone, William Ernst. Life of. G. B. Smith. N.Y"., 1880. 8° 193.7 A political and literary biography. G. R. Emerson. London, [n.d.] 12° ... 1137. 12 Works : Gleanings of past years. 1843-78. N.Y., 1879. 7v. 10°". 283.12 Inquiry into the time and place of Homer. N.Y., 1876. 12° 171.3 Juventus mundi. Boston, 1869. 8" . . 651.11 Gladys, the reaper. A. Beale. N.Y., 1881. 12° 397.21 Glaister, Elizabeth. Needlework. (Art at home series.) London, 1880. 12°. . . 681.13 and Lockwood, M. S. Art embroidery. London, 1878. 4° E. L. Glasgow, David. Watch and clock making. London, 1885. 10° 1011.1 Glass-making in all ages, Wonders of. A. .Sauzay. N.Y., 1870. 10° 6-37.13 The same 1317.7 Glass-making, The principles of. H. J. Pow- ell. Crown and sheet glass. H. Chance. Plate glass. H. 6. Harris. London, 1883. 10° 1313.15 Glass-painting. A course of instruction in the various methods of painting glass, and the principles of design. F.Miller. London, [n.d.] 12° 1612.5 Glaucus; or, The wonders of the shore. C. Kingsley. Boston, 1855. 10° .... 625.21 Glazebrook, R. T., and Shaw, W. N. Practi- cal physics. N.Y., 18S5. 16' ... . 1321.22 Gleanings from a literary life. 18-'!8-S0. F. Bowen. N.Y., 1880. 8° 293.3 Gleanings from Pontresina and the upper En- gadine. H. P. Arnold. Boston, 1880. 12° 706.11 Gleanings of past years. 184:?-78. W. E. Glad- stone. N.Y., 1879. 7v. 16° . . . . 283.12 Gleig, G. R. History of the Bible. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 16° 471.5 Glenaveril ; or, The metamorphoses. [A poem.] Earl of Lytton. (Complete in one vol.) N.Y., 1885. 12° 585.13 The same, in 6 vols 585.7 Glimpses of the world. E. M. Sewell. Lon- don, 1863. 12° 371.2 Glimpses in the twilight. Notes, records, and examples of the supernatural. F. 6. Lee. Edinburgh, 188.5. 12° 1245.12 Glimpses of the supernatural. Facts, records and traditions relating to dreams, omens, miraculous occurrences, apparitions, etc. F. G. Lee, Ed. London, 1875. 2 v. 12°, 264.24 Glimpses of three coasts. Mrs. H. Jackson. Boston, 1886. 12° 797.8 Glimpses through the cannon smoke. [Sketch- es.] A.Forbes. N.Y., 1880. 12°. . . 12G.6 Glisan, R. Journal of army life. San Francis- co, 1874. 8° 735.1 Gloria. [A novel.] B. P. Galdos. N.Y., 1882. 2 V. 18° 941.3 Glory and shame of England, The. C. E. Les- ter. N.Y., 1866. 2v. 12° 244.1 Glory of the house of Israel, The. F. Strauss. Phila., 18.59. 12° 311.13 Glossary of terms and phrases. H. P. Smith. X.Y., 188.3. 8° 1218.13 Gloucester, Mass. In and around Cape Ann. J.S.Webber. Gloucester, 188-5. 16° . 781.22 Glyndon, Howard, pseud. See Redden, Mrs. Laura C. Go ahead. C. A. Fosdick. Cincinnati, [n.d.] 10' 468.2 Go up higher; or. Religion in common life. J. F. Clarke. Boston, 1877. 12° ... . 272.31 Goadby, Edwin. The England of Shakespeare. X.Y., [n.d.] 18° 691.11 Gobineau, Comte de. Romances of the East. X.Y., 1878. 12° 366.40 God and the Bible. A review of objections to "Literature and dogma." M. Arnold. Boston, 1876. 12° 282.28 God and the future life; the reasonableness of Christianity. C. Nordhoff. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1221.19 God, The idea of, as affected by modern knowl- edge. J. Fiske. Boston, 1886. 10° . . 1251.2 God's glory in the heavens. W. Leitch. Lon- don, 1866. 12° 644.20 God's word, man's light and guide. Lectures on the Bible, by Drs. Taylor, Briggs, Storrs, and others. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 282.5 God's word, through preaching. J. Hall. N.Y., 1875. 12° '^ 266.14 Godding, W. W. Two hard cases. Sketches from a physician's portfolio. Boston, 1882. 18° 1214.12 Godfrey, Edward K. The island of Nantucket. Boston, 1S82. 16° 771.6 Godfrey Maiden; or. The squire's grandsons. Mrs. J. F. B. Firth. London, [n.d.] 12°, 932.16 Godfrey Morgan. A Californian mystery. J. Verne. N.Y., [n.d.) 12°. ..... 324.40 Godkin, J. Land-war in Ireland. London, 1870. 8° 521.5 Godolphin. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1871. 10° 344.20 Godson of a marquis. A. Theuriet. N.Y., 1878. 12° 366.43 142 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Godwin, Parke. Bryant, William Culleu, Bi- ography of. N.Y., 18S3. 2v. 8°. . . 1117.3 France, History of. Vol.1. N.T., 1860. 8°, 534.12 Out of the past. (Critical and literary pa- pers.) N.y.,1870. 12° 252.11 God-wrin, William. His friends and contempo- ■ rarles. C. K. Paul. Boston, 1876. 2 v. 12° 11(1.12 Lives of the necromancers. London, 1876. 10" 6.J1.2G Goethe, J. W. von. Austin, S. Characteris- tics of. London, 1833. 3 v. 8° . . . 114.1 Bell, E., Ed. His early and miscellaneous letters, including those to his mother. Witli notes and a short biography. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 1126.18 Coupland, W. C. The spirit of Goethe's "Faust." London, 188.5. 12° ... . 1248.3 Grimm, H. Life and times of Goethe. Boston, 1880. 8° 186.0 Lewes, G. H. Life and works of Goethe. Boston, 1856. 2 v. 12° 165.8 Morrison, A. J. W., Trans. Autobiography and letters. London, 1868. 12° . . . 213.15 Oxenford, J., TcrtHs. Autobiography. Lon- don, 1871. 12° 216.12 Sanborn, F. B., Ed. Life and genius of Goethe. Lectures at the Concord School of Philosophy. Boston, 1886. 12° . . 1137.3 Works : Correspondence with a child. Boston, 18.59. 12° 163.2 Dramatic works. A. Swanwick, Trans. London, 1871. 12° 614.10 Elective affinities. The sorrows of Wer- ther, and other tales. London, 1871. 12° 352.35 Faust. C. T. Brooks, Trans. Boston, 1857. 12° 615.12 Faust. "A. Hayward, Trans. Boston, 18.58. 12° 615.13 Faust. B. Taylor, Trans. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 4° 617.1 Hermann and Dorothea. E. Frothing- ham. Trans. Boston, 1870. 8° . . . 616.4 Poems and ballads. N.Y., 1871. 12° . 616.14 Poems, with memoir. E. A. Bowring, Trans. London, 1853. 12° ... . 616.15 West-easterly divan. J. Weiss, Trans. Boston, 1877. 18° 571.11 Wilhelm Meister. Boston, 1S65. 2 v. 12°, 666.12 The same . . vols. xvi. and xvii. of 1235.1 Goethe, Many colored threads from the writ- ings of. C. A. Cooke, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 1243.15 Goethe and Mendelssohn. K. Mendelssohn- Bartholdy. London, 1872. 16° ... 213.5 Goethe and Schiller. Their lives and their works. Including a commentary of Goethe's "Faust." N.T., 1879. 12° . 182.15 Goethe and Schiller. [An historical novel.] C. M. Mundt. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . . . 325.25 Goethe's mother. Correspondence with Goethe, Lavater, Wieland, Duchess Anna Amalia of .'Sa.xe-]Veimar, Frederick von Stein, and others. A. S. Gibbs, Trans. N.Y., [n.d.J 12° 187.1 Goff, Mrs. II. N. K. Was it an Inheritance? Phila., 1876. 12° 332.18 Going South. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1880. 10° 911.12 Going to Jericho. J. F. Swift. N.Y., 1868. 12° 664.21 Going West. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 457.22 Gold and debt. An American hand-book of finance. W. L. Fawcett, Chicago, 1877. 12° 483.39 Gold and dross. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. N.Y., 1874. 12° " 337.6 Gold and name. M. S. Schwartz. Boston, 1871. 8° 347.22 Gold coast. To the, for gold. R. L. Burton and Y. L. Cameron. London, 188;!. 2 v. 8° 777.5 Gold Elsie. E. John. Mrs. Wister, 7'rnn.i. Phila., 1869. 12° 316.8 The same 316.21 Gold foil. J. G. Holland. N.Y., 1863. 12° . 263.5 Gold of Chickaree. Sequel to " Wych Hazel." S. and A. Warner. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . 321.23 The same 321.25 Golden age, The new, and the influence of the precious metals upon the world. R. H. Patterson. Edinburgli, 1882. 2 v. 8° . 695.11 Golden butterlly. The. [A novel ] W. Besant ajifZJ. Rice. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . . 365.66 Golden Chersonese, The, and the way thither. Mrs. I. Bishop. N.Y., 188.3. 12° . . . 777.1 Golden d,ays. J. Hering. London, [n.d.] 12°, 33:!. 11 Golden dreams. Adventures in the far West. R. M. BalKantyne. London, 1876. 16° . 449.2 The s.ame 911.23 Golden gleams of thought, from the words of orators, divines, philosophers, statesmen and poets. S. P. Linn. Chicago, 1882. 8' 1215.2 Golden-hair. A tale of the pilgrim fathers. «i> L. Wraxhall. Boston, 1877. 12° . 372.19 Golden legend. The. [A poem.] H. W. Long- fellow. Boston, 1851. 12° 554.4 Golden lion of Granpere. A. TroUope. N.Y., 1872. 8° 353.11 Golden lives. Biographies for the day. H. A. Page. London, 1873. 8° 161.3 Golden mediocrity. [A novel.] Mrs. E. Ham- erton. Boston, 1886. 16° 961 . 13 Golden songs of great poets. (Longfellow, Bryant, VVhittier, Lowell and Taylor.) (Illustrated.) N.Y., 1S77. 8° . . . . R. L. Golden spike, The. A fantasie in prose. E. King. Boston, 1886. 12° 972.9 Golden tress, The. F. Du Boisgobey. Phila., 1876. 12° 317.26 Goldoni, Carlo, Memoirs of. W. D. Howells, Ed. Boston, 1877. 16° 181.4 Goldsmid, F. C. Telegraph and travel. (England to India.) London, 1874. 8°. 727.14 Goldsmith, Oliver. Black, W. Life of. N.Y., 1870. 12° 102.4 Forster, J. Life and .adventures of. Lon- don, 1848. 8° 143.9 Irving, W. Life of. N.Y., 18-55. 2 v. 16°, 131.9 The s.ame 21811 Works: The deserted village. The traveller. (.See Annotated poems.) 583.2 Poems. J. Mitford, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 564.3 Vicar of Wakefield. London, 1876. 12°, 363.68 Works. (Complete and indexed.) P. Cunningham. Boston, 1854. 4 v. 8°, 143.10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 143 Goldziher, Ignaz. Mythology among the He- br.jws, and its historical development. London, 1877. 8° 696.9 Gomery of Montgomery. A family historj'. C. A. Washburn. X.Y., 18(i.5. 2 v. 12° . 4^3.22 Gonsaulus, Frank W. The transfiguration of Christ. ^■.Y., 1SS5. 12° 1251.25 Gonse, Louis. Eugene Fromentin, painter and writer. Boston, 188.3. sm. 4° . . . . 1122.2 Good, John Mason. The book of nature. Hartford, IS-JO. 12° 623.11 The same. N.Y., 1831. 8° 287.1 Good company for every day in the year. Boston, 1S66. 12° . . " 215.10 Good fight, The. Stories of Christian martyrs and heroes. John Hunt and others. X.Y., 1SS7. 8° 12.53.7 Good for nothing; or, All down hill. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 955.8 Good Health. A popular annual. Boston, 1871. 2v. 8° 632.3 Good hour, The; or, Evening holiday. B. Auerbach. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 382.23 Good investment, A. [A novel.] W. Flagg. N.Y., 1872. 8° 316.15 Good luck. E. Buersteinbinder. Boston, 1874. 8° .347.22 Good old times; or. Grandfather's struggle for a homestead. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1878. 16° 446.24 Good stories. C. Keade. N.Y., 1884. 12° . 3:35.38 Goodale, Elaine and Dora Read. All round the year. [Verses.] N.Y., 1881. 16° . 583.12 Apple-blossoms. N.Y., 1878. 16° . . . 582.1 Goodell, William, Memoirs of. Forty years in the Turkish Empire. N.Y., 1878. 8° . 769.12 Goodrich, Aaron. Columbus, Christopher, History of. N.Y., 1874. 8° 106.6 Goodrich, Chauncey A. British eloquence. X.Y., 1854. 8° 221.18 Goodrich, F. B. Man upon the sea. Phila., 1S.JS. 8° 727.6 Goodrich, F. E. Cleveland, Grover, Life and public services of. Boston, 1884. 12° . 1128.2 Hancock, Gen. W. S., Life of. Boston, lS-;6. 12° 1137.10 Goodrich, S. G. Personal recollections of poets, philosophers and statesmen. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1122. 1 Recollections of a lifetime. N.Y., 1837. 2 V. 12° 151.3 GoodTvin, H. B. Madge; or. Night and morn- ing. N.Y., 1863. 12° 342.4 One among many. Boston, 1884. 16°. . 9.57.19 Goodwin, W. W., Ed. Plutarch's "Morals." Boston. 1870. 5 v. 8° 257.7 GoodwinTalcott, Mrs. Fortunes of Miss FoUen. X.Y., 1876. 12° 361.47 Gordon, Mrs. Wilson, John, ("Christopher North,") Memoirs of. N.Y., 1863. 8° . 142.10 Gordon, C. Boarding-school days. N.Y., 1873. 16° 444.20 The same 444.21 Two lives in one. N.Y., 1870. 12° . . . 444.40 Gordon, Gen. Charles George, the Christian hero. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1135.2 Barnes, R. H., and Brown, C. E. A sketch of his life, with a fac-simile letter. Lon- don, 1885. 10° 1131.10 Forbes, A. A succinct record of the life of " Chinese " Gordon. London, 1884. 16°, 1126.17 Gordon, Geyi. Charles George — concluded. Hake, A. E., and Craig, H. The story of " Chinese " Gordon. N.Y., 1884. 12° . 1128.7 Swaine, S. A. Life ; in The world's workers. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1137.4 Works : His journals at Kartoum. Boston, 18S5. 12° 1135.4 Letters from the Crimea, the Danube, and Armenia. 1854-1858. D. C. Boulger. London, 1884. 12° . . . 1128.8 Reflections in Palestine. (1883.) Lon- don, 1SS4. 16° 771.20 Gordon, Lady Duff. Last letters from Egypt. To which are added, letters from the Cape, and memoir. London, 1870. 12°, 171.14 Gordon, George. The pinetum. A synopsis of all the coniferous plants at present known, with descriptions, etc. London, 1880. 8° 1319.2 Gordon, George H. Brook Farm, to Cedar Mountain in the rebellion. 1801-62. Boston, 1883. 12° 696.5 A diary of events in the war of the rebel- lion. Boston, 1882. 8° 593.13 History of the army of Virginia, under Gen. Pope. Boston, 1880. 8° . . . . 692i5 Gordon, J. E. H. A physical treatise on elec- tricity and magnetism. N.Y., 1880. 2 v. S° 677.1 Gore, C. F. The Inundation. London, [n.d.) 16° 451.23 Gortchakof, Prince, and Prince Bismarck. The two chancellors. J. Klaczko. N.Y., 1876. 12° 171.12 Gorton, S., Life of. J. M. Mackie. (American biograpliy. Vol. V.) 111.3 Gospel awakening. The. Sermons, etc., of the great revival meetings conducted by Moody and Sankey. Sketches of their lives and those of other revivalists. Chi- cago, 1879. 8° 284.16 Gospel invitation. The. Sermons related to the Boston revival of 1877. Boston, 1877. 8° . . . 272.5 Gospel of the secular life. [Sermons.] W. H. Fremantle. N.Y., 1883. 16= .... 1229.21 Gospels, The four, translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf, with various other readings, and critical and expository notes. N. S. Folsora, Ed. Boston, 1885. 12° 1243.9 Gosse, Edmund W. From Shakespeare to Pope. An inquiry into the causes and phenom- ena of the rise of classical poetry in Eng- land. N.Y., 1S8.5. 12° 1245.19 Studies in the literature of northern Europe. London, 1879. 8° 125.5 Gosse, Philip Henry. Evenings at the micro- scope. N.Y., 1860. 12° 622.10 Land and sea. London, 1865. 12° . . . 648.27 Romance of natural history. Boston, 1861. 12° 622.12 Wonders of the deep. Phila., 1874. 12° . 492.7 A year at the shore. London, 1865. 12° . 667.22 Gossip, G. H. D. The chess-player's manual. London, 1883. 8° 688.1 Gostwick, J., and Harrison, R. Outlines of German literature. N.Y., 1873. 8° . . 233.3 Gothic revival, History of the. C. L. Eastlake. London, 1872. 8° 623.4 144 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBBARY. Gottschalk, Louis Moreau, Life of. O. Hensel. lioston, 1S70. 10° 147.17 Ntitos of a pianist. N.T., 1881. 12° . . 189.2 Gough, John B., Autobiograpliy of. I'hila., ISO',1. 8° lfiC.2 Sunlislit and shadow; or, Gleanings from my life-work, llarlfonl, 1881. 8° . . 186.13 Goulburu, Edward M. The pursuit of holiness. N.Y., 1870. 12° 281.27 Tlioughts on personal relii,'i()n. N. Y., 1879. Vl"" "1 281.26 Gould, lienjamin A. Adam's '" Latin gram- m.ir," with additions. N.Y., 1842. 12°. 728.30 Gould, Edward S. Good English; or, Popular errors in language. N.Y., 18U7. 8° . . 644.12 The same. N.Y., 1880. 12° .... 292.21 Gould, Emily Bliss, of Rome. Memorials. L. \V. Bacon. N.Y., [u.d.] 12° ... . 182.21 Gould, Florence. Lute Falconer. Boston, 1871. 10° 464.9 Gould, Jeanie T. Marjorie's quest. Boston, 1872. 12° 361.4 Gould, John M. How to camp out. N.Y., 1880. 16° 271.2 The same 764.19 Gould, John W. Journal of a yoyage from New York to Rio Janeiro. N.Y., 1838. 8' 281.4 Goulding, F. R. Marooners island. I'hila., 1806. 16° 434.21 Young Jlarooner's. Phila., 1860. 16°. . 434.20 Gourand, Julie. Four gold pieces. A story of Normandy. N.Y., 1875. 16° ... . 361.28 Little iHiy's story. N.Y., 1869. 16°. . . 434.11 Government, Central. H. D. Traill. London, ISSl. 12° 1213.25 Government, Popular essays on. II. S. Maine. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1326.13 Government revenues, especially the Ameri- can system. An argument for industrial freedom against the fallacies of free trade. E. n. Roberts. Boston, 1884. 12° . .1232.15 Government, The science of, in connection with American institutions. J. Alden. N.Y'., [n.d,] 12° 1318.5 Government, Thoughts upon. Sir A. Helps. Boston, 1872. 8° 246.7 GoTwans, James. Edinburgh and its neighbour- liood. (18.30.) London, 1886. 8° . . R. L. Gower, iord Ronald. My reininiscences. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 1228.16 Gracchi, The. Marias and Sulla. A. H. Bees- ley. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 591.1 Grafton, Mass., History of. 1647-1879. F. C. Pierce. Worcester, 1879. 8° .... 528.15 Graham, William. The social problem. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1253.0 Grammar, English. W. Cobbett. Revised and annotated by A. Ay res. N.Y., 1884. 18°, 1224.15 Grammar-land; or, Grammar in fun for chil- dren of Schoolroom-shire. M. L. Nesbitt. N.Y., 1878. 16° 447.1 Grammar of ornament. O. Jones. London, [n.d.] 4° R. L. Grandissimes, The. A story of Creole life. G. W. Cable. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... . 379.7 Grandmother Elsie. A sequel to " Elsie's widowhood." M. Finley. N.T., 1882. 16° .383.-34 Granite crags. (Yosemite valley, etc.) C. F. G. Gumming. Edinburgh, 1884. 8° . . 785.5 Grant, E. B. Beet-root sugar, and the cultiva- tion of the beet. Boston, 18()7. 12° . . 297.3 Grant, Horace. E.\erciscs for the iniprovonient of the senses of young cliildreu. Boston, ISSli. 18° 12.-.1.16 Grant, James S. Novels. London, [n.d. J 35 v. 10°. Adventures of Rob Roy 384.1 The same 443. 2;5 Adventures of an aide-de-camp 384.2 Arlhur Blane 384.3 Black watch, Legends of the 384.4 Bothwell 384.5 Captain of the guard 384.6 Cavaliers of fortune 384.7 Constable of France 384.8 Dick Rodney 384.9 Fairer than a fairy 384.10 First love and last love 384.11 Frank Hilton 384.12 Girl he married. The 384.13 Harry Ogilvie 384.14 Jack Manly .384.15 JaneSeton .384.16 King's own borderers 384.17 Lady Wedderburn's wish .384.18 Laura Everingham 384.19 Letty Hyde's lovers 384.20 Mary of Lorraine 384.22 Oliver Ellis 384.23 Only an ensign 384.24 Phantom regiment, The .".84.25 Philip Rollo 384.26 Queen's cadet, and other tales 384.27 Romance of war .384.28 Scottish cavalier, The ;iS4.29 Second to none 384.30 Secret dispatch, The .384 31 Shall I win her? 384.32 Under the Red Dragon 384.33 White cock.ide, The .384.34 Y'ellow frigate, The 384. ,35 Grant, Maria M. Artiste. Boston, [n.d.] 8°, 395.6 Jeanie Nairn's wee laddie. N.Y., 1883. 12° 948.20 Sorry her lot who loves too well. N.Y., 1879. 12° .304.78 The sun maid. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . . 305.04 Grant, Robert. An average man. Boston, 1884. 12° • . . . . 959.1 The confessions of a frivolous girl. Bos- ton, 1880. 12° 396.26 and four others. The king's men. N.Y"., 1884. 12° 959.8 Knave of hearts. [A fairy story.] Bos- ton, 1886. 12° 974.15 Grant, Ulysses S. Personal memoirs. N.Y., 1885. 2 v. 8° 11.30.3 The same 1136.4 Adams, W. T. Our standard bearer. Bos- ton, 1808. 16° 437.8 Badeau, A. Military history of. (April, 1861,-April, 186.5.) N.Y., 1868-81. 3 v. 8° 156.7 Burr, F. A. Life and deeds of. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 1139.3 Coppde, H. Campaigns of. N.Y., 1806. 8°, 156.8 Larke, J. K. Campaigns of. N.Y., 1864. 12° 165.11 Marshall, E. C. Ancestry of. N.Y., 1809. 12° 214.4 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 145 Grant, Ulysses S. — concluded. Kemlap, L. T., Ed. (Jrant's tour round llie world. Speeches, receptions and de- scriptions. Chicago. 1879. 8° . . . . 763.11 Swift, J. L. About Grant. Boston, 1880. 12° 104.7 Young, J. W. Around the world with Grant. 1877-79. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. S-^ . 765.1 Grant and Sherman. Their campaigns and generals. 1861-6.5. J. T. Headley. N.Y., 1865. 8° 175.11 Gran'ther Baldwin's Thanksgiving, and other poems. II. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 10° . 583.4 Grantley Manor. Lady G. FuUerton. Balti- more, [n.d.] 12° 972.10 Granville, A. B., Autobiography of. The life of a physician in Europe and the West Indies. Ed. by his daughter, P. B. Gran- ville. London, 1S74. 2 v. 8° . . . . 1119.12 Granville, J. Mortimer. Common mind troubles. London, 1878. 10° .... 073.7 How to make the best of life. Boston, 1882. 16° 673.31 The secret of a clear head. Salem, 1879. 16°, 673.14 Sleep and sleeplessness. Boston, 1881. 10°, 673 29 Granville, Mary (Mrs. Delany). Autobiog- raphy. Lady Llanover, Ed. London, 1861. 3v. S° 116.1 The same. (Second series.) 1862. 3 v. 116.2 Grape culture, American. P. B. Mead. N.Y., 1807. 8° 647.6 Grape culture, Open-air. J. Phinn. N.Y., 1802. 8° 648.4 Grape eulturist, Tlie. A. S. Fuller. N.Y., 1805. 12° 646.17 Grasses and forage plants. C. L. Flint. Bos- ton, 1860. 8° 647.10 Gratry, A. Perreyve, Henri, Life of. Lon- don, 1872. 8° 113.6 Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. N.Y., 18.5.5. 16° 131.12 Graveyard flower, A. W. von Hillern. N.Y., i«S4. 18° 951.9 Gray, Albert Z. Mexico as it is. N.Y., 1878. 12° 492.22 Gray, Andrew. Absolute measurements iu electricity and magnetism. London, 1884. 18° 1314.4 Gray, Asa. Darwiniana. Essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism. N.Y., 1876. 12°, 228.22 How plants^^ behave. N.Y., 1872. 8° . . 648.10 How plants grow. N.Y., 1871. 8° . . . 648.2 Introduction to structural and systematic botany. N.Y., 1875. 8° .."... . 6-38.6 Manual of the botany of the U.S. N.Y., 1808. 8° 6.38.10 Natural science and religion. N.Y., 18S0. 12° 075.15 School and field book of botany. N.Y., 187U. 8° 647.12 Gray, Barry, pseud. See Coflin, K. B. Gray, David. Pocm^i. Boston, 1804. 12°. . 012.15 Gray, E. Conder. Wise words and loving deeds. London, 1884. 12° 1135.17 Gray, George Zabriskie. The children's cru- sade. N.Y., 1870. 12° 474.3 Husband and wife; or. The theory of mar- riage and its consequences. Boston, 1885. 16° 1241.18 Gray, I. E. Marjory Graham. N.Y., 1882. 10° 941.5 Gray, John Henry. China. History of the laws, manners, and customs of the peo- ple. London, 1878. 2 v. 8° .... 496.5 The same 767.4 Gray, Mrs. John Henry. Fourteen montlis in Canton. London, 18S0. 12° .... 762.21 Gray, Louisa M. Mine own people. London, 1885. 12° 968.20 Gray, Thomas, Life of. (English men of let- ters.) E. W. Gosse. N.Y., 1882. 12° . 192. .38 Works : Elegy in a country churchyard. (.See Annotated poeras.) 583.2 Poetical works, with memoir. J. Mitford, Ed. Boston, [n.d. J 10° 562.1 Select poems. W. J. Rolfe, Ed. X.Y., 1880. 12° 583.9 Gray, William. Sidney, Sir Philip, Life and works of. Boston, 1860. 8° 143.7 Gray collection. A series of choice engravings, reproduced in heliotype, from tlie origi- nals in the Gray collection, Harvard Uni- versity. With descriptions. Boston, 1S77. 4° n. L. Gray Hawk. Life and adventures among the red Indians. J. Macaulay. Phila., 1SS3. 12° 1124.13 Graydou, Alexander. Memoirs of his own time. J. S. Littell, Ed. Phila., 1846. 8° 116.5 Great bonanza. The. Narrative of adventure and discovery in gold and silver mining; among the raftsmen; in the oil regions; whaling, hunting, fishing and fighting. By various authors. (Illustrated.) Bos- ton, 1876. 8° 482.8 Great Britain. See also England, Scotland, etc. Azamat-Batuk. A little book about Great Britain. London, 1870. 12° .... 511-11 Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain. Phila., 1809. 8° 662.3 Neil, S., Ed. Great events of Great Brit- ain. Chronological record from the Re- man invasion to 1866. London, 1866. 12°, 511.7 Great Britain and Ireland, Tourist's guide to. G. Shaw. Boston, [n.d.] 12° ... . 732.20 Great conflict, The. A discourse concerning Baptists and religious liberty. G. ('. Lori- raer. Boston, 1877. 12° 271.1 Great conversers. [Essays.] W. Mathews. Chicago, 1874. 12° 227.4 Great discoveries, and daring deeds. A story of the golden Americas. J. Tillotson. London, [n.d.] 8° 774.5 Great expectations. C. Dickens. N.Y., 1869. 8° 356.6 The same 356.7 The same. 12° 393.9 Great events of the world in poetry and prose. K. W. Brown, Ed. Boston, 1884. 8° . 1423.2 Great facts; or. Great inventions. F. C. Bake- well. N.Y., 1860. 12° 6.36.16 Great Hoggarty diamond, The. W. M. Thack- eray. Boston, 1875. 12° 373.8 Great lone land. The. (N. America.) W. F; B\itler. London, 1872. S° 7.36.5 Great match, The, and other matches. {So nameseries.) Boston, 1877. 16° . . . 362.04 Great repviblic. The. L. H. Griffin. N.Y.. 18S4. 12° 786.3 146 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Great St. Benedict's. [A tale.] E. Tliom.is. N.Y., l^7^. 12° -we. 7 Great singers. Faustina Bordoni to Henri- etta Sontag. G. T. Ferris. N.Y., 1880. 16° 123.2 Great thirst land. A ride throiigli Natal, Orange Free states, etc. P. Gillniore. N.Y., [n.d.] 8" 496.6 Great treason, A. A story of ilie war of inde- pendence. M. A. M. Hoppus. N.Y., 1883. 12° 947.16 Greatorex, Eliza. .Summer etchings in Colo- rado. N.Y., 1873. 12° 727.4 Grecian liislory, Mosaics of. Illustrative poetic and prose selections. M. and \i. P. Will- son. N.Y.. 1S«. 12° 1411.1,-) Greece. Illstonj. Curtius, E. History of Greece. N.Y., 1871. .TV. 12°. 523.1 Felton, C. C. Ancient and modern Greece. Boston. 18(i7. 2 v. 8° 527 2 Finlay, G. Greece under Ottoman and Venetian domination. (1453-1821.) London, ISoO. 8'" 597.3 Greece under the Romans. (B.C. 146- A.D. 710.) London, 18.57. 8° . . 597.1 (Jrcek revolution, The. London, 18(51. 2v. 8° 597.4 History of Greece. B.C. 146-A.D. 1804. (A revised and enlarged edition. ) Ox- ford, 1877. 7 v. 8° 694.4 Freeman, E. A. Greater Greece and Greater Britain; and George Washing- ton, tlie expander of England. (Two lectures.) London, 1886. 12° . . .1421.12 Grote, G. History of Greece. (Vol. VII. missing.) N.Y., 18.54. 12 v. 12°. . 523.2 Harrison, J. R. Greece. (The story of the nations.) N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . 1422.6 Pinnock's Goldsmith's History of Greece. W. C. Taylor, Ed. Phila., 18.53. 12° . 659.7 Sewell, E. M. A first history of Greece. N.Y., 1883. 18° 596.6 Smith, W. History of Greece. Boston, 18.5.5. 8° 527.1 Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer. N.Y., 1885. 12° 781.7 While, J. Landmarks of the history of Greece. London, 18.57. 10° ... . 059.11 Wordsworth, C. Pictorial, descriptive, and liistorical Greece. London, [n.d.] 8° 518.10 Yonge, C. M. Young folks' history of Greece. Boston, 1878. 16° ... . 4ii7.13 See aUo Byzantine Empire. Travel, deacriptifms, etc. De Coulanges. Ancient Greece and Rome. Religion, laws, etc. Boston, 1874. 12°, 525.3 Farrci-, R. K. A tour in Greece. Edin- burgh, 1882. 8° 783.9 Hughes, T. S TraTels in Greece and All).mia. London, 1830. 2 v. 8° . . 735.3 Mahaffy, J. P. Rambles and studies in Greece. London, 1876. 12° ... . 491.17 Social life in Greece. From Homer to Menaiuler. London, 1875. 12° . . 491.18 Sargeant, L. Description of Greece. London, 1880. 12° 701.14 Taylor, B. Travels in Greece and Russia. N.Y., 1859. 12° 662.16 Greek anthology. The. Lord Neaves. Edin- burgh, 1874. 10° 052.28 Greek education. Old. N.Y., 1882. 18° . . 1214.6 Greek fathers. The post-Nicene. G. A. .lack- son. N.Y., 1883. 18° 1121.1 Greek hero stories. B. G. Niebuhr. N.Y., 1870. 16° 447.8 Greek Islands, The. an[ary Magdalene. [A poem. | Boston, 1880. .-° . '. .574.4 1135.14 Greenwell, Uora. Memoir- London, [n.d.] 12° . . W. Dorling. 1.328.20 379.5 966.23 Greenwell, Dora — concluded. Works : Two friends. Boston, 186.3. 16° . . . 432.4 Woolman, John, Life. London, 1871. 16° 121.23 Green-wood, F. W. P. King's Chapel, Boston, History of. Boston, 183.3. 12° . . . . 484.19 Greenvpood, Grace, pseud. See Lippineott, Mrs. S. J. Greenwood, James. Adventures of Reuben Davidger. N.Y., 1866. 12° 713.19 In strange company. London, 1883. 12°. 713.15 Thesame 1227.3 The seven curses of London. Boston, 1869. 12° 246.18 Stirring scenes in savage lands. London, [n.d.] 12° 912.21 The wild man at home. London, |n.d.] 12° 912.23 Greenwood, W. H. Steel and iron. Methods pursued in their manufacture. N.Y., 1884. 16° Greer, Maria J. My mother's diamonds. N.Y.. 1880. 12° Greer, Tom. A modern Dicdalus. N.Y.. |n.d.] 16° Greey, Edward. The bear worshippers of Yezo and the islands of Karafuto. Boston, 1884. 4° 924.7 The same 925. 16 The wonderful city of Tokio. Boston, 1883. 4° 773.17 Thesame 925.15 Young Americans in Japan. Boston, 1882. 4° 915 6 Thesame 925.14 Greg, W. R. Enigmas of life. Boston, 1873. 12° ... r 234.2 Literary and social judgments. Boston, 1873. 12° 222.3 Gregory, Donald. History of the western IJigh- Icinds, and isles of Scotland. 1493-1025. With a brief introductory sketch from A.D. 80 to 149.3. London, 1881. 8° . . .593.11 Grenada, Conquest of. From the MSS. of F. A. Agapida, by W. Irving. Phila., 1871. 16° ?." 473.19 Greuville-Murray, E. C. High life in France under the republic. London, 1884. 12°, 786.9 People I have met. London, 1883. 12° . 1227.4 Greville, Charles C. F. Memoirs. A journal of the reigns of George IV. and William IV. H. Reeve, ^d. N.Y., 187.5. 2 v. 8°, 115.11 Thesame 115.12 . The same, abridged. 16° 134.20 Memoirs. Part second. A journal of the reign of Queen Victoria. 1837-52. Lon- don, 1885. 3 v. 8° 1425.8 Greville, Henry, Leaves from the diary of. Vi-'couiitcss Enfield, Kd. London. 1883. 8° 1119.7 Greville, Henry, pseud. See Durand, Madame Alice. Grey, C. Early years of the Prince Consort. N.Y., 1887." 12° 215.8 Grey, Henry. A bird's-eye view of English literature. N.Y., 1884. 18° 1241.28 The classics for the million. N.Y., 1873. lii° 1251.14 Grey, .Mrs. W. Journal of a visit to Egypt and Constantinople. N.Y., 1870. 12°. . . 723.8 148 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Greyslaer. C.F.Hoffman. Phila., 1841. 2 v. 12° 333.12 Grier, J. B. Studies in the English of Bunyan. I'hlla., 1872. 12° 2.')4.24 Griesinger, Theodor. Jesuits, History of the. N.Y., 1883. 2v. 8° 695.8 Orif. lA novel.] B. L. Farjeon. N.Y., 1872. 8° 347.37 GrifBn, Lepel Henry. Tlie great republic. (IT..S.) N.Y., 1884. 12° 780.3 Gri£Bs, W'illlani E. Corea, the hermit nation. N.Y., 1882. 8° 773.14 Japanese fairy world. Schenectady, 1880. 16° 921.9 The Mikado's empire. N.Y., 1876. 8°. . 480.1 GrifBth, Cecil. Victory Deane. Boston, [ii.d.| Vl" 387.20 GrifBth, I!. T. H. Scenes from the Ramayan. London, 1808. 12° 002.19 Griffiths, T. The modem fencer. London, In.d.l 10° 680.16 Grimaldi, Joseph. Memoirs. C. Dickens, Ed. London, [n.d.] 12° 1.39.14 Grimes, J. Stanley. Geonomy. Creation of the continents by ocean currents. Pliila., 188.5. 10° 1321.11 Mysteries of the head and heart explained; a new system of phrenology. Chicago, 1875. 12° 483.8 Grimke, Samh and Angelina. The first Ameri- can woman advocates of abolition and woman's rights. C. U. Birney. Boston, ISSo. 18° 1131.12 Grimke, Sarah L., Trans. Joan of Arc, Biogra- phy of. Boston, 1807. 8° 134.8 Grimm, Herman. Goethe, Life and times of. Boston, 1880. 8° 180.9 Michael Angelo, Life of. Boston, 180.'). 2 V. 12° 215.1 Grimm, Jacob. Teutonic mythology. Vol. I. London, 1882. 8° 1226.12 Grimm, J. L. C. and W. C. German fairy tales. London, 1804. 12° 441.21 The same 4.")3.11 Household stories. London, 1882. 12' . 910.18 Grindou, Leo H. Life; its nature, varieties, etc. Phila., 1800. 12° 026.13 The phenomena of plant life. Bi)Ston, 1800. 8° 648.20 Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. E. K. Kane. N.Y., 18.54. 8°, 737.10 Griscom, John H. Animal mechanism and physiology. N.Y., 1855. 10° ... . 031.29 Gris'wrold, K. W. Poets and poetry of Amer- ica. Phila., 18.55. 8° 552.1 Grohman, W. A. B. Gaddings with a primi- tive people. N.Y., 1878! 10° .... 281.18 Gronlund, Laurence. Ex])osilion of modern socialism. The cooperative commonwealth in its outlines. Boston. 1SS4. 10°. . . 1321.2 Gross, S. D. John Hunter and his pupils. Phila., 1881. 8° 189.5 Grosveuor, W. M. Does protection protect ? N.Y., 1871. 8° 245 10 Grote, George, Life of. Mrs. Grote. London, 1873. 8° '. 160.9 Worku : Aristotle, Life and works of. London, 1872. 2 V. 8° . 144.9 Greece, History of. (Vol. VII. missing.) N.Y., 1854. 12 V 12° ....'. 523.2 Grote, George. Works — concluded. Plato, and the other companions of Sokra- tes. London, 1885. 4 v. 12° . . . 1245.5 Grove, George, Ed. Dictionary of music and musicians. London, 18S.J. 3 v. 8°. . 276.13 Grube, A. W. Heroes of liistory and legends. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1128.1(1 Gsell-FelB, 7;r. Venice. (Illustrated.) N.Y., 1877. 4° K. L. Guardian angel. The. O. W. Holmes. Bos- ton, 1867. 12° .■'.04.8 The same :;04 . 1 1 Gudrun, Beowulf and Koland, with other medi- a;val tales. J. Gibb. London, 1884. 12°, 9.54.20 Guenu. A wave on the Breton coast. B. W. Howard. Boston, 1SS4. 12° 952 II The same 952. 12 Guerin, Eugenie de. Journal. London, 1865. 12° 215.20 Letters. London, 1800. l:i° 215.21 Guerin, Maurice de. Journal of. G. S. Trebu- tin, iU N.Y., 1807. 12° 134.25 Guernsey, Alfred H. Carlyle, Thomas; his life, books and theories. N.Y., 1S79. 12°, 191.3 Emerson, Italph Waldo, philo^iopher and poet. N.Y., 1881. 10° 191.21 and Davis, I. P. Hcaltli at home. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1313.19 Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. The chevalier's daugh- ter. N.Y., 1880. 12° 397.1 The foster-sisters; or, Lucy Corbet's chron- icle. N.Y., 1880. 12° 974.4 Lady Betty's governess. N.Y., 1872. 10°, 312.2 Lady Ro.^amond's book. (The second part of thcStanton-Corbet chronicles.) X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 974.7 Loveday's history. A tale of many changes. N.Y.,' 188.5. 12° 9.59. l,s Winifred; or, "After many days." N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 974.12 Guerrazzi, F. D. Manfred ; or, The battle of Benevento. N.Y., 1875. 12° ... . 317.25 Guess me. Enigmas, charades, puzzles, conun- drums, etc. F. D'.V. Planche, Ed. N.Y., 1881. 12° 127.3 Guest, M. J. Lectures on the history of Eng- land. London, 1879. 12° 493.20 joint author. Hand-book of English his- tory. Boston, 1886. 12° 1422.20 Guhl, E., and Koner, W. Life of the Greeks and Komans, described from antique mon- uments. N.Y., 1875. 8° 483.9 Guiana Dutch. W. G. Palgrave. London, 1.S70. 8° 487.8 Guiccioli, Countess. My recollections of Lord Byron. N.Y., 1809. 12° 214.2 Guide board to health, peace and competence; or. The road to happy old age. W. \V. Hall. Phila., [n.d ] 8° 488.1 Guide to travel and art study in Europe. For the use of Americans. L. C. Lotimis. N.Y., 1882. 10° 704.26 Guido and Lita. A tale of the Riviera. [Poem.] J/argwis of Lome. N.Y., I.''75. sm. 4° ,565.18 Guido Keni. Life. (Artist biographies. Vol. IX.) Boston, 1878. 18° 19^.1 Guild, Curtis. Abroad again. Boston, 1877. 8°, 492.11 Over the ocean. Boston, 1871. 8° . . . 603.2 Guild, Reuben. Manning, Jatnes, Life and limes of. Boston, 1804. 8° 102.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 149 Guild Court. A London story. 6. Macdonald. N.Y., 18S3. 12° 336.15 The same 336.34 Guillemiii, Aini-dee. The force. Her mother's fancy. Boston, 1S7.5. 16° 461.25 Hall, William E. International law. Oxford, 1880. 8° 293.14 Hall, \y. W. Dyspepsia and its kindred dis- eases. N.Y., 1877. 12° 6.55.20 The guide board to health, peace, and com- petence. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 488.1 Healtli and good living. N.Y., 1870. 12°. 244.7 Hallam, Arthur H. Remains, in verse and prose. Boston, 1863. 12° 244.23 Hallam, Henry. Constitutional history of England. Boston, 18.54. 3 v. 8°. . . 513.2 Introduction to the literature of Europe. Bost.'U, 1854. 3v. 8° 2.57.5 The same. N.Y., 1884. 2 v. 12°. . .1242.14 Literature of Europe. N.Y., 1841. 2 v. 8° 231.2 View of the state of Kurope during the mid- dle ages. N.Y., 18.53. 3v. 8°. . . . 531.4 Halleck, Fitx-Green, Life and letters of. J. G. Wilson. N.Y., 1869. 12° .... 147.6 Poelical works. N.Y., 1854. 12°. . . . 5.52.17 Halleck, H. W. Military art and science. N.Y., l,>^fil. 12° . ". 042.18 Hallig, Tiic Biernatzki. Br.ston, 1856. 12°, 334.17 Halli-well-Phillips, J. O. .Shakespeare, Out- lines of the life of. London, 1883. 8° . 1119.9 Hallock, Charles. The fishing tourist. N.Y., 1873. 12° ^ 646.19 Sportsman's gazetteer and general guide. N.Y., 1877. 12° 273.10 Hallo-well, Anna Davis, Ed. Mott, James and Luoretia. Lives of. Boston. 1884. 12° . 1120.14 Hallowell, Mrs. Joshua L. Bee's bedtime. Phila., 1873. 16° 434.3 Hallo-well, Richard P. Quaker invasion of Massachusetts. Boston, 188!. 12° . . 1225.6 Hallucinations. A. B. de Boismont. Colum- bus, 1860. 12° 223.1 Halpine, Charles G. Poetical works, with notes. R. B. Roosevelt, Ed. N.Y., 1869. 10° 565.15 Halves. |A novel.] J. Payn. N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.2 Hamertou, Mrs. Eugenie. Golden mediocrity. Boston, 1886. 16° 961.13 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Art essays. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 682.24 Chapters on animals. Boston, 1874. 8° . 246.10 Etcher's hand-book. The. London, 1871. 12° 669.21 The same 681.33 Etching and etchers. London, 1808. 8° . 618.6 The graphic arts. A treatise on drawing, painting, and engraving. Boston, 1882. 12° 682 30 Harry Blount. Boston, 1,87.5. 16° . . . 4.52.18 Human intercourse. Boston, 1884. 12° . 1242.18 The intellectual life. Boston, 1873. 12° . 234.5 Landscape. Boston, 1885. 12° .... 1612.7 Marmorne. (No name series.) Boston, [n.d.] 16° 362.71 Modern Frenchmen. Boston, 1878. 12° . 177.17 A painter's camp. Boston, 18G7. 12° . . 0^13.27 Round my house. Boston, 1870. 12° . . 482.9 The sylvan year and The unknown river. Boston, 1870. 12° 669.1 Thoughts about art. Boston, 1871. 12°.. 669.24 Turner, J. M. W., Life of. Boston, 1879. 12° 182.12 The unknown river. Boston, 1871. 8°. . R. L. AVenderholme. [A story.] Boston, 1870. 12° 360.7 Hamilton, Alexander. Lodge, H. C. Life. (American statesmen.) Boston, 1882. 12°, 1111.15 Morse, J. T.,./c. Life. Boston, 1870. 2 v. 12° 172.1 Shea, 6. Life and epoch. Boston, 1879. 8° 276.6 Works. H. C. Lodge, Ed. N.Y., 1885. 8 V. 8° 1244.2 Hamilton, Alexander, Jay, and Madison. The Federalist, and other papers. Phila., 1880. 8° .~ . . . . 693.2 Hamilton, Alexander, and Jay, John. Lives. H. a)i(i J. Renwick. X.Y., 18.54. 8°. . 121.5 Hamilton, Alice King. Jlildred's cadet. An idyl of AVest Point. Phila., [n.d ] 12° . .383.31 One of the Duanes. [A novel.] Phila., 1885. 12° 905.20 Hamilton, Mi-s. Celia V. Crown from the spear. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 377.13 Ropes of sand. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . . 377.15 Hamilton, Charles. Oriental zigzag. London, 187-5. 12° 490.15 Hamilton, Edward. Recollections of fly-fish- ing. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1325.3 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. Hamilton, John C. Republic of the U.S., His- tory of the. N.Y., 18.59. 4v. 8°. . . 546.8 Hamilton, W. D. England. Outlines of the history of. London, 184,-^. 10°. . . . 511.13 Hamilton, Walter. The poels laureate of Eng- land. London, 1879. 12° 182.16 Hamilton, Sir William, Life of. W. H. S. Mouck. N.Y., 1881. 12° 187.13 Menioirof. J. Veitch. Edinburgh. 1800. 8°, 153.5 Examination of his philosophy. J. S. Mill. Boston, 180-5. 2 v. 12° 024.8 Hamlen, G. Chats. (Sketches.) Boston, 188.5. 16° 1241.1 Hamlet. See Shakespeare. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, The Ir.agedle of. A study, with the text of the folio of 1023. G. Macdonald. London. 1885. 8°, 1244.4 Hamlet's note-book. W. I). O'Connor. Bos- ton, 1886. 12° 1249.20 162 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMliRlDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hamley, Col. Voltaire, Life of. Loiulon, X^Tt. 12° 271.21 Hamlin, Augustus C. Leisure hours among llie gems. Hostou, KS84. 12° .... i:{24.7 Hamlin, Cyrus. Among tlie Turks. N.Y., 1878. 12° -192.13 Hamlin, Mrs, U. A. L,, Meniori.ils of. M. \V. Jjawronce. Boston, [u.d.] 12°. . . . 177. l:> Hamlin, Mvra Sawyer. A politician's daugh- ter. N.Y., 1S8(). 10° '.170.19 Hammersmith. M. S. Severance. Boston, 1S7S. 12° ;!73.29 The same .'n.i.Sl The same ;!73.82 Hammond, Mr.*. K. 11. The Georgians. (Kound-robin series.) Boston, 1881. 1(1°, 398.5 Tlie same 398.6 Hammond, Kobert. The electric light in our homes. N.Y., lii.d.] 12° 1318.13 Hammond, W. A. Diseases of the nervous system. N.Y., 1871. 8° 032.7 Insanity in its relations to crime. N.Y., 1873. 8° 633.4 Sleep and its derangements. Phila., ISfi'.t. 12° 033.14 Spirituali.sm, and allied causes and condi- tions of nervous derangement. N.Y., 1876. 8° 482.16 Novels. Doctor Grattan. N.Y., 1885. 12°. . . 964.9 Lai. N.Y., 1884. 12° 059.9 A .'•trong-mlnded woman. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 974.10 Hamst, Olpbar. Hand book of fictitious names. London, 1808. 8° 108.14 Hanaford, Mrs. I'hebe A. Lincoln, Abraham, Life of. Boston, 1805. 12° 2117.13 Peabody, George, Life of. Boston, |n.d.] 12° 1113.9 The same 1118.17 Women of the century. Boston, 1877. S°, 172.13 Hancock, E. Campbell. Tlie amateur pottery anil glass painter. London, [u.d.] 12° . 082.2 Hancock, Gen. Winlield S., Life of. F. E. (ioodrlch. Boston, 1880. 12° .... 11.37.10 Hand, The. C.Bell. London, 1870. 10°. . 631.15 Hand and ring. A. K. Green. N.Y.. |n d.] 10° 900.18 Hand of Ethelberta. T. Hardy. X.Y., 1870. 12° 303.49 Hand-book for home improvement. How to write, to talk, to behave, and to do busi- ness. N.Y., 1877. 12° 272.9 Handel, George Frederick. Clarke, E. Life of. (The world's workers.) N.Y., 1885. 10° 1131.24 Marshall, Mrs. J. Life of. (The great musicians.) N.Y., 188.3. 12° ... . 1118.7 Eockslro, W. S. Life of. London, 1883. 12° 1118.13 Schoelcher, V. Life of. Bn.ston, [n.d.] 12°, 14710 Handicapped. [.Stories.] Mr.s. M. V. Ter- hunc. N.Y., 1881. 12° 423.20 Handsome Lawrence. Sequel to "A rolling stone." Mme. Dudcvant. Boston, I87I. 8° 352.2 Tbes.ame 3(i9.42 Hanging of the crane. The. (Poem ) H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1875. 8° . . . 508. 3 Hankin, Christiana C, Kd. Schimmelpennick, M. A., Life of. Phil.i., 18.59. 2 v. 10°. 212.21 Hanna, William. Chalmers, Thomas, Life and writings of. N.Y., 18.5.5. 4 v. 12° . . 148.8 Warsof the Huguenots. N.Y., 1872. 12°, 534.11 Hannah. [A novel.] Mr.*. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1872. 12° .343.15 The same 343.40 Hannah Tarne. M. E. Hullali. London, 1883. 10° 9,53.16 Hannah Thurston. B. Taylor. N.Y., 1804. 12° 411.13 Hannay, James. History of Acadia. St. John, N.B., 1879. 8° ." 490.29 Hannibal tlie Carthaginian, Life of. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1854. 16° 122.17 Hannibal, Life of. T. Arnold. N.Y., 1877. 10° 1S1.12 Hanover, Mass., Historical sketch of. .J. S. Barry. Boston, 18.53. 8° 542.15 Hans Brinker; or, The silver skates. M. M. Dodge. N.Y., 1806. 12° 334.21 Hansard, George A. The book of archery. London, 1841. 8° 083.1 Hanson, Charles H. Homer's stories simply told. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1222.4 Old Greek stories simply told. London, 1884. 12° 928.1 Stories of the days of King Arthur. I.,on- don, 1882. 16° 1221.8 Hanson, J. W. Historical sketch of the old Sixth Regiment. Boston, 1800. 12° . . 002.9 Hapgood, Isabel F. The epic songs of Russia. N.Y., 1886. 8° 12-19.15 Hap-hazard. K. Field. Boston, 1873. 12° . 201.11 Haphazard personalities: chiefly of North Americans. C. Lanman. Boston, 1880. 10° 12.51.11 Happy boy. The. B. Bjiirnson. Boston, 1881. 10° 388.17 The same 451.4 Happy little girl. Story of \. I,ondon, 1872. 10° 4,52.21 Happy-go-lucky. [A novel. | Mrs. S. S. Har- ris. X.Y., 1881. 12° 397.9 Happy-thought Hall. F. C. Burnand. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 254.27 Happy valley, The. Sketches of Kashmir and the Kashmiris. W. Wakefield. London, 1879. 8° 773.13 Harbour bar. The. [A novel.] N.Y., 187.5. 12° 3ti4.9 Harbours and docks. Their physical features, history, constitution, equipment, etc. L. F. Vernon-Harcourt. Vol. I. Text. Vol. II. Plates. Oxford, 188.5. 2 v. 8° . . 1320.2 Hard casli. [A novel.] C. Reade. Boston, 1870. 12° .335. .37 Hard-Scrabble of Elm Island. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1871. 10° 442.29 Hard times. C. Dickens 3-55. 6 The same 3.50.8 Tlie same, with Christmas stories . . . 3.57.15 The same' 393.10 Hard to bear. G. M. Craik. A true man. M. C. Stirling. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . . 309.20 Hardee, W. J. Rifle and light infantry tactics. Phila., 1801. 2v. 10° 0.53.26 Harder, L. A family feud. Phila., 1877. 12° 316.26 The same 310.27 Harding, E. G. Leoline; 'or. Captured and rescued. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 445.22 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 153 Harding, James D. Sketches at home aud abroad. Drawings re-produeed in auto- type. London. 1874. 4° R. L. Hardy, Arthur S. But yet a woman. Boston, LSS.3. 12° 947.2 The same 947.-3 The wind of destiny. Bo>=ton, 18S6. 1C° . 978.8 The same 978.9 Hardy, Lady Duffus. Through cities and prai- rie lands. Sketches of an American tour. N.Y., 1881. 8° 7fi0.11 Hardy, John. Cast away in the cold. Boston, ISeO. 1G= 433.2 Hardy, Thomas. Desperate remedies. N.Y., 1874. 16° 302.5 Far from the madding crowd. N.Y., 1874. 16° 362.4 Hand of Ethelberta. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . 363.49 A Laodicean. N.Y., 1881. 16° ... . 388.15 Tlie mayor of Casterbridge. N.Y., 1886. 10° 975.23 A pair of blue eyes. N.Y., 1873. 16° . . 362.3 The return of the native. N".Y., 1878. 16°, 376.5 The trumpet-major. X.Y., 1880. 16°. . 376.26 Hardy and Hunter. Mrs. H. Ward. London, IS-m 16° 443.21 Hare, Augustus J. C. Bunsen, Baroness Fran- ces, Life and letters of. N.Y.,1879. 12°, 177-27 The same 185.8 Cities of northern and central Ilaly. N.Y., 1870. 3 V. 12° 483.35 Cities of southern Italy and Sicily. K.Y., [n.d.] 12° 775.3 Florence, City of. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 771.22 Holland and Scandinavia, Sketches in. London, 1885. 12° 789. 12 London, Walks in. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . 492.21 Memorials of a quiet life. (With supple- mentary volume.) London, 1873. 2 v. 12° 112.2 Rome, Walks in. London, 1871. 12' . . 734.4 Russia, Studies in. London, 1885. 12° . 789.22 Spain, Wanderings in. London, 1873. 12°, 722.12 Venice. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 771.25 Harecourt, Story of. J. B. Marsh. London, 1S71. 12° " 484.12 Harem life in Egypt and Constantinople. E. Lott. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 148.24 Hargreaves, John G. Blunders of vice and folly. London, 1871. 12° 333.18 Hargreaves, Thomas. A voyage round Great Britain. London, 1884. 12° 786.23 Harlan, George E. Eyesight and how to care for it. Phila., 1879. 18° 673.13 Harland, Henry. As it was written. [A novel.] N.Y., 1SS5. 12° 967.16 Mrs. Pei.Kada. [A novel.] N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 975.11 Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, Mrs. M. V. Harle, Jonathan. Essay on the state of phys- ick in the Old and New Testaments. Loiuion, 1729. 12° 633.6 Harley, Dr. The young Crusoe. Boston, 1873. 12° 438.19 Harley, Timothy. Moon lore. Superstitions, moon-worship, etc. London. 1885. 8° . 1329.3 Harold. [A drama.] A. Tennyson. Boston, 1S77. 16° 571.8 Harold, last of the Saxon kings. E. Bulwer- Lylton. N.Y., 1862. 8° 345.6 Haroun Alraschid, The caliph, and Saracen civilization. E. H. Palmer. N.Y., 1881. 16° .591.12 Harper's Monthly Magazine. N.Y., 1849-86. 73 V. 8° 751.1 Vols. Vols. I. June-Nov., 1850. xxxviii. Dec, lS68,-May 18e9. 11. Dec, ISaO.-May, 1851. XXXI-X. June-Nov., 1869. III. June-Xov., 1851. XL. Dec, 1869,-.M.15-, 1870. IV. Dec, 1851,-May, 1852. XLI. Juue-Xov., 1870. T. June-Xov., 1852. XLII. Dec, 1870,-May, 1871. Yl. Dec, lS52,-May, 1853. XLili. .June-Nov., 1871. vn. June-Nov., 1853. xi.iv. Dec, 1871,-May, 1872. VIII. Dec, 1853,-5Iay, 1854. XLV. June-Nov., 1872. IX. June-Nov., 1854. XLvl. Dec. )S72,-May, 1873. X. Dec, 1854,-May, 1855. XLVll. June-Nov., 1873. XI. June-Nov., 1855. XLVlll. Dec, 1873,-M:iy, 1874. XII. Dec, 1855,-May, 1856. XLIX. June-Nov., 1S74. XIII. June-Nov., 1856. L. Dec, 1874,-May. 1875. XIV. Dec, 1856, -May, 1857. LI. June-Nov., 1S76. XV. June-Nov., 18.57. lii. Dec, 1875,-May, 1878. XVI. Dec, 185T,-May, 1858. Llll. June-Nov., 1876. XVII. June-Nov., 1858. liv. Dec, 1876, -May, 1877. XVIII. Dec, 1858,-MBy, 1859. lv. June-Nov., 1877. XIX. June-Nov., 1859. LVI. Dec, 1877,-May, 1878. XX. Dec, 1859,-May, 1860. LVll. June-Nov., 1878. XXI. June-Nov., 1860. LVlll. Dec, 187S,-May. 1879. XXII. Dec, 1860,-May, 1861. Lix. June-Nov., 1879. xxill. June-Nov., 1861. LX. Dec , 1879,-May, 1880. XXIV. Dec, 1861,-May, 1862. lxi. June-Nov., 1880. XXV. June-NoT., 1862. LXU Dec, 18S0,-May, 1881. XXVI. Dec, 1862,-May, 1863. LXlll. June-Noy., 1881. xxvii. June-Nov., 186.J. lxiv. Dec, 1851,-May, 18Si. xxvill. Dec, lS63,-May, 1864. Lxv. June-Nov., 1882. XXIX. June-Nov., 1864. • LXVI. Dec, 1882,-May, 188S. XXX. Dec, 1864,-May, 1865. Lxvil. June-Nov., 1883. XXXI. June-Nov., 3865. Lxvm. Dec, 1883,-May, 1834. XXXII. Dec, 1865,-May, 1866. LXlx. June-Nov., 1884. XXXIII. June-Nov., 1866. lxx. Dec, 1884,-Uay, 1885. XXXIV. Dec, lS66,-May, 1867. LXXI. June-Nov., 1885. XXXV. June-Nov., 1867. lx.xii. Dec, 1885,-May, 1886. XXXVI. Dec, 1867,-M.iy, 1868. LXXill. June-Nov., 1886. xxxvii. June-Nov., 1868. Index to. Vols. I. to LXX., June, 18.50, to June, 1885. C. A. Durfee, compiler. N.Y.. 1886. 8° 7.51.3 Harper's Young People. N.Y., 1879-80. 7 v. 8° 751.3 Harps'VRrell, Maine, History of. G. A. nnd H. W.Wheeler. Boston, 1878. 8° . . . 494.10 Harriman, Walter. Travels and observations In the Orient, and the countries of Eu- rope. Boston. 1883. 12° 776.1 Harrington. M. Edgeworth. N.Y.. 18.55. 12°, 345.1 Harris, Amanda B. How we went bird's-nest- ing. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 1315.6 Pleasant authors for young folks. Boston, [n.d.] 18° .... r 1121.10 Wild flowers and where they arow. Boston, [n.d.] 4° ". 638.17 Harris, F. McCready. (Hope Ledyard, psetid.) The girls at Quinneniont. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 929.9 A year at Briercliffe. N.Y.,1879. 16°. . 911.22 Harris, Joel Chandler. Mingo, and other sketches in black and white. Boston, 1884. 12° 1228.20 Nights with Uncle Remus. Boston, 1883. 12° 1228.7 Uncle Remus: His songs and sayings. N.Y., 1881. 12° 127.19 Hzuris, Joseph. Gardening for young and old. N.Y., 1SS;3. 12° 085.17 Harris, Richard. Illustrations in advocacy. London, 1884. 10° 1231.9 Harris, Samuel S. The relation of Christianity to civil society. N.Y., 1883. 12°. . .1222.18 154 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBHAUY. Harris, Mrs. S. S. llappy-go-lucky. N.Y., 1881. 12° 3i)7.9 Missy. N.Y., 1880. 12° 396.23 A perfect Adonis. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . . 317.5 I'hrt-be. Boston, 1884. 12° 958.3 Richard Vandermarck. NY., 1871. 12^ . 317.3 Koundhearts. N.Y., 1807. 12° .... 317.4 Kutledse. N.Y., 1800. 12° 317.6 The Siitlieilands. N.Y., 1862. 12° . . . 364.23 Harris, Tliaddctis \V. Insects injurious to vege- tation. Boston, 1802. 8° 023.18 Harris, W. H. The honey-bee. Its nature, homes and products. London, [n.d.] l-j° 1324.23 Harris, William. The Kadical party in I'ar- liament. London, 1885. 8° 1424.9 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Bric-il-brac stories. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 932.8 The old-fashioned fairy book. N.Y., 1884. li;o 931.1 Harrison, Oonstance C. Woman's handiwork. N.Y., 1881. 12° 682.22 Harrison, Frederic. The choice of books, and other literary pieces. London, 1886. 16°, 1247.5 Harrison, (iabriel, Payne, John Howard, Life of. Albany, 1875. 8° 137.5 Harrison, James A. Greece. (The story of the nations.) N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . . 1422.6 Group of poets and their haunts. N.Y., 1875. 8° 1.J4.14 Spain in profile. A summer anions 'lie olive- and aloes. Bnsto)i, 1879. 18°. . 761.6 Harrison, James H. Spain, History of. Bos- Ion, 1S81. 12° .595.5 Harrison, Jane E. Introductory studies in Greek art. London, 1885. 12° . . . . I(il2.13 The myths of the Odyssey in art and litera- ture. London, 1882. 8° 1215.3 Harrison, Jennie. Little bouts. N.Y., 1871. 1(3° 444.12 The old back room. N.Y., 1871. 10° . . 444.11 Harrison, Joanna. A northern lily. N.Y., 1880. 10° 978.15 Hcurrison, Lucy, Eil. Spenser, for home and >ehoi.ls. London, 1883. 10° .... 584.15 Harrison, Mrs. Willi.im, {pxeud., L. Malet.) tol. Enderby's wife. N.Y., 188.5. 16°. 907.14 Mrs. Lorimer. A sketch in black and white. N.Y., 1883. 16° 943.13 Harry Blount. A story forboys. P. G. Ilam- erton. Boston, 1875. 16° 4.52.18 Harry Coverflale's courtship and marriage. F. E. Sraedley. Phila., fn.d.] 12° . . .304.38 Harry Hcathcote of Gangoil. A. Trollope. London, [n.d. I 12° 063.9 Harry Ilollirooke of Holbrooke Hall. K. H. Koberis. Boston, 1877. 12° 371.11 Harry Maitland; or. The tyrant father. E. Downs. Boston, 1871. 10° = 443.24 Harry Ogilvie; or. The black dr.agoons. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° .384.14 Harsha, U. A. Bnnyan, John, Life of. Phila., 1(1)71. 12° . ' 214.15 Doddridge, Philip, Life of. N.Y., 1805. 8° 106.12 Orators and statesmen, of ancient and modern times. Phila., [n.d.] b° . . . 174.1 Hart, George. The violin; its famous makers and their imitators. London, 1880. 12°, 682.18 Harte, F. Bret. l!y shore and sedge. Boston, 1885. 18° 951.21 Hart, F. Bret — concluded. Coudeiised novels. Boston, 1871. 10° . . 421'. 22 Condensed novels and stories. Boston, 1882. 12° 942.14 East anil west poems. Boston, 1871. 12°. 551.8 Flip; a California romance. Boston, 1882. 18° 941.13 Gabriel Conroy. Hartford, 1S7(). 8° . . 427.41 The same 389.24 In the Carquinez woods. Boston, 1884. 18° 9.51.1 Luck of Roaring Camp, and other sketches. Boston, 1870. 16° .•:41.21 The same 389.15 Maruja. Boston, 1885. 18° 951.24 Mrs. Skaggs's husbands, and other sketches. Boston, 1873. 16° 414.12 On the frontier. Boston, 1884. 18°. . . 951.14 Poems. Boston, 1871. 12° . . . . . . .5.52.26 Snowbound at Eagle's. N.Y., 1880. 18°. 9(;i.7 The story of a mine. Boston, 1878. 16° . 368.35 Tales of the Argonauts, and other sketches. Boston, 1875. 16° 341.31 Thankful Blossom. Boston, 1877. 18°. . 431.20 The twins of Table Mountain, and other stories. Boston, 1879. 18° 38;?. 7 Hartford in the olden time. W. M. B. Hart- ley. Ed. Hartford. 1853. 8° .... 547.2 Harting, James E. British animals extinct within historic limes. Boston, 18S0. 8°, 677.2 Hartley, David. Life. (English philosophers.) G. S. Bower. N.Y.. 1881. 12° ... . 1135.23 Hartley, Mrs. Emily. Odd moments of the Willoughby boys. Phila., [n.d.] 16°. . 911.1s Hartley, May. (MayLaffan.) Christy Carew. N.Y., 1880. 10° 370 111 Flitters, Tatters, and the Counsellor, and other sketches. London, 1882. 12° . . 94:^.8 Hogan, M.P. London, 1881. 12° ... 942.0 The Honorable Miss Ferrard. N.Y., 1878. 10° .370.1 Hartmann, Robert. Anthropoid apes. N.Y., 1S80. 12° 1.327.4 Hcirtner, E. Severa. [A novel.] Mrs. Wister, Trnns. Phila., 1882. 12° 958.21 Hartshorne, Henry. Our homes. Phila., 1880. 18° 673.19 Hartt, Charles F. A journey in Brazil. Bos- ton, 1870. 8° 043.10 Hart'well Farm. L. B. Comins. Boston, |nd.] 12° 342.16 Hartwig, G. The aerial world. N.Y., 1875. 8° 712.20 The polar world. N.Y., 1809. 8° . . . 717.1 The subterranean world. N.Y., 1871. 8° . 043.9 Hartz boys. The. F. Hoffman. Boston, 1872. 16° 433.11 Harvard Advocate, "Verses from the. Cam- bridge, 1876. 12° 5.54.26 Harvard Register. An illustrated magazine. Vol. III. Jan.-July, 1881. M. King, Ed. Cambridge, Mass. 8° 7.55.5 Harvard students, Manners and customs of the. F. G. Attwood, Artist. Boston, 1877. Ob. 4° K. L. Harvard University. King, M. Harvard and its surroundings. (Illustrated.) Cam- bridge, Mass., 1878. 16° 278.11 The same 273.12 Memorial biographies. Cambridge, 1866. 2 V. 8° 149.7 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 155 221.3 477.2 5.S7..3 Harvard University — concluded. Necrology of alumni. lSol-6.". Boston, 1864. 8" Pierce, B. Early history of. Cambridge, 18.33. 8° Quincy, J. History of. Boston, ISHO. 2 v. 8° ' Sibley, J. L. Biographical sketclies of grad- uates. Vol. I. 1642-16.58. Vol. II. I6.")9- 1677. Vol. III. 1678-16S9. Cambridge, 1873-8.'). 8° Vaille, F. O., and^lark. H. A., Eda. The Harvard book. Historical, biographical and descriptive sketches. Cambridge, 187.5. 2 V. Koy. 4'' Harvest of a quiet eye. The. Lomloi), [n.d.] 1.54.1 Harvest of the sea. J. G. Bertiam. N.Y., 1866. 8° Harvey, Alexander. First lines of therapeu- tics. N.Y., 1879. 12° Harvey, Mrs. E. T. H. The wilderness and mount. [A poem.] Boston, 1872. 12° . The same Harvey, Peter. Webster, Daniel, Reminis- cences and anecdotes of. Boston, 1877. R. L. I 254.8 668.4 675.9 552.31 573.22 The : Haiveys, The. H. Kingsley. Berlin, [n.d.] 16= Harwood, G. The coming democracy. Lon- don, 1882. 12° Hase, Karl. Miracle plays and sacred dramas. An historical survey. Boston, 1880. 8°, Hassard, Annie. Floral decorations for the dwelling house. London, 1876. 12° . . Hassaurek, F. The secret of the Andes. [A romance.) Cincinnati, 1S79. 12° . . . Haste and waste. W. T. Adams. Btpston, [n.d.j 16° Hastings, Thomas. The history of forty choirs. X.Y., 1854. 12° Hasvrell, C. H. Engineers' and mechanics' potket-book. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... . Kaswell, James M. Napoleon IIL, Life of. L .ndon, 1871. 12° Hathercourt. Mrs. M. L. Molesworth. N.Y., 1S7.S. 16° Hatton, .Joseph. Henry Irving's impressions of America. Narrated in sketches, chroni- cles and conversations. Boston, 18S4. 12° and Harvey, M. Newfoundland. Its his- tory, condition and prospects. London, 1883. 8° Hauch, J. C. Robert Fulton. [A novel.] N.Y., 1868. 12° Hauff, Wilhelm. Arabian days' entertainments. Boston, 1882. 12° Tales. S. Jlendel, Tram. London, 1886. 12° Tales of the caravan, inn, and palace. Chi- cago. 1882. 12° Haughwrout, P. B. Sermons ; with a biograph- ical sketch by his wife. Boston, 1878. 12°, Haunted adjutant. The, and other stories. E. Quincy. Boston, 1SS.5. 12° Haunted crust. The. K. Saunders. N.Y., 1871. 12° Haunted hearts. M. S. Cummins. Boston, 1864. 12° 174.8 174.9 402.25 1219.14 682.11 647.23 301.76 457.18 252.18 675.11 148.23 382.10 782.22 774.13 342.18 914.15 976.22 942.2 125.3 908.19 342.35 311.4 Haunted homestead, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1861. 12° ... 417.13 Hausrath, A. Antinous. A romance of an- cient Rome. N.Y., 1882. 18° ... . 941 .8 The same 964.4 Clytia. A romance of the sixteenth cen- tury. N.Y., 18*4. 18° 951.10 Havard, Henry. The dead cities of the Zuy- der Zee. ' London, 1876. 12° .... 762.16 The Dutch school of painting. X. Y , 18-<5. 12° 1612.8 The heart of Holland. London, 1880. S°, 784.4 A journey in picturesque Holland. London, 1876. 8° 787.12 Havelock, Sir Henry. Brock, W. A bio- graphical sketch. London, 1858. 16° . 211 12 Headley, J. T. Life of. N.Y., 18.59. 12°, 212.2 Havelock, .Sir Henry, Campbell, Colin, Lord Clyde. Lives. (The world's workers.) E. C. Phillips. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1131.17 Haven, Gilbert, Bishop o/ the ilethodixt Epis- copal Church. Memorials. W. H. Dan- iels, £d. Boston, 18*0. 12° 194.15 Haven, G., and Russell, T. Father Tayh-r, the sailor preacher. Boston, 1872. 8° . 113.10 Haven, Richard, Genealogy of descendants of. J.Adams. Boston, 1843. 8° . . . . 1.57.14 Havergal, Frances Ridley. Letters. Ed. by her sister, M. V. G. Havergal. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1248.14 Swiss letters, and Alpine poems. N.Y., 1882. 12° 772. S Memorials. By her sister, M. V. G. Haver- gal. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 185.15 Haverhill, Mass., Catalogue of the public library of. Haverhill, 1878. 8° . . . R. L. Haverhill, Mass. History from its first settle- ment in 1640, to the year 180O. G. W. Chase. Haverhill, 1861. 8° 494.20 Havers, Dora. MaidEllice. N.Y., 1878. 16°, 376.3 Ha-waii. Coan, T. Life in Hawaii. Mission life in the Satidwich Islands. 1835-1881. N.Y., [n.d. I 12° 772.12 Hopkins, M. An account of the Sandwich Islands. N.Y., 1869. 12° 066.13 Jarves, J. J. History of Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. Boston, 1S43. 8° . 477.3 Ha-waiian Spectator. Honolulu, S. I., 1838- 39. 2 v 482.2 Ha-weis, H. R. Music and morals. N.Y., 1872. 12° 624.21 My musical memories. N.Y., 1884. 12° . 089.15 Haweis, Mrs. H. R. The art of beauty. N.Y., 1878. 12° 273.6 Hawley, F. B. Capital and population. A study of the economic effects of their relations to each other. N.T., 1SS2. 8°, 1217.6 Hawke, Edward, first Lord of the Admiralty, Life of, with an account of tlie English wars: and the navy in the reign of George II. M. Burrows. " London, 1SS;3. 8° . 1119.8 Ha'wrker, Robert Stephen, ticarof Monoenstow, Life of. S. Baring-Gould. N.V., [n.d.] li° 177.30 Havirkins, Daisy W. Old point lace; and how to copy and imitate it. London, 187S. 12= 273.28 Haworth's. Mrs. F. H. Burnett. N.Y.. 1879. 12° 392.11 The same 392.12 156 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIliRAltY. Hatrthorne, Julian. Beatrix Raiulolph. lioston, 1SS4. 12° 955.25 Bressant. N.Y., 1873. 12° 354.19 Dust. N.Y., 18a3. 12' 946.3 Fortune's fool. Boston, 1S83. 12° . . . 953.10 Garth. N.T., 1877. 8° 369.8 John Parmelee's curse. A novel. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 976.23 Noble blood. N.Y., 1885. 16° 906.4 Hawrthorne, Nathaniel. Hawthorne, J. Haw- thorne and his wife. Boston, 1885. 2 v. 12° 1129.1 James, H., Jr. Life. (English men of letters.) N.Y., 1880. 12° 192.22 I.athrop, J. P. A study of Hawthorne. Boston, 1876. 18° 211.34 Page, H. A. Memoir; with stories. Lon- don, 1872. 8° . 113.7 Works: American note-books. Boston, 1868. 2 v. 12° 2.56.10 The same .372.1 Blithedale romance. The. Boston, 18.55. 12° 342.22 Dr. Grimshawe's secret. Boston, 1883. 12° 044.13 English nole-books. Bo.<;ton, 1870. 2 v. 12° 2.56.11 The same 256.12 Tlie same 372.10 Fansliawe, The Dolliver romance, and olher pieces. Boston, 1876. 12° . . 372.2 French and Italian nole-books. Boston, 1872. 2v. 12° 2.56.9 The same 372.3 House of seven gables. Boston, 1S53. 12', 342.23 The same, with "The snow image." 1873 372.4 Marble Faun ; or. The romance of Monte Beni. Boston, 1S60. 2 v. 12°. . . 342.24 The same 372.5 Mosses from an old manse. Boston, 18.54. 2 V. 12° 342.25 The same. 1876 372.6 Our old. home. English sketches. Bos- ton, 1803. 12° 243.10 The same, with Septimius Felton . . 372.7 Scarlelletter, The. Boston, 18.55. 12°. 342.26 The same, with "Blitliedale romance," .372.8 The same. Illustrated 372.17 Septimius Felton. Boston, 1872. 12° . 342.27 Snow image. The, and other tales. Bos- ton, 18.5.3. 12° 342.28 Stories from history and biography. Bos- ton, 1865. 16° 4.52.8 Twice-told tales. Boston, 18.54. 2 v. 12° 342.29 The same 342.30 The same. 1876 .372.9 A woiiderbook for girls and boys. Boston, 1885. 4° 568.16 The same 913.14 Ha'vrthorne, Mrs. Nathaniel. Notes in Eng- land and Ital}-. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . . 492.25 The same 666.16 Hawthorne, and other poems. E. C. Stedman. Boston, 1877. 12° .573.7 Hay, Elzey. A mere adventurer. Phila., 1879. 8° . 377.20 Hay, John. Castilian days. Boston, 1871. 12°, 724.22 Pike county ballads. Boston, 1871. 16° . 553.10 Hay, Mary Cecil. Hidden perils. N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.39 Nora's love lest. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . . 340.71 Old Myddleton's money. N.Y., 1875. 8° . 340.03 The same 340.65 The squire's legacy. N.Y., 1876. 8° . . 365.12 Victor and vanquished. N.Y., 1876. 8° . 346.68 The same 346.73 Haydn, Joseph. Nohl, L. Life of. Chicago, 1883. 12° 1114.10 Townsend, P. D. Life of. (Great musi- cians.) N.Y.,1884. 12°? 1129.9 Haydn's dictionary of dates, relating to all ages and nations. B. Vincent, Ed. N.Y., 1877. 8° 488.11 Haydon, Benjamin R. Correspondence and table-talk. Memoir by his son, F. W. Haydon. With fac-simile illustrations from his journal«. Boston, 1877. 2 v. 8° 186.6 Life and journals. T. Taylor, Ed. N.T., 1853. 2v. 12° 163.10 Hayes, A. A. New Colorado, and the Santa Fe trail. N.Y., 1880. 8° 767.6 Hayes, Henry, pseud. See Kirk, Sophia. Hayes, Isaac I. An Arctic boat journey. Bos- ton, 1800. 12° 606.19 Tlie land of desolation. N.Y., 1872. 12°. 723.9 Open Polar Sea. N.Y., 1867. 8° . . . . 716.10 Haynes, Gideon. Pictures from prison life. Boston, 1869. 12° 213.10 Haynes, Lemuel, Life and cliaracter of. T. M. Cooley. N.Y., 1837. 12° 287.11 Hays, Frances. Women of the day. A bio- graphical dictionary. Phila., 1885. 12°, 1129.16 Hays, Helen. Aspirations. |A novel.] N.Y., 1886. 12° 977.11 Hays, Mrs. W. J. City cousins. (Juvenile.) N.Y.. 1886. 12° 932.1 A d(mie.-itic heroine. N.Y., 1883. 12°. . 917.18 A loving sister. N.Y., 1883. 12°. . . . 917.13 Hayti ; or. The Black Republic. S. St. John. London, 1884. 8° 1423.6 Hayward, A., Ed. Autobiography, letters and literary remains of Mrs. Piozzi. (Thrale.) London, 1861. 2 v. 12° . . 11.34.18 Selected essays. London, 1878. 2 v. 12°, 286.14 Bayward, Almira L., Ed. Chimes and rhymes for holiday times. Boston, 1883. 18° . 584.4 The same .584.5 Illustrated birthday book of American poets. Boston, 1882. 18° H L. Hayward, Edward F. Patrice: her love and work. [A poem.] Boston, 1883. 12° . .576.23 Hayward, John. Massachusetts, Gazetteer of. Boston, 1846. 12° 233.9 Hazard, S. Cuba, with pen and pencil. Hart- ford, 1871. 8° 727. l.', Santo Domingo, past and present. N.Y., 1873. 8° 736.15 The same 763.25 Hazeltine, Mayo W. Cliats about books, poets, and novelists. N.Y., 1883. 12° . . . 1219.22 Hazen, Edward. Popular technology. N.Y., 18.55. 2v. 12° 653.13 Hazen, Henry A. Billerica, Mass., History of. Boston, 188-3. 8° 696.4 Hazen, Gen. W. B. A narrative of military science. Boston, 1885. 8° 1423.11 School and army in Germany and France. N.Y., 1872. l'-° . . . ." 722.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 157 Hazlitt, William. Characters of Shakespeare's plays. N.Y., 184.5. 12° 236.10 Luther, Martin, Table-talk of. London, 1857. 8° 113.15 Trims., Montaigne, Works of. N.Y., 1859. 4 V. 12° 21G.7 Napoleon Buonaparte, Life of. Phila., 1876. 3 V. 12° 135.10 The spirit of the age. Loudon, 1886. 12°. 1249.10 Table talk. N.Y., 184.5. 2 v. 12° . . . 225.12 The same. (Second series.) 2 r. 12° . 226.14 Hazlitt, William C'arew, Ed. English proverbs and proverbial phrases. London, 1882. 12° 1228.2 Poems, letters, and remains of Charles and Mary Lamb. London, 1874. 12° . . . 112.7 "He Cometh not," she said. Mrs. P. Ciidlip. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 365.86 He fell in love with his wife. E. P. Roe. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 977.19 The same 977.20 He kneTv he was right. A. Trollope. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 963.10 The same 353.7 He that will not when he may. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. London, 1883. 12° .... 952.5 He Twould be a gentleman. S. Lover. London, In.d.l 16° 351.23 Head, Francis B. Bruce, James, Life and ad- ventures of. N.Y., 1859. 12° ... . 121.12 Head, Percy II., and Poynter, E. J. Classic and Italian painting. N.Y., 1880. 12°. 682.14 Head, the, and the heart. Mysteries of, ex- plained: a new system of phrenology. J. S. Grimes. Chicago, 1875. 12° . . 483.8 Head of Medusa, The. J. Fletcher. Boston, 1880. 15° 378.18 Head of the family. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1871. 12° .343.7 The same 343.10 The same 343.41 Headaches : their nature, causes, and treat- ment. W. n. Day. London, 1877. 12° 658.3 Headley, J. T. Farragut, and our naval com- manders. 1861-1805. N.Y., 1867. 8° . 175.10 • Grant and Sherman ; their campaigns and generals. N.Y., 1865. 8° 175.11 Havelock, Gen. H., Life of. X.Y., 1859. 12° 212.2 Mountain adventures. N.Y., 1872. 12° . 667.24 Napoleon, and his marshals. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 185.3 Washington, and his generals. N.Y'., 187-5. Vi° 185.5 Headley, P. C. Evangelists in the church, from Philip, A.D. 35, to Moody and San- key, A.D. 1875. Boston, 1875. 12° . . 266.30 The hero boy. N.Y., 1864. 16° ... . 437.9 Josephine, Empress, Life of. N.Y., 1855. 12° 148.11 Headsman, The. .J. F. (hooper. N.Y., 1855. 12° 312.14 The s.ame 381.6 Healey. J. Fothergill. N.Y., 1885. 10° . . 967.19 Health. Coles, L. B. The philosophy of; or, Ileallh without medicine. Boston, 1848. 1(1° 281.6 Fothergill, J. M. The maintenance of. (A medical work for lay readers.) N.Y., 1879. 12° 675.4 Health — concluded. Greene, U. The problem of; how to solve it. Boston, 1870. 12° 678.20 Guernsey, A. H., and Davis, I. P. Health at home. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1313.19 Hall,W. W. Health and good living. N.Y., 1870. 12° 244.7 Hinton, J. Health, and its conditions. N.Y., 1871. 10° 631.13 Jex-Blake, S. The care of infants. (A manual for mothers and nurses.) Lon- don, 1884. 18° 1314.8 Knight, J. lujprovement of the health of children and adults, by n.atural means. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 6.33.15 McSherry, R. Health, and how to promote it. N.Y., 1879. 12° 286.15 Morris, M. The book of health. N.Y., 1SS3. 8° 1.323.1 Richardson, B. W. The ministry of health, and other addresses. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 294.5 Safford, M. J., and Allen, M. E. Health and strength forgirls. Boston, [n.d.] 10°, 1314.5 Teale, T. P. Dangers to health. A picto- rial guide to domestic sanitary defects. London, 1883. 8° 1324.14 Treves, F. Influence of clothing on. Lon- don, [n.d.] 16° 1328.26 Turnbull, W. Health, and the means of preserving it. N.Y., 1831. 16°. . . . 261.18 Wight, O. W. Maxims of public health. N.Y., 1884. 16° 1321.10 Health primers. N.Y., 1879-81. 18°. Alcohol: its use and abuse. W.S.Green- field 073.2 Baths and bathing 673.6 Exercise and training. C. H. Balfe . . 673.1 The heart and its function «>7.i.27 The house and its surroundings . . . . 073.3 Personal appearances in health and dis- ease. S. Coupland 673.5 Premature death; its promotion or pre- vention 673.4 The skin and its troubles 073.18 See also Hygiene. Health and health resorts. J.Wilson. Phila., 18S0. 16° 764.18 Health resorts. Appletons' Hand-book of American winter resorts. For tourists and invalids. N.Y., 1877. 12°. . . . 492.17 Rocky Mountain. A study of high altitudes in relation to the arrest of pulmonary dis- ease. C. Denison. Boston, 1880. 8° . 763.30 SoiUhern and Swiss. Their climate ami medical aspect. W. Marcet. N.Y., 18S'3. 12° 778.7 Health trip to the tropics. N. P. Willis. X. Y., 18.53. 12° 712.6 Healthy dwellings, Observations on the con- struction of. D. Gallon. Oxford, 1880. S° 676.19 Healy, Mary. Lakeville. [A novel.] N.Y., 1S7:}. 8° 377.37 Storm-driven. Phila., 1877. 16° . . . . 364.59 Heaps of money. W. E. Norris. N.Y., 1882. 10° 388.26 Heard, Franklin F. Curiosities of the law re- porters. Boston, 1871. 12° . .... 246.22 Oddities of the law. Boston, 1881. 12° . 1212.9 Shakespeare as a lawyer. Boston, 1883. 12° 1229.16 158 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hearing, ami how to keep it. C. H. BuriicU. Pliila.. 1870. 16° 073.9 Hearn, Lafcailio. Stray leaves from strange literature. Boston, 18S4. 10° ... . 1231.12 Heart, The, and its function, (llealtli prim- ers.) N.Y., ISSI. 18° 673.27 Heart of Africa. U. Scliweinfurtli. N.Y., 1874. 2v. h° 710.14 Heart of it, The. A romance of East and We.'it. W. O. Stodd.ird. N.Y., 18S0. 10°, 3a3.18 Heart of Midlothian. Sir W. Scott. Edin- burgh, 1S7I. 12^ .314.10 The s.^me 31.5.10 Heartof steel. F. C. Fisher. N.Y.,US83. 12°, 944.18 Heart of the continent. F. II. Ludlow. N.Y., 1870. S° 717.10 Heart's delight. Mrs. E. W. Alderdice. N.Y.. 1879. 12° 382.2.5 Hearts and hands. F. C. Fisher. N.Y., 1875. 8° 340.41 The same 377.33 Hearts of oak. Stories of early English ad- venture. W. N. Sainsbury. London, 1S71. 10° 021.18 Heart's-ease. C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1871. 2 v. 12° 322.7 The same 322.8 Heat. Abbott. J. N.Y., 1871. 10° ... . (W.").10 Anthony, W. A., and Brackett, C. F. Ele- mentary text-book on physics. Part I. Moohanics. N.Y., 1884. 16° ... .1324.18 Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat. N.Y.. 1868. 16° 637.14 Tait, P. G. Heat. London, 1884. 12° . 1318.24 Tyndall, J. Heat as a mode of motion. N.Y., 1865. 12° 6.J0.11 Heath, Alfred H. Buckle, Henry Thomas, Life of. N.Y., 1880. S° 184.4 Heath, Francis George. Peasant life in the west of England. London, 1880. 12° . 778.24 Sylvan winter. [Sketches.] N.Y., 1886. "lli° 1240.8 Heath, Richard. Qui net, Edgar; his early life, and writings. Boston, I8S1. 8° . . . 189.1 Heather, H. E. Cards and card tricks. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 1012.9 Heather and harebell. Mrs. E. Marshall. London, 1881. 12° 013.7 Heatley, G. S. Practical veterinary remedies. Edinburgh, 1885. 12° 1.322.13 Heaton, Mrs. Charles. Diirer, Albrecht, Life of. London, 1870. 8° K. L. Diirer; his life, letters and journals. Lon- don, 1881. 12° 187.4 History of painting. London, 1873. 12°. 609.10 Heaton, William, Ed. Cassell's concise cyclo- pajdia. N.Y., 188-3. 8° 1223.2 Heaven and its wonders, and concerning hell; from things lieard and seen. E. Sweden- borg. Boston, 1854. 12° 207.25 Heavenly Father, The. E. Naville. Boston, 1807. 12° 205.29 Heavens, The. Hand-book of astronomy. A. Guillerain. N.Y., 1871. 8° . . ! . . 045.5 Heavysege, Charles. Saul: a drama. Boston, 1869. 8° 015. 15 Heber, Hegin.ald. Poetical works.' Boston, 18.53. 12° 561.8 Hebrew men and times. J. U. Allen. Bos- ton, 1801. 12° 484.5 The same 285.21 Hebrews, The, and the Red Sea. A. W. Thayer. Andover, 1883. 12° ... . 1224.3 Hebrid I^les, The. Wanderings in the land of Lome, and the outer Hebrides. R. Buchanan. London, 1883. 12° ... 778.19 Hector, Mrs. .\nnie F., (pseud., Mrs. Alexan- der.) The admiral's ward. N.Y., 1883. 10° 043.19 Beaton's bargain. N.Y., 1880. 10° . . . 075. 10 The e.\ecutor. N.Y., 1883. 10° .... 949.15 The Freres. N.Y., 1882. 10° 388.21 The same 388.22 Her dearest foe. N.Y., 1870. 10° . . . .302.46 The same .302.00 Heritage of Laiigdale. N.Y., 1877. 10° . 302.01 The same 370.10 Look before you leap. N.Y., 1882. 10° . 388.30 Maid, wife or widow? N.Y , 1875. 10° . 376.8 The .same .376.11 Ralph Wilton's weird. N.Y., 1875. 16° . 362.2 A second life. N.Y., 1885. 16° ... . 907.5 Which shall it be? N.Y., 1874. 16° . . 370.10 The'wooing o't. N.Y., 1873. 16° . . . 362.12 The same .302.02 Hector. F.L.Shaw. Boston, 1881. 10°. . 913.19 Hector .Servadac. .T.Verne. N.Y., 1878. 8°, 324.31 Hector's inheritance; or. The boys of Smith's Institute. H.Alger. Phila., jn.d.] 10°, 931.7 Hedge, Frederic Henry. Atheism in philoso- phy, and other ess.ays. Boston, 1884. 12° 1242.2 The primeval world. Boston, 1870. 12° . 235.24 Prose writers of Germany. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 117.5 Reason in religion. Boston, 1807. 12° . . 205.4 The ways of the Spirit, and other essays. Boston, 1877. 12° 282.3 Hedged in. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1870. 12°, :}54.20 The same .354.21 Hehu, Victor. The wanderings of plants and animals, from their first home. London, 1885. 8° 1320.9 Heidelberg, and the way tliither. 11. J. Whit- ling. London, 184.5. 12° 059.10 Heidenmauer. J.F.Cooper. N.Y., 18.5.5. 12°, 312.15 The same 381.7 Heidi. Her years of wandering and learning. ' A story for children, and those who love children. J. Spyri. Boston, 1885. 12°. 905.17 Heights .and depth.*. A. L. Scanland. Chi- cigo, 1871. 10° 425.2 Heights of Kidelberg. M. II. Tateni. i'hila., 1,871. 12° 413.9 Heimburg, W. Lottie of the mill. I'hila. 1882. 12° 942.10 A penniless girl. Phila., 1885. 12°. . . 905.12 Heine, Heinrich, Memoirs of; and some newly discovered fragments of his writings. With an introductory essay by T. W. Evans. London, 1884. 12° 1128.9 Life, work and oi>inions. W. Stigand. N.Y., 1880. 2v. 8° 180.10 ]Vorks : Pictures of travel. Phila., 1870. 12° . 708.0 Religion and philosophy in Germany. Boston, 1882. 8° 1215.15 Heinrich, .lulius J. The window flower gar- den. N.Y., 1880. 12° 082.7 Heir of Rcdclyffe. C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 18.55. 2 v. 12° 322.0 The same 322.10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 159 Heiress of Wylmington. E. Everett-Oreeii. London, 1885. 12° 968.16 Heldmann, Bernard. Boxall School. A tale of .schoolboy life. London, 1881. 12^ . 910. ir. Dorrincourt: the story of a term there. London, 1881. 12° 91fi.lG Expelled: the story of a youDg gentleman. London, 1SS2. 12° 917.1.5 Helen. [A novel.] M. Edgeworth. N.Y., 18.5.5. 12° y4.5.2 Helen and Artluir; or. Miss Thusa's spinning wheel. Mrs. C L. Hentz. Phila.. [n.d.] 12° 875.10 Helen Ethinger. E. L. Whittlesey. Phila., 1872. 12° .3()4..35 Helen (Jardners wedding-day. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1873. 12° 423.5 Helen Grey. What she sought and what she found. C. M. Packard. N.r..[n.d.] 12°, 363.70 Helen's babies. J. Habberton. Boston, 1876. Ifio 364.52 The same 364.53 The same 364.54 Helen's diary: or. Thirty years ago. Mrs. E. Marshall. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°^ 374.9 Helena's household; a tale of Rome in the first century. J. De Mille. N.Y., 1876. 12°, 396.5 Helmholtz, H. L. F. Lectures on scientific subjects. N.Y., 1873. 12° 642.13 The same. (Second series) 678.12 The sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music. London, 1885. 8° 1323.5 See Sound and music. Taylor. Helmuth, William T. A steamer book. (Life on a .steamer.) N.Y., 1880. 18° . . . 123.13 Help in accidents and sickness. Boston, 1871. ](i° 631.20 Helping hand. A, for town and country. L. C. Draper and W. A. Croffut. Cincin- nati, 1870. 8° 617.2 Helping himself; or. Grant Thornton's ambi- tion. Horatio Alger. Phila., [n.d.] 10°, 931.25 Helps, Kir Arthur. Animals and their mas- ters. London, 1873. 12° 262.9 Bra^sey, Thomas, Life and labor-s of. Lon- don, 1872. 8^ 115.1 Casimir Maremma. Boston, 1.870. 12°. . 364.15 Columbus, Life of. London, 1869. 12° . 214.10 Conversations on war. Boston, 1871. 12°, 2.35.1:3 Cortes, Hernando, Life of. N.Y., 1871. 8°, 114.12 Friends in council. Leipsic, 1873. 12° . 261.7 Ivan de Biron. Boston, 1874. 12° . . . 354.13 The same 3.54.14 Kealmah. Boston, 1869. 12° 414.22 Social pressure. Boston, 1875. 8° . . . 251.7 The Spanish conquest in America. N.Y., 1868. 4v. 8° 543.12 Thoughts in the cloister and the crowd. Glasgow, 18*3. 18° 1221.20 Thoughts upon government. Boston, 1872. 8° 246.7 Helps over hard places. Stories for boys. M. L.Peebles. Boston, [n.d.] l(r . . . 921.7 The same for girls 921.8 Hemans, Mrs. Felicia. Poems. Boston, 1828. 8° .578.11 Hemsley, W. B. Hand-book of hardy trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. Boston, 1873. 8° ()47.11 The same 649. :M Henderson, Isaac. The prelate. Boston, 1885. 12° 977.3 Henderson, Mrs. Mary F. Diet for the sick. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1228.24 Practical cooking and dinner giving. N.Y., 1879. 12° 294.9 Henderson, Peter. Practical floriculture. X.Y., 1869. 12° C4';.10 Henderson, William. Notes on the folk-lore of the northern counties of England, and the borders. London, 1879. 8° . . . 1226. 10 Hendrick, Hans, the Arctic traveller, serving under Kane, Hayes and others. 1853- 1876. Memoirs written by himself. G. Stephens, Ed. London, 1878. 12° . . 178.4 Henkel, Fr. The mistress of Ibichstein. N.Y., 18,84. 16° 962.5 Henriques, Borges de F. A trip to the Azores. Boston, 1867. 12° 661.24 Henry IV., History of. J. S. C. Abbott. N.Y., 18.56. 16° 122.27 Henry, the Great, (IV.), Kiiv) of France. Memoirs of his Prime Minister, the Duke of Sully. London, 1778. 5 v. 8°. . . 179.7 Henry v.. Memoirs of. J.E.Tyler. London, 1838. 2 V. 12° 1.57.13 Henry VIII., The reign of; from his accession to the death of Wolsey. J. S. Brewer. London, 1884. 2 v. 8° 1424.4 Henry VIII. and his court. [An historical novel.] C. Muudt. N.Y., 1867. 12° . 325.7 Henry, B. C. The cross and the dragon; or, Light in the broad East. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 792.2 Henry, C. S. History of philosophy. N'.Y., 18-55. 2 v. 12° 653.18 Henry, Joseph. A memorial published by act of Congress. Washington, 1880. 8°. . 119.5 Henry, Patrick. Everett, A. H. Life of. (American biography, Vol. I.) .... 111.3 Wirt, William. Life of. Hartford. 1854. 8° 156.5 The same. Phila., 1878. 12° ... . 178. vi5 Henry Esmond, History of. W. M. Thackeray. N.Y., 1804. 8° 332.3 The same 3:32.9 The same, with memoirs of Barry Lyn- don. 12° 373.4 Henry Holbeach, student in life and philoso- phy. W. B. Rands. London, 1865. 2 v. 12° 625.4 Henry St. John, gentleman. J. E. Cooke. X.Y., 1859. r2° 421.13 Hensel, Octavia. Gottschalk, L. M., Life of. Boston, 1870. 16° 147.17 Henshall, James A. The book of black bass; its complete scientific life history. Fish- ing, tools, tackle, etc. Cincinnati, 1881. 8° 677.12 Camping and cruising in Florida. Cincin- nati, 1884. 12° 786.8 Henshaiw, William. Orderly book of, in the American array, 1775. E. Washburn. Boston, 1881. 8° 528.23 Henson, Fntlier Josiah. Story of his own life. 1789-1879. Boston, 1858. 12° ... . 163.4 The same. With a preface by Mrs. H. B. Stowe; notes by Wendell Phillips aiul J. G. Whittier; anil an appendixou the exodus, by liLsltop Gilbert Haven. Bos- ton, 1879. 12° 178.9 160 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Heutz, Mrs. Caroline Lee. Aunt Patty's scrap- bag. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 303.31 The biiiiished son, ami otherstorios. I'liila., [n.d.l 12° 341.18 Conrlsliipanil marriage. Phila., |n.il.] 12°, 375.8 Eoline; or, Magnolia Vale. I'liila., [n.d.] 12°, 375.9 Helen and Arthur. I'hila., [n.d.] 12°. . 375.10 Lost daughter, and other stories. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 375.14 Love after marriage. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . 375.31 Marcus Warland. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 375.13 Planter's northern bride. (Scenes in Mrs. Ilentz's childhood.) Phila.. [n.d.] 12°. 375.32 Heiia; or. The snow-bird. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 375.33 Uobert Graham. A sequel to "Linda." Phila., [n.d.] 12° 375.12 Henty, (!. A. The boy knight; a tale of the crusades. Boston, 1883. 12° .... 919.15 The cornet of horse. A tale of Marlborough w.ars. Phila, 1881. 12° 914.10 Jack Archer. A tale of the Crimea. Bos- ton, 18S4. 12° 928.3 With Wolfe in Canada. N.Y., 1SS7. 12°. 937.2 The young buglers. A tale of the Peninsu- lar war. N.Y., 1880. 12° 912.14 The young Carthaginian. N.Y., 1887. 12°, 9,37.3 The young colonists. London, 1885. 12°. 928.11 The young Franc-Tireurs, and their adven- tures In the Franco-Prussian war. N.Y., [n.d.] 1^° 910.12 Hepv^orth, G. H. Starboard and jxirt. N.Y., 1870. 12° 733.21 The whip, hoe, and sword. Boston, 1864. 10° 433.4 Her bright future. Chicago, 1880. 12°. . . 396.19 Her crime. (Xo name scries.) Boston, 1882. 10° 945.1 The ^ame 945.2 Her dearest foe. Mrs. A. F. Hector. N.Y., 1870. 10° 362.46 The same .362.00 Her ladyship. T. II. Minor. Cincinnati, 1880. 10° 303.91 Her lover's friend, and other poems. N. Perry. Boston, 1880. 10° 582.17 Her Majesty's prisons. Their effects and de- fects. By one who has tried them. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 1229.13 Her mother's fancy. T. O. Hall. Boston, 187.J. 10° 401.25 Her object in life. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. X.Y., 1882. 12° 944.9 Her picture. (No name series. ) Boston, 18^2. 10° 385.24 The same . ' 385.25 Her sacrifice. A story of English life. By X. X.Y., 1877. 8° . . ~ 377.29 Her sailor love. K. S. Macrpioirl. X.Y., 1883. 10° 949.0 Her Washington season. J. G. Lincoln. Boston, 1884. 12° 9.J2.19 Heraldic Journal, The. (Vol. II. missing.) Boston, 1805-67. 3 v. 8° 052.4 Heraldry. Boutell, C. Engli>li II. London, 1807. 12° 642.15 Cussans, J. E. The grammar of H. Lon- don, 1800. 10° 652.26 HaiuI-booU of. With instructions for tracing pedigrees, and deciphering an- cient MSS. Rules for the appointment of liveries, ete., London, 1882. 12° . 685.9 628.11 245.15 1242.16 1135.1 603.9 1143.1 181.2 Heraldry — cnndwled. Ellis, W. S. Antiquities of. Lond. 2 v. 12° 343.2 Hermann and Dorothea. J. VV. von Goethe. Boston, 1870. 8° 610.4 Hermits, The. C. King-ley. Phila., 1808. 12° 210.9 Herndon, Thomas H. Memi>rial addresses on his life and character delivered in Con- gress. Washington, 1884. 8° . . . . 119.20 Herndon, William L. E.\ploration of the val- ley of the Amazon. Washington, 18.54. 8° 736,7 Hero and other stories. Mrs. I). M. Craik. N.T., 1874. 12° 343.42 Hero boy, The. P. C. Headley. N.Y., 1864. 16° 437.9 Hero Carthew. L. Parr. N.Y., 1873. 10° . 302.24 Hero of the pen, A. E. Buerstenbinder. Bos- ton, 1,87.5. 8° ,325.22 Herodotus. Church, A. J. .Stories of the E.ist, from H. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . . 592.7 794.5 034.9 1237.4 333.19 12-S.ll CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 161 Herodotus — concluded. Kawlinson, G. History of. N.Y., 1859. 4v. 8° 52G.3 White, J. S., Ed. Parts of the history of H. (For boys and girls.) N.Y., 18S-1. 4°, 920.8 Heroes, Tlie ; Greel< fairy tales for my children. C. Kiiigsley. Boston, ISS-j. 10° . . . 971.1 Heroes, hero-wor.ship, and the heroic in his- tory. T. Carlyle. London, [n.d.] 16°, 12.31.4 The same vol. vii. of 123.5.1 Heroes of Asgard, The. A. and E. Keary. London, 1871. 12° 252.19 Heroes of Christian history. N.Y., 1881-84. 12°. Baxter, Ilichard, by G. D. Boyle .... 112().7 Carey, William, by J. Ciilross 1113.11 Chalmers, Thomas, by 1). Fr.aser .... 1126.8 Doddridiie, Philip, by C. Stanford ... 194.18 Hall, Koberl, by E. P. Hood 1126.9 Martyii, Henry, by C. D. Bell 1126.10 Heroes of discovery. S. Mossinan. Edin- bm-gh, 1877. 12° 177.14 Heroes of Europe: A.D. 700 to A.D. 1700. H. G. Hewlett. Boston, 1801. 12° . . . 213.18 Heroes of history, Young folks' series of. See Towle, G. M. Heroes of history and legend. A. W. Grube. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1128.10 Heroes of North African discovery. X. R. E. Bell. London, 1877. 12° " 176.27 Heroes of science. Mechanicians. T. C. Lewis. London, 1884. 12° 1128.11 Heroes of the Arctic, and their adventures. F. Whymper. N.Y., 187.5. 16° ... 441.17 Heroes of the desert. Lives of Moffat and Livingstone. A. Manning. London, 1885. 12° 935.4 Heroes of the mission field. W. P. Walsh. X.Y., 1879. 12° 178.5 Heroes of the seven hills. Mrs. C. H. B. Lalng. Phila., [n.d.] 10° 331.10 Heroines in obscurity. H. Keddie. London, 1S71. 12° 213.16 Heroines of domestic life, The. Mrs. O. F. Owen. Loudon, 1861. 12° 261.8 Heroines of free thought. S. A. Underwood. X.Y., 1870. 12° 171.13 Heroines of the crusades. C. A. Bloss. Phila., 18S1. 12= 1113.2 Heroines of the household. London, [n.d. J 16° 331.24 Heroism and adventure. A book for boys. Mrs. Valentine, £f/. X.Y., [n.d.] 12°. 912.18 Herou-Allen, Ed. Violin-making as it was and is. London, 1884. 8= 6S8.8 Herrick, IJobert. Hesperides. Boston, [n.d. J 2 V. 10° .563.7 Herrick, Sophie Bledsoe. Chapters on plant life. N.Y., 1885. 10° 1328.1 The wonders of plant life under the micro- scope. N.Y., 1883. 10° 1,313.10 Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yesterday. London, 188.5. 12° 1237. 4 Herron, S. P. Thoughts on life and character. Essays. Phila., 1873. 12° 225.9 Herschel, Caroline. Memoir and correspond- ence. Mrs. J. Ilerschel. N.Y., 1870. 12°, 172.2 Herschel, J. F. W. Lectures on scientitic sub- jects. London, 1866. 12° 045.25 Herschel, Sir William. Life and works. E. S. Holden. N.Y., 1881. 12° .... 194.24 Hersbon, Paul Isaac, Ed. The Talmudic mis- cellany. Boston, 1S80. 8° 125.21 Hervey, A. B. Sea mosses. A collector's guide, and an introduction to the study of marine algse. Boston, |n.d.] 12°. . 674.23 Hervey, James. Meditations and contempla- tions. Worcester, 1780. 2 v. 12° . . 262.21 Hervey, Lord John. Memoirs of the reign of George II. from his accession to the death of Queen Caroline. N.Y.,1884. 3 v. 8°, 1417.9 Hesekiel, J. G. L. Bismark, Life of. N.Y., 1870. 8° 157.2 Hesiod and Theognis. Lives. J. Davies. Lon- don, 1873. 16° 147.10 Hesperides. K. Herrick. Boston, [n d.] 2 v. 10° 563.7 Hesperus. J. P. F. Kichter. Boston, 1865. 2 V. 12° 215.17 Hessians, The, and other German auxiliaries of Great Britain, in the revolutionary war. E.J.Lowell. N.Y., 18S4. 12°. . . . 698.14 Hester. A story of contemporary life. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. X.Y., 1883. 12° . 952.17 Hester Howard's temptation. A soul's story. Mrs. C. A. Warfield. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 353.37 Hester Morley's promise. H. Smith. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° '. 415. .3 Hester Stanley at St. Mark's. Mrs. H. P. Spof- f.ml. Boston, 1882. 16° 941.19 Hester Tracy. A schoolroom story. A.Weber. X.Y., 13S6. 10° 967.20 Heth and Moab. Explorations in Syria in 1881- 82. C. R. Conder. London, 188.3. 8° . 7Q3.4 Hetty's strange history. (Xo name series.) Mrs. H. Jackson. Boston, 1877. 16° . 362.67 Hevyett, Robert, Jr. Coffee; Its history, culti- vation, and uses. X'.Y., 1872. 8° . . . 647.14 Hevirlett, Henry G. Heroes of Europe. Bos- ton, 1861. 12° 213.18 Heydenreich, L. W. Gustavus Adolphus, Life of. Phila., 186S. 12° 213.8 Heyse, Paul. The lonely ones. Fhil.a., 1878. 8° 369.25 Tales from the German. N.Y., 1879. 12°, 366.49 Hiawatha, Song of. H. W. Longfellow. Bos- ton, 185.5. 12° 554.2 Hibberd, Shirley. Clever dogs, horses, etc. London, [n.d.] 8° 462.1 The seaweed collector. London, [n.d.] 8°, 648.13 Hickling, William. The rector of Roxburgh. X.Y., 1873. 16° ,331.20 Hickok, Laurev.s P. Creator and creation. Boston, 1872. 8° 245.16 Humanity immortal. Boston, 1872. 8° . 267.9 Hiokson, Mary. Ireland in the seventeenth century: or. The Irish massacres of 1641- 42. London, 1884. 2 v. 8° 1423.4 Hidden path, The. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1872. 12° 423.6 Hidden perils. M. C. H.iy. N.Y., 1876. 8°. .305.39 Hidden power. A secret history of the Indian ring, revealing the manner in which it controls three important departments of the U.S. Government. A defence of the U.S. Army, and a solution of the Indian problem. T.U.Tibbies. N.Y.,18S1. 12°, 387.15 Hide and seek ; or, The mystery of Mai7 Grice. W. Collins. N.Y., 1874. 12° ... . 3:?5.:13 Higgins, Mrs. Xapier. Women of Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. London, 1885. 2 v. 8° 11-3:3.6 162 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Higgins, W. M. The earth. N.Y., 1854. 12°, 653.16 Higginson, Mrs. Mary Thacher. Room for one more, liosloii, 1871). 16° 449.31 Higginson, Tliomas Wentworth. American explorers. Boston, 1877. 16° ... . 493.1 Army life in a black regiment. Boston, 1870. 12° .... ." 213.17 Atlantic Essays. Boston, 1871. 12° . . 264.9 Ed. Brief biographies. N.Y., 1875-76. 4 V. 12°. English statesmen 212.1 English radical leaders 14.5.19 French political leaders 145.20 German political leaders ' 145.21 Common sense about women. Boston, 1882. 12° 1213.8 Ed. and Trans. Epictetus, The works of. Boston, 1865. 8° 626.5 Fuller-0.94.4 Strickland, A. Stories from ancient his- tory. Phila., [ii.d.] 16° 4'.)7.1 Turner, S. Sacred history of the world. N.Y., 18.54. 3v. 10° 471.12 Yonge, C. M. Landmarks of ancient his- tory. N.Y., 1807. 12° 48;i.3 ifiscellaneonK. Anton, P. Masters in history. Gibbon, • Grote, Macaulay, Motley. London, [n.d.] 16° 1131.2 Atkinson, W. P. History, and the study of history. Lectures. Uoston, 18S4. 10° 1231.10 Christian history, Scenes from. Boston, 1854. 12°. . . 287.17 Eggleston, G. C. Strange stories from history for young people. N.Y., 1886. 18° 931.9 Freeman, E. A. Outlines of history. N.Y., 1872. 10° 473.21 Gilman, A. First steps in general his- tory. A suggestive outline. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° !^ 506.10 Lodge, H. C. Studies in history. Bos- ton. 1SS4. 12° " . . . 1411.22 Pulling, S. J., Ed. The dictionary of English history. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . 1417.11 Sinnett, Mrs. P. Byways of history. London, 1850. 12° 484.3 Smith, G. Lectures on the study of his- tory. X.Y., 1806. 12° 474.10 Strickland, A. Stories from history. Phila., [n.d.] 16° ". 497.3 Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history. Bos- ton, 1806. 16° 473.23 Tytler, A. F., and Nares, E. Universal history. X.Y., 18.54. v. 16° . . . 472.6 Williams, W. 1!. Eras, and characters of history. X.Y., 1882. 12° 598.1 Modern. Dixon, W. n. Ilistory of two queens; Catharine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn. London, 1873. 4 v. 8° 1412.6 Duyckinck, E. A. History of the world. From the earliest period to the present time. N.Y., |n.d.] 4 v. 8° ... . .594.1 JlcCarthy, J. Ilistory of our own times; from the accession of Queen Victoria, to the general election of 1880. N.Y., 1880. 2v. 12° 592.6 Michelet, M. Modern history. X.Y., 18.5.5. 16° 473.7 Napier, W. F. P. History of the war in the Peninsula. 1807-14. N.Y., 1864. 5v. 8° .520.5 Peck, .1. T. History of the great republic, considered from a Christian standpoint. N.Y., 1868. 8° 481.10 Quackcnbos, .1. D. History of the world, from the earliest ages to the present time. N.Y., 1876. 12° 531.13 Smith, P. History of the world, from the earliest records, to the present time. Vols. I.-IIL N.Y.,1874. 3 v. 8°. . 487.2 Smyth, W. Lectures on modern history. London, 18.54. 2 v. 12° 407.11 History. Modern — concbided. Stille, C. .1. Studies in niediteval history. Phila., 1882. 12° .505.8 Strickland, A. Studios from modem his- tory. Phila.. In.il.] 10° 497.2 Yonge, C. D. Three centuries of modern history. N.Y., 1872. 12° .532.8 Young folks' histories. Yonge, C. M. Bos- ton, 1881. 6 V. 12°. Bible history 141 1.1 The same 1411.7 Engl.ind 1411.2 The same 1411.8 Fr.ince 1411.3 The same 1411.0 Germany 1411 .4 The same 1411.10 Greece 1411.5 The same 1411.11 Rome 1411.0 The same 1411.12 History of a book. .\. Carey. London, |n.d.] 8° 221.17 History of civilization. F. Guizot. London, 1,841!. 3 V. 12° 47(i.4 History of a crime. The testimony of an eye witness. V.Hugo. London, 1879. 12°, 047.10 The same. 2 v. 8° .365.72 History of a pin. E. M. S. N.Y., 1807. 12°, 451 .1 History of,a title. The. U. H. Crocker. Bos- ton, 1885. 4° .395.23 History of a week, A. Mrs. L. B. Walford. N.Y., 1886. 10° 975.8 History of important events in the annals of Europe. 1812-15. (Illustr.^ted. ) Lon- don, 181.5. Folio K. L. History of my friends: or, Hume life with ani- mals. E. Achard, Trails. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 218.24 History of Sir Thomas Upmore, formerly known as " Tommy Upmore." R. D. Blackmore. N.Y., 1884. 16° ... . 902.20 History of ten years. 1830-40. L. Blanc. London, 1844. 2 v. 8° .534.1 History of the robins. Mrs. Trimmer. Lon- don. 1809. 12° 402.4 Hitchcock, (;. H., and others. Mount Wasli- injloii in winter. Boston, 1871. 10° . 715.8 Hitchcock, Edward. History of a zoological temperance convention held in central Africa. Fitchburg, 180.3. 10° ... . 291.15 Supplement to tlie "Ichnologyof New Eng- land.'' Boston, 186.5. 4' 802.12 Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism. N.Y., 1879. 12°, 286.2 Hitchcock, Roswell D., and Brown, Francis, Trans, and Eds. The teaching of the twelve apostles. Recently discovered and published by PhilotheosBryennios. N.Y., iaS4. 8° 1234.2 Hitchman, Francis. Beaconsfield, Earl, Public life of. London, 1881. 12° 1124.19 Hitherto. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Bo.ston, 1809. 12° .320.20 The same 326.26 Hittel, .John S. The resources of California. San Francisco, 186.3. 8° .541.3 Hittel, T. H. Adventures of .7. C. Adams. Boston, 1867. 10° 711.3 Hittites, The empire of the. W. Wright. Willi decipherment of Uittite inscriptions by A. H. Sayce. N.Y., 1884. 8° . . . 788.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 165 Hoar, George F. Bullock, Alexander H., Me- moir of. Boston, 1883. S° 1226.6 Garfield, James A., Eulogy on. Boston, 1SS2. 10° 1111.12 Hoare, E. N. Seeking a country; or, The home of the Pilgrims. London, 1886. 12°. . 974.18 Hobart, Lord. The mission of Kichard Cobden. London, [n.d.] 12° 243.14 Hodder, Edwin. The book stall boy of Bather- ton. London, [n.d.] 16° 451.12 Hodge, Charles, Life of. By his son, A. A. Hodge. X.y., 1880. 8° 186.7 Works : Conference papers. Analyses of dis- .courses. N.T., 1879. 8° 284.8 Hodge, H. C. Arizona, as it is. X.Y., 1S~7. 12° 492.9 Hodgetts, J. Frederick. The champion of Odin. A tale. N.Y., 1885. 12°. . . 935.13 The English in the middle ages. Dress, arms, occupations, etc. London, 1885. 8° 1424.11 Hodgins, J. G. Sketches and anecdotes of Her Majesty the Queen, and the royal family. London, 1SG9. 12° 473.25 Hodgkiu, Thomas. Italy and her invaders. 370-476. Oxford, 18S0. 2 v. 8° . . . 694.5 Hodgson, Joseph. The cradle of the Confed- eracy. Mobile, 1876. 8° 692.3 Hodgson, William. Lives of reformers and martyrs. Phila., 1867. 12° 132.7 Hodgson, William B. Errors in the use of English. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1212.27 Hodson, W. S. K. Soldier's life in India. Boston, 1860. 12° 663.19 Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. Blossoming of an aloe. N.Y., 1875. 8° 316.33 and Lillie, John, Translators. Letters of Mme. de Rgmusat. 1804-13. X.Y., 1881. 12° 129.17 Hoffman, C. F. Greyslaer. Phila., 1841. 2 v. 12° 333.12 Leisler, J., Life of. (American biography, Vol. m.) 111.3 Poems. Phila., 1873. 16° 551.26 A winter in the West. N.Y., 1835. 2 v. 12° 714.20 Hoffman, Franz. The Hartz boys. Boston, 1872. 16° 433.11 Hoffman, Prof., pseud. (Lewis, Angelo J.) Modern magic. A practical treatise on the art of conjuring. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 685.3 Parlor amusements and evening party en- tertainments. London, [n.d. J 12° . . 685.1 Hoffman, Wickham. Camp, court and siege. 1S61-65. 1870-71. N.Y., 1877. 12° . . 492.3 Hofman, Carl. Treatise on the manufacture of paper. Phila., 1873. 4° 618.14 Hogan, M. P. [A novel.] M. Hartley. Lou- don, ISSl. 12° 942.6 Hogarth, William, Essays on. G. A. Sala. London, 1866. 12° 252.9 Life. (Illustrated biographies.) A. Dob- son. X.Y., 1879. 12° 195.9 Works; from the original plates, restored by James Heath; with addition of many subjects not before collected. Biographi- cal essay, and explanations by John Nichols. London, [n.d.] Folio ... R. L. Hogbin, Alfred C. Elsa. Phila., 1879. 12° . 392.6 Hogg, Jabez. The microscope; its history, construction, and application. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 636.12 Thesame 674.6 Hogg, James. The brownie of Bodsbeck. The wool gatherers. With memoir of the author. London, 187S. 12° 382.12 The hunt of Eildon. The shepherd's cal- endar. London, 1878. 12° 382.13 Mary Montgomery. Siege of Koxburgh. London, 1878. 12° 382.14 Memoirs and confessions of a fanatic. London, 1878. 12° :J82.15 The shepherd's calendar. A story of the forty-six. London, 1878. 12° ... . .382.16 Winter evening tales. Bridal of Polmood. London, 1878. 12° 382.17 Hohensteins, The. F. Spielhagen. N.Y., 1870. 12° 413.18 Holbeach, Henry, pseud. See Kands, W. B. Holbein, Hans. Life. (Illustrated biogra- phies.) J. Cundall. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 195.5 Life and works. E. X. Wornum. London, 1867. 8° R. L. The dance of death. (Illustrated.) With explanatory descriptions by H. N. Hum- phreys. London, 1868. 10° 641,15 Holbein and his time. A. Woltmann. Lon- don, 1872. 8° R. L. Holbrook, Mass., History of. W. S. Pattee. Quincy, 1878. 8° 494.18 Public library catalogue. Boston, 1874. 8° R. L. Holbrook, J. Ten years among the mail-bags. Phila., 1874. 8° 145.1 Holbrook, M. L. Hygiene of the brain and ner\es. N.Y., 1878. 12° 6.58. 11 Holcombe, William H. The end of the world ; with new interpretations of history. Phila., 1881. 12° 129.7 Holden, Edward S. Herschel, Sir William, Life and works of. X.Y., 1881. 12° . . 194.24 Holden, Luther S. A summer jaunt through the old world. Boston, 1879. 12° . . . 762.8 Holden with cords. [A novel.] Mrs. J. L. M. Woodruff. X.Y.,1874. 12° 415.1 Holder, Charles F. Marvels of animal life. X.Y., 1SS5. 12° 1325.23 Hole, S. Reynolds. A book about roses. Edinburgh, 1877. 12° 657.11 Thesame 686.3 The six of spades. Edinburgh, 1872. 8° . t!4S.6 Holiday house ; a book for the yomig. C. Sinclair. Loudon, [n.d.] 16° .... 445.31 Holiday rambles in ordinary places, by a wife with her husband. Republished from the Spectator. London, 1880. 12° ... . 706.7 Holidays at home : for boys and girls. M. Vaudegrift. Phila., [n.d.] 4° . . . . 1)15.16 Holidays on high lands. H. Macmillan. Lon- don, 1873. 12° 724.23 Holland, E. G. Reviews and essays. Boston, 1849. 12° 287.8 Holland, Frederick May. The reign of the Stoics. X.Y., 1879. 12° 497.18 The rise of intellectual liberty. N.Y., 1885. 8° 1417.10 Studies from Robert Browning. London, 1882. 16° 1231.15 Holland, Henry, >/)•. Recollections of past life. X.Y., 1872. 12° 215.3 166 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Arthur Bonnicastle. N.Y., 12°, Holland, J. G. 1873. 12° Bitter-sweet. [A poem.] N.T., 1858. Every-ilay topics. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . Gold-foil. N.Y., 1860. 12° Kalhrina. N.Y., 1867. 12° .... Lessons in life. N.Y., 1861. 12° . . . Letters to the .Toncses. N.Y., 1863. 12° Letters to young people. N.Y., 1858. 12°, Lincoln, Abraham, Life of. Springfield, 1866. 8° Marble prophecy and other poems. N.Y., 1872. 10° Massachusetts, Western, History of. Spring- field, 18.55. 2 V. 8° Miss Gilbert's career. N.Y., 1860. 12° . The mistress of the manse. N.Y.,1S74. 16°, Nicholas Minturn. N.Y., 1877. 12° . . The same Plain talk on familiar subjects. N.Y., 1866. 12° Sevenoaks: a story of today. N.Y.,1875. 12°, Holland, Lttdy. Smith, Sydney, Memoirs of. N.Y., 18.56. 2 V. 12° Holland, William M. Van Buren, Martin, Life and political opinions of. Hartford, 18:3.5. 12^ Holland. Araicis, Edmondo de. Holland and its people. N.Y., 1881. 12° Boughton, G. H. Sketching rambles in Holland. N.Y., 1885. 8° Hare, A. J. C. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. London, 1885. 12° . . . Havard, U. Tlie heart of Holland. Lon- don, I8.S0. 8° A journey in picturesque Holland. Lon- don, 1870. 8° Wood, Charles W. Through Holland. Lon- don, 1877. 8° Holland House. Princess Marie Liechtenstein. London, 1874. 2 v. S° HoUands, The. [A novel.] V. F. Townsend. Boston, [n.d.] 12° HoUey, Marietta. Josiah Allen's wife as a P. A. and P. I. Samantlia at the Centen- nial. Hartford, 1878. 12° My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. Hart- ford, 1873. 12° My wayward pardner; or. My trials with Josiah, etc. Hartford, 1880. 12° . . . Samantha at the Centennial. Hartford, 1878. 8° Sweet Cicely; or, .Josiah Allen as a politi- cian. \.Y., 1886. 8° HoUis, Thomas. Memoirs. London, 1780. 2 V. 4° HoUister, G. H. Kinley Hollow. X.Y., 1882. 16^ Thomas it'Becket. [A tragedy;] and other poems. Boston, 1800. 12° . . Hollovyay, Laura C. Famous American for- tunes, and the men who have made them. Phila., 18S4. 8° The ladies of the White House, 1789-1881. Phila., 1881. 8° The same Mothers of great men and women. N.Y., 1883. 8° HoUway-Calthrop, H. C. Paladin and Sara- cen.' Stories from Ariosto. London, 1.8.*2. 12° [ 333.21 5.53.0 225.27 263.5 553.6 241.14 204.4 251.15 168.8 553.4 641.10 451.7 .5.53.3 372.11 372.12 225.14 326.24 1,32.9 297.19 760.19 788.2 789.12 784.4 787.12 787.13 516.1 .354.6 .357.34 3.57.22 387.7 357.36 395.21 K. L. 943.3 .5.52.16 1123.6 293.13 173.6 1123.4 1222.23 Holly, H. Hudson. Modern dwellings in town and country. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . . . 654.13 Holm, Saxe, pxeud. Stories. N.Y., 1874. 12° 345.20 Stories. (Second scries.) N.Y., 1878. 12° 374.16 Holmby House; a tale of old Northampton- shire. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° 955. 9 Holmes, Abiel. American annals; or. Chron- ological history of America. 1492-1806. Cambridge, 1805. 2 v. 8° 656.10 Stiles, Ezra, Life of. Boston, 1798. 12° . 151.11 Holmes, Edward. Mozart, Life and corre- spondence of. N.Y.,1854. 8° . . . . 134.10 Holmes, Mrs. Mary J. Bessie's fortune. N.Y., 1880. 12° 424.53 Cameron pride. N.Y., 1873. 12° ... 424.1 The same 424.23 Chateau d'Or; Norah ; Kitty Craig. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 424.46 The same 424.47 Christmas stories. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . 424.52 Cousin Maude and Rosamond. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.3 The same 424.24 Daisy Thornton and Jessie Grah.ani. N.Y., 1879. 12° 424.42 The same 424.43 Darkness and daylight. X.Y., 1874. 12°. 424.2 The same 424.25 DoraDcane. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.5 The same 424.26 Edith Lyle. N.Y., 1876. 12° 424.22 Edna Browning. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . . 424.6 The same 424.28 English orphans. N.Y., 1870. 12° . . . 424.4 The same 424.29 Ethelyn's mistake. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 424.7 The same 424.30 Forrest House. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... . 424.44 The same 424.45 Homestead on the hillside, and other tales. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 424.8 The same 424.31 Hugh Worthington. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 424.9 The same 424. ,32 Lena Rivers. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.21 The same 424.33 Madeline. N.Y., 1881. 12° 424.48 The same 424.49 Marian Grey. N.Y., 1874. 12° ... . 424.11 The same 424.34 Meadow brook. N.Y., 1874. 12°. . . . 424.10 The same 424.35 Mildred. N.Y., 1877. 12° 424.40 MiUbank. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.12 The same 424.36 Queenie Hetherton. N.Y., 1883. 12° . . 424.50 The same 424.51 Rose Mather. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . . . 424.13 The same 424.37 Tempest and sunshine. N.Y., 1874. 12°. 424.14 Holmes, Nathaniel. The authorship of Shake- speare. N.Y., 1806. 12° 254.15 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Poet, litterateur, scientist. W. S. Kennedy. Boston, 1883. 12° 1118.2 Works : The autocrat of the breakfast table. Bos- ton, 1858. 12° 267.19 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 167 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Works — concluded. Elsie Venner. Boston, ISSl. Hi". . . 364.12 Emerson, K. W., Life of. (American men of letters.) Boston, 1885. 12° . 1129.6 The guardian angel. Boston, 1867. 12°, 364.8 The same 364.11 The iron gate, and other poems. Boston, 1880. 12° .582.24 Mechanism in thought and morals. Bos- ton, 1871. 12° 2,52.22 Medical essays. 1842-1882. Boston, 188.3. 12° 1312.13 A mortal antipathy. First opening of the new portfolio. Boston, 188.5. ,12°. . 972.7 Motley, J. L.,Memoirof. Bost., 1879. 12°, 177.24 Pages from an odd volume of life. 1857- 1881. Boston, 1883. 12° 1225.12 I'oems. Boston, 1848. 16° 553.20 The same. (Complete.) Bost., 1877. 12°, 573.5 The poet at the breakfast table. Boston, 1872. 12° 267.15 Tlie professor at the breakfast table. Boston, 1860. 12° 267.16 Songs in many keys. Boston, 1862. 16°, 553.19 Soundings from the Atlantic. Boston, 1S64. 12° 264.5 Holmes, Rachel and Eleanor, Trans. Berlioz, Hector, Autobiography of. London, 1884. 2 V. 12° 1128.21 Holmes, T. R. E. History of the Indian meet- ing. London, 1883. 8° 1423.1 Hoist, Hermann von. The constitutional and political history of the U. S. Chicago, 1876-«5. 8° 481.17 Vol. I. 1750-1833. Vol. IV. 1850-1854. II. 1828-1846. V. 1854-1856. III. 1846-1850. The same 5.56.9 Holt, Ardern. Gentlemen's fancy dress. How to choose it. London, [n.d.] 12°. . . 1228.3 Holt, Edward. George III., Public and domes- tic life of. London, 1820. 2 v. S° . . 172.18 Holt, Emily Sarah. Isoult Barry of Wynscote : a tale of Tudor times. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 426.7 Lettice Eden. N.T., 1877. 12° ... . .366.32 Lady Sybil's choice. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . .390.7 Tlie Lord Mayor. A tale of London in 1384. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 952.23 Mistress Margery. Phila., 1869. 16° . . 431.7 Holthaiis, P. D. Wanderings of a journeyman tailor. London, 1844. 16° 432.18 Holub, Emil. Seven years in south Africa. 1872-79. Boston, 1881. 2 v. 8° . . . 765.9 Holy Cross, The. A history of the invention, preservation, and disappearance of the wood known as the True Cross. W. C. Prime. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 261.22 Holy Grail, The. A. Tennyson. Boston, 1870. 10° 565.5 Holy land. Elliott, C. W. Remarkable char- acters and places of tlie. Hartford, 1868. 8° 730.3 Field, H.M. Among the holy hills. N.Y., 1884. 12° 782.6 M.acleod, N. Half hours in the holy land. Travels in Egypt, Palestine, Syria. N.Y., 1886. •10° ". 781.12 Roberts, D. Lithographs from original drawings of the Holy Land. Historical descriptions by G. Croly. Division 1. .Je- rusalem and Galilee. N.Y., In.d.] 8° . R. L. Holy land — concluded. Stephens, J. L. Travels in the Holy Land. N.Y., 1867. 2 v. 16° 713.8 Thomson, A. In the Holy Land. London, 1882. 12° 772.21 See also Palestine, Syria, etc. Holy war. The; with life of the author. J. Bunyan. London, [n.d.] 4° .... 118.9 Holyoake, George J. Among the Americans, and a stranger in America. Chicago, 1881. 8° 1212.2 Home, D. D. Incidents in my life. N.Y., 1872. 12° 147.11 Home, The. F. Bremer. London, 1852. 12° 341.14 Home, The. Decoration, life, etc. See also House. Amenities of. N.Y., 1881. 12° .... 681.34 Brown, S. A., Ed. Home topics: a book of practical papers on house and home mat- ters. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1226.14 Church, E. R. The home garden. N.Y., 1881. 12° 681.31 The home needle. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . 685.14 Decoration, Home: art needlework, paint- ing, and wood carving. N.Y., 1881. 12° 685.5 Egleston, N. H. Home and its surround- ings; or. Villages and village life. With hints for their improvement. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1228.11 Eliot, W. G. Home life and influence. Boston, 1884. 12° 1232.16 Every day home advice. Relating chiefly to household management. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1222. S Freedley, E. T. Home comforts ; or. Things worth knowing in every household. Phila., 1879. 12° 273.24 Gardner, E. C. Home interiors. (Illus- trated.) Boston, 1878. 12° 6.57.14 Garrett, Rhoda and Agnes, and others. Home decoration. (Art at home.) Pa- pers on house decoration, music, dress, etc. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 685.11 Home life in song, with the poets of today. N.Y., 1879. 12° 582.19 Oakey, A. F. Home grounds. N.Y., ISSl. 12° 681.32 Palmer, Mrs. H. L. Home life in the Bible. Boston, 1881. 8° 1216.8 Penn, A. The home library. N.Y., [n.d.| 12° 685.22 Ruutz-Rees, J. E. Home occupations. N.Y.,1SS2. 12° 685.15 Sherwood, M. E. W. Home amusements. N.Y., 1881. 12° 685.4 Ward and Lock's Home book. A domestic eneyclopcedia. London, (n.d.) 12° . . 1228.4 Ware, J. F. W. Home life. Boston, 1864. 12° 262.10 Home and abroad. (Second series.) B.Taylor. N.Y., 1862. 16° . ' 067.21 Home and college. F. D. Huntington. Bos- ton, 1860. 12° 262.12 Home and the world. N.Y., 1857. 12° . . . 664.18 Home as found. Sequel to " Homew.ard bound." J.F.Cooper. N.Y., 1855. 12°, 312.17 The same 381.8 Home at Greylock. Mrs. E. Prentiss. N.Y., 1876. 12° 422.23 168 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hotae at Ueatherbrae: a tale by the author of "Everley." N.Y., 1S71. 12° ... . 420..") Home innuence. G. Aguilar. N.Y., 1S70. 12°, 420. 1.") Home life. E. M. Sewell. N.Y., 1SC7. 12° . 354. 1» Homeiiook. A.M.Douglas. Boston, 1S74. 12°, 423.10 Home physician. The. For the use of those at a distance from physicians. L. M. Gil- bert. N.Y., 1S8.3. 10° 1313.13 Home stuilies in nature. M. Treat. N.Y., 1SS5. 12° 1325.11 Home, the basis of the st.ite. A. Seymour. Boston, 18G9. 10° 253.20 Homer. Life, and minor poems. N.Y., 1S72. 12° 617.10 Gladstone, W. E. An inquiry into the lime and place of Homer. N.Y., 1S70. 12° . 171.3 irorts .• Batrachoniyomachia. Hymns and epi- grams. G. Chapman, Trans. London, 1858. 12° 616.11 The Iliad. W. C. Bryant, Trans. Boston. 1870. 2 V. 4° 617.3 The same. 6. Chapman, Trans. Lon- don, 1857. 2 V. 12° 617.11 The same. W. Cowper, Trans. N.Y., 1855. 8° 617.9 The same. Edward, Earl Derby, Trans. N.Y., 1865. 2 V. 8° 617.8 The Odyssey. W. C. Bryant, Trans. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 4° 617.2 The same. G. Chapman, Trans. Lon- don, 1857. 2 V. 12° 617.12 Stories from Homer. (Illustrated.) A. J. Church. X.Y., 1878. 16° . . . . 446.25 Stories from Homer simply told. C. H. Hanson. N.Y., 1.S82. 12° 1222.4 Homer and Socrates. E. W. Smith. Phila., 1872. 12° 225.22 Homes and all about them. (Architecture, etc.) E. C. Gardner. Boston, 1885. 12°, 687.22 Homes and haunts of British poets. W. How- itt. London, 1803. 12° 2.35.21 The same 1128.12 Homes and haunts of Luther. J. Stoughton. London, [n.d.] 8° 169.3 Homes and how to make them. (Architect- ure.) E.C.Gardner. Boston, 1874. 8°, 649.14 Homes of America. (Illustrated.) Mrs. M. J. Lamb, Ed. N.Y., ISSO. 4° . . . . R. L. Homes of American statesmen: with anecdotes, and personal and descriptive sketches. By various writers. N.Y., 18.54. 8°. . 183.5 Homes of the New World. F. Bremer. N.Y., 1854. 2v. 12° 661.4 Homespun. T. Lackland. N.Y., 1867. 12°, 243.10 Homespuu stories. R. H. Moncrieff. N.T., 18S3. 16° 918.2 Homestead on the hillside. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.8 The same 424.31 Homeward bound. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 18.55. 12° 312.16 The same 381.9 Homicide, North and Sotith. H. V. Redfield. Phila., 1880. 12° 123.22 Homiletics. J. M. Hoppin. N.Y., [n.d.] 8°, 1215.7 Homo sum. [A novel.] G. Ebers. N.Y., 1880. 18° 383.23 Homoselle. Mrs. M. F. Tiernan. (Round- robin series.) Boston, 1881. 16° . . . 398.9 The same 398.10 Hone, William. English miracle plays. Lon- don, 1823. 8° 616.1 Honest Gabriel. M. Howitt. Phila., [n.d.] 10°, 438.9 Honest John Vane. J. W. De Forest. New H.avcn, 1875. 10° 363. :!7 Honor Bright; or. The four-leaved shamrock. N.Y., [n.d.) li° 449.19 Honorable Miss Ferrard. M. Hartley. N.Y., 1878. 16° 370.1 Honorable surrender, ,\n. M. .\danis. N.Y., 1883. 10° 943.10 Hood, Edwin Paxton. Carlyle, Thomas, pliilo- sophic thinker, theologian, historian and poet. London, 1S75. 12° 1124.11 The world of anecdote. London, 1870. 12°, 243.2 The same 221 . 1 1 Hood, Mrs. F. H. M,aud Mansfield. Macon, Ga., 1870. 12° .301.50 Hood, George. History of music in New Eng- land. Boston, 1846. 12° 049.21 Hood, J. B. Advance and retreat. Experi- ences in the armies of the United, and the Confederate, States. New Orleans, 1880. 8° 183.15 Hood, Thomas, Memorials of. Ed. by his d.aughter. Boston, 1860. 2 v. 12° . . 101.7 U'orks : Comic annuals, in prose and verse. N. Y., (n.d.) 12° ..... 427.29 Love and valor. Boston, 1872. 8° . . 427.7 Poetical works. With some account of the author. Boston, 1850. 4 v. 16°. 561.3 Tynley Hall. Boston, 1860. 12° , . . 342.9 Up the Rhine. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. . . 724.8 Whims and oddities. N.Y., 1856. 12°. 425.8 Hook, Theodore. Humorous works; with a life of the author. London, [n.d.] 8° . 113.5 Hooker, E. W. Hooker, Thomas, Life of. Boston, 1870. 8° 114.9 Hooker, Isabella. Womanhood. Boston, 1874. 16° 631.23 Hooker, J. U., and Ball, John. Journal of a toiu' in Morocco and the Great Atlas. London, 1878. 8° 763.3 Hooker, Richard, Life of. I. Walton. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 1135 1 Hooker, Thomas, Life of. E. W. Hooker. Boston, 1870. 8° . . . 114.9 Life. .See Vol. VI. "Chief fathers of New England." Boston, 1870. 12° . . . . .595.1 Hooker, W. J. A second century of ferns. London, 1861. 8° 629.0 Hooker, Worthington. Natiual history. N.Y., 1860. 12° 021.3 Hookham, Mary Ann. Life and times of Mar- garet of Anjou. London, 1872. 2 v. 8°, 135.8 Hooper, Mrs. Louisa. The Tsar's window. (No name series.) Boston, 1881. 16° . 385.16 The .same 385.17 Hooper, Lucy H. Under the tricolor. Phila., 1880. 12° 396.15 Hooper, Mary. Every day meals. (Recipes.) London, 1877. 12° 273.1 Hoopes, Josiah. The book of evergreens. N.Y., 1868. 12° 648.17 Hoosier school-master. E. Eggleslon. N'.Y., 1871. 12° > . . 404.19 Hope, Ascott R., pseud. See Moncrieff, R. H. Hope, Eva. Darling, Grace, the heroine of the Fame Islands, Life of. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1115.17 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 169 318.5 6G6.13 246.19 Hope, F. T, li. The three liomes. London, ! [n.d.] 12° 4-22.17 ! Hope, James L. A. In quest of Coolies. Lon- ! don, 1872. 12° 724. 7_] Hope, Stanley. A new Godiva. Phila., 1876. 12° 413.22 Hope and liave. W. T. Adams. Boston, (n.d.] 16° 457.17 I Hope Mills; or. Between friend and sweetheart. A.M.Douglas. Boston, l&SO. 12° . . 396.10 Hope's heart bells. Mrs. S. L. Oberholtzer. Phila., 1SS4. 12° 954.21 Hope-Edwardes, E. C. Azahar. Extracts from a journal in Spain in 1881-82. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 775.11 Hopeless case, A. E. Fawcett. Boston, 1880. 18° 38:3.21 Hopes and fears. C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1861. 2 V. 12° .322.11 Hopkins, Albert. Life. A. C. Sewall. N.Y., [ii.d.l 12° 182.24 Hopkins, Ellice. Rose Turquand. N.Y., 1876. S° .365.41 Hopkins fund. An account of the funds from the estate of Edward Hopkins. J. L. Hildreth. From the 1885 report of the Cambridge School Committee. Cam- bridge, 1886. 8° Hopkins, Manley. Hawaii: an account of the Sandwich Islands. N.Y., 1869. 12° . . Hopkins, Mark. The law of love. KY., 1869. 12° Teachings and counsels. [Sermons.] N.Y., 1884. 12° Hopkins, Samuel. The Puritans and Queen Elizabeth. N.Y., [n.d.] 3 v. 12° . . The same Hopper, Isaac T., Life of. L. M. Child. Bos- ton, 1854. 8° Hoppin, Augustus. A fashionable sufferer; or, Chapters from life's comedy. Boston, 1883. 12° Two Compton hoys. Boston, 1885. 4° . . Hoppin, James M. Brown, Henry A., Memoir of. Phila., 1880. S° 183.13 Foote, ^dmira;. Life of. N.Y., 1874. 8°. 147.3 Homiletics. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1215.7 Old England. N.Y., 1867. 12° ... . 661.14 The .'■ame 761.3 Hoppus, Mary A. M. A great treason; a story of the war of independence. N.Y., 1883. . 12° 947.16 Horace, The odes of. T. Martin, Trans, Bos- ton, ISGl. 10° 611.15 Horace Templeton. [A novel.] C. Lever. London, [n.d.] 12° 394.8 Horae lyricte, and divine songs. I. Watts. With a memoir by R. Southey. Boston, 1854. 16° 566.8 Horee subsecivse. J. Brown, ^f.J). (First series.) Edinburgh, 1801. 12° . . . . 251.13 Same. (Second series) 251.14 Horn, Frederick Winkel. History of the liter- ature of the Scandinavian North. Chi- cago, 1884. 8° 1226.11 Horn, George. Count Silvius. N.Y., 1882. 12° 389.19 Home, R. H., Ed. A new " Spirit of the age." N.Y., 1844. 12° 261.1 Horner, Francis, Memoir of. L. Horner. Bos- ton, 1853. 2 V. 8° 1.53.3 1237.11 481.5 517.2 148.12 946.6 929.3 Horner, Susan and Joanna. Walks in Florence and its environs. London, 1884. 2v. 12°, 789.5 Horse, The, and Horsemanship. Anderson, E. L. On horseback, in the school, and on the road. N.Y., 1882. 12°, 1212:22 Berjeau, C. Horses of antiquity. From the earliest monuments, down to the six- teenth century. London, 1864. 4° . . R. L. Clarke, W. 11. Horses' teeth. A treatise on their development, anatomy, dentistry, etc. N.Y., 1880. 12° 672.7 Cole, J. R. Horse's foot. The, and how to shoe it. Giving the most approved meth- ods of horse-shoeing, together willi the anatomy of the horse's foot, and its dis- eases. Cincinnati, 1879. 12° .... 6.58.26 De Bussigny, H. L. Hand-book for horse- women. 'n.Y., 1&84. 10° 686.17 Durant, G., jl/.D. Horseback riding, from a medical point of view. N.Y.,1878. 12°, 281.19 Famous horses of America. With portraits and biographies of the celebrities of the American turf. Phila., 1877. 8° . . . 718.11 Karr, Mrs. E. The American horsewoman. Boston, 1884. 12° 689.17 Mayhew, E. The horse doctor. Phila., 1804. 8° 632.10 Horse management. Phila., 1864. 8° . 623.12 Miles, W. The horse's foot. X.Y., 1866. 12° 021.6 Murray, W. H. H. The perfect horse. Bos- ton, 1873. 8° ■ 625.1 Stillman, J. D. B. Horse in motion, as shown by instantaneous photography. Boston, 1882. 4° R. L. Walsh, J. H. The horse. Phila., 1869. 8°, 622.6 and others, Eds. Horse owner's cyclo- psedia. Diseases, and how to cure them. Anatomy and physiology. General characteristics. Points of the horse, with directions how to choose him. Principles of breeding, raising, and . breaking. Stables, etc. Phila., 1872. 8° 649.29 Wood, J. G. Horse and man. Their mu- tual dependence and duties. Phila., 1886. < 8° 1322.17 Woodruff, H. Trotting horse of America. How to train and drive him; with remi- niscences of the trotting turf. Phila., 1875. 8° 482.19 Youatt, W. The horse. History, treat- ment, etc. Phila., 1863. 8° 623.9 Horseback riding. Poems on. In the saddle. Boston, 1882. 10° 583.28 Horse-shoe Robinson. J. P. Kennedy. Phila., 1865. 12° 334.22 Horstmann, G. Henry. Consular reminis- cences. Phila., 1886. 12° 797.9 Hortense, Queen of Holland. History. J. S. C. Abbott. N.Y., 1870. 16° .... 122.0 Horticultural Society, Massachusetts, History of. 1829-1878. Boston, 1880. 8° . . . 693.5 The same 693.10 Horticulture. A hand-book for fruit growers. F.R.Elliott. Rochester, X.Y., 18^76. 10°, 647.24 New American orchardist. W. Kendrick. Boston, 1843. 8° 64S.3 See also Fruit culture. Hosack, John. Mary Queen of Scots, and her accusers. London, 1874. 2 v. 8° . . 1110.1 170 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRA RV. Hoskins, Thomas H. What we eat. Boston, 18(!1. 12"^ 226.21 Hosmer, G. W. " As we went niarcliing on." A story of the war. N.Y., 188."). 18° . 951.25 The people and poliiics. Boston, 1883. 8°, 1226.2 Hosmer, J. K. The color-guard. Boston, 18(14. 12° 712.13 Short history of German literature. St. Louis, 1879. 8° 284.7 Hospital life in army of the Potomac. W. 11. Heed. Boston, 18CG. 12° 732.17 Hospital sUetchos. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 18l!.3. 1{;° 436.21 Hospital sUelclics, and camp and fireside sto- ries. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1809. 16°. 430.22 The same 436.20 Hospital transports. Published at the request of the Sanitary Committee. Boston, 1803. 16° 240.21 Hospitaller, E. The modern applications of electricity. N.Y., 1882. 8° 1.311.1 The same, enlarged. 2 v. 8° ... . 1315.10 Hospitals, Eastern, and English nurses. London. 1857. 12° 604.17 Hospitals, Hand-book for. N.Y., 1883. 12° . 1312.10 Hostages to fortune. M. E. Braddon-Max- well. N.T., 1875. 8° 365.4 Hot ploughshares. A. W. Tourg^e. N.Y., 1S83. 12° 940.7 Houdin, Robert. The secrets of stage conjur- ing. N.Y., 1881. 12° 127.9 Hough, Franklin B. The elements of forestry. Cincinnati, 1S82. 12° 1219.5 Papers relating to Pemaqnid. Albany, 1854. 8° 537.5 Ed. The Thousand Islands of the river St. Lawrence. Syracuse, N.Y., 1880. 10°, 761.8 Hough, Lewis. For fortune and glory. A story of the Soudan war. N.Y., 188.5. 12° . 970.21 Houghton, Lord. Monographs. N'.Y., 1873. 12° 225.5 Houghton, W. Country walks of a naturalist with his children. London, 1869. 16° . 401.22 Hour, The, and the man. H. Martineau. N.Y., 1873. 8° 346.21 Hour, The, will come. A tale of an Alpine cloister. W. von Hillern. N.Y., 1880. 18° 378.7 Hours in a library. L. Stephen. N.Y., 1875. 12° 241.10 The same. (Third series.) London, 1879. 12° 286.6 Hours of thought on sacred things. (First series.) J. Martineau. Boston, 1876. 16°, 267.26 The same. (Second series.) 1880. 12°. 124.3 Hours with men and books. VV. Mathews. Cliicago, 1S79. 12° 286.7 House, Edward H. Japanese episodes. Bos- ton, 1881. 18° 761.23 House, The, and Housekeeping. See also Home. Babcock, E. W. Household hints. N.Y., 1881. 12° 682.27 Browne, P. Common-sense housekeeping. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 123.17 Cook, C. House beautiful. The. (Essays on furniture.) N.Y., 1878. 8° . . . . 028.6 Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste. London, 1809. 8° 052.10 Frederick, Mrs. Hints to housewives on the preparation of economical and taste- ful dishes. London, 1880. 12° . . . . 081 . 12 House, The, and Housekeeping — concluded. Gardner, E. C. House that Jill built, after Jack's had proved a failure. A book on home architecture. N.Y., 18S2. 12° 685.10 House, The, and its surroundings. N.Y., 1879. 18° 673.8 Jones, Mrs. C. S., and Williams, H. T. Household elegancies. Suggestions in household art, and tasteful home decora- tions. N.Y., 1875. 8° 649.24 Martineau, H. Household education. Boston, 1877. 18° 271.11 Parloa, M. Household management and cookery. A text-book for schools and families. Boston, 1879. 16° .... 283.21 Pierce, M. F. Co-operative housekeeping; how not to do it, and how to do it. Bos- ton, 1884. 18° 1231.3 Smith, W. Examples of household taste. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 628.16 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. House and home pa- pers. Boston, 180.5. 12°, 342.2 Webster, A. Housewife's opinions. Lon- don, 1879. 12° 273.25 House at Crague, The ; or. Her own way. M. B. Sleight. N.Y., ^n.d.] 16° ... . 975.4 House by the works. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. N.Y., 1878. 12° 337.31 House in town. The. A sequel to " Opportuni- ties." S. Warner. N.Y., 1873. 16° . 444.3 House of a merchant prince. [A novel of New York.] W. H. Bishop. Boston, 1883. 12° 944.14 House of Elmore. A family history. F. W. Robinson. London, [n.d.] 12°. . . . 9.56.3 House of Ross, and other tales. A. G. Kiddle. Boston, 1881. 12° 387.11 The same .387.20 House of seven gables. N. Hawthorne. Bos- ton, 18.J3. 12° 342.23 The same 372.4 House on the marsh. The. [A romance.] F. Warden. N.Y., 1884. 10° 066.10 House on the moor. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 1861. 12° .'ULH House on wheels, The; or. The stolen child. Jfrae. de Stolz. Boston, 1871. 16° . . 266.24 Household of Bouverie. Mrs. C. A. Wartield. N.Y., 1873. 12° 353.14 Household of Sir Thomas More. A. Man- ning. N.Y., 1867. 12° 214.17 Household stories, from the collection of the MM. Grimm. (Illustrated.) L. Crane, Trans. London, 1882. 12° 916.18 Household Words. London, 1850-59. 19 v. 8° 569.1 Houssaye, Arsene. Life in Paris. Letters on art, literature and society. Boston, 1875. 16° 483.7 Houston, Jlrs. A woman's memories of world- kiu)wn men. London, 1883. 2 v. 12°. 1124. 17 Hovey, Horace C. Celebrated American cav- erns. Cincinnati, 1882. 8° 773.10 Hovey, William A. Mind-reading and beyond. Boston, 188.5. 12° 1.321.21 How, David, Diary of, during the American revolution. Sketch of the author by G. W.Chase. Morrisania, N.Y., 186.5. 8°. 518.12 How could he help it? A. S. Eoe. N.Y., 1876. 12° 366.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 171 How crops feed. A treatise on the almosphere and the soil as related to the nutrition of agricultural plants. S. W. Johnson. N.Y., [n.d.] \2° 638.8 How crops grow. A treatise on the chemical composition, structure, and life of the plant, for all students of agriculture. With illustrations and tables of analyses. S. W. Johnson. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 6.38.9 How he won her. Sequel to "Fair play." Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1861. 12° 416.8 How^ I became a crack shot; with hints to be- ginners. W. M. Farrow. Newport, 1882. 18° 686. 4 How I found it, (farming,) North and South; together with Mary's statement. Boston, 1880. 12° 127.13 How I found Livingstone. H. M. Stanley. N.Y., 1872. S° 726. .5 How it all came round. T. T. Meade. N.Y., [n.d.l 12° 968.23 How Marjory helped. M. Caroll. Boston, 1874. 16^ 303.20 How plants behave. A.Gray. N.Y., 1872. S°, 648.10 How plants grow. A.Gray. N.Y., 1871. 8°, 648.2 How^ she came into her kingdom. C. M. Clark. Chicago, 1878. 12° 364.70 How success is won. [Short biographies.] Mrs. S. K. Bolton. Boston, [n.d.] 10°. . .1121.21 How^ the world was peopled. E. Fontaine. N.Y., 1872. 12° 022.8 How they went to Europe. Mrs. H. M. Loth- rop. Boston, 1884. 16° 928.7 How to become quick at figures. Boston, 1885. 12° 1321.18 How to camp out. J. M. Gould. N.Y., 1877. 16° 271.2 The same 764.19 How to do it. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1871. 12° 437.10 How to educate yourself, with or without masters. G. C. Eggleston. N.Y., 1879. 10° 201.22 How to furnish a home. E. R. Church. N.Y., 1881. 12° 682.20 How^ to get on. A book for boys. B. B. Co- megys. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 93.5.5 How to get on in the world. Life and writings of William Corbett. R. Waters. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1129.15 How to get strong, and how to stay so. W. Blaikic. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 674.21 How to help the poor. Mrs. J. T. Fields. Boston, 1884. 10° 1224.16 How to live; or. Health and healthy homes. G. Wilson. Phila., 1882. 12° ... . 679.13 How to make a living. Suggestions upon mak- ing, saving, and using money. G. C. Eggleston. N.Y., 1879. 10° " . . . . 291.23 The same 252.15 How to make money, and how to keep it. T. A.Davis. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .352.32 How to .'succeed, in public life, .as a minister, a musician, an engineer, an artist, in mer- cantile life, as a farmer, an inventor, and in literature. Essays by various authors. . L. Abbott, £cZ. N.Y., 1882. 16° . . . 1221.3 How to travel. Hints, advice and suggestions to travellers by land and sea, all over the globe. T. W. Knox. N.Y., 1881. 18° . 704.22 How to work with the microscope. L. S. Beale. Phila., 1870. 12° 637.4 How to write letters. J. W. Westlake. Phila., 1876. 16° 250.15 How^ we are governed. A hand-book of the government of Great Britain. A. de Fon- blanque. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 294.10 HoTV we are governed. An explanation of the constitution and government of the U.S. A book for young people. A. L. Dawes. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 1415. lU How we live; or. The human bodv, and how to take care of it. J. Johonnot and E. Bouton. N.Y., 1884. 16° 1321.7 How we managed without servants. By a " lady " who can " help." London, [n.d.] 18° 363. .54 How we saved the old farm, and how it became a new farm. By a young farmer. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 273.29 Howadji in Syria. G. W. Curtis. N.Y., 1867. X2° 722.3 Howard, Blanche Willis. Aulnay tower. Bos- ton, 1885. 12° PO.'^.l The same 90S. 7 Aunt Serena. Boston, 1881. 16° ... . 3.NS.8 The same 388.8 Guenn. A wave on the Breton coast. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 952.11 The same 9.52.12 One summer. Boston, 1875. 18° ... . 362.42 The same 302.44 One year abroad. Boston, 1877. 18° . . 761.1 Howard, Frank. Colour as a means of art. London, [n.d.] 16° 681.1 Sketcher's manual. London, 1876. 16° . 657.20 How^ard, Henry. Poetical works, with a me- moir. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 563.10 Howard, John, Memoirs of. J. B. Brown, Boston, 1831. 16° 131.15 How^ard, Brirj.-Gen. O. O. Donald's school days. Boston, 1879. 10° 447.4 Nez Perce Joseph ; his lands, confederates, enemies, war, pursuit and capture. Bos- ton, 1881. 8° 693.9 Howe, E. W. Story of a country town. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 959.14 How^e, J. B. The common sense, the mathe- matics, and the metaphysics, of money. Boston, 1S81. 12° 129.25 Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward. Cuba, A trip to. Boston, 1800. 12° 603.20 From the oak to the olive. A journey in Europe. Boston, 1868. 12° 735.18 Fuller, Margaret, Life of. Boston, 1883. 12° 1115.19 The same • 1115.21 Modern society. Boston, 1881. 18° . . . 127.22 How^e, Maud. Atalanta in the South. Boston, 1SS6. 16° 975.12 A Newport aquarelle. Boston, 1883. 12°. 948.21 San Rosario Ranch. Boston, 1884. 16° . 962.7 The same 957.15 Howe, Dr. Samuel G. Memoir. Mrs. J. W. Howe. With other memorial tributes. Boston, 1876. 8° 171.18 Howell, Jane L. Justine's lovers. N.Y., 1878. 8° 377.2 How^ells, William D. A chance acquaintance. Boston, 1873. 1S° 362.33 The same 391.16 172 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Howells, William D. — concluded. A counterfeit presentment. Boston, 1S77. 18° ;;ri8.2s The same 391.16 Doctor Breen's practice. Boston, 1881. 12°, 389.9 The elevator. [A farce.) Boston, 1885. 32° 951.16 A fearful responsibility, ami other stories. Boston, ISSl. 12° .392.30 A foregone conclusion. Boston, 1875. 12°, 345.26 The same 392.22 The garroters. [A farce.) N.Y., 1886. 18° 951.28 Indian summer. Boston, 1SS6. 12°. . . 972.22 Italian journeys. N.Y., 1867. 12° . . . 714.1 The same 762.12 The lady of the Aroostook. Boston, 1879. 12° 392.1 The same 392.23 A modern instance. Boston, 1882. 12° . 944.2 The same 944.3 Out of the question. Boston, 1877. 18° . 308.11 The same 391 . 17 Poems. Boston, 1873. 16° 551.40 The register. [A farce.] Boston, 1SS4. 18°, 961.3 The rise of Silas Lapham. Boston, 1885. 12° 968. 2 The same 968.3 The same 968.12 The same 968.13 The sleeping car. [A farce.] Boston, 1885. 18° 961.4 Suburban sketches. N.T., 1871. 12° . . 252.12 The same 392.24 Their wedding journey. Boston, 1872. 12°, 345.21 The same 392.25 Three villages. Boston, 1884. 18° . . . 781.1 Tu.scan cities. Boston, 1886. 8° . . . . 793.8 The undiscovered country. Boston, 1880. 12° 392.26 The same 392.27 Venetian life. N.Y., 1866. 12° ... . 062.13 The same 762.13 A woman's reason. Boston, 1883. 12° . 948.24 The same 948.25 Hewitt, Anna M. Art student in IVIunich. Boston, 1854. 12° 652.23 Howitt, Mary. The children's year. Boston, 1804. 16° . . 438.10 Honest Gabriel. Phila., [n.d.] l(i° . . . 43S.9 A pleasant life. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . . 431.0 Sketches of natural history. [Poems.] Lon- don, 1873. 12° 612.3 Hovritt, William. A boy's adventures in the wilds of Australia. Boston, 1806. 16° . 438.7 The same 438.8 The boy's country book. London, 1880. 12°, 912.1 A country book. London, 1859. 12° . . 661.19 History of the supernatural. Phila., 1863. 2v. 12° 624.18 Homes and haunts of British poets. Lon- don, 1803. 12° 2.35.21 The same 1128.12 Jack of the mill. N.Y., 1808. 8° . . . .347.39 The same 444.30 Land, labor, and gold. Boston, 1855. 2 v. 12° 721 .9 Rural and domestic life of Germany. Phila., 1843. S° 662.1 Student life of Germany. London, 1841. 12° 232.2 Ho^witt, William — concluded. Visits to remarkable places. London, 1840-42. 2v. 8° 068. 1 Woodburn Grange. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. . 312.7 and Mary. Stories of Knglish and foreign life. London, 1853. 12° 311.5 Howlaud, .John. Life and recollections. E. M.Stone. Providence, K.L, 1857. 12°. 172.16 Howsou, J. S. Evidential value of the Acts of the Apostles. Phila., 1880. 12° . . 128.5 Hoyt, Henry M. Protectionism r». free trade. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1327.9 Hoyt, James S. The death of President Gar- field. A sermon preached at Prospect St. Church, Cambridge, Mass., Septem- ber, 1881. Cambridge, 1H81. 12'. . .1212.17 Hoyt, Joseph G. Miscellaneous writings. Bos- ton, 1803. 12° 296.10 Hoyt, J. K., and Ward, A. L., Eds. Cyclop»- dia of quotations. N.Y., 1882. 8° . . 1210.2 Hozier, H. M. Seven weeks' war. Phila., 1867. 2 v. 8° 0.33.5 Ed. The Franco-Prussian war. Its causes, incidents, and consequences. London, [n.d.] 2v. 8° 593.1 Hubback, Mrs. J. Love and duty. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 367.33 Hubbard, Fred. H. The opium liabit, and alcoholism. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . .1212.14 Hubbard, Lucius L. Woods and lakes of Maine. A trip in a birch-bark canoe. Boston, 1884. 8° 777.14 Huber, V. A. The pope and the council. Boston, 1870. 12° 235.23 Hubert. J.Abbott. N.Y.,[n.d.| 10°. . . 435.30 Hubert Freeth's prosperity. Mrs. N. Cros- land. Phila., 1874. 12° 353.16 Hiibner, Baron de. A ramble round the world. N.r., 1874. 12° 724.5 Hue, M. The Chinese Empire. N.Y., 1855. 2 V. 12° 241.17 Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 12° 733.2 The same 711.4 Hudgens, Seymour I. Exeter schooldays, and other poems. Cambridge, [n.d.) 12° . .076.15 Hudson, Charles. Bunker Hill, Doubts con- cerning the battle of. Boston, 1857. 10°, 541.22 Lexington, History of. Boston, 1808. 8°. 544.10 Marlborough, Mass., History of. Boston, 1802. 8° 487.10 Hudson, E. H. History of the Jews in Rome. B. C. IGO-A. D. 004. London, 1SS2. 12°, 598-9 Hudson, Frederic. Journalism in the U.S. N.Y., 1873. 8° 240. > Hudson, Henry, Life of. H. 11. Cleveland. (American biography. Vol. X.) . . . . 111.^ Hudson, Henry N., Ed. English classical reader. Selections, with notes. Boston, 1880. 12° 1222.10 Works of Shakespeare. {For contents, see Shakespeare.) Boston, 1856. 11 v. 12°, 560.1 The same, for schools. 23 v. 10°. See Shakespeare. M'orks : Shakespeare; his life, art and characters. . Boston, 1879. 2 v. 12° 224.1 The same, revised and enlarged . . . 183.22 The same 1245.16 Studies in Wordsworth, and other papers. Boston, 1884. 12° 1242.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 173 Hudson, James F. The railways and the re- public. N.Y.. ISSfi. 8° 1254.2 Hudson, Mrs. Mary Clemmer, A meraoiial of. E. IIiulsoii. Boston, 1886. 12° . . .1137.11 Workx : Eirene;. or, A woman's right. N.Y., 1871. 8° 347.42 Ilis two wives. N.Y.. 1875. 12° . . . 345. .",2 Memorial of A. and P. Cary. N.Y., 1873. 12° 113.3 Men, women, and things. X.Y., 1S73. 12° 234.17 Poems of life and nature. Boston, 1883. 12° 576.9 Ten years in Washington. Hartford, 1874. 8° " 245.12 Hudson, T. S. A scamper through America. N.Y., 1882. 12° .... ^ ... . 778.16 Hudson, William H. Sea-sickness; its cause, nature, and prevention. Boston, 1883. 1(\° 1314.2 Hudson, The, from the wilderness to the sea. B. J. Lossing. N.Y., 1860. 8° . . . . 720.4 Hudson River, The. By pen and pencil. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 483.10 Hudson's Bay. li. M. Ballantyne. Boston, 1859. 16' 443.11 Hueffer, Francis. Italian and other ."^Indies. London, 1883. 12° 7S0.2 Editor of "The great musicians." See Musicians. Huen-Dubourg, .1. Cardinal Cheverus, Life of. Boston, 1839. 12? 148.10 Huey, Pennock. A true history of the charge of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry at Chancellorsville. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 1413.10 Hugesson, E. II. K. (Lord Brabourne. ) The mountain sprite's kingdom, and other stories. N.Y., 1881. 12° 912.7 Stories for my children. London, 1869. 12°, 452.5 Hugh Melton. [A story.] K.King. N.Y.,1875. 8° .325.20 Hugh Worthington. [A novel.] Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.9 The same 424.32 Hughes, Kev. T. P. (Evan Stanton, pseud.] Huliainah. N.Y., 1886. 16° .... 978.1 Hughes, Thomas R. Alfred the Great, Life of. London, [n.d.] 12° 146.13 Christ, The manliness of. Boston, 1880. 12° 294.19 Ed. Gone to Texas. Letters from our boys. N.Y., 1884. 16° 786.22 Greece anil Albania, Travels in. London, 1830. 2 V. 8° 735.3 Macmillan, Daniel, Memoir of. London, 1882. 12° 1114.9 Memoir of a brother. Boston, 1873. 12° . 104.14 Scouring of the White Horse. Boston, 1859. 12° 455.4 Tom Brown at Oxford. N.Y., 1880.* 12° . 455.2 The same 914.6 Tom lU-own's school days. N.Y.,1880. 12°, 455.1 The same 914.5 True nuinliness. (Selections from his writ- ings.) With a sketch of liis life. Boston, 1880. 12° 120.11 Hugo, Victor. Barbou, A. His life and works. Chicago, 1881. 16° 191.15 Hugo, Madame. Life of. N.Y., [n.d.] 8°, 352.11 Swinburne, A. C. Lifeof. N.Y., 1886. 12°, 1137.5 Hugo, Victor — concluded. IVorks : The history of a crime. X.Y., 1878. 2 v. 8° .365.72 The same 947.19 Jargal. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 3.52.17 Les Miserables. N.Y., 1880. 2 v. . . 352.3 The same. (Complete in one vol.) . . 352.4 Napoleon the Little. N.Y., 1870. 8° . 148.17 Ninety-three. N.Y., 1874. 12° ... 352.13 Poems, Selections from. H. L. Williams, Ed. London, 1885. 12° .585.15 The Rhine. Boston, [n.d.] 16° . . . 724.1.'S Toilers of the sea. N.Y., 1866. 8° . . 352.9 The same '. 3.52.10 Huguenot family, The. H. Keddie. N.Y., 1808. 12° 311.20 Huguenot galley-slave. The. Autobiography of a French Protestant, condemned to the galleys for the sake of his religion. J. Marteilhe. N.Y., 1867. 12° 194.2 The same 134.26 Huguenots, The. Baird, C. W. History of Huguenot emigration to America. N.Y., [n.d.] 2v. 8° 1425.2 Baird, H. M. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 8° 499.6 The same 599.5 Hanna, W. Wars of the Huguenots. N. Y., 1872. 16° .535.11 Lee, U. F. Huguenots in France and Amer- ica. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 12° . ... 484.16 Smiles, S. History of the Huguenots in England and Ireland. N.Y., 1868. 8° . .534.6 Huguenots in France, after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. N.Y.,1874. 8°, 534.5 Huish, Robert. George IV., Memoir of. Lon- don, 1875. 12° I(>4.11 Hulda; or, The deliverer. F. Lewald. Mrs. Wister, Tran.«. Phila., 1874. 12°. . . 316.18 Hull, Edward. Building and ornamental stones, of Great Britain and foreign coun- tries. London, 1872. 8° 649.6 Hullah, John. The cultivation of the speaking voice. Oxford, 1870. 8° 649.20 Music in the house. Phila., 1877. 12°. . 6.57.1 The same 6.57.14 Hullah, M. E. Hannah Tarne. [A story.) London, 1883. 16° 9.53.16 The lion battalion, and other stories. Lon- don, 188.5. 16° 931.15 Hulme, F. Edward. Familiar garden flowers. N.Y., [n.d.] 2v. 12° 0.38.15 Familiar wild flowers. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 12° 038.14 Flower painting in water colours. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 084.15 Plants; their natural growth, and orna- mental treatment. London, 1874. 4° . R. L. Sketches from nature of plant form. Lon- don, 1868. 8° 618.1 Suggestions in floral design. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° R. L. Human body. The. Its structure and activi- ties, and the conditions of its healthy working. H. N.Martin. N.Y., ISSI. 8°, 677.4 Human body. Wonders of the. A. Le Pileur. N.Y., 1870. 10° 6.33.22 Human faculty, and its development, Inquiries into the. F. Gallon. N.Y., 1883. 8° .1311.10 174 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBlilDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Human intercourse. P. G. Hainerton. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 1242.18 Human life. W. Sweetser. N.Y., lS(i7. 10°, 031.11 Human life, Discourses on. O.Dewey. N.Y., 1841. 12° 26.3.8 Human race, The. L. Figuier. N.Y., 1872. 8° 237.13 Human race, Contributions to tlie history of the ilevelopment of tlie. |Lectures.] L. Geiger. Boston. 1880. 8° 275.6 Human race, Tlie, and other sermons. F. W. Robertson. London, 1880. 12° ... 127.21 Human science, good and evil, and its works ; and divine revelation, and its works, and sciences. J. J. G. Wilkinson, riiila., 1870. 8° 656.1 Human species, Tlie. A. de Quatrefages. X.Y., 1870. 12° 675.2 Humanity, Immortal. L. P. Hickok. Boston, 1872. 8° . . 267.9 Humbert, Aimd. Japan and the Japanese. N.Y., 1874. 4° 718.2 Humboldt, Alexander von. Life and travels. London, 1879. 10" 178.11 Life, travels, and books. N.Y., 1859. 12°, 163.5 Travels and researches of. W. Macgillivray. N.Y., 1855. 18° 731.13 Works : Cosmos. N.Y., 1855. 5 v. 12° . . . 644.17 Cuba, The island of. N.Y., 1856. 12°. 227.17 Letters to Varnhagen. 1827-.58. N.Y., 1800. 12° 103.0 Physical description of the heavens. London, 1807. 12° 045.29 Hume, David. Life. Professor Huxley. N.Y., 1879. 12° ". 192.5 Work : England, History of. B.C. 55 to A.D. 1088. Boston, 1854. 6 v. 8° ... 1510.2 Hummel, J. J. The dyeing of textile fabrics. N.Y., 188."). 10° 1011.5 Humming-birds, Genera! history of. \V. C. L. Martin. London, 18.52. 16° 021.14 Humphrey, Frances A. The children of old Park's tavern. N.Y., 1886. 16° . . . 931.18 Humphreys, H. Noel. History of the art of printing. London, 1308. 4° .... 619.1 Humour, wit and satire of tlie seventeenth centurv. J. Ashton, Ed. London, 1883. 12° . ". 1228.10 Hungary, Civil war in. 1848-19. By au Aus- trian ollicer. Phila., 1850. 12° ... 722.4 Hungary in 1851. C. L. Brace. N.Y., 18.52. 12°, 732.2 Hungary. (.Story of the nations.) A. Vain- biiry. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1431.1 Hungary, Travels in. By a Fellow of the Car- p.alliian Society. Boston, 1882. 2 v. 8°, 709.13 HunnCTvell, James F. Bibliography of Charlestown .and Bunker Hill. Boston, 1880. 8° 093.0 France, Historical monuments of. Boston, 1884. 8° 784. 8 The imperial island; England's chronicle in stone. Boston, 1880. 10° .... 1414.4 Lands of Scott. Boston, 1871. 8° . . . 725.13 Hunt, Mrs. Alfred W. The le.aden casket. N.Y., 1881. 10° 376.31 Our grandmothers' gowns. (III.) London, [ii.d.] 12° 1228.21 Hunt, Charles H., Life of. E. Livingston. N.Y., 1864. 8° 100.8 Hunt, E. C. The Shenandoah; or. The last confeder.ate cruiser. N.Y., 1807. 10° . 443. .34 Hunt family. Genealogy of the. T. B. Wyinan. Boston, 1802-0.3. 4° 136.8 Hunt, Freeman. Lives of American merchants. N.Y., 18.56. 2v. 8° 141.3 Worth and wealth. [Essays.] N.Y., i85(i. 12° 222.7 Hunt, Jlrs. Helen. See Jackson, Mrs. H. Hunt, John, and others. The good fight. Sto- ries of Christian martyrs and heroes. N.Y., 1887. 8° 1253.7 Hunt, Leigh. Autobiography of. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 8° 138.12 A d.ay by the fire. Boston, 1870. 12° . . 2.53.13 The old court suburb; or. Memorials of Kensington. Loudon, [n.d.] 12° . . . 282. 1 Poems. Boston, 1S.V.). 2 v. 16°. . . . 611.14 The seer. Boston, 1864. 2 v. 12° . . . 241.19 Stories from Italian poets. London, 1846. 2 v. 12° 165.2 Table-talk. N.Y., 1879. 10° 291.24 The wishing-cap papers. Boston, 1873. 12°, 234.27 and Lee, S. A., Eds. The book of the son- net. Boston, 1807. 1-.^° 585.9 Hunt, JfadelineB. Little hinges. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 449.21 The two H.ardcastles. London, 188.5. 16°, 921.21 Hunt, Thomas Sterry. Chemical and geologi- cal ess.ays. Boston, 1875. 8° . . . . 634.7 Hunt, William M., Records of. H. C. Angell. Boston, 1881. 10° 191.10 Talks on art. Boston, 1875 618.23 The same. (Second series) [ 618.26 Hunt of Eildon, The. The shepherd's calendar. J.Hogg. London, 1878. 12° ... . 382.13 Hunter cats, The, of Connorloa. Mrs. H. Jackson. Boston, 1884. 12° .... 928.2 Hunter, John, and his pupils. (In surgery.) S. D. Gross. Phila.. 1881. 8° . . . . 189.5 Hunter, Joseph. Pilgrim fathers, (in England.) London, 18.54. 8° "... 1417.8 Hunter, W. W. The annals of rural Bengal. N.Y., ISOS. 8° 606.4 The Indian empire. Its history, people, and products. London, 1882. 8° . . . 774.12 Orissa. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° . . . . 667.2 Hunter and Tom. J.Abbott. N.Y., 1871. 10°, 430.4 Hunter and tr.apper, Scenes with, in many lands. Stories of .adventures with wild animals. London, [n.d.] 10° ... . 447.18 Hunter's feast. The. M. Reid. N.Y., [n.d] 10° 468.20 Hunting. Beaufort, Duke of, and Morris, M. Boston, 1SS5. 12° .' 1322.12 Barker, F. C, and Daiiforth, J. S. Hunt- ing and trapping on the upper Magallo- way River, Parniachenee Lake. First winter in the wilderness. Boston, 1882. 16° 771.2 Blaine, D. P. Hunting, fishing, racing, etc. Encyclopedia of rural sports. London, 1870. 8° 639.4 Browning. M. Forty-four years of the life of a Maryland hunter. (Illustrated.) Phila,, 1883. 12° 917.4 By an old hunter. Hunter's hand-book, The. Containing a description of all ar- ticles required in camp, with hints on provisions and stores, and receipts for camp-cooking. Boston, 1885. 18° . . 1241.20 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 176 Hunting of the snark. [Poems.] C. L. Dodg- son. London, 1S76. 12° 611.22 Huntington, Faye, pseud. See Foster, Mrs. I. H. Huntington, F. D. Christian believing and living. Boston, 18(30. 12° 287.5 Home and college. Boston, 1860. 12°. . 262.12 Huntington, L. S. Professor Conant. A story of English and American social and po- litical life. N.Y., 1S84. 12° 958.4 Huntington, Susan. Memoirs. B. B. Wisner. Boston, 1826. 16° 147.21 Hurd, John C. The theory of our national existence, as shown by the action of the government of the U. S. since 1801. Bos- ton, ISSl. 8° 1211.4 Hurricane Hurry. Adventures of a naval oflS- cer. W. H. G. Kingston. N.Y., 1874. 12°, 714 16 Hurrygraphs. X. P. Willis. N.Y., 1851. 12°, 714.10 Hurst, John F. Life and literature in the Fatherland. X.Y., 1875. 2 v. 12° . . 251 6 Husband and wife; or, The theory of mar- riage, and its consequences. G. Z. Gray. Bi>1. Akenside. Portland, 1805. 12° . . . 582.5 Imitation of Christ. T. a Kempis. Boston, 1863. 12' 207. 10 Immen-See. T. Storm. Grandmother and grand-daughter. L. Esche. Phila.,1863. 10° 331.19 Immortal life. The. J. Weiss. Boston, 1880. 12° 124.12 Impostors and adventurers. Noted French trials. II. W. Fuller. Boston, 1882. 10°, 1212.29 Impressions and reminiscences. Mme. Dude- vant. Boston, 1877. 12° 210.19 Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Mrs. M. Cross. N.Y., 1879. 12° .337.32 Imprisonment and escape of Captain C. II. Bi'own from Chilian convicts. Boston, 18.54. 12° 723.18 Improvisatore, The. II. C. Andersen. N.Y., 1.S09. 12° 317.9 The same 347.41 In a grass country. A story of love and sport. Mrs. H. L. Cameron. Phila., 1886. 12°, 970.10 In a winter city. A story of the day. L. de la Rame. Phila., 1870. 12° 364.41 In aid of faith. [Lectures.] L Abbott. N.Y., jSSO. 10° ... 1247.8 In Bohemia. [Poems.] J. B. O'Reilly. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 10° .588.4 In change unchanged. L. Villari. N.Y., 1877. 10° 308.16 In doors and out; or. Views from the chimney corner. \V. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 940.20 In durance vile, and other stories. Mrs. M. Argles. Phila., 18S5. 12° 900.15 In exile. W. von St. Phil.a., 1871. 12° .-. 423.17 In extremis. Mrs. R. S. Gieenough. Boston, 1S72. 10° 304.7 In His name. E.E.Hale. Boston, 1873. 8°, 340.19 In honor bound. C. Gibbon. N.Y., 1875. 8° 427.4 In Leisler's times. An historical story of Knickerbocker New York. E. S. Brooks. Boston, [n.d.] 12° '. . 976.'ll In New Grenada; or, Heroes and patriots. (Juvenile.) W. II. G. Kingston. Lon- don, 1879. 10° 449 . 1 1 In No-man's land. A wonder story. E. S. Brooks. Boston, [n.d.] 16° .... 935.10 In partnership. Studies in story-telling. B. Matthews and H. C. Bunner. N.Y., 1884. 16° 902.15 In prison and out. A story of London life. II. Smith. N.Y., 1880. 12° 390.11 In Sancho Panza's pit. Mrs. B. S. Cunning- ham. Phila., 188:5. 12° 944.19 In school and college. A tale for youth. N.Y., [n.d.) 10° 451.21 In school and out. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 4.57.14 In search of the castaways. .J. Verne. Phila., 1873. 8° 324.1 In silk attire. W. Black. N.Y., 1870. 8°. . 347-45 The same 347.55 The same 948.3 In strange company. Experiences of a roving correspondent. J.Greenwood. London, 1874. 12° 713.15 The same 1227.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ill In the brush; or, Old-time social, political, and religious life in the Southwest. 11. W. Pierson. N.Y., 1881. 12° 768.20 In the Carquinez woods. B. Harte. Boston, 1884. 18° 951.1 In the distance. [A novel.] G. P. Lathrop. Boston, 1882. 10° 388.19 In the golden days. [A novel.] Miss Bailey. N.Y., 1880. 16° 975.10 In the harbour. Ultima Thule. (Part II.) H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1882. 10°. 583.27 In the Levant. C. D. Warner. Boston, 1877. 12° 491.11 In the mist. K. Porter. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° . 363.82 In the olden time. [A novel.] C. C. Clark. N.Y., 1883. 16° 949.1 In the power of the Spirit; or. Christian expe- rience in the light of the Bible. W. E. Boardman. Boston, [n.d.] 16° ... 291.6 In the Rocky Mountains. A tale of adventure. W. U. G. Kingston. N.Y., 1878. 12° . 449.9 In the saddle. Poems on horseback-riding. Boston, 1882. 10° 583.28 In theSchillingscourt. E.John. Mrs. Wister, Trans. Phila., 1879. 12° 392.16 The same 396.1 In the sky-garden. Mrs. L. W. Champney. (111. by •'Champ.") Boston, 1877. 12°, 436.25 In the toils. A story of Mormon life. Mrs. A. G. Paddock. Chicago, 1S79. 12°. . 386.11 In the track of the troops. E. M. Ballautyne. London, 1879. 16° 449.3 In the Trades, the Tropics and the Soaring Forties. A. Brassey. N.Y., 1885. 8° . 785.9 In the world. Sequel to " Battles at home." M. G. Darling. Boston, 1871. 12° . . 412.6 Intrust. A.M.Douglas. Boston, 1806. 12°, 425.12 In war time. [A novel.] S. W.' Mitchell. Boston, 1885. 16° 966.8 Ina. A novel. K. Valerio. Boston, 1^71. 8° 347.12 Incidents in my life. D. D. Home. N.Y., 1872. 12° 147.11 Independence Hall. An historical account of the old State House of Pennsylvania. F. M. Etting. Boston, 1876. 4° . . . 538.1 India, and Indian. (Relating to the Empire.) Allen, D. O. Ancient and modern India. Boston, 1856. 8° 478.3 Andrew, W. P. India and her neighbours. London, 1878. 8° 692.2 Arnold, E. Indian idylls. From the San- scrit of the Mahdbharata. Boston, 1883. 12° 576.21 Ijulia revisited. Boston, 1886. 12° . . 797.11 Bartli, A. The religions of India. Boston, 1882. 12° 1213.11 Braddon, E. Life in India. London, 1872. 12° 715.17 Bucklaud, C. T. Sketches of social life in India. London, 1884. 16° 781.2 Butler, W. The land of the Veda. N.Y., 1372. 8° 726.1 The same 779.10 Caird, J. The land and the people. Lon- don, 1883. 8° 784.5 Gaunter, H. Romance of the history of India. London, [n.d.] 12° 532.4 Davids, T. W. K. History of Indian Buddhism. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion. N.Y., 1882. 8° . . 1215.4 India, and Indian — continued. Description of India, with an account of the Hindoos. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 16°, 731.6 Duff, M. E. G. Notes of an Indian jour- ney. Loudon, 1876. 8° 716.17 Feudge, F. R. History of India. Boston, 1880. 12° 592.2 Forbes, G. S. Wild life in Canara and Ganjam. London, 1885. 12° .... 792.17 Half-hours in the far East. (Among the people and wonders of India.) X.Y., 1876. 12° 491.4 Holmes, T. R. E. History of the Indian mutiny, and of the disturbances which accompanied it. London, 1883. 8° . . 1423.1 Hunter, W. W. The Indian empire. Its history, people, and products. London, 1882. 8° 774.12 Indian mirror, The; or. Illustrations of Bible truth drawn from life in India. London, 1878. 12° 282.24 Kays, J. W. laves of Indian officers. Illustrative of the history of the civil and military services of India. London, 1867. 2 v. 8° 174.17 Kennedy, J. Life and work in Benares and Kumaon. 1839-77. London, 1884. 12°, 792.16 Kingston, W. H. G. Adventures in India. London, 1884. 16° 922.14 Leouowens, Mrs. A. H. Life and travel in India. Recollections of a journey before the days of railroads. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 793.1 Lewin, T. H. A fly on the wheel ; or, How I helped to govern India. London, 1885. 8° 796.3 Macleod, N. Days in north India. Phila., 1870. 12° 734.1 Malcom, J. Central India, including Mal- wa, and adjoining provinces; with the history of the past and present condition of that country. London, 1880. 2 v. 12°, 775.6 Moore, J. The Queen's empire; or, Ind and her pearl. Phila., 1886. 8° . . . 794.7 Murray, II., and others. History and de- scription of British India. N.Y., 1855. 3 V. 16° 471.6 Nolan, E. H. History of the British em- • pire in India. From the earliest times, to the suppression of the Sepoy mutiny, in 1859. London, [n.d.] 2v. "s°. . . . 538.4 Rice, W. "Indian game." From quail to tiger. London, 1884. 8° 783.10 Russell, W. H. My diary in India. 1858- 59. London, [n.d.] 12° 491.13 Shakespeare, H. Wild sports of India. Boston, 1860. 12° 4.37.11 Taylor, B. A visit to India, China, and Japan. N.Y., 185.5. 12° 714.18 Vambery, A. The coming struggle for India. An account of the encroachments of Russia in central Asia, and of the difficulties sure to arise therefrom, to England. N.Y., 188.5. 12° .. . . . 1422.7 Wakefield, W. Our life and travels in In- dia. London, 1878. 8° 763.23 Weber, A. History of Indian literature. Boston, 1878. 12° 284.3 Wheeler, J. T. A short history of India, and of the frontier states of Afghanistan, Nipal and Burma. London, 1880. 12°. 691.2 178 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. India, and Indian — concluded. Wright, C. Life and customs in India. Boston, ISCn. 8" 727.9 India, or Pearl River. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Soulb- worlli. Pliila., 1S61. 12° 41.5.18 Indians. (Kelating toNorlli American Indians.) Beach, W. \V., Ed. Tbe Indian miscollany. Containing papers on tlie history, antiq- uities, art, languages, religions, traditions, and superstitions of the American abo- rigines; with descriptions of their domes- tic life, customs, etc. Albany, N.Y., 1877. 8° 488.13 Catlin, G. North American ludians. Lon- don, 1800. 2 V. 8° r)47.1 Caverly, R. B. History of the Indian wars of N. E. Fifty years in tbe midst of tliem. Boston, 1882. 12° .50.5.9 Clark, W. P. Indian sign language; with notes of the gestures taught deaf-mutes, in our institutions for their instruction. Pbila., 1883. 8° 1319.9 Church, B. Expeditions against the In- dians and French. 1689-1704. Boston, 1867. 4° 518.19 Dodge, B. I. Our wild Indians. Thirty- three years' personal experience among the red men of the West. Their social life, religion, traits, customs, etc. Hart- ford, 1882. 8° 697.4 Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks. N.Y., 188.5. 8° 1423.3 Dunn, J. P. Indian wars of the far West. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1433.1 Eliot, J. The Indian primer. 1669. To which is prefixed the Indian covenanting confession. Reprinted from the originals ; with an introduction by John Small. Edinburgh, 1880. 12° 592.10 Emerson, E. R. Indian myths; or. Le- gends, traditions, and symbols of the abo- rigines of America, compared with other countries. Boston, 1884. 8° .... 1234.1 Pierce, E. W. Indian history, biography, and genealogy. (Pertaining to the Good Sachem Massasoit of tlie Wamparioag Tribe and his descendants.) North Ab- ington, Mass., 1878. 12° 497.19 Schoolcraft, H. E. Personal memoirs of thirty years' residence with Indian tribes. 1812-42. Phila., 18.51. 8° 152.6 Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. N.Y., 1834. 2 V. 8" 121 8 Indian Pass, The. (Essex Co., N.Y.) A. B. Street. N.Y., 1869. 16° 452.7 Indian summer. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1886. 12° 972.22 Individualism: its growth and tendencies; with some suggestions as to the remedy for its evils. Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge. Nov., 1880. A. N. Littlejohn. N.Y., 1881. 16° . . 1212.4 Industrial arts, The. (Machinery and pro- cesses.) F. A. P. Barnard. N.Y., 1869. 8° 636.6 Industrial arts, Chefs-d'ceuvre of the. P. Burty. N.Y., 1869. 8° 652.10 Industrial biography. Iron workers and tool makers. S. Smiles. Boston, 1864. 12°, 162.9 Industrial drawing for beginners. Boston, 1872. 12° 669.23 Industries of the British Isles and the U. S. G. P. Bevan. London, 1882. 12° . . . 687.9 Industries of the U. S., The great. By various authors. Uarlfovd, 1872. 8° . . . . 634.4 Inebriism. A pathological and psychological study. T. L. Wright. Columbus, Ohio, ia8.5. 16° 1328.1.5 Inez: a tale of the Alamo. Mrs. A. J. Wilson. N.Y., 1879. 12° .387.2 Infancy, Management of. A. Combe. N.Y., 184.5. 12° 646.26 Infantry tactics. IhUj.-Gfti. S. Casey, U.S.A. N.Y., 1802. 3 v. 18° 291.14 Infelice. Mrs. A. J. Wilson. N.Y., 1876. 12°, 317.27 Infidel oV)jections to the Scriptures, considered and refuted. F. B. Whitraore. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1237. .5 Infinite, The, and the finite. T. Parsons. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 243.20 Influence of Jesus. (The Bohlen lectures, 1879.) P.Brooks. N.Y., 1879. 12°. . 292.9 Information for the people. W. and R. Chara- Ijers. Phila., 1867. 2 v. 8° .... 237.1 Ingelo'wr, Jean. Don John. (No name series.) Boston, 1881. 16° 385.14 The same 38.5.15 Fated to be free. Sequel to " Off the Skel- ligs." Boston, 1875. 16° 301.9 Monitions of the unseen; and Poems of love and childhood. Boston, 1871. 16°, 564.8 Mopsa the fairy. Boston, [n.d.] 16° . . 453.17 Off the Skelligs. Boston, 1872. 16° . . 361.7 The same .361.8 Poems. Boston, 1864. 16° 564.7 Poems of the old days, and the new. Bos- ton, 1885. 16° 5a5.11 Poor Matt. Boston, 1866. 16° .... 402.27 Sarah de Berenger. Boston, 1879. 12° . .392.17 The same 392.18 A sister's bye-hours. Boston, 1868. 16° . 361.10 Stories told to a child. Boston, 1866. 16° 462.28 The same. (Second series) 462.26 The story of doom, and other poems. Bos- ton, 1867. 16° 564.9 Studies for stories. Boston, 1865. 10°. . 361.6 IngersoU, Ernest. Country cousins. Short studies in the natural history of the U.S. N.Y., 1884. 4° 926.14 The same 926.15 Friends worth knowing. Glimpses of Amer- ican natural history. N.Y., 1881. 16° . 921.2 The ice queen. N.Y., 188.5. 16° . . . . 918.12 Knocking round the Rockies. N.Y., 1883. 8° , 773.16 The same 774.6 IngersoU, L. D. History of the War Depart- ment of the U.S. Washington, 1880. 8° 692.1 IngersoU and Moses. A reply. Ret. S. I. Cur- tiss. Chicago, 1880. 16° 127.18 Ingham, Col. Frederic, pseud. See Hale, E. E. Ingham papers. The. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1869. 12° 253.10 Inglises, The; or. How the way opened. M. R. Robertson. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . . .379.8 Ingo. G. Freytag. N.Y., 1873. 16°. . . . 362.15 Ingoldsby, Thomas, pseud. See Barham, R. H. Ingoldsby legends, The. R. H. Barham. X.Y., 1866. 2v. 12° 012.9 Ingraban. G. Freytag. N.Y., 1873. 16° . . .362.20 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 179 Ingraham, J. H. Life and experience of a northern governess in the sunny South. N.y., l&'^O. 12° 379.20 The throne of David. Phila., 1860. 12° . 341.6 Ingraham, .J. P. T. Why we believe the Bible. N.Y., 1SS.5. IG^ ." 1238.10 Ingram, James. Oxford, Memorials of. Ox- forl, 1S38. 2 V. 8° 515.1 Ingram, John. Flora symbolica. London, [n.d.] 8^ 648.8 Ingram, John H. Foe, Edgar Allan, Life, let- ters and opinions of. London, 1880. 2 v. 12° 170.5 Inheritance, The. S. E. Ferrier. London, ISSl. 2 V. 12" 953.9 Initials and pseudonyms: A dictionary of liter- ary disguises. W. Cnshing. N.T., 1885. 8° 1233.6 Initials, The. Baroness Tautpha'us. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 361.25 Inland voyage, An. R. L. Stevenson. Boston, 1833. 10° 771.12 Inman, Thomas. Ancient pagan and modern Christian symbolism. N.T., 1880. 8° . 676.3 Inn album. The. [Poem.] R.Browning. Bos- ton. 1870. 16° 567.19 Innocent. Mrs. M O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 187.!. 8° 323.5 Innocents abroad. S. L. Clemens. Hartford, 1870. 8° 716.7 The same 710.8 Insanity. Buckham, T. R. Insanity consid- ered in its medico-legal relations. Phila., 1883. 8° 1315.2 Hammond, W. A. Insanity in its relations to crime. X.Y., 1873. 8° 633.4 Stearns, H. P. Insanity: its causes and prevention. N.Y., 188.3. 12° ... . 1312.12 Storer, H. R. Reflex insanity in women. Causation, course, and treatment. Bos- ton, 1871. 16° 637.10 Tuke, D. H. Insanity in ancient and mod- ern life. With chapters on its prevention. London, 1878. 12° 6.58.7 Insects. (Entomology.) Architecture, Insect. London, [n.d.] 10°, 621.19 Ballard, J. P. Insect lives; or. Born in prison. Cincinnati, 1879. 12° ... . 674.5 Duncan, P. M. The transformations, or metamorphoses, of insects. X.Y., 1882. 8° 1311.4 The same 618.16 Figuier, L. The insect world. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1:512.22 Harris, T. W. Insects of N.E. injurious to vegetation. Boston, 1862. 8° . . . . 558.5 The same 623.18 Jaeger, B. The life of North American in- sects. N.Y., 1859. 12° 622.15 Jenny and the insects; or. Little toilers and their industries. London, 1880. 16°. . 672.0 Michelet,J. The insect. London, 1875. 8°, 240.26 Miscellanies, Insect. London, [n.d.] 16°. 621.27 Xatural history of insects. N. Y., 1855. 2 v. 16° 621.26 Packard, A. S. Our common insects. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 655.25 Say, T. Insects of North America. Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 8° 622.2 Transformations, Insect. London, [n.d.] 16° 621.28 Insects — concluded. Treat, M. Insects injurious to the farm and garden. N.Y., 1882. 12° ... . 672.9 Wood, J. G. Insects athome. N.Y., 1872. 8° 6.36.3 Wood, T. Our insect allies. London, 1884. 16° 1321.8 Our insect enemies. N.Y., 188.5. 16° . . 1328.6 Insectivorous plants. C. Darwin. N.T., 1875. 12° 647.21 Institute essays. Read before the Ministers' Institute, Providence, R.I., 1879. With an introduction by H. W. Bellows. Bos- ton. 1880. 8° 125.15 Insuppressible hook. The. A controversy between Frederic Harrison and Herbert Spencer, from the '" Nineteenth Century" and "Pall Mall Gazette," with comments byM. A. Dodge. Boston, 188.5. 12°. .1248.16 Insurrections in Massachusetts, History of (1780.) G. R. Minot. Boston, 1810. 8°. 531.6 Intellectual development of Europe, History of the. J. W. Draper. N.Y., 1870. 2 v. 12° 483.37 Intellectual life. The. P. G. Haraerton. Bos- ton, 1S73. 12° 234.5 Intellectual powers. Inquiries concerning the. J. Abercrombie. N.Y., 18.5.5. 16°. . . 625.24 Intelligence of animals. The. E. Menault. N.Y., 1869. 16° 621.12 International episode. An. H. James, Jr. N.y., 1879. 32° - . 391.8 International law. W. E. Hall. Oxford, ISSO. 8° 293.14 International law, and international relations. An attempt to ascertain the best method of discussing the topics of international law. J. K. Stephen. London, 1884. 12°, 1242.22 International Monthly Magazine of literature, science and art. Jan. -Dec, 1851. N.Y., 1851. 2 V. 8° 754.6 Interpreter, The. A tale of the war. G. J. W". Melville. London, [n.d.] 12°. . . 955.10 Into unknown seas; or. The cruise of two sailor-boys. David Ker. N.Y., 1886. 18°, 921.25 Inundation, The. A Christmas story. Mrs. C. F. Gore. London, [n.d.] 16° . . . 451.23 Inventions, Wonderful. J. Timbs. London, 1S6S. 16° 641.17 Inventors and discoverers. J. Tirabs. N.Y., 1860. 12° 224.13 Invisible empire. The. Part I. The fool's errand. Part II. A review of recent events, showing the elements on which the tale is based, etc. A. W. Tourg^e. N.Y., 1880. 12° 394.14 Invisible lodge. The. J. P. F. Richter. N.Y., 1883. 10° 949.8 Involuntary voyage. An. L. Biart. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 386.16 lona. Duke of Argyll. London, 1871. 12° . 236.24 loTwa, The census of. (187.5.) Des Moines, 1875. 8° 851.12 Ipswich, Mass. The celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town. Aug. 16, 1S84. Boston, 1884. 8° 1424.6 Ireland, and Irish. Bio'jraphy. Blackburne, E. O. Illustrious Irish- women. [Memoirs.] London, 1877. 2v. 8° 183.10 180 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ireland, and Irish. Biography — continued. Filzpati ic-k, W. .1. Irisli wits uiul worth- ies. Dublin, 1873. 8° 134.0 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Slietehes of Irish char- acter. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 244.13 Jones, W. B. A life's work in Ireland, of a landlord who tried to do his duty. London, 1880. 12° 1W.-J2 Lecky, W. K. H. Leaders of public opin- ion in Ireland. Swift, Flood, Grattan, O'Connell. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... . 187. f> The same 222.2 O'Flanagan, J. R. The Irish bar. An- ecdotes and biograpliical sketches, of the bench and bar of Ireland. Lon- don, 1B79. 12° 1210.0 Shell, K. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. N.Y., 18.54. 2v. 12° 264.11 Bistory. Devoy, J. History of Ireland, the land of Eire. The Irish Land League, etc. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 783.7 Duffy, C. G. Young Ireland. A frag- ment of Irish history. 1840-1850. N.Y'., 1881. 12° 760.24 Four years of Irish history. N. Y., 188:3. 8° 097.11 Godkin, J. Land-war in Ireland. Lon- don, 1870. 8° 521. .5 Hickson, M. Ireland in the seventeenth century; or. The Irish massacres of 1041-42. London, 1884. 2 v. 8° . . 1423.4 Joyce, R. D. Legends of the war in Ire- land. Boston, 1808. 10° 218.14 O'Conor, W. A. History of the Irish people. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 12°. . 598. .i Russell, C. "New views on Ireland;" or, Irish land. Grievances. Remedies. London, 1880. 12° 706.23 Smith, G. Irish liistory, and Iri.sh char- acter. London, 1868. 16° 472.11 Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland. N.Y., 1854. 2v. 16° 471.11 Walpole, C. G. A short history of the kingdom of Ireland. From the earliest times, to the union with Great Britain. N.Y., 1882. 12° 595.13 Miscellaneous. Carleton, W. Irish peasantry. Loudon, 1869. 2 v. 12° 347.10 Carlyle, T. My Irish journey in 1849. N.Y., 1882. 12° 772.17 Eloquence, Irish. Speeches of Phillips, Currau and Grattan. Phila., 1840. 8° 231.12 King, D. B. The Irish question. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1222.5 Landlord, The Irish, and his accusers. With an account of misguided legis- lation, and consequent demoralization and danger. By " Political Economy." . London, 1882. 8° 599.6 McGrath, T. Pictures from Ireland. N.Y., 1881. 16° .376.28 Shand, A. I. Letters from the West of Ireland. (18S4.) Edinburgh, 1885. 16°, 781.10 The same 781.15 Stories, Irish, tales and legends. N.Y., 1882. 12° 942.24 Thackeray, W. M. Irish sketch-book. Boston, 1875. 12° 373.7 Ireland, and Irish. Miscellaneous — concluded. Thebaud, A. J. The Irish race in the past and present. N.Y., 1873. 8° . . 522.3 Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish life. Boston, 1880. 10° 123.10 The same 201.9 Williams, A. M. Poets and poetiy of Irelaiui. Boston, 1881. 12° ... . 575.12 Ireland, Joseph N. Duff, Mrs., Life of. Bos- ton, 1882. 12° 111:;. 10 Ireland, Mrs. Mary E. Timothy: his neigh- bors and his friends. Phila., 1882. 12°. 942.20 Irene the missionary. Boston, 1879. 12° . . 383.8 Iris. Mrs. Randolph. I'hila., 1882. 12° . . 944.1 Irish garland. An. [Poems.] Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. Boston, 1885. 12° 577.10 Iron cousin, The. Mrs. M. C. Clarke. N.Y., 187.3. 12° 313.24 Iron crown. An. A tale of the great republic. Chicago, [n.d.] 12° 074.14 Iron gate, The, and other poems. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1880. 12° 582.24 Iron horse, The; or. Life on the line. A tale of the Grand National Trunk Railway. R. M. Ballantyne. London, 1877. 10° . 446.20 Irving, Fannie Belle. Six girls. A home story for girls. Boston, 1885. 4° 929.5 The same .378. .34 Irving, Edward. Life and correspondence. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 1S02. 8°, 149.4 Irving, Henry. A short account of his public life. N.Y., 188:3. 18° 1121.2 Irving, Henry, in England and America. F. Daly. London, 1884. 12° 1128.13 Irving, Henry. His impressions of America. Narrated in a series of sketches, chroni- cles, and conversations. J. Hatton. Bos- ton. 1SS4. 12° 782.22 Irving, Joseph. Annals of our tunes. Lon- don, 1875. 8° 481.12 Irving, Washington. Hill, D. J. Life. N.Y., 1870. 10° 194.3 Irving, P. M. Life and letters. N.Y., 1862. 4v. 8° 142.4 Warner, 0. D. Life. (American mi'n of letters.) Boston, 1881. 16° 1111.3 Il''or/L.s ; Adventures of Captain Bonneville. N.Y., 18.54. 12° 713.11 Alhambra, The. N.Y., 1855. 12° . . 218.10 Astoria. N.Y., 1855. 12° 712.5 Bracebridge Hall. N.Y., 185.5. 12° . . 218.8 Columbus, Life and voyages of. N.Y., 1S55. 3v. 12° 732.1 The Crayon miscellany. N.Y.,1854. 12°, 243.6 Goldsmith, Oliver, Life of. N.Y., 18.55. 12°, 218.11 The same. 2 v. 16° 131.9 Grenada, The conquest of. Phila., 1871. 16° 473.19 Knickerbocker's history of New York. N.Y., 1855. 12° 218.9 Mahomet and his successors. N.Y., 1854. 2v. 8° l:J9.1 Sketch-book. N.Y., 1855. 12°. . . . 218.17 Spanish papers, and other miscellanies. N.Y., 1800. 2v. 12° 223.4 T.ales of a traveller. N.Y., 1855. 12° . .342.14 Washington, George, Life of. N.Y., 18.56. 5v. 12° 105.9 and William, and Paulding, J. K. Sal- magundi. Phila., 1870. 10°. , . . 202.23 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 181 Is Darwin right? or, The origin of man. W. Denton. Wellesley, Mass., 1881. 12° . 678.21 Is eternal punishment endless? Boston, 1S76. 16° 266.32 Is life worth living? W. H. Mallock. N.Y., 1S79. 12° 286.20 Is that all? (No name series.) H.W.Preston. Boston, 1876. 16° 362.54 The same 362. .55 Is our republic a failure? A discussion of the rights and wrongs of the Xorth and South. E. H. Watson. N.Y., 1877. 12°, 491.23 Isabel's secret; or, A sister's love. A story for girls. London, 1883. 16° 921.15 Iseulte. C. L. H. Dempster. N.Y., 1875. 8°, 325.24 The same 357.20 Ishmael ; or, In the depths. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworlh. Phila., 1876. 12° ... 417.15 Isis unveiled: A master-key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. Mme. H. P. Blavatsky. N.T., 1877. 2 v. 8° 274.9 Vol. I. Science. Vol. II. Theology. Islam, and its founder. J. W. H. Stobart. London, [n.d.] 16° 271.26 Island life; or, Tlie phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras. Including a revision, and attempted solution, of the problem of geological climates. A. K. Wallace. Jf.Y., 18S1. 8° 677 3 Island pearl, An. B. L. Farjeon. N.Y., 1876. 8° .365.5 . Isle of Wight. Its history, topography and antiquities. London, 1882. 16° . . . 781..3 Isles of Shoals. J. S. Jenness. KY., 1873. 12°, 722.13 Isles of Shoals, Among the. C. Thaxter. Boston, 1873. 16° 711.12 Isles of summer; or, Nassau and the Bahamas. C.Ives. New Haven, 1880. 12° . . . 768.14 Isles of the sea; or, Young America homeward bound. W.T.Adams. Boston, 1877. 16°, 4.58.21 Ismailia. S.W.Baker. N.Y., 1875. 8° . . 717.3 Isoult Barry of Wynscote. A tale of Tudor times. E. S. Holt. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 426.7 Isms, Old and new. [Sermons.] G. C. Lori- nier. Chicago, 1881. 1-1° 1212.6 Israel, The land of. Journal of travels in Pal- estine. H. B. Tristram. London, 1870. 8° 494.6 Israel and England, Links in the chain of evi- dence connecting. J. L. Feiiden. Lon- don, 1870. 12° 272.17 Israel Mort. A tale of the mine. J. Saunders. Phila., 1872. 12° 411.4 Israel of the Alps, The. A. Muston. London, 18.52. 12° 484.10 Israelites, The. History and literature. C. a(i(Z A. de Rothschild. London, 1872. 10°, 473.24 It is the fashion. A. von Auer. Phila., 1872. 1'2° 317.2 Italy, and Italian. Art. Scott, L. Renaissance of modern art in Italy. N.Y., 1883. 4° R. L. Vasari, Stories of the Italian artists, from. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1129.10 Viardot, L. Wonders of Italian art. N.Y., 1870. 16° 651.21 Bio'jraphy. Balzani, U. Italy. (Early chroniclers of Europe.) London, 1883. 12° ... 1413.8 Italy, and Italian. Biography — continued. Ferris, G. T. The great Italian and French composers. N.Y., 1879. 10°. 191.5 Hunt, L. Lives of, and stories from Italian poets. London, 1846. 2 v. 12° 165.2 Stebbing, H. Lives of Italian poets. Lon- don, 1832. 3v. 8° 114.2 History. Abbott, J. S. C. Italy from the earliest period, to the present day. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 524.4 Arthur, W. Italy in transition. N.Y., 1860. 12° 721.6 From dawn to dark in Italy. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 414.5 Greene, N. History of Italy. N.Y.,1855. 16° 472.1 Hodgkiu, T. Italy and her invaders. 376-535. 0.xford, 1880. 4 v. 8° . . 694.5 Vol. I. The Visigothic invasion. II. The Hunnish, the Vandal, and the Herulian invasions. III. The Ostrogothic invasion. IV. The Imperial restoration. Macfarlane, C. Romance of the history of Italy. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 537.2 Probyn, J. W. Italy: from the fall of Napoleon I. in 1815, to the death of Victor Emmanuel in 1878. N.Y., 18S4. 8° 1424.8 Spalding, W. Italy and the Italian islands. N.Y.,"l854. 3 v. 16° 472.2 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. N.Y, 18S1. 3 v. 8° 1216.4 Vol. I. The age of the despots. II. The revival of learning. IIL The fine arts. The same. Vol. Ill 628.12 The same. Vol. IV. Italian literature. N.Y., 1882. 2v. 8° 1218.8 Travel. Amicis, E. de. Military life in Italy. N.Y., 1882. 12° ". 773.22 The same 778.21 Boedeker, K. Central Italy and Rome. [A guide-book.] Boston, 1879. 16° . 764.6 Northern Italy, including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna, the island of Cor- sica, and routes through France, Switzerland, and Austria. Boston, 1877. 16° 7&i.5 Southern Italy, and .Sicily, with excur- sions to the Lipari Islands, Malta, Sardinia, Tunis, and Corfu. Boston, 1877. 10° 764.7 Benson, E. Art and nature in Italy. Boston, 1882. 16° 771.7 Bianciardi, Mrs. E. D. R. At home in Italy. Boston, 1884. 16° 771.19 Carr, Mrs. C. Xorth Italian folk. Sketches of town and country life. London, 1878. 12° 1219.9 Cummings, J. W. Itali.an legends and sketches. X.Y., 18.58. 16° . . . . 225.15 Devereux, W. C. Fairltaly. TheRiviera, and Monte Carlo. Italy, Sicily and Malta. London, 1884. 12° .... 786.10 The same 789. 6 Elliot, F. Diary of in idle woman in Italy. Leipzig, 1872, 2 v. 10°. . . 711.11 182 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Italy, ami Itali.in. Travel — continued. Hare, A. J. C. Cities of norlhern and cciilral Italy. N.Y., imi 3 v. 12° . 483.35 Cities of soutlieni Italy, and Sicily. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 775.3 Ilillard, G. S. Six moiilhs in Italy. Bos- ton, 1853. 12° " . . . 734.8 Howells, W. D. Italian jimiiii'ys. N.Y., 18(57.^ 12° 714.1 The same 762.12 Jarves, J. .J. Italian rarabU's. Studies of life and manners, in new and old Italy. NY., 1883. 16° 771.13 Manning. S. Italian pictures; drawn with pen and pencil. London, [n.d] 8°, .5(i8.0 Norton, C. E. Notes of travel and study in Italy. Boston, 18()0. 12° ... . 663.21 Paget, v. Studies of the eighteenth cen- tury in Italy. London, ISSO. S° . . 77!l.6 Bitchie, A. C. Italian life and legends. N.Y., 1870. 12° 734.1.-i Stories of life in Italy. By an Italian Countess. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 722.0 Stieler, K. Paulus, E., and Kaden, W. From the Alps to Mount Etna. Lon- don, [n.d.] 4° R. L. Italy, and Italian. Travel — concluded. Symonds, J. A. Italian byways. N.Y., 1883. 12° 778.4 Taine, H. A. Italy, Florence and Ven- ice. N.Y., 1869. 8° 716. y Italy, Rome .and Naples. N.Y., 1868. 8° 664.10 Italian and other studies. F. IIuelTer. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 786.2 Italian girl. The. K. .S.. Washburn. Boston, 1874. 12° 363.38 Italian popular tales. T. K. Crane. Boston, 188.5. 8° 395.25 Italians, The. [A novel.] F. Elliot. N.Y., 1S7.5. 12° 414.3 Ivan de Biron. A. Helps. Boston, 1874. 12° 354.13 The same 354.14 Ivanhoe. W.Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12°. 314.11 The same 315.11 Ives, Charles. Isles of summer; or, Nassau and the Bahamas. New Haven, 1880. 12° 768.14 Ivimey, Joseph. Milton, John, Life and times of. N.Y., 1833. 12° 21)7.14 Ivors. E. M. Sewell. N.Y., 1857. 2 v. 12°. 345.15 J. Jack. A. Daudet. Boston, 1877. 12° . . . 368.23 Jack and Jill. A village story. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1880. 16° 327. .'54 The same 327.35 Jack Archer. A tale of the Crimea. G. A. Ilenty. Boston, 1884. 12° 928.3 Jack Arcombe. (Juvenile.) W. J. Bradley. Boston, 1868. 16° 442.43 The same 464.8 Jack Granger's cousin. J. A. Jtathews. Bos- ton, 1877. 16° 445.21 Jack Hazard and liis fortunes. J. T. Trow- bridge. Boston, 1871. 16° 437.5 The same 445.8 Jackllinton. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.] 16°, 351.12 Jack in the jungle. Adventures among wild men and wild beasts. P. T. Barnum. N.Y., 1880. 12° 912.16 Jack Manly: his adventures by sea and land. J.S.Grant. London, [n.d.| 16°. . . .384.15 Jack of the mill. W. Howitt. N.Y., 1868. 16° 444.30 The same. 8° 347. .39 Jack Tier. J.F.Cooper. X.Y., 18.5.5. 12° . 312.18 Tlie same 381.10 Jack's courtship. A sailor's yarn of love and shipwreck. W. C. Russell. N.Y., 18a5. 16° 966.1 Jack's sister. D. Navers. N.Y., 1874. 8° . 427.2 Jack's ward; or, The boy guardian. II. Alger, Jr. Boston, 187-5. 16° 441.9 Jackanapes. J. H. Ewiug. Boston, 1885. 16°, 921.22 Jackanapes. Daddy Darwin's dovecot. The story of a short life. J. H. Ewing. Bos- ton, 1886. 16° 931.13 Jackson, Andrew. Life. Boston, 1876. 12°, 176.8 Parton, J. Life of. (Vol. I. missing.) N.Y., 1860. 3v. 8° 156.3 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson as a public man. (American statesmen.) Boston, 1882. 12° 1114.8 Jackson, Basil. Military surveying. London, 1860. 8° 642.9 Jackson, Lad]/ Catherine Charlotte. The court of France in the sixteenth century. 1514- 1.559. N.Y., 1880. 2 v. 8° 1429.6 Jackson, Francis. Newton, Miiss., History of, from 1639 to 1800. Boston, 18.54. 8° . 543.7 Jackson, George A. The post-Nicene Greek fathers. N.Y., 188.3. Iso 1121.1 Jackson, George Russell. Ambergris Island; or. The new Eldorado. Boston, 1882. 16° 941.22 Jackson, Mis. Helen {formerly Mrs. Hunt ; psexul., H. II.) Bits of talk about home matters. Boston, 1873. 16° 263.25 Bits of talk for young folks. Boston, 1876. 18° .^ 441.28 Bits of travel. Boston, 1872. 12° ... 661. 2i: Bits of travel at home. Boston, 1878. 16°, 761.2 A century of dishonor. N.Y., 1881. 12° . .592.9 Glimpses of three coasts. Boston, 1886. 12° 797.8 The hunter cats of Connorloa. Boston, 1884. 12° 928.2 Letters from a cat. Boston, 1879. 12°. . 911.7 Nellie's silver mine. Boston, 1878. 16° . 445.29 Ramona. Boston, 1884. 12° 965.3 The same 965.4 The same 968.10 The same 968.11 Verses. Boston, 1870. 16° 5.51.42 Zeph. (A posthmnous story.) Boston, 1885. 12° 972.12 The same 972.13 Jackson, John. Treatise on wood engraving. London, 1861. 8° 618.7 Jackson, Sheldon. Alaska, and missions on the north Pacific coast. N.Y., 1880. 12°, 766.1 Jackson, Thomas. Our dumb companions. London, [n.d.] 8° 462.2 Our dumb neighbors. London, 1870. 8° . 462.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 183 Jackson, Gen. Thomas J. ("Stonewall Jack- son.") Allen, W. History of his cam- paign in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia, Nov., 1861,-June, 1862. Phila., 1880. 8° 092.9 Ranilolph, S. X. Life. Phila., 1876. 12°, 172.3 Jacob Faithful. F. Marryat. N.Y., 1867. 12°, 455.17 Jacob Schuyler's millions. [A novel.] X.Y., 1886. lij° 975.5 Jacobites, The, Memoirs of. Mrs. Thomson. Lomlon, 1845. 3 v. 8° 106.13 Jacobs, Bela. Life. By his daughter. Bos- ton, 1837. 16° 131.16 Jacobs, S. S. White Oak, and its neighhors. Boston, 1858. 12^ 713.16 Jacox, Francis. BIblemusic. Boston, 1872. 12°, 228.2 The literary life. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . . . 233.12 Secular annotations dn scripture texts. London, 1870. 12° 2.36.19 Shakespeare diversions. N.Y., 1875. 8° . 284.2 Jacquemart, Albert. History of the ceramic art. London, 1873. 8° 618.5 Jacques Bonneval. A. Manning. N.Y., 1867. 16° 431.12 Jaeger, B. The life of North American insects. N.Y., 1859. 12° 622.15 Jahn's "Biblical archaeology." T. C. Upham, Ed. N.Y'., 18.32. 8° 267.7 Jak, pseud. Birchwood. (Juvenile.) N.Y., fn.d.l 12° 928.25 The Fitch Club. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 9.32.10 James, F. L. The wild tribes of the Soudan. N.Y., 1884. 8° 783.4 James, G. P. K. Arabella Stuart. N.Y., 1844. 8° 427.15 The cavalier. Phila., 1877. 12° ... . 306.29 Charlemagne, History of. N.Y., 1854. 16°, 131.3 History of chivalry. N.Y., 1854. 16° . . 473.3 Lord Montagu's page. Phila., 1858. 12° . 413.19 Rose D'Albret. N.Y., 1844. 8° . . . . 346.18 Ticonderoga. N.Y., 1854. 8° 340.24 James, Henry. Literary remains of. W. James, £;(Z. Boston, 1885. 12°. . . . 1236.8 Wnrkx: The secret of Swedenborg. Boston, 1869. 8° 627.8 Society, the redeemed form of man, and the earnest of God's omnipotence iii human nature. Boston, 1879. 12°. . 284.9 James, Henry, Jr. The American. Boston, 1877. 12° 366.19 The Bostonians. N.Y., 1886. 12° . . . 972.23 A bundle of letters. Boston, 1880. 16° . .391 19 The same 391.20 Confidence. Boston, 1880. 12° ... . 396.16 The same 396.17 Daisy Miller. [A comedy in three acts.] Boston, 1883. 12° 947.10 The same. [A study.] Boston, 1879. .32°, 391.7 The Europeans. [A sketch.] Boston, 1879. 12° 374.18 French poets and novelists. London, 1884. 12° 177.8 The same 1232.12 An international episode. N.Y., 1879. 32°, 391.8 A little tour in France. Boston, 188-5. 16°, 786.5 A passionate pilgrim, and other tales. Bos- ton, 1875. 12° 347.7 The portrait of a lady. Boston, 1882. 12°, 389.5 The same 389.14 Portraits of places. Boston, 1884. 12°. . 782.15 James, Henry, Jr. — concluded. Roderick Hudson. Boston, 1876. 12° . . 346.67 The siege of London, and other stories. Boston, 1883. 12° 944.20 Tales of three cities. Boston, 1884. 12° . 965.7 Washington Square. N.Y., 1881. 16° . . 378.16 Watcli and ward. Boston, 1878. 16° . . 383.2 James, M. E. How to decorate our ceilings, walls, and floors. London, 188.3. 16° . 686.7 James, Mrs. Thomas Potts. Memorial of Thomas Potts, Jr.: with the genealogy of his descendants. Cambridge, 1874. 8°. 528.18 James, William. The naval history of Great Britain. London, 1878. 6 v. 12° . . 1413.1 James. Braithwaite, the supercargo. The story of his adventures ashore and afloat. W. H.G.Kingston. N.Y., 1883. 12°. . . 916.19 James Montjoy ; or, I've been thinking. A. S. Roe. N.Y., 1876. 12° 366.2 Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Life. By lier niece Gerardine Macphersou. Boston, 1878. 12° 177.23 Works: Characteristics of women. Boston, 18.59. 16° 262. .32 Common-place book. London, 1855. 8°, 246.9 Early Italian painters. London, 1859. 8°, 6-52.19 Legends of the Madonna. Boston, 1866. 16° 653.25 Legends of the monastic orders. Boston, 1865. 16° 653.23 Loves of the poets. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 16° 131.10 Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. N.Y., 18-54. 2v. 16° 121.19 The same. Phila., 1870. 12° ... 147.8 Sacred and legendary art. Boston, 1865. 2v. 16° 6-53.24 Sisters of charity. Boston, 1857. 12° . 243.15 Studies, stories, and memoirs. Boston, 1859. 16° 637.20 Jameson, Prof., and others. Discovery and adventures in Africa. N.Y., 18-55. 16°. 711.17 Jamison, D. F. Guesclin, Bertrand du. Life of. Charlestown, 1864. 2 v. 8° . . . 149.10 Jan of the windmill. A story of the plains. J. H. Ewing. Boston, 1876. 10° . . . . 368.1 Jan Vedder's wife. A. E. Barr. N.T., [n.d.] 10° 966.21 Jane Eyre. Mrs. C. B. NichoUs. N.Y.. 1871. 12° 363.1 The same .363.2 The same 363.58 Jane Seton. A Scottish historical romance. J. S.Grant. London, [n.d.] 16°. . . . 384.16 Jane Talbot. C. B. Brown. Boston, 1827. 12° .331.3 The same. Phila., 1857. 12° ... . 334.19 Janes, E. Human psychology. N.T., [n.d.] 12° 1327.19 Janet, a poor heiress. R. S. Clark. Boston, 1883. 16° 943.9 Janet's home. A. Keary. London, 1882. 12°, 947.20 Japan, and the Japanese. Alcock, Sir R. Art, and art industries in Japan. London, 1878. 12° 657.18 Audsley, G. A., and Bowes, J. L. Kera- mic aft in Japan. London, 1881. 4° . R. L. Bishop, Mrs. I. L. Unbe.iten tracks in Japan. N.Y., 1881. 2 v. 8° ... . 767.14 The same (in one vol.) 769.8 184 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Japan, and the Japanese — concluded. Dresser, C. Japan. Its architecture, art, and art manufactures. N.Y., 1882. 8°. 776.13 Dubard, >I. Japanese life, love, and le- gend. A visit to the empire of the " Ris- inKSun." London, ISSO. 12°. . . . 7973 Eden, C. £1. Japan, historical and descrip- tive. London, 1877. 12° 492.5 Education, Report of the Minister of. [In Japanese.] Tokio, Japan. 1874. 8° . 538.3 Fenollo^a, E. F. Review of the chapter on painting in Gonse"s " Japanese art." Bos- ton, 1885. 8° 1613.2 Franks, A. W. Japanese pottery. A na- tive report, with an introduclion, and catalogue. London, 1880. 12°. . . . 081.21 Gonse, L. Japanese art. (In French.) Paris. 1883. 2 v. 4° R. L. Griflis. W. E. History of the Mikado's Empire; and, Personal experiences in Japan. N.Y., 1876. 8° 486.1 Japanese fairy world. Stories from the wonder-lore of Japan. Schenectady, 1880. 1(3° ". 921.9 Hildreth, R. Japan, as it was, and is. Boston, lS.i5. 12° 475.2 House, E. H. Japanese episodes. Boston, 1881. 18° 761.23 Humbert, A. Japan, and the Japanese. N.Y., 1874. 4° 718.2 Lanman, C. The Japanese in America. N.Y., 1872. 12° 256.2 The same 768.13 Maclay, A. C. A budget of letters from Japan. Reminiscences of work and travel. X.Y., 1880. 12° 797.15 Mitford, A. B. Tales of old Japan. Lon- don, 1871. 2v. 8° 736.13 Morse, E. S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. Boston, 1886. 8° . . . 796.2 Mossman, S. Kew Japan; the land of the rising sun. Its annals during the past twenty years. London, 1873. 8° . . . 773.6 Pearson, G. C. Flights inside and outside paradise. N.Y., 1880. 10° 791.3 Rein, J. J. Japan: travels and researches undertaken at the cost of the Prussian government. N.Y., 18S4. 8° . . . . 783.3 Steinmetz, A. Japan and her people. London, 1859. 12° 661.16 Tronson, J. M. Voyage to .I.apan and the China Coast. London, 1859. 8° . . . 710.4 Siebokl, P. F. von. Japanese in the nine- teenth century. N.Y., 18.55. 10°. . . 711.10 The same 721.1 Japhet in search of a father. F. Marryat. Phila., 1835. 12° 4.55.9 Japp, A. H. Labour and victory. A book of examples. London, [n.d.] 12°. . . . 11,35.15 Jardine, David. Criminal trials in England, during the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. London, [n.d.] Vol. IL 16° . . . 473.28 Jargal. V. Hugo. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... 352.17 Jarves, James J. The art idea. N.Y., 1804. 12°, 608.23 Art studies. N.Y., 1801. 8° 609.5 Art thoughts. K.Y., 1809. 12° ... . 651.5 Italian rambles. N.Y., 1SS3. 16° ... 771.13 Kiana: a tradition of Hawaii. Boston, 1857. 12° 297.10 Parisian sights. (Second series.) N.Y., 1855. 12° 723.5 Jarves, James J. — concluded, Sandwich Islands, History of the. Boston, 1S43. 8° 477.3 Sandwich Islands, Scenes and scenery in the. Boston, 1843. 12° 067.16 Jarvis, William, Life and times of. M. P. S. Cults. N.Y., 18119. 8° 113.8 Jasmine Leigh. C. C. F. Tytler. London, 1871. 10° 301.5 Jason, Life and death of. [A poem.] W. Morris. Boston, 1807. 16° 565.9 Jaunt in a junk. A ten days' cruise in Indian seas. London, lS-84 12° 780.11 Java, History of. T. Stamford. London, 1830. 2 v. 8° 498.21 Jay, H. The Queen of Coiinaught. N.Y., 1875. 8° .325.23 Jay, John, and Hamilton, Alexander, Lives of. N.Y., 1854. 10° 121.5 Jay, John, Hamilton, and Madison. The Fed- eralist, and other papers. Phila., 1880. 8°, 693.2 Jay, Mrs. VV. M. L., pseud. See Woodruff, Mrs. J. L. M. Jeaffreson, J. Cordy. A book about doctors. N.Y., 1862. 8° 222.15 A book about lawyers. N.Y., 1867. 12° . 217.13 Lottie Darling. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 365.95 The real Lord Byron. Boston, 1883. 12° . 1118.3 Stephenson, Robert, Life of. London, 1866. 2 v. 8° 143.4 Jean. [A novel.] Mrs. Newman. N. Y., 1875. 8° 325.21 Jean ; or, Clouds with a silver lining. B. West- cott. Phila., 1879. 12° 374.23 Jean Feterol's idea. V. Cherbuliez. N.Y., 1S78. 12° 300.48 Jeanette. A story of the Huguenots. F. M. Peard. London, 1SS3. 12° 942.19 Jeanie Nairn's wee laddie. M. M. Grant. N.Y., 1883. 12° 948.20 Jeanne d" Arc. {Joan of Arc, Maid of Orlean.t. ) Charles, Mrs. E. R. Joan the maid. N.Y., 1879. 12° 321.28 Grimke, S. L. Life of Joan of Arc. Bos- ton, 1807. 8° 1.34.8 Michelet, J. Joan of Arc; or. The Maid of Orleans. N.Y., 1877. 16° 181.1:! Jeannette's cisterns. M. L. Peebles. Troy, N.Y., 1881. 12° 389.11 Jeans, W. T. The creators of the age of steel. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1126.2 Jefferies, Richard. Round about a great es- tate. [Sketches.] Boston, 1880. 12° . 127.8 The storv of my he.art. Boston, 1S&3. 16°, 1224.18 Wo..d magic. N.Y., 1881. 12° .... 448.15 Jefferson S. Batkins, Life of. J. S. .loncs. Boston, 1S7L 12° 423.19 Jefferson, Thomas. Morse, J. T. Life of J. (American statesmen.) Boston, 1883. 12° 1114.18 Parton, J. Life of. Boston, 1874. 8°. . 115.10 Pierson, H. W. Private life of. N.Y., 1802. 8° 156.2 Randall, H. S. Life of. N.Y., 1858. 3 v. 8° 156.1 Randolph, S. N. Domestic life of. N.Y., 1871. 8° 115.6 Rayner, B. L. Life, and selections from his correspondence. Boston, 1834. 12°. 297.9 Jeffersons, The. (American actor series.) W. Winter. Boston, 1881. 12° 1111.4 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 185 Jeffrey, Francis. Contributions to the Edin- burgb Review. Boston, 18.54. 8° . . . 237. U Essays. See British essayists. Vol. II. N.Y., 1872. 8° 1211.1 Jeffrey, Rosa Vertner. Marali. Phila., 1884. 12' 954.22 Jeffries, B. Joy. Color-blindness: its dangers and its detection. Boston, 1879. 12° . C58.29 The eye in health and disease. Boston, 1871. 8° 634.2 Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins. A research on primitive nervous systems. G. J. Ro- manes. N.Y., 188-5. 12° 1325.6 Jeukiu, Mrs. C. Within an ace. N.Y., 1875. 15^ 361.29 The same 301.38 Jenkins, Edward. The Coolie. N.Y., 1871. 12° 236.25 Gin.K'sbaby. London, 1870. 12° ... 251.22 The devil's chain. London, 1876. 12° . . 414.23 Lord Bantam. N.Y., 1872. 12° ... . 235.15 Paladin of finance. Boston, 1882. 16°. . 941.7 Jenness, John S. The Isles of Shoals. N.Y., 1873. 12° 722.13 Jennie Juneiana. Women's topics. Mrs. J. C. Croly. Boston, 1864. 12° .... 242.12 Jennings, George 11., Ed. Anecdotal history of the British Parliament. N.Y.,1881. 8°, 187.2 Jennings, Hargrave. The Kosicrucians; their rites and mysteries. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 296.5 Jennings, Henry J. Lord Tennyson. A bio- graphical sketch. London, 1884. 12° .1134.17 Jennijgs, Louis J. Field patlis and green lanes in Surt-ey and Sussex. London, 1884. 12° 282.4 The same 789.4 Ed. Croker, John Wilson, The coi respond- ence and diaries of. N.Y., 1884. 2 v. 8°, 1122.13 Jenny and the insects; or, Little toilers and their industries. Lcmdon, 1880. 16°. . 672.6 Jephson, R. Motmteney. The roll of the drum, and otiier tales. London, 1879. 12°. . 386.1 Jerdan, William. Men I have known. Lon- don, 1866. 12° 215.2 Jerome, Ferris. High-water-mark. Phila., 1879. 12° 375.27 Jerrold, Blanchard. Best of all good company. Boston, 1874. S° 232.3 Blanchard, Laman, Memoir of. London, 1876. 12° 575.13 The Cockaynes in Paris. London, [u.d.] 12° 422.2 Cruikshank, George, Life of. X.Y., 1882. 2 V. 12° 1114.2 Days with great authors. Dickens, Thack- eray, Scott, etc. N.Y., 1883. 8° . . .1218.11 Dickens, Charles, A day with. Boston, 1873. 8° 146.11 On the Boulevards. Phila., 1867. 2 v. ]:i°, 663.12 Jerrold, Douglas. Life by his son, B. Jerrold. Boston, 1859. 12° 162.7 Works : Cakes and ale. London, 1852. 12° . . 225.16 Comedies. London, 185-3. 12° . . . . 615.11 Comedies and dramas. London, 1854. 16° 633.17 Man, A, made of money. London, 1853. 12° 412.15 Men of character. London, 1851. 12° . 264.21 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. London, 1852. 16° 333.8 Jerrold, Douglas, IVorks — concluded. Punch's letters to his son. London, 1853. 8° 253.4 St. Giles and St. James. London, 1851. 12° 413.4 Jerrold, Tennyson and Macanlay. J. H. Stir- ling. Edinburgh, 1868. 12° 263.16 Jersey prison ship, Recollections of the. T. Dring. Morrisania, N.Y., 186.5. 8° . . 518.9 Jerusalem. Church, A. J. The story of the last days of Jerusalem; from Josephus. N.Y., 1881. 12° 691.5 King, J. Recent discoveries on the Tem- ple Hill at Jerusalem. London, 1885. 16° vol. iii. of 781.17 Tasso, T. Jerusalem delivered. J. II. Whiffen, T;-an.«. London, 18.54. 16°. . 613.14 Warren, I. P. Ancient and modern Jerusa- lem. Boston, 1873. 8° 537.4 Wilson and Warren, Captains. Recovery of Jerusalem. N.Y., 1871. 8°. . . '. 531.3 Jerusalem, O Mother dear. The old hymn, its origin, etc. W. C. Prince. N.Y., 1865. 12° 611.5 Jerusalem and Galilee. Lithographs by Louis Haghe from drawings by David Roberts. Historical descriptions by George Croly. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° R. L. Jessamine. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1874. 12° 423.8 Jesse, Edward. Anecdotes of dogs. London, 1858. 16° 461.5 Jesse, John H. The court of England under the Stuarts. London, 18-57. 3 v. 12° . 212.9 The Pretenders, and their adherents. Lon- don, 18-58. 12° 212.10 Jessie Trim. B. L. Farjeon. N.Y., 1875. 8°, 346.43 Jessup, Henry H. The women of the Arabs. N.Y.,[n.d.] 12° 721.5 Jest book, The. M. Lemon. Cambridge, 1865. 12° 261.6 Jesuits. Feval, P. The Jesuits. X.Y., 1878. 16° 283.9 Griesinger, T. A complete history of their open and secret proceedings, from the foundation of the order, to the present time. N.Y., 1883. 2 v. 8° 695.8 Xicolini, G. B. History of the Jesuits. London, 1854. 12° 527.10 Parkman, F. Jesuits in North America. Boston, 1867. 12° 232.1 Jesus Christ. Beecher, H. W. Life of Jesus the Christ. X.Y., 1871. 8°_ 110.8 Bushnell, H. The character of Jesus, for- bidding his possible classification with men. N.Y., 1884. 18° 1231.11 Edersheira, A. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 v. 8° . . . 1123.8 Furness, W. H. Jesus. PhiU., 1871. 8°. 114.11 Lorimer, G. C. Jesus, the world's Savior. [Sermons.] Chicago, 1883. 12° . . . 1229.5 Malleson, F. A. Jesus Christ, his lite and his work. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 1124.14 Thompson, J. P. Life of Jesus for young people. To which is added an appendix, givingthe lives of the Apostles. Norwich, Conn., 1879. S° 186.1 Uhlhorn, G. Modern representations of the life of Jesus. Boston, 1868. 12° . . . 265.21 Jevons, Frank B. History of Greek literature. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1254.5 186 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jevons, W. Stanley. Letters. Ed. by his wife. London, 188G. S° 1139.7 Jlouey and tlie mechanism of e.xchange. N.V., IST.I. 12° 483.24 The Slate in relation to labnur. London, 1.SS2. 12° 1219.19 Jevrel, A, of a girl. M. Croninieliii. N.Y., 1878. S° 30.5.74 Jewel in the lotus. The. M. A. Tiiicker. rhila., 1884. 12° 052.13 The same 952.14 Jevrett, Sar;»h Orne. Country by ways. Bos- ton, 18SI. 18° . . . 1214.1 The same 1214.2 A country doctor. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 9.58.6 The same 958.7 Deephaven. Boston, 1877. 18° ... . 308.10 A marsh island. Boston, 1885. 10° . . . 967.3 The same 908.14 The mate of the "Daylight" and friends ashore. Boston, 1884. 10° 951.5 OM friends .and new. Boston, 1879. 18°. 383.6 Play days. Boston, 1878. 10° 440.30 Jeivett, Mrs. .S. W. From fourteen to four- score. N.Y., 1871. 12° 352.12 Jeiivish antiquities. Lectures on. D. Tappan. Boston, 1807. 4° 231.17 Jewrish Church, History of the. A. P. Stanley. N.Y., 1803-70. 3 V. 8° 531.9 Vol. 1. From Abraham to Samuel. II. From Samuel to the captivity. III. From the captivity to the Chris- tian era. Jevrish social life in the days of Christ. A. Edershcim. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 789.7 Jewitt, Llewellynn. Ceramic art in Great Bri- tain. X.Y., 1878. 2v. 8° 083.13 Hutton, W., Life of, and history of the Button family. London, [n.d.] 8° . . 151.14 Je's^s. Hosiner, J. K. The Jews. (Story of the nations.) N.Y., 1886. 12°. . . .1422.12 Hudson, E. H. History of the Jews in Rome. B.C. 160-A.D. 604. London, 1882. 12° 598.9 Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. N.Y., 18.5.5. 3 V. 16° 472.5 ■Wellhausen, J. History of Israel. Edin- burgh, 1885. 8° 1428.8 Je'ws of Barnow. Stories by K. E. Franzos. N.Y., 1S8;5. 16° 943.10 Jewsbury, G. E. Zoe ; or. The history of two lives. X.Y.. 1858. 8° 427.9 Jex-Blake, Sophia. Care of infants. A man- ual for mothers and nurses. London, 1884. 18° 1314.8 Jimmyjohns, The, and other stories. Mrs. A. M.Diaz. Boston, 1878. 12° .... 440.12 Jo's boys, and how they turned out. L. M. Alcott. Sequel to "Little Men." Bos- ton, 1886. 10° 930.1 The same 930.2 The same 936.3 The same 980.4 Jo's opportunity. L. C Lillie. N.Y., 1886. 16° 9.31.19 Joan. A tale. R. Broughton. N.Y., 1877. 8°, 365.57 Joan the maid, deliverer of Fr.ance and England. A story of the fifteenth century. Mrs. E. Charles. N.Y., 1879. 12° .".... 321.28 Joanna's inheritance. A story of young lives. E. Marshall. X.Y., 1877. 12° ... . 425.29 Jocelyn's mistake. Mrs. J. K. Spender. Bos- ton, 1S75. 8° 427.21 Jocoseria. [Poems.] R. Browning. Boston, 1883. 12° 570.14 JoeWayriug at home; or. The adventures of a fly-rod. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., [n.d.] 16°, 9.30.5 Johannes Olaf. E. deWille. Boston, 1873. 12°, 317.7 John, E., (;weu(i., E. Marlitt. ) Mrs. Wister, Trans. At the councillor's. Phila., 1877. 12° 316.24 The same 310.28 The bailiffs maid. Phila., 1881. 12° . . .397.13 Countess Gisela. Phila., 1809. 12°. . . 316.12 The same 310.20 Gold Elsie. Phila., 1868. 12° 310.8 The same 310.21 In the Schillingscourt. Phila., 1879. 12°. 392.10 The same 396.1 The lady with the rubies. Phila., 1886. 12° 977.15 The little moorland princess. Phila., 1872. 12° 316.7 The same 316.22 Magdalena. Phila., 1878. 8° 369.25 Old Mam'selle's secret. Phila., 1808. 12°, 316.9 The same 310.22 Over yonder. Phila., 1869. U'^ . . . . 316.13 The second wife. Phila., 187.5. 12° . . 316.10 The same 316.11 John. [A novel.) Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 1870. 8° .323.16 John Barlow's ward. N.Y., 1881. 10° . . . 388.9 John Bodewin's testimony. M. H. Foole. Boston, 1886. 12° ....'... . 977.0 John Brent. T. Winthrop. Boston, 1862. 12°, 345.17 John Bull and his island. P. Blouet. N.Y., 1884. 12° 782.7 John Deane of Nottingham. His adventures .and exploits. W. H. G. Kingston. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 449.20 John Dorrien. J. Kav.anagh. N.Y., 1875. 12°, .361.27 John Eax, and Mamelon ; or. The South with- out the shadow. A. W. Tourg^e. N.Y., 1882. 10° 388.20 John Godfrey's fortunes. B. Taylor. N.Y'., 186.5. 12° 412.4 John Godsoe's legacy. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1873. 16° 442.34 John Halifa.x, gentleman. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 18.59. 12° .343.26 The same .343.27 The same 343.43 John Holdsworth, chief-mate. W. C. Russell. London, 1880. 12° '. . 947.21 John Inglesant. J. H. Shorthouse. London, 1881. 2v. 12° 389.13 John Jack. M. L. Peebles. Troy, N.Y., 1870. 12° 403.18 John Jerningham's journal. [A poem.] X.Y., 1871. 12° 551.21 John Marchmont's legacy. M. E. Braddon- Maxwell. N.Y\, 1803. 8° 365.22 John Parmelee's curse. [A novel.] J. Haw- thorne. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 976.23 John Paul's book. C. H. Webb. Hartford, 1874. 8° 267.8 John Ploughman's pictures. Plain talk for plain people. C. H. Spurgeon. Phila., 1880. 12° 123.23 John Bantoul. [A novel.] H. L. Nelson. Boston, 1885. 12° 965.2 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 187 John Smith, democrat. His two days' canvass for tlie office of Mayor. " Bettersworth." Springfield, III., 1877. 12° 386.15 John Thompson, blockhead. L. Parr. Pliila., 1872. 12° 411.7 John Thome's folks. A study of Western life. A. Teal, pseiicZ. Boston, 1SS4. 16° . . 9G2.16 John Whopper, the newsboy. Boston, 1871. 12° 4.54.23 John Worthington's name. F. L. Benedict. N.Y., 1874. S° 346.14 Johnson, Andrew. His trial on im|)eacliinent for high crimes and misdemeanors. Washington, 1869. 3 v. 8° 739.20 Speeches and biography. F. Moore. Bos- ton, 1865. 12° 215.7 Johnson, Anna C. Cottages of the Alps. N.T., 1860. 12° . .^ ,. 663.16 Peasant life in Germany. N.T., 1858. 12°, 662.16 Johnson, Charles F. Three Americans and three Englishmen. X.Y., 1886. 12° . . 1138.3 Trans. Lucretius on the Nature of tltnigs. N.Y., 1872. 8° 616.5 Johnson, E. The Judge's pets. N.T., 1872. 115° 4.'?3.16 Johnson, Edwin A. Winter greeneries at home. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 657.17 Johnson, Elizabeth W. The studio arts. N.Y., 1S78. 18° 6.57.23 Johnson, Franklin. True womanhood. Hints on the formation of womanly character. Cambridge, Mass., 1882. 16° ... .1212.16 The same 1214.23 Johnson, James Yate. Madeira. Its climate and scenery. London, 1885. 16° . . . 781.8 Johnson, John E. The monks before Christ. Boston, 1870. 16° 147.15 Johnson, Joseph. Ruth's life-work. London, 188.5. 16° 921.19 Self-effort; or. The true method of attain- ing success in life. London, 1883. 12° . 1229.15 Johnson, Oliver. William Lloyd Garrison and his times. Boston, 1880. 12° ... . 194.9 Johnson, Richard W. Thomas, Maj.-Gen. George H., Memoir of. Phila., 1881. 8°, 197.2 Johnson, Rossiter. Phaeton Rogers. A novel of boy life. X.Y., 1881. 12° ... . 914.7 Play-day poems. N.Y., 1878. 16° . . . 573.11 The war of 1812-15, between the U. S. and Great Britain. N.Y., [u.d.] 12° . . . 596.2 Johnson, Samuel, L.L.D. Boswell, J. Life of. London, 1847. 8° 167.1 Hill, G. B. His friends and his critics. London, 1878. 12° 1248. 4 Main, A. Life and conversations of. Lon- don, 1874. 8° 145.3 Page, W. P., Ed. Life and writings of. Vol. II. N.Y., 1855. 16° 131.7 Stephen, L. Life. (English men of let- ters.) N.Y., 1878. 12° 192.2 Works : A dictionary of the English language. London, 1877. 8° E. L. English poets. Lives of. London, 1854. 3v. 8° 1.54.7 Poetical works, and life. Charlestown, Mass., 1810. 18° 211.21 Rassel.is, History of. X.Y., 1869. 32°. 431.18 Johnson, Rev. Samuel. Lectures, essays and sermons. Memoir by S. Longfellow. Boston, 1883. 8° 12.54.12 Johnson, Rev. Samuel — concluded. Oriental religions. Boston, 1872-85. 3 v. 8° 627.15 Vol. I. India. II. China. III. Persia. Johnson, S.W. How crops feed. X.Y., |n.d.] 12° 6.38.8 How crops grow. jST.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 6:38.9 Johnson, Virginia W. The Calderwood secret. N.Y., 1875. S° 361.39 The cricket's friends. Boston, 1868. 16°, 4.53.23 An English Daisy Miller. Boston, 1882. 10°, 388.28 A foreign marriage. N.Y., 1880. 8° . . 377.43 The Fainalls of Tipton. N.Y., 1884. Vj:\ 9.58.9 Miss Nancy's pilgrimage. N.Y., 1876. 8°, 369.3 Travels of an American owl. Phila., 1871. 12° 733.1 Johnson, Sir William. Life and limes. W. L.Stone. Albany, 1865. 2 v. 8°. . . 117.3 Johnson, William S., Life and times of. E. E. Beardsley. X.Y., 1876. 8° 172.8 Johnson's dictionary. Beauties and quaint conceits of. G. A. Stringer. Buffalo, ISS6. 8° 12.53.8 Johnson's new universal cyclopajdia. N.Y., 1878. 4 V. 8° T . . . . R. L. Johnston, Alexander. History of American politics. N.Y., 1879. 18° 291.19 The same 12:38.21 El. Representative American orations. (.See Orations.) N.Y., 1884. 3 v. 16° . 1238.10 Johnston, Alexander Keith. School atlas of astronomy. With Elementary survey of the heavens. R.Grant. N.Y., [n.d.] 8°, R. L. Johnston, Elizabeth Bryant. Original por- traits of Washington. Boston. 1882. 4°, R. L. Johnston, H. H. The river Congo, from its mouth to Botobo. London, 1884. 8° . 787.4 Johnston, James F. W. The chemistry of common life. N.Y., 185.5. 2 v. 10° . 635.12 The same. 1S80. 12° 675.13 Notes on North America. Agricultural, economical, and social. Edinburgh, 1851. 2 V. 12° 543.8 The same 775.8 Johnston, Joseph E. Narrative of military operations, directed during the late war between the States. X.Y., 1874. 8° . . 482.6 Johnston, Richard M. Old Mark Langston. X.Y., 1884. 16° 957.12 and Browne, W. H. Stephens, Alexander H., Life of. Phila., 1878. 8° . . . . 183. C Johonnot, James, and Bouton, Eugene. How we live; or. The human body and how to take care of it. X.Y., 1884. 16° . . . 1321.7 Jolly fellowship, A. F. R. Stockton. N.Y., 1880. 12° 386.28 Jolly games for happy homes. To amuse our girls and boys. G. C. Clark, Ed. N.Y., 1881. 16° 127.4 Jolly rover. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1883. 16° 916.20 Jolly summer, A. College tramps. N.Y., 1885. 12° 792.8 Joly, N. Man before metals. N.Y., 1S83. 12°, 1312.15 Jomini, Baron. Napoleon I., Life of. N.Y., 1864. 4 V. with atlas. 8° 135.5 Jonathan. C. C. Tytler. N.Y., 1876. 16° . 363.48 Jones, Agnes E., Memorials of. By her sister. N.Y., 1872. 8° 114.17 188 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jones, Bence, Dr. Faraday, Life and letters of. Phila., 1870. 2 v. 8° 157.7 Jones, Charles Henry. Davault's mills. Phila., 1876. 12° 361.48 History of the campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776. Phila., 18S2. 8°. . 593.12 Macaulay, LonZ, Life of. X.Y., 1880. 16°, 123.5 Jones, Eustace H., und Cox, G. W. Popular romances of the middle ages. N.Y., 1880. 12° 394.12 Jones, Frank. I'robislier, Sir Martin, Life of. London, 1878. 12° 178. 7 Jones, Henry. Card essays; decisions and talk. London, 1879. 12° 682.1 Jones, J. B. Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate States capital. Phila., 1866. 8° .555.10 Jones, J. F. Egypt in its Biblical relations. London, [n.d.] 12° 735.16 Jones, J. S. Life of Jefferson S. Balkins. Bos- ton, 1871. 12° 423.19 Jones, Owen. Grammar of ornament. Lon- don, [n.d.] 4° R. L. Jones, Stephen. Biographia dramatica. Lon- don, 1812. 3 V. 8° 141.5 Jones, W. Bence. A life's work in Ireland, of a landlord who tried to do his duty. London, 1880. 12° 766.22 Jones, William. The broad ocean. London, [n.d.] 16° 641.16 Credulities, past and present. Amulets, talismans, etc. London, 1880. 12° . . 126.10 Crowns and coronations. A history of re- galia. London, 1883. 12° 1223.11 History and mystery of precious stones. London, 1880. 12° 1327.3 The treasures of the earth. London, [n.d. J 12° 643.19 Jonson, Ben, Works of, with a memoir. W. Gifford. Boston, 18.58. 8° 118.8 Jordan, East of. A record of travel and obser- vation in the countries of Moab, Gilead and Bashan, during 1875-77. S. Merrill. N.Y., 1881. 8° 769.9 Jordan River, and the Dead Sea, U.S. expedi- tion to. W. F. Lynch. Phila., 1849. 8°, 737.2 Jordan, William S. The standard of value. London, 1883. 16° 1238.5 Joseph IL and his Court. C. Mundt. N.Y., 1867. 8° 325.8 The same .325.9 Joseph and his friend. B. Taylor. N.Y., 1870. 12" 361.11 Joseph in the snow. B. Auerbach. Boston, 1868. 16° 364.1 Joseph the prime minister. W. M. Taylor. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.21 Josephine, Empress. Life. Phila., 1870. 16°, 147.9 Headley, P. C. Life of. N.Y., 18.55. 12°, 148.11 Memes, J. S. Memoirs of. N.Y., 1832. 16° 211.30 The same. 18.55 121.21 Mundt, C. [Historical novel.] N.Y., 1867. 8° 325.10 Josephus, Flavins. Works. W. Wishton, Tram. N.Y., 1821.- 6 v. 12° .... 484.22 The same. 1870. 2 v. 12° 477.4 Josephus, The young folks'. The antiquities of the Jews, and the Jewish wars of Fla- vius Josephus. Simplified by W. Shep- ard. Phila., 1884. 8° 926.9 Joshua Haggard's daughter. M. E. Braddon- Maxwell. N.Y., 1877. 8° 365.58 Joshua Marvel. B. L. Farjeon. Boston, 1871. 8° 346.35 Josiah Allen's wife as a P. A. and P. I. S.a- niantha at the centennial. M. Holley. Hartford, 1878. "12° .357.34 The same 357.30 Josselyn, John. New England rarities. (Re- printed.) Boston, ISOo. 8° 528.9 A voyage to New England. 1638-63. (A reprint.) Boston, 1865. 4° 518.7 The same 528.12 Joubert, Joseph, Some of the thoughts of. G. H. Calvert, Trans. Boston, 1867. 12° . 262.5 Joubert, J., and M.ascart, E. A treatise on electricity and m.agnetisni. London, 1883. 8° 1315.3 Journalism, English, and the men who have mnde it. C. Pebody. N.Y., 1882. 16° . 1214.8 Journalism in the U.S. F. Hudson. N.Y., 1873. 8° 246.8 Journey due north. G. A. Sala. Buston, 18.58. 12° . 666.20 Journey in the back country. F. L. Olmsted. N.Y., 1860. 12° 663.9 Journey round my roont. X. de Maislre. N.Y., 1871. 12° 246.23 Journey to Katmandre. (India.) L. Oliphant. N.Y"., 18.52. 12° 732.19 Journey to the centre of the earth. J. Verne. N.Y., 1874. 8° 324.10 Journey to the North Pole. J. Verne. Lon- don, 1875. 12° .324.7 Jo'wett, B. Trans, of the works of Plato. N.Y., 1871. 4v. 8° 617.7 Traits. Thucydides. Ed. by A. P. Peabody. Boston, 1883. 8° 695.12 Joy after sorrow. Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 954.9 Joyce, Robert D. Blanid. [A poem.] Bos- ton, 1879. 12° 582.12 Legends of the war in Ireland. Boston, 1868. 12° 218.14 Joyner, Mrs. A. B. Trans. Cyprus: historical and descriptive. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . . 493.16 Joyneville, C. Alexander I., Life and times of. London, 1875. 3 v. S° 193.3 Joyous story of Toto, The. L. E. Richards. Boston, 1885. 10° 932.12 Jubilee days. Humorous features of the Peace Jubilee. Boston, 1872. 4° R. L. Jubilee singers. The history of the, with their songs. J. B. Marsh. Boston, 1880. 12°, 124.10 Judas Maccabjeus, and the Jewish war of inde- pendence. C. R. Cornier. London, 1879. 12° 192.11 Judd, John W. Volcanoes : what they are, and what they teach. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . 679.3 The same 1317.24 Judd, Sylvester. Life and character. A. Hall, Ed. Boston, 18.'J4. 12° 164.6 Works : Margaret. Boston, 1871. 12° ... . 411.17 Richard Edney and the Governor's fam- ily. Boston, 1880. 12° 383. 19 Judge and jury. A popular explanation of leading topics in the law of the land. B. V. Abbott. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... . 124.18 Judge's pets. The. E. Johnson. N.Y., 1872. 16° 433.16 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 189 Judge's sons, The. Mrs. E. D. Kendall. Bos- ton, 1871. 12° 422.16 Judges, infamous as tools of tyrants and instru- ments of oppression. Compiled from the judicial biographies of J. L. Campbell, Lord Chief Justice of England. R. Hil- dreth, J?'7. N.Y , IS-'iG. 12° 177.20 Judges of England, Biographical dictionary of. 1060-1870. E. Foss. London, 1870. 8°, 17.5.2 Judicial liistory of Massachusetts. 1630-177.5. E. Washburn. Boston, 1840. 8° . . . 274.8 Judith: A chronicle of old Virginia. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. Phila.. 1883. 12° ... 423.2 The same 423.28 Judith Shakespeare. Her love affairs and other adventures. W. Black. N.Y., 1884. 12°, 948.14 The same 948.15 Judson, Adoniram, Memoir of. F. Wayland. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 12° 133.2 Judson, Mrs. Emily C, Life and letters of. A. C. Kendrick. N.Y., 18r30. 12° . . . . 21.3.6 dV-rf-; Alderbrook. Boston, 1856. 12° . . . 343.31 Jukes-Bro-wne, A. J. Physical geology. Lon- don, 1884. 12° . . . 1318.17 Julamerk; or. The converted Jewess. E. B. Lee. London, |n.d.] 16° 445. .32 Julia Ried. Mrs. I. M. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 956.17 Julian; or, Scenes in Judea. W. Ware. N.Y., 1841. 2v. 12° 287.19 The same .3.52.34 Julian, George W. Political recollections. 1840-72. Chicago, 1884. 12° .... 1229.12 Julian Home. F. W. Farrar. N.Y., 1805. 12°, 364.28 Julian's dream. A story of A.D. .362. G. S. Davies. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 445.2 Juliet's guardian. Mrs. H. L. Cameron. N.Y., 1877. 8° 309.2 Julius, the street boy out West. H. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 442.11 Julius Caesar, History of. J. Abbott. Jf.Y., 1854. 16° 122.10 Julius Cfesar, History of. Xapoleon III. X.Y., 186.5. 2v. 8° 526.2 Juncker, E. Lucy. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . . 346.49 Margarethe ; or, Life-problems. Phila , 1878. 12° 316.29 The same 396.3 June, Jennie, pseud. See Croly, Mrs. J. C. June. [A novel.] Mrs. Forrester. Phila., 1884. 12° 954.19 Junius, Handwriting of. Professionally inves- tigated by Charles Chabot, E.\pert. Lon- don, 1871. 4° E. L. The letters of. J. Wade. London, 18G8. 2v. 8° 147.12 Juno and Georgie. J. Abbott. N.Y., [n.d. J 16° 435.27 Juno on a journey. J. Abbott. N.Y., [n.il.] 16° 4.35.29 Jurisprudence and ethics. F. Pollock. Lon- don, 1882. 8° 1215.18 Jurisprudence of the U.S. W. A. Duer. N.Y., 1S.55. 16° 262.29 Jury trials and advocates. Modern. Condensed cases, with sketches and speeches of American advocates, etc. J. W. Dono- van. N.Y.. 1881. 8° 1211.9 Just his luck. [For boys.) Boston, 1S78. 16° 445.23 Just how: a key to the cook-books. Mrs. A. D.T. Whitney. Boston, 1879. 16° . . 283.14 Just one day. (A mother's day.) J. Habber- ton. N.Y., 1879. 12° 363.75 Justin Harley. J.E.Cooke. Phila , 1874. 12°, 354.10 Justina. (No name series. ) Boston, 1886. 16°, 945.16 The same 945.17 Justine's lovers. J. L. Howell. N.Y., 1878. 8° 377.2 Juventus Mundi. W. E. Gladstone. Boston, 1869. 8° 651.11 K. Kadesh-Baruea ; its importance and probable site; with the story of a hunt for it. Studies of the route of the Exodus, and the southern boundary of the Holy Land. H. C. Trumbull. N.Y., 1884. 8° . . . 783-2 Kair-wan the holy. To. Scenes in Muhamme- dan Africa. A. A. Boddy. London, 1885. 12° 789.13 Kalani of Oahu. An historical romance of Hawaii. C. M. Newell. Boston, 1881. 12° 387.28 Kalb, John, [Maj.Gen. in the revolutionary army,) The life of. F. Kapp. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1126.21 Kalevala, Selections from the. J. A. Porter, Trans. N.Y., 1868. 10° 553.29 Kalidasa. Sakoontala; or. The lost ring. [An Itidian drama.] M. Williams, Trans. N.Y., 1885. 8° 572.10 Kaloolah; or. Adventures of Jonathan Ronier. W. S. Mayo. N.Y., 1807. 12°, 724.11 Kane, E. K., Biography of. W.Elder. Phila., 1858. 8° 167.5 H'orts ; Arctic explorations. Phila., 1856. 2 v. 8°, 716.13 The Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. N.Y., 1854. 8° . . 737.10 Kane, H. H. Drugs that enslave. The opium, morphine, chloral, and hashisch habits. Phila., 1881. 16° 678.4 Opium-smoking in America and China. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1212.15 Kangaroo hunters. A.Bowman. Boston, 1861. 16° 434.23 Kansas. Ebbutt, P. G. Emigrant life in. London, 1886. 8° 793.12 Phillips, W. Conquest of. Boston, 1856. 8° 541.4 Robinson, S. T. L. Its interior and exte- rior life. Boston, 1856. 12° 734.11 Spring, L. W. The prelude to the war for the Union. (American commonwealths.) Boston, 188.5. 16° 1421.5 Kant, Life of. W. Wallace. Phila., 1882. 16° 1115.1 Critique of pure reason. A critical exposi- tion. G. S. Morris. Chicago, 1882. 10°, 1115.2 Critique of pure reason. M. Miiller, Trans. London, 1881. 2 v. 8° 1216.3 Ethics. A critical exposition. N. Porter. Chicago, 1880. 16° 1251.19 Kapp, Friedrich. Kalb, John, (iloj. Gen. in the revolutionary army,) Life of. N.Y., 1884. 12° U2G.21 100 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Eapp, Friedrich — concluded. SUMil)«n, F. W. von, Life of. N.Y., 185H. 12° 151.1 TVaii-f. Ilumboldt's letters to Vaniliagen von Ense. N.Y., 1800. 12° 163.0 Karaka, Dosabhai F. History of the Parsis. Loniion, 1884. 2 v. 8= 1425.4 Karr, Mrs. Elizabeth. Tlie American liorse- woman. Boston, 1884. 12° 689.17 Karr, J. B. A. A tour round ray garden. Lon- don, 18.50. 10° 235.25 Kate Beaumont. .]. W. De Forest. Boston, [n.d.] S° 377.23 Kate Coventry; an autobiography. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 9-55.11 Kate Weathers; or, Scattered by the tempest. F. Vaughan. Phila., 1878. 12° . . . 375.28 Kate's mother. E. Hodgson. London, 1885. 12° ■ 907.21 Katerfelto; a story of Exmoor. G. J. W. Mel- ville. I'hila., [n.d. I 12" 354.27 The same 955.12 Katharine Ashton. E. M. Sevvell. London, 18.50. 12° 371.3 Katharine Walton; or. The rebel of Dorches- ter. W. G. Simms. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . .367.22 Kathay. Cruise in China seas. W. H. Macau- lay. N.Y., 1852. 12° 001.13 Katherine Earle. A. Trafton. Boston, 1S74. 12° 345.14 Kathie series. A. M. Douglas. Boston, 1883. 6 V. 16°. Kathie's three wishes 922.18 Kathie's aunt Ruth 922.19 Kathie's summer at Cedarwood .... 922.20 Kathie's soldiers 922.21 In the ranks 922.22 Kathie's harvest days 922.23 Kathleen. Mrs. F. H. Burnett. Phil.a., 1878. 1(P .371.13 Kathrina. [A poem] .J. (J. Holland. X.Y., 1807. 16° ' . . 553.0 Kaufman, Rosalie, Ed. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, Life of. Agnes Strickland. Boston, 1887. 8° 1142.2 Ed. Our young folks' Plutarch. Phila., ias3. 8° 1110.10 Kavanagh. TI. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1864. 1-2- vol. ii. of 262.19 The same 331.26 Kavanagh, .lulia. Adele. N.Y., 1865. 12° . 425.4 Beatrice. N.Y., 1876. 12° .300.35 JohnDonien. N.Y., 1875. 12° ... . 301.27 Nathalie. N.Y., 1802. 12° 411.5 Seven years. N.Y., 1800. 12° .... ;345.22 Sybil's second love. N.Y., 1867. 12° . . .345.16 Two Lilies. N.Y., 1877. 12° 300.22 Woman in France during the eighteenth century. London, 1804. 12° .... 182.13 Kavanagh, Morgan. Origin of language and myths. London, 1871. 2 v. 8° . . . 044.11 Kay, David. Austria-Hungary. London, 1880. 12° 761.13 Kay, Josepli. The social condition and educa- tion of tlie people in England. X. Y., 1868. 12° 244.5 Kays, John W. Lives of Indian officers. Illus- trative of the history of the civil and mili- tary service of India. London, 1867. 2 v. 8° 174.17 Keane, A. U., joint editor. See Earth, The. Keary, Annie. Castle Daly; a story of an Irish home thirty years ago. Phila., 1883. 12°, 947.14 A doubting heart. London, 1882. 12°. . 944 y Janet's home. London, 1882. 12° . . . 947.20 The nations around; (The Hebrews). Lon- don, 1870. 12° 484.8 The same 778.5 Oldbury. Phila., 1875. 12° 301.26 A York and a Lancaster rose. London, 1882. 12° 952.3 and E. The lieroes of Asgard. London, 1871. 12° 252.19 Keats, John. Letters to Faiujic Brawne. 1819-20. N.Y., 1878. 16°i 281.12 Poetical works and life. Boston, 1854. 12°, 011.2 Keay, J. Seymour. Spoiling tlie Egyptians. N.Y., 1882. 12° . . . .595.15 Keddie, Henrietta, [pseud., Sarah Tytler. ) Ci- toyenne Jacqueline. London, 1805. 12°, 311.8 Days of yore. London, 1808. 12° . . . 311.0 Heroines in obscurity. London, 1871. 12°, 213.10 The Huguenot family. N.Y., 1868. 12° . 311.20 Jane Austen and her works. London, [n.d.] 12° 185.17 Lady Bell. Phila., 1874. 12° 3.52.22 Musical composers and their works. Bos- ton, 1875. 12° 212.11 Noblesse oblige. N.Y., 1876. 16° . . . 363.52 Papers for thoughtful girls. N.Y., 18.80. 12' .... 125.23 Sweet counsel. London, 1869. 12° . . . 2822 The woman with two words. London, 188.5. 12° 958.16 and Watson, J. L. Songstresses of Scot- land. London, 1871. 2 v. 8°. . . . 115.13 Keddie, W., Ed. Literary and scientific anec- dotes. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° ' 347.9 Kedzie, .1. II. Solar heat, gravitation and sun spots. Chicago, 18.80. 12" 1.327.21 Keel and saddle. J. W. Revere. Boston, 1872. 12° 735.12 Keenan, Henry F. The aliens. N.Y., 1886. 12° 974.20 Trajan; the history of a sentimcMital young man. N.Y"., 1885. 12° 964.16 Keeping open house. M. W. McLain. Hart- ford, 1872. 8° 427.28 Keese, William L. Burton, William E., actor, author, and manager, Life of. N.Y., 1,S8.5. 12° . . . " 11.32.3 Keightley, Thomas. England, History of. N.Y., 18.55. 5v. 16° 471.10 Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy. London, 18.54. 8° 008.7 Keim, De B. Randolph. San Domingo. Phila., 1870. 12° 715.5 Sheridan's troopers on the Borders. A win- ter campaign on the Plains. Phila., 1885. 12° 792.9 Keith ; or. Righted at last. M.E.Scott. Phila., 1881. 12° 387.12 Keller, M. J. Elementary perspective. Cin- cinnati, 1877. 12° 681.10 Kelley, J. D. Jerrold. The question of ships. The navy and the merchant marine. N.Y., 1884. 12° .598.19 Kellogg, A. O. Shakespeare's delineations of insanity, imbecility, and suicide. N.Y., 1800. 16° 633.18 Kellogg, Elijah. Brought to the front. Bos- ton, 1876. 16° 443.39 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 191 Kellogg, Elijah — concluded. Burying the liatcliet. Boston, 1879. 10°. 911.25 Elm Island stories. Boston, 1870-71. 16^. Lion Ben of Ehn Island 442.24 Charlie Bell, the waif of Ehn Island . . 442.25 The ark o£ Elm Island 442. 2G Boy farmers of Elm Island 442.27 Young sliip-huilders of Elm Island . . 442.23 Hard-scrahble of Elm Island 442.29 Forest Glen. Boston, 1877. 16° ... . 446.23 Good old times. Boston, 1878. 10°. . . 446.24 The live oalc boys. Boston, 1883. 10°. . 916.25 The mission of Black Rifle. Boston, 1870. 16° 443.41 Norman Cline. Boston, 1869. 16° . . . 443.7 Pleasant Cove series. Boston, 1871-76. 10°. Arthur Brown the young captain . . . 442. .30 Young deliverers of Pleasant Core . . . 442.31 Cruise of the Casco 442.32 Child of the Island Glen 442.33 John Godsoe's legacy 442.34 Fisher ijoys of Pleasant Cove 442.35 Sowed hy the wind 442. .'36 Wolf Run 442.37 A stout heart. Boston, 1874. 16° . . . 443.40 A strong arm and a mother's blessing. Boston, 1881. 12° 913.10 The unseen hand; or, James Renfew and his boy helpers. Boston, 1882. 16° . . 913.24 mdsperinypinestries. Boston, 1872-73. 16°. Spark of genius. The 443.1 Sophomores of Kadcliff 443.2 Whispering pine 443.3 Turning of the tide 443.4 Winning his spurs 443.5 Kellogg, S. H. The Light of the world, and "The light of Asia." [A comparison.] London, 1885. 12° 1245.9 Kelly, John, Tribune of the people. His life and times. J. F. McLaughlin. N.Y., 1885. 12° 11.35.3 Kelly, Sophie. Sherwood, Mrs. M. M., Life of. London, 1857. 8° .' 142.12 Kellys, The, and the O'Kellys. A. Trollope. N.Y., In.d.] 12° 963.11 Kelsey, D. M. Deeds of daring by both blue and gray. Phila., 1885. 8° 1429.12 Keltie, J. Scott, Ed. The statesman's year- book. 1884. London, 1884. 12° . . . 1232.8 The same. 1885 1243.5 The same. 1886 1249.17 Kemble, Mrs. Frances Anne. Journal of a year's residence on a Georgian plantation. N.Y., 1863. 12° 603.13 Notes upon some of Shakespeare's plays. London, 1882. 8° 1223.10 Poems. Boston, 1858. 12° 552.14 Records of a girlhood. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 182.8 The same 182.9 Records of later Ufe. N.Y., 1882. 12°. .1112.14 The same 1112.16 Kemble, John Phillips, Memoirs of. Includ- ing a history of the stage, from the time of Garrick, to the present period. J. Boaden. Phila., 182.5. 8° 1122.5 Kemble, Marion. Art recreations. A guide to decorative art. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . 687.14 Kempis, Thomas h, and the Brothers of Com- mon Life. Rev. S. Kettlewell. N.Y., 1882. 2 V. 8° 1112.10 Imitation of Christ. Boston, 1863. 12° . 267.10 Kendall, Amos, Autobiography of. W. Slick- ney, Ed. Boston, 1872. 8° 1.50.0 Kendall, Mrs. E. D. The judge's sons. Bos- ton, 1871. 12° 422.10 Kendrick, A. C. Judson, Mrs. E. C, Life of. N.Y., 1800. 12° 213.6 i'cZ. Poetical favorites. (First series. ) N.Y., 1872. vr 5.J3.7 Theisame. (Tliird series. ) Boston, 1881. 12° .575.1 Kendrick, William. The new American or- chardist. Boston, 1843. 8° 04S.3 Kenelm Chillingly. E. Bulwer-Lytton. N.Y., 1873. 12° 344.8 Kenilworth. .Sir W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12' 314.12 The same 315.12 Kennan, George. Tent-life in Siberia. N.Y., 1870. 12° 723.6 The same 775.7 Kennebunk and Wells, Maine, History of. E. C. Bourne. Portland, 1875. 8° . . . .542.5 Kennedy, Grace. Dunallan. [A novel.] N.Y., 1871. 16° 414.10 Kennedy, James. Modern poets and poetry of Spain. London, 1852. 8° .567.12 Kennedy, Rev. James. Life and work in Benares and Kumaon. 18-39-77. X.Y., 1855. 12° 789.11 The same 792.16 Kennedy, John P., Life of. 11. T. Tucker- man. N.Y., 1871. 8° 114.8 Works : At home and abroad. N.Y., 1872. 12°. 2.33.14 Horse-shoe Robinson. Phila., 1805. 12°, 3.34.22 Rob of the bowl. A legend of St. Inigoe's. Phila., 1801. 12° 380.27 Swallow barn. N.Y., 18.50. 12° . . . 422.1 Wirt, Wm., Life of. Phila., 1853. 2 v. 8°, 138.2 Kennedy, Patrick. Legendary fictions of Irish Celts. London, 1800. 12° 224.18 Kennedy, William Sloane. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, poet, litterateur, scientist. Bos- ton, 188.3. 12° 1118.2 Longfellow, Henry W. Biography, letters, and criticism. Cambridge, 1882. 8°. . 1112.11 Whittier, John G. Ills life, genius, and writings. Boston, 1882. 12° .... 1114.15 Wonders and curiosities of railway and locomotive. Chicago, 1884. 12° . . . 1324.3 Kenneth. C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1855. 12° . 322.12 Kensington, Memorials of, regal, critical, and anecdotal. L. Hunt. London, [n.d.] 12°, 282.1 Kensington, South, Museum. Works of art, decorations, and descriptions. London, 1881-82. 2 V. 4° R. L. Travels in. With notes on decorative art and architecture in England. M. D. Con- way. N.Y., 1882. 8° 684.4 Kent, Charles. Charles Dickens as a reader. Phila., 1872. S° 114.10 Kent, James. Sibyl Spencer. N.Y.,1878. 12°, 371.18 Kentucky, a pioneer commonwealth. N. S. Shaler. (American commonwealths.) Boston, 1885. 12° 598.20 Ker, David. Into unknown seas; or. The cruiseof two sailor-boys. ISr.Y.,lS86. 18°, 921.25 The lost city; or. The boy explorers in cen- tral Asi.i. N.Y., 1885. 18° 921.13 Keramos, and other poems. H. W. Longfel- low. Boston, 1878. 16° 573.10 192 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kerr, Orpheus C, pseud. See Newell, R. H. Kerry-Nicholls, J. H. The King Country. (Xew Zi-alanil.) London, 1S84. 8° . . 787.5 Kettell, Samuel. Specimens of American po- etry. Boston, [n.d.] 3 v. V^° . . . . 554.1 Kettlewell, S. Thomas a Kempis, and the Brothers of Common Life. N.Y., 1882. 2 V. 8° 1112.10 Eeyes, E. D. Fifty years' observation of men, and events, civil and military. N.Y., 1884. 12° 12:^7.3 Keyser, Harriette A. On the borderland. N.Y., 1882. 16° 941.6 Khiva, A ride to. Travels and adventures in central Asia. F. Burnaby. N.Y., 1877. 12° 715.21 Kiana; a tradition of Hawaii. J. J. Jarves. Boston, 18.57. 12° 297-10 Kidder, D. P., and Fletcher, J. C. Brazil and the Brazilians. Phila., 1857. 8° . . . 007.3 Kidder, Frank Eugene. The architect's and builder's pocket-book. N.Y., 1885. 10°, 1321.14 Kiddle, Henry, Ed. Spiritual communications. X.Y., 1879. 12° 286.22 Kiddle, Henry, nnd Sehem, A. J. Cyclopedia of education. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . . 274.16 The dictionary of education and instruc- tion. N.Y., 1881. 12° 129.15 Kidnapped, The, and the ransomed. Mrs. K. E. I!. Pickard. N.Y., 1856. 12° . . . 347.8 Kidnapping in the Pacific: or, The adventures of Boas Ringdon. W. H. G. Kingston. London, 1879. 10° ." . . 445.28 Kieffer, H. M. Recollections of a drummer boy. Boston, 188,3. 16° 917.25 Killarney, From the lakes of, to the Golden Horn. H. M. Field. N.Y., 1877. 12° . 492.1 Killikelly, Sarah H. Curious questions in his- tory, literature, art, etc. Pittsburgh, [n.d.l 8° 12.53.4 Kilmeny. VV. Black. X.Y., 1876. 8° . . . 347.50 The same 948.4 Kilrogan Cottage. M. Dospard. N.Y.,187S. 8°, 377.3 Kimball, Richard B. The tropics. N.Y., 1863. 12° 721.11 Undercurrents of Wall Street. N.Y., 1862. 12° .351.27 Kind hearts. Mrs. J. F. B. Firth. N.Y., [n.d.l 12° ... 379.4 Kindergarten, Fioebel's. With suggestions on principles and methods of child cul- ture in different countries. H. Barnard, Ed. Hartford, 1881. S° 1233.5 The mother's and kindergartner's friend. H. Carpenter. Boston, 1884. 16°. . .1231.21 Kindersley, E. C. Lord de Bayard. History of the Good Knight without fear and without reproach. N.Y., 1884. 4° . . 926.7 King, Arthur. Our sons; how to start them in life. Information respecting places of education; the professions; the civil ser- vice, etc. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 1248.0 King, Charles. The colonel's daughter; or. Winning his spurs. Phila., 1883. 12° . 944.17 Kitty's conquest. Phila., 1884. 10° . . 957 8 Marion's faith. Sequel to " The colonel's daughter." Phila., 1880. 12° ... . 970.12 King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Boston, 1872. 12° 724.1 King, C. Cooper. Map and plan drawing. London, [n.d.] 16° 652.30 King, C. W. The natural history of precious stones. London, 1870. 12° 043.22 King, David B. The Irish question. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1222.5 King, Edward. French political leaders. N.Y., 1870. 12° * ■ ■ ■ 1-J5.20 The gentle savage. Boston, 1883. 12°. . 946.2 The golden spike. Boston, 1886. 12° . . 972.9 My Paris. Boston, 1803. 10° 414.9 King, Horatio. Sketches of travel. Washing- ton, D.C., 1878. 12° 497.17 King, James. Cleopatra's needle. A history of the London obelisk. London, [n.d.] 16° 590.4 King, J. W. The war-ships and navies of the world. Boston, 1880. 8° 692.13 King, Katharine. Hugh Melton. N.Y., 1875. 8° 325.20 Our detachments. N.Y., 187.5. 8° . . . 1546. 37 King, Lord. Locke, John, Life and letters of. London, 18.58. 8° 148.21 King, M. B. A. Looking backward. N.Y., 1870. 12° 217.7 King, Moses. Boston, Hand-book of. Cam- bridge, 1879. 12° 493.18 The same 493.21 Cincinnati, Ohio, Pocket-book of. Cam- bridge, Mas.s., 1879. 10° 704.14 Harvard and its surroundings. Cambridge, 1878. 16° 273.11 The same 273.12 Ed. The Harvard Register. An illustrated magazine. Vol. III. Cambridge, Mass., 1881. 8° 755.5 King, Thomas Starr, Life of. R. Frothingham. Boston, 1865. 16° 133.13 Works: Christianity and humanity. Boston, 1877. 12° 272.8 Substance and show. [Lectures.] Bos- ton, 1877. 12° 272.25 The White Hills. Boston, 1860. 8° . . 664.9 King, W. II. Lessons and practical notes on steam. N.Y., 1860. 8° 649.1 Steam, the steam engine, etc. N.Y., ISOl. 8° 637.2 King, W. R., Memorial addresses on. Wash- ington, 1854. 8° 157.15 King and Commonwealth. History of Charles I. and the great rebelli(jn. J. M. Cordery antZ J. S. Phillpotts. Phila., 1876. 12°. 482.12 King Arthur. [A drama.] E. Buhver-Lytton. N.Y., 1871. 12o 092.7 King Arthur. (Not a love story.) Mrs. D. M. Cr.aik. N.Y., 1886. 12° 977.7 King Arthur, The new. [An opera without music] N.Y., 1885. 12° 578.6 King Hetel's daughter; or. The fair Gudron. A tale of the North Sea. Loudon, [n.d.] 16° 363.64 King of the tigers, The. L. Rousselet. Lou- don, 1885. 12° 974.5 King Philip's war, History of, and of the In- dian troubles in New England. K. Mark- ham. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .598.11 King Solomon's mines. [A novel.] H. R. Hagg.ard. N.Y., 18^5. 12° .... . 974.6 King's Chapel, History of. F. W. P. Green- wood. Boston, lS3:i. 12° 484.19 King's daughter. The. Mrs. G. R. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 9.56.19 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 193 King's men, The. A tale of to-morrow. By E. Grant, J. B. O'Reilly, F. J. Stimson, J. T. Wheelwright. N.T., 18S4. 12° . 950.8 King's missive, and other poems. J. G. Whit- tier. Boston, 1881. 16° 583.17 King's Mountain and its lieroes. History of llie battle of King's Mountain, Oct. 7, 1780, and the events wliich led to it. L. C. Draper. Cincinnati, ISSl. 8° . . . 695.3 King's own. The. F. Marryatt. N.Y., 18.J7. 12° 4.55.13 King's own Borderers. A military romance. J.S.Grant. London, [n.d.] 16". . . 38i.l7 King's secret, The. The secret correspondence of Louis XV. with his diplomatic agents, from 17-52 to 1774. Due tie Broglie. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 V. 8° 499.4 King's treasure house. The. A romance of ancient Egypt. W. Walloth. N.Y., 1886. 18° 961.9 Kinglake, A. W. Eothen; or, Travels in the Ea^t. N.Y., 1845. 16° ...... 715.9 Invasion of the Crimea. N.Y., 1863-81. 4 V. 8° 515.4 Kings Beeches. S. J. Mackenna. London, 1873. 12° 942.15 Kings in exile. [A novel of Parisian life.] A. Daudet. Boston, 1S80. 16° 383.16 Kings, queens, and barbarians; or. Talks about seven historic ages. A. Gilinan. Boston, [n.d.) l(i° 922.5 Kingsf ord, Jane, paeud. See Barnard, Charles. Kingsley, Charles. Tlis letters, and memories of his life. Ed. by his wife. N.Y., 1877. 8° 172.10 The same f 172.11 Works]: All Saints' Day, and other sermons. N.Y., 1878. 12° 282.7 Alton Locke. N.Y., 1856. 12°. . . . 342.18 At last. London, 1871. 12° 352.30 Glaucus; or. The wonders of the shore. Boston, 18.5.5. 10° 625.21 Greek fairy tales. Heroes of. London, 1868. 12° 453.21 Hereward, the last of the English. Bos- ton, 1866. l-,i° 333.19 The hermits. Phila., 1868. 12° . . . 216.9 Hypalia. Boston, 1855. 12° 421.14 Lectures in America. Phila., 1875. 12°, 217.26 Madame How and Lady Why. London, 1873. 16° 433.14 New miscellanies. Boston, 1860. 12° . 225.8 Out of the deep. Words for the sorrow- ful. N.Y., 18S0. 12° 125.17 Plays and Puritans. London, 1873. 12°, 234.3 Poems. Boston, 18.56. 12° 612.14 Raleigh, Sir Walter, and other papers. Boston, 1859. 12° 164.4 Sanitary and social lectures and essays. London, 1880. 12° 124.28 Town geology. London, 1872. 16° . . 042.22 Two years ago. Boston, 1857. 12° . . 311.21 The same 421.7 Water-babies. Boston, 1864. » 12° . . . 462.7 Westward Ho! or. Sir Amyas Leigh. Boston, 185.5. 12° 7.33.11 Yeast: a problem. N.Y., 1858. 12°. . 424.16 Kingsley, Henry. Au?tin Elliot. Boston, 1863. 12° 425.9 The boy in grey. London, 1871. 16° . . 443.36 Kingsley, Henry — concluded. The Harvey.?. Berlin, [n.d.] 16° ... 462.25 The Hillyars and the Burtons. Boston, 186.5. 12° 412.10 Leighton Court. Boston, 1866. 12°. . . 311.1 The mystery of the island. Loudon, 1877. 12° 446.2 Ravenshoe. Boston, 1862. 12° .... 301.13 Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn. Boston, 1859. 12° 311.19 Silcote of Silcotes. Boston, 1867. 8° . . .346.10 Stretton. Boston, [n.d.] 8° .377.16 Tales of old travel. London, 1809. 12° . 734.12 Valentin. A French boy's story of Sedan. London, [n.d.] 16° 462.24 Kingsley, J. S., Ed. The standard natural history. Boston, 1884-S5. 6 v. 8° . . R. L. Vol. I. Lower invertebrates. II. Crustacea and insects. III. Fislies and reptiles. IV. Birds. V. Mammals. VI. Man. Kingsley, Rose G. The children of Westmin- ster Abbey. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . . . 985.2 Kingston, W. H. G. Adrift in a boat. Phila., 1869. 12° 464.17 Adventures in India. London, 1884. 16°. 922.14 Charley Laurel. London, [n.d.] 16° . . 464.15 Cruise of the "Frolic." Boston, 1866. 16° 464.14 Dick Cheveley; his adventures and misad- ventures. N.Y., 1881. 12° 912.15 Dick Onslow among the red skins. Boston, 1864. 16° 464.11 Fortunes of the "Ranger" and the "Cru- sader." London, [n.d.] 10° 447.15 Fred Markhara in Russia. N.Y., [n.d.] 10°, 449.30 From powder monkey to admiral. A story of naval adventure. N.Y., 1884. 12° . 917.11 Hurricane Hurry. N.Y.,1S74. 12°. . . 714.16 In New Grenada. A tale for boys. Lon- don, 1879. 16° 449.11 In the Rocky Mountains. A tale of adven- ture. N.Y., 1S78. 12° 449.9 Inthe wilds of Florida. London, 1880. 12°, 912.17 James Brailhwaite, the supercargo. N.Y., 1883. 12° 916.19 John Deane of Nottingham. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 449.20 Kidnapping in the Pacific. London, 1879. 16° 445.28 Manco, the Peruvian chief. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 911.3 Mark Seaworth. A tale of the Indian Ocean. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 449.22 Marmaduke Merry. Boston, 1864. 16° . 464.13 The missing ship. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 911.13 My first voyage to southern seas. London, 1873. 12° 062.23 Notable voyages from Columbus to Parry. N.Y., 1880. 12° ". 592.21 Our fresli and salt water tutors. Loudon, 1809. 16° 445.17 Paddy Finn; or, Tlie adventures of a mid- shipman. N.Y., 1883. 12° 917.20 Peter, the whaler. Boston, 1863. 16° . . 464.10 Ralph and Dick. Boston,- [n.d.] 16° . . 464.12 The rival Crusocs. London, 1879. 12° . 912.9 Roger Willoughby. A tale of the sea and land. London," 1881. 12° 914.2 194 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kingston, W. 11. G. — concluded. Ronald Morton; or, The fire ships. A story of the last naval war. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 449.8 Salt water; or, Tlie sea life and adventures of Neil D'Arcy, the midshipman. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 912.10 Saved from the sea. London, 1877. 12° . .373.25 The settlers. A tale of Virginia. London, [n.d.] 1U° 447.24 Seven champions of Christendom. N.Y., 1879. 12° 281.23 Shipwrecks and disasters at sea. London, 1873. 8° 725.14 A tale of the shore and ocean; or, The lieir of Kilfinnan. N.Y., 1S81. 12° ... . 912.22 True blue; or, The life and adventures of a Britisli seaman. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 914.23 A true hero. London, [n.d.] 16° ... 464.16 Twice lost. London, 1876. 12° ... . 446.4 The wanderers. Adventures in the wilds of Trinidad and up the Orinoco. London, 1870. 12° 366.14 Washed ashore. Phila., 1868. 12° . . . 464.18 Western wanderings. Vol. II. London, 1856. 12° 667.8 The western world. London, 1874. 12° . 713.18 The same 786.6 Will Weallterlielm. The yarn of an old sailor. N.Y., 1880. 12° 911.9 Young foresters. N.Y., 180.5. 16° . . . 467.10 The young Llanero. London, 1877. 12° . 446.5 Kingston, T. L. Ilistory of Frederick II., Emperor of Germany. London, 1862. 2v. 8° .524.7 Kinley Hollow. [A novel.] G. H. Hollister. N.Y., 1882. 16° 943.3 Kinnear, Benjamin G. Cruces Shakespeari- ana;. London, 1883. 12° 1225.19 Kinnear, John G. Cairo, Petra, and Damascus in 1839. London, 1841. 12° 484.7 Kinns, Samuel. The liarmony of tlie Bible with science. Moses and geology. N.Y., [u.d.] 8° 1218.3 Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. W. K. Sniitli. Cambridge, Eng., 1885. 12° . . 792.24 Kinsley, William W. Views on vexed ques- tions. Pliila., 1881. 12° 1213.7 The same 1232.9 Kip, Leonard. Under the bells. N.Y., 1879. 12° 392.15 Kirby, E. N. Vocal and action language. Boston, 188.5. 16° C86.1S Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. The sea and its wonders. London, 1878. 4° .... 924.18 The world by the fireside. London, 188:5. 4°, 923.4 Kirk, Edward N., Life of. D. O. Mears. Bos- ton, 1877. 8° 174.7 Kirk, Ellen Olney, (Henry Hayes, pseud.) A lesson in love. (Round-robin series. ) Bos- ton, 1881. 10° .398.3 The same 398.4 A midsummer madness. Boston, 1884. 16°, 957.14 The story of Slargaret Kent. Boston, 1886. 12° 972.11 The same 972.14 Through winding ways. Phila., 1880. 8°, 377.39 Kirk, John F. Charles the Bold, Life of. Phila., 1864. 3 v. 8° 152.5 Kirke, Edmund, pseud. See Gilmore, J. R. Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. Garland of poetry. N.Y., 1868. 12° 552.11 Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. — concluded. A new home. Who'll follow? N.Y., 1855. 12° 713.12 Washington, George, Memoirs of. N.Y., 1857. 12° 165.4 Ed. Patriotic eloquence. Selections for reading and speaking. N.Y., 1866. 12°, 1229.11 Kirkland, E. Six little cooks. Chicago, 1877. hP 445.14 Kirkland, Frazer. Cyclopajdia of commercial and business anecdotes. N.Y., 1864. 2 v. 8° 237.3 Kirkland, S., Life of. S. K. Lothrop. (Ameri- can biography. Vol. XV.) 111.3 KirkTvood, Daniel. Meteoric astronomy. Phila, 1807. 12° 645.20 Kismet. (No name series.) J. Fletcher. Bos- ton, 1877. 16° 302. .58 The same 362.59 Kith and kin. J. Fothergill. N.Y., 1881. 16° .388.10 The same 388.23 Kitto, John. Palestine, History of. Boston, 18.52. 12° 535.2 Kitty. M.B.Edwards. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . 427.13 Kitty's conquest. C.King. Phil.a., 1884. 10°, 957.8 Kittyleen. R.S.Clark. Boston, 1884. 10°. 921.1 Klaczko, Julian. Two ch.ancellors. Prince Gortchakof and Prince Bismarck. N. Y., 1870. 12° 171.12 Klaczynski, Jean. Chopin, Frederic, Works of, and their proper interpretation. Lectures. London, [n.d.] 16° ... . 687.16 Klipstein, Louis F. Anglo-Saxon literature. N.Y., 18.56. 2 V. 12° 243.5 Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt: its people and products. N.Y., 1878. S° . . . . 4.«6.20 Knapp, S. L. Lawyers, statesmen, and men of letters. Boston, 1821. 8° 1.52.1 Knave of hearts, The. [A fairy story.] R. Grant. Boston, ISSfl. 12° 974.15 Kneeland, Samuel. The American in Iceland. Boston, 1870. 12° 493.13 Knickerbocker's history of New York. W. Irving. K.Y., 18.55. 12° 218.9 Knight, Charles. Half-hours with the best authors. Phila., [n.d.] 6 v. 12°. . . 285.2 Half-hours of English history. London, 136.5. 8° 513.5 and Valentine, Mrs., .E'li.f. The san\e. 4 v. 12° 696.2 History of England. Boston, 1874. 8 v. 8° 485.7 Ed. London. London, 1851. 3 v. Roy. 8° 478.1 Once tipon a time. London, 1805. 12° . 412.5 Passages of a working life. London, 1873. 3v. 8° i:38.5 Knight, Cornelia, and Raikes, Thomas. Per- sonal reminiscences. N.Y., 1875. 8° . 134.22 Knight, E. H. Knight's American mechanical diction.ary. N.Y., 1877. 3 v. 8°. . . 638.12 Knight, James. Improvement of the health of ehilihen and adults, by natural means. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 633.15 Knight, William, Ed. Essays on Spinoza, by various authors. Edinburgh, 1882. 8° . 1125.4 Knight of Gwynne. C. J. Lever. London, 1872. 10° 351.13 Knight of the Black Forest. G. D. Litchfield. N.Y., 1885. 16° 966.22 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 195 Knight of the nineteenth century. E. P. Roe. N.Y., 1877. 12° .354.43 The same 354.44 Knightly heart, and other poems. J. F. Col- nian. Boston, 1S73. 12° .551.3 Knights of Malta, History of the. W. Porter. Lontl.m, 1858. 2 v. 8° .531.2 Knights of the Garter. [Memorials.] G. F. BeUz. London, 1S41. 8° 117.11 Knights of the middle ages, Stories of the. X.Y., 18S3. 12° 1222.17 Knights of to-day; or, Love and science. C. Barnard. X.Y., 1881. 16° 378.28 Knitting-work. B. P. .Shillaher. Boston, 1859. vr 3.57.21 Knockabout Chib alongshore. The adven- tures of a party of young men on a trip from Boston to the land of the midnight sun. C.A.Stephens. Boston, 1883. 4°, 915.12 The same 925.5 Knockabout Club in the tropics. In New Mexico and Central America. C. A. Ste- phens. Boston, 1884. 4° 923.7 The same 925.6 Knockabout Club in the woods. The adven- tures of six young men in the wilds of Maine and Canada. C. A. Stephens. Boston, 1SS2. 8° 9*5.2 The same 925.4 Knocking round the Kockies. E. Ingersoll. N.Y., 1883. 8° 773.16 The same 774.6 Knortz, Karl, find Dickmann, Otto, Eds. Mod- ern American lyrics. Boston, 1880. 16°, 583. 6 Knot tied. The. Marriage ceremonies of all na- tions. W. Tegg, Ed. London, 1877. 10° ' 123.28 Knov7ledge for the people; or, The plain why and because. J. Timbs. Boston, 1832. 3v. 16° 653.27 Kno^wles, J. Sheridan. Dramatic works. Lon- don, 1856. 2v. 12° 614.6 Knowlton, Helen M., Ed. Talks on art. See Hunt, W. M. Knox, John, Life of. W. M. Taylor. N.Y., lSa5. 12° 1131.6 Portraits of. T. Carlyle. London, [n.d.] 12° vol. xix. of 1235.1 Knox, A tale of. A. E. Story. London, 1884. 12° 959.13 Knox, John Jay. United States notes. (Issues of paper money.) N.Y., 1884. 8° . . . 1416.5 Knox, Kathleen. Queen Dura. The life and lessons of a little girl. X.Y., [n.d. J 12° 383.27 Knox, Robert. The races of men. London, 1SG2. 12° 624.20 Knox, Thomas W. Backsheesh! or. Life and adventures in the Orient. Hartford, 1875. 8° 487.6 The boy tr.-ivellers. N.Y., 1880-84. 5 v. 8°, 765.2 Vol. I. In the far East. II. Siara and Java. III. Ceylon and India. Knox, Thomas W. — concluded. Vol. IV. Egypt and the Holy Land. V. In Central Africa. VI. In South America. N.Y., 1886. 4° 929.13 Fulton, Robert, Life of, and a history of steam navigation. X.Y., 1886. 12° . . 1137.13 How to travel. Advice to travellers by land and sea all over the globe. N.Y., 1881. 18° 764.22 The travels of Marco Polo; for boys and girls. N.Y., 1885. 4° 929.11 The voya^-e of the "Vivian" to the >forth Pole and beyond. For boys. N.Y., 1S85. 4° . 926.10 Young JCimrods around the world. N.Y., 1882. 8° 773.2 Young Jfimrods in North America. For boys. N.Y., 1881. 8° 448.14 Koehler, S. R., Ed. The U. S. art directory and )-ear-book. N.Y., 1884. 8° . . . 685.5 Koestlin, Julius. Martin Luther, the reformer. N.Y., 188.3. 16° 1121.7 Kohl, J. G. History of the discovery of Maine. Portland, Me., 1869. 8° 538.5 Konigsmark, and other poems. G. H. Boker. Phila., 1869. 12° 552.23 Koran, The. G. Sala, Trans. Boston, 1864. 12°, 264.3 A commentary on the Quran, comprising .Sale's translation and preliminary dis- course. E. M. Wherry. Boston, 18S2. 8°, 1215.14 Korea, A sketch of. Choson, the Land of the Morning Calm. P. Lowell. Boston, 1886. 8° 796. 1 Kbrner, correspondence with Schiller. Lon- don, 18)9. 3v. 12° 164.1 Kossuth, Louis. Memories of ray exile. N.Y., 1880. 8° 184.5 Kouli Kan. Thames, History of the. London, 1746. 18° 211.17 Kouns, Nath.-in C. Arius the Libyan. An idyl of the primitive church. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1229.4 Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. N.Y., 1884. 16° 962.25 Koven, James de. Sermons; with an introduc- tion by Morgan Di.x. N.Y., 1880. 12° . 294.4 Krapp, J. L. Travels and labors in eastern Africa. Boston, 1860. 12° 716.1 Bjause, Ernst, Life of. E. Darwin. N.Y., 1880. 12° 192.23 Krauth, Charles P. The conservative reforma- tion, and its theology. Phila., 1871. 8°, 627.6 Krlder's Sporting anecdotes. H. M. Klapp, Ed. Phila., 1853. 8° 725.3 Kriege, M. H. The child. Elucidation of Froebel's principles of education. N.Y., 1872. 12° 236.14 Krilof and liis fables. W. E. S. Ralston. Lon- don, 1869. 16° 2.52.2 Kroeger, A. E. Minnesinger of Germany. N.Y., 1873. 12° ". 217.15 Krumacher, Frederic A. The parables. Lon- don, 1&5S. 12° 236.13 196 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. L. L. Ii. L. ; or, Fifty law lessons. The tecbnical points of business law. A. B. Claris. N.Y., 1SS2. 12° 121!). 16 Labor and victory. A book of examples for those who would learn. A. II. Japp. London, [n.d.] 12° 110",. 15 Labor, laud, and law. A search for the missing wealth of the working poor. W. A. Phil- lips. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1316.8 Labor movement in America. K. T. Ely. N.Y., [n.d.) 12° 12.52.10 Labor stands on golden feet. H. Zschokke. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 432.20 Labor, Social law of. \V. B. Weedon. Boston, 1882. 12° 1217.2 Labor-value fallacy. M. L. Scudder. Jr. Chicago, ISS-l. 12° 1235.2 Labor; with preludes on current events. J. Cook. Boston, 1880. 12° 294.21 Laboulaye, Edouard. Fairy book. N.Y.,1S07. 12° 4.53.13 Fairytales. N.Y., 188-5. 4° 926.16 Last fairy tales. N.Y., 1885. 12° ... 928.18 Old wives' fables. London, 1884. 12°. . 946.19 Paris in America. M. L. Booth, Trans. N.Y., 186.3. 12° 341.4 Labrador. Its peoples, industries, and natural history. W. A. Stearns. Boston, 1884. 12° 789.14 Lace, Ancie;it and modern. History of its ori- gin and manufacture, with instructions for making it. Mrs. C. D. Beebe. N.Y., 1880. 8° 683.20 Lace, Old point, and how to copy and imitate it. D. W. Hawkins. (Illustrated.) Lon- don, 1878. 12° 273.28 Lackland, Thomas. Homespun. N.Y., 1867. 12° 243.16 Lackland, William, Kd. Meteors, atmospheric phenomena, etc. Trans, from the French of Ziirclier and Margolle. N.Y., 1870. 12° 645.19 Lacretelle, Henri de. Lamartine and his friends. N.Y., 1880. 12° 194.8 Lacroix, Paul. The arts in the middle ages, and at the period of the renaissance. London, 1870. 8° 618.4 The same 628.1 The eighteenth century. Its institutions, customs, and costumes. London, 1870. 8°, 028.2 Manners, customs, and dress, during the middle ages, and during the renaissance period. N.Y., 1874. 8° 628.3 Military and religious life in the middle ages, and at the period of the renaissance. N.Y., 1874. 8° 628. 4 Science and literature in the middle ages, and at the period of the renaissance. N.Y., 1878. 8° 628.5 Lacy diamonds, The. J. G. A. Coulson. X.Y.,1876. 8° S65.40 Ladd, George T. Principles of church polity. N.Y., 1882. 8° 1215.6 Ladies Lindores, The. Mrs. M. O. W. Oli- phant. N.Y., 1883. 16° 049.2 Ladies of the Covenant. Memories of the Scottish female characters. J. Anderson. X.Y., 1880. 12° 192.19 ( Ladies of the White House; or. In the home of the presidents. 1789-1872. L. C. Holloway. N.Y., 1872. 8° 173.6 The same to 1882 293.13 Lady Alice; or, Two sides of a picture. Mrs. E. Marshall. N.Y., 1878. 12° ... . 374.14 Lady Ann. A. Trolhipe. KY., [n.d.] 12° . 963.13 Lady Bell. H. Keddie. Phila., 1874. 12° . 3.52.22 Lady Betty's governess. L. E. Guernsey. N.Y., 1872. 16° 312.2 Lady Clara De Vore. F. Spielhagen. N.Y., 1881. 18° 391.29 Lady Ernestine; or. The absent Lord of Roche- forte. Mrs. A. C. Warfield. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 353.40 Lady Green-Satin and her maid Rosette. E. M. des Chesuez. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. . 4.53.10 Lady Hester. C. M. Yonge. London, 1874. 12°, 322.13 Lady Judith. .1. McCarthy. X.Y.,[u.d.] 8°, 369.16 Lady of la Garaye. Mrs. 0. Norton. London, 1866. 12° 653.3 Lady of the Aroostook. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1878. 12° 392.1 The same 392.23 Lady of the ice. J. De Mille. N.Y., 1876. 8°, 377.34 Lady of the Isle. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1859. 12° ..... 416.1 Lady of the Lake. W. Scott. Boston, [n.d.] 16° vol. iii. of .564.10 The same. (Classics for children.) E. Ginn, Ed. Boston, 1885. 16° . . . 971.2 The same. Ed. with notes by W. J. Rolfe. Boston, 188.3. 12° 584.9 Lady Rosamond's book. The second part of the Stanton-Corbet chronicles. L. E. Guernsey. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .... 974.7 Lady Superior, The. E. F. Pollard. N.Y., 1875. 8° 361.42 Lady .Susan, and fragments of other tales. J. Austen. With a memoir by J. E. A. Leigh. London, 1882. 12° 953.1 Lady Sybil's choice. A tale of the crusades. E. S. Holt. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 396.7 Lady, The, or the tiger? and other stories. F. R.Stockton. N.Y., 1884. 16° ... . 9.57.13 Lady Vahvorth's diamonds, and The haunted chamber. Mrs. M. Argles. Phila., 1887. 12= 978.18 Lady Wedderburn's wish. A tale of the Cri- mean war. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° 384.18 Lady with the rubies. The. E. John. Mrs. Wister, 7'/-ans. Phila., 1886. 12°. . . 977.15 Lady's ride across SpanisU Honduras. M. Sol- tera. Edinburgh, 1884. 12° 785.11 Lafayette, Marquis de. Life. Boston, 1876. 12° 176.9 Memoirs of, and of the French revolution of 1830. B. Sarrans. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 12° 297.11 Laffan, May. See Hartley, May. La Fontaine and otiier Freiicli fabulists. W. L.Collins. Phila., [n.d.] 16° ... . 1111.10 Fables of La Fontaine. E. Wright, Jr., Trans. N.Y., [n.d.| 12° 582.15 Laicus. L. Abbott. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . . 412.9 Laighton, Albert. Poems. Boston, 1859. 12°, 551.20 The same. 1878 583.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRA R}. 197 12.31.25 457.00 712.1.5 792. G 377.37 959.9 683.5 .561.4 194.8 181.9 Laing, Mrs. C. H. B. The heroes of the seven hills. Phila., |n.d.] 16° 331.10 The seven kings of the seven hills. Phila., [n.d.] 16° 453.24 Laing, Samuel. Chronicle of the kings of Norway. London, 1844. 3 v. 8"'.'. . 141.2 Modern science and modern thought. Lon- don, 1S8.5. 8° 1.326.6 Lake, Nancy. Menus made easy. French names for dishes. London, [n.d.] 18° . Lake breezes; or, The cruise of the " Sylvania." W. T. Adams. Boston, 1879. 16° . . Lake shore. E. Souvestre. Boston, 1855. 12°, Lakeman, Mary. Pretty Lucy Merwyn. Bos- ton, 1SS4. 16° 962.24 Lakes George and C'hamplain; Niagara, Mon- treal and Quebec. Historic hand-book of the northern tour. F. Parkman. Bos- ton, 1885. 12° Lakeville ; or, Substance and shadow. M. Jlealy. N.Y., 187:3. 8° Lai. W. A. Hammond. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . Lalanne, Maxime. A treatise on etching. Bos- ton, 1880. 8° Lalla Rookh; The loves of the angels. T. Moore. Boston, 18.56. 16° . . vol. vi. of Lamartine, (A. de Fior,) and his friends. H. de Lacretelle, rrans. N.Y., 1880. 12° . Works : Columbus, Life of. N.Y., 1877. 16°. . Cromwell, Oliver, Life of. N.Y., 1877. 16° 181.10 D'Aliza. N.Y., I8GS. 16° 362.26 Genevieve; or. The history of a sei-vant girl. London, 1864. 12° 364.76 French revolution (1848), History of the. Boston, 18.54. 12° Girondists, History of the. N.Y., 18.54. 3v. 8° Memoirs of celebrated characters. X.Y., 1854. 2 V. 12° My mother's manuscript. Phila., 1877. 12° 316.23 Past, present and future of the republic. N.Y., 1855. 12° 535.5 Restoration, flistory of the. London, 1854. 4v. 12° 535.7 The stonemason of Saint Point. London, 1851. 12° 364.77 Twenty-five years of my life. London, 1872. 2v. 8° 168.11 Lamb, Charles. Angler, A. Life. (English men of letters.) N.Y., 1882. 12°. . . 192. .35 Proctor, B.W. Memoir. Boston, 1860. 12°, 215.18 The same 215.19 Talfourd, Sir T. N. His letters, friends, life, etc. London, 1886. 2 v. 12° . . 1249.22 Works : Adventures of Ulysses. London, [n.d.] 16° 431.3 Eliana. Boston, 1864. 12° 112.5 Mrs. Leicester's school, and other writ- ings in prose and verse. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.5 Poems, plays, and miscellaneous essays. A. Ainger, Ed. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . Works of. London, 1855. 4 v. 8° , . Lamb, Charles and Mary. Poems, letters and remains. W. C. Hazlitt. London, 1874. 12° Poetry for children. N.Y., 1878. 18° . . 48:3.17 535.4 132.1 577.14 1:34.15 112.7 583.18 Lamb, Charles and Mary — concluded. Tales from Shakespeare, for the young. N.Y., 1864. 16° Lamb, Hazlitt, and others. Personal recollec- tions of. (Bric-a-brac series, Vol. IX. R. H. Stoddard, £'cZ.) N.Y., 1875. 12°. . Lamb, Lady. Warrior kings from Charle- magne to Frederick the Great. N.Y., 1883. 8° Lamb, Mrs. Martha J. New York oily, His- tory of. N.Y., 1877. 2 V. 8° ... . Ed. Homes of America. N.Y., 1880. 4° . Snow and sunshine. (Juvenile.) iN.Y., 1882. 4° Spicy. [A novel.] N.Y., 1873. 8° . . . Lamb, Mary, Life of. (Famous women series. ) A. Gilchrist. Boston, 188:3. 16° . . . Lambert, T. S. Restoration by the "Heat method " of those drowned or otherwise suff.icated. N.Y., 1879. 12° .... Lambeth Palace and its associations. J. Cave- Browne. With an introduction by the late Archbishop Tait. Second edition ; to which is added Mediseval life among the old palaces of the Primacy. Edinburgh, [n.d.] S° LamOD, Ward H. Lincoln, Abraham, Life of. Boston, 1872. 8° Lamont, James. Yachting in the Arctic Seas. London, 1876. 8° La Motte Fouque, F. de. Undine; or. The water-spirit. Sintram and his compan- ions. Phila., 18.59. 16° Lamphere, George M. The U. S. government. Phila., 1880. 8° Lamplighter, The. M. S. Cummins. Boston, 1864. 12° Lamps and paths. [Sermons to the young.] T. Munger. Boston, 1885. 16° ... Lamson, Alvan. The church of the first three centuries. Boston, I860. 8° .... Lamson, Mrs. Mary S. Life and education of Laura D. Bridgman, the deaf, dumb and blind girl. Boston, 1878. 12° ... . Lancashire gleanings. W. E. A. Axon. Man- chester, 1883. 12° Lancaster, Jlass., The early records of. 1643- 1725. H. S. Nourse, Ed. Lancaster, 1884. 8° Public library catalogue, 1877 Lances of Lynwood. C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 18.56. 16° Lanceiwood, Lawrence. Cousin Clara; or, The mislaid jewels. Chicago, 1881. 16°, Land and sea. P. H. Gosse. London, 186.5. 12° Land, labor, and gold. W. Howitt. Boston, 1885. 2 v. 12° "Land of charity;" Account of Travancore and its devil worship. (India.) S. Ma- teer. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° Land of desolation. (The Arctic regions.) 1. I. Hayes. N.Y., 1872. 12° Land of fire. The. A tale of adventure. Mayne Reid. London, [n.d.] 12° Land of Gilead, with excursions in Leb.anon. L. Oliphant. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . . . Land of gold, The. A (ale of '49. Illustrative of early pioneer life in California, and founded upon fact. G. G. Spurr. Bos- ton, 1881. 12° 451.18 1.34.28 1116.2 695.4 R. L. 915.13 377.38 1115.15 675.22 599.7 154.5 496.18 312.1 692.10 361.. 32 1241.14 267.4 177.29 1227.6 1414.2 R. L. 461.20 918.7 648.27 721.9 723.14 723.9 937.1 769.3 387.29 198 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBliAHY. Land of Kliemi, The. Up and down the middle Nile. L. 01iph.int.. Ediiihurgh, 1S82. 8°, 777.4 Land of Lome. Scottish Ilidjrides. K. Bu- chanan. N.Y., 1871. 12° 724.21 Land of inisfoitnne, In the. (Africa.) Lady Florence Di.\ie. London, 1S82. 8° . . 774.11 Land of Hip Van Winkle. A tonr tlirough the romantic parts of the CatsUills. Its legends and traditions. A. E. 1'. Searing. X.Y., 1SS4. 8° R. L. Land of the midnight sun. Summer and win- ter journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland and nortliern Finland. P. 13. DuChaillu. N.Y., 1882. 2 v. 8" . . 7()9.10 Land of the moose, the bear, and tlie beaver. Adventures in the forests of the Atha- basca. A. Daunt. London, 188.). 12° . 792.11 Til e same 935.3 Land of tlie pigtail. Its people and customs; from a boy's point of view. B. Clarke. London, [n.d.] 12° 447.9 Land of the sky; or, Adventures in mountain byways. F. C. Fisher. N.Y., 1876. 8°, 305.36 Land of the Veda. (India.) W.Butler. N.Y., 1872. 8° 720.1 The same 770.10 Land of Thor, Tlie. J. K. Browne. N.Y., 1807. 12° 061.12 Land question. The. Burhcck, W. I,. Histor- ical sketch of the distribution of land in England, with suggestions for some im- provement in the law. London, 1885. 12° 1232.3 Pollock, F. The land laws. (English citi- zen series.) London, 1SS3. 12° ... 1224.19 AVallace, A. R. Land nationalization, its necessity and aims. A comparison of the system of landlord and tenant, with that of occupying ownership, in their influence upon the well-being of the peo- ple. London, [n.d.] 10° 1224.20 Land, sea, and sky; or, Wonders of life and nature. A description of the physical geography and organic life of the earth. J. Minshnll. London, [n.d.] 8° . . . 1310.12 Land, The, and the Book. W. A. Thomson. N.Y., 1880-86. 8°. Vol. I. Southern Palestine and .Jerusalem, 705.7 II. Central Palestine and Phrenicia . 774.2 III. Lebanon, Damascus, and beyond Jordan 788.13 The same. N.Y., 18.59. 2 v. 12° . . 003.5 Lander, Richard, and John. Journal of the exploration of the Niger. N.Y., 1854. 2v. 10° 731.10 Landolin. B. Auerbach. N.Y., 1878. 10° . 376.2 Landon, Joseph. School management. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 1124.15 Landon, L. E. The troubadour. Phila., 182-5. 12' 012.8 Landon, JI. D. Saratoga, in 1901. N.Y., 1872. 8° 232. 17 Landor, E. W. The bushman; or, Life in a new country. London, 1847. 8° . . . 730.8 Landor, \VaUer Savage. Colvin, S. Life. (English men of letters.) N.Y.,1881. 12°, 192.33 Ed. Selections from his writings. Lon- don, 1882. 18° 1214.14 Forster, J. Life and works. London, 1876. 4v. 8° 173.2 Life. London, 1869. 12° 147.2 Lands of the Saracen. B. Taylor. N.Y., 18.55. 12° 733.10 Landscape. P. G. Ilamerton. Boston, lS8a. 12° 1012.7 Landscape gardening. A. J. Downing. N.Y., IS5.5. 8° 047.8 Laudseer, Sir Edwin Henry. Life. (Illus- trated biography.) F. G. Stephens. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 195.15 Life. (Vol. XV. of Artist biographies.) M. F. Sweetser, £:(i. Boston, 1S79. 18°, 191.1 M'orks : Engravings from Landseer, reproduced in heliotype. With a sketch of the life and works of the artist. Boston, 1876. 4° R. L. Studies; illustrated by sketches from the collection of Her Majesty the Queen, and other sources. With a history of his art-life by W. C. Monkhouse. Lon- don, (n.d.J 4° R. L. Lane, Edward W. Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. London, 1871. 2 v. 12° 722.5 The same 731 .9 Lane, Laura M. My sister's keeper. N.Y., 1880. 12° .379.6 The same. 32° 391.12 Lane-Poole, S. Art of the Sar.acens in Egypt. London, 1880. 8° . 1014.4 Laneton parson.age. E. M. Sewell. N.Y., 18.54. 3v. 12° .371.12 Lanfrey, P. Napoleon I., History of. Lon- don, [n.d.] 4 V. 8° 536.5 Lang, Andrew-. Ballads and verses vain. N.Y., 1884. 16° 577.9 Letters to dead authors. N.Y., 1886. 16°, 1251.13 The library. (.\rt at home series.) Lon- don, 1881. 12° 082.26 Trans. Theocritus, Bion and Mochus. Rendered into English prose with an in- troductory essay. London, 1880. 12° . 120.4 Lang, Mrs. Andrew. Dissolving views. [.\ novel.] N.Y., 1884. 16° 962.3 Lange, Frederick A. History of materialism. Boston, 1880. 3 v. 8° 676.11 Langford, John A., Ed. The praise of books, as said and sung by English authors. N.Y., [n.d,] 18° 295.2 Langille, J. Hibhert. Our birds and their haunts. Boston, 1884. 8° 1322.3 Language. Kavanagh, M. Origin of language and myths. London, 1871. 2 v. 8°. . 044.11 Muller, M. The science of language. (Second series.) N.Y., 1863-0.5. 8° . . 644.0 Whitney, W. D. Life and growth of lan- guage. N.Y., 1875. 8° 614.9 The same 055.8 Language and the study of language. N.V., 1867. 8° 044.10 Lanier, Sidney. The boy's King Arthur. N.Y., 1881. 8° 923.9 The boy's Mabinogion. The earliest Welsh tales of King Arthur in the famous Red Book of Hergest. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . 448.20 Ed. The boy's Percy. Old ballads. N.Y., 1882. 8° 923.10 The English novel, and the principle of its development. N.Y., 1883. 12° . . . . 1225.3 Florida, its scenery, climate and history. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 491.15 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 199 Lanier, Sidney — concluded. The science of English verse. N.Y., ISSO. V:i° 675.19 Lankester, Dr. Vegetable substances used for tlie food of man. London, [n.d.] 16° . 648.30 Lauman, Cliaile.". Adventures in the wilds of the U.S. Phila., 1856. 2 v. 8° . . . 665.17 Haphazard personalities. Boston, 1886. 16°, 1251.11 The Japanese in America. N.Y., 1872. 12°, 256.2 The same 768.1.3 The life and explorations of Lieut. James Booth Lockwood of the Greely Arctic ex- pedition. N.Y., 188.5. IG^ 781.16 Lanman, James H. Michigan, History of. N.Y., 18.5.5. 16° 473.5 Lanoye, Ferdinand de. The sublime in nature. N.Y., 1870. 12° 242.15 Lansdell, Henry. Through Siberia. Boston, 1882. 8° 774.7 Lanza, Gaetano. Applied mechanics. N.Y., 188.5. 8° 132G.3 Laocobn: an essay on the limils of painting and poetry. G. E. Lessing. Boston, 1874. 12° 669.29 Laodicean, A ; or, The castle of the De Stancys. T.Hardy. N.Y., 1881. 16° 388.15 Laodiceaus, and other essays. R. M. Eyton. London, 1)<84. 16° 1231.22 La Plata. The Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay. T. J. Page. N.Y., 1S59. 8° 605.11 La^Plata countries of South America. E. J. M.Clemens. Phila., 1886. 12° ... 797.12 Lap}>enberg, J. M. History of England under the Anglo Saxon kings. London, ISSl. 2 V. 12° 592.8 Lapsed but not lost. Mrs. E. Charles. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 321.27 Larchey, Loredan. History of Bayard the Good Chevalier. London, 1883. 8° . . 1123.1 Larcom, Lucy, Ed. Breathings of a belter life. Boston, 1849. 16° 283.20 Idyl of work. Boston, 187-5. 8° . . . . 566.14 Poems. Boston, 1869. 12° 552.24 The same. (Complete.) 1885 .... 577.15 Wild roses of Cape Ann, and other poems. Boston, 1881. 12° ......... 575.2 Larke, J. K. Grant, U. S., Campaigns of. N.Y., 1864. 12° "... 165.11 Larv7ood, Jacob. The story of the London parks. London, [n.d.] 12° 702.15 and Hotten, J. C. History of signboards. London, 1866. 12° 626.11 La Salle, R. 0. de. Life of. J. Sparks. (American biographies. Vol. I.) . . . . 111.3 Lasauls, Amalie von. Sister Augustine, an old Catholic. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . . . 1S7.7 Las^Cases, Cnunt de. Napoleon L, Memoir of. N.Y., 18.55. 4v. 12° 114.5 Lassalle, Charles. Origin of the Western na- tions and languages. London, 1883. 8°, 1226.5 Last chronicle of Barset. A. TroUope. N.Y., 1867. S° 353.2 Last days of Pompeii. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1873. 16° 344.21 Last four popes. Cardinal Wiseman. London, [n.d.] 8° 114.14 Last knight. The. (Poems.] Count i-on Auers- perg. N.Y., 1871. 12° 663.14 Last meeting, The. B. Matthews. N.Y., 1885. 12° 968.24 Last of the barons. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1874. 10° :344.22 The same 344.9 Last of the Mohicans. A narrative of 17.57. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 1872. 8° . . . . 3i'9.43 The same. 12° 381.11 The same 312. 19 Last of the Mortimers. Mrs. M. O. W. Oli- phant. N.Y., 1862. 12° .323.15 Last tournament. The. A. Tennyson. Boston, 1872. 1U° 565.7 Late Mrs. Null, The. [A novel.] F. R. Stock- ton. N.Y., 1886. 12° 976.5 The same 976.17 Late remorse, A. F. L. Benedict. N.Y., 1883. 12° 946.13 Later years. W. C. Prime. X.Y., 18.54. 12° 342.33 Latham, Henry. Black and white. Tour in U.S. London, 1867. 8° 725.1 Examinations considered as a means of selection. Boston, 1886. 12° ... . 1249.3 Lathrop, George P. An echo of passion. Bos- ton, 1882. 12° 389.20 Behind time. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° ... . 931.20 Hawthorne, A study of. Boston, 1876. 16° 211.34 In the distance. Boston, 1882. 16°. . . 388.19 Newport. [A novel.] N.Y., 1884. 16° . 957.4 Spanish vistas. N.Y., 18S3. 8° . . . . 776.2 Latin-Snglish lexicon. E. A. Andrews. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° R. L. Latin Fathers, The post-Nicene. (Early Chris- tian literature series.) G. A. Jackson. N.Y., 1884. 18° 1121.8 Latin language. (See list of foreign books at the end of the catalogue.) Latin literature, History of; from Ennius to Boethius. G. A. Simcox. N.Y., 18S3. 2 V. 12° 1222.22 Latin and Greek authors. Half hours with. English translations, with biographical notices. G. H. Jennings and \V. S. John- stone. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1212.8 Latouche, John. Travels in Portugal. N.Y., 187.5. 8° 703.12 Latzina, Francis. The Argentine Republic as a field for European emigration. Buenos Aires, 1883. 8° 739.27 Laugel, Augusta. U. S. during the war. N.Y., 1866. 8° 547.9 Laughlin, J. Laurence. The history of bimetal- ism in the U.S. N.Y., 1886. 8° . . .1322.16 The study of political economy. N. Y., 1885. 16° 1328.3 Laura, an American girl. E. E. Evans. Phila., 1884. 12° 946.25 Laura Everingham; or. The Highlands of Glen Dra. J.S.Grant. London, [n.d.] 16°, 384.19 Laurel bush. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1876. 12° 343. .3.5 The same 34;3.44 Lavater, John Casper. Essays on physiognomy. London, 1867. 8° 632.6 Laveleye, Emile de. Elements of political economy. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1324.10 The socialism of to-d.ay. With an account of socialism in England by G. H. Orpen. London, [n.d.] 12° 1242.23 La Vendee. A. Trollope. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 963.12 Lavinia G. Kuffini. N.Y., 1861. 12°. . . 425.19 200 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Law. Almy, Charles, Jr., and Fuller, Horace W. Law of married women in Massachu- setts. Boston, 1S7.S. 12° 285.10 Ames, S. The science of law. N.Y., 1S70. 12° 055.9 Browne, I. Law and lawyers in literature. Boston, 1883. 12° 1222.13 Brownbill, ,T. Principles of English canon law. Part L General introduclion. Lon- don, 188.3. 12° 1227.7 Fowler, W. C. Local law iu Massachusetts and Connecticut. Albany, 1872. 4° . . 218.1 Heard, F. F. Oddities of the law. Boston, 1881. 12° 1212.9 Parsons, T. Laws of business. Hartford, 1809. 8° 241.4 Rogers, R. V., Jr. Law of hotel life; or. The wrongs and rights of host and guest. San Francisco, 1879. 10° 291.18 Smith, T. L. Elements of the laws. Out- lines of the civil and criminal laws, in force in the U.S. Phila., 1875. 12°. . 272.15 Williams, S. E. Forensic facts and fallacies. A popular consideration of some legal points and principles. London, 1885. 16°, 1328.7 Law of love. The. M. Hopkins. N.Y., 1809. l:i° 240.19 Law unto herself, A. K. H. Davis. Phila., 1878. 8° 305.75 La\wford, Henry. The cabinet of furniture designs. N.Y., [n.d.] Folio R. L. Lawless, Emily. A millionaire's cousin. N.Y., 1885. 10° 007.11 Lawn tennis, badminton, croquet, troco, rac- quets, fives, nurrand spell, bowling, hurl- ing, etc. London, [n.d.] 18° ... . 1214.20 La^^rrence, Mass., History of. H. A. Wads- worth. Lawrence, ISSO. 12° ... . 592.3 Public library catalogue, with supplement. 1873-83. Lawrence, 1873-83. 2 v. 8° . R. L. Law^rence, Amos. Diary and correspondence. Boston, 18.50. 8° 155.9 Lawrence, Eugene. Historical studies. N.Y., 1876. S° 495.2 Lawrence, G. B. Border and b.astile. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 735.14 Lawrence, George A. Hagarene. N.Y.,1875. 8° .340.01 Sword and gown. Boston, 1859. 12° . . 343.33 LaTwrence, Sir Henry, Life of. Sir U. B. Ed- wards and H. Merrivale. N.Y.,1873. 8°, 151.9 La'wrenoe, John, Genealogy of the family of. Boston, 1809. 8° 245.2 Lawrence, Lord John, Life of. R. B. Smith. N.Y., 1883. 2v. 8° 1117.4 Lawrence, Margaret \V. Light on the Dark lUver. A memorial of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin. Boston, [n.d.] 12° .... 177.13 Lawrence's adventures among the ice cutters, glass makers, coal miners, iron men, and ship builders. J. T. Trowbridge. Phila., [n.d.] 10° 445.9 Lawrences, The. C. Tnrnbull. N.Y., 1872. 12° , 344.5 Lawrie Todd. .J. Gait. London, 1849. 12° . 347.2 La^v^son, J. A. Wanderings in the interior of New Guinea. London, 1875. 12°. . . 490.16 Law^ton, George W. The American caucus .system. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1245.8 Lawyer abroad, A. H. D.ay. N.Y., 1874. li° 724.0 Lawyers. Brightwell, C. L. Early lives and doings of great lawyers. London, 1806. 10° 147.13 Browne, I. Studies of great lawyers. Al- bany, N.Y., 1878. 12° 282.18 Butler, W. A. Lawyer and client. N.Y., 1871. 12° 2.30.23 Forsyth, W. Ancient and modern lawyers. N.Y., 187--.. 8° 143.5 Jeaffreson, J. C. A hook about lawyers. N.Y., 1807. 12° 217.13 Knapp, S. L. Lawyers, statesmen and men of letters. [Biographical sketches. | Bo.s- ton, 1821. 8° . 152.1 Lay of the last minstrel. W. Scott. Boston, |n.d.] lij" vol. i. of ,504.10 Lay sermons. T. U. Hu.xley. N.Y., 1870. 12° 205.3 Layard, Austen H. Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon. London, 1853. 2 v. 8°. 737.11 The same 777.12 Nineveh and its remains. N.Y., 18.53. 8°, 777.11 Lazy man's work, A. [A novel.] F. C. Spar- hawk. N.Y., 1881. 16° 370-.30 Lea, Henry C. Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy. Phila., 1807. 8° 231.10 Superstition and force. Phila., 1870. 12°, 244.2 The same 1230.7 Leaden casket. The. Mrs. A. W. Hunt. N.Y., 1881. 16° 376.31 Leading articles on various subjects. H. Mil- ler. N.Y., 1870. 12° 244.10 "Leal, light Iieart, A." A. Lysler. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° " 3S9.10 Leather manufacture. The art of. A. Watt. London, 1885. 12° (;87.25 Leathers, Mrs. Stanley. Girls of Bredon ; and. Manor house stories. London, [n.d.] 10° 447. 16 Leavenw^orth case, The. A lawyer's story. A.K.Green. N.Y., 1878. 12°. . . . 373.35 Leaves from the tree of life. R. Newton. N.Y., 1874. 10° 200.28 Le Breton, Mrs. Anna L. Memories of sev- enty years. London, 1883. 12° . . .1229.10 Le Brun, Madame Vigee, Souvenirs of. With portrait. N.Y., 1879. 8° 175.16 Lecky, William E. H. England in the nine- teenth century. N.Y., 1878. 4v. 8° . 694.2 European morals. History of. N.Y., 1869. 2v. 8° 478.6 Leaders of public opinion iu Ireland. N. Y., 1872. 12° 187.6 The same 222.2 Rationalism in Europe, History of. N.Y., 1800. 2v. 8° 477.12 Le Conte, Joseph. Sight; the principles of vision. N.Y., 1881. 12° 078.9 Lectures before the American Institute of In- struction, 1859. Boston, 1800. 12° . . 041.8 Led-horse claim. The. A romance of a mining camp. M. H. Foote. Boston, 1883. 10°, 943.21 Ledyard, John, the American traveller, Life of. (American biographies, Vol. XIV.) J. Sparks. Cambridge, 1829. 12°. . . 111.3 The s.-ime, with selections from his jour- nals and correspondence 297.12 Lee, Alfred. Eventful nights in Bible history. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1249.10 Lee, Charles, General. Moore, G. H. Treason of. N.Y., 1800. 8° 221.19 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 201 Lee, Charles, General — concluded. Proceedings at the court-ni.ii-tial for Iiis trial. 1778. (llepriiited.) N.Y., 1804. 4°, 518.13 Sparl. 12° 301.61 Life-history of our planet. W. G. Gunning. N.y., 1879. 12° 675.5 Light. Abbott, J. N.Y., 1871. 10° . . . . 635.15 Lloyd, U. Wave-theory of light. London, 1873. S° 645.7 Lomrael, E. The nature of light, with a general account of physical optics. N.Y., 1876. 12° 055.10 Stokes, G. B. The nature of light. [Lec- tures.] London, 1884. 12° 1318.15 Light as a means of investigation. [Lec- tures.] London, 18S5. 12° ... . ..328.2 Tait, P. G. Light. Edinburgh, 1884. 12°, 1324.1 Tyndall, J. Lectures by, in U. S. 1872- 73. N.Y., 1873. 12° 035.3 Light .-ind electricity. N.Y., 1871. 12°. 635.4 Wright, L. A course of experimental op- tics, chiefly with the lantern. London, 1882. 12° 67922 Light in dark places; or. How the Camps lived in their poverty. H.S.Drayton. Phila., 1879. 10° 383.10 Light of Asia; or, The great renunciation. Life and teaching of Gautama, founder of Buddhism. (In verse.) E. Arnold. Boston, 1879. 12° 582.13 "Light of Asia," and Light of the world. A comparison. S. H. Kellogg. London, 188.5. 12° " 1245.9 liight of the West, The. By a graduate of Cambridge. London, 1869. 12° . . . 4S4.15 Light *on the cloud; or. Hints of comfort for hours of sorrow. M. J. Savage. Boston, 1879. 10° 291.1 Light on the dark river; or, Memorials of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin, missionary in Turkey. M.W.Lawrence. Boston, [n.d.] n° . 177.13 Light house. The. A story of the sea. R. M. Ballantync. London, 1876. 10° . . . 449.4 Lighthouses and lightships. W. H. D. Ad- ams. N.Y., 1870. 12° 2.53.12 Lightning express. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 457.8 Ijike agentleman. (A temperance story. ) Bos- ton, 1882. 16° 913.22 Like his own daughter. A story for girls. N.Y., 1883. 12° 940.8 Like unto like. Mrs. K. S. McDowell. N.Y., 1878. 8° 377.8 Lil, "Fair, fair with golden hair;" or, Kilcor- ran. Mrs. Featherstouehaugh. Phila., 1878. 10° 371.6 Lillie, Arthur. Buddha and early Buddhism. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 129.21 The popular side of Buddha. London, 1883. 12° 1229.7 Lillie, John, and Hoey, Mrs. C, Trans. Letters of Mme. de Remusat. 1804-13. N.Y., 1S81. 12° 120.17 Lillie, Lucy C. English literature. The stoiy of, for young readers. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 283.8 The same 1229.2 Nan. A story for girls. N.Y., 1883. 10°. 918.6 Jo's opportunity. N.Y., 1886. 16° . . . 931.19 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 206 Lillie, Lucy C — concluded. Prudence. A story of aesthetic London. N.Y., 1882. 16° 388.27 Rolf House. N.T., 18S6. 10° 931.17 Lilliesleaf. Sequel to " Margaret Maitland." Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Boston, 1862. 12° 345.39 Lillingstones of Lillingstone. E. J. Worboise. NY.. |n.d.] 12^ 964.22 liilliput lectures. W. B. Rands. London, 1871. 12= 228.5 Lily and the cross. [A novel.] J. De Millc. Boston, 1875. 12° :342.21 Limestones and marbles, History and uses of. Illustrated. S. M. Burnliam. Boston, 188.3. 8" 1311.11 Limner, Luke. Madre Natura. London, 1874. 16'= 203.21 Lincoln, Abraham. Alger, H. The backwoods boy. N.Y., 1883. 12° 917.23 The same 919.8 Arnold, L N. Life of. Chicago, 1885. 8°, 1132.1 Barrett, J. H. Lifeof. Cincinnati, 1864. 8°, 161.12 Foster, E. Lifeof. (The world's workers.) N.Y., 1SS5. 16° 1131.13 Hanaford, Mrs. P. A. Life and public ser- vices. Boston, 1865. 12° 297.13 Holland, J. G. Life of. Springfield, 1866. 8° 168.8 Lamon, W. H. Lifeof. Boston, 1872. 8°, 154.5 Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln, and the abolition of slavery in the U.S. N.Y., 1879. 12° 192.14 Lincolniana. Tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 186-5. 8° . 168.19 Oldroyd, O. H., Ed. The Lincoln memo- rial. Original life pictures; with auto- graphs from eminent Americans and Europeans; and selections from the speeches and letters of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 1233.4 President's words. The. Boston, 1805. 12°, 262.25 Raymond, H. J. History of administration of. N.Y., 1864. 12° 102.2 Tiincoln, Abraham, and Douglas, Stephen A. Political debates, 1858. Columbus, 1860. 8° 231.5 Lincoln and Seward. G. Wells. N.Y., 1874. 12° 151.5 Lincoln, Capt. Barnabas. Narrative of bis capture. Boston, 1822. 8° 668.6 Lifeof. F. Bowen. (American biographies. Vol. XIII.) 111.3 Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Boston cook-book. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 1228.18 Lincoln, D. F. School and industrial hygiene. Phila., 1880. 18° 673.26 Lincoln, Jeanie Gould. Her Washington sea- son. Boston, 1884. 12° 9.52.19 Lincoln, William. Worcester, History of. Worcester, 1862. 8° 544.11 Linda Tressel. A. Trollope. Boston, [n.d.] 8°, 347.29 Linderman, H. R. Money and legal tender in the U.S. N.Y., 1877. 12° 272.28 Lindisfarn Chase. T. A. Trollope. N.Y., 1805. 8° 353.9 Lindley, Captain Augustus A. F. Log of the "Fortuna." N.Y.. [n.d.] 8° . . . . 4967 Lindley, John, and Moore, Thomas, Eds. Treasury of botany. London, 1874. 2 v. 12° 647.25 Lindsay, Lord. Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land. London, 1858. 12° . . 714.5 Lindsay, W. Lander. Mind in the lower ani- mals in health and disease. N.Y., 1880. 2v. 8° 676.9 Lines in pleasant places. [Poems.] B. P. Shillaber. Chelsea, 1874. 12° ... . 582.6 Lingard, John. England, Historj'of. Boston, 1853-5.5. 13v. 12° 512.1 Link-motion and expansion-gear, practically considered. A. P. Burgh. London, 1872. 8° R. L. Links in Rebecca's life. Mrs. I. M. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 956-15 Links in the chain of evidence, connecting Israel and England. J. L. Feilden. Lon- don, 1870. 12° 272.17 LinleyRochford. J. McCarthy. N.Y., 1874. 8°, 369.13 Linn, S. P., Ed. Golden gleams of thought from the words of orators, divines, philos- ophers, and poets. Chicago, 1882. 8° . 1215.2 Linton, Mrs. E. L. The atonement of Leam Dundas. Phila., 1876. 8° 365.32 From dreams to waking. N.Y., 1877. 8°. 369.11 Patricia Kemball. Phila., 187-5. 12° . . 345.12 The world well lost. Phila., 1878. 8° . . .369.17 Linton, W. J., Ed. Rare poems of the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. Bos- ton, 1883. 16° 576.10 and Stoddard, R. H., Eds. English verse. N.Y., 188.3. 5v. 12° .570.17 Linwoods, The. C. M. Sedgwich. N.Y., 18.5.5. 2v. 12° 361.35 Linzen, M. Not in their set. Boston, 1874. 12°, 316.17 Lion Battalion, The, and other stories. M. E. Hullah. London, 1885. 16° .... 931.15 Lion Ben of Elm Island. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1870. 16° . . . . 442.24 Lion hunting in Algeria. J. Gerard. London, 1857. 16° 722.18 Lion Jack: a story of perilous adventures among wild men, and the capturing of wild beasts; showing how menageries are made. P. T. Barnum. N.Y., 1870. 12°, 441.29 Lionel Lincoln. J.F.Cooper. N.Y., 18-5.5- 12°. 312-20 The same 381-12 Lionel's courase. D. Wise. Phila., 1873. 16°, 464.4 Lippincott, Mrs. Sara J., (pseud., Grace.Green- wood.) New life in new lands. N.Y., 1873. 12° 713.9 Queen Victoria. Her girlhood and w^oman- hood. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1124.16 Records of five years. Boston, 1867. 12°. 263.11 Stories and legends. London, 1864. 16° . 461.17 Stories and sights of France and Italy. Boston, 1867. 16° 731.3 and Raymond, R. W. Treasures from fairy-land. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .... 448.3 Lippincott's magazine of popular literature and science 755.2 Vol. XVII. Jan.-June, 1876. XVIII. July-Dec, 1S76. XIX. Jan.-June, 1877. XS. July-Dec, 1877. XXI. Jan.-June, 1878. ^ XXII. July-Dec, 1878. XXIII. Jan.-June. 1879. XXIV. July-Dec, 1879. XXV. Jan.-June, ISSO. XXVI. July-Dec, 13S0. XXVII. Jan.-June, ISSl. 206 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Iiippincott's masazine — cancluded. Vol. XXVIII. July-Dec, 1S81. XXIX. Jan. -June, I8S2. XXX. July-Dec, 1882. XXXI. Jan.-June, 1883. XXXII. July-Dec, I8S3. XXXI II. Jan.-June, 1884. XXXIV. July-Dec, 1884. XXXV. Jan.-June, 1885. XXXVI. July-Dec, 1885. XXXVII. Jan.-June, 1886. Iiist, Friedricl). The national system of polit- ical economy. London, 18S'). 8°. . .1326.10 Liszt, Life of. L. Nohl. Chicago, 1884. 12°, 1126.19 Life of Chopin. Phila., 1863. 16° . . 211.9 Litchfield, Grace Denio. Criss-cross. N.Y., 18S.5. 10° 909.16 The knight of the Black Forest. N.Y., 188.5. 16° . 966.22 Literary and social judgments. [Essays.] W. R. Gregg. Boston, 1S73. 12° ... . 222.3 Iiiterary art. A conversation between a painter, a poet, and a philosopher. J. Albec N.Y., 1881. 10° _ 128.30 Literary character. The. I. Disraeli. N.Y., ' 1868. 8° 254.5 Literary criticism, Essays in. R. H. Ilulton. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 216.20 Literary life. The. F. Jacox. N.Y., [n.d.] 8°, 233.12 Literary recollections. J. Payn. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1231.23 Literary relations of England and Germany in the sixteenth century. C. H. Herford. Cambridge, Eng., 1886. 12° 1252.4 Literary remains of the late Henry James. W. James, Ed. Boston, 1885. 12° . . 1236.8 Literary style, and other essays. W.Mathews. Chicago, 1881. 12° 129.13 Literati, The E. A. Poe. N.Y., 18-55. 12°. 1.33.6 Literature. See also various countries, Amer- ica, England, etc American prose. Selections from Haw- thorne, Irving, and others. Introductions and notes. Boston, ISSO. 12° .... 124.8 Berington, Joseph. Literary history of the middle ages. The state of learning from the close of the reign of Augustus, to its revival in the fifteenth century. London, 18a3. 12° 1225.17 Coan, T. M., Ed. Studies in literature. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1224.8 Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature. Bo.s- ton, 1864. 2v. 12° 223.2 Fisher, G. P., Ed. (Early Christian litera- ture primers.) The post-Nicene Latin fathers. G.A.Jackson. N.Y., 1884. 18°, 1121.8 Foreign standard literature. Specimens of. Boston, 1839-41. Vol. I., II., V.-VIII., X., XL 12°. Vols. I. and II. Philosophical miscella- nies. Cousin, Jouffroy, and B. Con- stant. G. Ripley, Trans 296.1 Vols. V. and VI. Introduction to ethics, including a critical survey of moral systems. Jouffrpy. W. H. Channing, Trarnt , 296.2 Vols. VII. and VIII. German literature. W. Slenzel. C. C. Felton, Trans. . . 296.3 Vols. X. and XI. Theodore; or. The skeptic's conversion. De Witte. J. F. Clark, Trans 290.4 Literature — concluded. Gilfilliin, G. Sketches of modern literature. N.Y., 1846. 2 V. 12° 236.1.5 Gosse, E. W. Studies in the literature of northern Europe. London, 1879. 8° . 125.5 Hallani, H. Introduction to the literature of Europe in the fifteenth, sixleenth and seventeenth centuries. N.Y., 1841. 2 v. 8° 231.2 The same 1854. 3 v. 8° 257.5 The same 1884. 2 v. 12° 1242.14 Montgomery, J. General literature. [Lect- ures.) N.Y., 1855. 16° 011.12 Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.13 Schlegel, F. History of literature. Lon- don, 18.59. 12° 222.9 Townsend, G. II. Every day book of mod- ern literature. London, 1870. 8° . . . 252.3 Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth. Boston, 1869. 12° ... . 224.24 Literature and dogma. M. Arnold. Boston, 1873. 12° 234.18 Literature and life. E. P. Whipple. Boston, 1871. 12° 226.22 Littell's Living Age. Boston, 1872-86. 58 v. 8°, 752.1 Vol. 112. Jan.-M.arch, 1872. Vol. 142. July-Sept. 1879. 113. Apiil-.lunc, 1872. 143. Oct.-Dcc, 1879. 114. .Jnly-Sept., 1872. 144. Jan.-Mar., 1880. 115. Oct, -Dec, 1872. 145. Apr.-.Tune, 1880. 116. Jiin.-Miirch, 187S. 146. July-Sept., 1880. 117. April-June, 18;3. 147. Oct.-Dec., 18S0. lis. Ju;y-Sept., 1873. 148, Jan, -Mar., 1881. 119. Oct.-Dec, 1873. 149. Apr-June, 1881. 120. Jan.-Mar., 1874. 150. July-Si-pt., 1881. 121. .\pr.-June, 1874. 161. Oct.-Dec, 1881. 122. July-Sept., 1874. 1.52. J:m.-Mar , 1882. 123. Ocl.-Dcc, 1874. 153. Apr.-June, 18S2. 124. Jan.-Mar., 1875. 154. July-Sept., 1882. 125. Apr.-June, 1.S75. 165. Oct,-Dec., 1882. 126. July-Sept., 1875. 156. J.-in.-Mar., 1883. 127. Oct.-Dec, 1875. 157. Apr.-June, 1883. 128. Jan.-Mar., 1S76. 163. July-Sept., 188.3. 129. Apr-June, 1S76. 159. Oct.-Dec, 1SS3. 130. July-Sept , 1876 100. .T.in.-Mar., 1884. 131. Oct.-Dec, 1876. 161. Apr.-Junc', 1884. 132. J.in.-Mar., 1877. 162. July-Sept , 1884. 1.33. Apr.-June, 1877. 163. Oct.-Dec, 1884. 134. July-Sept., 1877. 164. .Jan.-Mar., 1885. 1.35. Oct.-Dec, 1877. 165. Apr.- June, 1885. 136. Jan.-Mar., 1878. 106. July-Sept., 1885. 137. Apr.-June, 1878. 167. Oct.-Dec, 1885. 138. July-Sept., 1878. 168. ,Ian.-Mar., 1836. 139. Oct.-Dec, 1878. 169. Apr.-June, 1886. 140. Jan -Mar., 1379. 170. July-Sept., 1886. 141. Apr.-June, 1879. 171. Oct.-Dec, 1886. Little, Henry W. Madagascar; its history and people. Edinburgh, 1884. 12° . . . . 785.12 Little and wise; or. Sermons to children. W. W. Newton. N.Y., 1877. 10° .... 441. .36 Little Bobtail. W. T. Adams. Boston, [u.d.] 10° 4.56.12 Little boots. J.Harrison. N.Y., 1871. 16°. 444.12 Little boy's story. J. Gourand. N.Y., 1869. 16° 434.11 Little brothers and sisters. Mrs. E. Marshall. N.Y., 187.5. 16° 444.10 Little brown girl. The E. Stuart. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 447. 10 Little by little; or. The cruise of the "Fly- away." (Juvenile.) W.T.Adams. Bos- ton, 1871. 16° 4.56.19 Little camp, The S.Warner. N.Y., 1874. 16°, 444.7 Little Christie and her friends. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 444.16 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 207 Little Classics. E. Joliiison, Ed. Boston, 1875. 16 V. 18° 302.41 Vol. I. Exile. Vol. IX. Comedy. II. Imellect. X. Chiidliood. III. Tragedy. XI. Heroism. IV. Life. XII. Fori line. V. Laughter. XIII. Narrative poems. VI. Love. XIV. Lyrical poems. VII. Komance. XV. Minor poems. VIII. Mystery. XVI. Aiilhors. Little country girl, A. S. C. Woolsey. Bos- ton, 1885. 10° 931.10 Tlie same 969.12 Little Dnrrit. C. Dickens. N.Y., 1869. 2 v. 12° 355.7 The same - . 356.9 The same 357.8 The same 393.12 Little Duke, The. Richard the Fearless. C. M. Yonge. London, 1881. 10° ... 922.6 Little flower seekers. R. Mulhollaud. Lon- don, [n.d.l 12° 4.54.21 Little-folk life. M. A. Dodge. N.Y., 1872. 16° 4.36.16 LittleFolks. A magazine for the young. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 929.10 Little folks astray. R. S. Clarke. Boston, 1872. 16° 466.2 Little folks in featliers and fur, and others in neither. O. T. Miller. N.Y., 1883. 4°, 923.13 The same 923.14 Little foxes. Mrs. II. B. Stowe. Boston, 1868. 12° 243.13 Little good-for-nothing. A. Daudet. Boston, 1878. 12° ■ 368.37 Little grandfather. R. S. Clarke. Bo.'^ton, 1873. 16° 460.6 Little grandmother. R. S. Clarke. Boston, 1872. 16° 406.5 Little Guzzy, and other stories. J. Uabberton. N.Y., 1S78. 12° 375.5 Little gypsy, The. E. Sauvage. Boston, 1808. 16° 461.26 Littlehinges. (Juvenile.) M.B.Hunt. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 449.21 Little Joanna. K.Thorpe. NY., 1876. 8°. 365.6 Little Karin. Mrs. M. S. Schwartz. Hart- ford, 1873. 8° 395.5 Little Kate Kirby. F. Vf. Robinson. N.Y., 1874. 8° .309.40 Little lame prince. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 187.5. 10° 430.10 Little Lucy's wonderful globe. C. M. Yonge. London, 1881. 16° 922.7 Little master. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Bos- ton, 1887. 12° 930.0 Little men. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1871. 16° 327.15 The same 327.16 The same 327.17 Little moorland princess. E. John. Mrs. Wis- ter. Trans. Phila., 1872. 12° ... . 316.7 The same 316.22 Little I'edllngton. J. Poole. N.Y., 1852. 2 v. 10° 431.11 Little people of Asia. O. T. Miller. N.Y., 1883. 4° 915.10 The same 923.15 The same 923.16 Little pilgrim, A. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Boston, 1883. 16° 949.18 Little Pussy Willow. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Bos- ton, 1871. 16° 434.1 Little savage, The. F. Marryat. N.T., 1859. 12° 455.8 Little sister. (No name series.) Boston, 1882. 10° 945.3 The same 945.4 Little sunshine's holiday. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1871. 10° 462.20 Little upstart, A. W. P. Rideing. Boston, 1885. 12° 968.6 Little women. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1809. 10° 327.18 The same 327.19^ The same 327.22 The same 327.23 Littlejohn, A. N. Individualism: its growth and tendencies, with some suggestions as to the remedy for its evils. [Sermons.] N.Y., 1881. 16° 1212.4 Live aiul learn. Mrs. M.Leslie. Boston, 1868. 10° 404.5 Live boys; or, Charley and Nasho in Texas. A. Morecamp. Boston, 1879. 16° . . . . 447.2 Live boys in the Black Hills; or, The young Texan gold hunters. A. Morecamp. Boston, 1880. 16° 913.8 Live oak boys. Adventures of Richard Consta- ble afloat and ashore. E. Kellogg. Bos- ton, 1883. 10° 910.25 Livermore, A. A., and others. Anti-tobacco. [Lectures.] Boston, 1883. 18°. . . . 1313.7 Livermore, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Zoe. Cincin- nati, 185.5. 2 V. 12° 411.6 Livermore, George, Memoir of. Charles Deane. Boston, 1809. 8° 118.4 The same 168. 17 An historical research respecting the opin- ions of the founders of the republic, on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as sol- diers. Boston, 1862. 8° 542.11 The same 542.12 The same 542.13 Livermore, Mrs. Mary A. Thirty years too late. One in a thousand. [Stories.] Boston, [n.d.] 32° 391.1 What shall we do with our daughters? [Lectures.] Boston, 1883. 16°. . . .1224.21 Lives and deeds worth knowing about. W. F. Stevenson. N.Y., 1870. 10° .... 211.33 Liverpool, From, to St. Louis. N. Hall. Lon- don, 1870. 12° 722.16 Living link. The. J. De Mille. N.Y., 1874. 8°, 346.52 Living or dead. [A novel.] F. J. Fargus. N.Y., 1880. 16° 975.20 Living too fast; or. The confessions of a bank officer. W.T.Adams. Boston, 1870. 12°, 366.8 Living -words. E. H. Chapin. Boston, 1860. 12° 265.6 Livingstone, David. Adams, H. G. The weaver boy who became a missionary. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 178.26 Blaikie, W. G. Personal life of, from jour- nals and corresiiondcnce. N.Y., 1881. 8°, 186.11 Roberts, J. S. Life of; with Extracts from bis last journals, by E. A. Manning. Boston, 187.5. 12° 178.15 Life and explorations of. Boston, 1874. 8° 145.13 Smilas, R. Life of. (The world's workers. ) N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1131.16 208 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Livingstone, Davitl — conchideil. Stanley, 11. M. IIow I found Livingstone. N.Y., 1872. 8° 726.5 Works : Missionary travels in South Africa. X. Y., 1S5S. 8" 717.5 and C. Expedition to the Zambesi. N.Y., lS6fi. 8° 665.9 Livingstone and Moffat. Heroes of the desert. A. Manning. London, 1SS5. 12° . . . 935.4 Livingstone, Edward, Life of. C. H. Hunt. N.Y., 1864. 8= 106. S Livius, Titus. History of Rome. D. Spillan, Tranx. London, 1854. 4 v. (Vol. IL missing.) 12° 527.3 Livy. W. W. Capes. (Classical writers.) N.Y., ISSO. 1S° 191.7 Stories from. A. .7. Cliurch. N.Y., 1883. 12° .508.2 Liza. I. 1. Turgenieff. N.Y., 1872. 16° . . 302.17 Llanover, Lady, Ed. Autobiography and cor- respondence of Mary Granville, (Mrs. Delany.) London, 1862. 3 v. 8°. . . 116.1 The same. (Second series.) 116.2 Lloyd, B. E. Lights and shades in San Fran- cisco. San Francisco, 1876. 8° . . . 496.12 Lloyd, Mrs. 11. R. Raymond, John Howard, Life and letters of. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . 196.5 Lloyd, Humphrey. Wave-theory of light. London, 1873. 8° 645.7 Lloyd, \yilliam Watkiss. Critical essays on the plays of Shakespeare. London, 1875. 12° 1242.17 Lloyds, F. Scene painting and distemper. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 688.11 Lob-lie-by-the-fire, and other tales. lifrs. J. H. Ewing. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .... 973.11 Locke, David K., {pseud.. Petroleum V. Nasby. ) "Ekkoes from Kentucky." Boston, 1868. 12° 247.11 Morals of Abou Ben Adhem. Boston, 1875. 12° 415.5 Nasby in exile; or, Six months of travel in England, etc. Boston, 1882. 8° . . . 773.8 "Swingin' round the cirkle." Boston, 1867. 12° 247.10 Locke, E. W. Three years in camp and hospi- tal. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 723.10 Locke, John. Fowler, T. Life of. X.Y., 1880. 12° 192.39 King, Lord. Life and letters of. London, 18'>8. 8° 148.21 Work.%: Civil government. Two treatises on. Lon- don, 1884. 16° 1241.7 Conduct of the understanding. N.Y., 1855. 16° 217.23 Works. (Complete.) London, 1875. 2 v. 12° 626.19 Locke Amsden; or, The schoolmaster. D. P. Thompson. Boston, 1881. 12° ... 387.21 Lockhart, J. 6. Buonaparte, Xapoleon, His- tory of. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 121.22 Scott, Sir Walter, Life of. Phila., 1861. 4 V. 12° 216.13 Lockhart, L. W. M. Mine is thine. N.Y., 1878. 8° .369.21 Lock-wood, Henry C. The abolition of the presidency. N.Y., 1884. 12° .... 1236.3 Lock-wrood, M. S., and Glaister, E. Art em- broidery. London, 1878. 4° .... R. L. Lockyer, J. Norman. The spectroscope. Lon- don, 1873. 16° 035.18 Studies in spectrum analysis. N.Y., 1878. 12° 658.8 Locomotive engine running and management. A. Sinclair. N.Y., 1885. 12° ... . 1325.9 See also Steam engine. Locusts and wild honey. [Sketches.] J. Bur- roughs. Boston, 1879. 16° 283.16 Lodge, Henry C. Cabot, George, Life and let- ters of. Boston. 1877. 8° 173.15 Ed. Hamilton, Alexander, Works of. K. Y., 1884. 8 v. 8° 1244.2 Short history of the English colonie.s in America. N.Y., 1881. 8° 093.8 Studies in history. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 1411.22 Webster, Daniel, Life of. Boston, 1883. 10° 1115.13 Loftie, W. J. London, A history of. London, 1883. 2 V. 8° 599.9 The same 1423.7 A plea for art in the house. (Art at home series.) Phila., 1877. 12° 657.1 A ride in Egypt. London, 1879. 12° . . 762.11 Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. F. Biickland. London, 1875. 8° . . . . 663.28 Log of the "Forluna." A cruise in Chinese v\aters. Tales of adventure by sea and shore. A. F. Lindley. N.Y., [n.d.] 8°, 496.7 Logan, John A. The great conspiracy; its ori- gin and history. N.Y.. 18S6. 8° . . . 1432.4 Loher, Franz von. Cyprus; historical and de- scriptive. N.Y., 1878. 12° 493.16 Loitering in pleasant paths. Mrs. M. V. Ter- hune. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 766.2 Lomas, John. Sketches in Spain, from nature, art, and life. Edinburgh, 1SS4. 12°. . 785.15 Lombard Street. W. Bagehot. N.Y., 1873. 12°, 244.8 Lomeuie, Louis de. Beauraarchais and his times. London, 1856. 4 v. 12° . . . 164.3 Lommel, Eugene. The nature of light, with a general account of physical optics. N. Y., 1876. 12° 655.10 London. Biedeker, K. London and its envi- rons; including excursions to Brighton, the Isle of Wight, etc. [A guide-book.] Boston, 1879. 16° 764.8 Bourne, H. R. F. London merchants. N.Y., 1869. 16° 212.13 Davies, C. M. Heterodox London. Phases of free thought in the metropolis. Lon- don, 1874. 2 V. 8° 498.5 Mystic London. Phases of occult life in the metropolis. London, 1875. 8° . . 498.6 Orthodox London. Phases of religious life in the Church of England. London, 1875. 8° 498.7 Unorthodox Lo:'.don. Phases of religious lifeinthemetropoli.s. London, 1875. 8°, 231.9 The same 498.8 De Foe, D. London plague. Journal of the plague year. (1665.) London, [n.d.] 12° 511.12 Dickens, C. Dictionary of London. 1879. London, [nd.] 10° 291.17 Directory, London, for American travellers. 1874. Boston, 1874. 16° 491.24 Dixon, W. H. London-Tower. Her Ma- jesty's Tower. Phila., 1869. 12° . . . 514.2 The same 667.13 The same. 2 v. 1885 1417.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 209 London — concluded, Elmes, J. Metropolitan improvenieiits; or, London in the nineteenth century. 111. by T. II. Shepherd. London, 1S27. 4° . R. L. Greenwood, J. The seven curses of London. Boston, 1869. 12° 246.18 Hand-book, Pictorial, of London. London, 1854. 12° 602.29 Hare, A. J. C. Walks in London. N.T., 1878. 12=" 492.21 Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of London. Boston, 1885. 12° 792.3 Knight, C, Ed. London. London, 1851. 3 V. Roy. 8° 478.1 Larwood, .1. The story of the London parks. London, [n.d.] 12° 762.15 Lemon, M. Up and down the London streets. Phila., 1867. 8° 667.4 Loftie. W. J. A history of London. Lon- don, 1884. 2 V. 12° 1423.7 London interiors, with their costumes and ceremonies. From drawings made by per- mission of the proprietors and trustees of the metropolitan edifices. London, [n.d.] 4° 767.11 Mayhew, H. London labour and London poor. London, [n.d.] 3 v. 8°. . . . 496.19 Pascoe, C. E. London of to-day. An illus- trated band-book forlha season. Boston, 1885. 12° 792.7 Rideing, W. H. Thackeray's London. His haunts and the scenes of his novels. Bos- ton, 1885. 16° 781.19 Sala, G. A. Living London. London, 1883. 8° 779.3 Thornbury, W. Haunted London. Lon- don, 1880. 12° 762.25 Old and new London. A narrative of its history, its people, and its places. Lon- don, [n.d.] 4v. 8° 498.10 Tirabs, J. Romance of London. London, [n.d.j 2v. 12° 5.32.14 Walford, E. Greater London. A narrative of its history, its people and its places. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 8° 783.8 O'.ii and new London. Its history, people and places. Vol. V. The western and northern suburbs. London, 1S77. 8° . . 498.10 Vol. VI. The southern suburbs. Williams, SI. London theatres, past and present. London, 1SS3. 12° .... 1413.4 Wonderful London. Its lights and shadows, of humour and sadness. London, 1878. 8° 773.9 Yates, E. Fifty years of London life. Memoirs of a man of the world. X.Y., 18S5. 1-2° 1129.2 London, From, to Land's End, and back. E. Burritt. London, 1868. 12° 713.14 Lone ranche. The. M. Reid. London, 1885. 12° 928.13 Lone Star Bo Peep, A, and other tales of Texan ranch life. II. Seely. X.Y., 18S5. 18°. 951.29 Lonely island. The; or. The refuge of the mutineers. R. M. Balhintyne. London, 1880. 12° 912.20 Lonely Jack and his friends at Sunnyside. E. Brodie. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 9.35.12 Lonely ones, The. P. Hey*e. Phila., 1878. 8° 369.-25 Long, C. Chains. Central Africa. X.Y., 1877. 8° 487.5 Long, George. The Egyptian antiquities in the British Museum. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 16°, 731.7 Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems. Boston, 1881. 12° 129.24 Long, James. British dairy farming, to which is added a description of the continental systems. London, 1885. 12° ... . 1612.10 Long, John D., Trans. The " ^Enid " of Vir- gil. Boston, 1879. 12° 582.4 Long, Samuel P. Art; its laws and the rea- sons for them. Boston, [n.d.] 12° '. . 651.10 The same 687.19 Long life and how to reach it. J. G. Richard- son. Phila., 1879. 18° 673.12 Long look ahead, A. [A novel.] A. S. Roe. X.Y., 1873. 1-2° 421.5 Long-look House. (Juvenile.) E. Abbott. Boston, 1877. 10° 441.32 Longevity. J.Gardner. London, 1874. 10°, 631.22 Longfello-w, Henry W. Kennedy, W. S. Biography, anecdotes, letters, and criti- cism. Cambridge, Mass., [n.d.] 8° . .1112.11 Longfellow, S. Life of, with extracts from his journals and correspondence. Bos- ton, 1880. 2 V. S° 1130.5 The same 1136.6 Seventy-fifth birthday. Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society. Feb. 27, 1882. Portland, 1882. 12° 1113.20 Tucker-Macchetta, Mrs. B. K. The home life of Longfellow. Reminiscences of visits to Cambridge and Nahant. 1880- 1882. N.Y., 1882. 16° 1113.15 Underwood, F H. Life of. Boston, 1882. 12° 1113.16 Works : Aftermath. Boston, 187.3. 12° . . . . 5.54.9 Christus. A mystery. Boston, 1872. 12°, 575.19 Part I. The Divine tragedy. II. The golden legend. III. The New England tragedies. Courtship of Miles Standish, The. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 554.8 Divine tragedy. The. Boston, 1871. 1'2°, 554.10 The same 554.22 Golden legend. The. Boston, 1851. 12°, 554.4 Hanging of the crane. The. Boston, 1875. 8° 508.3 Hiawatha. Boston, 1855. 12° ... . 554.2 Hyperion. Boston, 1861. 12° ... . 331.23 The same vol. ii. of 202.19 In the harbor. (Ultima thule, part II.) Boston, 1882. 16° 583.27 Kavanagh. Boston, 1851. 12°. . . . 331. -JO The same vol. ii. of 262.19 Keramos, and other poems. Boston, 1878. 16° 573.10 Masque of Pandora, The, and other poems. Boston, 1875. 10° . . . . 5.54.23 Michael Angelo. [A dramatic poem.] Boston, 1884. 4° R. L. New England tragedies, The. Boston, 1868. 16° 5.54.11 Outre-Mer. Boston, 18.50. 12°. . . . 7329 Outre-Mer and essays . . . vol. i. of 262.19 Poems. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 12° . . . 554.5 Thesame. (III.) Boston, 1879. 2v. 4°, R. L. The same. Boston, 1880. 12° . . . 5S2.14 Thesame. (Complete.) N.Y., 1885. 1'2°, 578. S 210 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Iiongfellow, Henry W. — concluded. Ed. See Poems of places. Poets and poetry of Europe. Phila., 1871. 8° 568.2 Seven voices of sympathy. C. F. Bates, Ed. Boston, 1882. 16° 575.15 Skeleton in armor. Boston, 1876. 8° . R. L. Talesof aw.iysitle inn. Boston, 1863. 12°, 554.1.3 Three books of song. Boston, 1872. 12°, 554.7 Ultima thule. [Poems.] Boston, 1880. 1U° . . . 583.7 Longfellowr and Emerson. Tributes by the Massachusetts Historical Society. (With portraits.) Boston, 1882. 8° . . . . 1112.12 Loagfello-w, Samuel. Life of Samuel John- son. Author of " Oriental religions." Boston, 1883. 8° 1254.12 Longley, Ellas. American phonographic dic- tionary. Cincinnati, 1882. 12° . . . 685.12 Longman, F. W. Frederick the Great, and the seven years' war. Boston, 1881. 18° . 191.12 Longstreet, A. B. Social etiquette of New York. N.Y., 1882. 18° 1212.10 Longstreth, Mary Anna, Memoir of. By an old pupil. Sketch of her work for Hamp- ton by H. W. Ludlow. Phila., 1886. 12° 1135.21 Longueville, Madame de, The youth of. Vic- tor Cousin. N.Y., 1854. 12° ... . 151.7 Lonsdale, Margaret. Sister Dora. Boston, 1880. 12° 178.16 The same 178.17 Look before you leap. Mrs. A. F. Hector. N.Y., 1882. 16° 388.30 Looking at life. G. A. Sala. London, 1860. 12' 224.12 Looking backward. M. B. A. King. N.Y., 1870. 12° 217.7 Looking toward sunset. Mrs. L. M. Child. Boston, 1805. 12° 218.6 Loomis, Lafayette C. A guide to travel and .irt study in Europe. N.Y., 1882. 16° . 764.26 Loose papers. Facts gathered in England, Ire- land, Scotland, France, and Germany. A. Nicholson. N.Y., 18.53. 12° . . . 253.11 Lord, Frances and Emily, Eds. Froebel's Mother songs, games and stories. Lon- don, 1885. 8° 572.11 Lord, John. Ancient states'and empires. N.Y., 1S09. 8° 484.1 Old Roman world. N.Y., 1867. 12° . . 524.6 Willard, Emma, Life of. N.Y., 1873. 12°, 146.5 Lord Advocates of Scotland. From the close of the fifteenth century to the passing of the reform bill. ii. W. T. Omond. Edin- burgh, 1883. 2 V. 8° 1125.2 Lord Bantam. [A satire.] E. Jenkins. N.Y., 1872. 12° 235.15 Lord Kilgobbin. C. J. Lever. N.Y., 1872. 8°. 346. .34 Lord Mayor, The. A tale of London in 1384. E. S. Holt. N.Y.. [n.d.] 12° .... 9.52.23 Lord Montagu's page. G. P. R. James. Phila., 18.58. 12° 413.19 Lord of himself. F. H. Underwood. Boston, 187.3. 12° 301.24 Lord Strahan. Mrs. Wildrick. Phila., 1879. 16' 363.71 Lord's pursebearers, The. H. Smith. Boston, 1882. 12° 942.9 Lord's Supper. The, and its observance. L. P. Hale. Boston, 1877. 16° .... i . 291.7 Lorimer, George C. The great conflict. Bos- ton, 1877. 12° 271.1 Isms, old and new. Chicago, 1881. 12° . 1212.0 Jesus, the world's Savior. [Sermons.] Chicago, 1883. 12° 1229.5 Lorimer, Mary. Among the trees. N.Y., 1860. 8° 647.18 Loring, George B. The farm-yard club of Jotham. Boston, 1876. 8° 487.7 Loring, J. S. One hundred Boston orators. Boston, 18.^5. 8° 537.9 Loring, W. W. A Confederate soldier in Egypt. X.Y., [n.d.] 8° 784.10 The same 787-1 Lorley and Reinhard. B. Auerbach. N.Y., 1877. 16° 368.2 LornaDoone. R D. Blackmore. N.Y., 1874. 8°, 347.26 The same 947.22 Lome, Marquis of. Guido and Lita. [A poem.] N.Y., 1875. 4° 565.18 Loserth, Johann, Wiclif and Hus. London, 1884. 8° 11.32.7 Lossing, Benson J. Americans, celebrated. Lives of. Hartford, 1809. 8° . . . . 106.7 The American centenary. A history of the progress of the U. S. 1775-1875. Phil.a., 1876. 4° R. L. Civil war in the U. S., History of the. Hartford. 1868. 3 v. 8° 547.13 Fine arts. Outline history of the. N.Y., 18.54. 12° 653.5 Hudson. The, from the wilderness to the sea. N.Y., 1866. 8° 726.4 Mount Vernon. N.Y., 18.'i0. 8° . . . . 000.3 Our country. A household history. N.Y., 187.5. 3v. 8° 550.4 The same .594.2 Pictorial field-book of the levohition. N.Y., 185.5. 2 V. 8° 5.57.2 The same, of the war of 1812. N.Y., 1868. 8° 547.6 Schuyler, Philip, Life of. N.Y., 1800. 2v. 8° 142.3 Story of the U. S. Navy, The. N.Y., 1881. 12° 914.1 L'. S. history, Harpers cyclopaedia of. N.Y., 1881. 2v. 8° n. L. U. S., NatipMTiiistory of the. N.Y., 1855. 2 V. 8° 537.2 U. S., Pictorial history of the. N. Y., 1860. 8° .541.12 The same 659.8 Washington, George, Diary of. N. Y., 1800. 12° 105.12 Washington, Mary and Martha. Lives. N.Y., 1886. 12° 11.37.14 and Spencer, J. A. U. S., Complete his- tory of the. N.Y., [n.d.] 2v. 8° . . 1414.1 Lost cause. The. A southern history of the war of the Confederates. From official sources ; and approved by the Confederate leaders. E. A. Pollard. N.Y., 1868. 8°, 556.6 Lost city. The; or. The boy explorers in cen- tral Asi.a. D. Ker. N.Y., 1885. 18° . 921.13 Lost city. The; or, Chicago. F. Luzerne. N.Y., 1872. 8° 542.17 Lost daughter. The, and other stories. Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . . .375.14 Lost despatch. The. [A novelette] F. Fred- erich. Boston, 1875. 8° 347.40 The same 377.19 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 211 Lost for love. Mrs. M. E. Braddon-Maxwell. X.Y., 1S75. 8' 347.18 Lost forever. [Sermons.] L. T. Townsend. Boston, 1S75. 12^ 260.26 LostGip. H.Smith. N.Y., [n.d.] 12' . . 422.19 Lost heir of Linlithgow. Mis. E. D. E. X. Southworth. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . . 410.11 Lost heiress. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1861. 12° 417.12 Lost in a great city. A. M. Douglas. Boston, 1881. 12° 387.8 Lost in the backwoods. A tale of the Canadian forest. Mrs. Traill. London, 1882. 12°, 917.17 Lostinthefog. J. De Mills. Boston, 1872. 16°, 467.13 Lost in the jungle. P. Du Chaillu. N.Y., 1870. 12° 444.41 Lost in the wilds. E.S.Ellis. N.Y.,[n.d.] 10°, 931.24 Lost Israel found. Forty-seven identifications of the British nation, with the lost ten tribes of Israel. Foimded upon five hun- dred scripture proofs. E. Hine. London, 1874. 12° 272.18 Lost manuscript. The. G. Freytag. N.Y.,1869. 8° 346.23 Lost mountain, The. A tale of Sonora. M. Keid. London, 1885. 12° 928.14 Lost name. Mrs. M. V. Dahlgren. Boston, 1886. 12° 976.0 Lost Sir Massingberd. J. Payn. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 341.23 Lost tales of Miletus. E. Buhver-Lytton. N.Y., 1806. 12° 613.13 Lost trail, The. E.S.Ellis. Phila., [n.d.] 16°, 928.21 Lothair. B.Disraeli. N.Y., 1870. 12°. . . 422.14 Lothrop, Mrs. Harriet M. How they went to Europe. Boston, 1884. 10° 928.7 The Pettibone name. [A New England story.] Boston, [n.d.] 12° 389.18 So as by fire. [A temperance story.] Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 397.14 Lothrop, Matthew H., Ed. The poet and the children. [Poems.] Boston, [n.d.] 4° . 568.15 Lothrop, Samuel K. History of the church in Brattle Square, Boston. Boston, 1S51. 12° 281.20 Lott, Emeline. Harem life. Phila., [n.d.] 8°, 148.24 Lotta Schmidt, and other stories. A. Trollope. N.Y., [n.d.l 12° 963.14 Lottie Darling. J. C. Jeaffreson. N.Y., 1874. 8° 305.95 Lottie of the mill. \V. Ileimhurg. Phila., 1882. 12° ^ 942.10 Lotus-eating. G. W. Curtis. N.Y., 1854. 12°, 067.14 Lotze, Ilerinann. Microcosmus: concerning man and his relation to the world. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1329.1 Loubat, ,J. F. Mission of G. V. Fox to Russia. N.Y., 1873. 12° 727.3 Loughead, Mrs. Flora H. The man who was guilty. Boston, 1880. 10° 978.5 Louis XIV. Abbott, J. S.C. History of. N.Y., 1871. 16° 122.29 Pardoe, .Julia. Louis XIV. and the Court of France. London, 1849. 3 v. 8° . . 536.8 Saint-Simon, Duke of. Memoirs on the reign of, and the regency. London, 1S76. 3 v. 8° ". 480.5 Louis XVIII. and Prince Talleyrand. Corre- spondence during the Congress of Vienna. With preface and notes by M. G. Pallain. N.Y., 1881. 8° 187.15 Louis Philippe, History of. J. S. C. Abbott. N.Y., 1871. 16° 122. 30' Louisa of Prussia and her times. C. Mundt. X.y., 1867. 8° .325.11 Louise Juliana. F. E. Bunnell. N.Y., 1802. 12° 254. la Louisiana. [A novel.] Mrs. F. H. Burnett. N.Y., 1880. 12° 396.21 The same 396.22 Louisiana. Brunner, E. History of Louisiana. X.Y., 18.55. 16° 473.6 Gayarr^, C. History of Louisiana. N.Y., 1866. 2 V. 8° .545.6 Louisiana and Florida. 1527-1702. B. F. French. N.Y., 1875. 8° 547.5 Loukis Laras. Reminiscences of a Chiote mer- chant during the Greek war of indepen- dence. D. Bikelas. N.Y., 1881. 16° . 383.28 Louusbury, T. R. History of the English lan- guage. N.Y., 1879. 18° 291.21 L'Ouverture, Toussaint, Life of. J. R. Beard. London, 185-3. 12° 132.11 Love afloat. F. H. Sheppard. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 415.6 Love after marriage. [Stories.] Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Phil.a., [n.d.] 12° .375.31 Love and duty. Mrs. Hubback. Phila., [n.d.] 12' 367.33 Love and life. An old story, in eighteenth cen- tury costume. C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1880. 12° 379.19 Love and life in Norway. B. Bjornson. Lon- don, [n.d.] 16° 432.19 Love and luck: the story of a summer in the Great .South Bay. R.B.Roosevelt. .>I.Y., 1886. 16° 978.12 Love and mirage ; or, The waiting on an island. An out-of-door romance. N.Y.,1884. 16°, 962.18 Love .and valor. T.Hood. Boston, 1872. 8°, 427.7 Love in the nineteenth century. H. W. Pres- ton. Boston, 1873. 1::° 334.1 Love me little, love me long. C. Reade. N.Y , 18.59. 12° 335.16 Love, The, that lived. Mrs. C. J. Eiloart. N. Y. , 1875. 8° 346.39 Love's labor won. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1801. 12° 415.16 Love's meinie. J. Ruskin. N.Y., 1873. 12°. 651.7 Love's victory. B. L. Farjeon. jS'.Y.,1875. 8°, 346.51 Love-letters, Old; or, Letters of sentiment; written by persons eminent in English literature and history. Mrs. A. S. Rich- ardson, Ed. Boston, 1SS3. 18° ... 1221.6 Loveday's history. A tale of many changes. L.E.Guernsey. N.Y., 1885. 12°. . . 9.59.18 Lovel the widower. W. M. Thackeray. Eos- ton, 1875. 12° 373.11 Lovels of Arden. M. E. Braddon-M.ixwell. N.Y., 1874. 8° 365.24 Lover, Samuel. Bernard, B. Life of. N.Y., 1874. 8° 145.14 Symington, A. J. Life of. N.Y., 1880. 10° 191.8 Works : He would be agentleman. London, [n.d.] 16° .351.23 Rory O'More. London, [n.d.] 16° . . 351.25 Lover's tale, The. [Poems.] A. Tennyson. Boston, 1879. 16° 573.25 Loves of the poets. [Memoirs.] Mrs. A. Jame- son. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 16° ... . 131.10 212 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRA RV. Lovett, Richard. Norwegian pictures. N.Y., 1S85. 8° 568.17 Loving sister, A. A story for big girls. Sequel to "A domestic lieroine." Mrs. W. J. Hays. N.Y., 1883. 12° ...... . 917.13 Low, Charles R. Captain Cook's three voy- ages round the world. London, 1870. 16° 722.19 Memoir of Lord Wolseley of Cairo. Lon- don, 188;5. 12° 1128.20 Lowder, Cliarlcs. [A biography.] By the aiillior of "St. Teresa." N.Y., 1882. lz°, 1113.13 LoTwe, William M. Memorial addresses on his life and character delivered in Congress. Washington, 1883. 8° 119.10 Lowell, Edward J. The Hessians and other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war. N.Y., 1SS4. 12°, 698.14 Lowell, James Russell. A biographical sketch. F. U. Underwood. Boston, 1882. 1::° .1113.10 Works : Among my books. Boston, 1870. 8°. . 253.2 The same. (Second series.) Boston, 1870. 12° 253.30 The Biglow papers. (First series.) Bos- ton, 1S67. 10° 554.16 The same. (Second series) .... 5.54.20 Conversations on some of the old poets. Cambridge, 1840. 12° 262.16 Fireside travels. Boston, 1804. 12° . . 663.23 My study windows. Boston, 1S71. 12°. 252.14 Poems. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 12° . . . 5.54 14 The same. Boston, 1857. 2 v. 16° . 554.21 The same. (Complete.) Boston, 1884. 12° 578.1 Under the willows. Boston, 1S69. 12°. 5.54.15 Lowrell, Percival. Choscin, the land of the morning calm. A sketch of Korea. Bos- ton, 1886. 8° 796.1 Low^ell, Robert T. S. Antony Brads. Boston, 1874. 12° 363.42 Fre.^h hearts, with oilier things. Boston, 1860. 16° 553.13 The new priest in Conception Bay. Bos- ton, 18.58. 2 V. 10° " . . . 426.6 Poems. Boston, 1804. 16° 553.30 A story or two from an old Dutch town. Boston, 1878. 12° 371.21 Lovirer, Mark A. Family nomenclature. Lon- don, 187.5. 2 v. 8° 651.12 Low^udes, W. T. Manual of English litera- ture. London, 18.57-04. 10 v. and appen- dix. 12° 247.15 Loys, Lord Berresford, and other tales. Mrs. M. Argles. Phila., 1883. 12° ... . 946.9 Loysou, C. {Pere Hyacinthe. ) Discourses on various occasions. X.Y., 1809. 12°. . 266.21 The family and the Church. N.Y., 1870. 12° 266.18 Lubbock, .Sir .John. Ants, bees and wasps. X.Y., ia^2. 12° 679.15 British wild flowers considered in relation to insects. London, 1875. 12°. . . . 651.29 Flowers, fruit, and leaves. London, 1886. 16° 1328.17 The origin of civilization. N.Y., 1871. 8°, 626.7 Pre-historic times. London, 1869. 8° . . 526.7 Liibke, Wilhelra. Ecclesiastical art in Ger- many during the middle ages. Edin- burgh, 1870. 8° 618.12 History of art. London, 1869. 2 v. 8° . 618.8 Liibke, Wilhelra — concluded. History of sculpture, from the earliest ages to the present time. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° 618.15 Lubomirski, J., Prince. Safar-Hadgi ; or, Russ and Turcoman. N.Y., 1878. 12°. 366.46 Lucan, Pharsalia of. U. T. Riley, 7'ranK. Lon- don, 18.53. 12° 015.9 The same 233. 10 Lucas, Annie. Le'onie. London, 1884. 12° . 908.17 Wenzel's inheritance. London, iaS4. 12°, 968.22 Luce, Robert. Electric railways, and the elec- tric transmission of power. Boston, 1886. 16° 1328.19 Lucian. A true traveller's tale. .Vfter the Greek of Lucian of Samosata. A. J. Church. N.Y., 1880. 12° 128.21 LucUe. [A poem.] E. R. Bulwcr-Lylton. Boston, 1800. 10° 611.21 Luckand pluck. IL Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 442.15 Lack of Roaring Camp, and otlier stories. Bret Ilarte. Boston, 1870. 10° . . . 341.21 The same 389.15 Lucretia. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1870. 12°, 344.24 Lucretius, Cams T. The nature of things. C. F. Johnson, Trans. N.Y., 1872. 8° . . 010.5 The same. J. S. Watson, Trans. Lon- don, 1870. 16° 613.15 Lucy, Henry W. Gideon Fleyce. X.Y., 1883. 10° 943.18 Lucy. E. Jiincker. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . . 346.49 Lucy Arden; or, Hollywood Hall. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 10° SS4.21 Lucy Crofton. Mrs. M. O. W. Olipliant. N.Y., 1860. 12° 323.19 Lucy Howard's journal. Mrs. L. II. Sigour- ney. N.Y., 18.58. 12° 414.14 Lucy Maria. Mrs. A. M. Diaz. Boston, 1874. 16° 4.34.10 Ludlowr, F. H. Heart of the continent. N.Y., 1870. 8° 717.10 Ludlow^, Helen W. Mary A. Longstreth's work for Hampton. Pbila., 1880. n° .1135.21 LudloTV, James M. The Captain of the Jani- zaries. N.Y., 1886. 12° 976.3 LudloMff, John Malcolm. Popular epics of the middle ages. London, 180.5. 2 v. 12°. 2.52.21 Ludlow, N. M. Dramatic life as I found it. St. Louis, 1880. 8° 179.3 Lukin.J. The boy engineers. X.Y., 1878. 12°, 176.25 Amongst machines. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. .1312.23 Lulu's library. (Juvenile.) L. M. Alcott. Bos- ton, 1886. 10° 931.14 Lunt, George. New England traits. N.Y., 1873. 12° 234.10 Poems. Boston, 1884. 16° .584. Ki Lunt, Mrs. G. Behind the bars. Boston, 1871. 12° 265.25 Lushington, Cecilia. Over the seas and fur away. N.Y., 1882. 12° 942.7 Luska, Sidney, pseud. See Harland, H. Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. C. Drew. N.Y., 1881. 16° 370.36 Lute Falconer. F. Gould. Boston, 1871. 16°, 464.9 LutfuUah. Autobiography of a Mohammedan gentleman. E. B. Eastwick. Leipzig, 18.57. 4° 211.26 Luther, Martin. Bensen, Chevalier. Life of. His character and genius. T. Carlyle. An appendi.K by Sir W. Hamilton. N. Y., 1877. 10° 181.16 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 213 Luther, Martin — concluded. Fioiide, J. A. A sliort biography. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1126..'; Hazlitt, W. Table talli. London, 18.57. 8°, 113.1.5 Koesllin, J. Martin Lulher, the reformer. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1121.7 Konig, G. Life with designs. London, 1855. 8° 117.7 Lee, Mrs. H. F. Life and times of. Phila., 185.5. 12° 161.17 The same 111.5 Sears, B. Life of. Phila., 18.50. 18° . . 121.13 Seiss, J. A. Luther and the reformation. The life-springs of our liberties. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 1126.4 Stoughton, J. Homes and haunts of Lu- ther. London, [n.d.] 8° 169.3 Treadwell, J. H. Martin Luther and liis works. N.Y., 1881. 16° 188.1 Luttrel of Arran. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.] 16° 351.14 Luzton, Mrs. Willoughby. Xew "House tliat Jack built." London, 188-3. 16° . . . 016.5 Luys, J. The brain and its functions. X.T., 1882. 12° 679.8 Luyster, I. M., Ed. Memoirs of Madame Recamier. Boston, 1867. 12° . . . . 1.34.24 Lyall, Alfred C. Asiatic studies, religious and social. London, 1882. 8° 1226.8 Lyall, Edna, pseud. .See Bailey, Miss . Lyell, Charles, Sir. Antiquity of man. Phila., 1863. 8° 643.8 Elements of geology. N.Y., 1871. 12° . 643.12 Principles of geology. X.Y., 1872. 2 v. 8°, 643.4 Lying, Illustrations of. Mrs. A. Opie. Boston, 1827. 12° 262.1 Lyman, Maria B. Oiirpet. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 441. .39 Lyndon, John W. Ninety three ; or, The story of the French revolution. London, 1871. 12° 595.14 Lynch, W. F. L^. S. expedition to the river Jordan and Dead Sea. Phila., lt>49. 8°, 7.37.2 Lynn, Clara A. Marion's day dreams. Boston, 1880. 16° 941.22 Lynn and Nahant, History of. A. Lewis and J. R. Newhall. Boston, 1865. 8° . . . 542.7 Lynx-hunting. C. A. Stephens, Ed. Boston, 1873. 16° 466.12 LyraAnglicana. G. T. Rider. N.Y., 1865. 12°, 612.18 Lyrabicyclica. Forty poets on the wheel. J. G. Dalton. Boston, 1880. 16° . . . . 583.10 The same 583.25 Lyrics and sonnets. Selected from " Cloth of (;old," and "Flower and thorn." T. B. Aldrich. Boston, 1881. 18° 583.8 Lyrics of home-land. E. J. Hall. Chicago, [n.d.] 8° 572.6 Lyster, Annette. A leal, light heart. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 389.10 Muriel's two crosses. London, [n.d.] 12°, 958.20 Lyte, H. C. Maxwell. A history of Eton Col- lege. 1440-1875. London, 1880. 8°. . 692.17 Lytton, Earl of. (Owen Meredith, pseud.) Glenaveril ; or, The metamorphoses. [A poem.] N.Y., 1885. 12° 585.13 The same. 6 v. 16° 585.7 Lucile. [A poem.] Boston, 1860. 16° . 611.21 Poems. Boston, 1859. 16° 611.20 M. M. or N. " Sirailia similibus curator." G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 955.14 Mabel Vaughan. M. S. Cummins. Boston, 1857. "12° 411.15 M' Alpine, D. Botanical atlas. X.Y., 1883. 2 V. 4° R. L. Zoological atlas; including comparative anatomy. X.Y., 1883. 2 v. Ob. folio . R. L. Macaria. [A novel.] Mrs. A. J. Wilson. N.Y., 1877. 12° 317.33 The same 387.3 Macaronic poetry. J. A. Morgan, Ed. N.Y., 1872. 12° 616.12 MacArthur, Arthur. Education in its relation to manual industry. N.Y., 1884. 12° .1242.10 Macarthur, Margaret. Scotland, History of. N.Y., 1874. 16° 472.15 Macaulay, Dr. All true. A record of adven- tures, etc. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 912.24 Macaulay, James. Gray Hawk. (Life among the Indians.) Phila., 1883. 12° . . .1124.13 Macaulay, Lord Thomas Babington. Jones, C. II. His life and writings. N.Y., 1880. 16° 123.5 Morison, J. C. Life of. (English men of letters.) N.Y., 1883. 12° 192.41 Trevelyan, G. O. Life and letters of. X. Y., 1876. 2v. 8° 173.3 The same 173.9 The same. (Leipsic edition.) N.Y-., [n.d.] 12° 187,20 Works : England, History of. London, 1849. 5 v. 8° 516.3 The same. Vol. V. Boston, 1861. 12°, 483.6 Macaulay, Lord T. B. Works — concluded. Essays. See " British essayists," Vol. III. X.Y.. 1872. 8° 1211.1 Essays, Miscellaneous. Boston, 1855. 8°, 267.1 Miscellaneous works. Ed. by his sister Lady Trevelyan. N.Y., 1880. 5 v. 8° 196.1 Selections from his writings. G. O. Tre- velyan, Ed. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . . 173.10 Speeches and poems. With the Report on the Indian Penal Code. Boston, 1878. 12° 285.1 and Bacon, Francis. See " Evenings with a reviewer." Boston, 1882. 2 v. 8°. .1215.10 Macaulay, W. Hastings. Kath.iy. A cruise in China seas. X.Y., 1852. 12" ... . 661.13 McCabe, James D. A centennial view of our country and its resources. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 488.10 Germany and France, History of the late war between. N.Y., 1871. 8° . . . . 533.3 Great fortunes and how they were made. Phila.. 1871. 8- . . . ." 143.8 Our young folks abroad. Through Europe to Constantinople. Phila., 1881. 8°. . 915.1 The same 925.12 Our young folks in Africa. Phila., 1883. 8° . .^ 915.17 The same 925.13 MoCalmau, Archibald H. An abridged history of England. N.Y., 188(1. 8° 693.1 McCarthy, Carlton, (a confederate soldier.) Soldier life in the army of northern Vir- ginia, 1861-65. Richmond, 1884. 12° . 1415.17 214 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. McCarthy, Justin. Dear Lady Disdain. N.Y., 1870. 8° 427. :59 England under Gladstone. London, 1884. iV 1415.0 Epoch of reform. 1830-18-50. Boston, 1882. 18° 1214.10 A fair Saxon. X.Y., 1873. 12° ... . 345.10 Four Georges, History of the. Vol.1. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1415.12 History of our own times. N.T., 1880. 2v. 12° 592.6 Lady .Judith. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . . . 360.16 Linley Kochford. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . 360.13 Miss Misanthrope. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . 369.14 Modern leaders. (Biographical sketches.) N.Y., 1872. 8° 168.4 Paul Massie. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 345.33 McCausland, Dominick. The builders of Babel. London, 1S71. 12° 235.6 McClellan, Gen. George B. Curtis, G. T. McClellan's last service to the republic; with a tribute to his memory. N. Y., 1886. 16° 1411.23 Hillard, G. S. Life of. Phila., 1864. 16°, 212.7 Works : The armies of Europe. Phila., 1861. 8°, 642.6 The peninsula campaign. Papers read before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts in 1876-1880. Vol. I. Boston, 1881. 8° 593.3 Report on the army of the Potomac; with an account of the campaign in western Virginia. N.Y., 1804. 8° 518.1 McClelland, M.G. Oblivion. N.Y.,1885. 16°, 909.18 Princess. [A novel.] N.Y., 1886. 16° . 978.16 McCUntock, Capt. F. L. The voyage of the "Fox;" or. The discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin. Boston, 1860. 12°. 603.10 The same 297.7 McClintock, John, and Strong, James, Eds. Cyclopaedia of Biblical, tlieological, and ecclesiastical literature. N.Y., 1880-85. 11 V. 8° R. L. McClure, A. K. Three thousand miles through the Rocky Mountains. Phila., 1869. 12°, 604.22 McClure, \. W. Cotton, John, Life of. Bos- ton, 1S70. 16° 115.15 Davenport, John; Norton, John; Wilson, John, Lives of. Boston, 1870. 16° . . 115.16 McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. N.Y., 1877. 8° 486.18 McCook, Henry C. The natural history of the agricultural ant of Texas. Phila., 1880. 8° 676.14 Tenants of an old farm. (Natural history.) N.Y., 1885. 12° 1324.20 McCosh, James. The emotions. N.T., 1880. 12° 294.17 Herbert Spencer's philosophy as culminated in his ethics. N.Y., 188.5. 12°. . . .1243.13 The new departure in college education. A reply to President Eliot. N.Y., 1885. 12° 12.38.14 Macdermots, The, of Ballycloran. A. Trol- lope. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 903.15 McDanield, H. F., and Taylor, N. A. The coming empire. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 492.20 Macdouald, George. Adela Cathcart. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° .336.11 The same 336.18 The same 336.31 Macdonald, George — concluded. Alec Forbes of Howglen. London, [n.d.] 12° 330.13 The s.anie 3:i«.14 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. N.Y., 1867. 12° .336.2 At the back of the north wind. London, 1871. 12° 336.5 Cheerful words from his writings, E. E. Brown, /id. Boston, 1880. 12° ... 124.9 David Elginbrod. Boston, [n.d.] 12°. . ;536.12 Donal Grant. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . . . .3.30.35 The s.ame .330.30 A double story. N.Y., |n.d.] 18° . . . 362.30 Ed. England's antiphon. [Religious poems.]" Phila., [n.d.] 12° 223.16 Guild Court. N.Y., 1868. 8° 330.15 The same 330.34 Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke, The tr.agedie of. [A study.] London, 1885. 8° . . 1244.4 Malcolm. Phila., 187.5. 8° 3:30.16 The same 336.25 Martjuis of Lossie. Sequel to "Malcolm." Phila., 1877. 8° .330.23 The same .330.24 MaryMarston. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . . . 336.29 The same .336. .30 Paul Faber, surgeon. Phila., 1879. 8° . 3.30.26 Phantastes. Boston, [n.d.] 12° ... . 3.36.10 The same 330.19 The portent. Boston, [n.d.] 12°. . . . 3.30.7 The same 336. '20 The princess and Curdle. Phila., 1883. 12°, 944.10 The princess and the goblin. N.Y., 1871. 12° 4.53.22 Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. Phila., 1871. 12° 3.36.1 Robert Falconer. London, [n.d.] 12^ . . .336.8 The same 336.0 The same 336.21 St. George and St. Michael. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 336.17 The same 336.32 Seaboard parish. Sequel to " .\nnals of a quiet neighborhood." N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 336.3 SirGibbie. Phila., 1879. 8° 336.27 The same 3.36.28 Stephen Archer, and other tales. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 965.10 Thomas Wingfold, curate. N.Y., 1876. 12°, .336.22 The vicar's daughter. Sequel to "The sea- board p,arish." Boston, 1872. 12° . . .330.4 W.arlock o' Glenwarlock. Boston. 1881. 12°, 336. .33 Weighed and wanting. Boston, 1882. 12°, 944.6 What's mine is mine. Boston, [n.d.] 12°, 972.20 The same 972.21 Wilfred Cumbermede. X.Y., 1872. 12° . 336.6 Within and without. [Poem.] N.Y., 1872. 12° 614.13 Macdonald, James. Food from the far West; or, American agriculture. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 285.6 Macdonald, James M. Life and writings of St. John. N.Y., 1877. 8° 48S.7 Macdonell, James. France since the first em- pire. London, 1879. 12° .592.4 Macdo'wall, M. W., Ed. Epics and romances of the middle ages. Phila., 1883. 8° . 395.16 McDoTvell, Mrs. Kate S. Like unto like. N.Y., 1878. 8° 377.8 Suwanee River tales. Boston, 1884. 16° . 902.12 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 215 Macduff, J. R. The footsteps of St. Peter. N.Y.,1876. 12° 171.11 Mace, Jeau. History of a mouthful of bread. N.Y., 1866. 12° 631.9 Home fairy tales. N.Y., 1868. 12". . . 453.9 Servants of the stomach. N.Y., 1868. 12°, 631.7 McElroy, John G. R. The structure of Eng- lisli prose. KY., 1885. 12° 1243.8 Macfarlane, Annie R. Children of the earth. N.Y., 1SS6. 16° 978.11 Macfarlane, Margaret B. The magic of a voice. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 978.4 Macfarren, C. A. Musical history. Edin- burgh, ISS-J. 12° 1612.6 MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus. X.Y., 1874. 8° 726.14 McGilchrist, John. Biography of Richard Cobden. N.Y., 1865. 12° 213.21 Macgillivray, W. Travels and researches of A. von Humboldt. N.Y., 18.55. 18°. . 731.13 McGrath, Terence. Pictures from Ireland. X.Y., 1881. 16° 376.28 Macgregor, J. The "Rob Roy" on the Baltic. London, 1867. 16° 443.30 The "Rob Roy" on the Jordan. N.Y'., 1870. 8° , • • • •"^"•*5 A thousand miles in the "' Rob Roy " canoe. London, 1866. 16° 443.27 Voyage alone in the yawl " Rob Roy." London, 1866. 16° 443.28 Macgregor, J. L. L. The organization and valuation of forests on the continental system. London, 1883. 8° 131.J.11 Macgregor, William. Gas engines. London, 1885. 12° 1327.2 McGuire, E. C. Religious opinions, and char- acter, of George Washington. N.Y., 1830. 10° 212.6 Machiavelli, Niccolb, and his times. P. Vil- lari. London, 1878. 2 v. S" . . . . 185.14 Discourses on the first decade of Titus Livius. London, 188-3. 8° 599.10 Machinery, The imperial cyclopedia of. A series of plans, sections, and elevations, of engines, spinning machines, etc., with descriptive letterpress. W. Johnson. London, [n.d.] 2 v. Imp. folio ... R. L. Machines, Amongst. Mechanical appliances used in the manufacture of wood, metal and other substances. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 482.17 The same 1312.23 Machines, mechanics, engine-work and engi- neering. Dictionary of. (Illustrated.) N.Y., 1869. 2 V. 8° 488. 6 Machinist, The complete practical. Embra- cing, lathe work, vise work, drills and drilling, etc, Phila., 1876. 12°. . . . 634.15 Mcllvain, C. L. Ebon and gold. [A novel.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 3.54.31 Mcllvaine, Charles Pettit, (late Bishop of Ohio.) Memorials. W. Cams, £cZ. X.Y., 1882. 8° 189.3 Mcintosh, M. J. Two pictures. N.Y'., 1803. 12° 341.16 Mackarness, Mrs. H. Children of the olden time. London, 1874. 4' 451.2 Siberfs wold. Boston, 1856. 16^ ... 422.20 Mackay, Charles. Extraordinary popular de- lusions. London, 1809. 12° .... 213.9 Founders of the American republic. Edin- burgh, 1SS5. 12° 1137.2 Mackay, Charles — concluded. Life and liberty in America. N.Y., 18.59. 12° 663.7 McKay, Mrs. C. E. Stories of hospital and camp. Phila., 1870. 12° 735.19 McKeen, Phebe F. Theodora. N.Y., 1876. 12° 361.45 Thornton Hall. N.Y., 1872. 16°. . . . 361.20 MacKenna, Stephen J. At school with an old dragoon. London, 1874. 12° ... . 453.14 Brave men in action. London, 1878. 12°, 914.25 Kings beeches. London, 1873. 12°. . . 942.15 Plucky fellows. London, 1873. 12°. . . 438.18 McKenzie, Alexander, D.D. Cambridge ser- mons. Boston, 1SS3. 12° 1225.11 Mackenzie, Alexander. The history of the Highland clearances. Inverness, 1883. 12°, 1413.3 Mackenzie, Alexander S. Perry, Commodore O. H.,Lifeof. N.Y., 1854. 2 v. 16° . 121.9 Mackenzie, Donald. The proposed plan for flooding the Sahara. London, 1877. 12°, 768.1 Mackenzie, E. Historical view of the U. S. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1819. 8° ... 542.18 Mackenzie, Erick. Roua Pass. [A novel.] Boston, [n.d.] 8° .347.44 Mackenzie, G. Muir, and Irby, A. P. Travels in the Slavonic provinces of Turkey in Europe. London, 1877. 2 v. 8° . . . 767.18 Mackenzie, Harriet D. S. Switzerland, His- tory of. Boston, 1881. 12° 592.13 Mackenzie, John. Day-dawn in dark places. London, [n.d.] 12° 786. 1 Mackenzie, K. R. H. Marvellous adventures of Master Owlglass. Boston, 1860. 12°, 411.1 Mackenzie, Morell. Hygiene of the vocal or- gans. London, 1886. 16° 1328.22 Mackenzie, Robert. America. [A history.] London, 1882. 12° 595.6 The nineteenth century. London, 1880. 12°, 592.5 Mackenzie, R. Shelton. Scott, Sir Walter, Life of. Boston, 1871. 12° 213.4 Mackie, J. Milton. From Cape Cod to Dixie. N.Y., 1S64. 12° 662.26 Life of Tai-ping-wang. N.Y., 1857. 12° . 165.14 Mackintosh, Sir James, Life of. R. J. Mack- intosh. Boston, 18.53. 2 v. 8° ... 1.54.6 Works : Essays. (See British essayists, Vol. IV.) N. v., 1872. 8° l-'ll.l Miscellaneous works. Boston, 1854. 8°, 237.11 McKnight, David A. The electoral system of the U.S. Phila., 187S. 8° .."... 274.10 Mcliain, Mary W. Keeping open house. Hartford, 1872. 12° 427.28 Wedding garments. N.Y., 1875. 16° . . 363.25 McLaudburgh, Florence. Automaton ear, and other sketches. Chicago, 1876. 12° . . 242.18 Maclaren, Alexander. Pictures and emblems. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1248.15 Maclaren, Archibald. Training, its theory and practice. London, 1866. 8° 6.32.13 McLaren, Walter S. B. Spinning, woollen and worsted. N.Y., 1884. 10° 1313.22 McLaughlin, J. Fairfax. Life and times of John Kelly, Tribune of the people. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1135.3 McLaughlin, M. Louise. China painters. Sug- gestions to. Cincinnati, 1884. 12° . . 1611.9 China painting. Cincinnati, 1877. 12° . 657.12 Pottery decoration under the glaze. Cin- cinnati, 1880. 12° 681.15 216 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Maclay, Arthur C. A budget of letters from Japan. N.Y., 1S80. 12° 7G7.15 MacLean, J. P. The niouiul builders of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. Cincinnati, 1879. 12° 675.8 McLean, Sarah Pratt. Cape Cod folks. Bos- ton, 1S81. 12° 31)7.15 The same. (Second edition) 397.23 Some other folks. Boston. 1 884. 12° . . 953.17 Towhead. Boston, 1883. 12° 944.10 Maclear, G. F. The English. London, [n d.] 16= 283.7 McLennan, John F. The patriarchal theory. London, 1885. 8° 1236.10 Macleod, Donald. Scott, Sir Walter, Life of. N.Y., 1852. 12° 148.4 Macleod, Norman. Memoir. D. Macleod. N.Y., 1870. 2 V. 8° 173.4 Sketch of his life. A. Strahan. Phila., 1872. 12° 211.32 Works : Character sketches. London, 1872. 8°. 233.7 Days in north India. Phila., 1870. 12°. 734.1 Half hours in the Holy Land. N.Y., 1886. 16° 781.12 Old lieutenant atid his son. Boston, 1882. 8° 427.6 The starling. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . . 346.30 The same. London, 1871. 12° . . . 421.9 Macleod of Dare. W. Black. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 309.28 The same 374.20 The same 948.5 Maclise, Daniel, Memoir of. W. J. O'Dris- coll. London, 1871. 12° 213.5 Gallery of illustrious literary characters; with notices by W. Maginn. London, [n.d.] 4° R. L. The same. W. Bates, Ed. London, 1883. 12° 1118.14 McClure, A. K. The South; its financial, in- dustrial and political condition. Phila., 1886. 16° 791.1 McMaster, John Bach. A history of the peo- ple of the U. S., from the revolution to the civil war. (Vols. I. and II.) X.Y., 1883. 2v. 8° '. 697.10 Macmillan, Daniel, Memoirs of. T. Hughes. London, 1882. 12° 1114.9 Macmillan, Hugh. First forms of vegetation. London, 1874. 8° 648.24 Holidays on highlands. Loudon, 1873. 12°, 724.23 The marriage in Cana of Galilee. London, 1S82. 10 1221.11 McPherson, E. Hand-book of politics for 1878. Washington, 1878. 8° 489.9 Macpherson.Ger.aldine. Jameson, Mrs. Anna, Memoirs of. Boston, 1878. 12° . . . 177.23 McQuaide, James. Cruise of the " Montauk " to Bermuda, the West Indies and Florida. N.Y., 1885. 8° 788.5 Macquoid, Mrs. Katharine S. At the Red Glove. X.Y., 1885. 12° 965.23 A charming widow. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 426.1 Evil eye, and other stories. London, 1876. 12° 301.49 Her sailor love. N.Y., 1883. 1G°. . . . 949.6 My story. N.Y., 1875. 8° 347.15 Patty. N.Y., 1871. 12° 426.2 Rookstone. Phila., 1871. 8° 427.25 Through Normandy. [Travels.] London, 1874. 12° 734.2 Macquoid, Thomas and Katharine S. About Yorkshire. London, lss3. 12° ... 782.4 Pictures and legends from Normandy and Brittany. N.Y., 1881. 12° 768.23 Macready as 1 knew him. Lady Pollock. London, 1884. 12° 1134.10 Macready's reminiscences. Sir F. Pollock, Ed. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 147.7 McSherry, Kichard. Health and how to pro- mote it. N.Y., 1879. 12° 286.15 McWhinney, T. M. Reason and revelation, hand in hand. N.Y., 1886. 8° . . . . 1254.4 Macy.Obed. Nantucket, History of. Boston, 1835. 8° .541.14 Macy, W. II. There she blows; or. The log of the "Arethnsa." Boston, 1877. 16°. . 446.16 Mad world, A, and its inhabitants. J. Cham- bers. N.Y., 1877. 12° 263.29 Madagascar. Ellis, W. Three visits to Mad- agascar. N.Y., 1859. 8° 665.8 Little, H. W. Its history and population. Edinburgh, 1884. 12° 785.12 Shaw, G. A. Madagascar and France ; with some account of the island, its people, resources and development. London, 1885. 8° 193.3 Sibree, J., Jr. Madagascar and its people. London, 1870. 12° 712.1 Madam How and Lady Why. C. Kingsley. London, 1873. 16° 4.33.14 Madame Delphine. G. W. Cable. N.Y., 1881. 16° 378.31 Madame Fontenoy. M. Roberts. London, [n.d.] 16° . . .■ 364.63 Madame Gosselin. L. Ulbach. N.Y., 1878. 12° 306.44 Madame Lucas. (Round-robin series.) Bos- ton, 1882. 16° 398.15 Madame Th^rese. Erckmann and Chatrian. N.Y., 1869. 12° 413.5 Madcap Violet. W. Black. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 948.6 The same. 8° .347.64 Madeira; its climate and scenery. A hand- book for invalids and other visitors. J. Y.Johnson. London, 1885. 16° . . . 781.8 Madeline. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1881. 12° 424.48 The same 424.29 Madelon Lcmoine. Mrs. Leith-Adams. Phila., 1879. 16° .391.14 Mademoiselle Mori. M. Roberts. London, [n.d.] 12° 361.36 The same 334.25 Madge; or. Night and morning. H. B. Good- win. N.Y., 1863. 12° 342.4 Madge Graves. By the author of "Bessie Lovell." Boston, [n.d.] 16° .... 4.54.15 Madison, James. Gay, S. H. Life. (Ameri- can statesmen.) Boston, 1884. 12° . . 1128.4 Rives, W. C. Life and times of. Boston, 1868. 3v. 8° 546.2 Letters and other writings. Phila., 1867. 4 V. 8° 196.2 Vol. I. 1769-9.3. Vol. III. 1816-28. II. 1794-1815. IV. 1829-36. Madison, Hamilton, and Jay. The Federalist, and other papers. Phila., 1880. 8° . . 693.2 Madness, Lectures on. E. Sheppard. Phila., 1873. 8° 632.14 Madoc, Fayr, pseud. The story of Melicent. N.Y., 1883. 12° 944.2a CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 217 Madras verfius America. Hand-book to cotton cultivation. J. T. Wheeler. N.Y., 1866. 12° 648.21 Madre Natura. J. Leighton. London, 1874. 16° 263.21 Madrid, An attacbd in. Trans, from the Ger- man. N.Y., 18.56. 12° 73.5.11 Maertz, Louise. A new method for the study of English literature. Chicago, 1879. 12°, 294.11 Mag. A story of to-day. N.Y., 1878. S° . . 377.9 Magellan ; or, The first voyage round the world. G. M. Towle. Boston, 1880. 16° . . . 178.13 Magic. Blitz, Sirinor. Fifty years in the magic circle. Hartford, 1871. 12° 641.2 Cremer, W. H., Jr., Ed. Hanky panky. (Conjuring tricks.) London, [n.d.] 12°, 227.16 Lewis, A. J. Modern magic. A prac- tical treatise on the art of conjuring. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 685.3 Eydberg, Viktor. Magic of the middle ages. N.Y., 1879. 12° 682.4 Wylde, J. The magic of science. London, [n.d.] 16° 637.10 Magic hammer. The. C. A. Beach. Spring- field, 1874. 10° 453.6 Magic, The, of a voice. A story of German life. M. B. Macfarlane. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 978.4 Magic word. The. [Poems.] A. L. Taveau. Boston, 18.55. 16° 566. 11 Magna Charta stories. A. Gilman, Ed. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 16° 922.9 Magnet stories. The. Mrs. H. Mackarness, and others. Boston, 1861. 16° 461.7 Magneto- and dynamo-electric machines; with a description of electric accumulators. From the German of G. de Cew, by F. Krohn. Ed., with many additions, by P. Higgs. London, 1884. 12° 1325.4 Magnhild. B. Bjornson. Boston, 1883. 16°. 943.11 Magnum bonum; or. Mother Carey's brood. C. M. Yonge. London, 1880. 12° . . . 396.20 Maguire, T. H. The art of figure drawing. X.Y., [n.d.] 4° E. L. Magyarland ; travels through Hungary. By a Fellow of the Carpathian Society. Bos- ton, 1882. 2 V. 8° 769.13 Mahaffy, .J. P. Descartes. Phila., 1881. 12°, 194.26 Euripides. N.Y., 1879. 16° 194.4 Greece, Rambles and studies in. London, 1876. 12° 491.17 Greece, Social life in. London, 1875. 12°. 491.18 Old Greek education. N.Y., 1882. 18° . . 1214.5 Mahan, A. A critical history of the late Amer- ican w.ar. N.Y., 1877. 8° 486.8 Maher, William H. On the road to riches. Toledo, 1876. 12° 227.22 Mahomet. Gibbon, E. Life of. X.Y., 1877. 16° 181.15 Irving, W. Mahomet and his successors. N.Y., 18.54. 2v. 8° 139.1 Muir, W. Annals of the early Caliphate, from original sources. London, 1883. 8°, 695.9 Mahony, Francis. The reliques of Fatlier Prout. London, 1866. 12° 263.3 The same 272.21 The same. (Second series.) B. Jerrold, Ed. London, 1876. 12° 172.14 Maid Ellice. [A novel.] D. Havers. N.Y., 1878. 10° 376.3 Maid of Killeena, and other stories. W. Black. London, 1874. 12° 347.58 Maid of Sker. R. D. Blackmore. N.Y., 1872. 8° 347.28- Maid, wife, or widow? Mrs. A. F. Hector. N.Y., 1878. 16° 376.8 The same 376.11 Maiden all forlorn, and other stories. Mrs. M. Argles. Phila., 1885. 12° 968.4 Maiden of our own day. F. Wilford. London, 1877. 12° 372.16. Maiden widow. The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1861. 12° 416.6 Maidenhood; or, The verge of the stream. Mrs. Valentine. London, [n.d.] 12°. . 426.24 Mail carrier, The. C. A. Foskick. Phila., [n.d.] 10° 447.31 Main, Alexander. Life and conversations of Dr. SamuelJohnson. London, 1874. 8°, 145.3 Main, David M., Ed. A treasury of English sonnets. N.Y., 1881. 8° 574.5 Maine, Slate of. Government publications. Agriculture, Annual report of the secre- tary of the Board of. Augusta, 187.5. 8° 3.58. T Education. Annual report of the State Superintendent of Common Schools. Augusta, 1876. 8° 358.6- Pomological, State, Society, Annual re- ports of the secretary of. 1873-74. Augusta, 1874. 8° 3.58. » The same for 1875 3.58.10 State Year-book and Legislative manual. 187-5-76. E. S. Hoyt. Portland, 1876. 8° 358. » Miscellaneous. Kohl, J. G. History of the discovery of Maine. Portland, 1869. 8° . . . . 538.5 Sweetser, M. F. Picturesque Maine. Portland, [n.d.] sm. 4° 766.16 Thoreau, H. D. The Maine woods. Bos- ton, 181U. 12° 062.25- Varney, G. J. Gazetteer of Maine. Bos- ton, 1SS2. 8° 1412. » W^lls, W. The water power of Maine. Augusta, 1869. 8° 358.5 Williamson, W. D. History of Maine. 1002-1820. Hallowell. 2 v. 8°. . . 486.21 Willis, W. History of the law, the courts, and the lawyers of Maine. Portland, 1873. 8° 488.S> Ed. Documentary history of Maine. Portland, 1869. 2 v. 8° 538.5 Maine Historical Society, Proceedings of. Feb. 27, 1882. (Seventy-fifth birthday of H. W.Longfellow.) Portland, 1882. 12° .1113.20 Maine, Henry S. Popular government. N.Y., 1886. S° . . . . .' 1326.13 Mainstone's housekeeper. E. Meteyard. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 375.26 The same 375.29 The same 387.22 Maistre, Xavier de. A journey round my room. N.Y., 1871. 12° 246.23 Maitland, James A. The old patroou. Phila., [n.d.) 12° 382.19 Majeudie, Lady Margaret. Dita. N.Y., 1877. 16° .... r 368.33 Giannetto. Edinburgh, 1875. 12° . . . 317.29 Majolica and fayence. Italian, Sicilian, Major- can, Hispanomoresque and Persian. A. Beckwith. N.Y., 1877. 12° 657.2 218 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Make or break. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 457.5 Makers of Florence. Dante, Giotto, Savona- rola, and their city. Mrs. M. O. W. Oli- pliant. London, 1376. 8° 173.11 Making of a man, The. [A novel.] Sequel to "Uis majesty, myself." W. M. Baker. Boston, 18S4. 10° 966.7 Malay Archipelago, The. A.K.Wallace. N.Y., 1860. 8° 72.5.7 Malbone: an Oldport romance. ; T. W. Higgin- son. Boston, 1869. 12^ 363.23 Malcolm. G. Macdonakl. Phila., 187.5. 8° . 336.16 The same 336.25 Malcom, John. Central India, History of. London, 1880. 2 v. 12° 775.6 Malet, Lucas, pseud. See Harrison, Mrs. Wil- liam. Malkin, J. H. Historical parallels. London, 1846. 2v. 10° 472.8 Malleson, F. A. Jesus Christ, his life and work. London, [n.d.] 12° 1124.14 Malleson, G. B. The battlefields of Germany. Loudon, 1884. 8° 1417.1 Clive, iord. Life of. London, 1882. 8° . 1117.7 Mallet, David. Ballads and songs. London, 18.57. 12° 614.1 Mallet, M. Northern antiquities. London, 18.59. 12° 662.28 Malleville. J.Abbott. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°. . 4.35.1 Mallock, William H. Is life worth living? K.Y.,1879. 12° 286.20 The new Paul and Virginia. N.T., 1878. 12° 371.19 The new republic. N.Y., 1878. 12°. . . 372.30 The same 373.16 Property and progress. Contemporary social agitation in England. N.Y., 1884. 12° . 1232.17 Social equality. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . . .1219.10 Mallory, Sir Thomas. King Arthur and his knights. London, 1808. 12° ... . 511.16 Malmsbury, Earl of. Memoirs of an ex-min- ister. [An autobiography.] London, 1885. 12° 1134.12 Malot, Hector. Eomain Kalbris. His adven- tures by sea and shore. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 715.12 Malthus, Rev. T. R. An essay on the princi- ple of population. London, 1872. 8° . 656.10 Malthus and his work. J. Bonar. London, 1885. 8° 1244.6 Mambi-land ; or. Adventures in Cuba. J. O'Kelly. Phila., 1874. 12° 724.17 Mammalia. L. Figuier. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . 622.4 Mammalia, The, in their relation to primeval times. O.Schmidt. London, 1885. 12°, 1327.14 Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. W. S. Forwood. Phila,, 1870. 12° 733.12 Man. Mankind. Briltan, S. B. Man and his relations. N.Y., 1864. 8° 632.8 Biichner, L. Man in the past, present, and future. London, 1872. -8° 627.14 Darwin, C. Descent of man. N.Y., 1871. 2v. 12° 624.15 Hinton, J. Man and his dwelling place. N.Y., 1872. 12° 233.10 Huxley, T. H. Man's place in nature. N.Y., 1863. 12° 631.1 Joly, N. Man before metals. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1312.15 Marsh, G. P. Man and nature. N.Y., 1865. 8° 627.2 Man — concluded. Mivart, St. G. Man and apes. N.Y., 18S4. 12' 722.8 Owen, I!, .\ntiquity of man, as deduced from the discovery of a human skeleton, during the excavations at Tilsbury on the Thames. London, 1884. 8° 1316.5 Prichard, J. C. The natural history of man. London, 1848. 8° 622.3 Kau, C. Early man in Europe. N. Y., 1876. 8° 4S1.16 Savage, M. J. Beliefs about man. Boston, 1882. 12° 1213.17 Man, woman and child. Boston, 1884. 12^ 1232.19 Spencer, H. The Man versus the State. Containing "The new Toryism," "The coming slavery," "The sins of legisla- tors," and " The great political supersti- tion." N.Y.,1884. 8° 1234.11 Tylor, E. B. Researches into the early his- tory of mankind, and the development of civilization. Boston, 1878. 8° . . . . .556.5 Westbrook, K. B. Man — whence and whither? Phila., 1884. 16° 1231.8 Wood, J. G. Man and beast. London, 1874. 2 v. 8° 252.1 Man and wife. W. Collins. N.Y., 1871. 8° . 335.3 Man in the moon, and other people. R. W. Raymond. N.Y., 1875. 12° 453.2 Man Jesus, The. (Lectures.) J. W. Chad- wick. Boston, 1881. 16° 1212.12 Man made of money. D. Jerrokl. London, 185.3. 12° 412.15 Man of honor. G. C. Eggleston. X.Y., 1873. 16° 364.27 Man of the house. Mrs. I. M. Alden. Bos- ton, 1883. 16° 918.4 Man proposes. [A novel.] Boston, 1880. 16°, 363.97 Man upon the sea; account of remarkable voy- ages. F. B. Goodrich. Phila., 1858. 8°, 727.0 Man -with the broken ear. The. E. About. N.Y., 1807. 12° 412.11 Man w^ho was guilty. The. Mrs. F. H. Longh- ead. Boston, 1880. 16° 978.5 Man ■wonderful, in the house beautiful. An allegory teaching the principles of physi- ology and hygiene. C. B. and M. A. Allen. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1324.8 Man's birthright; or. The higher law of prop- erty. E. H. G. Clark. N.Y., 1885. 18°, 1241.16 Man's wrongs; or. Woman's foibles. K. Man- ton. Boston, 1870. 12° 253.15 Man-of-wrar life. A boy's experience in the U.S. navy during a voyage round the world in a ship of the line. C. Nordhoff. N.Y., 1883. 4° 446.8 The same 923.2 Management of children, in sickness and health. A book for mothers. A. M. Hale. Phila., 1881. 10° 673.26 Management of home pets. Beeton. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 216.17 Manch. [A novel.] M. E. Bryan. N.Y., 1S80. 12° ;M6.14 Manchester, Mass., Historical sketch of. C. H. Webber and W. S. Nevins. Salem, 1877. 12° 492.15 Mauco, the Peruvian chief. Adventures in the country of the Incas. W. 11. <;. Kingston. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° .... 911.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 219 Manfred; or, The battle of Benevento. F. D. Guerrazzi. N.T., 1875. r>° .... 317.2-5 MangiD, Arthur. The desert world. Loiulon, ISO'.i. S° 717.2 Earth and its treasures. London, 1S7.5. 12°, 644.22 Mysteries of the ocean. London, 1868. S°, 727.2 Manigault, G. The United States unmasked. London, ]87ii. 10" 292.22 Manitoba, A trip to. M. Fitzgibbon. London, 1880. 8° 785.6 Manliness of Christ. T. Hughes. Boston, 1880. 12° 294.19 Mann, Charles. Paper money. N.Y., 1872. 12° 235.10 Mann, Henry. Ancient and media-val repub- lics. N.Y.,[n.d.] 8° 270.10 Mann, Horace, Life of. By his wife. Boston, 1885. 8° 147.1 Works : Lectures and reports on education. Bos- ton, 1867. 8° 244.25 The same 296.11 Thoughts for a young man. Boston, 1&55. 10° . . . \ 281.10 Thoughts selected from his writings. Boston, 1807. 12° 261.10 Mann, R. K., and Ware, J. R. Life and times of Coi. Fred Burnaby. N.T., [n.d.] 12°, 1135.8 Manners. Mrs. S. J. Hale. Boston, 1868. 8°, 251.5 Manners and customs. Primitive. J. A. Far- rer. London, 1879. 12° 286.21 Manners and social usages. Mrs. J. Sherwood. X.Y., 1884. 10° 680.15 Manners, customs and dress, during the mid- dle ages, and during the renaissance peri- od. P. Lacroix. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . 628.3 Manning, A. Cherry and Violet. N.Y., 1806. 12° 3.33.13 The faire gospeller. (Anne Askew.) N.Y., 1856. 16° 331.13 The household of .S'iV Thomas More. N.Y., 1867. 12° 214.17 Jacques Bonneval. N.Y., 1867. 10° . . 431.12 Livingstone and Moffat. Heroes of the desert. London, 1885. 12° 935.4 Old Chelsea bun-house. London, 1860. 16°, 451.20 One trip more, and other stories. London, [n.d.] 16° 436.11 Poplar House academy. London, 1S.")9. 2 v. 10° 436.12 Manning, J. M. Half truths, and the truth. Boston, 1872. 12° 223.7 Manning, James. Life, times, and correspond- ence of. R. A. Guild. Boston, 1884. 8°, 162.1 Manning, Samuel. American pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . 568.6 Italian pictures. London, [n.d.] 8° . . 568.9 Spanish pictures. London, [n.d.] 8° . . .568.10 Swiss pictures. London, [n.d. [ 8° . . . 568.11 and Green, S. S. English pictures. Lon- don, [n.d.] 8° 568.8 Manoeuvring. Almeria. Vivian. (Tales.) M. Edgeworth. N.Y., 1.^55. 12° ... . 346.4 Mansfield, E. D. Personal memoirs and remi- niscences of noted people. 1803-43. Cin- cinnati, 1879. 12° 182.17 Mansfield Park. J. Austen. London, 1853. 10° 312.24 The same. London, 1882. 12°. . . . 953.3 Mansie Wauch, Life of. D. M. Moir. Edin- burgh, ISGS. 12° 213.22 Manteufel, Ursula Zoge von. Violetta. [.A novel.] Phila., 1886. 12° 977.10 Mantegna, Life of. (Illustrated biographies.) J. Cartwright. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . . 195.21 Manton, Kate. Man's wrongs ; or, Woman's foibles. Boston, 1870. 12° 253.15 Manton, Walter P. Beginnings with the micro- scope. Boston, 1884. 18° 1314.6 Field botany. Boston, 1882. 18° . . . . 673.30 Manuela Parades. (No name series.) Boston, l.-^Sl. 16° 385.18 The same 385.19 Manufactures, History of American. J. L. Bishop. Phila., 1864. 2 v. 8° ... 642.4 Many happy returns of the day. C. and M. C. Clark. London, [n.d.] 16° .... . 461.23 Many lands and many people. Phila., 1875. 8°, 716.15 Many mistakes mended. Corrections of mis- use of the English language. X. Y., [n.d.] 12° 1252.2 Manypenny, George W. Our Indian wards. Cincinnati, 1880. 8° 692.7 Manzoni, Alessandro. The betrothed. Lon- don, 1844. 2 V. 16° 362.30 Marable family. The. S. J. Hillyer. Phila., 1879. 12° 392.13 Marah. [A novel.] R. V. Jeffrey. Phila., 1884. 12° 954.22 Marble faun, The. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1860. 2 T. 12° 342.24 The same. Boston, 1870. 12° ... . 372.5 Marble prophecy. The, and other poems. J. G. Holland. X.Y., 1872. 16° 5.53.4 Marblehead, Mass., Historical sketch of. C. H. Webber and W. S. Xevins. Salem, 1877. 12° 492.15 History and traditions of. S. Koads, Jr. Boston, 1880. 8° 092.14 Marcet, William. Southern and Swiss health resorts. X.Y., 1883. 12° 778.7 March, Charles W. Daniel Webster and his contemporaries. N.Y., 1873. 12° . . . 182.23 March, Katharine M. My father and I. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 363.92 March 5th, 1770, Orations to commemorate. Boston, 1807. 12° 252.24 Marchfield. A story of commercial morality. London, [n.d. J 16° 447.19 Marco Paul's voyages and travels. See Abbott, Jacob. Marco Polo, Travels of. H. Murray. X.Y., 18-55. 16° 711-7 The same. G. M. Towle. Boston, 1880. 10° 178.23 Marcoy, Paul. Travels in South America. N.Y., 1875. 2v. 4° 718-1 Marcus Warland; or. The long moss spring. Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . 375.13 Marcy, R. B. The prairie traveller. X.Y., 18.59. 10° 44:3.26 Thirty years of army life on the border. N.Y., 1866. 8° 717-17 Marenholz-Biilow, Baroness von. Reminis- cences of F. Froebel. Boston, 1877. 10°, 176.14 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. N.Y.,1874. 12° 655.2 Margaret. E. M. Alford. London, 1871. 12°, 333.20 Margaret. S. Judd. Boston, 1871. 12° . . 411.17 Margaret. C. C. F. Tytler. N.Y., [n.d.[ 12°, 964.23 Margaret and her bridesmaids. J. Stretton. Boston, 1864. 12° 364.80 220 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Margaret CheUvynd. S. Morley. Phila., 1878. 1-'° 372.20 Margaret IIowlli. K. H. Davis. Boston, 1862. 12° 317.16 Margaret Kent, Story of. Henry Hayes, pseud. (Mrs. E. O. Kirke.) Boston, 1886. 12°. 972.11 The same 972.14 Margaret Maitlaiul. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y.. [n.d.] 12° 345.38 Margaret Monciieffe. C. Burdett. N.Y.,1S60. 12° 311.25 Margaret of Anjoii, History of. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1S61. 16° 122.2 Life and times of. M. A. Hookham. Lon- don, 1872. 2 V. 8° 135.8 Margaret Smitli's journal. J. G. Whittier. Boston, 1849. 16° 4327 Margaret Woodward ; or, Summerleigh Manor. M. Roberts. London, [n.d.l 10° . . . 447.20 The same. 12° 973.5 Margarethe ; or. Life-problems. E. Juncker. Mrs. Wister, Tram. Phila., 1878. 12° . 316.20 The same 396.3 Margery's Christmas box. R. Elliott. Boston, [n.d] 16° 444.13 Margravine of Baireuth. Memoirs of Frederica, Princess Koyal of Prussia. W. D. How- ells, £(?. Boston, 1877. 2 v. 16°. . . 181.1 Marguerite de Valois. [An historical romance.] A.Dumas. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 301.72 Maria Monk's daughter. Autobiography of. Mrs. L. St. John Eckel. N.Y., 1874. 8°, 166.11 Marian Grey. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1874. 12° . " 424.11 The same 424.34 Marianela. B. P. GaUlcis. N.Y., 1883. 18° . 941.23 Marie Antoinette. Abbott, J. S. C. History of. N.Y., 18.54. 16° 122.8 Campan, Madame. Jlemoirs of the court of. Phila., 1850. 2 v. 12° 177.21 Mundt, C. Marie Antoinette and her son. [An historical novel.] N.Y., 1867. 8° . 325.12 Yonge, C. D. Life of. London, 1876. 2 v. 12° 171.15 Marie Derville. Mme. G. de Witt. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 378.30 Marie Louise, Empress, Memoirs of. I. deSaint- Amand. London, 1SS6. 8° 1136.7 Marietta; or. Life in Tuscany. [A novel.] T. A. Trollope. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 375.24 Mariette-Bey, Auguste. The monuments of upper Egypt. London, 1877. 12°. . . 492.12 Mariner's dictionary. The. Washington, 180.5. 12^ 653.4 Marion, Gen. Francis. Life of. Boston, 1876. 12° 176.10 The same. W. G. Simms. N.Y., 1860. 12° 162.16 Marion, Fulgence. The wonders of optics. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 035.21 The wonders of vegetation. X.Y., 1872. 8° 648.9 Marion's day-dreams; or. Their aim in life. C. A. Lynn. Boston, 1880. 16° . . . 041.22 Marion's faith. A sequel to " The colonel's daughter." Capt. C. King. Phila., 1886. 12° 976.12 Marjorie Daw, and other people. T. B. Aldrich. Boston, 1873. 16° 363.8 Marjorie Fleming. J. Brown, M.D. Boston, 1864. 10° 364.14 Marjorie Huntingdon. H. P. Belt. Phila., 1884. 12° 9.58.19 Marjorie's quest. J. T. Gould. Boston, 1872. 12° 361.4 Marjory. M. Deane. London, 1872. 12° . . 364.33 Marjory Graham. I.E.Gray. N.Y., 1882. 16°, 941.5 Mark Dennison's charge. G. M. Craik. N. Y., 1881. 12° .370.15 Mark Rutherford, (dissenting minister,) Auto- biography of. R. Shapcott, Ed. N.Y., 1881. 10° 388.4 Mark Seaworlh. A tale of the Indian Ocean. W. II. G. Kingston. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . 449.22 Mark the match boy. H.Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 442.3 Market assistant. The. T. F. De Voe. N.Y., 1867. 12° 651.17 Market Harborough ; or, How Mr. Sawyer went to the Shires. Inside the bar; or. Sketches at Soakington. G. J. W. Melville. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 955.13 Markham, Mrs., pseud. See Penrose, E. C. Markham, Albert H. The great frozen sea. London, 1880. 12° 766.6 Northward ho! London, 1879. 12°. . . 762.10 Markham, Clements R. Cuzco and Lima. Loudon. 1856. 12° 666.14 Fairfax, Admiral Robert, Life of. London, 1885. 8° 1133.9 Fairfax, The great Lord Thomas, Life of. London, 1870. 8° 155.7 The sea fathers. A series of great naviga- tors of former times. X.Y., 1884. 16° .1121.23 The threshold of the tmknown region. (Arctic exploration.) London, 1873. 8°, 736.6 The war between Peru and Chile. 1879- 1882. N.Y.. 1883. 12° 598.4 Markham, Richard. Aboard the " Mavis." N.Y., 1880. 8° 448.9 Ed. The chronicle of the Cid. N.Y., 1883. 4° 6967 History of King Philip's war. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 598.11 On the edge of winter. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . 44S.19 Marks, William Dennis. The relative propor- tions of the steam engine. Phila., 1884. 16° 1313.17 Marlborough, Duke of. (John Churchill.) Coxe, W. Memoirs. London, 1848. 3 v. 12° 146.8 Creighton, L. Life. N.Y., 1870. 16°. . 181.22 Saint.sbury, G. Life. (English worthies.) N.Y., 1886. 16° 1138.1 Marlborough, Mass., History of ; with a sketch of the town of Northborough. C. Hud- son. Boston, 1862. 8° 487.10 Marlitt, E., pseud. See John, E. Marlo'we, Christopher, Works of. London, 18.59. 8° 613.6 The same. A. H. BuUen, Ed. Boston, 1885. 3v. 8° 574.14 Marmaduke Merry. W. H. G. Kingston. Boston, 1804. 16° 464.13 Marmion. W.Scott. Bost, |n.d.] 10° . v. ii. of 564.10 Marmontel, Jean Francois, Autobiography of. W. D. Howells, Ed. Boston, 1878. 2 v. 16° 181.7 Marmorne. (Xo name series.) P. G. Hamer- ton. Boston, 1878. 16° 362.71 Marooner's Island. F. R. Goulding. Phila., 1809. 16° 434.21 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 221 Marplot Cupid. E. M. Simpson. Boston, 1SS3. 18° 951.4 Marquette, Father, Life of. (American biog- raphy. Vol. X.) 111.2 Marquis of Carabas. [A novel.] Mrs. H. P. Spofford. Boston, 1882. 10' .... 941.12 Marquis of LiJloriere. M. G. Sue. Boston, 1873. 18° 362.36 Marquis of Lossie. G. Maedonald. Phila., 1877. 8° 3.36.23 The same ; .336.24 Marriage. [A novel.] S. E. Ferris. London, issi. 2v. 12° 953.8 Marriage in Cana of Galilee. IT. Macmillan. Lniid.m, 1882. 16° 1221,11 Marriage in high life. O. Feiiillet. Phila., [n d.] 12° 317.28 Married beneath him. .J. Payn. Phila., [II. d.] 12' 425.22 Married life, Sketches of. Mrs. C. FoUen. Boston, 1838. 16° 432.12 Married, not mated. A. Gary. X.Y., 1856. 12°, 425.23 Married or single. C. M. Sedgwick. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 12° 345.87 Marryat, Emilia, pseud. See ?forris. Sirs. Marryat, Florence. See Church, Mrs. Ross. Marryat, Capl. Frederick, Life and letters of. F. Marryat. N.T., 1872. 2 v. 8' . . 138.4 ICocts ; Children of the Xew Forest. N.Y., 1804. 12° 455.7 The dog fiend. London, [n.d] 12' . . 4.^6.3 Frank Mildmay. London, [n.d.] 12' . 4.56.5 Jacob Faithful. N.Y., 1867. 12° . . . 455.17 Japhet in search of a father. Phila., 1835. 12° 455.9 The same 455.15 The king's own. N.Y., 1857. 12° . . 4.55.13 The little savage. N.Y., 1859. 12' . . 455.8 Mastennan Ready. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 4.55.18 The mission. N.Y., 1863. 16'. . . . 4.55.14 Midshipman's expedients. Phila.. 1837. 2v. 12° 342.7 Mr. Midshipman Easy. London, [n.d.] 12° 4.56.6 Monsieur Violet. N.Y., [n.d.] 12' . . 4.55.19 Newton Forster. N.Y., 1867. 12° . . 456.4 Ollapodrida. [Stories.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 455.20 The pacha of many tales. London, [n.d.] 12° 4.55.12 Percival Keene. London, [n.d.] 12' . 4.56.7 Peter Simple. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 455.11 The phantom ship. London, [n.d.] 12°, 456.2 The pirate, and The three cutters. Bos- ton, 1868. 18° 4:31.21 The same. 12° 455.21 The poacher. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 456.8 Poor Jack. N.Y,, [n.d.] 12° ... . 4.56.1 The privateersmaTi. Boston, 1866. 12°, 455,10 Rattlin, the reefer. London, [n.d ] 12°, 455.16 The settlers in Canada. N.Y., 1857. 16°, 451.15 Valerie. N.Y., [n.d ] 12° 455.22 Marrying a beggar; or. The angel in disguise, and other tales. W. T. Adams. Boston, ISOn. 12° 364.81 Marsden, Richard. Cotton spinning. Lon- don, 18S4, 16° 6S0.21 Marsh, George P. English language, Lectures on the. N.Y., 1860. 8° 044,3 English language. Origin and history of the. N.Y,, 1862, 8° 644,2 Marsh, George P. — concluded. Man and nature. N,Y,, 1865, 8° . . . 627.2 Marsh, J. B. T. The story of the Jubilee Sing- ers, with their songs, Boston, 1880, 12°, 124.10 Marsh, John B. For liberty's sake. London, 1873. 12° 311.2 Life and adventures of Robin Hood. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12' 452.20 The story of Harecourt. London, 1871. 12°, 484.12 Marsh, Josiah. Fox, George, Life of. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 147,5 Marsh island, A, S. O, Jewett, Boston, 1885, 12' 967.3 The same 968.14 Marshall, E, C. Ancestry of TJ. S. Grant. N.V., 1869. 12° 214.4 Marshall, Mrs. Emma. Brothers and sisters. N.Y., [n.d.] 12' 374.7 Dorothy's daughters. X.Y., 1881. 12°. . 397.7 Edward's wife. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... 374.8 France, A history of, N,Y,, 1877. 12°. . 491.16 Heather and harebell. London, 1881, 12°, 913,7 Helen's diarj\ X,Y,, [n,d,] 12' , . . . 374.9 Joanna's inheritance. X.Y., 1877, 12° , 425.29 Lady Alice. X.Y,, 1878, 12° 374.14 Life's aftermath, N,Y,, 1876. 12° . . . 425.21 Little brothers and sisters. N.Y., 1875. 10', 444.10 Memories of troublous times. N.Y., [n.d.] 1-2° 396.30 Mrs, Haycock's chronicles. N,Y., 1880. 12°, 363.94 Mrs. Mainwaring's journal. N.Y., 1870. 12° 425.25 Mistress of Tayne Court. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 973.6 Now-a days. X.Y., 187-5. 12° 425.26 No. XIII. ; or. The story of the lost vestal. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 972.24 The old gateway. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . 374.10 The Rocheraonts. N.Y., 1879. 12-^. . , 396.4 The royal law, and other Sunday tales. N.Y., 1880. 16° 363.95 Salome. London, 1886. 12° 973.8 Sir Valentine's victory. N,Y,, 1883, 12°. 976.15 Stories of the cathedral cities of England. N.Y., 1880, 12° 363,86 True and strong, with other home tales. N.Y., 1880. 12' .363.96 Under the Mendips. N.Y., [n.d,] 12° , 973.9 Violet Douglass. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 374.11 Marshall, John, Life of. (American states- nifn,) A, B. Magruder. Boston, 1835. 10° 1121.20 Washington, George, Life of. Phila., 1S04. 5 v. 4° 141.7 Marshall, John. Anatomy for artists. N.Y., 187S. S° 628.8 Marshall, Mrs. Julian. Handel, Life of. (Great musicians.) N.Y., 188:3. 12°. . 1118 7 Mar's white witch. [A novel.] G. Douglass. X.Y., 1877. 8° 369.9 Marston Hall. A story of Southern life. B. Carr. N,Y., 1880. 12' 386.30 Marteilbe, J. The Huguenot galley slave. N.Y., 1867. 12° 134.26 The same 1114.2 Martha's Vineyard, Sketches of. Boston, 18-38. 12° 661.23 Martin, Elizabeth G. Whom God hath joined. N.Y., 1886. 16° 078.3 Martin, F. Natural history. (First series.) N.Y., 1801. 12° 621 7 The same. (Second series) 622.18 222 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Martiu, Fredericlc. Tlie statesman's jear-book for 1871. London, l-j^ 484.14 The same for 1S72 25LM:i , The same. 1S76 483.04 The same. 1877 483.40 The same. 1878 483.41 The same. 1879 483.42 The same. 1880 124.2 The same. 1881 489.12 The same. 1882 1217.9 Martin, Henri. Decline of the French Mon- archy. Boston, 1866. 2 v. 8°. . . . 530.2 France, History of, from the first revolution to the present time. Boston, 1877. 3 v. 8°, 48.1.8 Louis XIV., Age of. Boston, 186.'5. 2 v. 8°, 530.1 Martiu, Mrs. Herbert. "Bonnie Lesley." N.T., [n.d.] 12° 379.3 Martin, H. Newell. The human body. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . . 077.4 Martin, John, The life of. A legacy. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.T., 187S. 12° 170.28 Martin, John, Ed. Tonga Islands. Boston, 1820. 8° .531.7 Martin, Theodore. Life of the Prince Consort. N.Y., 1875. 5v. 12° 145.18 Ed. Dante's "Vita nuova," with notes. Edinburgh, 1871. 16° 1241.2 Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese. N.Y., 1881. 12° 708.3 Martin, W. C. L. General history of humming- birds. London, 1852. 10° . . . . 621.14 Martin Chuzzlewit. C. Dickens. London, [n.d.] 12° 355.8 The same. 2v 3.50.10 The same 394.1 Martin Merrivale. His X mark. J. T. Trow- bridge. Boston, 1884. 12° 953.20 Martin Rattler. R. JI. Ballantyne. London, 1864. 10° 44.3.17 Martin the skipper. A tale for boys. J. F. Cobb. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 917.7 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. M. W. Chapman, Ed. Boston, 1877. 2 v. 8°, 173.13 The same 173.17 Life of. Mrs. F. F. Miller. Boston, 1885. 10° 1121.22 Works : Biographical sketches. N.Y., 1809. 12°, 214.6 The Crofton boys. London, [n.d.] 10°. 4.54.9 Deerbrook. London, 1870. 12° ... 421.8 Eastern life, present and past. Boston, 1S70. 12° 492.23 England, History of, during tlie thirty years' peace. London, 1849. 2 v. Roy. 8° 517.1 England, History of, from 1800-1854. Boston, 1804. 4 v. 8° 515.3 Feats on the Fiord. London, [n.d.] 16°, 253.28 The hour and the man. N.Y., 1873. 8°, 346.21 Household education. Boston, 1877. 18°, 271.11 Life in the sick-room. Boston, 1844. 12°, 233.19 Political economy. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 18°, 302.31 Martineau, James. Essays, philosophical and theological. Boston, 1800. 2 v. 8° . . 024.6 Hours of thought on sacred things. Bos- ton, 1870. 16° 207.26 The same. (Second series.) Boston, 1880. 12° 124.3 Spinoza, A study of. London, 1883. 12°. 1118.9 Martingale, Hawser, pseud. See Sleeper, John S. Martins of Cro' Martin. C. J. Lever. Lon- don, 1872. 1(1° 351.15 Martyn, Henry, Life of. (Heroes of Christian history.) C.U.Bell. N.Y., 1881. 12°. 1120.11) Memoir of. J.Sargent. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 131.17 Martyrs, Fox's book of. N.Y., 1842. 8° . . 139.11 Martyrs of Spain; and, Jhe liberation of Hol- land. Mrs. E. R. Charles. N.Y., 1865. 16° 162.11 Martyrs of the nineteenth century. Living- stone, Gordon, Pattoson. Mrs. E. R. Charles. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1137.8 Maruja. Bret Ilarte. Boston, 15(85. 18° . . 951.24 Marvel, Ike, pseud. SPe Mitchell, D. G. Marvell, Andrew. Poetical works, with a me- moir of the author. Boston, [n.d.] 10°, 502.9 Marvellous adventures of Master Owlglass. K. R. H. Mackenzie. Boston, 1860. 12°, 411.1 Marvellous country. The. Arizona and New Mexico. S. W. Cozzens. Boston, 1873. 8°, 720.2 The same 787.3 Marvin, Abijah P. History of Worcester, in the war of the rebellion. Worcester, 1870. 8° 542.4 Marvin, Charles. The Russians at the gates of Herat. N.Y., 1885. 12° 792.4 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Abbott, J. His- tory. N.Y., 1800. 10° 122.4 Bell, H. G. Life. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 16°. 121.20 Benger, E. O. Life. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . 177.10 Hosack, J. Mary Stuart and her .accusers. A narrative of events from the death of James V. in 1542 to the death of Queen Mary in 1587. London, 1874. 2 v. 8°. 1116.1 Kaufman, R., Ed. Life. (Abridged from Agnes Strickland's "Queens of Scot- bind.") Boston, 1887. 8° ...... 1142.2 Laniartine, A. de. Life. N.Y.,1877. 10°, 181.17 Migtiet, F. A. History. London, 1882. 12°, 1124.21 Nau, C. History of Mary Stuart, from the murder of RIccio until her flight into Eng- land. With historical preface by J. Ste- venson. Edinburgh, 1883. 8° . . . . 1417.4 Skelton, J. Defence of Mary Stuart, with essays in history and biography. Edin- burgh, 1883. 8° .597.10 Mary Anerly. A Yorkshire tale. R. D. Black- more. N.Y., 18S0. 16° 378.1 Mary Barton. Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. N.Y., 1800. 12° 343.4 Mary Bell. J. Abbott. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 435. 4 Mary Erskine. J. Abbott. N.Y., [n.d.] 10°, 4.35.3 Mary Jane papers. The. A book for girls. A. G. Plympton. N.Y., 1884. 10°. . . . 021.10 Mary Magdalene. [A poem.] Mrs. R. Green- ough. Boston, ISSO. 8° 574.4 Mary Marston. G. Macdonald. N.Y., 1881. 12° 336.29 The same 336.30 Mary Montgomery. Siege of Roxburgh. J. Hogg. London, 1878. 12° 382.14 Mary of Lorraine. An historical romance. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 10° ... . 384.22 Mary Osborne. J. Abbott. N.Y., |n.d.] 10° 435.28 Maryland. The history of a Palatinate. (Amer- ican commonwealths.) W. H. Browne. Boston, 1884. 12° 1421.1 Mascart, E., and Joubert, J. A treatise on electricity and magnetism. Vol. I. Lon- don, 188:3. 8° 1315.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 223 Mashallah ! A flight into Egypt. C. W. Stod- Massachusetts. Goternment publications — dard. N.Y., ISSl. 18° 761.12 continued. Maskell, Alfred. Russian art, and art objects Elections. in Russia. London, 18A4. 12° ... . 6.87.24 Elections in the Ilouse of Representa- Mason, C.W. Rape of the gam p. N.T.,1875. 8°, 346.40 tives. Controverted from 1780-1852. Mason, Clara A. Etchings from two lands. 791.2 Boston, 1853. 8° .559.12 Boston, [n.d.] 16° The same from 1853-85. E. P. Lor- Mason, George C. Newport, R.I., Reminis- ing and C. T. Russell, Jr., Eds. cences of. Newport, 1884. 8° . . . . 787.9 Boston, 1886. 8° 559.12 The old house altered. N.Y., 1878. S" . . 654.15 General Court. Stuart, Gilbert, Life and work of. N.Y., Manual for the use of the General 1879. 4° R. L. Court. Containing the rules and orders of the two branches, together Mason, J., Life of. G. E. Ellis. (American biography, Vol. III.) 111.3 with the Constitution of the Com- Masque of Pandora, and other poems. H. W. monwealth, and that of the U.S. A Longfellow. Boston, 1875. 16° ... .5.54.23 list of the departments of state gov- Masque of the gods. [Poems ] B. Taylor. ernment, state institutions, etc., etc. Boston, 1.872. 16° 551.35 Prepared by S. N. Gifford and G. Masquerade, The, and other poems. J. G. A. Harden. 1876. Boston, 1876. Saxe. Boston, 1866. 12° 552.22 16° 529.. 3 Massachusetts. The same. 1877 529.4 Atlas of. Compiled by Walling and Gray. The same. 1S7S 529.5 Boston, 1871. Folio R. L. The same. 1879 529.6 Gazetteerof. J. Hayward. Bost., 1846. 12°, 2.33.9 The same. 1.880 529.7 The same. E. Nason. Boston, 1874. 8°, 245.9 The same. 1881 .529.9 Government publications. Adjutant General, Reports of the, 1862-72, .5.59.4 The same. 1882 529. 10 The same .529 . 11 The same. 1883 529.12 Insects of New England injurious to The same. 1884 529.13 vegetation. Published by order of The same. 1885 529.17 the Legislature of Mass. Boston, The same. 1886 529.15 1852. 8° .5.58.5 Health. Board of Health, Reports of the, for the years 1871-78. Boston. 9 v. The same 623.18 Reports of the Board of Agriculture for the years 1851, '52, '53, '57, '77. Bos- 8° 559.9 ton. 5 V. 8° 558.4 Drainage, A general system of, fur the Report of the State Agricultural Experi- valleys of the Mystic, Blackstone and ment Station at Amher^t. Boston, Charles Rivers, Mass. Boston, 1886. 1885. 8° 558.7 8° 559.14 Census. Miller's River Nuisance, Report of the Census of the Commonwealth. F. De Joint Commission on the. Boston, Witt. Boston, 1857. 8° 5.59.3 5.59.3 1872. 8° 559.11 Census for 1S75. Boston, 1877. 3 v. 8°, Labor. The same for 1880. Compiled by C. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Reports D. Wright. Boston, 1883. 8° . . . .559.3 of, for the years 1845, '55, '70-73. Charities. Boston. C v. 8° 559.8 Report of the State Board of, for the The same for 1876; with an appendix years 1863-75. Boston. 11 v. 8° . 559.7 containing the history of the Bu- Education. reau, and of Labor Legislation in Reports of the Board of, for the years Massachusetts. April, 1876. Bos- 18.58-68, 1884-85. Boston. 12 v. 8° . 559.2 ton, 1876. 8° 529.2 School returns for 1839, '41, '44, '46. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. Boston. 4v. 8° .5.59.1 Compiled from statistics in possession Court and law. of the Massachusetts Bureau of Labor, Acts and resolves of the General Court by direction of the Legislature, 1881. for the years 1872, '73, '75, '76, '84- C. D. Wright. Boston, 1881. 8° . 559. S 86. Boston. 7 v. 8° 558.8 Names. Debates and proceedings in Constitu- List of persons whose names have been tional Convention, 1853. Boston. changed in Massachusetts. 1780- 2v. 4° 851.3 1883. Boston, 1885. 8° 559.13 The same for 1820 and '53. 2 v. 4°, 559.6 Prisons. Discussions on the Constitution pro- Annual Reports of the Commissioners posed by the Convention of 1853. on Prisons, for the years 1880-84. Boston, 1854. 8° 529.1 Boston. 5 V. 8° 558.6 License Law, Report on. Bost., 1867. 8°, 559.5 Convict labor. Report of the joint Special laws. 1860, '61, '71-75. Bos- Special Committee on Contracts. ton. 7v. 8° •558.13 Boston, 1880. 8° 529.8 Statutes of the Commonwealth. Bos- Railroads. ton, 1849-60. 4 V. 8° 558.2 Reports of the Board of Railroad Com- The same. (Revised, 1882.) Boston, missioners, for the years 1871, '73, 1882. 8° R. L. '75-86. Boston. 14 v. 8° . . . . 559.10 224 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Massachusetts. Government }>ubllcations — concluded. Records. Report of the Commissioners on the condition of tlie records, files, papers, and documents in the Secretary's Department, 1SS5. Boston, 188"). 8°, 529.14 State Library, Catalogue of the. Boston, 18S0. 8° R. L. Various public affires. Reports of various Public Offices and Institutions, for the years 1871-84. Boston. 62 V. 8" 540.2 History. Austin, G. L. History of Massachusetts, from the landing of the pilgrims to the present time. Boston, 1870. 8° . 481.4 Barry, J. S. History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1855. 3 v. 8° 555.4 Bradford, A. History of Massachusetts. l(iL'0-1820. Boston, 1835. 8" . . . . 567.18 Diocese of Massachusetts, Centennial year of the. Commemorative dis- courses by Br. Courtney, G. H. Shat- tuck, and Bishop Paddock. Boston, 1885. 8' 518.22 Holland, J. G. History of western Mass. Springfield, 18.55. 2 v. 8°. . 541.10 Young, A. Chronicles of the first plant- ers of Massachusetts Bay. Boston, 1840. 8° 544.5 Massachusetts General Hospital. N. L. Bow- ditch. Boston, 1851. 8° 481.19 Massachusetts historical collections. J. W. Barber. Worcester, 1839. 8° . . . . 544.1 Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections. (First series.) Boston, 1806-09. 10 V. 8° 548.1 The same. (Second series.) Boston, 1826-48. 10 V. 8^ .548.2 The same. (Third series.) Boston, 1830-49. 10 V. 8" 548.3 The same. (Fourth series.) Boston, 1852-71. 10 V. 8° 548.4 Thesame. (Fifth series.) Boston, 1871- 82. 8v. 8° 548.5 Vol. I. Miscellaneous papers and letters. II. and III. Belknap papers. IV. Heath papers. Winthrop pa- pers. Warren papers. V. Sewall papers. 1074-1700. VI. Sewall papers. 1700-14. VII. Sewall papers. 1714-29. VIII. Winthrop papers. Proceedingsof. 17'.»1-1S77. Boston. 12v. 8°, -558.1 Massachusetts Horticultural Society, History of. 1829-1878. Boston, 1880. 8° . . . 093.5 Thesame 093.10 Massachusetts in the woman suffr.ige move- ment. A general history from 1774-1881. H. II. Robinson. Boston, 1881. 12°. . 1212.7 Massachusetts justice, The. A treatise on powers and duties of the justices of the peace, with copious forms. J. C. B. Davis. Worcester, 1847. 8° 2.37.17 Massachusetts Register for 1852. A business directory of the State. G. Adams. Bos- ton, 18.52. 8° 851.11 Massachusetts, Souvenir of the Government of. 1880. With portraits and biographi- cal sketches. Boston, 1880. 2 v. 4° . R. L. Massachusetts State Prison. An historical sketch. G. Haynes. Boston, 1809. 12°, 213.10 Massachusetts Teacher, The. 1800. Boston, 1800. 8' 259.7 Massachusetts Volunteers, Record of the. lSOl-180.5. Boston, 1868. 2 v. 4° . . 851.4 Army of the Potomac, Three years in the. II. N. Blake of the Eleventh Regiment M. V. BDSton, 1865. 12° 1421.13 History of tlie Twenty-first Regiment of, in the war for the preservation of the Union. 1801-6.^ C. F. Walcott. Boston, 1882. 8°, 097.0 History of the Twenty-ninth Regiment in the late war of the rebellion. W. H. O.s- borne. Boston, 1877. 8° 494.8 Story of the Thirty-eighth Regiment. G. W. Powers. Cambridge, I.SOO. 12° . . 66715 Masque of poets, A. Including Guy Vernon, a novelette in verse. (No name series.) Boston, 1878. 10° 362.75 Massacre of St. Bartholomew. H. White. N.Y., 1808. 8° 5.34.2 Massacres of the mountains. History of the Indian wars of the far West. J. P. Dunn. N.Y., 1886. 8° 14.33.1 Massey, Gerald. A book of the beginnings. (Origin of myths, religion, language, etc.) London, 1881. 2 v. S° 1233.1 Poems. Boston, 1870. 16° 012.27 Poems and ballails. N".Y., 18,54. 12° . . 613.12 Massinger, P., and For2.4 i;us.ilie"s pet. N.Y., 187-5. 10° .... 441.0 Mathews, Julia A. Bessie Harrington's ven- ture. Boston, 1878. 12° 363.65 Jack Granger's cousin. Boston, 1877. 10°, 445.21 Uncle Joe's Thanksgiving. N.Y., 1870. 10° " 441.27 Mathews, J. M. The Bible and men of learn- ing. N.Y., 1800. 8° 231. S Mathews, Margaret H. Dr. Gilbert's daugh- ters. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 397.22 Mathe-ws, William. Getting on in the world. Chicago, 1873. 12° 2.35.4 The same 264.23 The great conversers, and other essays. Chicago, 1874. 12° 227.4 Hours with men and books. Chicago, 1870. 12° '. . . 2S6.7 Literary style, and other essays. Chicago, 1881. 12° 129.13 Oratory and orators. Chicago, 1879. 12°. 280.9 Words; their use and abuse. Chicago, 1870. 12' 252.27 Mathews* W. S. B. How to understand music. Boston, 1881. 8° 677.16 Matilda, Princess of England. A romance of the crusades. Mme. S. Cottin. X.Y., 188.5. 2v. 18° 967.10 Matrimonial infelicities. R. B. Coffin. N.Y., ISiw. 12' .333.10 Matrimony. [A novel.] W. E. Xorris. X.Y., 18S1. 10° 370.32 Matt, a tale of a caravan. R.Buchanan. N.Y., 1885. 16° 906.19 Matter-of-fact-girl, A. T. Gift. N.Y., 1881. 10° .376.3;? Matter of taste, A. [A novel.] G. H. Picard. N.Y., 1884. 16° 951.15 Matthew^s, J. Brander. French dramatists of the nineteenth century. X.Y., 1881. 12' 1113.1 The last meeting. [A novel.] N.Y., 1885. 12° ... 968.24 and Banner, H. C. In partnership. [.Stories.] N. Y., 1884. 16° ... . 902.15 Matthews, J. Brander, and Hutton, Laurence, Eds. Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the U.S. N.Y., 1886. 3 v. 12° . 11.37.6 Vol. I. Garrick and bis contemporaries. II. The Kembles and their contem- poraries. III. Kean and Booth and their con- temporaries. X.Y., [n.d.] Mattie ; a stray. F.W.Robinson. N.Y., 1874. 8° 377.26 The same 956.13 Maud Mansfield. [A novel.] Mrs. F. H. Hood. Macon, Ga., 1870. 12° .361.50 Maud Mohan. [A novel.] Mrs. P. Cudlip. X.Y., [n.d.] S° 365.87 Maud or Nina. J. G. AV. Melville. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 377.14 Maudsley, Henry. Body and mind. N.Y., 1874. 12° 0.33.16 Body and will. N.Y., 18S4. 8° . . . . 1315.9 The physiology and pathology of the mind. N.Y., 1872. 8° 632.2 The same. Part II 675.14 Responsibility in mental disease. X.Y., 1874. 12° 655.12 Maupas, M. de. Tlie story of the Coup d'Etat. X.Y., 1834. 12° 1415.3 Mauprat. Mme. A. Dudevant. Boston, 1870. 12° 3-52.16 Maurice, Frederick Denison, Life of. Chiefly told by his own letters. Ed. by his son Frederick Maurice. N.Y., 1884. 2 v. 8°, 1122.8 Works : The friendship of books, and other lec- tures. London, 1874. 12° 227.6 Moral and metaphysical philosopliy. Lon- don, 1872. 2 V. 8° 627.10 Maurice mystery. The. [A novel.] J. E. Cooke. X.Y. [n.d.] 16° 967.8 Maurice Tiernay. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.] 16° 3-51.16 Mauritius, Island of. Sub-tropical rambles. X.Pike. N.Y., 1873. 8° 726.13 Maury, Abbe. The principles of eloquence. N.Y., 18-55. 16° 262.27 Mavixy, M. F. Physical geography of the sea. N.Y., 18-55. 8° 643-2 Max Kromer. A story of the siege of Stras- liurg. (1870.) n. Smith. N.Y.,1871. 16°, 451.22 Max Meredith's millenniura. V. F. Town- send. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 437-6 Max Overmann. [A poem.] Boston, 1867. 10° 5-53.16 Maxwell, James Clerk, Life of; with selections from his writings. L. Campbell and W. Garnett. London, 1SS2. 8° 1116.7 Works : Electricity and magnetism. Oxford, 1873. 2 V. 12° 637.3 Maxwell, W. H. Life of the Duke of Welling- ton. London, [n.d.] 3 v. S° . . . . 175.4 Maxi)(rell Drewitt. [A novel.] Mrs. J. H. Riddell. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 954.11 May, G. Ballooning, its history and principles. London, 1885.^ 12° 1327.1 May, Samuel J., Memoir of. Boston, 1873. 16° 1-33.15 The same 133-16 Recollections of our anti-slavery conflict. Boston, 1860. 12° 213.22 May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. 226 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. May, Sir Thomas Erskine. Democracy ia Eu- rope. N.Y., 1S7S. 2v. 8° 498.14 England, The constitutional history of. 1760-1871. London, 1880. 2 v. 12° . . (V.H.l May. Mrs. M. O. W. Ollphant. N.Y., 1873. 8° 323.2 May-day, and other poems. K. W. Emersou. Boston, 1867. 12° 552.20 May Martin, and other tales of the Green Mountains. D. P. Thompson. Boston, 1881. 12° 3.52.31 The same 387.23 May Stanhope and her friends. M. E. Sangs- ter. N.Y., 1876. 12° 441.31 Mayhew, Edward. The illustrated horse doc- tor. Philiv., 1804. 8° 632.10 Illustrated horse management. Phila. , 1804. 8° 6.32.12 Mayhe'w, Henry. London labour, and London poor. London, [n.d.] 3 v. 8" . . . . 406.19 Young Benjamin Franklin. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 134.1 Maynard, C. J. The naturalist's guide. Bos- ton, 1870. 12° 621.4 Mayo, A. D. Symbols of the Capital; or. Civ- ilization in New York. N.Y., 1859. 12°, 225.4 Mayo, Mrs. Isabella F., (pseud., Edward Gar- rett.) At any cost. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . 902.17 By still waters. N.Y., 1874. 12°. . . . .3.37.1 Crooked places. N.Y., [n,d.] 12° . . . .337.2 The crust and the cake. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 337.3 Dead sin, and other stories. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 3.37.4 Doing and dreaming. N.Y., 187.5. 12° . 337.5 Family fortunes. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . . 397.25 Gold and dross. N.Y., 1874. 12° ... 337.6 Her object in life. N.Y., 18S2. 12° . . . 944.9 The house by the works. N.Y., 1878. 12° 3.37.31 Occupations of a retired life. X.Y., 1869. 12° 337.8 Premiums paid to experience. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 3.37.9 Quiet Miss Godolphin. Phil.a., 1871. 16°. 337.10 Seen and heard. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 337.11 White as snow. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... .337.12 Mayo, William S. The Berber. N.Y., 1873. 12° 311.7 Kaloolah; or. Adventures of Jonathan Romer. N.Y., 1867. 12° 724.11 Kever again. N.Y., 1873. 12° .... 386.6 Mayor of Casterbridge. T. Hardy. N.Y., ISSO. 10° 975.23 Mazade, Charles de. Cavour, Count, Life of. N.Y., 1877. 8° 173.10 Mazzini, Joseph, Life and writings of. Intro- duction by W. L. Garrison. N.Y., 1872. 8° 214.7 Meacham, A. B. Wigwam and war-path. Boston, 1875. 8° 488.14 Mead, Charles M. The soul, here and here- after. Boston, 1879. 12° 286.18 Mead, Edwin D. The philosophy of Carlyle. Buston, 1881. 16° . . . " 295.6 Mead, Peter B. American grape culture. N.Y., 1S67. 8° 647.6 Our farm of four acres. N.Y., 1860. 12°. 648.15 Meade, L. T. Andrew Harvey's wife. N.Y., 1880. 12° .379.2 A band of three. N.Y., 1886. 16° . . . 967.17 Bel-Marjory. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 447.5 Meade, L. T. — concluded. Scamp and I. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 441.37 Meade, T. T. IIow it all came round. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 908.23 Meader, J. W. The Merriniac River. Boston, 1869. 8° 487.9 MeadoTV brook. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.10 The same 424.35 Meadows, F. C. French and English diction- ary. N.Y., 1838. 16° 729.39 Mears, David O. Kirk, E. N., Life of. Boston, 1877. 8° 174.7 Mecca and El-Medinah, Pilgrimage to. R. F. Burton. N.Y., 1856. 12° 734.3 Mechanic, Every man his own. A complete guide to every kiiul of constructive and decorative work that may be done by the amateur artisan. London, [n.d.] 8°. . 684.3 Mechanical dictionary. E. H. Knight. N.Y., 1877. 3v. 8° 638.12 Mechanical movements. H. T. Brown. N.Y., 1808. 16° 037.11 Mechanics. Cotterill, J. H. An elementary introduction to the theory of structures and machines. London, 1884. 8° . . . 1319.5 Lanza, G. Applied mcclianics. N.Y., 1885. 8° 1326.3 Morin, A. Fundamental ideas of mechan- ics. N.Y., 1860. 8° 636.7 Mosely, H. Illustrations of mechanics. N.Y., 18.55. 12° 6.53.19 .See also Machines. Mechanics and faith. A study of spiritual trulh in nature. C. T. Porter. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1327.8 Mechanics' own book, (Spons'.) A manual for handicraftsmen and amateurs. Lon- dcm, 1885. 8° 1613.1 Mechanism in thought and morals. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1871. 12° . ... 252.22 Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall St. Boston, 1870. 12° 217.4 Medford, Mass., History of. C. Brooks. Bos- ton, 18.5.5. 8° . . . 542.10 Medical diagnosis. J. M. Da Costa Phila., 1864. 8° 633.3 Medical essays. 1812-82. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1883. 12° 1312.13 Medical ethics and etiquette. The code of ethics adopted by the American Medical Association; with commentaries. A. Flint. X.Y., 188.3. 12° 1225.5 Medical nursing. Lectures on. Delivered in the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. J. W. Anderson. X.Y., 1883. 16° 1313.6 Medical pocket-book. The American lady's. Phila., 18.33. 16° 631.31 Medical problems of the day. Annual dis- course before the Mass. Medical Society, June 3, 1874. N. Allen. Boston, 1874. 8° 632.4 Medical Register, for Boston, Cambridge, Charlestown and Chelsea. F. H. Brown. Boston, 1873. 16° 637.15 Medicine. Bigolow, J. Rational medicine. Boston, 1858. 10° 031.19 Dunglison, R. History of medicine. Phila., 1872. 12° 633.7 Garret, A. C. Myths in medicine, and old- time doctors. kY,1884. 12°. . . . 1324.9 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 227 Medicine — concluded. Wellington, W. W. Modern medicine, its need and its tendency. Annual discourse before the Mass. Medical Society. Bos- ton, 1870. 8° Meditations and contemplations. .T. llervey. Worcester, 1789. 2 v. 12° Mediterranean, The. Bennet, J. H. Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediter- ranean. London, 1875. 12° Munro, Sur'jeon-ijeneral. A two months' cruise in the yacht " Ceylon." London, 1884. 12° Picturesque views and descriptions of its cities, shores, and islands. London, 1877. 4° Willis, N. P. A summer cruise on the Mediterranean. N.Y., 18.53. 12° . . . Medw^in, Thomas. Journal of the conversa- tions of Lord Byron at Pisa. 1821 and '22. Baltimore, 1825. 16° Meetings and greetings. The salutations, obei- sances, and courtesies of nations. W. Tegg, Ed. London, 1877. 16° ... . Melbourn, Julius, Life and opinions of. With sketches of the lives of T. Jefferson, J. Q. Adams, J. Randolph, etc. Ed. by a late Member of Congress. Syracuse, 1847. 12° Melbourne, Viscount William, Memoirs of. W. M. Torrens. London, 1878. 2 v. 8°, Melbourne House. S. Warner. N.Y., 1875. \-l° Melchior's dream, Brothers of pity, and other tales. Mrs. J. H. Ewing. Boston, 1886. 12° Meline, J. F. Two thousand miles on horse- back. X.Y., 1867. 12° Mellichampe. A legend of the Santee. W. G. Simms. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .... Melville, George J. Whyte. Bones and I ; or, The skeleton at home. London, [n.d.] 12° Ximdn. London, [n.d.] 12°. Black but comely; or, The adventures of June Lee The Brookes of Bridlemere Cerise ; a tale of the last century . . . The same Contraband; or, A losing hazard . . . Digby Grand General Bounce; or, The lady and the locusts The gladiators. A tale of Rome and Judea Good for nothing; or, All down hill . . Holmby House The interpreter Kate Coventry Katerfelto; a tale of Exmoor The same M. or X. "Similia similibus curantur" . Market Harborough. Inside the bar . . Maud or Nina The Queen's Maries. A romance of Holy- lood Rosine Roy's wife Sarchedon ; a legend of the great queen . Satanella Sister Louisfi; or, A woman's repentance. 633.5 262.21 715.4 786.12 718.12 712.7 1121.4 271.12 164.12 1127.5 3J4.3 961.16 714.14 367.25 1228. S 955.1 9.55.2 955.3 354.3 955.4 955.5 9.55.6 955.7 955.8 9-55.9 955.10 955.11 9.55.12 3.54.27 955.14 955.13 377.14 9.55.15 955.16 955.17 955.19 955.20 9.55.18 Melville, G. J. W. Novels — concluded. Tilbury Nogo; passages in the life of an unsuccessful man 9.55.21 Uncle John 9-55.22 The same .3.53.26 The white rose 955.23 Riding recollections. London, [n.d.] 12° . 1228.9 Songs and verse. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 577.1 The true Cross. A legend of the Church. [In verse.] London, [n.d.] 12° ... 577.2 Melville, George W. In the Lena Delta and The Greely relief expedition. Boston, 18.55. 8° 785.10 Member for Paris. G. Murray. Boston, 1871. 8° 347.38 Memes, John S. Josephine, Empress, Memoirs of. N.Y., 1832. 16° 121.21 The same 211.30 Memoir of a brother. T. Hughes. Boston, 1873. 12° 164.14 Memoirs and confessions of a fanatic. J. Hogg. London, 1878. 12° 382.15 Memoirs of an ox-minister. An autobiography. ^ari of Malmsbury. London. 1885. 12°, 1134.13 Memoirs of a good-for-nothing. J. von Eichen- dorfC. N.Y.,1866. 16° 331.9 Memoirs of a physician. A. Dumas. London, [n.d.] 12° 361.64 Memoirs of eminent men. N.Y. , 1855. 2 v. 8° 131.1 Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. W. M. Thackeray. Boston, 187.5. 12° ... . 373.8 Memorable women. Mrs. X. Crosland. Bos- ton, 18-57. 12° 163.9 Memorial, The. By various authors. Boston, 1S28. 16° 253.29 Memorial, The. By friends of Mrs. Frances S. Osgood. N.Y., 1851. 8° 221.8 Memorial and biographical sketches. J. F. Clarke. Boston, 187S. 12° 177.9 Memorials, and other papers. T. De Quincey. Boston. 1856. 2 v. 12° 226.17 Memorials of a quiet life. A. J. C. Hare. London, 1873. 3 v. 12° 112.2 Memories of my exile. L. Kos-uth. X.Y., 1S.S0. 8° 184.5 Memories of old friends. Extracts from the journals and letters of Caroline Fox of Penjerrick, Cornwall. 183.5-71. H. N. Vyiu, Ed. Phila., 1882. 12° ... .1213.18 Memories of seventy years. Mrs. A. L. Le Breton. London, 1883. 16° 1229.10 Memories of the Manse. A. Breadalbane. Troy, 1885. 12° 1243.10 Memories of troublous times. Being the his- tory of Dame Alicia Chamberlayne, of Ravensholme Gloticestershire. Mrs. E. Marshall. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 396.30 Memory, Diseases of. An essay in positive psychology. T. Ribot. N.Y., 1882. 12°, 679.14 Men and books ; or. Studies in homiletics. Letters introductory to the theory of preaching. A. Phelps. X.Y., 1882. 8°, 1215.12 Men and books. Familiar studies of. R. L. Stevenson. London, 1882. 12° ... 1229.9 The same 1242.15 Men and memories of San Francisco. (1850.) T. A. Barry and B. A. Patten. San Francisco, 1873. 12° 217.6 Men and mysteries of Wall St. J. K. Med- bury. Boston, 1870. 12° 217.4 228 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LlUHARy. Men and women. (I'oems.) R. Browning. Boston, [n.d.l 12° 567.5 Men I have known. W. .Iei(l;in. London, 1866. 12° 215.2 Men of character. D. JerroUl. London, 1851. 12° 264.21 Men of eminence, in lileratiue, science and art. Memories ami photographs from life. London. 186:J. 6 v. 4° ... . 143.1 Men of history. The hundred greatest. W. Wood, Ed. N.Y., 1S85. 8° 112:i.5 Men of invention and industry. S. Smiles. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1120.11 Men of letters in the time of George III. l\. Brougham. London, 1^55. 8° . . . . 148.20 Men of niarlc. Studies of living celebrities. G. M. Towle. Boston, 1880. 10°. . . 194.19 Men of modern times. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 16° 121.6 Men of our times. Mrs. II. 15. Stowe. Hart- ford, 1808. 8° 148.18 Men of the backwoods. True stories and sketches ot tlie Indians, etc. K. U. Mon- erieff. N.Y., 1880. 12° 448.4 Men of the reign, (Victoria's.) A biograpliieal dictionary. T. II Ward, Kd. London, 1S.-.5. 10° 1135.10 Men of the second empire. G. Murray. Lon- don, 1872. l(i° 535.10 Men of the third republic. From the "Lon- don Daily News." I'hila., 187.3. 12° . 132.6 Men of the times; or, Sketclies of living nota- bles. N.Y., 18.52. 8° 148.28 Men -who were in earnest. The springs of their action and influence. London, [n.d.] 10° 176.20 Men, women and ghosts. E. S. Plielps. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 354.23 Men, ■women and lovers, Episodes in the lives of. E. Simcox. Boston, 18S2. 12° . . 1217.7 Men, ■women and things. Outlines of. Mrs. M. Clemmer-Hudson. N.Y., 1873. 12°, 234.17 Menagerie, The parlour. Descriptions and anecdotes of animals. London, 1875. 12°, 674.3 Menageries, The. Natural history of quadru- peds. London, 1848. 3 v. 16° ... 021.31 Menault, Ernest. Tlie intelligence of animals. N.Y., 1869. 16° . 021.12 Mencius, Life of. (Chinese classics.) J. Legge, Ed. N.Y., 1875. 8° 274.2 Mendel, S., Trans. Tales by W. Hauff. Lon- don. 188i!. 12° 976.22 Mendelssohu-Bartholdy, F., Letters of. 183.3-47. Ladij Wallace, Trans. Thila., 1864. 16° 162.12 Gage, W. F., Trans. Life. N.Y., 1865. 8° 134.7 Poiko, E. Biogr.aphy. N.Y\, 1869. 16° . 211.6 Mendelssohn and Goethe. (1821-31.) K. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. London, 1872. 16° 213.5 Mental action. Imperfect and disordered. T. C. Upham. N.Y., 1855. 16° .... 631.26 Mental disease, Kesponsibility in. II. M.auds- ley. N.Y., 1874. 12° 655.12 Mental illuminations of mankind. T. Dick. Phila., 1845. 12° vol. v. of 646.29 Mental philosophy, Principles of. W. B. Car- penter. N.Y., 1877. 12° 074.4 Mental struggle, A. [A novel.] Mrs. M. Argleg." Phila., 1886. 12° 975.15 Mentor, The. For the guidance of such men and boys as would appear to advantage in the society of ])ersons of the better sort. A. Ayres. N.Y., 1884. 16° 686.19 Menus made easy; or, How to order dinner and give dishes their French names. N. Lake. London, |n.d.l 10° 1231.25 Mercedes, and Later lyrics. T. B. Aldrich. Boston, 1884. 12° 576.22 Mercedes of Castile. .1. F. Cooper. N.Y., 18.V). 12° 312.21 The same 381 . 13 Mercer, Cavalie. Journal of the Waterloo campaign. (1815.) London, 1870. 12°, 595.3 Merchant enterprise. .J. H. Fyfe. London, 1871. 12° 252.23 Merchant Maiine, Our. Its history, with an inquiry into the conditions necessary to its prosperity. D. X. Wells. X.Y., 1882. 16° 1217.20 Merchant of Berlin, The. C. Mundt. N.Y., 1867. 12° 325.13 Merchant, The successful. Life of George Moore. S. Smiles. N.Y., |n.d.] 12° . 1128.10 Merchant vessel, The. A sailor boy's voyages to see the world. C. Nordlioff. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 446.9 The same 926.18 Merchant's JIagiizine and Commercial Review. 1S41 and 1S72. 2 v. 8° 259.5 Merchant's wife, The; or. He blundered. A political romance of our d.ay. Mrs. M. E. Anderson. Boston, 1876. 12° . . . ."413.23 Merchants of New York City. (Fourth series.) W.Barrett. N.Y., 1800. 12° ... . 228.11 Mercy Phillirick's choice. (No name series.) Jlrs. II. Jackson. Boston, 1870. 16° . 362.52 The same 362.53 Mereadvenlurer, A. E. Hay. PhlKa., 1879. 8°, 377.20 Meredith, George. Sandra Belloni, |origin.ally Emilia in England.] Boston, 1880. 12°, 977.22 Meredith, L. A. Over the straits; a visit to Victoria. London, 1861. 12° ... . 778.23 Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Bulwer-Lytton, E. K. Meridiana. Adventures in South Africa. J. Verne. London, 1873. 8° .324.5 Merivale, Charles. The conversion of northern nations. N.Y., 1.S66. 12° 244.4 History of the Romans. N.Y., 1863-05. 7 v. 12° 525.2 The Roman triumvirates. N.Y.,[n.d.] 16°, 497.7 Merriam, George S. Bowle.s, .S.amuel, Life and times of. 'n.Y., 1885. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1132.8 The way of life. Boston, 1882. 10°. . .1217.23 Merrick, J. M., Trans. Nugfe inutiles. Hu- morous poems, etc. Boston, 1874. 12°. 012.2 Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan. N.Y., 1881. 8° 769.9 Merrimac, The. Its source and its tributaries. J. W. Meader. Boston, 1809. 8° . . . 487.9 Merrimac, Up and down the. A vacation trip. P.S.Boyd. Boston, 1879. 12° . . . 762.14 Merry circle. The. (Games and amusements.) Mrs. C. Bel lew, iU London, [n.d.] 12°, 273.4 Merv Oasis, The. Travels ami adventures east of the Caspian, during 1879, '80, '81. E. O'Donovan. N.Y., 1883. 2 v. 8° . . 774.1 The same, (abridged) 782.10 Mery, Joseph. Through thick and thin. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° • . . . . 353.19 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 229 Merz, John Theodore. Leibniz, Life of. Phila., 1SS4. 10° 1121.11 Mesopotamia and Assyria, History of. J. B. Fniser. N.Y., 1S54. 10° 473.10 Messianic e.xpectations and modern Judaism. (Lectures.) S. Scliindler. Boston, ISSO. 16° 1247.6 Meta I-Ioldenis. [A novel.] V. Clierbuliez. N.Y., 1878. 12° 366. .39 Metallic wealth of the U.S. J. D. Whitney. Phila., 1854. 8° 643.3 Metallurgy, A treatise on. F. Overman. N.Y., 1808. 8° 613.7 Metals and their chief industrial applications. C. K. A. Wright. London, 1878. 10° . 1313.20 Metals, The play-book of. J. H. Popper. Lon- don, 1809. 10° 037.5 Metcalf, Kichard. Tlie abiding memory. [.Ser- mons.] Boston, 1883. 12° 1225.7 Meteoric astronomy. D. KirUwood. Phila., 1807. 12° 045.20 Meteorology, Handy book of. A. Buchan. Edinburgh, 1808. 12° 045.18 Meteors. Trans, from the French of Ziirchur and Margolld, by W. Lackland. N.Y., 1S70. 12° 045.19 Meteyard, Eliza. The doctor's little daughter. London, 1872. 16° 303.29 A group of Englishmen. 1795-1815. Lon- don, 1871. 8° 157.4 Mainstone's housekeeper. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 375.26 The same 375.29 The same 387.22 Wedgewood, Josiah, Life of. London, 1865. 2v. 8° 150.9 Metric system of weights and measures. F. A.P.Barnard. Boston, 1879. 8° . . . 083.2 Metric system. The universal. Prepared espe- cially for candidates for schools of science, engineers, etc. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . . 637.21 Metternich, Prince. Memoirs. 1773-1835. Prince Richard Metternich, Ed. Mrs. A. Napier, TroHS. N.Y., 1880. 5 v. 8°, 193.10 Meunier, Victor. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. N.Y., 1869. 12° 061.15 Mexican States, North, and Texas, History of. Vol. I. H. IT. Bancroft. .San Francisco, 1884. 8° 1423.3 Mexicans at home in the interior. By a resi- dent. London, 1.^84. 12° 789.8 Mexico. Aubertin, J. J. A flight to Mexico. London, 1882. 12° 772.24 Bancroft. H. H. History of Mexico. Vols. Land IL San Francisco, 1883-85. 2 v. 8°, 1420.2 Bishop, W. II. Mexico and her lost prov- inces. A journey in Mexico, southern California, and Arizona by way of Cuba. N.Y., 1883. 12° 778.22 Brocklehurst, T. U. Mexico to-day. A country with a great future. With a glance at the pre-historic remains and an- tiquities of the Montezumas. London, 1883. 8° 773.20 Calderon de la Barca, Mme. F. E. Life in Mexico. London, 1843. 8° 472.8 Cuhas, A. G. Repul)lic of Mexico in 1870. .Mrxico, 1870. 8° 770.14 Elton, J. F. With the French in Mexico. Phila., 1867. 8° 717.10 Mexico — concluded. Gray, A. Z. Mexico as it is. Notes on a recent tour in that country. N.Y., 1878. 12° 492.22 Ober, F. A. Travels in Mexico; and life among the Jlexicans. Boston, 1884. 8°, 783.5 Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Mexico. (Vol. L missing.) N.Y., 1855. 3 v. 8°, 478.9 Ripley, R. S. War with Mexico. London, 18.50. 2 V. 8° 557.3 Mexico and Peru, Stories of the conquest of. W. Dalton. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 463.6 Meyer, Georg Hermann von. The organs of speech, and their application in the forma- tion of articulate sounds. N.Y., 1884. 12°, 1317.19 Meynell, Wilfrid. Some modern artists, and their work. N.Y., 1883. 4° . . .• . . R. L. Michael .\ngelo. [A dramatic poem.] H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1884. 8° . . . . R. L. Michaelangelo Buonarroti, Life and works of. C. H. Wilson. London, 1870. 8° . . . 175.6 See also Angelo, Michael. Michael Angelo and Raphael. C. C. Perkins. Boston, 1878. 8° 174.11 Michael Strogoff, the courier of tlie Czar. J. Verne. N.Y., 1877. 8° 324.29 Michaud, Joseph F. History of the crusades. N.Y., 18.59. 3v. 12° 474.1 The same. 1881 592.12 Michaux, F. A. North American sylva. Phila., 1871. 3 V. 8° R. L. Miohelet, Jules. The Bible of humanity. N.Y., 1877. 8° 274.4 The bird. (Illustrated.) N.Y., 1869. 8°. 623.6 France before Europe. Boston, 1871. 12°, 535.12 The insect. (Illustrated.) London, 1875. 8° 246.26 Modern history. N.Y., 18.55. 10° . . . 473.7 The mountain. (Illustrated.) London, 1872. 8° 240.2 The same 246.3 The sea. N.Y., 1803. 12° 242.5 Michelet, Madame J. Nature. (Illustrated.) London, 1872. 8° 246.1 The story of my childhood. Boston, 1867. 10° 363.18 Michie, Peter S. The life and letters of Emory Upton. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1135.5 Michigan, History of. J. H. Lanman. N.Y., 1855. 16° 473.5 State Library catalogue. Lansing, 1873. 8°, R. L. Microbes, ferments and moulds. E. L. Trou- essart. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1327.23 Microcosmus. An essay concerning man and his relation to the world. H. Lotze. Trans, from the German by E. Hamilton and E. E. C. Jones. (2 vols, in 1.) N.Y., 1880. 8° 1329.1 Microscope, The. Beale, L. S. Its applica- tion to practical medicine. London, 1867. 8° 632.12 Behrens, J. W. The microscope in botany. A guide for the microscopical investiga- tion of vegetable substances. Boston, 1S85. 8° . " 1326.4 Carpenter, W. B. The microscope and its revelations. Phila., 1881. 12° . . . . 678.18 Go«se. p. II. Evenings at the microscope. N.Y., 1800. l:i° 622.10 Hogg, J. The microscope. London, 1867. 12° 636.12 230 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Microscope, The — concluded. Ilogi;, J. Its history, construction ami ap- plication. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 074.0 Manlon, W. P. Beginnings with the micro- scope. A working hand-book. Boston, 18.S4. 18° 1314.0 Microscopical science, Studies in. (Vol. I.) A. C. Cole, Ed. London, 1S83. 8° . . 131o.l3 Middle Ages. Cox, G. W., and Jones, E. H., Ji'is. Popular romances of the. London, 1871. 12° 4-21.4 nistorical pictures of tlie. London, 184(!. 2 V. 8° 477.10 Lacroix, P. Arts in tlie middle ages, and at the period of the renaissance. London, 1870. 8° 028.1 Maniwrs, customs and dress during the middle ages, and the period of the re- naissance. N.Y., 1874. 8° 628.3 Military and religious life in the middle ages, and the period of the renaissance. N.Y., 1874. 8= 028.4 Science and literature in the middle ages, and the period of the renaissance. N. Y., 1S74. 8° 628.5 Middlemarch. Mrs. JI. Cross. N.Y., 1873. 2 V. 12° 337.19 The same 337.20 The same. 8° 337.21 Middlesex County, Mass. History of the cities, towns and county. S. A. Drake. Boston, 1880. 2 v. 4° 528.16 Middleton, Mass., Historical sketch of. C. H. Webber and H. S. Nevins. Salem, 1877. 12° 492.15 Middleton, J. Henry. Ancient Rome in 18S5. Edinburgh, 1885. 8° 1429.10 Middy and ensign ; or, The jungle station. G. M. Fenn. N.T., 1883. 12° . . . 917.19 Midge, The. [A novel.] H. C. Banner. X.Y., ISSfl. 10° 975.24 Midian, The gold mines of, and the ruined Midiaiiite cities. A tour in north-western Arabia. R. F. Barbour. London, 1878. 8° 594.0 Midnight cry, The. [A novel.] J.M.Parker. N.Y., |n.d.] 16° 975.25 Midnight sky, The. Familiar notes on the stars and planets. E. Dunkin. N.Y., 1872. 8°, 618.13 Midshipman, The. Autobiographical sketches. Ciipt. a. UaU. London, lS6.i. 10° . . 451.14 Midshipman's expedients. F. Marryat. Phila., 1837. 2 V. 12° 342.7 Midsummer holiday, and other poems. C. A. Swinburne. IS". Y., 1884. 16° ... . 577.17 Midsummer lark, A. W. A. Croffut. X.Y., 1883. 10° 943.24 Midsummer madness, A. Mrs. E. O. Kirk. Boston, 1884. 10° 957.14 Mignet, F. A. Mary, Queen of Scots, History of. London, 1882. 12° 1124.21 Mignou. [A novel.] Mrs. Forrester, pseud. (Mrs. Bridges.) Phila., 1877. 12°. . . 366.30 Milburu, \V. H. The pioneer preacher. (Lec- tures.) N.Y., 18(50. 12° 002.20 Pioneers, preachers, and people, of the Mississippi Valley. N.Y., 1800. 12°. . 003-26 Ten years of preacher-life. N.Y., 1859. 12°, 215.16 Milch cows, and dairy farming. C. L. Flint. Boston, 1800. 12° 023.17 Mildred. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. X.Y.. 1.S77. 12°. 424.40 Mildred and El^ie. A .sequel to "Mildred at Roselands." M. Finley. N.Y., ]n.d.] 16° 383.32 Mildred at liome; with something about her relatives and friends. A secpiel to " Mil- dred's married life." M. Finley. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .383.. 36 Mildred at Roselands. Sequel to "Mildred Keith." M. Finley. N.Y., 1879. 10° . 383.13 Mildred Keith. M. Finley. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 383.12 Mildred's boys and girls. Martha Finley. N.V., [n.d.] 10° 973.13 Mildred's cadet; or. Hearts and bell-buttons. An idyl of West Point. A. K. Hamilton. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 383.31 Mildred's married life, and a winter with Elsie Din>niore. A sequel to "Mildred and Elsie." N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 383.33 Miles, Manly. Stock breeding. N.Y., 1879. 12° 658.19 Miles, William. The horse's foot. N.Y., 1866. 12° 021.6 Miles Wallingfjrd. J. F. Cooper. Boston. 1872. 12° .381.14 Military and army list of Great Britain for 1S60: containing a statement of the war services and wounds of nearly every offi- cer in the army. Corrected to Dec. 29, 18.59. H. G. Hart. London, 1800. 8° . 482.3 Military and naval heroes of Great Britain. Maj. Johns and Lieut. Nicolas. London, 1800. 10° 212.19 Military and religious life in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance. P. Lacroix. N.Y., 1874. 8° 028.4 Military art and science. H. W. Halleck. N.Y., 1801. 12° 042.18 Military biography, Essays in. C. C. Chcsney. N.Y., 1874. 8° 115.3 Military dictionary. H. L. Scott. N.Y., 1861. 8° 642.3 Military encyclopedia. A dictionary of mili- tary knowledge. (Illustrated.) E. S. Farrow. N.Y., 1885. 3 v. 8° ... . R. L. Military manners and customs. J. A. Farrer. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1422.2 Military service, A narrative of. Gen. W. B. Hazeu. Boston, 188.5. 8° 1423.11 Military surveying. B. Jackson. London, ISOO. 8° 642.9 Military tactics. Manual of instruction for the volunteers and militia of the U. S. ^faj. W. Gilham. Phila., 1801. 12° . . 041.4 Rifle and light infantry tactics. W. J. Hardee. Phila., 1861. 2 v. 10° . . . 053.26 Military telegraph, during the civil war in the U. S. With an exposition of ancient and modern means of communication and of the Federal and Confederate cipher sys- tems. W. R. Plum. Chicago, 1882. 2 v. 8° 597.5 Mill, James, Biography of. A. Bain. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1113.7 Life of. (English philosophers.) G. S. Bower. N.IT., 1881. 12° 11.35.23 Mill, John Stuart, Autobiography of. N.Y., 1874. 12° 112.4 A criticism, with personal recollections. A. Bain. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1113.8 Sketches of his life by Spencer, Fawcett, onf7other.s. Boston, 1873. 12°. . . . 1.39.8 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 231 Mill, Jolin Stuart — concluded. Wor/ct: Comte, Augiiste, Tlie positive pliilosopliy of. Boston, 1871. 10° 223.8 Dissertations and discussions. Boston, 1807. 4v. 12° 227.1 Hamilton's, Sir William, pliilosopliy, Ex- amination of. Boston, ISVio. 2 v. 12°, 024.8 On liljerty. Boston, 1S63. 12° . . . . 226.19 Polilical economy. Principles of. N.Y., 1877. 2 V. 8° 274.14 Tlie same, (abridged.) 1881 . . . .1319.10 Representative government. N.Y., 1802. i-j,° 227.2 Sul)jection of women. N.Y., 1809. 12°, 220.7 Tliree essays on religion. N.Y., 1874. 1-'- 207.11 Mill mystery, Tlie. A. K. Greene. N.Y., ISSO. 16° 975.0 Mill on the Floss. Mrs. M. Cross. N.Y., 1860. 12° 337.10 The same 337.30 Millbank. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.12 Tlie same 424.30 Miller, Ellen C. Eastern sl^etches. Edinburgh. 1871. 16° 725.19 Miller, Emily H. The royal road to fortune. Chicago, 1869. 12° 438.12 The same 4E8.13 What Tommy did. Chicago, 1870. 16° . 441.23 Miller, Mrs. F. Fenwick. Martineau, Harriet. Life. (Famous women.) Boston, 1885. 16° 1121.22 Miller, Fred. Glass-painting. London, [n.d.] 12° 1012.5 Ed. Wood-carving, Witli notes on design as applied to wood. London, [n.d.] 10°, 1011.2 Miller, Hugh, Life and letters of. P. Bayne. Boston. 1871. 2 v. li° 140.2 Life and times of. T. N. Brown. N.Y., 18.58. 12° 165.7 The cruise of the "Betsy" among the Hebrides. The rambles of a geologist in ScotLind. Boston, 18.58. 12°. . . 603. 6 First impressions of England and its peo- ple. Boston, 18.55. 12° 247.2 Foot-prints of the Creator. Boston. 1854. 12° 043.15 Leading articles on various subjects. N.Y., 1870. 12° 244.10 My schools and schoolmasters. Boston, 1855. 12° 132.10 Old red sandstone. Boston, 18."5. 12°. 643.13 Tales and sketches. Boston, 1863. 12°. 243.1 Miller, Joaquin. The baroness of New York. [A poem.] N.Y., 1877. 12° 573.4 First families of the Sierras. Chicago, 1870. 12° 364.41 '49. The gold seekers of the Sierras. N.Y., 1884. 12° 9.59.16 Life among the Modocs. London, 1873. 8° 486.16 One fair woman. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . . 426.21 Songs of Italy. [Poems.] Boston, 1878. 12° 573.15 Songs of the Sierras. [Poems.] Boston, 1871. 10° 553.18 Miller, Olive Thome. Bird ways. N.Y., 1885. IP'" 1238.23 Miller, Oliver Thome — conrAuded. Little folks in feathers and fur, and some in neither. N.Y., 1883. 4° 923.13 The same 923.14 Little people of Asia. N.Y., 188;3. 4°. . 915.10 The same 023. is The same 923.10 Nimpo's troubles. N.Y., 18S0. 12° . . . 449.23 Queer pets at Marey's. X.Y., [n.d.] 4° . 924.3 The same 924.4 Miller, T. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Lon- don, 1840. 12° 511.15 Miller of Angibault. Mme. A. Dudevant. Boston, 1871. 10° 352.27 Millet, Jean FranQois, peasant and painter. A. Sensier. Boston, 1881. 12° 682.16 Millionaire's cousin, A. E. Lawless. N.Y., 1885. 10° 907.11 Mills, Frederick James, Life of. J. Carter. N.Y., 1868. 12° 214.14 Mills of the gods. [A novel.] Mrs. J. H. Twells. Phila., 1875. 12° 361.22 Mills of Tuxbury. V. F. Townsend. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 354.15 Milly and Lucy. Lady Dacre, Ed. N.Y., 1833. 12° 347.4 Milly's hero. F. W. Robinson. London, [n.d.] 12° 9.50.4 Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. N.Y., 1855. 3v. 10° 472.5 History of Latin Christianity. N.Y., 1800- 01. 8 V. 12° 525.1 Milue, John. Earthquakes and other earth movements. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... . 1327.20 Milner, George. Country pleasures. Boston, 1881. 12° 1212.5 Milton, John. Ivimey, J. Life and times. N.Y., 1833. 12° 297.14 Masson, D. Life. Vols. I. -III. Boston, 1859. 3v. 8° 149.12 Pattison, M. Life. (English men of let- ters.) N.Y., 1880. 12° 192.21 TT"orts ; Paradise lost. Books I. and II. ; with introduction, notes, etc., by H. B. Sprague. Boston, 1879. 12° .... 582.22 Poetical works, with life by J. Mitford. Boston, [n.d.] 3 v. 10° 503.4 Vol.1. Life. Paradise lost, hooks I.-IV. II. Paradise lost, books V.-XII. III. Samson Agoiiistes, and mis- cellaneous poems. Selected prose writings, with an introduc- tory essay by E. Myers. N.Y., 1884. 18°, 1231.26 Mimic life. Mrs. A. C. Ritchie. Boston, 1856. 12° 425.13 Mimic stage, The; or. Drama, farces, etc. G. M. Baker. Boston, 1871. 12° ... . 615.18 Mind and body. A. Bain. N.Y., 1873. 12° . 631.4 Mind cure. The primitive. The nature and power of faith; or, Elementary lessons in Christian philosophy and transcenden- tal medicine. W. F. Evans. Boston, 18S5. 12° 1248.11 Mind, Improvement of the. I. Walts. Lon- don, 1809. 8-" 626.3 Mind in nature. H. J. Clark. N.Y., 18ir). 8°, 623.5 Mind in the lower animals, in health and dis- ease. W.L.Lindsay. N.Y., 1880. 2 v. 8° 676.9 Mind, Lessons on the. Boston, 1857. 12° . . 281. 5 232 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Miud reading, and beyond. W. A. Hovey. Boston, 1885. 12° 1321.21 Mind troubles. Common. J. M. Granville. London, 1878. l(j° 073.7 Mine is rliiiie. [A novel.] I,. W. 51. Loekliart. N.Y., 1878. 8° 309.21 Mine own people. [A story.] L. M. Gray. London, 1885. 12° 908.20 Miner, A. A. Old forts taken. Five leetures on endless punisliment and future life. Boston, 1878. 10° 281.14 Miner, Ilarriet Stewart. Orchids, the royal family of plants. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1885. 8° R. L. Miner, Myrtilla. A memoir. Boston, 1885. 10° 1131.20 Miner, T. H. ller ladyship. Cincinnati, 1880. 10" 303.91 Mineral Springs of the U.S. and Canada; with analyses and notes on the prominent spas of Europe, and a list of seaside resorts. G. E. Walton. N.Y., 1883. 12° . . . 775.19 Mineralogy, Text-book of descriptive. II. Bauerman. N.Y., 1881. 10° .... 1321.4 Text-book of systematic. H. Bauerman. N.Y., 1881. 16° 078.19 Minerals, Earthy, and others, and mining. D. C.Davis. London, 1884. 12° . . . .1324.13 Mingo and others. Sketches in black and white. J. C. Harris. Boston, 1884. 12°, 1228.20 Mining and metallurgy of gold and silver. J. A. I'hiUips. Lo::don, 1807. 8° . . . . 643.1 Mining camps. A study in American frontier government. C. H. Shiun. N.Y., 1885. 12° 789.10 Ministering children. M. L. Charlesworth. N.Y., 1854. 12° 364.82 Minister's wooing. The. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. N.Y., 1859. "12° 320.2 The same 326.3 Ministry of Jesus Christ. T. B. Fox. Bos- ton, 1840. 12° 261.13 Minnesinger of Germany, The. A. E. Kroeger. N.Y., 1873. 12° 217.15 Minot, G. K. History of insurrections in Mas- sachusetts. Boston, 1810. 8° . . . . 531.0 Minshull, J. Land, sea, and sky. London, [n.d.l 8° 1315.12 Minto, William. Defoe, Daniel, Life of. N.Y., 1879. 12° 192.7 English poets. Characteristics of. From Chaucer to Shirley. Edinbui-gh, 1874. 12°, 1225.2 English prose literature. (Biographical and critical.) London, 1881. 12° . . . . 1225.1 Miot de Melito, Memoirs of Count. Gen. Fleischmann, Ed. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . 189.0 Mirabeau, Count. [An historical novel.] C. M. Mundt. N.Y., 1868. 8° .... 325.3 Miracle plays and sacred dramas. K. Hase. A. W. Jackson, 7Vans. Boston, 1880. 8°, 082.11 Miracles, A dictionary of. E. C. Brewer. Phila., 1884. 8° 1236.4 Miracles, Lectures on. J. B. Mozley. N.Y., 1872. 12° 265.15 Miracles, past and present. W. Mountford. Boston, 1870. 12° 265.9 Mirage. (No name series.) J.Fletcher. Bos- ton, 1878. 10° 302.72 The same 302.73 Miramion, Mme. B. de, Life of. A. Bonneau. London, 1870. 8° 115.5 Mireio. [A Proven(;al iiocni,] F. Mislral. Boston, 1871. 8° 5.52.12 Miriam. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1862. 12°, 423.9 Miriam Monfort. Mrs. C. A. Warfield. N.Y., 1873. 12' 353.27 Miriam, the avenger. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., [n.d.j 12° 410.2 Miriam's heritage. A. Calder. N.Y., 187S. 8°, 377.4 Miriam's memoirs. Sequel to " Monfort Hall." Mrs. C. A. Warfield. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 353.36 Mirthfulness and its exciters. B. F. Clark. Boston, 1870. 12° 235.7 Miscalculation. [A novel.] II. Bowra. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 372.15 Miscellanies. Buhver-Lytton, E. Miscellaneous prose works. N.Y., 1868. 2 v. 12° .... 251.10 Carlyle, Thomas. London, [n.d.] 12°. vols, ii.-vi. of 1235. 1 Caton, John D. Boston, 1880. 8° . . . 284.14 Emerson, It. W. Boston, 1850. 12° . . 2-20.16 Morley, John. London, 1880. 10° . . .1251.21 Thackeray, W. M. Boston, 1870. 2 v. 12°, 332.14 Warren, Samuel. London, 1878. 12° . . 372.25 Miscellany, Old book collector's. Eeprinls of literary rarities. C. Hindley, Ed. Lon- don, 1873. 3 V. 8° 568.5 Mischief's Thanksgiving. S. C. Woolsey. Boston, 1874. 10° 433.7 Miseries of Fo Hi, a celestial functionary. F. Sarcey. Chicago, 1883. 16° 949.10 Misguidit lassie, A. P. Ross. London, 1883. 12° 946.10 Miss Angel. Mrs. A. I. Ritchie. N.Y., 1875. 8°, 322.21 Miss Bretherton. Mrs. H. Ward. London, 1884. 12° 905.11 Miss Crespigny. Mrs. F. II. Burnett. I'liila , [n.d.] 10° 371.17 Miss Dorothy's charge. F.L.Benedict. N.Y., 1873. 8° 346.25 Miss Gilbert's career. J. G. Holland. N.Y , 1800. 12° 451.7 Miss Leighton's perplexities. A. C. Hall. N.Y., 1882. 16° 941.16 Miss Ludington's sister. E.Bellamy. Boston, 1884. 10° 902.6 Miss Mackenzie. A. Trollope. N.Y., 186.5. 8°, 3.53.5 The same. 12° 963.16 Miss Marjoribank?. Mrs. M. O. W. Ollpliant. X.Y., 1800. 8° 323.6 Miss Melinda's opportunity. Mrs. H. Camp- bell. Boston, 1886. 1'^° 978.13 Miss Misanthrope. J. McCarthy. N.Y., 1877. 8° 369.14 Miss Molly. B. M. Butt. N.Y., 1870. 10° . 363.50 Miss Nancy's pilgrimage. V. W. Johnson. N.Y., 1876. 8° 369.3 Miss Oona McQuarrie. Sequel to "Alfred Ilagart's household." A. Smith. Bos- ton, 1866. 1-^° 334.4 Miss Eavcnel's conversion from secession to loyally. J. W. DeForest. N.Y., 1867. 12° 342.3 MissRovel. V. Cherbuliez. Boston, [n.d.] 8°, 346.38 Miss Thistledown. R. S. Clarke. Boston, 1873. 10° 406.7 Miss Tommy. [A mediieval romance.] In a house-boat. [A journal] Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1884. 12° 958.13 Miss Toosey's mission; and Laddie. Boston, 1884. 16° 951.11 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 233 Missing ship, The. Notes from the log of the "Ouzel" galley. AV. II. G. Kingston. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 911.13 Mission, The; or, Scenes in Africa. F. Mar- ryat. N.Y., 1863. 16° 4.-.5.14 Mission flower, A. [An American novel.] G. H. Picard. N.Y., 188.5. 12° .... 909.7 Mission life in Greece and Palestine. Memo- rials of Mary B. Baldwin, missionary to Athens and Joppa. Mrs. E. R. Pitman. N.y., [n.d.] 12° 772.1 Mission of Black Rifle; or. On the trail. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1876. 10° 443.41 Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain. B. F.Taylor. N.Y., 1872. 8° 240.1.5 Missionary sketches. A concise history of the work of the American Baptist Missionary Union. S. F. Smith. Boston, 1881. 16°, 295.8 Mississippi Valley, The; its physical geog- raphy. J. Vv. Foster. Chicago, 1869. 8° 664.1 Missouri, The fight for. From the election of Lincoln to the death of Lyon. T. L. Snead. X.Y., 1886. 12° 1422.18 Missy. [A novel.] Mrs. S. S. Harris. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 396.23 Mr. Bodley abroad. H. E. Scuddcr. Boston, 1880. 8° 448.8 The same 924.13 Mr. Dunn Browne's experience in the army. S. Fiske. Boston, 1866. 12° 662.24 Mr. Grantley's idea. J. E. Cooke. N.Y., 1S79. 32° .391.11 Mr. Isaacs. A tale of modern India. F. M. Crawford. N.Y., 1883. 12° 944.15 The same 952.6 The same 952.7 Mr. Midshipman Easy. F. Marryat. Lon- don, [n.d.] 16° 456.6 Mr. Smith. L. B. Walford. N.Y., 1875. 16°, 302.11 Mr. Stevsrart's intentions. F. W. Robinson. London, [n.d.] 12° 950.12 Mistral, Frederic. Mireio. [A Provencal poem.] Boston, 1872. 8° 5.52.12 Mistress and maid. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1872. 12° 343.21 The same 343.40 Mrs. Armington's ward. D. T. Wright. Bos- ton, 1S74. 16° 303.41 Mrs. Arthur. Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 1^77. 8° 323.33 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. (No name series.) J.G.Austin. Boston, 1880. 16°. . . 385.10 The same 385.11 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. D. Jerrold. London, 1852. 10° 333.8 Mrs. Geoffrey. Mrs. Argles. Phila., 1881. 10°, 379.30 Mrs. Haycock's chronicles. Mrs. E. Marshall. N.Y., 1880. 1^° . . . 363.94 Mrs. Herndon's income. Mrs. H. Campbell. Boston, 1880. 12° 974.16 Mrs. Jerningham's journal. [A poem.] Lou- don, 1809. 12° 554.25 The same 612.20 Mistress Judith. 0. C. F. Tytler. N.Y., 187.5. 10° 302.13 Mrs. Leicester's school; and other writings in prose and verse. C. Lamb. A. Ainger, Ed. X.Y., 18S6. l:^^ 1249.5 Mrs. Lorimer. A sketch in black and white. Mrs. \V. Harrison. N.Y., 1883. 16° . . 943.13 Mrs. Mainwaring's journal. Mrs. E. Mar- shall. N.Y., 1876. 12° 425.25 Mistress Margery. E. S. Holt. Phila., 1869. 16° 431.7 Mrs. Merriam's scholars. A story of the "Original Ten." E. E. Hale. Boston, 1878. 16° 371.24 Mistress of Ibichstein. Fr. Henkel. N.Y., 1884. 16° 962.5 Mistress of Tayne Court. Mrs. E. Marshall. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 973.6 Mistress of the house. P. B. Chamberlain. X.Y., [n.d.] 10° 449.7 Mistress of the manse. [A poem.] J. G. Hol- land. N.Y., 1874. 10° 5.53.3 Mrs. OvertheTway's remembrances. J. II. Ewing. Boston, 1881. 16° . • . . . . .388.11 Mrs. Peixada. H. H.arland. N.Y., [n.d.] 10°, 975.11 Mrs. Skaggs's husbands, and other sketches. Bret Ilarte. Boston, 1873. 16° ... 414.12 Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. Mrs. I. JI. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 956.22 Misunderstood. F. Montgomery. N.Y.,[n.d.] 12° .361.14 Mitchel, O. M. Popular astronomy. N.Y., 1800. 12° 645.23 Mitchell, Anne M. The cash-boy's trust. N.Y., 1872. 10° 434.13 Mitchell, Arthur. What is civilization? N.Y., 1881. S° 677.5 Mitchell, Augustus S. Ancient geography. Phila., 1851. 12° 722.2 Mitchell, Donald G., (pseud., Ike Marvel.) About oUUtory-tellers. N.Y.,1878. 12°, 176.22 Bound together. A sheaf of papers. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1228.14 Doctor Johns. X.Y., 1866. 2 v. 12° . . 331.27 My farm of Edge wood. N.Y., 1863. 12°. 225.20 Reveries of a bachelor. N.Y., 1871. 12°. 254.10 Rural studies. N.Y., 1867. 12° ... . 228.12 Seven stories, with basement and attic. N.Y., 1864. 12° 413.13 Mitchell, Elizabeth H. The beautiful face. N.Y., 1880. 12° 379.10 The diamond ring. London, 1882. 12° . 947.6 Mitchell, Lucy M. History of ancient sculp- ture. N.Y., 1883. 4° 619.16 Mitchell, S. Weir. Fat and blood and how to make them. Phila., 1877. 12°. . . . 6.55.21 The same, (revised and enlarged.) 1884. 1313.14 In war time. [A novel.] Boston, 1885. 16°, 966.8 Mitford, A. B. Tales of old Japan. London, 1871. 2v. 8° 736.13 Mitford, Bertram. Through the Zulu Coun- try. London, 1883. 8° 779.9 Mitford, Mary Russell, Friendships of, as re- corded in letters from her literary corre- spondence. A. G. L'Estrange, Ed. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1114.14 Letters. London, 1.^72. 2 v. 12° . . . 234.6 Life of. A. G. K. L'Estrange. X.Y.,1870. 2 V. 12° 140.12 Works : Atherton, and other tales. Boston, 1854. 12° 426.3 Our village. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 12° . 341.15 Recollections of a literary life. N.Y., 1855. 12° 148.6 Mivart, St. George. The cat. An introduc- tion to the study of back-boned animals, especially mammals. N.Y., ISSl. 8° . 677.8 234 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mivart, St. George — concluded. Elementary aiialoray. Londnn, 18T3. 10°. 031.28 The genesis of species. N.Y., 1S7I. 12^ . 022.11 Mati and apes. N.Y., 1874. 12° ... . 722.8 Miz-maze, Tlie ; or, Tlie Winkworth puzzle. A story in letters by nine anthors. C. M. Yonge ami others. London, 1883. 12° . 952.20 Mobile Hay, The battle of, and the capture of Forls Powell, (Jaincs, and Morgan, by the combined sea and land forces of the U. S., under the command of Admiral Farragut and Maj.-Gen. Granger. (Jommodore F. A. Parker. Boston, 1878. 8° 498.10 Modeling in cl.ay, Instructions in the art of. A. \i. Vago. With an appendix on model- ing foliage, etc. B. Pitman. Cincinnati, 1880. 16° 681.14 Modern D.'cdahis, A. T.Greer. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 906.23 Modem fishers of men, among the various i-exes, sects, and sets of Chartville church and community. N.Y., 1879. 16° . . 383.4 Modern Gri.^elda, The, and other tales. M. Edgeworth. N.Y., 18.55. 12° ... . 346.5 Modern inquiries. J. Bigelow. Boston, 1867. 8° 2.53.1 Modern instance, A. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1882. i2° 944.2 The same 044.3 Modern leaders, [Biographical sketches.] J. McCarthy. N.Y., 1872. 8° 108.4 Modern Mepbistopheles, A. (No name series. ) Boston, 1877. 16° 302.05 Modern minister, A. (With illustrations.) N.Y., 1878. 2v. 8° 305.76 Modern society. Mrs. J. W. Howe. Boston, 1881. 18° 127.22 Modern sphinx. The. A collection of enigmas, charades, puzzles, etc. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 127.5 Modern women, and what is said of them. N.Y., 1808. 12° 251.17 Modocs, Life amongst the. Unwritten history. .J. Miller. London, 1873. 8° .... 486.16 Moens, W. J. C. English travellers and Italian brigands. N.Y., 1800. 12'^ 607.12 Through France and Belgium. Loudon, 1876. 8° 773.7 Moering, Mrs. Anna L. Wayside gleanings for leisure moments. (Printed for private circuLation.) Boston, 1882. 12° . . . 1218.10 Moffat and Livingstone : heroes of tlie desert. A. Manning. London, 1885. 12° . . . 935.4 Mohammed, Life of. G. Bush. N.Y., 1854. S' 121.14 Mohl, Madame : her salon and her friends. A study of social life in Paris. K. O'Meara. Boston, 1880. 8° 1132.10 Moir, David M. Lifeof Mansie Wauch. Edin- burgh, 1808. 12° 213.22 Moister, William. The West Indies. London, 1883. 12° 780.14 Moles-worth, Mrs. M. L. The hoys and I. N.Y., 1883. 10° 922.3 Christmas-tree land. London, 1884. 12° . 918.16 Hathercourt. [A novel.] N.Y., 1878. 16°, 382.10 Summer stories for boys and girls. London, 1882. 12° 942.11 Us ; an old-fashioned story. London, 1885. 12° '. 932.20 Molesworth, ^V. M. History of England from 1830tolS74. London, 1874. 3 v. 8°.. 515.2 Moliere, J. B. P. de. Dramatic works. H. van Laun, Trans. With memoir, appen- dices and notes. Edinburgh, 1875. 5 v. 8° .^ 572.1 Mollett, J. W. Dictionary of words used in art and archaiology. Boston, 1883. 8° . 084.9 Mollison, John K. The new practical window gardener. London, 1877. 12° ... . 057.4 Molloy, J. Fitzgerald. lioyalty restored; or, London under Charles II. London, 1855. 2 V. 12° 1422.9 Woflington, Peg, Life and adventures of. Lomlon, 188.5. 2 v. 12° 1129.4 MoUusca, A manual of the. S. P. Woodward. London, 1808. 12° 021.2 Molly Bawn. [A novel.] Mrs. M. Argles. Phila., 1878. 12° 373.33 Molly Magnires, The. The origin, growth and character of the organization. F. P. Dewees. Phila., 1877. 12° 272.1 Moltke, Coxtnl H. K. B. von. Poland. An historical sketch. Trans, with a biographi- cal notice by E. S. Buckheim. London, 188.5. 12° 1415.18 Mommsen, T. History of Home. N.Y., 1809. 4 v. 12° .527.6 Monaldi. W. Allston. Boston, 1856. 12° . 412.18 Monarch of Mincing Lane. W. Black. N.Y., 1876. 8° 347.59 Monarchs retired from business. Dr. Doran. N.Y., 18.57. 2 v. 12° 101.9 Monastery, The. W.Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12° 314.14 The same 315.14 Moncrieff, F. C. Wit and wisdom of the bench ■and bar. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 1214.4 Moncrieff, H. W. A visit to my discontented cousin. Boston, 1871. 10° 432.14 Moncrieffe, Robert H., {pseud., A. R. Hope.) A book about boys. Boston, lSf.9. 12°. 242.16 A book about dominies. Boston, 1800. 10°, 212.12 Homespun stories. N.Y., 1883. 10° . . 918.2 The men of the backwoods. N.Y., 1880. 12° 448.4 Round about the Minster green. Edin- burgh, [n.d.] 12° 440.3 Monday chats. C. A. Sainte-Beuve. Selected ami translated with an introductory essay on the life and writings of Sainte-Beuve, by W. Matthews. Chicago, 1877. 12° . 272.27 Monday Club. Sermons on the International Sunday School Lessons for 1880. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 125.4 Money. Del Mar, A. A history of money in ancient countries. London, 1885. 8° . 1432.1 Howe, J. B. The common sense, the math- ematics, and the metaphysics of money. Boston, 1881. 12° 129.25 Jevons, W. S. Money, and the mechanism of exchange. KY., 187-5. 12° . . . . 483.24 Linderman, H. K. Money and legal tender in the U.S. N.Y., 1877. 12° ... . 272.28 Poor, H. V. Money and its laws. Mone- tary theories, and the currencies of .the U.S. N.Y., 1877. 8° 495.3 Walker, F. A. Metallic and paper money. N.Y., 1878. 8° 274.13 Money, trade and banking. Facts and sug- gestion on. Boston, 1874. 10° . . . 1212.13 Money and music. Sequel to "The soprano." C.F.Barnard. Boston, 1874. 16° . . 331.6 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 235 Money maker, The; or, The victory of the basili>k. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. le'' 450.18 Monfort Hall. Mrs. C. A. Warficld. Phila., [ii.il.] 12° 353.30 Mongredien, Augustus. Free trade movement in En£;land. X.Y., [u.d.] 18°. . . . 591.13 Pleas for protection examined. London, 1882. 1G° 295. 14 Wealth creation. N.Y., 1883. 12° . . .1222.24 Monikins. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 1855. 12° . 313.2 The same 381.15 Monitions of the unseen ; and poems of love and childhood. .1. Ingelow. Boston, 1871. 16° 564.8 Monk; or, The fall of the republic and the res- toration of the monarchy in England in 10(;0. F. P. G. Guizot. London, 1851. 16°, 194.10 Monkeys, opossums and lemurs, Natural his- tory of. London, 1850. 12^ 64G.9 Monkhouse, W. C. Landseer, Edwin, History of the art life of. liOndon, [n.d.] 4° . Pv. L. The precis book. Lessons in accuracy of statement, and preciseness of expression. London, 1877. 16° 271.23 Monks before Christ; their spirit and history. J.E.Johnson. Boston, 1870. 10° . . 147.15 Monks of the West. Count de Montalerahert. Boston, 1872. 2 v. 8° 144.8 Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii. N.Y., 1870. 16° 712.18 Monographs, Personal and social. Lord Houghton. N.Y., 1873. 12° .... 225.5 Monroe, James, in his relations to the public service during half a century. 1776-1826. (American statesmen.) D. C. Gilman. Boston, 1883. 16° 1115.8 The people the sovereigns. S. L. Gouver- nmr, Ed. Phila., 1807. 12° 223.3 Monsieur Violet, Travels and adventures of. F. Marryat. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .... 455.19 Monstrelet, E. de, and others. Chronicles of France from 1400 to 1516. London, 1867. 2 V. 8° 478.2 Mont Blanc. Its constitution, transformations and glaciers. E. VioUet-le-Duc. B. Bucknall, Trans. London, 1877. 8° . . 763.24 Montagu, Lady Mary W. Letters. Mrs. S. J. Hale, Ed. Boston, 1869. 12° ... . 214.9 Letters and works. Lord WharnclifEe, Ed. London, 1866. 2 v. 8° 153.4 Montague family, History and genealogy of the. Compiled by G. W. Montague, and edited by W. L. Montague. Amherst, Mass., 1886. 8° 1139.1 Meeting of the, at Hadley, Mass. August 2, 18S2. Boston, 1882. 8° 1116.9 Montaigne, Michel de. Works. W. Hazlitt, Ed. N.Y., 1859. 4v. 12° 216.7 Montaigne. W. Lucas Collins. (Foreign cla-i^sics for English readers.) Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. £(«. Phila., [n.d.] 16° . 291.13 Montalembert, Count de, Memoir of. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v. 16° 131.11 Monks of the West. Boston, 1872. 2 v. 8°, 144.8 Montcalm and Wolfe. F. Parkman. Boston, 1884. 2 V. 8° 1423.8 Montefiore, Sir Moses. A centennial biogra- phy; with selections from letters and journals. L. Wolf. N.Y., 1S8.5. 16° . 1129.3 Montezuma, and the conquest of Mexico. E. Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. N.Y., 1880. 12° 178.21 Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester, Life of. M. Crcighton. N.Y., 1877. 10° . . . 181.23 Montgomery, Florence. Misunderstood. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .361.14 Thrown together. Phila., 1872. 13° . . 353.21 Transformed; or. Three weeks in a life- time. Phila., 1886. 16° 978.17 Montgomery, James. Lectures on general lit- erature. N.Y., 1855. 12° 611.12 Montgomery, James. Poetical works. Bos- ton, 1858. 5 V. 16° 564.4 Montgomery, J. E. Our admiral's flag abroad. (In European waters.) N.Y., 1869. 8°. 606.7 Montgomery, Gen. l!.,Life of. J. Armstrong. (American biography. Vol. I.) . . . . 111.2 Montgomery, AValter. The boys of the Sierras. Boston, 1884. 4° 923.6 Monti, Luigi. Adventures of a consul abroad. Boston, 1878. 16° 382.8 Monuments, Ancient, in Egypt, Assyria, Pales- tine, Babylonia, and Asia Minor. A. H. Sayce. London, 1885. 16° . . vol. ii. of 781.17 Moodie, Mrs. S. Life in the clearings. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 662.21 Roughing it in the bush. X.Y., 1852. 2 v. 16° 714.6 Moody, Dwight L., and S.ankey, Ira D. Lives, with an account of their labors in Great Britain and America. Also a sketch of the lives of P. P. Bliss and Eben Tourjee. E. Nason. Boston, 1877. 12° ... . 171.25 Works : Anecdotes and illustrations related in his revival work. J. B. McClure, Ed. Chi- cago, 1877. 8° 274.1 Glad tidings. [Sermons.] N.Y., 1870. 12° 266.31 The gospel awakening. Chicago, 1879. 8° 284.16 Moody, F. W. Art, Lectures and lessons on. London, 1875. 8° 619.12 Schools and masters, of painting. N.Y., 1876. 8° 654.2 Moon, The. Harley, T. Moon lore. (Super- stitions, moon- worship, etc.) London, 1885. S° 1329.3 Nasmyth, J., and Carpenter, J. The moon considered as a world, a planet and a sat- ellite. London, 1885. 8° 1329.2 See also Astronomy. Moonbeam tangle, A. S. Shadbolt. X.Y., 1881. 12° 916.4 Moondyne. A story from the under-world. J. B. O'Reilly. Boston, 1879. 12° . . . 392.10 Moonshine. A story of the reconstruction pe- riod. F. A. Tupper. Boston, 1884. 16°, 962.22 Moonstone, The. [A novel.] W.Collins. N.Y., 1875. 12° 335.34 Moor and loch. Containing minute instruc- tions in all Highland sports. J. Colqu- houn. Edinburgh, 1884. 2 v. 12° . . 786.13 Moore, Annie, aiid Nichols, L. D. Overhead; or, What Harry and Nelly discovered in the heavens. Boston, [u.d. ] 4° . . . 924.1 Moore, Mrs. B. H. On dangerous grounds; or, Agatha's friendship. Phila., 1870. 12°. 354.36 Moore, Mrs. C. J. Etiquette of the best society. Phila., 1878. 12° 273.15 23G CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUIiLIC LIBRARY. Moore, Frank. Diary of the American revolu- tion. Hartford, 1870. 18' 481.11 Women of the war. Hartford, 1S(!6. 8° . 116.4 Moore, George, Ivife of. The successful mer- chant and pliilaiithropist. N.Y., [n.d.] 12% 1128.10 Moore, George H. Treason of Gen. Charles Lee. N.Y., 1800. 8° 221.19 Moore, Joseph, Jr. Outlying Europe, and the nearer Orient. Thila., 1880. 8° . . . 707.7 The (Jueen's empire; or, Ind and her pearl. Phila., 1880. 8' 794.7 Moore, R. Universal assistant and complete mechanic. N.Y., 1878. 8° 273.16 Moore, Thomas, the poet. His life and works. A.J.Symington. N.Y., 1880. 10° . . 191.9 Memoir, journal and correspondence. Lord Russell, Ed. London, 1853-50. 8 v. 8°, 138.7 Worh-ti : Byron, Lord, Life of, with his letters and "journals. Phila., 1846. 2 v. 12° . . 179.2 Humorous, satirical and sentimental writ- ings. N.Y., 1878. Vl" 177.7 Poetical works, with a memoir. Boston, 1856. 6v. 10° 561.4 Vol. \. Memoir; odes; juvenile poems. IL Miscellaneous poems; Fudge family in Paris. IIL Humorous poems; Fudges in England. IV. Irish melodies,songs,ballads,etc. V. Miscellaneous poems. VI. Lalla Rookh; The loves of the angels. Prose and verse, with suppressed passages from the memoirs of iord Byron. N.Y., 1878. 12° 177.7 Sheridan, Richard B., Life of. X.Y., 1800. 2 v. 12° 146.3 Moore and Jerdan. Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac series.) N.Y., 1875. 8°. . 134.21 Moorman, J. J. The Virginia springs. Phila., 1847. 12° 046.25 Moors of Spain, History of the. M. Florian. N.Y., 1854. 16° 473.18 Mopsa, the fairy. J. Ingelow. Boston, [n.d.] 10° .^ 453.17 Morag. A tale of the Highlands of Scotland. N.Y., 1873. 16° 363.33 Moral i)irates. The. W. L. Aldeu. N.Y.,1881. 16° 918.9 Moral science, Elements of. N. Porter. N.Y., 1885. 8° 1322.7 The same. F. Wayland. Boston, 1855. 12° 625.15 Moral uses of dark things, II. Bushnell. N.Y., 1868. 12° 243.9 Morals of Ahou Ben Adhem. D. R. Locke. Boston, 1875. 12° 415.5 Moravians, The. C. G. Barth. London, [n.d. | 16° 401.15 More, Mrs. Hannah, Life and correspondence of. W.Roberts. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 8°. 138.11 Works. N.Y., 1855. 7 v. 8° 218.4 More bed-time stories. Mrs. L. C. Moulton. Boston, 1873. 16° 434.6 More worlds than one. D. Brewster. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 234.12 Moreoamp, Arthur. Live boys. Boston, 1879. 16° 447.2 Live boys in the Black Hills. Boston, 1880. 16° 913.8 Moreland, M. L. Which, right or wrong? Boston, 1883. 12° 917.8 Morelet, .\rthur. Travels in Central America. N.Y., 1871. 12° 715.7 Morelli, Giovanni. Italian masters in German galleries. London, 1883. 12° ... . 687.5 Morford, Henry. Paris in '67; or, The Great Exposition. N.Y., 1807. 12° ... . 733.6 Morgan, Appleton. The Shakespeare myth. William Shakespeare and circumstantial evidence. Cincinnati, 1881. 8° . . . 1213.6 Morgan, J. A. Collection of macaronic poetry. N.Y., 1872. 12° 010.12 Morgan, Lewis U. The American boaver and his works. Phila., 1868. 8° 008.2 Morgan, L(((/)/ S. Autobiography. N.Y.,1859. 12° 217.2 Franco. London, 1818. 2 v. 8° . . . . 534.3 Morgesons, The. E. Stoddard. N.Y., 1802. 12° 411.19 Moriaty, P. E. St. Augustine, Life of. Phila., 1874. 12° 177.0 Morice, F. D. Pindar, Life of. (Ancient classics for English readers.) London, 1879. 12° 283.11 Morin, A. Fundamental ideas of mechanics. N.Y., 1800. 8° 6.36.7 Morison, James Cotter. Gibbon, Life of. (English men of letters.) N.Y.,1878. 16°, 192.1 Macaulay, Life of. (English men of letters. ) N.Y., 1883. 10° 102.41 Morison, John H. The great poets as religious teachers. N.Y., 1880. 10° 1241.26 Smith, Jeremiah, Life of. Boston, 1845. 12°, 151.12 Morley, Henry. Bartholomew fair, Memoirs of. London, 1880. 12° 1219.12 English literature. First sketch of. London, [n.d.] 8° 225.10 English literature in the reign of Victoria. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1213.15 Palissy, the potter, Life of. Boston, 1853. 2v. 10° 211.1 Russian life. London, 1866. 12° ... 667.19 Morley, John. Cobden, Richard, Life of. Boston, 1881. 8° 1112.3 Critical miscellanies. (First series.) N.Y., 1879. 12° 286.23 The same. (Second series.) London, 1880. 10° 1251.21 Diderot and the encyclopasdists. N.Y., 1878. 8° 183.3 Ed. See English men of letters. Emerson, R. W. An essay on. N.Y., 1884. 16° 1121.13 Rousseau. N.Y., 1878. 8° 183.4 Struggle for national education. London, 1873. 8° 231.13 Voltaire. N.Y., 1872. 8° 157.10 Morley, Susan. Aileen Ferrers. N.Y., 1875. 8° 346.62 Throstlethwaite. Phila., 1876. 16°. . . 361.46 Mormonism. Dickinson, Mrs. E. E. New light on Mormonism. N.Y., 1885. 12°. 1422.3 By a sister of one of the high priests. .Fif- teen years' residence with the Mormons. Startling disclosures of the mysteries of polygamy. Chicago, 1876. 12°. . . . 492.6 Tucker, P. Biography of the founders of Mormonism. N.Y., 1807. 12° ... . 132.5 Waite, Mrs. C. V. The Mormon prophet. Cambridge, ISHfi. 12° 212.8 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 237 Morning songs of American freedom. C. F. Orne. Boston, 1866. 16° 571.10 Morocco anil tlje great Atlas, Journal of a tour in ; with a sketch of the geology of Morocco. J. D. Hooker and others. London, 1S7S. 8° 703.3 Morocco; its people and places. E. de Amicis. N.Y., 1882. 12° 765.3 The same 772.0 Morphy, Paul, E.xploits and triumphs of. By his late secretary. N.Y., 18-59. 12'^ . . 224.17 Morris, E. Derrick and drill. History of the petroleum industry. N.Y., 1865. 12° . 217.11 Farming for boys. Boston, 1868. 12' . . 648.19 Ten acres enough. N.Y., 18.54. 12° . . 646.18 Morris, Edward E. The age of Anne. N.Y., [n.d.] 16' 497.9 Morris, George S. British thought and thinkers. Chicago, 1880. 12° 126.13 Kant's "Critlipie of pure reason." A crit- ical exposition. Chicago, 1882. 16°. . 1115.2 Morris, Herbert W. The celestial symbol in- terpreted. Phila.,1883. 12° .... 1315.1 Morris, Malcolm, Ed. The book of health. N.Y., 1883. S° 1323.1 Morris, William. Defence of Guenevere, and other poems. London, 1875. 16° . . . 565.11 Earthly paradise. (Vol. II. missing. ) Bos- ton, "[n.d,] 4v. 12° .505.18 The same. (PartllL) 565.14 Hopes ami fears for art. Boston, 1882. 12° 1212.18 Life and death of Jason. [Poems.] Bos- ton, 1867. 10° 505.9 Morris, Wm. O'C. The French revolution, and the first empire. London, 1874. 8° 5.34.4 The same 591 . 3 Morrow, John. A voice from the newsboys. N.Y., 1860. 10° 436.24 Morse, C. F. Blush roses. [A tale.] >f.Y., 1878. 8° 377.6 Morse, Edward S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. Boston, 1886. 8° . . . 790.2 Morse, John T., Jr. Famous trials. Boston, 1874. 12° 225.2 Hamilton, Alexander, Life of. Boston, 1876. 2v. 12° 172.1 Morselli, Henry. Suicide. An essay on com- parative moral statistics. N.Y., 1882. 12° 678.25 Mortal antipathy, A. First opening of the new portfolio. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 188.5. 12° 972.7 Morte d' Arthur. Sir Thomas Mallory's book of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. London, 1868. 12° . . 511.16 Mortomley's estate. [A novel.] Mrs. J. H. Riddell. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 954.12 Morton, Sarah W. My mind and its thoughts. Boston, 1823. 4° 231.16 Morton House. [A novel.] F. C. Fisher. N.Y., 1875. S° 365.47 Morvrood, Vernon S. Facts and phases of anim.il life, interspersed witli anecdotes. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1812.3 Our gipsies in city, tent and van. London, 1885. 8° . .^ 1424.7 Mosaics. N.Y., 1859. 16° 226.8 Moscheles, Ignatz. Recent music and musi- cians. N.Y., 1873. 8° 113.10 Mose Evans. W. M. Baker. N.Y., 1874. 12°, 354.29 Moseley, H. N. Notes of a naturalist on the " Challenger;" during a voyage round the world. London, 1879. 8° 763.5 Mosely, H. Illustrations of mechanics. N.Y., 1S55. 12° 053.19 Moses, the law-giver. W. M. Taylor. X.Y., 1879. 12° 182.18 Moses, Bernard, ayvl Crane, W. W. Politics. An introduction to the study of compara- tive C(jn«titutional law. N.Y.,1S84. 12°, 1232.13 Moses, T. P. Leisure thoughts in prose and verse. Portsmouth, N. EL, 1849. 12°. . 552.27 Moss, Lemuel. Annals of the U. S. Christian Commission. Phila., 1808. 8° . . . . 245.1 Moss-side. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. X.Y., 1874. 12° 423.10 Mosses from an old manse. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 12° 342.25 The same 372.6 Mossman, Samuel. Heroes of discovery. Edinburgh, 1877. 12° 177.14 New Japan; the land of the rising sun. London, 1873. 8° 773.6 Mother Goose for grown folks. [Poems.] Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, 1882. 12° 576.5 Mother Michel and her cat. E. de la Bi5dol- lierre. N.Y., 1805. 10° 431.16 Mother songs, games and stories. Froebel's. F. find E. Lord, Trann. and Eds. London, 188.5. 8° 572.11 Mother's boys and girls. Mrs. I. M. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 4° 924.17 Mother's recompense. G. Aguilar. X.Y., 1870. 12° 420.16 Mother-in-law, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1861. 12° 417.9 Motherless; or, A Parisian family. Mine. P. G. De Witt. N.Y., 1871. 12° ... . 343.47 The same 421.2 Mothers in council. Mrs. A. Oilman, Ed. N.Y., 1884. 16° ....;... . 1231.7 The same 1238.1 Mothers of great men and women, and some wives of great men. L. C. Halloway. N.Y., 1888. 8° 1123.4 Motley, John Lothrop. A memoir. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1879. 12° 177.24 Works : Dutch Republic, Rise of the. N.Y., 1858. 3v. 8° 533.8 John of Barneveld, Life and death of. N.Y., 1874. 2v. 8° 15011 United Netherlands, History of the. N.Y., 1861. 4v. 8° .533.2 Motives of life. D. Swing. Chicago, 1879. 10° 283.17 Mott, Henry A. The fallacy of the present theory of sound. N.Y., 188.5. 16° . .1321.23 Mott, James and Lucretia. Edited by their grand-daughter, A. D. Hallowell. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 1126.14 Moulton, Mrs. Louise Chandler. Bed-time stories. Boston, 1873. 10° 434.5 Firelight stories. Boston, 188:5. 16° . . 921.10 More bed-time stories. Boston, 1873. 16°, 434.6 New bed-time stories. Boston, 1880. 16°. 911.24 Poems. Boston, 1878. 10° 581.3 Random rambles. Boston, 1881. 1S° . . 761-18 Some women's hearts. Boston, 1874. 16°, 362.7 238 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Moulton, Ricliari] G. Sliakespeare as a dra- matic ailist. Oxford, 1SS5. 12° . . . 1245.10 Mount Auburn Cemetery, Handbook of. Bos- ton, ISSl. 10° 2(ii.n Mouut Auburn, its scenes, its beauties and its lessons. W. Flagg. Boston, ISSl. 12°. 2U7.15 Mouut Desert, Rumbles in. B. F. De Costa. N.Y., 1871. 10° 7;51.-t Mouut Vernon. B. J. Lossing. N.Y., IS50. 8° 000.3 Mount Vernon papers. E. Everett. N.Y., l?On. 12° 223.19 Mount Wasblngton in winter. C. H. Hitcb- cocU, o/i(i olber.s. Boston, 1871. 10° . 715.8 Mount Washington Kange, Guide to the. W. II. Pickering. Boston, 18S2. 10° ... . 771.5 Mountain, The. J. Michelet. London, 1S72. 8° 240.2 The same 240.3 Mountain adventures in various countries. Boston, 1809.. 12° 001.21 Mountain adventures. J. T. Ileadley. N.Y., 1872. 12° 007.24 Mountain, History of a. E. Ilecliis. N.Y., 18S1. 12° 078.10 Mountain sprite's kingdom, ami other stories. E. II. K. Ilugesson. N.Y., ISSl. 12° . 912.7 Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. C. King. Boston, 1872. 12° 724.1 Mountains, The. A collection of poems. Bos- ton, 1870. lO^" 011.23 Mountains and mountain climbing. Adven- ture and enterprise among the famous mountains of the world. N.Y., 1883. 12° 785.2 Mountford, William. Euthanasy; or, Happy talk towards the end of life. Boston, 1882. 16° 1213.24 Mir.acles, past and present. Boston, 1870. r.'° 205.9 Mouthful of bread. History of a. J. Mac^. X.Y., 1806. J2° 031.9 Mowry, William A. Talks with my boys. Boston, 1880. 10° 1251.20 Mozart. Gehring, F. Life. (Great musicians. ) N.y., 1883. 12° 1118.8 Holmes, E. Life and correspondence. N.Y., 18.54. 8° . 1.34.10 Nohl, L. Life. Chicago, 1880. 16° . . 194.12 Ran, H. A biographical romance. N.Y., 1808. 12° . . . . ■ 411.10 Wallace, Lady, Trans. Letters. N.Y., 1866. 2 v. 12° 214.19 Mozart ami Mendelssolin. C. F. Barnard. Boston, 1870. 10° 403.12 Mozley, J. B. Lectures on miracles. N.Y., 1872. 12° 205.15 Ruling ide.as in early ages, and their relation to Old Testament faith. N.Y., 1877. 8°, 240.27 Mozley, T. Oriel College and the Oxford movement. Boston, 1882. 2 v. 12°. .1217.22 Reminiscences; chiefly of towns, villages, and schools. London, 1885. 2 v. 12° . 1246.3 Mozoomdar, P. C. The oriental Christ. Bos- ton, 1883. 12° 1225.20 Muck manual for farmers. S. L. Dana. Lowell, 1851. 12° 648.20 Mudfog papers, The. C.Dickens. N.Y., 1880. 10° 370.22 Mudge.Z. A. North pole voyages. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 483.25 Mudie, Robert. Observation of nature. N.Y., 1854. 12° 653.15 Miigge, Thomas. Afraga; or. Life and love in Norway. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 3.57.38 Muhlenberg, William Augustus. Life and works. A. Ayres. NrV., 1880. 8° . . 180.5 Muir, William. Annals of the early Caliphate. Life of Jtahomet. London, 1883. 8° . 605.9 Muirhead, James P. Walt, James, Life of. N.Y., 18.59. 12° 104.7 Mulbach, Louisa, jj.scriJ. .See Mnndt, Clara M. Mulford, Elisba. The republic of God. Bos- ton, 1881. 8° 293.9 Mulhall, Michael G. Dictionary of statistics. London, 1884. 12° 12.32.2 Rio Grande do Sul. London, 1873. 12° . 723.3 Mulholland, liosa. The little flower seekers. London, |n.d.| 12° 4.54.21 Miiller, C. O. Ancient art and its remains. London, 1872. 8° 649.28 Miiller, Christine, pxeud. tiee Walr^e, E. C. W. van. Muller, George. Lifeof trust. Boston, 1867. 12°, 216.4 Miiller, George, and Reed, Andrew. Lives. (The world's workers.) Mrs. E. R. Pit- man. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1131.10 Mil ermann. The fertilization of flowers. London, 1883. 8° 1311.15 The same 1315.4 Miiller, Max. Biographical essays. London, 1884. 12° 12.37.13 Chips from a German workshop. N.Y., 1809-81. 5v. 8° 204.2 German love. London, 1884. 12° . . . 9.58.18 Lectures on the origin and growth of reli- gion. N.Y., 1870. 12° 285.17 The science of language. (Second series.) N.Y., 1805-67. 8° 614.6 Science of religion. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . 026.12 Miiller, Wilhelm. Political history of recent times. 1816-75. N.Y., 1882. 8° . . . 597.6 Muloch, Miss. (Author of "John Halifax.") See Craik, Mrs. D. M. Multitudinous seas. S. G. W. Benjamin. N.Y., 1879. 16° 701.4 Mummies and Moslems; or, My winter on the Nile. C. D. Warner. Hartford, Conn., 1,870. 8° 483.38 Munchausen, Baron, Travels of. E. E. Raspe. London, 1809. 12° 714.8 Muudt, Clara M., (pxeud., Louisa Mulbach.) Historical novels. N.Y., 1878. 8°. Andreas Hofer 325.1 Berlin ami Sans Souci 325.2 Count Miraheau 325.3 Daughter of an empress 325.4 Frederick the Great .and his court . . . . 325.5 Frederick the Great and his family . . . 325.6 Goethe and Schiller 325.25 Henry VIIL and bis court 325.7 Joseph II. and his court 325.8 The same 325.9 Josephine, the Empress 325.10 Louisa of Prussia 325.11 Marie Antoinette and her son 325.12 Merchant of Berlin 325.13 Napoleon and Blucher 325.14 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia . . . 325.15 Old Fritz and the new era 325.16 Prince Eugene 325.17 Queen Hortense 325.18 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 239 Munera pulveris. J. Ruskin. N.T., 1872. 12°, 626.8 Munger, Theodore T. Freedom of failh. [Essays.] Boston 1SS3. 12° ... . 1225.4 Lamps and paths. Boston, 188.5. 10° . ,1241.14 On the threshold. Boston, 1881. 12° . . 128.9 Mimgo Park, Life of. Edinburgh, 1804. 12°, 732.14 Muuro, Sui-yeon General. The Mediterranean. |Tn-o months' cruise.] London, 1884. 12°, 786.12 Muuroe, Kirk. Wakulla. [Adventures.] N.T., ISSO. 16° 961.1 Munroe, Lewis B. Public and parlor readings. Dialogues and dramas. Boston, 1873. 12°, 224.9 Humorous. Boston, 1871. 8° 610.6 Miscellaneous. Boston, 1872. 12° . . . 235.2 Young folks' readings. Boston, 1877. 12°, 235.27 Munsell, Oliver S. Psychology. N.Y., 1871. 12° 625.3 Murdock, James E. The stage; or. Recollec- tions of actors and acting. Phila., 1880. 12° 124.24 Murfree, Mary X., {pseud., Charles E. Crad- dock. ) Down the ravine. Boston, 1885. 12° 967.2 In the Tennessee Mountains. Boston, 1884. 12° 956.23 The prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. Boston, 1885. 16° 969.18 The same 969.14 Where the battle was fought. Boston, 18v84. 12° 958.15 Muriel's two crosses. The cross she rejected and the cross she chose. A. Lyster. London, [n.d.] 12° 958.20 Murillo, Li fe of. (Artist biographies, Vol. IV. ) M. F. Sweetser, .BJ. Boston, 1877. 18°, 191.1 Murphy, Lady Blanche, and others. On the Rhine, and other sketches of European travel. Phila., 1881. 8° 767.6 Murphy, Denis. Cromwell in Ireland. Dub- lin, 188:3. 8° 1412.3 Murphy, John M. American game bird shoot- ing. N.T., 1882. 12° 672.8 Sporting adventures in the far West. N. Y., 1880. 12° 762.23 Murray, A. Recollections. 1803-37. English court life. London, 1868. 12° . . . . 512.10 Murray, Alexander S. Greek sculpture. His- tory of. London, 1880. 8° 683.14 Mythology, Manual of. N.Y., 1873. 12° . 668.12 The same 687.20 Murray, Amelia M. Letters from the U. S., Cuba and Canada. N.Y., 1850. 12^. . 735.17 Murray, E. C. G. France, Round about. London, 1878. 12° 282.20 Member for Paris. Boston, 1871. S° . . 347.38 Men of the second empire. London, 1872. 16° 535.10 The Russians of to-day. London, 1878. 12°, 702.19 Young Brown. Boston, 1874. 8° . . . 347.43 Murray, Hugh. History of British America. N.Y., 185-5. 2v. 16° 471.3 and others. History of British India. N.Y., 1855. 3 v. 16° 471.6 Travels of Marco Polo. \.Y., 18.55. 16°. 711.7 Murray, J. D. Christine. Aunt Rachel. Lon- don, 1886. 12° 976.1 Murray, Thomas C. Lectures on the origin and growth of the Psalms. N.Y., 1880. 12° 125.6 Murray, W. H. H. Adirondack tales. Bos- ton, 1877. 12° 366.18 Boston, Murray, W. H. H. — concluded. Camp life in the Adirondacks. 1869. 12° • . . . . Music Hall sermons. Boston, 1870. 12° . The perfect horse. Boston, 1873. 8° . . Murrey, Thomas J. Breakfast dainties. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° Fifty salads. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° . . . . Valuable cooking receipts. N.Y., 1885. 16°, Muscles and nerves. General physiology of. I. Rosenthal. N.Y., 1881. 12° ... Museum (Agassiz) of Comparative Zoology, Oiganization and progress of the. Cam- bridge, 1871. 8° Mushrooms of America, Edible and poisonous. (Illustrated.) J. A. Palmer, JEd. Bos- ton, 1885. 4° Music and Musicians. Advice to singers, by a singer. London, |n.d,] 16° Banister, H. C. Science of music. N.Y., 1885. 10° Bell, N. R. E. Elementary history of music. London, 1SS2. 12° Burlingame, E. L., Ed. Art life, and theo- ries of Ricliard Wagner. N.Y., 187.5. 12°, Challoner, Robert. History of the science and art of music. Its origin, develop- ment, and progress. Cincinnati, 1880. 8°, Chorley, H. F. Modern German music. London, 1854. 12° Christian!, A. F. The principles of expres- sion in pianoforte playing. N. Y., 1886. 8°, Crowest, F. The great tone-poets. Lon- don, 1874. 8? The same Elson, L. C. Curiosities of music. Music of ancient and savage nations. Boston, [n.d.] 16° . , Fay, A. Music study in Germany. Chi- cago, 1881. 16° Gardiner, W. The music of nature. Bos- ton, 1837. 8° • Grove, G., Ed. A dictionary of music and musicians. 14.50-1883. (Illustrated.) By eminent English and London, 1879-83. 3 v. Hastings, T. History N.Y., 18.54. 12° Haweis, H. R. Music and morals 1872. 12° My musical memories. N.Y., 1884. 12°, Helmholtz, H. L. F. Sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music. London, 1885. 8° Hood, G. History of music in New Eng- land. Boston, 1840. 12° . Hueffer, F., Ed. The yreat musicians, N.Y., 1881-84. 12°. Bach, Sebastian, by R. S. Poole . . Handel, G. F., by Mrs. J. Marshall Hayden, Joseph, by P. D. Townsend Mozart, J. A , by F. Gebring . . Purcell, IL, by W. H. Cummings . Rossini and bis school, by H. S. Edwards Schubert, F., by H. F. Frost ... Schumann, R., by J. A. F. Maitland Wagner, R., by F. Hueffer . . . Weber, C. M., by J. Benedict . . Hullah, J. Music in the house. (Art at home series.) Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . . 711.1 626.18 625.1 1241.22 1241.8 1241.23 678.11 642.8 629.13 1611.4 1328.16 087.17 649.19 foreign writers. : S° . . . . . of forty choirs. N.Y.. 683.8 649.18 1613.3 114.6 1124.7 6S1.19 681.23 649.16 276.12 252.18 624.21 689.15 1323.5 649.21 1114.1 1118.7 1129.9 1118.8 1113.5 194.27 194.28 1128.15 194.29 1126.13 657.14 240 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Music and Musicians — concluded. Kedilie, H. Musical composers and tlieir wor]4. 12° G4i).22 Music Hall sermons. W. H. H. Murray. Bos- Ion, 1870. 12° 020.18 Music lesson of Confucius. [Poems.] C. G. Lelaiid. Boston, 1872. 1G° 551.41 Muspratt, S. Chemistry applied to arts and manufactures. (Vol. I.) N.Y., [n.d.] 8°, G39.1 Musset, Alfred de. Selections from the prose and poetry of. N.Y., 1870. 16° . . . 251.25 Mustou, Alexis. The Israel of the Alps. Lon- don, 18.52. 12° 484.10 Mute singer, The. Mrs. A. C. Ritchie. N.Y., 1800. 12° 312.6 Mutineers of the " Bounty." Lady D. Belch- er. N.Y., 1871. 12° 067.17 Mutiny and piratical seizure of II. M. S. "Bounty." .J.Barrow. N.Y., 1883. 10°, 772.19 Muzzey, A. B. The blade and the ear. Bos- ton, 180.5. 12° 241.20 Reminiscences and memorials of the men of the revolution and their families. Boston, 1883. 8° 1117.5 The young maiden. Boston, 1840. 16° . 331.16 My Apingi kingdom. (Africa.) P. du Chaillu. X.Y., 1871. 12° 733.4 My boyhood. Ji story-book for boys. II. C. Barklpy. N.Y., 1879. 10° 445. ,33 My brother's keeper. A.B.Warner. Phila., 1880. 12" .307.17 My circular notes. Extracts from journal, letters, etc., written while travelling west- ward round the world. J. F. Campbell. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 496.20 My college days. R. Tomes. N.Y., 1880. 16° 123.18 My days and nights on the battlefield. C. C. Coffin. Boston, 180.5. 12° 601.25 My Desire. S. Warner. N.Y., 1879. 12° , 392.4 The same 392.5 My diary in India. W. II. Itussell. London, 1860. 2 V. 12° 061.3 My diary North and South. W. II. Russell. Boston, 1803. 12° 604.16 My farm of Edgewood. D. G. Mitchell. N.Y., 1883. 12° 225.20 My father and I. K. M. March. N.Y., [n.d.] 1(P 303.92 My feathered friends. J. G. Woods. London, [n.d.] 12° 1312.24 My first holiday. Letters home from Colorado, Utah and California. C. II. Dall. Bos- ton, 1881. 12° 768.22 My first voyage to southern seas. W. II. G. Kingston. London, 1873. 12° ... . 002.23 My friends and I. [Stories.] J. Slurgis, Ti'tZ. N.Y., 1884. 10° 902.23 My household of pels. T. Gautier. S. C. Woolsey, Tran.s. Boston, 1882. 10°. . 1221.4 My intimate friend. F. I. Duncan. Phila., 1878. 12° .374.1:: My lady help, and what she taught me. Mrs. Warren. Boston, [n.d.] 12° ... . 1222.15 My lady Pokahontas. A true relation of Vir- ginia. Writ by Anas Todkill, puritan and pilgrim. With notes by J. E. Cooke. Boston, 1885. 10° 906.10 My little lady. E. F. Poynter. X.Y., 1872. 16° 302. s My Uttle love. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1870. 12° 423.24 The same 423.25 My marriage. | A novel.] Boston, 1880. 16°, 378. 1:< My mind and its thoughts. S. W. Morton. Boston, 1823. 4° 231.10 My mother and I. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1874. lz° 343.23 The same .343.48 My mother-in-law. Boston, 1877. 12° . . 368.27 My mother's diamonds. [A domestic story.] M. J. Greer. N.Y., l&'^O. 12° ... . 379.5 My mother's manuscript. A true picture of the private life of a Frencli family during many of the most eventful periods of the nineteenth century. A. de Lamartinc. Phila., 1877. 12° ." 310.23 My novel. E. Bulwer-Lytton. Phila., 1873. 2 V. 10° .344.25 My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. M. Holloy. Hartford, 1873. 12° 3.57.22 My own child. F. M. Church. N.Y., 1876. 8° 305.48 My Paris. E. King. Boston, 1,863. 10° . . 414.9 My portfolio. A collection of essays. A. Phelps. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1219.17 My prisons. S. Pellico. Boston, 1808. 12°. 213.19 My reminiscences. Lord R. Gower. Boston, 1884. 12° 1228.16 My schools and schoolmasters. H. Miller. Boston, 185.5. 12° 132.10 My sister's keeper. (A story for girls.) L. M. Lane. N.Y., 1880. 12° .379.6 The s.ame. .32° 391.12 My story. Mrs. K. S. Macquoid. N.Y., 1875. 8° 347.15 My study, and other essays. A.Phelps. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1248.22 My study windows. J. R. Lowell. Boston, 1871. 12° 252.14 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 241 My summer in a garden. C. D. Warner. Bos- ton, 1871. 12" 236.17 My ■wayward panlner; or, My trials with Josiah; America; the Widow Bump and etcetery. M. Holley. Hartford, 1880. 12° 387.7 My wife and I. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. N.Y., 1871. 12° 326.12 The same 326.10 My -wife and my wife's sister. (No name series.) Boston, 1S81. 10° .385.22 The same 385.23 My -witness. [Poems.] W. Winter. Boston, 1871. 16° 551.23 My young Alcides. A faded pliotograpli. C. M. Yonge. N.T., 1876. 12° 322.22 Mycena, Ancient. Researches and discoveries at Mycenai and Tiryns. H. Schliemann. Preface by W. E. Gladstone. N.Y., 1878. 8° 538.6 Myers, Ernest, Ed. Selected prose writings by John Milton. N.Y., 1884. 18°. . . .1231.26 Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. Life and nature under the tropics. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . 7.34.9 Myers, P. V. N. Outlines of ancient history. N.Y., 1882. 12° 595.12 Remains of lost empires. N.Y., 1875. S° . 727.15 Myrtle and cypress. A tale of chequered life. A. Calthorp. London, 1876. 12° . . . 371.20 Mysteries of time and space. E. A. Proctor. N.Y., 1883. 12° 679.25 Mysterious island. The. J. Verne. X.Y., 1870. 3v. 12° 324.24 Vol. I. Dropped from the clouds. II. Abandoned. III. The secret of the island. Mystery, The. G. S. Crosby. Phila., 1875. 12° 415.4 Mystery, The. [A love story.] Mrs. H. Wood. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 427.43 Mystery, The, of dark hollow. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1861. 12° . . 416.13 Mystery of Edwin Drood. C.Dickens. N.Y., 1S71. 12° 3.56.11 The same 393.8 Mystery of life. The. L. S. Beale. London, 1871. 16° 246.16 Mystery of Metropolisville. E. Eggleston. X.Y.,1873. 12° .364.34 Mystery of the island. H. Kingsley. London, 1877. 12° 446.2 Myth and science. [An essay.] T. Vignoli. N.Y., 1882. 12° 679.10 Mythe of life. The. [Sermons.] C. W. Stubbs. London, ISSO. 12° 1248.23 Myths and myth-makers. J. Fiske. Boston, 1S73. 12° 2.34.1 Myths and songs from the South Pacific. W. W. Gill. London, 1876. 12° . . . ... 1213.4 Myths, Curious, of the middle ages. S. Baring- Gould. Boston, 1880. 10° 124.20 Myths of the New World. D. G. Brinton. N.Y., 180S. 12° 068.10 Mythology. Brown, R. Poseidon. [Essays on mythology.] London, 1872. 16° . . 472.12 Carleton, G. AV., Ed. Classical dictionary. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1114.6 Clement, C. E. Hand-book of mythological art. N.Y., 1871. 12° 068.11 Cox, 6. W. An introduction to the science of comparative mythology and folk-lore. London, 1881. 12° 678.16 Mythology of the Aryan nations. London, 1870. 2v. 8° 668.8 Goldziher, I. Mythology among the He- brews, and its historical development. London, 1877. 8° 696.9 Grimm, J. Teutonic mythology. London, 1882. 2 v. 8° " 1226.12 Keightley, T. Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy. London, 1854. 8° . . . . 668.7 Murray, A. S. Manual of mythology, Greek and Roman, Norse and old German, Hin- doo and Egyptian. N.Y., 1S83. 12°. . 668.12 The same 687.20 Seemann, O. Mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art. N.Y., 1877. 10° 657.6 Wood, James. Greek mythology. [Stories.] London. 1867. 16° 431.1 N. Nabob, The. A. Daudet. Boston, 1878. 12°, Nadaillac, Marquis de. Pre-historic America. N.Y.,1884. 8° Nadal, E. S. Essays at home and elsewhere. Loudon, 1882. 12° Nameless nobleman, A. Mrs. J. G. Austin. (Round-robin series. ) Boston, 1881. 16°, The same Nau. A story for girls. L. C. Lillie. N.Y., 1883. 10° Nancy. R. P.rougliton. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . Nanon; or, Women's war. A. Dumas. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° > Nantucket. Austin, Mrs. J. G. Nantucket scraps. Being the experience of an Off- Islander in season and out of season among a passing people. Boston, 1883. 10° Godfrey, E. K., Kd. The island of Nan- tucket. AVhat it was and is. A complete index and guide. Boston, 1882. 16° . . Macy, Obed. History of Nantucket. Bos- ton, 1835. 8° .368.34 1417.4 1217.13 398.1 398.2 918.0 342.12 361 .65 771.9 771.6 541.14 Napier, Charles O. G. Tommy Try, and what he did in science. N.Y., 1869. 16° . . 449.13 Napier, Macvey, selections from the correspond- ence of. Edited by his son, M. Napier. London, 1879. 8° 175.17 Napier, W. F. P. History of the war in the Peninsula. N.Y., 1804. 5 v. 8° . . . 526.5 Napoleon I., Life of. Boston, 1876. 12° . . 176.7 Abbott, J. S. C. Correspondence with Jo- sephine. N.Y.,1856. 12° 133.5 History of Napoleon. N.Y. 2 v. 8° . . 135.4 Napoleon L at St. Helena. N.Y., 1865. 8°, 135.2 Abell, Mrs. Recollections of Napoleon I. on the isl.and of St. Helena. Including tlie time of his residence at her father's home. London, 1873. 12° 128.4 Arnault, M. V.,and others. Memoirs of his public and private life. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 18° 181.20 Ashton, J. English caricature and satire on Napoleon L N.Y.,1884. 2 v. 8° . 1127.1 Bourrienne, M. de. Memoirs. London, [n.d.] 2v. S° 135.3 242 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Napoleon I. — concluded. Bussey, G. M. History. (111. by Veinel. ) London, 1840. 2 v. 8° 1112.1 Campbell, N. Napoleon I. at Fontainebleau and Elba. London, 1809. 8° . . . . 157.9 Correspondence with his brother Joseph. N.Y., I8.i0. 2 V. 12'' 132.15 Court and camp of Bonaparte. N.T., 1854. 10° 47:?.10 Doisy, A. .1. Reminiscences of army life under Napoleon L Cincinnati, 1884. 12°, 1415.15 Forsyth, W. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. From the letters and journals of Sir Hudson Low, and other documents. N.Y., 18.55. 2 v. 12° . . 184.3 Goodrich, F. B. Court of Napoleon I. {With portraits.) N.Y., 1858. 4° . . . R. L. Hazlitt, W. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Phila., 1870. a V. 12° 135.10 He.adlev, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals. 'S.Y.', [n.d.] 12° 185.3 Jomini, Baron. Life. N.Y., 1804. 4 v. With atlas. 8° . 135.5 Junot, Madame. Napoleon I., his court and family. (With portraits.) N.Y., 1873. 2 V. 8° 175.13 Lanfrey, P. History. Loudon, [n.d.] 4 v. 8° 536.5 Las Cases, Count de. Memoir. X.Y., 1855. 4v. 8° 114.5 Lockhart, J. G. History. N.Y.,[n.d.] 10°, 121.22 O'Meary, B. E. Napoleon I. in exile. N.Y., 1854. 2 V. 12° KiS.O Ropes, J. C. A sketch, political and mili- tary. Boston, 1885. 12° 1135.10 Scott, Sir W. Life. London, 183.5. 3 v. 8°, 135.9 Seeley, J. R. Short history. Boston, 1886. 16° 1135.22 Watson, H. C. Camp-fires of Napoleon. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 492.4 Napoleon and Blucher. [A novel.] C. Mundt. N.Y., 1807. 8° 325.14 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. C. Mundt. N.Y., 1807. 8° 325.15 Napoleon IIL Abbott, J. S. C. History. Bos- ton, 1869. 8° 135.0 Browning, Mrs. E. B. Napoleon HI. in Italy. N.Y., 1860. 16° 506.2 Haswell, J. M. Story of his life from pop- ular caricatures. Loudon, 1871. 12°. . 148.23 Hugo, V. Napoleon the Little. N.Y., 1870. 8° 148.17 Schmucker, S. M. Public and private his- tory of Napoleon III., Emperor of the French. Phila., 1879. 12° 192.18 Work : History of Julius Cajsar. N.Y., 1805. 8°, .526.2 Napoleonic ideas. J. A. Dorr, Trans. N.Y., 18.59. 12° 226.6 Narjoux, Fi51ix. Notes and sketches of an archi- tect. Boston, 1877. 8° 654.9 Narrow escape, A. Mrs. P. Cudlip. Boston, 1876. 8° 365.34 Nasby, Petroleum V., pseud. See Locke, D. R. Nasby in exile; or. Six months of travel in Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, with many things not of travel. D. R. Locke. Bos- ton, 1882. 8° 773.8 Nash, J. Mansions of England. London, 1872. 4 V. 4° R. L. Nash, Wallis. Oregon ; there and back in 1877. London, 1878. 12° 493.12 Two years in Oregon. N.Y., 1882. 12° . 772.7 Nasmyth, James, engineer. An autobiogra- phy. S. Smiles, £(7. N.Y., 188:3. 12° . 1114.20 and Carpenter, James. The moon, consid- ered as a planet, a world and a satellite. London, 1885. 8° 1329.2 Nason, licv. Ellas. Andrew, John A., Dis- course on the life and character of. Boston, 1808. 8° 117.13 Dunstable, Mass., History of. Boston, 1877. 8° 494.9 Massachusetts, Gazetteer of. Boston, 1874. 8° 245.9 Moody, D. L., and Sankey, I. D., Lives of. Boston, 1877. 12° 171.25 Nathalie. J. Kavanagh. N.Y., 1862. 12° . 411.5 Nathan Read, Inventions of. D. Read. N.Y., 1870. 8° 636.15 Nathan the wise. G. E. Lessing. E. K. Cor- bett. Trans. London, 1883. 12° . . . .577.:'. Thes.ame. E.Frothingham, Trans. N.Y., 1868. 8° 016. h National debt, taxes and rates. A. J. Wilson. London, 1882. 12° 1217.15 National portrait gallery of distinguished Americans. Phila., 1837. 4 v. 8° . . 153.0 The same. Vol.1 153.7 Nations around, (the Hebrews.) A, Keary. London, 1870. 12° 484. s The same 778.5 Natural history. See aho Naturalist's libr.ary. Acliard, E., Tnais. History of my friends; or. Home life with animals. N.Y., 1875. 12° 218.24 Agassiz, Mrs. E. C. A first lesson in nat- ural history. Boston, 1859. 10° ... 021.9 and A. Seaside studies in natural his- tory. Boston, 1805. 8° 02:!. 13 Agassiz, L. Methods of stnt75. 8° 717.6 New-England legends and folklore. In prose and poetry. Boston, 1884. 8° .1223.14 Drake, S. G. Researches relative to the founders of N. E. Boston, 1860. 4°. . 518.14 Josselyn, J. New England rarities, discov- ered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants, of that country. With an intro- duction and notes by E. Tuckerman. (A reprint.) Boston, 1865. 8° 528.9 Two voyages to N. E. 16:?8-63. (A re- print.) Boston, 1865. 4° 518.7 The same .528.12 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 245 Ne'w^ England — concluded. Longfellow, H. W. New England trage- dies. [Poems.] Boston, 1808. 10° . . 554.11 Lunt, G., Ed. New England traits. N.Y., 1873. 12° 234.10 ilcClure, A. W. Lives of the chief Fathers of New England, and others. Boston, 1870. 6v. 12= 595.1 Vol. I. John Cotton. II. John Wilson, John Davenport, and .Jo'.in Norton. in. John Eliot. IV". Thomas Shepard. V. Increase Mather and Sir AVilliani Phipps. VI. Thomas Hooker. Palfrey, J. G. History of New England. Boston, 1864. 4 v. 8° 547.3 Rollins, Mrs. E. H. New England bygones. Phila., 1880. 16° 123.12 Sears, E. S. A hand-book of summer travel in New England and New York. Boston, 1875. 10° 711.22 Smith, Capt. John. A description of New England. Observations and discoveries in the north of America in 1614. With a fac-simile of the original map. (Re- printed.) Boston, 1865. 8° 528.10 Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New England. The path- way to erect a plantation. (Pteprinted.) Boston, 1865. 8° 528.11 Spofford, Mrs. H. P. New England legends. Boston, 1871. S° 245.17 Winthrop, J. History of New England. 103U-1649. Boston, 18.53. 2 v. 8° . . 537.10 Ne'w England Historic Genealogical Society. Memorial biographies. Vol. I. 1845- 1852. Bos ton ,"1880. 8° 190.7 New England Historical an I Genealogical Register. Boston, 1817-85. 37 v. 8° . R. L. New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Institute, Art department of the. F. T. Robinson. Boston, 1883. 4° .... R. L. New England tale, A. C. M. Sedgwick. N.Y., ia54. 16° 414.18 New^ England, The making of. S. A. Drake. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1431.4 New Forest, The. Its history and scenery. J. R. Wise. London, 1880. 8° 767.12 NewGodiva, A. S.Hope. Phila., 1876. 12°, 413.22 New graft on the family tree. Mrs. I. M. Alden. Boston, 1880. 12° 379.9 Newr ground. (A story of mission work. ) C. M. Yonge. London, 1871. 18° ... 378.10 New Guinea, Wanderings in the interior of. J. A. Lawson. London, 1875. 12° . . . 496.16 New Guinea : What I did and what I saw. L. M. D'Albertis. Boston, 1881. 2 v. 8°. 767.16 New Hampshire. Barstow, G. History of New Hampshire. Boston, 1853. S° . . 542.10 Belknap, J. History of New Hampshire. Boston, 1S13. 3v. 8° 528.17 Sanborn, E. D. History of New Hampshire. From its discovery to 1874. Manchester, 1875. 8° 494.7 New Hampshire book. Specimens of the liter- ature of the Granite State. Nashua, 1^42. 12° 252.7 New home. Who'll follow ? Mrs. C. M. Kirk- land. N.Y., 1855. 12° 713.12 New homes for the Old Coimtry. G. S. Baden- Powell. London, 1872. 8° 726.3 New "House that Jack built." Mrs. W. Lux- ton. London, 1883. 16° 916.5 Ne'w Jersey. East Jersey under proprietary governments. W. A. Whitehead. , N. J., 1846. 8° 544.2 New life, The. Dante Alighieri. C E. Nor- ton, Trawt. Boston, 1867. 8° . . . . 567.13 New life in new lands. Mrs. S. J. Lippincott. N.Y., 1873. 12° 713.9 New Magdalen, The. W. Collins. N.Y., 1873. 12° 335.9 New Netherlands, History of. E. B. O'Calla- ghan. N.Y., 1845. 8° 545.5 New^ nobility. The. [A novel.] J. W. Forney. N.Y., 1881. 12° 397.5 New^ Plymouth, Historical memoir of. F. Bay- lies. Boston, 1866. 2 v. 8° .... .545.1 New priest in Conception Bay. R. T. S. Low- ell. Boston, 1858. 2 v. 16° .... 426.6 New Puritan, The. Life of Robert Pike, the Puritan, who defended the Quakers, re- sisted clerical domination, and opposed the witchcraft persecution. J. S. Pike. N.Y., 1879. 12° 177.28 New^ race, A. G. Dannenberg. Mrs. Wister, Trans. Phila., 18S0. 12° 396.27 New^ republic. The ; or. Culture, faith and phi- losophy in an English country-house. W. H. Mallock. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . . 372.30 The same 373.16 New spirit of the age, A. R. H. Horn, Ed. N.Y.,1844. 12° 201.1 New Testament, The. Translated out of the Greek. The revised version of 1881. Ox- ford, 1881. sm. 8° 295.4 Companion to the revised version. Reasons for the changes, etc. A.Roberts. N.Y., 1881. 16° 295.5 New Testament, The. Commentary. A. Clarke. Phila., 1838. 8° 221.2 New Testament manual. Chronological tables, etc. Boston, 1871. 16° 472.13 New^ Timon, The. In verse. E. Bulwer- Lytton. Phila., 1847. 12° 551.10 New Timothy, The. [A novel.] W. M. Baker. N.Y., 1870. 12° 425.7 New tracks in North America. W. A. Bell. N.Y., 1871. 8° 665.20 New Virginians, The. By the author of " Ju- nia." Edinburgh, 1880. 2 v. 12° . . 958.10 New Year's bargain. S. 0. AVoolsey. Boston, 1872. 12° 453.8 Ne'w Year's masque. A, and other poems. E. M. Thomas. Boston, 188.5. 16° . . . 584.24 New York City, Election frauds of. Wash- ington, 1869 738.10 Francis, J. W. Old New York City. N.Y., 1866. 12° 147.4 Lamb, Mrs. M. J. History of New York City. Its origin, rise and progress. N.Y., 1877. 2 V. 8° 695.4 Vol. I. The period prior to the revolution closing in 1774. II. The century of national indepen- dence closing in 1S76. Smith, M. H. Sunshine and shadow in New York. Hartford, 1874. 8° . . . 482. 7 New York, From, to Rio Janeiro. Journal of voyage. J.W.Gould. N.Y., 1838. 8°. 281.4 246 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. New York, State of. Barber, J. W., and Howe, II. Ilistorical collections of the State of New York. X.Y., 1844. 8." 542.6 Brodliead. J. R. History of New York. X.Y., 18.50. 2v. 8° 544.9 Irving, W. Knickerbocker's history of New York. X.Y., IS.5.5. 12° ..... . 218.9 Sears, E. S. Haml-book of summer travel in New York and New England. Boston, 1875. 10^ .711.22 Transactions of New York Agricultural Society. (IS.5.5.) Albany, 1856. 8° . . 7.38.6 New Zi'aland. Barker, Lady. Station life in New Zealand. London. 1870. 12"' . . 715.6 Green, W. S. The high Alps of New Zeal- and. London, 1883. 12° 782.14 Kerry-Nicholls, J. 11. The King Country. A narrative of six hundred miles of travel through Maoriland. London, 1884. 8° . 787.5 History of New Zealanders. London, [n.d.] 10° 472.14 rembroke, i:aii of, Kd. Old New Zealand. A tale of the good old times, and a his- tory of the war in the North against the Chief Htke in 1845. Told by an old Chief of the Ngapuhi Tribe. By a Pakeha Maori. With an introduction by the editor. London, 1884. 8° 787.14 Ru62.59 Marmorne. P. G. Hamerton 362.71 A masque of poets 362.75 Mercy Philbrick's choice. Mrs. H. Jack- son 362.52 The same 362.53 Mirage. J.Fletcher .302.72 The same 362.73 A modern Mephistopheles. (L. M. Al- cott?) 362.65 Will Denbigh, nobleman 362.68 The same .362.69 The wolf at the door 362.70 248 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. No uame series — concluded. Second serien. Aschenbioi'ilel. (K. Carringtoii ?) . . . 385.26 The same 385.27 Baby Rue. C. M. Clark 385.20 The same 385.21 Colonel's opera cloak, The. Mrs. C. C. Brush 385.2 The same 385.7 Don John. J. Ingelow 385.14 The same 385.15 Her picture 385.24 The same 385.25 His majesty, myself. W. M. Baker . . 385.5 The same 385.8 The same 385.0 Manuela Paredes. (\V. Chamberlain ?) . 385.18 The same 385.19 Mrs. Beauehaujp Brown. Jlrs. J. G. Austin 385.10 Tlie same 385.11 My wife anil niy wife's sister 385.22 The same .385.23 Salvage 385.12 The >ame 385.13 Signor Monaldini's niece. M. A. Tincker, 385 1 The same 385. G Tsar's wiiulow. The. Mrs. L. Hooper . 385.16 The same 385.17 Third serie.i. Almost a duchess 945.13 Barrington's fate 945.5 The same 945.6 A daughter of the Philistines 945.7 The same 945.8 Diane Coryval 945.11 The same 945.12 Her crime 945.1 The same 945.2 .lustina 945.10 The same 945.17 Little sister 945.3 The same 945.4 Princess Amelie. A fragment of auto- biography i)45.9 The same 945.10 A superior woman 945.14 The same 945.15 No new thing. [A novel..] W. E. Norris. N.Y., 1883. 10° 943.22 No saint. |A study.] A. Sergeant. N.Y., 1886. 16° 978.0 No surrender. E. Buersteiubinder. London, 1881. 12° 959.23 Noble, Louis L. After icebergs with a painter. N.Y.,1801. 8° 662.4 Noble, Lucretia. The reverend idol. Boston, 1882. 12° 380.21 The same 389.22 Noble and gentle men of England. E. P. Shirley. Westminster, 1859. 8° . . . . 052.15 Noble blood. J.Hawthorne. IST.T., 1885. 16°, 960.4 Noble deeds of American women. J. Clement, Ed. Boston, 1873. 12° 177.1 Noble deeds of our forefathers. H. C. Watson. Boston, 1870. 12° 170.4 Noble life, A. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1800. 12° 343.17 The same 343.18 The same 343.19 The same 343.49 Noble lord, A. Sequel to "Lost heir of Lin- lithgow." Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila, 1861. 12° 416.12 Noble printer. The, and liis daughter. A tale of the first printed Bible. C. Overend, Tram. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 917.5 Noble workers. A book of eNamplcs for young men. J. F. Cobb und 11. A. Page. Bos- ton, 1870. 12° 171.7 Noblesse oblige. H. Ke.ldie. N.Y.,187«. 10°, 363.-52 Nobody. S. Warner. N.Y., 1882. 12° . . 944.4 The same 944.5 Noctes ambrosiana>. The, of Blackwood. J. Wilson and others. Phila., 1843. 4 v. 12°, 614.2 Noel, Lndy A. Owen (iwynne's great work. N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.7 Noel, Maurice. Buz; or. The life and adven- tures of a honey bee. N.Y., 1886. 16° . 1328.18 Noel, Roden. The red flag. London, 1872. 16°, 612.22 Nohl, Louis. Beethoven, Life of. Chicago, 1881. 12° 194.17 Hayden, Joseph, Life of. Chicago, 1883. 12° 1114.10 Liszt, Life of. Chicago, 1884. 12° . . .1120.19 Mozart, Life of. Chicago, 1880. 12° . . 194.12 Nolan, E. II. History of the British Empire in India. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 8° ... 538.4 History of the war against Russia. Lon- don, [n.d.] 8 V. 8° 405.1 Nomenclature. English surnames. An essay on family nomenclature, historical, ety- mological and hinnorous. M. A. Lower. London, 187.5. 2 v. 8° 651.12 Nora's love test. M. C. Hay. N.Y., 1877. 8°, 340.71 The .same 346.72 Nordenskiold, A. Erik. Arctic voyages. (1858- 1879.) London, 1879. 8° 763.19 The voyage of the "Vega." N.Y., 1882. 8°, 773.1 Nordhoff, Charles. California. N.Y., 1872. 8°, 667.1 California, Northern, Oregon, and the Sand- wich Islands. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 717.7 Cape Cod. N.Y., 1868. 12° 218.7 Commimistic societies of the U. S. N.V., 1875. 8° 544.8 Cotton states in the spring and summer of 1875. N.Y., 1876. S° 727.16 God, and the future life. N.Y., 188.3. 10°, 1221.10 Man-of-war life. A boy's experience in the U. S. navy. N.Y., 1883. 4° 440.8 The same 923.2 The merchant vessel. A sailor boy's voyages to see the world. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° . . 440.0 The same 920.18 Politics for youug Americans. N. Y., 1875. 12° 251.11 Whaling and fishing. N.Y., 1877. 4^ . . 446.10 Norman, C. B. Armenia, and the campaign of 1877. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 496.3 Norman, Henry, £(i. Tlie broken shaft. Tales by various authors. N.Y., 1880. 16° . 975.1 Norman Clinc. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1809. 16°, 443.7 Normandy and Brittany, Pictures and legends from. T. and K. Macquoid. N.Y., 1881. ° 708.23 Normandy, Picturesque. H. Blackburn. Bos- ton, 1873. 16° 721.12 Normandy, Through. Mrs. K. S. Macquoid. London, 1874. 12° 734.2 Norris, Emilia M. Early start in life. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . ." 916.3 Maoris, Amongst the. London, [n.d. | 1^°, 455.6 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 249 Norris, P. W. The calumet of the coteau, aud other poetical legends. Also a glossary of Indian names aud a guide-book of the • Yellowstone National Park. Phila.,lS84. 12° SIT. 5 Norris, Thaddeus. American fish culture. Phila., 18(38. 12° 64G.21 Norris, W. E. Heaps of money. N.Y., 1882. l(i° 388.26 Matrimony. N.Y., 1881. 10° 376.32 No new thing. N.Y., 1883. 16° . . . . 943.22 Norse-folk, The. C. L. Brace. N.Y.,1S57. 12°, 602.22 Norsk, Lapp, and Finn ; or, Travel tracings from the far North of Europe. F. "Vin- cent. N.Y., 1881. 12° 708.15 Norstou's rest. Mrs. A. S. Stephens. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 375.17 North, Christopher, jiseud. See Wilson, Prof. John. North, James W. History of Augusta, Maine. Augusta, 1870. 8° 542.1 North American Review. N.Y., 1825-1886. 105 V. 8° 359.1 Vols. 20 and 21. — 1825. Vols. 62 and 63. — 1846. 22 " 23.-1820. 64 " 65. — 1847. 24 '• 25.-1827. 78 " 79.-1854. 26 " 27.-1828. 98 " 99. — 1864. 28 " 29.-1829. 100 " 101.-1865. 30 " 31. -1830. 102 " 103.-1866. 32 •• 33.-1831. 104 " 105. — IS67. 36 " 37.-1833. 106 " 107.-1868. 3S " 39.-1834. 108 " 109.-1869. 40 " 41.-1835. 110 " 111.-1870. 42 " 43.— 1836. 112 " 113. — 1871. 44 " 45.-1837. 114 '■ 115.-1872. 46 " 47. — 1838. 116 " 117. — 1S7.3. 48 " 49.-1839. 118 " 119. — 1874. .■i2 " 53. — 1S41. 122. — 1876. .M " ,56.-1842. 123 " 124, ) 56 " 57.-1843. 125. i 58 " 69.-1844. 126 " 127.-1878. 60 " 61.-1845. Vol. 128. Part I. .Jan.-Mar. Part II. Apr.-Junc, 1879. 129. " I. July-Sept. " II. Oct.-Dec, 1879. 130. " I. Jan.-Mar. " II. Apr.-June, 1880. 131. " I. July-Scpt. " II. Oct.-DfC, ISSO. 132. " I. Jan.-Mar. " II. Apr.-June, ISSl. 133. " I. July-Scpt. " II. Oct -Dec, 1881. 134. " I. Jan.-Mar. •' II. Apr.-June, 1S82. 135. " I. .July-Sept. " II. Oct.-Dee., 18S2. 136. " I. Jan.-Mar. " II. Apr.-June, 1883. 137. " I. July-Sept. " II. Oct.-Dee., 1SS3. 138. " 1. .Tan.-Mar. " II. Apr.-June, 1884. 139. " I. July-Sept. " n. Oet.-Dec, 1884. 140. " I. Jan.-Mar. " II. Apr.-June, 1885. 141. " 1. July-Sept. " II. Oct.-Dee., 1886. 142. " I. Jan.-Mar. " II. Apr.-June, 1886. 143. " I. July-Sept. " II. Oct.-Dee., 1886. North American Review, Index to the. W. Cashing. Cambridge, 1878. 8° . . . 359.2 North Americans of antiquity. J. T. Short. N.Y., 1880. 8° 692.12 North and South. Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. Lon- don, 1877. 12° 378.15 North Carolina, Adventures in. 1775-S3. D. Panning. (A reprint.) N.Y., 1805. 8°. 518.8 North land. Wild. (North America.) W. F. Butler. London, 1874. 8° 720.16 North pole, The, and how Charlie Wilson dis- covered it. By the author of "The realm of the ice king." N.Y., |n.d.] 10° 449.24 Northanger Abbey. J. Austen. London, 1882. 12° ." 953.4 The same; with Persuasion. 1-ondon, KS.'iS. 10° 312.22 Northcott, W. H. Theory and action of the steam engine. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° . . . 1316.2 Northend, Charles, Ed. Burritt, Elihu, Life of. N.Y., 1879. 12° 185.13 Gems of thouglit. (Selections.) N.Y., 1879. 12° 294.3 Northern ballads. E. L. Anderson. N.Y., 1874. 10° 551 ..36 Northern lands. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1875. 16° 458.8 Northern lights. S. Borg, Trans. Phila., 1873. 16° 443.35 Northern lily, A; or. Five years of an unevent- ful life. J. Harrison. N.Y., 1886. 16°, 978.15 Northern star, The, and the southern cross. Personal experiences, impressions and observations in a two years' journey round the world. M. Weppner. London, 187.5. 2v. 12° 782.8 Northern travel ; Sweden, Lapland, and Nor- way. B.Taylor. N.Y., 18.38^ 12° . . 714.19 Northrup, A. Jiuld. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks and northern Michigan. N.Y., 1880. 18° 761.7 North-wrard Ho ! A. H. Markham. Including A narrative of Captain Phipps' expedi- tion, by a midshipman. London, 1879. 12° 702.19 Northwest coast, (of the U.S.) History of. H. H. Bancroft. Vol. IL (1800-10.) San Francisco, ISSl. 8° 1426.5 Norton, Charles E. Historical studies of church building in the middle ages. N.Y., 1880. 8° 683.10 Travel and study in Italy. Boston, 1800. 12°, 063.21 Norton, C. L., and Habberton, J. Canoeing iuKanuckia. N.Y., 1878. 12°. . . . 492.19 Norton, Mrs. C. The lady of La Garaye. Lon- don, 1806. 12° 0.53.3 Old Sir Douglas. Phila., 1867. 12°. . . 334.20 Norton, John, Life of. A. W. McClure. Bos- ton, 1870. 16° 115.16 The same. (See Chief fathers of New England, Vol. IL) Boston, 1870. 12°, 595.1 Norway. Boyesen, H. H. (The story of the nations.) N.Y., 1886. 12° 1422.22 Carlyle, Thomas. Early kings of Norwaj'. Loudon, [n.d.l 12°. . . . vol. xix. of 1233.1 Caton, J. D. A summer in Norway. Chi- cago, 1875. 8° 712.19 Forester, T. , .EcZ. Norway and its scenery. London, 1853. 12° 723.17 Laing, S. Clnonicle of kings of Norway. London, 1844. 3 v. 8° 141-2 Smith, H. Tent life with English Gypsies in Norway. London, 1873. 8° . . . . 726.10 Norw^ay and Sweden, Game birds and wild fowl of; with an account of the seals and salt water fishes of those countries. L. Lloyd. London, 1867. 8° 619.3 Norw^egian pictures. Drawn with pen and pencil. Also a glance at Sweden and the Gotha Canal. R. Lovett. N.Y'., 1885. 8°, 508.17 Norwegian stories. London, [n.d.] 16° . . 461.16 Norwood. [A novel.] H. W. IJeecher. N.Y., 1808. 12° 412.7 The same 412.8 Nose of a notary. E. About. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 432.17 Not " A fool's errand." Life and experience of a northern governess in the sunny south. J. H. Insraham. N.Y., 1880. 12°, 379.20 250 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Not in the prospectus. [A novel.] "Parke D.aiiforlh," pseud. (Hannah Talbot.) Roston, 18S0. 16° 978.10 Not like other girls. K. N. Carey. Phi la., 1SS4. 10° 9.57.6 The same 962.11 " Not my way ; " or, Good out of evil. [A tale. | T. M. Browne. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . . 9-16.17 Notable thoughts about women. A literary mosaic. M. M. Ballon. Boston, 1882. 12° 1217.10 Note-book of the Bertram family. Mrs. E. R. Charles. N.Y., 1876. 12° 321.21 Note-book of an opium cater. T. De Quincey. Boston, 185.5. 10° 247.6 Notes by a naturalist on the "Challenger," during a voyage rotind the world. 1872- 70. II. N. Mosoley. London, 1879. 8°. 763.5 Notes in England and Italy. Mrs. N. Haw- thorne. N.Y., 1878. 12° 492.25 Notes on a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. W. M. Thackeray. Boston, 1875. 12° 373.7 Notes of a pianist. Xotes of professional tours in the U. S., Canada, the Antilles and South America. A biographical sketch with contemporaneous criticisms. L. M. Gottschalk. Edited by his sister Clara Gottschalk. Phila., 1881. 8° . . . . 189.2 Notes of hospitallife. 1861-03. Phila., 1864. 12° 242.13 Notes on the Caucasus. By Wanderer. Lon- don, 188.3. 8° 777.10 Nothing but leaves. S. Doudney. N.T., [n.d.] 12° 414.25 Nothing but money. T. S. Arthur. Boston, 1805. 12° ." 422.9 Nott, Eliphalet. [Memoirs.] C. Van Sant- voord. N.Y.,[n.d.] 12° 146.19 Nourse, Henry S., Ed. The early records of Lancaster, Mass. 1643-1725. Lancaster, 1884. 8° 1414.2 -Nourse, J. E. American explorations in the ice zones. Boston, [n.d.] 8° .... 784.9 Thesiime 785.13 Narrative of the second Arctic expedition made by Charles F. Hall. Washington, 1879. 8° 765.4 Novelists, Great. Scott, Thackeray, Dickens, Lytton. J. C. Watt. London, [n.d.] 12°, 1131.3 Novelists, Lives of. W. Scott. N.Y., 1872. 8° 145.15 Novels and novelists of the eighteenth century. W. Forsyth. N.Y., 1871. 12° ... . 254.12 Now and then. S.Warren. London, 1878. 12°, 372.26 Now or never. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 4.57.21 Now-a-days; or. King's daughters. Mrs. E. Marshall. N.Y.,'l875. 12° 425.26 Nox, Ov7en. Southern rambles. (Florida.) Boston, 1881. 12° 708.21 Noyes, George F. The bivouac and the battle- field. N.Y., 1863. 12° 064.15 Noyes, R. K. Self curability of disease; against the customary use of drugs. Lynn, 1880. 8° 676.15 Nubia and Abyssinia, History of. M. Russell. N.Y., 1854. 16° 473.12 Nugae inutiles. Specimens of translations of humorous poems, etc. J. M. Merrick, Trans. Boston, 1874. 12° 612.2 "No. 40." A romance of Fortress Monroe, and the Hygeia. Richmond, Va., 1884. 16% 9.57.5 Number Nip, Legends of. M. Lemon. Lon- don, 1804. 16° 303.12 Number one, and how to take care of him. Talks on social and sanitary science. J. J. Pope. N.Y., 1884. 12° , 1324.2 No. XIII.; or, The story of tlie lost vestal. Mrs, E. Marshall. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 972.24 Numismatics. Early coins of America. S. C. Crosby. Boston, 1878. 4° 629.9 Gold and silver coins of all nations. J. R. Eckfeldt andW. E. DuBois. Phila., 1851. 4° 629.2 See Coins. Nuna, the Bramin girl. U. W. French. Bos- ton, 1882. 16° 388.12 Nurse and spy in the Union army. S. E. Ed- monds. Hartford, 1805. 8° 414.20 Nursery noonings. M. A. Dodge. N.Y., 1875. 12° 363.43 Nursery, The, Common sense in. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1246.4 Nursing. Hand-book for hospitals. N.Y., 18S3. 12° 1312.16 Nightingale, F. Notes on nursing. N.Y., 1800. 12° 227.20 Stephen, Mrs. L. Notes from sick-rooms. London, 1883. 16° 1314.3 Suggestions for the sick-room. Compiled by an American woman. N.Y., 1876. 10°, 228.21 Weeks, C. S. A text-book of nursing. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1.S25.24 Nuttall, Thomas. North American sylva. Phila., 1871. 2 v. 8° R. L. Nuttie's father. C. M. Yonge. London, 1885. 12° 972.3 o. O. T. A Danish romance. H. C. Andersen. N.Y., 1870. 12° 414.4 " O tender Dolores." Mrs. M. Argles. Phila., 1885. 10° 967.15 Oak-opeuings. J.F.Cooper. N.Y., 18-5.5. 12°, 313.4 The same . . . 381.16 Oak staircase, The. A story of the times of .Tames II. M. and C. Lee. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 364.87 Oak to the olive, From the. A journey in Europe. Mrs. J. W. Howe. Boston, 1808. 12° 735.18 Oakey, Mrs. A. E. From attic to cellar. N.Y., 1879. 16° 283.19 Oakey, Alexander F. Building a home. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . . . .^ 681.30 Home grounds. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . . . 681.32 Oakridge. J. E. Smith. Boston, 1875. 12° . 3-54.33 Obelisk, The, and freemasonry; according to the discoveries of Belzoni and Commander Gorringe. Egyptian symbols compared with those discovered in American mounds. J. A. AVeisse. N.Y., 1880. 8° 293.2 Ober, Frederick A. Camps in the Caribbees. Boston, 1880. 8° 703.21 Travels in Mexico, and life among the Mex- icans. Boston, 1884. 8° 783.5 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 251 Oberholtzer, Mrs. S. L. Hope's heart bells. Phila., 1SS4. 12° 954.21 Oberliii, Jolin F. Memoirs; with an introduc- tion by H. Ware, J;-. Boston, 184.5. 10°, 211.5 Obiter dicta. N.Y., 188o. 12" 1241.10 Object lessons, Handy book of. J. Walker. Phila., 1884. 12° 1225. IS Oblivion. An episode. M. G. McClelland. N.Y., 188.5; 10" 909.18 O'Brien, Fitz-Jaiues. Life, poems, and stories. W. Winter, Ed. Boston, 1881. 12' . . 394.16 O'Callaghau, E. B. History of New Netlier- land. N.Y., 184.5. 8° .545.5 Occult world. The. A. P. Sinnett. (Second American edition, with the author's cor- rections, and a new preface.) Boston, 188.5. 12° 1245.4 Occupations of a retired life. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. N.Y., 1869. 12° 3.37.8 Ocean born. W.T.Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 10°, 456.17 Ocean, Mysteries of the. A. Mangin. London, 1868. S= 727.2 Ocean, The, and its wonders. li. M. Ballan- tyue. London, 1876. 10" 449.5 Ocean waifs, The. M. Eeid. Boston, 1805. 10", 407.7 Ocean wave. The. Narratives of some of the greatest voyages, seamen, discoveries, shipwrecks and mutinies of the world, n. Stewart. London, 1883. 12° . . . 781.13 Ocean wonders : a companion for the seaside. W. E. Damon. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . . 058.24 Oceana ; or, England and her colonies. J. A. Froude. N.Y., 1886. 8° 793.11 Ockley, Simon. History of the Saracens. Lon- don, 1848. 12° 474.14 O'Connell, Daniel, the liberator; his life and times, political and social. M. F. Cusack. Dublin, 1875. 2 v. 8° 174.18 Speeches and public letters. With preface and historical notes. M. F. Cusack. Dub- lin, 187-5. 2 V. 8° 174.19 O'Connor, W. A. History of the Irish people. London, [n.d.] 2 y. 12° 598.5 O'Connor, William D. Hamlet's note-book. Boston, 18S6. 12° 1249.20 Odd moments of the Willoughby boys. Mrs. E.Hartley. Phila., [n.d.] 16° . . . . 911.18 Odd, or even ? Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Bos- ton, 1880. 12° 390.24 The same 396.25 Odd people. M. Reid. Boston, 1801. 16° . 467.4 Odd trump, The. [A novel.] J. G. A. Coul- son. N.Y., 1875. 8° .340.13 Oddities in southern life and character. (Se- lections.) H. Watterson, Hd. Boston, 1883. 16° 1221.5 O'Dea, James J. Suicide. Studies on its plii- losophy, cause, and prevention. N.Y., 1882. 12° 079.4 Odiorne family, Genealogy of the. With no- tices of other families connected there- with. J. C. Odiorne. Boston, 1875. 8°, 296.9 Odiorne, James C. Opinions of speculative masonry. Boston, 1830. 12° .... 297.21 O'Donoghue, The. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.] 10' 351.17 O'Donovan, Edraond. The Merv Oasis. N.Y.. 1883. 2 v. 8"-. 774.1 The same. (Abridged.) 782.10 O'Driscoll, W. J. Maclise, Daniel, Memoir of. London, 1871. 12° 213.2 Odyssey, The myths of the, in art and litera- ture. J. E. Harrison. London, 1882. 8°, 1215.3 See alxo Homer. Oemler, A. Truck-farming at the South. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1312.10 O'er many lands, on many seas. G. Stables. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 929.1 Off on a comet! A journey through planetary space. Sequel to "To the Sun?" J. Verne. Phila., 1878. 12° 324.33 Off the Skelligs. J. Ingelow. Boston, 1872. 16° 361.7 The same 361.8 Off to the geysers. C. A. Stephens, Ed. Bos- ton, 1872. 10° 466.9 O'Flanagan, J. Roderick. The Irish bar; anec- dotes and biographical sketches. London, 1879. 12°. 1219.0 Ogden, Henry. Dr. Barringford's school; or, The long holiday. N.Y., 1884. 10° . . 922.24 Ogilvie, John. English language. The imperial dictionary of the. N.Y., 1883. 4 v. 4° R. L. OgUvies, The. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1871. 12° 343.14 The same 343. .50 Oglethorpe, J., Life of. W. B. O. Peabody. (American biography. Vol. 11.) .... 111.3 Ohio. Report of the State Board of Agriculture. 1855-50. Chillicothe, 18-50. 2 v. 8° . . 738.7 Okavango River. Travels and explorations in Africa. C. J. Andersson. N.Y., 1861. 8° . . . -. 730.4 O'Kelly, James J. Adventures in Cuba. Phila., 1874. 12° 724.17 Old and New 7-53.1 Vol. I. Jan.-June, 1870. II. July-Dec, 1870. IIL Jan.-June, 1871. IV. July-Dec, 1871. V. Jan.-June, 1872. VI. July-Dec, 1872. VII. Jan.-June, 1873. " VIII. July-Dec, 1873. IX. Jan.-June, 1874. X. July-Dec, 1874. Old back room. J.Harrison. N.Y., 1871. 16°, 444.11 Old caravan days. A story of western travel. M. H. Catherwood. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 921.12 Old Chelsea Bun house. A. Manning. Lon- don, 1860. 16° 451.20 Old Creole days. [Sketches.] ■ G. W. Cable. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . 363 76 Old court suburb ; or. Memorials of Kensington, regal, critical, and anecdotal. L. Hinit. London, [n.d.] 12° 282.1 Old curiosity shop. C. Dickens. London, [n.d.] 12° 355.10 The same. 2v 3.56.13 The same 3-57.10 The same 393.5 Old Deccan days. [Hindoo fairy legends.] M. Frere, Ed. I'hila., 1868. 10° ... . 432.5 Old doctor, The. A romance of Queer Village. J. V. Cheney. X.Y., 1885. 10° . . . 909-1 Old England. J. M. Hoppin. N.Y., 1807. 12° 601.14 Old faith, The, and the new. D. F. Strauss. London, 1873. 12° 624.11 Old fashioned boy. M. Finley. Phila.. [n.d.] 16° .303.14 252 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Old fashioned girl. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1870. 10° 327.11 The same 327.12 The same 327.13 Tlie same 327.14 Old forts taken. liectuics on endless punish- ment anil futiue life, A. A. Miner. Bos- ton, 1S7S. lt)° 281 . 14 Old friends and new. S. O. Jewett. Boston, 18711. 18° 333. Old Fritz and the new era. C. Mundt. N.Y., 1808. 8° 325.10 Old gateway, The; or, Agatha's story. Mrs. E.Marshall. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . . .374.10 Old helmet, The. S. Warner. N.Y., 1864. 2 V. 12° 321.13 Old horseshoe, The. W. M. Thayer. Boston, [n.d. I 12° 438.4 Old house hy the river. W. C. Prime. N.Y., 18.W. 12° 311.11 Old house in the square. A. Weber. London, 1S84. 12° 919.0 Old Kensington. Mrs. A. I. Ritchie. N.Y., 1873. 8° 322.20 Old lady Mary. A story of the seen and the unseen. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Bos- ton, 1884. 10° 951.8 Old leaves. W. II. Willis. N.Y., 1860. 12° . 422.3 Old lieutenant and his son. N. Madeod. Bos- ton, 1862. 8° -127.6 Old log school house. A. Clark. Phila., 1864. 16° 451.27 Old maid's paradise. An. E. S. Phelps. Bos- ton, 188.5. 16° 907.12 Old Mam'selle's secret. E. John. Mrs. Wi.s- tcr. Trans. Phila., 1808. 12° ... . 316.9 The same 310.32 Old Mark Langston. A tale of Duke's Creek. It. M. .lohnston. >f.Y., 1884. 10° . . 057.12 Old merchants of New York. W. Barrett. N.Y., 1803. 2v. 12° 112.3 Old Mortality. W. Scott. Ediuburgli, 1871. 12" 314.15 The same 315.15 Old Myddelton's money. M. C. Hay. X.Y., 1875. 8° 340.63 The same 340.65 Old Naumkeag. An historical sketch of the city of Salem, and the- towns of Marble- liead, Peabody, Beverly, Danvers, Wen- ham, Manchester, Topsticld, and Middle- ton, Mass. C. U. Webber and W. S. N.'vins. Salem, 1877. 12° 492.15 Old New Zealand. Told by an old chief of the Xgapuhi tribe. Introduction by the Eari of Pembroke. London, 1884. 8° . 787.14 Old patroon, The; or. The great Van Brock property. J. A. Maitland. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 382.19 Old red sandstone. H. Miller. Boston, 1855. 12° 643.13 Old sergeant, and other poems. F. Willson. Boston, 1807. 10° 553.12 Old ship. The; or, Better than strength. H. A. Forde. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 449.25 Old Sir Douglas. Mrs. C. Norton. Phila., 1807. 12° 334.20 Old slip warehouse. M. A. Denison. N.Y., 1878. 8° 377.5 Old and New Testaments. (Revised version.) Oxford, 1885. 8° 1243.18 Old Testament, The. Guthrie, T. Studies of character from the Old Testament. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . . 265.17 Koberts, A. Old Testament revision. A haiui-book for English readers. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1221.15 . Smith, W. Robertson. Old Testament in the Jewish Church. Lectures on biblical criticism. N.Y., 1881. 12° 129.8 Old time child life. Mrs. E. H. Rollins. Phila., issi. 10° 127.23 Old times. A picture of social life at the end of the eighteenth century. N.Y., 1885. 8° 1428.1 Old times in the Colonies. C. 0. Coffin. X.Y., 1881. 8° 448.13 Tlie same 925.8 Old wells dug out. [Sermons.] T. DeW. Talraage. N.Y., 1874. 12° 207.18 Old -wives' fables. E. Laboulaye. London, 1,S84. 12° 940.19 Old -world idylls, and other verses. A. Dob- son. London, 1883. 18° 584.20 Old world in its new face. H. W. Bellows. N.Y., 1808. 2v. 12° 220.23 Old world, Life in the. F. Bremer. Phila., 1800. 2 V. 12° 713.20 Old -world questions, and new world answers. D. Pidgeon. London, 1884. 12° . . . 793.2 Old world, The, and the new. Serjeant Bal- lantine. London, 1884. 8° 7S8.9 Oldbury. A. Keary. Phila., 1875. 12° . . 301.26 Oldfellow, Alfred. Uncle Nat. N.Y., 1865. 10° V 402.14 Oldham; or, Beside all waters. L. E. Guern- sey. N.Y., 1880. 12° 968.18 Oldport days. T. W. Higginson. Boston, 1873. 12° 264.7 Oldroyd, Csborn II., Ed. The Lincoln memo- rial. Selections from the speeches and letters of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 1233.4 Oldtown fireside stories. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1872. 12° 326.4 Oldtown folks. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Boston, ISiiO. 12° 320.5 The same 326.6 The same 326.7 Oliphant, Lawrence. A journey to Katmandu, India. N.Y.,1852. 12° 732.19 Land of Gilead, with excursions in Leb- anon. N.Y., 1881. 8° 769.3 The land of Khemi: up .and down the mid- dle Nile. Edinburgh, 1882. 8° . . . . 774.4 Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan. N.Y., 1860. 8° . . 605.10 Traits and travesties, social and political. Edinburgh, 1882. 12° 1237.19 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Agnes. N.Y., 1800. 8° 323.3 Agnes Hopetoun's schools and holidays. London, 1872. 16° 461.19 A beleaguered city. London, 1880. 12° . 396.18 Carita. London, 1883. 12° 323.32 The same 953.12 Cervantes. (Foreign classics for English readers.) Phila., [n.d.] 16° 194.25 Chapel of St. Mary. Boston, 1861. 12° . 341.27 Chronicles of Carlingford. N.Y., 1802. 8°, 32:5.4 A country gentleman and his family. Lon- don, 1886. 12° 970.14 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 253 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. — concluded. The curate in charge. London, 1883. 16", 9G6.14 The same 427.38 Dante. (Foreign classics for English read- ers.) Phila.,^l«77. 12° 271.10 Dress. (Art at home series.) Phila., [n.d.] 12° 6.'J7.22 Ed. See Foreign classics for English read- ers. Francis of Assisi. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 161 . 16 George IE.. Sketches of the reign of. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 8° 737.12 He that will not when he may. London, 1S83. 12° 952.5 Hester. A story of contemporary life. N.Y., 188.3. 12° 952.17 House on the moor. N.Y., 1861. 12° . . 341.17 Innocent. X.T., 1873. 8° 323.5 Irving, Edward, Life of. N.Y., 1862. 8° . 149.4 John. N.Y., 1870. 8° 323.16 The ladies Lindores. N.Y., 1883. 16°. . 949.2 Last of the Mortimers. X.Y., 1862. 12° . .323.15 Lilliesleaf. Boston, 1862. 12° 345.39 The literary history of England in the end of the eighteenth, and beginning of the nine- teenth century. N.Y., 1882. 3 v. 12°, 1217.19 A little pilgrim. Boston, 1883. 16°. . . 949.18 LucyCrofton. N.Y., 1860. 12° ... . 323.19 The makers of Florence. London, 1876. 8°, 173.11 Margaret Maitland. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . 345.38 May. N.Y., 1873. 8° 323.2 Miss Marjoribanks. N.Y., 1866. 8° . . . 323.6 Mrs. Arthur. N.Y., 1877. 8° 323. .33 Montalembert, Count de. Memoir of. Leip- zig, 1872. 2v. 16° 1.31.11 Old lady Mary. A story of the seen and the unseen. Boston, 1884. 16° ... 951.8 Ombra. N.Y., 1860. 8° 323.8 The open door. The portrait.- (Two sto- ries of the seen and the unseen.) Bos- ton, 1S8.5. 16° 951.20 Perpetual curate. N.Y., 186."x 8° . . . 427.31 Phoebe, junior. A last chronicle of Car- lingford. N.Y., 1876. 8° 323.31 The primrose path. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . .323.35 Kectory of Moreland. Boston, 1860. 12°. 332.17 Rose in June. Boston, 1874. 8° . . . . 323.9 Sir Tom. London, 1884. 12° 964.2 Squire Arden. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 323.13 Story of Valentine and his brother. N.Y., 187.5. 8° .323.10 The same 323.11 Three brothers. N.Y., 1870. 8°. . . . 323.12 Whiteladies. N.Y., 1875. 12° 361.37 The wizard's son. London, 1884. 12° . . 9.59.21 Young Musgrave. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . . 323.34 The same 949.19 Oliphant, T. L. K. The sources of standard English. London, 1873. 12° .... 644.16 Olive. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1866. 16° . 343.28 The same .343.51 Olive L.acey. A. Argyle. Phila., 1874. 12° . 353.29 Oliver, Grace A. Edgeworth, Maria. A study of; with notices of her father and friends. Boston, 1882. 12° 1118.1 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. His life, work and teachings. Boston, 1885. 12° . . 1134.5 Oliver, Pen, pseud. Charley Kingston's aunt. London, 1885. 12° 964.11 Oliver Ellis; or, The fusileers. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 10° 384.23 Oliver of the mill. M. L. Charlesworth. N.Y., 1876. 12° 344.33 OliverTwist. C.Dickens. London, [n.d.] 12°, .3.55.11 The same 356.14 The same 3.56.15 The same 3.57.11 The same 394.3 Olivia P.aleigh. W. W. F. Synge. Phila., 1877. 16° 368.12 OUa podrida. Diary on the continent, .and other stories. F. Marryat. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ". 4.55.20 Oilier, Edmund. Russo-Turkish war. History of. N.Y., [n.d.] 2v. Roy. 8° . . . . 495.8 Olmsted, Denison. Astronomy, Text-book of. N.Y., 18.59. 8° 645.4 Natural philosophy, Elements of. N.Y., 1807. 12° 659.2 Olmsted, Fred L. A journey in the back country. N.Y., 1860. 12° 663.9 Journey in the seaboard slave states. N.Y., 1856. 12° 607.23 Journey through Texas. N.Y., 1859. 12°, 666.18 Olney, Ellen W. See Kirk, Ellen O. Omar Khayyam, the astronomer poet of Per- sia. The Rubaiyat. (Illustrated by Elihu Vedder. ) Boston, 1885. 4° . . . R. L. The same, (rendered into English verse.) 584.22 Ombra. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 1866. 8° 323.8 O'Meara, Kathleen. Madame Mohl: her salon and her friend's. Boston, 1886. 8° . .11.32.10 O'Meary, Barry E. Napoleon I. in exile. N.Y., 1854. 2 V. 12° 165.6 Omond, George W. T. The lord advocates of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 2 v. 8° . 1125.2 On a man-of-war. A series of naval sketches. F. O. Davenport, U. S. N. Detroit, 1878. 12° 281.21 On angels' wings. The story of little Violet of Edelsheim. Mrs. Greene. London, 1885. 12° 973.1 On both sides. F. C. Baylor. Phila., 1886. 12° 974.8 On both sides of the sea. Mrs. E. R. Charles. N.Y., 1867. 12° 321.6 On dangerous ground ; or, Agatha's friendship. [A romance of American society.] Mrs. B. H. Moore. Phila., 1876. 12° . . . 354.36 On guard. Mrs. P. Cudlip. N.Y., [n.d.] 8°, 365.88 On honor's roll. Tales of heroism in the nine- teenth century. Mrs. Valentine, Ed. N.Y., [n.d.l 16° 932.23 On summer seas. The Mediterranean, the yEgean, the Ionian, the Adriatic, the Euxine, and a voyage down the Danube. Mrs. Scott-Stevenson. London, 1883. 8°, 784.3 On the borderland. H. A. Keyser. N.Y., 1882. 16° 941.6 On the Boulevards. W. B. Jerrold. Phil.a., 1867. 2v. 12° 663.12 On the Cam. W. Everett. Cambridge, 1865. 12° 217.16 On the desert. With a brief review of recent events in Egypt. H. M. Field. N.Y., 1883. 12° 772.25 On the edge of the storm. M. Roberts. Lon- don, 1809. 12° 317.22 On the edge of winter. Boys and girls at an old farm house in the Hudson Highlands. R. Markham. N.Y., [n.d.] 8°. . . . 448.19 254 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ontheeve. I. S. TurgenieS. N.Y.,1873. 10°, 362.19 On the frontier. B. Harte. Boston, 1884. 18°, 951.14 On the lu-ights. B. Auerbacli. Boston, 1869. 10° 3f4.2 The same 364.3 On the leads ; or, What the planets saw. A. A. S. Butson. N.Y., ISSO. 12° .... 674.15 On the Rhine, and other sketches of European travel. Lady B. JIurphy, T. A. Trollope, Mrs. S. B. Wister, and others. Phila., 1881. 8° 767.6 On the road to riches. Hints for clerks and vouiig business men. W. H. ilaher. Toledo, 1S76. 12^ 227.22 On the thresliold. [Essays.] T. T. Munger. Boston, 1881. 12° 128. n On the track. J.Verne. London, [n.d.] 16°, 324.25 On the wing. Kambling notes of a trip to the Pacific. J[. E. Blake. Boston, 1883. 18° 771.11 On the wings of the wind. II. Frith. London, 1885. 12° 928.8 On time. W. T. Adams! Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 457.9 Once upon a time. C. Knight. London, 1865. 12° 412.5 One among many. Mrs. H. B. Goodwin. Boston, 1884. 16° 957.19 One and twenty. F. W. Robinson. London, [n.d.] 12° 956.5 One day's weaving. M. L. Peebles. N.Y., 186S. 16° 444.15 One decade. 1873-82. History of the Web- ster (School) Graduates Association, Cam- bridge, Mass. Its teachers, etc. Poems by J. S. Browning; address by C. H. Blake. Cambridge, 1883. 8° 1425.7 One fair wom.an. J.Miller. N.Y., 1876. 12°, 426.21 One happy winter; or, A visit to Florida. Jlrs. S. C. Bobbins. Boston, 1878. 12° . . 491.26 One hour's reading. Remarkable customs, seasons, holidays, epithets and phrases. W. Tegg. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 272.14 One of tlie Duanes. A. K. HamiltoD. Phila., 1885. 12° 965.20 One of them. C. J. Levgr. London, [n.d.] 10°, 351.18 " One of three," and. Made or marred. J. Fotbergill. N.Y., 1881. 16° 376.35 One summer. B. W. Howard. Boston, 1875. 18° 362.42 The same 362.44 One trip more, and other stories. A. Manning. London, [n.d.] 16° 436.11 One year abroad. B. W. Howard. Boston, 1877. 18° 761.1 Ouesimus. Memoirs of a disciple of St. Paul. E. A. Abbott. Boston, 1882. 12° . . . 1212.20 Only au ensign. A tale of the retreat from Cabul. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16°, 384.24 Only a fiddler. H. C. Andersen. N.Y., 1870. 12° 454.3 Only a girl. W. von Hillern. Phila., 1870. 12°, 316.19 Only girls. V. F. Townsend. Boston,'1872. 16°, 461.8 Only sister, An. Mme. G. DeWitt. N.Y., 1873. 16° 363.17 Onstien, L. Kitty. Will-o'-the-wisp. X.Y., 1868. 16° 462.8 Onyx ring. The. J.Sterling. Boston, 1856. 12°, 352.28 Oology of New England; a description of the eggs, nests, and breeding habits of the birds of New England. (Illustrated.) E. A. Capen. Boston, 1886. 4°, . . . H. L. Open door. The. The portrait. (Two stories of the seen and the unseen. ) Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Boston, 188.5. 16° . . . 951.20 Open fire-place in all ages. J. P. Putnam, ar- chitect. Boston, issi. 12° 125.18 Open question. An. J. DeMille. N.Y., 1873. 8° 377.35 Open verdict, An. Mrs. M. E. Braddon-Max- well. N.Y., 1878. 8° .'565.70 Opening a chestnut burr. E. P. Roe. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 354.11 The same 354.39 Opera, History of the. S. Edwards. London, 1862. 2v. l:i° 474.4 Operas, The standard. Their plots, their mu- sic, and their composers. G. P. Upton. Chicago, 1886. 16° 1251.5 Opie, Amelia. Illustrations of lying. Boston, 1827. 12° 262.1 Opitz to Lessing, From. A study of pseudo- classicism in literature. T. S. Perry. Boston, 1885. 12° 1237.16 Opium habit. The. N.Y., 1868. 12°. . . . 631.8 Hubbard, F. H. Opium habit and .alcohol- ism. A treatise on the habits of opium and its compounds; chlor.al-hydrate; chloroform; bromide potassium; and can- nabis indica; including their therapeutical indications, with suggestions for treating various painful complications. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1212.14 Kane, H. H. Opium-smoking in America and China. Its prevalence and effects on the individual and the nation. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1212.15 Oppert, Ernest. A forbidden land. N.Y., ISSO. 8° 705.5 Opportunities. Sequel to " What she could." S. Warner. N.Y., 1871. 16° .... 444.2 Opportunity. A. M. Crane. Boston, 1867. 12° 334.15 Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T. Optics, Wonders of. F.Marion. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 035.21 Orange blossoms, fresh and faded. T. S. Ar- thur. Phila., 1878. 12° 372.29 Orations and addresses. W. C. Bryant. N.Y., 1878. 12° 286. S Orations, Representative American, to illus- trate American political history. Ed. with introductions by Alexander John- ston. N.Y., 1884. 3v. 16° ... .1238.10 Vol. I. Henry, Hamilton, Washington, Ames, Nicholas, Jefferson, Nott, Randolph, Quincy, Clay, Calhoun, Hayne, Webster. II. Phillips, Calhoun, Webster, Clay, Chase, Sumner, Douglas, Brooks, Burlingame, and Clingman. III. Lincoln, Douglas, Seward, Toombs, Co.x, Davis, Stephens, Schurz, Beecher, Sherman, Garfield, Clay, Hurd. Orations on the Crown. iEschines and De- mosthenes. 6. W. Biddle, Trans. Phila., 1881. 12° 293.12 Orators. Colton, G. H., Ed. Of France. N.Y., 1847. 8° 1.38.6 Cormenin, Viscount de. Orators of France. Phila,, 1870. 12° 171.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 255 Orators — concluded. Uarsha, D. A. Orators and statesmen of ancient and modern times. Sketches of their lives, specimens of their eloquence, and an estimate of their genius. Phila., [n.d.] 8^ 174.1 Matthews, W. Oratory and orators. Chi- cago, 1879. 12^ 286.9 Nicoll, H. J. Great orators. Burke, Fox, Sheridan, Pitt. London, [n.d.] 16°. . 1131.4 Orbs around us. The. R. A. Proctor. Lon- don, 1S72. 12= 645.17 Orchids, the royal family of plants. With illustrations from nature by Harriet Stew- art Miner. Boston, 1885. S"' . . . . R. L. Orcutt, Hiram. The parents' manual. Bos- ton, 1874. 12" 234.28 School-keeping; how to do it. Boston, 188.5. 1S° 1241.13 Orderly Book of Col. William Henshaw of the American Army, 1775. Memoir by Emory Washburn. Xotes by C. C. Smith. Ad- ditions by H. E. Henshaw. Boston, ISSl. ?>" ' .528.23 Ordnance and gunnery. J. G. Benton. N.Y., 1801. 8° 642.7 Ore deposits, A treatise on. J. A. Phillips. London, 1884. 8° 1319.6 Oregon. Barrows, W. The struggle for pos- session. Boston, 1884. 12' .598.18 Bulfinch, T. Oregon and Eldorado. Bos- ton, 186C. 8" 662.5 Xash, W. There and back in 1877. Lon- don, 1878. 12" 493.12 Two years in. N.Y., 1882. 12° ... . 772.7 Oregon trail, The. F. Parkman. Boston, 1872. 8° 716.5 O'Reilly, John. Songs, legends and ballads. Boston, 1878. 12° 573.14 O'Reilly, John Boyle. In Bohemia. [Poems.] Boston, [n.d.] 16° 588.4 Moondyne. A story from the under-world. Boston, 1879. 12° 392.10 Statues in the block, and other poems. Boston, 1881. 16' 583.20 O'Reilly, Mrs. Robert. Dinglefield. (For girls.) London, 1883. 12° 916.11 Gile's minority. Boston, 1874. 10° . . 431.8 O'Rell, Max, pseud. See Blouet, Paul. Organs and organ building; a treatise on the history and construction of the organ, from its origin, to the present day. C. A.Edwards. London, 1881. 12° . . . 689.18 Organs of speech, and their application in the formation of articulate sounds. G. H. von Meyer. N.Y., 1884. 12° ... . 1317.19 Oriel College, and the Oxford movement. [Reminiscences.] T. Mozley. Boston, 1882. 2v. 12° 1217.22 Orient, Travels and observations in the, and a hasty flight in the countries of Europe. W. Harriman. Boston, 1883. 12° . . 776.1 Orient boys. The. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . . . 922.8 Orient sunbeams: or. From the Porte to the Pyramids, by way of Palestine. S. S. Cox. N.Y.,1882. 12° 772.15 Oriental and linguistic studies. W. D. ^Vhit- ney. X.Y.," 1873-74. 2 v. 12°. . . ." 230.8 Oriental harp. The. Poems of the Boston bard. R. S. Coffin. Providence, R.L, 1828. 8° 552.6 Oriental religions. S. Johnson. (China, India, Persia.) Boston, 1872. 3 v. 8° . . . 627.15 Oriental zigzag; or. Wanderings in Syria, Moab, Abyssinia and Egypt. C.Hamilton. Lon- don, 187.5. 12° 496.15 Origin of nations. The. G. Rawlinson. N.Y., 1878. 12° 282.8 Origin of species, The. C. Darwin. N.Y., 1800. 12° 624.16 Origin of the world, according to revelation and science. J. W. Dawson. N.Y., 1877. 12° 655.24 Original belle. An. E. P. Roe. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 972.1 Orissa. W. W. Hunter. London, 1872. 2 v. 8° 667.2 Orleans, Duckes.i of. Memoir by the Marquess de H , with biographical souvenirs and original letters, collected by G. H. de Schu- bert. N.Y., 1860. 12° 151.2 Orley Farm. A. Trollope. N.Y., 1862. 8° . 353.10 The same 9.53.17 Ormerod, Edward L. British social wasps. London, 1868. 12° 622.14 Ormond. [A novel.] C. B. Brown. Phila., 1857. 12° 425.17 The same. 1827 331.4 Ornament, Grammar of. O. Jones. London, In.d.l 4° R. L. Ornamental gardening for Americans. A treat- ise on beautifying homes, towns, etc. X.Y., 1885. 12° 1612.2 Orne, Caroline F. Morning songs of American freedom. Boston, 1876. 18° .... .571.10 Poems. Cambridge, 1844. 16° .... 551.9 Orne, Philip. Simply a love story. Boston, 1885. 12° 908.9 Ornithology. Balrd, S. F., and others. Birds of North America. The descriptions of species, based chiefly on the collections of the museum of the Smithsonian Institu- tion. (Illustrated.) Salem, 1870. 2 v. 4° R. L. Cory, C. B. Birds of the Bahama Islands. (Illustrated.) Boston, 18S0. 8° ... R. L. Curiosities of ornithology. (Illustrated.) London, [n.d.] 8° 623.15 Dixon, C. Rural bird life. Essays on orni- thology, with instructions for preserving objects relating to the science. Boston, lasO. 8° 676.17 Samuels, E. A. Ornithology and oology of New England. Boston, 1867. 8° . . . 623.8 Stearns, W. A. Xew England bird life. Boston, 1881. 8° 677.10 Wilson, A. Ornithology of America. Edin- burgh, 1831. 4 v. 16' 6.37.19 See also Birds. Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. Browning, Robert, A hand-book to the works of. London, 1885. 16° 1238.19 Orth, Godlove S. Memorial addresses on his life and char.acter, delivered in the House of Representatives and the Senate, Dec, IS.^2. Washington, D.C., 188;?. 8° . . 119.7 Orthodox theology of to-day. N.Smyth. N.Y., 1881. 16° 295.11 Orthodoxy, Progressive. A contribution to the Christian interpretation of Christian doctrines, by the editors of the Andover Review. Boston, 1886. 16° 1247.2 256 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Orthoepist, The. A pronouncing manual of names of authors, artists, etc., and other words often mispronounced. A. Ayres. N.Y., ISSO. 16° 127.24 Orton, .lames. Andes and the Amazon. N.Y., 1870. S° 72.5.12 Comparative, structural, and systematic zoology. N.T.,1S76. 12° 655.15 Orvis, Charles F., and Cheney, A. Nelson. Fishing with the fly. Troy, N.Y., 18S5. 12° 1322.8 Osborne, W. JI. History of the Twent}--ninth Kegiment of M. V. I. in tlie late war of the" rebellion. 15oston, 1877. 8° . . . 494.8 Oscanyan, C. The sultan and his people. N.T., 18.-)7. 12° 721.8 Ose; or. The Alpine flower. M.Roberts. Lon- don, [n.d.] 1()° 364.64 Osego chronicles; or, The Kuylers and their friends. M. B. Sleight. N.Y.. [n.d.] 12°, 383.14 Osgood, Charles S., and Batchelder, H. M. Salem, Mass., Historical sketch of. Salem, 1879. S° 538.10 Osgood, Mrs. Frances S. The memorial. By her friends. N.Y., 1851. 8° 221.8 Osgood, Samuel. American leaves. N.Y., 1867. 12° 247.14 Student life. N.Y., 1861. 12° 225.6 Osorio. A tragedy. S. T. Coleridge. London, 1873. 16° " 611.8 Ossoli. Sarah Margaret Fuller, Marchesa d' Os.ioU. Memoirs. J. F. Clarke and R. W. Emerson. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 12° . . 13S.9 {See also Fuller, for other lives.) Worka : Art, literature, and the drama. Boston, 1874. 12° 227.11 At home and abroad. Boston, 1874. 12°, 227.8 Life without and within. Boston, 1874. 12° 227.10 Woman in the nineteenth century. Bos- ton, 1874. 12° 227.9 Ostrich farming in Africa, Argentine Republic, andtheuTs. Washington, D.C., 1882. 8°, 738.26 Oswald, E. Vain forebodings. [A novel.] Phila., 1885. 12° 965.21 Os-wald, Felix L. Physical education ; or, The health laws of nature. N.Y., 1.S82. 12°, 1217-8 Summerland sketches. Rambles in the backwoods of Mexico and Central Amer- ica. Phila., 1880. 8° 767.9 Zoological sketches. A contribution to the out-door study of natural history. Phila , 1883. 8° 1311.6 Other fools and their doings; or. Life among the Freedmen. By one who has seen it. N.Y., 1S8(). 16° .378.2 Other girls. The. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, 1874. 12° .327.7 The same .327.8 Other people's children. Sequel to " Helen's babies." J. Habberton. N.Y.,1877. 10°, 364.61 The same 364.62 Other people's money. E. Gaboriau. Boston, 1875. _ 8° 346.11 Otis, F. N. Panama railroad. History of the. X.Y.. 1867. 12° 484.11 Otis, James, Life of. F. Bowen. (American biography, Vol. II.) 111.3 The same. W.Tudor. Boston. 1823. 8°, 167.13 The same 167. 15 Otis, James. Left behind ; or, Ten days a news- boy. N.Y., 1883. 16° 931.2 Ouida, pseud. See RamcJ, L. de la. Our admiral's fl.ag abroad. Cruise of the '"Franklin" in European waters. J. E. Montgomery. N.Y., 1869. 8° . . . . 666.7 Our bodies ; or. How we live. An elementary text-book of physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the effects of stimu- lants and narcotics on the human system. A. F. Blaisdell. Boston, 1885. 10° . . 1321.17 Our boys in India. The wanderings of two young Americans in Hindustan, with their adventures on rivers, mountains, etc. H. W. French. Boston, 18S3. 8°, 773.18 Our chancellor ; sketches for an historical picture. (Prmce Bismarck. ) M. Busch. X.V., 1S84. 12° 1126.15 Our Chatham Street uncle. Mrs. J. McM. Wright. Boston, [n.d.] 16° .... 452.6 Our children. How to rear and train them. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 272.19 Our Christmas in a palace. A traveller's story. E. E. Hale. N.Y., 188.3. 12° ... . 953.18 Our colonial empire. R.Acton. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 091.13 Our common school system. M. A. Dodge. Boston, 1880. 12° 124.1 The same 124.4 Our convicts. M. Carpenter. (Vol.11.) Lon- don, 1S64. 8° 267.0 Our country. From the discovery of America to the one hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. B. J. Los- sing. N.Y., 1875. 3 V. 8° 5.56.4 Our country and its resources, A centennial view of. J. D. McCabe, ^ 394.4 Our neighbors in the corner house. T. S. Arthur. N.T., ia56. 12° 426.0 Our nevr country towns. A. Eimmer. Lon- don, ISSl. 12° 775.20 Our ue'w crusade. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1S75. 1S° 362.34 Our neiw masters. T. Wright. Loudon, 1S73. 12° 334.20 Our ne-vr way round the world. C. C. Coffin. Boston, 18(39. 8° 662.2 The same 794.8 Our old home. X. Hawthorne. Boston, 1803. 12° 243.10 The same, witli Septlmius Feltou . . . 372.7 Our old uncle's home, and what the boys did there. " Mother Carey." N.T., [n.d.] 16° 447.22 Our o-wn set. [A novel.] O. Schubiu. X.Y., 1SS4. 10° 962.19 Our pet. M.B.Lyman. Boston, [n.d.] 16°. 441.39 Our radicals. A tale of love and politics. Fred. Burnaby. J. P. Hughes, Ed. N.Y., 1886. 18° 901.17 Our sons; how to start them in life. Informa- tion respecting places of education, the professions, the civil service, and commer- cial employment. A. King. London, [n.d.] 12° 1248.0 Our South American cousins. W. Taylor. X.Y., 1878. 12° 497.12 Our standard bearer. (U.S.Grant.) W. T. Adams. Boston, 1863. 16° 437.8 Our three boys. S. E. Chester. N.Y., 1875. 10- 444.14 Our tvyo lives; or, Graham and I. A. II. K. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 364.25 Our vacations; how to enjoy them. F. E. Clark. Boston, 1874. 16° 711.21 Our village. M. 11. Mitford. Boston, 1853. 2 V. 12° 341.15 Our young folks abroad. The adventures of four American boys and girls in a journey through Europe to Constantinople. J. D. McCabe. Phila., 18^1. 8° 915.1 The same 925.12 Our young folks in Africa. Adventures in Algeria and south central Africa. J. D. McCabe. Phila., 1883. 8° 915.17 The same 925.13 Out and about; or, The "Hudson's" trip to the Pacific. K. T. Woods. Boston, 1882. 4° 915.18- Out and all about. (Fables.) H. A. Page. London, 1S74. 12° 454.20 Out-door papers. T. W. Higginson. Boston, 1803. 12° 264.8 Out-doors at Idlewild. N. P. Willis. N.Y., 18.55. 12° 713.3 Out-doors at Long-Look. A book for boys and girls. E. Abbott. Boston, 1S78. 12° . 446.20 "Out of Egypt." Bible readings on the book of Exodus. G. F. Pentecost. N.Y., 18S4. 12° 1242.4 Out of his head. T. B. Aldrich. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 345.29 Out of his reckoning. Mrs. F. M. fhuroh. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 377.12 Out of the deep. Words for the sorrowful. C. Kingsley. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... . 125.17 Out of the hurly-burly. C. H. Clark. Phila., 1874. 12° 357 19 Out of the ijast. [Essays.] P. Godwin. X.Y., 1870. 12° 2.52.11 Out of the question. [A comedy.] W. D. Howells. Boston, 1877. 18° .... 3fi8.ll The same 391.17 Out of the wreck; or. Was it a victory'? A. M. Douglas. Boston, 18S5. 12° .... 964.10 Out 'West; or. Roughing it on the Great Lakes. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 16° . . 919.9 Outlying Europe and the nearer Orient. A narrative of recent travel. J. Moore, Jr. Phila., 1880. 8° 767.7 Outpost. Sequel to "Dora Darling." J. G. Austin. Boston, 1865. 12° 463.14 Outre-Mer. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1850. 12° 732.9 The same. Boston, 1864. 12° vol. i. of 262.19 Out-v^ard bound. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1867. 12° 4.58.1 Over the border. Acadia, the home of Evan- geline. E.B.Chase. (Illus; rated.) Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 786.4 Over the borders of Christendom and Esla- miah. A journey through Hiuigary, Slavonia, Servia, etc , in 1875. J. Creagh. London, 1870. 2 v. 8° 498.12 Over the ocean. C. Guild. Boston, 1871. 8° 663.2 Over the seas and far away. C. Lushiugton. N.Y., 1882. 12° 942.7 Over the straits; a visit to Victoria. L. A. Meredith. London, 1861. 12° ... . 77S.23 Over yonder. E.John. Phila., 1869. 12° . 316.13 Overcome. Andre, pseud. Eouse's Point, N.Y., 1876. 12° 412.23 Overend, Campbell, Trans. The noble printer and his adopted daughter. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 917.5 Overend, Mrs. Campbell, Trans. Wanderings of Master Peter. Edinburgh. 1872. 16°, 452.11 Overhead; or, What Harry and Nelly discov- ered in the heavens. A. Moore and L. D. Nichols. Boston, [n.d.] 4° . . . . 924.1 Overland Monthly. San Francisco. 6 v. 8°, 741.1 ■^^ol. VL Jan.-June, 1871. VII. July-Dec, 1871. VIIL Jan.-June, 1872. IX. July-Dec, 1872. X. Jan.-June, 1873. XL July-Dec, 1873. Overman, Frederick. A treatise on metaUurgj-. N.Y., 1868. 8° 643.7 Ovid, The metamorphoses of. U. T. Riley, T)an.-<. London, 1870. 12° 233.18 Owen, A. C. Art schools of mediajval Chris- tendom. London, 1876. 12° 687.2 Oviren, Catherine. (Mrs. Nitsch.) Culture and cooldng; or. Art in the kitchen. N.Y., 1881. 12° 12S.29 A new cook book. Culture in the kitchen, and practical receipts. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 1246.5 Owen, F. M. Soldier and patriot. London, [n.d.] 12° 413.14 258 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMIiRlDGE PUBLIC LIBRAHY. Owen, George W. Tlie Leech Club. Boston, IST4. 12° 334.14 Ovren, John. Evenings with the skeptics; or, Free discussion on free thinkers. NY., ISSl. 2 V. 8° Owen, Mrs. O. F. Tlie heroines of domestic life. London, ISOl. 12° Ow^en, Richard. The antiquity of man, as de- duced from the discovery of a human skel- eton, duriiiff I'xcav.ations at Tilsbury, north bank of the Thames. London, 18s4. 8° . Owen, Robert D. Beyond the breakers. Pliila., 187.?. 8° The debatable Land. N.T., 1872. 12° . . Footfalls on tlie boundary of another world. Phila., 1871. 12° 214.5 1211.7 261.8 1316.5 340.53 235.12 Owen, Robert D. — concluded. Threading my way. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 244.21 Owen — a waif. F. W. Robinson. Ijondon, [n.d.] 12° 9o6.6 Ow^en Gwynne's great work. Lady A. Noel. NY.," 1870. 8° .305.7 Oiven's hobby; or. Strength in weakness. E. Burleigh. N.Y., 1881. 10° 388.3 Oxford and Cambridge. Their colleges, mem- ories and associations. (Illustrated.) F. Arnold. London, In. d.] 8° 498.1 Oxford, Memorials of. J. Ingram. 0.\ford, is:;8. 3 V. 8° 515.1 Ozanam, A. Frederic. History of civilization in the fifth century. Phila., 1S07. 2 v. 12° 2.>1.20 P's and Q"s; or. The question of putting upon. C. M. Yonge. London, 1872. 10° . . . Pabor, William E. Colorado as an agricultural state. N.Y., 18S3. 12° Paochiarotto, and how lie worked in distemper. With other poems. R. Browning. Bos- ton, 1877. 16° Pacha of many tales. F. Marryat. London, [ii.d.l 12° ." Pacific coast, ISancrnfi's guide-book of the. J. S. llittcll. San Francisco, I SS2. 10°. . Pacific railroad, Xnrtlicrn. A guide-book for tourists. II. J. Winser. N.Y., 1883. 10° . History of the. E. V. Smalley. N.Y., 1883. 8° Packard, A. S., Jr. Our common insects. Boston, [n.d.] 12° Z'MJlogy. N.Y., 1870. 8° Packard, Charlotte M. Helen Grey. What she sought, and what she found. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° Packard, .J. F. Stanley and the Ci>ngo. With other explorations in Africa. Phila., |n.d.] 12° Packard, John H. Sea-air and sea-bathing. Phila., 1880. 18° Packard, S. S., oncZ Bryant, IT. B. Common school bookkeeplnt;. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . Packer, .\sa, verstt.s Koble, Joseph. Arguments and testimony in the case. Vols. V., VI., VIL, and VIII Paddle and purl age, from Moosehead Lake to the Aroostook River, Maine. T. S. Steele. Boston, 1882. 12° Paddock, Mrs. A. G. In the toils. [A story of Mormon life.] Chicago, 1879. 12°. . Paddy Finn; or. The .adventures of a midship- man afloat and ashore. W. H. G. Kings- ton. N.Y., 1SS.3. 12° Pagan and modern Christian symbolism. T. Inm.an. N.Y., 1880. 8° Page, H. A. De Quincey, Thomas, Life and writings of. N.Y., 1877. 2 v. 1;;° . . Golden lives. London, 1873. 8° . . . . Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Life of. London, 1S72. 8° Out and all about. [Fables.] London, 1874. 12° Thoreau; his life and aims. Boston, 1877. 10° Page, T. J. La Plata, the Argentine Confeder- ation, and Paraguay. N.Y., 1859. 8° . 0.55.25 076.8 363.70 797.16 673.20 1317.11 519.3 772.16 386.11 917.20 676.3 247.23 161.3 113.7 454.20 181.5 665.11 461.12 771.10 567.20 455.12 771.8 771.15 1412.7 Page, squire and knight. A romance of the days of chivalry. W. II. Adams, Ed. Boston, 1883. 8° 395.17 Pageant, A; and other poems. C. G. Rossetti. Boston, 18'^1. 12° .575.11 Pages from an odil volume of life. [Essays.] 18.J7-1SSI. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1.SS3. 12° 1225.12 Paget, John. Judicial puzzles. Gathered from the state trials. San Francisco, 1870. 10°, 271 5 Paget, Violet. (Vcunou Lee, //.sewfi. ) Albany, Ci'unte.'is nf. Life of. Boston, 1S84. 10°, 1121 . 10 Balihviu. Dialogues on views and aspira- tions. Boston, 1886. 12° 1252.5 Euphorion. Studies in the antique and the niediajval, in the renaissance. Boston, 1884. 2 V. 8° 1236.6 A phantom lover. A fantastic story. Bos- ton. 1880. 16° 901.18 StudifS of the eighteenth century in Italy. London, 1880. 8° 779.0 Paice, Willi.am. Energy and motion. A text- book of elementary mechanics. N.Y., 1884. 10° 1321.10 Paige, Lucius R. The history of Cambridge, Mass. 1030-1877. Boston, 1877. 8°. . 494.1 The s.ame 494.2 The same 494.3 The siime 494.4 The same 494.5 PaijkuU, C. W. A sununer in Iceland. Lon- don, 1868. 8° 710.11 Paine, Martyn. Physiology of the soul and in- stinct. N.Y., 1872. 8° 627.4 Painter, F. V. M. History of education. N.Y., 1886. 12°. . . .' 1247.9 Painters and Painting. Jiio;iroji/ii/. Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, and architects. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 145.10 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Early Flemish painters. London, 1872. 12° 668.14 Cunningham, A. Lives of British painters ■ and sculptors. N.Y., 18")4. 5 v. 8° . 131.4 Eastlake, Lndy. Five great painters. Leonanlo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Titian, Raphael, and Albert Diirer. London, 1883. 2 v. 12° 1128.14 Forbes-Riiberison, J. The great painters of Christendom. From Ciiribabue to Wilkie. (111.) Loudon, [n.d.] 4° . . R. L. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 259 Painters and Painting. Biography — con- tinued. Fromentin, E. The old masters of Bel- gium and Holland. Boston, 1SS2. 8°, 684.7 Gower, Lnrd R. Figure painters of Hol- land. X.Y., ISSO. 12° 195.11 Jameson, Mrs. A. Early Italian painters. London, 1859. 8° 652.19 Koehler, S. K. American painters. (See Art history.) N.Y., 18S3. 12° . . . 685.19 Lee, Sirs. H. F. Historical slietches of old painters. Phila., 1855. 12° . . . 484.18 Buskin, J. Modern painters. N.Y.,1858. y V. 12° 669.13 The same. 1882 689.6 Thackeray, \V. M. Landscape painters of England. (Engravings by L. Marvy.) London, [n.d.] 4° 628.10 Timbs, J. Anecdote lives of painters. London, 1876. 12° 1124.2 Vasarl, G. Painters, sculptors and archi- tects. London, 1850. 5 v. 8° . . . 139.6 Wed more, F. The masters of genre painting. London, 1880. 12° . . , 682.9 Wilmot-Buxton, H. J. English painters. N.Y., 1SS3. 12° 685.19 Bistory. Clement, C. E. Outline history of paint- ing; for young people and students. N.Y., 1883. 12° 687.2 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. History of painting in North Italy. London, 1871. 2 v. 8° 669.9 Crowninshield, F. Mural painting. Bos- ton, 1887. S° 1615.1 Havard, H. Dutch school of painting. N.Y., ISS'i. 12° 1612.8 Beaton, Mrs. C. History of painting. London, 1873. 12° 669.16 Keane, A. H., Trans, and Ed. The early Teutonic, Italian and French masters. (From the Dohme series.) London, ISSO. 4° R. L. Poynter, E. J., and Head, P. R. Classic and Italian painting. N.Y., 1880. 12° 682.12 Schools and masters of painting. N.Y., 1876. 8° 6J4.2 Smith, 6. W. Spanish and French paint- ing. N.Y., 1884. 12° 687.21 Waiiters, A. J. The Flemish school of painting. N.Y., 1885. 12° .... 1612.1 Wilmot-Buxton, H. .1., and Poynter, E. J. G'-rman, Flemish and Dutch paint- ing. X.Y., 1881. 12° 682.25 Wiiltmann, A., and Woermaiin, K. His- tory of ancient, early Chri>tian, and me'dioeval painting. N.Y., ISSO. 8° . 683.11 Wornum, R. N. Epochs of painting. London, 1864. 8° 669.10 Liternlure of pamiimj . Burnet. .J. A treatise on painting. Lon- don, 18.50. 4° 619.2 The same. 1880 K. L. Doggett, K. X. Grammar of painting and engraving. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . 669.7 Gullick, T. J., and Timbs, J. Painting popularly explained. London, 1873. 12° 657.8 Museum nf painting and sculpture. Lon- don, 1829-33. 17 V. 12° R. L. Painters and Painting. Literature — con- cluded. Ruskin on painting. (With a biograph- ical sketch.) N.Y., 1879. 16° . . . 101.6 Schools and masters of painting. With an appendix on the principal galleries of Europe. X.Y., 1876. ^ . . . . 054.2 Shedd, J. A. Famous painters and paint- ings. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1876. - 8°, 116.10 Vinci, Leonardo da. Treatise on paint- ing. London, 1835. 12° 669.12 Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting in England. London, 1871. 12° . . . 2.36.9 Manuals. Ayers, G. B. How to paint photographs; retouch negatives; work in crayons; and instruction in ceramic painting. N.Y., 1878. 12° 6.57.16 Barnard, G. Landscape painting in water colors. London, 1861. 8° 618.2 Boyce, A. P. Art of lettering and sign- painters' manual. Boston, 1875. Ob. fo., R.L. Condit, C. L. Painting and painters' materials. (For those who use or deal in paint materials.) N.Y., 188;3. 12°. 687.1 Gardner, F. B. Everybody's paint-book. A guide to out-door and in-door paint- ing. N.Y., 1884. 16° 686.14 Hand book of oil-painting for young artists. N.Y., 1872. 12° 668.13 How to draw and paint. (Instructions; revised by a practical artist.) Phila., 1880. 16° 681.26 Leslie, C. K. Hand-book for young paint- ers. London, 1S70. 12° 669.17 Lloyds, F. Scene and distemper paint- ing. (A practical guide. ) N.Y., [n.d.] 8° OSS. 11 Penley, A. Sketching from nature in water colors. London, [n.d.] 4° . . R. L. Sully, T. Hints to young painters. Phila., 1873. 8° 669.14 Tayler, F. Studies in animal painting. London, 1884. Ob. folio 688.7 Water color painting. London, [n.d.] Ob. folio 669.26 See also Art. Painter's camp. P. G. Hamerton. Boston, 1807. 12° 663.27 Pair of blue eyes, A. T. Hardy. N.Y., 1873. 10° 362.3 Palace and cottage. W. T. Adams. Boston, 18r,9. 10° 458.5 Palace-prison, A; or. The past and present. X.Y., 1SS4. 16° 959.19 Palaces and prisons. [A novel.] Mrs. A. S. Stephens. Phila , [n.d.] 12° ... . 375.18 Paladin and .Saracen. Stories from Ariosto. 11. U. Holhvay-Callliorp. London, 1882. 12°, 1222.23 Paladin of finance. Contemporary manners. E. Jenkins. Boston. 1S82. 16° ... 941.7 Palermo. Chri>lmas to Whitsuntide. A. D. Field. N.Y., 1886. 16° 791.6 Palestine. Bajdeker, K. A guide book of Palestine and Syria. Boston, 1S76. 16°, 764.9 Conder, C. R. IVnt work in Palestine. A record of discovery and adventure. N.Y., 1878. 2 V. 8° 496.14 Dulles, J. W. The ride through Palestine. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 772.20 Explorations in Palestine. N.Y., 1873. 12°, 714.11 2G0 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Palestine — cnnduded. Freese, J. R. Palestine, Syria ami Asia Minor. Piiila., 18(50. 12° 7.;4.10 Gordon, C. G. Reflections in Palestine, 18S3. London, 1884. 16° 771.20 Kitto, J. History of Palestine. Boston, 18r.2. 12° 535.2 Ritter, C. Geograpliy of Palestine and the Sinaitio Peninsula. Translated and adapted to the use of biblical students by AV. L. Gage. N.Y., 1870. 4 v. 8° . . 487.3 Russell, M. Palestine; or, "The Holy Land." N.Y., 18.54. 1G° 471.13 Tillotson, J. History of Palestine and the Holy Land. N.Y., 1875. 8° .... 477.fi See also Holy Land, The. Palestine re-peopled ; or, Scattere° . . . . 121.9 Perry, Thomas S. English literature in the eighteenth century. X.Y., 1883. 12° .1222.19 From Opitz to Lessiug. Pseudo-classicism in literature. Boston. 18S-5. 12° . . . 1237-16 266 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Perry, Thomas S. — concluded. Ed. Lieber, Francis, Life and letters of. Boston, 1SS2. S° llKi.O Perry, Walter Copelantl. A popnlar iritroduc- lion to the study of Greek and Roman sculpture. N.Y., 1S82. S° 683.22 The same 088.4 Persecuted family. The, under Charles II. K. Pollock. Boston, 1S20. 12°. . . . 262.24 Perseverance Island ; or. The Robinson Cru- soe of the niiietoenlh century. D. Frazer. Boston, 1SS.X 12° 928.10 Persia. Ballanliiie, 11. Midnight marches through Persia. (With maps and illus- trations.) Boston, 187!). 8° 400.21 Bassett, J. Persia, the land of the Imams. A narrative of travel and residence. 1871 -75. N.Y., 188(3. 12° 797.7 Fraser, ,1. B. History of I'ersia. N.T., 18.54. 10° . 473.15 Rawlinson, G. The Per.ni, Essays in. Ed. by Andiow Selh OHtZ R. B. IIali)ean breezes. Bos- ton, 1882. 10° 772.9 Pitman, Robert C. Alcohol atid the Slate. N.Y., 1877. 12° 055.22 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 271 Pitt, William, Karl of Chathnm, Life of. T. B. JIacaulay. N.Y., 1877. 10° 181.19 Pitt, Enrl of Chatham, and Biiike, Edmund, Anecdote lives of. J. Tiiubs. London, 1880. 12° 1124. .3 Pittenger, William. Capturing a locomotive. Pliila., l.SSO. 12" .50.5.7 Daring and suffering. Pliila., 186.3. 1G° . 4(J4.3 E.xtenipore speech; how to acquire and l,r.ietise it. Phila., 1883. 12° ... . 685.24 Pittsfield, Mass., History of, 1734-1876. J. E. A. Smith, Ed. Boston, 1SG9-76. 2 v. &" 538.2 Pius IX. The story of his life to the restora- tion in ls5{). With glimpses at the na- tional movement in Italy. A. O. Legge. London, 187.5. iP 1119.4 Pius IX., Story of the life of. T. A. Trollope. Toronto, 1877. 12° 176.26 Pizarro: his adventures and conquests. G. M. Towle. Boston, 1879. 12° 178.3 Place, A, in thy memory. Letter.s and sketches. S. H. De Kroyft. N.Y., 18-50. 12° . . 287.13 Plague year in London, (1605,) Journal of the. D. De Foe. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . .511.12 Plain-speaking. [Essays.] Jlrs. D. M. Craik. X.Y., 1882. 12° ^ 1212.24 Plain talks on familiar subjects. J. G. Hol- land. X.Y., 1860. 12° 225.14 Plain thoughts on the art of living. W. Glad- den. Boston, 1868. 12° 243.19 Plain words about our Lord's work. [Ser- mons.] D. N. Beach. Boston, 1886. 10° 1251.27 Plains of the gre.it West, and their inhabi- tants. E. I. Dodge. N.Y., 1877. 8° . 485.3 Planche, F. D' A., Ed. Guess me. Enigmas, charades, puzzles, etc. N.Y., 1881. 12°, 127.3 Pleinche, J. R. British costume. London, [n.d.] 10° 731.8 The Conqueror and his companions. Lon- don, 1874. 2 V. 8° 193.4 The pursuivant of arms. London, 1851. 12° 651.14 Plane and pl.ank. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16° 457.25 Plant forms (Designs from); sketches from nature. F. E. Hulme. London, 1868. 8° 618.1 Planter's northern bride, The. (Scenes in Mrs. Hentz's childhood.) Mrs. C. L. Hentz. Phila., [n.ii.] 12° 375.32 Plants and Plant life. Bigelow, J. Plants of Boston. Boston, 1824. 8° 647.3 CandoUe, A. de. Origin of cultivated plants. N.Y., 18a5. 12° 1325.8 Cooke, M. C. Freaks and marvels of plant life; or, Curiosities of vegetation. N. Y., [n.d.] 12° 679.12 Grindon, H. L. The phenomena of plant life. Boston, 1866. 8° 648.20 Uerrick, S. B. Chapters on plant life. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 132S.1 The wonders of plant life, under the microscope. N Y., 188.3. 10° . . .1313.10 Hnlme, F. E. Plants, their growth and ornamental treatment. London, 1874. 4° R. L. Masters, M. T. Plant life ou the farm. N.Y., 1885. 16° 1321.12 Plants and Plant life — concluded. Smith, Jolin. Dictionary of popular names of plants. The history, products, and uses of those plants which furnish the natural and acquired wants of man, in all matters of domestic and general economy. London, 1882. 8° 1311.2 Taylor, J. E. The sagacity and morality of plants. A sketch of the life and con- duct of the vegetable kingdom. London, 1884. 12° 1325.1 Vines, S. H. Physiology of plants. Cam- bridge, Eiig., 1886. 8° 1326-16 Platform and pulpit aids. Selections from recent sermons on various topics. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.6 Plato, Dialogues of. B. Jouett, Trans. N.Y., 1871. 4 V. 8° 617.7 The republic. Phil.-i., 1866. 16° . . . . 2-53.25 The trial and death of Socrates. F. J. Church, Trans. London, 1880. 12° . . 126.3 Plato, and other companions of Sokrates. G. Grote. London, 1S85. 4 v. 1^° . . . 1245.5 Plautus, Comedies of. H. T. Eiley, Trans. London, 1870. 2 v. 8° 615.7 Play-day poems. R. Johnson. X.Y., 1878. 16°, 573.11 Play days. [Stories for children.] S. O. Jew- ett. Boston, 1S7S. 12° 446.30 Play-book of metals. The. J. H. Pepper. London, 1869. 16° 6-37.5 Played out. Mrs. P. Cudlip. X.Y., 187.5. 8°, 365.94 Playing for high stakes. Mrs. P. Cudlip. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 365.90 Playing the mischief. J. W. De Forest. X.Y., 187.5. 8° 3.57.28 Plays, etc. Baker, .G. M. The social stage. Boston, 1871. 12° 616.13 Brewster, E. E. Plays, pantomimes, cha- rades, etc. Boston, 1881. 16° ... . 123.25 Gilbert, W. S. Original plays. The wicked world: Pygin.ilion and Galatea: Charity: Tlie princess: The palace of Truth: Trial by jury. N.Y., 1876. 12° 575.5 P.arlor plays. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 646.28 Plays and puritans. C. Kingsley. London, 187:3. 12° ... 234.3 Pleas for protection examined. A. Mongredien. London. 1882. 10° 295.14 Pleasant days in pleasant places. E. Walford. London, 1878. 16° 497.15 Pleasant life, A. M. Howitt. N.Y.,[n.d.] 16°, 431.6 Pleasonton, Gen. A. J., and others. The in- fluence of the blue ray of sunlight, and of the blue color of the sky. Phila., 1876. 8°, 655.18 Pleasures of England. The. [Lectures.] J. Ituskin. N.Y., 18S.5. 12° 1243.16 Pliny, The boys' and girls'. Parts of Pliny's "Natural history," edited for children, with an introduction by J. S. White. N.Y., 1885. 4° 933.1 Pliny's letters. A. Church and W. J. Brod- ribb. Edinburgh, 1872. 12° 262.14 Ploenuies, L. von. Princess Use. Boston, 1874. 4° 924.2 Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of ancient, mediseval, and modern history. Boston, 1884. 12°, 1415.1 Plon, Eugene. Thorwaldson, Life of. Boston, 187:3. 8° 113.9 Ploughed under. The story of an Indian chief, tolil by himself. Inshta Theamba. N.Y., 18S1. 16° :37.^.24 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE I'UBLIC LIBRARY. Plucky boys. Mrs. D. M. Craik. Boston, [ii.i1.| 12° 928.9 Plucky fellows. S. J. MiicKeiina. London, 1873. \i° 4.S8.18 Plum, William K. Military telegraph during the civil war in the U.S. Chicago, 1882. 2v. 8° .^97.5 Plumptree, K. II. St. Paul in Asia Minor. London, [n.d.] 1(1° TtX.i'.) The spirits in prison; and other studies on the life after death. N.Y.,1SS5. 12° .1245.18 Plunkett, Mrs. II. M. Women, plumbers, and doctors. (Household sanitation.) N.Y., 188.-). 10° 1324.22 Plutarch, his life, "Lives'" and "Morals." K. C. Trench. London, 1S7:!. 1(1° . . 211. 2S Works : Essays; with a preface by A. P. Peabody and introduction by K. W. Knicrson. Uoston, 1881. 8° 293.1.5 Lives. J. Dryden, Tranit. Boston, 1859. 5v. 8° ." 152.11 The same, for young folks. R. Kauf- man, j;d. Phila., 1883. 8° . . . lllti.lti The same, for boys and girls. J. S. White, iU N.Y., 1883. 8° . . . 1119.11 Morals. W. W. Goodwin, rrfin.s. Boston, 1870. 5 V. 8° 2.57.7 Plympton, A. G. The Mary Jane papers. N^.Y., 1S84. 16° . . . ". 921. IG Plymouth. B.anvard, J. Plymouth and the pilgrims; or. Incidents of .adventure in the history of the first settlers. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 598.16 Bradford, W. History of Plymouth plan- tation. Boston, 1850. 8° 555.7 Davis, W. T. Ancient landmarks of Plym- outh. Part I. Historical sketch and titles of estates. Part II. Genealogical register of Plymouth families. Boston, 1883. 8° 695.7 Faith White's letter-book. (1020-1623.) Boston, [n.d.] 12° 922.4 Shurtleff, N. B., and Pulsifer, D., Eds, Records of the colony of New Plymouth. Boston, 1855-01. 12 v. 4° .328.1 Young, A. Chronicles of the pilgrim fa- thers of Plymouth. Boston, 1841. 8° . 544.4 Poacher, The. F. Marryat. London, [n.d.] 12° 456.8 Poacher, The amateur. R. .1. Boston, 1879. 12" 072.5 Pocahontas. The early settlement of Virginia, and the .adventures of Capt. John Smith. E. Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 178.14 Pocket rifle. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1882. 10° 914.10 Poe, Edgai- Allan. Gill, W. F. Life. N.Y., 1877. 12° 172.15 Ingram, J. H. Life, letters and opinions. London, 1880. 2 v. 12° 179.5 Stedman, E. C. Life. Boston, 1881. 18° 194.13 ■Wliitman, Mrs. S. U. Poe and his critics. N.Y., 1800. 12° 224.16 Woodberry, G. E. Life. (American men of letters.) Boston, 1885. 16° ... . 1121.19 Works : The literati; with memoir by R. W. Gris- wold. N.Y., 1855. 12° 133.0 Poe, Edgar Allan. Works — concluded. Poetical works; with memoir and vindi- cation by W. F. Gill. London, [n.d.] 18° '. .553.38 Works: with a study of his life by C. Biiudelaire. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 1114.3 Work^i; with memoir by R. H. Stoddard. N.Y., [n.d.] v. 12° 1237.17 Poems in prose. L TourgucinefiE. Boston, 1883. 10° .... ~ 1224.17 Poet at the breakfast table. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1872. 12° 267.15 Poetics, A hand-bocik of, for students of Eng- lish verse. F. B. Gummere. Boston, 188,5. 12° 1238.18 Poetry and philosophy, .Studies in. J. C. Shairp. N.Y., 1872. 12° 225.21 Poetry, Aspects of. (Oxford lectures.) J. C. Shairp. Boston, 1882. 12° 1213.19 Poetry, Collections of. Aiken, Dr., Ed. Select works of British poets. Phila., 1831. 8° 013.11 American poems. Longfellow, Uryant, Whittier, Holmes, and others. With bio- gr.aphieal sketches and notes. Boston, 1.879. 16° 582.10 Arnold, E. The poets of Greece? London, 1809. 8° 017.0 Bates, C. F., Ed. The Cambridge book of poetry .and song. N.Y., 1882. 8° . . . 572.4 British poets, Selections from the. N.Y., 18.54. 2 v. 12° 011.11 Browne, F. F., Ed. Bugle echoes. Poems of the civil war. N.Y., 1886. 12°. . . 578.12 Bryant, W. C, Ed. Library of poetry .and song. N.Y., 1871. 8° 552.2 Chapin, B., Ed. Poets of New Hampshire. Specimen poems with biographical notes. Claremont, N.H., [n.d.] 8° 574.9 Chapman, E. O., Ed. A thousand and one gems of English and American poetry, from Chaucer to Tennyson. N.Y., [n.d.| 12° .577.18 Child, F. J., Ed. Poems of religious sor- row, comfort, counsel and aspiration. Boston, 1886. 10° 588.5 Croly, G., Ed. Beauties of the British poets. Boston, 1861. 12° 573.18 Dexter, D. G., Ed. Poetical gems for the cottage, palace and platform. Cambridge, 1880. 16° 583.22 Eliot, S., Ed. Poetry for children. Edited for use in the schools of Boston. Bos- ton, 1880. 16° 583.3 English, T. D., Ed. Battle lyrics. N.Y., 1885. 8° 572.18 English poets. Poems of living English poets. Boston, 1883. 12° 576.13 Fields, J. T., and Whipple, E. P., Eds. British poetry; from Cliaucerto the pres- ent time. (1350-1878.) Boston, 1878. 8°, 568.12 Gilder, J. L. Representative poems of liv- ing poets, American .and English. Selected by the poets themselves. N.Y., 1886. 8°, 587.1 Harper's cyclopedia of British and Ameri- can poems. Ed. by E. Sargent. N.Y., 1881. 8° 572.2 Home life in song, with the poets of to-diiy. N.Y., 1879. 12° 582.19 Johnson, R., Ed. Single famous poems. N.Y., 1877. 12° 573.171 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 273 Poetry, Collections of — concluded. Kendrick, A. C, Ed. Our poetical favor- ites. (First series.) N.Y., 1872-82. 12°, .553.7 The same. (Second series) 578.13 The same. (Third series) 575.1 Kennedy, J., Ed. Modern poets and poetrj' of Spain. London, 18;J2. 8° . . . . 5C7.12 Kettell, S., Ed. Specimens of American poetry. Boston, [n.d.] 3 v. 12° . . . 554.1 Kirkland, C. il., Ed. Garland of poetry. N.Y., 1868. 12'' 5.52.11 Knortz, K., Ed. Representative German poems, ballad and lyrical. Original texts with English versions by various transla- tors. N.y., 188.5. 8" 572.8 Linton, W. J., Ed. Poems of the 16th and 17th centuries. Boston, 1883. W . . . .576.10 Longfellow, H. W., Ed. Poets and poetry of America. Phila., 1871. 8° . . . . .568.2 See also Poems of places. Lothrop, M. H., Ed. The poet and the children. Poems from the best writers for children. Boston, [n.d.] 4° . . . 568.15 Palmer, J. W., Ed. Folk songs. N.Y., 1867. 8^ R. L. Percy, T., Ed. Reliqiies of ancient English poetry. Old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces. Phila., 1873. 8° . . . . 568.7 Spooner, Z. H., Ed. Poems of the pilgrims. Boston, 1881. 18° .583.23 Stevens, E. T., and Morris, D., Ed.i. An- notated poems. Gray's Elegy; Cowpers Task; Goldsmith's Deserted village, and Traveller ; Scott's Lady of the lake. Phila., 1.878. 16° .583.2 Thompson, S., £■(?. The humbler poets. A collection of verse. (1870-18S5.) Chicago, 1S86. 12° 578.9 Williams, A. M., Ed. Poets and poetry of Ireland. With historical and critical essays, and notes. Boston, 1881. 12° . .575.12 Willmott, R. A., Ed. Poets of the nine- teenth century. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 578.4 Poetry, Individual. Craik, Mrs. D. M. Chil- dren's poetry. London, 1881. 16° . . 576.3 Gilder, R. W. The poet and his master; and other poems. N.Y., 1878. 12°. . . 573.20 Hudson, Mrs. M. C. Poems of life and nature. Boston, 1883. 12° 576.9 Ingelow, J. Poems of old days and the new. Boston, 18*5. 16° 585.11 Lamb, C, Poems, plays, and miscellaneous essays of. A. Ainger, £(i. N.Y.,18S5. 12°, .577.14 Lamb, C. and M. Poetry for children. To which are added, Prince Dorris, and some uncollected poems by Charles Lamb. R. H. Shepherd, Ed. N.Y., 1878. 18° . 583.18 Phelps, E. S. Poetical studies. Boston, 1885. 12° 552.28 Sangster, M.- E. Poems of the household. Boston, 1882. 12° 570.8 Thaxter, C. Poems for children. Boston, 1884. 8° 574.10 The same 574.13 See also authors' surnames. Poems of places. H. W. Longfellow, Ed. Boston, 1876-79. 31 v. 18°. Africa 581.16 America, British and Danish, Mexico, Cen- tral America, South America, and the West Indies 581.21 Poems of places. America — concluded. Middle States 581.18 Xew England. 2v 581.17 Southern States 581.19 Western States .581.20 Asia. 3 V 581.15 England. 4v 581.5 France. 2v 581.6 Germany. 2 v 581.7 Greece 581.8 Ireland 581.9 Italy. 3 V 581 . 10 Oceanica 581.22 Russia 581.11 Scotland. 3v 581.12 Spain. 2v .581.13 Switzerland .581.14 Poets, Afternoons with the. C. D. Deshler. N.Y., 1879. 12° 292.10 Poets and English writers, Essays on. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1855. 16° .... 247.7 Poets and problems. Tennyson, Ruskin, and Browning. G. W. Cooke. Boston, 1886. 12° 1249.14 Poets as religious teachers. J. H. Morison. N.Y., 18S6. 16° 1241.26 Poets, British, Lectures on. H. Reed. Phila., 1S67. 2v. 12° 2:)5.20 Poets, Classic ; their lives and their times. W. T. Dobson. London, 1879. 12° . . 1248.8 Poets, Group of, and their haunts. (Heine, Byron, Tasso, Beranger, De Musset, etc.) J.A.Harrison. X.Y., 187.5. 8° . . . 134.14 Poets laureate of England. History of the office of poet laureate, biographical notices of its holders, and a collection of its satires, epigrams, and lampoons, directed against them. W.Hamilton. London, 1879. 12°, 182.16 Poets of America. E. C. Stedman. Boston, 188.5. 12° 1245.13 Poets, philosophers and statesmen. Anecdotes and personal recollections. S. G. Good- rich. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1122.1 Poef s bazaar. The. Travel in Germany, Italy, Greece, and the Orient. H. C. Andersen. N.Y., 1871. 16° 724.16 Poets' homes. Pen and pencil sketches of American poets and their homes. R. H. Stoddard and others. Boston, 1878. 12°, 282.6 The same. (Second series.) A. Gilman and others. Boston, 1880. 12°. . . 2S2.31 Poganuc people; their loves and their lives. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . 326.28 Point of honor. Mrs. A. Edwards. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 373.24 Poisons. A. S. Taylor. London, 1859. 16° . 631.25 Poitou, Eugi'ue. Spain and its people. Lon- don, 1873. 8° 725.9 The same 725.10 Poland, History of. J.Fletcher. N.Y., 1854. 16° 473.13 Hislorical sketch of. Count H. K. B. von Moltke. London, 188.5. 12° 1415.18 Polano, II., Trans. Selections from the Tal- mud. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 1245.20 Polar regions. (See also Arctic explorations.) Hartwig, G. The polar world. X.Y.,1S69. 8° 717.1 Lesbazeilles, E. The marvels of the polar world. R. Routledge, Trans. London, 1884. 12° 1317.12 274 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Polar regions — concluded. L«slie, Prof., and others. Discovery and adventure in tlie polar sea. N.Y., 18.j5. 16° 711.0 Wrangell, F. Expeditions to the polar sea in 1S20-23. N.Y., ISo.i. IC" 711.11 Pole, William. Theory of the game of wliist. London, 1S77. 16° 6:^.-). 24 Politeness, Primer of. A help to school and home government. A. M. Gow. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 086. .5 See also Etiquette. Political and legal remedies for war. S. Ames. N.Y., 1880. 12° 124.21 Political atheism, Lectures on. L. Boechor. Boston, 1852. 12° 24.3.3 Political crime, A. The history of the great fraud. A. M. Gibson. N.Y., 1885. 8° . • 1429.8 Political economy. Bastiat, F. London, [n.d.] 16° 025.20 Cairnes, J. E. Some leading principles newly expounded. N.Y., 1S78. 8° . . 656.15 Class interests; their relations to each other and to the government. By the author of " Conflict in nature and life." N. Y., 1880. 12° 1249.1 Crocker, U. 11. Excessive saving a cause of commercial distress. Boston, 1884. 8° De Quincey, T. Logic of political economy. Boston, 1859. 12° Fawcett. Mrs. M. G. Political economy for beginners. London, 1880. 16° ... . Lauglilin, J. L. The study of political econ- omy. Hints to students and teachers. N.Y., 188.5. 16° Laveleye, 6. de. Elements of political econ- omy. A. W. Pollard, Trans. With an introduction and supplementary chapter by F. W. Taussig. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . 1324.10 List. F. The national system of political economy. S. S. Lloyd, Trans. London, 1885. 8° 1320.10 Mill, .1. .S. Principles of political economy. N.Y.. 1877. 2v. 8° 274.14 The same. Ed. with notes by L. Laughlin. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1319.10 Newcomb, S. Principles of political econ- omy. X.Y., ]880. 8° 1326.5 Potter, A. Its obiects, uses and principles. N.Y.. 1855. 16° 202.20 Price, B. Chapters on political economy. (Oxford lectures.) London, 1878. 8°. . 676.12 Walker, F. A. (American science series.) N.Y., 1883. 12° 1312. G Wayland, F. Elements of political economy. Boston, 18.54. 12° 626.9 Political evolution ; or, From poverty to com- petence. C. A. Washburn. Phila.. 1885. 12° 1245.12 Political history of recent times. (1816-75.) With special reference to Germany. W. Miiller. Trans, with an appendix cover- ing the period from 1876 to 1881, by J. P. Peters. N.Y., 1882. 8° 597.6 Political ideas. America viewed from tlie standpoint of universal history. J. Fiske. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1243.2 Political institutions. [Part V. of, The prin- ciples of sociology.] H. Spencer. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1219.8 1.322.5 224.21 1313.8 1.32S.3 Political parties in the U.S., Rise and fall of the. 1!. Blanchard. Chicago, 1884. 16° .596.11 Political recollections. (1840-72.) G. W. Ju- lian. Chicago, 1884. 12° 1229.12 Political Register, and Congression.al Directory. Compiled by B. P. Poore. Boston, 1878. 8° 276.1 Political science and economy and the political history of the U.S. [A cyclopiedia.] J. L. Lalor. Chicago, 1883. 3 v. 8° . . R. L. Political science; or. The state, theoretically and practically considered. T. D. Wool- sey. N.Y., 1878. 2 v. 8° 656.8 Politician, A, in trouble about his soul. A. Herbert. London, 1884. 12° . . . .1242.16 Politician's daughter, A. [A novel.] M. S. Hamlin. N.Y., 1886. 16° 976.19 Politics. Ames, S. The science of politics. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1312.7 Crane, W. W., and Moses, B. An introduc- tion to the study of comparative constitu- tional law. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1232.13 Johnstone, A. History of American politics. N.Y., 1879. 18° 291.19 The same 1238.21 McPherson, E. Hand-book of politics for 1878. Washington, 1878. 8° 489.9 Nordhoff, C. Poll tics for young Americans. X.Y., 1875. 12° 251.11 Practical politics. The tenant farmer, by J. Howard. Foreign policy, by M. E. G. Duff. Freedom of land, by G. S. Lefevre. British colonial policy, by D. Washburn. London, ISSl. 8° . .' 1215.8 Polkiughorue, Tragelles. David Easterbrook; an Oxford story. London. 1883. 12°. . 946.15 Polko, Elise. Mendelssolin-Bartholdy, Biogra- phy of. N.Y.,1809. 16° 211.6 Pollard, Edward A. The lost cause. A south- ern history of the war of the confederates. N.Y.,186S. 8° 556.6 Pollard, Eliza F. 'i'he lady superior. N.Y., 1875. 8° 361.42 Pollock, Frederick. Jurisprudence and eth- ics. London, 1882. 8° 1215.18 The land laws. London. 188-3. 12° . . . 12.32.3 and Stephen, L., Eds. Lectures and es- says, by W. K. Clifford. London, 1879. 2 V. 8° 284.12 Pollock, Lady. Macready as I knew him. London, 1884. 12° 11.34.10 Pollock, Walter H., and Lady. Amateur the- atricals. London, 1879. 16° .... 6.S1.9 Pollok, Robert. The persecuted family, under Charles II. Boston, 1829. 12° . . . . 262.24 Polo, Marco; his travels. Ed. for boys and girls, by T. W. Knox. N.Y., 188.5. 4°. 921.11 Polynesia, History of the principal islands of. M.Russell. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° .. . . 473.17 Pomology, American. Apples. J. A. War- der. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 648.34 Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton, E. Last days of Pompeii. [A novel.] Phila., 1873. 16°, 344.21 Dyer, T. H., Ed. History of . Pompeii. N.Y., 1870. 8° 725.8 Clarke, W. Its past and present. Lon- don, [n.d.] 2v. 16° 472.9 Gell, Sir W., and Gandy, J. P. Pompeiana. Topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii. London, 1875. 8° .... 534.11 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 275 Pompeii — concluded. Moiiiiier, M. Wonders of Pompeii. N.T., 1870. 10° 712.18 Ponce de Leon. By an Estanciero. London, 1878. 8° 369. 2G Ponce, Jolm H. The Sacred Heart Advocate. E. Cambridge, 1SS2. Folio 751.3 Pond, Enoch. Lives of Increase Mather and .S'iV W. Phipps. Boston, 1870. 12° . . 115.19 Pond-life, Marvels of. A year's microscopic recreations. H. J. Slack. London, 1880. 10° 1313.16 Pontiac, History of the conspiracy of. F. Parkman. Boston, 1855. S° .... 514.16 Poole, John. Little Pedlington. N.T., 1857. 2 V. 10° 431.11 Poole, Reginald Lane. Bach, Sebastian, Life of. (The great musicians.) N.Y., 1882. 12° 1114.1 Poole, Reginald Stuart. Cities of Egypt. London, 1SS2. 12° 775.12 The same 789.3 and others. Lectures on art. London, 1882. 12° 685.13 Poole, W. F. Anti-slavery opinions before 1800. Cincinnati, 1873. 8° 221.5 Poor, Henry V. Money and its laws. X.Y., 1877. 8° 495.3 Resumption and the silver question. N.Y., 1S7S. 12° 282.19 Poor, Laura E. Sanskrit and its kindred lit- eratures. Boston, 1880. 12° .... 128.13 Poor boys who have become famous. Mrs. S. K. Bolton. N.Y., 1885. 12° .... 932.2 Poor humanity. [A novel.] F. W. Robinson. N.Y., 1875. 8° 365.77 Poor Jack. F. Marryat. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 456.1 Poor Matt. J. Ingelow. Boston, 1866. 16° . 462.27 Poor Miss Finch. W. Collins. N.Y., 187-5. 12°, 335.35 Poore, Benjamin Perley. Burnside, A. E., Life and services of. Providence, 1882. 8°, 1112.8 Ed. Descriptive catalogue of the U. S. Government Publications. (1771-1881.) Washington, 1885. 4° R. L. Reminiscences of sixty years in Washing- ton. Vol.1. Phila., fn. d.] 8° . . . 1253.10 Pope, Alexander. Life. (English men of let- ters.) L.Stephen. N.Y., 1880. 12°. . 192.27 Poetical works; with life by Alex. Dyce. Boston, [n.d.] 3 v. 16° .562.7 Pope, Gen. John. History of the army of the Potomac under him. From Cedar Moun- tain to Alexandria. (1802.) 6. H. Gor- don. Boston, 1880. 8° 692.5 Pope, Joseph J. Number one, and how to take care of him. Talks on social and sanitary science. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . 1324.2 Pope, The, and the council. V. A. Huber. Boston, 1870. 12° 235.23 Pope or president? Essays on Romanism. N.Y., 18.J9. 12° 223.6 Popery, Thoughts on. W. Nevins. N.Y., 1830. 10° 283.6 Popes in the middle .ages. The prophetic spirit. Prophecies of the Christian era. J. J. I. von DGIlinger. H. B. Smith, Ed. N.Y., 1872. 12° 228.7 Popes of Rome, History of. L. Ranke. Lon- don, 1847. 2 V. 8° 152.12 Popkin, John S., Memorial of. C. C. Felton. Cambridge, 1852. 12° 133.7 Poplar House academy. A. Manning. Lon- don, 18.59. 2v. 16° 436.12 Popular Science Monthly. X.Y., 1872-1886. 29 V. 8° 482.5 Vol. I. May-Oct., 1872. Vol. XVI. Nov., lS70,-Apr., 1880. II. Nov., 18-2,-Apr., 1873. XVII. May-Oct., 1880. III. May-Oct., 1873. .Will. Nov., 1880,-.Apr., 1881. IV. Nov., 1873,-Apr., 1874. XIX. May-Oct, 1881. V. May-Oct., 1874. XX. Nov., 18Sl,-Apr., 1882. VI. Nov., 1874,-Apr., 1875. XXI. May-Oct., 1882. VII. May-Oct., 1875. XXII. Nov., 1882,-Apr., 1883. VIII. Nov., 1875,-Apr., 1870. X.VIII. May-Oct., 18S3. IX. May-Oct., 1870. XXIV. Nov., lS83,-Apr., 1884. X. Nov., 1876,-Apr.,1877. X.W. May-Oct., 1884. XI. May-Oct., 1S77. XXVI. Nov., 1884,-,\pr., 1885. XII. Nov., 1877,-Apr., 1878. X.WII. May-Oct., 1885. XIII. May-Oct., 1878. X.WIU. Nov., 18S5,-Apr., 1886. XIV. Nov., 1878,-Apr., 1879. XXIX. May-Oct., 1886. XV. May-Oct., 1879. Population, An essay on the principles of. A view of its past and present effects on human happiness, with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future re- moval of the evils which it occasions. T. R. Malthus. London, 1872. 8° . . . 656.10 Population of an old pear tree. E. Van Bruys- sel. N.Y., 1870. 12° 461.3 Portent, The. G. Macdonald. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 336.7 The same 336.20 Porter, Mrs. A. E. Cousin Polly's gold mine. N.Y., 1878. 8° .377.10 Porter, Charles T. Mechanics and faith. Spiritual truths in nature. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1327.8 Porter, David D., Admiral, U.S.N. Civil war. Anecdotes of tlie. N.Y., 1885. 8° . . . 1429.4 The naval history of the civil war. N.Y., 1886. Roy. 8° 1414.5 Porter, J. L. Giant cities of Bashan. London, 1866. 12° 733.7 Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs. Phila.,1871. 1:;°, 342.8 Sir Edward Seaward's narrative. London, [n.d.j 12° 386.2 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Phila., [n.d.] 8° . 427.36 Porter, Lutlier H. Outlines of tlie constitu- tional history of the U.S. N.Y., 1883. 12° .598.7 Porter, Noah. American colleges and the American public. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 285.3 Berkeley, Bishop George, A discourse on the two hundredth birthday of. N.Y., 1885. 8° 11313.8 Books and reading. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . 230.1 K.ant's "Ethics." Chicago, 1886. 16° .1251.19 Moral science. The elements of. N.Y., 1885. 8° 1322.7 Science and sentiment; with other papers, chiefly philosophical. N.Y., 1882. 8° . 1218.6 Porter, Robert P. Bread winners abroad. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 792.21 The history of the West. (1800-1880.) Chi- cago, 1882. 8° 773.3 Protection .and free trade. Boston, 1884. 16°, 1231.14 Porter, Rose. Found.ations. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 432.31 In the mist. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 363.82 The story of a flower, and other fragments. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 949.22 Summer drift-wood. N.Y., 1870. 16° . . 414.6 Uplands and lowlands. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . 363.62 Tlie years th.at are told. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 362.43 Porter, W. History of the Knights of Malta. London, 1858. 2 v. 8° 531.2 276 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Portia; or, By passions rocked. Mrs. Argles. Phila., 18S:3. 12° 044.11 The same t)44.12 Portrait of a lady. II. James. Boston, 1S82. 12° 389.5 The same 389.14 Portraits of places. H. James. Boston, 1884. V2- 782.15 Portugal, Old and new. O. Crawfurd. Lou- don, 1880. 8^ 7G7.3 Travels in. J. Latouclie. N.Y., 1875. 8°, 7M.12 Poseidon. Essays on mythology. K. Brown. London, 1872. 16" 472.12 Posey, Thomas, Life of. J. Hall. (American biography. Vol. IX.) 111.3 Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.13 Post haste. A tale of her Slajesty's mails. R. M. Ballantyne. N.Y., 1880. 12°. . 386.17 Potiphar papers, The. G. W. Curtis. N.Y., 18.")8. 12° 247.9 Potomac, The army of tlie. \V. Swiuton. N.Y., 1806. 8° 547.12 Potomac, The, and the Rapidan. A. H. Quint. Boston, 1864. 12° 663.8 Pott, Mrs. Henry. Tlie Promus of formularies and elegancies by Francis Bacon, com- pared with Shalvcspeare. Boston, 1883. 8° 572.5 Potter, A. Hand-book for readers and students. X.Y., 1855. 12° 263.23 Political economy. N.Y., 1855. 12° . . 262.26 Science and literature, Discourses on. N.Y., 18.5.5. 12° a53.12 Potter, Burton W. The road and the roadside. Boston, 1886. 18° 1255.1 Potter, Henry C. The gates of the East. N.Y., 1877. 18° 731.18 Sermons of the city. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . 128.14 Pottery. Elliott, C. W. Pottery and porce- lain, from early times, down to tlie Phila- delphia exhibition, 1876. X.Y.,1878. 8°, 618.24 Hancock, E. C. The pottery and glass painter. Directions for gilding, chasing, burnishing, bronzing, and ground-laying. London, [n.d] 12° 682.2 Jewitt, L. Ancient and modern porcelain and pottery. History of ceramic art in Great Britain. N.Y., 1878. 2 v. 8°. . 683.13 McLaughlin, L. M. Pottery decoration under the glaze. Cincinnati, ISSO. 12°. 681.15 Prime, W. C. Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations. With tables of factory and artist's marks, for the use of collect- ors. N.Y., 1878. 8° 618.25 Solon, L. M. The art of the old English potter. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1615.1 Treadwell, J. H. A manual of pottery and porcelain. N.Y., 1872. 8° .... . 052.0 See also Art, Ceramic. Potts, Thomas, Jr. Memorial, with the geneal- ogy of his descendants to the eighth gen- eration. Mrs. T. P. James. Cambridge, 1874. 8° 528.18 Pouchet, F. A. The universe. N.Y., 1870. 8°, 619.4 Poultry. Beale, S. Profitable poultry keeping. £d. with additions by M. C. Weld. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1318.19 Burnham, G. P. The China fowl. Shang- hae. Cochin, and " Brahma." Melrose, Mass., 1877. 12° 672.4 Poultry — concluded. Buriiliam, G. P. The poultry book. A practi- cal work on selecting, housing, and breed- ing domestic fowls. Boston, [n.d.] 12°, 674.1 Stoddard, II. H. The egg farm. The man- agement of poultry in large numbers. N.Y., 1870. 12° 647.22 Taggart, J. The American standard poul- try book. The varieties of fowls; instruc- tions on raising poultry, curing diseases, artificial incubation, etc. Phila., 1885. 12° 1325.20 Tegetnieier, W. B. The poultry book. Breeding and management of poultry, etc. London, 1867. 8° 618.18 Wright, L. The poultry keeper. A guide to the management of poultry. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 647.27 PouvUlon, Emille. Cusette. N.Y., 1882. 16°, 941.20 Poverty corner. G. M. Fenn. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 964.19 Poverty grass. A novel. L. C. Wyman. Boston, 1880. 16° 978.14 Po'well, H. J., and others. The principles of glass-making. London, 1883. 10° . . 1313.15 PoTvell, John J. Nevada: the land of silver. San Francisco, 1876. 8° 763.8 Po\vell, Mary, Maiden and married life of. N.Y.. [n.d.] 8° l;34.0 Powell, Walter, Life of. L. P. Brockett. N.Y., 1872. 8° 139.9 PoTvell, Wilford. Wanderings in a wild coun- try. (New Britain.) London, I8S3. 8°, 779.8 Poorer of movement in plants. C. Darwin. N.Y., 1881. 12° 078.5 Powers, George W. Story of the thirty-eighth regiment. Cambridge, 1800. 12° . . . 607.15 Powers, S. Afoot and alone. [Travels.] Hartford, 1872. 12° 715.19 Poynter, E. Frances. Among the hills. N.Y., 1881. 10° 37i).34 Ersilia. X.Y., 1872. 16° 364.40 My little lady. N.Y., 1872. 16° ... . 362.8 Poynter, Edward J., and Head, P. R. Classic and Italian painting. N.Y., 1880. 12°. 682.14 Praed, Winthrop M. Poems. N.Y., 1865. 2 V. 12° 612.10 Praeterita. Outlines of scenes and thoughts in my past life. Vol. I. J. Ruskin. X.Y., 1880. 8° 1139.8 The same. Chapter VII. Papa and mamma 1132.11 Prairie, The. J.F.Cooper. ^^Y., 1855. 12°, 313.8. The same 318.20 Prairie and forest. A guide to the field sports of Xorth America. P. Gillmore. Lon- don, 1881. 12° 782.21 Prairie days; or. The girls and boys of Osego. M. B. Sleight. N.Y.. 1879. 10° . . . 445.34 Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep. .1/ojor W. Shepherd. X.Y., 188.5. li° 789.17 Prairie traveller, The. R. B. Marcy. N.Y., 1859. 10° 443.20 Praise of books as said and sung by English autliors. Selected, with a preliminary essay on books, by J. A. Langford. N.Y., [n d.] 18° 295.2 Pratt, Anne. Flowering plants and ferns of Great Britain. London, [n.d.] v. 8°, 047.9 Pratt, Charles E. The American bicycler. Boston, 1879. 16° 673.8 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. U I OTU.IG 111.3 544.7 1311.9 313.9 381.21 862.11 Pratt, Mrs. Ella Farraan. A while Iiaiul. Bos- ton, 1S75. 16° .363.24 Preacher, The, and the king. h. F. Btingener. Boston, 18.». 12° 162.18 Preaching, The theory of. Lectures on homi- letics. A. Phelps. N.Y., ISSl. 8° . . 1211.3 Preaching without notes, Success in. II. S. .Storrs. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 205.10 Preadamites ; or, A demonstration of tlie ex- istence of men before Adam. A. Win- chell. Chicago, 1880. 8° Preble, E., Life of. L. Sabine. (American biography, Vol. XII.) Preble, George II. Our flag. Albany, 1872. 8° Steam navigation. History of the origin and development of. Pliila., 188.3. 8° . Precaution. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 18.i5. 12°, The same Precious metals in tlie U.S. (See Vol. XIII. of the tenth census.) Washington, 188.5. 4° Precious stones considered in their scientific and artistic relations. A. H. Church. London, 1SS3. 12° 1312.20 Natural history of. C. W. King. London, 1870. 12° 643.22 .See also Geras and Mineralogy. Pre-historic nations. J. D. Baldwin. N.Y., ISOn. 12° 484.6 Pre-historic pliases. H. M. Westropp. Lon- don, 1872. 8° 652.8 Pre-historic times. Sir J. Lubbock. London, ISO!). 8° 526.7 Pre-historic world. £. Berlhet. Phila , [n.d.] 12° 675.6 Prelate, Tlie. [.\ novel.] I. Henderson. Bos- ton, 1885. 12° 977.3 Premature death; its promotion or prevention. (Health primer.) N.Y., 1879. 16° . . 673.4 Premiums paid to experience. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 337.9 Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth, Life of. G. L. Pren- tiss. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° The same Works : Aunt Jane's hero. N.Y., 1870. 12°. Fred, Maria, and me. N.Y., 1868. 16° - Home at Greylock. N.Y., 1876. 12°. , NIdwortli and his three magic wands. Boston, 1870. 16° 433.15 Pemaquid. N.Y., 1877. 12° .... 414.26 The Percys. N.Y., 1870. 16° ... . 444. .33 Slepping heavenward. N.Y., 1870. 12°, 414.15 Urband and his friends. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 265.13 Prentiss, George D. Clay, Henry, Life of. N.Y., 1831. 10° 147.14 Poems; with a biographical sketch by J. J. Piatt. Cincinnati, 1870. 12° .... 554.24 Prentiss, Seargent Smith. Memoir. G. L. Prentiss, £(/. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 12°. . 192.12 Life and times of. J. D. Shields. Phila., 1884. 8° 1125.8 Preparation. [A novel.] M. L. Hall. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 946.11 Pre-Raphaelitism. J. Ruskin. N.Y., 1882. 1:.:' 689.8 Presbyterianism, American. Its origin and early history. C. A. Briggs. N.Y., 13S5. 8° 1423.9 1116.8 1119.5 414.10 363.16 422.23 Prescott, George B. Electric telegraph, His- tory, theory and practice of the. Boston, 1860. 12° 6-36.13 Electricity and the electric telegraph. X.Y., 1877. 8° 6.56.2 Telephone, phonograph, and other novel- ties. N.Y., 1878. 8° 0.56.11 Prescott, William H., Life of. G. H. Ticknor. Boston, 1864. 8° 117.12 The same 168.3 Memorial of, for the Mass. Historical So- ciety. Boston, 18.59. 8° 152.3 Works : , Conquest of Mexico. (Vol. I. missing.) N.Y., 18.5.5. 3v. 8° 478.9 Conquest of Peru. N.Y., 18.55. 2 v. 8°, 47810 Ferdinand and Isabella, History of the reign of. Boston, 1856. 3 v. 8° . . 533.6 Miscellanies, biographical and critical. Phila., 1877. ir 282.17 Philip II., King of Spain, History of. Boston, ia55. 3 v. 8° 130.1 The same 533.7 President's daughters. The. F. Bremer. Phila., [n.d.]' 12° .341.9 President's words, The. A. Lincoln. Bos- ton, 186.5. 12° 262.25 Presidential elections, History of. E. Stan- wood. Boston, 1884. 12° 141.5.11 Presidents of America, The. [Biographical sketches.] Illustrated. J. Fiske. Bos- ton, 1S79. 4° K. L. Presidents of the U.S. of America, Lives of; from Washington to the present time. J. S. C. Abbott and R. H. Conwell. Bos- ton, 1S82. 8° 1125.1 Pressens6, E. de. Contemporary portraits. N.Y., 1880. 12° 185.11 The early years of Christianity. N.Y., 1870. 12° 244.17 Preston, D. R. The wonders of creation. Boston, 1807. 2 v. 12° 262.4 Preston, Harriet W. Aspendale. Boston, 1871. 16° 432.10 Love in the nineteenth century. Boston, 1873. 12° 3.34.1 Troubadours and trouvferes. Boston, 1876. 12° 573.2 Trans. Desbordes-Valmore, Mme., Memoir of. Boston, 1873. 8° 139.12 The "Georgics" of VirgU. Boston, 1881. 18° 583 19 Swetchine, Mme., Life and letters of. Boston, 1867. 8° 134.12 Preston, Mary. Studies in Shakespeare. Phila., 1869. 12° 261.5 Pretenders, and their adherents. [Memoirs.] J. II. Jesse. London, 18.58. 12° . . . 212.10 Pretty Lucy Merwyn. M. Lakeman. Boston, 1884. 16° ." 962.24 Pretty Miss Bellew. T. Gift. N.Y., 1875. 10° 362.47 Pretty Mrs. Gaston. J. E. Cooke. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 345.13 Pretty Polly Pemberton. Mrs. F. H. Burnett. Phila., [n.d.] 16° 371.16 Price, Bonamy. Chapters on political economy. London, 1878. 8° 676.12 Price, Sir Rose Lambert. The two Americas. Phila., 1877. 8° 487.11 278 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Price she paid, The. F. L. Benedict. Phila., 1S83. 12° 048.22 The same 048.23 Prichard, James Cowles. Tlie natural history of mail. London, 184S. 8° 622.3 Pride and prejudice. J. Austen. London, 18.53. 16° 312.25 The same. Boston, 1883. 12° ... . 953.5 Priest, Tlie, and the Huguenot. L. F. Bunge- ner. Boston, 1861. 2 v. 12° ... . 345.3 Priest, The, and the man; or, Abelard and Heloisa. [A novel.] W. W. Newton. Boston, 1883. 12° 047.9 Prime, E. D. G. Around the world. N.Y., 1872. 12° 724.3 Prime, Samuel I. Letters from Switzerland. N.Y., 1800. 12° 664.26 UndiT Ihe trees. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 233.1 Prime, William C. Boat life in Egypt and \ubia. N.Y., 18GT. 12° 663.15 Coins, medals and seals. N.Y., 1864. 8°. 652.7 Tlie history of the holy cross. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 261.22 Igoa-fishing. N.Y., 1873. 8° 2.33.6 Later years. N.Y., 18.54. 12° 342.33 Ed. " O mother dear, Jerusalem," the old hymn; its origin, etc. N.Y., 1865. 12°, 611.5 The old house by the river. N.Y., 1859. 12°, 311.11 Pottery ?ind porcelain of all times and na- tions. N.Y., 1878. 8° 018.25 Tent life in the Holy Land. N.'Y., 1867. 12° , 663.14 Prime minister. The. [A novel.] A. TroUope. N.Y., 1876. 8° 305.25 Tlie same. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 963.20 Prime-ministers of Queen Victoria. G. B. Smith. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1139.4 Primeval man. Duke of Argyll. N.Y., 1869. 16° 253.18 Primeval world. F. H. Hedge. Boston, 1870. 12° 235.24 Primeval world. Life in the. W. H. D. Adams, London, 1872. 12° . . . . 621.11 Primitive culture. E. B. Tylor. London, 1871. 2 v. 8° 627.9 Primitive industry ; or, Illustrations of the handiwork in stone, bone, and clay, of the native races of the northern Atlantic seaboard of America. C. E. Abbott. Sah-m, Mass., 1881. 8° 677.11 Primrose path. The. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 1878. 8° 323.35 Prince, The, and the pauper. A tale for young people of all ages. S. L. Clemens. Boston, 1882. 8° 395.13 The same 395.14 Prince Consort, The early years of the. C. Grey. N.Y., 1867. 12° 215.8 Life of the. T. Martin. N.Y., 1875. 5 v. 12° 145.18 Prince Hal; or. The romance of a rich young man. F.Andrews. Phila., 1882. 12°. 942.18 Prince Imperial of France, Life of the. E. Barlee. London. 1880. 8° 187.10 Prince of darkness. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1861. 12° 417.2 Prince of Wales in India; or. From Pall Mall to the Punjaub. J. D. Gay. N. Y., 1877. 12° 492.2 Princes, authors, and statesmen, of our own limes. By various authors. J. Parton, Ed. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1133.10 Princes of Wales, Book of the. Dr. Doran. London, I860. 12° 514.1 Princes of art. The. Mrs. S. A. Urbino, Trans. Boston, 1870. 12° 651.6 Princess. [A novel.] M. G. McClelland. N.Y., 1886. 10° 078. 16 Princess, The. [A medley.] A. Tennyson. Ed. with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. Boston, 1885. 12° 577.10 Princess Alethea. [A story for girls.] F. M. Peard. N.Y., 1882. 16° 943.12 Princess Alice. Her life and letters. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1134.8 Princess Am(51ie. A fragment of autobiography. (No name series.) Boston, 188,3. 16°. . 945.9 The same 945.10 Princess Use. A story of the Hartz Moun- tains. L. von Ploennies. Boston, 1874. 4° 924.2 Princess of Thule. W. Black. London, 1874. 12° .347.60 The same 347.27 The same 948.7 Princess, The, and Curdie. G. Macdonald. Phila., 1883. 12° 944.16 Princesses of the house of Stuart. A. Strick- land. X.Y., 1872. 8° I'W.o Princeton, N.J., and its institutions. History, to the present time. J. F. Hageman. Phila., 1879. 2 V. 8° 555.11 Principles and portraits. C. A. Bartol. Bos- ton, 1880. 12° 124.11 Pringle, Mrs. M. A. A journey towards the Mountains of the Moon. Edinburgh, 1884. 8° 787.6 Printing. Humphreys, H. N. History of the art of printing. London, 1868. 4° . . 619.1 Ringwalt, J. L., Ed. American encyclo- pjBdia of printing. Phila., 1871. 8°. . 618.10 Thomas, I. History of printing in America. Worcester, 1810. 2 v. 8° 642.10 Prior, H. Expiated. Boston, 1873. 8° . . 309.27 Prior, James. Burke, Edmund, Memoir of. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 12° 148.2 Prior, Matthew. Poetical works: with a life by John Mitford. Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 16° 563.6 Prisoners of St. Lazare. Mme. de Grandpr^, Ed. N.Y., 1872. 12° 311.16 Prisons, Her Majesty's; their effects and de- fects. By one who has tried them. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 1229.13 Privateersman, The. F. Marryat. Boston, 1866. 12° 455.10 Pro aris et focis. R. B. H. Davis. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 251.20 Probation. [A novel.] J. Fothergill. N.Y., J870. 16° 376.17 The same 370. .38 Problem of human destiny, The. O. Dewey. N.Y., 1864. 8° 624.1 Problem of the poor. A record of (juiet work in unquiet places. Mrs. H. Campbell. N.Y., 1882. 16° 941.17 Problematic characters. F. Spielhagen. N.Y., 1860. 12° 413.17 Problems of life and mind. G. II. Lewes. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12° 232.0 The same. (Third series.) Boston, 1879. 12° 286.17 The same 294.20 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 279 Probus ; or, Rome in the third century. W. Ware. N.Y., 18:iS. 2 v. 12° ... . 281.9 Probyu, John Webb. Italy; from the fall of Napoleon I. in 181.5 to 1878. N.Y., 18X4. 8" 1424.8 Protection to home industry. K. E. Thomp- son. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.7 Protectionism vs. free trade. The .'■eientific validity and economic operation of defen- sive duties in the U. S. H. M. Uoyt. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1327.9 Procter, Adelaide A. Poems. Boston, 1804. 16° 611.17 Proctor, Bryan W. (Barjy Cornwall.) An autobiographical fragment, and bio- graphical notes; with personal sketches of contemporaries, unpublished lyrics, and letters of literary friends. Boston, 1877. 12° 171.20 Lamb, Charles, Memoir of. Boston, 1866. 12° 215.18 The same 21.5.19 Proctor, Edna 1). A Russian journey. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 733.20 Proctor, Major G. History of the crusades. London, 1854. 12° 474.2 Proctor, Richard A. Astronomy, Essays on. London, 1872. S= 645.10 Astronomy, Myths and marvels of. N.Y., 1877. 8° 656.6 Astronomy, Poetry of. Phila., 1881. 12°, 678.1 Borderland of science. Phila., 1874. 12°. 641.6 Easy star lessons. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . . 1312.1 Expan.se of heaven. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . 644.18 Familiar science. [Studies.] N.Y., 1882. 12° 679.7 Flowers of the sky. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 675.10 The great pyramid. London, 1883. 12° . 775.1 Half hours with the stars. London, 1870. 4° 619.8 Light science for leisure hours. London, 1871. 12° 042.14 Mysteries of time and space. N.Y., 1883. 12° 079.25 The orbs around us. London, 1872. 12° . 645.17 Other worlds than ours. N.Y., 1871. 12°, 645.14 Pleasant ways in science. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 658.17 The same 674.9 Rough ways made smooth. N.Y., 1880. 12° 675.12 Saturn and its system. London, 186.5. 8°, 045.3 The sun. London, 1871. 12° 645.15 The universe of suns, and other science gleanings. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1324.21 Whist, How to play. Its laws and etiquette. London, 188.5. 12° 1012.3 Prodigious fool, A. J. C. Wallis. Phila., 18S1. l^o 378.39 Professional recollections, Some. By a former member of the council of the Incorporated Law Society. London, 1883. 12°. . .1229.14 Professor, The. [A novel.] Mrs. C. Bronte- Xicholls. N.Y., 18.57. 12° 303.5 The same 363.59 Professor, The, at the breakfast table. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1800. 12° 267.16 Professor Conant. A story of English and American social and political life. L. S. Huntington. N.Y., 1884. 12° ... . 958.4 Proffatt, John. The curiosities and laws of wills. San Franciso, 1876. 10° . . . 271.3 Progress and poverty. The causes of increase of want, with increase of wealth. H. George. N.Y., 1880. 12° 294.18 Promus, The, of formularies and elegancies. Private notes hitherto unpublished. Francis Bacon. Illustrated and eluci- dated by passages from Shakespeare. Mrs. H. Pott. Preface by E. A. Abbott. Boston, 1SS3. 8° 572.5 Property and labor, Essays on. F. Lieber. N.Y., 1854. 12° 201.14 Property and progress; or, A brief inquiry into contemporary social agitation in England. W. H. Mallock. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1232.17 Prophet, The. [A poem.] B. Taylor. Bos- ton, 1874. 12° 5.51.4 Prophet, The, of the Great Smoky Mountain. M. N. Murfree. Boston, 1885. 16° . . 909.13 The same 969.14 Prophetic voices concerning America. C. Sumner. Boston, 1874. 12° 233.2 Prophets of Israel and their place in history. (To the close of the eighth century, B.C.) W. R. Smith. N.Y., 1882. 12° ... 1217.21 Prose masterpieces from modern essayists. N.Y., [n.d.] 3v. 16° 1224.13 Vol. I. Irving, Hunt, Lamb, De Quincey, Landor, Smith, Thackeray, Emerson, Arnold, Morley. II. Helps, Kingsley, Ruskin, Lowell, Carlyle, Macaulay. III. Froude, Freeman, Gladstone, Newman, Stephen. Prose writers of Germany. F. H. Hedge. Phila., 1847. 8° . . " 117.5 Prosper Merimee's Letters to aii incognita; with recollections, hy Lamartine and George Sand. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 134.18 Prosser, Mrs. The Clackitts of Inglebrook Hall. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 431.10 Protection. George, H. Protection or free trade. An e.^amination of the tariff question, with special regard to the inter- ests of labor. N.Y., 1886. 12°. . . .1327.17 Grosvenor, W. M. Does protection pro- tect? N.Y., 1871. 8° 245.10 Phillips, Willard. Protection and free trade. Boston, 1850. 12° 252.17 Porter, R. P. Protection and free trade to- day, at home and abroad, in field and workshop. Boston, 1884. 16° .... 1231.14 Sumner, W. G. Protectionism the 'Ism which teaches, that waste makes wealth. N.Y., 1885. 16° 1328.8 Taussig, F. W. Protection to young in- dustries, as applied in the U. S. (A study in economic history.) Cambridge, 1883. 12° 1225.9 ^"ee also Free trade. Protestantism, The history of. J. A. Wylie. London, [n.d.] 3 v. 8° ....'. . 488.2 Protestants of France, History of the. G. De Felice. London, 1853. 12° .... 535.6 Proudhon, P. J. What is property ? Prince- ton, Mass., 1876. 8° 481.8 Prout, Father, lieliques of. F. Mahoney. London, 1800. 12° 263.3 The same 272.21 Final reliques of. F. Mahoney. B. Jer- " rold, Ed. London, 1876. 12° .... 172.14 280 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Prouty, Lorenzo. Fish ; their habits, haunts, and tlie methods of catching them. Bos- ton, 18S3. 12° l;Jll.i:! Proverb stories. L. M. Alcott. lioston, 1882. 10° 1141.15 Proverbs, Hand-book of. H. G. Bohn. Lon- don, 1870. 12° 234.9 Proverbs and emblems, P^astern. Illustrating olil truths. J. Long. Boston, ISSl. 12°, 129.24 Proverbs and proverbial phrases, English. C. Hazlitt. London, 1SS2. 12° .... 1228.2 Providence, R. I., King's pocket-book of. Cambridge, [n.d.] 16° 778.1 Prudence. A story of ajsthetic London. L. C. Lillie. N.y., 1882. 16° 388.27 Prudence Palfrey. T. B. Aldrich. Boston, 1874. 12° 363.9 Prudy keeping house. R. S. Clarke. Boston, 1871. 16° 466.3 Prue and I. G. W. Curtis. N.Y., 1858. 16° . 364.24 Prussia, History of, to the accession of Fred- erick the Great. (1134-1740.) H. Tut- tle. Boston, 1884. 12° 1413.5 Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelniina, Princess royal. W. D. Howells, J'Jd. Boston, 1877. 2 v. 16° 181.1 Recollections of the court of Prussia. Sophie Maria, Countess Von Voss. Lon- don, 1876. 2 V. 12° 185.4 Prussias. A romance of ancient Rome under the republic. E. Eckstein. N.Y., 1884. 2 V. 16° 951.6 Psalms, The origin and growth of the. [Lec- tures.] T. C. Murray. N.Y., 1880. 12°, 125.6 Pseudonyms and initials. A dictionary of literary disguises. W. Gushing. N.Y., 188.5. 8° 1233.6 Psychology. Janes, E. Human psychology. Intellect, feeling and will. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1327.19 Munsell, O. S. N.Y., 1871. 12° ... . 625.3 Ribot, T. German psychology of today. N.Y., 1886. 12° . ." 1249.12 Spencer, H. The principles of psychology. N.Y., 1872. 2 V. 12° 624.9 Sully, J. Outlines of psychology. With special reference to the theory of educa- tion. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1316.3 Psychological medicine. J. C. Bucknill and D. H. Tuke. London, 1862. 8° . . . 632.9 Public life in England. P. Daryl. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 771.23 Public men and events of the U. S., from 1817 to 1853. N. Sargent. Phila., 1875. 2 v. 8° 108.5 Public work, Fifty years of; (in England.) H. Cole. London, 1884. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1127.7 Publicans and sinners. Mrs. M. E. Braddon- Maxwell. N.Y., 1874. 8° 365.26 Puget Sound, Life at; with sketches of travel in Washington Territory, Britisli Colum- bia, Oregon, and California. ( 186.5-1881. ) C. C. Leigh ton. Boston, 1884. 16° . . 771.18 Pulaski, Count, Life of. J. Sparks. (Ameri- can biography. Vol. IV.) 111.3 Puliga, Countess de. Sevigne, Mrae. de; her correspondents and contemporaries. Lon- don, 1873. 2 V. 8° 173.7 The same 1125.3 Pullen, H. W. Modern Christianity. Bos- ton, 1875. 12° 242.1 Pulpit and platform aids. Selections from recent sermons on various topics. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.6 Pulpit eloquence of the nineteenth century. Discourses of eminent living ministers in Europe and America; biographical and descriptive sketches by H. C. Fish. N. Y., [n.d.] 8° 274.3 Pulpit prayers. By eminent clergymen. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1229.0 Pulsifer, David. Battle of Bunker Hill. Bos- ton, 1872. 16° 473.4 Punch and Judy; with illustrations by George Cruiksbank. The dialogue of the pup- pet-show, and an account of its origin, and of puppet-plays in England. Lon- don, 1870. 8" 273.27 Punch's letters to his son. D. Jerrold. Lon- don, 18.53. 8° 253.4 Punchard, George. History of Congregational- ism. N.Y., 1805. 3v. 12° 470.5 Punctuation, A treatise on. By an old printer. London, [n.d.] 12° 6.53.6 A treatise on English. J. Wilson. N.Y., 1871. 12° . ^ 218.21 Pupils of St. John, The. C. M. Yonge. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 263.2 Purcell, Henry, Life of. (The great musicians. ) W. H. Cummings. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . 1113.5 Puritan and the Quaker. A story of colonial times. R. G. Beach. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 382.24 Puritan nomenclature. Curiosities of. C. W. Bard.sley. N.Y., 1880. 12° 124.25 Puritans and Queen Elizabeth. The church, court, and parliament of England, from the reign of Edward VI. to the death of Queen Elizabeth. S. Hopkins. N.Y., [n.d.] 3v. 12° 481.5 The same 517.2 Pursuit of holiness. E. M. Goulburn. N.Y., 1870. 12° 281.27 Pursuit of knowledge under diflBculties. G. L. Craik, £d. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 12° . 242.17 The same. Edinburgh, 1881. 12°. . .1228.15 The same. Illustrated by lives of emi- nent men. N.Y., 18.5.5. 2v. 16° . . 131.1 The same. Illustrated by anecdotes. F. Wayland, Ed. N.Y., 1859. 2 v^ 12° . 1229.3 Pursuivant of arms, The. J. R. Planchd. London, 1851. 12° 651.14 Put yourself in his place. C. Reade. N.Y., 1S70. 12° 335.20 The same .335.25 Putnam, Eleanor, pseud. See Bates, Mrs. Arlo. Putnam, George. Sermons, preached in the church of the first religious society in Roxbury. Boston, 1878. 12° ... . 285.9 Putnam, Israel, Life of. (American biography, Vol. Vn.) 111.2 Life. L W. Tarbox. Boston, 1870. 8° . 173.1 Putnam, J. Pickering. House drainage. The principles of. Boston, 1880. 10° . . . 1328.4 Open fire-place in all ages. Boston, 1881. 12° 125.18 Putnam, Mary L. Records of an obscure man. Boston, 1861. 12° 432.6 Tragedy of errors. Boston, 1802. 12° . . 581.2 Tragedy of success. Boston, 1862. 12°. . 551.22 Putnam's Art band-books. N.Y.,1885. 2 v. 10°, 1011.3 Vol. I. Sketching from nature, landscapes and flowers. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 281 Putnam's Art hand-books — concluded. Vol. II. Drawing in black and wliite; fig- ure drawing; water color paint- ing; the human figure. Putnam's Monthly Magazine. (1855-57.) N.Y. 4 V. 8° 482.4 Pyne, W. H. Etchings of rustic figures. Lon- don. |n.d.] 8° R. L. Pyramids, The. Bonwick, J. Pyramid facts and fancies. Loudon, 1877. 12° . . . 778.25 Petrie, W. M. F. Pyramids and temples of Gizeh. London, |n.d.] 8° 783.6 Proctor, R. A. The great pyramid. Ob- servatory, tomb, and temple. London, 1883. 12° 775.1 Pyramids, The — concluded. Smyth, C. P. Our inheritance in the great Egyptian pyramid. London, 1864. Vl° 242.2 Pyrenees., Day, H. From the Pyrenees to the pillars of Hercules. Observations on Spain, its history and people. N. Y., 1883. 12° 778.3 Taine, H. A. A tour through the Pyrenees. (Illustrated by Dore'.) N.Y., 1874. 8° . 718.4 Vincent, M. R. In the shadow of the Pyre- nees. From Basque-land to Carcassonne. N.Y., 1883. 12° 775.5 Pyrrhus, History of. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1854. 1G° 122.16 Q. Quackenbos, J. D. History of the world. N.Y., 1876. 12' 531.13 Quadrupeds, Natural history of. N.Y., 1855. 16° 621.24 Quain's anatomy. W. Sharpey, and others, Eds. London, 1867. 2 v. 8° 632.11 Quaker among the Indians, Life and adventures of a. T. C. Battey. Boston, 1876. 12°. 483.26 Quaker invasion of Massachusetts. R. P. Hal- lowell. Boston, 1883. 12° 1225.6 Quaker partisans. A story of the revolution. W. G. Simms. Phila , 1870. 12° . . . 363.69 Quartet, The. A sequel to " Dab Kinzer." W. (). Stoddard. N.Y., 1881. 12° ... . 913.15 Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo. A narra- tive of the campaign in Belgium, 1815. D. Gardner. Boston, 1882. 8° 695.5 Quatrefages, A. de. The human species. N.Y., 1879. 12° 675.2 Quatremdre de Quincey, A. C. Raffaello, Life of. London, 1846. 12° 148.5 Queechy. S.Warner. Phila., 1867. 12°. . 321.14 Queen Bess; or. What's in a name? (For girls.) M.Shaw. N.Y., 188-). 16° . . 921.17 Queen Dora. The life and lessons of a little girl. K. Knox. N.Y., [u.d.] 12° . . . 383.27 Queen Ilortense. [Anovel.] C. Mundt. N.Y., 1870. 8° 325.18 Queen Mary. [A drama.] A. Tennyson. Boston, 1875. 16° 565.12 Queen Mother and Rosamond. [A poem.] A. C. Swinburne. Boston, 1866. 16° . 564.2 Queen Titania. [A novel.] H. H. Boyesen. N.Y., 1881. 16° 388.5 Queen of Connaught. H.Jay. N.Y., 1875. 8°, 325.23 Queen of hearts. W.Collins. N.Y., 1859. 12°, 335.11 Queen of Sheba. T. B. Aldrich. Boston, 1877. 12° 364.66 Queen of the Adriatic; or, Venice past and present. W. H. D. Adams. Boston, 1869. 12° 762.10 Queen of the county. J. Stretton. Boston, 1864. 12° 421.6 Queenie Hetherton. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1883. 12° 424. .50 The same 424.51 Queenie's whim. R. N. Carey. Phila., 18SI. 12° 379.25 Queen's cadet. The; and other tales. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° 384.27 Queen's Maries, The. A romance of Holy- rood. G. J. W. Melville. London, In.d.] 12° 955.15 Queen's necklace. The Countess de Charny. A.Dumas. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 361.66 Queens of American society. Mrs. EUet. N.Y., 1868. 12° 214.1 Queens. Bush, Mrs. F. Queens of France. [Memoirs.] Phila., [n.d.] 12° ... . 177.18 Doran, Dr. Lives of queens of England. N.Y., 1855. 2 V. 12° 112.9 Lives of the queens of Enstland, of the house of Hanover. London, 1875. 2v. 8° 1412.4 Strickland, A. Lives of queens of England. Phila., 185.5. 6 v. 8° 116.7 The" same, (abridged) 134.4 Queens of Scotland. N.Y., 1858. 8 v. 12° 144.1 Queens of society. G. anJ P. Wharton. N.Y., 1860. 12° 224.8 Queens of song. E. C. Clayton. N.Y., 1865. S° 168.18 Queer pets at Marcy's. O. T. Miller. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 924.3 The same 924.4 Queer stories for boys and girls. E. Eggleston. N.Y., 1884. 12° 919.23 Quentin Durward. W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12° 314.18 The same 315.18 The same, (fd. for children, by C. M. Yonge.) Boston, 1885. 16° ... . 971.4 Question, A. The idyl of a picture. G. Ebers. N.Y., 1881. 18° 383.29 Question of honor. C. Reid. N.Y., 1875. 12°, 344.31 Quicksands. [A novel.] A. Streckfuss. Mrs. Wister, Trans. Phila., 1884. 12° . . . 956.24 Quiet corners. [Astory.] H. Beuning. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 977.13 Quiet hours. [Poems.] Mrs. Tileston, Ed. Boston, 1880-81. 2 v. 18° 58:3.16 Quiet Miss Godolphin. Mrs. I. F. Mayo. Phila., 1871. 16° 337.10 Quincy, Mass., History of. W. S. Pattee. Quincy, 1878. 8° 494.18 Quincy, Mass., Services at dedication of Sail- or's Home at. Boston. 1806. 8° . . . 2.37.5 Quincy methods. The. Pen photographs from the Quincy schools. L. E. Patridge. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1243.3 Quincy, Edmund. The haunted adjutant, .and other stories. Boston, 188.5. 12° . . . 968.19 Wensley. Boston, 18.54. 12° 343.34 The same, and other stories. E. Quincy, Jr., Ed. Boston, 1885. 12° ... . 905.14 282 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUliLIC LIIiHARY. Quiiicy, Jo>lah. Life of. E. Quiiicy. Boston, 1S67. \r 216.2 The s.ime 216.3 irocA-.s .• Adams, J. Q., Memoir of. Boston, ^858. 8° 118.0 The same 110.2 Boston, Municipal history of, from Sept., 1(!:J0, to Sept., 1830. Boston, 1852. 8°, 737.7 Harvard University, History of. Boston, 1800. 2 V. 8° 507.3 Shaw, Samuel, Life of. Boston, 1847. 8° 141.1 Quincy, Josiah. (Class of 1821 at Harvard College.) Figures of the past. From the leaves of an old journal. Boston, 1883. 16° 1224.1 The same 1224.2 Quinet, Edgar. His early life and writings. R. Heath. Boston, 1881. 8° . . . . 189.1 Quianebasset girls. R. S. Clarke. Boston, 1878. 12° 304.00 Quint, Alonzo H. The Potomac and the Rapi- dan. Boston, 1864. 12° 003.8 Quintus Claudius. A romance of imperial Rome. E. Eckstein. N.Y., 1882. 2 v. 18" 941.18 Quitman, John A., Life of. J. F. H. Claiborne. N.Y., 1860. 2 v. 8° 142.2 Quits. I A novel.] Uaronem Tautphoius. I'liila., 1858. 12° 341. .30 Quixstar. Author of "Blindpits." N.Y., 1873. 12° 311.12 Quizzism; and its key. Questions in litera- ture, science, history, biography, etc., with their answers. A. P. Southwick. Boston, 1884. 16° 1241.11 Quotations. Bartletfs Familiar quotations. (Third series.) Cambridge, 1858. 12° . 551.7 The same; (fourth series.) Boston, 1803. 12° 244.19 Ballou, M. M., Ed. Edge tools of speech. Boston, 1880. 8° 1253.1 Carletou's Hand-book of quotations. N.Y., 1877. 12° 273.3 Crowell's Dictionary of quotations from f^iglish and American poets. K.Y., [n.d.] 8° 574.11 Hale, Mrs. S. J., Ed. Dictionary of poeti- cal quotations. Phila., 1800. 8° . . . 013.9 Handy book of quotations; or. Who wrote it. N.Y., 1881. 12° 127.7 Hoyt, J. K., and Ward, A. L. Cyclopedia of quotations. N.Y., 1882. 8° . . . . 1210.2 Quran, A commentary on the; comprising Sale's translation and preliminary dis- course. E. M. Wherry. Boston, 1802. 8° 1215.14 Rabbi Jeshua. An eastern story. N.Y., 1881. 1:;° 1224.4 Rabbi's spell, The. A Russo- Jewisli ro- mance. S. C. Cumberland. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 960.21 Rabelais. (Foreign classics for English read- ers.) W. Besant. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . 283.18 Race for woaltli. The. Mrs. J. H. Riddell. London, [n.d.] 12° 954.14 Races. Bancroft, H. H. Native races of the Pa- cific slates. N.Y., 1874. 5 V. 8° . . . 550.2 Brace, C. L. Races of the old world. N.Y., 1803. 8° 008.9 Knox, R. The races of men. London, 1S02. 12° . . 024.20 Nott, J. C, and others. Indigenous races of the earth. Phila., 18.)7. 8° . . . . 029.3 Wood, J. G. Uncivilized races of men. Hartford, 1870. 2 v. 8° 665.1 See aho Ethnology. Rachel, Memoirs of. Madame de B . N.Y., 1858. 12° 163.1 Life. (Famous women.) N. H. Kennard. Boston, 1886. 16° 1138.2 Rachel Ray. [A novel.] A. Trollope. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 963.21 Rachel's share of the road. (Round-robin series.) Boston, 1882. 16° 398.27 The same 398.28 Racing and steeple-chasing. Racing, by the Earl of SuJTolk and Berkshire and W. G. Craven; with a contribution by the Hon. F. Lawley. Steeple-chasing by A. Coven- try and A. E. T. Watson. Boston, 1886. 12° 1246.6 Radau, Rodolph. The wonders of acoustics. N.Y., 1870. 10° 6.37.12 The same 1317.5 Radical, The. A montlily magazine devoted to religion. S. U. Morse, Ed. Boston, 1800-67. 2 v. 8° 754.4 Radical Club, The, of Chestnut St., Boston. (Sketches and reminiscences.) Mrs. J. T. Sargent, Ed. Boston, 1880. 12° . . . 205.9 Radical discoui>es on religious subjects. W. Denton. Boston, 1872. 12° 262.34 The same 291.8 Radical party, The, in parliament. W. Harris. London, 188.5. 8° 1421.9 Radical problems. C. A. Bartol. Boston, 1872. 12° 235.26 Rae, George. The country banker. London, 18S5. 12° 1248.1 Rae, John. Contemporary socialism. N.Y., 1884. 8°. . . . " 1230.5 Rae, W. Fraser. Columbia and Canada. N.Y., 1879. 8° 703.17 Newfoundland to Manitoba. N.Y., 1881. 12° 708.18 The opposition under George III. N.Y., 1874. 12° 2.33.5 The same 187.9 Westward by rail. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . . 007.9 Raffaello, Life of. A. C. Q. de Quincy. Lon- don, 1816. 12° 148.5 Raffles, Sir Thomas C. Java, History of. London, 18.30. 2 v. 8° 408.21 Rag-bag, The. N.P.Willis. N.Y., 1855. 12°, 713.4 Ragged Dick. H.Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 442.1 Ragged register of people, jilaces, and opinions. A. E. Dickinson. N.Y., 1879. 10° . . 202.14 Raguarok: the age of lire and gravel. I. Donnelly. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1312.5 Ragozin, Z. A. The story of Chaldea. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1422.16 Railroad transportation; its history and its laws. A. T. Had ley. N.Y., 1885. 12° . 1415.25 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 283 Railroads : their origin and problems. C. F. Ail.ims, Jr. N.Y., 1878. 12^ .... 281. 2.^ Railway and locomotion, Wonders and curios- ities of. W.S.Kennedy. Chicago, 18S4. 12° 1324.3 RailTvays and the republic. J. F. Hudson. N.Y., 1880. 8° 12.54.2 Rainbow creed, The. Boston, 1875. 12° . . 352.29 Raju, P. V. K. Tales of the sixty mandarins. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 976.24 Rale, Sebastian, Life of. C. Francis. (Ameri- can biography, Vol. VII.) 111.3 Raleigh, Sir Walter ; and other papers. C. Kingsley. Boston, 1859. 12° ... . 1G4.4 His exploits and voyages. G. M. Towle. Boston, 1882. 16° 1111.5 Ralph and Dick. W. H. G. Kingston. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 464.12 Ralph Norbreck's trust. (A novel.] W. West- all. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 909.19 Ralph Somerville; or, A midshipman's adven- tures in the Pacific Ocean. C. H. Eden. London, 1876. 12° 447.23 Ralph the drummer boy. A story of the days of Washington. L. Rousselet. N.Y., 1884. 12° 919.24 Ralph the heir. A. Trollope. N.Y., 1871. 8°, 3.53.6 The same. 12° 963.22 Ralph Wilton's weird. Mrs. A. F. Hector. N.Y., 1875. 16° 362.2 Ralph's year in Russia. A story of travel and adventure in eastern Europe. K. Richard- son. N.Y., 1882. 16° 916.21 Ralston, W. R. S. Krilof and his fables. Lon- don, 1869. 16° 252.2 Russian folk. [Tales.] London, 1873. 8°, 347.50 Russian people. Songs of the. London, 1872. 8° 240.0 Tibetan tales; derived from Indian sources. Boston, 1882. 8° 395.15 Rambaud, Alfred. Russia, History of, to 1882. Boston, 1886. 3 v. 8° 14.33.3 Russia; its history from the earliest times to 1880. Boston, 1880. 2 v. 8° . . . 692.11 The same 095.1 Ramble round the world. (1871.) Le Baron dr lliibner. N.Y., 1874. 12° .... 724.5 Rambles among words. W. Swinton. N.Y., 1804. 12° 062.6 Rambles in Europe. M. Trafton. Boston, 18.52. 12° 601.6 Rambles in the new world. L. Biart. Lon- don, 1877. 12° 768.8 Rambles overland. A trip across the conti- nent. A. Gunnison. Boston, 1880. 12°, 782.9 Rambling story, A. Mrs. M. C. Clarke. Bos- ton, 1875. 12° 3.53.23 Rame, L. de la, (pseud., Ouida.) Bebee. Phila., 1874. 12° 422.11 Chandos. Phila., 1866. 12° 414.1 In a winter city. Phila., 1876. 12°. . . 364.44 Signa. Phila., 1875. 12° 317.20 Ramoua. Mrs. H. Jackson. Boston, 1884. 12°, 965.3 The same 965.4 The same . . : 968.10 The same 968.11 Ramsay, Allan. Works; with a life by G. Chalmers. Edinburgh, [n.d.] 3 v. 8°. 147.20 Ramsay, E. B. Scottish life and character. N.Y., 1877. 12° 281.22 The same 063.18 Rameses the great. F. de Lanoye. N.Y., 1S70. 16° 472.16 Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. G. Macdonald. Phila., 1871. 12° 336.1 Ranche life. Frank's ranche; or, My holidays in the Rockies. Being a contribution to the inquiry into. What we are to do with our boys. Boston, 1886. 16° .... 781.21 Ranch notes in Kansas, Colorado, the Indian Territory, and northern Texas. R. Ald- riclge. London, 1SS4. 12° 781.4 Ranchman's stories, A. H. Seely. X.Y., 1886. 10° 975.16 Raud, Ednard S. The rhododendron. Boston, 1871. 12° 647.20 Seventy-five popular flowers. Boston, 1870. 12° 647.19 The window gardener. Boston, 1874. 16°, 651.28 Rand, McNally and Co.'s Atlas of the world. Chicago, ISSl. 4° R. L- Randall, Henry S. Jefferson, Thomas, Life of. X.Y., 18.58. 2v. 8° 156.1 Randall, S. S. First principles of popular education. N.Y., 1868. 12° 251.19 Randall-Diehl, Mrs. Anna. Popular readings. (Second series.) N.Y., 1882. 12°. . .1213.20 Randolph, Mass., Sketch of the history of. W. S. Pattee. Quincy, 1878. 8° . . . 404.18 Randolph, Mrs. Gentianella. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 364.30 Iris. Phila., 1882. 12° 944.1 Randolph, John. Adams, H. Life. (Ameri- can statesmen.) Boston, 1882. 12° . .1114.11 Bouldin, P. Home reminiscences. Dan- ville, Va., 1878. 12° 177.10 Gariand, H. A. Life. N.Y., 1855. 8° . 149.2 Randolph, Sar.ah N. Jackson, T. J. ("Stone- wall"), Life of. Phila., 1876. 12° . . 172.3 Jefferson, Thomas, Domestic life of. N.Y., 1871. 8° 115-6 Random rambles. Mrs. L. C. Moulton. Bos- ton. 1881. 18° 701.18 Rands, W. B. Holbeach, Henry, student in life and philosophy. London, 1805. 2 v. 12° 625.4 Lillipiit lectures. Loudon, 1871. 12° . . 22S.5 Shoemaker's village. London, 1871. 12°. 344.4 Rangeley and Richardson Lakes, (Maine.) A guide-book. C. A. J. Farrar. Boston, 1877. 16° 491.21 Rangers, The ; or. The Tory's daughter. A tale of the revolutionary history of Vermont. D. P. Thompson. Boston, 1881. 12° . 387.24 Ranke, Leopold von. England, History of; principally in the seventeenth century. Oxford, 187.5. 6 v. S° 694.1 Popes of Rome, History of the. London, 1847. 2v. 8° 152.12 Universal history. The oldest historical group of nations, and the Greeks. X.Y., 1SS5. 8° 1417.7 Rankin, Fannie W. True to him ever. N.Y., 1874. 12° 3-54.28 Rankin, Melinda. Twenty years among the Mexicans. Cincinuati, 1875. 12° . . . 48:3.28 Ranking, B. Montgomery. Streams from hid- di-n sources. London, 1872. 12° . . . 234.8 Ranyard, Mrs. Ellen. Fresh leaves in "The l)ook and tlie story." N.Y.,1871. 12° . 217.8 Rape of the Gamp. C. W. Mason. N.Y., 1875. 8° 346.40 284 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRAHY. Raphael. Bell, X. R. E. Life. (Illustrated bio-rapliy.) X.Y., IS79. 12° ... . 195.3 Easllake, /,aJj/. Life. " Five great paints ers." Lomlon, 1S83. 2 v. 12° ... 1128.14 Sweetser, M. F., Ed. Life. (Artist biogra- phies, Vol. H.) Uostou, 1877. l(!o . . 101.1 Studies; desigued and engraved after five paintings by Hapliael. Willi historical and critical notes composed by M. T. B. Enieric-David. Boston, 1870. 4° . . . R. L. Raphael and Michelangelo. A critical and biographical essay. C. C. Perliins. Bos- ton, 1878. 8° 174.11 Raphael of Urbino and Giovanni Santi. (111. byp!ioto;?raph'!.) J. D. Passavant. Lou- don, 1872. 8° R. L. Rapid transit abroad. A three months' tour in Europe. X.Y., 1879. 10^ 761. .5 Rapids of Niagara. S.Warner. N.Y., 1S76. IG^ 441.13 Rare gooil liii-U. A fortune in seven strokes. K. E. Francillon. N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . 305.61 Raspe, R. E. Travels and adventures of Baron Munchausen. London, 1809. 12°. . . 714.8 Rasselas, History of. S.Johnson. N.Y., 1869. 32° 431.18 Rationalism in Europe, History of. W. E. H. Lecky. N.Y., 1806. 2 v. 8"' ... . 477.12 Rattlin the reefer. F. Marryat. London, lu.d.l 12° 455.16 Rau, Charles. Early man in Europe. N.Y., 1870. 8° 4S1.16 Rau, H. Mozart; a biograpliical romance. N.Y., 1868. 12° 411.16 Raum, George E. A tour around the world. N.Y., 1886. 12° 797.1 Raven, John. The parliamentary history of England from 1S.j2. London, 1885. 12°, 1415.20 Ravenshoe. II. Kingsley. Boston, 1862. 12^ 361.13 Ravenstein, E. G., joint ed. See Earth, The. Rawlinson, George. Egypt, ancient. History of. Boston, 1882. 2 v. 8° 697.1 Egypt and Babylon; from sacred and pro- fane sources. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . . 789.1 Herodotus, History of. N.Y., 1859. 4 v. 8°, 526.3 History, A manual of ancient. N.Y., 1871. 12° 474.5 Monarchies, The five great, of the ancient eastern world. N.Y., 1871. 3 v. 8°. . 526.4 Old Testament, Historical illustrations of the. Chicago, 1880. 12° 123.16 The origin of nations. N.Y., 1878. 12° . 282.8 Parthia; the sixth great oriental monarchy. London, 1873. 8° 477.1 Persia; the seventh great oriental monarchy. N.Y., 1882. 2v. 8° 597.7 The religions of the ancient world. N.Y., 1883. 10° 1221.12 Truth of the scriptures. Historical evidences of the. Boston, 1800. 12° 267.14 Ray, John. The wisdom of God. Edinburgh, 1798. 10° 625.17 Raymond, Henry J. Lincoln, Abraham, His- tory of the administration of. N. Y., 1864. 12° 162.2 Raymond, John Howard, Life and letters of. Ed. by his eldest daughter, Mrs. H. R. Lloyd. N.Y., 1881. 12° 196.5 Raymond, Robert R., Ed. Shakespeare for young folk. A midsummer night's dream; As you like it ; Julius Ciesar. X. Y., 1881. 8° .572.3 Raymond, Rossitur W. The man in the moon, and other people. N.V., 1875. 12° . . 453.2 and Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. Treasures from fairy land. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 448.3 Raymonde. [A tale.] A. Theuriet. N.Y., 1878. 10° 391.4 Raynal, F. E. Wrecked on a reef. London, 1874. 12° 438.15 Rayner, B. L. Jefferson, Thomas, Life of. Boston, 1834. 12° 297.9 Read, Emily, and Reeves, M. C. L. Pilot for- tune. Boston, 1885. 12° 905.19 Read, T. B. Female poets of America. Phila., 1804. 8° 5.52.4 Poetical works. Phila., 1874. 3 v. 16° . 581.4 Reade, Charles. Christie Johnstone. Boston, 1855. 12° 335.12 Cloister and hearth. N.Y., 1801. 8° . . 335.24 Eighth commandment. Boston, ISGO. 16°, 335.14 Good stories. N.Y., 1884. 12° .... 3.35.38 Hard cash. Boston, 1870. 12° .... 335.37 Love me little, love me long. N.Y., 1859. 12° 335.16 Never too late to mend. Boston, 1858. 2 v. 12° 335.18 Peg Woffington. Boston, 1855. 12° . . . 335.21 Put yourself in his place. N.Y., 1870. 12°, 335.20 The same 333.25 A simpleton. Boston, 1873. 12°. . . . 335.22 The wandering heir. Boston, 1873. 16° . 335.23 White lies. Boston, 1803. 12° .... 426.13 A woman hater. N.Y., 1877. 12° . . . 3:35.27 and Boucicault, Dion. Foul play. N.Y., 1877. 12° 335.36 Reade, Winwood W. Ashantee campaign, The story of the. London, 1874. 12° . 768.12 Sav.ige Africa. N.Y., 1804. 8° . . . . 605.12 Reader's hand-book of allusions, references, plots and stories. E. C. Brewer. Phila., 18S0. 8° 284.17 Reading, Mass. Genealogical history; includ- ing the present towns of Wakefield and North Reading. L. Eaton. Boston, 1874. 8° 542.3 Reading. Abbott, L., Ed. Hints for home reading. N.Y., 1880. 12° 126.2 Legouve, E. Reading as a fine art. Bos- ton, 1879. 16° 2S3.13 Perkins, F. B., Ed. The best reading. Hints on the selection of books, courses of reading, etc. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . 125.10 Potter, A. Helps in reading. Hand-book for students. N.Y., 18.55. 16° . . . . 263.23 Thwing, C. F. The reading of books. Its pleasures, profits and perils. Boston, 188:3. 10° 1214.20 Readings. [Selections.) Baker, George M., Ed. Reading club and handy speaker. (Nos. 1-8.) Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 16° . 123.6 The same. (No. 9.) Boston, 1881. 16°, 123.26 The same. (Nos. 9-10.) Boston, 1885. 2v. 10° 1251.4 Branch, O. E., Ed. The Hamilton speaker. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 123.21 Carpenter, J. E., Ed. Penny readings in prose and verse. London, [n.d.] 11 v. 12° 261.2 Readings in prose and verse. London, [n.d.] 5v. 12° 1243.4 The standard reciter. London, 1868. 16°, 243.21 Columbia spe.aker. The, Boston, 1874. 12°, 262.8 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 285 Readings — concluded. Couithope, B. S., Ed. The Shakespeare readins-book. X.Y., [n.d.] 12^ . . 1213.21 Cumnock, R. M. L., Ed. Choice readings for public and private entertainment. Chicago, 1878. 12' 273.13 Fletcher, A. B., Ed. Advanced readings and recitations. Boston, 1881. 12=' . . 129.4 Fobes, W. K., Ed. Five-minute recita- tions. Boston, 1886. 18° 1241.27 Fulton, R. I., and Trueblood, T. C, Edit. Choice readings from standard authors. Selections; and indices to others from Shakespeare, the Bible, and hymn-books. Boston. 188.5. 12° 1245.14 Hoare, G. T., Ed. Choice readings. [Sto- ries.] London, [n.d.] 16° 1331. IS Hudson, H. X., Ed. Classical English reader. Selections from standard authors, with notes. Boston, 1880. 12° . . .1222.16 Kirkland, Mrs. C. M., Ed. Patriotic elo- quence. Selections. N.Y., 1886. 12° . 1229.11 Leffingwell, C. W., Ed. Reading book of English classics. Selections from the standard literature of England and Amer- ica. X.Y., 1879. 12° 286.12 McDougal. W. H., Ed. The classical elo- cutionist. Gems in poetry and prose. N.Y., 1879. 12° 286.19 Munroe, L. B., Ed. Dialogues and dramas. Boston, 1873. 12° 224.9 Humorous readings. Boston, 1871. 12°, 616.6 Miscellaneous readings. Boston, 1872. 12° 235.2 Young folks' readings. Boston, 1877. 12°, 235.27 Randall-Diehl, Mrs. A., Ed. Prose and poetry from the best authors. (Second series.) N.Y., 1882. 12° 1213.20 Speakers' garland and literary bouquet. Phila., 187(i. 6 v. 12° 264.1 Turner, E. F., Ed. T. leaves; a collection of pieces for public reading. London, 188.5. 16° 1241.12 Warner, Charles Dudley. The book of eloquence. Boston, 18.S6. 12° .... 12.52.8 Ready and willing. A story for boys. N.Y., In.d.] 16° 935.9 Real folks. Mis. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, 1872. 12° .327.6 Real people. M.Wilcox. X.Y., 1SS6. 16° . 901.20 Reality of faith, The. X.Smyth. N.Y., 1884. 12° 12.37.6 Realm of the ice-king. Arctic explorations from the earliest times to 1883. London, [n.d.] 12° 917.21 Realmah. Sir A. Helps. Boston, 1869. 12°. 414.22 Reason and revelation, hand in hand. T. M. MoWhinney. N.Y., 1SS6. S° . . . . 1254.4 Reason in religion. F. H. Hedge. Boston, 1867. 12° 265.4 Reason, pure, Kant's critique of. F. M. Miil- kr. Trans. London, 1881. 2 v. 8° . . 1216.3 Reasoning power in animals. J. S. Watson. N.Y., 1869. 16° 625.13 Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate States capital. J. B. Jones. Phila., 18(J6. 8° 5.55.10 Rebel's recollections, A. G. C. Egglestou. X.Y., 187.5. 12° 242.6 Rebellion and loyalty; or. The two thrones. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1429.9 Rebellion, History of the. J. B. Giddings. X.Y., 1864. 8° 547.7 Rebellion record, The. F. Moore, Ed. N.Y., 1S61. 11 V. and supplement. 8° . . . .5.56.1 Rebellion, Youth's history of the. W. M. Thayer. Boston, 1866. 4 v. 12°. . . .541.16 Vol. I. Sumter to Roanoke. XL Roanoke to Murfreesboro'. III. Murfreesboro' to Fort Pillow. IV. Fort Pillow to the end. Reber, Franz von. History of ancient art. X.Y., ]S?2. 8° 684.6 R^oamier, Madame, and her friends. I. M. Luyster, Trans. Boston, 1872. 12° , . 114.18 Memoirs of. I. M. Luyster, Ed. Boston, 1807. 12° 1:34.24 Receipts for use in arts, mantifactures and trades. R. V. Tuson, Ed. Phila., 1872. 8° 0.39.5 Receipts, Workshop: for manufacturers, me- chanics, and others. E. Spon, and others. London, 1883. 3 v. 12° 1324.17 Reclus, Elisee. The earth. N.Y., 1S71. 8°. 645.1 The same. A. H. Keane and E. G. Raven- stein, Eds. N.Y., 1883-86. 10 v. 8° . R. L. The history of a mountain. X.Y., 1881. 12° 678.10 Recollections. S. Rogers. Boston, 18.59. 12°, 263.20 Recollections and suggestions. (1813-1873.) J. E. Itussell. Bolton, 187.5. 12° . . . 115.21 Recollections of a busy life. H.Greeley. N.Y., 1S6S. S' . . . " 144.0 Recollections of a drummer boy. H. M. Kief- fer. Boston, 188;?. 16° 917.25 Recollections of a lifetime. S. G. Goodrich. X.Y., 18.57. 2v. 12° 151-3 Recollections of a literary life. M. R. Mit- ford. X.Y., 18.55. 12° 148.6 Recollections of a naval officer. W. H. Parker. X.y., 1883. 12° .598.14 Recollections of my youth. E. Renan. X.Y., ISs:!. 16° 1115.12 Recollections of past life. H.Holland. X.Y., ls72. 12° 215.3 Recollections of seventy years. Mrs. J. Farrar. Boston, ISOe. 12° 214.16 The same 214.18 Recollections of writers : with letters of Lamb, Hunt, Jerrold, and Dickens. C. and M. C. Clarke. N.Y., [n.d.] 12- 177.22 Record of an obscure man. M. L. Putnam. Boston, 1861. 16° 432.6 Records of a girlhood. F. A. Kemble. N.Y., 1879. 12° 182.8 The same 182.9 Records of five years. Mrs. S. J. Lippincott. Boston, 1867. 12° 203.11 Records of later life. F. A. Kemble. X.Y., 1882. 12° 1112.14 The same 1112.16 Records of the rocks. W. S. Symonds. Lon- ilon, 1872. 12° 643.18 Records of thought at leisure. X. P. Willis. X.Y., ia59. 12° 732.6 Recreations of a country parson. A. H. K. Boyd. Boston, 1861. 12° 224. 16 The same. (Second series) 661.11 Recreations of Christopher Xorth. J. Wilson. Boston, 1856. 8° 237.12 Rector of Roxburgh. W. Hicklitig. N.Y., 1873. 16° 331.20 286 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rector's home, The. A. Giberne. N.Y., 1879. 12^ :;03.72 Rector's wife. Tlie. J. C. Sirettoii. Phila , [M.d.] 12° 345.31 Rectory of Moreland, Tlie. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Boston, ISOO. 12° .... 332.17 Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux. A story of the great prairie. Cul. Uutler. Boston, 1882. 12° 010.7 Red cross, The. W.T.Adams. Boston, [n.d.] !C.° 458.3 Red flag, The. K. Xoel. London, 1872. 10°, 012.22 Red Hill tiau'edy. Mrs. E. D. E. X. South- wurtli. Phila.. [n.d.] 12° 417.19 Red Jacket, Life and times of. AV. L. Stone. Albany, 1866. 8° . 117.10 Red letter days. M. A. Dodge. Boston, 18G0. 12° 218.13 Red letter days abroad. J. L. Stoddard. Bos- ton, 1884. 8° 784.6 Red man, The, and the white man in North America, from its discovery to the present time. G. E. Ellis. Boston, 1882. 8° . 1216.5 Red man's revenge. The. A tale of the Ked River flood. R. M. Ballantyne. N.Y., 1881. 16° '.114.8 Red River expedition. G. L. Hughes. Lon- don. 1871. 12° 713.17 Red Rivington. W. Westall. N.Y., 1885. 12°, 964.20 Red route, The. [A novel.] W. Sime. N.Y., 18a"). 10° 969.9 Red rover. The. J. F. Cooper. X.Y., 1855. 12° 313.10 The same 381.22 Red skins. The. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 185-5. 12°, 313.11 The same 381.23 Red wallflower, A. S.Warner. X.Y., 1884. 12= 958.23 The same 958.24 Redden, Helen P. Fern Glen fanii. London, 1884. 12° 973.4 Redding, Cyrus. Personal reminiscences of eminent men. London, 1807. 3 v. S° . 144.3 The same 171.10 Redfield, H. V. Homicide, North and South. Phila., 1880. 12° 123.22 Redford, George. A manual of Egyptian, As- syrian, Greek and Roman sculpture. N.Y., 1882. 12° 685.6 Redgauntlet W.Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12°, 314.19 The same 315.10 Redgrave, G. R., Ed. Outlines of historic orna- ment. N.Y., 1884. 12° 687.15 Redpath, James, Ed. Browne, Cajd. John. Autobiography and public life of. Bos- ton, 1860. 12° 105.13 Redwood. C.M.Sedgwick. N.Y., 18.54. 12°, 425.11 Reed, Andrew. Ida Vane. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 397 4 Reed, F. A. The twin heroes. Boston, 187.5. 12° 357.23 Reed, Henry. British poets. Lectures on the. Phila.^ 1807. 2 v. 12° 235.20 English history and tragic poetry. [Lec- tures.] Phila., 1865. 12° 512.8 English literature. Lectures on. Phila., 1867. 12° 242.14 Reed, Joseph, Life of. H. Heed. (American biography. Vol. VIII.) 111.3 Reed, P. Fishe. Beyond the snow. Chicago, 1873. 12° 334.12 The same 946.23 Reed, S. B. Cottage houses for villages and country homes. N.Y., 1S83. 16°. . . 686.11 Dwellings for villages and country; witli general descriptions and detailed esti- m.ates. X.Y., 18a'). 4° 618.27 Reed, Talbot B. Follow my leader. A school story. N.Y., 1885. 12° 935.15 Reed, William H. Hospital life in the array of the Potomac. Boston, 1866. 12° . . 7.".2.17 Reed, A, shaken by the wind. E. Faithfull. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 413.3 Reeve, Henry. Plutarch. (Foreign classics for English rciders.) Phila., 1878. 12°, 271.30 Reeves, Marian C. L., and Head, Emily. Pilot fortune. Boston, 1885. 12° 905.19 Reeves, R. Harris. Bad drains and how to te>t them. London, 1885. 16°. . . .1314.11 Reformation, The. Aubign^, .T. H. M. d'. History of the reformation in the six- teenth century. N.Y., |n.d.] 5v. 12°, 470.1 The same. (Incomplete.) 8° . . . . 531.12 History of the reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. N.Y.,1873. Sv. 12°, 476.2 The same. Vol. 1 476.3 Blunt, J. J. The reformation in Engl.and; with an introductory chapter by C. Gei- kie. London. 1878. 16° 128.12 Fisher, G. P. History of the reformation. N.Y., 1873. 8° 477.4 Scebohm. F. The era of the Protestant reformation. X.Y., I8a3. 10° ... . 590.7 Reformers, The. Lectures by the ministers of the United Presbyterian Church. Glas- gow, 1885. 12° 1134.15 Reformers and martyrs, Lives of. W. Hodg- son. Phila., 1807. 12° 132.7 Reforms: their difficulties and possibilities. By the author of " Conflict in nature and life." X.Y., 1884. 12° 1235.3 Regeneration. E. II. Sears. Boston, 1853. 12° 287.9 Register, The. [A farce.] W. D. Howells. Boston, 1884. 8° 901.3 Register, The American. Phil.a., 1817. 2 v. 8°, .540.4 Regnault, J[. V. Elements of chemistry. Phila., 1860. 2 v. 8° 636.2 Reiche, Charles. The bird fancier's compan- ion. N.Y., 1S71. 16° 021. .30 Reichenbach, Moritz von. The Eichofs. Mrs. Wister, rran.ton, Mrs. L. G. Life and times of a missionary to the Sandwich Islands. Ann Arbor, Mi"ch., [n.d.] 12° 1114.5 Sane lunatic, A. [A novel.] Mrs. C. L. Burn- ham. Chicago, 1882. 12° 942.16 Sanford and Merton, History of. T. D.ay. N.Y., 1865. 16° 402.12 Sanford and Merton, A new history of. F. C. Burnand. Boston, 1872. 12° ... . 401.4 Sangster, Margaret E. May Stanhope and her friends. N.Y., 1870. 16° 441.31 Poems of the hoMsehold. Boston, 1882. 12°, 576.8 Sanitary and social lectures and essays. C. Kingsley. London, 1880. 12° ... . 124.23 Sanskrit and its kindred literatures. Studies in comparative mythology. L. E. Poor. Boston, 1880. 12° 128.13 Sansons, Memoirs of the. Seven generations of executioners. (1688-1847.) H. San- son, £■(!. London, 1876. 2 v. 8°. . . 174.20 Santa Barbara and around there. E. Roberts. Boston, 1886. 18° 791.4 Santa Fe, To, and back. Two thousand miles on horseback. F. Meline. N.Y., 1867. 12° 714.14 San Domingo. De B. K. Keim. Phila., 1870. 12° 715.5 Santo Domingo, past and present. With a glance at Hayti. S. Hazard. London, 1873. 8° 7.36.15 The same 763.25 Saracens, History and conquests of the. E. A. Freeman. London, 1876. 12° ... . 491.10 History of the. S. Ockley. London, 1848. 12° 474.14 Sarah de Berenger. [A novel.] J. Ingelow. Boston, 1879. 12° .392.17 The same 392.18 Saratoga and Ballston, Reminiscences of. W. L. Stone. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 4S3.20 Saratoga in 1901. M. D. Landon. N.Y., 1872. 8° 232.17 Sarcasm of destiny; or, Nina's experience. M. E. W. Sherwood. N.Y., 1878. 12° . . 373.17 Sarcey, Francisque. Miseries of Fo Hi, a celes- tial functionary. Chicago, 1883. 10°. . 949.10 Sarchedon. A legend of the great queen. G. J. W. MelviUe. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 9.55.19 Sargent, D. X. In case of accident. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 1321.13 Sargent, Epes. Peculiar. [A novel.] N.T., 1864. 12° 422.5 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 301 Sargent, Epes — concluded. Scientific basis of spiritualism. Boston, 1881. 12° 678.7 Tlie woman who dared. [A poem.] Bos- ton, 1870. 12° 552.18 ' Ed. Harper's cyclopedia of British and American poetry. N.Y., 1881. 8°. . . 572.2 Sargent, Henry Winthrop. Skeleton tours, (in Europe.) N.Y., 1870. 18° 7.31.16 Sargent, John. Martyn, Henry, Memoir of. \.Y., [n.d.] ia° 131.17 Sargent, Mrs. John T. Sketches and reminis- cences of the Radical Club of Chestnut St., Boston. Boston, 1880. 12° 125.24 The same 295.9 Sargent, L. M. Dealings with the dead. Bos- ton, 1856. 2 V. 12° 232.13 £(!. Temperance tales. Boston, [n.d.] 6 v. 10° 391.6 Sargent, Nathan. Public men and events of the U.S., from 1S17 to 18-53. Phila., 1875. 2 V. 8° 168.5 Sargent, Winthrop. Andre, Maj. John, Life of. Boston, 1861. S° 151.8 Ed. History of an expedition against Fort du Quesne. Phila., 18-55. 8^ .... 544.12 Sarmiento, Domingo F. Argentine Republic. 1.S08. 12° 733.18 Sarrens, B. Memoirs of Gen. Lafayette, and the French revolution of 1830. Boston, 1833. 2v. 12° 297.11 Sartor resartus. T. Carlyle. X.T.,1871. 12°, 218.16 The same vol. i. of 1235.1 Sartoris, Adelaide Kemble. A week in a French country house; and other tales. Boston, [n.d.] 8°. ........ . 395.8 Sartorius, Ernestine. Three months in the Soudan. Loudon, 1885. 8° 788.10 Satan. [A libretto.] C. P. Cranch. Boston, 1S74. 16° 551.38 Satanella. A story of Puncliestown. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 9.55.20 Satanstoe. J.F.Cooper. N.Y., 185.5. 12° . 313.12 The same 381.24 Satin-w^ood box, The. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1886. 16° 921.20 Saturday's bairn, A. Mrs. C. Smith. N.Y-, [n.d.] 12° 364.72 Saturn and its system. R. A. Proctor. Lon- don, 1865. 8° 645.3 Saul. [A drama.] C. Heavysege. Boston, 1869. 8° 615.15 Sault, R. O., pseud. See Swain, C. F. Saunders, F. Salad for the social. N.Y , 1856. 12° 241.15 Salad for the solitary and the social. N.Y., 1872. 8° 237.15 Ed. Evenings with the sacred poets. X.Y., 1870. 8° 612.4 Saunders, John. Israel Mort; a story of the mine. Phila., 1872. 12° 411.4 Saunders, Katherine. Gideon's rock. Phila., 1871. 10° 4.32.21 The haiuited crust. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . 342.35 High mills. Phila., 1S72. 8° ai6.59 Saunders, William. Through the light conti- nent, (U.S. in 1877-78.) N.Y., 1879. 8°, 703.9 Saundersou. Elements of algebra. London, 17'-i2. 8° 6,34.6 Saunterings. C. D. Warner. Boston. 1872. 12° 722.15 Saunterings in Europe. C. Wood. N.Y. , 1882. 12° 772.14 Sauvage, filie. The little gypsy. Boston, 1868. 16° 461.26 Sauzay, A. The wonders of glass making in all ages. X.Y., 1870. 10° 637.13 Savage, Edward H., Ed. Boston events. (16.30-1880.) Boston, 1884. 12° . . . 1415.7 Savage, Minot J. Beliefs about man. Boston, 1882. 12° 1213.17 Beliefs about the Bible. Boston, 1883. 12°, 12.32.1 Bluffton. Boston, 1878. 12° .372.21 Evolution and religion. Phila., 1886. 12°, 1,328.13 Light on the cloud. Boston, 1879. 16° . 291.1 Man, woman, and child. Boston, 1884. 12°, 1232.19 Poems. Boston, 1882. 18° 584.6 The religion of evolution. Boston, 1876. 12° 266.33 Savage lands. Stirring scenes in. J. Green- wood. London, [n.d.] 12° 912.21 Saved from the sea; or,_ The loss of the "Viper," and the adventures of her crew in the great Sahara. W. H. G. Kingston. London, 1877. 12° 373.25 Savonarola. Life. "Makers of Florence." Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. London, 1876. 8° 173.11 Life and times of. W. R. Clark. X.Y., 1878. 12° '. 177.25 Sa'ward, B. C. Decorative painting; a practi- cal hand-book. London, 1883. 12° . . 68-5.25 Sa'VTtelle, I. B. Townsend, Mass., History of. (1070-1878.) Fitchburg, 1878. 8° . . . .538.9 Saiwyer, George A. Fret-sawing and wood- carving. Boston, 1875. 12° 681.10 Sase, John G. Fables aud legends of many countries. Boston, 1872. 16° .... 551. .34 Leisure-day rhymes. Boston, 1875. 16° . 5.53.9 Masquerade; and other poems. Boston, 1860. 10° 552.22 Saxon, Van, pseud. See Simpson, E. M. Saxe Holm's stories. See Holm, S., pseud. Say, Thomas. Insects of North America. Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 8° ."..... 622.2 Say and seal. S. and A. Warner. Phila., 1860. 2v. 12° 321.15 Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker. F. S. Cozzens. N.Y., 1867. 12° 242.10 Sayce, A. H. The ancient empires of the East. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1415.8 Decipherment of Hittite inscriptions. N.Y., 1884. 8° 7S8.1 Scamp and I. L.T.Meade. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 441.37 Scampavias, from Gibel-Tarek to Stamboul. H.A.Wise. N.Y., 18.57. 12° ... . 662.17 Scandinavia. Crichton, A., and Wheaton, H. History of Scandinavia. N.Y., 1854. 2 v. 16° 473.9 Horn, F. R. History of Scandinavian lit- erature, from the most ancient times to the present. With a bibliography of Eng- lish books relating to Scandinavian coun- tries by T. Solberg. Chicago, 1884. 8° . 1226.11 Tyler, K. E. The story of a Scandinavian summer. N.Y., laSl. 12° 768.19 Scanland, Agnes L. Heights and depths. Chicago, 1871. 10° 425.2 Scarlet letter, The. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1855. 12° 342.26 The same. (Illustrated) 372.17 The same, with Blilbedale romance . . 372.8 302 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Scenes from the Ramayan. R. T. II. Griffith. London, 1868. \t° GC2.19 Scenes of a clerical life. Mrs. M. Cross. Hostoii. ISTO. li° .337.29 Sceptres and crowns. S. Warner. N.Y., IST.'i. lii° 444.4 Scbaff, Philip. Flislory of the Christian church. N.Y., 1882-8.5. 4 v. 8° 142.J.1 The person of Christ. N.T., 1S81. 10° . 128.18 Schamyl, Life of; and narrative of the Circas- si.iii w;ir of independi'iice against Russia. J. M. Mackie. Boston, 18.51). 12° . . 101.10 The same 101.11 Schayer, Julia. TijrcrLily; and other stories N.y., 1883. 10° 049.. 3 Schefer, Leopold. The artist's married life. Boston, 1801. 10° 251.23 Schellen, H. Spectrum analysis. London, 1872. 8° . . . , 045. 9 Schenck, Pcti'r A. The gardener's text-book. Bo^ton, 18.5L 10° 048. .32 Scherer, W. German literature. History of. N.Y., 1886. 2v. 12° 1248.21 Schiller, Edward. Hand-book of progressive philos.iphy. N.Y., 1871. 12° ... . 625.9 Schiller, J. C. Friedrich von. Life of. T. Carlyle. London, [n.d.] 12^ ... . 164.2 The same vol. iil. of 1235.1 Life of. H. Duutzer. London, 1883. 12°, 1118.10 Works : Correspondence with Kiirner. London, 1849. 3v. 12° 104.1 Early dramas and romances. The rob- bers; Fiesco; Love and intrigue; etc. London, 1853. 12° 483.2 Later dramas. London, 1854. 2 v. 12°, 610.7 Vol. L Wallenslein; William Tell. II. Don Carlos; Mary Smart; The maid of Orleans ; The bride of Messina. Poems. E. A. Browning, Trans. Lon- don, 1851. 16° . . .'^ G12.25 Thirty years' war. London, 1851. 12° . 532.12 Schimmelpenninck, Mary A.. Life of. C. C. Hai.kin. Pliila., 18-59. 2 v. 10° . . . 212.21 Schlegel, Augustus William von. Dramatic art and literature. [Lectures.] London, 1879. 12° 1242.12 Schlegel, Frederick. History of literature. London, 18.59. 12° 222.9 Schley, W. S., and Soley, J. R. The rescue ofGreely. X.Y., 188.5. 12° 789.20 Schliemann, Henry. Ilios; the city and coun- try of the Trojans. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . 538.12 Mycenae; researches and discoveries. N.Y., 1878. 8° 538.6 The pre-historic palace of the king of Tiryns. N.Y., [n.d ] 8° R. L. Troja. Results of the latest discoveries of Homer's Troy. N.Y., 1884. 8° . . . 784.7 Tioy and its remains. N.Y., 1870. 8° . . 538.8 Schmid, Herman. The Bavarian Highlands, and the Salzkammergut. London, 1874. 4° R. L. The Habermeister. N.Y., 1869. 16° . . 4.34.9 Schmidt, H. I. Education. N.Y., 18.55. 10° 625.22 Schmidt, Oscar. Descent and Darwinism. N.Y., 1875. 12° 655.5 The mammalia, in their relation to prime- val times. London, 1885. 12'" ... . 1327.14 Schmucker, Samuel M. The four Georges of England. History of. N.Y., 1875. 12° . 512.3 Napoleon III., Public and private history of. Phila., 1879. 12° 192.18 Schcelcber, Victor. Handel, Life of. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 147.10 Schoenhof, J. The destructive influence of the tariff, upon manufacture and com- merce. N.Y., 1-83. 12° 1229.17 Scholars, Great. Buchanan, Bentley, Porson, Parr, and others. II. ,1. Nicoll. London, [n.d.] 10° 1131.5 Schouberg-Cotta family, Chronicles of the. Mrs. E. R. Chiirles.' N.Y., 1864. 12° . .321.10 School and army in Germany and France. W. B. Uazen. N.Y., 1872. 12° 722.1 School and industrial hygiene. D. F. Lincoln. Phila., 1880. 18° 673.26 School days at Kingscourt. A tale of 1803. H. C. Adams. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 914.4 School d.ays at Rugby. (Same as Tom Brown at Rugby.) T.Hughes. Boston, 18.58. 12°, 455.1 The same 914.5 School days of eminent men. J. Timbs. Columbus, 1860. 12° 223.24 School discipline, Progress in. M. Wyman. Cambridge, 1867. 8° 241.8 School, The district, as it was. W. Burton. Boston, 1850. 10° 201.3 School girls; or. Life at Montague Hall. A. Carey. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 378.32 School keeping; how to do it. II. Orcutt. Boston, 188.5. 18° 1241.13 School management. The art of. A text-book for normal schools, teachers, and parents. J. Baldwin. .N.Y., 1881. 12° .... 128.24 School management; including organization, discipline and moral training. J. Lan- don. London, 1883. 12° 1124.15 School officers and teachers, The power and authority of, in school, and over pupils out of school, as determined by the courts of the several states. By a member of the Mass. Bar. N.Y., 188.5. 10° . . .1241.17 School sermons; preached to the boys at the Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass. W. Everett. Boston, 1882. 16° 1213.22 Schoolboys all the world over. H. Frith, Ed. N.Y., 1881. 12° 912.11 Schoolcraft, H. B. Personal memoirs of thirty years' residence with Indian tribes. (1812-42.) Phila., 18.-)1. 8° 152.6 Schoolmaster's stories, The. E. Eggleston. Bc.ston, 1.S74 12° 404.20 Schoolmaster's trial. The; or. Old school and new. A. Perry. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . .378.21 Schoolmaster's trunk, The. Mrs. A. SI. Diaz. Boston, 1874. 10° 347.6 Schools and studies. B. A. Hinsdale. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 1232.6 Schooner '"Mary Ann," The. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1872. 10° 4.30.2 Schopenhauer, Arthur. The world as will anil idea. Boston, 1883. 3 v. 8°. . .1226.13 Schouler, .lames. History of the U.S. under the constitution. (1783-1817.) Washing- ton, 188-.'. 2v. 12° 691.17 Schouler, William. Massachusetts in the civil war. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 8° . . . . 546.3 Schubert, Franz P. Life. (Great musicians. ) H. F. Frost. N.Y., 1881. 12° ... . 194.28 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 303 Schubert, Franz P. — concluded. Life. K.voii Hellborn. Loiiil., 1869. 2 v. I'i", 113.2 Schubert, G. H. de. Biographical mpmoirs of tlie7J«c/(e.s.sq/'0rleans. N.Y., 18(J0. 12°, 1.51.2 Schubin.Ossip. Oiirownset. N.Y.,1SS4. 10°, 902.19 Schuckers, J. W. Chase, S. P., Life of. N.Y., 1S74. 8° 167.3 Schiicking, Louis. Fire and flame. [A novel.] N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.42 Schumann, Kobert. Maitland, J. A. F. Life. (Great nuisicians.) N.Y., 1884. 12°. .1128.15 Reisnianii, A. Life and works. London, 1886. 12° 1137.9 Von Wasielwski. Life. Boston, 1871. 16°, 163.10 Schiirtzenberger, P. On fermentation. N.Y., 1879. 16° 6.55.6 The same 079.9 Schurz, Carl. Sumner, Charles, Eulogy of. Bost<74. 2v. 8° 710.14 Sch'wendler, Louis. Instructions for testing teleiiraph lines, and the technical arrange- ments of offices. London, 1878. 2 v. 8°, 077.17 Scidmore, E. Ruhamah. Alaska; its southern coast and the Sitkan Archipelago. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 792.1 Science. An illustrated weekly journal. Cam- bridge, 1883-86. 8v. 8° 754.7 Vol. L Jan.-.June, 1883. IL July-Dec, 18S3. III. Jan.-.Iune, 1884. IV. July-Dec, 1884. V. Jan. -June, 1885. VI. July-Dec, 1885. VII. Jan.-June, 1886. VIII. July-Dec, ISSG. Science. Abbott, J. Science for the young. N.Y., [n.d.] 4 V. 12°. Force 0.37.8 The same 1317.4 Heat 637.16 The same 1317.1 Light 637.15 The same 1317.2 Water and land 041.14 The same 1317.3 Science — continued. Bell, N. R. E. Science ladders. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1318.16 Brewer, l 049.26 The same. 1870 489. .5 The same. 1877 489.8 The same. 1878 489.10 Science and literature, Discourses on. A. Potter. N.Y., 18.-)5. 12° 653.12 Science and literature in the middle ages, and at the period of the .renaissance. P. Lacroix. N.Y., 1878. 8° 028.5 Science and religion. [Lectures.] A. Gr.ay. N.Y., 1880. 12° 675.15 Science and religion. A. Winchell. London, [n.d.] 12° 1321.1 Science and religion, Studies in. G. F. Wright. Andover, 1882. 12° 1219.1 Science and revelation. Lectures in reply to Tyndall, Darwin, .and others. N.Y., 1S75. 8° . 645.27 Science and sentiment; with other papers chiefly philosophical. N. Porter. N.Y., 1S82. 8° 1218.6 Science, Martyrs of. Lives of Galileo, Tyclio Brahe, and Kepler. D. Brewster. X.Y., 1854. 16° 211.23 Science, philosophy, and morals. Discussions in. H. Spencer. N.Y., 1873. 12° . . 625.5 Science Record, The. A. E. Beach, Ed. N.Y., 1873. 12^ 637.7 Scientific American Supplement. N.Y., 1876- 80. 22 V. Folio 862.4 Vol. I. Jan.-Junc, 1876. Vol. XII. .luly-Dec, IBM. It. July-Dec, 1876. XIII. Jan.-June, 1882. ni. Jan.-June, 1877. XIV. July-Dec, 1882. tV. July-Dec, 1877. XV. Jan.-June, 1833. V. Jan.-June, 1878. XVI. July-Dec, 1883. VI. July-Dec, 1878. XVII. Jan.-June, 1884. VII. .Jan.-June, 1879. XVIII. July-Dec, 1884. Vin. July-Dec, 1879. XIX. Jan.-June, 1885. IX. Jan.-June, 1880. XX. July-Dec, 1885. X. .July-Dec, 1880. XXI. Jan.-June, 1886. XI. Jan.-Junc, 1881. XXII. July-Dec, 1886. Scientific culture; and other essays. J. P. Cooke. N.Y., 1881. 12° 129.18 The same, with additions 1238.15 Scientific discovery, Annals of. 1802-71. Boston, 1862-71. 8 v. 12° 041.5 Scientific memoirs. J. W. Draper. N.Y., 1878. 8° 656.12 Scientific men, Biographies of. F. Arago. Boston, 18.59. 2 v. 12° 103.8 Scientists, Half hours with modern. New Haven, 1873. 12° 646.3 Scoble, Andrew K. Commines, Philip de, Life of. London, 185.5. 2 v. 8° . . . 142.1 Scoones, W. Baptiste, Sd. Four centuries of English letters. N.Y., 1880. 12°. . . 125.12 Scot abroad, The. J. H. Burton. Edinburgh, 1881. 12° 598.0 Scotch naturalist, Life of a. S. Smiles. N.Y., 1877. 12° 171.20 Scotland. JltKliiry. Burton, .J. H. History of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1873. 8 v. and inde.\. 12° 521.4 Chambers, R. History of the rebellion of 1745-40. London, |n.d.] 12° . . 493.5 Gregory, D. History of the western Highlands and isles of .Scotland. (149;?- 1025. ) With a brief introductory sketch from A.D. 80-1493. London, 1881. 8° 593.11 Macarthur, M. History of Scotland. X.Y., 1874. 10° 472.15 Strickland, A. History of the queens of Scotland. N.Y., 1858. 8 v. 12° . . 144.1 Tyler, P. F. History of Scotland, (1149- 1603.) Edinburgh, 1.800. 10 v. 8° . 522.2 Wilson, D. Prehistoric annals of Scot- land. London, 1803. 2 v. 8° . . . 695.2 Wright, T. History of Scotland. Lon- don, [n.d.] 3 V. 4° 518.3 Literature. Ballads of Scotland. London, 1871. 12°, 612.6 Chambers, R. Popular rhymes of Scot- land. London, [n.d.] 12° .... 573.6 Travel. Hunnewell, J. F. Lands of Scott. Bos- ton, 1871. 8° 725.13 Nauticus in Scotland. A tricycle tour. London, [n.d.] 12° 778.10 Speedy, T. Sport in the Higlilands and Lowlands of Scotland, with rod and pun. Edinburgh, 1884. 8^ . . . . 787.7 Scott, Genio C. Fishing in American waters. N.Y., 1809. 12° 040.20 Scott, H. L. Military dictionary. N.Y., 1801. 8° 642.3 Scott, Leader. Renaissance of art in Italy. N.Y., 1883. 4° R. L. Renaissance and modern sculpture. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1612.17 Scott, Mary E. Keith; or, Righted at last. Phila., 1881. 12° .387.12 Scott, R. W. The war of the rebellion. A compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Wash- ington, 1880. Series I., Vols. I. and II. 8°, 696.1 Scott, S. P. Through Spain. Phila., 1886. 8°, 794.9 Scott, .Sir Walter. Hutton, R. H. Life. (Eng- lish men of letters.) N.Y., 1878. 12° . 192.3 Lockliart, J. G. Life. Phila., 1861. 4 v. 12°, 216.13 Mackenzie, R.S. Life. Boston, 1871. 12°, 213.4 MacLeod, D. Life. N.Y., 1852. 12° . . 148.4 Works : Essays on chiv.alry, romance, and the drama. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 1229.8 Letters on demonology and witchcraft. N.Y., 18.5.5. 16° 131.13 Napoleon I., Life of. London, 1834. 3v. 8° 135.9 Novelists, Lives of the. N.Y., 1872. 8°, 145.15 Poetical works. Boston, [n.d.] 9 v. 16°, 564.10 Vol. I. The lay of the last minstrel. II. Marmion. IIL The Lady of the Lake. IV. Rokeby. Vision of Don Rod- erick. V. The Lord of the Isles. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 305 Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical works — concluded. Vol. VI. Ballads, songs, etc. VII. Miscellaneous poems. VIII. The bridal of Triesmain, etc. IX. Doom of Devorgoil. Auchin- drane, etc. The Lady of the Lalie. Ed. with notes by W. J. Rolfe. Boston, 1883. 12°, .584.9 The same. (Incomplete) .... .58.3.2 Tales of a grandfather. Boston, 185.5. 4v. 12° 316.2 Warerley Noveh. Edinburgh, 1S71. 12°. Abbot, The. Sequel to " The monas- tery " 314.1 The same 315.1 Anne of Geierstein 314.2 The same 315.2 Antiquary, The 314.3 The same 315.3 Betrothed, The 314.4 The same 315 4 Bride of Lammermoor 314.5 The same 315.5 Castle Dangerous 316.0 Count Robert of Paris 314.7 The same 315.7 Fair maid of Perth 314.8 The same 315.8 Fortunes of Nigel 314.6 The same 315.0 Guy ilannering 314.9 The same 315.9 Heart of Midlothian 314.10 The same 315.10 Ivanhoe 314.11 The same 315.11 Kenilworth 314.12 The same 315.12 Legend of Jlontrose. Black dwarf . . 314.13 The same 315.13 Monastery, The 314.14 The same 315.14 Old Mortality 314.15 The same 315.15 Peveril of the peak 314.16 The same 315.16 Pirate, The 314.17 The same 315.17 Quentin Durward 314.18 The same 315.18 Red gauntlet 314.19 The same 315.19 Rob Roy 314.20 The same 315.20 St. Ronan's well 314.21 The same 316.1 Surgeon's daughter, The 314.22 The same 316.5 Talisman, The 314.23 The same 315.4 Waverley 314.24 The same 316.3 Woodstock 314.25 The same 316.4 Scott, William B. Diirer, Albert, Life of. London, 1860. S° 115.9 Fine.ind ornamental arts. N'.T.,1S75. 12°, 652.22 Scott, Gen. Winficld. Memoirs, by himself. N.Y., 1864. 2v. 12^ 133.3 Scott-Stevenson, Mrs. On summer se.as. London, 1883. 8' 784.3 Scottish anecdote. The book of. A. Hislop, Ed. Edinburgh, [n.d.] 12° 1213.5 Scottish cavalier. The. J. S. Grant. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 384.29 Scottish chiefs. The. [A novel.] J. Porter. Phila., 1871. 12° 342.8 Scottish church. The, from the earliest times to 1881. (St. Giles lectures, first series.) To which is prefixed an historical sketch of .St. Giles cathedral by W. Chambers. Edinburgh, 1881. 12° 1213.23 Scottish covenanters. The. J. Taylor. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 191.16 Scottish Hebrides. The land of Lome. R. Buch.anan. N.T., 1871. 12° . . . . . 724.21 Scottish life and character. Reminiscences of. E.B.Ramsay. N.Y., 1877. 12° . . . 281.22 The same 063.18 Scottish life, Lights and shadows of. J. Wil- son. N.Y., 18.57. 16° 431.13 Scouring of the white horse. A vacation ram- ble. T. Hughes. Boston, 18.59. 12°. . 4.55.4 Scout, The ; or. The black riders of Congaree. W. G. Simms. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 307.27 Scripture Club of Valley Rest. Sketches of everybody's neighbors. J. Habberton. N.Y., 1S77. 16° .368.17 Scriptures, Hebrew and modern. Vol. I. The Hebrew story from the creation to the exile. Ed. for the young by E. T. Bart- lett «n2.22 Shove, George A. Life under glass. Boston, 1874. 12° 262.7 Show^ your colors. J. D. Fulton. N.Y., 1875. 10° 433.19 Shurtleff, N. B. Boston; a topographical and historical description of the city. Boston, 1871. 8° 537.1 Siam as it was and is. G. B. Bacon, Ed. N.Y., 1873. 12° 713.2 Siberia. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and west- ern Siberia. N.Y.. 1858. 8° 665.6 The same 727.8 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 313 Siberia — concluded. Bush, R. J. A journal of Siberian travel. N.Y., 1871. 8° 717.18 Kennan, G. Tent life in Siberia. X.Y., 1881. 12= 72.3. (i The same 77"). 7 Lausdell, II. Through Siberia. Boston, 1882. 8° 774.7 Piotrowski, E. My escape from Siberia. London, 1803. 12° 762.2 Sibert's wold. M. A. Mackarness. Boston, 1858. 1G° 422.20 Sibley, John Langdon. Biographical sketches of Harvard graduates. Cambridge, 1873- 85. 3v. 8° 154.1 Vol. I. 1642-.58. II. 1659-77. III. 1678-89. Siborue, W. History of the war in France and Belgium in 1815. London, 1S5S. 8° . . 498.19 Sibree, J. Madagascar and its people. Lou- don, 1870. 12° 712.1 Sibyl Spencer. J.Kent. N.T., 1878. 12° . 371.18 Sicilies, Travels in the two. L. Spallanzani. London, 1798. 4 v. 8° 715.14 Sicily, A pilgrimage to. II. T. Tnckerman. N.Y., 1856. 12= 663.22 Sidereal heavens. The. T.Dick. N.Y., 1855. 12° 653.17 Sidgwrick, Alfred. Fallacies: a view of logic from the practical side. X.Y., 1884. 12°, 1318.4 Sidgwrick, Uenry. Scope and method of eco- nomic science. Loudon, 1885. 16° . . 1328.12 Sidney, Margaret, pseud. See Lothrop, Mrs. Harriet M. Sidney, Sir Philip, Life and times of. Boston, 1859. 12° 212.5 Works, and life. W. Gray. Boston, 1860. 8° 143.7 The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Lou- don, [n.d.] 12° 9.53.15 Sidney, Samuel. Three colonies of Australia. N.Y.,1860. 12° 601.9 Siebe, H. The conquest of the sea. (Diving.) London, 1873. 16° 714.7 Siebold, P. F. von. Manners and customs of the Japanese in the nineteenth century. N.Y.,1S55. 16° 711.10 Siege of London; Pension Beaurepas; The point of view. [Stories.] H. James. Bos- ton, 1S83. 12° 944.20 Sieges of history. The great. London, [n.d.] 12° . . ." 48:3.1 Siegfried, The story of. J. Baldwin. N.Y., 1882. 12° 910.22 Sight: an exposition of the principles of monoc- ular and binocular vision. J. Le Conte. N.Y.,1881. 12° 678.9 See also Eye, The. Sights and insights. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, 1876. 2 v. 12° :327.26 The same ;327.27 Sights and sensations, in France, Germany, etc. E. G. Buffum. N.Y., 1869. 12° . 662.18 Sign of the silver flagon. B. L. Farjeon. N.Y., 1875. 8° 347.36 Signal boys. G. C. Eggleston. N.Y., 1878. 12°, 441.40 Signboards, History of. J. Larwood uiid J. C. Hotten. London, 1866. 12° 626.11 Signing the contract, and what it cost. M. Finley. N.Y., 1879. 12° :374.26 Signor Monaldini's niece. (No name series.) M. A. Tincker. Boston, 1879. 16° . . 385.1 The same 385.6 Signs before death. Apparitions, dreams, etc. London, 187.5. 12° 281.24 Sigourney, Mrs. L. U. Letters of life. N.Y., 1800. 12° 215.4 Lucy Howard's journal. X.Y., 1858. 12°. 414.14 Silas Marner. Mrs. M. Cross. X.Y., 1861. 12° 337.18 The same 337-30 Silcote of Silcotes. H. Kingsley. Boston, 1867. 8° :346.10 Silent partner. The. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1871. 12° a54.24 Silent witness, The. E. Yates. Boston, 1875. 8° 357.29 Silhouettes and songs, illustrative of the months. Designs by H. M. Hinds; poems by eminent authors. E. E. Hale, Ed. Boston, 1877. Ob. 4° Pv. L. Silken threads. A detective story. " George Afterem." Boston, 1885. 12° ... . 968.5 Silliman, Benjamin, Life of. G. P. Fisher. X.Y., 1866. 2v. 12° 132.2 Silloway, Thomas W., and Powers, L. L. Ca- thedral towns of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Boston, 1,88:3. 12° 775.15 Silver country. The. Mexico and the Mexican cessions to the U.S. in 1848 and 185:3. A. D.Anderson. N.Y., 1.877. 12°. . . . 492.16 Silver lake; or, Lost in the snow. R M. Bal- lantyne. Phi I a., 1868. 16° 443.8 Silver linings; or, Lights and shades. Mrs. R. Bray. London, 1880. 12° .396.8 Silver medal. The. J. T. Trowbridge. Bos- ton, 1881. 12° 912.25 Silver pitchers. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1876. 16° 327.28 The same :327.29 Silver sands. G. E. E. Crampton. Boston, [n.d.] 16= 433.12 Silverado squatters. The. R. L. Stevenson. Boston, 1884. 10° 1224.22 Silvia. J. Kavanagh. N.Y., 1873. 8° . . . 307.34 Simcox, Editli. Episodes in lives of men, women, and lovers. Boston, 1882. 12° . 1217.7 Simcox, George A Latin literature, History of. N.Y., 1883. 2 v. 12° 1222.22 Sime, James. Germany, History of. N.Y., 1874. 16° 532.10 Sime, William. The red route. [A novel.] X.Y., 1885. 16° 969.9 Simmonds, P. I. The commercial products of the sea. X.Y., 1879. 12° 658.21 Simms, W. Gilmore. Bayard, Checalier de, Life of. y.Y., 1854. 8° 142.7 llidorical novels. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. Eutaw. Sequel to " The forayers " . . . 367.24 Forayers, The 367.23 Katharine Walton 367.22 Mellichampe 367.25 Partisan, The 367.26 The same 363.69 The scout .367.27 Woodcraft 367.28 Marion, F., Life of. X.Y., 1860. 12° . . 162.16 South Carolina, History of. Redfield, 1860. 12° 541.11 Simon, Jules. The government of Thiers. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 8° 499.3 314 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Simonde tie Sisinondi, J. C. L. Literature of the soutli of Europe. I.dikIou, 1840. 2 v. 12° 474.11 Simple trutli, Tlie. R. Collyer. Boston, 1878. Ifi" 271.27 Simpleton, A. C. Reatle. Boston, 187-3. 12°, 335.22 Simplicity and fascination. A. Beale. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 12° 387. 25 Simply a love story. P. Orne. Boston, 1885. 1-2° 9118.9 Simpson, A. L. Willvie, Sir David, Life and works of. London, 1879. 8° . . . . 102.13 Simpson, E. M., {pseud., Van Saxon.) Mar- plot Cupid. Boston, 1883. 18°. . . . 951.14 Simpson, Matthew, {liishop of the M. E. Church.) Sermons. N.Y., 188-5. 8° . 1244.3 Tale lectures on preaching. N.Y., 1S79. 1-2° 285.20 Simpson, W. Sparrow. Chapters in the history of old St. Paul's. London, 1881. 8° . 785.3 Sims, J. Marion. The story of my life. Ed. by his son H. Marion-Sims. N.Y., 1884. 12° 1129.12 Sinai and Palestine. A. P. Stanley. N.Y., 1885. 8° 737.5 Sinclair, Catherine. Holiday house. London, [n.d.] l(i° 445.31 Sinclair, Norman, Life of. W. E. Aytoun. Edinburgh, 1S(>1. 3 v. 12° 1113.22 Singers, Advice to. By a singer. London, [n.d.] 16° 681.20 The same 1611.4 Singing, Artistic. S. H. Dow. Boston, 1883. 12° 6S6.2 Single blessedness. [Essays.] N.Y., 18-52- 12°, 225.13 Single gentleman. O. Ellsworth. Boston, 1867. 16° 402.15 Singular cre.atures, and how they were found. Mrs. C. Cupples. Boston, 1872. 16° . . 4-52-12 Sink or swim- H. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 442.16 Sinners and saints. A tour across the States and round them, with three months among the Mormons. P.Robinson. Bos- ton, 188;3. 12° 775.16 Sinnett, A. P. Esoteric Buddhism. Boston, 1883. 12° 12L'5.10 The occult -world. Boston, 188-5. 12° . . 1245.4 Sinnett, Mrs. Percy. Byways of history. Lon- don, 18.50. 12° 484.3 Sir Brook Fossbrooke. C. Lever. London, [n.d.] 12° -394.9 Sir Charles Grandison. S. Richardson. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 334.6 Sir Ed-ward Seaward's narrative of shipwreck and discovery. J.Porter. London, [n.d.] 12° 386.2 SirGibbie. G. Macdonald. Phila., 1870. 8°, 336.27 Tliesame 336.28 Sir Harry Hotspur of Huniblethwaite. A. Trollope. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 903.22 Sir Jasper Carew. C. J. Lever. London, [n.d.] 10° 351.20 Sir Roger de Coverley. J.Addison. London, |n.d.] 12° 1222.11 Sir Rohan's ghost. Mrs. H. P. Spofford. Boston, 1860. 12° 411.8 Sir Tom. Mrs. M. O. W. Ollphant. London, 1S.'<4. 12° 004.2 Sir Valentine's victory; and other stories. Mrs. E. Marshall. X.Y., 1883. 12° . . 976.15 Sister and saint. A sketch of the life of Jac- queline Pascal. S. W. Wellzcl. N.Y., |n.d.] 12° 194.22 Sister Augustine: an old Catholic Superior of the Sisters of Charity of the St. Johann's Hospital at Bonn. Authorized translation from the German memorials of Amalle von Lasaulx. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . . . 187.7 Sister Dora. (A biography.] M. Lonsdale. Boston, 1880. 12° 178.16 The same 178.17 Sister Louise. J. G. W. Melville. London, |n.d.] 12° 9.55.18 Sister's bye-hours, A. J. Ingelow. Boston, 1808." 16° 361.10 Sister's story, A. Mrs. A. Craven. N.Y., [n.d.] 1-2° 165.1 Sisters of charity. Mrs. Jameson. Boston, 1859. 12° 243.15 Sisters, The. [A romance.] G. Ebers. S.Y., 1880. 16° .383.24 Six by two. Stories of old schoolfellows. E. Di.xon and M. De Morgan. London, 1873. 12° 942.17 Six cushions. The. C. M. Yonge. Boston, 1870. 12° 463.9 Six girls. A home story for girls. F. B. Irv- ing. Boston, 188-5. 8° 929.5 Six hundred dollars a year. A wife's effort at low living. Boston, 1867. 18° . . . 362.37 Six in all. [A novel.] V. F. Townsend. Bos- ton, 1886. 12° 977.21 Six little cooks; or. Aunt Jane's cooking class. E. Kirkland. Chicago, 1877. 16° . . . 445.14 Six little rebels. Mrs. K. T. Woods. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 911.20 Six months at Mrs. Prior's. E. Adams. Bos- ton, (n.d.] 16° 911.21 Six months at the cape. R. M. Ballantyne. London, 1880. 12° 912.12 Six mouths at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. F. B. Carpenter. N.Y., 1866. 12° 252.26 Six nights with the Wasliingtonians; and other temperance tales. T. S. Arthur. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 360.22 Six of one by half a dozen of the other. H. B. Stowe and others. N.Y., 1872. 16°. 326.19 Six of spades. The. S. R. Hole. Edinburgh, 1872. 8° 648.6 Six to sixteen. A story for girls. J. H. Ew- ing. Boston, 1876. 16° 441.38 Six -wreeks in the saddle. S. E. Walker. Lon- don, 1874. 12° 713.21 Sixth regiment. The old. [An historical sketch.] J. W. Hanson. Boston, 1866. 12° 662.9 Sixty years' gleanings. J. Brown. N.Y., 18-59. 12° 217.3 Sizer, Nelson. What to do and why. New Haven, 1875. 12° 491.25 Skeat, Walter M. An etymological dictionary of the English language. N.Y., 1882. 8°, 1215.17 Skeen, William. Early typography. Colombo, Ceylon, 1872. 8° 683.12 Skeene, James Henry. With Lord Stafford in the Crimean war. London, 1883. 8° . 1412.2 Skeleton in armor. The. (Illustrated.) H. W. Longfellow. Boston. 1870. 8° . . R. L. Skeleton tours in Europe. H. W. Sargent. N.Y., 1870. 18° 731.16 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 315 Skelton, John. Essays in history and biogra- pliy. Edinburgh, 1S83. 8° 597.10 Poetical works. Boston, [n.d.] 3 v. 16° . 563.3 Sketch book, The. W. Irving. X.Y., 185.5. 12° 218.17 Selection from The sketch book. (Classics for children.) H. B. Spragiie and M. E. Sc.iles, £•(/». Boston, 188.5. 16° . . . i)71.6 Sketcher's manual ; or, The art of picture making on the simplest principles. F. Howard. London, 1876. 16° ... . 657.20 Sketches and studies in southern Europe. J. A. SymomU. N.Y., 18S0. 2 v. 8° . . 706.9 Sketches beyond the sea. F. B. Wilkie. Chi- cago, ISSO. 12° 766.17 Sketches by Boz. C. Dickens. London, [n.d.] 12° 355.14 The same 357.16 Sketches of life and character. W. M. Thack- eray. Boston, 187.5. 12° 373.9 Sketches old and new. S. L. Clemens. Hart- ford, 1875. 4° 247.19 Sketches, Personal. J. Barrington. N.Y., 18-56. 16° 224.20 Sketching club. Our. R. St. J. Tyrwhitt. Boston, 1875. 8' 669.11 Skin, The, and its troubles. (Health primer.) N.Y., 1879. 18° 673.18 Skin, The, in health and disease. S. D. Bulk- ley. Phila., 1880. 18° 673.24 Skirmishes and sketches. M. A. Dodge. Boston, 1865. 16° 225.25 Skotto'we, B. C. The four Georges, A short history of. (1714-18.30.) London, 1884. 12° 1415.21 Skye, Summer in. A. Smith. Boston, 1865. 12° 666.21 Slack, Henry J. Marvels of pond life. Lon- don, 1880. 16^ 1313.16 Slave, Tlie, the serf and the freeman. Mrs. C. Overend, Trans. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . .33:3.17 Slave power, The. J. E. Cairnes. X.Y., 1872. 8° 221.16 Slave power in America, Else and fall of the. H.Wilson. Boston, 1872-77. 3 V. 8". . .5.55.6 Slavers and cruisers. S. W. Sadler. London, [n.d.] 12° 914.22 Slaves, Fugitive. Reminiscences of Levi Cof- fin. Cincinnati, 1880. 12° 192.20 Slaves of the ring. F. W. Robinson. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 427.1 The same 9,56.7 Sleep and its derangements. W. A. Hammond. Phila., 1860. ^2° 633.14 Sleep and sleeplessness. J. 5[. Granville. Boston. 1881. 16° 673.29 Sleeper, John S. Wonderful adventures on the ocean. Boston, [n.d.] 12° .... 444. .38 Sleeping car, The. [A farce.] W. D. Howells. Boston, 188.5. 18° 961.4 Sleight, Mary B. The house at Crague. N.Y., [n.d. I 16° 975.4 The Osego chronicles. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 38:3.14 Prairie days. N.Y., 1879. 16° 445. :34 Sleight of hand. A manual of legerdem.iin. E.Sachs. London, [n.d.] 12°. . . .1612.12 Slight ailments: their nature and treatment. L. S. Beale. Phila., 1882. 8° . . . . 1311.8 Slings and arrows; and other tales. F. J. Far- gus. N.Y., 1885. 16° 909.15 SUp in the fens, A. N.Y., 187:3. 12°. . . . 363.20 Slow and sure. H.Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 10°, 442.10 Small house at AUington. A. Trollope. X.Y., 1864. 8° 353.8 Smalley, Eugene V. Northern Pacific railroad. History of the. N.Y., 188:3. 8° . . . . 1412.7 Smart, Hawley. Belles and ringers. Phila , 1881. 16° 378.19 Courtship in 1720 and in 1860. Phila., 1877. 16° 364.60 Smedley, F. E. Harry Coverdale's courtship and marriage. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . . 364.38 Smee, Alfred. My garden; its plan and cul- ture. London, 1872. 8° 618.11 Smiles, Samuel. Character. N.Y., 1872. 12°, 234.24 Dick, Robert; baker of Thurso, geologist and botanist. N.Y., 1879. 12°. . . . 177.26 Engineers, Lives of. London, 1874. 4 v. 12° 171.9 Huguenots, History of the, in England and Ireland. N.Y., 1868. 8° 534.6 Huguenots in France. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . 534.5 Industrial biography. Boston, 1864. 12° . 162.9 Men of industry and invention. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1129.11 Ed. Jfasmyth, James, engineer. An auto- biography. X.Y., 188:3. 12° 1114.20 j:ci. Round the world. N.Y., 1877. 12°. . 493.10 Self-help. [Essays.] N.Y., 1860. 12° . . 223.12 Scotch naturalist. Life of a. N.Y., 1877. 12° 171.20 Stephenson, George, Life of. Boston, 1858. 8° 167.10 Stephenson, George and Robert, Lives of. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1119.10 The successful merchant. Life of George Moore. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1128.16 Smiley, Sarah F. The fulness of blessing. N.Y., 1876. 12° 267.21 Smith, Adam, Life of. (1723-1790.) J. A. Farrar. N.Y., 1881. 12° 187.3 The nature and causes of the wealth of nations. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 2S2.10 Smith, Alexander. Alfred Hagart's household. Boston, 186.5. 12° 345.34 Dreamthorp. Boston, 1864. 12° . . . . 217.18 Mi^s Oona McQuarrie. Sequel to "Alfred Hagart's household." Boston, 1866. 12°, 334.4 Poems. N.Y., 1870. 12° 573.16 Summer in Skye. Boston, 1865. 12° . . 666.21 Smith, Baxter P. Dartmouth College, History of. Boston, 1878. ,8° 494.12 Smith, Mrs. Caroline L. The American home- book. Boston, 1872. 12° 463,5 Smith, Mrs. Castle. A Saturd.ay'sbairn. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 364.72 Smith, D. Murray. Arctic expeditions from British and foreign shores. Edinburgh. 1877. 8° ^ . R. L. Smith, Edward. Corbett, William, Biography of. London, 1879. 2 v. 8° 1113.18 English Jacobins, Story of the. (1794.) N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 123.29 Foods. X.Y., 1874. 12° 655.7 Smith, E. Goodrich. A winter in Spitzbergen. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 437.12 Smith, E. Oakes. The newsboy. N.Y., 1870. 16° 4.36.23 Smith, Eliza W. Homer and Socrates. Phila., 1872. 12° 225.22 Smith, Elizabeth E. Three cr.is in a woman's life. Boston, 1859. 12° 311. IS 316 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Smith, Francis. Tlie canary ; its management, etc. London, 1808. 12° 2.")LM6 Smith, George. Assyrian discoveries. N.Y., 1875. 8° 717.4 The Chaldean account of Genesis. N.Y., 1876. 8° -181.3 Smith, George, of CoalciUe. " I've been a gipsying." London, 1883. 12° . . . . 778. "-'O Smith, Goorge B. Bright, John, Life and speeches of. N.Y., 1881. 8° .... IIP-'. 2 Gladstone, William E., Life of. X.Y., 1880. 8° 193.7 Prime ministers of Queen Victoria. N.Y., 1886. S° l'..30.4 Smith, Gerrit. Life. O. B. Frothingham. N.Y., 1878. 12° 177.4 Smith, Goldwin. Irish history and Irish char- acter. London, ISGS. 16° 472.11 Lectures and essays. N.Y., 1881. 8' . . 1211.2 Lectures on the study of history. N.Y., 1860. 12° 474.10 Three English statesmen. N.Y., 1807. 12°, 148.15 Smith, G. W. Spanish and French paintings. N.Y., 1884. 12° 087.21 Smith, Hannah, {psei(d., Ilesba Stretton. ) Ally Transome. N.Y., 1873. 16° .... 303.10 Bede's charily. N.Y., 1872. 16° . . . . 303.11 Carola. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 9.57.9 Cassy. N.Y., [n.d.l 16° 331.8 Cobwebs and cables. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . 379.20 The crew of the "Dolphin." N.Y., 1876. 18° 302.48 The doctor's dilemma. N.Y., 1872. 8°. . 340.46 Hester Morley's promise. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 41."). 3 In prison and out. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . 396.11 The Lord's pursebearers. Boston, 1882. 12° 942.9 LostGip. N.Y., [n.d.] 12" 422.19 MaxKromer. N.Y., 1871. 16° ... . 4.il.22 Through a needle's eye. N.Y., 1878. 12°, 373.18 Smith, Henry Boyuton, His life and works. Ed. by his wife. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . . 193.13 Smith, Herbert H. Brazil. The Amazons and the coast. N.Y., 1879. 8° . . . . 7(i3.20 Smith, H. Percy. Glossary of terms and phrases. N.Y., 1883. 8° 1218.13 Smith, Horace and James. Rejected addresses. N.Y., 1876. 16° 247.22 Smith, Horatio. Festivals, games, and amuse- ments. N.Y., 1855. 12° 261.12 Tent life with English gypsies in Xorway. London, 1873. 8° 726.10 Smith, J. E. A. Taghconic. The romance and beauty of the hills. Boston, 1879. 12° 292.7 Smith, J. Frederick. Woman's love. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 377.24 Smith, Mrs. J. Gregory. Atla; a story of the lost island. N.Y., 1886. 18° .... 961.8 Smith, J. J. American historical and literary curiosities. (Second series. ) Pbila., 1866. 4° R. L. Smith, J. Moyr. Ancient Greek female cos- tume. London, 1882. 12° 687.4 Smith, James. The coming man. London, 1873. 2 V. 8° 232.15 Smith, Jeremiah, Life of. J. H. Morison. Boston, 184.5. 12° 151.12 Smith, John. Dictionary of popular names of plants. London, 1882. 8° 1311.2 Domestic botany. London, 1883. 12°. .1312.19 Smith, Captain John. Asbton, J., Ed. The adventures and discourses of. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1413.11 Hilliard, G. S. Life. (American biogra- phy, Vol. II.) 111.2 Warner, C. D. A study of his life and writings. N.Y., 1881. 16° 1111.6 yVorku : Advertisements for the iniexperienced planters of New England or anywhere. [Reprinted.] Boston, 180.5. 8° . . . 528.11 Description of New England in 1614. [Reprinted.] Boston, 1805. 8° . . . .528.10 True relation of Virginia. C. Deane, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 4° 543.1 Smith, John C. Certain aspects of the church. N.Y., 1881. 12° 127.20 Smith, Joseph Emerson. Oakridge. Boston, 1875. 12° 354.33 Smith, Mary P. W. The Browns. A story for children. Boston, 1884. 16° . . . 928.17 Smith, Mary Stuart. Virginia cookery-book. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1228.22 Smith, Matthew Hale. Sunshine and shadow in New York. Hartford, 1874. 8° . . 482.7 Smith, Philip. History of the Christian Church during the middle ages. N.Y., 1885. 2 V. 12° 1422.5 History of the world, from the creation to the fall of the western Roman empire. N.Y., 1874. 3 V. 8° 594.4 The same 487.2 Smith, R. Bosworth. Carthage and the Car- thaginians. London, 1879. 12° . . . 1415.14 Lawrence, Lord, Life of. N.Y., 1883. 2 V. 8° 1117.4 Smith, Robert Angus. Air and rain. Lon- don, 1872. 8° 634.3 Smith, Roderick H. The science of business. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1325.22 Smith, Her. S. F. Missionary sketches. Bos- ton, 1881. 16° 295.8 Newton, Mass., History of. (1630-1880.) Boston, 1880. 8° 538.13 Ed. Rock of ages. [Poems.] Boston, 1877. 10° 571.14 Smith, Samuel Abbott. Address delivered in behalf of the Soldier's Aid Society of West Cambridge. Boston, 1864. 12° . 226.3 Smith, Sydney. Memoir; by his daughter, Lad)/ Holland. N.Y., 1856. 2 v. 12° . 132.9 Life and times of. S. J. Reid. N.Y., 1885. 8° 1127.8 Works : Essays. [See British essayist. Vol. V.) N.Y., 1872. 8° 1211.1 Wit and wisdom of. N.Y., 1866. 8°. . 154.10 Works. Boston, 18.54. 8° 237.6 Smith, T. Roger. Architecture, Gothic and renaissance. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... . 682.10 and Slater, John. Architecture, Classic and early Christian. N.Y., 1.882. 12° . 685.7 Smith, Thomas L. Elements of the. laws of the U.S. Phila., 1878. 12° 272.15 Smith, W. A. Lewsiana; or. Life in the outer Hebrides. London, 1875. 12° ... . 715.1 Smith, Walter. Art education. Boston, 1872. 8° 669.8 The drawing books of standard reproduc- tions and original designs. Boston, [n.d.] 4 y. 4° R. L. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 317 Smith, Walter — concluded. Examples of household taste. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 028.16 Freehand drawing, Teacher's manual of. Boston, 1874. 8° 669.2 and others. Masterpieces of the Centennial International E.xhibition. Phila., [n.d.] 4° R. L. Smith, William. Dictionary of the Bible. Boston, 1866. 12° 228.13 Fichte, G., Memoir of. London, 1873. 8°, 1234.7 Greece, History of. Boston, 1S5.5. 8" . . 527.1 and Cheetham, Samuel. Dictionary of Christian antiquities. Hartford, 1880. 2 V. 8° R. L. Smith, William, of the middle temple. Thorn- dale. Boston, 18o9. 12° 22.3.22 Smith, William Henry. A cycle of celestial objects. Oxford, 1881. 8° 677.13 St. Clair, Arthur, Life and public services of. Cincinnati, 1882. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1216.1 Smith, William Robertson. Kinship and mar- riage in early Arabia. Cambridge, Eiig., 188.3. 12° 792.24 The Old Testament in the Jewish church. N.Y., 1881. n° 129.8 Prophets of Israel and their place in his- tory. X.Y., 1882. 12° 1217.21 See also Smyth. Smithsonian Institution. See U.S. Govern- ment publications. Smoking and drinking. J. Parton. Boston, 1808. 12° 243.25 Smuckers, Samuel M. Nicholas I., Life and reign of. Phila., 1860. 12° 474.15 Webster, Daniel, Life, speeches, and memo- rials of. Phila., 1878. 12° 177.12 Smyth, C. Piazzi. The antiquity of intellectual man. Edinburgh, 1868. 12° 641.7 Our inheritance in the great pyramid. Lon- don, 1864. 12° 242.2 Smyth, Newman. The Orthodox theology of to-day. N.Y., 1881. 16° 295.11 The reality of faith. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . 1237.6 The religious feeling. N.Y., 1877. 12°. . 272.22 Trans. Dorner on the future state. N. Y., 1883. 12° 1221.9 Smyth, William. Lectures on modern history. London, 1854. 2 v. 12° 497.11 Snake-dance of the Moquis of Arizona. A description of the manners and customs of this peculiar people, etc. J. G. Bourke. N.Y., 1884. 8° 785.7 Snead, Thomas L. The fight for Missouri. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1422.18 Snider, Denton J. Agamemnon's daughter. [A poem.] Boston, 1885. 16° ... . 585.6 The system of Shakespeare's dramas. St. Louis, 1877. 12° 125.1 A walk in Hellas. Boston, 188.3. 8° . . . 776.3 Sno'w, C. B. Boston, History of. Boston, 1828. 8° 537.11 Sno's? and sunshine. A story for boys and girls. Mrs. M. J. Lamb. N.Y.,1S82. 4°, 915.13 Snow-bound. [A poem.] J. G. Whittier. Boston, 1866. 16° 553.20 Snow-bound at Eagle's. Bret Harte. N.Y., 1886. 18° 961.7 Snow-image, The; .and other stories. N. Haw- thorne. Boston, 18.53. 12° .342.28 The same 372.4 Snow^-man, The. Mme. Dudevant. Boston, 1871. 12° 3.52.19 Snowden, J.imes R. Ancient coins and medals. Phila., 1800. 8° 652.3 Snug Harbor; or, The Champlain mechanics. W.T.Adams. Boston, 1SS4. 16°. . . 919.2 So as by fire. [A temperance story.) M. Sid- ney. Boston, [n.d.] 12° .397.14 Soap and candles. A technical treatise, with a glance at the industry of fats and oils. R. S. Cristi.ini. Phila.. 1881. 8° . . . 677.7 Soap making. The art of. (Instructions for the manufacture of soap.) A. Wall. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 1324.16 Social classes, The; what they owe to each other. W. G. Sumner. N.Y.. 1883. 16° 1224.5 Social condition and education of the people in England. J. Kay. N.Y., 1883. 12° . . 244.5 Social economy. J. E. T. Rogers. N.Y.,1872. 12° 235.11 Social equality. A short study in a missing science. W. H. Mallock. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1219.10 Social etiquette in New York. N.Y., 1879. 16° 273.26 The same 1212.10 Social law of God. Sermons on the ten com- mandments. E. A. Washburn. N.Y., 1881. 12° 129.10 Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. J. Ashton. London, 1883. 12° .... .598.10 The same 598.15 Social pressure. A. Helps. Boston, 1875. 12° 251.7 Social silhouettes. The impressions of Mr.JIark Manhattan. E. Fawcett. Boston, 1885. 12° 974.1 Social statics; or. Conditions essential to hu- man happiness. H. Spencer. N.T., 186.5. 12° 625.7 Social subjects. Essays on. From the Saturday Review. Boston, 1805. 16° 225.11 Socialism. Coan, T. M., A'cZ. Social problems. N.Y., 1883. 16° 1214.21 Cook, J. Socialism; with prelude on cur- rent events. Boston, 1880. 12° ... 294.22 Graham, W. The social problem, in its eco- nomical, moral, and political aspects. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 1253.6 Gronlund, L. Exposition of modern social- ism. The cooperative commonwealth in its outlines. Boston. 1884. 16° . . . 1.321.2 Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism. N.Y., 1879. 12° 286.2 Lavelaye, E. de. Socialism of to-day. With an account of socialism in England by the translator, G. H. Orpen. London, [n.d.] 12° 1242.23 Rae, J. Contemporary socialism. N.Y., 1884. 8° " 1236.5 Socialism and Christianity. A. J. F. Beh- rends. N.Y., [n.d.| 12' 1252.3 Society and manners in .Vmerica. 1818-20. N.Y., 1821. 8° 231.14 Society and solitude. R. W. Emerson. Bos- ton, 1870. 12° 253.8 Society, Improvement of. T. Dick. N.Y., 18.55. 16° 646.11 Society novelettes. F. C. Burnand and others. London, 18S3. 2 v. 8° 395.19 318 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Society, the redeemed form of man, and the earnest of God's omnipotence in human nature. AfTinned in letters to a friend. II. James. Boston, 1870. 12^ ... . 284.9 Sociology. Spencer, H. Descriptive sociology. N.Y., [n.d.l 2 V. Folio R. L. The principles of. N.Y., 1880. 2 v. 12°, 675.18 Vol. I. The data and inductions of sociology and the domestic relations. II. Ceremonial institutions. The same. Part V. Political institu- tions. K.Y.. 1882. 12° 1219.8 The same. Part VI. Ecclesiastical institutions. N.Y., 1886. 12° . . 1248.20 The study of sociology. N.Y., 1876. 12°, 65.5.14 Ward, L. F. Dynamic sociology; or, Ap- plied social science as based upon statis- tical sociology and the less complex sciences. N.Y., 1883. 2 v. 12° . . . 1223. .5 Socrates. Memoirs for English readers. E. Levien. Londim, 1872. 18° 211.19 Apology, Crito and parts of the Phaedo of Plato. W. W. Goodwin, Trail,'!. N.Y., 1879. 12° 285.19 Trial and death of Socrates. Being the Eulhyphron, Apology, Crito and Phaedo of Plato. F. J. Church, Trans. London, 1880. 12° 126.3 Solar heat, gravitation, and sun spots. J. H. Kedzie. Chicago, 1886. 12° .... 1.327.21 Solar light and beat; the source and supply; gravitation; explanations of planetary and molecular forces. Z. Allen. N.Y., 1879. 8° 676.7 Soldier and patriot. F. M. Owen. London, [n.d.] 12° 413.14 Soldier boy. The. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 458.13 Soldier life in the array of northern Virginia, (1861-6.5.) C. McCarthy, (a Confederate soldier.) Richmond, 1884. 12° . . .1415.17 Soldier's life in India. W. S. R. Hodson. Boston, 1860. 1-2° 663.19 Soldier's orphans. The. Mrs. A. S. Stephens. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 375.19 Solitude of nature and of man. W. R. Alger. Boston, 1867. 12° 263.14 Solomon Isaacs. B. L. Farjeon. N.Y., 1877. 12° .364.67 Solon, Life of. G. W. Cox. London, 188.5. 16°, 1131.8 Solon, L. M. The art of the old English pot- ter. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1615.1 Soltera, Marie. A lady's ride across Spanish Honduras. Edinburgh, 1884. 12° . . 785.11 Some other folks. [Stories.] S. P. McLean. Boston, 1884. 12° 953.17 Some professional recollections. By a former member of the council of the Incorporated Law Society. London, 18S3. 12°. . .1229.14 Some women of to-day. [A novel.] Mrs. W. H. White. N.Y., 1879. 12° .386.21 Some women's hearts. Mrs. L. C. Moulton. Boston, 1874. 16° 362.7 Somebody's neighbors. [Stories.] Mrs. R. T.Cooke. Boston, 1881. 12° .... 307.2 Somers, Robert. The Southern States since the war. London, 1871. 8° 241.7 Somerville, Mary. The connection of the physical sciencos. N.Y.. 1886. 12° . . 646.4 Personal recollections. Boston, 1874. 8°. 115.2 Son of the organ-grinder. M. S. Schwartz. PhiL-i., [n.d.l 12° 345.35 Song and story. [Later poems.] E. Fawcett. Boston, 1884. 12° ....... . .577.11 Song celestial, The. A discourse between Ar- juna Prince of India, and the Supreme Being under the form of Krishna. E. Ar- nold, Trans. Boston, 1885. 16° . . . 585.12 Song pilgrimage. The, around and throughout the world. P. Phillips. Chicago, 1880. 8°, 186.12 Songs. Franklin Snuare song collection. Se- lected by J. P. McCaskey. N.Y., 1881. 2v. 8° 683.18 Our familiar songs and those who m.ide them. More than three hundred standard songs of the English speaking r.ace, with piano accompaniments, sketches of the writers, etc. H. K. Johnson, Ed. N.Y., 1880. 4° 628.17 Songs and ballads. Ancient. From tlie reign of Henry II. to the revolution. J. Rilson, Ed. London, 1877. 12° .575.4 Songs and lyrics. E. M. Hutchinson. Boston, 1881. 16° 583.24 Songs and verses. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° .577.1 Songs by the way. Rl. Ren. G. W. Doane. Alb.-iny, N.Y., 187.5. 1-2° 573.1 Songs in many keys. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1S62. 16° 553.19 Songs in minor keys. Mrs. E. Liddell. Lon- don, 1881. 16° 583.26 Songs of Italy. [Poems.] J. Miller. Boston, 1878. 12° 573.16 Songs of summer. R. H. Stoddard. Boston, 18.56. 12° 551.11 Songs of the Sierras. J. Miller. Boston, 1871. 16° 553.18 Songs of the silent world; and other poems. E. S, Phelps. Boston, 188-5. 16° . . . 584.23 Songstresses of Scotland. II. Keddie and J.L.Watson. London, 1871. 2 v. 8°. 115.13 Sonnets. The book of the sonnet. L. Hunt and S. A. Lee, Eds. Boston. 1867. 12°, .585.9 Sonnets and canzonets. A. B. Alcott. Bos- ton, 1882. 10° 575.18 Sonrel, L. The bottom of the sea. N.Y., 1870. 16° 035.22 Sonsof Godwin, The. [A tragedy.] W. Leigh- ton, Jr. Phila., 1877. 16° .571.9 Sophocles, Tr.agedies of. (The Oxford trans- lation.) N.Y., 185.5. 8° 615.5 Sophomores of Radcliffe. E. Kellogg. Bos- ton. 1872. 10° 443.2 Soprano, The. [A story.] C. F. Barnard. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 331.5 Sordello, Strafford, etc. [Adramaand poems.] R. Browning. Boston, 1864. 12°. . . .56710 Sorry her lot who loves too well. M. M. Grant. X.Y., 1879. 16° 364.78 Souci. [A novel.] Mrs. J. H. Twells. Phila., 1878. 12° 361.57 Soudan, Three months in the. E. Sartorius. London, 188.5. 8° 788.10 Wild tribes of the Soudan. A record of travel and sport during three winters spent in the Soudan. F. L. James. X.Y., 1884. 8° 783.4 Soul of things. The. Psychometric researches and discoveries. W. and E. M. F. Den- ton. Boston, 1875. 3v. 12° . . . . 642 24 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 319 Soul, The, here and hereafter. [A biblical study.] CM. Mead. Boston, 1S79. 12°, 286.18 Soule, Richard. Dictionary of English syno- nyms. Boston, 1871. 12° 236.5 Sound. (Acoustics.) Mott, H. A. The fal- lacy of the present theory of sound. N.T., 1885. 16-= 1321.23 Taylor, S. Sound and music. An element- ary treatise on the physical constitution of musical sounds and harmony, includ- ing the chief acoustical discoveries of Prof. Helmholtz. London, 1873. 12° . &19.17 The same. (Secoiul edition) 1317.14 Tyndall, J. Lectures on sound. N.T., lSt37. 12° 634.8 Sound bodies for our boys and girls. W. Blaikie. N.T., 1SS4. '16° 1231.2 Soundings from the Atlantic. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1864. 12° 264.5 South, The. Andrews, S. The South since the war. Boston, 1866. 12° 254.11 Cable, G. W. The silent South ; The freed- inan's case in equity; The convict lease system. N.Y., 1885. 16= 1251.3 Mc(;iure, A. K. Its industrial, financial and political condition. Phila., 1886. 16°, 791.1 Olmsted, F. L. Journey in the seaboard slave states. N.Y., 1856. 12° ... . 667.23 Somers, R. Southern states since the war. (1870-71.) London, 1871. 8° . . . . 241.7 South Carolina, History of. W. 6. Simms. N.T., 1S60. 12° 541.11 South meadows. The. E. T. Disosway. Phila., 1874. 12° 317.13 South Mountain magic. Mrs. M. V. Dalh- gren. Boston, 1882. 12° 1217.16 South sea sketches. (South American travel.) Mrs. M. V. Dalhgren. Boston, 1881. 12°, 768.24 South seas. Kidnapping in the. G. Palmer. Edinburgh, 1871. 8° 717.14 Southern rambles, (Florida.) O. Nox. Bos- ton, 1881. 12° 768.21 Southern sea idyls. C. W. Stoddard. Bos- ton, 1873. 16° 551.37 Southern states. See South, The. Southern woman's story, A. (Hospital sketches.) P. Y. Pember. N.Y., 1879. 16° 291.10 Southey, Robert. Life. (English men of let- ters.) E. Dowden. >f.Y., 1880. 12° . 192.25 Works : Common-place book. X.Y., 1S55. 2 v. 8° 231.4 The doctor. N.Y., 18.56. 12° ... . .345.36 Nelson, Life of. N.Y.. 1855. 16°. . . 131.2 The same. 1883. 12° 1115.18 Poems. Boston, [n.d.] 10 v. 16° . . 564.1 White, H. K., Life of. Boston, 1823. 2 v. 16° 131.19 Southey, Robert, and Coleridge, S. T. Remi- niscencesof. J.Cottle. N.Y.,[n.d.] 12°, 178.20 Southgate, Horatio. The cross above the crescent. Phila., 1878. 12° 374.6 South-wick, Albert P. Quizzism and its key. Curious questions with answers. Bos- ton, 1884. 16° 1241.11 Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. No-cela. Pbila., [n.d.] 12°. Allworth Abbey 415.12 Artist's love 415.10 Beautiful fiend 416.3 Southiworth, Mrs. E. D. E. X. — concluded. Bridal eve 417-6 Bride of Llewellyn 417.7 Bride's fate. Sequel to "The changed brides-" 416.16 Changed brides 416.15 Christmas guest 415.11 Cruel as the grave 416.9 Curse of Clifton 415.9 Deserted wife 417.5 Discarded daugliter 417.3 Fair play 416.7 Fallen pride 417.4 Family doom 416.5 Fatal marriage 415.17 Fatal secret 417.17 Fortune seeker 417.11 Gipsy's prophecy 417.14 Haunted homestead 417.13 How he won her. Sequel to "Fair play" . 416.8 India 415.18 Ishmael 417. 15 Lady of the isle 416.1 Lost heir of Linlithgow 416.11 Lost heiress 417.12 Love's labor won 415.16 Maiden widow. Sequel to " Family doom," 416.6 Miriam the avenger 416.2 Mother-in-law, The 417.9 Mystery of Dark Hollow 416.13 Noble lord. Sequel to "Lost heir of Lin- lithgow" 416.12 Phantom wedding; and other stories . . . 417.18 Prince of darkness 417.2 Red Hill tragedy 417.19 Retribution 417.1 Self-raised. Sequel to " Ishmael" . . . 417.16 Spectre lover 415.14 Three beauties 415.13 Two sisters 417.10 Tried for her life. Sequel to " Cruel as the grave" 416.10 Victor's triumph. The. Sequel to " Beau- tiful fiend" 416.4 Vivia 417.8 Widow's son, The 416.14 Wife's victory. The 415.15 Souvenirs of a diplomat. Private letters from America during the administrations of presidents Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler. Chevalier de Bacourt. X.Y., 1885. 12° 1245.17 Souvenirs of Mme. Vigfie Le Brun. N.Y., 1879. 8° 175.16 Souvenirs of some continents. A. Forbes. London, 1885. 12° 792.12 Souvestre, Eniile. An attic philosopher in Paris. N.y., 1879. 16° 291.2 Lake shore. Boston, IS.5.5. 12° ... . 712.15 Sowed by the wind. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1875. 16° 442.36 Soyer, Alexis. Culinary campaign. London, 1857. 16° 651.19 Spain. History. Abbott, J. S. C. Romance of Spanish history. N.Y., 1860. 12° 534.8 Clinton, H. R. Spain and Portugal. The war in the peninsnla and Wellington's campaigns in France and Belgiuiu. London, [n.d.] 12° 1422. S 320 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Spain. History — cnnrluded. Copp^e, H. History of tlio conquest of Spain by the Arab Moors. Boston, 1><81. 2v. 12° .592.11 Dunlop, J. Slemoirs of Spain dnring the reigns of Philip IV. and Charles II. (1021-1700.) Edinburgh, IS.34. 2 v. 8°, 523.-3 Hale, E. E. and Susan. The story of Spain. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1431.2 Harrison, J. H. History of Spain. Bos- ton, 18S1. 12° 59.1.5 Trueba, Don T. de. Romance of the history of Spain. London, [n.d.] 12°, 532.6 Tonge, C. M. Christians and Moors of Spain. London, 1878. 16° .... 2S3.5 Trniel. Amicis, E. de. Spain and the Spaniards. N.Y., 1881. 12° 769.7 Andersen, H. C. Spain, and a visit to Portugal. N.T., 1870. 8° 725.16 Bellingham, H. B. G. Ups and downs of Spanish travel. London, 18a3. 12° . 782.3 Downes, W. H. Spanish ways and by- ways, with a glimpse of the Pyrenees. Boston, 1883. 8° 777.13 Field, K. Ten days in Spain. Boston, 1875. 16° 711.16 Gallenga, A. Spain and Portugal. Ibe- rian reminiscences. London, 1883. 2 v. 8° 779.5 Hale, E. E. Seven Spanish cities, and the way to them. Boston, 1883. 16°. 771.17 Hare, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. London, 1873. 12° 722.12 Harrison, J. A. Spain in profile. A summer among the olives and aloes. Boston, 1S79. 18° 761.6 Lathrop, G. P. Spanish vistas. N.Y., 1883. 8° 776.2 Lonias, J. Sketches in Spain, from na- ture, art, and life. Edinburgh, 1884. 12° 785.15 Jfanning, S. Spanish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Loudon, [n.d.] 8° 568.10 Patch, O. Sunny Spain; its people and places, with glimpses of its history. N.y., 1884. 8° 787.8 Poitou, E. Spain and its people. Lon- don, 1873. 8° 725.9 The same 725.10 Rose, H. J. Untrodden Spain, and her black country. Being sketches of the life and character of the Spaniard of the interior. London, 1875. 2 v. 8°, 769.6 Scott, S. P. Through Spain. Phila., 1886. 8° 794.9 Thornbury, W. Life in Spain. X.T., 1860. 12° 663.3 Thr^blin, X. L. Spain and the Spaniards. Boston, 1S75. 12° 712.16 Spalding, William. Italy and the Italian isl- ands. N.Y., 1854. 3v. 16° .... 472.2 Spallanzani, Lazzaro. Travels in the two Sicilies. London, 1798. 4 v. 8° . . . 715.14 Spanish ballads. J. G. Lockhart, Trans. Bos- ton, 1856. 16° .564.6 Spanish conquest in America. A. Helps. X.Y., 1868. 4v. 8° 543.12 Spanish gypsy. The. [A drama ] Mrs. M. Cross. Boston, 1868. 16° .566.3 Spanish literature. History of. G. Ticknor. N.Y., 18.54. 3 V. ,S° 231.3 Spanish masters. An outline of the history of painting in Spain. E. W. Washburn. N.Y., 1884. 12° 687.13 Spanish papers; and other miscellanies. W. Irving. X.Y., 1866. 2 v. 12° . . . . 223.4 Spare hours. J. Brown. Boston, 1866. 2 v. 12°, 218.15 The same. (Third series) 1222.10 The same 1237.8 Sparhavrk, Francis 0. A lazy man's work. N.Y., 1881. 16° 376.30 Spark of genius. The. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1872. 16° 443.1 Sparks, Jared. American biography. N.Y., 1854. lOv. 16° 111.2 Vol. I. Stark, .1., by E. Everett. Brown, C. B., by W. H. Prescott. Montgomery, R., by J. Armstrong. Allen, E., by J. Sparks. II. Wilson. A., by W. B. O. Peabody. Smith, Capt. j., by G. S. Hillard. III. Arnold. B., by J. Sparks. IV. Wayne, A., by J. Armstrong. Vaiie, Sir H., by C. W. Uphara. V. Eliot, J., by 0. Francis. VI. Pinkney, W., by H. Wliealon. Ellei-y, W., by E. T. Channing. Mather, C, by W. B. O. Peabody. VII. Phips, Sir W., by F. Bowen. Putnam, .J., by O. W. B. Peabody. Davidson, L. M., by C. M. Sedgwick. Rittenhouse, D., by J. Ren wick. VIII. Edwards, J., by S. Miller. Brainerd, D., by W. B. O. Peabody. IX. Steuben, Baron, by F. Bowen. Cabot, S., by C. Hayward, Jr. Eaton, W., by C. C. Felton. X. Fulton, B., by J. Renwick. Warren, J., by A. H. Everett. Hudson, H., by H. R. Cleveland. Marquette, by J. Sparks. The same. (Second series. ) 15 v. . . 111.3 Vol. I. La Salle, R. C. de, by J. Sparks. Henry, P., by A. H. Everett. II. Otis, J., by F. Bowen. Oglethorpe, J., by W. B. O. Pea- body. IIL Sullivan, J., by O. W. B. Peabody. Leisler, J., by C. F. Hoffman. Bacon, N., by W. Ware. Mason, J., by G. E. Ellis. IV. Williams, R., by W. Gamraell. Dwight, T., by W. B. Sprague. Pulaski, Count, by J. Sparks. V. Rumford, Count, by J. Renwick. Pike, Z. M., by H. Whiting. Gorton, S., by J. M. Mackie. VI. Stiles, E., by J. L. Kingsley. Fitch. J., by C. Whittlesey. Hutchinson, A., by G. E. Ellis. VII. Ribault, J., by J. Sparks. Rale, S., by C. Francis. Palfrey. W., by J. G. Palfrey. VIII. Lee, C, by J. Sparks. Reed, J., by H. Reed. IX. Calvert, L., by G. W. Burnap. Ward, S., by W. Gammell. Posey, T., by J. Hall. X. Greene, N., by G. W. Greene. XL Decatur, S., by A. S. Mackenzie. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 321 Sparks, Jared. American biography — con- cluded. Vol. XII. Preble, E., by L. Sabine. Penn, W., by G. E. Ellis. XIII. Boone, D., by J. M. Peck. Lincoln, B., by F. Bowen. XIV. Ledyaril, J., by J. Sparks. XV. Davis, W. R., by F. il. Hubbard. Kirkland, S., by S. K. Lothrop. Franklin, Benjamin, Life of. Boston, 18.56. 8° 136.4 Ed. Franklin, Works of. Boston, 1S40. 10 V. 8" 136.3 Ledyard, Jolin, Life of. Cambridge, 1829. 12° ■ 297.12 Washington, Correspondence of, during the American revolution. Boston, 1853. 4v. 8° 545.3 The same 593.10 Washington, Life and writings of. Boston, 1855. 12 V. 8° 137.1 Sparrowrgrass papers. The. F. S. Cozzens. N.Y.. 1S70. 12^ 256.5 Speaker, The Hamilton. (Selections for read- ing and speaking.) O. E. Branch, Ed. X.T., [n.d.] 12' 123.21 Speaker, The handy. [Selections.] G. M. Baker, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 10° . 123.6 Speaker's garland ; or. One hundred choice selections. Phila., 1874. v. 12^ . . 264.1 Spectacles for little eyes. Boston, 1862. 16° 454.11 Spectator, Selections from the. N.T., 18.55. 2 V. 12"" 262.28 Spectre lover, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Phila., 1861. 12' 415.14 Spectroscope, The. J. N. Lockyer. London, 1873. 16' 635.18 Spectrum analysis. Lockyer, J. N. Studies in spectrum analysis. N.Y., 187S. 12°. 6-58.8 Koscoe, U. E. Spectrum analysis. N.Y., 1869. 8° 645.6 Spectrum analysis explained. Boston, 1872. 12° 645.11 Spedding, .lames, Ed. Bacon, Francis, Life and times of. Boston, 1880. 2 v. %" . 1218.1 Bacon, Francis, Works of. Boston, 1881. 2 v. 8' 1218.2 Speech, The art of. Studies in poetry and prose. L. T. Townsend. N.T., 1880. 1S° 123.3 Speedy, Thomas. Sport in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland, with rod and gun. Edinburgh, 1884. 8° 787.7 Speke, J. H. Discovery of tlie source of the Nile. X.Y., 1864." 8° 665.5 Spell-bound. A. Dumas. N.Y., 1879. 16' . 363.78 Speuce, James M. Land of Bolivar; the re- public of Venezuela. London, 1878. 2 v. 8° 768.19 Spencer, Herbert. His pliilosophy as culmi- nated in his ethics. Examined by J. McCosh. N.Y., 1885. 12' 1243.13 Works : The data of ethics. N.Y., 1879. 12'. . 292.2 Discussions in science, philosopliy, and morals. N.Y., 1873. 12° ..'... 625.5 Ecclesiastical institutions. (Principles of sociolog)-, Part VI.) N.Y., 1SS6. 12° . 1248.20 Education; intellectual, moral and phys- ical. N.Y., 1881. 12° 129.2 Spencer, Herbert. K'orfcs — concluded. Essays: moral, political, and aesthetic. N.Y., 1885. 12° 233.11 First principles. (Synthetic philosophy.) N.Y., 1883. 12° 1316.1 The man versus the State. X.Y., 1884. 8° 1234.11 The philosophy of style. N.Y., 1872. 12°, 644.14 Political institutions. (Principles of soci- ology. PartV.) X.Y., 1882. 12°. . 1219.8 The principles of biology. N.Y., 1866. 2v. 12' 625.6 The principles of a new system of philos- ophy. X.Y., 1865. 8° 626.6 The principles of psychology. N. Y., 1872. 2v. 12° 624.9 Social statics; or, Conditions essential to human happiness. N.Y., 1865. 12° . 625.7 Sociology, Descriptive. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 V. Folio K. L. Sociology, The principles of. N.Y., 1880. 2 v. 12° 675.18 Sociology, The study of. N.Y., 1870. 12' 655.14 Spencer, Herbert, on the Americans, and the Americans on Herbert Spencer. A full report of his interview, and of the pro- ceeding of the farewell banquet of Xov. 11,1882. N.Y.,1S83. 16° 1221.7 Spencer, Herbert, and Harrison, Frederic. A controversy on the nature and reality of religion. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1243.11 Spencei, J. A., and Lossing, B. J. U.S., His- tory of the. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 V. 8° . . 1414.1 Spencer's Boston theatre. I>ramas. Boston, [n.d.] 15 V. 12° 616.10 Vol. II. Ruth Oakley; The British slave; Seven years of a soldier's life ; The Siamese twins; A life's ransom; Sent to the tower; Giralda; Time tries all; Ella Rosenberg. Vol. III. Presumptive evidence; Man and wife; The sergeant's wife; Masks and faces; Merry wives of Windsor; Nature and philosophy; Agnes de Vere; Shandy Maguire. Vol. IV. Wild oats; Michael Erie; Teddy the tiler; Spectre bridegroom; Idiot wit- ness; Willow copse; Matteo Falcone; Peo- ple's lawyer. Vol. V. Jenny Lind; Comedy of errors; Lucretia Borgia; Surgeon of Paris; Pa- trician's daughter; The two Buzzards: Shoemaker of Toulouse ; Momentous question. Vol. VI. Love and loyalty; The robber's wife ; The happy man ; The dumb girl of Genoa; The wreck ashore; Clari, the maid of Milan ; The miller and his men ; Wallace. Vol. VII. Madelaine; Betsey Baker; The fireman; Xo. 1, round the corner; Teddy Roe: Grist to the mill; Object of interest; Two lovers and a life. Vol. VIII. Anne Blake; My fellow clerk; Bengal tiger; The steward; Captain Kyd; Xick of the woods; The marble heart; Laughing heart. Vol. IX. Second love: The victor van- quished; Our wife; Dream at sea; My husband's mirror; Yankee land; Xorah Creina ; Good for nothing. 322 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Spencer's Boston theatre — concluded. Vol. X. Anotlier glass; Old honesty; John Dobbs; Don't judge by appearances; Aunt Charlotte's maid; Brother Ben; A slice of luck; My precious Betsy; Your life's in danger; Dandelion's dodges; Smashing- ton Goit; My turn next; I've written to Browne ; Who is who ? A race for a widow ; Old Gooseberry ! Vol. XII. Old and young; A family fail- ing ; The young scamp ; The adopted child ; The turned head ; A match in the dark; Advice to husb.ands; Raffaelle the reprobate. Vol. XVIII. A quiet family; Husband of an hour; Love's labor's lost; The naiad queen; Caprice; Cool as a cucumber; Sudden thoughts; Jumbo Jum. Vol. XIX. The cradle of liberty ; A blighted being; Little Toddlekins; The lost ship; A lover by proxy; Maid with tlie milking pail; Country squire; Perplexing pre- dicament. Vol. XX. Fraud and its victims; Dr. Dil- worth ; Out to nurse ; Putnam ; The king and the deserter; A lucky hit; The dow- ager; La Flammina. Vol. XXII. Miralda, or The justice of Tacon; Heads or tails; A soldier's court- ship; Lavater, or Not a bad judge; The noble lieart; Coriolanus; The winter's tale; Servants' legacy. Vol. XXIU. Eveleen Wilson; Nick Whif- fles; The queen's heart; Dying for love; The pirate's legacy; An alarming sacri- fice; Tlie valet de sliam; Nicholas Nick- leby. Vol. XXV. The last of the pigtails; King Rene's dangiiter; The grotto nympli; The charcoal burner: Adelgitha; A devilish good joke; A twice told tale; Pas de fas- cination. Spencer's Universal stage. Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 12° 614.11 Vol. I. Dora; Silverstone's wager; Sun- shine througli the clouds; Tlie Welsh girl; Nine points of tlie law; Always intended; Only a clod; Diamond cut diamond; The phantom breakfast; Cousin Tom; Bowled out; True unto death; A bull in a china shop; Lost in London; Monseigneur and the jeweller's apprentice. Vol. II. John Wopps^ A very pleasant evening; Two gentlemen in a fix; Brother Bill and me; Mary Moo; The christening; Nicliolas Flam; Two heads are bettertlian one; Lending a hand ; Hit him, he has no friends; Look after Brown; Blanks and prizes; Daughter of the regiment; Gas- pardo the gondolier; The hidden liand; East Lynne; The two Puddifoots; The Turkish bath ; Nursey duckweed ; Sarah's young man; Dunducketty's picnic. Spender, Mrs. J. K. Jocelyn's mistake. Bos- ton, 1S75. S° 427.21 Spenser, Edmund. Poetical works; with notes by F. J. Child. Boston, 18.55. .5 v. 16° 50:"). 1 Works; edited from the original editions and manuscripts, by R. Morris. Memoir byJ.W. Hales. London, 187:!. 12°. . 571.4 Spenser for home and schools. Poems selected and arranged by L. Harrison. London, 188.3. lU^ . ." 584. l.j Spenser's Fairy queen. The story of the Red Cross knight. (Classics for children.) By R, A. Y. London, 18S.5. 10° . . . 97.3.2 Sperm whale. Natural history of the. T. Beale. London, 1839. 12° 622.9 Sphinx's cliildren. The, and other people's. Mrs. R. T. Cooke. Boston, 1880. 12° . 977.9 Spicy. [A novel.] Mrs. M. J. Lamb. N.Y., 187:3. 8° 377.38 Spielhagen, Frederich. The Hohensteins. N.y., 1870. 12° 413.18 Lady Clara De Vere. N.Y., 1881. 18°. . 391.29 Problematic characlers. N.Y, 1869. 12°. 413.17 Through night to light. N.Y., 1870. 12°. 421.20 What the swallow sang. N.Y., 187.3. 16°, 302.21 Spinal cord. Diseases of the. Lectures on the pathological anatomy of the nervous sys- tem. From the reports by Dr. E. Bris- saud. Cincinnati, 1881. 8° 677.19 Spinning wheel stories. L. M. Alcott. Bos- ton, 1884. 16° 931.3 Spinning; woolen and worsted. A practical treatise fnr all engaged In these trades. W. S. B. McLaren. N.Y., 1&S4. 16° . 131:!. 22 Spinoza, Essays on, by various authors. W. Knight, Ed. Edinburgh, 1882. 8° . . 1125.4 Study of. J. Martineau. London, 188:3. 12° 1118.9 Spinoza. [A novel.] B. Auerbach. N.Y., 1882. 16° 388.24 Spirit of seventy-six, The. [A drama.] A. W. Curtis. Boston, 1868. 12° 640.27 Spirit of the age; or. Contemporary portraits. W. Hazlilt. Loudon, 1880. 12° . . .1249.16 Spirite. [A fantasy.] T. Gautier. N.Y., 1877. 12° .360.37 Spirits in prison; and other studies on the life after death. E. II. Plumptree. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 124.J.18 Spiritualism. Hammond, W. A. Spiritual- ism, and allied causes and conditions of nervous derangement. N.Y., 1876. 8° . 482.16 Kiddle, H., Ed. Spiritual communications. Presenting a revelation of the future life, and illustrating and confirming the funda- mental doctrines of tlie Christian faitli. N.Y., 1879. 12° 280.22 Sargent, E. The scientific basis of spiritu- alism. Boston, ISSl. 12° 078.7 Wolfe, N. B. Start' ing facts of modern spiritualism. Chicago, 1875. 12° . . . 264.25 Spiritual struggles of a Roman Catholic. [An autobiographical sketch.] L. N. Beaudry. N.Y., 1875. 16° 211.27 Spitzbergen, A voyage to. J. C. Wells. Lon- don, 187:J. 8° 725.2 A winter in. E. G. Smith. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 4:!7.12 Splendid advantages of being a woman ; and other essays. C. J. Duniphie. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 226.24 Spofford, Ainsworlh R., Ed. The American almanac for 1880. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . 294.15 The same. 18S1 295.3 The same. 1882 295.12 The same. 1883 1219.21 The same. 1884 1228.12 The same. 1885 1243.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 323 Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Prescott. Amber gods. Boston, ]863. 12° 317.1" Azariaii. N.Y., 1881. 16° 370.29 Hester Stanley at St. Mark's. Boston, 1882. 16° 941.19 The Marquis of Carabas. Boston, 1SS2. 16°, 941.12 New England legends. Boston, 1871. 8°. 24.5.17 Poems. Boston, 1882. 10° 57.5.14 The servant girl question. Boston, 1881. 18° 128.20 .Sir Rohan's ghost. Boston, 1800. 12°. . 411.8 Spons' Mechanics' own book. A manual for handicraftsmen and amateurs. London, 188.5. 8° 1613.1 Spooner, S. Biographical history of the fine arts. N.T., 1867. 2 v. 8° 618.10 Spooner, Z. H., Ed. Poems of the pilgrims. Boston, 1881. 18° 583.23 Sport. Fox-hunting; salmon-fishing; covert- shooting; deer-stalking. London, 1885. 8° 1322.10 Sporting adventures in the far West. J. M. Murphy. N.Y., 1880. 12° 762.23 Sporting anecdotes, (Krider's.) H. M. Klajip, Ed. Phila., 1S53. 8° 725.3 Sports and games, The American boy's book of. N.Y., 1864. 12° 4G3.2 Sports and pastimes, Cassell's book of. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 083.21 Sports aud pastimes of American boys. H. Chadwick. N.Y., [n.d.] 4'= 029.2 Sports that kill. T. De W. Talmage. N.Y., 1875. 12° 266.5 Sportsman's club afloat. C. A. Fosdick. Phila., 1875. 16° 468.15 Sportsman's club among the trappers. C. A. Fosilick. Phila., 187.5. 16° 468.16 Sportsman's club in the saddle. C. A. Fos- dick. Phila., 187.5. 16° 468.14 Sportsman's gazetteer and general guide to the principal game resorts. (With maps.) C. Hallock. N.Y., 1S71. 12° ... . 273.10 Sprague, Charles. Poetical and prose writings. Boston, 1849. 12° .551.5 The same 640.8 Sprague, Henry H. Women under the law of Massachusetts. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 1232.22 Sprague, Homer B., Ed. Milton's Paradise lust, (books I. and II.) with notes. Bos- ton, 1879. 12° 582.22 Sprague, John T. Electricity; its theory, sources, and application. London, 1884. 12° 1318.21 Sprague, Mary. An earnest trifler. Bostou, 1880. 16° 383.9 The s.anie .383.11 Sprague, William B. Annals of the Unitarian pulpit. N.Y., 1805. 8° 231.7 Spring, L. W. Kansas. Tlie prelude to the war for the Union. Boston. 1885. 10° . 1421.5 Spring comedies, iac??/ Barker. London, 1871. 12° 3.33.2 Spring, Early, in Massachusetts. From the journal of H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1881. 12° 128.25 Springer, John S. Forest life and forest trees. N.Y., 1856. 12° 661.7 Springer, ItebeccaR. Self. [A novel.] Phila., 1881. 12° 379.21 Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of her majesty's ship "Challenger." N.Y., 1877. 8° . . . 480.9 Spun from fact. Mrs. I. M. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 976.18 Spurgeon, Charles H., Life and labors of. G. C. Needham, Ed. Boston, 1883. 8° . . 1117.6 Works : The clew of the maze. The spare half- hour. X.Y., 1884. 12° 1232.10 John Ploughman's pictures: plain talk for plain people. Phila., 1881. 12° . 123.23 Types and emblems. N.Y., 1875. 12° . 251.18 Spurr, George G. The land of gold. A tale of California in '49. Boston, 1881. 12° . . 387.29 Spurzheim, G. Phrenology in connection with physiognomy. London, 1826. 8° . . . 656.16 Spurzheim and Coombe, Reminiscences of. With a review of the science of phrenol- ogy. N. Capen. N.Y., 1881. 12° . . 179.6 Spy, The. J.F.Cooper. N.Y., 1855. 12° . 313.14 Tlie same 313.15 The same 382.1 Spyri, Johanna. Heidi; her years of wander- ing and learning. Boston, 188.5. 12° . 965.17 Rico and Wiseli. (Stories for children.) Boston, 1886. 12° 921.23 Square and compasses. W. T. Adams. Bos- ton, 188.5. 12° 928.15 Squier, E. George. Nicaragua; its people and scenery. N.Y., 1853. 8° 531.5 Peru: incidents of travel and exploration. N.Y., 1877. 8° 480.12 Squire Arden. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N. Y., 1874. 8° 323.13 Squire Lynne's will. E. Leslie. London, [n.d.] 12° 363.79 Squire's legacy, The. M. C. Hay. N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.12 Stables, W. Gordon. Cats; their points and classification. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 1325.2 The cruise of the " Snowbird." A story of Arctic adventure. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . 917.9 O'er many lands on many seas. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° 929.1 Our friend the dog. N.Y., 1SS4. 8° . . 1322.1 Stanley Grabame. A tale of the dark con- tinent. N.Y., 1886. 12° 932.4 Wild adventures round the pole. N.Y., 1885. 12° 928.5 Stael, Madame de. Memoirs written by her- self. S. Bathurst, Trans. London, 1877. 8° 193.6 The s.ame 1119.6 A study of her life and times. The first revolution and tlie first empire. A. Stearns. N.Y., 1881. 2 v. 12° ... 187.8 Works : Corinne; or, Italy. L Hill, Trans. N.Y., 1876. 12° 292.15 Germany. N.Y., 1859. 2 v. 12°. . . 532.11 Stage, The; or. Recollections of actors and acting, from an experience of fifty years. J. E.Murdock. Pliila., 1880. 12° . . 124.24 Record of the Boston stage. W. Clapp, Jr. Boston, 185:5. 8° 233.23 Stainer, John. The music of the Bible. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 681.0 Stallo, J. B. The concepts and theories of modern physics. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . . 079.6 Standard of value, The. W. L. Jordan. London, 188.3. 10° 1238.5 Standish, Miles. Life. J. S. C. Abbott. Bos- ton, 1875. 12° 177.11 324 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Staudish, Miles — concluded. Courtship of. H. \X. Longfellow. Boston, 1872. 12' 5o4..S Stanfield, (l.iiksoii. Views of scenery in the British Channel and on the coast of France. X.Y., 1879. 8° li. L. Stanhope, P. H. (Lord Mahon.) England, History of. (1700-13.) London, 1872. 2v. 12° 511.8 The same. (1713-83.) Boston, 1853. 7v. 12° 51 1. 1 Standing in others' way. M. West. Boston, 18S2. 12° 944.7 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. His life, work, and teachings. G. A. Oliver. Boston, 1885. 12" 1134.5 Recollections of. G. G. Bradley. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1115.9 Works : Addresses and sermons. ( 1872-77. ) Lon- don, 1877. 12' 272.12 Addresses and sermons delivered in America in 1878. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 286.3 Arnold, Thomas, Life of. Boston, 1860. 2v. 12° 151.6 Christian institutions. N.Y., 1881. 8°. 293.8 Church of Scotland, History of the. Lon- don, 1872. 8° 241.6 Eastern church. History of the. X.Y., 1864. 8° 478.4 Jewish Church, History of the. N.Y., 186;J-76. 3 V. 8° 531.9 Ed. Letters to a friend. C. Thirlwall. Boston, 188:5. 12° 1221.17 Sermons. Phila., 1873. 12° .... 266.9 Sinai and Palestine. N.Y., 1S65. 8° . 737.5 Westminster Abbey. Historical memo- rials. London, 1882. 8° 1216.7 Westminster sermons, on special occa- sions. N.Y., 1882. 8° 1215.16 Stanley, Henry M. The Congo, and the founding of its free state. X.Y., 1885. 2v. 8° 794.4 Cooraassie and Magdala. N.Y., 1874. 8°. 727.12 How I found Livingstone. X.Y.,1872. 8°, 726.5 My Kalulu. N.Y.,l874. 12° 714.15 Through the dark continent. N.Y., 1878. 2v. 8° 718.14 The same 718.15 Stanley and the Congo. E.xplorations in Africa. Expedition to the central lake regions by Sir S. W. Baker. Discoveries made by Lieut. V. S. Cameron. J. F. Packard'. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .... 7'.t7.16 Stanley, T. Lloyd. The future religion of the world. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1234.10 Stanley Grahame, boy and man. G. Stables, X.Y., 1886. 12- 932.4 Stanton, Evan, pseud. See Hughes, liev. T. P. Stanton, Theodore, Ed. The woman question in Europe. X.Y., 1884. 8° 1234.4 Stanvsrood, Edward. History of presidential elections. Boston, 1884. 12° ... . 1415.12 Stapfer, Paul. Shakespeare and classical an- tiquity. London, 1880. 12° 128.15 Star, The, and the cloud. A. S. Roe. X.Y., 1876. 12° 366.3 Star papers. H. W. Beecher. N.Y., 18.').5. 12°, 241.13 The same. (Second series) 266.19 Starboard and port. The "Nettie" along shore. G. H. Hepworth. N.Y., 1876. 12°, 733.21 Stark, James H. Bermuda Islands guide. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 781.5 Stark, Gen. John. Life. E. Everett. (Amer- ican biography, Vol. I.) 111.2 Memoir and official correspondence of. Notices of other revolutionarj' officers, and biographies of Capt. Phine.is Stevens and Col. Robert Rogers. C. Stark. Con- cord, 1860. 8° 1.52.10 Starling, The. N. Macleod. Boston, [n.d.] 8- 346.30 The same 421.9 Starr, F. Ratchford. Farm echoes. N.Y., 1881. 12° 129.14 Starr, Louis. Diseases of the digestive organs in infants and children. Phila., 1886. 8°, 1326.14 Starrett, Helen Ekin. The future of educated women. Chicago, 1885. 16° .... 1241.19 Starry flag. The. W. T. Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 4.57.1 Stars and the earth; or. Thoughts upon sp.ice, time and eternity. Boston, 1882. 18° . 673.32 State, The, in its relation to education. H. Craik. London, 1884. 12° 1237.10 State, The, in its relation to labour. W. S. Jones. London. 1882. 12° 1219.19 State trials in the nineteenth century. (1801- 1830.) G. L. Browne. Boston, 1882. 2 V. 12° 1217.4 Statesman's Year-book, The. (1871.) F. Martin. London, 1871. 12° .... 484.14 The same. 1872 252.13 The same. 1876 483.34 The same. 1877 48:3.40 The same. 1878 483.41 The same. 1879 483.42 The same. LSSO 124.2 The same. 1881 489.12 The same. 1882 1217.9 The same. 1883 1219.23 The same. 1884 12:32.8 The same. 1885 1243.5 The same. 1886 1249.17 Statesmen, Eminent. Boston, 1876. 6 v. 12°, 176.1-6 Statesmen of the time of George IIL Lord Brougham. London, 18.J5. 3 v. 8° . . 139.3 Statistics, Dictionary of. M. G. Mulhall. London, 1884. 12° 1232.2 Statues in the block; and other poems. J. B. O'Reilly. Boston, 1881. 16° .... .583.20 Staunton, Howard. The chess-player's hand- book. London, 1875. 12° 635.23 Steam and Steam-engine. Bourne, J. Hand-book of the steam- engine. N.Y., 1870. 12° 6:34.1:3 The steam-engine in its various applica- tions in the arts. Air and gas engines; rules, tables and memoranda. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1.325.21 King, W. H. Lessons and practical notes on steam. N.Y., 1860. 8° 649.1 Steam, the steam-engine, etc. N.Y., 1861. 12° 6:37.2 Marks, W. D. Relative proportions of the steam-engine. Phila., 1884. 12° . . . 1313.17 Xorthc.9 Young moose hunters 406. 8 Stephens, J. L. Travels in Central America. N.Y.,1S55. 2v. 8° 6fi5.l;) Travels in the Holy Land. N.Y., 1S67. 2 v. 12° 713.8 Stephenson, George, Life of. S. Smiles. Bos- ton, lf-58. 8° 167.10 and Robert, Lives of. (The world's workers.) C. L. Matcaux. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . 1131.19 Lives of; and ihe history of the invention and introduction of the railway locomo- tive. S. Smiles. N.Y., [n.d.) S° . . .1119.10 Stephenson, Robert, Life of. J. C. Jeaffreson. London, 1866. 2 v. 8° 143.4 Stepping heavenward. Mrs. E. Prentiss. NY., 1870. 12° 414.15 Stepnlak, p.veuJ. [Prnf. T)ya.goma.no{, formerly of the Unircrsity c/7uer.(?)l Rtissia under the Tzars. N.Y., 1885. 16" . 1422.4 Underground Russia. N.Y., 1883. 12°. . 775.17 Sterling, John, Life of. T. Carlyle. Boston, 18.52. 12° 131.4 Tlie same vol. xi. of 1235.1 The onyx ring. Boston, 1856. 12° . . . 3.52.28 Stern necessity. [A novel.] F. W. Robinson. N.Y., 1870. 8° •. 377.28 Sternberg, George M. Photo-micrograplis and bow to make them. Boston, 1883. 8° .1311.14 Sterne, Laurence, Life of. (English men of letters.) H. D. Traill. N.Y., 1882. 12°, 192.40 Tristram Shandy. X.Y., 1816. 4 v. 18°. 431.17 Sterne, Simon. Constitutional history and po- litical development of the U.S. N.Y., [n.d.l 12° 595.16 Stetson, C. B. Technical education. Boston, 1874. 12° 234.2a Steuben, linrnn. Life of. (American biog- raphy. Vol. IX. ) 111.2 Life. F. Kapp. N.Y., 18.59. 12°. . . . 151.1 Steven Lawrence. Mrs. A. Edvvardes. N.Y., 1SS3. 8° 345.10 Stevens, Abel. Madame de Stael: a study of her life and times. N.Y., 1881. 2 v. 12°, 187.8 Stevens, Charles W. Fly-fishing in the Maine lakes. Boston, ISSl. 18° 764.21 Stevens, R. H. Ensilage of green crops in silos. Boston, 1881. 8° 677.6 Stevens, John Austin. Gallatin, Albert, Life of, (American statesmen.) Boston, 1884. 16° 1115.10 Stevens, John L. Gustavus Adolphus, Illslory of. N.Y., 18S4. 8° 1127.3 Stevens, Capt. Phineas, Life of. C. Slark. Concord, 1860. 8° 152.10 Stevens, Thaddeus, commoner. Life. E. B. Callender. Boston, 1882. 12° ... . 1114.4 Memorial addresses. Washington, 1869. 8°, 149.9 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Familiar studios of men and books. London, 1882. 12°. . 1220.9 The same 1242.15 An inland voyage. Boston, 188.3. 16° . . 771.12 The Silverado squatters. Boston, 1884. 16°, 1224.22 Treasure island. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 9.55.24 and Fannie. The dynamiter. N.Y., 188-5. 16° 960.25 Stevenson, Sarah H. Boys and girls in biology. N.Y., 1875. 12° 641.12 Stevenson, W. F. Lives and deeds worth knowing abotit. N.Y., 1870. 16°. . . 211.33 Steiiirart, Balfour. The conservation of energy. N.Y., 1870. 12° ". 055.4 SteTvart, Charles Edward. Oliver Cromwell: a story of the civil war. London, 18.57. 2v. 12° 940.14 SteTvart, Dugald. The philosophy of the active and moral powers of man. Cambridge, 1852. 12° 281.8 Stewart, E., Trann. Cheverus, Cardinal, Life of. Boston, 1839. 12° 148.10 Ste'wrart, Henry. The ocean wave. London, 1883. 12° 781.13 Stickler, Joseph W. The Adirondacks as a health resort. N.Y., 1886. 18° ... 781.20 Stickney, Albert. Democratic government. X.Y., 188.5. 12° 1245.2 A true republic. N.Y., 1870. 12° ... 294.2 Stieler, Karl. Bavarian Highlands and the Silzkammcrgut. London, 1874. 4° . . R. L. ami others. Italy: from the Alps to Mt. Etna. (Illustrated.) London, [n.d.] 4°, R. L. Stigand, William. Heine, Heinricb, Life, work, and opinions of. N.Y., 1880. 2 v. 8° 186.10 Stiles, Ezra, Life of. (American biography, Vol. VI.) 111.3 Life. A. Holmes. Boston, 1798. 12°. . 151.11 Stiles, Henry W. . Brooklyn, N.Y., History of. Brooklyn, 1867. 3 v. S° 528.19 Still, William. The underground railroad. Phila., 1872. 8° 245.4 Stille, Charles J. Studies in medioeval history. Phila., 1882. 12° 595.3 Stillman, J. D. B. The horse in motion. (Illustrated.) Boston, 1S82. 4° . . . R. L. Stillwater tr.agedy. The. T. B. Aldrich. Bos- ton, 1880. 12° 390.29 Stimson, F. J., {pseud., J. S. of Dale.) The crime of Henry Vane. X.Y., 1884. 16°, 9.57.17 Stirling, A. At daybreak. Boston, 1884. 16°, 9.57.16 Stirling, James H. Jorrold, Tennyson and Macaulay. Edinburgh, 1868. i2° . . . 263.16 Stirling-Maxwell, William. Don John of Austria. Passages from the liistory of the sixteenth century. London, 1883. 2 V. S° 1414.3 Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder. London, [n.d.] 16° 271.26 Stock-breeding. The application of the laws of development and heredity to the im- provement and breeding of slock. N.Y., 1870. l-i° 658.19 Stockbridge, J. C. Stow, Rec. Baron, Me- moir of. Boston, 1871. 8° 114.15 Stockmar, Boron, Memoirs by his son E. von Stockui.ar. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 12° . . 171.17 Stockton, Frank R. A jolly fellowship. N.Y., 1880. 12° 386.28 The lady, or the tiger? and other stories. N.Y., 1884. 16° ... 9.57.13 The late Mrs. Null. N.Y., 1886. 12° . . 976.5 The same 976.17 Rudder grange. N.Y., 1879. 12° ... 363.73 The story of Viteau. N.Y., 1884. 12°. . 9.59.20 Ting-a-ling. N.Y., 1870. 12° 461.1 What might have been expected. X.Y., 1874. 16° 444.22 Stoddard, Charles W. Mashallah! A flight into Egypt. N.Y., 1881. 18° ... . 761.12 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 327 Stoddard, Charles W. — concluded. Soiilhern sea idyls. Boston, 1873. 16° . .551. .37 Stoddard, Elizabeth. The Morgesoiis. X.Y., 1S02. \->° 411.19 Stoddard, H. H. An egg farm : the manage- ment of poultry iu large numbers. X.Y., 1876. n° 647.22 Stoddard, John L. Red-letter days abroad. Boston, 1884. S° 784.6 Stoddard, Richard Henry. Book of the East; and other poems. Boston, 1871. 16" . 551.2.5 Ed. Bric-a-brac series. N.T., 1874-76. 10 V. 12°. I. Personal reminiscences by Chorley, Platiche and Young 134.16 II. Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens 134.17 III. Prosper Merimee's Letters to an incog- nita; Recollections by Lamartine and George Sand 134.18 IV. Personal reminiscences by Barhain, Harkiiess, and Hodder 134.19 V. The Greville memoirs 134.20 VI. Personal reminiscences by Moore and Jerdan 134.21 VII. Personal reminiscences by Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes . . . 134.22 VIII. Personal reminiscences by M. Kelly, J. O'Keefe and John Taylor . . . 1.34.27 IX. Personal recollections by Lamb, Haz- litt, and others 134.28 X. Personal reminiscences by Constable and Gillie 134.29 Ed. Poe, Edgar A., Works of, with memoir. N.Y., [n.d.] 6v. 12° 12.37.17 Poems. N.Y., 1880. 8° 574.3 Songs of summer. Boston, 1856. 12° . . .551.11 and Linton, W. J., Eds. English verse. N.Y., 1883. 5v. 12° 576.17 and others. Poets' homes. (First series. ) Boston, 1878. 12° 282.6 Stoddard, William O. Dab Kinzer. N.Y., ISSl. 16° 913.12 Esau Hardery. K.Y., 1881. 12° . . . . 942.4 The heart of it. N.Y., 1880. 16° ... 383.18 The quartet. Sequel to "Dab Kinzer." N.Y.,1881. 12° 913.15 Saltillo boys. N.T., 1882. 12° .... 916.6 The talking leaves. N.Y., 1882. 16° . . 916.8 Two arrows. N.Y., 1886. 16° .... 931.16 Winter fun. IST.Y., 188-5. 12° 932.7 Wrecked? [A novel.] N.Y., 1SS;3. 12° . 952.2 Stoicism. W. W. Capes. London, 18-80. 16° 127.15 Stokes, Frederick A. College tramps, (in Eu- rope.) N.Y., 1879. 12° 762.24 Stokes, George G. Lectures on the nature of light. London, 1884. 12° 1318-15 Stokesley secret, The. C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1865. 16° 463-10 Stolen white elephant, The; and other sketches. S. L. Clemens. London, 1873. 12° 1219.2 Stolz, Madame de. The house on wheels. Boston, 1871. 12° 266.24 Stone, Edwin M. Beverly, Mass., History of. (1630-1842.) Boston, 1843. 12° ... 497.14 Howland. John, Life and recollections of. Prov., RL, 1857. 12° 172.16 Stone, Livingston. Domesticated trout. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 646.23 Stone, May E. The doctor's protege. Chicago, [n-d.] 12° 383.17 Stone, William L. Border wars of the Ameri- can revolution. N.Y., 1854. 2 V. 16° . 471.7 Brant, Joseph, (Thayendanerjea,) Life of. Albany, 1864. 2 v. 8° 117-4 Burgoyne, Lieut.-Gen., Campaign of. Al- bany, 1877. 12° 493.2 Johnson, Sir William, Life and times of. Albany, 1865. 2 v. 8° 117.3 Red Jacket, Life and times of. Albany, 1866. 8° 117-10 Saratoga, and Ballston, Reminiscences of. N.Y., 1875. 12° 483.20 Wyoming, Poetry and history of. Albany, 1S04. 8° 541.13 Stonemason of Saint Point. [A tale.] A. de Lamartine. London, 1851. 12° . . . 364.77 Stones of Venice. J. Ruskin. N.T., 1851. 8° 649.7 The same. X.Y., 1882. 3 v. 12° . . 689.11 Storer, H. R. Reflex insanity in women. Bos- ton, 1871. 16° 637.16 Storied sea. The. S. E. Wallace. Boston, 1SS.3. 18° 771.16 Stories. Adams, H. C. Stories for Sandays. London, [n.d.] 16° 4.33.18 American authors. Stories by. N.Y., 1SS4- 85. 10 v. 10° 957.10 I. Who was she? B. Taylor. The documents in the case. B. Mat- thews and H. C. Bunner. One of the thirty pieces. W. H. Bishop. Ballacchi brothers. R. H. Davis. An operation in money. A. Webster. II. The transferred ghost. F. R. Stockton. A martyr to science. M. P. Jacobi. Mrs. KnoUys. F. J. Stimson. A dinner party. J. Eddy. The Mount of Sorrow. H. P. Spof- ford. Sister Sylvia. M. A. Tincker. III. The spider's eye. F. J. O'Brien. .A story of the Latin Quarter. Mrs. F. H. Burnett. Two purse companions. G. P. Lathrop. - Poor Olga-Moga. D. D. Lloyd. A memorable murder. C. Thaxter. Venetian glass. B. Matthews. IV. Miss Grief. C. F. Woolson. Love in old clothes. H. C. Bunner. Two buckets in a well. X. P. Willis. Friend Barton's concern. M. H. Foote. An inspired lobbyist. J. W. De Forest. Lost iu the fog. N. Brooks. V. A light man. H. James. Yatil. F. D. Millet. The end of New York. P. Benjamin. Why Thomas was discharged. G. Ar- nold. The Tachpomp. E. P. Mitchell. VI. The village convict. 0. H. White. The Denver express. A. A. Hayes. The misfortunes of Bro' Thomas Wheatley. L. R. Fairf.ix. The heartbreak cameo. Mrs. L. W. Champney. Miss Eunice's glove. A. Webster. Brother Sebastian's friendship. H. Frederic. 328 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stories. American authors — continued. VII. The bishop's vagabond. O. Tha- net. Lo.st. E. Bellamy. Kirley's coals of fire. L. Stockton. Passages from the journal of a social wreck. 51. Floyd. Stella Grayl.and. J. T. McKay. The image of S.an Donato. V. W. .Johnson. VIII. The brigade commander. J. W. De Forest. Split zephyr. 11. A. Beers. Zerviah Hope. E. S. Phelps. Tlie life-magnet. A. A. Adee. Osgood's predicament. E. D. B. Stod- dard. IX. Marse Chan. T. N. Page. Mr. Bi.xby's Christmas visitor. C. S. Gage. Eli. C. H. White. Young Strong of the "Clarion."' M. W. Shinn. How old Wiggin's " wore ship." H. T. Coffin. " Mas has come." L. Kip. X. Pancha. T. A. Janvier. The ablest man in the world. E. P. Mitchell. Young Moll's peevy. C. A. Stephens. Mammal" ha. C. de Kay. A daring fiction. H. H. Boyesen. The story of two lives. J. Schayer. Andersen, H. C. Stories and tales. (First series.) London, 18G5. 12° 4.")4.I The same. (Second series) 4."J4.2 Barker, Lady. Stories about . Lon- don, 1871. 16° 444.18 Brine, M. D. Stories grandma told. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 936.7 Cliaillu, Paul du. Stories of the Gorilla country. N.Y., 1868. 16° 444.39 Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D. Stories of the saints. Boston, 1880. 12° 127. 2.i Church, A. J. Stories of the Greek trage- dians. N.Y., 1880. 12° 294.1.3 Stories of the Old World. (Classics for children.) Boston, 188.5. 16° . . . 971.7 The same . 1231.5 Cooke, J. E. Stories of the Old Dominion; from its settlement to the end of the rev- olution. N.Y.-, 1879. 12° 170.30 Cooper, J. F. Stories of the sea. N.Y., 1863. 16° 444.42 Stories of the woods. N.Y., 1863. 16°. 444.26 Ewald, A. C. Stories from the State papers. Boston, 1882. 12° 1217.17 Flammarion, C. Stories of infinity. Bos- ton, 1873. 12° " . . . 644.19 Hale, E. E. Stories of adventure told by adventurers. Boston, 1881. 16° . . . 913.17 Stories of discovery told by discoverers. Boston, 1883. 16° 918.3 Stories of invention, told by inventors .and their friends. Boston, 188.5. 16°. 918.17 Stories of the sea, told by sailors. Bos- ton, 1880. 16° 913.9 Stories of war, told by soldiers. Boston, 1869. 12° ; 911.8 Harrison, Mrs. B. Bric-^-brac stories. N.Y., 1885. 12° 932.8 Stories — concluded. nawthorne, N. Stories from history and biography. Boston, 186.5. 16° .... 4.52.8 Ingelow, J. Stories told to a child. (First series.) Boston, 1806. 16° 462.28 The same. (Second series) 462.20 Johnstone, Mrs., Ed. Standard stories. London, 1874. 2 v. 8° 347.46 Jones, M., Ed. Stories of the olden time. London, 1870. 16° 432.15 Knatchbull-Uugessen, E. H. Stories for my children. London, 1869. 12°. . . 452.5 McKay, Mrs. C. E. Stories of hospital and camp. Phila., 1870. 12° 735.19 Marshall, Mrs. E. Stories of the cathedral cities of England. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . 303.86 Paul!, M. A. Stories of the mountain and forest. London, 1882. 1-J° 914.21 Perry, N. A book of love stories. Boston, 1881. 12° 379.29 Scudder, H. E. Stories and romances. Boston, 1880. 16° 378.8 Stories from my attic. N.Y., 1869. 10°, 311.17 Stories from the south seas. N.Y., [n.d.j 16° 447. '-'5 Stories of enchantment. From the German. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 462.19 Thornbury, W. Old stories retold. Lon- don, [n.d.] 16° .378.22 Yonge, C. M., Ed. Storehouse of stories. London, 1872. 16° 342.19 The same 461.11 Stork's nest. A; or. Pleasant reading from the North. [Sketches and stories.] J. F. Vicary. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 978.7 Storm-driven. [A novel.] M. Healy. Phila., 1877. 16° 364.59 Storm warriors; or, Lite-boat work on the Godwin sands. J. Gilmore. London. 1874. 12° 178.6 The same 722.7 Stormonth, James. A dictionary of the Eng- lish language. N.Y., 188.5. 8° . . . . R. L. Storr, Francis, and Turner, Ilawes. Canter- bury chimes. (Tales from Chaucer.) N.Y., 1879. 8° 911.2 Storrs, Richard S. The recognition of the supernatural in letters and in life. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 275.9 Success in preaching without notes. N.Y., 1875. 12° -205.10 Wyckliffe, John, and the first English Bible. N.Y., 1880. 8° 293.6 Story, Joseph. His life and letters. W. W. Story. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 8°. . . . 153.2 Works : The constitutional class-book. Boston, 1834. 12° 484.20 Discourse upon his inauguration as Dane Professor of Law in Harvard Univer- sity. Boston, 1829. 8° 241.10 Miscellaneous writings. W. W. Story, Ed. Boston, 1852. 8° 152.2 Story, S. A. Caste. Boston, 18.56. 12° . . 425.1 Safely married. N.Y., 1875. 8° . . . . 346.27 Story, William W. Castle St. Angelo; and The evil eye. Additional chapters of " Roba di Roma." London, 1877. 12°. 733.22 Fiammetta. N.Y., 1886. 16° 972.6 Poems. Boston, 1856. 12° 552.13 Poems. Boston, 1886. 2 v. 18°. . . . 585.17 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 329 story, William W. — concluded. Roba di Roma. London, 1864. 2 v. 1-2°. 733.16 Story, Joseph, Life and letters of. Boston, 1851. 2 V. 8' 153.2 Story book for ray children. Mrs. A. M. Diaz. Boston, 1875. 16° 441.11 Story of a bad boy. T. B. Aldricli. Boston,- 1870. 1G° 434.14 Story of a country town. E. W. Howe. Bos- ton, 1884. 12° 951M4 Story of a fellow soldier. F. Awilry. Lon- don, 187.5. 16° .363.40 Story of a flower; and other fragments twice gathered. R. Porter. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 949.22 Story of a mine. B. Harte. Boston, 1S7S. 16°, .368.35 Story of a ranch. A. W. Rollins. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 951.27 Story of a sliort life. J. IL Ewing. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 395.22 Story of an honest man. E. About. N.Y., 1880. 8° 395.2 Story of Avis. E.S.Phelps. Boston, 1877. 12°, 373.22 The same 373.23 Story of creation. S. M. Campbell. Boston, 1877. 12° 6.58.4 Story of doom ; and other poems. J. Ingelow. Boston, 1867. 16° 564.9 Story of Ida. F. Alexander. Boston, 1883. 16° 9.51.2 Story of Kennett. B.Taylor. N.Y.,1866. 12°, 411.12 Story of liberty. C. C. Coffin. N.Y., [n.d.] 4°, 448.1 The same 925.7 Story of Melicent. "Fayr Madoc." N.Y., 1883. 12° 944.23 Story of my career in German universities. H. Steffens. Boston, 1863. 12° . . . 217.12 The same 104.19 Story of my childhood. Mme. Michelet. Bos- ton, 1867. 16° 363.18 Story of my heart. (An autobiography.) R. Jefferies. Boston, 1883. 16° ... . 1224.18 Story of my life. H. C. Andersen. X.Y., 1870. 16° 317.11 Story of my life. J. JI. .Sims. X.Y., 1884. 12° 1129.12 Story of the Don. C. L. Mateaux. London, [n.d.] 4° 453.1 Story of the great inarch. G. W. Nichols. N.Y., 1865. 12° 664.23 Story of the guard. Mrs. J. B. Fremont. Boston, 1863. 16° 420.14 Story of the nations. N.Y., 1885-86. 12°. Carthage. A. J. Cliurch and Arthur Gil- man. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1431.3 Chaldea. Z. A. Kagozin 1422.16 Greece. J. A. Harrison 1422.6 Hungary. A. Vamb^ry 1431.1 The Jews. J. K. Hosmer 1422.12 Norw.%y. H. H. Boyesen 1422.22 Rome. A. Gilraan 1422.13 Spain. E. E. rnidH. Hale 1431.2 Story of the Plebiscite. E. Erckraann and A. Chatrian. London, 1872. 12° ... . 352.24 Story of the Red Cross knight. (Classics for children.) R. A. Y. London, 1S&5. 16°, 973.2 Story of Valentine and his brother. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 1875. 8° . . . 323.10 The same .323.11 Story of Viteau. F. R. Stockton. N.Y., 1884. 12° 959.20 Story of wandering Willie. London, 1870. 8°, 433.1 Story of White-rock Cove. Boston, 1868. 16°, 434.7 Story or two from an old Dutch town. K. Lowell. Boston, 1878. 12° 371.21 Stothard, Thomas, Life of. Mrs. Bray. Lon- don, 1851. 8° 136.6 Stoughton, John. Homes and haunts of Luther. London, [n.d.] S° 109.3 Our English Bible: its translations and translators. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 128.17 Religion in England, under Queen Anne and the Georges. (1702-1800.) London. 1878. 2v. 12° 286.5 Religion in England from 1800-1850. Lon- do"n, 1884. 2v. 12° 1243.12 Wilberforce, William, Life of. X.Y., 1880. 12° 178.22 Stout heart. A; or, The student from over the sea. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1874. 16° . 443.40 Stov(r, Baron, Memoir of. J. C. Stockbridge. Boston, 1871. 8° 114.15 Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher. Agnes of Sor- rento. Boston, 1862. 12° 326.1 A dog's mission; and other stories. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 914.18 House and home papers. Boston, 1865. 12°, 342.2 Little foxes. Boston, 1868. 12° . . . . 243.13 Little Pussy Willow. Boston, 1871. 16°. 4.34.1 Men of our times. Hartford. 1868. 8°. . 148.18 The minister's wooing. X.Y., 1859. 12°. 326.2 The same 326.3 My wife and I. X.Y., 1871. 12° . . . . .326.12 The same 320.10 Nina Gordon. (Thesameas " Dred.") Bos- ton, 1878. 12° 326.29 The same 320.30 Old-Town fireside stories. Boston, 1872. 12° 326.4 Old-Town folks. Boston, 1869. 12° . . 326 5 The same 326.6 The same 326.7 Our self-made men. Hartford, 1872. 8° . 155. S Palmetto loaves. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . 421.10 Pearl of Orr's Island. Boston, 1862. 12°. 326.10 Pink and white tyranny. Boston, 1871. 12°, 326.8 The same 326 9 Poganuc people. X.Y., 1878. 12° . . . .326.28 Uncle Tom's cabin. Boston, 1867. 12° . 320.11 The same 320.25 We and our neighbors. Sequel to " My wife and L" N.Y., 187-5. 12° . . . . 326 13 The same 326.14 The same 326.15 and others. Six of one, liy half a dozen of the other. Boston, 1872. 16° ... . 326.19 Strafford. [A drama.] R. Browning. Bos- ton, 1864. 12° 567.10 Strahau, Alexander. Mac Leod, Xorman, A sketch of the life of. Phila.. 1872. 12°. 211.32 Strahan, Edward. The new Hyperion. Phila., 1875. 8° 737.9 and others. Masterpieces of the Centennial International Exhibition. Phila., [n.d.] 3 V. 4° R. L. Stranded ship, A. L. C. Davis. X.Y., 1809. 16° 432.23 Strange adventures of a phaeton. W. Black. N.Y., 1873. 8° 347.35 The same 347.61 The same. 12° 948.1 Strange disappearance, A. A. K. Green. N.Y., 1880. 16° 383.15 330 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Strange story, A. E. Bulwer-Lytton. N.Y., 1S73. 12° 344.10 The same. 8° 305.11 Strange tales fiom luimble lifo. J. Ashworlh. London, [ii.d.] fi v. 1(1° .308.3 Strange world, A. Mrs. M. E. Braddoii-Max- well. N.Y., 187.J. 8° 3(tt.27 Tlie same 309.39 Strangers and pilgrims. Mrs. M. E. Braddon- MaxNvell. N.Y., 1874. b° 301.44 Stratford-by-the-sea. [A novel.] N.Y.,1S84. 10= <.).57.n Stratton, E. M. World on wheels. N.Y., 1878. S° 270.3 Strauss, David Frederich. The old faith and the new. London, 1S73. 12° ... . 024.11 Strauss, Frederick. The glory of the lionse of Israel. Phila., 18,59. 12° 311.13 Strauss, G. L. M. Men who have made the new German empire. London, 1875. 2 V. 8° 174.14 Stray leaves from strange literature. (From Indian, Buddhist and Moslem literature, the Talmud, etc.) L. Hearn. Boston, 1884. 10° 1231.12 Stray pearls, (Memoirs of Margaret de Ribau- mont, Viscovntess of Beltairs.) C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1883. 12° 9J4.24 The s.ime 944.2."> Streams from hidden sources. B. M. Uank- ing. London. 1872. 12° 2.34.8 Streckfuss, Adolph. Castle Hohenwald. Phila., 1879. 12° .374.2.5 The same .392.21 Quicksands. Phila., 1884. 12° .... 950.24 Too rich. Phila., 1878. 12° 373.21 Street, Alfred B. The Indian P.iss. N.Y., 1800. 10° 4.52.7 Woods and wafers. N.Y., 1800. 12° . . 424.17 Street-arabs and gutter-snipes. The pathetic and humorous side of young vagabond life in the gre.it cities; with records of work for their reclamation. G. C. Need- ham. Bostim, 1884. 8° 1230.1 Streets and lanes of a city. A. Button. Lon- don, 1871. 12° 3.33.15 Strength of her youth. The. S. Doudncy. N.Y., 1880. 10° 909.2 Stretton, Ilesba, pseud. See Smith, IT.iiin.ah. Strettou, J. Margaret and her bridesmaids. Boston, 1804. 12° 304.80 Queen of the county. Boston, 1804. 12°, 421.6 The rector's wife. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 345.31 Strettou. A novel.] H. Kingsley. Boston, [n.il.l 8° 377.10 Strickland, Agnes. Uhtoricil seriex. Phila., [n.d.] 10°. Stories from history, (ancient) .... 497.1 Stories from history, (English) .... 497.2 Stories from history, (miscellaneous) . . 497.3 Stories from history, (modern) .... 497.4 Lives of the queens of England. Phila., 1855. Ov. 8° 110.7 The same, (.abridged) 134.4 Lives of the queens of Scotland. N.Y., 1858. 8v. 12° 144.1 Mary Stuart, Life of. Boston, 1887. 8° . 1142..2 Princesses of the house of Stuart. N.Y., 1872. 12° 144.5 Strickland, P. A voice from the deep. Bos- ton, 1873. 10° 443.37 Stringer, George A. Leisure moments in Gongh Square; or. The beauties and quaint conceits of Johnson's dictionary. Buffalo, I.SSO. 8° ". 12.53.8 Strive and succeed. H. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 442.18 Strong, Mnj. Gen. George C. Cadet life at West Point. Boston, 1862. 12° ... 281.2 Strong, T. A treatise on algebra. N.Y., 1850. 8° 639.6 Strong, W. C. Fruit cidture and the laying out and management of a country home. Boston, 1885. 10° ". . . 1321.24 Strong and steady; or. Paddle your own canoe. n. Alger. Boston, [n.d.[ 10° ... . 442.46 Strong arm. A, and a mother's blessing. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1881. l:i° 913.10 Strong drink: the curse and the cure. T. S. Arthur. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .301.70 Strong minded woman, A; or. Two years after. \V. A. Hammond. N.Y., 188.5. 12° . . 974.10 Strother, 11. D. Virginia illustrated. N.Y., 1S.57. 8° 005.2 Struggle for life, A. L. P. Hale. Boston, 1808. 12° 437.17 Strutt, E. The curate and the rector. N.Y., 1871. 12° 414.2 Stuart, Esme. The little brown girl. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 447.10 Stuart, Gilbert, Life and work of. G. E. Jla- son. N.Y., 1.S79. 4° K. L. Stuart, I. W. Trumbull, Jonathan, Life of. Boston, 18.50. 8° 107.0 Stuart, James, and Revett, James. Antiqui- ties of Athens, and other monuments of Greece. London, 18.58. 12° 008.17 Stuart, Villiers. Egypt after the war. Lon- don, 1,S8.3. 8° 783.11 Stuart-Glennie, J. S. Pilgrim memories. N.Y., 1875. 8° 486.17 Stuarts, Fall of the, and western Europe. E. Hale. N.Y., 1876. 10° 511.18 Stubbs, Charles William. The mythe of life. London. 1880. 12° 1248.23 Stubbs, William. Constitutional history of England. Oxford, 1875. 3 v. 12° . . 493.7 Ed. Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history. Oxford, 1881. 12° 598.3 Student and Intellectn.al Observer, The. Lon- don, 1808. 5v. 8° 034.1 Student life. S.Osgood. N.Y., 1801. 12° . 225.0 Student life at Harvard. G. H. Tripp. Bos- ton, 1S7G. 12° 300.11 The same 306.12 Student life of Germany. W. Howitt. Lon- don, 1841. 12° 232.2 Students' quarter; or, Paris five and thirty years since. W. M. Th,ackeray. London, [n.d.] 12° 244.26 Studer, Jacob H. Columbus, Ohio, History of. Columbus, 1S73. 12° 287.4 Studies for stories. J. Ingelow. Boston, 1865. l(i° 361.6 Studies from nature. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1861. 12° 343.25 The same 343.53 Studies from nature. By various authors. London, [n.d.] 10° 1323.10 Studies in animal life. G. H. Lewes. N.Y., 1860. 12° 224.11 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 331 studies in the field and forest. W. Flagg. Boston, 1857. 12° 2.54.3 Studies of character from the Old Testament. T. Guthrie. N.Y., 1872. 12° ... . 2G5.17 Studies, stories and memoirs. Mrs. A. Jame- son. Boston, 1809. 1(1° 037.20 Studley, M. J. What our girls ought to know. N.Y., 1878. 12° 282.10 Study of words. R. C. Trench. N.Y., 1860. 12' 044.1.5 Studying art abroad, and how to do it clieapjy. Mis. M. a. Niereker. Boston, 1S79. 18° 081. 7 Stumbling-blocks. M. A. Dodge. Boston, 1804. l-J.^ 20::;. 9 Sturgis, Julian. An accomphslied gentleman. N.Y., 1879. 16° 391.2 Dick's wanderings. Boston, 18S2. 12°. . 942.13 My friends and I. N.Y., 1884. 16° . . . 902.23 Stuyvesant, Peter, Life of. J. S. C. Abbott. N.Y., 1873. 12° 212.22 Stuyvesant. J. Abbott. K.Y., [n.d.] 10° . 435. S Suakiu. A sketch of the campaign of 1885. By an officer who was there. London, 1885. 12° 1422.10 Subaltern, The. Edinburgh, 1809. 10°. . . 331.11 Subjection of women. J. S. Mill. N.Y., 1869. 12° 220.7 Sublime in nature, The. F. de Lanoye. N. Y., 1870. 12° 242.15 Substance and show; and other lectures. T. S. King. Boston, 1877. 12° 272.25 Subterranean world, The. G. Hartwig. X.Y., 1S71. 8° 043.9 Suburban sketches. W. D. Howells. N.Y., 1871. 12° 2.52.12 Tlie same 392.24 Sue, Eugene. The wandering Jew. London, [II. d.] 12° 372.18 Sue, M. J. The marquis of L^toriere. Boston, 1S73. 18° 302.30 Suez, The great canal at: its history, with an account of the struggles of its projector, F. de Lesseps. P. Fitzgerald. London, 1870. 2 V. 8° 490.9 Suffolk, Earl of, nntZ others. Racing and steeple- chasing. Boston, 1886. 12° 1246.6 Suggestions for the sick-room. Compiled by an American woman. N.Y., 1870. 16° . 228.21 Suggestive thoughts on religions subjects. (Quotations.) H. Southgate, JTrZ. N.Y., 1881. 8° 275.7 Suicide : an essay on comparative moral statis- tics. H. Mor-selli. N.Y., 1882. 12° . . 078.25 Suicide: studies on its philosophy, causes, and prevention. J. J. O'Dea. N.Y., 1882. 12° 079.4 Sullivan, Christina. Elements and rules of perspective. Cincinnati, 1882. 8° . . . 082.28 Sullivan, James, Life of. T. C. Amory. Bos- ton, 18.59. 2v. 8° 167.7 Sullivan, John, Life of. O. W. B. Peabody. (American biograpliy. Vol. III.) . . . . 111.3 Sullivan, M. The day of wonders. X.Y., 1880. 12° 912.5 Sullivan, T. R. Roses of shadow. [X novel.] N.Y., 1885. 12° 974.2 Sully, Dnke of, (prime-minister to Henry the Great.) Memoirs; containing the history of his administration. London, 1778. 5v, 8° 179.7 Sully, James. Illusions: a psychological study. N.Y., 1881. 12° 678.17 Psychology, Outlines of. With special ref- erence to the theory of education. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1316.3 Sully, Thomas. Hints to young painters. Phila , 1873. 8° 669.14 Sultan, The, and his people. C. Oscanyan. N.Y., 18.57. 12° 721.8 Summer. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1884. 12°, 1228.19 Summer's cruise on the coast of New England. K. Carter. Boston, 1864. 12° ... . 663.25 Summer days down East. M. F. Swectser. Portland, 1883. 8° 776.8 Summer days on the Hudson. The story of a pleasure tour from Sandy Hook to the Sara- nac Lakes. D.Wise. N.Y., 1876. 12°. 922.11 Summer driftwood. R.Porter. N.Y., 1870. 16°, 414.6 Summer in Normandy, A, with my children. Mrs. C. Ellis. N.Y., 1878. 12° ... 446.27 Summer jaunt through tlie Old World. (The Tourje'e party of 1878.) L. S. Holden. Boston, 1879. 12° 762.8 Summer rambles near Philadelphia. J. Cook. Phila., 1882. 12° 772.4 Summer rest. M. A. Dodge, [t. p. w.] 16°, 266.25 Summer savory, gleaned from rural nooks in pleasant weather. B. F. Taylor. Chi- cago, 1879. 12° 292.6 Summer stories for boys and girls. Mrs. Molesworth. London, 1882. S° . . . 942.11 Summer's travel to find a German home. Providence, R.I., 1804. 12° 735.8 Summerfield imbroglio. The. M. Collins. Boston, 1870. 12° .364.40 Summerland sketches. Rambles in the back- woods of Central America and Mexico. F. L. Oswald. Phil.a., 18S0. 8° . . . 707.9 Sumner, Charles, Life and public services of. C. E. Lester. N.Y., 1874. 8° . . . . 149.14 Memoir and letters. (1811-184.5.) E. L. Pierce. Boston, 1877. 2 v. 8° ... 183.1 The same 183. 2 Memori.al addresses in Congress. Washing- ton, 1874. 8° 149.15 Memorial from the City of Boston. Boston, 1S74. 12° 118.2 Sermons upon his death. S. Johnson and C. A. Bartol. Boston, 1874. 8° . . . 245.18 Works : Orations and speeches. Boston, 18.50. 2v. 12° 228.16 Prophetic voices concerning America. Boston, 1874. 12° 2:^3.2 Works. Boston, 1870-77. 12 v. 12° . 184.1 Sumner, William G. American currency. History of. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . .". 227.21 Protectionism the 'Ism that teaches that v\ aste makes wealth. N.Y., 1885. 10° . 1328.8 Social classes, and what they owe to each other. N.Y., 188:3. 16° 1224.5 Sumner, W. H. East Boston, History of. Bos- ton, 1.S.5S. 8° 537.7 Sumter, Fort, and Fort Moultrie, Reminiscences of. (1860-61.) A. Doubleday. N.Y., 1876. 12° 217.25 Suu, The. A. Guillerain. N.Y., 1870. 12° . 644.24 The same. R. A. Proctor. London, 1871. 12° 645.15 The same. C. A. Young. N.Y., 1881. 12° 678.23 332 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sun-maid, The. M. Grant. N.T., 1877. S°, .36.5.04 Sun, moon ami stars. A book for beginnors. A. Giberne. X.Y., 18S0. 1:2° ... . 074. 14 Sunday at home. A faiiiily magazine for Sab- IxUh reailiiig. (1S80.) London, 1880. 8°, 75.5.7 Sunday echoes in week-day hours. [A tale.] Mrs. C. Brock. N.Y., 1S70. 12° . . . 441.26 Sunday Magazine: for family reading. (1880.) London, ISSO. 8° 7.55.8 Sunday-schools, Forty years' experience in. S. II. Tyng. N.Y., 1802. 12° ... . 24:3.22 Sunlight and shadow; or, Gleanings from my life-work. .J. B. Gough. Hartford, 1881. 8° 186.1:5 Sunny days; or, A month at the great Stowe. X.Y., 1872. 16° 451.20 Sunny shores. W.T.Adams. Boston, 1875. 10°, 458.10 Sunnybank. Mrs. M. V. Terhnne. N.Y.. 1874. 12° . 423.14 Sunrise. W. Black. X.Y., 1881. 12° . . . :379.24 The same 948.8 Sunrise kingdom, The; or. Life and scenes in Japan, and woman's work for women there. Mrs. J. D. C'arrothers. Phila., In.d.] 12" 772.2 Sunshine and storm in the East. Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople. Mr.s. \. Brassey. N.Y., 1880. 8° 76:3.26 The same 76.3.27 Sunshine in thought. C. G. Leland. N.Y., 1SG2. 12° 243.23 Superior woman, A. (No name series.) Bos- ton, 1885. 16° 045.14 The same 945.15 Supernatural, History of the. W. Howitt. Phila., 1863. 2 V. 12° 624.18 Supernatural, in letters and in life, Recognition of the. R. S. .Storrs. N.Y., |n.d.] 8° . 275.9 Superstition and force. Essays on the wager of law and battle, ordeal and torture. H. C. Lea. Phila., 1878. 12° 244.2 The same 1236.7 Superstitions, Popular. G. L. Gomme, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 8° 12:34.12 Surf. A summer pilgrimage. S. Wright. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 761.21 Surf and wave; the sea as sung by the poets. A. L. Ward, Eil N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 577.4 Surgeon's daughter. The; and Castle Danger- ous. W. Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 12° . 314.22 The same 316.5 Surgeon's stories, The. .See Topelius, Z. Surgery, Modern: its principles and practice. K. Uruitt. Phila., 1851. 8° 632.5 Surly Tim, and other stories. Mrs. F. H. Bur- nett. X.Y., 1877. 16° 371.5 Surnames, Suffolk. Jf. L Bowditch. Boston, 18.58. S^' 221.10 Sursum corda. Hymns for the sick and sutTer- ing. Boston, 1877. 16° .571.13 Survivors of the "Chancellor.'' .7. Verne. Boston, 1876. 8° 324.26 Susie Grant; or. The lost property office. N. Y., 1874. 10" 462.18 Sutherlands, The. Mrs. S. S. Harris. X.Y., 1882. 12° 364.23 Sutton, Mass., History of. (1704-1876.) In- cluding Grafton till 17:35: Millbury till 1813: and parts of Northbridge, Upton and Auburn. lieis. W. A. Benedict and H. A. Tracy. Worcester, 1878. 8° . . 494.19 Suv^auee River tales. Mrs. K. S. McDowell. Boston, 1884. 16° 962.12 Suzette. [A novel.] M. S. Ticrnan. N.Y., 1885. 16° 969.20 Sivabian stories. (In ver.se.) T. Tilton. N.Y., 1882. 12° 576.6 STvain, Charles F. Captain Waters and Bill his bo' sen. N.Y., 1877. 12= .... :367.22 S-waine, S. A. General Gordon. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 11:37.4 The religious revolution in the sixteenth century. X.Y., [n.d.] 16° 1214.9 Swainson, C. Hand-book of weather folk- lore. Edinburgh, 187:3. 16° 041.18 Swallow barn. J. P. Kennedy. X.Y., 1856. joo 422.1 Sw^ampscott, .Mass., Historical sketches of. W. Thompson. Lynn, 188-5. 12°. . .1422.14 Sw^an, Annie S. Adam Hepburn's vow. N.Y., [n.d.] 12= 974.19 S'wan, Charles. Gesta Romanorum. Enter- taining stories invented by the monks. I-ondon, 1877. 12° 3:32. .33 Swan, The, and her crew. G. C. Davies. London, [n.d.] 12' 922.12 Swanw^ick, Anna, Tranx. Dramas of yEschy- lus. London, 187:3. 8= 616.3 Swearing, A cursory history of. .1. Sharman. London, 1884. 12° 1232.20 Sw^eat, M. J. M. Highways of travel. Bos- ton, 1859. 12° 06:!. 11 STveden and Lapland. Up in the Xorlh. T. Shairp. London, 1872. 16° 724.20 Sweden and Xorway. Game-birds and wild- fowl of; with an account of the seals and salt-water fishes of those countries. L. Lloyd. London, 1807. S° 019.3 Sw^edeuborg, Emanuel. James, II. The secret of Swedenborg. Boston, 1809. 8°, 027.8 Parsons, T. Outline of the religion and philosophy of Swedenborg. Boston, 1876. 12° 256.16 Tafel, R. L. Life. Chicago, 1807. 12° . 624.4 K'ort.s; N.Y., 1875-78. 22 v. 8°. Arcana co?lesta. 10 v 277.1 Apocalypse revealed. 2 v 277.2 Comi)endiutn of theological writings . . 277.3 Conjngial love 277.4 Divine love and divine wisdom .... 277.5 Divine Providence 277.6 Four leading doctrines 277.7 Heaven .and its wonders; the world of spirits; and hell 277.8 The same 267.25 Miscellaneous theological writings . . . 277.9 True Christian religion 277.10 Sweet, Alex. E., and Knox, J. A. On a Mexi- can mustang through Texas. Harlfonl, 18S.3. 8° 776.7 Sweet Cicely; or, Josiah Allen as a politician. M. HoUey. N.Y., 1886. 8° 395.21 Sweet counsel. A book for girls. H. Keddie. London, 1869. 12° 282.2 Svsreetser, M. F., Ed. See Artist biographies. King's Hand-book of Boston h.arbor. Camln-idge, 1882. 12° 772.18 Picturesque Maine. Portland, [n.d.] 4°. 766.10 Summer days down East. Portland, 1883. 8° 770.8 Sweetser, William. Human life. N.T., 1867. 16° 631.11 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 333 t I Swetchine, Madame, Life and letters of. Gjunt de FMoiix, Ed. Boston, 1867. S", 1.34.12 Writings of. Count de Falloux, Ed. Bos- ton, 1869. 12° 262.2 Swift, Cliarles F. History of old Yarmoulli; eomprisinp the present towns of Yar- mouth and Dennis. Yarmouth Port, [n.d.] 8° 1424. .5 Svirift, Jolni F. Going to .Jericlio. N.Y., 186S. 12^ {'.04.21 S-wift, .John L. Aljout Grant. Boston, 1S80. 12' iy4.7 Swrift, Jonathan, [Dean, of St. Patrick's, Dub- lin.) Life. (English men of letters.) L. Stephen. X.Y., 1.S82. 12^ .... lii2.:!'J Works : Gulliver's travels. X.Y., 1867. 16'" . . 4.53.20 Poetical works; with memoir by J. Mit- ford. Boston, |n.d.] 3 v. 16° . . . 562.3 Works : with life by D. L. Purves. Phila., 1868. 8° 168.10 Swift and sure. A. Ehves. N.Y., |n.d.| 12^ 462.11 Sw^iubourne, Alfred. Picture logic. London, 1S7.5. S= 6.52.17 Siwiuburue, Algernon Charles. Atalanta in Calydon. Boston, 1866. 16° .... 612.24 Blake, William; a critical essay. London. 1868. S° " 157. 5 Bothwell; (a tragedy.) London, 1874. 12°, 505.10 A century of roundels and other poems. N.Y., 18S3. 12° .570.16 Hugo, Victor, Life of. N.Y., 1886. 12' . 1137.5 A midsummer holiday, and other poems. X.Y., 1884. 16° .577.17 Queen mother and Rosamond. Boston, 1860. 16° .564.2 Shakespeare, A study of. X.Y., 1879. 12°, 294.14 Swine-breeder, The American. H. W. Ell- worth. Boston, 1840. 16' 621.17 Swing, David. Motives of life. Chicago, 1879. 16° 283.17 " Sw^ingiu' round the cirkle." D. R. Locke. Boston, 1867. 12° 247. m Swiutou, William. The army of the Potomac. X.Y., 1868. 8° .547.12 English literature. Masterpieces of; from British and American authors. N.Y., 1S.S0. 8° 275.4 Rambles among words. N.Y., 1864. 12° . 662.6 .School composition. Language lessons. N.Y., 1S74. 16° 1241.5 The twelve decisive battles of the war. (1861-65.) N.Y., 1S67. 8° 54.5.2 Swiss family Robinson. J. K. von Wyss and J. I. P. deB. Montolieu. N.Y.,186S. lO'", 436.6 The same. (Classics for children.) Bos- ton, 1885. 16° 971.8 Swiss letters and Alpine poems. F. R. Haver- gal. X.Y., 1882. 12° 772. S Svffiss pictures: drawn with pen and pencil. S. Manning. London, [n.d.] 8° . . . 568.11 Swisshelm, Jane G. Half a century. Chicago, 18S0. 12° 126.7 Switchoff. W.T.Adams. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 4.57.10 Switzerland. Biedeker, K. .Switzerland and the adjacent portio::s of Italy, Savoy, and the Tyrol. (A guide-book. ) Boston. 1S77. 16° 704.12 Its mountains and valleys. (Illustrated.) Engraved by A. Closs. X.Y., 1879. 4° . R. L. Sw^itzerland — concluded. Mackenzie. H. D. S. History of Switzer- land. Boston, 1881. 12° .592.13 Prime, S. D. Letters from Switzerland. N.Y., 1860. 12° 664.26 Westall, AV. Tales and traditions of Switz- erland. London, 1882. 12° 775.9 Switzers, The. W. H. Di.\on. London, 1S72. 8' 726.15 Sword and gown. G. B. Lawrence. Boston, 1859. 12° Ui.ZS Sw^ord of Damocles, The. A story of New York life. A. K. Green. N.Y., 1881. 12° 397.11 Sybaris and other homes. E. E. Hale. Bos- ton, 1869. 10° 4:}2.24 Sybil's friend. Mrs. R. Church. London. 1874. 12° 4.55.5 Sybil's second love. J. Kavanagh. X.Y., 1S07. 12° 345.16 Sydney, Algernon, Life and limes of. A. C. Ewald. London, 1873. 2 v. S° . . . 1.57.6 Sydnie Adriance; or, Tiying the world. A. M. Douglas. Boston, 1875. 12° ... 306.20 Sylvan city, A; or, Quaint corners in Phila- delphia. Phila., 1883. 12° 778. 6 Sylvan year, The; and The unknown river. P. G. Hamerton. Boston, 1870. 12°. . 009.1 Sylvester night's adventure, A. H. Zschokke. Cincinnati, 1884. 16° 9.57.21 Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist. H. Cockton. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . . 445.16 Sylvia's choice. G. M. Craik. N.Y., 1874. 8° 346.16 Sytabolism ; or. Mind, matter, and language, as the elements of thinking and reasoning. J. Haig. London, 1869. 12° .... 675.17 Symbols of the Capital. [Essays.] A. D. Mayo. N.Y., 1859. 16° 225.4 Symington, Andrew J. Bryant, W. C, A biographical sketch of. N.Y., ISSO. 16°, 194.14 Lover, Samuel, Life of. N.Y., 1880. 10°. 191.8 Moore, Thomas; his life and works. X.Y.. 1880. 16° 191.9 Wordsworth, William ; a biographical sketch and selections from his writings. Boston, [n.d.] 2v. 10° 178.35 Symington, Maggie. Working to win. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 364. ;52 Symouds, John Addington. Dante, A study of. London, 1872. 10° 567.9 Europe, southern, Sketches and studies in. X.Y., 1880. 2v. 8° 766.9 The Greek poets, Studies of the. N.Y., 1880. 2 V. 16° 194.6 The same 1242.13 Italian byways. X.Y.. 1883. 12°. . . . 778.4 Xewandold. [Poems.] Boston, 1880. 12°, 582.25 Renaissance in Italy. The fine arts. X.Y., 1879. 8' . . . " 628.12 Renaissance in Italy. Literature. X.Y., 1882. 2v. 8° imS.S Renaissance in Italy. The revival in learn- ing. X.Y.,1SS1. 3v. 8° 1216.4 Symonds, W. S. Records of the rocks. Lon- don, 1872. 12° 043. IS Symoudson, F. W. H. Two years abaft the mast. London, 1879. 10° 449.28 The same 782.2 Synge, W. W. F. Olivia Raleigh. Phila., 1877. 10° 308.12 834 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Synnbve Solbakken. [A novel.] B. Bjornsou. Boston, 1881. 16° Synonyms, English, Hand-book of. L. J. Ciitiipbell. Boston, 1881. 18° ... . Syria, Explorations in. (1SS1-S2.) C. R. Con- (ler. London, 1883. 8° Unexplored Syria. R. F. Burton and C. F. T. Drake. London, 1872. 2 v. S° . . Syria and Egypt, Caravan route between. Trans, from the German. London, 1881. 8° .388.0 m.u 793.4 720.9 773.. 5 T Leaves. A collection of pieces written for public reading. E. F. Turner. Loiidun, 1885. 12' 1241. lli Taber, C. A. M. IJhynies from a sailor's jour- nal. Cambridge, 1873. 10° .551.31 Table-talk. Alcott, A. B. Table-talk. Bos- ton, 1877. 12° 272.7 Hazlitt, W. Essays. N.Y., 1845. 2 v. 16° 225.12 The same. (Second series) 220.14 Hunt, L. Table talk. To which is added imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift. N.Y., 1879. 16° 291.24 Russell, W. G. The book of table-talk. Selections from the conversations of poets, philosophers, statesmen, etc. With notes and memoirs by the author. N.Y., 1874. 12° 294.0 Table traits. Dr. Doran. N.Y., 18.-)5. 12° . 241.12 Tablets. A. B. Alcott. Boston, 1879. 12° . 294.7 Tableaux, Tailor. W. F. Gill. Boston, 1871. 12' 244.10 Tableaux vivants; or, Home pastimes. Bos- ton, ISOO. 12° 223.18 Tabor, Eliza. Eglantine. N.Y., 1S7.5. 8°. . 357.18 The same .361.40 Nine years old. London, 1872. 10° . . . 401 . 10 When I was a little girl. Loudon, 1871. 16° 444.-32 Tacitus, History of. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. London, 1873. 12° ... . 525.4 Tact, push .and principle. W. 51. Thayer. Boston, ISSO. 12° 125.26 Tafel, R. L. Emanuel Swedenborg. Chicago, 1SG7. 12° . . ; 024.4 Taggart, John. The American standard poul- try book. Phila., 1885. 12° 1325.20 Taghconic: The romance and beauty of the hills. J. E. A. Smith. Boston, 1879. 12°, 292.7 Taine, H. A. The ancient regime. N.Y., 1870. 12° 482.11 Art in Greece. N.Y., 1871. 10° ... . 651.20 Art in the Netherlands. N.Y., 1S71. 10°, 052.25 English literature. History of. N.Y., 1871. 2 V. 8° 267.5 The same. (Abridged.) 12° .... 125.2 The same 286.13 The same 295.7 French revolution, The. J. Duraud, Trans. N.Y., 1885. 3v. 8° 499.1 The ideal in art. N.Y., 1869. 16° . . . 651.25 Italy, Florence and Venice. N.Y., 1869. 8°, 716.9 Italy, Rome and Naples. N.Y., 1808. 8°. 604.10 Notes on England. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . 664.12 Notes on Paris. N.Y., 1875. 12°. . . . 715.16 Tour through the Pyrenees. N.Y., 1874. 8° 718.4 Syria and Egypt under the last live sultans of Turkey. Consul-General Barker. Lon- don, 1870. 2 V. 8° 703.16 Syria, Palestine and the Holy Land. Mrs. I. Burton. London, 1879. 12° .... 766.10 Syrian home-life. I. Riley. X.Y., 1874. 12° .' 266.23 Syrian sunshine. T. G. Appleton. Boston, 1877. 16° 271.13 System of the world. J. P. Nichol. Boston, 1848. 12° 645.13 Taipiugwang, Life of. J. M. Mackic. N.Y., 18.57. 12° 165.14 Tait, Catharine and Crawford, wife and son of Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Can- terbury. [Memoir.] W. Beuham, Ed. London, 1879. 12° 192.24 Tait, P. G. Heat. London, 1884. 12°. . .1318.24 Light. Edinburgh, 1884. 12° 1324.1 Take a peep. P. Cobden. Boston, 1874. 12°, 437.19 Taken at the flood. Mrs. M. E. Braddon-Max- well. N.Y., 1874. 8° .347.19 Taking the Bastile; or. Six years later. A. Dumas. London, [n.d.] 12° .... .361.67 Talbot, Hannah, {ji.scud., Parke Danforth.) Not in the prospectus. [A novel.] Bos- ton, 1886. 16° 978.10 Talboys, W. P. West India pickles. Diary of a cruise through the West Indies. N.Y., 1S70. 16° 441.18 Talbury girls, The. M. A. Denison. Boston, 1871. 12° 4.52.3 Tale of a lonely jiarish. F. M. Crawford. N.Y., 1880. 12° 977.4 Tale of two cities. C. Dickens. N.Y., 1809. 2 V. 12° 355.17 The same 355.16 The same, (in one volume) 394.6 Tales and sketches. H. Miller. Boston, 1803. 1:;^ 243.1 Tales aiul sketches of Christian life. Mrs. E. R.Charles. N.Y., 1805. 10° ... . 431.15 Tales by Musa'us, Tieck, and Richter. T. Carlyle, Trans. London, [n.d.] 12°. vol. xviii. of 1235.1 Tales, Classic. M. Edgeworth. Boston, 1883. 10° 919.14 Tales from Ariosto. Retold for children by a lady. Boston, 1880. 10° 911.10 Tales from "Blackwood." Edinburgh, |n.d.] 12 V. 10° 431.5 The same. [New series) 418.1 Tales from the German of Paul Heyse. N.Y., 1879. 12° 300.49 Tales from many sources. N.Y., 18^5. Ov. 10°, 907.1 Tales, Moral and popular. M. Edgeworth. N.Y., 185.5. 12° .346. 2 Tales of a fashionable life. M. Edgeworth. N.Y., 1855. 12° 346.3 Tales of a grandfather. W. Scott. (Classics for children.) E. Giim, Ed. Boston, 1885. 16° 971.9 Tales of a traveller. W. Irving. N.Y., 18.55. 12° 342.14 Tales of all countries. A. TroUope. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 963.24 Tales of old travel. H. Kingsley. London, 1809. 12° 734.12 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 335 Tales of the argonauts; and other sketches. B. Harte. Boston, 1875. 16° ... . 311.31 Tales of tlie Borders, and of Scotland. His- torical, traditionary and imaginative. J. M. Wilson, and others. Edinburgh, [n.d.] 1:2 V. 10° 497.5 Tales of the caravan, inn and palace. W. Hauff. Chicago, 1S82. 12' 942.2 Tales of the sood woman. J. K. Paulding. N.Y., 1807. 12° .334.23 Tales of the pathfinders. (Discoverers, etc.) A. Oilman. Boston, [n.d.l 16° . . . 1421.3 Tales of the sixty mandarins. P. V. R. Raju. Introduction by Henry 3Iorley. X.Y., [n.d.] 12^ 970.24 Tales of the woods and fields. By the author of "Old men's tales." X.Y., 1836. 12^ 297.17 Tales of three cities. H. James. Boston, 1884. 12^ 965.7 Tales of woman's trials. Mrs. S. C. Hall. X.T., 1855. 8'' 427.14 The same 427.30 Tales, Standard, by standard authors. Mrs. J. .Johnstone, £■(?. London, 1874. 2 v. S°, .347.40 Talent in tatters; or. Some vicissitudes in the life of an English boy. H. Wraythe. N.T., [n.d.] 16° 912.13 Talfourd, Sir Thomas >". Letters of Charles Lamb, etc. London, 1886. 2 v. 12°. .1249.22 Miscellaneous writings. Boston, 18.54. 8^, 237.7 Tragedies, sonnets and verses. Boston, 1865. 12= 014.9 Talk with my pupils, A. Mrs. C. Sedgwick. N.Y., 1863. 12° 204.0 Talking leaves. The. (An Indian story.) W. O. Stoddard. N.Y., 1882. 16° . " . . . 910.8 Talks afield about plants and the science of plauts. L. H. Bailey. Boston, 1885. 10= 1314.10 Talks witli my boys. W. A. Mowry. Boston, 1886. 16° 1251.20 Talks with young men. J.T.Davidson. N.Y., 1S84. 12° 1232.23 Tallahassee girl, A. (Round-robin series.) M. Thompson. Boston, 1882. 16°. . . . 398.17 The same 398.18 Talleyrand, Prince, Corrcspondt nee of, with Louis XVIII. during the Congress of Vi- enna. From MSS. preserved at Paris. With preface and notes by M. G. Pallain. X.Y.,18S1. 8° 187.15 Tallulah and Jocassee, and other tales. T. A. Kioh.ards. Charleston. 18.52. 12° . . . .331.28 Talmage, T. De Witt. The abominations of modern society. X.Y., 1872. 12°. . . 266.20 Around the tea-table. Phila., 1874. 12° . 207.12 Every day religion. X.Y., 187-3. 12° . . 200.29 Old wells dug out. X.Y., 1874. 12°. . . 267.18 Sermons. X.Y., 1872. 12° 266.15 Sermons. (Second series.) X.T.,1S73. 12°, 266.10 Sports that Ivill. X.Y., 187.5. 12°. . . . 200.5 Talmud, The. Selections from that ancient book, its commentaries, teachings, poetry, and legends. Brief sketches of the men who made it. H. Polano. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 1245.20 Talmudic miscellany; or, A thousand and one extracts from the Talmud, etc. Com- piled and translated by P. I. Hershon. Introduction by F. W. Farrar. Boston, 1880. 8° 125.21 Tamil wisdom; or, Hindu traditions. E. J. Robinson. London, 1873. 12° . . . . 202.11 Tanagra figurines. (Clay images from the tombs of nortliern Greece. ) Boston, 1879. 8° . 6.54.17 Tandon, Moquin. The world of the sea. Lon- don, [n.d.] 8° 650.14 The same, translated and enlarged by H. M. Hart. N.Y., 1832. 8° 1311.5 Taney, Roger B., Life of. S.Tyler. Baltimore, 1672. 8° 1.50.10 Tangled skein, A. A. de Fonhlanque. Bos- ton, 1803. 8° .365.29 Tangled tale, A. C. L. Dodgson. London, 1885. 12° 935.6 Tanner, Henry. Lessons in the science of agri- cultural practice. London, 1881. 18° . 674.26 Tanner, T. H. Manual of clinical medicine. Pijila., 18.50. 16° 631.21 Tappan, Arthur, Life of. L. Tappau. X.Y., 1870. 8° 114.13 Tappan, David. Lectures on Jewish antiquities. Boston, 1807. 8° 231 . 17 Tarantella. [\ novel.] M. Blind. Boston, 1885. 12° 965.16 Tarbox, I. N. Putnam, Israel, Life of. Bos- ton, 1870. 8° 173.1 Tariff, Destructive influence of the, upon manu- facture and commerce, and the figures and facts relating thereto. J. Schoenhof. X.Y., 1883. 12° 12-9.17 Tariff, The history of the present, 1860-1883. F. W. Taussig. X.Y., 188.5. 12° . . . 1415.16 Tartary, Thibet, and China, Journey through. M. Hue. X.Y., 1842. 2 v. 16° ... 711.4 The same 733.2 Tartary, Visits to high. Yarkhand, and Kash- ghar, and return journey over the Kara- korara Pass. R.Shaw. London, 1871. 8°, 767.13 Tas'well-Langmead, T. P. English constitu- tional history. Boston, 1881. 8° . . . 694.6 Tatem.M. H. The heights of Eidelberg. Phila., 1871. 12° 413.9 Tattered Tom. H. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 442.7 Taussig, F. W. The history of the present tariff. 1860-1883. X.Y., 188-5. 12° . .1415.16 Protection to young industries as applied to the U.S. Cambridge, 1883. 12° . . . 1225.9 Taunton, Mass., Supplement to the catalogue of the public library of. Taunton, 1 SSI. 8°, R. L. Tautphoeus, iJaronei's. At odds. Phila., 1863. 12° 3.54.12 Cyrilla. Phila., [n.d] 8° 340.47 The initials. Phila., [n.d.] 12° ... . 361.25 Quits. Phila., 18oS. 12° 341.30 Taveau, A. L. The magic word. Boston, 1855. 16° 566.11 Taxidermy, Practical, and home decoration. Willi general information for sportsmen. J. H. Batty. X.Y , 1880. 12° .... 682.6 Taylor, .V If red S. Poisons. London, 18.59. 10°, 031.25 Taylor, B.iyard. Life and letters. Mrs. M. U. Taylor and H. E. Scudder, Eds. Boston, 1884. 2 V. 12° 1128.5 Work.H: Africa, Journey to central. X.T., 1856. 12° 714.17 Ed. Africa, Lake regions of central. N.Y., 1873. 12° 713.6 Ed. Africa, Travels in south. X.Y., 1872. 12° 713.7 Arabia, Travels in. X.Y., 1872. 12° . 722.6 336 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Taylor, Bayard. Works — concluded. Beauty and the beast; and, Tales of home. N.Y., 1872. TJ° 411.14 Boys of other oountries. N.Y., 1S76. 12'^ 441.24 Colorado. N.Y., 1SG7. 12' 732.1:! Critical essays and literary notes. N.Y., 1880. 12" 125.8 Echo Club; and other literary diversions. Boston, IS7G. 8° 247.21 Egypt and Iceland in 1874. X.Y., 1874. 12° 73:3.14 Eldorado. N.Y., ISfw. 12° 7:J2.4 Europe, Byways of. N.Y., 1860. 12° . 734.18 German literature, Studies in. N.Y., 1879. 12° 2112.24 Trans. Goethe's Faust. Boston, 1871. 2v. 8° 017.1 Greece and Russia. N.Y., 18.5'J. 12° . 602.15 Hannah Thurston. N.Y., 1804. 12°. . 411.13 Home and abroad. (Second series. ) N.Y., 1802. 12° 007.21 India, China and Japan, A visit to. N.Y., 18.55. 12° 714.18 .John Godfrey's fortunes. N.Y., 1865. 12°, 412.4 Joseph and his friend. K.Y., 1870. 12°, 361.11 Lands of the .Saracen. N.Y., 18.55. 12°, 733.10 Masque of the gods. Boston, 1872. 16°, 551.35 Northern travel. N.Y., 18.58. 12° . . 714.19 ricture of St. John. Boston, 1866. 12°, 552.21 Poetical works. (Complete.) Boston, 1880. 12' 582.10 The prophet. Boston, 1874. 12° . . . 551.4 Story of Kennett. N.Y., 1806. 12° . . 411.12 Views afoot. N.Y., 1855. 12°. . . . 724.12 The same. N.Y., 1884. 8° 788.3 Taylor, Benjamin F. Between the gates. Chicago, 1878. 12° 492. is Mission Eidge and Lookout Mountain. N.Y., 1872. 8° 246.10 Summer-savory. [Sketches.] Chicago, 1879. 12° 292.0 The world on wheels. Chicago, 1874. 12°, 2.33.13 Taylor, D. B. The coming earthquake, and other tracts. Boston, 1S7.5. 12° . . . 203.20 Taylor, E. Blindpits. A story of Scottish life. N.Y., 1809. 12° 317.15 Taylor, E. S., and others, Eds. History of playing cards. London, 1805. 12° . . 635.25 Taylor, Edward T., (Father Taylor,) Inci- dents and anecdotes of. G. Haven and T. Kussell. Boston, 1872. 12.° 113.10 Taylor, George, pseud. .See Hausrath, A. Taylor, George, H. Diseases of women. Phila., 1871. 12° 031.12 Paralysis. N.Y., 1871. 10° 6:^1.18 Taylor, Henry, Autobiography of. 1800-75. N.Y., 1885. 2v. 12° 1134.10 Philip van Artevelde. Boston, 186:3. 16°. 611.10 Taylor, Isaac. The alphabet; The origin and development of letters. London, 1883. 2v. &° 1226.3 Words and places; or. Etymological illustra- tions of history, etlinology and geography. London, 1882. 10° . .' 1221.18 The same 235.19 Taylor, James. The Scottish Covenanters. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 191.16 Taylor, Jane. Contributions of Q. Q. X.Y., 1826. 2v. 10° 228.17 and Ann. Classic tales, with a memoir by G. A. Oliver. Boston, 1884. 16° . . . 951.12 Taylor, J. E. Half-hours in the green lanes. London, 1873. 10° 731.1 Half-hours al the seaside. London, 1872. 16° 722.17 The sagacity and morality of plants. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 1325.1 Taylor, N. A., and McDanield, H. F. The coming empire. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 402.20 Taylor, Richard, (Lieut.-Gen. in the Confed- erate army.) Destruction and recon- struction. N.Y., 1879. 8° 293.1 Taylor, li. V. Yorkshire anecdotes; or. Re- markable incidents in the lives of cele- brated Yorkshire men and women. Lon- don, 188:3. 12° 1228.6 Taylor, Sedley. Sound and music. London, 187:3. 8° 649.17 The same 1317.14 Taylor, Theodore. W.M.Thackeray. N.Y., 1804. 12° 162.20 Taylor, Tom. Historical dramas. London, 1877. 12° 573.13 Leicester Square ; its associations and worth- ies. London, 1874. 12° 762.22 Haydon, B. R., Life of. N.Y., 1853. 2 v. 12° 16:i.l0 Taylor, W. Historic survey of German poetry. London, 18:30. 3 v. 8° 613.10 Taylor, W.C. History of Ireland. N.Y.,1854. 2 V. 16° 471.11 Taylor, W. H. Four years with (ien. Robert E. Lee. N.Y., 1877. 8° 498.13 Taylor, William. Our South American cousins. N.Y., 1878. 12° 497.12 Taylor, William M. Contrary winds, and other sermons. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1225.21 David, King of Israel, Life of. N.Y., 1875. 8° 14.5.11 Joseph, theprime-minister. N.Y.,1886. 12°, 1249.21 Knox, John, Life of. N.Y., 1885. 12° . 1131.6 Moses, the law-giver. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 182.18 Paul, the missionary. N.Y., 1882. 12° . 1113.3 Taylor, GVn. Zacliary. Life. Boston, 1876. 12°, 170.11 Tcheug-Ki-Toug, Col. The Chinese painted by themselves. J. Millington, Trans. London, [n.d.] 12° 792.1.3 Tea leaves. Letters and documents relating to the shipment of tea to the American colonies in 1773. From the original MS. With an introduction, notes, and bio- graphical notices of the Boston tea party. F.S.Drake. Boston, 1884. 8° . . .1423.10 Teachers and school officers. Power and au- thority of, over pupils. By a member of the Massachusetts Bar. N.Y.,1885. 16°, 1241.17 Teaching. Calderwood, H. Teaching; its ends and means. London, 1881. 16° 1212.19 Fitch, J. 6. Lectures on teaching. De- livered in the University of Cambridge, 1880. Cambridge, Eng., 1881. 12° . . 129.11 Peabody, E. P. Theory of teaching. Bos- ton, 1841. 8° 222.11 Thring, E. Theory and practice of teach- ing. Cambridge, Eng., 1883. 12° . . . 1227.8 See also Education and Pedagogics. Teaching of the twelve Apostles. Recently discovered and published by Philotheos Bryennios. Edited with a translation, introduction and notes by R. D. Hitch- cock and F. Brown. N.Y., 1884. 8° . 12.34.2 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 337 Teachings and counsels. Baccalaureate ser- mon*, with a discourse on President Gar- field. M. Hopkins. N.Y., 1884. 12° .12.37.11 Teal, Angeline. John Thome's folks. Boston, 1S84. 10° 962.16 Teale, T. Pridgin. Dangers to health. Do- mestic sanitary defects. London, 188.3. 8° 1324.14 Technical educator, The. London, [n.d.] 4v. 8° 642.1 Technology, Popular. E. Hazen. N.Y., 1855. 2 V. 12° 6.53.13 Tegetmuir, W. B. The poultry book. Lon- don, 1867. 8° 618.18 Tegg, William, .Ed. The knot tied. Marriage ceremonies of all nations. London, 1877. 16° 123.28 One hour's reading. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . 272.14 Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Lon- don. 1S70. 12° 282.30 Telegraph, Atlantic, History of the. H. M. Field. N.Y., 1866. 12° 491.12 Telegraph, The electric. Prescott, G. B. His- tory, theory and practice of. Boston, 1860. 12° 6.36.13 Schwendler, L. Instructions for testing telegraph lines, and the technical arrange- ments of ofDces. Written by order of the Director General of telegraphs in India. London, 1878. 2 v. 8° 677.17 Telegraph and travel. England to India. F. J. Ooklsmid. London, 1874. 8° . . . 727.14 Telegraph boy, The. H Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 16° ". 449.12 Telemachus. M. FSnelon, with life of the author. N.Y., 1859. 12° 163.7 Telephone, The. Dolbear, A. E. An account of the plieuomena involved in its action. Boston, 1877. 16° 6.53.28 Du Moncel, Count. Telephone, the micro- phone and the phonograph. N.Y., 1879. 12° 675.7 Prescott, G. B. Telephone and phonograph, and other novelties. X.Y., 1878. 8° . 656.11 Telfer, J. Buchan. Narrative of a journey in the Crimea and Transcaucasia. London, 1876. 2v. 8° 767.15 The strange career of the Chevalier D'Eon de Beaumont. London, 1885. 8° . . . 1133.3 Temperance. Channing, W. E. An address on temperance. Boston, 18.37. 8° . . 287.3 Daniels, W. H., Ed. Temperance reform, and its great reformers. N.Y., 1878. 8°, 274.15 Hitchcock, E. History of a zoological tem- perance convention held in central Africa. Fitchburg, 1863. 16° 291.15 Sargent, L. M. Temperance tales. Boston, [n.d.] 6v. 16° 391.6 Tempest and sunshine. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. N.Y., 1874. 12° 424.14 Tempest tossed: The story of Seejungfer. M. Roberts. London, 1884. 12° . . . 953.11 Tempest tossed. T. Tilton. N.Y., 1874. 12°, 317.14 Temple, H. J., {Lord Palmerstoii,) Life of. Si> II. L. Bulwer. Phila., 1871. 2 v. 8° . 113.13 Templeton, Faith. Wrecked but not lost. Phila., 1880. 12° 380.22 Templeton, W. Steam and the steam-engine. Phila., 1869. 12° 636.19 Ten acres enough. E. Morris. X.Y., 1864. 12° ... ^ 646.18 Ten boys who lived on the road from Long Ago to Now. J. Andrews. Boston, 1886. 16° 932.24 Ten days in the jungle. J. E. L. Boston, 1885. 16° 771.24 Ten great religions. J. F. Clarke. Boston, 1871. 2 V. 8° 626.4 The same. Part II. A comparison of all religions. Boston, 1883. 8° . . . . 1223.4 Ten minute talks. E. Burritt. Boston, 1874. 8° 233.24 Ten nights in a bar-room: and what I saw there. T. S. Arthur. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 444. .35 Ten thousand a year. S. Warren. London, 1878. 2v. 12° .372.27 Ten times one is ten. E. E. Hale. Boston. 1871. 16° 218.18 Ten years among the mail-bags. J. Holbrook. Phila., 1874. 8° 145.1 Ten years of my life. Princess Felix Salm- .Salm. X.Y., 1877. 12° 171.21 Ten years of preacher life. W. H. Milburn. N.Y., 18.59. 12° 215.16 Ten years on a Georgia plantation since the war. F. B. Leigh. London, 1883. 8° . . . 770.7 Tenace, Major, pseud. A handbook of whist. N.Y., 188.5. 18° 1011.6 Tenant of Wildfell Hall. A. Bronte. X.Y., 1868. 12° 363.6 The same .363.62 Tenants of an old farm. Leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. H. C. Mc- Cook. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1:324.20 Tenney, E. P. Agamenticus. Boston, 1878. 16° 383.1 Coronation. A story of forest and sea. Boston, 1877. 16° 36S.14 Tennis, Lawn, croquet, and other games. Lon- don, [n.d.] 18° 1214.26 Tenot, Eugene. Paris in December, 1851. N.Y., 1870. 12° 735.9 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. Jennings, H. J. A biographical sketch. London, 1884. 12°, 11.34.17 Gatty, A. A key to Tennyson's "In me- moriam." London, 1882. 16°. . . .1231.20 Genung, J. F. Tennyson's " In memoriam." Its purpose and structure. A study. Bos- ton, 1SS4. 12° "... 1229.23 Works : Poetical works. London, 1884. 7 v. 12°, 577.13 Vols. I. and II. Miscellaneous poems. III. Idyls of the king. IV. The princess, and Maud. V. Enoch Arden, and In memo- riam. VI. Dramas. Queen Mary. Harold. VII. Later poems. Ballads and other poems. Boston, 1880. 16° 583.13 Becket. [A drama.] London, 1884. 16°, 584.25 The cup and the f.alcon. N.Y., 1SS4. 16°, 584.17 Enoch Arden. [A poem.] Boston, 1864. 16° 565.6 Gareth and Lynette. Boston, 1872. 16°, .565.8 Harold. [.\ drama.] Boston, 1877. 16°, 571.8 The Holy Grail. Boston, 1870. 16° . . 565.5 Idyls of the Ki.-.g. Boston, [n.d.] 16°. 565.4 The last tournament. Boston, 1872. 16°. 565.7 The lover's tale. Boston, 1879. 16°. . .573.25 The princess. W. J. Rolfe, Ed. Boston, 1885. 12° 577.10 338 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 273.31 273.30 1246.4 122S.1 273.21 423.3 1219.11 423.4 423. 2G Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. Works — concluded. Toems. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 565.2 The same. 2 v. 16° 565.3 Queen Mary. [.\ drama.] Boston, 1875. 16° 565.12 Tiresias; and otlier poems. London, 1885. 18° 585.18 Tent life in the Holy Land. W. C. Prime. N.Y., 1867. 12° 603.14 Tent life with English gypsies in Norway. H. Smith. London. 1873. 8° 726.10 Tent on the beach. [Poems.] J. G. Whittier. Boston, 1867. 16° 5.53.22 Terence, Comedies of. U. T. Riley. London, 18.-)3. .N^ 615.6 Terhune, Mrs. M. V., (pseud., Marion Harland.) Alone. X.y., 1873. 12° 423.1 At last. N.Y., 1872. 12° 423.2 Breakfast, luncheon and tea. N.T., 1875. 12° Common sense in the household. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° Common sense in the nursery. N.Y., 1885. 12° The cottage kitchen. [Cooking receipts.] N.Y., 1883. 12° The dinner year-book. N.Y., 1878. 12° . The empty heart. X.Y., 1874. 12°. . . Eve's daughters; or, Common sense for maid, wife and mother. N.Y., 1882. 12°, (This will be issued only by permission from the Librarian.) From my youth up. N.Y., 1874. 12° . . Handicapped. [Stories.] N.Y., 1881. 12°, Helen Gardner's wedding-day. N.Y., 1873. 12° The hidden path. N.Y., 1872. 12° . . . Husbands and homes. N.Y., 1865. 12° . Jessamine. X.Y., 1874. 12° Judith : a chronicle of old Virginia. Phila., 1883. 12° The same Loiterings in pleasant paths. N.Y., 1880. 12° Miriam. X.Y., 1862. 12° Moss-side. N.Y., 1874. 12° My little love. N.Y., 1S76. 12° ... . The same Nemesis. N.Y., 1860. 12° Our daughters. A talk with mothers. N.Y., 1880. 18° Phemie's temptation. N.Y., 1874. 12°. . Ruby's husband. N.Y., 1875. 12° . . . Sunnybank. N.Y., 1874. 12° True as steel. N.Y., 1872. 12° ... . Terrace roses. [A romance.] C. E. Gardner. X.Y.,1878. 1-2° 367.35 Tessa Wadsworth's discipline. J. M. Drink- water. N.Y., 1879. 12° 374.30 Testa, Giovanni B. History of the war of Frederick I. against the Communes of Lombardy. London, 1877. 12°. . . . 1428.6 Tested; or, Hope's fruition. C. E. Gardner. N.Y., 1874. 12° 334.2 Teutonic lands, Tales of. G. W. Cox and E. n. Jones. London. 1872. 12° ... . 3.33.25 Texas. Bartlett, J. R. Explorations and inci- dents in Texas and New Mexico. N.Y., 18.54. 2 v. 8° 737.4 Hughes, T., Ed. Gone to Texas. Letters from our boys. N.Y., 1884. 16° . . . 286.22 423.5 423.6 423.7 423.8 423.27 423.28 766.2 423.9 423.10 423.24 423.25 423.11 123.1 423.12 423.13 423.14 423.15 Texas — concluded. McDanield, H. F., and Taylor, N. A. Ten thousand miles in Texas on horseback. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 492.20 Olmsted, F. L. Journey through Texas. N.Y., 1859. 12° 666.18 Sweet, A. E., and Knox, A. On a Mexican mustang through Texas, from the Gulf to the Rio Grande. Hartford, 188:$. 8°. . 776.7 Thacher, Mary P. Seashore and prairie. Bos- ton. 1877. 16° 283.4 Thackeray, Anne I. See Ritchie, Mrs. A. L Thackeray, William M. Life and labors. T. Taylor. N.Y., 1864. 12° 162.20 London, The, of Thackeray. His haunts and the scenes of his novels. W. H. Ride- ing. Boston, 188.5. 16° 781.19 TForA-,s ; • Adventures of Philip. N.Y., 1862. 8° . 332.6 The same, with A shabby genteel story, 373.6 Ballads. Boston, 1882. 8° 574.7 The same, with The rose and the ring . 582.8 Book of snobs. Sketches of life and char- acter. Boston, 1875. 12° 373.9 Catherine. Lovel the widower. Denis Duval. Ballads. Boston, 1875. 12° . .373.11 Christmas books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Boston, 187.5. 12° .373.12 Early and late papers. Boston, 1867. 12°, 246.24 English humorists of the eighteenth cen- tury. N.Y., 1854. 12° 148.3 The great Hoggarty diamond. Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. Burlesques. Boston, 1875. 12° 373.8 History of Harry Esmond. N.Y., 1864. 8°, 332.3 The same 332.9 The same, with Memoirs of Barry Lyn- don .373.4 History of Pendennis. N.Y., 1860. 2 v. 8° 332.7 The same 373.2 Lovel the widower. N.Y., 1867. 16° . 431.2 Miscellanies. Boston, 1870. 5 v. 12° . 332.14 Vol. I. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon; His- tory of Samuel Titmarsh; The great Hoggarty diamond ; Burlesques. Vol. II. Paris sketch book of Mr. Tit- marsh; Memoirs of Mr. Charles Yel- lowplush; The Irish sketch book; Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Vol. III. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon; Legend of the Rhine; Rebecca and Rowena ; A little dinner at Timmins's ; The Bradford-Row conspiracy. Vol. IV. The Fitz-Boodle papers ; Men's wives; A shabby genteel story; His- tory of Samuel Titmarsh ; and The great Hoggarty diamond. Vol. V. Catherine; Titmarsh among pictures and books; Fraser miscella- nies; Christmas books; Ballads, etc. TheNewcomes. N.Y., 1855. 8° . . . 3.32.1 The same 3.32.2 The same .373.3 The Paris and the Irish sketch books. Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Boston, 187.5. 12° . . 373.7 The rose and the ring. London, 1873. 12° 332.12 The same 922.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 339 Thackeray, W. M. Works — concluded. E.Muiilaboul papers. N.Y., 1863. 12' . 332.11 The same. The. four Georges. English humorists. Boston, 1875. 12° . . 373.10 Students' quarter; or, Paris five and thirty years since. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 244.26 Thackerayana. Notes and anecdotes. (Il- lustrated.) London, 1875. 12° . . . 164.9 Vanity fair. N.Y., 1868. 8° 332.5 The same 332.8 The same 332.13 The same 373.1 The Virginians. N.Y., 1859. 8° . . . 332.4 The same 373.5 Thackeray and Dickens. Anecdote biogra- phies of. R. H. Sloildard, Ed. N.Y., 1874. 12° 134.17 Thaddeus of Warsaw. J. Porter. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 427.36 Thames, the Dictionary of. C. Dickens. Lon- don, 1880. 16° 704.10 Thankful Blossom. A romance of the Jerseys. (1779.) B. Harte. Boston, 1877. 18° . 431.20 That beautiful wretch. A Brighton story. W. Black. N.Y., 1881. 12° 397.16 The same 943.9 That boy of Norcott's. A rent in a cloud. St. Patrick's eve. C. Lever. Londou, [n.d.] 12° 394.10 That dreadful boy. [A novel.] Mrs. K. T. Woods. Boston, 1886. 12° 977.14 That girl of mine. Phila., 1877. 16° ... 371.7 That husband of mine. Mrs. M. A. Denison. Boston, 1877. 16° 368.18 The same 368.24 That lass o' Lowrie's. Mrs. F. H. Burnett. K.Y., 1877. 12° 366.21 The same ,373.19 That queer girl. V. F. Towuscnd. Boston, 1875. 12° 354.18 That wife of mine. Mrs. M. A. Denison. Bos- ton, 1877. 16° 368.31 Thatcher, B. B. Indian biographj-. N.Y., 1834. 2v. 8° 121.8 Thaxter, Celia. Among the Isles of Shoals. Boston, 1873. 16° 711.12 The cruise of the Mystery, and other poems. Boston, 1886. 16° 588.3 Drift-weed. [Poems.] Boston, 1879. 16°, 582.2 Poems. N.Y., 1872. 16° 5.51.39 Poems for children. Boston, 1884. 8°. . .574.10 The same 574.13 Thayer, Alexander W. The Hebrews and the Red Sea. Andover, 1883. 12° ... . 1224.3 Thayer, Ella Cheever. Wired love. N.Y., 1879. 16° 304.79 Thayer, Erama Homan. Wild flowers of Colo- rado. Illustrated. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° . . R. L. Thayer, James B. Letters of Chauncey Wright, with some account of his life. Cambridge, 1878. 12° 177.5 Thayer, William M. The bobbin boy. Boston, ISOO. 12° 438.1 The same 438.2 The farmer boy. Boston, 1864. 12° . . 438. 3 From log-cabin to the White Ilouse. Bos- ton, 1881. 12° 914.3 Nelson; or. How a country boy made his way in the city. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 447.11 The old horseshoe. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . 4-38.4 The pioneer boy. Boston, 1863. 12° . . 438.5 Thayer, William M. — concluded. Tact, push and principle. Boston, 1880. 12° 125.26 Youth's history of the rebellion. Boston, 1866. 4v. 12° 541.16 Vol. I. Sumter to Roanoke. II. Ro.anoke to Murfreesboro'. III. Murfreesboro' to Fort Pillow. IV. Fort Pillow to the end. Theakston, M. British angling flies. London, [n.d.] 16° 672.10 Theamba, Inshta. ("Bright eyes.") Ploughed under. The story of an Indian chief. N.Y., 18S1. 16° 378.24 Theatre, The. An essay on the non-accordance of stage-plays witli the Christian profes- sion. J. W. Leeds. Phila., 1884. 16° . 1238.13 Theatricals, Amateur. W. H. and Lady Pol- lock. London, 1S70. 16° 681.9 Thebaud, A. J. The Irish race in the past and present. N.Y., 1873. 8° 522.3 "Their children." Mrs. H. S. Clarke. Bos- ton, 1874. 16° 301.16 Their wedding journey. W. D. Howells. Bos- ton, 1872. 12° 345.21 The same 392.25 Theism. The Baird lecture for 1876. R. Flint. Edinburgh, 1883. 12° 1243.14 Theism, Scientific. F. E. Abbot. Boston, 188.5. 12° 1248.18 Theistic argument, The, as affected by recent theories. [Lectures.] J. L. Diman. Boston, 1881. 8° 187. 16 Themistokles, Life of. G. W. Cox. London, 188-5. 16° 11:31.8 Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, The idyls of. J. Banks, Tran.-i. London, 1864. 12° . 615.10 The same. A. Lang, Trans. London, 1880. 12° 126.4 Theodora. A home story. P. F. McKeen. N.Y., 1876. 12° .361.45 Theology. Allen, J. H. Our liberal movement in theology. History of Unitarianism in New England. Boston, 1882. 16° . . 1221.1 Beecher, L. Views of theology. Boston, 18-53. 12° 626.14 Rendall, F. Theology of the Hebrew Chris- tians. Loudon, 1886. 12° 1249.18 Tyler, B. Lectures on theology. Boston, 1859. 8° 624.2 Theophilus and others. M. M. Dodge. N.Y., 1876. 12° 364.48 The same 976.13 Theory of the earth. G. Cuvier. N.Y., 1818. 8° 643.6 Theory of our national existence as shown by the action of the government of the U.S. since 1861. J. C. Hmd. Boston, 1881. 8° 1211.4 Therapeutics, First lines of. [Lectures.] A. Harvey. N.Y., 1879. 12° 675.9 There she blows! or. The log of the "Are- thusa." W. H. Macy. Boston, 1877. 16° 446.16 There's no place like home. A. M. Douglas. Boston, 1875. 16° 363.28 There was once a man. [A story.] R. H. Newell. N.Y., 1884. 12° .".... 9.59.5 Theuriet, Andre. The godson of a marquis. N.Y., 1878. 12° 366. 4;j Kaymonde. N.Y., 1S7S. 16° 391.4 340 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. They all do it; or, Mr. Miggs of Danbury and his neighbors. J. M. Bailey. Boston, 1877. 16° Thieblin, X. L. Spain and the Spaniards. Boston, 187.5. 12° Thierry, A. History of the Xorraan conquest of England. W. Hazlitl. London, 1847. 2 V. 12° Thiers, Louis A. Life. F. Le Goff. Trans- lated from the unpublished manuscript by T.Stanton. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . . The government of, from eighth of Febru- ary, 1871, to twenty-fourth of May, 1873. J. Simon. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 8° . . . Works : History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Xapoleon. London, 184.5-61. 10 V. 8° History of the French Revolution. Lon- don," ia"j4. 5v. 12° Things new and old in discourses of Christian truth and life. W. Gladden. Columbus, Ohio, 18S3. 8° Think and act. [Essays.] V. Penny. Phila., lSf)9. 12° Thiodolf , the Icelander. Baron de la M. Fouque. N.Y., 1805. 12° Thirty years in the harem; or. The autobiogra- phy of H. H. Kibrizli-Nehemet-Pasha. N.Y., 1872. 12° Thirty years: Poems, new and old. Mrs. D. M. Craik. Boston, 1881. 16° ... . Thirty years too late. One in a thousand. [Stories.] Mrs. Mary A. Livermore. Bos- ton, [n.d.] 18° Thirty years' view of American government. T.H.Benton. N.Y., 1854. 2 v. 8° . Thirty years' war. F. Schiller. London, 1851. 12° Thistle, Timothy, pseud. (Oliver Ellsworth.) A single gentleman. Boston, 1867. 16°, Thomas k Becket, a tragedy; and other poems. G. H. HoUister. Boston, 1866. 12° . . Thomas, Annie, pseud. See Cudlip, Mrs. Pen- der. Thomas, Bertha. Life of George Sand, (Mad- ame Dudevant.) Boston. 1883. 16°. . Thomas, Charles W. The west coast of Africa. N.Y., 1860. 12° Thomas, Edith M. A New Year's masque; and other poems. Boston, 18S5. 16° The round year. [Essays.] Boston, 1886. 16° Thomas, Elizabeth. Great St. Benedict's. N.Y., 1877. 12° Thomas, Maj.-Gen. George H. Memoir. R. W. Johnson. Phila., ISSl. 8° . . . . The same. T. B. Van Home. X.Y., 1882. 8° Works: The history of the anny of the Cumber- land. 2 V. and atlas. Cincinnati, 1875. 8° , • Thomas, Isaiah. History of printing in Amer- ica. Worcester, 1810. 2 v. 8° . . . . Thomas, J. Travels in Egypt and Palestine. Phila., 1853. 12° Thomas, John J. The American fruit cultur- ist. N.Y., 1867. 12° Thomas, Mary Von Erden. Winning the bat- tle. Phila., [n.d.] 16° 368.25 712.16 511.9 183.7 499.3 485.1 .535.1 1223.13 227.13 317.8 724.15 575.6 391.1 5.55.2 532.12 462.15 552.16 1115.14 664.25 584.24 12.55.4 446.7 197.2 1112.15 557.6 642.10 732.8 646.14 941.1 Thomas, M. M. Captain Phil. A boy's expe- rience in the Western army. N.Y., 1884. 12° 919.22 Thomas, Reuen. Divine sovereignty, and other sermons. Boston, 1885. 12° .... 1248.19 Thomas Didymus, the Jewish sceptic. The legend of. J. F. Clarke. Boston, 1881. 12° 129.6 Thomas Wingfold, curate. G. Macdonald. N.Y., 1876. 12° 336.22 Thompson, A. B. The Victoria history of England. London, [n.d.] 12° ... . 514.6 Thompson, A. C. The better land. Boston, 18.5.5. 12° 265.12 Thompson, B., {Count Rumford,) Memoir of. G. E. Ellis. Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . . . 168.2 Complete works. Boston, 1870. 2 v. 8°. 168.1 Thompson, C. W. The depths of the sea. N.Y., 1873. 8° 023.14 Thompson, Daniel P. The doomed chief. Phila., 1860. 12° 341.5 The Green Mountain boys. Boston, 1881. 12° 387.19 The same 452.19 Locke Amsden ; or, The schoolmaster. Bos- ton, 1881. 12° 387.21 May Martin; and other tales of the Green Mountains. Boston, 1881. 12° ... 352.31 The same .387.23 The rangers; or. The tory's daughter. Boston," ISSl. 12° 387.24 Thompson, D'Arcy W. Day dreams of a schoolmaster. Boston, 1885. 18°. . . 1251.1 Thompson, Mrs. E. W. Beaten paths; or, A woman's vacation. Boston, 1874. 16° . 712.17 Thompson, Joseph P. American comments on European questions. Boston, 1884. 8°, 1234.8 Jesus of Nazareth, Life of, for young peo- ple. Norwich, Conn., 1879. 8° ... 186.1 Photographic views of Egypt past and pres- ent. Boston, 1854. 12° 297.20 The United States as a nation. [Lectures.] Boston, 1877. 8° 274.6 The workman: his true and his false friends. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 291.25 Thompson, Maurice. At love's extremes. N.Y., 1885. 12° 965.24 His second campaign. (Round-robin se- ries.) Boston, 1883. 16° 398.31 The same 398.32 A Tallahassee girl. (Round-robin series.) Boston, 1882. 16° 398.17 The same 398.18 The witchery of archery. N.Y., 1879. 16°, 291.20 Thompson, R. E. Protection to home indus- try. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.7 Thompson, R. W. The papacy and the civil power. N.Y., 1876. 8° 486.7 Thompson, Ray. A respectable family. Chi- cago, 1880. 12° .363.87 Thompson, Silvanus P. Dynamo-electric ma- chinery. London, 1884. 8° 1316.4 Elementary lessons in electricity and mag- netism. London, 1881. 10° 679.6 Thompson, Slason, Ed. The humbler poets. [Selections.] Chicago, 1886. 12° . . . 578.9 Thompson, Stephen. Masterpieces of antique art. Photographs with descriptions. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° R. L. Thompson, Waldo. Swampscott: lli^toricaI sketches of the town. Lynn, 1885. 12°, 1422.14 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 341 Thomson, Andrew. In the Holy Land. Lon- don, 18S2. 12° 772.21 Thomson, C. W. The depths of the sea. N.Y., 1873. 8° 623.14 Thomson, David. Fruit culture under glass. Edinburgh, 1873. 8° 648.7 Thomson, James. Poetical works. Boston, [n.d.] 2v. 16° 5e32.S Thomson, Joseph. Through Masai Land. Exploration among the mountains of eastern equatorial Africa. 1883-84. Bos- ton, 1885. 8° 788.8 Thomson, Mrs. Memoirs of the Jacobites. London, 184.5. 3 v. 8° 166.13 Thomson, Thomas. Western Himalaj'a and Tbibet. London, 1852. 8° 665.18 Thomson, W. M. The Laud and the Book. N.Y., 1859. 2 V. 12° 663.5 The same. N.Y., 1880-86. 3 v. 8°. Part I. Southern Palestine, and Jeru- salem 765.7 The same. Part II. Central Palestine, and Phoenicia 774.2 The same. Part III. Lebanon, Damas- cus, and beyond Jordan 788.13 Thoreau, Henry D. Cbanning, W. E. Me- moir of Thoreau. Boston, 1873. 12° . 163.13 Page, H. A. Tlioreau: his life and aims. [A study.] Boston, 1877. 16° ... . 181.5 Sanborn, F. B. Life. (American men of letters.) Boston, 1882. 16° 1115.3 Works : Cape Cod. Boston, 1865. 12° ... . 244.24 Concord and Merrimack rivers, A week on the. Boston, 18GS. 12' .... 242.8 Early spring in Mass. Boston, 1881. 12°, 128.25 Excursions. Boston. 1863. 8° . . . . 2.i3.6 Letters. Boston, 186.5. 12° 214.20 The Maine woods. Boston, 1864. 12° . 662.25 Summer. Boston, 1884. 12° .... 1228.19 Walden. Boston, 1866. 12° 242.11 A Yankee in Canada. Boston, 1866. 12°, 732.10 Thorn in the nest. [A novel.] Martha Finley. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 976.25 Thornbury, G. W. Shakspere's England. Reign of Elizabeth. London, 18-56. 2 v. 12° .512.2 Thornbury, Walter. London, Haunted. Lon- don, 1880. 12° 762.25 London, Old and new. London, [n.d.] 4v. 8° 498.10 Old stories retold. London, [n.d.] 16° . 378.22 Spain, Life in. X.Y., 1800. 12° ... . 663.3 Turkish life and character. London, 1860. 8° 667.7 Turner, J. M. W., Life of. N.T., 1877. 12° 1S2.1 Thornoliffe Hall; or, Why Joel Milford changed his opinion of boys whom he once called " Goody, goody fellows." D. Wise. Boston, 1881. 16° 913.18 Thorndale; or. The conflict of opinions. W. Smith. Boston, 1859. 12° 223.22 Thornton, John W. The pulpit of the Ameri- can revolution. Boston, 1860. 12° . . 266.3 Thornton, M. Jacqueline. Di Gary. N.Y., 1870. 8° 377.31 Thornton Hall. P. F. McKeen. N.T., 1872. 16° 361.20 Thorough Bohemienne, A. Mme. 0. Eeybaud. N.Y., 18711. 10° 391.5 Thorowgood, John C. Notes on asthma. Phila., 1873. 16° 631.10 Thorpe, Kamba. Little Joanna. N.Y., 1876. 8° 365.6 Thorpe regis. F. M. Peard. Boston, 1874. 12° 363. .36 Thorwaldsen, Bertel, Life and works of. E. Plon. Boston, 1873. 8° 113.9 The same. J. M. Thiele. X.Y., 1869. 4°, R. L. Thou and I. A lyric of human life. With other poems. T. Tilton. Jf.Y., 1879. 12°, 582.21 Thoughts about art. P. G. Hamerton. Bos- ton, 1871. 12° 669.24 Thoughts for a young man. H. Mann. Bos- ton. 18.55. 16° 281.10 Thoughts for the age. E. M. Sewell. London, 1871. 12° 271.14 Thoughts in my garden. M. G. Ware. Boston, 1863. 12° 264.15 Thoughts in the cloister and the crowd. A. Helps. Glasgow, 188:3. 18° 1221.20 Thoughts on personal religion. A treatise on the Christian life. E. M. Goulburn. N.Y., 1879. 12° 281.26 Thoughts on the religious life. J. Alden. N.Y., 1879. 16° 291.11 Thousand a year, A. Mrs. E. M. Bruce. Bos- ton, 1860. 16° 362.29 Thousand and one gems of English and Amer- ican poetry. From Chaucer to Tennyson. E. O. Chapman, Ed. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 577.18 Thousand islands of the river St. Lawrence. Descriptions of scenery, and historical notices. F. B. Hough. Syracuse, U.Y., 1880. 16° 761.8 Thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe. J. Macgregor. London, 1866. 10° ... 443.27 Threading my way. R. D. Owen. S.Y., 1S74. 12° 244.21 Three beauties. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila., 1861. 12° 415.13 Three brides. 0. M. Yonge. N.Y.,1876. 12°, 322.23 The same 322.24 Three brothers. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y., 1870. 8° 323.12 Three chums. The. M. L. Ridley. N.Y., 18S4. 12° 922.16 Three clerks. A. Trollope. X.Y., 1860. 12°, 361.19 Three crowns. Boston, 1866. 12° .... 612.19 Three eras of woman's life. E. E. Smith. Bos- ton, 1859. 12° 311.18 Three feathers. W. Black. X.Y., 1875. 8° . 347.62 The same 427.22 The same 948.10 Three generations. S. A. Emery. Boston, 1872. 8° .".... 346.55 Three homes. The. F. T. L. Hope. London, [n.d.] 12° 422.17 Three musketeers. A. Dumas. London, 1878. 12° 361.59 Three people. Mrs. I. M. Alden. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 956.18 Three scouts. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1874. 16° 363.47 Three Spaniards. G. Walker. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 366.17 Three successful girls. J. Crouch. Jf.Y., 1871. 12° 317.18 Three trappers. A story of adventure in the wilds of Canada. A. Daunt. N.Y., 1SS2. 12° 916.23 342 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 730.6 1227.S 074.10 07:i.lC 341.6 301.40 373.18 457.7 Three villages. (Lexington, Shirley and Gana- (Icnliutlcn.) W. D. Howells. Boston, 1S84. 18° 781.1 Three years in a man-trap. T. S. Arthur. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 3C1.C9 Three years in camp and hospital. E. W. Locke. Boston, [n.d.] 12° ; . . 723.19 Threshold of the unliiiown region. (Arctic e.xploratioii.) C. E. Markham. London, 1873. 8° Thring, Edward. Theory and practice of teach- ing. Cambridge, Eng., 1883. 12° . . . Throat, The, and its functions in swallowing, breathing, and the production of voice. L. Elsl)i''rg. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... . Throat and the voice. J. S. Cohen. Phila., 1879. 18° Throne of David, The. J. II. Inirraham. Phila.. 1800. 12° Throstlethwaite. S. Morley. Phila., 1876. 10° Through a needle's eye. H. Smith. N.T., 1S78. 12° Through by daylight. W. T. Adams. Boston, |n.d.] 16° Through cities and prairie lands. Sketches of an American tour. iLady D. Hardy. N.Y., 1881. 8° 701). 11 Through night to light. F. Spielhagen. N.Y., 1870. "l2° 421.20 Through one administration. [A novel.] Mrs. F.H.Burnett. Boston, 1883. 12° . . 947.4 The same 947. .i Through Persia by caravan. A. Arnold. Lon- don, 1877. 2 V. 8° 763.10 Through the light continent; or. The U.S. in 1877-78. \\. Saunders. N.Y., 1879. 8° 763.9 Through the looking glass. C. L. Dodgson. Boston, 1872. 12° Through the winter. (Juvenile.) Phila., [n.d.] 12° 928.22 Through the year with the poets. January to December. O. F. Adams, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 12 V. 16° Through thick and thin. J. Mery. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° Through winding ways. Mrs. E. O. Kirk. Phila., 1880. 8° . Throw^n together. F. Montgomery. Phila., 1872. 12° Thucydides. Trans, into English with intro- duction, analysis and index by B. Jowett. Edited with a preface to American edition by A. P. Peabody. Boston, 1883. 8° . 695.12 Thunder and lightning. W. de Fonvielle. London, 1868. 12° 058.18 Thurber, F. B. Coffee: from plantation to cup. N.Y., 1881. 8° 677.18 Thurston, Mrs. Lucy G. Life and times of a pioneer missionary to the Sandwich Isl- ands. With letters and journals. Ann Arbor, Mieh., [n.d.] 12° 1114. .5 Thurston, Robert H. Friction, A treatise on, and lost work in machinery and mill work. N.Y., 188.5. 8° 1.326.1 Steam engine, History of the. N.Y., 1878. 12° 658.10 Steam engines. Stationary, as adapted to electric lighting purposes. N.Y., 1884. 12°, 1.324.19 Thwing, Charles F. American colleges. X.Y., 1878. 16° 283.2 .585.19 3.53.19 .377.39 ,3.53.21 Thwing, Charles F. — concluded. The reading of books. Its pleasures, protiis and perils. Boston, 1883. 16° ... . 1214.20 Tibbies, T. li. Hidden power. A secret his- tory of the Indian ring, etc. N.Y., 1881. 12° 3S7.15 Tiber, the, Pilgrimage of. From its mouth to its source. W. Davies. London, 1873. 8° 707.17 Tibetan tales. Derived from Indian sources. Trans, from Tibetan of the Kah-Gyur by F. A. von Sehiefner. Trans, from the German by W. I!. S. Kalston. Boston, 18S2. 8° 395.15 Tickuor, Caleb. The philosophy of living. N.Y., 18.5.5. 16° \ 0:;i.27 Ticknor, (ieorge. Life, letters and journals. G. S. Hillard, ^a. Boston, 1870. 2 v. 8°, 148.27 H'orAs .• Prcseott, W. H., Life of. Boston, 1864. 8° 117.12 The same 168.3 Spanish literature, History of. N.Y., 18.54. 3v. 8° 231.3 Ticonderoga. [A novel.] G. P. K. James. N.Y., 18.54. 8° 346.24 Tidball, M. L. Barbara's vagaries. N.Y., 18S0. 10° 970.8 Tiele, C. P. History of Egyptian religion. Boston, 1882. 8° 1215.11 Tiernan, Mary Spear. Horaoselle. (Round- robin series.) Boston, 1881. 10° . . . 398.9 The same .•!98.10 Suzette. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 909.20 Tiffany, Osmond. Br.andon. N.Y., 1858. 12°, 341.20 Tiger Lily; and other stories. J. Schayer. X.Y., 1883. 16° 949.3 Tilbury Nogo; or, Passages in the life of an unsuccessful man. G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° 955.21 Tilden, C. The first patient. Boston, 18.59. 16° 432.8 Tilden, Samuel J. His writings and speeches. J. Bigelow, E.i. N.Y., r88.5. 2 v. 8° . 1244.7 Tileston, Edward G. Administrations of the U.S. Boston, 1871. 16° 543.14 Tileston, Mrs. M. W., Ed. Classic ballads. Boston, 1SS3. 12° 576.20 Quiet hours. [Poems.] Boston, 1880-81. 2v. 18° .583.16 Sursura corda. Hymns for the sick and suffering. Boston, 1877. 16° ... . 571.13 Tillotson, John. Great discoveries and daring deeds. London, [n.d.] 8° 774.5 Palestine and the Holy Land. N'.Y., 1875. 8° 477.6 Tilton, Theodore. The sexton's tale and other poems. Boston, 1867. 16° 5.=3.17 Swabian stories. [In verse.] X.Y., 1882. 12° 576.6 Tempest tossed. [A romance.] N.Y., 1874. 12° 317.14 Thou and I, and other poems. N.Y., 1879. lL'° .582.21 Tim Bunker papers ; or, Yankee farming. W. Clift. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 247.20 Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer. N.Y.. 1885. 12° 781.7 Timbs, John. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales. London. [n.d.] 2 v. 12° 474.13 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 343 Timbs, John — concluded. Ancestral stories illustrative of English his- tory. London, 1809. S° 11.3.14 Anecdote lives of painters. London, 1876. 12= 1124.2 Anecdote lives of Pitt and Burke. Earl of Chatham. London, 1880. 12° ... . 1124.3 Anecdote lives of wits and humourists. London, 1880. 12° 1124.4 Century of anecdote from 1760 to 1860. London, [u.d.] 12° 230.22 Doctors and their patients. London, 1873. 2 V. 12° 227.3 The same 1124.1 Eccentricities of the animal creation. Bos- ton, 1869. 12° 621.5 English eccentrics and eccentricities. Lou- don, 187.5. 8° 145. .5 Inventors and discoverers. N.Y., 1860. 12°, 224.13 Knowledge for the people. Boston, 1832. 3 V. 16° 653.27 Romance of London. London, fn.d.] 2v. 12°, 532.14 School-days of eminent men. Columbus, 1860. 12° 223.24 Wonderful inventions. London, 1868. 16°, 641.17 Time and tide by Weare and Tyne. Letters to a workingman of Sunderland, on the laws of work. The political economy of art. J. Ruskin. N.Y., 1882. 12° 624.7 The same 089.12 Time, and time-tellers. J. W. Benson. Lon- don, 1875. 12° 285.23 Times before the reformation, with an account of Savonarola. W. Dinwiddle. N.Y., 1880. 12° 591.6 Times of alclieniy. An historical romance from the Swedish. Z. Topelius. Chi- cago, 1884. 12° 959.10 Times of battle and of rest. An historical ro- mance from the Swedish. Z. Topelius. Chicago, 1883. 12° 964.13 Times of Charles XII. An historical romance from the Swedish. Z. Topelius. Chi- cago, 1883. 12° 964.15 Times of Frederick I. An historical romance from the Swedish. Z. Topelius. Chicago, 1884. 12° 9.59.2 Times of Gustaf Adolf. An historical romance from the Swedish. Z. Topelius. Chi- cago, 1883. 12° 964.14 Times of Linnaeus. An historical romance from the Swedish. Z. Topelius. Chicago, 1884. 12° 959.3 Timon, pseud. See Cormenin, Viscount de. Timothy : his neighbors and his friends. Mrs. JI. E. Ireland. Phila., 1882. 12°. . . 942.20 Timrod, Henry. Poems, with a sketch of the author's life. P. H. Hayne. N.Y., 1873. 10° 551.32 Tincker, Mary Agnes. Aurora. Phila., 1886. 12° 972.2 By the Tiber. Boston, 1881. 16°. . . . 378.23 The jewel in the lotus. Phila., 1884. 12°. 9.52.13 The same 952.14 Signor Monaldini's niece. Boston, 1879. 16° .385.1 The same ' . 385.6 Ting-a-ling. (A fairy story.) F. R. Stockton. N.Y., 1882. 16° . ." 916.9 Tinkham brothers' tide-mill. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1884. 12° 919.17 TinkUng cymbals. E. Fawcett. Boston, 1884. 12° 958.12 Tinted Venus, The. A farcical romance. F. Anstey. N.Y., 188.5. 16° 967.13 Tintoretto. Life. (Illustrated biography.) W. R. Osier. N.Y., 1879. 12° 195.6 Tip cat. Author of "Miss Toosey's mission." Boston, 1884. 16° 962.13 Tiresias; and other poems. A. Tennyson. London, 1885. 18° 585.18 Tiryns. The prehistoric palace of its king. Results of the latest excavations. H. Schlieraann. X.Y., [n.d.] 8° . . . . R. L. Tissandier, Gaston. A history and handbook of photography. London, 1878. 12°. .1317.20 Popular scientific recreations. London, [n.d.] 8° 1315.8 The wonders of water. N.Y., 1872. 12= . 6.35.14 Titan. J. P. F. Richter. C. T. Brooks, Trans. Boston, 1863. 2 v. 12° 342.20 Titcomb, Timothy, pseud. See Holland, J. G. Titian. (Artist biographies, Vol. I.) Boston, 1877. 16° 191.1 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Ti- tian : his life and times, with some account of hi.s family. London, 1877. 2 v. 8° . 196.6 Eastlake, i«d(/. Titian. (Five great painters.) London, 1883. 2 v. 12° 1128.14 Heath, R.F. Life. (Illustrated biography.) X.Y., 1879. 12° . . 195.1 Titus Livius, First decade of. X. Machiavelli. N. H. Thomson, Trans, from the Italian. Loudon, 1883. 8° 599.10 Tissot, Victor, and Amero, C. The exiles. A Russian story. Phila., [u.d.] 16° . . . 378.-33 To love and to be loved; and The minister's story. A. S. Roe. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . 366.4 To-morro-w of death. The. L. Figuier. Bos- ton. 1872. 12° 234.21 Tobacco : its history and associations. F. W. Fairholt. London, 1876. 12° ... . 1312.18 Anti-tobacco. Lectures by A. A. Liver- more and others. Boston, 1883. 18° . . 1313.7 Tobacco-using. R. T. Trail. Battle Creek, Mich.. 1872. 16° 262.20 Tocqueville, Alexis de. Correspondence and conversations with Nassau William Senior. 1834-1859. M. C. M. Simpson, Ed. London, 1872. 8° 187.17 Memoir, letters and remains. Boston, 1862. 2 V. 12° 212.4 Works : The republic of the U.S. of America. N.Y., 1851. 8° 557.5 Todd, Charles B. Life and letters of Joel Bar- low. X.Y., 1880. 8° 1139.2 Todd. John, {Rev. Dr., of Pittsfield, Mass.) The story of his life told mainly by himself. J. E. Todd, Ed. X.T., 1876. 12° 146.18 Todd, Sereno E. Country homes and how to save money. Hartford, 1870. 8° . . . 241.1 Toilers of the sea. V. Hugo. N.Y., 1866. 8° 352.9 The same 3.52.10 Toinette. A. W. Tourg^e. N.Y., 1875. 12° . 344.6 Tolla. E. About. Boston, 1856. 12° . . . 414.21 Tolstoi, Leon N.. Count. Anna Karenina. N. H. Dole, Trans. X.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . 977.1 Childhood, boyhood, youth. If.Y., [n.d.] 12° 977.16 344 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tolstoi, L^on N., Count — concluded. War and peace. [An historical novel.] N.Y., 1880. 2v. 18° 961. .5 The same. (Part II.) 1807-1812. 2 v., 961.10 The same. (Part III.) 1812-1820. 2 v., 961.11 Tom Bro'wn at Oxford. T. Hughes. Boston, ISOl. 12° 455.2 The .same 914.0 Tom BroTwn's sc'hool days. T. Hughes. X.Y., 1880. 12° 45"). 1 The same 914.5 Tom Burke of ours. C. J. Lever. London, |n.d.] 1(1° 351.21 Tom Cringle's log. Edinburgh, [ii.d.l 12° . 412.22 Tom Newrcombe. C. A. Fosdick. Cincinnati, ISiil). 10° 468.1 Tomi the bootblack. H.Alger, Jr. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 913.1 Tomes, Robert. My college days. N.Y., 1S80. 1(1° 123.18 Tommy Try, and what he did in science. C. O. G. Napier. X.Y., 1869. 10° . . . 449.13 Tomlinson, C. Winter in the Arctic regions. London, In.d.] 12° 713.5 Tompkins and other folks. Stories of the Hudson and the Adirondacks. P. Dem- ing. Boston, 1885. 18° 951.17 Tone poets, The great. Short memoirs of the greater musical composers. F. Crowest. London, 1881. 12° 1124.5 Tonga Islands. W. Mariner. Boston, 1820. 8°, .531.7 Tony Butler. C. Lever. London, [n.d.] 12°, 394.11 Tony, the hero. H.Alger. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 913.2 Too much alone. Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 954.17 Too rich. A. Streckfuss. Mrs. Wister, Trans. Phila., 1878. 12° 373.14 The same . 373.21 Topelius, Z. The surgeon's stories. [Histori- cal romances from the Swedish.) Chi- cago, 188.3-84. 12°. Times of alchemy 959.10 Times of battle and of rest 904.13 Times of Charles XII 904.15 Times of Frederick 1 959.2 Times of Gustaf Adolf 964.14 The same 354.4 Times of Linnjeus 959.3 Topics of the time series. See Coan, T. M., Ed. Topics of the time. J. Parton. Boston, 1871. 12° 250.3 Topsfield, Mass., Historical sketch of. C. H. Webber and U. S. Nevins. Salem, 1877. 12° 492.15 Topsham, Maine, History of. G. A. and H. W.Wheeler. Boston, 1878. 8° . . . 494.10 Torrens, W. M. Memoirs of William, Viscount Melbourne. London, 1878. 2 v. 8°. . 1127.5 Torrey, Bradford. Birds in the bush. Bos- ton, 1885. 12° 1245.1 Toschi's engravings from frescoes by Correg- gio and Parmegiano. Reproduced in heliotype from the Gray collection of en- gravings in Harvard University. Boston, 1875. 4° R. L. Tour around the world. G. E. Raum. N.Y., 1880. 12° 797.1 Tour of the world, The pictorial. Pen and pencil sketches by various authors. X. Y., [n.d.] 8° 767.8 Tourgee, Albion W. .\.n appeal to Ca-sar. N.Y., 1884. 10° 1231.24 Bricks wilhout straw. X.Y., 1880. 16° . 378.4 The same 378.5 Figs and thistles. N.Y., 1879. 12° . . . 363.84 A fool's errand. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . . 363.85 The same 303.89 The same 394.14 Hot plowshares. X.Y., 1883. 12° . . . 940.7 The invisible empire. (Including "The fool's errand.") N.Y., 1880. 12°. . . 394.14 John Eax, and Mamelon; or, The South without the shadow. N.Y., 1882. 16° . 388.20 A royal gentleman. Zouri's Christmas. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 397.18 Toiiiette. N.Y., 1875. 12° 344.6 Tourgueneff. See Turgenef, Ivan. Tourist's guide of the U. S. J. B. Bachelder. Boston, 1873. 12° 762.20 Toussaint, Pierre, Memoir of. Boston, 1854. 10° 211.10 The same 211.11 Towrards the Strait Gate; or. Parish Chris- tianity for the unconverted. E. F. Burr. Boston, 1875. 12° 205.31 ToTwer of Percemont. Mme. Dudevant. N.Y., 1878. 12° 306.38 Towhead, the story of a girl. S. P. McLean. Boston, 188.3. 12° 944.10 Towle, George M. Beaconsfield. N.Y., 1879. 16° 191.2 Certain men of mark. Gladstone, Bismark, Gambetta, Beaconsfield, Castelar, Victor Hugo, John Bright, Three emperors. Boston, 1880. 10° 194.19 Drake, the sea-king of Devon. Boston, 1883. 10° 1115.7 Glimpses of history. Boston, 1866. 10° . 473.23 Magellan; or, The first voyage round the world. Boston, 1880. 10° . . .-. . 178.13 Marco Polo: his travels and adventures. Boston, 1880. 16° 178.23 Pizarro: his adventures and conquests. Boston, 1879. 12° 178.3 Raleigh : his exploits and voyages. Boston, 1882. 10° 1111.5 Vasco da Gama, Voyages a)id adventures of. Boston, 1878. 12° 178.1 Young people's history of England. Bus- ton,''l88e. 12° 1422.17 ToTvnley gallery, The. Sir H. Ellis. London, [n.d.l 2v. 10° 668.20 Tovtrns, villages and schools. Reminiscences of. T. Mozley. London, 1885. 2 v. 12° . 1240.3 To'wnsend, Mass. History of the town. 1676- 1878. I. B. Sawtelle. Fitchburg, 1878. 8°, 538.9 To'wnsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the civil war in the U.S. N.Y., 1884. 12° .... 1413.0 Townsend, G. H. Every day book of modern literature. London, 1870. 8° . . . . 252.3 To'wnsend, George A. Washington, D.C., outside and inside. Hartford, 1874. 8°, 542.9 Townsend, L. T. The arena and the throne. Boston, 1874. 12° 2.34.25 The art of speech. N.Y., 1880. 18° . . . 123.3 Lost forever. [Sermons.] Boston, 1875. 12°, 200.26 ToTW^nsend, Virginia F. The boy from Brara- ley. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 437.7 But a Philistine. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 9.52.21 Darryll Gap. Boston, 1860. 12° ... . 3-54.? The Hollands. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . . . 354.6 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 345 ToTwrisend, Virginia F. — cnncluded. Leiiux Uare. Boston, 1S81. 12° ... . •'592.28 The same 392.29 Max Meredith's milleniiiura. Boston, [n.d.J 16° 437.6 The mills of Tuxbury. Boston, [u.d.] 12°, 354.15 Only girls. Boston, 1872. 10° 461.8 Six in all. [A novel.] Boston, 1880. 12° 977.21 That queer girl. Boston, 1875. 12°. . . 354.18 A woman's word. Boston, 1879. 12° . . 374.19 Tracts of the American Unitarian Association. Boston, 1827-42. 15 v. 12° 295.1 Tracy, Hiram A , and Benedict, W. A. His- tory of Sutton, Mass. Worcester, 1878. 8° 494.19 Trade depression. Bad times. An essay on the sources of depression of trade, with suggested remedies. A. R. Wallace. London, 188.5. 16° 1328.11 Trade unions. Their origin and objects, influ- ence and efiicacy. W. Trant. London, 1884. 16° 1238.2 Trades, Boy's book of, and tools used in them. London, [n.d.] 12° 657.15 Trading. Sequel to "The house in town." S. Warner.' N.Y., 1873. 16° 444.6 Trafalgar. [A tale.] B. P. Galdds. N.Y.. 1884. 18° 951.7 Trafford, F. G., pseud. See Kiddell, Mrs. J. H. Traftou, Adeline. The American girl abroad. Boston, 1872. 12° 723.16 His inheritance. Boston, 1878. 12°. . . 374.15 Katherine Earle. Boston, 1874. 12° . . 345.14 Trafton, Mark. Rambles in Europe. Boston, 1852. 12° 061.6 Tragedy of errors. JPoem.] M. L. Putnam. Boston, 1862. 12° 581.2 Tragedy of success. [Poem.] Mrs. M. L. Putnam. Boston, 1862. 16° .... 551.22 Tragedy of the unexpected ; and other stories. N. Perry. Boston, ISSO. 18° ... . 391.26 Traill, Mrs. Catharine Parr. Backwoods of Canada. London, [n.d.] 16° . . . . ' 711.5 The Canadian Crusoe. Boston, 1866. 12°, 661.18 Traill, H. D. Central government. Loudon, 1881. 12° 1213.25 Train boy, The. H.Alger. N.T., 1S83. 16°, 919.10 The same 919.11 Training in theory and practice. A. Maclaren. London, 1866. 8° 632.13 Training, The modern method of. C. Westhall. London, [n.d.] 16° 631.32 Traits and travesties. Social and political. L. Oliphant. Edinburgh, 1882. 12° . . . 1237.19 Trajan: the history of a sentimental young man. H. F. Keenan. N.Y., 1885. 12°, 904.16 Trail, R. T. The family gymnasium. N.Y., 1879. 12° 1321.20 The hygiene system. Battle Creek, 1872. 16° 031.24 Tobacco-using, An essay on. Battle Creek, Mich., 1872. 16° 262.20 Tramp abroad, A. S. L. Clemens. Hartford, 1880. 8° 765.6 The same 765.8 Tranquillus, C. Suetonius. The lives of the twelve Ca;sars. N.Y., 1883. 8° . . . 1116.12 Transfer of Erin : or. The acquisition of Ire- land by England. T. C. Amory. Phila., 1877. 8° 488.4 Transformed; or. Three week's in a life-time. F. Montgomery. Phila., 1886. 16° . . 978.17 Transvaal wai-. The. 1880-81. Lady Bellairs, Ed. London, 1885. 8° 1429.2 Transvaal, The complete story of the, from the " Great Thek " to the Convention of London. J.Nixon. Londim, 1885. 8°. 1425.3 Trant, William. Trade unions. Their origin, objects, influence, and efiScacy. London, 1884. 16° 1238.2 Trapper's guide. The. S. Xewhouse. N.Y., 1872. 12° 2.32.11 Travel, Pictures of. H. Heine. Phila., 1879. 12° 768.6 Traveller's manual of conversation in English, French, German and Italian. K. Bade- ker. Boston, 1879. 16° 764.13 Travellers' tales. By the author of " Busy Bee." N.Y., 1875. 16° 447.26 Traveller's true tale, A. From the Greek of Lucian of Samosata. A. J. Church, Tran.'i. N.Y., 1880. 12° 128.21 Travelling about. Lady Barker. London, 1872. 12° 714.12 Travelling bachelor. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 18.55. 12° 313.16 Travels and adventures of liev. Joseph Wolff, late missionary to the Jews and Moham- medans in Persia, Bokhara, Cashmeer, etc. London, 1861. 8° 718.9 Travels around the world. W. H. Seward. N.Y., 1870. 8° 4S8.3 Travels, Illustrated. A record of discovery, geography and adventure. H. W. Bates, Ed. London, [n.d.] 4° 718.10 Travelsof a doctor of physic. Phila., 1871. 12°, 722.10 Travels of a pioneer of commerce in pigtail and petticoats ; or. An overland journey from China towards India. T. T. Cooper. London, 1871. 8° 763.1 Travels of an American owl. V. W. Johnson. Phila., 1871. 12° 733.1 Travels round the world. A lady's journal. F. D. Bridges. London, 1883. 8° . . . 774.10 Treadwell, John H. Martin Luther and his works. X.Y., 1881. 16° 188.1 Pottery and porcelain. N.Y., 1872. 8° . 652.6 Treasure island. R. L. Stevenson. Boston, 1884. 12° 955.24 Treasure thoughts. Selections from the writ- ings of F. W. Farrar. R. Porter, Ed. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 1247.3 Treasure trove. [A poem.] S. Eytinge, Jr. Boston, 1873. 16° 611.7 Treasures of the earth. W. Jones. London, [n.d.] 12° 643.19 Treat, Mary. Home studies in nature. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1325.11 Insects injurious to the farm and garden. X.Y.. 1882. 12° 672.9 Trebutien, G. S. Journal of Maurice de Gu^rin. N.Y., 1867. 12° 134.25 Tree-plantiug, Hand-book of. Wliy, where. what, and how to plant. X. H. Egleston. N.Y.. 1S84. 16° 1313.21 Trees, plants and flowers: their beauties, uses, and influences. Mrs. R. Lee. London, 1854. S° 638.11 Trees and shrubs of Massachusetts, A report of. G. B. Emerson. Boston, 1846. 8° . 647.5 The same. Boston, 1875. 2 v. 8° . . 638.3 346 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Trees and shrubs. Hardy. VV. B. Hemsley. Boston, 1873. 8° 047.11 Sec also Forestry. Trelawny, E. J. Kecollfictions of the last days of Shelley and Byron. Boston, 18.58. 12° " 101.2 Trench, Richard C. English, past and present. N.Y., 1868. 12° 202.22 Mediteval church history. N.Y., 1878. 8° • 274.17 Plutarch; his life, liis "Lives," and his "Morals." London, 1873. 16° ... 211.28 The study of words. N.T., 1866. 12°. . 644.15 Trench, W. Stewart. Realities of Irish life. Boston, 18S0. 16° 123.10 The same 261.9 Trevelyan, Lady, Ed. Lord Macaulay's mis- cellaneous works. N.Y., 1880. 5 v. 8° 196.1 Trevelyan, George Otto. Fox, Charles James, The early history of. N.Y., 1880. 8° . 196.3 Macaulay, T. B., Life and letters of. N.Y., 1876. 2v. 8° 173.9 The same, (in one volume) 187.20 Treves, Frederick. Influence of clothing on health. London, [n.d.] 16° .... 1.328.26 Trial, The. Sequel to "The daisy chain." C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1860. 12° ... 322.15 Trial of Theodore Parker for the " Misdemean- or " of a speech in Faueuil Hall against kidnapping, with the defence. Boston, 18.55. 8° 275.8 Trials, Celebrated, of all countries, and remark- able cases of jurisprudence. Selected by a member of the Philadelphia Bar. Phila., 183.5. 8° 297.18 Trials, Famous. J. T. Morse. Boston, 1874. 12° 225.2 Tribulations of a Chinaman in China. J. Verne. Boston, 1880. 10° 376.14 Tried by fire. A work on china-painting. Mrs. S. S. Frackelton. N.Y., 1886. 4° . . R. L. Tried for her life. A sequel to " Cruel as the grave." Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southwortli. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 416.10 Trimmer, Mrs. History of the robins. London, 1869. 12° 462.4 Trinity Church, Boston. Consecration services. Sermons by Phillips Brooks and A. H. Vinton. Description of the church edifice by H. H. Richardson, architect. Boston, 1877. 8° 274.5 Trinity, New discussion of the. Boston, 1860. 12° 265.22 Trip eastward, A. A book for boys and girls. E. Abbott. Boston, 1880. 10° . . . . 913.20 Tripp, Alonzo. Crests from the ocean world. Boston, 1864. 12° 714.21 The same 667.60 The fisher boy. Boston, 1803. 12° . . . 441.20 Tripp, George H. Student life at Harvard. Boston, 1876. 12° 366.11 The same 366.12 Tristram, H. B. The land of Israel. London, 1870. 8° 494.6 Tristram Shandy, Life and opinions of. L. Sterne. N.Y., 1816. 4 v. 18°. . . . 431.17 Tritons. E. L. Bynner. Boston, 1878. 16° . 382.11 Triumphant democracy. (U.S.) A.Carnegie. X.Y., 1886. 8° 1429.11 Trois-Etoiles, pseud. See Murray, 6. Troja : results of the latest researches and dis- coveries on tlie site of Homer's Troy, and in the Heroic Tumuli and other sites, made in 1882; and a narrative of a jour- ney in the Troad in 1881. H. Schllemann. N.Y., 1884. S° 784.7 Trojan war. C. Witl. London, 1884. 16° . 596.12 Trollope, Anthony. An autobiography. N.Y., 1883. 12° 1124.6 Cicero, Life of. N.Y., 1881. 2 v. 12° . 178.24 North America. Phila., 1862. 12° . . . 534.10 The West Indies, and the Spanish Main. N.Y., 1800. 12° 732.3 Novels. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. The American senator ."09.7 Barchester towers 346 . 9 Belton estate. The 422.7 The same 903.1 Bertrams 963.2 Can you forgive her? 303.3 The same 963.3 Castle Richmond .353.32 The Claverings 353.12 Cousin Henry 903.4 Doctor Thome 3.53.24 Dr. Wortle's school . . 903.5 The Duke's children 903.0 An editor's tales 903.7 The Eustace diamonds 903.8 An eye for an eye 903.26 Golden lion of Graiipere 353.11 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil 903.9 He knew he was right 353.7 The same 903.10 The Kellys and the O'Kellys 963.11 La Vendee 9(i3.12 Lady Anna 963.13 Last chronicle of Barset 353.2 Linda Tressel 347.29 Lotta Schmidt, and other stories . . . 963.14 The Macdermots of Ballyclorau . . . . 903.15 Miss Mackenzie 353.5 Thesauie 903.16 Nina Balatka 340.48 Orleyfarm 3.53.10 The same 963.17 Phineas Finn 353.1 The same 903.18 Phineas Redux 395.3 The same 395.10 The same 983.19 The prime minister 963.20 The same .305.25 Rachel Ray 353.13 The same 903.21 Ralph the heir 3.53.6 The same 903.22 Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite . 903.23 The small house at Allington .... 353.8 Tales of all countries 963.24 The three clerks 301 . 19 The Vicar of Bullharapton .353.4 The same 963.25 The warden 353. 31 Trollope, Frances E. Black spirits and white. N.Y., 1877. 8° 365.05 Trollope, Henry M. Corneille and Racine. Phila., 1881. 12° 178.28 Trollope, T. Adolphus. Novels. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. Beppo, the conscript 353.20 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 347 TroUope, T. A. Norels — concluded. Uiamoiid cut diamond 353.28 Dream numbers 375.21 Garstaiig Grange .'575.22 Leonora Casaloni 375.23 Lindisfarm Chase 353.9 Marietta; or, Life in Tuscany .... 375 24 The sealed packet 375.25 The same 353.30 Pope Pius IX., Life of. Toronto, 1877. 12° 176.26 Sketches from French history. London, 187S. 12° 595.4 Tromholt, Sophus. Under the rays of the aurora boreahs : in the land of the Lapps and Koajns. Boston, 1SS.5. 2 v. 8°. . 794.2 Tronson, J. JI. Voyf^e to Japan and China coast. London, 1S59. 8° 716.4 Tropics, The. K. B Kimball. N.T., 186-3. 12°, 721.11 Tropics, Through the. Thirty thousand miles of travel in Oceanica, Australasia, and India. F. Vincent, Jr. N.Y., 1876. 12°, 483.27 Trotter, James M. Music and musicians of the colored race. Boston, 1878. 12°. . 124.7 Troubadour, The. L. E. Landon. Phila., 1S2.5. 12° 612.8 Troubadours and Trouveres. New and old. Illustrations of thfe poetry of Provence, n. W. Preston. Boston, 1876. 12° . . .573.2 Troubled waters. A problem of to-day. B. E. Warner. Phila., 1885. 12° ... . 964.21 Troublesome daughters. L. B. Walford. X.Y., 1880. 16° .376.21 The same 376.39 Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments and moulds. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1.327.23 TroTvbridge, John. The new physics. N.Y., 18,^. 12° 1324.5 TroTO^bridge, John T. Bound in honor. Bos- ton. 1878. 16° 445.25 A chance for himself. Boston, 1875. 16°. 437.24 The same 445.5 Coupon bonds; and other stories. Boston, 1873. 12° 413.2 Cudjo's cave. Boston, 1874. 12°. . . . 363.19 Doing his best. Boston, 1873. 12° . . . 4:37.3 The same 445.6 The emigrant's story; and other poems. Boston, 187.5. 16° 5.53.14 Farnell's folly. Boston, 188.5. 12° . . . 965.9 Fast friends. Boston, 1875. 12° . . . . 4.37.4 The same 445.7 Frank Manly; or, The drummer boy. Bos- ton, 1863. 16° 4.37.23 The same 4.37.25 His own master. Boston, 1877. 8° . . . 445.24 Jack Hazard and his fortunes. Boston, 1871. 16° 437.5 The same 445 . S The jolly rover. Boston, 1883. 16° . . . 916.20 Lawrence's adventures Phila., [n.d.] 16°, 445.9 The little master. Boston. 1887. 12° . . 936.6 Martin Merrivale. His x mark. Boston, 1884. 12° 9.53.20 Neiglibor Jackwood. Boston, 1871. 12° . 422.18 Xcighbors' wives. Boston, 1867. 12° . . 361.18 Phil and his friends. Boston, 1884. 16° . 917.24 The pocket rifle. Boston, 1882. 16°. . . 914.10 The satin-wood box. Boston, 1886. 16° . 921.20 The silver medal. Boston, 1881. 12° . . 912.25 The three scouts. Boston, 1874. 10° . . 363.47 TroTwbridge, John T. — coiicludtd. The Tinkham brothers' tide-mill. Boston, 1884. 16° 919.17 The vagabonds; and other poems. Boston, ],*69. 16° .553.11 Young Joe and other boys. Boston, 1880. 12° 911.5 The young suneyor. Boston, 1875. 16° . 441.7 The same 445. lU Troy; its legend, history, and literature. With a sketch of the topography of the Troad in the light of recent investigation. S. G. W.Benjamin. X.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . . 591.11 Troy and its remains; A narrative of researches and discoveries made on the site of Illium, and in the Trojan plain. H. Schliemann. K.Y., 1876. 8° 538.8 True, Charles K. John Winthrop and the Great Colony; or, Sketches of the settle- ment of Boston. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . . 471.16 True and strong, with other home tales. Mrs. E. Marshall. N.Y., 18S0. 12° ... . 363.96 True as steel. Madame Colomb. London, 1879. 12° 386.3 True as steel. Mrs. M. V. Terhune. N.Y., 1872. 12° 423.15 "True blue." A story of the great Xorth-west. Mrs. L. C. Bell. Boston, [n.d.] 12° . . 363.80 True blue; or. The life and adventures of a British seaman of the old school. W. H. G.Kingston. X.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . . 914.23 True cross, The. A legend of the Church. [In verse.] G. J. W. Melville. London, [n.d.] 12° 577.2 True hero, A ; or, The story of William Penn. W. H. G. Kingston. London, [n.d.] 16°, 464.16 True love rewarded. A. S. Roe. X.Y., 1877. 12° 366.31 True man, A. M.C.Stirling. N.Y., 1878. 8°, 369.20 True manliness. From the writings of Thomas Hughes. E. E. Brown, Ed. Boston, 1880. 12° 126.11 True republic, A. A. Stickney. N.Y., 1879. 12° 294.2 True to him ever. F. W. Rankin. X. Y., [u.d.] 12° 354.28 True to Bis colors; or. The life that wears best. T.P.Wilson. London, 1879. 16°. . . 376.15 True to the end. A. Edersheim. X.Y., [n.d.] 16° 461.21 True to the last; or. My boyhood's hero. E. Everett-Green. London, 188.5. 12° . . 9.32.5 True to the last. A. S. Roe. X.Y., 1876. 12°, 366.5 True under trial. A tale for boys. F. Palmer. N.Y., 1879. 16° 449.27 True womanhood. Hints on the formation of womanly character. F. Johnson. Cam- bridge, Mass., 1882. 16° 1212.16 The same 1214.23 True womanhood. J. Xeal. Boston, 1859. 12°, 312.4 Trueblood, T. C, and Fulton, R. I., Eds. Choice readings from standard authors. Boston, 1885. 12° 1245.14 Trumbull, H. Clay. Kadesh Barnea: its impor- tance and probable site. Studies of the route of the Exodus. X.Y., 1884. 8° . 783.2 Trumbull, Jonathan. Stuart, I. W., Life of. Boston, 1859. 8° 167.6 Trumbull, M. M. The American lesson of the free trade struggle in England. Chicago, 1884. 12° . ^ 1238.9 348 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Trumpet and Universalist Magazine. May, lS40,-Aug., 1S49. Boston, 18-10-49. 3 v. Folio 16i).5 Trumpet -Major. T. Hardy. \.Y., 1880. \6° 376.26 Trumps. G. W. Curtis. X.Y., 18G1. 12== . . :i41.8 Trust, Tlie, and tlie remittance. [Poems.] Mrs. M. C. Clarlsiau Turkistan, Kbokanth Congress, 1st session. Vol. VI. (1877) .... 811.1 The same. 4Uth Congress, 3d session. Vol. XI., parts 1, 2, 3, and index. 1881. 4v 811.1 The same. 48th Congress, 1st session. Dec, 188.3,-July, 1884. 6 v. and index, 811 .1 Constitution. Debates in the State conven- tions on the adoption of the Federal Con- stitution. Coll. Ijy J. Elliot. 183(1. 4 v. S51.2 Debates on the Constitution in conven- tion, 1787. Reported by J. Madison. (1848) 851.6 Constitutional power of the military to try and execute the assassins of the president. (1865) 739.12 Consular service. Reports on the commerce and manufactures of the consular dis- tricts. 1880, '81, '82 738.23 The same. 1881, '83, '84, '85, '86. 10 v., 738.20 Declared exports for the U.S. (1883) . 738.20 United States. Government publienlio)i.'< — continued. Consular service. Reports on the leather and shoe industries in the Consular dis- tricts. (1885) 7.38.27 Crime, Prevention ami repression of. (1872), 739.15 Diplomatic correspondence, 1783-89, 1868- (39. 9v .338.22 Education. Reports of the Commissioner. 1871-84. 14 v .3.58.1 Fish and Fisheries. Bulletins of the Fish Commission. 1881- 83. 3 v 738.24 Reports of the Fish Commissioner. 1875- 76, '78, '79, 'SO. 4v 738.12 Foreign relations of the U. S. Papers transmitted to Congress with the presi- dent's message, Dec. 3, 1877 348.8 Treaties and conventions between the U.S. and other powers since July 4, 1776. (1871) .3,38.10 Forestry, Reports upon. 1S76, '82. 2 v. . 348.9 Health, Report of the National Board of. (1879) 358.4 House of Representatives. Index to the executive documents of 3d session of 4(ith Congress. 1880-81 . . 7.39.25 Index to the miscellaneous documents of 2d session of 40th Congress .... 739.20 Indian affairs. Report of the commissioner. 1858, '71-74. 5v .358.2 Descriptive catalogue of photographs of North American Indians. (1877) . . 738.16 Ethnography and philology of Hidatsa Indians. .(1877) 738.15 Immigration. (1872) 3.58.4 > Johnson, Andrew; His trial on impeach- ment for high crimes and misdemeanors. (1869.) 2v 739.20 Land laws relating to public domain. 1880, '82. (2v.) 3v 851.6 Land office, Report of the commissioner of the. 1869-70. 2v 358.3 Lincoln, Abraham, The assassination of, anil attempted assassination of W. H. anil F. W. Seward, on the 14th of April, 1805 801.4 Memorial addresses on his life and char- acter delivered before Congress, by George Bancroft. (1806) 7.39.11 Message of the president, and accompany- ing documents. 1838-41, '45, '47, '48, '56- 62, '64-69, '73-75, '77-81. 62 v. ... 348.5 The same. (1880-82.) 14 v 348.5 Abridgments for 1880-82. 2 v. Interior Dep't. 1881-82. 2 v. Post Office Dep't. 1881-83. 2 v. State Dep't. 1881-82. War Dep't. 1880-82. 7 v. The same. 1882-84. 8v .348.5 Abridgments. 1883-84. Navy Dep't. 18S2-S3. 3 v. 1883-84. Vol. I. Post Office Dep't. 1883-84. State Dep't. 1882-83. War Dep't. 1882-83. Vol. III. Metric system. Report of the committee on coin.age, weights and measures. (1879), .349.6 Mint. Reports of the director of the mint upon the production of the precious met- als in the U.S. 1875, '77-70, '82-84. 7 v., 3.39.2-3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 353 United States. Goternment publications — continued. Monetary Conference, The International, held at Paris in 1S78 349.7 Naiy Department. Armored vessels. (1864) 33S. 13 Contracts and expenditures. (IS.'J!)) . . 338.11 Contracts and public printing. (Corode investigating committee.) (1800) . . .338.12 Laws relating to navy anil marine corps. (1SG.5) 338.15 Ordnance, Annual report of the Chief of. (1877-78) 348.7 Ordnance instructions for the U. S. navy. (18(i0) 333.16 Regulations for the government of the navy. (186.5) 338.14 Report of the Secretary of the navy. 18S0-S1 738.22 Patent Office. Official gazette. Vols. XV, -XX. 1879- 81. 6 V 862.3 Patentees and inventions, Lists of, for Jan.-June, 1881. (1881) .329.2 Report of Commissioners. 1847-49, ':>3, '55-02, '05-67, '80, '82-84. (1848-84.) 15 V 329.1 Paraguarian Investigation. (1870) . . . 739.14 Perry's expedition to Japan. 18.52-54. 3 v., 719.12 Public domain. Its history, colonization, sale, etc. With land laws and statistics. (1883) 851.7 Public libraries of tlie U. S. : their history, condition and management. Washing- ton, 1876. 2 V. 8° R. L. Reconstruction, Report of the joint com- mittee on, at the 1st session 39th Con- gress. (1S66) 851.10 Register, Official, of the U. S. Lists of offi- cers and employees in the civil, military and naval service, on July 1st, 1883; with the list of ships and vessels belonging to the U. S. Compiled by J. G. Ames. 1883-84. 2v 851.9 Vol. I. Legislative, executive, judicial. II. The Post Office department and postal service. Senate reports of the 1st and 2d sessions of the 40th Congress. (1879-80) .... 739.24 Signal service. Annual report of the. 1876, '79, '81, '84. 4v 348.6-9 Synitlisonian Institution. Board of Regents, Reports of. 1856-59, '63-65, '67, '68, '09, '71-75, '78-84. (1864-84.) 24 V 349.1 Bureau of Ethnology, Report of, to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institu- tion. 1879-82. (1881-84.) 3 v. . . . 862.9 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vols. XIII.-XXVII. 1878-83. 15 v. . 349.11 Southern States. Condition of affairs in the late insurrectionary states. (1872) . 338.5 Statutes of the U. S. passed in 1878-79. 2v 349.8 The same, passed at the 2d session of the 46th Congress. 1879-80 329.3 The same, passed at the 1st session of the 47th Congress. 1881-82 349.8 Surreys. Boundary between U. S. and Mexico. W.H.Emory. (1857.) 2v 738.1 United States. Gorernment publications : Surreys — continued. Coast surveys. 1851-59, '65-67. Sketches accompanying. 1851. 12 v 719.1 Colorado River of the West. Explored by Xie««. J. C. Ives. (1861) .... 738.2 Columbia River, Upper, and the territory in its vicinity. Report on the examina- tion in Sept. and Oct., 1881. T. W. Symons. (1882) 738.25 Elevations, List of; principally in the country west of the Mississippi. H. Garrett. (1877) 738.18 Geological surreys. Catalogue of the photographs of the U. S. surveys of the territories. 1809- 75. W. H. Jackson. (1875) . . . 738.17 Colorado and adjacent territory, Geo- logical and geographical atlas of. F. V. n.ayden. (1881) R. L. Colorado and Xew Mexico, Survey of. F. V. Hayden. 1869 739.3 Fortieth parallel. Report of the geologi- cal exploration of. 1867 and 1869. 5v 862.1 Vol. I. Systematic geology. II. Descriptive geography. IV. Ornithology and palaBontol- ogy. VI. Atlas. VII. Odontornithes. Rocky Mountain region survey. (1877.) 2 v 862.2 The same. Vol. IV. Contribution to American ethnology. L. H. Morgan. (1881) 862.6 The same. Vol. V. Observation on the cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in the Old world and America. C. Rau. (1881.) Geology of the Rocky Mts. G. K. Gilbert. 1880 862.7 Report of the survey to the Sec. of the Interior. J. W. Powell, director. (1882) 862.10 The Territories, Survey of. 1867-09 . 738.13 West of the 100th meridian. 7 v. and 2 atlases. (1875) 862.5 Vol. II. Astronomy and Barometric hypersometry. III. Geology. IV. Paleontology. V. Zoology. VI. Botany. VII. Archieology. Wyoming and contiguous territory, Sur- vey of. (1870) 738.14 The same. (1872) 739.2 Mineral resources of the states and terri- tories west of the Rocky Mts. R. W. Raymond. (1869) 739.6 Mineral wealth, climate, rain-fall, and natural resources of the Black Hills of Dakota. W. P. Jenney. (1876). . . 738.19 P.acific Railroad route. Explorations and surveys tor. (185.5-00.) 13 v. ... S61.5 Salt Lake, Utah, Survey of. (1853) . . 738.9 Tariff Commission, Report of the. (1882.) 2 v 358.5 Tonnage, Causes of reduction of Ameri- can. (1870) 739.13 354 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. United Slates. Gorernment piihlicalioiiK — continued. Treasury Department. Causes of Ihe gold panic (1870) . . . 358.5 Comptroller of the currency, Reports of. 18S4-S5. L' V 349..") Stines and mining, Statistics of. (1870). 739.19 Purcliase of arms in 1801. Letter from tlie Sec. of the Treasury to the call of Consress. (1802) 338.8 Secretary, Ueports of the. 18.53-00, '03, '60, '03, '09, '72, '73, '77-80, '83, '84, '85. 21 V 340.2 Transportation routes to the seaboard. (1874) 2v 7.39.18 Caniils and railroads, Inter-oceanic. (1807) 739.22 War Department. Armies of Europe, Report on the. G. B. McCIellan. (1857) 518.1 Art of war in Europe. (1854-56.) Major R. Delafield. (1800) .' . 338.1 Conduct of the war. (1803.) 3 v. . . . 338.3 Vol. I. Army of the Potomac. II. r.nll Run; Ball's Bluff. III. Department of the West, Supplementary reports. (1860.) 2 v. Vol. I. Reports of Gens. Sherman and Thomas. II. Reports of Genu. Pope, Fos- ter, Pleasanton, Hitchcock, Sheridan, and Ricketts. Communication of Norman Wizard upon great guns. Fortifications, Permanent, and sea coast defences. (1802) 3-38.18 Massacre at Fort Pillow. (1804) . . . 338.26 Military commission to Europe in 1855-56. (1860) 338.24 New Orleans riots. (1807) 338.4 Secretary of War's report. (1878) . . . 348.5 The same. (1880) 349.9 Virginia campaign. Gen. J. Pope. (1803) 338.6 Troubles in Kansas. (18.50) 338.7 History. Constitutional histo/y. Bancroft, G. Constitution of the U.S. N.Y., 18S2. 2v. 8° 695.6 Constitution of the U.S., and of the several states of the Union. With the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and an essay on the changes prior to 1879. N.y., 1879. 8° 276.11 Curtis, G. T. History of the Constitu- tion. N.Y., 1858. "2v. 8° . . . . .540.1 Hoist, H. von. Constitutional and po- litical history of the U.S. Chicago, 1879-S5. 5 V. 8° 481.17 The same 550.0 Vol. I. 1750-1S;33. State sovereignty and slavery. II. 1828-1846. Jackson's admin- istration. — Annexation of Texas. III. 1846-18.50. From the Annexa- tion of Texas to the com- promise of 1850. United Slates. Ci institutional history — con- tinued. Vol. IV. 1850-54. Compromise of 1850. — Kansas-Xebraska bill. V. Kans.as-Xebr.iska bill. — Bu- chanan's election. Lamphere, G. N. The U.S. government: its organization, divisions, compensa- tions, etc. Phila., 1880. 8« . . . . 692.10 Porter, L. H. Outlines of the constitu- tional history of the U.S. N.Y., 18S3. 12° 598.7 Schouler, J. History of the U.S. uiuler the Constitution. Washington, 1SS2. 2v. 12° 091.17 Sterne, S. Conslitulion.al history ami po- litical development of the U.S. N.Y., |n.d.] 12° 595.16 Financial history. Holies, A. S. Financial history of the U.S. (1774-17S9.) N.Y., 1879. 8° . 284.15 The same. (17.S9-1S00.) N.Y., 1883. 8°, 097.9 The same. (1801-1885.) N.Y., 1886. 8°, 1428.11 Knox, J. K. U.S. notes. A history of the various issues of paper money by the government of the U.S. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1416.5 General history. Abbott, E. Paragraph U.S. history. Boston, 1875. 16° 566.17 Bancroft, G. U.S. history. Boston, 1855. 10 V. 8° 5.57.1 The same. 1870. 6 v. 12° ... . 557.7 Bonner, J. Child's history of the U.S. KY., 186.5. 2v. 10° 451.19 Childs, E. E. U.S. history, including no- tices of manufactures, industries, in- ventions, etc. N.Y., 1886. 16° . . . 596.14 Frost, J. A popular history of the U.S. Continued to the inauguration of Gen. Garfield, by J. G. Shea. N.Y., 1881. 12° 091.8 Hale, S. U.S. history. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 16°, 472.4 Hamilton, J. C. U.S. history. N.Y., 18.59. 4v. 8° 540.8 HIgginson, T. W. U.S. history to the close of President Jackson's adminis- tration. X.Y.. 1880. 8° 1428.2 Young folk's history of the U.S. Bos- ton, 1875. 8° 541.10 Hildreth, R. U.S. history. Boston, 18.54. Ov. 8° 555.3 Leeds, J. W. Smaller history of the U.S. Phila., 1882. 12° 091.10 Lossing, B. J. Harper's Cycloptcdia of U.S. history. N.Y., 1881. 2 v. 8° . R. L. National history. N.Y., 18.5.5. 2 v. 8°, 537.2 Our country. A household history. N.Y., 1870. 2 v. 8° 594.2 The same 5-50.4 Pictorial history. N.Y., 1806. 12°. . 541.12 The same 059.8 Mackenzie, E. Historical view of the U.S. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1819. 8° . . .542.18 McMaster, J. B. History of the people of the U.S., from the revolution to the civil war. N.Y., 188.3-85. 2 v. 8° . 697.10 Manij;ault, G. The U.S. unmasked; their rise and progress, and present con- dition. London, 1879. 12° ... . 292.22 Patton, J. H. U.S. history. N.Y., 1860. 8°, 546.5 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 355 United States. General history — continued. Peck, J. T. History of the great repub- lic, considered from a Christian stand- point. X.Y., ISfiS. S° 481.10 Pitkin, T. U.S. history. New Haven, ISiS. 2v. 8° 34S.9 Richardson, Mrs. A. S. History of our country. Boston, 187.5. 8° . . . . 556.3 Scudder, H. E. History of the U.S. ; pre- ceded by a narrative of the discovery and settlement of North America, and of the events which led to the indepen- dence of the thirteen English colonies. Phila., [n.d.] 12° 1415.12 Sherwood, .J. D. Comic history of the U.S. Boston, 1870. 12° 565.17 The same 691 . 10 Spencer, J. A., and Lossing, B. J. Com- plete history of the U.S. N.Y., [n.d.) 2v. 8° 1414.1 Tileston, E. G. Administration of the U.S. Boston, 1871. 16° 543.14 Tocqueville, A. de. Republic of the U.S. N.Y., 1851. 8° 5.57. 5 The revolutionary period. Botta, C. History of the independence of the U.S. " Phila., 1821. 3 v. 8° 546.7 See also American revolution. II ar of 1812. Johnson, R. The war between the U.S. and Great Britain. (1812-15) . 596.2 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. N.Y., 1868. 8° . 547.6 Roosevelt, T. Naval war of 1812; or the history of the U.S. during the last war with Great Britain. N.Y., 1S82. 8° 697.5 Ciril war. Annals of the war. 'Written by leading participants North and South. Phila., 1879. 8^ 495.7 Campaigns of the civil war. N.Y., 1881-3. 12°. Vol. I. The outbreak of rebellion. J. G. Nicolay .591.16 II. From Fort Henry to Corinth. il. F. Force 591.17 III. The peninsula. McClellan's campaign of 1862. A. S. Webb. 591.18 IV. The army under Pope. J. C. Ropes 591.19 V. Antietam and Fredericksburg. F. W. Palfrey 591.20 VI. Chancellorsville and Gettys- burg. A. Doubleday . . 591.21 VII. The army of the Cumberland. H. M. Cist 591.22 VIII. The Mississippi. F. V. Greene, .591.25 IX. Atlanta. J. D. Cox . . . 591.23 X. The march to the sea. Frank- lin and Nashville. J. D. Cox 591.24 XI. The Shenandoah in 1864. G. E. Pond 591.26 XII. The Virginia campaign of '64 and '05. The army of the Potomac and the army of the James. A. A. Hum- phreys 591.27 United States. General history : Cicil war — continued. Supplementary volume. Statistical record of the armies of the U.S. F. Philisterer 591.28 Champlin, J. D. Young folks' history of the war for the Union. N.Y., 1881. 8° 694.8 Draper, J. W. History of the Ameri- can civil war. N.Y., 1867. 3 v. 8°, 557.4 Gasparin, Count A. de. The U.S. in 1861. The uprising of a great people. N.Y., 1861. 8° 541.15 Gettysburg, The battle of. Phila., 1876. 8° 481.15 Greeley, H. The American conflict. Hartford, 1867. 2 v. 8° .547.11 Humphreys. A. A. From Gettysburg to the Rapidan. The army of the Potomac. July, 1863,-April, 1864. N.Y., 1883. 12° 691.18 Johnstone, J. E. (C..S.A.) Narrative of military operations during the late war between the states. N.Y.. 1874. S°, 482.6 Langel, A. The U.S. during the civil war. N.Y., 1860. 8° 547.9 Logan, J. A. The great conspiracy. Its origin and history. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1432.4 Lossing. B. J. History of the civil war. Hartford, 1868. 3 v. 8° .... .547.13 Mahan, A. A critical history of the late American war. N.Y., 1877. 8°, 486.8 Moore, F., Ed. The rebellion record. N.Y., 1861. 11 V. and sup. 8° . . 556.1 Paris, Comte de. History of the civil war. Phila., 187.5-83. 3 v. 8° . . 481.1 Parker, F. A. The battle of Mobile Bay, and tlie capture of Forts Powell, Gaines and Morgan. Boston, 1878. 8° 49S.16 Porter, Admiral. Anecdotes of the civil war. N.Y., 1885. 8° . . . . 1429.4 Scott, R. N. War of the rebellion. A compilation of the ofBcial records of both armies. Washington, 1880. 2 v. 8° ^ 696.1 Seward, W. H. The diplomatic history of the war. Boston, 1884. 8° . . 699.4 Swinton, W. The twelve decisive bat- tles of the war. N.Y., 1867. 8° . . 545.2 Thayer, W. M. Youth's history of the rebellion. Boston, 1866. 4 v. 12°. 541.16 Vol. I. Sumter to Roanoke. II. Roanoke to Murfreesboro'. III. Murfreesboro' to Fort Pillow. IV. Fort Pillow to the end. Thomas, G. H. History of the army of the Cumberland. Cincinnati, 1875. 2 v. and atlas. 8° 557.6 Townsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the civil war. N.Y., 1884. 12° ... 1413.6 Vicksburg campaign, and the battles about Chattanooga under the com- mand of Gen. U. S. Grant. Cincin- nati, [n.d.] 8° 593.14 Wood, C. J. Reminiscence of the war: biography of ofHcers: fall of Rich- mond : surrender of Gen. Lee, etc. Washington, [n.d.] 8° 1412.8 See also Civil war and U.S. navy. 356 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. United Stiites — conchuled. Traiel. Freeman, E. A. Some impressions of the U.S. N.Y., 188:!. 12° 775.10 Lanmaii, C. Adventures in the wilds of the U.S. Pliila., 1S.-.C. 2 v. 8° . . . G(i5.17 Murray, A. JI. U.S., Cuba, and Canada. [Letters.] N.Y., 1850. 12° 735.17 See aUo America. [Travel.] United Slates, The, as a nation. Lectures on the Centennial of American Indepen- dence. J. P. Thompson. Bost., 1877. 8°, 274.0 United States communistic societies. C. Nord- hoff. N.Y., 1875. 8° 544.8 United States exploring expedition in 18.38-42. C.Wilkes. I'hila., 1845. 5 v. 8° . . 7.37.6 United States International Exhibition, 1870. Ollicial catalo.iiiie. Phila., 1876. 12°. . 480.13 United States Life-Saving Service, Annual report of the. (187.5-7<).) Washington, 1S76. 8° 318.5 United States navy. History of the, in the war of secession. Blue jackets of '61. W. .1. Abbot. N.Y., 1886. 8° 14.32.5 History during the rebellion. C. B. Boyn- ton. N.Y.,'lS76. 2 v. 8° 487.4 History of the navy. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 18.54. 8° 544.6 The naval history of the civil war. Ad- 7nira(D. D.Porter. N.Y., 1886. Roy. 8°, 1414.5 The navy in the civil war. N.Y., 1883. 12°. I. The blockade and the cruisers. J. Pi. Soley 698.1 II. The Atlantic coast. D. Ammen . . 698.2 III. The Gulf and inland waters. A. T. Mahan 698.3 Scenes and reminiscences of the civil war. (1861-03.) ifear-^l(Z. H. Walker. N.Y., 1877. S° 495.4 The story of the navy. [For boys.] B. J. Lossing. N.Y., 1881. 12° 914.1 United States Sanitary Commission, (Annals of.) L. Moss. Phila., 1868. 8° . . . 245.1 History of. C. J. Still.5. Phila., 1866. 8°, 338.19 Report of its work in the Mississippi valley. J. S. Newbury. Cleveland, 1871. 8° . . 338.20 United States secret service, History of the. L.C.Baker. Phila., 1867. 8° . . . . 545.4 United States War Department, History of the ; with sketches of the secretaries. L. D. Ingersoll. Washington, 1880. 8° . . . 692.1 Unity of history, The. E. A. Freeman. Lou- don, 1872. 12° 252.10 Unity of law. The. H. C. Carey. Phila., 1872. 8° 027.5 Unity of nature. The. Vvke of Argyll. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1319.1 Universal assistant, and complete mechanic. R. More. N.Y., 1878. 12° 273.16 Universe of suns; and other science gleanings. R. A. Proctor. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . . 1324.21 Universe, The; or, The infinitely great and the infinitely little. F. A. Pouchet. N.Y., 1870. 8° 619.4 Universe, Theory of the. S. Hutchins. N.Y., 1868. 8° 627.3 Unknovirn river, The. P. G. Hamerton. Bos- ton, 1871. 8° R. L. The same; with The sylvan year. Bos- ton, 1876. 12° 669.1 Unknown to history. A story of the captivity of Mary Queen of Scots. C. M. Yonge. N.Y.. 1882. 12° .389.25 Unprotected females in Sicily and Calabria. London, 18.59. 12° 664.19 Unseen hand. The. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1882. 10° 913.24 Unseen world ; and other essays. J. Fiske. Boston, 1876. 12° 227.23 Until the day break. Mrs. J. M. D. Bartlett. Pliila,, 1877. 12° .372.13 Unto the third and fourth generations. [.Y storv.] Mrs. H. Campbell. N.Y., 1880. 18° ". .383.22 "Unto the last." Munera piilveris. [Essays on political economy.] J. Ruskin. N.Y., 1882. 12° 689.14 The same 624.17 Up from the cape [Cod]. A plea for Republi- can simplicity. Boston, 1883. 16° . . 949.11 Up the Baltic. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1871. 10° 458.7 Up the river; or, Yachting on the Mississippi river. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1882. 16° 914.11 Up the Tapajos. E.S.Ellis. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 931.23 Updegraff, Jonathan T. Memorial addresses on his life and character, delivered in Congress. W.ashington, 1883. 8° . . . 119.8 Up de Graff, T. S. Bodines. A guide to "Camping out." Phila., 1879. 12° . . 762.7 Upham, C. W. Fremont, J. C, Life of. Bos- ton, 1856. 12° 162.8 Pickering, Timothy, Life of. Vols. II. -IV. (Vol. I. by Octavius Pickering.) Boston, 1873. 3 v. 8° 157.1 Salem witchcraft. Boston, 1867. 2 v. 8°, 537.12 Upham, Thomas C. Imperfect .and disordered mental action. N.Y., 185.5. 16° . . . 6.31.20 Trnnx. Jahn's Biblical archaeology. .N'.Y., 1832. 8° 267.7 Letters from Europe, Egypt and Palestine. Brunswick, 1855. 12° 145.7 Upland and meadow. A Poeatquissings chron- icle. C. E. Abbott. N.Y., 188(!. 12° . 1249.8 Uplands .and lowlands. R. Porter. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 303.32 Upper ten thousand, The. C. A. Bristed. N.Y., 1852. 12° 264.18 Uprising of a great people, The. The U.S. in 1861. Count A. de Gasparin. N.Y., 1861. 8° 541.15 Ups and downs. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1873. 10° 363.15 Upside down. R. A. Parker. Boston, 1868. 10° 434.19 Upton, Emery, Life and letters of. P. S. Miohie. With an introduction by J. H. Wilson. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1135.5 Work : The armies of Asia and Europe. N.Y., 1878. 8° 496.4 Upton, George P. The standard operas. Their plots, music, and composers. Chicago, 1886. 10° 1251.5 Woman in music. Boston, 1880. 12° . . 128.2 The same. 1880 1138.6 Upton, R. D. Gleanings from Arabia. Lon- don, 1881. 12° 778.8 Urbane, and his friends. Mrs. E. Prentiss. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 265.13 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 357 Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines. R. Hunt, joint editor. London, 1878. 4 V. 8° e.30.7 TJrso, Mrae. Camilla. Her artist life. C. Bar- nard. Boston, 1874. 16° 163.14 Ursula. E. Jr. Sewell. N.Y., 1858. 2 v. 12°, 413.12 Us; an old-fashioned story. Mrs. Molesworth. London, 1885. 12° 932.20 Useful arts, The. .J. Bigelow. Boston, 1840. 2v. 8^ 636.20 Usurper, The. An episode in Japanese history. J. Gautier. Boston, 1884. 12° . . . . 9.59.4 Utah. The City of the Saints, and across the Kocky Mountains to California. E. F. Burton. N.Y., 1862. 8° 665.7 V. Vagabondia. [The same as "Dolly."] Mrs. F. H. Burnett. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 9.52.9 The same 9.52.10 Vagabonds, The ; and other poems. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1869, 16° . . . 5.53.11 Vago, A. L. Instructions in the art of model- ing in clay. Cincinnati, 1880. 16° . . 6S1.14 Vain forebodings. E. Oswald. Mrs. Wister, Trans. Phila., 188.5. 12° 965.21 Vale of cedars. G. Aguilar. K.Y., 1870. 12°, 426.19 Valentin ; a French boy's story of Sedan. H. Kingsley. London, [n.d.] 16° ... . 462.24 Valentine, L. We three boys; or, A year of adventure. London, [n.d.] 12° . . . 932.21 Valentine, Mrs., Ed. Heroism and adventure. A book for boys. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 912.18 Land battles from Hastings to Inkerman. London, [n.d.] 12° . ." 1411.16 Maidenhood ; or, The verge of the stream. London, [n.d.] 12° 426.24 On honour's roll. Tales of heroism in the nineteenth century. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° . 9.32.23 Sea fights, from Sluys to the bombardment of Alexandria. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 1411.18 and Knight, C, Eds. Half hours of Eng- lish history. London, [n.d.] 4 v. 12°. 696.2 Valentine the Countess. C. Bauer. Phila., 1874. 12° 316.16 Valentine Vox. H. Cockton. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 427.27 Valerie ; an autobiography. F. Marryat. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 455.22 Valerie Aylmer. A novel. F. C. Fisher. X. Y., 1876. 8° 365.51 Valerio, Katherine. Ina. Boston, 1871. 8°. 347.12 Value of life, The. A reply to Mr. Mallock's essay, "Is life worth living?" X.Y., 1879. 12° 292.12 Vdmb^ry, Arminius. His life and adventures, written by himself. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .1128.17 Hungary. (Story of the nations.) N.Y., 1886. 12° 1431.1 Travels in Central Asia. N.Y., 1865. 8° . 736.2 Additional chapters of the same. Phila., 1868. 8° 725.4 Van Beneden, P. J. Animal parasites and messmates. N.Y., 1876. 12° .... 655.3 Van Buren, Martin. Life and political opinions. W. M. Holland. Hartford, 18.35. 12° . 297.19 Vance, Clara, pseud. See Denison, Mrs. M. A. Vaudegrift, Margaret. Doris and Theodora. Phila., [n.d^] 12° 964.12 Holidays at home; for boys and girls. Phila., [n.d.] 4° 915.16 Rose Raymond's wards. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 973.7 Ways and means. Phila., [n.d.] 12° . . 979.4 Vandeuhoff, George. Leaves from an actor's note-book. N.Y., 1860. 12° .... 225.24 Van Doren, Louis O. Fishes of the east Atlan- tic coast. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1322.4 I Van Dyck. Life. (Arti.st biographies, Vol. X.) Boston, 1878. 18° 191.1 and Franz Hals. Lives. (Illustrated biog- raphies.) P. R. Head. N.Y., 1879. 12°, 195.4 Van Dyke, J. C. Books and how to use them. Hints to readers and students. Jf.Y., 188:;. 18° 1214.17 Van Dyke, Theodore S. Flirtation Camp; or, The rifle, rod and gun in California. N.Y., 18S1. 12° .387.9 Southern California. N.Y.. 1886. 12°. . 797.10 Vane, Sir H., Life of. (American biography, Vol. IV.) in. 2 Van Home, Thomas B. Histoiy of the army of the Cumberland. 2 vols, and atlas. 8°, 5.57.6 Thomas, Major-General, Life of. X.Y., 1882. 8° 1112.15 Vanity and insanity of genius. K. Sanborn. N.Y., 1886. 18° 1251.6 Vanity fair. W.M.Thackeray. KY., 1868. 8°, a32.5 The same 332.8 The same 3-32.13 The same 373.1 Van Laun, Henri. French literature. History of. X.Y., 1876-79. 3 v. 8° 245.19 French Revolutionary epoch. The. N.Y., 1879. 2 V. 8° 499.2 Van Santvoord, C. Memoirs of Eliphalet Xott. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 146.19 Van Sommer, E. By uphill paths; or. Wait- ing and winning. London, 188.3. 16°. . 949.23 Varley, Henry. The Christian ambassador; and other addresses. Boston, 1875. 12°, 265.32 The same 291.2 Varney, George J. A gazetteer of the state of Maine. Boston, 1882. 8° 1412.9 Vasari, Giorgio. Painters, sculptors and archi- tects. Mrs. J. Foster, Trans. Loudon, 1850. 5 V. 8° 139.6 Vashti; or, Until death us do part. Mrs. A. J.E.Wilson. X.Y.,1879. 12°. . . . 387.4 Vassar girls abroad. Rambles of three college girls on a vacation trip through France and Spain, for amusement and instruc- tion. With their haps and mishaps. Mrs. L. W. Champney. Boston, 18S;5. 4°. . 773.15 Vassar girls in England. Jlrs. L. W. Champ- ney. Boston, 1884. 4° 777. S Vjissar girls in Italy. A holiday excursion through classic lands. Mrs. L. W. Champ- ney. Boston, 1886. 4° 793.10 Vassar girls in South America. A holiday trip through the southern continent, up the Amazon, etc. Boston, 1885. 4° . . . 785.4 Vathek ; an Arabian tale. W. Beckford. N.Y., 1808. 16° 211.4 Vaughan, Frank. Kate Weathers; or, Scat- tered by the tempest. Phila., 1878. 12°, 375.28 Vaughan, Henry. Sacred poems; with a me- moir by H. F. Lyte. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 563.11 358 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Vaughan, Mrs. M. C, and Biackett, L. P. Woman's work in the civil war. I'liila., 1S«7. 8° 174.12 Vaughan, R. Revolutions in Eu;;lisli history. Vol. I. N.Y., 1800. 8° 510.4 Vaux, Calvert. Villas and cottages. N.Y., 1S(U. 8" 623.7 Vee-Boers, The. A tale of aih enture in South- ern Africa. M. Iteid. Lonilon, [n.d.] 12°, 032.6 Vegetable mould, The formation of, through the action of worms; with observations on theirhabits. C.Darwin. N.Y.,1882. 12°, 070.2 Vegetable substances, in the arts and domestic economy. London, [n.d.| 12° . . . . 648.31 Vegetable substances. Materials of manufac- tures. London, [n.d.] 12° 648.33 Vegetable sulistances used for the food of man. Dr. Lankester. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 648.30 Vegetable world, The. History of plants with their structure and peculiar properties. L. Figuier. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 658.6 Vegetation, Fiist forms of. II. Macniillan. Lotulun, 1874. 8° 048.24 Vegetation, Wonders of. K. Marion. N.Y., 1872. 8° 648. Veitch, John. Hamilton, Sir William, Memoir of. Edinburgh, 1809. 8° 153.5 Velasquez. (Illustrated biography.) E. Stowe. X.Y., 18S1. 12° 195.14 Veley, >[. " For I'ercival." PhiJa., 1879. S°, 369.38 Venetian life. W. D. Ilowells. N.Y., 1800. 12' 002.13 The same 702.13 Venezuela, the land of Bolivar. J. M. Spence. London, 1878. 2 v. 8° 708.19 Venice. Adams. W. H. D. Venice, the queen of the Adriatic. Boston, 1809. 1::° 702.10 Brown, II. F. Life on the lagoons. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 786.21 Freeman, E. A. Sketches from the subject and neighbor lands of Venice. London, 1881. 12° 772.5 Gsell-Fels, Dr. Venice, with photographs and designs by T. Choulaut and others. N.Y., 1877. 4° R. L. Hare,A. J.C. City of Venice. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 771.25 Historical sketches of Venice. X.Y., 1855. 2 V. 10° 472.3 Illustrations of. Venice, [n.d.] Sm.ob. folio, R. L. Stories of the deeds of the old Venetians, from the Chronicles. N.Y., [n.d.) 12°. 1411.13 See alno Venetian. Ventilation and heating. Principles of, and their practical application. J. S. Billing.s. N.Y., 1884. 8° " . 1.319.4 Ventilation in American dwellings. D. B. Keid. N.Y., 1S.-»S. 8° 049.4 Verne, Jules. Among the cannibals. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 324.35 Around the world in eighty days. London, 1873. 8° .324.6 The same 324.13 Child of the cavern; or, Strange doings mulerground. W. H. G. Kingston, Trans. London, 1877. 12° 324.38 Dick Sands, the boy captain. X.Y., 1879. 12° 324.34 Dr. Ox; and other stories. Boston, 1874. 18° 324.12 Verne, Jules — concluded. The English at the north pole. London, [n.d.]" 10° 324.21 The exploration of the world. N.Y., 1879- 81. 3 v. 8° 703.15 Part I. Famous travels and travellers. II. The great n.avigators of the eigh- teenth century. III. The great explorers of the nine- teenth century. Five weeks in a balloon. London, [n.d.] 12° 324.10 Floating city. Blockade runners. N.Y., 1874. 12° .324.2 Fnmi the earth to the moon. N.Y., 1874. S°, 324.8 The same 324.9 The fur country. Boston, 1874. 12° . . 324.20 The giant raft. N.Y., 1881-82. 2 v. 12°. 942.1 Part I. Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon. II. The cryptogram. Godfrey Morgan. A Californian mystery. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° "... .324.40 Hector Servadac. N.Y., 1878. 8° . . . 324.31 The ice desert. London, [n.d.] 10°. . . 324.22 In search of the castaways. Phila., 1873. 8°, 324.1 Journey to the centre of the earth. N.Y., 1874. 8° 324.10 Journey to the north pole. Lcjiidon, 1875. 12° 324.7 Meridiana. Adventures in South Africa. London, 1873. 8° 324.5 Michael Strogoff, the courier of the Czar. N.Y., 1877. 8° 324.29 The mysterious document. London, ]n.d.] 10° .324.23 The mysterious island. N.Y , 1870. 3 v. 12° 324.24 I. Dropped from the clouds. II. The abandoned. III. The secret of the island. Off on a comet ! Sequel to "To the sun ? " Phila., 1878. 12° 324.-33 On the track. London, [n.d.] 10° . . . 324.25 The steam house. N.Y., 1881. 12°. . . 324.37 Part I. The demon of Cannpore. II. Tigers and traitors. Survivors of the Chancellor. Boston, 1870. 8° .324.20 The tribulations of a Chinaman in China. Boston, 1880. 10° 376.14 Twenty thousand leagues under the .sea. Boston, 1873. Cr. 8° 324.4 The same 324. Underground city; or, The child of the cavern. Phil.a., [n.d.] 12° .324.41 Voyage round the world. New Zealand. N.Y., 1877. 12' 324.28 Wreck of the Chancellor. Boston, 1875. 18° 324.14 Verney, Lady. Peasant properties, and other selected essays. London, 188.5. 2 v. 12°, 1248.7 Vernon-Harcourt, L. F. Harbours and docks. Vol. I. Text. Vol. II. Plates. Oxford, 18S.J. 2v. 8° 1320.2 A treatise on rivers and canals. With plates. Oxford, 1882. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1311.3 Veronica. J. 11. Zschokkc N.Y., 1804. 8°. 340.31 Versatilities, i;. H. Newell. Boston, l.s71. 10°, 554.18 Very, Jones. Poems; with a memoir by W. P. Andrews. Boston, 1883. 10° . . . 584.7 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARi. 359 Very genteel. Author of Mrs. Jerniiigham's journal. X.Y., 18. 12° 081.24 Violin, and Violinists. Bull, Mrs. Sara C. Violin notes. See Bull, Ole, Memoir of. Boston, 1883. 8° . .1116.10 The same 1110.11 Ferris, G. T. The great violinists and pia- nists. N.Y., 1881. 18° 191.18 Hart, 6. The violin. Its famous makers, and their imitators. London, 1880. 12°, 682.18 Heron-Allen, Ed. Violin making as it was and is; an histoi-ical, practical, and theo- retical treatise for the use of violin makers and players. Preceded by an essay on the violin and its position as a musical instru- ment. London, 1884. 8° 688.8 Phipsmi,- T. L. Celebrated biographical sketches and anecdotes of violinists. London, 1877. 12° 1124.7 Virgil. Church, A. J., Ed. Stories from. N.Y., 1880. 12° 126.12 Coiiington, J., Trans. The uEneid. N.Y., 1867. 8° 616.2 The works of Virgil, translated into Eng- lish prose; with an essay on the Eng- lish translators of Virgil. Boston, 1880. 8° 125.13 Cranch, C. P., Trans. The iEneid. Bos- ton, 1872. 8° 617.4 Long, J. D., Trans. The jEneid. Boston, 1879. 12° 582.4 Preston, H. W., Trans. The Georgics. Boston, 1881. 18° 583.19 Virgin soil. I. Turgenieff. N.Y., 1877. 16° . 382.21 Virginia. Cooke, J. E. A. history of the peo- ple. Boston, 1883. 12° 598.12 Hamor, R. A true discourse of the estate of Virginia. (Reprinted.) London, 1015. Folio R. L. Smith, Ca}>t. .John. True relation of Vir- ginia. Introduction and notes by C. Deane. Boston, [n.d.] 4° 543.1 Strother, U. D. Virginia illustrated. N.Y., 1857. 8° 665.2 Virginia Bohemians, The. J.E.Cooke. X.Y., 1880. 8° 377.44 Virginia comedi.ans. The; or. Old days in the Old Dominion. J. E. Cooke. N.Y., 1883. 16° 943.17 Virginia Springs, The. J.J.Moorman. Phila., 1S47. 12° 646.25 Virginians, The. W. M. Thackeray. X.Y., 18.59. 8° 332.4 The same 373.5 Virginians, The, in Texas. A story for young and old. W. M. Baker. N.Y., 1878. 8° 377.45 Virginians, The new. By the author of "Junia." Edinburgh, 1880. 2 v. 12°. 958.10 Vision of Echard ; and other poctus. J. G. Wliittier. Boston, 1878. 10° ... . 573.12 Vision of Ninirod. [A poem.] C. D. Kay. N.Y., 1881. 12° 575.8 Visions : a study of false sight. E. H. Clarke. Boston, 1878. 12° 281.15 Visions of the future; and other discourses. O. B. Frothingham. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 286.4 Visit to my discontented cousin. H. W. Mon- crieff. Boston, 1871. 10° 432.14 Visits to remarkable places. W. Howitt. Lon- don, 1840-42. 2v. 8° 068.1 Vitruvius. The proportions of the human figure. London, 1872. 12° 032.15 Vivia; or. The secret of power. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phila.. 1861. 12° . . 417.8 Vivian. Almeria. Mameuvring. M. Edge- worth. N.Y., 1855. 12° 346.4 Vivian Grey. B. Disraeli. N.Y., 1871!. 8° . 369.4 Vivian the beauty. Mrs. A. Edwards. N.Y., 1880. 10° .391.18 Vizetelly, Henry. Berlin under the new em- pire. London, 1879. 2 v. 8° . . . . 770.10 Ed. Paris in peril. London, 1882. 2 v. 8°, 1417.5 The story of the diamond necklace. A sketch of the life of the Countess de la Motte. London, 1881. 12° 598.8 Vocal and action language. Culture and ex- pression. E. N. Kirby. Boston, 1885. 10°, 086.18 Vogel, lleruiann. The chemistry of light and photography. N.Y., 1875. 12° . . . 635.5 Voice culture. Behnke, E., and Browne, L. The child's voice. Its treatment with regard to after development. London, 1885. 10° 1328.9 Voice, song and speech. A practical guide for singers and speakers, from the com- bined view of vocal surgeon and voice trainer. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1319.8 Hullah, J. Cultivation of the speaking voice. O.xford, 1870. 8° 019.20 Mackenzie, M. Hygiene of the vocal organs. For singers and speakers. London, 1886. 10° 1328.22 Pattou, A. A. The art of voice production, with special reference to correct breath- ing. N.Y., 1882. 12° 082.29 Russell, F. T. The use of the voice in read- ing and speaking. A manual for clergy- men and candidates for holy orders. N.Y., 1883. 12° 685.18 Voice from the deep. P. Strickland. Boston, 1873. 10° 443.37 Voice from the newsboys, A. J. Morrow. N.Y., 1800. 16° 436.24 Voices crying in the wilderness. [A story.] London, 18S.5. 12° 074.11 Voices for the speechless. Selections for schools and private reading. A. Firth. Boston, 1883. 16° 584.10 Volcanoes : what they are, and what they teach. J. W. Judd. N.Y., 1881. 12° . 079.3 Thes.ime 1.317.24 Volckhausen, Ad. von. Why did he not die? Phila, 187.5. 12° 310.25 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Haraley, Colonel. Life. London, 1877. 12° 271.21 Morley, J. Life. N.Y., 1872. 8° . . . 157.10 Partou, J. Life. Boston, 1881. 2 v. 8°. 197.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 361 I \ Vosmaer, Carl. The Amazon. [A novel.] X.T., 18S4. 10° 962.9 Voss, Countess von. Sixty-nine years at the court of Prussia. London, 1876. 2 v. 12°, 18.5. 4 Voyage of the "Constance;" a tale of the Arctic seas. M. Gillies. London, [n.d.] 12° 447.28 Voyage of the "Fox " in Arctic seas. A nar- rative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. F. L. McClintock. Boston, 1860. 12° . . 297.7 Voyage of the "' Jeannelle." The ship and ice journal of George W. De Long. 1879- 81. Mrs. E. De Long, Ed. Boston, 1SS3. 2v. 8° 779.1 Voyage of the paper canoe. From Quebec to the Gulf of ilexico. X. H. Bishop. Bos- ton, 1878. 8" 494.11 Voyage of the "Vega" round Asia and Eu- rope. With a historical review of pre- vious journeys along the north coast of the Old World. A. E. Nordenskiold. N.T.,18S2. 8° 773.1 Voyage of the " Vivian " to the north pole and beyond. Adventures of two youths in the open Polar Sea. T. W. Knox. N.T., 18&5. 4° 926.10 Voyage of the " Wanderer." From the jour- nals and letters of C. and S. Lambert. G. Young, Ed. London, 188.3. 8° . . 776.12 Voyage round Great Britain, with short views of Aberdeen, Balmoral, Leith, Edinburgh, Havre, Paris, etc. T. Hargreaves. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 786.23 Voyage round the world. Pekin, Yeddo, and San Francisco. Marquis de Beauvoir. London, 1872. 12° 724.10 Voyage round the world. New Zealand. .J. Verne. X.V., 1877. 12° 324.28 Voyage to the Fortunate Isles, and other poems. Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. Boston, 1874. 16° 551.33 Voyages for discovery of the Xorth-west pas- sage. Sir W. E. Parry. X. Y., 18.55. 2 v. 16° 711.20 Voyages, Xotable. (From Columbus to Par- ry.) W. n. G. Kingston. X.Y., 1880. 12° .592.21 Voyages of a merchant navigator of the days that are past. From the journals and letters of R. J. Cleveland. X.Y., ISSO. 16° 1138.9 Voyages round the world. X.Y., 1855. 16°. 711.13 Vulgarisms. Phila., 1868. 12° 262.15 I w. 'W. G. E. Archie Digby ; or, An Eton boy's hol- iday. London, 1886. 12° 932.25 Wackenhusen, Hans. For a woman's sake. Boston, 1875. 8° 361.41 Wade, John. Letters of Junius. London, 1868. 2 v. 8° 147.12 ■Wads-worth, H. A. Lawrence, Mass., History of. Lawrence, 1880. 12° 592.3 ■Wagner, Richard, Art life and theories of. E. L. Burlingame, £J. X.Y., 1875. 12° . 649.19 Life. (The great musicians. ) X.Y., 1881. 12° 194.29 ■Wait and hope. H. Alger. Boston, [n.d.] 16°, 442.45 The same 911.15 ■Waite, Alfred. Forgotten meanings; or. An hour with a dictionary. Boston, 1886. 18° 1251.15 ■Waite, Henry R., Ed. The boy's workshop. By a boy and his friends. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 921.11 ■Wake-robin. J. Burroughs. N.Y., 1S71. 16°, 271.17 The same 444.34 ■Wakefield, W. The happy valley. (Kashmir.) London, 1879. 8° 773.13 Our life and travels in India. London, 1878. 8° 763.23 ■Wakulla. A story of adventure in Florida. K. Munroe. X'.Y., 1886. 16° ... . 961.1 ■Walcott, Charles F. History of the twenty- first Mass. regiment in the war for the Union. (1861-65.) Boston, 18S2. S° . 697.6 ■Walcott, Charles H. Concord, Mass., in the colonial period.) (163.T-89.) Boston, 1884. 8° ..... 1416.4 "Walden. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1866. 12° 242.11 ■Waldenses, History of the. J. A. Wylie. X.Y., [n.d.] 16° 591.8 ■Wales, Cathedrals of. London, 1870. 8° . . 649.11 ■Wales, Xorth, Wanderings and excursions in. T. Roscoe. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 715.18 962.2 376.7 376.40 388.16 975.8 .362.11 3(58.30 376.21 376.. 39 ■Walford, Edward. London, Greater. London, [n.d.] 2 v. 8° 783.8 London, Old and new. The southern sub- urbs. X.Y., [n.d.] 8° . . vol. vi. of 498.10 London, The western and northern suburbs of. London, 1877. 8°. . . vol. v. of 498.10 Pleasant days in pleasant places. London, 1878. 16° 497.15 ■Walford, Mrs. L. B. The baby's grandmother. N.Y., 1884. 16° Cousins. N.Y., 1879. 16° The same Dick Xetherby. X.Y., 1882. 16° ... A history of a week. X.Y., 1886. 16° Mr. Smith. X'.Y., 1875. 16° Pauline. N.Y., 1877. 16° Troublesome daughters. X.Y., 1880. 16°, The same "Walfried. [A novel.] B. Auerbacli. X.Y., 1874. 12° 343.32 ■Walk in Hellas, A; or. The old in the new. D. J. Snider. Boston, 1883. 8° . . . 776.3 ■Walke, Bear-admiral H., {U.S.N.) Xaval scenes and reminiscences of the civil war. X.Y., 1877. 8° 495.4 Walker, Amasa. The science of wealth. Phila., 1872. 12° 641.9 ■Walker, Francis A. Land and its rent. Bos- ton, 1883. 16° 1224.19 Money. N.Y., 1878. 8° 274.13 Political economy. X.Y., 1883. 12° . . 1312.6 ■Walker, George. Three Spaniards. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 366.17 ■Walker, J. The handy book of object lessons. Phila., 1884. 12° 1225.8 ■Walker, J. H. Money, trade and banking. Boston, 1882. 16° 1212.13 ■Walker, James. Sermons preached at Har- vard College. Boston, 1861. 12° . . . 267.13 ■Walker, James B. Experiences of pioneer life in the West. Chicago, 1881. 12°. . . 129.16 362 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ■Walker, Mary S. Both sides of the street. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 454.10 Down ill a s.iloon. Boston, 1871. 10° . . 311.9 Walker, S. E. Si.x weeks in llie saiUlle. Lon- don, 1S74. 12° 1V?,.-2\ Walker, William. A liaiul-liook of drawing. N.Y., 1880. 12° 082.8 Wall Street, Twenty years of inside life in. W. II. Fowler.' N.Y., 1880. 8° . . . ilii.Z ■Wallace, Alfred R. Bad times: the present dojiression of trade. London, 188.-). 16°, 1328.11 Island life: its phenomena and causes. N.y., ISSl. 8° 077.3 Land nationalization: its necessity and its aims. London, [n.d.] 10° 1224.20 The .Mal.ay Archipelago. N.Y., 1809. 8° . 72.5.7 ■Wallace, D. Mackenzie. Egypt, and the Egyp- tian question. London, 188;!. 12° . . 1410.0 Russia. N.Y., 1877. 8° 480.13 ■Wallace, Ellerslie. The aniateur photographer. (Instructions, etc.) I'hil.a.. [n.d ] 12° . 089.10 ■Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman's e.xperiences in Europe. .N.Y., 1872. 12° .... 7.33.19 ■Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hnr. N.Y., [n.d.] 10°, .378.12 The same 9.')7 1 The same 9.")7.2 The fair god. Boston, 187:!. 12° 301.2:5 ■Wallace, Susan E. The storied se.a. Boston, 18S3. 18° 771.10 ■Wallace, William. Kant, Life of. Phila., 1882. 10° lll.-).l Wallace. J. Abbott. X.Y., [n.d.] 10° . . 435.2 ■Wallace, the hero of Scotland. .J. Paterson. Edinburgh, 180.5. 12° 521.2 ■Waller, J. F. Boswell and Johnson: their companions and contemporaries. N.Y., [n.d.[ 18° 191.17 ■Wallis, John C. A prodigious fool. Phila., 1881. 12° . . . .' 378.29 ■WaJloth, Wilhelm. The king's treasure house. X.Y., 1880. 18° 901.9 ■Walpole, Charles G. A short history of the kiiigdiun of Ireland. N.Y., 1882." 12° . .595.13 ■Walpole, Horace. Anecdotes of painting in Engl.-ind. London, 1S71. 12° ... . 2:30.9 ■Walpole ami his world. Select passages from his letters. L. B. Seeley, Ed. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1120.6 The same 11:34.1 ■Walpole, Spencer. England; its history from 181.5. London, 1879. 3 v. 8° . . . .1410.11 ■Walree, E. C. W. van. The burgomaster's family. N.Y., 1873. 8° 346.50 ■Walsh, J. II. Dogs of Great Britain, America, and other countries. N.Y., 1879. 12° . 202.8 The horse. Phila., 1809. S° 622.6 ■Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission-field. N.Y., 1879. 12° 178.5 ■Walter Thornley. A novel. S. R. Sedgwick. N.Y., 1850. 12° 311.14 "Walter's word. J. Payne. N.Y., 187-5. 8° . 357.30 ■Waltham, Mass. Public Library catalogue. Waltham, 1870. 8° R. L. 'Walton, George E. Mineral springs of the U. S. and Canada. N.Y., 188:!. 12°. . 775.10 ■Walton, Izaak. Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Horbert, and Sanderson. With an account of the author and his writings. T. Zouch. Boston, 1801. 8° .... 140.9 The same; with memoir by W. Dowling. London, 1884. 12° 1135.1 "Walton, Izaak, and Cotton, Charles. The com- plele angler. London, 1804. 12° . . . 640.24 "Walworth, Jlrs. J. II. Witlioiit blemish. N.Y., 1886. 12° 974.23 "Wanderer, The. Mmo. D'Arblay. London, 1814. 5v. 12° 341.19 "Wanderers, The. W. H. G. Kingston. Lon- di.n, 1870. 12° 366.14 "Wandering heir. The. C. Reade. Boston, 1873. 8° :535 23 "Wandering Jew, The. [.V novel.] E. Sue. London, [n.d.] 12° 372.18 llisloryof. M.Conway. N.Y., 1881. 12°, 294.23 The legend of the. Illustrated by Dor(;. Phila., 1873. 8° K. L. ■Wandering recollections of a somewhat busy life. J. Neal. Boston, 1809. 12°. . . 213.11 Wandering thoughts and wandering steps. By a Philadelphia l.ady. Phila., 1880. 12° 700.15 ■Wanderings in a wild country; or. Three years amongst the cannibals of New Britain. W. Powell. London, 1883. 8° . . . . 779.8 ■Wanderings in four continents. (Illustrated.) Phila., 1878. 8° 496.2 ■Wanderings in Patagonia; or, Life among the ostrich hunters. J. Beerbohm. X.Y., 1870. 1(1° .376.6 ■Wanderings of a journeyman tailor. (1824-40. ) P. D. Ilolthaus. London, 1844. 16°. . 432.18 "Wanderings of Master Peter. Mrs. E. Over- end, V/YOLS. Edinburgh, 1872. 10'^ . . 4.52.11 "Wanderings of plants and animals from their first home. V.Hugo. London, 1885. 8°, 1326.9 "Wanted — a pedigree. M. Finley. Phila., [n.d. | 12° 306.27 "War. E. Erekmann and A. Chatrian. Lon- don, [n.d. I 16° 253.26 "War and peace. [An historical novel.] L. Tolsto'i". N.Y., 1880. 2 v. 18°. . . . 961.5 The same. Part II. The invasion. {lS(t7- 12) 2 V 061.10 The same. Part III. Porodino; the French at Moscow. (1812-1820) 2 v. . 901.11 "War, Conversations on. A. Helps. Boston, 1871. 12° 2.53.13 "War-pictures from the South. B. Estviln. X.Y., 180.3. 12° 004.11 "War poTwers, under the Constitution of the U.S. W. Whiting. Boston, 1804. 8° . 221.20 "War ships and navies of the world. J. W. King. Boston, 1880. 8° 092.13 "Ward, Adolphiis W. Dickens, Charles, Life of. N.Y., 1882. 12' 192.37 English dramatic literature. London, 1875. 2v. 8° 2:37.19 "Ward, Anna L., Ed. Surf and wave: the sea as sung by the poets. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. 577.4 "Ward, Artemus, pseud. See Browne, C. F. "Ward, Genevieve. A biograidiical sketch. Mrs. Z. B. Gustafson. Boston, 1882. 10°, 1111.7 "Ward, George A. Journal and letters of Samuel Curweii. Boston, 1804. 8° 168.7 "Ward, Mrs. Harriet. Hardy and Hunter. Lon- don, 18.59. 16° 443.21 "Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. Miss Bretherton. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 905.11 Trans. Amiel's journal intime. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . .' 11,35.19 'Ward, Mrs. II. O., p.seud. See Moore, Mrs. C. J. CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 363 Ward, Julius H. Percival, J. G., Life of. Bos- ton, ISGti. 12° l:!2.4 Ward, Lester F. Dynamic sociology; or, Ap- plied social science. N.y., ISS:!. 2v. 12°, 122.3.5 Ward, S., Life of. VV. Gamniell. (American biography, Vol. IX.) 111.3 Ward, Thomas H., Ed. The English poets. Selections and notes. N.Y., 1880. 4 v. 12° 575.7 Ward and Lock's Home-book. A domestic encyclopedia. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 1228.4 ■Ward or wife y A novel. N.Y., 187.5. S°. . 3.57.37 Warden, F. Deldee; or, Tlie iron hand. N.Y., 1SS5. 16° 966.11 The house on the marsh. N.Y., 18S4. 16°, 966.10 Warden, Robert B. Chase, S. P., Life of. Ciiicinnati, 1874. 8° 167.2 Warden, Tlie. A. Trollope. I'hila., [n.d.] 16°, 3.53. .31 Warder, .J. A. American pomology. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 648.34 Wardman, George. A trip to Ala^^ka. Boston, 1SS4. 16° " 771.21 Ware, Henry, Jr. Memoir. J. Ware. Boston, 1S46. 12° 148.25 The same 148.26 Works. Boston, 1846. 4 v. 12° . . . . 241.18 Ware, J. 1!., and Mann, R. K. Life and times of Coi. Fred Burnaby. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 11.35.8 Ware, .John F. W. Home life. Boston, 1864. 12° 262.10 Ware, Mary G. Thoughts in my garden. Bos- ton, 1863. 12° 264.15 Ware, Mary L. Memoir of. E. B. Hall. Bos- ton, 18,54. 8° 138.10 Ware, William. Allston, Washington, Lectures on. Boston, 18.52. 1^° 265.19 Anrelian. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 345.4 Julian. N.Y., 186-5. 2 v. 12° 352.34 Prol)Us; or, Rome in the third century. N.Y., 1838. 2v. 12° 281. 9 Zenobia. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 347.1 Ware, William R. Modern perspective. (With plates.) Boston, 1883. 12° R. L. Warfield, Mrs. C. A. SoreU. Phila., [n.d.] 12°. The cardinal's daughter. Sequel to "Feme Fleming" .367.18 A double wedding 353.34 Feme Fleming 367.17 Hester Howard's temptation 3.53.37 Household of Bouverie 353.14 Lady Ernestine 353.40 Miriam Monfort 353.27 Miriam's memoirs. Ser|Uel to "Jlonfort Hall" 3,53.-36 Monfort Hall 3.53.39 Romance of Beausiiicourt 353.15 Sea and shore. Sequel to "Miriam's me- moirs" 3.53.38 ■Warmer, E. A. Victor la Tourette. Boston, 1875. 16° 363.13 Waring, George E., Jr. The bride of the Rliiiic. Boston, 1878. 12° 497.8 A farmer's vacation. Boston, 1870. 8° . 718.7 How to drain a house. N.Y., 1885. 18° . 1314.9 Sanitary drainage of houses and towns. N.y., 1876. 12° 483.33 Tyrol and the skirt of the Alps. N.Y., 1880. 8° 763.13 Village improvements, and farm villages. Boston, 1S77. 8° 271 10 Whip and spur. Boston, 1875. 8° . . . 362.35 ■Warlock o' Glenwarlock. G. Macdonald. Bos- ton, 1881. 12° 336. .33 ■Warner, Anna B., {pseud.. Amy Lothrop.) Tlie blue flag and cloth of gold. N. Y., 18,80. 10°, 444. 2» Dollars and cents. X.Y., 18.)2. 12°. . . 321.11 Gardening by myself. N.Y., 1872. 12° . 648.25 My brotlier's keeper. Phila., 1880. 12° . .397.17 ■Warner, Beverly Ellison. Troubled waters. Phila., 18S.5. 12° 964.21 ■Warner, Charles D. Backlog studies. Boston, 1873. 12° 204.1ft Baddeck and that sort of thing. Boston, 1874. 12° 601.27 Being a boy. Boston, 1878. 16° . . . . 446.13 The book of eloquence. Extracts in prose and verse from famous orators and poets. Boston, 1886. 12° 1252.8 In the Levant. Boston, 1877. 12° . . . 491.11 Irving, Washington, Life of. (American men of letters. ) Boston, 1881. 16°. . 1111.3 Mummies and Moslems. Hartford, 1876. 8°, 483. :38 My summer in a garden. Boston, 1871. 12°, 236.17 A roundabout journey. Boston, 1884. 12°, 782. .5 Saunterings. Boston, 1872. 12° ... . 722.15 Smith, Caiilain John ; a study of his life and writings. N.Y., 1S81. 16° .... . 1111.6 and Clemens, S. L. The gilded age. Hart- ford, 1871. 8° . . . 347.49 The same 347.53 ■Warner, Fr.ancis. Physical expression ; its modes and principles. N.Y., 1886. 12°, 1327.6 ■Warner, Susan, {pseud., E. W^elherell.) Bread and oranges. N.Y., 187.5. 16°. . . . 441.12 Daisy. Sequel to " Melbourne House." Phila., 1874. 12° .374.4 Daisy Plains. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 972.8 Diana. N.Y., 1871. 12° 374.1 The same 374.2 The end of a coil. N.Y., 1880. 12°. . . 379.13 The same 379.14 The flag of truce. X.Y., 187.5. 16° ... 444.5 Thehillsof theShatemuc. X.Y., 18.56. 12°, 321.12 The house in town. Sequel to "Opportu- nities." N.Y., 1873. 16° 444.3 The letter of credit. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . 389.1 The same 389.2 The little camp. X.Y., 1874. 16° . . . 444 7 Melbourne House. N.Y., 1875. 12° . . 374.3 My Desire. N.Y., 1879. 12° 392.4 Tlie same 392.5 Nobody. N.Y., 1883. 12° 944.4 The same 944.5 The old lielmet. X.Y., 1S64. 2 v. 12° . 321.13 Opportunities. Sequel to " What she could." N.Y., 1871. 10° 444.2 Pine needles. N.Y., 1877. 12° ... . .•;21.26 Queechy. Phila., 1864. 12° 321.14 Rapids of NUagara. X.Y., 1876. 16° . . 441.13 A red wallflower. S.Y., 18«. 12° . . . 9.58.23 The same 9.58.24 Say and seal. Phila., ISliO. 2 v. 12° . . 321.15 Sceptres and crowns. N.Y., 1876. 16°. . 444.4 Stephen, J/. D. N.Y., 188;^. l:i° . . . . 947.24 The same 947.25 Trading. Sequel to " House in town." N.Y."; 1873. 16° 444.6 The wide, wide world. N.Y., 1861. 12° . 321.16 Willow brook. N.Y., 1874 16° .... 444.8 and Anna. The gold of Chickaree. Sequel to " Wych Hazel." X.Y., 1876. 12°. . 321.23 The same 321.25 364 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ■Warner, Susan and Anna. Wyeb Hazel. N.Y., 1870. 12° 321.22 The same 321.24 ■Warren, G. W. History of the Bunker Hill Monument Association during the first century of the United States. Boston, 1877. 8° 488.5 ■Warren, Henry W. Recreations in astronomy. N.Y., 1S7!I. 12° G7.-).l ■Warren, I. P. Jerusalem, Ancient and mod- ern. Boston, 1873. 8° 537.4 ■Warren, .John, Life of. E. Warren. Boston, 1874. 8° 143.2 ■Warren, .John C, Life of. E. Warren. Bos- ton, 1874. 8° 106.10 ■Warren, .Joseph, Life of. A. H. Everett. (American biography, 'Vol. X.) .... 111.2 Life and times of. R. Frothingham. Bos- ton, ise.j. 8° . 150.4 ■Warren, Mrs. My lady-help, and what she taught me. fjoston, [n.d.] 12° . . .1222.15 and Pullan, Mrs. Treasures in needle-work. London, [n.d.] 10° 651.24 ■Warren, Samuel. The experiences of a barris- ter; and, The confessions of an attorney. Boston, 1880. 12° 394.13 The same 425.15 Miscellanies, critical, imaginative, and judi- cial. London, 1878. 12° 372.25 Now and then. London, 1878. 12°. . . .372.26 Passages from the diary of a physician. London, 1878. 2 v. 12° . . .". . . .372.24 Ten thousand a year. London, 1878. 12°, 372.27 ■Warren, S. Edward. Elementary projection drawing: theory and practice. N.Y., 1880. 8° 683.16 Elements of machine construction and drawing. N.Y., 1877. 2 v. 8° ... 083.15 ■Warren, William F. Paradise found. The cradle of the human race at the North pole. A study of the pre-historic world. Boston, 18S.'i. 12° 1325.7 ■Warrington, pneud. See Robinson, W. S. ■Warrington's manual of parliamentary law. W. S. Kobinscm. Boston, 1875. 10° . . 201.15 ■Warrior kings, from Charlemagne to Frederick theGre'at. Lady Lumb. N.Y., 1883. 8°, 1110.2 ■Wars of the cross; or. The history of the cru- sades. London, 1883. 10° .596.9 ■Was it an inherit.ance ? Mrs. H. M. K. Goff. Phila., 1876. 12° .3.32.18 ■Was she engaged? J. L. Collins. Phila., 187.5. 12° 420.11 ■Washburn, C. A. Gomery of Montgomery. N.Y., 180.5. 2v. 12° . . . .'. . . 423.22 ■Washburn, Charles A. Paraguay, History of. Boston, 1871. 2 V. 8° .5.U.1 Political evolution; or. From poverty to competence. Phila., 1885. 12° ... 1245.12 ■Washburn, E. A. The social law of {Jod. Sermons on the ten commandments. N.Y., 1881. 12° 129.10 ■Washburn, Emelyn W. English literature, Studies in early. X.Y., 1882. 12° . . 1222.2 Spanish masters. History of painting in Spain. N.Y., 1884. 12° 087.13 "Washburn, Emory. Judicial history of Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1840. 8° 274.8 ■Washburn, Ichabod. Autobiography and me- morials. H. T. Cheever, Ed. Boston, 1878. 12° 182.5 Washburn, Katharine S. The Italian girl. Boston, 1874. 12° 363.38 Perfect love casteth out fear. Boston, 1875. 12° .334.10 ■Washburne, E. B. Sketch of the life of Ed- ward Coles, (second governor of Illinois;) and of the slavery struggle of 1823-24. Chicago, 1882. 8° 189.4 Washed ashore. W. H. G. Kingston. Phila., lSii8. 12° 404.18 ■Washing, The ait of. A. A. S. Butson. N.Y., ISSl. 12° 081.18 ■Washington, George. Life. Boston, 1876. 8°, 176.12 Adams, W. H. D. Washington and other great military commanders. N.Y., |n.d.] 10° 1124.22 Bancroft. A. Life. Pliila,, [n.d.] 12° . 179.4 Brown, E. E. Young folks' life of Wash- ington. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 1124.8 Custis, G. W. P. Private memoirs of Wash- ington. N.Y., 1800. 8° 1.37.2 Everett, E. Life. N.Y., 1800. 12°. . . 102.15 Habberton, J. Life. (1732-1799.) N.Y., 1884. 10° 1121.9 Headlcv, J. T. Washington and his gener- als. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 185.5 Irving, W. Life. N.Y., 18.50. 5 v. 12° . 165.9 Johnston, E. B. Origin.al portraits of Wash- ington; including statues, monuments and medals. Boston, 1882. 4° R. L. Kirklaud, Mrs. C. M. Memoirs. N.Y., 1857. 12° 105.4 Lossing, B. J., Ed. Diary of Washington. N.Y., 1800. 12° 105.12 McGuire, E. C. Religious opinions and ch.iracter of Washington. N.Y., 1836. 10°, 212.6 Marshall, J. Life. Phila., 1804. 5 v. 8°, 141.7 Parton, J. Words of Washington. Bos- ton, 1872. 10° 201.16 Paulding, J. K. Life. N.Y., 1835. 2 v. 10°, 121.2 Rush, R. Domestic life of Washington. Phila., 1S57. 8° 137.4 Sparks, J., Ed. Letters of eminent men to Washington, during the revolution. Bos- ton, 1853. 4 V. 8° .545.3 The same .593.10 Life and writings of Washington. Bos- ton, IS.5.5. 12 V. 8° 137.1 Whiting, J. Revolutionary orders of Wash- ington. N.Y., 1844. 8° 545.11 ■Washington, Bowdoin and Franklin, as por- traye. 8° 496.17 Wolf Run. Sequel to "Sowed by the wind." E. Kellogg. Boston, 1875. 16° ... . 442.37 ■Wolfe, N. B. Startling facts of modern spirit- ualism. Chicago, 1875. 12° 264.25 ■Wolfe in Canada, With; or. The winning of a continent. G. A. Henty. N.Y., 1887. 12°, 937.2 ■Wolff, Joseph. Travels in Persia, Bokhara, Cashmere, etc. London, 1861. 8° . . 718.9 ■Wollstoncraft, Mary, Life of. (Famous wom- en.) E. R. Pennell. Boston, 1884. 16°, 1121.18 ■Wolseley, Lord, {of Cairo.) A memoir. C. R. Low. London, 1883. 12° 1128.20 ■Wolsey, Cardinal, Life of. J. Gait. London, 1S46. 8° 139.4 ■Woltmann, Alfred, and Woermann, Karl. History of early Christian and medieval painting. N.Y., 1880. 8° 683.11 ■Woman. ( [Voman question, etc.) Adams, W. H. D. Woman's work and worth in girlhood, maidenhood and wife- hood. X.Y., 1880. 12° 125.7 Beecher, C. E. Woman's profession. N.Y., 1872. 12° 226.15 Bushnell, H. Woman's suffrage. N.Y., 1869. 12° 226.10 Cobbe, F. P. Duties of women. Boston, 1881. 12° 129.1 Comfort, G. F. and Mrs. A. M. Woman's education and woman's health. Syracuse, 1874. 12° 262.6 Craik, Mrs. D. M. Woman's thoughts about women. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .343.11 Dall, E. H. Woman's right to labor; or, Low wages and hard work. Boston, 1860. 12° 262.13 The same 287.16 Dodge, M. A. Woman's worth and worth- lessness. N.Y., 1872. 12° 22.5.19 Woman's wrongs. Boston, 1868. 8° . . 253.9 Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. N.Y., 1855. 16° 131.12 Hale, Mrs. S. J. Woman's record; or. Sketches of distinguished women. N.Y., 1855. 8° 117.6 Harrison, C. C. Woman's handiwork in modern homes. X.Y., 1881. 12° . . . 682.22 Hooker, Mrs. I. B. Womanhood. Boston, 1874. 16° 631.23 Kavanagh, J. Woman in France during the eighteenth century. London, 1864. 12° 182.13 Newton, E. H. Womanhood. Lectures on woman's work in the world. N.Y., 1881. 12° 128.1 Ossoli, M. F. Woman in the nineteenth century. Boston, 1874. 12° 227.9 Robinson, H. H. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage movement. A general history from 1774 to 1881. Boston, 1881. 12° 1212.7 Shillito, J. Womanhood; its duties, temp- tations, and privileges. London, 1879. 12° 123.20 Sprague, H. H. Women under the law of M.issachusetts. Their rights, privileges, and disabilities. Boston, 1884. 12° . . 1232.22 Stanton, T., Ed. The woman question in Europe. [Essays.] N.Y., 1884. 8° . . 12:}4.4 Starrett, H. E. The future of educated women. Men, women, and money. F. E. Alison. Chicago, 1885. 10° ... . 1241.19 ■Dpton, George P. Woman in music. Bos- ton, 1880. 12° 128.2 The same 1138.6 Woods, C. H. Woman in prison. N.Y., 1869. 16° 2.53.17 Woolson, Mrs. A: G. Woman in American society. Boston, 1873. 12° 264.17 Wright, T. Womankind in western Eu- rope. London, 1869. 8° 666.6 Yonge, C. M. Womankind. [Essays.] N.Y., 1877. 12° 272.23 Woman in white. The. W. Collins. N.Y., 1870. 8° 3:i5.2 ■Woman of honor, A. H. C. Bunner. Boston, 1883. 16° 949.13 Woman the stronger. [A novel.] N.Y., 1879. 12° 386.7 376 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Woman, Tbe, who ilaretl. [A poem.] E. Sar- gent. Boston, 1870. 12° 5.52.18 ■Woman, The, with two words. (A story of the crusados.) II. Koddie. London, 1885. 12°, 958.10 Woman to the rescue. A story of the temper- ance crusade. T. S. Arthur. Phila., I"-<1.] 12° 301.71 Woman's experience in Europe, A. Mrs. E. D. Wallace. N.Y., 1S72. 12° ... . 733.19 W^oman's friendship. G. .Vguilar. N.Y., 1870. 12° 420.18 Woman's kingdom, A. Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y.,I80S. 8° 343.8 The same 343.50 Woman's love; or. Like and unlike. J. F. Smith. Boston, [n.d.] 8" 377.24 Woman's memories, A, of world-known men. Mrs. Houston. London, 1883. 2 v. 12°, 1124.17 Woman's poems, A. Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. Boston, 1871. 16°. ,551.6 Woman's ransom, A. F. W. Eobinson. Bos- ton, 1804. 12° 333.3 The same 950.10 Woman's reason, A. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1883. 12° 948.24 The same 948.25 Woman's trials. Tales of. Mrs. S. C. Hall. Phila., 1809. 8° 427. ,30 Woman's wiles, A. C. E. Gardner. N.Y.. 1S70. 12° 334.27 Woman's word, A, and how she kept it. V. F. Townsend. Boston, 1879. 12° . . . ,374.10 Woman's work in the civil war. L. P. Brock- ett and Mrs. M. C. V.aughan. Phila., 1867. 8° 174.12 Woman's wrong. [A novel.] Mrs. Eiloart. Phila., 187.3. 12" 321.20 Woman-hater, A. [A novel.] C. Reade. N.Y., Ifu. \-A° .335.27 Women artists. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. N.Y., 1859. 12^ 608.10 Women. Celebrated female sovereigns, and other illustrious women. Mrs. Jameson. Phila., 1870. 12° 147.8 The same. 2 v. 10° 121.19 Women helpers in the Church. W. Welsh. Phila., 1872. 12° 235.1 Women, Noble deeds of American. J. Clem- ent, ^tZ. Boston, 1873. 12° 177.1 Women, Noble English. Lives made illustrious by heroism, goodness and great attain- ments. London, 1875. 12° 491.2 Women of Christendom, Sketches of the. Mrs. E. Charles. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 128.3 Women of Europe. [Essays.] S.Ellis. N.Y., 1S39. 12° 223.14 Women of Europe in the fifteenth and six- teenth centuries. Mrs. N. Higgins. Lon- don, 1885. 2 V. 8° 1133. G Women of fashion, and representative women, in letters and society. W. H. D. Adams. London, 1878. 2 v. 8° 1117.2 Women of the American revolution. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. N.Y., 18.53. 3 v. 8°. . . 139.7 ■Women of the Arabs. H. H. Jessup. N.Y., [n-d.] 12° 721.5 ■Women of the century. P. A. Hanaford. Boston, 1877. 8° 172.13 Women of the day. A biographical diction- ary of notable contemporaries. F. Hays. Phila., 1885. 12° '. 1129.10 ■Women of the last days of old France. C. Clarke. London, 1872. 12° 113.1 Women of the Puritan times. J. Anderson. London, 1802. 2 v. 12° 140.15 ■Women of the war. F. Moore. Hartford, 1800. 8° 116.4 ■Women, plumbers, and doctors. (Household sanitation.) Mrs. H. M. Plunkett. N.Y., 1885. 12° 1.324.22 ■Women worth emulating. C. L. Balfour. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 178.12 ■Women, Worthy, of our first century. Mrs. O. J. Wister and A. Irwin, Eds. Phila., 1877. 12° 172.12 ■Women's husbands. L The barber of Mid.is. II. The false prince. III. Narcissus. Phila., 1880. 8° 377.40 ■Won by waiting. [.\ novel.] Miss Bailey. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 977.17 The same 977.18 ■Wonder-book for girls and boys. N. Haw- thorne. Bostcm. 1881. 16° 913.14 The same; (illustrated.) 4° .568.16 ■Wonder stories for children. U. C. Andersen. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 9.35.11 ■Wonderful characters. J. Wilson and J. Caul- field. London, 18()9. 8° 145.6 ■Wonderful city of Tokio; or. Further adven- tures of the Jewett fatnily and tlieir friend Oto Nambo. E. Greey. Boston, 188;3. 8° 773.17 The same 925.15 ■Wonderful London: its lights and shadows of humour and sadness. London, 1878. 8°, 773.9 ■Wonderful tliinus. Ten thousand. E. F. King, Ed. London, [n.(l.| 12° 228.8 ■Wonders, Illustrated library of. N.Y., [n.d.] 5 v. 12°. L Wonders of acoustics; or. The phenom- ena of sound. B. Radau 1317.5 II. Wonders of electricity. J. Baile . . . 1317.6 III. Wonders of glass-making in all ages. A. Sauzay 1317.7 IV. Wonders of the heavens. C. Flamma- rion 1317.8 ■y. Wonders of the moon. A. Guillerain . 1317.9 ■Wonders of creation. D. R. Preston. Boston, 1807. 2 V. 12° 262.4 ■Wonders of tlie deep. S. De 'Vere. N.Y., 1809. 12° 226.12 ■Wonders of the great deep. The physical, animal, geological and vegetable curiosi- ties of the ocean. P. H. Gosse. Phila.. 1874. 12° 492.7 ■Won — not wooed. J. Payn. N.Y., 1S7I. 8° 395.12 ■Wood, Charles. Saunterings in Europe. N.Y., 18S2. 12° 772.14 ■Wood, Charles W. Cruise of the Reserve Squadron. London, 1883. 12°. . . . 780.20 Through Holland. London, 1877. 8° . . 787.13 ■Wood, De ■poison. Resistance of materials. N.Y., 1871. 8° 036.5 ■Wood, Fernando; memorial addresses on his life and ch.aracler, delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb. 28, 1881. Wash- ington, 1882. 8° 118.13 ■Wood, II. C. Brain-work and over-work Phila., 1880. 18° 073.17 and Fothergill. Food for invalids. N.Y., 1880. 12° 675.23 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 377 Wood, Mrs. Henry. The Chaiinings. Phila., [n.d.] 8° . . . ' .-we. 64 EastLynne. X.Y., [n.d.] 8° 427.40 The mystery. Phila., [n.il.] 9P . . . . 427.43 Rupert Hall. Phila., [n.d.] 8° . . . . 427.44 Wood, James. Stories from Greek mythology. London, 1867. 16° 431.1 Wood, .Jethro, inventor of the plow. His life, services and trials. F. Gilbert. Chicago, 1882. 12° 1212.80 Wood, J. G. The fresh and salt water aqua- rium. London, 1868. 16° 621.29 Horse and man: their mutual dependence and duties. Phila., 1886. 8° . . . . 1322.17 Insects at home. N.Y., 1872. 8° . . . 636.3 Man and beast. London, 1874. 2 v. 8° . 252.1 My feathered friends. London, [n.d.] 12°, 1312.24 Natural history, Illustrated. London, [n.d.] 3v. 8° 623.1 Petland revisited. (Stories of pets.) N.Y., 1884. 12° 1322.2 Uncivilized races of man. Hartford, 1870. 2 V. 8° 665.1 Ed. The boy's playmate: games, sports, etc. London, [n.d.] 12° 932.15 and Theodore. The field naturalist's hand- book. N.T., [n.d.] 8° 676.18 Wood, J. T. Discoveries at Ephesus. London, 1877. 8° 765.10 Wood, Samuel. Multum-in-parvo gardening. London, 1877. 12° 6.57.10 Wood, Theodore. Our insect allies. London, 1SS4. 16° 1321.8 Our insect enemies. London, 1885. 16° . 1328.6 Wood-carving: with notes on design as ap- plied to wood. F. Miller, Ed. London, [n.d.] 16° 1611.2 See also Fret-sawing. Wood-engraving, Hand-book of. Instruc- tions, descriptions of tools, and history of the art. W. A. Etnerson. Boston, 1881. 16° . 681.35 History of. G. E. Woodberry. N.T.. 188-3. 8° 684.10 Treatise on. J.Jackson. London, 1861. 8°, 618.7 Wood magic. [A fable.] R. Jeffries. N.Y., 1881. 12° 448.15 Wood-rangers, The. M. Reid. X.Y., 1860. 12° 468.19 Wood working tools; how to use them. Bos- ton, 1881. 12° 682.21 Woodberry, George E. A history of wood- engraving. N.Y., 1883. 8° 684.10 Woodbridge, John. Memoir. .S. D. Clark. Boston, 1877. 8° 177.2 Woodburn Grange. W. Ilowitt. Phila., [n.d.] 12° .312.7 Woodbury, Levi. Writings. Boston, 1852. 3v. 8° 245.6 Woodcraft; or. Hawks about the dovecote. \V. G. Simms. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . ;W7.28 Woodlands, heaths, and hedges, Our. W. S. Coleman. London, 1859. 12° ... . 648.28 Woodleigh. [A novel.] F. W. Robinson. London, [n.d.[ 12° 956.11 Woodman, Charles K. The boys and girls of the revolution. Phila., 1877. 12°. . . 445.12 Woodman, The; and other poems. W. E. Channing. Boston, 1848. 16° ... . 553.32 Woodruff, Hiram. The trotting horse of America. Phila., 1875. 8° 482.19 ■Woodruff, Mrs. J. L. M. Holden with cords. N.Y., 1874. 12° 415.1 My winter in Cuba. N.Y., 1871. 12° . . 734.13 Hhiloh. N.Y., 1874. 12° 415.2 Woods, Caroline H. Woman in prison. N.Y., 1869. 16° 253.17 Woods, George B. Essays; with memoir. Boston, fs73. 12° 225.8 Woods, Kate Tannatt. Out and about; or. The "Hudson's" trip to the Pacific. Boston, 1882. 4° 915.18 Six little rebels. Boston, [n.d.] 16° . . 911.20 That dreadful boy. Boston, 1886. 12°. . 977.14 Woods, Leonard. History of the Andover Theological .Seminary. Boston, 188.5. 8°, 1424.1 Woods and by-ways of New England. W. Flagg. Boston, 1872. 8° 246.12 ■Woods and lakes of Maine. From Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick in a birch-bark canoe. L. L. Hubbard. Boston, 1884. 8° 777.14 ■Woods and waters. A. B. Street. N.Y., 1860. 12° 424.17 ■Woodward, G. E., 0)id Thompson, E. G. The National architect. Designs, plans, de- tails, etc. N.Y., [n.d.] 8° 618.21 ■Wood-ward, S. P. A manual of the moUusca. London, 1808. 12° 621.2 ■Wooed and married. R. N. Carey. Phila., 1870. 12° 423.21 ■Wooing o't. The. Mrs. A. F. Hector. N.Y., 1873. 16° 362.12 The same 362.62 ■Wool-gathering. M. A. Dodge. Boston, 181)7. 12° 256.7 "Woolf, Philip. Who is guilty? N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 961.12 ■Woolman, John, Journal of. Boston, 1871. 12° 213.13 Life of. D. Greenwell. London, 1871. 16°, 121.23 ■Woolsey, S. C, (pseud., Susan Coolidge.) Cross patch; and other stories. Boston, 18S1. 16° 913.16 Eyebright. Boston, 1879. 10° 449.17 For summer afternoons. Boston, 1876. 18°, 362.49 Little country girl. Boston, 1885. 16°. . 931.10 The same 969.12 Mischief's Thanksgiving. Boston, 1874. 16° 433.7 New Year's bargain. The. Boston, 1872. 12° 4.53.8 A round dozen. Boston, 1883. 16°. . . 919.7 Verses. Boston, 1880. 18° 58:?. 14 What Katydid. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . 436.8 What Katydid at school. Boston, 1873. 16°. 436.9 ■Woolsey, Theodore D. Communism and so- cialism. N.Y., 1880. 12° 294.16 Divorce and divorce legislation in the U.S. N.Y., 1882. 12° . . • 1213.14 Political science; or. The State, theoretically and practically considered. N.Y., 1878. 2 v. 8° 6.56.8 and others. First century of the republic. A review of American progress. N.Y., 1876. 8° 4S5.2 ■Woolson, Mrs. Abba Goold. Browsing among books; and other essays. Boston, 1881. 16° 191.13 Dress reform. Boston, 1874. 12° ... 256.8 George Eliot and her heroines. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1249.19 378 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Woolson, Mrs. Abba Goold — concluded. AVomaii in American society. Boston, 1873. 12" -Idi-M Woolson, Constance F. Anne. N.Y., 1«82. nr 943.1 Tlie same 943.2 Castle Nowlieie. Boston, 1875. 12° . . :!17.23 East Angels. N.Y., 1886. 16° .... 075.18 The same ilTo.l!) For the Major. N.Y., 1883. 10° . . . . !)4!).5 Koilman the keeper. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . 383.20 Two women. [A poem.] N.Y., 1877. 12', .'573.3 ■Worboise, Emma .Ian". The Lillingstones of LilUngstoiie. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . . 004.22 Worcester, Mass. Catalogue of the Free Pub- lic Library, 1884. Worcester, 1884. 8° . R. L. History of. W. Lincoln. Worcester, 1802. 8° .'544.11 Ilistory of, in llie war of the rebellion. A. P. Marvin. Worcester, 1870. 8° . . 542.4 Worcester County, Mass., History of, from its settlement to the present time; with a description of its cities and towns. Bos- ton, 1879. 2 V. 8° 528.20 Words and places; or, Etymological illustra- tions of history, ethnology and geography. London, 1873. 12° '. 2:!5. 10 The same. 1882 1221.18 Words and their uses. R. G. White. N.Y., 1870. 12° 2.52.8 Words, facts, and phrases. A dictionary of curious, quaint, and out-of-the-way mat- ters. E.Edwards. Phila., [n.d.] 8° .1211.11 Words for the workers. W. D. Haley. Bos- ton, lS5.=i. 12° 243.17 Words of truth and wisdom. F..W. Farrar. N.Y., 1883. 10° 1212.25 Words : their uses and abuses. W. Matthews. Chicago, 1870. 12° 2.'52.27 Wordsw^orth, Chr. Churcli liistory. N.Y., 1881-82. 2v. 12° 091. 9 I. To the Council of Nicsea, A.D. 325. II. To the Council of Constantinople. Wordsworth, William. Calvert, G. H. A biographical aesthetic study. Boston, 1878. 12° 182.3 Hudson, II. N. Studies in Wordsworth; Culture and acquirements; Ethics of tra- gedy; and other papers. Boston, 1884. 12°, 1242.1 Myers, F. W. H. Life. X.Y., 1881. 12° . 192.31 Symington, A. J. A biographical sketch; with selections from his writings in poetry and prose. Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 16°. . 178.35 Wordsworth, C. Memoirs. Boston, 1851. 2 V. 12° 1.33.4 Works : Poetical works. Boston, 1854. 7 v. 10°, 501.2 Prose works. Ed. with preface, notes, and illustrations by A. B. Grosart. London, 1870. 3 v. 8° 1234.5 Words-worth, Shelley, Keats, and other essays. D. Masson. London, 1874. 12° . . . 217.10 Work. L. M. Aicott. Boston, 1873. 16° . . 327.9 The same 327.10 Work and play, Hours of. F. P. Cobbe. Phila., 1807. 12° 203.7 Work and wages. T. Brassey. N.Y., 1872. 8°, 240.11 "Work and wages. Six centuries of. The history of English labour. J. E. T. Rogers. N.Y., 1884. 8° 1234.3 The same; (abridged.) London, 1885. 10°, 1238.7 ■Work and win. W.T.Adams. Boston, [n.d. | 16° 457.16 Workday Christianity. A. Clark. Phila., 1871. 12° 266.13 Working people and their employers. W. Gl.-idden. Boston, 1876. 12° .... 218.25 Working to win. M.Symington. N.Y.,[n.d.] li;° 364.32 Workingmen's Association, " The Interna- tional," Secret history of. O. Yorke. London, 1872. 12° 235.22 ■Workingmen's homes. E. E. Hale and others. Boston, 1874. 12° 233.25 Workman .and soldier. A tale of Paris life during the siege. J. F. Cobb. N.Y., [n.d.]" 12° 380.10 Workman, The : his false friends and his true friends. J. P. Thompson. N.Y., [n.d.] 10° 201.25 Workshop receipts, for the use of manufact- urers, mechanics, and scientific amateurs. E. Spon and others. London, 1883. 3 v. 12° 1324.17 World before the deluge, The. L. Figuier. N.Y., 1800. 8° 644.4 World by the fireside. The : pictures and scenes from far-off lands. M. and E. Kirby. London, 1S83. 4° 923.4 World-famous women. Types of female hero- ism, beauty, and influence. F. B. Good- rich. Phila., 1881. 8° 1112.0 World, Hundred wonders of the, in nature and art. J. Small, Ed. London, 1870. 12°, 401.3 World in the church. The. [A novel.] Mrs. J. H. Riddell. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 954.18 ■World life; or. Comparative geology. A. Wiii- chell. Chicago, 1883. 12° 1317.22 "World of ice. The. Adventures in polar re- gions. R. M. Ballantyne. London, 1870. 10° 449.0 ■Wortd of the sea. From "Le monde de la mor," by M. Tandon. H. M. Hart, Trans. London, [n.d.] 8° 056.14 The same 1311.5 ■World of wonders; or, Marvels in animate and inanimate nature. N.Y., 1881. 8° . . 677.15 ■World on wheels, The ; or, Carriages with their historical associations. E. M. Stratton. N.Y., 1878. 8° 276.3 ■World on wheels, The. [Sketches.] li. F. Taylor. Chicago, 1874. 12° 233.13 ■World priest. The. L. Schefer. Boston, 1873. 10° 553.15 ■World we live in, The. [A novel.] O. Craw- furd. N.Y.,1884. 16° 962.14 ■World well lost, The. [A novel.] E. L. Lin- ton. Phila., 1878. 8° 369.17 ■World's birthday, The. (Juvenile.) L. Gaus- sen. London, 1871. 10° 451.24 ■World's foundations. The; or. Geology for beginners. A. Giberne. London, 1884. 12° 1325.12 ■World's lumber room. A gossip about some of its contents. S. Gaye. N.Y., 188.5. 12° 1.325.25 ■World's witness to Jesus Christ. The power of Christianity in developing modern civilization. J. Williams. N.Y., 1882. 12° 1217.5 ■World's workers. The. N.Y., 1885-86. 12°. Gordon, Gen. Charles, by S. A. Swaine . . 1137.4 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 379 World's workers, The — concluded. Gutlirie, Dr.; Matthew, Father; Burritt, Elihu; Livesey, Joseph, by W. Kirton . 1131.22 Handel, by E. Clarke 1131.24 Haveloek, Sir Henry; Colin Campbell, and Clyde, Lord, by E. C. Phillips . . . .1181.17 Livingstone, David, by E. Smiles .... 1131.15 Muller, George; Keed, Andrew, by Mrs. E. K. Pitman 1131. Ki Xightingale, Florence; Havergal, Frances R. ; Marsh, Catherine; Ranyard, Mrs., by L. Alldridge 1131 . 18 Salt, Sir Titus; Moore, George, by J. IJiun- ley 1131.21 Stephenson, George and Robert, by C. L. Mateaux 1131.10 Wornum, Ralph N. The analysis of ornament. London, 1S73. 8° 6.")4.~ Epochs of painting. London, 1864. 8° . 660.10 "Worst boy in town. The. J. Habberton. N.Y., 1880. 10° 378.3 Worth and wealth. [Essays.] F. Hunt. N.Y., 1856. 12° 222.7 Worth doing. A home story. J. Brockman. London, [n.d.] 16° 447.29 Worthington, E. Dedhain, Mass., History of. Boston, 18:;7. 8° 5.37.6 Wotton, Henry, Life of. I. Walton. Lon- don, 1884. 12° 11.35.1 Wrangell, M. Expedition to the polar sea in 1820-23. N.Y., 1855. 16° 711.9 Wrangham, F. The British Plutarch. Lives of the most eminent divines, patriots, etc., of Great Britain and Ireland. Lon- don, 1816. 6 V. 8° 172.4 Wraxall, C. F., Ed. The backwoodsman. Boston, 1860. 16° 456.10 Wraxhall, Lascelles. Golden Hair. A tale of the pilgrim fathers. Boston, 1877. 12° 372.19 Wray, J. .Jackson. Nestleton Magna. [A story.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 392.14 Wraythe, Hope. Talent in tatters; or. Some vicissitudes of the life of an English boy. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 912.13 Wreck of the "Chancellor." J.Verne. Bos- ton, 1875. 18° 324.14 Wreck of the " Grosvenor." [A novel.] W. C. Russell. N.Y., 1878. 8° 365.78 The same 952.1 Wreck of the "Red bird." G. C. Eggleston. N.Y., 1882. 12° 916.10 Wrecked? [A novel.] W. O. Stoddard. N.Y., 1883. 12° 952.2 Wrecked but not lost. [A novel.] F. Tem- pleton. Phila., 1880. 12° 386.22 Wrecked on a reef; or. Twenty months in the Auckland Isles. A true story. London, 1880. 12° 912.3 The same 4.38.15 Wreckers, The. A social study. G. T. Dow- ling. Phila., 1886. 12° 976.7 ■Wright, Caleb. Life and customs in India. Boston, 1860. 8° 727.9 Wright, Charles R. A. Metals and their chief industrial applications. London, 1878. 16° i;313.20 Wright, Chauncey. Letters; with some ac- count of his life by J. B. Thayer. Cam- bridge, 1878. 12° ." 177.5 Philosophical discussions. N.Y., 1877. 8°, 173.12 Wright, D. Thew. Mrs. Armington's ward. Boston, 1874. 16° 363.41 Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories of American history. N.Y., 18&5. 12°. .1415.24 Wright, J. Frederick. Studies in science and religion. Audover, 1882. 12° ... . 1219.1 ■Wright, James O., Ed. Poems by John Ras- kin. N.Y., 1882. 12° 576.12 "Wright, Julia McN. Our Chatham Street uncle. Boston, [n.d.] 16° 452.6 Trans. Romain Kalbris. H. Malot. Phila., 1873. 16° 715.12 "Wright, L. The poultry keeper. N.Y., [n.d] 12° 647.27 "Wright, Lewis. Light: a course of experimen- tal optics. London, 1882. 12° . . . . 679.22 "Wright, Saul. Surf: a summer pilgrimage. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 761.21 "Wright, Thomas. History of caricature and grotesque. London, 1865. 8° . . . . 651.3 The same 6.52.11 Our new masters. London, 1873. 12°. . 334.26 Scotland, History of. London, [n.d.] 3 v. 8° 518.3 Womankind in western Europe. London, 1860. 8° 666.5 "Wright, William. The empire of the Hittites. N.Y., 1884. 8° 788.1 "Wright, William Burnet. Ancient cities. Bos- ton, 1886. 16° 1255.2 "Writer, The. [Essays.] Boston, 1822. 16° . 222.10 "Wurtz, Adolphe. The atomic theory. N.Y., 1881. 12° 678.2 "Wuthering heights. E. Bronte. . N.Y., 1868. 12° . . ." .363.7 The same; with memoir 363.63 "Wuttke, Adolph. Christian ethics. Boston, 187.3. 2v. 12° 625.10 W"yandotte. J. F. Cooper. N.Y., 185.5. 12°, 313.21 The same 382.7 "Wyatt, M. D. The art of illuminating. Lon- don, [n.d.] 8' 669.4 "Wyatt, Thomas. Poetical works, with a me- moir. Boston, [n.d] 16° 563.12 "Wych Hazel. S. and A. Warner. N.Y., 1876. 12° 321.22^ The same .321.24 "Wycherley, Congreve, and others, The dram- atic works of. London, 1840. 8° . . . 613.3 "Wylde, James. The magic of science. Lon- don, [n.d.] 16° 6:57.10 "Wylde, Katharine. A dreamer. [A novel.] X.Y., 1880. 10° 376.25 An ill-regulated mind. [A novel.] N.Y., lSa5. 16° 969.11 "Wylie, J. A. History of Protestantism. Lon- don, [n.d.] 3 V. 8° 486.2 History of the Waldenses. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, 591.8 "Wylie, William Howie. Carlyle, Thomas ; the man and his books. London, 1881. 12°, 1124.20 "Wyman, Lillie C. Poverty grass. [A novel.] Boston, 1886. 16° 978.14 "Wyman, Morrill. Autumnal catarrh. N.Y., 1872. 8° 632.16 Progress in school discipline. Cambridge, 1867. 8° 241.8 "Wyman, Thomas B. Charlestown, Mass., Genealogies and estates of. Boston, 1879. 2v. 8° 528.14 Hunt, Genealogy of the name of. Boston, 1862-63. 4° 136.8 380 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Wyman, W. II. Bibliography of the Bacon- Sliakespeare conlroveisy; with notes and extracts. Cincinnati, 18S4. 8° . . . . 12:54. (! Wynter, Andrew. Fruit between the leaves. London, 1875. 2 v. 12° 282.23 Wyoming, Penn., History of. G. Peck. N.Y., 1858. 12° 714.4 Poetry and history of. \V. L. Stone. Al- bany, 1864. 8° 541.13 ■Wyss, J. R., joint author. Swiss family Rob- inson. N.Y., 1868. 16° 4:56.6 Xenophon's Memorabilia. Memoirs of Socra- tes. Levien, E., Trans. London, 1872. 18°, 211.19 Xerxes the Great, History of. J. Abbott. N.Y., 1854. 16° . . " 122.14 Y. Yacht Chib. W. T. Adams. Boston, [ii.d.] 16" 456.13 Yacht voyage, A. Enrl of Dufferin. Toronto, 1S72. 12° . . (!07.25 Yachting in llie Arctic seas. In the neighbor- hood of Spitzbergen. J. Lamont. Lon- don, 1876. 8° 406.18 Yale and "The city of elms." W. E. Decrow. Bo.ston, 1882. 12° 772.10 Yale, (C;ollege) Four years at. By a graduate of '69. New Haven, 1.871. 12° 254.4 Yale lectures on preaching. Delivered before the Divinity School of Yale College. 1872- 78. N.Y., 1872-78. 12°. Beecher, H. W. 1872 266.10 The same. 1873 266.11 The same. 1874 266.12 Brooks, Phillips. 1877 272.10 Dale, R. W. 1878 272.32 Uall, J. 1873 266.14 Simpson, Bishop Matthew. 1879 .... 285.26 Yankee in Canada. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1866. 12° 732.10 Yankee middy. The. H.Alger. Boston, [n.d. | Hi" 458.16 Yankee school teacher in Virginia. A tale of the Old Dominion in the transition state. L. W. Baldwin. N.Y., 1884. 12° . . . 959.22 Yarmouth and Dennis, Mass. History of Old Yarmoutli, comprising the present towns of Yarmouth and Dennis. C. F. Swift. Y'armouth, [n.d.] 8° 1424.5 Yarns of an old mariner. M. C. Clarke. Bos- ton, 187.J. 16° . . 447.30 Yates, Edmund. Fifty years of London life. N.Y., 188.">. 12° 1129.2 Nobody's fortune. Boston, 1871. 8° . . 346.42 The silent witness. Boston, 1875. 8° . . .357 29 Yeager, George. The garden of Eden. Phila., 187:3. 16° 431.4 Year at Briercliffe. F. McC. Harris. N.Y., 1879. 16° 911.22 Year at Poplar Row. (A story for girls.) M. EUinwood. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° ... . :363.74 Year at the shore, A. P. H. Gosse. London, 1865. 12° 667.22 Year of wreck. A true story. G. C. Benham. N.Y., 1880. 12° 379.17 Year worth living. A story of a place and peo- ple we cannot afford not to know. W. M. Baker. Boston, 1878. 12° .373.26 'Year-book, The American. D. N. Camp, Ed. Hartford, 1809. 8° 251.3 Year-book of nature and popular science for 1872. .J. C. Draper. N.Y., 1873. 16° . 637.6 See also Statesman's year-book. Years that are told. R.Porter. N.Y., [n.d.] 16°, Yeast: a problem. C. Kingsley. N. V., 1858. 12°, Yeats, John, and others. Growth and vicissi- tudes of commerce, from B.C. 1500 to A.D. 1789. N.Y., 1878. 12° Natural history of the raw materials of com- merce. N.Y., 1878. 12° The same Recent and existing commerce. 1789-1872. N.Y., 1878. 12° Technical liistory of commerce; or. Skilled labor applied to production. N.Y., 1878. 12° Yello'w fever, a nautical disease. Its origin and prevention. J. Gamgee. N. Y., 1879. 8° Yellow^ frigate, The; or. The three sisters. J. S. Grant. London, [n.d.] 16° . . . Yellow mask. The. W.Collins. N.Y., 1870. 16°, Yellowstone Park, Through the, on horseback. G. W. Wingate. N.Y., 1886. 12° . . . Yellowrstone region in the Rocky Mountains, Wonders of the. J. Richardson, KiZ. Lon- don, 1876. 12° The same Yelverton, Therese. Zanita; a tale of the Yo- semite. N.Y., 1872. 12° Yesterday, today and forever. [A poem.] E. H. Bickersteth. N.Y., 1880. 18° . . Yesterdays with authors. J. T. Fields. Bos- ton, 1872. 8° Yoe, Sliway. TheBurman; his life and notions. London, 1882. 2 v. 12° Yolande. W. Black. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . The same Yonge, Charles D. Constitutional history of England, 1760-1860. N.Y*., 1882. 12° . English literature, Three centuries of. N.Y., 1872. 12° Marie Antoinette, Life of. London, 1876. 2 V. 12° Modern history, Three centuries of. N.Y., 1872. 12° Yonge, Charlotte M. The armourer's pren- tices. N.Y., 1884. 12° Beechcroft. N.Y., 1872. 12° Book of golden deeds. Cambridge, 1865. 16°, Book of worthies. London, 1869. 16° . . Bye-words. Tales, new and old. London, 1880. 12° Chantry House. London, 1886. 12° . . Chaplet of pearls. N.Y., 1869. 8° . . . Christian names. History of. London, 1884. 12° Clever woman. The, of the family. N.Y., 1865. 8° .362.43 424.16 6,58.13 6.58. 14 226.13 6.58.16 6.58.15 676.4 384.35 .391.13 797.13 493.11 723.7 425.16 584.8 251.8 1219.13 948.12 948.13 691.15 226.4 171.15 .532.8 959.12 322.3 216.16 211.25 396.13 977.5 :522.1 1242.8 322.2 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 381 Yonge, Charlotte M. — continued. The daisy chain. N.T., 1865. 2 v. 12° . .322.4 The disturhiiig element. N.Y., 1879. 16°, .391.3 The dove iu the eagle's nest. N.Y., 1866. 12° 322. .5 Dynevor terrace. N.Y., 18.57. 2 v. 12° . 322.6 English history, Cameos from. (Second series.) Phila., 1868. 12° 511.2 The same. Third series 497.6 The same. Fourth series 591.5 The same. Fifth series 1411.14 English history, Stories of. London, [n.d.] iV 483.4 France, History of. N.Y., 1882. 18° . . 691.12 Friarswood post office. London, 1879. 18°, .378.9 Heart's-ease. N.Y., 1871. 2 v. 12° . . 322.7 The same 322.8 Heir of Redclyffe. N.Y., 1855. 2 v. 12°. .322.9 The same 322.10 Hopes and fears. N.Y., 1861. 12° . . . .322.11 Kenneth. N.Y., 185.5. 12° 322.12 Lady Hester. London, 1874. 12° ... 322.13 Lanoes of Lynwood. N.Y., 1856. 16°. . 461.20 Landmarks of history. N.Y., 1867. 12° . 483.3 The little duke; Richard the fearless. Lon- don, 1881. 16° 922.6 Little Lucy's wonderful globe. London, 1881. 16° 922.7 Love and life. N.Y., 1880. 12° ... . .379.19 Magnum bonura ; or, Mother Carey's brood. London, 1880. 12° 396.20 My young Alcides. N.Y., 1876. 12° . . .322.22 New ground. A story of mission work. London, 1871. 18° 378.10 Nuttie's father. London, 188.5. 12°. . . 972.3 P's and Q's; or. The question of putting upon. London, 1872. 16° 461.12 Patteson, John Coleridge, Life of. London, 1878. 2v. 12° . ". 177.19 Pillars of the house. London, 1873. 2 v. 12°, 322.14 The pupils of St. John. Phila., [n.d.] 12°, 263.2 Richard tiie fearless. N.Y., 1856. 16°. . 463.8 The six cushions. Boston, 1870. 12° . . 463.9 The Stokesley secret. N.Y., 186-5. 16°. . 463.10 Storehouse of stories. London, 1870. 12°, 342.19 Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. London, 1878. 16° 283.5 Stray pearls. N.Y., 1883. 12° 944.24 Tlie same ' 944 . 25 Three brides. N.Y., 1870. 12° ... . 322.23 The same 322.24 The trial ; more links of the daisy chain. N.Y., 1866. 12° 322.15 Two guardians. N.Y., 1871. 12°. . . . 322.16 The two sides of the shield. Loudon, 1885. 12° 968.8 Unknown to history. N.Y., 1882. 12°. . .389.25 Womankind. N.Y., 1877. 12° 272.23 Yoiing folks' histories. Boston, [n.d.] 6 v. 12°. Bible history 1411.1 The same 1411.7 England 1411.2 The same 1411.8 The same ■ . . . . 497.20 France 1411.3 The same 1411.9 The same 591.7 Germany 1411.4 The same 1411.10 The same 497.10 Yonge, Charlotte M. Young folks' histories — concluded. Greece 1411.5 The same 1411.11 The same 497.13 Rome 1411.6 The same 1411.12 The same 493.22 Young stepmother. KT.,1S62. 2 v. 12°, 322.17 and others. The miz-maze. A story in let- ters by nine authors. London, 1883. 12°, 9.52.20 and Weld, H. H. Aunt Charlotte's stories of American history. N.Y., In.d.] 12°, 1411.21 York, A, and a Lancaster rose. A. Keary. London, 1882. 12° 9.52.3 York, Maine, History of. Boston, 1874. 18°. 471.15 Yorke, Onslow. Secret history of " The Inter- national," or Workingmen's Association. London. 1872. 12° 2.35.22 Yorkshire, About. T. and K. Macquoid. Lon- don, 1883. 12° 782.4 Yorkshire anecdotes; or. Remarkable incidents in the lives of celebrated Yorkshire men and women. R. V. Taylor. London, 188-3. 12° 1228.6 Yosemite guide-book. Cambridge, 1874. 16°, 711.19 Youatt, William. The dog. N.Y., 1846. 8° . 623.2 History, treatment, etc., of the horse. Phila., 1863. 8° 623.9 Youmans, E. A. Lessons in cookery. N.Y., 1878. 12° 273.19 Youmans, W. J. , and Huxley, T. H. Elements of physiology and hygiene. N.Y., 1879. 12° 1312.4 Young, Alexander. History of the Netherlands. Boston, 1884. 8° 1417.2 Young, Alexander. Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachusetts Bay. Boston, 1846. 8° 544.5 Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the colony of Plymouth. Boston, 1841. 8°. 544.4 Discourses. Boston, 1838. 8° 221.13 Young, Brigham, History of. Mrs. C. V. Waite. Cambridge, 1866. 12° 212.8 Young, C. A. The sun. N.Y., 1881. 12°. . 678.23 Young, Charles D. The history of France under the Bourbons. London, 1866. 4 v. 8° 099.5 Young, Charles Mayne. Memoir. J. C. Young. London, 1871. 12° \ 213.3 Young, Edward. Poetical works. Boston, [n.d.] 2v. 16° 562.2 Young, Gerald, Ed. The voyage of the " Wan- derer." London, 1883. S° 776.12 Young, John Russell. Around the world with Gen. Grant. 1877-79. N.Y., 1879. 2 v. 8° 765.1 Young, L. J. H. Sea-fishing as a sport. Lon- don, 1872. 12° 646-22 Young, Robert. Analytical concordance to the Bible. N.Y., [n.d.] 4° R. L. Young adventurer, The. Tom's trip afcross tlie plains. H. Alger. Phila., [n.d.] 16° . 919.12 Young Americans in Japan; or. The adven- tures of the Jewetl family and their friend Oto Nambo. E. Greey. Boston, 1882. 8° 915-6 The same 925.14 Young Brown. G.Murray. Boston. 1874- 8°, 347-4:5 Young buglers. The. A tale of the Peninsular war. G. A. Henty. N.Y., 1880. 12° . 912.14 382 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Young circus rider, The; or, The mystery of Robert Rudd. H. Alger. Phila., [n.d.] 16° 919.13 Tlie same 1119.14 Young colonisis, The. G. A. Henty. London, 1S8.5. 12° 928.11 Young couples. Sketches of. (Humorous.) C. Dickens. London, [n.d.] 16° ... . 228.19 Young Crusoe, The. Dr. Harley. Boston, 1873. 12° 438.19 Young deliverers of Pleasant Cove. E. Kel- logg. Boston, 1871. 16° 442.31 Young r.Y., [n.d.] 2 V. Ob. folio E. L. Popular festhetic. Considerations of the symmetry of pleasing proportions. H. C. A. L. ^ock. Cambridge, 1877. Folio . R. L. Saracens, The art of, in Egypt. S. Lane- Poole. London, 1886. 8° 1614.4 Sketches at home and abroad. Drawings reproduced in heliotype. J. D. Harding. London, 1874. 4° R. L. Art and artists. Stories of. C. E. Clement. Boston, 1887. 8° 1614.5 Art, The Magazine of. Vol. IX. N.Y., 1886. 4° 629.10 Art Review, The American. (1880.) Bos- ton, 1880. 4° R. L. Artistic anatomy. M. Duval. F. E. Fenton, Trans. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1612.19 Artists, Early Flemish, and their predecessors on the lower Rhine. W. M. Conway. London, 1887. 12° 1612.18 386 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. W. R. L. Artists, Some modern, and their work. Meynell. N.Y., 1SS3. 4° . . . . Ashton, Juliii. Komances of chivalry. N.Y., 1S87. 8° 395.26 Australian pictures drawn with pen and pen- cil. H. WillougUby. N.Y., 1886. 8° . 568.18 Bainbridge - Hoff, William, {Commander, U.S.N.) The avoidance of collisions at sea. N.T., 1SS6. 18° 1314.12 Baker, G. A. Point lace and diamonds. (Poems.) N.Y., 1SS6. 18° 588.8 Ballantyne, K. M. Ked Rooney; or, The last of the crew. N.Y., 1880. 12° .... 935.20 Ballou, M. M. Genius in sunshine and shadow. Boston, 1SS7. 12° 1252.24 Banker, A, of Bankersville. [A novel.] M. Thompson. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 982.12 Baring-Gould, S. Little Tu' penny. N.Y., ISSG. 15° 978.22 Barnes.C. L. Rockhistory. London, 1884. 16°, 13ol.2 Barnes, Mrs. Mary Sheldon. Studies in gen- er.al history. Boston, 1880. 12° . . . 1431.8 Barr, Amelia E. Tlie bow of orange ribbon. N.Y., ISSO. 16° 978.19 Basque people. Legends and tales of the. M. Jlonleiro. N.Y., 1S87. 8° 1254.7 Beacousfield, Earl of. Ilome letters written by him in 1830 and 31. London, 1885. 10° 12.55.6 Beaufort, Raphael Ledos de. The Abbe Liszt. London. 1886. 12° 1145.4 Beckonings for every day. A calendar of thought. Lucy Larcom, Ed. Boston, 1886. 10° 1255.9 Bade, The venerable. Expurgated, expounded and exposed by " the Prig." N.Y., 1880. 16° 1247.15 Beecher, Charles. The Eden tableau. A study. Boston, 1887. 8° 1255.20 Belt, H. P. A mirage of promise. Phila., 1887. 12° 982.19 Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia and the Persians. Boston, 1887. 8° 1713.1 Bert, Paul. First steps in scientific knowledge. Phila., 1887. 16° . 1331.3 Biart, Luclen. The Aztecs: their history, man- ners and customs. Chicago, 1887. 8° . 1433.6 Blake, vldmtVn/, Life of. (Eiiglisli worthies.) D. Haiinay. N.Y., 1886. 10° ... . 1138.10 Bliss, Porter C, joint author. The conquest of Turkey. (1877-78.) Phila., |n.d.] 8° . 1432.14 Book fancier, The; or. The romance of book collecting. P.Fitzgerald. N.Y., 18S6. 18°, 1255.19 Boston, Mass. King's Hand-book of Boston. Cambridge, 1885. 12° 797.21 Authors, Eminent, of the nineteenth cen- tury. Literary portraits. Dr. G. Bran- des. R. B. Anderson, Trans. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1137.19 Aztecs, The; their history, manners and cus- toms. L. Biart. Chicago, 1887. 8° . . 1433.6 Boston, Mass. — concluded. Rambles in old Boston, New England. E. G. Porter. Boston, 1S87. 4° . . . . R. L. Boston girl's ambition, A. V. F. Townsend. Boston, 1887. 12° 979.2 ll Boston Monday lectures. Orient, with prel- udes on current events. Boston, 1886. 12° 1252.11 Bowr of orange ribbon. The. A romance of New York. A. E. Barr. N.Y., 1880. 10° 973.19 Bowker, R. R. Copyright, its law and its lit- erature. N.Y., 1880. 8° 1254.1 Boy's book of famous rulers. L. H. Farmer. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1137.16 Boy's useful pastimes. Amusements for spare hours. R.Griffith. Troy, N.Y., 18S7. 12°, 935.24 Brandes, Dr. Georg. Eminent authors of the nineteenth century. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° .1137.19 Brannt, Wm. T., and Wabl, Wm. II. The techno-cheraical receipt book. Phila., 18S0. 12° 1327.24 Brazil, Three thousand miles through. J. W. Wells. Phila., 1886. 2 v. 8° ... . 796.8 Briggs, Charles Augustus. Messianic prophecy. N.Y., 1886. 8° ". 1254.8 Brockett, L. P., joint author. The conquest of Turkey. (1877-78.) Phila., [n.d] 8°, 1432.14 Brooks, E. S. Chivalric days and the boys and girls who helped to make them. N.Y., 1886. 8° 933.12 Brooks, Phillips. Twenty sermons. N.Y., 1887. 12° 1256.23 Browrn, Francis H. Harvard University in the war of 1861-05. Boston, 1886. 8° . .1432.12 Bro'wuing, Robert, An introduction to the study of. A. Symons. N.Y., 1886. 12°, 1256.1 Select poems of. W. J. Rolfe and H. E. Hersey, Eds. N.Y., 1S86. 16° ... . 588.7 The same 588.10 Buchholz family. The. Sketches of Berlin life. J. Stinde. L. D. Schmitz, Trans. London, 1886. 12° 1246.9 Buckland, Anna. Our national institutions. London, 1886. 18° 1255.21 Buckley, J. M. The midnight sun, the Ts.w, and the nihilist. (In Norway, Sweden and Russia.) Boston, [n.d.] 8° . . . 798.4 Burnham, Sarah M. Precious stones in nature, art and literatiue. Boston, 1886. 8° . 1316.9 Caddy, Mrs. Florence. Footsteps of Jeanne d'Arc. London, 1886. 8° 1143.4 Cambridge Annual. (1887.) G. F. Crook, J5:d. Boston, 1887. 16° 791.13 Cambridge, Mass., First church in. Services at the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its organization. Feb. 7-14, 1886. Cambridge, 1886. 8° . 1432.10 Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett. Pure gold. [A novel.] Phila., 1887. 12° 982.15 Cameron, Verney Lovett. Harry Raymond: his adventures among pirates, etc. Lon- don, [n.d.] 12° 937.9 Cannibals and convicts. Notes of personal experiences in the western Pacific. J. Thomes. N.Y., 1886. 8° 798.3 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 387 Carlisle, Henry E., Ed. Haywanl, Abraham, Correspondence and early life of. N.Y., 1887. 2 V. 8' 12.51.11 Carnota, Conde da. Memoirs of the Duke of Saklanha. London, ISSO. 2 v. 8° . . 1143. G Carpenter, H. B. Liber anioris. Boston, 1SS7. 12° 578.17 Carpenter, W. B. Truth in tale. Addresses to children. London, 1885. 12° . . .12.52.17 Casting away, The, of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. i'. R. Stockton. N.Y., 1886. 12^ 982.2 Caverns and grottos. Famous. AV. H. D. Ailams. London, 188G. 12" 797.17 Cawnpore. .Sir G. Trevelyan. Lond., 1886. 12°, 1431.6 Chamber, The, over the £;ate. M. Holmes. Indianapolis, 1886. 12° 982.1 Champlin, John D., Jr. Chronicle of the coach. Charing Cross to Ilfracoinbe. N.Y., 1886. 12° 797.18 Channing, William Henry, Memoir of. O. B. Frothinghani. Boston, 1886. 12° . . . 114.5.1 Chapman, Elizabeth R. A Comlist lover; and other studies. London, 1886. 12° . . 12.56.5 Charlie Lucken, at school and college. H. C. Adams. Phila., 1887. 12° 937.4 Chemistry, A guide (o elementary. LeRoy C. Cooley. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1332.8 Children of the cold. The. F. Schwatka. X.Y., [n.d.] 10° 936.14 Chivalric days, and the boys and girls who helped to make them. E. S. Brooks. X.Y., 1SS6. 8° 933.12 Christ and Christianity. The picture of Jesus the Master. H.R. Haweis. N.Y., 18.86. 12°, 1256.3 Christianity, Applied. Moral aspects of social questions. W. Gladden. Boston, 1886. 16° 1247.10 Christianity, Esoteric, and mental therapeu; tics. W. F. Evans. Boston, 1886. 12° .' 1256.4 Chronicle of the coach. J. D. Ciiamplin, Jr. N.Y., 1886. 12° 797.18 Church, Alfred J. Stories of the magicians. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 12.56.10 Civil war. 2d Array Corps in the array of the Potomac, History of the. F. A. Walker. X.Y., 1886. 8° 1433.10 Clement, Clara E. Stories of art and artists. Boston, 1887. 8° 1014.5 Datint, Achilles. With pack and rifle in the far South-west. London, 1886. 12°. . 935.17 Dead souls ; or, Tchitchikoff's journeys. N. V. Gogol. I. F. Hapgood, Trans. N.Y., [n.d.] 2 v. 12° 9,S2.13 Deerings, The, of Medbury. V. F. Townsend. Boston, 1871. 16° " 361.17 Delaborde, Vicomie Henry. Engraving, its origin, processes and history. R. A. M. Stevenson, Trans. N.Y., 1886. 12° . . 1612.20 Deland, Margaret. The old garden; and other verses. Boston, 1886. 16° 588.16 Demigod, A. [A novel.] N.Y., 1887. 16° . 978.25 Democracy; and other addresses. J. R. Low- ell. Boston, 1887. 16° 1247.11 Diman, Uev. J. Lewis, Memoirs of. C. Hazard, Ed. Boston, 1887. 12° 1145.2 Diseases of tropical climates. W. C. Maclean. London, 1886. 12° 1332.6 Dollars or sense ? A tale of every day life in Cocoa and chocolate. Their production and use, with receipts. Dorchester, 1880. 10°, 1255.18 Collier, Mrs. Margaret. Prince Peerless. A fairy-folk story book. N.Y., 18S7. 12° . 937.5 Collignon, Maxime. A manual of Greekarchae- ology. N.Y., 1886. 12° Collisions at sea. The avoidance of. W. Bain- bridge-Hoff. {Commander U.S.N.) N.Y., 1886. 18° 1314.12 Commune of 1871, History of the. Lissagaray. E. M. Aveling, Trans. London, 1886. 8°, 1432.6 Comtist lover. A; and other studies. E. R. Chapman. London, 1886. 12° . . . . 1256.5 Conder, Claude R. Syrian stone-lore. Lon- don, 1886. 8° 1433.8 Confessions and criticisms. J. Hawthorne. Boston, 1887. 12° 1252.19 Comway, Wm. M. Early Flemish artists, and their predecessors on the lower Rhine. London, 1887. U° 1612.18 Cook, Josci)h. Boston Monday lectures. The Orient. Boston, 1886. 12° 1252.11 Cookery. Ten dollars enough. C. Owen. Boston, 1887. 16° ' 978.26 Cooley, LeRoy C. A guide to elementary chemistry. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... . 1332.8 Copyright, its law and its literature. R. R. Bowkcr. With a bibliography of literary property by Thorvald Solberg. N.Y., ISSO. 8° 1254.1 Corkran, Alice. Down the snow stairs. X.Y., 1887. 12° 936.8 Cort, Mary L. Siam, the heart of farther In- dia. N.Y., [n.d ] 12° 797.23 Count Xavier. [A novel.] Mme. A. M. Du- rand. Boston, 1887. 18° 978.27 Craik, Mrs. D. M. About money and other things. N.Y., 1887. 12° 12.56.11 Crime and puni>hment. [A novel.] F. M. Dostoyevsky. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° ... 982.6 Crippled robin, A. A story for children. M. E. Winchester. N.Y., 1887. 12° . . . 935.16 Cronkhite, Henry M. Reymond. A drama of the American revolution. N.Y.,18S0. 12°, 578.16 CrOTwninshield, Mary Bradford. All among the lighthouses. Boston, [n.d.] 4° . . 933.13 Currier, Mrs. S. Through the wilderness. N.Y., 1887. 12° 935.22 D. England and America. A. Louis. N.Y., 1SS6. 12° 982.7 Dostoyevsky, F. M. Crime and punishment. [A Russian novel.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 982.6 Douglas, .\manda M. Foes of her household. Boston, 1SS7. 12° 982.14 Down the snow stairs. A. Corkran. N.Y., 1887. 12° 9.36.8 Doyle, .S'i> Francis, Reminiscences and opinions of. 1813-85. N.Y., 1887. 8° . . . . 1142.4 Du Bose, Bev. Hampden C. The Dragon, Image and Demon. N.Y., 1887. 12° .12.52.20 Dunning, Charlotte. A step aside. Boston, 18S0. 16° 978.24 Durand, Mme. Alice M. Count Xavier. Bos- ton, 1887. 18° 978.27 Duval, Maihias. Artistic anatomy. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1012.19 Dyer, Ileman. Records of an active life. N.Y., 1886. 8° 1257.3 388 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. E. Echoes of many voices. (Selections.) E. A. Thurston, £(/. Boston, [n.d.] 10° . .1247.12 Eden tableau, The; or, Hible object-teaching. (A study.) C. Beecher. Boston, 1880. 12° . 1255.20 Education. The first three years of childhood. B. Perez. Chicago, 1SS5. 12° ... . 125U.2 The philosophy of. J. K. P. Rosenkranz. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1252.12 Edvrards, Sir Herbert B., Life and letters of. By his wife. London, 18S0. 2 v. 8° . 114.3.3 Electricity in the service of man. A. K. von Urbanitzsky. N.Y., 1SS6. S° . . . . 1329.7 Elliott, Henry W. Our Arctic province. (Alaska.) N.Y., 1880. S° 798.2 Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. XXI. Kot- Sia. Boston, 1880. 4° K. L. Encyclopcedia of travel, Young folks'. Eu- rope and Africa. J. D. McCabe. Pliila., l&SO. 8° 790.0 Engel, Lonis. From Mozart to Mario. Lon- don, 1886. 2v. 12° 1256.12 English government. Our national institu- tions. A. Buckland. London, 1886. 18° 12.55.21 English language. The new English. T. L. K. Oliphant. London. 1S86. 2 v. 12°. . 12.56.6 English men of letters. Sidney, .s/c Philip, Life of. J. A. Symouds. N.Y., 1887. 12°, 192.48 English parliament. The, in its transform.alions through a thousaiul years. R. Gneist. Boston, 1886. 8° 1432.7 English worthies. N.Y., 1886. 16°. li\a.)s.i, Admiral. D. Hann.ay 1138.10 Jonson, Ben. J. A. Symonds 113S.11 Steele, Richard. A. Dobson 1138.12 Engraving. Its origin, processes and history. Vicomie Henry Delaborde. With a chap- ter on English engraving by W. Walker. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1012.20 Escott, T. H. S. Politics and letters. London, 1880. 8° 12.53.9 Essays of Ella. Charles Lamb. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1252.22 European history. The chief periods of. With an essay on Greek cities under Roman rule. E. A. Freenuan. London, 1886. 8°, 1433.7 Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity and men- tal therapeutics. Boston, 1S86. 12° . . 12,56.4 Evolution of the snob. T. S. Perry. Boston, 1887. 16° 12.55.11 Eye, The. Mind your cyesl Advice to the short-sighted. F. Sarcey. London, 1880. 18° ". 1328.27 Faber, W. F. Thoughts for thought. West- field, N.Y.. 1880. 16° 1255.22 Famous women. Wesley, Susanna. E. Clarke. Boston, 1886. 16° 1138.17 Far interior, The. (Africa.) W. M. Ken-. Boston, 1880. 2 v. S° 796.7 Farmer, Lydia Hoyt. The boy's book of fa- mous rulers. N.Y., 1886. 12°. . . .1137.16 Farnham family, Genealogy of the. J. M. W. Farnbam. Shanghai, China, 1886. 16° . 1255.18 Fa^vcett, Edgar. The house at High Bridge. Boston, 1887. 12° 979.3 Fitzgerald, Percy. The book fancier. N.Y., 1886. 18° 1255.19 Foes of lier household. [A novel.] A. M. Douglas. Boston, 1887. 12° .... 982.14 For love's sake. Poems of faith and com- fort. Mrs. M. J. Preston. N.Y., 1880. 10° 588.11 For queen and king; or, The loyal 'prentice. A story of old London. IX. Frith. N.Y., 1885. 12° 9.37.7 Forbes, S. Russell. Rambles in Xaples. Lon- don, 1886. 10° 791.8 Forest outlaws; or. Saint Hugh and the king. E. Gilliat. N.Y., 1887. 12° .... 937.8 Fossils, Our common British, and where to find them. J. E. Taylor. London, 188.5. 12° 1332.1 Four Winds Farm. (A story for children.) Mrs. Molcsworth. London, 1887. 10° . 9.30.15 Freeman, Edward A. The chief periods of European history. Greek cities under Rtmian rule. London, 1886. 8° . . . 1433.7 Fremont, Mrs. J. B. Souvenirs of my time. Boston, [u.d.] 12° 1250.20 French revolution. History of. Vol. I. H. M. Stephens. N.Y., 1886. 8° . . . . 1433.5 Friends, The Society of. Transactions, doc- trine, discipline, etc. J. Maule. Phila., 1880. 12° 1145.3 Frith, Henry. For queen and king. N.Y., 1885. 12° . . . 9.37.7 From pole to pole. A tale of the sea. G. Sta- bles. N.Y., [n.d.l 12° 935.18 From under the cloud; or. Personal reminis- cences of insanity. A. Agnew. Cincin- nati, 1880. 10° 12.55.12 Frothingham, Octavius B. Channing, W. II.. Memoir of. Boston, 1880. 12°. . . . 1145.1 Full stature of a man. The. A life story. J. Warth. Boston, [n.d.] 10° 983.1 a Geillvyey, Sir R. P., joint author. Shooting. Boston, [n.d.] 2 v. 12° 13:!2.4 Gantillon, P. J. F., Trans. Propertius, The elegies of; with notes. London, 1885. 12°, 12.56.14 Genius in sunshine and shadow. M. M. Bal- lon. Boston, 1887. 12° 1252.24 Geology. Barnes, C. L. Rock history. (Eng- lish and Welsh formations.) London, 1884. 10° 1331.2 Geology — concluded. Hunt, T. S. Mineral physiology and physi- ography. Boston, 1880. 8° 1329. S Taylor, J. E. Our common British fossils. London, 1885. 12° 1332.1 Gilliat, E. Forest outlaws. X.Y., 1887. 12°, 93l8 Gilman, Arthur. The Saracens from the ear- liest times to the fall of Bagdad. N.Y., 1887. 12° 1431.10 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 389 Gladden, Washington. Applied Christianity. (Social questions.) Boston, 1SS6. 10° .1247.10 The Lord's prayer. [Sermons.] Boston, 1886. 1G° 1255.13 "Gloria victis!" A romance. O. Schubin. N.Y., 1886. 18° 961.22 Gneist, Riulolf. The English parliament in its transformations through a thousand years. Boston, 1880. 8° 1432.7 Goethe's Faust. A commentary on the lit- erary bibles of the Occident. D. J. Sni- der. Boston, 18S6. 2 v. 12° ... . m&.l Gogol, Nikolai' V. Dead souls. N.T., [n.d.] 2 V. 12° 082.13 St. John's eve; and other stories. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 978.23 Gower, L(jrd Ronald. Last days of Marie An- toinette. Boston, 1886. 12° 11.37.21 Graham, John W. Ne.-era. London, 1886. 12°, 977.23 Grant, Ulysses S., Life of. W. O. Stoddard. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1137.17 Greece, Description of. Pausanias. A. R. Shilleto, Ed. and Trans. London, 1886. 2 V. 12° 1431.7 Greek archaeology. M. Collignon. N.T., 1886. 12° 1332.5 Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament. Grimm's Wilke's "Clavis Xovi Testa- menti." J. H. Thayer, Trans, and Ed. N.Y., 1887. 4° R. L. Green'wood, Jessy E. The moon-maiden ; and other stories. London, 1886. 12°. . . 936.19 Greenwood, Thomas. Free public libraries. London, 1886. 12° 1252.13 Grey, Maxwell, pseud. The silence of Dean Mailland. N.Y., 1886. 12° 982.17 Griffin, Solomon B. Mexico of to-day. N.Y., 1886. 12° 797.22 Griffith, Robert. Boys' useful pastimes. Troy, N.Y., 1887. 12° 935.24 Grimm, Jacob. Teutonic mythology. Vols. U.mdlU. London, 1883. 2 v. 8° .1226.12 Gris-wold, Ilattie Tyng. Home life of great authors. Chicago, 1887. 12° .... 1256.8 Groves, J. P. A soldier born. London, 1886. 12° 9.30.20 Gypsies of India, The. D. Mac Ritchie. Lon- don, 1886. 12° 1421.15 Hale, Lucretia P. The last of the Peferkins, with others of their kin. Boston, 18S6. 10° 936.11 Hale, Nathan. {"The two spies.") B.J.Los- sing. N.Y., ISSe. 8° 1142.3 Half-hours in field and forest. (Natural his- tory.) J.G.Wood. N.Y.,18.S6. 16° .1328.28 Half-hours with a naturalist. Rambles near the shore. J. G. Wood. N.Y., 1886. 10° 1328.29 Hall, Hannah, of Ohio. Her travels and min- istry, with an account of the Society of Friends. J. Maule. Phila., 1886. 12° . 1145.3 Harry Raymond: his adventures among pirates, slavers and cannibals. V. L. Cameron. London, [n.d.] 12° 9-37.9 Harvard University, Anniversary hand-book of. 103G-1S80. Boston, 1886. 18° . . 791.10 Harvard Univer?ity in the war of 1861-65. A record of services rendered in (he army and navy of the U. S. by graduates and students of Harvard College and the pro- fessional schools. F. H. Brown. Bos- ton, 1888. 8° 1432.12 Ha'weis, H. R. My musical life. London, 1884. 12° 1256.13 The picture of Jesus the Master. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1256.3 Hawthorne, Julian. Confessions and criti- cisms. Boston. 1887. 12° 1252.19 Hayw^ard, Abraham. His correspondence (1834-84) and his early life. H. E. Car- lisle, iU N.Y., 1887. 2 v. 8° . . .12.54.11 Hazard, Caroline, Ed. Diman, Rer. J. Lewis, Meranirsof. Boston, 1887. 12° . . . 1145.2 Hersey, Heloise E., and Rolfe, W. J., Eds. Select poems of Robert Browning. N.Y., 1886. 12° 588.10 Hill, Adams Sherman. The principals of rheto- ric and their application. N.Y.,]8S6. 12°, 1252.14 His one fault. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1887. 12° 936.17 His two wives. Mrs. M. Clemmer-Hudson. N.Y., 187.5. 12° 345.32 History, Ancient. A reprint of " Primitive marriage." J. F. McLennan. London, 1886. 8° 1432.8 Medieval and modern history. W. Stubbs. Oxford, 1886. 8° 14.32.9 Studies in general history. Mrs. M. S. Barnes. Boston, 1886. 12° 1431.8 Hoffmann, E. T. W. The Serapion brethren. A^ol. L London, 1880. 12° 982.16 Holder, Charles F. The ivory king. N.Y., 1880. 12° 13:32.2 Holmes, Margaret. The chamber over the gate. Indianapolis, 1886. 12° ... . 982.1 Home life of great authors. H. T. Griswold. Chicago, 1887. 12° 1256.8 Homes of our forefathers. Historical homes and noted places in Mass. (Illustrated.) E. Whitefield. Boston, 1880. 4° . . . R. L. House at High Bridge, The. E. Fawcett. Boston, 1887. 12° 979.3 House plants as sanitary agents ; or, The rela- tion of growing vegetation to health and disease. J. M. Anders. Phila., 1887. 12°, 1332.7 Household notes and queries. A family refer- ence book. By the " Wise Blackbird." Boston, [n.d.] 16° 1247.13 How^ to be happy though married. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1252.21 Howells, W. D. The minister's charge. Bos- ton, 1887. 12° 979.8 Hunt, Thomas Sterry. Mineral physiology and physiography. Boston, 1886. 8° . . . 1329.8 390 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMDllIDGE PUBLIC LIBHARY. In fruitful lands; ami other poems. M. C. Smilh. Cainbrklsp, 1880. 16° ... . 588.12 In quest of gold; or, Under the Wlianga Falls. A. St. Johnston. N.Y., 18S.J. 12° . . 937.10 In the bush and on the trail. Adventures in the forests of Xorth America. B. R6voil. N.V., 1886. 12° 936.9 In the clouds. [A novel.] M. N. Murfree. Boston, 1887. 16° 983.2 In the time of roses. A tale of two summers. F. Scannell. Boston, 1887. 12° . . . 073. U Jackson, Mrs. Helen. Sonnets and lyrics. Boston, 1886. 18° ". . 588.17 " JaU." paeud. The Riverside museum. Sequel to "Birchwood." N.Y., [n.d.] 10°. . 935.21 Jeanne d'Arc, Footsteps of. A pilgrimage. Mrs. F. Caddy. London, 1886. V . . 1143.4 In the wrong paradise; and other stories. A. Lang. N.Y., 1887. 16° 981.1 Ingelowr, Jean. John Jerome: his thoughts and ways. Boston, 188(i. 16° ... . 978.20 Ireland, Young people's history of. G. M. Towle. Boston, 1887. 16° 1421.16 Irving, Ileiu-y. English actors. Oxford, 188.'j. 16° 1255.10 Ivory king. The. A popular history of the elephant and its allies. N.Y., 18S6. 12° 13;32.2 Jerdon, Gertrnde. Keyhole country. Hoston, 1880. 12° 936.10 Je'wett, Sarah Orne. A white heron ; and other stories. N.Y., 1887. 18° 981.2 John Jerome. J. Ingelow. Bost., 1880. 16°, 978.20 Jonson, Ben, Life of. J. A. Symonds. N.Y., ll;}8.11 K. "Kari," pseud. Madame Tabby's establish- ment. London, 1886. 16° 930.16 Katy of Catoctin ; or. The chain-breakers. A national romance. G. A. Townsend. N.Y., 1886. 12° 982 8 Kendrick, A. C. Our poetical favorites. (Second series.) Boston, 1882. 12° . . 578.13 Kerr, Walter Montague. The far interior. (Africa.) Boston, 1886. 2 v. 8°. . . 796.7 Keyhole country. A story about things you would see it you went through the key- hole. G. Jerdon. Boston, 1886. 12° . 936.10 L. Labor question, A plain man's talk on the. S. Newcorab. N.Y., 1886. 18° 1255.7 Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia. N.Y.,1886. 12°, 1252.22 Lane-Poole, Stanley, and Gilmau, Arthur. The story of the Moors in Spain. N.Y., [n.d.] 16° 1431.9 Lang, Andrew. In the wrong paradise; and other stories. N.Y., 1887. 16° . . . . 981.1 Larcom, Lucy, Ed. Beckonnigs for every day. Boston, 1886. 16° 1255.9 Latimer, Elizabeth W. Familiar talks on some of Shakespeare's comedies. Boston, 1886. 12° 1252.15 Lee, J. B. How to make a will. N.Y., [n.d.] 18° 1247.14 Leslie, R. C. A sea-painter's log. London, 1886. 8° 798.1 Liber amoris. (In verse.) H. B. Carpenter. Boston, 1887. 12° 578.17 Libraries, Free public. T. Greenwood. Lon- don, 1886. 12° 1252.13 Life, A, in song. (Poem.) G. L. Raymond. N.Y., 1886. 16° 588.13 Life: its nature, origin, development, and the psychical related to the physical. S. Wilder. Boston, 1886. 12° 1332.3 Lighthouses, All among the. M. B. Crownin- shield. Boston, [n.d.] 4° 933.13 Kindergarten. Lectures for kindergartners. E. P. Peabody. Boston, 1880. 12° . . 1256.9 King's Hand-book of Boston. Cambridge, 1885. 12° 797.21 Kingsley, Charles. Poems. (Complete.) Lon- don, 18S4. 12° 588.6 Klaus Bewer's wife. [A story.] P. Lindau. N.Y., 1880. 10° 978.21 Knight, Arthur L. Ronald Hallifax. London, [n.d.] 12° y.37.11 Knight, Edward U. New mechanical dictionary. Boston, 1884. 8° 1334.1 Lindau, Paul. Klaus Bewer's wife. N.Y., 1886. 16° 978.21 Lissagaray, . History of the Commune of 1871. London, 1886. 8° 1432.6 Liszt, Abbe: the story of his life. R. L. de Beaufort. London, 1886. 12° ... . 1145.4 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Mrs. F. H. Burnett. N.Y.,1886. 4° 933.9 The same 933.10 Little Miss Wcezy. Penn Shirley, pseud. Bos- ton, 1886. 18° 936.18 Little Tu'penny. [A tale.] S. Baring-Gould. N.Y., 1880. 10° 978.22 Locksley Hall sixty years after; and other poems. Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Lou- don, 1880. 16° 588.14 Lord's prayer. The. [Sermons.] W. Gladden. Boston, 1880. 10° 1255.13 Lossing, B. J. The two spies. Hale and Andr6. N.Y.,1880. 8° 1142.3 Lotze, Hermann. Outlines of aesthetics. Bos- ton, 1880. 12° 1331.4 Louis, Arthur. Dollars or sense? [A tale.] N.Y., 1886. 12° 982.7 Lo^vell, James Russell. Democracy ; and other addresses. Boston, 1887. 16° ... . 1247.11 Lynd, William. The practical telegrapliist. London, [n.d.] 10° 1331.1 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 391 M. McCabe, James D. Toung folks' encyclopae- dia of travel. Phila., 1886. 8° . . . 79fi.6 McKinstry, Mrs. L. C. The world's great empires. Boston, 1884. 8^ 14.34.1 Maclean, Wni. Campbell. Diseases of tropical climates. London. 1SS6. \i° .... 1332.6 McClellan, Maj.-Gtn. George B. The war for the Union, and bis relations to it. N.T., 1887. 8° 1434.3 McLennan, John F. Studies in ancient history. Primitive marriage. London, 1886. 8° . 1432.8 Mac Ritchie, David. The gypsies of India. London, 1886. 12° 1421.15 Madame Tabby's establishment. By " Karl." London, 1S86. 16^ 936.16 Madison, Dolly, wife of James Madison. Me- moirs and letters edited by her grand- niece. Boston, 1886. 16° 1138.13 Madoc, Fayr, pseufZ. Margaret Jermine. London, 1886. 12° 982.9 Madonna of the tubs, The. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1887. 12° 979.6 Magicians, Stories of the. Thalaba, Rustem, and Kehama. A. J. Church. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1256.10 Mallock, W. H. The old order changes. N.T., 1886. 16° 961.21 Man and his handiwork. J. G. Wood. Lon- don, 1886. 8° 1329-6 "Manners raakylh the man." By the author of "How to be happy though married." N.Y., 1887. 12° 1252.23 Margaret Jermine. [A novel.] Fayr Madoc, pseMti. London, 1886. 12° 982.9 Marie Antoinette, Last days of. Lord Ronald Gower. Boston, 1886. 12° 11,37.21 Marquis of Peualta, The. [A novel.] Don A. P. Valdes. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . . 982.11 Mary Stuart: a narrative of the first eighteen years of her life. J. Stevenson. Edin- burgh, 1886. 12° 1138.15 Mason, Edward T., Ed. Humorous pieces from American liteiature. N.Y.,1886. 3 v. 16°, 1255.5 Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Record of the service of the 44th Regiment in North Carolina, 1862-63. Boston, 1887. 8° . 1434.4 Maule, Joshua, Life of, with an account of the Society of Friends, and of Hannah Hall. Phila., 1886. 12° 1145.3 Mechanical dictionary, New. E. H. Knight. Boston, 1884. 8° 1334.1 Meredith, George. Rhoda Fleming. [A story.] Boston, 1886. 12° 982.4 Meredith, George — concluded. Vittoria. Sequel to "Sandra Belloni." Boston, 1886. 12° 982.13 Meredith, L. P. The teeth and how to save them. Phila., 1877. 16° 1.3:31.5 Messianic prophecy. The prediction of the fulfilment of redemption through the Messiah. C. A. Briggs. N.Y., 1886. 8°, 12.54.8 Mexico of to-day. S. B. Griffin. N.Y., 1886. 12° 797.22 Midnight sun. The, the Tsar, and the nihilist. Observations in Norway, Sweden and Russia. J. M. Buckley. Boston, [n.d.] S° 798.4 Minister's charge. The; or, The apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1887. 12° 979.8 Mirage, A, of promise. H. P. Belt. Phila., 1887. 12° 982.19 Mitchell, S. Weir. Roland Blake. Boston, 1886. 16° 983.4 Modern Telemachus, A. [A novel.] C. M. Yonge. N.Y., 1SS6. 12° 979.5 Moerlein, George. A trip around the world. Cincinnati, [n.d.] 8° 799.1 Molesworth, Mrs. Four Winds Farm. Lon- don, 1887. 16° 936.15 Molloy, J. Fitzgerald. Famous plays, and play-houses of the restoration. London, 1886. 8° 1257.2 Money and other things. [Sketches.] Mrs. D. M. Craik. N.Y., 1887. 12°. . . .12.56.11 Monographs, continental and English. Mrs. M.J.Preston. N.Y., [n.d.] 12°. . . 791.11 Monteiro, Mariana. Legends and tales of the Ba.sque people. N.Y., 1887. 8° . . . 1254.7 Moon-maiden, The; and other stories. J. E. Greenwood. London, 1886. 12° . . . 936.19 Moors in Spain, Story of the. S. Lane-Poole aiid A. Oilman. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . . 1431.9 Morrill, Justin S. Self-consciousness of noted persons. Boston, 1887. 8° 1254.6 Mozart, From, to Mario. Musical reminiscences of half a century. L. Engel. London, 1886. 2 V. 12° 12.56.12 Muramasa blade, A. A stoiy of Japan. L. Wertheimber. Boston, 1887. 8° . . . 796.9 Murfree, Mary N. In the clouds. Boston, 1887. 16° 983.2 My musical life. H. R. Haweis. London, 1884. 12° 1256.13 Mythology, Teutonic. (Vols. IL and IIL) J. Grimm. London, 1883. 2 v. 8° . . . 1226.12 N. Naples, Rambles in. A historical guide. S. R. Forbes. London, 1886. 16° 791.8 Neaera. A tale of ancient Rome. J. W. Gra- ham. Loudon, 1886. 12° 977.23 Newrcomb, Simon. A plain man's talk on the labor question. N.Y., 1886. 18° . . . 1255.7 Norway, One and a half in. By either and both. Loudon, 1885. 18° 791.7 392 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. O. Old garden, The ; ami other verses. M. Deland. Bostui., 1886. IG^ 588.10 Old Boniface. [A novel.] G. Q. Picard. N.Y., ISSO. 12° 982.3 Old order clianses, The. [A story.] W. II. Mallock. X.Y., 1880. 16= 001. 21' Oliphant, Laurence. Altiora Peto. Edhi- burgh, 1884. 12° 979.1 Oliphant, T. L. Kindlon. The new Eii|;lish (language). Loiuloii, 1880. 2 v. lli° . 12.".6.6 One and a half in Norway. Loud., 1885. 18°, 7i)1.7 Otis, James. Silent Pete; or, The stowaways. ?f.Y., [n.d.] 10° 936.12 OTven, ratlieriiie. Ten dollars enough. Keep- ing hou.se well on ten dollars a week. Boston, 1887. 10° 978.26 P. Palestine exploration fund. Twenty-one years' work in the Holy Land. 1S05-80. London, 1880. 12° 797.19 Parables, The, of our Saviour. W. M. Taylor. N.Y., 1886. 8° 12.")7.1 Paris and France, Living. A handbook for travellers, on a new plan. By " Alb." London, ISSO. 10° 791.9 Pasha, llohart, (Aihniral.) Sketches from my life. >I.Y., 1887. 10° 1138.10 Pattou, .Jacob Henry. History of the Ameri- can people. N.Y., 1882. 2 v. 8° . . . 1431.2 Pausauias. (Jreece, Description of. London, ISSO. 2v. 12° 1431.7 Peabody, Elizabeth P. Last evening with AUston, and other papers. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 1252.25 Lectures to kindergartners. Boston, 1880. 12° 1250.9 Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth. Two pilgrims' progress. Boston, 1887. 12° .... 791.12 Perez, Bernard. The first three years of child- hood. Chicigo, 1885. 12° 12.JG.2 Perry, Nora. New songs and ballads. Boston, 1887. 10° 588.15 Perry, Thomas S. The evolution of the snob. Boston, 1887. 10° 12.55.11 Persia and the Persians. S. G. W. Benjamin. Boston, IS87. S° 1713.1 Peterkius, The last of the, with others of their kin. L. P. Uale. Boston, ISSO. 10° . 930.11 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. The madonna of the tubs. Bo-ton, 1887. 12° 979.0 Picard, George U. Old Boniface. N.Y., 1886. 12° 982.3 Plays, Famous, with a discburse on the play- houses of the restoration. J. F. Molloy. London, 1886. 8° 1257.2 Plucky one, A. (.\ story of mining life.) Mrs. G. E. Spencer. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° . 9S2.10 Poetry, American, Catalogue of the Harris col- lection of. Providence, 1880. 8° . . . R. L. Point lace and diamonds. [Poems.] G. A. Baker. N.Y., 1880. 18° .588.8 Politics and letters. T. U. S. Esoott. Lon- don, 1880. 8° 1253.9 Politics, Elementary. T. Raleigh. Loudon, 1880. 18° 1255.14 Poore, Ben: Perley. Reminiscences of sixty years in the nation.al metropolis. Vol. I. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 12.53.10 Porter, Edward G. Rambles in old Boston. Bo-ton, 1887. 4° R. L. Post-office department. The secret service of the, with an account of the Star-route frauds, etc. P. II. Woodward. Boston, 18S0. S° 1432.13 Potter, Mrs. Cora U. My recitations. Phila., 1887. 12° 12.50.15 Precious stones in nature, art and literature. S. M. Burnham. Boston, 1880. 8° . . 1310.9 Preston, Howard W. Documents illustrative of American history. N.Y., 1880. 8° .1432.11 Preston, Mrs. Margaret J. For love's sake; and other poems. N.Y., 1880. 10° . . 583.11 A handful of monographs, continental and English. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 791.11 "Prig, The," pneud. The venerable Bede. N.Y'., 1880. 10° 1247.15 Prince Peerless. A fairy-folk story book. Hon. Margaret Collier. N.Y., 1887. 12°, 937.5 Propertius, The elegies of, with notes. P. J. F. Gantillon, Trans. London, 1885. 12° 1256.14 Pure gold. [A novel.] Mrs. H. L. Cameron. Phila., 1887. 12° 982.15 Raleigh, Thomas. Elementary politics. Lon- don, 1880. 18° 12.55.14 Raukell's remains. An American novel. B. Wendell. Boston, 1887. 16° .... 983.3 Raymond, George L. A life in song. N.Y., IssO. 16° 588.13 Readings. My recitations. Mrs. C. U. Potter. Phila., 1887. 12° 1256.15 Receipt-book, The techno-chemical. For use in the arts and industries. W. T. Brannt and W. H. Wahl, E.U Phila , 1880. 12°, 1327.24 Recollections of eminent men; with other Iiapers. E. P. Whipple. Boston, 1887. 12° 1137.20 Records of an active life. H. Dyer. N.Y., 1880. 8° 1257.3 Red Beauty. A story of the Pawnee trail. W.O.Stoddard. Pbila., 1887. 12° . . 9.35.19 Red Rooney; or. The last of the crew. R. M. Ballanlyne. N.Y., 1880. 12° . . . 9.35.20 Religion, My. Couni L. Tolstoi. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 1252.18 Religions of China. The Dragon, Image and Demon ; or, Confucianism, Buddhism, and T.aoism. H. C. Du Bose. N.Y., 1SS7. 12° 1252.20 Religious life, The. M. J. Savage. Boston, 1885. 12° 1256.19 Revoil, Benedict. In the bush and on the trail. N.Y., 1886. 12° 936.9 Reymond. A drama of the American revolu- tion. H. M. Cronkhite. N.Y., 1886. 12°, 578.16 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 393 Rhetoric, The principles of, and their applica- tion. A. S. Hill. N.Y., 1SS6. 12° . . 1252.14 Rhoda Fleming. [A story.] G. Meredith. Boston, 1886. 12° 9S2.4 Riverside museum, The. Sequel to " Birch- wood.- By"Jak." N.T., [u.d.] 16°. 933.21 Rodenbough, Theo. F., Ed. Uncle Sam's " Medal of Honor." N.T., [n.d.] 8" . '1433.0 Roland Blake. [A novel.] S. W. Mitchell. Boston, 1886. 16° 983.4 Rolfe, W. J., Ed. See Browning. Romances of chivalrj-. J. Ashtnn. N.Y., 1S«7. S= . . . " 395.26 Ronald Hallifax; or, He would be a sailor. A. L. Knight. London, [n.d.] 12° . . 9.37.11 Root, N. W. T. School amusements. N.Y., [n.d.j 12° 1256.20 Rosenkranz, Johann K. F. The philosophy of education. X.Y., 1886. 12° . . . 12.52.12 Russian empire. Boy travellers in the. T. W. Knox. N.Y., 1.887. 8^ 933.11 Russian storm-cloud. The; or, Russia in her relations to neighboring countries. By "Stepniak." London, 1886. 8° . . . 1433.4 Russian war, Picture history of the. Edin- burgh, ia56. 8° 536.4 s. St, John's eve ; and other stories. X. V. Gogol. X.Y., [n.d.] 16° 978.23 St. Johnston, Alfred. In quest of gold. N.Y., 1555. 12° 937.10 Saldanha, Duke of. Memoirs with selections from his correspondence. CondedaCur- nola. London, 1880. 2 v, 8°. . . . 1143.0 Salt-Lake fruit. A latter-day romance. By an American. Boston, 1884. 8° . . . 984.1 Sanborn, Kate. Vanity and insanity of genius. N.Y., 1886. 10° 12.55.8 Saracens, The, from the earliest times to the fall of Bagdad. (Story of the nations.) A. Gilraan. X.Y., 1887. 12° . . . . 14:n.]0 Sarcey, Fiancisque. Mind your eyes! Advice to the short-sighted. London, 1886. 18° 1328.27 Saunterer, The. C. G. Whitney. Boston, 1556. 10° 1255.15 Savage, M. J. The religious life. Boston, 1885. 12° 12.56.19 Social problems. Boston, 1886. 12° . . 12.56.21 Scannell, Florence. In the time of roses. Boston, 1887. 12° 973.14 School amusements; or. How to make the school interesting. X. W. T. Root. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° iL'oH.-o Schubin, Ossip. "Gloria victisi" X.Y., ISSO. 18° 961.22 Schwatka, F. The children of the cold. X.Y., [n.d.] 10° 936.14 Scientific knowledge. First steps in. Paul Bert. Phila., 1887. 10° 1331.3 Sea-painter's log, A. R. C. Leslie. Loudon, 1886. .S° . . . . • 79S.1 Self-consciousness of noted persons. .1. S. Morrill, £(?. Boston, 1887. 8° . . . . 12.54.6 Senior, William Xassau. Correspondence and conversations with Alexis de Tocqueville. (1834-.59.) London, 1S72. 2 v. 8° . . 187.17 Serapion Brethren, The. (Vol.1.) E. T. W. Hoffmann. London. 1886. 12° . . . 982.16 Shakespeare's comedies. Familiar talks on some of. E. W. Latimer. Boston, 1886. 12° 1252.15 Shirley, Penn., pseud. Little Miss Weezy. Boston, 1886. 18° 936.18 Shooting. Lord Walsingham and Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey. Boston, [n.d.] 2v. 12°, 1332.4 Vol. I. Field and covert. II. Moor and marsh. Sketches from my life. Admiral H. Pasha. N.Y., 1887. 10° 1138.16 Siam; or. The heart of farther India. M. L. Cort. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 797.23 Sidney, Sir Philip, Life of. (English men of letters.) J. A. Symonds. X.Y., 1887. 12° 192.48 Silence of Dean Maitland, The. [A novel.) Maxwell Grey, p.se«d. N.Y., 1886. 12°, 982.17 Silent Pete; or, The stowaways. J. Otis. X.Y., 1886. 18° 936.12 Silver bridge. The: and other poems. Mrs. E. Akers. X.Y., 18S6. 18° .588.9 Snider, Denton J. Goethe's Faust. A com- mentary on the literary bibles of the Occident. Boston, 1880. 2 v. 12° . . 12.56.7 Smith, G. Barnett. Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. London, 18S7. 8° .... 1143.7 Smith, Minna Caroline. In fruitful lands; and other poems. Cambridge, 1886. 16°. . .588.12 Social problems. [Sermons.] M. J. Savage. Boston, 1886. 12° 1256.21 Soldier born, A; or. Adventures in the Crimea and the Indian mutiny. .1. P. Groves. London, 1886. 12° 9.36.20 Songs and ballads. Nora Perry. Boston, 1887. 16° .588.15 Sonnets and lyrics. Mrs. Helen Jackson. Boston, 1886. 18° 588.17 Sordello's story related in prose. A. Wall. X.Y., 1886. 16° 12.55.16 Souvenirs of my time. Mrs. J. B. Fremont. Boston, [n.d.] 12° 1256.22 Spencer, Mrs. George E. A plucky one. (A story of mining life.) X.Y., [n.d.] 16°. 982.10 Sports and out-door life. The boys" book of. M. Thompson, Ed. X.Y., 1886. 4° . . 0.33.8 Stables, Gordon. From pole to pole. X.Y., [n.d.] 12° 935.18 Steele, Richard, Life of. (English worthies.) A. Dobson. X.Y.. 1886. "10° . . . .1138.12 Step aside, A. Charlotte Dunning. Boston, 1886. 10° 978.24 Stephens, H. M. French revolution. History of. (Vol.1.) X.Y., 1SS6. 8° . . . . 14:33.5 " Stepniak," psewd. The Russian storm-cloud. London, 1886. 8° 1*53.4 Stevenson, Joseph. Mary Stuart, Early life of. Edinburgh, 1886. 12° 1138.15 Stewart, Aubrey. Traii.s. The tale of Troy. London. 18S6. 16° 1421.18 Stinde, Julius. The Buchholz family: sketches of Berlin life. London, 1880. 12° . . 1246.9 Stockton, Frank R. The casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. X.Y., 1886. 12° 982. 2 Stories. X.Y., 1886. 2 v. 12= .... 982.5 Stoddard, Wm. O. Grant, U. S.. Life of. X.Y., 1886. 1-2° 1137.17 894 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stoddard, Win. O. — concluded. Ked Boauty. A story of the Pawnee trail. rhila., 1887. 12" 93o.l9 Washington, George, Life of. N.Y., 1886. 12° 1137.18 Stories. F. R. Stocliton. N.Y., 1886. 2 v. 12° 982.5 Story of the nations. Moors, The, in Spain. S. Lane-Poole and A. Oilman. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 14.31.9 Taylor, Benjamin F. Complete poetical works. Chicago, 183i(. 12° 578.14 Taylor, Wm. M. Parables of our Saviour. N.Y.,1886. 8° 1257.1 Teeth, The, and how to save them. L. P. Meredith. Phila., 1S77. 16° .... 1031.5 Telegraphist, The practical. W. Lynd. Lon- don, [n.d.] it;° 1:531.1 Ten dollars enough. Keeping house well on ten dollars a week. C. Owen. Boston, 1SS7. 16° 978.20 Tennyson, Lord Alfred. Locksley Hall sixty years after; and other poems. London, 18S6. 10° 588.14 Thayer, Joseph Henry, Ed. and Tran.s. A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testa- ment. N.Y., ISST. 4° K. L. Their pilgrimage. C. D. Warner. N.Y., 1887. 12" 979.7 Thomes, Juli.an. Cannibals and convicts. N.Y., 1880. 8° 798.3 Thompson, Maurice. A banker of Bankers- ville. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 982.12 Ed. The boys' book of sports and out-door life. N.Y., 1880. 4° 933.8 Thoughts for thought. Discussions of timely topics. W. F. Faber. Weslfield, X.Y., 1887. 16° 1255.22 Through the wilderness; or, The deserted chil- dren. Mrs. S. Currier. N.Y., 1887. 12°, 935.22 Thurston, Elizabeth A., Ed. Echoes of many voices. Boston, In.d.] 16° 1247.12 Story of the nations — concluded. Saracens, The, to the fall of Bagdad. A. Gilraan. N.Y., 18S7. 12° 1431.10 Strikes and various labor statistics. {See Vol. XX. of 10th U.S. Census.) 1880. 4° . 862.11 Stubbs, William. Lectures on medijeval and modern history. Oxford, 1886. 8° . . 1432.9 Syrian stone-lore; or, The monumental history of Palestine. C. K. Conder. London, 1880. 8° 1433.8 Tolstoi, Count L. My religion. N.Y., [n.d.] 12° 12.52.18 ToTvle, George M. Ireland, Young people's history of. Boston, 1887. 16° . . . .1421.16 Tow^nsend, George A. Katy of Catoctin. N.Y., 1880. 12° 982.8 Townsend, Virginia F. A Boston girl's ambi- tions. Boston, 1887. 12° 979.2 Trench, Archbinliop. Sermons, new and old. N.Y., 1880. 12° 1252.16 Trevelyan, Sir George. Cawnpore. London, 1880. 12° 1431.6 Trip, A, around the world. G. Moerlein. Cin- cinnati, [n.d.] 8° 799.1 Trowbridge, J. T. His one fault. Boston, IssT. lii° 930.17 Troy, The tale of. A. Stewart, Trans. Lon- don, 1880. 8° 1421.18 Truth in tale. Addresses chiefly to children. W. B. Carpenter. London, 1885. 12° . 1252.17 Turkey, The conquest of; or, The decline and fall of the Ottoman empire. (1877-78.) L. P. Brockett aynl P. C. Bliss. Phila., [n.d.] 8° 1-1.32.14 Tuscan hills and Venetian waters. L. Villari. X.Y., 1887. 12° 797.20 Two pilgrims' progress. A tricycle tour from Florence to Rome. J. and E. Pennell. Boston, 1887. 12° 791.12 Two spies. The. Nathan Hale and John Andre. B. J. Lossing. With Anna Seward's monody on J/(yor AndrcS. N.Y.,1886. 8°, 1142.3 Uncle Sam's " Medal of Honor." Some of the noble deeds for which the medal has been awarded, described by those who have won it. (1801-1886.) T. F. Rodenbough, Ed. N.Y., [n.d.] u. 14.33.9 United States history. The Virginia campaign ofGe?i. Pope. (1802.) Boston, 1886. 8°, 593.3 The war for the Union. Maj. Gen. G. B. McClellan. N.Y., 188f. 8° 1434.3 Urbanitzky, Alfred Ritter von. Electricity in the service of man. N.Y., 1880. 8° 1329.7 Vald6s, Don Armando Palacio. The Marquis ofPeualla. [Anovel.] N.Y., [n.d.] 12°, 982.11 Vanity and insanity of genius. K. Sanborn. N.Y.,1880. 10° 12.55.8 Vassar girls, The, on the Rhine. Mrs. L. W. Champney. Boston, 1887. 4° . . . . 795.1 Very, Jones. Poems and essays. Boston, 1880. 12° .578.15 Victoria, Queen. Life. G. B. Smith. Lon- don, 1887. 8° 1143.7 Villari, Linda. On Tuscan hills and Venetian waters. N.Y., 1887. 12° 797.20 Virginia campaign of Gen. Pope. (1862.) Bos- ton, 1886. 8° 593.3 Vittoria. [A novel.] Sequel to '• Sandra Bel- loni." Geo. Meredith. Boston, 1886. 12° 982.18 Volcano under the city. The. (The New York draft-riot of 1863. ) By a volunteer special. N.Y., 1887. 16° 1255.17 CATALOGUE OF THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 395 W. Walker, Francis A. History of the 2d Army Corps ill the army of the Potomac. N.Y., 1880. 8° Wall, Annie. Sordello's story related in prose. N.Y.,1880. 16° Walsingham, Lord, and Payne-Gallwey, Sir Ralph. Shooting. Boston, [n.d.j 2 v. 12°, Walter, James. Memorials of George, Mary and Martha Washington. N.Y., 1887. 8°, Warner, Charles Dudley. Their pilgrimage. N.Y., 1887. 12° Warth, Julian. The full stature of a man. Boston, [n.d.] 16° Washington, George, Life of. W. O. Stod- dard. N.Y.,1S80. 12° Memorials of W., and of Mary, his mother, and Martha, his wife. J.Walter. N.Y., 1887. 8° Washington, D. C. Reminiscences of sixty years in the national metropolis. (Vol. I.) B. P. Poore. Phila., [n.d.] 8° . . . . Ways and means. Sequel to " Rose Raymond's wards." M. Vandegrift. Phila., [n.d.] 12° Wells, James W. Three thousand miles through Brazil. Phila., 1886. 2 v. 8° . . . . Wendell, Barrett. Rankell's remains. [A novel.] Boston, 1887. 10° Wertheimber, Louis. A Muramasa blade. A story of Japan. Boston, 1887. 8° . . Wesley, Susanna, Life of. (Famous women.) E. Clarke. Boston, 1886. 10° ... . What Katy did next. S. C. Woolsey. Boston, 1886. 16° 1433.10 12.55.10 1332.4 1144.2 979.7 983.1 1137.18 1144.2 1253.10 979.4 796.8 983.3 796.9 1138.17 936.13 Whipple, Edwin P. Recollections of eminent men; and other papers. Boston, 1887. 12°, 1137.20 White heron. A; and other stories. S. O. Jew- ett. N.Y.,1887. 18° 981.2 Whiting, Charles G. The saunterer. Boston, 1886. 16° 1255.15 Who was Philip ? A tale of public school life. H.C.Adams. N.Y., 1880. 12°. . . . 9.37.12 Wide Awake, 1880. Boston, 1886. 8° . . . 927.23 ■Wilder, Salem. Life: its nature, origin, devel- opment, and the psychical related to the physical. Boston, 1880. 12° 1332.3 Willoughby, Howard. Australian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. N.Y., 1886. 8° 508.18 Wills. How to make a will: moral and legal directions. J.B.Lee. N.Y., [n.d.] 18°, 1247.14 Winchester, M. E. A crippled robin. N.Y., 1887. 12° 9:35.16 With pack and rifle in the far South-west. A. Daunt. London, 1886. 12° 9.35.17 Wood, J. G. Half-hours in field and forest. N.Y., 1886. 16° 1328.28 Half-hours with a naturalist. X.Y., 1886. 16° 1328.29 Man and his handiwork. London, 1886. 8°, 1329.6 WoodTKrard, P. H. The secret service of the Post-Office department. Boston, 1886. 8°, 1432.13 Woolsey, S. C. What Katy did next. Boston, 1886. 16° 936.13 World's great empires, The. (Lectures.) Mrs. L. C. McKinstry. Boston, 1884. 8° . . 1434.1 Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories of American progress. N.Y., 1886. 12° . 1431.5 Y. Yonge, C. M. A modern Telemachus. N.Y., 1886. 12° 979.5 I D 000 412 907 8 dUUTHERN SRANCn, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. cos AMOCLES. CALIF.