Pennsylvania. State Board of Censors (OF MOTION PICTURES) RULES AND STANDARDS Act Passed May 15, 1915 Appropriation July 16, 1917 HARRISBURG, PA. HARRISBITRCJ, PA.: J I. I. KITIN. PK1NTEB TO THE (COMMONWEALTH 1018 Pennsylvania State Board of Censors (OF MOTION PICTURES) RULES AND STANDARDS Act Passed May 15, 1915. P. L. 534 FRANK R. SHATTUCK, MRS. EDWARD C. NIVER, Chairman Vice-Chairman ELLIS P. OBERHOLTZER, Secretary OFFICES 1025 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA Telegraph Building, HARRISBURG Vandergrift Building, PITTSBURGH PROJECTION ROOMS 1025 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA HARRISBURG. PENNA. : J. L. L. KUHN, PRINTER TO THE COMMONWEALTH 1918 UJ r C^ r - ■ (2) No. 289. AN ACT Relating to motion-picture films, reels, or stereopticon views or slides; providing a system of examination, approval, and regulation thereof, and of the banners, posters, and other like advertising matter used in connection therewith ; creating the Board of Censors ; and providing penalties for the violation of this act. DEFINITIONS. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c, That the word "film" used in this act means what is usually known as a motion-picture film. The word "view" used in this act means what is usually known as a stereopticon view or slide. The word "person" includes an association, co-partnership, or a, corporation. USE OF FILMS, REELS, OR VIEWS PROHIBITED. Section 2. It shall be unlawful to sell, lease, lend, exhibit, or use any motion-picture film, reel, or view, in Pennsylvania, unless the said film, reel, or view has been submitted by the exchange, owner, or lessee of the film, reel, or view, and duly approved by the Pennsyl- vania State Board of Censors, hereinafter in this act called the- Board. BOARD OF CENSORS. Section 3. The Board shall consist of three residents and citizens of Pennsylvania, two males and one female, well qualified by educa- tion and experience to act as censors under this act. One male mem- ber of the Board shall be chairman, the female member shall De- vice-chairman, and one male member shall be secvelary. They shall be appointed by the Governor, for terms of three years. Those first appointed under this act shall be appointed for three years, two years, and one year, respectively; the respective terms to be desig- nated by the Governor. Section 4. A vacancy in the membership of the Board shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Governor. A vacancy shall not impair the right and duty of the remaining members to perforin all the functions of the Board. SEAL. Section 5. The Board shall procure and u§e an official seal, which shall contain the words, "Pennsylvania State Board of Censors/' together with such design engraved thereon as the Board may pre- scribe. ( 3 ) APPROVALS BY BOARD. Section 6. The Board shall examine or supervise the examinations of all films, reels, or views to be exhibited or used in Pennsylvania; and shall approve such films, reels, or views which are moral and proper; and shall disapprove such as are sacrilegious, obscene, inde- cent, or immoral, or such as tend, in the judgment of the Board to debase or corrupt morals. This section shall not apply to announce- ment or advertising slides. STAMPJNG FILMS, REELS AND VIEWS. Section 7. Upon each film, reel, or view which has been approved by the Board there shall be furnished and stamped by the Board the following certificate or statement Approved by Pennsylvania State Board of Censors, and shall also furnish a certificate in writing, to the same effect, which certificate shall be exhibited to any member of the Board or employe thereof upon demand of the holder thereof. In the case of motion-pictures, such statement shall be shown on the screen, to the extent of approximately four feet of film. In the case of slides or views, each set shall have at least two slides or views shown with a similar statement. RECORD OF EXAMINATIONS. Section 8. The Board shall keep a record of all examinations made by it of films, reels, or views ; noting on the record all films, reels, or views which have been approved, and those which have not been ap- proved, with the reason for such disapproval. REPORT. Section 9. The Board shall report, in writing, annually, to the Governor, on or after the first day of November oi each year. The report shall show: — 1. A record of its meetings, and a summary of its proceedings during the year immediately preceding the date of the report. 2. The results of all examinations of films, reels, or views. :i. A detailed statement of all prosecutions for violation of this act. 4. A detailed and itemized statement of all expenditures made by or on behalf of the Board. 5. Such other information as the Board may deem necessary or useful in explanation of the operations of the Board. 6. Such other information as shall be requested by the Governor. OATH AND BOND. Section 10. The chairman, vice-chairman and secretary shall, be- fore assuming the duties of their respective offices, take and sub- scribe the oath prescribed by the Constitution of Pennsylvania, and shall enter into bonds to the Commonwealth in the sum of three thou- sand dollars, two thousand five hundred dollars, and two thousand four hundred dollars, respectively, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of their duties. SALARIES. Section 11. The chairman shall receive an annual salary of three thousand dollars; the vice-chairman, an annual salary of two thou- sand five hundred dollars; and the secretary, an annual salary of two thousand four hundred dollars. The salaries shall be payable monthly. EXPENSES. Section 12. Each member and employe of the Board shall be al- lowed all expenses, of whatsoever nature, actually and necessarily incurred by him or her in carrying out the purposes of this act. EMPLOYES. Section 13. The chairman shall appoint, with the approval of the Governor, the following employes: One chief clerk at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars; one assistant clerk, at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars ; one assistant clerk, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars ; two stenographers and typewriters, at salaries of one thou- sand dollars each ; two stenographers and typewriters, at salaries of seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; one chief inspector, at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars ; three inspectors, at salaries of fourteen hundred dollars each ; three inspectors, at salaries of twelve hundred dollars each ; one operator, who shall be an electrician, at a salary of fourteen hundred dollars; two operators, at salaries of twelve hundred dollars each ; one operator, at a salary of one thou- sand dollars; two messengers, at salaries of seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; one assistant operator or patcher, at a salary of six hundred dollars; one assistant patcher, at a salary of four hundred and eighty dollars. The salaries provided for above shall be annual, and payable monthly. In addition to the employes enumerated above, the chairman may, with the approval of the Governor, appoint such additional employes as the work of the Board may necessarily require. The salaries of such additional employes shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of five thousand dollars annually. S OFFICES. Section 14. The Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings shall provide adequate offices for the Board in Harrisburg. and in such other cities of the Commonwealth as the Board may re- quire in carrying out the intent and provisions of this act. Ade- quate projecting or inspecting-rooms shall be provided in Philadel- phia, and maintained by the Board. SUPPLIES. Section 15. Upon requisition of the Board, the Board of Commis- sioners of Public Grounds and Buildings shall furnish to the Board all furniture, books, stationery, supplies, machines, and paraphernalia necessary in the work of the Board. PRINTING AND BINDING. Section 1G. The printing and binding necessary for the proper per- formance of the duties of the Board, or the proper preservation of the records of the Board, including the printing of two thousand copies of the Annual Keport and the binding thereof, shall be done by the State Printer, upon the order of the Superintendent of Public Print- ing and Binding, upon requisition of the Board. FEES. Section 17. For the examination of each film, reel, or set of views of one thousand two hundred lineal feet, or less, the Board shall re- ceive, in advance, a fee of one dollar, and one dollar for each duplicate or print thereof, which must be applied for at the same time and by the same person. FEES AND FINES. Section 18. All fees received by the Board and all fines imposed for violation of this act shall be, by the Board, paid into the State Treasury. Section 19. The money necessary to carry out the purpose of thi% act shall be appropriated by the General Assembly to the Board, biennially, as an item in the general appropriation bill. REGULATIONS OF EXHIBITIONS. Section 20. Any member or employe of the Board may enter any place where films, reels, or views are exhibited ; and such member or employe is hereby empowered and authorized to prevent the display or exhibition of any film, reel, or view which has not been duly ap- proved by the Board. REGULATION OF BANNERS, POSTERS AND ADVERTISING MATTER. Section 21. No banner, poster, or other like advertising matter shall contain anything that is immoral or improper. A copy of such banner and poster shall be submitted to the Board. RULES. Section 22. This act shall be enforced by the Board. In carrying out and enforcing the purposes of this act, it may adopt such rea- sonable rules as it ma}' deem necessary. Such rules shall not be in- consistent with the laws of Pennsylvania. Section 23. All disbursements of such nature as to make it im- practicable for the Board to file, with the Auditor General, itemized receipts or vouchers prior to the advance by the accounting officers of funds sufficient to meet such expense, shall be paid out of money specifically appropriated for that purpose, in the manner provided by an act, entitled "An act prescribing a method for disbursing' and accounting for certain appropriations to the departments, bureaus, commissions, and other branches of the State Government," approved April twenty-third, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and nine. DUTIES OF PERSONS WHO SELL, LEASE, EXHIBIT, OR USE FILMS, REELS, OR VIEWS. Section 24. Every person intending to sell, lease, exhibit, or use any film, reel or view in Pennsylvania, shall furnish the Board, when the application for approval is made, a description of the film, reel, or view to be exhibited, sold, or leased, and the purposes thereof ; and shall submit the film, reel, or view to the Board for examination ; and shall also furnish a statement or affidavit that the duplicate film, reel, or view is an exact copy of the original film, reel, or view, as submitted for examination to the Board; and that all eliminations, changes, or rejections, made or required by the Board in the oriignal film, reel, or view, has been or will be made in the duplicate. INTERFERENCE WITH EMPLOYES OF BOARD. Section 25. It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder or inter- fere in any manner with any member or employe ol ! the Board while performing any duties in carrying out the intent or provisions of this act. RE-EXAMINATION AND APPEAL. Section 26. If any elimination or disapproval of a film, reel, or view is ordered by the Board, the person submitting such film, reel, or view for examination will receive immediate notice of such elimina- tion or disapproval, and, if appealed from, such film, reel, or view will be promptly re-examined, in the presence of such person, by two or more members of the Board, and the same finally approved or disap- proved promptly after such re-examination, with the right of appeal from the decision of the Board to the court of common pleas of the proper county, PENALTIES. Section 27. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this act, and is convicted thereof summarily before any alderman, niagis- trade, or justice of the peace, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, for the first offense. For any subsequent offense the fine shall be not less than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. In default of payment of a fine and costs, the defendant shall be sentenced to im- prisonment, in the prison of the county where such offense was com- mitted, for not less than ten days, and not more than thirty days. All fines shall be paid by the alderman, magistrate or justice of the peace to the Board, and by it paid into the State Treasury. Section 28. If any person shall fail to display or exhibit on the screen the approval seal, as issued by the Board, of a film, reel, or view which has been approved, and is convicted summarily before any alderman, magistrate, or justice of the peace, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than five dollars and not more than ten dol- lars ; in default of payment of a fine and costs, the defendant shall be sentenced to imprisonment, in the prison of the county where such offense was committed, for not less than two days and not more than five days. LIMITATION OF SCOPE OF ACT. Section 29. This act does not apply to any exhibition of or use of films, reels or views, for purely educational, charitable, fraternal. or religious purpose, by any religious association, fraternal society, library, museum, public school, or private school, institution of learn- ing, or by any corporation of the first class. Section 30. The several sections and provisions of this act are hereby declared to be independent of each other; and it is the legis- lative intent that, if any of said sections or provisions are declared to be unconstitutional, such section or provision shall not affect any other portion of this act. REPEAL. Section 31. The act approved the nineteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred eleven, entitled "An act regulating the ex- hibiting or using of moving pictures and stereopticon views ; provid- 9 ing for and regulating the examination and approval of moving-pic- ture rilms or reels and stereopticon views; and fixing penalties for the violation of this act," and all other acts or parts of acts incon- sistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Approved— The 15th day of May. A. D. 1915. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH. 10 RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. All persons submitting films, reels or views for examination by the Board, shall make application therefor on blanks provided by the Board with the signature of the applicant, or a duly accredited representative of said applicant, (see facsimile of application blank) ; and when duplicates or prints thereof are to be exhibited such appli- cation must be accompanied by a statement or an affidavit, (1) as to the number of duplicates, (2) that the duplicate or prints are identi- cal with the film, reel, or view to be examined by the Board, (3) that any eliminations or rejections of the original have been or will be made in each of the duplicates or prints thereof. 2. Each application for examination except for "Current Events" shall be filed with the Board at Philadelphia at least one week before the date fixed for the release. 3. Each application shall be accompanied by a separate money order or certified check, drawn to the order of the State Treasurer, covering the number of reels thereon at the rate of $1.00 for each film or reel of 1,200 feet or less, or for each set, or series of views, and $1.00 for each duplicate or print of each film, reel, or set, or series of views. One check for the amount due for a number of ap- plications made at one time by the same person may be accepted. 4. The applicant shall furnish to the Board the name of the pro- ducing or manufacturing company and when possible the names of the players taking the leading parts, the number of extra or ad- ditional prints or duplicates and the description of the film, reel or set of views, in addition to describing the scenes depicted and the purposes intended to be subserved or lesson (moral or otherwise), to be conveyed by such film, reel or set or series of views. 5. All applications for films shall have the proper title inserted therein; applications marked "Title not reported" will not be ac- cepted, and any substitution or change in the title thereof shall be made on or before the date of delivery of the reel, film, or set or series of views. Such changes then will be permitted only when the film, reel or set or series of views is of similar length and of the same number of parts as the one substituted. 6. All films, reels, or views will be examined or passed upon by the Board at the projection rooms selected by the Board in the city of Philadelphia, and at such other place as may be fixed by the Board from time to time, provided satisfactory arrangements are made by the applicant as to time and place for examination elsewhere. 11 7. Each film or reel (original or duplicate) shall have approxi- mately four feet of film upon which shall appear first the seal of the State followed by the words : "APPROVED BY PENNSYLVANIA STATE BOARD OF CENSORS," with the title of the film or reel approved by the Board (see facsimile of the official stamp of approval) which stamp of approval shall fol- low the title of such film or reel, and WHENEVER EXHIBITED such stamp of approval SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE SCREEN TO THE EXTENT OF APPROXIMATELY FOUR FEET of film (ex- cept multiple reels covering one subject, when the stamp of approval shall follow the title of such film or reel and have a similar stamp of approval at the end or tail of such multiple reels) and each set or series of views shall have at least one slide or view with a similar endorsement ; which official stamp of approval will be attached to the film, reel or set or series of views when approved by the Board. In cases of emergency numbered stamps of approval similar to the stamps of approval carrying the names of the films or reels to which they belong will be issued by the Board. These numbers and the names of the films or reels to which they are authorized to be at- tached will be duly recorded in the offices of the Board. 8. Films, reels or views will be examined by the Board at the Projection rooms in the order that the applications are received, and in the order that the films, reels or views are delivered to the Board for examination. 9. Flms, reels- or views, which have been submitted for examina- tion for which application has been made in accordance with the rules of the Board, shall be delivered at the projection rooms of the Board at least three days (Sundays and holidays not considered as a day) prior to the release date and will be examined by the Board within forty-eight hours after the delivery (or sooner if possible), and re- turned the day following the examination (or the same day, if pos- sible), provided the original receipt given at the time of the delivery of the film, reel, or view, is surrendered by the applicant receiving the same. 10. All films, reels or views to be examined shall be delivered to the Board by messenger, and shall be well wrapped in approved metal cases. 11. All films, reels or views to be examined must be delivered to the Board in proper and fit condition to place upon the machines for projection purposes. L2 12. All banners, posters, or other like advertising matter used in connection with the display of the film, reel or view must be sub- mitted at the time the film, reel or set or series of views is delivered. 13. If an elimination or rejection of any film, reel or view is ordered the applicant will receive prompt notice of such elimination or rejection, and if not agreed to by the applicant, such reel, film or view (upon request in writing within 10 days) will be re-examined in the presence of the applicant or a duly accredited representative. by at least two members of the Board, and final action taken by the Board thereon as promptly thereafter as possible. Original elimina- tions may be thereafter supplemented, up to the time of final ap- proval. 14. Any number of transfers of the same film, reel or view or set or series of views may be made, provided always that written certifi- cate of approval as issued by the Board is actually delivered to the transferree, which certificate shall be readily accessible to any mem- ber or employee of the Board upon demand of the holder 1 hereof. 15. All persons (exhibitors, operators, etc.) upon request shall be shown the written certificate of approval as issued by the Board by the holder thereof at the time the film, reel or set or series of views- is delivered to them. 16. Any film, reel or view delivered to the Board for purposes of examination wall not be re-delivered to the applicant until the exam- ination thereof has been made and final action taken by the Board, and if so re-delivered upon request will lose its place or turn npon the examination list. 17. The approval seal as issued by the Board must be detached from the film, reel or view, if exhibited outside the State, unless the changes, alterations or eliminations, if ordered, have been made in the film to be exhibited outside of the State. 18. No certificate of a film, reel or view will be issued until the owner of such film, reel or view, or his duly accredited representative, shall have stated over his signature upon the elimination sheet issued by th-' Board that the eliminations or cut-outs as ordered by the Board from such film, reel or view, have been made; nor until such owner. or his duly accredited representative, shall have signed the Board's poster approval sheet, signifying his agreement to the Board's action in reference to banners, posters, etc., appertaining to such film, reel or view. 19. If an Approval Seal, as issued by the Board for a film, reel or view has been lost or is unfit for use, a substitution thereof may be furnished by the Board, in lieu of the original approval seal, if the application is made by the same owner, exchange or lessee, setting forth the title of the film, reel or view, the name of the manufacturer, 13 the name of the exchange, the State number, the number of parts, how many duplicates were applied for at the time the original ap- plication was filed, the date when the film, reel or view was originally released, and when said application is received and acted upon fa- vorably by the Board, the substituted seal of approval will be issued upon payment of the sum of twenty-five cents by the applicant (if such applications are made in reasonable quantities). 20. A reprint of any film, reel or view to be used in substitution of a film, reel or view which has become unfit for use and is out of service (not on the shelves) and which film, reel or view had been approved by the Board, may be exhibited in lieu of the original film, reel or view, if an application is made by the same owner, exchange or lessee, setting forth the title of the film, reel or view, the name of the manufacturer, the name of the exchange, the State number, the num- ber of parts, how many duplicates were applied for at the time the original application was filed, the date when the film was originally released, and when said application for substitution is acted upon favorably by the Board, a new written certificate will be issued as well as a proper approval seal by the Board, upon payment of the sum of twenty-five cents by the applicant (if such applications are made in reasonable quantities) and when the original written certificate of approval and the seal as used on the old film, reel or view are de- livered to the Board. 21. Any member or employe of the Board may visit any place where films, reels or views are exhibited and must not be interfered with in the performance of his duties. 22. All complaints as to the fitness of films, reels or set or series of views now exhibited or hereafter to be exhibited, shall be in writ- ing, signed by the person making the complaint with his or her occu- pation and address, title of the film, reel or view and the place where last shown. 23. Any religious association, fraternal society, library, museum, public or private school or institution of learning or corporation of the first class, desiring to exhibit or use any films, reels or views for purely educational, charitable, fraternal or religious purposes, shall make application therefor on blanks provided by the Board with the signature of the applicant or a duly accredited representative. Such application need not be accompanied by a fee. 24. Any manufacturing company or film exchange may have suffi- cient space in the projection rooms of the Board for a safe of the ap- proved type in which all films, reels or views of the said company may be kept prior to examination. 14 25. Each member of the Board and the employes thereof will be provided with suitable badges or credentials which must be shown by the holder thereof to the proprietor or manager of the place where films, reels, or views are exhibited or used. 20. The films, reels or views to be examined must be delivered to the Board as originally manufactured or produced. If any changes, eliminations or cut-outs have been made, a typewritten list of such changes, eliminations or cut-outs must accompany the film, reel or view to be examined. When films, reels or views are reconstructed and their examination is applied for in a reconstructed form a list of the changes made in the original film, reel or view, shall accom- pany the film, reel or view for record in the Board's offices. 27. When an approval seal is issued following the agreement of the applicant, to make eliminations suggested by the Board, it shall be issued subject to the condition that no exhibitor of the film shall, in exhibiting the same produce any eliminated portion thereof by act, publication, utterance, or other means of communication. STANDARDS OF THE BOARD. (t ) The Board will condemn pictures, and parts of pictures, dealing with "white slavery." The procuration and prostitution in all forms, of girls, and their confinement for immoral pur- poses may not be shown upon the screen, and will be disap- proved. Mews of prostitutes and houses of ill-fame will be disapproved. (2) Pictures, and parts of pictures, which deal with the seduction of women, particularly the betrayal of young girls, and as- saults upon women, with immoral intent, will be disap- proved. l3) Pre-natal and childbed scenes, and subtitles describing them, will be disapproved. (4) Pictures, and parts of pictures, dealing with the drug habit; e. g., the use of opium, morphine, cocaine, etc., will be disap- proved. The traffic in habit-forming drugs is forbidden and visualized scenes of their use will be disapproved. (5) Scenes showing the modus operandi. of criminals which are sug* gestive and incite to evil action, such as murder, poisoning, house-breaking, safe-robbery, pocket-picking, the lighting and throwing of bombs, the use of ether, chloroform, etc.. to render men and women unconscious, binding and gagging, will be disapproved. (6) Gruesome and unduly distressing scenes will be disapproved. These include shooting, stabbing, profuse bleeding, prolonged views of men dying and of corpses, lashing and whipping, and other torture scenes, hangings, lynchings, electrocutions, surgical operations, and views of persons in delirium or insane. (7) Studio and other scenes, in which the human form is shown in the nude, or the body is unduly exposed will be disap- proved. (8) Pictures, and parts of pictures, dealing with abortion and mal- practice, will be disapproved. These will include themes and incidents having to do with eugenics, "birth control," "race suicide" and similar subjects. 1<) i '.) i Stories, or scenes holding up To ridicule and reproach races, classes or other social groups, as well as the irreverent .and sacrilegious treatment of religious bodies or other things held to be sacred will be disapproved. The materialization of the figure of Christ may be disapproved. (10) Pictures which deal with counterfeiting, will be disapproved. (11) Scenes showing men and women living together without mar- riage, and in adultery, will be disapproved. Discussion of the question of the consummation of marriage, in pictures, will be disapproved. (12) The brutal treatment of children and of animals may lead to the disapproval of the theme, or of incidents in film stories. (13) The use of profane and objectionable language in subtitles, will be disapproved. (14) Objectionable titles, as well as subtitles of pictures, will be disapproved. (15) Views of incendiarism, burning, wrecking and the destruction of property, which may put like action into the minds of those of evil instincts, or may degrade the morals of the young, will be disapproved. (16) Gross and offensive drunkenness, especially it women have a part in the scenes, will be disapproved. (17) Pictures which deal at length with gun play, and the use of knives, and are set in the underworld, will be disapproved. When the whole theme is crime, unrelieved by other scenes, the film will be disapproved. Prolonged fighting scenes will be shortened, and brutal fights will be wholly disapproved. (18) Vulgarities of a gross kind, such as often appear in slapstick and other screen comedies, will be disapproved. Comedy which burlesques morgues, funerals, hospitals, insane asy- lums, the lying-in of women and houses of ill-fame, will be disapproved. (19) Sensual kissing and love making scenes, men and women in bed together and indelicate sexual situations, whether in comedies or pictures of other classes will be disapproved. Bathing scenes, which pass the limits of propriety, lewd and immodest dancing, the needless exhibition of women in their night dresses or underclothing, will be disapproved. (20) Views of women smoking will not be disapproved as such, but when women are shown in suggestive positions or their man- ner of smoking is suggestive or degrading, such scenes will be disapproved. 17 1 21 j Pictures or parts of pictures which deal with venereal dis- ease, of any kind, will be disapproved. (22) That the theme or story of a picture is adapted from a publi- cation, whether classical or not; or that portions of a pic- ture follow paintings or other illustrations, is not a sufficient reason for the approval of a picture or portions of a picture. (23) Themes or incidents in picture stories, which are designed to inflame the mind to improper adventures, or to establish false standards of conduct, coming under the foregoing classes, or of other kinds, will be disapproved. Pictures will be judged as a whole, with a view to their final total effect ; those portraying evil in any form which may be easily re- membered or emulated, will be disapproved. <24) Banners, posters or other advertising matter, concerning mo- tion pictures, must follow the rules laid down for the pic- tures themselves. That which may not be used upon the screen, must not be used, to announce and direct public at- tention ( to the picture, in the lobby, on the street, or in any other form. IS Facsimile of Application Properly Filled Out. (Typewriter to be used.) Form No. 21 PENNSYLVANIA STATE BOARD OF CENSORS FRANK R. SHATTUCK Chairman MRv EDWARD C. MVER Vice Chairman El, I. IS P. OBERHOLTZER Secretary No. Date APPLICATION FOR EXAMINATION PROJECTION ROOMS, 1025 CHERRY ST., PHILADELPHIA. TITLE Ths Eyes of Genius. MANU- F.-U TURER EXCHANGE DESCRIPTION Dornuch Film Co. Popular Film Co. No. of Reels 4 Length of Each Reel 4,000 Feet Extra Number of Duplicates or Prints to be used in Pennsylvania *See below Seward, a sculptor finding his eyesight failing leaves his model Lucille (who is in love with him) for ths country, where the gypsy Magda poses for him. He becomes blind after the work is completed and is attended by Lucille. Magda with her gypsy friends try to steal the famous statue but are thwarted by Lucille, who realizes once more that she has re- gained Seward's love, when he destroys the statue of Magda. STYLE (Conicil v. Drama, •vc.) Drama DATE MANUFACTURED (If known) DATE TO BE RELEASED Sept. 10, 1915 LESSON OR MORAL TO BE TAUGHT NAMES OF LEADING CHARACTERS The love everlasting. MALE John Andrews Arthur Broi\n FEMALE Ida May Sarah Winters Mail all cheeks and applications to Projection Rooms at least one week before release date. Applications must be signed and address given. ALL CHECKS MUST BE CERTIFIED AND MADE PAYABLE TO STATE TREASURER OP PENNSYLVANIA. It is agreed that the duplicates applied for | are exact copies of the original film as sub- | mitted for examination, and that all elimina- j Signed dons or changes required by the Board in the j Address original have been or will be made in the dupli | eates before released in Pennsylvania. Popular Film Co. John Smith, Manager.- THE ABOVE TO BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT. BELOW TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BOARD. DATE APPLICA- TION RECEIVED BY BOARD DATE AND PLACE EXAMINED DATE OF APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL EXAMINED BY EXAMINATIONS RE-EXAMINA- TION By APPEAL Court Final Action COMMENTS •If no additional sets are desired mark "none." If any additional sets are shown in Penn- sylvania, mark number desired. .19 y- Z - v. O i— i t w o 7i t -1 5! O J ha 3 z W O ► 3 20 PENNSYLVANIA STATE BOARD OF CENSORS. No