HE18 1828 i 33 '■^. u^f /^il^AlNlimV ' '^•iiia3ff«-S0V^'^^ 2: •z; c? rvFT/lltCDD •^ ^5jrtfUNivn?% g^ o. ^ .ir Ql; , f ^1 ir'^ t. u I. < <« m So §'- s ^ %n ,„, 11 ff r\C r ^ I icrir-. ^\\«^ ■)NVS01^" 20th Congress, \st Session, [Doc. No. 172.] Ho. OF 11 EPS. J far Dcpt. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. mmssmm THE SECRETARY OF WAR, TRANSMITTING THE Information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 19th Dec. 1826, I2f HELATIOX TO TOE -WORKS OF XirTERN-iVZ. XIAF R O VE MZSZTT WHICH HAVE BEEN UNDBRTAKEN Oil PROJECTED BY THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT, FROM THE YEAR 1824 TO THE YEAR 1826, INCLUSIVE, 8tc. March 4, 182^. Read, and laid upon tlie table. WASHINGTON : I'HIXTJO nr GALES SJ seato??. Ifi28, [Doc. No. 172.] War Department, March 3, 1828. Sir : In obedience to the directions of the President of the United States, and in conformity with a resolution of the House of Represen- tatives, of December 19th, 1826,1 have the honor of submitting a statement of the different works of '' internal improvement, compris- ing routes for roads and canals ; attempts to improve the navigation of rivers, lakes, creeks, and bays ; and to protect coasts and islands ; that have been undertaken or projected by the Fedei'al Government, within the different States and Territories, from the year 1824 to 1826, inclusive, so as to show how many works, and of what kinds, have been undertaken or projected in each State and Territory, with- in that time ; the amount intended or deemed necessary to be expend- ed in the execution of each work ; and the time which each will proba- bly require for its completion." The cause of the delay in furnishing this statement is explained in the accompanying communication from the Chief Engineer. «* I have the honor to be. Your obedient servant, § JAMES BARBOUR. « Hon. Andrew Stevenson, — ' Speaker of the House of Representatives. >'?75'7ir> [Doc. No. 172.] Engineer Depaktment, March 3, 1828. Siu : I Iitive tlic honor to pvcseiit Iiercwith a statenient, exhibiting the lunnber and designation of ihe dillercni uotks ofiiitoinal impiovc- ment, con»pii.sing routes lor roads and canals: attenij)ts to improve the navigation of rivers, lakes, creeks, and bays ; and to protect coasts and islands that have been undertaken or projected by the Fe- deral Government, within the different States and I'crritorics, from the year 1854 to tijc year !826, inclusive ; shewing, also, the amount intended or deemed necessai'y to be expended in the execution of each work ; and the time m hich eacli work will jirobahly j-equire for its conjplction, fioin the comnicncement of the year 1827 ; prepared in pursuance of your instructions, in conformity with a rcsolutitni of the House of Representatives, of the 19th of December, 1826, calling for the same. This statement was prepared dui-ing the last session of Congress, but, owing to the diliiculty of obtaining sufficient data wherewith to make it, and tlie nun^erous calls made on the Departmejit for infor- mation, during the session, it was not completed until thelast day of the session, too late to bepresehted to tlie Speakei'of tlie House of Repre- sentatives. It was returned to this office from the War Department, with the intention of its being transmitted to Congress at the opening of the ])rescnt Session, and. from ti)e [)ressureof business in this De- partment, has been overlooked, until the introduction, by the Hon. Mr. Wickliffe, of a resolution a few days ago, with a view to ascer- tain the reason why tiic resolution of the House of the 19th of Decem- ber, 1826, luid jiot been comj)lie llir nun.bci' nnd dc.iBnalion of li.e clilTemil Wiiits of Inleinal Improvemeol, compiisins loul,^ f...- Roads »nd Canals, atlcmpl? to improve llu- Naviplionor Rivers, Lakes, Creeks. a^J Bavs. and to proterl Coasts and Islands, llial liavc hen uu.Uilakcn or projcclcd I.) ll,e P, d,ral GovemraenI nill.in il,e ,liff,.,.,.ni «.,„. « i T • ■ r SMTEMENTcxIiilirtinguu ,he»,„;. .,U.., llu uni.„ml imendwl, or deemed i., ,i>. i., I„ i^pmded, in tlic execution of ..cli work ; and ihe lime Kliich cacli »ork «. II |,i .,l,.,l,l> >,.| , „, ....,,,1.1 imm i u,ic. "'"'°'' "'""" ""^ '''""">tState,li,d Terrilories, from tlie yenr 112^. M|| — :"? 1 ill! 1 ii .; Kj7r"i";r if.r ■ij ,151; 1 -IS ,;-,; Trr" lild ^" .-. — ■ " •- ^i i ; :.?-:,.-i':'.r,?j:s*t 1 ; h-rui-i i: „ .. : :Sp ! • .'» 4. c— ricwa '"1 ' .^pirtri : : ■ ■ „.„,„.. : : 1 . I : 1 :1 ■ -4^ 1 1 : si-.' : _J_L / ■■"■■■ ■ SI: ; n, ■ .::.t:i,-.^..;X-~-;»s; : ,L . i 3^ .'• '■■ nlltcycarisse. incluim b ;5'7571 5 K' / w- UNIVERSITY Oi- CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below yi{\X2 5A9^^^ Hecd ^#1^^ m%T 4rii2 itV WOM 7\3^1 04 Form I--n 21)711-1, '41(1122) ^^i'mm ^ 33 "'^^.aOJIIVJJO^^ '''>.!/0dilV3-J0't^ < ■ ^>-'^ ^jBAiNn-awv""^ ^^e <^-^ % W^tUNIVtRJ-//, o ^ :5 ^TilJOVVSOV^^^ %a3AINn3WV ^(!fOJnV3-JO"^ ^^tUBRAf?Y^A ^ •. ^ ^^ -JUJf'' vj.lOSANCnfj> o ^/^aaAiNn-3v\v ^OFCAUFO/?^ .^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^6'Aavaari-# ^^ttlKHAKt£;/r ^-V^^MiNIVhKV/^ ,vinvAN(;(-if.r^ ^^^HIHK/• s^ '^(tfOJITVDJO^^ ;o^ "%;: •^1 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 005 897 2