V YORK nJ JIENCES' Charter, constitution, and by-laws of the Lyceum of Natural History in the city of New York. Q 11 N42 CHARTER CONSTITUTION, AND BY-LAWS LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THE CITY OF NEW-YORK INCORPORATED APRIL 20, 1818. NEW-YORK : P R IX TED FOR THE LYCEUM BY W. S. DORR, 123 FULTON STBEET. 1837. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE CITY OF NEW- YORK. Passed April 20th, 1818. WHEREAS the members of the Lyceum of Natural History have petitioned for an act of incorporation, and the Legislature impressed with the importance of the study of Natural History, as connected with the wants, the comforts, and the happiness of mankind, and conceiving it their duty to encourage all laudable attempts to promote the progress of science in this State therefore Be it enacted, by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That Samuel L. Mitchill. Caspar W. Eddy, Frederick C. Schaeffer, Nathaniel Paulding, William Cooper, Benjamin P. Kissam, John Torrey, William Cumber- land, D. Jurco V. Knevels, James Clements, and James Pierce, and such other persons as now are, and may from time to time become members, shall be, and hereby are constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE CITY OF NEW- YORK, and that by that name they shall have perpetual succession, and shall be persons capa- ble of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being de- fended, in all courts and places whatsoever : and may have a common seal, with power to alter the same from time to time ; and shall be capable of purchasing, taking, holding, and enjoy- ing, to them and their successors, any real estate in fee simple or otherwise, and any goods, chattels, and personal estate, and of selling, leasing, or otherwise disposing of the said real or personal estate, or any part thereof, at their will and pleasure : Provided always, that the clear annual value or income of such real or personal estate shall not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars : Provided, however, that the funds of the said corporation shall be used and appropriated to the promotion of the objects stated in the preamble to this act, and those only. And be it further enacted, That the said society shall, from time to time, forever hereafter, have power to make, constitute, ordain, and establish such by-laws and regulations as they shall judge proper, for the election of their officers ; for prescribing their respective functions, and the mode of discharging the same ; for the admission of new members ; for the government of the officers and members thereof; for collecting annual contributions from the members toward the funds thereof; for regulating the times and places of meeting of the said society : for suspending or expelling such members as shall neglect or refuse to comply with the by-laws or regulations, and for the managing or direct- ing the affairs and concerns of the said society ; provided such by-laws and regulations be not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this State, or of the United States. And be it further enacted, That the officers of the said society shall consist of a president and two vice-presidents, a correspond- ing secretary, a recording secretary, a treasurer, and five cura- tors, and such other officers as the society may judge necessary ; who shall be annually chosen, and who shall continue in office for one year, or until others be elected in their stead : that if the annual election shall not be held at any of the days for that pur- pose appointed, it shall be lawful to make such election at any other day ; and that five members of the said society, assembling at the place and time designated for that purpose by any by-law or regulation of the society, shall constitute a legal meeting thereof. And be it further enacted, That Samuel L. Mitchill shall be the president ; Caspar W. Eddy the first vice-president ; Frederick C. Schaeffer the second vice-president ; Nathaniel Paulding, cor- responding secretary ; William Cooper, recording secretary ; Benjamin P. Kissam, treasurer ; and John Torrey, William Cum- berland, D. Jurco V. Knevels, James Clements, and James Pierce, curators ; severally to be the first officers of the said corporation, who shall hold their respective offices until the twenty-third day of February next, and until others shall be chosen in their places. And be it further enacted, That the present constitution of the said association shall, after passing of this act, continue to be the constitution thereof ; and that no alteration shall be made therein, unless by a vote to that effect of three-fourths of the resident members, and upon the request in writing of one-third of such resident members, and submitted at least one month before any vote shall be taken thereupon. State of New- York, Secretary's Office. I CERTIFY the preceding to be a true copy of an original act of the Legislature of this State, on file ia this Office. ARCH'D CAMPBELL, ALBANY, April 29th, 1818. Dep. Sec'ry. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. This society shall be styled, " The Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New- York." ARTICLE II. It shall consist of three classes of members : viz., resident, corresponding, and honorary ; resident members, such as dwell in the City of New- York and its immediate vicinity ; corresponding members, such as reside at a distance from said city, or in other states ; and honorary members, such as may be judged worthy, from their attainments in Natural History, to be admitted into the society. The number of honorary members shall never exceed forty. ARTICLE III. All members shall be elected by ballot. Candidates for admission, shall be proposed in writing at least two meet- ings previous to being balloted for. The affirmative votes of three-fourths of the members present shall be necessary to elect a candidate ; honorary or corresponding members, however, may be elected without previous notice, provided that the ballot on such election be unanimous. ARTICLE IV. None but resident members shall be entitled to vote, or be eligible to any office in the society. ARTICLE V. No member, who shall be in arrears for one year, shall be entitled to vote, or be eligible to any office in the society. ARTICLE VI. The officers of the society shall consist of a president, two vice-presidents, a first and second ; a corresponding secretary, a recording secretary, a treasurer, five curators, and a librarian, who shall be chosen annually on the fourth Monday of February. There shall also be elected, at every anniversary meeting of the said society, the following committees : viz., a committee of nomination, consisting of five members ; a committee of publication, of five mem- bers ; a finance committee, of three members ; and a library committee, of three members ; also, an anniversary orator, and a draughtsman to the Lyceum. ARTICLE VII. The election of Officers shall be by ballot, and the per- son having the greatest number of votes shall be declared duly elected. ARTICLE VIII. Five members at a stated meeting shall form a quorum, and ten at a special meeting. ARTICLE IX. By-laws, for the further regulation of the society, shall from time to time be made. ARTICLE X. No alteration shall be made in this constitution, unless by a vote to that effect of three-fourths of the resident mem- bers, and upon the request in writing of one-third of all the resident members, submitted at least one month previous to any vote being taken thereupon. BY-LAWS. CHAPTER I. OF MEMBERS. 1. All members shall be elected by ballot. 2. The election for members shall be held on the first meet- ing of each month only ; honorary or corresponding mem- bers may be elected at any stated meeting of the society, without previous notice being given, provided the vote on such elections be unanimous. 3. Candidates for admission shall be proposed, in writing, by the committee of nomination, at a meeting at least two weeks previous to their being balloted for ; but in case the committee of nomination do not report to the society the name of any candidate who shall have been recommended to them, within one month from the time of such recommen- dation, the society may proceed to ballot for him at the next stated time of election, on being required by the member who shall have recommended such candidate. 4. The affirmative votes of three-fourths of the members present shall be necessary to elect a candidate. A person shall not be considered a resident member until he shall have signed the constitution and paid his initiation dues ; and unless the candidate shall comply with these conditions within two months from the date of his election, such elec- tion shall be void. 5. A resident member, removing from the city with an intention of residing abroad, may, on giving notice thereof, and on payment of his arrears, become a corresponding member; and a corresponding member, who removes to the city with an intention of making it his permanent residence, becomes a resident member, and shall pay into the treasury such sum as will make bis initiation fee equal to that of other resident members. 6. Resident members only shall be entitled to a vote in the choice of officers, and in the general concerns of the society. 7. No member shall publish any part of the proceedings of the Lyceum, nor any paper read before it, without leave from the committee of Publication, or by resolution of the society. CHAPTER II. OF STOCKHOLDERS. 1. Any person may become a stockholder by paying into the treasury the sum of one hundred dollars. 2. A stockholder shall be entitled for himself and family to free admission to the museum of the society, and to such public lectures as may be delivered in its behalf, and to which the members of the Lyceum have a right to attend ; and also have the privilege of introducing strangers to the museum and library in accordance with the regulations of the society. 3. A stockholder shall be entitled to the use of the books of the library of the Lyceum. 4. A member becoming a stockholder shall be exempted from the payment of dues, subsequent to the payment of his subscription. 5. The shares, with their privileges, may be transferred or bequeathed. 6. All monies received from stockholders shall be appro- priated towards the liquidation of the debt incurred by the erecting of the building of the Lyceum ; and when that debt 2 10 shall have been paid, no further subscriptions to the stock shall be received, and the first section of this chapter shall be void. CHAPTER III. OF OFFICERS. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings, and regulate the order thereof; and shall announce donations, and other communications, to the Lyceum. He shall have a casting vote in all cases in which there shall be an equal division among the members. On questions of order, members may appeal from his decision to the society. 2. A Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President. 3. The Corresponding Secretary shall be charged with the correspondence of the Lyceum. It shall be his duty to be present at all meetings of the society, to read all communi- cations made to him in his official capacity, to keep a book in which shall be recorded the correspondence of the society, to lay the same on the table at all regular meetings thereof, to notify corresponding and honorary members of their elec- tion, and to report to the society on the first Monday of February, annually, the state of their correspondence. 4. The Recording Secretary shall be present at all meet- ings of the society, and keep a record of the proceedings thereof. He shall take charge of all papers and documents belonging to the society, and shall notify all resident mem- bers of their election. 5. The Treasurer shall have charge of all monies belong- ing to the Lyceum, and give good and satisfactory security to the society for the faithful discharge of the trust, in a sum not less than five thousand dollars. He shall also be charged with the letting of such parts of the building and premises as the society may, from time to time, determine to let. He shall 11 collect initiation fees and annual dues from members, all subscriptions made in behalf of the Lyceum, all rents and other incomes that may accrue from any property belonging to the institution, shall give due notice to the society of the expiration of all policies of insurance that may be effected on its property, and pay all debts against the society, which shall first be audited by the committee of Finance. He,shall furnish the committee of Finance, on due application, with such information of the state of the funds as they may re- quire, and shall report to the Lyceum, on the fourth Monday of February, in each year, the receipts and expenditures of the institution. All agreements of the Treasurer to rent the property of the Lyceum, or any part thereof, for a longer term than one week, must have the sanction of the society by their vote to that effect. 6. The Curators shall be separately charged (as may be agreed among themselves) with the safe keeping and ar- rangement of the several collections, and with the keys of the cabinet. 7. The Curator having charge of any division of the col- lection shall be alone authorized to selectduplicate specimens from such division for the purpose of exchange or donation ; but no exchange nor donation shall be made, except such as are authorized by a vote of the society. 8. The increase and improvement of the collections being the inducement to exchange, it shall be the duty of the Curators to report to the society all such opportunities to exchange as would favor this object. CHAPTER IV. OF COMMITTEES. 1. The committee of Finance shall audit all accounts against the Lyceum, and have the duties and powers of a 12 committee of Ways and Means. They shall report on the first Monday of March, June, September and December of each year, the liabilities of the institution and the amount of its funds. 2. The committee of Publication shall have the exclusive right of directing all the publications of a scientific nature emanating from the society. 3. It shall be the duty of the committee of Nomination to report to the society on the merits of all persons recom- mended as candidates for admission. 4. Committees for special purposes may be appointed when required. When such committees consist of three members, they shall be appointed by the President. CHAPTER V. OF CONTRIBUTIONS. 1. Every resident member, at the time of his admission, shall pay into the treasury the sum of ten dollars, (for which the person proposing said member shall be accountable,) and shall be subject, if not a stockholder, to pay an annual con- tribution of eight dollars. 2. Every corresponding member shall be liable for the sum of five dollars, as an initiation fee, (foreign correspondents only excepted,) which sum shall be paid by the member who shall propose such corresponding member, at the next meeting after his election. 3. No member who shall be in arrears for dues for one year, shall be entitled to a vote, or be eligible to any office ; and if any member, so in arrears, shall neglect or refuse to liquidate his dues within three months after notification thereof, by the Treasurer, his name shall be erased from the list of members. 13 CHAPTER VI. OF THE CABINET. 1. All donations shall have the names of the donors af- fixed thereto. 2. Every member and stockholder shall have access to the cabinet, subject to the regulation of the Curators. 3. Strangers applying for admission will record their names and places of residence in a book to be kept for that purpose. 4. No specimen in Natural History, received as a de- posit, shall be arranged in the same cases with any speci- mens belonging to the society. 5. All deposits of specimens, while they remain as such, shall be exclusively under the control of the society, and subject to the same uses and regulations as the cabinet be- longing to the Lyceum. 6. No person making a deposit of specimens shall be al- lowed to remove the same without permission from the society. 7. The Curators shall arrange, in systematic order, all the specimens of Natural History, and keep a catalogue of the same ; and shall report, on the first Monday in March, in each year, the state of the property confided to their charge. CHAPTER VII. OF THE LIBRARY. 1. The library shall be under the control of the Librarian and a standing committee of three, to be termed the Library Committee. 2. No book shall be purchased, except by a recommenda- tion to that effect, signed by a majority of this committee, and ratified by the society. 14 3. The Librarian shall be furnished with a book, in which he shall keep a regular account of all books borrowed and returned, by inserting the name of the borrower and the book borrowed, the time when taken out arid when returned. 4. A special committee, appointed for the purpose, shall designate such books as ought not to be removed from the rooms of the Lyceum, which shall be marked on the printed catalogue, and may not be taken out without special per. mission from the society. 5. The Librarian, or, in his absence, one of the Library Committe, will note the volume borrowed. 6. A volume not returned within one month, shall incur a fine of fifty cents, and twenty-five cents for each week thereafter. 7. Any injury done to works shall be estimated by the committee, and the borrower fined accordingly. 8. The Librarian shall report to the Treasurer, from time to time, the fines imposed. 9. No member shall take out more than two volumes at one time. 10. On the first Monday in June, all books shall be called in ; and a special committee of three shall examine the li- brary, and compare it with the catalogue. They shall note all missing books, and report the same, at the next meeting, to the society. CHAPTER VIII. OF MEETINGS. 1. The ordinary meetings shall be held on Monday evening, in each week, at seven o'clock, and five members shall form a quorum. 15 2. The President, or either of the Vice-Presidents, with any five members, may call a special meeting. 3. Special meetings shall be called by a notice sent to each resident member, stating the time at which such meet- ing is to be held, and the object for which it is called. 4. All meetings of the society, shall be held in the builcU ing belonging to the Lyceum. 5. Visitors at the sittings of the Lyceum shall be intror clnced by one or more members, and their names shall be announced by the President to the society, CHAPTER IX. OF BUSINESS. 1, All business, other than what relates immediately to the cultivation of Natural History, shall be transacted at the first meeting of each month only. 2. The following shall be considered the regular order of business at the ORDINARY MEETINGS : 1. The minutes of the. proceeding meeting read, ,ind the sense of the members taken thereon, 2. The names of visitors announced. 3. Introduction of new members. 4. Reports of committees. 5. Communications read, or donations made. 6. Any other business which may be in order* or .called up. 7. Rough minutes read. 8. Adjournment. RESIDENT MEMBERS 1817. * E. R. Baudoine, * James Clements, * Francis Morton, * Jacob Dyckman, * William S. Irving, * Benj. U. Coles, * J. S. Watkins, * Samuel L. Mitchill, Nathaniel Paulding, William Cooper, f William Cumberland, John Torrey, John B. Beck, f P. S. Townsend, John W. Francis, J. Le Conte, William Swift, * F. C. Schaeffer, * B. P. Kissam, John Anthon, * Henry Gahn, Samuel Akerly, 1818. * John Watts, 0. Bronson. *Dcad. Abraham Halsey, Gulian C. Verplanck, 1819. James E. De Kay, * D. H. Barnes. 1820. J. Van Rensselaer. 1821. Stacy B. Collins, 1822. * George Gibbs, t Issachar Cozzens, 1823. Joseph Delafield, E. A. Graves, M. C. Perry, * J. E. S. Hosack. 1824. William Moore. John R. Rhinelander, Benjamin M. Vickar, George C.Dekay, * Nath. H. Carter, * Frederick G. King, E. G. Ludlow, t J. G. Totten, t Become Corresponding Members. 17 O. Hull, Alfred Wagstaff, t J. J. Graves, S. Verplanck, Martin Paine, T. W. Ludlow, William Kemble. 1825. t John Bell, Charles Hammond. t George Catlin, Timothy Dewey, 1826. Leonard D. Gale, * John Hone, Jr. J. Augustine Smith, * James F. Dana, f S. R. Smith, 1827. J. B. Sloat, t John Revere, * George Chilton, N. F. Moore, 1828. t G. W. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Boyd, Cyrus Perkins, Henry Gary, f Isaac Brinkerhoof, 1829. t Thomas G. Gary, Henry M. Francis, t George C. Petersen, Henry Parish, O. M. Lowndes, Augustus Fleming, Orville Brooks, * H. McCracken, John Glover, * J. C. Hamilton, M. E. Thompson, t E. Storer, O. E. Edwards, H. W. Field, A. R. Thompson, L. Feuchtwanger. 1831. Samuel T. Carey, T. T. Devan, J. F. Wilckens. 1832. R. P. Tanner, John C. Jay, Wm. H. Denning, Frederick Prime. 1833. Joseph Foulke, Jr. Wm. Edgar, t S. L. Metcalf, J. M. Bradhurst, Rufus Prime, William Partridge, James J. Mapes, Robert H. Brownne, Henry Hoyt, 1834. Edward Harris, Charles Cramer, Theodore Allen, * Luman Reed, Martin Zabriskie, 1835. H. W. Hicks, George B. Dorr, Robert Ray, William F. Gary, t Charles DeSelding, Edward Prime, Edward L. Beadle, Thomas S. Cummings. 1836. John Bard, H. C. De Rham, Asa Gray, Minturn Post, J. C. Beales, John Neilson, Jr. J. Redfield. Jr. Stephen Moulton, John D. Ogden, Joel Foster, 18 Frederick T. Palmer, S. R. Childs, Daniel Parish, John Jay, James G. Chilton, John P. Hone, Jonathan Dodge, James F. Ward, Robert Rankin, Charles A. Davis Arch. Russell, Henry A. Du Bois. 1837. Enos T. Throop, J. H. Hill, William Channing. -.'. ..'jua^.ti'iW ,v4*3i..i *i.*s* CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 1817. B. R. Greenland, M. D., South Carolina. Professor Lewis C. Beck, Albany. J. Roane, M. D., Tennessee. Rev. Thomas Harris, Philadelphia. C. S. Rafinesque, Philadelphia. Professor D. B. Douglass, Brooklyn. John P. Brace, Litchfield, Connecticut. D. C. Verplanck, Fishkill, New-York. Professor Ebenezer Kellogg, William's College. John Bradbury, F. L. S., England. Caleb Atwater, Circleville, Ohio. R. B. Owen, M. D., Tennessee. Professor T. Romeyn Beck, Albany. Professor Amos Eaton, Troy, New- York. Professor Chester Dewey, Rochester, New- York. J. De la Motta, M. D., Charleston, South Carolina. Professor Del Rio, Mexico. Rev. J. J. Robertson. Greece. 1818. *Moses Hale, M. D., Troy, New- York. Felix L'Herminier, Charleston, South Carolina. Eli Bun-ill, Troy, New-York. Dr. Jacob Porter, Plainfield, Massachusetts. 1819. Professor J. W. Webster, Harvard University. Henry R. Schoolcraft, Michigan. 1820. *D. Jurco V. Knevels, West Indies. Professor Lardner Vanuxem, Bristol, Pennsylvania. Adolphe Brongniart, Paris. Professor Hall, Middlebury College, Vermont. 20 1821. James Pierce, Litchfield, Connecticut. William Howard, M. D., Baltimore. 1824. John I. Bigsby, M. D., England. P. Ricord Madiana, M. D., Paris. Dr. Joseph C. Habersham, Savannah. Dr. William C. Waring, Savannah. Professor M. Von Breda, University of Ghent. Professor Drapier, Bruxelles. William Van Winthem. Hamburg. *Benjamin Dearborn, Boston. Dr. Hancock, Demarara. *Dr. Lucius Woodbury, Mexico. John J. Audubon, F. R. S., Louisiana. Stephen White, Salem, Massachusetts. Seth Bass, M. D., Boston. Charles L. Bonaparte, Rome. David B. Warden, Paris. Dr. Samuel W. Barlow, Granville, Massachusetts. *Dr. Samuel Fowler, Franklin, New Jersey. Dr. Zena Pitcher, Detroit. 1825. Richard Harlan, M. D., Philadelphia. *Don Mariano Caldes, Mexico. *Thomas Say, Philadelphia. Thomas B. Saltus, U. S. N. Victor Jacquemont, Paris. Jonathan A. Allen, M. D., Middlebury, Vermont. A. F. Holmes, M. D., Montreal. J. Dunham, Lexington, Kentucky. Colonel 1. 1. Abert, U. S. A. Professor Nathan Smith, Yale College. Daniel Stephens, Charleston. Colonel Archibald Henderson, U. S. Marines. Charles Wilkes, New- York. Colonel Kingsbury, Franklin, Connecticut. Thomas M. Randolph, Richmond, Virginia. Commodore Charles Stewart, U. S. N. Colonel Lebbeus Loomis, New- York. 21 Major Edward De Russey, U. S. A. Major William Popham, Scarsdale, New-York. 1826. James Dalliba, Moriah, New- York. Chevalier de Kirckhoft', M. D., Antwerp. M. Goethe, President Min. Society. Jena. Victor Audouin, Paris. Professor Anselme Gaetan Demarest, Paris. Dr. W. S. Jacobs, St. Croix. Samuel G. Morton, M. D., Philadelphia. Mathew A. Ward, M. D., Athens, Georgia. Thomas Horsefield, M. D., London. Professor Van Mons, Lourain. 1827. Aug. Engelspach la Riviere, Bruxelles. A. Pailloux, Paris, Edwin James, M. D., Albany. Wiliiam Darlington, M. D., Westchester, Pennsylvania. Baron Von Lederer, Vienna. John L. Williams, Pensacola. M. Julien, Paris. Thomas Clark, Bristol, England, N. A. Vigors, F. L. S., London. Captain Basil Hall, R. N., Edinburgh. 1828. Franklin Smith, New Brunswick, New Jersey'. James H. Henderson, Jefferson county, New York. Charles Pickering, M. D., Philadelphia. Louis Janin, Paris. G. W. Featherstonhaugh, Washington, D. C. 1829. James Eights, M. D., Albany. Hezekiah Gates, M. D., Alabama. Isaac Lea, Philadelphia. J. N. Reynolds, Ohio. Robert H. Schomburgh, Paris. J. Heron, M. D., Warwick, New Jersey. Thomas Graham, Edinburgh. *Hezekiah H. Eaton, Lexington, Kentucky. 1830.*Charles Telfair, Mauritius. Robert Barclay, England. *Joseph Barabino, New Orleans. Nathaniel Niles, Paris. William Swainson, England. J. M. Boisduval, Paris. 1831. Wm. R. Clapp, Philadelphia. Professor Dobereiner, Jena. Professor August Breithaupt, Freyburg. Claudius Gay, Paris. McGillivray, Edinburgh. Jonathan Dodge, M. D., Rochester, N. Y., (became a resident member, 1836.) 1832. Alonzo Clark, M. D., Williarastown, Massachusetts. Captain F. A. Folkes, Hamburg. Professor N. M. Hentz. Professor C. Vaccari, Chioggia, Italy. George Gibbs, Jr., Turks Island. Edward Clarke, Saugerties. 1833. M. V. de Moleon, Paris. John Finch, London. Francisco de Corroy, Tobasco. Dr. Augustus Adee, U. S. N. 1834. Rev. John Bachman, Charleston, South Carolinia. C. T. Jackson, M. D., Boston. Francis Alger, M. D., Boston. Professor Vandermaelen, Bruxelles. 1835. Dr. G. Schuler, Jena. Joel Foster, M. D., Schoharie, N. Y., (became a resident member, 1836.) John Gebbard, Schoharie, New-York. F. de Worth, St. Petersburgh. Dr. Henry Marshall, Kortright, New- York. ' Rev. Abm. Messeler, Somerville, New Jersey. Ramon de la Sagra, Havana. Juan Ehlers, Mexico. Professor Wm. Tully, New Haven, Connecticut. 1836. J. C. Delano, New Bedford, Massachusetts. James H. Bell, Sandusky, Ohio. 23 J. B. Bouillet, Auvergne, France. Dr. A. W. Chapman, Middle Florida. Henry B. Groom, Tallahassee, Florida. Professor J. G. Sembnitzky, St. Petersburgh. Charles de Rosenberg, St. Petersburgh. John Prescott, St. Petersburgh. Professer G. Fischer, St. Petersburgh. M. Domnando, Athens, Greece. C. J. Ward, Chilicothe, Ohio. 1837. William Yarrel, London. M. Gaudichaud, Paris. W. W. Mather, Albany. Timothy A. Conrad, Philadelphia. James D. Dana, New Haven, Connecticut. Professor Walter R. Johnson, Philadelphia. Reynell Coates, M. D. Philadelphia. Joseph P. Couthouy, Boston. Professor Gerard Troost, Nashville, Tennessee. Professor Edward Hitchcock, Amherst College, Edward C. Herrick, New Haven, Connecticut. HONORARY MEMBERS. 1817. *Joseph Correa de Serra, Portugal. *Thomas Jefferson, Virginia. *Professor H. Castrom, Stockholm. Professor Somme, Antwerp. Zaccheus Collins, Philadelphia. General Joseph G. Swift, New- York. Professor William J. Macneven, New-York. Bracy Clark, London. Stephen Elliott, LL. D., South Carolina. C. A. Lesueur, Paris. Professor Jacob Bigelow, Boston. *Sir James Edward Smith, England. *James Monroe, Virginia. Professor Aug. Pyr. De Candolle, Geneva. Professor Gaetano Savi, Pisa. Robert Brown, LL. D., London. Hoffman Bang, Odense, Denmark. *C. W. Peale, Philadelphia. Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Pres. Linn. Soc., London. Abb< Hauy, Paris. *G. C. Knapp, Germany. Colonel Stephen H. Long. U. S. A. Baron Bivona, Palermo. 1818. *De Witt Clinton, New- York. David Hosack, M. D., LL. D., New- York. 1819. Professor B. Silliman, LL. D., Yale College. Jules Cloquet, M. D., Paris. Parker Cleaveland, LL. D., Bowdoin College. 25 1820. Professor Kurt Sprengel, University of Halle. Professor C. A. Agardh, University of Lund, Sweden. *Pedro Abadea, Peru. 1821. William M'Clure, Pres. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia. 1822. Thomas Nuttall, F. L. S., Philadelphia. 1823. *Rev. Lewis D. de Schweinitz, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. *Bartolomi de Munos, Buenos Ayres. Stephen Van Rensselaer, LL. D., Albany. *Professor J. V. F. Lamouroux, Caen, France. Sir William Jackson Hooker, LL. D., Glasgow. Robert Kaye Greville, LL. D., Edinburgh. *Baron G. Cuvier, Paris. Professor J. G. Christian Lehmann, Hamburgh. 1826- Lewis Weston Dillwyn, Wales. *P. A. Latreille, Paris. Professor J. J. Berzelius, Stockholm. Baron Alexander de Humboldt, Berlin. *Baron de Ferusac, Paris. 1828. Professor William Buckland, Oxford. Professor Thomas Thomson, Glasgow. 1830. Lieut. General Count Dejean, Paris. Professor John Lindley, London. 1836. Dr. Charles B. Trinius, St. Petersburg!!. Professor Christian G. Ne.es Von Esenbeck, Breslau. Count Strongonoff, Pres. Imp. Min. Soc. St. Petersburgh. Charles Lyell, F. R. S., London. Professor Gmelin, Tubingen. Robert J. Murchison, F. R. S., London. 1837. George A. Walker- Arnott, Arlary, Scotland. Louis Agassiz, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Henry De La Beche, London. Achille Valenciennes, Paris. STOCKHOLDERS. *C. Wilkes, Wm. Johnson, J. Johnston, J. Boorman, A. Norrie, H. Parish, D. Parish, J. Kernochan, J. R. Marshall, P. Hone, J. P. Hone, J. W. Francis, J. A. Constant, Robert Ray, Richard Ray, S. Ward, J. G. King, Edward Prime, R. Prime, F. Prime, A. Tappan, P. G. Stuyvesant, H. Fish, H. Dudley, T. W. Ludlow, H. Hoyt, Wm. Cooper, A. Fleming, C. Low, H. M'Cracken, J. J. Jones, George Jones, Ed. R. Jones, D. S. Jones, Joseph Delafield, James E. De Kay, G. C. De Kay, Chas. A. Davis, C. Wolfe, J. D. Wolfe, J. M. Bradhurst, H. W. Field, Edward A. Graves, A. Post, J.W.Post, N. Paulding, J, G.Coster, G. H. Coster, J. H. Coster, D. J. Coster, Washington Coster, John C. Jay, P. A. Jay, John Jay, John Jay,. Jr. Ann Jay, F. W. Olmsted, T. Allen, C. De Rham, Wm. Moore, H. Cary, Wm. F. Cary, S. T. Carey, J. S. Crary, P. Crary, P. Remsen, O. Maurau, J. Strong, A. Foster, Jr. F. Gebhard, J. H. Hicks, H. W. Hicks, S. Van Rensselaer, J. Van Rensselaer, C. Cramer, Wm. C. Rhinelander, J.C. Halsey, S. A.Halsey, 0. Hull, Wm. H. Russell, Arch. Russell, R. Kermitt, G. B. Dorr, S. F. Dorr, G. Douglas, Wm. Douglas, S. B. Ruggles, G. G. Rowland, S. S. Howland, J. H. Howland, Wm. H. Aspinwall, C. Baker, J. Lorillard, P. Lorillard, Jr. T. Tileston, P. Spofford. C. W. How, Wm. S. Packer, Jr. March & Benson, S. Alley, S. Brown, J. Brown, J. R. St. John, J. D. Beers, D. W. Wetmore, G. P. Rogers, *D. Hosack, M. Hoffman, L. M. Hoffman, J. R. Le Roy, P. Schermerhorn, J. Schermerhorn, James Hagartyj John H^aggerty, C. A. Heckscher, Ed. Heckscher, T. Suffern, E. F. Sanderson, J. Hunt, N. Ludlum, R. Tillotson, H. Grinnell, R. B. Minturn, R. R. Minturn, James Lenox, T. F. Wilckens, Wm. Kemble, R. L. Lord, Thomas Lord, J. D. P. Ogden, T. Barren, S. Verplanck, F. Pell, G. Bruce, G. Sutton, E.Harris, G. Richards, J. Anthon, 28 C.N.Talbot, D. Clarkson, J. Goodhue, R. J. Cochran, H. Sheldon, F. H. Sheldon, Wm. P. Denning, J. Q. Aymar, J. F. Schxoeder, L. Feutchwanger, C. F. Moulton, A. Fitch, A. Varick, J. V. Greenfield, P. Harmony, J. Gibson, A. Hamilton, G. W. Bruen, J. Moorehead, J. O. Woodruff, J. J. Bailey, E. Remsen, G. G. Smith, Wm. Swift, J. Torrey, W. A. White, S. F. Mott, Wm. A. Lawrence, C. W. Lawrence, R. Schuyler, A. G. Stout, A. R. Thompson, M. E. Thompson, D. Lee, W. A. Tomlinson, J. B. Murray, S Swartwout, E. T. Throop, S. Downer, S. Grosvener, J. G. Pearson, S. Higginson, N. T. Heard, P. H. Schenck, G. S. Robbins, J. F. Mackie, S. Oakley, G. Myer^ J. L. Joseph, B. Curtis, J. Hoxie, T. T. Devan, T. H. Faile E. G. Faile E. Wade, Jr. E. Penfold, A. T. Stewart, Chas. Graham, Jr. W. E. Wilmerding, E. N. Tailer, J. Glover, H. P. Morgan, P. G. Barker, H. M. Schieffelin, J. Dodge, Gouverneur Morris P. Kearny, Jr. J. Mason, D. C. Colden, R. G. Rankin, A. Wagstaff, I. U. Coles, R. S. Clark, J. A. Smith. A 000 747 523 9 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. *H APR! 7 JUN? JM fc 1 ^ Series 9482 Ui