v - ESTABLISHED 1872. PRICE-LIST ANALYTICAL LABORATORY ASSAY OFFICE OF GIDEON E. MOORE, M.A., PH.D., MEMBER OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF BERLIN, THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY OF LONDON, THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ETC., ETC. 69 LIBERTY STRICT, COR NEW YORK. 1888. 5121 PEARL ST., s. w. COR. PLATT Copyright by GIDEON E. MOORE 1888. . : Ptf- ANALYTICAL LABORATORY AND ASSAY OFFICE OF DE. GIDEON E. MOORE, Analytical and Consulting Chemist, No. 69 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. *2l P&ARL. S... .. ... _. p LATT Assays and Analyses of Ores, Minerals, Metals, Fertilizers, Waters, Products of the Arts, etc., etc! Investigations made and advice furnished in the development of new manufacturing processes and in the prosecution of all departments of chemical and metallurgical industries and manufactures involving the applications of chemistry. Expert Evidence in chemical questions before the Courts. TERMS Cash on delivery of the certificate of analysis or assay. In the case of clients not personally known to us, a deposit is required to the amount of one-half of the cost of the work ordered, the balance being payable on delivery of the certificate. Prepayment required on samples sent by express. Special arrangements made with manufacturing establishments, metal- lurgical works, etc. , to furnish advice and analytical work by the year. SAMPLES. The quantities given on the following list under the heading "Required Sample," are what it is usually desirable to send in order to insure a fair average, although, as a rule, much larger than is required for the analysis M10917 4 . * safljpJ.e is usually safer than a small one, especially when the material is a mechanical mixture of different substances and when it is not in a finely powdered state. Every care should be taken to insure that the sample shall fairly represent the average composition of the lot from which it is taken. Samples are best taken by an experienced sampler. In cases where one is not to be had, a fair average of larger lots of crushed or powdered substances may be obtained by carefully mixing the whole by shoveling, etc. , and dividing the heap into quarters ; one of these quarters is then, mixed and again quartered, and the operation repeated until a sample of suitable size, say one or two pounds, is obtained. In the case of large lots of uncrushed ores or other substances occurring in large lumps or masses, a sample of one or more tons may be taken by careful selection, crushed and " quartered down, " as before described. In the case of pow- dered substances, commercial products, etc., in barrels or other packages- of uniform size or weight, an average sample may be obtained by taking an equal measure from each package or from each of a given number of packages, selected at random, mixing these samples thoroughly and quartering down as before described. Samples of substances liable to change in the amount of moisture they contain, by drying out or by absorption of moisture from the air, are best sent in well corked or stoppered bottles, or in tightly closed tin cans or boxes, preferably with a strip of writing-paper pasted over the joint between the cover and body. Samples of waters for analysis should be sent in clean glass bottles or demijohns, tightly closed with new corks. Before filling with the sample, the bottles, etc., should be most carefully washed out with clean water, taking special care to remove all solid impurities, and then repeatedly rinsed out with the water to be analyzed. The bottles should not be filled above the junction of the neck with the body. In the case of complete analyses of the waters of mineral springs, it is usually important that the samples should be taken by the chemist 5 in person, who is thus enabled to make such investigations as can only be conducted at the spring. Samples of industrial gases are taken by experienced samplers when the analysis cannot be made on the spot. In the case of very remote location of the works, when a sampler cannot be sent, apparatus with complete instructions for taking the samples will be furnished on applica- tion. A deposit of the value of the apparatus is required in such cases, to be deducted from the charge for the analysis when the apparatus is returned in good condition. All samples sent for analysis should be accompanied by explicit instructions as to the kind of analysis required, or when this cannot be done, the purpose that the analysis is intended to serve should be stated. The chemist has otherwise no discretion except to make a complete, and often necessarily costly, analysis. On the following list is given a series of tests and analyses of various degrees of completeness, corresponding to the usual requirements of most of the leading departments of manufacturing and mining industry, commerce and sanitary science, with the charge for each and statement of the amount of sample that it is usually expedient to furnish for the analysis. INDEX Qualitative Analyses, 7 Assays and Quantitative Determinations of Single Constituents, . . 7 Analyses of: Coals and Coke, 8 Slags, Fire-Sands and Clays, Fire-Stone and Brick, .... 8 Limestones and Hydraulic Cements, 9 Ores, Metals and Alloys, 9 Illuminating Gas, Fuel Gas, Air, etc., 17 Porcelain, Pottery Ware, Clays, etc. , 18 Glass and Glass Makers' Materials, 19 India-rubber, Gutta-percha, Eubber Goods, etc., .... 21 Paper, Wall Paper, etc., 21 Textile Fabrics (Silk, Wool, Linen, Cotton, etc.), .... 21 Dyes and Dyers' Materials, 22 Oils, Fats, Petroleum, etc., 22 Paints, Oils and Varnishes, . - 23 Chemicals and Drugs, 24 Explosives, 27 Soap and Soap Makers' Materials, 28 Fertilizers, Feed-Stuffs, Soils, etc., 28 Waters for Domestic and Manufacturing Use, Mineral Waters, etc., 31 Sugars (raw and refined), Molasses, etc. , 33 Food, Condiments and Beverages, 34 Physiological and Pathological Analyses, 41 Sanitary Analyses (see Analyses of Water, Food, etc., Gas, etc., Glass, Pottery Ware, Kubber Goods, Wall Paper, Textile Fabrics, Dyes, Paints, etc.) 7 A- Qualitative Analyses. Ores, Minerals, etc. QUALITATIVE TESTS to ascertain the presence or absence of any given substance are charged for at the rate of one-half of the charge for an assay for, or quantitative determination of, the substance in question, ex- cept in the case of the precious metals in ores, etc., where the question can only be determined by an assay. PARTIAL QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS to determine the general nature of a sub- stance consisting of not more than two or three principal components, $3. 00 COMPLETE QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS for the detection of all constituents of common occurrence, . $15.00 B. Assays for, and Quantitative Determinations of, Single Constituents. Charge. Charge. Aluminium (Alumina), Antimony (and its oxides), Arsenic Barium (Baryta), . . . Bismuth (and its oxides), Boracic acid, .... Bromine, Cadmium, Calcium (Lime), Carbon, total (in metals), Carbon, combined " Carbon, graphitic " Carbonic acid, .... Chlorine, Chromium (and its oxides), Cobalt " " Copper " Copper, suboxide (in metals), Fluorine, Gold, Gold and Silver, . . . Iodine, Iron, . $5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Iron (Sesquioxide of), Iron (Protoxide of), . . Lead (and its oxide), . . Magnesium (Magnesia), . Manganese (and its oxides) Mercury " " " Molybdenum (Molybdic acid), Nickel (and its oxides), . Nitrogen (in metals), . Phosphorus (Phosphoric acid), Platinum, Potassium (Potassa), . Silicon (Silica), . .' . Silver (see also gold), Sodium (Soda), ... Sulphur (Sulphuric acid), Strontium (Strontia) . . Tellurium (Telluric acid), Tiri (and its oxides), . . Titanium (Titanic acid), . Tungsten (Tungstic acid), Vanadium (Vanadic acid), Zinc (and its oxide), . . $4 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 6 00 8 C. Assays and Analyses of Fuel, Ores, Minerals, Technical Materials and Products, Waters, etc. I. Coals and Coke* Bequired Sample. Charge. Percentage of water, volatile combustible matter, fixed carbon and ash, 1-2 Ibs $10 00 Percentage of sulphur, " " phosphorus, Determination of specific gravity, with statement oi weight of one cubic foot in pounds, . Ash Analyses. Percentage of silica, alumina, oxide of iron, lime, magnesia and sulphuric acid, 1-2 Ibs. I 1-2 Ibs. 1-2 Ibs. 5 00 5 00 3 00 24 00 Percentage of silica, alumina, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, lime, magnesia, potassa, soda and sulphuric acid, 38 00 II. Slags, Fire-Sands and Clays, Fire-Stone and Brick. Percentage of silica, alumina, oxide of iron, lime, magnesia and water, Percentage of silica, alumina, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, lime, magnesia and water, Percentage of silica, alumina, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, lime, magnesia, potassa, soda and water, Percentage of free and combined silica, . 1-2 Ibs. 1-2 Ibs. $20 00 1-2 Ibs. 24 CO 33 00 8 00 Required Sample. Charge. Percentage of titanic acid, Complete chemical and mechanical analyses of clays. (See Porcelain, Pottery- Ware, etc.) $5 00 III. Limestones and Hydraulic Cements. 1-2 Ibs. 1-2 Ibs. 1-2 Ibs. Percentage of insoluble siliceous matter, alumina, and oxide of iron (together) and total carbon- ates, expressed as carbonate of lime, . Percentage of insoluble siliceous matter, alumina and oxide of iron (together), carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia, Percentage of silica, alumina, oxide of iron, lime, magnesia and carbonic acid, Percentage of phosphoric acid, " sulphuric acid or total sulphur, . IV. Ores, Metals and Alloys, Antimony Ores, etc. 4 oz. Percentage of antimony, " antimony and arsenic, .... " antimony, arsenic and lead, . " antimony and sulphur, .... " " antimony, arsenic, lead and sulphur, Antimony. Percentage of arsenic, " arsenic and copper, " arsenic and sulphur, ..... " arsenic, copper, lead, iron and sul- phur, 4 oz. 5 00 10 00 24 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 13 00 10 00 17 00 5 00 9 00 10 00 19 00 10 Eequired Sample. Charge. Antimony Alloys (See Alloys of Copper, Lead, etc. ) Arsenic Ores. Percentage of arsenic, I 4 oz. 4 oz. So 00 10 00 Bismuth Ores, Metallic Bismuth, etc. Percentage of bismuth, " " bismuth, nickel, copper, lead, silver, 4 oz. 5 00 31 00 Chromium Ores. Percentage of chromium, i: " chromium and iron, Cobalt (See Nickel and Cobalt). Copper Ores, Matte, etc. Percentage of copper, 4 oz. lib. 5 00 8 00 4 00 " " copper and moisture @ 212 F., 5 00 9 00 11 00 " " copper, gold and silver, . . . ' . " " copper, gold, silver and lead, " copper, gold, silver, lead and zinc, " " copper, antimony, arsenic and tin, " " copper, antimony, arsenic, tin and 8 00 12 00 17 00 18 00 23 00 Copper, Ingot, Black Copper, etc. 4-8 oz. 10 00> 14 00 " antimony, arsenic, tin and bismuth, " " antimony, arsenic, tin, bismuth, lead and zinc, .... 19 00 28 00 10 00 11 Eequired Sample. Charge. Percentage of oxygen (total), ....;.. " sub-oxide of copper $5 00 5 00 " copper, silver, gold, arsenic, anti- mony, bismuth, tin, lead, zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel, sulphur, total oxygen and sub-oxide of copper, 4 61 00 Copper Alloys. BRASS. Percentage of copper and zinc, .... " copper, zinc and tin, 2-6 oz. 10 00 14 00 " " copper, zinc and lead, . . . " " copper, zinc, lead and tin, " copper, zinc, lead and iron, . " " copper, zinc, tin, lead and iron, BRONZE, BELL-METAL, GUN-METAL, ETC. Percentage of coioper and tin 13 00 18 00 15 00 21 00 10 00 " " copper, tin and lead, . 13 00 " copper, tin and zinc, . . 1 " " copper and aluminium, . . . " " copper, tin and antimony, . . " " copper and phosphorus, . . " " copper, zinc, tin and lead, " " copper, zinc, tin, lead and iron, GERMAN SILVER. 14 00 9 00 14 00 9 00 18 00 21 00 13 00 " " copper, nickel, zinc and iron, " copper, nickel, tin, zinc and iron, 16 00 22 00 Gold Ores (See Silver and Gold). Iron Ores. Percentage of iron 1-2 Ibs. 3 00 Required Sample. Charge Percentage of iron and moisture at 212 F , $5 00 " " silica and manganese, .... " " silica, manganese and phosphorus, " sulphur and phosphorus, ' " sulphur, phosphorus, arsenic and 9 00 13 00 10 00 17 00 8 00 " " iron and sulphur, " " iron, sulphur and phosphorus, . " " iron, sulphur, phosphorus, arsenic 8 00 12 00 20 00 7 00 11 00 " " iron, silica and phosphorus, . " " iron, silica, sulphur and phosphorus, " " iron, silica, sulphur, phosphorus and 11 00 15 00 20 00 Percentage of iron, silica and manganese, . " " iron, silica, manganese and sulphur, " iron, silica, manganese and phos- 11 00 15 00 15 00 Percentage of iron, silica, manganese, sulphur and phosphorus. 20 00 Percentage of iron, silica, manganese, alumina, sulphur and phosphorus, .- . . . 24 00 Percentage of iron, silica, manganese, alumina, sulphur, phosphorus, lime, magnesia, moisture, carbonic acid and carbonaceous matter, Percentage of iron, silica, manganese, alumina, lime, magnesia, chromium, titanic acid, cobalt and nickel, sulphur and phosphorus 40 00 50 00 13 Required Sample. Charge. Irons and Steel. Percentage of carbon (total), " carbon (duplicate for standards), " " carbon, graphitic and combined (sep- arately), Percentage of slag and oxides, " " sulphur and phosphorus, " sulphur, phosphorus and manganese, j " " sulphur, phosphorus, manganese and | copper, i Percentage of sulphur, phosphorus, manganese and | carbon, Percentage of sulphur, arsenic and copper, " " sulphur, phosphorus, arsenic and copper, Percentage of arsenic and copper, " phosphorus and titanium, " " silicon, slag and oxides, " silicon and phosphorus, .... " silicon, sulphur and phosphorus, " " silicon, phosphorus and manganese, " silicon, sulphur, phosphorus and manganese, Percentage of silicon, manganese and carbon, . " " silicon, phosphorus, manganese and carbon, Percentage of silicon, sulphur, manganese and carbon, Percentage of silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, man- ganese and carbon, Percentage of silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, man- ganese, carbon and iron, Percentage of silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, man- ganese, graphite and combined carbon, Percentage of silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, man- ganese, graphite, combined carbon and iron, . H ! a? g M. B O PJ S B: 2 s ^ -^ S--3. O" 1 t^ 1 CfQ fD M O r- P 5K c- CD S= CO ^ o _,. 2". ^ s H I O H $5 00 8 00 8 00 5 00 9 00 14 00 17 00 18 00 13 00 17 00 9 00 9 00 8 00 8 00 12 00 13 00 17 00 13 00 17 00 17 00 22 00 24 00 24 00 27 00 14 Required Sample. Charge. Lead Ores. Percentage of lead, . " " lead, silver and gold, .... 4-8 oz. $4 00 9 00 " " lead and zinc, 10 00 " " lead and copper 8 00 " " lead, zinc and copper, .... " lead, zinc, copper and iron, . 13 00 15 00 " " lead, zinc, copper, silver and gold, . " " lead, zinc, copper, silver, gold, iron and sulphur, 17 00 24 00 Percentage of lead, antimony and arsenic, ' ' " lead, antimony, arsenic and zinc, " lead, antimony, arsenic, zinc and copper, 13 00 18 00 21 00 Percentage of lead, antimony, arsenic, zinc, copper, silver and gold, 26 00 Lead, Bar, etc. Percentage of antimony, 1-5 Ibs. 5 00 " antimony and copper, .... 9 00 " antimony, copper and iron, . " antimony, bismuth, copper and iron, " antimony, arsenic, bismuth, copper, zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel and silver, 11 00 15 00 38 00 Lead Alloys. HARD LEAD. Percentage of lead and antimony, TYPE METAL. Percentage of lead, antimony and tin, SOLDER. Percentage of lead and tin, .... 2-4 oz. 9 00 14 00 9 00 Manganese Ores. Percentage of manganese, 4-8 oz. 5 00 " manganese and phosphorus, " " peroxide of manganese, . . 9 00 5 00 15 Required Sample. Charge. Mercury Ores. Percentage of mercury, 4-8 oz. $5 00 9 00 Mercury (Quicksilver). Percentage of mercury and impurities, 4-8 oz. 2 50 Nickel and Cobalt Ores, Speiss, etc. Percentage of nickel, cobalt, or cobalt and nickel (together), 4-8 oz. 5 00 Percentage of nickel and cobalt (separately), " nickel, cobalt and copper, . 10 00 13 00 " " nickel, cobalt, copper, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, lead, iron, manganese and insoluble siliceous matter, 39 00 Nickel. Percentage of nickel and cobalt, " " nickel, cobalt and carbon, . 1-4 oz. | 10 00 14 00 " nickel, cobalt, lead, copper, arsenic, manganese, iron, silicon and carbon, . 36 00 Nickel Alloys (See Alloys of Copper). Quicksilver (See Mercury). Silver Ores, Gold, and Gold and Silver Ores. Percentage of silver, gold, or gold and silver (bullion), 1-5 Ibs. 4 00 Percentage of silver and gold (separately), . " silver, gold and lead, .... 5 00 8 00 See also ores of lead, copper, etc. Tin Ores. Percentage of tin, . i-1 Ib. 6 00 16 Required Sample. Charges- Percentage of tin and iron, IB 00 " tin and arsenic, " " tin, arsenic, copper and zinc, . * " tin, arsenic, copper, zinc, tungsten and iron, 10 00 19 OC* 26 Tin, Block Tin, Tin Foil, etc. Percentage of tin and lead, 2-8 oz. 9 00 " " lead, iron and copper, .... 10 OO " " lead, iron, copper, zinc and arsenic, " " lead, iron, copper, zinc, antimony, arsenic and tungsten, 20 OO 29 00- Tin Alloys (See Alloys of Lead, Copper, etc.) Zinc Ores and Zinciferous Materials. Percentage of zinc, 2-8 oz. 6 00 " " zinc and sulphur, 11 OO " zinc, lead and sulphur, IB 00 " " zinc and manganese, .... 10 OO " " zinc, manganese and iron, " zinc, lead, iron, sulphur and insol- uble siliceous matter, 13 OO 17 OO Percentage of zinc, lead and copper, .... 13 00 " " zinc, manganese, iron, phosphorus and silica, 21 00 Percentage of zinc (oxide of), oxide of iron, al- umina, lime, magnesia, insoluble siliceous matter, carbonic acid and water, .... 26 OO Zinc, Spelter, Sheet Zinc, etc. Percentage of lead, . 8-16 oz. 4 OO " lead and iron, 7 OO " " lead, iron and tin, 12 oa 17 Kequired Sample. Charge. Percentage of arsenic and antimony, .... " arsenic, antimony, cadmium, cop- per, lead, iron and manganese, .... Percentage of zinc, cadmium, arsenic, antimony, lead, iron, sulphur and chlorine, . Zinc Alloys (See Alloys of Copper). $10 00 28 00 38 00 Illuminating Gas, Fuel Gas, Air, etc. Industrial Gases, in general. Qualitative analyses, Quantitative analyses, Fuel Gas, Furnace Gas, Producer Gas, etc. Percentage of carbonic acid, " " carbonic oxide, " " carbonic acid and carbonic oxide, " " carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, marsh gas, oxygen and nitrogen, Percentage of carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, hy- drogen, marsh gas, oxygen and nitrogen, Illuminating Gas (Coal Gas, Water Gas, etc.) Percentage of nitrogen, oxygen, carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, heavy hydrocarbons (illumin- ants), hydrogen and marsh gas, . . . . Percentage of sulphur and ammonia and deter- minations of density and candle-power, . Complete investigation, including determinations of all important and determinable constituents, determinations of illuminating value (candle- power) and fuel value (heat units per 1,000 c. ft.) by computation, Variable Variable 4 00 5 00 8 00 20 00 25 00 35 00 Variable 300 00 to 500 00 18 Kequired Sample. Charge. Calorimetric determination of fuel value, . $100 00 NOTE. The above charges, with the exception of the two last items, apply exclusively to the analysis of samples delivered at the laboratory. Wherever, from the nature of the case, the analysis must be made at the works, the charge will be for time and traveling expenses. The last two items require a visit to the works, and the charge stated applies only to works within two hours' distance from New York. For greater distances there will be an extra charge for time spent in transit and for traveling expenses. Air. Determination of the proportion of carbonic acid (degree of vitiation) in the air of dwellings, public buildings, etc., as a test of the con- dition of the system of ventilation, Variable Qualitative test for the detection of carbonic oxide in the air of inhabited or occupied rooms, etc. (test for the presence of noxious gases from stoves or furnaces), . . . Variable VI. Porcelain, Pottery Ware, Clays, Materials used in the Porcelain Manufacture, etc. Clays. Percentage of silica, alumina, oxide of iron, lime, magnesia, potassa, soda and moisture, Percentage of quartz sand, combined silica, free silicic acid hydrate, alumina, peroxide of iron, lime, magnesia, potassa, soda and moisture, . 1-5 Ibs. 31 00 38 00 19 Required Sample. Charge. Mechanical analysis : Determination of the propor- tions of clay and of intermixed sand of dif- ferent degrees of fineness, with statement of size of particles and relative amounts, . Combined chemical and mechanical analysis, with statement of the composition of the clay and of the sand intermixed therewith, .... Feldspar. Percentage of potassa, soda and oxide of iron, . " silica, alumina, oxide of iron, lime, magnesia, potassa and soda, Glazes, Enamels and Pigments. Test for oxide of lead or other single deleterious substance, Percentage of deleterious substances (each), Percentage of silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, po- tassa and soda, Percentage of silica, boracic acid, -lime, oxide of lead, potassa, soda and coloring oxides, 1-2 Ibs. Variable. $25 00 85 00 12 00 29 00 3 00 ! 5 00 26 00 35 00 to 50 00 1TII. Glass and Glass Makers' Materials. Glass-sand, Quartz, Rock, etc. 8-16 oz. Percentage of oxide of iron, 5 00 " silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, man- ganese and oxide of iron, Percentage of potassa and soda in trap rock, etc., Potash, Pearl-ash. Percentage of moisture and potash, " potash, moisture and oxide of iron, lib. 24 00 10 00 5 00 8 00 Bequired Sample. Charge. Percentage of carbonate of potash, carbonate of soda, chloride of potassium, sulphate of pot- ash, oxide of iron, sand and insoluble matters and moisture, $22 00 Soda Ash. Alkaline strength, lib. 1 50 2 00 4 50 Percentage of carbonate of soda, sulphate of soda, chloride of sodium, oxide of iron, sand and in- soluble matter and moisture, Salt Cake. Percentage of insoluble matter, 1-5 Ibs. 18 00 2 00 " " sulphate of soda, " and oxide of iron, " free acid, chloride of sodium and oxide of iron, 5 00 8 00 7 ^fV Complete analysis, OK AA Litharge and Red Lead. Percentage of oxide of copper and oxide of iron, Manganese Ore. Percentage of peroxide of manganese, .... lib. 4-8 oz. 7 00 5 00 and oxide of iron, 8 00 Fluor Spar. Percentage of fluorine or fluoride of calcium, . " oxide of iron, 2-4 oz. 5 00 3 00 Glass, Enamels, Pastes. Complete analysis, 1-8 oz. j 50 00 to For other chemicals used in glass-making see " Chemicals." I 100 00 21 Till. India-Rubber, Gutta-Percha, Rubber Goods, ete. Kequired Sample. Charge. Native Gum. Determinations of specific gravity, mechanical ad- mixture and ash, with qualitative examination of 4-6 oz. $10 00 Vulcanized Rubber, Rubber Goods, etc. Percentage of total sulphur, vulcanizing sulphur and ash, 2-8 oz. 20 00 5 00 Qualitative analysis of mineral constituents, Quantitative " " " . . 5 00 Variable. IX. Paper, Wall Paper, etc. Tests for poisonous colors in general, . . . " " arsenical colors, Microscopic examination for identification of con- stituent fibre (cotton, linen, wood, etc. ), . Percentage of mineral matter, 1 sheet or 1 sq. ft. 8 00 2 00 5 00 2 50 X. Textile Fabrics (Silk, Wool, Linen, Cotton, etc.) Tests for poisonous dyes and colors, .... Microscopic examination for identification of con- stituent fibres (silk, wool, linen, cotton), . Percentage of mineral matters, ' ' oxide of zinc and alumina, in raw silk, 1 sq. ft. 1 sq. ft. 1 sq. ft. 2-4 oz. 10 00 3 00 3 00 10 00 22 XI. Dyes and Dyers' Materials. Kequired Sample. Charge. Qualitative tests of dyes or colors, Test for poisonous metals in dyes, etc. , " " " " in dyed fabrics, . Quantitative determination of the same in dyes, etc. , ANILINE OR COAL-TAR COLORS, detection of adultera- tion (dextrine, gum, sugar, etc.), . . . INDIGO, percentage of pure indigo blue, .... " determination of density, 11 percentage of ash, COPPERAS (green vitriol), test for impurities (copper, etc.), COPPERAS, percentage of iron, " of sulphuric acid, .... NUTGALLS, CATECHU, TANNIN-EXTRACTS and other ma- terials containing tannin, percentage of tannic acid, TIN CRYSTALS, stannate of soda, etc., percentage of oxide of tin, For other chemicals used in dyeing, see "Chemicals." Dyeing tests of dyes, etc. , by special agreement. - oz. $5 00 2-4 oz. j 8 00 1 large piece. 8 00 4-8 oz. Variable. 1-2 oz. 1-2 oz. y 2 oz. lib. lib. lib. lib. 2-4 oz. XII. Oils, Fats, Petroleum, etc, Animal and Vegetable Oils and Fats, Waxes, etc. Tests for purity and freedom from adulteration, Beeswax, exhaustive examination for adulterations, Lubricating Oils and Fats. Determinations of percentage of moisture, ash, fatty substances of animal or vegetable origin, mineral oils and resin, 72 1-4 Ibs. 5 00 4 00 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 00 4 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 to 15 00 30 00 15 00 Eequired Sample. Charge. Qualitative test for free acids, . . . $4 00 Determinations of specific gravity, inflammability, distillation test, tests for free acids and resins, determinations of viscosity, and action of soda solution and sulphuric acid, OP: no Petroleum and its Products. CRUDE PETROLEUM. Fractional distillation, giving proportions of gasoline, naphtha, kerosene and residuum, KEROSENE. Flashiii ' point, % gall. 1 gall. 10 00 2 00 Inflammability, 2 00 Determination of quality by fractional distilla- tion, 5 00 Percentage of sulphur, ... .... Determination of illuminating value (candle- power), 10 00 30 00 XIII. Paints, Oils and Tarnishes, Dry Ground Pigments, Driers, etc. Percentage of those constituents upon which the value chiefly depends e. g., chromate of lead in chrome yellow ; sulphuret of mercury in ver- milion ; ferrocyanide of iron in Prussian blue, etc. Percentage of a single constituent, " two constituents, " each additional constituent, . Qualitative test for adulteration, 2-8 oz. 5 00 9 00 4 50 3 00 Kequired Sample. Charge. Paints Ground in Oil, Mixed Paints, etc. Proportion of solid pigment in one gallon or pound, Percentage of constituents upon which the value chiefly depends, same as in the case of dry ground pigments. Percentage of turpentine and oil when they occur together, Complete analysis of liquid driers, same as in the case of paints ground in oil. Analysis of chemicals used in the paint and color 1-2 Ibs. S3 00 5 00 trade : See Chemicals.^ Oils, Varnishes, Gums, Resins, etc. Qualitative test for adulteration, 4-8 oz. Variable, XIV. Chemicals, Drugs, Materials for Chemical Manufacture, etc. ACETIC ACID. Acid strength, Percentage of Test for metal ACETATE or LIME. Percentage of CITRIC ACID. Test for impur CITRATE or LIME. Percentage of citric acid LIME JUICE, LEMON JUICE. Percentage of citric Test for adulterations TARTARIC ACID. Test for impurities lib. 1 50 e acetic acid, 1 Ib. 4 00 mpurities, 1 Ib. 3 00 isture and acetic acid, lib. 5 00 3 and poisonous metals, . 4-8 oz. 3 00 ic acid, 1 Ib. 4 00 3B. ic acid, 1 Ib. 4 00 ions, 1 Ib. 3 00 8 oz. 3 00 Kequired Sample. Charge. CRUDE TARTAR, ARGOLS, LEES, ETC. Percentage of tartaric acid, total acidity and tartaric acid as bitartrate, CREAM OF TARTAR. Percentage of tartaric acid or of pure cream of tartar, Test for adulteration, GLYCERINE, -CRUDE. Percentage of glycerine, GLYCERINE, DISTILLED. Specific gravity and test for adulteration, . ALCOHOL. Percentage of pure alcohol, Test for fusel oil, TANNIC ACID. Percentage of pure tannic acid, .... TANNIN EXTRACTS. Percentage of pure tannic acid, .... SUMACH, BARK, ETC. Percentage of pure tannic acid, . . SODA, CAUSTIC. Alkaline strength, Percentage caustic and carbonate soda, SODA ASH. Alkaline strength, . SODA CRYSTALS. Percentage pure carbonate, SODA, BICARBONATE. Percentage pure bicarbonate, POTASH, PEARL ASH, ETC. Percentage of potash, Percentage of moisture and alkaline strength, 1-2 Ibs. 1-2 Ibs. 4 oz. 4 oz. 1 Ib. lib. 1 pint. 1 quart. 2-4 oz. lib. lib. 1-2 Ibs. 1-2 Ibs. 8 oz. 1-2 Ibs. 8 oz. lib. lib. $5 00 7 50 5 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 1 50 3 50 6 00 6 00 6 00 1 50 3 00 1 50 1 50 3 00 5 00 2 00 Required Sample. Charge. MUEIATE OF POTASH. Percentage of potash, KAINITE. Percentage of potash, BORAX. Percentage of boracic acid, BLUE VITRIOL. Percentage of sulphate of copper, .... COPPERAS. Percentage of proto-sulphate of iron, . Test for impurities, BLEACHING POWDER. Chlorometric strength, ALUM, ALUMINOUS CAKE, ETC. Percentage of sulphate of alumina, " oxide of iron, BRIMSTONE. Percentage of sulphur, moisture and ash, . SULPHUR ORE (PYRITES). Percentage of available sulphur, .... SALTPETER, CRUDE. Percentage of nitric acid and potash, . SALTPETER, REFINED. Percentage of moisture and test for impurities, " chloride of sodium, Complete analysis, NITRATE OF SODA (CHILI SALTPETER). Percentage of moisture and nitric acid, OPIUM. Percentage of moisture and morphine, CINCHONA BARK. Percentage of collective alkaloids, . " " quinine, lib. $5 00 1 Ib. .5 00 1 Ib. 6 00 1 Ib. 3 00 1 Ib. 3 00 2-4 oz. 2 00 lib. lib. lib. lib. lib. lib. lib. lib. 2 oz. lib. lib. 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 50 3 50 4 00 8 00 6 00 3 00 25 00 5 00 4 oz. 10 00 lib. lib. 5 00 8 00 - 27 Required Sample. Charge. QUININE, SULPHATE AND BISULPHATE. Percentage of moisture and collective alkaloids, " quinine, COCA LEAVES. Percentage of cocaine, COCAINE, HYDRO-CHLORATE, ETC. Test for impurities, ALKALOIDS AND ACTIVE PRINCIPLES or DRUGS OTHER THAN THOSE ABOVE ENUMERATED. Determination of percentage where such de- terminations are practicable. NITRCUS ETHER, SPIRITS OF. Percentage of nitrous ether, CHLOROFORM. Test for impurities, ETHER. Test for impurities, CHLORAL, HYDRATE OF. Percentage of pure chloral hydrate, VALERIANATES. Percentage of valerianic acid, EXTRACTS, FLUID. Percentage of extractive, ...... ESSENTIAL OILS. Test of purity, GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. Test of purity, . XV. Explosives. Gunpowder. Percentage of moisture, sulphur, charcoal and saltpeter, Percentage of Chili saltpeter, when present, loz. 2 OZ - 2-4 Ibs. J oz. Variable. 2-4 oz. 4 oz. 6 oz. 4oz. 2-6 oz. j 2-4 oz. Variable. Variable. $5 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 5 00to> 15 00 3 00 5 oo 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 50 Variable, Variable- $10 00 5 00 Kequired Sample. Charge. Dynamite, etc. Percentage of nitroglycerine, Gun-Cotton. Percentage of tri-nitro cellulose, mono- and cli-nitro cellulose, and sand and insoluble matters, . $5 00 15 00 XVI. Soap and Soap Makers' Materials. Total percentage of fatty substances, .... 4-1 G oz. " alkali (as soda), . . . " water, Test for adulteration or foreign admixture, . . 4-16 oz. Partial analysis, comprising percentages of water, free alkali, combined alkali, combined fat (fatty anhydrides), uncombined fat, resin, salts and insoluble matters, | 4-16 oz. Complete analysis and general test for adulteration, 4-16 oz. Soap stock, see Oils, Fats, etc. Soap makers' chemicals, see Chemicals. XVII Fertilisers, Feed-Stuffs, Soils. Bone-black, Rock-phosphate, Rock-guano, etc., containing no Ammonia or other Nitrogenous Compound. Percentage of moisture, " phosphoric acid, " moisture and phosphoric acid, . " phosphoric acid and lime, ' phosphoric acid, lime and alumina and oxide of iron (together), Percentage of fluorine in rock-phosphate, etc., lib. $3 50 3 50 3 50 6 00 25 00 50 00 $1 50 5 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 5 00 Required Sample. Charge. Plain Superphosphates, containing no Ammo- nia or other Nitrogenous Compound. Percentage of moisture, 1-2 Ibs. $1 50 " " available phosphoric acid and insol- uble phosphoric acid, 9 00 Percentage of moisture, available and insoluble phosphoric acid, 10 00 Percentage of soluble phosphoric acid, reverted ; (citrate soluble) phosphoric acid and insoluble phosphoric acid, i 13 50 Ammoniated Superphosphates, Peruvian Guano or other Nitrogenous Fertilizers, Percentage of moisture, " " nitrogen (determined by the abso- 1-5 Ibs. 1 50 10 00 Percentage of nitrogen (total, with equivalent in ' ' 5 00 Percentage of moisture and total nitrogen, " ammonia (existing ready formed), . 6 00 5 00 5 00 " nitrogen and phosphoric acid, . " nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, " nitrogen as ammonia, organic nitro- gen and nitrogen in nitrates, Percentage of nitrogen (total), available phosphoric acid and insoluble phosphoric acid, 9 00 13 50 14 00 14 00 Percentage of nitrogen (total), soluble phosphoric acid, reverted (citrate soluble) phosphoric acid and insoluble phosphoric acid, 18 00 Percentage of nitrogen (total), available phosphoric acid, insoluble phosphoric acid and potash, 18 00 30 Required Sample. Charge. Percentage of nitrogen (total), soluble phosphoric acid, reverted phosphoric acid, insoluble phos- $22 00 Percentage of nitrogen as ammonia, organic nitro- gen, nitrogen in nitrates, soluble phosphoric acid, reverted phosphoric acid, insoluble phos- phoric acid and potash, Complete analysis, including percentage of avail- able phosphoric acid, insoluble phosphoric acid, nitrogen, potash, soda, lime, magnesia, oxide of iron and alumina, sulphuric acid, chlorine, sand and insoluble matter, organic and volatile matter and moisture, .... Potash Salts. Percentage of moisture, 1 lb. 31 00 50 00 1 50 " potash, " moisture and potash 5 00 6 00 Sulphate of Ammonia. Percentage of ammonia and moisture, 1-2 Ibs. ^ on Marl. Percentage of phosphoric acid, carbonate of lime, potash, soda and moisture, 2-5 Ibs. 19 00 Percentage of phosphoric acid, potash and moisture Feed-stuffs (Cattle-Food). Percentage of total dry substance, albuminoids (crude protein), fat, nitrogen free extract, fibre, ash and moisture, .... 2-5 Ibs. 11 00 17 50 Percentage of moisture, ash, ether extract, fibre, crude protein, total nitrogen and albuminoid nitrogen, * 24 00 31 Required Sample. Charge. Soils. Mechanical analysis Determination of the propor- tions of particles of different degrees of fine- ness (sand, dust, clay, etc.), with statement of the size of the particles, Percentage of moisture, organic and volatile mat- ters, silica, oxide of iron, alumina, oxide of manganese, lime, magnesia, potash, soda, phos- phoric acid and sulphuric acid, .... Combined mechanical and chemical analysis, as above, Complete chemical and mechanical analysis, com- prising determinations of the constituents dissolved by carbonic acid water, cold and hot hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid, and of the residue insoluble in acids Mechanical analysis as above, 10-25 Ibs. $25 00 45 00 65 00 250 00 XVIII. Waters for Domestic and manufacturing Use, Mineral Waters, etc. Potable Water (Drinking Water). Examination for purity and fitness for domestic use. Proportion of total saline constituents, oxida- tion test for organic matter, chlorine, qualita- tive tests for nitric acid and ammonia and microscopic examination, 1 gallon. 12 50 Proportion of total saline constituents, oxidation test for organic matter, free and albuminoid ammonia, nitric acid, nitrous acid, and chlorine, 1 gallon. 25 00 32 Required Sample. Charge. Complete analysis : total saline constituents, free and albuminoid ammonia, nitric acid, nitrous acid, oxidation test for organic matter, chlorine, sulphuric acid, oxide of iron, lime, magnesia, potassa, soda and hardness, 2-5 galls. $55 00 Bacteriological research, Examination of the action of the water on metals: lead pipe, galvanized iron, etc., .... Water for Boiler Use or Manufacturing Purposes. Proportion of total solids, transient hardness, per- manent hardness and matters precipitable on boiling. . 1-16 oz. 2 galls. 1 gallon 15 00 10 00 10 00 Proportion of suspended matter, total solids in solution, carbonates and other substances pre- cipitable 011 boiling, sulphate of lime and quali- tative tests for substances capable of corrosive effect upon boilers, 1 Ballon 15 00 Proportion of total solids, lime, magnesia, lime as bicarbonate, magnesia as bicarbonate, lime as sulphate, chlorine, hardness and test for corro- sive substances, 1 cfallon 25 00 Proportion of total solids, organic and volatile matter, sulphate of lime, nitrate of lime, chloride of magnesium, alkaline chlorides, silica, oxide of iron, carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia, 20-nTk 36 00 Mineral Waters, Natural and Artificial. Qualitative test for injurious metallic impurities, . Proportion of carbonic acid, 1 gallon. 10 00 5 00 Qualitative analysis, with opinion as to probable medicinal value, .... 2 galls 25 00 33 Eequired Sample. Charge. Quantitative analysis, complete, including determi- ( $100 00 nation of all important and active constituents, 10 galls. J to / 150 00 with opinion as to value, v Quantitative analysis, complete, including determi- 10-20 Galls. \ 100 00 to nations of all determinable constituents, . ( 500 00 XIX. Sugar, Molasses, Syrups and Materials used in Sugar Refining. Raw and Refined Sugar, Molasses and Syrups. Percentage of cane sugar (polarization), " " grape sugar (invert sugar), , *-,. $1 50 9 *() " moisture, 1 00 " ash, 1 50 " cane sugar, grape sugar, moisture, organic non-sugars and ash, fi on Bone-Black. Percentage of carbon. y 2 -i ib. 1 50 " carbonate of lime, " " sulphate of " ' . 2 50 3 00 " oxide of iron, 3 00 For chemicals used in sugar refining see ' ' Chem- icals." D. Analyses of Food, Condiments and Beverages, I. Fermented and Distilled Liquors, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate. Required Sample. Charge. Beer, Ale, Porter, etc. Percentage of alcohol, 1-2 pints. $2 50 " " extractive, " " ash, 1-2 pints. 1-2 pints. 2 00 2 50 " phosphoric acid, r 1-2 pints. 5 00 " " ash and phosphoric acid, 1-2 pints. 6 00 " " glycerine, 1-2 pints. 7 50 " " free acid, 1-2 pints. 1 00 " " sugar, 1-2 pints. 2 50 " dextrine, 1-2 pints. 3 00 " " albuminoids, 1-2 pints. 6 50 Qualitative test for starch sugar (glucose), . 2 pints. 6 00 " " caramel, 1 pint. 2 50 (t " hop-substitutes, .... 2-10 pints. 20 00 " " " salicylic acid, Commercial analysis, 1 pint. 3 pints. 2 50 20 00 Complete analysis, . . . ... . . S^ 12 pints. 30 00 to 100 00 Wine. Determination of specific gravity, 1 bottle. 1 50 Percentage of alcohol, 1 bottle. 2 50 " free acid (as tartaric acid), . " extractive, 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 50 2 50 " mineral constituents (ash), . 1 bottle. 2 50 " tartar (argol), 1 bottle. 2 50 " free tartaric acid, 1 bottle. 5 00 " sulphate of potash, " " glycerine. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 2 50 7 50 35 Required Sample. Charge. Percentage of grape sugar, " cane sugar, " grape sugar and cane sugar, " " volatile acids, " non-volatile acids, " " volatile and non-volatile acids, . " tannin, " " tartaric acid, " malic acid, " " succinic acid, " tartaric, malic and succinic acids, " " total nitrogen, " sulphuric acid, " phosphoric acid, " silicic acid, " chlorine, " potassa, " soda, " lime, " " magnesia, " alumina, " oxide of iron, " " oxide of manganese, .... Complete ash analysis, Test for artificial coloration, " " free tartaric acid, " of reaction of mineral constituents (ash), . " for unfermented residuum from starch-sugar (glucose), Test for additions of gypsum (plaster), " " " salicylic acid," " " " " gum, Microscopic examination, 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 2 bottles. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 1 bottle. 2 quarts. YZ pint. y 2 pint. % pint. % pint. $3 00 5 00 7 00 2 50 2 50 4 00 G 00 4 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 G 00 3 00 5 00 3 50 3 50 6 00 6 00 3 50 6 00 7 00 5 00 10 00 40 00 4 00 2 50 1 50 10 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 6 00 - 36 Required Sample. Charge. Partial analysis, comprising determinations of specific gravity, percentage of alcohol, extrac- tive, free acid, ash and glycerine, .... 2 quarts. $18 00 Partial analysis, as above, with qualitative tests for 2 quarts. 25 00 Partial analysis, sufficient to determine the general character and purity, including percentages of the most important constituents, .... 3 quarts. 40 00 Complete analysis, 4 quarts. 100 00 Distilled Liquors, Brandy, Whisky, Rum, etc. Percentage of alcohol, %-l pint. 2 50 " " extractive, " " sucfar, Y^-\ pint. 1 pint. 2 50 2 50 " " ash 1 pint. 2 50 " fusel oil, 1 pint. 8 00 Test for fusel oil, %]. pint. 5 00 " " mineral acids, YZ pint. 1 00 " " deleterious coloring matter, .... ^ pint. 4 00 " " metallic impurities, " " sugar, acid, tannin, resins, .... YZ pint. 1 pint. 6 00 4 00 Complete analysis, with opinion as to purity, . 1 quart. 25 00 Cocoa and Chocolate. Percentage of fat and ash, . . . . * . 4 oz. 5 00 " sugar, 4 oz. 3 00 " starch or dextrine, " theobromine, ! 4 oz. 4 oz. 8 00 15 00 " woody fibre, 4 oz. 4 00 " fat (with melting point), ash, fibre and theobromine, 8 oz. 23 00 " fat (with melting point), fibre, al- buminoids, non- nitrogenous ex- tract, theobromine and ash, . 8 oz. 28 00 37 Kequired : Sample. Charge. Microscopic examination, 4 oz. $3 00 Test for copper, 8 oz. 5 00 Coffee. Examination of raw coffee for artificial coloration, . 4 oz. 4 00 " " burned coffee for adulteration, 8 oz. 3 00 Percentage of fat, sugar, extractive and ash, . 2-16 oz. 8 00 " " caffeine, - 8 oz. 10 00 Tea. Percentage of ash, 2 oz. 1 50 " " extractive, . 4 oz. 2 00 " tannin, 2 oz. 2 50 " fat, 1 oz. 3 00 " theine, . 2 oz. 7 50 Test for artificial coloration, 2 oz. 3 00 Microscopic examination for adulteration, . 4 oz. 3 00 percentage of moisture, ash, theine and micro- scopic examination, 8-16 oz. 12 00 II. Food Products, Spices and C oiiclimi JlltS. Bread, Pastry, etc. Percentage of moisture, i lb. 2 00 " ash, Jib. 2 00 " " mineral adulteration generally, . ilb. 5 00 " alum or sulphate of copper, . . , ilb. 5 00 Examination for ergot, ilb. 4 00 " mineral adulteration, .... J lb. 2 00 " " deleterious colors, .... lib. 5 00 Butter. Percentage of moisture, fat and salt, . . . . ilb. 5 00 38 Kcquired Sample. Charge. Percentage of caseine. jib. $3 00 " " milk-sucfar, lib. 3 00 " " ash, 4 lib. 1 50 Determination of specific gravity of fat, 4 ilb. 2 00 Examination for adulteration with foreign fats, Jib. 8 00 " starch, flour, etc., ilb. 4 00 Canned Meat and Vegetables. Examination for poisonous metals (lead, copper), . 1 can. 5 00 Microscopic examination for bacteria, fungous growths, etc., 1 can. 3 00 Cheese. Percentage of moisture, fat, caseine and salt, . lib. 10 00 Examination for poisonous metals (lead, copper), . ilb. 4 00 " " adulteration, lib. 4 00 " " addition of foreign fats, . . . lib. 10 00 Extract of Beef. Percentage of total solids, matters soluble in alcohol, nitrogen and ash, 1 jar. 15 00 Percentage of peptone in peptonized beef, 1 jar. 12 00 Flour, Starch, Arrowroot, etc. WHEAT AND RYE FLOUR. Percentage of moisture, albuminoids, non- nitrogenous substance, fat and ash, . 1 Ib. 15 00 Determination of moisture, ash, of the capacity of the gluten to retain moisture, and the reaction, 1 Ib. 6 00 Microscopic examination, #lb. 3 00 Examination of rye flour for ergot, #lb. 4 00 STARCH, ARROWROOT, ETC. Microscopic examination for adulteration, 1 oz. i 3 00 39 Required Sample. Charge. Honey. Microscopic examination and percentage of cane sugar and glucose, Milk, Condensed Milk, Infants' Milk- Foods, etc. NATURAL MILK. Determination of specific gravity, " specific gravity, percentage of milk solids, fat and ash (salts), . Determination of specific gravity, percentage ! of milk solids, albuminoids, milk sugar, j fat and ash, Examination for borax and salicylic acid, . " poisonous metals, .... Microscopic examination, CONDENSED MILK. Percentage of water, salts, fat, albuminoids, milk sugar and cane sugar, .... Other determinations, etc., same as with natu- ral milk. MILK FOODS, INFANTS' FOODS. Percentage of water, salts, fat, albuminoids, soluble carbohydrates, insoluble carbo- hydrates and cellulose, Percentage of water, salts, fat, albuminoids, glucose, milk sugar, cane sugar, starch, soluble carbohydrates and cellulose, . Other determinations same as with natural milk. Mustard (See Spices'). Olive Oil. Examination for adulteration, . 4-8 oz. 1 quart. 1 quart. 1 quart. 1 quart. 1 quart. 1 pint. 1 can. 1 Ib. 1 Ib. $5 00 1 00 8 00 12 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 4 oz. 4 00 40 Required Sample. Charge. Salt. 8 oz. $4 00 Sausages. Examination for flour, 4 oz. 3 00 Percentage of flour, 8 oz. 7 50 Examination for artificial coloration, .... 8 oz. 5 00 Spices. Examination for adulteration (determination of extractive and ash), 2-4 oz. 3 50 Microscopic examination, 1 oz. 3 00 Percentage of extractive and ash and microscopic examination, 6 00 Percentage of ash, 1 oz. 1 50 " ash and microscopic examination, . 1 oz. 4 00 " etherial oil, 4 oz. 3 50 " vanilline, . . . . . . . ' . 4 oz. 10 00 " sulphur in mustard, .... 8 oz. 5 00 " adulteration, 4-6 oz. Variable Sugar and Confectionery. Percentage of cane sugar, 4 oz. 1 50 " ash, . . . . 4 oz. 1 50 Examination for adulteration, 8 oz. 5 00 " " poisonous colors, 8 oz. 5 00 Syrups and Molasses. Percentage of water, cane sugar, glucose, organic non-sugars and ash, 4-8 oz. 6 00 Vinegar. Percentage of total acidity, 1 pint. 1 00 " " total solids, .... 1 "pint 2 00 41 Required Sample. Charge. Percentage of total solids and acidity., . 1 pint. $3 00 " acetic acid, 1 pint. 2 00 Examination for free mineral acid, 1 pint. 2 00 " injurious metals, with microscopic examination, 1 pint. 3 00 Examination for other impurities, argols, extract, cflycerine, etc., 1 pint. 5 00 Yeast, Baking Powders, etc. A YEAST (Compressed Yeast). Percentage of moisture, starch and ash, 8 oz. 5 00 Determination of volume of carbonic acid evolved, with microscopic examination, 8 oz. 5 00 BAKING POWDERS. Examination for injurious constituents, 8 oz. 5 00 Determination of volume of carbonic acid evolved, 8 oz. 3 00 Complete analysis, 8 oz. Variable. SALERATUS. Percentage of pure saleratus, 6 oz. 3 00 Examination for adulteration, 4 oz. 2 00 CREAM OP TARTAR. Percentage of pure cream of tartar, . 4 oz. 5 00 Examination for adulteration and injurious impurities, 6 oz. 3 00 E. Physiological and Pathological Analyses. Urine. Determination of density, Percentage of sugar, . by polarization, Qualitative test for albumen, $1 00 2 50 2 00 1 25 42 Required Sample. Charge. Percentage tt t( u of albumen $5 00 2 00 2 50 4 00 3 00 3 50 7 50 2 00 to 15 00 " total solids, " " ash, " " solids and ash, .... " urea. Microscopic examination for a single constituent, . " " complete, Tests for, and percentage of, other constituents, i Qualitative Li Percentage (( cc Urinary Calculi, analysis, 5 00 4 50 4 00 3 00 nt, Surgical Dressings, etc. of fatty substances, " carbolic acid, " salicylic acid, JOHN C. RANKIN, JR., 34 CORTLANDT ST.. N. Y. Moore Price-list laboratory office analytical and aooay THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY