LECTURES VERY REV. FATHER Bl'RKE, JAS. ANTHONY FROri) The English Historian. :, 1 E, TWENTY -FIVE CENTS, PRINTED : 403 S/ LECTURES VERY REV. FATHER BURKE, IN REPLY TO JAS. A. FROUPK, The English H istorian. SAN FRANCISCO : PRINTED BY THE CATHOLIC PUBLICATION CO. 403 SANSOME STREET, CORNER SACRAMENTO. 1872. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. NO course -of lectures ever delivered in America will be so universally read as those delivered by Father BURKE, in reply to Mr. FROUDE. Most of the reports published in the newspapers have been far from complete, but few of them having room for such long lectures ; neither do the publishers of this edition pretend that it is absolutely correct, but they have got the fullest reports possible. These lectures will soon appear, there is no doubt, in book -form, but it is the intention of the CATHOLIC PUBLICATION COMPANY to place all such matter within the reach of every Catholic on the coast, and hence they have issued this cheap edition, and do not expect to receive for it but a very small per centage, if any thing more than the absolute cost. SAN FRANCISCO, December, 1872, / FIRST LECTURE. THE NORMAN INVASION OF IRELAND. T ADIES AND GENTLEMEN : It is a strange fact that the 1 i old battle that has been raging for seven hundred years should continue so far away from the old land. The question on which I am come to speak to you this evening is one that has been disputed at many a council board one that has been disputed on many a well - fought field, and is not yet decided the question between England and Ireland. (Applause.) Among the visitors to American who came over this year, there was one 'gentleman distinguished in Europe for his style of writing and for his historical knowledge the author of several works which have created a profound sensation, at least for originality. MR. FROUDE'S PURPOSE. Mr. Fronde has frankly stated that he come over to this country to deal with England and with the Irish question, viewing these from an English stand -point; that, like a true man, he came to America to make the best case that he could for his own country ; that he came to state that case to an American public as to a Grand Jury, and to demand a verdict from them, the most extraordinary that was ever yet demanded from any people, namely : the declaration that England was right in the manner in which she has treated my native land for seven hundred years. (Applause.) It seems, according to this learned gentleman, that we Irish have been badly treated . that he confesses ! but he puts in, as a plea, that we only got what we deserved. (Laughter and applause. ) " It is true, " he says, "we have governed them badly ; the reason is, because it was impossible to govern them rightly. It is true that we have robbed them the reason is, because it was a pity to leave them their own they made such bad use of it. It is true, we have persecuted them ; the reason is, persecution was a fashion of the time and the order of the day." On these pleas there is not a criminal in prison to-day in the United States that should not instantly get his freedom by acknowledging his crime and pleading some extenuating circumstances. Our ideas about Ireland have been all wrong, it seems. Seven hundred years ago the exigencies of the time demanded the foundation of a strong British Empire ; in order to do this, Ireland had to be conquered, and Ireland was conquered. Since that time the one ruling idea in the English mind has been to do all the good that they could for the Irish. Their legislation and their action has not always been tender, but it has been always beneficent. , They sometimes were severe, but they were severe to us for our own good, and the difficulty of England has been that the Irish, during these long hundreds of years, have never under- stood their own interests or knew what was for their own good. Now, the American mind is enlightened ; and henceforth, no Irishman must complain of the past in this new light in which Mr. Froude puts it before us. Now the amiable gentleman tells us what has been the Irish fate in the past. He greatly fears that we must reconcile to it in the future. He comes to tell us his version of the history of Ireland, and he also comes to solve Ireland's difficulty, and to lead "us out of all the miseries that have been our lot for hundreds of years. SURMISES CONCERNING MR. FROUDE'S MISSION. When he came, many persons questioned what was the motive or the reason of his coming. I have heard people speaking all around me, and assigning to the learned gentle- man this motive or that. Some people said he was an emissary of the English Government ; that they sent him here because they were beginning to be afraid of the rising power of Ireland in this great nation ; that they saw here eight millions of Irish- men by birth, and, perhaps, fourteen millions by descent, and that they knew enough of the Irish to realize that the Almighty God blessed them always with an extraordinary power, not only to preserve themselves but to spread themselves, until, in a few years, not fourteen but fifty millions of descendants of Irish blood and of the Irish race will be in this land. (Great applause.) According to those who thus surmise, England wants to check the sympathy of the American people for their Irish fellow - citizens ; and it was considered that the best way to effect this was to send a learned man, with a plausible story, to this country ; a man with a single power of viewing facts in the light which he wishes himself to view them, and put them before others ; a man with the extraor- dinary power of so mixing up these facts that many simple- minded people will look upon them as he puts them before them as true, and whose mission it was to alienate the mind of Americans from Ireland to - day, by showing what an imprac- ticable, obstinate, accursed race we are. Others, again, surmised that the learned gentleman came for another purpose. They said: "England is in the hour of her weakness ; she is tottering fast and visibly to her ruin ; the dis- ruption of that old empire is visibly approaching ; she is to-day cut off, without an ally in Europe ; her army a cipher, her fleet nothing according to Mr. Reade, a great authority on this question nothing to be compared to the rival fleet of the great Russian power now growing up. When France was paralyzed by her late defeat, England lost her best ally. The three emperors, in their meeting the other day, contemptuously ignored her, and they settled the affairs of the world without so much as mentioning the name of that kingdom, which was once so powerful. Her resources of coal and iron are failing ; her people are discontented, and she is showing every sign of decay. Thus did some people argue that England was anxious for an American alliance ; for, they said, " What would be more natural than that the old, tottering empire should seek to lean on the strong, mighty, vigorous, young arm of America?" I have heard others say that the gentleman came over to this country on the invitation of a little clique of sectarian bigots (laughter) in this country. Men who, feeling that the night of religious bigotry and sectarian bitterness is fast coming to a close before the increasing light of American intelligence and education, (applause) would fain prolong the darkness for an hour or two, by whatever help Mr. Froude could lend them. But I protest to you, gentlemen, here to - night, that I have heard all these motives assigned to this learned man, without giving them the least acceptance. I believe Mr. Froude's motives to be simple, straightforward, honorable and patriotic. (Applause.) I am willing to give him credit for the highest motives, and I consider him perfectly incapable of lending himself to any base or sordid proceeding, from a base or sordid motive. (Applause.) But as the learned gentleman's motives have been so freely canvassed and criticised, and I believe, indeed, in many cases misinterpreted, so my own motives in coming here to-night may be, perhaps, also misinterpreted and misunderstood, unless I state them clearly and plainly. As he is said to come as an emissary of the English Govern- ment, so I may be said, perhaps, to appear as an emissary of rebellion or of revolution ; as he is supposed, by some, to have the sinister motive of alienating the American mind from the Irish citizenship of the States, so I may be suspected of endeav- oring to excite religious or political hatred. Now, I protest these are not my motives ; I am here to-night simply to vindicate the HONOR OF IRELAND IN HER HISTORY. I come here to - night lest any man should think that in this our day, or in any day, Ireland is to be left without a son who will speak for the mother that bore him. FROUDE UNFIT FOR THE TASK. And, first of all, I hold that Mr. Froude is unfit for the task that he has undertaken, for three great reasons : First, because I find in the writings of this learned gentleman that he sol- emnly and emphatically declares that he despairs of ever find- ing a remedy for Ireland, and he gives it up as a bad job. (Laughter.) Here are his words, written in one of his essays a few years ago: "The present hope," he says, "is that by assiduous justice, (that is to say, by conceding every thing that the Irish please to ask) we shall disarm that enmity, and con- vince them of our good will. It may be so ; there are persons sanguine enough to hope that the Irish will be so moderate in what they demand, and the English so liberal in what they grant, that at last we shall fling ourselves into each other's arms in tears of mutual forgiveness. (Laughter.) I do not share that expectation (renewed laughter) ; it is more likely they will push their importunities until at, last, we turn upon them, and refuse to yield further. And there will be a struggle once more ; and either emigration will increase in volume until it has carried the entire race beyond our reach, or, in some shape or other, they will have to be coerced into submission." "Banish them or coerce them;" there is the true English speech. "My only remedy," he emphatically says, "my only hope, my only prospect for the future of Ireland is : Let them all go to America ; have done with the race ; give us an Ireland at last, such as we have endeavored to make, for seven hundred years, a desert and a solitude ; or, if they remain at home, they will have to be coerced into submission.'" I hold that that man has no right to come to America to tell the American people and the Irish in America that he can describe the horoscope of Ireland's future. He ought to be ashamed to attempt it, after having uttered such words. SECOND REASON. The second reason why I say he is unfit for the task of describing Irish history is, because of his contempt for the Irish people. The original sin of the Englishman has ever been his contempt for the Irish. It lies deep, though dormant, in the heart of almost every Englishman. The average Englishman despises the Irishman looks down upon him as a being almost inferior in nature. Now, I speak not from prejudice, but from an intercourse of years, for I have lived among them. I have known Englishmen, amiable and generous themselves, charm- 10 ing characters, who would not, for the whole world, nourish, willfully, a feeling of contempt in their hearts for any one, much less to express it in words ; yet I have seen them mani- fest, in a thousand forms, that contempt for the Irish which seems to be their very nature. [A voice "True ! >; ] I am very sorry to say that I can not make any distinction between the Protestants and Catholics of England in this feeling. I mention this, not to excite animosity or to create bad blood or bitter feeling ; no, I protest this is not my meaning ; but I mention this because I am convinced it lies at the very root of this antipathy and of that hatred between the English and Irish which seem to be incurable ; and I verily believe that, until that feeling is destroyed, you never can have cordial union between these two countries, and the only way to destroy it is, that by raising Ireland, through justice and by home legisla- tion, she will attain such a position that she will enforce and command the respect of her English fellow - subjects. Mr. Froude, himself, who, I am sure, is incapable of any ungenerous sentiment toward any man or any people, is an actual living example of that feeling of contempt of which I speak. In November, 1856, this learned gentleman addressed a Scottish Assembly in Edinburgh. The subject of his address was : " The Effect of the Protestant Reformation upon Scottish Character." Accoiding to him, it made the Scotch the finest people on the face of the earth. Originally fine, they never got their last touch that made them, as it were, archangels among men, until the holy hand of John Knox touched them. On that occasion, the learned gentleman introduced himself to his Scottish audi- ence in the following words: "I have undertaken," he says, "to speak this evening on the effects of the Reformation in Scotland, and I consider myself a very bold person to have come here on any such undertaking ; in the first place, the subject is one with which it is presumptuous for a stranger to meddle. Great national movements can only be understood properly by the people whose disposition they represent. We see, by our own history, that Englishmen only can properly Comprehend it. It is the same with every considerable nation that works cut its o\vfl political and spiritual life through II tempers, humors and passions peculiar to itself, and the same disposition which produces the result is required to inter- pret it afterward." Did the learned gentleman offer any such apology for entering so boldly upon the discussion of affairs? Oh no ! there was no apology necessary ; he was only going to speak of the mere Irish. "ONLY IRISH." There was no word to express his own fears that, perhaps, he did not understand the Irish character on the subject upon which he was about to treat ; there was no apology to the Irish in America the fourteen millions if he so boldly wa^ to take up their history, endeavoring to hold them up as a licen- tious, immoral, irreligious, contemptuous, obstinate, unconquer- able race not at all. It was not necessary they were only Irish. If they were Scottish, then the learned gentleman would have come with a thousand apologies for his own pre- sumption in venturing to approach such a delicate subject as the delineation of the sweet Scottish character, or any thing connected with it. (Laughter and applause.) What, on the other hand, his treatment of the Irish ? I have, in this book before me, words that came from his pen ; and I protest, as I read them, I feel every drop of my blood boil in my veins when the gentleman said: "The Irish, they may be good at the voting booths, but they are not good to handle a rifle." He compares us, in this essay, to a "pack of hounds." He says, "To deliver Ireland ; to give Ireland any meed, would be the same as if a gentleman, addressing his hounds, said : I give you your freedom ; now go out, and act for yourselves.'" That is, he means to say that, after worrying all the sheep in the neighborhood, they would end by tearing each other to pieces. (Laughter.) I deplore this feeling. The man who is possessed of it can never understand the philosophy of Irish history. Thirdly. Mr. Froude is utterly unfit for the task of deline- ating and interpreting the history of the Irish people, because of his more than contempt and bitter hatred and detestation in which he holds the Catholic religion and the Catholic Church. In this book before me, he speaks of the Catholic Church as an old serpent whose poisonous fangs have been drawn from her ; and she now is a Witch of Endor, mumbling curses to-day be- cause she can not burn at the stake and shed blood as of old. He most invariably charges the Church and makes her respon- sible for the French Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day ; for the persecutions before those days that originated from the revo- lution in the Netherlands, of the Duke of Alva against Philip the Second ; for every murder that has been committed and fouler butchery, he says, by the virus of a most intense preju- dice ; that the Catholic Church lies at the bottom of them all, and is responsible for them. The very gentlemen that wel- comed and surrounded him when he came to New York, gave him plainly to understand, where the Catholic religion is in- volved where a favorite theory is to be worked out where a favorite view is to be proved that they do not consider him a reliable, trustworthy witness, or where his prejudices are con- cerned as a historian. Yet I again declare not that I believe this gentleman to be capable of lying I believe he is incapa- ble but wherever prejudice comes in, such as he has, he dis- torts the most well-known facts for his own purposes. This gentleman wishes to exalt Queen Elizabeth by blackening Mary Queen of Scots ; in doing this, he has been convicted by a citi- zen of Brooklyn of putting his own words as if they were the words of ancient chronicles and ancient laws, deeds and docu- ments, and the taunt has been flung at him, ''''that Mr. Froude has never grasped the meaning of inverted commas" Henry the Eighth, of blessed memory, (renewed laughter) has been painted by this historian a most estimable man, as chaste and holy as a monk bless your soul ! (Great laughter.) A man that never robbed any body, who every day was burning with zeal for the public good. As to putting away his wife and tak- ing the young and beautiful Anne Boleyn to his embrace, that was a chaste anxiety for the public good. (Renewed laugh- ter.) All the atrocities of this monster in human form melt away under Mr. Froude's eye, and Henry the Eighth rises be- fore us in such a form that even the Protestants in England, when they heard him described by Mr. Froude, said : "Oh ! you have mistaken your man, sir !" HENRY V1I1. One fact will show you how this gentleman treats history. When King Henry the Eighth declared war against the Church, and when all England was convulsed by his tyranny one day hanging a Catholic because he would not deny the supremacy of the Pope ; the next day hanging a Protestant, because he de- nied the Real Presence any body that differ2d from Henry was sure to be sent to the scaffold. It was a sure and expedi- tious way of silencing all argument. During this time, when the monasteries were beginning to be pillaged, the Catholic clergy of England, especially those who remained faithful to the Pope, were the most odious to the ty- rant. And such was the slavish acquiescence of the English people that they began to hate their clergy in order to please their King. Well ! at this time, a certain man, whose name was Hunn, was lodged a prisoner in the tower, and hanged by the neck. There was a coroner's inquest held upon him, and the tivelve blackguards, I can call them nothing else, in order to express their hatred for the Church, and to please the powers which were, found a verdict against the Chancellor of the Bishop of London, a most excellent priest, whom every body knew to be such. When the Bishop heard of this verdict, he applied to the Prime Minister to have the verdict quashed. He brought the matter before the House of Lords, in order that the charac- ter of his Chancellor might be fully vindicated. The King's Attorney-General took cognizance of it by a solemn decree, and the verdict of the coroner's inquest was set aside, and the twelve men declared to be twelve perjurers. (Applause.) Now lis- ten to Mr. Froude's version of that story. He says: "The clergy of the time were reduced to such a dreadful state that actually a coroner's inquest returned a verdict of willful murder against the Chancellor of the Bishop of London, and the Bishop was obliged to apply to Cardinal Woolsey to have a special jury to try him because, if lie took any twelve men in Lon- don, they would have found him guilty." Leaving the reader under the impression that this priest, this Chancellor, was a monster of iniquity, and the priests of the time were as bad as he. Leaving the impression that a man was guilty of the mur- it 4 der who was as innocent as Abel, and that, if put for trial before twelve of his countrymen, they would have found him guilty on the evidence. This is the version he puts upon it ; he knowing the facts as well as I know them. FROUDE'S FIRST LECTURE CONSIDERED. Well, now, my friends, I come to consider the subject of his first lecture. Indeed, I must say I never practically experi- enced the difficulty of hunting a Will -o'-the- Wisp in a marsh (laughter) until I came to follow this learned gentleman in his first lecture. I say nothing disrespectful of him at all, but sim- ply say he covered so much ground, at such unequal distances, that it was impossible to follow him. He began by remarking how Mr. Rufus King wrote such and such a letter about certain Irishmen, and said that the Catholics of Ireland sympathized with England, while the Protestants of Ireland were breast high for America in the old struggle between this country and Great Britain. All these questions which belong to late days, I will leave aside for the close of these lectures. When I come to speak of the men and things of our own day, then I shall have great pleasure in taking up Mr. Fronde's assertion. But com- ing home to the great question of Ireland, what does this gentle- man tell us ? For seven hundred years Ireland was invaded by the Anglo-Normans. The first thing, apparently, that he wishes to do, is to justify this invasion, and establish this principle that the Normans were right in coming to Ireland. He began by describing a terrible picture of the state *of Ireland before the invasion. "They were cutting each other's throats, and the whole land was covered with bloodshed ; there was in Ire- land neither religion, morality, or government ; therefore, the Pope found it necessary to send the Normans to Ireland, as you would send a policeman into a saloon where the people were killing one another." This is his justification : That in Ire- land, seven hundred years ago, just before the Norman inva- sion, there was neither religion, morality, nor government. Let us see if he is right. (Applause.) The first proof that he gives that there was no government in Ireland is a most insidious statement. He says : " How could there be any government in a country where every family main- tained itself according to its own ideas of right and wrong, ac- knowledging no authority?" Now, if this be true in our sense of the word "family" certainly Ireland was in a most deplorable state every family governing itself according to its own notions, and acknowledging no authority. What does he mean by the words "every family?" Speaking to Americans in the nineteenth century, it 'means every household in the land. We speak of family as composed of father, mother, and three or four children, gathered around the domestic hearth ; this is our idea of the family. I freely admit, if every family in Ireland were governed by their own ideas admitting of no authority over them he has established his case in one thing against Ireland. But what is the meaning of the words "every fam- ily ?" As every Irishman who hears me to-night knows, it means the "sept" or the tribe that had the same name. They owned two t)r three counties and a large extent of territory. The men of the same name were called the men of the same family. The MacMurraghs of Leinster, the O'Tooles of Wick- low, the O'Byrnes in Kildare, the O'Conors of Connaught, the O'Neills and the O'Donnells of Ulster. The family meant a nation. Two or three counties were governed by one chieftain, and represented by one man of the sept. It is quite true that each family governed itself in its own independence, and ac- knowledged no superior. (Cheers.) There were five great families in Ireland : The O'Conors in Connaught, the O'Neills in Ulster, the McLaughlins in Meath, the O'Briens in Munstcr, and the MacMurraghs in Leinster. And under these five great heads there were miner septs and smaller families, each count- ing from five or six hundred to perhaps a thousand fighting men, but all acknowledging in the different provinces their sovereignty to these five great royal houses. These five houses again elected their monarch, or supreme ruler, called the Ardrigh, who dwelt in Tara. (Applause.) Now, I ask you, if family meant the whole sept, or tribe, or army in the field, defending their fami- ' lies having their regular constituted authority and head is it fair to say that the country was in anarchy because every family governed themselves according to their own notions ? Is it fair i6 for this gentleman to try to hoodwink and deceive the American jury, to which he has made his appeal, by describing the Irish family, which meant a sept, or tribe, as a family of the nine- teenth century, which means only the head of the house, with the mother and the children ? A GRAND DISCOVERY. Again, he says: "In this deplorable state the people lived, like the New Zealanders of to-day in under-ground caves." And then he boldly says, "that I, myself, opened up in Ireland one of these under-ground houses of the Irish people." Now, mark ! This gentleman lived in Ireland a few years ago, and he discovered a rath in Kerry. In it he found some remains of mussel-shells and bones. At the time of the discovery he had the most learnned archaeologist in Ire- land with him, and they put together their heads about it. Mr. Froude has written in this very book that what these places were intended for, or the uses they were applied to, baffled all- conjecture no one can tell. Then, "if it baffled all conject- ure, and he did not know what to make of it " if it so puzzled him then, that no man could declare what they were for, what right has he to come out to America and say they were the ordinary dwellings of the Irish people ? ANCIENT IRISH CONSTITUTION. In order to understand the Norman invasion, I must ask you to consider first, my friends, the ancient Irish Constitution which governed the land. Ireland was governed by "septs" or families. The land, from time immemorial, was in the posses- sion of these families or tribes ; each tribe elected its own chief- tain, and to him it paid the most devoted obedience and al- legiance, so that the fidelity of the Irish clansman to his chief was proverbial. The chief, during his lifetime, convoked an assembly of the tribe again, and they elected from among the princes of his family the best and the strongest man to be his successor, and they called him the Taniste. The object of this was, that the successor of the king might be known, and at the king's death, or the princess death, there might be no riot or bloodshed, or contention, for the right of succession to him. Was this not a wise law? The elective monarchy has its ad- vantages. The best man comes to the front, because he is the choice of his fellow-men. For when they came to elect a suc- cessor to their prince, they chose the best man, not the king's eldest son, who might be a booby or a fool. (Laughter.) And so they came together and wisely selected the best, the strong- est, the bravest and the wisest man, and he was acknowledged to have the right to the succession. He was the Taniste, ac- cording to the ancient law of Ireland. Well, these families, as we said, in the various provinces of Ireland, owed allegiance to the king of the province. He was one of the five great fam- ilies called " The Jive great families of Ireland" Each prince had his own judge or brehon, who administered justice in the court to the people. These breJion judges were learned men. The historians of the time tell us that they could speak Latin as fluently as they could speak Irish ; they had established a code of laws, and, in their colleges, studied that la'y, and, when they had graduated in their studies came home to their respect- ive septs or tribes, and were established as judges or brehons over the people. Nay, more ; no where in the history of the island do we hear of an instance where a man rebelled or pro- tested against the decision of his brehon judge. Then these five monarchs in the provinces elected an ** Ardragh," or high king. With him they sat in council, on national matters, within the halls of Imperial Tara. There Patrick found them in the year 432. Minstrel, bard and brehon; prince, crowned monarch, and high king, there did he find them discussing, like lords and true men, the affairs of the nation, when he preached to them the faith of Jesus Christ. (Applause.) And while the Constitution remained the clansmen paid no rent for their land. The land of the tribe or family was held in common. It was the common property of all, and the brehon or judge divided it and gave to each man. what was necessary for him, with free right to pasturage over the whole. They had no idea of slavery or serfdom among them. The Irish clansman was of the same blood with his chieftain. O'Brien, that sat in the saddle at. the head of his i8 men, was related to Gallowglass O'Brien, that was in the ranks. No such thing as looking down by the chieftains upon their people ; no such thing as cowed, abject submission upon the part of the people to a tyrannical chieftain. In the ranks they stood as freemen freemen perfectly equal, one with the other. (Applause.) We are told by Gerald Barry, the lying historian, who sometimes, though rarely, told the truth, (laugh- ter) that "when the English came to Ireland nothing aston- ished them more than the free and bold manner in which the humblest man .spoke to his chieftain, and the condescending kindness and spirit of equality in which the chieftain treated the humblest soldier in his tribe." "DOES IT LOOK LIKE 'ANARCHY ?" This was the ancient Irish Constitution, my friends. And, now, does this look any thing like anarchy ? Can it be said, with truth, of a land where the laws were so well defined where every thing was in its proper place that' 'there was anar- chy? Mr. Froude says " There was anarchy there, because the chieftains were fighting among themselves." So they were ; but, he also adds, there was fighting every- where in Europe after the breaking up of the Roman Empire." Well ! Mr. Froude, fighting was going on every-where ; the Saxons were fighting the Normans around them in England, and what right have you to say that Ireland, beyond all other nations, was given up to anarchy, because chieftain drew the sword against chieftain frequently, from time to time ? So much for the question of government. Now for the ques- tion of religion : The Catholic religion flourished in Ireland for six hundred years, and more, before the Anglo-Normans invaded her coasts. For the first three hundred years that religion was the glory of the world, and the pride of God's Holy Church. Ireland, for these thiee hundred years, was the island-mother home of saints and of scholars. (Great applause. ) Men came from every country in the then known world to light the lamps of knowledge and pf sanctity at the sacred fire upon the altars of Ireland. 19 THE DANES. Then came the Danes, and for three hundred years our people were harrassed by incessant war. The Danes, as Mr. Froude remarks, apparently with a great deal of approval, had no respect for Christ or for religion, and the first thing they did was to set fire to the churches and monasteries. The nuns and holy monks were scattered, and the people left without instruc- tion. Through a time of war men don't have much time to think of religion, or things of peace. And for three hundred years Ireland was subject to the incursions of the Danes. On Good Friday morning, in the year 1014, Brian Boroihme de- feated the Dames at Clontarf ; but it was not until the 23d of August, 1103, in the twelfth century, that the Danes were driven out of the land by the defeat of Magnus, their king, at Loch Stranford, in the centre of Ireland. (Applause.) The consequence of these Danish wars was, that the Catholic relig- ion, though it remained in all its vital strength, in all the purity of its faith among the Irish people, yet it remained sadly shorn of that sanctity which adorned, for the first three hundred years, Irish Christianity. Vices sprang up among the people, for they were accustomed to war, war, WAR, night and day, for three centuries. Where is the people on the face of the earth that would not be utterly demoralized by fifty years of war, much less by three hundred ? The "Wars of the Roses" in England did not last more than thirty years, and they left the English people so demoralized that, almost without a struggle, they changed their religion at the dictates of the blood-thirsty and licentious tyrant, Henry VIII. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS STATUS OF THE ANCIENT IRISH. No sooner was the Dane gone than the Irish people sum- moned their bishops and their priests to council, and we find almost every year after the final expulsion of the Dane, a coun- cil held, where gathered the bishops, .priests, the leaders and the chieftains of the land the heads of the great septs or families. There they made those laws by which they en- deavored to repair all the evils of the Danish invasion. Strict laws of Christian morality were enforced, and again and again 26 \ve find these councils assembled to receive a Papal Legate - Cardinal Papero, in the year 1164, five years before the Nor- man invasion. They invited the Papal Legate to the council, and we find the Irish people, every year after the Norman inva- sion, obeying the laws of the council without a murmur. We find the council of Irish bishops assembled, supported by the sword and power of the chieftains with the Pope's Legate, who was received into Ireland with open arms whenever his master sent him, without let or hindrance. When he arrived, he was surrounded with all the devotion and chivalrous affection which the Irish have always paid to their representatives of religion in the country. (Applause.) And, my friends, it is worth our while to see what was the consequences of all these councils what was the result of this great religious revival which has taken place in Ireland during the few years elapsed between the last Danish invasion and the invasion of the Normans ? We find three Irish saints reigning together in the Church. We find St. Malachi, one of the greatest saints, Primate of Armagh ; we find him succeeded by St. Celsus, and again by Gregorius, whose name is a name high up in the martyrology of the time. We find, in Dublin, St. Lawrence O'Toole, of glorious memory. (Great applause.) We find Phelix and Christian, bishops of Lismore, Catholicus of Down, Augustus of Waterford ; every man of them famed, not only in Ireland, but throughout the whole Church of God, for the greatness of their learning, and the brightness of their sanctity. We find, at the same time, Irish monks, famous for their learning as men of their class, and as famous for their sanctity. In the great Irish Benedic- tine Monastery of Rathsbon, we find Lawrence and twelve other Irish monks. We find, moreover, that the very year before the Normans arrived in Ireland, in 1 1 68, a great council was held at Athboy. Thirteen thousand Irishmen represented the na- tion ; 13,000 warriors on horseback attended the council and the bishops and priests, with their chiefs to take the law they made from them, and hear whatever the Church commanded them to obey. What was the result of all this ? Ah ! my friends, I am not speaking from any prejudiced point of view. It has been said ' * that if Mr. Froude gives the history of Ire land from an outside view, of course Father Burke would have to give it from an inside view." Now, I am not giving it from an inside view ; I am only quoting English authorities. I find that in this very interval between the Danish and Saxon inva- sion, Lafranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, writing to O'Brien, King of Minister, congratulated him on the religious spirit of his people. I find that St. Anselm, one of the greatest saints that ever lived, and Archbishop of Canterbury, under William Rufus, writes to Murtagh, King of Munster, "I give thanks to God," he says, " for the many good things we hear of your Highness, and especially for the profound peace which the sub- jects of your realm enjoy. All good men who hear this give thanks to God, and pray that He may grant you length of days." The man that wrote that perhaps was thinking, while he was writing, of the awful anarchy, impiety and darkness of the most dense and terrible kind which covered his own land of England in the reign of the Red King, William Rufus. And yet we are told, indeed, by Mr. Froude a good judge he seems to be of religion (laughter) for he says, in one of his lectures, 1 * Religion is a thing of which one man knows as much as an- other, and none of us know any thing at all ;" he tells us that the Irish were without religion at the very time when the Irish Church was forming itself into the model of sanctity which it was at the time of the Danish invasion ; when Roderic O'Conor, King of Connaught, was acknowledged by every prince and chieftain in the land to be the High King of Adrigh. Now, as far as regards what he says, "That Ireland was without mor- ality," I have but little to say. I will answer that by one fact : A king of Ireland stole another man's wife. His name, accursed ! was Dermot McMurragh, King of Leinster. (Ap- plause.) Every chieftain in Ireland, every man rose up and banished him from Irish soil as unworthy to live on it. (Great applause.) If these were the immoral people, if these were the bestial, incestuous, depraved race, which they are described to be by leading Norman authorities, may I ask you, might not King Dermot turn around and say : "Why are you making war upon me ; is it not the order of the day ? Have I not as good a right to be a blackguard as any body else ?" (Laughter.) Now comes Mr, Froude and says : " The Normans were sent to Ireland to teach the Ten Commandments to the Irish. (Great merriment.) In the language of Shakspeare, I would say : " Oh ! Jew, I thank thee for that word." (Uproarious laugh- ter.) In these Ten Commandments, the three most important are, in their relation to human society: "Thou shalt not steal ; thou shalt not kill ; thou shalt not covet thy neigh- bor's wife." The Normans, even in Mr. Froude's view, had no right or title, under Heaven, to one square inch of the soil of Ireland. (Cheers.) They came to take what was not their own ; what they had no right, no title to. And they came, as robbers and thieves, to teach the Ten Commandments to the Irish people, among them the Commandment : "Thou shalt not steal." Henry landed in Ireland in 1171. This was after murdering the holy Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas a Becket. They scattered his brains before the altar, Before the Blessed Sacrament, at the Vesper hour. The blood of the Saint and Martyr was upon his hands when he came to Ireland to teach the Irish, "Thou shalt not kill." What was the oc- casion of their coming ? When the adulterer was driven from the sacred soil of Erin as one unworthy to profane it by his tread, he went over to Henry and procured from him a letter permitting any of his subjects that chose to embark for Ire- land to do so, and there to reinstate the adulterous tyrant, King Dermot, in his kingdom. They came then, as protectors and helpers of adultery, to teach the Irish people, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife." POPE ADRIAN'S LETTER. Mr. Froude tells us they were right ; that they were the apostles of purity, honesty and clemency, and Mr. Froude " is an honorable man." Ah, but he says, remember, my good Do- minican friend, "that if they came to Ireland, they came be- cause the Pope sent them." Henry, in the year 1174, pro- duced a letter, which he said he received from Pope Adrian IV, which commissioned him to go to Ireland, and permitted him there, according to the terms of the letter, to do whatever he thought right and fit to promote the glory of God and the good of the people. The date that was in the letter was 1 154, con- sequently it was twenty years old. During that twenty years, nobody ever heard of that letter except Henry, who had it in his pocket, and an old man, called John of Salisbury, that wrote how he went to Rome and procured the letter in a hug- ger-mugger way from the Pope. Now let us examine this let- ter. It has been examined by a better authority than me. It has been examined by one who is here to night, who has brought to bear upon it the acumen of his great knowledge. It was dated, according to Rymer, the great English authority, 1154. Pope Adrian was elected Pope the 3d of December, 1154. No sooner was the news of his election received in England, than John of Salisbury was sent on to congratulate him, by King Henry, and to get this letter. It must have been the 3d of January, 1155, before the news reached England; for, in those days, no news could come to England from Rome in less than a month. John of Salisbury set out, and it must have been another month the end of February or the beginning of March, 1155 before he arrived in Rome, and the letter was dated 1154. This date in Rymer was found inconvenient, wherever he got it, and the current date afterward was 1155. "But," says Mr. Froude, "there was a copy of it kept in the archives of Rome, and how do you get over that?" The copy had no date at all ! Now this copy, according to Baronius, had no date at all, and according to the Roman laws, a rescript that has no date is invalid just so mucli waste paper ; so that, even if Pope Adrian gave it, it is worth nothing. Again, learned authors tell us that the existence of a document in the archives of Rome does not prove the authenticity of the docu- ment. It may be kept there as a mere historical record. But suppose that Pope Adrian had given the letter to Henry, and Henry had kept it so secret because his mother, the Em- press Mathilda, did not want him to act upon it well, when he did act upon it, why did he not produce it ? That was the only warrant on which he came to Ireland, invaded the country, and never breathed a word to a human being about that letter." There is a lie on the face of it ! (Applause.) Oh, Mr. Froude reminded me to remember that Alexander III, his 24 successor, mentions that rescript of Adrian's, and confirmed it." I answer, with Dr. Lynch and the learned author, Dr. Moran of Ossory, and with many Irish scholars and historians, that Alex- ander* s letter is a forgery as well as Adrian's. ALEXANDER'S LETTER is A FORGERY AS WELL AS ADRIAN'S. I grant that there are learned men who will admit the Di- ploma of Adrian and Alexander's rescript. But there are equally learned men who deny them both, and I have as good reason to believe one as the other, and I prefer to believe it was a forgery. Alexander's letter bears the date 1172. Now let us see whether it is likely for the Pope, Alexander, to give Henry such a letter recommending him to go to Ireland, the beloved son of the Lord, to take care of the Church, etc. Re- member, it is said Adrian gave the rescript, and did not know the man he gave it to. But Alexander knew him well ! Henry, in 1169 and later, supported the anti-Popes against Alexander, and, according to Matthew of Westminster, King Henry II obliged every one in England, from the boy of twelve years of age to the old man, to renounce his alliance to Alex- ander III, and go over to the anti-Papists. Now is it likely that Alexander would give him a rescript telling him to go to Ireland and settle the ecclesiastical matters there ? Alexander himself wrote to Henry, and said to him, < Instead of remedy- ing the disorders caused by your predecessors, you have added prevarication to prevarication ; you have oppressed the Church and endeavored to destroy the canons of apostolical men." Such is the man that Alexander sent to Ireland to make them good people ? (Laughter.) According to Mr. Froude, "The Irish never loved the Pope until the Normans taught them." (Laughter.) What is the fact. Until the accursed Norman came to Ireland, the Papal Legate always came to the land at his pleasure. No king ever obstructed him ; no Irish hand was ever raised against a Bishop, Priest of the land, or Papal Legate. After the first Legate, Cardinal Vivian, passed over to England, Henry took him by the throat and made him swear that when he went to Ireland he would do nothing against the interest of the King. It was an unheard-of thing that Archbishops and 25 Cardinals should be persecuted, until the Normans taught the world how to do it with their accursed feudal system, concen- trating all power in the King. Ah ! bitterly did Laurence O'Toole feel it, the great heroic saint of Ireland, (cheers) when he went to England on his last voyage. The moment he arrived in England the King's officers made him prisoner. The King left orders that he was never to set foot in Ireland again. It was this man that was sent over as an apostle of morality to Ireland ; he, who was the man accused of violating the be- trothed wife of his own son, Richard I a man whose crimes will not bear repetition ; a man who was believed by Europe to be possessed of the devil ; a man of whom it is written "that when he got into a fit of anger he tore off his clothes and sat naked, chewing straw like a beast." Furthermore : Is it likely for a Pope, who knew him so well, who suffered so much from him, would have sent him to Ire- land ; the murderer of Bishops, the robber of churches, the destroyer of ecclesiastical liberty, and every form of liberty that came before him. No ! I never will believe that the Pope of Rome was so very short-sighted, so unjust as^by a stroke of his pen, to abolish and destroy the liberties of the most faithful people who ever bowed down in allegiance to him. But let' us suppose that Pope Adrian gave the Bull. I hold still that it was of no account, because it was obtained under false pretenses ; for he told the Pope, "The Irish are in a state of miserable ignorance," which was not true. Secondly, he told a lie, and, according to the Roman law, a Papal rescript obtained on a lie was null and void. Again, when Henry told the Pope, when he gave him that rescript and power to go to Ireland, that he would fix every thing right and do every thing for the glory of God and the glory of the people, he had no intention of doing it, and never did it. Consequently, the res- cript was null and void. But suppose the rescript was valid. Well, my friends, what power did it give Henry ? Did it give him the land of Ireland ? Not a bit of it. All it was th'at the Pope said was, "I give you power to enter Ireland, there to do what is necessary for 26 the glory of God and the good of the people." At most, all he said he wished of the Irish chieftains was to acknowledge his high sovereignty over the land. Now you must know that in these early Middle Ages there were two kinds of sovereignty. There was a sovereignty that had the people and the land. They were his ; he governed these as the Kings and Emperors do in Europe to-day. Besides this, there was one who went by the name and title of King, and required the homage only of the chieftains of the land, but who left them in perfect liberty and in perfect independence. Yes, he demanded this nominal tribute of their homage and worship, and nothing more. This was all, evidently, that the Pope of Rome granted in Ireland, if he permitted so much ; and the proof of it lies here : that when Henry II came to Ireland he did not claim of the Irish kings that they should give up their sovereignty. He left Roderic O'Conor, King of Coianaught, acknowledging him as a fellow- king ; he acknowledged his royalty, and confirmed him, when he demanded of him the allegiance and the homage of a feudal prince a feudal suzerain leaving him in perfect independence. DID HENRY II CONQUER IRELAND? Again, let us suppose that Henry intended to conquer Ireland and bring it into slavery. Did he succeed ? Was there a con- quest at all ? Nothing like it. He came to Ireland, and the kings and princes of the Irish people said to him : "Well, we are willing to acknowledge your high sovereignty ; you. are the Lord of Ireland, but we are the owners of the land ; it is simply acknowledging your title as Lord of Ireland nothing more." If he intended any thing more, he never carried out his intention ; he was able to conquer that portion which was held before by the Danes, but not outside. It is a fact that when the Irish had driven the Danes out of Ireland at Clontarf, they, always straightforward and generous in the hour of their triumph, permitted the Danes to remain in Dublin, Wexford, Wicklow and Waterford, and from the Hill of Howth to Waterford. The consequence was, that the whole eastern shore of Ireland was in the possession of the Danes. The Normans came over, and were regarded, by the Irish, as * w ** A v JBktlHl-JL X 1 27 ^*wf/ CAi IPAfttt\K^^ cousins to the Danes, and only took the Danish territory. They were willing to share with them. Therefore there was no cause now for Mr. Froude's second justification of these most iniquitous acts that Ireland was a prey to the Danes. He says the Danes came to the land and made the Irish people ferocious, and leaves his hearers to infer that the Danish wars in Ireland were only a succession of individual and ferocious contests between tribe and tribe, and between man and man, whereas they were a magnificent trial of strength between two of the greatest and bravest nations that ever met, foot - to - foot, or hand-to-hand, on a battle-field. The Danes were uncon- querable. The Celt, for three hundred years, fought with them and disputed every inch of the land, filled every valley in the land with their dead, and, in the end, drove them back into the North Sea, and freed his native land from their domination. (Applause.) This magnificent contest is represented, by this historian, as a mere ferocious onslaught, daily renewed between * man and man in Ireland. The Normans arrived, and we have seen how they were received. The Butlers and Fitzgeralds went down into Kildare, the De Benninghams and Burkes went down into Connaught. The people offered them very little opposition, gave them a portion of their lands and welcomed them among them, and they began to love them as if they were their own flesh and blood. But, my friends, these Normans, so haughty in England, who despised the Saxons so bitterly that their name for the Saxon was "villain" or "churl," who would not allow a Saxon to sit at the same table with them, who never thought of intermarrying with the Saxons for many long years ; the proud Norman, ferocious in his passions, brave as a lion, formed, by his crusades and Saracenic wars, the bravest warrior of his times this steel - clad knight disdained the Saxon. Even one of their followers, Gerald Barry, speak- ing of the Saxons, says: "I am a Welshman; who would think of comparing the Welsh with the Saxon boors the basest race on the face of the earth." (I am only giving his words, not his sentiments.) "They fought one battle, and when the Normans conquered them they consented to be slaves for ever more. Who would compare them with Welsh the 28 Celtic race?" says this man "with the brave, intellectual and magnanimous race of the Celts? " Now, my friends, when these Normans went down into Ireland among the Irish people, went out from the Danish portion of the Pale, what is the first thing that we see ? They threw off their Norman traits, forgot their Norman French language, and took the Irish took Irish wives, and were glad to get them, and adopted Irish customs until, two hundred years after the Norman invasion, we find that these proud descendants of William Fitzalden, Earl of Clanri- card, changed their names. Our name of Burke was changed to the upper and lower Me William or sons of William, in the days of Lionel, Duke of Clarence, and so they called them- selues by that name, and adopted the language and customs o f the country. During the four hundred sad years that followed the Norman invasion down to the accession of Henry VIII, Mr. Froude has nothing to say but that Ireland was in a constant state of anarchy and confusion and it is true. It is perfectly true. Chieftain against chieftain. It was comparative peace before the invasion, but when the Normans came in they drew them on by craft and cunning. The ancient historian Strabo says, "The Gauls always march openly to their end, and they are, therefore, easily circumvented." So, when the Normans came and the Saxons, they sowed dissensions among the people, they stirred them up against each other, and the bold, hot blood of the Celt was always ready to engage in contest and in war. What was the secret of that incessant and desolating war? There is no history more painful to read than the history of the Irish people from the day that the Normans landed on their coast until the day when the great issue of Protestantism was put before the nation, and when Irishmen rallied in that great day as one man. My friends, the true secret is, that early and constant effort of the English to force upon Ireland the feudal system, and, consequently, to rob the Irish of every inch of their land, and to exterminate the Celtic race. I lay this- down as the one secret the one thread by which you may unravel the tangled skein of our history for the four hundred years that followed the Norman invasion. The Normans and the Saxons came with the express purpose and design of taking every foot of land in Ireland and of exterminating the Celtic race. It is an awful thing to think of, but we have evidence for it. First of all, Henry II, while he made his treaties with the Irish Kings, secretly divided the whole of Ireland into ten portions, and allotted each of these portions to one of his Norman knights. In a word, he robbed the Irish people and the Irish chieftains of every single foot of land in the Irish territory. It is true they were not able to take possession. It is as if a master - robber were to divide the booty before it is taken ; it is far easier to assign property not yet stolen than to put the thieves in possession of it. There were Irish hands and Irish battle - blades in the way for many a long year, nor has it been accomplished to this day. ENGLISH TREATMENT OF THE IRISH. In order to root out the Celtic race, and to destroy us, mark the measures of legislation which followed. First of all, my friends, whenever an Englishman was put in possession of an acre of land he got the right to trespass upon his Irish neigh- bors and to take their land, as far as he could, and they had no action in a court of law to recover their land. If an Irishman brought an action at law against an Englishman for taking half of his field, or for trespassing upon his land, acording to the law from the very beginning, that Irishmen was sent out of court there was no action the Englishman was perfectly justified. Worse than this. They made laws declaring that the killing of an Irishman was no felony. Sir John Davis tells us how, upon a certain occasion at the Assizes, at Waterford, in the 2Qth year of Edward I, a certain Thomas Butler brought an action against Robert de Almay to recover certain goods that Robert had stolen from him. The cause was brought into court ; Robert acknowledged that he had stolen the goods, that he was a thief ; the defense he put in was that Edward, the man he had plundered, was an Irishman. The case was tried. Now, my friends, just think of it ! The issue that was put before the jury was, whether Edward, the plaintiff ", was an Irishman or an Englishman. Robert, the thief, was obliged to give back the goods, for the jury found Edward was an 3 Englishman. But if the jury found that Edward was an Irish- man he might go with the goods there was no action against him. We find, upon the same authority Sir John Davis- a description of an occasion at Waterford, where a man, named Robert Welsh, killed an Irishman. He was arraigned, and he, without the slightest difficulty, acknowledged it. "Yes, I did kill him. You can not try me for it, for he was an Irish- man." Instantly he was let out of the dock, on condition, as the Irishman was in the service, at the time, of an English master, he should pay whatever he compelled the master to pay for the loss of his services, and the murderer might go scot - free. "Not only," says Sir John Davis, "were the Irish considered aliens, but they were considered enemies in so much that though an Englishman might settle upon an Irishman's land, there was no redress ; but if an Irishman wished to buy an acre of land from an Englishman, he could not do it. So they kept the land they had, and they were always adding to it by plunder ; they could steal, without even buying more. If any man made ' a will, and left an acre of land to an Irishman, the moment it was found that he was an Irishman, the land was forfeited to the Crown of England, even if it was only left in trust to him, as we have two very striking examples. We read that a certain James Butler left some lands in Meath in trust for charitable purposes, and he left them to his two chaplains. It was proved that the two priests were Irishmen, and that it was left to them in trust for charitable purposes. Yet the land was forfeited because the two men were Irishmen. Later on, a certain Mrs. Dawdall, a pious woman, made a will leaving some land, also for charitable purposes, to her chaplain, and the land was forfeited because the priest was an Irishman. In the year 1367, Lionell a third son of Edward III, Duke of Clarence, came to Ireland, held a Parliament, and passed certain laws, in Kilkenny. You will scarcely believe what I am going to tell you. Some of these were as follows : "If any man speaks the Irish language, or keeps company with the Irish, or adopts Irish customs, his lands shall be taken from him and forfeited to the crown of England." If an Englishman married an Irish woman, what do you think was the penalty ? lie was 3* sentenced to be half -hanged, to have his heart cut out before he was dead, and to have his head struck off, and every right to his land passed to the crown of England. "Thus," says Sir John Davis, "It is evident that the constant design of English legislation in Ireland was to possess the best Irish lands, and to extirpate and exterminate the Irish people." Now, citizens of America, Mr. Froude came here to appeal to you for your verdict, and he asks you to say, was not England justified in her treatment of Ireland BECAUSE THE IRISH PEOPLE WOULD NOT SUBMIT? Now, citizens of America, would not the Irish people be the vilest dogs on the face of the earth if they submitted to such treatment as this ? (Great and enthusiastic cheers.) Would they be worthy of the name of men if they submitted to be rob- bed, plundered and degraded ? It is true that in all this legis- lation we see this same spirit of contempt of which I spoke in the beginning of my lecture. But remember, it was these Saxon "churls " that were thus despised, and ask yourselves what race they treated with so much contumely, and attempted in every way to degrade while they were ruining and robbing ? Gerald Barry, the liar, speaking of the Irish race, said the Irish came from the grandest race that he knew of on this side of the world, "and there are no better people under the sun." By the word "better" he meant more valiant and more intellect- ual. Those who came over from England were called Saxon hobs " or churls, while the Irish called them Burdeth Sas- senach. These were the men who showed, -in the very system by which they were governed, that they could not understand the genius of freedom that they could not understand the nature of a people who refused to be slaves. .They were slaves themselves. Consider the history of the feudal system under which they lived. According to the feudal system of govern- ment, the King of England was lord of every inch of land in England ; every foot of land in England was the King's, and the nobles who had the land held it from the King, and held it under feudal conditions the most degrading that can be imag- ined. For instance, if a man died and left his heir, a son or 32 a daughter under age, the heir or heiress, together with the estate, went into the hands of the King. He might, perhaps, leave a widow with ten children ; she would have to support all the children herself out of her dower, but the estate and the eldest son, or the eldest daughter, went into the hands of the King. Then, during their minority, the King could spend the revenues or could sell the castle and sell the estate without being questioned by any one, and when the son or daughter came of age, he then sold them in marriage to the highest bid- der. We have Godfrey of Mandeville buying, for twenty thou- sand marks, from King John, the hand of Isabella, Countess of Gloster. We have Isabella de Linjera, another heiress, offering two hundred marks to King John for what ? For liberty to marry whoever she liked, and not to be obliged to marry the man he would give her. If a widow lost her husband, the mo- ment the breath was out of him the lady and the estate were in the possession of the King, and he might squander the estate or do what he liked with it, and then he could sell the woman. We have Alice, Countess of Warwick, paying King John one thousand pounds sterling in gold for leave to remain a widow as long as she liked, and then to marry any one she liked. This was the slavery called the feudal system, of which Mr. Froude is so proud, and of which he says, "It lay at the root of all that is noble and good in Europe." (Laughter.) The Irish could not understand it small blame to them. (Laughter.) But when the Irish people found that they were to be hunted down like wolves found their lands were to be taken from them, and that there was no redress, over and over again the Irish people sent up petitions to the King of England to give them the benefit of the English law and they would be amenable to it, but they were denied and told that they should remain as they were that is to say, England was determined to extirpate them and get every foot of Irish soil. This is the one leading idea or principle which animated England in her treatment of Ire- land throughout those four hundred years, and it is the only clue you can find to that turmoil and misery and constant fight- ing which was going on in Ireland during that time. Sir James Eusick, the English Commissioner sent over by Henry VIII, 33 wrote to his Majesty these quaint words : " The Irish be of opinion among themselves that the English wish to get all their land and to root them out completely." He just struck the nail on the head. Mr. Froude himself acknowledges that the land question lies at the root of the whole business. Nay, more, the feudal system would have handed over every inch of land in Ireland to the Norman King and his nobles, and the O'Briens, the O'Tooles, the O'Donnells, and the O'Conors, were of more ancient and better blood than that of William the Bastard Nor- man. ENGLAND'S GREAT MISTAKE. The Saxon might submit to feudal law, and be crushed into a slave a clod of the earth. The Celt never would. En- gland's great mistake -in my soul I am convinced that the great mistake of all the others the greatest lay in this, that the English people never realized the fact that in dealing with the Irish, they had to deal with the proudest race upon the face of the earth. (Applause.) During these wars the Norman Earls the Ormonds, the Desmonds, the Geraldines, the De Burghs were at the head and front of every rebellion ; the English complained of them, and said they were worse than the Irish rebels, constantly stirring up disorders. Do you know the rea- son why ? Because they, as Normans, were under the feudal law, and, therefore, the King's Sheriff would come down on them at every turn with fines and forfeitures of the land held from the King ; so, by keeping the country in disorder, they were always able to be sheriffs, and they preferred the Irish freedom to the English feudalisms ; therefore, they fomented and kept up these discords. It was the boast of my kinsmen of Clanricald that, with the blessing of God, they would never allow a King's writ to run in Connaught. (Laughter and ap- plause.) Dealing with this period of our history, Mr. Froude says that the Irish chieftains and there septs, or tribes, were doing this and that the Geraldines, the Desmonds, and the Ormonds. I say, slowly, Mr. Froude, the Geraldines and the Ormonds were not the Irish people ; so don't father their acts upon the Irish. The Irish chieftains have enough to answer for. During these four hundred years, I protest to you that, 2 34 in this most melancholy period of our sad history, I have found but two cases two instances that cheer me and both were the actions of Irish chieftains. In one we find that Turlough O'Conor put away his wife ; she was one of the O'Briens. Theobald Burke, one of the Earls of Clanricarde, lived with the woman. With the spirit of their heroic ancestors, the Irish chieftains of Connaught came together, deposed him and drove him out of the place. Later on, we find another chieftain, Brian McMahon, who induced O'Donnell, chief of the Hebrides, to put away his lawful wife and marry a daughter of his own. The following year they fell out, and McMahon drowned his own son-in-law. The chiefs, O'Donnell and O'Neill, came to- gether with their forces and deposed McMahon in the cause of virtue, honor and womanhood. I have looked in vain through these four hundred years for one single trait of generosity or of the assertion of virtue among the Anglo-Norman chiefs, and the dark picture is only relieved by these two gleams of Irish pa- triotism and Irish zeal in the cause of virtue, honor and purity. ANOTHER QUESTION. Now, my friends, Mr. Froude opened another question in his first lecture. He said that all this time, whik the English monarchs were engaged in trying to subjugate Scotland and subdue their French provinces, the Irish were rapidly gaining ground, coming in and entering the pale year by year ; the English power in Ireland was in danger of annihilation, and the only thing that saved it was the love of the Irish for their own independent way of fighting, which, though favorable to freedom, was hostile to national unity. He says, speaking of that time, "Would it not have been better to have Allowed the Irish chieftains to govern their own people ? Freedom to whom ? Freedom to the bad, to the violent it is no freedom." I deny that the Irish chieftains, with all their faults, were, as a class, bad men and violent men. I deny that they were en- gaged, as Mr. Froude says, in cutting their peoples' throats, that they were a people who would never be satisfied. Mr. Froude tells us, emphatically and significantly, that "the Irish people were satisfied with their chieftains," but people are not 35 satisfied under a system where their throats are being cut. (Great laughter.) The Irish chieftains were the bane of Ire - land by their divisions ; the Irish chieftains were the ruin of their country by their want of union, and want of generous ac- quiescence to some great and noble head that would save them by uniting them. The Irish chieftains, even in the days of the heroic Edward Bruce, did not rally around him as they ought. In their divisions is the secret of Ireland's slavery and ruin throughout those years. But, with all that, history attests that they were still magnanimous enough to be the fathers of their people and to be natural leaders, as God intended them to be, of their septs, families and namesakes. And they struck what- ever blow they did strike in what they imagined to be the cause of right, justice and principle, and the only blow that came in the cause of outraged honor and purity came from the hand of the Irish chiefs in those dark and dreadful years. Now I will endeavor to follow this learned gentleman in his subsequent lectures. Now a darker cloud than that of mere invasion is lowering over that Ireland ; now comes the demon of religious persecution waving over the distracted and ex- hausted land. And we shall see whether this historian has en- tered into the spirit of the great contest that followed, and that, in our day, has ended in a glorious victory for Ireland's church and Ireland's nationality, and which will be followed as assur- edly by a still more glorious future, SECOND LECTURE. IRELAND UNDER THE TUDORS. T ADIES AND GENTLEMEN : -We now come to consider LJ the second lecture of the eminent English historian who has come among us. It covers one of the most interesting and ter- rible passages in our history. It takes in three reigns the reign of Henry VIII, the reign of Elizabeth, and the reign of James I. I scarcely consider the reign of Edward VI or of Mary worth counting. The learned gentleman began his sec- ond lecture with rather a startling paradox. He asseVted that Henry VIII was a hater of disorder. Now, my dear friends, every man in this world has a hero, whether consciously or unconsciously. Every man selects some character or other out of history which he admires, until, at length, he is constantly thinking of the virtues and the ex- cellencies of this hero until he comes almost to worship him. Before us all lie the grand historic names that are written in the world's annals, and every man is free to select the charac- ter that he likes best, and he selects his hero. Using this privi- lege, Mr. Froude has made the most singular selection of a hero that either you or I ever heard of. His hero is Henry VIII. It speaks volumes for the integrity of Mr. Froude's own mind ; it is a strong argument that he possesses a charity the most sub- lime when he has been enabled to discover virtues in the histori- cal character of one of the greatest monsters that ever cursed the earth. He has, however, succeeded in this, which 'to us ap- 37 pears impossible he has discovered, among many other shin- ing virtues in the character of the English Nero, a great love for order, a great hatred of disorder. Well, we must stop at the very first sentence of the learned gentleman, and try to ana- ly'ze it, and see how much there is of truth in this word of the historian, and how much there is which is honorable to him, and a truthful figment of his imagination. All order in the State is based upon three great principles, my friends, namely : the supremacy of the law, respect for and the liberty of conscience, and a tender regard for that which lies at the fountain-head of all human society namely, the sanctity of the marriage tie. The first element in every State is the supremacy of the law ; in this supremacy lies the very quintessence of human freedom and of all order. The law is supposed to be, according to the definition of Aquinas, "The judgment pronounced by profound reason and intellect, thinking and legislating for the public good." The law, therefore, is the expression of reason reason backed by authority, reason influenced by the noble motive of the public good. This be- ing the nature of law, the very first thing that we demand for this law is, that every man bow down to it and obey it. No man in the community can claim exemption from obedi- ence to the law ; least of all, the man who is at the head of the community because he is supposed to represent before the na- tion that principle of obedience without which all national order and happiness perishes among the people. Was Henry VIII an upholder of the law ? Was he obedient to the law ? I deny it, and I have the evidence .of all history to back me up in the denial ; and I brand Henry VIII as one of the greatest enemies of freedom and liberty that ever lived in this world. My friends, I will only give you one example. Out of ten thousand, I have selected one ! When Henry broke with the Pope, he called upon his subjects to acknowledge him bless his mark as spiritual head of the Church. There were three abbots of the Charter houses in London namely, the Abbot of London proper, the Abbot of Axiolam, and the Abbot of Bello- ral. These three men refused to acknowledge Henry as the supreme spiritual head of the Church. He had them arrested ; 38 he had them tried ; he had a jury of twelve citizens of London to sit upon them. Now, the first principle of English law -the grand palladium of English legislative freedom is a perfect LIBERTY OF THE JURY. The jury in every country must be perfectly free, not only from every form of coercion over them, but from even their own prejudice. They must be free from any pre judgment in the case ; they must be perfectly impartial, and perfectly free to record their verdict. These twelve men refused to convict the three abbots of high treason, and they grounded their refusal upon this : "Never," they said, "has it been uttered in England that it was high treason to deny the spiritual supremacy of the King. It is not law ; and, therefore, we can not find these men guilty of high treason." What did Henry do ? He sent word to the jury that if they did not find the three abbots guilty, he would visit them with the same penalties that he had prepared for the prisoners. He sent word to the jury that they should find them guilty. I brand Henry, therefore, with having torn in pieces the constitution of England's Magna Charta, and hav- ing trampled upon the first great element of English law and jurisprudence namely, the liberty of the jury. Citizens of America, would you, any one of you, like to be tried by a jury, if you knew that the President of the United States had informed that jury that, if they failed to find you guilty, he would put them to death ? Where would there be liberty, where would be the law, if such a transaction were permitted ? But this was done by Mr. Froude's great admirer of order and hero Henry VIII. HENRY VIII AND FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE. The second grand element of order is respect for conscience. The conscience of a man, and, consequently, of a nation, is sup- posed to be the great guide in all the relations in which the peo- ple or the individuals stand to God. The conscience is so free that Almighty God Himself respects it ; and it is a theological axiom that, if a man does a wrong act, thinking that he is do- ing right, having in his consciousness the idea that he is doing 39 right, the wrong will not be attributed to him by the Almighty God. Was this man a respecter of conscience ? Again, out of ten thousand acts of his, I will select one. He ordered the people of England to change their religion. He ordered them to give up that grand system of dogmatic teaching which is in the Catholic Church, where every man knows what to believe and what to do. And what religion did he offer them instead ? He did not offer them Protestantism, for Henry VIII never was a Protestant, and to the last day of his life, if he had only been able to lay his hands upon Martin Luther, he would have made a toast of him. He heard Mass up to the day of his death, and after his death there was a solemn high Mass over his inflated corpse a solemn high Mass that the Lord might have mercy on his soul. Ah, my friends ! some other poor soul got the benefit of it. ' What religion did he offer to the people of England ? He simply came before them, and said : "Let every man in the land agree with me. Whatever I say, that is religion." More than this, his Parliament a slavish Parliament every man afraid of his life passed a law making it high treason not only to disagree with the King in any thing that he believed, but making it high treason for any man to dispute any thing that the King should ever believe at a future time. He was not only the enemy of conscience ; he was the ANNIHILATOR OF CONSCIENCE. He would allow no man to have a conscience. "I am your conscience," he said to the nation. "I am your infallible guide in all things. You are to believe me and look to me in all things which you are to do ; and if any man sets up his conscience against me, he is guilty of high treason, and I will stain my hands in his heart's blood." This is THE LOVER OF ORDER AND FREEDOM whom Mr. Froude admires. The third great element of order that upon which all soci- ety is based the great key-stone of society is THE SANCTITY OF THE MARRIAGE TIE. Whatever else you interfere with, this must not be touched, for Christ our Lord Himself said : "Those whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder." A valid marriage can only be dissolved by the angel of death. No power in Heaven or on earth much less in Hell can dissolve 40 the validity of a marriage. Henry VIII had so little respect for the sanctity of the marriage tie, that he put away from him brutally a woman to whom he was lawfully married, and took in her stead, while she was yet living, a woman who was sup- ' posed to be his own daughter. He married six wives. Two of- them he repudiated divorced two of them he beheaded, one of them died in childbirth, and the sixth and last, Catha- rine Parr, had her name down in Henry's book, at the time of his death, among the list of his victims ; he had made the list out, and if the monster had lived a few days longer, she would have been sacrificed. This is all a matter of history. And now, I ask the American public, is it fair for Mr. Froude, or any other living man, to come and present himself before an American audience, an audience of intelligent people, and peo- ple that have read history as well as the English historian, and ask them to believe the absurd paradox that Henry VIII was art admirer of order and a hater of disorder. But Mr. Froude says : " Now it is not fair to refer to this. I said in my lecture that I would have nothing whatever to do with Henry's matrimonial transactions." Ah ! Mr. Froude, you were wise. HENRY VIII AND HIS DISPOSITION OF IRISH LAND. "But at least,'' he says, "in his relations to Ireland, I claim that he was a hater of disorder ;" and the proof he gives is the following : First of all, lie says that one great curse of Ireland was the absentee landlords, and he is right. Now, Henry VIII put an end to that business in the simplest way im- aginable ; he simply took the estates from the absentees and gave them to other people." My friends, it sounds well, very plausible, this saying of the English historian. Let us analyze it a little. During the wars of the Roses, between the houses of York and Lancaster, which preceded the Reformation in England, many English and Anglo-Norman families went over from Ireland to England and joined in the conflict. It was an English question and an English. war, and the consequence was that numbers of the settlers retired from Ireland and left their estates abandoned them entirely. Others again, from disgust, or because they had large English properties, preferred to live in their own country, and retired from Ireland to live in En- gland. So that when Henry VIII came to the throne of En- gland, there remained within the boundaries of the Pale, one- half of Louth, Westmeath, Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford. Nothing more. Henry, according to Mr. Froude, performed a great act of justice. He took from these absentees their es- tates and gave them to whom? To other Englishmen of his own favorites and friends. Now the historic fact is this, that the Irish people, as soon as the English retired and abandoned their estates, the Irish people came in and possessed themselves of their property. Mark, my friends, that even if the Irish people had no title to that property, the very fact of the En- glish having abandoned it gave them a sufficient title "bona relict a stint primis capientibus " things that are abandoned be- long to the man that gets first hold of them. But much more just was the title of the Irish people to that land, because it was their own ; because they were unjustly dispossessed of it by the very men who abandoned it now. And therefore they came in with a two-fold title, namely : "The land is ours because there is nobody to claim it, and even if there were, the land is ours, because it was always ours, and we never lost our right to it." When, therefore, Henry VIII, the lover of order, dispossessed the absentees of their estates, he sent other Englishmen who would reside there, and handed over these estates to them. Remember, the enforcement of their claims involved driving the Irish people a second time out of their property. There is the whole secret of Henry the Eighth's wonderful beneficence to Ireland in giving us resident landlords. AN ILLUSTRATION TO THE POINT. Just loook at it yourselves. If you owned property there are doubtless a great many here owners, of property just pict- ure to yourselves the United States Government, or the Presi- dent of the United States, turning you out of your property, taking your houses and lots and land from you and giving them to some friend of his own, and then saying to you : "Now, my friends, you must remember that I am a lover of order. I have given you a. resident landlord. 42 \ HENRY THE EIGHTH'S PRETENDED REFORMS. Henry, as soon as he ascended the throne, sent over the Earl of Surrey to Ireland, in the year 1520. Surrey was a brave soldier, a stern, energetic man ; and Henry thought by sending him over to Ireland, and backing him with a mighty army, he would be able to reduce to order the disorderly elements of the Irish nation. That disorder reigned in Ireland I am the first to admit, but in tracing that to its cause, I claim that the cause was not in any inherent love for disorder in the Irish character ; they were always ready to fight, I grant but I hold and claim that the great cause of all the disorder and turmoil of Ireland was the strange and incoherent legislation of England for four hundred years previous ; and, secondly, the presence of the Anglo-Norman lords in Ireland, who were anxious to keep up the disorders in the country in order that they might have an excuse from paying their duties to the feudal King. Surrey came over, and tried the strong hand for a time ; but he found, brave as he was, and accomplished in generalship, that the Irish people were a little too many for him, and he sent word to Henry: "These people," he says, "can only be subdued by conquering them utterly" cutting off all of them by fire and sword. Now," he says, this you will not be able to do, be- cause the country is too large, and because the country is so geographically fixed that it is impossible for an army to pene- trate its fastnesses, and to subjugate the whole people. Then he asserted that Henry VIII took up the policy of reconciliation. He could not help it. Mr. Froude makes it a great virtue in Henry, that he tried in this manner to conciliate the Irish peo- ple. He took up that policy because he had to do it ; because he could not help it. WHAT SURREY'S LETTERS PROVE. Now my friends, there is one passage in the correspondence between Surrey and Henry VIII that speaks volumes, and it is this : When the Earl of Surrey arrived in Ireland, he found himself in the midst of war and confusion, but the people that were really at the source of all that confusion he declares to be not so much the Irish or their chiefs as the Anglg - Norman or English lords in Ireland. Here is the passage in question* There were two chieftains of the McCarthys McCarthy Con- O'More and McCarthy Rhaud, or Red McCarthy. Surrey writes of these two men, to Henry VIII, and says : "These are two wise men, and more conformable to order than some En- glishmen here." Out of the lips of one of Ireland's bitterest ene- mies I take an answer to Mr. Froude's repeated allegation that the Irish are so disorderly and such lovers of turmoil and con- fusion that the only way to reduce us to order is to sweep us away altogether. SURREY'S POLICY. The next feature in Surrey's policy, when he found that he could not conquer with the sword, was to set chieftain against chieftain. And so he writes to Henry: " I am endeavoring, " says he, < to perpetuate the animosity between O'Donnell and O^Neill of Ulster ," here are his words "for it would be danger ful to have them both agree and join together " It would be dan- gerous to England. Well may Mr. Froude say that in the day when we Irishmen are united we shall be invincible, and no power on earth shall keep us slaves. "It would be dangerful to have them to agree and join together, and the longer they continue in war, the better it will be for your grace's poor sub- jects here." Now, mark the spirit of that letter. IT MARKS THE WHOLE GENIUS AND SPIRIT OF ENGLAND'S TREATMENT OF IRELAND. He does not speak of the Irish as the subjects of the King of England. He has not the slightest consideration for the unfortunate Irish whom they were pitting against each other. "Let them bleed ;" he says, "the longer they continue at war, and the greater number of them that are swept away, the better it ivill be for your grace* s poor subjects here." Party legislation, party law, intended only to protect the English settler and exterminate the Irishman. This Sir John Davis himself, the Attorney - General of James I, declared lay at the bottom of all English legislation for Ireland for four hundred years, and was the cause of all the evils and miseries of Ire- land. ^^^ V lVEHSITY ) 44 ANOTHER OF MR. FROUDE'S FALLACIES. Surrey retired after two years, and then, according to Mr. Froude, Henry tried "Home Rule" in Ireland. Here, again, the learned historian tries to make a point for his hero. "Irish- men," he says, "admire the memory of this man. He tried Home Rule with you, and he found that you were not able to govern yourselves, and then he was obliged to take the whip and drive you." Let us see what kind of Home Rule Henry tried. One would imagine that Home Rule in Ireland meant that Irishmen should manage their own affairs and make their own laws. It either means this, or it means nothing. It is a delusion, a mockery, and a snare, unless it means that the Irish people have a right to assemble in their parliament and to gov- ern themselves by legislating for themselves, and making their own laws. Did Henry the Eighth's "Home Rule" mean this? Not a bit of it. All he did was to make the Earl of Kildare the Lord Lieutenant or Lord Deputy of Ireland, to please the Irishmen that is to say, an Anglo-Norman Irishman at the head of the State for a few years. In this consists the whole scheme of Home Rule attributed by Mr. Froude to Henry the Eighth. He did not call upon the Irish nation and say to them, " Return your members to Parliament, and I will allow you to make your own laws." He did not call upon the Irish chief- tains, the natural representatives of the nation ; the men in whose veins flowed the blood of Ireland's chieftainship for thou- sands of years. He did not call upon the O'Briens, the O'Neills, the McCarthymores, and the O'Connors, and say to them, "come and assemble, and make laws for yourselves and, if they are just laws, I will set my seal upon them, and allow you to gov- ern Ireland through your own legislation." No ; but he set up a clique of Anglo-Norman lords, the most unruly, the most law- less, and the most restless pack we hear of, or read of, in all history. He set these men to take the government of the coun- try for a time in their hands, and what was the consequence ? No sooner did he leave them to govern than they began to make war on the Irish to tear them to pieces. The first thing that Kildare does, after his appointment in 1522, is to summon an army and lay waste the territories of 45 the Irish chieftains around him, to kill their people, and burn their villages. After a time they fell out among themselves. The Anglo-Norman family of the Butlers became jealous of Kildare, who was a Fitzgerald, and they began to accuse him of treason and on two occasions it is really true that Kildare did carry on a treasonable correspondence in the year 1534 with Francis I, King of France ; and again, also, with Charles V, Emperor of Germany. He was sent to England for the third time, to answer for his conduct, in 1534, and then Henry put him in prison. While he was in the Tower, in London, his son, Thomas Fitzgerald, who was called "Gilden Thomas'," a brave young man, revolted because his father was in prison, and they told him that Henry intended to put him to death. Henry declared war against him, and he against the King of England ; and the consequence of that war was, that the whole province of Munster and a great part of Leinster was ravaged by the King's armies ; the people were destroyed, and the towns and villages burned, until at length there was not as much left as would feed man or beast. And so, then, under the Home Rule of Henry > the troubles with the Norman lords and the treason of Kildare ended in the ruin of nearly one-half of the Irish people. Perhaps you will ask me, did the Irish people take part in that war, so as to justify Henry's share in the awful treatment they received ? I answer, they took no part in it ; it was an English business from beginning to end. O'Carroll, O'Moore of Ossory, and O'Connor these were the only Irish chieftains that sided with the Geraldines at all, and drew the sword against England ; and they were three chiefs of rather small importance, and by no means represented the Irishy, as it was called, of Munster or any other Irish province. And yet upon the Irish people fell the avenging hand of Henry the Eighth's armies. MR. FROUDE SIFTED THE ENGLISH STATE PAPERS. Mr. Froude goes on to say that the Irish people, somehow or other, got to liking Henry VIII. Well, if they did, I can't ad- mire their taste. "Henry VIII pleased them," says Mr. Froude. "Henry," he says, " never showed any disposition to dispossess the Irish 46 people of their lands, and to exterminate them." Honest Henry ! gentle Henry ! Now, I take Mr. Froude up on that point. Fortunately for the Irish historian, the State papers are open to us as well as to Mr. Froude. What do the State papers of the reign of Henry the Eighth tell us ? They tell us that proj- ect after project was formed during the reign of this monarch to drive all the Irish nation into Connaught, over the Shannon. That Henry wished to do away with the Irish Council that gov- erned Ireland by Home Rule ; Henry wished it, and the peo- ple of England desired it, and one of these State papers ends in these words : " Consequently, the promise brought to pass There shall no Irish be on this side of the waters of Shannon, unpersecuted, unsubjected, and unexiled ; then shall the En- glish pale be well two hundred miles long, and more." More than this : we have the evidence of the State papers of the time, that Henry the Eighth immediately contemplated the sweeping destruction and UTTER EXTERMINATION OF THE WHOLE IRISH RACE. We find even the Lord Deputy and Council in Dublin writing to his majesty, and here are the very words : "They told me that his verdict is impracticable ; they say that the land is very large by estimation as large as England so that, to inhabit the whole with new inhabitants, the num- ber would be so great there is no prince in Christendom that conveniently might spare so many subjects to depart out of his regions, and to comprise the whole extirpation and total de- struction of the Irish. It is a marvelous and sumptuous charge, and more impossible, considering the inhabitants are of great hardness. And mor.e than this, the Irishmen can endure both hunger and cold, and even a want of lodging, more than the inhabitants of any other land. For if they, by the precedent of a conquest, have this land, we have not read in any chronicle of such a conquest of the inhabitants of the land ; nor have we heart for seeking the extermination or banishment of a whole people !" Great God ! Is this the man that Mr. Froude tells us was 47 the friend of Ireland, and never showed any desire to take their lands, and dispossess and destroy them ? This is the man the admirer of order and hater of disorder ; surely, he was about to create a magnificent order ; for his idea was, if a peo- ple are troublesome, and you want to reduce them to quiet, the best and the simplest way is to kill them all. Just like some of those people in England those nurses we read of a few years ago -that were farming out children. When the child was a little fractious, they gave him a nice little dose of poison, and they called it quietness. HENRY'S POLICY EXPOSED. Do you know the reason why Henry the Eighth pleased the Irish ? For there was no doubt about it, they were more pleased with him than with any English monarch up to that time. The reason is a very simple one. He had his own de- signs, but he concealed them ; and while he was meditating, like an anticipated Oliver Cromwell, the utter ruin and destruc- tion of all the Irish race, he had the good sense to keep it to himself, and he only comes out in his state papers. He treated the Irish with a certain amount of courtesy and politeness. Henry, with all his faults, was a learned man an accom- plished man a man of very elegant manners a man with a bland smile who would give you a warm shake of the hands. It is true, he might the next day have your head cut off, but still he had the manners of a gentleman ; and it is a singular fact, my friends, that the two most gentlemanly kings of En- gland were the greatest scoundrels that ever lived Henry the Eighth and George the Fourth. Accordingly, he dealt with the Irish people with a certain amount of civility and courtesy ; he did not come among them like all his predecessors before him, saying : "You are the King's enemies ; you are to be put to death ; you are without the pale of the law ; you are barba- rians and savages ; I will have nothing to say to you." Not a bit of it. Henry came and said : " Let us see if we can not ar- range our difficulties if we can't live in peace and quiet." An4 the Irish were charmed with his manners. 4 8 A PRACTICAL LESSON. Ah ! my friends, it is true that there was a black heart under that smiling face ; and it is also true and veritable that Mr. Froude's statement that Henry the Eighth had a certain amount of popularity among the Irish people proves that if the English only knew how to treat us with respect and courtesy, and with some show of kindness, they would have long since won the heart of Ireland, instead of being embittered as much by the haughtiness and stupid pride of her sons' manners, as well as by the injustice and cruelty of her laws. And this is what I meant when, on last Tuesday evening, I asserted that English contempt for Ireland is the real evil that lies deeply at the root of all the bad spirit that exists between the two nations, for the simple reason that the Irish people are too intellectual, too strong, too energetic, too pure of race and blood, too ancient and too proud to be despised. HOW THE IRISH THREW THE POPE OVERBOARD. And now, my friends, Mr. Froude went on in his lectures to give a proof of the great love the Irish people had foi Harry the Eighth, he says that we were so fond of this King, that we actually, at the King's request, threw the Pope overboard Now, Mr. Froude, fond as we were of your glorious hero, Harry the Eighth, we were not so enamored of him we had not fal- len so deeply in love with him as to give up the Pope for him. THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS MATTER. What are the facts of the case ? Henry, about the year 1530 got into difficulties with the Pope, which ended in his denying the authority and the supremacy of the head of the Catholic Church. He then picked out an absolute monk, a man who had given up his faith, a man without a shadow of either con- science, character or virtue, and he had consecrated tre first Protestant Archbishop of Dublin. This was an Englishman by the name of Brown, and he sent George Brown over to Dublin, in 1534, with a commission to get the Irish nation to follow in the wake of England, and throw the Pope overboard and ac- knowledge Henry's supremacy. Brown arrived in Dublin, and 49 he called the bishops together the bishops of the Catholic Church and he said to them, you must change your allegi- ance, you must give up the Pope and take Henry, the King of England, in his stead. The. Archbishop of Armagh, in these days, was an Englishman ; his name was Cramer ; the moment he heard these words, he raised up at the council-board and said: "What blasphemy is this I hear? Ireland will never change her faith. Ireland will never renounce her Catholicity, and she would have to do it by renouncing the head of the Catholic Church." All the bishops of Ireland followed the Primate ; all the priests of Ireland followed the Primate ; and George Brown wrote a most lugubrious letter home to his pro- tector, Thomas Cromwell, telling him: "lean make nothing of these people, and I would return to England, only I am afraid the King would have my head taken, off." THE IRISH PARLIAMENT OF 1537. Three years later, however, Brown and the Lord - Deputy summoned a Parliament, and it was at this Parliament of 1537, according to Mr. Froude, that Ireland threw the Pope overboard. Now what are the facts ? A Parliament was assembled from time immemorial in Ireland. Whenever the Parliament was assembled, there were three delegates, called Proctors, from every Catholic diocese in Ireland, who sat in the House of Commons, by virtue of their office three priests from every diocese in Ireland. When the Parliament was called, the very first thing that they did was to banish the three Proctors who came from every diocese in Ireland, and to deprive them of their seats in the House. Without the slightest justice, without the slightest show or pretense of either right, or law, or justice, the Proctors were excluded, and so the ecclesiastical element of Ireland, the Church element, was precluded from that Parlia- ment of 1537. Then, partly by bribes and partly by threats, the venal Parliament of the Pale, the English Pale, the Par- liament of the region of the rotten little boroughs that sur- rounded Dublin in the five half -counties, we have seen them willing to take the oath that Henry VIII was the head of the Church ; an,d this Mr. Froude calls the apostasy of the Irish 5 nation. With this strange want of knowledge for I can call it nothing else of our religion, he attests that Ireland remained Catholic, even though he asserts that she gave up the Pope. " They took the oath," he says, " bishops and all, took the oath of Henry the Eighth's supremacy, and they didn't become Protestants ; they still remained Catholics, and the reason why they refused to take the same oath to Elizabeth was, that Eliza- beth insisted upon the Protestant religion as well as the su- premacy. WHO ARE CATHOLICS ? Now I answer Mr. Froude at once, to set him right on this point. The Catholic Church teaches, and always has taught, that no man is a Catholic who is not in the communion of obe- dience with the Pope of Rome. Henry VIII, who was a learned man, had too much logic and too much theology, and too much sense to become what is called a Prot stant. He never embraced the doctrines of Luther, and he held on to every iota of the Catholic doctrine to the very last day of his life, save and except that he refused to acknowledge the Pope, and on the day that Henry VIII refused to acknowledge the Pope, Henry III ceased to be a Catholic. To pretend, there- fore, or to trust, that the Irish people were so ignorant as to imagine that the King threw the Pope overboard, and still re- mained a Catholic, is to offer to the genius and to the intelli- gence of Ireland a gratuitous insult. EIGHT BISHOPS APOSTATISED. It is true that some eight of the bishops apostatised I can call it nothing else. They took the oath of supremacy to Henry VIII. Their names, living in the execration of Irish history, were Eugene Maginnis, Bishop of Down, in Con- naught ; Roland Burke, I am sorry to say, Bishop of Clon- fert ; Folrence Glanone, Bishop of Clonnacnoise ; Matthew Sanders, Bishop of Lamelas ; Hugh O'Sullivan, Bishop ofClan- forth five bishops apostatised. The rest of Ireland's episco- pacy remained faithful. George Brown, the apostate Arch- bishop of Dublin, acknowledges, in a letter written at this time, that of all the priests in the Diocese of Dublin, he can only S' persuade three to take the oath to Henry VIII. There was a priest down in Cork, he was an Irishman a rector in the See of Shannon and his name was Dominick Terry, and he was offered the Bishopric of Cork, if he took the oath, and he took it. There was a man by the name of William Myrragh, another priest; he was offered the Diocese of Kil- dare, if he took the oath, and he took it. There was a man by the name of Alexander Deveraux, Abbot of Dunbrody, a Cistercian monk ; he was offered the Diocese of Ferns, in the County Wexford, and he took it. These are all the names that represent the national apostasy of Ireland eight men. Out of so many hundreds, eight were found wanting ; and yet Mr. Froude turns around, quietly and calmly, and tells us that the Irish bishops, priests and people were found wanting, and threw the Pope overboard. MR. FROUDE BROUGHT UP WITH A ROUND TURN. He makes another assertion, and I regret he made it ; I re- gret it because there is much in the learned gentleman that I admire and esteem. He asserts that the bishops of Ireland, in those days, were immoral men ; that they had families, that they were not at all like the venerable men whom we see es- tablished in the episcopacy to - day. Now, I answer, there is not a shred of testimony to bear up Mr. Froude in this wild as- sertion. I have read the history of Ireland national, civil and ecclesiastical as far as I could, and nowhere have I seen even an allegation, much less a proof, of immorality against the Irish clergy and their bishops, at the time of the Reformation. But perhaps when Mr. Froude said this of the bishops, he meant the apostate bishops ; if so, I am willing to grant him whatever he chooses, in regard to them, and whatever charge he lays upon them, the heavier it is, the more satisfied am I to see it coming. The next passage in the relations of Henry VIII to Ireland, goes to prove that Ireland did not throw the Pope overboard. My friends, in the year 1541, a Parliament assembled in Dub- lin, and declared that Henry VIII was King of Ireland. They had been four hundred years or more fighting for that title ; at II length it was conferred by the Irish Parliament upon the En- glish monarch. Two years later, in gratitude to the Irish Parliament, Henry called all the Irish chieftains over to a grand assembly at Greenwich, and on the 1st of July, 1643, he gave the Irish chieftains their English titles. O'Neill of Ulster got the title of Earl of Tyrone ; the glorious O'Donnell, the title of Earl of Tyrconnel ; Urick Mac William Burke was called the Earl of Clanricarde ; Fitzpatrick was given the name of the Baron of Ossory, and they returned to Ireland with their new English titles. HENRY'S GENEROSITY. Henry, free, open - handed, generous fellow as he was for he was really very generous -he gave them not only titles, but he gave them a vast amount of property, which happened to be stolen from the Catholic Church. He was an exceedingly generous man with other people's goods. He had a good deal of that spirit which Artemas Ward made mention of when he said "he was quite content to see his wife's first cousin go to the war." In order to promote reformation, not Protestantism, but his own reformation in Ireland, Henry gave to these Irish Earls, with their English titles, all the abbey lands, all the convents and all the churches that lay in their possessions. The con- sequence was, he enriched them, and, to the eternal shame of the O'Neill and the O'Donnell, MacWilliam, Burke and Fitz- patrick of Ossory, they had the cowardice and weakness to accept the gifts at his hands. Then they came home with the spoils of the monasteries and their English titles. Now, mark ! The Irish people were as true as flint on that day when the Irish chieftains were false to their country. Nowhere in the previous history of Ireland do we read of the clans rising against their chieftains ; nowhere do we read of the O'Neill and the O'Donnell being despised by their own people, but on this occasion, when they came home. Mark what follows. O'Brien, Earl of Thomond, when he arrived in Munster, found half of his dominions in revolt against him. The Burkes of Connaught, as soon as they heard that Mac- William, their natural leader the Earl who had accepted the 53 abbey lands the very first thing they did was to depose him and set up another man, not by the title of the Earl of Clan- ricarde, but by the title of MacWilliam Ulrick De Burgh. When O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, came home to Ulster^ he was taken, by his own son, clapped into jail, and he died there. O'Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnell, came home, and his own son and all his people rose up against him, and drove him from their midst. Now, I say, in the face of all this, Mr. Froude is not justi- fied in stating that Ireland threw the Pope overboard ; for, remember these chieftains did not renounce the Catholic relig- ion, according to Mr. Froude, they only renounced the Papal supremacy ; they did not come home Protestants, they only came home schismatics and bad Catholics, and Ireland would not stand that. WHAT FOLLOWED AFTER HENRY VIII DIED. Henry died in 1547, and I verily believe that, with all the badness of his heart, if he had lived for a few years longer, his life would not have been so much a curse as a blessing to Ire- land, for the simple reason that those who came after him were worse than himself. He was succeeded by his child - son, Edward VI. Edward was under the care of the Duke of Somerset. Somerset was a thorough - going Protestant, and did not believe in the Papal Supremacy, in the Mass, in the Sacraments ; in any thing that formed the especial teaching of the Catholic Church. He was opposed to them all, and he sent over to Ireland his orders, as soon as Henry was dead, and when young Edward was proclaimed King, to put the laws in force against Catholics. The churches were pillaged, the Bishops and Priests driven out, and, as Mr. Froude puts it, "The emblems of superstition were pulled down." The emblems of superstition, as Mr. Froude calls them, were the figures of Christ Jesus, crucified, the statues of His Blessed Mother, and the statues and pictures of His saints. All these things were pulled down and destroyed, the crucifix was trampled under foot, and the ancient statues of Our Lady were public ally burned ; the churches were rifled and sacked. 54 Then, as Mr. Froude eloquently puts it, " Ireland was taught a lesson that she must yield to the new order of things or stand by the Pope." "And Irish traditions," he says, "and ideas become inseparably linked with religion." Glory to you, Mr. Froude ! He goes on to say, in eloquent, language, "Ireland chose its place on the Pope's side, and chose it irrevocably ; and, from that time, the CAUSE OF THE CATHOLIC RELIGION AND IRISH INDEPENDENCE BECAME INSEPARABLY ONE." If the learned gentleman were present, I have no doubt he would rise up and bow his thanks to you for the hearty manner in which you have received his sentiments. I am sure, as he is not here, he will not take it ill of me when I thank you in his name. QUEEN MARY. Edward died after a short reign, and then came Queen Mary, who is known in England by the name of "Bloody Mary." She was a Catholic, and, without doubt, she persecuted her Protestant subjects. But Mr. Froude makes this remark of her. In his lecture, he says: "There was no persecution of Protestants in Ireland, because there were no Protestants there to be persecuted." He goes on to say, "Those who were in the land fled when Mary came to the throne." Now, my friends, I must take the learned historian to task in this. The insinuation is, that if any Protestant had been in Ireland, that the Irish Catholic people would have persecuted them. The impression that he tries to leave on the mind is, that we Catholics are only too glad to imbrue our hands in the blood of our fellow - citizens on the question of religious differ- ences and of doctrine. And he goes on to confirm this impres- sion by saying, " The Protestants that were in Ireland fled." As much as to say, whatever chance they had in another country, they had no chance in Ireland. Now what are the historic facts ? The facts are, that during the reign of Edward VI, and during the later years of his father's reign, certain apostates from the Catholic faith were sent over to Ireland as bishops men whom even English history convicts and condemns of every crime. As soon as 55 Mary came to the throne, these gentlemen did not wait to be ordered out ; they went out of their own accord. It was not a question at all of the Irish people ; it was a question between the Catholics of England and certain English bishops foisted upon the Irish Church. They thought it was the best of their play to clear out and I verily believe they acted very prudently. But as far as regards the Irish people, I claim for my native land that SHE NEVER PERSECUTED ON ACCOUNT OF RELIGION. I am proud, in addressing an American audience, to be able to make this high claim for Ireland that the genius of the Irish people is not a persecuting genius. There is not a people on the face of the earth so attached to the Catholic religion as the Irish race. But there is not a people on the face of the earth so unwilling to persecute or to shed blood in the cause of religion as the Irish. And here are my proofs. Mr. Froude says that the Protestants made off out of Ireland as soon as Mary came to the throne. But Sir James Ware, in his annals, tells us: "That the Protestants were being persecuted in England under Mary, and they actually fled over to Ireland for protection." He even gave the names of some of them. He tells us that John Harvey, Abel Ellis, John Edmunds and Henry Hore, all natives of Cheshire, came over to Ireland to avoid the persecution in England. They brought a Welsh Protestant minister, by the name of Thomas Jones, with them. Nay, more : These four gentlemen were received so cordially, and were welcomed so hospitably, that they actually founded highly respectable mercantile houses in Dublin. A TELLING INSTANCE OF IRISH LOVE OF FREEDOM OF CON- SCIENCE. We have another magnificent proof that the Irish people are not a persecuting race. When James II assembled his Catholic Parliament in Ireland in 1680, though they had been more than a hundred years under the lash of their Protestant fellow - citizens, robbed, plundered, imprisoned and put to death for their conscientious adherence to the Catholic faith. At last the wheel got turned, and, in 1689, the Catholics went up and the Protestants went down. That Parliament met to the number of 228 members. The Celt the Irish Catholic element was in a sweeping majority. What was the first law that they made? The very first law that Catholic Parliament made was as fol- lows : "We hereby decree that it is the law of Ireland, that neither now nor ever again shall any man be persecuted for his religion. That was the retaliation we took on them. Was it not magnificent? Was it not a grand, magnificent specimen of that spirit of Christianity ; that spirit of forgiveness and charity, without which, if it is not within the Christian's heart, all the dogmatic truths that were ever revealed won't save or ennoble him. MR. FROUDE AND GOOD QUEEN BESS. And now, coming to good "Queen Bess," as she is called, Mr. Froude lays it on her very heavy. He speaks of her rule in language as terrific in its severity as I could, and far more ; for I have not the learning or the eloquence of Mr. Froude. But he says one little thing of her worthy of remark. He says Elizabeth was reluctant to draw the sword ; but when she did draw it she never sheathed it until the star of freedom was fixed upon her banner^ never to pale " That is a very eloquent pas- sage. But the soul of eloquence is truth. Is it true, histor- ically, that Elizabeth was reluctant to draw the sword ? I an- swer it by Irish annals I answer it by the history of Ireland , Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558. The following year, in 1559, there was a Parliament assembled, by her order, in Dub- lin. What do you think were the laws that were made in that Parliament ? It was not a Catholic Parliament, but an Irish Parliament. It consisted of seventy-six gentlemen. Generally speaking, the Parliament in Ireland used to have from two- hundred and twenty to two hundred and thirty members. This Parliament of Elizabeth consisted of seventy-six picked men. The laws that Parliament made were, first : "Any clergyman not using the "Book of Common Prayer the Protestant Prayer Book or, using any other form of prayer, either in public or private, the first time he is discovered, is to be de- prived of his benefice for one year, and suffer imprisonment in. 57 jail for six months. For a second offense he is to forfeit his in- come forever, and to be put into jail, to be let out only at the Queen's good pleasure " whenever she thought proper. "For the third offense he was to be put in close confinement for' life." This is the lady that was reluctant to draw the sword, my friends. Remember, this was the very year after she was crowned Queen. She scarcely waited a year, and yet this was the woman that was reluctant to draw the sword ! So much for the priests ; now for the laymen. If any lay- man was discovered using another Prayer Book, except Eliz- abeth's Prayer Book, he was put into jail for a year, and if caught doing that a second time, he was /w^ in prison for the rest of his life. Every Sunday the people were obliged to go to the Protestant Church. If any one refused to go, for every time he refused he was fined about twelve pence that would be about twelve shillings of our present money. And besides the fine of twelve pence, he was to incur the censures of the Church. "The star of freedom," says Mr. Froude, "was never to pale," and " the Queen drew the sword in the cause of the star of freedom." But, my friends, freedom meant whatever in Elizabeth's mind it meant freedom meant a slavery ten-fold increased by the addition of persecution to the other miseries of the unfortunate Irish. If this be Mr. Froude's ideal of the "star of freedom," all I can say is, the sooner such star falls from the firmament of heaven and the world's history, the better. THE CONDITION OF IRELAND. In what state was the Irish Church ? We have the authority of the Protestant historian, Leland, that there were two hun- dred and twenty parish churches in Meat.h, and, in a few years' time, there were only one hundred and two of them left with the roofs on. "All over the kingdom," says Leland, "the people were left without any religious worship, and under the pretext of obeying the orders of the State, they seized all the most valuable furniture of the churches, which they exposed for sale, without decency of reserve. A number of hungry ad- venturers were let loose upon the Irish Church and the Irish 5 8 people, by Elizabeth. They not only robbed them, but plun- dered their churches, and shed the blood of the bishops, priests, and the people of Ireland, in torrents, as Mr. Froude himself acknowledges. He tells us "that in the second rebellion of the Geraldines, such was the state to which the fair province of Munster was reduced, that you might get through the land, from the furthermost point of Kerry, until you came into the eastern plains of Tipperary, and you would not even hear as much as the whistle of the plow- boy, or behold the face of a living man, and that the trenches and ditches were full of the corpses of the people ;" that " the country was reduced to a howling, desolate wilderness." The poet Spencer describes it in the most terrible and graphic manner ; and he, even case- hardened as he was, being one of the plunderers and persecut- ors himself, he acknowledges that " the state of Munster was such that no man could look upon it with a dry eye." Sir Henry Sydney, one of Elizabeth's own deputies, speaks of the Irish Church, "so deformed," he says, "and overthrown a Church ; there is not, I am sure, in any religion where the name of Christ is professed, such horrible spectacles to behold, as the burning of villages, the ruin of churches, yea, the views of the bones and skulls of the dead, who, partly by murder and partly by famine, have died in the fields, is, in truth, such a sight as hardly any Christian, with any eyes, can behold." Her own minister, her own agent, there is his testimony of the state to which this terrible woman had reduced unhappy Ireland. Strafford, another English authority and statesman, says, " I knew it was bad, very bad, in Ireland, but that it was so terrible I did not believe." THE OBJECT IN THIS. And, in the midst of all this persecution, there was still a reigning idea in the minds of the English Government it was still the old idea of rooting out and extirpating the Irish from their own land, to which was added the element of religious discord and persecution. It was evident that this was still in the mind of the English people. Elizabeth, who, Mr. Froude says, "never dispossessed an Irishman of an acre of his land " 59 Elizabeth, during the terrible war which she waged, in the latter days of her reign, against heroic Hugh O'Neil, in Ulster, threw out such hints as these: "The more slaughter there is, the better it will be for my English subjects, the more land they will get." This woman, whom Mr. Froude tells us " never confiscated, and would never listen to the idea of the confisca- tion of property ;" this woman, when the Geraldines were de- stroyed, took the whole of their vast estates millions of acres of the Earl of Detmord, and gave them all quietly and calmly to certain Englishmen from Lancashire, Devonshire, Somerset- shire and Cheshire. And in the face of these truths, recorded and stamped on the world's history, I can not understand how any man can come in and say of this atrocious woman, "What- ever she did, she intended for the good of Ireland." In 1602 she died, after reigning forty-one years, leaving Ireland, at the hour of her death, one vast slaughter-house. Munster was reduced to the state in which Spencer described it. Connaught was reduced to a wilderness, through the rebellion of the Clanricarde's of the Burke family. Ulster, through the agency of Lord Mountjoy, was left the very picture of desola- tion. The glorious red Hugh O'Donnell, and the magnificent Hugh O'Neil, were crushed and defeated after fifteen years' war ; and the consequence was, that when James the First succeeded Elizabeth, he found Ireland almost a wilderness. JAMES I. What did he do ? He, at first, promised the Irish that they should keep their lands. He succeeded to the throne of En- gland in 1603, and for four years I must give him the credit for four years he kept his word. In 1607, through a sham conspiracy, Hugh O'Neill and O'Donnell Tyrconnel fled from the country, and then Sir Arthur Chichester, the agent of the En- glish King, developed one of the most extraordinary schemes that was ever heard of, in the relations between one country and another. They took the whole of the province of Ulster, every square inch of Ireland's richest and finest province, and cleared out THE WHOLE IRISH POPULALION, and handed il over bodily to settlers /rent England and Scotland, It was called 6o the " PLANTATION of Ulster." They gave to the Protestant Archbishop of Armagh, forty-three thousand acres of the finest land in Ireland ; they gave to Trinity College, in Dublin, 30,000 acres ; they gave to the skinners, drysalters and cord- wainers, those corporations and trades of London, 208,000 acres ; they brought over colonies of Scotch Presbyterian, and English Protestants, and gave them lots of 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 acres of land in extent, making them swear, as a condi- tion, that they would not as much as employ one single Irish Catholic, or let them come near them. Thus millions of acres of the finest land in Ireland were taken, at one single blow, from the Irish people, and they were thrust out of all their property. MR. FROUDE AGAIN DISSECTED. Mr. Froude, in his rapid historical sketch, says: "But all this, of course, bred revenge." He tells us, "In 1641 the Irish rose in rebellion." They did. Now he makes one state- ment, and with the refutation of that statement, I close this lecture. I know, my friends, to many among you these lectures must appear dry ; we can not help it ; history generally is a dry sub- ject. Mr. Froude tells us that in the rising under Sir Phelan O'Neill, in 1642, there were thirty -eight thousand Protestants murdered by the Irish. Now, that is a grave charge ; that is one of the most terrific things to accuse .a people of if it be not true. If it be true, all I can say is that I blush for my fathers. But if it be not true, why repeat it ? Why not, in the name of God, wipe it out with disdain from the record of history? Is it true ? The Irish rose under Sir Phelan O'Neill, and at that time there was a Protestant person in Ireland calling himself "a minister of the word of God." He gave his account of the whole transaction in a letter to the people, begging of them to help their fellow-Protestants in Ireland. Here are his words: "It is the intention of the Irish to massacre all the English. On Saturday they were to disarm them, on Sunday to seize all their cattle and goods, and on Monday they were to cut all the English throats. The former they executed, the third one 6i this massacre they failed in." Petit, an English authority, tells us that there were 30,000 Protestants massacred at that time. A man by the name of May, another historian, puts it at 200,000; he thought; "In for a penny in for a pound." But there was an honest Protestant clergyman in Ireland, who examined minutely into the details of the whole conspiracy and all the evils that came from it. What does he say? " I have discovered," he says, and gives the proof from state papers and authentic records, "that the Irish Catholics in that rising mas- sacred 2,100 Protestants, that other Protestants said that there were 1,600 more, and that some Irish authorities themselves say that there were 300 more, making altogether 4,000 persons." This is the massacre that Mr. Froude says, as he just tosses it off as calmly as if it were Gospel, " 38,000 Protestants were massacred ;" that is to say, he has multiplied the original num- ber by ten, where, as Mr. Warner, the authority in question, actually says, "That there were 2,100, and," he continues, "I am not willing to believe in the additional numbers that have been sent in." This is the way that history is written ; this is the way that people are left under false impressions. THE VERDICT DEMANDED. Now, from all we have seen of the terrible nature of the evils which fell upon Ireland in the days of Henry the Eighth, in the days of Elizabeth, in the days of James the First, I ask you, people of America, to set these two thoughts before your mind, contrast them, and give one a fair verdict. FATHER BURKE'S PERORATION. Is there any thing recorded in history, more terrible than the persistent, undying resolution so clearly manifested by the En- glish Government to root out, extirpate and destroy the people of Ireland ? Is there any thing recorded in history more unjust than this systematic, constitutional robbery of a people, whom the Almighty God created in that island, to whom He gave that island, and who had the aboriginal right to every inch of Irish soil? On the other hand, can history bring forth a more magnifi- 62 cent spectacle than the calm, firm, united resolution with which Ireland stood in defense of her religion, and gave up all things rather than sacrifice what she conceived to be the cause of truth ? Mr. Froude does not believe that it was the cause of truth. I do not blame him. Every man has a right to his religious opinions. But Ireland believed it was the cause of truth, and Ireland stood for it like one man. I speak of all these things only historically. I do not believe in animosity. I am not a believer in bad blood. I do not be- lieve with Mr. Froude that the question of Ireland's difficulties must ever remain without a solution. I do not give it up in despair; but this I do say, that he has no right nor has any other man to come before an audience of America OF AMERICA ! that has never persecuted in the cause of religion ; of America, that respects the rights even of the meanest subject upon her imperial soil and to ask the American people to sanction by their verdict the robbery and the persecution of which England was guilty. THIRD LECTURE. IRELAND UNDER CROMWELL. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : I now approach, in answer- ing Mr. Froude, some of the most awful periods of our history, and I confess that I approach this terrible ground with hesitancy, and with an extreme regret that Mr. Froude should have opened up questions which oblige an Irishman to undergo the pain of heart and anguish of spirit which a revision of those periods of our history must occasion. The learned gentleman began his third lecture by reminding his audience that he had closed bis second lecture with a reference to the rise, progress, and collapse of a great rebellion which took which took place in Ireland in 1641 that is to say, somewhat more than two hundred years ago. He made but a passing allusion to that great event in our history, and in that allusion if he has been reported correctly he said simply that the Irish rebelled in 1641 ; that was his first statement that it was a rebellion ; secondly, that this rebellion BEGAN IN MASSACRE AND ENDED IN RUIN. Thirdly, that for nine years the Irish leaders had the destinies of their country in their hands ; and, fourthly, that those nine years were years of anarchy and mutual slaughter. Nothing, therefore, can be imagined more melancholy than the picture drawn by this learned gentleman of those nine sad years, but 6 4 yet I will venture to say, and hope to be able to prove, that each of these four statements is without historical foundation. My first position is, that the movement of 1641 was not a re- bellion; my second is, that it did not begin with massacre, al- though it ended in ruin; my third, that the Irish leaders had not the destinies of their country in their hands during those nine years; and my fourth, that whether they had or not, those years were not a period of anarchy and mutual slaughter. They were but the opening to a far more terrific period. We must discuss these questions, my friends, calmly and historically. We must look at them like antiquarians prying into the past, rather than with the living, warm feelings of men whose blood boils at the remembrance of so much injustice and oppression. In order to understand these questions fully and fairly, it is necessary to go back to the historical events of the time. We find, then, that James the First had planted Ulster, which means that he had confiscated utterly and entirely six of the fairest counties in Ireland, an entire provinc e, driving out its Catholic inhabitants to a man, and giving the whole country to Scotch and English settlers of the Protestant religion, and the condition was added that the new settlers should not have AS MUCH AS AN IRISH LABORER employed in their fields. This man James died in 1625, and was succeeded by his son, the unfortunate Charles I. England had been rendered almost an absolute monarchy by Henry VIII, as we know. His absolute power was still continued under the tyrannical Elizabeth, and by Charles' own father, James I. Charles came to the throne with the most exaggerated ideas of royal privilege and royal supremacy. During the days of his father a new spirit had grown up in Scotland and England. The form that Protestantism took in Scotland was the uncom- promising and, - 1 may say, cruel form of Calvinism in its most repellant aspect. The men who rose in Scotland in defense of their Presbyterian religion, rose not against Catholics, but against the Episcopalian Protestants of England. They de- fended what they called the Ark of the Covenant. They fought bravely, I acknowledge, for it, and they ended in es- b.ttsj.j/x I tablishing it as the religion of Scotland. Now Charles I was an Episcopalian Protestant of the most sincere and devoted kind. The Parliament of England, in the very first years of Charles, admitted numbers, who were STRONGLY TINGED WITH SCOTCH CALVINISM, and they at once showed a refractory spirit toward their King. He demanded certain subsidies and they refused him. He as- serted certain sovereign rights, and they denied them. While this was going on in England, from 1630 to 1641, what was the condition of affairs in Ireland ? One fertile province of the land had been confiscated by James I. Charles I was in need of money for his own purposes, and his Parliament refused to grant any, and the poor, oppressed and down-trodden Catholics of Ireland imagined, naturally enough, that the King, being in difficulties, would turn to them, and extend a little countenance and favor, if they proclaimed their loyalty and stood by fra. Accordingly, the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Falkland, desiring t n- cerely to aid his royal master, hinted to the Catholics, who 1 id been enduring the most terrible penal laws, from the days of Elizabeth and James the First, that perhaps, if they sho ild now petition the King, certain graces or concessions might be granted them. These concessions simply involved permission of riding over English land, and to worship God, according to the dictates of their own conciences. They sought for nothing more, and nothing more was promised them. When their pe- tition was laid before the King, his royal Majesty issued a proclamation, in which he declared that it was his intention, and that he had plighted his word, to grant to the Catholics and the people of Ireland certain concessions and indulgencies, which he named as graces. No sooner did his Majesty's inten- tion become known in England THAN THE PURITAN ELEMENT in the English Parliament, fighting rebelliously against the King, instantly rose and protested that there should be no relaxation of the penal laws against the Catholics of Ireland. And, Charles, to his eternal disgrace, broke his word to the 3 66 Irish Catholics, after they had sent ,120,000 in acknowl- edgement of his promised concessions. More than this. It was suspected that Lord Falkland was too just a man to be Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and after a short lapse of time Lord Wentworth, Earl of Stratford, was sent to Ireland, as Lord Lieutenant. On arrival, Wentworth summoned a Parlia- ment, and they met in the year 1684. He told them that the King was in difficulties, how the Parliament in England had rebelled against him, and how he looked to the Irish Catholics as loyal. Perhaps he told them that, among Catholics, loyalty is not a mere sentiment, but an unshaken principle, resting on conscience and religion. And then he assured them that Charles, the King of England, still intended to keep his word, and to grant them their concessions. Next came the usual de- mand, money, and the Irish Parliament granted six subsidies of ,50,000 each. Strafford wrote to the King, congratulating his Majesty that he had got so much money out of the Irish, for he said : " You and I remember that your Majesty expected only ^30,000, and they have granted ^5 0,000." More than this, the Irish Parliament voted the King 8,000 infantry and 1,000 horse to fight his rebellious Scottish subjects and ene- mies. The Parliament .met the following year, in 1634, and what do you think of King Charles' fulfillment of his royal PROMISES TO THE CATHOLICS OF IRELAND ? After Strafford got the money, there was not a word about the promises of his master the King. He took upon himself, and fixed on his memory, the indelible shame and disgrace of breaking the word he had plighted, and disappointing the Catholics of Ireland. In 1635, the real character of this man came out, and what was the measure of his treachery ? He in- stituted a commission for the express purpose of confiscating, in addition to Ulster, the whole province of Connaught, so as not to leave an Irishman or a Catholic one square inch of ground in that whole land. He called it a Commission of Defective Titles. The members of the commission were to inquire into the title of property, and to find a flaw in it, if they could, in order that the land might be confiscated to the crown of En- 6 7 gland. Remember how much of Ireland had already been seized, my friends. The whole of Ulster had been confiscated by James the First. The same King had taken the county of Longford from the O'Farrels, who had owned it from time im- memorial. Wexford from the O'Tooles, and several other counties, from the Irish families, who were the rightful pro- prietors of the soil. And now, with the whole of Ulster and the better part of Leinster in his hands, this Minister instituted a commission, for the purpose of obtaining the whole of the pro- vince of Connaught, and of ROOTING OUT THE NATIVE IRISH population. The description of his plan is given by Leland, the historian, a man hostile to Ireland's faith and Ireland's nationality. Leland thus describes this project : It was nothing less, than to set aside the title of every estate in every part of Connaught, a project which when proposed in the late reign, was received with horror and amazement, and which suited the undismayed and enter- prising genius of Lord Wentworth. Stratford's commission began in Roscommon, and went thence into Sligo; thence to Mayo, and from Mayo to Gal way. Mark how he managed the tribunal. To pass judgment upon the validity of a title, required a jury of twelve men, and according to their verdict, the title failed or not. Strafford began by pack- ing the jury packing them ! It is the old story over again. The old policy continued to our time, the policy of a packed and prejudiced jury. He told the jury, before the trial began, that he expected them to find a verdict for the King, and, be- tween bribery, and overawing, he got juries to go for him, un- til he came into my own county Galway. And to the honor OF OLD GALWAY, be it said, that as soon as the commission arrived in that county, they could not find twelve jurors there, base enough or wicked enough, to confiscate the lands of their fellow-subjects. What was the result ? The county Galway jurors were called to Dublin, before the Castle Chamber. Every man 0f them was fined ^"4,000, and put in prison, to be kept there Until the fine was paid f Every square inch of (heir property was taken 68 from them, and the High Sheriff of Galway, being a man of moderate means, and having been fined ji,ooo, died in jail, because he was not able to pay the unjust imposition. Not content with threatening and coercing jurors, Strafford went to the Judges, and told them that they would get four shillings for every pound of property that they confiscated to the Crown, and he boasted, publicly, that he had made the Chief Baron, and the other Judges, attend to this business as if it was their own private concern. This is the kind of rule that the learned gentleman asks the honest and upright citizens of this country, to endorse by their approval, and thereby make themselves accomplices of English robbery. In the same way this Strafford, instituted another tribunal in Ireland, which he called the Court of Wards, and do you know what this was ? It was found that the Irish people, gen- tie and simple, failed to become Protestants. I have not a harsh word to say to say to any of the Protestants, but I do say that EVERY HIGH-MINDED PROTESTANT in the world must admire the strength and fidelity with which Ireland, because of conscience, clings to her ancient faith, be- lieving it true. This tribunal was instituted to cut off the race of Catholic gentlemn, and bring in the Protestant religion, and to the ac- tion of this Court of Wards is owing the significant fact that some of the best and most ancient names in Ireland, the names of men whose fathers fought for the faith and father-land, be- long to Protestants. All those families bearing my own name which are Protestant can trace the change of their religion to the Court of Wards. Not a drop of Protestant blood flowed in the veins of the Earl of Clanricarde.- Before that court was insti- tuted, there was nothing of Protestantism about the O'Briens of Munster, the O'Donnells and O'Nialls of. Ulster, but they are Protestants to-day. Let no Protestant or American citizen imag- ine that I speak with disdain of his religion, but as a historian it is my duty to point out the means, which every high-min4ed 6 9 man must brand as nefarious, by which the aristocracy of Ire- land were led to change their religion. But matters were becoming desperate between Charles and his Parliament, and in 1640 the King renewed his promises to the Irish Catholics. A Parliament was called, which granted four subsidies, 8,000 men. and 1,000 horse, to fight the Scotch, who had rebelled. Strafford went home after he had got the subsidies. The Parliament, which rebelled, got hold of him, and in the same year his head was cut off, and he is a strange Irishman that can regret it. Mean-time the people of Scotland rose in armed rebellion against their King. They marched into England, and what do you think they made by the movement ? They secured FULL ENJOYMENT OF THEIR RELIGION, which was not Protestant but Presbyterian. They got ^300, ooo, and got for several months ^850 a day to support their army. Then they retired into their own country, after achieving the purpose for which they revolted. Mean-time the loyal Catholics of Ireland were being ground in the very dust. What wonder, I ask you, was it that they counselled together and said, the King is afraid of the Parliament, though personally inclined to grant graces, which he has plighted his royal word to grant ? The evidence is that if free he would grant those concessions he has promised. But the King is not free, said the Irish, for his Parliament has rebelled against him. Let us rise, in the King's name, and assert our rights. They rose in 1641 like one man, every Irishman and Catholic in Ireland rose. On the 23d of October, 1641, they all rose, with the exception of the Catholic Lords of the Pale. I will give you the reasons of their rising, as recorded in the "Memoirs of Lord Castlehaven, " a Lord by no means prejudiced in favor of Ireland : The Irish rose for six reasons : first, because they are generally looked down to as a conquered nation, seldom or never trusted after the manner of free- born subjects. Here, dear friends, is the first reason given by this English Lord, that the Irish people rose after the English people treated them contemptuously. When will England learn to treat her subjects or friends with common respect. When will that proud, 70 STUBBORN, ANGLO-SAXON SPIRIT condescend to kindness in dealing with those around it. Much as the hatred of Englishmen for Irishmen may affect the Irish, their contempt for us is no less irritating than their terrible an- tagonism. The second reason given by Castlehaven is that the Irish saw six whole counties confiscated by the Crown, and the land gradually passing away from the natives. The third rea- son was that in Charles' time the Saxons laid claim also to the counties of Roscommon, Mayo, Galway, and Cork, with some other parts of territory in Limerick and Wicklow, and seized or tried to seize it. The fourth reason was that, according to the English account of the day, war was declared against the Roman Catholics, a fact which, to a people so fond of their religion as the Irish, was no small matter, no small inducement to make them sober and quiet, for as a race the Irish people are very fond of standing by their religious tenets and adhering to their religious opinions. The fifth reason was, that they saw how the Scots, by making a show of pretended grievances, and taking up arms against their oppressors in order to procure the rights to which they were justly entitled, procured the rights which they sought, secured the privileges and amenities due to a -na- tion anxious to assert its own cause its own independence. They secured 500,000 for their visit to Ireland, and the last reason was, that they saw such a misunderstanding exist between the King and the Parliament, and they consequently believed that the King would grant them any thing that they could in reason demand, or at least as much as they could expect. I ask you were not those sufficient grounds for any claim which the Irish might have made at that time ? I appeal to the people of America. I speak to a gratuitous and generous people, who KNOW WHAT RELIGIOUS LIBERTY MEANS. I appeal here from this platform to-night for a people whose spirit was never broken, and never will be. I appeal here to- night for a people not inferior to the Saxon, or to any other race on the face of the earth, either in gifts of intellect or bodily energy. I appeal here to-night (and I address myself to the enlightened instincts of this great land) for a people who have been down- trodden and persecuted as our forefathers were, an4 I think it my duty, not as a minister, but as a historian, to stand up here to-night and state my reasons for so doing, believe- ing that I have sufficient justification to stand up here and do so, and considering the fact of the accumulated wrongs that have been heaped upon Ireland, I don't think I would be doing justice to myself or to my country if I didn't take advantage of this opportunity to reply to the wrongs that have been heaped upon my unfortunate country. An English Protestant writer of the time to which I refer, writing in HcnveVs Hibernicon, says that they (the Irish) had sundry grievances and grounds of complaint, in reference to their estates and their consciences, which they pretend to be far greater than those of the Scots." For the Irish at the time believed that even though the Scots should alter their religion, that was no reason why they should have altered their own, for they gloried in the fact that they had neVer altered it. There was another reason why this state of things should not continue. Inasmuch as there was no cause why they should succumb to THE WEAKNESS AND FOLLY OF CHARLES, for I can call it nothing else, to preside at the head of the Irish Government. Sir George Borlice and Sir William Parsons both were partisans of the Parliament at the same time that they were its bitterest enemies, and they thought that he ( the King ) would be embarrased in his fight with the Parliament in En- gland by the revolution in Ireland, and so the very men who should be the guardians and preservers of the public peace lent themselves to revolution. For instance, six months before the revolution broke out, Charles gave them notice that he received intelligence that the lands were going to waste. They took no notice of the King's advertisements. The Irish Lords who sought to remain faithful to the Crown, and live in peace, asked to be justified by the English residents and patrons of the King in Dublin, and it was refused them. They were refused per- mission to go into the city and escape the Irish rebellion, and the moment the Irish chieftains came near the settlers of the En- glish King, their castles were declared forfeited as well as their estates, and so the Lords of Gormanstown and Trimbleton and 72 others were forced to join hands with the Irish, and draw their swords in the glorious cause they so applauded and maintained. They were forced to this. Moreover the Irish knew that their friends and fellow countrymen were earning distinction and honor and glory upon all the .battle-fields of Europe in the service of Spain, France, and Austria, and they held, not with- out reason, that these, their countrymen, would help them in the hour of their need. Accordingly, on the 23d of October, 1641, THEY AROSE. What was the first thing they did, according to Mr. Froude? The first thing was to massacre all the Protestants they could lay their hands on. Well, my friends, this, as I will endeavor to show, is not the fact. The very first thing that their leader, Sir Phelim O'Neill, did, was to issue a proclamation, on the very day- of the rising, in which he declares : We rise in the name of our Lord the King ; we rise to assert the power and prerogative of the King; we declare we do not wish to make war on the King or any one of his subjects ; we declare moreover, that we do not intend to shed blood except in legitimate warfare, and that any man of our tribes that robs, plunders, or sheds blood shall be severely punished. Did they keep to the word and the letter of this declaration ? Most infallibly. I assert, in the name of history, that there was no massacre of Protestants, and this I will prove from Protestant authority. We find that on the 25th the 27th of the same month in which is given that account of the rising of the Irish . people we 'find that according to Protestant accounts they complain, and tell us that the Irish stripped them, stripped their Protestant fellow-citizens, took their cattle, took their houses and their property, but not one single word of complaint is there about ONE SINGLE DROP OF BLOOD being shed. And, my friends, if they (the Irish) took their cattle and houses and property, you must remember that they were only taking back what was their- own. And very shortly afterward the massacre began, but who began it, and where? The Irish, claiming and seeking protection, brought their lives with them to Carrickfergus, and what followed ? They entered 73 the town of Carrickfergus and they found a garrison of Scotch Puritans. Now, in the confusion that arose, the poor country people all fled into an obscure part of the country near Carrick- fergus, called Island Magee. They were there collected to the number of more than three thousand. The very first thing these English Puritans and Scotch garrison did was to steal out of Carrickfergus in the night - time, so as to go in among them, an unarmed people, and slaughtered every man, woman and child they could find. They left 3,000 human beings dead behind them. Leland, the English Protestant historian, says, "This is the first massacre that occurred in Ireland on their side." This the first massacre ! How in the name of Heaven can any man be so learned as Mr. Froude and make such untruthful as- sertions as he has advanced? How can he, in the name of history, assert that these (the Irish people) began by massacre- ing 38,000 of his fellow-countrymen his fellow- religionists, when we have in the month of December, four months after, a commission issued to the Dean Kilmore and SEVEN OTHER PROTESTANT CLERGYMEN to make sedulous inquiry about the English and Scotch Protest- ants who were plundered, and not a single inquiry about those who were murdered. Here are the words of Castlehaven : The Catholics were urged into rebellion, and the Lords Justices were often heard to say that the more in rebellion, the more lands would be derived (or pilfered) from them. It Was the old story ; it was the old adage of James the First, 4 'Root out the Catholics ; root out the Irish ; give Ireland to English Protestants and Puritans, and immediately regenerate the land." Oh! from such regeneration of my own or any other land or people, O Lord, deliver us ! This rebellion, says Mr. Froude, began in massacre, and it ended in ruin. It ended in ruin the most terrible, ^ and if it began in massacre, you must, Mr. Froude, acknowledge that the massacre was on the part of your countrymen and co-religionists. Then having come to this pass in regard to this matter, it must be understood to be a war between the Puritans and Protestants of Ulster and Other parts of Ireland, the former being aided by constant re- 74 sources in the way of armies who came over to them from England. It was a war that continued for eleven years. It was a war in which the Irish chieftains held the destiny of the nation in their own hands. THEY WERE OBLIGED TO FIGHT, and fight like men, in order to try and achieve a better destiny and a better future for their people. Who can say that the Irish chieftains did not hold the destinies of Ireland in their hands during those nine years or more, when they had to fight against hostile forces, one after the other, that came successively against them, inflamed with religious bigotry, hatred and enmity that the world has scarcely ever seen the like of? Then Mr. Froude adds that these were years of anarchy and slaughter. Let us see what evidence history has of the facts. They (the bishops) were called together in a synod on the 1 8th of May, 1642. The bishops of all Ireland joined and met together, and they founded what is called the Confederation of Kilkenny. Among other members selected they (the English rulers) selected for a Supreme Council three archbishops, two bishops, four lords and fifteen commoners. These men were to meet and to remain in permanent session, to watch over the country, make its laws, watch over the army, and, above all, they were to prevent cruelty, robbery or murder." A regular government was formed. They ACTUALLY ESTABLISHED A MINT, and coined money for the Irish nation, and they established an army under Lord Mount Cashel, Lord Preston, and afterward under the command of the immortal Owen Roe O'Neill. It is true that during the first months they gained some suc- cess. Many of the principal cities in Ireland opened their gates to them. The garrisons were carefully saved from slaughter, and their opponents who laid down their arms were saved. Not a drop of unnecessary blood was shed by the Irish. In reference to that Supreme Council, I defy any man to say (to prove) that there was a single act of that Supreme Council for the purpose of promoting bloodshed or slaughter, 75 NoW, after a few months of success, the armies of the Con- federation experienced some reverses. The English armies came upon them, and the command was given to Sir Charles Coote, and I want to read some of that gentleman's exploits for you. Sir Charles Coote's exploits in Ireland are described by Clarendon in these words : Sir Charles, besides plundering and burning the town of Clontarf at that time, did massacre sixteen of the town's people, men and women, besides suckling infants, and in that very same week fifty-six men, women and children in the village of Bullock, being frightened at w*hat was done at Clontarf, went to sea to shun the fury of a party of soldiers who came out from Dublin under command of Col. Clifford. Being pursued by the sol- diers in boats,gthey were overtaken and thrown overboard. Sir William Borlice advised the Governor, Sir Charles Coote, that the Irish were burning the corn, and he gave men, women and children to the sword ; and Sir Anthony Loftus wrote of the same fact at the time. Well, THIS PRECIOUS DOCUMENT has the following, This is it : It is resolved that it is fit, (and mind this is authenticated by the Ear! o Ormond; that his Lordship doth endeavor to wound, kill, slay, and destroy, by all the ways and means that he may, all the said rebels, their adherants and relatives, and burn, spoil, waste, consume, destroy, and demolish all the places, towns, and houses where the rebels are or have been relieved or har- bored, and all the hay and corn there, and kill and destroy all the men there inhabiting capable of bearing arms. Given at the Castle of Dublin on the 23d day of February, 1641, and signed by six precious names. Listen to this : "Sir Anthony Loftus, Governor of Naas, marched out with a force of horse. He was met on the way and joined by the Marquis of Ormond, and they both together killed such of the Irish as they met, and did not stop to inquire whether they were rebels or not." But the most considerable slaughter was where the people were driven to the furze, having been alarmed by the whole- sale massacre going on around them. Now, Sir Anthony having discovered that the people had taken refuge in the furze, set fire to it on all sides where the people were, and burned men, Women and children, "I saw," said Castlehaven, "the bodies amidst the furze while burning." In the year 1641-42, many thousands of poor, innocent people of the county of Dublin, fearing the rage of the English soldiery, endeavored to escape, and as many as endeavored to escape and were arrested WERE BURNED. Seven thousand of our people, men^ women and children, with- out discrimination, were destroyed by these demons. We find also that there was a law made that if any Irishmen were found on board ships by his Majesty's cruisers, they were to be de- stroyed. "The Earl of Warmouth" (this is also in Claren- don's account) " as often as he met an Irish frigate, took all the seamen prisoners who belonged to the nation of Ireland, and taking them on deck, threw them overboard into the sea, without distinction as to their condition, if they were only Irish- men. In this manner many poor men perished day after day, all of which the King knew nothing*- because his Majesty could . not complain of it without being concerned in favor of the re- bellious in Ireland. Again, the Marquis of Ormond sent Capt. Anthony Willough* by, with 150 men, to look after the Irishmen who were in the service of the King and actually fought for him. They were all taken by Capt. Squarley, who THREW THE OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS OVERBOARD, although these same soldiers had faithfully served his Majesty against the rebels during the time of the war. You will ask me : Was that Captain punished for the slaughter the inhuman butchery? Here is the punishment he got. In June, 1864, we read, in the journals of the English House of Commons, that Capt. Squarley had given to him by the English House of Commons 200 in gold, and Capt. Smith had 100 given him. Sir Richard Greenville was very much esteemed by the Earl of Leicester, because he plundered the Irish and found among them less property than he expected. In a word he committed atrocities which I am ashamed and afraid to mention. They (the soldiers) tossed the infants taken from their dead mothers' bosom on their bayonets ; and it was a common thing to throw children into the air and for the soldier to spit them with his bayonet, and he loved and enjoyed such frolic. They brought 77 the children into the world before their time by a Caesarian pro- cess, and brought the poor, helpless infant thereby from its mother's womb to death, AN APPALLING DEATH, while the dead mother they immolated and sacrificed in a most cruel and terrible manner. Yes, such are the facts, my friends; I am afraid I say again I am afraid to tell you the hundredth part of the cruelties those terrible men, put by them upon our race. Now, I aslc you to compare this with the manner in which the Irish troops behaved. A garrison of 700 English surrendered, at Naas, and the Irish commandant surrendered them up, unharmed and un- injured^ on condition that under the like circumstances the En- glish would do the same thing with him. An Irish party capitulated a few days afterward. The Governor of the town and all the party were arrested and put to death. Sir Charles Coote, coming into Munster, slaughtered every man, woman and child he met on his march, and among others was Philip R^an, whom he put to death without the slightest hesitation. This occurs in Cart's life of Ormond. Great numbers of the Eiglish, miraculously preserved in those days through the in- strumentality of the Irish, were suffered to go into the county cf Cork by the courtesy and kindness of the inhabitants of Cashel. ' In 1649, Cardinal Renocini was sent over by the Pope to preside over the Supreme Council of the Confederation of Kil- kenny, and about the same time news came to Ireland that THE ILLUSTRIOUS OWEN ROE O'NEILL had landed in Ireland on the coast of Ulster. This man was one of the most distinguished officers in the Spanish service at the time when the Spanish infantry were acknowledged to be the finest troops in the world. He landed in Ireland, organized an army, drilled them and he met Gen. Monroe on the Black- water. The battle raged through the early hours of the day, and before evening, England's army was flying in confusion, and her vast array of soldiers were stretched on the field and darkened the plains of Benburb, while the Irish soldiery stood 78 triumphant on the field on which it had shown its valor and won its victory. Partly through the treachery of Ormond and Preston, and mainly through the agency of the English lords who were coquetting with the English Government, the Con- federation suffered the most disastrous defeats, and Ireland's cause was already broken and all but lost, when, in the year 1649, Oliver Cromwell landed in Ireland. Mr. Froude says, and truly, that he di$ not come to make war with rose-water, but with the thick, warm blood of the Irish people. And Mr. Froude prefaces the introduction of Oliver Cromwell in Ireland by tell- ing us that the Lord Protector was a great friend of Ireland, that he was a liberal-minded man, and intended to interfere with no man's liberty of conscience ; and he adds that : "IF CROMWELL'S POLICY WERE CARRIED OUT in full, probably I would not be here speaking to you of our difficulties with Ireland to-day.' 1 He adds, moreover, that Cromwell had formed a design for the pacicfiation of Ireland which would have made future troubles there impossible. What was this design ? Lord Macaulay tells what this design was. Cromwell's avowed purpose was to end all difficulties in Ireland, whether they arose from the land question or from the religious question, by putting a total and entire end to the Irish race by extirpating them off the face of the earth." This vas an admirable policy for the pacification of Ireland and the cre- ation of peace ; for the best way and the simplest way to keep any man quiet is to cut his throat, The dead do not speak ; he dead do not move ; the dead do not trouble any one ; and Cromwell came to destroy the Irish race and the Irish CathoLc faith, and so put an end at once to all claims for land and to all disturbances arising out of religious persecutions. But I ask this learned gentleman, (Mr. Froude) does h imagine that the people of America are either so ignorant or sc wicked as to accept the monstrous proposition that the man who came into Ireland with such a purpose as this can be de- clared the friend of the real interests of the Irish people ? Does he imagine that there is no intelligence in America, that there is no manhood in America, that there is no love for free- 79 dom, for religion and for life in America ? And a man must be an enemy of freedom, of religion and of life itself before he can sympathize with BLOOD-STAINED OLIVER CROMWELL. Mr. Froude says the Lord Protector did not interfere with any man's liberty of conscience. " Interfere with no man's con- science," says Cromwell ; "but if by conscience you Catholics mean having priests and the Mass, you will never have them so long as England has power." Mr. Froude says : T Acknowledge the mass is abeautifnl rite, ancient and beautiful, but you must remember that in Cromwell's day the mass meant the system that was shedding blood all over Europe, the system of the church that never knew mercy, and therefore he was resolved to have none of it. Ah ! my friends, if the mass was the symbol of slaughter, Oliver Cromwell would have had more sympathy with the mass. Anl so the historian seeks to justify cruelty in Ireland against the Catholics, by alleging cruelty on the part of Catholics agiinst their Protestant fellow-subjects in other lands. The blood that was shed in Ireland at this particular time was shed exclusively on account of religion ; for when in 1 643 Char- Is I made a treaty or a cessation of hostilities with the Irish tirough the Confederation of Kilkenny, the English Parliament, is soon as they heard that the King had ceased hostilities for a ime with his Irish Catholic subjects, at once came in and said that THE WAR MUST GO ON ; we won't allow hostilities to cease ; we must root out these Irish papists, or else we will incur danger to the Protestant religion. I regret to say, my Protestant friends, that the men of 134.3, the members of the Puritan Houses of Parliament in England, have fastened upon that form of religion which . you profess the formal argument and reason why Irish blood should flow in torrents lest the Protestant religion might suffer. In these days of ours, when we are endeavoring to put away all sectarian bigotry, we deplore the faults committed by our fathers on both sides. Mr. Froude deplores that blood that was shed as well as I do ; but, my friends, it is a historical question, arising upon historic facts 8o and evidence, and I am bound to appeal to history as well as my learned antagonist, and to discriminate and put back the word which he puts out, that toleration is the genius of Protest- antism. He asserts and it is an astounding assertion in this his third lecture, that religious persecution was hostile to the genius of Protestantism. I wish that the learned gentleman's statement could be proved. Oh, how much I desire that in saying these words he had spoken the strict truth ! No doubt he believed what he said. All this I say with regret. I am not only a Catholic, but a priest, not only a priest, but a, monk, not only a monk, but a Dominican monk, and from out of the depths of my soul, I re- pel and repudiate the principle of religious persecution of aiy kind, in any land. OLIVER CROMWELL, the apostle of blessings to Ireland, landed in 1649, and wen*, to work. He besieged Drogheda, defended by Sir Arthui Aston and a brave garrison. When he made a breach in th< walls, and when the garrison found that their position was nc longer tenable, they asked in the military language of the honors of war if they were to be murdered. Cromwell prom- ised to grant them quarter, if they would lay down their arms. They did so, and the promise was kept, until the town was taken. When the town was in his hands, Oliver Cromwell gave orders to his army for the indiscriminate massacre of the garrison, and every man, woman, and child in that large city. The people, when they saw the soldiers, slaying around them on every side, when they saw the streets of Drogheda flowing with blood for five days, flocked, to the number of one thousand aged men, women, and children, and took refuge in the great church of St. Peters in Drogheda. Oliver Cromwell drew his soldiers around that church, and out of that church he never let one of those thousand innocent persons escape alive. He then proceeded to Wexford, where a certain commander named Stratford delivered the city over to him. He massacred the people there also. Three hundred of the women of Wexford, with their little children, gathered around the great market Si cross in the great public square of the city. They thought in their hearts that, cruel as he was, he would respect the sign of man's redemption, and spare those who were collected around it. How vain the thought ! J Three hundred, poor defenseless women, screaming for mercy UNDER THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST, Cromwell and his barbarous demons slaughtered without per- mitting one to escape, until they were ankle - deep in the blood of the women of Wexford. Cromwell retired from Ireland, after he had glutted himself with the blood of the people, winding up his work by taking 80,000, and some say 100,000, of the men of Ireland, and driving them down to the south ports of Munster, where he shipped them 80,000 at the lowest calculation to the sugar plantations of the Barbadoes, there to work as slaves; and in six years from that time, such was the treatment that they received, that out of 80,000 there were only twenty men left. He also collected six thousand Irish boys, fair, and beautiful stripling youths, put them on board ships, and sent them off also to the Barbadoes, there to languish and die, before they came to man- hood. Great God ! is this the man that has an apologist in the learned, the frank, the courteous and gentlemanly historian, who comes in oily words to tell the American people that Cromwell was one of the bravest men that ever lived, and one of the best friends to Ireland ! FORTH LECTURE. T ADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I have perceived in the LJ public papers that Mr. Froude seems to be somewhat irri- tated by remarks that have been made as to his accuracy as an historian. Lest any word of mine might hurt, in the least degree, the susceptibilities of an honorable man, I beg beforehand to say, that nothing was farther from my thoughts than the slight- est word, either of personality or disrespect for one who has won for himself so high a name as an English historian. And, therefore, I sincerely hope that it is not any word of mine, which may have fallen from me, even in the heat of our amicable con- troversy, that can have given the least offense to that gentle- mSn. Thus, as I would expect from him, or any other learned gentleman, the treatment which one gentleman is supposed to show to another, so do I also wish to give him the same treat- ment. And now, my friends, we come to the matter in hand. Last evening I had to traverse a great portion of my country's history, in revieving the statement of the English historian, and I was obliged to leave almost untouched one portion of the story, namely the period which covers the reign of Queen Anne. This estimable lady, of whom history records the un- womanly vice of an overfondness for eating, came to the En- glish throne on the demise of William of Orange, in 1702, and pn that throne she sat until 1714. As I before remarked, it 83 was perhaps natural that the Irish people the Catholics of Ireland,, trodden into the very dust that they should have expected some relief from the daughter] of a man for whom they had shed their blood, and from the grand-daughter of the other Stuart King, for whom they had fought so bravely in 1649. The return that the Irish people got from this good lady was quite of another kind from what they might have ex- pected. QUEEN ANNE AND THE PROTESTANT ASCENDANCY. Not content with the atrocious laws that had been already enacted against the Catholics of Ireland not content with the flagrant breach of the articles of Limerick, of which her royal brother-in-law, William, was guilty, no sooner does Annie come to the throne, and send the Duke of Ormond as Lord-Lieuten- ant to Ireland, than the English ascendancy, that is to say, the Protestant faction in Ireland, got upon their knees to the Lord-Lieutenant to beg of him, for the sake of the Lord, to save them from these desperate Roman Catholics. Great Lord ! A people robbed, persecuted, and slain until only a miserable remnant of them were left, without a voice in the nation's councils ; without a vote even at the humblest board that sat to transact the meanest parochial business ; these were the men against whom the strong Protestant ascendancy of Ireland made their complaint in 1703. And so well were these com- plaints heard, that we find edict after edict going out, de- claring that no Papist shall be able to inherit or possess land, or to buy land, or have it even under a lease ; declaring that if a Catholic child wished to become a Protestant, that that child became the owner and master of his father's estate, and his father remained only his pensioner or tenant for life, upon the bounty of his own apostate son ; declaring that a child, no matter how young- even an infant conformed and become Protestant, that moment, that child was to be removed from the guardianship and custody of the father, and was to be' handed over to some Protestant relation. Every enactment that the misguided ingenuity of the tyranical mind of man could suggest was adopted, and put in force. " One would be in- clined ," says Mr. Mitchell, "to suppose that Papacy had been already sufficiently discouraged, seeing that the bishops and clergy had been banished, that the Catholics were excluded by law from all honorable employments, carefully disarmed and plundered of almost every acre of their ancient inheritance. " But enough had not yet been done to make the Protestant in- terest feel secure, consequentely these laws came in, and clauses were added by this good Queen Anne, declaring that no Papist or Catholic could live in a walled town, especially in the towns Limerick and Galway. If any Catholic came, and even entered into the suburbs of the town, they were obliged to remain out- side of the town, as if they were lepers outside of the towns, where they would contaminate and degrade their sleek and pampered Protestant fellow- citizens in the land. The persecu- tion went on. In 1711 we found them enacting new laws, and later, on the very last day of Queen Anne's reign, thus we find them enacting their laws, hounding on their magistrates and the police of the country, and the informers of the country, offering them bribes and premiums to execute these atrocious laws, and to hunt the Catholic people and the Catholic priests of Ireland, as if they were fierce, untameable wolves. And, my friends, Mr. Froude justifies this on two grounds. Not a single word of compassion has he for the people who were thus treated ; not a single word has he of manly protest against the shedding of that people's blood by unjust persecution, as well as the robbery by legal enactment. But, he says, there were two reasons which, in his mind, seemed to justify the atrocious action of the English government. The first of these was, "that, after all, these laws were only retaliation upon the Catholics of Ireland for the dreadful persecutions that were suffered by the Huguenots or Protestants of France, " and he says that the Protestants of Ireland were only following the ex- ample of King Louis XIV, who revoked the edict of Nantes. Let me explain this to you. THE EDICT OF NANTES The edict of Nantes was a law, that gave religious liberty to the French Protestants, as well as the Catholics. It was a law founded injustice. It was a law founded on the sacred rights that belong to man, and this law was revoked. Conse- quently, the Protestants of France were laid open to persecution. But there is this difference between the French Protestants and the Catholics of Ireland. The French Protestants had nevet their liberty guaranteed to them by treaty ; the Irish Catholics had their liberties guaranteed by the treaty of Limerick the treaty they won by their own brave hands and swords. The Edict of Nantes was revoked, but that revocation was no breach of any royal word pledged to them. The treaty of Limerick was broken with the Catholics of Ireland, and in the breach of it the King of England, the Parliament of England, the aristoc- racy and the people of England, as well as the miserable Irish Protestant faction at home, became treacherous before history and the world. Here are the words of the celebrated Edmund Burke, on the subject of the revocationof this edict : * this act of in- justice," says the great Irish statesman, "which let loose on that monarch, Louis XIV, such a torrent of invective and reproach, and which threw so dark a cloud over the splendor of that most illustrious reign, falls far short of the case of Ireland." Re* member, he is an Englise statesman, though of Irish birth, and a Protestant, who speaks. '' The privileges which- the Protes- tants of France enjoyed, antecedent to this revocation, were far greater than the Roman Catholics of Ireland ever aspired to under the Protestant establishment. The number of their sufferers, if considered absolutely, is not half of ours ; and if considered relatively to the body of the community, it is per- haps not a twentieth part. Then the penalties and incapacities which grew from that revocation are not so grievous in their nature* or so certain in their execution, or so ruinous, by a great deal, to the people's prosperity in that State, as those which were established for a perpetual law in the unhappy country of Ireland." In fact, what did the revocation of the Edict of Nantes do ? It condemned those who relapsed into the Protes- tant faith, without having renounced it; it condemned them, not indeed to the confiscation of their goods-*-there was no confiscation, except in cases of relapse, and in cases of quitting the country. There was nothing at all of that complicated 86 machinery which we have described in referring to Ireland's persecutions; there was nothing said of beggaring one portion of the population, and giving its spoils to the other part ; while, side by side with this, we find the Irish people ruined, beggard, were persecuted and hunted to death ; and the English historian comes and says : "Oh! we were only serving you as your people, and your own fellow-religionists in France, were serving us." The other reason which he gave to justify these persecutions was, that " the Irish Catholics were in favor of the Pretender " that is to say of the son of James II " and consequently were hostile to the Government." Now, to that statement I can give, I think, a most emphatic denial THE IRISH PEOPLE AND THE STUARTS. The Irish Catholics had quite enough of the Stuarts ; they had shed quite enough of their blood for that treacherous and shameless race ; they had no interest whatever in the succes- sion, nor cared they one iota whether the Elector of Hanover, or the son of James Stuart succeeded to the throne of England. For well they knew, whether it was a Hanoverian or a Stuart that ruled in England, the faction at home, in Ireland, and the prejudices of the English people would make him, whoever he was, a tyrant over them and over their nation. And thus the persecution went on, and law after law was passed to make perfect the beggary and the ruin of the Irish people ; until, at length, Ireland was reduced to such a state of misery that the very name of an Irishman was a reproach. At length, a small number of the glorious race had the weakness to change their faith and to deny the religion of their fathers. The name of an Irishman was a reproach. DEAN SWIFT ON THE IRISH. My friends, Dean Swift was born in Ireland ; Dean Swift is looked upon as a patriotic Irishman, yet Dean Swift said : "I do not consider myself an Irishman, because I happened to be born in Ireland, any more than an Englishman, chancing to be born in Calcutta, would consider himself a Hindoo." Of the degradation of the Irish, and their utter prostration, he went on so far as to say, < he would not think of taking them into ac- count, on any matter of importance, any more than he would of consulting the swine." Lord Macauley gloats over the state of the Catholics in Ireland then, and Mr. Froude views, perhaps not without some complacency, their misery. Lord Macauley calls them Pariahs, and says that they had no existence, that they had no liberty, even to breathe in the land, and that land their own ; and we find, through 'Swift, at this very time, the Lord Chancellor rising in an English court an Irish court laying down the law quite coolly and calmly, and saying that, "in the eye of the law, no Catholic was in existence." Chief Justice Robison made a similar declaration. Here are the words of his lordship, the Chief - Justice : " It appears," he says, 1 that the law does not suppose any such person to exist as an Irish Roman Catholic." And yet, at that very time, we find Irishmen proclaiming their loyalty, and saying: "Look at the Catholics of Ireland, how loyal they are." Mr. Froude says that they favored the Pretender at the very time when the Gov- ernment itself was attributing the quietude of the people in Ire- land, not to their prostration, not to their ruin, as was the real case, but to their devoted loyalty to the crown of England. Well did the brave Irish gentleman Mitchell reject it. "They were," he says, "as degraded as England could make them ; but there was another degradation that could only come through themselves, and that they were not guilty of, and that would be the degradation of loyalty." Now, my friends, we have, at this very time, an Irishman of the name of Phelim O'Neill, one of the glorious old line of Tyrone ; one in whose veins the blood of the great and the heroic Red Hugh, who purpled the Blackwater, who struck the Saxon at the Yellow Ford, and purpled the stream of the Blackwater with his blood ; one in whose blood flowed the perhaps still nobler blood of the im- mortal Owen Roe O'Neill, the glorious victor of Benburb. And this good Phelim O'Neill changed his religion, and be- came a Protestant. But it seemed to him a strange and un- natural thing that a man of the name of O'Neill should be a Protestant, so he changed his name from Phelim O'Neill, and called himself Felix Neale. There has been a good deal said lately about the pronunciation of proper names and what they 88 rhyme with; this man made his name rhyme with eel the slippery eel. Now, on this change of the gentleman's name and religion, an old parish priest wrote some Latin verses, which were translated by Clarence Mangin. I will read them, just to let you know how things were in Ireland at that time. " All things has Felix changed ; he changed his name, Yet in himself he is no more the same; Scorning to spend his days where he was reared, To drag out life among the vulgar herd, And trudge his way through bogs, in tracks and brogues. He changed his creed, and joined_*the Saxon rogues; By whom- his sires were robbed, and laid aside The arms they bore for centuries with pride ; The ship, the salmon, and the famed Red -hand, And blushed when called O'Neill in his own land. Poor paltry skulker from thy noble race, In Felix, Felix, weep for thy disgrace." THE PROTESTANT ASCENDANCY* But, my friends, the English ascendancy, or the Protestant ascendancy in Ireland, if you will, seeing now that they had got every penal law that they could ask for ; seeing that the only thing that remained for them was utterly to exterminate the Irish race and. this they had nearly accomplished, for they had driven them into the wilds and waters of Connaught, and they would have killed them all, only that the work was too large, and that there was a certain something in the old blood, in the old race, that still terrified them when they approached it ; and they had so far subdued the Catholics, that they thought, now, at least, their hands were free, and nothing re- mained for them but to make Ireland, as Mr. Froude says, a garden. They were to have every indulgence and every privi- lege. Accordingly, they set to work. They had their own Parliament. No Catholic could come near them, or come into their towns they were forbidden to present themselves at all. They were greatly surprised to find that the Catholics were crushed into the very earth ; England began to regard the very Cromwellians themselves with fear and hatred. What ! They, the sons of the Puritans ! They, the brave men that had slaughtered so many of the Irish and of the Catholic religion, 8 9 are they to be treated unjustly? Was their trade, or their com- merce, or their Parliament to be interferred with ? MR. FROUDE FINDS TEARS AT LAST. Ah ! now, indeed, Mr. Froude finds tears, and weeps them over the injustice and over the folly of England, because En- gland interfered with the commerce, and with the trade of the Protestant ascendancy in Ireland. They made a law these Protestant tradesmen were first-class woolen weavers, and, at last, the cloth they made became the very best, and their cloth took the very best prices in all the markets of Europe, because the wool of the Irish sheep was so fine. The English Parlia- ment made a law that the Irish traders were not to sell any more cloth ; they were not to go into any more markets to rival their English fellow -merchants. They were to stay at home ; they had the island, and they might make the most of it ; but no freedom in trade, nothing that would enrich Ireland that the English Parliament denied. Now, Mr. Froude speaks of this, in his lecture, to this ex- tent : f That England, at that time, happened to be under the dominion of a paltry lot of selfish money - jobbers and mer- chants." Mere accident, according to him an accident which, he confesses, so discontented the Orange faction in Ireland that many hundreds of them emigated, and came over to America to settle in the New England States. There, as he asserts, they carried their hatred with them, and that feeling was one to break up the British Empire. I have another theory on this great question. I hold that it was no accident of the hour at all, that made England place her restrictive laws on the Irish commerce and trade. I hold that it was the settled policy of England. These men who were now in the ascendancy in Ire- land imagined that, because they had ruined and beggared the ancient race, and the men of the ancient faith, therefore they were friends, and they would be regarded as friends by En- gland. I hold it was at that time, and, in a great measure, is to - day, the fixed policy of England to keep Ireland poor, to keep Ireland down, to be hostile to Ireland, no matter who 9 o lives in it, whether he be Catholic or Protestant, whether he be Norman, Cromwellian or Celt. THE IRISH "JAILORS." "Your fathers," says Curran, speaking to the men of his time a hundred years afterward, "your ancestors thought themselves the oppressors of their fellow-subjects, but they were only their jailors ; and the justice of Providence would have been frustrat- ed if their own slavery had not been the punishment for their baseness and their folly." That slavery came, and it fell on commerce. The Protestant inhabitants of Ireland, the Protes- tant rivals of Ireland, the planters and the sons of the planters, were beggared by the hostile legislation of England, simply be- cause they were now in Ireland and had an interest in the Irish soil and the welfare of the country. The inimitable Swift, speaking on this subject, makes use of the following quaint fable of Ovid. He says : "The fable which Ovid relates of Arachne and Pallas is to this purpose. The goddess had heard of a certain Arachne, a virgin renowned for spinning and weaving. They both met upon a trial of skill, and Pallas, the goddess, rinding .herself almost equalled in her own art, stung to rage, after knocking her rival down, turned her into a spider and en- joined her continually to weave forever out of her own bowels and in a very narrow compass. I confess," the Dean goes on, ' that from a boy I always pitied poor Arachne, and never could heartily love the goddess on account of so cruel and unjust a sentence, which, however, is fully executed upon us by England, with the further addition that while she required the greatest part of our bowels, they are extorted without leaving us 'the liberty of spinning or weaving." Thus he writes of this strange piece of legislation, which Mr. Froude acknowledges as unjust. The Irish wool was famous and the English were outbid for it by the French manufacturers. The French were willing to give three shillings a pound for the wool, and the English passed a law that the Irish people could not sell their wool any-where but in England, so they fixed their price on it and they took the wool, made cloth, and, as the Dean says, poor Arachne, Ireland had to give her bowels without the pleasure of spinning or weav- 9 1 ing. Then the Dean goes on to say : "The Scriptures tell us that opression makes the wise man mad, therefore the reason that some men in Ireland are not mad is because they are not wise men. However, it were to be wished that oppression would in time teach a little wisdom to fools." Well, we call Dean Swift a patriot. How little did he think, for as great a man as he was, that the oppression compared with which the restriction upon the wool was nothing, the oppression that beggared and ruined a whole people, that drove them from their land, that drove them from every pleasure in life, that drove them from their country, that maddened them to desperation, and all be- cause they had Irish names, Irish blood, and because they would not give up the faith which their conscience told them was true . THE PETITION OF 1775. And now, my friends, Mr. Froude, in his lecture, comes at once to consider the consequences of that Protestant emigration from Ireland, and he says "the manufacturers of Ireland and the workmen were discontented, and they shipped off and came to America ;" and then he begins to enlist the sympathies of America upon the side of the Protestant men who came over from Ireland. If he stopped here, I would not have a word to say to the learned historian. When an Englishman claims the sympathy of this, or of any other land, for men of his peo- ple and of his religion, if they are deserving of that sympathy, I, an Irishman, am always redy, and the first to grant it to them, with all my heart. And, therefore, I do not find the slightest fault with this learned Englishman when he challenges the sympathies of America for the Orangemen of Ireland, and the Protestants who came to this country. If those men were de- serving of America's sympathy, why not let them have it? But Mr. Froude went on to say that, whilst he claimed sympathy for the Protestant emigrants from Ireland as staunch Republi- cans and lovers of American liberty; that the Catholics of Ireland, on the other hand, were clamoring at the foot of the throne telling King George III that they would be only too happy to go out at his command, and to shoot the American people in his cause, Was that statement true, or not? My friends, the. learned gentleman quoted a petition that was presented to Sir John Blackier in 1775, the very year America began to assert her independence. In that petition he states that Lord Fingal and several other Catholic noblemen of Ireland speak in the name of the Irish people, and pronounce the American Revolu- tion an unnatural rebellion, and manifesting their desire to go out and devote themselves, for the best of kings, to the suppres- sion of American liberty. First of all, I ask when, at any time in our history, was Lord Fingal, or Lord Hope, or Lord Kenmore, or any one of these Catholic Lords of the Pale, as they were called when, at any time in our history, has any one of them .been authorized to speak in the name of the Irish people ? Their presence in Ireland, although they have kept the Catholic faith ; their presence in Ireland in every struggle, in every national manifestation, has been a cross, and a hinder- ance, and a stumbling-block to the Irish nation, and that peo- ple know it well. But, not doubting Mr. Froude's word at all, and only anxious to satisfy myself by historic research, 1 have looked for this petition. I have found, indeed, a petition in "Curren's Collection," a petition signed by Lord Fingal and by a number of other Catholic Irish noblemen, addressed to his majesty, the King, in which they protest their loyalty in terms of the most slavish and servile adulation ; but in that petition I have not been able to discover one single word about the Amer- ican Revolution, not a single word of address to the King ex- pressing a desire to destroy the liberties of America. Not one word. I have sought, and my friends have sought, in the rec- ords, and in every document that was at our hands, for this petition of which Mr. Froude speaks, and I could not find it. There must be a mistake somewhere or other. It is strange that a petition of so much importance would not be published amongst the documents of the time. We know that Sir John Blackier was Secretary to the Lord - Lieutenant of Ireland ; naturally enough, the petition would go to him, not to rest with him, but to be presented to the King. And yet, I think I may state with certainty that the only petition that was presented to the King in 1775 was the one of which I speak, and in which there was not a single word about America or about the American Revolu- . 93 tion. But the learned historian's resources are so much more ample than mine ; his resources of time, of preparation, and of talent; his resources in the varied springs of information, amongst which he has lived and passed his years, that no doubt he will be able to explain, this. In any case, the petition of which he spoke must have passed through Sir John Blackier's hands for he was the Secretary of the Lord -Lieutenant then passed through him to the Lord - Lieutenant, to be inspected by him ; then to the Prime Minister of England, and then to the King. We have an old proverb in Ireland which indicates the way they manage these things at home : < To speak to the maid, to speak to the minister, to speak to the master." THE SYMPATHIES OF IRELAND. In that glorious year of 1775, the Catholics of Ireland were down in the dust; the Catholics of Ireland had no voice not as much as a vote for a Parish-beadle, much less for a member of Parliament. And does Mr. Froude mean to tell the Ameri- can people that these unfortunate wretches would not have welcomed the cry that came from across the Atlantic ; the cry of a people who rose like a giant, although, as yet, only an in- fant in age, to proclaim the eternal liberty of man and of na- tions ; to proclaim that no people on the earth should be taxed without representation, and to give the first blow, right across the face of English tyranny, which that old tyrant had received for many years ; a blow before which England reeled, and which brought her to her knees? Does he mean to tell you or me, citizens of America, that such an event as this would be distasteful to the poor Irish Catholics of Ireland ? It is true that they had crushed them as far as they could, but they had not taken the manhood out of them. Now, here are the proofs of this : Lord Howe, the English General, in that very year of 1775, writes home to his Government in England, from America, and says: "Send me but German troops." You know England was in the habit of employing Hessians. I don't say this with the slightest feelings of disre- spect ; I have .the deepest respect for the great German element in this country, but in those times, certain it is, and it is an 94 historic fact, that the troops of Hesse Castle, Hesse Darmstadt, and other of the smaller German States, were hired out by their Princes to whoever took them, and engaged them to fight their battles. " Send me out German troops," he says, "for I have a great dislike for the Catholic soldiers, as they are not at all to be depended upon." t They sent out four thousand troops from Ireland ; but listen to this : Arthur Lee, an agent of the , American Government in Europe, writes home to his Govern- ment in 1775, and he says : "That the resources of our enemy, that is to say of England, are almost so annihilated in Ger- many, that their last resort is to the Roman Catholics of Ire- land. We have already experienced their unwillingness to go over to America. Most of the regiments resisted, there in Ire- land ; last year they were obliged to ship them off tied and bound" When the Irish Catholic soldiers heard that they were to go to America to cut the throats of the American people, and to scalp them, they swore they never would do it ; . and they had to take them, tie them, and carry them on board the ships. But Arthur Lee goes on to say, "And, most cer- tainly, they will desert more than any other troops whatsoever." Louden, an historian of the time, tells us that -the war against America was not very popular, even in England. "But in Ireland," he says, "the people assumed the cause of America through sympathy." Let us leave Ireland, and go to America. Let us see how the great men who are building up the mag- nificent edifice of their country's freedom ? laying the foundation in their own best blood, in these days, how they regarded the Irish . WASHINGTON AND THE CATHOLICS. In 1790 the immortal George Washington received an address from the Catholics of America, signed by Bishop Carroll, of Maryland, and many others. Replying to that address, the calm, magnificent hero makes use of these words : "I hope," he says, "ever to see America among the foremost tnations in an example of justice and liberty, and I presume hat your fellow-citizens will not forget the patriotic part which yoy. took in the accomplishment of their revolution^ and in the 95 establishment of their Government, or the important assistance they received from a nation in which the ROMAN CATHOLIC RE- LIGION was professed" In the month of December, 1781, the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, in Philadelphia, elected George Washington a member of their Society. These Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick were great friends of the great American father of his country. When his army lay at Valley Forge, twenty-seven members of the Society of the Friendly Sons sub- scribed between them in July, 1780, one hundred and three thousand five hundred pounds sterling, principally of the Pennsylvania currency, for the American troops, who were in want of means. George Washington accepts the fellowship of their Society and^ays: "I accept, with singular pleasure, the ensign of so worthy a fraternity as that of the Sons of Saint Patrick ; a Society distinguished for the firm adherence of its members to the glorious cause in which we are embarked." During that time what greater honor could have been bestowed by Washington than that which he bestowed upon the Irish ? When Arnold betrayed the cause at West Point, the traitor Arnold, a name handed down to eternal execrations in the history of America, Washington was obliged to choose the very best and most reliable soldiers in his army, and send them to that point to West Point to take the place that was so well- nigh being betrayed by the trairor. From his whole army he selected the celebrated Pennsylvania Line, as they were called, and these men were mainly made up of Irishmen. Nay, more ! not merely of Protestant Irishmen, or North American men, or of those who, in that time, were called Scotch Irish, for that was the name which, in the year of the revolution, designated Mr. Froude's friends, who emigrated from Ulster. But looking over the muster-roll of the Pennsylvania Line, we find such names as Duffy, Maguire and O'Brien ; these were the names these, and such as these, are the names, not of Palatines, not of Scotch planters in Ireland, but they are the names of thorough- bred Irish Celts. They fought and bled for Washington, and Washington loved them. 9 6 THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE. And now I wish to give you a little incident of that celebrat- ed corps, to let you see how their hearts were in relation to America. < During the American Revolution," says Mr. Carey, < a band of Irishmen were embodied in the defense of the country of their adoption against the country of their birth ; they formed the major-part of the celebrated Pennsylvania Line ; they bravely fought and bled for the United States ; many of them sealed their attachment with their lives, but their adopted country neglected them somewhat ; the wealthy, the independ- ent and the luxurious, for whom they fought, rioted in the superfluities of life, while their defenders were literally half- starved, half-naked ; their shoeless feet marked with blood their tracks upon the highway. They Iqng bore their griev- ances patiently ; they had long murmured ; they remonstrated imploringly for the necessities of life, but in vain. A deaf ear was turned to their complaints ; they felt indignant at the cold neglect and ingratitude of their country, for four thousand of their companions-in-arms had expired on the crimson field of battle; they held arms in their hands, and they mutinied. Well, as soon as the English commanders had heard that the Irish soldiers had mutinied, what did they do? Intelligence was carried to the British camp, and it spread joy and gladness. Lord Howe hoped that the period had arrived for the end of the rebellion, as it was termed, and that there was a glorious opportunity to crush the half- formed embryo republic. He counted firmly on the intense resentment of the natives of the " Emerald Isle" well he knew how irritable their tempers were ; he calculated upon diminishing the strength and the numbers of the rebels, and an accession of the same numbers to the royal army. Messengers were dispatched to the muti- neers, and they had a carte blanche to make their own terms. Promises were to be made to them as to prodigal children feed- ing upon husks, that they should return to the plentiful fields of their royal masters. Liberality itself presided in their house, with abundant supplies, and provisions ample enough for their heart's desire ; all arrears of pay, and abundant pardon for past offenses were offered to them. There was not, how- 97 ever, any hesitation among these poor, neglected warriors ; they refused to renounce poverty, nakedness, suffering and ingrat- itude. Splendid temptations were held out to them in vain ; there was no Judas, there was no Arnold among them ; they seized upon their tempters, and trampled upon their shining gold. They sent them to their General, and these miserable wretches paid their forfeited lives for attempting to seduce a band of ragged, forlorn, deserted, but illustrious heroes. "We prate," he says, "about the old Roman and Grecian patriot- ism. One-half of it is false, and in the other half there is nothing that excels these noble traits in our army, which are worthy of the pencil of a West or a Trumbull." HOW AMERICA REGARDED IRELAND. Mark how it is that America regarded them mark the testi- mony of some of America's greatest men. Mr. Froude seems to think that the American people look upon the Irish nation and the Irish people pretty much with the eyes with which the men of the last century would look upon them in Ireland, where the Irish nation meant 'the Protestant people of Ireland, and the Catholics did not exist at all. Was this the view that America and her statesmen took of it ? No ! Here is the testimony of George William Park Curtis, the adopted son of Washington : " The Irish," he says, in 1829 won Catholic Emancipation ; and before that time, when they were struggling for emancipa- tion, they appealed for sympathy and moral support to Amer- ica." 'And now this is how this great American gentleman speaks of them : "And why is this imposing appeal made for our sympathies ? It is an appeal from them, from Ireland, whose generous sons, alike in the days of our calamity and of our glory, shared in our misfortunes and joyed in our success. Who, with undaunted courage, breasted the storm which once threatened to overwhelm us, and hurled with fearful and deso- lating fury throughout this now happy land ; who, with aspira- tions deep and fervent for our cause, whether under the walls of the Castle of Dublin or in the shock of our battles, or in the feeble and expiring accents of famine and misery, or amid the horrors of the prison ship, cried, from their hearts, < GOD SAVE 98 AMERICA ! " Oh ! tell me not," he goes on to say ; tell me not of the aid which we received from another European nation, in the struggle for independence ; that aid was most needed, and and all-essential to our ultimate success ; but remember the years of the conflict that had rolled away ; the capture of Bur- goyne had ratified the Declaration of Independence ;' the re- newed combats on the Heights of Charlestown and Fort Moul- trie ; the bloody and disastrous days of Long Island and Ger- mantown ; the glories of Brandywine, Newton, Princeton and Monmouth ; all had occurred and the rank grass had grown over the grave of many a poor Irishman who had died for America, before the flag of the Allies floated in the field by the side of the Star Spangled Banner." IRISH LOVE FOR AMERICAN LIBERTY. "But," he adds, "of the brave heroes of the war I mean the soldiers up to the coming of the French Ireland furnished a ratio of one hundred men for any one of any foreign nation whatever." Then this generous American gentleman, to whom Ireland appealed for sympathy for Mr. Froude's is not the first appeal that has been made to the people of America this high-minded gentleman goes on to say : "Then all honor be paid for all the good service of the sons of Erin in that war of Independence. Let the shamrock be intertwined with ihe laurels of the Revolution ; let truth and justice guide the pen of history, and subscribe on the tablets of America's remem- brance ETERNAL GRATITUDE TO IRISHMEN." Remember that this was Washington's son ; remember that he tells us that the old, gray-headed, crippled veterans, who had fought under his father's banner in that war of independence, were accustomed to come to his house, and there he would receive them at the door and bring them in ; and he tells us most affectingly of one old Irishman who had fought in the wars ; who, after drinking the health of the gentleman who had entertained him, lifted up his aged eyes, and, with tears, he said : " Now, let me drink to General Washington, who is in Heaven this day." He says, on the same occasion: "Americans, recall to your mind the recollections of the heroic time when Irishmen were our 99 friends; when in the whole world we hadn't a friend besides." AN IRISH HURRAH" FOR AMERICA. * Look to the period that tried men's souls, and you will find that the sons of Erin rushed to our ranks, and amid the clash of steel, on many a memorable day, many a John Byrne was not idle." Remember, he does not say, many a Spraggs or many a Gibbs, or men that came over with Cromwell, but honest John Byrne. Who was this honest John Byrne of whom he speaks ? He was an Irish soldier of Washington's, who, taken prisoner by the English and put on board a prison-ship, on the authority of Mr. Curtis, " he there was left in chains in the hold of the ship pestilence being on board. He was more than half-starved ; he was scarcely able, when he was summoned on deck, to crawl, like a poor stricken creature, to the command- er's feet to hear what sentence was to be pronounced upon him . And then the English Commander offered him liberty, life, clothing, food and money if he would give up the cause in which he was taken prisoner, and join the ranks of the British army. In a voice scarcely able to speak ; with a hand scarcely able to lift itself up, the Irishman looked to Heaven, and throw- ing up his hands, cried out Hurrah for America !' " In the face of such facts ; in the face of such testimony; in the pres- ence of the honored name and record of George Washington, testifying to what the Irish Catholic men have done for Amer- ica, Mr. Froude speaks as faintly as if he were speaking to the hurricane that sweeps over his head, when he tries to impress the American mind and the American people with any prejudice against the poor Catholics of Ireland. What does MacNevin tell us of the year 1809, when America was preparing for a second war with England ? MacNevin records that one of the offenses charged upon the Irish, and among the many pretexts for refusing redress to the Catholics of Ireland, was that sixteen thousand of them fought on the side of America. But he adds, "That many more thousands are ready to maintain the Declara- tion of Independence, and that will be their second offense." Now, my friends, there are other testimonies, as well as these, gf the rnen of the time ; we have the testimony of American literary gentlemen such, for instance, as that of Mr. Paulding, Here are the words of the distinguished American : HOW AMERICANS HAVE SPOKEN OF IRELAND. "The history of Ireland's unhappy connection with England exhibits, from the first to the last } a detail of the most persever- ing* galling, grinding, insulting and systematic oppression to be found any where, except among the Helots of Sparta. There is not a national feeling that has not been insulted and trodden under foot, or a national right that has not been withheld, un- til fear forced from the grasp of the English all the dear an- cient prejudices that have not varied in that obstinate country. As Christians, the people of Ireland have been denied, under the penalty of disqualification, the exercise of the right of the Catholic religion venerable for its antiquity, admirable for its unity, and consecrated in the belief of some of the best men that ever breathed. As men, they have been deprived of the common right of British subjects, under the pretext that they were incapable of enjoying them, for which pretext they had no other foundation than their resistance to oppression, only the more sore by the long sanction of it by the law. England first denied them the right of improvement, and then insulted them with the imputation of barbarism." Another distinguished American, Mr. Johnson, says ; "There is no instance, even in the Ten Persecutions, of such severity as that which has been exercised over the Catholics of Ireland." Thus think, and thus spoke the men whose names are bright in the records of Literary America. Taking, again, the unanimous address agreed to by several members of the Legislature of Maryland, speaking of Ireland, these American Senators and legislators say : "That dependency of Great Britain has long languished under an op- pression reprobated by all humanity, and discountenanced by all just policy. It would argue a penury of feeling an igno- rance of human rights, to submit patiently, through centuries, to wrongs which have caused perpetual risings in Ireland ; but only with partial success. Rebellion and insurrection have continued with but short intervals of tranquility. America has opened her arms to the oppressed of all nations, No people have availed themselves of the asylum with more alacrity, or in greater numbers than the Irish. High is the meed of praise, rich is the reward that Irishmen have merited through the gratitude of America. As heroes and statesmen, they honor their adopted country." Bravo ! Until such glorious words as these are wiped out of the records of the American history ; un- til the generous sentiments which inspired them have ceased to be a portion of the American nature, then, and not before then, will Mr. Froude get the verdict which he seeks from America to -day. I have looked through the American Archives, and I have found that the foundation of these sympathies lies in the simple fact that the Catholics of Ireland were heart and soul with you, American gentlemen, with you and your fathers, in that glori ous struggle. I find that in the third volume of the American Archives, a letter from Ireland, dated September 17, 1775, to a friend in New York, in which the American gentleman writ- ing said : "Most of the people here wish well to the cause in which you are engaged. They are raising recruits throughout this kingdom. The men are told that they are only going to Edinburgh to learn military discipline, and then to return." Be- fore they got a single Irishman to enlist, they had to tell him a lie, well knowing they were going to arm him, and to send him to America to fight against the American people ; well knowing that they would never have entered the ranks of the British army for any such purpose. A certain Major Roche went down to Cork, to recruit up for America, and he made a great speech to them ; it was very laughable. He called upon them as Irishmen, by all that they held sacred, the glorious nationality to which they belonged, the splendid monarch that governed them, and, in fact, the very words, almost, which Mr. Froude alleges to have been used by Lord Fingal, were used by Major Roche to these poor men ; and then he held up the golden guineas and the pound notes before them, and here is the record, in the third volume, again, of the American Archives, accounting for the success of Major Roche, in raising recruits to fight against America. The service was so distasteful to the people of Ireland in general that few of the recruiting officers could prevail upon the men to enlist and fight against their American brothers." That same year, in the British House of Commons, Mr. Johnson says : "I maintain that the sons of the best and the wisest men in this country are on the side of the Americans, and in Ireland, three to one are on the side of the Americans." In the House of Lords, in the same year of 1775, the Duke of Richmond makes this statement : "Attempts have been made to enlist the Irish Roman Catholics, but the minister knows well that these attempts have been proved unsuccessful." We find, again, the Congress of America addressed the people of Ireland in that memorable year of 1775, and here are the words: AMERICA'S GREETING TO IRELAND That America's first Congress sends over the Atlantic waves to the afflicted, down-trodden Catholic Irish, and says, "ac- cept our most grateful acknowledgement for the friendly dis- position you have always shown toward us. We know that you are not without your grievances; we sympathize with you in your distress, and we are pleased to find that the design of subjugating us has persuaded the administration to dispense to Ireland some vagrant rays of ministerial sunshine with the tender mercies of the Government that has long been cruel to you. In the rich pastures of Ireland many hungry parasites were fed, and have grown strong laboring in her destruction." We find such. words as these addressed not to the Palatines and planters, for if the Congress of America were addressing the Planters and Cromwellians in Ireland, they would not have nsed such language as this: "In the rich pastures of Ireland, many hungry parasites were fed, and have grown strong labor- ing in its destruction." THE PENAL LAWS: " REQUIESCAT IN PACE." Benjamin Franklin, glorious and immortal name ! was in Versailles as Minister from tht American Government. He writes to the people of Ireland, in October 1778, and says: "The years of misery and distress which that ill-fated country has been so frequently exposed to, and so often experienced by io 3 such a combination of rapine, treachery and villainy as would have disgraced the name of the most arbitrary government of the world, has most sincerely affected us, and your experiences have engaged the most serious attention of Congress in America." Now I come to another honored name. We find, in the testimony of Verplanck, when the Catholic Emancipation Act was passed, there was a banquet in the City of New York to celebrate the event, and this distinguished American gentleman proposed a health or a toast, and it was a Catholic toast, ' The Penal Laws: Requiescat in Pace ( May they rest in peace ) ." And now, again," continues Mr. Verplanck, "I have a good word to say for them." What was that good word? Here it is: "That in the glorious struggle for our independence, and in our more recent contest for national rights, those laws gave to the American flag the support of hundred and thousands of brave hearts and strong arms, and with that good, too," he says, "at the same time contributing an equal portion of intellect- ual and moral power." WM. H. SEWARD'S TESTIMONY. Coming down to our own time, passing over the magnificent testimony of Henry Clay, and his sympathy for Catholic Ire- land, America, even at this hour, is mourning over the grave of a great man. But a few days ago a nation accompanied to its last resting-place the remains of William H. Seward. And this illustrious* American statesman said, in 1847: "Ireland not only sympathized profoundly with the Transatlantic Colonies in their complaints of her usurpation, under which she suffered more sorely than they, but with an interest, benevolence and ardor, she yielded at once to the great American idea of uni- versal emancipation, ready to fight and to war for the rights of human nature under a propitious God, who seemed to lead the way." Finally, with one more extract, and I have done with this portion of my lecture. I find that such were the relations be- tween Ireland and America in that struggle that a certain Captain Wicks, of the ship " Reprisal," in the summer of 1776, captured three prizes near the West Indies, which were English property. He detailed some of his own men on board of them, and sent them to the nearest port to be adjudged as prizes. Shortly after he came across another vessel and he let her go, finding she was Irish property. The Marquis Chasteloux, a distinguished Frenchman, who was in America in 1783, writes thus : " An Irishman, the instant he sets his foot on American soil, becomes ipso facto an American. *This was uniformly the case during the whole of the late war." Remember this French- man was righting for you. " While Englishmen and Scotch- men were hated with jealousy and distrust, even with the best recommendations of zeal and attachment to the cause, the native of Ireland stood in need of no other certificate than his dialect," which shows that the Irishman that our French friend is speak- ing of was not a Palatine, nor a Planter, but a genuine Paddy, and no mistake about it. His sincerity was never called in question ; he was supposed to have a sympathy with suffering and every one decided, as it were, instantly in his favor. In- deed," he adds, "their conduct in the late war amply justified this favorable opinion, for whilst the Irish emigrant was fight- ing the battles of America by sea and by land, the Irish mer- chants, principally of Charlestown, Baltimore and Philadelphia, labored with indefatigable zeal at all hazards to promote the spirit of enterprise and increase the wealth and maintain the credit of the country. Their purse was always open and their persons were devoted to the country's cause, and, on more than one imminent occasion, Congress itself, and the very existence of America probably, owed its preservation to the fidelity^and firm- ness of the Irish. I had the honor, " he says, < of dining with an Irish Society composed of the steadiest merchants and others of the city, in the city tavern of Philadelphia, on St. Patrick's Day." Mr. Froude must not run away with the assertion that the Irish merchants of Charlestown and Baltimore and Philadelphia were the Puritan settlers. If they had been they would have gone home and eaten a cold dinner on St. Patrick's Day." THE VOLUNTEERS OF 1782. So much for America and Ireland's relations with her. When IDS the 4,000 men were asked by the English Government to go out and fight the Americans, they offered to send to Ireland 4,000 Protestant Hessians, and the Irish Parliament which was there had the grace to refuse the Hessians. They said "No ! if the country is in danger we can arm some of our Protestant people and they can keep the peace." Out of this sprang the Volunteers of '82." Mr. Froude has little or nothing to say of them. Consequently, if I am answer- ing or trying to answer him, I must restrict also their record. All I can say is this, Ireland, in 1776, began to arm. This movement was altogether a Protestant one, and confined to the North. The Catholics of Ireland were ground into the very dust. No sooner did the Catholics of Ireland hear that their Protestant oppressors were anxious to do something for the old land, than they came and said to them, < We will forgive every thing you have done to us ; we will leave you the land of our country, the wealth and the commerce ; all we ask you is to put a gun into our hands for one hour. At first they were re- fused, and, my friends, when they found they would not be allowed to enter the ranks of the Volunteers, they had the generosity, out of their poverty, to collect money and to hand it over to clothe the army of their Protestant fellow - citizens. Any thing for Ireland. Any thing for the man that would lift his hand up for Ireland, no matter what his religion was. The old generous spirit was there ; the love that never could be ex- tinguished was there ; self- sacrifice as of old. Aye, the hum- ble love for any man, no matter who he was, that was a friend of their native land. Was there ever such a generous act as this of the people the O'Conors, the O'Briens, the O'Neills and the O'Connells ? But after a time our Protestant friends in the Volunteers began to think that these Catholics, after all, were fine, strapping fel- lows. Somehow, centuries of persecution could not knock the manhood out of them. "They be strong men," says an old writer, "and can bear more of hard living, hunger and thirst, than any other people that we know of." God knows, their capability, of enduring nakedness, hunger and thirst, and every pther form pf misery was well tested ! io6 Accordingly, we find that in 1780 there were fifty thousand Catholics amongst the Volunteers. Every man of them with an arm in his hands. Mr. Froude says that, "Grattan the im- mortal Grattan that whilst he wished well for Ireland that whilst he was irreproachable in every way, public and private, that at this time he was guilty of a great mistake. Ah !" says the historian, " England had long ruled Ireland badly, but had learned a lesson from America, and she was now anxious to govern Ireland well, and no sooner was an abuse pointed out than it was immediately remedied, and if just laws were wanted they were immediately granted, and the mistake Grattan made was, that instead of insisting on just legislation from England, he insisted for the legitimate independence of Ireland ; that the Irish should have the making of their own laws." Thus, ac- cording to Mr. Froude, "the energies of the nation which were wasted in political contention could have been husbanded to induce England to grant just and fair laws." But he goes on the assumption, my dear American friends the gentleman goes on the assumption that England was willing to redress grievan- ces, to repeal the bad laws and make good ones, and he proves this assertion by saying, "that she struck off of the wrists of the Irish merchants the chains of their commercial slavery, and that she restored to Ireland her trade." You remember that this trade was taken away from them. The woolen trade and nearly every other form of trade was discountenanced or ruined. ENGLAND'S UNGENEROUS POLICY. Now, I wish, for the sake of the honor of England, that she was as generous or even as just as Mr. Froude represents her, and as he no doubt would w r ish her to be ; but we have the fact before us that in 1779, when a movement was made to repeal the laws restricting the commerce of Ireland, that the English Parliament, the English King, the Lord-lieutenant of Ireland, and the English Government opposed it to the very death. They would not have it not one fetter would they strike off from the chain that encumbered even the Protestants and the Planters of Ireland. And it was only when Grattan rose up in the Irish Parliament and insisted that Ireland should get back her trade; to; it was only then that England consented because there were fifty thousand volunteers armed outside. The state of Ireland at the time is thus described : " Such is the constitution that three millions of good faithful subjects, in their native land, are excluded from every trust, power, and emolument in the State, civil and military ; excluded from all corporate rights and immunities; excluded from grand juries; and restrained in petty juries ; excluded in every direction from every trust, from every incorporated society, and from every establishment, occasional or fixed, that was instituted for public defense; from the bank, from the bench, from the exchange, from the university, from the college of physicians, and from what were they not excluded?" asks the writer. There is no institution which the wit of man has invented, or the progress of society has produced, which private charity or public munifi- cence has founded, for the advancement of education around us, for the permanent relief of age, infirmity and misfortune, from the participation of the benefits of which, on all occasions, the Catholics of Ireland were not carefully excluded." FREE TRADE FOR IRELAND GAINED. Grattan rose up in the Senate, and lifting up his heroic hand and voice to Heaven, he swore before the God of Justice that that should come to an end. The English Government heard him with a determination as great as that of the Irish patriot, and swore equally that that should remain the law. Was it not time to assert for Ireland her independence ? Mr. Froude claims that England willingly consented to give up the restric- tions on Irish commerce when Grattan proposed it in the House. An official of the Government, named Hussey Bird, rose up, to the astonishment of the Government, and seconded Grattan's resolution ; to the rage and consternation of the Government factions by the unequivocal demonstration of the Executive of the Ministerial Bench. Hussey Bird was one of the most fas- cinating men of the day ; he, of whom it was thought patriotism was impossible, moved "that we take up the question and rep- resent to his Majesty that it was not by any temporary expe- dients, but by free trade alone that this nation is now to be lo8 saved from impending ruin. While they were fighting the Government within, Grattan took good care to have the Volun- teers drawn out in the streets of Dublin ; there they were in their thousands ; armed men, drilled men ; and they had their cannons with them* and about the mouths of the guns they had tied a label, or card with these words : "FREE TRADE FOR IRELAND, OR ELSE -." So it happened that Lord North was obliged, greatly against his will, to introduce measures to restore to Ireland her trade. Now, I ask, was not Henry Grattan justified, seeing .that by pointing cannons at them it threw off the restrictions, when he said, "This English Parliament will never do us justice, and, in the name of God, now that we have our men armed around us, let us demand for Ireland a perfect independence of the people from the Parliament of England, and the rights to make what- ever laws that are most conducive to the welfare of our own people." THE OLD IRISH PARLIAMENT. It is perfectly true that Grattan failed ; it is perfectly true that, although that declaration of independence was proclaimed by law, and, as Mr. Froude observes, " Home Rule was tried in Ireland from '82 to '99, and it was a failure." All this is true ; but why was it so, my friends ? Reflect upon this ; the Irish Parliament did not represent the nation ; the Irish Par- liament consisted of three hundred members, and of these three hundred there were only seventy-two that were elected by the people; all the others were from "Nomination Boroughs," as they were called. Certain great lords, barons and noblemen had three or four little towns in their estates, which towns re- turned a member of Parliament, and the poor people who had the votes were at the mercy of the landlord, who made the regular Nominations," and put up whoever he desired, and the people were compelled to vote for him or suffer the conse- quences. Just as in the Protestant Church, whenever a Bishop dies, the Queen comes and writes to the clergy, and says you will name such a one for Bishop and then they elect him. Only seventy-two members, were in some sense, representatives of the people. But whom did they represent ? There were nearly 109 three millions of Irishmen in Ireland, men of intellect and of education, in spite of all the laws that were made against schools and colleges for Catholics ; there were three millions of Irish Catholics in the land and not a man of them had a vote, even for a member of Parliament. And therefore this wretched Par- liament that only represented one-tenth of the nation, if it was venal and corrupt, it is no disgrace to the Irish people and it is no argument that they did not know how to govern themselves. Meantime, the volunteers made the most tremendous mistake, and that was by letting Catholics in amongst their ranks. Here I have my Lord Sheffield. Here is what he says, (I de- sire you clearly to understand, ladies and gentlemen of Amer- ica, how the English people looked upon us Irish a hundred years ago ; as they ever looked upon you, until you taught them by the sword to look upon you with more respect.) "It is now necessary," said Lord Sheffield, in 1778, "to take notice of a phenomenon that has begun to appear at this time ; it is a wonderful thing." What was it ? A PHENOMENON. "The like has never been seen in any country, at least where there was an established government to describe it; it is an army unauthorized by the laws, generally known by the name of the Volunteers of Ireland. The arms issued from the public stores were insufficient to supply the rapid increase of the volunteers, the rest were procured by themselves, and the necessary accoutrements, with a considerable number of field- pieces. All speak highly of them, and the supporters of the Government in both countries mention them with civility." It is not easy to be uncivil to an army of 95,000 men. "The wonderful efforts of England in America were, somehow or other, wasted to no purpose." Wasted to no purpose ! There happened to be a man in the way, and that man was George Washington. He goes on to speak of the Volunteers, "The many-headed monster," he calls it now, "began to think it would be proper to reform the State, and to purge the Par- liament of Ireland, in order to reform the Parliament." Henry Grattan said, "I will never claim freedom for 600,000 110 of my countrymen while I have two millions of more ot them in chains. Give the Catholics of Ireland their civil rights and their franchise. Give them the power to return members to the Irish Parliament, and let the nation be represented ; put an end to the rotten Nomination Boroughs ; let the members represent the people truly, and you will have reformed your Parliament and established forever the liberties which the Volunteers have won." This was what the Volunteers wanted, and for this Lord Sheffield called them by the very gentle name "the many- headed monster." But they did something else very strange: " So far the events that went on might be expected, but there is another part of their conduct neither national nor rational. Some of the corps, for the purpose of increasing their members, perhaps, or, possibly, without consideration, admitted Roman Catholics. They must have been mad they did it without consideration, and others, perhaps, enrolled them latterly for the sake of acquiring members and strength to force a reform of tha Government of England, to force a reform which the gov- ernment of England never would permit." Because she wanted to have a rotten Parliament in her hands, and through that Par- liament to destroy the country. "Well, but that Protestants should allow and encourage this also, and form a whole corps of Roman Catholics, is scarcely to be believed, considering the pretensions of the latter. To fill their number up, it becomes the system of the Roman Catholics to enroll as many of us as pos- sible, particularly since the peace of last spring, and there is nothing incredible or unequivocal in this. Already, perhaps, thousands of these are in arms, and, in a year or less, ten to one, all the Protestants will gradually quit the service, and it is necessary to prevent the Volunteer arms from falling into more dangerous hands 4o counterbalance the Catholics." Then he goes on to say : " If they were only one-fifth instead of four-fifths of the peo- ple, the writer of the observations would be the last man to suggest about their getting into power. But they are the men who do not forget the Constitution under which their ancestors lived ; they are not blind to what they might have acquired. Persevering for upward of two centuries, under every form of dis- ITT couragement, under every severity ; subjected to every disad- vantage, does not prove indifference to the principles of their religion, thinking as they do, feeling as they do, being as they are, they would not be men if they did not wish for a change. Nor would Protestants be worthy of the description of reasona- ble creatures if they did not take precautions to prevent it." NO REFORM ALLOWED BY ENGLAND. Thus it is a fact, that the English government steadily op- posed Reform. It would not hear of Reform ; because they wanted to have a venal, corrupt, miserable seventy-two in their hands. It is to this fact, and not to any mistake, that we owe the collapse of that magnificent revolution. Well, England now adopted another policy. We have clear evidence of it. As soon as William Pitt came into office as Premier, his first thought was to put an end to this Irish difficulty. He would have no more laws made in Ireland for Irishmen. So he united the two Parliaments into one, and would not leave Ireland a single shred of its legislative independence. This being the programme, how was it .to be worked out ? Mr. Froude says, or seems to say, "that the rebellion of '98 was one of those outbreaks of Irish ungovernable passion and of Irish inconstancy, accompanied by cowardice and by treachery of which we are but too familiar in the history of Ireland." Now, we have another account of '98. Mr. Froude says, " that the rebellion arose out of the disturb- ance of men's minds, created by the French Revolution," and there is a great deal of truth in this. " It set all the world in a blaze, and the flames spread, no doubt, to Ireland. Mr. Froude goes on to say, "that the Irish Government was so hampered by this free Parliament this Parliament of Grattan's that, al- though they saw the danger approaching, they could not touch it ; their hands were bound ; nay more !" He adds : "The government was bound by constitutional law, and Parliament could not touch one of the United Irishmen until they had com- mitted themselves by some act of treason in other words, by first rising in arms." Now, according to this historian, "there was nothing done to molest, slay or persecute the people of Ireland until they rose in arrns in '98," My friends, the rising 112 in 1798 took place on the 23d of May. On that day the United Irishmen rose. I ask you, now, whether the government had any share in that rising or creating that rebellion. THE RISING OF '98. As early as 1797 the country was beginning to be disturbed, according to Mr. Froude, and we find, during the first three months of January, February and March in '97, Lord Moira giving his testimony as to the action of the English government. My lords," he says, in the House of Lords, " I have seen in Ireland the most absurd, as well as the- most disgusting tyranny that any nation ever groaned under. I have been myself a wit- ness to it in many instances ; I have seen it practised unchecked, and the effects that have resulted from it have been such as I have stated to your lordships : I have seen in that country a marked distinction between the English and the Irish ; I have seen troops that have been sent there full of this prejudice that every inhabitant of that kingdom is a rebel to the British government ; troops were sent into Ireland under these instruc- tions that every man you meet is a rebel, I have seen the most wanton insults practiced upon men of all ranks and condi- tion." They sent their thousands into Ireland in preparation for the rebellion ; they had, between - Welch, and Scotch and Hessian regiments, and between English and Irish militia, an army of one hundred and thirty thousand men prepared for the work, and thus, I say, they goaded the people on to rebellion. The rack, indeed, was not at hand, but the punishment of pick^ eting was in practice, which had been for some years abolished as "too unhuman even for the treatment of servants. Lord Moira goes on to say : < That he had known of a man who, in order to extort confession of a crime from him, was picketed until he actually fainted" (picketing meant putting them on the point of a stake upon one foot) ; and picketed a second time until he fainted : and again, as soon as he came to himself, picketed the third time until he fainted, and this on mere suspicion." Not only was this punishment used, but every species of torture; men were taken and hung up until they were half-dead, then threatened with repetition of the cruel treatment unless they made confession of imputed guilt. They sent the soldiers into the country, and they quartered at what was called " free quarters ; " the English yeomanry and the Orange yeomanry lived upon the people ; they violated the women, they killed the aged ; they plundered the houses; they 'set fire to the vil- lages; they exercised every form of torture the most terrible, did this dastardly soldiery. IRELAND GOADED INTO REBELLION. All this took place before a single rising in Ireland before the rebellion in '98 sprung up at all. We have a brave and gal- lant man sent to Ireland at that time, Sir Ralph Abercrombie, and he declares he was so frightened and disgusted at the con- duct of the soldiers that he refused to keep the command of the forces in Ireland any longer. He issued a general order in February, '98 the rebellion did not begin until May in these words: "The disgraceful frequency of great cruelties and crimes, and the many complaints of troops in this kingdom, un- fortunately prove the army to be in a state of licentiousness, and renders it formidable to every one, except the enemy." Then he threw it up in disgust. General Lake was sent to command in Ireland. He says : " The state of the country and its occu- pation previous to the insurrection is not to be imagined, except by those who witnessed the atrocities of every description com-, mitted by the military and the Orangemen that were let loose upon the defenseless population." Then he gives a long list of terrible hangings, burnings and murderings. We read "that at Dunlaven, in the County Wicklow, previous to the rising,, thirty-four men were shot without any trial," but it is useless to. enumerate or continue the list of cruelties perpetrated. It will suffice to say that, when the military were placed on "free quarters," that all kinds of crime were committed ; but the people were no worse off than those living where no soldiers were quartered, for in the latter places the inhabitants were called to their doors and slain without ceremony, and every house plundered or burned." Nay, more ! We have Mr. Emmett, in his examination, giving his evidence, and declaring "that it was the fault of the Government, this rebellion of '98.,'*' The Lord Chancellor put the following question to Mr. Emmett: " Remember, Mr. Emmett " this was in August '98 " what caused the late insurrection." To which Mr. Emmett replied : "Free quarters, house burnings, tortures, and all the military executions in the counties of Kildare, Carlow and Wicklow." Before the insurrection broke out, numbers of houses, with their furniture, were burned in which concealed arms had been found ; numbers of people were scourged, picketed, and otherwise put to death, daily, to force confession of concealed crime or faults ; outrageous acts of severity were often committed by persons not in the regular troops. But we have the evidence of the brave Sir John More, the hero of Corunna. He was in Ireland at the time in military command, and he bears this testimony. Speaking of Wicklow, the very hot-bed of the insurrection, he says : That moderate treatment by the Generals of the peo- ple, and the preventing of the troops from pillaging and mo- lesting them, would certainly soon restore tranquility ; the lat- ter would soon be quiet if the revengeful yeomanry would be- have with tolerable decency, and not seek to gratify their revenge upon the poor." We have Lord William Napier, an Irishman, but a brave English soldier, saying : Oh ! what manner of soldiers were these fellows who were let loose upon the wretched districts in which the Ascendancy was placed, killing and confiscating every man's life and property ; and, to use the venerable Abercombie's words, 'they were formidable to every body but the enemy.' 1 We, ourselves, were young at the time, yet being connected with the army, we were continually among the soldiers, listen- ing with boyish eagerness to their experience, and we well re- member, with horror, to this day, the tales of lust, of bloodshed and of pillage ; the recital of their actions against the misera- ble peasantry which they used to relate." THE INFAMY OF THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT. I ask you, after all this, who was accountable for the goad- ing of the people into rebellion, if not the infamous government which, at that time, ruled and disgraced all Ireland? I ask you. are the Irish people accountable, for, from the time the myrmidons of England had been let loose upon them, ravaging like demons, violating every instinct of Irish love of land, of Irish purity, of Irish faith ? Is it not a terrible thing that after all these provocations which they deliberately put before the people, in order to goad them into the rebellion of '98, and so prepare the way for that union which followed, that Mr. Froude says several hot-headed priests put themselves at the head of their people. There was a Father John Murphy in the County of Wexford, who came home from his duties, one day, to find his house burned, his chapel destroyed, and to find the houses of the poor people sacked and burned around them, to find his unfortunate parishioners huddled about the blackened walls of the chapel, crying: "What are we to do? Where are we to flee from this persecution that has come upon us ?" What wonder if Father John Murphy got the pikes, put them in their hands, and put himself at their head ? WHAT IRELAND WILL BE. My friends, I have endeavored to give you some portions of the Irish side of the story, resting and basing my testimony upon the records of Protestant and English writers, and upon tne tes- timony which I have been so proud to put before you, of noble, generous American people. I have to apologize for the dryness of the subject or the imperfect manner in which I have treated it, and also for the unconscionable length of time in which I have tried your patience. On next. Monday evening we shall be approaching ticklish ground, "Ireland since the union, Ire- land to-day, and Ireland as my heart and brain tells me she will be in some future day." FIFTH LECTURE. T ADIES AND GENTLEMEN. This day a paragraph came under my I-/ notice in a New York paper, which caused me much pain and anguish of mind, for it recorded an act of discourtesy shown to Mr. Froude, my learned antagonist, by Irishmen in Boston. In the name of the Irishmen of America, I tender to the learned gentleman my best apologies, and I beg to assure him, on the part of my Irish countrymen in this land, that we have no inclination to treat him otherwise than with that courtesy and hospitality which Ireland has never refused, even to her enemies. Mr. Froude has not come among us as an enemy of Ireland. He professes that he loves the Irish people, and I am willing to believe him, and when I read, in the report of his last lecture, to which I am. about to reply to-night, that he said he yielded to no one in his love for the Irish people, I feel inclined to repeat to him what the great O'Connell said to Lord Derby, when the noble Lord said, in the House of Lords, that he would yield to no one in his love for Ire- land. The great Tribune replied : " Any man who loves Ireland can not be my enemy. Let us shake hands !" I am sure, therefore, that I speak the sentiments of every true Irishman when I assure this gentleman that he will receive, in this land, at the hands of the Irish citizens of America, nothing but the same courtesy, the same polite hospitality and attention that he boasts of having received from her people in their native land. I beg to assure him that we Irishmen iniAmerica know well that IT IS NOT BY DISCOURTESY or any thing approaching to rudeness or violence, that the Irish citizens of America can expect to make their appeal to this great nation. If ever the reign of intellect and of mind has been practically established in this world, it is in glorious America. Every man who speaks the truth, and preaches the truth, whether it be religious truth or historical truth, will find appreci- ation in America ; and I hope I may never find an Irishman oflering dis- courtesy or violence to any man for speaking what- he believes or imagines to be truth. I have said so much in reference to the newspaper paragraph to which my attention was called, and I now come to the last of Mr. Froude's lectures, and the last of my own. The learned gentleman, in his fourth lecture, told the American people his view of the movement of 1772, and of the subse- quent Irish rebellion of 1798. According to Mr. Froude, the Irish made a great mistake in 1782, by asserting the independence of the Irish Parliament. "They abandoned," says this learned gentleman, " the paths of political re- form and they clamored for political agitation." No'w political agitation is one thing, and political reform is another thing. Political reform, my friends, means the correcting of great abuses, the re- S^ft^ws/and the passing of good measures salutary and useful for die welfare and well - being of the people. According to this learned gentle- man England was taught, by her bitter American experience, that coercion wSf not answer with the people, and that it is impossible to thrust unjust laws upon a people." According to him, England was only too willing, too hap. Tm thlyear 1780, to repeal all the bad laws that had been passed in the bUnd and bigoted ages gone by, and to grant to Ireland real, redres of all her grievances. " But the Irish people, says Mr. Froude " instead of de* mand?ng from England the redressof this grievance insisted on their national and Darllamentary independence. And they werefools in this,' he said, for t^tverySdepeAdenceledto interior contention, contention to conspiracy, conspiracy to rebellion, and rebellion to tyranny." Now I am as great an enemy of political agitation as Mr. Froude or any other man I hold, and I hold it by experience, that political agitation dis- tracts men's minds from the more serious and more necessary avocations of life thai political agitation distracts men's minds away from their business and' from their safe pursuit of industry; that it creates animosity and bad Mood between citizens ; that it affords an easy and profitable ^^^ Ldeavoring P to extract good laws from an unwilling and a tyrannical govern ment May I ask the learned historian what were the wars of the seventeenth nturv in France, in Germany, and in the Netherlands -the wars that Mr. - orS for poHticm agitation, in 1780, when they might have obtain re ''" ign power except England. England then fixed her price, and, as Mr. Froude himself said, al- though the French might be offering for Irish wool, the Irish merchant could not sell t them, but he was OBLIGED TO SELL TO THE ENGLISH MERCHANT, at his own price. When the Irish people demanded this just measure, I ask, was England willing to grant it? Was England, as Mr. Froude says, only anxious to discover unjust laws, in order to repeal them, and to discover grievances in order to redress them ? I answer : No ! England nailed her colors to the mast. She said : " I never will grant a repeal of restriction du- ties on Irish trade. Ireland is down, and I will keep her down 1" The proof lies here. The English Government resisted Grattan's demand for the emancipation of Irish industry until Henry Grattan brought 50,000 volunteers, and the very day that he rose in the Irish Parliament and pro- claimed that Ireland demanded her commercial rights, the Volunteers in Col- lege Green, and St. Stephen's Green, in Dublin, had their artillery out and planted at the gates of the English House of Commons, and around the mouths of the cannons was tied a label, a significant label " Free trade for Ireland, or " If England was so willing to redress every Irish grievance, and if the Irish people had only to say : " Look here ; there is this law in ex- istence ; take it away, for it is strangling and destroying the trade of this country !" if England was so willing to take away that law if she was only anxious to hear of a bad law only to remedy it, in the name of God, why, on that day, in 1780, did she hold out until, at the very cannon's mouth, she was obliged to yield commercial independence to Ireland? Is it any wonder that the Irish people thought, with Henry Grattan, that, if every measure of reform was to be obtained from England in this way, the kingdom would be always kept in a state of perpetual revolution? Is it any wonder that men said : " Why, if we have to go out to fight for every law, to de- mand every act of justice, we must always be ready with our torches lighted and our cannons loaded"? Is it any wonder that the Irish people said, on that day, with their immortal leader : " It is far better for us to have our own Parliament, free and independent, to take up the making of our own laws, to consult our own interest, and, in peace and quietness and harmony, to take thoughts on the wants of Ireland, and to legislate for them?" And this is what Mr. Froude calls " CLAMORING FOR POLITICAL AGITATION." Thus we see, my friends remember this evening, fellow- countrymen, that I am emphatically and especially appealing to America ; that I expect my verdict this evening, as Mr. Froude got his and it is not from Dr. Hitch- cock. It is not the puny crow of a barn - door fowl, but it is the SCREAMING OF AMERICA'S EAGLE THAT I EXPECT IT FROM. Thus we see that the action of 1892, by which Grattan obtained chiefly the independence of the Irish Parliament, did not originate in any innate love of the Irish for political agitation, but in the action of the British Gov- ernment that forced on them only two alternatives "Remain subject to me, to my Parliament, but I never will give you any thing, except at the cannon's mouth ; or you will have to take your own liberty, and legislate for yourselves." Oh I Henry Grattan, you were not a Catholic, and yet I, a. Catholic priest, here, to - night, call down ten thousand blessings on thy name, and on thy memory. It is true that the emancipated Parliament of 1782 millions and a half of Irishmen in Ireland at that day. THREE MILLIONS WERE CATHOLICS, . A half a million were Protestants, and the Parliament of 1782 only miserable village of HALF A DOZEN WRFTCHED HUTS, s: SSssi a ,5SK= . s -s '~5S Eras FIRST NAMES AND CHARACTERS IN IRELAND. The inal society included the first intellects of the nation, banded cordial union among all the people of Ireland, to maintain that balance which is essential to the preservation of our liberties and to the extension of our commerce." Resolution No. 2 : That the only constitutional means by WAS THERE ANY THING TREASONABLE IN THIS? was there any thing reprehensible, was there any thing deserving of impris- onment, banishment or death, in such resolutions as these? Who opposed and hindered that reform ? Who stood between the Irish people and their Parliament, and said, " No, there will be no reform ; they must remain the nu oir jonn moore, me nero 01 ^orunna, tnai ine iously and originally the work of the British Govc GOADED THE IRISH PEOPLE INTO REBELLION. And we have also seen, a moment ago, that the United Irishmen was not a conspiracy, but a public society ; a magnificent reunion of the best men and the best intellect in Ireland, for a splendid purpose, to be accomplished by fair, loyal. and legitimate means. But the principle on which the United Irishmen were formed was the principle of effecting a union among all Irish- men, and this was enough to alarm the Government which, from time imme- morial and for many centuries, had ruled Ireland. The motto, the word, which Mr. Froude so wisely said : " In that day, when Irishmen are united, Ireland will be invincible" that was present in the mind of every man of them. England's Prime Minister, the celebrated Mr. Pitt, then resolved upon three things. He resolved first, to disarm the volunteers ; secondly, to force the United Irishmen to become a secret society or conspiracy ; and, thirdly, through them to force Ireland into a revolt, that he might have her ' at his feet. How did he bring these three things about? Remember, I am reviewing all this historically. I have no prejudice in the matter. I de- clare to you, with the exception of the private ebullition of feeling boiling up of feeling in my study, when I am perusing and preparing these lectures 121 I feel nothing about them. I am not like others. I believe, for instance, that Mr. Froude has no business to write history, because he is a good philosopher. A philosopher is a man who endeavors to trace effects to their causes who has a theory and tr/*es to work it out ; he is the last man in the world WHO OUGHT TO WRITE HISTORY. And why ? Because a historian is supposed to be a dry narrator of facts, and not to deal in theories or fancies at all. I believe that my learned antagonist is too good a philosopher to be a good historian and I also believe that he is too good a historian to be a good philosopher. The first of 'these three designs Mr. Pitt accomplished. In 1785 he in- creased the standing army in Ireland to fifteen thousand men, and he ob- tained from the Irish Parliament a grant of twenty thousand pounds to clothe and organize a militia. Between the army on one side and the militia on the other, he took the volunteers between them in the centre, and they were dis- armed. In the day when the last volunteer laid down his musket, Ireland's hopes for the time were laid down with it. The second of these, namely : the forcing of the United Irishmen into a secret conspiracy, he effected in this manner : In February, 1793, he passed two bills through Parliament, called the " Gunpowder Bill " and the " Con- vention Bill." A public meeting'of the United Irishmen was held in Dublin a public meeting with nothing secret about it to protest against the inquisi- itorial measures of certain agents of a secret committee of the House of Lords men who WERE GOING INTO PEOPLE'S HOUSES, at any hour of the day or night, without any warrant or authority, on the pretended information that there was gunpowder concealed in the house. For this public meeting, held legally and constitutionally, the Hon. Mr. Simon Butler, who was President of the meeting, and Mr. Oliver Bond, who was Secretary of the meeting, were imprisoned for six months and fined 500 each. When this illustrious society found that they were thus persecuted, they were obliged to take refuge in secresy, and thus it was that the United Irishmen were forced to become a conspiracy. The first really treasonable project that was ever put before the United Irishmen was put before them in April, 1794, by the Rev. William Jenkins, a Protestant clergyman who came over commissioned by the French Con- vention, and the Rev. Mr. Jenkins was accompanied, in that mission, by John Cockayne, an English lawyer from London, who was the agent of William Pitt, the Prime Minister of England. Thus did the society of United Irishmen become the seat of conspiracy, and this was the action of the English Government. Before that it was perfectly legitimate and con- stitutional. Ah ! but it had an object which was far more formidable to the English Government than any action of treason. The English Government is not afraid of Irish treason, but the English Government trembles with fear at the idea of Irish union. The United Irishmen were founded to promote union among Irishmen of every religion, and the Englishman has said in his own mind : " Treason is better than union ; it will force them to become treasonable conspirators in their projects, and union will be broken up." It is well that you should hear, my American friends, what was the oath that was demanded of the United Irishman. LET US SUPPOSE I WAS TO BE SWORN IN : " I Thomas N. Burke, in the presence of God, do pledge myself to my 122 country, that I will use all my abilities and influence in the attainment of an impartial and adequate representation of the Irish nation in Parliament ; and as a most absolute and immediate necessity for the attainment of this chief good of Ireland, I will endeavor, as much as lies in my ability, to forward and perpetuate the identity of interests, the union of rights and the union of power, among Irishmen of all religious persuasions." I pttest before high Heaven to-night, that, priest as I am, if I was asked in 1779 to take that oath, I would have taken it and tried to keep it ! Re- member, my friends, that it was no secret oath ; remember that it was no treasonable oath ; remember that it was an oath that no man could refuse to take, unless he was a dishonorable man and a traitor to his country. The founder of this society was Theobald Wolfe Tone. I admit that Mr. Tone was imbued with French revolutionary ideas ; but he certainly never endeavored to impress these views upon the society until Mr. William Pitt's, (the Prime Minister) influence forced that society to become a secret organi- zation. The third object of the Premier of the Government, namely : to create an Irish rebellion, was accomplished by the cruelties and abominations of the soldiers, who were quartered at free quarters upon the people and destroyed them ; they violated the most sacred and inviolable sanctity of Irish maiden- hood and womanhood ; burned their villages, plundered their farms, demol- ished their houses, until they made life even more intolerable than death it- self, and compelled the people to rise in the rebellion of '98. Yes ; I answer Mr. Froude's a$ertion that the Irish people left the paths of political reform for political agitation, from agitation to conspiracy, and from conspiracy to rebellion. Now, you may ask what advantage was this to William Pitt, the Premier, to have conspiracy and rebellion in Ireland ? I answer you, that William Pitt was a great English statesman, and a great Englishman statesman meant in those days an enemy to Ireland. The object of great statesmanship, from time to time, is the great object of concentration. A fatal principle a fatal principle whenever it is enforced against the principles and time-honored traditions, and the genius of a people. HE SAW THAT IRELAND WAS IN HARMONY, tree and independent, making her own laws and consulting her own inter- ests. He said : " This will never do ; this country will be happy and pros- perous it will never do ; it interferes with my business. What do I care for Ireland ? I only care for the British Empire. I may have to cross their >urposes." He made up his mind to destroy the Irish Parliament. He .new well, as long as Ireland was happy, peaceable and prosperous, he never :ould affect them. He knew it was only through humiliation he could ac- complish the destruction of Ireland. Ah ! cruel man as he was, he resolved to plunge the country into rebellion and bloodshed in order to carry out his own imperial English State policy. And yet, dear friends, and especially dear American friends my grand jury for I feel as if I was a lawyer : I feel as if I was a lawyer engaged in the cause of the poor defendant, whose case has been in court for many long years ; the plaintiff is a great, rich, powerful woman ; the poor defendant has nothing to commend her but a heart that never yet despaired, a spirit that never yet was broken, and a loyalty to God and to man that never yet was violated by one act of treason. I ask you, the grand-jury of America, to consider how easy it was to conciliate this poor mother, Ireland I mean to make her peaceful and happy. He (Pitt) himself had a proof of it in '94. P 1 ki Suddenly the imperious, magnificent Premier of England seemed to have changed his mind, and he adopted a policy of conciliation and kindness toward Ireland ; he recalled the Irish lord-lieutenant, Lord Westmoreland, and sent Earl Fitzwilliam, who arrived there on the 4th of January, 1795. Lord Fitzwilliam was a man of liberal mind, and of most excellent character ; he felt kindly to the Irish people, and before he left England he made an ex- press contract with William Pitt, if he was made Lord-lieutenant of Ireland, that he would govern the country on principles of conciliation and kindness. He came, and found in Dublin Castle a certain Secretary Cooke, and a great family by the name of Beresford, who, for years, had monopolized all the State offices and all the emoluments of the State. He dismissed them all, and sent them to the " right about." He surrounded himself with men of liberal minds like himself ; he began by telling the Catholics of Ireland that he would LABOR FOR THEIR EMANCIPATION, and sudden peace and joy spread throughout the nation every vestige of insurrection and rebellion seemed to vanish out of Ireland, and happiness and joy, for the time being, was the portion of the Irish people. How long did it last ? In an evil hour Pitt returned to his own designs. Fitzwilliam was recalled on the sth of March, and Ireland enjoyed her peace for only two short months. When it was found that Lord Fitzwilliam was about to be recalled, scarcely a parish in Ireland that did not send in a petition to the British Government to leave them their Lord-lieutenant ; but all was in vain. Pitt had made up his mind to carry out his own views. On the day that Lord Fitzwilliam left Dublin the principal citizens of Dublin took the horses from his carriage and drew the carriage themselves down to the water-side. All Ireland was in tears a whole nation was in mourning. How easy it was, my American friends, to conciliate these people, whom two short months of kindness could so change. It shows to the English Government, English Parliament, and English people, that if they could only realize to themselves the mine of affection, the glorious heart, and the splendid gratitude that lies there in Ireland, and which they have never ap- pealed to yet, and never touched. This turns the very honey of human nature into the gall of bitterness and of hatred. The rebellion broke out, and it was, as Mr. Froude truly says, the victors took away the old privileges, and made the yoke heavier. By the old privileges Mr. Froude means the Irish Parliament, which was taken away. I hope, citizens of America, that this English gentlemstn, who has come here to get a verdict from you, will be taught by that verdict^ that the right of home legislation is not a privilege, but the right of every nation on the earth. Then, in the course of his lecture, going back to strengthen his argument, he says : " You must not blame England for being hard upon you Irishmen. She took away your Parliament ; she inflicted upon you a heavier yoke than you bore before ; but she could not help it it was your own fault ; WHAT MADE YOU REBEL?" This is the argument which the learned gentleman uses. He says the penal laws never would have been carried out, only for the revolution in Ireland, in 1600. Now, the revolution of 1600 meant the war that Hugh O'Neill made in Ulster, against Queen Elizabeth. According to this learned histo- rian, the penal laws were the result, effect, and consequence of that revolu- tion. Remember, he fixes that date himself, 1600. Now, my friends, what i the record of histgry? The penal laws began to operate, in Ireland in 124 1534- I n *$37> tne Archbishop of Armagh, the Primate of Ireland, .who was an Englishman by the name of Cromer, was put into jail, and left there, for denying the supremacy of Henry the Eighth over the Church of God. Pas- sing over the succeeding years of Henry the Eighth's reign, passing over the enactments of Somerset, under Edward the Sixth, we come to Elizabeth's reign, and we find that she assembled a Parliament in 1560 forty years be- fore Mr. Froude's revolution. Here is ONE OF THE LAWS PASSED BY THAT PARLIAMENT : " All officers and ministers, ecclesiastical or lay," that took in us, " were bound to take the oath of supremacy." They were bound to swear that Queen Elizabeth was Popess. That she was the Head of the Church ; that she was the successor of the Apostles ; that she was the representative of St. Peter, and through him of the Eternal Son of God Queen Elizabeth ! AH were obliged to take this oath under pain f forfeiture and total incapacity. Any one who disputed her claims to spiritual supremacy was to forfeit, for the offense, all his estate, real and personal, and if he had no estate that was not worth more than twenty pounds, he was put for one year in jail ; and for the second and third offenses, he was guilty of high treason, and put to death. These laws were made, and commissioners appointed to enforce them. Mr. Froude says they were not enforced ; but we have the acts of Elizabeth's Parliament appointing magistrates and officers to go out and enforce these laws, and these were made forty years before the revolution of 1600. How, then, can that gentleman ask us to regard the penal laws as the effect of that revolution ? In my philosophy, and I believe in yours, citizens of America, the effect generally follows the cause. But this English philo- sophical historian puts the effect forty years ahead of the cause. As we say in Ireland, that is putting the cart before the horse. But my friends, Mr. Froude tells us, if you remember, in his second lecture, that the penal laws of Elizabeth were occasioned by the POLITICAL NECESSITY OF HER SITUATION. Here is the argument as he gives it. He says : " Elizabeth could not afford to let Ireland go Catholic, because, if Ireland were Catholic, Ireland must be hostile to Elizabeth. I may tell you now, and I hope the ladies here will pardon me for mentioning it, that Queen Elizabeth was not a legitimate child. Her name, in common parlance, is too vile for me to utter, or for the ladies present to hear. Suffice it to say that Elizabeth's mother was not Elizabeth's father's wife. The Queen of England knew the aitcient abhor- rence that Ireland had for such a vice. She knew that abhorrence grew out of Ireland's Catholicity, and therefore she could not allow Ireland to remain Catholic, because Ireland would be hostile to her, and Ireland remained Catholic. The only way the amiable Queen could root out the Catholics in Ireland was by penal laws ; making it a felony for any Irishman to remain in Ireland a Catholic. Therefore, the English historian says " that she passed the laws because she could not help herself, and that she was coerced by the necessity of her situation." I ask, in reply to this argument of Mr. Froude's, why, if Elizabeth were obliged, whether she would or not, to pass these penal laws, does he turn round and say that these laws were the effects of Hugh O'Neill's revolution ? If they were the result of Elizabeth's necessity, then they were not the result of the immortal Hugh O'Neill's brave effort. His next asser- tion is, "That after the American war, England was only too well disposed. 125 to do justice to Ireland," and the proof lies here. He says " that the laws against the Catholics were almost repealed before 1798." Vry well. Now I ask you, dear friends, to reflect upon what the LARGE MEASURES OF INDULGENCE to the Catholics were, of which Mr. Froude speaks. Here they are. In the year 1771, Parliament passed an act to enable Catholics to take a long lease on fifty acres of bog. My American friends, yeu may not understand the word bog. It means a marsh which is almost irreclaimable : which you may- drain and drain, until dooms- day, and it will remain the original marsh. You may sink a fortune in it, in arterial drainage, in top dressing, as we call it in Ireland ; and if it is left a couple of years, if you come back, you will find the bog has asserted itself once more. However, my friends, the Par- liament was kinder than you imagine, for whilst they granted to the Catho- lics a long lease for FIFTY ACRES OF BOG, they also stipulated that if the bog was too deep for foundation, that they might take half an acre of arable land, upon which to build a house. Half an acre ! For the life of him, not more than half an acre. This holding, such as it was, should not be within a mile of any city or town. Oh, no ! and mark this : If half the bog was not reclaimed, that is five -and- twenty acres, within twenty - one years, the lease was forfeited. Dear friends, the scripture tells us that King Pharoah, of Egypt, was very cruel to the Hebrews, because he ordered them to make bricks without straw, but here is an order to the unfortunate Irishmen to reclaim twenty -five acres of bog, or else give it up. Now, beggarly as this occasion was, the very Parliament that passed it was so much afraid of the Protestant ascendancy in Ireland, that in order to conciliate them for the slight concession, they passed another bill, granting /io additional to 30 already for every Popish priest duly converted to the Protestant religion. In October, 1777, the news reached England that Gen. Burgoyne had surrendered to Gen. Gates. The moment that the news reached Lord North, who was Prime Minister of En- land, he immediately expressed an ardent desire to relax the penal laws on atholics. In January, the following year, 1778, the INDEPENDENCE OF AMERICA was acknowledged by glorious France. And the moment that piece of news reached England, the English Parliament passed a bill for the relaxation of the laws on Catholics. In May, of the same year, the Irish Parliament passed a bill now mark ! to enable Catholics to lease land to take a lease for 999 years. So it seems we were to get out of the bog at last. They also, in that year, repealed the unnatural penal law which altered the succession in favor of the child that became Protestant, and gave hi m'his father's property; also, re- pealing the law for the prosecution of priests, and' for the imprisonment of Pop- ish schoolmasters. In the year 1793, they gave back to the Catholics the power of electing a member of Parliament the power of voting. And that is what Mr. Froude calls the total repeal of the law against Catholics. The Catho- lics still could not go upon the bench ; could not be magistrates; and this En- glish historian comes and says : " You are fools ; you were almost free." Well, people of America, if these be Mr. Froude's notions of civil and re- ligious freedom, I appeal to you, for Ireland, not to give him the verdict, gl C 126 " THE INSURRECTION OF '98," continues the learned gentleman, " threw Ireland back into confusion and misery, from which she was partially delirered by the act of union." The first part of that proposition I admit ; the second I emphatically deny. I ad- mit that the unsuccessful rebellion of '98 threw Ireland back into a state of misery. Unsuccessful rebellion is one of the greatest calamities that can be- fall a nation, and the sooner Irishmen and Irish patriots understand this, the better it will be for them and their country. I emphatically deny, that by the act of union there was any remedy for these miseries ; that it was any healing remedy whatever for the wrongs of Ireland ; that it was any thing in the shape of a benefit or blessing. I assert that the union of 1800, by which Ireland lost her Parliament, was a pure curse for Ireland from that day, and nothing else, and it is an evil that must be remedied if the grievances of Ireland are ever to be redressed. I need not dwell upon the wholesale brib- ery and corruption by which the the political apostate, carried that detestable act of union. Mr. Froude had the good taste to pass by the dirty subject without touching it, and I can do nothing better. He says : "It was expected that whatever grievances Ireland complained of would be removed by legislation after the act of union." It was expected ; it was quite true. Even Catholics expected something. They were prom- ised, in writing, by Lord Cornwallis that Catholic emancipation would be given them, if they only accepted the Union. Pitt himself assured them that he would not administer the Government unless Catholic emancipation was made a Cabinet measure. The honor of Pitt, the honor of England was engaged ; the honor of the brave, though unfortunate, Lord Cornwallis, .was engaged. But the Irish as Tom Moore says, " I admire the hopes that leave me ;" they were left to MEDITATE IN BITTERNESS OF SPIRIT upon the nature of English faith. Now let me introduce an honored name that I shall return to by and by. At that time, the Parliament of Ireland was bribed with money and with titles, and the Catholic people were bribed by promised emancipation after they would sanction the union. Then it was that a young man appeared in Dublin, speaking for the first time against the union, in the name of the Catholics of Ireland, and that young man was the GLORIOUS DANIEL O'CONNELL. Two or three of the bishops gave a kind of tacit negative assent to the meas- ure, in the hope of getting Catholic emancipation. I need hardly tell you, my friends, that the Catholic lords of the Pale were only too willing to pass any measure that the English Government required. O'Connell appeared before the Catholic Committee in Dublin; and here are his words. Remem- ber, they are the words of the people, and of the Catholics of Ireland. He said : " It is my sentiment, and I am satisfied it is the sentiment not only of every gentleman that hears me, but of the Catholic people of Ireland, that they are opposed to this injurious, insulting, and hated measure of union. And if its rejection was to bring upon us the renewal of the penal laws, we would boldly meet the proscriptive oppression, and throw ourselves once more on the mercy of our Protestant brethren, before we will give our assent 127 to the political murder of our country." " I know," he says, " I do know that although exclusive advantages may be ambiguously held forth to the Irish Catholic to seduce him from the sacred duty that he owes to his country, yet I know that the Catholics of Ireland will remember that they have a country, and they will never accept of any advantage, as a sect, of that which would depose and destroy them as a people." Shade of the great departed ! You never uttered truer words. Shade of the great O'Connell, every true Irish- man, priest and layman subscribes to this glorious sentiment, wherever that Irishman is this night. Now Mr. Froude goes on, in an innocent sort of way. He says, " It is strange, that after the Union was passed, that the people of Ireland were still grumbling and complaining. Yet they had no foundation for their com- plaints ; they were not treated unjustly." Here are his words : Good God ! people of America ! what idea can this gentleman have of justice? What loss did the Union, which he admired so much, and which he declares that England will maintain, bring to Ireland? What gain did it bring to Ireland, and what loss did it inflict on her ? I answer from history. The gain to Ireland was absolutely nothing, and I ask you to consider two or three of the losses. First of all, remember, my friends, that Ireland, before the Union, had her own national debt, as she had her own Parliamentary establishment. She was a nation. THE NATIONAL DEBT OF IRELAND, in 1793, did not amount to over three millions of money. In the year 1800 , the year of the Union, the national debt amounted to over 28,000,000 ot , money. They increased it nine-fold in six years. How? I will tell yon. England had in Ireland, for her own purposes, at the time of the Union, 126,500 soldiers. Pretty tough business, that, of keeping Ireland down in those days. She made Ireland pay for every man of them. She did not pay a penny of her own money for them. In order to carry the Union, England spent enormous sums of money for bribes to spies and informers, and to members of Parliament. She took every penny of the money out of the Irish Treasury. There were eighty-four rotten boroughs disfranchised at the time of the Union, and England paid to those who owned those boroughs, or who had the nomination of them, actually paid them one million two hundred thousand pounds sterling, for their loss the loss being the nomina- tions the loss by the proprietor of the corrupt influence in returning these members to Parliament. O'Connell, speaking on this subject some years later, says : " Really, it was strange that Ireland was not asked to pay for the knife with which, twenty years later, Castlereagh cut his throat." If the debt of Ireland was swollen from 3,000,000 before the Union to 26,000,000, I ask you to consider what followed. We now come to the period after the Union. Mark, my friends. In January, 1801, you may say the year of the Union, the debt of England was 450,000,000 and a half pounds sterling, and to pay that debt they required 17,708,800, consequent- ly, they had to raise by taxation 18,000,000 to pay the interest on the debt of 450,000,000 in that year. Such was the condition of Ireland. In 1817, six- teen years after, the same debt of England had risen from 450,000,000 to 735,000,000 nearly double]; and they had an annual debt of 28,000,000 odd to pay. So yon see they doubled, their national debt in the sixteen years through which Pitt had waged war with Napoleon. They were obliged to subsidize and to pay Germans, Hessians, and all sorts of people, to fight against France. At one time William Pitt was supporting the whole Aus- 128 trian army. The Austrians had the men, but no money. Now mark this : In Ireland, the debt in 1801, was 28,000,000 and a half, and, consequently, the annual taxation was ^1,250,000. In the year 1817, the same Irish debt, which sixteen years before was only 28,ooo,ooo,was now ^112,704,000, and the taxes amounted to ^4,105,000. In other words: In sixteen years the debt of England was doubled, but the debt of Ireland was made four times as much as it was in the year that the Union was passed. How did that happen? It happened from the very fact that, being united to England, having lost their Parliament, the English Chancellor of the Exchequer took and kept the money and the Irish accounts, and the Irish kept the bogs. Ireland lost the privilege of keeping her own accounts. And this is the ac- count he brought against Ireland in 1817. IRELAND WAS SO LIGHTLY BURDENED WITH DEBT at tne time of the Union, as compared with England, that the English did not ask us when they united the Parliament with theirs ; they did not pre- sume to ask us ; they had not the presumption to ask us to take share and and share alike in the taxes. Why should they ? We only owed 20,000,000, and they owed 450,000,000. Why should we be asked to pay the interest on their debt ? They were rich and could bear that taxation ; Ireland was poor and she could not bear it. Ireland was, consequently, much more lightly taxed than England. It was very much easier to pay interest on ^26,000,000 than on 400,000,000. But there was an agreement made^with Castlereagh by the Irish Parliament. It was this. He said : " That if the Irish national debt came up to one-seventh of the national debt of England, then we will throw it all in together, and tax them share and share alike. The object of running up the Irish debt was to bring it up within one-fourth of the English