COU11SE OF MATHEMATICAL W011KS, BY GEORGE R. PERKINS, A. My, Professor of Mathematics and Principal of the State Normal School I. PRIMARY ARITHMETIC. Price 21 cts. A want, with young pupils, of rapidity and accuracy in performing operations upon wn' ei .lasers ; a-n imperfect knowledge of Numeration ; Inadequate conceptions of the nature i < (e.tttions of Fractions, and a lack of familiarity with the principles of Decimals, have indu *" thf author 10 prepare the PRIMARY ARITHMETIC. The firs', part is devoted to MENTAL EXEROISES and the second to Exercises on the S v n<7 Blackboard. While the minds of young pupils are disciplined by mental exercises (if not wearisome prolonged), they fail, in general, in trusting to "head-work" for their calculation?; and in t> sorting to written operations to solve their difficulties, are often slow and inaccurate .Vom a w " of early familiarity with such processes: these considerations have induced the Author to dev < oart of his book to primary written exercises. It has been received with more popularity than any Arithmetic heit-iofore issued. II. ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC. Price 42 cts. Has recently been carefully revised and enlarged. It will be found concise, yet lucid, ftieac).*' the radical relations of numbers, and presents fundamental principles in analysis and examp ei ) It leaves nothing obscure, yet it does not embarrass by multiplied processes, nor er.feeble ->i ' minute details. In this work all of the examples or problems are strictly practical, made up as they are i ; great measure of important statistics and valuable facjs in history and f hilosophy, which i i> thus unconsciously learned in acquiring a knowledge of the Arithmetic. Fractions are placed immediately after Division ; Federal Money is treated as and with lii cim?l Fractions; Proportion is placed before Fellowship. Alligation, and such rules as requ t- its application in their solution. Every rule is marked with verity and simplicity. The ; swers to all of the examples are given. The work will be found -to be an improvement on most, if not all, previous element? Arithmetics in the treatment of Fractions, Denominate Numbers, Rule of Three, Interest, E ji .. ticn of Payments, Extraction of Roots, and many other subjects. Wherever this work is presented, the publishers have heard but one opinion in regard 10 1 merits, and that most favorable. III. HIGHER ARITHMETIC. Price 84 cts. I Tne present edition has been revised, many subjects rewritten, and much new matter adile and cotttams an APPENDIX of about GO pages, in which the philosophy of the more dime 1 . 1 operai ions and interesting properties of numbers are fully discussed. The work is what its nai jpurpoits, a Higher A r5 thmetic, and will be found to contain many entirely new principles whi l have never before ap^ared in any Arithmetic. It has received the strongest recom nendafir > from hrndreds of the best teachers the country affords. IV. ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. Price 84 cts. This work is an introduction to the Author's " Treatise on Algebra," and is designed esj * dally for the use of Common Schools, and universally pronounced "admirably adapted loth. purpose." V. TREATISE ON ALGEBRA. Price SI 50. This work contains the higher parts of Algebra usually taught in Colleges ; a new methyl of cute: and higher equation? as veil as the THEOREM OF STURM, by which we may at one* determine the numbei of real roots of any Algebraic Equation, wiih much moie ease than bf previously discovered method. In the present revised editiyn, one entire chapter on the subject of COMTI*UBD FRA.CTIC . ha* been added. VI. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, WITH PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. SI The author has added throughout the entire Work, PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, which, in th< Mimiition of Teachers, is an important consideration. An eminent Professor of Mathematics, in speaking of this work, says: " We hav, uioj tetl it, because it follows more closely the best model of pure n of the Unportant principles of the great master of Geometricians, arid more especia,.r ha.* sh.iwn that iis theorems are not mere theory, iy many practical application* : a quality in a text-book ' 'his v.icnce. i:' less uncommon than u is important." 6 PROF. MANDEVILLE'S READING BOOKS. I. PRIMARY, OR FIRST READER. Price 10 cents. II. SECOND READER. Price 16 cents. These two Readers are formed substantially on the same plan ; and the second is a continua- tion of the first. The design of both is to combine a knowledge of the meaning and pronuncia. lion of words, with a knowledge of their grammatical functions. The parts of speech are in \ traduced successively^ beginning with the articles ; these are followed by the demonstrative pro riouns ; and these again by others, class after class, until all th&t are requisite to form a sentence have been separately considered: when the common reading lessons begin. The Second Reader reviews the ground passed over in the Primary, but adds largely to th* amount of information. The child is here also taught to read writing as well as printed matter; and m the reading lessons, attention is constantly directed to the different ways in which senten- ces are formed and connected, and of the peculiar manner in which each of them is delivered. All who have examined these books, have pronounced them a decided and important advance on ?ery other of the same class in use. III. THIRD READER. Price 25 cents. IV. FOURTH READER. Price 38 cents. In the first two Readers, the main object is to make the pupil acquainted with the meaning a?MJ functions of words, and to impart facility in pronouncing them in sentential connection ; the leading design of these, is to form a natural, flexible, and varied delivery. Accordingly, the Tr>;rd Reader opens with a series of exercises on articulation and modulation, containing numer- ous examples for practice on the elementary sounds (including errors to be corrected) and on the ihflerent movements of the voice, produced by sentential structure, by emphasis, and by the pas- pions. The habits formed by these exercises, which should be thoroughly, as they can be easily mastered, under intelligent instruction, find scope for improvement and confirmation in the read- ing lessons which follow, in the same book and that which succeeds. These lessons have been selected with special reference to the following peculiarities ; 1st. Colloquial character; 2d, Variety of sentential structure; 3d, Variety of subject matter; 4th, Adaptation to the progressive development of the pupil's mind; and as far as possible, 5th, Tendency to excite moral and religious emotions. Great pains have been taken to make the boks in these respects, which are, in fact, characteristic of the whole series, superior to anv others in use ; with what success a brief comparison will readily show. V. THE FIFTH READER; OR, COURSE OF READING. Price 75 cent*. VI. THE ELEMENTS OF READING AND ORATORY. Price $1. These books are designed to cultivate the literary taste, as well as the understanding and vc- a. powers, of the pupil. THE COURSE op READING comprises three parts ; the first part containing a more elaborate description of. elementary sounds and the parts of speech grammatically considered than was deemed necessary in the preceding works ; here indispensable : part second, a complete classifi- cation and description of every sentence to be found in the English, or any other language ; ex- amples of which in every degree of expansion, from a few words to the half of an octavo page lit ength are adduced, and arranged to be read ; and as each species has its peculiar delivery as weii as structure, both are learned at the same time ; part third, paragraphs; or sentences ia their connection unfolding general thoughts, as in the common reading books. It may be ob t^erved that the selections of sentences in part second, and of paragraphs in part third, comprise of them, then of the divisor so found, and one of the remaining numbers, and BO on. EXAMPLES. 110-117. Find the greatest common divisor of 365 and 511 ; of 115 and 161 ; of 203 and 261 ; of 145 and 185 ; of 120 and 350 ; of 420 and 864 ; of 560 and 768 ; of 936 and 1170. 118-121. Find the greatest common divisor of 805 and 1127 ; of 1421 and 1827 ; of 1015 and 1295 ; of 888 and 999. 122-124. Find the greatest common divisor of 345, 483, and 609 ; of 783, 435, and 555 ; of 2842, 3654, and 2030. 125-127. Find the greatest common divisor of 1602, 1603, 1604; of 311, 400, 510; of 823, 800, 6?2. 128-130. Find the greatest common divisor of 185, 259, 407 ; of 86, 430, 473 ; of 505, 707, 4343. 131-132. What is the greatest common divisor of 2233, 2030, 1827, 3045, 4060? of 3885, 5550? 6105? LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE. 36. The multiple of a number is a product of which such number is a factor. Thus, 4, 6, 8, are multiples of 2. 37.] LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE. 61 A common multiple of two or more numbers is a product of which all such numbers are factors. Thus, 48 is a com- mon multiple of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8. The least common multiple of two or more numbers is the least product of which all such numbers are factors. Thus, while, as above, 48 is a common multiple of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, because it can be exactly divided by each of those numbers, 24 is their least common multiple, because it is the least number that can be so divided. Evidently a number or a series of numbers can have an infinite number of multiples. The multiple of two numbers prime to each other, is their product. Find the least common multiple of 8, 16, 24. Let us resolve these numbers into their prime factors. 8=2 X 2 X 2 ; 16=2X2X2X2; 24=2 X 2 X 2 X 3. The least common multiple of these numbers must contain all their prime factors once. We then note, first, all the factors of 8 : 2X2X2. Next, seeing that 16 has an additional factor, 2, and that 24 has an additional factor, 3, we take the product of all these different factors : 2 X2X2X 2X3=48, which is the least common multiple of 8, 16, 24. "We have then this rule, for finding the least common multiple of two or more numbers. Resolve each number into its prime factors. Multiply these factors together, using such as are common to two or more numbers BUT ONCE. The product so found will be the least common multiple. NOTE. If a factor be used more than once, though the result would be a multiple of the given numbers, yet it would not be the least common multiple. 37. It may be sometimes more convenient to adopt the following method. 62 PKIME AND COMPOSITE NUMBERS. [CHAP. VIH. Find the least common multiple of 10, 18, 21. We divide first by the prime factor 2, since it will divide two of the numbers 3)5 9 21 without a remainder, and place the quo- tients 5 and 9 together with the undivided number 21, in the line below. We then 2 ) 10, 18, 21 5, 3, 7 2X3X5X3X7=630 divide by another prime number 3, for the same reason, and set the quotients, with the undivided number 5, below. There can be no further division since no two of the remain- ing numbers have a common divisor. The divisors multiplied into the quotients in the last line, will give the least common multiple required. NOTE. The principle of this operation is the same as before. T it consists in finding the prime factors of a series of numbers and taking their product. Thus, 10=2X5; 18=2X3X3; 21=3X7. 2 being a common factor of 10 and 18, as in. the above divisor, is used but once. One of the 3's being common to 9 and 21, is used but once as in the second division above. These multiplied into the 5, the re- maining 3 and the 7, will produce the result sought. Hence the following RULE. Write the numbers in a horizontal line; divide them by any prime number which will divide two or more of them without a remainder ; place the quotients with the undivided numbers, if any, for a second horizontal line ; proceed with this second line as with the first ; and so continue until there are no two numbers which can be exactly divided by the same divisor. The continued product of the divisors, and of the numbers in the last horizontal line, will give the least common multiple. 133-138. What is the least common multiple of 12, 16, and 24 ? of 12, 15, and 24 ? of 11, 77, and 88 ? of 37 and 41 ? of 24, 60, 45, 180 ? of 2, 4, 6, 8 ? 139-143. What is the least common multiple of 3, 5, 38.] CANCELLATION. 63 7, 9 ? of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ? of 7, 14, 16, 18, 24 ? of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 ? of 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24? 144-147. What is the least common multiple of 36, 40, 45, 60, 72, 90 ? of 10, 20, 25, 50 ? of 5, 9, 15, 18, 36, 135, 1^2? of 115, 184, 230, 460? 148-151. What is the least common multiple of 140, 168, 210, 280, 420? of 3, 5, 7, 14, 35, 42? of 17, 19, 34, 38, 209? of 11, 13, 26, 99, 100? 152-156. What is the least common multiple of 8, 10, 12, 13, 375? of 34, 75, 88, 99? of 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17? of 4, 6, 8, 10, 19 ? of 20, 21, 24, 48 ? CANCELATION. 38. Suppose we are required to divide 35 tinus 99 by 63. As these numbers are composite, we have 35X99 5X7X9X11 AT = -. . Now we know (6 3 1 , g. ) that divi- 63 7x9 vy dend and divisor may be divided by the same number with- out altering their relation to each other ; in other words, without affecting the value of the quotient. We then divide the dividend and divisor of the preceding expression by 7 5X1 Xl Xll and by 9 ; it becomes = 55. We may per- 1X1 form this division by drawing a line through the common 5X^X0X11 factors, thus, - , and operating upon the re- /* X $ maining ones ; the expression then becomes =55. This rejecting of common factors is called cancelation. It is a great saving of labor. When all the factors in either dividend or divisor are can- celed, write 1 in their place. 64 PRIME AND COMPOSITE NUMBERS. [CHAP. VIII Divide the product 21 times 22 times 65 by 1001. 21X22X65_3X7X2XllX5Xl3_3X/X2X>'iX5Xly4_30_ Tool 7x~iixi3~ /rx]/ x X~ ~~~^~ or the process may be arranged thus : First cancel the factor 7 in 1001 and in 21, wri- ting the other factors 143, and 3 below and above the respective numbers. Next cancel the 11 in 143 of the divisor and 1 1 of the dividend, writing the other factors, 13 and 2, below and above the $ respective numbers as before. Next, cancel the 13 of the divisor and the 13 of the dividend, writing the other factor O }S Q V> K O A 5 over the 65. The expression will then stand - = =30. EXAMPLES. 157. Divide 2X3X8X5X7 by 2x4x15. 158. A man had 34 filberts in each of 49 different piles. He was to distribute these among 7 boys and 7 girls. How many did each boy and girl receive ? 159-160. 8X12 is how many times 8 ? -how many times 12? 161-162. 4 X 72 is how many times 6 ? how many times 12? 163-169. 72x48 is how many times 6? 8? 12? 16? 24? 32? 48? 170-172. What is the value of 36x100 divided by 10X18? divided by 2 X 20 ? divided by 9 X 10 ? 173-175. What is the value of 99x360x365 divided by 11 X 73 ? divided by 33 X 18 ? divided by 44 X 5 ? 176-179. What is the value of 33 X 77 divided by 121 ? divided by 21 ? divided by 7 ? divided by 3 ? 180-183. What is the value of 36x42x52 divided by 2X3X4? divided by 32X13? divided by 9 X 21 ? divided by 21X13? 39.] FRACTIONS. 66 184-187. What is the value of 12X11X10 divided by 2x3x4? divided by 3 X 5 ? divided by 3x11? divided by 4x5? 188-190. What is the value of 9x40x100 divided by 2X3X4X5? divided by 6X8X10? divided by 3 X 6 X 25 ? CHAPTER IX. ' FRACTIONS. 39. A FRACTION is a part* of a unit. If an apple be divided into 2 equal parts, each part will be one-half of the apple ; that is, 1 2, or J. If the apple be divided into 3 equal parts, each part will be- one- third of the apple ; that is, 1-^-3, or ^, &c. Suppose 3 apples are to be divided among 5 boys. Cut each apple into 5 equal parts or fifths, and give one part or fifth of each apple to each boy. He will then have one- fifth of three apples, or, what is the same thing, three-fifths of an apple : in figures, |. We see, then, that the number of parts into which a thing or a unit is divided, is expressed by the figure below the line, while the number of such parts as are taken or used is expressed by the figure above the line. The expression f may be read, one-fifth of three ; or 3 divided by 5 ; or three-fifths. The latter is the usual mode. Read the following expressions: f, ^, r \, T 9 T , f, , The number above the line is called the numerator : the * The term fraction is from a Latin word signifying to break, meaning a broken part of a unit. 6* 66 FRACTIONS. [CHAP. ix. number below the line is called the denominator. These are also called the terms of the fraction. If the numerator and the denominator of a fraction be equal, the value of the fraction is unity : Jff=l. If an ap- ple be divided into 12 equal parts, the 12 parts or twelfths will make the whole apple. If the numerator be less than the denominator, the frac- tion is called a proper fraction ; as |, ^, J. If the numerator equal or exceed the denominator, the fraction is called an improper fraction ; as -J, if, |f. When a whole number* and a fraction are connected, the expression is called a mixed number. Thus, 4J, 3-i, 48 T 3 T 9 T , are mixed numbers. The whole number is called the inte- gral part of the expression, and the fraction is called the fractional part. A fraction of a fraction is called a compound fraction. Thus, i of f of f , f of I of | of ^i f of | of f of f , &c., are compound fractions. Any number may be made to assume the form of an im- proper fraction, by writing under it a unit for the denomi- nator. Thus, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, &c., are the same as 'j-, %., -, ^, fcM Fractions sometimes occur, in which the numerator or denominator, or both, are themselves fractional ; such ex- pressions are called complex fractions. Thus, ~, , f^, Y~, &c., are complex fractions. A fraction is said to be inverted when the numerator and denominator exchange places. Thus, the fractions J-, |-, |-, To' i> f' when inverted, become f, |, f, ^O-, f, f. These fractions are called COMMON or VULGAR FRACTIONS, * A whole number is also called an Integer ; thus, 5, 9, 24, 146, are integers. 4:1.] REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 67 as distinguished from another kind, to be hereafter treated, called Decimal Fractions. $ 40. It will be seen that Common Fractions are founded upon Division. The numerator is the dividend, the denom- inator is the divisor. The fraction itself expresses the, quo- tient, or the value of the quotient resulting from the division. Thus, divide 6 by 3 ; the quotient may be represented by f = 2. Divide 3 by 6 ; the quotient -f, three-sixths. From the relations of divisor, dividend, and quotient, as seen in 31, we may readily infer the following PROPOSITIONS. I. That, multiplying the numerator by any number is the fame as multiplying the fraction by the same number. II. That, multiplying the denominator by any number is the same as dividing the fraction by the same number. III. That, multiplying both numerator and denominator by any number does not alter the value of the fraction. IV. That, dividing the numerator by any number is the same as dividing the fraction by the same number. V. That, dividing the denominator by any number is the same as multiplying the fraction by the same number. VI. That, dividing both numerator and denominator by the same number does not alter the value of the fraction. REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 41. REDUCTION is the process of changing the form of an expression without altering its value. Thus, the integer 1 may be reduced to the fraction f ; the fraction j-f may be reduced to the integer 1. Suppose an apple be cut into 12 equal parts : 6 of those 68 FRACTIONS. [CHAP, ix. parts are equal to one-half the apple ; that is, T %=i. It will be seen that ^ is the result of the division of the nu- merator and denominator of -%, by 6. There is evidently the same relation between 1 divided into 2 parts, as there is between 6 divided into 12 parts. We may therefore find an equivalent value of a fraction, in lower terms, by dividing numerator and denominator by the same number. ( 40, Prop. VI.) Hence to reduce a fraction to its lowest terms, Divide its numerator and denominator by their greatest common di- visor. Reduce |f f to its lowest terms. The greatest common divisor of 492 and 744 is 12. 34, 35. Dividing by 12, we have -|^- for the answer. NOTE. We may frequently discover numbers, by inspection, which will divide both numerator and denominator without a re- mainder. When this is the case', we need not resort to the rule for obtaining the greatest common divisor, until we have divided by such numbers. EXAMPLES. 1-5. Reduce to then* lowest terms |- ; J ; j 3 ^ ; ^ T ; -J|-. 6-11. Reduce to their lowest terms f f ; f f ; ToT ' "2To 12-16. Reduce to their lowest terms 17-20. Reduce to their lowest terms g-||g- fff; H^a 21-25. Reduce to their lowest terms Jf- ; ||f ; fff ; rHff 26-30. Reduce to their lowest terms f $| ; Jf ; 31-40. Reduce to their lowest terms 1764. 3378. 834 . 1896. 1640.3528.1942. 5826 ~23~G"o ' TTTffcT ' "SI'ST ' 2T OT ' 2 6" 2 ' TT2T ' 5T6T ' T5T9"? 1 43.] REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 69 42. To reduce an improper fraction to a whole or mixed number. Reduce -- to a whole number. As there are four-fourths, -J, in a whole thing or unit, in JL2- there will be as many whole things or units as 4, the denominator, is contained times in 12, the numerator, which is 3. Therefore ~V 2 -=3. Reduce f f to a mixed number. As there are -}f in a whole one, there will be as many whole ones in f f as 13 is contained times in 95, which is 7, and 4 thirteenths over. Therefore jf =7 T \. It will thus be seen that the division expressed by an im- proper fraction may be actually performed as in division proper. Hence this RULE. Perform the division expressed by the fraction. EXAMPLES. 41-50. Reduce to whole numbers the following fractions : -- -- 2 a s - 55550 51-64. Reduce to mixed numbers ff ; -If- ; f f ; 4 A- ; - -V- ; H 1 - 4 - - 65-68. Reduce to a whole or mixed number 76818 Y5606"' 43. To reduce a whole or a mixed number to an im- proper fraction. Reduce 5 to fourths. In a unit there are 4 fourths. In 5 there will be as many times 4 fourths as there are units ; that is, 5 = 5X4 fourths = 70 FRACTIONS. [CHAP. IX. Reduce 5f to fourths. 5 =-- as before ; to which, if the 3 fourths be added, the sum will be 23 fourths ; that is, The denominator of the required fraction being given, find fhe numerator by the following RULE. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction to which it is to be reduced. To the product add the numerator of the fractional part, if any. EXAMPLES. 69-75. Roduce 9 to 4ths ; 5ths ; 6ths ; 7ths ; 8ths ; 9ths ; lOths. 76-86. Reduce to improper fractions 4^- ; 3 J ; 7f ; 8^- ; 87-96. Reduce to improper fractions 81ffJ ; : "T'T! 97-99. Reduce 484 T 3 6 to an improper fraction ; 298||. 44. To reduce compound fractions to simple ones. Take the compound fractions f of -f-. This expression is the same as |- taken f of a time, or f X J. f is evidently 2 X J : the expression then becomes 2 x % X f ; of f is the same as f-^3= - - ( 40, Prop. II.), 2 times =(Prop. X o 7 X o 2x5 10 I.) - ^=777- Thus, the numerators of the compound 3x7 21 44.] REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 71 fraction have been multiplied together and the denominators together. Reduce f of f of $ of T 7 ^- to a simple fraction. Canceling the factors common to numerator and denomi- nator, the expression becomes 3 # _7__ 3x7 _ 21 3 X 5 X I0 X 1?~5X5X4~TOO' 5 4 Hence the following RULE. First, cancel the factors common to the numerators and denominators of the given fraction ; then multiply the re- maining numerators together for a new numerator, and the remaining denominators together for a new denominator. NOTE. When a fraction is to be multiplied by a whole number, the whole number may be changed to an improper fraction by wri- ting 1 for its denominator ; thus, 4=^. EXAMPLES. 100-101. Reduce of ; T 8 g- of ? to simple fractions. 102-109. Reduce to their simplest forms the following fractions : f of f| ; -| of of T 5 T ; J of f ; f of J of f ; foffof Jofi;f ofif ; Mof f of ft; 1 of f of -tfL fM- 110-116. Simplify the following : J of f of f of ^ ; j off off of if of |f; ioff ofl|; l-off of 41; iof of | of |; f off of | off; T 9 o of If of J of ff. 117-121. Simplify f of & of f of jf ; ff of ^ of if ; 4 O f A of f| of 21 ; f of f of |f of 19 ; f of if of f| of 62. 72 FRACTIONS. [CHAP. ix. 45. To reduce fractions to a common denominator. We know (Prop. III.) that the value of a fraction is not changed by multiplying its numerator and denominator by the same number. If, then, we multiply the numerator and denominator of each of a series of fractions by the product of the denominators of all the other fractions, we shall retain the values of the respective fractions, and at the same time they will have a common denominator. Reduce J, J, and -f to a common denominator. The numerator of i becomes 1x3x7 = 21 The denominator of i " 2x3x7 = 42 The numerator off " 5X2x7 = 70 The denominator of f " 3x2x7 = 42 The numerator of f " 4x2x3 = 24 The denominator of-f- " 7x3x2 = 42 The fractions, then, are \ J, \\, \ f Hence the following RULE. Multiply each numerator by all the denominators except its own for a new numerator, and all the denominators together for a common denominator. NOTE. Mixed numbers must be reduced to improper fractions, compound fractions to their simplest form, and all the fractions to their lowest terms, before multiplying. EXAMPLES. 122-129. Reduce to common denominators % and f ; | and f ; f and | ; f and & ; JJ and JJ. ; ff and } ; {$ and; and if 130-136. Reduce to common denominators l, J, and -*-; J, i and i ; j, f , and $ ; f , J, and | ; T V if and JJ ; 46.] DEDUCTION OF FKACTIO^S. 73 137-139. Reduce to common denominators J of f, 4J, 51 ; f of |, of 5, 71 5i ; f of f , f of 4j, f of 7f 46. When the Zeastf common denominator is required. Find the least common denominator of T 5 ^, T 7 g-, -Jl. The l^ast common multiple of 12, 16, 24 ( 36), is 48. It is evident that the denominator of each fraction is multiplied by a certain factor to produce this multiple : that is, 1 2 by 1 ; 16 by 3 ; 24 by 2. Now if the numerator of such frac- tion be multiplied by the same factor, each fraction will re- tain its value, and all will have a common denominator ; thus, 2.0 2JL 22. 48' 48' 48* Hence, the following RULE. Find the least common multiple of the denominators for the least common denominator. For each new numerator multiply the numerator of each fraction by that factor of the multiple, of ivhich the denomi- nator of such fraction is the other factor. EXAMPLES. 140-146. Reduce to the least common denominator , -|, and f ; J, f , and f ; f and f ; f and f ; f , f , and f ; f , T Vandif;f,|,andf. 147-155. Reduce to the least common denominator T 5 ^, A, it; i of j of A, A. a *d TV; sMjhf ; irVi*; A. TV e A ; i> * H' and i ; A. i \, A ; f . I' f f A ; J' i> i' I' T 9 o> TZQ- 156. Reduce 1, l, i, i, i, 1, i, l to equivalent fractions having a common denominator. 7 74: FRACTIONS. [CHAP. IX. ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 47. In addition of whole numbers, we have seen that units can only be added to units, tens to tens, &c. 3 units and 4 tens will make neither 7 units nor 7 tens ; but 4 tens =40 units; and 40 units+3 units=43 units. So in fractions, 3 fourths cannot be added to 4 sixths, for the result will be neither 7 fourths nor 7 sixths. But 3 fourths = 9 twelfths and 4 sixths = 8 twelfths ; and 9 twelfths and 8 twelfths =17 twelfths, or 1 and 5 twelfths; that i s> f+|-= T 9 2+T 8 2 = H 1 lV Hence, for the addition of fractions, the following , RULE. JReduce the given fractions to a common denominator. Over this denominator place the sum of their numerators. NOTE. Seek the least common denominator of the fractions. If the result be an improper fraction, it must be reduced to a whole or mixed number. EXAMPLES. 157-162. What is the sum of 1, i, 1, and l ? of 1 and i? *, T V A?-rf*. M? of j, i i A? off, J,H? 163-168. What is the sum of f , }, f ? of $, |l, if ? of , , ? of ||, fi A? of T V, *,*? off, |, / ? 169-174. What is the sum of 1 J, 2j, 3} ? of 4J, 3j, i ? 175-180. What is the sum of 10J, 12^-, 15 J? of T 3 T , I? of fi , |f? of ff, |8, i? of |, 4 f 39 of ^aV ? 181-186. What is the sum of 2j, 4J, 6-f? of 2^, 4J-, of 3J, 51 6} ? of 5J, 10 T V, 15 T V ? of 3J-, 61, 9-J ? of 2J 48.] SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. 75 SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. 48. Subtract \ from -J. This cannot be done, because the fractions have different denominators. If we reduce both to thirty-fifths, \ becomes -f^, and J becomes ^ ; and ^j-j=^. Hence, to subtract one fraction from an- other, the following RULE. Heduce the fractions to a common denominator : over this denominator place the difference of the numerators. EXAMPLES. 187-] 95. Find the difference between l and i ; f and f ; t and T 7 T ; f and f ; T V and if ; |- and ii ; f and T 8 T ; | and f ; f and T 8 T . 196-203. Subtract J from % ; \ from \ ; \ from \ ; J from | ; i from il ; ^ from T V ; H from }^ | ; T 5 ^ from ||^. 204-209. 1 of } of |- T V - 5 f-4 of J|= ; 1 of 3_i of | = . 3i-2i^ ; 1 of f of |-ioff^ ; f of | off of f-f of | of | off = . 210-213. 214-218. What is the value of (+-J) (}+J) ? of ? of +-+? of 219-222. What is the value of (2j+3j)-(lJ+2j-) ? ? of of I- of ? of 70 FRACTIONS. [CHAP. IX. MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS. 49. Multiply f by |. We know, 44, that J multiplied by , or f Xf, is the same as J of . Hence, for multiplication of fractions, we must use the same rule as for reducing compound fractions to simple ones. RULE. First, cancel the factors common to the numerators and denominators of the given fraction ; then multiply the re- maining numerators together for a new numerator, and the remaining denominators together for a new denominator. EXAMPLES. 223-233. Multiply J by J ; J by J ; j- by f ; by ; *l>y; f byf; i by tf ; . by f ; J by f f ; by 234-240. Multiply together i, i, and i ; i, J, and | ; f , | ? and f ; f , - , and T V ; |, -f-, and T 6 T ; f , J, and ^f ; f , T \, and if. 241-243. What is the product of f of | by ^ of f ? of fofllbyfofH? J of | by | of T ^ of 1-1? 244-246. 3jx4xA= ; 4^X3^= ; 3ix4i X }= . 247-249. Multiply together the fractions i, |, J, f ; f i i -V- ; sj, 4j, sj. 250-254. Multiply together ^ T 7 , -f- ; f by 4 ; 7 by | ; 7Jby3j; 16jby5. 255. Multiply the sum of ^, j, J, A, by the sum of ^, i, 50.] DIVISION OF INACTIONS. 77 256. Multiply the sum of -J of J, f of f by the sum of 257. Multiply f of | of f of T 4 r by } of f of f . 258. Multiply the sura of 3, 3j, 3j, 3j, by the sura of DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. 50. Divide ~ by -|. First method. If the fractions be reduced to a common denominator, their numerators may be operated upon as if they were whole numbers. Thus, = !!; |- =ff-. And | divided by |-| is the same as 32 divided by 35, or f f . Second method, -f- divided by 1 will give T for a quo- tient; divided by -J- (3 1,/), will give 8 times as large a quotient as when divided by 1, or yXy=- 3 y 2 -; divided by f- (31, c), will give one-fifth as large a quotient as when divided by -J-, or ^ x ^-= Jf , the same result as found by the first method, we see that in fact the dividend y has been multiplied by f ; that is, by the divisor with its terms in- verted. Hence, for dividing one fraction by another, the following RULE. Invert the terms of the divisor, and proceed as in multipli- cation. NOTE. If either dividend or divisor be a whole number, make it a,n improper fraction by giving to it 1 for a denominator. EXAMPLES 259-269. Divide J by i ; \ by ; y by } ; j- by ^ ; A by A; TWiVi A by &; fbyj; fbyA; | by f ; I- by T V 7* Y8 FRACTIONS. [CHAP. ix. 27U-274. Dividefbyi; $ by T ' T ; 275-278. Divide 4j by 17 ; if by 10 ; \ of by 4- of | ; 3i of 2i by 4}. 279. Divide Jbyf of |. 280. Divide the sum of f , , f , f , by the sum of 1, J, J, 281. Divide the sum of f , f , *, f , f , -^-, ft, if, if, if, by the sum of 1, J, A, i j, i, i, ^ ^ y L j-L. 282. Divide J of of f of f by f of f of | of f . 283-287. Divide the sum of 1, Ij, 2J, 3j, by the sum of 1J, 2^, 3^- ; the sum of ^ of ^, J of -|, by the sum of i-of f, iof|; | of if of ff byjof f of f; -I of if of i by f of | of 12 ; i of f of f of by J of J of 8. RECIPROCALS. 51. The reciprocal of any number is found by dividing 1 by the number. Thus, the reciprocals of 2, 3, 4, are i- i. * The reciprocal of a fraction, for example, of |- is l--^ = lxf=f. Hence, the reciprocal of a fraction is the frac- tion inverted. Operations in division may therefore be included under those of multiplication, by making the reciprocal of the di- visor the multiplier. EXAMPLES. 288-295. What are the reciprocals of 7, 8, 9, 11, 18, 24, 96, 108? 296-303. What are the reciprocals of f, f, |, f, f , f, 51.] FRACTIONS. 79 304-309. What are the reciprocals of 1^, 2j, 3j, 5|, 9f , 12 T 9 r ? 310-313. What are the reciprocals of f of f- ? f of J? fof ji? f off? 314-318. Perform the following by using the reciprocals of the divisors : f -4-4 ; T 9 o^f; f-r-8; 4^7 ; 3j-r-2f MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES IN COMMON FRACTIONS. 319-324. Reduce to their lowest terms ff ; f f fj ; . 15636. 505. 18999 > TF93 9- > 5T5 ' ^TTTO" 325-329. Reduce to mixed numbers flf ; -?/- ; f f ; 330-334. Reduce to improper fractions 3-| ; 15-^- ; 3 T 7 T ; ; IOOH- 335-339. Reduce to their simplest forms \ of f of f ; f of | of |f ;. ofi of A of 3; T V of f of fi of 3j ; f of jy*_ of iof 100. 340-344. Reduce i, J, j, to equivalent fractions having a common denominator ; so \, ^, -J-, -J, |- ; 3 J, f, f , j 3 ^- ; 111 1.35 7 11 U> T' T' TT ' 5> T TT TTT- 345-346. What is the sum of \, i, \ ? of f , |, f ? 347. From a piece of cloth -J and J- of the whole was cut off. What part of the whole was thus taken away ? 348-350. From \ subtract \ ; from ^ subtract ^ ; from f subtract \. 351. A tree 150 feet high had -J broken off in a storm. What was the length broken off ? 352. A. and B. together possess 1477 sheep, of which A. owns |- and B. 3.. How many belong to each man ? 353. A. owns T 3 T of a ship, valued at 15422 dollars: he sells to B. f of his share. What is the value of what A. has left ; also, what is the value of B.'s part? 80 FRACTIONS. [CHAP. ix. 354. A cotton-mill is sold for 30000 dollars, of which A. owns J of the whole, B. and C. each own J of J of the whole. How many dollars does each one claim ? 355. A. and B. have a melon, of which A. owns f and B. f : C. offers them one shilling, to partake equally with them of the melon, which was agreed to. How must the shilling be divided between A. and B. ? 356. A farmer had J of his sheep in one field, in a sec- ond field, and the residue, which was 779, in a third field. How many sheep had he in all ? 357. If I divide 616 dollars between A., B., C., and D., by giving A. of the whole, B. T 5 T of the remainder, C. | of what then remained, and D. the balance, how much will each receive ? 358. In Fahrenheit's thermometer there are 180 degrees between the boiling and freezing points ; in that of Reau- mur there are 80. What fraction of a degree in the latter expresses a degree of the former ? 359. The receipts of Jenny Lind's first concert in New York were 26000 dollars ; the expenses were 4000 dollars. Jenny received 1000 dollars as her regular nightly stipend, and \ the net* proceeds in addition. How much did she receive ? 360. Of the proceeds of her first concert Jenny Lind do- nated as follows : to the Fire Department Fund T 6 ^ ; to the Musical Fund Society -^ ; Home for the Friendless j 1 ^- ; Society for Relief of Indigent Females y 1 ^- ; Dramatic Fund Association j 1 ^ ; Home for Colored Aged Persons j 1 ^ ; Asy- lum for Destitute Females j 1 ^ ; Orphan Asylum jL ; Ro- man Catholic Orphan Asylum T ^ ; Protestant do. -f^ ; Old Ladies' Asylum, the remainder, 500 dollars. How much * Net or neat means over and above expenses. 51.] FRACTIONS. 81 did the generous singer give away ? and how much did each society receive ? 361. In the year 1850 there were probably 800000 bas- kets of peaches brought into New York city. If the popu- lation were 510000, what fraction will express how many baskets that was to each person ? 362-363. A journeyman's wages per week were 10 dol- lars : of that sum he spent \ for the 6 working days for meat. What fraction will express the amount he spent each day ? If 10 dollars are 1000 cents, how many cents did he spend each day ? 364. Paid 137 dollars for flour, at 6f dollars a barrel. How many barrels did I buy ? 365. There were 37 bushels of potatoes in a cart : J of them were divided among 3 families of 4 persons each j -J- of them among 2 families of 7 persons each ; j- of them between 3 persons; and the remainder among 18 persons. What part of a bushel had each person by the 1st division ? What part had each by the 2d ? what by the 3d ? what by the 4th ? 366. Two persons, A. and B., being 95 miles apart, travel towards each other, both starting at the same time. They meet at the end of 6 hours, when they discover that A. travelled Ij miles more than B. each hour. How many miles did each go ? 367. A boy, after losing 1 of his kite string, added 30 feet, and then found that it was just |- of the original length. What was the length at first ? 368. A person commencing business with a certain capi- tal, found at the end of the first year that he had increased it -J, but at the end of the next year, having been unfortu- nate in business, his capital amounted to 3000 dollars, which 82 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. [CHAP. X. was -J of what he had at the end of the first year. What was the capital he commenced with ? 369. A. owns \ of J of \ of a ship ; B. owns \ of of f of the whole ; C. owns J of f of \ of the whole ; D. owns the remainder. How much does A.'s part exceed J of the whole ? How much does B.'s part fall short of \ of the whole ? How much does C.'s part fall short of J of the whole ? How much does D.'s part exceed i of the whole ? 370. Divide 88 dollars as follows : to A. give 1 dollar more than J of the whole ; to B. give 10 dollars more than 1 of the remainder ; to C. give 14 dollars more than \ of the second remainder ; and to D. the balance. What is each one's part ? CHAPTER X. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 52. SUPPOSE 1 to be divided into 10 equal parts ; each one of these parts is 1 tenth, or ^ ; two parts are 2 tenths, or T 2 Q-, &c. Now, if each tenth be divided into ten equal parts, each of these subdivisions will be a hundredth ; that *> To--r-= rVxA=T*ir- So ^+^.=J nfX & = ToVo' &c - Such fractions as the above, which decrease or increase only in a tenfold ratio, are called Decimal* Fractions. So that Decimal Fractions must always have denominators of the following form : 10, 100, 1000, 10000, &c. In treating of whole numbers, we saw (5) that the suc- cessive orders of units had a tenfold increase from right to * Decimal, from a Latin word signifying ten. 52.] DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 83 left, or decrease from left to right. This being true, also, of decimals, they may be written down and operated upon as if they were whole numbers ; that is, their denomina- tors may be omitted. The only care necessary is to distin- guish the decimal from the integer by a separatrix or point. Thus, seven and 3 tenths is written 7 '3 ; six and 9 hun- dredths is written 6 '09. The first place at the right of the decimal point is tenths ; the second place is hundredths ; the third place, thousandths ; the fourth place, ten- thousand ths ; the fifth place, hundred- thousandths ; the sixth place, millionths, &c., as in the fol- lowing TABLE. In notation, where a decimal place does not require a digit, must be written. Thus, 3 hundredths is written 0*03, the naught showing that no tenths are to be expressed ; 7 thou- sandths is written O'OOY, the naughts showing that no tenths and no hundreds are to be expressed, &c. We also write a naught at the left of the decimal point when there are no units. The naught is thus necessary to keep the decimal digit in its proper place. Every naught prefixed to a decimal carries it one place further to the right, and thus decreases its value 10 times. Thus, 0-1=^; 0-01 = ^; 0-001 = ^, &c. Naughts annexed to a decimal do not alter its value, since 84: DECIMAL FRACTIONS. [CHAP. X. they multiply it. 5 numerator and denominator by the same number. Thus, 0-1=-^; 0-10 = ^; 0'100= T WV 53. To express decimals in figures. Write the decimal as a whole number. Prefix as many naughts as are necessary to make the decimal places equal to the number of naughts of the denominator. Be careful to place the POINT at the left of the number. For example : Express in figures three hundred and fifty- seven millionths. I write first the 357. There are 6 naughts in lOOOOOO^s (T^IJWO)- * tnen P refix to tne 3 decimal places already written, 3 naughts, 0*000357. EXAMPLES. 1-9. How many decimal places in 1 hundredth ? in 1 thousandth ? in 1 millionth ? in 1 ten- thousandth ? in 1 hun- dred-thousandth ? in 1 billionth ? in 1 ten-millionth ? in 1 hundred-millionth ? in 1 ten-billionth ? 10-19. Write 37 thousandths ; 3 hundredths ; 48 mil- lion/.hs ; 95 hundred-millionths ; 490 hundred-thousandths ; 1240 ten-millionths ; 10000004 hundred-millionths ; 96 bil- lionths ; 9301 hundred-millionths ; 27101 millionths. 20-27. Write eight hundred and four^ thousand ten-mil- lionth^ ; seven million and four hundred millionths ; seven- ty-four million and eighty-one billionths ; eight hundred and ninety-six thousand hundred-millionths ; four thousand and seven hundred-thousandths ; eight hundred million and four thousand ten-billionths ; sixty billions and seventy-four tril- lionths ; eight hundred billions and ninety-nine ten-bil- lionths. NOTE. The teacher will exercise the pupils in similar number^ until they can write them with rapidity and accuracy. 54.] DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 85 28-37. Express decimally the following fractions : -f^Q ; To to" ' ToVo o ' ToVo'W 5 ToV/oV 5 nn$%Wo > ToWo cflTO '> 12 . 1365 o~o~o"o > To oooo"- 38-50. Express the following decimally : f 8 T 4 Q-=8'4 : NOTE. Perform the division indicated by the fraction. 54. To read decimals expressed in figures. Read the figures as if they were whole numbers, and add the name of the right-hand decimal place. Thus, 0*7 is read seven tenths ; 0*06 i read six hun- dredths ; 0*004 is read four thousandths ; 0*1070004 is read one million, seventy thousand and four ten-millionths. NOTE. If the pupil numerate, beginning at the left, thus, " tenths," " hundredths," " thousandths," ^ iafc ' ls > ' 6 ^- 0-2 = 3. 92 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. [CHAP. X. EXAMPLES. 199-205. Divide 0'7 by 0'07 ; 0'25 by O'OOOo ; 0'25 by 0-00005; 0'125byO-000005; 122-418 by 3*4005 ; 244-431 by 1-2345; 365' 2 by 9'13. 206-213. Divide 234-31 by 0'4967 ; by 0'28160 ; by 2-00076; by 7'892165 ; by 22*872003; by 41'9865432; by 221-762Q80 ; by 3-4076321. 214-225. Divide 827640-32167 by 8'2 ; by 9'03 ; by 11-416; by 327-0489; by 7260-19876 ; by 9831-00014; by 63-222219; by 92-4234767; by 38'9l765890; by 21814-26; by 8'4 ; by 9*701. NOTE. The annexing of naughts to the dividend is obviously to reduce dividend and divisor to a common denominator. Where the decimal places of the divisor are fewer than those of the dividend, naughts are always supposed to be annexed to the divisor; thus,0-8215-f-0'5 = 0-8215~0-5000. Of course, then, if the dividend contain the divisor, the first figure of the quotient will be a whole number. 61. When there is still a remainder, we may continue to annex naughts to it and to divide, until a sufficiently accurate result is obtained. The sign -f- annexed to the quotient shows that it is larger than is written. NOTE. The pupil will remember that every naught annexed to a remainder adds another decimal place to the dividend. EXAMPLES. 226. Divide 0'8215 by 0'5. 227-231. Divide 4-1175 by 0-5 ; by 25 ; by 35 ; by 45 ; by 55. 232-238. Divide 20 by 0'003 ; 37'4 by 4'5 ; 7'85 by 3-43 ; 0-478 by 0'58 ; 0'9009 by 0'405l ; 68'283 by 9'22 ; 845-6501 ; by 37'37. 62.] DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 93 62. To divide a decimal by 10, 100, 1000, &c. T*o--TT*o X rV^ToVo ; that is > O'Ol -0-1 = 0-001. Hence the following RULE. Remove the decimal point as many places to the left as there are naughts in the divisor : when there are not figures enough in the dividend prefix naughts. EXAMPLES. 239-242. Divide 41497'6 by 10; by 100; by 1000; by 10000. 243-247. Divide 67'4 by 10; by 100; 1000; 10000; 100000. 248-253. Divide 0-341 by 10; 100; 1000; 10000; 100000; 1000000. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES IN DECIMALS. 254. Bought 4 loads of wood : the first contained 0'97 cords, the second contained 1*03 cords, the third contained 0'945 cords, the fourth contained T005 cords. What did the four loads measure in decimals ? 255. In the month of May the amount of rain was 3*15 inches, in June it was 4'05 inches, in July it was 2 '9*7 inches, and in August it was 3 '03 inches. How much rain fell during these four months ? 256. During three successive days the mean* range of * If the sum of a scries of unequal quantities be divided by the number of quan- tities, the quotient is called the mean or average of these quantities, since it will, when repeated as many times as there are unequal quantities, just equal their sum. Thus, the average of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 (5 quantities), is (2 -f 4 + G + 8 + 10) -*- 5 :_; 30 4-5=0. 94 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. [CHAP. X. the barometer was 29*04 inches, 29*51 inches, and 29*73 inches respectively. What is the sum of these heights ? 257. In 1844, the whole number of school districts of New York was 10990, and the whole number of children in said districts, between the ages of 5 and 16 years, was 696548. What was the average* number for each district ? 258. In New York, the total number of volumes in the 11018 school-district libraries was 1145250. What was the average number for each library ? 259. In one mile there are 1760 yards, and in one rod there are 5-J = 5*5 yards. How many rods in one mile ? 260. If light passes 191515 miles in a second, how many seconds will if require to pass from the sun to the earth, a distance of 95500000 miles ? 261. If a cubic inch of pure water weigh 252*458 grains avoirdupois, of which 7000 make one pound, what is the weight of the Imperial or English gallon, which contains 277*274 cubic inches ? 262. If one Imperial gallon contain 277*274 cubic inches, how many cubic inches in 8 gallons or one bushel, and how many cubic feet of 1728 inches each ? 263. If one cubic inch of pure water weigh 252*458 grains avoirdupois, how many grains will 1728 cubic inches, or one cubic foot, weigh, and how many pounds of 7000 grains each ? 264. If at each stroke of the piston-rod of a locomotive engine a distance of 13*25 feet is passed over, how many strokes must be made in passing a distance of 93 miles ? 265. In one mile there are 5280 feet, and in one rod there are 16*5 feet. How many rods in one mile ? 266. How many feet in circumference must a wheel be * See note on preceding page. 63.] FRACTIONS TO DECIMALS. 95 so as to roll over just 100 times in going a distance of one mile? 267-269. If the circumference of the forward wheel of a carriage is 15 '25 feet, and the circumference of the hind wheel 17'75 feet, then in a journey of 10 miles, how many times will each revolve ? and how many more times will the one revolve than the other ? 270. If 37-03 acres of land cost 2000 dollars, how much was it per acre ? 271-274. If I purchase 43'25 acres of land at 55'5 dol- lars per acre, and sell 31 '25 acres for 2500 dollars, then how much did I give for the whole ? How much did I receive per acre for what I sold ? How much more did I receive for what I sold than the whole cost me ? and how many acres remained unsold ? 275. From a cistern containing 3000 gallons, 73'5 bar- rels, of 31'5 gallons each, are drawn off. How many gal- lons remain ? REDUCTION OF COMMON FRACTIONS TO DECIMALS. 63. Reduce f to a decimal. We cannot divide 3 by 8 ; but reducing the 3 to tenths, that is, multiplying it by 10, we have 3 = 30 tenths, which divided by 8 gives 3 tenths for a quotient. But there are 6 tenths remainder. Reducing these to hundredths, we have 60 hundredths, which divided by 8 gives 7 hundredths for a quotient. But there are 4 hundredths remaining. Re- ducing these to thousandths, we have 40 thousandths, which divided by 8 gives 5 thousandths for a quotient. Thus, f 3 tenths + 7 hundredths + 5 thousandths 96 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. [CHAP. X. =0*375. Hence, to reduce a common fraction to a deci- mal, we have this RULE. Perform the division expressed by the fraction, annexing as many naughts to the numerator as are necessary to pro- duce a sufficiently exact quotient. In the quotient point off as many decimal places as there have been naughts annexed. NOTE. After having annexed one 0, if the dividend will not con- tain the divisor, write in the quotient, and so on. EXAMPLES. 276-297. Reduce to their equivalent decimal fractions the following common fractions : ^ ; J ; i ; -J ; -j-L ; |- ; J ; 298-329. Reduce to decimals the following : f ; f ; f- ; 6 . fi . 6 . T<5" T3~> T TTMT3"' T> > 9 ' TT ' TT T3~ T7 J ' T 7 T ' T 7 3 ' TT rV ' TT ' TT '> TT 5 TV ' TT > if 5 if ' 330-333. What is the decimal value of | of f ? of J of TT of T 7 2 ? of f of 1 divided by f of | ? of J of f diminish- ed by f of I ? 334-336. Find the decimal value of T+A+f +T+TT of fx T 9 T xfxfx T 4 T ; of (f+ T 9 T )xf 337. A man received 7 T 2 j of a dollar at one time, 3j dol- lars at another, and 5^ of a dollar at another. How much did he receive in all ? It will he seen, as in some of the preceding examples, that the figures of the quotient are repeated: giving 0*33 3, 66J= T V 83j=f 121= .. 3U=#. 58J=&. 871=}. NOTE. 121 cts. would, by the table, be of a dollar; $1-1 2$ would be ; $2-31* would be $aj ; $4-75 would be -'/-, by six equal squares, resembling a common tea-chest. If the sides of a cube are each one inch long, it is called a cubic inch. If each side is one foot long, it is called a cubic foot, . ? in lOOOcw^. ? in 840cwtf. ? in 780cwtf. ? 277-281. How many pounds avoirdupois in 160002. ? in 36002.? in500o2.? in 36502. ? in 7llo2. ? 282-286. How many yards in 132/f. ? in 600//. ? in 927/f. ? How many feet in 100m. ? in 750m. ? 80.] UKDUCTIOX. 123 D< , 287-289. In 600 quarters of cloth, how many yards ? how many English Ells ? how many French Ells ? 290-292. In one square mile of land, how many acres? ow many roods ? how many sq. rods ? 293-295. How many chains in 500 links ? how many feet ? In 660 feet how many chains ? 296. How many cords of wood in 1280 cubic feet ? 297. In a pile of wood 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 100 feet long, how many cords ? 298. How many bushels in WQpk. ? 299-300. How many hours in SOOmin. ? in 1000mm. ? REDUCTION OF DENOMINATE QUANTITIES * 86. When the quantity is to be reduced from a higher to a lower denomination, the process is called Reduction Descending; when from a lower to a higher, Reduction Ascending. REDUCTION DESCENDING. CASE I. Reduce 7 55. IQd. 3far. to farthings. There are 20s. in a pound ; therefore 7 X 20 will give the shillings in 7. But the 5s. of the given quantity are also to be reduced. Adding these to the shillings already found, we have 145s. in 7 5s. Multiplying 145, the number of shillings, by 12, because there are \2d. in a shilling, we obtain the number of pence in 145s. ; adding the IQd., we have 1750c?. in 7 5s. IQd. Multiplying 1750 by 4, 7 5s. IQd. Sfar. 20 140s. 5s. 145s. 12 1740(/. IQd 7000/ar. ifar. 7003/ar. * The terra quantity is used here in preference to the term number, because it may include denominate fractions as well {is denominate integers ; and because numbers of different denominations often form but one quantity. 124 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. [CHAP. XI. because there are 4 farthings in a penny, and adding the 3/ar. to the product, we have 7003/ar. in 7 5s. 10c?. 3/ar. CASE II. Reduce ^-Q to its value in farthings, or in the fraction of a farthing. "We proceed as in Case I. Multiplying s ^ by 20, we obtain for a product the value of 5^ in the fraction of a shilling ; that is, j&n^=^j^*>=-jY* > Multiplying this by 12, we obtain its equiva- lent value in the fraction of a penny ; that is, ^s.=%d.=%d. Mul- tiplying this by 4, we obtain its equivalent value in the fraction of a farthing ; that is, $d.=%far. t or 2/cr. By cancelation the process becomes CASE III. Reduce -| yd., cloth measure, to its equivalent value in lower denominations. "We proceed as before, multiplying f , the number of yards, by 4, because there are 4 quarters in a yard, we obtain the number of quarters equivalent to f of a yard ; that is, %yd. =- l ^-gr.=l^qr. Reducing the fractional part only of this result, we have ^qr.=$X4na. na.=2na. Collecting the integers we have Iqr. 2na. for the an- swer. CASE iv. Reduce 0-778125 to its value in lower denominations. We first, multiply the given decimal by 20, as in cases 1 and 2, and obtain a product in shillings, and the decimal of a shilling. Re- ducing the fractional part of this product still further, we obtain 87.] REDUCTION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 125 its equivalent value in pence, and the decimal of a penny. Multiplying the decimal part of this second result by 4, to reduce it to farthings, we obtain 3/ar. for a final product. Collecting the integers, we have 15s. Qd. 3/ar. for the an- 15-5625005. 12 6-7500000 1 . ewer. From the foregoing examples, we may deduce 0-778125 20 8-000000/ar. the following rule for the reduction of higher to lower denomi- nations. I. Multiply the single quantity of a higher denomination, or the highest term of the compound quantity, by the number of the next lower denomination required to make one of that higher ; the product will be in the lower denomination. II. To this product add the term (if there be any) in the given quantity, which is of the same denomination as the product, and multiply as before, and so on. III. The final product, or (if the single quantity be a FRACTION) the integers, if any, of the successive products, taken collectively, will give the result required. 87. REDUCTION ASCENDING. CASE I. Reduce 7003 farthings, to pounds, shillings, pence, and farthings. Obviously the process of Reduction Ascending is the reverse of Reduction Descending. In 7003/r., there can, of course, be but \ as many pence, since 4 farthings make 1 penny. Dividing, then, by 4, we obtain 1750o*. for a quotient, and 3/ar. remainder. Next we divide the 4 ) 7003/ar. 12 ) 17500 7 . 3/ar. rem. 210 ) 1415s. lOct rem. 7 5s. 10(7. 3/ar. number of pence by 12, since there are 12 pence in a shilling, and obtain 145s. for a quotient, and 10e. re- 11* 126 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. [CHAP. XI. mainder. Lastly, dividing the number of shillings by 20, we obtain 7 for a quotient, and 5s. remainder. We have, then, for a total result, 7 5s. IQd Sfar. CASE II. Reduce %far. to the fraction of a pound sterling. We proceed as in Case I. Dividing 3 /err. by 4, we obtain for a quotient the value of %far. in the fraction of a penny ; that is, -Ad Dividing this by 12, we obtain for a quotient the value of JjjG?. in the fraction of a shilling ; that is, -^^s. Dividing this by 20, we obtain for a quotient the value of -,f . in the fraction of a ; that is, 2^.=o 3 oo== iirW By cancelation, the process becomes, CASE III. Reduce 2da. Whr. bmin. to the fraction of a week. As there are 60 minutes in 1 hour, to reduce any number of ftin- utes to hours, we divide by 60. Then 5min.= s 5 ^, or ^hr. Adding to this quotient the 107* r. of the quantity to be reduced, we have IQj-hr. Dividing this by 24, to reduce it to days, we have 10 T V*o. = VV/ 5625$. nexed to the 3 farthings, and divide by 4, 0-778125 of a. and the quotient, which must be a decimal, ' we place at the right of the 6d ; we next divide 6'75f/. with naughts annexed, by 12, and the quotient, which is also a decimal, we pkce at the right of the 15s. ; finally, we divide the 15'5625s. by 20. In dividing by 20, we cut off the naught, and divide by 2, observing to remove the decimal point one place to the left. From the foregoing examples we may deduce the following rule for the reduction of lower to higher denominations. I. Divide the single quantity of a lower denomination, or the lowest term of the compound quantity, by the number ivhich is required of such denomination to make one of the next high- er ; the quotient will be in that higher denomination. II. To this quotient add the term (if there be any) in the given quantity, which is of the same denomination as the quo- tient ; and divide as before, and so on. III. The final quotient, or (if the single quantity be a whole number) the final quotient with the intermediate re- mainders, will give the answer required. PROMISCUOUS EXERCISES IN REDUCTION OF DENOMINATE QUAN- TITIES, INCLUDING APPLICATIONS OF THE TABLES. 301. In 47 5s. Id. Ifar. how many farthings ? 302. In 118567 farthings, how many pounds, shillings, and pence ? 128 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. [CHAP. XI. 303. Reduce 75 to shillings. 304. Reduce 195. Qd. to pence. 305. Reduce 25s. 3d. 2/ar. to farthings. 306. In 48926 grains, Troy Weight, how many pounds, ounces, pennyweights, and grains ? 307. In 3605 pennyweights, how many pounds, ounces, and pennyweights ? 308. In 1000 ounces, Troy Weight, how many pounds and ounces ? 309. In 4lb. 6oz. ISpwt. 5gr. how many grains? 310. In 100/6. \gr. how many grains? 311. In 4fo 53 13, how many drams? 312. In 1000 grains, Apothecaries' Weight, how many ounces, drams, scruples, and grains ? 313. In 11 5 21 grains, Apothecaries' Weight, how many pounds ? 314. In 873450 drams, Avoirdupois Weight, how many tons? 315. Reduce 5cwt. 21/6. 4o2. to ounces. 316. Reduce IT. Icwt. Idr. to drams. 317. Reduce 856702 drams to tons. 318. In 4355 inches, how many yards ? 319. In 248 miles, how many inches ? 320. How many inches in 360 degrees, of 69 miles to each degree, which is the circumference of the earth, nearly ? 321. Reduce 12 Ells French to nails. 322. Reduce 11 Ells English, 3 quarters, to quarters. 323. Reduce 10 Ells Flemish, 3 quarters, 1 nail, to nails. 324. Reduce 4 yards to quarters. 325. In 1000 nails, how many yards ? 326. How many inches in 6 yards, 3 quarters? 327. How many square inches in 10 square feet? 328. In 3 square miles, how many square rods or poles? 87.] KEDXrCTION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 129 329. In 3 acres, 27 rods, how many square feet ? 330. In 26025 square feet, how many square roods? 331. In 70000 square links, how many square chains ? 332. Kfow many square links in 5 acres ? 333. In 17 cords of wood, how many cubic feet ? 334. In 17 tons of round timber, how many cubic inches ? 335. Reduce 17900345 cubic inches to tons of hewn timber. 336. In 1000 cord feet of wood, how many cords ? 337. In 19 cubic feet, how many cubic inches ? 338. In 16 hogsheads of wine, how many gills ? 339. In 10000 gills of wine, how many barrels ? 340. Reduce 2 pipes, 7 barrels, 3 quarts of wine, to pints. 341. Reduce 31752 gills of wine to barrels. 342. Reduce 201600 gills to tuns of wine. 343. Reduce 11 hogsheads of beer to pints. 344. In 100000 pints of beer, how many hogsheads? 345. In 10 hogsheads, 1 quart, 1 pint of beer, how many pints ? 346. In 36 bushels, how many pints ? 347. In 25 chaldrons, 29 bushels, how many quarts ? 348. In 10000 pints, how many chaldrons? 349. In 1597 quarts, how many bushels ? 350. In 30 days, how many seconds ? 351. In 19 years, of 365 J days each, how many hours ? 352. In 25 years 6 days, how many seconds ? 353. How many days from the birth of Christ to Christ- mas, 1843, allowing the years to consist of 365 days 6 hours ? 354. A person was born May 3, 1795. How many days old was he May 3, 1821, paying particular attention to the order of leap year ? 055. Suppose a person was born February 29, 1796 ; 130 DENOMINATE NITMBEKS. [CHAP. XI. how many birthdays will he have seen on February 29, 1844, not counting the day on which he was born ?* 356. In 3 signs 18 degrees, how many seconds? 357. In 6 signs 9 degrees, how many degrees ? 358. In 1000' how many degrees ? 359. In 10000'' how many degrees ? 360. Reduce 45 45' 35" to seconds. 361. In 1000 things, how many dozen ? 362. How many buttons in 6 dozen ? 363. In 80000 tacks, how many gross? 364. In three score and ten years, how many years ? 365. In 15 quires of paper, how many sheets ? 366. In a ream of paper, how many sheets ? 367. Reduce J| of a yard to a fraction of a mile. 368. Reduce |~J of a gill to the fraction of a gallon. 369. Reduce J-|- of a pound to the fraction of a ton. 370. Reduce ^ of a mile to the fraction of a foot. 371. Reduce J of J of f of a yard to the fraction of a mile. 372. Reduce ^ of -J of J| of a gallon to the fraction of a gill. 373. Reduce j- of |- of a hogshead of wine to the fraction of a gill. 374. Reduce J of | of 4J yards to the fraction of an inch. 375. Reduce ^ of -f^ of a farthing to the fraction of a shilling. 376. Reduce -/^ of an ounce to the fraction of a pound avoirdupois. 377. Reduce -J of J of 1 rod to the fraction of an inch, of a foot, and of a yard. * It must be recollected that the year 1800 was a common year, having no SJ9th of February. 87.] REDUCTION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 131 378. Reduce J of f of 1 hour to the fraction of a month of 30 days, and to the fraction of a year of 365 days. 379. Reduce ^ of 1 yard to lower denominations. 380. What is the value of % of f of 1 mile ? 381. Reduce f of -| of 1 cwt. to lower denominations. 382. What is the value of -J of 14 miles, 6 furlongs ? 383. What is the value of J- of f of 2 days of 24 hours each ? 384. What is the value of ^ of |- of T 3 T of an hour ? 385. Reduce if ^ of a solar day to lower denominations. 386. What is the value of }-|-g- of a pound avoirdupois? 387. What is the value of T ^ of a bushel ? 388. What is the value of -f^ of a year of 365 days ? 389. What is the value of of of f of an acre ? 390. Reduce 8 5s. 2d. Iqr. to the decimal of a . 391. Reduce Sqr. 2na. to the decimal of a yard. 392. Reduce 1ft. 4m. to the decimal of a yard. 393. Reduce 3lb. 4t>2. 8pwt. Igr. Troy to the decimal of a pound. 394. Reduce QSfur. Ird. 4yd. 2ft. to the decimal of a mile. 395. Reduce 3k. 30mm. IQsec. to the decimal of a day. 396. Reduce 3 55. Od. 2far. to the value of a . 397. Reduce 28 gallons of wine to the decimal of a hogs- head. 398. Reduce 4s. 6d. to the decimal of a . 399. Reduce 18s. 3%d. to the decimal of a . 400. Reduce 3 pecks, 5 quarts, and 1 pint to the decimal of a bushel. 401. Reduce llkr. 16m. I5sec. to the decimal of a day. 402. Reduce 20 rods, 4 yards, 2 feet and 6 inches to the decimal of a furlong. 403. Reduce 42;?im. 36sec. to the decimal of an hour. 132 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. [CHAP. XI. 404. Reduce 30 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes, 30 seconds, to the decimal of a year, of 365*24224 days. 405. Reduce 5kr. 48min. 49*536sec. to the decimal of a day. 406. Reduce 0*9075 A to its value in lower denominations. 407. What is the value of 0*125 ? 408. What is the value of 0*66f ? 409. Reduce 0*375 of a hogshead of wine to its value in lower denominations. 410. Reduce 0-121212 of a year of 365 days to its value in lower denominate numbers. 411. What is the value of 0*3355 of a pound avoirdupois ? 412. What is the value of 0'3322 of a ton ? 413. What is the value of 0'2525 of a mile ? 414. What is the value of 0*345 of a ? 415. What is the value of 0*121212 of a day ? 416. What is the value of 0*3456 of a ? 417. What is the value of 0*9875 of a ? 418. What is the value of 0*24224 of a solar day ? 419. What is the value of 0*375 of a great gross ? 420. What is the value of 0*75 of a score ? 421. What is the value of 0*485 of a quintal of fish ? 4-22. What is the value of 0*3434 of a barrel of flour ? 423. What is the value of 0*7575 of a barrel of pork ? 424. What is the value of 0*985 of a quire of paper? 425. What is the value of 0'555 of a ream of paper ? ADDITION or DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 88. If we wish to find the sum of 6 5s. 3d. Ifar., 7 Is. Wd. 2far., l 13s. 5d., 4 18s. Qd. 2far., we pro- ceed as follows : Placing the numbers of the same denomination in the same col- umn, we add the column of farthings, which we find to be 5. But 6531 7 1 10 2 1 13 5 4 18 2 19 18s. 7d Ifar. 88.] ADDITION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 133 we know that 5 farthings are equivalent to 1 penny and 1 farthing ; we therefore write s ' ' f ar ' down the 1 farthing under the column of far- things, and carry the penny into the next col- umn, whose sum thus becomes 19 pence, which is the same as 1 shilling and 7 pence ; we write down the 7 pence under the column of pence, and carry the shilling to the column of kil- lings, whose sum then becomes 38 shillings, which is the same as 1 pound and 18 shillings ; we write down the 18 shillings under the column of shillings, and carry the pound to the column of pounds, whose sum then becomes 19 pounds ; and since pounds is the highest denomination, we write down the whole. Hence we deduce this general RULE. I. Place the numbers so that those of the same denomina- tion may stand beneath them in the same column. II. Add the numbers in the lowest denomination ; divide their sum by the number expressing how many of such de- nomination are required to make one of the next higher. Write the remainder under the column added, and carry the quotient to the next column ; which add as before. III. Proceed thus through all the denominations to the highest, whose sum must be set down entire. EXAMPLES. (426.) s. d. (427.) (428.) (429.) 7 13 3 s. d. 5. d. Ib. 3 5 101 11 5 555 10 10 10 10 6 18 7 2 4 4~ 8 1 7f 2 23 2 5 5 6| " 2 1 3 17 403 1 3 4 13 ll| 2210 17 15 41 10 10 10 666 1 2 20 12 134 DENOMINATE NUMBEES. [CHAP. XI- (430.) (431.) Ib. Ib. oz.pwt. gr. 6541 7305 1 11 19 13 11 2 17 22 0304 40 20 8912 2 10 15 17 4 4 19 6 18 16 (432.) fij 3 3 gr. 8 10 7 2 19 10 6 10 1 2 1 15 5 1 2 1 15 8 5 1 13 (433.) ft 33 2 11 6 10 8 3 1 14 10 2 2 650 7541 (434.) (435.) (436.) (437.) 3 3 gr. ton. cwt. qr. Ib, oz. dr. cwt. gr. Ib. oz. L. mi. fur. rd. yd. 1 18 10 18 2 23 15 1 4 3 20 5 1 2 6 37 4 2 1 15 1 15 14 15 5 12 3 6 30 5 3 2 13 12 1 3 10 1208 1403 400 13 24 1 11 3 24 13 2 0110 617 22 2078 1 2 20 10 3 2 25 1 (438.) (439.) (440.) (441.) rd. yd. ft. in. yd. qr. na. E. Fl. qr no. E. E. qr. na. 10 4 2 8 15 1 2 323 422 1305 13 3 15 1 2 10 1 1 8216 20 2 2, 920 920 1104 030 8 1 13 2 0219 8 1 1 10 15 1 1 (442.) (443.) (444.) (445.) M. A. R. P. 8. yd. s./t. a s. ft. 100 8 130 100 1 30 4 26 1000 10 120 50 100 10 600 2 10 1 10 1541 8 100 10 5 8 40 1 12 20 80 2 80 8 143 3 2 10 17 11 119 13 2 8 4 4 20 8 25 59 12 6 89.] SUBTRACTION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 135 (446.) (447.) (448.) (449.) a 3 c.ft. 7 4 30 3 1 tun. 1 pi. hhd. gal. qt. pt. gi. 1 1 37 3 1 3 hhd. gal. 2 50 3 1 10 4 10 25 1 10 50 1 2 10 30 1 12 1 25 020 11 1 13 1 1 11 25 1 8 6 60 1 4 1 25 2 25 1 1 15 3 13 45 3 8 1 18 1 3 6 52 3 1 (450.) (451.) (452.) (453.) bar. gal. qt. 10 30 1 ch. bu. pk. qt. pt. 1 30 3 7 1 bu. pk. qt. pt. 10 1 1 1 da. hr. m. sec, 15 18 50 49 6 20 30 2 3 2360 1 13 59 59 1 5 2 10 19 1 1 5230 4 23 2 10 3 5 10 2 4 8001 10 11 1 4 4 25 1 44051 15 '2 4 2 10 15 (454.) (455.) (456.) (457.) vk. da. hr. m. sec. cr. 8. ' " s. ' ' I 2 13 40 30 1 8 25 40 35 1 25 2 13 10 19 2 6 10 8 3 11 1 2 43 18 50 1 40 35 5 22 55 45 1 29 59 2 5 39 2 48 39 2 3 4 1 15 1 10 13 5 4 4 30 40 1 2450 2 5 4 3 4 15 10 10 45 45 SUBTRACTION OF DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 89. Subtract 15 135. lOdL from 20 5s. Sd. We place the numbers of the subtrahend di- rectly under the numbers of the same denomina- tion in the minuend. We cannot subtract 10c?. from Sd. ; we therefore increase the Sd. by \1d. making 20d. ; then subtracting 10c?. from the 20d. we have the difference 10c?., which we write under the column of pence. Having added 12 which is 21"=!' 9"; we write down the 9", and reserve the 1' for the next product ; again, 14/.X3'=14X -, 3 2 -=Tl of a foot which is 42'; now adding in the 1', 148 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. [CHAP. XI. which was reserved from the last product, we have 43'=3/. 7', which we write down, thus finishing the first line of products. Again, we have 2/.X7'=2X T 7 2=ff of a foot, which is 14'=1/. 2' ; we write the 2' under the primes of the line above, and reserve the If. for the next product ; 2/.Xl4/.=28/., to which, adding in the I/. reserved from the last product, we have 29/., which we place under- neath the feet of the line above. Taking the sum, we find 32/. 9' 9" for the answer, or 32/.+ T 2/.-{- fff/. It will thus be seen that, in the multiplication of Duode- cimals, the sum of the indices of the factors is the number of the indices of the product, just as in decimals the sum of the decimal places in multiplier and multiplicand forms the number of decimal places in the product. Or each in- dex (') might be regarded as denoting the factor 12 in the denominator of a fraction, of which the number having the 2 index is the numerator. Thus, l f =^f. ; 2"= f- = A/- =mf- = i " ; 2 " x 12302" i2 "2T81T T2 /- I O'""- The foot, being the unit, or integer, has no index. NOTE. It must be remembered that in Duodecimals, when not used to express linear measure, but surfaces or solids, the foot con- tains 144,s<7. in. or 1728s. in. Consequently, in the measurement of surfaces, 2' would be equal, not to 2sq. in., but to ^ of 1445^. in., or 24:sq. in. In the measurement of solids, 2' would be T 2 ^ of 1728s. in.= 288s. in. The prime (square measure) is a strip of surface of 1 inch wide and 12 inches long ; the prime (solid measure) is a slab 1 inch thick, 12 long, and 12 broad. From what has been said, we infer the following RULE. Place the several terms of the multiplier under the corre- 93.] DUODECIMALS. 149 sponding ones of the multiplicand. Beginning at the right hand, multiply the several terms of the multiplicand by the several terms of the multiplier successively, placing the right- hand term of each of the partial products under its multiplier. To each product- term annex as many indices as are in both its factors. The sum of the partial products will be the re- sult required. EXAMPLES. 621. What is the product of 3/. 7' 2" by 7/ 6' 3"? 622-623. Multiply 7/. 8' by 6/. 4' 3" ; 6/. 9' 1" by 4f. 2'. 624. What is the area of a marble slab whose length is If. 3', and breadth 2/. 11' ? 625. How many square feet are contained in the floor of a hall 37/. 3' long, by 10/. 7' wide ? 626. How many square feet are contained in a garden 100/. 6' in length, by 39/. 7' in width ? 627. How many yards of carpeting, one yard in width, will it require to cover a room 16/. 5' by 13/. 7' ? 628. How many yards of Brussels carpeting, 27 inches wide, will be required to cover a room 15/. 9' by 16/. 7' ? 629. How many square feet in 12 boards, averaging 12/1 8' long by I/. 9' wide, each ? 630. What will it cost to veneer a surface 7/. 6' 3" long, by 5/. 2' 7" wide, at S7J cts. per square foot? 031. How many cubic feet in a wall 80/. 9' long, I/. 8' wide, and 3/. 4' high ? 632. How many solid feet in a pile of wood, 156 feet long, 4/. 8' high, 6/. 4' wide ? 633. In one side of a house are 12 windows; in each window 12 lights: each light is ]/. 3' by ll x . How many square feet of glass in the whole ? 13* 150 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. [CHAP. XI. 634. A room is 18/ long, 14/. 6' wide, 9/. 8' high. There are 4 windows in the room, each 5/. 6' long by 3/. wide ; and 2 doors, each 6/. 9' high by 2/. 10' wide. What will be the cost of plastering said room at 12^- cents per square yard ? 635. What will it cost to paint a house 42/. 6' long, 28/. 6' wide, 19/. 6' high, at 13 cts. per square yard ? NOTE. No deduction is made for windows. The painting of the sashes is considered equivalent to the painting of the surface over which the sashes stretch. 636. What is the square of 23/. 8' 7"? What is the cube of the same ? 637. How many bricks, each 8m. long, 4m. wide, and 2m. thick, are required to build a wall 180 feet long, 6/. 6' high, and three bricks wide, no allowance being made for the mortar ? DIVISION OF DUODECIMALS. 94. There are 27/ 0' 7" 9"' 6"" in the surface of a piano-cloth. The breadth of the cloth is 3/. 7' 2". What is its length ? 3/. 7' 2") 27/. 0' 7" 9'" 6""(7/ 6' 3" 25/. 2' 2" If. 10' 5" 9'" ]/. 9' 7" 0'" 10" 9' 10" 9' Dividing the product 27/. 0' 7" 9'" 6"" by 3/. 7' 2", one of its fac- tors must give the other factor. We therefore divide first the 27/. by 3/., and find the quotient 7 feet. Multiplying the whole divisor by the quotient, we have 25/1 2' 2", which we subtract from the corresponding denominations of the dividend. To the remainder we annex another term of the dividend. 94.] DUODECIMALS. 151 Dividing If. 10' or 22' by 3/., we obtain 6' for a quotient, by which we multiply the whole divisor. The product, If. 9' 7" 0'", we sub- tract from the corresponding denominations of the dividend, and to the remainder annex the remaining term of the dividend. Dividing 10" by 3/1 we obtain 3" for a quotient ; multiplying the whole divi- sor by this, and subtracting, we find no remainder. The length of the cloth, then, is 7/. 6' 3". There can be no difficulty as to how many indices we shall annex to any term of the quotient, if we remember that the indices of the quotient added to those of the divisor must equal those of the dim- S dend. Thus, 9'"" divided by 3"= : 12X12X12X12X12 ' 12X12 or 3'" : so 36""""-r-6""=6"' 12X12X12 RULE. Arrange the numbers as for denominate division. Di- vide the highest term of the dividend by the highest term of the divisor. Multiply the WHOLE divisor by the quotient thus obtained, and^ subtract the product from the correspond- ing terms of the dividend. To the remainder annex the next denomination of the dividend. Divide the highest term of this partial dividend by the highest term of the divisor, as before, and so proceed, till the division is complete. NOTE 1. If, on the multiplication of the icholc divisor by the quo- tient figure, this is found too large, the quotient figure must be taken smaller. 2. If the highest term of a partial dividend will not contain the di- visor, such term may be reduced to the next lower denomination, and the number in that denomination added, and the division then performed. EXAMPLE'S. 638-640. Divide 32/. 9' 9" by 14/. 7'; by 29/ 2'; by 7/. 3' 6". 641. The area of a marble slab is 2 1/. 1' 9" ; its length is 7/ 3'. What is its breadth ? 152 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. [CHAP. XI. 642. A carpenter bought 920 square feet of boards. He knew that their united length was 480 feet. What did he find their average breadth to be ? 643. There were 4283cw.ft. 4' of earth thrown out of a cellar. The cellar was 42/. 10' long and 12/6' wide. How deep was it ? 644. I have a board fence containing 51Qsq.ft. 10^ 8". Its height is 6ft. 4m. What is its length ? 645. A block of marble for the Washington monument is 3/. I' wide, 2/. 3' thick, and contains 37./. 6' 11" 3'". What is its length ? ADDITION OF DENOMINATE FRACTIONS. 95. We have seen ( 88) that whole numbers of differ- ent denominations cannot be added together ; the same is true of fractions of different denominate values. Thus, |- of a peck and f of a quart cannot be added together. But if. both quantities are made fractions of a pccJc, or both fractions of a quart, their sum may be found. %pk. = %qt. ; and %qt.+iqt. = 6%qt. Again, ^qt.=-f^pJc. ; and $pk. +-fspk.=^pk. +^ P 1c. =ftpk. =-^-qt. = 6^qt., the same result as before. EXAMPLES. 646-648. Add Is. to \d. ; \qt. and %pk. ; da. and f hr. 649-650. Add \yd. %ft. and $in. ; J |s. f d. and &qr. 651-652. Add \wk. \da. and ^hr. ; \yr. %wlc. ^da. 653. What is the sum of -| of a cwt., i of a qr., J of a Ib. ? 654. What is the sum of -^ of a bushel, -J of a peck, ^ of a quart ? 655. What is the sum of T ^ of a yard, and J of a foot ? 96.] DENOMINATE FRACTIONS. 153 656. What is the sum of f- of a week, of a day, and of an hour ? 657. What is the sum of | of a bushel, J of a peck, and 1- of a quart ? 658. An invalid laborer worked during the first week of harvesting, ^wJc., counting 6 days to the week ; during the 2d, T 7 QC?a., counting 10 hours to the day ; during the 3d, ^da. ; during the 4th, 6 \hr. ; during the 5th, \hr. How much did he earn at the rate of 12 \ cts. per hour? SUBTRACTION OF DENOMINATE FRACTIONS. $ 96. As in addition, the fractions must be first reduced to the same denomination, afterwards to a common denom- inator. The operation is then the same as subtraction of common fractions. From \ of a pound sterling subtract \ of a shilling. l=fs. ; and ^ s .-ls. = ^s.-^s.=^s. = ^s. Or, and i- T Jo = %Vz>-rfo=^o=H*. the same result as before. EXAMPLES. 659-660. From %da. subtract ^min. ; from -f^da. sub- tract ^hr.-\-^min. 661. From of f of 15 yards of cloth subtract \ of -^ of 1 quarter. 662. From 1 of 5 acres of land, subtract J of 3 roods. 663. From J of an ounce, take f of a pennyweight. 664. From i of a hogshead, take f of a quart. 665. A man had a field to plough, containing 3 A. ^JR, iP. ; |-A f R. |P. was ploughed the first half-day. How much remained to be ploughed ? 154 DENOMINATE NUMBERS. [CHAP. XI. 666. A grocer lost from ^ of a hogshead of molasses \gal. and \qt. How much of the hogshead, expressed de- cimally, leaked out ? 667. Suppose a man consume ^ of every day in sleep ; f- of every day in eating ; %hr. each day in amusement ; JAr. each day in idleness : how many days, of 10 hours each, < a^> he, for work in the course of the year ? EXERCISES IN DENOMINATE FRACTIONS. 668. .\ person gave \ of a pound sterling for a hat, J- of a shilling f >r some thread, and ^ of a penny for a needle. What did lie pay for all ? 669. V7hat is the value of -J of a week, J of a day, and i of a minate ? 670. WLat is the value of -J of a pound, of an ounce, and i of a pennyweight, Troy ? 671. If ^ pounds of sugar cost 43j cents, how much is it per nound ? 672. If I pay $4 '04 for 8-f- bushels of apples, how much do I give per bushel ? 673. Four persons, A., B., C., and D., own a ship : of which A. owns ^ of -| of the whole ; B. owns |- of as much as A. ; C. owns J as much as B. ; and D. owns the remain- der. What are the respective parts owned by each ? 674. From i of J of a day of 24 hours, take J of lj /iour. 675. To f of 4J days of 24 hours each, add J of i of 3j hours. 676. A certain sum of money is to be divided between 4 persons in sucn a manner that the first shall have i of it, the second J, the third ^, and the fourth the remainder, *vhich is $28. What is the sum ? 96.] DENOMINATE LUMBERS. 155 677. A. received -J- of a legacy, B. T ^, and C. the remain- der. Now it is found that A. had $80 more than B. How much did each receive ? 678. Eight detachments of artillery divided 4608 cannon- balls in the following manner : the first took 72 and J of the remainder ; the second took 144 and ^ of the remainder ; the third took 216 and J of the remainder ; the fourth took 288 and of the remainder. The balance was equally di- vided among the remaining four detachments. How many balls did each detachment receive ? 679. Five persons divide 100 pounds of sugar as follows : the first takes ^ of f of the whole ; the second takes i of | of the remainder ; the third takes J of -J of the remain- der ; the fourth takes ^ of f of the remainder ; and the fifth had what was left. How much did each receive ? 080-681. A person owning 100 A. 3R. 4P. of land, bought of a farm of 97A lit. 30P., and then divided J of the whole equally among 3 sons. How much did each son have ? and how much remained with the father ? 682. What is i of the sum of J of -f- of 13 weeks, and | of i of 30 days ? 683. What must I pay for 38 eggs, at 25. 2c?. per dozen ? 684. How much cheese, at 9d. 3far. per pound, ought I to receive for 13/6. 5os. of veal, at 4^d. per pound ? 685. What is the value of J of a year of 36oi days -f J ,of 7 days of 10 hours each ? 686. Add | of 4 degrees of 69| miles each, and of 4 furlongs. 687. If I buy 113/6. 13oz. of butter, at lOjc?. per pound, and use 30/6., how much per pound must I sell the remain- der so as to receive as much as the whole cost ? 688-691. A person gave J of all his money for a dress coat, $ of the remainder for a pair of pantaloons, and i of 156 PERCENTAGE. [CHAP. XII. what then remained for a hat. He then found that he had remaining 3 14s. 60?. What was the cost of each article? and how much money had he at first ? 692. From a piece of cloth containing 20yd. 2qr. 2na., 3 suits, each requiring 4%yd., were taken ; and J of the remainder was sold for $10'68f . How much was that per yard? 693. How many feet in f of a statute mile +- ^ of a nautical mile ? 694. How many inches in ^ of a yard -f- | of a metre ? 695. How many feet in J of a chain -{- T ^ of a furlong ? 696. How many inches in ^ of a hand -f- ^ of a span 4- i of a cubit ? 697. How many inches in 1 Ell Scotch -f | of an Ell English + j- of an Ell French ? 698. How many cubic inches in 3 gallons, 2 quarts, and 1 pint of wine ? 699. How many cubic inches in f of a gallon -f- % of a quart of beer ? 700. How many cubic inches in 1 bushel 3 pecks ? CHAPTER XII. PERCENTAGE. 97. THE termer cent, is an abbreviation of the Latin words per centum, which mean by the hundred. Thus, 2 per cent, signifies 2 out of a hundred, or 2 hundredths ; 3 per cent. 3 out of a hundred, or 3 hundredths, &c. Per cent, is applied to money, apples, beans, the pupils of a school, or to any thing else. 97.] PERCENTAGE. 157 We have seen that hundredths may be expressed either as a com- mon or as a decimal fraction; thus, 2 hundredths = T | 6 =0*02 ; 3 hundredths = T ^=0'03, r50xO'16j, which sub- tracted from $1'50, the original cost, gives for the selling price $1-50 $1-50 xO'16f, or, which is the same thing, CASE IV. What was the cost per yard of the broadcloth, if A. sold it at $2 '50 per yard, gaining 66| per cent. ? What if he sold it at $1'25 per yard, losing 16f per cent. ? The gain is evidently 0*66f of the original cost, and $2'50, the selling price, is equal to the original cost, -f 0'66f of the original cost, or, what is the same thing, equal to T66f of original cost ; hence, the original cost was $2'50-Hl-66f =$1-50. Again, the loss is 0'16| of the original cost, and $1'25, the selling price, is equal to^the original cost 0-16J of the original cost, or, what is the same thing, equal to 0'83j of original cost ; hence the original cost was 8l-25-^0'83^= $1-50. NOTE. The preceding might be solved by the use of the ratio^ 100 114. In the case of gain the cost was - of the selling price ; 1065 that is, $2-50 XTTT? ; in the case of the loss, the cost was - of the 1005 oof i no selling price, or $1'50 X -r^-. 005 From the preceding demonstrations, we deduce the fol- lowing RULES. I. The total gain or loss is the difference between the first and the selling price. 103.] PROFIT AND LOSS. 171 II. The gain or loss upon a part, divided by the cost of that part, or the -whole gain or loss, divided by the whole cost, will give the gain or loss per cent. III. The first cost multiplied by 1, plus the gain per cent. f or by 1 minus the loss per cent., expressed as a decimal, will give the selling price. IV. The selling price divided by 1 plus the gain per cent. y or by 1 minus the loss per cen{., expressed as a decimal, will give the cost. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 151. Bought 300 yards of broadcloth, at $2 -25 per yard, and sold the same at $3 '50 per yard. How much was gained ? 152. A merchant bought 320 barrels of flour, at $5 per barrel, but finds that he must lose 10 per cent, in the sales. How much will he receive for the whole ? 153. Suppose I buy 25 cords of maple wood, at $2'50 per cord, and sell it so as to make 25 per cent. What must I receive for the whole ? 154. Bought a house and lot for $1400, and sold it for $1200. How much per cent, did I lose ? 155. Bought 225 gallons of molasses for 26 cents per gallon, and sold the whole for $6 4 '3 5. What did I gain per cent. ? 156. Bought 75 pounds of coffee, at 10 cents per pound. At how much per pound must I sell it so as to gain $3 on the whole ? 157. Bought 25 hogsheads of molasses, at $18 per hogs- head, in Havana : paid duties, $16-30 ; freight, $25; cart- age, $5'50 ; insurance, $25'25. What per cent, shall I gain, if I sell it at $28 per hogshead ? 172 PERCENTAGE, [CHAP. XIL 158. If I buy broadcloth for $3*50 per yard, how much must I sell it at per yard so as to gain 25 per cent. ? 159. If I buy cloth at $3'50 per yard, how much must I sell it at per yard so as to lose 25 per cent. ? 160. A person bought a city lot for $800, and sold it so as to gain 40 per cent. How much did he sell it for ? 161. A house which cost $3000 was sold for $2400. What per cent, was lost ? 162. A house which cost $2400 was sold for $3000. What per cent, was gained ? 163-164. If I buy an article for 25. and 6c?., and sell it for 35., what per cent, do I gain ? But if I sell it for 2s., what per cent, do I lose ? 165. If I buy eggs at 13 cents per dozen, and sell the same at 19 cents per dozen, what per cent, do I make ? 166. If eggs which cost 19 cents per dozen, are sold at 13 cents per dozen, what is the loss per cent. ? 167. I sold a house for $4800, on which I gained 20 per cent. What did the house cost me ? 168. I bought a railroad bond for $1055, which was 5^ per cent, above par. What was the par value ? 169. Bought 50 shares of plank road stock at 3^ per cent, below par, for $4825. What was the par value of one share ? 170. If I buy stock at 3j per cent, below par, and sell the same at 5^ above, what per cent, do I gain ? 171. If I buy a city lot for $3150, at what price must I sell it so as to gain 40 per cent. ? 172. I buy 500 barrels of flour, at $5'37J, but am obliged to sell it at a loss of 15 per cent. What do I receive for the whole ? 173. A. buys $1000 worth of stock, which he sells to B. at a gam of 5 per cent. B. in turn sells the same to C. at a gain of 5 per cent. What did the stock cost C. ? IGtt.J SIMPLE INTEREST. 173 174. A. buys $1000 worth of merchandise, which he sells to B. at a loss of 5 per cent. ; B. in turn sells the same to C. at a loss of 5 per cent. How much did C. give for the merchandise ? 175-176. A. buys an article for 2 3s. 6d., and sells it to B. at a gain of 10 per cent. ; B. in turn sells it to C. at a loss of 10 per cent. How much did C. pay for the same ? What per cent, of original cost did he give ? 177-178. If I buy 600 barrels of flour, at $5'25 per bar- rel, and sell 33^ per cent, of the same at a profit of 10 per cent., and the balance at a profit of 12 J per cent., how much shall I receive for the whole ? And what per cent, shall I gain on the whole ? 179. Sold a city lot for $1750, and find that I have lost 12 J per cent. What did the lot cost ? 1 80. Sold a city lot for $2000, and find that I have gained 15 A P er cent - What did the lot cost ? SIMPLE INTEREST. 104. INTEREST is the sum paid for the use of money, by the borrower to the lender. It is estimated at a certain rate per cent, per annum that is, a certain number of dol- lars for the use of $100, for one year. Thus, when $6 is paid for the use of $100, for one year, the interest is said to be at 6 per cent. ; when $5 is paid for the use of $100 for one year, the interest is said to be at 5 per cent., 106.] PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 181 EXAMPLES. 276. A note of $365 was given July 4, 1847. What will it amount to June 1, 1849, interest being 7 per cent. ? 277. What is the interest on $100 from January 13th to November 15, it being leap-year, and interest being 6 per cent. ? 278. What is the interest on $216 from March 10th to December 1st, interest being 5 per cent. ? 279. What is the interest on $107 from April 12th to July 4th, interest being 7 per cent. ? 280. What is the interest on $1000 from June 20th to August 13th, interest being 7 per cent. ? 281. What is the interest on $730 from July 4th to De- cember 25th, interest being 6 per cent. ? 282. What is the interest on $6 3 '3 7 from August 9th to December 31st, interest being 7 per cent. ? 283-284. What is the amount of $210 at 5 percent., from March 1st until the 25th of the following December? What is the amount of the same sum from July 4th until January 1st, at 7 per cent. ? 285-287. What is the interest at 5^ per cent, of $325 from April 1st until August 10th? from August 10 until Oct. 5th ? from Oct. 5th until Dec. 8th ? 288-290. From May 3d until August 8th, what is the interest on $75, at 5 per cent. ? at 6 per cent. ? at 7 per cent. ? PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 106. When notes, bonds, or obligations receive partial payments, or indorsements,* the rule adopted by the Su- preme Court of the United States is as follows : * From a Latin phrase, in dor so, meaning "upon the back ;" because tho pay ments are written across the back of the note. 16 182 PERCENTAGE. [cHAP. XII RULE. " The ride for casting interest, when partial payments have been made, is to apply the payment, in the first place, to the discharge of the interest then due. If the payment exceed the interest, the surplus goes towards discharging the prin- cipal, and the subsequent interest is to be computed on the balance of principal remaining due. If the payment be less than the interest, the surplus of interest must not be taken to augment the principal ; but interest continues on the former principal until the period when the payments taken together exceed the interest due, and then the surplus is to be applied towards discharging the principal ; and interest is to be computed on the balance, as aforesaid" 4 The above rule has been adopted by New York, Massa- chusetts, and by nearly all the other States of the Union. CONNECTICUT RULE. " Compute the interest on the principal to the time of the first pay- ment ; if tJtat be one year or more from the time the interest com- menced, add it to the principal, and deduct the payment from the sum total. If there be after payments made, compute the interest on the balance due to the next payment, and then deduct the payment as above ; and in like manner, from one payment to another, till all the payments are absorbed ; provided the time between one payment and another be on ? year or more. But if any payments be made before one year's interest hath accrued, then compute the interest on the prin- cipal sum due on the obligation, for one year, add it to the principal, and compute the interest on the sum paid, from the time it was paid up to the end of the year ; add it to the sum paid, and deduct that sum from the principal and interest added as above. " If any payments be made of a less sum than the interest arisen at ilie time of such payment, no interest is to be computed, but only on ^he principal S'^mfor any period" 106.] PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 183 $ 620 - UTICA, Nov. 1, 1837. For value received, I promise to pay Thomas Jones, or order, the sum of six hundred and twenty dollars, on de- mand, with interest. CHARLES BANK. The following indorsements -were made on this note : 1838, Oct. 6, received $61-07; March 4, 1839, $89'03 ; Dec. 11, 1839, $107-77; July 20, 1840, $200'50. What was the balance due, Oct. 15, 1840, allowing 7 per cent, in- terest, according to the U. S. rule ? The pupil will find it convenient to arrange the work for finding the multipliers at 6 per cent, as follows : Date of note . . . year. mo. da. ...1837 10 1 mo da Multipliers 1st indorsement.... 2d indorsement ...1838 9 6 ...1839 2 4 11 5 4 28 0-055. 0'024f ...1839 11 11 9 7 0*0464 4th indorsement ... Date of settlement ...1840. 6 20 ...1840 9 15 7 9 2 25 0-0365. 0-014 35 14 0-177$. The intervals of time are found by subtracting the earlier date from the one next below it, 89, Ex. 471, much to gain $24 ? 138-141. If -I of a ship is worth $49000, what is the. .16.] PRACTICE. 205 lole worth? what is ^ of it worth? what is f \\orth? rhat is 4 worth ? o 142-150. If a person can count 300 in one minute, how long will he require to count 45 ? how long to count 75 ? how long to count 225 ? How many can he count in 5 sec- onds ? how many in 13 seconds ? how many in 50 seconds ? how many in 75 seconds? how many in 17 seconds ? how many in 37 seconds ? PRACTICE. 116. PRACTICE is the employment of the ratio of a mul- tiplier or divisor to its unit of the same kind, instead of the employment of the given multiplier or divisor itself. Thus, if a bushel of apples be worth 50 cents, what will 18^- bush- els be worth ? This answer may be obtained by multiply- ing 50 cents by 18^- giving $9 '25. But the ratio of 50 cents to $1.00 is YO = J. Therefore, to find how many dollars 1 8 J bushels are worth, it is only necessary to multiply 1 8 J, the number of bushels, by \ ; that is, to divide 18 by 2. What is the interest of $740 for a year and 6 months ? For a year the interest is $740 x 0'06 =$44-40. Now as 6 months is \ of a year, we find the interest for 6 months, by taking \ of $44'40, which is $22'20. Hence the interest for one year and 6 months is $44'40-f $2^-20 = $66'60. For tables of the ratios of particular parts of a dollar to their unit, see 70, and of fractional parts of a year or month, to their units respectively, see 104, Case III., Second method. EXAMPLES. 151. What will 435 yards of cloth cost, at $0'7o per yard ? 152. If I receive 7 dollars for the use of $100 for one 18 206 ANALYSIS AND KATIO. [CHAP. XIII year, how much ought I to receive for the use of $100 for 7 months and 1 8 days ? 153. What cost 7-J cords of wood, at $2 '75 per cord ? 154. What is the value of 28f pounds of butter, at 11 cents per pound ? 155. What is the value of 500 J yards of tape, at 2j cents per yard ? 156. What must I give for 13f bushels of oats, at 43| cents per bushel ? 157. What cost 18f pounds of ham, at 8 cents per pound ? 158. What cost 15f gallons of oil, at SO'75 per gallon? 159. What cost 4000 quills, at $>2'25 per 1000 ? 160. What cost 27| yards of carpeting, at 87 J cents per yard? 161. What is the value of 25 bushels of potatoes, at $0-3 lj per bushel? 162. What is the value of 54 spelling-books, at 12-J cents per copy ? 163. What is the value of 47J reams of paper, at $3'25 per ream ? 164. What is the value of 30 gross of almanacs, at $2 '2 5 per gross ? 165. What cost 16| gallons of vinegar, at 16-| cents per gallon ? 166. What is the value of 5^ bushels of walnuts, at $1-62^ per bushel ? 167. What cost 3| gross of matches, at $1'125 per gross ? 168. What cost 325 bushels of apples, at 37J cents per bushel ? 169. What cost 16J yards of cloth, at $3j per yard ? 170. If the interest on a certain sum of money is $7*35 in one year, how much will it be for 5 \ months ? 117.] REDUCTION OF CURRENCIES. 207 171. If the interest of $100 for one year is $6, how much is it for 10 months and 10 days? 172. If a steam locomotive pass 18 miles in 1 hour, how far will it move in 50^ minutes ? 173. If the interest of $100 for 12 months is $7, how much is it for 4 J months ? 174. What must I pay for l cords of wood, 128 feet in a cord, at 6j cents per foot ? 175-180. For $360 how many bushels of apples can I buy at 50 cents per bushel? how many at 25 cents per bushel ? how many at 12 cents ? how many at 33 J cents ? how many at 20 cents ? how many at 16 J cents? 181-185. Among how many beggars can $12 be distrib- uted by giving 6J cents to each ? how many if each receive 10 cents ? how many if each receive 12^ cents ? how many if each receive 16 j- cents ? how many if each receive 20 cents ? 186-190. If my income is $600 per annum, how much will it be for 3 months ? how much for 15 days ? how much for 10 days ? how much for 5 days ? how much for 1 day ? 191-195. How many yards of carpeting can be bought for $300 at $1'12 per yard ? how many at $1'25 per yard ? how many at $T87i per yard ? how many at $2'06-J- per yard ? how many at $2'16f ? 196-200. If the earth move 68000 miles per hour hi its orbit, how far will it move in 35 minutes ? how far in 45 minutes ? how far in 55 minutes ? how far in Ihr. 35min. ? how far in 1h. 10mm. ? REDUCTION OF CURRENCIES. 117. Currency is money, whether specie, consisting of domestic and foreign coins, or bank-notes, redeemable in specie. 208 ANALYSIS AND RATIO. [CHAP. XIII, Foreign coins have, first, an intrinsic value, determined by their weight and purity ; secondly, a commercial value, which is the price they will bring in the market ; thirdly, a legal value, which is the value established by law. Thus, the Pound Sterling (English) is represented by a gold coin called a sovereign. Its intrinsic value, as com- pared with our gold eagle of latest coinage, is $4'861. Its commercial value depends upon the state of trade between this country and England. If the balance of trade be against us, requiring the transportation of coin to pay our debts, the sovereign will command a higher price than if we owe nothing abroad, and consequently require no specie for shipment. This mercantile value varies from $4 '83 to $4'86. The legal or custom-house value of the sovereign is $4-84, as fixed by act of Congress in 1842/ 118. To reduce Sterling to Federal Money. First method. lz=$4'84; consequently, multiplying $4*84 by the number of pounds, will give their value in Federal Money. NOTE. If there arc shillings, pence, or farthings in the given quan- tity, they must he reduced to the decimal of a pound before multi- plication. Example. What is the value of 9 5s. in Federal Money ? 9 5s. = 9'25 119. To reduce Federal to Sterling Money. $4'84 = l ; consequently, dividing the given number of dollars by 4'84, the number of dollars in a , will give a quotient in pounds and the decimal of a pound. The deci- mal must be reduced to its equivalent value in shillings, pence, and farthings. 120.] REDUCTION OF CURRENCIES. 209 Example. Reduce $44*77 to its value in Sterling Money. 44'77-f-4"84:=9 < 25, the number of pounds sterling = 9 5s. 120. Method by ratio. There is another mode of per- forming these reductions, which is a more accurate mercan- tile method. The original value of the pound sterling, as fixed by act of Congress in 1799, was $4f or $4'444 + . This value is called the par value of l ; but it is now too small by a va- riable percentage of itself. Consequently this percentage, called the premium of exchange, must be added to the par value to give the current mercantile value of the pound. Thus, suppose exchange on England is at 9 per cent, pre- mium, l=$4^ x l'09=par value of l plus the premium of exchange ; if exchange be at 10 per cent, premium, l=$4xl-10, &c. So conversely, $l = T 9 o^-l'09, &c. Example. Reduce 9 5s. to Federal Money, when the premium of exchange is 9 per cent. 9 5s. = 9'2o ; $4x9-25=$41-lll + . And $41-111 Xl-09=$44-81099-f Ans. Reduce $44'81099-f to British currency. 44-81099-^4^=44-81099 X T 9 o = 10'08249-f, the num- ber of pounds at par value. lO-OS249-f-l'09 = 9-25 nearly. So that 9 5s. is the answer. Hence to change Sterling to Federal Money, Reduce the pounds and decimal of a pound at their par value to dollars ; then multiply the result by a percentage that will express the par value plus the premium of exchange. To change Federal to Sterling Money. Reduce the dollars and decimal of a dollar to pounds at their par value ; then divide the result by a percentage that will express the par value plus the premium of exchange. 18* 210 ANALYSIS AND KATIO. [CHAP. XIJI. 121. Many of the States, at the present day, make use of the denominations of Sterling Money to some extent. But the value of the pound and its parts, as will be seen by the table, is not the same in all the States. (For the rea- son of this, see 70, Note.) TABLE. $1 ' m { Georgia^ 01 ^' [=45. 8fc^, caUed Georgia currency " ' m { Scotia, | = 5,=i called Canada cm-rency. .r New England States, -^ SI in J ^guila, 1=6*.^^, called New England 1 Kentucky, currency. L Tennessee, r New Jersey, ^ Pennsylvania, = Vs. 6<=f, called Pennsylvania cur- $1 in -{ _ . J ^ Delaware, rency. I Maryland, J ( New York, ) $1 in < Ohio, f == 8s.=|, called New York currency. ( North Carolina, ) We have, by the table, the value of $1, expressed as the fraction of a pound in the various currencies. It is obvious that by inverting the ratio expressed by those fractions, we shall obtain the value of 1, of each of the above currencies, in the fraction of a dollar. Hence, to reduce Federal Money to Canada or to any State currency, Multiply the sum in Federal Money by the value of $1 expressed as the fraction of a pound of the currency to which the sum is to be reduced. If the product contain the decimal of a pound, reduce it to shillings and pence. 122.] REDUCTION OF CURRENCIES. 211 To reduce Canada or any State currency to Federal Money, Multiply the given sum, reduced to pounds and the deci- mal of a pound, by the value of l of the given currency, expressed as the fraction of a dollar. 122. A table of some of the foreign coins at tlieir cus- tom-house value. Pound Sterling or Sovereign $4'84 Guinea, English 5*00 Crown, " 1-06 Shilling piece, English -23 Louis-d'or, French 4'56 Franc, " -186 Doubloon, Mexico 15'60 Silver Rouble of Russia 0'75 Florin or Guilder of the United Netherlands 0'40 Mark Banco of Hamburg 0'85 Real of Plate of Spain 0-10 Real of Vellon of do 0'05 Milree of Portugal 112 Tale of China T48 Pagoda of India 1-84 Rupee of Bengal 0'50 Specie dollar of Sweden and Norway 1-06 Specie dollar of Denmark T05 Thaler of Prussia and N. States of Germany 0'69 Florin of Austrian Empire and City of Augsburg, 0'48 Lira Lombardo- Venetian Kingdom and of Tuscany, 0'16 Ducat of Naples 0'80 Ounce of Sicily 2'40 Pound of British Provinces, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Canada 4'00 Rix-dollar of Bremen 0'78 Thaler of Bremen 0'7l Mil-rees of Madeira TOO " of Azores 0'83 Rupee of British India 0'4H 10 Thalers, German , 7'80 212 ANALYSIS AND RATIO. [CHAP. XIII. Foreign coins may obviously be reduced to Federal Money, by multiplying the United States value of one coin by the number of coins. Federal Money may be reduced to its value in a required foreign coin, by dividing the given sum of money by the value of on* such coin expressed in Federal Money. PROMISCUOUS EXERCISES IN REDUCTION OF CURRENCIES. 201-210. Reduce the following sums, U. S. currency, to Sterling Money, at custom-house value: $4'84 ; $19"605; $32-48; $59-00; $876'49; $27'18 ; $1264-36 ; $22096'27 ; $446987-84; $2768912-76. 211-218. When the premium of exchange on England is 9 per cent., what is the value of the following sums in British currency? $8'72 ; $24'986 ; $79'484; $712'45 ; $8694-36; $79823'12j; $8942T07 ; $216549'48. 219-234. What is the value of the preceding sums, in British currency, when the premium of exchange is 10 per cent. ? What, when it is 8^- per cent. ? 235-240. Reduce the following sums, Sterling Money, at custom-house valuation, to U. S. currency : 9 5s. ; 27 3s. 4d. 3qr. ; 39 Qd. ; 270 14s. Qd. 2qr. ; 4180 12s. -Sd. ; 69480 9c?. 241-258. Find the value of each of the preceding sums, in U. S. currency, when the premium of exchange on Eng- land is 8 per cent. ; is 9 per cent. ; is 10 per cent. 259-263. Reduce $100'20 to Canada and to the different State currencies. 264-268. Reduce $3 7 '3 7 to Canada and State curren- cies. 269-273. Reduce $1000 to its equivalent value in Can- ada and State currencies. 274-278. Reduce 75 15s. 6d. of the respective curren- cies mentioned in the table to Federal Money. 122.] REDUCTION OF CURRENCIES. 213 279-283. Reduce 80 55. 3c?. of the different currencies to Federal Money. 284-288. Reduce 1000 of the different currencies to Federal Money. 289. How many sovereigns in $8496 ? 290. How many 5 -franc pieces in $10765? 291-295. In $9284'47 how many Mexican doubloons? how many 10-Thaler pieces ? how many Canada pounds ? how many rupees of Bengal ? how many ducats of Naples ? 296-301. Reduce to Federal Money 7498 rix-dollars of Bremen ; 25480 rupees of Bengal ; 4879^ silver roubles of Russia; 79682 sovereigns; 729810f pagodas of India; 1987629 francs. 302. Suppose I owe a Liverpool merchant 17496 85., what sum in Federal Money must I pay him, when exchange on England is 9 per cent, premium ? 303. I am indebted to a Liverpool house in the sum of $25000*75. How many pounds sterling must I pay to his order, when exchange on England is 1 per cent, premium ? 304. A New England merchant wished to pay 784 105., Georgia currency, to a merchant in Savannah. What sum in N. E. currency must he remit? 305. How many 5 -franc pieces must a Paris house remit to pay 9841 7s., N. Y. currency? 306. The rate of duty on imported dried plums, in 1842, was 1 8s. per cwt. How much is that per lb., U S. cur- rency ? 307. The duty on grain, not rated as corn or seeds, was 185. per cwt. What is that per cwt., U. S. currency ? 308. The duty on rose-wood was 6 per ton. Wliat is that per cwt., U. S. currency ? 309-314. In $1000 how many Ounces of Sicily ? how many ducats of Naples ? how many florins of Augsburg ? 214: PROPORTION. [CHAP. XIV. how many rix-dollars of Bremen ? how many Mexican doub- loons ? how many Louis d'ors ? 315-325. In 1000 Mexican doubloons how many dollars ? how many crowns ? how many sovereigns ? how many spe- cie-dollars of Denmark ? how many specie-dollars of Nor- way ? how many pagodas of India ? how many rupees of Bengal ? how many milrees of Portugal ? how many Mark bancos of Hamburg ? how many English guineas ? how many francs ? CHAPTER XIV. PROPORTION. 123. WHEN the ratio of two quantities is the same as the ratio of two other quantities, the four quantities are in proportion. Thus, the ratio of 8 yards to 4 yards is the same as the ratio of 1 2 dollars to 6 dollars ; therefore, there is a proportion between 8 yards, 4 yards, 12 dollars, and 6 dollars. The usual method of denoting that four terms are in pro- portion, is by means of points or dots. Thus, the above proportion is written, 8 yards : 4 yards : : 12 dollars : 6 dollars. Where two dots are placed between the first and second terms, and between the third and fourth ; and four dots are placed between the second and third. The two dots are equivalent to the sign of division, and the four dots correspond with the sign of equality. Thus, the above proportion may be written, 8 yards H- 4 yards = 12 dollars -f- 6 dollars. 123.] PROPORTION. 215 Either of the foregoing forms of this proportion may be read, 8 yards is to 4 yards as 12 dollars is to 6 dollars. The first term of a ratio is called the antecedent ; the sec- ond is called the consequent. The first and fourth terms of a proportion are called the extremes ; the second and third terms are called the means. Since in a proportion the quotient of the first term di- vided by the second, is equal to the quotient of the third term divided by the fourth, we have, using the above pro- portion, l-nr- 1 ^-. If we reduce the fractions to a common 8X6 12x4 denominator, they become = , or omitting the common denominator 4x6, which is, in effect, multiplying each fraction by 4 X 6, we have 8 X 6, or 48 = 1 2 X 4 or 48 ; that is, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means. 8X6=48 _ 8X6 = 48 Again, =4, and ^ = 12. Hence, if the product of the extremes be divided by either mean, the quotient will be the other mean.* 12X4 j!2x4 Again, ^ = 6, and Q =8. Hence, if the product of the means be divided by either extreme, the quotient will be the other extreme. * It is often required to find a mean proportional when the extremes are given ; that is, one mean of a proportion iij which the means are equal. Thus, 4 and 9 being the extremes, give a product of 36, which is equal to the product of the means. Hence the means may be 2 and 18, 3 and 12, or 6 and 6 ; of these 6 and 6 are the equal means ; thus, 4 : G : : 6 : 9. Therefore, to find a mean proportional when the extremes are given, the square root of the-'r product must be found ; that is, the number which being multiplied by itself will produce that product. 216 SIMPLE PROPORTION. [CHAP. XIV From the above properties, we see that if any three of th four terms which constitute a proportion are given, the re- maining term can be found. The method of finding the fourth term of a proportion, when three terms are given, constitutes the RULE OF THREE. Let us now apply what has been explained. If 8 yards of cloth are worth $12, what are 24 yards worth ? The value sought must be as many times greater than $12, as 24 yards is greater than 8 yards. Hence, there is the same ratio between $1 A 2 and the value sought, as there- is between 8 yards and 24 yards. Consequently, we have this proportion : 8 yards : 24 yards : : $12 : value sought. Taking the product of the means, we have 24 X 12 = 288. This, divided by the first term, which is one of the extremes, gives for the other extreme or fourth term sought, which must be of the same kind as the third term ; there- fore $36 is the value of 24 yards. NOTE. When we take the product of the means we do not multi- ply the 24 yards by 12 dollars, hut simply multiply 24, the number denoting the yards, by 12, the number denoting the dollars. The product, 288, is neither yards nor dollars, but 288 units. When we divide this product by the first term of the proportion, we do not divide by 8 yards, but simply by 8, the number denoting the yards. The quotient, 36, gives the fourth term of the proportion ; and since the fourth term is of the same denominate value as the third term, our fourth term, or answer, must be 36 dollars. From the foregoing explanations, we deduce this first form of the RULE FOR SIMPLE PROPORTION, OR SINGLE RULE OF THREE. I. Form a proportion by placing for the third term the quantity which is of the same denomination as the answer J 123.] SIMPLE PROPORTION. 217 sought. Of the two remaining quantities, the larger must be taken for the second term, when the answer is to exceed the third term ; but the smaller must be taken for the second term, when the answer is to be less than the third term. II. Having written the three terms of the proportion, or, as usually expressed, having stated the question, then multi- ply the second and third terms together, and divide the prod- uct by the first term. NOTE. Since there is a ratio between the first and second terms, they must be reduced to the same denominate value. Also, the third term must be reduced to its lowest denomination ; then the quotient found by dividing the product of the means by the first- term will be of the same denomination as the third term. EXAMPLES. 1. If 25 Ibs. of coffee cost $3 '2 5, what will 312 Ibs. cost ? 2. What cost 6 cords of wood, at $7 for 2 cords ? 3. What will 9 pairs of shoes cost, if 5 pairs cost 2 25. Qd. ? 4. If there are 9 weeks in 63 days, how many weeks in 365 days ? 5. If a railroad cargoes 17 miles in 45 minutes, how far will it go in 5 hours ? , 6. If $100 will gain $7 in one year, how long will it re- quire to gain $100 ? 7. If 3 paces or common steps of a person are equal to 2 yards, how many yards will 480 paces make ? 8. If 15 men can raise a wall of masonry, 12 feet, in one week, how many will be necessary to raise it 20 feet in the same time ? 9. If 7 tons of coal, of 2000 pounds each, will last 3^ months, of 30 days each, how much will be consumed in 3 weeks, or 21 days? 19 218 PROPORTION. [CHAP, xiv 10. If 9J bushels of wheat make 2 barrels of flour, how many bushels will be required to make 1 3 barrels ? 11. If a steamboat of 242 feet in length move 15 miles in one hour, how many seconds will it require to move its own length ? 12. If a steamboat of 242 feet in length move 15 miles an hour, how many times its own length will it move in 1 1 hours ? 13. A reservoir has a pipe capable of discharging 30 gal- lons in one minute. What time will be necessary to dis- charge 1 5 hogsheads ? 14. If a man can mow 9 acres of grass in 3 J days, of 10 hours each, how long will it require for him to mow 21 acres ? 15. If 100 pounds of galena, or lead ore, yield 83 pounds of pure metal, how much pure metal will 7 tons of galena produce, if we reckon 2240 pounds to the ton ? If 12 barrels of flour are worth $54, what is the value of 42 barrels at the same rate ? In this example it is obvious that 2 times 12 barrels would be worth 2 times $54 ; 3 times 12 barrels would be worth 3 times $54 ; 4 times 12 barrels would be worth 4 times $54, and so on for other ratios. * The ratio of 42 barrels to 12 barrels is i|. If we multiply $54 by this ratio, it will evidently give the value of 42 barrels. "We may now employ the same rules for simplifying this expres- sion as were used under 114; that is to say, vre may reject such factors as are common to both numerators and denominators. Thus, dividing the denominator 12, and the numerator 42, each by 6, it becomes 7 jfi XT-, or$54x$. A. ft 123.] SIMPLE PROPORTION. 219 Again, dividing the denominator 2 and $54 of numerator each by 2, we have 27 $xl, or $27x7 = $189. Ans. If 200 sheep yield 650 pounds of wool, how many pounds will 825 sheep yield ? In this example, the answer is required to be in pounds ; we there- fore take 650 pounds for the third term. The ratio of 825 sheep to 200 sheep is |||. Hence we have 650Z6. X Cancelling, we have 33 -, or, 650/6. 8 Again, cancelling, we have 4 If 11 of a pound of sugar cost %% of a shilling, how much will of a pound cost ? In this example, our third term is f of a shilling. And since -^ of a pound is less than 11, we must obtain our ratio by dividing ^ by 11, which gives ^ X f f . Multiplying the third term by this ratio, we have ff of a shilling X Xjf To reduce this with the least labor, we must resort to the method of cancelling. Thus, cancelling the 23, which occurs in both numerator and denominator, also 13 of the numerator against a part of the 26 of the denominator, our ex- pression will, by this means, become -J of a shilling XfXy l y=^ of a shilling. NOTE. This method of cancelling should be used when the nature of the question will admit, since it will always simplify the operation. From the above explanation, we deduce this second form of the 220 PROPORTION. [CHAP. xrv. RULE OF THREE. Of the three quantities which are given, one will always be of the same kind as the answer sought ; this quantity will be the third term. Then, if by the nature of the question, the answer is required to be greater than the third term, divide the greater of the two remaining quantities by the less, for a ratio ; but if the answer is required to be less than the third term, then divide the less of the two remaining quantities by the greater, for a ratio. Having obtained the ratio, multi- ply the third term by it, and it will give the answer in the same denomination as is the third term. NOTE. Before obtaining the ratio, by means of the first two terms, we must reduce them to like denominations. See 116. EXAMPLES. 16. If a tree 38 feet 9 inches in height, give a shadow of 49 feet 2 inches, how high is that tree which, at the same time, casts a shadow of 71 feet 7 inches? 17. If 3^- pounds of coffee cost 2j shillings, how much will IQi pounds cost ? 18. If 6 men earn $25 in 6 days, how much can they earn in 25 days ? 19. If a locomotive move 95 miles in 4 hours, how far does it go each hour ? 20. If it take 10 hours for 6 men to do a piece of work, how long will it take 15 men to do the same work ? 21. Gave $72 for 11 barrels of fish. How much will 88 barrels cost at the same rate ? 22. If 431 pounds of cheese cost $2'20, what will 216- pounds cost at the same rate ? 23. If I pay $3 -90 for sawing 7 cords of wood, how much ought I to give for sawing 23-J- cords ? 123.] SIMPLE PROPORTION. 221 24. If T % of a ship is worth $2853, what is the whole worth ? 25. If T 4 g of my income is $533, what is my whole income ? 20. A person failing in business, finds that he owes $7560, and that he only has $3100 to pay the debt with. How much can he pay to that creditor whose claim is $756 ? 27. If it require 5^ bushels of wheat to make one barrel of flour, how many bushels will be required for 100 barrels of flour? 28. If 7 barrels of flour are sufficient for a family 6 months, how many barrels will they require for 1 1 months ? 29. If it take 25 yards of carpeting, a yard wide, to cover a certain floor, how many yards of -| carpeting will be ne- cessary to cover the same floor ? 30. If a person travel 8 miles in 10 hours, how far will he travel in 5 days, by travelling 8 hours each day ? 31. If 35 pounds of feathers cost $15, what will 100 pounds cost at the same rate ? 32. If a man perform a certain piece of work in 18 days, when he works 8 hours per day, how many days will he require if he work 1 hours each day ? 33. If a piece of board 12 inches wide and 12 inches long make one square foot, how many inches of length must be taken from a board 15 inches wide to make a square foot ? 34. If 8 men can mow a field in 5 days, in how many days can 5 men mow it ? 35. If 27 J yards of cloth cost $60, how many yards can I buy for $100? 36. If 271 yards of cloth cost $60, what will 45f yards cost? 37. 'If fof a ship is worth $9000, what is her whole value '? 38. If T 3 F of a city lot is sold for $500, what would T 7 ^ of the same lot sell for at the same rate ? 19* 222 PROPORTION. [CHAP xiv 39. Admitting that the earth moves in its orbit about the sun, a distance of 597000000 miles, in 365 days 6 hours, how far on an average does it move each hour ? 40. If the diurnal rotation of the earth move its equato- rial portions about 24900 miles each day, how far is that in each hour ? 41. If it require 10 years of 365J days, for light to pass frcto a fixed star to the earth, how many miles distant is it on the supposition that light moves 192090 miles in one second ? 42. If by a leak of a ship, f enough water run in, in 4 hours, to sink her, how long can she survive ? 43. If I pay $25 for the masonry of 4000 bricks, how much ought I to pay for the work which requires 100000 bricks ? 44. If a steamship require 14 days to sail a distance of 3000 miles, what time, at the same rate of sailing, would she require to sail 24900 miles ? 45. Admitting the diameter of the earth to be 8000 miles and the loftiest mountain to be 5 miles in height, what ele- vation must be made on a globe of 16 inches diameter to represent accurately the height of such mountain ? 46. If $100 in 12 months bring an interest of $7, how much will be the interest of $100 for 8 months? 47. If the interest of $100 for 12 months is $7, what will be the interest of $75 for the same time ? 48. If in 12 months the interest of $100 is $7, how long must $100 be on interest to gain $10 ? 49. If a glacier of 60 miles in length move 50 inches per annum, in what time will it move its whole length ? 50. If a staff of 10 feet in length give a shadow of 15 feet, how high is that tree whose shadow measures 90 feet ? 51. Suppose sound to move 1100 feet in a second, how 123.] SIMPLE PROPORTION. many miles distant is a cloud, in which lightning is observed 16 seconds before the thunder is heard, no allowance being made for the motion of light ? 52. If it require 30 yards of carpeting which is ^ of a yard wide to cover a floor, how many yards of carpeting which is lj yards wide will be necessary to cover the same floor ? 53. If the earth move through 12 signs, or 360, in 365-J- days, how far will it move in a lunar month of 29J days ? 54. Suppose a steamboat capable of making 15 miles each hour, to move with a current whose velocity is 2^ miles per hour, what will be the whole distance made during 13^ hours ? And what distance will the boat move in the same time against the same current ? 55. If the magnetic influence move through the tele- graphic wires at the rate of 200000 miles in one second of time, how many times could it pass around the world in one second, allowing the circumference of the earth to be 24899 miles? 56. If A. can do a piece of work in 7 days, and B. can do it in 8 days, what part of it can both do in 3 J days ? 57. A reservoir, whose capacity is 1000 hogsheads, has a supply-pipe, by means of which it receives 3-00 gallons each hour ; it also has two discharging pipes, the first of which discharges |- of a gallon each minute, the second dis- charges 1} gallons per minute. The reservoir being empty, in what time will it be filled if the supply-pipe alone is opened ? In what time, if the supply-pipe and the first discharging pipe are opened ? In what time, if the supply- pipe and the second discharging pipe ? And in what time if all three are opened ? 224: PROPORTION. [CHAP. XIV. COMPOUND PROPORTION. 124. A Compound Proportion is an expression of the equality between the product of several ratios and a simple ratio. If 6 men can mow 30 acres of grass in 5 days, by working 8 hours each day, how many acres can 4 men mow in 9 days of 10 hours each ? Before performing this example by the Rule of Compound Proportion, or Double Rule of Three, let us solve it, first by Analysis and then by Ratio. ANALYSIS. If 6 men can mow 30 acres in 5 days of 8 hours each, 1 man will mow -^p~=5 acres in 5 days of the same length : 4 men will mow 4x5 acres or 20 acres, in 5 days. If 4 men mow 20 acres in 5 days, in 1 day they will mow -2-r= acres ; in 9 days, 4 X 9 = 36 acres. If 4 men mow 36 acres in 9 days of 8 hours each, they will mow -^- or 4j acres, by working but 1 hour each day, and 4jxlO or 45 acres, by working 10 hours each day. The answer, then, is 45 acres. NOTE. In this Complex Analysis, as in Simple Analysis, we reason from the given quantity back to 1, then from 1 to the quantity re- quired. RATIO. Had the number of days, as well as hours in each day been the same in both cases, the question would have been equivalent to the following : If 6 men mow 30 acres of grass, how many acres will 4 men mow ? It is evident the number of acres sought would be the same fractional part of 30 acres that 4 men is of 6 men ; that is, the quantity required is of 30 acres. 124.] COMPOUND PROPORTION. If, now, we take into account the number of days, still supposing the number of hours in each day to remain the same in both cases, our question would become : If -g- of 30 acres can be mowed in 5 days, how much can be mowed in 9 days ? The answer in this case is obviously f of of 30 acres. Now, taking into account the number of hours in each day, our question will become as follows : If of | of 30 acres can be mowed in a certain time, when 8 hours are reckoned to each day, how much could be mowed when 10 hours are reckoned to each day? This leads to the following final result : J^_ of f of | of 30 acres. By cancelling, we reduce this last expression to 45 acres. As a second example, we will solve the following by ratio : 500 men, working 12 hours each day, have been employed 57 days to dig a canal of 1800 yards long, 7 yards wide, and 3 yards deep, how many days must 860 men, working 10 hours each day, be employed in digging another canal of 2900 yards long, 12 yards wide, and 5 yards deep, in a soil which is 3 times as difficult to excavate as the first ? In this example, the odd term is 57 days. The different ratios will be as follows : O f t f ratio of the hours. 2| ratio of lengths of the canals. -J- ratio of widths of the canals. ^= ratio of depths of the canals. J= ratio of the difficulty in excavation. 22j5 PROPORTION. [CHAP. xrv. Multiplying successively these ratios and the odd term, we have 57 daysxffxf XffX-y-Xfxf. This becomes, after cancelling factors, From the above work we see that questions of Compound Proportion may be solved by the following RULE. Among the terms given, there will be but one like the an- swer, which we will call the odd term. The other terms will appear in pairs or couplets. Form ratios out of each couplet in the same manner as in the Rule of Three ; then multiply all the ratios and the odd term together, and it will give the answer in the same name and denomination as the odd term. NOTE. Before forming ratios from the couplets, they must be re- duced to the same denominate value. See 115. EXAMPLES. Solve the following problems, first by Analysis, and then by the Rule for Compound Proportion : 58. If a person travel 300 miles in 17 days, journeying 6 hours each day, how many miles will he travel in 15 days, journeying 10 hours a day ? 59. If a marble slab 10 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 inches thick, weigh 400 pounds, what will be the weight of another slab of the same marble, whose length is 8 feet, width 4 feet, and thickness 5 inches ? 60. If the expenses of a family of 10 persons amount to $250 in 23 weeks, how long will $600 support a family of 8 persons at the same rate ? 61. 15 men, working 10 hours each day, have employed 124.] COMPOUND PROPORTION. 227 18 days to build 450 yards of*stone fence. How many men, working 12 hours each day, for 8 days, will be re- quired to build 480 yards of similar fence ? 62. If it require 1200 yards of cloth -| wide to clothe 500 men, how many yards which is |- wide will it take to clothe 960 men ? 63. If 8 men will mow 36 acres of grass in 9 days, by working 9 hours each day, how many men will be required to mow 48 acres in 12 days, by working 12 hours each day ? 64. If 11 men can cut 49 cords of wood in 7 days, when they work 14 hours per day, how many men will it take to cut 140 cords in 28 days, by working 10 hours each day? 65. If 12 ounces of wool make 2j- yards of cloth that is 6 quarters wide, how many pounds of wool will it take for 150 yards of cloth, 4 quarters wide? 66. If the wages of 6 men for 14 days be 84 dollars, what will be the wages of 9 men for 16 days ? 67. If 100 Inen in 40 days of 10 hours each, build a wall 30 feet long, 8 feet high, and 2 feet thick, how many men must be employed to build a wall 40 feet in length, 6 feet high, and 4 feet thick, in 20 days, by working 8 hours each day? 68. In how many days, working 9 hours a day, will 24 men dig a trench 420 yards long, 5 yards wide, and 3 yards deep, if 248 men, working 11 hours a day, in 5 days dig a trench 230 yards long, 3 yards wide, and 2 yards deep ? 69. Suppose that 50 men, by working 5 hours each day, can dig, in 54 days, 24 cellars, which are each 36 feet long, 21 feet wide, and 10 feet deep, how many men would be required to dig, in 27 days, 18 cellars, which are each 48 feet long, 28 feet wide, and 9 feet deep, provided they work only 3 hours each day ? 70. If 40 yards of cloth 3 quarters wide cost $45, what 14 228 PROPORTION. [CHAP. xiv. will 36 yards of the same quality cost, which is 5 quarters wide? 71. If 8400 will in 9 months gain $21, when the rate of interest is 7 per cent, per annum, how much will $360 gain in 8 months, if the rate per cent, is 6 ? 72. If $400 require 9 months to gain $21, when the rate per cent, is 7, how long a time will $360 require to gain $14-40, if the rate per cent, is 6 ? 73. If $400, to gain $21 in 9 months, require a rate of 7 per cent., what must be the rate per cent, for $360 to gain $14-40 in 8 months ? 74. If it require $400 to gain $21 in 9 months, when the rate per cent, is 7, how much will be required to gain $14-40 in 8 months, when the rate per cent, is 6 ? 75. If the freight on 72 barrels of flour, for a distance of 95 miles, is $7 -60, what would it be at the same rate on 120 barrels for a distance of 144 miles ? 76. If from a dairy of 30 cows, each furnishing 16 qts. of milk daily, 24 cheeses of 55 pounds each are made, in 36 days, how many cows will be required, if each gives 4^ gallons of milk daily, to produce in 30 days 33 cheeses of 100 pounds each ? 77. If I pay $45 for 40 yards of cloth which is 3 quar- ters wide, how many yards of the same quality of cloth which is 5 quarters wide ought $60 to buy ? 78. If 6 persons eat 21 dollars' worth of bread in 4 months, when flour is sold at $7 per barrel, in how many months will 10 persons eat 50 dollars' worth, when flour is $5 per barrel ? 79. If 21 dollars' worth of bread, when flour is $7 per barrel, will supply 6 persons 4 months, how many persons can be supplied for 8 months for 50 dollars, when flour is $5 per barrel ? 125.] ARBITRATION OF EXCHANGE. 229 80. If 21 dollars' worth of bread, when flour is $7 per barrel, will supply 6 persons for 4 months, how many dol- lars' worth will be required to supply 10 persons during 8 months, if flour is 85 per barrel ? ARBITRATION OF EXCHANGE. 125. It sometimes happens that a merchant desires to pay a debt to a foreign creditor through three or four agents or brokers in different countries. There must, m such cases, be a chain of exchanges called arbitration of exchange ; for example : A merchant in Denmark owes a New York merchant $280. How many specie- dollars of his own country must he remit through houses in Hamburgh, Amsterdam, and St. Petersburgh, if $0'35 = 1 mark banco; 8 marks = 7 guil- ders ; 15 guilders =8 silver roubles ; 21 roubles = 15 specie- dollars of Denmark ? 28000 X 3*5 X |- X T 8 5 X 2T> which, after cancelling, be- comes 266J-, the number of specie-dollars. Since 35 cts.= 1 mark, there will be ^ as many marks as cents ; as 8 marks = 7 guilders, there will be |- as many guilders as marks ; in like manner there will be -fj as many roubles as guilders, and if as many specie-dollars as roubles. It will be seen that examples of this kind require the multiplication of a given term by the product of a series of ratios ; and that the process is the same as that of Com- pound Proportion, 124. No independent rule is necessary. EXAMPLES. 81-83. A New York merchant owes in London 375. How many dollars must he remit through houses in Naples and in Paris, if 20=121 ducats ; 90 ducats =41 4 francs ; 20 230 PROPORTION. [CHAP. xrv. 500 francs=91 dollars ? How many dollars must he remit directly to London if the premium of exchange is 9 per cent, above the par value of $4 to the ? And how much was lost by the former circuitous method of remit- ting ? 84-86. A merchant in New York orders 1000 due him in London to be forwarded to him by the following route : to Hamburgh, at 15 mark bancos per ; thence to Copen- hagen, at 100 mark bancos for 43 rix-dollars; thence to Bourdeaux, at 4 rix-dollars for 18 francs; thence to New York, at 500 francs for 93 dollars. How many dollars did he receive ? How many dollars would he have received had he ordered the 1000 direct to him, the premium of exchange being 7 per cent, above the par value of $4|- to the ? And how much did he save by the above circui- tous route ? 87. If a man receives $27 for 16 barrels of cider, and he can buy 2 barrels of flour for $11, and 3 tons of coal .for 4 barrels of flour, and 45 pounds of tea for 2 tons of coal, how many pounds of tea ought he to receive for 7 barrels of cider ? 88. If 25 pears can be bought for 10 lemons, and 28 lem- ons for 18 pomegranates, and 1 pomegranate for 48 almonds, and 50 almonds for 70 chestnuts, and 108 chestnuts for 2j cents, how many pears can I buy for $1*35 ? 89. If 121 English guineas are equal to 125 pounds ster- ling, and 23 = 61 pagodas of India, and 5 pagodas =$9, how many English guineas will be equal to $100 ? 90. If 74 francs = 9 tales of China, 10 tales of China=6 ounces of Sicily, and 5 ounces of Sicily =$12, how many francs will be equal to $172 ? 126.] PARTNERSHIP. 231 PARTNERSHIP OR FELLOWSHIP. 126. Fellowship is the union of two or more individuala in trade, with an agreement to share the losses and profits in the ratio of the amount which each puts into the partner- ship. The money employed is called the capital stock. The loss or gain to be shared is called the dividend. A., B., and C. entered into copartnership. A. put in $180, B. put in $240, and C. put in $480. They gained $300. What is each one's part of the gain? $180 A.'s stock-f $240 B.'s stock-f-$480 C.'s stock=$900 wliole stock. 8 = * =A.'s part of the entire stock. Hence, A. must have of $300= $60 for his gain. B. T \ of $300= $80 " " " C. " T 8 -jof$300=$160 " " " $300 verification. From the above we may deduce the following RULE. Make each partner's stock the numerator of a fraction, and the sum of their stock a common denominator ; then multiply the whole gain or loss by each of these fractions, for each partner's share. EXAMPLES. 91. A. and B. purchase a house for $2500, of which sum A. furnished $1200 and B. $1300. They receive $210 rent for the same. What part of this sum ought each to share ? 92-94. A person failing in business finds that all his debts amount to $4500, and that he has. only $2500 to meet these 232 PROPORTION. [CHAP. xiv claims. How much ought A. to receive, whose claim is $360 ? And how much B. whose claim is $400 ? And how much is he able to pay on the dollar ? 95. Two brothers, the one 18 years old and the other 21 years old, contribute in the ratio of their ages $300 towards the support of an aged parent. What did each contribute ? 96. Two persons, A. and B., hire a pasture for $30, into which A. turned 3 cows and B. 5. What part of the $30 ought each to pay ? 97. Five persons, A., B., C., D., and E., are to share be- tween them $2400. A. is to have l ; B. is to have J ; C. is to have -f ; D. and E. are to divide the remainder in pro- portion to the numbers 5 and 7. How much does each one receive ? 98. There are three horses belonging to three men, em- ployed to draw a load of plaster a certain distance for $26'45. It is estimated that A.'s and B.'s horses do f of the labor ; A.'s and C.'s horses T 9 ^ ; B.'s and C.'s horses if. They are to be paid proportionally according to these estimates. What ought each man to receive ? 99. A., B., and C. agree to contribute $365 towards building a church, which is to be at the distance of 2 miles from A., 2-J- miles from B., and 3^ from C. They agree that their shares shall be proportional to the reciprocals of their distances from the church. What ought each to con- tribute ? 100. A person wills to his two sons and a daughter the following sums : to the elder son $1200, to the younger son $1000, and to his daughter $600 ; but it is found that his whole estate amounts to only $800. How much ought each child to receive ? 101. Four persons, A., B., C., and D., together contribute $500 towards the erection of a school-house, which is placed 127.] DOUBLE FELLOWSHIP. 233 a,t the distance of -J of a mile from A.'s residence, \ of a mile from B.'s, f of a mile from C.'s, and 1 mile from D.'s. They contributed in the reciprocal ratio of their respective dis- tances from the school- house. How much did each give ? DOUBLE FELLOWSHIP. 127. When the stock of the several partners continues in trade for unequal periods of time, the profit or loss must be apportioned with reference both to the stock and time. In such cases the fellowship is called DOUBLE FELLOWSHIP. Three partners, A., B., and C., put into trade money as follows : A. put in $400 for 2 months ; B. put in $300 for 4 months ; C. put in $500 for 3 months. They gained $350. How must they share this gain ? It is evident that $400 for 2 months is the same as $400X2=$800 for one month; $300 for 4 months is the same as $300X4=$1200 for one month; $500 for 3 months is the same as $500X3=$ 1500 for one month. Hence $800 A.'s money for one month,-{-$1200 B.'s money for one month,-f$1500 C.'s money for one month=$3500. Therefore, by Single Fellowship, A. must have ^fy=^g of $350=$80. B. " J|oo_i_3 of 350=120. 0. " " f=^ of 350=150. $350 verification. RULE. Multiply each partner's stock by the time it was in trade ; make each product the numerator of a fraction, and the sum of the products a common denominator ; then multiply the whole gain or loss by each of these fractions, for each part- ner s share. 20* 234 PKOPOKTION. [CHAP xiv. EXAMPLES. 102. Two persons, A. and B., enter into partnership, A. furnishing $325 for 6 months, and B. $200 for 8 months. What ought each to contribute to meet a loss of $100 ? 103. In the construction of a piece of road, A. furnished 5 laborers, each of whom worked 9 days ; B. furnished 7 laborers, each working 1 1 days : for the whole work they received $150. What was each one's share of this sum ? 104. To a certain school, A. sends 5 scholars during 35 days, and B. sends 4 during 38 days, and has to pay a rate bill of $3-04. What was A.'s rate bill ? 105. If I borrow $300 for 7 months of A., $400 for 8 months of B., and $450 for 9 months of C. ; for this ac- commodation I wish to divide $100 among the three. What ought each to receive ? 106. For the transportation of 100 barrels of flour a distance of 93 miles, I have to pay $46 '50 to 5 individuals, who performed the labor as follows : A. carried 50 barrels a distance of 70 miles, B. carried 10 barrels a distance of 93 miles, C. carried 40 barrels a distance of 53 miles, D. carried 50 barrels a distance of 23 miles, and E. carried 40 barrels a distance of 40 miles. How much ought I to pay to each ? 107. Three farmers hired a pasture for $55*50 for the season. A. put in 6 cows for 3 months, B. put in 8 cows for 2 months, C. put in 10 cows for 4 months. What rent ought each to pay ? 108. On the first day of January, A. began business with $650 ; on the first day of April following, he took B. into partnership with $500 ; on the first day of next July, they took in C. with $450 : at the end of the year they found they had gained $375. What share of the gain had each ? 128.] AVERAGE. 235 109. A., B., and C. have together performed a piece of work for which they receive $94f A. worked 12 days of 10 hours each ; B. worked 15 days of 6 hours each ; C. worked 9 days of 8 hours each. How ought the $94 to be divided between them ? 110. A ship's company take a prize of $4440, which they agree to divide among them according to their pay and the time they have been on board. Now the officers and mid- shipmen have been on board 6 months, and the sailors 3 months: the officers have $12 per month, the midshipmen $8, and the sailors $6 per month ; moreover, there are 4 officers, 12 midshipmen, and 100 sailors. What will each one's share be ? CHAPTER XV. AVERAGE. 128. IF the sum of a series of unequal quantities be di- vided by the number of quantities, the quotient will be one of a series of equal quantities, whose sum will equal that of the former series. The value of this quotient is called the AVERAGE of the given quantities. Thus, A laborer worked 5 hours on Monday, 6 on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday, 9 on Thursday, 9 on Friday, and 10 on Sat- urday. How many hours work did he average each day ? 5 + 64-3 + 9 + 9+10=42; and 42 hours -=- 6 = Y hours' av- erage work per day. Proof, Yx6=:42. Hence the fol- lowing rule for determining the average : Divide the sum of the given quantities by the number of quantities. The quotient will be the average. 236 AVEitAGh. [CHAP. xv. EXAMPLES. 1-5. What is the average of 1, 2, 3 ? of 2, 3, 4, 7 ? of 5, 3, 4, 9, 4 ? of 4, 9, 8, 7, 2, 6 ? of 8, 4, 3, 9, 7, 12, 6 ? 6-10. Find the average of 4, 7, 6, 2, 12 ; of 12, 14, 19, 18, 21 ; of 6, 8, 13, 24, 30 ; of 36, 42, 96, 104 ; of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12. 11. A gentleman expended in 1845, $1250'75 ; in 1846, $1196-38; in 1847, $1341-67; in 1848, $1275'96 ; in 1849, $1060-07 ; in 1850, $1196-27. What was his average yearly expenditure ? 12. The following was the record of attendance for one week in a certain school : Monday A. M. 109, P. M. 94 ; Tuesday A.M. 109, P.M. 103; Wednesday A.M. 97, P. M. 91 ; Thursday A. M. 104, P. M. 100 ; Friday A M. 88, P. M. 36. What was the average half-day attendance in that school ? 13. Seven men weighed each as follows : 212/65., I35lbs., 167J&S., 196}Z6s., 121JZ&S., 102/fo., 229^5. What was their average weight ? What was their aggregate weight ? 14. What was the average cost of the following articles ? The first cost 2 45. 3d. ; the 2d, 5 18s. 6d. 3qr. ; the 3d, 14 35. 2d. ; the 4th, 19s. 2qr. 15. Your grandfather's age is 78 years 8 months; your father's is 54 years, 7 months, 22 days; your brother's 21 years, 3 months, 29 days ; your sister's 16 years 4 months ; your own 1 1 years, 6 months, 1 7 days. What is the average age of each ? 16. At sunrise on 5 successive days the barometer was as follows: 29'38 inches; 29'41 ; 29'63 ; 29'87 ; 30'06. What was the average height of the mercury during this time? 1718. The declination of the sun at noon on the first 7 days of January, 1851, was as follows: 23 2' 14" ; 22 128.] AVERAGE. 237 57' 10"; 22 51' 38"; 22 45' 39"; 22 39' 12"; 22 32' 19" ; 22 24' 59". What was the average declination of the sun during this time ? At the same times respect- ively the sun was slow of clock 3m. 44s. ; 4m. 12s. ; 4m. 40s. ; 5m. 8s. ; 5m. 35s. ; 6m. 2s. ; 6m. 28s. What was the average time which the sun was slow of clock ? 19. By observation the length of a pendulum vibrating once in a second of time, is found to be, at the equator, 39-01612 inches; at the Cape of Good Hope 39'07815 inches ; at New York 39-10120 inches ; at Paris 39-12929 ; at London 39*13929 inches. What is the average length for these five places ? 20. The mean distances of the four satellites of Jupiter are as follows, the radius of Jupiter being taken as the unit : 6-04853 ; 9'62347 ; 15'35024 ; 26'99835. What is their average mean distance ? 21-22. A locomotive made 7 successive trips over a track of 17 miles in the following times: 50m. 32s. ; 49m. 3s. ; 48771. 10s. ; 40m. 30s. ; 41m. 35s. ; 45m. 45s. ; 44m. 20s. What was the average time of one trip ? What was the average time of running one mile ? 23. A company of 6 California gold diggers find on a cer- tain day gold as follows: the 1st, 702. I3pwt. ; the 2d, 9oz. I4pwt. ; the 3d, 6oz. IQpwt.; the 4th, 4oz. 4pwt. ; the 5th, lOoz. 8pwt. ; the 6th, 3oz. 2pwt. What was the average for each man ? 24-25. On a certain day in January I noticed the ther- mometer to be as follows : at 6 A. M. 20 ; at 7, 23 ; at 8, 25 ; at 9, 30 ; at 10, 36 ; at 11, 40o ; at noon, 44 ; at 1 P. M. 45 ; at 2, 48 ; at 3, 46 ; at 4, 44 ; at 5, 39 ; at 6, 33. What was the average during the forenoon, and what during the afternoon, if the observation at noon is not taken into the account ? 238 AVERAGE. [CHAr. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 129. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS is a process by which we ascertain the average time for the payment of several sums due at different times. Suppose I owe $1000, of which $100 is due in 2 months, $250 in 4 months, $350 in 6 months, and $300 in 9 months. If I pay the whole sum at once, how many months' credit ought I to have ? A credit on $100 for 2 months is the same ) n J-2io.XloO= 2007WO. as a credit on $1 for 200 months. ) A credit on $250 for 4 months is the same as a credit on $1 for 1000 months. A credit on $350 for 6 months is the same ) as a credit on $1 for $2100 months. [ 6*X850=2100mo. A credit on $300 for S > months is the same ) = as a credit on $1 for 2700 months. f $1000 6000wo. Hence, I ought to have the same as a credit on $1 for 6000 months. But if I wish a credit on $1000 instead of $1, it ought evidently to be for only one-thousandth part of 6000 months, which is 6 months. Hence this RULE. Multiply each sum by the time that must elapse^before it becomes due ; divide the amount of these products by the amount^ of the sums ; the quotient will be the equated time. EXAMPLES. 26. I purchased a bill of goods amounting to $1500, of which I am to pay $300 in 2 months, $500 in 4 months, and the balance in 6 months. What would be the mean time for the payment of the whole ? 27. A merchant owes $500 to be paid in 6 months, $600 to be paid in 8 months, and $400 to be paid in 12 months. What is the average time of payment ? 129.] EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 239 28. A. owes B. a certain sum : one- third is due in 6 months, one-fourth in 8 months, and the remainder in 1 2 months. What is the mean time of payment ? NOTE. It makes no difference what the amount is which A. owes B., since it is certain fractional parts which becomes due at particular times. If we suppose the sum to be $1, then our work will be mo. mo. $ X 6 = 2 4 X 8 = 2 Remainder is y 5 ^, and y 5 ^Xl2 = 5 29. A merchant has due him $300 to be paid in 2 months, $800 to be paid in 5 months, $400 to be paid in 10 months. What is the average time for the payment of the whole ? 30. A merchant owes $1200, payable as follows: $200 in 2 months, $400 in 5 months, and the remainder in 8 months. He wishes to pay the whole at one time. What is the average time of such payment ? 31. A merchant bought goods to the amount of $2400, for one-fourth of which he was to pay cash at the time of receiving the goods, one-third in 6 months, and the balance in 10 months. What was the equitable time for the pay- ment of the whole ? 32. Suppose I owe $100 payable on January 1st, $150 on February 5th, $300 on April 10th. If we count from January 1st, and allow 29 days to February, it being leap year, on what day ought the whole sum in equity to be paid? NOTE. Estimate the time in days. The 1st payment is $100 due in days. 33. A merchant bought a bill of goods amounting to $1000. He agreed to pay $250 the first day of the next March, $250 on the 3d of the following May, $250 on the 4th of the following July, and the remaining $250 on the 15th of the 240 AVERAGE. [CHAP. A following September. What would be the equitable time for paying the whole ? NOTE. As the sums are equal, it will simplify the operations tc consider each payment $1. 34. A person purchased a bill of goods amounting to $3450, and agreed to pay as follows : $1000 at the end of 3 months, $1000 at the end of 6 months, and the balance at the end of 9 months. What was the average time for which he received credit on the whole sum ? 35. A person owes as follows : $300 due the 10th of March, $250 due the 28th of March, $450 due the 31st of March, and $100 due the 25th of the following April. At what time could the whole sum in equity be paid ? 36. A person owes a certain sum of money, ^ of which is due in 3^ months, J is due in 4J months, J is due in 5 months, and the balance is due in 8 months. What is the mean time of payment ? 37-38. A person purchases a farm for $7000, and agrees to pay as follows : $1000 at the end of 3 months ; $1500 at the end of 4 months ; $2000 at the end of 5 months ; $2500 at the end of 6 months. At what time in equity ought he to pay the whole ? Suppose he had agreed to pay $2500 at the end of 3 months, $2000 at the end of 4 months, $1500 at the end of 5 months, and $1000 at the end of 6 months ; then, in equity, at what time ought the whole to be paid ? 39. A sum of money is due as follows: -i on the 1st of July, } on the 1st of August, -J on the 1st of September, jJg- on the 1st of October, and the balance on the 1st of No- vember. At what time, estimating from the 1st of July, ought the whole in equity to be paid ? 130. Suppose $1000 to be due at the end of 6 months; 130.] EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 241 that 3 months before it is due $100 was paid, and that 1 month before the expiration of the 6 months $300 was paid. How long after the end of the 6 months may the balance of $600 remain unpaid ? NOTE. The problem here is, when a debt due at some future pe- riod has received several partial payments before the time due, to find how long beyond this time the balance may in equity remain unpaid. 3wo.XlOO=300wo. ; lmo.X300=300/o. ; that is, $1 must have a credit of 300mo.+300mo.=600mo. The balance due is 600, which must have a credit equal to 600/o.-7-600=lmo. beyond the 6 months. Hence this RULE. Multiply each payment by the time it was paid before due ; then divide the sum of the products thus obtained by the bal- ance remaining unpaid ; the quotient will be the equated time. EXAMPLES. 40. Suppose $1496-41 to be due at the end of 90 days : that 84 days before it is due there is paid $500 ; 32 days before the 90 days expire there is paid $502'50. How long after the 90 days before the balance of $493 '91 ought to be paid ? 41. A. lent $200 to B. for 8 months ; at another time he lent him $300 for 6 months. For how long a time ought B. to lend A. $800 to balance the favor ? 42. A person owes $1000, due at the end of 12 months. At the end of 3 months he pays $100, one month after that he pays $100. How long beyond the 12 months may the balance of $800 remain unpaid ? 43-44. A credit of 6 months on $500, and of 4 months on $1000, is the same as a credit of how many dollars for 21 24:2 AVERAGE. [CHAP, xv 8 months ? It is the same as a credit on $800 for how many months ? 131. It is customary with many merchants to give a credit of from 3 to 6 months, on their bills of sale. In such cases, in settling up their accounts, which generally consist of various items of debit and credit at sundry times, it is very desirable to have some simple rule by which the cash balance can be found. Suppose A. has the following account with B. : 1848. Dr. i 1848. ( r . Jan. 10. To Merchandise . . $ 100 Feb. 8. By Merchandise ... $50 March 2G. " " . . 400 I April 23. " ... 375 What is the cash balance, July 10, 1848, if interest is estimated at 7 per cent., and a credit of 30 days is allowed on all the different sums ? If interest were not considered, the above account could be bal- anced as follows : 1848. Dr. Jan. 10. To Merchandise . . $100 March 20. " 400 $500 1848. Cr. Feb. 8. By Merchandise . . . $50 April 23. " ... 375 " Balance .... 75 $500 To Balance $75 Had no credit been given, the debits should be increased by the following items of interest. ( 83, note 4, and 105.) On $100 for 182 days, at 7 per cent.=100X182X|^ 7 " 400 " 106 " " " =400X106X^T- In like manner the credits should be increased by interest : On $50 for 153 days, at 7 per cent.= 50X153X|^ 7 . " 375 " 78 " =375 X 78 X^ 7 . But, since 30 days' credit is given on all sums, it follows that by the above, we should increase the debits by an excess of interest equal to the interest of the sum of debits, $500 for 30 days=500 X 30 X f^5 . In like manner we should increase the credits by an excess of interest equal to the interest of sum of credits, 425, for 30 days= 131.] EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 243 Now if, instead of diminishing the debit items of interest by 500 X30Xfff 3 7 , and the credit items of interest by 425X30X |^ 7 , we merely diminish the debit items of interest by the interest on mer- chandise balance, $75 for 30 days, which is 75X30XVVi tlie resulfc will be the same. And since taking any sum from one side of a book account has the same effect as adding the same sum to the other side, it follows, that instead of diminishing the debit items of interest by 75X30Xj^3 7 , we may increase the credit items of interest by this same quantity. From which we see that the difference between 1 00X182 X^j 7 + 400X106X^ 7 and 50Xl53X^7+375X78Xf y+75X30XfV3 is the interest balance. The operations indicated in the foregoing work may be exhibited in a more condensed form, as follows : DEBITS. CREDITS. $ Days. $ Days. 100X182=18200 50X153= 7650 400X106=42400 375 X 78=29250 75 X 30= 2250 60600 39150 39150 2U50=$4-ll=mteres* balance. Hence the foregoing account will become balanced as follows : 1848. Dr. Jan. 10. To Merchandise . $100-00 March 26. " ** 400-00 July 10. " balance of interest 4-11 $504-11 July 10. " Cash balance . . $79-11 From the above, we deduce this 1848. Cr. Feb. 8. By Merchandise . . $50-00 April 23. " . . 375-00 July 10. " balance .... 79-11 $504-11 RULE. Place such sum on the debtor or credit side as may be necessary to balance the account, which sum may be regarded as MERCHANDISE BALANCE. Then multiply the number of dollars in each entry by the number of days from the time such entry was made, to the time of settlement ; observing to AVERAGE. [CHAP. xv. multiply the merchandise balance by the number of days for which credit is given. Multiply the difference between the sum of the debit prod- ucts, and the sum of the credit products, by the interest of $1 for 1 day ; the product will be the number of dollars in INTEREST BALANCE, which ivill be in favor of the debit side of account, when the sum of debit products exceeds the sum of credit products ; but in favor of the credit side when the sum of credit products exceeds the sum of debit products. If then, the interest balance be added to, or subtracted from, the merchandise balance, as the case may require, it will give the cash balance. EXAMPLES. 45. Suppose A. has the following account with B. : 1848. Jan. 1. To Merchandise . March 3. " May 10. " June 6. " $200 500 100 300 1100 .950 1848. Jan. 15. By Merchandise March 20. " ** May July Cr. $300 400 200 50 $950 Merchandise balance $150 What is the cash balance of the above account on the 1st of July, 1848, provided each individual is allowed 90 days' time on his purchases, if interest is estimated at 7 per cent. ? NOTE. The interest balance will be found in favor of the credit side ; the merchandise balance is in favor of the debtor's side. 46-47. A. has the following account with B : 1850. March 9. To Merchandise April 4. June 12. July 17. " " Dr. $18-38 56-41 105-03 88-13 $267-95 1850. March 28. By Merchandise July 2. ** " 30. " " Aug. 20. Cr. $60-20 100-00 2C3-40 75-75 499-35 267-95 Merchandise balance $231-40 131.] EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 245 What was the cash balance of the above account, and in whose favor, on the 1st day of October, 1850, provided each individual is allowed 90 days' time on his purchases, interest being 6 per cent. ? What was the cash balance of the above, on the 1st day of January, 1851, the other conditions remaining the same ? 48. Suppose A'.'s account with B. to have been as fol- lows : 1848. Jan. 10. Feb. 25. March 1. To Merchandise Dr. $250-37 113-04 405-59 1848. June 25. July 20. July 28. By Merchandise t; u it tc 769-00 688-52 $80-48 Cr. $37-51 50-98 60003 $688-52 What is the cash balance, and in whose favor, on the 1st of August, 1848, provided 6 months, or 180 days' time is given,' interest being 6 per cent. ? NOTE. In practice, when the cents Jn any of the entries, as in this example, are less than 50, we may, without sensible error, omit them ; but when they are 50, or greater, we may consider them as an ad- ditional dollar. 49-50. A.'s account with B. is as follows 1850. Dr. September 2. To Merchandise, $212-14 25. October 24. Novemb'r21. Decerab'r 24. 405-21 303-60 140-80 28-30 1090-05 916-92 1850. Cr. September 13. By Merchandise, $300 00 October 30. 28. 212-12 404-80 $916-92 Merchandise balance $173-13 What was the cash balance, and in whose favor, of the above account, on the 1st day of January, 1851, if each in- dividual had a credit of 4 months or 120 days, interest being 7 per cent. ? 21*. 246 AVERAGE. [CHAP. xv. What was the cash balance on the 21st day of June, 1851, the other conditions remaining the same ? ALLIGATION MEDIAL. 132. ALLIGATION MEDIAL teaches the method of finding the average or mean value of a compound, when its several ingredients and their respective values are given. A grocer mixes 140 pounds of tea, worth 8s. per pound; 200 pounds, worth 6s. per pound ; and 160 pounds, worth 10s. per pound. What is a pound of the mixture worth ? 140 pounds of tea, at 8s. per pound, are worth 140X8=1120s. , 200 pounds, at 6s., are worth 200X6=1200s. ; 160 pounds, at 10s., are worth 160XlO=1600s. Therefore, the mixture, which is 500 pounds, is worth 1120+1200+1600=3920s. ; and one pound must he worth 3 A 2 o^!^ Hence, to find the mean value of a compound, composed of several ingredients of different values, we have this Divide the sum of the values of all the quantities by the sum of the quantities. EXAMPLES. 51. A wine merchant mixed several sorts of wine, viz: 32 gallons, at 40 cents per gallon ; 15 gallons, at 60 cents per gallon ; 45 gallons, at 48 cents per gallon ; and 8 gal- lons, at 85 cents per gallon. What is the value of a gallon of the mixture ? 52. A farmer mixed together 7 bushels of rye, worth 72 cents per bushel ; 15 bushels of corn, worth 60 cents per bushel; and 12 bushels of wheat, worth $1*20 per bushel. What is the value of a bushel of the mixture ? 53. A goldsmith melts together 11 ounces of gold 23 132.] ALLIGATION MEDIAL. 247 carats fine, 8 ounces 21 carats fine, 10 ounces of pure gold, and 2 pounds of alloy. How many carats fine is the mixture ? NOTE. A carat is a 24th part. Thus, 21 carats fine is the same as |] pure metal. 54. On a certain day, the mercury in the thermometer was observed to stand 2 hours at 62 degrees, 4 hours at 70 degrees, 5 hours at 72 degrees, 3 hours at 59 degrees, and 1 hour at 75 degrees. What was the mean temperature for the 15 hours ? 55. Suppose a ship sail at the rate of 5 knots for 3 hours, at 7 knots for 5 hours, and 8 knots for 4 hours. What is her rate of sailing during the 1 2 hours ? 56. A grocer mixes 30 pounds of sugar, worth 10 cents per pound; 40 pounds, worth 10^ cents per pound; 24 pounds, worth 11 cents per pound; and 60 pounds, worth 13 cents per pound. What is a pound of the mixture worth ? 57. A person bought 4 dozen of eggs, at 18J cents per dozen; 6 dozen, at 21 cents per dozen ; 3 dozen, at 24 cts. per dozen ; 5 J dozen, at 25 cents per dozen. What was the average cost of one dozen ? 58. A flour merchant bought 300 barrels of flour, at $3 '75 per barrel ; 250 barrels, at |3'87i per barrel; 500 barrels, at $3'93-j per barrel. What did the whole average per barrel ? 59. A dairyman made during the first month, 26 cheeses, each weighing 85 pounds; during the second month, he made 25, each weighing 83 pounds ; and during the third month he made 20, each weighing 80 pounds. What was the average weight of his cheese for the 3 months ? 60. A dairyman having 30 cows, finds at a certain milking that 6 give 12 quarts of milk each ; 8 give 10^ quarts each ; 10 give 9j quarts each ; and the others give only 8 quarts What did each cow on an average give ? G 248 AVEKAUE. [CHAP. xv. NOTE. It will be seen that the principle of Equation of Payments and that of Alligation Medial are the same : in the one case, we oper- ate upon debts, and payments, and time ; in the other, upon ingre- dients or quantities and values. ALLIGATION ALTERNATE. 13$. ALLIGATION ALTERNATE is the reverse of Alligation Medial ; that is, it teaches the method of determining the proportional quantities of several ingredients, so that the compound shall have a given value. Suppose we wish to mix teas, which are worth 4 and 6 shillings per pound, so that the mixture may be worth 5 shillings per pound ; it is obvious that we must take equal quantities of each, since the price of the one is as much less than the average price, as the other is greater. Again, suppose we wish to mix teas which are worth 4 and 7 shil- lings per pound, so that the mixture may be worth 5 shillings. In this case the 7 shilling tea is 2 shillings above the average price, whilst the 4 shilling tea is but 1 shilling below. It will be necessary to use twice as much of the 4 shilling tea as of the 7 shilling tea ; and in all cases it is obvious that the quantities to be used will be in the inverse ratio to the differences between their prices and the mean price. When there are more than two simples they may be compared together in couplets, one term of which must obviously exceed the average price, while the other must be less. CASE I. The rates of the several ingredients being given, to make a compound of a fixed rate. RULE. I. Write the rates of the simples in a vertical column. Connect the rate of each ingredient which is less than the rate of the compound, with one or more rates greater than the rale of the compound ; connect in the same icay, each rate 133.] ALLIGATION ALTERNATE. 249 which is greater than the rate of the confound, with one or more rates which are less. II. Write the difference between the rate of each one ingre- dient and the value of the compound, opposite the rate of each other ingredient with which the former is connected. If only one difference stands against any rate, it will be the re- quired quantity of the ingredient of that rate ; but if there be several, their sum will be the quantity required. How much sugar at 5, 6, and 10 cents per pound, must be mixed together, so that a pound of the mixture may be worth 8 cents ? 5 3+2=5 Therefore, if we take 2 pounds at 5 cents, 2 pounds at 6 cents, and 5 pounds at 10 cents, we shall satisfy the conditions of the ques- tion. It is obvious, that any other quantities of the several ingre- dients which are to each other as the numbers 2, 2, and 5, will satisfy the question equally well ; so that in Alligation Alternate the num- ber of solutions are indefinite ; all that we can do is to find the ratios of the quantities required. In many cases the ingredients will admit of being connected in several ways, and then we shall obtain as many sets of ratios as there are methods of connecting them ; for example : How many pounds of raisins at 4, 6, 8, and 10 cents per pound, must be mixed, so that a pound of the compound may be worth 1 cents ? In this question the terms may be connected in seven distinct ways ; therefore, we shall obtain seven sets of ratios, as follows : 250 AVEKAUE. [CHAP. xv. How much tea at 5 shillings, 6 shillings, and 8 shillings per pound, must be mixed, so that the mixture may be worth 7 shillings per pound ? If we compound only the 5 and 8 shilling teas, we must take them in the ratio of 1 to 2, since 7 shillings is 1 shilling less than 8 shillings, and 2 shillings greater than 5 shillings. Hence, any one of the com- pounds in the following group (A) will be worth 7 shillings per pound. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 5 shilling tea 1 2 3 4 5 6, Ac. I ... 8 shilling tea 2 4 6 8 10 12, Ac. | l ' Sums, 3 ; 6 ; 9 ; 12 ; 15 ; 18, Ac. j If we now mix the 6 and 8 shilling teas, we see that it will be ne- cessary to take equal quantities of each, since the average price is to be as much above 6 shillings as it is belov 8 shillings. Hence, the following compound will also be worth 7 shillings per pound. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 6 shilling tea 1 2 3 4 5 6, Ac. 8 shilling tea 1 2 3 4 5 6, Ac. Sums 2 ; 4 ; 6 ; 8 ; 10 ; 12, Ac. J Now, it is obvious, we may combine any one of these last results with any one of the former results. Thus, if we combine (1) of group (A) with (1) of (B), we have Pounds. 5 shilling tea 1 6 " " 1 8 " " 2+1=3 If we combine (1) of (A) with (2) of (B), we have Pounds. 5 shilling tea 1 6 " " 2 8 " " 2+2=4 Combining (2) of (A) with (3) of (B), we have Pounds. 5 shilling tea 2 6 " " 3 8 4+3=7 133.] ALLIGATION ALTERNATE. 251 Combining (5) of (A) with (4) of (B), we have Pounds. 5 shilling tea 5 6 " " 4 8 * " 10-f-4=14 The number of combinations which could be made in this way ia unlimited; hence the above class of questions in Alligation admit of an infinite number of answers. EXAMPLES. 61-66. How much wine, at $1-12 per gallon and 48 cents per gallon, must be mixed together, that the composition may be worth 60 cents per gallon ? 65 cts. ? 72 cts. ? 84 cts.? 91 cts.? $1-02? 67. How many gallons of wine and water must be mixed together, that the mixture may be worth 60 cents per gal- lon, the water being considered of no value, and the wine with which it is mixed being worth 90 cents per gallon? 68-71. Having gold of 12, 16, 17, and 22 carats fine, what proportion of each kind must I take, to make a com- pound of 18 carats fine ? 19 ? 20 ? 21 ? 72-76. How much of each sort of grain, at 56, 62, and 75 cents per bushel, must be taken, so that the mixture may be worth 60 cents per bushel ? 65 cts. ? 68 cts. ? 70 cts. ? 72 cts. ? 77-81, How much tea at 4 shillings, 5 shillings, 6 shillings, and 12 shillings per pound, must be mixed that the mixture may be worth 7 shillings per pound ? 8s. ? 95. ? 105. ? 115. ? CASE II. When one of the ingredients is limited to a certain quantity. A person wishes to mix 10 bushels of wheat, worth $1 per bushel, with rye, worth 70 cents per bushel, and oats, worth 30 cents per 252 AVERAGE. [CHAP. xv. bushel, so that the. mixture may be worth 60 cents per bushel. How many bushels of r\ e and oats must he use ? Proceeding, according to Case I., we find the proportionate numbers to be 30, 30, and 50. Hence, 30 : 30 : : 10 : 10 30 : 50 : : 10 : 16 So that he must make use of 10 bushels of rye and 16 bushels of oats. Hence, this RULE. Find ike proportionate quantities of each ingredient, by Case I., as though there was no limitation ; then, as the dif- ference against the simple whose quantity is given, is to each of the other differences, so is the given quantity of that simple to the quantity required of each of the other simples. EXAMPLES. 82-85. A grocer has 90 pounds of tea, worth 90 cents per pound, which he wishes to mix with three other quali- ties, valued at 80 cents, 70 cents, and 60 cents per pound. How much must he take of these three kinds, so as to be able to sell the mixture at 65 cents per pound ? at 68 cts. ? at 85 cts.? at 8 7 Jets.? 86-91. A merchant has 90 pounds of spice worth 86 cents per pound, which he wishes to mix with three other sorts which are worth 30, 40, and 50 cents per pound, re- spectively. How many pounds must be used so that the compound may be worth 55 cents per pound ? 60 cts. ? 65 cts. ? 70 cts. ? 75 cts. ? 80 cts. ? 92-96. A merchant wishes to mix 100 pounds of sugar, worth 10 cents per pound, with three other kinds worth 9, 8, and 5 cents per pound, respectively. How many pounds must he use so that the compound may be worth 5 J cts. ? 6 cts. ? 6J cts. ? 7 cts. ? 7| cts. ? $134.] INVOLUTION. 253 CHAPTER XVI. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION. INVOLUTION. 134. THE product arising from multiplying a number into itself is called the second power, or the square of that number. Thus, 3x3=9: 9 is the square of 3. If the square of a number be again multiplied by that number, the result is called the third power, or the cube of the number. Thus, 3x3x3 = 27: the number 27 is the cube of 3. The word power denotes the product arising from multi- plying a number into itself a certain number of times ; and the number thus multiplied is called the root. Thus, 9 is the second power of 3, and 3 is the square root of 9. In the same manner 27 is the third power of 3, and 3 is the cube root of 27. Involution is the process of raising a number to a given power. To denote that a number is to be raised to a power, a small figure, called the index or exponent, is placed above and to the right of the number whose power is to be found, as 4 2 . Here the exponent is 2, and denotes the 2d power of 4, or 4x4. So3 3 =3x3, &c. The second power of a number 1 foot=12 inches, is called the square of that num- ber, because the surface of a geo- metrical square may be obtained by multiplying the number, ex- pressing one side, by itself. Thus, j if the side of the adjacent square is 12 linear units, or, as here, 12 inches long, its entire surface will be denoted by 12 X 12=144 square units, which in this case will be 144 square inches. 22 254 INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION. [CHAP. XVI. Tlie third power of a number is 3 feet- called the cube of that number, be- cause the solid contents of a geomet- rical cube, as hi the adjacent figure, can be obtained by raising the num- ber expressing one side, to the 3d power. Thus, 3X3X3=27 cubic feat. To raise a number to any power, multiply the number by itself as many times as there are units less one in the expo- nent; the last product will be the power sought. EXAMPLES. 1-10. Find the square of each of the following numbers : 14; 19; 24; 36; 48; 57; 93; 111; 168; 233. 11-20. Cube each of the following numbers : 13; 18; 23; 35; 44; 56; 91; 148; 336; 221. 21-22. What is the 5th power of 47 ? the 9th power of 9? 23-26. What is the square of 0'75 ? of 1'14 ? of 34'09 ? of 4-781? 27-31. What is the cube of 0'61 ? of 0'13 ? of 0*202 ? of 0-65? of 3-021? 32-36. Find the the square of 2i ; of 3| ; of 4| ; of 7| ; 37-41. Find the cube of 1 ; of J ; 3 T 4 T ; of 5-f ; of 9f . 42-44. What is the 5th power of 2-f- ? the 4th power of 0-25? of 0-375? EVOLUTION. 135. Evolution is the reverse of involution. It is the process of finding the root of a given power. Thus, 6 is the square 'root of 36, because 6 raised to the 2d power, that 136.] EVOLUTION. 255 is, 6 2 =36, is the square of 6. So 4 is the cube root of 64, because 4 raised to the 3d power, that is, 4 3 =64, is the cube root of 4. The symbol V, called the radical sign, is used to denote the square root of a number, as \/Q 3; ** / 36 = 6. The 3d or cube root is denoted by the figure 3 written over the radical sign, \S8 = 2 ; v 64 = 4. In like manner \/ signi- fies the 4th root, &c. 136. Before explaining the method of extracting the SQOARE ROOT, we will involve some numbers by considering them decomposed into units, tens, hundreds, &c. What is the square of 25 ? 25=20 +5 The 2 tens are written as 20 units. 20+5 20 2 +20X5=product by the units in the tens. +20X5+5 2 =product by the units. 20 2 +2 X 20~X 5+5 2 =square of 20+5. That is, the square of a number consisting of tens and units equals the square of the tens (expressed in units), plus twice the product of the tens (expressed in units) into the units, plus the square of the units. What is the square of 252 ? 252=200 +50+2 The 2 hundreds are written as 200 units, and 200 +50+2 the 5 tens as 50 units. 200 2 +200X50+200X2=product by hundreds (expressed in units). 200X50+ 50 3 + 50 X2=product by tens (express- ed in units). +200 X2+50X2+2 2 =product by units. 200 3 +2 X 200 X 50+50 2 +2 X (200+50) X 2+2' That is, the square of a number consisting of hundreds, tens, and units, is equal to the square of the hundreds (expressed in units), plus twice tlie product of the hundreds into the tens (expressed in units), plus the square of the tens (expressed in units), plus twice the product 256 INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION. [CHAP. XVI. of the sum of the hundreds and tens (expressed in units') into the units, plus the square of the units. Continuing in this way, we could show that the square of the sum of any number of numbers is the square of the first number, plus twice the product of the first number into the second, plus the square of the second ; plus twice the product of the sum of the first two into the third, plus the square of the third ; plus twice the product of the sum of the first three into the fourth ; plus the square of the fourth ; and so on. 137. We will now extract the square root of 625. But first let us ascertain how many figures its root must have. The smallest digit is 1 ; its square is 1. The largest digit is 9 ; its square is 81. The square of the units, then, must be either one or two figures ; either units or units and tens. The smallest number of 2 figures is 10 ; its square is 100. The largest number of 2 figures is 99 ; its square is 9801. The square of 2 figures or tens must, then, be 3 figures or hundreds, or 4 figures 01 thousands, X 40X5=600; sq. of units=5 2 =25. Then 4800+600-f 25=5425, the completed divisor. This, multiplied by 5, the quotient figure, gives 27125 : a result showing that our quotient figure was neither too large nor too small. The cube root, then, of 91125 is 45. Before giving a rule for the extraction of cube root, we will illus- trate geometrically the involution and the evolution of a number. Let it be required to cube 45, the number before employed, or suppose we are required to find the number of cubic inches in a cube whose side is 45 Fig. 1. inches. Separating 45 into 40+5, we will suppose the cube (fig. 1) to be 40 inches on a side ; then 40 X 40 X 40 will give the solid contents of this cube, represented by 40 s . 40 3 =40X 40X40 =64000 141.] EVOLUTION. 267 24000 Fig. 3. 3X40=120 X by 5 2 = 25 600 249 Let fig. 2 represent Fig. 2. the cube increased by three equal slabs; then 3 (the number of slabs) times 40 a (the surface of one of the slabs) multiplied by 5, the thickness of a slab, will give the solid contents of the slabs, represented by 3X40 2 X5. Let fig. 3 represent the solid (as in fig. 2), further increased by three equal corner pieces ; then 3 (the number of corner pieces) times 40 (the length of one corner piece) multiplied in- to 5 2 , the surface of an end of a corner piece, will give the solid contents of the corner pieces repre- sented by 3X40X 5 2 . Let fig. 4 represent the solid (as in fig. 3), further increased by a little corner cube, each side of which is 5 inches ; J;hen 5X5X5 will give the solid contents of this cube, represented by 5 3 . Then the whole cube thus increased will be represented by 45 3 = 40 3 +3X4l/ l X5+3X40X5 2 +5 3 =64000+24000+3000+125=91125. 3000 Fig. 4. 268 INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION. [CHAP. XVI. Fig. 1. 142. Let it now be required to find the cube root of 382657176 "We will suppose 382657176 to denote the number of cubic feet in a geometrical cube ; we are required to find the number of linear feet in a side of this cube, that is, the length of one of its sides. 382657176 must give 3 figures for the root. We know that the side of the cube sought must exceed 700 linear feet, since the cube of 700 is 343000000, which is less than 382657176 ; we also know that the side of this cube must be less than 800 linear feet, since the cube of 800 is 512000000, which is greater than 382657176. Hence the first figure of our root, or the figure in the hundreds' place, is 7 ; whose cube, 343, is the greatest cube contained in 382, the first or left-hand period. If we suppose each side of the cube, represented by figure 1, to be 700 linear feet, one of the equal faces, as the upper face DEFG, will be denoted by 700 X 700 = 490000 square feet. The solid contents of the cube will be represented by 700 X 700 X 700 = 700 2 X 700 = 490000 X 700343000000 cubic feet. Sub- tracting 343000000 cubic feet from 382657176 cubic feet, we find 39657176 cubic feet for a remainder. Hence it is necessary to increase the cube (figure 1), by 39657176 cubic feet. We have seen that such increase is effected by the ad- dition of three equal slabs, three equal corner pieces, and an addition- al cube ; and that the contents of the three slabs will make by far the largest portion of the whole increase. The number of square feet in the face of one of these slabs will be the sain j as the 'number of square feet in the face of the cube (figure 1), which has already been shown to be 490000 square feet. The sur- face of the three slabs will be three times 490000 square feet ; or, which would be the same thing, twice 490000 square feet, added to 490000 Fig. 2. 142.] EVOLUTION. 269 square feet.* If to AB (fig. 1), which is 700 linear feet, we add BC, which is also 700 linear feet, we shall have AB+BC equal to 1400 linear feet, which, multiplied by DB, equal to 700 linear feet, will give 980000 square feet, for the area ABDG+BCED, which, added to DEFG, which is 490000 square feet, will give 1470000 square feet, for the area of three faces of the cube (figure 1), which is the same as the area of the three slabs. "Were we to multiply 1470000 by the thickness of the slabs, we should obtain the cubic feet in these slabs. And since the contents of the slabs make nearly the whole amount added, it follows that 1470000 multiplied by the thickness of slabs, will give nearly 39657176 cubic feet. Consequently t rf we divide 39657176 by 1470000, the quotient will give the approximate thickness of the slabs. Using 1470000 as a trial divisor, we find it to be contained between 20 and 30 times in 39657176; hence the second or tens' figure of the root is 2. We have already remarked that 1470000 multiplied by 20, the thickness of the slabs, will give their solid contents. But besides the slabs, there must be added three corner pieces, each of which is 700 feet long, and of the same thickness as the slabs, that is, 20 feet. Since each corner piece is the same length as a side of the cube, fig- ure 1, it follows that adding 700 to 1400 or 700+700, the sum 2100 will represent the total length of the three corner pieces. Were we to multiply 2 100 by 20, we should obtain the area of the three cor- ner pieces, which might be added to 1470000, the area of the three slabs. But, since there is also to be added a little cube, each of whose sides is 20 linear feet, we will add 20 to 2100, and thus ob- tain #120 for the total length of the three corner pieces, and of a * It will be noted that the peculiar steps throughout this demonstration have reference to the mode of extracting the Cube Root which follows. The object of these processes is, to make use of what has been obtained in one ftage of tho work for the stage next succeeding ; to obtain a new quantity by adding to one al- ready in hand, instead of m.-:ftiplyiiiff an original quantity; thereby saving much time and labor. 270 INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION [CHAP. XVI. side of the little cube. Now, multiplying 2120 by 20, we obtain 42400 square feet for the surface of the three corner pieces and a face of the little cube; which, added to 1470000, the number of square feet in the faces of the three slabs, will give 1512400 square feet in all the additions. 'If we multiply 1512400 by 20, the thick- ness of these additions, we shall obtain 30248000 cubic feet for all the additions, which, subtracted from 39657176, leaves 9409176 cubic feet. The cube thus completed is 720 feet on a side, and is repre- sented by figure 4. Figure a. Fig. 4. The surfaces now obtained may be represented (figure a) by the parts included within the heavy lines. The three divisions of the figure, including the dotted lines, may be supposed to be three entire faces of the cube, figure 4. But this cube is to be further increased by 9409176 cubic feet. And as before, the parts added will consist of three equal slabs, three equal corner pieces, and a little cube. The trial divisor, which is the area of the faces of the three slabs, is the same as three times the area of a face of the cube, fig- ure 4, each of whose sides is 720 feet. Now, to obtain this area, we have only to add to the surfaces already obtained, and represented within the heavy lines (figure a), three rectangles, each 700 feet by 20, and two little squares 20 feet by 20 feet. If to 2120, a number which we already have, we add 20, we shall f <7L -f- , 142.] EVOLUTION. 271 obtain 2140, the linear extent of the rectangles and squares desired, as in the dotted portions (figure a). And as these dotted portions have all the same width of 20 feet, if we multiply 2140 by 20, we shall obtain 42800 square feet for the area of the dotted portion (figure a), which, added to 1512400, the area of the parts included within the heavy lines, will give 1555200 square feet for the area of three slabs, each equal to one* face of the cube (figure 4)., This will be a second trial divisor. We find this divisor contained between 6 and 7 times in 9409176 ; hence our third figure of the root, or the figure in the units' place, is 6. "Were we to multiply 1555200 by 6, it would give the cubic feet in the second set of slabs. But before multiplying, we will increase that sum by the surface of the second set of corner pieces, and of the second little cube. The length of each corner piece is the same as a side of the cube, figure 4, which is 720 feet; hence, adding 20 to 2140 already found, we obtain 2160, which, being 3 times 720, will be the linear extent of the three cor- ner pieces. Were we to multiply 2160 by 6, we should find the sur- face of these three corner pieces, but as we wish also the area of one of the faces of the second little cube, we add 6 to 2160, and thus ob- tain 2166, which, multiplied by 6, will give 12996 for surface of sec- ond set of corner pieces and of second little cube ; this added to 1555200, gives 1568196 for the surface of the whole second series of additions. Multiplying 1568196 by 6, we obtain 9409176 cubic feet, which have thus been added to the cube represented by figure 4 ; hence the cube whose side is 726 feet is the one sought. The above work may be arranged as follows : 1ST COLUMN. 2D COLUMN. NUMBER. ROOT. linear feet. Square feet. Cubic feet. Linear feet. 700 490000 382657176(700+20+6=726 1400 1470000=lst tr. divisor, 343000000 2100 1512400 39657176 2120 1555200=2d tr. divisor, 30248000 2140 1568196 9409176 2160 9409176 2166 0~ 272 INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION. [CHAP. XVI. If -we omit the ciphers on the right, and omit unnecessary terms, the work will take the following condensed form : 1ST CQLUMN. 2D COLUMN. NUMBER. ROOT. Linear feet. Square feet. Cubic feet. Linear feet. 7*' 49 382657176( 726 14 147=1 st trial divisor, 346 212 15124 39657 214 15552=2d trial divisor, 30248 2166 1568196 9409176 9409176 NOTE. In the extraction of the cube root, as just illustrated, it will be noticed that each divisor is a geometrical surface ; that is to say, the product of two dimensions, width and breadth, for example ; and of course the quotient must be the other dimension, that is, the thick- But it is important to remember that it is only squares and cubes, square roots and cube roots, that can have any relation to geometrical dimensions ; any higher power of a number, as 4 5 , or any other root as ty, cannot be illustrated by blocks. The principle, therefore, of involution and evolution is, strictly speaking, independent of surfaces and solids ; it is purely arithmetical. From the foregoing demonstration we may deduce the following RULE. I. Separate the number whose root is to be found, into periods of three figures each, counting from the units' place towards the left. When the number of figures is not divisible by 3, the left-hand period will contain less than 3 figures. II. Seek the greatest figure whose cube shall not exceed the first or left-hand period ; write it after the manner of a quo- tient in division for the first figure of the root. Place this figure for the head of a first left-hand column, and its square for the head of a second left-hand column, and subtract its 142] EVOLUTION. 273 cube from the first period. To the remainder bring down a second period for the FIRST DIVIDEND. Add the figure in the root to the term of the IST COLUMN already found, for its next term, which multiply by the same figure, and add the product to the term already found in the 2o COLUMN, for its next term, which will be a TRIAL DIVISOR. (III. Find how many times the trial divisor, with two naughts annexed, is contained in the dividend ; write the quo- tient for the next figure of the root. Annex this figure to the last term of the IST COLUMN, after having added to that term the preceding quotient figure ; this ivill give the next term of the IST COLUMN. Multiply this term by the last found fig- ure in the root, and add the product, after advancing it two places to the right, to the last term of the 2o COLUMN, for its next term. Multiply this term by the last found figure of the root, and subtract the product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a NEW DIVI- DEND. Proceed as before until all the periods have been brought down. NOTE 1. When any dividend is not so great as the corresponding trial divisor with two ciphers annexed, write for the next figure of the root, and to the dividend bring down the next period. Use the same trial divisor as before, but with/owr ciphers annexed. NOTE 2. The trial divisor, being less than the true divisor, will sometimes give too large a quotient figure ; when the multiplication of the true divisor by this figure shows such to be the case, this figure must be made smaller. NOTE 3. By the above rule, which is different from the rule usu- ally given by the aid of geometrical diagrams, we keep distinct all the geometrical magnitudes ; thus our first column represents the nu- merical values of lines, the second column represents the numerical values of surfaces, and the third column corresponds to solids. And, ;is vre are never required to multiply by any number greater than a 274 INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION. [(JIIAP. XVI. digit, the labor of multiplying and adding results to the terms of the successive columns is far simpler than at first might be supposed. By means of these auxiliary columns, the -work bears a close analo- gy to Horner's method of solving numerical cubic equations. (See Treatise on Algebra.) The use of auxiliary columns becomes very apparent in the extraction of roots of the higher orders, as the fifth root, the seventh root, .??/???, of the two parallel sides by the attitude. 288 MENSURATION. [CHAP. XVIII. NOTE. This rule has a fine application in measuring a tapering board, as ABCD. In this case half the sum of the parallel sides, AD and BC, is found by measuring the width GH at the middle of the board. This average width GH being multiplied by the length EF, will give its area. EXAMPLES. 11. If the parallel sides of a trapezoidal garden are re- spectively 4 and 6 rods; and the perpendicular distance between these sides is 8 rods, how many square rods in the garden ? 12. How many square feet in a tapering board 16 feet long, measuring 15 inches wide at one end, and 10 inches at the other ? PROBLEM Y. The diameter of a circle being given, to find its circumference. If the diameter of a circle is taken as a unit, the circumference will be 3*1415926, nearly. The exact value of the ratio of the circumfer- ence to the diameter has never been found. Its approximate value has been extended to more than 200 places of decimals. (Geometry, B. V., Prop. XIII, Scholium.) Hence, when the diameter of a circle is known, to find its circum- ference, Multiply the diameter by 3*1416. EXAMPLES. 13. What is the circumference of the earth, on the sup- position that it is 8000 miles in diameter ? 14. Suppose a cart wheel be 4ft. 9m. in diameter, over what distance would it pass in making 8 revolutions ? 146.] MENSURATION. 289 15. The hoop you drive is 3ft. Win. in diameter. How many times will it revolve in being trundled to school, half 'a mile distant ? PROBLEM VI. To find the area of a circle, when its diam- eter is known. RULE. Multiply the circumference by one-fourth of the diameter. Or, what is equivalent, multiply the square of the diameter by 0-7854 = J o/3'1416. (Geometry, B. V., Prop. XI.) NOTE. If a circle be inscribed in a square, its area will be to the area of the square as 0-7854 is to 1. EXAMPLES. 16. How many acres in a circle one mile in diameter ? NOTE. In a square mile there are 640 acres. 17. Which is the greater area, a circle 5 feet in diameter, or the sum of the areas of two other circles, the one being 4 feet in diameter and the other 3 feet ? From the preceding rule we may deduce a simple method of rinding the area comprised between the circumferences, of two concentric circles, which area is the difference between two circles. The area of the circle whose di- ameter is AB, is found by multiply- ing its square by 0'7854. And the circle whose diameter is DE, is found by multiplying the square of 25 MENSUJRATIOX. [CHAP XVIII. this diameter by 0'7854. Hence, the difference of these areas is equal to the difference of the squares of the diameters multiplied by 0-7854. PROBLEM VII. To find the volume of a prism, or of a. cylinder. RULE. Multiply the area of tho base by the altitude. (Geometry, B. VII., Prop. XI.) EXAMPLES. , 1 8. How many cubic feet in a rectangular stick of timber 10 inches by 12 inches, and 36 feet long ? 19. In a cylindrical log 14 feet long, and 14 inches in diameter, how many cubic feet ? 20. How many cubic inches hi a round bar of iron 20 feet long, and J of an inch in diameter ? PROBLEM VIII. To find the volume of a pyramid, or of a cone. RULE. Multiply the area of the base by one-third the altitude. (Geometry, B. VII., Prop. XVII. ; and B. VIII., Prop. V.) EXAMPLES. 21. The Egyptian pyramid Cheops covers a square of 763|- feet on a side, and is 480 feet perpendicular height. How many cubic feet does it contain ? 22. Suppose the mast of a ship to be a regular cone 87 feet long, and 2 feet in diameter at its base, how many <*ubic feet will it contain ? 146.] MENSURATION. 291 PROBLEM IX. To find the surface of a sphere, when its diameter is given. RULE. Multiply the square of the diameter by 3 '141 6. (Geome- try, B. VIII., Prop. XIII., Schol.) EXAMPLES, 23. How many square miles on the surface of the earth, on the supposition that it is an exact sphere of 8000 miles in diameter ? NOTE. In order to obtain a value true to a unit, we must use, for our multiplier, 3-14159265, instead of 3-1416. 24. How many superficial inches has a ball 6 inches in diameter? PROBLEM X. To find the volume of a sphere, when its diameter is given. RULE. Multiply the cube of the diameter by 0'5236, which is ^ of 3-1416. (Geometry, B. VIII., Prop. XIII., Schol.) EXAMPLES. 25. How many cubic inches in a ball 6 inches in diameter ? NOTE. Compare the number of superficial inches and of cubic inches in a sphere 6 inches in diameter. 26. How many cubic inches in a ball of the celebrated Stockton gun, the diameter of which is 12 inches? 292 MENSURATION. [CHAP. XVIIL The following table of multipliers will be found very convenient for solving nearly all problems which can arise in mensuration of cir- cles and spheres. TABLE OF MULTIPLIERS. 1. Radius of a circle X 6-28318531 = Circumference. 2. Square of the radius of a circle X 3-14159265 = Area. 3. Diameter of a circle X 3-14159265 = Circumference. 4. Square of the diameter of a circle X 0-78539816 = Area. 5. Circumference of a circle X 0-15915494 = Radius. 6. Circumference of a circle X 0-31830989 = Diameter. 7. Square root of area of a circle X 0-56418958 = Radius. 8. Square root of area of a circle X 1*12837917 = Diameter 9. Radius of circle X 1'73205081 = Side of inscribed equilateral triangle. 10. Side of inscribed equilateral triangle X 0-57735027 = Radius of circle. 11. Radius of a circle X 1-41421356 = Side of inscribed square. 12. Side of inscribed square X 70710678 = Radius. 13. Square of radius of a sphere X 12-56637061 = Surface. 14. Cube of radius of a sphere X 4-18879020 = Volume. 15. Square of diameter of a sphere X 3-14159265= Surface. 16. Cube of diameter of a sphere X 0-52359878 = Volume. 17. Square of circumference of a sphere X 0-31830989 = Surface. 18. Cube of circumference of a sphere X 0-01688686= Volume. 19. Square root of surface of a sphere X 0-28209479 = Radius. 20. Square root of surface of a sphere X 0-56418958= Diameter. 21. Square root of surface of a sphere X 1 '77245385 = Circumference. 22. Cube root of volume of a sphere X 0-62035049 = Radius. 23. Cube root of volume of a sphere X 1-24070098 = Diameter. 24. Cube root of volume of a sphere X 3-89777707 = Circumference. 25. Radius of a sphere X 1-15470054 = Side of inscribed cube. 26. Side of inscribed cube X 0-86602540 = Radius. PROBLEM XI. To find the volume of a frustum of a pyr- amid, or of a cone. RULE. .Find a mean proportional between the area of the two bases, to which add the sum of the bases, and multiply the result by one-third the altitude of the frustum. Suppose a cistern in the form, of a frustum of a cone to 146.] MENSURATION. 293 be 9 feet deep, having for diameters 10 feet and 6 feet. How many cubic feet will it contain ? 10 2 XO-7854=100XO-7854=area of one base. 6 2 XO-7854= 36X0-7854= " other" 60XO'7854=mean proportion between bases. 196XO-7854=sum. And 196XO-7854X of 9=461-8152 cubic feet for its volume. EXAMPLES. 2*7. Suppose a measure to be in the form of a frustum of a regular cone. If its top diameter is 6 inches, and the bot- tom diameter 9 inches, and it is 12 inches deep, how many cubic inches will it contain ? and how many beer gallons of 282 cubic inches each ? 28. There is a stick of timber in the form of the frustum of a regular pyramid, which is 30 feet long, and 30 inches square at one end and 13 inches square at the other. How many cubic feet does it contain ? PROBLEM XII. To find the area of an ellipse. NOTE. A line drawn through the centre of an ellipse is called ^___ its diameter. The longest diam- eter is called the transverse diam- eter ; the shortest is called the conjugate diameter. Thus AB is the transverse diameter, and CD is the conjugate diameter. The area of an ellipse may be found by this RULE. Multiply the product of the transverse and conjugate di- ameters by 0'7854. 25* PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. [CHAP. XVIII. EXAMPLES. 29. How many square feet in the surface of an elliptical pond, whose transverse diameter is 100 feet, and conjugate diameter 60 feet ? 30. How many square inches in an elliptical table whose transverse diameter is 5 feet 3 inches, and conjugate diam- eter 3 feet 6 inches ? And how many square feet ? NOTE 1. If an ellipse be inscribed in a rectangle, its area will be to the area of the rectangle as 0*7854 is to 1. NOTE 2. We also infer that, if a circle be inscribed in an. ellipse, and another circle be circumscribed about the same ellipse, the ellipse is a mean proportional between the areas of the two circles; that is, we shall have, area of inscribed circle is to the area of ellipse, as area of el- lipse is to the area of circumscribed circle. PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. 147. 31. Suppose I purchase $1200 worth of goods, J of which is on a credit of 3 months, J on a credit of 6 months, and the remaining ^ on a credit of 9 months. How much ready money ought to pay the purchase, inter- est being 7 per cent. ? 32. In the above example, by the principles of equation 14:7.] PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. 295 of payments, how much credit ought I to have on the whole sum of $1200? 33. Now, what is the present worth of $1200 due at the end of 6 months, interest being 7 per cent. ? 34. I employed A. and B. to ditch my meadow. A. was to receive 87 -J cents per rod, and B. was to have 112 J cents per rod ; each wrought until his wages amounted to $50. What was the amount of ditch dug by both ? 35. Three merchants, A., B., and C., enter into partner- ship. A. advances $1200, B. $800, and C. $600. A. leaves his money 8 months, B. 10 months, and C. 14 months in the business. They gain $500. What is the share of each ? 36. A. and B. have the same income : A. saves of his, but 3., by spending $120 per annum more than A., at the end of 10 years finds himself $200 in debt. What was the income ? 37. Suppose a book to contain 365 pages, averaging 40 lines of 10 words each on each page. How many words would the book contain ? 38. There are 31173 verses in the Bible. How many days will it require to read it through, if 30 verses are read daily ? 39. After expending i of my money, and -J- of the re- mainder, I had remaining $72. How much had I at first ? 40. If I sell cloth at $1'50 per yard, and gain 25 per cent., how ought I to have sold it so as to lose 20 percent. ? 41. Sold cloth at $T50 per yard, and gained 25 per cent. What should I have lost per cent., if I had sold it at $0'96 per yard ? 42. If I buy cloth at $1'20 per yard, how must I sell it so as to gain 25 per cent. ? 43. A merchant has to make the following payments 296 PKOMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. [CHAP. XVIH. at three different periods: $2832 in 3 months, $2560 in 9 months, and $1450 in 16 months. The creditor wishes to receive the whole sum of $6842 at once. When ought the payment to be made ? 44. A father gives to his five sons $1000, which they are to divide according to their ages, so that each elder son shall receive $20 more than his next younger brother. What is the share of the youngest ? 45. A company of 90 persons consists of men, women, and children. The men are 4 in number more than the wo- men, the children 10 more than the adults. How many men, women, and children are there in the company ? 46. The common-school fund for the State of New York was $1975093-15 in 1843, and during the same year there were in the State 677995 children between the ages of 5 and 16 years. How much would the above fund amount to per child ? 47. Two persons, A. and B., being on opposite sides of a fish-pond, which is 536 feet in circumference, begin to walk around it at the same time, both in the same way : A. goes at the rate of 31 yards per minute, and B. at the rate of 34 yards per minute. In what time will B. overtake A. ? And how far will A. have walked ? 48. How much money which is 23 per cent, below par will pay a debt of $450 ? 49. A., B., and C. commence trade with $3053'25, and gain $610*65. A.'s stock, together with B.'s, is to the sum of A.'s and C.'s stock as 5 to 7 ; and C.'s stock, diminished by B.'s, is to C.'s increased by B.'s as 1 to 7. What was each one's part of the gain ? 50. A., on preparing for a voyage to California, purchased of B. specie-dollars, at a premium of 3 per cent., to be paid in 1 8 months, with interest at 5 per cent, per annum, which 147.] PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. 297 was to be added into the note. The amount of the note was $22145. How many specie-dollars did he receive ? 51. Sold goods to the amount of $3000, one half to be paid in 3 months, the other half in 6 months. How much ought to be discounted for ready money, when money is worth 7 per cent, per annum ? 52. The Falls of Niagara have receded nearly 50 yards within the last 40 years. How long, at this rate, has it ta- ken them to recede from Queenstown, 7 miles below their present site ? 53. It is found that the diameter of every circle is to its circumference very nearly in the ratio of 113 to 355. What, then, is the earth's circumference, its diameter being 7912 miles? 54. How many men must be employed to perform in 26 days what 60 men could do in 39 days ? 55. If 72 sheep can graze in a field 36 days, how long might 144 sheep graze equally well? 56. If a locomotive pass from Albany to Schenectady, a distance of 17 miles, in 45 minutes, what time will it re- quire, at the same rate, to go from Schenectady to Utica, a distance of 78 miles ? 57. If A. and B., with C. working half time, can build a wall in 21 days ; B. and C., with D. working half time, in 24 days ; C. and D., with A. working half time, in 28 days ; D. and A., with B. working half time, in 32 days ; in what time would it be built by all together, and by each alone ? 58. One- third of a quantity of flour being sold to gain a certain rate per cent., one-fourth to gain twice as much per cent., and the remainder to gain three times as much per cent. ; it is required to determine the gain per cent, on each part, the gain upon the whole being 20 per cent. 59. A servant draws off one gallon each day, for 5 298 PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. [CHAP XVIII. days, from a cask containing 10 gallons of wine, each time supplying the deficiency by the addition of a gallon of wa- ter ; and then, to escape detection, he again draws off 5 gallons, each time supplying the deficiency by a gallon of wine. It is required to find how much water still remains in the cask. 60. Find the four smallest numbers, such that when each is divided successively by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, the remainders shall in each case be 1. 61. Find the four smallest numbers, such that when each is divided by 2 the remainders shall be 1 ; when di- vided by 3, the remainders shall be 2 ; when divided by 4, the remainders shall be 3 ; and so on, until divided by 9, when the remainders shall be 8. In each case the remain- der being 1 less than the divisor. 62. If 750 men require 22500 rations of bread for a month, how many rations will a garrison of 1200 men re- quire for the same time ? 63. How many yards of paper that is ,30 inches wide will hang a room that is 20 yards in circuit, and 9 feet high ? 64. There is a ladder with a hundred steps : on the first step is seated 1 pigeon ; on the second 2 ; on the third 3 ; and so on, increasing by one for each step. How many pigeons were seated on the ladder ? 65. If 9 porters drink in 8 days 12 casks of wine, how many casks will serve 24 porters for 30 days ? 66. If 3 pounds of tea be worth 4 pounds of coffee, and 6 pounds of coffee be worth 20 pounds of sugar, how many pounds of sugar may be had for 9 pounds of tea ? 67. If 48 feet of Cremona equal 56 English feet, 3 9 '3 71 English inches equal one metre of France, how many Cre- mona feet is the French metre ? 68. If a certain number of men can throw up an intrench- 14:7.] PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. 299 ment in 10 days, when they work 6 hours per day, in what time would they do it if they work 8 hours per day ? 69. If 12 men reap a field of wheat in 3 days, in what time can the same work be done by 25 men ? 70. A ship's crew of 300 men were so supplied with provisions for 12 months, that each man was allowed 30 ounces per day ; but after sailing 6 months, they find that it will take 9 months more to finish their voyage, and 50 of the crew have been lost. Required the daily allowance of each man for the last 9 months. 71. A., B., and C. are to share $1000 in the ratio of the numbers 3, 4, and 5 ; but C. dying, it is required to divide the whole sum equitably between A. and B. 72. The expense of repairing a school-house to the amount of $600 is paid by three individuals, A., B., and C., in the ratio of their nearness to it. What did each pay, if we suppose A. lived 1 mile distant, B. 2 miles, and C. 3 miles ? 73. A merchant bought a piece of cloth for 240 dollars, and sold a portion, exceeding three-fourths of the whole by 2 yards, at a profit of 25 per cent. He afterwards sold the remainder at such a price as to clear 60 per cent, by the whole transaction ; and had he sold the whole quantity at the latter price he would have gained 175 per cent. How many yards were there in the piece ? 74. The whole number of volumes in the common-school libraries of New York, in 1843, was 874865. What would be their value at 37 J cents per volume ? 75. The whole number of children taught in New York during the year 1843, was 657782, and the whole number of schools was 10860. How many scholars on an average, would each school consist of ? 76. Suppose the Erie Canal to be 60 feet wide, and 6 300 PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. [CHAP. XVHI. feet deep, how many miles in length will it require to make one cubic mile of water ? 77. A person owning of a copper-mine, sells f of his interest in it for $1800. What, at this rate, is the value of the whole ? 78. Suppose I buy a certain lot of oranges at 3 cents a piece, and as many more at 5 cents a piece, and sell them at 4 cents a piece ; do I gain or lose by the operation ? 79. Suppose I buy a certain number of oranges at 3 for one cent, and as many more at 5 for one cent, and sell them at 4 for one cent ; do I gain or lose by the operation ? 80. Suppose I expend a certain sum of money for oranges at J of a cent a piece, and another equal sum for another lot of oranges at -J of a cent a piece, and sell them at ^ of a cent a piece, do I gain or lose by the operation ? 81. Suppose I expend a certain sum of money for oranges at 3 cents a piece, and another equal sum for another lot at 5 cents a piece ; how much do I gain on each cent ex- pended, if I sell them at 4 cents a piece ? 82. If A. can do a piece of work in 3 days, B. in 4 days, and C. in 5 days, how many times longer will it take B. to do it alone, than it will take A. and C. together to do it ? 83. If A. can accomplish a piece of work in J of a day, B. in 1 of a day, and C. in J of a day, how many times longer will it take B. to do it alone, than it will take A. and C. together to do it ? 84. What is the shortest piece of cloth which shall be at the same time an even number of yards, an even number of Ells Flemish, an even number of Ells English, and an even number of Ells French ? 85. A man died, leaving $1000, to be divided between his two sons, one 14 and the other 18 years of age, in such a proportion, that the share of each being put to in- $ 147.] PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. 301 terest at 6 per cent., should amount to the same sum when they should arrive at the age of 21. What did each one receive ? 86. Divide $100 between A., B., and C., so that B. may have $3 more than A., and C. $4 more than B. How much must each one have ? 87. A. can do a piece of work in 4 days, and B. can do the same in 3 days. How long would it take both together to do it ? 88. A person wishes to dispose of his horse by lottery. If he sells the tickets at $2 each, he will lose $30 on his 'horse ; but if he sells them at $3 each, he will receive $30 more than his horse cost him. What is the value of the horse, and the number of tickets ? 89. Thomas sold 150 pine -apples at 33 J cents a piece, and received the same amount of money that Henry did for watermelons at 25 cents a piece. How much money did each receive, and how many melons did Henry sell ? 90. A man bought apples at 5 cents a dozen, half of which he exchanged for pears, at the rate of 8 apples for 5 pears ; he then sold all his apples and pears at a cent a piece, and thus gained 19 cents. How many apples did he buy, and how much did they cost ? 91. A person expended $23*40 for eggs. With one- half of his money he purchased a lot at 13 cents per dozen ; with the other half of his money he purchased another lot at 9 cents per dozen. He afterwards sold them all to- gether at 11 cents per dozen. Did he gain or lose by the operation ? 92. Divide $1200 between A. and B., so that A.'s share may be to B.'s as 2 to 7. 93. A gentleman spends ^ of his yearly income for board and lodging, f of the remainder for clothes, and f of 26 302 PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. [CHAP. XVIIL the residue he bestows for charitable purposes, and saves 8100 yearly. What is his income ? 94. If I buy an article for $4, and sell it for $5, how much per cent, do I gain ? 95. If I give $5 for an article, and sell it for $4,, how much per cent, do I lose ? 96. What is the interest of $175 for 3 months, at 6 per cent. ? 97. How many yards of Brussels carpeting, which is J of a yard wide, will it require to cover a floor 18 feet by 20 feet? 98. Admitting the velocity of a cannon-ball to be 1600 feet per second, what time, at this velocity, would it require to move 95 millions of miles, which is the distance from the earth, to the sun, counting 365J days to the year. 99. The Winchester bushel measure is of a cylindric form, 8 inches deep, and 18^ inches in diameter, containing 2150f cubic inches. What must be the size of a cubical box which shall contain the same quantity ? 100. The clocks of Italy go on to 24 hours ; then how many strokes do they strike in one revolution of the index ? 101. There is an island 20 miles in circumference, and three men, A., B., and C., start from the same point, and travel the same way around it ; A. goes 3 miles per hour, B. goes 7 miles per hour, and C. goes 11 miles per hour. In what time will they all be together ? 102. What is the discount of $175 for 3 months, at 6 per cent. ? 103. If a ship and its cargo are worth $30000, and the cargo is worth 5 times as much as the ship, what is the value of the cargo ? 104. What is the difference between six and one half times 7, and seven and one half times 6 ? 147.] PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. 303 105. Three persons, A., B., and C., form a partnership : A. furnishes $1000, B. $600, and C. $450; at the end of 6 months, C. withdraws his capital, but no dividend is made until the end of the year, when it is found that the firm has gained $244*16. How is this gain to be divided be- tween the partners ? 106. Three persons, A., B., and C., engage to build a certain piece of wall for $244*16. While A. can build 10 rods, B. can build but 6, and C. but 4^. When the wall is half completed, C. ceases to labor upon it, and A. and B. finish it. What part of the $244-16 ought each to re- ceive ? 107. A. and B. together can build a wall in 4 days, A. and C. can together build it in 5 days, B. and C. can to- gether build it in 6 days. What time would it require for all together to accomplish it ? 108. A note of $10000 given January 1st, 1840, has re- ceived the following indorsements : January 1st, 1841, in- dorsed $2952-28; January 1st, 1842, indorsed $2952'28; January 1st, 1843, indorsed $2952 -28. How much re- mained due January 1st, 1844, interest being computed at 7 per cent. ? 109. Two hunters, A. and B., kill a deer, whose weight they are desirous of knowing. For this purpose they rest a stick across the limb of a tree ; then suspending the deer at the shorter extremity, they find that its weight is just counterpoised by the" weight of A., who suspends himself by his hands at the other extremity. Without changing the point of support of the stick, they take the deer from the shorter extremity, and suspend it at the longer extrem- ity of the stick, when it was found to be exactly balanced by B.'s weight, when suspended to the shorter extremity of the stick. Now, supposing A. to weigh 147 pounds, and 304: PROMISCUOUS QUESTIONS. [CHAP. XVIII. B. to weigh 192 pounds, what must have been the weight of the deer ? NOTE. By the principle of the lever, when different weights at its extremities balance each other, they are to each other inversely as the lengths of the arras to which they are attached. Hence, in the first experiment, we know that the weight of A. is to the deer's weight, as the shorter arm is to the longer arm. In the second ex- periment, the deer's weight is to B.'s weight, as the shorter arm is to the longer arm. Consequently, A.'s weight is to the deer's weight as the deer's weight is to B.'s weight. APPENDIX. CHAPTER I. 1. WHAT is a unit ? What is a number ? Give an instance of a number. What is an abstract number ? If a number be not abstract, what is it ? What is the difference between an abstract and a denominate number ? Give examples of each kind. What does denominate mean ? If I say there are 365 days in a year, what kind of a number do I make use of? Why? How will you use the number 365 to make it an abstract number ? $ 2. Of what does Arithmetic treat ? What is it as a science ? As an art ? How many methods of expressing numbers are there ? What are the different methods ? CHAPTER II. 3. What is Notation ? What is Roman Notation ? What letters stand for 3 ? for 8 ? for 10 ? for 16 ? for 52 ? for 70 ? &c., &c. What effect has a letter of less value when placed before a letter of greater value ? when placed after ? What ef- fect has the repeating of a letter ? What effect the horizontal line over a letter ? For what are Roman letters used ? What is the origin of the character I? V? X? L? C? D? Show this upon your slates. Write the present year of the Christian era on your slates. 5 4. Wherein does Arabic differ from Roman notation ? Write on the board in backward order the Arabic characters. Write 3 digits and 2 naughts. What do you mean by a digit ? What does the word significant mean ? 26* 306 APPENDIX. [CHAP. n. $ 5. How many values have figures ? What do they always represent ? What connection have their units with their values ? What is meant by a simple value ? Explain the local value of a figure. Write upon the board a number of 4 figures, and illus- trate what is meant by first place, second place, &c. ; first order, second order, &c. Does " place" apply to figures, or to the units which they represent ? To which does " order" apply ? What does the first order of units represent ? the fourth ? the third ? the second ? What property pertaining to figures in a number is inferred from the illustration given ? What property pertains to figures with respect to the figure at its left hand ? \ 6. Illustrate the value of the in the following number, three thousand and three. Illustrate the value of the at the right of a number ; also, the effect of cutting off a from the right of a number ; two 00, three 000. What does the represent, and what is its office ? \ \ 7. 8. How do you write a number that contains but 4 places ? How will you write a number containing three denom- inations of figures ? What is the difference between " places" and " denominations ?" Suggest a number containing 5 denom- inations. Express it in figures. What is meant by " periods ?" What is the difference between " periods," " denominations," and " places ?" In expressing numbers by figures, what particular mistake will you be likely to make, against which the text cau- tions you ? Must the left-hand period always be full ? Why ? What is meant by a period's being full ? What is the service of the in notation ? Recite the first 10 periods, beginning with units. Which system of notation have you been using ? How does it differ from the other system ? and what is the name of that other ? \ 9. Wherein do Notation and Numeration differ ? What is necessary in order to read large numbers with facility ? Write a number of 27 figures on the board and read it, and explain its di- visions or groups. Give a rule in your own language for the reading of numbers. CHAP. II.] APPENDIX. 307 ANSWERS. 3. (1-5.) XVII; XLII; XXVI; XCV1II ; CIII. (6-11.) LXXXII; LVII; LXXIX ; CCCCXXX ; DCLXXX ; MMVII. (12-14.) CCC; DCCCCLX ; M. (15.) XLI. (16.) CLXVI. (17-28.) Twenty-six ; one hundred and for- ty-four ; ninety-eight ; one thousand three hundred and twelve ; one thousand eight hundred and fifty ; one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two ; five hundred thousand ; five hundred and two thousand seven hundred and seventy ; one million ; one million and ninety-four ; one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight ; one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five. 7. (29-43.) 20 ; 37 ; 98 ; 337 ; 407 ; 2437 ; 6407 ; 8007 ; 9027; 4006; 3000; 1001; 1100; 101; 1101. 8. (44-49.) 27300; 940200; 36456; 501000; 98000; 11000. (50-53.) 46930659 ; 307802509 ; 981000700 ; 10010010. (54-57.) 96048073098 ; 807000000006 ; 90000004010 ; 800006000007. (58-62.) 48000000000000 ; 609000000000000 ; 980004000000007; 3000000000002; 9000000002000. (63-68.) 36000000000000000000098 ; 4008000000005094 ; 35000098000000063 ; 900700590 ; 86000000000000005000000- 000; 900000046000. 9. (69-75.) Six hundred and seventy-eight thousand two hundred and ten ; five millions, four hundred and ninety-three thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight ; four hundred and fifty- six millions, three hundred and twenty-one thousand, nine hun- dred and eighty ; seven hundred and seventy-nine millions, one hundred and forty-six thousand and five ; forty-two trillions, five hundred and sixty-seven billions, one hundred and twenty-three thousand, nine hundred and one ; three hundred and twenty-seven millions, nine hundred and eighty thousand and sixty ; thirty-two quadrillions, nine hundred and eighty-seven trillions, six hundred and fifty-four billions, three hundred millions, and ninety-eight. (76-8O.) Five hundred and sixty-three billions, four hundred and 308 APPENDIX. [CHAP. in. twenty-eight millions, six hundred and seventy thousand and nine ; three hundred and fifty -eight millions, nine hundred and twenty- thousand, seven hundred and sixty-one : nine hundred and eighty- seven millions, six hundred and seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred and thircy-two ; four quadrillions, five hundred and sixty trillions, seven billions, nine hundred and eighty millions, five hundred and forty thousand and sixty-eight ; thirty-three quintil- lions, four hundred and ninety-two quadrillions, six hundred and seventy-seven trillions, five billions, three hundred and sixteen millions, eight hundred and ninety-six thousand, three hundred and twenty-one. (81.) Twenty trillions. (2.) Two hundred and thirty-six thousand, eight hundred and forty-seven. (3.) Thirty-six millions, eight hundred and fourteen thousand, seven hundred and twenty-one. (4.) Sixty-eight millions, seven hun- dred and ninety-one thousand, seven hundred and fifty-two. (85.) One hundred and forty-four millions, nine hundred and seven thousand, six hundred and thirty. (86.) Four hundred and ninety-four millions, four hundred and ninety-nine thousand, one hundred and eight. (87.) Eight hundred and eighty-three thousand, two hundred and forty-six. (88.) Two millions, seven hundred and seventy-four thousand, seven hundred and ninety- nine. (89.) Two trillions, four hundred and fifty billions, eight hundred and thirty millions, two hundred and forty-one thousand, two hundred and eight. (9O.) Three hundred and sixty quad- rillions, seven hundred and eighty-one trillions, one billion, two hundred and four millions, three hundred and ninety-eight thou- sand, two hundred and ninety-nine. (91.) Seventy-three mil- lions, three hundred and seventy-six thousand, two hundred and ninety. (92.) Five hundred and sixty-one millions, seven hun- dred and seven thousand and forty-six. CHAPTER III. 10. What do you mean by Addition ? Add 4 books to 3 slates. What is the one resulting number ? Reasons ? What is this number called ? Write an expression on the board illus- CHAP. III.] APPENDIX. 309 trating the sign plus, and the sign of equality. What is meant by numbers being of the same kind or denomination ? $ 11. In setting down figures for addition, why must those of the same kind fall in the same column ? Give an example of fig- ures of different kinds. Write out an example of 3 numbers of 4 figures each, where the sum of each column shall be less than 10 ; add and explain. 12. Set down 6 numbers of 7 figures each ; add and explain. Give the rule for addition. Why must you commence at the right hand to add ? On what principle must you set down the right-hand figure of the sum under the column added ? Why carry the left-hand figure to the next column ? What directions does the note give you as to the mode of adding ? What is the proof of addition ? ANSWERS. $11. (1.) 9999. (2.) 6556. (3.) 9398. (4.) 9679. (5.) 5659. (6.) 99968. f7.) 5539599. $ 12. (8.) 125010. (9.) 177170559. (1O.) 249770691. (11.) 49448176659. (12.) 23650434530. (13.) 106014335610. (14.) 220957988780. (15.) 37185329. (16.) 65285936. (17.) 157846611. (18.) 3308489. (19.) 5189375. (2O.) 5186750. (21.) 1904798. (22.) 33577. (23.) 9364. (24.) 365 days. (25.) 6278 bricks. (26.) 247031 barrels. (27.) 547131 hogsheads. (28.) 6856886 bales. (29.) 11119695 bushels. (3O.) 30736135 dollars. (31.) 73376290 pounds. (32.) 561707046 pounds. (33.) 7497567 acres. (34.) 15028015 dollars. (35.) 8108797 dollars. (36.) 993095817 inhabitants. (37.) 50150009 square miles. (38.) 70995 individuals. (39-42.) 61630939 pounds; 117274121 pounds; 84148377 pounds; 263053437 pounds. (43-46.) 17581225 dollars; 34807174 dollars; 21993877 dollars; 74382276 dollars. (47-5O.) 252971606 pounds; 746063693 pounds; 670907293 pounds; 1669942592 pounds. (51-54.) 27415498 dollars; 310 APPENDIX. [CHAP. rv. 68457397 dollars; 46464775 dollars; 142337670 dollars. (55-58.) 142337670 dollars; 1669942592 pounds; 74382276 dollars ; 263053437 pounds. CHAPTER IV. $ $ 13, 14, 15, 10. What is meant by Subtraction ? of the numbers 6 and 8, one requiring to be subtracted from the other ; which is the minuend ? Why ? What is the other called ? Why ? What is there peculiar in the termination of these words ? After subtracting, what is the result called ? Why ? Write an expression on the board illustrating the symbols plus, minus, and equality. Write an example, r.herein each figure of the subtra- hend shall be less than its corresponding figure of the minuend ; subtract and explain. Write an example, wherein figures of the subtrahend are larger than corresponding figures of the minuend ; subtract and explain. Give the rule and the reason for every statement in it. How do you prove your work in subtraction ? ANSWERS. $13. (1-12.) 2; 9; 4; 6; 10; 17; 5; 8; 7; 11; 16; 14. (13-25.) 2; 4; 6; 16; 14; 13; 10 ; 12; 15 ; 7 ; 3 ; 5 ; 8. (26-39.) 2 ; 5 ; 8 ; 11 ; 14 ; 3 ; 6 ; 9 ; 12 ; 15 ; 4 ;- 7 ; 10; 13. (40-52.) 2 ; 5 ; 8 ; 11 ; 14 ; 3 ; 6 ; 9 ; 12 ; 4 ; 7 ; 10; 13. (53-64.) 2 ; 5 ; 8 ; 11 ; 3 ; 6; 9 ; 12 ; 4 ; 7 ; 10 ; 13. (65-75.) 2; 5; 8; 11; 3; 6; 9; 12; 4; 7; 10. (76-85.) 2 ; 5 ; 8 ; 11 ; 3 ; 6 ; 9 ; 4 ; 1 ; 10. 14. (6.) 201. (7.) 2211. (8.) 10154. (89.) 150110. (9O.) 166304310. 1 15. (91.) 1093. (92.) 3328. (93.) 67467. (94.) 25485. (95.) 1089088. (96.) 20891. (97.) 669042. (98.) 9443544813. (99.) 6066069034. (1OO.) 1075415. (1O1.) 51113291. (102.) 1357322792. (1O3.) 6889336062. (1O4.) 8849208. (105.) 969116902. (1O6.) 8365421086. (1O7.) 4219238873. C1O8.) 7023226. (1O9.) 999998. (11O.) 364635. CHAP. V.] APPENDIX. 311 (111.) 352 years. (112.) 2142 dollars. (113.) 1464398 bushels. (114.) 201 324 barrels. (115.) 26 miles. (116.) 67 years. (117.) 5181 votes. (118.) 2210 votes. (119.) 5333865 dollars. (12O.) 105588748 pieces. (121.) Gold exceeded silver by 1475597 dollars ; gold exceeded copper by 3992969 dollars ; silver exceeded copper by 2517372 dollars. (122.) 3413 post-offices; 31166 miles of road. (123.) 515915 inhabitants. (124.) 147 dollars. (125.) 564 dollars. (126.) 1277 dol- lars. (127.) 225 miles. (128.) 168 dollars. (129.) In 1840 total value was 3426632 dollars ; in 1841, 2240320 dollars ; 1840 exceeded 1841 by 1186312 dollars ; in 1840, silver exceed- ed gold by 51401 dollars, silver exceeded copper by 1702076 dol- lars ; in 1841, silver exceeded gold by 41153 dollars, silver ex- ceeded copper by 1116777 dollars. (13O.) 20500 dollars. (131.) 1000000 total volumes ; 96000 total manuscripts ; 400000 excess of volumes in Paris library above those in Vienna library ; 64000 excess of manuscripts ; 904000 total excess of volumes above manuscripts. (132.) 975 total number of votes; 113 number of votes in majority. CHAPTER V. 17. What is Multiplication ? What is the difference be- tween the multiplier and the multiplicand ? What are they called ? Why ? What is the difference between a factor and a product ? Write an example by means of symbols, and show which is mul- tiplier, which is multiplicand, which are the factors, which is the product. Suppose multiplier and multiplicand change places, what is the result ? What is a square ? What is a square root ? Illustrate. 18, 19. Perform an example, with a multiplier of one fig- ure, and explain the process. Perform an example with a multi- plier of 3 figures. Suppose there is a in the multiplier, how do you proceed ? Of what denomination is the product, if you multiply together units and units ? units and hundreds ? tens and hundreds ? tens and tens ? hundreds and thousands ? tens and 312 APPENDIX. [CHAP. -v. ten-thousands ? How does the denomination of a product guide you as to the place which the first figure of any partial product should occupy ? $ 20, 21. What is another definition of multiplication ? Show how this is true. What is necessary with regard to the numbers added that an exercise in addition might be turned into an exer- cise in multiplication ? What is the rule for multiplication ? 22. What is the method of proof ? $ 23. Sometimes one or both factors will have O's at the right ; what must be done in such case ? Why ? 24. What do you understand by a composite number ? Give an instance of a number that is composite, and of one that is not. If a multiplier be composite, how may you proceed ? . Give an example. Give the rule in your own words. ANSWERS. 17. (1-11.) 4 ; 9 ; 16 ; 25 ; 36 ; 49 ; 64 ; 81 ; 100 ; 121 ; 144. (12-22.) 5; 7; 2; 3; 4; 6; 8; 9; 10; 12; 11. (23-27.) 32; 18; 84; 64; 81. (28-36.) 12; 18; 24; 30 36 ; 9 ; 27 ; 21 ; 15. (37-47.) 8 ; 16 ; 24 ; 32 ; 40 ; 48 ; 12 20 ; 28 ; 36 ; 44. (48-58.) 15 ; 30 ; 45 ; 60 ; 10 ; 25 ; 40 55; 20; 35; 50. (59-69.) 18 ; 36 ; 54 ; 72 ; 12; 30; 48 66; 24; 42; 60. (7O-O.) 21; 42; 63; 84*; 14; 35; 56 77 ; 28 ; 49 ; 70. (81-135.) 24 ; 48 ; 72 ; 96 ; 16 ; 40 ; 64 88 ; 32 ; 56 ; 80 ; 27 ; 54 ; 81 ; 108 ; 18 ; 45 ; 72 ; 99 ; 36 63; 90; 30; 60; 90; 120; 20; 50; 80; 110; 40; 70; 50 33 ; 66; 99 ; 132 ; 22 ; 55 ; 88 ; 121 ; 44 ; 77 ; 110 ; 36 ; 72 108 ; 144 ; 24 ; 60 ; 96 ; 132 ; 48 ; 84 ; 120. (136-142.) 30 36; 14; 15; 50; 121 ; 56. 18. (143.) 2468. (144.) 468312. (145.) 2449512. (146.) 4488270. (147.) 6020736. (148.) 1439694746. (149.) 52248187648. (15O.) 8019276804702. (151.) 44025632. (152-16O.) 62972; 94458; 125944; 157430; 188916; 220402; 251888 ; 283374 ; 1385384. (161-169.) OHAP. V.] APPENDIX. 313 80785809 ; 71809608 ; 62833407 ; 53857206 ; 44881005 ; 35904804 ; 26928603 ; 17952402; 394952844. (17O-172.) 5216648; 1956243; 3260405. (178-180.) 61232; 7849350; 51744; 81195867; 17295; 10172519; 49864787; 149212794. $ 22. (11.) 1542382864. (182.) 55056418756. (183.) 9472469137. (184.) 3937919100705. (185.) 28574677132. (186.) 23070596606. (1ST.) 254087145206. (188.) 1270996912224. (189-195.) 529259254443 ; 12138394951269 ; 8141111037027; 108215060743638; 949354188891741; 121932631112635269; 123011009127513387. (196.) 1665- 3188645286. (197-198.) 17494334544; 57482188. (199- 2OO.) 33793364; 837852. 23. (2O1-2O4.) 764290 ; 7642900 ; 76429000 ; 764290000. (2O5-2O8.) 1974800; 19748000; 197480000; 1974800000. (2O9-212.) 19626000; 196260000; 1962600000; 19626000000. (213-216.) 32001280000; 320012800000; 3200128000000; 32001280000000. (217-218.) 1161253800000000; 28755071047000000. 24. (219.) 10220. (220-224.) 8976; 6732; 13464; 23562 ; 40392. (225-23O.) 82960332 ; 34566805 ; 79997463 ; 76046971; 63207872; 39504920. (231-237.) 119376; 17409; 82071; 24870; 12435; 19896; 9948. (238.) 18750 bricks. (239.) 2033 bushels. (24O.) 629 miles. (241.) 53200 pounds. (242.) 363 dollars. (243.) 480 dollars. (244.) 8361574 dollars. (245.) 2756 bushels. (246.) 75798 dollars. (247.) 2715 dollars. (248.) 16199568 hours. (249.) 3760128 cubic inches. (25O.) 141440 dollars. (251.) 7560 miles. (252.) 59568000 miles. (253.) 479544 dollars. (254.) 2205 dollars. (255.) 109 miles. (256.) 215 dollars. (257.) 32 acres at 198 dollars. (258.) 149 miles. (259.) Lose 27 dollars. (26O.) 941618440000. (261.) 295 dollars. (262.) 14553 cubic inches. 27 314 APPENDIX. [CHAP. vi. CHAPTER VI. { $ 25, 26. What is Division ? In the example 6-1-2, what is the 6 called ? What the 2 ? Why ? What is the result called ? What is the remainder ? Write an example containing the sym- bol of division, and the symbol of equality. How is an accurate quotient sometimes to be expressed ? Under what circumstances must it be so expressed ? Give an example of your own upon the board, of the division of a number by a single digit. Explain as you go along. Show, by an example, the reason for the state- ment that division is a concise way of performing several subtrac- tions. 27. What is the difference between short division and long division ? What is the rule for short division ? What for long division ? Perform an example in each, and apply the rule step by step as you proceed. Illustrate the notes after rule for long division. $ 28, 29. How do you prove your work in division ? How do you proceed when your divisor ends with one or more naughts ? Suppose a digit be cut off from the right of a number, what effect has it ? What does the digrit so cut off represent ? How is the true remainder found after dividing by a divisor with naughts cut off? If there be a remainder after such division, is it of the same denomination as the digit or digits cut off? Illustrate by an ex- ample on the blackboard the division of a number by a composite divisor. Show how you find the true remainder, and give the reason for each step. ANSWERS. 25. (1-12.) 1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 6 ; 2 ; 5 ; 7 ; 9 ; 8 ; 10 ; 12 ; 1 1. (13-24.) 1 ; 3; 5; 7; 9; 11 ; 12; 2; 4; 6; 8; 10 (25-34.) 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12; 3;. 5; 7; 9. (35-45.) 2 4; 6: 8; 10; 12; 3; 5; 7; 9; 11. (46-54.) 2; 4; 6; 8 10 ; 3 ; 5 ; 7 ; 9. (55-65.) 2 ; 4 ; 6 ; 8 ; 10 ; 12 ; 3 ; 5 ; 7 9; 11. (66-,76 f ) 2; 4:6; 8: 10: 12: 3; 5: 7: 9; 11 CHAP. VI.] APPENDIX. 315 (77-87.) 2; 4; 6; 8; 3; 5; 7; 9; 11; 10; 12. (88-1OO.) 2; 4; 6; 9; 8; 7; 3; 5; 10; 13; 12; 11 ; 14. (1O1-1O9.) 2; 4; 6; 3; 7; 10; 8; 11; 12. (11O-12O.) 2; 4; 5; 8; 7 ; 12 ; 10 ; 11 ; 3 ; 6 ; 9. (121-129.) 9;4;7;7;20;7; 12; 5; 9. '(13O-134.) 3 ; 4 ; 4 ; 4 ; 4. $26. (135.) 12301. (136.) 1682227f. (137.) 1786213. (138.) 5315728|. (139.) 128236331^. (14O.) 115134608|, (141.) 26063098 (142.) 8491229. (143.) 95665602. . . . . . . (144.) 127160495^. (145.) 1315020576. (146.) 1357802469. (147-154.) 1739451; 115963|; 86972 ; 69578}; 5798lf ; 49698^ ; 43486| ; 38654f. (155-162.) 38270653^; 25513769 ; 191353261; 15308261f; 12756884f; 10934472^; 9567663f ; 8504589|. (163-1TO.) 44882U; 2992141 ; 224410|; 179528^; 149607}; 128234f ; 112205J; 9"9738i. (171-17.) 3826954: 2551302f ; 1913477; 1530781|; 1275651f ; 1093415| ; 956738| ; 850434|. (179-183.) 90536f ; 6646090^; 1327581667; 7815886f ; 1666481 j. (184-213.) 181072; 13292180^; 26551623334; 15631772f; 33329621; 11723829f; 2499721^ 6699331J; 1428412^; 5861914; 1249860|; 19913717500f 113792671431 9956858750|; 8850541 11 If; 5210590|; 1110987^; 15930974000f ; 9379063|; 1999777|. 135804f 77602^ 67902| 60357| ; 108643^; 7975308}; 9969135J ; 5696648f; 49845671 ; 4430726^ ; 28. (214-218.) 34424|f; ? p (219-224.) 3437681^; 210948|f; 947ll 122128l; 894143|f ; 1162136^; (236-243.) 2882566f Jf ; 15927811^.; (244-250.) (225-235.) ; 2058970|-Jf ; 345016 J}}|; 276036^%- 98HHi 70056.; Hf 2746^ (251-257.) 156472f|i; . 8J?|J}J; 12890625; 109376; 681j 4 /AV 234 316 APPENDIX. [CHAP. vir. 29. (25-263.) 864^; 18296; 493827^ ; 17283945^. 6789734; 18982660^, (264-271.) 289763412^; 231810- 729f|; 144881706//o; 99347455*j&; 100787273{$; 17385- 804f$gJ; 869290&J}}; 77270ft JgjfJ. (272-273.) 16- IfffM; 28860 AVA- (274-275.) 10037^%; (276-270.) 29123 j'AV; 90jftW; 10}?Ji& (280-285.) 11960f|jfJ; 25647lf^ ; 22103fff; 95- 9 A7o; 95S}Hfjf. (286-289.) 2120 T 3 ,%V T ; 918412|f^; 144271i^. (29O-295.) 234, r. 27 ; 2245, r. 3; 133, r. 15; 221, r. 30; 11438, r. 7; 15677, r. 3. (296.) 1994 dollars. (297.) 2776 sheep. (298.) 991 dollars. (299.) 974 dollars. (3OO.) 1177 dollars. (3O1.) 210 acres. (3O2.) 1st 56, 2d 70, 3d 105, 4th 105. (303.) 412 dollars. (3O4.) 249 acres. (3O5.) 11875000 miles. (306.) 4545f cubic feet. (3O7.) 125 days. (3O8.) 20 T 2 /3 7 g ( V 4 g- dollars! (3O9.) 103368000 hours, 4307000 days, 11800 years. (31O.) 856 barrels, 107 trees. (311.) Each had 900 dollars. (312.) 2191 dollars. (313.) 1632000 miles in one day, 595680000 miles in one year. (314.) 3100 dollars. (315.) 2 days. (316.) They will meet in 5 hours, at a distance of 75 miles. (317.>54 dollars. (318.) 125 dollars. (319.) 2 dollars. (32O.) 49 miles. CHAPTER VII. 3O. What do you understand by a problem ? by a principle ? Show how problem a is founded upon the preceding rules. Illustrate problem b. Illustrate problem c. Illustrate problem d. Illustrate problem e ; problem jf; problem g. Can you give a practical example (not taken from the book) of the use of any one of the preceding problems ? 5 31. What are the names of the quantities used in division ? What effect has the multiplication of a divisor upon the result in division ? What the division of a divisor ? What the multipli- cation or division of a dividend ? How is the remainder affected CHAP. VIII.] APPENDIX. 317 by such operations upon divisor or dividend ? What relation has the quotient to the divisor ? to the dividend ? to the remainder ? If the remainder be as large as the divisor, what is to be done ? Can the remainder ever be as large as the quotient ? Can it ever oe exactly equal to the quotient ? Give examples. Illustrate each principle in the section ; in #, b, c, d, e,f, g. ANSWERS. 30. (I.) 123423434. (2.) 343148. (3.) 59831. (4.) 879465. (5.) 1037654321,771350011. (6.) 23474. (7.) 4567031. f.) 34678 dollars, 13787 dollars. (D.) 1240578. (IO.) 354. (II.) 1521808704. (12.) 4556 votes, 4181 votes. (13.) 144000000 miles, 95000000 miles. (14.) 49 trees. (15.) 35405 dollars. (16.) 5718 dollars. (17.) 45441 hills. (1.) 42 gal- lons, 23 gallons. (19.) 11 miles, 7 miles. (2O.) 646 dollars. (21.) 44 years old. (22.) 5 dollars. (gJI.) 157 barrels. (24.) 101 cubic feet. (25.) 1728 cubic inches. CHAPTER VIII. \ 32, 33. What is the difference between a prime and a composite number ? Give examples. To what extent can you determine upon inspection whether a number is prime or not ? What is an even number ? an odd ? Show how and why it is that a number, the sum of whose digits is equal to 9, is itself di- visible by 9. Show how and why the same thing is true of 3. \ 34. What is a divisor ? a common divisor ? the greatest common divisor ? Show this, by analyzing numbers. Can prime numbers have common divisors ? Give reason. What is the common divisor of two numbers that are prime to each other ? \ 35. How is the greatest common divisor found by the process of long division ? Explain this process, giving the reasons for each step as they ara explained in (a) or (b). How would you proceed to find the greatest common divisor of three or four num- bers? 27* 318 APPENDIX. [CHAP, vm 36. What is a multiple ? a common multiple ? the least com- mon multiple ? What is the difference between the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor ? Is the greatest com- mon divisor of two or more numbers a factor of their least com- mon multiple ? If so, show how. What would be the other fac- tor of such multiple ? How many multiples may any number have ? Show how to find the least common multiple by decom- posing into primes. 37. Show the same by the process under present section. Explain how this process agrees with the former. $ 38. What is cancelation ? Is it employed in subtraction or in addition ? Give an example of cancelation. In what way is it useful ? ANSWERS. 533. (1-8.) 2X2X3; 2X7 ; 3x5 ; 2x2X2X2 ; 2X3X3; 2X2X5; 2X11; 2X2X2X3. (9-16.) 5x5; 2X13; 3X3 X3; 2X2X7; 2X3x5; 2X2X2X2X2; 3X11; 2X17. (17-24.) 5X7; 2X2X3X3; 2X19; 3X13; 2X2X2X5; 2X3X7;2X2X11; 3X3X5. (25-32.) 2X23; 2X2X2X2X3; 7X7; 2X5X5; 3X17; 2X2X13; 2X3X3X3; 5X11. (33-11.) 2X2X2X7; 3X19; 2X29; 2X2X3X5; 2X31; 3X3X7; 2X2X2X2X2X2; 5X13; 2X3X11. (42-5O.) 2X2X17; 3X23; 2X5X7; 2X2X2X3X3; 5X17; 3X29; 2X3X3X5; 2X2X2X2X2X3 ; 2X7X7. (51-57.) 2X3X17; 3X37; 7X17; 5X5X5; 2X3X23; 2X73; 5X31. (5-63.) 2X7X11; 2X83; 2X89; 11X19; 2X3X3X13; 7X37. (64-89.) 3X103; 2X3X61 ; 3X5X5X5; 2X2X101; 11X43; 2X2X131. (70-76.) 2X2X2X11X13; 2X2X2x2x5x13; 2X2X2X3X3X19; 2X2X2X3X3X17; 2X2X2X823; 3X3 X11X797; 2X2X3X5179. (77-83.) 2X3X7X13X19; 2X2X5X43X89; 2X131X241; 2X2X3X5X5X263; 2X2X 2X2X2X3X67; 3X17X1913; 2X3X14951. (4-9O.) 2X23 X163; 2X31X907; 2X5X5X5X199; 3X1111; 3X7X4759; 3X5X3251: 2X5x7x1327. CHAP. IX.] APPENDIX. 319 34. (91-94.) 12 ; they have none ; 45 ; 5. (95-99.) 22 ; 4; 8; 8; 66. (1OO-1O3.) 6; 6; 18; 18. (1O4-1O6.) 2; 6; 14. (1O7-1O9.) 2 ; 2 ; 2. 35. (110-117.) They have none; they have none; they have none; 5; 10; 12; 16; 234. (118-121.) 161; 203; 35; 111. (122-124.) 3; 3; 406. (125-127.) They have none; they have none; they have none. (128-13O.) They have none ; they have none ; 101. (131-132.) 203 ; 555. ^37. (133-13.) 48; 120; 616; 1517; 360; 24. (139- 143.) 315; 2520; 1008; 27720 ; 720. (144-147.) 360 ; 100; 1620; 920. (148-151.) 840; 210; 7106; 128700. (152-156.) 39000 ; 336600 ; 510510 ; 4560 ; 3360. 38. (157.) 14. (158.) 119. (159-16O.) 12; 8. (161-162.) 48; 24. (163-169.) 576; 432; 288; 216; 144; 108; 72. (17O-172.) 20; 90; 40. (173-175.) 16200; 21900; 59130. (176-179.) 21; 121; 363; 847. (18O-183.) 3276; 378; 416; 288. (184-187.) 55; 88; 40; 66. (188-190.) 300; 75; 80. CHAPTER IX. 39. What is a fraction ? What does the word mean ? In how many ways may a given fraction be represented ? In how many ways may a fraction in the common form be read ? What is the name of the term above the line ? and what does it denote ? What the term below the line ? Express by a fraction the value of unity. Show the difference between a proper and an improper fraction. Write a mixed number. What is meant by an inte- ger ? Write a compound fraction. What is the difference be- tween a compound and a complex fraction ? When is a fraction inverted ? Write the nine digits as improper fractions. What two kinds of fractions are spoken of ? 5 40. Upon what are common fractions founded ? Illustrate. What, then, does a fraction express ? What connection has 31 320 APPENDIX. [CHAI . IX. with the subject, of fractions ? What propositions are deduced from that section ? Illustrate each proposition by reference to the principle in division on which it is founded. 41. Define reduction. Illustrate it. What is meant by lower terms ? by lowest terms ? What have these expressions to do with reduction ? What has the greatest common divisor to do with reduction to lowest terms ? 42. Define an improper fraction, a whole number, a mixed number. How do you reduce the first to the second or the third ? Give the rule. \ 43. Illustrate the reduction of a whole or mixed number to an improper fraction. Give rule. 44. Illustrate the reduction of compound fractions to simple ones. Give rule. In multiplying a fraction by a whole number, what form may the whole number take ? } 45. Define the term common denominator. How is this found ? What is the change produced upon fractions by this process ? Give the rule. Give an example, on the board, of the reduction of a mixed number and a compound fraction to a com- mon denominator. \ 46. How does the least common denominator differ from the common denominator ? Of what service is the least common multiple in this connection ? Give the rule. \ 47-50. What is necessary before fractions can be added ? Rule. What is necessary before fractions can be subtracted ? Rule. Give the rule for the multiplication of fractions. Explain and illustrate each step. Illustrate the two methods of division of fractions. What is the principle involved in the first method ? What principles are involved in the second method ? Give rv^e. Is this inversion of the terms of the divisor a mechanical he* - does it involve a principle ? CHAP. IX.] APPENDIX. 321 51. What is a reciprocal ? of an integer ? of a fraction ? How may an operation in division be included under that of mul- tiplication ? Illustrate. ANSWERS. 41. (1-5.) f; J; J; i; \. (6-11.) f ; |; i; J; f; }; (12-16.) l; Ifff; flf; &V; f. (1T-2O.) T I T ; f-'fj; jllli; f. (21-25.) iff; f; |6; 1; 3 ff (26 -3O.) if; AVs T 7 A; T 9 oV; it- (31-40.) f; ffl; |; ffj; A'Ai IWi 820 . 441 . 971 . 971 T43T> 3S3> 2SS2> 2a$2' 42. (41-5O.) 3; 3; 12; 12; 48; 46; 8; 12; 1000; 11110. (51-64.) 2f; 11?; 7J; 9^; 1J; 18f; 10 T 5 r ; 10J4; 699?; 8lf|f ; 34^; 32 T V T ; 39f|; lOjfJf. (65-68.) 6; 203f ; 3. c XI O /rfJQ yi^ 36. 45. 54. 63. 72. 81. 90 $ W. (t>^-7.; -4-, -5-, -tf~ m , -if-, ~I-> ~-j To^- taN9. 10. 37. 25. 15. 75. 64. 50. 295. 1183. "OV 2 "3~ '5-> T-J 1T ~U" ~J" T 3~J -T2-> ~32 ' 3 "4 5 /'ft*? O ^ 29817. 1554. 1314. ISO . 30376. 38283. iW- (87-.^ -3^5-5 -41- 53T > ~T-> -r~ > -3-y > _ W _; 104364 . 7_1_0^_0 . 38113. (97 _ 9 9.) 164.5J . 1J.09J . 5 45. (122-129.) }, f ; tf, # ; J}, || ; fj, fj ; |f J, Jfi ; Hi. iff ; if*. Ill J UJ, ill- (iso-ise.) T v 7 , AV, VA ; if, 8 6 . 40 45 48 . 360 378 384. 1188 1200 1210. J2520 J35_35 o4"> ^4 J tfO' 70" ' 32" 4~S2> 4"J2" ' T3^2F' T3"2"(F' 1 3 2^ ' 273"D' 27T(7' Iff! ; J, ?W, J- (137-139.) A, f|, ft ; JJ, ^3%-, -V^ 6 - ; (100-101.) |; f. (102-109.) fa T 3 /,; }; J; f; A; W-=Mi- (no-iie.) A; A; A; -W-= ; i; I; orV (HY-121.) J}}; ^3; Yfe a =3JU; jff ^ 46. (140-146.) T L, T T^O' T'So-' V- 11 *-.>*; JOQ-, 12 ' 3"37 ? 55fl > 322 APPENDIX. [CHAP, ix 30 40 195 1 i . 21 70 30 40". 40 45 48 SO 27. 80 S(T> FOJ ~Tff-> -60 > 2Ti> ^nr> ^nr 2105 ST> 0? FOJ *T> tftfj ITUJ 30 72 100108 7 /I ^ft "\ 1260 840 630 fi 4 420 T20> T2~ff> T2~in T20" T2ff' l***y 2~S20' 252tf' 252TT' ^320"' 2S2ff $47. (157-162.) | = ii ; A; A .^33. =2 ,3. _7_ V . f|= j =2J. (163-168.) 21; 2 5 % ; 2|J}; SjifrJ fj; 1&. (169- 174.) 7 T V; 8 5 V; fi; lf!J; W!i; l-r 4 A r V; 3011; 18H; (187-195.) A; *; H; iJ; *f T ; If; A; A; ii- (196-203.) A; j; !; A ; i; sV n o ; AV; - (204-209.) i ; if ; 3 9 ^ ; 1 A ; r 3 A ; ^i- (210-213.) 4 ; A ; 6A ; AV (214-218.) ff; /A; //^ . _47_ . _ 2 ^ (219-222.) 549. (223-233.) J; J; A; ^5 i; ?5 A? *5 T\> K; Jj. (234-240.) ASriir; ! 5; ; T A J oV (241- 243.) 7 %; T 4 A;^V (244-246.) 1 T L; 15; 2|. (247- 249.) J; f;73|. (25O-254.) A; If; 5J ; 26J ; 82J. (255.) 1 T A- (256.) ,V (257.) ^. (258.) 127?J}. 550. (259-269.) 2; 1J; 1|; 1J; 1 T ' T ; lA; 1A S I; Ai If! if- (270-274.) 2j; 1^-; l; |6. ^ (2T5 _278.) AV; A; sf; iff. (279.) i. (280.) $#. (281.) 4jff*fi- (282.) 3|. (283-287.) 1^5 Ifff 5 8-^; T ^; 5 51. (288-295.) | ; i ; J ; A J A 5 A 5 A 5 rh- 303.) |; |; |; f ; }; ; |; JJL. (3O4-3O9.) f ; 1; T \; 3 7 ff5 f ; yVV (310-313.) 31; 1J 4 -; l^j 3|. (314-318.) i- 3 ^; iJ; A; T 9 ^; H- (319-324.) }; f ; fff}; tf; |*j; A- (325-329.) l T |- f ; 7f ; 3 T 8 T 5 2|fl ; 1^. (33O-334.) 1 1 W-; ft; Ht; ^T 1 - (335-339.) j ; ; / F ; 2 3 7 ; 200. OHAP. X.J APPENDIX. 323 (340-344.) T 25 _1 , 375 __3 . 225 _ 9 . 1001.36984 __ TTlFoD oT ' ToTooT So'fF ' TZFTFcToinF 7oT7T ' TooTo" > nFffoinr rWoV (352-357.) yJi* =; ^&T> TiWW-- iJHrJ Tiffs ?nr 1 . 5005 _ 1001. 125 _ 1 . 1250505 250101 > roo^oo 5fro~o > TTTCTO? so"' To"ooo(rooo" ^ (358-370.) J; T VA 5 T Vr 5 rWr 5 *5 A; A? T V; i i A ; iW- (371-385.) ^VVVV ; A ; A ; A ; 55 J ' TT TT' 3 6 8 9"J T 7 TT 5 r' TTT 5 TTTT > jViT > TTJ IT' ^ 66. (386-392.) Seven dollars and eighty-four cents ; nine- ty-two dollars and six cents ; six hundred and seventy-two dollars twelve cents and three mills ; eight thousand nine hundred and sixty-one dollars and six mills ; four thousand one hundred and eighty dollars ninety-six cents and seven and three-tenths mills ; nine hundred and one dollars and one mill ; three dollars and three cents. (393-4O1.) Six dollars and eighty-two cents; seven dollars forty-four cents and eight mills; nine dollars and two cents ; three dollars and one cent ; four dollars and seven cents ; six dollars and ninety-three cents ; forty-eight dollars seventy-six cents and one mill ; two hundred and seventeen dollars and one mill; thirty-six dollars ninety-eight cents and seven mills. (4O2-4O.) $0-37; $0'443; $6'02; $4-008; $9-206; $5000-089; $1000000-015. (4O9-412.) $0'375 ; $2-125; $4-625; $5-875. 67. (413-419.) 800c*.=8000 mills ; 89400cZ.=:894000m.; 62000^. = 620000m. ; 3400c. = 34000m. ; 93627300c. = 936273000m. ; 84190400cZ. = 841904000m. ; 12345600cZ. = 123456000m. (42O-426.) 830m. ; 910m. ; 40m. ; 3780m. 12340m. ; 91000m. ; 8756180m. (427-441.) $8'41 ; $9-28 $46-70 ; $129-86 ; $4-81 ; $1-234 ; $49'68 ; $321*946 ; $1357'92 $9-80; $98; 3918-762; 49876-21; $30760-09; $4876-543. CHAP. X.] APPENDIX. 329 68. (457.) -$20-80. (458.) $99'05. (459.) $82'288. (460.) $106-195. (461.) $6'375. (462.) $25'53. (463.) $20-9375. (464.) $49-815. (465.) 19625'796-f. (466.) $19597-125. (467.) $1'929+. (468.) $68-493+. (469.) 216-5454+ rods. (47O.) $38-861+. (471.) $11428-571. (472.) 7682 pounds. (473.) 7897 pounds sold ; average for each cow, 149 pounds. (474.) 21631-5 pounds, $3244'725. (475.) $1497-9225. (476.) $12-149+. (477.) 1575 thou- sand m's ; he received $236-25. (478.) $16'81. (479.) -Butcher receives from tailor $19-77, receives from shoemaker $15-14, and the tailor receives from shoemaker $20-24. (48O.) $4*078125. (481.) $41-535. (482.) $128'52. (483.) $27'0225. (484.) $122-6475. (45.) $0'625. (486.) $2164781. (487.) $133'36. (488.) $94-27. (489.) $16'665. (49O.) 1314 volumes. (491.) $2299-50. (492.) $335'73. I 69. (493.) $7-15. (494.) $16-875. (495.) $248-2875, (496.) $339-0825. (497.) $2-84375. (498.) $1351-3728. (499.) $8538-75. (5OO.) $2090-0376. 57O. (5O1-514.) $84-75; $113; $127-125; $135-60; $169-50; $211-875; $226; $254'25 ; $339; $423-75; $452; $508-50; $550-875; $593-25. (515-521.) $105 ; $315 ; $420 ; $525; $630; $735; $210. (522-527.) 54 pounds; 72 pounds ; 324 pounds ; 5556 pounds ; 49302 pounds ; 588762 pounds. (528-538.) 592 pecks ; 296 pecks ; 222 pecks ; 444 pecks; 49i pecks; 88 pecks; 63f pecks; 40 T \ pecks; 74 pecks; 55| pecks; 44f. (539-549.) 800 brushes; 400; 266f ; 200; 160; 133^: 114^; 100; 80; 66f ; 57 j. (55O- 562.) 17491 yards; 1312;1166f; 1124f; 1049 ; 984 ; 874f ; 787}; 583^; 524f ; 492; 437^; 403 &. (563-575.) $85'75 ; $102-90; $104-125; $106'66|; $110-25; $114-33^; $122-50; 6130-66|; $159-25; 8134-75 ; $153-125; $147; $183-75. 28* 330 APPENDIX. [CHAP. XL CHAPTER XL 71. Explain the difference between an abstract and a denom- inate number. Which of the two is Federal Money to be con- sidered ? Which, any multiplier ? Which, the product of two numbers ? When is a quotient to be considered an abstract num- ber, and when a denominate number ? Give an example. 72. What is meant by Sterling Money ? Is the pound in circulation ? What do the symbols , s.,/., d., qr., express ? 73. What was the original of all weights ? Whence the term Troy ? What are weighed by this weight ? 74* Draw upon the board the symbols of the grain, the dram, the scruple, the ounce, the pound, Apothecaries' Weight ? For what is this weight used ? 75. Wherein does Avoirdupois Weight differ from Troy ? What is said concerning the qr. ? 76. Whence was our standard yard obtained ? What is the French standard or unit of measure ? How was it obtained ? How is the inch often divided ? How on the carpenters' rules, which you commonly see ? What is the difference between a knot and a nautical mile 1 \ 77. Repeat the table of Cloth Measure. \ 78. Explain what is meant by Square Measure. Is an acre square ? Why not ? How long is Gunter's chain ? 79. What is the difference between square and solid meas- ure ? between a square foot and a solid foot ? Give examples. What is meant by round timber ? What is a cord foot? 8O. Repeat the table of Wine Measure. 81. Which is the larger, the wine or the beer gallon ? the wine or the beer quart ? How much larger ? In which should milk be measured ? CHAP. XI.J APPENDIX. 331 o 82. Repeat the table of Dry Measure. What articles not mentioned in the note are measured by this measure ? What is the U. S. standard of Dry Measure ? 83. What is leap year ? What is the centennial year ? What is the difference between a lunar, a calendar, and a business month ? 5 84. Divide a. circle in halves by a straight line. How many degrees in each half? How many in a quarter-circle ? Explain latitude longitude. How many miles in a degree ? How many miles does the sun pass over in an hour ? 85. Repeat the table. 86. Explain the difference between Reduction Ascending and Reduction Descending. Repeat the rule, and apply it to each of the four cases of reduction descending,viz. : (1st.) of a compound quantity toils lowest denomination; (2d.) of the fraction of a higher to the fraction of a lower denomination ; (3d.) of the frac- tion of a higher to its value in lower denominations ; (4th.) of the decimal of a higher to its value in lower denominations. 87. Give the rule for Reduction Ascending. Specify the four cases to which it may be applied, and apply and illustrate it. 5 88. Wherein does the principle involved in addition of de- nominate numbers differ from that of simple addition, and of ad- dition of fractions ? Give rule and explain it. 89. Why must a number of the subtrahend be placed under a number of the same denomination in the minuend ? What dis- tinct principles are embodied in the rule ? SO. Give the rule and explain its principles. 5 91. Show in what way a divisor may be an abstract or a de- nominate number. Show how a quotient may be an abstract or a denominate number. 332 APPENDIX. [CHAP. XL 92. What is the meaning of Duodecimals ? What are their denominations ? To what are they generally applied ? What is there peculiar in the addition or subtraction of duodecimals ? 93. Illustrate the multiplication of duodecimals by the multi- plication of decimals. What may the index (') be considered ? What is the rule for the annexing of indices to the product ? Explain this. What is the strict value of 1' in the measurement of surfaces ? What in the measurement of solids ? What as a linear measure, for which it is sometimes used ? 94. Give an instance of the practical use of division of duo- decimals. Go through with an operation, applying the rule and explaining each step. How can you illustrate the indices of the quotient by the decimal places in decimal division ? 95. 96. In the addition or suotraction of denominate frac- tions, what principle is involved different from that in addition and subtraction of common fractions ? ANSWERS. $85. (1-10.) 8; 16; 20; 32; 40; 60; 80 ; 100; 200; 400. (11-20.) 48; 96; 144; 240; 384; 720; 960; 1200; 2400; 4800. (21-3O.) 24; 36; 60; 84; 108; 180; 240; 300; 600; 1200. (31-4O.) 40; 60; 100; 140; 180; 300; 420; 500; 1000; 2000. (41-42.) 6 ; 1050. (43.) 1 8overeign==20s.=240d.=960/0r. (44.) 498. (45-GO.) 48; 120; 168; 360; 600; 1200; 480; 960; 2400; 3360; 7200; 12000; 24000; 5760; 11520; 28800. (61-74.) 40; 100; 140; 180; 300; 400; 500; 1000; 240; 720; 1200; 2160; 3600; 6000. (75-l.) 24; 48; 108; 180; 300; 600; 1200. (82-1O1.) 60; 100; 140; 240; 360; 60; 300; 420; 720; 1080; 480; 2400; 3360; 5760; 8640: 5760; 28800; 40320; 69120; 103680. (1O2-I1O.) 6; 15; 27; 24; 120; 216; 288; 1440; 2592. (111-118.) 16; 40; 56; 96; 576; 864; 1440; 1536. (119-128.) 32 ; 112 5 144 ; 2 ^6; 512; 2304; 5120 ; 6400; 25600; 512000. (129-130.) 32; 112; 144; 240; 400; CHAP. XI.] APPENDIX. 333 1600 ; 1600 ; 32000. (137-141.) 2000 ; 6000 ; 40000 ; 100000 ; 200000. (142-15O.) 24; 84; 240; 36; 198; 198; 7920; 63360; 4382400. (151-153.) 300 ; 5280 ; 528000. (154- 15.) 72; 63; 360; 72; 1440. (159-164.) 36; 9; 27; 37; 45; 54. (165-167.) 6048; 1568160; 6272640. (168-169.) 4840; 3097600. (170-172.) 46656; 86400; 221184. (173-177.) 24 ; 48 ; 1512; 6048; 12096. (178- 180.) 504; 252; 2016. (181-182.) 36; 72. (183-186.) 32; 1024; 15360; 25600. (187-189.) 200; 6400; 12800. (19O-197.) 300; 900; 1800; 2700; 3600; 43200; 86400; 604800. (198-2OO.) 168; 8736; 8760. (2O1-2O7.) 120; 480; 900; 7200; 28800; 54000; 1296000. (2O8-211.) 120; 720; 1500; 21600. (212-214.) 72; 864; 10368. (215- 218.) 100 ; 500 ; 2000 ; 4000. (219-221.) 980 ; 4900 ; 19600. (222-225.) 120; 480; 3360; 3840. (226-233.) 25; 24; 12; 28; 90; 6; 9; 18. (234-239.) 12; 40; 8; 12; 10; 8. (240-246.) 18; 12; 3; 20; 32; 31; 5. (247-25O.) 5; 37|; 18f ; 10. (251-262.) 4; 121 ; 4 ; 41f ; 72 ; 5 ; 50; 101; 20; 30 T % ; 60; 14. (263-265.) 7; 15; 33|. (266- 268.) 6; 41;" 75. (269-272.) 12; 30 T % ; 81; 381. (273- 276.) 20; 50; 41; 39. (277-281.) 100; 22J; 31' ; 22f|; 44 T V (282-286.) 44; 200; 309; 81; 621. "(287-289.) 150; 120; 100. (29O-292.) 640; 2560; 102400. (293- 295.) 4; 330; 10. (296.) 10. (297.) 12-J. (298.) 25. (299-300.) 5; 16|. 87. (301.) 45369. (3O2.) 123 10s. Id. 3far. (303.) 1500. (304.) 234. (305.) 1214. (306.) Sib. 5oz. ISpwt, Ugr. (307.) 15/6. Ooz. 5pwt. (3O8.) 83/6. 4oz. (3O9.) 26237. (310.) 576001. (311.) 425. (312.) 2^ 03 23. (313.) 2Ri 03 03 03 Igr. (314.) IT. Ucwt. Oqr. 11/6. lOdr. (315.) 8340. (316.) 512257. (317.) IT. Iqr. 21/6. 7oz. 14f/r. (31.) 120yd. 2ft. 11 in. (319.) 15713280. (32O.) 1577664000. (321.) 288. (322.) 58. (323.) 133. (324.) 16. (325.) 62yd. 2qr. (326.) 243. (327.) 1440. (32.) 307200P. (329.) 138030J. (33O.) 2R. 15P. 161| sq.ft. (331.) 7. (3SS2.) 500000. (333.) 2176. (334.) APPENDIX. [CHAP, xi 1175040. (335.) 207 tons, 8 cubic feet, 1721 cubic inches (336.) 125. (337.) 32832. (33.) 32256. (339.) 9 bar rels, 29 gallons. (34O.) 3786. (341.) 31 barrels, 15 gallons, 3 quarts. (342.) 25. (343.) 4752. (344.) 231/iArf. ZQgal. (345.) 4323. (346.) 2304. (347.) 26528. (348.) 4ch. 24bu. Ipk. (349.) 49/;w. 3pk. 6qt. (35O.) 2592000. (351.) 166554. (352.) 789458400. (353.) 6731 55da. IShr. (354.) 9496da. (355.) 11 birthdays. (356.) 388800''. (357.) 189.' (358.) 16 40'. (359.) 2 46' 40". (36O.) 164735". (361.) 87ir. 26rrf. ll//!. (383.) 9hr. 36min. (384.) 5min. 37^sec. (385.) 5/tr. 48min. 48sec. (386.) 13oz. 2f^|^r. (387.) -3J7/. (388.) 30rfa. (389.) 25P. (39O.) 8-259375. (391.) 0-875 of a yard. (392.) 0-4444+ of a yard. (393.) 3-36684027777+ pounds. (394.) 10-3995265151+ miles. (395.) 0-145949074074+ of a day. (396.) 3-2520833+. (397.) 0-4444+ of a hogshead. (398.) 0-2270833+. (399.) 0-915625. (400.) 0-921875 of a bushel. (4O1.) 0-469618055+ of a day. (4O2.) 0-5219696+ of a furlong. (4O3.) 0'71 of an hour. (4O4.) 0*0827617+ of a year. (4O5.) G'24224 of a day. (406.) 3/2. 25'2P. (4O7.) 2s. 6d. (4O8.) 13*. 4d. (4O9.) 23g-aZ. 2qL \pt. (41O.) 44cfo. 5hr. 49min. l'632sec. (411.) 5oz. 5'888^r. (412.) 6cwt. 2qr. Ulb. 4'8oz. (413.) 2/wr. On/. 4yd. \ft. 2'4m. (414.) 6s. 10^. 3'2/ar. (415.) 2ftr. 54mm. 32'7168sec. (416.) 6s. 10^. 3'776/ar. (417.) 19s. 9d. (418.) 5hr.4.Smin. 49'536sec. (419.) 648. (42O.) 15. (421.) 54-32 pounds. (422.) 67-3064 pounds. (423.) 151Z6. 8or. (434.) 23-64 sheets. (425.) 11 quires 2-4 sheets. 88. (426.) 39 15s. Q$d. (427.) 25 4s. 5d. (428.) 34 14s. 8d. (429.) 17ZA. 3oz. Wpwt. 5gr. (43O.) 21Z6. lOoz. CHAP. XI.] APPENDIX. 335 3pwt. 20gr. (431.) 61/6. lloz. IZpwt. 8gr. (432.) 321b 85 03 23 120-r. (433.) 361b 65 53 13. (434.) 183 09 (435.) 27 T. 9cM>Z. 2?r. 21Z6. 7oz. 13dr. (436.) llcwt. Oqr. . 7oz. (437.) 14L. Omt. 5>r. 15rd. 2yrf. (438.) 22rd. 0/2. 8m. (439.) 58yd. Iqr. (44O.) 47. Fl. Oqr. 2na. (441.) 52. E. 2qr. 2na. (442.) 17657. yd. 7 sq.ft. 93sq. in. (443.) 23M. 106A. 012. 34P. (444.) 26s. yd. \8s.ft.Q63s. in. (445.) 35 cords 4.1s. ft. (446.) 50 cords 5c. /*. (447.) 54hhd. 36gal Iqt. \pt. (448.) 36^ns Qpi. Ihhd. I9gal Oqt. Ipt. Igi. (449.) 56hhd. Wgal. Iqt. Ipt. (45O.) 33bar. Sgal. 3qt. (451.) 22cL 236w. 2^/c. 4qt. Ipt. (452.) 42iw. l^L Iqt. (453.) &2da. 21hr. 2min. 9sec. (454.) 8wk. 6da. 6Jir. 50min. 33sec. (455.) 4cr. Os. 11 59' 26". (456.) 9s. 8 45'. (457.) 28 55' 58". 89. (458.) 3T. newt. Iqr. 24Z6. 4oz. 13dr. (459.) 59A. 2R. 27P. (46O.) 7ib 85 63 13 19^-r. (461.) llL. 2mi. 0/ur. 31rrf. (462.) 5E. Fr. 3qr. Ina. (463.) 20cA. Ibu. Ipk. 2qt. Ipt. (464.) 9/ims Ipi. Ohhd. 52gal 2qt. (465.) 40^a. 9Ar. 19mm. 16sec. (466.) 13yr. 7?no. Owk. 2da. (467.) 19mi'. 0/wr. Ird. (468.) 34C. 127s. /i. (469.) 19C. 1 cord ft. (47O.) 19 9s. 3d. (471.) llmo. 5da. (472.) 4mo. 28rf. (473.) 2yr. llmo. Hc/a. (474.) Syr. IQmo. 4da. (475.) 64yr. Imo. 26tZ. (476.) 74yr. 4mo. 28Ja. (477.) 83 4s. 2rf. (478.) 36c^. 3yr. 19Z6. 602. (479.) 320A. I.R. 15P. (48O.) 5yr. 3mo. 7Ja. ; 1925^a. (481.) 5cwt. Sqr. 9lb. (482.) %0yd. 2qr. 3na. (483.) 70 C. 97s. ft. (484.) 976w. 2pk.2qt. Ipt. (485.) 11186Z6.=5'593T. (486.) 45r^. 6% ft. (487.) 124yd S^r. Inc. (488.) 233 cubic feet=Uc.ft., 9 cu- bic ft. 1C. 6c. /i. Qcubicft. (489-491.) 3yr.7mo.27Ja.; H8yr. lOmo. 9^a. ; llo^r. 2mo. 12da. (492.) 286yr. 8mo. 8da. (493.) 123yr. 2mo. IBda. (494.) 13 38' 30". (495-496.) 10 45' 10"; 2 53' 20". (497-499.) 1 38' 43"; 12 23' 53"; 1 14' 37". (5OO.) March 8th, 1502. (5O1.) 128yr. 2mo. 6da. 9O. (502-507.) 31 12s. 6d. ; 52 14s. 2cf. ; 63 5x. ; 336 APPENDIX. [CHAP. xi. 13 15s. lOd. ; 84 6s. Sd. ; 94 17s. 6d. (5O-514.) 24cwt. O^r. Gib. I2oz. I5dr. ; 32cwL Oqr. 9/6. loz. 4dr. ; 40cwt. Oqr. lllb. 5oz. 9dr. ; 48civt. Oqr. 13/6. 9oz. 14dr. ; 56civt. Oqr. lllb. I4oz. 3dr. ; Q4cwL Oqr. 20/6. 2oz. Sdr. ; 12cwt. Oqr. 22/6. 6oz. I3dr. (515-523.) 24cw/. Oqr. 18/6. loz. 5dr.; 32cwt. Oqr. 24/6. loz. I2dr.-, 40cwt. Iqr. 5/6. 2oz. Sdr. ; 48cwt. Iqr. lllb. 2oz. lOdr. ; 56cwZ. Iqr. 17/6. 3oz. Idr. ; 64cwt. Iqr. 23/6. 3oz. 2qr. 4/6. 3oz. 15rfr. ; 88c^/. 2^r. 16/6. 4oz. IZdr. ; 22/6. 5oz. 4rfr. (524-529.) 296^a/. Iqt. Ipt. Igi. ; 356 gal 2qt. Ipt. 2gi. ; 254gal. 4qt. Opt. 2gi. ; 458g-a/. 1^. Opt. 2gi. ; GSlgal. Iqt. Ipt. Zgi.; 4l5gal. 5qt. Ipt.Zgi. (53O.) 32c^. l^r. 15/6. (531.) 54yd. 2qr. 3na. (532.) 14C. 119s. ^. (533.) 4da. 5hr. 4mm. ZQsec. (534.) Imi. 255ft. 10m. (535.) 673141^. lOhr. 44mm. 28jsec. (536.) 27 2s. 6d. (53T.) 10812a-a/. Iqt. Ipt. (538.) 23 C. be. ft. (539.) 3361//. Ijtw. (54O.) 17 13s. 3i/. (541.) 35 9s. Wd. 91. (542-54.) 8yrf. 2^r. Ifna.; 6^. Iqr. a. ; 4z/c/. l^r. ^na. ; 3^. 2gr. 3na. ; 3yd. Oqr. 3%na. ; 2yd. 3qr. (549-562.) 13c?^. 3qr. 22/6. 14oz. 12^r. ; 9cwt. Iqr. 6/6. I5oz. 3rfr. ; 6cwt. 3qr. 23/6. 15oz. 6dr. ; 5c^. 2^r. 9/6. 2oz. ^r. 15/6. I5oz. 9dr. ; 3c^. 3qr. 24lb.6oz. S\dr. ; 24/6. loz. ll\dr. ; 3cwt. Oqr. 10/6. lOoz. 6^c?r. ; Icwt. Oqr. 3/6. 8oz. 12jrfr.; Iqr. 19/6. 8oz. 5^r. ; l^r. 9/6. Soz. 4^dr. ; l^r. 18/6. lOoz. 15||c/r. ; 2^r. 16/6. 9ozf l T \rfr. ; 2^r.7/6. Ooz. 14^r. (563-56T.) 9oz. 18pi^/. 3}fgr. ; 6oz. 15^w>/. 14 T V^r. ; Soz. 12pivt. gr. ; 4oz. 8pwt. 19f|^r. ; 4oz. Zpwt. 2^gr. (56.) 4mi. 2fur. 39rd. 3yd. Oft. l^in. (569-5T2.) 39gal. 6pt.; IA. OR. IP.', Igi.; 3 13s/ 4d. (573.) 365da. 5hr. 48mm. 48sec. (574.) 15//. 2m. (575.) 7s. 6d. (576.) 15s. Sd. (577.) 2yd Iqr. 2na. (578.) 16rd. before, and 1/wr. after. (579.) 9/6. loz. 14j9Mrt. 5gr. (58O.) 26w. 3pA: (51.) 72 reams, 6 quires, and 2 sheets. (582.) The widow had 856 13s. 4d., and each child had j244 15s. 2d. 3% far. (583.) 16A. 3R. 8P., 21A., 21A., 42A. (584.) 6cwt. 2qr. 16/6., 2cwt. Oqr. 24/6., Icwt. Oqr. 12/6., 3cwt. Iqr. 8/6. (585.) Soz. Spirt. 8fgr. (586.) 1/6. 3oz. Spiot. l5 T \gr. (587.) 3424 ; 95 CHAP. XI.] APPENDIX. 337 gr. of gold, 190-275gr. of silver, 190-275gT. of copper. (588.) $248-062. (59..) $15'5l5. (590.) 27?/r. Qmo. 3wk. 2da. 23/ir. 42mm. 30\sec. (591.) 4yr. Imo. llda. in Southern States; 3yr. Qmo. 14da. in Western States ; 2yr. 7mo. 24cfo. in Northern Slates; 8mo. 20da. in Middle States: llyr. Qmo. 15da. in all. (592.) 365242da.5hr.13min.8sec. (593.) 6939'55 5 120. What is the method of reduction of currencies by ratio ? What is the ratio in this case ? Is it fixed or variable ? Why? 121. Give the ratios of the dollar in the several States to the pound sterling ; of the pound sterling to the dollar. How is Fed- eral Money to be converted into State or Canada currency ? How these latter currencies into Federal Money ? 122. What are the custom-house values of some of the chief current foreign coins ? How may foreign coins be reduced to Federal Money ? Federal Money to foreign coins ? ANSWERS. 113. (1-9.) 36 days; 24 days; 18 days; 9 days; 8 days; 6 days ; 4 days ; 3 days ; 2 days. (1O-16.) $221 ; $27 ; $30 ; $371; $45; $75; $150. (17-22.) 40 days; 30 days; 24 days; 20 days; 12 days; 4 days. (23-28.) 120 hands; 80 hands; 40 hands ; 24 hands; 20 hands; 15 hands. (29.) 384 times. (30.) $441. (31.) $130680. (32.) $948*. (33.) $26133331 (34-40.) $18; $24; $30; $42; $54; $66; $78. (41-44.) $3 ; $3 ; $1 ; $2. (45-47.) 16 men ; 12 men ; 8 men. (48-5O.) 6f miles; Smiles; 10 miles. 115. (51-55.) f; J; ', ; Tir W (56-6O.) ^; A; A-J^JTif*. (6*0 & (a-5.) 1; -v 4 -; tf; if- (66.) rfA*. (67.) T |fs. (680 Tffr. (69.) ^. (TO.) T 1 7 . (71.) T 3 ^. (72.) UftJ. (73.) Silver and cop- per each T ^ of the gold ; silver and copper together l of the gold. (74.) f (75.) ^Wy (76.) |4J. (77.) JftV. (78.) |J}. (79-83.) $1755; $450; $675; $1080; $1485. (84-88.) $210; $450; $1350; $2160; $3510. (89.) $1290. (9O.) $537f. (91.) { of a week. (92-94.) 30 men; 300 men; 346 APPENDIX. [CHAP. xm. 18000 men. (95.) 80 feet, (96.) 270 feet. (97.) 941 feet. (9.) $221iffJ. (99.) T 5 // T of a day. (1OO-1O8.) $0'125; $0-25; $0-4375; $0'541f; $0'708|; $0'9375 ; $M25. (1O7- 112.) 4 barrels; 9|| barrels; 16 barrels; lOf bushels; 63 bushels; 105 bushels." (113-121.) 33 feet ; 66 feet; 99 feet ; 247| feet; 330 feet; 4121 feet; 20 rods; 4 rods; 8 rods. 15 men; 10 men; 6 men; 25 men; 5 men. $1-75; $2'91f; $4'08 ; $6-41 ; $9-91f ; $21 ; $35; $49; $142-85$; $257'14f ; $342-85f (138-141.) $56000 ; $28000 ; $21000 ; $35000. (142-15O.) 9sec. ; 15sec. ; 45sec. ; 25; 65; 250; 375; 85; 185. 116. (151.) $326-25. (152.) $4'43i. (153.) $20'625. (154.) $3-1625. (155.) $11-26125. (156.) $6-015jj, (157.) $1-50. (158.) $11-81$. (159.) $9. (16O.) $24'28{. (161.) $7-81|. (162.) $6-75. (163.) $154'37l. (164.) $68-621. (165.) $2-79j. (166.) $8'66. (167.) $3'93|. (168.) $121-871. (169.) $61'87i (17O.) $3-36}. (171.) $5-16f. (172.)" IS/o mil es- (1^3.) $2'52|. (174.) $10. (175-18O.) 720 bushels; 1440 bushels; 2880 bushels; 1080 bushels; 1800 bushels; 2160 bushels. (181-185.) 192 beg- gars; 120 beggars; 96 beggars; 72 beggars; 60 beggars. (186-190.) $150; $25; $16'66|; $8-33i ; $1-66|. (191- 195.) 266fyd. ; 240z/d; 160^.; 145 T 5 T ?//.; nS^yd. (196- 20O.) 39666| miles; 51000 miles; 62333^ miles; 107666f miles ; 147333^ miles. 5 122. (201-21O.) 1 ; 4 ls.+ ; 6 14s. 2d. 2|/ar.+ ; JC12 3s. 9d. 2l/ar. nearly; 181 Is. lOd. l^/r.+ ; 5"l2s. 3d. 3/ar.+ ; 261 4s. Id. l|/ar.+; 4565 6s. 10^. 3/ar.+; 92352 17s. 2d. l/r.+ ; 572089 8s. Bd.0far.+ . (211-218.) l 16s.; 5 3s. Id. 3/ar.-^ ; 16 8s. Id. 2far.+ ; 147 Is. 3d. 2far.+ ; 1794 14s. Id. 3far.+ ; 16477 5s.+ ; 18458 9s. 6d. "2far.+ ; 44700 11s. 7d. lfar.+. (219-234.) l 15s. 8d.+ ; 5 2s. 2d. 2/ar.+ ; 16 5s. 2d.+ ; 145 14s. 6d. 3/ar.+ ; 1778 7s. 10d.+ ; 16327 9s. Id, 3/r.+ ; 18290 13s. 5d. 2far.+ ; 44294 4s. 2d. 3far.+ ; l 16s. Id. 3far.+ ; 5 3s. 7d. 2far.+ ; CHAP. XIII.] APPENDIX. 347 16 95. <7d. S/ar.-f ; 147 14s. Wd. lfar.+ ; 1802 19s. 6rf. 2/ar.+ ; 16553 3s. 7dL 3/ar.+ ; 18543 10s. 9rf. l/ar.-f ; 44906 11s. 5rf. 3/ar.+. (235-24O.) $44'77 ; $131-50+; $188-94+ ; $1310-379+; $20234-265+; $336283'38+. (241- 258.) $44-40; $130'41+ ; $187-38 ; $1299-55 nearly; $20067'- 039+ ; $333504-144; $44-811+ ; $131-622+; $189-115; $1311-582+; $20252-845+; $336592-188+; $46'22f; $132'- 829+; $190-85+; $1323-615+; $20438-651+; $339680'17i. (259-263.) 25 Is. Canada; 23 7s. 7Jrf. Georgia; 30 Is. 2J. New England; 37 11s. 6d. Pennsylvania; 40 Is. 7^. New York. (264-26.) 9 6s. W-Qd. Canada; 8 14s. 4-72d. Georgia; 11 4s. 2'64d. New England; 14 Os. 3'3d. Pennsyl- vania; 14 18s. ll-52<2. New York. (269-273.) 250 Can- ada; 233 6s. 8d. Georgia; 300 New England; 375 Penn- sylvania; 400 New York. (274-278.) $303-10 Canada; $324-75 Georgia; $252'58i New England; $202'06| Pennsyl- vania; $189-43| New York. (279-283.) $321-05 Canada; $343-982 \ Georgia; $267'541| New England ; $214'03i Penn- sylvania; $200-656^ New York. (284-288.) $4000 Canada; $4285-714f Georgia; $3333-33^ New England; $2666'66f Penn- sylvania; $2500 New York. (289.) 1755-^ sovereigns. (290.) 11575f| five francs. (291-295.) 595 T W Mexican doubloons; 1190|f ten thalers; 2321 2s. 4^. Canada ; 18568-94 rupees of Bengal ; 11605-5875 ducats of Naples. (296-301.) $5904-675; $12740; $3659-625; $385660-88; $1342851*78; $369698-994. (302.) $84760'33. (3O3.) 5113 15s. 9d. 2/ar.+. (3O4.) 1008 12s. IQd. lfar.+ New England. (305.) 26455^| five francs. (3O6.) $0*003388. (3O7.) $4-356. (3O8.) $29-04. (3O9-314.) 416f ounces of Sicily; 1250 ducats of Naples ; 2061 ffi florins of Augsburg; 1269|f rix dol- lars of Bremen ; 64 3 4 g- Mexican doubloons; 219^f Louis-d'ors. (315-325.) $15600; 14716|f crowns; 3223 r y T sovereigns; 14857| specie-dollars of Denmark; 14716f| specie-dollars of Norway; 8472| pagodas of India; 31200 rupees of Bengal; 13866f milrees of Portugal ; 44571^ mark bancos of Hamburg; 3120 English guineas; 83870f francs. 348 APPENDIX. [CHAP. xiv. CHAPTER XIV. 123. Explain a proportion. What names are given to the terms of a ratio ? What of a proportion ? Wherein does a ratio differ from a proportion ? Whence did the Rule of Three derive its name ? What is meant by known quantities ? What by the unknown ? What is a mean proportional ? How is it found ? What propositions are true with respect to the various terms of a proportion ? Repeat the first form of the Rule of Three. Ex- plain its principles. Repeat the second form of this rule. Ex- plain the difference between the two rules. Show the connection between the second form and the method by analysis. 124. Explain a compound proportion. By how many pro- cesses may a question involving complex conditions be answered ? Illustrate by an example. 125. What is Arbitration of Exchange? What principle does it involve ? 126. What is Partnership? What principle lies at the foundation of operations under this head ? How will you ascer- tain each partner's gain or loss ? 127 Wherein does Double Fellowship differ from partner- ship? ANSWERS. 123. (1.) 40-56. (2.) $21. (3.) 3 16s. 6d. (4.) 52j weeks. (5.) 113 miles. (6.) 14f years. (7.) 320 yards. (8.) 25 men. (9.) 2000 pounds. (1O.) 61f bushels. (11.) 11 seconds. (12.) 3600 times. (13.) 31| minutes. (14.) 8 days. (15.) 13014f pounds. (16.) 66JH feet. (17.) 6js. (1.) $104-16f. (19.) 23 miles. (2O.) 4 hours. (21.) $576. (22.) $11. (23.) $13. (24.) $9510. (25.) $1732-25. (26.) $310. (27.) 550 bushels. (2.) 12| bar- CHAP. XIV.] APPENDIX. 349 rels. (29.) 33yd. (30.) 32 miles. (31.) $42-85?. (32.) Uda. 4hr. (33.) 9| inches. (34.) 8 days. (35.) 45g yards. (36.) $100. (37.) $14400. (38.) $1166|. (39.) 68104 T T miles. (4O.) 1037^ miles. (41.) 60590592000000 miles. (42.) 6hr. 40mm. (43.) $625. (44.) H6da. 4$hr. (45.) _!_. of an inch. (46.) $4-66f. (47.) $5-25. (48.) \n\mo. (49.) 76032 years. (50.) 60 feet. (51.) 31 miles. (52.) ISyd. (53.) 29^ degrees. (54.) 236| miles with cur- rent, and 168| miles against it. (55.) ^f J} T times. (56.) |f. (57.) Supply-pipe alone 8%da. ; supply-pipe and 1st dischargirg pipe \Q\da. ; supply-pipe and 2d discharging pipe llfda. ; all to- gether 15da. (58.) 441 T 3 T miles. (59.) 71 Ij pounds. (6O.) 69 weeks. (61.) 30 men. (62.) 3291^. (63.) 6 men. (64.) 11 men. (65.) 30 pounds. (66.) $144. (67.) 500 men. (68.) 288^ days. (69.) 200 men. (70.) $67'50. (71.) $14-40. (72.) 8 months. (73.) 6 per cent. (74.) $360. (75.) $19-20. (76.) 80 cows. (77.) 32yd. (78.) 8mo. (79.) 10 persons. (8O.) $50 dollars' worth. $125. (81-83.) $1899-3911; $1816'66f; $83-73 j. (84- 86.) $5398-65; $4755'55|; $643'09^. (87.) 36|} pounds. (88.) 375 pears. (89.) 20 ff English guineas. (9O.) 982^ francs. (91.) A.'s share $100-80, B.'s $109*20. (92-94.) A. $200 ; B. $222-22f ; and $055f on the dollar. (95.) $138'- 46 T 2 T , $161-531^. (96.) $11-25, $18-75. (97.) $400, $600, $900, $208-33i, $291-66f. (98.) $11-50, $5'75, $9-20. (99.) $161, $112, $92. (10O.)$342-85f,$285-71f, $171-42f. (1O1.) $240, $120, $80, $60. 5127. (1O2.) $54-92ff, $45-07^-. (1O3.) $55'32f, $94-67f (104.) $3-50. (1O5.) $39'62jf, $60'37f. (1O6.) A. $17-50, B. $4-65, C. $10-60, D. $5-75, E. $8-00. (1O7.) A. $13-50, B. $12-00, C. $30-00. (1O8.) A. $195, B. $112-50, C. 30 35C APPENDIX. [CHAP. xv. $67-50 (1O9.) A. $40, B. $30, C. $24. (11O.) Each officer , each midshipman $80, each sailor $30. CHAPTER XV. 128. How do you find the average of a series of numbers ? Define average. To what topics is the principle of average ap- plied under this chapter ? 5 129, 130. What is Equation of Payments ? Give the rule, and illustrate it 131. What is the rule for finding the cash balance ? Ex- plain the principle involved in the rule. If the cents of an entry exceed 50, what may be done ? if less than 50, what ? 5 132, 133. Define Alligation Medial. In what does it re- semble equation of payments? What is Alligation Alternate? Show in what way Alligation may be of use to the dealer in gro- ceries. ANSWERS. 5128. (1-5.) SJ; 4; 5; 6; 7. (6-1O.) 6}; 16$; 16J; 69-J ; 7|. (11.) $1220-181. (12.) 93 T V (13.) Average leeAft. ; aggregate 1163^&. (14.) 5 16s. 3d. qr. (15.) 36yr. 6mo. l$da. (16.) 29-67 inches. (1T-1.) 2244'44f"; 5m. 7s. (19.) 39-09281 inches. (2O.) 14-5051475. (21- 22.) 45m.42is. ; 2m. 41 T 3 T 6 ir s- (23.) 6oz. 18pwt. (24-25.) 29; 42i. (26.) 4 T V?w.=4mo. 16da. (2T.) 8fmo.=8mo. (28.) 9mo. (29.) 5fjmo.=5mo. 22 THORIZED BY EMINENT WRITERS ; To which are added, a Vocabulary of the Roots of English Words, and an Accented List of Greek,'Latin, and Scripture Proper Names BY ALEXANDER REID, A.M., Rector of the Circus School, Edinburgh. a '.'ritical Preface, by HENRY REED, Professor of English Literature in the University Pennsylvania, and an Appendix, showing the Pronunciation of nearly 3000 of the oioat important Geographical Names. One volume, 12mo. of nearly 600 pages, bound in Leather. Price #1 Aaiong tne wants of our time was a good dictionary of our own language, especially adapted for academies and schools. The books which have long been in use were of little value to the junior students, being too concise in the definitions, and unmethodical in the arrangement Reid's English Dictionary was compiled expressly to develop the precise analogies ana various properties of the authorized words in general use, ty the standard authors apd orators who uae our vernacular tongue. Exclusive of the large number of proper names which are appended, this Dictionary includes four especial improvements and when their essential value to the student is considered, the sterling character of the work as a hand-book of our language will be instantly perceived. The primitive word is distinguished by a larger type ; and when there are any derivatives from it, they follow in alphabetical order, and the part of speech is appended, thus furnishing a complete classification of all the connected analogous words of tlie same species. With this facility to comprehend accurately the determinate meaning .,f the English word, in Conjoined a rich illustration for the linguist. The derivation of all the piimitive words is dis- tinctly given, and the phrases of the languages whence they are deduced, Whether composite or simple; so that the student of foreign languages, both ancient and modern, by a reference to any word, can ascertain the source whence it has been adopted into our own form of speech. This is a great acquisition to the person who is anxious to use words in their utmost clearness of no easing. To these advantages is subjoined a Vocabulary of the Roots of English Words, which is of peculiar value to the collegian. The fifty pages which it includes, furnish the linguist with a wide-spread field of research, equally amusing and instructive. There is also added an Ac cented List, to the number of fifteen thousand, of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. R E COMME N U A TI ( ) N S REID'S Dictionary of the English Language is an admirable book for the use of schools. Its plans combine a greater number ol desirable conditions (or euch a work, than any \vhh which I am acquainted: and it seems to me to be executed, in general with great judgment, fidelity, and accuracy. C. S. HENRY, Professor of Philosophy, History, and Belles Lettrej, in the University of the City of New- York. Keif's Dictionary of the English Language is compiled upon sound principles, and with judgment and accuracy. It has the merit, too, of combining much more than is usually lookad for m Dictionaries of small size, and will, I believe, be found excellent as a convenient manual, for genera' use and reference, and also for various purposes of education. HENRY REED, Professor of English Literature in the University of Pennsylvania After a careful examination, I am convinced that Reid's English Dictionary has stroni lainis upon the attention of teachers generally. It is of convenient size, beautifully executed, nd seems well adapted to the use of scholars, from the common school to the university. D. H. CHASE, Principal of Preparatory School. MIDDLETOWX, Ct. Af'er a thorough examination of" Reid's English Dictionary," I may safely say that I con pider it superior to any of the School Dictionaries with which I am acquainted. Its accurat* d concise definitions, and a vocabulary of the roots of English words, drawn from an authoi sf such authority as Bosworth, are not among the least of its excellencies. M. M. PARKS, Professor of Ethics, U. S. Military Acadrmy, West Point Sibttra. GKEEK OLLENDORFF; BEING A PROGEESSIVE EXHIBITION OF THE PEINCIPLSH OF THE GEEEK GRAMMAR. Designed for Beginners in Greek, and as a Book of Exercises for Academies and Colleges. BY ASAHEL C- KENDRICK, Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in the University of Rochester. One volume, 12mo. SI. Extract from the Prefab. ^ .ie present work is what its title indicates, strictly an Ollendotf, and aims to apply the methods which have proved so successful in the acquisition of the Modern languages to the study of Ancient Greek, with such differences of course as the different genius of the Greek, and the different purposes for which it is studied, would suggest. It differs from the modern Otlendorffs in containing Exercises for reciprocal translation, in confining them within a smaller compass, and m a more methodical exposition of the principles of the language. It differs, on the other hand, from other excellent elementary works in Greek, which have recently appeared, in a more rigid adherence to the Oilendorff method, and the greater sim- plicity of its plan : in simplifying as much as possible the character of the Exercises, and in keeping out of sight every thing which would divert the student's attention from the naked con- struction. The object of the Author in this work was twofold ; first, to furnish a book which should serve as an introduction to the study of Greek, and precede the use of any Grammar. It will therefore be found, although not claiming to embrace all the principles of the Grammar, yet complete in itself, and will lead the pupil, by insensible gradations, from the simpler con- structions to those which are more complicated and difficult. Tne exceptions, and the more idiomatic forms, it studiously leaves one side, and only aims to exhibit the regular and ordinary usages of the language, as the proper starting point for the student's further researches. In presenting these, the Author has aimed to combine the strictest accuracy with the utmost simplicity of statement. He hopes, therefore, that his work will find its way among a younger class of pupils than have usually engaged in the study of Greek, and will win to the acquisi- tion of that noble tongue many in our Academies and Primary Schools, who have been repelled by the less simple character of our ordinary text-books. On this point he would speak ear- nestly. This book, while he trusts if. will bear the criticism of the scholar, and be found adapted to older pupils, has been yet constructed with a constant reference to the wants of the young ; and he knows no reason why boys and girls of twelve, ten, or even eight years of ase may not advantageously be put to the study of this book, and, under skilful instruction, rapidly master its contents. GESENIUS'S HEBREW GKAMMAE. [Fourteenth Edition, as revised by Dr. E. RODIGER. Translated by T. J. CONANI Professor of Hebrew iu Madison University, N. Y. With the Modifications of the Editions subsequent to the Eleventh, by Dr. DA VIES of Siepney College, London. To which are added, A COTTRSE OP EXERCISES IN HEBREW GRAMMAR, and a HEBREW CKRBA TOMATHY, prepared by the Translator. One handsomely printed vol. 8vo. Price $2. Extract from the. Translator's Preface. "The fourteenth editioff of the Hebrew Grammar of Gesenius is now offered to the public , the translator t>l he eleventh edition, by whom this work was first made accessible to stv ents in the English > inguage. The convicuon expressed in his pit-face to that edition, that iu publication ia tins - nuiitry would subserve the interests of Hebrew literature, has been fully [sustained by the result. After a full trial of the merits of this work, both in America and i IK'iglor.d, its republicanon is ivw dcin:iini("l in it lute -i ;m 1 MIO-:I in:i':-->vnd form." anil 1'nim. country in wmcn me great uoinan conqueror conuuctcu me c scribes. The volume, as a whole, htwevcr, appears to be admi which it was designed. Its .style of editing ami its typographica Lincoln's excellent edition of Livy a work which -some month C. JULIUS CJESAITS COMMENTARIES GALLIC WAR. With English Notes, Critical and Explanatory ; A Ltxicori. ^eograpnical and Historical Indexes, &c. BY REV. J. A. SPENCER, A. M., Editor of" Arnold's Series of Greek and La^in Books," en. One handsome vol. 12mo, with Map. Price $1. Ti e press of Messrs. Appleton is becoming prolific of superior editions of tha classics uwd in schools, and the volume now before us we are disposed to regard as one of the nost beautiful and high'y finished among them all, both in its editing and its execution. The classic Latin in which the greatest general and the greatest writer of his age recorded his achievements, has leen sadij corrupted in the lapse of centuries, and its restoration to a pure and perfect text is a work re- quiring nice discrimination and sound learning. The text which Mr. Spencer has adopted is thai of Oudendorp, with such variations as were suggested by a careful collation of the leading critict of Germany. The notes are as they should be, designed to aid the labors of the student, not to supei-sede them. In addition to these, the volume contains a sketch of the life of Caesar, a briel Lexicon of Latin words, a Historic^! and a Geographical Index, together with a map of the country in_which the great Roman conqueror conducted the campaigns he ?o graphically do- "mirably suited to the purpose for ical execution reminds us of Prof. inths since had already passed to a second impression, and has now been adopted in most of the leading schools and colleges of th count ry. Providence JoiirnaJ. " The type is clear and beautiful, and the Latin text, as far as we have examined it, extremity accurate, and worthy of the work of the great Roman commander and historian. No one edition lias been entirely followed by Mr. Spencer, lie has drawn from Oudendorp, Achaintre. Lanuiiiv. Obcrliu, Schneider, and Giani. His notes are drawn somewhat from the above, and al;--o from Vossius. navies, Clarke, and S'.utgart. These, together with his own corrections and notes, and an excellent lexicon attache:!, render this volume the most complete and valuable edition ol Caesar's Commentaries yet published. Albany Spectator. EXERCISES IN GREEK PROSE COMPOSITION. ADAPTED TO THE FIRST BOOK OF XENOPHON'S ANABASIS. BY JAMES R. BOISE, Professor in Brown University. One volume, 12mo. Price seventy-five cents. V For the convenience of the learner, an English-Greek Vocabulary, a Catalogue of the Im guiar Verbs, and an Index to the principal Grammatical Notes nave been appended. "A school-book of the highest order, containing a carefully arranged series of exercisi de rived from the first book of Xenophon's Anabasis, (which is appended entire.) an Eng'ish u4 Greek vocabulary and a list of the principal modifications of irregular verbs. We regard it M one peculiar excellence of this book, that it presupposes both the diligent scholar and the paint taking teacher, in ether hands it would be not only useless, but unusable. We like it also, b enuse, instead of aiming to give the pupil practice in a variety of styles, it places before him bnl a single model cf Greek composition, and that the very author who combines in the greatest d> gree, purity of language and idiom, with a simplicity that both invites and rewards imitation.'' Christian Register. ' Mr. Boise is Professor of Greek in Brown University, and lias prepared these exercisei as an accompaniment to the First Book of the Anabasis of Xenophon We have examined tb plan with some attention, and are struck with its utility. The exercises consist of short -* tences, composed of the words used in the text of the Anabasis, and involving the same construe rions; and the system, if faithfully pursued, must not only lead to familiarity with the aulM) and a natural adoption of his style, but a!> to sroat ease and fanhless excellence in Greek our ~>i'iti*i*i ' f>tntc#tfi.nt Clnirr.hmun. A MANUAL GRECIAN AND ROMAN ANTiaUITIES. BY DR. E. F. BOJESEN, Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in the University of Sora Translated from the German. EDITED, WITH NOTES AND A COMPLETE SERIES OF QUESTIONS, BY TH REV. THOMAS K. ARNOLD, M. A. REVISED WITH ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. One neat volume, 12mo. Price $1. The present Manual of Greek and Roman Antiquities is far superior to any thing on flic *ame topics as yet offered to the American public. A principal Review of Germany says : Small -AH he compass of it is, we may confidently affirm that it is a great improvement on all preceding wor w s of the kind. We no longer meet with the wretched old method, in which sub- jects essentially distinct are herded toerether. and connected subjects disconnected, but hav t simple, systematic arrangement, by which the reaaer easily receives a clear representa f 'in i>( Roman life. We ^ longer stumble against countless errors in detail, which though long age assailed and extirpated by Niebuhrand others, have found their last place of refuge in nur Ma- nuals. The recent investigations of philologists and jurists have been extensively, but carefullj and circumspectly used. The conciseness and precision which the author has every where prescribed to himself, prevents the superficial observer from perceiving the essential superiority of the book to its predecessors, but whoever subjects it to a careful examination will discover (his on every page." The Editor says : " I fully believe that the pupil will receive from these little works a correct and tolerably complete picture of Grecian and Roman life; what I may call the POLI- TICAL portions the account of the national constitutions and their effects appear to me to be of great value; and the very moderate extent of each volume admits of its being thoroughly mastered of it? being GOT UP and RETAINED." " A work long needed in our schools and colleges. The manuals of Rennet, Adam, Potter and Robinson, with .je more recent and valuable translation of Eschenburg, were entirely too roluminous. Here is ne iher too much, nor too little. The arrangement is admirable every subject is treated of in its proper place. We have the general Geography, a succinct historic^ vifcw of the general subject ; the chirography, history, laws, manners, customs, and religion of each State, as well i'^the points of union for all, beautifully arransed. We regard the work aa the ?ery best adjun? to classical study for youth that we have seen, and sincerely hope tint wachers may be bri ^ht to regard it in the same light. The whole is copiously digested int ppropriate questions." S. Lit. Gazette. From Professor Lincoln, of Brown University, " I found on my table after a short absence from home, your edition of Bojecen's Greek an Roman Antiquities. Pray accept my acknowledgments for it. I am agreeably surprised to fLid on examining it, that within so very narrow a compass for so comprehensive a subject, the !>ook contai is so much valuable matter; and, indeed, so far as I see, omits noticing no topics es- tential. It will be a very useful book in Schools and Colleges, and it is far superior to any thing that I know of the same kind. Besides being cheap and accessible to all students, it lias the fttat msrit of discussing its topics in a consecutive and connected manner." Extract of a letter from Proftssor Tyler, of Amherst College. " I have never found time till lately to look over Bojeson's Antiquities, of which you were tind enough to send me a copy. I think it an excellent book ; learned, accurate, concise, and perspicuous; well adapted for use iiv 'he Academy or the College, and comprehending in >Tial! compass, more ^n in valuable on the subject than many extended treatises " 3 frat CICERO DE OFFICIIS. WITH ENGLISH NOTES. Chiefly selected and translated from the editions of Zumpt and Bonneli. BY THOMAS A. THACHER, Assistant Professor of Latin in Yale College. One volume 12mo. 90 cents. This edition of De OPkiin has the advantage over any other with which we are acquainted, ai'mcre copious notes, txjuer arrangement, and a more beautiful typography. The text ci Zumpt appears to have be'.-n c'osely followed, except in a very few instances, where it is varied on the authority of Beier, O/elli and Bonneli. Teachers and students will do wtll to examine this edition. "Mr. Thacher very modestly disclaims for himielf more than the cirlit cf a compiler and translator in me editing of this work. Being ourselves unblessed with vhe works of Zumpt, Bonneli, and other Gorman writers to whom Mr. T. credits most of his notes and comments, we cannot affirm that more credit is due him than he claims for his tabors, but we may accord him the merit of an extte'nely judicious and careful compiler, if no more ; 'for we have seen no re- mark without an important bearing, nor any point requiring elucidation which was passed un- noticed. " This work of Cicero cannot but interest eveiry one at all disposed to inquire into the views of the ancients on morals. "This valuable philosophical treatise, emanating from the pen of the illustrious Roman, de- rives a peculiar interest from the fact of its being written with the object to instruct his son, of whom me author had heard unfavorable accounts, and whom the weight ot his public duties had prevented him from visiting in person. It presents a great many wise maxims, apt and rich illustrations, and the results of the experience and reflections of an acute and powerful mind. It is well adapted to the use of the student by copious and elaborate notes, explanatory of the text, affording ample facilities to its entire comprehension. These have been gleaned fith great ludgment from the most learned and reliable authorities, such as Zumpt, Bonneli, and others". Mr. Thacher has evinced a praiseworthy care and diligence in preparing the vo- lume for the purposes for which it was designed." SELECT ORATIONS OF M. TULLIUS CICERO WITH NOTES, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BY E. A. JOHNSON, Professor of Latin in the University of New- York. One volume, 12mo. $1. " This edition of Cicero's Select Orations possesses some special advantages for the student which are both new and important. It is the only edition which contains the improved text that has been prepared by a recent careful collation and correct deciphering of the best manu scripts of CICERO'B writings. It is the work of the celebrated ORELLI, together with that of MADVIO and KT,OTZ, and has been done since the appearance of ORELLI'S complete edition. The Notes, by Proftesor JOHNSON, of the New-York University, have been chiefly selected, with great care, from the best German authors, as well as the English edition of ARNOLD. Although abundant, and almost profuse, they yet appear generally to relate to some important point in the text or subject, which the immature mind of pupils could not readily detect without aid. We do not know how a more perfect edition for the use of schools could well be prepared." "This is a beautiful and most excellent edition of the great Roman orator; and, so far as we know, the best ever published in this country. It contains the four orations against Cata- /ine, the oration for the Monilian Law, the oration for Marcellus, for Ligarius, for King Deio- Urius, for the poet Archias, and for Milo. In preparing the text of these orations the editor has a .'ailed himself of the best German and English editions ; and the notes have been gathered from every available source. These are so abundant filling more than 300 pages as to leave almost nothing to be desired by the student. They are philological, explanatory and historical. Each Oration la furnished with a valuable Introduction, containing what is necessary for the student to know preparatory to the commencement of the study of the Oration, and an analysis of the plan and argument of each Oration. Furnished with this edition of Cicero's Select . Orations, the student is orepared to enter with pleasure and profit on the study of this eleganl uid renownefl classic author. 1 ' Uosivrt Atlas. MANUAL OF ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. BY WILHELM PUTZ, PRINCIPAL TUTOR IN THE GYMNASIUM OF PUREN Translated from the German. EDITED BY TliE REV. THOMAS K. ARNOLD, >1 A., AUTHOR OP A SERIES OP "GREEK AND LATIN TEXT-BOOKS." One volume, 12mo. $1. ' At no perioc nag History presented such strong claims upon the attention of the learned, a it the present day ; and to no people were its lessons of such value as to those of the United Suites. With no past of our own to revert to, the great masses of our better educated are tempted '.o overlook a science, which comprehends all others in its grasp. To prepare a text-book, which shall present a full, clear, and accurate view of the ancient world, its geography, its political, civil, social, religious state, must be the result only of vast industry and learning. Our exami- nation of the present volume leads us to believe, that as a text-book on Ancient History, for Col- leges and Academies, it is the best compend yet published. It bears marks in its methodical arrangement, and condensation of materials, 01 the untiring patience of German scholarship ; and m its progress through the English and American press, has been adapted for acceptable use in our best institutions. A noticeable feature of the book, is its pretty complete list of 'sources ol information' upon the nations which it describes. This will be an invaluable aid to the student in his future curse of reading." " Wilhelm Piitz ; the author of this ' Manual of Ancient Geography and History,' is Principa 1 Tutor ( Oberleher) in the Gymnasium of Duren, Germany. Hfs book exhibits the advantages o tha German method of treating History, in its arrangement, its classification, and its rigid analy- sis. The Manual is what it purports to be, ' a clear and definite outline of the history of the principal nations of antiquity,' into which is incorporated a concise geography of each country. The work is a text- book ; to be studied, and not merely read It is to form the groundwork oj subsequent historical investigation, the materials of which are pointed out, at the proper places, in the Manual, in careful references to the works which treat of the subject directly under con- sideratnn. The list of references (especially as regards earlier works) is quite complete, thus supplying that desideratum in Ancient History and Geography, which has been supplied so fully Ly 1) r. J. C. I. Gieseler in Ecclesiastical History. 11 The nations whose history is considered in the Manual, are : in Asia^ the Israelites, th? In- dians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Medes, the Persians, the Phoenicians, the States of Asia Minor ; in Africa, the Ethiopian, the Egyptians, the Carthaginians ; in Europe, the Greeks, the Macedonians, the Kingdoms which arose out of the Macedonian Monarchy, the Romans. The ord ?r in which the history of each is treated, is admirable. To the whole are appended a ' Chro r.ological Table,' and a well-prepared series of 'Questions.' The pronunciation of prope* Games is indicated, an excellent feature. The accents are given with remarkable correctness. Ylitt typographical execution of the American edition is most excellent." S. W.BaptistChronicle ' lake every thing which proceeds from the editorship of that eminent Instructor, T. K. Arnold, this Manual appears to be well suited to the design with which it was prepared, and will, un- doubtedly, secure for itself a place among the text-books of schools and academies thoughout th of-untry. It presents an outline of the history of the ancient nations, from the earliest ages to tha fall of the Western Empire in the sixth century, the events being arranged in the order of an ??h jr. " ft was originally prepared by Wilhelm Piitz, an eminent German scholar, and translated and edited in England by Rev. T. K. Arnold, and is now revised and introduced to the American public in a well written preface, by Mi Georjro W. Greene, Teacher of Modern Language* ii Brown University " Prov. Journal. HAND BOOK OF MEDIAEVAL GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY BY WILHELM PUTZ, PRINCIPAL TUTOR IN THE GYMNASIUM OF DUREN Translated from the German by REV, R, B, PAUL, M, A,, Vicar of St. Augustine's, Bristol, and late Fellow of Exeter Colle&t, Oxford, 1 volume, 12mo. 75 cts. HEADS OF CONTENTS. I. Germany before the Migrations. II. The Migrations. TUP MIDDLE AGES. FIRST PERIOD. From the Dissolution of the Western Empire to the Accession gitins and Abbasides. SECOND PERIOD. From the Accession of the Carlovingians and Abbasides to the first CrusacK. THIRD PERIOD. Age of the Crusades. FOURTH PERIOD. From the Termination of the Crusades to the Discovery of America. " The characteristics of this volume are : precision, condensation, and luminous arrangement It is precisely what it pretends to be a manual, a sure and conscientious guide for the studeni through the crooks and tangles of Mediaeval history. * * * * All the great principles of th^i ex'ensi'a Period are carefully laid down, and the most important facts skilfully grouped aiouml them. There is no period of History for which it is more difficult to prepare a work like this and none for which it is so much needed. The leading facts are well established, but they are scattered over an immense space ; the principles are ascertained, but their development wa? slow, unequal, and interrupted. There is a general breaking up of a great body, and a paiceiling of it out among small tribes, concerning whom we have only a few general data, and are left tr analogy and conjecture for the details. "Then come successive attempts at organization, each more or less independent, and all very imperfect. At last, modern Europe begins slowly m emerge from the chaos, bat still under forms which the most diligent historian cannot always comprehend. To reducs such materials to a clear and definite form is a task of no small dinY culty, and in which partial success deserves great praise. It is not too much to say that 't has never been so well done within a compass so easily mastered, as in the little volume wh^h is> now offered to the public." Extract Jrom American Preface. "This translation of a foreign school-book embraces a succinct and well ar anged body of facts concerning European and Asiatic history and geography during the middle ages. It in furnished with printed questions, and it seems to b<3 well adapted to its purpose, in all respect* The rnedlajval period is one of the most interesting in the annals of the world, and a knowled^.' of its great men, and of its progress in arts, arms, government and religion, is particularly in i portan', since this period is the basis of our own social polity." Commercial Advertiser. " This is an immense amount of research condensed into a moderately sized volume, in a wa> which no one has patience to do but a German scholar. The beauty of the work is its luminoi;. arrangjinent. It is a guide to the student amidst the intricacy of Mediaeval History, the me? difficult period of the world to understand, when the Roman Empire was breaking up and p/n celling out into smaller kingdoms, and every thing was in a transition state. It was a penou > chaos from v;hich modern Europe was at length to arise. The author has briefly taken up the principal political and social influences whicr- wert acting on society, and shown their bearing from the tim?, previous to the migrations o! the Northern nations, down through the middle ages to the sixteenth century. The n >tes on the crusader are particularly valuable, and the range of observation embraces not only Euicpi but the East. To the 1 , student it will be a most valuable Hand-book, savin? him a world of trouble to huntias? up nii'horiiic^ and facts." Rrv Dr. Kip. in Albam/ State Refisler. 4 fnglis] A MANUAL Of ANCIENT AND MODERN HISTORY, COMPRISING: I. ANCIENT HISTORT, containing the Political History, Geographical" Position, and Soci State of the Principal Nations of Antiquity, carefully aigested from the Ancient Writers, and il !ustra'ed by the discoveries of Modern Travellers and Scholars. II. MODERN His TORY, containing the Rise and Progress of the principal European Nation*, their Political History, and the changes in their Social Condition: with a History of the Colonial F^vcded by Europeans. By W. COOKE TAYLOR, LL.D., of Trinity College, Dublin. Revised, Ki& Additions on American History, by C. S. Henry, D. D., Professor of History in the Univer city of N. Y., and Questions adapted for the Use of Schools and Colleges. One handsome rol., v i, ol 800 pages, $'.],25 ; Ancient History in 1 vol. $1,25, idodern History in 1 vol., $1,50. The ANCIENT IIISTORY division comprises Eighteen Chapters, whu :i include the general outlines of the History of Egypt the Ethiopians Babylonia and Assyria Western Asia Pal- estine tlie Empire of the Medes and Persians Phoenician Colonies in Northern Africa Founts ation and History of the Grecian States Greece the Macedonian Kingdom and Empire the Biatea that arose irom the dismemberment of the Macedonian Kingdom and Empire Ancient Italy Sicily the Roman Republic Geographical and Political Condition of the Roman Emoirt History of the Roman Empire and India with an Appendix of important illustrative articles This portion is one of the best Compends of Ancient History that ever yei has appeared li contains a complete text for the collegiate lecturer ; and is an essential hand-book for the student who is desirous to become acquainted with all that is memorable in general secular archaeology. The MODERN HISTORY portion is divided into Fourteen Chapters, on the following genera] subject*: Consequences of the Fall of the Western Empire Rise and Establishment of the Saracenic Power Restoration of the Western Empire Growth of the Papal Power Revival of Literature Progress of Civilization and Invention Reformatioa, and Commencement of tht States System in Europe Augustan Ages of England and France Mercantile and Colonial Sys- tem Age of Revolutions French Empire History of the Peace Colonization China the Jews with Chronological and Historical Tables and other Indexes. Dr. Henry has appended a new chapter on the History of the United States. This Manual of Modern History, by Mr. Taylor, is the most valuable and instructive work concerning the general subjects which rt comprehends, that can be found in the whole department of historical literature. Mi. Taylor's book is fast superseding all other compends, and is already adopted as a text-book in Harvard, Columbia, Yale, New-York, Pennsylvania and Brown Uiu- veraities, and several leading Academies. LECTURES ON MODERN HISTORY. By THOMAS ARNOLD, D.D., Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford^ and H&uL Master of Rugby School. EDITED, WITH A PREFACE AND NOTES, By HENRY REED, LL.D., Profcttor of English Literature in the University tf Pu. One volume, 12mo. $1,26. Extract from the American Editor's Preface. m preparing this edition, I have had in view its use, not only for the general reader, but a Bb << text-book in education, especially in our college course of study. * ' * The introduction of 1. "Preface. The present volume completes the series of Professor Piitz's Handbooks o\ Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern Geography and History. Its adapta'ion to the wants of tha student will be found to be no less complete than was to be expected from the fcrmer Parta, which have been highly approved by the public, and have been translated into several lai> guages besides the English. The difficulty of compressing within the limits of a single volume the vast amount of historical material furnished by the progress of modern states and nations in power, wealth, science, and literature, will be evident to all on reflection ; and they wiK find occasion to admire the skill and perspicacity of the Author of this Handbook, not only in the arrangement, but also in the facts and statements which he has adopted. " In the American edition several improvements have been made ; the sections relating to America and the United States have been almost entirely re-written, and materially enlarged and improved, as seemed on every account necessary and proper in a work intended for general use in this country ; on several occasions it has been thought advisable to make certain verbal corrections and emendations ; the facts and dates have been verified, and a number of explan- atory notes have been introduced. It is hoped that the improvements alluded to will be found to add to the value of the present Manual." FIEST LESSONS IN COMPOSITION. IN WHICH THE PRINCIPLES OP THE ART ARE DEVELOPED IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRINCIPLES OP GRAMMAR; Embracing full Directions on the subject of Punctuation: with copious Exercises. BY. G. P. QUACKENBOS, A.M. Rector of the Henry Street Grammar School, N. Y. One volume, 12mo. 45 cts. EXTRACT FROM PREFACE. 1 A county superintendent of common schools, speaking of the important branch of com position, uses the following language : 'Fora long time 1 nave noticed with regret the almost entire neglect of the art of original composition in our common schools, and the want of a proper text book upon this essential branch of education. Hundreds graduate from our common schools with no well-defined ideas of the construction of our language.' The writei imgut have gone further, and said that multitudes graduate, not only from common schools, but from some of our best private institutions, utterly destitute of all practical acquaintance with the subject ; that to many such the composition of a single letter is an irksome, to some an almost impossible task. Yet the reflecting mind must admit that it is only this practical appli- cation of grammar that renders that art useful that parsing is secondary to composing, and the analysis of our language almost unimportant when compared with its synthesis. "One great reason of the neglect noticed above, has, no doubt, been the want of a suitable text-book on the subject. During the years of the Author's experience as a teacher, he ha examined, and practically tested the various works on composition with which he has met. the result has been a conviction that, while there are several publications well calculated to advance pupils at the age of fifteen or sixteen, there is not one suited to the comprehension of thos-'e between nine and twelve ; al which time it is his decided opinion that this branch should be taken up. Heretofore, the teacher has been obliged either to make the scholar labor through a work entirely too difficult for him. to give him exercises not founded on any regulai system, or to abandon the branch altogether and the disadvantages of either of these courses are at once apparent. " Tt 'f 'his conviction, founded on the experience not only of the Author, but of many olher teachers with whom he has c u^uitn !, ili.-jt has 1H f> th* production of toe work now afler^ I to ihe pub'ic. It claims to be a first-book in composition, and is intended to initiate he Dinner. tnttry; and those from Wordsworth (born 1770) the contemporary use in the 19rh eontury I 1 foglislj. JHE SHAKSPEARIAN READER; A COLLECTION IF THE MOST APPROVED PLAYS OF S H AKSPE ARE. Cwi^-^lly Revised, wicn Introductory and Explanatory Notes, and a MemoJbt of the Author Prepared expressly for the use of Classes, and the Family Reading Circle. BY JOHN W. S. HOWS, Professor of Elocution in Columbia College. The MAN, whom Nature's self hath made To mock herself, and TRUTH to imitate. Spenser. One Volume, 12mo, $1 25. At a oriod when the fame of Shakspeare is " striding the world like a co.osaus, ' and tti ticiwof his works are multiplied with a profusion thai testifies the desire awakened in all classes jf society to read and study his imperishable compositions, there needs, perhaps, but little apology for the following selection of his works, prepared expressly to render them unezcep tionable for the use of Schools, and acceptable for Family reading. Apart from the fact, that Shakspeare is the "well-spring" from which may be traced the origin of the purest poetry in our language, a long course of professional experience has satisfied me that a necessity exiete for the addition of a vrrk like the present, to our stock of Educational Literature. Hits writings are peculiarly adapted for the purposes of Elocutionary exercise, when the system of instruction pursued by the Teacher is based upon the true principle of the art, viz. a careful analysis of the structure and meaning of language, rather than a servile adherence to the arbitrary and me- chanical rules of Elocution. To impress upon the mind of the pupil that words are the exposition of thought, and that in reading, or speaking, every shade of thought and feeling has its appropriate shade of modulated tone, ought to be the especial aim of every Teacher; and an author like Shakspeare, whose every line embodies a volume of meaning, should surely form one of our Elocutionary Text Books. * ' Still, in preparing a selection of his works for the express purpose contem- plated in my design, I have not hesitated to exercise a severe revision of his language, beyond that adopted in any similar undertaking " Bowdler's Family Shakspeare " not even excepted; - and simply, because I practically know the impossibility of introducing Shakspeare as a Cl* Book, or as a satisfactory Reading Book for Families without this precautionary reviai ro. Extr-Mtfrom the Preface. HISTORY MD GEOGRAPHY OP THE MIDDLE AGES (CHIEFLY FROM THE FRENCH.) BY G.W.GREENE, Instructor in Brown University. PART I : HISTORY. One volume, 12mo. SI. Extract from Preface. "This volume, as the title indicates, is chiefly taken from a popular French work, which 4U) rapidly passed through several editions, and received the sanction of the University. It Will be found to contain a clear and satisfactory exposition of the Revolution of the Middle Agea, with such general views of literature, society, and manners, as are required to explain the paa- age from ancient to modern history. At the head of each chanter there is an analytical sum- mary, which will be found of great assistance in examination or in review. Instead of a singia list of sovereigns, I have preferred giving full genealogical tables, which ire much clearer and faifinitely more satisfactory." THE FIRST HISTORY OF ROME, WITH aUESTIONS. BY E. M. SEWELL, Author of Amy Herbert, &c., &c. One volume, 16mo. 50 eta. Extract from Editor's Preface, ' History is the narrative of real events in the order and circumstances in which they oc eurred ; and of all histories, that of Rome comprises a series of events more interesting and io structive to youthful readers than any other \hat has ever been written. " Of the manner in which Mrs. Sewell has executed this work, wf. can scarcely speak in terms of approbation too strong. Drawing her materials from the best hat is :o say, the most reliable sources she has incorporated them in a narrative at once unostentatious, perspicuous, and graphic ; manifestly aiming throughout to be cleariy understood by those for whom she wrote, and to impress deeply and permanently on their minds what she wrote ; and in botJi of these aims we think she has been eminently successful." Norfolk Academy, Ncr^i !/t, Vu. I must thank you for a copy of "Miss Sawcll's Roman History." Classical teachers have long needed just such a work : for it is admitted by all how essential to a proper comprehension of the classics is a knowledge of collateral history. Yet most pupils are construing authors be- fore reaching an age to put into their hands the elaborate works we have heretofore had upoi Ancient History. Miss Sewell, while she gives the most important facts, has clothed them in a style at once pleasing and comprehensible to the most youthful mind. R. B. TSCHUDI, Prof, of Anc'l Languages THE MYTHOLOGY OF ANCIENT GREECE AND ITALY, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY THOMAS KEIGHTLEY. One vol. IGmo. 42 cts. " This is a volume well adapted to the purpose for which it was prepared. It presents, ) very compendious anl convenient form, every thing relating to the subject, of impr '.ance to tto young student." GENERAL HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN EUROPE, PROM THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. BY IVt. 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A Short View of Sciipture History, from the Creation to the Return of the Jews Questioni from the Early Ages to the time of Julius Ca3sarl>;iscellaneous Questions in Grecian History Miscellaneous Questions in General History, ch.^fly Ancient Questions containing a Sketcn of the most remarkable Events from the Christian Era to the close of the Eighteenth Century Miscellaneous Questions in Roman History Questions in English History, from the Invasion of Caesar to the Reformation Continuation of Questions in English History, from the Reformation to the Present Time Abstract of Early British Ilistorv- Abstract of English Reigns from the Conquest Abstract of the Scottish Reigns Abst-act of the French Rei-rns, from Pharamond to Philip I Continuation of the French Reigns, from Louis VI to Louis Phillippe Questions Re- lating to the History of America, from its Discovery to riie Present Time Abstract of Roman Kings and ^iost distinguished Heroes Abstract -^f the most celebrated Grecians Of Heathen .Mythology in general Abstract of Heathen Mythology The Elements of Astronomy Expla- ttoa of a few Astronomical Terms List of Constellab'-,e Questions on Common Subjects iuestions on Architecture Questions on HeraHry Explanations of such Latin Words and Phrases as are seldom Englished Questions on th "History of the Middle Ages. " This is an admirable work to aid both teachers and parents in instructing children and youth, uid there is no work of the kind that we have seen iliat is so well calculated " to awaken a spirit of laudable curiosity in young minds," and to satisfy that curiosity when awakened." HISTORY OF ENGLAND, Frour the Invasion of Julius Caesar to Hie Reign of Queen Victoria. BY MRS. MARKHAM. A new Edition, with Questions, adapted for Schools in the United States. BY ELIZA ROBBINS, Author of "American Popular Lessons?' " Poetry for Schools," ffc. One Volume, 12mo. Price 75 cents. There is nothing more needed in our schools than good histories ; not the dry compends b. icsent use, but elementary works that shall suggest the moral uses of histoiy, and the provl ence of God, manifest in the affairs of men. Mr. Markham's history was used by that model for all teachers, the late Dr. Arnold, mastei -' the great English school at Rugby, and agrees u. its character with his enlightened and piou* >^:W3 of teaching history. It is now several years sinc.p T adapted this history to the form anC ice acceptable in the schools in the United States. I nave recently revised it, and trust that i* ...y be extensively serviceable in education. The principal alterations from the original are a new and more convenient division of para ~ phs, and entire omission of the conversations annexed to the chapters. In the place of theat I ive affixed questions to every page that may r once facilitate the woik of the teacher and ':*! it successfully with my own scholars. Extract fmm 'he I w~car> Editor's P^'Jax., 12 A TREATISE ON ALGEBRA. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BY S. CHASE, PROFESSOR OP MATHEMATICS IN DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. One volume, 12mo, S10 pages. Price $1. 4 Tho Treatise which Prof. Chase has written for the use of schools and colleges, seems to tw to be superior in not a few respects to the school Algebras in common use. The object of the jrriter was, "to exhibit such a vie Y of the principles of Algebra, as shall best prepare the stu- for the further pursuit of mathematical studies." He has, we think, succeeded in this at- tempt. His book is more complete in its explanations of the principles of Algebra than any text-book \vith which we are acquainted. The examples for practice are pertinent, and are suf- ficiently numerous for the illustration of each rule. ' Mr. C. has avoided, by his plan, the common fault of text books on Algebra uselessly mi- mer jis sxamples, and meagerness of explanation as respects the principles of the science. The ordei of treatment is judicious. Mr. C. has added a table offormul&j for convenience of itfer- ence, in which are brought into one view the principles exhibited in different parts of the book. It will be of great use to the student. We think the book is well adapted to schools and college*, into many of which it will, no doubt, be introduced." Ch. Recorder. FIRST LESSONS IN GEOMETRY, fTPON THE MODEL OF COLBURN'S FIRST LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC. BY ALPHEUS CROSBY, PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. One volume, 16mo, 170 pages. Price 37 cents. This work is approved of as the best elementary trxt-book on the subject, and is very gene rally adopted throughout the States. BURNAM'S SERIES OF ARITHMETICS, COMMON SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. PART FIRST is a work on MENTAL ARITHMETIC. The philosophy of the mode of teach* $ adopted in this work, is : commence where the child commences, and proceed as the child pi> ceeus : fall in with hi,? own mode of arriving at truth; aid him to think for himself, and do not the thinking for him. Hence a series of exercises are given, by which the child is made familiar with the process, which he has already gone through with in acquiring his present knowledge. These exerci?es interest the child, and prepare him for future rapid progress. The plan is ao clearly unfolded by illustration and example, that he who follows it can scarcely fail to secure, en the part of his pupils, a thorough knowledge of the subject. Price, 20cts. PART SECOND is a work on WRITTEN ARITHMETIC. It is the result of a long experience in teaching, and contains sufficient of Arithmetic for the practical business purposes of life. It illustrates more fully and applies more extcndedly and practically the principle of Cancellation than any other Arithmetical treatise. This method as here employed in connection with the or- dinary, furnishes a variety of illustrations, which cannot fail to interest and instruct the scholar. Jt is a prominent idea throughout, to impress upon the mind of the scholar the truth that lie will never discover, nor need a r/'ov -rinciple beyond the simple rules. The pupil is shown, by a variety of new modes of illustration, that new names and new positions introduce no new prin- ciple, but that they are merely matters of convenience. Fractions are treated and explained th# name ns whole numbers. Formulas are al*=o given for drilling the scholar upon the Blacklwrd which will he found of service to m;iny teachers nfComttum Schools. Price. 50 cw. 16 CLASS-BOOK OF NATURAL HISTORY. - ZOOLOGY CES1GNED TO AFFORD PUPILS IN COMMON SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES KNOWLEDGE OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, ETC. BY PROFESSOR J. J/EGER. One volume, 18mo, with numerous Illustrations. Price 42 cents. "The distinguished ability of the author of this work, both while engaged during nearly ten years as Profssor of Botany, Zoology, and Modern Languages, in Princeton College, N. J., and since as a lecturer in some of the most distinguished literary institutions, together with the rare advantages derived from his extensive travels in various parts of the world, under the patronage of the Emperor of Russia, affording superior facilities for the acquisition of knowledge in his department, have most happily adapted Professor Jaeger to the task he ha with GC rr.iich ability performed, viz. : that of presenting to the public one of the most simple, engaging, and useful Class-Books of Zoology that we have seen. It is peculiarly adapted to the pinpose he had in view, namely, of supplying a School Book on this subject for our Common Schools and Acade- mies, which shall be perfectly comprehensible to the minds of beginners. In this respect, he has, we think, most admirably succeeded, and we doubt not that this little work will become one of the most popular Class Books of Zoology in the country." From Prof. Tayler Lewis. " Your Class-Book of Zoology ought to be introduced into all the public and private school* of this city, and I should rejoice for your own sake, and for the sake of sound science, to hear o/ its obtaining the public patronage which it deserves." From Dr. T. Romeyn Beck, of Albany. " The copy of your book of which you advised me last week, reached me this morning. I am pleased with its contents. Of its accuracy I can have no question, knowins your long and ardent devotion to the study of Natural History. It will be peculiarly useful to the young pupil, in introducing him to a knowledge of our native animals." From Ret. Dr. Campbell, Albany. "Your 'Class-Book' reached me safely, and I am delighted with it; but what is more to the purpose, gentlemen \*ho know something about Zoology, are delighted with it, such as Dr. Beck and Professor Cook, of our Academy. I have no doubt that we shall introduce u."' PRIMARY LESSONS I BEING A SPELLER AND READER, ON AN ORIGINAL PLAN. in which one letter is taught at a lesson, with its power; an application being immsdiatsly made, in words, of each letter thus learned, and those words being directly arranged into reading lessons. BY ALBERT D. WRIGHT, AUTHOR OP "ANALYTICAL ORTHOGRAPHY," "PHONOLOGICAL CHART," ETC. One neat volume, 18mo, containing 144 pages, and 28 engravings. Price 12 cents, bound. EASY LESSONS IN LANDSCAPE, FOR THE PENCIL. BY F. N. OTIS, IN THREE PARTS, EACH CONTAINING SIXTEEN LESSC NS Price 38 cents each part. These Lessons are intended for the use of schools and families, and are so arrangei! thit rflfc the aid of the accompanying directions, teachers unacquainted with drawing may introduce 1 ucce$sfully into their schools; and those unable to avail themselves of the rHv^n.'agea of teacher, may pursue the study of drawing withnm difficulty. 17 ^ rB 17241