mm m^rm^ j^-n THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE ORIENTAL INTERPRETER Citnsiiri{ nf (fust 3iiiiin luniulrligt. COMPANIOX TO "THE HAND-BOOK OF BRITISH INDIA." By J. H. STOCQUELER, Esq. AUTHOR OF = TI1E IIANK-ISOOK OF INDIA;" "THE MEMORIALS OF AFGHANISTAN;" "FIFTEEN months' pilgrimage through PERSIA, TURKEY, RUSSIA, AND GERMANY;" "THE 1;\-ELLINGT0N MANUAL," ETC. LONDON : C. COX, 12, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND; AND SOLD V,Y ATX BOOKSF.LIiEES. >jod PREFACE. This is a compllatioii. It has been suggested by the compiler's daily experience of the ahuost universal ignorance of Oriental terms, phrases, expressions, places. Every fortnight brings a mail from India, and the intelligence which it imparts is fraught with words which perplex the multitude. The despatches from India — the conversation of Orientalists — the speeches in Parliament, turning upon Eastern affairs — the Oriental novels, travels, and statistical works — likewise abound with terms " caviare to the general." The new arrival in India, ignorant of the language of the country, is puzzled, for some time, to comprehend his countrymen, whose conversation " wears strange suits," and even he, who has been for years a sojourner in India is, to the last, unacquainted with the meaning of numerous words which occur in his daily newspaper, the Courts of Law, and the communications of his Mofussil or up-countiy correspondents. The following pages impart a knowledge of all the terms in question as far as they have occurred to the communicant during an examination of two or three years, diligently pursued, and an appeal to his recol- lection of the phrases in common use in India and Persia. The authorities from whom the " explanations" have been borrowed are numerous. They are mentioned below, as much from a .sense of 1430713 IV PREFACE. the obligations of justice, as from a desire to protect the publisher fi-om injunctions, or the protests of holders of copyrights. They are: — The compiler's own " Hand Book of Bi'itish India" (whence are derived the description of domestics, and of one or two places in India) ; Williamson's " Vade Mecum ;" Symonds's " Geography and History " (from which the Gazetteer portion has been chiefly borrowed); Cole- biooke's " Hindoo Mythology ;" Eraser's " Kuzzilbash ;" Ward's " Hin- doos ;" Bellew's " Memoirs of a Griffin ;" the " Dictionnaii'e Historique ;" Ballln's " Fruits of India ;" Colonel Sleeman's " Rambles of an Indian Official;" Hebei-'s "Journal;" Mrs. Postan's "Western India;" the " Asiatic Journal ;" the " Oriental Herald ;" Selkirk's " Ceylon ;" Forbes's " Eleven Years in Ceylon ;" Galloway's " Law of India ;" Miss Emma Roberts's " Scenes and Sketches in Hindostan ;" Luard's " Views in India ;" the "' Glossai'y of Revenue Terms ;" the " Bengal and Agra Guide and Gazetteer ;" the " Encyclopedia Britannica ;" "Real Life in India," &c., &c. In the orthogra})hy of the words, pains have been taken to convey Oriental sounds without resorting to accents or arbltraiy pronunciations. The reader is only required to bear In mind, that the letter " A," wherever it may occur, is to be sounded as in the interjection "AH !" The compiler ■will be happy to find that, in the preparation of a work which has consumed more time, and involved more labour, than its bulk would lead the reader to imagine, he has supplied a public want, and added a useful mite to the stock of Oriental Literature. ORIENTAL OTEKPPiETEE. AB AARON AL RASCHID Ccommonly written Haroim al Rascliid), the first caliph of the Abassides. His zeal for the Mahometan religion induced liim to carry the Arab conquests into Spain and the Indies. He was a mild and humane prince, and a great patron of men of letters. ABAD, " built hj." In the names of Indian towns the concluding syllable usually affords some clue to their past history; thus "abad" signifies " built by," as Ahmed-abad, a city built by Ahmed Sliah ; Aurung-abad, Hyder-abad, &c. ABBAH, a warm woollen cloak of dust- colour, sometimes striped black or brown, and worn by the Arabs of the Persian and Arabian Gulfs. ABDAR (literally " keeper of the water"), the name given to the do- mestic who used to cool the wines, water, &c., with saltpetre, before en- terprise afforded the residents of Cal- cutta, Madras, and Bombay the de- lightful luxury of American ice; and his services are still called into requi- sition wlien the non-timely arrival of the ice-ships throws back the citizens upon tlieir old resources. The Abdar now manages the ice; but it is only in wealthy establish- ments that such a servant is retained, as the Khedmutgar and Sirdar bearer between them can manage well enough. ABKARREE, taxes or duties on the manufacture and sale in India of spi- rituous liquors and intoxicating drugs. ABWAB, items of taxation, cesses, AD imposts, taxes. This term was par- ticularly used under the Mahratta government to distinguish the taxes imposed subsequently to the estab- lishment of tlie assal, or original standard rent, in the nature of addi- tions thereto. In many places they had been consolidated with the assal, and a new standard assumed as the basis of succeeding imposition. Many were levied on the Zemindars as the price of forbearance, on the part of native governments, from detailed investigations into their profits, or actual receipts from the lands, accord- ing to the hastabuod. ACBAR, otherwise called IMahomed Galladeen, one of the Mogul em- perors, who reigned at Deliii in the latter part of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeentli cen- tury. He was a wise and just sove- reign, and so accessible to all his subjects, that it is recorded of him that he was accustomed to ring a bell, the rope of which was suspended in his chamber, to announce to his people that he Avas prepared to receive their petitions and com- plaints. His name is still revered in Hindostan. ACHEKN is situated at the north- western extremity of the island of Sumatra. This was formerly the principal trading port in that part of the world, and its sultann was held in great respect throughout the East. It has since greatly declined, and is now a place of no consequence. ADAWLUT, justice, equity; a court of justice in India. AD AF ADEN, a port in the Eed Sea, cap- tured from the Arabs by tlie British, and now forming an entre- pot for the coals of the steamers which ply between India and Suez. A British and a Sepoy regiment garri- son Aden, prepared to resist any at- tacks from the Arabs of the desert. ADIGAR, a title of rank among the natives of Kandia, in the island of Ceylon, divided into three ranks, as foliows: — I. The iirst, second, and third adigars, who only are allowed to wear gold and silver lace in their caps; 2. the gaja nayaka nilame; 3. the disave; 4. the mohottal ; 5. the has nayaka nilame, the lay head of the wiharas; 6. lekam ma- hatmaya ; 7. kate mahatmaya; 8. korala; 9. kanghanama ; 10. gama rala. Of these the adigars, gaja nayaka, nilame, disave, mate mahat- maya, and korala, wear ivhite caps ; the rest black ones. The kanghanama and gama rala are not allowed to wear any caps. Great numbers of these headmen are attached to the governor, and several to the government agents in the different parts of the country. Of the practices and privileges of the adigars, a complete account wiU be found in Forbes, Selkirk, and other writers. There is one custom, however, peculiar to the Kandian adigars, which is worthy of notice, i. e., the custom of having a certain number of whipcrackers whenever they appear in public. On all public occasions, when they are carried on elephants, or in palankeens, or in carriages, in addition to the persons reqiiired to attend upon the horses, palankeens, or carriages, the first adigar has twenty-four men bearing immense whips, with a lash about three yards long, and the handle about half a yard. These persons, curiously dressed, clear the way for them, cracking their whips with all their might. Near the adigar go two men bearing talpats, large tri- angular fans, made of the talpat leaf, and ornamented with talc. On each side of him is one native headman. called the madige nilame, then a korala, a lekam mahatmaya, and two arachies, one bearing a gold cane, and the other a silver one, eacli holding it with both his hands. The duty of these persons is to keep silence. Then go fifty or sixty men with large spears, and in a peculiar dress, a mat-bearer, a kettle-drum- bearer, a torch-bearer, and a kang- hanama bearing betel. These are his 7iecessan/ attenditnts on a festival occasion, at the wihara, or at a levee. In travelling the number of attendants is much increased. The second adigar is only entitled to twenty-four spearmen, and fifteen whipcrackers. The third to twenty- four spearmen, and twelve whip- crackers. No other headmen are allowed the honour of having whip- crackers. AI>KAREE, a governor, or superin- tendent; or any thing relating to a superior. A term applied in India to villages where an individual holds the entire iindivided estate. ADMEE, Hindostanee, for a man; hurra admee, a great man. AFEREEN ! Persian. An expression of praise and surprise: Admirable! Capital! You don't say so! AFGHANISTAN. This kingdom lies upon the north-western frontier of Hindostan. It is bounded on the north by ranges of mountains sepa- rating it from 'J'artary; east, by Cashmeer and the Indus; south, by Sind and Beloochistan ; and west, by Persia. It is divided into a num- ber of districts, corresponding with the divisions of tribes of the inhab- itants; but its main portions maybe considered as included under the following general heads: — Herat, Kafiristan, Cabul, Peshawur, and Candaliar. The principal mountains are the Hindoo Koosh, or Indian Caucasus, wliich are a continuation of the Himalayas, and run westward, terminating nearly north of the city of Cabul; the Paropamisan, which run from north to south, from about 34 deg. to 29 deg. north latitude. AF AF There are several other inferior ranges of hills connected with those above mentioned, which cross the country in various directions. Nu- merous mountain streams flow tlirouEch the country, but with the exception of tlie Cabul river, the Helniund, and the Urghundab, none are of any size. The Cabul river rises in the Paropamisan mountains, and flows past Cabul easterly into the Indus, a little above Attock. The Helmund also rises in the same mountains, about thirty miles to the we^tward of Cabul, and flmvs south- erly and westerly into a large lake called the Zoor, on the borders of Persia. The Urghundab rises in the liills, about eighty miles north-east of Candahar, and flows south-westerly into the Helmund. This country pos- sesses great variety of surface, as well as of climate and productions. It may be described generally as consisting of wild, bleak moimtains and hills, ■with extensive tracts of waste land, together with fertile plains and val- leys, populous and well cultivated. The climate of different parts varies extremely, owing partly to the dif- ference of latitude, but cbiefly to the difference of elevation. About Herat the snoAv lies deep through the winter months, and in the Cabul district the cold is severe. At Ghuznee, espe- cially, where the snow is often on the ground from October to March, while the rivers are frozen, the cold is quite equal to that of England, The climate of Candahar is mild, snow being rarely seen, and that of I'eshawur is oppressively hot during summer, and not colder in winter than that of Ilindostan. During "winter, the inhabitants of the cold districts clothe themselves in woollen garments, and in some places in clothes of felt, over which they M^ear a large great coat, called a posteen, made of tanned sheep skin, with the Avool inside. They have fires in their houses, and often sleep round stoves. Kafiristan occupies the mouatainous country lying along the northern frontier of Cabul. It is composed of snowy mountains, covered with deep pine forests, with small but fertile valleys, producing abundance of grapes, and furnishing pasture for sheep and cattle. Cabul is also mountainous, but has exten- sive plains and forests, though between the city of Cabul and the Indus there is a great scarcity of wood. The i)art lying between Cabul and the mountains is called the Kolnstan or highlands. Candahar is more open, but not so fertile, and large portions are desert. Herat is hdly to- wards the north and north-east, but generally open, and one of the most fertile countries in the world. Wheat, barley, and rice, are the principal grains produced in this country. Wheat is the general food, barley being given to the horses. It also yields abundance of fruits and vege- tables, both European and Asiatic, besides tobacco, sugar, assafoetida, alum, rock salt, saltpetre, sulphur, lead, antimony, iron, copper, and a little gold. The wild animals are generally the same as in India, the elephant excepted, which is not au inhabitant of AfghMuistan. The common Indian camel is found in all parts of the level country, and wild sheep and goats are numerous. Herat is celebrated for a fine breed of horses, and Bameean for a descrip- tion of poneys called yahoos, much used for carrying burdens. Mules and asses also abound, and are used for the same purpose. The sheep, of which large flocks are pastured, are generally of the broad, fat tailed kind. There are fine dogs, especially greyhounds and pointers, and cats of the long-haired description, known in India as the Persian. Snakes and scorpions are foiind, bxtt no alligators. Wolves are numerous, and during winter are fierce, sometimes attack- ing men. The commonest woods are oak, cedar, walnut, and a species of fir. Wind-mills and water-mills are generally used for grinding the corn. Neither palankeens uor b2 AF AG ■wheeled carriages are used, both sexes being accustomed to travel on horses or camels. Coal is found about Kohat in the Peshawur dis- trict, and naphtha, or pstroleum, that is, earth oil. Silk Avorms are also reared in this part. Tlie principal towns are Herat, Cabul, Julalabad, Peshawur, Ghuznee, Candahar, Khelat-i-Ghilzee, and Dura Ismail Khan. By Europeans, this comitry is commonly designated by the general name of Cabul. By the Persians it is styled Afghanistan, meaning the land of the Afghans, by which name also it is usuahy mentioned in Indian history. The inhabitants are known by the general name of Afghans, which is a Persian appellation. Their com- mon national designation, among themselves, is Pooshtanu or Pookh- tanu, but they more frequently use the names of the different tribes. In India, they are generahy denomi- nated Pathans, and in the province of Delhi, PohiUas. The Afghans assert that tliey are descended from the Jev/s, and often style themselves " Bun-i-Israeel," or children of Israel, though they consider the term Yahoodee, or Jew, as one of reproach. It is certain that they have in many points a strong resemblance to the Jews, and there appears reason to believe that the tradition of their origin is not unfounded. They are di- vided into a number of distinct tribes, or Oolooss, each consisting of a num- ber of separate clans, and these last again subdivided into khails, which means a band or assemblage. The principal are the following: — First, the Dooranee, formerly called the Abdallee, which includes amongst its clans the Populzye, the head I^ail of which is the Suddoozye, the chief division of the whole of the Dooranees, and containing the royal family; the Barikzye, the Achikzye, Noorzye, and others. Second, tlie Ghilzees. Third, the Berdooranees, or eastern Afghans, including the Yoosoofzyes, liliyberees, and others. The termination zye means son, corresponding with the Mac prefixed to Scotch names. There are also in the towns many of mixed descent, from different parts of Asia; amongst whom are the Kuzzilbashes and Tajiks of Persian origin, and the Ilindkees, the descendants of settlers from Ilindostan. The inhabitants of Kafiristan, which means the land of the infidels, are called the Syah posh, or Syah posh Kafirs, from their usually wearing dresses of black sheep skin; syah signifying black, and posh a covering. They are a fine handsome race, very fair, many of them having light hair and blue eyes, on which account it has been conjectured tliat they are the descendants of the Greeks. There seems reason, however, to believe that this is not the case, and that they are the descendants of the ori- ginal inhabitants of Cabul and Can- dahar. They are a brave and hos- pitable people, though in a rude state, and have never been conquered by the Afghans. They have no king, but are divided into a number of independent tribes. Some of the tribes, occupying the borders, are termed Neemchu-jMoosulmans, or half Moosidmans, from their having partially adopted the Mahomedan faith. They are generally idolaters. The language of the Afghans is called Pushtoo. It is written in the Persian character. Persian is also used by the chiefs, and the descend- ants of the Hindoo settlers speak a mixed dialect, resembling Hin- dostanee, called Hindkee. AGA, Turkish and Persian. Equi- valent to " gentleman" in English, and used when the person addressed is not noble, neither khan, bey, nor meerza, neither in the civil nor mili- tary service of the court. AGHON, the eighth month m the Hindostanee year. See Bysack. AGNI is, according to the Hindoo mythology, the personification of Ag', fire, and the regent of the south-east division of the earth. AG AG He is variously described : some- times with two faces, three legs, and seven arms, of a red or flame colour, and riding on a ram, his vahan, or vehicle. Before him is a swallow- tailed banner, on which is also painted a ram. He is by others re- presented as a corpulent man, of a red complexion, with eyes, eye- brows, head, and hair of a tawny colour, riding on a goat. From his body issue seven streams of glory, and in his right hand he liolds a spear. The Brahmuns, who devote themselves to the priesthood, should, like the priests of the Parsee (guebre) religion, maintain a perpetual fire; and in the numerous religious cere- monies of the Hindus, Agni, the re- gent of that element, is commonly invoked. AGRA. This province is bounded on the north by Delhi; east, Oude and Allahabad; south, ilahva; west, Ajmeer. Its divisions consist of Narnool, Agra, Aligurh, Furruk- habad, Etaweh, Macheree or vVlvar, Bhurtpoor, Gwalior, Gohud, Kalpee. The tract of coimtry between the Ganges and Jumna, comprehending the districts of Aligurh, Furruk- habad, and Etaweh, is also com- monly designated tlie Dooab, from (loo two, and ab river. The rivers are the Ganges, Jumna, Chumbal, and several smaller streams. The Chumbal rises in Malwa, and flows northerly and easterly into tlie Jum- na, running between tlie districts of Bhurtpoor and Gwalior. iS'orth- ward of the Jumna the surface of the province is in general flat and open, and for the greater part very bare of trees. Southward and west- ward it becomes hilly and jungly. Though traversed liy several rivers, the province is not well watered, and depends greatly upon tlie periodical rains. The heat, during tlie iirc- valence of the hot winds, is intense, and the jungly districts very un- healthy, but at other seasons the climate is generally temperate, and occasionally cold, llice is grown in the vicinity of the rivers, but the general cultivation is of dry grains, as millet, barley, gram, &c. The staple article of product is cotton. The province also yields abundance of indigo, with tobacco, sugar, salt- petre, and salt. It has the commoa breeds of cattle and sheep, and horses of a good description. Fire- wood is scarce throughout the Dooab, and expensive. The jungly districts swarm with peacocks, which are held in great veneration by the natives. The only manufac- ture of note is that of coarse cot- ton cloths. The towns of the pro- vince of Agra are, Narnool, Nooh, IMuttra, Agra, Dholpoor, Attaer, Anoopshuhr, Cowl, Moorsaum, Se- cundra, Hatras, Furrukhabad, Futih- gurh, Kanoje, Mimpooree, Etaweh, Bela, Alwur, Macheree, Kajgurh, Deeg, Bhurtpoor, Eeeana, Gualior, Antra, Peclior, Nurwur, Bliind, Ja- lown, Kalpee, and Koonch. The present name of this province is de- rived from tliat of its capital. The inhabitants are Hindoos, including the Mewatties and Jats, and Ma- homedans, among whom are many Pathans. They are generally a handsome, robust race of men, much superior to the natives of the more eastern provinces.' AGKA, the capital of the province of Agra, stands on the southern side of the Jumna, in Lat. 27 deg. 1 1 min. N., Long. 77 deg. 53 min. \L During the reign of the Emperor Akbar, by whom it was greatly enlarged and embellished, Agra was made the capital of the Mogul empire, and became one of the most splendid cities in India. Tlie seat of govern- ment having been subsequently re- established at Delhi, Agra greatly declined, and is now much decayed. Amongst the still remaining edifices whicli bear witness of its former grandeur, the most remarkable is the Taj Mahal (q. v.), erected by the Emperor Shah Julian, for the cele- brated Noor Jchan, and which is considered the most beautiful and AG AJ perfect specimen of oriental archi- tecture in existence, unequalled by any thing in India. AGRAHARAH, Avho takes first, an epitliet given to Brahmuns. Rent- free villages held hy Brahmuns. AHMEUABAD, a zillali station in Guzerat, Western India, under the government of Bombay, distant fi'om the presidency 300 miles. Long. 72 deg. 37 min. E., Lat. 22 deg. 5s min. N. It was originally a ■well fortified town, but, nevertheless, fell to the British arms late in tlie last century. AHMEDNUGGER is situated in Lat. 19 deg. 5 min. N., Long. 74 deg. 55 min. E. It was built in 1493, b}' Ahmed Nizam Shah, wdio made it his capital. At present it is one of the principal civil stations of the Bri- tish Government. It contains about twenty thousand inhabitants, and has a strongly -built fort. See Nug- GUR. AHMEDNUGGUR, a fortified city of the Deccan, under the government of Bombay, from which presidency it is distant, via Poonah, 180 miles. It was founded by the Emperor Aurungzebe, who made it his head-quarters during the progress of his conquest of the Deccan and Cnrnatic. It is now garrisoned by one or two native infantry regiments. Long. 150 deg. E., Lat. 19 deg. 10 mm. N. See NCGGUR. AHON, Persian, a moollah (q. v.). AIGRETTE, or EGRET, a tuft of feathers worn in the turban of the Sultan of Turkey and other persons of great distinction. AITEMAD-U-DOWLUT, a Persian term, signifying " the hope (or de- pendencej of the state," a title bestowed on officers in the Shah's confidence, generally on the jirime- minister or vizier. AJMEER, or RAJPOOTANA, is bounded on tlie nortii by Alooltan and Delhi ; east, Delhi and Agra ; south, Malwa, Guzerat, and Cutch; west, Sind. The Bhattee country, Bika- neer, Jussulmeer, IMarwar or Joud- poor, Jeyi)oor, including Skikawut- tee, Ajmeer, IMeywar or Ode3-poor, Boondee, and Kota, form the bound- aries of tlie province, which is des- titute of rivers, except in the south- ern and eastern parts. The only streams of any note are the Banass, which rises in the disti-ict of Odey- poor, and flows south-westerly, until it is lost in the Run of Cutch; and the Churabul, which enters the district of Kota from JMalwa, and flows north- erly into the province of Agra, to the Jumna. In its south-eastern district this province is fertile, well watered, and hilly; but westward and northward, witli a few excep- tions, it is absolutely desert, the whole surface of the country being either covered with loose sand, which in some places is driven by the wind into mounds and hillocks, some of them 100 feet in height; or else com- posed of hard flat salt loam, wholly destitute of vegetation. In the midst of these burning plains, the water- melon, tlie most juicy of all fruits, is- found in astonishing perfection and of large size. Water is procured, but in small quantitj-, and brackish, from wells, which are frequently 300 feet deep, though not more than three or four feet in diameter. During the hot season, the passage of the desert cannot be attempted without great risk of suffocation from whirlwinds of driving sand. The productions of the cultivated parts of this pro- vince are wheat, barley, rice, sugar, cotton, indigo, and tobacco. Camels are numerous, and bullocks of a su- perior description. Salt is abundant, and the Odeypoor districts yield copper, lead, sulphur, and iron. The chief towns in the province of Aj- meer are Bhatneer, Bikaneer, Jus- sulmeer, Nagore, Joudpoor, Jeypoor, Ajmeer, Chitore, Odeypoor, Nee- much, Boondee, Kota. This pro- vince derives its name of Ajmeer from that of the city of Ajmeer, which was its jMahomedan capital; but it is more commonly designated as Rajpootana, or the country of the Rajpoots, from its being the AJ AL seat of the chief Eajpoot principal- ities of India. The inhabitants are Rajpoots, Jats, Bhatteeas, Bheels, and a small proportion of Malio- medans. A JMEEE, formerly the capital of the province of Ajmecr, stands at the bottom of a fortified hill, in Lat. 26 deg. 31 min. N., Long. 74 deg.28 min. E. This was once a large and opu- lent city, and occasionally the resi- dence of the Emperor of Delhi. The English had a trading factory here in 1616. It was nearly ruined during the disorders Avhicli followed upon the dissolution of the Mooghul em- pire, and the establishment of the Mahratta power; but since its trans- fer to the British in 1818, it has greath' improved, and is now a hand- some town. At Nusserabad, fifteen miles from Ajmeer, is a British can- tonment, and there is a British poli- tical agent in the town. AJUNTEE, in Lat. 20 deg. 34 min. N., Lon. 75 deg. 56 min. E., is a large town, but not populous. In the neighbourhood are some excava- tions resembling those of Ellora. AKHBAR-NURVEES. news-writers, a class of men formerly employed at the native courts of India to record the proceedings of the princes and their ministers. The newspaper has almost superseded tlie functions of these court chroniclers. AKHERJAUT AURUNG, Hindos- tanee. Expenses of an uurung, or place where goods are manufactm-ed. Charges for transporting salt to the place of sale; for weighmen, erection of storehouses, &c. AKYAB, the principal military sta- tion of the British troops in Arracan. AL, an Indian plant, rising(w hen fit to be dug) less than a foot above ground, and having a ligneous root above eighteen inches in length, and of a bright yel- low colour. It is grown only in the black soil, and receives no watering. It is an article of consiilerable traffic in the Dooab and to the south, and is used for dyeing the coarse red cloth called Kurwa. ALEEKOOM SALAAM, " "With you be peace !" the usiial reply to the or- dinary Mahometan salutation, " Su' Ilium Alec/wom." ALEEWAL, a village on the banks of the Sutlej, which has acquired cele- brity from its contiguity to the scene of a great battle, in which. Major General Sir Harry Smith, witli a division of the army assem- bled under Lords Hardinge and Gough to oppose the Sikhs, in 1845, totally defeated an immensely su- perior body of the enemy's troops. ALEBriE, in the province of Travan- core, is on the IMalabar coast, about midway between Cochin and Nuilon. It is the chief depot from which the Travancore government exports its pepper and timber. AL HUM ID ILLAH! Thanks be to God! A Moslem ejaculation. ALIGURH, a strong fortress, situated about fifty miles to the north of Agra. In 1803 it was one of Dow- let Rao Scindia's principal strong- holds, and was stormed by the I'.ritish troops under Lord Lake. The town is called Coel. A regiment of Sepoys is quartered here, and there is a civil court of justice and a collector of revenue. ALLAH, the name given by the Ma- hometans of all classes to the Al- might3^ ALLAHABAD, a province of India, bounded on the north by Agra and Oude; east, Bahar; south, Baliar and Gonduana; Avest, jMalwa and Agra. The divisions are Cawnpoor, Alla- habad, Manikpoor, Juwanpoor, Be- nares, Mirzapoor, Bundulkhund, Rewa. It is watered by tlie rivers Goomtee, Ganges, Jumna, Tonse or Tunsa, Betwa, and numerous others. The Gogra flows along part of the northern frontier of the province, di- viding it from Oude. Tliis province is one of the richest and most pro- ductive in India. The surface of the districts adjacent to the Ganges and Jumna is level and very fertile. In Bundulkhund and Rewa, the country forms an elevated table laud, occa- AL AL sionally mountainous and jungly, and diversified with high hills; but for the greater part open and capa- ble of being made very fruitful. The northern frontier of the Rewa coun- try consists of an abrupt front of sandstone rock, rising perpendicu- larly from 200 to 300 feet from a sloping base. A large proportion of the water that falls during the I'ainy season on the table land of ]\ewa is precipitated over this rocky margin in numerous catara(;ts; amongst which those of the Beyhar and Tonsa rivers are of remarkable grandeur. The Beyhar cataract is one of the highest in tiie world, forming a single unbroken fall of 360 feet. AVheat, barley, rice, maize, and other grains, are the productions of this province, as well as opium, sugar, indigo, cotton, and flax; in the hilly districts are dj'eing drugs and gums; chironja nut, catechu, and iron-diamonds, sometimes of large size, are found in the Punna district of Bundulkhund; and in the district of Benares there are extensive stone quarries. A great deal of alkali is also supplied from the country between the Goomtee and Ganges, from Kurra to Benares. The province has long been noted for its cotton fabrics, i^articularly muslins and brocades. Carpets are also manufactured, and coarse cum- lies. The towns are Rusoolabad, Cawnpoor, Akberpoor, Futihpoor, Kurra, Shahzadabad, Allahabad, Manikpoor, i\Iahowl, Azimgur, JIow, Juwanjjoor, Benares, CImnar, Ghazi- poor, Mirzapoor, Dittea, Jhansee, Keeta, Banda, Kallinjer, Chuttur- poor, Punna, ilaltown, llutta, Dou- ree, and Rewa. By the Hindoos, Alla- habad is named Bliat Prayaga, or, by way of distinction, as the largest and principal, .simply Prayaga, and it is much resorted to by pilgrims; amongst whom suicude, by drowning themselves at the spot M'here the rivers unite, is a frequent practice. The word Prayaga means the con- fluence of any two or more sacred rivers. ALLAHABAD, a city, and civil and military station in the province of Oude in Hindostan. It is situated at the confluence of the rivers Ganges and Jumna, 470 miles N. W. of Calcutta, in Long. 82 deg. E., Lat. 25 deg. 45 min. N. Allahabad was founded by the Emperor Acbar, who intended it as a defensive post; but the fortifications, of which rem- nants still exist, in spite of the subtle and undermining assaults of the Jumna's waters, could never have been of any importance. Allahabad is the seat of a superior court of justice, and it has been sometimes contemplated to convert it into the locale of the Supreme Government of India, a distinction for which it appears from its central position to be well adapted. ALLAH HUAKBER! Persian. God ALLAH KEREEM! God is merciful! A ^loslem expression. ALMORA. In the province of Ku- maoon. It is situated in Lat. 29 deg. 35 min. N., Long. 79 deg. 44 min. E. It is the modern capital of the pro- vince, and the only place of any consequence in it. A regiment of Bengal infantry and a detacUment of artillery are quartered here. At AJ- morah there are five bungalows, called sick bungalows, belonging to Government; these are kept in good repair, and are exclusively for the use of such officers as may go upon sick leave, who are furnished with one to live in, free of all cost, on application, through the executive officer, in whose charge they are, to the officer commanding. These sick houses are, of course, totalh' unfur- nished. As to climate, Almorah is sufficiently cool and pleasant, and it is, unquestionably, a very healthy, renovating one. In regard to so- ciety-, likewise, there is a sufficiency. Those who visit Almorah on leave, merely for their own pleasure, can always procure bungalows for hire to live in, there being more than are needed for the accommodation of Ah AN the officers of the regiment, and others permanently residing at the place, and the rent charged is ex- tremely reasonable. The military cantonments are at the western ex- tremity of, and close to, the city oi" Almorah. Prior to our invasion and conquest of Kuniaon, Almorah was the place of residence of the Goorka Viceroy, who was appointed from Katmandoo; and previous to the Goorka invasion, it was the seat of government of the Ilajahs of Kuniaon. The town is built on tlie top of a ridge, running east and west, at an elevation of 5400 feet above the level of the sea. From the nature of its situation, the city of Almorah is principally composed of one long street of nearly a mile in length, though there are suburbs which extend down a long way on both sides of the hill. It is paved with stone throughout, and the houses are generally very good, none being under two stories, and many three and four stories high; the houses even of the poorest people are all built of stone, and have slated roofs, so that they are remarkably substantial. Indeed, those in the town of Almorah are unlike any thing one ever sees in the plains of India, and reminds the visitor of England, to a small town in wliich country Almorali has altogctlier a greater resemblance than to one in Hindostan. The officer command- ing at Almorah has, also, tlie general command of all the troops in the district. ALVAK, or ALWIJR, is situated in Lat. 27 deg. 44 min. N., Lon. 7G deg. 32 min. E., at the base of a strongly fortified hill. It is the capital of the ilacheree rajah's territories. AMANUT DUKTl':il, an office in In- dia for deposits, or perhaps for recording the re])orts of Aianeens. A1\I AUN ! A Persian cry for " Mercy !" AMROOlt, a town situated near the eastern liills of tlie I'aramahal, about 120 miles westerly of Madras. It is neat and well built, and manufactures large quantities of castor oil. On a mountain, at one side of the town, there was formerly a strong fort. AMBOYNA, a spice island in the Indian Ocean, Long. 12 deg. 70 min. E., Lat. 40 deg. S. Originally occupied by English and Dutch settlers; the latter expelled the former, but Avere in their turn driven out in 1796. It was subse- quently ceded to the Dutch, in whose hands it now remains. AMEER, (or Emir,) a nol)leman. The terra is Asiatic and African. Its origin is Moslem. AMEER UL OMIIAH, noble of noble, lord of lords. AMHEKST. See Ava. AMLAII, IIindosta,nee. Agents, offi- cers ; the otKcers of government collectively. A head of zemindar?/ charges. N.B. It is sometimes writ- ten omlali, or umlah. ANAM. See Cochin China. ANARUSII {bromcUa atianas), the pine-apple. As the name for this fruit is Persian, and there being no Sanscrit one, it is supposed to be an imported fruit in India, though com- mon all over the country where the climate is not too severe for its growth in the open air; a green- house, hot-house, or cooZ-house for plants or fruits, being yet entirely unknown in India, even amongst Europeans. The common bazar pine of India is a very inferior fruit to the English liot-house pine, and even to those which have been raised with care and under shade (which tliey seem to prefer) in India. Those of the eastern islands are very far superior, the conunonest JMalay or Javanese anana being equal, it is said, to the best in India, except, j)erliaps, those of Goa and other Portuguese establishments on the western coast, where, as in the case of the mango and some other fruits, we still finil traces of the care which the early Portuguese colonists be- stowed on them. This is probably owing to pecidiarities of soil and cli- 10 AN AN mate, as well as care, though the Portuguese, like the Dutch, were good gardeners and paid attention to horticulture, which the English, hi- therto, cannot be said to have done. It is said, and with much justice, that no fruit in India requires to be eaten more cautiously than this, both by new comers and old residents; it is accused, and with some consi- derable truth, of occasioning very severe and dangerous attacks of pseudo-cholera and dysentery. To the newly-arrived Europeans, espe- cially of the lower orders, it is in- deed a most tempting fruit, and its powerful acid and tough flesh may often make it dangerous to them. An exceedingly beautiful flax, of great fineness and strength, may be prepared from the leaves of this plant by simple maceration and beating. lu the Philippine Islands dresses, equal to the finest nuislin, are woven from it, and embroidered with extraordinary taste ; and though expensive, they last for many years, being in duration, colour, and beauty, equal to fine Flanders lace. ANATHEE, an Indian word, signify- ing having no lord, master, or owner; from natha, a lord or master, with the primitive a prefixed. Old waste land ; lands not cultivated within the memory of man. ANDAMANS. In the Bay of Bengal, opposite to the Tenasserim coast, and a short distance from it, between Lat. 10 deg. 32 min. and 13 deg. 40 min. N., lie two islands, called the Andamans. The northernmost, or great Andaman, is about 140 miles in length by twenty in breadth. Though considered as only one, the great Andaman consists in reality of three islands, as it is divided in two x>laces by very narrow straits. In the centre of the great Andaman is a mountain named Saddle Peak, about 2,400 feet high. The south- ernmost, or little Andaman, is about twenty -eight miles in length by seventeen in breadth. There are no rivers of any size. These islands pro- duce various kinds of wood, amongst which are ebony, red wood, damoner, bamboo, and rattans. The coasts abound with fish of every description. In the woods are a few kinds of birds and fowls, and the shores abound with a variety of beautiful shells. There are no other animals, with the exception of swine. Within the caverns and recesses of the rocks are found the edible birds' nests, so highly prized by the Chinese. The vegetable productions are few, and there are no cocoa-nut trees. The inhabitants of these islands are a very singular race, differing entirely not only from all the inhabitants of the neighbouring continent, but also from the natives of the Nicobar islands, though not a hundred miles distant. In appearance, they re- semble a degenerate race of negroes, having woolly hair, flat noses, and thick lips. Their eyes are small and red, and their skin of a deep dull black. In stature they seldom exceed five feet, with large heads, high shoulders, protuberant bellies, and slender limbs. They go quite naked, their only covering being composed of a coat of mud, which they plaster all over their bodies, in order to protect themselves from the insects. Their heads and faces they paint with red ochre. They are an exceedingly savage and igno- rant race, and have always evinced an inveterate hatred towards strangers, constantly rejecting all intercourse, and frequently attacking boats' crews landing for water. They do not appear ever to have made any attempt to cultivate the ground, but subsist upon what they can pick up and kill. They are armed with wooden spears, and bows and arrows, which they use with much dexterity. As far as can be ascertained, they have no distinct ideas of religion. They appear to pay some sort of adoration to the sun, and to spirits whom they suppose to rule over the woods, and waters, and mountains. They were formerly supposed to be cannibals. AN All 11 that is, men wlio eat human flesh, but there is reason to believe tliat tliis is not the ease. As far as is known of their lang-uage, it does not possess the least affinity with any spoken in India, or among the neighbouring islands. The total population is supposed not to exceed 2500. ANJAR is situated in Lat. 23 deg. 3 min. N., Lon. 70 deg. 11 min. E., about ten miles from the Gulf of Kuch. It contains about 10,000 in- habitants, and is the iirincipal town of the British district of Anjar. It was much injured in 1819 by the earthquake. ANNA rUONA DEVI, a Hindoo household goddess, extensively wor- shi])ped by the Hindoos. Her name impUes " the goddess who fills with food," and they believe that a sin- cere Avorshipper of her will never want rice. In the modern represen- tations of this beneficent form of Parvati, she is described of a deep yellow colour, standing, or sitting on the lolus, or water-lil^^ Slie has two arms, and in one hand holds a spoon, in the other a dish. AOUL, or OOLOOS, Turkish. A subdivision of a tribe or camp. AP, unleavened cakes, eaten in the west of India. ARARAT, Turkish. Literally " a place of prisons." Purgatory, a mid receptacle of souls between Paradise and Hell. ARCHIPELAGO. See Eastern Is- lands. ARCOT (Urkat) is situated on the south side of the river I'alar, seventy miles south-westerly from JMadras. This was the capital of the Carnatic under the government of the Maho- , medan nabobs, and it is still a favou- rite place of residence with Maho- medan families. 'J"he fort was for- merly large, and tolerably strong, but it is now in ruins. The cele- brated Clive took it in 1751 with a small party of 200 European and 300 natives, although the garrison then consisted of 1100 men. The place was immediately besieged by rajah Sahib with an army of 10,000 men, assisted by 150 French and artillery; but after a hard struggle of fifty days, Clive, with his handful of men, entirely defeated them. Oa the north side of the river is an English cavalry cantonment, and a large open town connected with it. This, also, is named by Europeans Arcot, but by the natives it is usually termed Raneepet. AREKA, the betel nut. See Paun- SOOPAKEE. ARGAUM, a village in the province of India, where the armies of Scindia and the Basla rajah were defeated in 1803 by the British troops, under the Duke of Wellington, then Ge- neral Wellesley. ARISTOO, the Persian pronunciation of Aristotle, whose works are highly esteemed among the Orientals. ARNEE is situated about twenty miles to the south of Vellore, in the province of Central, or Middle Carnatic. During the wars with Hyder All, this was a place of con- siderable consequence, and its for- tress was Ilyder's chief magazine. It is noted for its clever workman- ship in cloths, which are held in great estimation by the natives of this part of Hindostan. ARRA. Vide Bahau. ARRACAN. Arracan lies to the south-east of Bengal, betAvcen Lat. 18 deg. and 21 Aag. N., and is bounded on the north by the dis- trict of Chittagong, in the province of Bengal, from which it is separated by the river Nauf; east, by a chain of mountains dividing it from Ava; south, by the district of Bassein in Pegu; and Avest, by the Bay of Bengal. It is divided into the dis- tricts of Arracan, Kamree, SandoAvy, and Cheduba. The district of Ram- rce is an island separated from the mainland liy a narrow creek. Che- duba is also an island in the open sea, a few miles from the coast of Ramree. It is one of a small cluster, and is in length thirty miles, by 12 AR AS about ten miles in breadth. Lime- stone is tmind in these ishmds. Be- tween the mountains and tlie sea, this country is covered with thick jungles, inundated and intersected in all directions by small rivers, lakes, and creeks. In extreme lengtli it may be estimated at 230 miles from north to south, by an average breadth of fifty miles from east to west. The great chain of mountains, forming the eastern boundary, commences at Cape Ne- grais, and runs northerly almost as far as the southern bank of the Brahmapootra in Assam. By the natives, these mountains are called the Yomadoung. Their general ele- vation seems to be from 3000 to 5000 feet. In both Kainee and Che- duba are many small volcanoes, mostly of the description called mud volcanoes; generally, when in their tranquil state, throwing up greasy mud mixed with petroleum, and strongly impregnated with sulplmr; and occasionally also discharging flames and quantities of iron pyrites. These volcanoes are worshipped by the Mugs, who think they are occa- sioned by the great Naga, or serpent, which supports the world. The productions of this country are prin- cipally rice, salt, tobacco, indigo, cotton, hemp, ivory, timber, and bees' wax. Lead is found in the mountains, and in the streams to- wards Basseiu small quantities of gold and silver. The forests afford abundance of timber of various kinds; but, although they produce the teak, it is generally found in places so difficult of access, that little advantage is derived from it. The animals are, in general, the same as in Bengal, the principal being the elephant. The principal towns are Arracan, Akyab, Kamree, and Sandowy. This country is called by tiie natives Kekhaing, and l)y Mahomedan writers " Urkhung," from the name of its capital; and from this last is derived the English name Arracan. Its inhabitants con- sist of ]\Iugs, who are tlie original natives, jNIahomedans, originally from India, and Burmese. The Mugs are called by the Burmese " Great Mrunmas," and are considered by them as the original source of their own race. The total population in 182G, including the islands, was estimated at not more than 100,000, of whom G0,000 were Mugs, 30,000 Mahomedans, and 10,000 Burmese. ARRACAN, the capital of the pro- vince of Arracan, is situated inland, about forty miles from the coast, upon a river of the same name, which flows into the sea. Lat. 20 deg. 30 min. N., Lon. 92 deg. 5 min. E. AS AR, the third month in the Hindos- tanee year. See Rysack. ASH AM, or AHSHAM, Hindostanee. Retinues, militar^^ pomp, and parade; the military. ASHAM OMLAH, retinues of the public officers, whether for protection or parade. ASHAM SESSAYE, retinues of sol- diers, military pomp, or parade, ^lilitary jaghires, or assignments of land, for defraying military ex- penses. ASIA, a quarter of the globe, extend- ing eastward from the twenty -fifth degree of east longtitudeto the hun- dred and seventieth degree of west longitude, and from the seventy- eiglith degree of north to the tenth degree of south latitude. It is about GOOO miles in breadth from the Dar- danelles on the west, to ihe eastern coast of Tartary, and about 5500 miles in lengtli from the most northern cape of Asiatic Russia to the most southern part of Malaya. It is bounded on the north by the Arctic or Frozen Ocean; north-east, by Bhering's Straits; east, by the Pacitic; south, by the Indian Ocean; west, by the Indian Ocean, h'ed Sea, Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Hussia in Europe. The principal countries of Asia are Tartary, which includes Asiatic Russia, Chinese Tartary, Tartary, and Thibet; Turkey in AS AS 13 Asia, Persia, China, Arabia, Ilin- dostan, or India, Burma, or Ava, Siam, Cochin China, Malaya, and some islands. The people of Asia are called by the general name of Asiatics. All religions exist among them, the heathens being the most numerous. ASIN, the sixth month in the Ilindos- tanee year. See Bysack. ASSAL, written also ASIL, AUSIL, AUZIL, origin, root, foundation; capital stock, principal sum. Origi- nal rent, exclusive of subsequent cesses. The word is in use through- out India. ASSAM. This country lies on the north-eastern frontier of Bengal. On the north it has Bootan, and a range of lofty mountains dividing it from Thibet ; on the east, it is believed to be bounded by other ranges of mountains separating it from China; south, it has the Shan country, Mogaong, and Cossia districts of Ava and Kachar ; and west, the district of Gentinpoor, adjoining the Silhet district of Bengal, the Garrow mountains, and Bijnee. It is divided into three provinces, Kamroop on the west, Assam in the centre, and See- diya on the east. The province of Kamroop was formerly an extensive division in Hindoo geography, and included a large part of Assam, with the modern districts of Kungpoor and Kungamutty, part of Mymunsing, Silhet, Munnipoor, Gentia, and Ka- char. As the name is now used, how- ever, it is restricted to the western divisions of Assam, and extends from the province of Bengal eastward about 130 miles. In number and magni- tude the rivers of Assam probably surpass those of any other country in the world of equal extent, the total number being said to be sixty- one. The principal are the Brahma- pootra, or, as it is called in Assam, the Loohait ; and the Dihong, I3ihong, Dikho, and Diprong, all of which fall into the Brahmapootra, or some of its branches. Tiie whole of this country may be considered as forming the maia valley of the Brah- mapootra river, extending in its greatest dimensions about 350 miles in length, by sixty, its average breadth. It is enclosed on all sides by ranges of mountains. Those on tiie north and east particularly are very lofty, and have their sum- mits constantly covered with snow. There are hilly tracts covered with woods in different parts of the valley, and the mountains also are covered with forests. The productions of Assam are much the same as those of Bengal, which country it greatly resembles in appearance. The prin- cipal articles are rice, mustard-seed, black pepper, chillies, ginger, betel, tobacco, and opium. The sugar-cane thrives, but is generally eaten by the natives fresh from the iield; cocoa- nuts are very rare, oranges abound. The most remarkable produce of Assam, however, is silk. No fewer than four different kinds of silk- worms are reared, silks of several varieties forming great part of the native's clothing, besides leaving a quantity for exportation. The native women of all classes, from the rajah's wives downwards, wear the four sorts of silk. The cul- tivation of tea has lately been intro- duced, and promises to become of much importance. Gold is found in all the rivers, particularly in the- Dikrong ; and there are probably- other metals. Buffaloes and oxen are common, but horses, sheep, and' goats are scarce, and there are nO' asses. The wild animals are gene- rally the same as in BengiU. The principal towns are Gaohati, Jorhat, Gerghong, Kungpoor, and Snddiya. The inhabitants of Assam consist of numerous different tribes, some of Hindoo origin, others apparently from Thibet and China. The following are the names of some of the principal classes: — Ahanis, Mismees, Maha- maris, INIeorces, Singhpos, and Kolitas; all differing from each other more or less in language and man- ners. The whole arc, however, com- monly denominated by European 14 AS AT •writers by the general name of Assamese. The amount of the population is doubtful, but it may be estimated not to exceed 150,000, including the petty states adjacent. ASSEERGURH is a strong hill fortress, situated about twelve miles nortlierly and easterly from Boor- hampoor. It is noted on account of its siege in 1819 by the British troops, by whom it was captured after an obstinate resistance. ASSYE, a village in the province of Berar, remarkable as having been the scene of a great battle between the British troops under the Duke of Wellington (then General Wellesley), and the Mahratta armies of Scindia and the Basla rajah. ATA {minona squamosa), the Indian custard apple. The fruit of a small tree which grows above fifteen feet high in all parts of India. The leaves are smooth and soft, and about three inches long, tapering at both ends, The fruit is nearly round, with a rough outside, about the size of an orange. When ripe, it is easily burst. It is filled Avith a soft white substance of a sweet taste, and separable into small portions, each containing a small black seed. It bears once a year. The fruits are ripe in July, and are much sought after. Perhaps there is no Indian fruit about -which we liear so many various opinions expressed by Euro- peans. To some it is the most delicious fruit in the country, while to others its flavour seems not merely a mawkish sweetness, but almost nauseating. In a word, it is rare to meet two persons who agree in their opinion of the custard apple. Care should be taken when eating it, not to scrape off with the spoon the part •which adheres to the outside scales of the fruit; for this certainly will, if frequently repeated, cause a smart inflammatory sore throat. And the finer the fruit the more liable it is to cause this. The part which sur- rounds the seeds, and which adheres to them, should alone be eaten. The kernels of the seeds are also poison- ous, though the seeds are frequently swallowed whole without any ill effects. In countries where it meets with peculiar soils and careful culti- vation, as in the Mauritius and the- Eastern islands, the ata attains a very large size, at least double that of the largest in India, and its flavour is generally improved; this last dif- ference may be observed here, and indeed with many fruits in all coun- tries, the largest sized are generally the best flavoured. There is much imcertainty as to whence this fruit, and its congener, the annona reticu- lata, or sour-sop of the West Indies, were originally derived; it has been supposed that both were originally brought from Spanish or Portuguese America, and thus propagated through their Asiatic dominions and to China, though from its abundance in China and Cochin China, it may equally have been obtained from those countries. It is probable that the Portuguese settlements on the eastern coast of Africa may have furnished it on the one side and China on the other; but if the truth be told, there is but little or nothing known of what are the peculiarities of the various kinds of this and many other fruits, which are, how- ever, well worthy of more attention and study than they have hitherto obtained from us. The annona reticulata is said to be indigenous in the mountainous country east of Bengal, but the absence of any- Sanscrit name for the fruit is evidence enough that it is of foreign introduc- tion, though now the commonest fruit in India. ATCHKUTT, Hindostanee. Eice- fields, lands prepared for the culture of rice. ATTA-GOOL, the Hindostanee term for the essence of the rose; caUed in England, and vulgarly spelt, " Otto of Roses." ATTAH, coarse flour. This is as much in use in the north of India as rice is in the south and west. It is AT AU 16 simply mixed ■with water, and baked into cakes on a thin circular iron plate. The cakes are called Chup- patties. ATTI, the name of a deed, by which the Jalmkars, or hereditary tenants of the soil in IMalabar, pledge their lands, reserving to themselves two- thirds of their value, besides a certain interest therein, amounting to about one-third. ATTI PER, the name of a deed in Malabar, by which an hereditary tenant transfers the whole of his in- - terest in his land to a mortgagee. ATTOK, a fortress situated on the eastern bank of the Indus, in Lat. 33 deg. 56 min. N., Long. 71 deg. 57 min. E. It is noticed as being placed on the principal route across the Indus, and as marking the point at which Alexander the Great, Tymoor, and Nadir Shah all entered India. The name Attok (Utok) means limit, or hindrance. It is a place of little strength, and does not contain more than 2000 inhabitants. AUB-E-DOOGH, Persian. Butter- milk and water, a common and much-esteemed beverage, especially among the Persian soldiery and wandering tribes of lllyaixts. It is generallv made from goats' milk. AUB-E-GOSHT, Persian. LiteraUy, water of meat. Soup. AUGIAREE (from Ag', or Aug, /re). The temple, or place of devotion of the Parsees or fire-worsliippers. Within these temples the sacred fire is kept constantly burning, the priests ful- filling the office of the vestals in con- tinually watching and feeding the fiame. Pious Parsees, in going to the Augiaree for purposes of prayer, take with them lumps of fragrant sandal wood, which are handed to one of the priests or officers of the temple, who see to its appHcation to the in- tended object. It is usual with wealthy Parsees to endow a temple with a vase of silver for the recep- tion of the sacred fire. There are two or three Augiarees in Bombay and in Surat, the cities in Western India where the Parsees chiefly reside. AUM, the mango (fruit of the man- gijha Indica), a rich fruit, of a bright orange-coloured pulp and a coat of orange or green intermingled with a red bloom. There are in In- dia so many sorts and varieties of this rich fruit, whicli, in fact, may be called for its abundance, the In- dian Apple, that it would take a volume to describe them. As a mere tree it is valuable, being of not very slow growth, and affording, by its dense, dark shade, the most grateful shelter from " the traveller's enemy," the sun. Its wood is most exten- sively used, and, in fact, the planks suppl}^ for a large part of India, the uses of fir plank in Europe, and when carefully preserved by paint, it lasts many years. The fruits, in their season, are so abundant in all the bazars that the cows are oftea regaled with them, and always Avith the stones, which they crunch, appa- rently with great delight. A curious fact is, that in remote villages, near extensive forest tracks, the bears, at the season of the fruit, are known to invade the mango topes, and to take possession of them till they have de- voured all the fruit, in spite of all the efforts of the villagers to drive them out! The finest mangoes on the Bengal side of India are said to be those of Malda, though there are certainly some in the neighbourhood of Calcutta equal, or superior to tliem. The finest in all India are said to be those of Goa, where tliey have been cultivated by the Portu- guese. Until of late years, however, little or no attention was paid to the sorts planted, or, at all events, it was rarely thought, by natives at least, worth tlie trouble or expense of send- ing far for good kinds; the tvpes, in- deed, being as often iilantcd as an act of piety to afli)rd sliade, as for the fruit, which, he who planted rarely expected to taste. Good grafts, and these upon good stocks, ar-c now more sought after, especially 16 AU AU in the neiglibourliood of larj^e towns, where a few mango trees, if bearing choice fruit, are valuable property. Perhaps nothing can show more strongly what the mango may be- come, by careful cultivation, than the fact that, at tlie plantation of Black River, in the Isle of France, no less than twelve varieties, of the most exquisite flavour, of sizes from a large apple, to that of a man's head, some almost witliout stones, have been obtained by the care and atten- tion of a long series of years. The mango, in India, is eaten in every possible form, and an extensive trade is carried on in the young green and acid fruits, which, being dried in the sun, are sold in all the bazars as a favourite condiment for curries. The crop of this fruit is very uncertain, as the prevalence of fogs at the time of flowering, drought, or storms, will often destroy a large crop in a few hours. AUMANY, AUI\r ANL or AUM ANIE, trust, charge. Land in charge of an Aumeen, or trustee, to collect its re- venue on the part of government. K.B. In the peninsula of India the term is particularly applied to a set- tlement under which the government receives its share of the produce of the lands from each cultivator in kind, instead of stipulating for a pe- cuniary commutation, or farming them out to individuals by villages, or large portions of territory. The same term appears to prevail in Behar. AUMEEN, trustee, commissioner. A temporary collector, or supervisor, appointed to tlie charge of a country on the removal of a zemindar, or for any other particular purpose of local investigation, or arrangement. AUMIL, agent, ofScer, native col- lector of Indian revenue. Superin- tendent of a district or division of a country, either on the part of the government, zemindar, or renter; the same as Ausiildak, q. v. AUMILUAR, agent, the holder of an office in India. An intendant, and collector of the revenue, uniting civil, military, and financial powers under the Mahomedan government. AURUNG, the place in India where goods are manufactured. AURUNGABAD, a province of the Dcccan. Its boundaries consist of, north, Guzerat, Khandesh, and Berar; east, Berar and Beder; south, Bejapoor and Beder; Avest, the sea. Tlie following are the principal dis- tricts: — Jowar, Kallianee, Bombay, below the mountains ; Sumgumneer, Jooneer, Ahmednuggur, Perraiuda, above the mountains, belonging to the British dominions, and Aurung- abad; Bheer, occupying its eastern side, and belonging to the Nizam of Hyderabad. The rivers are the Godaver}^ Seena, Beema, all of Avhich have their sources in this province, Moota, Moola, and many smaller. This province is traversed from nortli to south by the great range of western^mountains, and its surface throughout is very irregular and broken, abounding with rocky jungly hills. It is in general fertile, and its climate, above the mountains, temperate. There are some remark- able caves or excavations in diSerent parts, which are noticed in con- nexion Avith the towns near which they are situated. On the coast, ia about 19 deg. N. Lat., and separated from the main land by a narrow- strait, are several small islands, of Avhich the principal are Salsette and Bombay. The productions of the soil are rice and other grains, and cotton. Horses of a small, but very active and hardy breed, are reared in great numbers on the banks of the Beema. Fruits of different kinds are abundant and fine, particularly grapes, melons, oranges, and figs. The towns are Jowar, Basseen, Kallianee, and Bombay, below the mountains ; Nassuck, Sungumneer,. Jooneer, Ahmednuggur, Perrainda, Aurungabad, Jalna, and Peytun. In ancient Hindoo geography, this pro- vince, with some others, was included under the general name of Mahrash- AU AV 17 ■tin. After its subjugation by the IVIabomcdans, it received successively the names of Dowlutabad, Ahmed- nutjgur, and Aurungabad. Tlie in- liabitants of tliis province are prin- cipally INIahrattas, this being the original country of that people. AURUNGABAD, the capital of the province of Aurungabad, is situated in Lat. 19 deg. 54 min. N., Long. 75 deg. 33 min. E. This city was originally named Goorkha, but having become the capital of the province, and the favourite residence of Aurungzebe, when viceroy of the Deccan, it received from him the appellation of Aurungabad. It is a large, well built town, abundantly supplied with water brought in stone conduits from the neighbouring hills, and distributed through pipes into numerous stone reservoirs in every quarter. It has a large and handsome bazar named the IShah- ginj, particularly noted for silks and shawls. Aurungabad is the usual residence of the governor of the northern division of the Nizam's dominions. AURUNGZEBE, or ALUMGIIEEE, one of the descendants of Tamerlane. He reigned at Delhi, as Great Mogul, from IfiGO until 1707, obtaining his place on the throne by imprisoning his father and causing his brother to be murdered or driven into exile. He was a prince of warlike habits, and extended his conquests over the Dec- can, the Carnatic, and the coast of Golconda. Several towns and public ediiices in India owe their origin to this sovereign. AVA. Ava is situated to the east- ward of India. It is bounded on the nortli by Assam; north-easterly by China; east, by Slam; south, ])y Siam and the sea; west, by the sea, Arracan, and Bengal. It is divided into the following chief pro- vinces: — Ava, Tegu, Martaban, Ta- voy, and Tenasserim, of Avhich the latter two are subject to the British government. The province of Ava extends to Tromc, which Avas the c southern boundary of the empire ])revious to the conquest of Pegu. Its principal districts are Cossai, Mo- gaong, Ava, and the Shan country. Mogaong borders upon Cossai on the west, and Assam on the north. Ava, so named from the capital, constitutes what was originally the whole ex- tet.t of Burma Proper, and comprises the remainder of the province. The province of Pegu extends south- ward from Prome. Its principal districts are the following: — Prome, larawadi, Ilengawadi, Donabew, Bassein, Negrais, Syriam, Rangoon, Sitong, and Tongo. The provinces of Martaban, Tavoy, and Tenas- serim, follow in succession southward from Pegu, and embrace the whole of the coast from the south side of the Saluen river. The principal rivers are the Irawadee, Kienduem, Saluen, or Martaban river, Pegu river, and Lokiang. This country may be described, in general terms, as consisting of the great valley of the Irawadee, intersected by several other smaller rivers and low hills, and having ranges of mountains along its northern and western sides, Avith another cross range separating it from the Shan country. The inland districts of Pegu arc also generally hilly. The plains and valleys near the rivers are fertile and well cultivated, and yield abun- dance of rice, wheat, and other grains; sugar, tobacco, cotton, and indigo. The tea plant grows in a district to the north of Amrapoora, named Palongmyoo, but its leaf is very inferior to that of the Chinese plant, and is seldom used except for a pickle. The most remarkable product of the country is petroleum oil, an article of universal use throughout the provinces, and af- fording a large revenue to the go- vernment. Tin, antimony, iron, coal, and saltpetre, are also ibund in ditl'erent parts; and it is said that in the mountains of the northern frontier, there are mines of gold, silver, and precious stones; but it 18 AV AV does not appear that these have ever been in any great abundance. There are quarries of excellent white marble a few miles from Amrapoora. The forests abound with teak and almost every description of timber known in India. The animals are the same generally as in India, with the ex- ception of the camel, Avhich does not appear to be known to the eastward of India. The elephant abounds most in Pegn, it is sometimes found of a white, or sandy colour, the consequence, it is supposed, of some leprous disease. The w hite elephant holds a very remarkable place in the estimation of the Burmese, who consider it an indispensable part of the royal establishment, and the ■want of one woidd be deemed a sure sign of some great evil about to come upon the country. The residence of the white elephant is contiguous to the royal palace, and connected with it by a long open gallery, at the further end of which a curtain of velvet embroidered with gold con- ceals the august animal from vulgar eyes. Its dwelling is a lofty hall covered with gilding, and supported by numerous gilt pillars. Its fore feet are secured by silver chains, and its hinder ones by chains of iron. Its bed consists of a thick mattress, covered with cloth, over which is spread another softer one covered ■with silk. Its trappings are of gold, studded •with diamonds and other precious stones. Its betel-box, spitting-pot, bangles, and the vessel out of which it feeds, are also of gold, inlaid with precious stones, and its attendants ami guard exceed a thousand persons. It ranks next in honour to the king himself, and all ambassadors attending the court of Ava, are expected to show it their respect by offerings of muslins, chintzes, silks, &c. The horses are small, but very active and hardy; those of Pegu especially are much valued. Amongst the wild fowl, is one named the henza, or braminy goose, the tigure of which is used by the Burmese as the symbol of their nation. The principal cities are the following: — In Ava: Umrapoora, Ava, Yandaboo, Pagam, Melloon, and Meeaday, all situated on the banks of the Irawadee. In Pegu: Pronie, on the bank of the Irawadee, Tongo, and Pegu inland, Sarawa, Henza, Donabew, Bassein, Negrais, Syriam, Dalla, and Rangoon, all on the banks of the Irawadee and its branches. In ilartaban : Martaban, Amherst, and iMoulmein. In Tavoy : Tavoy. In Tenasserim: JMegnii. Its inhabitants are composed of the following principal classes : Burmese, properly so called; Cossayans, Ta- liens, or the people of Pegu ; Karens, also inhabitants of Pegu; and Shans. The total population of the empire is estimated at about 3,500,000. In regard to religion, the Burmese are followers of Booddh, whose image is worshipped throughout this country xmder the name of Gaodhma, or Gaotoom. The Booddhist system is not much superior to mere Atheism, as according to it, the world and all its affairs are left to go on as chance may determine, the Deity not taking any concern therein. The Boodd- hists, therefore, offer no Avorship to tlie eternal God, but say, that from time to time men of surprising piety have appeared, who have, in conse- quence, after their death, received power over the living, and these saints are the direct subjects of their worship. This system has, notwithstanding, one advantage over Ilindooism and Mahomedanism, as it leaves the people entirely free, both from the absurd prejudices of caste, and the evil feelings of igno- rant bigotrj^ Christian mission- aries have latterly gone amongst them, and many have embraced the gospel, particularly amongst the Karens. The common language of this country is called the Burman, and is written from left to right in characters of a circular form. The language in which all their religious books arc composed is called the AV EA 19 Pali, and is written in the Sanscrit character. The Burmese use the Palmira leaf, and for common pur- poses, the iron stj'le; their religious and other books of value are "written with lacquer, or sometimes with gold and silver, and the leaves are splendidly gilt and ornamented. AVADAVAT, a small East Indian bird, with very pretty plumage (brownish black, spotted white), red legs, &c., but no song. They arc much kept by the natives of India in small wicker cages, and are sold in the bazars as pets. AVATAE, incarnation; applied to the alleged several appearances of Vislinu, q. v. AYACUT, reputed measurement of land ; land in India prepared for cul- tivation. AYAH, a lady's maid in India. The Ayah has no innate taste for dress- ing, but can usually plait hair well, and contrives to fasten a hook, and to stick in a pin so that it shall soon come out again. She is often the wife of one of the khedmutgars (q. v.), and then the double wages make the service valuable to the worthy couple. Frcquentlj' she is an Indo-Portuguese woman, and though a sad and ugly drab, is in most respects superior to the 5Ius- siolman woman. B. BABA LOGUE, literally, in Hindos- tanee, the " children people." It is the name by which the olfspring of Europeans of the higher classes are called by the domestics. BABOO, master, sir. A Hindoo title of respect paid to gentlemen. Mer- chants, head clerks, &c., in Bengal, are invariably called Baboos. BACKEIIGUNGE, a district of Bengal. BAEE, a tea garden, or garden in Assam, where the cultivation of tea is carried on. BAFTAII, a coarse description of silk mauTifactured at Bhaugulpore, a town on the Ganges. BAGDAD, a Turkish town on the banks of the Tigris, where an ofScer of the Indian army, representing English interests, usually resides. BAHADOOE, a great person, a pom- pous fellow. BAIIAR, a province of India. It is bounded on the north by tlie hills of Nepal; east, Bengal; south, Orissa and Gondwana; west, Gondwana, Allahabad, and Oude. The divisions are Sarun, including Bettia, Tirhoot, Shahabad, Bahar, Boglipoor, Ilam- ghur, including Chota-Nagpoor. The rivers are the Ganges, Gunduk, Kurumnasa, and Sone, all three flow- ing into the Ganges, and many others. The Kurumnasa, though but an insig- nificant stream, is noticed on account of the singular character it bears amongst the Hindoos. They con- sider its waters to be so impui'e, that if a pilgrim, crossing it on his return from BenaiX's, do but touch them, all the sins Avhich the Ganges had washed away, will return upon him doubled. From its northern frontier southward, including Sarnn, Tirhoot, Shahabad, and Bahar, the country in general presents a level open surface, copiously Avatered, and re- markably fertile. There are, how- ever, some low sterile hills scattered through the district of Bahar. Bog- lipoor is occasionally hilly, and towards its eastern frontier moun- tainous and Avoody. Ramghur is mountainous throughout, A'cry rocky, and much covered with jungle. There are liot springs in various parts, and the climate of the northern and central districts is temperate and healthful. Agricul- ture, manufactures, and commerce have alwa3's flourished in this pro- vince; opium may be considered its staple commodity. Its other chief articles of produce are rice of the finest kind, excellent wheat and other grains, sugar, indigo, tobacco, cotton, hemp, pun, castor and seed oils, and a gi'cat variety of flower C2 20 BA BA essences, particularly atta, usually called otto of roses, and rose-water. Sarnn abounds in large timber, much used for ship building, and produces a superior breed of cattle. Very good horses are bred in Tirhoot; amongst the wild animals a species of baboon is found in Boglipoor, named the Ilunooman, which is held by the Hindoos as sacred as the cow. IBears also are numerous, and in the hilly parts, tigers, wolves, and hyenas. Large quantities of nitre are supplied from Sarun and Tirhoot, and iron, lead, antimony, and mica are found in Kamghur. The manufactures are principally of cotton goods, and earthenware, in imitation of English crockery. Opium, which has been mentioned as the stajjle of this province, is produced from a species of the poppy. When ripe, a small incision is made in the pod of the flower towards evening, from which the juice distils during the night. In the morning this is scraped oii', and afterwards, being dried in the sun, becomes opium. The towns are Bettia, or Chumpanm, Chupra, Cheerun, MoozufJurpoor, Hajeepoor, Buxar, iXrra, Hotasgurh, Dinapoor, Patna, Bar, Bahar, Daoodnuggur, Gaya, Monghir, Clmmpranuggur, Boglipoor, Eajmahal, Sheergotti, Palamow, liumgarh, and Burwa. The present name of this province is derived from that of the town of Bahar, or Vihar, which is supposed to have been its capital at some former period. In Hindoo writings, the districts north of the Ganges vere called Ma'dhila, and Bahar and Shaliabad were included under the name of Moogadha. The inhabitants of Bahar are Hindoos, including a great number of Brahmuns, and a large iiroportion of INIahomedans; this province having been conquered by them at an early period. The hills of Boglipoor are inhabited by a number of original tribes, living in a very uncivilised state, and in the southern parts of Eamghur are the Lurkakoles and other wild moun- taineers. Amongst the Hindoos of tliis province there are a consider- able number of the Sikh sect, and some Jains. The Boglipoor, and other hill tribes in general, have not adopted the Brahminical system, but still follow their original practices. The language is Hindostanee and Moogadhee. The latter, which is the vernacular language of the Hin- doos of the province, does not greatly differ from Hindostanee. BAIR (zi:/phus jiijuha), the egg plum. Of this fruit there are several varieties. Originally from Western India and Persia, it is now natu- ralised in all the gardens about Cal- cutta, and in some of the larger towns. The inferior and hedge sorts are met witli all over India. The common wild kind much resembles in shape, colour, flavour, and size an unripe crab-apple, and one would almost suppose that from it a good cider might be made. The better and fine sorts are of the flavour of an inferior apple, or wild plum. They are eaten in large quantities l)y natives of India, by whom the fruit, in all its states, is very highly esteemed, not only when green and ripe, but also when dried and preserved in various ways. The best produce of the wild tree, how- ever, is not its fruit, but the strong and durable silk (Tusser) which it produces. The trees, even in the midst of the tOAvns, are often seen with numbers of worms upon them, and in the districts where the silk is an object of culture, the moths are bred from the cocoons, and the worms fed upon the leaves like silk-worms. 'J'hcy are, however, kept in close baskets, being very active, and crawling away fast if left on open spots. The great enemies to the culture are crows and other birds, and ants, Avhich devour the 3'oung caterpillars in all the stages of their growth. BAJAREE, a Hindostanee word for the grain called millet. P.A BA 21 BAJJA, a band of music— Ilinilos- tanee. BAJRA, a grain (holcus spicatus), much used in India in feeding horses and cattle. BALAGHAT, the name of the Ceded Districts in soutliern India. Tlie houndaries are, on tlie nortli, the rivers Toombudra and Kistria, sepa- rating it from Bejapoor and Hyder- abad; east, tlie mountains dividing it from the northern Circars, and northern Carnatic; south, Mysore; and west, the Dooab. Its princijjal districts are Doossad, Kurnoul, Adoni, Curamum, Bellary, Gooty, Gundi- cotta, Cuddassa, iSidout, llaidroog, Gurrumconda, and Punganoor. The rivers are the Vedavutti, also named the Hajnee, or Pajnee, flowing north- erly into the Toombudra, twenty miles from Adoni, the Pennar, Toombudra, Kistna, and several smaller streams. This province con- sists for the greater part of an elevated open plain, intersected in different directions by ranges of low hills, and generally very barren of trees. The soutliern portion of the province consists of valleys lying between the eastern mountains, •which extend from Colar to Gurrum- conda, and thence stretch inland to the vicinity of Sera. The soil is remarkably good. The scarcity of trees is not natural, but has been occasioned by the continual passage and encampments of the large armies, by which this province was desolated during tlie constant wars, of which it was Ibrmerly the seat. The climate of this province is intensely hot, and it is much subject to drought, and consequently to famine. Cotton, indigo, sugar, rice, and various dry grains, are the natural productions of this province. Diamond mines arc found cliiefly in the Cuddassa district; all the dia- mond mines in this part of India, •with a few exceptions, lie between the Kistna and Pennar rivers, from which tract the Golconda iliamonds were procured, the district of Goi- conJa itself not producing any. The district of Bellary is noted for the manufacture of cumlies. The prin- cipal towns are of the same names as the districts. The word Balaghat means " above the passes," and was first used by the Mahomedans to distinguish the whole of the ujiper country, extending from the Kistna to the southern extremity of Jlysore, from the Paeen Ghat, or country " below the passes." The term " Ceded Districts" was given to the province in 1800, when it was ceded or given up by tlie Nizam of Hyder- abad to the British. The original name of this province was " Karna- tuk, or Karnuta Desum," subse- quently misapplied by both Maho- medans and Europeans to the Paeen- ghat country, to which it is now exclusively appropriated, although no part of the ancient "Kurnata" was below the mountains. With the exception of a few thousand Pathans, the inhabitants of this province arc all Hindoos; generally, they are more robust and active than the people of the Paeenghat countries, and of a bolder character. The total population is estimated at 2,200,000. BALA-HISSAR, literally, the upper palace, the citadel of a fortified town in central Asia. BALA KAMA, the name of a Hindoo god, the brother of Krishna. He was saved from the fury of Consa, by being translated from the womb of his mother into that of another female. He is frecpiently represented as the coadjutor of his brother in his exploits, and his image usually accom- panies that of Krishna in his re-ani- mation (after having been killed) iinder the form of Juggarnath. He married one of the mo3t beautiful old maids of ancient times, of a standard somewhat above tlie usnal size; his wife, Kevati, having been, " at the time of her marriage, 3,888,000 years of age, and so tall, that her stature readied as higl'i as tlie hands clapped seven times could be heard." 22 BA BA BALASORE (Balisliwar), the prin- cipal sea-port of the province of Orissa, is situated near tlie moutli of a small river called tlie Boori Balang, in Lat. 21 deg. 32 min. N., Lon. 86 deg. 56 min. E. This was formerly a flourishing town, and at an eai'ly period of tlieir intercourse ■with India, the Portuguese, Dutch, and English had factories here. It is still tlie principal trading place of the province, and is tlie regular re- sort of the Maldive vessels. It has dry docks capable of receiving small vessels, not drawing more than fourteen feet. B.^LKH, in Tartary, is situated in Lat. .36 deg. 48 min. N., Lon. 65 deg. 16 min. E. It is believed to be one of the most ancient cities in the world. By Asiatics it is commonly designated as the mother of cities, and it is said by them to have been built by Kyamoors, the founder of the iirst empire of Persia. It was long celebrated after the con- quest of the country by Alexander, as the capital of the kingdom of Bactria; and it was the residence of the chief of the Magi, or fire worship- pers of Persia, until conquered by the Jlahomedans about the year 710. In the early part of tlie thir- teenth century the city was taken and plundered by the celebrated Jungez Khan; and in the course of the many vicissitudes to which it has since been exposed, it has de- cayed into an insignificant town, of not more than 2,000 inhabitants, though its ruins extend over a cir- cuit of aboitt twenty miles. It is remarkable for a great abundance of fruit of various kinds, apricots, for example, being commonly sold at the rate of 2000 for a rupee. Snow is brought from the mountains about twenty miles distant, and sold in the bazar during the sum- mer. BALLAKHAXEH, Persian. Balcony, an upper room, open in front, and cenerally overlooking another and lower apartment. BANAS, a river of Guzerat, flowing along the nurth-wcstern frontier into Ilnnn. BANDA, isles of. These form a small cluster, situated about 120 miles south-easterly from Amboyna, the principal being the island of Banda. They are almost exclusively appro- priated to the cultivation of the nutmeg, which they produce in great abundance. Tliey belong to the Dutcli, and in their history, inhabit- ants, religion, and language, resemble the Moluccas. BANDA is situated in Lat. 25 deg. 30 min. N., Long. 80 deg. 20 min. E. This is the modern capital of Bundulkliund, and the residence of the principal British authorities of the district. The cotton of the neighbouring country is of a superior quality. BANDICOOT, a very large description of rat common to the East Indies. They grunt like little pigs, which they have sometimes been found to equal in size. BANDIES, the name given at Madras to a clumsy description of gig or buggy in very common use. BANGALOHE, in the IMysore pro- vince, is a lai'ge fortified town, situated about 200 miles nearly due Avest from flladi'as. It is one of the principal military stations of the Enghsh, and much resorted to by them on account of its climate, which is much more temperate and health- ful than that of tlie low country. The cantonment, which is extensive and well arranged, stands about two miles from the Petta. The fort is weak, and only calculated for defence against a native enemy. There are coarse cloth and silk manufactories at this place. Bangalore is famous for its gardens, which j)roduce a great variety of fruits and excellent vegetables. BANGIIY, Ilindostanee. A slip of bamboo, perhaps five feet in length, which in tlie middle may be four inches in width, the thickness about an inch ; towards the ends it tapers BA BA 23 a little, and has shoulders left ■whereby to secure ropes or nets, in vhich are placed two tin boxes or two baskets, made either of rattans, or of reeds, very closely worked, and probably covered with painted can- vas or leather. The bangliy-wallah that is, the bearer who carries the laanghy, supports the bamboo on his shoulder, so as to equipoise the ■baskets suspended at each end. The Ibangliy generally contains the bag- gage of a dawk or palankeen tra- veller. If not overladen, tlie banghy- ■wallah will generally keep pace with the palankeen, the bearer shifting the bamboo from one to the other shoulder as he proceeds. BANGLES, armlets or anklets, some- times of silver or gold, sometimes of glass or cane. They are worn by the Hindoo, and Parsee and Mogul women. BANKA, buck, beau, rake, debauchee, and much else which it is difficult to define, save that to these explana- tions we may not unfrequently add the term blackguard. They are a species of dare-devils in Mahometan society, who pride themselves in their dress, which is extravagant to a degree, their profuse expenditure, and their prowess iu love and fight- ing. They are, of course, generally young men, and to ape them and their manners is the fashion with youths of family. BANKOK. This town, Avhich became the capital of Siam on the capture of Yoodia, is situated on the banks of the Menam, in Lat. 13 deg. 40 mln. N., Lon. 101 deg. 10 min.^E. It is the chief sea-port of Siam, and is a busy flourishing town, containing about 40,000 inhabitants. It is built almost entirely of wood, the houses being all raised upon posts, so as to i)lace them above the rise of the tide and the periodical inunda- tions. The greater part of the town floats upon the river, the houses being constructed upon bamboo rafts, and moored in rows of ten or more from each bank. The popu- lation forms a mixed assemblage of Siamese, Burmese, Shans, Malays, and Ciiinese, the last amounting to a half of the whole number. The principal manufactures are in tin, iron, and leather, carried on entirely by Chinese artisans. Nearly all the junks used iu the eastern trade are built here. BANYAN, a Hindoo merchant, shop- keeper, or confidential cashier and broker. The term is used in Bengal to designate the native who manages the money concerns of the European, and sometimes serves him as an interpreter. At Madras the same de- scription of person is called a Dubash, a corruption of Dwl bashi, one who can speak two languages. Some ban- yans usurp the designation of dewan, which should imjily an extensive delegated power; that oflace, under the emperors of Hindostan, and even now in the courts of Lucknow, Hyderabad, &c., being confidential, and never bestowed but on persons in high favour. The banyans are invariably Hindoos, possessing in general very large property, with most extensive credit and influence. So much is this the ease, that Cal- cutta was, some years ago, absolutely under the control of about twenty or thirty banyans, who managed every concei'n in which they could find means to make a profit. It is incon- ceivable what property was in their hands ; they were the ostensible agents in every line of business, placing their dependents in the several departments over which themselves had obtained dominion. Was a contract to be made Avith government by any gentlemen not in the company's service, these be- came the securities, under the con- dition of receiving a per ccntage, and of appointing their friends to such duties as might control the principal, and save themselves from loss. When a person in the service of the com- pany was desirous of deriving benefit from some contract, in the disposal of which he had a vote, and which, 24 BA BA consequent!}', lie could not obtain in his own name, then the banyan became the principal, and the donor either received a share, or derived advantage from loans, &c., answering his purpose equally well. The same person frequently Avas banyan to several European gentlemen, all of ■whose concerns were, of course, accu- rately known to him, and thus be- came the subject of conversation at those meetings the banyan of Cal- cutta invariably held, and do yet hold, after the active business of the day has been adjusted. A banyan in- Tariably goes attended by several un- derling sircars, liirharalis. Sec. He, to a certain degree, rules the office, enter- ing it generally with little ceremony, making a slight obeisance, and never divesting himself of his slippers: a privilege which, in the eyes of the natives, at once places him on a foot- ing of equaUty with his employer. Of late 3'ears, however, the power of the banyan has diminished greatly; for, if we except a few large concerns, such as banking-houses and the principal merchants, who, having valuable cargoes on hand, are each under the necessity of retaining one of these people, for the purpose of obtaining cash to make up pay- ments, or to furnish advances to indigo factors, &c. It cannot, how- ever, be denied that many specula- tions are carried on by the aid of banyans, which, but for the strength of their resources, could never have been attempted. We owe our present extended trade in the fabrics of Dac- ca, &c., in the sugar of the western and northern districts, in indigo throughout the country, and numer- ous other branches of connnerce, to the support given by this class to such gentlemen as appeared to them likely to succeed. BANYAN THEE. This tree is com- mon tin-oughout Indi;u Its branches are nearly horizontal, and they send fortli great numbers of roots, which, ■when tliey reach the ground, soon grow, and act as supports to the branches. Tliere are some trees of this description whose ponderous branches have extended themselves for many yards in every direction, and unless supported by these smooth columns formed of their own roots,, would probably soon fall. When these roots descend from branches overhanging a jtublic road, it becomes necessary, when they have descended so low as to be Avithin reach, to twist several of them together, and in this way, by tying them with a rope, to give them a slanting direc- tion, till they are sufficiently long to reach the earth at the other side of the road. Thus the road actually passes through between the roots of the tree. The wood is of little ser- vice, being coarse and soon decay- ing. BARAHAT, a town situated on the Ganges, in Lat. 30 deg. 35 min. N., Long. 78 deg. 22 min. E., is the modern capital of the province of Gurral BARAilAIIAL. This province is bounded on the north by Mysore and Central Carnatic; east, by Central Carnatic; south, by Salem; and west, by IMysore. Its principal rivers are the Palar and the Panar» This is a small province, situated among the Eastern Mountains. It is generaUy of a Avild, irregular appearance, and in former times was thickly studded with formidable hill forts. The valleys produce rice and other grains, but the articles principally cultivated are dry seeds, vegetables, and plantations of cocoa- nuts and palms. The manufactures are coarse, and consist of little be- sides inferior cumlies, and cottoa cloths. The principal towns are Venkatagherry, Satgurh, Oossoor, Sooloogherry, Vaniambadd}', Eut- nagherry, Kistnagherry, llyacotta, Tripatoor, and Allambaddy. BARA ROOPA, a class of men whose profession it is to disguise them- selves, and most admirably do they effect it. For this reason they are often employed as spies with the BA BA 25 Indian army, and it is next to im- possible to detect them. BAREILLY, a large town, and for- merly the capital of one of the Rohilla chiefs, situated in Lat. 28 deg. 23 min. N., Long. 79 deg. 16 min. E. Amongst other manufac- tures it is noted tor brass water-pots, carpets, and cabinet work. BAREKILLAH, a Persian exclama- tion in constant colloquial use, lite- rally signifying "Good God!" "Praise be to ^God!" "Excellent!" "Well done!" " Bravo!"' BAROCH, or BROACH, is situated on the north bank of the Narbudda, about twenty -five miles from the sea, in Lat. 21 deg. 46 min. N., Long. 73 deg. 14 min. E. At an early period this place is noticed in history as a very flourishing seaport. It has since much declined, but still carries on a considerable coasting trade. Its present population is estimated at about 30,000 inhabitants, including a large proportion of Banyans and Parsees. BARODA is situated in Lat. 22 deg. 21 min. N., Long. 73 deg. 23 min. E. This is the capital of the Gaicowar. It is a large and flourishing town, and contains about 100,000 inliabitants. BAROONEE, an ample cloak -with sleeves, made to cover tlie whole person. It is worn by the Turks and Persians, and is considered to be a good defence from barooii (rain), ■whence the name takes its deriva- tion. BARRACKPORE is in the province of Bengal ; it is at a distance of about twenty miles from Calcutta. Barrackpore, called by the natives Achanuck (corruiUed from Charnock, the founder of Calcutta, who abided here), consists of a large park and a military cantonment, in the former . of which is the spacious country- house of the Governor-general, wiiile the latter affords accommodation to six regiments of native infantry and the full proportion of officers. Lord ' Auckland established a native school at Barrackpore, and left funds for its support. The regiments here, with the artillery at Dum-Dum (seven miles from Calcutta), and tlie troops in Fort William, constitute the pre- sidency division of thejarmy, which is commanded by a general officer, who resides at Barrackpore. BASIN, Bengalee. A mixture of orange peel, ground fine on a stone, and mixed with flour made from peas. It is successfully used in cleansing the hair. BASSA, a Turicish title of honour bestowed upon governors of pro- A'inces and privy counsellors of the Grand Signor. BASSEEN is a seaport, separated by a narrow strait from the island of Salsette, and distant about thirty miles from Bombay. This place was obtained by treaty from the sultaun of Cambay in 1531, by the Portuguese, Avho lost it about 17.50 to the Mahrattas, from whom it was subsequently taken by the English. BATAVIA is the capital of the island of Java, and of all the Dutch pos- sessions in the east; it is situated on the northern coast, in Lat. 6 deg. 8 min. S., Lon. 106 deg. 54 min. E. Its population, of all classes, is esti- mated at about 50,000. It was founded by the Dutch in the year 1619. BATCIIEET, Ilindostanee for chit- chat. BATTA, Ilindostanee. Deficiency, discount, allowance. Also allow- ance to troops in the field. In the garrison troops are allowed half- batta. BATTAS, savage inhabitants of Sumatra, q. v. BAUBOOL, a species of mimosa, ge- nerally growing wild all over India. The crooked billets of the Banbool are deservedly in great estimation, and its bark is considered to be, if any thing, superior to that of oak for the tiinncr's use. BAUGDOHE, a leading halter, a strong cotton cord, which the Si/ce, 26 BA BE or ghora wallah (groom), in India, fas- tens to the left cheek of tlie bit when leading a horse, and does not loosen until his master lias mounted, when, by drawing a slip knot, the animal is liberated from the groom's control. BAWURCHEE (orBABBACHEE), a cook. To small establishments in India he is not essential, for the khedmutgar and miisalchee will there manage the business very cre- ditably between them: and where he is kept, he is i^aid according to his excellence. BAZEE ZAilEEN, smidry or miscel- laneous goods. The term is parti- cularly applied to such lands as were exempt from paj^ment of public re- venue, or very lightly rated, during the native rule in the Indian penin- svda. It refers to not only such as are held by Ura'inmns, or appro- priated to the support of places of worship, &:c., but also to the lands held by the officers of government, such as zemindars, canongoes, put- war ries, &C. BECHESil! a Persian expression. "By my eyes!" BEDEK. Tills province is bounded on the north by Aurungabad and Berar; east, Hyderabad and Gond- wana; south, the Kistna; west, Bejapoor and Aurungabad. The divisions consist of Puthree, Nan- dair, Calliany, Beder, Akulcotta, and Kulburga. Tiie rivers are the Go- davery, Munjera, Beema, Ivistna, and several smaller rivers. The surface of this province is broken and hilly, but not mountainous, generally open, and \cvy jiroductive, but thinly peopled, and consequently not well cultivated; though, under its ancient Hindoo government, it is said to have been exceedingly popu- lous and fruitful. The productions are wheat, cholum, and otlier dry grains, and cotton. The towns are Nandair, Neermul, Calliany, Beder, Akulcotta, and Kulburga. Notwitli- standing its having so long been under a Mahomedan government, this province contains few Maho- medans, the inhabitants beingchiefly Hindoos. The junction of three languages takes place in this pro- vince. Northward and westward of Beder, the prevailing language is the Mahratee; northward and east- ward, the Teloogoo; southward and eastward, the Teloogoo; and south- ward and westward, the Kanarese. BEDER, the capital of the province of Beder, and formerly of the Bhamenee empire, is situated in Lat. 17 deg. 49 min. K, Lon. 77 deg. 48 min. E. The present town of Beder was built near the ruins of the old Hindoo city of the same name, by Ahmed Shah Bhamenee about the year 1440, and was called by him Ahmed- abad. It was noted for works of tutenague inlaid with silver, such as hookah bottoms, and similar articles, which are still denominated Beder« ware. BEDOUINS, Arabs, who constantly live in tents. They wander over the whole of Turkey, Persia, Arabia, Egypt, and Syria. They recognise no government but that of their own sheik or superior. BEEANA stands on the banks of the Ban-Gunga, in Lat. 26 deg. 57 min. N., Lon. 77 deg. 8 min. E. It is a large and flourishing town, and was the capital of the province before Agra. BEEGAH, or BIGGAH, a land measure, varying in different parts of India. In the west it measures 3025 square yards; in Bengal, 1600 square yards; in Malw, or Central India, nearly two roods. BEENA, the musk deer. This little animal, which inhabits the Himalaya range, seems to have puzzled the savans, who find a difficulty in plac- ing it, and it generally stands be- tween the lamas and the deer. The musk is timid and solitary; the male and female are hardly ever seen to- gether; but if one is found in a kud or dell, it is very likely the next kud Mill contain its mate. It is supposed the musk is for the purpose of enabling them to rejoin each other BE BE 27 at night, for their liabits are noc- turnal. None of the other musk deer species have tlie bag or poucli peculiar to the male of this animal, and at some seasons of the year, and far to the north of Thibet, the con- tents of the bag, even of this species, are almost inodorous. BEGLEEBEY, a Turkish title, mean- ing lord of lords, a title equivalent to duke or prince. BEGUil, a Hindoo lady, princess, woman of high rank. BEJAGUR is a large hill fort, si- tuated in the Satpoora mountains, in Lat. 21 deg. 36 min. N., Lon. 75 deg. 40 min. E. This was the ca- pital of the old Hindoo province of Neemar, and was subsequently that of the Mooghul province of Khan- desh, until supplanted by Boorhan- poor. BEJAPOOE. Thisprovince is bounded on the north by Aurungabad; east, Aurungabad and Beder; south, tlie Dooab; and west, the sea. Its principal divisions are Sattara and Kolapoor, the former composing tlie present dominions of tlie Maliratta rajah, tlie latter belonging to a petty chief, styled tlie Kolapoor rajah; and on the coast, the northern and southern Konkan. The rivers are Beema, Kistna, Gutpnrba, and some others. In the vicinity of the moun- tains, along its western boundary, this province is very hilly, and thickly wooded ; eastward it becomes more level and open. The produc- tions are cholum, maize, gram, and other dry grains, with a small proportion of rice, cotton, and sugar. The principal towns are Colaba, Poona, Sevcrndroog, Sattara, Sholapoor, Rutuagherry, Kolapoor, IVIerrich, Bejapoor, Vingorla, and Goa. BEJAPOOR, called by old European writers " Viziapour," is situated in about 17 deg. N. Lat., and 76 deg. E. Lon. This was in former times one of the largest cities in Asia, the fort measuring not less than eiglit miles round the outside. At pre- sent, it is almost entirely in ruins, but there remains enougli to show that the place was, originally, of great magnitude. It contained numerous handsome edifices, many of them are still in good order. Of these, the principal are the mau- soleum an2 36 BO BO town of Bombay is estimated at 200,000 persons, comprising a mixed multitude of Hindoos, Parsees, Ma- liomeduns, Portuguese, Jews, and a few Armenians. About five miles eastward from Bombay is a small island named Klephanta, in which is a remarkable cave, formerly used as an idol-temple. It is eiiihteen feet high, fifty-five feet long, and as many broad, and is filled with large idols, of whicli the principal is a colossal Trimoorti, or three-formed figure, combining Brahma, Vishnoo, and Siva. The cavern is not now used as a place of worship. Near the landing-place, leading to the cavern, is a large ele- phant hewn out of the rock, from which the Portuguese gave the island its present name. Ihere are also other remarkable excavations at Kanneri in Salsette. BOONDEE, a handsome, well built city, in Lat. 25 deg. 28 min. N., Long. 75 deg. 30 min. E., the resi- dence of the rajah of the district, in the province of Ajmeer. BOOKHANPOOE, formerly the capi- tal of the province of Khandesh, is situated in a fine plain on the banks of the Tuptee, in Lat. 21 deg. 19 min. N., Long. 76 deg. 18 min. E. This is one of the largest and best built cities in the Deccan, and abun- dantly supplied by water brought into the town by aqueducts, and distributed through every street, the stream being conveyed at a certain depth below the pavement, and the water drawn up through apertures by means of leather buckets. The grapes grown in the vicinity of this town and Asseergurh are considered the finest in India. BOORRAUK, a proper name in Persia for a swift horse. Literally, "light- ning." EGOS A, chopped straw; food given to cattle in India. BOOSSAH (Hindostanee), chaff, BOOTAN. The province of Bootan is adjacent to the northern frontier of the province of Bengal. It is bounded on the north by the Himalaya moun- tains separating it from Thibet; east, by China; south by Assam, and the frontier districts of Bengal; and west, by the river Teesta, separating it from Sikkim. It has no divisions worthy of particular notice. Its rivers arc numerous. Tlie principal are the Teesta, on the west ; the Gudhadhur towards the centre; and Monas or Goomarce, to the eastward; all flowing from the Himalaya range, the Teesta into the Ganges in the province of Bengal, the others into the Brahmapootra. The northern portion of this country consists of an irregular assemblage of lofty mountains known by the general appellation of Tangustan, some co- vered with snow, others clothed with fo;-ests. Amongst these are popu- lous villages, surrounded by orchards and plantations; at the base of the liills, towards the Bengal frontier, is a plain of about twenty-five miles in breadth, covered with luxuriant ve- getation, and marshy forests abound- ing with elephants and rhinoceroses. From its mountainous character the climate of Bootan varies greatly, the inhabitants of the more elevated parts shivering with cold, while a few miles lower down the jjeople are oppressed by intense heat. Every favourable spot is cultivated, the sides of the mountains being indus- triously cut into terraces. Its prin- cijial productions are wheat and other grains, numerous fruits and vegetables, including peaches, apri- cots, strawberries, and other fruits; bees' wax, Ivor}", and coarse woollen manufactures. In the forest there is a variety of useful timber, such as the ash, birch, yew, pine, and fir, the last growing to a considerable size; and the hills yield abundance of limestone. Wild animals are not numerous, with the exception of those m the low country. Monkeys of a large and handsome kind abound, and are held sacred. Bootan has also a peculiar breed of horses, noted for strength and activity. They BO BO 37 are small and short-bodied, seldom exceeding thirteen hands in height, but remarkably well proportioned, and commonly piebald. They are known in India by the name of Tan- gun, or Tanyan, from Tangustan tlieir native country, and numbers of them are brought to llungpoor for sale by the annual caravans from Bootan. The principal towns are Tassisudon, Poonukka, and Wandi- poor, towards the north, and Dellam- cotta, Lukheedwar, Bukhsheedwar, and Kuchboobaree, lying along the eouthern hills, nearly in a line from ■west to east. The inhabitants are styled Bhootiyas, or Bootanners. They are part of a numerous tribe of Tartar origin, which has peopled the greater part of the mountainous tract bordering upon the Himalaya range. In features they resemble tlie Chinese, and like the Chinese they are remarkable for cowardice and cruelty, though in person a very robust and active race. Their wea- pons are chiefly bows and arrows, and swords; their arrows Ixiing gene- rally poisoned. They have also fire- arms, but of a very inferior kind. There are also some thousands des- cendants of Bengalese and Assamese. The total population is believed not to exceed 150,000. The government of this country is of a very peculiar cliaracter. There are in fact two sovereigns, one styled the Dehor Deva rajah, who exercises all the real authority; and a second,- styled the Dhurma rajah, who is the legitimate sovereign. The Dhurma rajah, however, being considered a sacred person, and an actual incarnation of tlie Deity, never interferes in any but religious mat- ters, leaving every thing else to the Deva rajah, who is nominally his deputy. The religion of Bootan is the Booddhist system of Thibet, or, as it i> termed, the lama religion. 3-\)ur (lillL-reiit diulei-ts are spoken in diifcrent parts of this country. The whole are generally designated as tlie Bhootiya language, and it is believed to be derived from the language of Thibet. BORAS, a singular class of men found in all the larger towns of Guzerat, and in parts of Khandesh and the adjacent provinces, who, although Mahomedans in religion, are Jews in features, manners, and character. They form everywhere a distinct community, and are noted for their skill in trading and their extreme devotion to gain. They profess to be quite uncertain as to their own origin. BORNEO. This island, which is the largest in the Eastern Archipelago, extends from Lat. 70 deg. N. toLat. 4 deg. S., and from Long. 109 deg. to 118 deg. E. In length, it is esti- mated to be about 750 miles by an average breadth of 350. It com- prehends several distinct principal- ities, of which the principal and only one of note is Borneo, occupying the north-western coast along a line of about 700 miles. Little is known of its interior, but as far as has been ascertained, the island is in general level towards the coast, and culti- vated; and inland, mountainous and covered Avith forests. Its produc- tions are abundant ; rice, sago, pepper, caraplior, cinnamon, Avax, rattans, and many useful woods; and in the seas, pearls, mother-of-pearl, tortoise-shell, and sea-slug (bic/te illi, which, beingextracted, is ground down in a mortar, and ilien ])assed through a sieve, by which means it is 38 BO BO formsd into grains, as it is seen when brought to India. One tree yields upon an average about 300 pounds of sago, and the tree is generally considered ripe for cutting down in fifteen years. The principal town is Borneo, situated ou the coast, in Lat. 4 deg. .56 min. N., Long. 114 deg. 44 niiii. E. There was formerly an English factory here, but it has been abandoned for some years in consequence of the unsettled state of the country. By its inhabitants, and throughout the Archipelago, this island is called Pulo Klemantan ; but Europeans have given it the name of Borneo, from "Boornee," the principal state, and the first visited by them. Tiie inhabitants are composed of Malays, Sooloos, Javanese, and others, on the coast, noted as rapacious and cruel pirates, and a number of savage tribes in the interior, of wjiich the principal are the Dayaks and Biajos. These are of the original brown race, and are much handsomer and fairer than the Malays, to whom they are also superior in strength and activity. There are also great numbers of Chinese, more than 200,000 of that nation being settled at the gold mines. None of the Negro race have been seen in Borneo. The total population of the island is supposed to be about 4,000,000. The people are in a degraded state, but there is now some hope of their reaping the blessings of civilisation. A few years since an English gentleman of fortune devoted his days, his riches, and his life to their emancipation from barbarism and bondage. In his own person and from his own purse Mr. Brooke supplied the en- terprise of a missionary and the subscriptions of a congregation. JSilently and without proclamation he departed with a following which he had formed, and betook himself to an unexplored island in a distant sea, where thousands of miserable wretches were living in a state just so much worse than the negroes of the Bights, that they had not even the chance of being carried otf to the happier lot of slavery. The relations of the Dyak to his Malay ruler were compounded from those of a Connaught cottier to his land- lord, a Turkish slave to his master, and a Russian prisoner to his gaoler. His contributions were regulated solely by the wants of his superior, and his wife and children were dis- trained upon to supply an inevitable deficiency, or recompense an invo- luntary fault. Nothing but the primeval wilds of the interior, and the retreats of the more human ape could possibly have preserved the aborigines of Borneo from utter ex- tirpation at the hands of the Malay. With four European and eight native followers Mr. Brooke landed on the coast. In eight short months he had interposed himself between the persecutors and the oppressed, had released the necks of the Dyaka from their intolerable yoke, had in- culcated a little sobriety as well as a salutary terror into the minds of the IMalays, had reluctantly received a dominion untenable by its possessors, and.had transformed the principality of Sarawak from a miserable agglo- meration of pirates and slaves, into a miniature kingdom of con- tented subjects — a refuge for the persecuted, a terror to the prowling corsair, and a model for the whole Archipelago. BOSTANDGIS, the body-guard of the Sultan. They superintend his gar- dens and palaces, and attend him on his aquatic excursions. They are expert in the use of the oar, and in- variably row the Sultan's caique. BOTELHO, a small sloop, used to navigate the upper part of the Per- sian Gulf and the Tigris and Eu- phrates. BOY ! probably a corruption of bhaee, brother. At Bombay and Madras a servant is summoned to his master's presence by this call (as Qui-hye ! is used in Bengal), and it is rather amusing to the stranger sometimes BR BR 29 to see the summons answered by a ver}' venerable " boy" indeed. EE AIKvI, according to tlie Hindoos, the Ahiiiglity, infinite, eternal, incompre- hensible, self-existent being; he who sees every thing, though never seen ; he who is beyond the limits of human conception; he from whom the uni- versal world proceeds; whose name is too sacred to be pronounced, and whose power is too infinite to be imagined. Under such, and innu' merable other definitions, is the Deity acknowledged in the Veda, or sacred writings of the Hindoos; but, while the learned Brahmuns thus acknow- ledge and adore one God, M'ithout form or quality, eternal, unchange- aljle, and occupying all space, they liave carefully confined their doc- trines to their own schools, and have taught in public a religion, in which, in sui)posed compliance with the in- firmities and passions of human na- tm-e, the Deity has been brought more to a level with our own preju- dices and wants; and the incompre- liensible attributes assigned to him, invested with sensible, and even hu- man forms. Upon this foundation the most discordant fictions have been erected, from which priestcraft and superstition have woven a mytho- logy of the most extensive character. The Hindoos ]iossess three hundred and thirty millions of gods, or forms under which they are worshipped. Certain it is, that tlie human form in its natural state, or possessing the heads or limbs of various animals; the elements, the planets, rivers, fountains, stones, trees, &c., &c., have been deified and become objects of religious adoration. The Brahmuns allege, " that it is easier to impress the minds of the rude and ignorant by intelligible syndjols, than by means "vvhich are incomprehensible." Act- ing upon this principle, the supreme and omnipotent God, whom the Hin- doo has been taught to consider as too mighty for him to attempt to ap- proach, or even to name, has been lost sight of in the multiplicity of false deities, whose graven images have been worshipped in his place. To these deities the many splendid temples of the Hindoos have been erected; while, throughout the whole of Hindostan, not one has been de- voted to Brahm, whom they designate as the sole divine author of tlie uni- verse. Brahm, the supreme being, created the world; but it has not been agreed upon by the Hindoo mythologists in what manner that important event took place. Some imagine that he first formed the goddess Bhavani, or nature, who brought forth three sons, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, whom, having con- verted herself into three females, she married. The first (or Brahma) was called the creator; the second ( nu), the preserver; the third (Siva), the destroyer. To these the future arrangement and government of the world were entrusted, (jthers be- lieve that the elements of the world were enclosed in an immense shell, called the mundane egg, which burst into fourteen equal parts, and -formed the seven superior, and seven inferior worlds. God then appeared on the mountain IMeru, and assigned the duties of continuing the creation to Brahma; of preserving it to Vishnu; and of again annihilating it 1o Siva. Others again assert, that as Vishnu (the preserving spirit of God) was sleeping on the serpent Ananta, or eternity, on the face of the waters, after the annihilation of a former world, a lotus sprung from his navel, from which issued Brahma; who produced the elements, Ibrnied the present world, and cave birth to the god Budra (or Siva), the destroyer. He then produced the human race. From his head he formed the Brahmuns, or priests; from his arms, the Kettries, or warriors; from his thighs, the "N'aisyas, or merchants; and from his feet, tlie Sndras, or hus- bandmen. The religion of the Hindoo sage, as inculcated by the Veda, is the belief in, and worshij) of, one great and only God, omniscient and cm- 40 BR BR nipotent, of ■whose attributes he expresses his ideas in the most awful terms. These attributes he conceives are allegorically (and alle- gorically only) represented by the three personified powers of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction — Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. But this consistent monotheism, tliis worship of God in unit}^ is bounded here; as the religion taught to the common herd is polytheism, accompanied by the most disgusting of abominations, profanations, and inconsistencies, for the deities most honoured, and the worship most practised, are of the least beneficent character. Thus Siva, Durga, Kali, Surya, Mungula, and Sani, are held in far higher ve- neration than those deities whose attributes are of a more mild, but less imposing description. Five sects of Hindoos exclusively worship a single deity, and one sect recognizes the five divinities which are adored by the other sects respectively. These five sects are the Saivas, who worship Siva; the Vishnaivas, who worshiiJ Vishnu, Saurias, Surya, or the Sun ; the Ganapatyas, who adore Gamisha; and the Saetis, who Avor- ship Bliavani, or Parvati: the last sect is the Bhagavatis. These deities have tlieir different avatars, or in- carnations, in all of which, except that of the Saetis themselves, they have their saetis (wives), or energies of their attributes. These have again ramified into numerous names and forms. BRAHMA. This deity, the least im- portant at the present day of the Hindoo Triad, is termed the creator, or the grandfather of gods and men. Under this denomination he has been imagined to correspond with the Sa- turn of the Greeks and Latins. Brahma is usually represented as a red or golden coloured figure, witli four heads. He is said (by the Saivas) to have once possessed five ; hut, as he would not acknowledge the superiority of Siva, as Vishnu had done, that deity cut oflf one of them. He has also four arms, in one of -wliich he holds a spoon, in anotlier a string of beads, in the third a water jug (articles used in worsliip), and in tlie fourth the Ve- da, or sacred writings of the Hin- doos. Tlie temples of this deity in Hindostan have been overturned by the followers of Vishnu and Siva; and he is now but little regarded, and very seldom, if at all, wor- shipped, except in the worship of other deities. Like the other gods, he has many names. Brahma had few avatars or incarnations on earth : Daksha is the principal of them; Viswakarma, Narcda, and Briga are his sons. The Brahmadicas, Menus, and Richis, are also called the de- scendants of Brahma. His heaven is described as excelling all others in magnificence, and containing the united glories of all the heavens of the other deities. BRAHMAPOOTRA, tlie largest river in India. It rises on the north side of the Himalaj^a mountains, about Lat. 32 deg. N., and Long. 82 deg. E. It runs eastward through the country of Thibet, and after winding for a great distance through the mountains which divide Tliibet from Assam, turns to the westward into Assam, and enters the province of Bengal near Bungamutty. It then passes round the western point of the Gar- row mountains, after which it turns to the south and joins the river Megna in the district of Dacca. It then takes the name of Megna, and imiting with the Ganges near the sea, flows with it into the Bay of Bengal. The whole course of this river, fol- lowing its windings, is about 1,600 miles. In 1822, this river overflowed its banks in the district of Baker- gunge, and deluged the surrounding country. About 37,000 men and wo- men were destroyed by the flood. BRAHMUNY BULLS. A curious practice exists among the Hindoos of the Brahmin caste, of branding young bull calves in the haunches ■with the emblem of Siva, and turning BR BU 41 them loose to feed where thev list. Knowing that they are devout offer- ings to Siva, the Hindoos not only forbear to molest them, but suffer them to eat tlie grass in their mea- dows, the flowers in their gardens, and tlie grain exposed in their mar- kets and shops. As the hulls grow up, however, they become exceed- ingly mischievous, and commit every description of offensive trespass, as if aware that they enjoy an immunity from chastisement. BRAHMUNS. The Brahmuns are the first and most distinguished race of the Hindoos, raythologically de- scribed to have sprung from the head of Brahma; as the Kettries, Vaisyas, and Sudras did from his arms, thighs, and feet. They had, in consequence, the charge of the Vedas assigned to them; and from them only (except among the Yogees, mostly weavers, the Chundalus, and the basket-makers, who have priests of their own castes) can the sacer- dotal office be at any time filled; and their influence in that character is almost unbounded. In the sacred writings they are styled divine, and the killing, or entertaining an idea of killing, one of them is so great a crime, that Menu says, " no greater can be known on earth." There are various orders of Brahmuns, the chief of which are the Kulenas, the Vcnif/slaijas, and the Shrotujas, the liar/iecs, and the VunlUtas, See, &c. The divisions and sub-divisions of the different castes are also nume- rous. The Sudras are said to have nearly fifty. Purity of caste is held of the highest consequence among the Hindoos. Loss of caste may be caused by various means. It can be regained only by atonement and fasting on the part of the offender, together with a liberal expenditure in presents and feasting towards the Brahmun priest. BllANUY PAUNEE, brandy and water, a beverage in much request among the Europeans in India. It is unquestionably the most whole- some drink, taken in moderation, the alcohol destroying the animal- culer, with which the purest water is unavoidably impregnated. BRIGU is another son of Brahma. His name is frequently found in Hindoo mythology. BRI.IEBASSIES, ^ or BIEJEBAUS- SIES, a description of men, armed with swords and shields, formerly employed bj' the Zemindars of Bengal to guard their property against dacoits, or robbers, and now generally engaged as part of the po- lice force of the British Government. BRINJAL, an Indian vegetable of the cucumber species, much eaten at European tables when boiled and seasoned with bread crumbs and black pepper. BRINJAREE, men who possess bul- locks which they employ in carrying goods for merchants. They are em- phatically the carriers of India. They live entirely in the open air, and traverse the wilds of southern and western India Avith tlieir bul- locks. In their wandering habits they are similar to the muleteers of the continent. BRISHPUT, or VRIHUSPATI, is, according to the Hindoo mythology, the regent of the planet Jupiter, and the preceptor of the gods, hence called their gooroo. He is the son of Ungina, a son of Brahma, and is of the Brahmun caste. He is described of a golden or yellow colour, sitting on a horse, and holding in his hands a stick, a lotus, and his beads. The Hindoos consider it fortunate to be born under this planet, and are strict in their worship of Brishput. Be- sides being called Gooruo, or the pre- ceptor, he is termed Gishpvfu, the eloquent, &c., &c. Vrihuspatwar, or Thursday, is the day over which he presides. The mango tree is sacred to him. BUCKRA EADE, a Mussulman festi- val still kept up with ragged pomp at Dchli, Lucknow, Hydtraliad, &c. The followers of Mahomet claim to be descendants of Abraham, 42 BU BU through his son Ishmael, whom they iiver to have been chosen for the ofiering of the Almighty, and not Isaac. The offering thus made to .Heaven is commemorated by the sa- crifice of particular animals ; camels, sheep, goats, kids, or lambs, accord- ing to each person's means; this is supposed to answer a double pur- pose, not only honouring the me- mory of Abraham and Ishmael, but the sacrifices assisting in a time of great need. It is supposed that the entrance to Paradise is guarded by a bridge made of a scythe, or some in- strument equally sharp, and afford- ing as unstable a footing. The fol- lowers of the Prophet are required to skate or swim over this passage, and it will be attended with more or less difficulty, according to the degree of favour they have obtained in the sight of Heaven. The truly pious will be wafted over in safety, but the imdeserving must struggle many times, and be often cut down in the attempt, before thej^ can gain the op- posite side. In this extremity, it is imagined that the same number and kind of animals, which, being clean and esteemed fitting for sacrifice, they have offered up at the celebra- tion of the Buckra Eade. will be in waiting to convey them in safety along the perilous passage of the bridge. Under this belief, the richer classes of Mahomedans supply their indigent brethren with goats and sheep for the sacrifice; a work of charity, incited by the purest mo- tives, and which, if not possessing all the efiicacy ascribed to it, at least furnishes the poor man's home with an ample and a welcome feast; for tliough poverty compels the lower classes of IMussulmans to imitate the Hindoos in the frugality of a vege- table meal, they never refuse meat when it is procurable. BUDH (BOODH). the Mercury of the Hindoos, is the son of Soma or Chan- dra and Kohini. He is a Kettrie, and the first of the Chandrabans, or lunar race of sovereigns. He is represented as being eloquent and mild, and of a greenish colour. Budh is the god of merchandise and the protector of merchants ; he is, therefore, an object of worship by the Begs caste. It is fortunate to be born under this planet. Budh pre- sides over Budhwar, or Wednesday. BUDIIA, the founder of the religion of the Singhalese, Burmese, &c. The names given to Budha in the native books are as follows : " Supreme," " Incomparable," " Vanquisher of the five deadly sins (killing, ly- ing, adultery, theft, drunkenness)," " Teacher of the three worlds (of gods, men, and devils)," the " Sanc- tified," "the Omniscient," "Imma- culate," " World compassionating Divine Teacher," " Benefactor of the AVorld," "Saviour," " Dispeller of the Darkness of Sin," " Comforter of the World," " Lord of Lanka (Cey- lon)," " Ruler of tlie World," " Ruler of Men," "Incomprehensible," " Di- vine Teacher," " Lord of the Divine Sages," " Deity of felicitous Advent." The doctrines of the Budhists are briefly these : they do not believe in one supreme self-existent God. Mat- ter, in some form or other, is eternal. The present state of things has arisen out of a former, and that from one previous to it, and so on. Every living being or thing, gods, men, devils, beasts, reptiles, vegetables, are in their present state of enjoy- ment or suffering from the merito- rious or demeritorious actions of a former state of existence. The good or the evil done by living beings in their present birth or state of ex- istence will be rewarded or lumished in a future state. Tlie souls, or living principle of the good, on their depar- ture from the present body, enter into other bodies, whose state will be superior to the present ; and the souls of the bad, on their departure out of the present body, will enter into others more degraded than those they now inhabit. Every evil suf- fered in the present life is in conse- quence of some bad actions done ia BU a former ; and every good enjoyed is in consequence of some good actions in a former. But neither the good nor the evil will be eternal, for the souls continue to transmigrate till purged of every particle of evil ; when they are admitted to the su- preme blessedness of annihilation, in ■which state Budha is at present. Eternal suffering, or eternal happi- ness, forms no part of their belief. There is no superior to whom they are accountable, to inflict punish- ment, or to bestow good ; but happi- ness necessarily follows a course of good actions, and misery a course of evil actions : hence there is no for- giveness of sins. Almsgiving seems to be omnipotent. It opens the door of all future good, and to Nirwana. " The sound of charitable deeds is heard through the three Avorlds." BUDHUK, a species of dacoit. See Kechdk. BUDRA, a river which rises in a chain of hills, called the Baba Boodun Hills, situated to the eastward of the Western IMouutaius, nearly opposite to Jlangalore. BUDZAT, Hindostanee. Bad caste, applied to a mauvais sujet. BUGGALOW, a large single-decked vessel, with one mast and a latteen sail, employed in the carrying trade between Bombay, the Malabar coast, and the Persian and Arabian Gulfs. The owners are generally Persian, Arab, or Armenian mer- chants; the nacquodah, or captain and navigator, is an Arab, and the crew are Araljs. Horses, shawls, dates, carpets, precious stones, kal- lecns, and a peculiar glass ware, form the staple of the cargo from the Gulfs ; rice, cotton, crockery, and hardware form the return car- goes. The buggalows are crazy, ill- built vessels, and so badly calculated to resist a storm, that it is the usual practice of the captain, when a shtm- niil, or north-wester, is threatened, to run for the nearest cove, and anchor till the danger is past, BUGGESS, or BUGIS, an iuhabitant BU 43 of Japan, the island of Celebes, the Moluccas, and other eastern islands. BUGGARAH. a small Ar;ib vessel, used in navigating the Persian Gulf. BUHAWULPOGR, a large and flou- rishing town, the capital of the Khan of the district. It stands about sixty miles to the south-eastward of Mool- tan, near the left bank of the Sutlej, here named the Garra. It has an extensive manufacture of silks, which are in much request. BUKKUR. See Sukicur. BUKSHEE, Hindostanee. A pay- master. BUKSHISH, or BUXIS, a term used to denote presents of money. The practice of making presents, either as a matter of compliment or in re- quital of service, is so ver}' common in India and the East generally, that the natives lose no opportunity of asking for bukshish. In Egypt, per- haps, more than iuiywiiere else, the usage is a perfect nuisance. Half- naked Aral)s, donkey boys, boatmen, &e., if left alone with an Englishman, orgettingnearenoughtohimnottobe heard by his fellows, will invariably whisper "bukshish!" whether he has or has not rendered any service. The word "boxes," as applied to our Christmas gifts, has probably taken its origin in the oriental term. BULBUL, the nightingale of the East, often alluded to in tlie poems of Ha- fiz. 'J he oriental bulbul has prettier plumage than the Philomel of Eu- ropean groves, but does not boast so sweet a melody. BUMiMI<:LO\V, a small, glutinous, transparent fish, about tiie size of a smelt, caught in the Indian Seas. When dried they are mucii eaten by the Hindoos and Europeans in Western India, and enjoy the face- tious ai)pelIation of Bombay ducks. BUND, Hindostanee. A band, bond, or fastening. An embankment against inundation. BUNDER, Uindostanec, A port or harbour. BUNDEK-BOATS, boats which lie off the pier at Bombay, and carry .44 BU BU passengers, goods, and occasionally cargoes to and from the shore. They are remarkably strong well-built vessels, resembling the celebrated Deal lioats in form and capability. BUN ULECUXD, a division of the pro- vince of Allahabad (Hindostan), famous for its fertility. BUNJ)OOBUST, Hindostance. Ty- ing and binding. A settlement. A settlement of the amount of revenue to be paid or collected. BUNDUCK, a deposit or pledge. It is confined entirely to the Hindoos. Mussulmans are prohibited by their sacred institutes from receiving, though they are not so strictly tied down in respect to paying interest; indeed, owing to the less frugal habits of this sect, and their greater indulg- ence in ostentatious display, few of its individuals can be considered totally exempt from that heavy fine collected by the Hindoo sh-qlfs and mahajuns from such inconsiderate persons as have occasion to seek their aid. BUNGALOWS, Indian houses or villas of a single floor. Most of those built by Europeans are run up with sun-dried bricks, usually of a large size, eight of them making a cubic foot. \Vith these, in a proper state for building, work proceeds at a great rate, care being taken that the slime used for cement be of a proper consistence, and well filled in. The bungalows are either thatched or tiled. BUNNAO, Ilindostanee. A make-up; a fabrication; applied equally to a verbal falsehood and to the docking and cropping of a pariah dog, to make him pass for a terrier. BUNNEAH, a kind of chandler, chiefly to be found in cantonments, or fol- lowing camps in India. BURGOT, one of the many sacred trees in India. BURGUNDASSES, or BURKEN- DO.SSES, or BURKANDAZES, or BURKONDOSSES, from /mrfutn- dciz, "thrower of lightning." Men armed with matchlocks, and em- ployed as police-constables in ludia. BURTIAMPORE is an inland town, situated 20 miles south-westerly from Ganjam, in the Northern Cir- cars. It is noted for its silk manu- factures. The silk is imported from Bengal and China. BURMAII. SeeAvA. BURM JEWIN, a small temple on a hill at the east end of the town of Gya, in the province of Behar. BURNOOSE, part of a Turk or Arab's clothing ; a cloak. BURRA ADAWLUT, Hindostanee. The chief court of justice. This is the vulgar term for the court, the more correct one being "Sudder Adawlut." BURRA-BEEBEE, or BURRA-MEM, a great lady; the appellation be- stowed upon the female liead of a house, or the wife of the principal personage at a station or presidency of India. BURRA-KIIANAII, a great dinner. The word is universally applied to the feasts of the English residents in India, at which perfect hecatombs of meat are consumed. In India, as in England, a " Burrah Khana" consti- tutes a great portion of the felicity of the people. " Among the Hindoos," says Mrs. Postans, " it is customary for the heads of castes to expend large sums in giving feasts to their social party ; thus do we find a goodly company of Sonars or goldsmiths, of Vauzaris or grain-merchants, of Kansars or copper-smiths, with simi- lar exclusiveness, prevailing through- out the castes; while every week some one among the servants of an Eastern establishment is certain to request permission to attend ' hum- mara jat ke khana,' (the dinner of my caste,) a feast usually given either on the death or marriage of some among their friends. The Dhobi (or Washerman), if residing in his employer's compound, comes all smiles and salaams to crave permis- sion to depart on a rice and ghee de- vouring exploit. The commonly dirty Mali, after donning a garb and turban of unusual cleanliness, forthwith de- BU r,u 45 siros permission to attend the gar- dener's feast: and wliether tlie occa- sion is one of sorrow or of joy, whe- ther the monruers go about the city, in ' dyed garments from Bosrah' and vrith sound of tomtoms and of songs announce the triumph of the charm- ing Camdeo, the table is yet spread, and the sorrowful and the gay alike seek pleasure at the festive board. The Mahomedans, in common with the Hindoos, mark the death of a valued friend by a ' Burrah Khana,' in token of the days of mourning ; crowds of guests are then invited, who, squatting in circles on the ground, devour the chosen delicacies of rice and ghee, and rich pillaus, to most uncomfortable repletion. There Mill the mourners sit, attired in flow- ing robes, with long beards and dark moustache, each with his lota of water by his side, with primitive simplicity every individual using his fingers for a spoon; while all talk, and eat, and smoke, as if the party assembled were celebrating the most joyful event ima- ginable. This conduct is not, how- ever, the result of heartlessness, but custom. Many may have loved with strong affection, the wife or husband, the friend or sister, who, in accord- ance with the inevitable doom of man, have gone so sadly from among their social group : but custom or habit has reconciled them, and accustomed their forefathers for ages to con- sider these observances as honourable and good, and a commemoration agreeable to the deceased. Sad as this may appear to those accustomed to weep and fast,and to put on mourn- ing apparel on similar occasions, a little reflection will convince us, that this habit is at least better than such as mark the celebration of an Irish wake, where rational beings, howling in drunken chorus, commit all sorts of horrible excesses. Would men but seek to know more, and to com- pare more, of the usages of va- rious people, prejudice would shrink abashed from the contemplation, and charity materially increase among the great human family. Like our friars of old, the religious protl-ssors of Hindooism, with the sacred class of Brahmins and Fakirs, are espe- cially addicted to the enjoyment of nourishing condiments; tlie wealthy and the great, consequently, as an expiation for sin, or in fulfilment of especial vows, commonly set apart large portions of their annual in- come for the entertainment of eccle- siastics. For days before the ap- pointed time, preparations are to bj made, and the neighbourhood of somj great temple, or sacred tank, is usually decided on as the trysting- place. Thither carts laden with huge cauldrons, camels bearing pon- derous sacks of grain, , carboys of oil, and gourds of honey, with every appurtenance for the feast, may be seen travelling slowly towards the spot. A provision of wood in large quantities is felled in the neigh- bouring jungle, and numbers of Avomen are employed, to bear water vessels from the adjacent well or river, in furtherance of the ap- proaching culinary preparations. On the appointed day, the route between tlie city and the place of general rendezvous forms a livelv and animatea picture — women in gay and brilliant raiment, glittering witii jewels, their handsome countenances radiant with holiday expectation, peep from between the crimson cur- tains of innumerable rutts; horse- men, on caracoling and richly ca- parisoned steeds, display their eques- trian skill, by curvetting and wheel- ing the half-broken animals, whom a severe Mahratta bit alone keeps in comparative submission to their riders' will; old men and children, mounted on miseral)le jjonies, and camels carrying double, and some- times treble, on this occasion, throng the highway; while numerous little groups may be observed emerging in knots from every bye-path in thj neighbourhood. Here and there a wealthy Brahmun is seen sitting cross-legged upon a pile of cushions, 46 BU BY luxuriantly arranged in an open gliiirree, drawn by sleek and enormous bullocks, or a Takir, smeared Avitli dust and ashes, and crowned with a plume of brightly dyed feathers, trudges onwards amongst the people, determined to fill his wallet to over- flowing, on so propitious an occasion. A festive party at length arrived beneath some widely spreading shade; all seat themselves on little knolls, or pleasant spots, to partake of the abundant feast. Each is provided with a little plate of leaves, neatly joined with twining fibres: whilst smoking jjlatters of piled rice and seasoned curries are placed before the guests; sweetmeats and confec- tions follow, the fragrant hookah is banded round, and the animals of burthen (not neglected in the general mirth) revel on the fragrant grass l^repared for their refreshment. So passes an Indian feast. Of the general character of the condiments furnished on such occasions an idea may be formed from the subjoined list, pre- sented by a native minister to his prince, as a carte of the articles re- quired at a dinner, which was after- wards given to a party of Brahmins and Fakirs at a very sacred temple in one of the provinces of west- ern India: — 800 maunds of sugar, 1200 of ghee, 1200 of flour, 200 of rice, 75 of pulse, 36 of gram or grain, 50 of rice and kedgeree, 180 of bad- jeree, 36 of mutt, 108 of gowa for bullocks, 135 of cotton seeds, 3 of curry powder and coriander seeds, 20 of oil, 10 of salt, 3000 bundles of grass, 250 cart-loads of fire-wood, 10,000 basins, 100 maunds of tobac- co, 1 of opiimi, and 2 of bang. The expense of this dinner amounted to 14,000 rupees, and was an enter- tainment of frequent occurrence." BUESAUT, the rainy season in India; the periodical rains. BUESAUTEE, a disease to which horses are subject in India during the rainy, or bursaut, season. BURUTA-GAH.4, the Cingalese name for the satin-wood tree, which grows chiefly in the eastern parts of the island of Ceylon. In appearance the trunk is like the teak, and the leaves are as small as those of the jack tree. The wood is used for all kinds of ornamental furniture. It is of a beautiful colour, rather yellow, and takes a fine polish, BUSIIIKE, or ABU-SHEER, a town in the Persian Gulf, governed by a sheikh. There is an English resident here; and the port is a place of com- mon resort for English vessels. BUSSORAH, a Turkish town on the banks of the Euphrates, where an agent of the British Government resides. A public dwelling or " Re- sidency" for the accommodation of the British Resident at Bagdad is kept up here. The commerce be- tween Bombay and Bussorah (or Basra) is extensive. BUTCIIA, a Hindoo word in use among Englishmen for the young of any thing, from that of a mouse, to that of a man. In England we ask after the children ; in India you in- quire tenderly after the butchas. BUXAR is situated on the east side of the Ganges, seventy miles below Benares. A celebrated battle was fought here in 1764, between the British and the united armies of Shajaood Dowlut and Kasim Ali- khan. BYLEE, a common native cart, used in the interior of India. BYRAGEE, a Hindoo ascetic, who has renounced the world. BYSACK, the Hindostanee name for the first month in the year. The months of the Hindostanee j'ear all begin on the days of the entrance of the sun into a sign of the Hindoo Zodiac, and they vary from twenty to thirty-two days in length, though making up 365 days in the total, and 366 days in leap years. The inter- calation is made when and where it is required, not according to any ar- bitrary rule, but by continuing the length of each month. This brings about twenty-six leaj) years in every century. CA CA 47 c. CAABA, the temple or mosque at Mecca, towards which all good Mus- sulmans turn their faces at the time of prayer. This edifice, or part of it, is attributed to Abraham, and is considered the holiest earthly object of Maliomedan regard. CABOOLEAT, an agreement, parti- cularly that entered into by the Ze- mindars and farmers with the Go- vernment of India, for the manage- ment and renting of the land reve- nues. CABUL, a very ancient and beauti- ful city in the province of Afghan- istan. It is situated in a fine plain upon the banks of the Cabul river, in Lat. 34 deg. 10 min. N., Long. 69 deg. 15 min. E. After the subversion of the d3-nasty of Ghuznee, Cabul be- came the capital of the countr3% It has not many bixildings of note, the houses being constructed principally of wood, in consequence of the fre- quency of earthquakes. It had a very fine covered bazar built by Ali Murdan Khan, a celebrated noble- man in the service of the Emperor Juhangeer, but this was destroyed by tlie English, on their second cap- ture of the city in 1842. On a neck of land at the eastern side of the city, about 150 feet above the plain, stands the Bala Hissar, or upper citadel, the usual residence of the kings. Outside the town is the tomb of the renowned Emperor Baber. Cabul enjoys a remarkably fine cli- mate, and is celebrated for its beauti- ful gardens, which produce fruits and llowers of all kinds in the great- est abundance. Fruit indeed is more ])lentiful than bread, and is consi- al towns are Trichinopoly, Tanjore, Combaconum, Tranqucbar, Nagore, Negaputam, Poodoocotta, Dindigul, Sholavandrum, Madura, Shevagun- ga, llanumd, Tinnevelly, Palamcot- tah, and Tuticorin. This province has its present general name of Southern Carnatic from the English. There is no native name applicable to it as a whole. CAROOR is situated on the northern bank of the river Amravutti, in the province of Coimbatoor, not far from the Cavery, and about fifty miles westerly from Trichinopoly. The Amravutti being the ancient boun- dary between the dominions of My- sore and Trichinopoly, Caroor was formerly a place of considerable com- merce, and is stiU a neat, pleasant town. CARWANUK, the bustard florikan. It is a common bird in India all the year round, but not much esteemed by sportsmen. CASHMERE. Cashmere is bounded on the north and south-cast by the Himalaya mountains, separating it from Thibet; and on the east, south, and west by Lahore. Its principal river is the Jelum, which traverses it from east to west. There are also numerous smaller streams and lakes, many of them navigable for boats, affording means of communication, and copiously watering the province throughout. Caslimere consists of a valley, of an oval form, about 60 miles from north to south, and 110 miles from east to west, surrounded on all sides by lofty mountains. There is a tradition, which seems from appearances to be well founded, that the whole of this valley was once the bed of a large lake. It is generally of a level surface, and is celebrated throughout Asia for the beauty of its situation, the fertility of its soil, and the pleasantness of its cli- mate. Earthquakes are, however, fre- quent, and on this account the houses are usually built of Avood. This pro- vince yields abundant crops of rice. It also produces wheat, barley, and other grains ; various kinds of fruits CA CE 53 and flowers common to Europe, as well as those generally fomid in i\sia; suijar, wine, and a superior kind of saifron. Iron, of an excel- lent quality, is found in the moun- tains. Cashmere is famous for the manufacture of very fine sliawls. The wool of which these are made is hrought from Tliibet, and j)repared in Cashmere. The natives are like- Avise very clever in all kinds of lac- quered ware and cabinet-work, and they make the best writing-paper in Asia. The principal towns are Cash- mere and Islamabad. The natives of Cashmere, or, as they are gene- rally denominated, Cashmerians, are partly of Hindoo, and partly of Af- ghan and jMoghul origin. They are ;i stout, well-formed people, of a gay and lively disposition, and much ad- dicted to literature and poetry. The Cashmerian females have always been noted for their beauty and their fair complexions, and were for- merly much sought after for wives by the Moghul nobleniLn of Delhi. The mountains arc inhabited by tribes entirely distinct from the Cashmerians of the valley, but scarcely any thing is yet known about them. The total population of the valley is sujiposed to be about 600,000. It is governed by a iSikh Sirdar. CASHMERE, formerly called Srce- nuggur, is the capital of the pro- vince of Cashmere. It is situated on both banks of the river Jelum, in Lat. 33 deg. 23 min. N., Long. 74 deg. 47 min. E., and contains about 150,000 inhabitants. CASTE, tribe, breed, from the Por- tuguese word casta, a breed. The Hindoo religion divides the people into castes. CATAMARAN, a small boat, or, ra- ther, a log of wood, on which cer- tain amphibious natives of the Co- roniandel coast traverse the sea. There is much conmiunication be- tween the shipping and the shore at JIadras by means of these small craft. They accommodate but a single individual, who either sits across them, or squats, tailor- fashion, emploj'ing a single jiaddle to direct and propel the vessel. It is amazing to observe the rapidity and ease with which the adventurous navigator rights his craft and re- sumes his position after being cap- sized by a hostile wave. CATTIE, a Chinese measure, used in computing quantities of tea. CAUZEE, or CAZI, a ]\[ahomedan judge, or justice, who occasionally officiates also as a public notary, in attesting deeds, by affixing his name thereto. He is the same officer Avhom in Turkey is called Cadi. CAVERY, the. This river rises in the western hills of Koorg, near the province of Malabar, and runs east- wards through Mysore, Coimbatoor, and Southern Carnatic. At Triclii- nopoly it divides into two branches: the northern branch is named the Coleroon, and flows into the Ray of Rengal at Devicotta. The southern branch retains the name of the Cavery, and flows through Tanjore by a number of channels into the Bay of Bengal. C AWNEY, a Aladras measure, equal to 1.3223 acres. CAWNPORE, or KIIANPOOR, is situated on the west side of the Ganges, which is here more than a mile broad, in Lat. 26 deg. 30 min. iS"., Long. 80 deg. 13 min. E. It is a modern town, and one of the l)rincipal military stations in the lirovince of Allahabad to which cir- cumstance it owes its rise. The neighbouring gardens produce abun- dance of grapes, peaches, and other European fruits and vegetables. CELEBES. This is a large island, of very irregular shape, extendingfrom Lat. 2 deg. N. to nearly G deg. S., and from Long, ll'.t deg. to 125 deg. E., and lying east of Borneo, from which it is separated by tlu; Straits of Macassar. It is divided into :i number of independent states, of which the princijjal are Boni and JIacassar. Its principal articles of 54 CE CE export are gold, cotton cloths, sn.fro, cassia, pearls, and sea-slug. The small Island of i;ootoon,at the south- eastern extremity of Celebes, also produces the bread-fruit. The prin- cipal towns are IMacassar and I5oni. By the natives, and by the IMalays, this island is called Kegree Ourang Buggess, or the " Buggessman's Country," and sometimes " Thana Macassar." It received its European name of Celebes from the Portuguese. It contains several distinct tribes of inhabitants, of which the principal aretheBnggesses and the JMacassecs. CEYLON, an island, situated at the entrance of the Bay of Bengal. It lies between 6 deg. and 10 deg. of N. Lat. and between 8(! deg. and 82,1- deg. E. Long. Its extreme length is about 240 miles, and the breadth varies from forty to 170 miles. It is called Lanka, or Lanka Dwipa (the island of Lanka), by the Cin- galese, who are the inhabitants of the interior, and of the southern parts of the islands, Ilangee by the Tamulians, who are the inhabitants of the north. It was known to the ; ancient Greeks and Eomans under the name of Taprobane. The east shore is in many places bold and rocky. The north and north-west are low and flat. The south and sovith-east are much elevated, and have a very picturesque appearance. The interior abounds Avith immense jungles, lofty mountains, extensive, rich, and well watered plains. The annual range of the thermo- meter is trom 76 deg. to SG deg. at Colombo, on the west coast ; from 70 deg. to 87 deg. at Galle, on the south coast; from 70 deg. to 90 deg. at Jafhia, on the north coast ; and from 74 deg. to 91 diig. at Trinco- malee, on the east coast. Atlvandy, in the centre of the island, it ranges from GG deg. to 80 deg. AtNuwara Eliya, fifty miles south-east of Kandy, in the middle of the day, the thermometer seldom exceeds 73 deg., and in the nights in December and January, 1836-37, it was some- times as low at 28 deg. Tliere are four large rivers (besides many secondary ones), all of which take their rise in the range of mountains, the centre of which is Adam's Peak. Thej' are the I\iahawEeli Ganga, the Kalu Ganga, the Kalani Ganga, and the Walawa Ganga. The chief harbours in Ceylon are Colombo, on the west coast (in the form of a semicircle, not capable of containing ships of more than 200 tons burden) ; Trincomalee, on the cast coast ; a harbour so large and commodious, that it has been said the whole navy of England could ride in it with perfect safety; and Galle, on the south coast. In the inner harbour, ships may lie in security all parts of the A'car, as the high lands on all sides shelter it from every wmd. The outer roads are spacious. Tlie chief towns of Ceylon are the following: Colombo (Kolamba, in the native language), tlie English capital, on the west coast, in Lat. 6 deg. .57min. N., and Long. 80 deg. E. The fort is situated on a small projection of land, W' ashed on three sides by the sea. Tlie ramparts are strong. There is a deep fosse on the side that is not washed by the sea. Over this are two drawbridges, one near the south gate, leading to the Galle i'ace, the other on the east, leading to the Pettah, outside or native town. The streets, of which there are four principal ones, and along each side of which are rows of fine old Suriya, or tulip trees, cut each other at right angles. The public buildings in the fort are the Gover- nor's house, the English church, a library well stocked Avith books of all kinds, but open only to the civil, militaiy, and ecclesiastical servants of government, a general post-of&ce, the government offices, a hospital, medical museum, and numerous shops and offices, &c., belonging to I'^nglish and native merchants. A lake almost insulates the fort. In the centre of this lake is a tongue of land, called Slave Island, being the CE 55 place where the Dutch used to keep their slaA'es. The Pettah, or outside town, is regularly built, and divided into numerous streets. In the Pettah are situated the supreme court, the magistrate's court, the cutcher}-, the Dutch church, a lofty building erected in 1746, on a hill in the centre of the Pettah, a Malabar, or Tamul cluircli, called St. Thomas's, another churcli called St. Paul's, built by government in ISIG, for the use of tlae Portuguese Protestants; several churches and chapels belonging to the Roman Catholics, and chapels belonging to the Wesleyan Wethodist and Bap- tist missionaries. The population of Colombo, consisting of English, Dutch, Portuguese, Cingalese, Moormen, Malays, Parsees, Chinese, Tamulians, and Caflfres, is estimated at about 35,000. Three English judges preside over the supreme court of Colombo. The criminal sessions are held four times a year. In other places the sessions are held twice a jear. According to the charter granted to the island in 1833, one of the three judges must always remain in Colombo. Tiie magis- trates of the district courts have no power to condemn a person to suffer death, to be transported, to be impri- soned more than a year, to suffer more than 100 lashes, or to be fined more than ten pounds. In all cases there is a right of appeal from the smaller courts to the supreme court, and the governor has the power to reverse the sentence of the supreme court. In any case of more than live Imndred pounds, the parties, by giving security to the amount of tiiree hundred pounds, can appeal to the Queen of England. The govern- ment of Ceylon is vested in a governor (with a salary of 700 )/. a year), assisted by two councils, the legislative and executive councils, the members of both of which are, except in tliree or four instances, servants of government. The mili- tary force of Ceylon consists of 3300 or 4000 men, about two-thirds of whom are Europeans, and the rest Malays, Cafires, &c. The ecclesi- astical establishment consists of an archdeacon, under whom are five European chaplains and five native chaplains. The roads from Colombo to Kandy, seventy-two miles into the Ulterior, and from Colombo to Galle, seventy-two miles along tlie coast southwards, are nearly as good as the roads in England, and mail coaches run daily to both of these places. To other parts of the island the mails are carried hj men. Large tracts of land in almost every part of the country, and particularly in the southern and central parts of the island, have been purchased of government by English merchants and others at the rate of five shillings an acre. Parts of these have been cleared and planted with coSee, or cinnamon, or sugarcane, the pro- duce of which has far more than realised the expectations of the pur- chasers in most instances. Some also of the richer natives, seeing the success that has attended the specu- lations of the Eurojjean merchants, have imitated their good example, and there is every reason to believe that in the course of a few years the wild beasts of the jungles will be driven away from their fastnesses by the advances of civilisation, and that tracts of jungles and mountains, now altogether useless, or worse than useless, will soon be brought under cultivation, and will yield their fruit in its season ibr the benefit of man. Compnlsor}' labour, which was almost as great a hindrance to the improvement of the natives as slavery itself, has been abolished. Ceylon aboimds with minerals and precious stones, iron ore, mica, plumbago, nitre, mercury, salt, the ruby, cat's eye, liyacintli, sapphire, topaz, the adamantine spar, Matura diamond, the tour- maline, and the amethyst. There is a great variety of lains, seldom ven- turing l)eyond their own districts, except when driven by necessity to barter any of the products of the hills for ])rovisions. The difficulty of procuring the means of existence prevents them from congregating in large numbers, and there are seldom more than eight or ten huts in one place. In sacrificing their aged or sick relatives to Devi, they consider that they perform a meritorious action, — first, liy propitiating the goddess; secondly, by putting their friends out of their misery ; and thirdly, by assuring to themselves an ample meal, in addition to the blessing which descends upon all who comply with the insatiable demands of that gloomy deity, who craves unceasingly for blood. Inde- pendently of a superstition at once so revoltuig and degrading, the result of the most barbarous state of igno- rance, the Goands are a simple race of people, not addicted to the usual vices of the savage character. It is said, that a growing taste for salt and sugar is now bringing them into more frequent contact with the peojile of the plains, and could they be induced to estimate the blessings of civilisation, and take back with them the means of improving the condition of their fellow-tribes, they would prove valuable members of the community, since they alone can live throughout the year in the pestiferous atmosphere of their hills. These wild Goands recognise a chief, and many extensive tracts of country belong to their rajahs; the Rajah of liustar, in the Nagpore country, being one. All the Goand chieftains are in the habit of pro])itiating the favourite deity, the goddess Devi, by the sacrifice of human victims; their sacriticcs being distinct from tlie immolations before mentioned, which are confined to the more savage tribes, who only nuirder tlieir nearest relatives. When they have the success of an}' imdertaking very nuich at heart, tliey make a vow to Devi, proniisiuf^a cert;! in number of human offerings, should their wishes be fulfilled. This vow is religiously kept, the victims being selected, if possible, from the Jungum caste, on account of a supposition generally 90 GO GO entertained, that the smallest portions of their bones and flesh will, if buried in fields, render the crops miracu- lously abundant. K such persons are not easily obtained, others are procured by the collectors employed by the rajah for the purpose, who seize any strangers that may be passing through. These practices were brought to the notice of the British government, in consequence of complaints having been made by the relatives of persons who were so unfortunate as to fall into such in- human hands, to the Company's political agent at Nagpore, and since then efforts have been made to put an end to the horrible rites; but they still prevail to a very great extent, and it is dangerous for natives of Lidiafrom distant parts of the country to ven- ture amongst a people addicted to such frightful religious ceremonies. GOD A VERY, the. This river has its source in India, in the Western Moun- tains, about seventy miles to the north- east of Bombay. It runs eastward through the provinces of Aurung- abad and Beder ; and turnuig to the south-east, flows between the pro- vinces of Orissa and Hyderabad, wliich it separates, and through the Northern Circars into the Bay of Bengal. Its whole course is about 850 miles. GODOWN, a warehouse, or cellar, in India. GOGLETT, a small porous earthen jar or vase, used for the reception of water, which it cools and dei)urates. The goglett is much in use at Bombay, where they are made very light and cheap. GOHARREAS, a class of Indians, whose profession is to hire themselves out for the purpose of fighting. They usually stipulate for a certain re- ward, and a provision in case they should suffer imprisonment for any afliiir in which, having been en- gaged, they should be apprehended and punished. GOLAH, Hiudostanee. A warehouse. GOLEEAH, a member of a boat's crew on the Ganges. He has particular charge of the bow, where he either rows the foremost oar, or, when ne- cessary, keeps the boat from running against the l^ank, or upon shoals, by means of a luggy, or long bamboo pole, first casting it out in the proper direc- tion, and then lapping it round several times with the end of a strong tail- strap, fastened to a ring on the fore- castle, so as to prevent the pole from returning. Often the fate of a boat de- pends on the certainty of the goleeaKs throw ; especially under a cutchar, or sand-bank, perhaps twenty feet or more in height, under which a strong current cuts away the foun- dation, occasioning immense bodies of the soil to fall in, attended by a noise competing with thunder. GOMASTAH, Hindostanee. A com- missioner, factor, agent. GONDVVANA, a province of the Deccan, in India, bounded on the north by Allahabad and Bahar; east, Bahar and Orissa ; south, Orissa, the Northern Circars, and Hyderabad ; west, Beder, Berar, Kliandesh, Malwa, and Allahabad. Of the numerous districts into which this extensive province is divided, the following may be considered the principal : Baghela, or Baghul- khund, Singrowla, Gurra-Mundla, Sohajpoor, Sirgooja, and Sumbhul- poor, belonging to the British do- minions, and Deogur, Nagpore, Chanda, Chouteesgur, Wynegunga, and Bustar, belonging to the Rajah of Nagpore. The rivers are the Sone, Nurbudda, Gunga, or Wyne- Gunga, Wurda, and Mahanudee, all, excepting the Wurda, having their sources in this province. The Gunga flows southerly, and joining the Wurda, falis with it into the Go- davery. The greatest portion of this province presents a very wUd ap- pearance, abounding with rugged mountains, and covered with forests. The eastern and southern districts, particularly, are in an exceedingly savage state. Westward, though traversed by ranges of hills, and ia GO GO 91 many parts thickly ■wooded, the country is more open; and in Chou- teesgiir and the northern districts there are large tracts of clear and fertile ground. The province in general is poorly cultivated, and thinly inhabited. The climate of the hilly and wooded districts is re- markably unhealthy, and usually fatal to the natives of other parts. The productions are rice, wheat, chenna, jowaree, and other dry grains; sugar, hemp, cotton, opium, tobacco, arrow-root, pan, and bees'- wax, dyeing drugs, oils, gum, and coarse silk, of the description called tussur. The forests yield a plentiful supply of teak, saul, and other large timber; and the lac insect abomids. Diamonds of a large size, and gold, are to be found in the vicinity of the rivers, particularly of the Maha- nudee; but the imhealthiness of the climate i)revents their being much sought after. Iron, talc, limestone, coal, red-ochre, and marble, are also procured in different parts. The district of Singrowla contains the largest quarry of corundum in India. Wild beasts are numerous, particu- larly tigers, aud bears of a large size, Avith the gaour, mirjee, a peculiar species of wild dog, and some others, very little known to Europeans. Tlie gaour is a very powerful animiU, of the ox kind, resembling the bison. The mirjee, or mouse deer, so called from its head resembling that of a mouse in form, is the smallest of the deer species, being about the size of a jackal. Among the snakes, which abound in this provmce, is the boa constrictor. TJie towns are Ban- doogui', iSaipoor, Gurra, Jubbulpoor, Mahadeo, Chouragur, Choupara, and Mundla, Sohajpoor, Kurgom- ma, and ( )omerkuntuk, Hiriuidoo, Juslipoor, (iangi)oor, Sumltiiuljjoor, and Tatna, Deogur, IJabye, Eaitool, Jilpee-Anmeer, Nagpore, Clianda, Kuttanpoor, Konkcer, and Byrgur, Wynegunga, Wyragur, and Bustar. This province has received its general name of Gondwana, as being the country of the Goand or Khoond tribe. The inliabitants are Goands, or Klioonds (q. v.), Hindoos of various classes, principally Mahrattas, and Telingas, from different parts of Hin- dostan Proper, and the Deccan, and a small proportion of Mahomedans. The language is principally Gondee, Mahrattee, and Jelougo. Many other dialects are spoken by the various wild tribes. GOOLAL, a red powder, used during the Hoolee festival to besprinkle people, after the manner in which bonbons are scattered by the Italians during the Neapolitan carnival. GOOLISTAN, the Hose Garden, or the Land of Eoses, the name of a celebrated Persian poem, -written by Musleh ud Deen, of Shiraz, surnamed Sheik Sadi. GOOLS, balls composed of pounded charcoal, mixed Avith water, and baked in the sun. When ignited, they are jjlaced in the hookah bowl (chiilum), and keep the tumaco(a corruption of " tobacco") constantly burning. GOOR, unrefined sugar. GOORAL, the chamois of the Himalayas. This animal affords excellent sport to tlie deer-stalker. He is to be found early in the morn- ing feeding among the long grass, generally on the side of the steepest; momitains, but must be carefully approached, as his senses are of a retined order. When wounded, he often leads his destroyer a chase of many a weary mile down the steepest kudds, and over sharp- jjointed rocks, Avhere the trail must be followed by the signs of the mountain dew brushed from the surface of the grass, or the rocks stained by tlie ebbing blood of the stricken animal. GOCJlvClIKllAS, irregular horse, in the service of the Sikh government. GOORGOORY, a very snuiU kind of hookah, intended to be conveyed in a palanlccen, or to be carried about a house ; the person who smokes 92 GO GU holding a vase-sliaped bottom by its neck, and drawing- through a stiff, instead of a phant pipe, formed of a reed, arched into such a shape as sliould conduct its end conveniently to the mouth. GOOEKAH, the mountaineer of KepauL Since the British campaign in Nepaul, a good understanding lias been established with these hill people, and they now freely enter the native army, and are among the most faithful, active, and courageous of our troops. In the battles on the Sutle.i, in 1845-46, the Goorka battalion particularly distinguished itself. Beside the musket or rifle, the Goorkas carry koohrees, formi- dable couteaux-de-chasse, with which they encounter a ioa at close quar- ters, or despatch a wounded man. GOOEKHA, a city in India, in the province of Nepaul, is situated in Lat. 27 deg. 52 min. N., Long. 84 deg. 22 min. E. This was formerly the capital of the Goorkhas, before the formation of the present king- dom of Nepaul. GOOEOO, a grave and pious man; the spiritual gxiide of a Hindoo. GOOTY, a strong hill fort in India, in the province of Balaghat, about forty -five miles east of Bellary. Tlie highest part of the rock is 1000 feet above the surrounding plain. GORACCO, smoking paste, the ma- terial used in the hookahs, kalleeons, nargheels, &c., of the residents in Bombay and other parts of Western India. GOSAEES, or GOSAINS, a sect of mendicants. They perform the ceremonials of marriage and otlier rites among themselves. They will also, contrary to tlie usiral customs of the Hindoos, dissolve a marriage vith as much fiicility, on an applica- tion from the parties. The Gosaccs observe none of the Hindoo festivals, except those of Krishna ; but the anniversaries of the deaths of their founders are observed as such. They do not reject the mythology, or the ceremonies of the Hindoos, but they believe that those of Huree (Krish- na) only are necessary. GRA]\[, a coarse description of pea, chiefly used in India as food for horses and cattle. It is considered superior in point of nutriment to grass, oats, bran, &c. GRIFFIN, more familiarly grijf, is an Anglo-Indian cant term applied to all new comers whose lot has been cast in the East. " A grifHn,"' writes Captain Bellew, in his very pleasant " Memoirs" of one of that class, " is the Johnny Newcome of the East, one whose European man- ners and ideas stand out in huhcrous relief when contrasted with those which appertain to the new country of his sojourn. The ordinary period of grifBnhood is a year, by which time the novus homo, if apt, is sup- posed to have acquired a sufficient familiarity with the language, ha- bits, customs, and manners of tlie countrj% both Anglo-Indian and na- tive, so as to preclude his making himself supremely ridiculous by blunders, gaucheries, and the indis- criminate application of English standards to states of things to ' which tliose rules are not alwa.ys exactly adapted. To illustrate by example: — A good-natured Englisli- man, who should present a Brahmun, who worships tlie cow, witli a bottle of beef-steak sauce, would be de- cidedly 'griffined,' particular!}' if lie could be made acquainted with tlie nature of the gift." GRUNT'H, the sacred book of tlio Sikhs of the Punjnub. It was partly compiled by the autlior of tlieir reli- gion, one Nanuck, an ascetic and inspired teacher, and was continued by his disciples. GUALIOR, a town in India, in the pi'ovince of Agra, situated in Lat. 26 deg. 15 min. N., Long. 78 deg. 1 min. E. It is tlie capital of the i^cindia JNIahratta territories. GUAVA, called in Hindostanee Soopri Am, is a fruit of the Psidium Pami- fenini and Pyriferum. Tlie fruit is usually thought to be originally from GU GU 93 the "West Indies, but it is certain that there is more than one African, and several Chinese and Cochin- Chinese species or varieties, botli of the edible and wild sorts. Those may, it is true, have been carried to China by the early voyagers, and India may have received hers from the coasts of Africa, with which, long before Europeans visited her shores, she held a steady intercourse. The most remarkable evidence for its being of foreign introduction in India is that it has, we believe, no Sanscrit name. Thence we suppose it, like tobacco, to have been brought, perhaps about tlie same time. Tlie tacility with which this fruit is pro- pagated from its numerous fertile seeds, of which the hard shell resists insects and other destructive influ- jences for a very long period, renders it one of the most common in India. The strong flavour of tlie common sorts is usually found disagreeable to newly arrived Europeans, but to this, custom reconciles ; and the finer sorts, of which one, the Psidium Microphylla, or true West Indian sort, has the flavour of th.e rasp- berry, and another, a large and very rich kind, has scarcely any of the strong taste of the Bazar guavas. There are some very fine varieties amongst tlie Malay Islands, for with the IVIalaj's and Chinese, as with the natives of India, this, like all high- flavoured fruits, is a favourite. By Europeans it is more generally eaten stewed in wine, and for the Avell- knoAvn jelly made from it, when much of its flavour disappears. The leaves of tiie tree are somewhat aromatic, and much used in the Eastern Islands medicinally, or as a substitute for the betel-leaf. Tlie wood of the old trees is exceedingly close-grained and tougli. and in some degree resembles box-wood ; It is much used amongst tlie natives of India for gun-stocks, as it takes a good polish, and is rarely known to split with heat, or fracture from Wows. GUNDA, a sum of four cowries, or shells, used by the poorer natives of India as coin, in fractional pay- ments. GUNDA VA, the second town in importance in Beloochistan. It is the winter residence of the Khan or ruler, the cold not being so great here as at Kelat. Lat. 27 deg. 55 min. N., Long. 67 deg. 38 min. E. GUNGA. The honour of having given birth to this goddess, the personifi- cation of the sacred stream of the Ganges, has been claimed for tlieir deities, both by the Saivas and Vish- naivas, the former alleging that she sprang from the locks of Siva, and the latter urging that she issued from the foot of Vishnu. From the heaven, however, of either we must allow her to have come, v.'hich she was induced with much difliculty to do, to restore to King Suguru the sixty thousand sons whom the deity Brigu had caused his wife to have at one birth, and who, for some mal- practices, had been reduced to ashes. In her passage towards the sea she was swallowed by a lioly sage for disturbing him in his worship ; but by some channel or other she con- trived to make her escape, and hav- ing divided herself into a hundred streams (now forming the Delta of the Ganges), readied the ocean, where, it is fabled, she descended into Patala, to deliver the sons of Suguru. All castes of the Hindoos worship this goddess of their sacred stream. Numerous temples are erected on the banks of tlie river in honour of her, in whicli clay images are set up and worshipped. The waters of the river are highly reve- renced, and arc carried in compressed vessels to the remotest parts of tlie country, from whence also persons perform journeys of several months' duration, to bathe in tlie river itself. By its waters the Hindoos swear in our courts of justice. There are 3,500,001) places sacred to Gunga ; but a person, by either bathing in, or seeing the river, may be at once 94 GU GU as much benefited as if he had visited the whole of them. For miles, near every i)art of the banks of the sacred stream, thousands of Hindoos, of all ages and descriptions, pour dowTi, every night and morning, to bathe in or look at it. Persons in their dying moments are carried to its banks to breathe their last : by which means the deaths of many are frequently accelerated; and instances have been known wherein such events have thereby been actually produced. , (They are called " Ghaut murders.") The bodies are thus left to be washed away by the tide; and from on board the ships in the neighbourhood of Calcutta, numbers of them are seen floating down every ebb, with carrion crows and kites about them, feeding upon their entrails. Several festivals are held during the year in honour of Gunga. She is described as a white woman, with a crown on her head, holding a water-lily in one of her hands, and a water vessel in ano- ther, riding upon a sea-animal re- sembling an alligator, or walking on the surface of the water, with a lotus in each hand. GUNJES, grain-markets. GUNNY, coarse sacking, very much used in India in the formation of bags for the stowage of rice, nuts, spices, biscuit, and various other articles embarked on ship -board. GUNTOOE, or MOORTIZABAD, a district in the Northern Circars, in the Deccan. It is the most south- ern of the Circars, and lies between the Kistna on the north, and the Gundigama on the south, separating it from the Northern Carnatic. Its principal article of produce is maize, which forms the chief subsistence of the natives of the district ; rice is not plentiful, and cotton is only partially cultivated. There are diamond mines in the district, but they have not produced any for many years. The towns are, Bellumconda, Guntoor, Kondaveer, Nizampatam, and Tuna- koonda. About twelve miles east of Tunakoondais a hill, called Buggul- khonda, which is supposed to be an extinct volcano. At present it does not possess the least appearance of the kind, but is subject to frequent earthquakes, Avhich are sometimes of sufficient violence to move the houses of the adjacent villages. The present name of this province is of modern origin, and was first applied to it by Europeans, on account of its consisting of several distinct circars, or districts, originally five in num- ber, namely, Kalinga, Rajamundry, Elloor, Moostuffabad, and Moortiza- bad. Exclusive of a few thousand Mahomedans dispersed in the differ- ent towns, the inhabitants of this province are wholly Hindoos, com- posed chiefly of two classes, originally forming distinct nations ; Ooreeas (q. v.), and the Telingas. Tlie Te- lingas, or Teloogoos, are the original inhabitants of the district south of the Godavery, and bordering upon, the Telingana Desum. Of this class are the Vulmas. By Europeans the Teloogoo people are frequently called " Gentoos," from a Portuguese word signifying Gentiles, or Heathens. The total population of the circars is about three millions. The religion is Hindooism and Mahomedanism ; and the language is Ooreea and Te- loogoo — the former language princi- pally in the north-western and north- ern parts. GUP, or GUP-SHUP, the origin of gossip, to which, in India, it bears the closest possible affinity. GURRYE, the mud-fish, very similar in form to our miller's-thumb. GURWAL, a province of Hindostan, bounded on the north by the Hima- laya Mountains ; east, Kumavon ; south, Delhi ; west, the Jumna, separating it from Sirmoor. Its divisions are Gurwal, the sources of the Ganges, and Deyra Doon. The rivers are the Ganges, called in this province the Bhagirathi ; Alkanan- da, which joins the Bhagirathi at IJevaprayaga, where the two form what is then called the Ganges and the Jumna. The whole of this pro- GU GU 95 vince consists of an assemblage of hills, some covered with trees and Terdm:e, others perfectly bare and stony, affordhig shelter neither for birds nor beasts. The valleys are all narrow, often little more than mere water-courses between the hills. Only a small portion of the country is eitlier populated or cultivated, the larger part being left to the wild animals. There are extensive forests of oak and fir, and also copper-mines of some value. In the mountains, on the north-eastern side of the Deyra Doon, are the stations of Landour and Mussoorie ; these have been formed by the Enghsh, who resort to them for change of air, the chmate being cold and healthfiU. This province is often called Sree- nuggur, from its former capital. The origin of the name Gurwal is not known. The inhabitants are generally termed Khasiyas, but they claim to be considered as the de- scendants of Hindoos, and reject the former name. The religion of the inhabitants is the Brahminical, and the prevailing language is the Kha- GUTTA PERCHA, a substance ex- tracted from the tuban tree of the Straits of Malacca ; it is of a dirty white colour, greasy in texture, and of a leathery scent. It is not af- fected by boiling alcohol, but when thrown into boiling water becomes soft and plastic, and can be moulded into any shape. It is superior to caoutchouc, and is used for aU the purposes to which that elastic com- modity is applicable. GUTTIES, dried cow-dimg. GUZERAT, a province of Ilindostan. It is bounded on the north by Aj- mere ; east, INIalwa and lOiandesh ; south, Aurungabad and tlio sea ; west, the sea and Cutch. The divi- sions consist of Puttunwara, Eder- wara, Doongurpoor, Banswara, Jhutwar, Chowal, Kattwar or the Peninsula, Ahmedabad, Kaira, Soont, Sunawara, Earrea, Barode, Baroach, Kajpecpla, Surat. The rivers are the Banas, Subrmuttee, Mhj'c or Mahe, Nurbudda, and Tup- tee. The Banas flows along the north-western frontier into the Run. The Subrmuttee rises in Ajmere, and flows southward into the Gulf of Cambay. The Mhye enters the pro- vince in the Banswara district, and flows south-westerly into the Gulf of Cambay. The northern and east- ern districts of this province are mountainous, rugged, and jungly. The central districts form an exten- sive plain, generally well watered, open, and fertile. The south-west- ern portion, forming the division of Kattiwar, or Kattwad, approaches the shape of a peninsula, liaving an arm of the sea. called the Gulf of Cambay, on its eastern side, the sea on its south, and the Gulf of Cutch on its west. The Gulf of Cambay is about 150 miles in length. The surface of the peninsula in general is hiUy, remarkably well watered throughout, and fertUe. On the north-west, Guzerat is separated from Cutch by the Rim and the Ba- nas river, and the adjacent districts consist chiefly of arid plains, or salt swamps and jungles. The produc- tions are wheat, rice, and other grains, cotton, liemp, indigo, opium, sugar, honey, saltpetre, and various seed oils, horses and cattle of a superior description, liides, and tim- ber. There are cornelian mmes in Rajpeepla, and jaspers and agates are procured in Ederwara and other hilly districts. The Kattiwad sup- plies abundance of white clay, used by the Hindoos for the purpose of marking their foreheads. Large quantities of salt are obtained from the Run. The manufiictures are principally coarse cotton fabrics and soap. The towns are Deesa, Pal- hanpoor, Radliunpoor, Puttun, Eder, Ahmednuggur, Doongurpoor, Bans- wara, Patiirce, Bejapoor, Nuwanug- gur, Poorbunder, joonagur, Puttun- Somnath, Dice, Ahmcihibad, Kaira, Kuppurwunj, Cambay, Bhownuggur, Gogo, Soonth, Lunawara, Barrca, 96 GU HA Clmmpaneer, Baroda, ChandoJ, Jumbusseer, Baroch, Nandod, Raj- peepla, Surat, Sacheen, Bulsar, Dhuruipoor, and Damau. The in- habitants of this jirovince comprise a great variety of classes, the prin- cipal of which are the following : — Johrejas and other tribes of liaj- poots (q. v.), such as Juts, Katties, Jats, Koolees, Bheels, Bhats, Ban- yans, Persees, Boras, Siddees, and Mahrattas. Amongst these the Bhats deserve especial mention, their religion is Hindooism and Ma- liomedanism. The various rude tribes in this province generally consider themselves followers of the Brah- minical system ; they know very little, however, of Hindooism, and mostly worship the sun. Amongst the Hindoos the Jains are numerous. The general language of the pro- vince is the Goojratee; it is written in a character closely resembling the Nagree, and it may be termed the grand mercantile language of Western India. GYA, a town in India, in the pro- vince of Bahar. It is situated in Lat. 24 deg. 49 min. N., Long. 85 deg. E., about 55 miles to the south- ward of Patna. The town consists of two parts ; one the residence of the Brahmuns, and others connected with them, which is Gya Proper, and the other called Sahibgunge, in- liabited by merchants, tradesmen, &c. This is one of the most noted jilaces of pilgrimage in India, both for Booddliists, and for the followers of the Brahminical system. By the former it is considered to have been either the birth-place or the residence of the founder of their sect. The neighbourhood abounds with exca- vations. GYNAHS, gold and silver ornaments. n. HACKERY, a rude cart, composed en- tirely of wood, and used by the na- tives of India for the transport of produce, goods, and individuals, across the rough and ill-made roads of the country. They are drawn by bullocks. IIADJEE, a pilgrim. The natives of India, Persia, Arabia, and Turkey, have great faith in the virtue of pil- grimages. The Hindoos make them to holy temples (such as Jugger- naut), holy cities (Benares, to wit), the confluence of rivers, and spots celebrated in mythological liistory. The Mussulmans resort to the tomb of JMahoraet, or to his birthplace, to Mecca, Medina, and Mushed, &c. HAFIZ, the name of a florid Persian poet, a writer who rouged his roses, and poured perfume on his jessa- mine. HAINAN, an island, situated at the southern extremity of China, sepa- rated only by a narrow channel from the province of Canton. It is about 190 miles in length, and 70 in breadth ; and though so close to the mainland, is in a very rude state, the inhabitants still consisting prin- cipally of the original savage tribes. HAJEEPOOK,a town in the province of Bahar, in India, situated at the confluence of the rivers Gunduh, and Ganges, nearly opposite to Patna, in Lat. 25 deg.,41 min. N., Long. 85 deg. 2 1 min. E. It is noted for its annual horse fair, on which occasion thou- sands of pious Hindoos purge them- selves of their mortal oflences by bathing at the place of the " meeting of the waters." HAKEEM, a physician, a character held in great respect in all Eastern nations. European travellers, as- suming the character of a Hakeem, and dispensing medicines as they pass through a country, are almost certain of safety. HANUiMAN, the monkey-god of the Hindoos. Hanuman is extensively worshipped, and his images are to be found in temples, sometimes alone, and sometimes in the society of the former companions of his glory, Kama and Sita. He is supplicated by the Hindoos on their birth- days, HA to obtain longevitj^, which he is supposed to have the power to be- stow, and which, of course, he un- hesitatingly grants; or which, at least, ilie disinterested Brahmuns of his temples unhesitatingly promise. Hanuman is called Maruty, from Pavana being chief of the Maruts, or genii of the Avinds. He is also called Muhabar. HARAMZADEH, literally, " base- born." A term of abuse obnoxious to Oriental ears ; but, nevertheless, much in use in India. HAllEM. or HAllEEM, the ladies' apartment; the zenana, or seraglio, in an Eastern household. HARGEELAH, the butcher-bird, or adjutant, is common in India. By some persons the bird is called the bone-eater, from its peculiarity of di- gestion, it having the power of swal- lowing whole joints, such as a leg of lamb, or even entire animals, like young kids, kittens, &c., and of re- turning the bones and hair after the meat has been digested. When thus rejected the bones appear as clean as though they had been boiled for a considerable time, and the hair is accumulated in a single ball. HATRAS, a town in India, situated in Lat. 27 deg. 37 min. N., Long. 75 deg. 58 min. E., in the province of Agra. It is a busy town, and flourishing. Its fort, which was strong and well built, was taken in 1817 bj' the British troops (being then occupied by a refractory chief;, and destroyed. IIATTA SC'lIERIF, a warrant, pro- clamation, or decree, issued by the ISultan of Turkey. IIAUNKUS (or driver), the implement used by the mahouts to stimulate and direct the pace of elephants. It is commonly about twenty, or twenty- four inches in length, generally made of iron, though some have ■wooden hafts ; the tip is pointed, and about six inches below it is a hook, welded on to the stem, forming nearly a semicircle, wliose di;uneter may be four or five inches. At the HE 97 butt of the shaft a ring is let through, for the purpose of fastening the haunkus to a line ; the other end of which is fastened to some soft cord, about half an inch in diameter, passing, very loosely, eight or tea times round the elephant's neck, and serving in lieu of stirrups, to keep the mahout from falling over to the right or left, on any sudden motion, as well as to retain his feet in their due direction. HAUT, a weekly market, held ia India on stated days. A bazar is a daily market. IIAVILUAR, a native Serjeant of se- poys or peons. HEGIRA, the Mahometan era, which dates from the flight of Mahomet to Medina, on the 15th of July, a.u. 622. The Mahometan year is purely lu- nar, consisting of twelve months, eacli month commencing with the appearance of the new moon, with- out any intercalation, to bring the commencement of the year to the same season. By this arrangement every year begins much earlier in the season than the preceding one, being now in summer, and sixteen years hence in winter. In chrono- logy and history, however, as well as in all documents, the Mahometans use months of thirty and twenty- uiue daj's alternately, making the j'car thus to consist of .354 days. Eleven times in thirty years, one day is added to the last month, making 355 days in that year. HENNA, a i)lant that grows in many parts of the East, and is in vogue among the natives of India and Persia for its ornamental properties. The leaves are pounded and mixed up with a little oil, or ghee, into a l^iste, which is applied to the nails, palms, and soles. After an adhe- rence of a few hours, it is removed, and leaves a beautiful red stain, which lasts many days, and is considered a great set-off to personal beauty. HERAT, a fortified town in the Af- ghanistan country, situated on the western frontier, in Lat. 34 deg. 20 98 HE HI min. N., Long. 60 degr. 50 min. E., in a very beautiful and fertile plain. It is one of the most ancient and celebrated cities in Asia, giving its name to an extensive province at the time of the invasion of Alexander ; and sxihsequently it was for many years the cnpital of the empire estab- lished by Tymoor Lung. It was taken from the Persians by the Af- ghans in 1715, and was retaken by Nadir Shah in 1731. It was again captured by the Afghans, in 1749, and has ever since remained in their possession. It usually formed a go- vernment for one of the king's fa- mily ; and on tlie dissolution of the Dooranee monarchy, in 1823, it be- came a separate principality under Shah Kamran, the son of the king. Shah Mahmood, and has since con- tinued under his rule. HEKI HARI, in Hindoo mythology, the conjoint forms of Siva and Vish- nu, This singular union of the two great deities of the Hindoo sects is involved in much obscurity, and the little light that we have on the sub- ject is not of the most becoming de- scription. The union is, perhaps, little else than the caprice of tlie votaries of the two deities. The sculptures of them in this form somewhat resemble Ardha Nari. In pictures, Vishnu is painted black, and Siva M'hite. HILSAll, the sable fish of the Ganges, which seems to be midway between a mackarel and a salmon. Whether for form, general appearance, or fla- vour, the Ililsah is, perhaps, the richest fish with which any rook is acquainted. It is very oily and bony, and when baked in vinegar, or preserved in tamarinds, the hilnah is remarkably fine. HIMALAYA MOUNTAINS, the. These mountains, which are believed to be the highest in the world, form the northern boundary of India, separating it from Thibet. Their greatest height has not yet been determined. The highest peak which has been measured is 27,000 feet. The sloping brows of the mountains, as they recede from the river, are laid out in fields and orchards, where the apricot and walnut grow to an enormous size; pear and apple trees are also to be found ; but the cultiva- tion of the two latter being little understood, the fruit which they produce is of a very inferior quality. The woods and thickets clothing the sides of the hills are filled with pheasants, which, crowing all around, frequently mock the hungry European traveller, who depends upon his gun for a dinner, since, notwithstanding their abundance, it is difficult to get a fair shot, and even though the bird may be winged, it cannot always be picked up afterwards. Wild grapes and currants must be added to the list of fruits to be found in these pro- vinces, and, from the former, two sorts of intoxicating liquor are pro- duced ; the superior kind having some pretensions to the name of wine, while the inferior, — a spirit obtained by pouring, in the first instance, hot water over the residue of the fruit, — being cheaper, is drank abundantly by the lower classes. Wheat, barley, and rice, together with a multitude of smaller and inferior grains, are grown in these provinces, but the quantity does not equal the demand, and a large portion of that which is con- sumed is imported from other places. Tobacco and opium are also culti- vated, but not to any extent, the former, in common with all that has hitherto been grown on the hills, is acrid, and of bad quality. The vegetables consist of spinach, a peculiar kind of carrot, peas, beans, and turnips, the latter bitter and unpalatable; garlic, not of the best kind, and abundance of useful herbs. In some parts of the hills, the arable land is so circumscribed, that the poverty-stricken inhabitants are compelled to support a miserable existence upon horse-chestnuts, mixed with a small portion of the HI coarser grains. Where apricot trees grow, much ])ettcr fare may he ob- tained from the kernels, mingled in the same manner with pulse, while the fruit dried serves to feed the cattle. The iiihal)itants of the Himalaya gather themselves to- gether in villages, a custom which prevails over every part of the hills, isolated liabitations being very seldom to be seen. The quantities of apricot trees, Avhich mark the sight of former hamlets, and which grow so abundantly, as to leave a doubt upon the mind of the most scientific botanist, whether they are indigenous to the soil, or an intro- duction from foreign countries, show that the population was much more numerous at a former i^eriod. This fact is also attested by the terraced fields, once blooming with cultiva- tion, but now suffered to run to waste in the midst of the most pro- found solitudes. The ravages of the Goorkas, who made a very tyran- nical use of their conquests, selling whole families into slavery, and oppressing the people in every way, are adduced as the principal causes of the scantiness of the present ])opulation. Sickness also, — those frightful pestilences, the small-pox and the cholera, — have had their full share in thinning the ranks; it is well known, that the inhabitants of Avhole villages have been swept away in this manner, and, in many places, the facilities for communi- cation are so small, that a large tract of country might be reduced to a desert, without the people of the adjacent districts knowing any thing about the matter. Villages are frequently perched upon some steep liill, surrounded on all sides by almost unfathomable ravines, access l)eing only afforded by a tree thrown across tlie narrowest part of the chasm; people thus situated, if struck with disease, would die off like sheep, alike destitute of friends to assist them in their utmost need, or to mourn over their untimely fate. HI 99 The villages seldom consist of more tlian twenty-five or thirty families, and though sometimes occupying commanding sites, are usually situ- ated midway on a mountain side ; the high crowning peak sheltering them from the storms. Occasion- ally tliey are to be found in valleys, but only in the more elevated ; tlie glens, low down at the foot of the mountains, being usually too warm, while the labour of climbing to their crops would be greatly increased. Some of the houses are three stories in height, but the generality are only two; a few, but these are much less common, having but one. In external appearance, they greatly resemble the picturesque cottages of Switzerland. The roof, projecting all round, forms a shelter to the verandah or balcony, which either encircles the house, or communicates with the one adjoining. The walls are a mixture of wood and stone, very substantially put together, and cemented with mud. The apart- ments are not very spacious, but are commodious, and have the ap- pearance of being well kept ; the floors are composed of planks of cedar, and the interiors whitewashed or plastered with mud, which, if sufficiently beaten, affords a very fair kind of stucco. The fire-place occupies the centre, and is always well swept, but tlie smoke, which has no aperture for its escape, ex- cepting the doors and windows, and the vermin, which in consequence of the habits of the people, abounds, render their interiors abliorrent to the European travellers, mIio always prefer the shelter of a cow-house. Usually the cattle are accommo- dated upon the ground floor, the family occupying the apartments above, which are entered either by a rude staircase on the outside, lead- ing to the verandah, or by a notched plank or inclined ])lane within. The doors and windows are extremely small, the latter being niereiy closed with wooden shutters, no substitute h2 100 HI III for glass having yet been found. As the severity of the weather fre- quently obliges the inhabitants to close these apertures, nothing, save long endurance, could enable them to tolerate the smoke, which must impregnate the Miiole atmosphere. The fuel burned being wood, it is of course less offensive than if coal were the material ; but still it can- not fail to contribute to the coating of dirt, which is allowed to accumu- late upon the skin of the moun- taineers, who, with few, if any ex- ceptions, testify a great dislike to come in contact with water. Tiie furniture of the houses is exceed- ingly scanty, consisting merely of a few culinary utensils, and a chest to contain the clothes. The ward- robes of the people, to judge from their appearance, can neither be very extensive, nor very costly ; there is, however, among the richer classes, some attempt at magnifi- cence, the gold and silver ornaments worn being profuse in quantity, and sometimes of considerable value. Crime, in its very worst form, seems rare, but the virtues of the native character, in these mountainous re- gions, must be pronounced to be of a negative description. They appear to be kind and good-humoured to each other, attaching less import- ance to the distinctions of rank and wealth, than is usual in even less civilised societies. At their public festivals, rich and poor, the ragged guest, whose tattered garments scarcely afford a decent covering, will be seen joining hands with per- sons arrayed in costly attire, and decked out with an abundance of ornaments ; and, though divided into castes, the distinctions between them are less invidious than those to be found in the plains. The great ingenuity displayed by these people in the construction of numerous small articles, as well as in their buildings, and some of their bridges, shows intellectual capabilities, which the stranger, holding converse with them, could scarcely give them credit for ; and there can be little doubt, that if proper pains were to be taken in their improvement, they would shortly emerge from their present low and degraded condition. IIINDEE, a town in the province of Khandesh, in the Deccan, situated on the river Nerbudda, in Lat. 22 deg. 56 rain, N., Long. 77 deg. 5 min. E. It is the head of a district of the same name, occupying tlie north-east- ernmost part of the Sindia division. HINDOO, or HINDU, one of the abo- rigines of India, by the Persians called Hind. HINDOOISM, a religion which may be briefly described as a very com- plicated system of idolatry, combin- ing a kind of vague declaration of the unity of a Supreme Being with the worship of a multitude of gods and goddesses, amounting, according to some accounts, to upwards of three hundred millions. There are three principal sects of worshippers, the Saivas, followers of Siva; Vaish- navas, followers of Vishnii ; and the Sactas, followers of the Sactis, or wives of the gods. There are two other rehgions, which, although dis- tinct from Brahminism, appear to belong to the same stock ; these arc the Booddhist and Jain systems. IIINDOSTAN, or INDIA, Hindo- stan is situated in the southern part of Asia, and lies between the Sth and 35th deg. of N. Lat., and the 68th and 92nd deg. of E. Long. The extreme length from north to south is about 1900 miles, and from east to west about 1500. It is bounded on the north by the Himalaya Blountains ; on the east, by Assam, Arracan, and the Bay of Bengal ; south, by the Indian Ocean ; and west, by the Arabian Sea and the river Indus, separating it from Be- loochistan and Afghanistan. Hin- dostan is divided into four large portions, called Northern Hindo- stan, Hindostan Proper, the Dee- can, and Southern India. HINDOSTANEE, the common Ian- HI HO 101 guage of India. It bears some re- semblance to Persian in its charac- ters and the termination of verbs. HISSA, share, portion, division, part. Hissa-lands are such as are divided, with respect to the rent, into shares, paj'able to two or more zemindars,who are called hissadars, or shareholders. HOG A, do. "That won't /(O^'a," or do, is a phrase in every man's mouthin India. HONAWUR, a town on the coast of the province of Kanara, in India, and formerly a place of considerable trade, Hyder All having established a dock- yard for building ships of war there ; which was afterwards entirely de- stroyed by Tippoo Sultaun. The Por- tuguese erected a fort at this place as early as 1505. There is a lake here of great extent, reaching nearly to the mountains, and abounding with fish. HOOBLEE, a town in India, in the province of the Dooab, situated thir- teen miles S. E. from Dhanvar, is a large and populous town, and has long been celebrated as one of the principal places of trade in this part of India. The English had a fac- tory here in 1G60. HOOKAH, a species of pipe, much in jase in India, both among the principal natives and the Euro- peans. It consists of several parts. A bowl of silver or earthenware, called a chillum, receives the prepared tobacco and the lighted charcoal. This is placed on a hollow stem or tube, which rests upon a bell-shaped glass vase, filled with water, whence another tube, in connexion with the foregoing, rises, and is linked to a long pliable hose, covered with cloth- velvet, or keemkaub, and decorated witli gold or silver tliread. At the end of the hose is a mouth-piece of cane, silver, or amber, through which the cooled and fragrant fumes of the tobacco, or guracco (q. v.) pass into tlie mouth of the smoker. HOOKAH-BUKDAK, the preparer of the pipe ; a domestic of consequence with many gentlemen in India, who give themselves up, almost wholly, to the enjoyment of smoking. Some begin before they have half break- fasted, smoking, with little inter- mission, till they retire to rest. The usual mode of preparing tobacco for the hookah, is by first chopping it very small, then, adding ripe plan- tains, molasses, or raw sugar, toge-^ ther with some cinnamon, and other aromatics; keeping the mass, which resembles an electuary, in close ves- sels. When about to be used, it is again worked up well ; some, at that time, add a little tincture of musk, or a few grains of that perfume ; others prefer pouring a solution of it, or a lit- tle rose-water, down the snake, or pliable tube, at the moment the hookah is introduced. In either case, the fragrance of the tobacco is effec- tually superseded. IIOOLY, a Hindoo festival, held in the- vernal equinox, to commemorate the beginning of a new year. HOONDEE, a draft or bill of exchange, written in the language of the coun- try. The Hoondee is the ordinary instrument of remittance from the Shroif or Banker in the remote in- terior of India to the house of agency at the Presidency. It is usually pre- pared on a small piece of yellow glazed paper, and is valid with or Avithout a stamp. IIOORMUT, personal respectability. Great men, and, in fact, all persons of consideration in India, are most te- nacious of their personal dignity, and will suffer death rather than permit any disgrace to be offered them. This sensitiveness is often taken ad- vantage of to extort money. In the larger towns of Hindostan there is a class of persons who realise large sums of money from respectable but defenceless people, by threats of in- flicting in public some indignity, such as knocking off the turban, pelting witli dirt, or even giving foul abuse in default of their demands being satisfied ; and it requires a very strong and active arm to pre- vent this custom. HOSIIUNGABAD, or, as it is some- times called by the English, Ilus- 102 HO nu singabad, a large town in the pro- vince of Khandesli, in tlie Deccan, is situated on the south bank of the river Nurbudda, in Lat. 22 deg. 40 min. N., Long. 77 deg. 51 min. E. It is a hirgc town, and of consider- able importance on account of its position, as itcommands the principal fords in this direction. In lS'-7 a vein of blind coal was discovered here. The town with its dependent district belongs to the British, and may be considered as annexed to the Gurra- Mundla division of Gondwana. HOWAH-KHANEH, literally inllin- dostanee, to " eat the air." When a gentleman leaves his house for purposes of exercise or change of air, he is said by his domestics to liave gone to eat the air. The term is very expressive, but can only be thoroughly appreciated by those who know, from personal experience, what a substantial repast is obtained by inhaling a cool and pure atmo- sphere of an evening after the torrid horrors of the day. HOWDAH, a square enclosure, four feet by four, formed of wood, or cane stretched upon a wooden frame, and provided with a seat slung across for ihe convenience of the occupant. This machine is placed on the back of an elephant and strapped round the body by means of broad leathern girths and chains. Seated herein, and provided M'ith rifles, ammuni- tion, and a day's provision of biscuits, sandwiches, and a bottle of ale or brandy and water, a European can travel in a single day a distance of forty miles, either in searcli of tigers, or to reach a station to which he may be summoned by business or pleasure. HUBSHEES, African slaves, many of whom are taken from Zanzibar, and usually form a considerable portion of the establishment in a IMahomedan family in the west of India. HULWAEE, a sweetmeat, composed of candied sugar, butter, and the juice of fruit, boiled to the consist- ency of a tlnick jelly, and then baked in small earthen pans. It is the pro- duce of IMuscat and the Persian Gulf, and is much consumed in Western India. HUMJMAUL, a porter, or palankeen bearer, a Avord in use in the West and youth of India. HUMMAUM, a Persian bath. The operation of bathing is an elaborate process in Persia and in Turkey, rendered necessary by the filthy habits of the people, who seldom in- dulge in personal ablutions. Strip- ping to the skin, the bather is at once deluged Avith warm water, in an apartment constructed of brick, stone, and marble (or sometimes only of the latter) and lieated to a high temperature. Streamingat every pore, he is covered by an attendant with soap, and then rubbed with a hair glove, or the fibres of some root, until every thing that lies upon the surface of the body has been removed. An- other copious shower of hot water succeeds to this friction — the bather is covered with a wai'm cotton sheet, and conveyed into an adjoining apartment of a somewhat more mo- derate temperature.' Here he is suf- fered to dry, and while he waits that result an attendant barber sliaves him, or trims and dyes his beard and moustaches, pares his nails, and shampoos (kneads) his body and limbs. This last process is very soothing and agreeable, producing a drowsiness, which often terminates in sleep. In Persian and Turkish hummaums, coffee or sherbet, with the kaleeoun, or chibouk, are often served after the purifying operation has been gone through. HUNZA, the Brahminy duck, a game bird of the Ganges. These ducks fly in couples, have a plaintive cry, and are considered emblems of con- stancy by the natives. The hunza is the ensign of the Burmese, as was the eagle of the Koraan empire. HUPtDASSES, Hindoo preachers, pro- perly called " sadoos." They chiefly pursue their vocation in the west of India, after the following manner: the hurdass stands with certain col- HU HY 103 leagues, and while he chaunts stanzas, verses, odes — the various forms of prayer and homily — they perform upon sitars and other in- struments. A wreath of flowers is thrown around his neck, a nose- gay pUiced in his turban, and an odoriferous powder (called ubeii) rubbed on his forehead. A small collection is made for his benefit after the recital. HURKAKUH, Hindostanee. A mes- senger; formerly, a servant used solely for carrying ex^iresses, or such letters, messages, &c., as were to be sent beyond the circle of ordiuar}^ or daily communication ; he was, in fact, ■what is now commonly called acossid. The duty of the Imrkaruh, as an attendant upon a gentleman in office, &c., is similar to that of the peon, or piada, or running footman. HUSSEIN, and HOSSEIN, the sons of Alee, who were mm-dered at Ker- belah by the soldiers of Yezid. Their assassination is mourned to this day by one of the sects of Ma- hometans. See MoHURRUM. HUZZOOR, literally, " the presence." The seat of government, or of the European authority in a collectorship in India. It is also used in a respect- ful sense by servants to their masters, and means, his, or your, worship. HUZZOOKEE, relating to the pre- sence, or chief station, of European authority. Applied to talaokdars, &.C., the term indicates, that they pay their revenue immediately to the European officer of government, and not through Zemindars. HYDERABAD, a province of India, bounded on the north by the river Godavery, separating it from Beder and Gondwana; east, the Godavery, and ranges of hills separating it from Gondwana and the Northern Circars; south, the rivers Kistna and Toombudra (dividing it from the Ceded Districts), and part of the Dooab; and west, Beder. It is divided into several small districts, or coUectorates for revenue pur- poses, named after the principal town of each, but which need not be enumerated, as they are liable to occasional alteration. The rivers are the Godavery, Munjera, Moosa, and liistna. The Munjera flows northerly into the Godavery, the Moosa, easterly and southerly into the Kistna. The surface of this province is an elevated table-land, hilly, but not mountainous, and generally open. Southward of the city of Hyderabad, the country is much covered with jungle, and thinly peopled. The climate is temperate, and the soil naturally fertile, but it is indifferently culti- vated. In former times this pro- vince was thickly populated^' and prosperous, but from being very badly governed, it has long been iu a declining state. The productions are wheat, cholum, and other dry grains, and a little opium. The towns are, Maiduk, 'W'arungol, Hyderabad, Neelcoonda, and Kum- mmn-nait. There is a large pro- portion of ilahomedans in this pro- vince, but the Hindoos still form the most numerous class. The religion is Mahomedanism and Ilindooism, and the language Teloogoo and Hindostanee. HYDERABAD, a city in the province of Hyderabad, in India; also styled, in former times, Bag-nuggur, stands on the south side of the river Moosa, in Lat. 17 deg. 15 min. N., Long. 78 deg. 35 min. E. It is a large, but meanly-built town, containing about 200,000 inhabitants, and having been for a long time the capital of a Moosulman government, is now tlie chief resort of the principal Ma- homedan families of the Deccan. It was founded about the year 1585, by Kootb Shah. Three miles to the Avest of the city of Hyderabad, stands the fortress of Golconda, formerly the capital, first, of a Hindoo, and afterwards of a Mahoniedan king- dom. Under the empire of Delhi, this fortress was frequently used as a prison for the Moghul princes. Hyderabad is uudcr the government 104 HY IS of the Nizam, who maintains, be- sides an army of his own, a British subsidiary force. The military can- tonment of Hyderabad is called Secunderabad. HYDERABAD, a city in India, the modern capital of the whole country of Sind, and formerly the residence of the principal Ameer, stands on the bank of the river Fulalee, a branch of the Indus, in Lat. 25 deg.22 min. N. It contains about 20,000 inhabitants. The armourers of this place are noted for the excellence of tlieir workman- ship, as also are the artificers, who embroider in leather, Hyderabad was the scene of a desperate battle, in which the British troop?, under Sir C. Napier, completely routed the Scindian arm v. ICHLOGANS, boys brought up at Constantinople to act as pages to the Sultan. They are for the most part the children of Christian captives, carefully instructed in the principles of the Koran. INAH (or looking-glass), an Indian ornament formed of a ring fitting upon the thumb, and having a small mirror, about the size of a half- penny, fixed upon it by the centre, so as to accord with the back of the thumb. Each finger is provided with its quota of angooties, or rings, of various sorts and sizes, generally of gold; those of silver being considered mean. The inah should correspond in this particular; but, on account of the quantity of gold required wherein to set the glass, many content themselves with silver mounting. INDORE, a town in India, in the pro- vince of Malwa, situated in Lat. 22 deg. 42 min. N., Long. 75 deg. SO min. E. It is the capital of the Holkar Mahrattas, and is a large and populous town, but contains few buildings of any note. INDRA. In Hindoo mythology this god is the king of the immortals and the lord of the firmament. He is re- presented as a white man sitting upon his celestial vuhan, the elephant Airavat, produced at the churning of the ocean, and holding in his hand the vajra, or thunderbolt. He is depicted, like Argus, covered Avith eyes, and is thus called the thousand- eyed god. INDUS, the. A river in India, called by the natives the Sind, and by Ma- homedan writers the Hind. It has not yet been ascertained with cer- tainty where this river rises. It en- ters Hindostan through the moun- tains of Cashmere, passes along the western side of Lahore, and running to the south through Mooltan and Sind, falls into the Arabian Sea. It is said to be navigable for vessels of 200 tons as far as Lahore. Includ- ing its windings, the course of this river is supposed to be not less than 1700 miles in length. INSHALLAH ! Persian. " Please God!" IRAK, the central and principal pro- vince of Persia. IRAN, the name given by the Persians in former times to the empire of Persia. ISKANDER, the name by which Alex- ander the Great is known and cele- brated all over the East. ISKARDOH, a mountainous country, divided into valleys of various ex- tent. It is situated towards the point where the Belat Tak and Mus Tak mountains converge and sepa- rate the lofty ledges of Thibet, from the plains and valleys of Turkistan: among the natives it is generally known by the name of Beldestan. The tradition is, that Alexander the Great came here on an expedition towards Khatai or Scythia (modern China), and that the Koteli Mustak, or the Mustak mountains, which lie between Yarkand and Khatai, being at that time impassable, on account of tlie depth and severity of the snow, the Macedonian halted on the present site of the capital, until a road could be cleared for his passage; IS IS 105 ■when, leaving every part of his su- perfluous baggage, together with the sick, old, and iiitirni of his troop, behind, in a fort which he erected while there, lie advanced against Khatai. These relics of the army founded a city, which they named Iskandaria or Alexandria, now pro- nounced Iskardoh. In length, the territorj' of Iskardoh is estimated to be a journey of eleven days, and its average breadth about nine days' journey. On the cast it is bounded by Ladakh, which is a journey of eleven days from the capital; and on the west, by Gilget, a journey of nine days. Yarkand bounds it on the north, at a distance of twelve days' journey, and Cashmere, on the south, a journey of nine days. No correct estimate can be formed of the popu- lation of the country. It is said to amount to 300,000 families, which in all probability greatly exceeds the actual number. The people are divided into several different tribes, but tliey are generally known by the name of Baldi. Among them there is a tribe called Kerah, the members of which are enjoined by their re- ligious laws to follow four ordi- lumces, viz. first, to destroy their female infants ; second, not to tell falsehoods; third not to desert tlieir party in tlie day of battle ; fourth, not to slander any one. Tlie natives arc descrit)ed to be of a phlegmatic disposit ion, likeot her Thibetan tribes. Asiatic physiologists maintain the opinion, tluit the temperament of man is affected l)y the nature of the animal or vegetable jjrodnction on which he feeds! and tlie pliiegmatic character of the inhabitants of little Thibet is accordingly ascril)cd to barley, millet, and fruits, being their chief articles of Ibod. They are a stout, well-made, race of people, with ruddy complexions and good features, 1)utliave little hair on their bod}% and scarcely any beard. It is said, they are defi(!ient in enterprise, and of a treacherous and designing disposition. Barley, wheat, and flesh are tlie cliief articles of food; rice is not generally used. All those who can afford it are in the ha])it of drinking tea at their breakfast, and in the course of the day it is usual with them, as with their neighbours of Ladakh, to gi'cet their visitors Avith a cup of tea. There is little variation in the dress of the people from their neighbours of Ladakh. The wealthy classes generally wear kabas (a kind of coat, with skirted margin all round), and caps, &c. ; Avhile the dress of the peasantry consists of jamahs (another kind of coat, formerly much used in India); it resembles the vest worn by the Indian dancing girls, and is made of jiattu, which is manufactured both of a coarse and fine quality, from goat's wool. They wear caps of the same stuff. Cotton is not pro- (hiced here. It is imported froni Yarkand to Cashmere, but very few people show a desire to wear cotton clothes. Their houses are mostly made of layers of stones and wood, with flat roofs, and are two or three stories high, with far projecting roofs, somewhat similar to those on the southern face of the Himalaya range. The connnon religion of the people is Mahomedan, of the Shia sect, and the Ibllowers of the Imam J afar; but towards Gilget, there is a race of people which does not seem to possess any well-defined religioua system: some of them are idolators, and worship trees ; while others, like the Hindoos, do not eat the flesh of kine, and yet profess to be Mahomedans. Thibetan is the com- mon language of the country, but the people have no books in it. Thej^ are beyond the influence of the Lamas, and receive their education, which is exclusively confined to the chiefs and ])ricstliood, in I'ersiau. They have no system of coinage in the shai)e of ru])ees, pice, or cowries. The only means of exchange known among them is in small i)ieces of unwrought gold, which is found in the country, both in mines and in 106 IS the beds of rivers. The government of Iskardoh is absolute. The re- venue of the state is collected in kind in the following form:— one kharwar of wheat, one of barley, and one of mustard or millet, are levied from each landliolder. Some of the zemuidars pay their rents in one kharwar of ghee each, instead of the other three articles. A kharwar is about forty seers in weight. ISLAMABAD, a large town in India, in the province of Cashmere. It is situated on the north side of the river Jelum, about 30 miles E. S. E. from Cashmere. ISPAHAN, or ISFAHAUN, a city of Persia, the largest and finest. There is an expression in every Persian mouth, " Isfahaun nisfehJelian eu /"' — Ispahan is' half the world. The city is now nearly in ruins. ISSAU, Persian, Jesus. The Persians are very fond of discussing the rela- tive merits of Issau and Moussa (Moses). ISTACKBAL, the ceremonial of send- ing forth a deputation to receive a great man, on his approach to any place. ISTAMBOUL, the Turkish title for Constantmople. J. JAFFNA, or JAFFNAPATAM (Ya- panepatnam), lies on the north of the island of Ceylon, in Lat. 9 deg. 47 min. N., and Long. 80 deg. 9 min. E., and is 219 miles distant from Colombo. The fort is built in the form of a pentagon, and contains, be- sides the barracks, a few good build- ings, and a Dutch church, Avluch is made use of by the English. The Fettah is about half a mile to the east of the fort. It contains many large, broad streets, running parallel to each other, and crossed at right angles by smaller ones. The houses are, in general, large and convenient, and, like the greater part of the houses built by the Dutch in all OA parts of the island, of one story, with very wide verandahs. In the Pettah are situated the Cutchery, a church belonging to the Tamul Protestant Christians, called St. John's, and a Wesleyan chapel. At the distance of about a mUe and a half, is a large Hindoo temple, grander and more magnificent than any other in the district of Jaffna. It was built se- veral years ago, and is called the Kanda Swamy Temple. JAGGERY, sugar ; sugar in its un- refined state ; I'efuse molasses. JAG HIRE, or JAGHEER.from>M, a place, and geruftun, to lay hold of. Literally, the place of taking. An as- signment of the government share of the produce of a portion of land to an individual. There were two kinds of Jaghires, one called jay-gir-i-tan, bodUy or personal jaghire, being for the support of the person of the grantee; the other, jay-gir-i-sa?- Jag- hire. of the head, or an assignment, particularly of a military nature. Jaghires may be said to be a military tenure. Their origin in India may probably be traced to the following practice of Timour. " He ordered the whole of the revenues of the country to be divided into lots of different amount ; and that these lots should be written on a royal as- signment, yurleegh. These assign- ments were brought to the Deewan Khana (exchequer, to be entered, perhaps). Each of the omrahs and mingbaushees (ofiScers of horse, who received sixty times the pay of a trooper), received one of these as- signments. If the amount was greater than his o^vn allowance, he was to share it with another ; if less, he got another to make up the amount." Timour directed, how- ever, " that no ameer or mingbanshee, should collect more from the subject than the established revenue and taxes; and for this purpose, and to keep an account of the jumnia, and of the payments and shares of the ryots, &c., to every province on wliich royal assignments were granted, he JA JA 107 appointed two wuzeers, one of whom was to take care that the jageerdar should not oppress the ryots. The jageerdar got the grant first for three years ; at the end of that pe- riod the country was inspected. If it was found in a flourishing condi- tion, and the peasantry were con- tented, the jageerdar was continued; otherwise, it ('the jageer), was re- sumed, and the jageerdar was pu- nished, by withholding from him his subsistence for the three years fol- lowing." Here, then, we see the jageerdar received a grant of no more than the reward of service. The tenure by jageer is recognised by our government as resumable. It is re- sumable when the grantee ceases to exist. JAIN AS, or Svarakas, or Swarkas, have been considered a division of the sect of Buddha; but the principal tenet of their faith is in direct oppo- sition to the belief of that sect. The latter deny the existence of a Su- preme Being : the former admit of one, but deny his power and inter- ference in the regulation of the uni- verse. Like the Buddhas, they believe that there is a plurality of heavens and hells; that our rewards and punishments in them depend upon our merit or demerit ; and that the future births of men are regulated by their goodness or wickedness in every state of animal life. JAINS. Among the variety of reli- gious professors, Brahmuns, Gossains, Jogces, Fakirs, and Moolahs, who are to be met with in all the large towns of Western India, the most remarkable, perhaps, are the disci- ples and priests of the Jain sect, who "vary much in appearance, manners, and faith, from their countrymen. In social life, the Jains are a calm, benevolent class of people, and their Gurus, or expounders of their reli- gious tenets, are sedate, contem- plative, and philosophic. The disci- ples of the sect are ciiietly Banyans, a money-making, bustling class, the ap- propriation of whose Avealth to religi- ous purposes has bestowed a degree of magnificence and beauty on the tem- ples of their religion, which marks them as amongst the finest relics of Hindoo architecture. In addition to their priestly learning, the Gurus, or teachers of the Jain religion, profess a knowledge of astrology and the me- dicinal art ; both are so entwined, however, by the ignorances and pre- judices of the practisers of them, that they have become indivisible, and the disciples of Galen would be powerless indeed but for the credu- lous belief in fatality which their patients entertain, and their con- tented submission to the authoi'ity of prescience; the Jain Hakeems, or " Weids," as they are usually called, receive a medical education, and the calling is usually considered here- ditary. They possess some few works on medicine, the most authoritative being the work of " Dunter Weid," a celebrated physician, said to have arisen from the sea, and taught the uses of all the medicines at present known. Another work is stated to have been written by Mahadeo, for it would seem that the Hindoo gods were addicted to authorship, as ap- pears from the labours of Brahma, Maliadeo, and others. The work most in favour, however, with the Jain physicians, is the " Kal Giran," or " Book of Fate," which in all dan- gerous cases is consulted, previous to any treatment of the patient, with the object of discovering his ultimate fate. The Jain medicincrs believe that all disorders of the human sj's- tem originate in the blood, and that its purification is consequently the best means of expelling disease ; they have some knowledge of the proper- ties of herbs and simples, which often prove efficient remedies for tri- fling ailments, but, in dangerous dis- eases, their best trust is in the Kal Giran, and the prayers of the priests, the science of the Weul availing little. I:i cases of small-po.K they attempt no remedj-, but simply anoint the bodv with sacred chalk from the 108 JA JA. hoi}'' tomple of Dwnka, to which it is supposed to have been brought from the Severga, or heaven of the Hindoos; in cases of madness, it is common to apply the quadruped re- medy, of firing with hot irons, com- bined with stimulating medicines. The Jains are quite ignorant of sur- gery, and in the case of a broken limb, bandage it with splints, and apply an embrocation of sweet oil and neem leaves, trusting the result to the Kal Giran. JMemories of an- cient feud have long conspired with differences of religious faith, to con- tinue feelings of discord and hatred between the Brahminical priesthood and the Pontiffs, Gurus, or teachers of the Jains ; the great religious schism being founded on the refusal of the Jains to acknowledge the Vedas— an offence Avhich is held as too grievously heretical to be readily forgiven. The Jains, opposed as they are to the Brahmuns, on the most important matters of religious faith, have yet many customs of a social nature in common, the result possibly of climate, which would tend to generalise any habits among the people, Avhich were found pecu- liarly suited to their health and po- sition; a distinction of castes con- sequently obtains with the Jains, as with other Hindoos; they avoid ani- mal slaughter, and the use of intox- icating liquors, strictly observe the duties of ablution, and practise great mortification as ascetics. Should an individual succeed in making himself sufficiently wretched to obtain the highest class of Devoteeism, he is dubbed a Nirvan, and considered as an incarnation of the deity. The Jains worship twenty-four Tirtha- cnrs, or deified saints; these worthies are believed to have been wise and virtuous beings, whom Jain has at various times permitted to become their spiritual teachers. The spirits of these good men now dwell in a state of bliss ; and all beings, whe- ther sinful or otherwise, will con- tinue to undergo changes, until ren- dered worthy the association of their teachers in the courts of heaven. In addition to these saints, the Jains believe in the advent of other twenty- four wise men, who are destined to appear in the fulness of time; the names of these magi are not yet re- vealed, but the worship of their predecessors, together with works of charity, and extensive benevo- lence, both towards men and animals, is considered the best preparative the Jains can undergo, previous to the purification which shall introduce them to their state of bliss. The Jains, who are as remarkable as the Quakers for the spotlessness of their garb, never allow it to be washed, lest they incur the heinous sin of destroying animal life ; the muslin is therefore constantly renewed, and preserved with great care from all chance of being soiled. JAJPORE, a town in the province of Orissa, in India, situated on the south bank of the river Bytoornee, in Lat. 20 deg. 52 min. N., Long. 86 deg. 24 min. E. This was the ancient capital of the kings of Orissa, and was also a place of im- portance under the Mooghul govern- ment, and was the usual residence of the Mahomedan governor of the province. At present, it is little more than a large straggling village of mud huts, but it contains some remarkable ruins of Hindoo temples, and it is considered by the Hindoosr as a holy place, being frequently styled the first gate of Juggernaut. A good deal of cloth is manufactured here. JAINIBO, the Malay apple of Ceylon. It is a handsome tree, of a conical shape. It grows to the height of forty or fifty feet. Its branches spread but little, and are numerous. Its leaves are about fifteen inches long, and four broad, and are pointed at both ends. Its blossom is of a bright pink colour. The fruit is of the shape of a pear, and nearly like an apple in taste, though more juicy, and contains a large kernel. JA JA 109 In some trees the fruit is red, in others of a clear delicate white, with a slight tinge of red on one side. The wood is seldom used. JAMMA, Hindostanee. The whole, total, sum, amount, sum total, assem- blj% collection. Tlie total of a terri- torial assessment. JAMMABUNDY, a settlement of the total of an assessment, or a written statement of the same. JAMROOL {Eugenia Alia or Aquea), a tasteless white fruit grown in India. It is mostly planted for ornament, its bright pale, and almost transparent fruit, hanging in clusters amongst the large, dark green leaves, rendering it an .object of peculiar beauty. The Malays and natives of India, who are great lovers of watery fruits, which they eat as cooling medicines, think very highly of the Jamrool, and eat it in large quantities during its season, ■which is always the hottest months of the year. The Malay name lor it is a very expressive one, jambu aj'er (the water jambu), and, with them the bark is thought a sove- reign remedy for aptha) in children. The fruits of all the family appear to be singularly attractive to bats of all kinds and sizes, which swarm about the trees at the time of its ripening ; the large bats will even cut through a net to get at the fruit, and are thus caught by those tribes of Coolies, Dangurs, and Boonwahs, who esteem a dish of stewed bats as a delicacy, and sometimes pass a night in hunting them, with as much perseverance and zest as the English sportsman follows tlie snipe or the floriken ! JANEE! "ISIy life!" A Persian ex- pression of affection. JANISSAIiY, a European corruption of Ycni-tchiri, a member of a body of Turkish infantry soldiery, now no longer in existence. JANVVAll, a vagabond. The word is used by sportsmen m India in speak- ing of the fox, the hycua, and other cunnuig beasts. JAO, or JOW ! a phrase in the im- perative mood, nmch in use among the English in India, addressing their inferiors, and meaning" Go ! Beoff !" JAPAN. The empire of Japan con- sists of four large, and several small islands, lying to the east of Chinese Tartary and China, and about 150 miles distant, extending from Lat. 46 deg. to 30 deg. N. The large islands are Jesso, Nipon, Sikoke, and Kinsin, and of these the largest and principal is Nipon, which is about 850 miles 'in length. These islands are all mountainous, and have several volcanoes, some of which are continually in action. They are well watered, and cultivated with re- markable industry and skill. Their principal produccions are rice and other grains, and vegetables, tea, cotton, silks, varnish, and camphor. The animals are not numerous. There are horses and cattle, but no sheep, and the wolf is the largest of their wild beasts. Gold is abundant, anil tliey have also silver, copper, lead, iron, sulphur, and coal. There are numerous towns, many of them large and populous. The princi- pal are Jeddo, Miako, and Nunga- saki. The name of Japan is derived from the Chinese term .Sippon, or Jippon. By the natives, their coun- try is called Japan. The inhabitants, called by the English Japanese, appear to be of the same general race as the Tartar and Chinese, being distinguished by the same small nar- row eyes and flat faces. Their com- plexion is yellowish, occasionally approaching to white. They are an exceedingly ingenious people, and in point of civilisation may be consi- dered on a footing with the Chinese. Their manufactures, of all kinds, are excellent. In silk and cotton fabrics they are superior to any other Eas- tern country, and in varnished and lacquered wares they are unequalled, even Ijy Europeans. 8o celebrated have they always been for this last art, thai "japan" has become the couiraoa English term for this de- 110 JA JE script ion of ware. Their acquire- ments in science, liowever, are li- mited, as this nation, hke the Chi- nese, has remained stationary, so that in navigation, meclianics, &c., they -ire still very far behind. The amount of the population is not known. It probably does not exceed fifteen or twenty millions. In reli- gion, the Japanese are idolaters; some of the Buoddhist system, intro- duced, it is understood, from China, and others of a more ancient system, recognismg a Supreme Being, but worshippuig a multitude of inferior deities. Japan was visited by Por- tuguese missionaries in 1549, and they continued to teach their reli- gion with very considerable success until 1638, when the government, becoming suspicious of their inten- tions, commenced a fierce persecu- tion, and, after massacreing many thousand persons, entirely rooted out the Romish religion ; since which time, all attempts to introduce Chris- tianity into this country have been carefully prevented, and the name of Christian proscribed. The Dutch are now the only Europeans whom tliey allow to trade with their country. The Japanese language is entirely distinct from the Chinese. JAROO-WALLAH, literally, a broom fellow, or s\veeper. The word is in use in Western India, instead of Mehtur — which see. JATS, a tribe of Hindoos of a low class, much inferior in every respect to the Rajpoots, who hold them in strict subjection, and denj' the claim which they advance to be considered of Rajpoot origin. They first at- tracted notice in Tlindostan about the year 1700, Avhen they migrated from the banks of the river Indus, and settled, chiefly as agriculturists, in various parts of the Dooab. The Jats are generally of short stature, black, and ill-looking. JAULNA, or YAULNAPORE, a town, in the province of Aurung- abad, in India, situated in Lat. 19 deg. 52 min. N., Long. 76 deg. 8 min. E. It consists of two towns, se- parated by a small river and a fort, and is an English military station. JAUNPANEE, a covered arm chair, attached by swivels to poles, and borne on men's shoulders up and down the Himalaya mountains. It is the ordinary vehicle for the transit of Europeans, especially those of the softer sex, who are afraid to trust themselves to the Ghoouts, or moun- tain ponies. JAVA, a large island, lying westward of Floris, one of the Sunda Islands, between the sixth and ninth degrees of south latitude and the 115th and 105th degrees of east longitude, being about 660 miles in length, and of a breadth varying from fifty to 130 miles. It includes the small islands of Madura and Bally. The interior of this island throughout its whole length is marked by an un- interrupted range of mountains, varying in their elevation from 5000 to 12,000 feet, and many of them occasionally subject to volcanic eruptions. The rivers are nume- rous, and the soil remarkably rich. Java abounds with all the produc- tions, and swarms with all the animals, both wild and domestic, known in India. It also produces sago, and the edible birds' nests. The principal towns are Batavia, Saraarang, Sooryakarta, and Soo- rabaya. By the Malays and na- tives this island is namQd Thana Java. The inhabitants are called Javanese. There arc also many Chinese, Malays, Buggesscs, Arabs, and Indians. The total population amounts to about 4,500,000. The predominant religion is Mahome- danism ; the Hindoo system, how- ever, is still prevalent in the island of Bally. The language is called Javanese, and is written in a cha- racter formed upon the Sanscrit alphabet. JEl )[)(), the capital of the empire of Japan, is situated upon the southern coast of the island Nipon, in Lat. 3& deg. 29 min. N., Long. 140 deg. E. JE JH 111 JEE, sir, mister ; the "word is found terminating the names of Parsees and Hindoos, as Cursetjee, or Kago- iee, familiarly " Curset" or " Rago." JELINGA. See Teloogoo. JELLALABAD, a to^vn in Afghan- istan, situated in Lat. 34 deg. 6min. N., Long. 69 deg. 46 min E., a short distance westward of the Khyber Pass. It was formerly a place of considerable importance, and is still one of the principal to-\ms; but it is chiefly noted on account of its gal- lant defence by a handful of British troops, under Sir Robert Sale, against the Afghans, in 1842. JELOW-DAR, Persian. Head groom, from Jeloio, a rein, because a groom is supposed to ride at the bridle rein of his master, ready for any service. JEMMADAR, a native officer in a sepoy or other native Indian regi- ment, whose rank, in reference to the subadar's, corresponds with that of a lieutenant. Also the head of tlie peons, or peadas (foot messengers), in public offices and large private establishments. The Jemmadar does not wear a badge upon his belt, like the havildar (serjeant), and common peons, but is generally decorated with cotton epaulettes, or silver or gold lace, and wears a dagger, in a crimson velvet sheath, in his cum- merbard, or waistcloth. JERROW, or MAHA, the noblest spe- cimen of the stag to be met with, and may be called the elk of the Hi- malayas. He stands from four to five feet in height ; his colour is a rich brown, and his antlers branching into six on each side, have obtained for him the name of bara-sinyh, twelve liorns, in the plains. During the day-time, the Jerrows usually lie in the heaviest jungle; but at morning and evening tbey may be seen grazing in the rich pastures, and usually in pairs. JEWASSIR, a green prickly shrub, which grows in abundance in Upper India, and is given to camels as food. Dried, and Avoven into tatties, it answers all the purposes oikuskus. JEYPORE, a city in India, the capital of the principality of Aj mere, is si- tuated in Lat. 26 deg. 55 min. N., Long. 75 deg. 37 min. E. This is considered to be the handsomest and most regularly built town in India, many of its streets being equal in appearance to those of European ci- ties. The present town is of modern origin, having been planned and built for tlie Kajah Jey Sing, a cele- brated chief in the time of the Em- peror Aurungzebe, by an Indian architect. JEZAIL, along musket of large calibre, and supported upon an iron fork driven into the ground, and much in use amcmg the Afghans. JHADOO, witchcraft. The belief of the Hindoos in witchery, is as strong as was that of the people of England in the middle ages. All the results of science, such as steam naviga- tion, ajrostation, and electricity, are ascribed by them to witchcraft. JHEEL, a lake or pond. Tanks and jeels are, in almost every part of India, full of rushes and of the con- ferva, which, together witli duck- weed, docks, &c , both cover the sur- face, and fill up the deeps. They are generally replete with small fishes of various descriptions, and if of any extent or deep, either harbour, or serve as visiting places for, alli- gators, which infest both the nm- ning and the stagnant waters in every part of the country. Tlie bor- ders of jheels are hence the haunt of wild-fowl. Snipe, curlews, duck, teal, cranes, cooluns, and other of the stork species, swarm in these loca- lities. JHIL-MIL, Venetian blinds. The na- tives of India are fond of making the sounds of their words an echo to the sense. 'J'hus jhil-niil represents the clatter of the l)lind when being closed, as tom-tom expresses the so>md of the drum, put-tuch, the explosion of a cracker. The jhil-mils, or Venetians, are in general use in India. They modify the intense light in European houses. 112 JH JU JHOOL, the housing of the elephant. JHOW, a small tir ; a species of jungle broom, which grows upon the banks of the Ganges. It resembles the yew tree in form, and affords good food for camels. JINJALL, a piece of cannon of small calibre, mounted on a wall of India fortresses. JOALS, bags used in Persia, made of canvass or carpet stuff, for containing clothes or other necessaries on a journey, and carried slung on either side of a horse or mule. JOONEER, a town in the province of Aurungabad in India, situated in Lat. 19 deg. 12 min. N., Long. 74 deg. 10 min. E. It is a large town, with a strong fortress, and was for- raerly the capital of the province. There are numerous excavations and cave temples at this place of Jain origin. JORHAT, a city in the country of As- sam, latterly the capital of the coun- try, stands on both sides of the river Dikho, in Lat. 26 deg. 4S min. N., Long. 94 deg. 6 min. E. jqUDPORE, or MARWAR, a town in India, in the province of Ajmere, is situated in Lat. 26 deg. 18 min. N., Long. 73 deg. E. It is the capital of the district of Joudpoor, and is said to be a well-built town. JOW-JEHANUM ! a peremptory in- junction (in Hindostanee) to proceed to a place which it is not usual to men- tion to " ears polite." JUBBULPORE, a city in India, in the province of Gondwana, situated in Lat. 23 deg. 11 min. N., Long. 80 deg. J 6 min. E. It is the modern capital of the district, and is better built than tlie majority of the towns in this part of India. Coal is fouud in its neiglibourhood. JUGGERNAT'H. In IDndoo mytho- logy the re-animated form of Krishna. According to the Hin- doos, the love-inspiring Krishna was one day shot with an arrow from the bow of a hunter, who left the lovely form of the deity, whom the Gopias had so franticly adored, to rot under the tree where it fell. After some time, his bones were collected by some pious persons, and made the means of enriching the priests of the Hhidoos. Being placed in a box, they remained till Vishnu, on being applied to by a religious monarch, Indra Dhoomna, commanded him to make an image of Juggernat'h, and place the bones in it. The king would willingly have done as he was desired, but, unfortunately, possessed not the skill for such an undertaking: so he made bold to ask Vishnu who should make it ? Vishnu told him to apply to Viswakarma, the architect of the gods. He did so, and Vis- wakarma set about forming the image of Juggernat'h, but declared, if any person disturbed him in his labours, he would leave his work un- finished. All would have goue on well, had not the king shown a re- prehensible impatience to those di- vine injunctions which he had solemnly pledged himself to observe. After fifteen days he went to see what progress the holy architect had made ; which so enraged him, that he desisted from his labours, and left the intended god without cither arms or legs. In spite, however, of this per- plexing event, the work of Viswa- karma has become celebrated through- out Hindostan ; and pilgrims, from the remotest corners of India, flock, at the time of the festivals of Jug- gernat'h, to pay their adoration at his monstrous and unhallowed shrine. Between two and three thousand per- sons are computed to lose their lives annually on their pilgrimage to Jug- gernat'h. The temples of this deity being the resort of all the sects of the Hindoos, it is calculated that not less than two hundred thousand wor- shippers visit the celebrated pagoda in Orissa yearly, from wliich the Bralununs draw an immense revenue. All the land within twenty miles round the pagoda is considered holy; but the most sacred spot is an area of about six hundred and fifty feet £cj[uare, which contains fifty temples. JU JU 113 Tlie most conspicuous of these is ,i l(jfty tower, about one hundred and eighty-four feet in height, and about twenty-eight feet square inside, called the Bur Dewali, in Mhieh tlie idol, and his brother, and sister Subhadra, are lodged. Adjoining are twopyra- midical buildings. In one, about forty feet square, the idol is wor- shipped ; and, in the other, the food prepared for the pilgrims is distri- buted. These buildings M-ere erected in A.v. 119S. The walls are covered with statues, many of Avhich are in highly indecent postures. The grand entrance is on the eastern side ; and close to the outer wall stands an elegant stone column, tliirty-five feet in height, the shaft of wliich is formed of a single block of basalt, presenting sixteen sides. The pe- destal is richly ornamented. The column is surrounded by a finely sculptured statue of Hanuman, the monkey-chief of the Ramayana. The establishment of priests, and others belonging to the temple, has been stated to consist of three thousand nine hundred families, for whom the daily provision is enormous. The holy food is presented to the idol three times a day. Tliis meal lasts about an hour, during which time the dancing girls belonging to the temple exhibit their professional skill in an adjoining building. Twelve festivals are celebrated during the year, the principal of which is theEat'h Jattra (See Rat'h Jattra). Juggernat'h is styled the Lord of the World. liis temples, which are also numerous in IJengal, are of a pyramidical form. Uuriiig the intervals of worship they are shut up. The imtigc of this god is made of a block of wood, and has a frightful visage, Avith a distended mouth. His arms, Avhich, as he was formed without any, have been given to him by the priests, are of gold. He is gorgeously dressed, as are also the other two idols which accompany him. In a compartment in the temple of Kama, he is represented in company with Bala llama and Subhadra, without arms or legs. The town of Juggernat'h is situated on the coast of the province of Orissa, in Lat. 19 deg. 49 min. N., Long. 85 deg. 54 min. E. It is named, and usually called, Pooree, and is inhabited chiefly by Brahmnus, and others connected with the pagoda. On the sea shore, eighteen miles to the northward of Juggernat'h, are the remains of an ancient temple of the sun, called, in English charts — the black pagoda. The greater part of the temple is in ruins, having been thrown down, apparently, by light- ning or eartiiquake ; but, from what remains, it appears to have been one of the most singular edifices ever constructed in India. Part of the tower, 120 feet high, is still stand- ing, and the antechamber, or jung- mohnn, about 100 feet high. They are built of immense blocks of stone and massive beams of iron, some of which are nearly a foot square, and from twelve to eighteen feet long. This temple, which has been long deserted, was built by a rajah of Orissa, in 1241. JUGUD'ilATlU. In Hindoo mytho- logy a form of Parvati. as Doorga. She is represented as a yellow woman , sitting on a lion, holding in her four hands a shell, a discus, a lotus tlower, and a club. This goddess is wor- shipped witli much rejoicing in the month Kartiku, on which occasion large sums are expended. After the ceremony her images, like those of Doorga, are conveyed, attended in the customary manner v/ith mucli noisy music, to the banks of the river, and cast into the stream. JUIMANS. This Indian Avord may be rendered parishioner, but docs not fully express the proper sense. Ec- ligious client, if such can be con- ceived, is the more correct interpre- tation. JUMMA-KUR, Ilindostanee. To make an admixture. For example : if a young subaltern officer goes to the tent or bungalow of a brother officer, and finds him about to diue 114 JU on frugal fare, he would probably say toium, " Come, I Jiave some cut- lets at home, let us add them to your moorgee (fowl), and have a jiimma- kur." JUMIMA MUSJEED, the Friday mosque, or the assembly mosque; that is the principal mosque at which the Mahomedans assemble on the Friday. JUIMNA, the. A river in India, which rises in the Himalaya moun- tains, to the west of the Gauges, and not far from it . It flows through the ijrovince of Sreenuggur (or Gurwal), and enters Hindostan Proper in the province of Delhi. It proceeds southward through Delhi and Agra, and falls into the Ganges at Allahabad. From its source to its joining the Ganges, the length of its course is about 700 miles. JUMPTIE, a state pleasure barge, formerly used by the Ameers of Scinde upon the river Indus. JUNGLE, forest, wilderness. The term jungle is very ill understood by European readers, who generally associate it with uninhabited forests and almost impenetrable thickets, Avhereas all the desert and unculti- vated parts of India, whether co- vered with wood or merely suffered to run to waste, are styled jungles; and jungle-iuallah is a term indiscri- minately applied to a wild cat, or to a gentleman who has been quartered for a considerable period in some deso- late part of the country. Persons who are attached to very small sta- tions in remote places, or who re- side in solitary houses, surrounded only by the habitations of the na- tives, are said to be living in the jungles. JUNK, or JONTv CEYLON, properly, JAN SILAN, a division of the country of Siam. It may l)e con- sidered as an island, being connected Avith the main land only by a sand- bank, Avhich is overflowed at high- water. It is sitiuited on the western coast of Siam, near the northern entrance of the Straits of Malacca, JU in Lat. 8 deg. N. It is forty miles in length, ))y fifteen in breadth. Inland, the country is mountainous, but towards the coast, low, well sup|)lied with Avater, and fruitful. The hills are covered with large and useful timber, and the land produces every variety of rice. Tin of the best quality is found in great abun- dance, and forms a valuable article of commerce. The mines are worked entirely by Cliinese settlers. The island is thinly inhabited, having been nearly depopulated in the course of the Burmese invasions; and from 14,000 to 15,000 persons, it is now reduced to not more than 2000, including Chinese. The natives are Booddhists, as in Siam, but there are also some Mahomedans. JUNKS, Chinese trading vessels. JUTS, a tribe, descended from the original Kajpoota inhabitants of the province of Sind, in India, converted at an early period to the Mahome- dan faith. They compose the chief military force of the country. JUWANPORE, a town in India, in the province of Allahabad, is situ- ated on the banks of the river Goomtee, aboiit forty miles north- westward of Benares. This was formerly a place of considerable im- portance, and for a short time the capital of an independent sove- reignty, founded by Khaja Juhan, wuzcer to Sultaun Mahmood, Shah of Delhi, who assumed the title of Sultaun Sbirkee, and taking pos- session of Bahar, fixed his residence at Juwanpore. There is liere a bridge, remarkable for the skill and solidity of its architecture, which was constructed in the reign of the Emperor Acbar, and still remains perfectly firm. JUWAUi3, literally, "an answer," but familiarly used in Anglo-Indian colloquy to imply a negatur to the matrimonial proposal. " He has got his jmvtmb," or "He has been juivmtbbed," denotes the failure of an aspirant to obtain the hand of the object of his devotion. KA KA 115 K. KABBA, the common Persian gown ■worn by all classes. KABOB, roast meat. In the Maho- niedan bazars, in India, Persia, Tur- key, &c., kabobs, or small pieces of meat, roasted or fried iipon metal skewers, are sold in abundance. Kabobs, which is only another word for cutlets in the English cuisine, are often served up on European break- fast-tables, fried and curried. KADDIN, or KADEUN, a select Odalisque, chosen, from the 500 reputed to tenant the seraglio, to become the mother of an heir to the Turkish throne. See Odalisque. KADDUM (Muccadum), head, head man; one of tlio numerous terms used in the peninsula of India to designate the head man of a village. KAFFIR. In the Persian language this word is used to indicate an infidel, or unbeliever iu Mahomed. At the Cape of Good Hope it implies the Hottentot race. KAIMAKAN, a Turkish title, a deputy lieutenant or governor of a city. The grand vizier's vicegerent. KAIIIA, a town, in the i)rovince of Guzerat, in India, situated about forty miles to the north of Cambay, in Lat. 22 deg. 47 min. N., Long. 72 deg. 48 min. E. It is a large and neat town, the capital of the eastern division of the British territories in Guzerat, and the principal military station in the province. KALASIIY, an Indian menial. His business is, properly speaking, con- fined either to what relates to camp equipage, or to the manage- ment of the sails and rigging on board a budjrow or river boat. In the former instance he is expected to understand how to set up tents of every descrijition ; to pack and un- pack ; to load and unload ; to make tent-pins ; to scav the taut (or canvass bags), in which each part of a tent is generally enclosed when on the ele- phant, camel, bullock, or cart, by Avhicli it is conveyed ; to handle a pkourah, or mattock, to level the in- terior ; and, in short, to complete the whole preparation within and without. Many kalashies are ex- tremely expert m all the fore- going duties, and are, besides, ex- cellent domestics ; not hesitating to perform a variety of services about a house, such as swinging the punkah (or great fan), suspended in most dining-halls, rattaning the bottoms of chairs, helping to arrange and to clean furniture, and doing besides the duties of hurkaruhs or peons. This general assemblage of useful talents, no doiibt, renders the ka- lashij an important servant. As a public servant, whether attached to the artillery, or to a quartermaster's establishment, his merits are equally conspicuous. His duty in the above instance, is, however, by no means trifling : during the whole day he is employed generally in the arsenal or the store-room, or the artillery shed; or, eventually, in drawing timbers, cannon, &c., on transport carriages, mounting or dismounting great guns, cleaning arms, working in the labo- ratory, piling or serving out shot, with a million of et ceteras in the various branches of that department. Whether attached to the train, or serving with a regiment of intantry or cavalry, the halasliy (or, as he is often termed while in the public ser- vice, the lascar) must be adroit in whatever relates to camp equipage, making up ammunition of all kinds, sorting stores, jiacking, loading, ser- ving, and drawing fieid-pieccs, lim- bering, yoking the cattle, marking out lines for a camp, and, in short, Avhatever relates either to the ord- nance, or to the quartermaster's du- ties. The halasliics on board bud- gerows, which are generally of the pinnace or keeled kind, may be placed nearly on a footing with those retained by individuals, allowing for a certain imitation of the public ser- vant, and a smattering in what rc- 12 116 KA KA lates to the management of sails. This class is by no means numerous, being confined entirely to the aquatic equipages of great men : one of this description is by no means flattered ■when directed to handle an oar on board the budyerow, though he prides himself in rowing a jolly-boat fur- nished with oars on the European plan. KALEAUN, a small kind of hookah, used in Persia and on the west coast of India. It has a larger bottom in general than the Iwokah, and consists of a cone of rosin, firmly cemented to the bottom of the kaleaun by heat ; the several leaves, branches, flowers, birds, &c., are introduced one after the other in a heated state, and applied to the rosin, in which they become so fixed as sufliciently to retain a firm hold. Some of the real Persian kaleauns ex- hibit considerable ingenuity and taste on the part of their manufacturers. In the centre of the interior bvmches of flowers, beautifully coloured, far too large and too delicate to have been introduced at the embouchures of the vessels, may be seen. Over these the glass, which is rarely of the best quality, has evidently been cast or blown. Many of these artificial bouquets are, however, made piece- meal. IvALI (Parvati), in the mythology of the Hindoos, tlie consort of Siva, in his destrojdng character of Time. As such she is painted of a black, or dark blue complexion. In one hand she holds the exterminating sword; in another a human head; a third x^oints downward, indicat- ing, according to some, the de- struction which surrounds her ; and the other is raised upwards in allusion to the future regeneration of nature by a new creation. AVhat- ever her gestures may import, tlie image of this goddess is truly horrid, as are the devotional rites performed in honour of her. Her Avild dishevelled hair, reaching to her feet, her necklace of human heads, the wildness of her coun- tenance, the tongue protruded from her distorted mouth, her cincture of blood-stained hands, and her posi- tion on the body of Siva, altogether convey in blended colours so power- ful a personification of that dark character she is pretended to por- ' tray, that whatever Ave may think of their tastes, we cannot deny to the Hindoos our fuU credit for the possession of most extraordinary and fertile powers of imagination. Kali is also called the goddess of cemeteries, under which form she ia described dancing with the infant Siva in her arms, surrounded by ghosts and goblins (likewise danc- ing), in a cemetery amongst the dead. To this ferocious goddess sanguinary sacrifices are made. The Kalika Purana, which details in due order and with much precision the difiercnt descriptions of animals that are to be sacrificed, and the length of time by which this insatiate lady will be gratified and kept in good humour by each, ordains, that one man (or a lion) will please her for 1000 years; but by the immolation of three men she will graciously condescend to be pleased 100,000 years. At present, her smiles are not courted for so long a period, by any other sacrifices than those of animals; kids are usually sacrificed, which the priests allege immediately ascend to the heaven of Indra, and become musicians in his band. KALLIANEE, a populous town in India,in the province of Aurungabad, situated about thirty miles to the north-eastward of Bombay. KALLINJER, a town in the province of Allahabad, in India, situated in Lat. 25 deg. 6 min. N., Long. 80 deg. 25 min. E. It is a large open town, witli an extensive and strongly- built hill fort. The latter, however, is now dismantled, having been taken by the British m 1812, after a bloody siege, and subsequently destroyed. KALMUKS, or CALMUK TARTAES, KA KA 117 a trilie, •nlio for many centuries occujiied tlie eastern shores of tlie Black Sea. They are now chiefly found to inhabit to the north of tlie river Jaxartes, having migrated thither in tlie hitter part of the ISth centm-y. IvALPEE, a town in Ilindostan, in the province of Agra, situated on the bank of tlie river Jumna, Lat. 26 deg. 10 min. N., Long. 79 deg. 41 min. E. It is a large and populous town, possessing an extensive trade, and noted for the manufactvire of paper, and sugar-candy. KAIMADEVA, or CAMDEO, the Hindoo god of love. In Hindoo mythology this deity is represented fis the child of Brahma, and subse- quently as the illusive offspring of Vishnu and Lakshmi,in their avatar, as Krishna and Eukmini. He is hence called the son of Maya, or illusion. The image of this god is represented as a beautiful youth, riding on a hory (or parrot), Avitli emerald wings. In his hands he holds a bow, strung with bees, and five arrows, tipped with flowers. Kama, like the other Hindoo deities, has numerous names, either indica- tive of the power of love over the mind, or descriptive of his attributes. He is called Smara, the son of Maya; Ananga, the bodyless; I\Iudun, he ■whose banner is a fish ; Pradyumna, &c., &c. KA?.IULA KAMINI, a form of the Hindoo goddess Doorga; inwhichshe is described iiuUing an elephant out of her mouth. KANAKA, a province of India, bounded on the north by the Portu- guese territories of Goa, and the l)ooab ; east, the Ceded Districts and IMysore; south, l^Ialabar ; and ■west, tlie sea. This province is di- vided into two parts, called North and South Kanara. North Kanara is divided into the districts of Soonda and Biljee, above the mountains ; and Unkola, Honawur, or Oonnoor, and Koondapoor, below the mountains. Soonda was formerly an independent principality, under a Hindoo rajah, and was a populous and well-culti- vated district ; but being for many years the principal seat of war be- tween the Mahrattas and ]\Iysoreans, it became completely ruined. The districts of Unkola and Honawur are commonly designated by the na- tives the Haiga countnj. South Ka- nara occupies the remaining part of the province, southward from Koon- dapoor. It is called by the natives tlie Toolna comitry. AVitli the ex- ception of the open plains of Soonda, above the ghauts, the whole of Ka- nara may be described as a rocky, moimtainous country, intersected by numerous small rivers, running from the mountains to the sea, exceed- ingly fertile, and abounding with lofty forests. The rains generally commence in jMay, and last until October. Its chief productions are rice, in great abundance (large quan- tities being constantly exported to other parts of India, and to Arabia), teak and other woods, pepper and spices, sandal, and sugar. The cat- tle are very small, and are little em- ployed, the cultivation being chiefly done by hand. There are no manu- factures. There are few towns or villages ia any part of the interior, the natives generally residing on their farms. On the coast, how- ever, there are several. The prin- cipal of these are Sedashegur, IIo- navrur, or Oonnoor, and Koonda- poor, in North Kanara, and Manga- lore, iir South Kanara. Above the ghauts is the town of Soonda, for- merly populous and flourishing, and the capital of the district, but now nearly a ruin. The name Kanara, which is a corruption of Kurnata, was first given to this part of India by the Mahomedans. It does not pro- perly belong to it, and has never been known l)y the natives, who do not use it. The inliabitiints of this pro- vince, called by the English the Ka- narese, are composed of several dis- tinct classes. Tiie first is that of the Brahmuns, amountuig to about 118 KA KA one-sixth oi" the whole population. The next principal class, in tlie in- terior, is that of the Nairs, who are the chief farmers. Slavery is com- mon throughout the x'rovince, most of the cultivators beinir slaves, either by caste, as the Bakadoora, and Ba- tadoora castes in the Toolva dis- trict, or by purchase. The inha- bitants of the coasts are principally Moplas. These are ^Jlahomedans, descendants of Arab settlers, and are the chief traders of the province. The total population is estimated at about 800,000. The rehgion is Hin- dooism and IMahomedanism ; but there are also several thousands called Christians, of the Romish church ; the Jain sect of Hindoos is likewise numerous, this and the adjacent province of Malabar being now the only part of India in which the Jains are found in a collected state, though individuals of the sect are scattered throughout tlie coun- try. The language of this province is a branch of the Ivanarese, inter- mixed with Telooaoo and ]\Ialiratee. KANDY, or SINHALA, or LIAHA NUWAE A, the Great City, is situa- ted nearly in the centre of the island of Ceylon, in an amphitheatre formed by the surrounding hills, the highest of which is Mattana Pat- tana (corrupted by the English into Mutton Button), and 3192 feet above the level of the sea. It lies in Lat. 7 deg. IS min. N., and Long. 80 deg. 50 min. E., and is seventy- two miles distant from Colombo. In the time of the Kandian kings, the town consisted of one street, about two miles long, and a few narrow lanes, branching out on both sides. None of the houses, or huts, as they might then more properly be called, were tiled or whitewashed, except those of the king and his ministers, and a few of the head men's, the rest being covered with cadjans, or shin- gles, or thatch. Ivandy was taken from the natives by the British in 1815. The king, one of the most cruel tyrants that ever sat on a throne, was soon after taken pri- soner, and sent into banishment to Vellore, on the jNIadras coast. Since its cajiture by the English, Kandy has been much improved ; many new and commodious houses have been erected, new streets have been formed, and the old ones widened. The iiavilion, the residence of the governor for about half the year, erected at the north-east of the town by a late governor. Sir Edward Barnes, is one of the handsomest buildings in the country. Bemg erected on a rising ground, it com- mands a view of the whole town, as Avell as an extensive prospect to the south and west. The king's palace, and buildings connected with it, arc now used as government otSces. The sessions of the supreme court of judicature are held in the former hall of audience twice a year. There is a public library, erected on jjU- lars, built in the lake ; a neat and commodious building. Kandy, being the chief seat of Booddhism, contains numerous Wiliaras (tem- ples). There are twelve Wiharas which belong to the Booddhists, and four Dewatas to the Hindoos. ILASOJE, a town in the provhice of Agra, in India, situated in Lat. 27 deg. 4 min. N., Long. 79 deg. 47 min. E., about two miles distant from the banks of the Ganges, with which it communicates by means of a canaL In the remote ages of Hindoo his- tory, Kanoje was a place of great renown, and the capital of a power- ful empire, which existed at the time of the first Mahomcdan invasion. Not the slightest vestige now re- mains of the ancient Hindoo city, aU the existing buildings being of Ma- homedan and modern origin. KANTAL (Artocarpus Integrifolia), the jack-fruit. The jack-tree is a great ornament to our Indian vil- lages, its shining dark green leaves and deep shade rendering it most useful as shelter. It is also valuable property when near populous towns ; the fi'uit is sold for a considerable KA KA 119 sum, and the wood, -which is of a handsome yellow and orange tinge, being much sought after by the na- tives, and even esteemed by Euro- peans for furniture. The seeds, ■when roasted, are a capital substi- tute for chestnuts, and the native bird-catchers prepare an excellent bird-lime from the milky juice, which flowsfreelyfrom all parts of the tree Mhen cut. The root, bark, and wood also afford a yellow dye. It is not known whether this noble tree is indigenous in India or not. It is probably an importation from the Eiastern Islands. The ripe fruit has an offensive smell, and is rarely eaten bv Europeans. KAPOO, KAPOOR, written also KAN POOR, one of the terms used in the peninsula of India to denote the head man among the Meerassadars of a village. KARA-COUM, black sand or desert, a Turkish expression, often applied to the extensive desert on the eastern bank of the Caspian Sea. KARAVOEES, Persian. The black tents of the wandering tribes. KARENS. The Karens are among tlie most interesting people with whom the expansion of our eastern empire has brought us in contact. Origi- nally emigrating from the borders of Cliina and Thibet, they have gradually occupied the mountains and glens of the south, as far as the promontory of Junk-Ceylon,ontheTenasserim coast. Like all mountaineers, the}' have retained their own distinct character from generation to generation, and have lost none of their nationality by intercourse with the people of the plains. Their language is distinct from that of the Burmese or Siamese, and appears never to have been re- duced to writing. Compared with those nations, they may l)e consi- dered barbarous; yet they have never adopted the degrading worship of idols, and their ideas of the character and attributes of the eternal God present a noble contrast to the wild fancies of the Booddhists. Many of their religious traditions bear so close a resemblance to the facts related in the Holy Scriptm'es. as almost to support the idea of their having a common origin; and perhaps there are few subjects of religious research more interesting than the origin of these remarkable traditions. The Karens, though described by tliose who have had the best opportunities of knowing them as possessed of greater manliness of character than the Bur- mese, have been invariably oppressed by them in such a manner as only one oriental nation can oppress another ; j-et, in their deepest afflic- tions, they have never lost the hope of deliverance, of which the elders of their nation left them many predic- tions. Those ancient seers seem, by an almost miraculous foresight, to have led the nation to expect relief from the " white foreigners, dressed in shining black and shining red, who sail in sliips and cutters, and can cross oceans and reach lands ;" and our advent among them appears to have been rendered the more welcome by its coincidence with their own tra- ditionary expectations. KARI-BHAT, curry and rice, the staple dish, alike of Europeans and natives of India. The ingredients of a curry are turmeric, chillies, garlic, ginger (green, if possible), carda- mums, and coriander seed, pounded together, and, with the addition of a little butter or ghee, mixed in tlic gravy of the meat or fish. Some- times the ^vhite of a cocoa-nut is scraped and added to the other in- gredients, sometimes a sour mango, or tamarinds, and not nnfrequently a few bay leaves. Every thing is curried in India — nnitton, fowl, pork, veal, kid, fish of every description (fresh ami salted), hard boiled eggs, vegetables, pumpkins, sour fruits, lobsters, and shrimps ; and it must be allowed tliat a more wholesome and palatable dish could not be "placed before a king." The na- tives, who eat large quantities of rice, and very little animal food, find 120 KA KA curry un admirable accompaniment to tlie insipid grain, and a great stimulant of the digestive faculties. KAKKHAXA, Ilindostanee. One of those untranslatable terms A>.hicli defy tlie linguist. It signifies a Avliole concern, business, or liouse- liold. KAEKOOX, the register of the col- lections under an Indian zemhidar, or landholder. KAKKUIi, the barlcing deer of the Himalayas. K AIITIKE YA, a Hindoo deity ; the son of Siva, produced in an extraordi- nary manner, for an extraordinary purpose, and the leader of the celes- tial armies. He is sometimes repre- sented with one face, and sometimes with si.x faces ; possessing two, four, or six arms, holding various instru- ments in his hands ; of a yellow complexion, and riding on a peacock, his vahan, or vehicle. Kartikcya is worshipped in the month Kartika, on wl'.ich occasion numerous images are made, which, after tlie ceremony of worship, are cast, like those of Doorga and Kali, into the river. Images of him are also set up and worshipped, with thoseof Doorga, on the festivals of that goddess. Vows and olferings are made to him by Hindoo females, to obtain children, especially sons. Kartikcya has many names, among which are Skunda, Subrahmani, Ta- rikajit, or he who conquered Tarika, &c.. 6cc. KAT POOTLEE NAUTCH,an Indian exhibition of fantoccini. The show- men are of various grades, and ex- hibit their puppets at different prices, from a rupee upwards, ai;cording to the richness of their scenery and de- corations. A large room, in the interior of a house, is selected for the place of representation ; a sheet stretched across between two pillars, and reachmg within three feet of the groimd, conceals the living per- formers from view; there is a back scene behind this proscenium, gene- rally representing the exterior of a palace of silver, and the entertain- ment commences with the prepa- ration for a grand durbar, or levee, in Mhich European ladies and gentle- men are introduced. The puppets are of a very grotesque and barba- rous description, inferior to the ge- nerality of Indian handy-works, but they are exceedingly well managed, and perform all their evolutions with great precision. Sofas and chairs are brought in for the company, Avho are seen coming to court, some on . horseback, some on elephants, and some in carriages; their descent from these conveyances is very dexterously achieved; and the whole harlequinade of fighting, dancing, tiger-hunting, and alligator-slaying, goes off with great eclat. KATES, or KHETS, plantations in India. KATHAE, or KATHAY, the Per- sian word for " China." KATTEE, the Eajpoots (q.v.) of Kat- teowar. The Kattee differs in some respects from the Rajpoot : he is more cruel in his disposition, but far exceeds him'in the virtue of bravery; and a character possessed of more energy than a Kattee does not exist. His size is considerably larger than common, often exceeding six feet. He is sometimes seen with light hair, and blue coloured eyes. They are all horsemen, and are wonderfully particular in the breed of that animal. ilares are universally preferred. A Kattee's mare is one of his family : she lives under the same roof, by which means she is familiarised, and is obedient to his voice in all situations. — A Kattee is seldom seen but walking or gallopping his beast. He is so averse to walking on foot, that he rides to the field where he means to labour ; and is prepared either to join a plundering party, or resist attack. The Kattee women are large and masculine in their figures, often dressed in long dark garments, but have tlie character of being always Mxll-looking, and often remarkably handsome. They are more domesti- cated than the Rajpoot, and coa- KA KE 121 fine tliemselves solely to the duties of tlieir families. — They are often brides of sixteen and seventeen j-ears of age, ■wliich may probably account for the strength and vigour of the race. The Kattees do not inter- marry with any other caste. The Katteo is a Hindoo, yet no Hindoo will eat with him. A Kajpoot will, however, eat food dressed by a Kat- •tee. He v.'orships tlie cow ; leaves a lock of hair on his head ; and adores Mahadeo and other Hindoo deities, although he is more attached to tlie worship of the Soonije (Surya, or the smi) and to Ambha and other terrible goddesses. KAUXCH,or CHANK, rings made of the common sea-conch, cut out, by means of very fine saws, into narrow s\i\}S, which, Avhen joined very accu- rately, give the whole an appearance of being form.ed from the most circu- lar part of eacli shell. There is a small process or button at the base of each shell, which is sawn off, and after being ground to a shape re- sembling that of a flat turnip, is perforated for the purpose of being strung. When so prepared, these receive the name of krantalis, of whicli two rows, each containing from thirty to forty, are frequently worn round the necks of sepoys in the Company's service, as a part of their uniform, a substitute, indeed, for their stocks. The city of Dacca, in Hindostan, so famous for muslins, carries on a large intercourse Avith Chittagong, and the coast of Arra- can, for conchs, whicli are used for beating the finer cloths, manufac- tured m that populous and rich cm- l)orium of cotton-fabrics. KECHUK, a robber. The Kechuks carry on their depredations chiefly in IJengal: tlieir tribe seems to be scattered about Bootan and Is'epaul, and the northern districts of Eengal. They dress like the inhabitants of Bengal, and speak Bengalee. They appear tohave scarcely any of the pre- judices of caste with respect to food, since they use the flesh of all kinds of animals. Tlieir ordinary mode of life is that of a common ryot ; they cultivate their lands, and sup- port themselves partly on their pro- duce, and partly on the phtnder that they collect on tlieir expeditions, which are undertaken whenever they receive intelligence of property being deposited in an exposed or unguarded situation. The "Bad- huks" are a similar race, subsisting on service and agricultural labour, and plunder, as opportunity oflers. Some of tlie Budhuks pretend to be Eajpoots of the Solunkee tribe ori- gmally, avIio, seduced bj^ the wealthy condition of those about them who practised dacoity, joined the da- coits, and were ever after classed with the Budhuks. Before going on an expedition, the whole party settle the rates by Mhicli the booty is to be shared amongst them; men, women, and children, all and each, have their respective rates allotted to them, and the widow and children of any man who is killed or dies during the expedition, cither get a large donation, or else continue to receive their shares as long as the Avidow remains unmarried. They then sacrifice a certain number of goats, and swear fidelity to each other, after dipping their fingers into the blood of the sacrifice; they finish their ceremony by making a feast on the goat's flesh, with a plentiful allowance of liquor. They pay due attention to omens before setting out on their expedition. On one occasion certain of the part)' went some distance in the direction they were about to take, and offered up a prayer to God and to Kalce, " If it be thy will, O God, and thine, Kalce, to prosper our undertaking for the sake of tlie blind and la ate, the widow and the orphan, that de- pend upon our exertions, vouchsafe, we pray, the call of the female jackal on the right." Thus having said, they sat down and smoked their l)ipes, waiting for the reply of the deity ; on such occasions, if it be 122 KE KE favourable, they return thanks, and if unfavourable, they retii-e in silence, and try the omen another day. Thus it appears, that their proceedings are ruled by a certain faith in the protection of Providence, as are those of the Thugs, and by a firm belief in the propriety of their acting after the manner of their forefathers. In this, the Kechuks and Budhuks arc more honest than the robbers of our own more ciAilised country, who have the voice of re- ligion as well as the fear of punish- ment to check their eagerness after other people's goods and chattels. The dacoits do not appear generally to use unnecessary violence to those whom they plunder; as long as no one resists them, they show no incli- nation to shed blood or injure any one. "The life of a Kechuk or Budhuk," says a Avriter in an Indian jom-nal, "may be briefly sketched. He is generally born one of the body. His father lives nomi- nally as a ryot on the estate of some landowner, who countenances the residence there of a body of these robbers, and shares their gains. Probably ten reside on one property with their families ; and these are under some jemadar, and are in connexion with two or three other little bands ; these again are miited under the control of a sirdar, who employs spies to gain information respecting the houses of rich na- tives, or the passage of treasure through the country. When intel- ligence is thus gained, notice of it is conveyed to the several jemadars, Avho meet at some convenient point, travelUng to it as pilgrims or bird- catchers, or otherwise disguised. When assembled, a bargain is made respecting the shares of the plunder, and if the diffei'ent bands are not at the time in possession of sufficient money, one of the party, gencrall}' the leader, advances a subsistence- allowance, and agrees for repajmient, in the first instance, with large in- terest; as, for instance, 250 rupees for the use of 200. The plan is then arranged, and the bands separate. They travel in very small companies of three or four, sending on bel'ore two or three men, with their spear-heads and axe-heads, to be hidden in some convenient spot adjacent to the scene of action. Thus they escape the burden anil risk of carrying arms. When they arrive at the point of junction, they cut bamboos for their weapons, and arrange their attack. Frequently they boldly march in broad daylight to the intended house, and, vi et armis, plunder it, amidst the shouts, but as it appears, nothing worse, of the villagers. At other times, they make a more circumspect arrange- ment. If a police guard be near, they set a chosen body to watch them, and then, dividing into sepa- rate parties, who are stationed at the several outlets of the house, but reserving a body for the main attack, they i^roceed to action. Choosing a dark night, they proceed with care to the place, and then, suddenly lighting a single torch, they break open the door with their axes, or climb the walls with their ladder; and, with or without being provoked by resistance, assault every person they meet, and carry off every thing they discover. As the j^oung Ke- chuk or Budhuk grows up, he is initiated into the secrets of the trade, and accompanies the expe- ditions. When all is done, the body separates again and remiites at some other place. The sirdar then divides the spoil, repaying himself for aU expenses, appropriating a share for the JMustajirs, on whose land they live, and then distributing the T)alance according to the agreement. With this spoil, the robbers return home each to his hut, and there live for months, or perhaps for a year, till some new dacoity is suggested by a spy, and then again join in the enterprise in the same manner. So, in the course of thirty years, if he continue engaged so long, the robber KE KE 123 may be engaged in fifty or more such outrages. The wealth gainerl in this way appears to be quickly spent, in most cases ; but, in some instances, is hoarded, and soon be- comes A-ery great. One sirdar be- queathed a lac of rupees to his wife, out of -winch she supported her hus- band's band, and then employed them as robbers in her service. But this system does not seem to have answered her purpose so well as the formerplan of joint shares In the spoil. The secrecy of the combination is kept up partly by a private lan- guage, partly by the connivance of the police and landowners, and partly by tlie terror of the people. Its efficiency is maintained by its disci- pline, and its success by its numbers. To what extent it has carried depre- dations, it is imjiossible to deter- mine ; but it appears that it is not an exaggerated statement, to allow an average of twenty considerable dacoities in the year, to each district, and to calcidate the average amount of spoil of each dacoity at 1000 rupees. The Kechuks alone are said to have committed from 150 to 200 dacoities in Bengal, in the course of fifteen years ; but this seems to refer to one tribe only, of one caste. In the same period, the aggregate ex- tent of the depredations committed by the Avhole number of the tribes was much greater in a single dis- trict, in wliich they M-ere more par- ticularly examined, and in which the magistrate's liooks sliowed an average of ten a year which were reported, these being laiown to be only a portion of the total number actually committed in tliat district. So far as can be ascertained, these dacoities appear seldom to be effected "witliout tlie loss of life on the part of the assailed. Tlie robbers are, in fact, nmrderers, and treat this part of the subject with complete sancj- froid. The approvers profess to lie in utter ignorance, and to be quite indifferent about it, whether any person died or not; but generally they speak to the facts, tliat they rushed to the attack, armed with weapons, like axes and spears, and that they did not succeed without a struggle. On the otiier hand, they tliemselves seldom suffer in the con- flicts, partly, perhaps, because of the alarm of the persons they attack, and partly from the suddenness and unexpected nature of their en- trance. Wlien fire-arms are used against them, they are generally speedily disconcerted and dispersed,, and they very rarely venture on dacoities in the premises of Euro- peans, or in the neighbourhood of troops. With the poUce they keep up an amicable understantling; or, if this do not exist, they overawe tliem by a guard of the most despe- rate of their band, who remain be- tween the thanna and the scene of action. Few instances are recorded in which efficient succour has been rendered by the police in the midst of affrays, and not many in which the}' have been disturbed, or, if dis- turbed, in which they have chosen to interfere. But the appearance of dacoits in a native town is a signal for a violent outcry from the people, who commonly confine their help to loud and discordant yells, sufficient, we might reasonably apprehend, to disturl) any body, but a bribed chokedar." KEDAH, the guinea-worm. A com- plaint very common in India, appear- ing in the leg or foot, and often causing perpetual lameness. KEEilKAB, or KINCAUB, is a sort of silken-fabric, in wliich flowers, &;c., of gold or silver thread are ■woven. It is manufactured at Be- nares, and other of the principal towns in India. KEESAll, a rough hair glove, used in the iMahomedan baths, or hiunmaums, to rub the cuticle and epiilcrmis. KELA, the plantain {Miisa Para- disiaca). The varieties of the plan- tain hi India are innumerable, liotli as to size and taste. AVitli respect to size, there are the diminutive 12^ KE KE cliumpa, -which might be clasped by "an alderman's thumb-ring." and the great Dacca plantain, which is nine or ten inches long, and jiropor- tionably thick. Indian plantains, iiowevcr, are but dwarfs compared to the great Madagascar ones, which are as large as a man's fore-arm ; and those, even, are small, compared to a sort produced in the mountains of the Philippine Islands, of which a single fruit or two is said to be a load for a man ! As to quality, there are some of the wild kinds, which, fiays Koxburgh, are " not even fit for a monkey to cat;" and others, of the cultivated sorts, of which the flavour approaches to that of the richest pear. Some also, and those are in great demand amongst na- tives, require, like potatoes, to be boiled, or roasted on the embers, be- fore they are eatable : though many of them then become excellent. Of this kind are all the monstrous sorts spoken of above. The plantains and bananas are not merely fruit, they are also a very considerable article of food amongst the natives of all the nations of the East, as well as of the West, who possess this invalu- able fruit, and most of the sorts are very wholesome. The uses of the wild plantain are, as yet, not fully known in India. Valuable cordage is made from the stems in large quantities, and extensively exported from Manilla to ail parts of the world; of this manufacture, the na- tives of India are wholly ignorant, and it is singular that, aljounding as the forests in some parts are with wild kinds, no European has j'et shown them, that the fibres give a Taluable hemp, or indeed both hemp and the finest flax ; for not only are the largest cables made from it, but also tissues almost as fine as those from the fibres of the anana. The •fruit of the plantain, when dried in the sun, is found to keep perfectly lor a length of time, and to resemble a rich fig. The plantain leaf is of :great utility. It forms plates and dishes for the natives, and the cool upper side is constantly applied, by our medical men in India, as dress- ings for blisters, or as a covering for the shaven head in cases of brain fever. KELAT, the capital of Beloochistan, situated in a well cultivated valley, in Lat. 29 deg. 8 min. N., Long. 65 deg. 50 min. E. It is inhabited by a mixed poi)ulation of Beloochees, Af- ghans, and Hindoos, the latter prin- cipally traders froni Mooltan, and speaking the Punjabee dialect. The gardens around Kelat produce every kind of fruit, European and Asiatic, in great abundance, notwithstanding the severe cold of the Avinter. KElt ANEE, a clerk, in an Indian oflice, either a native Armenian, a native Portuguese, or a Bengalee : the former are not very common, the second are more numerous, but the third are almost countless. It really is won- derful how well many of the latter can write, without understanding a, word of what is written. They have a steady hand, a keen eye, and an admirable readiness in casting up accounts. KERANCHEE, a very rude descrip- tion of vehicle in use in Calcutta, for the accommodation of natives — for none but the poorest Europeans employ such a rieketty convej-ance. It is formed like a hackney coach, but the materials ai'e wood and rope, the former rarely painted. The horses are wretched, half-starved ponies; the harness, rope; the driver, a naked native. KERBELAH, the mausoleum, at Mec- ca, of Hussein and Hossein, the sons of Alee, who were murdered at that place by the soldiers of Yezid. De- vout IVIussulmans, when praying, turn their faces to the west, because they believe Kerbelah to lie in that direction. It is a very holy place cf l^ilgrimage for the Sheahs, and it is customary for all of that sect to carry with them a piece of clay brought from thence, and stamped with the seal of the high-priest of KE KH 12^ the tomb, which they place before them during prayers, and press their forehead against it when prostrating themselves. KETU, in Hindoo astronom}^ the planet of tlie descending node, va- riously described, by some sitting on a vulture, and by others as a head oa the back of a frog. KHAUUIM, a servant at the shrine at Muslied. KHAHOON, twelve hundred and eighty cowries, equal, as money, to about four annas, or the fourth of a rupee. KHALSA, Mahrattee. Pure, unmixed. An office of government, in which the business of tlie revenue depart- ment is transacted ; the exchequer. When this term is applied to lauds, it signifies lands, the revenues of which are paid into the exchequer, as contradistinguished from jayhire, or other descriptions of lands, the government share of whose produce has been assigned to others. KHAN, a Persian title, equivalent to " Lord."' KHANSUMA. An Indian domestic, who, by the various corruptions of the title, is called " consumer," and " con- summa," and "kansaman," and other nomenclatural errors. He is a person- age who is often "done into English" by the terms "butler," " steward," &c., but who is not very analogous, in his vocation, to either tlie one or the other. He acts the part which, in a moderate English establishment, is acted by the mistress and cook toge- ther ; that is to say, he markets, pre- pares the pastry and the made-dishes, makes preserves, sees to the whole kitchen arrangement, and, in general, leaves nothing to tlie cook but the ac- tual cooking. It is tlie custom to think him a rogue, and the theory is dis- creet, inasmuch as it induces a strict scrutiny of his accounts ; but, to infer from it that he is less honest than an English servant would bo, under like facilities, were to libel the Khansimia. In the first place, a poor, or only a middling rich man, has no business to have this functionary upon his establishment at all. He is a luxury for the rich only, and in their houses he has such scope for " knavish tricks," that his not plim- dering his emplo3'er on a large scale is to be noted, to his credit, under the head of the virtue denominated abstinence. He is entitled, by pre- scriptive right, to charge the round rupee for any thing which falls but a little short of it ; thus, as there are sixteen annas in the rupee, he would debit " master" with the in- tegral coin, though he might have obtained the article for fourteen annas ; and in addition to this, he obtains, as a matter of course (tlie rule obtaining in all native dealings), what is termed dustooree, which means "custom" {cpiod vide), and this is le- vied from the vendor, at the rate of h:df an anna out of every rupee, so that in every thirty-two rupees the purchaser gains one, being upwards of three per cent. ; and there are cases where the exaction is extended to double that amount. Ten, twelve, and sixteen rupees, may be taken as the running averages of the species. The khansumas are always intelli- gent, respectful, and well-mannered men — ^Mussulmans, of course — and have much influence in the house^ being treated very familiarly (within perfectly becoming bounds) by their masters and mistresses, of whose interests they are usually watchful, against all depredators but them- selves. KIIANUI\r, the feminine of Khan, " Lord," and signifies Lady, the wife of a Khan. KHAS, private, peculiar, particular, proper. Revenue collected imiuedi- atcly liy the Indian government, without the agency of Zemindars. Under the Company's government in Jhntjal the term is generally applied wheu there is an immediate division of the actual produce between the government and the Ryots, and also where the revenues of smaller por- tions than Zemindarics are let to farm. 126 KH KH KHATMANDOO, the capital of Xe- paul, a province of India, situated upon tlie banlc of a small river called the Bishenmuttee, in Lat. 27 deg. 42 min. N., Long. 85 deg. E. KHEDMUTGAli, a domestic of the Kliansuma (q. v.) genus, and often assumes the title -when no regular one is kept. His own business, ho\v- ever, is (in a full establishment) solely to lay the table, bring up the dinner, and wait during the meal. A couple, well to do in the Calcutta world, would probably keep four of these menials, and more than that if the domestic quiver was full — for the childi'en of such magnates liave Kliedmutgars of their own. General honesty, amid much temptations and facilities for a lapse from virtue, can- not but be conceded to them ; for they have constant access to the plate, wines, tea, table linen, and similar valuables, and might decamp with various spoons under all reasonable chances of impunity, as the police in India is rather inferior to that of Paris when Eouche had its manage- ment. The Khedmutgar is a clean and smart-lookuig servant, not at all mahulroit in the practice of waiting, though inferior in nimbleness to the true pjuglish waiter, to whom, how- ever, it must be remembered, there is no necessity for his being equal : because, as at all Indian parties every guest brings his or her own attendant ( and seldom so few as one a-piece), the entertainer's servants have little cr nothing to do with that part of the convivial business. Small peojjle, if bachelors, are for the most part content witli one IChedmutgar, and dream not of a khansuma ; but whe- ther there be one or half-a-dozen, the Ireakfast and diimer-table exhibits ihe same fanciful neatness of ar- rangement. KIIEKEEF, Hindostanee. Autumn ; autumnal Jiarvest. KHETKODAH, Persian. A chief magistrate. KIIILAUT, a robe of honour with which Indian i^rinces confer dig- nity. An item of the abwab, or imposts. KHIPGIZES, a people who inhabit the eastern parts of Koondooz in Tartar}', and the Kuzzaks (known in Europe as the Cossacks, who appear to be nearly the same people as the Kirghi- zes), occupy tlie northern and north- eastern borders towards Kussia. KHIVA, also called Orgunje, and anciently Kharizm, a division of Tartary Avhicli occupies the western part, between Bokliara and the Cas- pian Sea. Excepting in the imme- diate vicinity of the river Oxus, this province is almost entirely a sandy desert, its inhabitants depending for their support principally upon their camels, wliich are bred in great numbers, and upon the sale of slaves captured in the adjoining territories of Pussia and Persia. The only places of any note in the province are Orgunje and Khiva. The inha- bitants of this province are chiefly Toorkmans, consisting principally of wandering tribes, under the im- mediate control of their sevei'al chiefs, but subject to the general government of an Uzbek, who has the title of Ivhan of Khiva. The total population is supposed not to exceed 200,000. KHODABUND, slave of the lord. A term of respect applied by Bengal servants to their masters. KHODAH, the Persian word for the Almighty. KHODAH HAFIZ SHUMAH! Per- sian. " May God protect you!" KHOOXDS. See Goands. KHOOSH GUELDEN, Turkish. " Eight welcome." KHOOTBA, the oration at a Mahome- dan mosque after prayers ouFridavs. KHORAK AFFIAE, food of elephants. An allowance in Sylhet for main- taining elephants when caught. KHOTE-HAVILDAR, a pay serjeant in a sepoy regiment. KHUBBEK, news. A common ex- pression in India is " Kya kubber ?" and in Persia, "Che kliubber ast ?" meaning " What is the news ?" KH KI 127 " What is all this about ?" It gene- rally follows the salutation of the day, instead of the remarks upon the weather, Avhich in Oriental coun- tries is not liable to much fluctua- tion. KHURCn, or KHmCII, or KUETCH, expense, expenditure. Casual ex- penditure for public purposes in the business of revenue arrangement in the Indian peninsula. KIIUEETA, a letter enclosed in a bag of ricli brocade, contained in another of fine muslin. The mouth is tied ■with a string of silk, to whicli hangs suspended the great seal, ■which is a flat round mass of seal- ing-wax, with the seal impressed on each side of it. This is the kind of letter which passes between natives of high rank in India, and between them and the public functionaries of government. KIIVEEEEES, a clan of the Berdoor- anees. or eastern Afghans. KHYliANTEE (literally alms, mean- ing tliat whicli is given voluntarily with a good intent), land given in charity by the ainil yumeeiular, or vazim. KIIYEEOEE, a city in the province of Scinde, in Ilindostan. It is a place of some trade, and is noted for the dyeing of cloths. It has about 150,000 inhabitants. KILE ADAH, Ilindostanee. Warder of a castle; commander of a fort. KIOSK, a pavilion in Turkey or Per- sia. KISLAR AGA, Turkisli. The prin- cipal black eunucli of the seraglio. He has the whole interior manage- ment of the apartments of the fe- males, and to him l)elongs the duty of informing tlie odalisques, or sid- tanas, on whom the choice of the sultan has fallen. KISiMISS, the very small raisin, the sultana. Earge quantities are im- ported into India from the Persian and Arabian Gulfs, where they are much used in pilaos, stews, &c. KISiNIUT, division, proportion, share, part. A division of country iu In- dia, sometknes forming part of a circar, and including several dis- tricts, more or less, but more gene- rally part of a percjunnah. The pro- portions of such divisions are dis- tinguished by the number of annas, or sixteenth parts they contain. KISSAGO, Persian. A professional teller of stories and romances, com- mon all over tlie East. KISSAS, the Mahomedan law of re- taliation. KIST, Ilindostanee. Stated payment, instalment of rent. KISTBUNDY, a contract entered into in India for the payment of a debt or rent bv instalments. KISTNA, 'the. This river has its source near the Western Mountains, not far from Sattara, in the province of Bejapoor, and about fifty miles from the western coast of India. It flows south-easterly as far as Mer- rich, where it turns castAvard, forms the southern Ijoundary of Beder and Hyderabad, and flows through the Northern Circars, by the district of Koudapilly, into the Bay of Bengal. KISTNAGHERRY, a small town in the province of Baramalial, in India, situated in Lat. 12 deg. 32 min. N., Long. 78 deg. 23 min. E., only noticed on account of its fort, built upon a ver}^ bare and steep moim- tain, of 700 feet perpendicular height; several times besieged, but never taken, except by surprise. In 1791, the British troops attempted to storm it, but were repulsed witli h)ss. The fortifications are now in ruins. KITCHIREE, a dish which very com- monly makes its appearance upon an Englishman's breakfast-table in India. It consists of l)<)iled rice and split peas, mingled with slircds of fried onion, and is eaten with boiled, fried, salted, pickled, or dried fish, curried meat, &c. KITTOOR, a fortified town in India, situated in the Dooab, or Southern Mahratta Country, thirty miles south-easterly from Eelgaura. It is 128 KO KO the residence of a Mahratta jageer- dar, usually styled the Jessaye of Ivittoor. KOHAN, called also FERGHANA, a division of Tartary, occupying the north-eastern part of the country, separated Ijy ranges of mountains from Toorkistan on the north, and Koondooz on the south, and bounded on the east by the Beloot Tagh. It may be described as the valley of the river Jaxartes, which flows through the middle, from east to west. It is a fertile and well- cultivated district, and its produc- tions are similar to those of Bok- hara. It is celebrated for its silk. The principal town is Kokan, situ- ated on the Jaxartes, and containing about 150,000 inhabitants. This province forms an independent principality imder an Uzbek chief, who bears the title of Khan, and claims his descent from Alexander the Great. KOLAPOOR, a town in India, in the province of Bejapoor, is situated about seventy miles south of Sattara, a short distance to the westward of Merrich. It is a neat town, and the capital of the district of Kola- poor. KONDAPILLY, or MOOSTUFFA NUGGUR, one of the Northern Circars, in India. This district, which now more commonly bears the name of INIasulipatam, is separated from Ellore, on the north, by the Lake of Kolair, and the river OopTitnair; and from Guntoor, on the south, by the river Kistna. It is a very fruitful district, being well watered by the Kistna and other rivers. There are diamond mines in this circar, but for many years past they have been improductive. Tlic towns are Kondajjilly, and Masnlipatam. KONDAPILLY, a town in Kondap-lly, or Masnlipatam, one of the Bengal dependencies, in India, is situated inland, a few mUes north of the river Kistna, in Lat. 16 deg. 37 min. N., Long. 80 deg. 33 min. E. This place was formerly called by the JIahomedans JIoostuffa-NuggTu*, and was a hUl fort, and the ancient capital of tlie district, under both its Hindoo and JIahomedan rulers. KOOCH BAHAR, one of the Bengal dependencies in India, situated be- tween Bhootan on the nortli, Bijnee on the east, Rungpore on the south, and Sikkim on the west. The southern portion of this district is fertile and well cidtivated, but to the north of Bahar, approaching to the mountains, the land becomes marshy, covered with thick jungles, intersected by numerous nullahs, and completely choked with rank grass, reeds, and ferns. Its princi- pal article of produce is opium. Its chief town is Bahar, or Vihar, situ- ated in Lat. 2G deg. 18 min. N., Long. 89 dog. 22 min. E., about thirty miles north-easterly from Rungpore. It derives its name from that of its capital Bahar, with the addition of Kooch, to distinguish it from the Indian province of Bahar. The inhabitants of this country are generally styled Kooch, or Koochee, and the Bengalese usually look upon them as a low and impure race. This opinion, however, is very dis- agreeable to their chiefs, who reject the name of Kooch, and assert that they are of divine origin. The peo- ])le style tlicraselves Rajbungsees. The Brahminical system appears to l-.ave been introduced at an early jjeriod, and is now nearly general ; some, however, of the original Kooch tribes, who still remain in a very rude state, follow their ancient prac- tices. Tlie prevailing dialect is believed to be the Bengalee. KOOKERY, a large curved knife used by the Goorkhas of Nepaul, and tliose who compose the rifle corps in the Bengal army. It answers the several purposes of hewing woocT, destroying animals, close combat, and putting a wounded enemy out of his misery. KOOLEES, a wild predatory tribe, spread in considerable numbers throughout the province of Guzerat, KO KO 129 in India, formins; numerous clans under the command of different chieftains. They have always been noted as a most turbulent race, de- lighting^ in war and bloodshed, and preferrinf^ plunder to any other means of subsistence. They are hardy and brave, and, with the Bheels, were for a Ions? series of years the incessant disturliers of the province of Guzerat, until coerced by the British into more regular habits. The Portuguese at an early period used the name coolie as a term of reproach, and from them it has passed in the same sense to the Eng- lish. This must not be confounded with the word cooh/, commonly used in Southern India, which is derived from the Tamil language, and mere- ly means a labourer for hire. Pro- bably both the Bheels and Koolees are of the same race, and it is the common belief in Guzerat that these rude tribes are the original inhabi- tants of the province. KOO]MIS, mare's milk. The Tartars, who make long marches and live almost entirely in tlieir tents in desert wastes, subsist chiefly upon coarse flour and mare's milk. Car- rying the former in bags, and the latter in skins, or extracting it from their steed as they cross the steppes, these hardy horsemen content themselves with a handful of tlie flour dipped into the milk, and rolled into a ball, once or twice in the twenty-four hours. KOONDA, iron spikes, or large wood- en pegs, to which it is customary in India to fasten an elepliant's hind legs while he feeds or is at rest. KOONDOOZ, a division of Tartary, which now includes Budukhshan, is situated in the south-eastern part of the country, between Bokhara, Balkh, and Afglianistan, having the Beloot Tagh along its eastern side, and on tlie southern the Hindoo Koosh. The district of Koondooz consists of a valley among low hills, which extend from east to west for about thirty miles, and from north to south forty miles. Its climate is very unhealthy, the heat of the summer being excessive, while in winter the snow lies upon the ground for three months. The greater part of the valley is so marshy that the roads across are constructed of wood. The district of Budukhshan, on the con- trary, is celebrated for its climate, and for its abundance of fruits and flowers, though from having been repeatedly ravaged by the neigh- bouring tribes, it is now almost depopulated. Koondooz produces abundance of rice, and in the dry parts wheat and barley ; silk also is produced on the banks of the Oxus. Budukhshan is celebrated for its ruby mines ; it also yields lapis lazuli, sulphur, salt, and iron. The chief traffic of the province is in cattle and slaves. The principal towns are Koondooz and Khooloom. Koondooz is the residence of the chief, but is otherwise an insignifi- cant town, and does not contain more than 1500 inhabitants. Klioo- loom is situated on the western fron- tier, and is the principal trading town; it contains about 10,000 inha- bitants. The inhabitants of Koon- dooz are chiefly Tajiks, with a small proportion of Uzbeks, and the pro- vince is under the government of an Uzbek chief, who bears the title of Meer of Koondooz. KOOR, a practice in the peninsula of India (now nearly disused) of a very singular and cruel nature. A circu- lar pile of wood is prepared ready for conflagration ; upon tliis some- times a cow, and sometimes an old Avoman, is placed by the constructors of the pile, and the whole is con- sumed together. Tlie object of this practice is to intimidate the officers of government, or others, from im- portunate demands, as the cH'ect of the sacrifice is supposed to involve in great sin the person whose con- duct forces the constructor of the /mor to this expedient. K001lG,aprovince of India, bounded on the nor th, east, and south, by Mysore ; 130 KO KO ■west, Malabar nndKanara. The rivers are tlio Clavery and Boodraa ; both have their sources in Koorg, and there are various other small streams. This province, being situated in the midst of the mountains, is comjiosed of a succession of hills and valle3's,in some places open, -with some scattered trees and shrubs ; but the hills, for the greater part, are wild, and covered •with forest. The valleys are exceed- ingly fertile, yielding a plentiful supply of rice, and cattle in abund- ance, the pasturage being excellent. The forests produce sandal, teak, and other valuable woods, and abound with elephants. There are no manu- factures. There are no towns of any consequence in this province, the Koorgs preferring to live scattered over the valleys, and in their woods. The rajah's principal residence, and which may therefore be called the capital, was Merkara, situated nearly in the centre of the country, about fifty miles north-easterly from Telli- cherr}-, and 178 from Bangalore. The natives of this province, or, as they are usually styled, the Koorgs, are a division of the Nair caste of Hindoos, and have always been con- sidered as a people of martial habits. Some of the tribes inhabiting the hills and forests are of a very Avild character. The total population is estimated at 200,000. The religion is Ilindooism, and the language Kanarese. KOOTEE,a house. The word is in use in Persia as well as India. KOOTHUL, Persian. A steep moun- tain pass. KOOTUB MINAE, a lofty piUar of curious brick work, standing amidst some ruins in the vicinity of Delhi. This wonderful pillar derives its name from Cutteb-ud-din (the pole- star of religion), who having come from Turkistan as a slave, was pur- chased by the Emperor Mahommed Ghori, rose in his favour, became a great general, and ultimately suc- ceeded to the throne, and was the first of the Patan, or AtJghan sove- reigns. In the year 589 Hegira, 1193 A.D., he took tlio fort of Meerut, and tlie city of Delhi, from the family of Candy Rei, and establislied the seat of his government there, and obliged all the districts round to acknowledge tlie Mussulman faith : to commemorate this, and other suc- cesses over the infidels, this pillar was commenced about the year 1195 A.D. The circumference at the base is 143 feet ; height of the first balcony 90 feet ; the second 140 feet ; the third 180 feet ; the fourth 203 feet. Total height in 182G was 113 feet. There were spiral stairs to the top, easy of ascent ; but part were torn away when the pillar was struck by lightning : tliey have been repaired at the expense of the British Govern- ment. The balconies have been restored, and the cupola rebuilt ; but there are doubts if they have been executed in the original style of the building. The following in- scriptions in Persian are found upon the pillar. "No. 1. — The prophet, on whom be the mercy and peace of God, has declared ' whoever erects a temple to the true God on earth, shall receive six such dwellings in Paradise.' The Minar, the building of the King of Kings, Sheras-ud- dimya-Waud-din, now in peace and pardon — be his tomb protected, and his place be assigned in heaven — Avas injured by lightning in the reign of the exalted monarch, Secunder, the son of Behol (may his power and empire last for ever, and his reign be glorious :) and therefore the slave, Futteh Khan, the son of iVIesned-Ali, the liberal of the liberal, and the meritorious servant of the King, repaired it according to command, the 13th of Eebi-ul-Akher, in the year 909. No. 2.— The Sultan Shems-ul-IIak-Wa-ud-din Altumsh erected this building. No. 3. — In the year 907, this Minar having been injured by lightning, by the aid and favour of God, Firozmencl Yamani restored whatever was needed by the building : may the supreme Lord KO KU 131 preserve this lofty edifice from future mischance. Ko. 4. — The erection of this building was commanded in the glorious time of the great Sultan, the mighty King of Kings, the master of mankind, the Lord of themonarchs of Turkistan, Arabia, and Persia : the Sun of the "world and religion, of the faith and the faithful : the Lord ■of safety and protection, the heir of the kingdom of Suliman, Abul J\Iu- geffer Altumsh, Nasir-Amin-ul-I\Io- menin. No. 5. — Cutteb-ud-din- Ibek, on whom he the mercy of God, constructed this mosque. No. 6. — In the name of the most merciful God, the Lord has invited toParadise and jjrings into the M-ay of righteous- ness, him who wills it. In the year 592, this building was commenced by the high command of Moez-ud- dunya-Wa-ud-din, Mahommed Beni Sam, Amir al Momenin." KOIJAN, the book which contains the doctrines and precepts of Ma- homed. KOSPOOE, a town in Kachar, one of the Bengal dependencies, in India, the former capital, situated in Lat. 24 deg. 45 mui. N., Long. 92 deg. 45 min. E., about sixty miles easterly from the town of Silhet. Previous to the rajah's removal to Doodputtee, it was a flourishing town, but has since greatly decaj'ed. EOTA, the capitafof the district of the same name, in the ])rovince of Ajmere, in India, situated on the east side of the river Chumbul, about 150 miles to tlie south, eastward of Ajmere. It is a large and populous place, and contains some handsome buildinsjs of white marl)le. KOTA PACHA, or PAEAII, an animal of the deer species, inhabiting the jilains and jungles of Cutcli. "The brown Porcine axis {Axis Por- cinus), the Kota pacha or Parah of the Scindians," says Sir W. Harris, "attains the height of two feet at the siioulder, and is somewhat higher at the croup. The legs are sliort, and the contour exceedingly robust, and destitute of grace. The general colour is a deep black brown, marked witli a line (or two) of white spots on either side of the spine, which, however, disappear altogether, as the animal advances in age. The scut is white. The head extremely short. The muzzle abruptly pointed and whitish — a disc of the same colour encircling the eye. The horns, which are infurcate, and occur in the male only, are more slender than those of the common axis — the brow and bez antler being simply short processes, or rather snags. The cry of the parah is a curtailed bark, followed by a Avhine resembling that of the dog. These animals are usually found among heavy and tangled grass jungles along the banks of rivers, where they congregate in small troops. Being of an exceedingly irascible and pugnacious turn, they are kept by the liao of Cutch for public ex- hibitions, and are then pitted like rams, tlieir horns and f\ices having first Ix'en besmeared with the red powder called scndoor." KOWRA, a town in tlie province of Cutch, in Hindostan, remarkable for its situation in the midst of the Run of Cutch, which comjilctely surrounds it. It is in Lat. 23 deg. 46 min. N., Long. 69 deg. 44 min. E., thirty-eight miles to the north of Bhooj. KRISHNA, the eighth avatar of Vishnu. The eighth incarnation of Yishna, in the person of Ivrishna, the shepherd Apollo of the Hindoos, is most extensively and enthusi- astically worshipped. KRISHNA KRORA, in Hindoo my- thology, a form of I'arvati as Doorga, under vliich slie is giving suck to Krislma, to pi'cvent the cnectsof the poison which he received in subduing the monstrous serpent, Kah'a. KUDI), a chasm or valley of the Hima- layas. KUDDOO, pumpkin, an esculent eaten in ci'.rrics or tarts at the tables of Europeans and natives in India. KLDJOOR, the date tree. A very K2 132 KU KU passable kind of matting is made of the leaves. KULBURGA, a to-vrn in the province of Beder, in India, situated in Lat. 17 deg. 19 niiu. N., Long. 76 deg. 56 min. E. It is now a place of little note, but was of considerable celebrity in ancient times, having been the capital both of a Hindoo and a Mahomedan sovereignty. KULENAS, or KOOLINS, a superior order of Brahmuns, to whom the seat of honour is on all occasions yielded. A Kuhna may marry his son to a daughter of a Brahmun of a lower class, but can only marry his daugh- ters to those of his own order. It was formerly (and still is to a less extent) considered a distingmshed honour to unite a daughter to a Kulena, who on such occasions re- ceive large presents from the father of the bride. ]Many Kulenas have, in consequence, a number of wives : sometimes marrying into thirty, fifty, and even a himdred families, in various parts of Hindostan. With tacli of these wives the Kulena re- ceives a portion ; and also, as he leaves them after marriage with their parents, a handsome present when he may, occasionall3% condescend to visit them. Sometimes he never sees them after the marriage ceremony, and sometimes visits them once in three or four years ; but does not always, in doing so, cohabit with them, as he dreads having a female offspring, whom he can only marry to a Kulena ; which, as these Brah- muns receive, as before observed, large portions from those of inferior orders, is commonly a matter of some diflB- culty. The evils arising from these circumstances, and the neglect of the married females, are manifold. Bro- fligacy, adultery, and a consequent destruction of unborn children, are of common occurrence among the Kulenas. KULWAR, according to all, general. The term is applied to a settlement of the land revenues of India, when the rent of each individual Byot is fixed and collected by theofScers of govern- ment, without the intermediate agency of Zemindars, or farmers of the revenue. KUMAOON, a province of Hindostan, bounded on the north by the Hima- laya Mountains; cast, Nepaul, from which it is divided by the river Kalee ; south, Delhi ; and west, Gurwal. The divisions are, Ku- maoon, Bhootant, and Painkhundee. The rivers are the Ganges on the west, and Kalee on the east. The whole of this province is mountain- ous. The mountains of Kumaooa lie between Kumaoon and Sreenug- gur, or Gurwal. At the foot of the hills on the Delhi side is a belt of jungle, and higher up, throughout the ranges of moimtains, are forests, producing various kinds of trees, in- cluding the oak and fir. Parts of the province are open and naked, particularly about Almora. The northern part of Bhootant, through which are several passes into Thibet, is covered with snow during more than half the year. The productions of this province are principally a coarse kind of wheat, barley, and chenna. The tea-plant grows wild, but not fit to use. In the forests are oak and fir ; and gold is supposed to exist in the mountains. In the Painkhundee are cedars of a large size, and hemp. Paper of a par- ticular kind is manufactured from a plant in this district. The only place of any consequence in tlie pro- vince is Almora. The inhabitants are Bhooteans and Khasiyas, with about 6000 Brahmuns scattered through the districts, but the pro- vince is very thinly inhabited. The Brahminical system of religion gene- rally prevails; the Khasya dialect is commonly spoken in this pro- vince. KUMBUCKT, ill fated, wretch. A common term of reproach or abuse in Persia. KUNJOOR, in the province of Orissa, in India, the chief town of the Zu- meendaree of the same name, is KU KU 133 situated in Lat. 21 degr. 31 min. K, Long. 86 deg. 42 rain. E. KUNKUR, lirae-stone. It is miicli used in India in building and tlie repair of roads. KUNNAUT, the enclosure of the tents used in India. It is formed of canvass, with perpendicular pieces of Ijaraboo inlaid at intervals of four or five feet, whicli being driven into the ground, preserve the canvass erect, and so compose a species of •wall. KUKACHEE, one of the principal sea-iiorts, and a British station in the province of Scinde, in Hindostan, tituated at the westernmost moiith of the Indus, in Lat. 24 deg- 51 min. N., Long. 67 deg. IG min. E. KUHGOON, a town in India, situated in Lat. 21 deg. 50 min. N., Long. 75 deg. 40 min. E. It is considered the capital of the Ilolkar districts, in the province of Khandesh, and the usual residence of the Mahratta go- vernor. KUim AVATAR A, in the Hindoo tnytliology, the second of Vishnu's avatars. In this avatar Vishnu fl.ssumed the foriu of an immense tortoise to support the earth. KURNAUL, alarge town,about seventy miles from Delhi, in the province of Delhi, in India, is one of the princi- pal military stations in the province. KURNOOL, called also KUMEER- KUGGUR, a town in India, in the province of Ralagliat, is situated on the south side of the river Toombu- dra, a few miles distant from its junction with the river Kistna, in Lat. 15 deg. 44 min. N., Long. 78 deg. 2 min. E. It is strongly forti- lied, and until 18'i9, was the resi- dence of a petty Ratiian chief, the descendant of the former nabob of Knrnool. This place has been for several centuries the principal sta- tion of the Deccan I'atlians. KUlvllU(JXDA, an Indian bush, which bears berries as large as a purple grape, and resembles tliat fruit in •colour and appearance. It is highly acrid and glutinous, and scarcely edible. In its wild state it is not larger than a black currant, sweet and pleasantly flavoured. The blos- soms are Avhite and starry, and dif- fuse a most agreeable perfume. KURUNDU, the cinnamon tree of ths island of Ceylon. Tiiis tree is gene- rally small and bushy, though this arises from its not being- permitted to grow, as the shoots of three years' growth are those that are generally cut down for peeling. Some cinna- mon trees have been seen which measured five feet in circumference, and thirty or thirty-five feet high. The bark of the young shoots is of a delicate green. To make the bushes thrive the better, they are cleared of all weeds, &c., and the earth is heaped up round tlieir roots once a j'car. The leaves resemble those of the laurel, but are cliiefly distinguished by three thick fibres running lengthwise, without any others crossing them. The flower is white and small, and M'ithout smell, and blows in IMarch. The fruit, which is like a small acorn, and black, is ripe about July. Great quantities of the seeds are collected every year for the purpose of being planted. The government cinnamon gardens of Ceylon are very extensive, reachingfromNegombo, twenty-three miles north of Colombo, to Caltura, twenty-six miles south of it, and co- vering a surface of many thousand acres. Since the government mono- poly of the cinnamon trade ceased in 1833, several hundreds of acres of the gardens have been sold to mercliants, natives, and others, and the trade in cinnamon in private hands is now a most i)rofitab!e and flourishing one. There is a duty of 3s. Gd. a pound on all cinnamon exporteuta ojficinarum, the melaleuca, kiicadendroii of Linnasus. The tree which furnishes the Kyapootee oil is frequent on the momitains of Am- boyna and the other ilolucca Islands. It is obtained hy distillation from the dried leaves of the smaller of two varieties. It is prepared in great quantities, especially in the island of Eanda, and sent to Holland ia copper flasks. When it arrives in England, it is of a green colour, very limpid, lighter than water, of a strong smell resembling camphor, and a strong pmigent taste, like that of cardamoms. It burns entirely away, without leaving any residuum. It is frequently adulterated with other essential oUs, coloured with the resin of mUfoil. In the genuine oil, the green colour depends on the l)resence of copper, for when recti- fied it is colourless. As an embro- cation, this oil is of the greatest utility, especially in cases of rheu- matism, sciatica, lumbago, &.c. LAC, a gum (gum lacca) obtained in India and China. It is yielded by insects (the coccus lacca), wliicli fix themselves upon the succulent extremities of the branches of the trees on which they are produced, and form small cells like honey- combs ; these cells constitute the gu!n. The lac, after undergoing various processes of preparation, is much used for sealing-wax, varnish, japanning, painting, and dyeing. LAC, one hundred thousand. A las of rupees (£10,0010 was once the desiderated maximum of an Anglo- Indian fortune. The "nabobs" of the last ceuturj', and a few of the present, often retm'ued to England LA LA 135 with several lacs. At the present day, the accumulation of a single lac is a matter of difBculty. LACCADIVES, the, a duster of islands situated opposite to the coast of Malabar, a province of India, and distant aljout seventy-five miles from tlience. They consist of thirty small low islets, extending from the tentli to the twelfth degree of north latitude, being separated from each other by Avide cliannels, and the largest not containing six square miles of laud. Tliey are all very barren, producing nothing but cocoa- nuts, coir, jaggery, and a little betel nut, which are exported to India in exchange for grain, clothes, and other articles. The inhabitants are Mahomedans of the Malay class; they are very poor, and subsist chiefly upon cocoa-nut and fish. LAHORE, or the PUNJAB, a pro- vince of India, bounded on the north by the Ilimalaj'as, Cashmere, and the Himalayas ; cast, the Sntloj, separating it from Delhi ; south, Mooltan ; west, the Indus. The pro- vince is divided into a number of small districts for the purposes of government; but the two principal natural divisions may be said to be the Lower Punjab, or level country, between the rivers, ami the Kohis- tan. or liill country, occupying the northern part. The principal rivers are the Indus, Jeluni, Chenab (([. v.), Ravee, Beya, or IJeas, and tSutlej. The Jeluni has its source in the south-eastern corner of Cashmere, and flowing first westward, andafter- ■wards to the south, fidls into the ChcTiab, after a course of about 4.'i0 miles. 100 miles above !Mooltan. The Kohistan division is implied by the name, is hilly throughout, and its productions are not numerous, the cold, for some months, being too severe for those of India generally, and the heat during others being too great for those of more northern climates. The declivities of the mountains, however, produce abund- ant crops of wheat, barley, and peas. ■which constitute the principal arti- cles of food of the inhabitants. The Punjab is generally level, and affords both pasturage and tillage. It yields ■wheat, barley, rice, pulses of all sorts, sugar, and tobacco. Horses of tole- rably good quality are bred in great numbers, and the oxen and buffaloes are of a large powerful kind. Large quantities of fossil salt are found in many places, particularly between the rivers Indus and Jelum. The towns are Attock, Rawulpindea, Rotas, Kishtagar, Lahore, Umritzur. The inhabitants of this province are Sikhs, Singhs, Jats, Raji)00ts, and other Hindoos of inferior castes, and Mahomedans. The latter are still numerous, but chiefly of the poorer classes. The total population is supposed to amount to between three and four millions. They are gene- raUy a robust, athletic race, and of martial habits. The religion of the Sikhs may be described as a mixture of Hindooism and Deism. It was founded about the middle of the 15th centur3% by a Hindoo priest named Baba Narnak or Narnak Sah, who desired to reform what he looked upon as the corruption of his religion. This system gradually spread under the influence of the Gooroos, or teachers, who succeeded him, until the time of the tenth Gooroo, Govind Singh, who, animated b}'' the ambi- tion of worldly, as well as religious power, entirely remodelled the Sikh constitution, and converted his fol- lowers into fierce and formidable soldiers, changing their designation from Silkhs, signifying simply disci- plc.t, into Singhs, or hions, which before had exclusively belonged to the Rajpoot tribes. The Sikhs re- vere Gooroo Narnak as the founder of tlieir religion, Ijut have still greater veneration for Gooroo Govind, as the founder of their national power, (iooroo Govind is believed to have died about the year 1708, and was the last of the Gooroos. Their tenets are containe;! in a numljer ot books ■written at different times, by Nar- 136 LA LA nak, and other of the Gooroos, and finally arranged in one volume, called the Grinth, or Grunth, a San- scrit work, meaning hook, or writing. The Sikhs reject all distinction of caste, and admit converts from all classes. The language of the Sikhs is called the Punjabee. It is a mix- ture of Hindostanee and Persian. LAHORE, a city in India, the capital of the Punjab, or province of Lahore, situated on the south side of the Kavee river, in Lat.31 deg. 36 min. N., Long. 74 deg. 3 min. E. In the earliest times of which we have any record, this place appears to have been of consequence as the capital of the Kajpoot Kings of Lahore. Subsequently, in the year 1520, Sul- taun Baber made it the capital of his ■empire, and it continued to be the seat of government for nearly a hundred years. Though the old city is now, in many parts, nearly in ruins, it still retains the vestiges of its former grandeur, and contains several magnificent edifices, particu- larly the palace built by the Emperor Acbar, the Shah Dura, or Mauso- leum of the Emperor Juhangecr, on the opposite side of the river, and the tomb of his queen, the celebrated !Noor Juhan. There is also the beau- tiful garden of Shah Julian, called the Shalimar, mtersected by a canal, ■which throws up its water in 450 fountains to cool the air. LAKER AGE, or LAKIRAJ, rent- free; lands rent-free, or lands the government dues from which are assigned to any person for his own benefit, or are appropriated to any public purpose. The term is used in contradistinction to Malgoozary. LAKSHiVIl. This sea-horn goddess (Hindoo mythology) of beauty and prosperity, the consort, or sacli of Vishnu, was obtained by him at the churning of the sea. She is painted yellow, sitting on the lotus, or water- lily, and holding in her hand some- times the kamalu, or lotus, at others, the shell or club of Vishnu. At her birth she was so beautiful that all the gods became enamoured of her; but Vishnu at length obtained her. She is considered the Hindoo Ceres, or goddess of abundance. Lakshmi has various names, among which are Sri or Sris, the goddess of prospe- rity ; I'edma, or Kamala, from the lotus or nymphfea being sacred to her; Kembha, the sea-born goddess; Varahi ( as the energy of Vishnu in the Varaha avatar); Ada Maya, th(3 mother of the world ; Narayana, Vidgnani, Kaumali, &;c. The festi- vals in honour of Lakshmi are held in the months Bhadra, Aswinu, Karteku, Poushu, and Choitru. The ceremonies are performed before a corn measure filled with rice in the husk, which is decorated with a gar- land of flowers, shells, &c. No san- guinary sacrifices are offered. The cliewing of the ciid by the cow arose, according to the Hindoos, from a curse of Lakshmi, that her moutli should be always in a state of un- cleanliness, in consequence of a false- hood told by the animal to the god- dess. LALITAPUTTUN, a town in India, in the province of Nepaul, situated about two miles to the north of Khatmandoo. This is the largest town in Nepaul, and contains about 25,000 inhabitants. LAMA. See Thibet. LA-MAH-E-IL- ALLAH ! Persian. "There is no God but God!" The first part of the Mahomedan confes- sion of faith. It is in constant col- loquial use, as an exclamation of astonishment, grief, or pleasure, or even as an occasional ejaculation Avithout any meaning at all. LAND(JUR, a military cantonment, or dtpot for sick troops in a ridge of outer Himlaya of that name, im- mediately above the Deyrah Dhoon. It was established in 1827, at the recommendation of Lord Comber- mere, then Commander-in-chief in India, as a sanatorium. The climate from ]Marc]i to June is delicious, and favourable to the restoration of Eu- ropeans to health. In the rainy sea- LA LI 137 son the mountain is enveloped in a thick fog, and the winter months are extremely cold, but by no means unhealthy. The roads of the can- tonment are excellent. LASCAR, a European term for certain descriptions of menials in India. Sailors (ship-keepers) employed in harbour, tent-pitchers, tiie people employed to do the dirty work of the artillery and the arsenals, &c., are called lascars. The term is de- rived from lushkur, literally, an army man . LASS A, the capital of the country of Thibet, and the residence of the dalai, or grand lama, situated in Lat. 29 dog. 30 min. N., Long. 91 deg. 6 min. E. LATEO, a species of club, though rather long in proportion to its thickness, in comparison of weapons socalled in Englaml. They are in con- stant use among Indian villagers, and, like the Irish shillelal), are the usual implements in rustic battles. LEBAD A {from "Ii/jd,"arpiilt, in Arabic or Hebrew), a loose cloak made of common chintz, and quilted with cotton; nnu'li worn by the natives of Upper India. LEII, or IjAII, the capital ofLahdack. a division of the country of Thibet, situated on a branch of the river Indus, here called the Lahdack river, in Lat. 34 deg. 10 min. N., and about Long. 78 deg. 20 min. E. It is the residence of the rajah of Lahdack, and is a place of considerable traile, being a principal mart for the shawl "wool of Thibet. In the neighbouring district is a breed of remarkably small sheep, not larger than lambs in India of si.K months old, but cijvered with a very large and fine fleece. LTCIII (Neechee Phol). ThcLichi, or Leechee, as it is sometimes written, is a purely Chinese fruit, for it bears no other name but its Chinese one in any part of tlie world. Like most foreign fruits it has much de- generated in India, from the utter want of culture, and by propagation from seed only; the natives, except a few gardeners about the large towns, being wholly ignorant of grafting, and too indifferent to prac- tise it, or to give a young plant the care and attention necessary to pro- duce a fine fruit-bearing tree. Hence, with the exception of some from the Botanic Garden, Calcutta, the majority of the Lichis in India are of a most inferior description, and not to be compared Mith those of China, Batavia, the Mauritius, and Bourbon. It is, moreover, in and about Calcutta a very capricious fruit tree as to its bearing, the crop being very subject to failure from various causes; and even when the fruit is ripening the trees must be covered with netting to prevent the fruit being destroyed by the rapa- cious crows, which, with the squirrels, are the great enemies of all fruit- gardening in Lower India, as the monkeys are in other parts of it. While the Lichi lasts, however, and its duration is but for about a month in any perfection, it is a rich addi- tion to the dessert, and to the break- fast table. The Cliinese dry it in ovens, and in the sun, and it is thus exported in considerable quantities; but in this state it is little sought after in India. The juice of the fruit is perfectly wholesome. In countries where the Lichi abounds, and from its sweetness and rich fla- vour it is greedily eaten by children, deaths from indigestion and obstruc- tions brought on by this cause are so common, when the fruit is in season, that in slave colonies the fruit is often broken from the trees when green, to avoid this danger to the cliildren and young negroes. The Lichi tree is very hardy and will bear cold, heat, excessive rains, and even inundation for weeks, with- out api)arentsurtering, though doubt- less the fruit is afiected in quantity or quality by tliese trials. LING A. The Linga is the mytho- logic symbol of the regenerator Siva, Byuonymous with, but divested of 138 LI LO the gross appearance of the Phallic emblem of the Greeks, -worshipped by the Saivas. Of the origin of the mystic worship of the Linya and the Yoni (q. v.), little appears to be tmderstood. It may be presumed to have been nature, under the male and female forms, personified; as Siva, the sun (which he is, equally witli 8urya) or fire, the genial heat •which pervades, generates, and vivifies all ; and Bhavani, who as the goddess of nature is also the earth, the universal mother. Tliese two active principles of life having been thus personified, may have been subsequently converted by the grossness of idolatry (which, in its progress, invariably seeks rather to gratify the sensual appetites than to instruct the minds of its votaries) from imaginary forms to realities; from the personified symbols of nature, to typical representations of the procreative powers of these symbols themselves. LOGUE, a Hindoo word meaning people, kind. It is applied as an appendix to the substantive expres- sive of the nature of the people; as laba Iwjue (children people), rundee loyue (women kind), &c. LOUCHOO ISLANDS, the, situated about 400 miles from the coast of China, occupying the 27th degree of north latitude, and the 129th degree east longitude. They are tributary to China. The inhabitants are a kindly, intelligent race of people, and have frequently shown great hospitality to shipwrecked crews of European vessels. LOODIANA. See Ferozepore. LOONGHIE, a fabric of rich coloured silks, interwoven with cotton, of the brightest colours, manutactured at Kurrachee, in Scinde. The loonghie is about four yards m length and two feet in Avidth. It is worn usually round the waist, and has a very rich effect. LOOTAH, a brass water vessel; of "which there are various sizes, from a pint to half a gallon. LOOTER A, from loot (Hindostanee), plunder ; a name given to the Pindarras, who were great plun- derers. LOQUAT (Mespilus Japonicn'). As a pretty and almost a picturesque fruit and tree, the loquat may rank very high, for the dark green foUage of the tree, and, twice in the year, the rich perfume of the flower, which render it a great addition to the garden, and equally so to the dessert, when served with a few of their leaves. Of the properties of the fruit there is but little to say, being almost what the French would call un fruit insignijiant in India, though much prized in its native countries of China and Japan, where it grows to a much larger size, and has a far richer flavour than in India, or even in the Eastern Islands; in all of which countries the climate seems too warm and moist for it, while in Northern India, though it may there have the winter which it evidently requires, it has not the same degree of moisture; the winters of China and Japan being, as com- pared with those of India, wet win- ters. Amongst the natives of India it does not seem to be a fruit much thought of or prized, not being common in their gardens at any distance from large towns, and probably not being sufficiently high flavoured. Amongst the Europeans there also it is nearly neglected, and when it appears, may be said to be rather tasted as a novelty than eaten as a favourite fruit. Amongst the Chinese and Dutch in the Eastern Islands it is, however, much more prized, and the culture of the tree much attended to. Presents of fine sorts are frequently interchanged, and from the gardens of some of the wealthy Chinese, and Malay-Chi- nese, Portuguese, and Dutch families of the olden times, who are all capital horticulturists, and have, in the great Chinese population of those countries, excellent gardeners, the fruit is really a delicious one. LO ilA 139 LOTUS, the India water-lily, a large and handsome aquatic plant which, rising from a cluster of broad leaves lying flat upon the siuface of the water, jiresents a very beautiful ap- pearance. The lotus is considered so enth'ely emblematic of India, that in all allegorical pictures it is inva- riably used, and is besides constantly found in mythological sculptiires and pictorial subjects. LOTXNDIES, servant maids, usually attendant on ladies of rank and re- epectability in the peninsula of India. They are often children of old dependents, formerly slaves, and eometimes Avives of Kahers, or heai-ers. LL'BBUIIKEEA, a commander of a "lubbur," or grand division of a horde of Piiidarras. LUCNOW, a city in India, the capital of the province of Oude, situated on the soutli side of the river Goomtee, in Lat. 26 deg. 51 min. N., Long. 80 deg. 50 min. E. It is a large and populous town, diA'ided into three distinct quarters. The first, consist- ing of the old native city, is exten- sive but meanly built, and very dirty ; the second, containing the king's palace and the residence of the court, is of modern origin, and the houses are for the most part in a mixed style of European and East- ern architectui-e; the third consists chiefly of palaces and religious edi- fices, erected by the former nabobs. LUGGAO, to make fast. Tlie word is used on board tliebudgerows and otlicr hoats on the Ganges, and signifies casting anchor, or making the boat fast to some object on the river's banks. The word is likewise em- ployed to instruct a person to tie or bind up. LUGGIES. bamboo poles, from twenty to fiftv feet in length. LUKPUT BUNDER, a town in India, in the province of Cutcli, situated on the bank of the river Lonee, in Lat. 23 (leg. 47 min. N., Long. G8 deg. 5G min. E., thirty-eight miles to the north of Bhooj. M. MAAFEE, .Hindostanee. Literally, exempted, privileged, or revenue- exempted lands, exempted on the autliority of the nazim or the zu- meendar. MAAS, Persian. Curds expressed from the milk or butter-milk dried in the sun, and thus preserved. Broken into small pieces and mixed with water they form a pleasant acidulous beverage. JMADRAH, a city in India, in tlie pro- vince of Central or ^liddle Canuitie, the capital of the Britisli Govern- ment, a large and populous town with a strong fort, situated on the sea-coast, in Lat. 13 deg. 5 min. N., Long. 80 min. 21 deg. E. This town was founded in 1G36, in whicli year the Englisli obtained the grant of a piece of ground, for the erection of a town and fort, from the rajah of Chandgherry, Sree-rung-Iiayeel. Tlie rajah desired that the new town should be named after himself, Sree- runga-raj-a-Puttun ; but tlie naik, or governor of the district, ordered the English to give it the name of his own father, Cliinnapun, and it was accordingly called Chimm-l'iiltun. Madras was the name of the village which existed before the present town was founded, and this name has been continued by the English to the town, the fort being denomi- nated Port St. George. j\Iadras soon became a flourishing city, and the chief station of the English on the Coromandel coast. In 1702 it Avas besieged by Daood Khan, one of Aurungzebe's generals, who notified that he liad orders to take the fort, and entirely destroy it. However, he was defeated, though the fort was then a very weak place, witii only a few soldiers to defend it. in 1744, it was besieged and taken by the French, who kept it until 1749, when peace was made, and t!ie place was restored to the Euglisii. in 140 MA MA 1758, it was aErain besieged by the French, under the celebrated Lally, ■who was obliged to retreat, after a siege of two months. Since that time Madras has never been besieged by an enemy; though, in 1769, it was threatened by Hyder Ali, who en- camped his army within a few miles of the fort, and forced the English to make a treaty with him. In the quarter called Triplicane, or Tir- oomul-kheree, a little to the south of the fort, is the residence of the nominal nabob of Arcot, the de- scendant of the former iMahonwdau rulers of the Carnatic. Near Tripli- cane, on the sea-side, is the small town of Llylapore, or St. Thome, the latter being the name given to it by the Portuguese, who captured the place and formed a settlement there in the year 1547. Eight miles southward from the fort is the Mount, the principal station of the Jladras Artillery. At this place is an old Romanist chapel, built by the Portuguese, upon the summit of a rocky hill, from Avhicli it has its name of St. Thomas's Mount. By the natives it is usually called Eur- ingee Konda, or Euringee Mulye. Two miles from the Mount, towards Madras, is the Little Mount, a low rocky hill, on which stand the re- mains of an old Portuguese convent. The road here crosses the Adyar river, over which is a narrow bridge of twenty -nine small arches, 1230 feet long, called the Marmalong Bridge. It was built by an Arme- nian gentleman of Madras. The total population of Madras is esti- mated at 450,000, including about 30,000 Mahomedans. MADRISSA, a college. The word is derived from the Arabic, and applied to colleges where the Oriental lan- guages only are taught. JIADUKA, a city in India, the capi- tal of the district of Madura, in the province of Southern Carnatic, situ- ated in Lat. 9 deg. 55 min. N., Long. 78 deg. 14 min. E. This is a city of considerable antiquity, and con- tains the remains of many magnifi- cent edifices, comprising some of the most extraordinary specunens of Hindoo architecture now extant, particularly the ancient palace of the rajahs. It has a pagoda cover- ing an extent of ground almost suf- ficient for the site of a town, in front of which is a celebrated choultry, called liroomul Naik's, 312 feet in length, and covered with grotesque sculptures. Near the town is a re- markable eminence, called, from its shape, the Elephant Rock. There was formerly at ]Madura, a college, called by the natives Maha Sunkum. MAHA, the Ganges stag, the cervus elaphoide.f of Hodgson, the bahrauja of the Eastern, and the maha of the Western Tarai. MAHABHARATA, an epic poem in the Sanscrit language, forming part of the Vedas. It describes the most important events in the early history of India. MAHABULESmVAR, a range o? hills in Western India. The hot season, with its early, blazing sun- risings, its still, burning noons, and its breezeless, oppressive evenings, could scarcely be endured in India, by those avIio have passed many years of their life in its wasting climate, were it not for the invigo- rating replenishment of the system, afforded by an annual visit to " the hills," as they are emphatically called. "\Miile the Bengalees boast the snowy peaks of the Himalayas, the JNIadrasees, their Neilgherries, Avith its sociality and sport, the I?ombay people are j ustly proud of the beautiful range of the filahabulesh- war, whose climate and scenery ren- der the station formed there one of tlie most interesting as well as one of the most sanitary localities in West- ern India. The bungalows on the Mahabuleshwar are built irregularly on such points of the hills as present the most agreeable views. They are small, and have thatched roofs, pre- senting a very rustic and chalet-like appearance ; but as health rather MA MA 141 than luxury, exercise rather than etiquette, form the object of visitors to the Mahabuleshwar, the weaUliy civilian, or the ricli commandant, ■who leaves his splendidly furnished bungalow', and his handsome car- riages, in the lowland station, is satis- fied with the simple accommodation of a sleeping apartment surrounded with reeds and calico, a dining-room in which a good appetite is the chief luxury, and an open verandah com- manding an uninterrupted view of the magnificent scenery around ; while a strong Pegue pony, for neighbouring excursions, is more prized than the most valuable Arab, whose services would be found use- less among the steep rocky passages of these Ghauts. In addition to the bungalows, whose rent is rather proportioned to the demand for them than to the accommodation they afford, invalids have the ad- vantage of rooms in the Sanitarium, for which they pay nothing. In tlie month of October, particularly, fires are in constant requisition on the hills; and this enjoyment, which in the East brings somewhat of an European air to the liearth, affords a species of gratification, whicli mere logs, some of them too uncomfortably green and smoking, from rather ill- contrived chimneys, would be scarcely thought capable of pro- ducing. There is also another effect of climate found productive of much satisfaction to the hill visitors, simply, for the same reasons of asso- ciation ; this is tlerivcd from the fogs, wliich envelop the mountains about sunset during tlie autumn months, and, disagreeable enough in themselves, remind the residents of an English November, and are prized accordingly, even by persons wlio, if really in their native coun- try, breakfasting by lamp-light, would grumble over the dark days of " Merry England." A very curious effect also on the Mahabu- leshwar Hills is caused by the passing of light vapours and fleecy clouds across particular portions of the mountains. The doors of the bungalows usually face each other, and it is not uncommon for a cloud to enter at one, obscure the room, and pass out at the other, leaving the atmosphere as clear as before its entrance. The excursions to be enjoyed about the Mahabuleshwar Hills, even to those not caring for the sport afforded in the dense forests clothing the moun- tain sides, and which abound iu beasts of prey and of the chase, are numerous and beautiful ; many of the roads have been made at the charge of the British government, but others, which lead perhaps to the most lovely spots, are rugged and broken, mere stony footpaths, crossed occasionally by a brawling mountain-stream, to which troops of unwieldy, stupid-looking buffaloes, stroll to quench their tliirst. This fact, indeed, occasions the only disagreeable or dangerous circum- stance connected with free ram- bles on the hills ; for although these animals are tame, and the property of shepherds, they are suf- fered to stroll about the woods un- tended, which produces a degree of wild shyness, and it sometimes hap- pens that, if suddenly alarmed by a horseman or foot-passenger, when tliey cannot avoid imagined danger, by crashing through tiie brush- wood, the animals will cliarge in a body, which, when a rambler is unarmed, on a ]*cgue pony, and :i slippery path, i)laces him in rather an unenviable position. However, the cliance of sucli a rencontre witli the long-nosed and indigo-coloured animals who entertain these mis- taken ideas of one's objects, is too rare to interfere witli the stroller who desires to penetrate tlie tangled thickets of this most lovely region, wiiile the amioyanee, and even dan- ger, will weigh little against tlie cer- tain gratification to be gained. There is an interestingspot within tlie rcac!i of the hill cantonment where the rises 142 MA MA of the Kistna river are situated, over which singular temples have been erected. Although knowing little of painting, and not much more of poetr}', ifwe except their ancient lyric songs of Sanscrit origin, the Hindoos liave yet an eye so true to nature (when not called upon to imitate it), that tlieirtemplesare ever found com- manding the most lovely and attrac- tive views ; and so in one case at Mahabuleshwar. a fine arch being cut in one of the basaltic temples, permitting the rich foliage of the mountain to be seen at its back, as well as the exquisite landscape that forms the foreground of the picture. With respect to the principal temple, however, whose tri-sided colonnades surround a tank, into which, from the mouth of a bull, tlows the sacred stream, it commands a view of the fair, deep valley of the Kistna. The level ground of the Mahabuleshwar is one tangled mass of fern and ari'ow-root. The last, a pretty jilant, resembling a white lily, with long, dark, glossy leaves. The Chi- nese colonists of Bombay, Avho are condemned to labour here for their delinquencies, use the root as a prin- cipal article of food. MAHADEO, the Adam of the Hindoos. MAHADEO, situated in the Mahadeo hills, in the province of Gondwana, in India, in Lat. 22 deg. 22 min. N., Long. 78 deg. 35 min. E. This is one of the Avildest tracts in the Dec- can, and was almost unknown to Europeans until the year 1818, when it was entered by the British troops in pursuit of • Appa Sahib, the ex-rajah of Kagpore. It is a place of pilgrimage for the Hin- doos, but it is chiefly noticed on account of its hot sulphurous springs, of which there are two in the vicinity. MAHA DEVI. Devi, the goddess, in Hindoo mythology, is a title given to Lakshmi, Suraswati, and Parvati; but the latter is commonly called Maba Devi. IMAHAJAKUM, Hindostanee. A great person, a merchant, proprietor of land, a banker. MAHA JViODELIAR, the first degree of rank among the natives of the maritime provinces of the island of Ceylon. The different degrees are as follows : — 1. The first, second, third, and fourth Maha Modeliars. 2. Modeliars. 3. Mohottals. 4, Mohandirams. 5. Arachies. 6. Vidahns.^ MAHAKATTAS. Of the numerous tribes of India there are few whose names have been better, or whose character has been less known in Europe than the Maharattas. Their sometimes rival, and sometimes con- federated chieftains, the Peishwa, Holkar, and Scindiali, have given a dazzling, but ephemeral celebrity to the Maharatta name, which has caused many to blend with them the Rajpoots, the Kattees, the Blieels, and other more or less warlike and predatory tribes, who have occa- sionally sided with them. These races are altogether distinct. They all, however, occupy the Deccan, Central and Southern India. MAHAEIMAH, a piece of muslin worn over the head and across the mouth and chin of a Turkish or Armenian lady when she appears abroad. MAHASEER, great head. The name of a delicious fresh water fish com- mon to Indian rivers, which rises to the fly and affords splendid sport to the lovers of angling. Tliey are often caught of the size of a large cod, which they resemble in colour and shape. MAHE, a town in India, in the pro- vince of Malabar, situated on the coast, in Lat. 11 deg. 42 min. N., Long. 7.5 deg. 36 min. E., was for- merly the chief French settlement on the Avestern side of India, and is still in their possession. MAIIEE MORATUB, the order of the Fish, one of the insignia con- ferred by the Mogul Emperors of Delhi upon independent princes of the first class. The order of the MA Fisli -was first instituted by Khosroo Parwez, King of Persia. Having been deposed by his general, Beli- ram, Khosroo fled for protection to tlie Greek einjieror, Maurice, wliose daughter, Sheereen, he married, and he was sent back to Persia with an army, imder the command of Nar- ses, who placed him upon the throne cf his ancestors, a.d. 591. He as- certained from his astrologer, Aruz Khasliasli, that Avhen he ascended the throne the moon was in the con- .^tellation of the Fish, and he gave • orders to have two balls made of jolished steel, which were to be called the konkabas (planets), and mounted on long poles. These two jilanets, with a large fish made of gold, upon a third pole in the centre, were ordered to be carried in all regal processions immediately after the king, and before the prime- minister, whose cortege always fol- lowed that of the king. MAHIUPORE, a small town in India, in the province of Jlalwa, situated on the right bank of the river Sec- pra, about twenty-four miles to the northward of Oojein. A great bat- tle was fought there on the 21st of December, 1817, between the army of ]Mulharrao Holkar and the British troops, when the Maharattas were entirely defeated, witli great loss. ilAIIOMEDANISil, a religion which derives its name from its founder, Mahomed, sometimes improperly called Mahomet, who was born at Mecca, in Arabia, a.d. .'5G9. He died in the C3rd j-ear of his age, at Medina, a.i>. G.32. The faith of the Mahomedans consists in belief in God, in the angels, the scriptures, the prophets, the resurrection and final judgment, and in God's abso- lute decrees. The system of religion taught by IMahomed is contained in a book called the Koran. Tlie prac- tice of the Mahomedan religion con- sists in pra3'er, ablutions, fasting, alms, pilgrimages, conmiemorations, and circumcision. The fastings and commcmoratious of great events in MA 143 Mahomedan history are accom- panied by sundry ceremonials, such as tlie Hamazan, or Lent, the Bai- ram, the Mohurrum (q. v.), &c. Fasting is considered so serious an obligation that Mahomed called it one-fourth part of the faith. Accord- ing to the Mahomedan divines, there are tliree degrees of fasting: — 1. The restraining the belly and other parts of the body from satisfying their lusts. 2. The restraining the ears, eyes, tongue, hands, feet, and other members from sin ; and, 3. The fast- ing of the heart from worldly cares, and restraining the thoughts from every tlung beside God. The Ma- homedans are obliged, by the express command of the Koran, to fast the whole month of Ramazan, from the time the new moon first appears, till the appearance of the next new moon; during which time they must abstain from eating, drinking, and women, from day-break till night, or sun-set; and this injunction they observe so strictly, that, M-hile they fast, they suffer nothing to enter their mouths, or other parts of their bod}- ; some being so cautious, that they will not open their mouths to speak, lest they should breathe the air too freely; the fast is also deemed void if a man kiss or touch a woman, or if he vomit designedly. But after sunset they are allowed to refresh themselves, and to cat and drink, and enjoy the company of their wives till daybreak ; though the more rigid begin the fast again at midnight. This fast is extremely rigorous and mortifying when the month of Kamazan happens to fall in summer (for the Arabian year being lunar, each month runs through all the different seasons in the course of thirtj'-three j'cars), the length and heat of the days making the observance of it much more diflicult and uneasy than in winter. The Bairam signifies ii solemn feast. The Mahomedans have two Bairams, the Great and the Little. The Little Bairam is pro- 144 MA MA perly that lieid at the close of the last Kamazaii, beginning with the first new moon in the following month, Shawal. This succeeds Ra- mazan, which is their Lent, and is more usually called the Great Bai- rani, because it is observed with great ceremony and rejoicing at Constantinople and through Turkey, for three days, and in Persia for five or six days, at least by the common people, to make themselves amends for the mortification of the preceding month. The fast commencing with the new moon, the Mahomedans are very scrupulous in observing the time when the new moon commences; for which purpose observers are sent to the tops of the highest mountains, and, the moment they espy the appearance of a new moon, run to the city, and proclaim Muzhdaluc, •'welcome news;" as it is the signal for beginning the festivity. The Great Bairam is properly that held by the pilgrims at Mecca, and lasts three days. This is called by the Arabs, Idul adlia, that is, the feast of sacrifice, as being celebrated in memory of the sacrifice of Abram, whose son God redeemed with a great victim. On the feast of Bai- ram, after throwing little stones, one after another, into the valley of jSIina, they usually kill one or more sheep, some a goat, bullock, or even a camel; and after giving a part thereof to the poor, eat the rest with their friends. After this, they shave themselves. The second is a day of rest. On the third they set out on their return home. MAHOUT, a person employed in India to feed and to drive an ele- phant. The mahout sits upon the neck of his elephant, bare-footed, and furnished with an instrument called a haunkus (or driver), where- with to guide the animal. When ihe elephant is to be urged forward, the point of the haunkus is pressed into the back of his head, while the mahout's toes press under both the animal's ears : when it is to be stopped, the mahout places the hook part against the elephant's forehead; and, throwing his weight back, occa- sions considerable pain, which soon induces obedience : when it is to turn to the left, the mahout presses the toes of his right foot under the right ear of the elephant, at tlie same time goading him about the tip of the right ear, thereby causing the auimal to turn its head, and to change its direction: to turn to the right, vice versa. When tlie ele- phant is to lie down, in order to be laden, the haunkus is pressed per- pendicularly upon the crown of the head: but most elephants, after a j-ear or two, become very well ac- quainted with the words of command ; obeying them readily, without being mounted, or even approached. Tlie mahout has the assistance of a cooJi/, who is generally i)rovided with a cutting bill, for the purpose of lop- ping off the lesser branches of bor- gheets, peepuls, and other trees, in common use as fodder. An elephant will usually carry as much of these on his back as he can consiune in two days. Boughs, as thick as a man's arm, are very easily chewed by this stupendous animal; which often uses one, of full a hundred weight, to drive the flies from its body. MAHUNT, a Hindoo high priest. MAL, Hindostanee. Wealtli, property ; revenue, rent, particularly that arising from territory, in contradis- tinction to the customs and duties levied on personals. MALABAK, a province of India, bounded on the north by Kanara; east, My sore,Koorg,and Coimbatora south, Travancore; west, the sea. It is divided into three districts, Wynaad and Palghat, in and above the mountains, and Malabar below. Black pepper may be considered the staple of this province, which also pro- duces abundance of rice, cocoa-nuts, and jaggery. Gold dust is foimd in some of the mountain streams, and the forests of the Wynaad and Pal- MA MA 145 ghat abound with excellent teak and bamboo. The principal towns are Cannanore, Tellicherry, Mahe, Ma- nantoddy, Calicut, and Palghat- cheriy. The inliabitants of this province are principally Hindoos, divided into Numoorees, or Brah- muns, Nairs, Tiars, and Maliars, ■who are all free men; and Poliars, and other lower castes, who are all slaves. There are also several thousand Christians of the llomish and Syrian churches, and on the coasts, Moplas and Jews. The total population is estimated at 1,000,000. Hindooism is the pre- vailing religion of the inland dis- tricts, and Mahomedanisra, mixed with many Hindoo usages, that of the maritime parts. Though ruled by a Hindoo government, this pro- vince appears to have received tlie Mahomedan system at a very early period; and when the Portuguese first visited the Zamorin's domi- nions, they found them filled with Moosulmans. Christians, also, of the Syrian and Eomish churches are numerous. There are likewise many of the Jain sect in the interior. The languages most generally spo- ken are the Kanarese and Malay- alim. MALACCA, the principal town of the country of Malaya, in Asia, occu- pying the coast towards the south- ern extremity, between Salingore and Johore, and is about forty miles in length, by about thirty miles in breadth inland. This place is so named from a fruit called the Malka, produced in great abundance in its neighbourhood. It contains, includ- ing the adjacent district, about arjjOOO inhabitants, composed of Malays, Hindoos, descendants of Dutch and Portuguese, and Chinese, almost all tlie cultivators and arti- sans being of the last-named nation. Malacca is situated in Lat. 2 deg. 14 min. N., Long. 102 deg. 12 min. E. MALAYA. This country occupies the southern extremity of the continent of Asia. It forms a peuiusuia, ex- tending from about Lat. 8 deg. 30 min. to 1 deg. 30 min. N., bounded on the north by the Siamese terri- tories; east and south, by the sea; west, by the straits, separating it from Sumatra, called the Straits of IMalacca, and by the Bay of Bengal. In length it may be estimated at 800 miles, from north to south, by aa average breadth of 125 miles, from east to west. It consists of the fol- lowing principal divisions : Queda, Province Wellesley, Perak, Salen- gore, Malacca, and Johore; with the islands of Penang, Singapore, and Bintang. Queda occupies the north- ern part of the western coast, be- tween Lat. 8 deg. and 5 deg. N. It belongs to the Siamese. Province Wellesley belongs to the British, and was formerly a part of Queda. Perak and Salengore are both independent principalities. Malacca belongs to the British, and Johore is an inde- pendent state. The only towns worthy of notice upon the peninsula are Malacca and Johore. This pe- ninsula is composed of a central range of mountains, traversing its whole length from north to south, leaving a tract of undulating low country on both sides to the sea, watered in every direction by small rivers, of wliich there are aliout ninety altogether, and covered with forests and vegetation. Its principal articles of produce are rice, rattans, canes, betel, ivory, and various kinds of useful wood. The forests, how- ever, do not produce the teak tree. The animals, both wild and domestic, are the same as are found in India, with the exception of sheep and horses, which are not natural to the country. Tin is plentiful, and tliere is some gold. The inliabitants of this peninsula consist of two classes: the original natives and the Malays. The original natives (or (ifjiiii(/iiu's) are of the class usually denominated oriental negroes, and inhabit the mountains of tiie interior. They arc of a diminutive stature, but in other respects reseiublc the negroes 146 MA MA of Africa. They are in a perfectly Bavage state. By the Malays they are called Samaiig. As a people, the Malays are uoted for their ferocity, cunning, and treachery; never for- giving an affront, hut always taking a cruel revenge. They are addicted to gambling of all kinds, especially to cock-fighting, to an extraordinary degree, and they are universally in the practice of intoxicating them- selves with opium. Their vessels, which are called prows, arc many of them very well built, and skilfully na- vigated ; but it is only as pirates that they have ever shown activity or enterprise. The religion of the Malays is Mahomedanism, of the Soonnee sect. Their language is termed the Malay. It is a compoimd of various others, including Sanscrit and Arabic, and is considered very eoft and simple. It is written from right to left, in the Arabic character, with a few slight alterations, and is general to all the adjacent islands. MALDIVES, the. These islands lie in the Indian Ocean, between Lat. 7 deg. 6 min. N., and Lat. deg. 46 min., S, south-west of the island of Ceylon. They consist of numerous circular clusters, separated from each other by narrow passages, and amounting to about 1200 of various Bizes, tlie largest not being more than three miles in circumference. The larger islets are inhabited and cultivated, but ihe greater number are mere rocks and sand-banks. The principal island is named IMull, and is the residence of the chief. Their chief articles of produce are coir, cocoa-nut oil, cowries, tortoise- shell, and dried fish, which are ex- ported by the islanders in their own boats, to the coast of Orissa, and to the straits of Malacca, in exchange for rice, sugar, and other necessaries. The islands are inhabited by Maho- medans, the descendants of Arab colonists. They are under the go- vernment of a chief, who takes the name of sultaun. It is not accu- rately known what language is pro- perly that of the Maldives, but the islanders all understand and speak Ilindostanee. Their religion is Ma- homedanism mingled with Paganism. Like the Biajoos of Borneo, they annually send adrift into the sea a vessel laden with perfumes, gums, and flowers, as an offering to the spirit of the winds, and sometimes a like offering is made to the spirit whom they term the king of the sea. MALES, or MALLEY, the gardener in an Indian establishment. He is seldom very well acquainted with the theoretical part of his profession, and is therefore employed simply to perform the duties of hoeing, digging, watering, planting, pruning, clipping, &c. In gathering flowers for a bouquet, the Indian malee is accus- tomed to break them off close at the top of the stem, and to tie them to- gether upon a stick. M ALEM, Persian for " master." MALGOOZAE, one who pays rent or revenue. The term is applicable in India to every description of persons who hold land, paying a revenue to government, whether as tenant, ze- mindar, or farmer. MALGOOZARRY, land paying reve- nue. A term applied to assessed lands, or to the rent of such lands. MALIK, Ilindostanee. Master, lord, proprietor, o'wner. MALIKANA, what relates or belongs to a person as master or head man. The mali/uma of a Mocuddim, or head Ryot, is a share of each Ih/ot's pro- duce received by him as a customary due, forming an article of the Neak- DARUT, q. v. The term is also applicable to the nancar, or allow- ance to village collectors, or Mocud- Dijis of such villages as pay rents immediately to the khalsa. MALWA, a province of India, bound- ed on the north by Ajmere, Agra, Allahabad; east, Allahabad, Gond- wana; south, Candeish; west, Guze- rat. It consists of three divisions: 1st. The territories of Sindia. 2nd. The territories of Holkar. 3rd. MA Those of Bhopal. The principal rivers are the Mhj-e, Seepra, Chum- bul, Parbuttee, Ivalee, SincI, and Bet- ■wa, all of which have tlieir sources in or near tlie Vindhj'a moun- tains. This province consists of an elevated table-land, generally open, excepting towards tlie frontiers, but diversified with conical flat-topped hills and low cross ridges. It has numerous rivers and streams flow- ing in opposite directions, its level being above that of all the adjacent provinces; and it enjoys a mild and healthful climate, with a rich and fertile soil. A ridge of mountains separates it from Ajraere on the north-west, and the great Vindhyan range forms its southern frontier along the line of the Nerbudda, from which branches run iip the eastern and western sides. Its pro- ductions are wheat, grain, peas, maize, and other grains; the first two being articles of export ; rice is also grown, but only in small quantities ; sugar, tobacco, cotton, and a little indigo. The Malwa tobacco is the best in India, and is much sought after. The grapes also of this province have long been celebrated for their riclmcss; but the staple article of produce is opium, the soil and climate of Malwa ap- pearing to be particularly well adapted for the cultivation of the poppy. An immense quantity of this pernicious drug is annually suppUed from this province. The towns are lvajgm"h, Khemlasa, Se- ronje, Mahidpoor, Oojein, Sarnng- poor, Bhopal, Bhilsea, Salomon, Muu- doogurh, and Indore. The inhabi- tants are principally Rajpoots and Mahrattas, with a few Mahuniedans, chiefly in the district of Bhopal. The mountains are occupied by Bheels and other savage tribes. The religion is generally Ilindooism, and in Bhopal, Mahomcdanism; and the language Mahrattee, and a mixed dialect called the Kimgkee, formed chiefly from the Ilindee. MANANTODDY, a small inland vil- MA 147 lage in India, in tlie province of Malabar, situated in the forest of Wynaad. It is the principal military post of the district, and commands the Peria Pass. MANAIl (Mannarama), an island, eighteen miles long, and from two to three broad, on tlie west coast of Ceylon. It is separated from the main land by a gulf of the same name, full of sand-banks and shoals, and inaccessible except for small vessels. A reef of sunken rocks, called Adam's Bridge, extends from this island to Rammisserara, on the Coromandel coast. ^Nlanar, the chief town at the south-east extremity of the island, is 142 miles north of Colombo. It has a fort, in which, besides a few houses, is a small Protestant church. In the Pettah are a court-house and several chapels belonging to the Roman Catholics. The island con- tains twenty-two villages, and is remarkable as being the first place where the Roman Catholic religion was introduced by Saint Francis Xavier, or one of his colleagues, in 1543. MANDAVIE, the principal sea-port; of the province of Cutch, in India, situated on the soutli coast, in Lat, 22 deg. 50 min. N., Long. 69 deg. .33 min. E. It possesses a tolerable harbour, and is a place of considera- ble trade with the western coast of India, Scinde, Arabia, and Africa, but it has no maniilacturcs of any note. It is the most populous town in Cutch, containing about 35,000 inhabitants, principally Bhattias, Banyans, and 13rahmuns, with some Mahomcdans, and otlicrs. MANGALORE, called also KOW- RIAL BUNDUR, a flourishing town in India, in the province of Kanara, situated in Lat. 12 deg. 53 min. N., Long. 74 deg. 57 min. E. It stands on a small ])cninsula, formed by a lake or backwater, which is separated from the sea by a beach of sand. Above the ghauts is the town of Soonda, formerly L 2 148 MA MA populous and flourishing, and the capital of the district, but now nearly in ruins. MANGOSTEEN,arichfruit'cultivated in the East Indian Archipelago, and esteemed far superior in flavour and beauty to the rest of the vegetable world. MANILLAS, or PHILIPPINES, a number of islands in the Eastern Archipelago, lying between the fifth and nineteenth degrees of north latitude, due eastward from Cochin China. The principal are Luzon, Mindora, Samar, Salawan, and Min- danao. These islands are moun- tainous, and there are in them several volcanoes, particularly in Luzon, the largest of their number, which has suffered some severe earthquakes. The latest great erup- tion took place in 1814, and occa- sioned great devastation. They are exceedingly fertile, and yield all the ordinary productions of India ; in addition to which they possess the bread-fruit tree, and also the edible birds' nests, or sea-slug, so much esteemed by the Chinese. Their domestic animals are also the same as in India, but they are believed to be free from tigers and other large wild beasts. There are mines of gold and iron, and abundance of ex- cellent timber, much used for ship- building. The principal town is Manilla, in Luzon, situated in Lat. 14 deg. 38 min. N., Long. 120 deg. 50 min. E. This is the capital of the Spanish possessions, and contains about 175,000 inhabitants of all classes. These islands received the nameof Philippines in honour of King Philip II. of Spain, By the English, they are more commonly styled the Manillas, from the name of the capital. Besides Europeans and Chinese, the inhabitants consist of a number of distinct tribes, the most considerable of which are the natives of Luzon, comprising both races, the brown and the negro. The natives of Ma- nilla, of European descent, are con- sidered much superior to the others in intelligence, and are much em- ployed in the country ships of India, being very active and clever sailors. The religion of the native inhabi- tants is jirincipally Paganism. Some of the tribes, however, are IMahomcdans, and the Komish re- ligion has been introduced by the Spaniards. Several distinct dialects are current in the islands, the princi- pal of which are the Tagala and the Bi- sayan, the former a written language. MANJEE, a steersman of a Ganges boat. His business is to steer, and to give directions regarding the several operations incident to the very numerous metamorphoses of cir- cumstances in rivers perpetually changing their direction: thus, it is by no means uncommon to see a budgerow hoist and lower her sails, take to her oars, or to the track- rope, some scores of times during the course of a day's progress, just as the localities may render neces- sary. Whatever authority may be vested in a manjee, it is rare, how- ever, to see one able to enforce liis orders : each of the crew has an opinion of his own ; and, knowing that his services cannot be dispensed with, will, in most cases, adhere to his Avay of thinking, imtil peremp- torily compelled by the master's interference, to submit to orders, or overcome by absolute force. MAR, an abbreviation of " Marro" to beat (Hindostanee). When a servant has erred, and the weather is too hot to use superfluous syllables, Eu- ropeans are apt to give instruction to the proper authorities to "Mar" such a one. MARABOUT, a holy man. AppUed to serious Mussulmans. MAR A.TAH, a Hindoo sovereign prince. MART ARAN, a town in India, in the country of Ava, situated on the northern side of the Paluen river, which divides the Burmese from the British territories. It belongs to the Burmese. MASHA, a weight of fifteen grains troy. Used by native goldsmiths MA ME 149 and jewellers, and in the native evaluation by assay of the precious metals. MASHALLAII! Persian. Praised be the Lord! IVIASOOLAII BOATS. The con- struction of keeled boats being, in many respects, unsuitable to inter- course between the shipping and the shore at Madras, wliere the surf runs very liigh, a peculiar kind of country boat, adequate to the pur- poses of conveying goods and pas- sengers to and fro with safety, is had recourse to. These vessels, called Masoolah boats, are generally of from forty to sixty tons burthen: they are made of plank, about two inches in thickness above, and three below, fastened together by means of coir (see Com) passed througli small holes pierced along tlie edges of the several planks, all around each: these planks appear as though sewed together with twine of the above description, and are fastened to battens and sleepers, answering for ribs and floor timbers. At the bottom, planks are laid in tlie oppo- site directions of those which form the vessel, and near the gunwales several thwarts are secured across, passing tlirough the sides and being firmly pinned in. Tliere is no deck, and the rudder consists of a large kind of oar, rigged out at the stern. At a little distance, the Masoolah boats look like rude imita- tions of English coal barges: they row from ten to sixteen oars, and wlieri unladen make excellent speed, getting through the surf with amaz- ing facility. As the boat ai)i)roaclies the shore, the boatmen watch the opportunity of a coming wave to pull the vessel on to the beach, where it is soon run up out of tlie reach of tlie next rolling wave. ]\rASULIPATi\.M, a sea-port in India, in the district ot Koiuhipilly, one of the Northern Circars, situated in Lat. IG deg. 10 min. N., Long. 81 deg. 14 nun. E. It is commonly called " liundur," and also Muchlee- bundur. This has been a place of considerable commerce for many centuries, being mentioned as such by European travellers as far back as A.D. 1295. The surf here is less violent than on other parts of the coast, and the roads are therefore more convenient for shipping. Ma- sulipatam is noted for chintzes, and other cotton manufactures, large quantities of which are exported to Persia ; and also for snuff. MATCH-LOCK, a long musket, usei by the Sikhs, the Arabs, the Per- sians, Rajpoots, &c. It diriers from the musket in the method by which the powder in the pan is ignited, a lighted cotton rope attached to the hammer supplying the place of the steel and flint. MATSAYA, in Hindoo IVIythology, one of Vishnu's avatars; the first. In this avatar Vishnu is fabled to have assumed the form of a fish, to restore the lost Veda, wliich had been stolen from Brahma in his sleep by the demon Ilayagriva. This and the two following avatars, seem to refer to the universal deluge. MATY, a servant-of-all-workin South- ern India. MAUN, a Persian measure, of about seven pounds and a half weight. MEEiMI-KE-TALE, Hunum Oil. Oil said to have been extracted from the bodies of malefactors; who, being well fed for a month or more, previous to execution, for the purpose of increas- ing their fat, had large fires lighted under them while on tlie gibbet, and metal vessels placed to receive tiio drippings. Tiiis practice obtained imder the government of the native Indian princes. MEEK ACI lOK, Persian. Master of the horse : literally, '* lord of the stable." ]\IEI<:KASEENS, a particular kind of naulr.h woman (q. v.) MEEUGAIl, a species of carp, abun- dant in the great rivers, and in all the waters connected witli them. It rarely exceeds ten jiounds in weight. MEEIUJT, a large and ancient town in India, in the province of Delhi, 150 ME ME about forty miles north-east from the city of Delhi, and one of the prin- cipal civil and military stations of the British. MEHAL, IVIAHL, MHAL, MAAL' MUHAUL, MEIIAUL, MEHAAL MAL, Ilindostanee. Places, dis- tricts, departments. Places or sources of revenue, particularly of a territorial nature: lands. This term should not, as is often the case, be confounded with vial, another Arabic word, to an incorrect ear, something like it in sound. IVIelial denotes the places or lands yielding a revenue; but mal is the rent or revenue itself arising from the lands. See Mal. MEHMAN-KANEH, a house in Per- sia for the reception of travellers, smaller than a caravanserai. MEHTUK, a word signifying in Ilin- dostanee a prince, is the pariah of a domestic establishment, but has no small opinion of himself, and is wise enough to eat of the crumbs (a phrase including every good thing) which falls from his master's table. He sweeps the house, cleans out the bathing-room, and does all the dirty work in fact, as well as take care of a dog or two, if necessary; and is usually the happiest, and often the sprucest, and most prettily wived of all the domestics. MEHTUR. In Persian this word signi- fies a groom. MEHTUKANEE, or METRANEE, the sweeper's wife in an Indian household. She is more intelligent than the Ayah, and does the slop work of "my lady's chamber;" but is often, where there are no children, the only female on the establishment, in which case her wages are raised a rupee or so, and the arrangement answers very well. Where children are, then tlie women of both classes are multiplied in a concatenation ac- cordingly. MELA, a fair, occasioned generally by the great periodical religious assem- blages of the Hindoos, at places like Hurdwar, Allahabad, &c., celebrated for their holiness in connection with the Ganges. MENANCxVBOO, a city in the island of Sumatra, the capital in the state so named. It was in former times considcix'd the chief city of Sumatra, and the seat of all ]\lalay learning and religious authority. The state of Menancaboo constitutes the ori- ginal country of the Malays, and is entirely peopled with them at the present time. The natives of this place are the most expert artists in the island, and are particularly famous for their gold and silver filagree work. MENU, or MUXOO, the author of the Hindoo Institutes, or, as some allege, the compiler of the aphorisms of the Vedas. Menu is sisoken of in the Purana, or Hindoo mythological poems, as the son of Brinha, and one of the progenitors of mankind. When a pedigree fails them, it is not unusual for the Hindoos to assign a Hivine origin to any eminent man. MERU. The mythological mountain Morn, the Micnmo of the Burmese, and the Sineru of the Siamese, is termed liy the Hindoos the navel of the world, and is their Olympus, the fabled residence of their deities. METAI, sweetmeat. The natives of India are particularly fond of sweets compounded of sugar, butter, and flour. It is as much the regal of the lower orders as ale and beer are of the English vulgar. Confections of various kinds are in high favour with the upper classes of Indians also. MEWLEWYS, dancing dcrvises. They take their designation from the name of the founder of the sect. They are distinguished by the sin- gularit.y of their mode of dancing, which has nothing in common with the other societies. They perform their exercises in bodies of nine, eleven, or thirteen persons. They first form a circle, and sing the first chapter of the Koran. The sheik (chief) then recites two prayers, M-hich are immediately succeeded by the dimce of the Mewlewys. MI MO 151 MIAKO, an inland town in the island Nipon, in the empire of Japan, is the second capital, or residence of the reliffious ruler of the kingdom. Miai-BASHEE, a Persian or Turkish colonel. Literally, commander of a thousand. MIMBEK, a pulpit in a mosque, whence the Moollahs lecture or read aloud chapters in the Koran. MINAH, a common bird of the magpie species, abounding in AVestern India; a foul feeder, a chatterer. Their flesh is carrion. MINAEET, the turret or steeple of a mosque. MIRZAl^ORE, a toivn in India, in the province of Allahabad, situated on the south side of the river Ganges, in Lat. 25 deg. 10 min. N., Long. 83 deg. 35 min. E., is a large and flourishing town, well bi^lt and populous, containing about 70,000 inhabitants, of a remarkably active and industrious character. It is a place of extensive inlaml trade, and the principal cotton mart of the pro- vince. It is noted for its manufac- tures of carpets, and various cotton fabrics. MISSEE, a black stain, applied by Indian women to the eyes and to the teeth, made of the rust of iron and Kurra, compounded. It is, in fact, ink powder; for the kurra is a nut equally astringent with galls. The powderis rubbed on, or rather between, the teeth, and leaves a black stain, which is deemed liy the natives both a pre- servation and an ornament to them. MOCUDLIM, Ilindostanec. Placed before, antecedent, prior, foremost. Head ryot, or ])rincipal man in a village, who superintends the affairs of it, and, among other duties, col- lects the rents of tcovernmcnt within his jurisdiction. The same officer is, in BoKjril, called also Mnuduh, and in the I'eninsula Goad, and Potail. In Bombay the term applies to the head of small bodies of servants and IS-Sf 3,1*3 MODEIJARS. In Colombo there are nineteen native gentlemen who have the honorary title of "Mode- liars of the governor's gate," and eight Mohandirams, called " ilolian- dirams of the governor's gate." In the western province, attached to the government agents, are nineteen Modeliars, and seventy-one Mohan- dirams, besides four other head men. In the southern province are one Bas-nayaka Nilame, one Maha Mo- deliar, two Disaves, twenty Mode- liars, twenty-eight Mohandirams, and twenty-three others, with vari- ous titles. In the northern province are seven Modeliars, fourteen ]\Ianiagars, 146 Odigars, four (called) Adigars, and twenty- four others, with various titles. In the eastern pi'ovince are six Modeliars, one Mohandiram, three Wananiyas, seven Odigars, and one head Moorman. In the central pro- vince are the first and third Adigars, two Modeliars, fourteen Rate IMahat- mayas, nineteen principals of witi- aras, who have the title of ]\Iodeliars, six Disaves, and a few others, with various titles. MOFUSSIL, a term applied to the Bengal and North-west provinces ; all the military cantonments and the residences appointed for civilians be- yond the presidency being called mo- fussil stations. Individuals quartered in the provinces are styled mofus- silites, but those who may have bar- bariscd a little during their seclusion amid wilds and fastnesses, are styled par distinction "jungle wallahs." It is difficult to explain the precise meaning of the word wallah ; it is usually translated "fellow;" but to the natives of India, who call in- digo planters, "/eaY (blue) wallahs," camel drivers, "oonic wallahs," Sec, it does not convey the idea wiiich we attach to this expression in England. MOGREE, the Indian jasmine. The fragrance of this flower is very pow- erful. Then;mtch or dan';ing girls of the East are fond of decorating their persons witli wreaths and fes- toons of inogree, which form a pow- erful antidote to the odour of the 152 MO MO coco!x-mit oil, ■with wliich they anoint their bodies. MOGUL ANEE, a native Indian female of the Mahomedan persuasion. MOIITURAN, from Sanscrit, muhut, great, and turana, to cherish ; i. e. lands set apart for tlie maintenance of a great or revered person or place. A Hindoo ijrant. MOIiUNT (abbot), the title of the heads of the monasteries of Geer, Bhartee, and Eawut Gosains, who are, or ought to be, religious ascetics. These people profess, and ought to be, dedicated wholly to religion, but their present practice corresponds much with that of the monks of old, and their superiors. MOHUR, a gold coin in use in the East. Its value is sixteen rupees. The coin is now scarce, but the word is in use, to indicate the value of prizes at races, &c. IIUHUKRUM, an annual Mahomedan festival. The celebration of the Mohurrum in all large INIahomedan con;munities of the Sheah sect, though, strictly speaking, a fast of the most mournful kind, is accom- panied b}^ so much pomp and splen- dour, that strangers are at some loss to distinguish it from festivals of pure rejoicing. The Slieahs, who are settled in Hindostan, are in some degree obnoxious to the charge of in- troducing rites and ceremonies al- most bordering upon idolatry, in their devotion to the memory of the Imaums Hossein and Houssein. Im- bibing a love of show, from long do- mestication with a people passion- ately attached to pageantry and spectacle, they have departed from the plainness and simplicity of the worsliip of their ancestors, and in the decorations of the tazees (mimic tombs), and the processions which accompany them to the place of se- pulture, display their reverential re- gard for All and his sons, in a man- ner which would be esteemed scan- dalous, if thus accompanied, in Per- sia and Arabia, where the gi'ief of the Sheah is more quietly and so- berly manifested. Several proces- sions take place during the celebra- tion of the Mohurrum. At Lucknow, on the fifth day, the banners are carried to a celebrated shrine, or durgah, in the neighbourhood, to be consecrated, it being supposed that the standard of Hossein, miraculously pointed out to a devout believer, is preserved at this place. The vene- ration in which this sacred relic is held, nearly equalling that which in some places in Europe is displayed towards pieces of the true cross, af- fords another proof of the corruptioa of the Mahomedan religion by the Sheah sect of India. The durgah at Lucknow is not only visited at the commemoration of Hossein 's obse- quies, but prayers and oblations are offered in its holy precincts, upon recovery from illness, or any other occasion which calls for praise and thanksgiving. The gifts deposited at the durgah, consisting of money, clothes, and other valuable articles, become the property of the officiating priest, who is expected to disburse the greater portion in charity. AM the Moslem inhabitants of Lucknow are anxious to consecrate the ban- ners employed at the Mohurrum, by having them touched by the sacred relic, and for this purpose they are conveyed to the shrine, with as much pomp and ceremony as the circum- stances of the proprietors wiU admit. A rich man sends his banners upon elephants, surrounded by an armed guard, and accompanied by bands of music. The arms and accoutre- ments, representing those worn by Hossein, are carried in some of these processions; and one of the mosfc important features is Dhull Dhull, the horse slain with his master on tlie fatal field oflvurbelah: his trap- pings are dyed with blood, and ar- rows are seen sticking in his sides. Jlultitudes of people form these pro- cessions, which frequently stop while the mooUahs recite the oft -told, but never-tiring story, or the tragic scene is enacted by young men MO MO 153 expert at broad-sword exercises ; and as Hossein is surrounded and beaten down, muskets are fired off, and sliouts and beatings of the breast attest the sincerity with ■whicli liis followers bewail his un- timely end. On the seventh night of the Mohurrum, the marriage of Hos- sein's daughter with her cousin, a faithful partisan of the house of Ali,is celebrated with much pomp and show. The procession of the marriage of the unfortunate Cossim and his ill-fated bride is distinguished by trays bear- ing the wedding presents, and covered palankeens, supposed to convey the lady and her attendants; the animals employed in the caval- cade, with the exception of the favoured Dhull Dhull, are left out- side the Avails; but the trays con- taining sweetmeats, &c., a model of the tomb of Cossim, and the palan- keen of the bride, are l)rought into the interior and committed to the care of the keepers of the sanctuary until the last day, when they make a part of the final procession to the place of interment. The most ex- traordinary feature, however, in the commemoration of the deaths of Hossein and Houssein, is the parti- cipation of the Hindoos, who are frequently seen to vie with the dis- ciples of Ali in their demonstrations of grief for tlie slaughter of his two martyred sons, and in the splendour of the pageant displayed at the anniversary of their fate. A very large proportion of Hindoos go into niourniiig during the ten days of the Mohurrum, clothing themselves in green garments, and assuming the guise of fakecrs. The complaisance of the Hindoos is returned with interest at the Hooly, the Indian Saturnalia, in which the disciples of the proi)het mingle with the heartiest good will, apparently too nuich de- lighted with tlie general licence and frolic revelries of that strange car- nival, to be withheld from joining it by horrorofits heathen origin. The ceremonials observed at the celebra- tion of the ]Mohurrum are not con- fined to processions out of doors; persons of wealth and respectability having an Imaum-barrah constructed in the interior of theirown dwellings. This is usually a square building, containing a hall and other apart- ments, in which the mourning as- semblages during the period of the festival are congregated. It is de- corated for the time with all the splendour which the owners can afford. The tazee is placed upon the side facing Mecca, under a canopy of velvet or tissue richly embroidered, and near it there is a pulpit very handsomely constructed of silver, ivory, ebony, or carved wood, having a flight of stairs covered with an expensive carpeting of broad cloth, velvet, or cloth of gold. The tazee is lighted up by numerous wax candles, and near it are placed offer- ings of fruit and flowers, presented by pious ladies to do honour to the memory of the Imaums. The re- mainder of the hall is fitted up with considerable splendour, furnished with mirrors, which reflect the light from numerous lustres, lamps, and girandoles. Poorer persons are con- tent with less glittering ornaments; and in all, an assemblage is held twice a day, that in the evening being tlie most imposing and attrac- tive. The guests are seated round the apartment, the centre of which is occupied by a group of hired mourners, consisting of six or eight persons. These men are usually of large stature, and of considerable muscular strength. They are very scantily clothed in a drapery of green cloth, their breasts and heads being perfectly uncovered. A moollah or priest, selected on ac- count of his superior elocution, as- cends the puli)it, andiiroceeds to the recital of a portion of a jjoeni in the Persian language, wliicli contains a detailed account of the persecution and tragic fate of the Imaum. The conij)osition is said to be very pure, and its eUect upon the auditory is pro • 154 MO MO digious. After some Arell-wronght passage, describing the sufferings of the unhappy princes, the reader pauses,and immediately the mourners on the ground commence violently heating their breasts, and shouting *• Hossein ! Houssein !" until at length they sink exhausted on the ground amid the piercing cries and lamenta- tions of the spectators. A part of each day's service consists of a chant in the Hindostanee language, in •which the whole assembly join; and the Sheahs end it by standing up and cursing the usurping Caliphs hy name, devoting the memory of each offending individual to universal execration. The Soonnees hold these solemn assemblies; but their grief at the cruel sufferings of so many estimable members of the prophet's family does not assume so theatrical a character. Attired in the deepest mourning, they evince the most pro- found sorrow; and it is persons of this persuasion who manifest the greatest indignation when there is any risk of their processions being crossed by the heathen revelries of the Hindoos. The pomps and cere- monies Avhich precede it are nothing to the grandeur reserved for the dis- play on the last day of the jVIohur- rum, M'hen the tazees are home to the place of interment. Tliis pa- geant represents the military caval- cade of the battle of Kurbelah, toge- ther with the funeral procession of the young princes, and the wedding retinue of the bride and bridegroom, divorced by death upon their nuptial day. The banners are carried in advance, the poles being usually surmounted by a crest, composed of an extended liand, which is emble- matic of the five holy personages of the prophet's family, and a symbol particularly designating the Sheali sect. Many make a declaration of their religious principles by liolding lip tlie hand; the Soonnee displays three fingers only, while the Sheah extends the Avhole five. The horse of Prince Hossein and his camp equipage appear, furnished with all the attributes of sovereignty; some of the tazees, of which there is a great variety, are accompanied by a platform, on which three effigies are placed, — the ass Borak, the animal selected by Mahomed to bear him on his ride to heaven, and two houries. The tomb of Cossim, the husband of Hossein's daughter, is honoured by being carried under a canopy; the bridal trays, palankeens, and other paraphernalia, accompany it, and the whole is profusely garlanded with flowers. These processions, followed by thousands of people, take the field at break of day, but there are so many pauses for the reading of the poem dedicated to this portion of the history of the events of Kur- belah, and such numerous rehearsals of Hossein's dying scene, that it is night before the commencement of the interment. Devout Mussulmans walk, on these occasions, with their heads and their feet bare, beating their breasts, and tearing their hair, and throwing ashes over their per- sons with all the vehemence of the most frantic grief; but many con- tent themselves with a less inconve- nient display of sorrow, leaving to hired mourners the task of inciting and inflaming the multitude by their lamentations and bewailments. The zeal and turbidence of the afflic- tion of Ali's followers are peculiarly offensive to the Soonnees, who, pro- fessing to look upon Hossein and Houssein as holy and unfortunate members of the Prophet's family, and to regret the circumstances which led to their untimely end, are shocked by the almost idolatrous frenzy displayed by their less ortho- dox brethren; and the expression of this feeling often leads to serious dis- turbances, which break out upon the burial of the tazees. Private quarrels between the sects are fre- quently reserved for adjustment to this period, when, under pretext of religious zeal, each party may make an assault upon his enemy without MO MO 155 exposin^T the real grounfl of his en- mity. In a few places wliich border the Ganges or Jumna, the tazees are thrown into the river ; but generally there is a large piece of ground set apart for the purpose of the burial. It is rather a curious spectacle to see the tombs themselves consigned to earth, with the same ceremonies ■whicli would attend the inhumation of the bodies of deceased persons; the tazees are stripped of their orna- ments, and when little is left except the bamboo frames, they are depo- sited in pits. Tliis ceremony usually takes place by torch-light, the red glare of innumerable flambeaux adding considerably to the wild and picturesque eSect of the scene. MOLUCCAS, a group of islands situ- ated a little to the eastward of Ce- lebes, and occupying nearly the same latitudes in the Eastern Archipelago. The principal arc Gilolo, Ternate, Tidor, Cerani, and Amboyna. Their most important articles of produce are cloves and nutmegs. They abound with sago, and Amboyna yields also indigo and cayaputi oil. They are free from beasts of prey, but possess the common domestic animals. The principal towns are Ossa in Gilolo, and Amboyna, or Fort Victoria, in Amboyna, the ca- pital of the JJutch possessions. These islands are now generally termed the Molucca, or Spice Islands. They are inhabited partly by Ma- homcdans, and partly by Pagans of the brown race. Tliey are distin- guished as the most civilised and en- terprising people of tiie whole East- ern Archipelago, particularly the Buggesses, Avho have always been actively employed in navigation and commerce, and are remarkable for their honesty and fair dealing. These islands are subject to the IJutch. The general language on the coast is the Malay. MOLUNGHEE, manufacturer of salt in Bengal. The salt is procured by solar evaporation. Of the manufac- ture of this article in India the go- vernment enjoys a monopoly, which enables it to charge as much as three half-pence or two-XK'nce per pound for the article. A large revenue is the consequence of the charge, but it is felt by the native as a very oppressive tax, especially as the insipid quality of his rice, pulse, or vegetable diet renders much sea- soning indispensable. IMONGHYK, a town in India, in the province of Bahar, situated on the south side of the river Ganges, la Lat. 25 deg. 23 min. N., Long. 8G deg. 2G min. E. This was formerly a place of considerable importance. It is now principally noted for its iron and leather manufactures, including in the former, guns, pistols, &c. The gardeners of Monghyr are considered the best in that part of India. MONGOOSE, the ichneumon. This little animal is peculiarly service- able in Indian domestic establish- ments. He is not only an enemy to serpents, but to rats, mice, cock- roaches, and vermin of every de- scription. It is customary to let; him run loose about a domicile, and to give him ingress to the hollows beneath the boarded floors and above the ceilings of buildings. He is friendly to the human race, and sub- mits to become as much of a pet as a favourite dog or cat. MONSOON, a regular or periodical wind in the East Indian and other Asiatic seas, which blows constantly in the same direction during six months of the year, and contrariwise the remaining six months. In the Indian Ocean, the winds are i)artly general, and blow tlie whole 3'ear round from the same points, as in the Ethiopic Ocean ; and partly periodical, namely, half the year from one way, and tlie other half year nearly on the opposite points: these points and times of alteration differ in different parts of the Indian Seas, and tliesc latter M-inds are termed monsoons. Tiie change of the monsoon does not occur at one precise period of time ; in some 156 MO MO places the time of the change is accompanied by calm weather ; at others, by variable winds ; those of China in particular, on ceasing to blow westerly, are very liable to be tempestuous; such is their violence (appearing to be similar to tlie West Indian hurricanes), that the navi- gation of those seas is very hazardous in tliose seasons. These tempests the seamen call the breaking up of ihe monsoons. MOOCHY, Hindostanee. Saddler ; applied also to a bookbinder, or other Mho works in leather. MOOJDEH, Persian. A present for bringinsT good news. MOOJETCHECH, Persian. A high- priest. MOOLAVY, or MOULVEE, a learned and religious man ; an interpreter of the Mahomedan law. MOOLLAH, a learned man, a school- master, a Mahomedan priest. MOOLTAN, a province of India, bounded on the north by the Punjab ; east, by the Punjab and Ajmere; south, Ajmere and Scinde ; west, the Lidus. The divisions are Mool- tan andBuhawulpoor; and the rivers are the Chenab and Sutlej. This province is generally level and open, in parts fertile and well cultivated, but with large tracts of arid, sandy soil ; and partly from natural causes, but chiefly from its having been during many centuries the scene of continual invasions and warfare, it has become for the greater part a poor and thinly inhabited country. Its productions are wheat and other grains, cotton, and indigo. Tlie towns are Mooltan, Buhawulpoor, and Ooch. The inhabitants are principally Juts, with Eeloochees, iSikhs, and Hindoos. The inhabi- tants of Buhawulpoor style them- selves Daoodpootras, or descendants of Daood, from a celebrated chief of that name. The religion is princi- pally Mahomedanism, and the lan- guage generally the dialect spoken in Lahore, and called the Punjabee. MOOLTAN, one of the most ancient cities in India, in the province of Mooltan, stands in Lat. 30 deg. 9 min. N., Long. 71 deg. 7 min. E., four miles from the left bank of the Chenab. This was formerly the capital of a Hindoo kingdom, and subsequently the residence of a viceroy of the Emperor of Delhi. MOOM, or MUM, a species of wax, like cobbler's-wax, found in Persia. De Bode says, " Near the Straits of Tengi-Teko, from whence the Kur- distan river issues into the plain above the ruins of Arrijan, and not far from the village of Peshkur, is a fissure high up in the mountains, out of which runs a black substance resembling pitch, which is gathered by the natives, and is much esteemed in Persia for its healing qualities, especially for bruises and fractures. It is called mitmia, and sometimes mumia-i-Nai, from the name of the village Nai-deh, which lies at the foot of these mountains. The fissure was doubtless originally ijroduced by a volcano now extinct. At the time Sliiraz was visited by an earth- quake, Behbehan likewise felt its effects ; the rest of the hill, from whence the mumia oozed out spar- ingly, was widened, and since that time it runs out more abundantly, but the quality is said to be deterior- ated." MOONSHEE, or linguist, ordinarily a teacher of some language, particu- larly the Persian, Hindostanee, and Hindee, though numbers are em- ployed only as interpreters, or as scribes. Learning is their sole pur- suit ; and so far as that can reach in a country where but little is inider- stood of philosophj'and mathematics, some of them advance themselves considerably. Generally speaking, however, a few volumes of tales, the lives of those great men who have either invaded or ruled the empire, some moral tracts, and the Koran ({ormoo7iskees are i\Iussulmans), con- stitute the acquirements of this class of servants. MOONSLFF, literally, a just and equi- MO MU 157 table man ; officially, a native justice or judge. MOORADABAD, a town in India, in the province of Delhi, stands on the western bank of the river Kamgunga, in Lat. 28 deg. 51 niin. N., Long. 78 42 min. E. It is one of the most populous and flourishing commercial towns in the province. IMOORSHEDABAD, a town in India, in the province of Bengal, situated on both sides of the most sacred branch of the river Ganges, named the Bhagerattee, or Cossimbazar river, about 120 miles above Cal- cutta, in Lat. 24 deg. 11 min. N., Long. 88 deg. 15 min. E. It is a large, but very meanly built city, and contains about 160,000 inhabi- tants. In 1704, it became the capital of Bengal, and continued so until superseded by Calcutta. It is now the principal civil station of the district, and a place of extensive inland traffic. Z^TOORUT, a Hindoo idol. jMOPILLAS, a tribe of Arabs settled on the Malabar coast. They are chiefly pedlars by profession. MORAII, Hindostanee. Afoot-stool; often a seat formed of cane, circular at the top, and contracted in the centre, somewhat in the shape of an hour- glass. They are conmionly covered with cloth, varnished, and painted •witli representations of flowers, ani- mals, fanciful arabesques, &c. jilORIJA-FEROSII, literally, a sweeper of dead bodies or skulls; a menial of great utility to the dwellers on the banks of the Ganges, whose olfac- tories .are often disturbed by the prox- imity of putrid carcases, which the receding tide leaves upon the shore. MOSQUE, Arabic. A temple, or place of religious adoration among the Mahomedans. All mosques are square buildings, generally con- structed of stone. Kvcry mosquo lias six high towers, called minarets, from tlience, instead of a bell, tlie people are summoned to prayers by certain appointed ])ersons. Each iuosq[UC has also a place called tarbe, which is the burying-place of its founders; within it is a tomb, with several seats round it, for those who read the Koran and pray for the souls of the deceased. MOULMEIN, a town in India, the princijial one in the British province of Ava, being the chief military station. It lies nearly opposite to the Burmese town of Martaban, and is 27 miles higher up the river Saluen than Amherst. MUCKUN- WALL Alls, in Bengalee, butter-men. In Bombay, Muska- wallah is the term. MUEZZINS, Mahomedans, whose business it is to ascend the minarets or steeples of the mosques and call the people to prayer. The cry is uttered in a loud shrill voice, and in a musical measure. It is a substi- tute for the " church-going bell." MUFFRUSHES, travelling packages used in Persia. MUFTI, the chief of the Mahomedan religion in Turkey. MUG UAH, heavy wooden clubs with handles, used by the Jiativcs of India after the fashion of dumb-bells, to expand the chest, strengthen the muscles, and render the joints supple. The dexterity with which the up- country Rajpoots, the sepoys, &c., use these implements, is perfectly astonishing. MUGGRA, sulky. A Hindostanee term. MUGS, natives of the coast of Arracan. They formerly committed great de- predati(jns in the river Ganges, but since the war with the Burmese in 1824 and 1825 they have settled down into domestics, seamen, sepoys, or rustics. MUHANUDDEE, the. A river in India, which rises in the province of Gondwana, it is supposed near Ky- ragur. It runs eastward, in a very winding course, of 550 miles, tlirough Gondwana and Orissa, and falls into tlie Bay of Bengal in the district of Cuttack. Diamonds of good quality are found in this river. MUUUL, literaUy signifying "the 158 MU MU place," but meaning the residence of the ladies in any large house in India, to allude to whom among polished Moslems is considered very impolite, and whom to name would be an in- sult. This feeling, originating and strongly existing among the Mos- lems, lias partially spread among the Hindoos, even among the lower classes, who might be supposed less scrupulous in these matters. It is no uncommon thing to hear a woman of low caste addressed, not by lier oAvn name, but by that of lier son, as " Arce Teencouree Ki Ma" — " Hollo, mother of Master Tliree-farthings," for such names does it delight them to give their sons. MUHULEH, a word in Persia an- swering to Okel in Turkey. The " quarter" of a city assigned to Jews, Christians, or other sects. MUN, or MAUND, an Indian Aveight, equivalent to one hundred pounds troy. MUNDOOGURH, or MANDOO, in the province of Malwa, in India. The place is now in ruins, and unin- habited, but it was formerly much celebrated as the capital of the Pathan sovereigns of Malwa during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It was then twenty-eight miles in circumference, and contained many splendid edifices, the ruins of which still remain. MUNDOOK, the bull-frog. These amphibious reptiles grow to an enor- mous size in India, and croak witli a vehemence and force unknown in England. MUNGHLA, in Hindoo mythology, is the Mars of the Hindoos. He is one of the planets, and is of the Kettrio caste. He Avas produced from the sweat of Siva's brow; and is painted of a red or flame-colour, with four arms, holding in his hands a trident, a club, a lotus, and a spear. MUNTUR, . or MUNTKA -WAL- LAHS, men who pretend to tlie art of magic. They are generally Brahmuns, trading upon the ignorance andcreihi- lity of the masses. They affect the power to work miracles througli the agency of rice, battasahs (sweet- meats), gooJal (red powder), incense, and incantations. MUNTUKS, or MUNTRAS, prayers, orisons. MUSALCHEE, an Indian domestic, like unto the scullion in British households, but who looks to being one day a Khedmutgar, and who has even attained, though in rare in- stances, the Khansamaship itself. The analogy between the Musalchee and tlie scullion, indeed, is not com- plete in all its parts: for the former cleans knives, jilates, spoons, glasses, &c., and does, in a word, the under work of the butler's pantry, which is somewhat above the performance of the nymph of the scullery. MUSHED, the burying-placeof Imaura Reza, the eighth Imaum of the Sheah . Mahometans, who was poisoned aS Toos, in Khorasan, by Mamoon, son of Caliph Ilaroon al Rasheed. MUSHROOT, Hindostanee. Stipu- lated, conditional. As applied to grants of lands, it signifies that the grants are, either wholly or in part, to be appropriated to particular uses. MUSJEED, a Mahomedan mosque. The word is more frequently used in India than in Persia, though the thing itself is equally common in botli coimtries. MUSNUD, the Hindostanee word for a throne. MOSQUITOES, large gnats, which swarm in India, and inflict irritating wounds upon men and animals. At night the attacks of these insects, especiafly during the hot and damp months, are incessant, rendering sleep (except under gauze curtains tucked under the bedding) an im- possibility. Europeans in India often wear loose trousers passing imder the feet, or stockings bagged over the instep, for the protection of their nether limbs from the attacks of musquitoes when the legs are under a table. Scratching the parts stung by the musquitoes often causes very serious sores upon healthy persons MU MU 159 newly arrived from England, which Bores leave a mark for a very consi- derable time. MUSSALAH, curry-stuff. The in- gredients wiiich go to the composi- tion of a dish of curry, minus the fish or meat. MUSSOOREE, a European station in the Himalaya Mountains, about 8000 feet above the level of the sea. Its proximity to the principal mili- tary stations of INIeerut, Cawnpore, &c., causes it to be much resorted to in the hot season. MUSSUCIv, the leathern bag, composed of the entire skin of a sheep, in which the hheestie,puckauly, or water- carrier, transports the water taken from the tanks or wells for house or camp use in India. MUSSULMAN, a true believer, one resigned to God. The Mahomedans modestly arrogate the title to tliem- selves as the only elect of God. MUTHA KAMRLTsGA {averrhoa carambola), the star apple.Of this very handsome and valuable fruit there are two varieties in India, theacid and the sweet kind ; the latter of which is only eaten (when boiled) with various dishes, to which, like tlie tamarind, it gives its acid flavour ; and an acid stew or curry is a favourite dish with eastern nations. The rich taste of the star apple, of wliich the flavour of the best kinds, when fully ripe, resembles more that of apple jelly or marmalade than any otlier to which we can compare it, has made it a favourite in almost every country, except with the English in India, who, generally speaking, know little of the fruit, and less of its invaluable properties for the sick. The tree is small, but of handsome appearance; the leaves are sensitive, when somewhat rouglily handled, and are by the Malays, and even by the natives of India, often eaten as sorel, to which family the tree be- longs. MUTTRA, or MATITURA, a town in India, in the province of Agra, situ- ated on the west bank of the river Jumna, in Lat. 27 deg. 31 min. IT., Long. 77 deg. 33 min. E. Tiiis is a place of great antiquity, much cele- brated in the legends of the Hindoos, by whom it is supposed to be sacred. On account of its position, it is still considered one of the principal towns in the province, and forms an English mihtary station. Muttra must be the same word as, or, at least, have some connection with, the IVIithra or Sun God of the ancient Persians; and hence, probably, they derived tlie leading features of their simple and sublime superstition, — magni- ficent tndy; for if any palliation can be foiind for him who bows to the creature rather than to the Creator, it must be for the sun-worshipper, who prostrates himself in gratitude, awe, and wonder, before the resplen- dent glories of the god of day. Mathura. contains many curious and ancient buildings, some of them in a ruinous state; they are for the most part complex and irregular, some having courts, cloisters, and arcades, with ghauts or flights of steps, over- shadowed by trees, leading from them to the Jumna. The construc- tion of sucli works of utility confers a well-earned fame on the wealthy in India, and they have a saying, that the man is sure of heaven, " who digs a well, plants a grove, and be- comes the father of a child." About these sacred edifices, numerous Brahmuns, mendicants, and other pious Hindoos, maj'' be seen inces- santly engaged in bathing, anointing their brazen gods, blowing* conchs, and in the other ten thousand and one idle observances and foolish mummeries of this most extraordi- nary sui)erstition, which furnishes one of the strongest examples extant of how completely forms and cere- monies, unduly multiplied, tend to encourage indolence and destroy all mental vigour. About the Ghauts where the jieople batlic are swarms of fish and turt'c, the latter so voracious, and in such a hurry to bo fed, that instances have been "known 160 MU MU of their seizing young children by the feet, when the parents have been washing lliem, and dragging them into the stream in a moment. In one part of the town is a large mansion, in the Hindoo taste, and not far from it a fine, but dilapidated mosque, constructed on the spot where once stood a Hindoo temjile of considerable sanctity, built by a prince of celebrity, whose fame still lives amongst his grateful and ad- miring countrymen in Bundelkhund. Matura, or jMuttra, must be one of the paradises of monkeys, for in no part of the world are they more cherished and respected. Even princes consider it an honour to contribute to their comfort and sup- port. The place absolutely swarms with them, and in riding through the narrow and crooked streets, they may be every where seen, gambolling, pilfering, nursing their young, or engaged in those entomological re- searches to Avhich these quadrupeds are so much addicted. Every now and then you stumble on a young one, who shows his little teeth and grins with terror, or, perched on the corner of some temple, or on the wall of a bunyah's shop, you en- counter some stolid old fellow, de- voured apparently Avith chagrin and melancholy, avIio, however, no sooner catches a glimpse of the strange- looking topee wala (hat-man), than, arousing from his trance, he becomes endued with astonishing animation and fury, gnashing his teeth as you pass, • in a manner unequivocally hostile. The monkeys are usually of the common greyish-green sort ; nevertheless, the Hanuman, or great black-faced ape, Avhich is a very fine creature, is common enough. The Hanuman is he who cuts so conspicuous a figure in the history of Hindoo supersti- tions; who is the hero of some of their tales, and so frequently repre- sented both by painting and sculp- ture in their temples. The Ha- numans do not associate with the other monkeys ; no doubt it would be i7ifra dig. in monkeys of such high historical pretensions to do so. In certain parts of the town are ter- races a few feet high, and of a circu- lar form, on which, at certain times of the day, the monkeys are fed; the Brahmun, or he Avhose duty it is to cater for them, after spreading out the grain, makes a signal, and the tribe of satyrs, great and small, come trooping down from the trees and house-tops, and are soon busily en- gaged. MUTWALLAH, a Hindoo phrase, signifying a drunken fellow. MUZEEA, a cultivated field sown, or ready for sowing. In the Northera Circars (q. v.) the term implies a component part of a monza, or village. MYSORE, a province of India, bounded on the north by the Dooab and Ceded Districts ; east, by the mountain3 separating it from the Carnatic, Baramahal, and Salem; south, by Coimbatoor; and Avest, by Koorg, Malabar, and Kanara. It is divided into three great districts, namely, Chutakul or Chittledroog, Nugger or Bednore, and Puttun or Seringa- patam. The largest of the three, Chittledroog, which occupies the northern part of the province, con- sists of an extensive open plain. It is not very fertile, not being well supplied with water, but it abounds with sheep. Nugger is situated in the midst of the western mountains, and is for the greater part covered Avith forest, producing abundance of sandal wood, pepper, betel, and car- damoms. This district Avas formerly an independent principality, under a Hindoo rajah. In 1762 it was conquered by Hyder Ali, Avho an- nexed it to Mysore, Avith which it has since remained. The Puttun district is partly mountainous and partly plain, and abounds with rocky hills and forest. The principal rivers are the Toombudra, Vedavuth, Pennar, Panar, Patar, and Cavery, all of which, except the Cavery, have IVIY their sources in tliis province. This province presents every variety of appearance in its different districts. It is enclosed on two sides by the Eastern and Western mountains, or ghauts, and tlius forms an elevated table-land, from which rise clusters of lofty hills, containing the sources of nearly all the rivers which water the low countries adjacent. The altitude of the level land varies from 1800 to 3000 feet above the sea! Sivagunga, which is the highest hill in the province, is 4600 feet above the sea. Mysore produces rice, raggy, wheat, and other grains; sugar, betel, opiimi, castor-oil, and various other articles. Kaggy, or ragee, is the grain principally cul- tivated, as it forms the food of all the poorer classes. The western forests yield rich supplies of sandal and other valuable woods. Sheep are very numerous — red, white, and black ; and there is also an inferior breed of horses. Mysore abounds in iron ore, which is Avorked by the natives, but in a very imper- fect manner. Its principal manu- factures are black and M'hite cumlics and woollen carpets, and shawls. Cotton manufactures are few and of inferior qualities. Tiie principal towns are Ilurryhar, Chittledroog, Kuggur, Simooga, Sera, Colar ban- galore, Seringapatam, and Mysore. The inhabitants of the ]irovince, or Jlysoreans, are chiefly Hindoos, and the}' are generally stouter and taller than the people of the Carnatic. There are also considerable nunihers of Maliomedans dispersed tluvjugh different jiarts. The total jiopula- tion is estimated at about 3,000,0(10. The religion is Ilindooisin and Ma- honicdanism. The general language of the province is the Karnataka, or Kanarese. The official documents of the government are usually written in Mahratee. MYSORE, a city in India, the ancient and present capital of the province of Mysore, situated about nine miles south from Seringapatam. The NA 161 town is large and poptdous, and the fort, which is separated from it, is built in imitation of the European style. The rajah's palace is inside the fort, and the British residency, on a rising ground, a short distance outside. A large tank extends from near the fort towards the foot of Mysore hill, Avhich is a conical mountain, about 1000 feet high, rising from the plain at five miles' distance from the city. On the summit is a house belonging to the British rcsidencj', and on the south- western declivitj', in the midst of a Brahmun village, there are two pagodas of great repute, to which the raj all is accustomed to make an annual visit. Lower down, on the same part of the hill, is a figure of a bull, sixteen feet high, cut cmt of the rock. The name Mysore, or as it is termed by the natives Mysoor, is a corruption of Mahesh Usoora, a fa- bulous monster of Hindoo mytho- logj'. K NAGA, the hooded serpent; the copra di capclla of the Hindoos. NAG-EN TAEA. See Gakuda. NAGORE, or NAGOOR, a town in India, situated in the district of Tan- jore, in the province of Southern Car- natic; lies on the coast, thirteen miles south of Tranqucbar. It is a popu- lous and busy place, and possesses a number of trading vessels, some of them of a considerable size. The main branch of the Nagore river forms its harbour. There is hero a curious minar, 150 feet high, and several mosques, erected at difi'erent times l)y the nabobs of the Carnatic. NAGPOlvK, a city in Indiji, the capi- tal of the province of (.londwana, and of the Blionsla Mahratta State, is situated in Lat. 21 deg. 9 min. N., Long. 79 deg. 11 min. E. It is a large town, but meanly built, and its site is low and swamjn'. It con- tains about 11,>,000 iidiabitants of various classes. 162 NA NA NAGREE, the character used in San- scrit works, and sometimes called the Deva Nagree. NAIB, a deputy or under law officer in Indian courts. NAIK, or NAIGUE, leader, conduc- tor, chief; petty military officer. In the Indian army, the title is applied to a non-commissioned officer Avhose rank and duties correspond Avith those of a corporal. NAIE, chief, head-man. The N"airs are a peculiar description of Hindoo, principally of the military class, who hold lands in Malabar. NAKSIIATRA, the twenty-seven lu- nar mansions, or daily positions of the moon in the Hindoo Zodiac; and as, to perfect the revolutions, some odd hours are required, they have added another not included in the regular chart, NALKEE, a litter, only used by the highest classes of Mahomedan princes in India. It is one of the three great insignia which the Mo- gul Emperors of Delhi conferred upon independent princes of the first class, and could never be used by any person upon whom, or upon whose ancestors, they had not been so conferred. There were the Nal- kee, the Order of the Fish, and the fan of the peacock's feathers. These insignia could be used only by the prince who inherited the sovereignty of the one on whom they had been originally' conferred. See Mahee IMORATUB. NANCAE, Ilindostanee. Literally, bread for work, stated to be land given by the amiJs, or, nazini, or the zumeendars, choictlries, taluohdars, for some service performed. It was, however, an allowance received by tha zumeendar,v;\\i\e he administered the concerns of the zumeendary, from government, without reference to proprietary right. When he did not administer the affiiirs of tlie zu- meendary no nancar Avas allowed. NANDAIll, a town in India, in the province of Eeder, situated on tlie north bank of the river Godavery, 135 miles northerly and westerly from Hyderabad, in Lat. 19 deg. 3 min. N., Long. 77 deg. 38 min. E. It is a large and populous town, and was the capital of Nandair, when it was a distinct province of the Moo- ghul Empire. At this place there is a Sikh college, erected on the spot where Gooroo Govind is supposed to have been assassinated, and many of the inhabitants are of the Sikh sect. NARA-SINGII, m Hindoo mythology, the fourth (]\ran-Lion) of Vishnu's avatars. In this avatar Vishnu took the form of another monster, to punish the wickedness of a profane and unbelieving monarch. NAEAYAjSTA, in Hindoo mythology, this appellation is claimed by the followers of the three principal dei- ties for the three several objects of their worship. Thus, Brahma was Narayana ; the Vishnaivas bestowed the title upon their god Vishnu; and the Saivas xipon Siva. Nara- yana is the spirit of the supreme god; but, as the Hindoos, when they lost sight of an unity of worship, endowed their idol with his essence, Narayana may he, as above stated, Brahma, Vishnu, or Siva, and is sometimes even Ganesha. Jsarayani, his sactt, may be, accordingly, Sur- aswati, Lakshmi, or Parvati. Vish- n\i is, however, in common usage, called Narayana, in which character he is fabled to be sleej^ing on the serpent Shesha, or Auanta, on the waters of Eternity, and causing the creation of the world. He is also described with his toe in his mouth, reposing in like manner on the leaf of the lotus. NARAYUN BAWA, the name of a remarkable cliild, who, from his power of controlling serpents, was supposed to haA'e a divine origin, and regarded by thousands of Mah- rattas,"in 1829-30, as the Slessiah, The mania regarding tliis boy was extraordinary as long as he lived, but his death, by the bite of a ser- pent, put an end to the niusion. NAEEDA, in Hindoo mythology, a NA NA 163 son of Brahma and Suras^rati, the messenger of the gods, and the in- ventor of the veena, or Ilindoo lute. He was a wise legislator, an astro- nomer, and a musician, but a distin- guished warrior. NARGAS, a pilao, consisting of the flesli of a fat lamb well pounded in a mortar with cloves, cmuamon, and other spices, and then used in cover- ing a imcleus of half a hard boiled egg, the yellow and white of which was meant to represent a nargas, or narcissus. NARGHEEL, a smallpipe of thehookah family. KAIIGIL, the cocoa-nut tree in South- ern India. NARNAC, the founder of the religion of the Sikhs of the Punjab.' His father Avas a merchant living upon the banks of the Beas, who wished his son to follow the same profitable calling. Narnac, hov/ever, had learnt, partly by intuition, partly by read- ing tlie sacred books of the Hindoos, and partly by conversing with Fa- keers (wandering beggars, who as- sume a character for sanctity), that the sole uses of wealth were to suc- cour the poor. Acting upon this impression, he did what we should l)erhaps consider to evince a loose- ness of moral principle — he gave away to the mendicants aU the money with which he was in- trusted to purchase salt, and even distributed among the poor the whole of the contents of a granary coumiitted to his charge. After this, it was naturally thought dan- gerous to employ him, and he was, accordingly, left to his own resources. Narnac then adopted the profession of the wandering Fakeers, and went about to all the Hindoo places of pilgrimage, and the holy spots at Jledina and Mecca, where Ma- homed had been born and buried, preaeliing the doctrines of the Unity and tlie Onniipresence of God. He Avas careful in his teaching not to oHend the opinions and prejudices of others, his object behig rather to explain and defend his own. To discord ho professed himself a foe, whose sole purpose was to reconcile the two faiths of the Hindoos and the IMahomedaus by recaUing them to that great original truth, the basis of their creeds, the Unity of God. Narnac suflfered much dur- ing his travels from climate, priva- tion, and the persecution of zealots of all faiths; but the purity of his life, his great patience with which he endured every calamity and every reproach, carried him through his pilgrimage, and he died respected by myriads, and leaving thousands of disciples to propagate tiie simple doctrines of his faith. In all, but the circumstances of his birth, and death, and the character of his tenets, we may trace a close resemblance between the life of Narnac and that of the founder of the Chris- tian religion. Each manifested a total indifference to worldly pos- sessions — each trusted to his own powers of persuasiveness— each was patient and uncomplaining — and each bequeathed to the communi- ties among whicli they moved apostles lull of devotion and earnest- ness, Avho perfected the good work their principals had begun. Narnac expounded his doctrines before the fierce and intolerant Persian Empe- peror Baber, but, instead of being scolled at and put to death, he was honoured for his courage and sim- phcity. The IMahomedan govern- ment, though ordinarily cruel and tyrannical, did not indeed adopt his doctrines, but they respected the manner in which they were urged. When Narnac died, at least one hundred thousand i)crsons had be- come converts to his doctrines. These persons were called Siiciis, from the Sanscrit word sic-sha, which is a general term, denoting ilisciple, or clevoted follower. Nar- nac had begun a book called the Granth, wliich contained the ele- mentary principles of his faith. Tliis book was coutiuued by his succcs- U2 164 NA NA. sors, and is now the bible of the Sikhs. NARNOOL, a town in India, m the province of Agra, situated in Lat. 28 deg. 5 min. N., Long. 75 deg. 52 min. E., about ninety miles south- westerly from Delhi, is the frontier town of the territories belonging to the rajah of Jypore. It is a place of consideraljle antiquity, but at present of little importance. NARNULLA, a fortified town inlndia, in the iirovince of Berar, situated about forty miles N.W. of Ellichpore, Lat. 21 deg. 40 min. N., Long. 77 deg. 30 min. E. It is an ancient town, and has always been a place of note in the province. NASSACKJEE, tlie Persian term for an execTitioner. NASSUCK, a town in India, in the province of Aurungabad, in Lat. 19 deg. IG min. N., Long. 73 deg. 5G min. E. It is a large town, con- taining about 30,000 inliabitants, principally Erahmuns, and is nnich resorted to as a jjlace of pil- grimage. In the neighbourhood are some extensive Booddhist exca- vations. NAUTCH, an Indian entertainment, of which dancing forms the chief element ; not, however, where the guests dance, but where they wit- ness certain evolutions dignified by the appellation of dancing. The native of Inilia does not condescend to Terpsichorean indidgence. He pre- fers to be a spectator of the gesticu- lations of others who make a trade of the "light fantastic," and are called nautch girls. These girls are of different kinds. The most respect- able are the mceraseens, sometimes called cloominca; though the real doo- rninca exhibit in public before men, which tlie meeraseens never do. The word meeras means an inheritaiicv, and meeraseen an inheritress, from the custom, in certain families, of never changing the set. As the meeraseens are never accompanied by male minstrels, they seldom play on other instruments than drums of different kinds, such as the fabla, dholuk, and munjeera ; though the meeraseens never per- form before assemblies of men, yet the husband and his sons may be present. Tliey are modest and chaste in their manners and dress; but, notwithstanding this, it sometimes liappens that a fair meerusecn at- tracts the attention of the male part of the family. The kunchenee are of an opposite stamp : they dance and sing for the aumsement of the male sex, and in every respect are at their command. They are attended by male minstrels, to whom they are often married. It is said these women always consider their first lover as their real Imsband during the rest of their lives; and, on his death, though they should be married to another, they leave oft' their pursuits for a proscribed period, and mourn, agreeably to the custom of widows. They do not consider any part of their profession either disgraceful or criminal. There are many otlier kinds of dancing women, such as Iworkenees, bazeegarnees, dharec, &c., &e. In dancing, the nautch-girls present very pic- turesque figures, though somewhat encumbered by the voluminous folds of tlieir drapery. Their attire consists of a pair of gay-coloured silk trou- sers, edged and embroidered with silver or gold lace, so long as only to afford occasional glimpses of the rich anklets, strung with small bells, which encircle the legs. Their toes are covered with rings, and a broad, flat, silver chain is passed across the foot. Over the trousers a petticoat of some rich stufl" appears, contam- ing at least twelve breadths, pro- fusely trinuned, having broad silver or gold borders, finished with deep fringes of the same. The coortee, or vest, is of the usual dimensions, but it is almost hidden by an immense veil, which crosses the bosom seve- ral times, hanging down in front and at the back in broad ends, either trimmed to match the iietticoat, or NA NE 165 composed of still more splendid ma- terials, tb.e rich tissues of Benares. The hands, arms, and neck are covered with jewels, sometimes of great value, and the hair is hraided ■with silver ribbons, and confined with bodkins of beautiful workman- ship. The ears are pierced round the top, and furnished with a fringe- like series of rings, in addition to the ornament worn in England : the diameter of the nose-ring is as large as that of a crown piece; it is of gold wire, and very thin; a pearl and two other precious gems are strung upon it, dangling over the mouth, and disfiguring the countenance. With the exception of this hideous article of decoration, the dress of the natitch -girls, when the wearers are young and handsome, and have not adopted the too-prevailing custom of blackening their teeth, is not only splendid, but becoming; but it re- quires, however, a tall and graceful figure to support the cumbrous ha- biliments Avhich are worn indiscri- minately by all the performers. The nautch-girls of India are singers as well as dancers; they commence the vocal part of the entertainment in a high, shrill key, which they sustain as long as they can ; they have no idea whatsoever of modulating their voices, and tiie instruments wliich form the accompaniment are little less barbarous; these consist of non- descript guitarsand very small kettle- drums, wliich cliime in occasionally, making sad havoc Avith the original melodies, some of Avhich are sweet and plaintive. The dancing is even more strange, and less interesting than the music ; tlie performers rarely raise their feet from the ground, but shuffle, or, to use a more poetical, though not so expressive a phrase, glide along tlie door, rais- ing their arms, and veiling or un- veiling as they advance or describe a circle. Tiie same evolutions arc repeated, with the most unvarying monotony, and are continued until the appearance of a new set of dancers gives a hint to the preced- ing party to withdraw. NAWAB, a species of Mahomedan sovereign ; a very great deputy, vicegei'ent, or viceroy. The governor of a province under the ftlogul government, and popularly called by the English a nabob. The title of Nawab is also by courtesy often given to persons of high rank or station. It was formerly used (under the corrupticm nabob) to designate wealthy Englishmen who returned from India laden with wealth. NAZIM, composer, arranger, adjuster. The first officer or governor of an Indian province, and minister of the department of criminal justice under the native government; styled also N'aivab and Souhahdar. NAZlli, Ilindostanee. A supervisor, or inspector. NEAKDAKHY, Ilindostanee. Hold- ing or keeping safe or well ; safe- guard. Perquisites or fees received or collected from the ryots, being shares of the produce of their lands appropriated to partieidar public officers in the village, or other per- sons. KEELA, blue; indigo. NEEL GHAE, the blue cow; the nyl- ghau. NEEL WALLAH, literally, blue- fellow ; an indigo planter. NEE.MU CII, in the province of Ajmere, in India, situated about forty miles to the south-eastward of Cliitore, is the principal British station in the province. NEEMUCKY, saline, salt; salt lands. NEGArATAM, a town in India, in the district of Tanjore, in the province of Southern Carnatic, situated on the coast, twenty miles south of Trancpiebar, in Lat. 10 (leg. 45 min. N., Long, 79 deg. 54 min. E. This place, originally a Portuguese settle- ment, was taken in lOGO by the Dutch, who maik is said to have been built by one of the au- N cient rajahs of Rutturpoor, a district of Gondwana, and to contain an image of Bhavani; under whose name the consort of Siva is wor- shipped in this part of the country. Tlie blessings derived from these lakes and rivers, and the wise en- forcement of the ablutions enjoined by the religious worship performed upon their banks, render every stream sacred in the eyes of tlie Hin- doos, and no doubt led, in the first instance, to the gratitude to the Di- vine Dispenser of all good gifts, which, corrupted into idolatry, is now, by the perversion so unfortu- nately connected Avith the gross no- tions entertained of the Creator of the Universe by ignorant men, ren- dered absurd and contemptible. In tracing, however, the superstitions of a nation to tlieir source, Ave gene- rally find that they have originated in something natural and praise- worthy. OOMKAWUTTI, a town in India, in the province of Berar, situated thirty-four miles south-easterly from EUichpore, in Lat. 20 deg. 54 min. N., Long. 77 deg. 57 min. E. It is a large and populous toAvn, and a place of considerable inland trafiic. OOREEAHS, i. e., natives of the pro- vince of Orissa, who seek emjiloyment at the several presidencies of India as bearers. The Ooreahs are, in some respects, excellent servants ; they are very careful of furniture; and being able-bodied men in general, are capable, Avhen bearing a palan- keen, of proceeding great distances; they are, besides, cleanly in their persons and neat in their dress; Avhich, howcA'er, consists merely of a cloti/, folded round the middle, and tucked in, togetlicr Avith a Avrapper, to be thrown oA^cr tlieni in very inclement Aveatlicr, but usu- ally carried over the shoulder. When their heights are unequal, they use a small quilted pad of linen, stufli'd Avitli rags or cotton, Avhich is suspen-ing manner: — The leaves are cleaned and the stalks removed up to their very centres; four or five leaves are then laid one above the other, when the upper one is smeared with shell-lime, a little moistened with Avater. The seeds of the elat- ckce, or cardamom, are added, to- gether with about the fourth part of a betel-nut (the areka), and, the whole being lapped up by folding the leaves over their contents, the little packet is kept together in its due form, which is usually triangu- lar, by means of a slice of betel-nut, cut into a thin wedge, so as to trans- fix it completely. It is in its pre- pared state that the pawn acquires the name oi' paimsooparec. The chew- ing of pawn (which occasions the saliva to be tinctured as red as bloodj is certainly fragrant, and an excellent stomachic ; but its too frequent use produces costiveness, which, in India, ever induces serious illness. The saliva will not be tinctured, if the churram (/. c, the lime) be omitted; hence it is evident that the alkali produces the colour from the juices contained in the paivti. The colour thus obtained does not stain linen. Some use the k'hiit, whicii is tlie same as our Terra Japvnicu, and is procured by l)leed- ing various kinds of trees, principally the mimosa, abounding in most of the jungles (or Mildcrnesses). Some persons attribute the blackness of the teeth, in Iwlh mak's and females, throughout India, to tlie use of tlie yaivii ; under the opinion tliat tlie discoloration is effected by the lime 184 PE PE blendcil therein. Such is, however, wide of the fact: pawn is found to be highly favourahie to the gums when the Hme is omitted ; and so sensilile are tliose who chew it of the had effects produced by the alkali upon the enamel of the teeth, that in order to i)reserve them from corrosion, they rub them frequently with the preparation called missee ; thereby coating them with that black substance, which does not readily give way, even to the most powerful dentrifice. PEADAII, the name by which peons (q. V.) are known in Bengal. r-ED'R SUKTEH, Persian. The most common term of abuse in a Persian's mouth. It implies one whose father is burning in eternal lires. PEEK-DAUN, an Indian spitting- pot, made generally of phool, which is a very tolerable kind of tuten ague. PEEPUL, an Indian tree (Jicus indicus Jicus religiosa). It is found in great abundance, and, as some suppose, grows spontaneously ; assuredly it rises in most extraordinary places, and often to the great detriment of public buildings, growing out of the cement which connects stones and bricks, and by the violence of its pressure gradually destroying the edifices. The branches of the yoiing peepul afford a grateful shade, and the growth of the tree is, therefore, encouraged by the natives. It makes its appearance by the sides of the flights of stone-steps leading down to bowlics or large wells, above the domes of mosques, through the walls of gardens, &c. No Hindoo dares, and no Christian or Mahome- dan will condescend to lop off the Leads of these young trees, and, if the}' did, it would only put off the evil and inevitable day, for such are the vital powers of their roots, when they have once penetrated deeply into a building, that they will send out their branches again, cut them off as often as you may, and carry on their internal attack with un- diminished vigour. " iSfo wonder," says Colonel Sleeman, " that super- stition should have consecrated this tree, delicate and beautiful as it is, to the gods. The palace, the castle, the temple, and the tomb, all those works which man is most proud to raise, to spread, and to perpetuate his name, crumble to dust beneath her withering grasp. She rises tri- umphant over them all in her lofty Ijeauty, bearing, high in air, amidst her light green foliage, fragments of the wreck she has made, to show the nothingness of man's greatest efforts." In the very rudest state of society, among the woods and hills of India, the people have some deity whose power they di'ead, and whose name they invoke when much is supposed to depend upon the truth of what one man is about to declare. The peepul tree being everywhere sacred to the gods, who are supposed to delight to sit among its leaves and listen to the music of their rustling, the deponent takes one of these leaves in his hand, and invokes the god who sits above him, to crush him, or those dear to liim, as he crushes the leaf in his hand; if he speaks any thing but the truth ; he then plucks and crushes the leaf, and states what he has to say. The large cotton tree is, among the wild tribes of India, the favourite seat of gods still more terrible, because their superintendence is confined exclu- sively to the neighbourhood, and having their attention less occupied, they can venture to make a more minute scrutiny into the conduct of the people immediatelj' around them. The peepul is occupied (according to the Hindoos) by one or other of the Hindoo triad, the god of crea- tion, preservation, or destruction, wjio have the affairs of the universe to look after, but the cotton and other trees are occupied by some minor deities, who are vested with a local superintendence over the alliiirs of a district, or, perhaps, of a single village. PEEK. See Wullee. PE PE 185 PEERALEE, a Hindoo avIio lias lost caste by intercourse with Mahome- dans. PEE RAN, from peer, a confessor, or spii'itual guide. Lands set apart for a peer; a Moslem grant. PEGU, a town in the country of Ava, in Asia, formerly the capital of the kingdom of Pegu, situated about ninety miles from liangoon. It was taken in the year 1757 by the Bur- n'.esc, under Alompra,w]io destroyed the city, leaving only the temples, and dispersing all its inhabitants. In 1799, the Burmese government ordered it to be rebuilt, but it has never recovered its former conse- quence, and is now little more than a large, open village. PEISli, KllIDMUT, Persian. A body servant. PEISHWA, guide, leader. The title of the last prime minister of the Mahratta government. PENANG, an island of Asia, situated opposite to the coast of Queda, in Mala3'a, from Avhicli it is separated by a strait two miles broad. It is of an irregular four-sided figure, containing about IGO square miles. It is mountainous and woody, well sup- plied witli water and well-cultivated. Its principal article of produce is pepper. It also yields betel, cotfee, spices, sugar, rice, kayapootce oil, and caoutchouc, commonly named Indian rubljcr. In the forests there is also abundance of excellent timber. The town of Penang, called by the Eng- lish George Town, with a fort named Fort Cornwallis, is situated on the north-eastern corner, in Lat. 5 deg. 25 min. N.. Long. 100 deg. 19 min. E. Tlic liill overlooking the town, on whicli the flag-staff is placed, is tlie highest point in the island, its ek'vatiou being 2248 feet above the sea. 'I'his island, called by the English Prince of Wales' Island, and by the natives Pulo Pe- nang, was granted, in 1785, by the King of Queda, as a marriage por- tion with his daugliter, to Captain Light, of an English country ship, and by him transferred to tlie Bri- tish government. In ISOO, the King of Queda further sold to tlie British a tract on the main land opposite, now called Province Wellesley. Pe- nang is believed to have been peojiled by the Malayas or others in early times; but, when taken possession of by the British, it was one large forest, with no inhabitants, exceptmg a few fishermen on the coasts. Its population is now about 50,000, comprising a mixed assem- blage of almost all the nations of the East, about one-half being iMalays. PENDALLy, huts, temporary bar- racks. The term is only used in Western India. PEXNAR, the, a river in India, which rises in the hills near Nun- dydroog, in the province of llysore. It runs northward until near Gooty, in the province of Balaghat, when it runs to the eastward, and flows be- tween Northern and Central Carnatic into the Bay of Bengal, near Nellore. PEON, a chuprassy, or messenger, who carries letters, runs l)y palan- keens, stands behind carriages, and is also a functionary of consequence. When forming part of the official establishment of a civil servant, he is feared, hated, and outwardly reve- renced by the natives of the district; for tlien he acts as bailiff, process- server, and all manner of hateful things, and invariably turns his power into a source of unlawful pro- fit, from exactions and general cor- ruption. PERGUNNAH, the largest division of a land in a zemindarree. PESIIANU^I, a species of fine Indian rice ; tlie ]>csha/iuin liar vest liegins about tlie latter end of January, and ends about the beginning of June. PESIIAWUK, a city in the country of Afghanistan, in Asia, situated in Lat. 34 deg. G min. N., Long. 71 deg. 13 min. E. It stan