containing the Prefixes, Postfixes, and seTeral hundred
Latin and Greek Roots, of the English Language. 1 'iih
Edition, price Id.
or, an Abridgement of the Etymological ManuaL Tenth
Edition^ price 6d.
The ETYMOLOGICAL MANUAL : containing the
Prefixes, Postfixes, and Latin, Greek, and other Roots of
the English Language, adapted to tlae Improved System
of Education. 2od Edition^ y^'xcq \?,.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE, adapted to the JModern Sys-
tem of Tuition. 12th Edit,, 5s,
This work contains copious Tables of the Prefixes, the Postfixes, and all
the Derivative English Words, classified under their respective Roots,
wJth examples illustrating their primary and secondary meaning. In the
Notes, the Teacher will find some useful and important information on
the history and peculiar significations of the more abstruse and technical
words. To the Teacher, then, it must prove a valuable manual; to the
Scholar, a useful text-book ; and to those unacquainted with the leamwJ
languages it will furnish a ready Key to tlie obscurities of their own,
•' We are convinced that this work is calculated to facilitate in an emi-
nent degree the labour both of the teacher and the scholar."
The Quarterly Journal of Education.
** This very laborious compilation deserves to be introduced into eveiT
sf hool where the English language is taught." — Athenceum.
" We have not for a long time met with a book which promised t(; be
more useful." — Scotsman.
" It will be found useful not only to children, but to students of a more
advanced age." — Spectator.
iioHj price 6d.
Is. 6d.
In complying with the demand for a new Edition of
this Work, the Author has made considerahle im-
provements. He has omitted obsolete words, insert-
ed others, and added an Appendix, containing a
Tabular Keference, and a copious list of Synonymous
and Paronymous terms. The Tabular Reference
will prove a useful help to the teacher, and furnish
the pupil, and those unacquainted with the learned
languages, with an easy key to the Dictionary and
Manual. It may be proper to state, that the words
of the Reference, found in juxtaposition, do not al
ways bear the same or a similar signification, either
with the leading word or with each other. They
point to the roots in the Work itself, under which
some word of kindred meaning with the leading
term is to be found. The table of Synonyms and
Paronyms is a necessary supplement : and affords a
ready remembrancer to the writer and teacher in the
business of composition.
The Hebrew and Greek Alphabets are subjoined,
to enable the pupil and the unlearned to read the
words in these characters, and tlius to prepare them
for commencing with gi-eater advantage the study of
these languages.
To the student of languages, a knowledge of the
commutable or convertible letters is of the utmost
importance. They have therefore been carefully as-
certained, and exemplified in the same word in
nineteen or twenty different languages. For an
example of the labials^ the term bear is selected.
In this word, the radical letters b or one of the la-
bials and r, are to be found in the same position in
all the above languages. The other letters, united
with these to form the teiTn, are either euphonic or
accidental according to the genius of the particular
language, but not essential to the signification. So
also of the examples of the Dentals, and Palatkds or
The Author has now finished a complete series of
Etjmiological V/orks for the use of schools. Their
utility and efficiency have been established by the
successful result of their general introduction into
the most popular seminaries both in Scotland and
England : by the many editions they have gone
through in so short a period ; and by the fact of tlieir
being reprinted in America and the East Indies. In
the introduction to the American edition of the Dic-
tionary, Dr Keagy, the Editor, has some remarks on
the object of these works, which the Author has
much pleasure in quoting. " This work," says he,
" will be especially useful to those pupils in our
male and female Seminaries, who do not learn Latin
and Greek ; as they will by its aid be able to ac-
quire, in a simple and philosophical manner, all the
difficult temis of the English language, including
most of the terminology of science. They will be
thus prepared to enter on a course of scientific or
literary studies with much greater advantages than
they would otherwise possess. But it is not only to
the mere English scholar that this book may be
useful, it will also offer great facilities to those who
are going through a course of Latin and Greek, by
shewing them the practical bearing of their studies
on our language." — '' The great English Philologist
Dr J, Jones observes, in his Analogiae Latinae,
* If the custom prevailed in all the schools^ (which
assuredly ought to be the case,) of tracing the Eng-
lish to the Latin language, the utility of this last
would be more generally and permanently felt ; nor
would it be so readily forgotten in manhood, after
the long and fruitless pains that have been taken to
acquire it in youth/ This book presents tlie means
of tracing these connexions to a greater extent than
any work in our language."
" There is only one objection which we anticipate
against the use of this book fen* phrase-making, viz.
that it does not give the definitions of the derivative
words, except in a few instances of peculiar mean-
ings, or for the exemplification of the primitive word,
and leaves the signification to be discovered by the
scholar, who is furnished with all the elements
which form the term. This, so far from being an
objection, presents an advantage of great value. It
offers an opportunity for more of that exertion of
mind which constitutes active education, than could
possibly be effected by giving the definition : just as
it is better to require a pupil to give the boundaries
of a country from a map, than to learn and merely
recite them by rote from a book. The latter is a
passive business, while the former is active. By the
one he gains ideas ; by the other words enly.'
George Heriot's Hospital,"^
Edinburgh, Nov. 183(i f
The Compiler of the following Work proposed to
himself chiefly to meet the difficulty under which
those unacquainted with the learned languages neces-
sarily labour^ in ascertaining with clearness and pre-
cisioUj the tme and radical signification of words
derived from foreign tongues. In consulting our po-
pular dictionaries, the young and unlettered find them-
selves much embarrassed^ at one time, by numerous
and philosophical definitions given in explanation of
some simple vocable ; at another, by finding a word
defined by another equally difficult to imderstand,
and whichj on being turned up, refers them again to
that, the meaning of wdiich they are in quest of. It
is needless to state that such embaiTassments must
greatly tend to cool the ardor, and repress the aspir-
ing efforts^ of the young mind in the pursuit of
He also conceived that, by presenting the words
of the language arranged according to their genera,
and under their respective o'oots, he would abridge
and facilitate the labours both of teacher and pupil.
The principle on which the work has been con-
struct ed, brings into full operation the pupil's powers
of discrimination and judgment; and while it awakens
Interest, and excites curiosity, he unconsciously ac-
quires those elementary idesis o? vocables , which will
guide him in the proper and legitimate application
of them.
The languages from which by lar the greater pro-
portion of English words now in use originally come,
are Greek and Latin. The Compiler has intention-
ally abstained from introducing words of Saxon ori-
gin. These properly constitute our mother tongue ;
and as they in general express simple ideas, and are
familiar to us from our infancy, it appeared to him
that their admission would have swelled the work
to an inconvenient size. With the exception, there-
fore, of the prefixes and postfixes, they are omitted.
Words borrowed from the French, Spanish, and
modern Italian, being derived chiefly from Latin
roots, — though much altered both in orthography
and inflection, — are in general inserted under the
Latin primitives.
When the usual acceptation of a word differs from
its literal, the peculiarity is generally explained in
the notes, in which the interpretations of Johnson
and Webster are generally adopted ; and in every
word of extensive use, it was judged requisite to
mark the progress of its meaning, and show by what
gradations it has passed from its primitive to its re-
mote and accidental signification. " In most cases,"
says Webster, '* this change consists in a slight de-
flection, or difference of application, which has ob-
tained among different families of the same stock.
In some cases, the literal sense is lost or obscured,
and the figurative only is retained. The first object,
in such caseSj is to find the primary or literal sense,
from which the various particular applications may
be easily deduced." These nicer shades of the com-
mon meaning, which distinguish the different periods
m the history of language, are discoverable only by a
careful attention to the general scope of the passage.
Many scientific and technical terms, now in use,
have been traced to their source, and defined in their
restricted or appropriate application.
Obsolete words have also been admitted when
they are found in standard works, or when they
possess such a degree of force and beauty, as may
render them deserving of revival.
As the prepositions or prefixes in all languages
constitute an important class of vocables, being used
in composition to vary the sense of other parts of
speech to an unlimited extent, it was deemed useful
to give them a particular consideration. The first
forty pages are occupied in illustrating and aiTang-
ing them according to their respective languages.
Every word, or one of each class in which the pre-
fixes occur, has been given. Another important
ffeniis of vocables are the affixes or terminations.
Accordingly, particular care has been taken, and a
new plan adopted, to determine their precise import.
They have been alphabetically classified and aiTanged
according to the modification of noun, adjective, verh
and adverb. By means of an accurate knowledge of
the prefix and postfix, together with the root, the
primary or radical signification of the word may be
easily ascertained, as well as the elements of the
figurative meaning detected.
This method must greatly faciUtate the acquisi-
tion of our vernacular tongue to foreigners, as well
as to our own countrymen, and may in some degree
rescue it from the mischievous influence of sciolists,
and from that overweening spirit of innovation,
which is perpetually disturbing its settled usages,
and filling it with anomalies.
As the plan on which the following Dictionary
is compiled, differs materially from that of every
preceding one, a few explanatory examples may-
be necessary to illustrate its principle, and exhibit
the manner in which it may be used in tuition.
Suppose the word ' attraction should occur, the
pupil may be asked. What is the literal meaning
of the word * attraction' ? He will answer, * a
drawYCig to,' or ^ the act or power of drawYi\<^ to/
From what is it derived ? ' Attract.' — What does
the first syllable or prefix ' at,' of that word signify ?
'To' (See 'at,' page 13.) — Give some other
examples of that prefix ? ' Atiddw, «rtend, ftrtrib-
ute,' &c. — What was its original form ? ' Ad.'
(See 'ad' and its forms, p. 11.) Here the pupil
may be called upon to give the other forms of ' ad,'
viz. — a, ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, — with an ex-
ample of each ,• such as, «spire, accede, q/fix, «^gra-
vate, ttZleviate, a^inihilate, «/>pend, arrogate, <7ssimi-
late. — What does the last syllable or postfix ' ion,'
of that word denote ? ' The act of,' or *■ ing.' (See
' ion,' p, .59.) — Give some other example of that
affix havino- the same sigmification ? ' Contribut?o?2,
coWhioii, dissolut/o;?, commot/o??,* &c. (See these
and other examples, p. 59-) — What is the root or
theme of that word ' extraction ? * Tract' — What
does it signify ? ' Draw.' (See ' tr actum* to draw,
p. 567. which refers to ' traho,' p. 568. where the
word ' attraction is to be found. See also note
under ' gravitation/ p. 233.) Here, in alphabet.^
ical order or otherwise, the other words derived from
* tracf may be ehcited. Some such interrogato-
ries as the following may be put by the teacher :
Give a word signifying to d^-aw from ? The
pupil will answer, ' Abs^rac^.' (See * abs,' p. 11.)
— Having power to draw to ? ' Kltract'iYe.' (' at/ as
above, and ' ive/ p. 86.) — To draw together? ^ Con -
tract' (^ con/ p. 14.) — To draw from or down?
' Detract.' (^ de/ p. 18.) — To draw apart or asun.
der^ or to perplex? 'Distract.' (^dis/ p. 21.) —
To draw out? 'Extract.' ('ex/ p. 21.) — That
cannot be drawn or managed ? ' Intractable/ (J in,
p. 26. and 'ble,' p. 79-) — To draio forth, or to
prolong ? ' Vi'otract. {' pro,' p. 32.) — To draw
back ? ' detract,' {' re,' p. 33.) — To draw under or
from ? ' Subtract.' (' sub,' p. 36.) — A mark left by
something j(9as5?w^, or a vestige ? 'Trace,' (p. 570.)
— A beaten path ? ' Track.' — A portion of land,
also a treatise ? ' Tract.' — That may be drawn
out in length? ' TractWe.' (Mle/ p. 85.) — A iraiL
2;?^ _ vehicle, or sledge? ' Trainemi.' — The other
words derived from, or connected with these may
also be asked. The preceding process might, with
advantage, be varied or reversed ; the teacher giving
the word, and requesting the pupil to state its mean-
ing, or the pupil may be called upon to mention
some or all the words derived from that 7^oot.
Interrogated in this manner the pupil would
soon acquire an accurate knowledge of aj\y ge7nis or
class of vocables.
Suppose^ agaln^ the word ' animate' should occur.
What does that word signify ? ^ To give life.' —
Has it any other meaning ? ' Having life.' — What
part of that word denotes to give ? ' Ate.' {' ate/
p. 95.) — Has the affix ' ate,' when annexed to verbs^
any other meaning ? ' To make.' (p. ^5.) — Give
some examples of that termination having this
signification ? ' Abbrevi«fe, antiquafe_, ivMsivate,
renoYate,' &c. — When ' ate' is subjoined to adjec-
tives, what does it denote ? ' Having' or ' being.'
{'ate,' p. 78.) — Give examples? 'Inanimate, af-
fectionate, adequa^^, ^linate,' &c. — When ' ate' is
affixed to nouns, what does it denote ? ' One icho,'
or ' the person who' (^ ate^ p. 46.) — State some ex-
amples ? ' K^xazate, associafe, potentate, prim^fe,'
&c. — What part of the word ' ani?nate signifies
Ife? ' Anim.' {' anima,' -p. 108.) — State another
example ? ' lria7iijnate.'- — What does *■ maniynate
imply ? ' Not having life.' {' in,' p. 26, and ' ate,'
p. 78.) — Proceeding farther in the investigation,
some such questions as the following may be put.
A living creature? ' Anim^X.' — A little anitnal?
' AnirndXcxAe' (J cle,' p. 56.) — The state of being
lively, orlife? 'Animation.' ('ion,' p. 590 — Men-
tion another word of a similar import ? ' Vitality.'
{' vivo,' p. 620.) — Here the words under ' vivo,'
being of similar meaning, may also be given.
Being out of life, or lifeless"^ ' Exanimate.' (p. 2 1 . &
78.) — To give Ife again ? ' 'Reanimate.' (p. 33. &
95.) — Does the root ' ani?n' bear any other import ?
'Mind.' {'animus,' p. 108 i — Give an example?
PREFx\CE. Xlll
*" AnimsidYevt.' — What does aw/madvert signify?
* To turn the mind to, to criticise.' What part of
that word denotes ' ifo' ? 'Ad.' (p. 11.)— What
part imports ' turn ? ' Vert' {' verto,' p. 602.) —
Here an opportunity is afforded of exercising the
pupil on the derivatives of '' verto.' A strong active
feehng of the mind, or hatred ? ' Animosity.' —
The being of equal mind, or equalness of mind ?
' ISiquanimity/ (^ equus' for *■ sequus/ p. 180, and
* ty/ p. 64.) — The being of great mind, or great-
ness (A mind ? ' Magna?z/mity/ (*" magnus/ p. 292.)
— The being of little mind, or littleness of mind ?
' V\i%\\\anim\iy' {f pusillus/ p. 440.) — The being
of one mind, or oneness of mind ? ' '[]na7iim\iy.'
{' unus/ p. 584.)
One example more may be taken. Suppose the
word 'geography should occur. What is the literal
meaning of that word ? ' A description of the earth
or world.' — Whether is it simple or compound ?
^ Compound.' — Of what is it compounded ? ' Ge, the
earth, (p. 219-) and ' Grapho,' to describe, (p. 230.)
It may be proper to state that the letter ' o/ which
intervenes between the * ge/ and *■ graphy/ is eu-
phonic, and is usually inserted between the two com-
ponent or radical parts, of which words derived from
Greek are compounded. — One who describes the
earth or world ? ' G^ogi-apher.' {' er,' p. 47.) —
Pertaining to geography ? * Geographical.' (' al,'
and ' icalj* p. 72.) — The other words from ' Gc,'
(p. 219.) maybe asked, as well as those derived
from ' Terra,' (p. 552.) being the corresponding term
in Latin, denoting ea7-th. A few also of those de-
rive^, from ' Grapho' may be taken
The Accent is the more forcible utterance of a particular
syllable of a word. And on the final letter of that syllable,
the accent is uniformly placed. In the word coUisi'on, for
example, the accent is marked on the terminating letter ' V
of the accented syllable ' /wi,' which is pronounced lizh ;
and the whole word, kol-lizh'-oii.
a or ab
stands for
neuter, after Latin, and
noun, after English words.
perfect participle,
The Figures indicate the Declension and Conjugation.
These are letters of the same organs : that is, letters
formed by the same parts of the mouth ; and they are com-
monly divided into Labials, Dentals., Palatials or Gutturals.
A knowledge of them is of the utmost importance in the
study of Etymology, as it affords a key to trace the affinity
of words in different languages.
The Labials are—B, F, P, Ph, {
Eng. ea^le ; Fr. ai^le ; Sp. abulia ; Port, a^uia ; It.
djuila ; L. aguila ; (G. adler.) H. Sp)?, to he crooked.
Eng. ^'wit ; Fr. quitter ; It. ^-witare & c/^ita^e ; Sp. &
Port, qtdiax ; D. kw^ien ; G. quitiixen ; Dan. juitterer ; Sw.
guitta ; W. ^'adu, t^adaw ; Ir. cead, leave, cwitighim, to
requite ; Gael, cwidhtich. Eng. cede ; Fr. ceder ; Sp. &
Port, ceddr ; It. cedere ; L. cedo ; Gr. x^'^'^i ix«-^ov.
for Arabic
for Samaritan
— Armoric
— Sanscrit
— Chaldee
S. or
Sax. - Saxon or Anglo-
— Ccniish
— Danish
— Scottish
— Dutch or Belgic
— Spanish
— English
— Swedish
— Ethiopia
— Syriac
F. or Fr.
— French
— Welsh
G. or Ger.
— German
— adjective
— Gaelic
— ad\erb
— Greek
— compoimd.contraction,
— Gothic
or common gender
H. or Heb.
— Hebrew
— feminine
.— Icelandic
— masculine
— Irish or Hiberno-C cltic
— neuter
— Italian
— obsolete
L. «• Lat.
— Latin
— perfect participle
— Persic or Persian
— preposition
— Portuguese
— pronoun
— Riiss language, or
— supine
— verb
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Character. Power.
Name. Power In Sound .
Alepli, a, in all.
Beth, b.
Girael, g, Aarc?.
Daleth, d.
e He, ay, in jt^ay.
u or V Waw, oo, in room.
z Zain, z.
h Heth, h, in how.
th Teth, th, in tJiis.
i or y lod, ee, in feel.
k or cKaph, k.
1 Lamed, 1.
m Mem, m.
n Nun, n.
8 Samech, s, in sigti.
o, in orer.
o Ain,
forp Pile,
ts Tsade,
ts, in its.
t, hmxl.
,D ,t3 ,n ,7 ,•? ,:»
>^ ,p j» ,& jV
,3 ,» ,1 ,n ,3 ,N
,n ,ty ,i ,0 ,S
Po'Acr. Nam*.
a Alpha.
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B /S e b Beta.
r y [ g hard Gamma.
^ 5
E 1
Z ? ^
H ti
Q d 3
I /
M fjt
N »
3 ^
n .
foreshad'ow^ v.
fore'ship, n.
/oremen''tioned, a. foreshow', v.
Imj for IN, signifies to make : as, mbit'ter, to make
bitter ; /??zpov'erish, to make poor.
foreteM', v.
/bre'thought, n.
foreto'ken, u. & ?i.
fore'tooth, n,
fore'toj), 71.
forewo'ich'ed, p.
fore\varn', v.
forewish', v.
forewarn', p.
ijwband', v.
imhank', v.
imbed', v.
i^nbord'er, v.
imh'it'ter, v.
imbod'y, v.
tmborden, v.
imho'som, v.
iwbow', V.
imbow'er, v.
imhox', V.
imhrcwn', v.
imbrute'5 V.
imhne', v.
ammask', v.
imraesh', u.
«77?pair', V.
impark', v.
impearl', v.
i?«pov'erish, v.
iwpris'on, v.
iynpur'ple, v.
MiSj signifies ill, error, or defect, marking an ill,
false, or wrong sense ; as, w/scon'duct, ill con-
duct ; m/^belie'ver, one who holds 2. false rehgion,
or beUeves2£;ro?2y/yy mesapply'^to apply to a wrong
wisaccepta'tion, n. 7?^^sassign', v.
wjisadven'ture, n. misbtgot', or
misad\\'?>&d, a. misbtgot't&n, a.
misaim'ed, a. wjjsbehave', v.
misappiy', V. misbelief, n.
misapprehend', v. misbelie'ver, 71.
fRi^ascribe', v. mijcal'culate, r.
miscal', v.
miscar'ry, v.
miscast', v.
mischance', ».
miscite', v.
miscompute', v.
misconcep'tion, n.
fniscon'duct, n.
mis'cTeaut, n.
Twisdeed', n.
»nwdeem', v.
wii^deniean', v.
misdio', V.
♦nisdoubt', v.
♦ni^employ'j v.
mtsfash'ion, v.
»n?'sfor'tune, n.
misgiwe', v.
wisgov'emment, n.
wjisguide'j v.
mishap', n.
misin£er', v.
misinform', v.
♦nuinter'pretj v
misioin'j v
misjudge', v.
mislay', v.
wislead', v.
mislike', v. & n.
mislive', v.
misxnan'age, v.
mismatch', v.
misname', v.
misno'mer, n.
misobserve', v.
Twisor'der, v. & n.
misspend', v.
misplace', v.
mispropor'tion, v.
rrisquote', v.
misrecite', v.
misrec'kon, v.
misrelate', v.
misremem'ber, v.
misreport', v. & n.
misrepres^it', v.
misrule', n.
missay', v.
misseem', v.
misserve', v.
misshape', v.
misspeak', v,
misstate', v.
mistake', v.
misteach', v.
mistem'per, t'.
misterm', v.
tnisthink', v.
mistime', v.
mistrust', v. & n.
misunderstand', v,
misuse', v. &. n.
mtsjoin', v. misremem'ber, v.
Out, signifies beyond, denoting excess or superio-
rity : as, oitiMve', to live beyond.
ow^act', V.
OM^bal'ance, v.
OM^bar', V.
outbid', V.
outhlowed', a.
ow^'born, a.
OM^'bound, a.
outbrave', v.
ow^bra'zen, v.
OM^'break, n.
outbreathe', v.
out'cast, a. & n.
outcraft', V.
out'cry, n.
outdare', v.
outdate', V.
outdo', V.
outdweW, V.
outf are', v.
oM^fawn', V.
outRy', V.
outfrown', v.
out'gate, n.
outgi\e^, V.
outgo', V.
outgrow', V.
ow^'guard, n,
ow^jest', V.
07/^knave', v.
As, for AD, signifies to : as, assim'ilate, for ac/sim'il-
ate, to make like to.
ascertain', v. a^severa'tion, n. assort', v.
assail', V. a^sid'uous, a. assuage', v.
assault', n. & v. assign', v. as'suetude, n.
assem'ble, v. assim'ilate, v. assume', v.
cssenc , n. & v. assist', v. assure', v.
assert', r. assize', n. & v. aston'ish, v.
assess', v. asso'ciate,r. a. &n. astound', r.
At, for AD, signifies to : as, artract', foi' ao^tract', to
draw to : attest', to hear witness to.
attach', V.
attain', v.
a^tem'per, v.
a/tempt', v. & n
attend', v.
a^ten'uate, v. & a.
at'terate, v.
attest', V.
a/trib'ute, v.
ai'tribute, n.
o^triti'on, n.
attune', v.
a^tol'lent, a. & n.
as, amh\\\'(m, a going
attract', v.
Am, signifies round or about
about, (seeking honour or preferment.)
amSiti'on, n. am^us'tion, n,
ambign'ity, n. am'putate, v. circumam'^ient, a.
Ante, signifies before: as, an/ece'dent, going
an^ece'dent, a. an/edilu'vian, n. are/^penult', n
an'^echamber, n. & a. ante'tior, a.
anteces'sor, n. c;^;emerid'ian, a. a/ific'ipate, v.
art/edate', v. . an^emun'dane, a.
CiRCUM, signifies about or round :
to come round about, (to
cir'cuit, n. & v. circMTWja'cent, a.
circumaxn^ient, a. circiimlocn'tion, n.
circuma\nla\i[ate,v. circummured^, a.
eir'cumcise, v. circumna\'igate, v.
circum'feTence, n. circumsolar^ a.
cir'cum^ex, n. ctVcMwipositi'on, n.
circwm'fluent, a. circumxo'sion, 71.
circumfora'neo\is,a.circumTota'tion, n.
circumfuse', v. circumscribe', v.
circum'gixate, v.
as, circttmvent'
cir'oums]pcct, a.
cir'cumstonce, n.
& V.
circtfTOvalla'tion, n,
circumvec'tionj n.
circumvent', v.
circumvent', v.
circumvola'tion, n.
circumvolve', v.
Crs, signifies on this side : as, m alpine, on this
side of the Alps,
ci^'alpine, a. cj>spadane, a.
Con, (cum), and the shapes it takes,-co, cog, col,
com, cor, signify together or with : as, co?2Cus-
si'on, a shaking together ; cowform', to comply
coracat'enate, v.
con'cave, a.
conceal', v.
concede', v.
conceit', n. & v.
conceive', v.
concen'txate, v.
concen'tre, v. "
con cep'tion, n.
concern', v. & n.
concert', v.
co?icil'iate, v.
concise', a.
CO n'clave, n.
conclude', v.
concoag'ulate, v.
concoct', V,
conoom'itant,a. & n.
con'cord, n.
con'course, n.
concrete', v. & a.
concupis'cence, n.
concur', v.
concussi'on, n.
condemn', v.
condens'ate,v. &a.
condense', v. & a.
condescend', v.
condign', a.
conditi'on, r».
condole', v.
conduce', v.
conduct', V.
confab'ulate, v.
confec'tion, n.
confed'erate, v. Sea.
confer', v.
confess', v.
confide', v.
config'ure, v.
confine', v.
confirm', v.
confis'cate, v. & a.
conflagra'tion, n.
conflict', V.
con'fl uence, n.
conform', v. & a.
confound', v.
cow front', v.
confuse', v.
confute', V.
congeal', v.
congen'erous, d.
conge'nial, a.
congest', V.
congla'ciate, v.
co?iglo'bate, v. Sea.
conglobe', v. [a.
conglom'erate, v. &
conglu'tinate, v.
congrat'ulate, v.
cong'regate, v. & a.
con'gress, n.
cong'ruous, a.
conjec'ture, n.Scv.
conjoin', v.
con'jugate, v.
conjunct', a.
conjure', v.
con'jure, v.
connate', a.
connat'ural, a.
connect', v.
connex', v.
connive', v.
connoisseur', n,
con'notate, v.
connote', v.
connu'bial, a.
conq'uer, v.
consanguin'ity, n.
con'science, n.
con'script, n.
con'secrate, v. & a.
consec'utive, a.
consem'inate, v.
consent', n. & v.
con'sequent, a. Sen.
oonser'vative, a.
consid'er, v.
consign', v.
consim'ilar, a.
consist', V.
conso'ciate, n. & v.
oonsola'tion, n.
console', v.
consol'idate, v-
con'sonant, a. & n.
con'sort, n.
conspic'uous, (i.
conspire', v.
con'stant, a.
constella'tion, n.
consterna'tion, n.
con'stipate, v.
con'stitute, v.
constrain', v.
constrict', v.
constrin'gent, a.
construct', v.
con'strue, v.
con sub stan'tiate, v.
con' sal, w.
consult', V.
consume', v
contab'ulate, v.
con'tact, n.
conta'gion, n.
contain', v.
contam'inate,u. &a .
contemn', v.
contem'perate, v.
cowtem'plate, v.
. contend', v.
content', n. & a.
conter'minous, a.
con'text, n.
cowtigu'ity, n.
con'tinent, a. & n.
contin'gent, a.
con tin'ue, v.
contor'tion, n.
contract', v.
con'trast, n.
contrib'ute, v.
con'trite, a.
contrive', v.
control', V.
C07i'tumacy, n.
con'tumely, n.
contuse', v.
convales'cent, a,
convene', v.
converge', r.
co?iverse', v,
convert', v,
con'vert, n.
con'vex, a. & n.
convey', v.
convict', V. & a.
convince', v.
conviv'ial, a.
con'vocate, v.
convoke', v
convolve', v.
convoy', v.
convulse', v.
covii'txy, n.
discon'^5olate, a.
discontent', n. a.
& V.
discontin'ue, v.
inconcealable, a.
inconcei'vable, a.
inconclu'sive, a.
inconcoct'ed, a.
inco^for'mity, n.
incongru'ity, n.
incon'sequent, a,
inconsid'erate, a.
inconsis'tent, 3.
inconsolable, a.
incon'stant, a.
inconsu'mable, a.
incontes'table, a.
incontig'uous, a.
incon'tinent, a.
inconve'nience, n.
inconver'sable, a.
inconver'tible, a.
inconvin'cible, a.
irreconcileable, a.
mal'content, ct. & n.
misconcep'tion, n.
miscon'duct, n.
miscon'strue, v.
procon'sul, n.
Co, for CON, signifies together or tvitk •* as, co^
op'erate, for co«-op'erate, to work fvith or toge-'
co-or'dinate, a.
copart'ner, n.
cotan'gent, n.
cotem'porary,a. & n,
cov'enant, n. & v.
coacer'vate, v.
coac'tion, n.
coadju'tor, n.
coag'ulate, v.
coalesce', v.
coeffici'ent, n.
coemp'tion, n.
coe'qual, a.
coerce', v.
coessen'tial, a.
coeta'neous, a.
coe'val, a. & n.
coexist', V.
coextend', v.
co'gent, a.
cog'itate, v.
cohab'it, v.
coheir', n.
cohere', v.
cohe'sion, n.
coincide', v.
co-op'erate, v.
excog'itate, v.
incoag'ulable, a.
incohe'rent, a.
Cog, for con, signifies together or with: as, cog'-
nate, for co«'nate, born together, or with another.
cog'nate, a.
co^niti'on, n.
co^om'inal, a.
co^nos'cible, a.
inco^'nito, ad.
CoL, for CON, signifies together or with : as, coflect',
for cowlect', to gather together.
collapse', V. collect', v. & n. coHocate, v.
co/late', V. college, n. co/loquy, n.
co/lat'eral, a. co/liquate, v. coJlu'sion, n.
Com, for con, signifies together or with : as, com-
mo'tion, for co??mo'tion, a moving together;
cofwpassi'on, for cowpassi'on, suffering or feeling
with (another.)
com'pass, v. 8c n.
coTTipassi'onj n.
compat'ible, a.
compa'triot, n.
compeer', n. & v.
compel', V.
compen'diuin, n,
compen'sate, v.
com'petent, a.
combine', v.
oombus'tible, a.
com'fort, V. Sl n.
command', v.
commem'orate, v.
commence', v.
commend', v.
commen'surate, v.
& a.
com'ment, v. & n. compile', v.
oom'merce, n. eompla'cent, a.
commingle, v. complain', v.
coTwmis'erate, v. complaisant', a.
commis'sion, n.&v. com'plement, n
commit', v.
corn mix', v.
commo'dious, a.
com 'm on, a. & n.
commo'tion, n.
oommove', v.
commune', v.
oommu'nicate, v.
commute', v.
com'pact, n.
compnze', v.
com'promise,n. & v.
compul'satory, a.
compul'sory, a.
compunc'tion, n.
compute', V.
decompose', v.
decompound', v.
discom'fit, v. & n.
discom'fort, n. & t'.
discommend', v.
discommode', v.
discompose', v.
encom'pass, v.
complete', a. & v. excommu'nicate, v.
complexi'on, n. incombus'tible, a.
com'plicate, v. & a. incommen'surable,a.
C0OT'pliment,«.&t;. incommode', v.
comply', V.
com-po'nent, a.
comport', V.
compose', v.
compota'tion, n,
cowjpound', V.
comprehend', v.
compress', v.
incom'parable, a.
incompassi'onate, a.
incompat'ible, a.
incom'petent, a.
incomplete', a.
incompres'sible, a.
compare', v. & n.
Cor, for con, signifies together or with : as, cor^
rob'orate, for cowrob'orate, to make strong to^
gether ; correl'ative, for co^jrel'ative, relative
correct', v. & a.
correl'ative, a.
correspond', v.
cor'rigible, u.
corrob'orate, v.
corrode', v.
cor'rugate, v.
corrupt', «. & a.
B 2
incorrect', a.
incor'rigible, a.
incorrup'tible, a.
Contra, signifies against: as, contradict', to say
or speak against.
contrddiici') v. [t). con/rapositi'on, n. contravene', v.
con^radisting'uish, con'trary, a. & n. con'trovert, v.
cort/rain'dicate, v. contray aMa'don, n. incc>;^tfrover'tiblej a.
Counter, for contra, signifies against: as, coun-
/erbal'ance, to balance against.
coMn^erbal'ance, v. counterxaan^' , v. counterpoise', v.
cown^erchange', v. cowntermarch', v. coMft^erpres'surCjW.
counterc\\axm' , v. counterraine' , v. counterproyect, ii.
counterch.&c\' , v. counterxno' tion, n. countersign' , t).
coun^erdraw', v. coun'iernoise, n. coun'fertide, n.
counterev'idence,n.coun'tei'i)a,ne, n. coun'tertuin, n.
coim'terfeit} v. a. coun'ter-part, n. counterva-iV, ^).
& n. cou7i'ter])lea, n. coun'teryiew, n.
coun'tergMBxdi, n. court,' terT^lot, n. countervfOTk', v.
DEj signifies down or Jrorn : as, deject', to cast
down ; r/epart', to part or go from,
conrfescend', v. decrease', v. & n. deB.our', v.
decree', v. & n. deform', v.
decant , v.
decap'itate, v.
decay', v. Sc n.
decease', n. &. v.
deceit', n.
deceive', v.
decide', v.
rfeci'pher, v.
declaim', v.
declare', v.
detort', V.
a'etract', v.
detrude', Vk
cZ(?vasta'tion, ft.
devel'op, v.
devest', v.
de'viate, v.
devise', v.
devoid', a.
devolve', v.
devote', v.
devour', v.
inrfecisi'on, n.
inrfecli'nable, a.
irj(/efat'igable, a.
inrfefen'sible, a.
indefinite, a.
inrfelib'eiate, a.
inof^rible, a.
inrfepen''dent,a.«& n.
inrfestruc'tible, a.
inrfeter'minate, a.
Dis, slgnides take Jrom, away, off, or out ; not,
implying privation, negation, or undoing: as,
dissirm.', to take arms from ; disor'der, to take
away order ; discov'er, to take off the cover ;
dif inter', to take out of the earth or grave.
disalole, v. disaffect', v. disallovf', v.
disabuse', v. disaffec'ted, a. £/e,san'imate, v.
dii!advanta'geous,a.disagree\ v. * c?uan'nul, v.
* The prefixes in these words,— dtfarr'nul, dig%e\'ei, dirtain', ufdoost ',
alter not the meaning of their primitives, — annul', sever, ftnin', loose'.
rfiiappear', v.
c?isappoint', v.
disapprove', v.
disarm', v,
disas'ier, n. & v.
disau'ihonse, v.
dwavow', V.
disclaim', v.
disclose', v.
discom'fitjU. a. & ».
discom'fort, v.
discommo'dious, a.
discompose', v.
disconcert', v.
discon'solate, a.
dis content', n. a. 8cv.
discontin'ue, v.
discol'our, v.
discoun'tenance, v.
& n.
discour'age, y.
discour'teous, a.
discov'er, v.
discred'it, «. & u
disdain', v. & n. disloy'al, a.
dwease', w. & u. disman'tle, v.
di^embod'ied, a.
di^embow'elled, a.
disengaged', a.
disena'ble, v.
disentangle, v.
disenterre', or
disin'ter, v.
disenthrone', v.
disesteem', n. & v.
disfig'ure, u.
disfran'chise, v.
disgorge', v.
disgrace', ru 8c v.
disguise', v. & n.
disgust', n. & u.
dishab'it, tJ.
dishearten', v.
dishon'est, a.
dishon'our, n. & v.
disincar'cerate, v.
disincline', v.
disingen'uous, a.
disinher'it, v.
disin'terested, a.
disin'tric^te, v.
disjoin', v.
disjoint', v.
dumem'ber, v.
dismiss', v.
dismount', v.
disobe'dient, a.
disobli'ging, a.
disor'der, n. & v.
disor'derly, a.
dispar'age, v.
dispassi'on, n.
dispeo'ple, v.
ditpir'it, v.
displace', v.
displant', v.
display', u. & n.
displeas'ure, n.
dispossess', r.
dispraise', n. & ».
dispropor'tion, ».
& u.
disprove', r.
disqual'ify, v-
disqui'et, n. & v.
disregard', n. & v.
disrel'ish, n. & r.
disrespect', n.
dissat'isfy, v.
dissem'ble, v.
distaste'ful, a.
distem'per, ti. & «.
distrust', V. & n.
disuse', w. & v.
divest', V.
indispen'sable, a.
Dis, signifies asunder: as, dispeV, to drive asuri'
der (by scattering) ; dissolve' j to loose asunder.
discern', v. dispose', v.
discom-pose', v. dispute', u. & n.
dis'coTd, n. dissect', v.
discourse', n. & v. rfi^sem'inate, v.
discreet', a. dissent', v. & n.
dis'crepancy, n. • dissev'ex, v.
discxeti'on, n. dissvcn'ilax, a.
distendi', v,
distort', V.
distract', v.
distrih'ute, v.
disturb', v.
disunite', v.
inf/iscer'nible, a.
indiscreet', a.
incfiscrim'inate, a.
indispose', v.
indis'putahle, a,
int/w'soluble, a.
cfiscrim'inate, v. dis'sipate, v.
discur'sive, a. disso'ciate, v.
discuss', V. dissolve', v.
disjunc'tive, a. dis'sonant, a.
dislocate, v. dissuade', v.
dispel', V.
Di, for DIS, signifies asimder : as, disperse', to
scatter asunder.
rfishev'elled, p. divorce', n. & v.
disperse', v. divulge', v.
dis'tance, ti. & v. divul'sion, n.
distil', V. di'gest, n.
distinct', a. digest', v.
disting'uish, v. digress', v.
distrain', v. dilac'erate, v.
diverge', v. dilap'idation, 71.
divert', v. dilate', v.
divide', v. dil'atory, a.
dJvis'ible, a. dil'igent, a.
DiF, for DIS, signifies asunder : as, differ, to bear
asunder^ (to vary.)
differ, V. di/'fluent, a. indifferent, a.
di/fla'tion, n. diffuse', v. & a.
Ex (s^), signifies out, out of: as, e^jclude', to
shut out ; contend', to stretch out.
i/leg'ible, a, i/lic'it, a, ifloglcal, a.
Im, for IN, signifies not, implying negation, pri-
vation, or Tvant : as, immor'ta], not mortal, (or
not liable to death.)
tmmac'ulate, a. immu'sical, a.
i/nmu'table, a.
impal'pable, a.
i/npar'tial, a.
i?/ipar'tiblej a.
impas'sable, a.
impas'sive, a.
iHjpa'tient, a.
impec'cable, a.
fmpen'etrable, a.
impen'itent, a.
iwpercep'tible, a.
imper'fect, a.
imper'forable, a.
iwper'ishable, a.
imper'sonal, a.
impersua'sible, a.
♦'mper'dnentj a.
imper'vious, a.
Ill, for IN, signifies not: as, irrati'onal, no/ ra-
iVreligi'orij n.
trre'meable, a.
irreme'diable, a.
irremis'sible, a.
tVremove'able, a.
trrep'arable, a.
irreprehen'sible, a. irrever'sible, a.
trreproach'able, a. irrev'ocable, a.
tVreprove'able, a.
Inter, signifies between or among : as, inieripose^
to place between ; intermhi', to mix among or
tn^e/lec'tual, a. intercede', v. interchain', v.
intelligent, a. intercept', v. interchange', v.
im'manent, a.
tminate'rial, a.
immature', a.
tmmeabil'ity, n.
immeas'urable, a.
iwime'diate, a.
immed'icable, a.
tmmeino'rial, a.
immense', a.
immethod'ical, a.
immix'able, a.
iwmobil'ity, n.
immod'erate, a.
immod'est, a.
immor'al, a.
immor'tal, a.
immove'able, a.
immu'nity, n.
irrati'onal, a.
irreclai'mable, a.
irrecov'erable, a.
irredu'cible, a.
irrefragable, a.
irrefu'table, a.
trreg'ular, a.
irrel'ative, a.
irrel'evant, a.
tmpierce'able, a.
impi'ety, n.
impla'cable, a.
implau'sible, a.
impolite', a.
impol'itic, a.
impon'derous, a.
impo'rous, a.
impos'sible, a.
im'potent, a.
imprac'ticable, a.
impreg'nable, a.
improb'able, a.
improp'er, a.
improv'ident, a.
impru'dent, a.
im'pudentj a.
impu'nity, n.
impure', a.
irresis'tible, a.
irres'oluble, o.
irres'olute, a.
irrespec'tive, a.
irretrie'vable, a.
irrev'erent, a.
intercisi'on, n.
interclude', v.
intercos'tal, a.
iii'tercouTse, n.
intercur'rent, a.
interAxct'j u.
in'teresi, v. & n.
interfere', v.
inter'fiuent, a.
interfused', a.
interja'cent, a.
interjec'tion, n.
interjoin', v.
interlace', v.
interla]pse', v.
interlard', v.
interleave', v.
interline', v.
interlivik', v.
interloc'utory, a.
interlo-pe', v.
inlerlu'cent, a.
in'terlude, n.
interlxx'nar, a.
intermar'xy, v.
intenxied'dle, v.
interme' diate, a.
intermingle, v.
intermit', v.
intermin.', v.
intermu'xal, a.
interrtiVi'iual, a.
inter'^iolate, v.
inter-gose', v.
interreg'num, n.
inter'iogate, v.
interTxxpt', v.
in^erscap'ular, a.
interscind', v.
inierscrihe', v,
intersect', v.
intersert', v.
inter STperse', w.
interstellar, a.
in'terstice, n.
interteyi't^xxe, n.
intertwine' , v.
intertwist', v.
in'terval, n.
intervene', v.
iii'terview, 71.
intervolve', v.
interyreave'y v.
Intro, signifies within : as, introduce', to lead
or bring within.
introduce', v.
intromit', v.
introspect', v.
introveTt', v.
Jl'Xta, signifies ?iear to: as, JujciapositVoTi, the
being placed near to (any thing.)
yM,r^apositi''on, n.
Ob, and the shapes it takes,-oc, of, op, signify in
the may, against, out : as, o&ject', to cast iii the
rvai/, or against ; o6'5olete, grown out (of use.)
ob'solete, a.
06'stacle, n.
06'stinate, a.
oistrep'erous, a.
obstruct', V.
oistupefac'tion, n.
obtain', V.
06'durate, 0.
ofilit'erale, v.
obey', V.
oblong, a.
oJe'dient, a.
obloquy, n.
object', V.
oinox'ious, a.
ob'ject, n.
oinulailate, v.
oftla'tion, n.
o5se'quious, a.
oblige', V.
observe', v.
c 2
oJtend', r.
obtest', V.
ofitrude', v.
oJtund', u.
obtuse', a.
obvert', v.
oi'viate, v.
06'vious, a.
oium'bratej v.
OCj for OB, signifies in the way, up, down : as
occa'sion, a falling in the way or down ; oc'cupy
to take up or in the way.
occa'sion, n. occult', a. oc'cupy, v.
oc'cident, n. occupa'tion, n. occur', v.
occip'ital, a.
Of, for OB, signifies in the rvay, against : as,
qf'ier, to bring in the rvay ; o/"fend', to strike
o/fence', n.
o/fend', V.
o/'fer, V. &in.
o/tire', «.
officiate, y.
omissi'on, n.
omit', V.
Op, for oB, signifies in the way, against : as,
oppose', to place in the way, or against.
oppo'nent, a. & n. ojo'posite, cr. o/jpro'brious, a.
oj&portune', a. oppress', v. oppugn', v.
ojapose', V.
Per, signifies through or thoroughly : as, pervade',
to go through ; peren'n'ial, (lasting) through the
year ; pe/fect, thoroughly done.
imjo^rcep'tible, a. jocrcu'tient, a.
imper'fect, a. /jgrditi'on, n.
imjDffr'forable, a. per'egrinate, v.
imjoer'tinent, a. per'em-ptoTy, a.
imper'vious, a. peren'nial, a.
pehu'cid, a. per'fect, a. Scv
jD^ram'bulate, v. per'Giiy, n.
perceive.', v. perflate', v.
joe?rcep'tion, n. per'forate, v.
/)ercussi'on, n. perform', v.
per'fume, n. Sc v.
perfuse', v.
per'ish, v.
per'yxre, v.
per'manent, a.
per'meahle, a.
jjermissi'on, n.
permit', v.
pcrnici'ous, a.
perora'tion, n.
joerpendic'ular, a.
per'petrate, v.
joerpet'uate, v.
perplex', v.
per'quishe, n.
per'secute, v.
persevere', v.
persist', v.
per&yec'dve, n. & a.
perspica cious, a.
jDe?'spic'uous, a.
jD(?r spire', v.
joej'suade', v.
peri&m', v.
joertina'cious, a.
per'iinexii, a.
jD^rtur'bation, n.
pervade', v.
perveTAe, a.
pervert', v.
pervicac'ity, 7i.
per'vious, a.
peruse', V.
pollute', V.
preterimjoer'fect, a.
•pieterper'fect, a.
preterpluper'fect, a.
PosT^ signifies after: as, post'scri]}t, a thing
written after.
postdiWviz.n,n.Si.a.postexis'tence, n. postpone', v.
posie'iior, a. posfhumous, a. posi'script, n.
posier'ity, n. pas tmend'ian, a.
Pre (pRiE), signifies before: as, predict', to say
or tell before; prefix', to fix before ; precar 'sor
one who runs before.
preach', V.
jDrecau'tion, n.
precede', v.
pre'cept, n.
prec'ipice, n.
precip'itaie, v.
precise', a.
preclade', v.
jorecogniti'on, n.
preconceive', v.
precux'sor, n.
jDredecease', v.
predeces'sor, n.
joredes'tinate, v.
predes'tine, v.
jDredeter'mine, v.
pred'icate, v. & n.
predict', v.
jtjredilec'tion, n.
predispose', v.
joredom'inate, v.
pre-elect', v.
jore-em'inence, n.
pre-engage' , v.
jare-establish, v.
pre-exist', v.
preface, n. &l v.
prefer', v.
jorefig'ure, v.
jarefix', v.
jarejudge', v.
joreju'dicate, u.& a
prej'udice, n. & v.
prel'ate, n.
jorelec'tion, n.
/)reliin'inary,a.& w.joresent', v
jorel'ude, n. preserve', v.
premise', v.
preoc'cupy, v.
joreordaiu', v.
prepare', v.
prepon'der, v.
jorepon'derate, v.
prepose', v.
/jrepossess', v.
/irepos'terous, a.
jorereq'uisite, a.
prerog'ative, a.
presage', v.
pre'scieuce, n.
^Jrescribe', v.
jores'ence, w.
prelude', v.
prematxire', a.
premed'itate, v.
preside', v.
presume', v.
pretend', v.
p7-e'te\t, 71.
pre'toT, n.
prevaW, v.
prev'aXent, a.
jorevar'icate, v.
prevtrxi', v.
jore'vious, a.
represent', v.
Preter (pRiETER), Signifies beyond ov past: as,
pretemsLXfyxYsX, beyond the course of nature ;
pre'terite, past.
preter'vca^ex'ieci,a. pretermit' , v- prelerper'fect, a.
pre'terite, a. preterna.t'uTal, a. pre ter^pluTper' feet, a.
preterla^seA', a.
Pro (tt^o), signifies Jbr-, forward, forth, or out ;
as, prox'y,* an agent j'xjr another, (or one who
acts ybr another)/ ^jroceed', to go forward ;
provoke', to call forth ; |)roclaim', to cry out.
com'promisej n. j9?*od'uct, n.
& V. profane', a. & u.
counterproj'ect,>w. profess', v.
imjorov'ident, a. proffer, v. & n.
ixnpru'dent, a. jorofid'ency, n.
jurisprw'deuce, n. profit, n. & v
prob'lem, n
proceed', v.
proc'ess, n.
proclaim', v.
procliv'ity, n.
procon'sul, n.
procras'tinate, v.
pro'create, v.
proc'tor, n.
procura'tor, n.
procure', v.
prod'igal, a. & n.
prodigi'ous, a.
produce', v.
prod'uce, n.
prolong', V.
p?'om'inent, a.
promis'cuous, a.
prom'ise, n. & v.
prom'ontory, n,
promote', v.
profligate, a. & n. prompt', a.
profluent, a. promul'gate, v.
profound', a. & n. promulge', v.
profund'ity, it, pronom'inal, a.
profuse', a.
progen'itor, n.
prog'eny, n.
prognos'ticate, v.
prog'ress, n.
prohibit, V.
proved', V.
prolegom'ena, 7i.
prolix', a.
prolocu'tor, n.
pj'ol'ogue, 72.
pro'noun, n.
pronounce', v.
prop'agate, v.
propel', V.
propen'sity, /*.
proph'ecy, n.
proph'esy, v.
proph'et, n.
projxt'nent, a.
propor'tion, ti.
propose', V.
* See under Cura.
propound', v.
prorogue', v.
proscribe', v.
pros'ecute, v.
pros'pect, n.
prds'titute,u.a.& n
pros'trate, a. & u.
protect', V.
protend', v.
proiest'fV. & n.
protract', v.
protrude', v.
protru'berate, v.
prov'erb, n.
provide', v.
provin'cial, a.
pr&visVon, n.
provoca lien, n.
provoke', v.
prox'y, «.
pru'dence, n.
pwr'port, 11. & V.
pwr'pose, 7i. & u.
Re, signifies back or again, anew : as, recall', to
call back ; rean'imate, to give life again ; re-
morse', a biting back; redeem', to buy back,
(by paying a price) ; recommence', to begin
correlative, a.
correspond', u.
disrepute', n.
disrespect', n.
irreclai'mable, a.
irreconcilable, a.
irrecov'erable, a.
irrefragable, a.
irrelevant, a.
irreligi'on, n.
irre'meable, a.
Irreme'diable, a.
irrep'arable, a.
irreprehen'sible, a.
irreprove'able, a.
irresis'tible, a.
irres'olute, a.
irrespec'tive, a.
irretrie'veable, a.
irrev'erence, n.
irrever'sible, a.
irrev'ocable, a.
reac'tion, n.
readmit', v.
rean'imate, v.
reascend', v.
reassem'ble, v.
reassert', v.
reassume', v.
reassure', v.
rebaptize', v,
rebel', v.
rebellow, v.
rebound', v.
rebuff', V. & 7i.
rebuild', v.
rebuke', v.
rebut', V.
recall', v.
recant', v.
recapit'ulate, v.
recede', v.
receive', v.
recep'tion, n.
recess', n.
recip'ient, n.
recip'rocal, a.
recite', v.
reclaim', v.
recline', v.
rec'ognize, v.
recoil', v,
recollect', v.
recommence', v.
recommend', v.
recommit', v,
rec'ompensc, v.
recompose', v.
rec'oncile, v.
rec'ondite, a.
reconduct', v.
reconjoin', v.
j-econq'uer, v.
recon'secrate, v.
reconvene', v.
reconvey', v.
record', v.
rec'ord, n.
recov'er, v.
recount', v.
ircourse', n.
rec'reate, v.
recrim'inate, v.
recruit', v.
recum'bent, a.
redsem', v.
reverse', v. & ti.
revert', v.
revic'tual, v.
revievf', n. & v.
revile', v.
revise', v.
?-evis'it, V.
revive', v.
reviv'ify, v.
reunite', v.
»'evoke', v.
revolve', v.
revom'it, v.
reward', v. &, n.
Retro, signifies backwards : as, re/Vograde, going
backwards step by step.
re^rocessi'on, n. re^Vograde, a. re^'rospect, n.
re^roduc'tion, n. re/rogressi'on, n.
Se, signifies aside or apart : as, recede', to go
aside or apart; seduce' , to lead aside.
secede', v.
secessi'on, n.
seclude', v. ■
feclu'sion, n.
se'ciet, a. & n.
secure', a. Sc v.
seduce', v.
sediti'on, n.
select', V.
sep'arate, r. 6i. a.
Sine, signifies without : as, sincere', without wax
or mixture, (honest) ; ^im'ple, without a fold.
ln5^?ice^e , a.
• insobri'ety, n.
sJTn'ple, a.
sijicere', a.
sinecure, n.
somber, a.
Sub, and theybrTw^^ it assumes,-suc, suf, sug, sup,
signify under or after, implying a subordinate
degree: as, 5?/6scril)e', to write under ; sub'se^
quent, following under or after ; *M6bea'dle,
under beadle.
consMSstan'tiate, v.
sM^ac'id, a.
5«6ac'rid, a.
swi'altern, a. & n.
swftbea'dle, n.
suficeles'tial, a.
sr/6chan'ter, ?i.
swAcontrac'ted, a.
swicuta'neous, a.
SM^dea'con, n.
*?i5dean', w.
swSdiver'sify, u.
itjidivide', v.
swfiduce', or
5Mfiduct', ZJ.
sziZidue', y.
5M^du'plicate, u.
SM^ja'cent, a.
suhjcct', V.
sub'ject, a. & n.
suhio'm', V.
sM^'jugate, V.
SM^lapsa'rian, n.
sublmg'vial, a.
sublunary, a.
submarine', a.
submerge', v.
SM^missi'on, n.
submit', V.
5wJmul'tiple, «.
subor'dinate, a.
suborn', v.
suhrec'tOT, n.
subscribe', v.
sub'sequent, a.
subserve', v.
subside', v.
sub'sidy, n.
subsisi', V.
st/fi'stance, n.
^wfi'stitute, V. & n.
subtract', v.
5Zi6struc'tion, n.
subtend', v.
SM^trahend', n.
subvert', v.
transufistan'tiate, a.
Sue, for SUB, signifies U7tder, up: as, *?^cceed', to
go or come under or after, (also to prosper) ;
Awc'cour, to run up, (to help.)
succeed', v. succinct', a. succumb', v.
success', n. suc'cour, v. & n. swccussi'on, n.
* See under Ebrius.
SuF, for SUB, signifies under: as, in^w/'ferable,
that cannot be borne under or with,
ins ^^/''fer able, a. suffer, v. sn/'focaie, v.
insw/lici'ent, a. s?//fice', v. s?f/fumiga'tiori, 7i.
insM/fla'tiorij n. sufRd'ent, a. snffnse'j v.
SuG, for SUB, signifies under: as, suggest', to
carry or bring under, (to hint.)
suggest', V. suggba'tion, n.
Sup, for sub, signifies under, up: as, .y?/^press',
to press under ; sup^iovxf, to bear up.
■ sup'\)\&ni, V. sJij)^\y', v. & w. sMjopose', v.
swja'plement, n. insj^ppor'cable, a szf/jpress', u.
sMjo'l^letory, ?i. supY>oii', v. & w. 5M_p'purate, v.
s?titi'ow%, a.
surround', v.
surtoni', n.
S7ir\ene', v.
survey', v.
sur'vey, n.
surrendi'er, v. Sc n. survive', v.
Sus for SUB or sursum, signifies under, up, upwards:
as, SMspect', to look up (with jealousy) ; sz^stain',
to hold tip.
sr/scep'tible, a. s?), signifies tinder: as, /?j/poth'esis, a
placing under, (a system formed under some
principle not proved )
A^j5ochon'driac, n. Jiyp'ocxiie, n. A^jooth'esis, n.
hypocYisy, n. hypo^i^X'ical, a.
Meta {f^zrx), signifies beyond, change, according
to; as, 7net'a]ih.or, transferring or carrying be-
yond, (or using a word in a sense beyond, or
different from its original or ordinary import) ;
i7ielh'o(\j according to a way or path.
wif^amor'phosis, 71. wetoth'esis, n. meth'oA, n.
met'a^^\\or, n. »«e^empsycho'siS;7i.w2^^on'ymy, n.
»ne/aphys'ics, n.
Para,-pah (7r«^«), signifies ^frte by side, beside^
near to, like or similar : as, par'ahle^ a putting
a thing side by side, or beside another, (to make
a comparison or similitude, or likening spiritual
things to temporal or external objects.)
antijoaralyt'ic, a. par'agraph, n. pai''asite, n.
extrajoaro'chial, a. ^;G;-Mllac'tic, a. jsaren'thesis, n.
par'ahle, n. par'aWoi, n. juarhelion, n,
parahoVicixl., a. paraVogy, n. juaj-'ish, n. & a.
paracen'tvic, a. par'alyze, v. joaro'chial, a.
par'aAigm, n. ^.>aj-apherna'lia, v. par'ody, n. & v.
jnir'adoyi, n. pav'aphrase 71. jxtr'oxysm, n.
Peri (in^t), signifies round, about : as^ /;e/ipatet'ic,*
walking about, (a sect of philosophers who dis-
coursed walking.)
joe?'icar'pium^ n. pe'riod, n. periT^Woxy, n.
pericra/nium, n. peripatet'ic, n. periph'rasis, n.
SvN ((T-yv), and the forms it assumes^-sy, syl, sym,
signifies together, with : as, jj/?i'agogue, a place
where the Jews assembled together to worship,
(a Jewish church.)
s^/i'agogue, n. si/nec/doche, n. ay^iop'sis, n.
syn'chxoniua, n. syii'oA, n. syn'tax, n.
syn' co^Q, Ux synoi\'ymo\xs, a. «^?i'thesis, n.
Sy, for SYN (o-yp), signifies together, with : as, sys-
tem, standing together, (so as to form a consis-
tent whole.)
*^s'tem, n. Ai/s'tole, n,
Syl, for SYN {itrator, n.
asser'tor, n.
asses'sor, n.
au'ditor, n.
aw'Xhor, n.
bach'elor, n.
benefac'tor, n.
calculator, n.
calum'niator, n.
cen'sor, n.
chan'cellor, n,
coadju'tor, n.
collec'tor, n.
conimenta'tor, n.
compet'ito?', n.
compos'itor, n.
conciFiator, n.
conduc'tor, n.
con'fessor, n.
con'queror, n.
conspir'ator, n.
contrib'utor, n.
correc'tor, n.
crea'tor, n.
cred'itor, n.
cu'rator, n.
deb for, n.
deter'minator, n.
dicta'tor, n.
direc'tor, n,
dissemiua'tor, n.
doc'tor, n.
do'nor, n.
ed'itor, n.
em''peror, n.
em'ulator, n.
equiv'ocator, n.
examina'tor, n.
exec'utor, n.
cxpos'tulator, ?i.
fac'tor, n.
gladia'tor, n.
gov'ernor, w.
illu'minator, n.
im'itator, n.
infe'rior, w. & a.
inher'itor, n.
in'novator, n.
inoc'ulator, n.
insidia'tor, n.
insin'uator, n.
inspec'tor, n.
interces'sor, n.
inter'polator, n.
inter'rogator, n.
inven'tor, n.
ju'nior, n. & a.
yi'xor, n.
legisla'tor, n.
ma'jor, n. & a.
malefac'tor, n.
may'or, n.
media'tor, n.
mi'nor, n. &. a.
modera'tor, w.
modula'toj', n.
mon'itor, 7i.
narra'tor, it.
nav'i gator, n.
nego'tiator, n.
objec'tor, ii.
op'erator, ii.
oppres'sor, n.
or'ator, n.
pas'tor, n.
pec'ulator, n,
per'secu tor, n.
posses'sor, 7i.
precen'to?*, n.
precep'tor, n.
pred'ecessor, n.
predic'tor, n.
pre'tor, n.
preturba'tor, n.
proc'tor, n.
proc'reator, n.
proc'urator, n.
profes'sor, n.
progenitor, n.
specta'tor, n.
spec'ulato?*, n.
epon'sor, n.
succes'sor, 7i.
prognos'ticator, n. supe'rior, n.
projec'tor, n. siipervi'sor, n
promulga'tor, n.
prop'agator, 7i
propit'iator, n.
proprietor, n.
pros'ecutor, ra.
protec'tor, n.
purvey'or, n.
rec'tor, n.
sailor, n.
sculp'tor, n.
seign'ior, n.
sen'ator, n.
se'nior, n.
solic'itor, n.
survey or, ?».
tai'lor, n.
testa'tor, n.
tormen'tor, n.
trai'tor, n.
transgres'sor, ?i
transla'tor, n.
tu'tor, n.
vic'tor, n.
vin'dicator, n-
vi'olator, n.
vis'itor, n
war'rior, n.
Ster, denotes one who: as, eong'ster, one wfu
har'Tister, n.
chor'i^/er, n.
game's^er, n.
malt'^^^r, ii.
\)\xn'ster, n.
qmr'ister, n.
song' ster, n.
s^in'ster, n,
yonug'ster, n.
The Substantive of the Thing.
(From the Latin.)
AcY, denotes being, or state of being : as, ac'cu-
raci/, a being accurate ; ceVihaci/, the state of
being single.
ablaacy, n. ceVihacy, 7i. con'tumacy, ti.
ac'curacy, n. confed'eraci/, 7i. ca'r acy, n.
ad'voccffWj 71, coiispir'«f2/j ^' degen'eracy, n.
deVicacy, n.
effem'inact/, n.
efficacy, n.
epis'copacy, '>i.
fallacy, n.
iu'timacy, 7i.
in'iricacy, n.
invet'eracy, n.
leg^acy, n.
legit'imacy, n.
lu'nacy, n.
magistracy, n.
ob'duracy, n.
ob'stinacy, n.
op'timacy, n.
pa'pacy, n.
pi racy, n.
prel'acy, n.
pri'macy, n.
pri'vacy, w.
proc'uracy, n.
subor'dinacy, n.
suprem'acy, n.
Age,* denotes the thing or bei7ig collectively, the
state of being, an allowance for : as, fo'liage,
leaves C collectively J j peer'rtge, the stale of
being a peer ; csiY'viage, an allowance for the
thing carried.
advan'tay^, n.
ap'panayc, n.
arrear'ayc, n.
asseml)layc, n.
append'ayc, n.
av'erayc, n.
hag'gage, n.
hax'onage, n.
band'ay^, n.
hev'erage, n.
bond'ayc, n.
hro'cage, n.
bro'kerayc, n.
car'celayc, n.
cax'riage, n.
cart'ilayc, n.
cellar aye, n.
coin' age, n.
com'monayc, n.
conculainayc, 11.
cord'age, n.
cot' tag e, n.
cozenage, n,
do'tage, n.
eq'uipayc, n.
emljassaye, n.
foViage, n.
fruit'ayc, n.
harl)ouraye, ii.
hem'orrhayc, n.
herb'ayc, n.
her'mitayc, n.
Yioxn'age, 7i.
key'age, n.
lan'guaye, n.
leak'ayc, n.
lin' eage, n.
niarYiage, 7i.
mes'sayCj n.
niint'age, n.
raviCilage, n.
nn'iage, n.
non' age, n.
or'phauayc, li.
par'entayc, 11.
par'sonayc, 11.
•pas'sage, n.
pas'turaye, n.
■peer'age, n.
per'sonaye, u.
pil'grimay^, ti.
pillayc, n. & v.
pilotayc, n.
plu'mayc, ti.
posi'age, n.
poi'terayc, n.
pound'ayc, n
pont'ayc, n.
port'ayc, n.
pre'sayc, n.
pri'mayc, n.
rav'ayc, n. &. v.
room'ayc, n.
sail 'say c, n.
* Ttiio affix or termination is derived from the French.
E 2
sa.\'a(/e, n. 8^ a.
seVvage, n.
steer'age, n.
seign'orage, n.
&to])'page, n.
stow'age, n.
snCirage, n.
tiVlage, n.
ton'nage, n.
tn'torage, n.
um'hxage, n.
u'sage, n.
xas'salage, n.
\Si\Ai'agej ii.
vic'eiTage, n.
\\c'inagc, n.
viVlage, n.
yini' age y n.
vh'age, n.
\oy 'age, n.
vfQh'age, n.
wharfage, n.
Ance, denotes being or state of being, or (sim-
ply,) ' ing' : as, \ig'i\ance, state of being vigi-
lant, or WBX.c\iing; sub'stawce, standzwg under,
or state of being substantial.
abai'sanc^, n. de^'ance, n.
ahwn' dance, n. deliv'erance, n.
Siccepi' atice, n. depend'ance, n.
accord'anc^, n. das'cTepance, n.
acquaint'ance, n. dis'sona^ic^, 71.
&.dim\i'iance, n. da%'tance, n.
disturb'anc^, n.
d\x'ra7ice, n.
eVegance, n.
exox'hitance, n.
aH&giance, n.
allow'anc^, n.
aimoy'ance, n.
appear'anc^, n.
2Ct'xogance, n.
assist'artc^, n.
assu'rancc, n.
aiiend'ance, n.
avoid'a/if^, n.
perseve ranc^, n.
pet'ulanc^, n.
precip'ita?ic^, n.
predom'ina?ic^, n.
protuberance, n.
pu'issawce, n.
pursu'awce, n.
ra/diance, n.
reli' ance, n.
re\uc'iance, n.
exixay'agance, n. remem'bra/ice, n.
ioxheax' ance, n. revnit'tance, n.
fxa'gxance, n.
iux'ihtxance, n.
giie'vance, n.
hal'ance, n. & v. guid'ance, n.
cir'cumstance, n. hin'derance, n.
complaisa;ice', 7i. ig'noxance, n.
coxnpW ance, n. ixn-poxt'ance, n.
concom'iiance, 71. mh&x'itance, n.
cormi'vance, n. iii'stance, 71. & v.
con'&oxiance, ti.
conim'xxance, n.
coxiixVv ance, n.
convey'ance, n.
coxxxv'iQnance, n.
main'tena7ice, 71.
dbGi'sajice, 71.
oh^ex'sance, n.
ox'dxwance, 7i.
•\^Q\\'ance, 71.
pertbrm 'a?2Ct'. n.
xexxioii'stxance, n.
XQ-pQXii'ance, n.
resist'ance, n.
s,e)i\'h\ance, n.
siguif'icartce, n.
sub'sta«ce, n.
suf'fera/ic^, 7i.
sus'tena?2ce, n.
texn'-pQxance, 7i.
tend'awce, w.
{.oVtxance, «.
ut'terance, 71.
\-c\!xiance, n.
\en'geancc, n.
\\g'\\ance, n.
Ancy^ denotes being or state of being, or ' ing' :
as, oc'cu-paucT/, slate of being occupied, or oc-
cupy i?ig : hYi\Via?ici/, shiimig, ov state of being
ar Toganci/, n.
brill'ia?ic^, ti.
haoy'anci/, n.
concom'itancy, n.
con'ionancy, n.-
con'stancy, n.
depend'aracy, n.
discord'anc^j n.
cYegancy, n.
exoiliitancy, n.
expec'tawcy, n.
extray'agancy, n.
^Si'gtancy, n.
fra' gtancy, n.
hes'itancy, n.
intem'pcr ancy, n.
lat'itancy, n.
lieuten'a^icy, n.
luxxx'xiancyy n.
YCxaMg'nancy, n.
oc'cw^ancy, n.
os'citancy, n.
■pec'caticy, n.
pen'etraracy, «.
piq'ua/icy, n.
pli'awcy, n.
■^oVgnancy, n.
-preg'naiicy, n.
prepon'dera?ic?/, n,
ra'dia/icy, n.
xara'^pancy, n.
repug'na?^cy, n.
signif icancjr, «.
stag'nanc^j n.
suboT'dinawcy, n.
ya'cancyj n,
\ac'i\\.ancy, n.
va'grancy, n.
xig'ilancyj n.
A.RY, denotes the place where, or the thing that :
as, li'brary, the place where books are kept ;
a'w'mry, the place where birds are kept, (or the
thing that keeps birds in.)
anniver'sary, n.
a'piary, n.
a'siary, n.
haVneary, n.
heg'gary, n.
bound'aj'^j n.
* bre'viary, n.
carawan'sary, n.
char'tulary, n.
CQxn'eieryy n.
colwxn'bary, n.
* coni'menta?-^, n.
confec'tionary, n.
cox'd^lary, n.
depositary, n.
dx'ary, n.
dic'tionary, 7*.
disiDen'sary, n.
es'tnary, n.
' for'miilarj/, n.
fri'ary, n.
' glo&'sary, n.
gxaxi'ary, n.
infirm'ary, n.
" itm'exary, n.
liltxary, n.
hi'mmary, n.
* noc'tuary, n.
os'suai'y, n,
os'tiary, n.
o'vary, n.
pis'cary, n.
prelim'inar^j n.
sal'ar?/, n.
sanc'tuary, n.
sem'intt?*/, n.
surn'mary, n. & a
\aga'ry, n.
* vocab'ulary, n^
* Anj, in the words \)xeimary, com'mciitrtri', CA'aru, dic'tionf??-?/, for'-
miliar//, gl()s'sa/.y, itin'era;-?/, noc'tu«)-.v. v<)cab'ula< (,% deuolcs a huoh of-
asj iWaiy, a book o/ilaily accounts, (a journal.)
Cle, denotes
animaVcule, n.
ar'huscle, n.
ax'ticle, n.
aw'x'icle, n.
can'tic^^, n.
chron'ic/e, n.
conven'tic/e, n
cor'pusc/g, n.
cu'tic/e, w.
follic/gj u.
Utile or small :
; cor'pusc/e, a
gloh'ide, n.
glan'dii/e, n.
graxi'ule, n.
i'cicle, n.
o&'sicle, n.
par'tic/^, w.
ped'ic/e, n.
penic/e, w.
pir/nac/^, n.
pus'tta'e, w.
as, can'tic/e, a /?7//c
*7wa// body.
ret'icM^e, n
sclied'w/^, ?i.
spher'w/^j n.
twlitrcle, n.
vaVvule, n.
ve'hicle, n.
ven'tric/gj n.
ver'micM^e, ».
vers'ic/g, n.
ves'ic/^, n.
Ence, denotes being or */<'i/e of being, or ' i//g' ;
as, abhor'rewce, state of being abhorrent^ or ab-
horrz/zg-y adhe're/ice, stickiw^ to, or state of
being adherent.
abhor'r^nce, n.
ab'sence, n.
ab'stine^Jce, n.
ac'cidence, n.
adhe'vence, n,
af'Quencej n.
antece'de?icff, w.
ap'petewce, w.
au'dience, w.
benef'icencv, n.
benev'ole?zce, w.
ca'de/zcg, «.
circum'fere?iC£', ?«.
coexist'e/tc^, 7«.
cohe'rence, 7i.
coin'cidenc^, ?/.
com''pete/ice, ??.
comiTila'cence, n.
concMx'ience. n.
def'erencef n.
deRci'ence, n.
depend' ence, n,
dif'ftxence, n.
diffidence, n.
dWigence, n.
conde&cend' encc, n. disobe'diewce, n.
condo'kwce, n. dh%\\'\ence, n.
con'ference, n. diver'gence, n.
con'Rdence, n. effid'ence, n.
con'^xxence^ n. effluence, n.
con'gTuence, n. efFul'gence, n.
con'science, n. el'oquence, n.
con'sequence, n. em'inence, «.
consist'ence, m. emer'gence, n.
con'tinertce, «. equiv'alence, n.
contin'gence, w. es'sence, n.
conve'nience, m. eVidezice, «.
cor'pulence, n. ex'cellence, «.
correspond'e/ice, ??. ex'igence, n.
count'erevidewce,«. exist'ence, ?/
expe'riewce, n. Slv.
fraud'ulence, n.
impa'tience, n.
im'mine/ice, n.
im'potence, n.
improv'idence, n.
impru'dence, «.
im'pudencej n.
inadverl'ence, n.
in^cidence, n.
incon'gru^HC^, n.
'mcon\&'niencej n.
ixi'digence, n.
independ'^rtce, n.
in'dolence, n.
mduVgence, n.
inexpe'dience, ".
inexpe'rienc^, n.
m'^exence, n.
in'Ruence, n.
in'nocence, n.
hi'&olence, n.
in%n^ci'ence, n.
intelligence, n.
interfe'rence, n.
ju'risprudewc^, w.
Wceyice, n,
magnificeJice, n.
malev'olejice, «.
mellifluence, n.
munificence, w.
neg'ligence, «.
nonexist'enee, n.
nonres'idence, n.
obe'dience, n.
occvix'ience, n.
omuip'ote?icej n.
omnipres'e/ice, n.
omnis'cience, n.
op'ulence, n.
pa' tie nee, «.
pen'itence, n.
pei/manence, n.
per'tinence, n.
pes'tilence, n.
prece'de?ice, ".
preference, n.
pre'science, n.
pres'ence, n.
prev'alence, n.
prominence, n.
prov'idence, n.
pru'dence, 7i.
pu'rulence, 7i.
recur'rence, n.
reference, n.
refal'gence, «.
resjjlend'ence, n.
res'idence, n.
resil'ience, ii.
reV'erence, n.
sci'ence, n.
se'quence, n.
silence, n. Si. v.
subservience, v.
subsist'ence, w.
superintend'ence, n,
tend'ence, n.
tru'cule/zce, ??.
turbulence, n.
ve'heme?ice, n.
vi'olence, ».
Ency, denotes being or state of being, or ' ing' :
as, cuv'renc^, a runn^'w^, or beiyig current ; de-
i\cVe?ic7/, a wanting, or being deficient ; con-
s'lst^enci/, state of being consistent, or standi/?^
adbe'renc^, n,
adja'cenc?/, n.
advert'enc^, n.
a' genet/, n.
ap'petenc?/, n.
ar'dency, n.
ascend' ency, u.
astxin'gency, n.
clem' ency, n.
co'gency, n.
cohe'iency, n.
com'petenc?/, n.
compla'cenc^, ?/.
concur'renc^, n.
consist' enct/, n.
contin'gency, n.
con^e'niency, n.
cor'pulency, n.
cxxx'rency, u.
de'cency, n.
defici'e^zc^, n.
depend'e?ic^, n,
delin'quencz/, n.
despond'ency, n.
effuVgency, n.
effici'ency, n,
emer'gency, n,
enVinency, u.
equiv'alency, u.
expediency, n.
ex'igencT/, n.
ex-pe'dienct/, n.
flat'ulertcy, n.
Ru'enci/, n.
fre'quency, n.
im'potency, «.
inVpudenci/, n.
maAwext'ency, n.
inap'petencT/j n.
Sxicdhe'rency, n.
incom'petenc?/, n.
inconsist'ewc^j n.
incon'tinency, n.
inconve'ni^ncy, «.
incvLUi'hency, n.
inde'ce/icy, n.
independ'e?icy, n.
in'ddgency, ii.
inexpe'diewcy, n.
in'nocencyj n,
insolvency, n.
insuffici'e7icz/, ».
interja'cency, n.
pen'denci/, ».
per'tinency, ».
po'tency, n.
pres'idewc//, n.
profici'ewcy, n.
pyxn'gency, n.
xtc\xmfhency, n.
recur rency, n.
Te'gency, n.
soVvency, n.
subser'viency, «.
sxx^ci'ency, n.
superem'inency, n.
superintend'ency, «.
tend'ency, «.
transcend'ency, «.
transpa'rency, n.
tur'bulertcy, «.
ux'gency, n.
vicege'rency, n.
v'u'uXencyj n.
EscENCE, denotes state of growing or becoming:
as, putrej'ce?/cej state of growing or becoming
acquits c^nc^, «.
adoles'cence, n.
cosles'cence, ».
concxes'cetice, n.
concuipis'cence, n.
convales'cence, n.
effeives'cence, n.
effiores'cence, n.
exvibes'cence, n.
excande^'cerece, n.
excYes'cence, n.
iucales'cence, n.
intvimes'cence, n.
inyales'cence, n.
■puhes'cence, n.
pxxtre s'cence, n.
qnies'ce?ice, n.
rexmnis'cence, n.
turges'cence, n.
IcE_, denotes the thing done, or thing that : as,
serVicc, the thing served.
accom'ph'c^j n.
advice', n.
av'arice, n.
caprice', n.
cow'ardice, n.
ere V 'ice, 7i.
device', n,
eye'service, n.
jus'tece, n.
mal'icc, n.
no'iice, n.
no'vice, n.
police', n.
poul'tice, 71.
prac'tice, n.
prec'ipice, n
prej'udice, w. & w.
ser'vice, n.
Ics, ( Gr.) denotes the doctrine, science, or art of:
as, eih'ics, the doctrine or science of morality ;
oeconom'ecjj art o/" managing household affairs.
diop'tnc5, n.
eih'ics, n.
geneth'liac'5, n.
gnoraon'ics, n.
hydraulics, n.
hydrostat'iM, n.
mathemat'ics, n.
mechan'iw, n.
metaphys'ic5, n.
oeconom'ics, n.
op'tics, n.
phon'ics, n.
phys'ic5, n.
pneumat'tcSj w.
politics, n.
pyrotech'nics, n.
stat'ics, n.
tac'tics, w.
Ion, denotes act of, state of beijig, or ' 2w^' ; as,
contribu't/ow, the act of contributing or giv^?^g
together; collis^'o?^, Me act of striking together ;
subordina'tfo??, state of being subordinate or
inferior; dissolu'tz'ow, a dissolving, (a loosing
asunder) ; cohe'sion, a sticking together ; com-
mo'tioK, a moving together, (a tumult.)
aberra'tiora, n. asser'tiow, n.
abstrac'tioTC, f?. associa'tion, n.
accepta'tiow, «. assump'tio^i, n.
accumula'tioTi, iu atten'tion, n.
acquisiti'ow, f». attesta'tion, n.
ac'tion, n. benedic'ticm, n.
adapta'tiore, «. benefac'tzo?^, n.
additi'on, «. causa'tion, n.
administra'tion, n. cosMii'on, n.
admis'sion, n.
adop'tion., n.
afFec'tion, n.
aggres'sion, n.
anima'tJon, n.
anticipa'tion, n.
applica'tiori, n.
apprehen'sion, n.
approba'tiora, n.
articula'tion, 7i.
ascen'sion, n.
coercion, n.
cohe'sion, n.
collec'tiow, 11.
collisi'ora, n.
colloca''tio7i, n.
commo'tion, n.
conipila'tio?i, n.
compuFsiort, n.
concep'tiora, n.
conjunc'tion., n,
connex'iow, «.
contor'tion, n.
contribu'tion, 11.
coiitriti'ow, n.
coriTer'sion, n.
conv'ic'tion, v.
convul'sion, n.
corpora'tiore, «.
corrup'tion, u.
cresi'tion, n.
crucifix'iore, 71.
decisi'ow, n.
dedica'tioii, n.
deflux'ion, n.
delu'sion, n.
derisi'ow, n.
deriva'tjon, «.
condescen'sio/i, n. descrip'tion, n.
congrega'U'oH, n. destina'tiort, ti.
devo'tion, n.
dicta'tio;i, n.
dic'don, n.
dhmnxi'tiori, n.
dissec'uo«, n.
tlissen'sio/i, n,
dissola'tio/ij «.
dona'tio«, «.
ebulliti'ow, n.
editi'o?i, n,
ejec'tio/i, «.
elec'tto;i, n.
elisi'o/i, 11.
emana'tioM, ».
emer'sio;i, n.
emo'tio/i, 7i.
erup'tio?i, ??.
exalta'tiort, n.
examiiia'tio?ij n.
exclama't iou, «.
excep'tton, «.
exhaus'tion, «.
exhibiti'onj n.
expan'sio/i, «.
expecta'tton, n.
expia'tio/ij n.
expul'sio^ij «.
extrac'tiori, n.
fabrica'ttc/i, 7?.
fluctua'tiow, n,
h?Lc'tion, 11.
fric'tion, n.
grada'tiore, n.
habita'tJon, n.
humilia'tjon, >'.
imagina'teow, ".
immer'sion, «.
impres'sio?i, //.
indiges'tiora, «.
infu'sjore, n.
ix\]ec'iion, n.
inocula'tioM, n.
insinua'tion, ii.
inspec'tton, n.
inspira'tio?i, ».
institu'tio?ij u.
instruc'tio?ij 72.
inten'tto/ij n.
inva's^o;^, ?;.
inven'tton, n,
invita'tioTi, iu
justifiica'tiow, n.
lamenta'tiora, n.
legisla'tion, n*
man'sJow, n.
media'tiouj n.
medita'dortj 7?.
meliora'tion, n*
mis'sio/i, 71.
mitiga'tiore, n.
mode^a't^o?^, ».
mo'tio;i, ?j.
naviga'tioJij n.
obliga'tiora, 7?.
observa'tion, n.
occa'sJori, 7J.
occupa'tion, n.
opera'tiort, 7?.
oppositi'on, ??.
ordina'tlo?^, n.
organiza'tion, h.
passi'oTi, 7i.
penetra'tio/i, n.
pen'sio^, 7e.
perfec'tiora, n,
persecu't?*07i, n.
perspira'tionj n.
persua'sion, n.
petiti'o?2, n.
pollu'tio;i, >».
popula'tion, n.
positi'o7i, n.
precisi'oTi, n.
preserva'tioTi, n.
produc'tion, n.
pronuncia'tton, /»
propor't«o7ij 11.
protec'tion, n.
provisi'oTi, n.
punctua'tioTi, n.
putrefac'tioTi, n.
ramifica'tzora, n.
rarefac'tioTi, n.
rebellion, n.
recep'tiow, n.
recogniti'o7i, n.
reconcilia'tioTi, n.
redemp't^o»^J n.
reduc'tion, n.
reflec'tioTi, n.
reforma'tio^, n.
regenera't2on, n.
regula'tto?!, n.
rela'tiora, u.
rc\\.gi'on, n.
renova'tion, n.
resigna'tio?i, it.
restric'tio?ij n.
reten'tion, n.
retribu'tzoTij n.
revela'tio7i, n.
revolu'tioTij n.
salva'tioTi, n.
sanctifica'tioji, n.
sec'tion, n.
sediti'oTi, n.
sensa'tioTi, n.
solu'tio/j, ??.
specula'tiora, w.
sta'tion, ?z.
suboidina'tfo/i; tz.
sufFoca'tian, n.
sugges'tio?i, 11.
suspici'ora, n.
taxa'tio/i, n.
termina'tio?z, n.
io\QXdiiion, n.
transla'tion, n.
w'mon, n.
vaca'tioM, n.
Ism, (Gr.) denotes state of being, an idiom, or
doctrine of: as, par'alleli^^w, state of being pa-
rallel; hat'inism, a Latin idiom; Cal'vini*?«, doc-
trine of Calvin.
an eurisOT, n.
an'glici^/n, n.
aph'orii'7«, n.
a/chaism, n.
armin'iani^/Wj n.
sJih-Qism, n.
bap'ti^m, n.
hax'haxism, n.
cal'vinism, n.
cat'echJs/n, n.
cathol'icism, n.
chrWtianism, n.
ci'ii'icism, ru
de'ism, n.
des'potism, n.
eg'ot?5OT, n.
empir'ici^rw, n.
ep'icuri^m, n.
enthu'sia^m, n.
evan'gelwfn, n.
fanat'icism, n.
ga!')ic?5m, n.
gTce'cism, n.
heb'raum, n.
hellenisTHj 7i.
her'oism, n.
i^'iotism, n.
yi'dL&ism, n.
\a.c'omsm, n.
lat'infsT??, ?i.
mag'neti^nij n.
mech'anis/w, ?i.
mon'achism, «.
oxient'slism, ii.
o&'ira.cism, n.
pa'ganis???, n.
par'allelisJWj n.
paral'ogism, n.
par'oxy^m, n.
pa'triotiswi, n.
plag'iari^jn, n.
T^le'onasm, n.
■poVyiheism, n.
\)usm, n.
-pnYitanism, n.
qViV&iism, n.
rheu'matiswj, n.
sect'ariswj n.
sab'bati^m, n.
scep'ticJAw, n.
^oVecism, n.
SOph't.fm, 7i.
syl'logw???, «.
syn'chron?*???, 7i.
to'ryisTH, n.
tri'theisw, n.
tiufism, n.
^ffhig'gistn, n.
paed'obaptism, n. wit'ticism, n.
-phan'tasm, n.
Ment, denotes being or state of being, act of, the
thing that : as, ahase'ment, being abased, or
state of being abased ; conceal 'w^e?/^, act of con-
cealing ; refresh'7we?i^, the thing that refreshes,
abase' men I, v. acconVpamment, n. achiQVt'ment, v.
ahaiQ'ment, n. accova'p\ishme7it,n. ackwovfV Q^gcmcnt,
abridge'wiew^, n. nccoM'txement, n. n.
acquire meni, n.
acqnh'ment, n.
adjouni'??2^n/, ;/.
adjust'»ie?t/, n.
advance'??2e/i#, n.
adver'tise7«en^, n.
ag'grandizemen^, n
agiee'ment, n.
2iMiment, n.
aW.oi'ment, n.
allure'mew?, n.
amaze'ment, n.
araen^'ment, n.
arciM'&e'ment, n.
a^axi'ment, n.
appoint'wejz/, n.
ax'gnment, n.
ar'mament, n.
arrange' me nty n.
assess'ment, n.
aston'isliTwen?, ".
aiorve'ment, n.
aiiach'menty n.
attam'ment, n.
aiig'ment, n.
aver 'me fit, n.
han'ishtnent, n.
blan'dishmeni, ".
bombard'jw^n^j 71.
chastise'ment, n.
coxnman&'ment, n.
covoxnence'ment, n.
convxiit'ment, n.
conceaVment, n.
conCio\e'ment, n.
confine'ment, n.
consign' ment, n.
content'ment, n.
die^Xe'ment, n.
d.enovLnce'ment, n.
depart'/n^M/, n.
deport'men^j n.
detach';«^7i^, n,
([et'nmentj n.
da^ctrn'ment, n.
dispar'agemen^, n.
Aivorce'ment, n.
doc'nment, n.
elope'men^, n.
embar'rasswjgn/, n.
embellishwj^n^, n.
e\xioV\xme7it, n.
employ'm^n^, n.
ewcawv^' ment, n.
enchant'men^, n.
encour'agenien/, n.
encroach'm^n^, n.
endear' ment, n,
endite'w^«^, n.
endoT'&e'ment, ??.
evL^eofl'merd, n.
enforce'ment, n.
enfran'chisemen^, «
engage'ment, 11.
engross'iTient, n.
enhance' meni, n.
enjoy'inentj n.
enrol'ment, n.
entan' ^ement, n.
entertain' ment, n.
entice'ment, n.
e(\uvp'ment, n,
era^-e' ment, n.
establishm^n/, n.
excite'ment, «.
exper'iment, 11.
^er'ment, n,
Ar'mament) n.
frag'fnent, n.
goy'ernment, n.
impeach'TOen^j 71.
imped'im^n^j «.
ixn-prWonment, n
iva\>rove'ment, n.
incite' 7716711, n.
indict'wjen/, or
endite'men^, «.
induce'me7it, «.
infringe'wj^n/, n.
ingraft'7ne)it, n
instaViTient, «.
integ'nme7it, 71.
inter'7ne7it, w.
judg'T7ie7lt, 71.
Xav'i^hmeTfit, n.
lig'ament, n.
\in'ea7ifient, 7i.
lodge'meni, n.
man'agement, «.
meas'ureme«/j n.
xner'ri7nent, 71.
xnon'ameTit, n.
va.o\e'ment, n.
no\xr'i^7nerd, n.
nu'trime7it, «.
or'nament, m.
■parch' ment, n.
parliament, ??.
■pave'ment, n.
'pay'me7it, w.
"prefer'mefit, it.
pMn'i^hmeiit, n.
r&\'i^hment, ii.
reconcile' meyit, n.
re^ne' meyit, Jt.
reimburse'men^j n.
renounce' 7716 Tit, n.
resent'ment, n.
xetire'me7it, n.
retrench' me7it, ??.
r\x'dinie7it, «.
&a'cra7nent, n.
secure'ment, ?»,
sed'imeni, n.
^en'iiment, ii.
set'tlemen/, n.
tem'peram^/i^, n.
ten'ementy n.
tes'tament, n.
tor'ment, n.
tresit'meni, n.
MoNY, denotes the state of being, or thing that
as, ac'nmoni/, stale of being sharp.
acrimony, n.
aVimont/, n.
■aiai'x'imony, n,
par'simo/i?/, ii.
T^ai'ximony, n.
fianc'timo7iy, n.
te^'timonyj n.
Ory, denotes the place where^ or thing that : as,
depos'itory, the place where any thing is depo-
sited or lodged ; vsxQva'ory, the thing or power
that calls to mind ; dor'mitorj/, a place to sleep
ap'plicato?7/j n. & a. inteiloc'utorj/, n. pillory, n.
dr'mory, n. Sl a. prom'ontory, n.
an'ditory, ti. &. a. inter'rogatory, n. -puVgatory, n,-
con&Wtory, n. & a. repos'itory, n.
depos'i tory, n. in'ventory, n. reser'vatory, n,
direc'tory, n. ju'dicatory, n. sen'sory, or
dispen'sator^/, n. lab'orato^'y, n. sensoVit*m, n,
dor'niitory, n. mem'ory, n. sup'pletory, n.
tac'tory, n. ohsex'vatory, n. ter'ritory, n.
his'toryj n, oi'atory, n. vic'tory, w.
as, TCiuVtitude,
being anxious.
tiVtUude, n. cras'&itude, n. grat'itude, n.
aui'^litude, n. Aecxe^'itude, n. hah'itude, n.
SP^'tUude, n. des'ue/«Je, n. inep'ti/wt/g, n.
at'titiidej n. disquietude, n. \ngrat'\tude, n.
heat'ittide, «. dissimil'i/?if/6', ». inqui'etude, n.
con'^WQtude, n. ^ox'iitude, n. las'aUudef n.
denotes bei7ig or state of being :
being many ; soMc' itiide, state of
lat'itudc, n.
lon'giiude, n.
ma.<;'nUu(le, ?'.
muVtitude, n.
"plen'if ude, n.
promp'ti^wrf^, w.
qni'etude, n.
rec'titude, n.
ser'xitude, n.
simiVitude, n.
solic'itude, n.
soViiude, n.
tox'pitude, n.
tur'pifwcfe, ".
vicis'si^wrf^, n.
Tv, denotes being or state of being : as, brev'i/?/,
a being short or concise ; lax'i/j/, a being loose ;
nov^eUi/, state of being new, (or unknown before) •.
probabiFi/y, state of being probable.
abil'i/y, n.
absurd'i/y, n.
a,ciWity, n.
adver'si^y, n.
afFabil'i/^, n.
ambigu'i/yj n.
Bxa'ity, n.
animos'i^y, n.
antiq'ui/y, n.
sxi-Ki'etyj n.
assidu'i^y, n.
benig'ni;?/, n,
brev'i^y, n.
calam'!/?/, n.
capabil'i^y, n.
CApac'liy, n.
captiv'i^y, n.
cas'ual^y, n.
cav'ity, n.
chas'ti^?/, n.
christian'!;^, n.
cWA'ity, n.
conform 'j^^, n.
contigu'iti/, n.
con\\n\)t'\ty , n.
cordial'!/^, ii,
credibil'i/y, n.
credu'li^^j n,
eru'el^y, n.
curios'i^y, n.
decliv'ii?/, n.
deformity, n,
de'ity, n.
den^sity, n.
deprav'if^, n.
dexter'ity, ii.
difficult?/, n.
dig'nity, n.
diver'si^y, n.
diviu'i/y, n.
divisibil'i^y, n.
docil'i^y, n.
durabiri^y, n.
en'mi^y, n.
equanim'i^^j n.
eq'ui^?/, n.
eter'ni;^, n.
facil'i/^, n.
fecundity, n.
felic'i^?/, n.
fertil'i^^, n.
festiv'i^«/, n.
fidel'ityj n.
fluid'i^y, n.
formal'i^yj ii.
frail'^y, n,
frater'ni^y, 72.
futu'ri/y, n.
gai'ety, n.
general'i^y, n.
generos'ily, n.
gTa\'ity, n.
hostil'i^y, n.
human'i/y, n.
h.\xm\Vity, n.
idew'tiiy, n.
illiberal'i^y, n.
imbecil'i^y, n.
immortari^y, *i.
iminutabiri^^', n.
impetuos'i^2/, n.
impu'ni/^, n.
impu'ri/^, n.
incongrii'i/y, n.
inequal'i;?/, n.
infirm'i^y, n.
inflexibil'i^y, n.
ingenuity, n.
instabil'iify, n.
intrepid'i^y, 71.
irrationari/y, n.
lax'i/y, n.
lepal'i/y, 11.
\ii\'ity, 71.
lih' evty, n.
\ocaVity, n.
longev'i^y, n.
loy'al^y, n.
magnanim'i^y, ?i
matu'ri^y, n.
mobrl'i^^, n.
moral'i/^, n.
nativ'i/y, n.
neces'si/^, n.
neutrari^y, n.
ni'ceti/, 11.
nobiri^^, n.
uov'elty, 71.
obscu'ri^y, n.
partiaVi^y, n.
pa.u'citi/y 71.
peculiar'i/y, 7u
penetrabiVi^y, 7i.
perpetu'i/t/, 7i.
perplex 'i^?/, ti.
pi'e^«/, n.
plen7^, ?z.
plural'i/^, 71.
popular'i^^, n.
possibil'i/y, 71.
poster'i^y, 7i.
pov'er/y, w.
probabiri^y, n.
prob'i/y, w.
propen'si/y, ?i.
propri'e/^, «.
prosper'! /y, 7i.
proxim'i^y, 7i.
pu'ber^y, 71.
pueril'i/«/, n.
pusillanim'i^^, 7i.
rapac'i/?/, w.
rapid'i/y, «.
rar'i^y, 7i.
regular 'i^y, ?2.
roy'aU^, n.
rustic'i/y, w.
safe7^/, n.
sagac'i/y, n.
salu'bri^^, 7i.
scrupulos'i^^, 71.
secu'ri/^, 7i.
sensibil'i/t/, 7i.
servil'i^?/, 7i.
sever'!^^, w.
similar'i/^j n.
simplic'i/^, w.
sobriety, n.
socVtiy, 71.
solid'i^, 71.
spiritual'i^y, n.
spontane'l/^j ra.
sublimity, n.
superior'! /y, ?i.
suscept!b!ri^«/j n.
sincer'!/^/, «.
singular'!/^/, «.
tim!d'i/?/, 7i.
tranqu!ri!^y, 7i.
trin'!^y, 7i.
unanim'!/y, 7i.
unifomi'i/y, n.
virhaxi'ity, 7i.
util'!^^, 71.
valid'!^y, n.
vaxi'ity^ 71.
vari'e/y, «.
veloc'i^y, n.
verac'i^^, w.
vicin'!^i/, w.
v!tal'!^y, 71.
vivac'i/y, w.
Ure_, denotes the thing, stale, power, or art of:
as, scrip't2/re, the thing written ; crea't^^re, the
thing created ; leg'islat7/rej the j^ower that makes
laws ; ag'ricultwrc, the art of cultivating fields.
arch'itectwrej w.
cap'twre, 71.
cindiure, n.
complex'wr^, n.
compo'sz^re, n.
compres'swre, 7i.
crea'twre, w.
cul'trnr, ?2.
cur'vatwr^j w.
depar'twre, 7l.
disclo'swre, 7i.
discom'fitwr^, 7i.
expo'swre, 7i.
fea'ture, w.
&g'u7-e, n.
fix'twre, w.
fis'swrc, 71.
frdc'ture, n.
conjec't«?r, «. & r. d!scompo'si.
pleas'wr^, «.
'poWture, 11.
pres'sMre, ?«.
primogen'iti^r^, n.
\>\xnc'ture, n.
raY>'ticre, n.
ra'sure, n.
rup'tM?-^, n.
scrip'ture, n.
sculp'twr^, 71. & V.
^c'lz'ure, n.
sep'ultw?T, n.
sig'natiire, n.
sta'twre, n.
^tTic'ture, 71.
struc'twr^, 7i.
superstruc'tMr(?, ?i.
tem'peratwr^j re.
tex'tifr^j 71.
tinc'twre, w. & y.
tor'twre, n. & v.
treas'ure, ti. & v.
ver'dure, 7i.
wes'ture, n.
Yj * denotes the being, slate of being, or ' ing' :
as, har^iiorij/, the being harmonioas ; jeal'ousj^,
the being ]e2i\o\xs, ov state of being jealous ; con'-
stancy, a standing together, or state of being
a'eromancy, 7j.
ag'ony, n.
allegory, ?7.
an'archy, 7i.
anat'omy, n.
autip'ath^/j n.
ap'athy, Ti.
ap'oplexy, 7i.
apos'tas^/, ?i.
aristoc'racy, 7i.
astron'om^, n.
big'amy, 7i.
biog'raphy, ti.
bot'anyj Ti.
cliir'omanc^/, tj.
cler'gv/, 71.
colloquy, n.
con'stanc?/, ?i.
con'troversy, n.
cosmog'raphy, 7i.
deliv'ery, 7i.
democ'racy; n.
des'tiny, n.
discov'ery, n.
dys'entery, n.
econ'omj/, or
oecon'omy, tz.
en'ergy, 7i.
ep'ilepsy, n.
etymol'ogy, 7i.
eu'phonT/, 7i.
flat'tery, ti.
geneal'ogy, Ti.
geog'raphy, 7i.
geol'ogT/, Ti.
geom'etry, ji.
har'mony, Ti.
his'tor?/, Ti.
hon'esty, Ti.
hypoc'risy, ti.
ichthyoph'ag^j Ti.
id'ioc^/, Ti.
jearousT/, Ti,
inaj'esty, 7i
mas'tery, Ti
mem'ory, Ti.
mer'cy, Ti.
mis'cellany, Ti.
* The «to)-r7s ill which this (ermination is found, are chiefly of Greek
and Latin origin.
mod'est^, n.
mon'archy, n.
monog'amy, n.
nec'romancy, n.
origarchy, n.
ornithol'ogy, n.
or'thodox^/, n.
philan'thropy, 71.
philos'ophy, n.
pol'icv/, n.
polyg'amy, n.
pres'byter?/, n.
prog'eny, n.
proph'ecy, n.
scru'tiny, n.
se'creci/, 11.
smitWy, n.
solil'oqu^/, n.
syin'paUi?/, u.
theoc'racy, 11.
theog'ony, n.
theol'ogy, 71.
topog'raphy, n.
trig'onometryj n.
tyr'aun?/, n.
villany, n.
The Suhstanlive of the Thing.
(Fi'om the Saxon.)
DoM, (domuSf f. a house),, signifies the place
where, or rank of: as, ]^\ugdoin, the place
where a king reigns ; dukeVow, the rank oj' a
duke, (or possession of a duke.)
chris'tenc^om, n.
duke'cfo/n, n,
caxl'dom, n.
fvQc'dom, 7».
kingfdom, n.
uxar'tyTdom, n.
peex'dom, n.
pope'c?om, n.
princedom, n.
aheriWdom, n.
thral'c/o?n, 71.
wh'dom, 7i.
Hood, denotes the state of: as, hoy'hood, the.
state of a. boy.
hoy'hood, n.
broth'er/ioorf, 7i.
chxYAfhood, n.
falseViooc?, 71.
knight'^oo(i, n.
like'li/ioof/, «.
live'li/ioo6^, 71.
man'hood, w.
nei'ghbour^oof/, 71.
•priest' hood, n.
sis'terhood, 71.
vAd'owhood, n.
Ness, denotes a being or state of being, or qnalili,
of being: as, bar'renwe^*, a being barren ; bles-
sedness, state of being blessed ; soft'^e^-.v, the qua-
lity of being soft.
s.c\xtQ'iiess, n. agree'ableness, 71. a.\w'f\Aness, n.
afr?cl'cd?irss, 71. atten'tivencss, ?i. hvA'ness, n.
bar'renne^s, n.
base'/iess, n.
h'v^'ness, n.
hXack'ness, n.
hleak'ness, n,
hles'sedness, 7i.
hlmd'?iess, n.
bold'ness, n.
boun'tifulne55, n.
hriei'ness, n.
hw^'inesSy n.
care'fulness, n.
carelessness, n.
cheaip'iiess, n.
c\\\\d'i^\mess, n,
clean'ness, n.
cleanliness, n.
close'ness, n.
cold'nessj n.
comeliness, n.
conceit'edness, n.
confu 'sadness, n.
contract'edness, n.
cool'ness, n.
coVardli/iess, n.
crit'icalncss, n.
crook 'edn ess, n.
dark'7tess, n.
dead''?iess, n.
deafness, n.
decisive'ness, «.
deep'ness, n,
devo''ted?iess, n.
dirtiness, n.
diz'zin ess, «.
doubleness, n.
dread'fuln ess, n.
drunk'enness, ii.
ea'sin ess, «.
earth l?iess, n.
earthli nesjf, n.
enip'tiness, n.
expen'siveness, n.
exten'siveness, n.
faith'fulness, n.
faultlness, «.
fearlessness, «.
feel)lenes5, n.
fierce'?iess, n.
filthlness, n.
fine'ness, «.
firm'ness, n.
fix'edness, n.
foolishness, n.
fond'?2ess, n.
forgive'ness, n.
hsSVness, n.
frank'ness, n.
frantic'ness, n.
friendli?2ess, n.
ful'ness, n.
gen'tleness, w.
gen'uineness, n.
gid'diness, n.
glad'7iess, n.
gloonil?iess, n.
godliness, n.
goodliness, n.
good'ness, n.
grace'fuln ess, n.
gree'diness, n.
guiltiness, n.
hand'someness, n.
hap'piness, n.
hard'ness, n.
harsh'n ess, n.
heav'iness, n.
heedlessness, n.
hau'ghtiness', n.
l!oli72ess, n.
homeliness, n.
hmnl)leness, n.
i'dleness, n.
ill'ness, n.
inquisltivenes5, n.
insipidness, n.
joy'fulness, 7i.
keen'ness, n.
kind'ness, ti.
law^fulness, n.
la'ziness, w.
levfd'ness, »i.
like'ness, n.
lit'tleness, n.
loath'someness, n.
loveli/zess, n.
lustiness, n.
mad'ness, n.
manliness, w.
mean'ness, w.
meek 'ness, w.
mild'ness, w.
mind'fulne«s, n.
mis'erableness, n.
mor'bidness, w.
nalcedness, w.
nau'ghtiness, n.
nol)leness, n.
numb'wess, w.
offen'sivenesSj n.
pas'sive ness, «.
peace'ableness, n.
plain'ness, n.
plenlifvilness, n.
polite'nesj, n.
polluledness, n.
posltiveness, ti.
prepa'redness, n.
profane'ness, n.
prone'n ess, 9i.
quick'ne«s, n.
vetp'idness, n.
reck'leasness, n.
red'neas, n.
remiss'ne*^, n.
reser'vedTig^s, n.
xi^&'ness^ n.
voi'tenness, n.
xu^'gedinessj n.
ssi'cx&diness, n.
^i^A'ness, n.
^axne'ness, n.
sau'cine**, n.
sea'sonablen^55j n.
self ishnes^j n.
sharp'^e*5, n.
short- sight'ednew,
sick'ness, n. [??.
sin'fab3e55, n.
^\.n'g\art'^ner ship, n.
coMxi'^eWor ship, n.
couYt'ship, n.
dea'conship, n.
dicta'tOK^fjt>, n,
T, * denotes a thing, a being : as, gift, a thing
given ; height, a being high.
exec'utor^Aijo, w.
ieVlo^ship, n.
friend'* Aip, n.
gnai'dLianship, n.
hardi'ship, n.
horse'man^Ai^, n.
la'dyship, ii.
Weuten'antship, n.
lord' ship, n.
jyart'iiership, n.
jtrofes'sor ship, n.
rec'torship, n.
ri'valship, n.
^choVarship, n.
sec'retaryship, n.
seT'geantship, n.
sher'iffi^ijs, n.
soVdiership, n.
son' ship, 71.
stQ.fi 'ardship, n.
sure'tiship, n.
survey' orship, n,
town'ship, n.
\V car ship, n.
"work'manshij), n»
'waxd'ship, 7i.
assault', n. & v. cleft, p. & n.
bereft', p.
bought, p.
brought, p.
bull/, p.
burn/, p.
check/?, ?).
complain/', n.
conceit', 7i.
constrain/', w.
cre-pt, p.
deceit', 7i.
desert', 7i.
draft, n.
draught, n.
dream/, p.
drough/, n.
dwel/, p.
iavXt, 71.
f'el/^ p.
* The termination t, is a contraction of ed, t!ie sigji of the past parti-
ciple : as, assault, assailerf ; bereft, bereaved ; bought, buyed ,• brought,
bringfd/ buiU, builded ; gifA, gived.
fought, p.
gift, n.
gilt, n. & p.
gixt, n.
heigh/, 71.
kep/, p.
join/, n.
left, a. & p.
mix/, jo.
pas/, jo. & a.
por'trai/, «.
post scrip/, «
pre'cep/, 7Z.
pursui/', w.
receip/', 7i.
re'scrip/, ?i.
restrain/', n.
rift, 71. & u.
sigh/, n.
slep/, jo.
snatch/, p.
sough/, p.
sui/, n. &, V.
taugh/, p.
ten/, n.
theft, w.
though/, m. & p.
thrift, n.
tran'scrip/, n.
weft, n.
weigh/, w.
wep/, p.
whip/, jo.
wrough/, p.
wri/, n. & jo.
Th, * denotes a being : as, length, a being long ;
youth, a being young; growth, a being grown.
hixth, n.
bread /7i, n.
dear//*, tt.
dea//i, n.
dep//i, n.
f\\th, n.
growth, n.
heal/A, n.
leng//i, n.
mirth, n.
sloth, n.
steal//^, n.
strength, n.
truth, n.
wealth, n.
warmth, n.
wiAth, n.
youth, n.
2. To Adjective'}
Ac, signifies of or belongi?ig to: as, demo'nifl'c,
belojiging to the devil.
proso'diac, a. elegi'crc, a. h}qDOchon'drif/c, a.
car'diac. a. demo'niac, a. Sen. 6i ii.
* Th is perhaps another form of the past participle, the h being a eu-
phonic letter : as, b'nth isbor», brcaiU/i is broadt'd, dear^A isdearet/, (leaetiti'onary, a.
ipWnary, a.
plan'etary, a.
plpn'ary, a.
plenilu'nary, a.
jpolary, a.
Tpri'm ary, a.
proba'tioncrry, a.
processi''onary, a.
propri'e t«r//, a.
inxVmonary, a,
pu'pillary, a.
quatcr'nary, a.
G 2
ques'tionary, a.
ques'tuary, a.
qmn'ary, a,
residen'tiary, a.
resid^uary, a.
lever'sionary, a.
ro'tary, a,
sal'utary, a.
sang'uina?'y, a.
sap'onctry, a.
scap'ulary, a,
sec'ondary, a.
se(\'entary, a.
semilu'nary, a.
sen'ary, n.
se'p'tenary, a,
se-ptuag'enary, a.
sexag'enary, a.
so'lary, a.
soVitary, a. & n.
stat'uary, a. & n.
sta'tionary, a.
stipen'diary, a.
sublunary, a.
subsidiary, a.
sug'ary, a.
sum'mary, a. &. n.
sumptuary, a.
supernu'mercry, a.
supplemen'tary, a.
tem'porary, a.
ter'nary, a. & n.
testamentary, a.
tex'tuary, a,
tit'ulary, a.
traditi'on ary, a.
trib'utary, a. & n.
trifis'tulary, a.
tumul'tua^y, o.
txVtelari/, a. unparliamen'tar^jrt.vol'untar^j a. & n.
uhiq'uitarp, a. valetu'dinar^, a. vo'tary, a. & n.
unnec'essary, «. visi'onarj/j a. & n. vul'nerary, a.
AtEj denotes having, being: as_, inan'imr?/^, hav-<
ing no life ; affec'tiona/e, having affection ;
ad''equfl/e^ beifig equal to ; sh\\ate, being placed
uccom'moda^i?, a.
& V.
ac'curate, a.
ad'equa/^, (i.
afFec'tiona^e, (i.
ag'gregaie, a. & n.
alkaVizate, a. & v.
aVienate, a. & v.
altei'nate, a. & n.
an'imate, a. Si v.
approx'ime^^, a Scv
avtic'ulate, a. &. v.
as'pira^^, a. v. & n.
asso'cia^e, a. n. & v.
atten'uate, «• & v.
coWe'giafe, a. & n.
coramen'sura^e, a.
& u.
compassi'ona/^, a.
& u.
confed'ercV^j a. n.
& t'.
con'greg'i^^, a. & v.
consid'era/^?, «.
consum'ma/f ,a. & v.
cor'pora/e, o
degen'era^e, a. & r.
delib'era/e, a. & t*.
del'ica^e, a,
des'ola^^, a, & w.
des'pero^e, a.
deter'mina/f, a. &r.
discon'solafe, a,
dispassi'ono^^, a.
do'piica/^, o. w. Scv.
efFem''ina^^, a. & u.
elaborate, a. & «.
. for'tiina/^, a.
frus'tra^^, a. & u.
illit'cra;^, a.
immac'ula^e, a,
imme'dirt^e, a.
Kvcivaodi'exate, a.
impor'tuna/^, fl.
iliac' cvixate, a.
inad'equa/?, «.
inan'ima/i?, a.
incar'iirt/^, a. & u.
inconsid'era^i?, a.
indeter'minofg, a.
indiscrim'ina^g, a.
miw'rlate, a.
imt'iate, a. & v.
inor'dina/*?, «•
insa'ua/e, a.
intem'pera^g, a.
interme'difl/e, a.
intes'to/f", a,
iu'trico^^, a.
ixwet'erate, a.
invi'ola/c, «.
legit'imfi'e, «.
xnt'diate, a. & u.
mod'erw/^, a. & v.
ob'duratg, a.
ob'stina^^, a.
or'nate, a.
passi'ona/e, a,
precip'itaie, a. & u,
pri'vrt^e, a.
propor'tiono/^, a.
& i;.
pros'tra/^, o. & v.
rep'roba^e, «. v. Sc it
sep'ara/^j «. & u.
sit'uate, a.
subor'dina^^;, a. Scv
tem'Tperate, a.
unfor'tuna/^, a.
uniegen'eraie, a.
BlEj denotes may he or can he, worthy of, Jit to
he : as^ invis'i6/e, that cannot he seen ; por'-
iahle, that may he carried ; lau'da6/, ivorthy of
praise ; eVigible, fit to be chosen.
acces'sii/^, a.
admis'sii/^, a.
advi'safe/gj a.
af 'fai/e, a.
allow'ai/0, a.
am'ia5/e, a.
ap'plicai/e, a.
apprehen'sifi/e, a.
ar'able, a.
ascri'bafi/^, a.
attain'a5/6?, a.
attrih'ut&ble, a.
au'dii^^, a.
avaiVable, a.
hlame'able, a.
chaxige'able, a.
charge'a6^(?, a-
combus'ti^/^, a.
commen''da6^^, a.
commu'nicai^e, a.
com'para^/^, a.
concei'veable, a.
confor'ma^/e, a.
con&o'lable, a.
contem])'t}ble, a.
conver'iible, a.
corrup'ti/>'/^j a.
cxsA^ible, a.
cn'rable, a.
decli'nable, a.
d-cdix'c'ible, a.
def^n'sible, a,
des'picaJ/^j a.
detes'table, a.
diges'dble, a.
A'iscer'mble, a.
dis'soluble, a.
divi'dable, a.
divis'ible, a,
eat' able, a.
eVigible, a.
excu'sable, a.
exhalable, a.
exhaus'ti^/jf, a.
ex-pres'sible, a.
fallible, a.
^ex'ible, a.
fu'sible, a.
her'itable, a.
hon'ouraft/e, a.
imag'ina5/e, a.
mnviO\e'able, a.
impen'etraJ/e, a.
im-pev'ishable, a.
impos'sii/c, a.
incoiitrover'tii/^, a.
incred'iS/^, o.
indefat'igable, a.
ineffable, «.
ine\'itable, a.
inex'plicaZ*/^, a.
inex''trica&/<7, a.
inhab'itafi/^', a.
iniir/itai/e, a.
innn'merable, a.
inscru'tai/^, a.
insep'arai/^j a.
insol'uble, a.
insuf ferai/^, a.
invis'ible, a.
invuVncrable, a.
iras'cible, a.
irrefutable, a.
irreme'diai/^, a.
irre-p'arable, a.
irreproach'aft/e, a.
irreprove'aft/g, a.
irresis'tiS^'e, a.
irrev'ocable, a.
lau'dable, a.
legible, a.
xnan'ageable, a.
niar'riageafi/^, a.
xno^e'able, a.
xnvi'table, a.
nay'igable, a.
obser'vaft/e, a.
■pas'sable, a.
■peace'able, a.
"pec'cable, a.
ipercei'\able, a.
"perce^'tible, a.
]ier'meable, a.
pla'ca&/<7, a.
-plau'sible, a.
jilVable, a.
pol'isha6/, a.
-por'table, a.
Ipra&ticable, a.
l^roxe'able, u.
pun'ishaS/^, a.
ques'tionaJ/e, <*.
xedw'cible, a.
re^oVwable, a.
xe's^ec' table, a*
Tespon'sible, a.
sen'sible, a.
ser^viceable, a.
soVuble, a.
support'a^J^j a.
suppo'saft/^, a.
suppres'sifi/gj a.
suscep'tifi/e, a.
tan'gible, a.
ien'able, a.
ter'minai^^, a.
toVerable, a.
unaccoun'tai^e, a.
unan'swera6?g, a.
unavoid'able, «•
unchange'able, a.
unpar'donaft/^, a.
unquench'aJ/^, a.
unsearch able, ct,
unspeak'able, c
urwii'terable, a.
vaVua6/e, a.
\a'nable, a.
yendi'ible, a.
x'l^'ible, a.
vfar'xaatable, cu
En, denotes made of: as, wood'en, made of wood ;
bra'zffw, made of hvass.
ash'en, a.
heech'en, a.
birch'en, a.
hox'en, a.
'bra'zerij a,
earthVn, a.
flax'en, a.
goldVre, a.
hem'pera, a.
\eadi'en, a.
osik'en, a.
oat'erij a.
silk'^re, a.
threadVrt, a.
twig'gere, a.
v/au'en, a.
Vfhea'ten, a.
•wood'en, a.
wooHe/i, a.
yevf'en, a.
Ent, denotes being, or ' ing : as, incohe'rew^,
not stickiwo- together; bellig'erew/, carryew^
on, or Vidiging war ; ab'se?i/, being away or
abhor'r^n^, a.
ab'sent, a.
ah'&iment, a.
ah&ox^ent, a.
abater' gent, a.
adhe'xent, a. & n.
adja'cera^, a.
adve'niewf, a.
af'^went, a.
a'gent, a. & n.
avcAiient, a,
an'cient, a.
antece'de?i/, ff. «& n.
appa'r^/i^, a.
a^e'rient, o.
ai'dent, a.
ar'gent, a.
armv^'oient, a.
astr\xi'ge7it, a.
beneficent, a.
benev'olen^, a.
bellig'eren^, a.
ca'dent, a.
can'dent, a.
circumam'bie'n/, a.
chcmn'Ruent, a.
chc\xm]a'cent, a.
coexis'tent, a.
co'gent, a.
cohe'ient, a,
coin'ciden^, a.
cova'peteiit, a.
coui-pla'cent, a.
compo'nen^, a.
conclu'd^?i^, a.
concur'rg/i^, a.
con'fid^n^, a.
con'Quent, a.
con'gxuent, a.
con'seque7it, a. &n.
consis'tent, a.
constit'u5?2#, a. Sen.
constrin'g£;/i;, o.
con'tinew^, a. & n.
conve'ni^ra;, a.
convei^gent, a,
cox'^vlent., a.
correspond'e/i^, a.
& n.
cuT'rent, a. & n.
deRd'ent, a.
de'ceni, a.
depend'en^, n. & n.
descen'den^, a. 6c «.
deter'gen^j ff.
dif fer^M^, a.
dif'fide«;, a.
dif'flug-ft^, o.
dig'ere«?j a.
dirigere^, ^/.
diver'g^ji^, «.
disobe'diew^, a.
dissil'ie/j^j ff.
dissen'tien^, a. & n.
dissol'vew^j a. & n.
effici'en^, a.
efful'gen^, fl.
el'oquew^, a.
emer'gen^, a.
em'in^/i^, a.
emollient, a.
emul'gen^, «.
equipolleni;, a.
equiv'ale?*^, a.
es''culenf, a. & n.
esu'riera^, a.
ev'iden^, o.
ex'celle?i/, a.
exis'ten/, o.
expe'di^wif, a. & ra.
fec'ulr;i/, tf.
fex'yent, a.
flat'ul^?i^, a.
^\x'ent, a. Sc n.
he'<\\\ent, a.
frau'dule«^j a.
ful'g(?nf, a.
ignip'oten^, a.
'wn'xmnent, a.
impa'tk?i^, a.
impend'e?z^, a.
impen'it^wif, a. & n.
imper'tine/i^, a.&cn.
im'pot^«^, a.
improv'ide/i/, \\i&'ish, a.
h\oc\i'ish, a.
book'i^A, a.
hoy'ish, a.
brack'isA, a.
bri'nis^, a.
biu'tish, a.
thild'ish, a.
churl'i^^, a.
clov/n'ish, a.
Da'nish, a,
dev'ilish, a.
dim'mj^^j a.
dog'gish, a.
dron'ish, a.
dusk'isk, a.
dwarfish, a.
eVvisk, a.
'English, a. & n.
fe'verish, a.
fooVish, a.
fop'pis^, a.
fieak'ish, a.
girVish, a.
goat'ish, a.
green'ish, a.
heWish, a.
huffHsh, a.
Trish, a.
kna'vw^, a.
lump'i*^, a.
mavf^ish, a.
monk'ish, a.
inoor'ish, a.
outland'i^^, a.
palJsA, a.
■pee'vish, a.
■pnr''plish, a.
ra'kisA, a.
To'guish, a.
Ro'xnish, a.
Scot' tish, a.
selfish, a.
slav'ish, a,
slug'gish, a.
snap'pish, a.
Span'ish, a.
spleen'ish, a.
stiff'ish, a.
swi'nish, a.
ihiev'ish, a.
wag'gish, a.
was'p'ish, a.
whey'ish, a.
Vfhi' tish, a.
wil^owish, a.
wolfis/i, a.
wom'amsh, a.
yellovfish, a.
IvE, denotes having power, that can, or ' ing',
implying power, ability, or activity : as, per-
sua'szt;^, having power to persuade ; cor'rectiye,
that call correct ; progres'sfye, going forward.
sibor'tive^ a. adhe'sive, a. a^ici'ive, a.
ahstex'&ive, a. ad']eciive, a. & n. agglu'tinatit;^, a.
ahWsive, a. admin'istratiug, a. aWa'sive, a.
accu'mulatiue, a. afFec'tit'*?, a. amu'sir^j a. »
ac'tive, a. affinn'atit;^, a. appellatii?^, a. & n.
ap'plicateue, a.
apprehen'stue, a.
argumen'tativ^, a.
assump'tiue, a.
astric'tiu^, a.
atten'tiue, a.
attract'iv^, a. & w.
author'itative, a.
cap'tive, a. & n.
coei'cive, a.
cog'itative, a.
cohe'sive, a.
coUec'tiue, a.
coUu'siue, a.
commem'oratiu^, a.
commu'nicatiu^j a.
compar'atiu^, a.
compunc'titJe, a.
comprehen'sit;^, a.
concep'tive, a.
concus'sive, a.
condu'ciue, a.
conjunc'tiwe, a.
consec'utju^, a.
conser'vative, a.
consump'tir^, a.
contem'platitJ^j a.
contrib'utive, a.
conver'siu^j a.
convic'twe, a.
convul'siu^, a.
co^'vlative, a. & w.
correc'te?;^, a.
coneVative, a.
corrob'oratiiJ^, a.
corro'siu^, a. & n.
cos'tiu^, a.
crea'tive, a.
dece]p'tive, a.
decisive } a.
declar'ativ^, a.
defec'tive, a.
defen'siw^, a Sen.
delib'erative, a.
d€i\x's,ive, a.
demon'strative, a.
denom'inatizjg, a.
dervi'aiive, a.
derog'atiue, a.
destnic'tiu^, a.
deter'minatiu^, a.
difFu'siue, a.
diges'tir^, a.
dimin'utiue, a.
discrim'inatitJ^, a.
discur'siwe, a.
discus'sir^j a.
disjunc'tii'e, a.
dispu'tatiue, a.
dissua'siue, a. & w.
distrib'utiije, a.
distinc'tiv^, a.
efFec'ttu^, a.
eSu'sive, a.
elec'tiy^^ a.
elu'siue, a.
em'ulative, a.
es'timaU?;^, a.
eva'siv^j a.
exces'siv^, a.
exclu'sii'^, a.
es.cux'&ive, a.
exec'utitj^, a.
expan'siue, a.
expen'siv^, a.
ex'pletiw^, a. & w.
ex'plicatiu^'j a.
explo'siu^, a.
expres'sive, a.
expul'sJu^j a.
exten'siu^j a.
fermen'tatiue, a.
fes'tiue, a.
fig'uiativ^, a.
for'matj're, a.
fu'gitiue, «. & n.
gen'eratiyg, a.
illu'sit)^, a.
illus'tratiue, a.
ivnag'maiive, a.
ixa'iiative, a.
impas'sit;^, a.
imper'atiug, a.
impul'siue, a.
incen'tit?^, a. & n.
incep'tiwe, a.
mc\\x'&ive, a.
inconclu'siv^, a.
indic^atiwe, a.
induc'tiy^j a.
xniec'tivc, q.
iiifin'itizje, a.
inflic'tMJg, a.
infu'sitj^, a.
inofFen'sit;^, a.
inqiiis'itiv^, a.
instinc'tiugj a.
insixuc'iive, a.
mien'^ive, a.
interrog'ati v^, a. & i
intru'si^;^, a.
intu'itiue, a.
inva'sil;^, a.
invec'tiue, a. Sl n.
inven'tive, a.
iTceVative, a,
lax'atir^, a.
\eg'i^\ative, a.
len'iiivey a.
lo'comotji'^, a.
lu'cratiu^, a.
mas'siu^, a.
med'itatiu^, a.
mWsive, a. & n.
mo'iive, a. & n.
nar'ratiu^, a.
xia'tive, a. & n.
neg'ative, a. & n.
nvt'tiitive, a.
objec'tiue, a.
ohtru'sive, a.
oper'ative, a. & 7i.
opin'ionat/t'f, a
oppres'stve, a.
op'tatiue, a.
osten'sive, a.
palliatiy^, a. Slu.
pas'sitJ^j a.
pen'etratJve, a.
pen'siwe, a,
percep'tjue, a.
perspec'tiu^, a. & 7i.
persua'sjfe, a.
plain'tiue, a.
positive, a.
precep'ttuej cr.
prepar'atiue, a. & n.
prerog'atiue, a. & « .
preser'vatiue, a.
presump'tiue, a.
prevent'iv^, a. & n.
prim'itiue, a- & n.
priv'atiuff, a.
produc'tiu^, a.
progres'siuf: as, opero^e',^?/// o/" labour ;
verbose', Jidl of words.
globose', a.
jocose'', a.
raorbose', a.
morose , a.
oleose', a.
operose', a.
rugose', a.
tumulose', a.
verbose', a.
Ous, de-notes full of, having, consisting of, of or
belojiging to, given to, ' ing' : as, dan'gerous,
full 0/ danger ; pop'ulo?/^^ full of people ; lon-
gim'anoM.9^ having long hands ; cartilag'inoM*,
consisting of gr\st\es ; hiVious, consisting of bile ;
co-eta'neo?/j, of the same age ; conten'tio?/.?,
given to contention ; lanig'erowj, hearing wool ;
graminiv'oroM.?, eatm^"" grass.
advanta'geo?/s, a.
ambiti'oMs, a.
amphib'ioMS, a.
anom'aloM^, a.
an'xiows, a.
ar.on'yvaous, a.
a'queoii^, a.
al•bo''reo7^s, a.
assid'iioM*, a.
auda'cio?civ' or ous, a.
pit'eoM5, a.
plen'teoM*, a.
poi'sonoM5, a.
pomp'oMs, a.
pou'deroM5j a.
pop'ulo«5, a.
presump'tuow«, a.
pre'vioMs, a.
pros'peroMs, a.
rap'turoM5, a.
ridic'uloM5, a.
religi'oM*, a.
ri'ghteow5, a.
ti'otous, a.
Tu'inous, a.
sedid'oi^s, a.
simulta'neoMS, a.
solic'itoM5, a.
sono'rous, a.
spa'cioMs, a.
spir'itoM^j «.
sponta'neoMs, a.
stu'dioM.9, a.
stupen'doMs, a-
subterra'neow5, a.
sulphu'reoM5, a.
super'fluoM5, a.
superstiti'oM5, a.
supposititi'oM*, a.
surreptiti'oMs, a.
suspici'ow5, a.
synon'yvaous, a.
tempes'tuous, a.
tempora'neoMJ, a.
tena'ciows, a.
terra^queo/i^, a.
Xei'reous, a.
tim'oroMS, a.
ixGxnGn' 6.0US, a.
inouh'lous, a.
tumnVtnous, a.
xiVcerous, a.
umbra'geoMS, a.
unan'imoMs, a.
wa'nous, a.
ven'omous, a.
vexa'tioMs, a.
\ica.'TiouS) a.
vici'ous, a.
victo'rioMSj a.
vig'owusy a.
vix'tuoics, a.
vis'coMs, a.
vit'reous, a.
\i\a/ciousj a.
Some, denotes somewhat, Jiill
somewhat glad ; frol'iwowje,
adven'ture^ome, a. game'some, a.
hXiiihe'some, a. glad'^OTne, a.
bur'densomej a.
CM.va'hQxsome, a.
dark'som^, a.
delight'soTJie, a.
Adle'some, a.
hoYicsomej a.
fnVsome, a.
handi'some, a.
hu'mouTsome, a.
irk'some, a.
hght'so7ne, a.
loathe'some, a.
lone'some, a.
med'dlesome, a.
\ivi\yarous, a.
yocif'erouS} a.
volu'minoMs, a.
volup'tuoMSj a.
\ora'cious, a.
won'droM5, a.
zeaVouSj a.
of: as, glad'some,
full of frolics or
noVsomey a,
play'sow75, a.
quar'relso?n^, a.
tix&'some, a.
toiYsome, a.
troub'lesoTwe, a.
■wea'risome, a.
yihoit'some, a.
Ward, denotes m the direction of or looking tO'
ward: as, down'warc?, iji the directioji of or
looking down ; in'ward, looking toward the in-
awkVarc?, a. fro'ward, a. anto'ward, a.
hack'ward, a. in'ward, a. n. & ad. up'ward, a. & ad.
down'umrd,a.& ad. ont'ward, a. & ad. way'ward, a.
fox'ward, a. & ad. to'tvard, a.
Y, denotes full of, covered with, made of: as,
knot't^, fdl of knots ; flow'erj/, full of, or
covered with flowers ; horn'?/, made of horn,
Almight'y, a. &.n. h&ara'y, a. bloom'?/, a.
balm'y, a, blood'y, a. ^og'gy, v.
branch'^, a.
bri'ny, a.
brush'y, a.
bunch'^j «•
bush'2/, a.
chalk'y, a.
chill'^^, a.
clay'ey, a.
cloud'y, a.
coaly, a.
cream'y, a.
creek'y, a.
crust'2/j a.
dew'y, a.
dim 'ply, a.
dirt'y, a.
down'?/, a.
dust'?/, a.
earth'?/, a.
fault'?/, a.
fin'ny, a,
filth'y, a.
flain'2/, a-
flash'?/, a.
fleec'y, a.
flesh'2/, a.
flint'y, a.
flow'ery, «.
foam'y, a.
fog'g^/, a.
freck'l?/, a.
froth'?/, a.
fur'ry, a.
gleam '2/, «•
gloom'?/, o.
glu'ey, a.
grass'y, a.
grav'elly, «.
grea'sj/, a.
guilt'y, a.
gulf '«/, a.
gum'my, a.
hair'j^, a.
ha'zel?/, a.
health'^, a.
heath'y, a.
hilly, a.
horn'y, a.
\'cy, a.
ker'nely, a,
knot'ty, a.
leafy, a.
li'my, a.
luck'y, a.
marl'y, a.
marsh'y, a.
meal'?/, a.
milk'y, a.
might'?/, a.
mis'ty, a.
moor'y, a.
moss'y, a.
moth'?/, a.
mould'y, a.
mud'dy, a.
need'y, a.
ner'vy, a.
noi'sy, a.
oil'y, a.
palm'?/, a.
pearl'?/, a.
pitch'?/, a.
pith'y, a.
rain'y, a.
reed'y, a.
reek'y, a.
rock'y, a.
rust'?/, «.
sand'y, a.
seed'y, a.
scal'y, a.
shad'owy, a.
shad'y, a.
shag'g?/, a.
shel'ly, a.
sin'ewy, a.
sla'ty, a.
sli'my, a.
smok'?/, a.
snow'?/, a.
soot'y, a.
speed'y, a.
spi'cy, a.
spi'ry, a.
spon'gy, or
spun'gy, a,
spot'ty, a.
sprig'g?/, a.
spring'y, a.
squal'ly, a.
star'ry, a.
steel'y, a.
sto'ney, a.
storm'y, a.
stream 'y, a.
thirst'y, a.
thorn'y, a.
turfy, a.
vein'y, a.
wat'ery, a.
wa'vy, a.
wealth'y, a,
whey'ey, a.
wiiid'y, a.
wit'ty, a.
wood'y, a.
wool'ly, a.
word'y, a.
worth'y, o.
yest'y, a.
3. To Verbs.
Ate,* denotes lo make, to give, to put, or to take :
as, ren'ovfi/e, to make new again ; frus'tra/e, to
make vain ; a.n'imate, to give life ; m\\g'oYate,
to put vigour in or into ; Gxon'ev ate, to take the
burden from or out.
abbre'via^e, v.
ab'dica/e, v.
ab'roga^e, v.
accerera/e, v.
accei/tua^^, v.
capit'ula/e, v. ded'icaie, v.
cap'tiva/e, v. defecate, v. & a.
commem'ora/e, v. degen'era/^, v. & a.
commen'sura^t?, v. delin'ea^e, v.
& a.
accom'moda^^j v. coxoxaWtxate, v.
& a. commu'nica^e, v.
accu'mula/^j v. compen's«/^, v.
ac'tua/e, u. com'plica/e, v.
adul'tera/e, v. &. a. concat'ena^^, v.
agglom'era/^j v. concen'tra^t?, v.
ag'gTavaie, u. concil'ia/e, «.
ag'itale, v. confis'cafe, v.
al'ienaie, v. congla'cia/e, v.
a-VkaVizaie, v. & a. conglo'Tjafe, v.
alle'viafe, v.
am'putaie, v.
■dn'hnate, v. & a.
anni'hila^e, v.
antic'i-paie, v.
an'tiqua^g, v.
appro'pria^^, v.
Six'iogate, V.
assim'ila^e, v.
conglu'tinai^, v.
congrat'ulai^j v.
demon'strai^, v.
dienovci'mate, v.
depop'ulaf^j v.
dep'reca^e, v.
de'via/e, v.
diic'iate, V.
dilac'era/^j v.
dilap'ida^e, v.
dislocate, v.
dissem'ina^^, v.
dis'sipafgj v.
du'plica/e, V. & n.
ed'uca/e, v.
con'gregofgj v. &. a. effec'tua^^, v.
con'juga^^j V. eVevate, v.
con'secrate, v.
consol'ida/e, v.
corrob'oia/^j v.
cremate, v.
cuVtivaie, v.
a.s&o'ciaie, v. & a. debil'ito^e, v.
atten'ua/e, v. & a. deca^'itate, v.
authen'tica/e, v. dedorate, v.
eloTi'gate, v.
e\\x'c\datej v.
ema'ciaf^, v.
eman'cipa^e, v.
eroHgiate, v.
enexWate, v.
eriu'xxiexate, v.
enuu'ciate, v.
* This (iJ/Li or termination, in some cases, adds nothing to the meaning
of its verb.
eqniv'ocate, v.
eiad'icate, v.
cvac'uate, v.
evap'ora/^, u.
evis'cera/e, v.
exac'eihate, v.
exag'gerate, v.
exas'pera/^, v.
ex'cavaie, v.
excru'cia^^j v.
exfoliate, v.
exhil'ara/e, v.
exon'erate, v.
expa'tia^^j v.
ex'piate, v.
ex'plicate, v.
exsic'cate, v.
exten'nate, v.
extex'minaie, v.
extii'-pale, v.
ex'tricale, v.
exu'herate, v.
fah'ricate^ v.
faclVitaie, v,
ielic'itate, v.
flufc'tua/5j V.
fTus'tr«<, V.
fu'vaigale, v.
grad'vLaiey v. &. n<
grav'ita/^, v.
ger'tniiiatej v.
hes'itaiej v.
Slu'minate, v.
im'itate, v.
im'mola^e, v.
im'plicate, v.
im'preca^^, v.
incapac'ita/^, v.
incar'cera/g, v.
incor'porafe, v.
incnVcalef v.
incux'vaie, v.
in'dicaie, v.
in'dura^^, v.
inelniatey v.
ingia'tiate, v.
mh.\x'vixate, v.
init'iate, v. & a.
in' no\ at By v.
inoc'ulfl^fj V.
V. insin'ua^^, v.
in'stiga^e, v.
inter'pola/^, v.
intev'iogate, v,
intim'ida^i?, y.
intox'ico^e, v.
inun'da/g, v.
inve^'tigate, v.
invig'Qxate, v.
ina'Aiate, v.
ir'ngate, v.
liq'uida/e, v.
me'diate, v.&. a.
med'ita^^, v.
MiQliorate, v.
Toit'igate, v.
mod'ula^g, v.
naVigate^ v.
neces'sita^e, v.
nego'cxate, v.
. ohlh'erale, v.
ob'\iale, v.
op'exate, v.
orig'ina/^, v.
■pal'liate, v.
Y>aVpitale, v.
partic'ipa^^, v.
per'egrina/f, v.
■pen'etrale, v.
■pex'forate, v.
■pev'petiate, v.
perpet'uafe, v.
per'aov.ate, v.
precijp'itate, v. & n.
predes'tina^e, v.
predom'ino/g, v.
prepon'dera^e, v.
procras'tina^^, v.
inop'agate, v.
propit'ia/e, v.
-protn^heratej v.
xean'imaie, v.
recapit'ula/gj v.
xegQu'evaie, v.
xeg'alaie, v.
xeh'exaie, v.
remon'stra^^, v.
xen'oy-iie, v.
xejp'xohate, v. a. & ;k
xe-pn'diale, v.
xesus'citaie, v.
xctaViate, v.
reverberate, v.
sat'uxate, v.
sophis'ticait?, v.
sipec'ulate, v.
stim'ula^^, v.
sti-p'ulate, V.
suh'^ugafe, v.
substan'tia/e, v.
suffocate, v.
superan'nua^e, l'.
ter'mindte, v.
toVexale, v.
uYccxate, v.
va'cate, v.
yax'iegate, v.
xeg'etate, v.
xen'exate, v,
yii'hxate, v.
V in'dicaie, v.
yit'iate, v.
vitu'pera/i?, v.
En, denotes to make: as, leng'thew,, to make long;
(\mck'en, to make quick or alive; glad'de;?, to
make glad.
blaclfew, V.
bri'ghten, v.
cheap Vw, v.
dar'ke?i, v.
dead'era, v.
deafen, v.
deeip'eii, v.
disheax'ten, v.
emhol'deji, v.
eTi]\ght'en, v.
enli'ven, v.
fas'tewj V.
fdt'teii, V.
glad'dew; v.
hax'den, v.
ha'sten, v.
height'en, v.
imbol'dfiji, V.
leng'thera, v.
les'sen, v.
light'ew, V.
]i'ken, v.
loo'sen, V.
moi'stenj v.
quiclce^ij V.
red'den, v.
requiclcen, v.
ri'pen, v.
rough'^TZ, V.
shax'^en, v.
ahox'ten, v.
siclc'era, V.
smoothVn, v.
sof 'ten, V.
stiffen, V.
strait'en, v.
straight'^n, v.
streng'then, v.
sweet'en, V.
thic'ke/i, V.
threat 'eft, v.
tight'ere, V.
wealcew, V.
Vi\a'ien, v.
wi'den, V.
Fy, denotes to make : as, mag'ni^, to make
great; sanc'ti/j/, to make ho\y; ipu'ri ft/, to make
am'pli/?/, V.
beau'ti/z/, u.
cer'ti/y, V.
clax'ifl/, V.
cxw'cify, V.
dt'ify, V.
dig'ni/^/, v.
diver'si/y, v.
ed'i/y, t^.
exem'pli/y, r.
M'sifi/, V.
for'ti/'y, i;.
French'i/y, v.
fxuc't'ifi/, V.
glo'rifi/, V.
gx&t'ify, V.
indem'ni/^, v.
jus'tify, V.
leu'i/z/, V.
liq'ue/^, v.
mag'ni/j/, v.
rno'di/y, v.
mol'li^, V.
xnox'iify, v.
no'ti/y, 1).
nulli/^/, i;.
os'si/y, V.
pac'i/^, V.
person'!/^, v.
pet'ri/y, f.
pu'ri/y, u.
pu'tri/z/, ?!.
quari/2/j v.
ram'i///, v.
rar'e/«/, v.
xai'ify, v.
xec'tify, v.
Tu^hify, V.
sanc'tify, v.
sat'isfy, v.
scar'i/y, v.
sig'ni/^, V.
sipec'ify, v.
stu'pfy, V.
tox'xefy, V,
iQx'x'fy, V.
tes'tify, V.
typ'i/V/, V.
ver'i/j/j V.
yex^sify, v.
yiVify, V.
IsH, denotes to make : as, ^v/ish, to make an end ;
\i\ih'\ish, to make public ; flour'i^/z, to make
flowery ; siaib'Ush, to make stable or firm.
abol'?*^, V.
accom'pli*^, v.
aAxnon'ish, v.
aston'tsA, V,
blan'dtsA, v.
hlem'ish, v. & n.
bran'dw^, v.
hnr'nish, v.
chei'ish, v.
demol'i^^, V.
Ciimin' ish, v.
distin'guw^, v.
embellish, v.
empov'eris^, v.
enfam'i^^, v.
enxsiv'ish,^ v.
establish, v.
evaxVishy v.
extiiVgnish, v.
fam'ish, v.
&n'ish, V.
floiir'is^, V.
fux'nish, V.
gax'nish, v.
lan'guish, v.
lav'ish, V. & a.
nour'ish, v.
■poVish, V.
pre-establw/jj v.
pub'li^^, t'.
pun'uA, V.
Tav'ish) V.
re-estah'lish, v.
relin'quisA, v.
re-plen^ish, v.
stablJs^, V.
tar'nish, v.
unfur'nw^j v.
van'ish, v.
var'nish, v.
van'qmsh, v.
IzEj-isE, denotes to make, to give : as^ civ'iilze
to make civil ; fer'tih'ze, to make fruitful ; char'-
acterfz^^ to give a character ; au'thori^e, to give
advertise', v. can'terize, v.
ag'grandize, v. char'acteri;jr^, v.
ag'onize, v. chas'ti*^, v.
allegorize, v. cic^atriVe, v.
anagram'matij^e, v.
anaVogize, v. civ'iltze, v.
anath'emati^r^, v. col'oni^r^j v.
anat'omt^re, v. crit'icise, v.
apoVogize, v. crys'talli-sf^, v.
apos'tatize, v. disfran'ch?.'?^, v.
apos'trophf^r^, v. dog'matize, v.
au'thorise, v. eg'otize, v.
bap'ti^re, V. enden'ize, v.
hru'talize, v. enfran'chise, v,
can'onize, v. epit'omise, v.
cati'tonize, v. e'qualize, v.
cat'echise, v. eter'nize, v.
evan'geli;2r^, v.
ex' excise, v. Sc n.
ex'oxcise, v.
extevn'poxize, v.
famiViari^f^, v.
fex'tilize, v.
for'mali^^, v.
fran'chi*^, v. & }i.
geom'etr?;^^, v.
glut'tonize, v.
gox'mandize, v.
hax'moiiize, v.
hu'manize, v.
idoVatxize, v.
i'doL'^r^, V.
immor'tal/^i?, v.
ju'ddize, V.
lat'iuize, v.
le'galize, tu
meth'odi*^, v.
mod'ernis^, v.
inonoY>'o\ize, v.
mor'alize, v.
vayihoVogize, v.
nat'urali;?^, v.
or'ganize, v.
par'tialiare, v.
partic'ulari;2r^, v.
-pat'ronize, v.
jphilo&'oTphize, v,
phlebot'omi^^j v.
Yio'etize, v.
■prac'tise, v.
YiuVverize, v.
re'alize, v.
rehap'tize, v.
rec'ognize, v.
sat'irize, v.
scan'dali^re, v.
schism'atij^e, v.
scru'tini^^, v.
sec'ularijsr^, v.
sen'sualize, v,
sig'nali^^, v.
sin'gulari;?^, v.
soVemnizej v.
spir'itualijsr^, v.
ster'Hize, v.
stig'matize, v.
syc'ophanti;8re, v.
syVlogize, v.
symlaolize, v.
sym'pathj^rg, v.
system'ati^re, v.
tan'tal?;jf^, v.
tem'porize, v.
tyr'annize, v.
y'lVlanize, v.
voVatilize, v.
4. To Adverbs.
Ly, denotes like, in a — manner or way: as^ joy'-
f\x\ly, like joyful, or in a joyful manner; affec'-
ted/y, in an affected way or manner.
abrupt'/y, ad.
ab'solute^?/, ad.
abstrac'ted/j/, ad.
ahnn'Aanily, ad.
afFec'ted/y, ad.
afFec'tionate/y, ad.
agtee'ahly, ad.
a'miahly, ad.
am'icab^^, ad.
art'ixAly, ad.
^'i\x\ly, ad.
beau'tiful/y, ad.
ho\&'ly, ad.
boun'tiful/y, ad.
can'did/?/, ad.
caxQ'hxlly, ad.
car'nal/y, ad.
char'itab/y, ad.
chil'dish/j/, ad.
collec'tive/^, ad.
com'parab/y, ad.
complete'/?/, ad.
confor'mab/y, ad.
confu'sed/y, ad.
con'sequent/?/, ad.
consid'erab/y, ad.
consis'tent/y, ad.
convin'cing/y, ad.
cour'teous/y, ad.
cred'ib/y, ad.
del'icate/y, ad.
delight'some/y, ad.
design'ed/y, ad.
distinct'/^, ad.
dogmat'ical/y, ad.
ea'sily, ad.
eVegantly, ad.
ev'ident/v, ad.
exiplic'hly, ad.
ex'quisite/y, ad.
faith'fuUz/j ad.
fauWily, ad.
fear'fully, ad.
fearless/j/, ad.
feel'ingly, ad.
Rerce'ly, ad.
fig'urative/?/, ad.
fool'ish^y, ad.
tbr'cib/^j ad.
for'maU?/, ad.
for'midab/y, ad.
gen'eral/i/, ad.
gen'erous/?/, ad.
geograph'ical/i/, ad.
grace'ful/^, ad.
gra'cious/^, aJ.
hap'piZ'^, ac?.
harmless/}^, arf.
has'ti/y, ad.
histor'icaU^, ad.
hon'est/^, ao?.
hon'ourab/y, cc?.
humane'/y, ac/.
hu'moursome/y, ad.
inciden'taU^, ad.
iiior'dinate/j/j ad.
inva'riab/y, ad.
invis'ib/^, ao?.
joy'ful^_j/, ad.
law'ful/?/, ac/.
legit'imate/j/, ao?.
logical/?/, ad.
loose'ly, ad.
meek'li/, ad.
melo'dious/y, ad.
mer'ciful/y, ad.
mod'estlt/, ad.
nat'ural/y, ad.
nom'inaU?/, ad.
oblig'ing/y, ac?.
pal'pab/^y, ar/.
par'tial/y, ac?.
peace'ab/^, arf.
percep'tib///, ad.
per'etnptori/,?/, ad.
per'fect/y, arf.
perspic'uous///, ad.
pi'ous/?/, ac/.
pleas'ant///, ac/.
point'ed/?/, ac/.
polite'/?/, ad.
precise'/?/, orf.
prob'ab/i', «igoj), extremity, end, summit : as,
^cVospire, (a sprout from) the end of seeds.
Acrop'olis, n. acVospired, a. acro&'tic, n.
ctc'rospire, n.
AcT-c7M, sup. (ago), to do, to act. (See Ago.)
AcT-us, p.p. (ago), done, acted. (See Ago.)
Acu-o, u. 3. (^a^ acus, /. 4. a needle), to sharpen :
as, acute'ness, the state of being «C2<;?(? or sharp.
ac'uate, v. acu'mi7is,ted, a. acutely, ad.
acii'leate, a. acute', a. acute'ness, n.
acu'men, n.
Adelph-os (a^gX^oj), a brother — iphiladel'phia,, n.
Aden {k^^v), a gland — adeno^va^hy, n. adenoVogy,Tu
Adulat-c/m, sup. (o/'adulor, to/awn), to flatter : as,
adula'toY, one who flatte?-s.
adula'tox, n. ad'ulatory, a. adula'tion, n.
Aer (««g), m. 3. the air : as, aerom'etry, the art of
measuring the air.
a'eriforvn, a. rtrrolite', n. aeroVc^y, n.
a'eromancy, n.
aeroxn'etiyj n.
a'eronaut, n.
aeros'copy, n.
ae'rial, a.
air, n. & v.
aii-'mg, n.
airless, a.
air'lmg, n.
air'pump, n.
air'shaft, n.
air Y, a.
ojr'iness, n.
air'bladder, n.
oz?''built, a,
air'drawn, a.
air'hole, n.
Aeresis («<^£5- ab ui^i6))j a taking. (See Heresis.)
z.'^hcer'esis, n, dicer'esis.^ n.
Agger, m. 3. (ad et gero), a heap
exag'gerB,iQ, v. exaggera'tion, n.
Agil-iSj a. swift, active : as, agil'iiy, a being swiji
or active,
ag'ilej a. ag'Ueness, n. agil'iiy, n.
Agit-0, v. {ab ago), to drive, to move or stir, to think of
or meditate : as, ag'itoie., to put in motion ; cogi-
ta'tion for conagita'tion, the act of thinking.
ag'itate, v. cog'itate, v. excog'itate, v.
ag'itaXAe, a. cog'itativQ, a. incog'itat'wt, a.
agita'tion, n. cogita'iion, n. inco^'ifancy, n.
agiia'toT, n.
Agmen, n. 3. (ah ago), an arw.y on marolij a troop.
ag'minal, a.
Ag-0, v. 3. to do, act, lead, drive: as, ft'^ent, one who
does or acts (for another) ; amhig'nous, acting
round ahout, (doubtful).
acty n & V.
ao't'vic, a.
oc'^ively, acL
ac7iveness, n.
actWity, n.
ac'tor, n.
ac'/ress, n.
ac'tion, n.
ac'/ionable, a.
ac'tual, a.
ar'itiaily, ad.
oc7«alness, n.
ac'ticaxy, n.
ac'tuate, v. & a.
adac7ed, a.
a'gent, n.
a'gency, n.
amba'^es, n.
amhigu'ity, n.
ambi^wous, a.
amhig'uoasly, ad.
ambi^'wousness, n.
aiVteact, n.
circumnav'«/7ate, v.
circxxmnaviga' t\or\,n
circumnav%a/or n
overact', v.
prod'i^al, a. Sen.
prod'i^ally, ad.
Y>rodigal'ity, n.
react', t>.
reac'^ion, n.
Te-enact', v.
subac7ion, n.
transact', v.
transac'rion, ».
unac'/ive, a.
exlgu'iiy, n.
coac'tion, n. exi^'wous, a.
coac't'ive, a. inaction, n.
co'ffQYd, a. inactive, a.
co'^ently, ad. inactively, ad.
counteract', v. inacViveness, n,
enact', V. inactix'ity, n.
enac'toT, n. man'age, V.
exact', a. & v. man'a^eable, a.
exact'ly, ad. man'ager, a.
exac'loT, n. nav%able, a.
exaci'ness, n. nav^ableness, n. underaction, n.
exac'tion, n. mv'igate, v. unexac7ed, a.
ex'igence, n. uavi^a'^ion, n. unnav%able, a.
ex'igency, n. nav'igatoT, n. \icea'gent, n.
ex'igeiit, a. outact', v.
Agogeus {uyayivg ab kya, to guide), a leader or
guide : as, &QYcv'agogue, a leader of the people.
apa^o^'ical, a. emmen'agogue, n. -ped'agogue, n.
dem'agogue, n. mys'tagogiie, n. -piy^'Yciagogue, n.
hy'dragogue , n. Y>axagoge, n. syn'agogue, n.
A.GON, m. 3. {kyav), a combat, a contest : as, ant^^-
o/2ist, one who combats against (or with another).
ag'ony, n. agonis'tes, n. anta^'onist, n.
ag'omzQ, v. ag'onism, n. antag'onize, v.
Ager, agii, m. 2. a fields land : as, agra'risLn., relating
to fields or lands.
agra'riar\, a. a^Viculturist, n. 'p^regnna'tion, n.
agres'tic, a. ■peT'egrinate, v. per'egrme, a.
ag'ricultnre, n.
Ala, f.\. a wing — <:2f'erous, a. alig'erous, a.
Alectryon (^uXiKT^vav), a cock.
alec' try ovaancy, n. aleclrgoin'achy, n.
Alexeo {li,Xi%iu), to ward off, to assist.
Alexan'der, n. ale^iter'ic, or o/^cYiphar'niic, a*
a/fcran'drine, a. alexiter'ical, a.
Alg-eo, v. 2. to be cold or chill : as^ alglflt, mak-
ing or producing cold.
al'g'idi, a. indulge', v. in^uVgeni, a.
algid'ity, n. m^ul'gence, n. indw/'^entlyj ad.
algif'ic, a. indw/'^ency, n.
Algebra (Amb.)^ arithmetic hy lettcis.
aVgehra, n. algehra'ic, or
algebra'ht, n. algebra'icsX, a.
Alg-os {uXyoi), pain : as, oial'gio,, a pain in the ear,
sxiial'glc, a. cephala/'^ia, n. otal'gia, n.
cardia^'^ia, n. odontar, a.
Anem-os, (avsjitos), the wind.
«ne7?2og'raphy, n. anem'one, n. anem'oscope, n.
anemom'eter, n.
Aner, andr-os (4v>5g, ky^^og), a man: as, andro^dir-
giis, a wa?2-eater, (a cannibal.)
androg'ynw's,, n. An'dreiv, n. Andron'icw?,, n.
androg'ynal, a. Alexaji'dei', n. androt'omy, n.
a?idrog'ynaXly, ad. Alexan'dria, 71. anrfroph'agus, n.
ANGEL-Lot (kyyiXXoj), to h'ing tidings : as, Q\an'^
geli&t, one who brings oi publishes good tidings.
an'gel, n. avchan'gel, n. evanger\Ci\\j a.
angel'ic, a. archajigel'ic, a. evan'gelize, v.
angel'ical, a. e\an'gel\?,t, n. gos'pel, n. (Sax.)
cw^e/'icalnesSj n, evan'gelism, n.
ANGi-oJvt (uyyziov ab ct,yyoq), a vase, a vessel.
angiog^Ta^hy, n. an'^iomonosper'- a7rgiot'omy, n.
angioVogy, n. mous, a.
* For the prefix en in e«emy, ewmity, see p. 2. and 26.
f yor g, before y g> x ky z '^'''' '" Gveek, sounds like ' ng' . and accord-
ingly, in English, il assumes that/o;i».
A NO 108 ANN
Ang-o, v. 3. to stifle, to vex ; anxi, perf. / am vexed
or solicitous, anxi'eiy, state of being solicitous,
ang'uhh, n. ang'ry, a. anx'ion?,, a.
a?i^'«ished, a. ang'rily, ad. anx'ioxxAy, ad.
ang'er, n. Sc v. anxi'ety, n. ancc' iousness, n.
ang'erly, ad.
Angul-(7S^ m. 2. an angle QX comer : aSj ang'ul-dj,
belonging to an angle or corner,
ang'le, n. \-nvi\{ang'uldx\v,ad. rec'tangle, n.
ang'ular, a. rec'tangular, a.
ang'ulaxXy, ad. obi\x%ang'ula.T, a. xec'tangichAy^ ad.
angidaj'ity, n. octang'ulax, a. %e^tang'ulax, a.
ang'ulsited, a. •per\ta7ig'ida,Y, a. &exang'ula.T, a,
<\\.\Si^'r angle, n. txVangle, n.
ang'tiion-i, a. qa.a(W'aiigiila,r, a. triang'ulax, a.
cnu.ltang'ula.r, a. qninquang'ulaT, a.
An -US, f. 4. an old woman,
anile', a. anil'ity, n.
Anima, /. 1. a breeze or wind, the vital air or breathy
life, or sold: as^ an'imdXQ, to give life.
an'imdX, n. & a. an'imated, a. exanima'tion, n.
animal'culc, n. anima'tion, n. man'imate. a.
animal'iiy, n. an'imatiye, a. luan'imatQdi, a.
«n/mable, a. an'imatox, n. Tean'imate, v.
an'imate. v. & a. exan'imate, a. traiisanima'tion, n.
Anim-uSj m. 2. the 'mind, or thinking principle: as,
\xT^anrm'\i^ , the being of one mind, or oneness of
am'madvert', u. equa^i'imous, a. pusillan'i7!zous, a.
a?iimadver'ter, n. magna/iiTO'ity, n. pusillan'imousness,
araimadver'sion, n, magua?i'i??ious, a. n.
a«??«adver'sivej a. maguaTi'Jmously, wwanim'iiy, n.
animosity, n. ad. unan'fwous, a.
equarajm'ity, n. pusilla/iim'ity, n. nwan'imows^y, ad.
A'NN-uSj m. 2. a year : as, \Aen'nisX, of or belonging
to two years,
an'nals, n, an'nalht, n. anniv&c'sary,n.8i.a»
an' no Dom'ini, or decen'^ital, a.
an^nua\, a.
i/.7i'w«ally, ad.
annu'ity, n.
annu'itaxity n.
h'leii'nidX, a.
cente/i'/iial, a.
quadren'?iial, a.
quinqu^?i'nial, a.
septe?i'?^^al, a.
sexen^nial, a.
superari'/iMate, v.
superannwa'^ion, n
triera'wial, a.
semiaw'ww/arj a.
millen'rtium, n.
mill^«.'ratal, a.
mille/iaVfan, n.
millenary, a.
octen'mal, a.
pere?i'nial, a.
perenViity, ».
Annul-us, m. 2. f<:^<^ annus
an'nular, or au'jiulet, n.
an'nulary, a.
Ansa, /. 1. the handle of a cup or vessel — an'sated, a,
Anth-os {(xy6oi), a flower.
anthoVo^y, n. exanthem'atous, a. -polyau'lhus, n.
exanthem'a.ta, n.
Anthrop-os {uvS^MTTog'), a man : as_, iphiV anth'opjj
the love of ma7i.
an'ihropoVogy, n. a^pYi'ilan'thropy, n. Y>hi[an'thropht, n.
an'ihropomox'- cynan'thropy, n. •philanihrop'ic, a
phite, n. lycan'thropy, n.
an'ihropo-p'athy, n, vnhan'thropy, n.
an'fhropoph'agi, n. mis'anihrope, or
an'/'Arojooph'agy, 7i. misan' thropht, n
an'ihropos'o-phy, n. ■philan'thropy, n.
Antiqu-i/s, a. old or ancient: as an'tiqudjcj, one
who is studious of old or ancient things.
an'tiquary, n. antique'nesSf n. an'cientry, n.
antiqica'Tiau,n.8i a. antiq'uity, n. an'tic, a. & n.
an'iiquate, v. an'cient, a. & n. an'cestor, n.
anVjgwatedness, n. an'ciently, ad. an'cestxa\j a.
antique.', a. o»'t;ien(;ness, n. an'cestvy, n.
Antl-os (^vtAos), an engi^ie for drawing water,
exani'late, v. exanlla'tion, n.
Apert-uSj p. p. (ah aperio), opened. (See Aperio.j
ArERi-o, V. 4. (ab ad et pario), to open.
ape'rient, a. o'veri , a. o'vert ness, n.
aper'ilivef a, o'ueri ly, ad. ap'eriuie, n.
ist, n.
Aphrodit-e (kip^o^iTyi ab kp^ofj /bam J J Venus j the
goddess of love.
antaphi-odil'ic, a. aphrodisi'acal, a. hennaphrodii'ical,
aphrodia'iac, a. hermajpA'rodite, n.
Af-is, f. 3. a bee — a'pisiry, n.
ApT-t/5, a. jit, meet: as^ ^Aapt' , to fit to.
adap/', V. apt^y, ad. ineptly, ad.
adapta't'ion, a. apt'neas, n. inejo'/itude, n.
ada/)/'edj a. coapta't'ion, n. anapt', a.
apt, a. inap'titude, n. unapt'ness, n.
ap'titude, n. inept', a.
AciVAjf. 1. water: asj aquaficj belonging to water,
a'qua, n. aquat'ic, a. a'queousness, n.
aquafor'tis, n. a'quatWe, a. aquos'ity, n.
aqtiamBxi'ndi, n. aq'ueduct, n. terra'^'Meous, a.
aquawVtse, n. a'queous, a. suba'^'weous, a.
Aquil-a, /.I. an eagle — acfuilYVLO,, a.
Ar-o, v.\. to plough: as, ar'ahlQj that may be
ar'flble, a. ar'atory, a. inar'able, a.
ara'tion, n.
Arane-uSj m. 2. a cob-web : as^ ara'neoM?:, a.
Arbiter, m. 2. an umpire ox judge : as^ ar'bitrsXej
to judge of, (to decide.)
ar'biter, n. ar'bitrary, a.
ai''bitress, n. ar'bitvTde, v. ar'bitrax'Ay, ad.
ar'bitrahl'i, a. arbitra'tion, n. ar'6i7rariness, n.
arAi^Vament, n. arbitra'tOT, n.
Arbor, /. 3. a tree : as, ar'borarj, belonging to trees,
ar'boraxy, a. ar'borist, n. ar'bour, n.
arbo'reons, a. ar'iorise, v. ar'buscle, n.
ar'boretf n.
Arche {ct,^%n), the beginning, rule, government : as,
ar'ckaism, an ancient idiom; -^oUnarch, a ruler
of a family or race.
a.n'arch, n. arc&presHbyter, n.
dLa'archy, n. ArcheWvi^, n.
anar'cAical, a. ar'chetype, n.
antimonar'cAicalja. arc^ety'pal, a.
arch, a. Archi^p'pus, n.
archaioYogy, n. arcAdiac'onal, a.
archaiolog'ic, a. arc/iiepis'copal, a.
ar'chitect, n.
archiitcton'ic, a.
architec'tMxe, n.
arc/iitec'turalj a.
a7-chitec'tive, a.
ar'chitrave, n.
ar'chives, n.
Aristar'c/ius, n.
ar'chaism, n.
archan'gel, n.
arch&ngeVic, a,
arcAbish'op, n.
arcAbish'opric, n,
arc^chan'ter, n.
arcAdea'con, n.
arc/idea'conry, n.
«?r/idea'conship, n.cinV'iarch, n.
«rcAduke', n. he\i'uirchi/, n.
archduch'ess, n. \\Vexarch, n.
arcAphilos'opher^w. hierarc^'al, a.
arcApreFatCj n. hi'txarchy, n.
hxerar'chicaX, a.
mon'arch, n.
xnonar'chal, a.
monar'cAical, a.
mon'arc^ise, v.
xnon'archy, n.
xnyx'iarch, n.
myste'xiarch, n.
oVigarchy, n.
oligar'c^al, a.
pa'triarc/z, n.
patriar'cAal, a,
patriar'cAatej n.
patriarcA'ship, »,
-pa'ixiarchy, n.
procatar.r'is, n,
procatarc7ic, a.
te'txarch, n.
tetxar'chate, or
tet'xarchy, n.
Arct-os (k^xroi), a bear, the north.
arc'tic, a. axitarc'tic, a. arctu'ius, n.
Krc-vs, m. 4. a bow, arch, or vault.
arc'uate, a. arch, iu & v. arch'ex, v.
arcwbal'isterj n. arch'ed, a. arch'exy, n.
Ard-eo, v. 2. to burn, to de»ire eagerly.
ar'dent, a. ar'dency, n. ar'doux, n.
ar'dexitly, ad.
Ardu -US, a. high, steep, difficult,
ar'duous, a. ar'cfttousness, n.
Aren-^j /. 1. sand : as, (zrewa'ceous, full of sand.
«rena'ceous, a.
areJiosQ , a.
aren'ulous, a.
Are-O;, v. 2. to be dry : arid' it j, state of being diy.
ar'efy, v. ar'idj a. arid'ity, n.
arefac'tion, n.
A RE-OS (a^xiog), porous — areot'ic , n.
Ares (a^>i?, u^tog), Mars-A)-eo-p'agus, n. ^reop'aglte, n.
Argent-U3/^ n. 2. silver — ar'gent, a.
Argill-^j /. 1. potters clay.
ar'gilj n. argilla'ceoxis, a. argil'louSy a.
Arg-os (oi^yog), idle, inactive.
leth'arffY, n. lethar'^ic, a. lethar'^icness, n.
Argu-Oj v. 3. to argue, to reason : as, ar'gu%x, one
vrho reasons.
ar'gne, v. argumen'isl, a. ar (/Mm en'tative, a.
ar'fpier, n. ar^wmenta'tion, n. unar'^wed, a.
ar'guaient, n.
Aries, ei-is, m. 3. a ram.
a'ries, n. arieta't'ion, n.
Arist-os (u^iirrog), noblest or best : as, aristoc'racj,
the government of the nobles.
aristoc'racy, n. aris^ocrat'ic, a. ar?.?/ocrat'icalness,n.
aristocxdii , n. ari^/ocrat'ical, a. Aristax'c\\.\i^, n.
Arithi^i-os {k^t6f<.oi)^ number.
arifh'vnancy, n. arithme t'lcaX, a. arithme iicVau, n.
arith'meticj n. arithmet'icdiWy, ad. logfarithm , n.
Any.-A, n. 2. arms : as, a/w/stice, a standing from
arms, (a short truce.)
arm, v. armip'otent, a. armo'riBX, a.
a7'tna'da, n. «r7«ip'otence, a. or'inoTy, n.
ar'niamtnt, n. ar'mhtice, n. ar'mor\%t, n.
ar'monr, n. arms, n.
o?'7?y?g'erous, a. ar'Tnour-bea'rer, n. ar'my, n.
armh'ononf,, a. ar'morer, n. unarmed', a.
ARM llo ASl
ARMENT-t73/_, n. 2. a drove or herd of cattle,
armen'ial, a. ar'menixrie, a.
Armill-^^ /. 1. an ornament of the arm^ a bracelet.
ar'millaxy, a.
Aromat-^ (Ic^eo^etrct), spices.
aromat'ics, n. aromat' ical, a. aromatiza'iion, n.
aromai/icj a. ar'omatize, v.
Arsen {k^a-tiv), male, strong — ars'emc,n. arsen'ica\,a.
ArSj avt-isjf. 3. an art, skill: as, «r?'less, without art.
art, n. ar'ti^CQ, n. ar^'ist, n.
art'ixA, a. artificer, n, in«r^ifici'al, a.
ar^'fully, ad. arti^cVal, a. inar/ifici'ally, ad.
ari'fulnesSj n. ar^ifici'ally, ad. inert', a.
artless, a. ar/ifici'alness, n. inertly, ad.
artlessly, ad. artisan', n. xxnart'ful, a.
aj-/lessness, 7i.
Arteri-^ (et^rmcc), the wind-pipe, a conical canal.
ar'tery, n. arte'rial, a. arteriot'oray, n.
Arthrit-is (u^6^irii ab k^&^ov, a joint), gout.
ar'thritis, n. arthrit'ic, a. arthrit'ical, a.
Articul-uSj m. 2. Cabwctus, m. 4. the joints J, a little
Joint; aSj artic'uhie, haYmgJoitits or distinct -paivis.
ar'ticle, n. artic'ulateness, n. inartic'ulaie, a.
artic'ular, a. ariicula'tion, n. martic'ulaiely, ad.
artic'ulate, a. & v. deartic'ulate, v. inariic'iilateaess, n.
artic'ulately, ad. exarticula'tion, n.
Arundo, m-is, f. 3. a reed.
arundina' ceous, a. arundin'eoxis, a.
AscE-0 (««rxfA))_, to retire to devotion — ascet'\c, a. & n.
AsciT-ES {ua-fcirv^i ab UrKOf), a leather7i sack, drcpsij
of the bell?/.
asci'tes, n. ascit'ic, a. ascit'ica\, a.
AsiN-i/s, m. 2. an ass.
as'inarv, a. as'in'me, a. ass, n,
K 2
AsPER, a. rough : as, as'peroie, to make rough,
as'perate, v. as'perous, a. tixas'perator, n.
asperafdon, n. asperi£ol.ious, a. exaspera' Hon, n.
asper'ity, n. exas'perate, v.
Asthma {uTdf^x), a breath, a gasp.
ast'hma, n. asthmat'ic, a. antasthmat'ic, a.
AsTR-oN {oio-re^ov), a star : as, astron'oinj, the laws
or science of the stors.
as'terisk, n. astroVoger, n. asiron'oxny, n.
as'te7'ism, n. astron'oratr, n.
as'traX, a. astrolog'ic, a. astronom'ic, a.
asiriferous, a. usirolog'ical, a. as^ronom'ical, a.
as(rig'eious, a. astrolog'icaHy, ad. flfs^ronom'ically, ad.
astrog'raiihy, n. a:iiroVogize, v. disas'ter, n. & v.
Ci^'/rolabe, n. cs^ros'copy, n. disastrous, a.
astroVogy, n. osVro-theol'ogy, n. disas'/^-ousness, n.
Athl-os {It&Xci), combat, struggle — oMet'ic, a.
AtlaSj* ant-OS (^arXccg, oiVTOi), a king of Mauritania.
At'las, n. Atlan'tic, a. &. ii.
Atm-os {uT/Liog'), vaj)our, air.
al'mofi-phere, n. a^mospher'ic, a. a//nospher'ical, a.
A TONE,, t V. (Eng.), to make at one, to agree, to
answer for, to expiate,
atone'y v. alone'inent, n. unatoned', a.
Atra, a. black : as, at)-am.en'ta\, black, inky.
afrabila'rian, a. a^ramen'tal, a. a/rabila'riousness,
a^rabila'rious, a. a/ramen'tous, a. n.
Atrox, atroc-/5j a. fierce, cruel.
atro'cioxxs, a. atro'ciousness, n. atroc'ity, n.
atro^ciously, ad.
* Atlas was a king of Mauritania in Africa, who, when Perseus showed
him Medusa's head, was instantly changed into a targ-e mountain, from
which the contiguous ocean was named Atlantic. The fable, that Atlas
supported the heavens on his back, arose from his fondness for astronomy,
and his often frequenting elevated places and mountains, whence he might
observe the heavenly bodies. A collection of maps is called Atlas, probably
from a picture of him in this attitude, prefixed to some collection.
t These words, atone, atonement, in the Scriptural sense, always convey
the ideas of «Sifi,a, xTog, a /3«rAA&'), a throwing or
putting. (See Boleo.)
Blep-o {^MTTii), to see — aVlepsy^ n,
BoLE-o {fio\%ci or lioiXXo)), to cast or throw, to put :
as, hjiper'bole,^ (a figure of speech in which) any
thing is thrown or carried beyond (the strict
truth) ; ^Yob'lem, any thing thrown or put forward
(for solution.)
evciblem'ati^i, n. paraio/'ically, ad.
amphiiol'ogyj n. em'bolus, n. ^avab'ola, n.
amphifiolog'ical, a. em'bolism, n. para6'o/ism, n.
arcubal'ister, n. hyper'^o/a, n. parafto/'iform, a.
bo'lis, n. • hyper'60/e, n. para^'o/oid, n.
bolt, n. & V. hyperbolic, or prof/lem, n.
bo'lus, n. hyperio/'ical, a. Y^oblemat'icsX, n.
diaJo/'ic, a. hyperio/'ically, ad. proJ/emai'ically, arf.
diafio/'ical, a. h.yperfio/'iform, a. sym'bol, n.
em'blem, n. symbol'ical, a.
emblemat'ic, or -par'able, n. sym6o/'ically, ad.
emblemat'ical, a. parabol'ic, or sym'bolize, v.
emblemat'ica\[y,ad.Tpaiaborica\, a. symboliza'tion, n.
BoN-t7S'_, a. good : as, boun'iy, goodness.
boun'ty, n. iown'teousness, n. bouu'tifxxYly, ad.
bou7i'teous, a. iown'tiful, a. boun'tifnlne&s, n.
Jown'teously, ad.
• For the common acceptation and examples of a llt/perbo^r, sec the
Author's *' Outlines of English Grammar."
BoRE-.4S {/2o^sxi), the north imnd, the north.
bo'reas, n. bo'real, a. hypeTbo'vean, a.
BoTAN-E {(iorocvT/ij d. (ioo), tofeed), an herb, a plant :
aSj bot'any, the science or study of plants.
bot'any^ n. boifan\%t, n. botanoY og\%t, n.
botan'ic, or botanoVogy, n. Jo^anolog'ical, a,
botan'ical, a.
Brachi-U3/, n. 2. an arm — brach'ial, a,
Brach-fs (iSg«%«5):, short — Jrv), the groin,
bu'bo, n. buion'ocelef »».
BucoL-os {^ovKoXoi), a shepherd — bucol'ic, n. & a.
Bu LB-US J m.2. a round rootj israpt up in skins or
coats, as onions, tulips, S^c.
bulb, n. bulb'oMS, a. bulba'ceous, a.
BuLL-A, f. 1. a bubble in water.
boil, n. & V. ebulliti'on, n,
boil'ex, n.
BuTYR-c7M^ n. 2. butter — ^w^j/ra'ceous, a.
Cabal Q?'2\i, receiving or tradition, Heb.), the secret
science of the Hebrew Rabbins; a close intrigue.*
cabal', n. & v. cabalis'tlc, or caVallox, n.
cab'alht, n. cabalis'tical, a.
Cabin (chabin,, Welsh), a cottage, a small room.
cab'in, n. 8c v. cah'inet, n. caft'enet-makerj n.
cab'ined, a. caft'inet-council, n.
C AC-OS {x.xKog), bad, ill : as, cach'exj, an ill habit
of body ; cacQ-phf ony, a bad sound (of words.)
anticacAec'tiCj a. cac^ec'tical, a. cacochym'ical, a.
cach'exy, n. cac'ochymy, n. cacodse'mon, n.
cachec'tic, a. cacochym'ic, a. cacoph'ony, n.
CacumeN;, n. 3. the top, a sharp point — cacu'minsite, v.
Cadaver,, n. 3. (^d cado), a carcase, a dead body,
cadav'erous, a.
* This signification of the word Cabal, it is said, owes its original to the
five Cabinet Ministers in Charles the Second's reign; CUfford, Ashlei/,
Buckingham, Arlin-gton, and iMuderdale ; this junto were known by the
name or the Cabal,-— a word which the initial letters of tlicii names liap-
pcned to compose.
Cad-Oj v. 3. to /all: as, ca'dence, a. /allmg (of tha
voice) ; cas'ual, belonging to a fall or accident ;
coin'ci(/ence, a /ailing in together.
ac'cirfence, n. cas'walness, n.
ac'cirfent, n. cas'ualtjj n.
accirfen'tal, n. & a. cas'uist, n.
acciden'taUy, ad. c««Mis'ticalj a.
cas'u'istry, n.
ca'dence, n.
ca^dency, n.
ca'rfent, a.
cascade', n.
case, n.
cas'u3\, a.
cas'u?^\y, ad.
coincide', v.
coin'ctrfence, n.
coin'cident, a.
deca'dency, n.
decay', v. & n.
decay'er, n.
decid'uovLS, a.
in'cideuce, n.
in'cideiit, a. &. ru
inciden'tal, a.
incicfen'tally, ad.
indecid'uous, a.
occa'^ion, n. & v.
occa'sional, a.
occa'siona,lly, ad.
occa'sioner, n.
oc'cirfcnt, n.
Calamit-^Sj /. 3. (a calamusj a reed), a misfortune,
calam'ity, n. calam'iious, a. calam'itonsness, n.
C^B-o, V. 3. to cut, to kill : as, incesi'on, a cutting
in ; howi'icide, killing a man, or one who kills a
man ; su-'icide, killing one's self-
circumcise , v.
circumcisi'on, n.
concise', a.
concise'ly, ad.
concise'ness, ?».
concision, n.
decide', v.
deci'der, v-.
dece'^i'on, n.
deci'sive, a.
deci'sWely, ad.
deci'siveness, n.
deci'sory, a.
de'icide, n.
tKcise', n. & V.
excwc man , n.
e^scisi'on, n.
fil'icide, n.
frat'vicirfc, n.
hoTCi'icide, n.
honvci'dd^., a.
incised', a.
incisi'on, n.
inci'sive, a.
inci'sOY, n.
inci'sory, a.
incJs'ure, n.
indecJsi'on, n.
infan'ticic?^, n.
mat'ricirfc, n.
xaxn'ticide, n.
par'ricic/e, n.
parrict'rfal, a.
parricirf'ious, a.
precise', a.
precisely, ad.
precise 'uess, n.
precis'ian, n.
precisi'on, n.
preci'sive, a.
recisi'on, n.
TCg'icide, n.
soror'icirfe, n*
C/E 125 CAL
su'iclde, n. uiicircumcwi'on, n. unexmed', a.
tyran'niceV/^, n. undeci'rfed, a, \i\ox'\cide, n.
iincircumcj^ed', a. undeci'^ive, a. \cit'icide, n.
C^s-C7s, p.p. (a ceedo), cut. (See Ccedo.)
Calx, 1 /. 3. limestone, any substance reducible to
Calcis_, j powder by burning.
calx, n. calcina' tiowy n. uncarciwed, a.
calcine', v. calcin'aiory, a.
Calcvl-us, m. 2. fd calx), a small stone or pebble,
used anciently in the operations of numbers; hence,
an account or reckoning : as, cal'culoXe, to reckon.
cal'cul-dte, V. cal'culatoiy, a. cal'culus, n.
calcula'tion, n. cal'culous, a. iucal'culdhle, a.
cal'culaiing, a. cal'cule, n. miscal'culate, v.
calcula'tor, n.
Cale-0, v. 2. to be warm or hot : as, cal'efy, to make
or gi'ow hot ; cal'id, hot or burning.
cal'efy, V. carenlure, n. calorific, a.
calefac'tion, n. ca/'id, a. inca/es'cence, n.
calefac'tory, a. calid'ity, n. inca/es'cency, n.
ca/'drouj n. calor'ic, n. scald, v. &, 11.
Caligo, mis, /. 3. da7-kness.
caliga'tiou, n, calig'inous, a. calig'inonsness, n.
Cal-os {kccXo?), beautiful — ca/^'g'raphy, n.
Call-17S, m. 2. the skin on the feet or hands, or any
other jMrt of the body, hardened by exercise; hai'dness.
ca?'/ous, a, callos'ity, w. cal'lus, n.
caZVousness, n.
Calumni-^, /. 1. a false accusation, slander : as, ca-
lum'niatox, one who forges /a/^e accusation.
caVumny, n. calu7n'niate, v. calum'niatox, n.
calum'nious, a. calumnia' tion, n.
Calypt-0 (x<»Ay3-T(!y), to cover, to veil.
a\\oc'alupse, 71. ^\>ocalyp't\Cd\,.a, ayocali/p'tkaWy.nd,
L 2
Campt-o {KUf^vToi), to bend.
anaeamp'/ics, n. anacamp'tic, a.
Caup-us, to. 2. a plain, an open field ; tents in ths
fields : as^ encamp', to fix or pitch tents.
camp, n. & v. cham'paign, n. decawjo'ment, ».
campaign', n. champagne', n. encamp', v.
campes'tral, a. decamp', v. encamp'ment, n.
Cancer, m. 3. a crab-fish, a virulent swelling, an eating
sore : as, can'ceraXQ, to become an eating sore.
can/cer, n. can'cerous, a. canc'rine, a.
can'cerate, v. can' cerousness, n. can'ker, n. & v.
Cande-o, v. 2. to be white, to glow like a coal, to set
on fire : as,can'didaite,* one who solicits for a place ;
mcen'diary, one who sets houses on fire, or who
inflames faction.
can'dent, a.
nccen'sion, n. can'dicant, a. incen'diary, n.
can'di?y, v. can'dle, n. in'cense, n,
ca7i'douT, n. can'dlestick, n. incense', v.
can'did, a. Can'd]ejnas, n. incen'sion, n,
can'didly, ad. chandelier', n. incen'sor, n.
can'rfidness, n. chandler, n, incen'sory, n.
^can'didate, n. excandes'cence, n. incen'l'i\e, n. & a.
Canis, c. 3. a dog, the dog-star.
can'ine, a. canu/ular, a.
Cano_, v. 3. to sing : as, can'ticle, a little song.
ac'cent, n,
accent', v.
axxenifuaie, v.
&ccentua't\on, n.
accent'ual, a.
archchan'ier, n.
cano'rous, a.
cant, n. & v.
canta'ta. n.
canticle, n.
can' to, n.
chant, V. & n.
chanfer, n.
chan'lress, it.
chan'try, n.
chan'ticleer, n.
charm, n. & v.
char'med, a.
char'mer, n.
char*mmg, a.
char'mingly, ad.
char'mingness, n.
decant', v.
decan'ter, n.
decanta'tion, n,
decharm', v.
des'cant, n.
descant', v.
* Those who sought preferments, among the Romans, were called can-
iidati, from a white robe (a toga Candida) worn by them, which wa« re«
dered shining (candens) by the art of the fuller.
cnchant'j v. recan'ier, n.
enchan'tbT, n. incanta'iion, n. recania'tion, n.
enchan'tress, n. incan'tatory, a. Tecan'tatory, a.
enchan' iingly, ad. -precen'tor, n. snhcImn'ieT, n.
encAan/'mentj n. recant', v. vatic'fnate, v.
Cantat-1/s, p.p. (a canto), sung. (See Cano.J
CantOj v. 1. (a cano), to sing often. (See Cano.)
Canon {y.otvuv), a rule, a law : as, canon' \z?\, be-
longing to a canon or rule,
can'on, n. can'onship, n. can'onize, v.
can'onisi, n, canon'icsX, a. canoniza't'ion, n.
can'oneis, n. cajion'icalljj ad. uncanon'ical, a.
can'onry, or cawonlcalness, 71.
Capi-0, v. 3. to take, to take in or up, to hold or con~
tain : as_, cap'tisre, one taken (in war) ; capac'iiy,
the power of taking in or containing ; excep'tion,
a taking out ; -percep'tihle, that ma}^ be taken up
or in thoroughly, or observed; antic'2Jyate, to take
up before ; partic'zjoate, to take a part in.
cap'tion, n. conc^i'vableness, n.
accept', V. cap'tious, a. conccp'tion, n.
accep'ier, n. captiously, ad. concep'xMe, a.
ac'ceptable, a. cap' tiousness, n.
s.c'ceptd\Ay, ad. cap'tivate, v. concep'tive, a.
ac'ceptallenes^, n. captiva'tion^ n. concep'iacle, n.
acccjo^abil'ity, a. cap'ti\e, a. & n.
captiv'ity, n.
cap'tOT, n.
cap'twxe, n.
conceit', n. & v.
concQi'tedi, a.
conceitedly, ad.
concci'/edness, n.
concci^less, a.
conceive', v.
cancel' vex, n.
conccj'i'able, a.
Qonceiv'a\i\y, ad.
acceptance, n.
accepta'tion, n.
antic'ijoate, v.
anticijoa'/ion, n.
ca'joable, a.
ca'pableness, n.
capabil'ity, n,
capa'cious, a.
capa'ciousness, n.
capac'iiy, n.
capac'itate, v.
capta'tion, n.
deceit', n.
deceit'ful, a.
decct/'fully, ad.
decci^'fulness, n.
deceive', v.
decei'ver, n.
decci'vable, a.
decci'vableness, n.
deception, n.
decep'iious, a.
decep'iive, a.
dec'eptory, a.
decep^tihle, a.
dec^'pftbil'ity, n.
eman'cipate, v.
emancijoa'^ion, n.
except', V.
excep'tingj prep,
excep'iion, n.
exc^joVionable, a.
excep'tive, a.
excep'tor, n.
imperc^joVible, a.
iinperr?e/j7ibly, ad.
inca'jDable, a.
inco'joableness, n.
inco/jabil'ity, n.
\ncapa'ciovi%, a.
inca/)a'ciousness, n
incapac'itate, v.
incapac'hy, n.
incep'iion, n,
incep't'we, a.
incip'iewt, a.
inconcei'uable, a.
\nconcei'vah\y, ad.
inconc^jo'^ible, a.
intercepi', v.
interc6:j97ion, n.
iutercip'ieutf n.
jnax/ciple, n.
mi%a.ccepta't\on, n.
xnx^conceit' , n.
laisicoucep'tion, n.
mxinic'ipal, a.
occupancy, n.
oc'cupantj n.
occupation^ n.
oc'cupy, V.
oc'cupier, n.
pattic'ipahle, a.
partic'j/)ant, a.
partic'tjsate, v.
Y>aTticipa'lioti, n,
par'ticiple, n.
"paxticip'ial, a.
partic?'/>'ially, ad.
'perceive', v.
percei'yable, a.
percei'vahly, ad.
■percep'don, n.
percep'lihle, a.
percep'tihly, ad.
•perceptihWity, n.
peicep'tive, a.
petcip'ient, a. & n.
pxe'cept, n.
pxecep'tive, a.
precep'tox, n.
prec'epioxy, n.
pxeconceif, n.
preconceive', v.
pxeconcep'tion, n.
pxeoc'cupa't'ion, n.
pxeoc'cupancy, n.
pxeoc'cupy, v.
prince, n.
princess', n.
princc'dom, n.
princclike, a.
princely, a. & ad.
princeliness, n.
px'm'cipal, a. &. n.
prin'cipally, ad.
principality, n.
princip'alness, n.
pxxa'cipie, n. & v.
receive', v.
recei'vex, n.
recei'vable, a.
recei'ue^/ness, n.
receipt'^ n.
xec'eptacle, n.
recej^^ibil'ity, n.
lecep'tion, n.
xecep'tive, a»
xec'ip'e, n.
recip'ient, n.
xecupera'tion, n.
8uperconcej97ion, n.
suscejo'^ible, a.
suscep^ibil'ity, n.
suscejo'dve, o.
snscip'iericy, n.
suscijo'ient, n.
unac'cej9^able, a.
unconcei'uable, a.
unconceiued', a,
undeceive', v,
undecei't;able, a.
undeceiued', a.
nnoc'cupieA, a.
unpercei'tjed, a.
unpercei'uedly, ad»
unprin'cijoled, a.
uureceiued', a.
unsusce/)7ible, a.
Capill-L7S, m. 2. (capitis pilus)^ the hair.
cap'ilhry, a. copil'lament, n. capilla'ceous, a.
Caput, itis, n. 3. the head : as^ decap'itaiej to take
the head off or fi'om ; cap'italj belonging to the head.
hicip'ital, a. cap'tainry, n. Tp^tcip'itant, a.
hicip'itous, a. captainship, n, jprecip'itanily, ad.
cap, n. & V. chap'iter, n. -precijy itate, v. a.
cap-a.-p'ie, ad. chap'ter, n. & n.
cap'iial, a. & n. chap'trel, n. precip'i/ately, ad.
cap'itaWy, ad. decap'itate, v. •precipita'lion, n.
capita'iionj n. oc'ciput, n. preeijD'i/ous, a.
capit'ulary, a. occip'iialj a. recapWulate, v.
eapit'ulate, v. -pTec'lpice, n. Tecapiinla'lion, n.
capitiila'tion, n. precijo'i^ance, n. Tecapit'ulalory, a.
cap'tain, n. precip'i/ancy, n. cape, n.
Capsul-^, /. \.(a capsa, a chest), a small chest or box.
hicap'sular, a. cap'sulaie, a. multicajo'^w/ar, a.
cap'sulax, a. cap'sulatedj a. -pentacap'sulaT, a.
cap'sulary, a,
Capt-i/s, p. p. (d capio), taken. (See Capio.)
Carbo, on-is, m. 3. a coal : as, car'buncle, (a small
coal), a gem resembling a coal.
carbon'ic, a. car'huncle, n. carbuu'cular, a.
carbon'arism, n. car'bunc\ed, a. carbiincula'tion, n.
carbona'cecvis, a.
Carcer, m. 3. fd con et arceo, to di'ive), a prison : as,
mcar'cej'&iej to put into prison.
car'cera], a. incar'cerate, v. incarcera'iion, n.
disincar 'cerate, v.
Cardo, in-/5, m. 3. a hinge, a point.
*car'dina]., a. & n. car'dinalate, or c«r'(/ino/ship, w.
* A Cardinal is so styled, because serviceable to the Apostolic See, as
an axle or hinge on which the whole go\ernment of the Church turns ;
or, as they have, from the Pope's graut, the hinge and government of the
Romish Church.— ^y/i^.
char'nel-hoMse, n.
excar'nate, v.
excarwifica'tion, n.
iucar'nsite, a. &v.
incarna'tion, n.
imcar'nativej n.
uncar'wate, a.
Oardi-j {kx^ix), the h-eart : as, cay'diac, cordial.
carrft'acai, a. carrfial'gia, n. pericar'dinm, n.
car'diac, a.
Cari-eSj f. 5. rottenness.
ca'ries, n. carios'ity, n. ea'rious, a.
Caro, \ f, 3. flesh : as, incar'?2ate, having put on
Carnis^ J flesh; carnWoxows,, ^iwg flesh.
car'nage, n. car'nify, c.
car'na], a. car'nival, n,
car'?iaY[y, ad. car'neous, a.
carjial'ity, n. car'nous, a.
car'nalnc%?^, n. cai'nos'ity, n.
earna'tion, n. carniv'orous, a.
carnel'ion, or car'uncle^ n.
cornel'ian, n. char'neXj n.
Carp-U5j m. 2. fruit; the wrist.
xnetacar'pus, n. pericar'^ium, ti.
Cartilago, in-/5, /. 3. a grille or tendon.
car'tilage, n. cartilaff'inous, a.
Car-17s_, a. dear J kind.
caress', v. & n. cher'ish, v. cher'isher, n.
Oastig-0, v. I. to chastise, to punish.
cas'tiyaiQ, v. chas'ten, v. chasii'ser, n.
castiga'tian, n. chastise', v. chas'lisevaent, n.
cas'tigatoxy, a.
QxsT-vs, a. pure, chaste : as_, chas'tliy, a beingjoz/r^,
chaste, a. chas'tity, n. inces'iuonsly, ad.
chastely, ad. incest', n. unchaste', a.
chaste'ness, n. inces'tuous, a. unchas'iiiy, n.
Cas-us, p.p. fd cado), /alien. (See Cado.J
Caien-a, f. \. a chain, a link : as, cat'enaiQ, to chain.
catenate, v. catena'rian, a. covxaiena'tion, n.
catena' tion, n. concatenate, ik
Cavall-o (Ital. a caballusj m, 2. d tcxZaXMi;), a horse.
cav'alcadcj n. cavalierly, ad. cav'ahy, n.
cavalier' J n. & a.
Cavill-^, f.\. a cavil t a jest, a taunt or jeer.
cav'il, V. & n. cav'illingly, ad. cavilla'tioi\j n.
cav'iller, n. cav'illous, a.
Cay-us, a. hollow : as^ exca't'ate, to hollow out.
ca'vate, v.
cava'tiouj n.
cav'ity, n.
cave, n.
cav'em, n.
cav'eruedi} a.
cav'ernouSj a.
con'cave, a.
con'caveuef^Sf n.
concav'ity, n.
cor\cava't\on, n.
conca'ro-con'vex, a.
conca'wous, a.
conco'wously, ad.
encave', v.
exca ?;ate, v.
cor\ca'vo-con'cave,a.excava'tioiiy n.
Caul-is, m.3. a stalk or stem,
caulif 'eions, a. caul'iRower, n.
Caus-^, f.\. a caitse, origin, a reason : as, accuse^,
to lay a cause to (any one), to blame.
excu'aahle, a,
excu'sahleness, n.
excu'satory, a.
inexcM'^able, a.
inexcM'i'ably, ad.
inexrw',sableness, n.
recu'sant, n.
accuse', v. cau'sdble, a.
accu'ser, n. cau'sal, a.
accu'sable, a. causal'iiy, n.
accusa'iior\, n. causa' tion, n.
accu'sative, a. cau'sative, a.
accu'satory, a. causa'tor, n.
cause, n. & v. excuse', v. & n.
vau'ser, n. excu'ser, n.
caicseless, a. excuseless, a.
causelessly, ad.
Caustic-OS {Kxva-riKog, d y.c/Au, to burn), burning.
caus'tiCy a. & n. cau'ierize, v. cau'tery, n.
caus'tical, a. cauteriza'tion, n. hoVocaust, n.
CautiOj on-is, /. 3. fd caveo, to beware), caution,
wariness, warning : as, \Ticau'tii-/j), a swelling y a tumour : as, hy'droce/e, a
watery tumour or swelling.
hron'cYiocelej n. eniex'ocele, n. Bui'cocele, n.
bubon'oce/gj n. hy'diocele, n. spermat'ocg/e, n.
Ced-Oj v. 3, to goj to give up^ to yield : as, antece'f/-
ent, ^oing before ; mterces'soYj one who goes be-
tween, (a mediator) ; d^zcede', to give up to, to come
to ; ^roceed^ to go forward ; recede', to go back,
aVscess, n. exceed', v. recede', v.
accede', v. excee'ding, a. & ad. recess', re.
access', n. excee'diuglj, ad. recessi'on, n.
accessi'on, n. excess', n.
acces'sible, a. exces'sive, a.
ac'cessary, n. & a. exces'sively, ad.
inacc^s'^ible, a.
ac'cessory, a. iuces'sant, a.
ac'f^j^orily, ad. inc^^'^antly, ad.
antecede', v. intercede', v.
antece'rfent, a. & n. interce'der, n.
antece'dently, ad. intercessi'on, n.
int-p-rres'soi, 71.
antece'dence, n.
anteces'sox, n.
cease, v. & n.
cease1e%%, a.
cede, V.
cessa'tion, n.
cessa'vit, w.
ces'sible, a.
cess\}a\S!iiy, n.
ces'sion, n.
ces'sionary, a.
ces'soT, n.
concede', v.
conces'sion, n.
conces'sionary, a.
conces'sive, a.
conces'^ively, ad.
decease', n. & v.
decessVon, n.
■precede', v.
prece'dence, n.
•pxece'dency, n.
pxece'dent, a.
■pxece'denily, ad.
■prec'edeni, n.
■precessVon, n.
predeceased', a.
Y)re6.eces'sox, n.
■proceed', v. Sen.
proceed' ex, n.
pxoceed'ing, re.
pxoce'dnxe, re.
proc'ess, n.
pxocessVon, n.
processi'ondl, a.
procetii'onary, a.
retroc^s^i'on, n.
recede', v.
sece'der, re.
secessi'on, n.
sncceda'neons, a.
succeda'nenm, re.
succeed', v.
succeed'er, n,
success', n.
succes^'ful, a.
s'uccess'^uWy, ad.
succe^s'fulness, re.
succ^^si'on, n.
■^ucces'sixe, a.
succes'sively, ad.
sixcces's'weness, n.
successless, a.
sxxc'cessor, re.
surcease', v. & re.
unacces'sible, a.
unprec'ecfented, a.
unsuccee'cfed, a.
unsuccess'ful, a.
unsuccess'fully, ad.
unsucces'sive, a.
Ceed (Eng, for cedoj, to go, (See Cedo.)
Celebr-is, a. renowned, much spoken of: as, ce/'-
ebrate to make renowned, to praise.
cel'ebrate, v. cele'brious a. celebYity, n.
celebra'tion, n.
cel'ebratoT, n. iccel'ebia,te, v.
CeleRj a. swift, quick : as, celer'itj, a being swift.
acceVerate, v. accel'erative, a. celer'ity, n.
accelera'tion, n.
CiELEST-iSj a. (d cseluiHj n. 2. heavcu), heavenly,
celes ^ial, a. Sen. &\y^txceles'tis\, a.
celes'tisXly, ad. %uhceles'tid\, a.
CiELEB-Sj a. single, unmarried.
ceVibacy, n. cel'ibate, n.
Cell-^_, f. 1. a cellar : as, ceriule, a little cell.
cell, n. cel'larage, n. cel'lular, a.
cellar, n. cel'lari^t, n. cel'lvXs, n.
Cels-ltSj a. high, lofty, elevated, noble.
cg/'s2tude, n. ex'ceZ/ency, n. ex'cellently, ad.
excel', V. ex'cellent, a. superex'ce//ent, a.
ex'cellence, n.
Cel-0, v. \. to hide, to conceal.
conceal', v. conc^a7edness, n. coxiceaVvnent, n.
concea'ler, n. conceaVedly, ad. inconc^a'/able, a.
coxicea'ldblQ, a. coucea'lmg, n.
Cens-eo, v. 2. to think, to judge, to value, to blame
as, censo'rious, given to censure or blame.
cense, n. censoViousness, n. cen'sxi?,, n.
cen'sorYike, a. cen'sual, a.
cen'sOT, n. cen'sorship, n. cen'suring, n.
cmso'rial, a. cen'snre, n. & v. cess', n. & v.
censo' risio., a. cen'surer, n. cess'ment, n.
censo'rious, a. cen'surahle, a. recen'sion, n.
censo'rious\y, ad. cen'surahleness, n,
Cend-o (comP- form o^caiideo), toburn. (SeeCa?ideo.J
Cens-us (comP- form ofca7isusJ, burnt. (See Candeo.J
Centr-173/ (Kivr^ov), the middle or centre : as^ cen'~
trdX, belonging to the centre or middle.
cen'tre, n. & v. c^n/rip'etal, a. eccen'tric, a. Sc n.
cen'tral, a. coucen'tre, v. eccen'trlcal, a.
cen'traWy, ad. concen'tric, a. eccetiiric'hy, n.
centraVity, n. concen'triceX, a. geocen'lric, a.
cen'tric, a. cor\cen'trica!Wy, ad. heliocentric, a.
cen'tricaX, a. concentrate, v. -paracen'iric, a.
i;entrif'aga\, a. concentra'tiorij n. ■paracen'trical, a.
Ce'ST-um, a. a hundred, 100 •* as^ cen'tuYj, a hun-
dred, a hundred years, (usually applied to time.)
cenl, n. cejites'imal, a. Sen. cera/u'plicate, v.
cen'iage, n. C(?n/ifo1ious, a. centu'riaie, v.
cen'tenaxy, n. cen/il'oquy, n. centuria'tox, or
cen'laxy, n. cen'tipeA , n. cen'turi?,t, n.
centen'nial, a. ceii'lu-ple, a. & v. centu'rion, n.
Cephal-e {Ki(pciXyi), the head : as, acejyh'alous, with-
out a head ; hydroceph'alus, water in the head.
aceph'alist, n. huceph'alns, n.
aceph'alonfi, a. cephalaVgia, n. hydixoceph'aiw^, n.
hiceph'aloM^, a. cephal'ic, a.
Cept-17s (comP-form oicaptus), taken. (See Capio.)
Cer-j, /. 1. icax : as, sincere', "without wax or var-
nish, (unmixed, pure, honest.)
ce'rate, n. incera'tion, n. sinc^?'^'ly, ad.
ce'rated, a. incer'aiive, a. sinc6?re'ness, n.
cere, v. insincere', a. sincer'ity, ?i.
cere'cloth, n. insincerely, ad.
cere'ment, n. insincerity, n.
ceru'niQn, n. sincere', a.
Ceras (ke^*;), a horn.
ceras'tt^, n. monoc'eros, n. rhinoc'ero.*?, n.
Cerebr-um, n. 2. f//e brain.
cer'ebrum, n. cer'eWaX, a. cei''ebel, n.
Ceremoni-^,, /. 1. a rite, a form.
cer'emoiij, n. ceremo'niaWy. ad^ ceremo'nionsly, ad.
ceremo'nia.\,a.&n. ceremo'nious, u. ceremo'niousness,n.
CereSj /. 3. the goddess of corn; corn — cerea'lioxis, a.
Cern-o, v. 3. to separate by a sieve, to sift, to see, to
distmguish, to judge: as^ ^i^cern' , to separate asiin-
dei'j to see, (to distinguish, to judge) ; disc^'eri'oiij
the art of separation, or skill in separating ; s^'cret,
separate and laid aside, (kept hidden.)
concern', v. & n. discrimitia'iion, n. secern', v.
discrim'ifiahle, a. se'cret, a. n. & v.
discrz??j'i?2ateness,n.seVrfdy, ad.
distTm'.'nativCj a. se'crecy, n.
excern', v. se'cre/ness, n.
ex'fjfment, n. se.'creiht, n.
escreme?i'la[, a. sec'retary, n.
cacremeniiX.Vous, a.secVe/arishipj n.
txcre'lion, n. secrete', v.
ex'' retive, a. secre't'ion, n.
cx'cretory, a. secretiii'ous, a.
ip.disc^r'/iible, a. secre'iory, a.
indisr^r'?iibly, ad. unconcern', n.
coiicer'nedly, ad.
conccr/i'ment, n.
concer'nmg, a.
decern', v.
decree', v. & n
decre'fal, a. &. n.
decr^7ist, 7i.
dec'retory, a.
discern', v.
discerii'mevA, n.
dy.cer'ner, n.
discer' n\h\e, a.
d'lscer'mhly, ad.
indis' 7*^^/', a.
difcer' mhleness, n. indiscreeily, ad.
dhcei-'ning, a. & n. indiscrete', a.
di^cer'ningly, ad. indiscreti'on, n.
unconcerned', a.
nnconcer'nedly, ad.
unconcerned' nesSyUm
discreet', a,
discreet%^, ad.
discreei'ness, n.
discrete', a.
discretion, n.
discrcti'onal, a.
di^-rcti'onary, a.
dii^cre'li\'e, a.
undisr^raed', a.
undiscer'nedly, ad.
indiscriyn'inate, a.
indiscrim'inating, undiscern'ihle, a.
a. undisc^r/i'ibly, ad.
indiscrimina'tion,n.iii\discern'ing, a.
rec'reinent, n. xindiscreel', a.
recremen'tal, a. undiscreetly, ad.
d\iicrbn'inate,v.&.a .recrementiti'ous, a. unst'cret, r. t^ a.
diicrim'iuate\y,ad. .
Cerpo, r. 3. (comP- form o^ carpo), to cull or plucky
to select: as, excerpts', what is culled out, or selected.
decerpt', a. discerptihil'ity, n. excerp'tion, n.
dec^rjo'/ible, a. diacerp'sion, or indiscer'piiAe, or
dccerp'iion, n, di%cerp'tion, n. indiscerp7ible, a.
excerp', or
discer'pihle, or excerpt', v.
discerp'/ible, a. excerp'ior, n. iudiscerjtjibil'ity, or
di^cerpihiViiy, or excerpts', n. indiscerjo/ibil'ityjn.
Cerpt-c7S (comP- form o^carptus), culled. (See Cerpo.)
Cert-Oj v.\. to contend, to strive: as^ concerf, to
strive together (in private to make a settlement.)
concert', v. concer'to, n.
con'cert, n. disconcert', v.
Cert-175, a. certain, sure : as, ascertain', to make
one's self sure ; cer'ti^j, to make another sure.
ascertain', v. cer'te%, n, \ncer' titxi.de, n.
ascer^ai'nable, a. cer'tify, v. incer'tain, a.
ascertai'ner, n. certifier, n. incer^ainly, ad.
asceWain'ment, n. certii'icate, n. &. v. incer'tainty, n.
cer'tain, a. cc>"/jfica'tion, w. uncer'tain, a.
cer'tainly, ad. cer'tit\ide, n, nncer'tainty, n.
cer'taivity, n.
Cervix, Tcis, /. 3. the neck — cer'vicoX, a.
CiESPEs, caespitis, m. 3. a turf- — cespititi' ous, a.
Cesso, v. 1. Cd cedo), to cease, to (/ive over. (See Cedo.J
inces'sant, a. inces'santly, ad. inces'sable, a.
Cess-us^ p. p. Cd cedo), ^one, given up. (See Cedo.)
Cerule-c/s, a. blue, azure, sky-coloured,
ceru'lean, a. ceru'leons, a. ceruM'iCt a,
Cet-us, m. 2. a whale — ceifa'ceous^ a.
Chagrin, m. (Fr.), ill humour, vexation,
chagrin', n. &. v.
Chalc-os {xu>.K ^^ mark, a stamp; peculiar
disposition, or mark of reputation.
char'acter, n. characteris'tically, char'acferize, v.
characteris'iic, a. ad. char'acterlesi>,, a,
& n. char'acterism, n.
character is' tical, a.
ChariSj itos (;»i«g'?^ ^Tog), joy, grace, love.
char'ity, n. xnnchar'itahle, a.
char'itdh\e^ a. eu'c/tarist, n. nnchar'itahly , ad.
char'itahly, ad. eucharis'tic, a. unchai''itahleness,
char'itahleness, n. eucharis'iical, a. n.
Cherub (21^), a celestial spirit, tie.rt in order to
the seraph.
cher'tihy n. cherti'dic, or cher'ubm, a. & n.
cher'ubim, n. pi. cheru'bical, a.
Cheval, m. (Fr.)j a horse.
chevalier', n. chiv'ahy, n. chiv'alrows, a.
Chicane, /. (Fr.), artifice, cavil, sophistry.
chicane', n. 8c v. chica'ner, n. chica'nery, Ji.
Chiltoi (x'>^toi), a thousand, 1000.
chil'iad, n. chil'iaTchy, n. chil'iast, n.
chil'iarch, n. chiliae'dron, n.
Chim.^ra, /. 1. (;^<^5tio>5^a?), the cartilage of the breast-bone;
the liver, the spleen *; as, hypoc/^owWr/ac, one who
is melancholy, or disordered in imagination.
aii'thypocAon'o?rtac, "hypochon'dria., n. hypochondri'aci^m,
a. hyipochon'dria.c, n. n.
hypochon'dry^ n. & a. hypocAo»c?ri'asis,n.
•hypoc/ion.'(/res, n. hypocAowc?n'acal,a.
Chor-us, m. 2. rt company or ^awo? of singers.
choir, n. cho'raWy, ad. c/ioir- service, n.
cAfcVal, a. choYist, n. cho'rus, n.
chor'isteTj n.
Chord-^j /. 1. i^o^^yi)} a gut, a string; a rope,
chord, n. & v. cord, n. & v. cordelier, n.
chordee', n. cor'ded, a. mon'ochord, n.
clai'ichord, n. cor^dage, n. -pen'tachord, n.
Chor-eo ixi^^iti), to go, to retire.
anacA'orete, or an'choriie, n.
* Hypochondres are the two regions lying on each side the cartUago ensi-
fm-mis, and those of the ribs, and the tip of the breast, which have in the
one the liver, and in the other the spleen. — Quincy. The blood moving
too slowly through the celiac and mesenteric arteries, produces various
complaints in the lower bowels and hypochondres; whence such persons
are called hypochondriac. — Arbuthnot on Aliments. Those affected with
this disease always appear dejected and melancholy, or disordered in ima«
CHO 139 * CHY
Chor-os {^c^^og), a place, a country, a tract of land:
as^ c/^orog'raphy, a description oi a particular coun
try or tract of land.
cAorog'raphy, n. c/iorograph'ical, a. c^orograpli'ically,
cAorog'rapher, n. ad.
Christ-os (;i:j?«5rofj a x^iu, to anoint), anointed :
as, Christ, the anointed, (our Lord and Saviour.)
tLii'tichrist, n. chrism, n.
antic7iri67ian, a. chris'ti^rasvn, n- chris'mal, a.
& n. christiaiVity, u. chris'om, n.
a.T\tichris'iia.msm,n.chris'iianize, v, chris'feu, v.
B,ntichrislian'ity, n. christiatiiza'tion,n.(hris'tendom, n.
Christ, n c/jn's^ianog'raphy, c/jris7ening,n. &a.
chri^'lian, n. 8c a. n. unchris'tian, a.Siv.
chris'tian[y,ad.Si.a.chris'lmas, n. uuchrisUianly, a.
c/irij'7ianlike, a. chris'xnas-hox, n. & ad.
chris'tian-namQ,n, chris'matory, n. urtchris'tianness, n.
Chron-os (X'^ovog), time: as, chronoVo^y, the science
of computing iijne ; &yn'chronous, of, or at the
same time.
ana'h'ronism, n. chron'ogram, n. chrono\o^'ica\\y,ad.
anac/ironis'/ical, a. c7iro,70gran/matist, vhronowi'Qttr, n.
antic/iVo;iism, n. n. '\^och'rona\, a.
chron'ic, a. chroJiog'raiihy, n. isoch'ronous, a.
chron'ical, a. cAronog'rapher, n. metar/iVonism, n.
chi'OJi'icle, 71. & V. chronoVogy, n. &yn'chron\sxn, n.
chron'icler, n. chrondVog&x, n. ^yn'chronaX, a.
• chron'i(\Me, n. oAronol'ogist, n. ^ynchr07i'\ca\, a.
cAroraogrammat'- cAronolog'ic, a. syn'chronous, a.
icalj a. c/zro«olog'ical, a. syn'chronize, v.
Chrys-os (x4^^''')} ffold.
chrys'aYis, n. chi-7/so g'ra^^hy, n.
chrys'olite, n. cArysop'rasus, n.
Chyl-os {xv>.o<;, a y^voj or y^.va, to pour or cause to
flow), the nutritive juice like milk formed by di~
gestion : as, c%/a'ceous, consisting of chyle,
chyle, n. chyla'ceous, a. chylifac'tion,
c^?7?fac'tion, n. chylif'erous, a^ c^«7ifica'tiorj, n.
chf/lii-Ac'tive, or chiMac'tory, a. chy'lous, a.
c/ii/itac'tive, a. chi/ liUca'tion, n. chyloipoet'ic, a.
Ch YM-os {x^/^<>'^) ^ X^"} yj^'^^y or %vu, to melt or pour),
fiiiditi/, juice : as^ cduof ochymy , a depravation of
the humours, or a diseased state of the blood.
siVchymy, n. cacochi/m'ic, a. ckt/m'ic, a.
alchi/m'ical, a. cacochym'ical, a. chym'ical, a.
a\chi/m'icaYiy,ad. *chym,'hiry, or chym'\csi!Wy, ad,
aVchymisi, n. chem'htry, n. paren'c^yma, n.
a\chymis'tica\, a. chym'ht, or ■parenchym'atous, a.
aVchym'ize, v. chem'ist, n. paren'cAymous, a.
cac'ochymy, n. chymis'tica\, a. syn'chysis, n.
CiB-c7S_, m. 2. meat, food — ciba'rioxis, a.
Cicatrix, cis, /. 3. the mark of a wound, a scar.
cic'atrix, or cic'atr'ize, v.
cic'atrice, n. cicatriza'iion, n.
CiCH0RE-C73/j n. 2. the herb succory — cichorsi ceoM%, a.
CicuR, a. tame — cic'uraiQ, v.
CiD-o, (Q,ov[]P'?oxviio'LCcedo),tocutoTkill. {See Ccedo.J
CiD-o, (comP' form, of cado J, to fall. (See Cado.J
CiLici-L^v, n. 2. hair-cloth — cilici'ous, a.
* This word is derived by some from j^utt*?, juice, or xvai, to melt; by
others, from an oriental word, kema, black. According to the supposed
etymology, it is written t/ or e. Some deduce it from the name of a person
eminently skilled in the science ; whose name, however, is written both
xiJ.u.yii and z'"^'^i^' Others consider Chemi, the Coptic name of Egypt,
which was the cradle of this science, as the original. — V. Morin. Diet. Etm.
Fr. et Gr '♦ It is derived originally from chemia, and that word from
Cham. — The Egyptians were deeply skilled in astronomy and geometry ;
also in chymistry and physic." Bryant. — Johnson's Diet, by Todd.
Chjmi^-^try is an art whereby sensible bodies contained in vessels, or capa-
ble of being contained therein, are so changed, by means of certain instru-
ments, and principally fire, that their several powers and virtues are there-
by discovered, with a view to philosophy or medicine. — Boerhaave.
Most of the substances belonging to our globe are constantly undergo-
ing alterations in sensible qualities; and one variety of matter becomes,
as it were, transmitted into another. TJie object of chemical philosophy is
to ascertain the causes of all such phenomena, whether natural or artifi
cial, and to discover the laws by which they are governed. — SirH.Davy
ClLi l4l CIT
CiLi'UMj n. 2. the eyelids — cWioxj, a.
CiNCT-i/s, p.p. {a cingo), girded ox girt. (See Cingo.)
CiNG-o^ V. 3. to tie about, to gird or surround : as_,
cin'ctuxe, the thing surrounding.
cinc'tnre, n. ■pTecinct' n. snccinct', a.
cing'le, n. succiwc/iy, ad.
CiNis, 1 m. 3. ashes, embers: zs, cinerit'i' ous, con-
CiNER-is, J sisting of, or resembling ashes.
cin'der, n. cinera'tion, n. ciner'uhnt, a.
€in'der-woman, n. ciiier'eous, a. xncin'era,te,v.8La.
cin'derons, a. cineriti'ous, a. inc'mera'tion, n.
cin'dro\x%, a.
CiPio, (comP' form of capio), to take. (See Capio.)
CiPiT, (comP- fonn oi caput), ths head. (See Caput.)
CiRCUL-c/s, m. 2. (ci circus, m. 2. a circle), a circle,
a ring : as, cii-'culoiQ, to move in a circle, to put
cir'cle n. & v. eneir'cle, v.
ch'cularly, ad. tncir'clet, n.
cir'cled, a. circular'iiy, ii. incir'cle, v.
cir'chr, n. cir'cuhte, v. incir'clet, n.
cir'clvcig^ a. circula'tion, it. sexnicir'cle, n.
cir'clet, n. sevaicir'cled, a.
cir'culaXy a. &. n. cir culatoxy, a.HLn. semicirVu/arj a.
Ci%-us, p.p. (comP* iQXViio^coesus),cut. (SeeCcedo.)
CiT-o, v.l. (a cieo, v. 2. to move or stir), to call, to
cite, to rouse or stir up : as, excite^ to call out, to
rouse; resus'c2Yate, to call up again, to stir up anew.
conci/a7ion, n. ex'cilanU a.
cite, V. excite', v.
ci'ter, n. e\ci'ter, n. excitation, n.
exci^e'ment, n. excitative, a.
cka'iion, n. excisable, a. excising, n.
ci'tatory, a. exci/abil'ity, n. exsus'cvVate, v.
exsusci^a'/ion, 7i.
incite', v.
incJ7er, n.
inciia'tiony n.
incite'ment, n.
xm%cile'f V.
miscita't'wn, n.
misquote'.) v.
misreci'/e', v.
misreci'/al, n.
quote, V.
qzio'ter, n.
quota'iion, n.
quota' (ionist, n.
recite', v.
recital, n.
reci'teT, n.
recita'tion, n.
rticitative'j or
recitativ'o, n.
recitatiwe'ly, ad.
lesus'cJ^atCj v»
resusci^a'/ion, ju
resu^'citatiye, a,
sus'cj/ate, v.
s\iscita'tion, n.
Civ-iS;, c. 3. a citizoi, a free man or woman of a city
or town : as, civ'il, belonging to a citizen, f polite J ;
civiVitj, a being civil, or manners of citizens.
cil'y, n. & a.
cit'ieA, a.
cit'ic\?,\x\, n.
cit'izen, n.
ci/'i^renship, n.
civ'ic, a.
civ'i\, a.
civ'iWy, ad.
ciyil'ity, n.
civil'iaxi, n.
civ'ilize, v.
civ'ilizeT, n.
ciuiViza'tion, n.
ciu'il-war, n.
inciu'il, a.
incivil'ity, ?i.
unciv'il, a.
unciv'illy, ad.
unciu'i/ized, a.
ClaiMj v. (Eng, a clamo), to call, to demand of
right. (See Clamo. J
Clamat-uSj p.p. C^ clamo) J cried, shouted. (See
Clamo. J
Clam-Oj v. 1. to cry, to shout, to call : as, eyiclaim'
to cry out ; proc/am^'rionj the act of calling or
shouting forth (publicly).
acclaim', n. & v.
acclam'atory, a.
claim, V. & n.
clai'mer, n.
c/aj'wable, a.
clai'mant, n.
clam' ant, a.
clum'oxxx, n. &: v.
clam'oixxer. n.
clam'orons, a.
clam'orously, ad.
conclama'tion, n.
Aeclaim', v.
declai'mer, n.
dec/ai'wing, n.
(\.tclama'tion, n.
declama'tOT, n.
declam'atory, n.
dhclaiin', v.
disclai'mer, n.
exclaiyn', v.
exclai'mer, n.
exclama'tion, n,
exclam'atory, a.
irxeclai'mahle, a.
\rreclai'mah]y, ad,
mischmn', ii.
fToclaim', v.
\)roclai'mir, n.
]iiocl(iina'tion, ju
reclaim', v. &. n.
reclai'mahlt, a. reclaimless, a. unproc/aimen', a.
reclai'm-Ant, n. unchiimed', a. unreclaimed', a.
reclama'iion, n.
Clandestin-us, a. (a clam, p\ et adv., without the
knowledge of, secretly), secret, hidden,
claiides't'me, a. clandes'tineness,n. clan'cuhr, a.
clandea'tinely, ad. clan'cularly, ad.
Clang-0, v. 3. to sound as a trumpet, to make a shrill
clang, n. & v. clang'our, n. clang'ons, a.
Clah-us, a. clear, bright, loud, manifest, famous:
as, clar'ify, to make clear or bright ; declare', to
manifest, to make known.
clar'ichord, n. dearly, ad. declare'ment, n.
clar'ify, V. clear'er, n. dec/aVable, a.
c/aHfica'tion, n. clear'ance, n. declara'tion, n.
clar'ion, n. clear'ness, n. declar'ative, a.
clar'inet, n. clear'^ighied, a. declar'atory, a.
declare', v. declar'atorily, nd.
Ctear, a. & v. decla'rer, n. unclar'i^ed, a.
Classici, m. 2. (a class-«5, /. 3. a fleet ; a class), those
of the first or highest class of Roman citizens : as,
das' SIC, an author of the/rs^ order or rank.
class, n. & w. clas'sify, v. clas's\^, n.
clas'sic, a. & n. c/rtssifica'tion, n. unc/a/wc, a.
clas'sical, a.
Claud-0, v. 3. to shut, to close: as, conclu'sior), a
shutting together, (the close or end); exclude, to
shut out ; include', to shut m.
clois'texex, n. clo'ser, n.
clause, n. clois'leress, n. closely, ad.
clau'sme, n. clois'teral, a. c/ose'ness, n.
claus'trs], a. clois'tered, a. do' set, ri. & v.
dois'ter, n. & v- dose, v. n. a. & ad. do'set-sm, n.
clo'sing, n. di&clo'ser, n. mitrclude', v
clo'snre, n. disclo'sure, n.
close 'handed., a. disclu'swn, n. occlude', v
close-bodied, a. enclois'ter, v. occluse', a.
close-compacted, a. enclose', v. occlu'sion, n.
close-couched, a. enclo'ser, n. preclude', v.
c/o^e-curtained, a. enclo'snre, n. ipreclu'sion, n.
close-^'iied, a. exclude', v. prec^ifMve, a.
close-handed, a. exclu'sion, n. prec/u'^ively, aa.
close'-handedness,n.exclu'siomst, n. reclose', v.
close-^eut, a. exclu'sive, a.
close-tongned, a. exclu'siwelj, ad.
recluse', n. &. a.
Tecluse'ly, ad.
xecluse'ness, n.
leclu'sion, n.
reclu'sive, a.
seclude', v.
heclu'sion, n.
conclude', v. inclose', v.
conclu'der, n. inclo'ser, n.
conclu'dent, a. inch' sure, n.
conclu'dency, n. include, v.
conclu'dingly, ad. inc/;i'rfingly, ad.
conclu'sion, Ji. inclu'sion, n.
inclu'si've, a.
inclu'sivelji ad.
conclu'sive, a.
conc/u'i'ively, ad. inconclu'sive, a.
conc/w'siveness, n. inconclu'sively, ad.
disclose', v. inconc^w'^ivenesSjW.
Clavd-us, a. lame : as, c!au'dica,te, to make lame.
clau'dicant, a. clau'dicate, v.
Clemens^ nt-isj a. mild, merciful.
clem'ency, n. clem'ent\y, ad. inclem'ent^ a.
clem'ent, a. inclem'ency, n.
Cler-os (xA))g6?), a lot, a portion.
*cler'gy, n. cler'gyman, n.
* So styled, either from the circumstance, that the tribe ofl.eoi, or the
priesthood, is, in the Old Testament, called ' the inheritance of the Lord,'
and reciprocally God is called their ' itiheritance,' Joshua xiii.33. Ezek. xliv.
28. that tribe being entirely consecrated to the service of God ; or from
the practice of heathen priests, who used to draw lots, either to asceitain
tlie will of the Deity, or prognosticate future events. Formerly clerk was
the usual term for a scholar ; most situations of trust or talent being filled
by the clergy.
cler'gyahle, a. clerk, n. derk^ike, a.
cler'ic, n, & a. clerk'ly, a. & ad. clcrk'ahip, n.
cler'ical, a. clerkless, a.
Clesis (x.Xn,iva), to bend, to lie down, to lean :
as_, incline^, to bend in^ or lean to ; recline^ to lean
clin'ic, a. & n. disinc/ina'^ion, n. inclina'iion, n.
clin'ical, a. disinclined', a. inclVner, n.
dec/e/i'sion, n. cnclit'xc, n. & a. inc/i'«rtble, a.
Adeline', v. & n. enclU'icsl, a, mclin'atory, a.
dec/i'?iable, a. het'troclite, n. & a. indec^i'^able, a.
declina'iion, n. hetexoclit'ica}, a. recline', v. & a.
declina'ior, or Teclina'iion, n.
declin'atory, n. incline', v. nindeclined', a.
disincline', v.
Cljv-us, m. 2. a slope, an ascent.
cl'iff'y, or decli'vous, a,
accliv'ity, n. cliffy, a. -procliv'ity, v.
accli'voxxs, a. clif'ted, a. -p^ocli'voxxs, a.
cUj^, n. dscliv'ity, n.
Clud-0 (comP- form o^claudo'), to shut. (See Claudo.)
Clus-us (comP- form ofclausus), shut. (See Claudo.)
CoAGVi,-UM, n. 2, {ab ago), what is used in ciirdlin
incor'poral, a.
incor'porate,v Sea.
incorporation, n.
incorpo'real, a.
incorjDoV^Hlly, ad.
tiicor'poral, a.
as, decor'ticate, to
decorticate, v.
decor tica' (ion, n.
excorticaVion, n.
* Corps is pronouncec! cnie — pluval covz.
CoRUSc-t/s, a. shining, glitteriiig, flashing.
cortfs'cant, a. corus'cate, v. corusca^tion, n.
CosciN-oN {icoTKivov), a sieve — coscm'omancy, n.
CosM-os (Koo-fiog), order, ornament^ the world : a.s,
cosmet'icj making beautiful; cos'wzical, relating
to the world ; cosmo^onj, the generation or birth
of the world, (the creation) ; co5W2og'raphy, de-
scription (of the general system or affections) of
the world.
cosTOOg'rapher, n. cosmop'olite, n.
cos/Ho^raph'ical, a. xnac'rocosm, n.
iiieg'acosJM, ii.
cosmoplas'tic, a.
cosmora'ma, n.
t'osmopol'itan, n.
cosmetic, a.
cos'micsLl, a.
cos'micaWy, ad.
cosmogony, n.
cosmog'onist, n.
coswog'raphy, n.
CosT-./i, f.\. a rib or side.
coast, n. & V. cost, n.
coas'ier, n. cos'tsl, a
mi'crorosw, n.
microcojs'mical, a.
typ'ocosmy, n.
dil^coast', V.
intercostal, a.
CouNTj (Eng. a con et puto)j to reckon. {SeePuto.^
CouK-jB, V. (Fr. a curro^ Lat.)^ to run. (See Curro.)
CouvR-iR;, V. (Fr. a con et operire), to cover, to hide :
as, disco?/er, to take the cover off, (to disclose.)
cloud-cou'ered, a. cov'ert, n. 8l a. dis^ou'erer, n.
cov'er, V. & 71. cov'er lly, ad.
cov'ercle, n. cov'ertness, n.
cov'erer, n. cov'erture, n^
cov'cring, n. iViscov'er, v.
cov'erlet, n. c.'cred'iiab\e, a.
incred'ihh, a.
incred'ihly, ad.
incred'ibleness, n.
hicredihiVity, a.
incredu'lity, n.
'\wcred'ulo\iL%, a.
incr^cj'w^ousness, n.
uncr^rf'itoble, a.
unrrecf'i/ed, a.
Cre-o,, v. 1. to make out of nothing : as, ere ate, to
make out oj" nothing; cre'atuxe, the thing created,
or 7nade out of nothing,
concreaie', v.
create', v. & a.
crea'tion, n.
crea'tive, a.
crea'lox, n.
crea'tress, n.
crea'tuTe, n.
crea'tural, a.
crea' lurely, a.
xQc'reant, a.
recreate', v.
rec'reate, v.
Tecrea'tion, n.
rec'reative, a.
rec'reatively, ad.
rec'reativeness, n.
ipxo'create, v.
procr^a'/ion, a.
^xo'creativQ, a.
pro'crea^iveness, n. xxncreate', v.
\>xo'creatot, n. wwcrea'teA, a.
^ro'creant, a.
Ckep-0, v. I. to tnake a noise, to crackle, to jingle:
as, discrejo'ancy^ a jingling asunder, {rlifference.)
crep'it&te, v. Aecrepita'iion, n. i\.Wcrepa.ncy, n.
crepita'tion, n. decr^jo'iAiess, 71. dis'trejoant. a.
crev'ice, n. & v. decrejo'i/ude, n.
Aecrep'it, a. dis'crejpance, n. mcrepa'tio'n, n.
dscrep'itate, v.
Crepuscul-173/, 71. 2. (rt crepo), the twilight.
crepus'cide, n. crepus'culine, a. crepus'culous, a.
Cresc-0, v. 3. to grow, to increase : as, concrete', to
grow together (into one mass) ; exfjres'cence, a
growing out (of another \vithout use.)
accrgycent, a.
accretion, n.
accre'tive, a.
accrue', v.
con'creinentj n.
concres'cence, n.
concrete', v. & a.
con'crete, n.
concretely, ad.
concrete'nt%$i, n.
cQwcre'tion. n.
concre't'wQ, a. increase', v.
in'crease, n.
cres'c&nt, a. n. & v. increa'ser, n.
cres'c'ive, a. mcrease'^vH, a.
decrease', v. & re, mcrea's\b\e, a.
decVement, n. m'crement, n.
Aecres'cent, a. recruit', v. & n.
decre'tion, n.
encrease', v.
excres'^ence, n.
excres'cent, a.
xecruit'er, n.
supercres'cence, n,
s uperexcres'cence, «.
wnincrea' sWAe, a.
unrecn«'/'able, a.
Cret-a,/. I. chalk — cre^a'ceous, a,
Cret-u s, p.p.{d CYesco),p'O'i0n,inc)'eased.{SeeCresco.)
Cket-lts,, p.p. {a coxno), sifted, judged. {SeeCer7io.)
Crimen, m-is, n. 3. a crime, an accusation: as,crim'-
inate, to accuse, to charge with crime.
crim'malnesa, n.
crim'inate, v.
crimina'iion, n
crim'inatoxy, a
crim'inoxxs, a.
rccrirmnate, v.
recriviina'tion, n.
XQcrim'inatox, n.
recrim'inatoiy, a.
crime, n.
crime'ful, a.
crimeless, a.
crim'in'dl, a. Sc n
crim'ina\[y, ad.
criminal'ity, n.
Crin-is, 7«. 3. the hair : as, cnwose', full o^ hair.
crmig'erous, a. cri'niie, a. crinose', a.
Crit-es (xgi:, \ /. 3. the cross, an instrument for punish.
:-is, j ing slaves, any ihhig that thwarts or
* Hypocrisy literally signifies a judging one's self undei- a doak, with
the view of imposing upon or deceiving.
cros^-exam'ine, v. cross-ques'tion, v.
cro^s-examina'tionj cross' -xoaA, n,
cross' -•wmA, n.
cro'sieT, n.
cros'sing, n.
crossleg'ged, a.
croslet, n.
crossly, ad.
cross'ness, n.
C7*o*s-pur'posej n.
cru'ciixl, a.
cru'ciXAe, n.
crwcif erousj a.
cru'ci^e~y n.
cru'cify, v.
cru'cifix, n.
crwcjiix'ion, n.
CTu'ci?Qxvn, a.
crucig'exow^, a.
crux, n.
excric'ciate, v.
excru'ciahle, a.
excrucia'iion, ji.
excrucia'ilng, a.
uncrossed', a.
CmJD-us, a. raw, un?-ipe ; cruel: as, cru'dity, a
being hidigested or unriiJe.
crude, a. cru'el, a. Tecru'deucy, w.
crude'ly, ad. cru'elly, ad. recrudes'cent, a.
crude'ness, n. crii'elnoss, n. recrudes'cency, n.
cru'diiy, n. cru'eliy, n.
Cruor^ m. 3. blood from a wound, gore.
cruen'tate, a. cruen'tous, a. mcruen'iaX, a.
CruS;, wc-is, n. 3. the leg — cru'rsX, a. equicrwValj a.
Crust-Jj a crust, a hard substance on the surface of
anything : as^ crMs^a'ceous, consisting of crusts or
crust, n. & V. crus'ty, a. mcrust'.
crustaf ceovi^, a. crus'tily, ad.
cr?/s /a'ceousness, n. crus'tiness, n. incrusta't'ion, n.
crusta'tion, n. d&crusta' txon, n.
Crystall-uSj /. 2. (fc^va-rccXXo?, ci »^v&>, to co?igea!),
congealed ox frozen like ice.
crys'tal, n. & a. crys'tallize, v. crystalUza'tion, n.
crt/s'talline, a.
Crypt-o (x^vTTTra), to hide, to conceal : as, apocVy-
pha, books kept out of sight, or not publiclg com-
municated, or whose authors are doubtful or not
ii.^oc'rypha, n. apocVyp^al, a. apocVyjpAally, ad.
apoc'ryjo^alnessj n. cryp'txc, a. crt/ploVogy, n.
dL];>oc'ryphx\Ut, n. crt/p'('>ca\, a. crj/p(og.i'mia., or
■dpocryph'ical, a. crt/p'CicaWy, ad. cryptog'amy, n.
i'ryptj n. crypfog'taTphy, n. cryptog'&xnous, a.
•CuB-0, V. 1. to lie down, to recline at table ; to diodl
or reside : as, mcu?7i'bentj resting or lying upon.
cum'benty a.
pxcumb'ency, n. decuba'iion, n.
accufn'bent, a. & n. decum'bent, a.
accuba'tion, n. decwm'i^ence, n.
con'cubme, n. decum'bency, n.
concu'binage, n. dectim'biture, n.
cov'ey, n. d'lscu'bitory, a.
dif^ciim'bency, n.
inVufius, n.
incum'bency, n.
incum'htni, a. &. n.
procww'ient, a.
cuh, n. & V.
cu'batory, a.
cuba'tiorij n.
in'ciibate, v.
inciiba'tion, n.
recwm'ience, n.
recum'bency, n.
Tecu77i'bent, a.
saccurnb', v.
nuipenrictun'bent, a.
CuLC-o/hr Calco^ v. I. (« calx_, the keel), to tread upon.
concul'cate, v. incul'cate, v. kick, a. & n.
inculca'tion, n. kic'ker, n.
CuLM-uSj m~ 2. a stalk of corn ; the top or summit.,
cul'm , n. cul'minate, v. culmina't'xon, n.
cul'mifeTous, a.
CvLTN-j,f. 1. a place where meat is dressed, a Jcitchen.
cu' Unary, a.
C\]LV-A, f. 1. a fault, blame : as, e:\cnJ'p:ito, to fi'vc
fi'om alleged blayne or faidt.
c^J'pable, a. excurpahle, a. incurpahle, a.
cnl'pahXy, ad. excul'pate, v. incul'pahly, ad.
cul'pahlenesa, n. exculpa'tion, n. mcul'paWltuef-^, ?j.
culpahiViiy, n. Qxcid'patory, a. wneurpahXe, a.
CuLTiv-ER, V. (Fr. a colo);, to cultivate. (See Colo.)
CvLT-us, p.p. (« colo), tilled, cultivated. (See Colo.)
CuiiB-ofor CuBO; to lie down. (See Cube.)
CuMVL-o, v.l. (rt cumulusj m.2. a heap) ^ to ltd])
up, to increase : as^ accu'mulate, to heap to or
upoii_, to increase.
accu'fnulate,v. &.a. accu'mulatiye, a. cumula'tiow, n.
■dccumula'iion, n. accu'mulatively, ad. cu'mulat'we, a.
?iccu'mula(ory n. cu'nmlate, v.
CvNE-uSj m. 2. a wedge : as, cii'neal, relating to a
cu'neal, a. cu'nealed, a. cune'iCorm, a.
CuPi-Oj V. 3. to desire — cupid'ity, ??.
CvPR-uM, n.2. cojyper : as, coj/pery, containing, or
made of crpjier.
cop'per, n. cop'perish, a. cop'pery, a.
cop' per a?,, n. cop'perv/ork, n. cu'preous, a.
cop'per--plate, n. cop'persmiih, n.
CuRA, /. 1. ca.re, concern, charge, a cure: as^ si'ne-
cure, (an office which has revenue) without emploij-
ment or care ; cu'raie, one who has the cure or
charge (of souls under another.)
ac'curate, a. cu'rer, n.
ac'ciirately, ad. cu'rabh, a.
ac'ci/rateness, n. c^^Vableness, 71.
cii'racy, or
cwVateship, n,
cu'rate, n.
cu'ratiwe, a.
cnra'ior, n.
cti'rions, a.
cu'riously, ad.
cu'riousness, n.
cwrios'ity, n.
inac'cwrate, a.
inac'cwrately, ad
mac' curacy, n.
incM'Hous, a.
incwViously, ad.
ac curacy, n.
care, n. & v.
car ^-cra'zed J a.
care-defy 'ing, a.
care-tuned', a.
C(7i-f-woun'ded, a.
care'hA, a.
care'fully, ad.
carc'fulnesSj n.
careless, a.
Crtrc'lessly, ad.
carelessness, n.
cure, n. Sl V.
CMreless, a.
mcwV?ousness, n.
inczf'riosity, n.
insecure', a.
insecurely, ad.
insecw'rily, n.
Tproc'uraior, or
proc'^or. n.
proc'^rship, n.
proc/o'rical, a.
procw'rable. a.
procwra'don, 71.
Y>rocurato'ria\, a.
procwra'/orship, n,
■proc'uraiory, a.
procure', v.
procwVer, n
proc?iVess, n. secure', a. & v.
procure'ment, n. sectc'rer, n. secwVity, n.
*proa.''3^, n. sec?; rely, ad. sVaecvre, n,
pro-r'^/ship, n. sec?/re'ness, n. unsecwre', a.
CuRR-o, V. 3. to run : as, incwr, to run in ; excwr'-
sioiij a rwwwing out ; precw/«oi% one who rwws
before ; recwrVence, a runnmg back ; suc'cowt*, ?o
?7^?? up, (to help) ; con' course, a running together.
antecwr'sor, w.
career', n. & u.
car'ry, v.
car'rier, n.
car'riable, a.
car'riage, n.
intercwrVent, a.
cur'sorajy, a
cur'sory, a.
cur'sorily, ad.
cur'soriuess, n.
cu'rule, a.
decur'sion, n.
AX^course', n. & v.
disco wr'ser, n.
discowr'singj n.
discor/r'sive, a.
disc?^r'sive, a,
concwrVent, a. & n. dhcur's'iveXy, ad.
concMrVently, ad. discr/r'siveness, n. recur', v.
con'course, n.
concur', v.
concur' rence, n
occur , V.
occzfrVence, ».
occwr'^ion, n.
overcorV^, v.
jiTeciir'soT, n.
precwr'sory, a. & n.
xecar'ry, v.
recourse', n.
couraxit', n. di^cur'sory, a. recur'rence, n.
cou'rier, n. excur'sion, n. recur'rency, n.
course, n. «& v. exc?fr'sive, a. recwrVent, a.
cour'ser, n. excur'sively, ad
cour'sing, a. excur'siveness, n, suc'cour, v. & n.
cur'rent, a. inconcw/ring, a. suc'courer, n.
czir'rently, ad. incu7'', v. suc'courless, a.
cwrVentnesSj n. incwr'sionj n.
cur'rency, n. in'tercourse, n. transczxo'drome, n.
drom'edaiy, n. syn'drome, n. proVromous, a.
orthof/rom'ics, n. h]\)''^odrome, v.
* See under the prefix A, page 39.
Drus O^vi), the oak-tree : as^ dru'id, a priest among
the ancient Gauls and Britons, who performed
worship under cm oak-tre'C.
dru'i^^ n. dru'idism, n. dry'ad, n.
Jr for ^vvof), to put on — endue', v. indue', v.
T>VR-us, a. hard, solid ; lasting : as, du'rate, to grow
or make hard ; durabiUiiy, a being lasting.
du'rahle, a. oh'dur&te, a.
cfw'rably, ad. endu rable, a. oh'diirateVy, ad.
rf7/rableness, n. endure', v. oh' duratenQ?,%, n.
durabil'ity, n. endn'rer, n. ohdura'iion, n.
du'rauce, n. endu' ranee., n. dbduredi', a.
dura'tion, n. in'dur&te, v- per'^wrable, a.
dure, V. xxidura'tion, n. pex'durd)a\y, ad.
dti'ring, oh'dnrAcy, 11. perdura'iion, n.
du'rity, n.
Dynasti-j {Ivvoca-Tiioi, h ^vvxfAan, to be ahle^, power
dy'nasty, n. dyyiam'ics, n.
Dys Qvi), weakness, difficidty :
ficulty of digestion,
anti-d^senter'ic, a. dys'nomy, n.
dt/s'crasy, n. dys'peipsy, 71.
dys'eniexy, n. dys'\}\\.ony, n.
hy^xodynam'ic?,, n.
aS;, c/j/s'pepsy, a dif-
dys'pnce'a, n.
dys'nxy, n.
Ebri-i7S-_, a. drunk, drunken : as, insobri'etj/-^ a not
being without drunkenness ; drunke^mess.
ebri'ety, n. inebri'ety, n. so'ierness, n.
ebrios'ity, n. *ix\%obri'ety, n. so'bermmdedneiiS,n.
ine'briate, v. so'ber, a. sobri'ety, n.
inebria'iion, u. so'berly, ad.
* Insobriety is compouncied of in, not ; sine, without ; ehvius, drunken;
and i'j, a being. See pages 2(;, »>, 04,
P 2
I'cii-Eo QX'^> ^^ ^X?''i sound), to sound, to sound in
the ears of any one, to teach orally : as, cat'ec/ase,
to make sounds in the ears from side to side ; to
teach orally, or hy question and answer.
cat'ecMse, V. cat'^cAism, n. cate cJmmen'iQ^X., a.
cut'echiser, n. ca,techet'\c, a. cch'o, n. & v.
c&.i'echismg, n. Ccitechet'ical, a. echom'etQi, n.
cat'ecAist, n. catechei'ica]ly, ad. echonVetry, n.
catec^i^'/ical, a. cute dm' men, n. le-eck'o, v.
cdtechis'ticaWy, ad. catechu' in euist, n.
Ec-£o {oiKiUj ah oiKog, a house, a household,) to dwell:
as, econora'ic, pertaining to the regulation of a
antffi'ci, n. dioc'esaix, n. Si. a.
*churc/i, n. & v. dischurc^', v.
churc^'-like, a. econ'omy, or
churcA'man, 71. cecon'omy, 11.
churcA-mu'sic, n. ecovom'ic, a.
church, war'densj n. ^conom'ic?.!, a.
chuTch'-yard, n. economically, ad.
econ'omise, v.
dVocese, n. econ'omist, n.
EdemAj at-os {oi^i^fAd, icTOi, ab 0*^05, a swelling), a
ede'ma, n. edem'atous, a.
Kd-es /or JEj)-ES,f. 3. a house; a building: a8,ed'ify,
to make a house, to build j (to instruct.)
econom'icSj or
cecovioxYi'ics, n.
ecumeii'ical, or
cecri me n'ic&l, a.
extra-paro'cAJal, a.
pai-'isA, n. & a.
-parishi'onei, n.
■paw'chial, a.
perice'ci, ?i.
ed'ify, V.
ed'iner, n.
ed'i^ce, n.
Ed-o, v. 3. to eat
eda'cions, a.
edac'ity, n.
* Chm-ch is derived from Kv^ic;, the Lord, and 01x0; or cixia,, a house,
and literally signifies the house of the Lord.
+ Edile, a Roman magistrate who took care of the temples and hidldivgs
pf the city.
edi^cVa\, a. ed'ifying, n & a.
ediG.ca'tion, n. ecf'ifyingly, ad.
ed'i^catory, a. re-ed'ify, v.
+E'dile, 71. re-er<'ifica'tion, w.
: as, ed'ihXe, fit to be eaten.
eleemos'yiiaxy, a. & n.
EleganSj Yit-is, a. (a lego)., handsome, nice.
eVegance, n. el'egs,ni\y, ad. ineVega.nce, n.
el'egancy, n. ine/V^ant, a. inel'effa.ncy, n.
el'egant, a. inel'egantly, ad.
VjLEGI-a, f. 1. {Ixiyuu), a mournfid poem.
el'egy, n. elegi'ast, or elegi'acal, a.
elegi' ac, a. 8c n. el'eg\st, n.
Element-(7M, n. 2. the first principle of any thing,
el'ement, n. elementaVity,n. elementar'ity, n.
elemen'tal, a. elemeu'taxy, a. ttanselemenfa't'ion^n.
Elix-i/s, a. boiled, sodden; moistened.
elix'ate, v. elLva'iion, n.
Elysi-i/m, n. 2. the abode assigned by the heathen to
virtuous souls after death.
elys'ium, n. elys'ian, a.
EmE-O (Iftza), to vomit.
emet'ic, a. & n. emet'ica}, a. emet'icaXly, ad.
* " When certain bodies are rubbed against each other, for instance, amber
or glass upon woollen cloth, small sparks dart from them, and they acquire
the property of drawing light objects towards them, which are almost in-
stantly repelled. All bodies do not possess this property (in the same de-
gree). If, instead of amber or glass, a metal be employed, little or no
effect is produced. The substance first discovered to draw light objects to
itself is amber, theviXixr^ov, electron of the Greeks, and hence the origin of
the word electricity. Many others have since been found to possess the
same quality, as glass, jet, sulphur, wax, resin, silk, fur, and uorsfed.
These are called electrics, because, when rubbed, they excite electriciti/.
Those, on the contrary, which have not this property, that is, those which
do not attract light objects when laibbed, are called non-electrics ; they are
metals, water, and a number of salts and earths. — The most remarkable
property of electrified bodies, is their first attracting and then repelling
light objects."— Fj//e5 Chemistry.
Em-o, v. 3. to huy : as^ redeem'er, one who bu2/s back ;
exempt', bought from, (/ree by privilege) ; -prompt',
brought or taken forth;, {quick; ready,)
exempt', v. & a. per'em/^/orinesSj n. redeem', v.
exempt'ihle, a. \)re-e»i'piion, n. redeem'er, n.
exem'ption, n. *prompi', a. & v. redeem'ahle, a.
exempiiti'ous, a. 'promplly, ad. redt-em'ableness, n.
prom'pter, n. xedem'ption, n.
"prom'pfuary, n. redem'ptory, a.
peremptory, a. prom'jo/itude, n. vnexempt', a.
]peT'emptoYi[y, ad. prowjo^ness, n. unprom'jo^ed, a.
ISiMFT-us, p.p. (ab emo)j bought, taken. (See Emo.
Emul-i/s for MiA\5h-vs, a. vying with ; as^ em'uh
ate, to vie with.
em'ulate, v. em'iilator, n. em'nlous, a.
emula'iion, n. em'ulatvess, n. em'ulously, ad.
em'ulative, a.
En {iv), one — endec'sigon, n.
Enigma /or iENiGMA, at-is, n. 3. (ulnyf^u, otrog, ab
eilvog, a fable, a speech), a riddle or dark saying :
as, enigmat'ic, belonging to a riddle, (obscure.)
e7iig'ma, n. enigmat'ic, a. enigmat'ically, ad.
enig'matist, n. enigmatical, a. enig'matize, v.
Ennea {Ivrcx), nine — e^ine'agon, n. enneafica], a.
Enn-is (comP- form of a?inus), a year. {See Annus.)
Ens-7Sj m. 3. a sword — eti'sihrm, a.
Ens, ent-«5_, p. pres. {a sum, / am; esse, to be), being:
as, aVsent, being fi'om or away ; ^res'ent, being
before or at hand ; en'tiiy, a being or existing ;
•mm-en'tiiY, a not being or existing.
ab'^ent, a. ah&eiit'er, n. co-essen'tia\, a.
ah?,ent', v. ah'iie?ice, n. co-essen'tidiWy, ad.
absentee', n. co-essent\.a\'iiy, n.
* Tluj wor I is derived from pi-ontarc, (Ital.)
ens, n.
en'tity, u.
es'aence, n. & w.
essen'tiaX, a. & n.
essen'iiaWy, ad.
essenlial'lty, 71.
essen'tiate, v.
misrepres5«^'er, n. prese/uee', ji
nnarepresenta'tion, preseri'^er, n.
multipres'e/ic^j 7i-
non-en'tity, n.
omnipres'ence, n.
omnipres'(e7i(', a.
oninipresen7ia], a.
pre.s'«ce, n.
presVnc^-chamber, piese^i'/inient, n.
quint'6'«S£'«c^, 72.
represe?z^', r.
repres^7i^''er, ?i.
represejz^'mentj n.
repre3ento7ion, ?2.
represen^'afive, a. &
wuessen'tiaX, a. [?*.
unin'tere«/ed, a.
unin'tercvf^ing, a.
di^m'texest, n. & v. pres'^;?^, «. & ?^,
clisiii'ter^5/ed, a. pres'e«dy, o^i.
disin'tere5;edness,?i.presg;i/', i?.
disin'ter^5/ing, a. pres^/i^'nient, n.
in'terest, v. presf/i/'able, a.
iu'terest, n. pres^/i^a'w^ous, a.
irrepres^/iVable, a. ■pxe?,enta'lion, n.
misrepresent', v. T^x&^en' tat'we, a.
Enter-OiV {IvTioov, ab Ino?, within), bowels, i)destines:
as, exe^'ferate, to take out the bowels or entrails.
a.ni\d.y%enter'\c, a. enteroVogy, n. mes'enfery, n.
dys'eniery, n. exen'terate, v. mesenler'ic, a.
etiter'ocele, n. eyientera'tion, Ji.
Entom-ojv {\vTof/.o9, ab Iv, in, et iittvi), to cut), an insect.
entomoVogy, n. entomoVogi&t, n. eut07no\og'\csA., a.
Eg, v.irreg. to go. It-us, p.p. gone: as, amb/d'on,"^
a ^oing round ; Qx'it, gone out ; sed^Vi'on, a going
aside, {an insurrection) ; -per'tsh, to go through or
thoroughly, (to die) ; tran's/ent;, ^oing by, pdssmg,
adi'it, n. s.wi'hit, n. amhiti'on^, a.
am'bient, a. *axnhiti'on, n. amb<7J'ously, ad.
* Those who sought honour or preferment, among the Romans, endea-
voured to gain the favour of the people by every popular art, viz. by going
round their houses, (amhiendo, ab am et o,) by shaking hands, by ad-
dressing and naming them, &c. ? hence ambitio, ambition. From the ex-
ternal object, a;)i6irti'ente. a.
coun'ty, n.
ex'it, n. preterid'on, n.
exit'iaX, a. pre'/or, n.
exi^'ious, a. pre'/orsbip, n.
imper'is^able, a. pre^o'rial, a.
mit'iBX, a. preio'rian, a.
init'iaWy, ad.
Epicur-17s_, m.2. (Itiikov^o?'), a philosopJie7"wJio taught
that happiness consisted in luxury, sensual indul-
gence, or gross pleasure.
ep'icure, n. ep'icurhm, n. ep'icur'ize, v.
epicure'an, n. & a.
Ep-os' {iTcoi), a word, a narration.
ep'ic, a. & n. oitho'epy, n. ortbo'^joist, n.
epojpee'j n.
Ept-i7S_, (comP- form (A aptus^, fit. (See Aptics.)
Eful-je, f. }. /easts — ep^uhry, a. epida'tion, n.
Yjq.v'Es, it-is, m.3. {ab equus, m. 2. a horse), a horse-
man, a hnight.
eques'ti'ian, a. & n. equip', v.
equer'ry, n. equip'ment, n. quer'ry, n.
eqm' n<.\\., a, cq'uipag^, n.
Eciv-usyhr JEqjj-us, a. even, equal ; just, rigid: as,
e^?/anim'ity, eve/zness or eqiialwQ^^ of mind ; equi^
lib'rium, e^2/a/ity of weight; e'qf'inox/" equal day
and night; equiY'alent, equal in vakie; eq'uitahle,
what is equal, Just; inad'e^^^ate, not equal to; in-
iq'uitous, not equal, imjust, {wicked.)
ad'equsite, a, equidis'tant, a. equiipon'AeTant, a.
ad'equately, ad. equidis'tantly, ad. equipon'dious, a.
ad'equaterip.ss, n. equi£oY'mity, n. eq'uity, n.
equilat'erai, a. Sen. eq'uitahle, a.
equililiTate, v. eq'uilab]y, ad.
^j-^alibra'tion, n. equi\'a[ence, n.
equiYih'xiwxn, n. equiv'aXency, n.
€qui\\h'xio\xs, a. eqm\'a\&\\t, a. & n.
^^-wilib'riously, ad. equi\'a\.eni\y, ad,
equiVihri^t, n. equiv'ocal, a.
equiriQce^'&ary, a. equh'ocaWy, ad.
•\e'quir\o\, n. e^-wiv'ocalness, n.
equinoc'iia\, a. & n. equi\'ocaie, v.
equinoc'iiaWy, ad. eqiii\ oca'tion, n.
equi\' ocaiox, n.
equipen'dency, n. e'ven, a. & v.
e'qui'^oise, n, e'venly, ad.
equi'pollence, n. e'venne?.%, n.
equiipoVXency, n.
eyMiipollent, a.
CO'C' qua\, a.
co-equa\'ity , n.
e^qudhle, a.
e'guably, ad.
equahil'ity, 7i.
e'qtial, a.n.&v.
e'qually, ad.
e'qualne&s, n.
e'qualize, v.
equaliza'tion, n.
equal'iiy, n.
equang'ular, a.
equarvivii'ity , n.
e^uanlraous, a.
equa'lion, n.
*equa'ioT, n,
equa to'rial, a.
eqiiiang'ular, a.
eqtiicrxi'ra], a.
equidis'tance, n.
e'ven\ianded, a.
inad'equaie, a.
mad'equaiely, nd.
inad'^^'Macy, n.
^g'l^ poll 'derate, v
eqrii^on'dexaiice, n. ine'g'Mal, a
f gwipoii'derancy, n.
* " The equator on the earth, or equinoctial in the heavens, is a great
circle, whose poles are the poles of the world. It divides the globe into
two oqunl parts, the northern and southern hemispheres. It passes through
the e.'st and west points of the horizon ; and at the meridian, is raised as
much above the lioriaon, as is the compliment of the latitude of the place.
Whenever the sun comes to this circle, it maket eqi/ai days and nights all
round the globe, because he then rises due east, and sets due west, which
he doth at no other time of the year." — Harris.
f " Equinoxes are the precise times in which the sun enters into the first
point oi Aries and Libra; for then, moving exactly under the equinoctial
(line), he makes our dai/s and nights equal. This he doth twice a-year,
about the 21st of March and 23d of September, which therefore are called
the vernal and autumnal equinores." — Han-is.
Inegiml'ity, n. une'quahle, a. nne'qualne?,s, n.
ineq'uitahle, a. une'qual, a. uneq'uifahle, a.
iniq'uity, n. une'qually, ad. unequiv'ocal, a.
iniq'iiitous, a. ane'gualahle, a. xxncquiv'oc&Wy, ad.
nne'qualled, a.
Erc-eo (com^- form of arceo, v. 2. ab key-icr), to keep
or ward off,) to drive : as^ ex'ercise_, to drive forth
or out ; coerce' J to drive together,, {to restrai?i.)
coerce', v. disevVrcise, v. ex'erciser, n.
coer'cion, n. exercita'lion, n.
coer'cihle, a. ex'ercise, n. & v. nnex'ercised, a.
coer'ciye, a.
Erem-os Q^Yiuag'), lonely, alone : as^ her'mitage, the
cell or habitation o? a hermxi or one who lives alone.
er'emite, or
her'emite, n.
her'mit, n.
her'tnitSLxy, n.
her'mitess, n.
eremiCical, or
heremit'ical, a.
hermit'ic, a.
hermit'ical, a.
er'emitage, or
hcr'niitage, 11.
Erg-OxV (J^yoy), a work, an operation : as, en'ergy^
a force or power working from within ; chir^o^'^^/ery
or BU7''gQYj, the art of cuiing by manual operation.
c\mur'gery, or GnergefxcaWy, ad. mei'&Wurgy, n.
siirgsry, n.
c\\\xu}''geou, or
sicr'geoi), n.
chirur'^ic, a.
cliirMr'^ical, a.
Qu'ergy, n.
energet'ic, a.
energet'ical, a.
energic, a.
en^r'^ical, a.
ener'gizs, v.
ener'gizQT, n.
George, n.
geo/yic, p. &.a.
met'all^^r^ist, ?i.
metaliwr'^ic, a.
the'tirgy, n.
the?«-'^ist, n.
i\i&ur'gic, a.
t\izur'gic&\, a.
Geor'^ium-Sidus,rt.syngr^is7ic, a.
Err-Oj v. 1. to wander; to mistake: ^•s,,?iberra'tiQn,
the act of wandering (from the right or known
way) ; erro' netms,,. wandering, viistakeii.
aherr', v.
aherra'lion, n. aher'ring, a. er'rable, a.
aher'rauce, n. ar'rant, a. ^rVableness^ n,
siber'rancy, n. arVantly, ad. er'rant, a.
erro'neousiy, ad.
crro'neousuess, ?i.
er'ror, n. .
inerVable, a.
inerVably, ad.
inerVableness, n.
inerj'abil'ity, n.
pererra iion, n.
uner'rabl'-^, a.
unerVableness, n.
une-T-Ving, a.
une^-'riiiglyj ad.
tfr'rantry, n. erro'neousiy, acf, iner'ringly, at/.
erra'lwxn, n.
err a' In, n. pi.
erral'ic, a.
errat'ical, a.
errai'icsMy, ad-
er'rixxg, a.
erro'neons, a.
Erug-0 /or IErvg-o, m-is, f. 3. {ah ess, seris, n. 3.
brass), brass, copper — ei'u'gmouz, a.
Esc-^, /. 1. meat, food; a bait for catching. fish.
es'culent, a. & n. ines'cate, v. inesca^tion, n.
Eso (is-oi), within, in the inmost place-,
esoter'ic, a.
Esse, v. irreg. (« sum, I am), to be. (See Ens.)
EsTiM-o for JEsTiM.-o, V. 1. to value, to rate, to esteem :
as, es'timate, to rate, to compute ; mes'timablQj that
cannot be valued, (be^^ond all price.)
esteem', v. & n. es'fjj/iableness, n.
esieem'er, n. es'iimate, v. & a. ines' fimahle, a.
estee7r/iib\e, a. es'timator, n. ines'timably, ad.
es'timah\Q, a. esiima'tion, n.
EsTiv-t/s for JEsTiv-us, a. summer — es'tiv^, a.
Estu-o for iEsTU-o {ah ssstus, m. 4. heat), to be very
hot, to rage or boil.
es'tuaxy, n. estua'tion, n. exesiua'don, n.
es'tuate, v.
EsuRi-o, V. 4. {ab edo, v. 3. to eat,) to desire to eat.
esu'rient, a. esu'rine, a.
Etc. or &c. (for et, a?idj csetera, the rest,) and so on.
Etern-i/s for JEter^-us, a. {ab sevum), without
beginning or e7id.
co-eter'na.\, a. Eter'n^, a. & n. eter'nity, n.
co-eter'na\\y, ad. eter'ncMy, ad. eter'niiy, v.
co-eter'nity, n. eier'nolize, v. eter'nize, v.
eter'nalist, n.
Ether for :^ther, m. 3. {ot,\H^y the shy, heaven,
e'ther, n. ethe'redX, a. ethe'reoufi, a.
Eth-os {Idog^, custom, mannei's : [x?,,eth'\ds,, the science
of manners or moral diities,
eih'ics, n. eth'icsX, a. ethoVogy, n.
eth'ic, a. eth'ic&Wy, ad. etiological, a.
Ethn-os (I^vos), a people, a nation ; the heathen,
eih'nics, n. eih'nic, a. ethnog^raphy, n,
eth'nichm, n. eth'iiiceX, a. e/^nograph'icalj a.
Etym-on" (Itv^ov from Irv/^oi, true, real), the true
origin and meaning of a word: as, etymoY ogy,
the study of the true meaning and origin of words,
{the derivation or origin of words.)
el^moVogy, n. etymoYogx^i, n. etymoVoglze, v.
etymolog'ical, a. etymoYogeXy n. et'ymon, n.
etymolog'icaWy, ad.
Eu (g'j), well, good : as, eyan'gehst, one who brings
good tidings, (the writer of our Saviour's history) ;
eu'logj, a speaking good, {praise or encomium.)
euan'gelist, n. eztcharis'tical, a, e?fpep'sy, n.
^Dan'gelism, n. ettpep'tic, a.
euangel'ic, a. ejflogy, n. ew'phony, n.
^uangel'ical, a. e«lo'gium, n. ez^phon'ical, a.
eyangel'ically, ad. ewlog'ical, a. ^M'phonism, n.
eyan'gelistary, n. ^Mlog'ically, ad. eu'taxy, n.
eyan'gelize, v. eu'logize, v. e?^thana'sia, or
*eti,'chaTht, n. ew'pathy, n. ewthan'asy, n.
euc\\ax\s>'iic, a.
Euch-e {i'^x,^), a vow, a prayer.
euchoVogy, n. euc't\ca\^ a.
EuDi-os {iv^ioi, ah i'j et A.
a.i'fecfa'tion, n. bene/'icence, n.
affec'tion, n. bene/'icent, a.
af/ec/i'ionate, a. bene/'icently, ad.
af/(?c'^ionately, ad. bene^cj'al, a.
af/^c'rfonateness, n.bene/^ci'ally, ad.
af/ec7ioned, a. bene^c'?ary, a.
sSfec'ted, a. bene/?ci'ence, n.
af/gc7edly, ad. hen'tfit, n. & v.
af/, V.
nutrij^'ca'rion, n.
oi'fice, n.
of 'Jicer, n.
of'Jicered, a.
ofjici'al, a. & n.
ofjici'ally, ad.
ofjici'alty, n.
offic'iate, v.
ofjici'ous, a.
of^ci'ously, ad.
of/ici'ousness, t-.
difact', V.
ol/ac'tory, a.
omnif 'ic, a.
OT^iJice, n.
.os'sifi/, V.
ossi/ica'tion, n.
ossi/'ic. a.
ont'Jiin w
modi^a'^ion, n.
mollift/, V.
mol'li/ier, n.
over-of^ci'ous, a.
pac'i/^, V.
pac'i;?er, n.
paci/'ic, a.
paci^ca'^ion, n.
paciJica'toT, n.
per'/ect, a. & v.
per'fectly, ad.
-per'fectness, 7i.
pe.r'fecter, n.
perfec'i'ion, n.
"perfec'tive, a.
per/ec' lively, ad.
person'i/y, v.
personi^ca^ion, ?».
pet'ri/y, v.
petri/'ic, a.
petri^ca'don, n.
petri/ac'/ion, 7i.
petvifac'tive, a.
plu -per' feet, a.
pre'fect, n.
pxef'ectwxe, n.
preter-per'/ec/, a.
pon'ti^, n.
ponti/'ic, a.
ponti/'ical, a. & n.
ponti/'ically, ad.
ponti/'icate, n.
pon'tijice, n.
ponti^ci'al, a.
ponty?ci'anj 7x. & a.
pxofici'ence, 7i.
prqfici'ency, n.
projiei'ent, n.
profit, 71. 8l V
profifahle, a.
profitably, ad.
pro/'i Nobleness, n.
profitless, a.
prolific, a.
proli/'ically; ad.
pvoli^fa'/ion, n.
pu'ri/y, V.
pu'ri^er, n.
puri/?ca7ion, n.
puri/'ica/ive, a.
•gxxnf'icatory, a.
ram'i/y, v.
rami^ca'ricn, n.
rar'e/y, v.
rar'e/^able, a.
xaxcjica't'xou, n.
rat'j/y, V.
rat'ijier, n.
rati/^ca'/ion, n.
xec'tify, V.
rec'tij?able, a.
xectijica'iion, n.
xe-QA.'\fy, V.
xefec'tion, n.
xefec'tory, n.
xefit', V.
repac'i/y, v.
xevWify, V.
revivi/'icate, v.
revivi/fcaVion, n.
sac'ri/?c^, v. & n.
sac'ri/cer, n.
sacri^ci'al, a.
s&cx'if'ic, a.
sacri/'ica^ory, a.
sanc'ti/^, v.
sanc'ti;?er, n.
sancti^ca'^ion, n
sapori/'ic, a.
sat'is/j/, V.
satis/ac'/ion, n.
satia/acVorv, a.
satis/«c7orily, ad.
satis/ac7oriness, n.
scar'i/y, «.
scar'i/fer, n.
scari^ca'^ion, rt.
scary?ca7or, n,
scienti/'ic, a-
scienti/'ically, arf.
semini/'ic, a.
seinini/'ical, a.
seminij^ca'^ion, n.
sicci/'ic, a.
signi/'icance, n.
signi/'icancy, 7i.
signi/'jcant, a.
signi/'i candy, ad,
signi;?ca'^ion, n.
signi/'ica^ive, a.
signif'icdioxy, a.
sim'pli/z/, V.
somni/'ic, a.
sonori/'ic, a.
sopori/'ic, a.
spec'i/y, tj.
speci/'ic, n. & o.
speci/'ical, a.
speci/'ically, ad.
speci/'icate, w.
specij^ca'/ion, n-
stra'ti/^, i>.
sturti/^, V.
stu'pi/y, V.
stu'pi^er, w.
stupi/ac'rion, n.
stupi/ac7ive, a.
subdiver'si/y, v.
sudori/'iCj a. & 7i.
sufjice'. V.
suf^ci'ency, w.
suf/?ci''ent, a.
suf/zci'ently, aii.
sur'/(?i7, r. & n.
sur'/ei/er, ».
sur'/ei/water, ».
tepe/ac-Vion, n.
terres'tri/y, v.
ter'ri/^, v.
texxif'ic, a.
tes'ti/y, V.
tes'ti/?er, rt.
testi/?ca'^ionj ??.
testi;?ca'^or, n.
thuri^ca'/ion, 7i.
tox'xefy, V.
torre/ac'riorij n.
tu'mefy, v.
tume/ac7ion, ii.
typV?/, V.
unaffec'ted, a.
vinaf fee' ting, a.
unaf/ec7ionate, a.
unclar'i^ed, a.
uncoun'ter/ei^, a.
unde/aced', a.
undefe'asihle, a.
under/ac'/ion, 7i.
underof ^cer, n.
uned'i/ying, a-
unef/(?c7ual, a.
unexem'pliyzed, a.
unfe'asible, a.
unfor'ti/?ed, a.
unglo'ri/?ed, a.
unin/ec^ed, a.
unjus'ti^able, a.
unjus'ti^ably, ad.
unliq'ui^ed, a.
uninor'ti/?ed, a.
unper'/fc/ly, ad. unsaiic'ti^ed, a. ver'si/^, v.
unper'/(7c^ness, n, unsatis/acVory, a. ver'si/?er, n.
unper'/t'c^sd, a. unsatis/ac7oriness, versi/^ca^ion, n.
unpet'ri^ed, a. unsat'is/ised, a.
unpro/'e7able, a. unsa.f'is^edness, n- vil'i/^, u.
unpro/'i^obly, ad. unsat'ls/^ing, a. vit'ii/y^, v-
unpro/'i^edj a. unsuf^ci'eni, a. vitri/jca'^ion, n.
unproli/'ic, a. vitri/'tcable, a.
unpu'ri/?ed, a. viv'i/y, v.
unpu'tri/Jed, a. vivi/'icate, u.
unqual'iy?/, t». \ex'\fy, v. vivi/'ic, a.
unqual'i^'ed, a. veri^fa'^ion, w. vWiJica'tion, n.
Faqt-vm, sup. (rt facio)^ to make, to do. (See Facia.)
¥ ACT-US, p.p. (rt facio)., made, done. (See Facio.)
Facund-17S, a. eloquent — -fac'und, a. facun'diiy, n.
F^x, f8ec-^5^ /. 3. dregs or lees, sediment : 2.^, fee' id-
ent, dreg' gy, fold.
de/'(?cate, x,^ fe'ces, n. fec'ulence, n.
Aofeca'tion, n. fce'cal, or Jec'uhncy, n.
fce'ces, or fe'eal, a. fec'ulentj a.
FALCAT-us,p.p. (« falx^ falcis^ /. 3. a sc2/the or sickle) ,
hent like scythes : as, defal'csite, to cut or lop off.
defa/'cate, v. fal'catQd, a. *fal'con, n.
defa/ca'^ion, n. falca'tlon, n. fal'coner, n.
falcadt', n. *fal'chion, n. /a/'conry, n.
Fall-0;, v. 3. to slip or slide, to deceive, to mistake :
as, mfal'lihlQ, that canrot be deceived, (exempt
from error) ; fal'sify, to make/a/se.
fal'lible, a. falla,'cio\is, a. false, a.
' falh'cioMsly, ad. false'ly, ad.
fallihiVity, n. /a//a'ciousness, n. false'ness, n.
fal'lacy. n. false-\\esit'itd, a.
* Falchion, a short crooked sword, a cymeter : Falcon, a hawk with a
fiilcaUd or o-ooked bill trained for sport; also a sort of carmou.
false'hood., n. fal'sifiahle, a. mfal'lihly, ad.
falsify, V. fal'siRcator, n. in/a/7ibleness, n.
fal'siRer, «. /a/A-jfica'tion, n. infallihiVity, n.
fal'sity, n. in/a/7ible, a. lefel, v.
Fals-uSj p. p. (a fallo), fallen, deceived. (See Fallo.)
Fam-.^,* / 1. (a fari, to speak), a thing spoken of;
fame, renown, reputation : as, fam'ous, spoken of,
defame', v. Xamed', a.
defa'mer, n. /amcless, a. 'm'famy, n.
de/a'/ning, n. fa/mous, a. in'famous, a.
defama'iion, n. fa'moiisly, ad. inyamouslyj ad,
de/am'atory, a. inyawousness, n.
*fame, n.
Faii-es, f.3. hunger, scarcity of food : as,/«w'irie,
want or scarcity of food.
/oTO'ish, V. fam'me, n.
/awj'ishment, n.
F AMiLi- A, f. \. a family : as, famiViar, relating to
a family — intimate as members oi a family,
familidr'ity, n. •ffam'ilhm, ti.
famiVi&r, a. & n. famWiarize, v. fam'ilhi, n.
famil'i-axly, ad. fam'iXy, n. unfamil'iar, a.
FaNTASI-v4 for PhanTAST-^ (jPxvTX^ioi, a (paivof, to
appear), a vivid image in the mind or brought
before the mind, imagination, or inclination : as,
fantas'tiQ,, pertaining to the fancy, imaginQx^\
(See Phano.)
fan'cy, n. & v. fan'ciM, a. fan'cifully, ad.
* Fame, a thinf( spoken of, report, celebrit,'/, a good tiame ; " a heathen
eodJes'!, celebrated chiefly by the poets. She is feigned to have been the
I ist of the race of Titans produced by the earth, to have her jialace in the
air, and to have a vast number of eyes, ears, and tongues. She is men-
tioned by l-iesiod, and particularly described by Ovid and Virgil." — Enci/cl.
t " Familism, the tenets of a deluded sect called the Family of Love,
by their artful founder, H. Nicholas, a Westphalian, who introduced his
doctrine hito England, m the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and occasioned no
small confusion, as the history of that reign shbws."— Johnson, Diet, by
/an'cifulness, n. fan'lasm, n. fantas't[ca.\, a.
fan' cy -monger y n. fantas'tlc, a. Sen. fantas' ticaXlyj ad.
fan'tasi/, n. fantas'ticly, ad.
pAN-t/M, n. 2. a temple : as,/a7i'atic,^ one mad with
wild and extravagant notions of relic/ion ; ]}Yqfane\
before or on the outside of the teinple — not prac-
tising the duties oi religion, (nnkoly, not sacred.)
'axiti-fan'atic, a. fanai'icism, n. pro/ane'ness, n.
*fan'atic, a. & n. *fane, n. prq/«»'ity, n.
fanai'ical, a. *profa7ie', a. & v. ■p^ofana't'wn, n.
fanat'icaUy, ad. prq/a'wer, n. uniprofaned', a.
fanat'icaluess, n. •pxofanely, ad.
Ya-ri, v.l.to speak : as, inef y«hle, that cannot be
spoken out ; mfan'tiGAiSiy the kilhng or murder ot
an \Tifant or one who cannot yet speak.
sS'fdble, a. inef/ableness, n. infan'ta^^ n.
affably, ad.
afyablenessj n. iu'fant, n. & a. ne/an'dons, a.
af/abirity, n. in'fancy, n. ne/aVious, a.
infan' ticidie, n. ne/iatViously, n.
inafybible, a. In'fantile, a. pre/'ac^, n. & v.
inaf/bbil'lty, n. va'fantiriQ, a. ^txef'acer, n.
Inef'/able, a. in^anZ-like, a. ipvef'atovy, a.
inef/ably, ad. iu'fantly, a.
Farin-^j /. 1. (a far, n.3.co7'n), meal qx flour : as
farrdlgo, a medley or mixture of different grain,
((2 medley, or any mixture.)
comfarrea' t\ox\y n. farra'gOy n. farrea'/ion, n.
diffarrea'tion, n. J'arrag'iiious, a. •f-fariJia,' ceoua, a.
* Fanatics, those who passed their time in temples (fana) , and being often
seized with a kind of enthusiasm, as if inspired by the Divinity, showed
wild and antic gestures ; such as cutting and slashing their arms with knives,
shaking their heads, &c. The yn-ofane, those who were not initiated into
the mysteries of religion, and therefore made to stand before or on the out-
side of the temple-
t " The properest food of the vegetable kingdom for mankind, is taken
from "CsxG farinuceoasi or mealy seeds of some cuhTiiferous plants ; as oats,
barley, wheat, rice, rye, maze, «nd millet." —Ajbut'iaiot oti Ahmvnt.
Fasc-eSj m. 3. bundles of birchen rods, anciently car-
ried before the Consuls, as a mark of their authority.
fas'ces, n. fascic'ular, a.
Fascj-a, f. 1. a bandage ox fillet,
fasc'ia, n. fascia'lion, n. Jasc'icle, n.
Jasc'ialed, a.
FASciN-[7iif, n. 2. enchantment or charm : o.^jfas'ti-
?2ate, to bewitch, to enchant.
ef/as'cinate, v. fas'cinate, v. fas'cinatmgj a.
effascina' don, n. fascina'tion, n. fas'c'maiingly, ad.
Pastidi-C7m_, n. 2. (^ fastus, m. 4. haughtiness), dis-
dain, disgust : as^ fastid' ioxiSj disdainful,
fastid'ious, a. fastid'iousness, n. fas'tuous, a,
/astld'iously, ad.
Fatig-O;, v. 1. to tire or weary: as, fatigue^ to tire
or weary (with labour.)
de/a^'j^able, a. fat'igaie, v. indefeU'lffobly, ad.
faifigahXe, a.
inde/a^'z^able, a. unfatiguedi', a.
fatigue', n. & v.
Fat-17M_,* n. 2. {a fari, to speak), fate, destiny ; de-
struction: as J /tj'tal, belonging la fate, causing de-
*fate, n. fa'tal\%xa, n. fatedi', a.
fa'ial, a. fa'talht, n. fatid'ical, a.
fa'idAy, ad. faial'ity, n. fat'd'exoxxi, a.
fa'ialness, n.
Fatu-1/Sj a. foolish, silly : as, mfat'miQ, to make
foolish, (to strike W\\h. folly.)
fat'iious, a. infat'iiate^ v. i^nis-f atuus, n.
Jatu'ity, n. infatua'tion, n.
* Fate, literally, the word or decree spoken by God ; a fired sentence by
which the Deity has unalterably and irrevocably determined tha order of
events ; a series of causes ; the course of nature. Fates or Dtstinies of the
ancients, the three fatal sisters, Clotho, IjOcJ.esis, Atiopos, were infernal
deities, supposed to determine the life of men by spinning : Clotho held
the distaff, Lachesis spun, and Atropos cut the thread.
FAtJ 195 FED
I^AUN-us,* m. 2. a rural deity — faun,'^ n./aun'isi, n.
Fay-eo,v. 2. tofavour,tobefriend: as^ un/^'2?owrable
not inclined to favour — not kind.
dxsfa'vour, n. & v.fa'vouredi, a.
dis/a'voMrer, 7i. fau'tre&s, n.
fa'vour, V. & 7i. fa^vourless, a. unfa'vourahle, n.
fa'vourer, n. fa'vouroMie, a. un/a'vowrably, ad.
fa^vourke, n. fa'vourably, ad. uii/a'vowrableness,
fa'vouritism, n. /a'rowrablenesSj n. n.
Favill-Jj/ 1. ashes or cinders — favil'lous, a.
Febr-is, f. 3. (a ferveOj to boil or rage), a fever : as,
fe'b7'ile, relating to a fever.
anti/e'6rile, a. febrif 'ic, a.
enfe'ver, v. fe'ver, n. & v. fe'veri%\v, a.
feb'rifuge, n. /e'Derishness, n.
fe'br'ile, a. fe'verj, a.
Febru-0, v. 1. to purfy by sacrifice — \ Feb'rudLxy , 7i.
Fect-uSj p. p. (a facio), made 3 done. (See Facio.)
FECUND-i/sybrFcECUND-r/s, a.fruitfid: Qs,,fecun'd'u
tj, the state or power (ii producing or bringing forth.
fec'und, a. fecunda't'xow, n. infec'und, a.
fecun'dity, n. infecun'dity, n.
FEDUSjj'^orFcEDUS, er-/5, n. 3. a covenant or league:
aSjfed'eral, relating to a covenant or contract.
corifed'erate, v. a. confed'eracy, n. fed'erate, a.
& n. fed'erative, a.
confed'erat'mg, a. federa' (ion, n.
confederation, n. fed'eraX, a.
* Servius says, Faunua, the son of PIcus, was the first who buiJt a tem-
ple in Italy ; hence called Fanum. Fauns, rural deities, having homsun
their heads, with pointed ears and tails.
t February, anciently the last, now the second month of the year; sa
named, because then the peopie were i>urifitd by an mpiatory scc>tjii:e,
from the sins of the whole year ; or from Februa. an ej^lthet given to Jxmo,
as Ihe goddess of purification.
Pel, M\-is, n. 3. ^all — -felli^liibuSj a.
Fel-es, m &/. 3. a cat—^e'l'me, a.
Felix, ic-is, a. happy : az, /elic'ttate, to make happy,
felic'itate, v. & a. felic'ity, n. infelic'iiy, n.
feliciia'tion, n. felic'itous, a. infelic'itou.s, a.
Felon, m. (Fr^) one who has committed a capital criTJie :
as, fel'on^i a capital crime or offence,
feVon, n. & a. felo'nions, a. Jelo'nionsly, ad.
fel'ofiy, n.
Femin-^, f.\. a woman, the female or she in all ani-
mals: ^%,fem'inmQ, belonging to the she or female.
effcm'ifiate, a. v.
effem'inacy, n. fem'inine, a. & n.
effem'ina,tely, ad. fe'male, n. & a.
effem'i nviteness, n. femal'ity, n.
Femur, oY-is, n. 3. the thigh — fem'oroXj a.
Fend-o, v. 3. to keep off, to strike : as, defend', to
keep off] to preserve : of end', to strike against.
diefend\ v. fenfcih\Qy a, oXfen'dex, n.
defen'der, n. offen'dress, n.
defen'dahle, a. fen'cing, n, offence'^ n,
dejen'da,nt, a. & n./en'cing-master, n.
defence', n. fen'cmg-%c\ioo\,n- of/enceless, a.
dsfe7ice1ess, a. fend, v. offen'sive, a.
defen'sat[\e, n. fen'dtr, n. of/^n'iively, ad.
dtfen' sx\As., a. inde/en'^ible, a. of/en'siveness, n.
d^fen'sise, a. & n. inde/e«'*ive, a. xnwd&fen'd^d, a,
defen'sively, ad. inoffen'sive, a. unfsnced', a.
fence', n. & v. iiiof/e/i'^ively, ad. unof/^»'rfed, a.
fen'cer, n. inof/'e/i'siveness, n. \3Svoifen's\\&, a.
/enceless, a. oifend', v. unof/femi'ing, a.
Fenestr-^,/. 1. a window— fenes'troi, a,
Fens-i7S, p. p. {a fendo), kept off, struck. (See Fendo.)
J^EO 197 ^i^^
ii'EOF for Fief, m. (Fr.) a fee, tenure : as, feoff' , to
put in possession, to invest with right.
^r\feoff', V. feoffee', n. feoff'ment, n.
enfeoff 'mewt, n. feof'fer, n. fief, n.
feoff', V. Sin.
Fer-a,/. 1. a wild beast: as, /eVine, belonging to
wild beasts, (wild, savage.)
fe'rine, a. fero'cionsly, ad. ferce, a.
yenne'ness, n. fei-o'ciousness, 7i. f.erce'Xy, ad.
fer'iiy, n. feroc'iiy, n. ferce'ueas, n>
fero'cious, a.
Feral-is, a. deadly/, mournful— fe'voS., a.
Feri-o, v. 4. to strike : as, mierfere', to strike between
or oppose each other, (to interpose or intermeddle.)
intevfere', v. inter/eVence, n. inter/e'ring, n. & a.
Ferment-utii, ?i. 2. (a ferveo), leaven, barm, or ?/est;
intestiiie motion : as, ferment', to put or have the
parts put into intestine motion,
ferment', v. fermenl'ahle, a. xefermenl', v.
fer'ment, n. *fermenta'tioi\, n. unfermcnt'cA., a,
fermen'tatxye, a.
Fer-0, v. 3. to carry, bear, or suffer, to bring : as,
circumyerence, (the hne) carrymg round ; suP/er,
to bear under ; soniferous, giving or bringing
sound j infer', to bring on, (to draw from) ; fer'-
rile, fit to bear, or proper for bearing, (fruitful.)
alif'erous, a. hif'erous, a.
anati/'erous, a. circum'/(?rence, n. confer', v.
astri/'erous, a. circnmfeTe7i'tia\,a. coiVference, n.
* " Fei-mentatum, a slow motion of the inte.ttine particles of a mixt
body, arising usually from the operation of some active acid matter, which
rarifies, exalts, and subtilizes the soft and sulphureous particles : as when
leaven or yest rarifies, lightens, and ferments bread or wort. And this
motion differs much from that usually called ehrtllition or effervescenc,
which is a violent boiling and struggling between an acid and an alkali,
when mixed together." — Harris.
R 2
confer'rer, n.
confer'rmg, n.
coni/'erous, a.
corymb i/^^rous, a.
cruci/'erous, a.
culmi/'erous, a.
Citfer', V.
de/erVer, n.
de/Wence, n.
dif'/er, v.
dif/(?ring ,
difference, n.
Axi'f event, a.
dif'/erently, ad.
dif/(?ren'tial, a.
dolori/Vrous, a.
dorsi/'erous, a.
/era'cious, a.
fer'ry, v. & n.
/*ent, a.
indif'/erently, ad.
infer', v.
iWfera\Ae, a.
inyerence, n.
\r\fer't\\e, a.
infertirity, n.
in suf '/arable, a.
insuf'/erably, ad.
lacti/Vrous, a.
lethi/'erousj a.
Lu'ci/(?r, n.
luci/(?'rian, a.
luci/'^rous, a.
mammi/'erous, a.
melli/'erous, a.
metalli/'erous, a.
misin/gr', v.
morti/'erous, a.
nubi/'^rous, a.
iiuci/'groiis, a.
oVfer, V. & ».
of'/(?rer, «.
of'/(?rable, a.
of'/ering, «.
omni/'erous, a.
palmi/''erous, a.
pesti/'erous, a.
pomi/'erouSj «.
■prefer', v.
pre/'erable, a.
pre/'erably, ad.
pre/'erableness, n.
■preference, n.
pre/er'mentj n.
■prefer'rer, n.
prof'/er, V. & n.
prof'/erer, n.
raceuii/'erous, dt
refer', v.
referable, a.
referee', n.
reference, n.
refer en' dioxy, n.
refer'riWe, a.
rori/'crous, a.
saluti/'erous, a.
somni/'erous, a*
soni/'erous, di
sopori/'erous, a.
stelli/'erouSj a.
suf '/m, n. feo'dataxy, or infeuda' tioYi, n.
ViBn-A, f. 1. a thread or fibre: as^, fi'hrow^, full ot
fibres or threads.
fi'bre, n. Ji'broiis, a. fibril'loM'?', a.
fi'brW, n.
FicAT-us, p.p. (comP- form of Factus), done, made.
(See Facio.)
Fici-ES (comP" form of fades), the make or form of
any thing, the face. (See Fades.)
Fici-o (comP- form of facio), to do, to make. (SeeFacio. )
FiCTi-o^ /. 3. (a fingo), a feigning. (See Fingo.)
FiD-ES,f. 5. faith, credit, trust: as, confide', to trust
togethor or in, {to ti'ust); dif'^n, a. n. & v. in^rm'ness, n.
corfir'mer, n. firm'\y, ad. wnfirm', a.
con/iVm'edness, n firm'ness, n.
Fisc-c7S, m. 2. {(piffx.oi), a frail, a bag or basket; a sack
or purse, the king's private purse or revenue : as,
/zs'cal exchequer or the place where the kings
cash is kept and paid, revenue ; or a treasurer of
the king or public s money.
coiT^s'cate, v. & a. confis^catory, a. fisc, n.
confisca'tiou, n. confis'caWQ, a. Jis'cal, n. & a.
confisca'tor, n.
*• Affirm, literally, to make firm or stro/^g to, to declare, to say or tell
confidently, — opposed to the word deny.
\ Infirmary, a place v/here the infirm or sick are recei\cd, and get ad-
vice and medicines gratis.
% Confiscate, (a Fhcus, originally a hamper, pannier, basket, cv frail, but
metonymically the emperor's treasure, because it was anciently kept in such
hampers), to transfer private propeity to the prince or public, by way of
penalty for an offence.
PIS 204! FLA
Fiss^us, p.p. {dfiwdo), cleft {SeeFindo.)
FisTUL-^, /. 1. a pipe ; a disease in the anus : as,
Jis'tuIoXi belonging to^ or hollow like a pipe.
fis'tula, w. Jis'tulous, a. whis'tle, n. & u.
Jis'tular, Oo ix'xfis'tulaxy, a. whis'thvy n-
Jis'f.ulate, v.
Fix-uSy p.p. (a figo^ V. 3. it) stick), stuck, Jix^d: as>
j^.r'ure or /ix'tm-e, the thing Jixed.
ii{iix', V. Jix'edly, dd. •post^^ir, tIj
*ai'JiXf n. ^yedness, n. pre//*'', ti»
discom'/fV, w. & n. discom'//ure, n. *-px&'Jix, n.
confix , V. fix'itj, n. pre/?j?'ion, n.
cr\x'c\Jix, n. Jix'ture, or ttSLtisfix', v.
cruci/!>'ionj n. fix'vxre, n. nnfix', v.
fixy V. mfix', V. unjixed'j a.
fixa't'ion., n,
Flaccid-US, a. hanging down, languid, weak.
Jiab'by, a, Jlac'cid, a. Jlaccid'iiy, n,
¥hAGiTi-UM, n. 2. {Jlagris dignum crimen, a crime
meriting whips or lashes'), a scandal, wickedness.
/lagiii'ous, a. Jia{/iti'ousriess, n.
Flagr-0, v. ]. to burn, to be all in aflame, to be in-
.flamed: as, con^«^r«'?ion, the act oi burning to-
gether, (a general j?re or burning.)
coujiagra'tion, n. de flagrate, v. fla'graxii^ a.
conjla'graiit, a. dejiagra'iion, n. fla'gr'dXiXly, ad,
dejla'grdhle, a. JIa'gra,nce, n.
Aejiagrabil'iiy, n. fia'graxicy, n.
Flamen, m-is, m. 3. a priest appropriated to some
particular god.
axchjia'men, n. fla'men, n. Jlamin'ical, a.
* When any letter or letters are joined to the end of a word, it is called an
qffiJ!, postfix, or termination ; and when placed at the beginning of a word,
it is called a prefix or inseparable preposition. Affix, literally, what is
dzed to ; Postfix, what is fixed afier, — both of which words mean precisely
the same things Pr^, what is^ed before.
F LAMM -A, /.I. a flame y a blaze: as,, mflam'mahle,
that caHj or easy to be set on flame.
^amlbeaUj n. Jiatn'mcoas, a. ir]/lam'miihlentiis,n.
flame.) n. & v. flammif'eTOus, a, inflammahiVilj, n.
flameless, a. flammiv'omous, a. inflamma'tion^ n.
fla'ming, a. fla'my, a. iuflam'matory, a.
fla'mingly, ad. , inflarae', v. unin;?am'7nable, a.
flam'mahle, a. infla'mQx, n. unin/?a?ned', a.
flammabil'itYj n, iiyfam'mable, a.
FLAT-t7s_, m. 4. (a flo^ to blow), a 2'>uffi blast, ov goh
of wind : as, mflate\ to blow in, or to swell with
sSfla'tiis, n.
affla'tion, n.
con^a7ion, n.
diffla'tion, n.
&?flat^, V.
fla'tus, n.
flat'nXexii, a.
flat'vlency, n.
wfla'iion, n.
insuf/?rt7ion, n.
per^«ble, a.
perflate', v.
-perfla'tion, n.
suffla'tion, n.
flatuox'ity, n.
inflate', v.
FlectOj v. 3. to beJid, to turn, to change : as, Aeflect'
to turn down or aside ; 'mflex'ihlQ, that cannot be
be72t, moved, or changed; reflec'tion, the act of
bending or throwing back.
c\r'c\xxnflex, n.
deflect, V.
deflec't'ion, n.
deflex'uxe, n.
fleoc'ihle, a.
flea;'ih\e.nt%%, n.
fl.exihiViiy, n.
flex'We, a.
flec't\on, or
flex'iorv, n.
Flex-c/s,. p. p. («
Ylict-vs, p.p. (a
flec'tor, or
flex'ox. 71.
flex'ure, n.
flex'iious, a.
inflect', V.
iuflec'tion, n.
inflec'iive, a.
in^(?yedj a.
inflex'ible, a.
ixiflex'ihly, ad.
inflexihiVity, n.
reflect', v.
reflec'tion, n.
reflec'ient. a.
xeflec'tiye, a.
reflec'toT, n.
re'flex, a.
reflex'ihle, a.
reflcxihiVity, n.
reflex'ive, a.
Ttjlex'ixely, ad.
iriflex'ihleness, n. superre/Zea,''ion, n.
flecto), bent, turned, (See Flecto.^^
fligo)^ beaten y struck. (See Fligo.')
Flig-o, v. 3. to beat or strike : as, conflict', to strive
or struggle by striking against one another.
sSflict', V.
sSflic'tOt, 71.
Sif/lic'ting\y, ad.
af/?Jc7ion, n.
af/iic'tive, a.
afjlic'lively, ad.
af/fic'/edness, n.
conflict', V.
con'Jtict, n.
inflict', V.
injlic'ter, n.
injiic' t'ion, n.
mJiic't'viQ, a.
Flos, flor-a's, m. 3. a flower, a bloom or blossom : SiS,
Flo'ra, the goddess of flowers ; flo'i-dX, relating to
Flora or flowers ; ef/fores'cent, growing or shoot-
ing out in fomn oi flvowers.
bi/'7orous, a. flor'\(\, a.
devour', v. ^or'idly, ad.
dcjioii' rev, n. ^or'idness, 7i.
deflora' tlon, n. ^orid'ity, n.
poriferous, a.
Jlor'en, or
*Jlor'in, n.
Jlo'rist, n.
ef/iorc!i'eenc2, 91.
et^ores'cency, n.
G?flores'cent, a.
Flo'ra, n.
/lo'ral, a.
Flo7''ex)ce, n.
Flor'eiuine, n.
Jlo'riage, n.
flour'i^her, 71.
y/owr'ishingl)'^, ad.
JIow'qt, n. & V.
flou'ret, or
f.ow'tret, n.
Jio'ret, n.
Jiow'ering, n.
Jio7v'er\e.s,f; a.
flow'erj, a.
^ow'eriness, n.
xeflour'i'ih, v.
flos'culow?^, a.
flour, n.
flour'i^, V. & n.
Fluctu-o, v. 1. (a fluo), to rise in waves ; to be in
suspense : a,s,fluc'tua.te, to roll to and fro as waves,
fluc'tuaie, v. Jluctua't'ion, n. Jiiic'luant, a.
Flu-o, v. 3. to flow : as, af^e^ent, flowing to ; flux,
a flow ; refliLv, a flow i)i^ ha.ck ; influence, afloic-
ing in or upon; super^e^ous, flowing above, or
more than enough, (unnecessary/.^
affluence, n. affluent, a.
af^ieently, ad. afflux, n.
* Florin (Fr.) a coin of different value, first made by the Florentines or
Inhabitants of Florence, a city of It^Jy. That of Germany is 46. 6d. ; that
of Spain 4s. 4Jd. ; that of Palermo and Sicily 2s. 6d, ; that of Holland 2s.
or Is. 8d. that of Britain 2s.
af/?tta?'ion, n. Jiu'ent, a. & n.
hloody-^ua^', n. Jiii'eiitly, ad.
circuni^wence, n. Jlu'k], a. &. n.
circum^went, a. /fii'idness, ;?.
cixcwm'fluoM?,, a. ^fud'ity, n.
confluence, n. flu'or, n.
confluent, a. fluviat'ic, a.
conflux, n. flux'ion, v.
counter-in^i'able, a. per'forate, v. per'foralhe, a.
imper'/o/'ate, a. r}cr for a' tlon, n.
s 2
FoRS, fort-is, f. 3 chance, luck, fortune : SiS,/ortu'it-
ousj happening b?/ chance; unfor'tunaiej not hav-
ing luck, unlucky.
forlu'itons, a. for'tune, n. & v.
fortu'iiously, ad. Jbr'tuned, a. mhfor'tune, n.
foriii'itousness, n. Jbr'iujie-hvLnter, n. \mfor'tum.tc, a.
Jhr'iunsite, a. for'tu7ie\ess, a. unfor'tunately, ad.
for'tunately, ad. /or'tiine-te]leT, n. un/br'/wnateness, n.
for'tunnteness, n.
FoRT-is, a. strong, valiant: as, com'fort, to make
strong together, (to make glad) ; for'tify, to make
coiii'fort, V. & n. for'cQ^ly, ad. for'tit\xde, n.
coxa'fortev, n. for'cer, n. Jbr'lTess, n.
com'/or/ress, n. force'ful, a. enforce', v.
com'fortahle, a. force' fully, ad. enforce' able, a.
cova'fortahly, ad, force'less, a. enfor'cev, n.
com'/or/ableness, n./or'cing, n. en/br'cedly, ad.
conVfortle?,^, a. for'cihle, a. enforce' ment, h.
cova'fortxng,n.8i.a^for'cihly, ad. xecovn'fort, v.
coxxn'terfort, n. /or'cibleness, n. re-enforce', v.
deforce', V. fort, n. re-en/brce'ment, n.
deforce' vaexA, n. for'te^ n. uncomybriable, a.
for'tify, V. yxncoxn' f or tahly, ad.
d.hcam'fort,n.&iv.for'ti^ex, n. uncom'/ortebleness,
discom'/or/ablcj a. unforced.', a. [n.
effort, n. forti^ca'iion, n. unfor'cihle, a,
force, n. & v. fort'in, n. un/br'^ified, a.
FoR-t7M,*n. 2. a public place in Rome, a market -place.
circumfora'7iean,a. forum, n. fair, n.
circumfo7-a'neous,a.foren'sic, a. fai'ring, n.
Foss-^, /. 1. (a fodio, v. 3. to dig'), a ditch or trench,
effossx'on, n. fos'sSS., a. & n. xefossi'on, n.
fosse, n. fos'silist, n. ^uffossVon, n.
fosse'way, n.
* " Forum, a public place at Rome, where assemblies of the people were
held, justice was administered, and other public business transacted ; i>ar-
ticuUrly what concerned the borrowing and It-nding of money." — Ada-ai's
Rom, Antiq.
Fract-uSj p.p. (a frango), broken. (See Frango,^
Fragr-o, v. 1. to smell sweetly,
fra'gr&rice, n. fra'gr3,nt, a. fra'grautly, ad.
fra'grancy, n,
pRANCjFRANcnE^a. {Yv.')free,liberal: Q&,fran'cki%e,
to xnokQfree; ^i^fran'chizQ, to take away ?Ae/r^e.
dom, to deprive of privileges.
sSfran'chi%e, v. en/ra;i'cAisement,n/ranA;'iricen£e, n.
af/ra;i'6'^isement,n;/rart'cAise, n. & v. *frank1m, n.
dis/rart'c/iise, v. jTra/i'c^isementjJZ. •|-/<'ra?i^5, n.
dis/Van'c/iisement, frank, a. n. & v. French, n. Sc a.
enfran'chise, v. frank'ly, ad. french'ify, v.
enfran'chiser, n. frank'ness, n. frenchlxke, a.
Frang-0^ v. 3. to break : as_, infran'gihle, that cannot
be broken ; frac't'ion, the act of breaking, a broken
part j frag' We or fraW, easily broken, (weak.^
fringe, n. & v.
frac'tioxi, n.
frac'tior\BX, a.
frac'iious, a.
frac'ture, n. & v.
frag'ile, a.
fragil'ity, n.
frag'iaent, n.
frag'mentary, a.
fra'goT, n.
frail, a.
frail'nesii, n.
refract', v.
Yzfrac'iion, n.
refj'ao'iive, a.
vefrac'lory, a. Si n.
re/?-«c7oriness, ii.
rifragahle, a.
xefran'gihlQ, a.
refrangibiVity, n.
sax'ifrage, n. ,
saxi/'ra^ous, a.
frail'ty, n.
fran'gihle, a.
o&'i,ifrage y n.
mfrac't'ion, n.
infran'gihlQ, a
infringe', v.
infring'ev, n,
infringe'raent, n.
irrefVa^rable, a.
ixTtfragahly, ad.
irre/"Va^ableness,n. :J:suf/Va^'inous, a.
irref' ra^abil'ity, 71. unre/rac'/edj a.
Frater, m. 3. a brother: QB,f rater' ndl, belonging to
a, brother ; frafricidie, the murder of a brother,
confratcr'nxiy, n. broth'er, n, frai'ricide, n.
frater'naS., a. frater'nxiy, n. fvi'ar, n.
* Fi-aiiJilin, MtexaWy, a little free gentleman, a steivart ; a freeholder of
considerable property. And the name has given rise to that of many fami-
lies in EnglancL
■f " From tlie Franks, the French or Frenchmen are descended,, who seem
to have been so called for having chosen in some sort to live in more free-
dom and libettp, than some other of the Germans did." — Versteean. " I
come to the French, a people breathing liberty by the very derivation
of theirname." — Bewailing of the Peace of Germany.
X &i(ffraiii)wus, belouij'ing to the knee-juintu of beasts.
FRA 212 FRr
Fkaus, fraud-/5, /. 'i.frauJ., deceit, guile : aBj/raii'-
dulent, full of arti/tce or deceit.
Aefraud'y v. fraud'fnl, a. frau'dalitncy, n.
d^frau'der, n. fi-aud'fally, ad. frau'dulent, a.
def}-aiid'ment, n. frau'dv\ti\CQ, n. /raw'rfulently, ad.
fraud', n.
FREN-i73f/brFRiEN-u3r, n.2. a bit, a curb ox 7'estraint.
refrain', v.
Frenzy for Phrenzy. (See Phren.^
FrequenS;, nt-is, a. often done, seen or occurring
often: as, uxfre'quent, not occuri'ing often.
Jre'quency, n. frequenta't'ion, n. unfre'quent, a.
fre'quent, a. frequen'iadve, a. xinfre'quenily, ad.
fre'quently, ad. infre'quence, n. unfrequeni', v.
frequent', v. mfre'quency, n. unfreque?it'e({. a.
frequerd'tr, n. mfre'quent, a.
Fric-Oj v.l.to rub : as, fric'tion, the act o^ rubbing
(two bodies together.)
den'ti/nc^, n. fric'tion, n.
coii/rico7ion^ n. i^&r'fricate, v.
¥rig-us, or-is, n. 3. cold, coolness : as, frigor'ii'iz,
causing cold ; refresh' , to cool again, {to recreate.')
yVi^ffac'tion, n. xefrig'erant, a. & n.
frig'id, a. mfrigida t'lon, n. tefrig'erate, v.
frig'idly, ad. refresh', v. refrigera'tion, n.
frig'idness, n. refresh'er, n. refrig'erative, a.
frigid'ity, n. refresh'ing, n. & a. refrig'eratory, a.
frigorif'ic, a. xefresh'inent, n. & n.
Fring-0 (comP-form oiFrango),to break. (SeeFrango.)
Fri-Oj, v. I. to crumble, to break into small j^ieces.
fri'ahle, a. /?-iabil'ity, n. un/ri'able, a.
Frivol-17S, a, trifling, of no moment: as, frivol' it j,
the state of trifling, or triflingne?>s.
friv'oloyis, a. fi'iv'olonsness, n. frivolity, n.
friv'olously, ad.
FronSj nd-is^ f. 3. a leaf: as, frond if 'evoiiB, heaving
frond, n. fronda'tlon, n. frondiCerons, a.
FronSj nt-ts,/. 3. the forehead : as, ccaf ronf, to bring
foreheads together^ {to face, to set face to face) ;
f-onflet, a bandage worn on the forehead.
nffront', V. & 71. confront', v. front'ed, a.
affron'ter, n. cor\fronta'tion,n. *fron'tier, n. & a,
affron'iing, a. effron'iery, n. /row' tiered, a.
•eiifron'ih'e, a. front, n. & v. fron,'tisY>iece, n.
af/ro/A'fivenesSj 7i. fi-oni'al, n. fro?ii'lcss, a.
bifron'te(\, a. frontlet, n.
Frvct-us, m. 4. (a fruor)^ fruit. (See Friior.)
Frug-eSj /. 3. fruit : a'&,fru'ga[, belonging iofruii
(figuratively, thrifty, sparing.)
fru'gul, a. frugaVhy^ n. infru'gai, a.
fru'gaWy, ad. frugiCerous, a.
Fruit-US', p.p. (a fruor), enjoyed. (See Fruor.)
Frument-uj*/", 71.2. (rt fruges, fruit), corn or grain.
frumenta' CQOu?,, a. frumenta'tion, n. •ffru'm€7ity, n.
Fru-oRj dep. 3. to enjoy, to reap the fruit or profit
of: as, fruc'tiiy, to vaake fruitf id, to hear fruit ;
fruit']! ow, the act of enjoying, or pleasure given by
the possession or use.
fruc'teA, a. fruitage, n.
fructif'eiou?., a. fruit'-heaver, n.
fruit' -hQaxing, a.
fruit'erer, n.
fruit' ery, n.
fruit'ivl, a.
fruit'i\A\y, ad.
fruit'i\x\nQ%&, n.
fruc'tiiy, v.
fructifica'tion, n.
J'ruc'tuons^ a.
fruit, n.
fruit'-grove , »
Jruii'less, a.
fr?iit'lessly, ad.
/r?\e, a.
confu'se^y, ad. fusihiV'ny , n
con/«'5edness, n,
difftise', V. Sl a.
diffuse'ly, ad.
diffu'sex, n.
d\ffu'sih\e, a.
diffii'sion, n.
diffu's'we, a.
FuND-[/s, m. 2. the bottom
fu'sile, a. & n.
fu'sion, n.
incoufused', a.
infuse', v.
infu'ser, n.
infu'sihlc, a.
suffzine', V.
suffu'sion, n.
ixawifuse' , v.
trans/if'^jble, a.
trans/u'sion, n.
aS:, found, to lay the
basis or bottom of any building, (to build, to esta.
llish) ; -pvofomid', having t/ie bottom far forth or
down, (deep, learned, humble.)
founds V. founda'iioxxless, n. pro/oMnc?1y, ad.
for/n'der, n. & v. foun'dl'mg, ii. prq/oMwrf'ness, n.
fovn'drf'ss, n. fiin'davaent^n. [n.\)Xofund'iiy, n.
fundavaen'taX, a. & xefound\ v.
foun'dery, n. fi(ndamen'ta\ly,ad. unfou?i'ded, a.
founda'iion, n. Yixofound', a. & n.
FuNG-t7S_, m.2. a mushroom,, a sponge,
funy'us, n. fting'ou.s, a. fungos'iiy, n.
FuN-iSj m. 3. a rop)e or cord: as, /z2am'bulistj one
who walks on ropes, {a rojye-dancer.)
fu'ni(\Q, n. fun?cm'h\\\A\.ory, a.
fiaiic'ulax, a. /"^i!?iam''buli3t, n.
FuNus, ex-is, n. 3. a burial, a funeral: 2i%,fune'-
^r/al, belonging \.q funerals,
fu'nerai, n. & a. fune'redX, a. fiine'briaX, a.
fu'nerate, v.
Fur, c. 3. a thief: as, /wra'cious, given to stealing.
fura'ciovLS, a. fur'li\e, a,
FuRC-^, /. 1. a fork: as, \kfur'catt^, having two
heads shooting out like a fork,
hifir/cated, a. fork, n. & v. for'ky, a.
h\furca'tiox\, n. for'kedily, ad. furca'tion, n.
h^fur'cous, a. for'kedness, n.
Furfur, m. 3. b}'a?i, husk; scurf ov dandriff.
fur'fur, n. furfura' ceovis, a.
FuRi-^, /. 1. (d furo, V. 3. to be mad), a fury or
jiend; madness: as, in/wV^'ate, put into a rage or
furg, em-aged.
fu'rions, a. /wViousness, n. iufu'riate, a. &. v.
fu'rioxisly, ad. fu'ry, n. * fu'runde, ?i.
» FarMicle, a bile or angry pustule ; a sniail tumor or boil.
Fusc-L'Sj a. blackish, tawny like the Indians.
'vc\fu3ca't\ox\f n. oifus'catQ) v.
Fus-t/s^ p.p. {di\ivAo),pou7'ed, melted. (SeeFundo.)
FvsT-iSj m. 3. a stick or cudgel.
fus'tiga.ie, v. fusti(ja'iion, 71.
FuTiL-is, a. leaky, babbling, trifdng.
fu'tile, a. fuiil'ityy n.
FuT-Oj vA.to blame, to disprove: as^ confute', to dism
prove ; refute', to pj-ove false or eiToneous.
confute', V. con'ftita.nt, n. lefu'table, a.
coufui'er, n. confuta'tiou, n. refu'ldX, n.
confu'tahle, a. irre/Vt^able, a. xefufa'tion, n.
refute', v. lefu'ler, n.
FuTUR-i7s^ p.fut. (ab esse;, to be), about to be, that shall
or will be : ei^,futu'ritj, time, or event to come*
fu'ture, a. & n. futuritVon, n. futu'rhy, n.
Fy (Eng. for Fico or Facio), to make. (See Facio.)
Gala (Spanish)^ fne dress : as, gal'hnt, gai/,fne~
dressed, brave; goIl2x\\' , a gay or brave man, {a
wooer, or seducer.)
ga'la, n. gal'l&r\{\y, ad. ungal'lant, a.
galhmt', n. ^«/7«;-
generation and renewing of the Holy Ghost." — Titus lii. 5.
ij: Digest', V. literally, to carry asunder, to distribute, or to bring ivhut is
asunder and net it in order ; to range methodically ; to concoct in the sLo-
macli, so as that the various particles of food may be applied to their j)ro-
per use ; to apply knowledge by meditation to its proper use. Di'i^est, n. the
pandect or volume of civil law, containing the opimoas of the aiicient
eges'tion, n.
ffe'rent, a.
(7^/''und, 11.
ges'iic, a.
yesta'tion, n.
ges'tatory', a.
gesiic'ula,te, v.
gesticiila't\on, n.
gestic'\i\a.tor, n.
gesiic'ulaXoxy, a.
ges'ture, n.
jest, n. & "
je^'ter, n
ind\ges'ted, a.
indi^^^A^ible, a.
indige^'lion n,.
lani_gf'grous, a.
morip'erous, n.
predi^^^Vion, ri.
suggest', V.
sugges'ieT, n.
^ugges'tion, n.
undi^^5'/ed, a.
vicege'rent, n.&.a,
ingestion, n. vicege'rency, n.
Ger-ox (ysg&'v), old man. — *geroc'ovny, n. ^erocom'ieal, «
Gest-[7.s^ p.p. (a gcro), carried, borate. (See Go'o.)
GiBB-vs, m. 2. a sicelling, a hunch on the back,
gib'bous, a. gib'bousneis, n. gibbos'ity, n.
GiGAS,aYit-is, m. ^. a giant: as,gigan'tiCf\ikea giant,
gi'ant, n. gi'antshi-p, n.
gVantess, n. gi'antryy n. gigante'an, a.
gi'antlike, a. gigan'tic, a,
GiKGiv-A, f. 1, the gum of the teeth — gin'givoX^ a,
Glaci-es, /. 5. (a gelii), ice : as^ gla'cial, of ice, icy.
congla'ciate, v. gla'cvA, a. glacia'tiou, n.
conglacia'tion, n. gla'ciate, v. gla'cious, a.
GiAm-uSy m. 2. (« clades, /. 3. slaughter), a sicord •
OS,, gladia'tov, a sicoi'd-'^X^yeY, a 'pnze-Jighter.
gla'diatory, a.
digladia'tion, n. gladia'ior, n. gladiato'riah a.
Glans^ gland-?5j /. 3. {/3:c?iuvog'), anacor7i; a, gland.'
aSj gkm'dular, pertaining to the glands.
gland, n. glandi^'erons, a. glan'dvlar, a.
•fglan'ders, n. glau'diform, a. glau'dulous, a.
glan'dered, a. glau'dule, n.
* " Gerocomy (from yejwf, an nld man, and ccmeo, z-ou-iui, to talie care of,)
ts tliat part of medicine which treats of the proper regimen to bt olMerved
in old age." — Johnson's Diet, by Todd.
t Glanders, a disease incident to horse, aninningof corrupt matter JVom
the nose, being white, yellow, green, or bl2.,.k, accoraing to its malignity.
Gleb-^J;, f. \. a clod, a turf.
glebe, n. gle'bous, a. d^^^yi d'
Glob-uSj m. 2. a globe, a round body, a ball', as, con-
glo'bidoXe,'^ to gather together into a littie round mans
conglobe', v. globe, n. glob'ule^ n.
conglo'bate, v. & a. glo'bated, a. glob'ulax, a.
conglo'bately, ad. glo'bous, a. glob'ulous, a.
cortgloba'iion, n. globose', a. glo'by, a.
*conglo'bulate, v. globos'iiy, n.
Glom-c/s, ^\'-is, n. 3. a clue ovball: as, conglom'er&ie.
to gather mto a ball, (Uke a ball of thread.)
agglom'erate, v. coiiglom'erate,v8ia.glom'erate, v.
af^glo-mcra'tion, n. conglomera'iion, n. glom'erous, a.
Glori-a, f. I. glory, honour, r.nown: as, glo'rify, to
procure or pay honour ox praise.
diii>glo'r'dy, v. xnglo'rions, a.
glo'ry, n. glo'rify, v. in^/oViously, a.i.
^/o'rious, a. gloriUca'tion, n. iuglo'riousness, n.
gto'riously, ad. unglo'tiiiad, a.
Gloss-^ (yXaa-iru). the tongue, language : as, glos'savji
a dictionary of obscure or antiquated words.
•fe-p\glot'iis, n. glos'sarist, n. glossog'ra-phy, n.
gloss, n. & V. glos'sy, a. glossog'ta^her, n.
glos'sex, n. glos'sine&s, n. glot'tis, n.
glos'saxy, n. i^oVyglot, a. & n.
glossa'rial, a.
Gluten, in-is, n. 3. a viscous body, '^glue : as, con~
glu'ti7iaiQ, to glue together, {to cement.)
agglu'tinate, v. aggluCina' (ion, n. agghi'tinani, a.
* '• Swallows certainly sleep all the winter, as a number of them congCa-
bulate together, by flying round and round, and then all in a heap throw
themselves under v/ater, and lie in the bed of a river." — Johnson, in Bos-
well's Life ofJnhns(m. That swallows lie all winter in the bed of a river,
is very doubtful, if not untrue. The common oeiief is, that they migrate,
like other birds of passage, to a warmer climate, as Africa, &ic.
t Epiglottis, " the thin moveable cartilage, in the form of a little tongue,
which covers the aperture of the wiiid-pipe." — Ash.
226 GNO
glu'er, v.
ngglu'tinat'we, a. fflu'tinate, u.
con(/lu'tina.te,v.Sia.glue'-hoileT, n- glu'tinous^ a-
conffluiiiia'don, n. glu'ey, a> ^^M^inousness, n.
conglu'ti7iati\e, a. glutinos'ity, n-
conglutina' tox, n. glv.'eynef,?,, n. glulina'tion, n.
glue^ n. &. v. glu'tinatiwe, a.
• <7/u'ish, a, unglue', v.
Ghu T -1 0, V. i. to swallow : ^s, glut'tonouB,, given to
excessive eating ; \glut't(m, one who eats to excess.
AeglutiiVon, n. -fglut'ion, n. glut'ionouslyf ad.
glut, V. & n. glut' tonons, a. glut'tony^ n.
Glypho {y>.v(p6}), to carve or engrave : as, hiero-
gb/pk'ic, an emhlem, or the art of writing in pic-
ture; on'o-glyph, an ornament \s-^ sculpture ; glgpio-
g'raphy^ a description of the art ol engraving on gems.
(in'aglyph, n. glgp'tic, n. hieYQglt/ph'ic,n.&a.
■anaglvph'ic, a. glyplog'rs:p\\y, n. hiQxoglyph'icaX, a.
glyph^ n. glyptograjih'ic, a. hieroglyph'ically ,ad
glyph'ic, n. hieroglyph, n.
Gnomon {yvuf^m from yvoa, yivao-Ku, to knoic), a thing
that serves to nttike known, or indicates : as, gno-
moVogy, a collection of maxims and reflections ;
gno'mon, the hand ox p)in of a dial ; i^YQgnos'ticdX^,
to iQXttell, to ioxQ^show.
gnomo\og'\Q,aS., a. gnomon'ical, a.
gno'mon, n. XGnos't'ic, a. & n.
(/Momol'ogy, n. gnomon'ics, n. gjios'iichm, n.
gnomolog'ic, a. gnomou'ic, a. pathoi/7iOmo/i'ic, a.
* Glue, " a viscous body commonly made by boiling the skins of animals
to a jelly ; any viscous or tenacious mutter, by which bodies are held one
to another; cement." — Johitson.
\ Glutton, a cmining voi-acious animal, larger than a badger, which in-
habits Europe, Asia, and America, and preys on the carcases of hares,
mice, &c., hence any one who eats much is called a glutton.
X Gnostics, those " who, as the fathers tell us, sprang from Simon Ma-
gus, and pretended to extraordinary knowledge and illumination j whence
fhcv had the name of Gnostics."— Tillotson's S&tm.
*physiog'nomY, n. Y^rognos'llc,a.8c7i. pro/7«os#2ca7ior), ».
pro^/io.^'/icable, a. 'pxognos'ticator, n.
physiop'womist, n. -prognos'ticate, v.
Gnor-i/s for Gnar-us, a. knowing.
i^'norant, a. ig'noi-ance, n. i^'-nora'mus, n.
ig'norantly, ad.
Gnost-os (yvacTTog), known, madehiown. (SeeGnomon.)
GoNiA (yanx), an angle or corner : as^ 'dia/onvd,
through t//e angles or corners ; oc'tago??, a figure
of eight angles; \x\gonovL)! <^ix^ , the art of measur-
ing triangles, or figures of three angles.
diaij'^onal, n. & n hexa^'o7ial, a. p^A'ygon^ n.
dia^'onally, ad. nan'agon, n. poly^'onal, a.
dec'a^on, n. nona^'onal-, a. tet'raifo?*, n.
dodec'a^on, n. oc'iagon, n. tp.ixag'onai, a.
eiidLec'-dgon, n. octa^'o?ial, a. tn'gon, n.
goniom'eter, n. or'tho5"on, n. irxg'on&i, a.
gonio\-net'xica\ a. ortho^'onal, a. irSgonoxaf eixy, ?i.
he-p'tagon, n. ox'y^o7i, n. tri^onomet'rical, a.
hepta^'07/al, a. pen'iagon, n. undec'a^ow, n.
hcx'agon, n. peniag'o)t,a\, a.
GoN-os (/ova?, a yivu, to beget'), progeng. (See Genea.)
GoRDi-t7S,t m. 2. a Phrggian king — gor'dioii, a.
Gorgon,;}: {yo^yav), a monster with snaky hairs, of
which the sight turned beholders to stone; Medusa;
a terrific object,
"^gor'gon, n. gorgo'nian, a.
* Vhysiognomy, the art of di.tcovei-ing tne temper, and foreTtnoivrng the
fortune by the fentures of ihe face ; the face, tfie cast of the look.
t A Ph7-ygian husbandman, made king by the oracle of Apollo ; who is
said to have then tied up liis utensils of husbandry in the temple, and in
a knot so intricate, that no one could find out where it began or ended.
It was pretended, that whoever should loose this knot, should be king of
all Asia. Alexander the Great, without staying to untie it, cut it with his
sword. Hence tlie Gordiun knot, came to express any thing dijjicult or
X Corgones, three celebrated sisterF, daughters of Phorcys and Ceto,
wlicse names were Stheno, Euri,ule, and Medusa, all immortal except
GoTTH-ij m. 2. a celebrated nation of ancient Ger
many, leho were savage icarriors.
goth'ic, n. & a. golh'icize, v. ffoth'icism, n.
Gourmand, m. (Fr.) a cjlutton, a greedy eater.
gor'mand^ or gor'mand ize, or gor'manfieT, n.
gour'mand, n. gour'mandize,vSLn.gor'mandizeT, n.
Gracil-I5, a. lean, slender, small,
gmc'ile, a. graciViiy, n.
Gradi-or, dep. 3. (a gradus, m. 4. a step), to go step
by step : as, deg7'ade', to go or bring a step down,
{to place lower) ; aggress', to go to, {to assault or
begin the quarrel); grad'uaie, to go step by step,
or mark with degrees, (to dignify with, or take an
academical degree) ; ^xansgress' , to pass over or
bej^ond, {to violate or break) ; -pvogres'siye, go'mg
■ forward.
aggress', v. & n,
aggressl'on, n.
aggres'sive, a.
aggres'soT, n.
aVtigrade, a.
cong'ress, n.
congres'sive, a.
degrade', v.
degrade'ment, n.
degrada't'ion, n.
degrad'ingly, ad.
degree', n.
digress'., v.
digression, n.
digressi'ona\, a.
digres'sive, a.
di gres'siveiy, ad.
egress, n. -progressi'on, n.
egressi'on, n. -progressi'onsl, a.
grade, n. -^rogres'sive, a.
grnda'tion, n. -progres'sively, ad.
grad'atory, n.&a. -progres'sivenesSjU.
gra'dient, a. le'gress, n.
grad'ual, a. & n. regressVon, n.
grad'uaWy, ad.
grad'uate, v. & n.
grad'uateshiTp, n.
gradua'tion, ii.
ingre'dient, n.
m'gress, n.
ingressi'on, n.
\)rog'ress, n.
progress', v.
Tet'xograde, a&. v.
vetTOgrada'tion, n.
TetvGgressi'on, n.
subin<7re.9si'on, n. .
transgress', v.
transgressi'on, n.
trcinsgres'sor, n.
transgres'sive, a.
undirgrad'uate, n.
Grject-a, f. 1. (y^eiixioi), Greece, a celebrated penin-
sular country on the south-east of Europe.
Greece, n. gre'che^ v. ^reek'ish, a.
Gre'cian, n. & a. gre'chm, n. greek']xxig, n.^
gre'ciamze, v. Greek, n. & a.
Gramen^ 111-25, 71. 3. grass : as, gramin'eoMa,, grassy,
gramin'eous, a. gr amini\'oio\is, a,
Gp.amm-^ {y^x/nf^a, a. y^aipa, to Write), a writing, a
letter, literature. (See Grapho.)
Grand-iSj a. great, lofty : as_, ag'grandiz^, to make
great; grand, great, splendid ; grandii' (d^ows,,
using lofty words.
2i^grandize, v. grand'Yaoth&c, n. grandee'ship, n.
ag'grandizer, n. grand'sou, n. grari'deur. n.
grand'child, n.
grand, a, gj-and'she, n. grandif'ic, a.
grandly, ad. gran'dam, n. grand'i\'o(i\xex\ce,n.
grand'ness, n. grandee', n. grandiVoqnow.^, a.
grayid'{aX\\er, n.
Grando, m-is, f. 3. hail — gran' dinow^, a.
GRAN-uiW, n. 2. a grain of corn : as,^r«7z'ary, a place
or store-house for threshed corn or grain ; graniN'oi'-
ous, eafmg grain ; ^ra7^'ulous_, full of little grains.
grain, n. " granit'ic , a. ^-gj-ajiula'ilon, n.
grain'ing, n. grardv' or o\x^, a. ^^rip/zade', n.
grai'ny, a. grau'vle, n. ^?-proach towards it, true
philosophy has shewn to be unsolvable by any hypothesis, and resolved it
into the immediate will of the Creator." — Quincy.
II Logogriphe, an enigma, a riddle, or captiovs question, proposed fo
students at entertainments, for solution, in order to exercise and impro^■e
the mind ; those who failed in gi^ing an explanation, were subjected w a
u 2
Gkus, gni-t's, m.oTf.3. a crane, a bird: as, cor\gru-
ity, a coming or agreeing together, as cranes or
birds do in a flock.
con^'rwence, n. coxig'Tuow?., a.
coug'ruency ., n. con^'rwously, ad.
con^^Vueiit, a. discongru'hy, n.
congru'ity, n. incoiigru'ity, n.
incon^'r«ent, a.
incon^Vwous, a.
incon^'TTf ously, ad.
GuARANT-i« for Garant-ir, v. (Fr.) to guard, to
secure, to undertake to secure the performance of
a treaty or stipidation : as, guarantQQ' , to answer
for performance ; war' rant, to support, autJiorise,
justify, or secure.
guarantee', or nnwar'rayitshXQ- war'rantahly, ad.
gu5i'),rt Greek: a&,herien\^m.,Greekidi\oxri.
hel'lenic, a. hel'lenhe, v. heUenis'tic , a.
hel'len\%\n, n. \\}iel'len\^t, n. hcllenis'tica\\y,ad
HelminSj inth-05 (ix^uiv?, ivSoi), a u-orm.
anthelmin'lhicj a. helmin'lhic, a. helmintkoVogy, n.
*Hebrctc, an Israelite, one of the children of Israd, a Jew. "Either, a fa-
mily name, from Kbnf, who was the gieat grandson of Shem, and Abraham's
great, great, great, great grandfather ; that is, he was a lineal descendant
trom Eber, in the seventh generation.— ^,'jy«;!<7m and his j90.s;c)-i7i^ are call-
ed Hebrews, because they spoke the same language, and professed and
practised the same religion that Ebei- did. Or, it comes from the preposi-
tion *131^, gnelher, trans, beyotul ; from whence those that lived bc^wtid,
or to the east of the river Euphrates, were called by the Canaanites and
others who lived on the west, nnny, gnibrim, or Hebrews: and because
Abraham came from heyu7id, or to the east of the river (Euphrates), hence
his posto-ify acquired the appellation of n'^II^S?, gnibhrim, or Hebrews."
— Jennings' Jetv. Antiq.
t For aphelion and perihelion, see fcot-note under apogccon, p. 220.
\ Parhelion, a mock sun.
II It may be proper to take notice of the distinction between the Helle-
nM,"£.XXy,v-i, and Hellenists, 'hAXy.viirrxi. TJie fonner were Creeks by birth
Uem-^ {ultAx), blood: as^Aem'orrhage, du^ovfoi blood;
hemo^to'&is, a spitting of blood.
^ signifying, like
demi (Fr.), and semi (Lat.), half.
II Hemicrany, a pain that affects only one part of the head at a time.
§ Hemiplegy (r,u,i7v;, half; and plesso, ^Xy,(r(ru, to strike or seize), a
palsy, or any nervous affection relating thereunto that seizes one side ut a
lime; some partial disorder of the nervous system.
^Heptandria (in Bctany),oneof theLinneanclasscs, including thosejard?!?*
which have seven stamens to the flower ; those which have une stamen to
Herb-^j /. 1. an kerb; ^rass : as Aer^a'ceous, relal -
ing to kerbs ; ker'bage, kerbs collectively.
herb, n.
herbd'ceou9, a. ker'barhe, v. , herb^ess, a.
her'bage, n. he'r'bary, n. her'bous, a.
her'baged, a. her'belet, n. /j^rZ^oriza'tion, n.
her^bal, a. & n. her bea' cent j a. her'bulent, a,
her^bali&t, n.
Hercul-£S/* m. 3. a hero of antiquity — hercu'leon, a.
HeremitEj, m. (YY.ab l^yifxcq), a solitary . (SeeEremos.)
the flower, are called mowandria ; two, dfandria ; three, f» faiidria ; four,
tetrandr'm ; five, pentandr'm ; six, /ipjrandria ; seven, heptandna ; eight,
ocfandria ; nine, e>i??eandria ; ten, decandria ; eleven, ewrfecandria ; twelve,
ciodecandria ; many, polt/andna.
* Hercules, a celebrated hero of antiquity, the son of Jupiter and Alc-
mena, who travelled as far as the Straits of Gibraltar, and is said to have
erected two pillars, one at Cadiz in Spain, and the other opposite at Ceuta
in Africa. Hercules, by the will of Jupiter, was subjected to the power of
Eurystheus, king of Argos and Mycenae, son of Sthenelus and Nicippe. He,
apprehensive of Hercules' power and strength, commanded him to achieve
a number of enterprizes, the most difficult and arduous ever known, ge-
nerally called the twelve Inboiirs of Hercules. For undertaking these, he
received a coat of arms and helmet from Minerva ; a swordfxora. Mercury ;
a horse from Neptune ; a shield from Jupiter ; a bow and arrows from
Apollo ; and from Vulcan, a golden cuirass and brazen buskin, with a ce- ,
lebrated club of brass. The first labour imposed by Eurystheus upon Her-
cules, being yet in the 16th year of his age, was, to kill the lion ofNemcea,
which ravaged the country near Mycenas. 2. To destroy the I^etncean Hy-
dra, which had 7 heads according to Apollodorus, 50 according to Simoni-
des, and 109 according to Diodorus. When one head was destroyed, two
others immediately sprang up ; but his friend lolas, by his command, burn-
ed the root of it with a hot iron, which succeeded, and he became victorious.
3. To bring alive and unhurt into the presence of Eurystheus a stafffamous
for its incredible swiftness, its golden horns, and brazen feet. 4. To bring
alive a tvild boar, which ravaged the neighbourhood of Erymanthus. In
this expedition he destroyed the Centaur, and caught the boar, at whose
sight Eurystheus was so frightened, that he hid himself for some days in
his brazen vessel. 5. To clean the stables of Augeas, where Si'OO oxen had
been confined for many years. 6. To kill the carnivorous birds which ra-
vaged the country near the lake Stymphalis in Arcadia. 7. To bring alive
into Peloponnesus a prodigious wild bull, which laid waste the island Crete.
8. To bring the mares of Diomedes, which fed upon human flesh. 9. To
obtain the girdle of the queen of the Amazons. 10. To kill the monster
Geryon, king of Gades or Cadiz, and bring to Argos his numerous flocks,
which fed upon human flesh. 11. To obtain apples from the garden of the
Hesperides. 12. The last and most dangerous of his labours, to bring upon
earth the three-headed dog Cerberus, which guarded the entrance of hell, to
prevent the living from entering the infernal regions, and the dead from
escaping from their confinement. His exploits are celebrated by the poets
and historians of antiquity. — See Lempriere's Classical Dictionary,
Heres-is (tii^io-i^^, ah xl^iu, to take), the ad of taking ,
an opinion, a dogma : as, her'etic, one tainted with
arch-her'esyy n. her'esiaxchy n. heret'ical, a.
arch-her'etic, n. her'esi&xchy, n. kerei'lceiily, ad.
*her'esy, n. her'etic, n.
Hermes (i^f^r.g), Merciay, the interpreter and messen^
gerofthe Gods; the imagined inventor of chemistry.
•^rherma-ph'rodaiQ, n. hermf.neut'ics., tl. hermet'ic, a.
hermaY>\\rol\i'vc,a. hei'tneneut'ic, a. X^iermet'ical, a.
he7">naphTodit'ica\,a.her)?}eneut'ica}y (t. hermet'ically, ad,
Heros {yi^ti/g'), a brave man, a hero : as^ hero'iz, re-
lating to a hero or hrave man.
he'ro, n. hero'icly, ad. hc7-oicom'ic, a.
her'ome, n. hero'icaX, a. Aero/com'ical, a.
hero'ic, a. &. n. hero'lcaWy^ ad. her'oism, n.
Hesit-Oj v. 1. (« haereo), to he doidjtfid, to he at a
loss. (See Hcereo.)
Hes-us, p.p. (« hsereo)^ stuck. (See Hcereo.)
Heter-os {iTi^cg), other, another, dissimilar : as^ he~
z'eroge'neous, other ox dissimilar m nature; het'e-
rarchy-j the government of an alien.
het'erarchy, n. het'erodoxy, n. hetei'oge'neons, a.
\\het'eroc\he, n. &. a. heterodox'ical, a. heleroge'neonsnesSf
heteroclit'ical, a. ^heteros'cii, or
heteroclit'ic, a. heteroge'neal, a. heie7'os'cians, n.
het'erodox, a. & n. heteros'cian, a.
* Hcresp, literally, the act of taJciiig ; " an erroi- m s^ome fundameotnl
doctrine of the Christian faith, or a private opiniofi different from that of
the catholic and orthodox church." — Crabbe's Diet.
t Hermapliradite, an animal uniting two sexes. %Hermetical, chemical.
y Hetercclite, literally, a leaning or inclining another way. Any thing or
person deviating from the common rule. " Such nouns as vary from tht-
common form of declension by any redundancy, defect, or otherwise, are
called heterodites." — Clarke.
§ Heteroscii, or lleterofvians, those tvhose shadows fa'.l onlp one wav, as
the shadows of us who live between the tropics and polar circles ; so called,
because those on the north have their shadows always in an oppvsite direc-
tion to those on the south, and vice versa.
Hex (I|)j six : as^ hexarii'^iei', a verse of six feet ;
hex'a^odi, an animal with six feet hex'a^Qdi, six
feet, or a fathom ; hexa?>'V\.c\\, a poem of 5/0; lines.
hea/achoxd., n. hexanVeter,n.& a. hea;'aiped, or
*hexae'dion, n. he^'amet'Tic, a. hex'apod, n.
hex* agon, n. Aea^amet'rical, a.
Ae^an'dria, n. hexas'tich, n.
hexag onal, a. hexan'gvdax, a. hex^astyle, n.
Hex-is {i^i<;, ah i'/,a, to have), a state of the mind or
body ; a habit. (See Exis.)
HiAT-us, m. 4. (« liioj V. 1. to gape, to open), a gaping,
hia'tus, 71. '
HlBERNI-^,/.l./yW«?2(r/ — hiber'nian,n.8i.a.hiber'nicism,n.
HiBERN-us, a. {d hiems or hyems, -is, /. 3. winter),
of win ter — h iber'noX, a .
HiBIT-UM, sup. (comP- form oi habiium), to hold. SeeHabeo.
HiBIT-l/S, p.p. (comV- fonn of habi(iis), held. (See Habeo.)
HiER-os {ti^og), sacred, holy : as, ki^erarchy, a sac7-ed
government, (ecclesiastic establishment) ; hi'ero-
mancy, divination hy sacrifces ; hi'erologjj a dis-
course on sacred things.
hi'eraxch, n. Ziieroglyph'ically hierogra^h'ic, a.
hi'eraTchy, 71. hi'erogi&m, 71. hierogra^h'ical, a.
Aierarch'al, a. hi€rogrammat'ic,a. hieroVogy, n.
^jerar'chical, a. hierogianVmatiatyuhi'eromancy, 71.
hi'eroglyjih, n. hierog'xa\)\).a, 71. 'i^hi'ero^'hant, n.
'\hierog\yp\\'\c,n,Sia. hierog'xayihy, n. /Tierop'olis, n.
AiVroglyph'ical, a.
* Hexacdron, a cube, or solid with sis faces or sides.
t Hierogli/phics , certain chai acters, figures, or sigtts, made use of by the
ancient Egyptians, instead of letters, to express the conception of men,
particularly the mysteries of their religion : hence the term hieroglyph, a
carving or engraving of some sacred thing. " A lamp among the Egyi)-
tians is the hieroglt/phic of life."—Wtlkins. In a general sense, a hierog'u-
phic is any symbol or figure which may serve to represent an object : such
are our astronomical characters.
XHierophant, one viho teaches ihe rules of rel'giort; a minisler or priest.
HiLAB-is, a. cheer/ul, merry, gay: as, ex/iiliirate
to make cheerful, (to enliven^ to gladden.)
ex/i?7'arate, v. hilar'ity, n.
exhilar a' iion, n.
Hipp-os {iTTTToi), a horse: as, A«'7;/>opot'amus, the river
/-orse (found in the Nile); /!?7J»jyogi-iff,a\\anged/?or5^.
*/iJp7ioceri'taurj n. A 4"/>;;opot'amus, n. hip'po^^, n.
Archip'pua, n. ^^hip'po^xoine, n.
HisTORi-yi, /. 1. {ItTTos^ioc, ah tirrcj^, one who knows), a
nay-ration of facts and events, histoi'y: as, histori-
og'rapher, a writer of history,
his'toxy, n, histor'ic, a. historiogra^h'ical,a
histor'iccd, a. his' tory --piece, n.
histo'i-icin, n. histor'icaWy, ad. s/o'ry, n.
historiol'ogy, n. sto'ried, a.
historiog'rajphy, n. 5/oVy-teller, n.
historiog'xaph.er, n.
HiSTRio, on-?'., m. 3. {a hister, a Tuscan word), a stage-
player: as, A /s^r/o?2'ic, befitting the stage, (theatrical.)
histrion'ical, a. kis'trionism, n.
Jdstrion'ic, a. hisirion'icaily, ad.
HoDiEj adv. (a hoc die), to-day — hodie/^i^H, a.
HoL-os (oAoj), the whole, all: as, cat^o/'icon, a iini.
«;er5tt/ medicine ; /^o/'ocaust, a sacrifice whollyhwini.
Xcsiih'olic, a. & n. caihol'icon, n.
cath'olicly, ad. catA'o/icism, n. hol'ocaust, n.
catAo/'icness, n. ijAo/'ograph, n.
* Hippocentaur, a fabulous monster, half-horse, and half-wian-
t Hippodrome, a course for chariot and horse races, or exercises-
■^ Catholic, literally, the ivhcle from side to side, all, general. The church
ot Jesus Christ is called catholic^ because it extends throughout the world,
and is not limited by time, or to any sect of Christians. Some truths are
said to be catholic, because they are received by all the faithful. Catholic
is often set in opposition to heretic or sectary, and to schisttiatic. " Catho-
lic, or canonical epistles, are seven in number ; that of St James, two of
St Peter, three of St John, and that of St Jude. They are called catholic,
because they are directed or addressed to all the faithful, and not to any
particular church ; and canonical, because they contain excellent rules of
faith and molality." — Calmet, Catholic, the noun, is usually applied to a
papist; a Roman Catholic,
i Holograph, an instrument written tvhoUy by the person who signs it
HoMiL-os (oiaiXoi, ab ofAOi), an asseynhly ; company:
aS;, hom'ily, a discourse read to a congregation,
hom'ily, n. hom'ilist, n. homilet'ical, a.
Homo, m-is, c. 3. a mayi : as, ku'maxi, belonging to
man ; human'iiy, mankind or kindness.
hom'icidie, ?^. hu'mam^t, 7i.
homici'dal, a. humane', a. hu'manize, v.
hu'maii, a. hnmaxie'ly, ad. inhu'man, a.
hu'manly, ad. humane'ness, n. mhu'maaly, ad,
/i?/wiankind , n. human'ity, n. inhuman'ityy n.
HoM-os (of^og), united, like, equal, the same : as, lio-
mol'ogous, having the same manner or proportions.
fiomog'cny, n. Aonzoge'neousnesSj homon'ymy, n.
ftomoge'neal, a. Aomon'ymous, a.
/iowjojop'athyj n. /jowol'ogouSj a. */io;H ot'onous, a.
Ao?«oge'iieoiis, a.
HoNGRjjw. 3. respect, regard: as>,^\!skon' our ,\.q takeaway
or deprive oi honour, (to disgrace^ ; hon'orary, done
or made in honour, confening honour without gain.
^\%hon' est, a. hon'est, a. Z^o?^'o^^rabl^ a.
(S^i'&hoii'estXy, ad. hon'estiy, ad. hon'ourahly, ad.
6.i%hon'our,n.8i.v. koji'esty, n. Aon'ourableness, 7i.
disAori'owrer, n. hon'orary, a. hon'ourless, a.
dishou'ourahle, a. hou'our, u. & v. undis/ion'owred, a.
disZio/i'owj'ably, ad. hon'ourei, n. un/io;i'oMred, a.
HoR-j, /. 1. (ae,»), an hour : a%, ho'reX or Ao Vary,
relating to an hour ; /^orogVaphy^, an account of the
hours ; horom'etry, the art of measuring the hours.
ho'ral, a. /lorog'raphy, n. hoi-'ologe, n.
-f-/iO?'ologiog'raphy,n. horoVogy, n.
ho'rary, a. 7iorologiograph'ic,a-]-/ior'oscope, n.
* ifo»Jofo«o!M, literally, having the like, equal, ox same tone or stren^i ;
equable: said of such distempers as keep a constant tenour of rise, state,
and declension.— Q?u?u7/.
■\ H'lntloi-iography, a description oi a.Jioi-oloffC or an instrument that
tells ihe h\)\ir, as a dock, wafch, or houiplass : also, the art of construct-
ing dials. Hojosope, the configuration of the planets at fhe hour of birth.
X 2
Hon 24() HOR
feorom'etry, n. hourly, a. &. ad. hour-hand', n,
hour, n. AoMr'-glass, n. Aowr-piate', ».
HoR-os (ogo?)^ <^ boundary, a limit ; a rule: as^ ho^
ri'zoYv, the line that bounds or terminates the ^j/eie?,
(or that seems to join the heaven with the earth.)
•ap7i'orism, n. apA'orist, w. hori'zon, n.
ap/i'£M-ismer, n. •di'orism, n. horiison'tal, a.
ap^or«*'^ical, a. dioris'^ically, ad. horizon'taMy, ad.
niphoris'ticaMy, ad.
HoRRE-o, V. 2. to be rough or dreadful, — as an animal
with its hair standing on end, or the like : as, hor'-
rzhle, that may be dreaded or detested.
ab/io?-', V. hor'reni, a. hor'r'idly, ad.
abAorVence, n. hor'ri\AQ, a. Aor Vidness, n.
zbhor'rency, n. hor'rihly, ad. horrific, a.
a.hhor'rent, a. hor'rihleness, n. /iorris'onous, a.
&\)hor're.x, n. hor'rid, a. hor'rov, n. '
HoRT-oRj V. dep. 1. to exhort, to encourage: as^deAo?/
to dissuade ; ex/wrf, to incite by words to any
good action ; hor'tatoxy, encouraging, — used of
precepts not of persons.
Aehori', v. exhort', v. exhor'tatoxy, a.
Aehor'ter, n. exhor'ter, n. horla'tion, n.
dthorta'tion, n. exhorta'tion, n. hor'taiive, a. &. n.
dehor' tatoxy, a. exhor'tati\e, a. hor'tatoxy, a.
HoRT-t/s m. 2. a garden ; an orchard :
as, horten'siiA, fit for a garden; /-orV/culture, the
art of cultivatmg^ftr(:/e?25; hor'tuhn, belonging to
a garden.
hor'hdan, a. ho7''lus-siccus, n.
?ior'iicvlture, n. hort'yaxd, or or'ch&rding, n.
horticuVtuxai, a. or'chaxd, 7i. or'chaxdiit, n.
Tjtjy'/iculturist, n.
* Aphorism, literally, a separating 'by vtiaxklng limi/s ,- a mnjim, a f^e-
rept limited or contracted in a short sentence. Diorism, distincfirr., oi
aejinition, v.hich i;i few \^crds explains wluU is spoken of.
HosPES, UJs, c. 3. one who entertams, or is enter-
tained, a host or guest: as^ hos'pit-dl, a place built
for the reception of the sick, ox support of the poor;
hospital'iiy, the practice 0^ entej'tainiiig stmugers ;
inhos'pitahle, affording no kindness nor entertain-
ment to strangers.
hos'pitahle, a. host, n. 'mhos' pitahXt, a.
hos'pitdhly, ad. host'es,^, n. inhos'jntahXy, ad.
hos'pita\)lene&s,n' *hoteV, n. in^o/jo«7ableness,n.
hos'pital, n. hcs'lkr, or inhospitarity, n.
hospital'ity, n. os'tkr, n. \xtJios' pitaWe, a.
HosT-iSj c. 3. an enemy : as, hos'tile, relating to an
open enemy, (adverse^
host, n. hostility, n. 'v:\hos't\\e, a.
hos'tile, a. unAos'/ile, a.
hos'ti\e\y, ad,
HuMAN-i/Sj a. {a homo)j of a man. {See Homo.)
11\JM-E0, V. 2. to be wet or moist: as^, humect' or hu-
mecfate, to make moist or wet; /('M'wzcralj relating
to the hu?nours.
diiihn'moiir,n. Siv. hji'mid, a. hu'morous, a.
humect', or humid'iiy, n. hu'morou&ly, ad.
humec'tate, v. hu'mour, n. Si v. hu'tnorousxiess, n.
hn'inoriii, a. hu'moursome, a.
nnmec'tive, a. hu'morist, n. hu'moursomely, ad.
HuMER-i7S, m. 2. the shouldcr — hu'mer^, a.
HuM-C7Sj /. 2. the ground, the earth : as, ey.Jmme', to
take out of the grave; hzi?nil'id.te, to malie hiwible,
or near the earth.
exhume', or ex'hiimB,te, v. exhuma' t'xon, n.
* Hotel, "formerly hostel, a lodging-hcntse, particularly a pnblic-hottse
furnished with beds, &c. for the accommodation of occflsionai lodgers, who
are there supplied with apartments hired for the night, or by the week.
Of this V.mdoi lodging-house, Mr Malonesays, there was not one till about
the year 1760. In 1810, he considered the number of them to be above ino.
The designation of Cqffee-house and Hotel, ia now very common."— ^(//jn-
eon's Diet, by Todd.
hum'hle, a. &. v. humlile-mouthedi, a inhume', or
hum'bly, ad. inhu'mate, v.
hu77i'h]eness, n. inhuma'tion, n.
hum'hler, n. humil'iate, v.
huiH^hYmg, a. &ri. hamilia'tion, n. •posf'^jfwous, a.
/iww'ble-minded,a. huinil'ity, n. •po'^i'humously, ad.
Hyal-os (vatAo;), glass or ckrystal — hf/'cdmQ, a.
Hydor (y^ ^^'-^ serum or waters/ part of the
blood thin acrid matter distilling from wounds,
t'chovy n. i'chorows,^ a.
IcHTHYs {)x&vi),afish: as, ichth?/oYogyj the science
of fsh ; ichth?/oiph' agist, ajish-eaiew
ichiht/oVogy, icAtht/opWagy, n. ichlhyopWaglst, n.
Icon (iKm, ab uku, to be like), an image ox.picmre -.
as, iconoVaiQr, a worshipper of images.
i'eon, n. econoclas'tic, a, iconoVogy, n,
Xicon'oc\a%t, n. ico;iog'raphy, n. ico/zil 'ater, n.
IcTER-c/s, m. 2. (.We^o^), the jaundice — /c/er'icalj a.
* Hysterics, fits of women, supposed to proceed from disorders in thz
womb ; so called, because the womb is the lowest of the viscera.
t Iambic, a poetic foot, consisting of a short and long syllable; used ori
glnally in satire, therefore taken for satire.
i Iconoclast (k xXot^o), clazo» to breali), a breaker ofimagej.
Idea, /. i. (ihu, ab ii^u, to see), a mental image : as,
ide'al'ize, to fonn ideas.
ide'a, n. ide'aMy, ad. trfe'alism, w.
ide'al, a. ide'alize, v. unide'al, a.
Idem, pron. (ab is-dem), tke same : as, iden'tify, to
prove sameness, or to make the same.
iden'tky, n. iden'ticdtWY, ad. iden'tify, v.
- identic, a. identinca'tion, n.
iden'tical, a.
Idi-os (l^iog), peculiar, private : as, idioc'rasy, p)ecy-
liarity of constitution ; id'iom, a mode of speaking
pecidiar to a language.
idioc'xacy, n. idiomai'icBX, a. id'iot\s>xn, n.
idiociaX'ical, a. idiomat'ic, a. idiot'ic, a.
id'iocy, 7i. -fidio&yn'cTasy, n. idiot'icdA., a.
*icZiop'athy, n. id'iot, n. id'iotizQ, v. '
id'iom, n,
Idol-I7j/j n.2. (Ii^mXov, ab h^og, a form, a figure), an
image worshipped as God : aSj ^V/ol'atiy, the wor-
ship of images, or of any thing as God.
i'dol, n. i'dolK^, a. jrfol'atrize, v.
i'dolize, v. idoVairy, n. ido\aiYica\, a.
i'dolizer, n. irfol'ater, n. idoVaixous, a.
1g-0, {comV- oi ago), to drive. (See Ago.)
Ign-is, m. 3. fire: as, ig'tnte, to set on fire; igniv'-
ornous/ vomiting j^re.
ig'neo\\%, a. ig'nify, v. igiiiti'on, n.
i^nip'otent, a. i^nifluous, a. ignVtiMiQ, a.
ig'tiis-iaiywys., n. %gn\iQ', v. «^/iiv'omous, a.
Imago, in-?^ /• 3. an image oy picture : as, im'agery,
sensible ropresentations, representations in ^vriting ;
* Idiopathrj, peculiar feeling ; a primary disease, that neither depends
en, nor proceeds from another, j Idiosyncrasy, a peculiar temper
or disposition of body not common to another.
1MB 251 INC
imag'inatiYe, relating to the imagi7iatio7i or power
of forming ideal pictures.
im'age, n. & v. mimag'inahXe, a.
im'agery, n. imag'inaxy, a. miimag'inahle, a,
imag'ine, v. imagina'tion, n. vmmag'inah\y,ad.
imag'iner, n. imag'inative^ a. nnimag'ined, a.
imag'indhle, a. imag'ining, a.
Imbecill-is {ab \n,o/i, & bacillus, »». 2. a staff), weak^
feeble, leayiing on a staff.
imbecile, n. imbecil'ity, n.
Imit-or, v. dep. 1. to copy or resemble : as, im'itatov,
one who copies another ; mim'itahlQ, that cannot
be copied or resembled, (above imitation.)
m'itoble, a. im'itaiive, a. inim'itahly, ad.
imitabil'ity, n, im'itatox, n. inimitabil'ity, n.
im'itate, v. inim'itable, a. unim'iiahle, a.
imita'tion, n.
Imper-0, v. 1. {ab in et paro), to command, to rule:
as^ imper'atYSQ, commanding.
*em'perox, n. imperato'rial, a. impe'riahy, n.
em'press, n. impe'rial, a. impe'rious, a.
*em'pire, n. impe'rially, ad. impe'riously, ad.
hnpe'rialist, n. impe'rion^nG^s, n.
imper'ative, a. impe'rialized, a. umpire, n.
InaN-IS, a. emp)ti/ — inane', a. inanilVon, n. inan'ity, n.
Indigen-^, /. 1. the native of a place.
•|-inc?i^Vnous, a. "^in'digene, n.
Incho-0, v.\. to begin : as, in'chos±Q, to begin.
in'choaiQ, v. & a, iti'choaiive, a.
in'choately, ad.
* Emperor, a monarch of title aiid dignity superior to a king ; as, tho
emperor of Germany. Empire, imperial power, sovereign command : the
region o-<'er which dominion is extended.
■f Indigenous, native to a country ; originally produced or bm-n in a re»
gion : — opposite to exotic, foreign ; nor produced in our own country ; a-stt^
a foreign plant. Indigene, a native.
Industri-^, /. 1. diligence, assiduity.
in'duslry, n. Indus' trio\xsly, ad. unindus'trions, a.
indus'trions, a.
Infans^ nt-is, c. 3. (ab in et fan), a child that can-
not yet speak. (See Fari.)
Inferus, a. below, beneath : as, infe'rior, lower in
place, station or rank of life, or value.
infe'rior, a. & n. infer'nal, a. & n. infer'nally, ad.
- inferior'ity , n.
Infest-^s, a. hostile to, eager to hurt ; harassing.
infest', V. infesta'tion, n.
Inguen, in-25, n. 3. the groin — ing'uinal, a.
iNiQU-t/s, (^ab3squ.us),uneven,tinjiest,wicked. {SeeEquus.)
Initi-c/m, n. 2. (ab in et eo), a beginning. (See Eo.)
Inquin-o, v. 1. to defile, to pollute, to corrupt.
in'qu'uiate, v.
Ins UL- J, /. 1 . a?i island: as,m'5?^/ate, to make an island.
in'sula.r, a. & n. isle, n. i'solated, a.
in'sulary, a. i'slet, n. "penin'sJila, n.
in'sidate, v. i'sland, n. penrn'^w/ar, a.
in'sulated, a. i'slander, n. "peniji'sul&ted, a.
Integer, a. (ab in e^ango, to touch), entire, not touch^
ed ; upright : as, in'tegrdXe, to make a whole.
in'teger, n. integral'iiy, n. in'tegratc, v.
in'tegr-dX, a. & n. in'tegrawt, a. integra'iion, n.
in'tegraWy, ad. integ'rity, n.
Interpret-or, v.dep.}. fo explain : as, mhinte/prct,
to explain to a worse sense, or "Wi'ong intentioKc
inter'pret, v. inter' pretat'ive, a. tahinter'perfer. v.
inler'preter, n. inter' pretat\\c\y, ad
inter' pretable., a. misinier'prel, v. misinterpreta'tJon
interpreta't'xon, n.
/ntestin-^;,«. 2. (ahmt\x^,within),theguts,thebo<£el3f
the inwards : as^ intes'tin^, relating to the guts.
intes'tinal, a. inies'ii}ie,a.&n.
1nt-us, adv. or Intr-^, prep, within : as^ fwter'/zal,
inward or of the inside ; inte'rior, inward, zntier.
inte'riox^ a. & n. inter'naWy, ad. intima'tlon, n.
in'timsits, a. n. & v. inlrin'^ecs-l, a.
iri'limately, ad. intri)i't>€cal\y, ad.
i7iier'na\, a. in'iima,cy, n. inirin'sic, a.
Invit-0, v. I. to bid or ask; to allure: as, invita'"
tion, the act of inviting, bidding, or calling.
dhlnvile', v. invifn'i'wn, n. invi'iingly, ad.
invite', v. vivi'iatory, a. invi'i'mf^ness, n.
invi'ttr, n. invi'tln^, n. & a. uni^ivi'^fed, a.
tnt'i/e'mentj «.
Iota {\o>ra^, the name of the ninth letter of the Greek
alphabet; a point, a tittle, the least particle,
io'ia, n. ht^ n. & v. jot'iing, n.
Jr-a, /. 1. anger, wrath: as, ?V«s'cible, inclined or
disposed to anger ; ir'rit^kAQ, easily angered or
provoked ; ir'rit'sXQ, to excite anger.
•dire, n. , ire'fuUy, ad. ir'rj7able, a.
di?-e'fiil, a. ira^'c'ible, a. irri/abil'ity, n.
dij'g'fulness, n. i?-fls'cibly, ad. ir'ritdte, v- & a.
ire, n. zVascibirity, n. irriia' Hon, n.
tre'ful, a. ir'ritatory, a.
Iren-e (h^viv/t), peace — fi'renaYch, n. iren^icvA, a.
Iris, /. 3. («^'?)j. the rain -bow ; circle round the p)upil
of the eye ; the fleur-de-luce — i'ris, n.
* Dire (Dei ira, theivrath of God), cruel : dreadful, horrible; movrnf/i.
t Irenarch, an officer of the old Greek empire, employed to prtst^rva
public tranquiUity.
Ironi-^ (u^mnot) ah ii^ui, a dissembler), a figure of
speech, when one means the contrary oiwhaX is said,
*i'rony, n. iron'ica\, a. i'romst, n.
iron'ic, a. iro?i'ically, ad.
IsCH-0 (jec't\or\, n.
adjecl', V.
a(\jec'tion, n.
ad'jiVc/ive, a.
ad'_;Vc^ively, ad.
a,djectilVo\is, a.
dejec'tedness, n.
dejec'tory, a.
dejec'iuTe, n.
dhjec'lion, n.
eject', V.
ejec'tion, ?i.
eject'ment, n.
ejac'ulate, v.
ejacula'tion, n.
ejac'ulalory, a.
inject', V.
injec'tion, n.
insub/ec'/ion, n,
initrject', v.
inter/ec'/ion, n.
conjee lor, n.
conjec'tnre, n.&v
conjee' iur able, a.
conjec'tural, a.
conjee' turaWy, ad. jactita'tion, n
conjecttiral'ity, n. jac'ulate, v
conjec'iurer, n.
deject', V. & a.
dejec'ter, n.
dejec'tion, n.
dejecily, ad.
jacula'tion, n.
jac'ulatoxy-, a.
miscon_yVc'/urr, ??.
& V.
oh'ject, n.
ohjec'i'ion, n.
ob;Vc'^ionable, a.
ohjec't'ive, a.
ohjec'tively, ad.
ob^Vc'^iveness, n.
ohjec'tor, n.
\iToj'ect, n.
Tproj'ectWe, n. Si a.
Y>roject', v.
■projec'fion, n.
jirojec'iOY, n.
f^rojec'tViXe, n.
reject', v.
rejec'tex, n.
xejec'tlon, n.
xejec' table, a.
xejecta-'neovvi, a.
%nb'ject, a. & n.
%vbject', V.
»uhjec'ted, a.
snhjec't'wn, n.
9\\hjrc'!i\e, a. *txafecl, n. unohjec'lei, a.
^uhjec' lively, ad. trycc'tion, n. unob/ec'^ionable, a.
superin;Vc7ionj n. *tTqjec'iory, n. iinsaVject, a.
*tTaJecl', V.
Jacob-US, m. 2. (ap:;^ Jacob, the heeler or supplan^
ter, Heb.) James.
•f^/oc'oJin, 72. & a. jac'oh'imsm, n. jac'o&itism, n.
jac'obine, n. jnc'obmiza, v. \\Jaco'b\x?,j n.
Jesus, mA. Qwcv<;,ahl3^w'',He\).) Our Blessed Saviour.
Jesh'ua, n. jesuit'ic, a. Je'sus, n.
*Jes'u\t, n. jesuit'icdiX.) a. Jo'se, n.
J^es'?/itess, n. _;gsMi/'ically, ad. Jo'ses, n.
jes'uii&Aj a. jes'uitlsmj n. Josh'ua, n.
Soo-vs, m. 2. a joke or jest: as, jocose', full of jokes, or
given to jest; joc'uhxly, in a laughable oi'joki?igws.y.
•jocose', a. joc'ularly, ad. joc'undness, n.
jocose\y, ad. jocular'ity, n. jocim'dity, n.
jocose'neiis, n. joc'uiatox, n, joke, n. & v.
jocos'ity, n. joc'ulatoxy, a. jo'king, n. & a.
jocose'iious, a. joc'und, a. jo'k'mgly, ad.
joc'ulox, a. joc'undly, ad. jo'ker, n.
JoiN-DRE, V. (Fr. a jimgo), to join. (See Jungo.)
JouR,t m. {Fv.)ada?/: n.s, jou /ney, the tvayei of a da?/;
sojouriZj to dwell any where for a time.
adjourn', v. joiir'nalize, v. rejourn', t*.
aci;oMrn''mentj n. jour'ney, n. & v. sojoirrn, v. &. n.
j- jour'nal, n. ijljowr'neyman, n. sojour'ner, n.
jour'iialist, n. joicr'ney -work, n. sojour'ning, n.
* Jesuit (Jesuite, Fr.), one of a religious and leamed order, founded by
Ignatius Loyola, a Spanish military man, in the sixteenth century ; which
presumed to take the name of the Society of Jesus. " This society having
been erected on purpose to fight the Pope's battles, not with prayers, and
tears, and monastic addresses, but with learning, policy, and address,—
its members are freed from all service or austerities, which would interrupt
their studies, or might render their address less agreeable to all sorts of
people."— D)- Geddes's Tracts. The word, in our language, has been ap-
plied to men of great cunning, craft, and deceit; whence the common word
t Jour, journal (Fr.) giornale (Ttal.) probably from dies, diurmis (Lat.)
the soft sound of di in diurnus, being nearly equivalent to the French y.
:j: Journeymav, a workman hired by the day. They were called journey'
men that wrought with others by tlie day, though now by statute it be ex-
tended to those likewise that covenant to work in their occupation with
another by the year.—Cotvel.
Y 2
JuBlL-i/M;, n. 2. a joi/ftil shout.
ju'bildnt, a. jubila'ilon, n. *ju'bihe^ n.
JucUND-c7Sj a. pleasa?lt — jucun'dity,n.
JuDAHjt (rr^nrT", the jjraise of the Lord, ah m% to
put ox hold forvDard ox forth; to profess ox confess,
to praise), the fourth son of Jacob.
•fJeiv, n. Jeiv'xy, n. Jiida'ically, ad.
Jew'ess, n. "fJu'dah, n. Ju'daism, n.
Jezv'hh, a. Ju'das^ n. Ju'da'ize, v.
Jew'hhly, ad. Jiide'a, n. Ju'daizsr, n.
Jew'i%\\nesii, «. Juda'lc&\., a.
~ The Jubilee was the grand Sabbatical year of the Jews, celebrated after
every seven septenaries of years ; viz. every forty-ninth or fiftieth year, in
commemoration of their deliverance out of Egypt This was a year of ge-
r.'^raL release, not only of all debts, like tlie coinmon Sabbatical year, but
of all Klai'e-^ ; and of all lands and possessions which had been sold, or
f hcr\\ris3 alienated from the families and tribes to which they originally
belonged. Critics are not agreed about the etymology of the word b^lT",
Jiihel. Some derive it from Jubal, the inventor of musical instruments.
Gen. iv. 21.; and suppose that this year was named after him, because it
!" .1 year of mirth and Joy, on which music is a common attendant ; or as
w? say in English, a jovial time ; the word jovial being perhaps a corrup-
tion of the Hebrew word Jobel; or else, because it was ushered in with the
'.-na.'ical sound of the trumpet through the whole land. There is another
opinion, which bids as fair for probability as any, that Jobel comes from
/"", jabal, in hiphil b^lurT, hebil, which signifies to recal, restore, bring
hack, &c. because this year restored all slaves to their liberty, and brought
back all alienated estates to the families to which they originally belonged.
Accordingly, the Septuagint renders Jabel, a.0iiric, a remission. Lev. xxv.
]ii. ; "and see 8— 19. AndJosephus saiih it signifies i\svO;c,xv, liberty. —
Juscp, Antiq. Lib. III. cap- xii. sect. 3. — See Jennings' Jew, Antic;.
t In the strictest sense, this appellation rT'l'in', Jehudim, lo'Axioi, or
Jeics, belongs only to the posterity and tribe of JudaJi, after the defection
of the ten tribes. Hebi e'vs, in the full extent of the word, were the pos-
terity of Abraham, the Hebrew; Israelites, the posterity of Jocoft, or Is-
rael ; and Je'.cs, the posterity of Judah, one of the sons of Israel. But
after the division of Abraham and Israel's posterity into two kingdoms,
under Rehoboam and Jeroboam, the one (under Rehoboam), was called
the kingdom of Judah, because the tribe of Judah had the greater part of
it, and also because the kings were of that tribe ; the other, ( wt-.o revolted
under Jeroboam), consis'^ing of ten tribes, was called the kingdom of Israel.
Hence arose a distinction" between Jetcs and Israelites. But as the ten
tribes were afterwards, in a manner, l^st in the Assyrian captivity, and the
kingdom of Judah only continued through succeeding ages a body politic,
the name Jews came to be applied indifferently to all Hebrews and Israel-
ites, whether they belonged to the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, or to
the ten revolting tribes, whether they returned to Judea (as no doubr some
of the ten, as well as of the two, tribes did, Ezra vi. 17.) or not.— Jennings'
J^ew, Antiq,.
JuDic-o,u. 1. (jus dicere Jo spea/c the !aw,toadminisier
justice), to give sentence, to judge: as, ju^dicatory,
distributing justice, or a couriof justice; judici'al,
relating to a judge or legal justice ; iprej^udice,
judgement fo lined before hand without examination.
ab/uWJcated, a. in;u(i«ci'ousness, n. Y>Teju(lf/e', v.
tihjudica'lion, n. judge, n. & v. 'prcjjtdffe'ment, n.
ndjudge^, v. jndg'er, n.
a.djudge'inent, n. judpe'ment, n.
a.dju'dica.te, v. judge'shi-p, n.
adjudicaUion, n. ju'dicatory,n. Sea.
dijii'dicate, v. ju'dicative, a.
dijudica'tion, n. ju'dicature, n.
extrajudici'al, a. judici'aX, a.
extraJudici'aMy^ad. judici'ally, ad.
jiidici'axy, a.
judici'ous, a.
injndici'al, a. judici'ously, ad.
iujiidicVous, a. ^'wrfici'ousnesSj 7i.
iiiju'did'onsly, ad. misjudge', v.
Ji:g\jl-um, n. 2. the throat — ju'guloi, a.
JuG-c7M, n. 2. a yoke : as, Q,(m!jug^, relating to mar-
riage; ^jugaiQ, to \myoke ; ad!juga\Q,, to yoke to ;
cony^r^ate, to join, to tie, as it were to one yoke.
Vib'jugdiie, v. conjugate, v. sub'J?/_^ate, v.
adjiigate, v. conjuga'tion, n. snhjuga'iiou, n.
as.suh'jugats, v. 'subdue', v. yoke, ii. & v.
conjugal, a. suhdic'ahle, a. g ok e'-fsllovr, n.
con'jM^'J-lly; «f^' subc?M'al, n. goke'mate, n.
JuNG-0, V. ?>. to join: as, adjmict, sovaQiliuig joined
or united to (though not essentially) ; conyw7zc7ion,
ajoinwig or connectiVig together ; (mjoin' , or mjoin',
to make to join, (to direct, to order); sub/'«wc7ive
joined under, or added to.
BdjrAr,', V. p.djoiii' nr, a. ad'jiinct, n. & a.
•pveju'dicdte, v. & a.
"pxejudica'liou, n.
■preju'dicaiive, a.
prej'udice, n. & v.
piejudici'al, a.
l,Tejudici'al\y, ad.
iprejudici'alness, n.
rejudge', v.
unjudged' , a.
unY'Xej'udiced, a.
iiabtiue. bfce foot-r.olc, p. JC8.
Vid'junctly, ad. disjoint', v.
adjunc'tion, n. disjunct', a.
adjunc'tive, a.Si. n. dis;M,«c7ion, n.
adjunc' lively, ad. di^junc'tive, a.
junc'tiox), n.
Junc'tiye, a.
junc'ture, n.
*jun'ta, or
dis/wncVively, ad. jun'to, n.
conjoin , V. eiyom , v. mis;(n?r, v.
conjoint', a. enjoin'er, n. reconjoin' , v.
conjointly, ad. enjoin'ment, n. rejoin', v.
conjunct', a. injoin', v. rejoin'der, n.
conjunct'ly, ad. injunc'tion, n. rtjoint', v.
conjunc'tion, n. join, v. subjoin', v.
conjunc'tive, a. join'ing, n. swhjunc'tion, n.
conjunc'tiveiy, ad. join'er, n. sub/wnc'/ive, a.
conjunc't\venQ%s,n. join'ery, ii. unjoin'ttd, a.
coujunc'lute, n. joint, n. &. v. unjoin', v.
disjoin', V. jointly, ad. unjoint', v.
JuNCT-t/Sj 2^. p. (a ]\xTigo), joined. (See Jungo.')
JuNC-t7S^ m. 3. a bulrush, ci flag — -jiui'cou?,, a.
Jupiter^ ]OY-is, m. 3. the chief god of the Greeks and
Romans ; as^ jVvia\, relating to, or under the in-
fluence of Jupiter, (ga?/, airy, merry, cheerfid.)
jol'ly, n. jol'lity, n. jo'insdness, n.
jol'lily, ad. jo'vidl, a. jo'vialist, n.
jol'liness, n. jo'vidM^y, ad. jo'vialty, n.
JuR-0, v.l. to swear : as, ohjurd', to cast off, retract,
or recant upon oath; n,dju7'e', to impose a7i oath,
or charge earnestly by oath ; ^^^jury, sworn through
or contrary to the truth, (false oath.')
abjure', v.
ab/wr'er, n.
ahjura'lion, n.
abjure'mtni, n.
adjure', v.
adjur'er, n.
adjura'tion, n.
conjure', V.
conjura'tiou, n.
conjure'nxQni, n.
conjure, v.
con'jurer, n.
■\-ju'7-at, n.
ju'roT, n.
tjic'ry, n.
ju'rynian, n.
nonju'ring, a.
* Junta or Junto, a cabal ; abody of men combined many secret design;
a congress of statesmen, a council.
t Jurat, a magistrate in some corporations. ■!;. " Jury, a company of
m?n, as twenty four or twelve, sworn to deliver a trutb upon such evidence
as «hall be delivered them touching the matter in question." — Coivel
'nonjnroT, n.
"per'jure, v.
■pcvjitreT, n.
■psr'jury, n.
unper^wred, a.
Jxjs, ]uT-ts, n. 3. right, law, justice : as, Ycv'jury, hurt
without justice ; jurid'ical, admmistering justice
or law ; yMr/spru'dence, the science of law.
m'jure, v.
in'Jnrer, n.
xn'jitry, n.
inju'riovs, a.
in/wViously, ad.
in/«Viousness, n.
jurid'ical, a.
jurid'icaWy, ad.
^Mn's-con'sult, n.
jnrisdic'tion, n.
J«ri.sdic'tional, a.
jurisdic'tive, a.
jurisTpru'dence, n.
juris^pr\x'dsnt, a.
J?/Vist, n.
unin^'iired, a.
JvsT-us, a. (a. ^ns),just, vpright, lawful, reasonable :
2iS,,J2is'ti^Y ,lQTi\?ikejust, (to clear from imputed guilt ;
to free fi'om past sin by pardon ; to maintain.)
ad;^<5<', v.
adjus'ler, n.
adjust'ment, n.
ir\j7is'tlce, n.
just, a. & ad.
justly, ad.
just'ness, n.
"^jus'ticQ, n.
justii'iCdXixQ, a.
nrijiist'., a.
uujrisily, ad.
uxijus'ti^ahle, a.
unjus'tiRahly, ad.
u-njus'ii&ed, a.
jus'licedh'i-p, n.
JHsiic'iary, il. & a.
jus'tify, V.
Jus'tifier, n.
j?i«jit€«v&)), ?o toX'e ; as^ sylYaMe, a
taking together, or uttering, a letter, or a number
of letters, at a single effort or impulse of the voice.
•fas'tro/aJe, n, polysyHaft'ical, a. syllab'ic, a.
dis'syl/a^le, ?i. quadrisyl'/aftle, n. syllab'ical, a.
mon'osyl/aile, n. quinquisyl7a61e, w. syl/ai'ically, ad.
monosyl/rtfi'ic ,a. septisyl7aWe, n. ^sylVaiiis, n.
octosyVlable, n. sexisylVaJle, ru tris'yl/«ile, n.
porysyl/aJle, n. syl7a61e, n. & v. trisyl/ai'ical, a.
Lab-or, v. dep. 3. to fall or ^//c/e : as, collapse', to fall
together, (to close so as that one side touches the
other); suhlapsa'rmn, done under or after the fall
of man.
collapse', V. §inter/a/)se', n. relap'ser, n.
collapsed', a. la'bent, a. suhlapsa'ria,n,n.Si.a-
coVap'sion, n. lapse., n. & v. sub/ajo'sary, a.
delapsed', a. lap'sed, a. ^supra/ajosaVian, n.
elapse', v. -preterlapsed', a. & a.
\\illapse', n. relapse', x>. & n. su-pxalap'sary, a.
* Aide-de-eamp, an officer who attends the general that has the chief
command of the army, to carry his orders to the inferior officers.
i Astrolabe, an instrument chiefly used for taking the altitude of the pole,
sun, or 3tars at sea.
i Syllabus, an abstract ; a oompendivm containing the heads of a dis-
P Illapse, literally, a /ailing on ; a gradual emission or entrance of one
thing into another ; a sudden attack ; a casual coming.
5 Interlapse, the flow of time between any two events.
tI The tupralaptarians, with whom the object of the decree is : homo
conditus, man created, not yet fallen ; and the sublapiarians, with whom
it is man fallen, or the corruot m&is.—Iianwiortd.
liABOR, m. 3. labour J toil : as, labo'rious, full of labour
or toil ; la¥ oratory, a place where medicines are
prepared, (a chemist's work-room.)
elab'orately, ad.
elab'ora (eness, n.
elabora'tion, n.
inelab'orate, a.
la'bour, n. & v.
la'bourer, n,
labo'riou&, a.
labo'riously, ad.
labo'rioxxsuQSS, n.
la'bourless^ a.
la'boursome, a.
underla'bourer, n.
Mnla' bour&A., a.
un/afioVious, a.
lab'oratoiy, n.
Labyrinth-i^s, m. 2. a maze, or a place formed with
inextricable windings — *lab'yrinth,n. labi/rin'thian,a.
Lac, \act-is, n. 3. milk: as, lac'teo]., belonging to milk
or ch?/le — a white juice like milk; /«c^es'cent, be-
coming or producing milk.
^lac'iage, n. lactes'cent, a.
lacte'an, a. lactiferous, a.
lac'tedX, a.8i n. ^dhlec'tate, v.
lac'teous, a. ohlecta'tion, n.
lacies'cence, n. lac' tic, a.
Lacer, a. torn, rent: as, lac'erahle, that may be torn.
delac'erate, v. dUacera'tion, n. lac'erate, v.
dp.lacera'tion, n. illac'erahle, a, tacera'tion, n.
dilac'erate, v- lac'erahle, a. lac'eratiwe, a.
•f-ab/ac/o'/ion, 7U
Xdelac taction, n.
\\lac'taxy, n.
lacta't'wn, n.
* iMhyrinthus, a building whose numerous passages and perplexing
windings, render the way from it difficult, and almost impracticable.
There were four very famous among the ancients, one near the city of the
Crocodiles or Arsinoe in Egypt ; another in Crete ; a third at Lemnos ; and
a fourth in Italy, built by Porsena. That of Crete, built by Dadalus, was
the most famous of all in classic history ; that of Arsinoe, the most ancient.
It was divided into twelve halls, and 3000 chambers ; 15(i0 in the upper
part, and the same number below ; hence a maze, or place formed with
ijiextricable ivinditigs. — See Lempriere's Class. Diet.
t Ablactation, one of the methods of grafting ; and according to the sig-
nification of the word, as it were a weaning of a scion by degrees from its
mother stock, not cutting it oflf wholly from the stalk, till it is firm.ly united
to that on which it is grafted. :{: Delactation, aiveanivg from the breast.
II Lactary, a place where milk is kept, a dairy-hotise,
§ Lactage, produce from animals yielding mi'ik.
Tl Oblectate, to delight or please,— as milk to a child.
LAC 264) LAN
Lachrym-^i, /. I. a tear: as, lach'tymdhlej worthy of
tears, (lamentable.)
delachryma'tion,n. lach'rT/mahle, a. lachryrna'tioxi^ n.
iliac h'ri/mahlc, a. lach'ri/m&Ty, a. *lach'rr/matory, n.
lach'ryrmX) a.
Laconi-^, /. L the country of the Spartans or Lace-
demonians in Peloponnesus, who spoke and wrote
in a short, concise, and pithy style; hence
lacon'ic, a. lacon'ically, ad. lac'onlsin, n.
/aco/i'ical, a.
Lament-oh, v.de.n.l. to bewail: as, lam'entahlQ, to
be lamented, (causing or expressing sorroec, pitiful.)
lament', v. & n. lamenta't'ion, n. lament'ing, a.
lam'entahls, a. lament'er, n. nnlameni'ed, a.
lam'entably, ad.
Lamin-^, /. \. a thin plate: as, lam^elhr, relating to
thin scales or plates.
lam'ina, n. lam'ellar, a. lam'elhted, a.
lam'inated, a.
Lan-^, /. L wool : as, lan'ifice, woollen manufacture.
lanig'eToiis, a.
Lance- ^, /. L a lance, a spear: as, lan^cinate, to tear
or 7'end as by spea^-s.
lance, n. & v. lan'cet. n.
lan'cer, n.
Langu-eo, v. 2. to fade, to droop : as, lang'uidi, fad-
ing, (faint, weak; dull.)
lang'u'idi, a. lang'u\%\\, v. 8c n. /an^'wishing, n.
lang'uidXy, ad. lang'uisher, n. lang'u\&\im^y, ad.
iang'uidness, n. lang'uishm.erity n. lang'uor, n.
* Lachrymatory, a vessel in which tears are gathered to the honour of
the dead.
LaNI-USj m.2.abutcker-^ila'ni?Ltt^v.*la'mz.xy,n.
JjAi^cuGOfin-is,/. 3. soft tender hair or down-lami'ginous,a,
La-OS (a«o?);, the people: as, laxity, the people, as dis-
tinguished from the clergy.
Archela'us, n. lay^ a. Zaodice'ans, n.
la'ic, a. & n. /ay'man, n. Nic'o/a*, n.
/a'ical, a. Laodice'a., n, Nico/a'i/ans, n.
la'ity, 71.
LAPis^id-?5, «z. 3. a stone: as^ di/a/?'eVate, to free from
stones, (to go to niiri;, or make desert) ; lap'idoxy,
one who deals in stojies and ge7ns.
dilapidate, v. lapides'cent, a.
dilap Ida' lion, n. ■flapida'tion, 7i. -flapidific, a.
inlap'idate, v. lap'idht, n.
•flap'icide, ru lapides' cence, n. la'pis, n.
lap'idaxy, «. «Sc a.
Laps-17s, p. p. (a laho), /alien or glided. (See Labor.)
IjAdVE-us, m. 2. a snare, a trick.
illa'qiiev>.te, v.
Lab.J)-um, n. 2. bacon ; the grease of swine.
lard, n. &. v. lar'derer, n. "H^lar'diy, n.
"J^lar'der, n. /aro'a'ceous, a.
Larg-17.5v, a. big, extensive, liberal: as^ lar'gess, a gift.
enlarge', v. large, a. lar'gess, n.
enlar'ger, 7i. large'ly, ad. \\ largiti'on, n.
enlarge'xnent, n. large'ness, n. unen/arped', a.
Lasciv-17Sj a. lewd, lustful, wanton.
lasciv'ions, a. lasciv'iousness,n.
lasciv'iously, ad.
h ASS-US, a. weary, worn-out — las'siivAe, n.
• Laniary, a shambles, or place where meat is sold. Laniate, to tear
or cut in pieces like a butcher.
jLapicide, a. stove-cutter. Lapidation, a stoning. Lapidific,foTTC\mgstorte.
t Larder, a room where meat is kept or salted, hardrj/, a place where
victuals are kept. 1 Largition, the act of giving:
L ATE-o, V. 2. to hide, to conceal: as, la' teni,kidden, secret.
ia'iency, n. iat'iiancy, n.
la'ieut, a.
Later, m. 3. a brick or tile — later iti'ons, a,
Latin-lts, a. {a Latium, n. 2. a country of Italy),
Latin, or of the people o/'Latium.
'"LaVin, n. & a. lat'im&xn, n. latin'ity, n.
lat'inly, ad. lat'inist, n. lafinize, v.
LATRi-^t (xxT^ux, d XttT^ig, a servant), service for
hire; worship: as, demonora^ry, \h.Q worship oi
the devil ; -pyrol'atry, ^re -worship,
demonora/ry, n. idoratry, n. idol'atrize, v.
iconora/er, n. idolatYical, a. "fla'tria, n.
idol'atex, h, ido/'«/rous, a. ytyxoratry, n.
ido/'a^ress, n. idoro/rously, ad.
Latr-0, o.l. tobark: as,ob/«77*ate, to ^ar/?; or ro^// against,
la'trani, a.
obla'trsiie, v.
Latum, sup. (« fero, latum), to carry, to bear, to bring:
as, diil'atory, carrymg asunder or hither and thi-
ther, {tardy, loitering) ; legislate, to carry, pass,
or make laws; reUatiwe, carrying or bringmg back,
(Jtavi7ig relations) ; ob/a7ion, an of/ering, a sacrifice.
ab/a'/ion, n. collate', v. cdlla'ior, n.
JabVafive, a. col/a'iion, n.
anti-prelat'ic, a. cor'relate, n.
antipre/a/'ical, a. coUa'tive, a. ||corre/''a/ive, a.
* Latin, written or spoken in the language of the old Romans.
t Latvia, the highest kind of tcorship; distinguished by the Papists from
dtilia, or inferior worship.
X Ablative, that takes away ; dcMOting \.\\9.si3cth case of the Latin nouns ;
the case which, among other significations, includes the person from whom
something is taken away.
D Correlative, literally, carri^irjg- back with; having a reciprocal re/aftow,
so that the existence of'^one in a particular state depends upon the existence
of another ; as, father and son, husband and wife, &c. are correlative terms.
correrariveness, n. mistrans/a/e', v. re/a'don, n.
dil'atoTj, a. mistrans/a7ion, n. rexel'acy, n.
•\}^xel'ate, u.
pre/'a^eship, it,.
pre/apical, a.
pre/c/'ically, ad.
pre/'a/ure, n.
pre/'a^ureship, n.
re/'a/ively, ad.
re/'«#iveness, n.
sub/a7ion, w.
super'/afive, a.
superVadvely, ad.
superVa^ivenesSj n.
ixan^late' , v,
trans/arable, a.
trans/a'/ion, n.
trans/o'^or, n.
txansla'ioxy, a.
unpre/aif'ical, a.
unre/a'/ed, a,
unxel'ativej a.
un trans/a '/able, a.
untrans/a'^ed, a.
leg'is/a/ive, a. Jpro/a/e', v.
legis/a'/or, 7i. 4^pro/'a/e, a.
legis/a'/ress, n.
legis/a'/ure, n. lelate', v.
misxelaie', v. lela'iex, n.
misre/a'/ion, n.
Latus, er-ts, n. 3. the side : as, lat'eral, belonging to
the side ; collat'erai, sides together.
collat'eral, a. lat'eraUy, ad. quadri/a/^eral, a.
collat'erally, ad. septilat'eral, a.
equilat'eral, a. multi/a<'^ral, a. tiilat'eral, a.
lat'eral, a.
Lat-us, a. bt'oadj wide: as, latitude, a hemg bi-oad ox
wide; dilate', to widen, (to speak lar^elj/ and copiousl?/.)
dilate', v. & a. dilata'tioxi, n. lat'itnde, n.
dila'tox, or di/a7able, a. )|/a/itudina'rian, n.
di/a7er, n. di/a/abil'ity, n. & a.
di/a7ion, n. /a/iros'trous, a. /a/itudina'rianism,7i
* Oblate, flatted at the poles— used of a spheroid.
t Prelate, one carried or advanced before the rest ; an ecclesiastic of the
highest order and dignity of the church.
% Prolate', v. to pronounce, to utter. Prol'ate, a. extended beyond an
exact round.
II Latituditiarian, one who thinks and acts at large; one who depart*
from orthodoxy, or who is free in religious opinions.
Laur-i;s, /. 4. or 2. a laurel or hay-tree.
*lau're&te, v. a. & n. lau'relj n. lau'relled, a.
*laurea'tion, n.
LauS;, laud-?5, /. 3. praise; glory : as^ ?)XIqw' , to give
to, to admit ; lau'datorj, bestowing jt?ra/se.
allow', V. illati'ddblj, ad. lau'dahleness, n.
laud, n. & V. laudahiVity, n.
lau'der, n. ■\-lau'danuxn, ti.
lau'dahle, a.
lau'dahly, ad. lau'dalory, a. &. n.
illau'ddble, a.
Lavo, v. 1. & 3. (xov&>), to zcash : as, laun'dr^y a
place or room in which clothes are washed,
laun'der, n. tj^la'va, n. lave, v.
laun'derer, n. lava'iion, n. §/a'uer, n.
laun'dress, n. \\lav'atoTy, n. lo'i'ion, n.
laun'dry, n.
liXX-us, a. loose, open : as, lax'itj, a being loose ;
Y^dix' , loose, (long, tedious.)
lax, a. & n. laa/at'iveaess, n. pro/j\r'ious, a.
laxly, ad. prolix', a. relax', v. & n.
lax'iiy, n. •pxoUx'ly, ad. relax' able, a.
lax'ne&s, n. prolix'ness, 7i. relaxa'iion, n.
laxa'tion, n. -pTolix'ity, n. rtlax'ative, a. & n.
lax'aiive, a. & n.
LecH-ER, v. (Fr.) tolick,totaste-rel'ish,n.&.v.rcl'ish&hle,a.
Lecher, (Eng. a luxuria), a lewd or lustful person.
lech'er, n. & v. lech'erous, a. lech'erousness, n.
lech'ery, n. lech'er onsly, ad.
* Laureation, denotes, in the universities, the act or state of having de-
grees conferred, as they have in some of them a flowery crown, in imita-
tion of laurel among the ancients. Laureate, to crown with laurels.
+ Laudanum (a cant word from laudo, Lat.) a soporific tincture.
X Lava (Ital.) liquid and vitrified, or sulphureous matter discharged by
volcanoes at the time of their eruption.
Lavatory, a wash : something in which parts diseased are tvashea.
§ Laver, a washing vessel.
Lect-os (xiKTog, a xtyu), said, spohen. (See Lego.)
hucT-UM, sup. {a lego), to gather, to read. (See Lego,^;
Lect-i/s, p.p. (a lego), gathered, read. (See Lego.)
JuEGAT-us, p.p. (a lego) J sent away. (See Lego, v. 1.)
Leg-o, V. \.to send as an ambassador ; toleavehy will,to
bequeath : as, allege', to send on ambassage, (to affirm,
to bring as an excuse or proof; to cite or quote.)
eib'tegate, v. coVleagueshi-p, n.
&hlega'tion, n. colleg'atary, n. \\legateQ.', n.
allege', v. coVlege, n. leg'ate, n.
allega'tion, n. coV lege -like, a. lega'don, n.
slleg'er, n. cdlle'gial, a. leg'atine^ a.
coMe' gia.n, n. /^^'a/eship, n.
colle'giate, a. & n. misallege', v.
*del'ega.cy, n. misal/e^a'/ioiij n.
■\diel'egsi\.e,v.n.&.a. rel'ega.te, v.
colleague', v. delegation, n. relega'iion, n.
coY league, n. Xleg'&cy, n. uncol/e'^iate,tJ. &a.
Leg-o, v. 3. (A£y7ic,rece/ying or x^covermg, (comforting.)
*acata/^/)'5ia, n. %dXlem'ma, n. metalep'iic, a.
analep'tic, a. \\ep'ilepsy, n. meta^^p'rically, ad*
antejtilep'lic, a. epi/fjo'/ic, a. **pTolep'sis, n.
•^cataJep'sis, or eipilep'tical, a. -ffipTolep'tic, of
catalep'sy, n. ^lem'ma, n. pro/^p7ical, a.
catalep'lic, a. ^metalep'sis, n. pro/^jo7ically, ad,
LepuSj oY-is, m. 3. a hare — lep'or'vuQ, a,
Lethe {xr,h), forgetfidness, oblivion : as, leth'oxgjf
the disease causing forget/idfiess, (a morbid drow-
siness, the sleepy disease.)
le'the, n. leth'axgy, n. lethar' gxcaWy , ad.
lethe'an, a. lethar'gic, a. lethar'g'icness, n.
lethar' g\ca\, a. /^^Aar'gicalness, n.
* Acatalepsia, impossibility of complete recovery.
t Catalepsis or catalepsy, the seizing or attacking of a distemper ; a
lighter species of apoplexy or epilepsy ; a brain distemper.
% Dilemma, a taking or receiving in either way ; an argument equally
conclusive by contrary suppositions ; a difficult or doubtful choice ; a vexa-
tious alternative.
II Epilepsy, literally, the act of seiciMg- upon, or attacking ; a convul~
sion, or convulsive motion of the whole body, or of some of its parts, with
loss of sense. A convulsive motion happens when the blood, or nerroua
fluid, runs into any part with so great violence that the mind carmot re-
tain them. — Quincy.
§ Lemma, literally, a receiving or taking; a proposition previously
^ Metalepsis, a changing or transposition ; a continuation of a trope
in one word through a succession of significations.
** Prolepsis, literally, the act of taking before ; a figure in rhetoric,
according to which, objections likely to be advanced are answered before-
hand ; an error in chronology, by which events are dated too early.
ft Proleptic is a medical term applied to certain fits of a disease ; pr«-
viouf, antecedent.
Leth-C7m or Let-c/w, n. 2. death,
le'ihdXy a. lethsX'hy, n. letMCerovs, a.
Let -UM /or Lit-um (« leo/or lino), to blot. (Sae Leo.)
Leuc~os (?^ivy.o5), white ; pale, languid.
•/^wcophleg'macy, n. /eticophlegxnat'ic, a.
Levi {'>^, joined ; mb, tojoin, couple^ to associate),
the third son of Jacob by Leah.
+ Le'uite, n. levit'\c^\ a. levit'\csX\.y, ad.
Levig-o orLi^vio-o, u. 1. (a \ddYis,a. smooth), topolish.
lev'igate, v. & a. leviffa'tion, n.
Lev-0, v.l. (a levis^ a. light), to lift up, to raise:
as, alle'viate, to make light, (to ease) ; el'evdXe, to
9'aise up aloft, (to exalt) ; rdieve', to lift up, (to
ease, to succour) ; lev'y, to raise, or the act of rais-
tng money or men.
alZj'viate, v. irreret^antly, ad.
sXlevia'tion, n.
el'evate, v. & a.
eleva'tion, n.
el'evaloT, n.
illev'iahle, a.
inel^evancy, n.
xtrd'evani, a.
\rrelieve'ah\Q, a.
leav'en, n. 8c v.
levant^ n. & a.
^levan'ter, n.
levan'iine, a.
\\leva'toT, n.
^lev'ee, n.
^le'vtx, n.
lev'iahXc, a.
lev'y, n. & v.
Icv'ity, n.
levita'iion, n.
lift, V. & n.
lifter, n.
lifting, n.
**xel'evant, a.
* Leumphlegmact/, paleness with viscid juices and cold sweatings.
f J.evites, the posterity of Levi, were one of tlie tribes of Israel ; and from
the great zeal they shewed against idolatry in the case of the golden calf,
(Exod. xxxii. 26 — 28), God was pleased to set that whole tribe apart to the
office of ministration in his service in the sanctuary, instead of the first-
born of Israel, Numb. i. 47—54. iii. 12, 13. chap. viii. 5—26. Aaron and his
family were appointed to theoffice of high priest, Lev. viii. 1 Chron. xxiii. 13.
But the Levites were a lower order of ecclesiastical persons, inferior to the
priests, and their assistants in the sacred service, lChron.xxiii.26. to the end.
± Levanter, a strong easterly wind ; so called by the sailors in the Medi-
terranean ; or one who bets at a horse-race, and runs away without paying
the wager he has lost. || Levator, a chirurgical instrument, whereby depres-
sed parts of the skull are lifted up. § Levee, the time of rising; or the con-
course of those who crowd round a man of power in a morning.
^Lever, " the second mechanical pou'cr, is a balance supported by a h^-po-
mochlion (hypo, vro, under, and mochlos, ^.o^Aer, a Zerer,— or what sup-
Eorts the lever) ; only the centre is not in the middle, as in the common ba-
mce, but near one end ; for which reason it is used to elevate or raise a great
weight ; wheoce comes the name lever."— Harris. **Rdcvnnt, literally, lifi-
ing up again; relieving ; lending aid; aj^oi ding somelh'w.g to the purpose.
relieve', v. telieve'&hle, a. nuhieva'tion, n,
relie'vtVj n. relief , n.
Lex^ leg-25j /. 3. a law or rule : as, ille'^al, not law-
ful; law'i/eiy one who professes or is skilled in
law ; le^isWtion, the act of giving laws ; le^'isla-
tor, one who makes laws ; le^ifimate, legal, genu-
1716, bom in marriage.
iMe'gsil, a.
iMe'gsiWy, ad.
iUe'^alness, n.
illegaX'ity.) n.
Wle'gaXizQ^ v.
illegit'imdte, a
lawless, a.
lawlessly, ad.
lawlessness, n.
law' -maker, n.
law'-monger, n.
law'yer, n.
illegit'imately, ad. law'yerly, a.
illegii'imacy, n. le'gal, a.
iliegitima'tion, n.
law, n.
law'fnl, a.
ldw'i\x\[y, ad.
law' falness, n.
/az<;-brea'ker, n.
lawgiv'er, n.
le'gaWy, ad.
legal'ity, n.
le'galize, v.
leg'islate, v.
legisla'tion, n.
leg'isladve, a.
leg'islator, n.
leg'islatress, n.
legisla'ture, n.
le'gist, n.
legitfimacy, n.
legii'imate, a. & v.
legit'imately, ad.
legit'imateness, n.
legiiima'tion, n.
*priv'ilege, n. S^ v.
•fsac'rilege, n.
sacnlegi'oxas, a.
sacrilegi'ously, ad.
sac'ri/egist, n.
lawgi\'mg, a.
Liber, a. free : as, lib'erate, to free or ^Qifree; de-
liv'er, to ^eif-ee, (to save, to give up ; to speak.)
d.elib'€raie, v- & a. dieliv'erance, n. lib'eraHy, ad.
delib'erately, ad. deliv'ery, n. liberal'ity, n.
delib'erateness, n. illib'eral, a. lib'eralize, v.
delibera'tion, n. Wlib'era^y, ad. lib'eraie, v.
delib'erative, a.& n- i\libera\'\ty , n.
delib'eratively, ad. indelib'erate, a.
deliv'er, v. inde/i6'^rated,a.
deliv'erer, n. lib'eral, a.
* Privilege, a private law, or enjoying the advantage of a private law ;
a special right, or peculiar advantage ; immunity, a right not univeisal.
t Sacrilege, the crime of breaking a sacred law ; or profaning sacred
ihings; su^ as the robbing of a church.
% Libertine, one iinconfined, or at liberty ; one who lives without re-
itraint or law, or who pays no regard to the precepts of religion ; (in law),
s. freedman, or rather, the *om of a freedmatu
libera'tion, n.
libera'tor, n.
Xlib'ert'me, a. & n.
LIB 275 Lie
. lib'eriimsm, n. redelib'ersite, v. redeliv^ery, n.
lib'eriy, n. ledeUv'er, v. unde/i^'^rated, a.
Liber, libri, m. 2. a book : as, li'brarj, a collection of
books, or place where books are kept.
*li'bel, n. & u. IVbelhus, a. libra'rian, n.
li'belleT, n. li'brary, n. /ifiraVianship, n.
li'beH'mg, n.
Libido, in-is, f. 3. desire, lust, passion.
libid'inous, a. libid'inouaness, n, nnlibid'iiio\x%, a.
libid'inousiy, ad. libid'inist, n.
LiB-0, v.l.to taste, to touch gently ; to pour out.
liba'tion, n.
LiBR-^jt/. 1. a pound; a balance: as, equi//5Vmm,
equal balance, (equality of weight, of evidence, mo-
tives or powers) ; /^'5ral, Qi 2, pound weight.
equi/i'irate, v. equi/iiViously, ad. li'bral, a.
equilibra'iion, n. equi/'iSrist, n. li'brate, v.
equilib'rium, n. eqnilib'riiyy n. libra'tion, n.
equi/i6Vtous, a. •\-li'bra, n.
LiCE-0, V. 2. to be lawful : as, Wlic^it, not lawful; li-
cen'tions, unrestrained by law or morality; license'
to permit by law.
illic'it, a. licen'tiousness, n.
illic'itly, ad. licen'tiaie, n. & v. lic'it, a.
licen'tions, a. lic'itly, ad.
li'cense, n. Si v. licen'tionsly, ad. lic'ilness, n.
IV censer, n.
Lici-0 (comP- foiTn of lacio, v. 3. to allure'), to draw,
to allure: a^, elic'it, to draw out, (by labour or art.)
elic'ii, t>. elicita'tion, n.
LiCTORj m. 3. an officer or servant \n\\o attended on
the principal Roman magistrates — lie' tor, n.
LiCT-i7s, p. -p. (a linquo), left. (See Linquo.)
* Libel, literally, a little hook or writing ; a satire; defamatory tt-'j-tfjng-/
a lampoon ; (in law), a declaration or charge in writing against a person
exhibited in court. \Libra, the seventh sign in the Zodiac ; the balance.
LiD-o (comP- form of Isedo^ v. 3. to hurt, to strike: as,
coMisi'oTi, the act 0^ striking together.
aUisi'on, n. coUi^i'on, n. elisi'on, n.
collide', V.
Lieu, m. (Fr.) place, room, stead: as^ Z/ewten'ant, one
who holds office or rule in place or stead of another.
lieu, n. /ieuten'ant, n. •pur'/iew, n.
/tewten'ancy, n. /iewten'antshipj n.
LiGX-UMj n. 2. ?e?oo(af : as^ lig'neous, made of zwo^/.
/i^n-al'oes, tj. lig'nows, a. Iig'num»vii3i, n.
lig'neous, a.
LiG-0;, V. 1. ?o bind, to tie : as^ coVliga,te, to ^m^ to-
gether; lig'atuxe, the thing ?/efl(, or act 0^ binding',
oh'ligatorj, binding.
ab'ligate, v. irreligi'ou&ly, ad. Job/i^ra'tOj n.
al'ligate, v. league, n. & v. oWligatory, a.
aMiga'tion, n. leagued!, a. oblige', v.
lea'gzier, n. \[ohligee', n.
c\xc\xvciliga't\on, n. li'dhle, a. dbli'ger, n.
coYligate, v
cdUiga'tion, n.
deliga'tion, n.
disoblige', v.
disob' ligaiory, a.
disobli'giug, a.
disob/j'^ingly, ad. liga'lion, n
disob/j'^ingiiesSj n. Ug'atuje, n.
ixxeligVon, n. ob'ligate, v.
irreligi'ous, am dbliga'tion, n.
/t'ableness, n.
liabiHity, n.
liege, a. & n.
liege'man, n.
■flig'ament, n.
ligamen'tal, a.
ligamen'tons, a.
obli'gmg, a.
obli'g'ingly, ad.
obi^i'^ingness, n,
obligor', n.
religi'ou, n.
xeligi'oxdit, n.
religi'ous, a.
Teligi'ously, ad.
religi'ousne&s, n.
* Purlieu, literally, a place clear or exempt from the forest " In Henry
III. 's time, the C'harta de Forestra (was) established; so that there va«
much land disafforested, which hath been cdHed pourlieus ever since." —
Howell's Lett. Hence the grounds on the borders of a forest ; border;
iiidosure ; district. f Ligament, a white and solid body, softer than
a cartilage, and harder than a membrane ; their chief use is to fasten the
bones, which are articulated together for motion, iest they should be dis-
located by exercise; any thing that connects; a bond or chain,
^ Obligato (Ital.) a musical term, signifying necessary, on purpose, for
the instrument named. || Obligee, a person to v. horn another, ciflled the
obligor, is bound by a legal or written contract.—-See Couei.
LiG-o (comp- form of legOj to read), to read. (See Lego.)
LiMB-i/Sj* m^ 2. a border or margin — *lim'bo, or lim'bus.,n.
LiMEN;, m-is, n. 3. a threshold; an entrance orbeginning.
elim'inate,v. elimina'tion,n. "finliminejad. pre/im'inary,a.&«.
LiMESj it-is, m. 3. a path; a limit or boundary : as,
illim'itahle, that cannot be bounded or limited.
illim'itable, a. lim'it, n. & v. limita'tion, n,
\VAm'itah\y, ad. lim'ited, a. lim'itless, a.
illim'ited, a. lim'iiedly, ad.
il/im'27edness, n. lim'iteT, n. unlim'iied, a.
iUimiia'tion, n. lim'itEiTy, a. nnlim'itedly, ad.
Ltmpid-i/s, a. clear, pure, transparent,
lim'pid, a. lim'pidness, n.
LiNE-jj f.^. a line: as, de/m'^ate, to make lines
down, (to sketch, to paint, to describe) ; /m'eage,
the line or race of a family, ascending or descending.
ovii' line, n.
precle/mea'/ion, n.
recti7i/i'^ar, a.
recti/m'gal, a.
^Mhlinea'tlou, 7i.
cuTvUin'ear, a. line, n.
delin'eate, v. lin'eal, a.
delinea'lion, n. lin'eally, ad.
delin'earaent, n. lin'eament, n.
mterline', v. Ungear, a.
inter/i'wing, n. linea'tion, n.
interlinea'iion, n. lin'eage, n. xiXidtiliue', v.
inter/m'ear, a. vtiMltUin'esl, a. un/m'eal, a.
LiNGU-^, /. 1. the tongue; a language: a,s,li7zgim'ci-
ous, full oxtongue; ling'uhi, one skilled in languages.
bi/m^f'wous, a. lan'guagQd, a. linguaden' ta\, a.
hand-Ian' guagf^,n. ling'uist, n.
lin'go, n. lingua'cious, n. suhling'ual, a.
lan'guage, n.
* Limbo or Ltm6M5, (" Eo quod sit limbus inferorura," — Da Cant^e; that
is, as if Xhe frontier ov margin of the other world), a region bordering uj)on
liell, ill which there is neither pleasure nor pain; popularly Aei/; iMy
place of misers/ and restraint,
+ In limine, in the threshold or outset; before any thing is said or done.
2 A
HIS '-78 LIQ
LiNQU-o, V. 3. to leave, to formke : as, deli?ig'iient,
one whofoi'sakes oy fails in duty, (an offender.)
delinq'uencj, n. derelic'tion, n. re/ir/^jashment, n.
delinq'uent, n. rel'ict, n. xdin'qm&her, n.
dex'elict, a. lelin'quish, v. Telin'quishing, n.
Li-os {xuog), smooth, soft — ^li'enterj,a. lienter'ic, a,
Lip-o {xiiTTiu), to leave out ; to fail : as, eUip'si?,, (in
rhet.) something left out, (in geom.) an oval figure.
•fedipse'y n. & v. t\lip't\c, a. §/ipoth'yiTiy, 7t.
Xeclip'tic, a. el/i/?7ical, a. /tDoth'ymous, a.
\\Q\hp's\%y n. Q\lip't\cdX\y, ad.
LiQUE-0, V. 2. to melt, to be liquid or dear : as, col'-
liquoiQ, to melt, (to turn fi'om solid to fluid), liq'~
wefy, to melt or grow liquid.
c6iliq'ua\)\e, a. eliqua't'iori, n. liq'uor, n.
colliq'uament, n. liq'uablQ, a. ^liquenr', n.
col liqusxit, a. liq'uid, a. & n.
coVliquate, v. liqua'tion, n. /i^'widate, v.
coMiqua' lion, n. liq'uefy, v. Uquida'tion, n.
col/i^'«ative, a. liqicefac't'ion, n. /i^'uidness, n.
col'iyM^fac'ticii, n. liq'xie^ahXe, a. liquid'ity, n.
deliq'uate, v. liques'cent, a. unliq'uified, a.
deliqua'iioT), n. liquet' cency, n.
* JLientery, a particular looseness or diarrhoea, wherein the food passes
to suddenly through the stomach and guts, as to be thro%vn out by stool,
with little or no alteration. — Qiiincy. I3ut, dysentery, a looseness wherein
very ill humours flow off by stool, and are aJso sometinaes attended with
t Eclipse, a leavvng or putting out ; an obscuration of the luminaries of
heaven ; the sun is eclipsed by the intervention of the moon ; the moon,
by the interposition of the earth ; — darkness or obscuration.
% EcHpiic, literally, a leaving or going out; a great circle of the sphere,
in which the sun performs his apparent annual motion. It Is supposed to
be drawn through the middle of the Zodiac, and makes an angle with the
equinoctial in the points of Aries and Libra, of nearly 23" 30', which is
called the obliquity of the eoiiptic.
II For an example, see the Author's " Outlines of English Grammar."
§ Lipothymy, a leaving off, or /ailing the soul or heart, a swoon or faint-
ing fit.
T[ Liqueur, a draught oi ^ome spiritous and high-flavoured liquid, used
by those whose gentility recoils at the vulgar phrase— a dram.
Lift 279 LIT
hiR-A, f. 1. a furroic or ridge of land: aSj de/e/e'ous^
from or out oi the furrow, {doting, raving.^
de/ir'ious, a.
de^ir'ium, n. de/ir'iousness, n.
his, Vii-is, f. 3. strife; a lawsuit : as_, lifigate, to
contest in law j litigi'ous, given to law-suits.
delil'iffSLte, v. lit'tgate, v. litigVously, ad.
delitiga'tion, n. litiffa'lion, n. /i/i^t'ousness, n.
lit'lffcLUt, n. & a. liiigVouSj a.
LlS-[/S (comP. form of Icestis), dashed, struck. (See Lido.)
LiTAN-i^ {Mrxvuet),p7'a2/er, supplication — lifany,n.
LiTER-A, /. 1. a letter : as, liferature, learn'mg or
&]ni\ in letters ; litera'ti, the learned ; ohlife7-ate
to put letter's out, (to efface any thing leritten.')
SiMitera'tiQn, n. leistered, a. lit'eraxy, a.
sMWerative, a. /e/Ver-founder, n. lit'eraXe, a.
WUt'er&cy, n. lei'ter-pie&s, n. UU-fa'ti, n.
il/i/'eral, a. lit'era}, a. lit^erature, n.
illit'erate, a. lii'eraWy, ad. Hi'era.tor, n.
illit'erateness, n. lii'eraVism, n. oblit'era.ie, v.
lit'eraXisi, n. ohlitera'iion, n.
let'ter, n. & v. literal'iiy, n.
LiTH-os (M6og), a stone : as, Utkoi'omj, the art or
practice of cutting for the stone,
"a'erolite, n. lithografh'ic, a. lithoi'oxny, n.
•flith'arge, n. lith'omancy, n. lithot'omi^t, n.
/t/Aog'raphy, n. if/ji^ontrip'ticj a. lilh'ic, a.
Hihog'iajpheT, n.
L IT-OS {>.uroq),public-\\Kt'MTgyjn. lituT^gic,a. /i/ur'gicalja.
LiTT-us, OY-is, n. 3. the shore — lit'toral, a.
* Aerolite, a stone, it is said, that falls from the air or atmosphere.
t Litharge, properly, lead in a semivitreous state, gathered from silver
ore when purifying, or otherwise prepared ; a white raetal compounded of
lead and silver.
% Li(hontriptic (k tribo, r^i^ai, to pour, to melt), any medicine proper
to dissolve the stone in the kidneys or bladder.
I Liturgy, form of prayers ; formulary' of public devotions.
\jiVR-ER, V. (Fr.) to give qt deliver up: as^ deliv'erj,
the act 0^ giving or delivering up.
deliv'er, v. deliv'ery, n. vedeliv'er, v.
deliv'erer, n. *Uv'e}'y, n. & v. redQiiv'ery, ii,
de/iyVrance, n. liv'eryman, 71.
hixivi-UM, n. 2. li/e; water impregnated with salt of
an2/kind—lixiv'him,n. Iixiv'i2i\.,a. lixiv'ia.te,a. lixivia' tioii,7i.
LiX-USj (comP- form of laxus), loose ; long. (See Laxus.)
hoc-us, m.2. a plac? : as, colVocate, to place toge-
ther; disVocate^ to put out oi place or joint; lo'co],
relating to place.
abVocate, v. initxloca'tion, n. lo'cale, v.
slloiv', V. disVocate, v. loca'tion, n.
aVoca'tion, n. dis/oco7ion, n. /ocomo'tion, n.
colVocate, v. & a. lo'caX, a. /ocomo'tivg, a.
coMoca' lion, n. lo'caWy, ad, locomotiv'ity, n.
eloca'iion, n. /ocal'ity, n. trans/oca'don, n.
LocusT-^j /.]. a locust^ a devouring insect-flo'cusf/n.
* liivery, the act of giving possession ; (Livery and seison is deliverr/ znd
possession) : Release from wardship ; the writ by which possessloji is ob-
tained. The clothes given to servants, from the scarfs or ribbands of cho-
sen colours, given by the ladies of old to knights. " To such (knights) as
were victorious, prizss were awarded by the judges, and presented by the
hands of ladies, — with ribbands, or scarfs, of chosen colours, called liveries.
Those liveries are the ladies' favours spoken of in romance ; and appear
to have been the origin of the ribbands which still distinguish so many or-
ders of knighthood." — Brt/djon's Summary of Heraldri/. From the old
cavaliers wearing the livery of their mistresses, the custom of people of
quality making their servants wear a livery, to denote service, is supposed
to be derived,— hence a particular dress; a garb worn as a token or con-
sequence of any thing. Livery, in former days, thus seems also to have
been used for a cockade. Liveiy, in London, denotes the collective body
of livei-ymen, or the freemen of a company. — Johnson's Diet, by Tod.
t Locust, signifies, " (1.) a certain vile insect. 'I'heir nature is to be
together, therefore vast multitudes are resembled by them, Nah. iii. 15.
In Arabia, and other countries that are infested by them, they come in
vast numbers upon their cam when ripe, and what they do not eat, they
infect with their touch and their moisture coming from them ; and after-
wards dying in great numbers, they poison the air, and cause a pestilence.
God plagued the Egyptians, by sending swarms of them into their land,
Exod. X. 12 — 13. (2. ) Either a large sort of gi asshoppers, or a kind of green
herb, Lev. xi. 22. Matth, iii. 4. (3.) Authors or teachers of false doctrine,
who infect others by instilling their poisonous doctrines into them. Rev, ix.
LocVT-us, p.p. {a loquor);, spokejz. (See Loquor.')
LoG-os (Aflyojj a "hiyu^ to speaF), reason, a word, a
speech, a discourse, science or knowledge : as, an-
ihorogy, a collection of flowers or poems ; apo/'o^y,
defence, excuse ; astheno/'o^y, a discourse on weak-
ness ; di'a/o^ue, a discourse between two (or more) ;
entomo/'o(73^j a discourse on insects ; log'ic, the ar*-
of reasoning.
•ambiZ'o^y, n. anaro^ism, n.
amphibo/'o^y, n. anglol'ogy, n. \\a,^'ohgvie, n.
amphibo/o^'ical, a. anthol'ogy, n. %axetol'ogy, n.
amphibofe^'ically, antho/op'ical, a. asthenol'ogy, n
iJlantiZ'o^y, n. ^astro/'o^y, n.
■j-anaZ'o^y, n. anti/o^'aritlunSj n. ustrol'oger, n.
ana/o^'ical, a. apo/'o^y, n.
ana/o^'ically, ad. apologet'ic, a. astro/o^'^ical, a.
ana/o^'icalness, n, a'pologet'ical, a. **astro-theo^'o^y, n.
anal'ogize, v. apo^'o^ist, n. atheolo'gian, n.
ana/'o^ous, a. a^ol'ogize, v. -ff batto/'o^y, n.
3—11." — Cruden's Scrip. Concordance. "The Hebrews had several sorts
of locusts, which aie not known among us : the old historians and modern
travellers remark, that locusts are very numerous in Africa, and many
places of Asia ; that sometimes they fall like a cloud upon the country, and
eat up every thing they meet with. Moses describes four sorts of locusts,
(Lev. xi, 21, 22.) Since there was a prohibition against using locusts, it '
ing and indicating portions of time,— as clocks, watches, &c.
LOG -B3 Loa
horo/o,9iog'raphy, n. ||mon'o%ue, «.
horo/o5'iogTaph'ic,a.||/o^om'achy, ». myol'ogy, n.
hydroZ'o^y, n. ^macrol'ogy, n. §mytho/'o5ry, n.
•hymno/'c?.9y, n. ^ raaiitoZ'cjg-y, w. mytho^o^ist, n.
ii/o_j/'ical, a. mylbo.'o^'ical, f/.
il/oyically, ad. *martyro/'o^y, w. njytho/^ov.f'£enng, a.
^ I on f/in'quity, n. &. n.
long'i&h, a. loiig'ways, ad.
lon'gitnde, n. Zon^vvind'ed, a.
longitu'dinal, a. oh'long, a.
longlived', a. db'ldngly, ad.
/ow^shan'lced, a. oh'longness, n.
long'some, a. overlong', a.
lo7ig's-pun, a. \)rolong', v.
long'ioxigxx&d, a. inolouga'tion, n.
long'^ufferer, n. 'prolon'gex, n.
LoQU-oR;, V. dep. 3. to speak : us, aVloquy, a speaking
to, (address) ; coVloquj, a5pt'<:^A-ingtogetherj (talk) ;
el'oquejice, a speaking out^ (the power of speaking
with fluency and elegance) ; loqiia'cious, full of
talk oxtongue ; ob7o$i'2^y, a.^j^^flAingagainstj [blame.')
elon'gats, v.
elonga'(loT), n.
long, a.
§?on^anim'ity, n.
longev'hy, n.
longe'val, a.
longe'vous, a.
longinVanous, a.
aVloquy, n.
ailocu'tion, n.
sltWoquence, n.
*am'bil'oq7iy, n.
ambi/'oyuousj a.
"faniWoquy, n.
antWoqui^t, n.
'icentil'oquy, n.
coVloquy, n.
collo'quial, a.
coVloquist, n.
coUocu'tion, n.
cdlloc'uior, it.
eiocic't'wn, n.
el'ocutlxe, a.
el'oquence, 7i.
circumlocii'tion, n. el'oquent, a.
circum/oc'wtory, a. el'oquently, ad.
grandil^oqiience, n.
grandi/'o^MOus, a.
inter locu' lion, n.
intexloe'utor, n.
inteiloc'utory, a.
loquac'iiy, n.
loqua'ciou$3 a.
magnU'oquence, n.
* Tautology, repetition of the same words, fir of the same sense in dif-
ferent ivords. t Tech'iology, the description or discourse upon arts.
I Theology, divinity, or study of God. || Zoology, a treatise or rii*-
eourse on animals or living creatures. § Longanimity, length of mind,
forbearance. ^ Lntiginqiiity, remoteness, not nearness.
* Ambiloquy, doubtful or ambiguous distriurse. t Antiloqiiy, a .ipea7Telu'soTy, a.
* Collusion, is, in our common law, a deceitful agreement or compnct be-
tween two or more, for the one part to bring an action against tlie other to
lome evil purpose ; as to defraud a t!'-ird ot his riglit. — Coivel.
LuMBRic-t/s, m. 2. an earth-worm — *lum'hric2l, a.
'Lxj'^i'Q-U S ,m.2.the loin--\lumba.' go^n. lum'bdT,a,
LuMENj in-is, n.3. {a lux), l/'^ht : as, illume', illu'-
inine, or Wlu'mindJtQ, to shine on, or put light in ;
lu'miimrj, a body or thing that gives light.
XsMu'minox^ n. illu'minalor, n. lu'minously, ad.
illume', V. lu'mi7ioi\sness, n.
ilhc'mine, v. xdume\ v.
iUu'minate,v.a.&.n. iu'ininary, n. xdu'minQ, v.
\llumina't\or\, n. lumina'tion, n. trilu'minar, or
UJu'minatlve, a. lu'minous, a. tnlu'minous, a.
LuN-^, /. 1. (a kiceo), the moon : as, lu'na.cy, a dis-
ease or madness influenced by the moon ; svib'hm-
ary, under the moon, (of this world),
inierlu'nax, or lu'nary, a. pleni/«'«ary, a.
inteTlii'iiaxy, a. In'nateA, a. semilu'nar, or
lu'nacy, n. \\lit,ne, n. semilu'nary^ a.
lu'natxc, a. & n. §/«'?< et, n. sub/w'/iar, or
luna'iion, n. ^lunettt', n. sub'/wnary, a.
lu'nax, or lunholax, a, super/w'/iar, a.
Lu-0, V. 3. to wash away, or purge : as, allu'vial,
washing to, — as a 7'iver with its brmk car^-ying
the particles to another place ; elute', to wash off.
abVwent, a, •*ab/M'tion, n. al/u'vial, a.
*LumhricaI, in anatomy, denoting muscles of the hands and feet, which,
on account of their smallness and figure, have derived this uame of resem-
blance to worms.
i Lumbago, in anatomy, are pains very troublesome about the loins and
Email of the back, such as precede ague fits and fevers; they are most com-
monly from fulness and acrimony, in common with a disposition to ya^Tn-
ings, shudderings, and erratic pains in other parts, and go off with evacua-
tion, generally by sweat and other critical discharges of fevers.— Qwmcy.
± AUuminor, one who colours or paints upon paper or parchment ; so
called, because he gives graces, light, and ornament, to the letters or figures
B Lune, any thing in the shape of a half-moon ; fit of lunacy or frenzy.
§ Lunet, a little moon. % Lunette, a small half-moon.
** Ablution, the act of washing from ; the water used in washing; the
rinsing of chymical preparations m water, to dissolve and wash away any
acrimonious particles ; the cup given without cousecration to the laity in
the Popish churches.
LUP ^09 l.UT
al/u'yion, «. dU'usnt, a. & n. pol/w'ter, n.
al/?t'yious, a> elute', v. pi>i/«7edly, at/.
"di/^/Zc', t>. ■felu'iria.te, v. pol/it'^edness, n.
dike' /ion, n- pol/a7ion, n.
di/a7er, n. ifrpoUu/e', v. & a. uiipol/a'^ed, a.
Lup-t/S, wi. 2. a ?oo//- — lu'pvciQ, a.
Lure /or Leurre, m. (Fr.) «wj/ ?/^/w^ f/?^'^ entices, a
decoy : as, aVhre, to entice to — al/ure', w.
al/'/rer, ?r, al/wVing, n. & a.
al/j/rg'ment, w. al/wVingly, aJ. /wrd?, n. & v.
LusTR-t/M, n. 2. flj survey made every four years ; a
purifying sacrifice: as, 'Alus'trd^iQ, to hriyhten with
light or honour, (to explain or elucidate.)
il/ujf'/raLe, v. lilus'trionsiy, ad. ^lus'trate, v.
iliiistra'lion, n. il/?i*7riousness, n. iustra'ilon, n.
illus'iralh'e, a. \\lute'string, or lus'tre, n. & v.
iilns'traliviXy, ad. lus'lr'mg, n. lus^trous, a.
illus'iraior, n. lus'trwm, n. outlus'tre, v.
illu^'trioas, a. lus'iral, a. 'perlustra'iion, n.
Lus-i7s, p.p. {dliido), played, deceived. (SeeLudo.)
LuTHER,*i[ m. 2. tlie great German reformer.
^[Lii'theran, n.&a. Lu'iherarihm., or Lu' ther'y^'ca, n.
* Dilute, literally, to wmh asunder, to make thin or weak by the admix-
ture of other parts ^Etutriatp., Xo strain out ; to decant. jPullute (either
from per and luo ; or ppr and laea, f. 3. a contagious disease or plague), to
tml:e anclean, m a religious sense ; to defile ; to taint with guilt ; to corrupt
morally or iihys'cally. II Lut stiing or Lustring, a shining silk.
§ Lustrate, to purifi/ by sacrifice, as the censors did the city Rome, at
the ena of every four years, or rather fifty months, by going round taking
an account or census of the citizens, and concluding the solemnity by *«-
crificinga. son, a slieep, and a bull, to apjie^ise the gods, and p(ssing of God, he
efiectualiy assailed aiid shook i^opiry tc its very fouiioatioa, lie died iT
the year I54C, in the 63d year of his a^e.
■i B
LvT^UMf n. 2. clay, mud : as, lute, chemists' clay,
lute, n. luia'rious, a. luta'tion, n. /w'^ulcnt, a.
LuT-[7S, p.p. (a luo), washed away. (See Luo.)
\jVxvri-a, f. 1. luxury, excess in carnal pleasure.
]lluxu'rio\i%, a. lu.vu'riance, n. luxu'riate, v.
lus'oiou.s. a. luxu'rvAwcy , n. luxu'rious, a.
hixu'riunt, a. hixu'riously, ad.
lus'ciousness, n. luxn'rioxitly, ad. luxu'rionsncss, n.
lux'ury, n.
Lyc-os ixvKog), the wolf- — ■"/ycan'ttiropy^ n.
Lymph-^, /. 1. water ; a thin transparent fluid cir-
culating in the animal body.
lymph, n. -flymphat'ic., n.&!.a. -f lymph' educt, n.
JjYB.-A,f. l.lyre or harp .lyre,n.ly'r\st,n ly)''ic,a Iyr'ical,a.
Lys-is (>^v(rt;, a >^va), to loose, to solve), a loosing,
or untying ; a solution : as^ QXioI'ysh, a loosing or
separating again a compound.
antipara/y^'ic, a. |1 catalysis, n. para/^^'ical, or
%dXi?J.'ysvs,, n, §diaZ'^ais, n. pa/«'ical, o.
ana/^/'ical, a. Lysaxnas, n. pa/'*ied, a.
ana??/i'ically, ad. Lys'trs,, n. para(y^'ic, a. Sl n.
analyze^ v. ^iiaral'ysis, or -par'alyze, v.
anal yzer, n. -pal'sy, n- & u,
* L.j/canthropy, a species of madness, in which men have the qualities of
a ivnlfor wild beasts.
t The I'jmphatics are slender pellucid tubes, whose cavities are contract-
ed at small and unequal distances ; they are carried into the glands of the
mesentery, receiving first a fine thin lymph from the lymphatic ducts, which
dilutes the chylousfluid. — Cheyne's Phil. Piinciplcs. Lymphatic denotes
also a lunatic or madman. jLympheduct, a vessel which conveys the lymph.
i;. Analysis, a solution of any thh\", whether corporeal or mental, to its
first elements ; as of a sentence to the sinirle words ; of a compound word
to the etymon or root, piefix, and affix or termination, which form it ; of
a tune, io single notes j of an argument, to simple propositions.
II Catalysis, dissolution. § Dialysis, a figure in rhetoric, by which
syllables and words are divided.
^ Paralysis or Palsy, a privation of motion or feeling, or botft, proceed-
ing from some cause below the cerebellum, joined with a coldness, flaccid
dity, and at last wasting of the parts. If this privation be in all the parts
below the liead, except the thorax and heart, it is called a paraplegia ; if
in one side only, a hemiplegia ; if in some parts only of one side, a para-
lysis. There is a threefold division of a palsy ; a privation of motion, sen-
sation remaining ; a privation of sensation, motion remaining ; and la3Jly,
a privation of both together. — Qtiincy.
Mace-o, v. 2. to be lean or thin : as, o^ma'ci^iie, to
waste, to pine ; mac'erate, to make lean, to wear away.
ema'ciate, v. & a. macera'lion, n. mea'gerly, ad.
emacia'tlon, n. mea'gre, or mea'gerne^s, n.
mac'erate, v. mea'ger, a. & v.
MACHIN-.4, /. 1. a machine; a device : as, mack' in-
ate, to plan, to fonii schemes^ to plot.
mach'inal, a. machina'tion, n,
mach'inate, v. • machine', n. machin'ist, n.
machina'toT, n. machm'ery, n.
Mach-omai (fixzouai), to fight: as, alectoro?7iVfcAy,
cock-fighting ; TUQmom' ach^ , single combat.
alectoro»i'ac/jy,ri. fnau'»2ac7iy, n. §theo?«'ac^y, n.
*logom'achy, n. Jpsycho??2'ac7iy, n. theom'ac?iistj n.
monom'achy, n. Ijsciowi'ac/iy, n.
Macr-os (^^Ji^os)^ large, of great extent.
^macVocosm, n. macroVogy, n.
Macul-^, /. 1. a stain or spot; a fault: as, immac'-
uhiQj having no sj)ot, {^p)ure^ ; Q7nac'uhiQ, to
take out spots,
cmac'ulate^ a. & v. immac'uJa,tely, ad.
immac'ulateness,n. mac'ulate, n. & a.
ivamac'ulate, a. mac'ulce, 7i. macula'tion, n.
Magazin, m. (Fr.) a store-house — ''"''' mag' azine, n.
* Logomachr/, contention about words. t Naumaclnj, a sea-fig-hf.
4: Psi/chomachy , a con Hict of the soul with the body. || Sciomachy, battle
with a shadow. § Theomachy, fighting against God, or opposition to the
divine will ; m particular, the fight against the gods by the guints.
^ Macrocosm or Megacusm, the great or lofiole world, or visible system.
In opposition to the microcosm , or world of man.
** Magazine, a store-house ; commonly an arsenal or armoxtrp, or repO'
gitory of provisions. Of late (that is, in the year 1737) this word, says Dr
Johnson, has signified a miscellaneous pamphlet, from a periodical mis-
cellany called the Gentleman's Magazine, and published under the name
of Sylanus Urban, by Edward Cave. This miscelUiny has given rise to va-
yiou-s other magazinee.
MagisteRj 771. 2. a master: as, magiste'riol, befitting a
ruler; mogis'trate, one vested with public authority,
a.ntimagiste'ria.1, a. mag'isiraX, a,
magisie'rial, a. mas'terie^s, a.
maffisle'riaXly, ad. mas'terly, ad. & a,
magis{e'rialness,n. mag'istraiQ, n. was'/(?rliness, n.
'tnag'isiery, n. magistrafic, a. vias'tery, n.
7nag'istracy, n. mas'ter, n. & v.
Magnes_, et-is, m, 3. the loadstone, the stone that ai~
tracts iron : as, magnet'iz, relating to the magnet.
■fmag'net, n. magnet'ic&l, a. magnet'icalness,n
magnet'ic., ct. magnel'icdWy, n, mag'nethm, n.
M AGN-c/s, a. great : as, wz^^^zan^imouSj of great mind ,
7nag'nify, to make great.
:{:amaJ7t', ad. magnificence, n.
\\Mag'na.C\\3x't2i,n.magnii'ice'at, a. majes'ticaX^ a.
magnaii{m.'iiy, n. magnii'icewtXy , ad. majes'tically, ad.
tnagnan'imous, a. mag'nitude, n.
»na^7mn''imously, m«^/iil'oquence,n.
magnif'ic, a. main, a.
magnif'ical, a. mainly, ad. ma'jor, n. & a.
^Magnif'ico, n. maj'esty, n. major'ity, n.
mag'fiify, v. majes'tiCy a.
mag'niiieT, n.
'^lxG-us,m.'2,.apriest or philosopher among the Per-
sians and Asiatics ; a diviner or enchanter.
ma'gi, n. mag'icai, a. magici'an, n.
ma'giaji, a. mag'icaHy, ad. axchfnagici'an, n.
mag'ic, n. & a.
* Mas^.stenj, a fine powder used by chemists ; or that preparation of any
body wherein the whole, or most part, is, by the addition of somewhat,
changed into a bivly of quite another kind ; as when iron or capper is turn-
ed into crf/stals of Tvlars or Venus Quincy.
t -Spcnce calls it the rj?(7g-;.(39-stone ; and it is so given in Sherwood's dic-
tionary, \G?.9. The Latin magnes is thought to be from the city of mag-
nesia in Lydia, where the stone is said to have been first found.
X Amavi, vi'iih vehemence or vigour. It Ma^na-Charta, the great
rJiarter of liberties granted to thepeople of England by king John, in 1215,
the seventeenta year of his reign, renewed with sorne alterations in the
ninth year of Henry the Tnird, and confirmed by Eidward the First*
5 Magnifico (lial.) a grandee of Venic©i
Mahomet^* {Mohammed, i. e. praised, Arab.) the
Arabian impostor, oy false prophet.
Ma'hov7et, n. mahum'eta.r\, n. mahom'etanize, v.
mahom'edan, n. muhom'etanism, n. mahum'etism) n.
mahom'eta.n , n.& a. mahom'etisxQ, n. moharn'medan, n.
mahom'etist, n. viaho7n'eiTy, n.
M AJORj a. {a magnus^ great), greater. (See Magnus.)
Male, ad. (a maliis, a. bad), evil, ill : as, dis'?nal,
an evil day, sorrowful ; W2«/efac'tor, one who does
evil ; wztt/ev'olent, willing evil.
ii\%'mal, a. wia/ecoriten'tednessjma/ef'icent, a.
dis'/na/ly, ad, wa^edic'encyj n
dis'wfl/nesSj n.
-. . wjfl/epractice, n.
tnaJedic'tion, n. wa/gv'olence, n.
waJadministra'tionjWa/rfac'torj n. ma/ev'olent, a.
+ma/a-propo's, ad. wa/ev'olently, ad.
maleconten'ted, a. tna/versa'tion, 71.
Malig'n-us, a. (a malus. bad), ill-disposed to anyone;
envious ; fatal to life.
malign', a. Sc v. malig'n?incy, n. malig'na,nt]y, ad.
malign'ly, ad. malig'nant, a. malig'nity, n.
maligti'er, n.
Maliti-^Ij /. 1 . (a mains, a. bad), deliberate mischief,
ill-intention to any one.
mal'ice, n. tiialici'ous, a. malici'onsly, ad, malicVonsness, n.
* Mahomet, a noted Arabian impostor, was bom 527, — bis father a Pa-
gan, his mother a Jewess, — began in COS or 012, at Mecca, in Arabia, to
declare himself a prophet, and, by the assistance of a Jew and a renegado
Christian, formed a farrago of doctrines and rites, in which there was a
mixture^ of Paganism, Judaism, and Christianity. By indulging his ad-
herents in sensualiti/, ambition, and the love of booty, and promising them
a carnal heaven hereafter, he intoxicated the imagination, and seized the
passions of his eastern followers. He propagated his religion by the sword,
declaring that he who fought the battles, and died in the field, in the defence
of it, his sins, of whatever nature, or however enormous, being pardoned,
was crowned with honour in the highest heaven. He died in the year 632,
t Malapropos, unseasonably, or at an improper time: imsuitably.
2 B 2
MAL 294« MAX
Malle-l;s, m. 2. ahammej': as, mal'leahle, that may
be spread by beating.
iaimal'leah\e, a. mal'ledhle, a. mal'leate, v.
mall or maul, n.Siv.marieahleness, n. mallea'tion, n.
mal'let, n. malleahil'iiy, n. unmal'leahle, a.
Malv-a, f. 1. niallows, a plant — wa/ya'ceous, a.
Mamm-^j /. 1. a breast or pap: as, marn'milloxy, be-
longing to the paps or dugs,
mamma', n. mam'miioina, a. marn'millaxy, a. mammii'txows, a.
Mammon (Syriac), the god of wealth ; riches,
mam'mon, n. mam'moni&i, n.
Manat-c/s, p.p. (a mano), flowed. (See Mano.)
Manci-.4 /or Manti-.4 {f^xi/ruci, a f^avTif, a prophet),
a divining, predictio7i: as,a^eYomancy,a divining
by the air ; 2in.i\i'ma7icy, a foretelling by numbers ;
chir'owa?2cy, a foretelling by inspecting the hand.
a'eromancy, n. geoman'iic, a. necroman'tical, a.
alec'tryomancy,n. -f-gy'romancy, n. riecroman'/ically,arf
arith'mancy, n. Jhi'erowiancy, 7i. oneVromancy, n.
*heVomancy, n. hy'dromancy, n. on'omancy, n.
chir' omajicy, n. lith'omancy, n.
chir'owancer, n. manloVogy, n. §psy'chomfln
uncomTn^n'rfable, a.
uncommew'rfed, a.
romw>a«', per'/?2«7zent, abid-
ing thoroughly, (durable) ; manse, a parsonage-
Iwuse ; man'sion, a dweWmg-kouse.
im'manency, n. man'siou, n.
im'manent, a. per'ma/ience, n. remain', v- & n.
imper'ma?ience, n. -per'manency, n. remain'der, n.
imper'manency,rt. per'wzanent, a.
manse, n. ]pex'manent\y, ad. rem'n&nt, n- & a.
ManeSj* a Persia?! heretic.
* maniche'&n, n. &. a. manichee', n. vian'icheism, n.
* Commanclert/, a body of the knigJits of Malta, belonging to the same
nation ; the residence of a body of knights. -f Commendam, a benefice
which, being void, is commended to the charge and care of some sufficient
clerk, to be supplied until it be conveniently provided of a pastor.
■^ i^nimendataru cr commendator, one who hoids a living in commendam.
11 Mandamus, literally, we command; a, writ granted by the king, — so
called, from the first word, mandamus, — cowmandiw^ corporations and in-
ferior courts, or other persons to do some particular thing, — as to admit
any one to an office, and the like.
c Manticatorj/, a medicine to be chewed only, not swallowed.
• Manichean (h Manet, k Persian educated among the Magi; of whom
plain ; evident.
manifesta'tion, n.
manijes tihle, a. •fmanifes'tOi n.
Mani-^ (fMivix),mad7iess : as,ma'niacy a mad ipevson,
antimani'acalj a. ma'niac, a. & n. ma'nia,
*h\b'\iQma')da, n. 7?za?ii'acal, a.
biblioma'/ijacj n.
MaNIFEST-17S^ a.
man'ifest, a. & v<
man'ifesi.\y, ad.
man'ifesiness, n.
Man-0, v. 1. to flow: as^ Qm'anoXe, to flow or issue out.
em'anate, v. em'a7iant, a. mana'tion, n.
emana'iion, n. em'analive, a.
MaN-OS (^^civoi), t/n?l,rare—:^manom^eteT,n. man'oscoipe,n.
Man-uSj /. 5. the hand: as, em«?^''cipate, to take out
by the hand, (to set free from servitude) ; man'-
acle, a chain for the hand ; man'i^Xe, a handfxA,
a small hand of soldiers ; manu^dc'twxQ, the thing
or work done by the hand; man'u^oxv^t, the thing
written with the hand ; maitu'brium., a handle,
||admiu'icle, n. ^naintain', v.
adminic'uiar, a. wiamtain'er, n.
^dmanuen'sis, n. wiaj^itain'able, a.
•maJn'tenance, n.
maji'acle, n.Scv.
-f-man'age, v. &.n.
man'agesihle, a.
man'ager, n.
man'ag&vaQiii, n.
man'ageiy, n.
e/wan cipate, v.
emancipa'tion, n.
ewmncipa'tor, 7i.
imman'acle, v.
"^man'c'iTple, n,
man'iple, n.
he was one, before he embraced Christianity), one of the folio wers of Manes,
who taught that there were two principles of all things, co-etemal and co-
equal, the one good, the other evil ; that two equipollent deities ruled the
world, and other gross and impious errors. — Johnson's Diet, by Todd.
* Bibliomania, the rage of possessing books ; book-?n«rf»es5. f Mani-
festo, a public declaration made by a prince, explaining his reasons for going
to war or adopting any hostile measure towards another country.
^ Mayiometer ox Manoscope, an instrument for shewing the alterations in
the rariti/ and density of the air. y Adminicle, originally, a prop for
vines, which could be removed by the liand; help, support. § Amanu-
ensis, a person who writes what another dictates ; or copies what has been
written by another. * MainiciMnce (Fr. a manutentio and manutentia,
Lat. " which signify the upholding of a cause or person; metaphorically
drawn from succouring a young child that learns to go by one's hand." —
Cowel.) Literally, ?i holding up hy the hand; support, protection, suste-
nance, or supply of the necessaries of life. f Manage, to guide or con-
duct by the hand; to carry on. % Manciple, originally, the farmer of
the public taxes ; the stewart of a community, the purveyor.
»wan!p'iilar, a. 7Manufac'ture,n.«Scu.»jar«M'rer, n
•wa/tipula'tion, 7%. manufa.c'tVLxer, n.
"fmarneu'wxp, n. & v. manu?&c'toxy, n.&iaman'uscrvptj n.
^mun'ual, a. &. n, misman'a.ge, v.
§wa/z?ermeabil'\ty, n.
per'?;(eantj a.
Merci, /. (Fr. contr. from misericordta, Lat.) ten.
derness, goodness, pity, grace, pardon, power,
iner'cy, n. r?2/?rnifulnessj n. mer'cilessness, n.
fner'ci/-&eat, n. Mnmer' ci?\i\, a.
visr'ci^vX, a. iner ciless, a. un'?2e?''cifully, ad.
tuer'ciixxWy, ad. wier'cilessly, ad. unmer'eifulness, n.
* Meander, is a river of Phrygia, remarkable for its winding course ;
bence it came to signify a maze, iabj/ritith, or gerpentine winding.
Merc-oRj v. dep. 1. (''^o?n'inencc, n. sapere?«'inent, a.
pro?>i'uiency, n. superem'i/tentlyjao?.
im'wiwent, a. prom'inent, a.
Mi'^E'RAi.-,m.{FY.) fossil body; matter dug otit of the earth
or 7nines : as, mineral'ogj, the doctrine 0^ minerals.
*min'eral, n. &, a. mm'eralized, a. mineralog'ical, a.
viin'eralht, .i. mhi'era\\ze.r, n. minera\og'icaW.Y, ad
min^eralize, v. mi7i'eralizing,a&n.mineral'ogist, n.
minersliza'tiovi, n. fnineraVogy, n.
Minister, tr-?', t,i. 2. a servant, a helper: as, ^Amin' -
ister, to serve to, {to give, to afford^ ; ministe'rial,
pertaining to a minister, of church or state, (acting
at command.)
admin'ister, v. adfnin'isiered, a, adniiniste'rial, a.
* Mineral, a fossil body. All inetals are minerals, but all minerals are
not metals. Minm-als, in the restrained sense, are bodies that may be
melted, but not malleated. Minerals have been variously classed by difle-
rent writers. The system of Wem.^r comprehends them under the four
rlasses, of earth, salts, inflammablet, and metals. To this Linnaeus has
added a fifth Glass of petrif actives.
aiviin'tstrahle, a. min'ister, n. & v. mtn'istry, n.
ad^?^m'^5/rate, v. min'isiered, a. miti'istral, a.
adminislra'tion, n. min'istering, a. min'istrant, a.
a,dmin'islraii\ey a. minis fe'riaX, a. ministra'i'ion, n.
administra'toT, n. niiniste'riaWyf ad. "pxeadministraUiony
administra'tors\np,77iin'istTess, n»
administra'txixy n.
•aniirniniste'riai, a.
MiNU-0, 17. 3. (a minor^ minuSj less; minimus^ least),
to lessen : as^ dimm'ish, to make or gi'ow less ; 7ni'~
no?', the less — petty, little; minntQ' y small, slender ;
minu'tigd, the smaller particulars.
di/niri'tt^ive, a. & n.
dimiu'uilxely, ad. minora'tlon, n.
dimin'utiveness, n. minor'ity, n.
ixnmimi'tion, n. min'u&nd, n.
indiw^^?i'ishableJ a.
min'iatuTQ, n. mi'nns, n.
min'ikiu, a. & n. ininute\ a.
*inin'im, n.
7ni}i'i/num, n.
mia'imusj n,
•fmin'ion, n.
dirtim'ishingly, ad. mi)i'ion-\ike, or
min'ionly, a.
dim'inutely, ad. min'ionshi-p, n.
dimin'uent, a.
diminu't'ion, n. Xmi'nor, n. &, a.
MiNUT-t/Sj p. p. (a minuo), made less, Utile. (See Minuo.)
MiR-us, a. strange, wonderful : as, 3,d.'mirdh\e, that
may be admired, fit to excite wo)ider.
ad't7iirahle, a. ad'wwVableness, n. admire', v.
ad'mirahly, ad. ' admi'red, a.
commi7i'uihle, a.
conVminute, v.
com'minuted, a.
coui'miiuiting, a.
comminu'tion, n.
dimi7i'ish, v.
diwi/i'ishable, a.
dimin'hhed, a.
dimin'isher, n.
dimin'isliing, a.
vwiute'Xy, ad.
minute' TiQs^, n.
min'ute, n. & v.
min'utely, ad.
minu'tias, n.
minu'tial, a.
undi»2i?i''ishable, a.
undi/niw'ished, a.
* Mtnim, a little man or being ; one of a certain reformed order of Fr^^n-
ciscans or Minimi ; a note in music. f Minion, a darling, the favourita
of a place ; a small kind of printing types.
if Minor, literally, less, used in opposition to major, greater ; a pei-mn
under age, — that is, under the age of twenty-one, — who by the laws of this
country is not yet arrived at the power of managing his own affairs, or iu
the possession of his estate.
tnirac'uloxislyj ad.
mirac'ulonsness, n.
•ftni/ror, n.
unadmired'j a.
as, 7niscelld!nQ0\is,
ad/niVer, n.
ad»?2iVing, a.
ad/niVingly, ad. *inir'ac\e, n.
admiration, n, fftirac'ulous, a.
Misc-JEo, V. 2. to mix or mingle
mingled J composed of various kinds.
min'gledi, a. mixliVni'ea\^ a.
min'gledly, ad.
min'gler, n.
min'gling, a.
miscellana'via,n, a
Sc n.
mixtiiin'eaXy a,
mix'tion, n.
mix'tyxxe., n.
permis'iion, or
viis'cetlany, n. -^exmix' lion, n.
miscelLi'neous, a. j)romi.s'ciions, a.
7niscella'neonsnsss, promw'cMOusly, ad.
mis'cihle, a.
mis'tion, n.
mix. V.
prowjij CMOusnesSj7i.
uninter/nijred', a.
xxnming'le, v.
uximing'led, a.
unviixed', or
xxwiiixi', a.
admio^'^ure, n.
admix'tion, n.
coxaming'le, v.
coxamix', v.
comrnj^'ion, n.
coxnmix'tuxQ, n.
imming'ley v.
imfiiis'cihle, a.
ixnonscihiVity, n.
hxiviix', V.
im7nix'ah\e, a.
incGxnmix'tixre, n. mix'Qd, or
inter«?i.r', v. mixt, a.
intQX mix' inxe, n. ifiix'ex, n,
min'gle, v. viix''mg) a.
Miser, a. wretched, pitiful : as, commaVerate, to pity,
commis'erahley a. coxaxnis'erativQ, a. ra.is'ery, n.
convnis'eraie, v. commis'era/ively, mis'erable, a.
covamis' eraied, a. coxnmis'eratoXy n. mis'erably, ad.
covatnis'eraiin^, a. xni'ser, n. mis'^rableness, n.
coxamisera'tioxi, n. yni'serly, a.
Mis-os {(AKTOi), hatred, enmity, aversion : as, mis'^
anthrope, or mmn'thropist, a hater of mankind,
wjisan'thropy, »?«"5anthrop'ic, a. tuisog'axnisty n.
7fiis'anthxo\)e, n. 7«isanthrop'ical, a. ^misog'yny, n.
Mi^an'thropist, n. misog'axay, n. wisog'ynist, rt.
Miss-t7M, sup. {a mitto), to send. (See Mitto.)
* Miracle, something that excites tt^onrfer ; a work, or an effect above
human or natural power, performed in attestation of some truth ; or a wovk
effected in a manner different from the ordinary course of nature, by the
hrimediate power of the Almighty, for some particular purpose.
t Mirror, a ;ooA:ing glass ; a pattern, an example.
:^ Misogyny, hatred of the female sex.
2 D
Miss-[/s, p. p. {a mitto), sent, (See Mitto.)
MiiiG-o, V. 1. (« mitis, a. meek, mild), to make meeh
or mild, to soften : as, mit'i^ate, to make mild, (to
immit'igahle, a. mitiga't'ion, n. mit'igant, a.
mil'iffate, v. miCiffahle, a. un))ut'iffixted, a.
mit'igated, a. mit'igative, a. \mmit'iga\Ae, a.
mit'igatuig, a. mit'igaiox, n.
MiTT-0^ V. 3. to send: as, admit', to send to^ {to allow) ;
demit', to send down^ {to depress) ; dismiss', to send
asunder or away ; omit', to leave out, to pass over,
to neglect; remit', to send back; mamis'sihle, not
to be lost ; transjnit'tihle, that may be sejit beyond,
or from place to place.
ad/nw'^Jble, a. demise', n. & v,
admissihiVity^ n. commissa'rial, a.
admissi'on, n. *covL\niissa'xiaie, n. demissVon, n.
adww^i'on-money, •fcom'missary, n.
admit', v.
admii'ted, a.
admit'ting, a.
admit'ier, n.
admit'tihle, a.
ad«2?77ance, n.
amissVon, n.
aviW, V.
com'«2?5sansliip, n.
coxamis'sMre, n.
commit', v.
commit'ied, a.
commii'ting, a.
demit', v.
d'vnit', V.
dimissVon, r
dim'issoiy, a.
dismiss', v.
dmnis'sed, a.
dhmis'sing, a.
diiii/iis'sal, n.
commit' ler, n.
coxamit'ment, n.
Xcommit'tee, n.
commissi'on,a. & v. comnii/'/eeship, ?i
commissi'oned, a.
commissioning, a. com'-promit, v.
\\com'Y)romise,n.&.v. di<.missi'on, n.
coxnmissi'oner, n. con^pxomisso'ria\.,a.d\'smis'sive, a.
* Commissariafe, a body of persons attending an army, commissioned to
regulate the procuration and conveyance of ammunition or provision.
t Cummissari/, an officer who draws up lists of the numbers of an army,
and regulates the procuration, &c. ; also a delc'c:ate, a depuri/.
I Con.mittee, those who are se7it tof^cthcr, to whom the consideration or
ordering of any matter is refeired, either by some court to whom it belongs,
or by consent of parties.
II C(if)! promise, a »nutual promise of two or more parties at difference, to
refer tfie ending ot their controversies to the arbitriment or equity of one
or more arbitrators ; a compact or bargain, in which some concessions are
made on each side.
*em'issary, n. & a. man'umit, or
cmissi'on, n,
cmissili'ous, a.
eynit', v.
extramis^i'on, n.
ivamissV ou, n.
ixnmit', ?>.
iTidAmis'sihXe, a.
mad77iissih\yity,n. \\mis's\\e, u. Sin
inamis'sihle, a.
inamis'5?b]eness5 n
interwH'ssi'on, n.
intermi^'sive, a.
•fintermii', v.
intermil'ted, a.
intermit'tent, a.&n. omissi'on, n.
interTOi7'^ing, a. omis'sih\e, a.
interwii/'^ingly, ad. omis's'we, a.
ijlintromis^i'on, n. *-permit', v.
intiomit', v. *per'mi/, n.
inemis'sihle, a. -permil' lance, n.
irreTnw'^ibly, ad. perw/sii'un, n.
irrewzis'^jbleness, w. permis'^ive, a.
manu??2i5*i'orij n. ■pexmis's'wtly, ad.
xna\Yu.mise, v.
\nan\xmit' tad, a.
manumitting, a.
mis'sile, a. & n.
missVon, n.
missi'onaxy, n. & a.
. §mj77unusj n.
omit', V.
omit'ted, a.
omit' ting, a.
omit'tance, n.
Tpermis'sihle, a.
premise', v.
prem'isc, n.
prem'wes, n.
pretermit', v.
pretermissVon, n.
■\'pxom'ise, n. &. v.
pTom'ised, a.
promisee', n.
prom'ising, a.
prom'iscr, n.
prom'issoxy, a.
prom'issoxiiy, ad.
re-admissx' on, n.
xe-admil', v.
re-admil'tarice, n.
xecommissi'on, v.
xecommiss'i'onedy a.
re-commit', v.
xecommit'ted, a.
xecoxnmit'ting, a.
xemise', v.
xemi'sed, a.
* Emissary, literally, one that sends out ; one sent out on private mes-
hAgcs ; a secret agent, a s-py.
\ Intermit, to send between, (to cease for a time) ; to grow mild between
the fits or paroxysms, — used of fevers. Hence intermittent, sending be-
tween, or coming hy Jits.
■^ hit) omission, the act of sending within or in, admission ; (in Scottish
law) the act of intermeddling with anotlier's effects ; as, he shall be brought
to an account for his intromissions with such an estate.
II Missive, such as is sent — used at a distance ; in Scotland, a letter sent
— iised at the concluding of a treaty or bargain, particularly of the lease of
a farm ; tiie proprietor and tenant each receiving a copy of the terms of the
Itase (called the missive) previous to their being extended on stamp paper.
§ Mittimus, literally, tve send; a warraiit, by which a justice commits
an offender to prison.
* Permit', v. literally, to send through, or to let a thing go its way; to
allow, without command ; to suffer, without authorizing or approving ;
to give up, to resign. Per'mit, n. a written permission from an officer, to
transport goods, —particulariy*;;«;n7o?(.v liquors, — from place to place, show-
ing the dutt/ on them to have been paid.
t Promise, literally, to send or set before hand, to make declaration of
some benefit to be conferred ; to give one's word, to assure; to exhibit a
prospect of good, to excite hope, — as, ti;'0»H',v/»^ weather ; the business is
m a prominiiig way.
Tomi'singy a.
*Tzmiss% a.
remissly) ad.
rsmiss'nesSy n.
Temis'sihley a.
Temissi'on, n.
re7nis'si\e, a.
remit', v.
remit'ter, n.
remit'i'xnce, n.
re7nit'ia\, n.
re,v2i77ed, a.
remii'intnt. n.
subj7n*s'sive, a. transmii'/al, n.
submis'iively, ud. transmii'/tble, a.
submis'siveness, n. transmi^'^ed, a.
-|-submif', V.
sub7?i!77ed, a.
%\i\)mit' ting, a.
sub)ni/7er, n.
trans77/ii7erj n.
trans7nii7ing, a.
uncommitf te^t a.
unintermissi'on, n.
unintermi^'^edj a.
unintermj/7ing, a.
unmis'A-ed, a.
wnxemit' teHi, a.
suriyiise', v. & n.
surmi'^ed, a.
surnzj'ser, ?i.
surmj'^ing, 7i. & a
transmis'sible, a.
sub-commi/'^ee, n. transmmibil'ity, n. unremi<7ing, a.
$,uh7niss', a. tr&nsmiss'i'on, n. unremittingly, ad.
transmJA'^ive, a. unsubm/s'sive. a.
transmit', v. unsubmii'^ing, a.
submis^i'otij n.
MiXT-us, p. p. (a misceo), mixed or mingled. (See Misceo. )
MNE-o/br Mna-o {u-yaa), to remind Qy: lout in mind:
as, ninemon'iQ.^, the art of memory.
%a,m'nestY, n. mnemon'iCy a.
mnemon'ic%, n.
MoDERAT-us, p.p. (« moderor), restrained, regulated,
(See Modus.)
MoDER-oR, V. dep. 1. (rt modus), to restrain, to refrain
to regulate. (See Modus.)
MoD-t7S, m. 2. <3^ measure ; a manner ; a rule, a di-
rection: as, accom'7?zot, a.
accom modaimg,a. mcon')mo'diou?,ly,ad.mod'e?,tly, ad.
accommoda'tion, 71. incommo'dious,ness,mod'e^ty, n.
s,ccora' modatox, n.
mode, n.
mo'dal, a.
viodal'iiy, n.
fnod'e], 71. & V.
'f7nod'icum, n.
viod'iiy, V.
7?joo?'«fied, a.
mod'i^ymg, a.
commode', v.
commo'dioas, a.
conuTJoV/iously, ad. mod'elled, a.
covAmo'diousiiess,nmod'en\vg, a.
commod'ity, n. viod'ell&x, 7i.
di^cowimodc' , V. mod'erate, a. & v.
mod'erated, a.
discom?7?o'c/3d, a. mod'e7'ate]y, ad.
discomwoWinj^, a. tnod'eratencas, 71.
di.«com7??oWious, «. mod'e7~atn\g, a.
disconimof/'ity, 7b. 7nadera'lion, n.
immod'e7-&cy, n. mnd'ei-atox, ii.
\VLW.od' e7"Aie, a. mod'erator^h\^, n, mod'iilated, a.
hvanod'erately, ad. mod'ei-n, a. & n. mod'ulating, a
i'.r.modera'ilon, n. 7nod'e7'ness, n.
mod'ernizc, v.
7nod'ermzer, 71.
mod'e)-m»t, 71.
mod'e7'rd^Ya, 7i.
immof/'est, a.
immof/'estly, ad.
immorf'esty, n.
incommode' , v.
incommo'c?edj a.
mc/'ifier, 71.
wor/itica'tion, 7i.
mod' ifiahle, a.
modif'icable, a.
?«o'cZish, a.
mo'dhhly, ad.
wio'rfishness, n.
mood, n.
%mod'ult, 71. & V.
mod'7ihite, v.
modii la' t'ion, n.
modula'tox, 71.
\\mo'dus, n.
remod'el, v.
unaccoui' modaied,
MoL-A, f.\. a millstone ; a salted cake, made of meal
and salt, which used to he sprinkled on the head of
*Moderns (moderne, Fr, ; from modernus, low Latin ; supposed a casual
corruption of /iorf/erwii.s; " velpotiusabadverbiowodo modernus, ut s.die
diurnus," Ainsirorth), tliose who have lived lately, opposed to the ancients.
t Modicum, small portion, pittance. 4^ Module, a model or repvc-
eentation ; in architecture, a certain measure or size taken at pleasure, for
regulating the whole building. il Modus, a compensation for tithes,
2 D 2
MOIi oi<^ ?,SOX
the oictiiii before it icas saa-ijiccd : as, iivJ hioIuXq,
to sacrifice ; to offer in sacrifice,
"emol'uinent, n. im'/no/ated, a. im'mo/ator, n.
ermduxmn'tsX, a. ini'??jo/ating, a. •\mole, n.
iiii'm.v/ii,le, V. iinmo/a'tiou, Ji.
MuLEST-L'.s, a. troublesome, teasi)?(/ : as, 77iocest', to
tro?'b/e, to ilisturb.
mnlesl', V. moles'tzT, n. molcst'M, a.
■niole^'i^il, a. moleata'i o'r>, n. unmolest'cd, a.
moles' t'ni^, a.
MoLT-oK, V. dcp. 4. {a mules, m. 3. a heap or mass'), to
rear or build : as, uc/vwrish, to throw do^vn buikU
inys, (to destrof/.)
dbmorhhy V. de7?2orislied, a. mole, n.
ddmol'lshcr, n. de;no/'isliing, a. uudtmol'ished, a.
demolii'iou, ii. de»io/'ishment, n.
MoLL-rs,, a. soft : as, mol'liiy, to make soft.
e7?7o/'/es'cence, n. emollit'ion, n. mol'lify, v.
emol'lidtii, V. mol'li^ed, a. moriiHer, n.
emol'lia.ted, a. mol'lifyixig, a. mol'li6.a,hle, a.
emol'liating, a. mol'lient, a. molli&ca,'tion, n.
emol'lieiU, a. Sl n.
MoM-ENT-uM, n. 2. (« moveo), motion ; force, im~
portance or value, weight ; the sixtieth part of a
minuUi : as, mo'mentavy, lasting for a moment.
mo'inenturily, ad.
immomen' tov^s, a. momen'lous, a.
mo'ment, n. \\momen' tnva, n.
mo'meutly, ad. mo'raentd.xy, a.
MoNE-o, V. 2. to put in mind, to warn : as, acl,>«o;>'-
ish, to 20an2 of faults ; 7non'um.QX\i, an}'^ thing that
puts or Iceeps in mind, a tomb.
adwon'ish, v. admon'isher, n. adTTiijrt'ishment, n.
* Emolumeyit, (properly, the grist of a ntill ; originally, toll taken for
grinding ;) the profit arising from office or employment ; gains in gener;-.!.
t Mole, a mass of fleshy matter of a spherical figure, generated in tlie
H Momentum, in mechanics, the quantity of motion in a moving body.
This is always equal to the quar.tity of matter multiplied into the velocity.
s.\\iiionHl'on^ n.
iidtnoniti'oner, n.
sdvion'ifory, a.
admon'tdve, a.
nimon'itox, n.
f/ioniii'on, n.
mon'it'ive, a.
*/non'itor, n. prewic//isl)ment,/i.
7/to7i'i(7'e>is, n. YceuwrdtVon, n.
moi'itory, a. Sen. jyrenion'iiovy, a.
7iionito'ria.l, a. subi)ion'ish, v.
vion'ument, n. submo7iiii'on, n.
monumen'tal, a. -f^urn'moji, v.
i7wnumen'ta\\y,ad. aum'fiioner, 71.
preadwo«'ish, v. surn'mons, n.
pre';2onosperm'ous, a
MoNS^ mont-^'5^ «?. 3. a high hill .
full of ^2^/z hills.
unmo^zop'olize, v.
as, ???oz/«7ainous.
dii^mountf, v. moun'dei, a. 7noM?2'^aiiiousness,
d'lsmoini'ted, a. vioun'ding, a. *moun'te\>a.nk, n.
dismoun'ting, a. mount, n. & v. moun'ted, a.
moun'iant, n. mouyi'taxn, n. & a. moiint'er, n.
t)io7itsin.'ic, a. mounta.mttr' , n. moun'tmg, n.
mound, n. & v. moun'tdiiiiO\x%, a. moun'thigly, aa.
* Mo7wgam, in botany, a plant that has a simple flower, though the an-
thers are joined.
t Monogram, a character or cipher, composed of ojie, two, or more letters
interwoven, being an abbreviation of a name, used on seals, &c.
X Monographi/, a description drawn in lines without colours.
II Monogt/n, in botany, a plant having only one style or stigma.
* Monopetaloui,
it is used for sucn flowers as are formed out of otie leaf, howsoever they
may be seemingly cut into many small ones, and those fall off together.
t Monophthong, a simple vowel-sound. ± Monophyllous, havin" one
leaf only. 1| Monopht/sife, one who maintains that Jesus Christ had but
one nature. § Monopoly, the sole power or exclusive privilege of selling
any tiling. * Monoptote, a noun used only in some one oblique case.
f Mortoitich, a composition consisting of owe verse only.
± Monostrophic, having one strophe ; not varied in measure; written in
unvaried measure. |] Monothelite, (6iXr,(ns, thelesis, will), one who
holds that Christ had but one will.
§ Monotoni/ or Monotone, oaetoneor sound, Mn(/by»j£?y of sound; want
of proper cadence in pronunciation.
* Mountebank, one who mounts a bench or stage in the market 01
other public place, and boasts his infallible remedies and cures, — any boast
ful or false pretender.
.MON 321 I\iOR
prom'on/ory, n. snTmoun'ted, a. tramon7ane, n. & a.
rtmoiint', v. surmoun'ter, n. \x\trnmon'tane, a.
%\ixmounlf, V. sur;«own7ing, a. unsurwowrt^ablej a.
surmoitn'/able, a.
MoNSTR-Oj V. 1. to show , to point out ; to tell ox declare :
as, ^Qm'onst7'3XQ, to show or prove with the highest
degree of certainty ; monaster, a prodigy, a being
out of the common course of nature ; mus'ter, to
collect troops for review, to assemble.
^tmon'slrdh\Q, a. diemon'stratoTy,a.
de7non'strah\y,ad. indemon'strable,a. Te77ion'strate, r.
dem'o7isfra.te, v. mon'sier, n. remon'stratin^, a.
dsm'onsirated, a. mG)i'sirous,a,8iad.
de7n'o7istratiug, a. 77ion'strous\y, ad. remon'sfrauce, n.
demonstra'tion, n. ?7io7i'slrousness, ?i. Temon's(rar\t,ii.&.a.
demon' sir ative, a. monstros'ity, n. xt77ionstra'tor, n.
demon'strativtly, rnus'tei', n. & v. \xndeino7i'strablQ,a.
dem'o7isi7'aior, n.
MoNTAN-us,, tn. 2. a7i ancient heretic.
^tnon'ta/iism.n. ?»on'/afnist.n. montaTiis'tic ,son's D-ict. by Todd.
t Moravian, one of a religious sect of MoravianznA Bohemian brethren,
which was founded in the fifteenth century. In modern times, one of the
United Brethren, who are followers of Count Zinzendorf, a Gerinan noble-
man ; called also Herrnhuters. The gross fanaticism of these persons has
been warmly praised ; as have also their quiet demeanour, and their un-
daunted courage in communicating the light of revealed religion to the
Ciost remote and uncivilized parts of the world.
% Choleramorhus, in medicine, a, sudden overflowing of the bile, or bill-
.11 OR
MoRD-EOj V. 2. to bite : aSj remorse', a biting back,
pain of guilt ; morddJ cion?,, biting, given to biti7ig.
lemorsed', a.
lemorse'fwl, a.
remorsc'lcsfi, a.
Temo7'se'les^\y, ad.
re??2or*e'lessness, n.
fiiorda'cious, a. vwr'sel, n.
niorda.' c\o\x^\y, ad. mor'snre, n.
oiiordac'ity, n. remord', v.
inor'dic&ncjj n. Te7uo7'd'ency, n.
vior'dicant, a. Temorse', n.
viordica' iioiiy n,
MoROS-us_, a.jjeevish, ill to please.
7f!orose', a. rnorose'ness^ n. moros'ity, n.
morose'ly, ad.
MoRPH-£ {y^oe^pA), a form m figure : as, metamorpk^-
ose, to change the form or shcqoe ; amorph' ow^
without /orwi_, of irregular shape,
amorph'y, n. -f-anthropomorjo/i'ite, metamorjo/i'ism, n.
a7no)'ph'ouii, a. anihro^omorph'- metamorpho'sis, n.
* anamo)'pho'sis, n. ous, a. metamorjo/i'osic, a.
anthropo??i05-p/2;''- xneiamorpTi'ic, a. inetarao?-jo^'osing,a.
ism, 71. xnetamo7-ph'ose, v. raetamorphos^ticai.
Mors, mort-?'^, /. 3. death : as, mortal, liable to death,
or causing death ; coramo'rient, dfmg with or at
the same time; mor'timx^, a burial--^ZQ, or be-
longing to it.
disworf'gage, u.
injwzor^al, a.
im7Ho?'7ally, ad.
imnwWal'ity, n.
im7?ror7alize, v.
&morl', aAv,
^ayiwr'dze, v.
aniortiza'tio'n, or
ai7ior'f izement, n.
com/«o'rient, a.
imnjor^alized, a.
imworValizing, a.
iiTi?«or/ifica'tion, n.
Ijwor/, n.
mor'tal, a. & n.
ens matter, both upwards and downvvards ; a dangerous disease, which vi-
sited this country 1831, with great virulence and mortality, proving fatal in
Bome places to the one-half, and in general to the one third of its victims.
* Anamorphosis, in perspective drawings, a deformed or distorted por-
trait orfii^iere, which, in one point of view, is confused or unintelligible,
and in another, is an exact and regular representation.
t AnthropomorpMtes, a sect of ancient heretics, who believe a human
fbrm in the Supreme Being.
:j: Amortize, in English law, to alienate in moi'tmain, that is, to sell to a
corporation, sole or aggregate, ecclesiastical or temporal, and their succes-
sors. This was considered as selling to dead /jawfi?, (in mortmain.)
II Mort, a tune sounded at the death of game ; also, a salmon in his third
mor'iaWy, ad. mor'tising, a.
rnorlaVity, n.
mor'talize, v. mor'tiiy, f .
*?nori'gage, n. & u. morVifier, n.
mort'gageA., a. wor'Aified, a.
mortgagee', n.
T/iort'gager, n.
7nortl{'eTo\is, a.
•\-?nor'tise, n. & v.
wor'iised, a.
'mur'der, n. & v,
mur'dered, a.
mur'dererj n.
rnur'deress, n,
muydering, a.
mur'derous, a.
mur' dcr o\Vs\y, ad,
miir'r am, n.
vmmor^'gaged, a.
wor'/ifiedness, n.
mor^ifica'tion, n.
mor'ti^ying^ a.
:J:wor^'mainj n.
mor'tuary, n. & a. unmorVJiied, a.
MoRS-c/Sj j9.p. (a mordeo)^ bit ox bitten. (SeeMordeo.)
MoS;, mor-iSj m. 3. a manner or custom : as^ mortal,
relatmg to manners or morality/ ; morig'evous, obe-
dient, obsequious.
ai\.i\mor'a\\s,t, n. immoroViiy, n.
dewor'alize, v. mor'ai, a. & n.
de7Horaliza'tion, n. mor'aWy, ad.
demor'alized, a. moraVity, n.
dewor'alizing, a. 7/ior'alist, rt.
immorig'eToua, a. mor'alize, v.
immorig'erousnesSj mor'aXized, a.
iinmor'al, a.
MoT-us^ p.p. {d moveo), moved.
MovE-O;, V. 2. to move : as, c.omjjw'tion, a 7nov'mg to-
gether, a tumult ; immove^ahle, that cannot be
?noved ; ^xoynote', to 7nove forward, to advance.
vior'sXizer, n.
vior'&\\zn\g, a. & n.
moraliza'tion, n.
7«o?''h1s, n.
wiorig'erouSj a.
unwor'alized, a.
(See Moveo.)
commo don, n.
commoVioner, n.
commove', v.
emo'iion, n. jllocowio'iion, n.
lYiimove'ablQ, a. \ocomo' t'we, a.
hnmove'ah\encs,%,n. loco?Hodv'ity, n.
ixnmove'ahly, ad. mob, n. & v.
ivnmoveabil'iiy , n. mob'hish, a.
irremove'ahle, a. mo'b\]e, a. & n.
countermoVion, n. irreTOOveabil'ity, 71. mobiViiy, n.
* Mortgage, literally, a dead pledge ; the grant of an estate in fee, as
•erurity for the payment of money ; also, a pledge of goods or chattels by a
debtor "to a creditor, as security for the debt,
t Mortise, a hole cut into wood, that another piece may be put into it
and form a joint. % Mortmain, see under amortite, p. 32l'.
II Locomotion, the act or power of moving from i-lace to place.
mo'iion, n. & v.
»wo7ionless, a. wjou'ing, a. & n.
mo'tivey a. & n. mov'mgly, ad.
motiv'ity, n. ?«oy'ingness, n.
mo'ioT, n. \)romote', v.
mo'lory, a. prowo/ed', a.
move, V- & n. jiTomo'ter, n.
moved', a. "promo'tion, n.
mov'ei, n. prowjo7ing, a.
more'able, a. prowjo7ive, a.
«2oye'ab]y, ad. remote', a.
move'eihles, n. remotely, ad.
wore'ableness, n.
moyfiless, a. remote'ness, a.
move'ment, n.
1\lv!C-us, m. 2. the filth of the nose, sliine : as^ muci--.
/ag'inouSj pertaining to 7nucilage, slimy.
remove', v. & n,
remoy^'able, a.
remov'aX, n.
removed', a.
remoy'edness, «.
rewor'er, n.
remov'\x\g, a.
unjKoued', a.
unmo'j'ing, a.
xxwremoved' , a.
unreTwove'able, a.
unrewoue'ably, ad.
miicTc, n. & v.
miic'ky, a.
muc'kiviess, ii.
muck'»'orm, n.
mu'cic, a. ■fmu'ciie, n.
mu'c'id, a. mu'cous, a.
7?2?<'cidness, n. wzu'cousness, n.
*mu'cilage, n. mu'culeut, a.
mucildg'mou.s,a. ^mii'cus,n.
7nt\e,a.\xncom'mon, a.
commu'nicate, v. incommu'nicably, uncom'monly, ad.
commu'nicateA, a. iwcommu'nicahlQ- uncom'OTomiess, n.
coxwmu'nicatmg^a. ness, n. Vincoxnmu'nicateA,
communica't'ion, n. incommifmcabiHty uncommw'wica^ive,
co\r\mu'nicah\e, a.
« Ammunition or Munition, military stores, or provisions for attack oi
defence. In modern usage, the articles which are used in the discharge of
fire-arms and ordnance of all kinds ; as powder, balls, bombs, various kinds
of shot, Sfc.
f Premunire, in law, the offence of introducing fo'^eign authority into
England, and the writ which is grounded on the offence ; also the penalty
Incurred by the offence above described.
^ Community, properly, commoti possession or enjoyment — af a commw
MuRi-/!,/. 1. salt-water, hrine, ox pickle.
*mu'riate, n. muriat'ic, a. miiriaiif'evons, a.
mu'riated, a.
Murmur, n. 3. a small or low shrill noise.
fmur'mur, n.&cv. mur'mur'mgly, ad. remur' muring, a.
tnur'murQr, n. mtcr' mur ons, a. nnmur'mured, a.
Temur'mur, v. unmur' inuring, a.
mur'mur'mg,n.&a. Temur^mrired, a.
MuR-us, m.2. a wall: as, mu'ral, of a wall: as
mu'7'age, allowance for keeping walls in repair.
circummz/red', a. immure', v. mu'rage, n.
conn' term ure, or immu'red, a. mu'ra)., a.
con'vca.mure,n.&iV. inte^mM'ral, a.
'^i\js-A,X f. 1. (^6va-x), a muse; a song or poem : as
muse'less, disregarding the power of poetry,
ivnmu' s'lc^, a. viuse'ini, a. mu'sicalness, n
muse, n. & v. niuselsss, a. viusici'an, n.
\\miise'\xxn, n. ^niu's'ic, n. mu'sic-hook, n.
mu'ser, n. mu'sica\, a. unmu'sical, a.
mu'sing, n. & a. rnu'sicaWy, ad.
MuscuL-us, m. 2. {d mus, muris, m. 3.--/^vg-a mouse),
a muscle or sinew : as, mus'cular, 0? a muscle, strong.
intermus'cular, a. mouse, n. mii'rine, a.
nity of goods. A society of people having common rights &-nd. privileges,
or common interests, civil, political, or ecclesiastical ; or living under the
came laws and regulations. This word may signify a commomvealth or
state, a bodij-politic, or a particular society of men within a state,— as a
community of monks ; and it is often used for the public or people in ge-
neral, without very definite limits.
* Muriate, a salt formed by murjatic acid combined with a base.
t Murmur, to make a low continued noise — like the hum of bees, a
stream of water, rolling waves, or like the wind in a forest. To grumble,
to complain, to utter sullen discontent.
^ Musa, the muse, the goddessvfho presides over music, poetry, eloquence,
science, S;c.
II Museum, originally, a building for the accommodation of a college or
society of learned men ; a house or apartment appropriated as a repository
of things that have an immediate relation to the arts ; a cabinet or reposi-
tory of curiosities.
§ Music, melody or harmony. — Music is vocal or instrumental : Vocal
music is the melody of a single voice, or the harmony of two or more voices
In concert. Instrumental music is that produced by one or more instru-
ments : the science or art of harmonic sounds.
mus'cle, n. vius'ciddi, a. *rmis'culitej n.
m7is'culous, a. tnuscuhT'ity^ n.
MusTEL-A, f. 1. a weasel — mus'tel'me, a.
MuTAT-i/.Sj p.p. (muto), changed. (See Mzito.)
MuTiL-i7s^ a. maimed: as^ mu'tilate, to cut off a
limb, or any essential part^ so as to render the
thing imperfect.
mu'tihte, v. & a. mu'tilated, a. mu'tilons, a.
fnuiila'tion, n. mu'iilaiing, a. unmu'tilated, a.
tnu'tilatox, n.
MuT-Oj V. \.to change: as, coramute', to change with,
or to put one thing in the place of another; mu'-
ifable, subject to change.
commute', v. vnmula'tion, n.
covaniu' tahlz, a. ixitQxmuta'tiox)., n.
com7«?i^abirity, ?i- intvansmu'tahle, a. pexmuta'tion, n.
commtita'l'wn, n. mu'tahle, n. tiansmute', v.
commu'iat'we, a. mu'iahleness, n. transmzt'/er, n.
coTamu'tativ&\y,ad.muta\i\Yiiy^ n. trans m7//able, a.
namu' tahlt, a. viuta'iion, n. transwu7ably, ad.
immutably, ad. -fmu'tiny, n. & v. transww^abil'ity, n.
immif'/ableness, n. »zw7ineer, n. transm«'/ed, a.
imwu^abil'ity, n. mii'tmow^, a. transTnw'/ing, a.
inu'tinow&ly, ad. tia,n?,muta' tion, it.
immu'iate, a. mu' iinonsne&s, n.
"hlvT-us, a. dumb : as, obmw^es'cence, loss of speech
mute, a. n. &. v. mutely, ad. ob7WM/es'cenee, n,
MvT\j-vs, a. 0716 another', each other : as,, tnutua^S.-
ti'ouSj borrowed, taken from some other.
commu'tudX^ a. mu'tu?X\.y, ad.
intermu'/wal, a. mutUdMity, n.
mu'tiial, a.
* Musculite, a pefrified muscle or s?tell-
f Mutiny, an insurrection of soldiers gy seamen against the aathority or
t)ieir conunanders j open resisUnce of officers, or opposition to their autho-
rity .
My-0 (j^voii), to close or shut — *my'o^e, n. *my'o\>y, n.
Mys_, mj-os {f^vg, f4.vog), a muscle of the body : as,
myog'raphy, a description of the muscles.
w?/og'rapby, n. wj^/og'raphist, n. wif/olog'ical, a.
niyogTaiph.'ica\, a. vii/oVogy, n. myol'ogist, n.
Myrias_, ad-05 (^fA,v^iUi, «^o$), the number often thousand,
myr'iad, n. myr'iaxch, n. fmyrioViter, n.
•\-inyria\n.'QiQr, n. •\'niyr'vaxe, n.
Myr-ojv (f^v^ov), a liquid perfume — myro-p'olist, n.
Myst-£s (/^va-rni, a (^uo, to shut, to conccaV), 0716 initiat-
ed in sacred mysteries; also, hid, secret: as, myste'-
reous, obscure, hid from the understanding, secret.
Ij^mys'tagogue, n. myste'riouslyj ad. mys'tical, a.
myste'riarch, n. myste'rioMsness, n. rnys'ticaMy, ad.
\\mys'tery, n. mys'terizt, v. mys'tlcism, n.
myste'rial, a. mys'iic, a. & n. mys'tics, n.
mysie'rious, a.
Myth-os (uvdog), a word, a fiction, a fable : as,
myth'ic, belonging to fables, fabidous.
myth'ict a« w^^Aog'rapher, n. mytho\Qg'ica\, a.
mot'to, n. mythoVogy, n. mytho\og'iczi)\y,ad,
mythog'iajphy, n. mythoVogi^ty n. mythoVogize, v.
Nadir, (Arab.) the point under foot, directly oppo
site to the zenith.
* Mr/epe, a short-sighted person: Mt/opy, s/lo^-^sightedness.
t Myriameter, Myriare, or Myriohfer, French measures.
i Mystagogue, one who interprets mysteries; one that keeps church re-
lics, and shows them to strangers.
II Mystery, literally, a hiding or shutting ; a profound secret ; something
wholly unknown, or something kept cautiously concealed, and therefore
exciting curiosity or ."wonder. In religion, any thing in the character or
attributes of God, or in the economy of divine providence, which is not re-
vealed to man. That which is beyond human comprehension, until ex*
plained, and often conveying the idea of something awfully sublime or im-
portant. An enigma / a trade or ealling,
2 E 2
Nankin or A'ankeen, a hind of light cotton, first
7nanufactured at Nanking, a town in China.
Narc-e {yu,qKii\)y numbness or torjndness ; torpor or
stupor : as, narcofic, causing stupor or torpor,
*nnrcis'sns, n. narcofic, a. & n. narcoi'ical, a.
■fnarco'sis, n. narcot'icness, n. narcoi'icaWy, ad.
Nard-c/s, /. 2. {vx^'^oi), spikenard, an odorous or
aromatic plant — nard, n. nar'd'me, a.
Narr-o, v.\. to tell, to relate : as, nar'roXe, to tell
to relate ; nar'ratoYj, giving an account of events.
nflr'rating, a- narra'tor, n.
nar'ra.te, v. wfirrVative, a. & n. nar'ratory, a.
nar'rated, a. nar'ratively, ad. unnar'raied, a.
narra'iion, n.
Nasc-oRj v. dep 3. to he born, to spring : as, «a7al,
pertaining to birth ; rewas'cent, springing or rising
into being again ; nat'uralist, one who studies wa-
ture or its history.
:J:ad?ja'to, n. "fcog'nate, a. & n. connat' ur alness, n.
\\ad'nate, a. cogna'fion, n. connaturaVity, n.
ad«as'cent, a. conwa^'cence, n. connat' ur aiize, v.
^ag'nate, a. & n. con'nate, a. countei-nai'ural, a.
agnai'ic, a. connat'urai, a. denationalize, v.
*agna'iion, n. connat' ura^iy, ad. dis7ia';wred, a.
* Narcissus, in botany, the daffodil, a genus of plants of several species.
They are of the bulbous-rooted tribe, perennial in root, but with annual
leaves and flower-stalks. f Narcosis, stupefaction, privation of sense,
^ Adnata, in anatomy, one of the coats of the eye, lying between the
sclerotica and conjunctiva ; such parts of animal or vegetable bodies as are
usual and natural, — as the ftatV, wool, horns; or accidental, as fungus,
misletoe, and excrescences ; offsets of plants germinating under ground, as
from the lil^, narcissus, hr/acinth, Sfc.
II Adnate, in botany, pressing close to the stem, or growing to it
§ Agnate, n. any male relation by the father's side. Agnate, a. related
or akin by the father's side.
* Agnation, relation by the father's side only, or descent in the male line
—distinct from cognation, which includes descent in the male and female
lines cf the same father or original.
t Cognate, n. in Scots law, any male relation, through the mother,—
Cognate, a. related or allied ^1 W* ^ *'*' the same origin or stock.
disna^'wralize, r. na'/ionalize, v.
ill-na'^ure, n. na'tive, a. & n.
ill-na7ured, a. na'/ively, ad.
ill-na7uredly, ad. wa'/iveness, n-
ill-na7urednesSj n. natWiiy, n.
in'naie, a.
in'nately, ad.
in'jiateness, n.
nas'ceiicy, n.
nas'cent, a.
na'ial, a.
natalili'a.\, or
naialiti'ous, a-
na'i'wn, n.
na'tional, a.
na'donally, ad.
na'/ionalness, n.
nationaVityj n-
na'ture, n-
na'turist, n.
nal'tiral, a. & n.
nat'icraWyy ad.
nai^iiralness, n.
nat'ura[\s,t, it.
nat'uraXisva, n.
iiat'uraliz^, v.
naturalized, a.
naturaliza'don, n-
nat'uralizing, a.
*nai'urals, n.
■post'nate, a.
■pTeternat'ura], a.
■preternat'uraWy, ad*
lenas'cency, n.
renas'cQnt, a.
renas'cible, a,
subnas'cent, a.
superntt^'wral, a.
xmna'tive, a.
unncr/'wral, a.
unnaf'ttrally, ad.
un^za/'wralness, n.
unna/'wralize, v.
unwa^'wralized, (f<
*i\OYinat'ura\s, n.
Nas-[7s, m. 2.tkenose: as, na' salyhehngrngto the nose.
na'salj a. & n. ■fnas'cal, n. :{:?ias'jcomouSj a. ||na'sute, a,
Nat-0, v. 1. (rt no, V. \. to swim, to sail), to swim,
na'tant, a. na'tatory, a. supewa^a'/ion, n.
nata'tion, n. superna'/ant, a.
NATUR-yi_, /. 1. (a natus, born), nature. (SeeNascor.)
Nat-uSj p.p. {aTidi^coT), born, produced. {^eeNascor.)
Nause-^j /. 1. {yocvc-iu, ab vocvg, a skip), seasickness,
loathing, sqiieamishness.
nau'sea, n. nau'seons, a. nau'seo\x%r\Q%s, n.
nau'seate, v. nau'seo'asly, ad.
'NAVT-A,m. 1. (« navis, a skip), a sailor or marine^
nau'tic, a. nau' ticai, a. *nau'tilus^ n.
* Non-naturals, in medicine, things which, by the abuse of them, be-
come the causes of disease, — as meat, drink, sleep, rest, motion, the pas-
sions, retentions, excretions, Sfc. — opposed to naturals, whatsoever belongs
naturally to an animal. But natural, an idiot ; one born without the usual
|X)wers of reason or understanding : This is probably elliptical, for natu-
ral fool.
t Nascal, a kind of medicated pessary ; a pessary made of wool or cotton,
to raise the nose when compressed. i. Nasicornous, having a horr
growing on the no%e. || Nasute, critical, nice, captious.
* Nautilutt a shell-fbh furnished with arms analogous to oars and a sail
Nav-/s, /. 3. (i-^v?), a ship : as, 7iav'\gate, to pass
on water in shijjs, to sail; na'vy, a fleet of skips
— commonly of war.
circumncfu'igate, f. naiis'copy, n. nau'igated, a.
circumnayiga'tion, na'va\, a. nav'igat'mg, a.
circumnav'iga.tOT,n.na'vy, n. nauiga'tion, n.
circum?iay'igable,a.^Ifta'yarch, n. Tiow'igator, n.
innau'igable, a. ||«au'archy, n. renau'igate, v.
*nau'frage, n. nayic'ular, a. re/iau'igated, a.
nati'fragouSj a. ?irtu'igable, «. renou'igating, a.
•fnaul'&gQ, n. n«u'igableness, rt. unnau'igable, a.
nau'raachy, n. nau'igate, v. unn^au'igated, a.
Nazareth (Heb. separated, sanctified), a village in
Galilee : as, Naz'arit'ism, doctrines of the Nazarites.
Naz'areth, n. ^Naz'aritQ, 71. N'az'aritism, n.
^N'az'arQ.m, n.
Ne, adv. not : as,«efand'ous, not to be spoken or named.
necessa'rian, n. neces'sity, n. wefa'rious, a.
nec'essary, a. & n. we'science, 71. wefa'riously, ad.
neces'sitate, v. /tefand'ous, a. none, a.
neces'sitous, a.
Nebul-^, /. 1. (n(po-,), a mist ox fog, a doud.
*neb'ula, or neb'ulous, a. nebulos'ity, n.
neb'ule, n.
Necesse, a. (a nQ,not,Sic,Q^%Q, to give up), what never
yields, needful, necessary, what must be : as, ne-
ces'sitaXe, to make necessary or indispensable.
eqainec'essary, a. nec'essary, a. & n. nec'essaxWy^ ad.
necessaftiaxi, n. nec'essaxi^s, n. nee' essaxine^^, n.
* Nau/rage, shipvfreck. j Naulage, freight of passengers ia a ship.
% Navarch, in ancient Greece, the commander oi a. fleet. g
R Navarch;/, knowledge of managing ships.
S Nazarene, an inhabitant of Nazareth ; one of the early converts to
Christianity, — in contempt. Acts xxiv. 5. But Nazarite, a Jew who pro-
fessed extraordinary purity of life and devotion. See Numb. vi. Judg.
xvi. 17. Luke i. 15.
* Nebula or Nebule, a dark spot, a film in the eye, or a slight opacity of
the cornea. In astronomy, a cluster of fixed stars, not distinguishable Uom
each other, or scarcely visible to the naked eye, and exhibiting a Aim hazy
light, appearing like dushy specks or clouds through the telescope.
neces sHy, n.
necessita'nan, n.
yieces'sitaiQ^ v.
necessii&'iion, n.
neces' sitated, a.
neccs'sitat'mg, a.
neces'sitous, a. uunec'essary, a.
neces' sitously, ad. unnec'essaxi\y, ad.
7iere*'5itousness, n. unnec'essariness, n.
Necr-os {viy,^oi), a dead body : aSj necrumm\'\AZ, per
taining to necromancy ; necro'sh, disease of the bones
neci'oVogy, n. wecVomancer, n. «ec'roman'tically,ah, n.
iiec/roxaancy, n.
Nectar, n. 3. {nKxa,^), the drink of the gods: as,
nectarii'o.YOVi's,, producing nectar, or very sieeet drink.
nec'iar, n, necta'reons, a. nectariferous, a.
?iec'tared, a. nec'tarme, a. Sin. nec'/arize, v.
necta'Aal, a. nec'tarous, a. •fnec'iaiy, n.
tiecta'rean, a.
Nect-Oj v. 3. to tie or bind, to knit : as, B,nnex\ to tie
or bind to ; connec'thn, the act of binding together.
Zinnex', v. connec'tiwe, a. Sen. discon?icc7ing, a.
annex'edi^ a, con?zec'/ively, ad. incoii7tec'/ed, a.
zxinex'ing, a. coxmec'tion, or
connex'ion, n, inconnec't'ion, n.
&nnexa't'ion, n. conncx', v. reaunex', v.
annex'ment, n, conn«?a''ive, a. xeannexa't\on, n.
connect', v. Hiisconnect' , v. reannexed', a.
connec'ted, a. disconnec'ted, a. reawiex'ing, a.
connec'ting, a. disconnec'^ion, n. uncoiir/ec7ed, a.
Nefari-us, a. wicked, impious.
iiefa'rioM?., a. nefa'rio\x^\y, ad,
Neg/ot Nec, conj. neither, nor; not.
7ie^\ect', V. Si. n. neyXec'trng, a. neglec'ter, n.
neg\ec'te.d, a. neg\ec'img\y, ad. negltcVful, a.
* Neaonite, fetid feldspar ; a mineral which, when struck or pounded,
exhales a fetid odour, like that of putrid flesh.
t Kectari/, in botany, the we// (/eroM* part of a vegetable— peculiar to a
neglect 'fully, ad. tiegl'igent, a. ne^o'tiate, v.
negligently, ad. ne^otia'tion, n.
n^^o'tiatoT, n.
negligence, n.
Neg-o, v. 3. to deny, to refuse : as, ne^'ative, deny^
ing, — opposed to affirmative, — also to positive.
ab'n^^ate, v. deni'al, n.
ah'negatOT, n. deni'able, a. *ren'egade, or
ahneffa'iiou, n. nag, ad. & n. *ienega'do, n.
nega'tion, n.
neg'ative^a.n.SiV. undem'able, a.
d.eng\ v. neg'aiiyely, ad. vindeni''ably, ad.
deni'er, n.
Negoti-um, n. 2. (nec, not, & otium, ease), a busi^
ness ; any matter or thing : as, neyo'tiate, to trans-
act business.
nego'ticihle, a. nego'tiate, v. negotia'i'ion, n.
negotiah'iViiy, n. nego'iiated, a. nego'tiator, n.
nego'tiat'vag, a. unnego'tiated, a.
Nemus, ov-is, n. 3. (n'Mog), a grove or wood.
"^nern'oVite, n. nern'orsd, a. nem'orous, a.
Ne-os (nog), new: as, A^(?aporitan, an inhabitant
of the new city, or iV^aples ; neoteric, new, modern.
iVeap'olis, or neoVogi&t, n. Jneono'mian, n.
JVa'ples, n. \\ne'oTphytQ, n. &. a.
iV^eaporitan,a.&n. rt^olog'ical, a. neoter'ic, a. Slji.
neog'amist, n. neolo'gian, n. neoier'ical, a.
neoVogy, n. n^ol'ogism, n.
NERV-t/S^w. 2. (vfy^o>), « sinew ox tendon. (See Neuron.)
* Renegade or Renegado, one who denies the faith, an apostate from the
faith ; one who deserts to an enemy, a deserter ; a vagabond.
t Nemolite, an arborized stone. 4^ Neonomian, one who advocates
new laws, or desires God's law to be altered. — Scott.
B Neophyte, a new convert or proselyte, — a name given by the early
Christians to such heathens as had recently embraced the Christian faiih,
and were considered as regenerated by baptism ; a novice, a tyro.
neiiro^ tera, n.
neuro-p' tcraly a.
■fneu'rosTpast, n.
"^neurot'ic, a. «&, n.
\\neuroi'ovay^ n.
iieurot' oxm%t., n.
wewrotom'ical, a.
unjierve', v.
unnerv'ed, a.
Nes-os {vYto-oi), an island: as^ Peloponwe'sus, the
island of Pelops, — the ancient name of the Morea.
Cher'sone*^, n. Peloponwe'«Ms, n. Polyne'*ia, n.
Neur-on (viv^ov), a nerve, a sinew : as^ Gn'ervdXe, to
take out the nerve or strength, {to weaken^ ; apo-
oieuro'sh, expansion of a tendon or nerve into a
aponeuro'sis, or nerv'ous, a,
aponew'rosy, n, nerv'ously, ad.
tnerve', v. weru'ousness, n.
e7i'erva,te,v.&.a. nerve'less., a.
eji'ervaled, a. nerv'y, a.
en'ervatmg, a, n^ru'cse, a.
enerva'tiou, n. neurol'ogy, n.
nerve, n. & v. rLeuroVogi&t, n.
ner'ved, a. 7iewrolog'ical, a.
iierv'ine, a. & n. *7tewrop'ter, or
Neuter^ a. neither the one nor the other ; neither of
the two : as, neu'traWze, to make neutral,
neu'ter, a. 8l n. neutral'ity, n. neu'traWzed, a.
neu'lral, a. & n. neu'traWzt, v. wew'/ralizing,a.&n.
neu'traWy, ad. neu'tralizer, n. unneu'tral, a,
neutralizsk'tiony n.
Nex, nec-is, f. 3. death, destruction.
pernici'ous, a. pernici'ously, ad. perneci'ousness, n.
N EX-US, p.p. (« necto);, tied, bound. (See Necto.)
Nic-E {yix-n^, victory : 2iB,,QY^ni'c\on,Q, song ol triumph,
§arse'?iic, n. arse/i'icate, v. arsen'i(>us, a.
arsen.'icalj a. arsew'icated, a. epi?ii'cion, n.
*Neuropter or Neuropfera. The Nettropters are an order of insects hav-
ing four membranous, transparent, and naked wings, reticulated with veins.
t Neurospast, a puppet, a little J?eM/-e put in motion by d>-at<;iM^ strings.
% Neurotic, useful in disorders of the nerves. \\ Iseurotom]/, the dis-
section of a nerve ; the art or practice of dissecting the nerves,
§ Arsenic, as it is usually seen in the shopn, is not a metal, but an oxyd,
from which the metal may be easily obtained by mixing it with half its
weight of black flux, and introducmg the mixture into a Florence flask,
gradually raised to a red heat in a sand bath. Arsenic is of a steel-blue
colour, quite brittle, and the metal with ail its comjxjunds, is a virulent
poisun, vulgarly called rats-bane. It forms alloys with most of the metals
NIC 330' NIT
Nica'nor, n. A''ic'olas, n. JVicop'olis, n.
iVicode'mus, n. iVicola'itan, n. T hessalorti 'ca, n.
NicoT;, the name of the man who first introduced
tobacco into France, a. d. 1560; hence tobacco.
*nico'iian, n. &l a. *nic'ofin, n.
•NiCT-Oj V. 1. to wink, to twinkle: as, nic'tsXe, to wink,
nic'iate, v. nicia'tiou, n. nictita'ling, a.
NiDORj 771. 3. the smell of any thing roasted or burnt;
any fat or strong smell,
ni'dor, n. ni'dorous, a. nidoros'ity, n.
NiD-c7Sj m. 2. a nest: as_, nid'ul'dnt, nestling,
nid'ificate, v. nid'uhut, a.
ni'dus, n. nidi^\.ca'tion, n. rddula'tion, n.
Niger,, gra, gi"ura, a. black, dusky : as, diQn'igrQXQ, to
make black ; nigrea'cent, growing black,
den'igrate, v. ne'gro, n. •\nig'r'm, or
Acnigra'tion^ n. ne'gress, n. nig'rim, n.
Ni'ger, n. nt_^res'cent, a.
Nihil, n. ind. nothing : as, nihil'ity, state of being nothing.
annVhilate,v.&a. anni'hilahley a. nihil'ity, n.
aunihila'tion, n.
NiT-OR, V. dep. 3. to strive or struggle.
len'itence, n. ren'i/ency, n. ren'itent, a.
NiTR-UM, n. 2. nitre or saltpetre : as, ni'ti-'ic, belong-
ing to nitre ; ni'triiy, to make into nitre ; ni'tro-
muriatic, partaking of nitre and muria or salt-water.
ni'tre, of* ni'trate, n. t^ni'tnie, n.
ni'ter, n. m'/rated, a. ||/i?7rog'enous, a.
ni'try, a. ni'tric, a. §rtj7ro-leucic, a.
ni'trous, a. ni'irify, v. *nilrom'eter, n,
ni'trogen, n. & a. /ii/ritica'tion, n. »ii7ro-muiiatic, a.
* Nicotian, tobacco; also pertaining to it. Nimtin, the peculiar prin-
ciple in the leaves of tobacco ; a colourless substance of an acrid taste.
+ yigrin, an ore of titanium, found in black grains or rolled pieces.
\^Nitrite, a salt formed by the combination of the nitrous acid with a base.
II Nitrogenous, pertaining to nitrogen: producing nitre.
§ Nifro-leucic, designating an acid obtained from leucine acted on by nitre.
^- Nitrometer, an instrument for ascertaining ;he quality or value ot'fiitre.
NiT-L's (comP- form of notus), known. (See Nosco.)
Niv-Eo, V. 2. to wink : as_, connive', to wink; to dose
the eyes upon a fault or other act, to forbear to see.
con7it«e', V. conn?''uence, n. con/iruent, a.
connt'uer, n. conwi'yency, n.
Nix, mv-/Sj /. 3. snow — m'v^ous, a.
NoTiii.-is,a.[anosco),wellknown.)0/high birth. (SeeN'osco.)
Noc-Eo, V. 2. to hurt: as, m'nocent, not hurting, kart7i~
less, free horn guilt ; nox'iouS) hurtful, baneful;
n?/isance, that which annoys or incommodes.
in'«ocence, n. in/ioj^'iously, ad. noj?'Jousness, w.
in'nocency, n. iri/>o,2:''?ousness, n. ww'j'^ance, or
in'7iocent, a. & n. wo't'cint, a. nu'sance, 71.
in'/jocently, arf. no'cive, o. *ob7ioa?'ious, a.
in7ioc'7'madiz'mg, a.
nomad'ic, a.
NoMEN, m-is, n. 3. {a. nosco), a name : as, denom'-
«wate, to name, to give name or epithet to ; ig'nomi-
ny, against 72a7ne and reputation, public disgrace,
agnomina' iion, n. hmo'miaX, a.
* Obnoxious, subject, liable, reprehensible, odious.
t Nomad, one who leads a wandering life, and subsists by tending herds
of cattle which graze on herbage of spontaneous growth. Such is the prac-
tice at this day in the central and northern parts of Asia, and the Niimi-
Uiansin Africa are supiwsed to have been so called from this practice.
2 F
nom'tmte, v.
nom'inated, a.
nom'inating, a.
nomina't'wn, n.
nom inatiye, a.&n.
nom'inatOT, n.
nominee', n.
noun, n.
'pienom'insLte,v.&. a.
hinom'inons, a. name'sa.'ke, n.
•cognom'i«al, a. na'nnng, a.
cognomina7ion, n. va'meA., a.
dertom'mate, v. nomeless, a.
Aenomina' tiouy n. iiame'ly, ad.
denom'inai'ive, a. na'mer, n.
denom'inatoT, n, -^-now^/zcla'tor, n.
ig'nominy, n. wom^ncla'tress, n
ignomire'jous, a. wo'me/iclature, n.
xgnomin'iowAy, ad. nomgncla'tural, a. Tpxenomina' tion, n
'mnom'ina\i\e, a. Jno'mial, «. pronom'fnal, a.
innom'inate, a. nom'indX, a. & n. -pro^noun, n.
mxxltbio'tnial, or nom'ina\]y, ad. quadrino'mial, a.
raultinom'inal, a. nom'inalist, n. ix'ino'mizX, a. & n.
name, n. & v. ixinom'inaX, a.
NoM-os {yof4,oq), a law ; a management : as, anti-
no'm{w\, one who is against law under the gospel
dispensation ; w^'omy, a violation of law.
§auto/i'omy,. n. eco??o7ra'ic, a.
antir/o'wian, «. &a. auto/i'omous, a. ecoHom'ical, a.
antino'7«ianism,«. *demow'omy, n.
an'tiwowist, n. demort'omist, n.
jl an'tiHomy, n. 'DewX.eron' omy , n.
astro«'omy, n. •\dy%'nomy, n.
astron'omer, n. :}:eco«'omy, n.
•dstronom'ical, a. econom'ics, n.
eco'/ omise, v.
econ'omisi, «•
fl/zomothet'Ic, a.
»/o?nothet'ical, a.
§2>hoto/^om'ics, n.
* Oignominal, pertaining to a surnnme ; having the same name.
t Nomenclator , (calo, Lat. xaXico, Gr. to call), one who calls thinps or
persons by their names. In Rome, candidates for office were attended each
by a nomenclator, who informed the candidate of the names of the persons
they met, and whose votes they wished to solicit. In modern usage, a
person who gives names to things, or who settles and adjusts the names of
things in any art or science. Nomenclature, the list or catalogue of words,
a dictionary ; the names of things in any art or science, or the whole vo-
cabulary of names ; as the nomenclature of botany or of chemistry.
X Nomial, a single name or term in mathematics.
II Antinomy, a contradiction between two laws, or between two parts of
the same law. § Autonomy, the power or right of self-government,
whether in a city which elects its own magistrates, and makes its own laws,
or in an individual who lives according to his own will.
* Demonomy, the dominion of demons or of evil spirits.
t Dysnjomy, ill-ordering of laws ; or the enacting bad law.
J. Economy, the proper management or regulation of domestic or other
affairs. || Nomothetic, enacting laws, legislative.
§ Photonomica, the science or laws of light.
NoN, adv. not: as, non'age, not age — under 21, mL
nority ; Tiow-conta'gious, tzo? contagious ; wowsense,
no sense ; non^oxQiY, no equal.
noliti'oiij n. no/ielec'tric, ». &a. 7?owproficient, n.
wonadmit'tancCjn. norzemphat'ic, «. «o«res'idence, «.
noJi'age, n. nonen'tity,n. vonTes'iAent,n.8ca.
«o.»2appea'rance, n. wonepis^copal, a. wonresis'tance, n.
no'/appoint'ment, n.no??exis'tence, n. «o?/o/e'worthy, a,
nwio'ted, a.
xxnno'ticed. a.
denota'tion, n.
"KoT-us, p.p. (a nosco), known. (See Nosco.)
Not -us, m. 2. the south wind — no'tus, n.
* Notorious, Tp^hUdy known, — usually ^«ou;w to disadvantage; hence
almost used in an ill sense ; as, a notorious thief, a notorious crime or vice.
t Precognita, things previously knotvn in order to understand something
else. I Piothonotary, originally, the chief notary or head regisfer.
In England, an officer in the Court of King's Bench and Common Pleas.
In the King's Bench, he records all civil actions. In the Common-Pleas,
the prothonotaries, of which there are three, enter and enrol all declarations,
pleadings, judgments, inc. make out judicial writs and exemplifications of
records, &c.
II Reconnoitre or reconnoiter.iovievi ; to survey; mod'elled, a.
in'wouated, a. 7.eicmod'ellingj a.
in'wowating, a. vews^ n.
iiews'-mongeT, n.
news' -^a.i^er, n.
mnova'tion, n.
in'novator, n.
new, a.
vetv'ly, ad.
vew'ness, n.
new'hh, a.
newiaxi' g\eA, a.
»/ee^>fan'glednesSj n.
7/0 u 'el, a. Si n.
nov'elist, n.
renew', v.
ienew'ah]e, a,
renew'al, n.
reriew'ed, a.
re«et^'edness, »/.
xencw'er, n.
xQtiew'mg, a.
xen'ov&ie., v.
re^'owated, a.
ren'ovating, a.
leitova'tion, n.
unrewew'ed, a.
wou'elty, n.
Il'/ou'ice, n.
7/^wmod'el, v. §'/oui/i'ate, n.
Noxi-j, /. 1. (a noceo), a fault, a hurt. {See Noceo.)
NuB-ES./. 3. a cloud: as.nubif'eY&us^hrmgmgclouds.
dhnu'bilate, v.
"eun'bilous, a. 7ni'bilous, a. dhnubila'tlon, n.
II nb if 'exous, a.
* Nones, in the Roman calendar, the fifth day of the months January
February, April, June, August, September, November, and December'
and the seventh day of March^ May, July, and October. The nones were
nine days from the ides. Prayers, formerly so called.
+ Nonagesimal, the ninetieth.
^ November, the ninth month, according to the ancient Roman year, be-
ginning in March ; now the eleventh month of the year.
H Novice, one who is netv in any business or thing, a beginner.
§ Novitiate, the state or time of learning rudiments.
• Enubilous, clear ftom/og, 7n!st, or ciinds
NuB-Oj V. 3. to cover or veil ; to marry: as, nup'tidX^y
marriage ; con?m'52al, pertaining to marriage.
connM'ieal, a. WM'iile, a. nup'iial, a. nup'tials, ».
NuD-us, a. naked, bare : as, denude', to make bai'e
or naked, to strip ; nu'ditj, a being nude or naked.
denude', or denu'ding, a. nuda'tion, n.
dQnu'da.ie, v. denuda'tion, v. nu'dity, n.
donu'ded, a. nude, a.
N u g-jE, f. }. trijies, toys : as, nu'gatox^, trijVmg^fttt'^'Q.
nugac'ity, n. nuga'tion, n. nu'gatoxy^ a.
NuLL-us, a. none, no, no one: 2.s,nid'li{^, to make
void, or render invalid ; ?2w///fid'ian, oi no faith.
* annul', V. disannw/7ed, a. s
annuVled, a. disannw/'/er, n.
ar]nurrmg,a. Sen. disannul'ling,nSia. md'HRed, a.
annul'xnent, n. disan?iwrment, n. md'lify, v.
*disannM/', v. null^ a. nul'lity, n.
NuMER-L7S, m.2. a numher : as, myiu'mera\AQ, that
cannot be yiumhered; enu'merate, to number out, to
count or tell ; supeYnu'77ieraxy, one above number.
annu'merate, v. innu'merdhly, ad. nu'merable, a.
annumera'iiox), n. innu'merahleness, nu'meral, a. Si n.
comiumera'tioxi, n. innumerahiVity, n. mi'mer&Uy, ad,
enu'merate, v. innu'merous, a. jui'merary, a.
emc'meraied, a. num'her, v. & n. nu'merate, v.
enu'merating, a. num'bered, a. numera'tion, n.
enumera't'ion, n. ,num'ber&r, n. nu'meratox, n.
enu'meraiive, a. num'ber'mg, a. numer'ic, a.
7ium'ber\es,s, a. numer'ical, a.
mnu'merdhle, a. t^Num'bers, n. numer'icaWy, ad.
* Annul and disannul, to make void, to abrogate, to abolish, to deprive
of authority or force, —used appropriately of laws, decrees, edicts, decisions
of courts, or other established rules, permanent usages, and the like, which
are made void by competent authority. See foot-note, p. 20.
i Numbers, the fourth book of Moses, so called because it contains the
manbering of tlie hraeUtes by Moses.
nu'meronsly, ad. supemu'meraTy, a.
mc'merousness, n. & n.
nu'mero\xs, a. outnum'ber, v. unnum'bered, a.
NuMM-LTS or NuM-LTS^ m. 2. (vov^^o?), a piece of
money, a coin : as, numismat'\z%, the science of
coins and medals.
numismat'icSy n. numismatoVogist, num'mBXy, or
numismat'ic^ a. *num'millitey n. num'mulaXy a.
numismaioV ogy^ n.
Nuncio, v. 1. (« nuncius, m. 2. a messenger', news),
to bring news, to tell, to declare, to name or call :
as, announce', to tell to, to publish or proclaim :
enun'ciaie, to tell out, to declare,
announce', v. enun'ciated^ a. "pronounce', v,
announ'ced, a. enuncia'don, n. pronounce'ahle, a.
axinouu'cer, n. enun'ciatmg, a. pxonoun'ced, a.
annoMw'cing, a. enun'ciativej a. pronoun'cer, n.
anno«nce'ment, n. enun'ciatively, ad. pronoiin'cing, a.
annun'oiate, v. enun'ciatory, a. pTonuncia't\ on, n.
anmi7icia'tion, n. inter nun' cio, n. ipronun'ciatiye, a.
denounce', v. mispronounce', v. renounce'^ v.
denoun'ced, a. -fnun'cio, n, re7ioun'ced., a.
denoun'cer, n. nun'ciatwxe., n. renoun'cer, n.
denoun'cing, a. ijlnwra'cwjoate, v. renounce'ment, n.
denounce'ment,n. nuncupa'tion, n. renoun'cing, n.&a.
denun'ciate, v. renuncia'lion, n.
denuncia'tion, n. nuncu'patory, a. unpronoun'ced, a.
denun'ciator, n.
enun'ciate, v.
NuNDiN-^, /. 1. (a nono die, ninth day), a market
kept at Rome every ninth day ; a market or fair.
nun'dina], a. & n.
* NummUlite, fossil remains of a chambered shell of a flattened form,
formerly mistaken for money.
\ Nuncio, an ambassador from the Pope to some catholic prince or state,
or who attends some congress or assembly as the Pope's representative ; a
messenger, one who brings intelligence. Nunciature, the office of a nuncio.
t Nuncupate, to declare publicly and solemnly. Nuncupation, a nam-
ing. Nuncupative or Nuncupatory, nominaX, existing only in name ; pub-
licly or solemnly declaratory ; verbal, not written.
Nu-Oj V. 3. to nod: as, m'nuent, noddmg,sig7iiJicant
"innuen'^o, or iiiuen'^o^ n. in'wMent, a.
NuPT-i/s, p.p. {d nubo), married. (See Nubo.)
NuTRi-Oj V. 4. to nourish, to suckle : as, ?iu'trient,
nour'ish'mg ; nu'trinient, the thing that nourishes,
mnutritVon, n. nurse, n. & v.
mnutriti' ows, a. nurs'e.^, a. nu'trixnexxty n.
nour'i%\\, v. nur'ser, n. ««/ninen'tal, a.
nour'ishahle, a. nur'sery, n. nutrili'on, n.
woMr'ishedj a. nurs'ing^ a. ruitriii'ous, a.
noMr'isher, n. nursling, n. nu'lritive, a.
nour'ishing, a. 8c Jc. nur'iure, n. & v.
nowr'ishment, n. nu'tricni, a. &. n. uniinr'tured, a.
"NuXyTiuc-iSy f.'3. anut: as^Tzz-'c/ferouSj bearing «w^5.
nvc\i'cxQ\x&, a. enu'cleate, v. bnu'cleat'mg, a.
'fnu'cleus, », eyin'cleated, a. enuclea'iion, n.
Nymph-^j/. 1. {vv(a.(Py{), a goddess qfihe woods, moun^
taiiis, meadows, Sz waters ; and in poetry,, a lady,
Xnymph, or nymphe'sx\, a. nymph' -IWie, or
nymph'a, n. nymph'icaX, a. nymph'ly, a,
tiymph'ish, a.
NyXj nyct-05 {wk, wy.T&i), flight.
Ilacron'ic, a. acron'ically, or ^nyc'talops, n.
acron'ical, or acron'?/cally, ad. *nyc'talo'py, n.
acron'yca], a.
* Innuendo, literally, a nod, an oblique hint; a remote iutimatiott or
reference to a person or thing not named.
t Nucleus, properly, the kernel of a «i<^/ but in common usage, any
bodt/ about which matter is collected. The body of a comet, called also its
head, which appears to be surrounded with light.
X Nymph, according to the ancients, all the world was full of nymphs,
some terrestrial, others celestial ; and these had names assigned to them
according to their place of residence, or the parts of the world over which
they were supposed to preside. In modern usage, another name of the
pupa, chrysalis, or aurelia ; the second state of an insect passing to its per-
fect form. 11 Acronic, Acronical, ox Acronycal, in astronomy, a term
applied to the rising of a star at sun-set, or its setting at sun-rise. This
ritinff or setting is called acronical. The word is opposed to cosmical.
§ Nyctalops, one that sees best in the night, or who lose§ his sight as
night comes on, and remains blind till morning. * Nyctalopy, the
faculty of seeing best in darkness, or the disorder in which the patient
loses his tight at night, Sic,
Obelisc-17S,* m. 2. (o/3iXi(rKog)j an obelisk.
*ob'elisk, n. obelis'cal, a.
Obliqu-c7S_, a. crooked, not direct, aslant.
oblique', or oblique'ly, ad. obliq'uiiy, n.
oblike', a. oblique'ness, n. obliqua'tlon, n.
Oblivio, on-is, f. 3. (obliviscorj v. dep, 3. to forget)^
"^obliv'ion, n. obliv'ious, a.
ObsccenuSj a. immodest, impure, or unchaste; lewd,
obscene', a. obscene'ness, n. obscen'ity, n.
obscenely, ad.
Obscur-us, a. dark, abstruse : as, ohscu'rity, a being
dai-k ; want of light.
obscure', a. & v. obscure'ness, n. obscura't'ion, n.
obscurely, ad. obscu'rity, n. unobscu'rt^, a.
Obstetrix,Ic-/5,/. 3. {ab ob et sto_, orsisto), a midwife,
obstet'r'ic, a. obsietrici'an, n.
obsielrica'lion, n. obstet'r'ics, n.
OccvL'i-us,a. {ohetce\o,v. 1. to conceal), hidden, secret.
XoccuW, a. occulta' tion, n.
occult'ness, n.
OcHL-os {oz^oO} ^^^ ^^^ ^^ crowd,
* Obelisk, a large stone or marble of great height, with four faces grow-
ing smaller and smaller towards the top, till it ends in a point like a pyra-
mid, often charged with inscriptions or hieroglyphics. Ptolemy Philadel-
phus raised one of 88 cubits high, in honour of Arsinoe. Augustus erecltd
one in the (,'ampus Martius at Rome, which served to mark the hours on
a horizontal dial drawn on the pavement. lu ivrititigor printing, a matk
or rejisreftt-e, thus (+).
f Oblivion, forgetfulness, a /o?-g-e^^og^ ab o^oi), even, like, 7'eaular : as,
anom'aly or anom'«/ism_, a being ixregidarj devia-
tion from common rule.
anom'aly, n. nnomalh'dc, a. ano?n'a/isin, n.
ano7?2'67ous, a. ano?na/is'tical, a. *anom'a/ipdclja. &«.
anom'alously, ad.
Ombr-os {ofi^^og), 0-ain — tomJrom'eter, n.
Omega:}: {p., a), the last letter in the Greek alphabet.
OmeNj m-is, n. 3. a sign good or bad, a prognostic :
as, shom'innte, to deprecate as ominous, to hate
extremely, to abhor ; om' inow.^, forebodmg evil or
foreshowmgsigns of good ; o'men, a sign good or bad.
abom'i/iate, v. abom'i/iably, ad. omma'iiou, n.
abom'i7ia\:ed, a. iiho7n'inah\eness,n. om'inous, a.
ahoinina'tion, n. o'men, n. ovfi'inow^ly, ad.
abP77j'ir/«iing, a. o'tncjitd, a. om'i/iousness, n.
abom'eVioble, a. om'inate, v. preom'J«ate, v.
Omn-is, a. all, every : as, omnii'ei'ous, ^//-bearing ;
o7nni-p'otence, all or almighty power ; omnis'cient,
tt/Z-knowing or seeing.
onm ifa'rious, a. om?iipercip'ient, a. om?iJpresen'tial, «.
ownif erous, a. omnij>'otence, n. OTnwis'cience, n.
onudi'ic, a. omnip'otency, n. omnh' cxency, n.
om'nifonn, a. OTntiip'otent,a.&n.o)nnis'cier\t, a.
omniforni'ity, n. omnip'otently, ad.
omnis/ enow?,, a. omnj'pres'ence, n. §om'mum, n.
omnipar'ity, n. o?n?iipres'ent, a. omuWoxovL^, a.
||ownipercip'ience,n. om'nihxx?,, n.
* Anomaliped, an anomalotis-foote^ fowl, whose middle toe is united to
the exterior by three phalanges or rows of small bones, and to the interior
by one only.
t Ombrometer, an instrument to measure the quantity of rain that falls.
$ Omega is therefore in the Holy Scriptures taken for the last. " I am
the A. alpha, and il, omega, the begirrrang and the endinga saith the
Lord." — Rev. i. 8. Il Omnipeixipience, perception of every thing.
§ Omnium, the aggregate of certain portions of different stocks in the
public funds. Onmium denotes all the particulars included in the contract
between government and the public for a loan.
Omphal-os {ofA(pa,Mi), the navel : 2iS,yOmphal'\z, of the
navel; Qyiom'phalos or om'phalocQle^di navel Y\x^iMre.
tsom'phalos, n. omphal'ic^ a. "fom'phaloYtter, or
omphal'ocele, n. ^omphalot'omy, n. omphalo'p'tic, n.
Oneirics {ovit^o?, ab ova^), a dream), a dream.
1^oneirocrit'ic,n.&a. oneirocvit'ical, a. \\oneVromancy, n.
Onom-.4 (Javof^ci), a name : as, anon'i/mous, wanting
a name ; homonymy, likeness of na7ne ; symon'-
ymows, of the same name.
ano/i'i/mous, a. meto^i^m'ical, a. paronom'asy, n.
2inon'ymo\x'&\y, ad. metonym'ic&Wy , arf.paronomas'tical, a.
§antono»2a'sia, or -j-ore'cmancy, n. paronojnas'tic, a.
antonom'asy, 71. onomant'ic, a. *'patronym'ic,a.8Ln.
homon'ymy, n. &yn'onym, n.
homow'ymous, a. Xon'omato'pe, or ^ynon'yma, n. pi.
hoxaon'ymo}x^y,ad. on'omato'py, n. synon'ymy, n.
"meton'ymy, n. ||paro«'2/mous, a. -j-synori'^wjous, a.
metonym'ic, a. §parowon2a'sia, or synon'ymously, ad.
* Omphalotomy, the operation of dividing the navel string.
t Omphalopter or Omphaloptic, an optical glass that is convex on both
sides, commonly called a convex lens. ij^ Oneiroci-itic, one who inter-
prets dreams. || Oneiiomancy , divination by dreams.
§ Antonomasia, the use of the name of some office, dignity, profession,
science, or trade, instead of the true name of the person : as, his majesty,
for a king; lordship, for a nobleman. Thus, instead of Aristotle, we say,
the philosopher ; a grave man is called a Cato ; an eminent orator, a Ci-
cero : a wise man, a Solomon.
* Metonymy, in rhetoric, a trope in which one word is put for another;
a change of names which have some relation to each other, as when we
say, " a man keeps a good table," instead of good provisions. " We read
Virgil," that is, his poems or writings. " They have Moses and the joj-o-
phets,'' that is, their books or writings, A man has a clear head, that is,
understanding, intellect ; a warm heart, that is, ojfections.
t Onomanijy, divination by the letters of a name.
if. Onomatope, in rhetoric, a figure in which words are formed to resem-
ble the sound made by the thing signified : as, to liuzz as bees, to crackle
as burning thorns or brush. A word whose sound corresponds to the
Bound of the thing signified. || Paronymous, resembling another word.
§ Paronomasia, a rhetorical figure, by which words nearly alike in sound
but of different meanings, are affectedly or designedly used ; a play upon
words, a pun. * Patronymic, a name of men or women derived
from that of their parents or ancestors ; as, Tydides, the son of Tydeus ;
1 elides, the son of Peleus, that is, Achilles.
t " As words signifying the same thing are called synonymous, so equi-
vocal words, or those which signify several things, are called homonymous,
or ambiguous ; and when persons use such ambiguous words, with a de-
«lgn to deceive, it is called equivocation."— Wa^*«' Logic.
2 o2
synon'ymize, v.
synon't/mist, n.
Dnt-^ (ovrcc, ab lif^t, to he), being.
onioVogy, n. ontolog'ic, a. on/olog'icalj a.
ontoVogi&t, n.
OnuSj onei'-isj n. 3. a burden or /o«(f : as^ or/erary,
belonging to a burden.
exonerate, v. exon'eratlng, a. on'ersiie, v.
exon'erated, a. exon'erative, a. onei-a'iion, n.
exoneration, n. ou'eraxy, a. *oii'erous, a.
Onym-j {ovvfiet), a name. (See Ononia.)
Ofac-us, a. shady, dark : as, opa'cous, impervious
to the rays of light, dark.
Ojoa'c'ousness, n. opuJce'nesn, n.
opac'ity, n. opake', or semiojoa'cous, a.
opa'cous, a. opaque', a.
Opal-us, m. 2. a stone of the silicious genus,
fo'pal, n. opales'cent, n. o'palizs, v.
opales'cence, n. a'paline, a.
OpER-Ajf. 1. work, labour: as, op^erate, to act, to exert
power or strength, to work; opus'cule, a small work.
co-op'erate, v. :!l^nianoeu'vre, or opera' t'lon, n.
co-op' eraihig, a. maueu've?-, n. & v. op'eraiiug, a.
co-opera'iiou, n. vaancu'vereA., a. op'erat'we, a. & n.
co-op' erat'we, a. vaaxieu'vering, a. op'eratox, n.
co-op'erator, n. \\op'era, n. opcrose', a.
co-op'erant^ a. manwre, ??. &n. operose'aess, n.
inop'erat'mg, a.
inop'eradve, a.
op'erate, v.
operai'ical, a.
opus c\m, n.
* Onerous, burdensorae, oppressive. In Scots law, being for the advan-
tage of both parties,— as an onerous contract, opposed to g-ratuitons,
•f Opal, a stone which is one of the most beautiful of the silicious genu?,
by reason of its changeableness of colour by reflection and refraction ; hence
opalescence, a coloured shining lustre, reflected from a single spot in a mi-
r.eral. ^MawcKWure, see foot-note, p. 297. II Opera, a dramatic compofi-
•iowset to music, and sung on the stage, accompanied with musical instru-
ments, and enriched with magnificent dresses, machines, dancjng, I'vic.
OiH 355 0?P
Oph-is Qipn), % serpent : as^ ophidVogy, the science
0? serpents ; oj»/i?oph'agous, eating serpents.
*ophid'ion, n. ophiolog'ic, a. ophiojAVagous, a.
ophid'iiiu, a. o})hio\og'ical, a. \\o'phite, n. & a.
ophioVogy, n. -foph'tomancy, n. §o^Aiu'chus, n.
ophioVogiat, n. iJlo/j/iJomorph'ous, a.
Ophthalm-os {o'pium, n. o'piate, n. & a.
Opl-on (aji-Aov)j a weapon, artJis — |]pan'ojc/y, n.
Oppib-um, n. 2. a walled town or burgh-^op'pidax\,n.8La.
* Ophidian, a fish of the anguilliform kind, resembling the common eel,
but shorter, more depressed, and of a paler colour, — found in the Medi-
terranean, f Ophiomancy, divination by serpents.
% Ophiomorphoiis, having the form of a serpent.
II Ophite, n, green porphyry, or serpentine ; but Ophite, a. pertaining to
a setpeut. § Ophiuchns, a constellation in the northern hemisphere.
* Opiithalmoscopy, a branch of physiognomy wliich deduces the know-
ledge of a man's temper and manner from the appearance of the eyes.
f Zoophthnlmy, an herb, sengreeri or honseleek.
4: Opium, a Turkish juice, partly of the resinous, partly of the gummy
kind, used as medicine to promote sleep. It is imported from Nafolia,
Egypt, the Levant, and the East Indies. It is produced from the cap-
sules of the somniferous wliite garden poppy, with which the fields ot
Asia Minor are in many places sown. It flows from incisions made in the
heads of the plant, and the best flows from the first incision. Its first
effect is the making the patient cheerful. It removes melancholy, and
dissipates the dread of danger ; the Turks always take it when they are
going to battle : it afterwards quiets the spirits, eases pain, and disposes to
sleep — Hill. II Panoply, complete armour or defence.
§ Oppidan, an inhabitant of a tvwn : an appellation given to the student*
of Eton school in England.
Optim-C7S, a. (« bonus, good), very good, best
'op'timacy, n. -fopiim'ity, n. l^op'Hmhm, n.
Opt-o (otttw), to see : as,a\x'topsj, personal observation;
catop'tr'ics, vision by reflection ; op'tics, the science
of sight or vision.
aa'topsy, n. dioptrical, a.
auto/)7ical, a. *&xop'sy, or
z.utop' ticsWy , ad. hydrop'^y, a.
Axop'sitA, a.
&top'sica\, or
hydro/)'ical, a.
hydrojo'ic, a.
metojDos'copy, n.
my opy, n.
nyc'talojDS, n.
nyc'talojjy, n.
Ojo'^ics, n.
opt'ic, T). & n.
op'ticdl, a.
optici'an, n.
■fsynop's'is, n.
cato/>7rics, n.
catop'tric, a.
catop'trica.], a.
II catojo7romaricy,n.
§diojt>'/rics, n.
diop'tic, or
diop'tric, a.
d'wp'iical, or
Opt-0, v. 1. to wish, to choose : as, op'tai'wQ, express-
ing a desire or wish ; op'tiovi, the power of choos-
ing or wisIiYng, a choice or election.
metojoos copist, n.
my'ope, n.
synop' tica\, a.
syno/>'/ically, ad.
^adopt', V.
adopt'ed, a.
adopt'edly, ad.
adop't'ion, n.
adop'ler, n.
adop'ting, a.
adop't'ivQ, a. &. n.
co^opta' tion, n.
exo/)'/able, a.
om'phalo/j/er, or
omphalo/>'dc, n.
op'tat'we, a.
op'i\on, n.
op't\ona.\, a.
preo/j'/ion, n.
Teadopt\ V.
* Optimaci/, the body of nobles, the vobilit;/. f Optimifi/, the state of
being best. :j: Optimism, the opinion or rioctrine, that every tiling
in nature is ordered for the best ; or the order of things in the universe
that is adapted to produce the most c^ood.
I Catoptromanc}/, a species of divination among the ancien's, which was
performed by letting down a mirror into water, for a sick person to look
at his face in it. If his countenance appeared distorted and ghastly, it was
an ill omen ; if fresh and healthy, it was favourable.
§ Dioptrics, that part of optics which treats of the refractions of light
passing through diflferent mediums, as through air, ivater, or glass, to
assist the sight in the view of distant objects.
* Dropsy, see foot-note, p. 248. f Synopsis, a general view, or a
collection of things or parts so arranged as to exhibit the whole or the
principal parts in a general view. \. Adopt, to take a stranger into
one's family, as son and heir ; to take one who is not a child, and treat
him as one, giving him a title to the privilee;es and rights of a child. In
a spirituul sense, to receive the sinful children of men into the invisible
church, and into God's favour and protection, by which they become heirs
of salvation by Christ. To take or receive as one's own, that which is not
naturally so ; or to receive that which is new ; to select and take.
OpuLENT-t7.S'^ a. ■wealtht/, rkh.
inop'uknt, a. op'ulency, n. op'ukntly, ad.
op'ulence, n. op'uhnX, a.
Oram-^ (o^xua, ah l^ciu, to See), the thing see??, a
sight, a view : as, mavm'o7-ama, sea viei£s.
*cos'morama, n. ma,T'nVo7-amo, tt. \\pa.u'ora7na, n.
■^^Voravia, n. :|:myr'iorama, n.
Orat-us, p.p. {ah oro), spoken, pleaded. (See 07'o.)
Orb-is, m. 3. a circle or globe : as, exor^difant, going
beyond the usual track or orbit, e.xcessive ; orbic'-
idar, in the form of an orb.
disor.5'ed, a. or'bedi, a. orhic'ula.te, a.
txor'biia,uce, n. or'bic, a. crbic'ulate6, a,
exor'biisLncy, n. or'bit, n. orhicula' iion, n.
exo7''bi(ant, a. orbic'ular, a. or'by, a.
exor'bitantly, ad. orbic' ulaxly ^ ad. or'bitai, o
exor'biiate, v. orbic'idarne^s, n.
orb, n. &. V.
Orchestr-^j§ /. 1. {o^z'^Tre^oi), a place in theatres /or
dancing — ^orches'tra, or oi'ches'tre., n. orches'tral, a.
Orc-os {o^y-o?), an oath : as, ex'orcise, to adjure by
some holy name ; to expel evil spirits by conjura-
tion, prayers, and ceremonies.
ex'orcise, v. ex'orciser, n. ex'orcist, n.
ex'omsed, a. ex'ort'ising, a. ex'orcism, n.
Ordinat-uSj p.p. {ab ordino, v.\. to set in order), or
dered, arranged. (See Ordo.)
* Cosmorania, an ejhibitiun ol pictia-cs, representing varkms partsof the
world, t Diorama, an exhibition oi transparent pictures, cr the
effects of light and shade advantageously displayed.
ij: Myriorama, sections of vietvs so contrived that they may be combined
into an indefinite nvimb.r of pictures. || Panorama, complete or
entire view ; a circular paintini^ liaving apparently no beginning or end,
from the centre of which the spectator may have a complete view of the
objects presented.
§ Orchestra, a j)lace in the Roman theatre next the stage, where the se-
nators sat; in the Greek theatre, the place where the actors danced, being
derived from orcheisthai, c^x^ktOch, to dance, and that from orthos, o-Ja;,
erect, upright. Now, a place iox public exhibition; the place where fat mar
iiciaiis are set at a public shoiv ; the band of musicians.
Ordi-oRj v. dep. 4. to begin — •exor'rfium, n. exor'rfial, a.
Ordo, m-is, m. 3. order, rank, arravgement : as, ex-
XxdiOr' dindxy , beyond the common order ; ino/rfe-
Tzate, not according to order or rw/e y ordain', to
set apart for an office ; ^ appoint.
co-or'dinate, a. ordain'er, n. ^ord'nance, n.
co-07-'di}iately, ad. ordained', a. )\or'donnance, n,
co-o>"Wi«ateness, «. ordai'nmg, a. San. preordain', v.
co-ordina'tion, n. or'der, n. & v, •pveordain'ing, a.
disor'der, n. & v. or'dered, a. -preordained', a.
disor'rferly, a. & ad. or'dcrer, n. pTeor'dinance, n.
disor'rfered, a. or'dering, a. & n.
d'lsor'diiiate, a. or'derless, a. preordina'tion, n.
disor'dinately, ad. or'derly, a. & ad. primor'rfial, a.
extraordinary, a. or'derliness, n. pr'ixnor'diaie, v.
extTaor'dinar\ly,ad. leordain', v.
extraor'rfiwariness, reordina'tion, n,
inor'dinacy, n. or'dinal, a. & n. semior'dinate, n.
inor'dinate, a. -foT'dinance, n.
inordinately, ad. or'diiiary, a. & n. ' .
inor'rfinateness, n. or'dinarily, ad. su'hor'dinate,a.&n.
inordina'tion, n. or'dinate, a.&n. s\ihor'dinate\y, ad.
insuhordina'tioii,n.or'dinate\y, ad. svhordina'tion, n.
ordain', v. ordina'i'ion, n, unor'derly, a.
ordain'dble, a. or'dinative, a.
Organ -UM, n. 2. {l^yxvcv), an instrument, anatural in-
strument: as, oj-'ganize, to form with suitable organs,
disor'gamze, v. inorgan'ical, a. ^or'gan, n.
dhorganiza'tion,n. inorgan'icaUy, ad. organ'ic, a.
inorgan'ic, a. mo7-'ganized, a. organ'ical, a.
* Exordium, in oratory, the beginning; the introductorp part of a dis"
course, which piepares the audience for the main subject ; the pre/ace or
proemial part of a composition.
t Ordinance, a rule established by authority ; a permanent rt<7e of action.
An ordinance may be a law or statute of sovereign power. Observance
commanded, established rite or ceremony, Heb. ix. In this sense, baptism
and the Lord's Supper are denominated ordinances.
t Ordnance, cannon or great guns, mortars, and howitzers ; artillery.
fl Ordonnance, in painting, the disposition of the parts of a picture, either
In regard to the whole piece, or to the several parts.
§ Organ, a natural instrument of action or operation, or by which som©
process is carried on : thus, the arteries and veins of animal bodies are or-
ort/an'ically, ad.
or^an'icalness, n.
or'gardsm, n.
or'ffanxsty n.
or'ganizQ, v.
OrI-OR^ v. dep. 4.
organiza'tion, n.
or'ganized, a.
or'gajiizliig, a.
or'gan-\o% n.
organ-'pipe, n.
organog'T&phyf n,
organograiph'ic, a.
or^anograph'ical, a
to rise, to spring : as, abor'^ive,
brought forth in an immature state, mi8carrym<^ ;
oVz'ent, riswig as the sun, eastern; or'iginj the
first ris& or beginning of any thing.
abortion, n,
abor'^ive, a.
abor'/ively, ad.
aborViveness, n.
aboHg'inal, a.
exor'ti\e, a.
o'rient, a. & n.
orien'taX, a. &. n.
orien'/alist, n.
orientalism, n.
or'igin, n.
orig'inaX, a. &, n.
orig'inaWy^ ad.
ori^^'inalness, n.
origindl'ity^ n.
orig'inate, v.
orig'ina.tcd, a.
orig'inating, a.
priyina'tion, n.
or'tive, a.
unorig'inal, a.
unorig'in'Aiedj a.
Ornis, ornith-05 {opvig, o^viSo?), a bird : as, orw/scop'-
ics or ornith'omancj, divination hy fowls,
*ornith'o\\ie, n. ornithoVogi^t, n. or;iiscop'ic3, n.
•^■ornithoVogy, n. orniih'omancyj n.
ornitholog'icaX, a.
Orn-0, v. 1. to deck or dress: as, o/w<2ment, the
thing that decks or embellishes ; or'wate, decorated,
adorn', v. exorna't'ion, n. ornamen'tally, ad»
adorii'mg, n. orVtcnnent, n. & v. o?-'namented, a.
adorn'ment, n. or/iamen'tal, a. or'namenting, a.
gans of circulation ; the lungs are organs of respiration ; the nerves are
ors;ans of perception and sensation ; the muscles are organs of motion ;
the ears are organs of hearing ; the eyes are organs of seeing ; the tongue
is the organ of speech, &c. The instrument or means of conveyanSe or
communication. A secretary of state is the organ of communication be-
tween the government and a foreign power. The largest and most har-
monious of wind instruments of music, consisting of pipes which are filled
with wind, and stops touched by the fingers. It is blown by a bellows.
* OrnithoUte, a petrified bhd, f Ornithology, the science of fotvls,
which comprises a knowledge of their form, structure, habits, and uses.
or'/iate, a. roadorn', v. avihorn'ing, a.
oi-'nately, ad. *^\xhorn', v. iniborna'tiou, n.
or'nateness, n. subo?'n'ed, a unoruamen'tal, a.
suho/zier, n. unor«Mmen'ted, a.
Or-o, u. 1. {ah OS, OY-is, n. '6. the moiitli), to speak, to
beg : as, adore', to pay divine worshij) oi' honour
to ; inex'orable, that cannot be moved by entreaty
0Me-breaker or sea c^igle.
This is our fish-hawk. :|: Ossuary, a chanicl \v:t\.\&e : a place where
the lo7ies of the dead are deposited. || Osteocol (a xoX'am, glue), a
carbonate of lime, a fossil formed by incrustation on the stem, of a plant.
This word takes its name from an opinion that it has the quality of unit-
ing fractured hones. g Periostcrim, a nervous vascular rnembrane
endued with quick sensibility, immediately investing the bones of animals.
* " The Athenians, in voting about the banishment of a citizen, »tho was
suspected to be too powerful, and whose merit and influence gave umbrage
to them, used shells {o(r-qa.xK, testes vel testulee), on which those who were
for banishing him wrote his name, and ilirew each his shell into an urn.
This was done in a popular assembly ; and if the number of shells amount-
ed to GOOD, he was banished for tea years (testai-um siiffraglis), by an os-
tracism, as it was called, Nep. in Themlst. 8." — Adam's Rom. Antiq. Hence
baiiishmefit, expulsioti, separation. f Ostracite, an oy&\.ex-shcll in ils
fossil state, or a stone formed in the shell, the latter being dissolved.
OTi-t73/, n. 2. ease, licing retired from business : as,
nego'fiaxit omego'tisitoY, one who transacts business.
disease', n. Si v. ease' (nlly, ad.
nego'tiate, v. diseas'ed, a. ease'less, a.
nego'liated, a. disea^'edness, n. ease'ment, n.
vmgotia' tion, n. disease'ful, a. ea'sy, a.
nego'tiaioT, n. disease'inent, n. ea'sily, ad.
wegi/'tialing, a. ease, n. & v. ea'siness, n.
ease'^vX, a.
OuRAN-os (o-j^fltvo;);, heaven — owr<27zog'rat)hy. n.
OuSj oi-os {o-jq, coTOi), the ear : as, ofecou'stic or otsi-
cous'ticon, an instrument to facilitate heay-ing.
o^acou'stic, a. & n. paroVis, 7i. *parof'id, a.
o/acou'sticon, n.
Ov-iSj f. 3. sheej) — fovaUion, n. o'vmQ, a.
Oy-um, n. 2. an egg : as, o'voi, of the shape of an
egg; oe^ep'arous, producing eggs, or young from eggs.
^Tobo'yate, a. o'yated. a. o'viioxva, a.
o'vaX, a. & n. j|o'uary, n. oujp'arous, a.
oyaVious, a. §o'yJduct, n. o'uoid, a.
o'uate, a. ovic'vlax, a.
OxY-s (o|y?), sharp, acute; sour, acid: as, ox'gione, an
acute sound ; oxygon, a triangle having three acute
angles ; oa;'ycrate, a mixture of water and vinegar.
"Oieal'ic, a. Ou^'i/crate, n. •fox'yd, n.
* Parotid, pertaining to or denoting the parotis, or certain glands below
and before the ears, or near the articulation of the lower jaw. The pa-
rotid glands secrete a portion of the saliva.
t Ovation, in Roman antiquity, " When a victory had been gained with-
out difficulty or the like, a lesser triunijih was granted called ovatio, in
which the general entered the city on foot or horseback, crowned with
myrtle, not with laurel, and instead of bullocks, sacrificed a sheep (ovem) ;
whence its name." — Adam's Rom. Antiq.
X Obovate, in botany, inversely ovate ; having the narrow end downwards.
Ovari', the part of a female animal in which the eggs are formed or
lodged ; or the part in which the fetus is supposed to be formed.
§ Oviduct, in animals, the passage for the egg from the ovary to the
womb, or a passage which conveys the egg from the ovary.
* Oxalic, pertaining to sorrel or a plant of an acid taste. The oxalic
acid is tlie acid of sorrel.
■j- Oj^yd, in chemistry, a substance formed by the combination of a por-
tion of oxygen with some base, or a substance combined with oxygen,
witliout being in the state of an acid.
OXY S64i pjiC
ex'i/da.h\e, a. o«?,«5o?), Minerva, goddess
of wisdom y war, S^C. — ^palla'diuTa, n.
Pall-eo, v. 2. to he pale.
\rapal'l\dL, a. pale'ness, n. pal'lidness, n.
pale, a. & v. pal'lld, a.
palely, ad. palTidly, ad. pal'lor, n.
VaiAaI-vm, n. 2. a cloak, the outer robe of the Greeks :
aSj pal'lioXQ, to cover with excuse, to extenuate or
pall^ n. & V. pcl'liaied^ a. pal'liat'mg, a.
pallia' t\QT\,n. pal'liatiye, a.&n.
pariiate, v.
Palm-^, /. I. the palm or inner part of the hand ;
the palm-tree ; the badge of victory : as, palmii'er-
ous, bearing pcdms ; pal'mi'ped, web-footed,— aa
Avater fowls.
impalm', v. palm'ated, a.
palm, n. & v. palmifeious, a. palm'ated, a.
palm'er, n, pal'miY-ed, a. ■fpal'm]»try, n.
*palmet'to, n. pa'lmy, a. pal'mister, n.
palm'ar, a.
* Pallet, a small bed. f Paleography, the art of explaining ancient
writings. More correctly, an ancient manner of writing. % Paleologi/,
a discourse or treatise on antiquities, or the knowledge o£ ancient things.
g Palindrome, a word, verse, or sentence, that is the same when read
backwards 01 foriuards ', as, madam, or " Roma tibi subito motibus ibit
amor." § Palladium, the image or statue of Pallas, goddess of wis-
dom, war, &c, which was said to have fallen from heaven on the citadel
of Troy, and that on its preservation depended the safety of Troy ; hence
any security or protection.
* Palmetto, a species of palm-tree. In the West Indies the inhabitants
thatch their houses with the leaves,
t Palmistry, the art or practice of divining or telling fortunes by the
lines and marks in the palm of the hand ; a trick of imposture much prac-
tised by gipiey*.
Valp-o, v. I. to touch gently or softli/, as if feeling i
parj)ah\e, perceptible by the touch ; plain, obvious.
\rapal'p&\)\Q, a. pa/'pably, ad. palpa'tion, n.
impalpahiVity^ n. joo/'joableness, n. pal'phatey v.
pal'pable, a. palp'dbiVity, n. palpita'tion^ n.
Tal-us, m. 2. a stake or post. — empale, v.
palejU.SiV. j9cr/iiica'tion,n. * palisade', 7i.Sc v. pallsdJdiO^n.
Pan {"xxv), all, whole, (l^'ee Pas.)
Pan (Uxv), the god of shepherds — ■\Pan,n. pan'ic,7i.&.a.
Pand-o^ v. 3. to open, to spread, to unfold : as^ ex-
pand' , to op)en or spread out ; - or
terror influenced or agitated by Pan ; a sudden fright without cause.
%Pandiculation, a yawning ; a. stretching ; the tension of the solids that
accompanies yawning, or that restlessness and stretchlag that accompanies
the cold fit of an intermittent.
II Impanation, the act of embodying with bread; the supposed substan-
tial presence of the body and blood of Christ, with the substance of the
bread and wine, after consecration in the eucharist ; a tenet of the Luthe-
ran church ; otherwise called consubstantiation.
§ Panada or Panado, a kipd of food made by boiling bread in water, to
the consistence of pulp, and sweetened.
* Pannier, a wicker basket ; primarily, a fcreod-baeket, but used for ca^
rying fruit or other things on a horse.
Pann-i/S;, m. 2. cloth : as, B.cco\'n'2?a7iy, to go with,
or attend as a companion on a journey, walk, ^c.
cKCCom'pnny, v. comjcan'ion, n. ^pan'icXe, n.
ban'ner, n. comjoan'ionship, n. joa7i'icled, a.
acconi'/janied, a. comjoa/i'ionable, a- joanic'ulate, a.
accom'/)anying, a. coiTi^an'ionably,arf.j9anic'ulated, a.
accom'joanist, n. •\m\pan'nt\, v. \\pan'nt\y n.
accom'/}ariiment,n. imjoan'nelled, a. unaccom'j9a?iied, a.
*com'pany, n. & u. im/)a?i'«elling, a. uncom'/janied, a.
Va.v-as {ficcTTxi), a father: as, jwa'joal, of the Pope.
antijoa'pal, a. pu'pal, a. po'pery^ n.
antijoajois'tical, a. pa'pized, a. pa'pist, n.
papa', n. *Popc, n. po'pish, a.
%pa'pa.cy, n. pope'dom, n. po'phhly, ad,
Papaver, n.Z. poppy — papav'eroM^, a.
Papilio, on-is, m. 3. a butterfly, a moth of various
colours — papil'io, n. papiliona'ceous, a.
Vatill-Aj f. 1. (rt papula, /. 1. a pimjyle), a nipple,
a pap : as, pap'illdry or papil'lous, resembling the
pap or nipple ; pap'ulo^e or pap'ulow?,, full of
pimples or pustules ; pap'il, a small pap,
pap, n. pap'illate, tu 7;a;>'7//=e, n-
papes'cent, a. papillose', a. pcip'ulosc, a.
pap'il, n. papil'lous, a. pap'ulons, a.
pap'illaxy, a. P^ip'py^ «•
Papp-(7S, m. 2. thistle-down — pap'pow^, a.
* Company, originally, denotes a band or number of men under one flag
or standard. In military aflFairs, the soldiers united under the command
of a captain. Any assemblage of persons ; a collection of men or other
animals in a very indefinite sense.
t Impannel, to write or enter the names of a jury in a list, or on a piece
of parchment called a pannel ; to form, complete, or enroll a list of jurors
in a court of justice.
% Panicle, in botany, a species of inflorescence, in which the flowers or
ft-uits are scattered on peduncles variously subdivided, — as in oats and some
of the grasses.
II Pannel, a kind of rustic saddle ; the stomach of a hawk.
§ Papacy, the office and dignity of the pope or bishop o£ Rome ; pope-
dom, papal authority.
* Pope, the bishop of Rome, the head oi the Roman Catholic church.
Papyu-i/^, /. 2. (TrciTTv^oi), an Egvptian aquatic
plant or reed, from the inner rind of which paper
was made ; paper.
pa'per, n. & v- joa'jo^r-maker, n. pa' per -money , n.
pa'per-factd, a. pa'per-mil\, n. pap'yrus, n.
Par, par-?5, a. equal, like, meet, match to: as, par' ~
ity, a being equal, like state or degree ; conVpar-
ah\e, that may be compared, or being of eqzial re-
gard ; compeer', an equal, a companion, an associate.
compare', V. -fdispar'age, v. nonpareiV, n. & a.
com'joarable, a. disjoar'aged, a. ^arisyllab'ic, a.
com'parahly, ad. dispar'ager, n. par'ity, n.
"com'parates, n. disjoar'agement, n. pair, ii. & v,
compar'ative, a. disjoar'aging, a. par, n.
compa>'utively,axI. dispar'ngingly, ad. peer, n,
compa'rer, n. disjoar'ity, n. peer'ess, n.
compa'rcd, a. impar'ity, n. peer' dovcx, n.
compa'r'mg, a. iricom'/)a?-able, a. peer'age, n.
compar'isort, n. mcom'para}o\y,ad. peerless, a.'
compeer', n. & v. incom'/)«3'ableness, peer'le^sly, ad.
dispair', v. incomyuaVed, a. peer'lei.sness, n.
Paradigm-.-/ (-Tru^x^-iy/^a, a ttu^x Sc'^uxw^i, to show),
a showing hi/ the side of J example; model; a pattern.
par'adigm, n. paradigmat'ical, a. paradig'matize, v.
Paradis-os {7[-cc^oiaii(roi), a garden of pleasure : as, im-
par'adise, to put in a place of felicity ; to \T\2k.^happy ,
disjoar'arfizsd, a. im/jar'at/ising, a. par'adised, a.
impar'adhe, v- par'adise, n. paradisi'aca\, a.
incijoar'adised, a. paradis'ean, a.
Parat-17S, p.p. {d paro), prepared. (See P«ro.)
Pardonn-er, v. (Fr. a per et dono, to give), to for-
give, to remit, to excuse.
impar'donable, a. par'donahleness,n. unpar'donahle, a.
par'don, v. Sc n. par'doued, a. unpar'donahly, ad.
par'donahle, a. par'doning, a. & n. \XMpar'domd, n.
par'donahly, ad. par'doner, n. xmpar'donmg, a.
* Comparates, in logic, the two things compared to one another,
t Tiisparage, to marry anyone to another of infer iorcor^Anim, to matrh
unequally ; to injure by union with something inferior iu excellence ; t«»
Par-£o, v. 2. to appear y to become visible: as, ap-
j)ear', to come or be in sight, to be obvious or dear,
appear', v. apparid'on, n. transjgaVency, n.
appea'rance, n. *a\)par'itQr, n. transjoa'rent, a.
a])pea'reT, n. disappear', v. trans;^a'rently, ad.
appealing, a. & n. disappcaVance, n. trans^-'a'rentness, n.
appaVent, a. disap/^eaVing.n&a.untransjoaVentj a.
apjoaVently, ac?.
Paries, et-e's, m. 3. the wall of a house — pari'etaX, a.
Par-io, v. 3. to briiig forth, to beget: as, bijy'arous,
bring'vcig forth two at a birth ; multip'a?*ous, />;'0-
diicmg many at a birth. ■
bi/?'arous, a. ovip'arous, a. parlu'rient, a.
deip'arous, a. pa'rent, n. parturitVon, n.
dorsi/j'arous, a. paren'tal, a. •puer'/'^ral, a.
gemeUip'arous, a. pa'rentage, n. -j-puer'/j^rous, a.
gemmij9'arous,a. jl/'flrrenta'tion, n. uniy/arous, a.
multi/j'arouSj a. /)aren'ticide, 11, vermij^'arous, a.
^o'virt, a. /'a'rentless, a. wWip'arows, a.
Xo'vertuxt, n. ^partu'riate, v. birth, n.
Parl-er, v. (Fr.) to speak, to talk : as,jya?*7ey, to speak
with another, to confer with an enemy, to treat
with by words ; p)arole' , given by word of mouth.
Jim'/Jar/, v. Jlpar'/Jament, w. par'loxxr, n.
impar'lance, n. parliaxnen'taxy, a.
par'lauce, n. parIiamenta'nan,n.parol', or
& a. parole', n. Si, a.
par'ley, v. Sc n. parliamenteev', n.
* Apparitor, among the Romans, any officer who attended magistrates
and judges, to execute their orders. In England, a messenger or officer
who serves the process of a spiritual court, or a beadle in the university
who carries the mace. f Overt, open to view, public, apparent, —
as oi'cr? virtues. In law, an ove7-t act of treason is distinguished from se-
cret design or intention not carried into effect, and even from words spoken.
4: Overture, literally, opening, disclosure ; proposal ; something offered
for consideration, acceptance, or rejection,— as the prince made overtures
of peace, which were accepted. || Pore?Jtafio72, something done or
said in honour of the dead. § Parturiate, to bring forth young.
* Puerperal, belonging to child-birth. f Puerperous, bearing chil.
dren, lying-in. Xlmparl, to hold mutual disfowr^e / appropriately,
jn law, to have license to settle a law-suit amicably ; to have delay for mu-
tual adjustment. y Parliament, in Great Britain, the grand assembly
ot the three estates, the lords spiritualj the lords temporal, and the eom-
ap/^ar'elled, a.
apyyar'elling, a.
dissev'^r, v.
dissew'^rance, n.
dissev'ered, a.
disseu'ering, a. Sen.
"fevn'peroT, n.
eui'pire, n.
em'joress, n.
prepaVedly, ad.
pre/jaVedness, n,
prepa'rer, n.
prez-iaVing, a.
Par-0^ v. I. to make ready, to prepare : as, ap7;<2r'el
clothing, garments, dress; repair', to restore to a
sound or good state after decay or injury ; sep^ar-
ate, to disunite, to divide, to part ; sev'er, to part
or divide by violence.
•apjoara'/us, n. impe'riously, ad.
ajypar'el, n. & v. imjaeViousness, n.
insejD'«?-able, a.
insejo'arably, ad.
insej[;'arablene3s, n.xepair', v. & n.
insejoffrabil'ity, u. iepair'e(\, a.
insep'arate, a. Tepair'er, n.
.inseja'a rated, a. re/;ai>'ing, a.
inse/)'«rately, ad. re/)'arable, a.
irre/j'arable, a.
irre/)'arably, ad.
[T/^arade'', n. & v.
para'Aedi, a.
/)ara'ding, a.
prejoaVable, a.
'^iTLiper'o.iive, a,
im^gr'ativelyj ad.
imjoeVJal, a.
imjDcVially, ad.
imjD^VJalist, n.
imperiaVitY, n.
imjoeVious, a.
rejo'arably, ad.
repara'tion, 71.
repar'ative, a.
sep'arahle, a.
&ep'a]'ah\y, ad.
se/^'arableness, 71.
■p-cepar'ativb, a. 8l n.se/^arabirity, n.
■prepar'atively, ad. sejo'arate, v. & a.
-prepar'atory, a. sep'arately, ad.
pre/^aVed, a. se/i'a?-ateness, n.
mons ; the general council of the nation, constituting the legislature, sum-
moned by the king's authority to consult on the affairs of the nation, and
to enact and repeal laws. Primarily, the king may be considered as a con-
stituent branch of parliament ; but the word is generally used to denote
the three estates above named, consisting of two distinct branches, the house
of lords and house of commons. The word Parliament was introduced
into England under the Norman kings. The supreme council of the na-
tion was called, under the Saxon kings, the meeting of wise men and sages.
The supreme council of Sweden, consisting of four estates ; the nobiltti/
and representatives of the gentry ; the clergy, one of which body is elected
from every rural deanery, or ten parishes; the biirghcis, clecud by the
magistrates and council of every corporation ; and the peasants, elected by
persons of their own order. In France, before the revolution, a council or
court consisting of certain noolemen.
* Apparatus, things provided as means to some end, — as the tools of ar-
tiz.ans, the/w»-nit'M)-e of a house, instruments oi war. In more technical
language, a complete set of instruments or utensils, for performing any
operation. -f Emperor. Imperative, &c. See p. 251.
X Parade, in military affnirs, the place where troops assemble for exer-
cise, mounting guard or other purpose; show, ostentation, displaj/ ,• mi-
litary order, array.
tiep'ar&tedy a. iep'ar atory, a. &n. unpre/xiVed, a.
se/?'aratingj a. seuVr, v. unpre/'aVedness, n.
sejDoraVion, n. seu'eral, a. &.n. unse/)'arable, a.
se/i'aratist, n. sev'erally, ad. unsep' ar ated, a.
sep'arator, n. sew'eralize, v. unsev'ered, a.
Pars, part-es, /. 3. a poj-f, a share, a portion : ?;?,
par'tiiA, of a part or parti/, biassed to one parti/ ;
partdXie , to tal<;e b. part, portion, or share of; por-
^/c'ipate, to take or have a share in common with
others ; /?«r?ec'ular, pertaining to a single person
or thing, special; impart', to give, to g7-ant.
apart', ad. coun'terparl, 71. imparled, a.
tLpart'ment, n. depart', v. ivnpar'iihle^ a.
apfor'don, v. depar'ter, n. impar/ibirity, n.
appor'doned, a. depar'tlng, n. & a. impar'tia.\, a.
B.Y>por'tion'wg, a. depart'ment, n. iin/?ar'^ially, ad.
appor'rionraent, n. de/)ar/meri'tal, a.
appor'tioner, n. depar'ture, n. impariial'ity, n.
hipar'tihle, or dhpart', v. impart'ment, n.
hip'artilQ, a. di^par'ttd, a. impar'tvire, n.
hipar'ticnt^ a. dispar'iing,n.8ca. iin/;ar'dng, «.
hipar'iite, a. dispro/;or'/!ion,?i&u. impro/)0?-'^ioriable,a
hipartiti'ou, n. dispro/^or'/ionable, impropor7ionate,o.
compart', v. dispropor'/ionably, mispro/jor'/ion, v.
compar'fed, a. dispro/7or7ionable- *pa7-'ce\, n. & v.
compar'ting, a. ness, n. par'celled, a.
coxnpart'ment^ n. dispropor'/ional, a. par'celling, a. &.n.
copar'censixy, n. dispro;?or'/ionally, par'cennry, n.
copar'cener, n. dhpropor'tlor\?Lie,a.-\-par'cene.x., u.
copar'ceny, n. dispro/?o/^ionately, :|:^ar*e. v.
compart'ner, or dispro/^orVionate- part, n. & v.
coparl'ner, n. ness, n. parl'ahle, a.
co/'or/'nership, n. ixnparl', v. partly, ad.
* Parcel, a part, a portion of any thing taken separately ; a quantity, a
part belonging to a whole ; a small bundle or package of goods.
t Parcener or Coparcener, a coheir ; one who has an equal portion of the
Inheritance of his or her ancestor with others.
4. Parse, in grammar, to resolve a sentence into its elements, or to show
the several partu of speech composing a sentence, and their relation Uj each
other by government or agreement.
par'tiwg, a. &. n.
partake', v.
parta'kei, n.
parta'king, a. & /?.
partner, n.
par'iial, a.
par'iiaMy, ad.
partiaVity, n.
par'tihle, a.
partihiVityi, n.
pcrWJc'ipable, a.
p-irdc'ularly, ad. pro^or'/ional, a.
partic'ulaxiZQ, v. propor'/ionally, ad.
j>artic'u!ansni, n. propor^ional'ity, n.
particular'ity, n. pro/)or7ionate,a&v
par'dsan, n. •n.ynr.nr-'t^n.n^^^^-a net
pnr'lite, a.
par'i'ti'ive, a.
par'tiilvely, ad.
partilVoxiy n.
pari!ntx, n.
/>rtrZ'«ership, n,
parts, n.
partic\'pa'i\on, n.
/yrt?7/o'ipative, a.
;>ar/zcip'ial, a.
por7ionist, n.
'pro/?or7ion, n. & v.
pro/Jor^ioned, a.
pro;joj''aoning, a.
propor'^ionately, arf.
pro/9or'^ionless, a.
qaadrip'(Zr/ite, a.
quadriparii/i'on, n.
•|Tep«rtee', n. & a.
superpropor'don, n.
trip'ardte, a.
tripar/ifi'on, n.
un'derpar^, n.
un/>ar'/ed, a.
unpor'rioned, a.
par/zcip'jal, a. propoj"aomng, a. unpropor'/ionable,
prt?7icip'ially, ad, propor'^ionable, a. unproporVionate, a.
par'iicle, n. propc'/ionably, acJ. uiipropor'^ionedj a.
partic'ular, a. & n. propor'/ionableness,
Parsimoni-^j /. 1. (a parco, v. 3. /o spare), fruga-
lity, sparingncss.
jiar'simony, n. parsimo'nio\x&\y,ad. ^arsimo'niousness,
parsimo'niovDA, a.
Pas, pan, pant-os (jrotq, tvcx,^^ Trxvrog), all, whole : as,
joawifog'raphy or jfpaszg'raphy, general description, or
view of an entire thing ; pani]iQ'oT\, a temple of all
the gods ; />«?^'urgy, skill in«7/ kinds of work or busi-
ness ; jca/i'sophy, universal wisdom or knowledge.
Antijo'a*, n. Pamphyl'ia, n. "^.panace'a, n.
* Proportion, a comparative relation of any one thing to another,— as.
Let a man's exertions be in proportion to his strength. The identity or
similitude of two ratios; symmetry; suitable adaptation of one part or
thing to another ; equal or just .'/lare; form, size.
t Repartee, a smart, ready, and witty reply.
X- Panacea, a remedy for all diseases ; a universal medicine.
2 I
*/)aH'creas, n. pan'egynzed, a. ^pan'togroTph, n.
pawcreat'ic; a. joaw'egyrizing, a. pa/jtog'raphy, n.
pa/i'oply, It. prm^ograph'ic, «.
•f-/)rt/icrat'ic, a. jyaw'orama, n. jaan^ograph'ical, a.
jDflncrat'ical, a. j9a?i'sophy, w. joantom'eter, n.
Jpa/i'dect, 7j. ^ />an/omet'ric, a.
Ilpaftdem'ic, a, pantelo'gia, 7i. /jaw^omet'rical, a,
§jDa;idemo'niumj7i. *j»aft'theism, n. \\pan'tovcnxcie,ii.&La.
Pando'ra, n. /jan'theist, n. ^jrtjz^omim'ic, a.
/)a«egyr'ical, a. jsantheis'tic, a. joan/omim'ical, a.
panegyi'ht, n. pantheh'tical, a. pan'urgy, n.
pan'egyriZQ, v. -{-joartthe'on, n. pa^jg'raphy, n,
pASCH-y4j /. 1. {7ra,iT)(^ti, a noD^ Heb.) the passover, a
feast of the Jews; also^ the festival of Easter.
ante/?as'c^al, a. pas'chdX, a.
Pasc-0, v. 3. to feed : as, pas' tor ^ one who feeds a
flock naturally or spiritually ; pas'torsH, belonging
to shepherds.
an'tepast, n. depasture, v. pastoral, a. & n.
archpas'tOT, n. depas'^uring, a. ^pas'iorate, n.
depas'centj a. pas' tor, n. pastorship, n.
* Pancreas, a gland cf tlie body situate between the bottom of the sto-
mach and the vertibers of the loins, reaching from the liver to the spleen,
and attached to the peritoneum. It is two fingers in breadth, and six in
length, soft and supple. It secretes a kind of saliva, and pours it into the
duodenum. -f Pancratic, excelling in all gymnastic exercises ; very
strong or robust. % Pandect, all the words, aV the sayings. Pan'
dects, in the plural, the digest or collection of civil or Roman law, made
by order of the emperor Justinian, and containing 534 decisions or judg-
ments of lawyers, to which the emperor gave the force and authority of
law. _ This compilation consists of fifty books, forming the first parts of
the civil law. A treatise which contains the whole of any science.
II Pandemic, incident to a whole people, epidemic.
§ Pandemonium, the assembly of fallen angels.
» Pantheism, the doctrine that the universe is God, or the system of
theology in which It is maintained that the universe is God.
t Pantheon, a temple or magnificeiit editice at Rome, dedicated to ali
the gods. It is now converted into a church.
4: Pantngi-aph, a mathematical instrument so formed as to copy any sort
of drawing or design. ti Pantomime, one that imitatesa// sortsof
actions and characters without speaking ; one that expresses his meaning
by mute action. The pantomimes of antiquity used to express in gestures
and action, whatever the chorus sung, changing their countenance and be-
haviour as the subject of the song varied. A scene or representation in
dumb show. A species of musical entertainment.
§ Pastorate, the office, state, or jurisdiction of a spiritual pastor.
pas'tor-like, or pas'turahle, a.
pas'iorly, a. -fpas'turage, n. unpas'loral, a.
"pas'ture, n. & v. repast', v. & n.
Passer, m. 3. a sparrow — pas'serm^, a.
Pass-US,, p.p. (a ^dXior), suffered, endured. (SeePatior.)
V ASS-US, m. 4. (« pandoj v. 3. to spread out or open),
a pace, a step : as, encoin'pass, to encircle or in-
close ; surpass', to pass beyond, to excel.
com'pass, n. & v. jsa'ced, a. past, a. & n.
coxn'passe^, a. pa'cev^ n. ^pas'fime, n.
coxn'passmg, a. pass., v. & n. repass', v.
cncooi'pass, v. pas'sahle, a. repas'sed, a.
encom'passed, a. pas'sahly, ad. repas'sing, a.
encom'passing, a. pas'sage, n. surpass'., v.
encoxn' passTCient,n. pas' sani, a. surjoas'^able, a.
ixnpas' sable, a. pas'senger, n. surpas'sed, a.
impas'sahly, ad. pas'ser, n. surpas'sing, a.
iin^as'sableness,n. pas'sing, a. surpas's\ngly, ad.
overpass', v. *tres'pass, v. & ii.
overpas'sed, or passless, a. tres'passer, n.
overpast', a. Ij^ipass' over, n. tre^'passmg, a.
pace, n. &. v. Wpass'^^ort, n. unpas'sahle, a.
Past-c7S, p.p. (a. pasco), fed. (See Pasco.)
Patell-a, f. I. a dish — patel'lihi'm,a. fpafen\ie,n.
* Pasture, food, the act of feeding, grass for the food of cattle ; ground
covered with grass appropriated for the food of cattle.
f Pasturage, the business of /ceding or grazing cattle, grazing ground;
lands grazed by cattle; the grass for food.
t Passover, a feast of the Jews, instituted to commemorate the provi-
dential escape of the Hebrews in Egypt, when God, smiting the first-born
of the Egyptians, passed over the houses of the Israelites, which were
marked with the blood of the paschal l^n-.b.
II Passport, a written license from a king or other proper authrTJty,
granting permission or safe conduct for one to pass through his territories,
or to pass from one country to another, or to navigate a particular sea
without hindrance or molestation.
§ Pastime, passing the time, sport, amusement, that which amuses or
serves to make time pass agreeably.
* Trespass, literally, to pass beyond ; hence primarily, to pass over the
boundary line of another's land ; to enter unlawfully upon the land of
another ; to commit any offence, or do any act that injures or annoys an-
other. In a moral sense, to transgress voluntarily any divine law or com-
mand ; to violate any known rule of duty ; to intrude, to go too far, to
put to inconvenience by demand or opportunity. j i'atellite, fossil
remains of the patella, a shell.
PAT 370 I' AT
Pat-eo (^rari4>), to tread, to icalk : as, patrol', to go
the rounds in a camp or garrison, — as a guard.
putrol\ or patrol' ling, a. •penpntet'ici^m, n.
patroll', n. & tu ^peT\pa(et'ic,a.Si.n. path, n.
Pate-0, v. 2. to he open : as, pat'ent, spreading or
opening ; open to the perusal of all.
putefac'don, n. putentee', n. pat'ent'ing^ a.
•fpat'ent, a. n. & v. pnt'enied, ct. p t'ulous, «.
Pater, tr-?*5, m. 3. {Trxrvj^, Trar^oi), a father : as, pot' -
rnnony, a right or estate inherited from one's fa-
ther or ancestors ; pa'triot, a lover of his country/.
anti/)a/riot'ic, a. ^pa'triarch, n. patris'ticai, a.
Jcompfl/^r'nity, Jt. ]jalriarch'a\, or :!^pa'iron, Tf
corr.pa'triot, n ^a, patri&xch'ic, a. pa'lror\ess, n.
expa'triate, v. pa'triarchate, or pal'ro?iage, n.
expa'triated, a. pa'triarchilup, n. pai'ronal, a.
exjoa/ria'tion, n. pa'triarchy^ n. pat'romze, v-
expa' Ir iating, a. -fpatrid'ein, a- >^- n. p'lt'roinzer, n.
impa'lronhe, v. pat'i-imony, n. pat'ro7i\zeA, a.
pat'tern, n. pntrh-no'r\\ai, a. pal'rGinzmg.) a.
Il/jar'ricide. n. pa.'?v"mo'nially, ad. pat^ro)iltss, a.
parrici'da], a. pa'triot, n. ^ a. patrcwym'ic,n. Sj^a.
parricid'ious, a. pa' trloii^m, n. Sop'aier, or
pater'naX, a. patriot'ic, a. Sosip'aier, n.
pater'nity, n, patris'tic, a, unpai'ronized, a.
%pa'ter-noi-ter, n. fath'er, n. & v. futh'erly, a.
* Peripatetic, see p. 43.
t Patent, a writinfj given by the king or the proper authojity, and duly
authenticated, granting a privilege to some person or persons.
t Conipaterniti/, the relation of a god-/'(^/it;- to the person for whom he
answers. | Parrictde, cue who kills or murders \i\s father, or the
killing or murder of a fatfier.
§ Paternoster, literally, onr father ; the Lord's prayer, — so called from
the two tirst words of it in Latin.
* Patriarch, the father or ruler of a family ; one who governs by pater-
nal right. It is usually applied to the progenitors of the Israelites, Abia-
hnm, Isaac, and Jacob, and tlie sons of Jacob, or to the lieads of fami-
lies before the flood, — as, the antediluvian patriarch".
t Pat'idan, senatorial, noble, not plebeian. This epithet is derived
from the Roman Patres, fathers, the title of Roman senators.
± Patron, among the Romans, a master who had freed his slave, and
retained some rights over him after his emancipation ; also, a man of dl»
Path-os (ttccSo?, a ■KoLO'y^u, to suffer), feeling : as, an-
iip'athj, a feeling against, or natural aversion ;
pathei' ic, affecting or moving the passions oy feel-
ings, — as of pity, sorrow, grief, &c.
&ni\p'athy, n. monop'athy, n. pntholog'ical, a.
antipathet'ic, a. pa'thos, n. patholog'icaWy, cd.
antipafhel'ical, a. pathet'ic, a. Sc n. pithoVogist, n.
eLntipathet'ica.\\y,ad.pathet'ica\, a. ||pa^^opoe'ia, n.
antip'athous, a. pa the i'icaWy, ad. sym'pathy, n.
*anthro-pop'aihy, n. pathet'\cdi\ms^, it. sympathetic, c
ap'athy, n. :^pnthog'nomy, n. %ympathet'icd\, a.
apathet'ic, a. pathognomoiVic, a. sympathet'ical\y,ad>
honiceop'athy, n. pithoVogy, n. sym'pathize, v.
hydvop'athy, n. patholog'ic, a. nnpathet'ic, a.
•\&\x'pathyy n.
PATiBUL-t/3f_, n. 2. (a pateo, v. 2. to be opened or ex-
posed), a cross, a gibbet or gallows — patib'ulary, a.
Pati-or, v. dep. 3. to suffer, to endure, to bear : as
com/?a55i'on, di feeling or suffering with another ;
pas'siYQ, suffering, not active ; pa'ti&nt, endurmg
or bearing evils without murmuring.
coxn.passi'on, n. disjoas^i'on, n. ixnpassihWiiy, n.
disjoassi'oned, a. irapassi'on, v.
dispas^i'onate, o. imjoasi-i'oned, a.
com/jassi'onate, a. dX^pass'\.'onaiQ\y,ad.\vnpass\.'onaiQ,a&iv.
& V. exapassVon, v. impas's'wQ, a.
covnpassVonaitly, empassV onaie, a. impas^sively, ad.
compassi'onateness,'unpas'sible, a. imjoas'sivenessj n.
imjoa*'«ibleness, n. impassiv'ity, n.
tinction under whose protection another placed himself: Hence one who
countenances, supports, and protects either a person or a work. In canon
or common law, one who has the gift and disposition of a benefice ; an
advocate ; a defender ; one that specially countenances and supports^ or
lends aid to advance, — as patrons of virtue.
* Anthropopathy, the affections of man, or the application of human
passions to the Supreme Being. f Eupathy, right feeling,
± Pathognomy, expression oi the passions j the science of the signs by
ivhich human passions are indicated.
li Pathopoeia, the rising of a passion; in rhetoric, a method by which
iise mind is moved to anger, hatred, pity, ^r.
2 1 2
impa'tience, n. passihil'ity, n. /j/iA-'Aiveness, n.
impu'tient^a. *passVon, n. passiv'iiy^ n.
im/jrtVJently, ad. -^-passVomry, n.
incompasi'i'on, 7i. pas/i'onate, a. pn'tieMce, n.
incomjoa5si'onate,a /ja^si'onately, ad. jia'lient, a. & n.
incomjoassi'onatelyjjoawi'onateness, n. pa'tiently, ad.
incom/fa^si'onate- pas^i'onless, a.
ness, n. passi'onzd, a.
pas'si\Ae, a. pas'sive, a. unimpassVoned, ci.
jac^'^ibleness, n. pas'siseiy^ ad.
Patri-a,/. 1. (ft pater), one^s native country. (See Pater.)
FaucIj a. few — pau'city, n. pauciMof^^, n.
Pauper,, a. poor : as, AQpau'perdXQ, to make poor ;
pau'perhm, the state of being poor.
I^dispau'per, v. impov'erishcT, n. poor, a,
depau'perate, v. impov'erishment, ii.poor'ly, ad. Si. a
depau' per ated, a. impov'erhhad, a, poor'ness, n.
dtpau'peratiug, a. ixnpov'erhhing, a. poor-spir^ited, a.
empov'erish, or pau'per, n. poor-spir'itednes^,
impov'erish, v. pau'perism, n. pov'eriy, n.
VxY-0,dT\.-is,m. ^. a peacock — \\pa'vOyn. pnv'on'me,a.
Tax, ipac-is, f. 3. peace : as, pac'ify, to moke peace,
to appease J to quiet; appease', to make quiet, to
calm ; pacific, peace-makmg, mild, gentle ; also,
an ocean.
appease', v. appea'sahle, a. appea'sive, a.
appeas'ed, a. appea'sahlene&s, n. impa'cahls, a.
appea'ser, n. appeasc'vatni, lu
* Passion, suffering; emphatically, the last suffering of the Saviour;
the f€eliracifica'tion, n. peace'ahlene^s, n. nupeace'ahle, a.
pacifica'tor, n. peace' -hreakei, n. unj9^ace''ableness, n.
paciVicatoxy, a. peace'fnl, a. unpacif'ic, a.
pac'iRtd, a. peace'fully, ad. unoac'ified, a.
pac'iPier, n. peace'fiilries^, n. nnpeace'inl, a.
Pecc-0^ v. 1. to do wrovcj, to sin : as, pec'cahle, liable
to^ or that may s{7i.
impec'cahle, a. -^peccadil^o, n. pec'cancy, n.
impeccahil'ity, n. pec'cahle, a. pec'cant, a.
impec'caucy, n. peccabiX'iiy , n.
Pect-Oj v. 3. {TTiicrica), to comb, to dress: as^ pec'ti-
??al^ belonging to, or resembling a comb.
pec'iliicite, or pectina'tion, n.
pec'tinai, a. pec'tinated, a. ^pec'tinite, 7i.
Pect-C7S_, QY~is, n. 3. the breast : as, expec'torate, to
eject from the breast or lungs.
expec'iorate, v. expectora'lion, n. pec'toral, a. & n.
ex/:cc7o?-ated, a. expec'torative, a. \\Tpax'apei, n.
expec'torating, a. expec'ioraut,a. Sin. in pet'io. u.
PECULI-L^3fj n. 2. (a pecu, cattle), the stock or money
which a son with the consent of his father, or a
slave with the consent of his master, had of his
own ; hence, private projjerti/, what is oiie's own.
pecu'liar, a. pecu'liarize. v.
pecu'liaily, ad. pecuUax'iiy, n.
* Pacific, the appellation given to the ocean situate between America on
the west, and Asia,— so called on account of its exemption from violent
t Peccadillo, a slight trespass or offence; a petty crime or fault ; alFO, a
sort of stiff ruff. % Pectinite, a fossil pecten, scallop or a shell-
fish, or scallop petrified. _ Parapet, literally, a wall or rampart
to the breast, or brea»t-n\gii ; but in practice, a wall, rampart, or eleva-
tion of earth, for covering soldiers from an enemy'f shot.
PecuL-or, v. dep. 1. (« pecii, n. 4. cattle), to steal or
embezzle the public goods or monei/.
pec'ulate, v. pecula'tioxi, n. pec'ulator, n.
Pecuni-^j/. 1. (ct pecu, cattle), money,
pecu'niavy, a.
Pedi-^ {TTxi^eicc, ^ TXi?, Tccti^oi, a child), learning :
a.s, ped'ant, a schoolmaster, or one who makes a
vain display of his learning ; jt?e(/obap'tism, the
baptism of infants or of children.
'cyclope'dia, or peda.gog'ica.1, a. pedan'ticaMy^ ad.
cyclopedc', n. ped'.agogy, n. ped'antize, v.
encyclope'dia, or ped'agogism, n. ped'antry, n.
encyclope'dy, n. ped'ant, n. pedoha^'iism., n.
•\ped'agogyjiQ, n. & v. pedan'iic, a. pedohap'tist, n.
pedagog'ic, a. pedan'tical, a.
Pelag-us, n. 2. the sea : as^ pel'agiG, of the sea.
"^Archipelago, n. \^pela'git>xiy n. & a. pela'gianhm, n.
pel'ag'ic, a.
Pelecan {viXiKctv), pelican, a large bird — %pel'tcan,n.
* Cyclopedia or Encyclopedia, the circle or compass of the arts and
sciences ; circle of human knowledge, a general system of instrtt-ction or
knowledge. Hence, the book or books that contain treatises on every
branch of the arts and sciences, arranged under proper heads, in alphabe-
tical order, — as the Encyclopedia Britannica.
t Pedagogue, a teacher of children ; one whose occupation is to instruct
young children ; a schoolmaster ; a pedant.
± Archipelago, in a general sense, a sea interspersed with many isles ; but
particularly the sea which separates Europe from Asia on the south-east, —
so named, probably, because being the greatest sea which the ancient Greeks
were accustomed to navigate, — otherwise called the Mgezn sea. It contains
the Grecian isles, called Cyclades and Sporades.
D Pelagian, pertaining to the sea. Also a follower of Pelagius, a monk
of Bangor, a native of Great Britain, who, in the latter part of the fourth
century, or at the beginning of the fifth, formed his schism. He denied
original sin, and maintained the doctrine of free will and the merit of
good works. § Pelican, a large bird. There are two sorts of
pelicans ; one lives upon the water, and feeds upon fish ; the other keeps
in deserts, and feeds upon serpents and other reptiles ; the pelican has a
peculiar tenderness for its young ; it generally places its nest upon a craggy
rock : the pelican is supposed to admit its young to suck blood from its
breast. — Calmet. A glass vessel used by chemists ; ^mtten aJso pellicane
and pelecan.
Fell-iS;, /. 3. a skiji or JiiJe.
*pelisse', n. "^P^^h '^' Xpel'licXe, n.
Pell-o, v. 1. (obs.) to cally to name: -as, Sippel^lative,
pertaining to a common name ; aippella'tiou, name.
a-ppeal', v. & n. \\a-ppellee', n. *mit\pella't\ox\, n.
apjoea/'able, a. a^pella'tion, n. irrejoea/'able, a.
aTppel'lativc,a.Si.n. iirepeal'ahly, axL
ppjoeaJ'er, n. a\rpel'lui').ve\y, ad. xapeal'^ v Si n,
Rytpeal'ed, a. ai^pel'latory, a. unap/jgff/'able, a.
appeal'ing, a. ^n-ppcllor', ?i. unrepeal-'edy «.
appel'lavit, n. & a.
Pell-0, v. 3. to drive, to strike^ : as, compel' , to drive
together, or tcrc/e with force ; dispel' y to drive asun-
der, to disperse ; expzd'&ion, the act oi driving out ;
repel' lent, drivmg back.
•\a\>pulse', or "^compella'ilony n. depul'siou, n.
apjD7.'sion, n. depul'soiy, a.
apjow/'^ive, a. covnpul'satory, or dispel', v.
cloud.com/jer/ing, compul'sative, a. dispel'led, a.
cloud-disjt>«r/ing,a com/>u/'.sa^ively, ad dispei'l'mg, a. &. n.
compel', V. compul'siou, n. expel', v.
coroptl'led, a. compul'sive, a. expel lihle, a.
compei'ling, a. compul'shely, ad. expel'led, a.
compeVler, n. com/mZ'«iveness, n. expel' kr, n.
compel' l'\h\e, a. coxnpul'soTy, a. expel'ling, a.
compel'lihly, ad. compul'sonly, ad. expulse', v.
* Pelisse, originally, a furred robe or coat ; but the name is now given to
a silk coat or habit worn by ladies.
+ Pell, a skin or hide. In England, clerk of the pells, an ofTicer of the
exchequer who enters every teller's bill on the par':hment rolls, the roll of
receipts and the roll of disbursements, + Pellicle, a thin skin or Jilm.
II Appellee, the defendant in an appeal v the person who is appealed ot
prosecuted by a private man for a crime.
§ Appellor, the person who institutes an appeal, or prosecutes another fo*
a crime. This word is rarely or never used for the plaintiff in appeal {ror^
a lower court, who is called the appellant. Appellee is opposed both 1>
appellant and appellor. * Interpellation, a summons, a citation
interruption ; an earnest address, intercession,
I Appulse or Appulsion , the act of driving to, or striking agaitjst ; — a
in all consonants there is an appulse of the organs.
± Compellation, literally, the act of sendi7ig or driving out the void
style or manner of addiess, the word of salutation.
expul'slon, n. -propel' I'mg, a. repel'lent,n. 8i,a.
expul'sive, a. pToptilsa'iion, n. repel'ler, n.
impel', V. repel' lency, n.
impel'led, a. propnl'siorx, n. repel'l'mg, a.
impel'lextt,a.&.n. * pulse, n. repuhe', n. &v.
impel'ler, n. puls'atc, a. rejDw/s'ed, a.
impel'ling, a. puln'alile, a. repuls'er, n.
im'pulse, n. puls'atise, a. repuls'mg, a.
mipul's.or, n. pulsa'tion, n. repul'sion, n.
impul'sive, a. &. tu puls'atory, a. repuls'ive, a.
impul'sively, ad. pulsif'ic, a. iepuls'i\eness, n.
peal, n. & v, repuls'ory, a.
propel', V. repel', v. uncoxnpel'led, a.
propel'led, a. rep£l'led, a, uncomper/ible, a.
Pelv-js, /. 3. (« pedum levatione, Varro), a basin.
■\ pel' vis, n.
Pend-eOjv. 2. to hang: as, depend' ent,hangvi\gdiOvmy
subject to the power of, at the disposal of; Joe?^'-
«ilej hangmg, suspended.
append', v. a.ppend'aut,a.8cn. append'ing, a.
\\append'age, n. ^append'icle, n.
append'ed, a. 'append'ix, n.
* Pulse or Pulsation, in animals, the beating or throbbing of the heart
and arteries, in the process of carrying on the circulation of the blood.
The blood being propelled by the contraction of the heart, causes the ar-
teries to dilate, so as to render each dilatation perceptible to the touch in
certain parts of the body, — as, in the radial art&ry, &c. More particular-
ly, the pulse is the sudden dilatation of an artery, caused by the projectile
force of the blood, which is perceptible to the touch. Hence we say, to
feel the pulse. The pulse is frequent or rare, quick or slow, equal or un-
equal, regular cr intermitting, hard or soft, strong or weak, &c. The
pulses of an adult in health are little more than one pulse to a second ; in
certain fevers, the numbering is increased to 90, 10(», or even to 140 in a
minute. The stroke with which a medium is affected by the motion of
light, sound, &c. ; oscillation; vibration. To feel one's pulse, metaphysi-
cally, to sound one's opinion ; to try or to know one's mind. Pulse, lite-
rally, beaten out as seeds; leguminous plants or their seeds ; the plants
whose pericarp is a legume or pod, — as, beans, peas, &c.
f Pelvis, the cavity of the body forming the lower part of the abdomen.
H Appetidage, something added to a principal or greater
thing, though not necessary to it,— as, a portico to a house.
§ Appendicle, a small appendix. * Appendix, plur. appendixes,
(the Latin plur. is appendices), aomeihing appended or added ; an adjunct
concomitant, or appendage ; more generally, a supplement or sho) t treat ii6
added to a book
depend', v. pend'ing, a.
depend'er, n.
depend'mg, a. •fpend'iclum, n.
depend' euce, n. pend'ulous, a.
depend'ency, n. pend'ulousnes»,n.
depend'ent, a. Sen- pendulos'ity, n.
equipend'encj, n. pen'sWe^ a.
impend', v. pen'si\ene%5, n.
iropend'ing, a. ijiperjoent/'icle, n.
irapend'ence, n. perpendic'ular, a.
impend'ency, n. & w.
^topense', a.
■propense'nes!^, n.
■pTopen'sion, n.
^ipTopens'ity, n.
*&uspend', v.
suspend'ed, a.
suspend'er, n.
susjo^nrf'ing, a.
suspense', n.
suspens'ih\e, a.
suspensibWity, n.
suspen' sion, n.
independ'ently, ad. ■perpendiculaY'hy,n suspens'ive^ a.
suspens or, n.
&Vi?,pens'ory, a.&n.
uTidepend'ing, a,
"fyilipend', v.
independ'ence, n. \\-pTepense', a.
independ'ency, n.
*pend'ant, n. ■pTopend' v.
pend'evice, n.
pend'ency, n.
pend'entj a.
Pend-Oj v. 3. to weigh, to lay out ; to pay : as_, dis
pensa'tion, the act of weighmg or dealing out to
different persons or places ; Qif.pend', to lay out^ to
use^ to spend; to waste.
"^com'pend, or coxapend'iQw%\ie%s,n
conxpend'iwxa., n. nampend'iow^, a.
.ZQvapend'iow'^y ,ad. \^(io\i\' pensaXe, v.
* Pendant, a jewel hanging in the ear ; any thing hanging by way of or-
nament; when it signifies a small flag in ships, it is pronounced Pennant.
t Pendulum, a vibrating body suspended from a fixed point, or any
weight hung so as that it may easily swing backwards and forwards, — as,
the pendulum of a clock. The oscillations of a pendulum depend on gra-
vity, ?Jid are always performed in nearly equ;' times, supposing the length
of the pendulum and the gravity to remain the same.
% Perpendicle, something hanging down in a direct line ; a plumb line.
I! Prepense, preconceived, premeditated. § Propens^ity, a hang-
ing forward, bent of mind, natural or acquired; inclination ; in amoral
sense, a'/67>o«?ew/', f.
x&c'ompenseA, a.
rec'QmpeiLsms-, o.
nnexpens'ives a.
com'/)en*ated, a. 6.\%pense\ v. Sen.
com'pensat'xn^^ a. ddspens'eA, a.
compensa't'ion, it. dis;;^«i'er, «.
compcns'at'we^a. disjO(?»^'ing) a.
coni/K^//s'a/ory, a. expend'^ v.
eii.pend'iiure, n.
compense', v. expenae') n-.
Aypeiid', V.
Ahpens'ahXs, a. exp^Ms^less, a.
disjDc/iry'er, n. ex/JCTis'ive. a.
disJoe/^i'ableness,7^. exjtj^ns'ively, ad.
*dihpens'ary, n. ex;7e?zs'iveness, n.
Ahpensa't'ion, n. indispe/i^'able, a.
dispeusn'iOT, n. indis/j^n.f'ably, ad. unexpend^ed, a.
•f-dis/;en5'a^ory,?i.&a.indisj9^n«''ableness, undispens'ed. a.
di»pens'ative, a. :!^pen'si\e, a. unjjen'sioued, u.
dispens'aiively, ad. pen'si\ely, ad.
pEN-E, adv. ahnost : as, penult', the last syllahle of a
word Ijut one ; jcx^^zin'sula, almost an island,
ante/'fnult', n. ^enin'sulate, v.
antejt)e;iult'imate,a. joe/iin'sulated, a. joenult'lmate, a.
•joenin'sula, n. ^^/tin'sulating, a. preante/)^nuk'i-
pe/Ain'sular, a. penxiX\.\ n. mat^, a.
Penetr-0;, v.\. (a penitus intrare), to pierce or e;<^er
«2fo .• as, \n\pen' eti-siW^, that cannot be pierced,
vcnpen' elra\At, a. peneira\yi\'\.\.y ., n. pen'etrut'we, a.
impen'etrah]y,ad. pen'eirancy, n.
impen'etrahleness, peu'elrant^ a.
impenetrahiVity, ri.pen'elrnte, v.
pen'etrahle, a. penetra'dovs, n.
pen'elrativenesSy n.
jyen'etrated) a.
pen'elrat'mg, a.
unpen'elrahle, a.
* Dispensar!/, a house, place, or store, in which medicines are dispensed
to the poor, and medical advice given, gratis. + Dispensatory, a
book containing the method of preparing various kinds of medicines used in
pharmacy, or containing directions for the composition of medicines, with
the proportions of the ingredients, and the methods of preparing them.
% Pensive, literally, thoughti\x\ ; employed in serious study or reflection j
but it often implies some degree of sorrow, anxiety, depression, or gloom
of mind; thoughtful and^ad ox surroivinl. (1 Peipe?id, to iveigh
in the mind ; to consider ,ttentively. § RECompe7)se, to pay back,
to compensate ; to make return of an equivalent for any thing given, done,
or suffered,— as, to recom; ,nse a. person fcr services, for fidelity, or for
eacrifices of time, for loss or damages. To requite, to repay.
« Peninsula, a portion of kind connected with a continent by a narrow
neck of land or isthmus, but almoit or nearly surrounded with water.
pENiT-Eo/or P(ENiT-Eo, v. 2. (a poena, /. 1. pairii
punishment), to re2)e)2t, to he sorry qx grieved : as,
Ympen' it^vX, not repent'mg of sin, of a hard heart ;
pe'nal, belonging to punishment.
imperi'itence, 11. pains'taking, a. repent'lng, n-Sta.
impen'itency, n. pe'nal, a. xepenl'ingly, ad.
impen'iient,a. &n. *pen'alty, n. rspenl'ance, n.
impen'itently^ad. -fpen'ance, n. repent'a.nt, a. & n.
iTTepen'ta,nce, n. pen'itence, n. Tepent'cr, n.
pain., n. pen'iiency, n. Wsuhpce'na, n. & v.
pain'fnl, a. pen'itent, a. &. n. unpen'iteut, a.
pain'^nWy, ad. pen'itenily, ad.
pain'fulueHS, n. joe«i/en'tialj a. & n. unrejo^n/'ant, a.
pcir/less, a. penitQX\'i\st.xy,n.6%.a.\xnTtpent'e.a., a.
pang^ n, & t\ "^repent', v. uaxepent'ing, a.
Penn-^, /. 1. a feather y a wing: as, \v(\pen' now^y
wanting wings ; hipen^naXe, having two witigs.
hipen'na.te, a. pen'nate, a. pen'neT, n.
impe7b'no\x?,, a. jjen'nated, a. jen'nmg, n.
pen, n. pen'ntd, a. pen'iiUoxm, a:
Pens-[7S, p. p. (« pendeo), huf?g. (See Pendeo.)
Pens-us,/).j9 (a-pendu),weiffhed,considered,paid. SeePendo.
PENT-f; (7eiVTi),Jice: as, jo^^ztocap'sular, having y^i;^
capsules or seed-vessels; pentaT^et'slous, having
Jive petals or flowerJeaves.
* Penaltj/, the suffering in person or property, which is annexed by law
or judicial decision to the commission of a crime, offence, or trespass, — as
a punishment, A fine is a pecuniary penalty. The usual penalties inflict-
ed 0:i the person, axe whipping, cropping, branding, imprisonment, hard
labour, transportation, or death. The suffering to which a person subjects
himself by covenant or agreement, in case of non-fulfilment of his stipu-
lations; the forfeiture, or sum to be forfeited for non-payment, or for
non-compliance with an agreement : — as, the penalty of a bond.
f Penance, the suffering, labour, or pain to which a person voluntarily
Bubjeits himself, or which is imposed on him by authority as a punishment
for his faults, or as an expression of penitence, — such as fasting, fiagi'lla-
tion, wearing chains, Sfc. Penance is one of the seven sacraments of the
Romish church ; repentance.
% Repent, to feel pain, sorrow, or regret for somethinjj done or spoken.
A person repents only of what he himself has done or said
II Subpcena, a writ commanding •'b: ::.LLeaudnce in court of the person oa
whom it is served ; — as, witnessta, &c.
2 K
386 PEN
*f>en'tachoTd, n. -^pen'lagyn, n. pentaYthyl lous, a.
•Ypen'tacoccous, a. pentngyn'ian, a. %pen'taTchy, n.
ipenUcTOs'tic,a.&^n.1l;:pentahe'dron,n. *pen'taspast, n.
||;?e«/adac'tyl, n. penta\\e'dra\, or pentas^erm'o\x%, a.
%pe}c'tagon, n. pentahe' dro\x%, a. pen'tastyle, lu
/^en/ag'onal, or pentam'eier,n.SLa. -fpeyi'taatich, n.
penta g'onous, a. \\pe}itan'der, n. +/;e?i'/ateuch, n.
*pen'tagra.ph, n. peyitan' dxiar\, a. \\pen'teco%ty n.
^en^agraph'ic, a. pentan'gMlax, a. penteco^'is^-j a.
j?e«iagraph'ical, a. pe/i^apet'alous, a.
Penuri-j, /. 1. want, scarcity.
pen'ury, n. penu'riously, ad. pe7iu'riousness, n.
penu'rious, a.
Pept-os (TTiTrrog, h 'kztcto), to boil), boiled, concocted,
digested: as, pep' tic, promoting digestion.
^apep'sy, n. dyspep'i'ic, a, eupep'tic, a.
dys^pep'sy, n. *ev\pep'sy, n. pep'tic, a.
* Pentachord, an instrument of music with^i'C strings.
\ Fentncoccous (a coccus, in. 2. a berry, the shrub of the purple grain)^
having or containing y?i'e grains or seeds, or having five united shells with
one seed in each.
X Pentacro.stjf, a set cf verses so disposed as to have^ue acrostics of the
same name in five divisions of each verse.
II Pentadactyl, a plant called ^'t'e fingers; also, the ^ve-fingered fish.
§ Pentagim, in geometry, a figure of five sides and^jye angles; in forti-
fication, a fort with five bastions.
* Pentagruph, an instrument for drawing figures in any proportion at
pleasure, or for copying or reducing a figure, plan, print, &c. to any de-
sired size. "t^ Pentagyn, in botany, a plant hz.\mgfive pistili
X Pentahedron, a figure having ^t'e equal sides.
U Pentander, a plant havingj?re stamens.
§ Pentarchi', a government in the hands of five persons.
* Pentaspast, an engine with five pulleys.
] Pentnstich, a composition consisting of five verses,
X Pentateuch, the first^ve books of the Old Testament-
II Pentecost, a solemn /e*ei'alous, or
dipel'alous, a.
ntonopei'ulo\.\s, a.
octopei'alous, a.
pentdpei'alona, a.
pei'al, M.
pet'alism, n.
pet'aicd, or
pei'alons, a.
pet'aline, a.
"fei'alite, n.
"fpet'aloid, a.
pet'al- shaped, a.
:}:plani/;^^'a/ous, a.
polypei'alovLSj a.
tupet'alons, a.
tetrapet'alo\xs, a.
Petit, «. (Pr.) little, small : as, petty, little, inferior,
pel'licoat, n. pet'ty, a. underjoe/Vicoat, n.
Wpel'iifoggeT, n. pet' tineas., n.
Pet-o, v. 3. to seek, to ask : as, ai^'petence, a seeking
to, desire ; compete', to seek or strive for the same
thing as another; petition, a seeking, request
supplication qy prayer.
ap'pe'/ence, n.
ap7>^^ency, n.
ap'/JSif'ent, a.
ap'pelVaXo., a.
apjo^/ibil'ity, n.
§ap'j)e^ite. n.
ap'petitive, a.
a\ypeiize, v.
ceutrip'etal, a.
*compat'ih\e, or
compet'ihle, a.
compat'ihly, ad.
cova'petence, n.
com'petency, n.
covn'peient, a.
com'petenily, ad.
competiti'on, n.
comjo^^'ibleness, n. coxnpet'itor, n.
compalihiVity, n. coxi\pel'itxt%%, n.
compete', v. compet'itory, a.
compe'ting, a. -finVpetus, n.
* Pctalite, a rare mineral occurring in mosses, having a foliated struc-
ture ; its colour milk-white, or shaded with gray, red, or green. The new
alkali, lithia, was first discovered in this mineral.
t Petaloid, having the form o£ petals ox flo%ver-leaves.
% Planipetalous, fiat-leaved. || Pettifog-ger, an inferior at-
torney or lawyer who is employed in small or meati business.
§ Appetite, literally, a seeking to ; the natural desire of pleasure or
good ; the desire of gratification, either of the body or of the mind. Aii-
petites are passions directed to general objects, — as, the appetite for fame,
glory, or riches ; in distinction from passions directed to some particular
objects, which retain their proper name,— as the passion of love, envy, or
gratitude. Passion does not exist without an object ; natural appetites ex-
ist first, and are then directed to objects. A desire of food or drink ; a
painful sensation occasioned by hunger or thirst ; strong desire. Appetites
are natural or artificial. Hunger and thirst are natural appetites ; the ap'
petites for tobacco, snuff, &c. are artificial.
* Compatible or competible, literally, that may be sought with, consist-
ent, that may exist with, suitable.
f Impetus, literally, a seeking or rushing on, force of motion ; the force
with which any body is driven or impelled ; the force with which one body
in motion strikes another.
2 K 2
PET 390 PiiA
Imptf/'uons, o. incom'jpe/ent, a. repeat', v.
imj^c^'Mously, ad. Incom'pe/ently, ad. repeat'er, n.
irajof/'uousuess, n. petiti'on, n. &. v. repeat' pA, a.
impetuo^'iiy^ n. petitVoneT, n. xepeal'e^Xy, ad.
inap'pe^ence, n. peiitVon^ry, a. repeat'ing, a.
ina.Tp'petency, n. peiiti'onarily, ad. lepeter.d', n.
incom/jrt/'jble, a. pefAtionee', n. repetition, n.
incompat'ih\y, ad. petitV ovimg, a.&.7i.
incom/ja^ibirity, 71. repelitVonary, a.
incom'petency^ n.
Petr-^, /. 1. (Ti-ir^x), a rock J a stone: as, petrifac' -
tion^ the process of changing into stone.
Pe'ter, n. petri^&c'i'ion, ti. petro'leum, n. ^
pe'ire, n. p(^trifac'ti\e, a. petrol' ogy, n.
petres'cence, n. petriRca,'tion, n. -j-p^^Vosilex, n.
petres'ceBt, a. petrii'ic, a. /Je/rosilici'ous, a.
petre'an, a. pe'trons, a. ^^ialtpe'tre, n.
pet'rify, v. "pe'irol, or unjtj^^Vified, a.
pet'rivxed, a.
PETR-oybr Patr-Oj v. 1. (o pater), to comynit, to efect
to act in an ill sense.
^er'pei7'ate, v. ^er'peti-atox, n. per'petrat'mg, a,
■perpetra'lion, ». -psr' petratsd, a. im'petratey v.
PetulanSj nt-iSj a. saucij, wanton.
pet'uhnt, a. pet'uldXice, ». pet'iddncy, n.
pet'ulantly, ad.
Phag-0 {(pxyu), to eat: as, anthropoj9/i'«yi_, vaQn-eaters,
cannibals ; phageden'ic, eating or conWing flesh.
IJacridopA'a^us, n. authxo-poph'ag\,n. §ichthyo/?^'fir_g'y, to.
&ndiroph'ag\xs, 11, &xii\ixo^oph'agy^ n. ichthyopA'a^ous, a.
anihroY)oph'agous,a.phagedeJi'ic, a.&Ln.
* Petrol or Petroleum, rock oil, a liquid inflammable substance, or bitu-
men, exuding from tlie earth, and collected on the surface of the water
in wells in various parts of the world, or oozing from cavities in rocks.
This is essentially composed of carbon and hydrogen.
+ Petroxilex, rovkstone or flint. % Saltpetre, a neutral salt formed
by the nitric acid in combination with potash, and hence denominatcc) n»-
trata of potash. It is found native in the East Indies, in Spain, in Naplsi,
and other places.
I Aeridt>phafv-» {ab i.»,»i(, -i^»t< « loeuat), an eater of locust*.
I lehthyophagy, the practice of eating fiih.
•sarcop/i'a^}', n. -f&aTCoph'agvis, n. X^croph'agy, n.
sarco/?A'a^ous, a.
Phalanx, g-is,f.3. {(pxAayl), a troop of men ar^
ranged in close Jiles.
Wphal'anx, n. phal'angite, n. ^phalan'gious, a.
Phan-o or Phen-o ((poiivwj d (pau, to enlighten j to say or
telV), to appear^ to bring to light, to show : as, pheno-
menoVogy, a description or history o^ phenomena ;
iproph^ecy, a fore?e//ing, pre^/c7ion ; preaching,
aut'iinopk'et, n. diB.phan'\c, a. fan'ciful, a.
•apoj»/i'o«is, n. diaphane'ity, n. /an'cifully, ad.
axch])Toph'et, n. txn'phas'i^, n. yan'cifulness, n.
hl-d&'phemy, n. era'phasize, v. fan'cying, a.
blaspheme', v. emphat'ic, a. hi'erophant^ n.
Wa&phe'mQX, n. ^mphat'ical, a. ||joAa7i7asra, or
'b\a%phe''mmg,ji&ia.exi\phat'ica\\y, ad. /ara'/asm, n.
blasjoAemous, a. -f-epijoA'any, n. phantas'ticj or
hlas' phemoufily, ad. XGu'phemhui, n. /an/as'tic, a.
diaph'anous, a. fan'cied, a. />Ao7tfas'tical, or
* SarcopJwgy, the practice of eating flesh.
\ Sarcophagus, a species of stone used among the ancient Greeks in their
tculptures, v;hich was so called, because it consumed the flesh of bodies
deposited in it within a few weeks. Hence a stone coflfin or grave, in which
the ancients deposited bodies which they chose not to burn.
jj; Xervphagv, the eat'mg of dry meats,— a sort of feast among the primi-
tive Christians.
II Pkttlanr, in Grecian antiquity, a square battalion or body of soldiers,
forjiied in ranks and files close and deep, witli their shielils joined, and
pikes crossing each other, so as to render it almost impossible to break it.
The Macedonian vhnlana-, celebrated for its fonn, consisted of 8'X)0 or
16,00() men ; but smaller bodies of soldiers were called by the same name.
Any body of troops or men formed in close array. § Phalangious, per'
taining to the genus of spiders denominated (focXttyytev; phalangium.
* Apophasis, in rhetoric, a waving or omission of what one, speaking
ironically, would plainly insinuate, — as, " 1 will not mention another ar-
gument, whichj however, if I should, you could not refute."
■f Epiphany, a Christian festival celebrated on 6th Jan. the 12th day after
Christmas, in commemoration of the appearance of our Saviour to the
wise men or philosophers of the east who came to adore him with presents ;
or of the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. The Greek fathers use
the word for the appearance of Christ in the world, the sense in which
Paul uses the word, 2 Tim. i. 10.
X Euphemism, in rhetoric, a figure in which a harsh or indelicate moid
or expression is softened, or rather by which a delicate word or expression
n suhstituled for one which is offensive to good manners, or to delicate cais.
\ Phantasm or fantasm, Phantasy or fancy, Phantom or fa mom, that
/an/as'tical, fl. \\phenogani'[a.x], a. prophel'ics.}, a.
pha}ila.s'tic-A\\y,or phenomenoVogy, pro/'^g^'ically, ad.
/an^as'tically, ad. ^phenom'enou, it. Ytioph'ei-Vike, a.
phuntem'ticsiiiiesSyOr *pTo'phasis, n.
/an^as'ticalness, n. Y>roph'ecy, n. pseudopro/j/i'g/, n.
phantom, or iproph'esy, v. -fsyc'D/'haHt, n.
fan' lom, n. -proph'esied, a. sycophait't'ic, a.
phan'tasy, or lyroph'esier, n. sy cop h an' tical, a.
*fan'cy, n. •proph'esy\ng,a.Sin.&yc'ophancy, n.
■fphce'lon, n. ^troplt'et, n. syc'ophanlize, v.
^phase^ or proph'e(es,s, rt. syc'ophantry, n.
pha'sisj n. prophet'ic, a. \india.ph'anous, a.
Pharisees (« 0*13, to separate), a sect of the Jeics.
XPhar'isee, n. pharisa'ic, a. pharisa'ic2^.nt%%, n.
pharise'an, a. pharisa'ical, a. j^hai i^aism, n.
which appears to the mind, the image of an external object, — hence an
idea or notion. It usually denotes a vain or airy appearance, a spectre or
apparition. * Fancy, the facul ty by which the mind forms images or repre-
sentations of things at pleasure. It is often used as synonymous with ima-
^ituition i but imagination is rather the power of combining and modify-
ing our conceptions Stewart. An opinion or notion ; taste, conception,
image, thought; inclination, liking; caprice, humour, whim.
t Phcpton, in mythology, the son of Phoebus and Clymene, or of Cepha-
lus and Aurora, that is, the son o{ light or of the sun. This aspii ing youth
begged of Phoebus that he would permit him to guide the chariot of the
sun, in doing which he manifested want of skill, and being struck with a
thunderbolt by Jupiter, he was hurled headlong into the river Po. This
fable probably originated in theappearanceof a corned with a splendid train,
which passed from the sight in the north-west of Italy and Greece. An
open carriage like a chaise, on four wheels, and drawn by horses. In or-
nithology, a genus of fowls, the tropic bird.
^ Phase or Phasis, an appearance; appropriately, any appearance or
quantity of illumination of the moon cr other planet.
II Phenogamian, in botany, having the essential organs of fructification
visible. § Phenomenon, an appearatice, any thing visible; whatever
is presented to the eye by observation or experiment, or whatever is dis-
covered to exist,— as, the phenomena of the natural world ; the phenomena
of the heavenly bodies, or of terrestrial substances ; the phenomena of heat
or of colour. It sometimes denotes a remarkable or unusual appearance.
* Prophasis, in medicine, prognosis; foreknowledge of a disease.
+ Si/cophnnt, originally, an informer against those who stole figs, or ex-
ported them contrary to law, &c. Hence in time it came to signify a tale-
bearer, or informer in general ; hence, a parasite, a mean flatterer, espe-
cially of princes or great men ; hence a deceiver, an impostor. Its most
general use is in the sense of an obsequious flatterer or parasite.
X Pharisee, one of a sect among the Jews, whose religion consisted in n
strict observance of rites and ceremonies, and of the traditions of the eld-
ers, and whose pretended holiness led them to separate themselves as •
sect, conslderijig themselves as more righteous than other Jews.
piiA 39;^ FHa
Phar.m Ac-oA'(^«:,f i'.ftjKov), a medicine or drug : QB,phar^
tJiaceif't'icS) the science or art of preparing medicines,
*a\exiphar'mic,a8i.npharmaceu'liC3X\y, phar'macovy, n.
pharmaceu'lics, n. jjJiarmacoVogy, n. pharmaco-p'oYist, n.
pharmaceu' tic, a, pharynacoY oght, n. '^phar'macy, n.
pharmaceu't\cdl,a. -fpharmaco-pce'ia, or
Pharynx, iig-o*- {(px^vyl, yo-,), thegidlct,the wind-pipe,
Wpharyngoi'omy, n. pha'njnx, n.
Phenix ('poivil), ike fabidous bird which is supposed
to exist single, and to rise again from its own ashes;
also, the palm-tree ; red.
phe'nijp, n, Phenic'iAU, a- Sin. SyTO-phenic'ian,a.
Pheriic'ia, n.
Fke'n-o {(pxiv(-}),to sat/,to tell ; to appear. {SeePhano.)
Fhern-e {(Pi^vi), a (pi^cj, to h'ing), the dowry qx other
property brought by the wife — ^^^^x^^pherna'VvQLj n.
PiiER-o {^(pi^cS), to carry, to bear, to bring : as, peri-
ph'ery, a carrying round, a circumference ; pliyl-
hph'orous, leaf-bearing.
advdph'oiy, n. ■fa,naph'ord,n. dlaphoref'ic,a.8cn.
*adlaph'orous, a. :!^diaphore's\ts, n. dXap hare I' ica\, a.
* Alexiplwrmic, expelling poison, antidotal ; that has the quality of ex-
peiiing poiion or infection by sweat.
+ Phar?nacopa>ia or Pharmacopi/, a dispensatory ; a book or treatise de
scribing the preparations of the several kinds of medicines, with their uses
and manner of application.
$ Pharmaci/, the art or practice of preparing, preserving, and compound-
ing substances, whether vegetable, mineral, or animal, for the purposes of
tnedicine ; the occupation of an apothecary.
U Pharyngdtomy, the operation of making an incision into the pharr/nx
to remove a tumour or any thing that obsuucts the passage.
§ Paraphernalia, the goods which a ivijv brings with her at her inar-
xiage, or whiih she possesses beyond her dower or jointure, and which re-
main at her disi^'osal after her husband's death. .Such are her apparel and
her ornaments, over which the executors have no control, unless when the
assets are insuflficient to pay the debts. — Biackston^.
* Adiaphorous, indifferent, neutral. "''
t 4naphora, a figure in rhetoric, when the same word or words are re-
peated at the beginning of two or more succeeding verses or clauses of a
sentence,— as, " PVhere is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is thedis-
jHiter cf thi". world." Among piiysicians, the discharge of blood or puru-
lent matter by the mouth.
X liiaphoresis, literally, a carri/ing through ; augmented perspiration ;
or fin elijnination of tlie humours of the body through the pores of the skin.
Pill 394? I'lii
*ep\ph'ora, n. perijy/t'ic, a. pho^'phorus, n. phos/>/io?'ic, a.
meti)pJio7-'ica], a. phos'/^^ojate, v. phos'/?/iorite, n.
meta/^/jo?"'ically, G(/.phos';iAorated, a. phosp/io?-it'ic, a.
Viiet'aphorl^t, n. phos'/^Aorating, a. phy]lo;;/j'wous, «.
'^]yeriph'erj, n. phos/>/ioresce', v- zooph'orusy n.
-penph'erAly a. phosp^ores'cence,n \\zoophor'\c^ a.
peri^A^r'icj a. ■pros'per, v. prosper'ity, n.
Philipp-o'S;, m. 2. {(piXiTTTTog), king of Macedonia,
^philip'pic, n. phil'ippize, v.
Phil-os ((piXog), a lover : as_, j»Az7an'thropist, a lover
of mankind ; jC/^z'/os'ophV;, the love of wisdonm j
Theopk'ilus, a /oyer of God.
a/?^i/an'thropy, 7i. pAzYan'thropy, n.
arcli;;Ai/os'opIier,n. pA?/an'thropist, n. philoVoght, n.
•PAw'aderphia, n. phil3Xiihro\>'\.c, a. philolog'ic, a.
p^i/adel'phian, a. pA?7anthrop'ical, a. philolo g'ical, a.
& n. •fphiloVogy, n. philoVogas, n.
* Epiphora, the watery eye ; a disease in which the tears, from increas-
ed secretion, or an obstruction in the lachrymal duct, accumulate in front
of the eye, and trickle over the cheek.
t Metapbcr, a short similitude ; a similitude reduced to a single word ;
or a word expressing gimilitude without the signs of comparison. Thus,
" that man is a fox," is a metaphor ; but " that man is like a fox," is a
similitude ox comparison. In metaphor, the similitude is contained in the
name ; a man is a fox, means, a man is as crafty as a fox. So we say, a
rnan bridles his anger ; beauty awakens love or tender passiors ; opposi-
tion .^'/-es courage. See p. 42; also the Author's " Outlines of English
t Periphery, the circumference of a circle, ellipsis, or other regular cur-
vilinear figure.
II The zoophoric column is one which supports the figure of an animal.
§ Philippic, an oration of Demosthenes, the Grecian orator, against
Philip, king of Macedon, and father of Alexander the Great, in which
the orator itiveighs against the indolence of the Athenians. Hence the
word is used to denote any discourse cr declaration full of acrimonious
invectives. The fourteen orations of Cicero against Mark Anthony are
also called Philippics.
* Philadelphia, a city and country of North America, — so called, from
tjfe brotherly love of its first inhabitants, who were of the sect called Qua-
kers, or Society of Friends.
t Phih'og!/, primarily, a love of words, or a desire to know the origin
and construction of language. In general sense, that branch of literature
\vhich comprehends a knowledge of the etymology or origin, and combina-
tion uf words ; grammar, the construction of sentences or use of words in
language ; criticism, the interpretation of authors, the affinities of diffe-
rent languages, and whatever relates to the history or present state of Ian-
^uags. It sometimes includes rhetoric, poetry, history, and antiquities.
philos' opher, n. -fphil'ieT, n. & v.
phil'omath, n. philosoiph'ic, a. iheophilsLn'thropy,
pAi/om'athy, n. p^i^soph'ical, a. theo^^i^an'thropist,
philomath'ic, a. philof^oph'ica\\y,ad. Theoph'ilus, n.
phi'lomel, or pAi/os'ophism, ji. uny/iiVosoph'ical, a%
philome'la, a. philo&'ojihistj n. un/;Ai/osoph'ically,
phi/omn'sical, a. pAi/osophis'tic, or unpAJ/osoph'ical-
p^i/opolem'ic, a. pAi/osophis'tical, a. ness, n.
*philos'oTphy, n. pAiVos'ophize, v. un^^i/os'ophizej v.
^Ai/os'ophizing, n. Sea.
Phlegm-^ {(pMyf^a, d cpXiya, to burn), a burning ;
a causing hy coction a watery humour in the body ;
hence, dullness : as, dejjhlogis'ticate, to deprive of
phlogiston, or the principle of inflammability,
ant] phloffis' tie, a. phlegmat'xcaWy^ad.
& n. (iephlogis'ticate,v. %phleg'mon, n.
a])ophlegmat'iC) a. dephlogis'iicated^a.phleg'monon^, a.
& n. \e.\icophleg'macy,n. *^phlogis'ton^ n.
a'pophleg'matism,n'\e\xcophlegmal'ic, a.phlogis'iian, n.
dephlegm', or \\phlegm, or phlngis'tic, a.
^dephleg'mate, v. jtlegm, n. phlcgis'ticate, v.
dej}hlegma' iioa, n. phlegmat'ic, a. phlogistlca'tion, n.
* Philosophy, literally, the love of wisdom. But in inodern acceptation,
philosophy is a general term, denoting an explanation of the reasons of
things ; or an investigation of the causes of phenomena both of mind and
of matter. When applied to any particular department of knowledge, it
denotes the collection of general laws or principles under which all the
subordinate phenomena or facts relating to that subject are comprehended.
Thus, that branch of philosophy which iro;its of God, iVc. is called theo-
lof^y; that which treats of nature is called pl/ysics or natural jMlosophy ;
that which treats of man is called logic and ethics, or nio.-nl philosophy ,
that which treats of the mind is called intellectual or mental philosophy, or
metaphysics. The objects of philosophy are to ascertain facts or truth,
and the causes of things, or their phenomena ; to enlarge our views of
God and his works, and to render our knowledge of both practically use-
ful, and subservient to human happiness. [ Philter, a potion
intended or adapted to excite love,- s. ch;iim to excite love.
^D'iphlegmate, to deprive oi superahundant water, — as by evaporation
or distillation, — used of spirit and acids ; to clear spirit or acids of aqueous
matter ; to rectify.
II Phlegm, co\'^.?..mma\ fluid ; watery matter ; bronchial mucus : dullness,
coldness, sluggishness.
§ P/i/eg- wow, an external inflammation andtum.our, attended hy hurning
* Phlogiston, the principle of inflammability ; the matter of fire in com-
position with other bodies.
pklebot'omize, v. ■\-phle7ne, or
Jleam, n.
PiiLEBS, phleb-^5 {9Xi^^,((>Xi,&!^^,h^iu,toJlow), a vein.
'phlcbot'omyj n.
phlebot^omht, n.
Pi] OB-OS {^o/2oi, a (poozofiois, to fear) , fear ^ dread.
±hydro/)7io'6ia, or hy'drophoby, n. hydro^j/io'^ic, a..
PiioN-£ {pmA)y a sound; voice; a, word: 2i?>,2i.ph'-
ony, a loss oi voice, dumbness ; d^ys'jj/wny, a diffi-
culty 0^ speaking ; phonoV ogy, a treatise on sounds.
\\?i\Vi\phon, or *ecphone'sis, n. phonoVogy, n.
e-piph'onem, or
epip/ione'ma, n.
•feu'phony, n.
t\i.phon'\c, a.
eu^/jo/i'ical, a.
'^mVcrojihone, n.
phon'ics, n.
antiph'ony, n.
aTitlph^onal, a.
antiph'o7ieT, n.
anti/j^on'ic, a.
antijp/io/i'ical, a.
aph'ony, n.
cacoph'ony, n.
gcatap/io/i'ics, n.
dys'phony, n.
phonolog'icsl, a.
*polyjD^'onism, or
yolyph'ony, ?/.
Y)o\ypkon'ic, a.
■fsy^i' phony, n.
syrci' phomze, v.
sympho'nious, a.
||»^o«ocamp'tic,a. :J:tautojo^'o7iy, n.
^pkoi'olite, n. phonet'ic^ a.
Phor-eo {(p^e^sc'J, d ), to carry, (See Fhero.)
* Vhlehotomy, the art or practice of opening a vein for letting blood, for
the cure of diseases, or preserving health.
f Phleme or Fleam, in surgery or farriery, a sharp instrument used for
opening veins for letting blood.
% Hydrophobia, a preternatural dread of water ; a symptom of canine
madness, or the disease itself, which is thus denominated. This dreed of
water sometimes takes place in violent inflammations of the stomach, pnd
in hysteric fits. II Antiphon or Antip]io7iy, the
chant or alternate stngingin choirs of cathedrals.
^Cataphonics, the doctrine of reflected sounds, a branch of acoustics.
* Ecphonesis or Epiphonem, literally, the act of calling aloud, or by
name ; a figure in rhetoric, exclamation, a vehement utterance of the
voice to express strong passions,— as, O dismal night !
t Euphony, an agreeable sound ; sn easy, smooth enunciation of sounds:
a pronunciation of letters and syllables which is pleasing.
I Microphone, an instrument to augment small sounds ; a microcoustic.
i PhonocGtnptic, having the power to inflect sound, or turn it from its
direction, and thus to alter it. § Phonolife, sowjiding-stone.
* Polyphonism or Polyphony, multiplicity of so2inds, — as in the rever-
berations of an echo.
t Symphony, ?. consonance or harmony of sounds, agreeable to the ear,
whether the soimds are vocal or iiistiumenta), or both.
i Tautophonj/, a repetition of the same sound.
VtiO ^97 PIIR
Phos^ phot-OS ((p^i, ^urQi),li(jht,fire: as, pkos'geue,
generating li(//it ; photoV ogy, the doctrine or science
of light.
*/jAos'phate, n. §/)7iO*phoresce', v. jo^o«'phuretted; a.
phos'-phiit, n. phosphoves'cence,n.photoVogy, n.
phos'gene, a. phos-phores'cent, a. phoiolog^icy a.
i-jD^o^'pholite, n. jo/io^phores'cing, a. phoiolog'icdl, a
iJrjD/ios'phor, or phosphoj/ic, a. photom'eteTy n.
;3^o«'phorus, 7i. "/^Ao^'phorite, n. phoiomet'nc, a.
||/)^os'phorate, v. jo^o^phorit'ic, a. photomet'iical, a.
phos'phoiated, a. phos'yihorous, a. phoionom'ics, n.
joAos'phorating,a. •j-joAos'phuret; n.
Phras-is (ipgflto-f?, a /i?-gnolog'ical, a.
/ra?i7icness, n. phren'ic, a. phrenoVogi&t, n.
fren'zied, a. :i^phren'iiis, n.
fren'sical, a. phren'sy, or
Phthegm-^ {'op1ithegTn, n. apothegm'atize^v. *inon'oph thong, n.
ap'othegm, or apothegm'atist, n. monophthong' al, a,
ap'oihem, n. ^diph'thong, n, -ftTiph' thong, n.
sqtothegmat'ical, a. diphthong'al, a. triph thong' al, a.
Phthis-7s {ip&KTtg, d ^6ia, to decay^, decline, decay,
a wasting away — Xphthi'sis, n. phthis'ical, a.
PhYLACTERI-OAT (//j///ous^ hav-
ing one leaf only.
*anthoj>h'i/lliie,n. Ynonoph'i/llous, a. phyllo-plVoTOuSy a.
-{-epi/^/iyZ/osperin'ous, t^phyl'lite, n. quadrija^'j/Z/ous, a.
Phys-is {hytogxdi^\\'icd\y a. phytol'ogist, n. zoo/'^y/ologlcal, a.
*phy'loHte, n.
ViAi-us, p.p. (a pio), atoned. (See P/o.)
Vici-vs, p.p. (« pingo), painted. (See Fingo.^
PiGNUs, pigiior-?'*, n. 3. a pawn or pledge: as, im-
jyig'nor^xiQ, to pledge oy pawn.
impig' noraity v. patim, v. pignora'i'ion, n.
paivn'ex, n.
pawn' -hrokex, n.
PiLGRni (Eng. a peragro, to icander, a. per et ager),
a wayiderer — %pil'grimy n. pil'grimage, n.
PiL-0, V. 1. to pillage, to rob : as, piV^QY, to steal in
small qitantities.
^compile' y V. expila'tiou, n. §piVlage, n. & i».
compil'ed, a. pU'fer, v. pil'lAger, n.
eompil'er, n. pil'feier, n. pil'hged, a.
comj9?7'ing, a. pil'Fery, n. pil'laging, a.
peal, V. pil'fer'mg, a. rscompile'mcni, n.
compila'tion, n. /ji/'feringly, ad.
PiL-t/s, m. 2. a hair : as, de/>'«7ate, to strip <>[ hair.
Aep'ilate, v. pil'low, n. & v. piJos'ity, n.
depila'i'wn, «, pile, n. pi'hus, a.
depil'atory, n. & a. pilose', a.
* Pht/tolite, a plant petrified, or fossil vegetable.
+ Zoophyte, in natural history, a body supposed to partake of the nature
both of an animal and a vegetable, — such as madrepores, millipores, co-
itiUhies, &c. X Pilgrim, in Scripture^ one that has
only a temporary residence on earth, Hebu xi.
U Compile, literally, to pick out, select, and put together ; to coUeet parts
at passages of books or writings into a book or pamphlet ; to select and put
together pnrts of an author, or collect parts of different authors : or to
collect and arrange separate papers, laws, or customs, in a book, code, or
system : to tvrite, to compose.
§^PUlage, to strip of money or goods by open violence ; to phinder. It
diners from stealing, as il implies open violence, and from robbery, which
ViNG-o, V.3. to paint : as, pic'tm'o, the ihmg pahit-
ed, likeness or resemblance j picto'i-ml, belonging
to Q. painter.
paint, V. & n.
pamt'ed, a.
paint'er, n.
paint'ingy n. & ft.
pain' lure, n.
* PictSf n.
picto'Tid\, a.
pic'iure, n. & v.
pic'iural, a.
picturesque', or
pic'ture&k, a.
pic'tured, a.
j9ic'^ure-like, a.
^ic'turesquely, or
pic'tnreskly, ad.
pic'iureskness, n.
"fpiff'ment, n.
as^ exjDm'^ion, the
inex'j3iably, ad.
piac'ular, a.
piac'ulous, a.
depaint', v.
depainl^ed, a.
depaiJit'er, n.
depaint'ing, a.
depict', V.
depic'ted, a.
depic'ting, a.
depic'ture, v.
impio'tured^ a.
o\erpic'tuve, v.
Pi-Oj V. 1. to atone, to atone /or
act of atoni7ig for a crime.
ex'piahle, a. expia'tion, n.
ex'piate, v. e-a'piatoiy , a.
ex'piated, a. inex'^nable, a.
ex'piating, a.
PiRAT-ES {TTii^scTm, d, TFit^otco, to try, to attempt^, a sea-
robber : asj pi'racy, the act, practice, or crime of
robbiiig on the high seas.
X^^'piric, n. cmpir'ichm.^ ii. pirat'io.^, a.
exnpir'ic, a. pi'racy, n. pirat'icaWy, ad.
empir'ical, a. pi'rate, n. & v. pi'ratiwg, a. &. n.
euijoir'ically, ad. pVrated, a.
Visc-is, m. 3. a fish : as, 2)is'catoiy or pis'c'me, re-
lating to fishes.
Wpis'caxy, n. pis'catory, a. pis'cine, a.
expis'cate, v. %pis'ces, n. pisciv'orous, a.
may be committed by one individual on another; whereas pillaging is
usually the act of bands or numbers. To pillage and to rob are, however,
sometimes used synonymously. * Picts, ancient inhabitants of
Scotland,— so called, because they pam^ed their bodies, that they might
appear formidable to their enemies. t Pigment, paint ; a pre-
paration used by painteis, dt/ers, &c. to impart colours to bodies.
t Empiric, literally, one who makes experiments. Hence, appropriately,
a physician who enters on practice without a regular professional educa-
tion, and relies on the successor his own acperieitce : a quack, an ignorant
pretender to medical skill, a charlatan. || Piscary/, in law, the
right or privilege of fishing in another man's water. § Pisces, in
astronomy, the Fishes, tlie twelfth sign or constellation in the Zodiac.
2 L 2
VisTiLL-uM, n. 2. a pestle ; the seed bud of a flower,
pis'tW, n. pis'tilate, a. pistillif 'eious, a.
pistilla'ceous, a.
PiTuiT-j, /. \. phlegm or mucus : as, ^^zVe^zVe^ mucus.
pii'tiitc, n. piiu'itary, a. pitu'itoiis, a.
Vi-us, a. pious, religious : as, mVpious, not pious,
irreverent towards God^ profane.
impi'ety, n. *pi'ety, n. ;n'£?^ism, n.
im'/^ious, a. j'i'ous, a. -j-oi'c'/ist, n.
im7nously, ad. /^i'ously, ad. pietWiic, a.
im'/?iousness, n.
Plac-eo, v. 2. toplease : as, pleas'ant, pleasing ; jylacid,
quiet, gentle, serene, calm.
com/)/a'cence, n. dispfeas'ingness,?!. p/^as'ingness, n.
compla'cency, n. disp/eas'ure,n & v. pleas'ure, n.
compla'cent, a. plac'id, a. pleas'ura.hle, a.
compla'cently, ad. plac'idly, ad. pleas'arahly, ad.
comp/aceii'tial, a. jo/ac'idness, >t. pleas^uTa.h\eness,n.
coni'plaisance, n. please, v. jo/^a*'ure-ground,n.
co\n' plaisaxit, a. pleas'er, n. uncowV plaisaxii, n.
com'plaisantiy, ad. pleas'ani, a. xxnconV plaisanily ,
pleas'an\\y, ad. unpleas'ant, a.
displease', v. pleas'antness, n. \xnpleas'a\\t\y, ad.
dis/)/eas'ed, a. pleas'antry, n. w\\pleas'ax\tiiQ%%, n.
dispfeas'edness, n. pleas'mg, a. & n. unpleas'ed, a.
disptleas'mg, a. pleas'\\\g\y, ad. nnpleas'ing, a.
Vlac-0, v. I. to appease; to pacify : as, impla'cahle,
not to be aj)pease(l or quieted.
impla'cdble, a. imp/acabirity, n. placahiVity, n.
impla'cahly, ad. /?/a'cable, a. unjdu'cable, a.
imjo/a'cablenesSj n. pla'oableness, n.
Vlag\-um, n. 2. a literary theft, a stealing from the
books of others.
pla'ffiary, n. & a. pla'giaxist, n. pla'c/iarism, n.
* Viaty, formerly, reverence and love of parents, now veneration and
love of God. f Pietist, one of a sect professing great strict-
ness and purity of life, despising learning, school theology, and ecclesi-
astical polity, as also forms and ceremonies in religion, and giving them-
selves up to mystic theology. This sect sprung up among the Protestants
of Germany, in the latter part of the seventeenth century.
PL A 403 I' LA
Plan-e (TrXuvn), a wandering about.
*plan'et) n. plan'elaxy, a. plan'et-stTiick, a.
plan'eted, a.
Plang-0, v. 3. (« TTAVio-a-M, to stnke), to beat, to bemoan
to pity, to complain : as,, plain't'we, covaplainmg.
complain'., v. plague, n. & v. plairt't'ive, a.
complain'er, n. plagiiefhxX, a. plain'thely, ad.
comjo/am'ant, 7i. plaint, n. plain' tiveness, n.
complain'mg,a.6i.n.plaint'(n\, a. plai?it'less, a.
complaint', n. -^plain'ti^, n. \xi\complai'nh\g, a.
Plant-^, /. 1. the sole of the foot ; a plant : as, re
plant' , to plant again ; ^\x])plant', to trip up the
heels, to remove or displace by stratagem.
d.eplanta't\on, n. plant'ing, a. & n. supplant'er, n.
diaphaiC, V. plania'tion, n. smpplant'ing, a.
displani'ed, a. plant'ei, n. suY>pla?iia'tion, n.
displa7it'ing,7i.&a. reimplant', v. transplant', v.
displanta't'wn, n. replant', v. iraxi^iplanta'tXon^n.
implant', v. rajylant'ahle, a. tr&nsplant'ed, a.
implanta'tion, n. replanta'tlon, n. transplant' er, n.
implant'ed, a. replant'ed, a. transplant'ing, a.
implant'ing, a. replant'ing, a. nnplant'ed, a.
plant, n. & v. supplant', v. unsup/)/an?ed, a.
plant'ed, a. supplant'ed, a.
Vlan-us, a. plain, smooth, level ; evident, clear : as
Qxplain', to make jo/am or clear, to expound ; com
plane' or com'/>/a?2ate, to make level.
complane', or explain'ing, a. plainly, ad.
com'planate, v. explana'tion, n. plain'ness, n.
explain', v. txplan'atoxy, a. plain-dQaVing, a
explain' able, a. esplanade'., n. pla'naiy, a.
explain'ed, a. ijrjoi'ano-forte, n. plain'-work, n.
explain'er, n. plain, a. ad. n. & v. plane, 7i. & v.
* Planet, a celestial body which revolves about the sun or other centre,
or a body revolving about another planet as its centre.
t Plaintiff, literally, one who makes complaint ; in law, the person who
commences a suit before a tribunal, for the recovery of a claim,— opposed
to defendant. % Piano-forte, a keyed musical instrument ot
German origin, and of the harpsichord kind, but smaller,— so called, from
its softer notes or expressi(jns. Its tones are produced by hammers instead
of quills, like the virginal or spinet.
ja^animet'rical, a.
plan'hh, v.
;!j/an'ished, a.
plan'i^\iing, a.
planocon'xcaX, a.
j}lanoco\V\ex, a.
jD /a ?i'e sphere, n.
jj^a?iohorizon'tal, a.
pla'ned, a.
p/cE/iifo'lious, a-
plani'pet'alous, a.
2ilanim'eiTy, n.
planhwei'ncy a.
Plass-0 {'TFXxa-a-a'), to smcar, to form i?i clay : as,
cosmoplas'tic, world- forming ; plasmat'ic or plas'-
t'lc, giving shape or form.
*cat'aplasm, n. plasmat'ica.\, a.
cosmoplas'tic, a. plas'tic, a.
emplas'ter, v. plastic'ity, n.
emplas'ticj a. plas'ter, n. & v.
plasm, n. plas'texed, a.
plasmat'ic, a. plas'ieier, n.
Vlat-0, on-is, m. 3. {ttXxtuv), an Athenian philo-
sopher : as, plat'omzQ, to adopt the opinions, or
to explain on the principles of Plato.
platon'ic, a. jyla'tonism, n. pla'totiized, a.
plat07i'ica\, a. pla'l07iist, ?i. pla'tofiizing, a
platon'ically , ad. pla'tonize, v.
Plaud-0, v. 3. to make a noise hy clapping the hands,
to praise : as, disj^lode', to discharge or burst with
a violent noise ; plans'ihle, that may be praised.
2)las'termg, n.&a.
"fTpTo'plasm, 11.
■proplas'iic, a.
:}:pro'tOjo/as/, n.
protoplasmic, a.
ajtplaud', V.
a^plaud'ed, a.
ajiplaud'er, n.
a'pplaud'ing, a,
aytplause', n.
a'pplau'sive, a.
displode', v.
displo'sion, n.
explode', V.
explod'ed, a.
explod'er, n.
explod'ing, a.
explo'sion, n.
explo'si\e, a.
implau'sihle, a.
implau'sihly, ad.
Wplaicd'it, n.
plau'sihle, a.
plati'sihly, ad.
plau'sihleness, n.
plausihiVity, n.
plau's'ive, a.
uuplau'sihle, a.
ur\plau'si\e, a.
* Cataplasm, a poultice; a soft andmoist sxfljstcnce to be applied to some
part of the body, to excite or repel heat, or to relax the skiii, &c. When
mustard is an i'ugredient, it is called a sinapism,
t Pro\ilasm, a mould, a matrix.
% Protoplast, the original ; the thhig first formed,— as a copy to be imi-
tated. Thus, Adam has been called our protoplast.
II Plaudit, applause, praise bestowed.
405 PLE
Plaus-us, p.p. {a plaudo), jy>-rtzW/. (See riaiidu.)
Plebs, pleb-25, /. 3. the common people-piehe'mn,ii.&.a.
Plect-os {TeXYiKTog, a '7rMopIec'tic, a. a^p'oplexed, a. apo/)/^'/ical, a.
*aYi'oplexy, n. a-poplec'lic,a.Si.n. hem'ijylegy, n.
Plen-uS;, a. full: as, />/ew/poten'tiary_, one who is
invested with/?/// power to transact any business ;
pie' n^ry, full, entire ; nplen'hh., to fill agam, to fill.
pleni'p'otent, a. plen'tifuWy, ad.
ple'nary, a. ple'nist, n. plen'tifvi\r\Q?,%, n.
ple'nariXy, ad. plen'itude, n. fple'nnm, n.
ple'nariness, n. plen'ty, n. rej»/e»'ish, v.
pleniWnary, a. plen'tcons, a. teplen'hhed, a.
plenijt'otence, n. plen'teouily, ad. rejo/f /I'ishing, a.
pleni\)oten't\ary, n. plen'ieousnesi, n. unrepleyi'i&hed, a.
& a. ple7i'ti{v\, a.
Ple-O;, V. 2. (ttMa)), to fill: as,accom'plis/?, to complete:
to finish ; complete', filled, ended, finished ; ex'ple-
five, filling out or up, added for supply or ornament ;
'jAeth'ora, fulness or^a;cessof blood; sup/»/y,toyz7/up.
accom'p/JsA, v. com'pletory, a. & n.
complete', a. &.V. §com'/^/iment, n.&w.
accom'/'"'w^ecI, a. comj3fe7ed, a. comp/imeut'al, a.
accom'plisher,n. [n.covnplete'\y, ad. comj7Kment'ally,ao?.
accovn' plish'yag^a & comple'tmg, a. comp^tment'er, n.
accora'plishmeniyn.complete'ment, n. deple't'ion^ n.
Ij^anaplerot'ic, a. & n. compIefe'nes», n. exp/e'don, n.
||com'j9/i?ment, n. com/j/e7ive, a. ex'pIetOTy, a.
com^/ement'al, a. comple'tion, ii. ex'pletive, n. & a.
* Apoplexy, literally, a, striking or seizing {rom ', a sndden deprivativn
of all sense and voluntary motion, occasioned by repletion, or whatever in-
terrupts the action of the nerves upon the muscles. — Cullen.
f- Plenum, fiihiess of matter in space.
^Anaplerotic, fill'mg up ; supplying or renovating flesh.
\ Complement, literally, 3. fill'mg; /w/uess, completiaa, full quantity ot
§ Compliment, literally, a fulfilling, or obliging words; an expression ol
civility, respect, or regard. A present or favour bestowed.
vLi: 406 PLi
*hu'pleniciit, n. plelh'ory, or supp/ement'al, a.
ump/e'tion, n. pleth'ora, n. siipp/ement'ary, a.
iucompletc', a. plelhor'ic, a. sujp'pletory, n &a.
incomplele'ly, ad. supply', v. & n.
incom/^/e/e'ness, n. Xp^ero^ph'ory, n. iiU])pIi'eT, n.
man'i/'/f?, n. replete', v. suppU'ed, a.
mani//«/ar, a. reple'ti\e, a. su-pplt/ing, a.
mani/5«/a'/ion, n. reple'ti\e\y, ad. unaccom'plished, a.
*f-/;/£;'onasm, n. reple'iion, n.
p/eonas'tical, a. sup'/jfement, n. unsupp/red, a.
Pleth-os {jTM^oi, a TrXicj, toJill),fulness. {SeePleo.)
Plet-us^ p. p. (« jAqo), Jilled. (See Pleo.)
Vlevr-a, f. 1. {ttMv^cc), the side; a rib,
plcu'ra, n. plewific, a. pleurii'ical, a.
Wpleu'risy, n.
Vlex-us, p.p. (rt plectOj V. 3. TiXtKCJ, 'xxt^a, to twist ox
twine), twisted or twined. (See Plico.)
Vlicai-us, p.p. {a -plico), /aided. (See Plico.)
Plic-o, v. 1. (^TiXiKco), to /old, to knit: as^ aippl?/', to
/old ox lay \,o, to use, to put, to betake; com'/'//catc,
to/old2iX\di twist iogeXh^x, to entangle ; ex'plicate,
to xxn/old, to explain ; display', to wc/old, to open,
to show ; coni'ple.v, embracing two or more things ;
involved, compound, not simple.
%B.ccon\'plice, n. app/y'ing, a.
apply', V. appll'ed, a. appli'arice, n.
appli'er, n. ap'plicdble, a.
* Implement, whatever may supply wants ; particularly, as now used,
tools, utensils, vessels, instruments,' — as, the implements of trade or of m-
dustry. (It is a ivord ofvei-y extensive signification.)
t Pleonasm (a tXuuv. more) , redundancy of words in speaking or writing ;
the use of more words to express ideas than are necessary. This may be
justifiable, when we intend to present thoughts with particular perspicuity
or force. % Plerophoru, full persuasion or confidence.
II Pleurisy, an inflammation of the pleura, which is a membrane that
covers the inside of the thorax. It is accompanied with fever, pain, diflB-
cult respiration, and cough, The usual remedies are venesection, other
evacuations, diluents, &c.
^ Accomplice oi Cottiplue, literal1}% folded together; an associate in a
crime ; a partner or partaker in g^iilt
ap'plicahly, ad. complVed, a. explic'itly, ad.
a.Tp'plicah]eness,n. comply'ing, a. expHc'itness, n.
applicahiVity, n. condu'plica,te,v.Sia.mVplex, a.
ap'p/icant, 71. condu'p/icated, a. implex'ion, n.
"ap'plicsite, n. conAwplica' t'lon, n. incom' plex, a.
SLT^plica'tion, n. dec'nple, a. & n. \\imply'y v.
ap'plicative, a. display', v. & n. imjo/i'ed, a.
a]Vplicatory,a. & n. di^play'ed, a, impZi'edly, ad.
cen'tnjjle, a. display'er, n. imply'ing, a.
com'j}lex, a. display'ing, a. iva'plicsiie, v.
coiiVplexXy, ad. doxxb'lej a. n. & v. im'^/icated, a.
com'jo/e^rness, 11. douJ'/ed, a. 'voi'plicating, a.
com'plexed, a. douiVy, ad. 'vcaplica't'ion, n.
com'jD/ej^edness, n. dou67er, n. im'plicative, a.
coxnplex'iiy, n. dou67eness, n. 'vca'plicativcly, ad^
coraplex'ion, n. dou67ing, a. & 11. implic'it., a.
complex'ionvH, a. dou67e-faced, a. imjo/jc'itly, ad.
comjo/e.r'ionally,ac?.doui7e-hearted, a. miplic'itness, n.
conj^/e,a?'ioned, a. dou&7^-minded, a. inap'/?/icable, a.
comjo/6'A''ionary, a. dou67e-tongued, a. inap/j/icabirity, n.
complex'wxQ, n. dn'ple, a. inajipHca'tion, n.
conVplicate,v.&.a. •fdu'plicatc,a.n.8cv.incompli'ance, n.
com'jo/icated, a. duplica'iion, n. inconijo/i'ant, a.
com'/j/icately, ad. dWplicatuxQ, n.
com'p/icateness, w. duplic'iiy, n.
com'plicating, a. ex'plicate, v.
complica'tion, ii. ex'p/icated, a.
com'pllce, 71. ex'plicating, a.
comply', V. explica'tion, n.
coYcipli'ahle, a. ex'pUcative, a.
com/^/j'ance, n. ex'plicaior, n.
compli'ant, a. ex'plicatory, a.
comp/j''antly, ad. ex'pllcahle, a.
inex'plicahle, a.
inex'plicahly, ad.
misapp/y', V.
misap/j/i'ed, a.
mlsa^ply'ing, a.
misapjo/ica^ion, n.
^mnVtiple, a. & «.
^multiply', V.
multipli'ed, a.
compli'er, n. "^explic'it, a. & n. m\x\t\pli'cr, n.
*Applicate, a right line drawn across a curve, so as to bisect the diameter,
^Duplicate, double, two-/ti/d ; also another of the same, « copi/; to double.
XExpUcit, literally, un/o/ded ; hence, plain in laiiguage ; open to the un-
derstanding, clear, unreserved.
II Imply, to infold, to involve or contain in substance or essence, or by
fair inference, or by construction of law, when not expressed in words.
§ Multipls, in arithmetic, a number containing another several thnes
exactly, — as 12 is a multiple of 2, 3, 4, and 6.
* Multiply, to make xaz,ny-fbld, to increase in number.
multi;>/w'ing. a.
murti/)/iable, a.
mul'ti^y/icable, a,
*multi/;/icand', n.
mul'ti/j/jcate, a.
niul'ti/j/ica^ive, a.
multip/ica'^ion, n.
multi/)/Jca'^or, n.
muldp/ic'ity, n.
oc'tuf/Ie, n.
•f perplex', v.
perple.v'ed, a.
perpleyedly, ad.
■perplex'edness, n.
perplex' ity, n.
plex'i form, a.
Xplex'us, n.
\\pU'ah\e, a.
^/i'rtblenass, 71.
pUah'iVity, n.
pliancy, n.
pti'axit, a.
^/i'antness, n.
pH'ca.te, or
pH'cated, a.
pli' form, a.
plic'ature, n.
pUghi, n. simplic'ity, n.
ply, V. %\m'plify, V.
§/'/j'ers, n. sim'pZified, a.
quad'ru/)/e,a.n.& tJ.sim'/7/jfying, a.
qudd'rup/ed, a. sinij^Zifica'tion, n.
quad'ruja/y, ad, %\m'phs,i, n.
quadru'p/ing, a. snh'duple, a.
quadru';j/icate, a. subdu'^/icate, a.
& V. -f-sup'p/iant, a. & n.
quadrujo/ica'aon,n.sup'j3/tantly, ad.
quin'tuple, a. :{:sup7?^ic'ate, v.
redoub'le, v. snp'pUcafed, a.
redoub'ltd, a. sup'plicat'mg, a.
redoub'l'mg, a. f^upplica'tlon, n.
Tedn'plic&te, v. & a. sup'pUcatory, a.
redu plica' tion, n. sup'/^/icant, n. & a.
rediw' pUcat'we, a
reply', v. San.
repH'er, n.
reply'mg, a.
replica' tion, n
sep'tuple, a.
sex'tnple, a.
irip'le, a. Scv.
treb'le, a.
trip'let, n.
tripVicate, a.
triplica'tion, n.
triplic'ity, n.
unim' plicated, a.
smVple, a. it. & v. nnimpU'ed, a
shn'ply, ad. unperplex', v.
sixn'pleness, n. nnperplex'ed, a,
^\m' pie -m\nded, a. nnpli'ahle, a.
sim'pler, n. unp/i'ant, a.
*&\m'pleton, n.
Fi.OD-o (comP- form of plaudo), to make a noise. SeePlaudo.
* Multiplicand, the number to be multiplied by another, which is called
the multiplier.
t Perpler, literally to twire or plait thoroughly, to make intricate, to
entangle ; to puzzle, to distract ; to tease with suspense, anxiety, or am-
biguity. :}: Plexus, any union of vessels, nerves, or fibres, in the
form of net-work.
II Pliable, that may he folded ; easy to be bent ; flexible in disposition.
§ Pliers, an instrument by which any small thing is seized and bent.
* Simpleton, a silly person, or one of weak intellect.
t Suppliant, one who prays with his knees /oWed under him in token
of humility.
X Supplicate, to entreat for ; to seek by earnest prayer; to address Id
prayer ; to implore, to beseech.
Plor-Oj r. 1. to cry out, to wail, to weep: as de-
plore' , to bcKCiil, to mourn.
deplore', v. *exj)lore', -|- imp/ore', v.
dep/oVed, a. imjs/o'red, «.
explo'red, a. implo'rer, n.
deplo'ring, a. eTiplo'rer, n. ixnplora'tion^ n.
deplo'rer, n. exjs/oVing, a. implo'r'mg, a.
inexplo'rahle, a.
deplo'rahle, a. explora'tion, n. undeplo'red, a.
deplo'rahly, ad. explora'tor, a. unexjo/oVed, a.
dejo/o'rableness, n. exph'ratory, a. uninvp/oVed, a.
deplora't'wn, n.
Plos-us (comp- form o£ plausus), noise made. (See Plaudo. )
Plum-^, /. 1. a smaU or soft feather, a feather : as,
Aeplume' , to strip or pluck q^ feathers.
deplume', v. plume, n. & v. plumos'hy, n.
deplu'med, a. phi'mage, n. phc'moas, a.
depluma'lion, n, phimig'eroua, a, plume'less, a.
deplu'ming, a. plu'mi]ped. a. wnplume', v.
implu'med, a. plu'mmg, a. unplu'med, a.
hmplu'moas, a. plumose', a.
Vlumb-um, n.2. lead, a leaden hidlet : as, plumhiV -
erous, producing lead ; plum'bQY, a worker in lead.
plumb, n.a.ad.&.v. plumbif'crows^ a. plum'beous, a.
plum'ber, n. \i^plum'met, ii. ^plumba'go, n.
"^plum'bery, n. plum'bexn, a. plumbQ.g''u\o\\%, a.
plum'bed, a.
Plus, plur-?s, a. more : as, plu'rdX, containing more
than one, or consisting of two or more.
*non'plus, n, & v. plu'ralist, n. -fplus, n.
o'verplus, n. plural'iiy, n. preterjo/wperTect, a-
pltc'ral., a. pluri\it'eTal,a.&.n. ^sui'plus, or
plu'rally, ad. plu-per'£ect, a. sur'plusage, n.
* Explore, to search for making discovery, to view with care, to search
or try, to pry into. t Implore, to call upon or for, in suppli-
cation ; to beseech, to pray earnestly, to entreat, to beg.
X Plumbery, works in lead ; manufactures of lead; the place where lead
is wrought ; the art of casting and working lead, or making sheets and pipes
of lead, I! Plummet, a leaden weight attached to a line, used
by carpenters, masons, &c- § Plumbago, a mineral consisting of carbon
and iron, — used for pencils, &c. * Nonplus, to puzzle, to put to a stand.
t Plus, more, a character marked thus +, used as a sign of addition.
X Surplus, surplusage, overplus, literally, more, or something over ; what
jemaiiis after accomplishing a purpose.
2 M
Plut-o, on-is, m. 3. king of the infernal regions.
pluto'7iian, a. & n. phUon'ic, a. *pIu'tomsi, n.
PLUVI-.4, /.I. (a pluOj V. 3. to rain), raiyu
plu'vial, a. fpluviam'eter, n. jp/Mmamet'rical, a.
plu'vious, a. plov^evy n.
PneumAj at-05 {^TFvivf^oc, -ccro^, cL TTviu, tO llow, to
breathe'), whid, air, breath, spirit: as, dys/>?2ce'a
a difficulty of breathing.
dyspnoe'a, n. \\pneumat'ic% n. pneumatolog'ical,a.
onhopnoe'a, n. pneumat'ic, a. pneumaiol'ogist,n.
Xpenpneu'mo7ty, or pneumat'ica\, a. pneumo'nia, or
peripneumo'tna, n. %pneumat'ocQ\e, n. pneu'mony, n.
'peripnenmon'ic, a. pneumatol'ogy, n. pneumon'ic, a. & n,
PoiE-o (ttosio)), to make, to compose : as, po'eiry, the
art of co7nposing in verse^ j^^ems.
axchpo'et, n. po'et, n. poei'ics, n.
"eytopee', n. po'etQ&&, or po'etxy, n.
nosopoiet'ic, a. po'etress, n. "^fiprosoYiopoe'ia, or
on'oxnatope, or po'etize, v. pros'opo/j^, n.
on'oniatopy, n. •\-po'eiasteT, n. unpoefic, a.
"pathopoi'ea, n. poet'ic, a. unpoetficdl, a.
po'em, n. poet'ical, a. un/^oe^'ically, ad.
po'esy^ n. poetically, ad.
PoLEM-os (TToXifAog), War, a battle or combat: as,
polem'ic, controversion., disputat'ive.
philo;)o/em'ic, a. polem'ioal, a. Wpolem'osco'pe, n.
polem'ic, a. Sen.
* Plutonist, one who adopts the theory of the formation of the world
in its present state from igneous fusion.
\ Pluviameter, a o-ain-gage, an instrument to ascertain the quantity of
water that falls in rain, or in rain and snow, in any particular climate or
place. X Pei-ipneumoni/ or Pneumonia (a ^vitifjtMv, the lungs), an
inflammation of the htngs, the organs of respiration , attended with acute
fever and diircult respiration. \\ Pneumatics, in natural philosophy,
the science of air ; in chemistry, the science of gases ; in the schools, the
doctrine of spiritual substances, — as Cvd, angels, and the souls of men ;
but in this last sense pneumatologj/ is now used.
§ Pneumatocele, in surgery, a distension of the scrotum by air.
* Epopee, an epic poem; more properly, the history, action, or fable,
which makes the subject of an epic poem. f Poetaster, a petty poet.
% Prosopopoeia, a figure in rhetoric, by which things arc ro-presented as
persons, or an absent person is introduced as speaking, or :•. deceased per-
son is represented as alive and present. It includes personification, but is
more extensive in its signification.
8 Polemoscope, an oblique perspective glass, contrived for seeing object*
that do not lie directly before the eye.
PoL-Eo {TruXio), to sell : as, bibliojfy'cvist^ a books^/Zef.
biblio/j'o/ist, n- xnonop'olize, v. mono^y'o/izing,a&.n.
monop'o/y, n. vnonop'olizeXj n. myrop'olist, n.
mono/>'o/ist, n. mono^'o^ized, a. pharmacop'o/ist, n.
PoLi-o, V. 4. (a TToXt;^ a city), to polish, to smooth. See Polis.
Pol -IS (jtoXk;, a TToXvg, 7?ia7i2/), a city, a town : as,
Constan'tinojy/e, the city of Constantino ; cosmop'-
oZite_, a citizen of the world ; polite^, polished or
elegant in manners, well-bred ; pol'ish., to make
smooth and (/lossy, to refine ; politics, the science
of government.
*AcTop'olis, n. in'iexpolatmg, a. pol'hhmg, n. & a.
Q.rchpoUtic'ia.r), n. in'texjjolator, u. polite', a,
Constan'tino/)/^, n. interjao/'ish, v. politely, ad.
cosxnop'oUie, or ixietvop'olig, n. poHte'ness, ?i.
cosxnopol'ilcin, n. Yi\eiropol'it?in,n.SLa.pol'itic^, n,
Decap'olis, n. metrop'o/ite, n. pol'itic, a.
expo/'ish, V. metropoUt'ic, a. politicly, ad.
lieliop'olis, n. metropo^j/'ical; a. polil'ical, a.
imjiol'icy, n. Neap'olis, or poHt'ically, ad.
'Na'ples, n. poliiici'an, n.
I^eapol'ilan, n. Sea. pol'ity, n.
impoUic', a.
imjooZitely, ad.
impo/ite'ncss, n.
impoUt ic, a.
impoliticly, ad.
impolit'ical, a.
iin/;o/?7'ically, ad.
•|-in'ter/?o/ate, v.
in'ter/>o/ated, a.
interpola'tion, n.
x^icop'oUs, n.
over/»o/'ish, v.
Xpolice', n.
polic'ed, a.
Wpol'icy, n.
polish, V. Sl n.
jooHshablej a.
po^'ished, a.
pol'ishcT, n.
repol'ish, v.
unin'ter/?o?flr/ed, a.
unpo^'ished, a.
unpolite', a.
unpolitely, ad.
unpolite'ness, n.
* Acropolis, tiie highest place or citadel of a town, particularly of Athens.
] Interpolate, to foist in ; to insert, — as a spurious word or passage in a
manuscript or book ; to ftdd a spurious word or passage to the original ; to
renew. t Police, the government of a city or town ; the corpo-
ration or body of men governing a city ; the pleasure-ground about a gen-
tleman's seat. II Policy, primarily, the same as polity, compre-
hending the fundamental constitution or frame of civil government m a
state or kingdom ; now, the art or manner of governing a nation ; art, pru-
dence, wisdom, or dexterity, in managing public affairs, — applied to per-
sotis frovcrning. In commerce, the writing or instruction by which a con-
tract of indemnity is efifected between the insurer and the uisured.
rOL 412 POL
Pollens, ni-is, a. (« pollco, v. 2. to be able), jyowerful.
equi/joWence, n. equi^oZVently, ad. pre/?o?'/ency, n.
equi/>oWericy, n. ■prepol'lence, n. -prepol'leut, a.
equipo/Vent, a.
PoL-us, VI. 2. the pole : as, po'lar, of the pole.
circumj9o7ar, a. po'lary, a. /Jo'/arized, a.
po'iar, a. pole, n. joo'/arizing, a.
polar'ity, n. po'larize, v. joo/ariza'don, n.
Poly (TroXv), many : as, pol' ?/ch.ovd, having many
chords ; poly^l^iUiy, the having rtiany wives or
husbands at the same time ; pol'ygan, a figm*e of
many angles and sides ; ^o/'?/gi'am, a figure of
many lines ; jcio/j/morph'ous, having many forms ;
polyon'omy, many names j jt»o/j/ph'yllous_, many-
peri/)o/?/g'onal, a. -f-joo/ycotyl'edon, n. polyg'onal, a.
*polya,cou'stic,n.8ia.poli/coty\edo'nous, po/yg'onous, a.
•fpol'yadelph, n. "^pol'i/gam, or
po/^/adelph'ian, a. jpo/ygam'ian,a.&7i. pol'y grava, n.
Xpolyan'ditt, n. poly g' amy, n. po/ygrammal'ical,f7.
poly an' diTian, a. poly g'amist, n. §/?o/'ygraph, n.
Iljoo/yan'dry, n. polyg'axnous, a. joo/yg'raphy, n.
§j9o/j'arith'oSj n. polyg'enous, a. polygia^pih'ic, a.
*jt)o/yautog'raphy, ?i. WpoVyglot, n. & a. po/ygraph'ical, a.
pol'ychoxdi, a. pol'ygon, n, *pol'ygyn, n.
* PolyacQUstic, that mttltiplies or magnifies sound ; an instrument to
multiply sounds. 7 Poli/adelph, in tStany, a plant having its stamens
united in three or mo)-e bodies or bundles by the filaments.
% Polyander, a plant having many stamens, or any number above twen-
ty, inserted in the receptacle. || Polyandry, the practice of females
having more husbands than one at the same time ; plurality of husbands,
§ Polyanthos, a plant with many flowers, or whose flower-stalks produce
flowers in clusters. * Polyauto^raphy, the art of practice of mul-
tiplying copies of one's own hand- writing, or of manuscripts, by engraving
on stone ; a species of lithography. (• Polycotyledon, a plant that
has many or more than two cotyledons or lobes to the seed.
X Poly gam, a plant bearing hermai)hrodite flowers, with male or female
flowers. II Polyglot, having or containing many languages or
tongues, — as, a polyglot lexicon or Bible: also a book contaiumg ynany
languages, particularly the Bible containing the Scriptures in several lan-
guages. § Polygraph, an instrument for multiplying copies.
* Polygyn, a plant ha\'ing marty pistils-
poli/gyn'ian, a.
"poli/g'yny, n.
polyno'midX, a.
polyon'oxny, 71.
joo/^on'omous, a.
*/)o/«/op'trum, w.
pol'y^Q, or
pol'i/'pus, n.
joo/?/pet'alous, a.
poli/ph'onism, or
polyph'ony, n.
pol^inhon'ic, a.
po/yph'yllous, a.
poVi/podej n.
pol'i/^ovLS, a.
'fpol'yscope, n.
Jpo/'yspast, n.
Ilpo/'ysperm, n.
polt/s\)eTm'ous, a.
§po^'^sy]lable, n.
polysyWah'ic, a.
jyo/^syllab'ical, a.
*poli/syiVdetoii, n.
polytech'nic, a.
•fpori/theism, n.
pol't/theist, n.
polytheWtic, a.
/)o/ytheis'ticalj a.
polyhe' Aric, a.
joo/j/he'dral, a.
polyhe'dxous, a.
XpolyVogy^ n.
joo/^Ti'athy, n.
polyrc\at\i'\Cy a.
po/ymorph''ous, a.
\\Polyn&'s,\Q.j n.
polyne'sian, a.
%pol'ynome, n.
PoMP-A^ /. 1. (« 7cif4.7reo, to sendy, a solemn proces-
sion, parade : as, pomp'ous, sliowy with grandeur.
pompj n. pomp'ons, a. pomp'ousness, n.
])omp'onsly, ad. pompos'ity, n.
PoM-J7Af J n. 2. an appiU : as, joowa'ceous, consisting oi
apples ; pome'xoy, a sort of apple, called royal apple.
Xpomace', n. \\pome, n. *pomegxsin'a.iQ, n.
poma'ceous, a. §po»2^ci'tron, n. pomif^crous, a.
* Poli/gynr/, the practice of having more wives than one at the same time
t Polyhedron or Polyedron, a body or solid of many sides or planes ; also
a multiplying glass.
%Polylogy, a talking much, talkativeness, garrulity, loquacity.
II Polynesia, literally, many isles ; a new term in geography, used to de-
signate a great number of isles in the Pacific ocean,— as the Pelew isles, the
Ladrones, the Carolinas, the Sandwich isles, the Marquesas, the Society
isles, and the Friendly isles.
§ Polynome, in Algebra, a quantity consisting of many terms.
* Polyoptrum, a glass through which objects appear multiplied.
\ Polyscope, a glass making a single object appear as many,
i Polyspast, a machine consisting of many pulleys.
Polysperm, a tree whose fruit contains many seeds.
E Polysyllable, a word of many syllables.
Polysyndeton {hirvv'hiro?, connecting), a figure of rhetoric, by which
the copulative is often repeated,— as, "We have ships, and men, and
money, and stores." t Polytheism, the belief of wa»7ygods ; the
doctrine of a plurality of gods or invisible beings superior to man, and
having an agency in the government of the world. % Pomace, the
substance ot apples, or of similar fruit, crushed bjr grinding.
II Pome, a pulpy pericarp wiShout valves, containing a capsule or core,
— as, the apple, pear, &c. § Pomccitron, a citron apple.
* Pomegranate, literally, a grained apple ; this fruit is as large as an
orange, having a hard rind filled with a soft pulp and numerous seeds. It
is of a reddish colour ; also, the tree itself.
2 M 2
pome'ioy, or "jsorn'mel, n. & r. pomel'led, a.
pome'royal, n.
PoNDus, ponder-^5J n. 3. {a pendo, to weigh), weicjJtt:
as, ec^ipon'derdXQy to be in equal weight ; over-
poise'y to ouiweigh ; pori'dox, to weigh in the mind,
to examine ; pon'derow^, very heavy, weighty.
jaort'rferousness, n.
po»(/eros'ity, n.
Xpoufid, n.
pound'ing, a.
Wpound'er, n.
■prepoji'derance, n.
j>Tepon'dera,ncy, it.
'pxepon'derant, a.
%pTepo7i'derale, v.
Y>Tepondera't\ou, n.
■prepo7t,'derating, a.
su^eipoii'derate, v.
xxnpois'ed, a.
coun'teTpoise,v.&.n poise, n. & v.
coun'ter/?oJ5ed, a. pois'ed, a.
coun'terpoising, a. pois'ing, a.
•fe'quipoise, n. pon'deT, v.
eqmpon'dera\tce,n. pon'deral, a.
eq^aipon'derancy, n.pon'derdble, a.
equipoii'derate, v. pon'deraiQ, v.
e(\a\pon'dio\i%, a.
ivnpon'derahlQ, a. pon'derer, n.
impon'derous, a. pon'dereA, a.
imponderahiVhy, pon'dering, a.
ovttpoise', V. pon'dermgly, ad.
o'verpoise, n. pon'derous, a.
oyerpon'derous, a. pon'derously, ad.
PoN-o, V. 3. to jmt or place : as_, wp'posite, placing to.
Jit ; compose', to /»/«<:e or set together ; depose', to
put or lay down ; dispose', to set or put apart, to
place or distribute ; expose' ^ to put out or lay open;
impose', to place or lay on, to cheat ; oi[>pose', to
put or set against ; -postpone', to put after or off;
todelay ; com' post {j^ut togetheror?7z/.i-e(/), manure.
an'tepone, v. a\)'positeness, n. compose', v.
HDtepositi'on, n. appositi'on, n. compo'ser, n.
appose', V. appos'itive, a.
ajtpo'ser, n. *ap'rojyro«, ad.
ap'posite, a. circum;;o5«7i'on, 7i.
a^'posilely, ad. compo'tieut, a.
compo'sad, a.
compo'sedly, ad.
compo'sedness, n.
compo'siug, a.
* Pommel, a hnob or ball ; the knob on the liilt of a sword ; the protube-
rant part of a saddlebow; the round knob on the frame of a chair, 'hich stores arc deposited for the use of an army ;
cr a place for assembling recruits ; a deposit. * Discompose, to im-
settle, to disorder, to disturb, to agitate. f Impost, placed on, a tax.
X Impostor, one who imposes on others; one who assumes a character
for the purpose of deception; one who cheats.
II Indispose, to disincline, to alienate the mind, to render unfit, to disor-
der, as the heaUhy fuuc tio'i:, ot tlic body.
inler/>o'sing, n.
"intcr/^os'it, n.
iiiter;oosi/i'on, n.
malapro/jro'sj ad.
juxtaposi^'ion, n.
o\>po'neai, a. & n.
o\)pose', V.
op/Jo'*ed, a.
op/jo'ser, n.
op/>o'5ing, w.
op'posile, a. & u.
op'/josi^ely, ad.
op'posi7eiiess, ?i.
op/)05ive', v. transpose', v.
superimpo'sed, a. trans/?o'*al, n,
superimpo'^ing, a. trans/;o'sed, a.
superitT)po*Jii'on,7i. transpo'sing, a.
swi^expose , v.
superpo'6'ed, a.
suY^er po'smg, a.
super/;oie7i'on, n.
su-ppose', V. 8i n.
suppo'sable, a.
transpo*2/i on, n.
transpositVondX.) a.
trans/;05''i/ive, a.
unap'posite, a.
uncoxixpound'ed, a.
undecompo'^able, a
undecompo'sed, a.
undepo'^able, o.
undispo'^ed, a.
unexpo'sed, a.
unimpo'^ed, a.
nnixxxpo'smg, a.
suppo'^ed, a.
suppo'ser, n.
suppo'sing, a.
si{ppos«7i'on, n.
supposj/i'onal, a.
•f-supposi7i/i'ous, a.
%vipposititi'o\xAy, porphyrit'ic, a. porphi/ra'ceous, a.
por'phyrize, v.
Vo'RR-o, adv. forth, farther : aSj portend', to foreshow.
%porrec'i\on, n. /^ortend'ed, a. *jyortent', n.
portend', v. ^ortend'ing, a. /?ortent'ous, a.
PoRR-C7A/_, 71. 2. a leek, a scallion ; green.
porra'ceous, a. Xpor'r\^^(t, n. ||/>or'ringer, n.
•\por'r&t, n. jjorVidge-pot, n.
PoRT-^_, /. 1. a gate of a city, a door. (See Porto.)
PoRTio,on-is,f.3. {di^aYs),apai't,apo7'tion. See Pars.
PoRT-o, V. 1. ^0 carry or hear, to import or betoken :
as, comport'f to bear with or carjy together^ to
suit or accord; dejoor^'ment^ carriage, behaviour,
conduct ; ey^port' , to carry out ; report' , to bear or
caro-y back ; \m.port', to carry m, to mean, to imply.
comport', V. covnpori'uient, n. depor/'ing, a.
com'port, n. deport', v. & n. deport'ment, ?i.
comport' able. a. deporta'tioii, n. export', v.
deport'ed, a. ex'port, n.
* Aporia, in rhetoric, a doubting or being at a loss where to begin, or
■what to say, on account of the variety of matter. | Emporium, a
market or place of merchandise ; a town or city of trade, in which the
commerce of an extensive country centres, or to which sellers and buyers
resort from different countries. — Such are London, Amsterdam, and Ham'
burgh. X Porism, in geometry, a proposition, seeking to deter-
mine by whp.t means, and in how many ways a problem may be solved,
II Porphyry, a mineral, a kind of marble, — so called, from a purple ground
of a certain species found in Egypt. § Porrection, the act of stretch-
ing /orus, an insect or something that has many/ee^or roots.
•\an'tipode, n. jooc/ag'rical, a. jioVypus, n.
antija'ocTal, a. \\\w\'yiiode, n. ^tri'pod, or
Xpodsig'ric, a. j)oVypo7is, a. tri'pos, ii.
* Posterifs/, they iv?io come after, descendants, — as, the whole human
race are the posterity of Adam.
t Postern (a post), primarily, a back door or gate ; a private entrance :
hence, any small gate or door.
X Fotamology, a description of rivers, | PoculsJit, fit for drink.
§ Potulent, pretty much in drink : fit to drink.
* Si/m]X)siu7n, a drinking together ; a merry feast.
t Antipode, one who lives on the opposite side of the g^obej and of course,
whose J^et are directly opposite.
4: Podagric (ab ay^a,, a seizure), belonging to the gout.
- H Polypode, an animal with mxny feet, § Tripod or Tripos, a
bench, stool, or seat with three ffet, on which the priest and sibyls in an-
cient times were placed to render oracles.
Vhacj-os (TT^cacTog, « Tr^no-aM, to do), done: as^ im-
prac'ticahle, that cannot be done ; prac'ticef a
doing often ; pragmat'ic, 7neddl'u\g.
imprac'ticahXe, a. prac'tice, n. & v. pragmat'ic, a.
praffmat'ical, a.
pi'cigmat'ically, ad.
pi'agmat'icalne&Sy ?i.
prag'maiist, n.
*prajc'h, n.
unjaroc'^icable, a.
un^rac'dsed, a.
\mprac'ticah\y, ad. prac'iic, a.
imprac'ticahleness, prac' tical, a.
hy\practicdhil'ity,n.prac'iica\\y, ad.
nvdl-prac'tice, n. practicalness, n.
prac'ticahle, a. prac'ticar, n.
prac'ticahly, ad. practiced, a.
prac'ticahleness, n. prac'iicing, a.
praciicabiVity, n. practiti' oner, n.
Vray-vs, a. crooked; wrong, wicked: as^, dejt;r<^2j'«ty,
a vitiated state of the heart, corruption.
deprave', v. deprava'tion, n. deprav'ity, n.
dcpra'ved^ a. depra'ver, n. -fprav'ity, n.
dep7-a'ved\y, ad. depra'vin'^ a. undepra'ved, a.
dejara'ucdiicss, n. daprave'mcnt, n.
Vreci-um forVKiLT!i-UM, n. 2. a pricc, worth, esteem :
as, depre'ci-dtc, to lessen or cry down /»r/ce or value;
appraise' or ap/)re'c«ate, to value, to set a value.
depre'cialQ, v.
depre'ciated, a.
depre'ciating, a.
deprecia'liou, n.
praise, 71. &. v.
prais'ed, a.
prais'er, n.
'^pre cio\x%, a.
pre'cionsXy, ad.
pre'c'iousness, n.
appraise , or
apprize', v.
appriz'ed, a.
appraise' mont, or
apprize'ment, n.
apprai'ser, or
appriz'er, n.
appriz'ingj a. &, n.
appre'ciaiQ, v. praisel&^'s, a.
appre'ciated, a. prai'sing, a.
appre'ciating, a. praise'worthy, ct.
appreecia'tlon, n. prai^eVorthiness, Mndeprec'iaitd, a.
appre'ciahlQ, a.
* Pin.ris, use, practice ; an example or form to teach practice.
\ Pravity, deviation from right; moral perversion ; want df rectitude,
corrupt state. ± Precious, of great price or ut»ih.
price, n. &l v.
priceless, a.
prize, V. & n.
priz'ed, a.
priz'er, n.
priz'ing, a.
nuappre' dated, a.
PiiEc-OR, V. dep. 1. (aprseco, m. 3. a crier), to jiray, to
entreat: as, do/>'rre7/, jjlunJer: as, d^ej/rc-
f/ate, to rob, to plunder.
dep'redate, v. dep'redaior, n.
dep'redated, a. dep'redatoxy, a.
dep'redating, a. preda'ceous, a.
depreda'tion, n. pre'ded, a .
VREm-UMjhr Vrjedi-um, n.2. a farm — pre'dial, a.
Pregnans, nt-is,/or Pr^gnans, nt-/5, a. with child,
big with young : as, imjK>r^^'?zate, to make preg-
nant, or with young.
preach'&x, n.
preach'ed, a.
preach'wg, n. & a.
Wpreca'rioM^, a.
preca'riow^y, ad.
/«rc«'r Jousness, n.
pre'cati\e, a.
pre'catoxy, a.
vmdep'recaled, a.
unpreca'rious, a-
pred'atoxy, a.
prey, n. & v.
prey'tx, n.
prey'ing, a.
irapregn, v. preg nance, n.
\xx\preg'nate,v.8i.a. preg'nancy, n.
impreg'jiated, a. preg'nant, a.
imp7-eg'7iaiir\g, a. preg'nant\y, ad.
impregna'tion, n. reimpreg'nait, v.
Tehnpreg'nated, a.
leimpreg'nat'mg, a.
unimprcg'nated, a.
nwpreg'nant, a.
* Apprecafion, earnest prayer or well-wishing.
t Apprecator;/, praying or wishing any good.
X Pi each. This word is derived by some etymologists from prcB et dico.
It is given in both ways. (See Dico, p. 165.)
H Precarious , primarily, depending on request, or on the will or plea-
sure of anothcrj uncertain ; held by courtesy, or by a doubtful tenure.
Prehend-Oj v. 3. to take, to take hold of, to seize : as,
wpprehend', to take or seize, to take with the un*
derstanding, to think, to fear ; prize, that which
is take?i ; imprefnahle, that cannot be taken.
a\^prehend', v. \\comprise', v.
a\)prehend'ed, a. compri'sa\, n.
apprehend'er, n. compri's^di, a.
aY>prehend'\ng, a. compri's'ing, a.
aT^prehen'sihle, a. ^deprehend', v.
a\)prehen'sion, n. deprehend'ed, a.
a\iprehen'sive, a. deprehend'ing, a. ineprehen'sihly,ad.
a\)preheii'sively,ad.deprehen'sion, n. misapprehend', v.
apprehen'siveness, deprehen'sihle, a. misapprehend'ed,a.
*'appre7i'tice, n.&v. depreheti'sihlcne^s, misapprehend'ing,
appren't\ceship,n- *cn'terprise, n.&v. misappreJien'sion,
ity, 71.
indeprehen'sihle, a.
irreprehen'sihle, a.
•^•apprise', v. en'terpri^ed, a.
appri'sed, a. en'terpriser, n.
appri'sing, a. en'ter;;risinf^, a.
Xcoxaprehend' , v. \mp7-eg'nah\e, a.
comprehend' ed^ a. impreg'nah\y,ad.
comprehend'mg-) a. unpris'on, v.
coiYiprcheJi'sihle,a. impris'oned, a.
co\nprehen'sih]y , impris'o)i'mg, a.
coniprehc7i'sihle- hnpris'onn)cnt, n
iiess, n. inap/nehcn'sihle^a.
con\prehe7i's'ion , n. innp/rrche n's'w e., a. p7'is'on-house, n
compreheiL s'w c, a. mc.ompreheii'nibXe^ prize, n.
comprehen' s\vii\y , \ncomprehen'sih\y, \\xc:prehe7id', xu
comprehen'sive- mcon^prehe7i'si- repreheiid'ed, a.
nessj n. bleness, n. reprehe7id'er, n.
preg'nahle, a.
■\-p7-ehen'si\e, a.
prehen'sion, n.
pris'on, n.
pris'oned, a.
pris'oner, 7i.
pris'onmg, a.
* Apprentice, one who is bound by covenant to serve a naechanic or otber
person, for a certain time, with a view to learn his art, mystery, or occu-
pation, in which his master is bound to instruct liim. Apprentices are re-
gularly bound by indenture. In old law-books, a barrister ; a learner of law.
t Apprise, to inform ; to give notice, verbal or written, — followed by of.
% Comprehend, literally, to take in, to take with or together ; to con-
tain ; to include ; to imply, to understand, to conceive, that is, to tnke,
hold, ox contain in the mind. || Comprise, to contain, to include
§ Deprchend, to catch . to seize ; to detect, to discover.
* Enterprise, that whi< h is undertaken, or attempted to be performed ,
an attempt, pavliculaily a bold, arduous, or hazardous imdertaking, either
physical or moral. t Pichcmile, seizing, grnsping,
II licprchend, literal-
ly, 'to catch or seize again; to (hide, to b'amc, to censure, to accuse
2 N 2
reprchend'in^, a. repriev'ing, a. unapprehc u'.yihV-j ^a.
Teprelien'sih]c, a. -frepri'sal, n. unaiiprehen'sive, a,
reprehen'sihleneis, "^surprise', v. & n. unappri'sed, a.
reprehen'sion, n.
reprehen'sive, a.
reprehen'sory, a.
"reprieve', v. &. n.
reprieu'ed, a.
surj97'i'sed, a.
surpri'^ing, a.
surpri'singly, ad.
unen'teijarjsingj a.
UTxpris'oiitA, a.
unre//n'eu'able, a.
Prehens-us,;).j9. (a prehendo),to^"e72. (SeePrehendo.)
Prem-Oj v. 3. to press : as, compress', to pj-ess toge-
ther ; exp?-ess', to press or squeeze out, to utter;
o\)press', to ^?r(?5S against ; hnprinf, to ^rg55 on.
comjjre^s', u. expres'sing, a. imprint'ed, a.
com'prri)it'ed, a.
reprint'ing, a.
swppress', ik
sn])pres'sed, a.
&n-ppres'sing, a.
5up/;?'£'5si'on, n.
sup^r^s'sive, a.
sw^pres'soT, n.
nncompres'sGd, a.
wneyipres'sihle, a.
xxnexpres'sive, a.
mnrnpres'siMQ, a.
Tepres'sive, a.
vep'rimand, v. & n. unoppres'sed, a.
prmf/ing--paper, n. rep'rimanded, a. unpres'sed, a.
prm/'ing-press, n. rep'rimanding, a. unsup/;res'«ed, a.
princess, a. reprint', v.
Presbyter-os {TT^Kj^vT'.^oq, a TF^iG-^vg, old), eider or
older ; a jyriest : as^, /Tt^s'^^j/fer^, mi elder ^ a jjriest.
atchpres'byter, n. p7-esbi/te'rial, a. prcsbi/ie'rian\sm,n.
con\presbyte'rvd\, a.preshyte'rian, a&.n. \\pres'bytery, n.
Xpres'byter, n.
riiEss-tyyi/, Slip, (d premo)j to press. {See Premo.)
PiiESTiGi-yE Jor Vriesiigi-je, /. 1. ji(g<]ling tricks,
deceits, i?iijJostures.
pres'tiyes, n. prestigia'lion, n. presfiy'iatory, a.
prestig'ioas, a. prestiyia'lor, n.
* Press, to xtrga witli force or weight; to squeeze; an instrument or
machine by which any body is squeezed, crushed or forced into a more
coiiipPiCt form ; a machine for printing ; crowd, throng; urgency.
t Press-ffang-, a detachment of seamen under the conmiand of an officer,
empowered to impress men into tlie naval service.
X Presbyter, so called, because the persons appointed to this office were
somewhat adeanccd in age. || Presbytery, a body of elders in-
cluding pastors and elders , in ecclesiastical government, a judicatory con-
sisting of all the pastors of churches, within a certain district, and one rul-
ing eider, who is a layman, from each parish, commissioned by the kivU-
session to represent the parish in conjunction with the minister. I'lii:*
body receives appeals from the kirk -session ; and appeals from the presby-
tery may be carried to the provincial synod, and fiom the synod to the
General Assembly.
Prim-l's, a. (h pris, a. before, prior, a./or?ner), first :
as, pri' mar y, oi' the Jirst ; jp/'m'ciple^ the Jirst of
any thing, the cause or origin, element; pi'is't'me
or pri??i'itlyo, Jirst, ancient ; primc'va], of the
Jirst age.
antip7-iri'ciple, n.
a,rchpri'7na.te, n.
^Ixnpri'mxs, ad.
•fpre'mier, n. Sc a.
pre'miership, n.
Xprim, a. & v.
pn'm'ness, n.
\\pri'ms.cy , n
pri'mary, a.
pri'marily, ad.
pi'i'mariness, ii.
pri'wiateship, n
prima'tidl, a.
primat'ical, a.
*prime, n. a. &. v.
pri'med, a.
prime'ly, ad.
prime'ness, n.
•\-pri'mer^ it.
py-imc'val, a.
prime'vouSy a.
:{:^;rimige'nial, o?-
primoge'nial, a.
i|pn'7«ig'enous, a.
primiti'al, a.
prim'iiivt, a. & n
prim'itively, ad.
prim'itiveness, n.
§/;rimogen'itor, n.
* primogcn'iinxe, n
/)?-imogen'itureship,7;ri'o>-ess, n.
•\primox'dii\\^ a. & n- pri'orate, n
jon'mor'diate, a. prior'iiy, n.
princeliness, n.
pn?i'cipal, a. &. n.
/)n'?i'cipally, ad.
/)n;icipal'ity, n.
p>i/i'cipalness, n.
\\princ\-p'\a, n.
prm'cipate, n.
prin'ciYtie, n. & v.
prin'cipled, a.
%pri'or, a. Sl n.
prince, n. & v.
pr'/n'ccas, ii.
princc'Aom, n.
/)j-i7ice'like, a.
princc'ly, a. & ad.
pri'orsh]p, ji.
pri'ory, n.
pris'tine, a.
^uhprVoVy n.
unprincc'ly y a.
uiijori/t'cipled, a.
pri wangj a.
PrISM-^, St-05 (7r^;<7f^x, -aro^, a tt^ic'J, to SatC', to cut),
* Imprimis (Lat.) in thefii:st place ;j?r5< in order.
\ Premier, Jirst, chief, principal ; the first minister of state, the prime
minister. 4^ Prim, formal, precise. II Primacy, the chief
ecclesiastical station or dignity ; supremacy. § Primate, the chief
ecclesiastic in a church. * Prime, first in rank or in excellence ;
blooming ; the spring of life ; to put theirs* powder in the pan of a gun ;
to lay on the first colour in painting. | Primer, a small book
in which children are^> .?^ taught to read. J^ Prirnis^enial or Pri-
mogenial, first-Xioxn, original. Q Primigenous, first-ioxmeA or
generated. § Pnmogenitor, i\\e first father or forefather,
* Primogeniture, the state of being born first of the same family ; in
law, the right which belongs to the eldest son or daughter.
t Primordial or Primordiate, first in order; existing from ihc first.
i Primrose, an early flower. || Principia, first principles.
§ Prior, preceding in the order of time ; former, antecedent, anterior
the superior of a convent of monk?, or one next in dignity to an abbot.
Put 429 PRO
that which has been sawn ; an optical glass used
in experiments on light and colours.
prism, n. prismat'iaxWy , ad. prism'oid, n.
prismat'iCf a. pris'my, a, prismatoid'a}, a
prismat'ical, a.
Piiiv-uSj a. single, one's own ; not piihlic, peculiar
taken away : as^ pri'vate, pecidiar to one's own,
secret, a common soldier ; priva'tion, a taking
aicay ; dieprive', to take from.
deprive', v. yjri'uately, ad. pn'u'ileging, a.
deprj'yable, a. pri'vateuess, n. \\priv'y, a. & n.
depri'vtd, a. *privateeT', n. &. v. priv'ily, ad.
depri'ver, n. priva'tion, n. &. a. priv'iiy, n.
depri'vin^, a. •fpriv'atiye,a.& ji. ^priv'i/-chaniber, n.
depriva'iion, n- priv'ative\y, ad. *^ny'y-council, n.
dQprive'mQwi, n. priv'atiw eness, n. •\-priv'^-counse]lor,n.
mdepri'vab\e, a. Jjonu'ilege, ?i. & v. priv'y-seal, n.
pri'vacy, n. joriu'ileged, a. m\depri've,d, a.
pri'vaie, a. &. n.
Probat-i/s, J0.J9. (a i[)Yoho) ,t)'ied, approved. SeeProbo.
* Privateer, a ship of war fitted out by private individuals, to seize or
plunder the ships of an enemy in war.
f Privative, taking away ; consisting in the absence of something ; not
positive. Privative is in things, what negative is in propositions, — as,
privative blessings, safeguard, liberty, and integrity. In grammar, a pre-
fix to a word, which changes its signification, and gives it a contrary sense,
—as, a (Gr.) ir> abyss, a bottom/e.s* gulph ; un (Eng.) in t«nwise, not
wise; in (Lat.) in JMhuinan, not human. The word may also be applied
to affixes, — as, less, in harm^es*, ivithout harm.
X Privilege, literally and originally, a private law ; a peculiar benefit or
advantage, right or immunity, enjoyed by a person, company, or society,
not common to others.
I Privy, private, secret, priuatehj knowing ; a necessary house. In law,
a partaker, a person having an interest in any action or thing, — as, privy
in blood.
§ Privy-chamber, in Great Britain, the private apartment in a royal re-
sidence or mansion. Gentlemen of the privy chamber, are servants of the
king, who are to wait and attend on him and the queen at court, in their
diversions, &c. They are 48 in number, under the lord chamberlain.
* Privy-council of a king consists of a number of distinguished persons
selected by him, to advise him in the administration of government.—
\ Privy-counsellors, members of the pj-n'y-counril. They are made by
the king's nomination, without patent or grant.
rnoB-O;, V. 1. {(i probuS;, a. (jood, honest), to prore, to
try : as, aypi-Qve', to like^ to be pleased with, to
commend ; hnprob'ahlG, not likely ; probation,
the act of />roying or trf/ing, a trial ; prob'iiy,
goodness, honesty.
approve, v.
approv'ed, a.
ajtprov'ex, n.
apjoroy'ing, a.
approve'va^ni, n.
ap/)ro?/able, a.
apjoroy'al, n.
approba' fion, n.
ap'probaliye, a.
ap'probaiory, a.
*coin'2Jroljate, v.
disprov'ahle, a.
dhpi'ov'cd, a.
disprov'er, n.
disjorou'ing, a.
disproof, n.
improh'ahXe, a.
improb'ahly, ad.
irrejDro?)'«ble, a.
\rrcprov'ah\y, ad,
prob'ahle, a.
prob'ahly, ad.
probahiVity, ii.
% pro' bate, n.
proba'tion, n.
improb'ity, n.
improve', v.
disapproba'iion, n. improv'cd, a.
disap'probutory , a. improv'er, n.
•\disa\)])rove', v. improv'ing, a.
disapjorou'al, n. ixnprove'iweui, n.
disapprov'ed, a. impi-ov'ahlc, a.
disap/)>'o?/ing, a.
\:disprovc', v.
improbahiVity, n. proba'tional, a.
proba' tionary, a.
proba'lioner, n.
*pro'bative, or
pro'batoxy, a.
•fproha'lor, n.
Xproba'lwxa est, n.
\\ probe, n. & v.
j3»'o5e'- scissors, n.
imjorov'ableness, n. prob'iiy, n.
\mprova\)iViiy,n. %proof, n. & a.
* Comprohatc, to agree in approvine;, to concur in testimony.
t Disapprove, to dislike, to condemn in opinion or judgment, to censure
as wiong. X Disprove, to prove to be false or erroneous, to con -
fute,— as, to disprove an assertion, a statement, an argument, a propo -
§ Probate, the proving of the genuineness and validity of a will or testa-
ment. The right or jurisdiction of p;'oyi«g wills. In Eiiglaud, the spiri-
tual court has the prolate of wills.
• Probative or Probatory, serving for trial or proof.
t Probator, an examiner, an approver ; in law, an accuser.
% Probatum est (Lat. it i?, proved), an expression subjoined to a receipt,
for the cure of a disease, denoting that ft has been tried or proved.
Probe, to try ; to examine a wound, ulcer, or some cavity of the body,
by the use of the probe or surgeon's instrument, thrtist into the part ;
hence, to search to the bottom, to scrutinize, to put to a test; to examine
thoroughly into causes and circumstances.
6 Proof, trill!, experiment ; the degree of strength in spirit, which is
indicated by little bubbles ajipearing on the top of the liquor after agita-
tion, called the bead. In law and logic, that degree of evidence, which
convinces tlie mind of the certainty of truth or fact, and produces belief.
Firmness or hardness that resists imprest ion ; Crmiussof mind. In print-
ing or engraving, a rough impressiou of a sheet, taken for eorrection.
proofless, a.
prove, V.
prov'ed, a.
prov'er, n,
prou'ing, a.
prove' able, a.
prove'ahly, ad.
ve]/robateness, n. self-;ippro?/iiig, fr
rep'rohat'wg, a. self-rey^rou'ed, a
ntlf-reprov'ing^uS>. it
unappro?/ed, a.
unimprov'ed, a.
unim/)roy'ablc, a.
unprov'eA, a.
uurcprov'ed, a.
unre/^rou'flble, a.
leprolia'liovi, n,
xepro'oa'tionQr, n.
■\xcprove', V.
xtprov'tA, a.
reprov'eT, n.
*rep'robate,a.n.&v. reprov'in^, a.
lep'robated, a. leprov'ahle, a-
rep'robater, n. reproof, n. ^
Probr-l/m, n. 2. a shameful or wicked action, dis-
grace, reproach ; foul language : as, ex^jcro^rate^ to
ex'probrate, v. '!J;:oppro'bri\im, n. opj9?'o7;r?ously, ad.
exprobra'i'uyn, n. opfjro'ireous, a. op/jro'^riousnesSjW.
exprobra't'ue, a.
Pkocax, ^Q-is, a. p)ert, p)etulant, saucy,
proca'cious, a. procac'ity, n.
Prodigi-ltm, n. 2. {a prae et dico, to tell, or ago), any
thing out of the common coiirse of things ; an omen,
prod'igy, n. prodifft'ouslvy ad. prodir^i'ousness, n,
prodigi/ous, a.
Proem i-uM, n. 2. (Tr^ooif^iov, ab tt^o & oif^og, a wag or
S072g), preface — pro'em, n. proe'mial, a.
Prol-es, /. 3. an offspring or progeny : as, pi'oM'iQ,,
producing young or fruit, fruitful.
ImproM'ic, a. proM'lc, a. ;3ro/ifica'tion, n,
joro/if 'ically, ad. unjoro/if'ic, a.
proM'erovLS, a. prolif'icness, n.
Prompt-z7Sj a. (a pro & emo), brought forth, ready
(See Emo.^
* Reprobate, not enduring proof ox trial: rejected; ab?.ndoned in sin,
or to error ; lost to virtue and grace.
f Reprove, to blame, to censure; to charge with a fault to the face, to
chide ; to excite a sense of guilt.
% Opprobrium, reproach mingled with contempt or disdaii*.
Pkon-[7S^ «. having the face downwards ; inclined,
pronp, a, prone'ness, n. *prona'{ion, n. fprona'tor, n.
Propag-0, in-/., /. 3. (ab ago), a shoot or branch, a
race, an ojf.-pring : as, pi-op'agate, to generate, to
prop'agah\e, a. prop'ag&img, a. :{:;3ro//a^andism, w.
prop'affate, v. propaga'tion, n. prcpag&nd'ist, n.
prop'agated, a. prop'agator, n.
Prop-e, adv. near : Vkoxiu-us, a. nearest, next : as,
Vi\)prox'imQXe, nearest to, near to ; ^.^proach' , to
come or go near to ; -propin'qiiitj, 7iear7iess in
place, time, or blood.
propin'qnity, n.
approA^'imate, v.&a.propit'irxte, v.
ap/jro.r'?'mated, a. propii'iated., a,
appro.v'imating, a, propit'iahle, a.
ai)pro.v'i)na.t\ve, a. propit'iating, a.
approjri7?7a'/ion,?i. \\propitia'i\on, n.
ai>proach', v. & n. propit'iator, n
a\)proach'ah\e, a.
approacA'ed, a
prox'ime, a.
proxim'ity, n.
^reproach', v. & )i.
reproach'ahle, a.
reproach'ed, a.
reproach'ing, a,
reproach'ful, a.
reproach' fnWy, ad.
propit'iatOTY,a.8cnunapproach'ah\e, a.
propiti'ous, a. unaipproach'ahle-
a\iproach'er, n. propili'ously, ad. ness, n.
approac/i'ing, a. propiti'oxisness, n. unap/?roacVed, a.
ivrepi'oach'ahle^ a. unpropiti'oiifi, a.
irTeproach'ab\y,ad. prox'imate, a. wnxeproach'ed, a.
irrejtjroac/i'ableness prox'imat.e\y, ad.
Propiti-0, v.l.to appease, to atone. (See Prope.)
* Pronation, the motion or act of turning the palm downwards, — op-
posed to supination.
t Pronator, among anatomists, a muscle of the fore arm, which serves
to turn the palm of the hand downwards, — opposed to supinator.^
X Propagandism, the art or practice of propagating tenets or principles.
• — Dtvight.
11 Propitiation, the act of making near in favour, or propitious ; appeas-
ing ; in theolopri/, the atonement, or atoning sacrifice offered by Christ to
Gotl, to assuage his wrath, and render him propitious to sinners. Christ
is the propitiation for the sins of men. — Rom. iii. 25. I John ii. 2.
§ Reproach, to censure in terms of opprobrium or contempt ; to charge
with a fault in severe language ; to upbraid ; to suggest blame for any thing.
rROPRi-i/s^ a.(pro'priatsd,a. improp'er, a. prop'erty, n.
appra'priatclyyud. improp'erly, ad. 2Jropri'etaTy,n.&a.
appro'priateness, ■fimpro'p7'iate,v.Si.a.p7-oprVeior, n.
appj-o'joriating, a. hnpro'priatedi, a. jJroprVeiress, n.
appropria't'wu, n. impro'priating, a. propriety, n.
appro' pri&ior, n. impropria'iion, n. unappro'priated, a.
*v.'ppro'p7-ietary, n. impro'priator, n.
disap/^ro'/^riate, a. impropri'ety, n.
& V. :!j^prop'er, a.
Pros-^, /, 1. language not metrical, prose,
prose, n. & v. prosa'ic, a.
pro'scx, n. prosa'i^i, n.
PrOSELYT-OS {jTT^^ocryiXvToq, a fr^oq & IXiv&w, tO COme),
one nei0ly come or arrived ; a new convert.
\\pros'elt/te, n. & v. pros'eli/dsm, n. pros'elytize, v.
Prosop-on (;r^65ra»7roy, d 5rg05 & &)■<]/, the look, the visage,
of oTTTcf^xi, to look, to see), a visage, a character or
person— %p'>'osopo\ep''&y ,n. ^p^'osopope'ia, or pros' opoj)y,n.
Prosper, a. {a pro & spero, v. 1. to hope), luck?/, sue-
cessfid : aS;, pros' periiy, success,
improsper'ity, n. iinpi'os'pero\is, a. impros'perou&ly^ad.
* Approprietary, a lay possessor of the profits of a benefice.
t Ir^ipropriate, to annex the possessions of the church or a benefice to a
% Proper, peculiar, one's own ; naturally or essentially belonging to a
person or thing ; not common. That is not p) oper which is common lo
many. Noting an individual ; fit, adapted ; correct, just.
II Proselyte, a new convert to some religion or religious sect, or to some
particular opmion, system, or parly. Thus, a Gentile converted to Ju-
daism, is a proselyte ; a Pagan converted to Christianity is a proselyte, &c.
§ Prosopolepsy, res'^ect of persons ; more particularly, a prem-ature opi-
nion or prejudice against a person, formed by a view of his external ap-
* Prosopopeia or Prosopopy, a figure in rhetoric, by which things are
represented as persons, or by which an absent person is introduced as
speaking, or a deceased person is represented as alive and present. It in-
eludes persouijication, but it is more extensive in its signification.
2 o
iin/)ro«'perousness, pfosper'ity, n. unpros'perous, a.
pros'per, v. pros'perons, a. unpros' per onsly, ad.
])ros'pered, a. pros'peronsly, ad. unpros'peroixsncs^.
pros'pering, a. pros'perousness, n.
Prote-i/s, m. 2. a, marine deity—* Pro'teus^n. pro'te3.x\,a.
Prot-os {7r^aTo'^osis, n.
•feip'tofe, n. nsymptofical, a. *monop'iote, n.
aplot'ical, a. i\dip'(ote, n. ■\sym'ptom, n.
* Pseudo-metallic lustre is that which is perceptible only when held to-
wards the light, — as in minerals.
|- Psciido-morphotis, not having the true form.
X Pseudo-volcano, a volcano that emits smoke, and sometimes flame, but
no lava; also, a burning mine of coal.
II Metempsychosis, the passing of the soul of a man after death into some
other animal body ; transmigration. Pythagoras and his followers held
that after death the souls of men pass into other bodies, and this doctrine
still prevails in some parts of Asia, particularly in India and China.
§ Metempsychose, to translate from one body to another,— as the soul.
* Psyche, a nymph whom Cupid married.
t Aptote, an indeclinable noun, having no variation of termination, or
distinction of cases.
t Asymptote, literally, not falling in together, not meeting or coincid-
ing ; a line approaching nearer to some curve, but though infinitely ex-
tended, would never meet it,— as a tangent to a curve at an infinite distance.
II Diptote, a noun which has only two cases,— as, suppetice, suppetias.
§ Metempfosis, in chronology, the solar equation necessary to prevent
the new moon from happening a day too late, or the suppression of the
bissextile once in 134 years. The opposite to this is the proemptosis, or
the addition of a day every 300 years, and another every 24G0 years, to
prevent the new moon from happening a day too soon.
* Monoptote, a noun having only one oblique case.
t Symjitom, properly, something that happens in concurrence with an-
other thing, as an attendant. Hence, in medicine, any atTection which
accompanies disease ; a perceptible change in the body or its functions,
which indicates disease. The causes of diseases often lie beyond our sight,
but we learn the nature of them by the symptoms. Particular syynptoms,
which more uniformly accompany a morbid slate of the body, and are
characteristic of it, are called pathognomonic or diagnostic symptoms. A
sign or token ; that which indicates the existence of something else.
prociTi/Z/.Tsis, a. 9yrv.pfnmat'\c;i\^ a. ^'\uptomatoVogY,n.
sym/)/o»?o/'ic, a. ^ymptnmat'icsiYLy, *tnp'{ole, n.
Pty-0 {tttvm), fo apit . 3.^, pfi/s'jnagogue, a medicine
that promotes discharges of saliva or spittle.
hemop'/i/sis, or -fptT/'alism, n. pl?/s'magogue, n.
henio/j/o'A'is, n.
PuBEii;, a. (''/ puhes^ /. 3. down or soft hair), mar
j)u'berty^ n. puhe%'cenc&, n. ptthes'cent, a.
PuBLic-C75, a. belonging to the people. (See Popidus.'^^
VvsD-Eo, V 2. to be ashamed or modest : as, im'pud.
ence, want of modesty.
hiVpudence, n.
InVpudency, n.
iviVpiidQnt, a.
im'pudtntly, ad.
impudic'ily , n.
PuER^ m. 2. a boy
pu'erile, a.
pueriVity, n,
PuGN-^, /. 1. (h pugnus, m. 2. the Jist), a fight, a
battle: as, o^yipugn , to conquer, to take hy assault ;
ixnpugn', to attack or oppose ; or^pugn' , to attack.
pu'dicsiX, a.
pu'dency, n.
pudic'ity, n.
^repu'diate, v.
lepu'diahle, a.
xepti'diated, a.
repu'diating, a.
Tepudia'tioTi, n.
as, pu'erWe, of or Uke a boy.
/(Mer'peral, a. puer'-p^xow^, a.
expitgn , v.
expngn'er, n,
expugjia'lion, n.
expiK/'nahle, a.
impugn', v.
iwpiign'er, n.
oj)pug7i'ed, a.
o-ppugn'er, n.
o-ppugn'ing, a.
oppug'7iancy, n.
OTppugna'f ion, n.
YiYopugu', V.
inexjmg'nahle, a. \>ropugn'eT, n.
oppugn', V. pu'gilism, n.
*pu'gilht, n.
pjigilh'dc, a.
pugna'cioviS, a.
pugnac'ity, n.
repug'nance, n.
TQpug'?iancy, n.
xepug'n&ni, a.
repug'nanily, ad.
uurepug'nant, a.
* Triptote, a noun having three cases only.
t Ptyalism an unnatural or copious flow of saliva ; salivatioT*
• ■ ■•,•<",
§ Repudiate, to put away, to d^vorce^— as a wife ; to cast away, to reject,
to iiiscard. * Pugilist, one wlio fights with his/.v<*.
PUL 437 PUxV
PuLEX^ puliC-'/Sj m.3. a f,ea — pu'licoiie,or pu'licous,a-
VuLL-us, m. 2. any young, a chick; a bud: 2,^,pul'lii-
hie, to bud; puVhi, a young hen ; jjoult, a chicken,
poulf, n. poid' (ry -yard, n. pullula't'ion, n.
*pord'iereT, n. pid'let, n. repid'lulate, v.
•fpord'fry, n. pid'lulate, v. xepullula'tion, n.
PuLMOj ow-is, m. 3. the kings,
pul'monary, a. piilmon'ic, a & n.
PuLP-yi.;, /. 1. the pith or soft part of trees.
Xpulp, n. Sl v. pidp' ousness, n. pulp'y^ «•
pidp'ous, a.
PuLPiT-UMj n. 2. a place raised^ where the speaker
stands — \\ptd'pit,n. pulpit-eVoquence,n. pulpit -ox' aior^n.
PuLS-uSj p.p. (d pello), driven, beaten. (See Pello.)
PuLVis_, er-is, m. 3. dust, powder : as_, pulverize, to
reduce to fine powder, as by beating, grinding, &c.
pow'der, n. & v. pid'verate, or puFverous, a.
pov/dery, a. pul'verize, v. pidver' nXence, n.
pul'verable, a. pid'verized, a. pulver'ulent, a.
^pul'verin, or pid'verizing, a. *pul'vU, n. & v.
ptd'verine, n. pulveriza'lion, n.
PuNCT-c/s^ p.p. (a pungo), pointed, jyyicked. (See
PuNG-o, V. 3. to point oy prick : as_, coxnpunc'tio'n, a
prickmg, a pricking of heart ; expunge' , to blot out
-as with ^.pen,io efface ; pun' gent, pricking, acrid,
sharp; poi'gn^ixii, sharp, piercing, keen.
coxnpunc't'ion, n. compunc'tivQ, a. e'spung'ed, a.
compunc'iious,a. expunge', tu expung'ing,n.&a.
* Poulterer, one who deals in poultry. f Poultri/, domestic fowls.
t Pulp, a soft mass ; the soft substance within a bone, marrow ; the
soft, succulent part of fruit ; the aril or exterior covering of a coffee-berry ;
to deprive of the pulp or integument,— as the coffee-berry.
II Pulpit, an elevated place or inclosed stage in a church, in which the
preacher stands.
§ Pulvcrin, the ashes of the plant barilla, used in making glass and soap,
and in bleacliing linen. * Pulvil, a sweet-scented pntcder.
2 o 2
punctuaX'ity, n.
II j9»nc7uate, v.
p^inc'luated, a.
pmic'tnating, a.
punctna,' lion, n.
^vunc'tMXQ, n. &. v.
punc'lvned, a.
cxpMnc7io:i, n. ^pvyich, n. & v.
poi'ffnance, n. pu?ich'tdy a.
■poi'gnaxit, a. \\pu}ic'iate, or
poi'ff na,nt\y, ad. punc'iated, a.
point, n. & V. ^ptinc'tiform, a.
point'er, n. "punctW'io, n.
pomi'ed, a. pJincl'iVious, a.
point'edly, ad. jj'oicllYiously, ad. piinc'tnring, a.
point'edness, n. pii7ictiVio\isness,n.
point'ing,a.SLn. -xpunc'to, n. pun'ffcncy, ?i.
pointless, a. :{:j3«nc7ual, a. pun'gent, a.
*pj07t'iard, n. punc'fually, ad. unpiuic'tnal, a.
•fpounce, n. & v. punc'tv\a\\?,t, n. unj^«nc^uarity, n.
poun'ced, a. punc'tualne^s, n. un^urt'c/uated, a.
PuNic-uSj a. (d Poeni, Cartkacj/hiians), of Carthage
or its inhabitayits — *pu'nic, a. Sl n.
VuNi-Oj V. 4. {d poena, punishment), to jjunish : as,
ivnpu'niiy, without piinishment.
dis^Mn'ishable, a. pun'ishing, a. pu'niiive, a.
imp^i'nity, n. pun'ishment, n. j;2f'nJ/ory, a.
pu7i'is,h, V. pun'iahahle, a. unpiui'i&hed, a.
pun'ished, a. puti'inhahleness, n. uupun'islriing, a,
pu?i'isher, n.
Pup-^, f. \. a young child, the image of a child ;
apple of the eye, or eye-hall,
•ypup, V. Sc n. Xp^'pf^t ^' Wp^'-'p'^h ^^•
* Poniard, a small dagger ; a pointed instrument for stabbing, borne in
the hand, or at the girdle, or in the pocket.
t Pounce, a clnw or talon of a bird of prey ; to fall on suddenly, to fall
on and seize with the claws, — as, a rapacious fowl pounces on a chicken.
± Punch, to perforatey«o thrust against with something obtuse, (elbow.)
II Punctate, in botany, perforated, full of small holes ; having hollow
dots scattered over the surface. § Punctiforni , having the form of a point.
*ru'nctilio, a nicepoint of exactness in conduct, ceremony, or proceeding.
t Puncto, a nice point of form or ceremony ; the point in fencing.
t Punctual, exact, observant of nice points.
II Punctuate, to mark with points, — as in books.
§ Puncture, a hole made with a sharp point.
* Punic (a Poeni, the Carthaginians, from Phoeni, Phenicians, as Car-
thage was settled by Plienicians), pertaining to the Carthaginians ; faith-
less, treacherous, deceitful, — because they abounded in artifices, strata-
gems, and perfidy. \ Pup, a whelp ; to bring forth wl'.elp-i or young.
% Pupa, an insect in that state in which it resembles an infant in swad-
ili'ing clothes, — railed chrysalis or aurelia.
ij Pupil, one under age, or under the care of a guardian ; the eye-ball.
jm'pila,ge, n. '"ptipiv'oraus, a, XP^P'PY^ ^^- <^ "♦
pu'pilixry, a. -^-piip'pa:, n. pup'py'ism, n.
pup'petry, n. babe, n.
PuiiGAT-t;,s% p. p. ('i purgo), cleansed, (See Purgo.)
PuRG-o, I'. 1. ^0 maX;e clean, to pu7'ge : as, &yipiirg'..
atory, c/ea72sing, purifying ; purgato'n-a\., belong-
ing to liurgaiory,
compurga'l'wa, n. ex'purgator, n.
comptirffa'toY, n. expurg'atory, a,
purge, v. & n.
ex'purgate, v. purg'&A, a.
ex'purgated, a. purg'er, n.
ex'purgaling, a. purg'ing, a. & n.
expurga'iion, n. purga'tion, n.
Purloin, v. (Fr. « pour, /or, Sc\o'm,/aro^,) to take
or ca7'7y away for one's self, to steal.
purg'at'ivc, a. 8l n.
I purg'atory, n.Si a.
?'ate, to generate pus.
de/''wrate, v- & a. */;w'rulence, n. pus'tuloiis, a.
dep'wj-ated, a. pu'rulency, n. su-p'purate, v.
de/?'Mrating, a. j^wVulent, a. snyt^purating, a.
depura'iioTi, n. pus, n. sup/?Mra'^ion, n.
dep'uratory, a. •\pus'tule,n. suip'puratiye,a.&.7i.
pu'riform, a. pus'tulaXe, v.
PusiLL-c75^ a. (a pusio^ m. 3. a child), weak, small, or
4:/'W5i//anim'ity, n. pusilhn'imously, ^M5i//an'imousness,
pusillan'imons., a.
PuT-O;, V. I. to lop or prune J to thi^ik, to adjust ac-
counts : a.B, WLn'putate, to cut off a limb ; com-
pute' , to reckon ; ^x^pute' , to differ in opinion, to
debate ; impute^ to charge, to ascribe ; repute',
to think, to account.
\\account', n. & v. account'ing, a.Scn. compu'tdble, a.
account'able, a. accotm^'-book, n. compu'ied, a.
am'putate, v. compu^tei, n.
account'dbleness,n.a\n'putated, a. compu'ting, a.
accountobil'ity, n. am'putating, a.
accown^'ant, n. ampiita' Hon, n. computa'tion, n.
account'eA, a. ^compute', v. ^count, v. & n.
* Purulence, the generation of pus or matter ; pus.
■f Pustule, a pimple, a blister ; a small push or eruption on the skin.
X Pusillanimity , littleness or weakness of mind; that feebleness of mind
which shrinks from trifling or imaginary dangers.
II Account, a sum stated on paper ; an entry in a book or on paper, of
things bought or sold, of payments, services, &c. including the names of
the parties to the transaction, date, and price or value of the thing ; a
computation of debts and credits ; a mode of reckoning ; narrative, a
statement of facts ; an assignment of reasons ; reason or consideration, as
a motive; value, importance ; profit, advantage; regard, behalf, sake;
to deem, judge, consider, think, or hold in opinion; to value.
§ Compute, to number, count, or reckon ; to cast together several sums
or particulars, to ascertain the amount or aggregate ; to cast or estimate
in the mind ; to calculate.
* Count, to number, to tell or name one by one, or by small numbers,
— as, to count the yesrs, days, and hours of a man's life; to reckon, to
impute ; to esteem, account, think, judge, or consider.
count'ahle, a. dis//M'/ing, ii. «^ a. pu'lative, a.
coiint'ed, a. disputeless, n. recount', v.
coiint'er, n. dis'/jw^able, a. xecount'ed, a.
co?^n^ess, a. d.Wput?mi, n. & a. veconnt'ing, a.
count'ing, a. & n. diaputa'iion, n. repute', v. & n.
coM7i^'ing-housejn. dispw^a'^ious, a. leptite'less, a.
corin^'ing-room, n. dispu'tative, a. rep'utahle, a.
depute', V. disrepute', n. rep'utahlj, ad.
depu'ted, a. disre//t<^able, a. repu'ted, a.
depu'ting, a. dhxeputa'tion, n. xepu'tedly, ad.
deputa'tion, n. impute', v. repu'ting, a.
dep'utlze, v. imputed, a. repicta'tion, n.
*dep'uty, 71. impu'ter, n.
dep'ute-^er\S, n. in^pu'lmg, a. suppn^a^ion, n.
■|-discoMn^, n. &. v. imputable, a. unaccoz^n/'able, a.
discoMn^'able, a. impM'/ableness, 71. un&ccomit'dh\y,ad.
discoM?i^'ed, a. imputa'tion, n. unacco?^n^'ableness,
discount'er, n. \ri\pu'tati\e, a. v\ii.count'a\Ae, a.
discount' mg,a. Sin. impu'tativeXy, ad. undis'pwtoble, a.
dispute', V. & 71. indis'pw/able, a. undisp^i'ted, a.
dispu'ted, a. iiidis'p? four persons with 40 cards, being the remainder of the pack after the
four tens, nines, and eights are discarded ; a modern dance in sets oi four
I! Quadrillion, a million multiplied thrice by a millioiu
* guad'r ilohate, or gvad'ruply, ad. guart'ering, n.Sia.
gnad'rilohed, a. tpiad'rtifiled, a. gnarl'er~day, n.
■fguadr Hoc' \x\ivc, a. ' quad'ru-p\\r\g, a. -j-gwar^'er-deck, n.
Xguadrino'm\sL\, a. giiadru'p\ica,te,a. ^Tywar^'er-master, ?;.
Wguadrirp'anite, a. & v. Wquari'ern, n.
guadripa.TtitVon,n. quadriipl\ca,'tiQn,n.^quar'io, n. Sea.
%guadriph'y\lous,a. :!l;:qicar'antme,n.8LV.*gua'tei'-cousins, n.
*guad'riveme, n. guar'antined, a. -fguat'em, a.
•^-quadrisyl'lahle, n. guar'antinmg^ a. ^guaiern'ary, a.
ijryuarf'rivalve, or \\qua7-t, n. H^'Wa^ern'ion,/*. & v.
WquadrivaWulai, a. ^quart'an, n.Sia. §guaienVity, n.
^guadriv'ial, a. guarta'tion, n. *guat'ram, n.
*quadroon', n. *guart'er, n. & v. "fsguad'rorvy n.
■fquad'riiman, n. giiart'ered, a. sguad'roned, a.
guad'ru-ped, n. &. a. gnari'erly, a. & ad. '^square, a. n. & v.
gtiad'ruj)\e,a-n.&v.guart'eTage, n. square'nesSy n.
* Qitadiilobate, liaving fow lobes. _ f Qtiait-ilocitlar, having four cells,
/- hands or limbs that correspoiid to
the hands of a man, — as, a monkey.
X Quarantine, properly, the space of forty days ; appropriately, the term
of forty days, during which a ship arriving in port and suspected of being
infected with a malignant, contagious disease, is obliged to forbear all in-
tercourse with the city or place. Hence restraint of intercourse, to which
a ship supposed to be infected, is subjected, either fox forty days, or for
any other limited term, according to circumstances.
II Quart, the fourth part of a gallon.
§ Quartan, designating the /oM/iA; occurring every /owrf A day; an ague
that returns every fourth day. * Quarter, the fourth part.
t Quarter-deck, the short upper deck. X Quarter-master, one
who regulates the quarters and provisions of soldiers.
tl Quarter?}, the fourth part of a pint ; a gill.
§ Quarto, a book in which every sheet makes /owr leaves.
*QMafe?--fousi«*, kindred in the/o7/r?/i degree; pronounced Zfa/^e>'-c?/2«*.
t Quatern, consisting of fow ; /ow?'-fold. % Quaternary, the num-
ber /o'^r. II Quaternion, the nwmher four ; a file of four soldiers.
§ Quaternity, the number /owr. * Quatrain, a stanza of four
lines rhyming alternately.
t Squadron, literally, a square form ; hence, a square body of soldiers,
infantry or cavalry ; a division of a fleet ; a detachment of ships of war,
employed in a particular expedition ; or a third part of a naval armament.
:J: Square, a figure v/ithfour equal sides, and four rigiit angles.
QujER^o, V. 3. to ask, to seek, to obtain : as, cor\'q2(er,
to subdue^ to gain by force ; mquire', to ask a qucs-
tion^ to search ; request', to ask, to solicit ; require' ,
to demand; m' quest, judicial inquiry, search, a jury.
%dii?.qnint\'on, n. inquhito'vial, a.
Ijex'^-wi^ite, a.
ex'quisitely, ad.
ex'quisheneis, n
* request', n.
"f acquire', v.
acqiii'rahle, a.
acqvi'red, a.
acqui'rer, n.
acqitVr'wg, n. & a. m'qucst, n.
acqiare'ment, n. iuqnire', v.
acquisition, n.
acguis'iihe, a.
inq7j.isito'nons, a.
*per'qnisite, n.
•^exquisitVoTx, n.
Yirerequire', v.
•\ que' rent, n.
inqni'rahle, a. que'rist, n.
inqui'rQXiX, a. I^que'ry, n. & v.
inqui'rer, tu \\qiiest, n. & v.
con'quer, v. mqid'r'iXXii^, a. %qucs'lion, n. & v.
con'querdhle, a. inqui'ry, n. qnes'tioned, a.
con'querdhleness,7i.^inquisiti'on, n. qiies'iion'mg,n.&.a.
con'qucred, a. mquisiti'ona], a. ques'tionahle, a.
covi'quermg, a. inqjns'itive, a- & n. qiies'tiovia,l)leness,n.
con'queroT, n. inquis'itiveiy, ad. ques'tionary, a.
cou'q7xeress, n. inquis'itiweness, n. ques'tionev, n.
con'quest, n. mquis'itor, n. ques't\om&i, n.
* Acqiiest, the thing gained; a place acquired by force.
t Acquire, to gain, by any nneans, something which is in degree perma-
nent, or which becomes' vested or inherent in the possessor, — as, to acqidre
a tide, estate, learning, habits, skill, dominion, &c. Plants acquire a gieen
colour Ircm the solar rays. A mere temporary possession is not expressed
by acqidre, but hy gain, ubtain, procure, — as, to obtain (not acquire,) a
book on loan. ij: Disquisition, a formal or systematic inquiri/
into any subject, by arguments or discussion of the facts and circumstances
that may elucidate trtith, — usually applied to a ivritten treatise.
II Eaquisite, literally, sougJtt out or searched for with care ; whence choice,
select; nice, exact, very excellent ; accurate, capable of nice perception or
discrimination ; extreme. § Inquisition, inquiry, a searching,
ofticial examination. In some Roman Catholic countries, a court or tri-
bunal established for the examination and punishment of heretics (Protes-
tants.) This court was established in the tenth century^ by Father Do-
minic, who was charged by Pope Innocent III. with orders to excite Ro-
man Catholic princes and people, to extirpate heretics (Protestants.)
* Perquisite, a fee or pecuniary allowance beyond ordinary salary or
settled wages. f Querent, an inquirer. % Query, a question ; an
tnquiry to be answered or resolved ; to ask a question ; to seek, to inquire.
11 Quest, act of seeking, a search. § Question, the ac.tof asking;
that which is asked ; inquiry ; dispute or subject of debate; doubt; trial.
2 p
ques' tionlesSy n. Yeqm'rahle, a.
*gnes'tOT, n. reqni'red, a.
gties' t or shiiXy v. reqidre'ixiQnt^ n.
\ques'tuaxy, a. &, ii. requVring, a.
imcon'qiierdble, a,
uncon'^-wered, a.
uninqiiis'itive, a.
uuques'tionahle, a.
unqiies'tioned, a.
unqries'tioning, a.
uxiTequest'ed, a.
Tecon'quer, v. \\req'uisite, a. & u.
Teinquire'y v. req'uisitely, ad.
Xxequest', v. & n, rey'awiteness, «.
xequest'ed, a. reqtiisiti'on, «.
request'er, n. requis'itive, a.
reqnesi'ingj a. requis'itory, a.
require', v. unac^'uiVed, a.
QuAL-is^ a. of what kind or s&i't ; suck : as_, qtml^i^y,
to Jit, to modify; qual'iiy, nature of any thing.
dx%quaViiy, v. qual'iiy, v. qual'iiymg, a.
disywa/'tfied. a. qual'iAer, n. qual'ity, n,
di&qual' Hying, a. g/fa/ifica'tiou, n. qual'itied, a.
dis^'Mfl/ifica'tion, n. qiial'iRedy a. anqual'lfy, v.
q7ial'iG.ah}e. a. qual'iRedness, n. \xnqual'i^Qd, a.
Q\jAi>!T-us, i, a million four times multiplied by a million.
§ Aliquot part of a number or quantity is one which will measure it
without a remainder. Thus, 5 is the aliquot part of 15.
* Quorum (Gen. p!ur. of 9«t, who), a bench of justices, or such a num-
ber of officers or raembet* as is competent by law or constitution to transact
business,— as, a quorum of members was not present. t Quota, a
jusi part or share, a proportional number. % Quotidian, daily.
^Quotient, how muni/ Uxtiis, the number of times; a term in arithmetic.
Rabbi (Chal. h:^% lord, master), a Jewish doctor,
*Rab'hi, or -j-ra55t»^c, a. & n. '^rah'bim&i, or
Rab'bin, n. rabbin'ical, a. rab'bimte, n.
Rabd-os (^xQog), a rod, a wand—\\rab'domancy, or
rhab'doiiaancy, n. ^rabdoVogy, or rhabdoVogy, n.
Rabi-es^/. 5, madness, rage: Qi.^,rab'idi, furious, mad,
rab'iA, a. ra'ving, a. rev'eler, n,
ra&'idness, n. ra'uingly, ad. rev'ehy, n.
*rave, v. & n. •frev'el, v. & ii. rev'eling^ a. & n.
Racem-us, m. 2. a bunch or cluster of grapes.
Xraoema'tion, n. ||rac^wiPerous, a. rac'emous, a.
"Rabi-vs, m. 2. the spoke of a wheel ; a beam or rai/ :
as, e7'a'diate, to shoot as 7'a?/s of light.
%hira^diate, or irra'rfiance, n. ^ra'diate, v. & a.
hira'diated, a. iira'diancy, n. ra'diated, a.
* coxradia' lion, n. -^octor a' diattd, a. ra'diaiing, a.
era'diate, v. ra'diance, a. radia'tion, n.
eradia'tion, n. ra'diancy, n. |lra(/iom'eter, n.
ixra'diaiQ, v. i& a. ra'dial, a. ra'dius, 7i.
irra'diated, a. ra'diant, a. & n. %fai/, n.
irra'diating, a. ra'diantly, ad. rayless, a.
irradia'tion, n. array', t/. i\ v.
* Rabbi, a title assumed by the Jewish doctors, signifying ma^fer oi lord
This title is not conferred by authority, but assunied or allowed by cour-
tesy to learned men. | Rabbinic, the language or dialect of the
Rabbins ! the later Hebrew. X Rabbinist, among the Jews, one
who adhered to the Talmud and the traditions of the Rabbins, — in oppo-
sition to the Caraites, who rejected the traditions, || Rabdomancy,
divination by rods or staves. § Rabdology, a method of perform-
ing mathematical operations by little square rods. * Rave, to wan-
der in mind or intellect, to be delirious or wild ; to utter furious excla-
mations. . t Revel, to feast with loose and clamorous merriment,
to carouse. X Racemation, a cluster, — as of grapes.
II Racemiferous, bearing clusters, § Biradiate, having two rays.
* Corradiation, a conjunction of rays in one point. f Octo/adiated,
having eight rays. X Radiate, to issue in rays,~as light ; to
emit rays. H Radiometer (k radius, a rod), the forestaff, an in-
strument for taking the altitudes of celestial bodies.
§ Ray, a line of Ugfit, or the right line supposed to be described by a
particle of light. A collection of parallel 7-ays constitutes a beam ; a col»
lection of diverging or converging rays, a pencil of rays.
2 P 2
Radix, Tc-^.s", /. 3. a root : as,, erad'ic^ite, to take out
the roots or by the roots ; to root out.
erad'ic^te, v. & a. rad'ically, ad. radica'tion, n.
erati'icated, a. raJ'icalnesSj n. -f rarf'iclej n.
erac/'icating, a. rarfjcal'ity, n. "^ra'dix, n.
e7-adica'lioTi, n. *rad'icatey v. & a. unerrtrf'jc«ble, a.
erad'ic&t'ive, aSiU. rad'icant, a. unerad'icated, a.
rad'ical, a. & n. rad'icated, a.
Rad-0^ v. 3. to shave, to scrape : as, ohrade' , to rub
or leear off; erase', to rub or scrape out.
abrade', v. trase'vaent, n. *raze, v.
abra'rfed, a. er«'«ing, a. ra'«ed, «.
abra'rfing, a. era'iion, n. -f razee', n.
abro'sion, n. era'swxe, n. ra'z'mg, a.
rase, v. "^ra'zox, 7i.
erase', v. ra'snxe, n,
era'sa\i\e, a. \\rash, v. ra'z^xre, n.
era'stA., a. ^rash'er, n.
Ram- US, m. 2. a bough or branch : as, ram'iiy, to di-
vide or shoot into branches or parts.
\\ram'age, n. ram'iRed, a. rayni^ca'tion, n.
ra'meons, a. rayii'ifying, a. ra'moxxs, a.
r^m'ify, V.
Ranc--Eo, v. 2. to be stale, rancid, or strong scented :
as, ra/^ces'cent, becoming rancid or sour.
rances'cent, a. ^ran'cox, n. rank'ly, ad.
ran'cid, a. ran'corous, a. rank'ness, n.
ran'cidness, n. r«/i'corously, ad. •|-ra?i'Me, v.
rancld'ity, n. *rank, a.
* Radicate, to root, to plant deeply and firmly. | Radicle, that
part of the seed of a plant, which, upon vegetating, becomes the root ; the
fibrous part of a root, % Radix, a root, a primitive ivord, from which
spring other words. I! Rash, to slice, to cut into pieces.
§ Rasher, a thin slice of bacon ; a thin cut. * Raze, to subvert
from the foundation, to destroy, — as, to raze a city to the ground.
t Razee, a ship of war cut down to a smaller size. X Rn~or, an
instrument for shaving. || Ramage, warbling of birds sitting on boughs.
§ Rancor, the deepest malignity or spite ; deep-seated and implacable
malice ; inveterate enmity. (This is the strongest term fot enmity which
the English language supplies.) Virulence, corruption.
* Rank, luxuriant in growth ; strong scented ; strong to the taste; ex-
cessive. ^Rankle, to gtovi more rank or strong : to fester ; to
become more violent, to rage,— as, jealousy runklcs in the breast.
RanGj m. (Fr.) a row or line, rank, order : as^ ar-
range' , to put in order, or in proper order ; de-
range' , to put out of order
dcranp'ing, a. rang'ing, a. & n.
disar^-aiige', v. Xrank, n. & v.
^'isarrange'mQnUn.rank'edi, a.
^range, v. 8c n. ra7ik'er, n.
rang'cd., a. rank'ing, a.
■frang'er, n. unarran^/'ed, a.
rang'ex-%h\^, n. underan^'ecl, a.
arrange , v.
ar rang'ed, a.
arrang'er, n.
aTrange'ment, n.
arrang'ing, a.
derange', v.
derang'ed, a.
dQrange'ment, n.
Rap-iOj v. 3. to snatch, to carry away quickly hy force:
enrap'twrQ, to transport with pleasure ; rajya'cious,
given to plunder, seizing by force.
^Arreptiti'ous, a. rapt, a- & n. rap'tex, or
%coTrep't\on, n. ra/)a'cious, a. rap'tor, n.
^direp'tion, n. rajoa'ciously, ad. ^\rap't\xre, w.
rapa'ciousness, n. rap'twred, a.
rapac'ity, n. rajo'^urist, n.
%rape, n. rap'tuxous, a.
*r«p'id, a- & n. ^rav'age, v. & n-
rap'idly, ad. rav'aged, a.
rap'idness, n. rav'agex, n.
rapid'ity, n. rav'agmg, a.
■\ra'piQX, n. "rave, v.
"^rap'ine, n. ra'ving, a.
enrap'tnxe, v.
enraptured, a.
enrapturing, a.
•fenrau'ish, a.
enravlshed, a.
enrau'ishing, a.
enrau'ishment, n.
X^rep'tion, n.
\\rap, V. & n.
* Range, to set in a row or in rows ; to place in a regular line, lines or
ranks ; to dispose in proper classes, orders or divisions, or in a proper
manner ; to sail or pass near ; to rove at large. f Ranger, one
that ranges, an officer or keeper of a forest or park ; a dog that beats the
ground. % Rank, a row or line, applied to troops; a row, a line
of things; degree, grade, class, order, division; dignity.
II Arreptitious, snatched away ; also, crept in privily.
§ Correption, chiding, reproof, reprimand. * Direption, the act
o( plundering. i Enravish, to throv? into ecstasy, to transport
with delight. % Ereption, a snatching or taking away by force.
II Rap, to strike with a quick smart blow ; to seize and bear awai/,—&i
the mind or thought. § Rape, a seizmg by violence ; in law, the
carnal knowledge of a woman forcibly and against her will.
* Rapid, very swift or quick. + Rapier, a small sword used only
in thrusting. % Rapine, the act of plundering; violence, force.
II Rapture, transport, ecstasy, violence of a pleasing passion, extvciric
joy or pleasure. § Ravage, to spoil, plunder, pill;ige, or sack ; spoil,
ruin, waste. * Rave, to wander in mind or intellect, to be dcliiious
or wild ; to utter furious exclamations.
ra'vingly, ad rav'ish'mg, a. rau'isher, n.
"rav'ish, v. rau'ishingly, ad. rau'ishment, ii.
rau'ishedj a. ray'ine, n. »"(/'le, n. & v.
RapT-O {^XTTXa), to sew or stitch — fgasUor'aphy, n.
'RxvT-uSjp.p, {dvwpio), snatched J seized. {SeeRapio.)
"Rar-us, a. scarce ; thin, not close or thick : as_, i-are,
not common, f^m, not dense.
rare, a. rar'efy, v. ror'efying, a.
rarefy, ad. rarefac'tion, n. rar'ity, n.
rare'ness, n. rar'efiable, a. :{:raVeeshow, n.
Ras-17Sj p.p. {a rado), scraped, shaven. (See RadoJ)
Rat-v s,p.p.{a YeoY,v.dep.2.to thinTi^^thiuking, judging;
established, Jixed : as, rate, o. fixed price, to value ;
rat'i^j, to confirm, to make valid ; ra'tio, propor-
tion; ra^/ocina'tion, the act or process of reasoning;
ra'toble, a.
ratably, ad.
ra'ted, a.
ra'ter, n.
r a' ting, a.
rat'ify, v.
rat'i^ed, a.
rafifying, a.
ra/efica'tion, n.
Rauc-us, a. hoarse, harsh — rau'chy, n.
rea'sonableness, n.
rea'sonmg, n.&a.
rea'sonless, a.
underrate', v.
un'derraf^, n.
unrea'sonahlc, a.
unrea'sonahly, ad.
unr^a 'sowed, a.
* Ravish, to seize and carry axoay by violence; to have carnal know-
ledge of a woman by force and against her consent ; to hear away with joy
or delight ; to delight to ecstasy. f Gastroraphy, the operation
of sewing up wounds of the abdomen. 4: Rareeshow, a show car-
ried in a box, || Ration, a portion or fixed allowance of provisions
for each soldier, and for his horse; proportional allowance.
5 Rationale (Fr.) a detail with reasons ; a scries of reasons assigned.
Recens, nt-iS) a. new, fresh, newlii or lately made or
re'cency, n. re'cenily, ad. re'ce7iiness, n.
re'cent, a.
Reciproc-us^ a. (a re & capio), ^oinc/ backiisard and
forward, alternate, mutual.
recip'rocal, a. &.n. recip'rocate, v. reciprGca't'ion, n.
recip'rocaWy, ad. recip'rocated, a. reciproc'ity, n.
recip'roca\ne%%^ n. recip'rocating, a.
Recondit-us, a. (a con & do)^ hidden, abstruse. (See
R-ECT-uSj a. (a rego)^ straight, not crooked ; right,
fit, proper. (See Rego.)
Regn-i/Mj n. 2. (a rego), a kingdom. (See Rego.)
Reg-o, v. 3. to ride or govern : as, correct' , to make
right or set rigid, to amend ; rec'toY, a governor ;
rcc^'angle,, a figure of four re^'/?^ angles ; rec'ti^j, to
make right; o'e'gion, a district under one ruler, a
country ; re'g^, belonging to a king ; q-ex, a king.
*arrect', or correct' ox, n. direc^'ress, or
arrect'ed, a. ■fcor'rigihle, a. direct'rix, n.
conir Aregular'iiy,n.cQv'rigi\AQn(i%s, n. direct'oxy, n. & «.
correct', v. & a. %d\rect'^ a. & v. d\recto'ria\^ a.
correct'dd, a. dxrect'eA, a. \\crect', a. & v.
correct'mg, a. direci'er, n. erect' a\AQ, a.
corj-6'c'^ion, n. A.Wect'ing, a, erect'ed, a.
corrt'c'donal, a. direc'tion, n. Greet' er, n.
direc^'ive, a. erect'ing, a.
correct'ive, a. & n. directly, ad. erec't'ion, n.
correct'Xy^ ad. d\rect'ne?,s, n. erectly, ad.
corrgc^'ness, n. direct'or, n. erec^'ness, n.
* Arrect, erect, attentive, — as a person listening. f Corrigible, that
may be set right, amended, or refomcied j punishable. ± Direct,
straight, right. — It is opposed to crooked, winding, oblique. It is also op-
posed to refracted, — as a direct ray of light. Open, plain, express ; to point
or aim in a straight line ; to point, to regulate, to guide, or lead ; to order.
Direct is a softer term than command.
II Erect, upright, or in a perpendicular posture ; upright and firm, bold ;
raised, stretched, intent ; to raise and set uptight ; to raise, to set up, to
build, to found, to form, to elevate.
trect'ive, a.
erect'or, n.
extrareg'ulaVy a.
incorrect', a.
incorrectly, ad.
incorrec^'ness, n
incorrec'/ioiij n.
incorVi_j/ible, a
recta.n'g\x\a.r, a.
redan' gularly,
rec'iify, v.
o-ec'ti^ahle, a.
rec'ti^ed, a.
rec'tifier, n.
rec'tifying, a.
r^c/ifica'tion, n
incorVJ^ibly, ad. ^rectilin'eal, 01
incorVif,'0^> stitfness, r/^'trfness ; stiffness of
opinion or temper, severity, sternness ; severity of lite, austerity ; strict-
ness, exactness without allowance, latitude or indulgence.
± Irrigation or rigation, the act of watering or moistening ; in agricul-
ture, the operation of causing tvater to flow over lands, for nourishing
plants, &c. _ II Jrriguous, watered, watery, moist, dewy.
§ Arrive, literally, to come to the shore or bank ; hence, to come to or
reach in progress by water, — followed by at ; to come to or reach by tra-
velling on land; to reach a point by progressive motion, — like the flow of
a river. * Derivate, a word derived from another.
t Rival, one who Is in pursuit of the same object as another, a compe-
titor, — originally so called, it is said, from the frequent contentions of
proprietors whose lands were separated by a common brook.
RoBUR, 8r-?.s% re. 3. oak; strength: as, rob'oroxii
strengtheu'wxg ; robo'reons, made of oak.
cor7'ob'o}'a,te, v. corrobora'iion, n. robo'reous, a.
coTroh'orant,a.&n. coTrob'oraiive,a&n.robust\ a.
covi'ob'orated, a. rob'orant, a. & n. robustness, n>
coir ob' or a\{ng, a.
RoD-0, V. 3. to gnaw, to eat or wear away : as^ cor-
rode' , to eat or wear away by degrees; corro'sivQ,
eatmg, wearing away ; erode', to eat out or away.
corro'sJble, a. corro'^Mveness, n.
avro'sion, n. coxrodihWity , or erode', v.
corrode', r. corrosibil'ity, n. ero'deA., a,
corroWed, a. corro'^ibleness, n, ero'ding, a.
corro'deni, a. & n. corro'sioiij n. erose', a.
coxro'ding, a. corro'sive, a.n. ero'sion, n.
corroWible, or corro'sively, ad.
RoGAT-us, p.p. (a rogo), asked. (See Rogo.)
RoG-o^ V. I. to ask, to req?iest : as, der'^^ate, to ask
from, to take away, to detract ; inter'^-oyate, to
question, to examine by asking questions.
ar'rogating, a.
*ab rogate, v. arroga'tion, n.
abVo^ated, a. ax'rogai'iwe, a.
ah'rogaimg, a. der'agate, v. & a.
abroga'iion, n. der'o^ated, a.
ax'rogaxice, n. der'o^ately, ad.
ar'rogancy, n. der'ogating, a.
ax'rogant, a. deroga'tion, n.
ax'rogauily, ad. der'ogative, or
der'ogaioxy, a.
der'o^atorily, ad.
ax'rogate, v.
ax'rogated, a.
intex'rogate, v.8cn.
interVo^ated, a.
inter Vo<7ating, a.
intexroga'tion, n.
intex^rogative, a.
& n.
interVo^ator, n.
vaiex'rogaioxy ,a&in.
der'o5'atoriness,ri. ijTpreroyative, n.
* Abrogate, literally, to ask or propose from ; to repeal, to annul by an
authoritative act,— applied to the repeal of laws, decrees, ordinances, the
abolition of established customs, TQ?ik.ing,n,
\\sabbata.'r''LSLri,n.Si.a. sab'bathm, n. sab'bathless, a.
sabbata'xiam&xn, n. Sab'bath, n.
Sabelli-l/S'j m. 2. an a?icient heretic.
*sabel'lian, n. & a. sabel'lianism, n.
SABUL-l/iV/j n. 2. small sand — sab'rilou?.,a. sabulos'iiy, n.
Sacchar-uaJj n. 2. sugar : as, sac'charme, o^ sugar,
saccharif 'eious, a. sac'charine, a. ■fsaccJiolac'tic, a.
i^Rusticit!/, the manners or qualities of a countryman.
n Sabbatarian, one who observes the seventh day of the week instead of
the first. § Sabbatical year, in the Jewish economy, was every
seventh year, in which the Israelites were commanded to suffer their fields
and vineyards to rest, or lie without tillage, and the year next following
every seventh sabbatical year in succession, that is, every fiftieth year was
the jubilee, which was also a year of rest to the lands, and a year of re-
demption or release. Lev. xxv,
* Sabellian, a follower of SabeUius, a philosopher of Egypt, in the third
century, who oi>enly taught that there is one person only in the Godhead,
and that the Word and Holy Spirit are only virtues, emanations or func-
tions of the Deity. + Saccholactic, a term in chemistry, denot-
ing an acid obtained from the sugar of milk, — now called mucic acid.
S.\CERj -cri^ a. sacred, hohj, devoted, detestable: a?,
des'ecrate^ to divert from a sacred pui*pose ; ob'-
5ecrate> to beseech^ to entreat ; sacerdio'i^, per-
taining to priests or the p^iestYioodi ; sacV^lege,
stealing sacred things.
anti^acerdo'tal, a. obsecra'ticn, n. -f-sffcnficant, n.
*con'secrdite^ u. &a. recon'secrate, v.
con'5(?cratedj a. lecoW secrated, a. 5acnf 'icatory, l»
Ttcon' secrating^a. "^sac'ri^ce, v. & n.
recovisecra' t'lon, n- «acVificed, a.
sacerdio'idX, a. sac'nficer, n.
llsacVament, w. sacrific'ial, a.
5acrament''al,a.& n.^ac'r jlege, n.
sacrament'ally, ad, sacWle'gious, a.
§5acramenta'rian, n. sacr Jle'giou sly, «r/.
& fi. 5«cnle'giousness,?t.
^iflorament'ary, a. 5«crile'gist, ti.
& n.
sa'cr&A, a.
sa'credly, ad.
sa'credriess, n.
sacrii'ic, a.
Sttcrif'ical, a.
con' secrating, a.
consecra't'ion, n.
con'secrator, n.
con's^cratory, a.
des'ecrdiie, v.
des'^crated, a.
des'^crating, a.
Aesecra'tion, n.
+ex'^crate, v.
exVcr«/ed, a.
exccra7ion, n.
ex'ecrable, a.
ex'ecrably, «rf.
ijlex'^cra/ory, n.
ob'seo'SiiQ, v.
||i'a'crist, n.
*acVistan, n.
§.sacVisty, n.
*6'acVosanct, a.
uncon'^£?crated, a.
* Coi7secrate, to make or declare to be sacred by certain ceremonies or
rites ; to appropriate to sacred uses ; to set apart, dedicate, or devote to
the service and worship of God ; to canonize ; to set apart and bless the
elements in the Lord's Supper ; to render venerable.
t Execrate, literally, to curse, to denounce evil against, or imprecate
evil on ; to detest utterly, to abhor, to abominate.
X Execratory, a formulary of execration, II Sacrament, origi-
nally, a sacred oath taken by soldiers to their generals ; now, a holy ordi-
nance instituted by Christ, — as, the Lord's Supper, and Baptism. (See
Larger Catechism, Question 162. and Short. Cat. Q. 92.)
§ Sacramentarian, one that differs from the Romish Church in regard
to the Sacrament, or Lord's Supper,— a word applied by the Catholics to
Protestants. * Sacramentary , a book of the Romish Church containing
all the prayers and ceremonies used in the celebration of the Sacraments.
t Sacriflcant, one who offers a sacrifice. % Sacrifice, an offer-
ing made to God by killing and burning some animal upon an altar, as an
acknowledgment of his power and providence, or to make atonement for
sin, appease or conciliate his favour, or to express thankfulness for his be-
nefits. II Sacrist, Sacristan, an officer of the church who has the
care of the utensils or moveables of the church,— now corrupted into sexton.
§ Sacristy, ths place where the sacred utensils are kept,— now called the
vestry. * Sacrosanct, holy, sacred, inviolable.
SAD 4>66 SAL
Sadducees* (Heb.), a sect of the Jems.
Sad'ducee, n. sadduce'an, a. sad'ducism, n.
Sagax, ac-25, a. (« sag-2^5, a. wise), knowing, fore^
seeing : as, ^tresage', to forebode, to foresJiow.
•\Y^&'sage, n, -pvesag'ed, a. saffa'ciousness, n.
■presage', v. presag'ing, a. sagac'ity, n.
•presag'er, n. ^saga'cious, a. \\sage, a. & n.
•presage'ful, a. saga'cionsly, ad. sagely, ad.
Sagitt-a, f. I. an arrow : as, sag'ittnl, of or like an
sag'ittal, a. %sagillaYius, n. 'sag'iiiary, n. '\sag'itta\.e, a.
SaLj ot. 3. {J^M), salt ; wit: as, sal, in chemistry^
salt ; 5a/«f'erous or saliiiif'evous, producing salt,'
saline' oi' 5a/i'nous, consisting oisalt ; salsu'ginous,
salt'i&h., somewhat salt ; salt' em, a salt-work,
sal, n. sa/'aried, a. sal'ifying, a.
Xsala'cious, a. suHf'erous, or saline', a. & n.
sala' ciow^y , ad. saliniferous, a. ■fsalina'tion, n.
sala'cionsness, n. *sarify, v. sali'?ions, a.
salac'iiy, n. sal'iAable, a. salhi'i^orm, a.
Il^a^ad, n. sa/ifica'tion, n. Xsali'no-ierxene, a.
%sal'axy, n. sal'i^edi, a.
* Sadducees (either from the Hebrew word pTJf , justice, or from a cer-
tain teacher among the Jews called Sadoc), a sect among the Jews who de-
nied the resurrection, a future state, and the existence of angels. Acts xxiii.
t P;-e,?rtge, something which foreshows a future event, a pi-ognostic i a
present fact indicating something to come. ^ Sagacious, quick of scent or
of thought ; acute in discernment or penetration. H Sage, a iviseman, a
man of gravity and wisdom ; particularly, a man venerable for years, and
known as a man of sound judgment and prudence ; a grave philosopher.
§ Sagittar-:- an archer; one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, which
the sun ent;.- , I-'ov. 22. * Sagittary, a centaur, an animal half-
man, half-hOi??, a'med with a how and quiver.
t Sagittate, in Lotany, shaped like the head of an arrow.
:^ Salacious, literaliy, highly excited, or prompt to leap, — like 5a?< ill
the fire : kisiful, lecherous. Il Salad, raw herbs seasoned
with salt, vinegar, &c. 5 Salary, originally, the pay
of sold'ers, being partly in salt; a stated or fixed hire yearly: when the
liire is monthly, wec-kly, or daDy, it is called pay or wages.
* Sdlifi/, to form into a neutral salt, by combining an acid with an alkali,
^arth or metal. f 'Mination, the act of washing with ^ait-water.
\Salino-terrene, denoting a compoimd of salt and earth.
salso-a.c"id, a. salt'iiess, n. sauce'pan, n.
salsu'ginous, a. salt^ess, a. -fsau'cy^ a.
sail, n. a. & v. salt'cot, n, sau'cily, ad.
sall'ed, a. salt'-cellar. n. sau'cine^?,, n.
eall'er, n. salt'xnmQ, n. :{:.9af//sage, n.
salt'exn, n. sall'--pa.r,, or \\se'ason, n.
sall'ing, a. & Ji. sali'--pit, n. se'asonage, n.
sali'ish, a. saltpe'tre, n. se'asoner, n.
salt'i%\\\y^ ad. s«Z^e'trous, a. se'asojiing, n. &. a.
sall'hhness, n. *sauce, n. & v. unsa/^'ed, a.
salily, ad.
Salebr-^j /.!.(« salio)j ron^k ot ritgged places : as,
sal'ebrous, rough, uneven
Sal-io, v. 3. to leap, to Jump: as^ aBsaW or assault',
to leap ox fall upon by violence, to attack sudden-
ly ; coun'se/j advice ; dis527'/ent, storming asunder ;
e^uW, to leap for joy, to rejoice in triumph ; re-
sil'tent, leaping or starting back ; sa'lient, leajAng,
assail', v.
assai7«ble, a.
assai'hm, n.&a.
SLSsai'led, a.
assai'ler, n.
assai'/ing, a.
assaull', n. & v.
a.'^sault'ahle, a.
assaulted, a.
assault'er, n.
assatilt'ing, a.
§con's^^/, n.
con'sular, a.
con'sulate, or
con'suhhiip, ti.
*consult', V. & n.
constdt'ed, a.
consult'tr, n.
consuU'ing, a.
consuU'ative, a.
coxxsidta't'ion, n.
comVsel, n. & v.
conn'sellahlQ, a.
conn' selled, a.
covwi' selling, a.
coun'selloi, n.
coiUi'«e//orship, n.
* Sauce, a mixture eaten with food, to give it aiiditional flavour or re-
lish, t Sauc!/, literally, shooting forward ; impudent, bold to
excess, rude ; treating superiors with contempt.
± Sausage, a roll of meat minced small, and seasoned with salt.
11 Season, to mix with food any thing that gives a high relish ; to give a
relish to ; to fit for any use by time or habit.
§ Con.nil, the chief magistrate of the ancient Roman republic, invested
with regal authority for one year ; now, a person couimisjioned by a king or
state, to reside m a foreign country as an agent or repre^evrat^' e. to pro-
tect the rights, commerce, merchants and seamen of the -tare, rad to aid
the government in any commercial transactions with such icv-eign country.
* Consult, to seek or ask advice of another, followed by ivitli ; co take
counsel together, — because, it is said, the effect is to make the parties leap
together as it were into one opinion.
"des'ultory, a.
deti'ullor'ily, ad.
des'«//oriness, n.
dissil'ience, 7i.
dissil'icnt, a.
dissiliii'on, Jt.
exult', V.
sal'lymg, a.
Xsnl'mon, n.
||sa^/'ant, a.
salta'iion, n.
§subsr^'ive, or
. suhsuit'ory, a.
suhsuli'crily, ad.
*subsuU'us, n.
supersa'lience, n.
'}-super.sa7ient, a.
msidt'ed, a.
insult'ing, a.&7i.
]nsuli'ing\y, ad.
Jprocoii'sw/, n.
■procon'sular, a.
procon'^rJship, ri
\\resile', v.
resil'ience, n,
reiiV'iency, n.
exw/^ant, a. resi/'ient, a.
QTiulta'tlon, n. Ttsiliti'on, n.
exiill'mg, a. ^rcsull', v. & n.
in'sult, n. *'xcsult's.nt, n. unassfnVcble, a.
•\insult', V. ' xesult'ing, a. xiua^sai'led, a.
insulta'tion, n. sa'lient, a. una?.sa7dt'ed, a.
insult'er, n. -^sal'ly, n. & v. unconsw/^'ed, a.
Saliv-^j/. L spittle: 2L?>,sal'ivQxy,^eYiammgio saliva,
\\sali'va, n. sali'vousy a. salivating, a.
sal'ival, or sul'ivate, v. saliva'iion, n.
sal'ivaiy, a. aal'ivated, a.
Sal-us, ut-is, f. 3. safety, health : as, salu'drioua
or sal'zdaiy, wholesome ; sal^ute, to greet, to hail ;
salva't'ion, the ad of saving ; salutii'^ evoiis, bring-
ing health.
insafe'ty, n. insalu'brious, a. tesalute', v.
insalu'briiy, n. insal'iitaxy, a. lesalu'ted, a.
* Desultory, leap'ir.g, pawing or moving quickly from one thing or sub-
ject to another, without order or natural connection ; unconnected.
\Insult, a leaping on ; any gross abuse offered to another, either by words
or actions ; act or speech of insolence or contempt ; to trample u}x)n, to
atfront. t Procojisvl, a Roman magistrate sent to
a ))rovince with consular authority for one year.
II Resile, to start back, to Jii/ from a pmpose, — a word in Scots law to
express receding from the terms of a bargain.
§ Result, a leaping back ; a consequence, a conclusion, an inference.
* Resultant, in mechanics, a force which is the combined effect of two
or more forces, acting in different directions.
t Sally, to issue suddenly : a spring or darting of intellect, fancy or ima-
gination ; act of levity or extravagance, a wild gaiety, a frolic.
tSali7ion, a fish, — because it takes great leaps. ^Saltant, leaping, dancing.
§ Subsult-ive 01 SubsuUor^, leaping, bounding, moving by sudden leaiis
or starts, or by twitches. *Subsvltus, in medicine, a ttvitchincoT
cnn\ ulsive motion. t Supcrsalient, leaping upon.
II Saliva, tixejiuid which is secreted by
the salivary glands, ana which servts to moisten the mouth and tongue.
sa'vahle, a.
^a'yableness, n.
save, V'
sa'ved, a.
sa'vQT, n.
salving, a. & n.
5a'yingly, ad.
sa'yingness, n.
sa'viowr, n.
-]-sa'uings-bank, n.
xmsalu'tadi, a.
un^a'yed, a.
resalu'iing, a. salii'ied, a.
safe, a. & n. salu'ter, n.
safely, ad. sahtta'iion, n.
safe^ness, n. salu'tatoxy, a.
safe'ty, n. salulif'erous, a.
safe~con'dact, n. salv'ahle, a.
safe'guard, n. sa/yabirity, n,
salu'hrity, n. *salv'age, n.
salu'brious, a. -fsalva'don, n.
salu'brious\y, ad. Xsalv'atory, n.
sal'utdixy, a. \\salve, n. & v.
sal'utarmess, n. §5a/'yer, n.
salute', V. & n. *sal'vo, n.
Salv-c7S, a. (a salus), safe, sound. (See Sahis.)
SAMARr-^_, /. 1. {a ^72iy, Heb. io preserve, to ffiicarl),
an ancient city and country of Palestine.
XSamar'itaw, n. &. a.
Sanct-C7Sj a. {a sancio^ v. 4. to ratify, to ordain), holy,
sacred: as^ saint, a 'person sanct if ed ; sanc'tify,
to make holy ; sanc'tiij, holiness.
svic'iosanct, a. sainiTike, a. sa?ic^iiica'tion, n.
saint, n. & v. saint'ship, n. sanc'tifying, a.
saint'ess, n. sanc'tify, v. Wsanc'iimony, n.
saint'ed, a. sarec'/ified, a. Aa/ic/imo'nious, a*
saintly, a. sanc'ti&er, n. sanc/jmo'niously,
* Salvage, a reward allowed for saving goods from a wreck.
t Salvation, in theology, the redemption of man from bondage of sin,
and liability to eternal death, and the conferring on him overlastiiig hap-
piness by Jesus Christ, — as, *' Godly sorrow worketh repentance to saloa~
tion," 2 Cor. vii. 10.
t Salvatory, a place where things are preserved, a repository.
II Sal.'e, an ointment or glutinous substance to be applied to wounds or
sores; when spread on leather or cloth, it is called plaster ; help, remedy.
^Salver, a piece of plate on which any thing is presented ; supposed to
be used formeny to save what wis left. * Salvo (from saivojure,
an expression used in reserving rights), an exception, an excuse.
\ Savings-Bank, a bank in which the savings or earnings of the poor
are deposited or put to interest for their benefit.
:j: Samaritan, pertaining to Samaria, the country or principal city of the
ten tribes of Israel, belonging to the tribe of Ephraim, ana after the cap-
tivity of these tribes, rcpeopled by Cuthites, &c. from Assyria or Chaidea,
2 ivingsxvii. ; denoting the ancient characters and alphabet used by the He-
brews. II Sanctimonf/, a great profession or appearance of holinssf.
srt«c//ino'niou3ncss -fsayic'iltude, n. uxuaint', v.
*sa)w'(ion, n. & v. sanc'tity, n. wnsaiiit'edi, a.
5fl72c7ioned, a. Xsunc'tuvixy, n. wwsanc'ti^eA., a.
sanctioning, a. \\sanc'l\\%, n. unsanctioned, a.
SanguiSj m-is, m. 3. blood: as, ensan'<^zdne, to stain
with, blood ; sancjuireYons, conx eying blood ; san'^
guify, to produce blood.
consanguiii' iiy , n. san'gtiify, v. "Ij^san'gume, a.
cousangum'eous,a. san'gui^er, n. san'giimoiyy ad.
^cows'in, n. san'guifying, a. san'guineness, 11.
ensan'guine, v. sanguiRcci'tioi), n. sanguin'eous, a.
ensa7i'gui7ied, a. sanguif'luous, a. \\sa7iguini\'oro\is,a.
*exsan'guio\xs, a. •\san'guin?ixy, a. ^san'gtihwge, n.
sanguiferous, a.
San-US'^ a. sound, in health, whole: as, san'at'wQj
healing ; san'iiy, a sound state of mind.
•interne', a. & n. san'ohle, a. san'iiy, n.
msayie'ly, ad. sau'atiwe, a. sound, a.
insanc'ness, n. sa/i'adveness, n. soundly, ad.
insan'iiy, n. sane, a. soiind'ness, n.
msan'a\A&, a.
Sapi-0, v. 3. to savor or taste of ; to know, to be wise:
as_, insip'idi, tasteless, wanting spirit or life ; sap'id,
tastefxA ; sa'poYOws, having taste,
msip'id, a. mf,ip'ii{\y, ad. inszp'idness, n.
* Sanction, to ratify, to confirm. ■[ Sanctitude,- holiness.
± Sanctuary, a lir.ly or sacred place ; particularly among the Israelites,
the most retired part of the temple at Jerusalem, called the Ho/j/o/Hu/^e^,
in which was kept the ark of the covenant, and into which no person was
permitted to enter except the High Priest, and that only once a-year, to
intercede for the people. The same name was given to the most sacred
part of the tabernacle. Lev. iv. Heb. ix. A house consecrated to the wor-
ship of God, a church ; a place of protection, a sacred asylum.
II Sanctus, a hymn, beginning v.'ith the words, " Holy/ Holy! Holy!"
§ Cousin, the son or daughter of an uncle or auut ; the children of bro-
thers or sisters being usually denominated cousins or cousin-germans. In
the second generation, they are called second cousins.
* Exsanguious, having no blood. + Sanguinary, bloody, attended
with much Woodshed; 6toorfihirsty ; cruel ; eager to shed blood.
X Sanguine, having the colour of blood, red ; abounding with blood, ple-
thoric; warm, ardent; confident. H Saw^»i?jiyo>-o?.' {a-x.av^ciXov'), CI cause of offence ; disgrace.
*sca>i'dal, n. scan'dalonsxiess, n. scan'daHzed, a.
sccm'dalous, a. scan'dalize, v. scan'daliz'mgyn.Sca.
scart'daloualy, ad.
ScAND-Oj V. 3. to go, to climb, to mount: as, ascend^
to go up, to rise ; descoid'^ to go down ; transcend',
to go beyond, to surpass, to 7'ise above.
nscend', v. descend', v. %scan, v.
asce/it/'able, a. descend'er, n. scan'ued^ a.
Rsceud'ant, n. & a. descend' ant, n. scan'nin^, a.
asaend'ed, a. dcscend'ent, a.
ascend'ency, n. descend'ihlQ, a,
desceudihiViiy, fi.
dssccn'sion, n.
descen'sioual, a.
descens'ive, a.
descent', n.
Viscend'mg, a.
•^ascent'., n.
ascen's'ion, n.
"i^&sceii'sion-day, n.
ascens'ive, a.
cloud -a5t;^/i(^'ing,a. veasccnd', v.
||coiidesc^?i{/', V. reascend'ed, a.
condesce nd'cnce,n. reascend'ing, a.
coivdescend'ing, a. leasee Ji'sion, ?i.
condescend'ingly, reascent', n.
co!idesc6-n'*ion, n. xedescend', v.
*scand'ent, a.
scan'sion, n.
transcend', v.
transcend'ed, a.
transcend'ing, a.
transcend'ence, n.
tianscend'ency, n.
transcend' eiit, a.
transcend' enily, ad.
txanscendtn'taX, a.
wnascend'ihle, a.
\xndescend'i\>\e, a.
\xnscan'ned, a.
condescens'ive, a. redescend'ing, a.
tScAPUL-^, /, 1. the shoulder-blade ; the shoulder: as,
mii'rscap'uhr, situated between the shoidders.
mtersC(ip'ular,a. scap'ula,n. Xscap'ular,a. ||supra-sc/j9'«i/ciry,a.
* Scandal, literally, a stumliling-blotk, something against which a per-
son impinges, or which causes him to fa\],—oJfence given by the faults of
another ; (in this sense we nov/ generally use offence) ; reproachful asper-
sion, opprobrious censure, defamatory speech or report; shame, reproach,
disgrace. f Ascent, the act of rising ; the way by which one
ascends ; the rise of a hill. + Asrension-dny, a festival of some
Christian churches, held ten days, or on the Thursday but one before
Whitsuntide, which is called Holy Thursday, in commemoration of our
Saviour's ascension into heaven, after his resurrection.
II Condescei-d, to descend from the privileges of superior rank or dignity,
to do some act to an inferior, which strict justice or the ordinary rules of
civility do not require. Hence, to submit, to yield, as to an inferior, im-
plying an occasional relinquishment of distinction.
?Scan, to examine a verse by counting the feet ; to examine with criti-
care. * Scandait, c/imbmg; cliniMug,, either with spiral
tendrils for its support, or by adhesive fibres, as a stalk.
t Scapula, the shonlder-biade. ^ Scapular, pertaining to the
shoulder or the scapula. R Suprascapular^/, being above the scapula.
ScARii'ii-os (o-tcccpi^oi), a pointed hn^.tru/ncnt.
*scar'ify, v. scflr'ificr, u. -fs car iRc&' tor, n,
scar'iiymgj (1. scaz-ifica'tion, n.
ScATURi-Oj V. 4. (''i scateOj v. 2. ^0 bubble as a spring')
to spring as a foiuitain.
:!^sca'tebrous, a. scat'ier, v, scat'iering, n.
ScEL-OS {a-xiXoi), the leg — \\\^os'ccles, a.
>ScEN-yi,/. 1. {(TKvivifi, a tent ; the stage), the apjyearancs
or representation of places or things ; the stage.
scene, n. scen'ic^X, a. sc^Aiograph'ical, a.
.sce'nery, n. *Arg?iog'raphy, rt. sc^/iographlcally,
%scen'\c, a. sc^nograph'ic, a.
ycEND-o (comP- form of scando), to climb. (See Scando.)
8CENS-US (comP- form of scansus), climbed. (Sec Scando.)
ScEPT-OM^i {a-Ki7rro,uxi), to look about, to consider,
to examine, to speculate; to doubt.
•\sc€p'tic, or sccp'iic^iWy, ad.
skep'i'ic, n. & a. scepticism,
scep't'icaS., n scep'tlcize, v.
ScEFTR-UM, H. 2. (o-KYi'^r^ov), a stoff, spp.ar, or rod,
home in the hand, as an emblem of jHm'er.
Xscep'lrt, n. & v. scep'lred, a.
* Smrifi/, to scratch or cut tl^e skin of an animal, or to make small in-
risions by means of a lancet or cupping ijistrument , so as to draw blood
from tlie smaller vessels, without opening a large vein.
f Scarificator, an instn(m'''nt used in scarification.
X Scatebi-Qus, Scafwi(>i7ious, abounding with springs,
ii I.sosceles, ha\ing two lefts only that are equal, — as an isow-'^fs- triangle.
^Scenic, Scenical, belmging to scenery ; dramatic, theatrical.
* Scenographj/, the representation of a body on a ;y«/'i7>('fn'ye plane; or
a description oii it in all its dimensions as it appears to the eye.
t Sceptic, or.e \\\\o doubts the truth and reality of any principle or system
of piinciplcs or doctrines. In philosophy, a Pyrrhonist or follower of
Pyrrho, the founder of a sect of sceptical philosophers, who maintained
that no certain inferences can be drawn from the reports of the senses^
and who therefore doubted of every thing. In theology, a person who
doubts the exi.serce and pcrfecti(jns of God, or the truth (>f revelatioji ;
cue who disbelieves the divine original of the Christian religion.
i. Sceptre, the ?. impropriate ensign of royalty ; an ensign of higher anti
quiiy than a truwn,— hence, royal power or authority.
SCH 4-76 SCI
ScuEBVL-A, f. 1. ((^^i^n), a, small scroll— sched'uh.n.
ScuEM-A(, to split, to divide), a
division or separation in the church.
'schism, n. schismat'ically, ad, schis'matizey v,
schismat'ic, a. &. it. schismai'icalness,n
schismat'ical, u.
ScROL-A, ft 1. isYfi'^'f'y leisure, occupation of leisure
hours') ; a school : as^ scholas'tic, pertaining to a
scholar, to a school or schools,
schol'ar, n. "^scho'lion, or school'maid, n.
schol'a.rshi\), n. scho'lium, n. school'man, n.
schol'axYike, a. school, n. Si v. school'master, n.
scholas'tic, a. & n. school'hoy, n. 5C^oo/'mistress, n.
scholas'ticai, a. school'dame, n. school'ing., a. & n.
scholas' tically, ad. school'day, 71. unscholas'iic, a.
'fscholas'tichm, n. school'ieWow , n. unschool'ed, a.
scho'liast, n. sc/ioo/'house, n.
Sci-A, f. 1. {(7x.iei), a shadow : as, sciam'achjy a battle
with a shadow ; csc/«tlier'ic, belonging to a sun-died,
)|amphi«'ca, or §antis'cu, or *as'cn, or
amphis'cians, n. antis'cians, n. a^'ciaus, n.
* Schism, in a general sense, dir/«ow or separation ; but appropriately,
a division or separation in a church or denomination of Christians, occa-
sioned by diversity of opinions ; breach of uniti/ among people of the sams
religious faith. In Scripture, the word seems to denote a b?-each of cha-
rity, rather than a difference of doctrine. Separation, division among
tribes or classes of jieople.
f- Scholasticism, the method or subtilties of the schools.
tScholion, Scholium, in mathematics, a remark or observation subjoin-
ed to a demonstration. || Amphiscii, Amphiscians, in geo-
graphy, the inhabitants of the tropics, whose shadows, in one part of the
year, are cast to the north, and in the other to the south, according as the
sun is in the southern or northern signs. § Antiscii, Antiscians,
the inhabitants of the earth, living on different sides of the equator, whose
shadows at noon are cast in contrary directions. Those who live north of
the equator are Antiscians to those on the south, and vice versa ; thesArt-
dows on one side being cast towards the north ; those on the other, towards
the south. * Ascii, Ascians, those persons, who, at certain
times of the year, have no shadows at noon. Such are the inhabitants of
I lie torrid rone, who have, at limes, a vertical sun.
•heteroi-'cii, or ^sciag'raphy, n.
heteroi'ceans, n. fciagraphlcal, a.
heteroi'ctan, a. scjom'achy, n. §voiop'tic, a. & n.
•fperu'cji, or Hfcjatherlc, a. ^ciop'tics, n.
peris'dans, n.
Sciatic-.-}, /. l. (a 'lo-yjcv, the hip), a pain in the hips,
sciat'ica, n. *sciat'ic, n. &, a. -|-scJa^'ical, a.
SciND-0, V. 3. to cut : as, dihscind', to cut off; pre-
scind'awi, cuttmg off, abstracting.
§.vcis'sjblej a.
Xa^'sciss, or pre.?CJnof'ent, a. scis'sWe^ a.
ahscis'sa,^ n. rescind', v. scissi'on, n.
?^scissVon, n. rescissVon, n. scis'sors, n.
\\QXscind', V. lescis'sory, a, *scis's\xre, n.
SciNTiLL-A, f. 1. a spark of fire : as, scin'tilloiiQ , to
emit sparks or fine igneous particles, to sparkle,
scin'tillate, v. scintilla' iion, n. scin'lillant, a.
scin'tillating, a.
Sci-0, V. 4. to know : as, conscicn'tious, obeying the
dictates of conscience ; con'sczoiis, knowiwg one's
self; omni^c'/ence^ knowledge of all things.
-|-con'5cience, n. con'^cienced, a. con'^cience-smitten,
* Heteroscii, Heteroscians. Those persons whose shadows fall one way
only. Such are those who live between the tropics and the polar circles.
The shadows of those who live north of the tropic of Cancer, fall north-
ward; those south of the tropic of Capricorn, fall southward ; whereas the
shadows of those who dwell between the tropics, fall sometimes to the north
and sometimes to the south. t Periscii, Periscians, the inhabi-
tants of a frigid zone, or within a polar circle, whose shadows move round,
and in the course of the day fall in every point of the compass.
%3ciagrapfiy, the s.rt of sketching or delineating; in architecture, the
prafile or section of a building to exhibit its interior structure ; in astrono-
my, the art of finding the hour of the day or night by the shadows of ob-
jects, caused by the sun, moon, or stars; the art of dialling.
II Sciatheric (a Srja, a catching), belonging to a sitn-dial.
§ Scioptic, pertaining to the Camera Obscura, or to the art of exhibiting
images through a hole in a darkened room.
* Sciatic, Sciatica, rheumatism in the hip. f Sciatic, Sciatica!,
pertaining to, or affecting the hip. i. Absciss, Abscissa, in conies, part
of the diameter of a conic section intercepted between the vertex and a se>
mi-ordinate. || E.iscind, Racind, to cut oft;
g Scissible, Scissilc, that may be cut or divided by a sharp instrument.
* Scissure, a longitudinal opening in a body, made by cutting.
f Conecience, internal or uelt-knowledge, or judgment of right and wrcng;
onmi5C jcnce, n.
coiiiriei/tious, a. omniiViency, 7t.
consc/cn'tiously/jrf- omni^c'jent, a.
•f-con'^cionable, a. ||pre'*cience, n.
con'.vcionably, ad. pre'.5cient, a.
con'sc JonablenesSj". pre'scr Jous, a,
con'^cious, a. §6ej'ence, n.
con'scjously, ad. scien'tial, a.
•coii'iciousness, n. scientific, a.
incon'scJonable; a, scieritif ical, a.
*ici'olht, n.
sci'olonS) a.
self-con'jcJous, a.
uncon'scionable, a.
uncon'scious, a.
uncon'sciously, ad.
uncon'sciousness, n.
^finsci ence, n.
fcientif ically, ad, unscientific, a.
nesc'ience, n. sci'olism, n. unscientif ically,arf.
Sciss-c/S;, p.p. (a scindo), cleft, cut. (See Scindo.)
ScLAVij, m. 2. a people of the north of Europe.
•fsclavo'nia.r\, a. sclavon'ic^ a,
ScLER-os ((rxAjj^os)^ hard, firm — Xsderot'ic, a. & n.
Scobs or Scob-is^ /. 3. saw-dust — scob'i?oxm,a. \\scobs,n.
Scop-iE, f. \. a hroom or besom — sco'piiorm, a.
or the faculty, power, or principle within us, which decides on the law-
fulness or unlawfulness of our own actions and affections, and instantly ap-
proves or condemns them; the moral faculty. Real sentiment, truth;
court of conscience, a court establislied for the recovery of small debts ia
London and other trading cities and districts.
* Consciousness, the knowledge of sensations and mental operations,
or of what passes in one's own mind ; the act of the mind which makes
known an inteinal object.
t Conscionable, according to conscience, reasonable, just.
:j: Inscience, Nescience, want of knowledge, ignorance.
II Prescience, foieknowledge, knowledge of events before they take place.
Absolute prescience belongs to God only. § Science, knowledge ;
one of the seven liberal branches of knowledge ; viz. Grammar, Logic,
Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, and Music. Authors have
not always been careful to use the terms art and science with due discri-
mination and precision. Music is an art as well as a science. In geneial,
an art is that which depends on practice or performance ; and science, that
•which depends on abstract or speculative principles. The theory of music
is a science; the practice of it an art. * Sciolist, one who knows
little, or who knows many things superficially ; a pretender to science.
t Sclavonian, Sclavonic, pertaining to the S'clavi, a people that inhabited
the country between the rivers Save and Drave, or to their language.
Hence the word came to denote the language which is now spoken in Po-
land, Russia, Hungary, Bohemia, &c. % Sclerotic, hard, firm!
the fir m white outer coat of the eye ; a medicine which hardens and con-
solidates the parts to which it is applied.
I! Scobs, raspings of ivory, or other hard substances ; dross of metals, &c.
ScOP-EO (^a-KOTna, a s-KiTro^ai), to look, to observe nar.
rowly: as, astros'co/»y, observation of the stars ,
scope, design, aim, space.
*anem'o.?co^e, n. *Q,?i\t\'^o~scope,n. ||he1io5cojoe, n.
antiepis'copal, a. chorepiy'copus;?!. §hy'gro.sco/)^, n.
archbisA'o/), n. -j-chorepi.9'cojoal, a. hygro*co/)'ic, a.
archbi5/i'o;)'/'ic,7t. :}:cranio5'co/5y, n. *man'o ?co/)5, n.
archiepi5'cojoal,a, l|cleuterof'cojDy, n. •j-meteoroi'co/))', w.
-{-as'troscope, n. §epi5'(?o/>acy, n. ijimetopoA'cojoy, n.
astros'copy, n. epuco/)a''lian,n.&a. raetopo^'cojoist, n.
Jbar'oico/je, n. epii'cojoal, a. ||mi''croscojoe, n.
baroscojo'ic, a. epii-'cojoally, ad. micro5co/)'ic, a.
\\hish'op, n. *e])Wcopa.tQ,n.&iv. tTiicro^cojo'ical, «.
hhh'opVikQ, a. -j-epij'co/jy, n. §nau5''co/)y, n.
^hish'opnc, n. Xg&os'copy, n. ophthalmos''6'o^y,n.
^'Annmoscope, a machine which shows the course and velocity of the wind.
^Astroscope, an astronomical instrument, composed of two cones, on
whose surface the constellations with their stars are delineated, by means
of which the stars may be easily known. X Baroscope, an in-
strument to show the weight of the atmosphere, — superseded by the Ba-
rometer. II Bishop, an overseer, a spiritual overseer, sviperin-
tendent, ruler, or director. § Bishopric, the district over which
the jurisdiction of a bishop extends, a diocese ; office, spiritual charge.
* Caleidoscope, an instrument for creating and exhibiting an indefinite
variety of beautiful forms. | Chorcpiscopal, pertaining to the
power of a Chorepiscopus, or local bishop. -^ Cranioscopjj , the
science of the eminences produced in the cranium by the brain, intended
to discover the particular part of the brain in v/hich reside the organs which
influence particular passions or faculties. It is now termed Phrenology.
iDeuteroscopy, the second intention; the meaning beyond the literal sense.
^Episcopacy, government of the church by bishops ; that form of eccle-
siastical government in which diocesan bishops are established, as distinct
from, and superior to, priests or presbyters, — as the church established in
England. * Episcopate, the office and dignity of a bishop, a
bishopric ; the order of bishops. t Episcopy, survey, super-
intendence, search. 4^ Geoscopy, knowledge of the earth, ground,
or soil, obtained by inspection. \\ Helioscope, a sort of telescope
fitted for viewing the sun without pain or injury to the eyes, as when made
with coloured glasses, or glasses blackened with smoke.
§ Hygroscopc. (See p. 248.) * Manoscope. (See p. 296.)
t Meteoroscopy, that part of astronomy which treats of sublime heaven-
ly bodies, distance of stars, &c. X Metoposcopy, the study ol
physiognomy ; the art of discovering the character or the dispositions of
men by their features, or the lines of their face. || Microscope,
an optical instrument, consisting of lenses or mirrors, which magnify ob-
jects, and thus render visible minute objects which cannot be seen by the
naked eye, or enlarge the apparent magnitude of small visible bodies, so
as to enable us to examine their texture or construction.
§ Nauscopy, the art of discovering the approach of ships, or the neigh»
bourhood of lands, at a considerable distance. — Dr Maty.
omiscop'icSf n. scope, n. tele^cojs'ical, a.
*&id'eroscope, n. ||ther'mo*co;.'e, n.
pol'y^cojDe, n. -f-steth'o^cojo^, n. ^unhish'op, v.
polem'ojcojoe, n. ijltel'esco/)^, n. *ura.nos'copy, n.
■pyr'oscope, n. telescop'ic, a.
ScoPT-o {a-xuTTTiij) , to gibe f to deride, to jeer.
^\^scoff, n. & V. ^ooff'ing, n. & a. Xscop'tic, a.
scoff'ex, n. scoff'ingly, ad.
ScoRBUT-uM, n. 2. the scurvy : as, scorbu'tic, pertain,
ing to, or diseased with scurz'?/.
ajxtiscorbu'tic , a. scorbu'tic, a. sco'rbu'tically, ad.
, & n. scorbu'tical, a. scur'vy, n. & a.
SconT-A, f. I. dross, the re-fuse of metal : a,s, sco'rify,
to r(!duce to scoria or drossy matter.
sco'ria, n. sco'rify., v. sco'rifying, a.
scoria' ceous, a. sco'rified, a. sco'rifoma, a.
sco'rious, a. scorifica'tion, n.
ScoT-i75_, m. 2. (a scotta. Sax.) a native of Scotland.
115*00^, n. scoi'i^h, or scol'licism, n.
scotch, a. scot'ti%\\, a.
ScRTB-o, V. 3. to write : as, ascribe', to wi'ite or im-
pute to, to attribute; circwvascribe' , to write round,
to limit or bound ; describe', to write do^vn_, to de-
lineate ; inscribe', to write or to address to ; tran-
scribe', to copy.
tidiscribe', v. Siniiscrip't\xxa\., a. s.ni\scrip'tVix\sm,n.
* Sideroscope {h. o-i'^Yi^o:, sideros, imn), an instrumc'it lately invented in
France, for detectij.g scmiH quantities of iron in any substance, mineral,
vegetable, or animal. f Stethoscope, a tubular instrument for
distill ffuishitig diseases of the stomach b\ sounds,
j: Telescope, an optical instrument employed in viewing distant objects,
— as the heavenly bodies. || Thermoscope, an instrument
showing the temperature of the air, or the degree of heat and ccld.
§ Unbishop, to deprive of episcopal orders.
* Uranoscopu, the contemplation of the heavenly bodies.
t Scoff, to treat with insolent ridicule, mocJcery, or contumelious lan-
guage ; to manifest contempt by derision, — with at.
% Sceptic, Sceptical, scoffing.
fl Sect, supposed to be from psgotiad, Welsh, a woodsman, and that
f'-om ysgawd, a shade. This word signifies, at^.jrding to the Welsh, an
inhabitant of the woods, and from the same root probably as Sythian,
Sythia.— Webster.
tintiscrip'tuxisl,n. -|-escr/7oir', or
ascribe', v.
a.scri'bohle, a.
ascri'bed, a
ascri'b'mg, a.
asc7-ip'tion, n.
Rscriptiti'Gus, a.
circumscribe', v.
•pxescrip'iive, a.
scruto'ir', n. %^xoscribe', v.
X^x'scriptf n, proscri'^ed, a.
iwv^xescrip'tih\e,a, 'pxoscri'bex, n.
incircumscrijt)7ible,proscWiing, a.
indescri'ftable, a. prosc»7/»'/ion, n.
■pxoscrip'ti\e, a.
xescribe', v.
*xe'script, n.
■\scrib'h\e, v. & n.
5(?ri6'bled, a.
scrib'h\e,x, n.
Xscribe, n.
scrape, v.
mAescrip't'we, a.
inscribe', v.
circumscri'bed, a. inso'i'bed, a.
c'ixcumscri'b'mg, a. inscri'bex, n.
ciicm'nscrip'tion,n. inscri'bing, a.
c\TCiimscrip'tihle,a.msci'ip'tion, ji.
circumscrip'tiye, a. inscrip'tlve, a.
circam^crejoVively, mtexscribe', v.
'con'script, a. &. n. irian'uscHj9/,?i.&a. \\scrip, n.
coriscrip'tion, n. xxn^ascribe', v. -post'script, n.
describe', v. nondescript', a. scrip'i'ixe, n.
descri'bable, «. \\\ixescribe' , v. scrip' t\xx\&t, n.
descri'bed, «. pre^cri'^ed, a. scrip' iaxal, a.
descri'bex, n. \jxescri'bex, n. scrip' iuxalist, n.
descri'b'mg, a. ■prescribing, a. ^sahscribe', v.
descrip'iion, n. pxescrip'tihle, a. ^vdascri'btd, a.
descrip'tive, a. pxt' script, or sub^cri'fier, n.
dtscrip'tivQly, ad, pxescrip'tion, n. %\xhscri'bing, a.
* Conscript, written, enrolled ; — as, conscript fathers, the senators of
Rome, so called, because their names were written in the register of the
senate. f Escritoir, a box with instruments and conveniences
fur writing , also a desk or chest of drawers, with a lid opening down-
ward, for the convenience of writing on it. It is often pronounced scrtt-
tore. i Exscript, a copy, a transcript. Il Vrescrihe,
literally, to write before; in medicine, to direct, as a remedy to be used
or applied to a diseased patient ; to set or lay down authoritatively for di-
rection. § Proscribe, to doom to destruction, to put one out
of the protection of law, and promise a rev.-ard for his head ; to reject ut-
terly. The sense of this word originated in the Roman practice oi writing
the fames of persons doomed to death, and posting the list in public.
* Rescript, literally, ivritteti back, the answer of an emperor, when con-
sulted by particular persons on some difficult question. This answer serves
as a decision of the question, and is therefore equivalent to an edict or de-
cree. 1 Scribble, to write with haste or without care.
X Scribe, a writer, a public writer : in Scripture and Jewish history, a
clerk or secretary to the king, 2 Sam. viii. ; a writer and a doctor of the
law, a man of learning, one skilled in the law ; one who read and explain-
ed the law to the people, Ezra vii. D Scrip, a small vn-itrng,
certificate, or schedule ; but scrip {a ysgrab, Welsh), a small bag, a wallet,
1 3am. xvii. 40. Matt. x. 10. § Subscribe, literally, to vuite under«
Death ; hence, to sign with one's own hand ; to attest by writing one'
name beneath ; to promise to give by tvritiug one's name.
2 S
nuhscrip'tion, n. trsinscrVbed, a. uticircumscri'ied,a.
suY>eTsc7-ibe', v. transcri'ber, n. undescri'ied, a.
super«cri'Z>ed, a. txviuscri'bmg, a. uninscri'fied, a.
superscri'iing, a. tran'script, n. uii*crjp7ural, a.
suyieTscrip' tioii, n. tran5CJ"?;)'/ion, n. wnscrip'twrsWy, ad.
transcribe', v. tra.nscrip'tive\y,ad.
ScRiPT-c/s, p.p. (« scribo), written, (See Scribo.)
ScROFUL-^,/. 1. (a scrofa^/. 1. a sow), the name of
a disease calUd the king's evil,
''scrofula, n. scrof'ulo\xs, a.
ScRUPUL-LTSj m. 2. (a scrupus^ m. 2. a little rough stone),
a scruple, doubt, or difficidty.
o\eTscru'p?ilous, a. scru'pl'mg, a. scru'piilousness, n.
scru'ple, n. Sc V. scrupulos'ity, n.
scru'pled, a. •fscru'pulous, a. unscru'puloas, a.
scru'pler, n. scru'puloMsiy, ad. Mnscru'pulo\isT\Q&%,
ScRUT-oR;, v.dep.l. to seek, to search ddigejitly, to
trace out : as^ scru'tiny, close search, critical exa-
mination ; scruta'tQT, a close examiner.
inscrutable, a. scru'tirdze, v.
inscru'lahly, ad. scruUinized, a.
inicru'^ableriess,n. scru'tiny^ n. scru'tinhing, a.
iriscrM/cbil'ity, 7i. scru'iinous, a. scru'iinizer, n.
scru'tdblQ, a.
ScuLP-Oj V. 3. to carve in stone, to grave in metal.
X'^nscidp' , V. sculp' tile, a. sculp'iured, a.
\i\sculp twxe, n. sculp'tor, n. sculp' i\xx\ng, a.
sculp, V. \\sculp'tnxe, n. & v.
ScuRR-^, m. 1. a scoffer, a buffoon.
sc«rVile, a, sci/rVilous, a. sct/r' nlousness, n,
§scMrril'ity, n. «c»*r'rilously, ad.
* Scrofula, a disease, called vulgarly the king's evil, characterized by
hard, schirrous, and often indolent tumours, in the glands of the neck, un«
der the chin, in the arm-pits, &c. f Scrupulous, nicely doubt-
ful ; cautious in decision, from a fear of offending or doing wrong.
% Tnsculp or Sculp, to engrave, to carve. || Sculpture, the art
of carving, cutting, or hewing wood or stone into images of men, beasts,
or other things. Sculpture is a generic term, including carvingor statuary
and eng)-aving; carved work. § Scurrility, such low, vnlgar^
indecent, or abusive language, as is used hy mean fellows, buffoons, jcste»-St
and the like ; grossness of reproach or invective.
scu 483 SEC
ScuT-UMj n. 2. a buckler or shield^ a defence.
*scu'tagej n. -fescutch' eon, or escutch'eoned^ a.
scu'tiform, a. scuich'eon, 71. esquire', n.
ScYTHiA, /. \.thenorthernpartofAsia-XScyth'iaxi,a.&Ln.
Season (a saison, Fr.) one of the four parts of the year,
— Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
^sea'son, n. & v. sea'soner, n. wnsea'sonahlQ, a.
sea'sondhXe, a. sea'soning, n. & a. unsea'sonahly , ad.
sea'sonahly, ad. unsea'soned, a. nnsea'sonahlQuess,
sea'sonahleness, n.
SeB-UM, n. 2. tallow, fat — ^e^a'ceous, a. sehac'ic, a.
Secr-0 (comT'- form olsacro), to dedicate. (See Sacer.)
Sec-o, v. 1. to cut : as, dissecf, to cut in pieces, to
anatomize ; in^ec^'ile, of an msect ; in5ec^2 v'orous,
feeding on insects.
%hisecl', V. dissect'ing, a. inseeth'^OTons, a.
bisec/'ed, a. dissec7ion, n.
Visect'mg, a. dhsect'ox, n. "interse'cant, a.
bisection, n. ^insec'ahle, a. -j-intewec^', v.
*hiseg\-nent, 11. \\m'sect, n. Sea. intersec^'ed, a.
•fcose'caxit, n. ixisect'edi, a. mtexsect'ing, a.
diissect', V. insect'ile, a. intersec'tion, n.
dissect'eA, a. msec'tion, n. xesec'tion, n.
* Sciitage, in English historjr, a tax or contribution levied upon those
who held lands by knight service ; originally, a compositivn for personal
service, which the tenant owed to his lord, but afterward levied as an
t Escutcheon, Scutcheon, the shield on which a coat of arms is represent-
ed ; the shield of a family; the picture of ensigns armorkil.
% Scythian, pertaining to Scythia, a name given to the northern part
of Asia and Europe adjoining to Asia.
II Season, literally, that which comes or arrives ; and in this general
sense is synonymous with time ; a fit or suitable time, usual or appointed
time. § Bisect, to cut or divide into two equal parts.
* Bisegment, one of the parts of a line divided into two equal parts.
t Cosecant, in geometry, the secant of an arc which is the compliment
of another to 90 degrees.
:j: Insecable, that cannot be divided by a cutting instrument, indivisible.
D Insects, small animals whose bodies appear cut in or almost divided,
— as, wasps, flies, spiders, ants, &c. Most insects pass through three states.
or metamorphoses, the larva, the chrj/salis, and the perfect insect.
See Entomologist, pages 178, 282.
* Intersecant, dividing into parts, crossing.
t Intersect, to cut between, to cut or cross mutually ; to divide into pans.
saw, n. & V. -^sect'-Axy, u. %seg'i-nent, n.
saw'eA, a. sect'axlsvny n. subsec7ion, n.
saw'er, n. trisect', v.
*se'ca,nt, a. Sc 7i. "Ij^secl'ile, a. trisecl'ed, a.
sect, n. sec't'ion, n. tnsect'ing, a.
secta.'rian, n. & a. sec't'iona\, a. txisec't'\on., n.
sectd-'noxiism., n. \\secy or, n. •venesection, /i.
Sect-c73i sup. (a SGCo), to cut. (See Seco.)
Secul-um_, n. 2. the world, an age.
•^sec'uldiX, a. & n. sec'ularizs, u. secula,nza't[ou, n.
sec'tilaxXy, ad. *ec'?-e'lhig, a.
se'cretne$s, n. sec're^ariship, n. xxwCL^xsec'retaxy, n.
* Secant, cutting, dividing into parts; in geometry, a line that cuts an-
other, or divides it into parts. t Sectary, one who
separates from an established church, or from the prevailing denomination
of Christians. ± Sectile mineral is one that is mid-
way between the brittle and the malleable,— as, soapstone and plumbago.
8 Sector, in geometry, a part of a circle compreliended between two
radii and the arc ; a mathematical instrument.
§ Segmetit, m geometry, that part of the circle contained between a
chord and an arc of that circle, or so much of the circle as is cut off by
the chord ; in general, a part cut off or divided. * Venesection,
the act or operation of opening a vein for letting blood, bloort-lLtting.
t Secular, pertaining to this present tvorld, or to things not spiritual or
holy, tvorldly ; a church officer for the vocal department of the choir.
± Exsecretary, one who has been secretary, but is no longer in ofBce.
li Secretary, originally, a confidant, one entrusted with secret'', now a
person employed by a public body, by a company or by an individual, to
write orders, letters, dispatches, public or private papers, records, and
the like ; an officer who superintends and manages the affairs of a par-
ticular department of government.
Bet>at-us, a. (a settD; v. I. to soften), calm, peaceful,
sedate'^ a. sedaie'ness, n. *sed'aiiye, a.
sedately, ad.
Sed-eo, v. 2. to sit : as, 2i»sess\ to set ox fix a certain
sum upon one as a tax, to value / msid'ioiQ, to lie
in ambush for ; ohsid' ioi\Q\, pertaining to a siege ;
-pveside'j to be at the head, to direct or control ;
sed'entoxj, belonging to sitting ; sess, a tax,
hesie'ffCT, n. -|-dispos5^55', v.
\>Qsie'ging, n, & a. dispos.sej.y'ed, a.
disposicsA'ing, a.
dispos5^s«i'on, n.
§con«ic?'er, v. incon^ic^'^/'able, a.
consid'ered, a. mconnd'erably^ad.
consid'erah\e, a. inconsiii'erableness
consid'erahly, ad. ixiconndera'tion, n.
con5i(i'erableness,w.inconlies a longer lime, though not definite. § Residue, that
which remains after a part is taken, separated, removed, or designated,
* Residuum, residue; in chemistry, that which is left after any process
of separation or purification. f Sedan, a poi table chair or
covered vehicle for carrying a single person sitting. It is b;>rne on poles
by two men. Supposed by some to be deiived from Sedan, a town in the
north-east of France, it being first marie there. X Sediment, the
matter which subsides to the bottom of liquors; settlings, lees, dregs.
n Sed?
em'inaxi?>t, n. semini&ca'tion, n.
Semi a. (yif^t), half: as, sem'itone, half 2. tone.
ivmian'nual, a. scm'icolon, n. 5£'m?diaph'anous,c.
.ve?72mn'nular, a. A'^j«icolum'nar, a. .?^fwiflos'culouSj a.
Ae?/nibarba'rian, a. semicrusta'ceous,a. semi^w!'\dy a.
iem^ibreve, «. i'fwicylin'dric, a. ^emilu'nar, a.
i^/n'icircle, n. «emideis'tical, a. ifj^'imetal, w.
A'enj»cir''cular, a. jj^midiam'eter, n. «e/niopa'cous, a.
* Supersedure, the actof sMper^ediHg, — as, the 5i(i;e}-5erft«-e of trial byjury.
t Selcnop-aphy , a description of the moon. % Selenite, foliated
or crystallized sulphate of lime. II Selenic, pertaining to sele-
nium or a new elementary body or "substance. So called on account of
its reflecting the moon's light with brilliancy. It is doubted whcHier it
ought to be classed with the metals. § Seleniwet or Setenivet,
a newly discovered mineral, of a shining lead grey colour, with a granular
texture. * Conseminate, to sow different seed^ together.
+ Disseminate, literally, to sow, to scatter seed, (but seldom or never
used in its literal sense) ; hence, to scatter for growth and propagation like
seed, to spread.
II Prosemination, propagation by seed. § Seminary, literally,
a *eed-plot, ground where feed is sown for producing" plants for trausplan-
tation. A place of education, a school, academy, college, or univeisity,
where the seeds or elements of instruction are instilled into the youihftil
mind, to qualify them for their future employments.
* Seminarist, a Romish priest educated in a seminary.
*tfmiorbic'ular, a. 5g;wipriniig'enous,a.5em'itone, n.
**emior'dinate, n. *emiperspic'uous,a. semxiaw'xc^ a.
j^mios'seous, a. ^ewi'iquaver, n. *£?m/transpa'rentj rt.
Jemio'vate, a. se/nispher'ical, a. ^emjvo'cal, a.
femipe'dal, a. semispheroid'al, a. jgmivow'el, ?i.
vf^mipellu'cid, a. ^gMiiter'tian, a. & n.*e/«ivit'reous, a.
Semper^ a7ic, a. & n. §«^/)'dc, a. &». ^^jo'^ical, a.
Septem, a. 5eye?2 : as, sep'temxy, consisting of seven.
septax\g'\i\Bx, a. sejoiin'sular, a. seu'enteenth, a.
* Septem'heT, n. S(?jo7uple, a. sev'enth, a. & n.
s^jD^em'partite, a. •f^^p'/uary, w. sev'enty, a.
sep'tenary, a. & n. sev'en, n. sev'eniieih., a.
sept&n'nidX, a. sev'en-io\di,a.&iad. subs^^7uple, a.
septi\sit'era\., a. sev'enteen, a.
Sepulchr-l/m, n. 2. (a sepelioj, v. 4. to hury), a grave,
sep'ulchre, n. & v* sepuVchral, a. Xsep'uU\ixej n.
Septuagint-^ {a septem), seventy.
septuag'enaryya.&Ln. septuages'imal,a. ^sep'tuagint, n,&.a.
)\septuages'ima, n.
Septentrio, on-is, m. 3. (a septem), the north part of
the worldj the north.
sepierttrion,n.8ca. septen'trional, a.
* Sententious, full of sentences, axioms, and maxims ; short and ener-
getic, t Sentiment, properly, a thought prompted by pas-
sion or feeling ; thought, opinion, notion, judgment; the ^enae, thought,
or opinion contained in words, but considered as distinct from them. We
m ay like the sentimetii, when we dislike the language.
% Sentimental, abounding with sentiment, or just opinions or reflections ;
expressing quick intellectual /ee/in^y affecting sensibility.
B Sentinel, a guard, a watch, — contracted into sentry.
§ Septic, having power to promote putrefaction.
* September, the seventh month from March, which was formerly the
first month of the year. September is now the ninth month of the year.
I Septuary, something composed of seven, a week.
% Sepulture, burial, interment. II Septuagesima, the third
Sabbath before Lent, — supposed to be so called, because it is about seventy
days before Easter. § Septuagint, a Greek version of the Old
Testament, so called, because it was the work of seventy, or rather of
seventy-tvfo interpreters. This translation from the Hebrew is supposed
to have been made in the reign, and by the order of Ptolemy Philadel-
phus, king of Egypt, about 270 or 280 years before the birth of Christ.
Sequ-or, v. dep. 3. to follow: as, consec'uti\e,/blloi0*
ing in a train ; ey^'ecute, to follow out or through^ to
perfomi; ^wrsue' , to follow ; sequa' clous, following;
se'quel, what follows.
*A^secii'tioxi., n. *execu'tioneTy n.
"^con'sectsxy, a. & n. exec'vtive,a.8in.
consecu^tion, n. -j-exec'tt/or, n.
consec'ut'we, a. executo'r'i&l, n.
consec'utively, ad. exec'utory, a.
:!^con'sequence, n. exec'w^orship, n.
con' sequent, a. San. exec'utress, or
con'sequently, ad. exec'utrix, n.
&on'sequexitn&%?>,n. Xex'equie?,, ii.
\[Consequ&n't\d\, a. exe'quia], a.
consequeu'tia\ly,ad. incon'sequen ce, n
consequen'tialness, mcon'sequent, a.
%ensue', v.
ens7/'ing, a.
ex'ecute, v.
tx'ecute^, a.
tx.'eoutmg, a.
execu't'ion, n.
mexecu tion, n.
\\wsecta'iOT, n.
oh'sequies, n.
§6bse'quiou!i) a.
dhse'quionsly, ad.
dhse'quiousness, n.
*per'secule, v.
■per'secuted, a.
per'secntmg, a.Scti.
persecu'iion, a.
•per'secuioT, n.
•\pxos'eaite, v.
pxos'eciitQA., a.
pxos'eciitmgy a.
pxosecu't'ioxi, n.
. pxos'ecuiox, n.
puxsue', V.
puxsu'ed, a.
puxsu'ex, n.
puxsu'ahle, a.
pur.fM'ance, n.
pursw'ant, a.
puxsii'ing, a.
* Assecution, an obtaining or acquiring. t Consnctary, fol-
lowing, consequent, \ Consequence, that which /o//o7<;s from
any act, cause, principle, or series of actions ; hence, an event or effect,
produced by some preceding act or cause ; influence, importance.
\\ Consequential, following as t\ie effect; important. Conceited, pom-
pous, — applied to persons. § Ensue, to follow ; to follow in a
train of events or course of time, to come after. « Executioner,
one who follows out or carries into effect a judgment of death.
t Executor, the person appointed by the testator to execute or follow out
his will, or to see it carried into effect. ^Exequies, Obsequies,
funeral rites and solemnities ; funeral procession. H Inscctator,
a persecutor. § Obsequious, promptly obedient or submissive
to the will of another ; conipliant ; servilely or meanly condescending or
complying. * Persecute, to pursue in a manner to injure, vex,
or afflict ; to afflict, harass, or destroy unjustly, for adherence to a parti-
cular creed or system of religious principles, or to a mode of worship.
Thus Nero the Roman emperor persecuted the Christians by crucifying
some, burning others, and condemning others to be worried by dogs. — See
Acts xxii. t Prosecute, literally, to follow forward, to follou.
or pursue with a view to reach, execute, or accomplish ; to continue efforts
already begun. This word signifies either to begin and carry on, or simply
to continue what has been begun ; to seek to obtain by legal process. Pro-
secute differs from persecute, as in law it is applied to the legal proceedings
only, whereas pei-secute implies cruelty, injustice, or oppression.
SEIl 492 SER
pursuit', n. fsuh'sequent, a. suit'ahly, ad.
•pur'*?'ient, a. unde^^rw'ing, a.
*serv'itor, n. suhserv'ieutly, ad. unde^^ry'ingly, ad.
sery'itorship, n. undes^ru'er, n.
serv'itude, n. un^^ry'iceable, a.
suhse7've', v. undes^ru'ed, a. uns^ry'iceably, ad.
sub*ery'/ence, n. undeserv'edly, ad. un^^ru'iceableness,
suhserv'iency, n. undeserw'edness, n. unserv'ed, a.
Serv-0, v. 1. to keep, to save : as, observe', to see, to
notice;, to keep ; -preserve' , to keep, to save.
Ijliconserve', v. ohserv'cT, n. leserv'er, n.
con'serve, n. ohserv'xng, a. reserva'tion, n.
cons^ru'ed, a. ohserv'in^y, ad. x&serv'at'we, a.
conserv'mg, a. obs^7-y'able, a. xesei'v'atoxy, n.
conserv'er, it,. ohserv'ahly, ad, teserv'&d, a,
conserv'ahle, a. observ'ance, n. re^i^ry'edly, ad.
coiwery'ancy, n. ohsei'v'ant, a. & n. re^gri/'edriess, n.
conserv'sint, a. dbserva't'ion, n. rtserv'ing^ a.
conserva'tion, n. observa'tor, n. *ieservo\x', n.
conserv'ati\e,a.Si7i. \\6hserv'afoTy, n. %e\.i~^xeserva' i\on,n.
conserv'aior, n. ob5^?-uand'a, n. pi. serv'ant, n.
conserv'atoTy,n&.a. -preserve', v. & n. unohserv'&nce, n.
desert', n. -preserv'ed, a. unohserv'able, a.
inohscrv'ahle, a. pTeserv'cv, n. unohserv'a.nt, a.
-preserv'ing, a. unohserv'ed, a.
inobsery'ance, a.
inob*e7t;'ant, a.
inob^^rva^ion, n.
misobs^rt"^'', v.
observe', v.
ob^ery'ed, a.
undhserv'ins, a.
■preserv'ahle, a.
■preserva'i'wTi, n. ■\\xnxeserve', n.
Ytxeserv'at\\e, a.&in.vmxeserv'ed, a.
■pxeserv'atoxy^a.&in.unxeserv'edly, ad.
%xeserve', v. & n. unre^ery'edness, n.
Sess-us, p.p. (a sedeo), sat. (See Sedeo.)
Set-^, /. 1. a bristle or big rough hair.
5£'/a'ceous, a. se'tiiovcc\, a. Xse'tcn, n. se'tow%, a.
* Servitor, a servant ; in Oxford university, a student.
t Sitbservioit, useful as an instrument to promote a purpose; serving to
promote some end ; subordinate, acting as a subordinate instrument.
4: Consei-ve, to Tieep in a safe or sound state, to save, to preserve from
loss, decay, waste, or injury : also, a sweetmeat ; a kind of medicine.
II Observatory, a placeor building for making o6.'ert)ofiV;';i5 on the heaven-
ly bodies. J Reserve, to keep in store for future or other use.
* Reservoir, a place where any thing is kept in store, particularly water.
t Unreserve, absence of reserve ; frankness; freedom of communication,
t Seton, in surgery, a fine horse hair, a tliread drawn through the skin
for the discharge of humours.
Sever (Eng. a separo), toparty to disjoin. (See Paro.)
Seyer-us, a. sharp, rigorous, strict, grave,
severe', a. severely, ad. severalty, n.
Sex^ a. six : as, sen'ary, of six ; sex'f^d, six-c\eh ;
se.rloc'ular^ s/.r-celled ; sex'tuiple, 5?a;fold.
se.ven'n\al, a.
5^j?en'nially, ad.
5c?^ a seal : as, OBsign',
to allot, to appoint ; consipi\ to give, to deliver ;
design', to delineate, to plan, to intend ; resign',
to give up or back.
a^sign'ahle, a.
^aa'siffnat, n.
Ilassi^nee', n.
assign'ed, a.
a,ssign'hig, a.
^eissign'er, or
assign'or, n.
assigna'lion, n.
assign'ment, n.
consign', v.
consign'ed, a.
consigtiee', ii.
consigu'er, or
consig7i'oc, it.
consign'ing, a. dsslgna'don, n.
des'ignaiiye, a.
cousig7i'at\ive, n. desi^/t'less, a.
cou5i^/itfica'tion,7i. des?_5fn'lessly, ad.
con5J^nif'icative,a. des?'^r/ment, n.
Qonsign'Ti'i^m, n. •V'vnsig'nia, n. pi.
design', v. &, 7i. insigtiificance, n.
design' d\AQ, a.
design'ed, a.
dtsign'edAy, ad,
design'er, n.
des'7g7iiite) v. Sea.
de.g'nl{'icaTi.ily, ad. uiisi^'«alized, a.
sign, n.
SiL-Eo, V. 2. to hold peace, to he still or quiet,
si'lence, n. & v. si'lently, ad. \\silen'tmry, n.
si'lent, a. si'lentnei,s, n.
SiLEX, ic-is, m. orf. 3. a flint-st07ie.
^si'lex, n. silicif'erous, a, st/«c?/ous, a.
*sil'icify, v. silic'ited, a.
SiLi-0 (comP- foi*m of salio), to leap. (See Salic.')
SiLiQU-jj /. 1. the seed-vessel, husk, pod, or shell of
the bean, pea, S^^c. : as, sil'iquous, having pods.
multisil'iquons, a. silic'alous, a. siliqiiose', or
•\-sil'icle, or Xsil'iqiia., or sil'iquous, a.
sil'icale, n. sil'ique, n.
SiLV-^, f.l. a wood or forest : as, sil'va-n, of a wood.
\\sav'age^ a. n. sav'agery, n. sil'van, or
sav'ageiy, ad. say'agism, n. sgl'van, a.
sav'ageness, n. Sylva'nus, n.
* Sigil, a seal; signature. t Signal, the sign that gives, or is
intended to give notice; or the notice given ; also, eminent, remarkable.
X Significant, bearing a meaning ; important, momentous.
II Silentiary, one who keeps silence and order in court; one sworn not
to divulge secrets of state. § Siles, one of the supposed primitive
earths usually found in the state of stone. * Sihcifi/, to convert
into, or become silex. t Silirle, Silicide, a little iiod.
% Siliqun, Silique, a pod. fl Sai'ffi,'!?, pertaining to the /ore^r ,• wild;
uncivilized ; cruel ; also, a human being in his native state of rudeness.
§ Sylvanus, in mythologv, a god of the tvoods.
2 T 2
SiyijL-is,a.li^'e: d.s, assiyn'ihte, to make like to ; dis-
sim'ikiY, not like or similar; sim'ilox, like, resembling.
Si?.sim' liable J a. diss£?m'i/irigly, ad. similar'hy, n.
a.ssim'ilate, v. dissim'ihr, a. simil'itude, n.
assjm'j/atedj a. AhsimUdLx'hy , n. simiHti\'dma.ry, a.
Aissimil'itude, n. \\s\in'^da.ie, v. & a.
assim'?7ating, a. dhsimula'tion, n. sim'ulated, a.
a.ieous,a. simulta'neous\y, ad. assem'ble., v.
SiMUL-o, u. 1. (a similis), tomakelike, to feign. (See Similis-)
SiNGUL-us^ a. o?ie, One by one ; not double,
sin'gle, a. & v.
sin'gled, a. slu'gulax, a-
sin'glenesii, n. sin'giilarly, ad. singulaT'hy, n.
s'ln'gly, ad.
* Dissemble, to hide under a false appearance ; to conceal, to disgu'f r, to
pretend that not to be which really is. t Fac-similc, an exact copy or
likeness, as of hand-writing. ■^Simile, in rhetoric, similitude orliheness;
a comparison of two things, whiclij however different in other respects,
have some strong point or points of resemblance ; by which comparison
the character or qualities of a thing are illustrated, or presented in an im-
pressive light. Thus, the eloquence of Demosthenes was like a rapid tor-
rent ; that of Cicero, like a large stream that glides smoothly along with
majestic tranquillity. Simulate, to feign, to counterfeit.
§ Verisimilar, having the appearance of truth, probable, likely.
* Simony (a Simon Magus, who wished to purchase the pov. er of con-
ferring the Holy Spirit, Acts viii.) The crime of buying or stlUng eccle-
siastical preferment ; or the corrupt presentation of any one tc* ;.n eccle-
siastical benefice for money or reward. By Stat. 31. Elizabeth, c. vi
severe penalties are enacted against this crime.
t Simultaneous, existing or happening at the .':an>e time.
Sinister, a. left, on the Uifi hand, unludcy, had,
siri'isler, a. shi'istroiiAy, ad.
sia'isterXy, ad. sin'istronf., a. ^sinisiroi'sai., a.
Sinus, m. 4. the bosom, a hay or gulph of the sea, a
winding oxturning : as, sin'iious, he}idmg in and out.
insinua't'ionj ?i. sin'nate, v. & a.
■fmsin'uate, v. insin'uallve, a i'lnua' tlon, n.
inc?m'?e asunder, to disperse, to
scatter. Scatter, disperse, and dissipate, are in many cases synonymous ;
but dissipate is used appropriately to denote the dispersion of things that
vanish, or are not afterwards collected ; as, to dissipate fog, vapour, or
clouds, care and anxiety. We say, an army is scattered or dispersed, but
not dissipated. To expend, to squander.
§ Siren, in ancient mythology, a goddess who enticed men into her power
by the charms of music, and devoured them; hence, in modern use, an
enticing woman ; a female rendered dangerous by her enticements ; a
mermaid ; a species of lizards in Carolina. * Coexist, to exist
at the same time with another,— regularly followed by ivith.
t Cunsistorj/t an ecclesiastical court of an archbishop or bishop.
desist'ing, a.
exist', V.
existence, n.
cxist'ent, a.
ex{5/eii'tial, a.
exist'ing, a.
incon^ii^'ence, n.
iacons\st'ency, n. persisi'ency, n.
inconsi^^'ent, a. ^persts^'entj or
irre^ii/'ibleness, n. resist'sxice, n.
irres w/ibil'i ty, n. re*«^'ant, a.
nonexM/'ence, n.
nonre^Ji/'ance, n,
nonre525/"ant^ a.
-|-per5w/', V.
periisfence, n
xesist'ible, a,
xesistihiVity, tu
xesist'ivQ, a.
re5w/less, a.
reiJJ/'lessly, ad.
self-ex?5^'ence, n.
self-exw^'ent, «.
inconjw/'ently, ad. jiersist'mg^a. San. §subswi', v.
peK?*5^ive, a.
pre-exi5/', v.
pre-exwi'ence, n.
pre-exiyi'ent, a.
pre-exis/'ing, a.
^resist', v.
resist'ed., a.
xesist'er, n.
xesist'ing, a.
suhsist'ence, n.
sub*/*^'ent, a.
unas^b^'ed, a.
unas*w/'ing, a.
unexJ^^'entj a.
unresisted, a.
unresist'ing, a.
unresij/'ingly, ad.
unresist^ ible, a.
mexist ence, n.
inexw^'entj a.
*insist', V.
insist'Qd, a.
insist'vixe, n.
insisl'mg, a.
\Txesisi'a.nce, n.
iiiesist'ihle, a.
ixxesiit'ihly, ad.
SiT-os (a-Trog), com, wheat ; bread, food.
•par'asi^e, n. parastV'ic, a. parasi^'ically, ad.
par'a^i^ism, n. parasii'ical, a.
Situs, w. 2. the 'standing o'f any 2^lo^ce, local position.
site, n. ■^sit'uB.ie, or sit'udXed, a. situa'tlon, n.
SociAT-us, p.p. (o socio, to join, to unite), joined. (SeeSocio.)
* Insist, literally, to stand or rest on ; to dwell on in discourse.
t Persist, literally, to stand thoroughly for; to continue steadily and
firmly in the pursuit of any business or course commenced; to persevere.
Persist is nearly sjmonymous with persevere ; but persist frequently im-
plies more obstinacy than persevere, particularly in that which is evil or
injurious to others. | Persistent, or Persisting, in botany,
continuing without withering, — opposed to marcescent,
II Resist, literally, to stand back or against, with.?^awd ; hence, to act in
opposition, or to oppose. § Subsist, literally, to stand
under; to be, to have existence, — applicable to matter or spirit; to con-
tinue ; to live, to be maintained with food and clothing ; to inhere. To
feed, to maintain, to support with provisions. * Parasite, in
ancient Greece, a priest or minister of the gods, whose office was to ga-
ther of the husbandman the cum allotted for public sacrifices. In modern
usage, a trencher friend, one that frequents the tables cf the rich, and
earns his welcome by flattery ; a Iianger on, a fawning flatterer ; in botany,
a plant growing on the stem or branch of another.
t Situate, Situated, placed, with respect to any other object ; as, a town
or city situate or situated on a hill, a declivity, or od the sea shore.
SociN-us, m. 2. Socinus, Ci native of Sienna, a heretic.
*Socin'ia,n, 71. & a. Socin'ia.msm, n.
Soci-Oj V. 1. (rt sociuSj m. 2. a cotnpanion or sharer), to
join, to unite : as, cojiso'ciaie, to Join, to unite ;
disso'c/ate, to disunite, to separate.
•|-as5o'ciate, V. a. & n. consoc?a7ional, ff. socmbil'ity, n.
a&so'ciated, a. dis^o'ciable, a. H-so'cial, a.
as5o'c?'ateship, n. dis^o'cial, a. sc'cially, ud.
disso'czate, u. so'c«'alness, 71.
dis^o'ciated, a. i'ocial'ity, n,
disso'ciating, a. so'cia.te, v.
dhsocia'tion, n. §?oci'ety, n.
inso'CTcrble, a. miasso'ciated, a.
Xso'ciahle, a. & n. ixuso'ciahle, a.
CQiiso'ciate, n. & v. so'oiahly, ad. unso'ciahly, ad.
consociation, n. ^o'ciableness, n. unso'ciaX, a.
SocRAT-E*"j m. 3. (S&';c^fltri5?), an ancient Greek jjhi-
socrat'icviX, a. soc'rathm, n.
socra/'ically, ad. soc'rat'i^t, n.
the Sun : as, so'lav, of the sun.
insola'l'wu, n. par'aso/, n.
:^sola.'no, n. ||so/'stice, n.
so'l-dt, a. solztiti'al, a.
as,so'ciating, a.
associa'iion, 7i.
aasQcia'tional, a.
as^o'ciative, a.
iisso'ciahle, a.
as^ociabil'ity, n.
Soc'rates, 71.
*socrat'ic, a.
Sol, S0I-/5, m. 3.
•f-in'50/ate, V.
in';?o/ated, a.
in'solatlng, a.
* Socinia72, pertaining to Socinus, or his religious creed. Socintis was a
native of Sienna in Tuscany, the founder of the sect of Sucinians in the
16th century, who held Christ to have been a mere man inspired, denied
his divinity and atonement, and the doctrine of original depravity.
f Associate, to join in company, as a friend, companion, partner, or con-
federate; to unite in the same mass ; also, joined in interest or purpose, in
employment or office ; also, a companion, a mate, a fellow, a partner.
X Sociable, that may be conjoined ; ready and inclined to join in com-
pany ; froe in conveisation ; also, a vehicle, a kind of less exalted phaeton,
with two seats facing each other, and a box for the driver.
II Social, pertaining to society. § Society, the union of a
number of rational beings ; or a number of persons xmited, cither for a
temporary or permanent purpose ; company ; fellowship ; partnership.
* Sociatic, pertaining to Suciafes, the Grecian sage, or to his language
or manner of teaching and philosophizing. The Svcratic method of rea-
soning and instruction was by interrogatories.
t Insolate, to dry in the sun's rays ; to expose to the lieat of the sitn ; to
ripen or prepare by exposure to tlic sun.
% Sulano, a hoi southeast wind in Spain, which ^rocUices i.ntlamnicifnyy
cffecl* on mcp.. H Sjlstice, literally.
Soi.EC-os {a-oXoiicoi, d 'ZoXoi, an Athenian colony in
Cilicia), one who speaks incorrectly.
•so/'ecism, n. solecisi'ical, a. sol'eclze, v.
sol'ecist, n. solecist'icaXly, ad.
SoLRMN-is^ a. solemn, religiously grave, serious.
sol'emn, a. solem'nity, n. sol'emtiizer, n.
soVemnly, ad. sol'emnize, v. sol'emnizing, a.
sol'emnness, n. sol'emnized, a. solemniza't'xon, n.
SoL-Eo^ V. 2. to use, to be accustomed or wont.
in'50/ence, n. -f-in'so/ent, a. in'so/ently, ad.
in'solency, n.
SoLiciT-L^s^ a. anxious, uneasy, careful,
"^solic'it, V. solie'itous, a. solic'itrefis, n.
solic'ited, a, solic'itously, ad. *solic'itnde, n.
solicit a' t'lon, n. \\solic'itor, n. unsolic'ited, a.
solic'ii'mg, n. &.a. §so/ic'i7or-general,n. unso/ic'i^ous, a.
SoLiD-C7S, o. Jiryn, hard, comjmct : as^ consol'idsite,
to make solid or firm.
Ycon'sol, n. consol'id&wi, a. Sen. consol'id&te, v. &. a.
the standing of the sun ; in astronomy, the point in the ecliptic at which
the SU71 stops, or ceases to recede froni the equator, either north in sum-
mer or south in winter ; a tropic or tropical point. There are two sol-
stices ; the summer solstice, the first degree of Cancer, which the sun en-
ters on the 21st of June ; and the winter solstice, the first degree of Capri-
corn, which the sun enters on the 21st of December.
* Solecism, literally, the dialect or language of the Soli, a people of At-
tica, who being transplanted to Cilicia, lost or degenerated so much from
the purity of their language, that they became proverbial for speaking
incorrectly ; hence, impropriety in language, or a gross deviation from
the rules of syntax ; incongruity of words ; want of correspondence or con-
sistency ; any unfitness, absurdity, or impropriety. A barbarism may be
in one word, a solecism must be of more — Johnson, from Cicero.
\ Insolent, literally, unaccustomed ; proud and haughty, with contempt
of others ; overbearing ; domineering in power.
± Solicit, to ask with some degree of earnestness; to make petition to ;
to apply to for obtaining something ; also, to seek by petition ; to invite.
This word implies earnestness iii seeking, but lees earnestness than beg,
implore, entreat, and importune, and more than ask or request.
II Solicitor, one that asks for another ; an attorney, advocate, or counsel-
lor at law, who has authority to practise in the English Court of Chancery.
§ Solicitoi -General, a lawyer who is employed as counsel for the king
or queen. * Solicitude, uneasiness of mind,
occasioned by the fear of evil, or the desire of good ; anxiety, concern ;
carefulness. t Consols, in England, are the funds or stocks
formed by the consolidation of different annuities.— Ofl&6e.
consolidated, a. sol'dier-Vike, or
consol'idating, a. sol'dierly, a.
consolida'tion, n. sol'diery, n.
insolid'ity, n.
"sol'der, or
sod'er, v. & n.
sol'derer, n.
•fsol'dier, n.
sol'id, a. & n.
sol'idly, ad.
sol'idness, n.
solid'iRcd, a.
solidifica.'tion, n.
solid'ifying, a.
solid'ity, n.
Jso/i^un'gulous, a.
Ilsur^^orirf, n. & a.
uncon^o/'ic^ated, a,
unsol'id, n. &l a.
sol'/dHfy, V.
SoL-oR, V. dep. 1. to comfort, to cheer : as^ console', to
comfort, to cheer ; sol'ace, comfort in grief
console', v. consol'atory, a. & n.
conso'led, a. §discon'5o/ate, a. sol'ace, v. & n.
consoVable, a. discon'soZately, ad. sol'aced, a.
conso'ler, n. discon'so/ateness,?i. so/'ccing, a.
consola' t\ox\, n. disconso/a'/ion, n.
con^o'/ing', n. & a, inconso'/able, a. uncon^o'/ed, a.
con'A'o/ator, n. inconso'/ably, ad. unconso7ing, a.
SoL-UM, n. 2. the ground, the basis or bottom of the
foot — sole, n. Sc V.
SoL-us, a. alone, single, forlorn, desert : as^ solitary,
living alone ; sol'itude, loneliness, a desert.
*des'olz.te, a. & v. des'o/atory, a. soliVoquy, n.
de*'o/ated, a. sole, a. so/il'oquize, t'.
des'ola.tely, ad, sole'ly, ad. %sol'iY>&d, n.
des'oZating, a. sole'ness, n. ||*o/itair', n,
desola't'wn, n. -f SoURd'ia,n, n. & a. sol'ila.ry, a. & n.
des'olatoT, n. 5o/jfid'ianism, n. sol'itSLxWy, ad.
* Solde , Soder, to unite and make solid, as metallic substances ; also, a
metallic cement.
t Soldier, a man engaged in military service ; a brave warrior ; — so called
from solidiis, as a noun, a piece of money, the pay of a soldier.
4: SolidiingvloKs, having hoofs that are tvhole or twt cloven.
H Siirsolid, in mathematics, the fifth power of a number. Thus 3X3
=« 9, the square of 3, and 9X3 = 27, the third power or cuhi\ and 2/ X
3 = 81, the' fourth power, andglX 13 = 243, which is the .sursoUd, oy fifth
power of 3. § Disconsolnte, destitute of conifurt or
consolation ; sorrowful ; hopeless or not expecting comfort; sad, dejected,
melancholy; not affording comfort; cheerless.
* Desolate, destitute or deprived of inhabitants; laid waste; soUtari/, de
serted of God, deprived of comfort. ^ Solifidian, one who
maintains that faith alone, without works, is necessary to justification.
§ Soliped, an animal whose foot is not cloven. || Sohtair,
Soliturian, Solitary/, one who lives alone, or in solitude, a iK-rmit.
*o/'/taiiness, n. 5o/'/tucle, n. •^■so'lfl, n.
5o/Jta'rian, n. •50/iv'agant, a.
SoLUT-C7S,j5.p. {(isd[wo)Joosediexplained. (SeeSolco.)
SoLV-o, V. 3. to loose, to ?nelt, to free, to pat/: as, ab'50-
lutnry, ahsolv'mg ; dWsoluhle, that may be dissolved
or melted ; solve, to loosen, to explain^ to remove.
absolve', v.
ahsulv'ed, a.
abso/y'er, n.
ahsolv'ing, a.
absolv'atory, n.
ab'so/ute, a.
Sih' solutely, ad.
ab'so/w/^ness, n.
Ahsolu'tion, n.
ab'so/t/7ory, a.
X^ssoil', V'
dis'50/ttble, a.
disso/wbil'ity, n.
clis.9o/ue', V.
dhsolv'ed, a.
iVi^solv'ev, n.
dissolv'ing, a.
dissclv'ent, a. & n. nonsolu'iion, n.
dis-?o?y'able, a.
||dis'.<(o/ute, a.
diWsolutely, ad.
dis'tfo/«/eness, n.
A\%solu't'\or\, n.
indAssolv'ahle, a.
indis'so/wble, a. +vesolve'., v. & n.
indis'soluhly, ad. resolv'ed, a.
indis'^o/wblcncss, n.resolv'edly, ad.
indisvo/ubirity, n. re^o/u'edness, n.
insol'uble, r:. re.^o/ii'er, n.
insoluhiVity, n. res'o/o'ing, a. & r^,
ix\solv'ah\e, a. rejo/y'ent, n.
insolv'ency, n. re.vo/y'ablCj a.
^msolv'ent, a. & n. re^'o/wble, a.
uxes'oluhle, a. XxQs'olute, a. & n.
irres'o/jibleness, n. res'oluf ely, ad,
irresWute, a. Tet'oluleness, n.
irres'olutely, ad. xceolu'iion, n.
irres'olutexiess, 7i.
inesolu't'ion, n.
*nonsolv'QXit, n.
rxonsolv'ency, n.
^o^'uble, a.
*o/wbil'ity, n.
solute', a.
^re-resolve', v. & 71. solve, v.
ipre-resolv'ed, a. solv'ed, a.
pre-refo/u'ing, a. solv'ency, n.
redi^solve', v. ||so/uend', n.
redisao/y'ed, a. ^solv'eni, a. & ?i.
redis5o/y'ing, a. solv'ih\e, ar
* Solivagant, wandering alone. 1 Solo, a tune, air, or
strain to be played by a single instrument, or sung by a single voice.
X Assoil, to solve, to release, to absolve. || Dissolute, I'jfsa
In behaviour and morals ; given to vice and dissipation ; wanton, lewd,
vicious. § hisolvent, not having money, goods, or estate
sufficient to pay all debts ; also, a debtor unable to pay his debts.
* Konsolvent, not able to pay debts. \ Resolve, to loose
again, to melt ; to separate the component parts of a compound substance,
or of a complex idea ; to unravel or explain ; to fix in opinion or jvarpose,
to determine in mind. X Resolute, having a fixed purjiose,
determined; hence, bold, firm, steady ; constant in pursuing a purpose.
1; S'llvend, a svibstar.ce to be dissolved.
§ Solx'e7it, liaving the power of dissolving ; able to pay all just debts ;
also, a fluid that dissolves any siib*'^-^"ce
unresolv'ed a.
imresolv'ing, a.
unsolu'ed, a.
unsolu'able, a.
*so'matist. n.
solv'ahle, a. undhsolv'ahle, a.
solvahiVity, n- undis^o^u'ed, a*
solu'iion, n. undisso/?/ing, a.
sol'utive, a. unre*o/u'able, a,
unahsolv'ed, a.
Soma, at-os {o-afAa, cato^^, a body
asom'atoas, a. somat'ic, a.
somatoYogy, n.
SoMN-i7S, m. 2. sleep : as, somnii'Qxow^ or somnii'ic^
causing or indvicing sleep,
imow'/iJous, a. iO)n7iambula'tion,n.5o»i'nolence, n.
•j'^OTOnam'bulist, n. somniferons, a. som'nolency, n.
*om/iam'bulism, n. somnific, a. J^om'wolentj a.
SoN-us, m. 2. a sound : as, con'sonant, con'so;20iis,
agreeing in sound; res'owant,50Mw^ing back or again.
||ab'.yonant, a.
§ab'5onous, a.
*altis'onant, or
sltis'onous, a.
•f-as'Aoriance, n.
assonant, a.
covJsonance. n.
con'.?o?2antly, ad. res'oraant, a.
con'vouantness, n. resound', v.
consonon^, a.
dis'^tinance, n.
||dis'AO/iaiit, a.
§horriA'ortOus, n.
incon'^onancy, n.
Xcon' sonant, a. & n. r&s'ona.nce, n.
resound'edi, a.
xQsound'higy a-
*son'ata, w.
•fson'uet, n. &. v.
sonnQieex', n.
soniferous, a.
* Somatist, one who admits the existence of corporeal or material being
only ; one who denies the existence of spiritual substances.
f Somnambulist, one who wallis in h's sleeji.
X Somnolent, uleepy, drowsy, inclined to sleep.
II A/iS'iiant, literally, sounding from; wide from the purpose, contrary
to reason. § Ab.sonous, unmusical, or unfMwable.
* Altisonant, or Altisonous, high sound'mg, lofty or pompous, — as lan-
guage. \ Assonance, resemblance oi sound. In rhetoric and
poetry, a resemblance in sound or termination, without making rhyme.
± Consonant, agreeing, according, consistent, — followed generally by to f
sometimes by with ; ajso, a letter, so named, because it is considered as
being sounded only in connection with a vowel. But some consonants
have no sound even when united with a vowel, and others have a very
imperfect sound. The consoyiants are better called articulations, as they
are the names given to the several closings or junctions of the organs of
speech, which precede and follow cue openings of the organs, with which
the vowels are uttered. The consonants begin or end syllables, and their
use is to determine the manner of beginning or ending the vocal sounds.
il Dissonant, not agreeing in sound, discordant, harsh, jarring, unharo
monious, unpleasant to the ear; disagreeing, — usually with from.
§ Horrisonous, sounding dreadfully ; uttering a terrible soimd.
* Sonata, a tune intended for an instrument only, as cantata is for tlia
voice. t Sonnet, a short poem.
2 U
jfononf'erous, a. souo'rously, ad. sound'ing, a.
ionori£'ic, a. sono'rousness, n, sou?id'\ess, a.
•ionom'eter, n. sound, n. & v. uncon'sonant, a.
■f-5o«o'rous, a. sound'ed, a. u'nKon, n.
SoPH-7^ {ffopec, a (To^o;, Wise), wisdom, knowledge,
learning : as, theos'oj^Ay, divine wisdom.
:{:anthropo5'op^y,w. iJrphilo^'ojoAism, n. JOjoAistica'tion, n.
archphilos'o;3/ier, n. philoa'ojoAist, n. ^ojoAist'icator, n.
||chiro*ojt)A'ist, n. philo^ojaAis'tic, a. Xsoph'hixy, n.
§GyTnno5'ojDMst, n. philo^ojoAis'tical, a. theos'op^y, n.
gymnos'ophy, n. ||pliilos'o;)Aize, v. iheosoph'ic, a.
philos'ojoAizing, a. theo*ojoA'ical, a-
•pan'sojjAy, n.
'fphilos^ojaAatCj r.
Iltheo^'o^/iism, n.
theo*'o/?Aist, n.
un^hWosoph'ic, a.
unphilos'o/)/iize, v.
un^Ojo^ist'icated, a.
%soph'ica\, a.
*soph'\sm, n.
soph'ht, n.
■philos'ophy, n, soph'uier, n.
philos'o/jAer, n. soph'isi'ic, a.
iphilosoph'ic, a. soph\^t'icd\, a.
philosopA'ical, a. sophhi'icaXiy, ad. „..„„^ ^ , „.
'ph\\osoph'ics\\y,ad.-\sophi^t'\ca.te,v8La. unphilo.5'ojt3Aized,a.
Sopor, or-is, m. 3. sleep, a deej) sleep: as, con5o'j»/ate_,
coTi'sopiie, so'piie, or sop'oraXej to lull or lay asleep,
conso'piate, v. con' sopite, v.
* Sonometer, an instrument for measuring sounds, or the intervals of
sounds. t Sonorous, giving sound when struck ; loud
soimding; yielding 50Mwd; high ^owwding.
X Anthroposophy, knowledge of the nature of man ; acquaintance with
man's structure and functions, comprehending anatomy and physiology.
D Chirosophist, a chirologist, one who communicates thoughts by signs
made with the hands and fingers. § Gymnosophist, a
philosopher of India, so called from his going with bare feet, or with little
clothing. The Gymnosophists in India lived on wild productions of the
earth. They never drank wine, nor married. Some of them travelled
about, and practised physic. They believed the immortality and transmi-
gration of the soul. They placed the chief happiness of man in a con-
tempt of the goods of fortune, and of the pleasures of sense.
* Pansophy, universal wisdom or knowledge.
t Philosophate, to play the philosopher, to moralize.
± Philosophism , the love of fallacious arguments, or false reasoning ; the
practice oi sophistry. D Philosophize, to reason like a
philosopher. § Sophical, teaching wisdom.
* Sophism, a <;pecious but fallacious argument; a subtilty in reasoning,
an argument that is not supported by sound reasoning, or in which the
inference is not justly deduced from the premises.
+ Sophisticate, to adulterate, to corrupt by something spurious or fo-
reign ; to pervert ; to render spurious.
4; Sop/iwfr^, fallacious reasoning ; reasoning sound in appearance only.
I Theosophism, pretension to divine illumination ,• enthusiasm.
so'phej V. *sopori('eTous, a. soporific, a. &. n.
sopori£ 'erousness,n.so'poro\is, a.
SoRB-£o, V. 2. to suck in, to drink up : as, absorb', to
drink in, to engross wholly ; resorb', to swallow up.
absorb', v. sbsorb'ing, a. ■fsorb'ic, a.
ahsorp'tioii, n.
Hhsorb'ahle, a. ahsorp'ii\e, a.
absorfiabil'ity, n. vesorb', v. una.hsorb'ahle, a.
ahsorb'ed, a. re«c»r6'ent, a, unahsorb'ed, a.
abiorb'ent, n. Sc a. sorb'ent, a.
SoRDiD-f/s, a. filthy, mean, covetous, meanly avaricious,
SQr'dXd, a. sor'dX^y, ad. 5orWidness, n.
SoROR^ ox-is, f. 3. a sister — soror'tcide, n.
SoRS, sovt-is, f. 3. (sortir, v. to go or come out, Fr.)
lot, sort, kind : as, assort, to distribute into sorts,
kinds, or classes.
aswrt', V. consort'edi, a. sori'ahle, a.
as?or^'ed, a. sort'ably , ad.
assorting, a. consor't'ion, n. %sortit', n.
assorf'ment, n. \\xesort'., v. & n. *sort'i\tge, n.
^con' sort, n. resort' ex, a. *or^ile'giouSj a.
con'ior^ship, 7i. xesort'ing, a. '\sortit\'on, n.
consort', v. sort, n. & v. sor^'ment, n.
consort' ah\e, a. sort'ed, a. nnsort'cd, a.
Sparg-0, v. 3. to scatter: as, asperse', to bespatter with
calumnies ; dd?,perse', to scatter.
asperse', v. dispers'tdly, ad.
aspers'er, n. disperse', v. dxspers'edne&s,, n.
asper'sion, n. d\spers'e.d., a. dispers'er, n.
* Snpori/erous, soporific, or soporous, causing sleep.
•j Sorhic, belonging to the sorbus or service tree.
If Consort, a companion, a partner ; particularly a partner of the bed, a
wife or husband ; an association ; union ; a number of instruments played
together, a concert. But in this sense concert is now used. To associate,
to unite in, or keep company. || Resort, to have recourse,
to apply, to betake ; to go, to repair. § Sortie, the issuing
of a body of troops from a besieged place to attack the besiegers ; a sally.
* Sortilege, the act or practice of drawing lots.
f Sortition, selection or appointment by lot.
Hispers'irig, a. * intersperse', v. -f-re^joer'sion, n.
dispe/ sion, n. interspers'ed, a. ^sparse, a.
di^joers'ive, a. interspers'ing, a. spars'ed, a.
indispers'ed, a. iniersper'siou, n. spars'ed]y, ad.
insper'sion, n. wndispers'edi, a-
Spasm-^ {a-TTcco-^u, d (TTcoto)^ to dravS), a drawit/g, a
convulsion : as, f^pasmod'ic, consisting in spas/n.
^a.r\i\s'pan%, n. :^epispas'tic,a.8in. * spasm, n.
antispas'tic, a. neu'rospast, n. spasmod'ic, a.
antispasmod'ic, a. -^oVy. ipast, 7t. -ftris'past, n.
SPATi-i73f, n. 2. sjxice : as, exp«7/ate, to move at
large, to enlaryc in discourse or writing.
exj9rt'/Jate, v. spa'ciously, ad.
expa'tiating, a. space, n. & v. spa'cionsness, n.
expa'tiatoT, n. "i^ipa'cious, a.
Speci-ESj/. 5. (a specio), sight, a form, a sort. (SeeSpeeio )
Speci-0, v. 3. to see, to look : as, as'pectj a look to,
look, view : despise', to look down with contempt ;
e:xpecf, to look for ; inspect', to look on or mVo ;
respect', to look back with deference, to regard.
as'pect^ n. §au'5j9?cate, v. ausjoici'ousness, n.
au^/jici'al, a. *cix'c\X)xispect, a.
SiWspici'ou?,, a. cir'cum*jD^c/ly, ad.
}\2Lw'sp{cc, n. auspici'ously, ad. ch'cumspectness,n.
* Intersperse, to scatter or set here and there among other things.
t Respersiori , the act of sprinklhig. j;. Sparse, thiniy scrit-
tered ; set or planted here and there. |1 Antispasis, a'revuJ-
»ion of fluids or humors from one part of the body to another.
§ Epispastic, in medicine, drawing ; nttranting the humours to the skin ;
exciting action in the skin; blistering. * Spasm, an in-
voluntary contraction or irregular motion of themuscle.s or muscular fibres
in animal bodies.
t Trispast, or Trispaston, a machine with three pullei/s for raising great
weights. I Spacious, wide, roomy, vast in extent.
U Auspice, Auspices, literally, inspection of birds, the omens of an un-
dertaking, drawn from birds, — the same as augury. Protection, favour
shown, patronage, influence.^— \n this sense the word is generally plural,
auspices. § Auspicate, to give a favourable turn to, — a
Bense taken from the Roman practice of taking the aiispicium, or inspection
of birds, before they undertook any important business ; to foreshow ; to
begin. * Circumspect, looking round, looking on all sidr-s ;
hence, cautious, prudent, watchful on all sides ; examining carefully ali the
circumBtances that may affect a determination, or a measure to be adopted.
ciicwnspec'iion, n. especi'ally^ ad.
c'lTcnmspect'ive, a. espy', v. &. n.
circums/j^c^'ively, expect', v.
cs'pionage, n, expeci'ed, a.
'conspic'uous, a. expect'er, n.
con5]DJc'MOusly, ad. expect'ing^ a.
conspic'uousneiis,7i.expect'ah\c. a.
^introspect', v,
introspec'tion, n.
irretpect'ive, a.
irrespect'ixeljf ad.
*]peTspect'ive, n.&a.
■perspect'iyelyj ad.
■peT'spicdble, a.
•f'perspicac'ityj or
^pex'spicacy, n.
expecf&nt, a. & n. j)erspica.'cious, a.
|lex/iec/a7ion, n. '!;:pex'spicil, n.
im^er spicu'iiy,n. \\^txspicu'ity, n.
iinperspjc'wous, a. pers/)ic'MOus, a.
inconsjoic'wous, a. perA'pic'wously, ad.
froni'ispice , n. persjoic'wousness, n.
cxpect'axice, n.
expect'&ncy, n.
"f dies' picaMle, a.
A&s'picdbly, ad.
de^'joicableness, n.
d.espi'sa\)\Q, a.
despise', v.
despi'sed, a.
despi'sedness, n.
despi'ser, n.
despi'smg, n. & a. \nexpect'ed\y, ad. ^xos'pect, n.
despi'sin^y, ad. inexpecta'tioxi, n. pros/)^c7ion, n.
despite', n. & v.
despite'i^il, a.
despite'ivXLy, ad.
despite'i\i\.nes%, n.
disrespect', n.
disrespect'fuX, a.
inspect', v.
irispeci'ed, a.
inspect'ing, a.
inspec'tion, n.
inspect'ive, a.
inspect'or, n.
disrespect' faUy, ad. inspect'oxate, or
:!l^especi' al, a. irispect'oxateshi-p,n
•pxospeci'ive, a.
■pxospect'iyely, ad.
l^prospecfus, n,
•^xospici'ence, n.
xeinspect', v.
xeinspec'tion, n.
xespect', V. Sen.
*xespect'ah\e, a.
* Conspicuous, open to the view, obvious to the ei/e, easy to be^een, ma-
nifest ; obvious to the mental eye, clearly or extensively known, perceived
or understood ; hence, eminent, famous, distinguished.
iDespicable,that may be or deserves to be despised ; contemptible, mean,
vile, worthless.
i Especial, Special, belonging to a species or sort , not general, particular.
II Expectation differs from hope. Hope originates in desire, and may
exist with little or no ground of belief that the desired event will arrive.
Expectation is founded on some reasons which render the event probable.
Hope is directed to some good ; expectation is directed to good or evil.
§ Introspect, to look into or within ; to view the inside.
* Perspective, a glass through which objects are viewed s the art of draw-
ing on a plane surface true resemblances or pictures of objects, as the ob-
jects appear to the eye from any distance and situation, real or imaginary.
t Perspicacity, Perspicacy, acuteness of sight or discernment.
X Perspicil, an optic glass.
II Perspicuity, clearness ; clearness to mental vision ; that quality of writ-
ing or language v/hich readily presents to the mind of another the precise
ideas of the author. Perspicuity is the first excellence of writing or speaking.
§ Prospectus, the plan of a literary work, containing the general subject
or design ; with the manner and terms of publication, and sometimes a
fpecimen of it. * Respectable, worthy of respect or esteem
2 u 2
re.'spcct'ahly, ad. gpcci'aWy, ad.
re^pT^'ableness, n. speciaVity, n>
rtspectahW'iiy ,n. -^ sped' aliy^ n.
Tespect'ed, a.
Tespect'er, n. Xspee'ie, n.
respeci'fnl, a. \\spe'cies, n.
TQspect'inWy , ad. §s;jecff 'ic, n. & a.
Te.9jt)ec^'fulness, n. sjof'cif'icness, n.
respect'mg, a. sjo^cif ical, a.
respect'ive, a. specifically, ad.
xespeci'iwely, ad. specifiate, v.
speci^ca'tiou, n.
*spec'ify, v.
"ret'Tospect, n. spec'iRed, a.
Tetrospec'tion, n. spec'i^ying, a.
TetTospect'iye., a. -fspec'imen, n.
retTospect'ively^ad. I^spe'cious, a.
sem\-peTspic'uous,a.-'ipe'ciovis\y, ad.
speci'al, a. spe'ciousness, n.
\\spect'ac\e, a.
spect'acled, a.
spectac'ular, a,
^specta'ior, n.
spectaio'risX, a.
specia'torshiji, n,
specta'tress, or
specta'tTis., n.
*spec'tre, n.
•\spec'tr\im, n.
spec'itlum, n.
Xspec'ulax, a.
\\spec'ulaie, v.
specula' tioxi, n.
spec'ulatist, n.
spec'ulative, a.
spec'ulatively, ad.
spec'ulativeness, n.
spec'ulatoY, n.
Reipect^ul, characterized by respect ; Respective, particular, relating to a
particular person or thing, relative. Respectable, in popular language, is
much used to express what is moderate in degree of excellence, or in num-
ber, but not despicable.
* Retrospect, a looking back on things past.
•f Specialty, a being particular ; a special contract ; an obligation or bond.
X Specie, coin; copper; silver or gold coined and used as a circulating
medium of commerce. H Species, an appearance, that which
is presented to the eye. In zoology, a collection of organized beings deriv-
ed from one common parentage by natural generation, characterized by
one peculiar form, liable to vary from the influence of circumstances only
within certain narrow limits. In botany, all the plants which spring from
the same seed, or which resemble each other in certain characters or inva-
riable forms. A sort or kind, a sub-division of a genus.
§ Specific, specifical, characterizing the species ,■ tliat which makes a
thmg of the species of which it is. * Specifu, to shew by
particular marks; to mention or name, as a particular thing.
\ Specimen, what is shown as a sample, a sample.
$ Specious, showy, pleasing to the sight or view ; apparently right ; su-
perficially right, but substantially wrong ; plausible.
II Spectacle, the thing looked at ; a show ; a sight. Spectacles, in the
plural, glasses to assist the sight. § Spectator, one who looks on.
* Spectre, the appearance of a person who is dead ; an apparition, a ghost,
f Spectrum, a visible form ; an image of something seen, continuing after
the eyes are-closed, covered or turned away. This iscalledanofw/fflrs/^et-frwrn.
X Specular, having the cj ualities of a speculum ox looking-g\ass, or a glass
that reflects the images of objects.
n Speculate, literally, to view afar off, as from a watch tower ; to view
with meditation ; to buy goods, land, stock, or other things, with the ex-
pectation of a rise of price, and of profiting fiom such advance ; to thc>)-
tizs, to schema,
spec'ulatory, a.
spy, n. & V.
superin67;6'6"/', v.
*»\xspecfj V.
%\ispect'ex, n.
suspeci'ed, a.
suspect'edly, ad.
susjDec/'edness, n.
suspect'ing, a.
suspect'ive, a.
s\i s pec fless, a.
sns)>ic'\'on, n. uurvgpect'ed, a.
sui/jici'oLis, a.
?,\xs}Aci'o\.\^\y, ad. iinsp^f'jfied, a.
sn.spjci'ousnefis, n. un.fjoe'cp'ous, «.
traiujoic'/ious, a. wnapec'ulMiSQ, a.
VLiiiispeci'wQ, a. xxii-aWfipecl'ud., a.
vua-A^'cnw^sper.t, a u!isu,«»i?cred]y, ad.
imexpfc^'ed, a. nv.ftwspert'ini^^ a.
uncx/.'^jc/'edly, ad. un.ui.vTjj'ci'/ou.s, a.
unexp^o^'ediiess, n. \.\\^'^.\Msph:i'o\\s\y,ad.
Specul-oR;, v. dep. I. ( ' specto), to vieic. (See Specio.)
Si'ERM-^, at-os {o-7ri^f/.x, UTog, a 7'kup_^c>}. to sow), f-eed :
LIS, spermat'ic, pertaining to the i>eiiu:n or seed.
ac'rospire, n. |lepipl!yllo.v;}grm'ous,-|-.v;;e»-?«, n.
ac'rospjred, a. ^'^ytw'nosperm. u. svcrmal'ic, a.
•\B.ngiomoYiOsperm'- gyiiuioAjL/6'/7/i'ous, «■ spermat'ii^sX, a.
ous, a. *pol'y*7^6')'?«, n.
ifan'giosperw, n. polys^ye< //j'oiis, a. ^spsrmat'occXe, n.
angiosperm'oiis, a. nionosperm'oxxs, a. tetrusjo^rni'ous, a.
dxsperm' owSy a. octosperm'oa^, a. trisperm'oiis, a.
Sper-0^ v. 1. (« spesj /. 5. hope), to hope : as, despai/,
a Aojoeless state ; des'/>?/-ate, without hope.
despair', n. & u. de/perately, ad.
despair'er, n. de6'jrje>atencss, n.
despair'ing, a. desjoera^ion, /t.
de^jtjair'ingly, ad. §pro6''per, u.
dcspair'ful, a. pro^'pered, a,
j|de*pera'do, n. pro/pering, a.
des'joerate, «. & n. -pxosper'ity, n-
pros />f?9-i)us, n.
prusly, arf.
unpros juerous, «.
unpros'jDerously, «rf.
* Suspect, to look up or regard with jealousy or fear, to iiniigiiie to be
guilty, but upon slight evidence, or without proof; to doubt, to mistrusL
t Angiomonospermous, producing one seed only in a pod.
X Angiosperm, a plant which has its seeds in pods.
U Epiplu^llospermousthearing their seeds on the back of the leaves, as fcrnia
§ Gt/muosperm, a plant that bears naked seeds.
* Poll/sperm , a tree whose fruit contains many seeds.
\ Sperm, animal seed ; spawn of fishes or frogs.
:f Spermafoctle, a swelling of the spermatic vessels,
ll Desperado, one of a desperate character.
5 Prosper, literally, to hope or carriy forward ; to favour, to be fuccc/s-
ft.i, to succctd, to thrive, to make gain. (See Vhcro.)
SPE 512 sPI
Sperjs-dm (comP- of spar sum), to scatter. (See Spargo.)
Sphacel-os (^crir'itedness, n.
■^ex'spirdb\e, a.
per sjjiraiovy, u.
reinspire', v.
rein^joiVed, a.
les'pite, n. & v.
xes'pipohie, a.
\\xespire', v.
lespi'red, a.
xespi'ring, a.
xes'piraioxy, a.
xespira'tion, n.
§spir'acle, n.
*spire, n. &. v.
spi'red, a.
spi'r al, a.
spi'raWy, ad.
spi'ry, a.
spir'it, n. & V.
-pexspirahi\'ity,n. -fspir'iled, a.
jpexspira'tion, n. spir'itediy, ad.
* Spinet, a small wand, or place where briars and thorns grow ; an in-
strument of music resembling a harpsichord, but smaller; a virginal.
t Aspirate, to pronounce with a breathing or full emission of breath ;
also, a letter marked with an asper, or note of breathing; a mark of aspi-
ration, — as the Greek accent (' ).
% Perspire, to evacuate the fluids of the body through the pores of the skin.
n Respire, literally, to breathe again; to inhale air into the lungs, and
exhale it for the purpose of maintaining animal life ; to rest, to take rest
after toil,— and hence, perhaps, respite, for respit it, — pause, interval of
rest ; delay. § Spiracle, a small vent, hole, or orifice, a pore.
* Spire, a winding line like the threads of a screw, a curl, a twist, a
wreath ; a tapering body, a steeple ; a stalk or blade of grass or other plant.
f Spirited, full of life, spirit, ox fire ; Spiritovs, like spirit, refined, — as
liquors ; Spiritual, pertaining to the sfirii or AOiiij—opi'Oscd to temporal
or material
Mpir'itednesS) n. spir'iiuovis, a. snspire', v.
spir'ii{ul, a. spir'ituonsriess,n. \\suspira'tion, n«
spir'itless, a.
apir'itlessly, ad.
spir'itlessnsss, n.
spir'itous, a.
spir'itousness, ii.
spir'itual, a.
spir'ituaWy, ad.
spir'ilualnesfi, n.
spirituaVity , n.
spir'itusiMze, v.
%transpire'y v.
tran^pi'red, a.
tran^pi'rable, a.
ixanspi'rhig, a.
irauspira'txon^ n.
una^'pirated, a.
unaspi'riug, a.
umnspi'7-ed, a.
unper'^pirable, a.
unspir'ilual, a.
xinspir'iiuallze, v.
"spright, or
sprite, n.
•fsprighfful, or
sprite'ful, a.
spright'f\i]ly, or
spi-ite' fnlly, ad.
sprighl'fulnesSy n.
sprightly, a.
spritely, a.
spright'line&s, or
spriteliness, n.
:5:su*;?iVal, n.
Sriss-i7S, a. thick : as, inspis'saie, to thicken, as fluids.
cawspissa' tiow, n. inspis'sated, a. inspissa'tion, n.
\nspi$'saiQ, v. inspis' saiing, a. spiss'itude, n.
SplaNCHN-^ ((r3rA«sy;i(if«')j entrails — *spIanchnoYogy,n.
Splen (e-wA))v), the w-ilt or spleen ; ill-humor, anger.
antisplen'etic, a. splen'ish, or
•f spleen, n. spleen'y, a. spleen'i^h, a.
spleen' td, a. ^splen'etic,a.&n.
spleen'{u\, n. splen'ic, a.
Splend-eOj v. 2. to shine : as, resplen'dent, very
bright; splen'did, shi?img, showy, brilliant.
resplen'dence, n. splen'dent, a. transplen'dency ,n.
resplen'dency, n. splen'did, a. ^transplen'dent, a.
resplen'dent, a. splen'd'idly, ad. txansplen'dently,ad.
resplen'dently, ad. splen'doxxr, n.
* Spright or Sprite, a spirit, a shade, an apparition.
^ Sprightful or Spriteful, Sprightly or Spritely, lively, brisk, airy, gay
%Suspiral, a hreathmg-'hoXe, a vent.
B Suspiration, the act of sighing or fetching a long and deep breath, a sigh.
i^ Transpire, to emit or be emitted in vapour, exhale; to escape from
secrecy, to become public.
* Splanchnology : the doctrine, treatise, or description of the viscera ; the
doctrine of diseases of the internal part of the body.
\ Spleen, one of the entrails, the milt. ' The ancients supposed this to
be the seat of wie/awc/jo/i', anger, or vexation; hence, anger, latent spite,
ill-humor. t Splenetic, affected with spleen, peevish, fretful.
I Transplendent, refp,endlent In the highest degref.
spo 515 SPO
Spoli-um, n. 2. that which is taken from an enemy
booty, pillaye : as, despoil', to take from hy force,
despoil', V. exspolia'iion, n.
despoil'ed, a. spoil, v. & n. *spo'liate, v.
despoil'ev, n. spoiVed, v. spolia't'ion, n.
despoil'ing, a. spoil'er, n. wnspoil'ed, a.
despolia'tioti, n. spoH'ing, n. & v.
SpoND^-t/s,m. 2. (^
despond'er, n. xanr espons'ihle, a.
despojid' eni, a. respons'ihle, a. unres^onsibil'ity, n.
despond' enily, ad.
Spongi-^^ /. 1. {(Txoyyicx,), a sponge or soft porous
substance : as, spung'tform., resembling a spunge,
sponge, or spunge, n. & v. spong'er^ or
» Spoliate, to plunder or practise plunder.
t Spondee, a foot of two long syllables.
4: Despond, to cast down, to sink by loss of hope, to despair. Although
despair implies a total loss of hope, which despond does not, at least in
every case ; yet despondrucy is followed by the abandonment of effort, or
cessation of action ; and despair sometimes impels to violent action, even
to rage. II Espousals, the act of contracting or affiancing
a man and woman to each other.
J Espouse, to betroth, to marry, to embrace.
SFO 516 srA
spung'er^ n. spung'ing, a. spunff'ious, a,
spung'ei, a. '''spufig'ing-\\o\ise,n.spong'y, or
spung'iiorm, a. spicng'inessi, n. spung'y, a.
SpoNTANE-t/s, a. (rt sponte, of free will), voluntary/,
spontane'iiYy n. sponta'neonsly, ad. sponta'neonsness, n.
spo7i,ta'neo\is, a.
Sp\jm-a, f. 1. foam J froth: as, des'puma,te, to foam.
des'puma.te, v. spume, n. & v. spu'my, a.
despuma'Cwn, n. spu'mons, a.
SpuRi-t/s, a. not genuine, couyiterfeit.
spu'i-ions, a. spu'rionsly, ad. spu'rioa.'ine.is, n
Sput-0, v. 1. (d spuO;, V. 3. to Spit'), to spit often.
exsptiitVon, or spew, v.
•fexpuiti'on^ n. spew'ed, a. sput'iev, v.
puke, n. & V. speiv'er, n. sput'iered, a.
pu'fced, a. spew'ing, a. & n. sput'tertr, n.
pu'ker, n. sput'tering, a.
pu'king, a.
Squal-eOj v. 2. to befoul or dirt?/ from neglect,
squal'id, a. squal'idne%%, n. squa'lor, n.
Squam-^j /. 1. a scale of a fish : as, squa'moM's,, scaly.
desquama'iion, n. squamig'erous, a. squa^mowSj a.
squam'ifoxm, a.
Stabil-is, a. (a sto), firm, steadfast. (See Sto.)
Stagn-c73/, n. 2. standijig water, as in pooh qx ponds :
as, stag'n^iQj to cease to flow or move, or to be brisk.
stag'nzxicy, n. sta.g'na.te, v.
stag'nant, a. stagna'tion, n.
Stamen, in-25, n. 3. (a sto), a thread. (See Sto.)
SxANN-t/Af, n. 2. tin — -i^stan'naxy , a. & n. stan'mc, a.
Stans, stant-25, p.pr. (a sto), standing. (See Sto.)
* Spu7iginf^-hotise, a bailiff's house to put debtors in.
f Eispuition, Ej.puition, a discharge of saliva by spitting.
i Stannary, relating to the tin works ; also, a tin mine.
j-aposVcsy, n.
apos'tate, n. & a.
apo5/a^'icalj a.
n\)Qs'tatize, v.
apos'taiizing, a.
:^d\Vosteme, n.
apos'temate^ v.
systemat'ic, a.
systemat'ical, a.
systemat'icaMy, ad.
sys'temaiist, n.
sys'temize, v.
sys'temized, a.
sys'temizer, n.
Stas-/s (cTTcco-iij ab (G-rr.fAt, to place or put), a standhig
or placing ; a irciglung.
*aritiperis7cr*i5, n. Q.Q,stat'\c, of
antiperis^«^'ic, a. extat'ic, a.
ecsiai'ical, or
exiat'ical, a.
§hydro5^a^'ics, n.
hydrostat'ic, a.
hydro5/a^'ical, a,
hydxostat'ical\y,ad. sys'iemizmg, a.
*hypos'tasis, or syA^^emiza'tion, n.
apostema'tion^ n. hypos'tasy, n. sys7^m-maker, n.
apostem'atou%, a. hypostat'ic, a. sys'^ewj -monger, n.
archapos' tate, n. hypos^artcal, a. unsysiemat'ic, a.
ec'stasy, or hypos^a^'icallyj ad. umystemafical, a.
\\ex'tast/, n. •^■YaQtas'tasis, n, unsys^emized, a,
ec'stasied, a. X^ys'tem, n, stem, n. & v.
STAT-C73i', sup. {a sto)j to Stand. (See Sto.)
Statu-o, v. 3. {a sto)j to set or place, so as to stand,
tojix, to appoint or ordain. (See Sto.)
Steg AN-os {jxTiymoq, a vnyu, to cover), covered, conceal-
ed, hidden, secret — \\stegano^xap\\y,n. steganog'xaph\&t,n.
* Aiitiperistasis, the opposition of a contrary quality, by which the qim-
iity opposed acquires strength ; or the action' by which a body attacked
collects force by opposition. Thus quicklime is set on fire, or sensible
heat is excited in it, by mixture with water.
t Aposta-fy, an abandonment oi what one has professed; a total desertion
or departv.re from one's faith, religion, or party.
X Aposteme, a swelling filled with purulent matter, an abscess, — written
corruptly imposthume. II Ecstasy, literally, a. standm^
out, a fixed state, a trance ; a state in which the mind is arrested and fixed,
or as we say, lost ; excessive joy, rapture, a degree of delight that arrcsi'-i
the whole miad, extreme delight. § Hydrostatics, the siiente
which treats of the iveiglit, motion, and equilibriums of fiui, to d'own), a gar-
land ; a crown, or crowned — Steph'anus,n. Ste'phen,n,
Stercus, OT-is, n. 3. dung or dii't.
slercora'ceous, a. ^ster'corary, n. 'sfercoj-a't'iori, n.
* Stelographp, the art of writing or inscribing characters on pillars.
\ Constellation, a cluster of fixed «far*, resembling tlie figure of animals,
&c. as the bear, the bull, the ram, the balance, &c. ^ Stellate
or Stellated leaves, are radiated like spokes of a wheel, or like a star.
_ I Apostle, literally, one sent ; appropriately, a disciple of Christ commis-
sioned by himself to preach the gospel. § Apostolate, a mission ; the
office or dignity of an apostle; now restricted to the dignity of the Pope,
whose See is called the Apostolic See. * Diastole, in me-
dicine, a dilatation of the heart, auricles, and arteries ; — opposed to si/stole,
or contraction. In Grammar, Diastole, the lengthening of a short syllable ;
St/stole, the shortening of a long syllable. t Peristaltic, spiral,
vermicular or worm-like. t Perisystole, the pause or inter-
val between the systole or contraction, and the diastole, or dilatation of the
heart. || Stenography, the art of writing in shorthand, by using ab-
breviations or characters for whole words. { Stercorary, a place for
containing dung, * Stercoratlon, the act of manuring with dung.
.^TE 519 STI
Stere-os (cci, urog, a ttZoj, to puncture), a
brand-mark imprinted on the foreheads of fugitive
slaves ; a mark of infamy or reproach.
stig'ma, n. stigmat'icsWy ^ ad. stig'mafized, a.
stigmat'ic, a. stig'matize, v. stig'mat'xzing, a.
sligmal'ical, a.
Stig-o, v. 1. obs. (a (m^6j), to jyrick or Spur : as^ in'-
stigaie, to spur on, to incite,
m'stignte, v. in'stigating, a. iiVstigator, n.
in'*^j_girated, a. mstiga'tiou, n.
SiiLL-^, /. 1. a drop: as, distill', to drop, to fall in
drops ; e^still'^ to drop or distill from.
distill', V.
disiill'ahle, a.
distill'ed, a.
distill'er, n.
distill'iwg, a.
distiUa't'xQn, n.
distill'atory, a.
•\ distill' exy, n.
extill', V.
extilla'tiou, n.
%mstill', V.
instill'ed, a.
instiH'er, n.
instill'mg, a.
instilla'tion, n.
iustill'ment, n.
still, n. & V.
l|s^i//atiti'ous, a.
Vindistill'ed) a.
Stimul-c/s,, m. 2. a goad or spur ; an incitement : as,
stiin'uldiie, to excite, to
eyitim' id-die,
extim'ulate, v.
instim'ul&ting, a.
inslimula' Hon, n-
stim'ulani, a. &, n. stim'ulat'ive, a.
stim'iilate, v. stim'ulator, n.
stim'iihted, a. *stim'ulus, n.
siim'ulatmg, a. unstim'ulated, a.
stitnula'tion, n. unstim'ulat'mg, a.
* Stick, a verse ; in rural afifairs, an order or rank of trees. Stick is used
in numbering the books of Scripture.
t Distiller;/, the act or art of distilling ; also, the building and worka
where distilling is carried on.
^ Instill, to infuse by drops ; to infuse slowly, and by small quantities ;
— as, to instill good principles into the mhid.
t Stillatitious, falling in drops : drawn bv a 5^(7/.
* Stimulus, literally, a goad ; hence, something that roM«e* from lan-
guor; what ercifes or ujcjfa^e^ action in the animal system ; orlhat which
routes the mind or spirits.
STI tf9A STt
Stingu-0 or Sting-o, v. 3. toprick,to mark, to thrust:
. as, ^\stin' gu\^, to ascertain and mark difference ;
^-^tinct' ^ put out, being at an end.
Contradi.s/m'^Mish, dis/iVic^'ive, a. inex^inc^', a.
contradis^i/i'^zash- di*/inc<'ively, aci. *\n.'stincl, n.
ed, a. ex/iVi^'wish, v.
contradii'^in'^uish- exri«_^'Mishable, a. ins/inc/'ive, a.
ing, a. ex^ift^'?*i!jrt'^«ishing, a. indlstitict'ness, n. icsfinc'lion, n.
dis^tVt'^Mishingly, \nd\stiiict'ih\e, a. undisiinywishable,
d\stin'gu\^YaQni,n.\ndistinc'tion, n. \\nd'\sting'iii^)\ed,a.
distinct', a, indi^^inp'ttishable, undi^^m^'wishing,
distinctfly, ad. indis^i/i^'wishing,a.unexim^'7/ishable,
distinct' ne^s,, n. inexfen^'rtishable, unexting'uished, a.
distinc'tion, n.
Stin-o, v. 1. (obs.) to fix, tojix unalterably: eis,(ies'tme,
to fix down, to ordain or appoint, to doom.
dts'tine, v. oh'stinate, a. prede«. in'stituAstj w.
esiabTished, a.
estab'lisheT, n.
cstah'lhhing, a.
estabTisYiment, n
constttu'tion?i\[y,ad, estate', n.
constitu'tionalht,n. *ex'^ant, «.
constitu'i'ionist, n. incon's^ancy, n.
constitu'live, a. incon's^ant, a.
consuhs f an' iial, a. incon'5/antly, ad.
consubs/ara7ialist, instalile, a.
consub5^an;ml''ityn..ins/al)lenesSj n.
consuh s (an' liate J v. instabil'lty, n.
•|-consub,s/an^ia''^ion,-|-in'6^/ance, n. &. v.
inslitu'tionj n.
ins/i/w'/ional, a,
'mstiiu'tionaxy, a,
in'stitutive, a.
in'stitutoT, n.
\n%\x\tstan'liaXf a,
*in'teTstice, n.
inters/i/i''al, o.
ob's/acle, n.'
misstate, v.
•fohste fries f n.
obstet'ric, a.
Jcon'tra*^, n.
contrast', v.
contras^'ed, a.
contras/'ing, a.
des'titute, a.n.
destitu'tion, n.
||clis7ance, n. & v.
in's^anced, a.
in's^ancj^, n.
in'stant, a. & n.
in's^antly, ad.
"^instanta'neou?,, a. ouistand'ing, a.
instanta'neow^iy, ■pxecon'sfitute, v.
instanta'neousness, 'piecon'stitutedf a.
dhstetrica'tionj n.
dhstetricVaxif n.
overstand'j v.
outstand', v.
* Constitution, the act of constituting ; the state of being, frame or tem-
per ; the established form of government in a state, kingdom, or country ;
a particular law, ordinance, or regulation. f Consubstantiation, thd
union of the body of our blessed Saviour with the sacramental elements.
The Lutherans maintain, that after consecration of the elements, the body
and blood of Christ are substantially present with the substance of the
bread and wine, which is called consubstantiation or impanation.
4: Contrast, to set against; to set in opposition different things or quali-
ties, to show the superior excellence of one to advantage.
II Distance, a standing apart, an interval or space between two objects.
§ Establish, Stablish, tomake^iV/w, to set axxAfix, to ordain, to settle or
fix ; to confirm. * Extant, standing out, remaining or subsisting.
i Instance, a standing on, urgency; example; time, occasion.
i Instantaneous, done at the instant. y Instatiter, imme-
diately, at the present time, without delay. § Institute, to
set in, to establish, appoint, or enact; to found; to instruct ; to begin.
* Interstice, a space between things ; but chiefly, a narrow or small spac.?
between tilings closely set, or the parts which compose a bodj; ; — as in 3
net. f Obstetrics, the art of assistuig women in partuii-
thn or bearing, midwifery.
ptecon'stituting, a. res/'ant, a.
"priest, n.
prie^^'ess, n.
pries^'craft, n.
prie^^'hood, n.
pri&s/like, a.
pries^y, a.
prie^^liness, n.
•f-priw^'ridden, a-
resi'ed, a.
re»/'ful, a.
xest'ing, a.
resi'ing-place, n.
restless, a.
re^^'lessly, ad.
re^^essness, n.
^res'tlf, or
XyiTOs'titute, v.a.&.n. res'tiye, a. & n.
pxos'tituted, a. re«7ifness, or
pros' tituting, a. re«7iveness, n.
prostitu't'ion, n.
pros'titutor, n. *restitu'tion, n.
re-estahli&h^ v.
re-estahlished, a. res'ty, a.
re-estabTis.her, n. soVstice, n.
re-e^toblishing, a. %o\stiti'sX, a.
re-estahlishxnenXyn.^stab, v. & n.
reinstate', v. stab'bed, a.
reirtstat'ed, a. stab'ber, n.
remitat'ing, a. stab'bing, a. Sen.
reinstate'ment, n. Xsta'hle, a. n. & u.
|[res^, n. & v. sta'hled, a.
sta'hly, ad,
sta'hleness, n.
sta'biliment, n»
stabil'itate, v.
stabil'ity, n.
stalaling, n.
5^ablish, t>.
s/a'ble-boy, n.
sfa'ble-man, n.
\\stam'en, n.
stam'ened, a>
stam'ind\, a.
stamhi'eous, a.
stam'ineLte, a. & v.
staminiCerons, a.
^stanch, v. & n.
stanch'ed, a.
stanch'er, n.
stanch'iug, a.
*stanch'ion, n.
stanch'less, a.
stanch'ness, n.
stand, V. & n.
■fstand'ard, a. & n.
* Finest, one who stands before God for the people, to offer sacrifices,
and to make intercession ; a man who officiates in sacred offices ; a person
set apart or consecrated to the ministry of the gospel.
I Priestridden, managed or governed by the priests.
X Prostitute, to set forth; to offer freely to a lewd use, to give up to any
vile or infamous purpose ; to devote to any thing base, to sell to wicked-
ness ; also, a female given to indiscriminate lewdness ; a base hireling.
II Rest, literally, a standiv\g back or from ; cessation of motion or action;
quiet, repose, sleep ; in music, a pause. What remains behind ; others.
§ Restjf or Restive, unwilling to go, refusing to move: also, a stubborn
horse. * Reffitution, the act of restoring; the act of making
good, or of giving an equivalent for any loss, damage, or injury.
t Stab, to pierce with a pointed weapon. ^ Stable,
that can stand, fixed, steady ; also, a house or shed for horses to stand in«
II Stamen, usually in the plural stamens or stamina, the Ji.red, firm part
of a body, which supports it, or gives it its strength or solidity; whatever
constitutes the principal strength or support of any thing.
§ Stanch, to stop, to set, or fis ; sound, firm, strong, firm in principle,
steady, constant and zealous. * Stanchion, a prop, a support.
■f Standai d, an ensign of war, a staff with a flag or colours ; that which is
established by sovereign power, as a rule or measure by which others are to
be adjusted ; that which is established as a rule or model, by the authority
of public opinioHj by respectable opinions, or by custom or general consent.
n. sta /lonal, a.
sted, n. Si. v.
stand'er, n.
sta'tioxidiiy, a.
stead' fast, a.
stand'ing, a.
sta't'ionQX, n.
siead'fa»t\y, ad.
**siand'ish, n.
sta'tionery, n. &
a. stead'fastness, n.
fatan'za, n.
* statist'ics, w.
^steady, a. & v.
statist'ic, a.
stead'Hy, ad.
\\siaf.c, n. & v.
statist'\ca\j a.
stead' ine9,%, n.
sia/ted, a.
utat'ue, n.
*s\.\b' stance, n.
sta'ledly, ad.
•fstat'tiary, n.
?>uhstan'tial, a.
slate'less, a.
Xstat'me, n.
suhstan'tials, n.
stately, a. & ad.
sxxbstan'tiaWy, ad.
state'\m&9,^, n.
stat'ute, n.
sub5^an'^?'alness, n.
state'ment, n.
stat'utahle, a.
suhstantiaVxty, tu
%stat'ic^, n.
stat'utahly, ad.
suhstan'tiate, v.
states'nx^n, n.
stat'utory, a.
stntes'v!Qm2Ln, n.
stay, V. & n.
Xsuh'stitute, v. & n.
stai/'lace, n.
stay'edi, or
suWstituted, a.
stat/'makeVf n.
staid, a.
sub'stitut'mg, a.
stat'ic, a.
staid'ness, n.
suhstitu'lion, n.
siate'monger, n.
stay'ex, n.
stat'}cs,\, a.
slays, n.
llsupers/iVi'on, 71.
station, n. & v.
\\stead, or
supers/i^i'onist, n.
* Standish, a case for pen and ink. f Stanza, a part of a poem
containing every variation of measure in that poem.
li State, a stajiding, condition ; a stationary point ;
a political body, or body politic; pomp, dignity.
§ Statics, that branch of mechanics which treats of bodies at rent. D;/-
rtamics treats of bodies in motion. In medicine, persons seized with epi-
lepsies. * Statistics, a collection of facts respecting the stnte
of society, the condition of the people in a nation or country, their healt).,
longevity, domestic economy, arts, property, and political strength, the
state of the country, &c. — Sinclair. f Stutnari/, the art of making
statues ; also, the artist. :|: Stature, height of an animal.
II Stead, room or place which another had or might have ; also, to help.
§ Stead;/, fiira in standing or position ; constant in mind, purpose, or pur-
iuit ; not fickle, changeable, or wavering; regular, constant, undeviating.
* Substance, a being, something existing, a body ; goods, estate.
7 Substantive, in Grammar, a noun or name ; the part of speech which
expresses something that exists, either material or immaterial. As, ?wff»,
horse, citt/, good^iess, excellence. -^ Substitute, to put in ilia
place of another ; also, one put in the place of another, to answer the
same purpose;— as, the orthodox creed of Christians is, that Christ died
as the substitute of sinners. || Supeistition, religi(>us fe;ir
which stands over, as it were, and overwhelms the mind, arising tVom
false notions of the Deity ; false religion or worship ; rite or practice pro-
reeding from excess of scruples in religion ; — in this sense it aduiits of a
plural. S'jperstiticn has reference to God, to leligion, or to beings su}'e-
rior to mart.
supeM^i/i'ous, a. uncon^/i^M/ional'ityuns^a/e', u.
super*/i^t'ousness, uncontras^'ed, a. \ir\sfaid\ a.
suY>eTstitVous\y,ad. unders/awrf', v. unstaid'ness, n.
supers^i^i'ousness, unders/an
stran'glex, n.
* Stoic, a disciple or follower of the philosopher Zeno, who taught in a
po7ch in Athens, and founded a sect. He taught that men shoulcfbe free
from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submit without complaint to
the unavoidable necessity by which all things are governed.
t Strangxivy, literally, a discharge of urine ft.v drops ; a difBculty oi dis-
charging urine, attended with pain. % Strangles, swellingi
in a horse's throat. U Strangulated, compressed.
Strat-os (a-T^xTOi), ail army : as, stratoc'racy , a
military government.
*stratfeg\i&, n. ptratog ra^hy, n.
fsiral'affem, n. straioc'iacy, n.
Strat-us, p.p. (a sterno), strewed, laid flat. (See Sterno.)
Strenl/ t/s, a. brave, vigorous, active.
stren'uous, a. stren'uously, ad. stren'uo\xsi\es&, n.
Strep-o, v.S.to make a noise or sound: as, ob-
strep'exoM^, loud, noisy, clamorous.
ohstrep'erovi^, a. dbstrep'ero\x%rit%^, strep'erons, a.
Strict-US, p.p. (a stringo), held fast. (See Stringo.)
Strid-eo, v. 2. to make a noise, to creak.
stri'dor, n. strid'ulous, a.
String-0, v. 3. to hold /cist, to bind, to contract : as,
diStringe', to bind, to contract ; constringe' , con-
stricf, to draw together, to contract.
SLStringe', v. constrict', v. restrai'nedly, ad.
astring'ed, a. constrict'ed, a.
astring'ency, n. constrict'uig, a.
astring'ent, a. & n. consti-ic'tion, n.
astring'er, n. constrict'or, n.
astring'ing, a. ^consti'ain', v.
constrain'ed, a.
[dslrici', V. & a.
emtrict'ed, a.
asfrict'ing, a.
astric'tion, n.
astrict'ive, a.
astrict'ory, a-.
constringe', v.
constring'ed, a.
conslring'ing, a. '^xestrain', v.
constrin'gent, a. resirai'ned, a.
restrai'ner, n.
restraVning, a.
Tcstrai'nahle, a.
restraint', n.
\\restringe', v.
Testring'ed, a.
ccnstraiti'edly, ad. restrin'gent,a.Scn,
constrain'er, n. ^restrict', v.
constrain'mg, a. rtstrict'ed, a.
constrain' a\Ae, a. xestrict'ing, a.
constraint', v. rtstric'tion, n.
*dbstric'tion, n. restrict'ive, a.
'fprestric'tion, n. re-v^ric/'ively, ad.
self-re-s7ra!>t'ed, a.
self-res^rai/i'ing, a.
* Strategus, an Athenian general officer. -f Stratagem, an
artifice, particularly in war ; a plan or scheme for deceiving an enemj/ i
any artifice. X Stratography, description of armies, or what
belongs to an armt/. || Astrict, to bind fast or vnmptcss ,
also, compendious, contracted. § Constrain, to press, to
compel or force ; to bind. * Obstriction, obligation, bond.
t Prestriction, dimness. — Milton. % Restrain, to hold
back, to check. Resttinge, to confine, to contracto
§ Restrict, to limit, to confine.
^straight, a. 8c ad.
ftraigh'ten, v.
straigh'teneA, a.
straigh'tening. a.
straightly^ ad.
straight'ness, n.
sfraight'way, ad.
•f strain, v. & n.
strain'ed, a.
■strain'er, n.
Strophe ((rT^o(pYi,
* anas' trophe, or
anas'trophy, n.
•\ant\s' trophe, or
anils' trophy, n.
^antis' trophon, n.
\\a^os' trophe, or
"^strait, a. & n.
strait'en, v.
siraiily, ad.
st7-ai('ness, n.
^^(rict'ure, n.
suba*^?*tjt'^ent, n.
uncons/roJn'ed, ^^
uncousi7-ai u'ed'iy ,
xmTesiraiii'ed, a.
\\strait.viaist'coat,n. mirestrai'nah]e,
strait-jack'et, n. unrestraint', n.
strict, a. unrestrivt'ed, a.
strictly, ad. wnstraiu'^di, a.
slrict'ness, n.
a a-r^npo), to turn), a turning rouiuu
a-^os' trophy, n. catas'lrophy, n.
aposfroph'ic, a. *epis'trophe, or
ajios'trophhe, v. epis'irophy, n,
apos'trophized, a. monostroph'ic, a.
ajpos'trophizhig,a. -[stro'phe, or
^catas' trophe, or stro'phy, n.
* Straight, right, direct, not crooked; narrow, close, tight ; upright, not
deviating from truth or fairness. • f Strain, to stretch, "to pr^s;
through some porous substance, to filter. tStrnit, narrow,
close, not broad ; rigorous; difficult, distressful ; straight, not crcokeil.
H Straight-waistcoat, or Straight-jacket, an apparatus to confine the
limbs of a distracted person. § Stricture, a stroke, a glance, n
touch ; a touch of criticism, critical remark, censure ; a dr;iwing, a spas-
modic or other morbid contraction of any passage of the body.
* Anastrophe, in grammar, an inversion of the natural order of wcvas,—
as, saxa per et scopuios, for per saxa et scopidos.
i Antistrophe, in grammar, the changing of things mutually depending
on each other; reciprocal conversion ; — as, the master of tb.e servant ; the
servant of the master. % Antistroph<,n, a figure which
repeats a word often. H Apostrophe, in rh?toric, a diver-
sion of speech; a digressive address; a changing the course of a speech,
and addressing a person who is dead or absent, as if present. When an
advocate, in an argument to the jury, t'lrns and addresses a few reriii-.r' s
to the court. In Grammar, the contraction of a word l.iy th.e ;)raissirjii of
a letter or letters, marlced by a comma, — as call'd for call'td. The conutia
used for this purpose may also be called an apostrophe.
§ Catastrophe, the chanpj or revolution which produces the final event
of a dramatic piece ; or the unfolding and winding up of the plot, clearing
up difficulties, and closing the play. The ancients divided a play into the
protasis, epitafis, catasfasis, and catastropliy ; the introduction, confi-
nitance, heightening, and development or conclusion. A final event, con-
clusion ; generally, an unfortunate cof elusion, calamity, or disaster.
* Episfrophe, a figure in rhetoric, in which several successive sentences
end with the same word or aflSrmation. t Strophe, in Greek
poetry, a stanza ; the first member of a poem. This is succeeded by a
similar stanza called antistrophy. The ancient odes consisted of stanz is
called strophies and atttistrophie^, to which v/as often added the epodi.
These were sung by a choir, which turned or changed places when they
repeated the different parts of the ode. The epode was sung as the chorui
stood still
STR 529 STil
Struct-C7M, sup. (« struo), to huild. (See Struo.)
Struct -US, p.p. (« stvuo), built ovbuiided. (SoeStruo.)
Strum-^, /. 1. a wen or swelling.
axvixstrumat'ic, a. *stru'ma, n. $lru'mou^, a.
Stru-0, v. 3. to build : as, Aest?'02/', to pidl down ;
instruct', to teach^ to direct ; Ynh'mstruct', to in-
struct amiss ; obstruct', to block up, to impede.
•fcon'strue, v. desiroy'dhle, a. instruci'ixe, a.
con'strued, a. destrot/'ing, a. inslruct'ively, ad.
con'siru'mg, a. destruc'tion, n. in^/r^^c^'iveness, n.
Xconstrticf , v. dQslruct'ihle, a. msiruct'or, n.
consiruct'ed, a. desiruct'ihil'ity, n. mstruct're%%, n.
construct' ex, n. destruct'ive, a. *m'strtiment, n.
constructing, a. destruct'ively, ad. instrument'sl, a.
construe' tion, n. des^rucriveness, n. in^/rMmenf'ally, ad.
cons/rMc7ional, a. ins^rwment'alness,
construct'ive, a. ^extruct', v. ins^nimental'ity, n.
construct'i\e\y., ad. -^-xniscon' strue, v.
construct'nxQ, n. mihcon' struea, a,
\\deo\)Struct' , v. vai%con' struing, a.
deob^^rwc/'edj a. mdestriict'ihle, a. Jmiscons?rzresu'mahh, a-
■prestc'mahly, ad.
Y)resu'muig, a.
■presiunp'tion, n.
■presump'iivQ, a.
•prtsump't'ivoiy, ad. sump'tion, n
■presump'iuo\is,a. :!l^sump'ttiaTy, a.
reassu mmg, a.
xeassump'iion, n.
resume', v.
resu'med, a.
resu'ming, a.
resu'mahle, a.
resump'tion, n.
resump'tive, a.
self-assw'med, a.
self-coiisw'ming, a.
consump'iivsly,ad. ■prcsump'tuo\xsly,ad. \\6ump'tuous, a.
* Con'iummate, v. to end, to finish; to perfect, to bring or carry to
the utmost point or degree; Comuni'mate, a. summing up together, com-
plete, perfect ; carried to the utmost extent or degree.
t Sum, the v?hole, amount, or aggregate of numbers added.
i Summary, reduced into narrow compass, or into few words ; short,
brief, concise, compendious; also, an abridged account, an abstract,
abridgment, or compendium, containing the »um or substance of a fuller
account. II Assumpsit, in law, a promise or undertak'ng
founded on a consideration. This promise may be verbal or written.
+ Presume, literally, to taTte before, to taJte or suppose to be true or
entitled to belief, without examination or positive proof, or on the strength
of probability ; to venture witliout positive permission.
J; Sumptua>-y, relating to e>pciisr.
'J tmmpiuous, (.ostly, ejcpensive ; hence splendid, magnificent.
SUM '"^oO irUR
suynp'tuously., ad, uncouni'imd, a.
sump'iuousness, n. " uivpY?snn!p'tuoiiy:,n
unas5M'wing, a.
SvM.VT-vs,p.^n.{asMmo),taken; costoT ea:pense.{SeeSu}no,)
Super, prep. {vTrz^), above or ki(/h : Superior^ «.
higher: Suprem-l/s, a. highest.
mexu'perdble, a. su'perahle, a. supe'rior, a. &. ri.
■finsu'perahle, a. su'perahly, ad. siiperior'ity, n.
msu'perahly, ad. su'perahlen^s^yn. -|-iMjt>;-'iative, a.
\nsu'perah\enQ%%,n.\\superb' , a. super'\sit\ve\y^ ad.
insuperabiVity, n. superbly, ad. superlativcness, n.
suv'eran, or %super ciViaxy, a. "^supern'aX, a.
Xsov'ereign, a. San. *siiperciV\.o\xs, a. \\supreme', a.
iov'ereignly, ad. superciVioxxsly, ad. supremely, ad.
super ciVioM^nc^Sjii.supr em' z.cyy n.
sov'ereignty, n.
SuPiN-i;Sj a. lying with the face upwards; negligent.
§resw'pme, a. supina'tion, n. supine', a.
*iesu'pinate, a. -fsupina'tor, n. supi/iely, ad.
xesupina'tion, n. Xsu'pine, n. supine'ness, n.
SuR-j, /. 1. the calf of the leg — H^wVal, a.
SuRCUL-[/s, m. 2. a young twig or shoot — sur'cle, n.
S\JRT>-US, a. deaf—%absurd', a. ahsurd'ly, ad.
ahsurd'ness, n. ahsurd'ity, n. *surd, a. & n.
\ Insvperable, that cannot be overcome or surmounted, or be passed over.
This word is applied chiefly to difficulties, objections, obstacles, or i7npc-
diments. :}: Sovereign, supreme in power ; a supreme lord or
ruler ; also, a gold coin, value 20s. U Superb, grand, mag-
nificent; rich, elegant; showy, pompous; rich, splendid; august, stately.
§ Superciliart/, being above the eye-brow.
* Supercilious, literally, being above the eyebrow ; lofti/ with pride ;
haughty, dictatorial, overbearing ; manifesting haughtiness, or proceeding
from it. j Superlative, highest in degree; most eminent;
surpassing all other. -^ Supernal, relating to tfniigs above.
II Supreme, highest in authority ; highest, greatest.
§ Resupine, lying on the back.
* Resupinate, in botany, reversed ; turned upside down.
t Supinator, in anatomy, a muscle that turns the palm of the hand up-
ward. _ i^ Supine, in grammar, a word formed from a verb, oi a
modification of a verb. || Surcle, a little shoot, a twig, a sucker.
§ Absurd, opposed to manifest truth; inconsistent with reason, or the
plain dictates of coninj-on sense. * Surd, deaf, unheaid ;
SuRG-0, V. 3. (sub &; rego), to rise or lift up.
*assur'ffent, a. insurrec' tioriavy, a. Xsurge, n. & v.
■fiiisurg'ent, n. & a. resurrec'lion, n. surge'less, a.
insurrec'tion, n. resurrec'tionist, n. surg'y, a.
insurrec' tiondX, a, source, n. surg'mg, a.
SusURR-L7S_, m. 2. a whisper — susurra' t\on, n.
SuT-i/s, -p.p. (« suo^ V. 3. to sew or stitch), sewed or
stitched — \[SOu'ttr,n. %su'tT\e, a. •jw7ure, n.
Sybar-iSj /. 3. an ancient town in the south of Italy,
■fsgbarit'ic, a. sgbarit'ical, a.
Syc-os (a-vKos), a fig.
Xsyc'amoTe, n. *yc'ophancy, or ^ycophant'ic, a.
||syc'ite, n. 5^c'ophantry, n. ^yc'ophantize, v.
§«^c''ophant, n. &iv.
SyL-E (o-yAjj^ h a-vXeta, to plunder), spoil — *asi/'luni,n.
Sylv-a, f. 1. a wood — SyVvax\, a. & n. (See Silva.)
Syphon {(!-iex, n.
Tab-eSj /. 3. a wasting disease, a consumption.
•fiab'efy, v. :^iab'i(l, a. iabes'ceat, a.
(abefac'don, n. ^aMdness, n.
Tabul-./I, f. \. a board ox plank, a table: as_, coii-
fab'idixte, to floor with boards.
vontdh'nliite, v. ta'ble, n. & v. ta'Me-cloth, n.
{:cntabula'tio'.\.) n. ta'bltd, a. ta'ble-Uilk, n.
\\tab'laiure, 7i. fa'ble-heer, n. ta'bltx, n.
Jews had their cities of refuge. — Josh. xx. 7 to 0. Any place of retreat and
security. * St/rtn^^a, a genus of plants, the lilac.
i Syringe, an instniment for mjecting liquids into animal bodic-s, &':. ;
or an instrument in ihe form of a pump, serving to imbibe any fluid, and
then to expel it vvi'.h force.
XSyrivgotomp, the C/peration of cutting for the fistula, or callous uh-t" .
II Tubernnrlp., :iinong the Jews, a kind of tent to take up or down, as
ftccasion required ; which was as it were the palace of the Most High, the
divellhig of the God of Israel; wherein the Israelites, during their jci;r-
reyings' in the wiit'.erntss, performed the chief of their religious exercises,
yrotech'n\cs, or \\tecli'n\cs, n. techiiicaVity, n.
yiyr'otechny, n. tech'mc, a. tcchnol'ogy, n.
•pyrGtech'nlc, a. tech^mail, a. icchnoVogist, n.
-pyxijtech'nicdl, a. tec'i'nic&lly, ad. technolog'ical, a.
* Tai-giini, a translation or paroplira/ie of the sacred Scriptures in the
Chaldee langmge or dialect. Of these the Taricum of Jonathan, and that
of Onkelos, are held in most esteem by the Jews.
t Taurus, the bull ; one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and the se-
cond in order, or that next to Aries. This constellation, according to the
British cv, a riy.a, to invent 01* bring fo7'th), an
artist; one icho fabricates or produces any work.
archar'chi^^c/, n. -j-ar'chi/gc/ure, n. ijlarchi^ecio^'ics, a.
•ar'chi^^c^, n. archi/ec^'ural, a. Jlarchi^^tf^o/i'ic, a.
archi/ec^'ress, n. archi^^ci'ive, a. ^fecton'ic, a.
Tect-um, sup. {d tego), to cover. (See Tego.)
l^EDi-uufor Tmth-um, n. 2. weariness, irksomeness.
ovexte'dious, a. te'dion^ly, ad. te'dium, n.
ie'dious, a. te'diousness, n.
Teg-Oj v. 3. tocover: as, defecf, to imcover, to discover;
ipvotecf, to cover or shield from danger, to defend.
deteci', v. -protecfed, a. Upro/^c^'orship, n.
detect'ed, a, jprotect'ing, a. vetec'tion, n.
detect'er, n. ■protec'tion, n. ^(eg'ttlar, a.
detect'ing, a. -pvolect'ive, a. teg'ulsitlj, ad.
de^ec'/ion, w. protect'or, n. ieff'umeni, n.
*ir\teg'uYc\ent, 7i. protectoYial, a. iegument^ary, a.
•finteguma'Cion^ n. pro^ec^Vess, n. Mwdetect'&d, a.
protect', V. $pro/gc/'orate, n. unprotect'ed, a.
T EL-OS {nXog), the end, a limit, distance.
•^e/'^graph, n. s, uncon^em'/ied, a.
cantem'nmg, a. contempt' uovlS, a.
Temper-0^ v. 1. to temper, mix,regidate, or moderate.
as^ Q.OTitem'per, to moderate.
:fa.item'per, v. A.htem'pera.ivixe, n. fem'perament, n.
a,tfem'pered, a. dhiem'penng, a. temperament'sl, a.
attem'perate, a. intern' per ament, n. fem'perance, n.
attem'pering, a- intem'perauce, n. \\tem'pe7'a,te, a.
confem'per, v. intem'perate,a. tem'perately, ad.
coutem'pe^-ament^n.intejn'perately, ad. tem'pers.tsness, n.
contem'perate, V. mtem'perateness,n.tem'perat\ve, a.
intern' peratu.re,7i. ^fem'pei'ature, n.
:!j^dislem.'per, n. & v. mi^tem'per, v. tem'pered, a.
distem'pered, a. mi^tem'pe^-ed, a. tem'pering, a.
distem'perance, n. ohtem'perate, v- undistem' per cd, a.
tern' per, n, & u. nntem'perQd., a.
Templ-u'31, n. 2. a temple — tem'ple,n. (SeeCo?itemplor.)
TExMPT-o/or Tent-o, v. 1. to try, (See Tento.)
Tempt-us, p. p. [a temno), despised. scorned. (See Temno.)
* Telestic, a poem in which the final letters of the lines make a name.
■f Attempe?; to reduce, modify, or moderate by mixture; to soften, mol-
lify, or moderate ; to mix in just proportion, to regulate.
if: Distemper, literally, an undue or unnatural temper, or disproportionate
mixture of parts, — hence, disease, malady. It is used of the slighter dis-
eases, but not exclusively. In general, it is synonymous with disease, and
is particularly applied to the di^euAes of brutes ; bad constitution of mind.
n Temperate, moderate in the indulgence of the appetites and passions ;
cool, calm, not violent.
§ Temperature, in physics, the state of a body with regard to heat ot
eold, as indicated by the thermometer ; or the decree of free ca^oj-ic which
a body possesses, when compared with other bodies ; constitution, state,
degree of any quality
TEM 54)4 TE3r
Tempus. oi'-is, n. 3. time : as, cotem'porsiYy, living at
the same time; tem'porlze, to comply with, or
jdeld to the time ; tensCy time.
con/^m/jora'neous, Xtem'pest, n.
coteinpora.'neouii^a. te)n'pesi-hea,tsn, a. tem'por'ize, v.
coniem'porary, or tem'pest-tost, a. tem'porlzer, n.
colem'poraxy,a.&in.teinpest'i\Zy a. tsmpor\Z'\'t\on, n.
contem'ponse, v. ■ tem'porizmg, a.
^QXiem'pora}, a. tempest'tions, a. tense, a.
tempest'uovLsly, ad. time, n. & v.
extempora.'neou.s,a. \\tem'poral, a.
extempors,'asoui\y, tem'poraMy, ad. timely^ a. & ad.
extern' por diXy, a. ^i??ze'liness, n.
extern' poraxiXy , ad. '^tem'poraX?,, or -)-/i?/2e 'keeper, n.
extern' porin&ns, n. tem'por3ilii\.e?>, n. time'\t\ecs, n.
extem'pore, ad. /me'pleaser, n.
extei7i'porizs, v. tempora.'ne3.n, a. time'sevvbx, n.
extern' por\ztx, n. time'&QXxmQ, a.&.n
extern' porizing, a, tirne'woni, a
'fluiernpesl'ive, a. *iem'pora.ry, a. ti'mou?, a.
tern' par axily, ad. tl' mously, ad.
tern' par ariness, n. \xi\time'\yy a. & ad.
* Extempo7-al, Extemporaneous, Erteryiporart/, or Extempore, made or
Uttered outof, orat the time, or without premeditation or previous study.
t Intempestive, untimely, unseasonable,
$ Tempest, literally, time; an extensive current of wind rushing with
great velocity and violence ; a storm of extreme violence, — usually applied
to a steady wind of long continuance ; but we say also of a tornado, it blew
a tempest. The currents of wind are named, according to their respective
degrees of force or rapidity, a breeze, a fftist, a gale, a storm, a tempest, a
tsrnado, a hurricane ; but gale is also used as synonymous with storm, and
storm with tempest. Gust is usually applied to a sudden blast of short
duration. Hmricane is the most violent storm of wind. A tempest may
or may not be attended with rain, snow, or hail. Also, a violent tumult or
commotion ; perturbation, violent agitation.
II Temporal, pertaining to this life or u-orld, or the hody only ; secular,
• — opposed to spi) itual, ecclesiastical, and eternal. Also, belonging to a
tense : also, ])ertaining to the temple or temples of the head.
§ Temporals, Temporalities, secular possessions ; revenues of an eccle-
aiastic proceeding from lands, tenements, or lay fees, tithes, and the like,
— opposed to spiritualities.
• Temporary, lasting for a time only.
t Tims-keeper, or Time-piece, a clock, v;atch, or other chronometer.
Tend-Oj v. 3. to stretch, to go, to strive : as_, at/ew'-
rion, a stretching towards ; contend', to strive ; dis-
tend', to stretch or spread in all directions ; extend',
to stretch out.
"attend^ v.
attejid'ed, a.
•dtiend'er, n.
atiend'ance, n.
attend' ant, a. & «.
attend'ing, a.
attent', a.
aiten'tion, n.
attentive, a.
atte)it'i\e\y, ad.
atten^'iveness, n.
co-e\tend', v.
co-ex(cnd'ed, a.
co-extend'ing, a.
co-exten'sion, n.
co-exiens'i\e, a.
dhiend', v.
dis^^naf'ed, a.
dhtend'ing, a.
distensHhle, a.
disfe/isibil'lty, n.
dhten'tion, n-
extejid', V.
extend'ed, a.
extend' er, n.
extend'iblQ, a.
extend'ing, a-
extens'ihle, a.
exte ns'ihlsneas, n.
extensih'iVity ^ a.
Gxtens'ile, a.
co-exifewi'iveness.n.ex/^/i'sion, n.
exten'sionsd^ a.
extens'ive, a.
exiens'ively, ad.
ex/ens'iveness, 7i.
"i^.exiens'oTi^ n.
\\extent', a. & n.
inat^^/i^'ively, ad.
^intend', v.
intend'ed, a.
iniend'er^ n.
intend'edly, ad.
intend'ent, n.
mtend'ing, a.
mteml'mQnt, n.
'intense', a.
intense'ly, ad.
intense'ness, n.
{nten'sxon, n.
intens'ity, n.
iutens'ive, a.
iniens'ively, ad.
intent^ a. & n.
intent'ly, ad.
intent'ness, n.
inten'tion, n.
inten'tional, a.
in^ere'^ionally, ad.
inte?i'tioned, a.
inteiit'ive, a.
contend', v,
coniend'ed, a.
•fcontend'ent, n.
contend'er, n.
contend'hig, a,
conten'tion, n.
conten'tious, a. ill-in/f /i^ioned, a- inteni'ively, ad.
contsn'tiously, ad. inat/(?M7ion, n. in/e?2it'ivenesSj n.
conten' tiousness, n. inaUent'ixe, a. \\i\i,attend', v.
* Attend, to aii-etr^i to or towards, to recard, to listen, to fix the mind
on ; to go with or accompany; to await, to wait on.
t Contendent, an antagonist or opposer.
^ Ertensur, in anatomy, a muscle which serves to extend or straiten any
part of tlie body, as an arm or a finger,— opposed to flexor.
II Kitent, space or degree to which a thing is ecetended; lience, compass,
bulk, size; length. In law, a writ of execution or extendi facias, com-
manding a sheriif to value the lands of the debtor, or the act of doing so.
§ Intend, to stietch , to mean, to design, to purpose; tiiat is, to stretch
and set forward in mind, to fix the mind on.
* Intense, stretched, strained ; hence, very close, strict, as when the mind
is fixed or bent on a particular subject ; raised to a high degree, violent ;
vehement, ardent ; kopl on tlie stietch, — oppo6c;(j'a.s.
2 z 2
rn r- vT
JL £^iS
*ohtend', v.
•fostens'ihle, a.
o»leiis'ih\y, ad.
osleiisihWity, n.
Qi>tens'i\e, a.
pre^enrf'ed, a.
pre/e?icf'edly, ad,
•pxeiend'er, n.
-pretetid'ing, a.
■pretend'higly, ad
'^'p^eiense') n,
W^xQten's'ion, n.
-protend'ed, a.
Tprotend'ing, a.
oslenta'tion, n.
^osfenta'tions, a.
ostenta'lionsly, ad. *suhtend', v
ostenia'iio\isne&s,n.s\j.htend'edy a.
suhtend^'mg, a
\\Y)ortend% v.
"portend'ed, a.
-portend'ing, a.
%portent', n.
" -portent' o\x^j a.
•^pxttend', V.
superin^e/i(/'ing, a,
\\te7id\ V.
iend'ed, a.
tend'ence, n.
^tend'ency, n.
tend'ing, a. & u.
tend'inou^, a.
"tend'er, n. & v.
tend'eied, a.
ie7id'er\X)g^ a.
•ftend'on, n.
tend'rW, n. &. a.
Xtenes'm\\%, n.
^tense, a.
tense'nesSy n.
tens'ibXe, a.
superin^^nrf'ed, a. tens'ile, a.
superin/enrf'ence, n.ten's'ion, n.
snpexintend'ewcy^ii.tens'ive, a.
s-dpQTxntend'Qnt.n.^tens'or, n.
*tent, n. & v.
Jsuperin^e?i(i', v
* Obfend, to stretch against, to oppose.
\ Ostensible, that may be shewn ; plausible ; appearing, seeming, shewn,
declared, or avowed.
% Ostentatious, making a display from vanity, boastful; showy, gaudy.
II Portend, to foreshow, to foretoken.
§ Portent, an omen of ill, any previous sign or prodigy indicating the
approach of evil or calamity.
■" Portentous, ominous, foreshowing ill; monstrous, prodigious, wonderful.
+ Pretend, to reach or stretch forward; to hold out as a false appear-
ance ; to show hypocritically ; to put in a claim, truly or falsely.
t Pretense, a holding out or offering to others something false or feigned.
II Pretension, claim, true or false.
§ Protend, to hold out, to stretch forth. * Subtend, to extend under.
T Subtense, the chord of an arch or arc. ^ Superintend, to have or
exercise the charge and oversight of ; to oversee with the power of direction.
II Tend, to watch or guard, to take care of; to move in a certain direc-
tion, to aim at ; to contribute. § Tendenri/, a stretchmg, drift,
direction, or course towards any place, object, effect, or result.
* Tender, to offer in words, to offer in payment or satisfaction.
f Tendon, in anatomy, a hard insensilie cord or bundle of fibres, by
which a muscle is attached to a bone.
% Tenesmus, literally, a 'straiiiing or stretching ; a painful, ineffectUcd,
and repeated effort, or a continual and urgent desire to go to stool.
11 Tense, stretched, strained to stiffness ; rigid, not lax.
§ Tensor, in anatomy, a muscle that extemis or stretcfies apart.
* Tent, a thing stretched, a pavilion or portable lodge, consisting of skins,
caiivass or other coarse clcth, stretched and sustained by poles, to dwell in.
teiil'ed., a. \\ns.ttend''\ng, a. wnmten't'ionsiWy , ad.
*f.eTd's.T, n. & V. wnconte nd'eA, a. \xno?>tenta' tio\x?>, a.
teni'ered, a. uncontend'ing, a. un-prefend'ing, a.
teni'er'ing, a. uxid\?.lend'ed, a. nntend'^d^ a.
•ffent'ory, n. imes^iend'ed, a. unteni', v.
untend', v. un'wteiid'ed, a. untent'ed, a.
unatlend'ed, a. nn'mien'donal, a
Tenebr-^E;, /. 1. darkness, gloo^niness.
Xohtenebra'tiox\,n. Wtene'briow?,, a. \\tene'bro\x?>, a.
ieriehro^'ity^ n. tene'brousuQss, n.
Ten-eOj v. 2. {riD/cS), tokold: as^ abstom', to hold from ;
appertom'j orpeita/^z', to belong; contccin', to hold ;
conthi'ue, to abide, to last ; detam', to hold from ;
C)\)tain', to get, to gain ; \'%tain', to hold or keep
back ; ten'ohle, that may be held.
abstain', v. apper7ment, or "^con'tvience, n.
abstem'ed, a. appur7^nantja.&ncon'//?g c\oi\\ on a frame,
t Tentory, the awning of a tent,
+ Obtenehi ation, a darkening, darkness.
H Tenebrous or Tenehrious, dark, gloomy.
§ Contenement, land, or freehold contiguous to a tenement.
* Content, v. pi. Contents, that which is contained ,■ the thing or things
?i3ld, inchitled or comprehended within a limit or line.
i Content, a. literally, heid, contained witiiin limits; — hence, quiet, not
disturbed, having a mind at peace, e:\sy; satisfied, so as not to repine,
objeef, or oppose.
I Continence, restraint of (k^ircs and passions, chastity.
conlinna'tUm, n. iliscon/e«Ma'/ion,?j. main/arn'«ble, a.
contin wative, n. discon^Jn''«ous, a. *main7e?iance, n.
contmua'tor, n. discQntinu'ity,n. -j-mal-con^^n^', a.&.n.
coritinu'ity, n. discoun'/^rtance, v- mal-conieni'ed, a.
coniin'nous, a. & n. mal-con^^n^'edly,
coun75?ianced, a. discoun'ienaiicev^n obtain', v.
coun'f'cnancer, n. discountenancing, ohiai'ned, a.
coun7enancing,a. ||enter^rtj/i', v. ohlai'ner, n.
detain', v. entertain' ed, a. obtai'nxag, a.
de^flm'ed, a. cniexfain'm^^a.Sin.obtai'nahle^ a.
detain'ex, n. ewtertain'iiigly ^ad. ob^am'ment, n.
'\'detaind'e:t, n. enter/am'ment, n. ipertain', v.
deiain'ing, a. §imper'/i«T.ence, n. \-)ertain'ed, a.
detain'ment, n. imper7r?2ency, n. per/ai?i'ing, a.
Xdetent', n. imper7ment,a.&«. :J:per/ina'cious, a.
deten'tion, n. imper'^inently, ad. per^nza'c^'ously, ad.
"fdet'imie, «. incon'tinewce, n. per/i^icr'cjousness,;*.
discon^eni',a.t'.&.w.incon7i?iency, n. -peTiinac'ity, n.
discon/en^'ed, a. incon'tinent, a.&.n.
discGntent'ed\y,ad. incon^uiently, ad. -per'tinence, n.
discon/f'nf'edness, hretent'iye, a. pertinency, n.
discon/en^'ing, a. lieu^en'ant, n. per7j?2ent, a.
discon/eni'ment, n. lieu^en'ancy, or per7«7zently, ad.
discontin'ne, v. lieu^en'antship,^^/. per'/?nentness, 7i.
discon/m'wed, a. *main^«?n', v. -pxe-obtain' , v.
discoriiin'uer, n. main^am'ed, a. Y)xe- oh tain'ed, a.
discon/wi'/iing, a. main/atVc'er, n. purVe/zance, n.
discon^in'wanee, n. main/flin'ing, a. re-dhlain', v.
* Cotintenanre, literally, the contents of a body ; the outline and extent
of the whole figure or appearance ; hence, the human face, the whole form
of the face, or system of features ; visage, air, look, aspect ; favour, good-
will, kindness. + Deiaivder, Detinue, in law, a writ.
4: Detent, a stop in a clock, which, by being lifted up or let down, locks
and unlocks the clock in striking. || Entertain, to receive
into the house, and treat with hospitality; to amuse, or instruct by dis-
course, &c. ; to harbour, to cherish ; to please, to amuse ; to treat.
§ Impertinence, that which is not pertinent, or does not belong to the
subject in hand ; rudeness, improper intrusion ; interference by word or
conduct, which is not consistent with the age or station of the person.
* Maintain, Maintenance, Sec p. 296.
t Malcontent, a discontented subject of government ; one who murmurs
at the laws and administration, or who manifests his uneasiness by overt
arts, as in sedition or insurrection. | Pertinacious, holding
or adhering to any opinion, purpose, or design with obstinacy, obslinaie.
re-ob/ain'able, a. %yx%tenta' tXow.., n.
re-ob^oi?i''ed, a. ten'ahle^ a.
re-ob^ai/i'ing, a. +lena'cio\is, a.
retain', v.
retain'eA, a.
xetai'ntr, a.
xetain'mg^ a.
rttcn't'ion^ n.
rste/it'i\e, a.
retent'heneas, n.
*ret'inue, n.
sustain', v-
sustai'ned, a.
sustai'ner, n.
sus/ai'/iable, a.
Eus/aiViing, n.
sus'/e/iance, ?i.
^e/ia'ciously, ad.
^erta'ciousncss, n,
tenac'ity, n.
^ten'siacy, n.
ten'ant, n. & v.
ten'antedi^ a.
/e/i'anting, a.
fen'antahle, a.
ten'aniless, a.
|]ife;i'antry, n.
^leu'dril, n. & a.
*ten'em.Q\\t., n.
tenement' ill, a.
teneva&nt'dty, a-.
Tent-Oj v. 1. (a teneO;, or tendo)
attack: as, attemjyfj to try ;
at'wQ., a trial.
attempt, v. & n. attempt'er, «.
attempt'ahle, a. attempt'ing, a.
attempt'ed, a.
■ften'ef, n.
Xten'on, n.
||/e/i'nis, n. & y.
%ten'or, n.
, *te}i'\xxe, n.
•|-terre-/e7i'ant, or
ter-^^/t'ant, n.
uncontenfedj a-
underten'ant, n.
unentertaVning, a.
unohtain'ed, a.
unob^ai'rting, a.
iinsus^ai'/iftble, «•
urisus^ai'/ied, a.
unten'ahle, a.
uuten'autahle, a-
un/e/i'antcdj a.
, to try, to assay, to
tenta'tion, or tent'-
reaitetnpt' , v.
'.tempt', V.
tempt'ed, a.
* Retinue, the attendants of a prince or distinguished personage, chiefly
on a journey or an excursion ; a train of persons.
t Tenacious, holding fast, or inclinetl to hold fast ; retentive, adhesive.
:j: Te>icu}ici/ , inlaw, a /i oMing or possession of lands or rQdeterm'inate, u. -f-^erwzmol'ogy, n.
jiredeiermina'don, undeterm'inahle, a.
exierm'inate, v. self-determinaWwn^undeterm'inate, a.
exterm'inated, a. se\^-detei'7n'm[ng,a.undeterm'inateness
exterm'inat\ng,a. ^(erm, n. & v. nndetermina' t'lon^n.
extermina'iion, n. term'ed, a. undete7-m'ined, a.
exterm'inatoT, n. term'ex, n.
TEKN-t/s_, a. threefold: Tertt-i/s^ a. (a tres), three :
as^ ter'tiaiy, third.
Xtern, a. tern'ion, n. *ter'tiaie, v.
\\te7'n'ary, a. & 7i. ^ter'tian, a. & n. third, a.
tern' ate, a. ter'tiaxy, a. third'ly, ad.
* Conterminable, capable of the same bounds: Conferminate, having the
iame bounds : Contermhwits, borde/'inff wport.
\ Determinate, limited, fixed, definite; established, settled; decisive,
conclusive. if. Distej-maate, separated by bounds.
II Intel minable, that cannot he limited s bound]ess, endless.
§ Term, limit, boundary; words, language; condition; space of time;
also, to call, to name. * Tei-mtnative. directing termination,
t Ternvnology, the doctrine of terms ; a treatise on terms.
± Tern, Ternary, Ternate, threefold . consi3tii:!g of three.
i Ternary, Ternion, the number ^/.. £6.
§ Tertian, occurring every third or other day.
* Tertiate, to do any thing the third time; to examine the thickness of
the metal at the muzzle of a gun.
"Iril'tirate, v.
trii'urated, a.
tril'ur^thig, a.
i7-it'u7-ahle, a.
trii'JirahleueS'S., n.
tritura't'ioUy n.
trU'ursii'wti^ a.
■^■tritti'rvxm, n.
Ter-0, v. 3. (rue^M), to rub, to wear by rubbing : as
trite, worn oat^ common.
*at7^rate, v. yde^Viment, n.
at7(??-ate(l, a. de/rimen'tal, a.
at/errtVion, ?i. de/r?7i'ori, «.
attri(e\ a. §de/ri7us, n.
ath-ite'ness, n. tare, v. & n.
•f-at^?-i/i'on, n. tear, n. & v.
"^contrite', a. tear'er, n.
contriie'ly, ad. trite^ a.
conlrite'nef.s, n. trile'ly, ad.
contriti'on, n. irife'ness^ n.
Terr-ti, /. 1. the earth : as, mter' , to bmy ; disinter'
to e^Jiume'f to take out of the earth ; ^errzg'enous,
earth -hoiYVi.
circumferra''neous, disiu/er'ment, n. -j-Medi^erra'?i^an, a.
coun'/ry, n. dis^^-r', v. medi/erra'//
contesta'tion, n. ohtest'mg, a.
coniest'iihle, a. obtesta't'iow, n.
contest'ah\eness,ii. \\-protest', v.
detest', V. pxo'fesf, n.
dctest'ed, a. profesi'ed, a.
CLdesi'ahle, a. -pioiest'ex, n.
dttest'ahlyy ad. -^rotest'mg, a.
de/^5^'obleness,n. §proi'e*/antj a. & n
Attest a' t'lon, n.
detest'er, n. prof'^^fantisrrij n.
dttest'mg, a. -pYotesta'iion, n.
inconiest'ahle, a. *test, n. & v.
'mconlest'a\)\y,ad. -^tesfaTcaQnt, n.
*mtest'ah\e, a. testaraeni'axy, a.
in/gs/'acy, n.
\mtest'a.ie, a. & n. %test'a,ie, a.
Xobtest'y V. testa'tor, n.
Tetb.-a /or Tessar-es {rnq^ccfor
•fdia^esVfron, n. tel'racSxQxd, n.
testa'tiix, n.
testa'tion, n.
fcsfifyj V.
test'iRed, a.
iest'iiieT, n.
. test'ifying, a.
testifica'tlon, n.
testinca'toT, n.
^testimo'nial, n.
*test'imony, n.
unatfest'ed, a.
uncontest'ed^ a.
vndetest'ing, a.
untest'ed, a.
rio-a-u^ti), four.
Xtefrad, n.
* Intestable, not capable of making a will.
t Intestate, dying without having made a will ; also, the person whc
does so. I Obtest, to beseech, to supplicate ; to protest
II Protest, literally, to witness against ; to aflBrm with solemnity, to make
a solemn declaration of a fact or opinion, or expressive of opposition.
§ Protestant, one of the party who adhered to Luther at the reforma-
tion in 1529, in Germany, and protested, or made a solemn declaration of
dissent from a decree of the Emperor Charles V. and the diet of Spires,
and appealed to a general council. This name was afterwards extended
to the followers of Calvin, and protestant is the denomination now given
to all who belong to the Reformed Churches. The king of Prussia has,
however, interdicted the use of this name in his dominions.
* Test, in England, an cath or declaration against transubstantiation.
t Testament, a solemn authentic instrument in WTiting, by which a per-
son declares his ivill as to the disposal of his estate and effects after his
death : a last will. t Testate, having made a)jd left a will.
% Tesiimonial, a writing or certificate in favour of one's character or good
conduct. * Testimony, a solemn declaration or affirming
made for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact. It may be
verbal or written. — Testimony differs from evidence ; testimony is the de-
claration of a witEcs<5, and evidence i;«• of which
are longer than the others. f Tetragon, in geometry, a figure
having/vw;- angles ; as, a quadrangle, a square, a parallelogram, a rhombus,
a trapezium, &c. ± Tetragj/n, a plant having /om/ pistils.
II Tetrahedron, a figure comprehended under /omj- equilateral and equal
triangles. § Tetrameter, in ancient poetry, an iambic verse
consisting of four feet, found in the comic poets.
* Tetrander, a plant having /o?»- stamens. f- Tetraptote,
in Grammar, a noun that has /oMr cases only; as, Lat. astiis, Ike.
t Tetrarch, a Reman governor of the fourth part of a jirovince; a sub-
ordinate prince.
II Tetrastich,^ a stanza, epigram, or poem, consisting of four verses.
§ Tetrastyle, in ancient architecture,a building with/oMr columns in front
* Tesselate, to form into squares or checkers ; to lay with checkered ■
work. t Tesseraic, diversifietl by squares ; tesselated.
% Teutonic, pertaining to the Teutones, a people of Germany, or to their
language; as, a noun, the language of the Teutones, the parent of the
German Dutch, and Anglo-Saxon or native English.
II Context, a weaving together ; the general series or composition of dis-
course ; more particularly, the parts of a discourse which precede or fol-
low the sentence quoted. § Pretext, pretence ; false ap-
pearance ; ostensible reason or motive assigned or assumed as a colour or
cover for the real reason or motive. * Text, a discourse
or composition on which a note or commentary is written.
t Textual, Textuanj, contained in the text, serving as a text.
Til A i^^G THE
TiiANAT-os (^dxvxTo:, a ^vriTKw, to die), death.
*euihana'sia., or eafhan'asy, n.
Thauma, at-05 {6ce.vf,t,oc,, oiTOi), a wonder.
•\-!hau'Tnaturgy, n. ihaumat urg'ic, a. ihaumatuYg'icdl^ a.
Theatr-J7Mj 71. 2. {^ixr^ov, a $i^iof/.xt, to bekoId),a theatre.
I^am-p^nthe'alre, n. \\ths'atre, n. theatrical, a.
avaTphithe'airal, a. iheat'ricaWy, ad.
axn'phiiheal'ric-dl^a. iheafric, a.
Thec-e (6yixvi, a nhf^i, to put OY place), a place where
any thing is deposited ; a repository or recepta.cle.
gapoi'/iVcary, n. *hlhYiothe'ce, n. hihYioth'ecal, a.
biblio/A'gcary, n.
Theor-os (^ku^6i), a beholder, a speculator.
•\ihe' orexa, n. theoreCic, a.
theorem'ic, a. iheoret'loil, a.
iheoreynat'ic, a. theoret'icaWy, ad. the'orht, n.
i hear em at'ical, a. the'onc, a. &. n. the'orize, v.
^(he'ory, n.
* Euthanasia, or Eiithanan/, an easy death.
*■ Thaiimatiirgy, the act of performing something tvonderful.
■^ Amphitlieatie, a round theatre, an e'Hfice in an oval or circular form,
having its area encompassed with rows of seats, rising higher as they recede
from the srca, on which peoj^le used to sit to view the combats of gladia-
tors and of wild beasts, and other spoit.t. The ancient amphitheatre was
a double theatre. The area or cavea, being covered with sand, was called
II Theatre, among the ancients, an edifice for public spectacles or shown
of a semi circular form. In modern times, a house for the exhibition of
dramatic performances, — as tragedies, comedies, and fdixes ; a play-house ;
a place of of^iow or exhibition.
§ Apothecari/, one who practices pharmacy ; one who prepares drugs for
medicinal uses, and keeps them for sale.
* Bihliothece, a library : BibUotltecary, a librarian ; Bibliothecal, belong-
ing to a library.
+ Theorem, a proposition which considers the properties of things already
made or done. A theorem is a proposition to be proved by a chain of rea-
soning. A theo) em is something to be proved ; a problem is something to
be done.
% Theory, a mental view, speculaticMi ; an exposition of the general prin-
ciples of any science. Theory differs from hypothesis: Theory is founded
on inferences drawn from principles established on independent evidence ;
hypothesis is a proposition assmned to account for certain phenomena, oi
for wJiat is not understood.
The-os {6i6i), God, a god : as, a'tkeist, disbeliever m
a God ;' mon'otkeist, believer in one God.
*aT[)othe'osis, n.
anthe'isf, n.
pan//iei^'^ic, a.
pari//jeis7ical, a.
a/Aeis^'icalness, n. Y>anthe'on, n.
iheoc'iacy, n.
iheocrat'ic, a.
theocrat'icai, a.
Xthe'odicy, n.
Il^/ieorogaster, n.
theog'ony, n.
\theoYGgy, n.
physico-f/ii?ol'ogy, theolo'giarx, n
poly/A'eism, n. iheoVogi^t, n.
a^Aeolo'gian^, ?i. -po\yth'eist, n.
a'theon?., a. ■pdlytheis'lic, a.
-polytheis'tical, a.
entheasi'ical\y,ad. §/A^an''dric, a.
\\enthu'sias,ther'm2i\, per
taming to heat, warm.
\\\s.otherm'2tX, a. ihermoxn'&ier, ?i. thermomet'iicdUy,
iher'7n?i\. a. thermoxnQt'iiCiA, a. ther'mosco^Q^ ti.
^ther'tnolam-P) 'f^'
Thesis {}icri<,, h rihu.i, to jnit or place'), a placing or
putting : as, hy^oth'esis, au-pjwsitioJi ; thet'\Q:!^, laid
*&nafh'ej?m, n. axiath'emaiher, n. antif7?^f'ical, a.
anai hemaf 'ical, a. anaih'ematizing,a. j^a-poilt'esis, n.
anaihemafically, ana^//c??iatiza'tion, \\e-peiV thesis, or
anath'efnatize, v. •fant'iih'esis, n. e'pen'lhesy, n.
anath'emaiized, a. aiit\ihet'ic, a. epenthet'ic, a.
* Theta-gy, the art of doing things which it is the peculiar province of
God to do ; or the power or act of perfornniiig fmpernatural things by in-
voking the names of God, or of subordinate agents ; mnah;.
t Tritheism, the opinion or doctrine that there are three Gods in the
% Therapeutics, that part of nr-.edicine which respects the discovery and
apjilication of remedies for diseases. Thei-apeutics teaches the use of diet
and of medicines. A religious sect described by Philo. They were devotees
to religion. |1 Isothermal, having equal or uniform temperature.
§ Thermolamp, an instrument for furnishing light by means of infium,'
mable gas.
* Anathema, excommunication with curses. Hence, a curse or denun-
ciation by ecclesiastical authority, accompanying excommunication. In
heathen mythology, an offering or present made to some deity, and hung
lip in a temple. Whenever a person quitted his employment, he set apart,
or dedicated his tools to his patron-deity.
\ Antithesis, in rhetoric, an o/)po5iYio7? of words or sentiments ; contrast,
— as, " When cur vices leave us, we flatter ourselves we leave them." —
" The prodigal robs his heir, the miser robs himself." — " Excess of cere-
mony shows loard of breeding." — " Liberty with laws, and government
without oppression." — Opposition of opinions, controversy.
X Apothesis, the reduction of a dislocated bone. A place on the south
side of the chancel in the primitive churches, furnished with shelves for
books, vestments, &c. II Epenthesis, the insertion of a letter
cr syllable in th.e middle of a v,-ord,— as, alitfaun, for allium.
*ep'i/Z[^m, n. hypothefic-dl, a. protk'esis, n.
-[e-p'ifhef, n. & v. hypolhct'[ca\\y,ad. f-p^oathei'ic, a.
ep'ifhet'ic, a. \\metalh'esis, n. X^yiiihes'iSy ii.
:{:hypo^A'ecate, v. nomothet'ic, a. synthet'ic, a.
hypo/A'£?cated, a. nomo/Ae/'ical, a. syn/het'ical, a.
hyi>oih'ecating,a. ^■ps.ra.th'csis, n. iiy v.tl i et'icdWy , ad.
hyYiotJieca't'ion, n. paren-^.^esi*', n. \\lheine, n.
hy-polh'ecatoT, n. paren/Ae/'ic, a. ^the'sis, n.
hy\iofh^esis, n. paren/Zi^ncal, a. Ihet'icaly a.
hypo^hel'ic, a. 'pros'l hesis^ or
Thorax^ rc-?'s, m. 3. t/i:j inward part of the hreast,
the chest, the breast — *lho'raa;, n. tkorac'ic, a.
* Epithem, in pharmacy, a kind of fomentation or poultice, to be applied
externaliy, to strengthen the part, ^ny external application, or topical
medicine. The term has been restricted to liquids in which clothes are
dipped to be applied to a part.
t Epithet, an adjective expressing some real quality of the thing to which
it is applied, or an attributive expressing some qaality ascribed to it, — as,
a verdant lawn ; a bi illiant appearance ; a just man ; an accurate descrip-
:j: Hypothecate, to pledge, and properly to pledge the l;eel of a ship, that
is, the ship itself, as security for the payment of money borrowed to carry
on a voyage.
II Metathesis, transpositio?! ; a figure by which the letters or syllables of
a word are transposed,— as, pistris for pri.itis. In medicine, a change or
removal of a morbid cause without expulsion.
§ Parathesis, in grammar, apposition, or the placing of two or more
nouns in the same case.
* Prosthesis, or Prothesis, in surgery, the addition of an artificial part
to supply a defect of the body, — a^, a wooden leg, (kc.
t Prosthetic, prefixed, as a letter to a woid.
4: Synthesis, composit'on, or the putting of two or more thmgs togeth.er,
—as, in compound medicines. In Logic, composition, or that process of
reasoning in which we advance by a regular chain from principles before
established or assumed, and propositions already proved, till v/e arrive at
the conclusion. Synthesis is the opposite of analysis or resolution. In
Surgery, the operation by which divided parts are re-united. In C:hemis-
try, the uniting of elements into a compound ; the opposite of analysis,
which is the separation of a compound into its constituent parts. That
water is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen, is proved both by analysis
and synthesis.
II Theme, a subject or topic on which a person writes or speaks. A short
dissertation composed by a student ; the original word whence others are
derived; the root.
§ Thesis, a position, a theme, a subject; something laid dotvn affirma-
tively or negatively. In Logic, every proposition may be divided into
thesis and hypothe-^is. Thesis contains the thing affirmed or denied, and
hypothesis the condition of the affirmation or negation.
* Thorax, in anatomy, that part of the human skeleton, which consists
of the bones of the chest; also, the cavity of the chest.
ren^^ro'ning, n.
Temthro7ie' , v.
remthro'ned, a.
Temthro'nmg, a.
throne, n. & u,
thro'ned, a.
unthrone', v.
Tnon-us, or rather Torus, m. 2. a bed — tho'rdl, a.
TiiRON-t/s, m. 2. {6^ovoi), a king's seat, a throne : as.
^Qthrone', dhenthrone' ., or unthrone', to drive from
a throne,io divest of roy«%; enthrone' , ox mthrone':
to place on a throne.
dethrone', v. disinthro7ie', v.
dethro'ned, a. enthrone', v.
dethro'ner, n. enthro'ned, a.
dethro'ii'mg, a. enthro'yiing, a.
dethrone'ment, n. inthrone', v.
dtthro'nize, v.
d\%ex\throne' , v.
disen/Aro'ned, a. re-ci\throne', v.
disenthro'nmg, a. renthro'ned, a.
Thym-os (Svfiog), the soul or mind.
*en'thymemt, n. -^e^Uhumet'ic, a. \\\yoth'ymy, n.
enthi/7nemat'ica\,a. einfhumet'ical, a. liytoth't/mous, a,
Thyre-os (Sv^iog), a shield— thy' void, a.
Thus, tliur-/^, n. 3. incense, frankincense.
Xthu'rih\e, n. thuri£'eTous, a. thuri&cn'tion, n.
Ti^i-A, f. 1. the shin-bone ; a flute oy pipe — tib'isd, a.
TiGU-us (« tango), touching. (See Tango.')
TiM-Eo, V. 2. to fear: as, in^m'idate, to m^e fearful.
intim'idate, v. iim'id, a. \\fim'orons, a.
intim'idated, a. tivi'idly, ad. ti m' or oualy, ad.
in^im'idating, a. fwi'idneas, n. tim'oronsnesa, n,
intirnida'tion, n. timidity, n.
* Enthymeme, in rhetoric, an argument consisting of only two proposi-
tions, an antecedent and a consequent deduced from it, — as," we are depen-
dent creatures, therefore we should be humble. Here the major proposition
is suppressed ; the complete syllogism would be, dependent creatures should
be humble ; we are dependent creatures, therefore we should be humble.
f Epithumetic, Epithumetical, inclined to htst ; pertaining to the animal
passion. jj. Thurible, a censor, a pan for incense: Thuri-
ferous, producing or bearing frankincense : Thurification, the act of fum-
ing with incense, or the act of burning incense.
I Timorous, fearM of dangers; inaicatirig /;■/•/)-, full cf scruples.
Time (t<^>5, a tm, to value), value ; honour, estccin.
*/imoc'racy, 7i. Ti'mon, n. Timo'thons^ n.
Time'us, n. Tiin'oihy, n. Ti'ins, n.
TiNCT-LTSj p.p. {d tingo), dipped or dipt. {^eeTinffo.)
TiNG-o (comP- form of tango), to touch. (See Tango.)
TiNG-o, V. 3. {riyya), to dip, to utahi 01* Sprinkle, to
colour or paint : as, oXtaint', to taint qy coiTupt,.
to disgi'ace.
•^ixttain'd&x, n. tamt'ing, a.
attaint', v. taint'less, a. ting'ing, a.
altaint'ed, a. ^tinct, v. &. n. tint, n. & v.
attaint'ing, a. tinc'tuve, n. & y. -axiting'ed., a.
s.Uaint'ment, n. /incVured, a. untaint'eA., a.
attaint^ nxe, it. tinc'txxr'mg, a. xxntaint'edXy, ad.
"^mezzotin'to, n. tinge, v. &i n. un^am^'edness, n.
\^taint, n. & v. ting'ed, a. untinc'tured, a.
iaint'ed, a.
TiTiLL-0;, V. 1. to tickle, to affect hy slight touches.
iit'illa.te, v. *iic]i'le, v. & a. tick'lish, a.
tifillating, a. tick'ler, n. iicA;7ishness, n.
iitilla'tion, n. tick'liug, a. & ?i.
TiTUL-J7S, m. 2. title, inscription, or appellation : as,
disenti'tle, disti'tle, to deprive oi" title or ric/Iit.
disenti'tle, v. di&ti'tle, v. -fen/i'tle, v.
* Timocracy, government by men of property, who are posstosed of a
certain income.
\ Attainder, a. staining, a comtption of blood; hence, the judgment or
sentence upon a person ' convicted of treason or felony, which attaints,
taints, or corrupts his blood, so that he can no longer inherit l.auis.
XMezzotinto, a particular manner of engraving, or representation oi
figures on copper, in imitation of painting in Indian ink.
1) Taint, to imbue, to stain, to tarnish ; to corrupt, to infect, to poison.
§ Tinct, Tincture, Tinge, Tint, colour, dye, shade, taste ; or rather a
sl'ght degree of some colour, taste, or something foreign, infused into an-
other substance or mixture, or added to it.
* Tickle, to touch lightl;/, and cause a peculiar thrilling sensation whi< h
cannot be described. A slight sensation of this kind may give pleasure,
but when violent, it is insutferable. To please by slight gratification.
+ Entitle, to give a title to; to t;ive or prefix a name or appellation ; to
superscribe or prefix as a iitle ; — htnce, as titles are evidences of claims or
property, to give a dai/u to ; to give a right to demand or receive; to
qualify ; to dignify by a title or honourable appellation
cn^i7/ed, a. ii'lle\es.s, a. tit'ulaxXy, ad.
en/i7/ing, a. ti'lle--page, n. tiiulai'ity, n.
mii'tle, v. ti'tling, a. tit'uhry, a. & n.
ti'ile, n. &. v. *tit'ular, a. & n. un/i7/ed, a.
ti'tledy a.
ToBACO, a province of Yucatan in Spanish America
•ftobac'co, n. tobac'co7iist, n, ioba^'co-'pipe, n.
ToGA_, f. I. a loose flowing woollen robe ; a gown,
ijl/o'^ated, or to'ged, n.
ToLER-Oj V. 1. (« toUo), to bear, to suffer, to endure:
asj mtol'ero?(A%, not to be home or endured,
intorerable, a. intolera^tion, n. tol'er&nt, a,
intol'erahly, ad. tol'erahle, a. tol'erate, v.
in/o^'erableness, n. tol'erahly, ad. iol'erated, a.
iutol'erance, n. tol'erah\ene&s, n. tol'eraiing, a.
mtol'eranX, a. &n. tol'eranoi, n. tolera't'iou^ n.
ixitol'eraiQdj a,
ToLL-Oj V. 3. to rmse, to lift up) : as^ Q:Y.toV, to raise
in words or eulogy, to praise, to magnify.
||at^oZ7entj a. &. n. extol'led, a. extol'l'mg, a.
extol', V. extol'lei, n. %ioll, n. & v.
ToMENT-C/iV/, 7j. 2. (rt tondeo), 6/o?£'?2 — *tomenl'ous, a.
ToM-os {ro^og, a rs/tzva, to cut), a cutting ; a division :
aSj aiiat'onnze, to dissect an a^iimal ; at'o?n, mdivi-
sible j^article.
•\arvat'omy, n. ana/o?«'ical, a. ana/om'ically, ad.
*Titulai-, Titulary yCaasisWwg in a-title or name only ; pertaining to a title,
+ Tobacco, a pl^nt, a native of America, mucli used for smoking and
chewing, and in snuff,— so named, from Tobaco, a province of Yucatan,
in Spanish America, where it was first found by the Spaniards. But this
account of its origin is very doubtful. Las Casas says, that in the first
voyage of Columbus, the Spaniards saw in Cuba many persons smoking
dry herbs or leaves rolled up in tubes called tobacos, Charlevoix, in his
history of St Dominique, says, that the instrument used in smoking was
called tobaco.
4: Togated, Toged, dressed in a gown, gowned ; wearing a gown.
II Attolletit, Li/tihg up, raising ; also, a muscle which raises some part,
as the ear, the tip of the nose, or the upper eyelid ; — otherwise called levator
or elevator.
§ Toll, to sound or ring, as a bell ; in law, to take away, to annul.
* Tomentous, in botany, doivny, nappy, cottony, or flocky ; consisting
of all kinds of shiffing for cushions or beds,— as, down, feathers, hair,
trool, chaff- &.C. f Anatoniy, (see p. 39.) the art of dissecting,
anafowist, n.
-f-dicho^'omy, n.
litho^om'ic, a.
anat'omize, v.
iJrdicho/'oTwize, v.
neurol'omy, n.
ana^'omized, a.
neuro/ovi'ical, a.
IJen^oHJOe'ite, n.
neuro^'omist, ii.
ana/'o?/nzing, a-
eniomol'ogy, n.
omphalo^'omy, n.
* anchanai/ omy, n.
en^ojnolog'ical, a
Wovikot' omy, n.
•f-angio^'omy, n.
en/omol'ogist, ii.
pharyngo/'omy, n.
ijlapo^o/wcj or
§epi/'o7w^, or
phlebo^'o??2y, n.
aj)o('omy, n.
eiVii'omy, ?i.
phlebo/'orrtist, n.
||arterio^'omy, n.
e-pU'oimze, v.
phlebo/'ojnize, v.
at'om, n.
epi/:'(/7nizedj a.
stereot^omy, n.
atom'ic, a.
epi^'o?/2izer, or
stereo^om'ical, a.
alom'ical, a.
epi^'omist, n.
tome, n.
a/'om-like, a.
epi/'omizing, a.
§tracheoi'omy, n.
ai'om'ism, n.
*gastrot'omy, n.
*iT\chot'omy, n.
at'omht, n.
■f-litho^'omy, n.
ir'ichol'omow^, a.
§bronchof'owy, n.
^rlith'o^ome, n.
•\zoot'omy, n.
*cystoi'omy, n.
litho^'omist, n.
ZQol'omist, n.
or artificially separating the different parts of an anihial body, to discover
their situation, structure, and economy; the doctrine of the structure of
the body, learned by dissection; the act of dividing anv thing, corporea
or intellectual, for the purpose of examining its parts, — as, the ana-
tomy of a plant, or of a discourse.
* AndranaTomp, the dissection of a human body, especially of a male,
t Angiotomy, the opening of a vessel, whether a vein or an artery, as ia
bleeding. It includes botfi arteriotomi/ and phlebotomy.
XApotome, in mathematics, the difference between two incommensurable
quantities; also, a term in music. \\ ArteriotMuy, the open-
ing of an artery by the lancet, for the purpose of letting blood.
§ Bronchotom'y, an incision into the wind-pipe or larynx, between the
rings ; — called also Tracheotomy.
* Cystotomy, the act or practice of opening encysted tumors, for the
discharge of morbid matter.
t Dichotomy, division or distribution of ideas by pairs ; in astronomy,
that phase of the moon in which it appears bisected, or shows only half iis
disk, as at the quadratures.
'^ Dichotomize, to cut into two parts ; to divide into pairs.
II Entomolite, a fossil substance bearing the figure of an insect, or a pe-
trified insect,
§ Epitome or Epitomy, an abridgement ; a brief summary or abstract of
any book or writing ; a compendium, containing the substance of princi-
pal matters of a book. * Gastroiomy, the operation of cutting
into or opening the abdomen. f Lithotomy, see p. 279.
X Lithvtome, a stone so formed naturally, as to appear as if c(!( artificially.
Q Onkotomy tab iyxa, onkos, tumor), in surgery, the opening of a tu-
mor or abscess. § Tracheotomy, see above Bronchotomy.
* Trichotomy, division into three parts.
t Zootomy, the dissecting of animal bodies ; anatomy, particularly the
dissecting of bodies of beasts or brute animals ; comparative anatomy, or
the anatoniy of brute animals.
ToNiTUS, p.p. (hov:er, n,
thun'der -storm, n.
monoi!'o«ous, a. ■\-ihun'dex-stmck, a.
iTiono/'o;iously, ad. tone, n. & u.
* Astonish, Astound, to stun or strike dumb with sudden fear, terror,
surf)rise or wonder ; to amnze ; to confound with ?ome sudden passion.
t Atony, debility ; relaxation ; a want of tone or tension ; defect of mus-
cular power ; palsy.
I Attune, to make musical ; to tune or put in tune ; to adjust one sound
to another ; to make accordant.
n Barytone, a grave deep sound or male voice; in Grammar, a verb
which has no accent marked on tlie last syllable, the grave accent being
§ Detonate, Detonize, to explode, to bum with a sudden report.
* Hypotenuse, in geometry, the subtense or longest side of a right-angled
triangle, or the line that subtends the right angle.
t Intone, to utter a sound, or a deep protracted sound.
± Intonate, to sound ; to sound the notes of the musical scale ; to tlmnder.
II I'eritoneum, a thin, smooth, lubricous membrane investing the whole
internal surface of the abdomen, and more or less completely, all viscera
contained in it. ^Si/ntonic, in music, sharp; intense.
* Thunder, the sound which follows an explosion of electricity or ligh-
tening ; the report of a discharge of electrical fluid, that is, of its passage
from one cloud to another, or from a cloud to the earth, or from the earth
to a cloud. (Thunder \?> not lightning, but the effect of it.) Any lotid
noise. + Thunder-struck, astonished, amazed; struck dumb by
something surprising or terrible, suddenly presented to the mind or view.
lo'ncd, a. \\fiine, n. & v. ^/^'/lableness, n.
*ton'\c, a- & n. tu'ned, a. tune'i'ul, a-
ton'ical, a. tn'ii.mg, a. iur}e']e&s, a.
tone'iens, a. tu'ner, n. untune', v-
•f-TriVoM, 11. tu'nahle, a- uniu'nahle, a.
:^tvi' io?ie, n. iu'7Lah\y, acL
ToPHET (rs^:, Heb. a drum) ; hell—^to'phel^ n.
ToPH-f/s, m. 2. a sand or gravel-stone.
*loph, or to'phus, n. •fcopha.'ceons, a.
ToP-os {roTTOi), a place, a tract of country.
Jto'joarch, n. ^ojo'ically, ad. ^ojtjograph'ical, a.
||/o'/)archy, n. *^6/)og'raphy, n. /o/)Ograph'ically,aii
§/o/)'ic, n. & a. ^ojaog'rapher, n. -j-u/o'/^ian, a.
^oja'ical, a. iojoograph'ic. «. u/o'pical, a.
ToREUMAj at-05 (^ro^ivux, ciroq, a ropivM^ to caj'Ve),
sculpture — :^loreumalog'ra^phy, n.
* Tonic, literally, increasing tension ; hence, increasing health, — as, tonic
power; also, relating to tones or sounds.
\ Triton, in niytl!olo/iy, a description of ancient sculptures and basso-relievos,
3 B
ToRP-Eo^ «. 2. to hcHumh, to be void of feeling , or
motionless : as, tor'pent, bemimbed.
torpe'do, ??. *ior'p]d^ a. tor'pituddf n.
tor'pent^ a. & n. ior'p'idness, ii. tor'por^ n.
/o?-/)es'cence, m. ^orpid'ity, n. torporifiC) a.
^orpes'cent, a.
ToRR-EO, V. 2. ^0 f/r?/, to jmrch, to burn.
•\tor'reiy^ v. /o?*?-^fac'tion, n. ||^orVi(l, a.
^7-Vified, a. %tor'rtx\\.^ n. & a. /or'ridness, n.
tor'i-efyiug, a-
ToRT-UM, sup. {d torqueo, v. 2. to tiu-n or bend with
some for ce^, to twist, to writhe : as, zoivdort' , to twist
together ; Retort', to twist, to pervert ; mtorf, to
twist, to wind.
contort', V.
contort'ed, a.
coxitor'tlou, or
cordor's'ion, n.
dstort', V.
de tor fed, a.
detort'mg, a.
detor'sion, or
detor't'iou, n.
%d\%tort') V. & a.
dhtort'ed, a.
dis^or^'ing, a.
dis/o?'7ion, 7i.
*exto7'i', V.
exfo7-t'ed, a.
extort'er, n.
ex/oj'^'ing, a.
exlor'ticu. n.
extor't'ioner, n.
extoj''iio\\s, a.
extors'ive, a.
extors'i\'e\y, ad.
intort', V.
ivitort'ed, a.
intort'ing, a.
in^o;-'6-ion, n.
■f retort', r. & n.
rctort'ed, a.
retort'er, n.
xetort'vcig, 71. & a.
Tet07''tiou, n.
sclf-/orment'or, ii.
self-Zorment'lng, a.
^^o?-'mcnt, n.
torxnem', v.
tormewt'ed. a.
* Torpid, having lost motion, or the power of exertion or feeling, numb ;
hence, dull, stupid, sluggish, inactive. The mind as well as the body be-
comes torpid by indolence. \ Tortefi/, to dry by a fire; to
roast or scorch, as metallic ores ; to dry or parch, as drugs.
± Torrent, a violent rushing rapid stream, as down a precipice ; a strong
current. II Torrid, parched, dried with heat ; violently hot,
burning-, or parching. Torrid Zo7ie, in geography, tliat space or broad,
belt of the earth included between the tropics, over which the sun is ver-
tical at some period every year, and where the heat is always great.
§ Distort, to tztist outof natural or regular shape ; to ivre-it from the
true meaning ; to ]iervert. * Extort, to draw from by force
or compulsion ; to wrest or wring from by physical force, by menace,
duresse, violence, authority, or by any illegal means.
t Retort, to throw back; to return an argument, accusation, censure,
or incivility ; to bend or curve back. X Torment, a twisting /
extreme pain, anguish ; that which gives pain or misery.
iurment''mg,a. &.n. torcfi, 71. ' fort'uring, a.
torment'or, n. tor'iions, a. tort'ur'mgly, aJ.
"torse, n. tort'ive, a. tort'uous, a.
■fior^sel, n. §iori'oise, n- /or^'m)usness, n.
Xtor'so, n. t or t'oise-sh ell, n. tor(uos'itj, n-
\\tort^ n. tori'ure, n. & v. torv'ity, n.
torfile, a. tort'urer, n. */or?;'ous, a.
toi'^sion, n. tort'ured, a. undis^or/'ed, a.
ToT-r/Sj a. whole, all: as, to't-A, whole, full.
■\ia,zto'tum, n. to'tdX, a. Tecontract', v.
\\draw'mg-YOO\in, n. precontracted, a.
\ex' tract, n.
extract', v.
e\iract'ed, a.
extract'ing., a.
extrac'iioii, n.
extract'oT, n.
iiicon/rac/'ed, «.
precon/rac^'ing, a.
precontract, 7i.
§pro/rarotract'ion, n.
incon^rac^'ible, a. pro^rac/'ive, a.
the reputation or merit, through envy, malice, or other motive; hence, to
detravtfrom, is to lessen or depreciate reputation or worth ; to derogate from.
* Distract, to dratv apart or asunder, to jnill in different directions ;
hence, to divide or separate; hence, to throiv into confusion ; to turn or
draw from any object ; to draw towards different objects ; hence, to per-
plex, to confound, to harass ; to disorder the reason, to derange the regu-
lar operations of intellect.
j Drag, to draw along the ground by main force.
% Draggle (dim. of drag), to wet and dirty by drawing on the ground
or mud^ or on wet grass ; to drabble. :j: Drail, to trail, to draggle.
\\Draw, to pull along, to haul. ^Drawhac'k, money or amount paid back.
* Drawbridge, a bridge which may be drawn up or let down, to admit
or hinder communicatio:i. ^ Draw-net, a net for catch-
ing the larger soi ts of fowh;, made of pack-thread, with wide meshes.
XDiatv-ivell, a deep well, from which vvater isdrawn by a long cord or pole.
II Drawing-room, a loom appropriated for the reception of company.
It is written by Coxe, ivitlidrawing-room, a room to which company tf;Y/i-
draivs from the dining-room. § Extract, see above. Abstract.
* Intractable, not to hs governed or managed; violent, stubborn, obsti-
nate, refractory ; not to be taught^ indocile.
X Portrait, a piiture or representation of a person, and especially of a
face, drawn from the life. II Portray, to paint or
draw the Lkeness oi any thiuf; in colours ; to describe in words.
^Protract, f(j d/«?t; out or lengthen hi time, to conlitiue, topiolong;
Xo delay, to defer, to put off to a distant time.
* Protractor, a i.^lhemalical iiisinuncnt.
3 D 2
Til A
*retract', v.
rciract'ed, a.
Yetract'm<^, a.
reh-ac'lion, n.
re//aci!'able, a.
re/rac^'jble, a.
TQfreaf, v. & n.
relracta'lion, n,
retract'ile, a.
Teiraci'ive, a. &. n.
^whtract', v.
sub/?-rtc^'ed, a.
sub^rac/'ing, a.
sub^rac7ion, n.
subircfc^'ive, a.
Jsub/ra^end', n.
\\lrace, n. & t;.
trace'ahle, a.
ira'ced, a.
. tra'cev, n.
tra'cing, a. & n.
^traclc, n. & v.
track'eA, a.
irack'ing, a.
irack'lei=.s, a.
^'i rack' -bodt, n,
track'-scout) n.
■flracl, n.
tract'ab\e, a.
traci'ahly, ad.
traci'ahlsness, n.
:^iraci'ate, n.
tracta'lion, n.
||(!vac^a'trix, n.
trac'don, n.
^tract'iXe, a.
tractiVity, n.
tracl'or, n.
* trade, n, & v.
tra'ded, a.
tru'der. n.
tra'ding, a. & n
trades'ma.n, n.
trade'-y/ind, n.
'\'trail, V. & n.
trail'led, a.
trail'lex, n.
trail'liug^ a.
Xl'''ain, V. & n.
\\lram' -hand, 7i.
§^raj?i'-bearer, /*.
^Irain'eau, n.
•\ train' -o\\^ n.
train' ex, n.
train'ed, a-
train'ah\e,, a.
* Retract, to draw back ; to unsay, to recall, as a declaration of words or
sayings ; to disavow, to recant.
f Retraxit (a retraho, retraxi, I have drawn back), in law, the rvifh-
drawing or open renunciation of a suit in court, by which the plaintiflf
loses his action. «
% Subtrahend, in arithmetic, the sum or number to be subtracted or
taken from another.
II Trace, a mark left by any thing passing, a footstep ; a vestige ; remains.
§ Track, properly, a mark made by drawing, not by stepping ; a mark
left by something that has passed along ; a mark or impression left by the
foot, either of man or beast; a road, a beaten path ; course, way.
* Track-boat, Track-scout, a boat or vessel employed on canals, usually
drawn by a horse, (first used in Holland.)
t Tract, something drawn out or extended ; a region or quantity of
land or water, of indefinite extent; a treatise, or written discourse, of no
great extent. t Tractate, a treatise, a tract: Tractation,
treatment or handling of a subject ; discussion.
II Tractatrix, in geometry, a curve line.
§ Tractile, capable of being drawn out in length, ductile.
* Trade, the act or business of exchanging commodities by barter ; or
the business of selling and buying for money ; commerce, traliic, barter ; a
business ; an occupation, particularly mechanical employment ; men en-
gaged in the sairie occupation. f Trail, to dinw along the ground.
if Train, to draw along; to draw ; to entice; to exercise, to discipline;
to teach and form by practice ; also, part of a gown draivn liehind, reti-
nue ; a series ; process, course ; a company in order, a procession.
II Train-bands, militia, — so called, because trained to military exercise.
§ Train-bearer, one who holds up the train of a gown.
* Traineau, a sledge. f Train-oil, the oil procured
ficm the blubber or fat of whales by boiling.
traln'ing^ a. &, n. treat'cv, ?».
*irait, n. treat'uig. a.
"f treason, n. ||;/^a^'ise, /i.
tra'asonahle, a. ireal'ment, n.
t^treat, u. 8c n. ^(rea'ty, n.
treai'cd, a. unatfrc/c^'ed, a.
ireai'ahlsy a. nnh^irai/'ed, «•
undis/rac^ed, a.
undhtract'edly, nd.
unpro^rac^'ed, a.
unre^rffCi^ed, a.
\xntract'ah\z, a.
un^j-Gc/'ablenesS; n.
Tranqitill-[7S_, a. calm, peaceful, placid, quiet,
tran'quil, a. tranquWWiy , n. tran'quUWzcd, a.
tran'quilly, ad. tran'quillize, t". trau'quillizuig, a.
tran'quilness., n.
TPvAPEZi-t/iiJ, n. 2. {Ts^ciTT^.^iov, a little table, a T^nTn^y^,
a table), a quadrilateral figure with unequal sides.
trape'zia.n, a. *irapezihe'dron,n. 'Ij^.trape'zoid, n.
tra2:)e'ziioxuiy a. -flrape'sium, n. trapezoid'dd, a.
Trauma {r^^ctvf^oi, arog), a wound — traumat'ic, a. & n.
Travail, m. (Fr. a trans, over, beyond, & mae\,work^
Welsh), labour, pain.
\\trav'ail, v. & n. trav'elhd, a. trav'elhr, n.
irav'ailing, a. trav'eUing, a. ymtrao'ell^id, a.
^trav'el, V. &. n.
* Trait, a stroke, a touch; a line, a feature ;— as, a trait of character.
+ Treason, the liighest crime of a civil nature, of which a rnan can be
guilty; any crime that immediately affects the king or state, — as, the ima-
gining or compassing the death of the king, prince, queen, or heir appa-
vent of the crown ; attem])ting to overthrow government, or betraying the
state or country ; adhering to, or aiding enemies.
t- Treat, to handle, to man?;ge, to use ; to discourse on ; to entertain :
also, an entert:iinment given ; someching given foi entertainment ; empha-
tically, a rich entertainment.
II T -'itise, a tract, a written composition on a particular subject. Trea-
tise implip;j more f -rm and method than an essay, and less fulness or copi-
ousness than a system.
§ Treaty, nec-OLiatioii ; a contract, agreement, a league between nations.
* Trapezihedron, a solid knmded by twenty-four equal and sim.ilar trn-
pezhims, t Tropeziiim, in geometry, a plane figure con-
tained under four unequal right lines, none of them parallel. In anatomy,
a bone of the carpus. % Trapezoid, an irregular solid figure
having four sides, no two of which are parallel to each other ; also, a plane
four-side>i figure having two of the opposite sides parallel to each other.
H Travail, to iubour with pain ; to siijfer the pangs of child-birth.
§ Travel, to walk, to go, or march on foot, — implying toil ; to journey,
to go to a distant country, or to visit foreign slalcB or kingdoms, either by
eea or land.
TRE 5/^2 IRE
TrEASUR-US/o)- ThESAVR-US, m. 2. {6/t7oiv^og), a coL
lection or heap of money , a store-house or mac/azine.
Ireas'ure^ n. & v. treas'uring, a. Sin. treas'ure-hon&e, n.
treas'ured, a. *treas'ttry, n. ireas'ure-^hij), n.
treas'urQX, n. treas'ure -city, n. unireas'ured, a.
Trem-0, v. 3. to shake, to quake, to shudder,
trem'hle, v. trem'bhr, n. ^tre'mor, n.
trem'bled, a. -ftremeti'dous, a. \\lrem'ulous, a.
trem'bl'mg, n. &. a, tremen'donsly, ad. trem'tdou^^y, ad.
t7-em'bling\y, ad. tremen'dousness,7i. trem'ulo\x&ness, n.
Trepan, m. (Fr. a r^vTrxo), tojnerce or bore^, a trepan,
^trepan', n. & v. trepan'nQx, n. * treph'vcvty n. & v.
trepan' ned, a. trepan'7iii)g,a. &.n.
Trepib-lts,, a. ti'emhlhig or hastening for fear,
■finirep'id, a. intrep'idness, n.
intrep'idly, ad. inirepid'ity, n. Xtrepida'tiox\, n.
Tres, tria, a. 3. (t^s, '^^'«)> thi'ee : as, trif'id, three-
cleft ; ^rzf lorous, three -^o\\q,yqA ; iri'i'oYm, three-
formed; trig'on, a ^n'angle; tri\oc'u\B.r, th'ee-ceWedi.
antiirini t&'rian, n. treb'leue&s, n. triv'et, n.
\\treb'le, a. n. & v. §^r^'foil, n. '^trey, n.
trebly, ad. *trev'et, or X^ri'ad, n.
* Treaftury, a place or building in which stores of wealth are deposited;
particularly, a place where the public revenues are deposited and kept,
and wliere money is disbarscd '.z c'.cfr''.y the expenses of government.
\Troaid ; a tax.
n Intricate, entangled, involved, perplexed, compl)cai:ed, obscure.
§ Intrigue, a plot or scheme of a complicated nature, intended to effect
some purpose by secret artifices.
* Trick, an artifi£e or stratagem for the purposes of deception ; a cheat
or cheating.
TR1 576 TRO
Trit-us, p.p. (atero). riihhed,worn hyrnlbmg. (See Tero.')
TriuJiIpii-lts,, m. 2. victory, joy far success,
"'tri'umph, n. & v. triumph'antly, ad. -f trump, n.
tiiumph'al, a. tri'iimpher, n. uniri'umphed, a.
triumph' SiXii, a. tri'umphiug, a.
Trochai-05 {r^o)^ciio?, a t^i'/u, to run), that rn7is.
%iro'chee, n. *tro'chite, n. truck'age, n.
irccha'ic, a. Si n. -j-^roc/jlea, n. truck'&r, n.
trocha'icaX, a. trochlsaxy, a- truck'ing, a.
\\t7-ochiyics, n. i/ro'cAoid, n. ^truck'le, n. & v.
trochil'ic, a. \\lriick, v. & n, truckling, a.
^tro'chi\v^%, n.
TpvOPH-e {r^o(pYi, a r^i^o), to nourish), food; a rearing
*at'rophy, n. orphanot'r opliy, n. Troph'imus, n.
Trop-os {r^oTTog, rqiTca, to turn), a turni7ig,a change.
•fhc'W.otrope, n. Xtrope, n. §/rop'ical, a.
inter/roja'ical, a. \\trop'\.c, a. & 7i. trop'ically, ad.
* Triumph, among the ancient Romans, a pompous ceremony porfi^rm-
ed in honour of the victorious general, who was allowed to enter the city
crowned, originally with laurel, but in later times with gold, bearing a
truncheon in one hand, and a branch of laurel in the other, tiding in a
chariot drawn by two white horses, and followed by th? kings, ))Tinces, and
generals, whom he had vanquished, loaded with chains, and insulted by
mimics and buffoons. The triumph was of two kinds, the greater and the
less. The lesser triumph was granted for a victor^/ over enemies of less
considerable power, and was called an ovation. (See Ovation, p. 363.)
t Trump, the winning card in a game.
rj: Trochee, in verse, a foot of two syllables, the first long, and the second
short. |( Trochilic.i, "the science of rotapy motion.
§ Trochilus, an aquatic bird ; the golden-crowned wren ; the humming
bird or honey-sucker, natives of America; in architecture, a hollo'.v ring
round a column ; — called also scotia, and by the workmen, the casement.
* Trochite, a kind of figured fossil stone.
j Trochlea, a pulley-like cartilage. ± Trochoid, in geo-
metry, a curve generated by the motion of a wheel ; the cycloid.
il Truck, to exchange commodities; to barter. (Truck is now vulgar.)
§ Truckle (dim. of truck), to yield or bend obsequiously to the will of
another, to submit, to creep. * Atrophy, a consumption or wasting
of the flesh from defect of nourishment. t Heliotrope, (see p. 239. )
1 Trope, a turning: a word from its literal into a figurative meaning, for
the sake of giving life or emphasis to an idea, — as, when we call a stupid
fellow, «rt ass, or a shrewd fellow, a fcx,
\ Tropic, a turning, or the line which bounds the sun's declination from
?he equator, north or south. There are two tropics ; the tropic of Cancer
«n the north of the equator; tropic of Capricorn on the south. Tropics,
in geography, are two lesser circles of the globe, drawn paraUel to the
equator, thiough the beginning of Cancer and of Capricorn.
§ Tropical, belonging to a trope, or near the tropic.
*tro'phy, n. ^^tropoVogy^ n. ^^/jo'jsist, n.
tro'phied, a. tropolog'ical, a.
Trouv-er, v. (Fr.) tojind : as, contrive', to invent ;
retrieve', to recover.
contrive', v. contrive'ment, n. rtilrieve', v.
contri'ved, a. contri'ving, a. & n. reirie'ved, a.
contri'ver, n. iTTetrie'vahle, a. refrie'vahle, a.
conlri'vahle, a. irreirie'vahly, ad. retrie'ving, a.
cont7'i'vdnce, n. ixxe.trie'vdb\enQ?,i,n.\\tro'veT, n.
Trucid-Oj v. 1. (a trux & ceedo, v. 3. to cut or kill),
to kill — trucida'lion, n.
Trud-0, v. 3. (Chal. T^tfl, to thrust), to thrust, to push :
as, detrude' , to thrust down ; extrude' , to thrust out ;
o\}t7'ude' , to thrust in or on ; "protrude', to thrust
§abs/rMse', a.
^h%truse\y, ad.
abs/rM*e'ness, n,
detrude', v.
detru'ded, a.
detru'ding, a.
detru'sion, n.
extrude', v.
extru'dedt a.
extru's'ion, n.
eyLtru's\\e. a.
* intrude', v.
intru'ded, a.
intru'der, n.
intru'ding, a.
intru'sion, n.
in^'w'A'ive, a.
obtrude', v.
ohtru'ded, a.
ohtru'der, n,
ohtru'dmg, a.
ohtru'sion. n.
obtru's'we, a.
ob/rw'«ively, ad.
■protrude', v.
T^rotru'ded, a.
ij^rotru'ding, a.
pro/rM'-siotij n.
■^totru's'ive, a.
xetrude', v.
thrust, 17. & w.
t^-u'sion, n.
unob^rw'sive, a.
* Trophij, spoil taken and preserved as a memorial of victory, — as arms,
flags, standards, and the like, taken from an enemy ; — something that ii
evidence of victory ; mem.orial of conquest.
•f Tropolog!/, a rhetorical mode of speech. Including tropes or change
from the original import of the word.
% Tropixt, one who uses tropes.
II Trover, in law, the gaining possession of any goods, whether hy find-
ing, or by other means.
\ Abstruse, thrust from ox svrny ', hid, concealed; hence, remote from
apprehension, difficult to be comprehended or understood. (Not used of
material objects.) * Intrude, to thrust one's self in ; to
come or go in without invitation or welcome; to encroach.
Trunc-Oj v. 1. (« truncus, m. 2. the tru7ik), to lop, to
cut off : as, d^^trun'coX^, ^trun'c^i^, to cut off.
de/?-Mn'cate, u. trunc'ate, v. & a. *lrun'cheon, n. & «.
de^rMnt'a'/ion, ». trunc'ated, a. trun'cheoneer, n.
ohlrun'cate, v. trunc'ating^ a. -f trunk, n.
trunca'tion, n. trunk^ed, a.
Trus-us, p.p. (a trudo), thricst or pushed. (See Trudo.)
TllUTT-^_, /. 1. trout — trutta'ceous, a. trout, n.
Trux, uc-is, a. fierce, savage, cruel.
tru'cuhnce^ n. tru'cultni, a.
Tuber, n. 3. (« tumeo, v. 2. to swell), a swelling or
hump: as, exi'z^'i^erant, swelled; Tprotu' berate, to
swell or bulge out ; tu'berose or tu'bo'ous, knobbed.
extu'berance, n. iprotu'beranU a- \\tu'berc\e., n.
exiii'berancy, n. -proiu' berate, v. tuber'cular, or
extu'berant, a. -protii' berating, a. tuber'culous, a.
•piotubera't'wn, n. tuber' cvXate, a.
T^xotu'berons, a. tu'berose, or
■protu'berance, n. ^tu'ber, n. tu'berous, a.
TuB-i7S, m. 2. a pipe or tube, a long hollow body.
tube, n. & V. tu'bular, a. iu'bulifonn, a.
^tu'bule, n. tu'bulated, a- tu'buloxxs, a.
TuE-oR, V. dep. 2. to see or perceive, to keep or take
care of, to protect : as, tu'telax^, protecting.
in^?«/i'on, n. suhtu'tor, n, tu'telar, or
*intu'iti\e^ a. •\iuiti'on, n. tu'telary, a.
intu'iti\ely, ad. %tu'telage, n. \\tu'ior, n. & v.
* Truncheon, a short staff; a club ; a cudgel ; a baton ; used by kings
and great officers as a mark of command.
+ Trunk, the stem or body of a tree ; the main body of any thing ; the
snout of elephants or insects; fust or shaft of a column ; a box covered
with skin, :j: Tuber, in botany, a knob in roots.
H Tubercle, a pimple, a knob, a suieUing or tumor on animals or plants.
§ Tuhule, small pipe or fistular body.
'* Intuitive, perceived by the mind immediately, without the interven-
tion of argument or testimony; exhibiting truth to the mind on bare in-
spection. + Tuition, guardianship ; more particularly, instruction.
:j: Tutelage, guardianship, protection, — applied to the person protecting.
li Tutor, a guardian, one who has the care of instructing another ; a
teacher ; also, to teach, to instruct j to correct
tu'torage, n. tu'toress, or ifwVorship, n.
lu'tored, a. tu'tr'w, n. un/u7c/?'ed, a.
tu'tormg, a.
TviT-vsorTvT-vs, p. p. (dtneoT),seen, guarded. See Tueor.
TuME-o, V. 2. to swell; to puff up: as^ %\domh' , to
inter or bury; in^f^^7?^esce', to swell; tuyn'hlQ, to
7'oll, to fall ; tu'me^y, to swell.
* con' himsicy ^ n. tomb'less, a.
coniuma'cious, a, tomb'-stone, n.
con/u7na'ciously,ac?.^tturb'tr, n. ^tur'bulence, n.
dis^MT^'ing, a. trouble, v. & w. tur'bulency, n.
dis/wri'anccj 7i. troub'ied, a. tur'buhnt, a.
iniper/wri'able, a. irouh'hx, n. iiir'bzilently, ad.
im-perturba'tion, n. iroub'lesome, a. \\tur'moi\, n. & v.
ivaptriurb'td, a. i7oub'les,om.e\y, ad. undis^wr^'ed, a.
perturb', or /roMiVesomenesSjW.undisfriri'edly, ad.
peiturb'a.ie, v. troub'ling, a. & n. undis^Mr5'edness,n.
*pexturba'tion, iu troub'lous, a. untroub'led, a.
TuRBOj m-is, m. 3. a whirlwind ; a top, a spire.
%turb\Y\\or\, n. *lur'binate, or •ftur'binhe, or
iurbina' iioii, n. tur'bin3ited, a. tU7-'b]te, n.
* Obtuse, blunt, not acute or pointt-v" ; dull ; not sharp or shrill.
t Perfuse or Perfused, pierced with holes ; punched.
X Retund, to bhait or turn, as an edge ; to dull.
i Tunicated, in botany, covered with a tunic or membranes : coated, —
as, a stem. § Tunicle, a natural covering ; an integument.
* Perturbation, disquiet or agitation of mind; restlessness of passions.
+ Turbid, muddy, not clear, foul.
:j: Turbulence, a dist acted state, tumultuousness, insubordination,
ll Turmoil, disturbance, tumult, harassing lalx)ur ; trouble, molestation
by tumult. § Turbillion, a whirl, a vortex.
* Turbinate or Tutbinated, spiral, shaped like a top or ccnie inverted.
t Turbinite or Turbite, a petrified shell of the turbo kind.
TuHG-Eo, V. 2. to swell, to wax big.
•in/r(7es'oence,«. inrffes'cency, n. iur'g'idness, n.
tur'gent, a. "^tur'g'id^ a. turyidi'iiY, n.
iurge&'cence, n. tur'giUXy^ ad.
TuRlOj on-is, m. 3. a shoot — iurioni^'erou?,, a.
TuRP-iS;, a. iigl^/ or deformed; base — +^«r'pitude, n.
TuRR-lSj /. 3. a tower — \\tur'ret, n. tiir'reted, a.
Tvs-vs, p. p. (d tundo), beaten or bruised. (See Ttmdo.)
TuT-us, p. p. (a tueor), sceri; guarded; safe. (8ee Tueor.)
Typh-0 {rv(pai), to inflame or heat, to burn.
%ti/'phus, a. & n. *tt/'phoid, a.
Typ-uSj m. 2. (rvTrog), a type QY figure, an emblem^
a mark : as, ec'tgpol, taken from the original,
■fan'tifgpe, n. stev'eoit/per, n- "ff^p'i^Y) v.
anti^j'p'ical, a. ster'eoti/ping, a. igp'i^ed, a.
^rar'chi/?//)^, n. stereofyp'ic, a. iyp'ifying., a.
ar'cliii'^jaal, a. stereo/yjyog'raphy, J/y/)'ocosmy, n.
\\ec'ii/pe, n. stereo^yjaog'rapher, Ij/^joog'raphy, n.
ec'ii/pah a. *ly'pe, n. /j/jDog'tapher, n.
§pre/2/jo'ify, u. iyp''^c, a. ^/joograph'ic, a.
pre^yjo'ified, a. typ'ical, a. /?/jDOgraph'ica], a.
pre/?/jD'ifying, a. it/p'ica\ly, ad. igpo£^Taph'ica\\y,ad.
■pro'totype, n. fyp'icalness, ?i. ^fyp'olite, n.
stei'eotype, n.a.&v.
* Inturgescetjce, a swellmg.
t Tta-gid, swelled, bloated, tumid ; ]ioTi)pous, bombastic.
^ Turpitude, inherent baseness or vtleness of principle of the human
heart ; extreme depravity ; baseness or vileness of words or actions ; shame-
ful wickedness. || Turret, a little taiver on buildings'.
§ A typhus disease, or fever, is accompanied with great debility.
* Typhoid, resembling typhus ; weak, low.
t Antitype, A figure corresponding to another figure; that of which the
type is the pattern or representatio7}.
t Architype, the original pattern or mudcl of a work ; or the model from
which a thing is made. (See Prototype, p. 434.) _ || Ectype, a copy.
§ Pretypify, to prc^'^Mj-e, to exhibit jireviously in a type.
* Type, a sign, symlxjl ; a figure of something to come ; — as, Abraham'e
saa-ijice and the paschal lamb were types of Christ,— opposed to antitype.
Christ, in this case, is the antitype. A printing letter ; a mark, an emblem.
t Typify, to represent by an image, form, model, or resemblance. The
washing of baptism typifies the cleansing of the soul from sin by the blood
of Christ. ^ Typocosmy, a representation of the world.
II Typography, the art of prmting; emblematical or hieroglyphic repre-
Bentation. § Typolite, a stone or fossil having
impressiotu or figures of plants and animals.
3 c 2
TVR 582 ULl
Tyrann-us, m. 2. {rv^xvvo?), an arbitrari/ king, a
usurper, a despot ; a aniel or insolent master.
ty'rant, n. tpran'nica.1, a. tt/r'annized, a-
tt/r'anness, n. /yran'nically, ad. lyr'anmzmg, a.
tyr'anny, n. it/ran'nicalness, ii. iyr'atmous, a-
iyr'anuing, a. *Ji/7-an'nicide, n. 1yr'anno\x%\y, ad.
lyran'nic, a. -ftyr'annize, v.
Tyro or TirO;, m. 3. a young or raw soldier, a lear-
ner or novice in any art or thing — ty'ro, n.
UbeR;, a. (ab uher, n. 3. a nipple qy pap'), fertile, plen-
tiful, abundant: as, exa^'^erantj abundant.
exu'berance, n. exu'beraxitly, ad.
eTiu'berancy, ?i. exu' berate, v. \\u'berons, a.
txu'berant, a.
Ubi {ottov), adv. where, in what or which place.
§ •w5iq'uity, n.
ubVety, n. ■fubiq'uitaxy, a. &n.
UlcuSj er-is, n. 3. (lAxe^), a sore : as_, es.urceraie, to
cause zdcers, to corrode ; ul'cer, a sore discharging
a thin watery matter.
exul'ceraie, v. & a. ul'cer^ n» uVcered, a.
ex.ul'cera.ted, a. ul'cer&te, v. ul'cei'ous, a.
exuVcerating, a. ul'cerated, a. ul'ceroumess, n,
exulcera't'ion, n. ul'cer&ting, a. "i^ul'ciisle, n.
exul'ceratOTy, a, ulcera'tion, n.
Uligo, m-is, f. 3. slime, mud^ ooziness-uUg'inous, a.
* Tyrannicide, the act of killing a tyrant, or one who kills a tyrant.
t Tyrannize, to act the tyrant, to exercise arbitrary power ; to rule with
unjust and oppressive severity.
n IJberous, fTuitiu\, copious.
§ tJbiety, the state of being in a place; local, relative.
* Ubiquity (aSubique, adv. everywhere), the being in all places ox every-
where at the same time ; omnipresence.
f Ubiquitary, existing everyivhcre or in all places ; also, one who exist'i
everyichere. % Vlcusle, a little uL-er.
Ultim-lts, a. {abultYSi,be?/ond,u\tenor,/arther)Jas/.:'
as, anteipenult' , the last syllable but two.
antepenult'y n. OM/ra'geousness,7i. Xul'Limdiie, a.
antepenM/i'imate,a. pe'nw/^, n. ul'timately, aa.
*oui'rage, n. & v. penz^^i'iwate, a. \^ultima' txyxa^ n.
outra'geous, a. 'fulte'riov, a.
ouii'a' gsously, ad.
UluL-Oj v. 1. to howl — §w7M/ate, u. ulula't'ion, n.
Umbell-^j /. 1. {ub umbra), a little shadoio or screen.
*U7n'bel, n. um'bellax, a. -fum'bellet, or
um'bell-dte, or umbellii'evous, a. umbel'licie, n.
icm'bellated, a.
UMBiLic-t7S, m. 2. {o^(paXog), the navel.
Xumbil'ic, n. &L a. \\umbil'icB.ie, or nmbil'icated, a.
umbirica}, a.
Umbr-^, /. 1. a shadow or shade : as, adum'ti'Site, to
give a faint shadow or likeness; inimi'br ate, to shade,
adum'braxit, a. -fum'brage, n. \\umbrat'ic, or
adum'braie, v. umbra'gecns, a. umbrai'ical, a.
adumbra'tion, n. umbra' geousness,n.^umbra'cio\is, a.
inum'brate, v. um'brats, v. *um'brel, or
^dhum'brate, v. um'brated, a. umbrel'la, n.
ohumbra'iion, n. X'^m'bratWe, a.
*^enum'bra, n.
* Outrage, injurious violence offered to persons or things ; excessive ab-
use ; wanton mischief. A violent attack upon a person of property is an
t Ulterior, further ; in geography, being, or situated beyond or on the
fuither side of any line or boundary; — opposed to citerior, or hither.
qp Ultimate, farthest, most remote, extreme ; final, last.
II Ultimatum, in diplomacy, the^na? propositions, conditions, or terms,
offered as the basis of a treaty ; any Jitial proposition or condition.
§ Ululate, to howl as a dog or wolf.
* Umbel, in botany, a particular mode of inflorescence or flowering.
f Umbellet or Umbellicle, a little or partial umbel.
i Umbilic, the navel; the centre.
fi Umbilicate, Umbilicated, waveZ-shaped ; formed in the middle like a
uavel, — as a flower, fruit, or leaf.
§ Obumbrate, Umbrate, to shade, to darken, to cloud.
* Penumbra, in astronomy, a partial shade, or an imperfect shadow.
f Umbrage, a shade, :\ skreen of trees ; suspicion of injury ; offence, re-
sentment, jj:!! Umbratile, being in the shade; unreal; secluded.
|{ Umbratic, Umbratival, shadow;/, typical.
§ Umb/atious, susiiicious, apt to distrust, captious, disposed to take um-
brage. * Umbrel, Umbrella, a shade, skreen, or guard
agamst the rays of the euu, or against r.xiu or snow.
Unct-l7s^ p.p. (ab imguo), anoiiited. (See Unguo.^
Und-o, v. 1. {ab unda, f. \. a wave), to rise in waves
ov surges, to swell; to abound: as^ redund'ajit,
abound', v. imcn'da.t\ng, a. superaJunrf'ance, n.
abound'ed, a, inunda'tion, n. superaJwnrf'ant, a.
ahound'ing, n, & a. redound', v. superafitirt^'antly,
*abund'ance, n. redoinid'ing, a. un'dulaxy, a.
abund'ant, a. redund'ance, n. \\un'dulate, v. & a.
abund'antly, ad. redund'ancy^ n. un'dnlated, a.
•fexund'ate, v, ledund'ant, a. un'dulating, a.
Tediind'antly, ad. mi'dulatingly, ad,
inun'dant, a. su^evabound', v. iindula'tion, n.
"^mun'daie, v. superaiouwfi'irig, a. ^un'dulatory, a.
inun'datQd, a.
Undul-j, /. 1. {ab unda)^ a little wave. (See Undo.)
Ungu-iSj m. 3. a nail ; a claw or talon.
^oWdun' gulox3iS,a. -j-Mn^wic'ulate, or ^un'gulaie, a.
* unguic' \x\ar, a. ungiiic' nXaied, a.
Ungu-o_, v. 3. to anoint: as, un'guinous, tinctuous, oily.
\\inunc'tlon, n. ^unc'tuous, a. ^utig'uent, n.
§inwnc^uos'ity^ n. U7ic'tuou.sness, n. vngueiit'ons, a.
*unc'tior\, n. unctuos'ity, n. un'gui7ious, a.
Un-l'S, a. 0)ie, alo7ie ; the same : as, di^umie', to
separate, topart j w«an'imous,of o?zemind; u'mon,
* Abundance, great plenty. f Exundate, to over/fow.
% Inundate, overflow, to deluge, to spread over wiih a fluid-
II Undulate, to move back aud forth, or up and down, as waves; to
wave ; to vibrate ; also, wavy.
§ Undulatory, playing like waves, waving.
* Ungiiiciilar, in botany, of the length of the human nails, or half an
inch. _ t TJnguiculate, Unguiculated, claived, having
claws ; in botany, c/aM.'ed, having a narrow base.
± Ungulate, shaped like a hoof. P Inunction, the action of anointing.
§ Inunctuositt/, the want of unctuosity or oiliness.
* Unction, \he dictoi anoititing ; any thing softening; that which excites
piety and devotion ; divine or sanctifying grace, 1 John i. Extreme unction,
the rite of anointing in the last hours ; or the application of sacred oil to
the parts where the five senses reside. f Unctuous, fat, oily, greasy.
% Unguent, ointment. An unguent is stiffer than a liniment, but softer
than a cerate.
a making one ; u'ni&on, one sound ; u'nit, one ;
u'tiite, to make into one ; u'nii^y the being one.
*co-ad'M«ate, a. ii'iticom, n.
•fco-adu/iiVi'on, n. unicorn'ons, a.
co-unite', v. & a. ||wnif1orous, a.
^tone , V.
disM'nion, n.
disunite', v.
diswr/i'ted, a.
disum^er, n.
disMTii^ing, a.
disz/wity, n.
§r<''niform, a. & n.
w'/iiformly, ad.
unif^omi'iiy, n,
•7/nig'enous, a.
•j-wnjgen'iture, n.
:{:t«raila'biate, a.
?Ynilat'eral, a.
re-wnite', v. & n. |l«nilit''era], a.
re-7^?ii'ted, a. §«7tiloc'ularj a.
Te-uni't'u\g, a.
xe-u'moUf n,
triune', a.
tn-u'niiy, n.
wnanim'ity, n.
wnan'imous, a.
unanimously, ad.
u'nion, n.
*M7itp'arous, (u
-^-Jinique'j a.
iJlMTiira'diated, a.
u'nison, n. & a.
unis'onons, a.
unh'onance, a.
wnan'imousnesSjW. wms'onant, a.
jTMnicap'sular, a. u'nit, n.
|l»/mta'rian, a. & n.
unita/xiaxiisvci, n.
unite', V.
uni'ted, a.
uni'tedly, ad.
uni'ier, n.
uni'ting, a.
u'nity, n.
§7/'nivalve, n. &. a.
univalv'ular, a.
*u'7ii\erse, n.
■funivers'al, a. & n.
univers'ally, ad.
r^rtivers'alnesSj n.
iJrMwivers'alism, n.
wnivers'alistj n.
ilwniversal'ity, n.
univers'ity, n.
* Coadunate leaves, in botany, are several united at the base,
■f Coadunition, the union of different substances in one mass.
t Unicapsular, having one capsule to each flower,— as a pericarp.
II Un'florous, bearing one flower only.
§ Uniform, of one form or manner ; also, the particular dress of soldiers,
—so called, because it is alike among all the soldiers.
* Unigenous, of one kind ; of the same genus.
t TJnigeniture, the state of being the only begotten.
% Unilabiate, in botany, having one lip only, — as a corol.
II Uniliteral, consisting of one letter only.
§ Unilocular, having one cell only.
* Uniparous, producing one at a birth.
i Unique, (Fr.) sole, without an equal. % Uniradiated, having one ray.
II Unitarian, one who believes that there is only one person in the God
head, — opposed to Trinitarian. The Arian and Socinian are both com-
prehended in the term Unitarian.
§ Univalve, having one valve,— as a shell or pericarp; also, a shell hav-
ing one valve only.
* Universe, the collective name of heaven and earth, and all that belongs
to them ; the whole system of created things ; the to^tkv of the Greeks, and
the mundus of the Latins. f Unive>sal, all, the whole.
:f Universalism, in theology, the doctrine or belief that all men will be
laved or made happy in a future life,
t Universality , the state of extending to the tuhc le.
§ University, a universal school, in which are taught all branches of
•untVocal, a. -j-w'Tiivoque, or ^^wnivoca'tion, n.
wntVocally, ad. u'ni\6ke, a. unu'nifonn, a.
Qran-os (ov^xvog), heave7i.
||Kranog'raphy, n. ^uranoVogy^ n. uranos'co'pj, n.
Urbs, /. 3. a city or town : as, ur'bane, belonging to
a city, civil, polite, courteous in manners.
inurban'ity, n. suh'urbed, a.
suh'urb, or suhurb'iai, a. urb'ane, a.
*B\ih'urbs, n. subwr^'ian, a. wrJan'ity, n.
•f-suburi'an, a. iJrsubMrJica'rian, a. wri'anize, v.
Ueg-eo, v. 2. to press on, to push : as, U7'y'eiit,pres3'
ing with importunity or necessity, violent.
un?^r^'ed, a. urg'ency, n, urg'er, n.
urge, v. urg'ent, a. urg'ingy a.
urg'eA, a. nrg'ently^ ad.
VRG-oN/or Ergon (i^yov), a. work. (See Er-gon.)
Urin-Jj /. 1. {ove^av'), animal water.
Wdauret'ic, a. & n. strangw'nous, a. u'rinal, n. & a.
§dys'wry, n. Xu'rea, n. n'rinaxy, a. & n.
*Wchury, n. \\u'reter, n. u'rinows, a.
is c]mrefic,a.&.n. ^ure'thra, n. u'rinative, a.
•j-stran'gwry, n. ti'tine, n. wros'copy, n,
learning, or the/oM>- faculties of theology, medicine, law, and the sciencet
and arts. * Univocal, having one meaning only.
f Univoque or Vtiivoke, in nausic, having the octave and its recurrences,
above and below.
% Univocation, agreement of name and meaning.
P Uranography, a description of the heavens.
§ Uranology, a discourse or treatise on the heavens.
* Suburbs, a building without the walls of a city, but near them ; or
more generally, the parts that lie without the walls, but in the vicinity of
a city. The word may signify buildings, streets, or territory.
•f Suburban, Suburbial, Suburbian, "inhabiting or being in the suburbs
of a city. % Subwbicarian or Suburbicary, being in the
suburbs ;— an epithet applied to the provinces of Italy, which composed
the ancient diocese of Rome. || Diuretic, having the
power to provoke urine ; also, the medicine that does so.
§ Dysury, difficulty in discharging the urine, attended with pain, and
a sensation of heat. * lachury, see p. 254.
t Strangury, see p. 526. % Urea, a substance obtained from urine.
P i Ureter, a tube conveying the urine from the kidney to the bladder.
There are two ureters, one on each side.
§ Ui ethra, the canal by which the urine if conducted from the bladder
Rnd discharged.
Urs-^, /. 1. the bear ; a bear.
*ur'sa, n. urs'iform, a. t^r^'ine, a.
VsT-UM, sup. (ab UYO, V. 3.) to burn : as, adure', to
burn up ; combust'ihle, that will takej^e and bu?'n.
•Y&dust', or combu^t'ihleness,n. incombust'ih\ene»s,
'ddust'ed, a. com67/^/ibil'ity, n. incom^MSiibil'ity, w.
combus'tion, n. ^imis'iion, n.
B.d.us'tion, ra. us't'ion, n.
X'SiVabus'tion, n. l|exw5'^ion, n. *usto'rious, a.
combnsi'ih\e,a.&.n. incombust'ihle,a. '\-ustula'lion, n.
Us-us, m. 4. {ab utor), use; profit; need. (See Utor.)
UxER-t/s, m. 2. {ab uiQY, m. 3. a bag of skin or lea^
ther^, the womb — u'ter'me, a. ■X.u'triclt, n. uti-ic'\i\ax, a.
Utopia, Move's ideal or imuginary commonwealth.
uto'pian, a.
Vt-or, v. dep. 3. to use : as, ahuse', ill use, reviling
words; dis^se'^toceasetoz^^ey mutil'itj,use\essness.
abuse', v. & n. abw'siveness, n. inutil'ity, n.
abw'sed, a. disw.se', n. & v. disabuse', v.
abw'ser, n. disw'sed, a. ^n\i?,use', v. & n.
abzi'sing, a. disw'sage, n. mi^u'sed, a.
diszt'sing, a. misw'.fage, n.
abw'^ive, a. inabu'^ively, ad. misM'sing, a.
abii'sively, ad. inutile, a. *per«sc', v.
, * Ursa, the bear, a constellation, the greater or lesser bear, near the
north pole.
t Adust, Adiisted, become hot or dry, burnt, scorched, hot and fiery.
X Ambustion, among physicians, a burning; a burn or scald.
II Exustion, the act or operation of burning up,
§ Inustion, a burning on, a branding, or the action of marking by burn-
ing. * Vstorious, having the quality of burning or scaring.
t Ustulation, in metallurgy, the operation of expelling one substance
from another by heat, — as sulphur and arsenic from ores, in a muffle, in
pharmacy, the roasting or drying of moist substances, so as to prepare
them for pulverizing ; also, the burnitig of wine.
§ Utricle, a little bag or bladder; a little cell ; a reservoir in plants to
receive the sap ; a capsule of one cell and containing a solitary seed,
n Misuse, to treat or use improperly or ill ; to use to a bad purpose.
§ Peruse, literally, to vse thoroughly ; to read, or to read with atten*
tion ; to observe.
•peTu'sed, a.
•peru'ser, ?>.
perw'sing, a.
peru'sal, n.
unu'A-ed, a.
ur\use'f\A, a.
unn'^wal, a.
imn'57/ally, ad.
un?//57/alness, n.
vse, n. & V.
u'sed, a.
u'ser, n.
-f-^'.-jance, n.
vse'fnl, a.
vse'fuWy, ad.
T/5e'fulness, n.
w^eless, a.
nse'lessly , ad.
nselessne&s, n
w'^ual, a.
u'smiWy, ad.
w'5«alness, n.
:{:w5?icap'tion, n.
|JM'«ufruct, n.
§W5Mfruct'uary, n. ^util'ity, n
u'surer, n.
*u'sury, n.
nsu'riovi^, rt.
''isii'rioxjL^Xy^ ad.
7/5Z('j'iousnesSj n.
•^iisurp', V.
vsnrp'ed, a.
usurp'eT, n.
t'.surp'ing, a.
vsu7-p''mg\y, ad.
vsurpa'tiou, n.
^7//en'sil, n.
u'tile, n. & a.
\Jy-A, f.\. a grape — u'veon?,, a.
Uxor, /. 3. a wife : as, uxor'tcide, the killing, or a
killer of a wife ; zixo'riouSj submissively fond of a
ujnor'icide, n.
vxo'riouSf a.
uxo'rioniily, ad. uxo'riousness, n.
* Usage, treatment.- use, or long continued use, custom.
t XJ.mnce, use, usury ; in commerce, a determinate time fixed for the
paym.ent of bills of exchange; — so called, because this time is settled by
t/sage, or the custom of places on which the bills are drawn. In France,
the usance for bills drawn from Spain or Portugal, is sixty days. At
London, the w^awce for bills drawn from Holland, Germany, or France,
is one month.
+ Usiicaption, in civil law, the same as prescription in (ommon law; the
acquisition of the title or right to property, by the uninterrupted and un-
disputed possession of it for a certain tim.e prescribed by law,
II Usufruct, the temporary use and enjoyment of lands or tenements.
§ Usufructuary, a person who has the use and enjoyment of property
for a time, witliout having the title or property.
* Usury, formerly, interest or premium to be paid for the use of money ;
in present usage, illegal or exorbitant interest ; premium or compensation
paid for the use of money, beyond the rate of interest established by law.
t Usurp, to seize and hold in possession by force, or without rigiit.
(Usurp is not ap})lied to common dispossession of private property.)
X Utensil, an instrument for any use, ij UtUity, wicfulnesi
VACC-^^y. 1. a cow : as, vac'c'me, of a cow.
"vac'cary, n. -fvac'cinate, v. vac'cinating, a,
vac'cine, a. vac'cinateA, a. vaccination, n.
Vac-0, v. I. to be empty, to want, to be at leisure:
evac'udiiQ, to empty ; va'cdLTii, empty, unoccupied.
et-ac'ttatory, a. §uaca'^ion, n.
et;ac'Mant, n. & a. Jsuperi-aca'neous,a. ^vac'uMxa, n.
evac'uate, v. va'cancy, n. •fvac'uist, ii.
euao'^/ated, a. va'caxit, a.
evac'uatixig, a. \\va'ca//a7ion,ri. "^valla'tiou, n. wall, n. & v.
•fcontTavalla'tiGU, n.
Valv-^, /. 1. (a \o\yo), folding -doors : aSj valv'lti
or valv'vle, a little valve.
%V\'valve^ n. & a. quad'riua^ues,n. "^valve, n-
biua/t/ular, a. •quin'quera/ue, or valv'ed, a.
biua/u'ulous, a. qmnq\ievalv'ulav,a.valv'dte, a.
inuVtivalve,n. & a. -j-triua/y'ular, a. valvlet^ or
multiua/y'w/ar, a. u'nivalve, a. & n. valv'ule, n.
qnad'nvalve, or unira^y'ular, a. valv'uhr, a.
quadriua^i/ular, a.
Van-us, a. vain, empty, to 7io purpose, boastful:
as, er««es'cent, vamshmg ; van'i^h, to disappear.
eranes'cence, n. vainglo'ry, n. -fvaiint, or
eyawes'cent, a. vainglo'rious, a. vant, n. & v.
Ileuan''id, CL. vainglo'riouslyjat/. vaunt'cA, a.
euan'ish, v. van'ish, v. vaunt'er, ra.
eran'ishment, n. ra/i'ished, a. vu7int'^\x\ a.
%vain, a. t^an'ishing, a. vaunt'ing, a.
vainly, ad. *van'ity, n. vaunt'ingly, ad.
vain'ness, n.
Van for Ava'st, prep. (Fr.) before, forivard, [See Avant.)
* Circumvallation, in war, a surrounding with a wall or rampart ; also,
a wall, rampart, or parapet, with a trench, surrounding the camp of a
besieging army. t Coiitravallation, a trench guarded
•with a parapet, thrown round a place by the besiegers.
± Vallatio7i, a rampart or entrenchment. || Vallum, a trench or trail.
§ Bivalve, Bivahndar, or Bivalvulous, having two shells or valves which
open and shut, as the oyster and the seed cases of certain plant*.
* Quinquevalve or Quinquevalvular, in botany, having five valves, — as
a pericarp. t Trivalvular, three-valved ; having three valves.
if Valve, in poetry, a fulding-door ; a lid or cover so formed, as to open
a communication in one direction, and close it in the other ; in botany,
tlie outer coat, shell, or coverirtg of a capsule or other pericarp, or rather
one of the pieces which compose it.
n Evanid, faint, weak, liable to vanish or disappear.
§ Vain, empty, worthless ; fruitless, proud of paltry things, or of trifling
attainments, conceited. * Vanity, emptiness, empty pride.
f Vaunt, to boast, to make a vain display.
evapora'tion, n.
Qvap' arable, a.
•evajDorom'eter, n.
vap'oraiion, n.
vap'ordble, a.
vap'orized, a.
vap'orizing, a.
uaporiza'tion, n.
va'poron?,, a.
ra'porousness, n.
va'pory, a.
Navw-us, a. (a vappa, /. 1, insipid wine), tasteless,
spiritless ; having lost its life and spirit,
vap'id, a. vap'idness, n. vapid'iiy, n.
VapoRj m. 3. an exhalation, steam, fume : as, evap'or-
ate, to pass off in vapor, as a fluid.
evap'orate, v. Sc a. vaporahiVity, n. vap'orize, v.
evap'orated, a. -^va'por, n. «Sc v.
tvap' orating, a. va'pored, a.
va'porer, n.
va'poring, a.
va'poringly, ad.
vaporif'ic, a.
va'porish, a.
Yab.ic-0, v. 1. (a varus, a. band?/ -legged, o'ooked), to
straddle, to shuffle.
XdXvar'icaiQ, v. & a. d'lvarica'tion, n. prewar'icating, a.
divar'icated, a. Upreua/icate, v. jprevarica'tion, n.
divar'icaimg, a. preuar'icated, a. ■pievar^icalor, n
Variol-^, /. 1. (a varus, m. 2. a spot, a speck on the
face), small pimples, small-pox.
antiraVio/ous, a. §i;a'noloid, n. *va^riolous, a.
Yari-us, a. of divers colours, different, diverse, in-
constant, changeable : as, va'rj, to alter, to change.
invariable, a. unuaVied, a. va'riahly, ad.
inuaViably, ad. nnva'riegated, a. uaViableness, n.
inuaViablenessj n. va'ry, v. va'riance, n.
inva'ritd, a. va'rymg, a. varia' tion., n.
unua'riable, a. va'riable, a. va'ried, a.
* Evaporometer, an instrument for ascertaining the quantity of a fluid
evaporated in a given time ; an atmometer.
t Vapoi-, an invisible elastic^w id, rendered aeriform by heat, and brought
back to a liquid or solid state, by cold. A visible^wid floating in the atmo-
sphere, — as smoke, fog, clouds, &c. The vapor of water is called steam.
:j: Divaricate, to open, to fork; to part into two branches.
n Prsvaricate, to snuffle in conversation or testimony, to quibble, to shift.
§ Varioloid, a name recently given to a disease resembling the small-pox.
* Variolous, pertaiaing to, or designating the small-pox,
3d 2
'variegate, v-
vanega'iioriy n.
va7'i'etyj n.
vu nous, a.
faViously, a4.
§uasc«?if'erous, a.
ves'sel, n.
va'rieg&ted, a.
vaVte^ating, a.
Yas, yas-is, n.3. a vessel.
•f-extrat/asated, a. \\vas'culaT, a.
extravasa'tion, n. vasculax'ity, n.
%vase, n.
Y AST -US, a. large, gr^at, enormous, desert, desolate:
as, det?'«5fate,'to lay waste.
vast.'ne%%, n.
vasta'tion, n
wastf\r\g^ t
waste'nsss, n.
waste'fnl, a.
wasle'faWy, ad.
zvaste' fulness, ti-.
wasie'thnft, n.
deu'as/ate, v.
dev'astatedi, a.
dev'astaimg, a. waste, v. a. & n.
d.evasta't\on, n. wast'edi, a.
*vast, a. & n. wast'er, n.
vastly, ad.
Vas-C7S, p.p. (d vado), gone. '(See Vado.)
Vates, c. 3. a prophet, a diviner or soothsayer ; a
poet : as, vat'icide, the murderer of a prophet,
vat'icide, n. "^vatic'inate, v. vaticina'tion, n.
"fvatic'inal, a. vatic'inating, a.
Vect-C7S, p.p. (d veho), carried. (See Veho,
Veget-Oj v.\.{d vegeo, v. 2. to excite, to move), to
move out or stir up, to grow.
Wveg'etable, n. & a. veg'etatmg, a. veg'e(ati\eness, n.
vegetabWiiy, n. vegeta'tion, n.
%veg'etaie, v. veg'etat'we, a.
* Variegate, to mark v/ith diffei-ent colours ; to divemify in external ap-
t Extravasated, forced or let out of its proper vessels, — as blood, or fluid.
% Vase, a vessel for domeetic use, or for use in temples.
11 Vascular, pertaining to the vessels of animal or vegetable bodies; full
of vessels.
§ Vasculiferous, in botany, having ieeA-vessels divided into cells.
* Vast, being of great extent ; very spacious or large.
t Vaticinal, containing prop/iecy. % Vaticinate, to prophecy, to foretell.
i Vegetable, the thing which grotvs out of the earth ; a plant.
C Vegetate, to grow as pLints. ^
*coT\'vex, a. & n.
cou'veaAy, ad.
convex'eA., a.
convex'eAly^ ad.
con'u^.rness, or
convex'iiy, n.
plano-con'uea", a.
XQCowvey', v.
'fcoxwex'o-concz.ve^a.xeconvey'Qdi^ a.
Xconvex'o-convQ'x.ya. recoiwey'ing, a.
Veh-Oj v.'d. to carry : as, conf(?y', to carry, to ti-ans-
fer ; mveigh', to rail against.
invei'gher, n. vehic'ulsit, a.
mvei'ghing., a. veterin?i'ria.i\, n.
^invec'li\e, n. & a. \\veferin&ry, a.
invec'tively, ad. ^vex, v.
vex'ed, a.
vex'er, ii.
vexa'iion, n.
vexa'tiou?; a.
vexa'tion^ly, ad.
vex'mg^ a.
v^.z-'ingly, ad.
weighs v. & n.
weigh'ed, a.
weigh'eVy n.
weigh'ahle, a.
iveigh'ing, a. & n.
weight, n.
weighfy, a.
weight'ily, ad.
weigh t'iness, n.
convey, v.
conue?/ed, a.
convey'er, n.
convey'iug, a.
convey'ahle, a.
conue?/'ance, n.
conuey'ancer, n.
convey' ancing, a.
tYnnnvec'tiori, 7i.
wnvex'QA, a.
\\dievex'i\y, n.
invei'gh, v.
invei'ghed, a.
•fve'hemexice, n.
ve'hemency, n.
ve'hexnent., a.
ve'hertiQntly, ad.
Xve'hic\Q., n.
ve'hicl&A, a.
Vell-0, v. 3. to pull, to pluck or tear : as, convulse',
to pull together, to draw, to contract ; dit^e/Vent,
pulling asunder.
anticontJM^'''sive, a. *avuVs\or\, n. convulse', v.
* Convex, rising or swelling on the exterior surface into a spherical or
round form,— as, the exterior of an egg j— opposed to concave, which ex-
presses a round form of the interior surface,— as, the interior of an egg.
i Convexo-concave, convex on one side, and concave on the other.
^ Convexo-convex, convex on both sides.
n Devexity, a bending down, sloping.
§ Invective, a speaking strongly against one. a railling speech or expres-
sion. — It differs from reproof.
t Vehemence, violence, great force ; properly force derived from velo
city ; violent ardor, great heat, animated fervor.
4^ Vehicle, that in which any thing is or may be can-ied, a carriage ; that
which is used as the instrument of conveyance, — as, letters are vehicles of
B Veterinary, for Veheterinary , one skilled in the disease of cattle, or
beasts of carriage or burden, — as, oxen, horses, sheep, &c.
§ Vex, to irritate, to disturb, to disquiet, to trouble.
* Avulsion, a pulling or ^ea»ing asunder.
reuM/*'ive, a. Sc n.
•fvel'licatCy v.
vel'licated, a.
vel'licatingy a.
vellica'tion^ n.
convuls'ed, a. divel'licate, v.
convuls'ing, a. divul'sion, n.
convul'sion, n. diuw/^'ive, a.
convul'sive, a. *ievel\ v.
convuls'ively^ ad. xevul'siou, n.
diue/Vent, a.
Vel-Oj v.X.to cover f to hide or conceal : as, diQvel'opy
to wxicoveVy to unfold ; enveVop, to cover, to inwrap.
develop, v. Xxeveal'^ v. veil, v. Sen.
devel'oped, a. reveal'ed, a. \\vel'lum, n.
dQvel'oping, a. leveal'cT, n. \xndtvel'op&d, a.
devel'opxmnt, n. leveaV'mg, a. unreveal'ed, a.
xeveal'ment, n.
revela'tion., n.
vail, n. & V.
vail'ed, a.
vail'mg, a.
\xx\vail', V-
unuaiY'edj a.
Mwvail'mg, a.
unveil', v.
unveil'ed, a.
envel'op, v. & n.
envel'opQd, a.
envel'op'mg, a.
envel'opment, n.
inveil'ed, a.
overviel', v,
VeloX;, oc-is,a. (^ N o\o), swift, quick, Jleet—veloc'iiy,n.
Ven-^j f. \. a blood-vessel, a vei?i : as, ve'?ia\, or
ve'?io\is, pertaining to veins,
interuei'/ted, a. vein'y, a. vc'nal, a.
vein, n. §t;enesec'tion, n. ve'nous, a.
vein'ed, or veinless, a.
Venb-o, v. 3. (a venum, n. 2. a sale, & do), to sell,
to expose to sale: as, «;e'^al, mercensiry, set to
sale ; vend, to sell, as wares.
ve'nsd, a.
venaMiiy, n.
vend, V.
vend'^d, a.
vend'er, tu
vendto.', n.
vend'i\AQ, a. & n. vend'or, n.
vend'ih\y, ad. *veu'due, n.
venrf'ibleness, n. «?«'revent^i\e\y,ad. su^erven'tlon, n. ven't\iresoinely,ad.
t&coriveiie' , v. unadue/i'/urous, a. venturous, a.
reconue'ned, a. unpre^en^ed, a. vew'/iirously, ad,
recoxive'nmg, a. uniuvent'&A., a. ven'^urousness, n.
*rev'enue, n. unrey'^nued, a.
Venter, iv-is, m. 3. t/te helly : as, ezj^Tz^Vate, to open
the bowels ; ven'trai, belonging to the bell?/.
\\hivent'ral, a. ven'tral, a. ^veniriVoqny., or
eve?it'erate, v. %iwn'tric\e, n. ventriVoqnlsva, n.
event'erated, a. *ven'trwous, a. ventriVoquist, n.
event'er&tmg, a. •fventric'ulous, a. ventriVoquonS) a.
ven'teXy n.
Yent-vSj p.p. (a venio), come. (See Venio.)
Vent-lts, m. 2. the wind : as, event'ihie, to fan.
et)eni'i/ate, v. %ven'tidi\xci, n. ventila^tioxi, n.
eventila'tiorij n. *ven'til3.te, v. ven'tilator, n.
unuen^i/ated, a, ven'tilated, a. ventos'ity, n.
\\vent, n. & v. ven'lilating, a.
* Revenue, the annual produce of taxes, excise, customs, duties, rents,
&c. collected and received into the treasury for public use. Income is ap-
plied to the rents and profits of individuals, and revenue to those of the
t Supervene, to come upon as something extraneous ; to come upon, to
happen to. 4^ Venture, a hazard, chance, hap, luck ; also, to
dare, to run a hazard or risk. || Biventral, having two bellies.
§ Ventricle, a small cavity in an animal body.
* Ventricous, in botany, bellied, distended, swelling out in the middle,
f Ventriculous, somewhat distended in the middle.
^ Ventriloquy, Ventriloquism, the act, art, or practice of speaking in
such a manner that the voice appears to come, not from the person, but
from some distant place, as from the opposite side of the room, from the
cellar, &c. Vent, a hole or passage for air or other
/iuid to escape ; also, to let out (See p. 596.)
t Ventiduct, in building, a passage for wind or air.
Ventilate, to fan with wind; to open and expose to the free pasiage
oi air ox wind.
Venus, &r-is, f. 3. t^te goddess of beauty and love ;
libidinous desire : as,. vene'7-eo\xs, lustful.
autivene'real, a, vene'reous, a.
• Ve'nus, n. vefie'real, a.
Ver, n. 3. the spring : as, ve/nant, flourishing as in
S2yr2ng^\ver'nQ\, a. ver'ndintj a. ^verna'tiony n.
Verber-o, v. 1. (a verber/n. 3. a lash), to beat : as,
TQverb' eroXQy to send or beat back, to echo, to re-
turn, as sound.
reverb', u. reverb'er&ted, a. Teverbera'ilon, n,
reverb'ersait, Cr, ret;erJ'erating, a. verb'erzite, v.
reueri'erate, «• & a. reverb' erz.ioxy,a8i.n.verbera'tion, n.
Verb- uaf, n. 2. {ab acre verberato, Quinctil.), a wordm
*a.^'verb, n. Xverb, n. \\verba'iim, ad.
ady^r^'ial, a. verb'al, a. ^^verb'iage^ n.
adveri'ially, ad. t^eri'ally, ad. verbose', a.
fpTov'erb, n. & v. verb'dXiie, v. yerJose'ness, or
•pxoverb'iaX, a. verbdiViiY, n. verbos'ity, n.
proverb'ialist, n.
* Venus, in mythology, the goddess of beauty and love ; that is, beauty
and love deified ; in astronomy, one of the inferior planets.
li Vernal, belonging to the spring ; belonging to youth, the spring of
life. Vernal equinox is the equinox in spring or March, — opposed to the
autumnal equinox in September. (See p. 180. & 339.)
§ Vernation, in botany, the disposition of the nascent leaves within the
bud. It is called a\s,o foliation or leafing.
* Adverb, in Grammar, a word used to modify the sense of a verb, par-
ticiple, adjective or attribute, and usually placed near, — as, he writes
toell ; paper extremely white. This part of speech might be more signifi-
cantly named a modifier, as its use is to modify, that is, to vary or qualify
the sense of another word, by enlarging or restraining it, or by expressing
form, quality, or manner, which the word itself does not express. See the
Author's " Outlines of English Grammar."
^Proverb, a short sentence often repeated, expressing a well known trutli
or common fact, ascertained by experience or observation, a maxim of
wisdom ; a bye-word.
% Verb, in Grammar, a part of speech that expresses action, motion,
being, suffering, or a request or command to do or f;)rbear any thing.
The verb affirms, declares, asks, or commands. A word. See the Au-
thor's " Outlines of English Grammar."
II Verbatim, word for word ; in the same words.
§ Vei-biage, Vei baseness. Verbosity, the use of many words without ne-
cessity ; superabundance of words.
Verb a. Fr. Virid-is, a. (« vireo,, v. 2. tobe green),
green : as^ vcr'dsiHi, green, fresh,
uni'^r'tfant, a. *ver'derer, or "^ver'diter, n,
ver'd&ncy, n. ver'deror, n. \\vei''dure, n.
ver'da.nt, a. -fveT'digYis, n. ver'durous, a.
Vere~or, v. dep. 2. to fear, to stand in awe.
ixxev'erence, n. *xev'erence,n. &v. \\reveren'iial^ a.
nrev erent, a.
irreu'^rently, ad.
^revere', v.
reve'red, a.
reueVer, to.
reve'ring, a.
xev'erenced, a.
rev'erencer, n.
reti'erencingj a.
-j-rew'erend, a.
Jrew'erent, a.
rew'erently, ad.
xeveren'tinVLy^ ad.
nnxGv'erQwd, a.
unre»Vrent, a.
unrey'erentlv. ad.
gt^er'^cundj a.
Verg-0, v. 3. to lie or look towards, to tend : as, verge,
edge, border ; also, to tend downwards, to incline.
'converge , v.
converg'ed, a.
converg'ence, n.
converg'exicy, n.
converg'exii, a.
coxiverg'mg, a.
diverge', v.
diverg'ed, a.
diverg'euce, to.
diverg'ent, a.
dwerg'ixig, a.
diverg'ingly, ad.
verge, n. & v.
verg'ing, a.
* Verderei- or Verderor, an oflBcer in England, who has the charge of the
king's /w-e.9?. t Verdtgris (Fr.) rust of copper, or an
acetate of copper, formed by the combination of an acid with copper.
t Verditer (Fr. verde-terre, green earth), a preparation of copper, gene-
rally mixed with a yellow for a green colour.
\\ Verdure, green, greenness, freshness of vegetation.
§ Revere, Revei-ence, to regard with fear, mingled with respect and af-
fection. * Reverence, n. fear mingled with respect and
esteem ; veneration. Reverence is nearly equivalent to veneration, but
expresses something less of the same emotion. It differs from awe, which
is an emotion compounded of fear, dread or terror, with admiration of
something great, but not necessarily implying love or affection. We feel
reverence for a parent, or upright magistrate; but we stand in awe of a
tyrant. This distinction may not always be observed.
t Reverend, worthy of reverences a title of respect given to the clergy
or ecclesiastics. We style a clergyman reverend; a bishop is styled right
reverend; an archbishop most reverend. In Scotland, the clergy are indi-
vidually styled reverend, A synod is styled very reverend, and the General
Assembly venerable.
% Reverent, expressing reverence, veneration, or submission.
II Reverential, proceeding from reverence, or expressing it.
§ Verecund, bashful, modest.
* Converge, to tend to one point ; to incline and approach nearer toge-
ther, as two lines which continually approach each other, — opposed to di'
verge. Lines which converge in one direction, divei'ge in the other.
3 E
Verm-is, m. 3. a worm : as, vermeoYogy, a discourse
on vermes or worms; ve7-'mic\\\.Q, a little vrorm
or grub.
t;er»icxvert', v.
pervert' edi^ a.
ptrvert'er, n.
pexvert'ible, a.
perwer/'ing, a.
reconvert', ru
reconverfeA.1 a.
recont'^n'ing, a.
n. reconver'siow, k.
xei'rovert, y.
rei'roverted., a.
reiroter'sion, n.
revert', v. & n.
revert'ed, a.
revert'ihle, a.
revert'iye, a.
■frevers'&l, n. & a.
* Diverse, different, differing; different from itself, various.
•\ Divorce, a legal dissolution of the bonds of matrimcny, or the Sf para-
tion of husband and wife by a judicial sentence ; the sentence or writing by
vrhich marriage is dissolved; separation, disunion of things closely unitecf.
:). Eversion, an overthrowing, destruction ; eversion of the eye-lias, ectro-
pium. a disease in which the eye-lids are twned outward, so as to expose
the red internal tunic»
§ Invert, to turn intn a contrary direction ; to place in a contrary order
or method.
* Inverse, inverted, reciprocal. Invert proportion or ratio, is when the
effect or result of any operation is less in proportion as the cause is
greats-, or is g7 eater in proportion as the cause is less. Inverse proportion
is opposed to dii-ect.
t Malversation, evil conduct, improper or wicked tehaviour ; mean ar-
tifices, or fraudulei:t tricks.
X Multiversunt, turning into many shapes, assuming many forms; pro-
tean, y Obvei-se, in botany, having the base narrower
than the top,' — as a leaf; also, the face of a com, — opposed to reverse.
§ Pei-vei-se, literally, turned aside, — hence, distorted from the right; ob-
stinate m the wrong, disposed to be contrary, stubborn, untractable ; cress,
petulant, peevish, disposed to croes and vex.
* Pervert, to turn from truth, propriety, or from its proper purpcsc;
to dt.<;tort from its true use or end ; to turn from the right, to corrupt,
t Rcverccd, a change or overtlixowing.
"reverse', v. & n.
rcvers'ed, a.
revers'ed]y, ad.
reverseless, a.
reversely, ad.
revers'ihle, a.
revers'ing, a.
rever'sion, n.
reiyer'iionary, n.
rever'sioner, n.
reveri'ing, a.
suhdivers'ify, v.
snbvers'ive , a.
subuer'iion, n.
"^subvert', v.
suhveri'ed, a.
Bnhverl'er, n.
:!l^terg\versa'iion, n. unii;er*'ally, ad.
Wtr&n'sverse, n. unif^rsarity, n.
§ trans t"e?*se', a. un'ivers'&Wsxn, n,
transuf'rsely, ad. unit;^r*'alist, n.
*transi!e?-5'al, a. wmvers'iiy, n.
transu^rs'ally, ad. unperver/'ed, a.
■ftTav'erse,ad. unrevers'ed, a.
^ti-av' erse, a.n. &.v. untrat-'ersed, a
trav'ersahle, a. unt-ers'ed, a.
trav'ersed, a. ^veer, v.
trav'ers'mg, a. veer'td, a.
a. wwavert'ed, a. veer'xng, a.
\kncox\vers'a\i\e,a. *vers'at'Ae, a.
uncon'rersant, a. rer/a^ileness, n.
unconrer^''ed, a. versa\S!i'\iy, n.
unconrer/' Jble,a. ^^verse, n. & v.
undii;er5'ified, a. vers'ed^ a.
MVidivert'ed, a.
\\\x'niverse, n. vers'er, n.
Mnivers'dX, a. & n. "^vers'icle, n.
* Reverse, to turn upside down ; to overturn, to subvert ; to turn back,
to turn to the contiary ; to put each in the place of the other; in law, to
overthrow by a contrary decision, to make void, to annul.
t Subvert, to overthrow from the foundation, to over^wrjj, to ruin ut-
terly ; to corrupt, to confound. % Tergiversation, a shift-
ing, shift, subterfuge, evasion ; change, fickleness of conduct.
11 Transverse, n. the longer axis of an ellipse.
§ Transvei-se, a, lying or being across, or in a cross direction ; also, to
t>er'i^ed, a.
ver'i^eT, n.
ver'iiyixxg, a.
wer'iSable, a.
t;e?nfica'tion, n.
rerisim'ilar, a.
vert'icW, n.
z'ertic'illate^ a.
\\vertic'ity, n.
^vert'lgo, n.
vert\g'mo\x%, a.
u^ri'ig'inousEiess, n.
*vor'lc\, a.
vor'tical, a.
the truth of tlie
statement or pro-
r^rJsimil'itude, n.
ver'iiahle., a.
ver'iiy, n.
%ver'y, a. &. ad.
ver'iiy, ad.
* Versicolor-, having various colours, changeable in colour,
t Vei'sicular, pertaining to verses, designating distinct divisions of a
writing. ^ Versification, the act, art, or practice of
composing verses. Versification is the result of art, labour, and rule,
rather than of invention or the fire of genius.
n Version, a turning, change; translation, that which is rendered from
another language.
fVertebre or Vertebra, a joint of the spine or back-bone of an animal.
Vertex, the zenith, the top of any thing.
t Vertical, placed or being in the zenith, or perpendicularly over the
head, perpendicular to the horizon.
% Verticle or Verticil, in botany, a little t^.'tzr/y a mode of inflorescence.
In which the flowers surround tne stem in a kind of ring.
II Verticity, the power of turning, revolution, rotation ; that property
of the loadstone, by which it turiw to some particular point.
§ Vertigo, literally, a turning round or whirling; giddiness, dizziness
or swimming of the head.
* Vortex, a whirling or circular motion of water, a whirlpool ; a whirl-
ing of the air, a tt;/n'Wwind. In the Cartesian system, the circular mo-
tion originally impressed on the particles of matter, carrying them round
their own axis, and round a common centre. By means of these vortices
Descartes attempted to account for the formation of the universe.
J Aver, to assert confidently ; to affirm with ccmfidence.
Verdict, literally, true declaration ; the report of a jury.
D Verify, to prove to be true; to confirm, to fulfil.
§ Very, true, real ; also, in a great degree, an eminent or high degre«,
but not generally the highest
Vesic-^, f. \. a blister, a swelling like a bladder.
^ves'ica.wt, n. vesica't'iow, n, ?;esjc''ular, or
'\ves'icnxe, v. ves'icRtory, n. vesic'ulous, a.
ves'lcated, a. Ij^ves'lcle, n. vesic'ulate, a.
ves'ic^ting, a.
VespeRj m. 2. the evening star, or the planet Venus.
\\ves'per, n. ves'pert'me, a.
Yest-a, f. 1. the goddess of fire ; a pure virgin.
%vest'a\, n. & a.
VESTiBUL-i7Af, n. 2. an entrance ov porch of a house.
*ves'tibule, n.
VESTiGi-t73f, 71.2. a trace or tracJc ; a footstep.
■\mvest'iga,te, v. \nvestiga't\on, n. -pervestiga'tion, n.
invest' igated, a. investigative, a. ves'tige, n.
invest'iga\\ng^ a. invesi'igatOT, n. uninvest'igahle, a.
invest'igahle, a. X^erves'tigate, v.
Yest-is, f. 3. clothing or covering, a garment or 7'obe :
aSj invest', to clothe, to clothe with ; revest', to clothe
I|circumv^«^', v. devesi'ed, a. d\vest% v.
^devest', v. devesting, a. divest'ed, a.
* Vesicant, Vesicatory, a blistering application, piaster ; an epispastic.
t Vesicate, to blister, to raise little bladders, or separate the cuticle by
Inflaming the skin.
t Vesicle, a little bladder, or a portion of the cuticle separated from the
tkin, and filled with some humor.
II Vesper, the eve}iing star, Venus; also, the evening. Vespei-s, in the
plural, the evening song or evening service in the Romish Church.
§ Vestal, pertaining to Vesta, the goddess of fire among the Romans,
and a virgin ; hence, pure, chaste ; also, a virgin consecrated to Vesta,
and to the service of watching the sacred fire, which was to be punctually
kept burning upon her altar. The Vestals were six in number, and they
made a vow of perpetual virginity.
* Vestibule, the porch or entrance into a house, or a large open space
before the door, but covered. Vestibules, for magnificence, are usually
between the court and garden ; an apartment in large buildings, which
presents itself into a hall or suit of rooms cr offices.
t Investigate, to search into as by tracks or footsteps ; to inquire or ex-
amine into with care and accuracy ; to find out by careful disquisition.
^ Pervestigate, to find out by research.
i Circumvest, to cover round, as with a garment.
§ Devest or Divest, to strip of clothes, arms or equipage, of any thing
that covers, sun'ounds, or attends; to deprive,— opposed to invest, De^
vest is appropriately used as a technical term in law.
divesi'mg, a.
divest^ure, or
dives t'itnTQ., n.
invest', v.
invest'ed, a.
mvest'ient, a.
invest'mg, a.
mvest'xxe, a.
mvesfvaent, n.
*ix\vest'itvire, n.
reinvest', v.
reinvest'ed, a.
Teinvest'ing, a.
reinvest'xnetit, n.
revesf, v.
revest'ed, a.
revest'ing, a.
•^revest'iaiy, n.
Xrtvet'tn&ni, n.
vest, n. & V.
vest'ed, a.
vest'ing, a. & n,
\\vest'ment, n.
^ves'try, n.
ves'lure, n.
xxninvest'tdj a.
Vet-0, v. 1. toforhid, to prohibit *ve'tOyn.
Vetus, ^v-is, a. oldy of long duration.
•finvet'erdiie, a. mvet'€ra.texie?,%, n. invet'er&cy, n.
invet'erately, ad. invetera'tiorij 71. %vet'er 3.n, n. & a.
VEXiLL-t73f, W.2. (a velo)^ a flag o\hanner, a standard.
\(vex'il, n. ^vex'illary, a. & n. "vexilla'tion, n.
Vf.x-us, a. bendi7ig: Vex-o, v. 1. to harass, (a veho).
(See Veho.)
* Investiture, the action of giving possession, or livery of seizin ; the
right of giving possession of any manor, office, or benefice.
t Revestiary, the place or apartment in a church or temple, where the
dresses are deposited, a sacristy ; now contracted into vestry.
4: Revetment, (Fr.) in fortification, a.strong wall on the ontside of a ram-
part, intended to support the earth.
U Vestment, a garment. Vesture, a garment or robe; dress, garments;
clothing, covering.
§ Vestry, a room appendant to a church, in which the sacerdotal vest,
ments and sacred utensils are kept, and where parochial meetings are held.
(See Revestiary, and Saa-istry, p. 465.)
* Veto, literally, I forbid ; & forbidding, or the right of forbidding, —
applied to the right of a king, or other magistrate or officer, to withhold
his assent to the enactment of a law, or the passing of a decree. Thus,
the king of Great Britain has a veto upon every act of parliament. It was
originally appropriated to the tribunes of the people in Rome, when they
interposed their negative to any law or public act. It properly signifies,
a hindering by words.
\ Invetei-ate, old, deep-rooted, firmly established hy long continuance,
obstinate, — used of evils. Having fixed habits by long continuance, — used
of persons.
t Veteran, one who has been long exercised in any service or art, parti-
cularly in war ; one who has grown old in service, and has had much ex-
II Vexil, a flag or standard ; in botany, the upper petal of a papiliona.
ctous flower.
§ Vexillary, a standard-Yiearer ; pertaining to an ensign or standard.
* Veiillation, a company of troops under one ensign.
Vi-A,/. 1. (a veho), a way: as,de'y/atej to go from the
way J to turn aside, to eiT ; per'zJzous, having a way
through ; pre'^i^ouS;, ^oing before in time.
*biw'ious, a.
•f-con'voy, n.
convoy^ v.
convot/'ed, a-
convot/'ing, a.
de'i^iate, v.
de'riated, a.
de'viatixig, a.
de?nrt'/ion, n.
de'uious, a.
Jen'voy, 71. & V.
en'voi/shi-p, n.
imper'in'ous, a
in'uiousness, n.
^m'voice, n. & v.
in'voiced, a.
m'voicing, a.
*miiltit''ious, a.
+ob'7;iate, v.
oh'vi&ieA, a.
ob'zjjating, a.
Job't'ious, a.
ob'i'iously, ad,
ob'wiousnessj n.
per'uiousj a.
per'viously, ad.
imper'fiously, ad. per'viousness, n
imper'fiousness, n. pre't'ious, a.
jiri'vious, a. pre'viously, ad.
pre'ueousness, 7b.
Ilquadrii/ial, a.
§tri^^, n. & V.
in'fler, n.
tricing, a. 8c n.
tri^ingly, ad.
tri^ingnesSj n.
*triy'ial, a.
triu'jally, ad.
trir'ialness, n.
unde'uiating, a.
unde'fiatingly, ad.
unob'fiousj a.
vi'a, n.
•j-ui'aduct, n.
"i^viat'ic^ a.
* Bicicus, havirg two icnjis, or leading two toat/s.
t Convoy, n. a protecting force accompanying ships or property on their
ivay from ))lace to place, cither by sea or land. The ship or thing pro-
tected or convei/ed. When persons' are to be protected, the word escort i»
± Envoi/, a person deputed by a prince or government, to negotiate a
treaty, or transact other bvisiness, with a foreign prince or government.
"We usually apply the word to a public minister sent on a special occasion,
pr for one particular purpose ; hence, an envoy is distinguished from an
fniilasscdor or permanent resident at a foreign court, and is of inferior
lank. U Invious, unpassable, untrodden.
§ Invoice (Fr. envoi, a sending, or thing sent), in commerce, a written
account of the particulars of merchandise, shipped or sent to a purchaser,
lonsij^nee, factor, &c. with the value or prices and charges annexed.
* Multivious, having many ways or roads.
■t Obviate, properly, to meet in the tvay, to oppose; hence, to prevent
by interception, or to remove at the beginning, or in the outset ;^hence,
in present usage, to remove in general as difficulties or objections, to cleur
the way of obstacles.
:j: Obvious, plain, evident, easily discovered, seen, or understood.
II Quadrivial, having four ways meeting in a point.
§ Trijie, a thing of very little value or importance ; also, to act or talk
with levity. (It coincides with trivial, — which see.)
* Trivial, literally, where three iv ays meet; and where the country
people among the Romans performed their sacred rites to Pales, and
other rural deities,— hence, conwion, vulgar, trijling, of little worth or
j Viaduct, a structure made for conveying a carriage way from one road
to another, % Viatir, pertaining to a journey or to travelling.
•tJta^'icum, n. :{:t«ay'-farmg, a. wat/less, a.
-fvoi/'age, n. & v. Wway-lsiy', v. §«jay'ward, a.
voy'ager, n. toay-lay^er, n. tt-ay'wardly, ad,
way, n. way-laid'j a. tray'wardness, n.
way'-faver, n.
ViBR-o, V. 1. to brandish, to move to Scfro with quick
motion, to swing, to oscillate, to quiver or tremble,
reui'irate, v. *vi'hrant, n. vibra'tion, n.
revi'braitA, a. vi'brait, v. vi'braiivt, a.
ret'i'Arating, a. vi'braitd., a. vi'braiory, a.
rQvibra't'ion, n. vi'braix'ng, a, •)-ui'6ra/i uncle, n.
Vic-is, /. 3. (gen. of vix, obs.), a change or turn, al~
ternate or reciprocal succession ; in place, room,
or stead,
"^v'lc'aT, n. vic^-ad'miralty, n. viceroy'aXiy, n.
Ilric'arage, n. vice-a'gtni, n. fice'royship, n.
§tjicaVial, a. vice-c\\axa'hex\a\x\,^vicis'sii'aAe, n.
vic'arshi'p, n. fice-chan'cellor, «. vicissitu'dinaTy, a.
"vica'riate, n. & a. vicege'rency, n. *vi'scovir\t, n.
•j-fJcoVious, a. tfivicege'rent, n. & a, t'i'scountess, ?*.
vica'rioM^ly , n. t)?ce-pres'identj n. tji'^countship, n.
t/^ce-ad'miral, n. \\vice'roy, n.
* Viaticum, provisions for a journey ; in the Romish Chvirch, the Eu-
charist or Sacrament, administered to a dying man.
t Voi,nge (a voie, Fr.) a jourvey by sea, or in the air.
q: Wayjarir-g, travelling, passing, being on a. journey.
II Waylay, to watt h insidiously in the u:ay, with a view to seize, rob, or
slay ; to beset in ambush.
§ Wayuard, froward, peevish, perverse, liking his own uay.
* ViLi ant or Vilrion, a name given to the ichneumon fly, from the con-
tinual vibration of its antenna. f Vibratiunde, a small vibration,
± Vicar, a deputy or substitute; the priest of a parish, or incumbent of
a benefice. II Vicarage, the benefice of a rit-ar.
§ Vicarial, pertaining to a vicar ; small.
* Vicariate, having delegated power, as vicar; also, a delegated oiBce
or j.owc-r. i Fioor/ot;*, deputed, delegated ; acting for an-
other, filling the place of another ; suLstiluted in the place of another ; —
as Christ's aeath was a vicarious sacrifice.
t Vicegcrtnt, one who holds the j:/oc<; of another; lieutenant, vicar.
II Vicercy, one who governs in place of a king.
§ Vicissitude, regular change or succession of one thing to another, — as,
ihe viciisiiudes of day and night, and of winter and summer ; change,
revolution,— as, the vicissitudes of fortune.
* Viscount (Lat. vice-ccnus), an officer who formerly supplied ihe place
of the count or earl ; the sheriff of the county ; a degree cr title of nobi-
Uty nest in rank to an earl; a peer of the fourth order.
ViCENI. a. twenty — vic'enary, a. *vigesima't\ow, n.
ViciN-t/s, a. (d vicus^ m. 2. a village), near in j)l(i-ce,
neighhom'ing .
•f-convtcirt'ity, n. vic'inage, n.
vicin'ity, n. iJTuic'inal, a.
ViCT-us, p.p. (rt vinco), conquered. (See Finco.)
YiCT-us, m. 4. (d w'lYo), /bod, sustenance. (See Vivo.)
ViD-Eo, t;. 2. to see: as^ revise', to review ; vis'age,
the facCj ?Ae /oo^/ vis'ihle, that can he seen;
vis'it, to go ?o see ; vis'ua], belonging to the sig/it.
[[advice', n. *en'vy, v. & n.
§ad«ise', u. en'umble, a. improz?'ic?ence, n.
adui'^able, a. en'vied, a. improj/irfent, a.
ad?;i'sableness, n. tn'vier, n. improu'irfently, ad.
adui'sed, a. en'v^ing, a.
adui'^edly, ad. en'uions, a. im^xu'dence, n.
adui'sedness, n. en'uiously, ad. ixn-pxu'dent, a.
s.dvi'ser, n, •f-eu'i(/ence, n. & v. imprr«Wently, orf.
adut^e'raent, n. ew'irfenced, a. ineu'trfence, n.
adui'sing, w. & a. eu'ififencing, a. inev'idtnt, a.
adui'sory, a. ev'ident, a. ijrinwirf'ious, a.
black-uis'aged, a. eu'ic?ently, ao?. inr}c?''icusly, acf.
counter-eu'irfence,n.evic?en'tial, a. inmrf'iousness, r*.
* Vigesimation, the act of putting to death every twentieth man.
•f Convicinity, Vicinity, Vicinage, nearness in place, neighbourhood,
neighbouring country. rj: Vicinal, near, neighbouring.
II Advice, counsel ; an opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be
followed; information, notice, intelligence.
§ Advise, to give counsel to ; to give information ; to deliberate, to con-
sider. * Envy, literally, a seeing against, that is, a looking
with enmity, pain, uneasiness, mortification, or discontent, at the supe-
rior condition and happiness of another, accompanied with some degree
of hatred or malignity, and usually with a desire or an effort to depreciate
the person, and with pleasure in seeing him depressed. Envy springs
from pride, ambition, or love, mortified that another has obtained what
one has a strong desire to possess. Emulation differs from envy, in not
being accompanied with hatred, and a desire to depress a more fortunate
person. ^Evidence (literally, the ^eeiw^ out), that
which elucidates and enables the mind to see truth ; proof arising from
our own perception by the senses, or from the testimony of others, or
from inductions of reason,
f Invidious, envious, malignant ; likely to incur ill-will or hatred, or to
provoke envy, hateful. (This is the usual sense.)
inu/i^'tble, a.
invJs'ibly, ad.
iiiuw'ibleness, n.
inrmbil'ity, n.
■f-jurisprM'(/encs, n.
jurisprMV/ent, a.
misadui'sed, a.
pret'ui'on, n.
X^xoved'\\.Qx^ or
prorerfore', 7?.
Ilprouirfe', V.
provided, a.
§prou'(snc?er, n.
prouiWer, n.
•prou'irfence, n.
'fpro'j'irfent, a.
prow'iV/ently, ad.
ijrprouirfen'tial, a.
proyi'less, a.
sury^y'orship, n. "^videVicet, ad.
unadui'sed, a. vis'age, n.
unadvi'sedlj, ad. vis'aged, a.
unadvi'sedness, n.
ViDU-0, V. 1. tojoarty to deprive of: as^ ^void', to shun ;
diwide', to separate, to part in pieces or portions ;
dlvis'ihlQ, that may be divided or separated,
avoid', V. avoid'axice, n. avoid'er, n.
avoid'ahle, a. avoid'ed, a. avoid'ing, a.
*Survey, an attentive view ; a look or looking with care, a particular view.
t Surveying, viewi.tig with attention ; also, lliat branch oi'matliematics
which teaches the art of measuring land.
X Vedet or Vedette, a sentinel on horseback.
II Vide (Lat. imper.) j,ee,— used as a reference from one part of a book
to another. if Videlicet (Lat. for iiitie.'-fi
licet, one may see), to wit, namely, — generally written viz.
* Visard, a mask; to mask. (See Visor.)
t Vis-a-vis (Fr. face to face, opposite), a carriage in which two persona
Bit face to face.
% Vision, act oi seeing ; sight; a phantom, a spectre; in Scripture, a
revelation from God ;— such were the visions of Isaiah, of Amos, of Eze-
kiel, &c. II Visiunnrp, affected t)y phantoms, imagiuafy.
§ Visor, a head-piece or mask used to disfigure and disguise.
* Vista (Ital.) a view or prospect through an avenue, as between rows
of trees j hence, the trees or other things that form the avanuo.
3 F
avoif/less, a.
*device', n.
deu/ce'ful, a.
device'fuAy, ad.
■f devise', v. & n.
devi'sahle, a.
deui'sed, a.
devisee', n.
devi'ser, n.
det'j'sing, a.
ijldet'j'^or, n.
\\d.evoid', a.
divide', V.
dxvi'dable, a.
divi'ded, a.
divi'dedly, ad.
divi'der, n.
subdiui'<^/ed, a.
subdividing, a.
subdivisi'on, n.
\i\\d\vi'da\Ae, a.
undxvi'dedy a.
undiyi'c?edly, ad.
^vid'udX, a.
void, a. n. & w-
diuwibil'ity, 7i.
difi'sive, a.
divisVon, n.
divisVonaX, a.
diywi'onary, a.
divi'sor, n.
\nd\vi'da\)\e, a.
mdivi'ded, a.
•j-indiuirf'wal, a. & n. void'ahle, a.
mdxvid'uaWy, ad. void'ance, n.
individnaVity, n. void'ed, a.
individ'ualize, v. void'ing, a.
indiuJrf'Malized, a. void'ness, n.
indifjrf'walizing, a. void'er, n.
Jindi^J^(i'^^ate,^J.&a. *ivid'ow, n. & v.
individita'i'ion, n. wid'oived, a.
i\\d\vis'ih\e,a.&in. •\wid'ower, n.
diDJ'rfing, n. &: a. indiuio'ibly, ad. wid'otoing, a.
^div'idend, n. indivis'i'dlene?:?:, n. wid'owhood, n.
*divid'iisi\, a. indiuisJbil'ity, n. w id' ow -hunier, n.
dit'is'ible, a. \\%\ihdivide' , v. wid'ow-moker, n.
Vigil, a. watchful, leaking : as, vig'ihnt, watcM\A.
"^evigila'iion, n. vig'il, n. vic/'ila.nt, a.
||inui^'i/ance, n. vig'ildnce, n. viy'ilantly, ad.
* Device, that which is formed by design, or invented ; scheme, artificial
contrivance, stratagem, project ; an emblem intended to represent a fami-
ly, person, action, or quality, with a suitable motto,— used in painting,
sculpture, and heraldry.
"t Devise, to invent, to contrive, to plan, to scheme; to bequeath by will,
as land or other real estate ; also, primarily, a dividing or division ; —
hence, the act of bequeathing by will; a will cr testament; a share of
estate bequeathed. t Devisor, one who gives by will.
II Devoid, void, empty, vacant ; destitute, not possessing ; free from, clear.
^Dividend, & part or share s in arithmetic, the number to be divided
Into equal parts.
* Dividual, divided, shared in common with others.
•f Individxial, not divided, or not to be divided ; single, one; pertaining
to one only ; also, a single person or human being,
% Individuate, to make single, to distinguish from others of the species;
also, undivided. II Subdivide, to divide a
part of a thing into more parts; to part into smaller divisions.
§ Vidual {not used), belonging to the state of a widow.
« Widou', a woman who has lost her husband by death ; to bereave of a
husband, to strip of any thing good.
t Widower, a man who has lost his wife by death.
t^vigilation, a waking or icatcfi'wg.
i Invigilance, want of vigilance, neglect of uatchintr.
Vigor, m. 3. (a vigeo, v- 2. to be bi'isk or strong^,
strength, energy : as^ vig'orous, powerful, strong.
invig'nrate, v. ivwigora'tion, n. vig'orous, a.
inviff'orsLted, a. re'uwig'oi'ate, v. vig'orously, ad.
invig'(/7-a,ting, a. *vig'or, n. vi^'orousness, n.
Yiiu-is, a. o/ small price or value, base, mean.
•f-reuj/e', V. vile, a. ui/'ifier, n.
revi'led, a. vile'ly, ad. vil'ifyiug, a.
revi'ler, n. vUe'ness, n.
reuJ7ing, a. &. n. JyiY'ify, v. ui/'ipend, v.
xtvi'l'mgly, ad. vi/'ifiedj a.
Yihi.-A, f. 1. a countrg-seat.
||inyi/7agedj a. *vil'hge, n. -fvil'ldgery, n.
%vin, n. vil'lager, n. Xvillai'ic, a.
vil'la, n.
ViLLAN-L^Sj m. 2. (a vilis^ ov villa);, a wicked wretch.
\\vil'lain, n. vil'lanously, ad.
%vil'la7i-dge, n. vil'lany, n. vil'lanousnefis, n.
vil'lanoas, a.
Y ILL-US, m. 2. shaggy hair — uj'/Yous, a.
ViMEN, m-is, n. 3. (« vieoj v. 2. to bind with twigs'),
a twig — *vim'ind\, a. vimin'eon^, a.
* Vigor, active streng-fh or force ; energy. (Vigor, and all its deriva-
tives, imply actiua stretigth, or the poua- of action and exertion, in dis-
tinction from passive .strength or strength to endure.)
t Revile, to reproach ; to treat with opprobrious ajid contemptuous
X Vilify, to make vile, to debase, to degrade ; to defame, to traduce, to
attempt to degrade by slander.
II Invillaged, turneamto a. village.
§ Vill, a village, a small collection of houses.
* Village, a small, assemblage of houses in the country, less than a town
or city.
t Villagery, a district of villages.
% Villaiic, pertaining to a t^i/Za^'e.
II Villain, in feudal law, one who holds lands by a base or servile tenure ;
a vile ivicked person, a man extremely depraved, and capable or guilty of
great crimes,— as, the thief, the robber, the btirglarian, the mtirdcrei-, the
mcendiury, t\\e.ravisher, the sedi/cer, the cheat, the swindler, &c.
^ Villanage, the state of a villain; base servitude ; a base tenure of
lands, tenure on condition of doing the meanest services for the lord, —
usually written villenage.
* Viminal, pertaining to twigs : Vimineous, made of twigs or shoots.
'convince , v.
convin(/edy o.
convinc'er, n.
convinc'ihle, a.
convinc'vagf a.
ViNC-Oj V. 3. to cGnrjuer, to overcome, to subdue : as,
mvin'cihle, not to be conquered or overcone ;
vau'qui^h, to conquer, to subdue in battle.
cvinc'vve, a- self-conuic'/ed, a-
^evici'. V. self-con^?^c7ion, n.
evict'edi, a. unconrt/i'ced, a.
Gvicl'mg^ a. \\v)van'qu\'A').2ih\c,a.
Qvic'tiou, n, \xnvan'quh\\Q.di^ a^
extraproui?ic'ial, a. vaii'qinsh, v.
convinc'ingly, ad. inconvinc'ihle, a. va7i'qui!ihahle, a.
coiwinc'ingneas, n. inconvinc'ihly, ad. van'quhheA, a.
•\coWvict., n, injji'/jc'ible, a. van'quisher, n.
"^convict', V. Si. a. invinc'ihly, ad. van'quishing, a.
convici'ed, a. mvinc'ih\eneis.,n. \\vic'lim, n.
convioi'mg, a. invincihiVity, n. ^vic'tor, n-
cov.vic't'ion, n. per^Jicac'^ty, n. vic'tore?,%, n.
conu?c'/ive, a. *peri)ica'cious, a. vic'toxy, n.
couvic'tively, ad. peryica'ciously, ad. v'Cio'rious, a.
\\evince', v- Tpervica'cionsTiess,n v'lcto'riously, ad.
evinc'ed, a. -f'prov'ince, n. t;?c/oV?ousness, n.
evinc'ihle, a. provm'cial, a. & n. vin'cibXe, a.
evinc'ihly, ad. ijiprofj^'cialism, n. viw'cibleness, n.
Gvinc'mg, a. prouiwcial'ity, n.
* Convince, to persuade or satisfy the mind by evidence; to subdue the
opposition of the mind to truth, or to what is alleged, and compel it to
yield its assent ; to convict, to prove guilty.
t Convict, V. to determine the tnith of a charge against one, to prove or
find guilty of a crime charged ; to convitu-e of sin.
ij: Convict, n. a person proved or found guity of a crime alleged against
him, either by the verdict of a jury or other legal decision.
II Evince, to shew in a clear manner, to prove beyond any reasonable
doubt, to manifest, to make evident.
§ Evict, ill law, to dispossess by a judicial process, or course of legal pro-
ceedings, to recover lands or tenements by law ; to take away by sentence
of la.v.
* Pervicacious, very obstinate, stubborn, wilfully contrary or refractory.
t Province, a country belonging to a kingdom or state, either by con-
quest or colonization, usually situated at a clist^jice from the kingdom or
state ; a division of a country ; a region, a track, a large extent; the pro-
per office or business of a person.
% Provincialism, a peculiar word or manrjer of speaking hi a province.
II Victim, a living bcin.» sacrificed to some deity ; usually some beast
slain in sacrifice ; sometlimg destroyed.
§ Victor, one who conquers in war ; one who defeats an enemy in battle.
Victor differs from conqueror, We apply conquer to one who subdues
countries, kingdoms, or natinns ; Victor, to one who overcomes a particular
enemy, or in a particular battle ; one who wins, or gains the advantage.
ViNDEX, icJs, m. & f. (vis & dico), a punisher oj
torongs : as, vin'dicoXQ, to justify, to defend, to
"avenge', v. revengeless, a.
aveng'ed, a.
avenge'ment, n. leveng'er, n.
aveng'er, n. reveng'ing, a.
aveng'eress, n. reve7ig''mg\y, ad.
revin'dicate, v.
unaveng'ed^ a.
unreveng'ed, a.
unrevenge'ful, a.
vin'dicahle, a.
vi7idicah\yity, n.
vin'dicatt, v.
vin'dica,ted, a.
vin'dicating. a.
vindica'i'ioa, n.
vin'dic'dtor, n.
^7'in'dicatoTy, a.
\\vindic'tive, a.
vijidic'iivtly, ad.
viridic'tixeness, n.
aveng rag, a.
xtvenge', v. & ii.
reveng'ed, a.
Tevenge'fvd, a.
Tevenge'fnWy, ad. •\veng' eawce, n.
revenge'fulness, n. venge'ful, a.
Vtn-uMj n. 2. {choi), wine ; a grape : as, vi'nous,
having the quahties of wiJie.
rina'ceous, a. rj?iclemia'tion, n. \\vini'age, n.
vine, n. '^vin'egar, n. vint'agtr, n.
X^i'nery, n. ^vint'iiGr, n.
vin'eyaxd, n. '^vin'txy, n.
I'i'nous, a. vi'ny, a.
finos'ity, n. wine, n.
vin'ed, or.
vine' -dresser, n.
§7nnde''mial, a.
*vinde'miaie, v.
* Avert c^e, to take satisfaction for an injury, by punishing the injuring
party. To avenge and i-evenge, radically, are synonymous. But modern
usage restricts aveiis;e to the taking of just punishment, and revenge to
the infliction of pain or evil maliciously, in an illegal manner.
t Vengeance, the infliction of pain on another, in return for an injury
or offence. Such infliction, proceeding from inalice or m.ere resentment,
and not necessary for the purposes of justice, is revenge. When it pro-
ceeds from a mere love of justice, and the necessity of ])unishing offenders
for the support of the laws, it is vengeance. In this case, veiigeanve is a
just retribution, recompense, or punishment ; and it is the scriptural use
of the word.
4; Vindicator!/, pimitory, inflicting punishment, avenging.
H Vindictive, revengeful, given to revenge.
§ Vindemial, belonging to a vintage ot grape harvest.
* Vindemiate, to gather the vintage.
f Vinegar, a vegetable acid, an acid liquor obtained from wine, beer,
or other liquors, by the second or acetous fermentation. Vinegar may
differ indefinitely in the degree of its acidity.
:f Vinery, in gardening, an erection for supporting vines, and exposing
them to artificial heat, consisting of a wall with stoves and flues or nas-
sagcs for smoke. || Vintage, the pro-
duce of the vine for the season ; the time of gathering the crop of grapes.
§ Vintner, one who deals in tvine, a tvme-seller,
, * Vintri/, a place where wine is sold.
3 F 2
ViOL-yi, /. 1. a violet — i/io/a'ceous, a. vi'oicty n.
■ ViOL-Oj V. 1. (a visj, /. 3. force, unjust force), to in^
jure, to hurt: as^ vi'ol^xi^, to injure, to break.
invi'oldb\e, a. vi'old\Ai, a. vi'ohtor, n.
invi'olahly, ad. vi'ohte, v. *vVolence, ».
int'i''o/ablenesSj n. xd'olated, a. vi'olent, a.
inviolahiVity, n' yi'o/ating, «. vi'olently, ad.
inui'o/ate, a. viola'iion, n. uni'i'o/ated, a.
inui'o/ated, a.
YiVEVL-A, f. 1. a viper, a kind of serpent.
vi'per, n. vi'perine, a. . vi'peroxis, a.
YiR, m. 2. (avjjg), a man : as, vi'r'ile, pertaining to a
man, or the male sex, masculine.
'fdec'emvir, n. quindecem''t)irate,«.:J:iy«Va'gOj n.
decem'tiral, a. qmiVqucvir, n.
decem'rirate, n. ixi'nnwir, n. viVile, a.
quindec'enifir, n. trium'f irate, n. viriVity, U'
Virgo, m-is,f. 3. (a vireo, v. 2. to he green, to bloom)
a maid, a womaji unmarried ; any thing untouched^
]]det)ir'^i?iate, v. vir'gin-A^ a. "fiVent, a.
^vir'ffo, n. virffin'ity. n. •\v%r%d'iiy, n.
vir'yin, n. &. a.
Virtus, /. 3, bravery, valor, power ; moral goodness^.
%v%r'tu^ n. §t'M-^tfo'so-ship, n. vir'tuo^a.^, a.
vil'tue, n. *vir'tuc!i\, a. vir'tuoxi&iy, ad.
vir'lus\Q.&%, a. vir'tu?l\y, ad. T'M-^Mousness, n.
\\virtuo'so, n. rir/wal'ity, n. u\:vir'tuo\x^^ a.
* Violence, physical force, moral force ; vehemence, outrage, unjust
force ; rape. 1 Decemvir, one of ten
magistrates who had absolute authority in ancient Rome.
ij: Virago, a female who has the robust body and masculine mind of a
man ; a female wan ior ; in common language, a bold, impudent, turbu-
lent woman. U Devitginate, to deflower.
§ Viiso, a sign of the Zodiac, wnich the sun enters in August; a con-
stellation, containing 110 stars. * Virent, green, verdant, //esA.
t Viridity, greenness, verdure, the colour of fresh vegetables.
% Virtu, (Ital.) a love of the fine arts ; a taste for curiosities.
II Virtuoso, (Ital.) a man skilled in the fine arts, particularly in music:
or a man skilled in antiquities, curiosities, and the like.
§ Virtuosoship, the pursuits of a virtuoso.
♦ Virtual, potenti.il; being in essence or effect, not in fact.
ViR-us, 71. 2. a noxious or hurtful juice, pohon,
vir'uknce, n. "vir'ulent, a. -fvi'rus, n.
vir'ulency^ n. vir'ulently, ad.
Yisc-VM, n. 2. glue, birdlime : as^, vis'cidi, (/lutino'ds.
^invis'csite, v. viscid'iiy, n. viscoi>'ity, or
vis'ciA, a. ||t'J5'cous, a. m'cousness, 7i.
Visc-C7S, ev-is, n. 3. a bowel or entrail.
§e^is'c^rate, v. e: w'c^rating, a. vis'cerdl, a.
e.'ois' cer dte^j a. *vis'cera, ii. vis'cerate, v.
Vis-us, p.p. (a video)j seen. (See Video.)
\is-us, p.p. {a viduo), separated. (See Vidua.')
YiT-A,f. 1. (« vivo), life. (See Vivo.)
Yiri-UM, n. 2. vice, the opposite of virtue; disease.
unt'ii'iated, or vicia'iioii, n. vH'iating, a.
unt;if'iatecl; a. tici^ous, a. vitJa.'tion, n.
vice, n. vici'onsly, ad. viii'ons, a.
•fvic'ia,te, v. I'ici'ousness, n. vitl'ously, ad.
vic'iated, a. vii'iate, v. I'i^i'ousness, ?i.
vic'iating, a. vit'iated, a.
ViT-o, V. 1. to shun, to avoid : as, ey'zVate, to avoid.
ef'i/able, a. inev'itahle., a. ineti/abil'ity, n.
inev'iiuhly, ad. nnev'iiahle, a.
iney'^7ablenessj n.
* Virulent, extremely active in doing injia-y ; very poisonous or venom-
ous, very bitter in enmity ; malignant. — No poison is more viruletit than
that of some species of serpents.
t Virus, foul or contagious matter of an ulcer, pustule, &c. ; poison.
if. Ini'iscate, to lime, to daub v;ith glue ; to catch with glue or birdlime.
II Viscous, glutinaws, slicky, adtiesive, tenacious.
§ Eviscerate, Viscerate, to euibowel or disemioM^'e^, to take out the en-
trails : to seaixh the boivels.
* Viscera, the entrails or intestines; the contents of the abdomen and
t Vici.ate, Vitiatf, to injure the substance or properties of a thing, 50 as
to impair its value, :,iul lessen or destroy its use; to make less imre, or
vrliolly impure; to ikiirave, in a physical or moral sense; to render de-
ft-vtive, and thus to destroy the validity of.
XiiR-UM, n. 2. glass: as, vifreows,, pertaining io gkus.
unw7Vtfied, a. vit'riionn, a. vi/riola'tion, n,
vit'reo-eXecinc, a. t'?7res'cence, n.
vii'reous, a.
ri^V^ousness, 7i,
*vit'ri£y, v.
vUrifac'tion, n.
vJ/Vifiable, a.
ui^'rified, a.
vitrioV'ic, a.
t^i^Violizable, a.
vil'rioWze.) v.
?;i7'riolized, a.
vit'rioYizing.) a.
t'i/rioliza'tion, n.
rt/res cent, a.
ri/res'cible, a.
-{•ri^'riol, n.
^vit'riolsLit, V.
ui/Violated, a.
lu^Violating,. a.
VlTUL-t/S, m. 2. a calf — vit'iil'mQ, a.
ViTUPER-0, V. I. to blame, to censure.
vitu'peraimg, a. \\vltu'perdi.iviej a.
vitu'perate^ v. viiupera'tion, n.
Viv-0, V. 3. to live : as, revive', to live again ; sur-
vive', to outlive; viv'ify, viv'tficate, to give li/e.
^conviv'ia\, a. *Tevivis'cence, or wuvi'ial, a.
conviviaVity, n. revivh'cency, n. '(-uJ'able, a.
reuiuis'cent, a. ijiyi'and, n.
surui'ual, n.
rtvict'uai, v.
iQvi'vai, n.
revive', v.
revi'ved, a.
revi'ver, n.
revi'ving, n. & a.
rewiw'tfy, v.
leviv'i^cate, v.
retail; ifica'tion, n.
snrvive , v>
sart;i'T;ency, n.
survi'ving, a.
suTvi'voi; n.
surwi'uorship, n.
unret;i'i;ed, a.
vict'ual, V.
\\vict'ua\s., n.
vici'uaWer, n.
vict'iiaW\r\g, a.
vi'tal, a.
t;i7als, n.
t'i'/aliy, ad.
* Vitrify, to convert into glass by fusion or the action of heat ; to be-
come glass,
t Vitriol, a mineral ; in chemistry, a combination of the acid of sulphur
with any metallic substance ; but chiefly green vitriol, or sulphate of iron ;
bltte vitriol, or sulphate of copper ; and white vitriol, or sulphate of zinc.
i Vitriolace, VitrioUze, to convert, as sulphur in any compound, into
sulphuric acid, formerly called v/^j-io/jc acid. Thus, thesulphuret of iron
becomes sulphate of iron, or green vitriol. Vitriolic acid, in modern che-
mistry, is denominated sulphuric acid, the base of it being sulphur ; sul-
phur completely saturated with oxygen.
II Vituperative, uttering or writing censure ; containing censure.
§ Convivial, relating to a feast or entertainment ; festal, social, jovial
* Reviviscence, renewal of life, return to li/e.
i Viable, capable of living,~s.s a new-bom infant or premature child.
i Viand, meat dressed, food,— so called, because food supports lif:. (It
is used chiefly in the plural.)
II Victuals, food for human beings, prepared for eating; that 'Ahioh
supports human life : provisions, meat, sustenance.
."'uiika'tion, n.
viv'ificiitive, a.
viv'ify, V.
viv'i^ed, a.
t'/f 'ifying, a.
§uiyip'arous, a.
vHaVhy^ n. "i^viv'iCi, a.
vi'talize, v. viv'idly, ad.
*vivac'ity, n. viv'idnesii, n.
viva'cions, a. \\vivi{'ic, or
t'iurt'cjousness, 71. vivlf'ical, a.
viv'a-woce, ad. viv'i^cate, v.
■fvi'vciTy, n.
VocAT-t/Sj p. p. {d voco)j called. (See Voco.)
Voc-Oj V. I. (a vox, Yoc-?Sf f. 3. a voice, a word),
to call: aSj convoke^ to call together; Qvoke' , to
call out or forth ; muolce', to call on, to implore ;
vo'ca\AQ, a word.
ad'rocacy, n. avouch'ed, a.
•ad'yocate, n. & v. avouch'ex, n.
ad'vrtcatessj n. avo7ich'ing, a.
avouch'ment, ?i.
con'vocate, v.
conuoca'/ioii, n.
convoke', v.
conuo'A'ed, a.
confo'A'ing, a.
ad'wocated, a-
ad'focating, a.
aduoca'/ion, n.
•j-afOca7ion, n.
"^av-oiich', V.
avoiich'ahle, a.
Ilequit/'ocal, a. Sc n.
equiw'ocally, ad.
equiu'ocalnesSj n.
§equivc. % Vivid, lively, sprightly, active; bright, strong.
II Vivffic, giving life, reviving, enlivening.
§ Viviparous, producing young in a living state, — as, all mammifers or
such animals as have breasts for nourishing their young, as distinguished
from oviparous, producing eggs, or young from eggs, — as fowls.
* Advocate, one who pleads the cause of another in a court of justice.
We say, a man is a learned lawyer and an able advocate. Lord advocate,
in Scotland, is the principal crown lawyer, or prosecutor of crimes. Faculty
f>f Advocates, in Scotland, is a society of eminent lawyers, who practise in
the highest courts, and who are admitted members only upon the severest
examination, at three different times. It consists of about two hundred
members, and from this body are vacancies on the bench usually supplied.
f Avocation, the act of calling aside ; the business which calls aside.
(The use of this word for vocation, is very improper.)
% Avouch, to affirm, to declare or assert wiih positiveness ; to produce
or call in, to affirm in favour of, to maintain or support.
Equivocal, being of doubtful signification, that may be understood in
different senses, doubtful, ambi.i^uous.
§ Equivocate, to use words oi a doubtful signification, to express one's
opinions in terms which admit of different senses ; to use ambiguous ex-
* Equivoke, Equivocal, double meaning, ambiguous terma.
evoke', or
ev'ocate, v.
erocfl '/ion, 7i.
in'vocate, or
invoke', v.
in'i^ocated, a.
in'rocating, a.
invoca'tion, n.
inuoVced, a.
invo'kmg, a.
irreu'ocable, a.
irreu'ocably, ad.
pTO»o'A;ingly, ad. vo'cal'iz^A, a.
•j-ref'ocable, a. wo'calizing, a.
ref'ocableness, n. -|-coca7ion, n.
revoca'l'ion, n.
^revoke', v.
xtvo'kQdi, a.
revo'kmg, a.
unequi'y'ocal, a.
unequiiy'ocally,a(i. voic'ed., a.
^voc'at\\e, a. & n.
II vociferate, v.
vociferating, a.
vocifera'tion, n.
vociferous, a.
^voice, 11.
jl univ'ocal, a.
univ'ocally, ad.
irrev'ocobleness, ii. unii'oca'/ion, n.
irreuocabil'ity, n. iinprovo'A'ed, a.
misvouch', v. unprovo'/fing, a.
"pTovoca'tion, n. unrero'Ared, a.
proro'cative, a. & n. fo'cable, n.
prot'o'cativeness,n. ^vocab'ul-Axy, n.
*pTovoke', V. *vo'cal, a.
proyo'A'ed, a. vo'cally, ad.
provo'ker, n. vocal'ity, n.
prot'o'Aring, a. vo'calize, v.
voiceless, a.
■f vouch, V. & n.
vouch'ed, a.
vouchee', n.
vouch' er, n.
vouch'hig., a.
Ij^vouchsafe', v.
vouchsa'fed, a.
vouchsa'dng, a.
vouchsafe'rcient, n.
jjfOM^'el, 71.
voz^^'elled, a.
VoKE/br Voco, to call. (See Voco.)
YoLAT-us, p.p. (d \o\o), Jfown. (See Voio.)
* Provoke, to call forth or into action, to arouse, to excite ; to make
angry, to offend, to incense, to enrage; to cause; to stimulate; to move,
to stir up, to incite.
"t Revocable, that may be recalled or revoked, repeated or annulled.
i Revoke, to recall, to repeal, to reverse, (bj/ the same authority tvhich
granted the thing.)
H Vnivocul, Univocafion. (See under Unus, p. 586.)
§ Vocabulary, a collection of words; a small dictionary.
* Vocal, relating to the voice.
t Vocation, a calling, employment, occupation, trade.
X Vocative, relating to calling ; also, the fifth case in grammar,
n Vociferate, to call out with vehemence, to bawl out, to exclaim ; to
utter with a loud voice.
§ Voice, sound or audible noise uttered by the mouth.
* Vovch, to call to witness; to declare, to affirm, to attest; to warrant,
to confirm, to establish by proof; to bear witness.
t Vouchsafe, to permit to be done without danger ; to condescend to
grant; to condescend, to deign, to yield.
% Vowel, a simple sound ; a letter which represents a simple sound.
VoL-0, V. L tof^ : as, sltw^ohnt, Jli/mg high.
altiu'o/ant, a. ro/'a^ileness, n. I^lvole, n,
circumuo/a'^ion, n. vola tiVity, n. j|fo7ery, n.
evola't'wn, n. "^vol'at'iViZQ, v. volitu'tion, n.
unro/'a/ilized, a. fo/'a/ilized, a. ^vol'ley, n. & v.
vo'l&nt, a. vol'atiliz'mg, a. vol'kyeA, a.
"vol'atile, a. Do/a^iliza'tion, n.
YoL-0, V. irreg. to will, to be willmg, to wish : as
beneyWence^ guod will ; male^j'o/ence, ill-will.
beney'o/ence, n. *maley''o/ence, n. ^voliti'on^ n.
beneu'o/ent, a. malet;'o/ent, a. vol'itive^ a.
beneuWently, ad. maleu'o/ently, ad. \\vol'untary^ a. & n.
henev'olentne&s,n.-\-noleiLs volens, voluntarily, ad.
invorunta.Ty, a. (Lat.) vol'uyitaiiness, n.
invorujiiarily, ad. noUti'on, n. ^volunteer', n.a.&V'
invol'uniariness, n.
VoLUPTAS;, /. 3. (« volo, to will), pleasure.
*vohip'iv,?iry, n. volup'tuously, ad. volup'ttio\x?,ne?^s, «.
■fvolup'tuous, a.
VoLUT-f75, p.p. {d volvo), TolUd. (See Volvo.')
* Volatile, fy'vcig, having the power to fin ; capable of wastinfc away;, or
of easily passing into the aeriform state ; lively, gay, full of spirit, airy ;
—hence, tickle, apt to change.
t Volatilize, to render volatile, to cause to exhale or evaporate ; to cause
to pass o#"in vapor, or invisible effluvia, and to rise and float in the air.
:j: Vole, a deal at cards that draws all the tricks.
II Volery, & flight oi hixds; a large bird-cage, in which the birds have
room to fly, an aviary.
§ Vollei/, & flight of shot, the discharge of many small arms at once ; a
burst or emission of many things at once.
* Malevolence, iW-ivill, personal hatred, enmity of heart, evil disposition
to another. It expresses less than malignity.
\ Nolens volens (Lat.) \xmviHing or willmg; whether hewill or not.
i Volition, the a£t or power of willing, — opposed to nolition or unwill-
y Voluntary, acting by choice or spontaneously ; proceeding from free
will, willing.
§ Volunteer, a voluntary soldier, or one who enters into military service
of his own free will.
* Voluptuary, a man addicted to luxury, or the gratification of the ap-
petite, and to other sensual pleasures.
1 Voluptuous, given to the enjoyments of luxury and pleasure ,• indulg-
ing to excess in sensttal gratifications.
VoLV-0, V. 3. to roll : as, dvoMmvolve', to roll round ;
^^volve' , to roll down, to pass over; evolve' y to un-
foldy to expand.
antiret;o??z'/ionary,o.:{:intenjo7t''e', v.
antirefo/M7ionist,?z.interro7iy'ed, a.
circumvo/fg', v. iiiteruo/v'ing, a.
circumvo/p'ed, a. involve', v.
c'lrcumvolv'ing, a. involv'ed, a.
circumvohi'iion, n. mvolv'mg^ a,
convolve', v. mvolu'tion, n.
*convolv'ul\xs, n» IJin'uo^Mte, or
•fcon't'o/ute, or
con'vo/uted, a.
convolu't'ion, n.
devolve', v.
devolv'ed, a.
devolv'ing, a.
devolu'tion, n.
disinvolve', v.
evolve', V.
evolv'ed, a.
evolv'ing, a.
evolu't'wn, n.
in'voluted, a-
§ob'uo7ute, or
oh'voluted, a.
*tevolt', V- & n.
revolt'ed, a.
revoli'ev, n.
x&volt'mg, a.
"^-XQv'olute^ a.
ijlret-o/w'^ion, n.
levolu'tionary, a.
Tevolu'tioner, n>
revolu't\on{?,t, n.
revoln'tionize, v-
Tevolu't'wnized, a.
reuw/«7ionizing, a.
\\revolve', v.
revolv'ed, a.
revolv'mg, a.
re.volv'ency, n.
^volt, n.
*vol'7ib\t, a.
vol'u\>\y, ad.
ro/?t'bilate, or
vol'uhWe, a.
volub'iVity -, n.
•\vol'un-ie, n.
vol'uxned, a.
z'o/w'minous, a.
volii'minon^ly, ad.
vo^M'minousnesSj n,
"^volute', n.
* Convolvulus, a flower that rolls itself together.
\ Convolute, Coitvoluted, in botany, rolled together, or one part on an-
other, — as the sides or margins of nascent leaves.
•^ Intel volve, to involve one within another.
II Involute, Involuted, in botany, rolled spirally inwards.
§ Obvolute foliation, in botany,' is when the margins of the leaves alter-
nately embrace the straight margin of the opposite leaf.
* Revolt, to fall off, or turn from one to another, to renounce allegiance
and subjection to one's prince or state.
t Revolute, in botany, rolled back or downwards.
± Revolution, in physics, rotation, the circular motion of a body on ita
axis ; in politics, a material or entire change in the constitution of govern-
II Revolve, to turn again and again ; to turn or roll round ; to move
round a centre.
§ Volt, a round or circular tread ; in fencing, a sudden movement or
leap to avoid a thrust.
* Voluble, that may roll, apt to roll ; rolling ; nimble, active, fluent.
+ Volume, primarily a roll, as the ancients wrote on long stripes of bark,
parchment, or other material, which tliey formed into rolls or folds ; a roll
or turn ; a book.
i Volute, in architecture, a kind of siiixal sa-oU in the capitals; in natu-
ral history, a genus of shells.
carniy orous, a.
§det>o»/r', V.
dej)0M7'ed, a.
^Qvoiir'tXy n.
dcv(yiir''nag, a.
dei'owr'ingly, ad.
*equiy''orous, a.
graminiw'orous, a.
•1'verniiz;'orouSj a.
vorac'ity, n.
ijluora'cious, a.
?;ora'ciously, ad.
2;ora'ciousness5 n.
iJDorag'inous, a.
*voluia'tion, n. valve^ n. wal'lowcx., n.
■fvolu'ilon, n. X'^al'low, v. &. n. wal'lowi^h, a.
VoMiT-Oj, V. 1. ( vomo, V. 3. to vomit or spew), to
cast up from the stomach.
evomitVon^ n. revmn'iting, a. vomit'i'on, n.
igrdv'omous, a. vom'it, v. & n. vom'itive, a.
levom'it, v. vom'iteA, a. ^vom'itory, a. &. n.
icvom'ited, a. vom'iiing, a. & n.
Voii-0^ t;, 1. to eat, to devour: as, graminiw'oroiis,
eat'mg grass ; phytiw'orous, feeding on plants.
graniy'orous, a. self-dewowr'ing, a.
herbiy'orous, a.
iiisectiy'orous, a.
omniv' or ous, a.
ossii;'orous, a.
phytiy'o?'ous, a.
pisciy'orous, a.
sanguiniy'orouSj a.
YoT-uM, n. 2. (« voveOj V. 2. to vow), a vow, a pro-
raise made to God : as, vow, a solemn jt^romzse.
§at'ow;', V. avow'er, n. devotee.', n.
avoiv'ahle, a. iivow'mg, n. & a. devole'went, n.
avowal, n. *devote', v. & a. devo'ter, n.
avoiv'ed, a. devo'ted, a. devo'ting^ a.
avow'edly, ad. def;o'^edness, ti. -f-deyo'^ion, n.
* Volutatlon, a walloivmg, t Volution, a spiral turn.
X Wallow, to roll one's boiiy on the earth, in mire or on other sub«tance.
i Vomitory, procuring vomits, causing to eject from thestomach, emetic;
also, an emetic ; a door. — Gibbon. § Devour, to eat up,
to eat with greediness ; to consume, to destroy, to waste, to slay.
* Equivorous, feedlug or subsisting on horse flesh, — as, equivorous Tar-
tars.' — Quart. Rev. *■ Vermtvorous, eating worms.
4: Voracious, greedy for e«jg, d Ipw, to 8crape))ascrajper — •\xy&'ter^n.
Zel-os (^>5Ao?_, a l^iUy to hoiV)iZeal, m passionate ar»
dor in the pur suit of anything, eagerness of desire.
X&-^'ozem, lu Zelo'tesj n.
&\iozem'ic, a. zeal'ons, a. *ze'olhe, n.
WrmszearouSy a. zeaVo\x^\y, ad. zeolh'ic, a.
zeal, n. ^rea/'ousness, n. areo/it'ifonn, a.
^zeal'oi, n.
* Xerophagy, the eating of dry meats, a sort of food among the primi-
tive Christians.
t Xeiojyfithalmy, a dry red soreness or itching of the eyes, without swell-
ing or a discharge of humors.
+ Xiphias, the sword-&i\\ ; a comet shaped like a sword.
li Xiph'iid or ensiform cartilage, is a small cartilage placed at the bottom
of the breast bone, § Lt7/i0jv/e, petrified ivood,
* Xylography, u'oorf-engraving ; the act or art of cutting figures in wood,
in representation of natural objects.
■f Xyster, a surgeon's instrument for scraping boaes.
rf Apozem, a decoction, in which the medicinal substances of plants are
extracted by boiling.
I Miszealous, actuated by false nea?.
§ Zealot, one who engages warmly in any cause, and pursues his object
with earnestness and ardor. It is generally used in dispraise, or applied
to one whose ardor is intemperate and censurable.
* Zeolite, a mineral, so named by CronUedt, from its intumescence,
ZEN 629 , zoo
Zenith (Arab.) the point overhead^ opposite to the
Nadir — zen'ith, n.
Zetilyr-us, m. 2. i^i^Pv^og), the west wind; poetically,
any gentle soft breeze — zeph'yrus^ n. zeph'yr, n.
Zete-o {X/tTico')j to seek — *zetet'ic, a.
ZON-Af f. I. (^ft'v»j)_, a girdle— f zone, n. zo'ned, a.
Zo-oN (^coovy a ^o,Voco. See
Call out, Noise, Loud, Jingle.
Cud — Rumen. See Chew.
Cud'gel— Fustis.
Cull — Cerpo.
Cul'pable — deserv'ing blame,
blame'able, cen'surable, re-
prehens'ible, reprov'able, re-
proach 'able, faul'ty ; sin'ful,
crim'inal, immor'al. See
Blame, Fault.
Cul'tivate — Colo, Aro, Ma-
ims. See Countryman.
Cun'nikg — (know'ledge, skill,
dexter'ity, obs.) ; art, ar'tifiee,
art 'fulness, craft, craftiness,
fal'lacy, cheat, fraud'ulency,
treach'ery, trick'ery, strat'-
agem ; in law, trick, device',
collu'sion, shift, co'nn. See
Cheat, Falsehood, Trick.
Cun'ning — (know'ing,skirful,
expe'rienced, well-instruct'ed,
dex'terous, cu'rious, inge'ni-
ous, obs.)', art'ful, crafty, sly.
shrewd, astute', pen'etrating,
design'ing, wily, arch, sub'-
tile, subtle, deceit'ful, trick'-
ish. See Sly, Deceitful.
Cup — Scariphos.
Curb — Frenum. See Check.
Cure — Cura, Medeor, Thera-
peuo, Pas, Storo. See Heal,
Curse — Male, Precor, Sacer,
Cus'TODY-keep'ing, guard'ing,
guard, care, watch, inspec'-
tion ; impris'onment, confine'-
ment, incarcera'tion, restraint';
5'e^Liberty being deprived of,
C u s't o »i — com'mon use, u'sage,
hab'it, fash'ion ; prac'tice,
way, man'ner ; prescrip'tion.
See Use, Way, Tax.
Cut Caedo, Seco, Tomos,
Findo, Schisraa, Tailler,
Scindo, Serra, Mutilus, Cope,
Trunco, Entomon, Falcatus,
Cut off rescind', abscind',
sev'er, prune, lop ; sep'arate,
remove', take away, am'pu-
tate ; destroy', extirp'ate ;
interrupt', intercept' ; end,
fin'ish ; prevent', preclude',
shut out. See Separate, Part,
Dag'ger— Saxon. See Wea-
Dain'tv — nice, delici'ous, sa'-
voury, pal'atable, squeam'ish,
fastid'ious, del'icate, rare,
luxu'rious ; scrup'ulous ;
el'egant, ten'der, soft, pure,
neat. See Nice, Soft.
Damp mois'ten, make hu'-
mid, humec'tate, wet, wat'er ;
chill, cool, dead'en, depress',
deject', abate'; weak'en, make
dull ; check, restrain', make
lan'guid, discour'age, dis-
hear'ten, dispir'it. See Hu-
mor, Check, Lower.
Dance Orchestra, Tripu-
Dan'ger — Periculum.
Danger — per'il, haz'ard, risk,
jeop'ardy, ven'tuie. See
Dare — have cour'age, be bold,
ven'ture, presume' ; chal-
lenge, provoke', defy', brave,
set at defi'ance. See At-
tempt, Brave.
Dark Obscurus, Opacus,
Umbra, Tenebrae, Caligo,
Nebula, Melan,I\Jale, Mystes,
Plico. See Gloom, Dull.
Dark'ness — ab'sence of light,
obscur'ity, opaqu'eness, opac'-
ity, nebulos'ity, cloud'iness,
tenebros'ity, dim'ness, dusk,
dusk'iness, . dusk'ishness,
eclipse', gloom, gloom'iness,
shade, mist'iness, dis'malness,
myste'riousness, inex'plicable-
ness ; ig'norance ; se'crecy,
priv'acy ; hell ; calam'ities,
perplex'ities, troub'le, dis-
tress'. See Gloom, Trouble,
Dart — Jaculum. See Cast,
Dash — Lido for Laedo. See
Daub — Leo. See Blot, Stain.
Daugh'ter — Filia. t9^e Son.
Day Dies, Jour, Hemera,
llodie, Hebdomas, Meridies.
See Time.
De'acon — Coneo. See Clergy-
Dead — life'less, deceas'ed, de-
funct', inan'iraate ; deep,
sound ; still, moti'onless ;
emp'ty, va'cant; unemploy'ed,
useless, unprofitable ; dull,
inac'tive ; gloom'y ; frig'id,
cold, unan'imated, unaffect'-
ing, used of prayers ; taste'-
less, vap'icl, s])ir'itless, used
of liquors. See Lifeless, In-
animate, Dull, Flat.
Dead'ly • — -mor'tal, fa'tal,
le'thal, life-destroy'ing, dele-
te'rious, destruct'ive, pois'on-
ous ; impla'cable, inex'orable,
malig'nant. See Mortal,
Deaf — Surdus.
Deal— Tailler. See Trade.
Dear — Cams.
Death — Mors, Lethum, Ne-
cros, Nex, Thanatos, Corpus,
Cedo, Eo, Cadaver, Feralis,
Spiro, Mitto. See Perish.
Debt — obliga'tion, due, lia-
bil'ity, claim, right; in Scrip-
ture, sin, tresspass, transgres'-
sion, guilt, crime. See Ob-
ligation, Right, Sin.
Deceit'ful — deceiv'ing, mis-
lead'ing, insnar'ing, beguil'-
ing, cheating, pu'nic, falla'-
cious, delu'sive, illu'sive, illu'..
sory, fraud'ulent, trick'ish,
elu'sive, coun'terfeit ; sim'-
ulating, feign'ing, pretend'-
ing. See Cunning, Sly,
Deceitful, Corrupt, Spurious.
Deceive' — Capio,Fallo,Fraus^
Ludo, Pono, Pseudo, Simulo,
Similis, Mendax.
Deceive' — mislead', cause to
err, impose' on, delude',
coz'en, eguile', cajole', cheat;
frus'trate, disappoint'. See
Cajole, Abuse, Cheat.
DECi'D'ERof disputes — um'pire,
ar'biter, ar'bitrator. See
Deck — Omo. See Beautify.
Declare' — Fessum. See Tell.
Declare' — make known, tell
explic'itly ; exhib'it, man'-
ifest ; proclaim', publish,
promul'gate, announce' ; as-
sert', aver', affirm'; assev'orate,
protest'. See Profess, Dis-
cover, Publish, Show.
Decline' Phthisis. See
Waste, Droop.
Decli v'lT Y — Clivus.
Decree' — e'dict, law, or'der,
command', man'date, or'di-
nance, proclama'tion, rule,
prohibiti'on ; decisi'on, judg'-
ment,-sen'tence,adjudica'tion ;
pur'pose, determina'tion. See
Command, Order, Judgment,
Ded'icate Dlco, Votum,
Deus, Sacer, Sanctus; Scribo.
See Set aparty Apply.
Deed — Facinus. See Perfor-
Defame ' S u gillo. See
Defeat' frus'trate, disap-
point', foil, balk, thwart,
baffle, ren'der null and void ;
disconcert', derange',unset'tle;
overcome'. See Beat, Baffle,
Defect'! VE — want'ing, defici'-
ent, imper'fect ; fault'y, bad,
blame'able. See Cul'pable,
Defekd' — Fendo, Guarder /or
(iarder, Tego, Tueor, Servo,
Phylacterion. See Protect.
Defense' excuse', apol'ogy,
plea, justifica'tion, vindica'-
tion. See Covering, Excuse,
Pretense, Fence.
Defile' — Inquino.
Def'inite — lim'ited, bound'-
ed, determ'inate ; pos'itive,
cer'tain, fix'ed, precise', ex-
act' ; defi'ning, lim'iting.
See Limited, Settled.
"Degree' — Gradior. See Go.
Delay' — put off, prolong', de-
fer', postpone', protract', pro-
rogue', procras'tinate ; length'-
en, contin'ue; retard', stop,
hin'der, detain', restrain'.
See Prorogue, Hinder, Keep,
Pause, Stay, Loiter.
Delight' Delicise. See
Deliv'er Trado, Rendre*
See Give up.
Del'uge Diluvium, Luo,
Undo, Fluo. See Water.
Denote' — mark, sig'nify, ex-
press', show, in'dicate, imply'.
See Betoken, Mean, Mark.
Dense — thick, close, compact',
heav'y. See Thick, Close,
Deny' — Nego. See Not, Call
Deprav'ity — corrup'tion, de-
prava'tion, wic'kedness, vice,
profligacy, crime, sin. See
Iniquity, Crime, Debt.
Deprive' — Viduo, Un-.
Describe' Scribo, Grapho.
See Write.
Describe' — depict', delin'eate,
rep'resent, mark, explain',
define', recount'. See Ex-
plain, Relate, Write.
Desert — ^Sertum, Linquo,
3 K
Eremos, Sara, Solus, Vastus.
See Alone, Desolate.
Deserve' — Meritum, Dignus.
See Worthy.
Design' — plan, representa'tion,
sketch ; contri'vance, proj'ect,
plan, scheme ; pur'pose, pur'-
port, inten'tion, aim. See
Intention, Aim, Plan.
Design' delin'eate, sketch,
form an out'line ; pur'pose, in-
tend', mean ; project', scheme,
plan, mach'inate, plot, col-
league', contrive'. Sec Mean,
Invent, Plot, Plan, Contrive.
Desire' — Cupio, Libido, Ve-
nus, Peto, Opto, Ardeo,
Prurio. See Wish, Hope,
Avarice, Lust.
Desk — Pulpitum.
Des'olate — devast'ated, laid
waste, neglect'ed, destroy'ed ;
sol'itary, des'ert, void, bar'-
ren ; waste, drear'y, drear,
uninhab'ited; sad, mel'an-
ly, lone ; desert'ed of God, af-
flict'ed, depriv'ed of comfort.
See Abandoned, Alone,
Despair' — hope'lessness,hope'-
less state, despera'tion, des-
pair'ing ; despond'ency. See
liowness. Hopeless.
Despise' Specio, Temno,
Dignus. See Disdain, Con-
Despise' — disdain', contem'n,
scorn, slight, disregard', neg-
lect'. See Disdain, Neglect.
Des'pot Despotes, Tyran-
nus, Arbiter. See King.
DESPOT'ic-arl)itrary, ab'solute,
self-willed, supreme', inde-
pend'ent, uncontrolled, un-
lim'ited, nnrestrict'ed ; tyran'-
nical. See Arbitrary.
Des'tiny — state appoint'ed or
predetermined, ul'timate fate ;
fate, neces'sity, lot, doom, ap-
point'ment. See Necessity,
Ordain, Fix.
Destroy' — Struo, Molior,
Leo, Nex, Nihil, Rado,
Sumo, Finis, Vastus, Ruina,
Un-. See Build, Waste.
Destruc'tion great
slau'ghter, car'nage, but'chery,
mas'sacre, hav'oc, mur'der,
trucidalion. See Waste,
Kill, Slaughter, Hurt.
Deterji'ined — end'ed, con-
clu'ded, deci'ded, limited,
fix'ed, set'tled, resolv'ed, di-
rect'ed ; res'olute, bold, firm,
stead'y, per'emptory, deci'sive.
See Bold, Firm, Ordain, Un-
Dev'il — Satan, Boleo, Demon.
See Enemy, Adversary.
Devote' Votum, Dico,
Deus, Aceo, Sacer. See Set
Devour' — Voro, Glutio, Gur-
ges, Gourmand. See Swal-
low, Eat.
Dew — Res. See Rain.
Di'amond — Damao. 5*^^ Stone.
Dic'tiox — phTas'eology,'word'-
ing, style, expressi'on, man'-
ner of expressi'on. See Lan-
guage, Speech.
Dic'TiONARY-lexlcon, vocab'-
ulary, nomencla'ture, gloss'-
ary. See Nomenclature.
Die — See Death.
crimina'tion, disagree'ment.
dissimilarity, varia'tion, va-
ri'ety, diversity, dissimil'-
itude, disparity, inequality,
contrari'ety ; dispute', va'ri-
ance, debate', conten'tion,
quar'rel, con'troversy, dissen'-
sion, dis'cord. See Disagree-
ment, Quarrel.
Dif'ferent — Fero, Heteros,
Alter, Varius, Alienus, Al-
ios, Similis, AUaxis. See
Dif'ficult — not easy, hard
to do, labo'rious, elab'orate,
ar'duous : unaccom'modating,
rig'id, austere'. See Severe.
DiF'FxctiLT — Ardaus, Dys.
Dif'ficulty (opposed to
easiness or facility) — hard'-
ship, lab'our, toil ; pcrplex'-
ity, embar'rassment, trouble ;
impediment, ob'stacle, ob-
struclion, oppositi'on, hin'-
drance, let. See Hin-
derance. Obstacle, Trouble,
Doubt, Ease.
Dig — Fossa, Oryctos.
Digest' — Gero, Coquo, Pep-
Dil'igence — Lego, Industria.
See Attention.
Dil'igent — assid'uous, sed'-
ulous, attentive, indus'trious,
care'ful, labo'rious, persever'-
ing, con'stant, ac'tive. See
Dip — Bapto, IMer^'o, Tingo.
Direction— -Ward.
Direc'tion — aim ; course,
lirie ; or'der, con'duct, man''-
agement, dispo'sal, adrainis-
tra'tion, gui''dance, superin-
tend'ence, supervisi'on ; ad-
dress', superscrip'tion. See
Bent, Aim, Lead, Show.
Dirt — Squaleo, Stercus. See
Disagree'ment — difference,
divisi'on, dissen'sion, dis'-
cord, va'riance, strife, quar'-
rel ; unsuit'ableness. See A-
greement, Difference, Quarrel.
Discern'ible percep'tible,
vis'ible, discrim'inable, dis-
tin'guishable, discov'erable,
ascertain'able ; manifest, ob'-
vious, appa'rent, evident.
See Clear, See.
Discharge' — Functus. See
Do, Pay, Receipt, Clear.
Disci'PLE — adhe'rentjfollower,
par'tisan ; learn'er, schol'ar.
See Follower, Scholar.
Dis'ciPLiNE — train'ing, edu-
ca'tion, instruc'tion, cultiva'-
tion and improve'ment ; cor-
rect'ness, or'der, control', re-
straint', gov'ernnient, rule ;
subjec'tion; correc'tion,chast'-
isement, pun'ishment. See
Education, Order, Improve-
ment, Punish.
DiscouRSE'-Curro, Logos, Ser-
tum. .^eeSpeech, Dissertation.
Discov'er — Couvrir, Tego,
Venio, Velo, Trouver. See
Find out. Appear make.
Discov'er — find out, invent'.
contrive', design', devise' ;
ascertain', detect' ; uncov'er,
lay open, disclose', show,
make vis'ible, reveal', make
known, divulge', man'ifest,
declare', expose' ; espy'. See
Contrive, Invent, Declare,
Publish, Show.
Disdain' — Fastidium. See
Disdain' — contempt', con-
temp'tuousness, scorn ;
haught'iness, hauteur', ar'-
rogance ; indigna'tion. See
Contumely, Despise, Con-
Disease' — Morbus, Nosos,
Vitium, Lepra, Demos, Pes-
tis. Scrofula, Tabes, Fistula,
Arthritis. See Illness, Sick.
Disfig'ure — deform', deface',
change to a worse form, mar,
impair', injure the form of.
See Injure, Crooked, Form,
Order put out of.
Disgrace' — disfa'vour, dises-
teem', discred'it, dishon'our,
disrepute', disreputa'tion,
scan'dal, reproach', ig'no-
miny, shame, in'famy ; o'-
dium, obloquy, oppro'brium.
See Ashamed, Slander, Con-
tumely, Lower, Shameful,
Stain, Blemish.
Disgust' — disrelish, distaste',
disinclina'tion, dislike' ; a-
ver'sion, repug'nance, antip'-
athy, o'dium, ofFenslveness,
ha'tred ; lothlng, nau'sea,
nau'seousness. See Nausea,
Hatred, Displeasure, Dis-
Dish — Patella.
Disown' disclaim', disa-
vow', not to own, not to al-
low', deny' ; renounce', re-
ject'; recant', abjure', retract'.
See Call back.
Dispel' drive asun'der,
disperse', dis'sipate, ban'ish,
scat'ter. See Scatter, Spread
Displease' — dissat'isfy, an-
noy', tease, vex, offend', an'-
ger, ii'ritate, wor'ry, provoke'.
See Anger, Offend, Worry.
DiSPLEAs'uRE dissatisfac'-
tion, disapproba'tion, dislike',
distaste', vexa'tion, indigna'-
tion, offense', chagrin', morti-
fica'tion, an'ger, annoy'ance.
See Anger, Disgust, En-
DiSPOSiTi'oN — dispo'sal, or'-
der, meth'od, distribu'tion,
arrange'ment, adjust'ment ;
nat'ural fit'ness or tend'ency ;
inclina'tion, bent, bi'as, pro-
pens'ity, propen'sion ; tem'-
per, frame, mood, hu'mor.
See Order, Arrangement,
Humor, Bent.
Disprove' — Futo, Probo. See
Proof, Argument.
Disserta'tion treat'ise,
es'say, disquisiti'on, discus'-
sion, discourse'. See Argu-
ment, Essay.
Dis'tant — Sto, Moveo, Teles.
See End.
Distin'gutsh— make or ascer-
tain' difference, discTrim'in-
ate, sep'arate, discern', spec'-
ify ; make em'inent or known,
sig'nalize. See Perceive, Se-
parate, Find out.
Dis'trict — divisi'on, cir'cuit,
por'tion, allot'ment ; quar'ter,
tract, re'gion, ter'ritory, coun'-
try. See Part, Country,
Kingdom, Dominion.
Ditch — Fossa.
Divine' — Divus, Theos,Cleros,
Clesis, Latum, Magus. See
Do — Ago, Facio, Practos,
Do — perform', effect', effect'uate,
bring to pass, ex'ecute, carry
into effect', accom'plish,
achieve', prac'tice ; exert' ;
discharge', convey' ; fin'ish,
transact'. See Accom'plish,
Bring about. Make, Effect,
Do a cTime — commit', effect',
Doc'tor — Doceo. See Scholar.
Doc'trine — Doceo,-Ics,-Ism.
See Teach.
Doc'TRiNE-whatever is taught ;
prin'ciple, truth, positi'on ;
dog'ma, ten'et ; pos'tulate ;
max'im. See Truth.
Dog — Canis, Cyon.
Dole'ful — sor'rowful, ex-
pressing grief, mourn'ful,
mel'ancholy, sad, afflict'ed,
rue'ful, woe'ful, pit'iful, pit'e-
ous, dis'mal, gloom'y. See
Dull, Sad, Pitiable, Melan-
Domin'ion — sov'ereign or su-
preme' author'ity, rule, sway,
author'ity, controll', pow'er ;
reign, em'pire, sov'ereignty,
gov'ernment ; ter'ritory, re'-
gion, coun'try, dis'trict ; an
order of angels. See Govern-
ment, Kingdom, District.
1)00R- — ForiSj Janua, Valvae,
Porta. See Gate.
Dose — Dotos, Posos. See
Dote — Lira, Delirium, Hal-
lucino. See Madness.
Doub'le— — Duo, Geminus,
Bis, Amphi-. See Two.
Doubt — Dubius, Sceptomai,
Pyrrho, Ago, Am-, Equus
for Aequus, Certus, Pendeo,
Haereo, Quaero, Scrupulus,
Voco. See Difficulty.
Douii'xEn not to be — indis'-
putable, incontrovert'ible, in-
contest'able, indu'bitable, un-
ques'tionable, undeni'able,
irrefu'table, irrefragable,
doubtless, ques'tionless, ev'-
ident, cer'tain. See Certain,
Sure, Actual.
Dove — Columba.
Down — Tomentum, Lanugo,
Pappus ; Puber, De-, Cata-,
Oc-. See From.
Dow'ry — Dos, Pherne. See
Doze — slumlser, nap, be drow'-
sy, sleep light'ly ; stu'pify.
See Sleep.
Draw Traho, Haustum,
Spasma, Licio for Lacio,
Lure for Leurre, Elao, Tor-
turn, Antlos.
Draw back — retire', recede', re-
treat', withdraw'; out or from,
extract', extort', exact' ; de-
rive', deduce' ; abstract'.
i)READ-Deus, Phobos, Horreo,
Terreo, Pan. See Fear,
Fright, Terrify.
Dream — Oneiros. See Sleep.
Dregs sed'iment, lees,
grounds, fec'ulence, fe'cea,
waste or worth'less matter,
dross, sco'ria, fil'ings, rust,
sweep'ings, refuse', scum,
rec'rement. See Remains.
Dress — Gala, Pecto.
Dress— appar'el, attire', hab'it,
suit, clothes, array'. See
Clothes, Covering, Formality,
Drink — Bibo, Poto, Sorbeo,
Haustum, Sugo, Nectar.
See Suck, Soak.
Drink bev'erage, liq'uor,
tip'ple ; po'tion, draught,
Drive — Pello, Ago, Agito,
Elao, Exceo, Pactus. See
Drom'edary — Dromos.
Droop — sink or hang down,
lan'guish, pine, fail, sink,
decline', fade, faint, grow
weak, be dispir'ited. See
Faint, Weaken.
Drop — Stilla, Gutta, Strangos.
Drop'sy Ascites, Hydor.
See Water,
Dross — Scoria. See Remains.
Drunk — Ebrius.
Drunk — drunk'en, intox'icat-
ed, ine'briated, crap'ulous,
intem'perate ; drench'ed, sat'-
urated with moisture or
liquor : tip'sy, fud'dled, tip'-
pled. See Intoxication,
K 2
Drove — Armenturn.
Drug — Pharmacon. See Me-
Druid — Drus. See Priest.
Dry— Areo, Sicco, Torreo,
Dry'ness — ar'idness, arid'ity,
sJc'city, drought, thirst ; bar'-
renness, jejune'ness, want of
ornament or pathos ; want of
feeling or sensibility. See
Duck — Anas.
Dull — Phlegma, Stupeo.
Dull — stu'pid, doltish, block'-
ish, slow of understanding ;
heav'y* slug'gish, without
life, spirit, or motion, vap'id,
insens'ate, insensible, insip'-
id, flat, phlegmatic, sleep 'y,
drows'y ; sat'urnine ; sad,
mel'ancholy, dis'mal, gloom'y,
deject'ed, dispiilted, cheer'-
less ; gross, clog'gy • not
bright, cloud'ed, tarnished^
dim, obscure', not vivid,
cloud'y, o'vercast, not clear i
blunt, obtuse'. See Sad,
Doleful, Flat, Lifeless, Dead,
Lonely, Pale.
Dumb — Mutus.
Dumb — mute, silent, not
speak'ing, speechless, tac'-
itum ; tacit. See Silent.
D UXG — Stercus.
Dust — Pulvis, Coneo, Scobs.
See Earth.
Dwell — Habeo, Maneo, Eceo,
Domus, Edes for Aedes,
Villa, Taberna, Cubo. See
House, Abode.
Dwell — inhabit, reside', live,
abide'; remain', stay, rest, con-
tin'ue ; for a time, visit, so'-
journ, lodge. See Abide,
Each other — AUelon, Mutuus,
E'agerness — ardent desire,
animated zeal, vehement
longing, avidity ; ar'dour,
ar'dency, zeal, heat, warmth,
ferv'ency, ve'hemence, im-
petuosity ; for'ff^ardness,
readiness, prompt'ness. See
Zeal, Greediness, Heat,
Warmth, Quickness.
E'agle — Aquila. See Crooked.
Ear — Auris, Ous, Spica. See
Earn — IMeritum. See Desire.
Earth — Terra, Ge, Humus,
Mundus, Cosmos, Solum, Se-
culum. Bitumen, Ochra.
Ease — Otium. See Nothing.
EASE-facillty, e'asiness, light'-
ness ; qui'et, rest. See
Quiet, Difficulty.
Ease or Calm — free from pain,
&c., relieve', mitigate, alle'-
viate, assuage', allay' ; calm,
appease', pacify, soothe, com-
pose', tran'quillize, qui'et,
still. See Calm, Quiet, Allay.
E'asy — Facilis.
EAST-Orior, Eurus. SeeWmd,
Eat — Edo, Esurlo, Phago,
Mando, Gangrena, Voro,
Glutio, Gourmand, Epicurus,
Gurges, Rodo, Locusta, Vul-
tur. See Swallow.
Eccen'tric — de'viating,anom'-
alous, irreg'ular ; depart'ing,
wan'dering, roam'ing, ro'ving.
See Odd, Wander.
Ecclesias'tic theolo'gian,
divine', priest, cler'gyman,
prel'ate, &c. See Clergyman,
Divine, Priest.
Econ'omy — Eceo, Noraos.
Edge — Margo.
Edge — mar'gin, brink, bor'der,
brim, verge, rim, extrem'ity ;
sliarp'ness, ac'rimony, keen'-
ness, intense'ness. See Brink,
Bounds, Sharpness.
Ed'ify — Edes /or Aedes, Fa-
cio, Struo. See Build.
Educa'tion— the bringing up,
instruc'tion, train'ing; forma'-
tion, tuiti'on, nur'ture, breed'-
ing,informa'tion. ^eelnstruct,
Improvement, Discipline.
Effect' — what is produced,
con'sequence, result', event',
is'suc ; pur'pose, intent' ;
utility, profit, advan'tage ;
real'ity, fact ; force, valid'ity ;
effectSj goods, mov'ables,
personal estate. See Issue,
Goods, Make, Bring about,
Effect' joroiucm^— efFect'ive,
op'erative, act'ive, cau'sing to
be, product'ive ; a'ble, pow'-
evful. See Make, Active,
Able, Powerful.
Ef'figy — im'age, like'ness,
pic'ture, resem'blance, repre-
senta'tion, simil'itude, por'-
trait, fig'ure, make. See
Form, Likeness.
Egg — Ovum. See Round.
Eight — Octo, Octogeni.
El'der — Senex, Presbyteros.
See Old.
El'ement — Elementum, Rud-
is. See Constituent.
Ebi'bers — Cinis. See Ashes.
Em'blem inlay', mosa'ic
work ; type, sym'bol, fig'ure,
allusive picture, painted
enigma, typical designation,
representa'tion, allu'sion. See
Figure, Mark.
Embrace' — take, clasp or in-
close in the arms, press, hug,
gripe ; seize eagerly, lay
hold on, receive or take wil-
lingly; comprehend', include'
or take in ; comprise', in-
close', com'pass, encom'pass,
contain', encir'cle ; salute',
&c. See Take, Kiss, Con-
tain, Compass.
Emp'ty — Vaco, Viduo, Van-
us, Inanis, Taphos, Jcjunus.
See Vain, Bare, Barren.
Emp'ty space — vac'uum, va-
cu'ity, void, chasm. See
Em'ulous — Emulus for Ae-
mulus, RiVus, Jaloux. See
Encour'age— -give courage to,
coun'tenance, sanc'tion, abet',
fos'ter, support', cher'ish; em-
bold'en, an'imate, inspire',
incite', in'stigate, inspir'it,
urge, impel'. See Animate,
Cheer, Foster, Protect,
Strengthen, Support.
End- — Finis, Terminus, Limes,
Teles, Horos, Claudo, Pleo,
Facio, Acron, Eternus. See
END^^extreme' point, extrem'-
ity, lim'it, termina'tion, close,
conclu'sion, ul'timate state ;
fin'ish, con'sequence, is'sue,
result' ; ul'timate point, ob'-
ject intend'ed, scope, aim,
drift. See Aim, Bound, In-
tention, Issue.
End without-^n^less, etern'-
al, everlast'ing, sempitem'al,
in'finite, interm'inable, per-
pet'ual, contin'ual, incess'ant ;
bound'less, illim'itable, un-
lim'ited. See Unbounded,
Bounds, Immense.
Endow' — gift, indue', invest',
supply' with, furn'ish, imbue'.
See Invest.
En'emy Hostis, Amicus,
Verto, Pono, Agon, Satan.
See Adversary, Inimical.
Engrave' Glypho. See
Engross' — seize in the gross,
take the whole, engage
wholly, absorb', monop'olize,
appro'priate. See Swallow up.
Enjoy' — Fruor. See Fruit.
Enjoy'ment — fruiti'on,pleas'-
ure, satisfac'tion, gratifica'-
on, agreeable sensa'tions,
delight', delecta'tion ; pos-
sessi'on, oc'cupancy. See
Pleasure, Sport.
Exught'en make light,
shed light on, supply with
light ; light'en, illume', illu'-
mine, illu'minate \ give light
to, give clearer views, in-
struct'. See Eight, Instruct.
Enlist' — enroll', enter in a
list, reg'ister, record', chron'-
icle ; recruit'. See Catalogue.
Enu'ven an'imate, cheer,
exhil'arate. See Animate,
En'mity — unfriendly disposi-
tion, ill'will, malev^'olencCj
animos'ity, ha'tred, malig'-
nity, hostil'ity, ran'cour, mal'-
ice, aver'sion, displeas'ure.
See Displeasure, Hatred,
Anger, Envy, Malice, Spite.
ENOUGH'-Satis, Over-, Super-.
See Plenty.
Enough — suffici'ency ; abun'-
dance, plent'y ; com'petence,
com'petency, ad'equacy. See
Plenty, Abounding.
Entang'le — twist, entwine',
im'plicate, infold', inwrap',
involve', perplex', embar'rass,
distract', com'plicate, in'tri-
cate, puz'zle, bewild'er ; in-
snare', catch, trepan', entrap',
illaq'ueate. See Twist, Cross,
Grieve, Puzzle, Intricacy,
Enthu'siast — ^person of ar-
dent zeal, zeal'ot, fanat'ic,
visi'onary ; big'ot. See
Entire' — Integer, Holos, To-
tus, Perpes. See Whole.
En't rails — Splanchna, Vis-
cus. See Bowels.
Entreat' — beseech', sup'pli-
cate, importune', exhort', im-
plore'. See Beg, Ask, Pray,
Entreat'x" — urgent prayer,
earnest petition, pray'er, sup-
plica'tion, petiti'on, request',
solicita'tion, suit, exhorta'-
tion, persua'sion. See Peti-
tion, Beg, Pray.
En'vy — Video.
En'vy — malev'olence, ill'-will,
mal'ice, malig'nity, pique,
grudge ; suspici'on, jeal'ousy,
public o'dium, ill-repute', in-
■vid'iousness ; ri'valry, emu-
la'tion, competiti'on. See
Enmity, Malice, Spite.
EuUAL — Equus for Aequus,
Isos, Par, Tantus, Homos,
E'qual — same, e'ven, u'niform,
not va'riable, e'quable ; just,
eq'ui table, right ; ad'equate,
propor'ti onate, comm ens'urate,
equiv'alent, com'petent, meet.
See Able, Suitable, Fair,
Like, Even, Inadequate.
Erect' — Orthos. See Right.
Er'ror — Erro, Mis-. See 111.
Espous'ED-^engaged in mar-
riage, betroth'ed, affi'anced,
contract'ed, mar'ried, wed'-
ded ; embrac'ed. See Mar-
Espy' — Video.
Espy' — see, discern', detect',
discov'er, perceive', descry'.
See Perceive, Look.
Es'quire — Scutum.
Es'sAY — tract, treat'ise : essay',
tri'al, &c. See Dissertation,
Attempt, Try.
Esteem' — Estimo for Aesti-
mo, Valeo, Precium for Pre-
tium, Vilis. See Value,
Etern'al Eternus. Si^e
Etymol'ogy — Etymon. See
E'vEX — lev'el, smooth, not
rough, flat, plain ; u'niform,
e'qual, calm, e'quable. See
Equal, Calm.
E'vENiNG — Vesper.
Event' — Venio, Mergo, Cado,
Curro. See Chance.
Ev'ery — Omnis. See All,
Ev'idence — proof, test'imony,
attesta'tion ; vouch'er, certif-
icate, depositi'on. See Prove,
E'viL— Male. See 111, Bad.
Exam'ple — pat'tem, mod'el,
par'adigm, cop'y, prec'edent,
for'mer in'stance, exem'plar,
orig'inal, arch'etype, in'-
stance ; ex'emplary person ;
sam'ple, spec'imen. See
Copy, Likeness.
Except' — Capio, Salus.
Excess' — more than enough',
super'fluousness ; superfluity,
redund'ancy ; exu'berance,
superabund'ance. See Ex-
travagance, Much too.
Excur'sion — ram'bling ; ex-
pediti'on, journ'ey, trip, tour,
jaunt, ram'ble. See Ramble.
Excuse'— -apology, plea, de-
fense', pretense', pretext'. See
Defense, Cloak, Covering.
Exhort' — Hortor. See En-
courage, Entreat.
Exile' — banish, expa'triate,
expel', proscribe'. See Ban-
Expense' — money expended,
cost, charge, price ; dear'ness,
cost'liness, expens'iveness.
See Lavish.
ExPENs'iVE — cost'ly, sump'-
tuous, val'uable, dear ; given
to expense', extrav'agant, lav'-
ish, prod'igal, profuse' ; lib'-
eral, gen'erous. See Spend,
Lavish, Waste.
Expe'rience — Perior, Pirates.
See Trial.
Expert' — dex'troiis, skil'ful,
read'y. See Ready.
Ex'piate — atone' for, sat'isfy,
propiti'ate ; compens'ate, re-
quite'. See Amends make,
Explain' — Egesis, Tnterpretor,
Talmud. See Interpret.
Explain' — make plain, ex-
pound', illus'trate, ex'plicate,
unfold', elu'cidate,illu'minate,
inter'pret, describe', define',
sol\e. See Describe, Clear,
Relate, Unfold.
Explana'tion expositi'on,
illustra'tion, interpreta'tion,
explica'tion, definiti'on, des-
crip'tion, elucida'tion, solu'-
tion. See Comment.
Explan'atory serving to
explain', exeget'ical, expos'-
itory, descrip'tive, illus'tra-
tive, elu'cidatory ; explic'it,
express' ; circumstau'tial,
minute'. See Clear.
Expunge' — efface', blot out,
oblit'erate, erase', rase, can'-
ceL See Blot.
Extrav'agance — wand'ering
beyond lim'its, prodigarity,
profu'sion, profuse'ness, ex-
cess' ; irregular'ity, wild'ness,
prepost'erousness, monstros'-
ity. See Excess, Waste,
Extrem'ity — Acron. See
Eye — Oculus, Ophthalmos,
Opto, Cilium, Iris, Scleros.
Eye-Ball — Pupa.
Fa'ble Fabula, Mythos,
Enigma. See Story.
Fab'ric frame, struc'ture,
build'ing, ed'ifice ; tex'ture,
context'ure, web, work'man-
ship. See Building, House.
Face — Facies, Physis, Gno-
mon, Teneo, Video, Pronus,
Fac'tion jun'to, clique, ca-
bal', part'y, coterie' ^ tu'mult,
dis'cord, dissen'sion. See
Quarrelling, Party, Plot.
Fade — Langueo. See Droop.
Fail Fallo, Foible. See
Weakness, Fault, Miscarriage.
Fail'url' — fail'ing, deficience,
cessation of supply, total de-
fect ; omissi'on, non-perform-
ance ; decay', defect' ; bank'-
ruptcy, break'ing in estate,
break'ing, insolvency.
Faint — weak,fee'ble, lan'guid,
exhaust'ed, low ; not bright ;
not loud, low ; imper'fect, not
strik'ing ; cow'ardly, tim'or-
ous ; not vig'orous, not act'-
ive ; deject'ed, depress'ed,
dispir'ited. See Weak,
Droop, Low.
Fair — clear, beau'tiful, hand'-
some ; clear, not cloud'y ;
o'pen, frank, hon'est ; e'qual,
just, eq'uitable, right, reas'on-
able, upright' ; hon'ourable,
mild ; civ'il, pleas'ing, not
harsh. See Beautiful, Clear,
Art without^ Equal, Open,
Faith — Fides. See Trust.
Faith'fulness fidel'ity,
fe'alty, loy'alty, trnst'iness,
hon'esty, firm adhe'rence,
strict perform'ance ; truth,
verac'ity. See Belief, Truth,
Faith'less — unbeliev'ing, not
believ'ing; perfid'ious.treach'-
erous, pu'nic, disloy'al, un-
faith'ful, neglect'ful ; false.
See Deceitful, Unfaithfulness.
Fali, — Cado, Labor, Ruina,
Ptoma. See Tumble.
False — Mis-, Fallo, Mendax,
Pseudos, Spurius. See De-
ceivCj Genuine not.
False'hood — untruth', fabri-
ca'tion, fic'tion, fals'ity, lie,
fib ; mendac'ity ; deceit, fraud,
fal'lacy, duplic'ity, doub'le-
dealing, false'ness, coun'ter-
feit, impos'ture. See Cheat,
Cunning, Invent, Lie, Story.
Fame — Fama, Celebris, Doxa.
Fame — public report orru'mor;
celeb'rity, renown' ; reputa'-
tion, cred'it, esteem', hon'or ;
ru'mor, report'. See Charac-
ter, Respect, Hearsay, Name.
Fam'ily Familia, Domus,
Genea. See House.
Famil'iar — acquaint'ed with,
con'versant, vers'ed in ; affa-
ble, free, so'ciable. See Free.
Familiar'ity in'timate ac-
quain'tance, in'timacy, affa-
bil'ity, sociabil'ity, cour'tesy,
free'dom. See Freedom, Ac-
quaintance, Intimacy.
Fa'mous — renown'ed, celebrat-
ed, much talk'ed of and
prais'ed, illus'trious, distin'-
guished, em'inent ; conspic'-
uous ; ex'cellent, transcend'-
ent. See Noted.
Fan'ciful — full of fan'cies
or wild im'ages, fantas'tical,
whim'sical, ide'al, visi'onary,
chimer'ical, caprici'ous, hu'-
moursome, freak'ish; imag'in-
ative. See Odd, Imaginary.
Fax'cy Fantasia, Phano,
Idea, Nosco, Opinor, Capio,
Imago, Chimaera. See
Think, Image.
Far — Telos. See End.
Fakce— Mimus. /S'^e Sport.
Farewell' — Valeo.
Farm — Predium /or Praedium.
Fas'ten make fast, lock,
bolt, bar, secure', fix ; join
to, affix', attach', append',
annex', conjoin', adjoin', sub-
join' ; adliere', cohere', stick.
See Fix, Join.
Fat — Sebum.
Fate — Fatum. See Destiny.
FATH'ER-Pater, Papas, Genus,
Pario. See Beget.
Fat'ness — obes'ity, obese'ness,
flesh 'iness, cor'pulency, gross'-
ness, coarse'ness ; unc'tuous-
ness, sli'miness, rich'ness,
fertil'ity, fruit'fulness. See
Bigness, Lusty.
Fault — Culpa, Crimen, Erro,
Vitium, Pecco, Censeo, Vitu-
pero, Blamer, See Blame.
Fault — er'ring, fail'ing, er'ror,
mistake', blun'der, defect',
blem'ish, imperfec'tion, slight
offense', foib'le, weak'ness,
frail'ty. See Mistake, Blem-
ish, Weakness, Culpable.
Fa'vour — Faveo, Gratia.
Fa'vour — kind regard', kind'-
ness, coun'tenance, friendly
dispositi'on, grace, kind act
or office, beneficence, benev'-
olence, good'.will, len'ity ;
leave, par'don ; advan'tage,
conve'nience ; support', de-
fense', vindica'tion. See Kind-
ness, Charity, Support.
Fawn — coax, wheedle, cajole',
soothe, hu'mour, flat'ter
meanly, blan'dish, court ser-
vilely, cringe and bow to
gain favour. See Flatter,
Fear — Timeo, Foxmido, Pho-
bos, Vereor, Horreo, Terreo,
Trepidus, Prehendo, Pan,
Gorgon. See Dread, Fright.
Fear — apprehen'sion, alarm',
dread, ter'ror, fright, pan'ic,
consterna'tion ; anxi'ety, so-
lic'itude ; slav'ish dread ; fil'-
ial fear, reveren'tial fear, awe,
rev'erence, venera'tion ; law
and word of God. See Cow-
ardice, Afraid, Dread, Fright,
Terrify, Trembling, Jealousy.
Fear'ful — full of fear, appre-
hen'sive, afraid', tim'id, tim'-
orous, wanting courage ;
impress'ing fear, fright'ful,
dread'ful, tremend'ous, ter'-
rible, terrific, for'midable,
hor'rible, hor'rid, horrific.
See Afraid, Formidable,
Feast Festum, Epulae,
Feast ban'quet, regale',
sump'tuous entertain'nient,
rich repast', delici'ous meal,
carous'al, treat ; fes'tival,
hol'lday. See Luxury,
Feath'er — PJuma, Penna.
Fee — Feof, Feudum.
Fee'ble — Debilis, Imbecillis.
See Weak.
Feed — Pasco, Nomas, Pabu-
lum. See Nourish.
Feel — Sentio, Pathos, Patior,
Miser, Eleemosyne : Taster.
Feel'ing — sensa'tion, sense ;
sensibil'ity, susceptibil'ity ;
excite'ment, emo'tion ; path'-
os, tend'emess, concern'. See
Sense, Kindness.
Feel'ina want of ap'athy,
&:c. See Insensibility.
Feign — Fingo. See Forged.
Fel'low-helper — coadju'tor,
assistant ; coneague, part'-
ner. See Share.
Fe'male — Femina.
Fence — wall, hedge, ditch,
bank, &c. ; guard, secur'ity,
defense' ; fens'ing. See
Ditch, Defense, Guard.
Fever — Febris. See Hot.
FEW-;-Pauci, Oligos.
Field — Ager, Campus, Colo.
Fierce — Atrox, Trux. See
Fight — Machomai, Pugna,
Polemos, Bellum, Mars,
Bliles. See War, Battle.
Fig'ure — Figura, Trapezium,
Typus. See Form.
Fig'ure of speech — trope, met'-
aphor, al'legory, meton'ymy,
synec'doche, i'rony, &c. See
>peech, Emblem.
Fill — Pleo, Plenus.
Filth Sordidus, Squaleo,
FiXD — Trouver.
Find out — discov'er, invent',
detect', ascertain' ; unrid'dle,
solve ; descry', discern', dis-
crim'inate, distin'guish. See
Discover, invent, Distinguish.
Fine — mulct, amerce', confis'-
cate : pecu'niary pun'ishment,
mulct, amerce'ment, pen'alty,
for'feit. for'feiture, confisca'-
tion. See Punish, Pay.
Fik'ger — Dactylus, Digitus.
F I N 'i SIX — complete', per'fect,
accom'plish, conclude', end,
ter'minate, close. See Lfo^
Perfect, End.
Fire — Ignis, Pyr, Vulcanus,
Phos, Ustum, Flamma,
Candeo, Focus, Pluto, Scin-
tilla, Vesta. See Burn,
Heat, Anger.
Firm — Firmus, Stereos.
Firm — fix'ed, compact', hard,
sol'id, sclerot'ic, sta'ble,
stead'y ; con'stant, unsha'ken,
res'olute ; strong, robust',
stur'dy. See Determined,
Solid, Strong.
First — Primus, Protos, Arche,
Orior, Alpha. See Begin.
Fish — Piscis, Ichthys, Bellua,
Fist — Pugna, Pygme.
Fit — Aptus, Proprius, Pes ; fit
to be, -Ble.
Fit — suit'able, conve'nient,
meet, becom'ing, expe'dient,
prop'er, apt ; qual'ified. See
Able, Becoming, Suitable,
Meet, Necessary.
Fit. — adapt', suit, accom'mo-
date, fur'nish, adjust', propor'-
tion ; qual'ify, prepare', fit
out, furn'ish, equip', accou'-
tre. See Qualify.
Five — Quinque, Pente.
Fix — Fixus, Stino, Pactus.
Fix — make stable, set immove'-
ably, des'tine, estab'lisb,
set'tle, confirm', ingraft', im-
plant' ; resolve', determ'ine,
lim'it ; appoint', in'stitute ;
make fast, fas'ten, secure',
attach' ; place stead'ily, di-
rect'. See Settle, Appoint,
Assign, Ordain, Fasten.
Flag — Juncus, Vexillum.
Flat — smooth ; lev'el, liori-
zont'al ; pros'trate, fallen ;
tasteless, stale, vap'id, insip'-
id, dead ; inan'imate, life'less,
inert' ; dull, unan'imated,
frig'id ; deject'ed, spir'itless,
depress'ed ; utipleas'ing ; per'-
emptory, ab'solute, positive,
down'right ; not sharp or
shrill, not acute' ; low, dull.
See DuU, Inanimate, Life-
less, Taste, Positive, liow.
Flat'ter — Adulatum, Sitos,
Flat'ter ad'ulate, fawn,
blan'dish , com plim ent', sooth e,
please, grat'ify, gloze, whee-
d'le, coax. See Fawn, Cajole*
Flay — skin, exco'riate, strip
off the &kin, gall, rub or wear
off the skin, abrade'. 5*^6 Skin.
Flea — Pulex.
Flee — Fugio. See Fly, Run.
Fleet — Clas'sis. See Ship.
Flesh — Caro, Sarx.
Flint-stone Silex. See
Flirt — pert hussy, jilt, co-
Flock — Grex.
Flood — Diluvium, Luo, Fluo.
See ^^ater.
Flour'ish — grow luxu'riantly,
thrive, pros'per, succeed'. See
Flow — Fluo, Fluctuo, Rheo,
Mano, Meo, Liqueo, Phlebs,
Hydor, Hygros, Mergo. See
Spring, Issue, Overflow.
Flow'er — Flos, Anthos, Peta-
Flow'er-leaf — Petalon.
Flute — Tibia. See Pipe.
Flut'ter — move or flap the
wings rapidly, hov'er ; pal'-
pitate, vi'Tjrate, un'dulate,
pant. See Palpitate.
Fly — Volo, Fugio.
Foam — Spuma.
Fold — Plico, Volvo, Tricae.
See Entangle.
Fol'low — Sequor, Cedo, Al-
Fol'lower — adhe'rent, par'-
tisan, depend'ent,. Tas'sal, re-
tain'er, im'itator ; disci'ple,
schol'ar, learner ; pursu'er ;
succes'sor ; attend'ant, com-
pan'ion, asso'ciate. See Dis-
ciple, Companion, Scholar,
Fol'ly — weak'ness of in'tellect,
imbecil'ity of mind, want of
understand'ing ; non'sense,
tional'ity, unreas'onableness ;
trifling, pueril'ity ; weak'-
ness, vacu'ity. 5*^? Madness,
Food — Vivo, Dieta, Pasco,
Pabulum, Cibus, Esca, Fa-
mes, Lardum, Sitos, Trophe.
Food — di'et, reg'imen ; meat,
al'iment, vic'tuals, provis'ion,
eat'ables, ed'ibles, fare, main'-
tenance ; for beasts, prov'en-
der, fod'der, lit'ter ; pas'ture,
pas'turage. See Livelihood.
Fool — Stultus, Idios, Fatuus.
Fool — nat'ural, id'iot, driv'-
eller, sim'pleton, chang'ling,
trif'ler. 5'fe Coxcomb,iMiniic,
Fool-hard'y — daring without
judgment, rash, precip'itate,
hast'y, foolishly bold, in-
cau'tiou.i, dar'ing, advent'ur-
ous, vent'uresome, vent'urous.
See Bold, Hasty.
Fool'ish — void of understand-
ing or sound judgment, weak
in in'tellect ; unwise', impru'-
dent ; sim'ple, sil'Iy, irrati'on-
al, vain, trifling ; ridic'-
ulous, absurd', prepos'terous,
imreas'onable, des'picable ;
wick'ed, sin'fid. See Weak,
Vain, Insensible, Wicked,
Foot — Pes, Pous, Basis, Fun-
dus, Dactylus, Iambus,
Foot'step — Ichneumon, Ves-
For — Pro,
Forbid' — Veto.
Forbid' — prohib'it, interdict',
bid not to do, proscribe', in-
hib'it ; restrain', check, op-
pose', hin'der, obstruct' ;
deny', gainsay', contradict'.
See Gainsay, Keep, Check,
Force — Fortis, Violo, IMomen-
tum, Peto, Posse, Vigor,
Pello, Erceo for Arceo.
FoHCE — compel', coerce', con-
strain', oblige', neces'sitate ;
enforce', urge, press, drive,
impel' ; storm, assault' ; ex-
act', extort'. See Oblige,
Make, Drive.
Force — strength, active pow-
er, pow'er, vig^or, might, eti'-
ergy ; vi'olence, compuls'ory
power, coer'cion, compul'-
sion, obliga'tion, constraint',
des'tiny, neces'sity ; mo-
ment'um or quantity of
power produced by the action
of one body on another ; virt'-
ue, efficacy ; valid'ity, power
to bind or hold ; strength or
power for war, ar'mament,
troops, ar'my, na'vy ; phys'-
ical force^ or force of material
bodies; mor'a I foroe, or -pow^
er of acting on or influenc-
ing the mind ; mechan'ical
force., or power that belongs
to bodies at rest or in mo-
tion, — as pressure, tension,
&c. See Power, Obligation,
Fore'head — Frons, Metopon.
For'eign — Exterus, Alienus,
Ager, Pilgrim. See Out-
ward, Abroad.
FoRE'nuNNER — Curro. See
Fore'sight fore'thoughf,
premedita'tion, fore'cast ;
pres'cience, foreknowl'edge,
prognostica'tion ; prov'ident
care ; previous contrivance.
See Before, Knowledge.
For'est — Silva. See Wood.
Foretel' Phano, Dico,
Mancia, Vates, Astion,
Sagax, Tendo, Magus, Au-
grfr, Auspicium, Gnomon.
See Betoken, Know.
Forg'ed — ham'mered, beat'en,
made ; coun'terfeit, feign'ed,
false, fictiti'ous, invent'ed,
fab'ricated, dissem'bled,fram'-
ed, untrue', base- See False-
hood, Genuine not, Art made
ht/y Invent.
Forget' Oblivio, Lethe,
Forgive' — Pardonner, Mitto,
Solvo, Mneo, VenJa. See
Pardon, Clear, Excuse.
Fork — Fiirca.
Forlorn' — Solus. (See Alone,
FoRM-Forma, Morphe, Facies,
Plasso, Oidos, Idolum, Cere-
monia, Fingo.
Form — shape, fig'ure, mold,
configura'tion, conforma'tion,
conslruc'tion ; man'ner, dis-
positi'on ; mod'el, pat'tern,
draught ; beau'ty, el'egance,
splen'dor, dig'nity ; regular'-
ity, meth'od, or'der ; empty
show, external appearance,
sem'blance ; stated method,
established practice, rit'ual,
proscribed mode, rite, cer'-
emony, observ'ance, fashi'on.
See Appearance, Attitude,
Way, JMake, Figure, EfRgy,
Form — shape, mold, fashi'on,
mod'el, mod'ify ; scheme,
plan, contrive', invent' ; ar-
range', combine' ; make,
frame, cause to be, create',
produce', compose', con'sti-
tutes construct', compile', es-
tablish ; enact', ordain'^ See
Figure, Plan, Invent, Make,
For'mal — according to form,
reg'ular, method'ical ; pre-
cise', ceremo'nious, exact'.
Stiff, express' ; extern'al; con-
stit'uent, essen'tial, prop'er.
See Regular, Constituent.
Formal'ity — practice or ob-
servance of forms, external
appear'ance, cer'emony, mode,
meth'od, sys'tem, or'der, rule,
precisi'on, deco'rum, de'ccn-
cy, seemliness ; mode of
dress, habit, robe. See Sys-
tem, Order, Dress.
For'jmidable exciting fear
or apprehension, impressing
dread, appal'ling, terrific,
tet'rible, deter'ring, tremend'-
ous, hor'rible, fright'ful,
shock'ing. See Fearful,
Ghastly, Hideous.
Fob sake'- Linquo. See Leave,
Fort, For'tify Fortis,
3Iunio. See Strong.
Forth — Pro-, Porro.
F'or'tune — Fors. .Vee Chance.
For'tunate — luck'y,success'-
ful, pros'perous, hap'py ; pro-
piti'ous, auspici'ous. See
Lucky, Happy.
For'tune— . — chance, haz'ard,
ac'cident, luck ; success',
event' ; chance of life, means
of living, vi'ealth ; estate',
possessi'ons ; large estate,
great wealth ; futur'ity, des'-
tiny, fate, doom, lot. See
Chance, Misfortune, Riches,
For'ward — Pro-, Porro, Av-
ant, Moveo.
Fos'siL — Mineral, Metallum,
Fos'ter — feed, nour'ish, sup-
port', bring up { cher'ish,
harljour, indulge', encour'age.
See Breed, Encourage, Har-
bour, Nourish.
Found — lay the basis, set,
set'tle, place, establish, fix ;
in'stitute, begin', orig'inate ;
rest, ground ; build, con-
struct', rear, erect. See Settle,
Fix, Begin, Build,
Foun'tain — Styx. See Hell,
FouR-Quatuor, Quadra, Tetra,
/or Tessares, Lustrum, Olyni-
pus. Season, Trapezium,
Fowl — Avis, Ornithoe. See
Fox — Vulpes. See Cunning.
Frame — Fabrico. See Make.
France — Gallia, Franc.
Fraud — Fraus. See Cheat,
Free — Iviber, Franc, Gratis,
Mitto, Leisure, Solvo.
Free — disengage', disentan'gle,
rid, strip, clear ; set at lib-
erty, lib'erate, enfran'chise,
eman'cipate, res'cue, release',
relieve', manumit', loose, save,
preserve', deliv'er, exempt'.
See Clear, Redeem, Liberty
being deprived of.
Free being at liberty, un-
constrain'ed, unrestrain'ed,
unconfin'ed, permit'ted, al-
low'ed ; o'pen, can'did, frank,
ingen'uous, unreserv'ed ; lib'-
eral, gen'erous, bount'iful,
munificent, not parsinio ni-
ous ; gratu'itous ; famil'iar,
e'asy ; clear, exempt', guilt'-
less, in'nocent. Sec Open,
Clear, Generous. Ready.
Free'dom — lib'erty,independ''-
ence, unrestraint'; exemp'tion,
priv^ilege, immu'nity, fran'-
chise ; frank'ness, bold'ness ;
famiiiar'ity ; li'cense, im-
proper familiar'ity ; libera'-
tion, emancipa'tion, release',
enfranchise'ment. See Privi-
lege, Liberty being deprived
of. Familiarity.
Freeze — Gelu, Glacies, Crys-
tallus. See Ice.
Freight car'go, bur'den,
load, la'ding, transporta'tion
of goods ; ship's hire. See
Burden, Ship.
Fresh — Recens. See New.
Fret'ful — ill-hu'mored,peev'-
ish, test'y, easily ir'ritated,
splen'etic, an'gry, pet'ulent,
cap'tious. See Cross, Angry,
Complaining always.
Friend — Amicus, Philos, So-
cio, Concilio.
Fright fright'en, ter'rify,
scare, alarm', daunt, dismay',
intim'idate ; dishear'ten, dis-
cour'age, deter*. See Fear,
Terrify, Dread.
Frol'ic — wild prank, flight of
lev'ity, or gai'ety and mirtli,
game, jest, joke, gam'bol,
fun. See Jest, Sport, Whim.
From — A-, Ab-, Abs-, De-,
Apo-, With-.
Frost — Gelu. See Ice.
Froth — Spuma.
Fruit — Fruor, Fruges, Fero,
Uber, Fecundus, Carpus.
Fruit'ful — fert'ile, prolific,
preg'nant, fe'cund, gen'erat-
ing, product'ive, abund'ant,
plent'iful, plent'eous. See
Abounding, Breed.
Full — Plcnus, Pleo, Copia,
Satis, Undo,-Ful, -Ose, -Ous,
-Y, -Some.
Fume — Fumus, Vapor. See
Smoke, Smell.
Fu'neral — Funus. See Bury.
FuH'ROW-Lira,Sulcus.5'ead. Life-
In'cense — Thus. See Burn.
Ikcline' — Clino, PendeOjVer-
go, Proncs. See Lean.
Incommode' — put to inconve-
nience, give trouble to, nm-
lest', trouble, annoy', vex,
har'ass, disturb'. See Trou-
Increase ' Augeo, Cresco,
In'crease — augmenta'tion, ad-
diti'on, accessi'on, growing,'
larger, enlarge'ment, exten'--
sion, aggrandise'ment, in'-
crement ; profit, in'terest ;
prog'eny, is'sue, offspring,
prod'uce. See Added some-
thing, Larger make or grow.
Ixcur'sion running into ;
in'road, irrup'tion, inva'sion,
attack' ; expediti'on. See
Attack, Battle, Run.
In'dicate Dico, Gnomon.
See Show.
Indif'ferent— neu'tral, care'-
less, heedless, regardless, un-
concern'ed. See Careless,
Individ'ual— not divided or
not to be divided, sin'gle, one,
iden'tical, partic'ular, sep'ar-
ate, distinct', undivi'ded, ab'-
stract. See Particular, Same,
Ixduce' — bring on^ produce',
cause ; persuade', prevail on,
in'fiuence, bi'as ; incite',
move, in'stigate, act'uate, im-
pel' ; infer'. See Invite,
Lead, Move, Tempt.
Infatua'tion— hallucina'tion,
stupefac'tion. See Intoxica-
tion, Destiny, Mistake.
Infec'tion — - contamina'tion,
poH'u'tion, poison, vitia'-
tion, defile'ment ; conta'gion.
See Pest, Plague.
Infe'rior — low'er, sec'ondary,
subor'dinate, subserv'ient.
See Servant.
In'fidel — unbeliev'er. See
In'fluence — flowing in, into,
or on, pow'er, cred'it, fa'vour ;
control', direc'tion. See
Power, Lead.
Inge^nious — skil'ful, invent'-
Jve, clev'er, imag'inative,
wit'ty. See Intellectual,
Ingra'tiate — insin'uate, re-
commend', conciliate, pro-
piti'ate. See Hint, Favour.
Inhab'itants original
Inim'ical — unfriend'ly, hos'-
tile, ad'verse ; hurt'ful, con'-
trary, op'posite, repug'nant.
See Hurtful, Opposite.
Iniq,'uity unright'eousness,
injus'tice, nefa'riousness, sin,
crime, wick'edness, irreligi'on,
profan'ity, impi'ety, deprav'-
ity. See Injury, Depravity,
Misdeed, Unjust.
In'jure — hurt, wound ; wrong,
impair', weak'en, dam'age,
make worse, dete'riorate, dim-
in'ish, less'en ; tarn'ish, slan'-
der, vi'olate; grieve ; the
form, disfig'ure, deform', de-
face'. See Disfigure, Maim,
Hurt, Abuse, Offend, "Worse
In'jury — wrong, dam'age, loss,
hurt, harm, mis'chief, det'ri-
ment, out'rage, deteriora'tion,
3 31
injus'tice, e'vil, ill, unfair'-
ness, iniq'uity ; in'sult, af-
front'. See Hurt, Iniquity,
AtFront, Violation.
Ink — Atra.
In'sect — Seco, Tomos, Ento-
mon, Locusta, Nympha. See
Insensibii/ity — want of sen-
sibil'ity, unfeel'ingness, ap'-
athy, indifference, insuscepti-
bility, torpid'ity, cold'ness,
cal'lousness, unconcern', dis-
regard', dull'ness, stupid'ity,
tor'por. See Feeling, Dry-
iNSENs'iBLE-that cannot be felt
or perceived, impercep'tible,
insens'ate, apathet'ic, insus-
cep'tible, tor'pid, stu'pid, dull,
fool'ish ; indifferent, uncon-
cern'ed, regard'less. See
Hardened, Dull, Foolish.
Instruct' — teach, inform the
mind, ed'ify, ed'ucate ; direct',
enjoin', persuade', admon'ish,
command', inform', advise',
give notice to. See Guide,
Show, Education, Authority
give, Enlighten, Build.
In'strument — Struo, Organ-
um, Scariphos ; — tool ; dupe,
iNSURREc'TTON-rising against
civil or political authority,
sediti'on, rebellion, revolt',
ri'sing, commo'tion, mu'tiny.
See Tumult.
Intellect'ual — men'tal,tal'-
ented, gift'ed, clev'er, invent'-
ive, imag'inative, ide'al. See
Ingenious, Spiritual, Mind.
Iktknsl' — straiu'ed, stretch'-
ed ; very close, raised to a
high degree, vi'olent, ve'he-
ment ; very severe or keen,
extreme' ; ar'dent, ferv'eiit.
See Hot, Zealous, Warm.
Inxex'tiox stretching or
bending of the mind towards
an object, close applica'tion,
ear'nestness ; design', pur'-
pose, pur'port, im'port, mean'-
ing, intent', intcnd'ment, view,
aim, drift, end, ob'ject, scope.
See Aim, End, Design,
JMean, Meaning.
Intekcede' — plead in favour
of.. See Act between.
Interchaxge' mutual
change, exchange', commuta'-
tion, permuta'tion, bar'ter, le-
ciproc'ity. See Change,
Communion, Trade.
In'terest — concern', regard',
advan'tage, good benefit ; in'-
fiuence ; share, por'tion, part,
participa'tion ; pre'mium for
the use of money. See Re-
late, Benefit, Care, Good,
Inter'pret Interpreter,
Struo, Hermes, Targum.
See Explain.
Interrupt' — break in upon,
stop, hin'der, disturb' ; inter-
vene', interj50se', interfere' ;
divide', sep'arate, break con-
tinu'ity, rescind', disjoin', dis-
connect'. See Hinder, Pre-
vent, Act hetiveen, Separate,
Order put out of.
In'terview — mutual view or
sight, meet'ing, con'fsrence.
commuiiica'tion, oral discu«-
si'on, consulta'tion, conven'-
tion, par'lcy. See Calling
together^ Speech.
In't 13IACY — close familiar'ity
or friend'ship, fel'lowship,
acquain'tance, familiar'ity.
See Acquaintance, Fanjiliar-
In'to — See In.
inebri'ety, ebri'ety, inebria'-
tion, tip'siness ; infatua'tion.
See Drunk, Infatuation.
Ix'TRiCACi' — perplex'ity, per-
plex'edness, complex'ity, com-
plica'tion, involii'tion, entang'-
lemcnt, confu'sion ; maze,
lab'yrinth, mean'der. See
Ik TRiCATE-entang'led.involv'-
ed, intwin'ed, com'plicated,
perplex'ed, com'plex. See
Confused, Entangle.
Intkigue' — Cabal'. See Plot.
Intrin'sic intrin'sical, in'-
ward, intern 'al, in'nate, true,
gen'uine, re'al, essen'tial, in-
he'rent. See Genuine, In-
ward, Constituent.
Introduce' — lead or bring in,
ush'er in, present', prepare' ;
begin', open to notice ; pref-
ace, premise'. See Begin,
Introduc'tory — serving to
introduce', prepar'atory, init'i-
atory, prelim'inary, prefatory,
proe'mial, prelu'sive, prelu'-
sory, pre'vious, antece'dent,
prefix'ed. See Going hefore-t
Intxtjde' — thrust one's self
in, obtrude', come, go in or
enter uninvi'ted or unwel'-
comed ; unlawfully, en-
croach'j infringe', invade', in-
trench'. See Go.
Ixval'id-:— weak, fee'ble, of no
force, weight or cog'enc}',
infirm', debiritated, sick, un-
weir, ill, indispo'sed ; in law,
having no force, effect or ef-
ficacy, null, void : — In'valid,
a person weak and infirn.,
sickly or indisposed, valetu-
dina'rian. See llliiess, Sick,
Invent' — come on by making,
find out by making, devise',
contrive' ; fab'ricate, forge,
feign ; discov'er. See Con-
trive, Discover, Find out,
Invest' — cloth, dress, array',
adorn' ; clothe with office or
author'ity, endow', endue',
au'thorise ; inclose', surround',
besiege'. See Clothe, Beau-
tify, Authority give, Endow,
Compass, Surround.
Invid'ious looking on with
an evil eye, en'vious, nialig'-
nant, spite'ful, ran'corous,
likely to incur ill-will or ha-
tred, or provoke envy, ofFens'-
ive, provo'king, ir'ritating.
See Malicious, Affronting.
Invite' — bid, call, ask, suni'-
nion ; allure', draw to, attract',
tempt to come. See Ask,
Bid, Call, Induce.
In'ward Intus, Intestina,
In-, Intro-. See Intrinsic.
I'reland — Hitemia.
I'hon >- Ferrum, Sideros,
I'sLAXD — Insula, Nesos.
Iss'uE — passing or flowing out,
e'gress, outlet ; s.nf.ing out ;
event', con'sequcnce, effect',
resuli',end, up'shot; prog'eny,
child or children. See Eflect,
End, Children, Offspring.
Iss'uE — pass or flow out, em'-
anate, spring, result', proceed',
arise', emerge', flow, go out,
rush out. See Spring, Flow.
It'aly — Italia, Latinus, Rome,
Itch — Prurio.
I'vY — Hedera.
Ja'cob — Jacobus, Israel, Levi,
James — Jacobus.
Jae n'dice — Icterus.
Jaw — Foces/or Fauces, Max-
Jeal'ous — Jaloux.
J E al'ousy — susnici'f r>, fear,
apprehen'sion, cau'tion, vig'-
ilance ; ri'valry, en'vy ; indig-
na'tion. See Fear, Emulous.
Jest — Jocus, Scopto.
Jest — gibe, jeer, sneer, scoff,
mock, taunt; joke, fun, trick,
game, sport, rid'iculc, laughl'-
er, laugh'ing. stock, spor'tive-
ness, face'tiousness, jocular'-
ity. See Frolic, Sjiort,
Miith, Gibe.
Jew — Judah, Pharisees, Sad-
Jix'gi, C — clink, ring, rat'tle,
jan'gle, clang ; crackle, de-
crepitate. See Sound.
Joc'uLAB. — ^jocose', wag'gish,
mer'ry, given to jesting, face'-
tious ; spor'tive, not se'rious.
See Merry, Lively.
Join — Jungo, Socio, Sertum,
Levi, Zygoo, Concilio. See
Tie, Link.
Joint Articulus, Arthritis,
Joint out of disjoint'ed,
dislocated, dismemljered,
disunit'ed ; unconnect'ed, in-
Jour'ney — Jour, Dies, Via,
Iter, Odos. See Excursion.
Jo'viAT. — Jupiter. See IMerry.
Joy — Jubilum, Fruor, Charis.
Joy to profess — congrat'ulate.
grat'ulate, felicitate ; greet,
com'pliment. See Rejoice,
Joy excessive — ec'stacy, rap'-
ture, tran'sport, exulta'tion.
See Pleasure.
Judge — Judico, Arbiter, Im-
pero, Censeo, Cerno, Crites,
Nosco. See Decider.
Judg'3IENT — discern 'meut, pe-
netra'tion, discriminalion, sa-
gacity, intel'ligence, discre'-
tion, pru'dence ; determina'-
tion, decisi'on, senlence, a-
■ward', adjudicftlion; opinion,
nolion. See Decree, Sense,
Sharpness, Thought, Under-
standing, Rule.
JuicE-Chylos, Chymos,Opium.
Just — Equus, Justus. See
Right, Reasonable.
Jus'tice — law, legality, right;
eqliity, impartiality ; retri-
bulion ; hon'esty, integ'rity.
See Honesty, Law, Correct,
Jut — Mineo.
Ke E N e'ager, veliement ;
sharp, severe', pier'cing, pen'-
etrating ; bit'ter, acrimo'ni-
ous. See Severe, Sharp,
Keep — Servo, Custodia, TeneO;
Fen do.
Keep — hold, detain', retain',
possess', oc'cupy, reserve' ;
preserve', save; protect', de-
fend', guard ; sustain', main-
tain', board, support' ; tend,
have the care of, feed, pas'-
cure ; prac'tise, do, perform',
observe', fulfil', obey' ; hack,
reserve', retain', withhold' ;
in, conceal', restrain', curb ;
from, abstain', refrain', re-
strain' ; forbear', desist' ; up,
maintain', contin'ue, hinder
k:/EAD — Plumbum.
Lead — Duco, Ago, Agogeus.
Lead — guide, conduct', di-
rect' ; away, abduce', draw,
entice', allure', attract', decoy',
seduce' ; induce', persuade',
prevail' on, in'fluence, bi'as,
incline'. See Induce, Guide,
Tempt, Lean.
Leaf — Folium, Phyllon, Peta-
lon, Frons, Pagina.
League — Fedus for Foedus,
League confed'eracy, alli'-
ance, national com'pact, cov'-
enant, truce, combina'tion,
coaliti'on, u'nion. See Al-
liance, Combine, Band.
Lean — Maceo, Gracilis.
Lean — wanting flesh, me'agre,
not fat, thin, atten'uated,
wast'ed, ema'ciated ; not rich,
des'titute, bare, bar'ren, je-
june'. See Bare, Thin.
Lean — incline', propend', tend
toward, bend. See Incline,
Leap — Salio, Caprer.
Learn Discipulus, Litera,
Pedia, Mathema, Rudis,
Tyro. See Scholar, Hear.
Learn 'iNG-eruditi'on, let'ters.
sci'ence, lit'erature, acquired
knowledge, art. See Know-
Leath'er — Corium, Cortex.
See Skin.
Leave — Linquo, Lipo. See
Leave permissi'on, allow'-
ance, li'cense, lib'erty, con-
sent', approv'al, assent' ; a
taking, farewell', valedic'tion,
adieu', part'ing. See Ap-
probation, Let.
Leave withdraw', depart'
from, quit ; forsake', desert',
aban'don, relin'quish ; be-
queath', give by will ; off",
desist', withhold', discontin'-
ue, refrain', forbear', hold,
cease, stop ; out, omit', pass
by, neglect'. See Abandon,
Give up, Ceasing, Keep,
Leav'en — Fermentum, Zume.
Leek — Ponum.
Left— -Sinister. See Hand.
Leg — Crus, Scelos, Sura.
Less — Minuo.
Les'sen — make less, dimin'ish,
reduce', decrease', abate',
liq'uidate ; palliate, exten'u-
ate ; in value or worth, de-
pre'ciate, undervalue, der'o-
gate, dete'riorate, dispar'age,
detract', decry', traduce', de-
grade', low'er ; become less,
abate', decrease', dimin'ish,
shrink ; subside'. See Low-
er, Gloss, Humble, Slacken,
Let — Fricae. See Hindrance.
Let — permit', suffer, allow',
give leave or power ; lease,
demise' ; retard', hiii'der, im-
pede'. See Allow, Hinder-
ance, Leave.
Let'ter — Litera, Character,
Typus, Stello, Diploma,
Lev/1) — Lascivus, Lecher, Ob-
scoenus. See Lust, Loose.
Li'bel — Liber, Satira.
Lib'erty being deprived of —
restraint', confir.e''ment, im-
pris'onment, incarcera'tion,
captiv'ity, bon'dage, thral'-
dom, slav'ery, serv'ltude, en-
slave'ment. See Custody,
Privilege, Freedom, Confine.
Lich'en — Sphaijnos.
I^!CK — Lecher.
Lie or Leak Cube, Jaceo,
Clino, Vergo. See Lean.
Lie — Mendax, Fallo, Fingo,
Fraus, Capio, Similis, Pseud-
L)E — false'hood, untruth', men-
dac'ity, fabrica'tiou, fic'tion,
lib, inven'tion. See False-
Life Vita, Vivo, Anima,
Bios, Zoon, £vum.
IjIFE vital'ity, liveliness,
sprightliness, vivac'ity, viva'-
cicusness, anima'tion, spir'it.
See Lightness of manner ,
Spirit, Warmth, Animate.
Life'eess — deprived of life,
dead, des'titute of life, inan'-
imate, exan'imate ; dull,
heav'y, inac'tive, vap'id ; tor'-
pid. See Dead, Dull, Inan-
imate, Flat.
Lift — Levo, Tollo.
Lift — el'evate, raise, erect', ex-
alt', elate'. See Heighten.
Light — Lumen, Luceo, Lu-
cubro, Fiilgeo, Fulnien, Phos,
Phano, Splendeo, Candeo,
Levo. See Shine, Enlighten.
Light'ness of manner — lev'-
ity, gid'diness, gay'ety, un.
stead'iiiess, incon'stancy,
change'ablenees, mutabil'ity,
van'ity, freak, flighfiness,
volatirity, buoy'ancy, elastic'-
ity, anima'tion, vivac'ity, vi-
va'ciousness ; wan'tonness,
Icwd'ness, unchas'tity. See
Life, Whim, Changeable,
Like — Similis, Homos, Par,
Omalos, Talis, Para-, -Like,
-Ly, -Ish, -Aceous.
Like — alike', iden'tical, e'qual,
similar, u'niform, resem'-
bling ; prob'able, likely.
See Equal, Same.
Like'ness — resem'blance, si-
milar'it}^ form, external ap-
pearance ; similitude, simile ;
representa'tion, cop'y, coun'-
terpart ; im'age, pic'ture, ef-
figy, stat'ue. See Compari-
son, Eifigy, Example, A\)-
Limb — Membrana, Membrum.
LiME-STOXE — Calx.
LiJi'iT — Limes, Horos. See
Li3i'iTED — bound'ed, fi'nite,
terminable, determ'inate, cir-
cumscrib'ed, restrain'ed, con-
fin'ed, restrict'ed ; qualified ;
nar'row. See Definite, Nar-
row, Bound.
1. 00
Line — Linea, Rang, Stichos.
See Mark.
Link — Catena, Sertum.
Link'ikg together .connec'-
tion, concatena'tion, succes'-
aion, consecu'tion, chain,
train, se'ries. See Follow,
Lion — Leo.
liip — Labium, Oro.
Lis'ten — Audio. See Hear.
Lit'ti.e Micros, Minuo,
Petit, Pusillus, Pygme, -Cle,
-Et, -Let, -Ling, -Ish.
Live Vivo, Sisto, Vegeto,
Sedeo, Zoon.
Live'lihood — means
of li
ing, support of life, liv'ing,
subsist'ence, maiu'tenance,
siis'tenance, sustenta'tion,
support'. See Food, Living.
Live'ly — brisk, vig'orous, vi-
va'cious, animated, spirited,
sprightly, spor'tive, blithe,
mer'ry, cheer'ful, mirth'-
ful, joc'und, gay, air'y ; hu'-
morous, face'tious, wit'ty,
joc'ular, jocose' ; strong, ener-
get'ic. See Active, Gay,
Merry, Jocular, Quick,
Liv'er — Chondres, Hepar.
Liv'iXG ecclesiastical ben'-
efice, vic'arage, par'sonage,
rec'tory ; incum'bency ; pre-
fer'ment, endow 'ment. See
Liv'iNG in the same age with
another — coe'val, of the same
age, of equal age, coeta'neous ;
at the same time^ contem'po-
rary or cotem'porary, contem-
pora'neous, coexist'enf. Set
Age, Time,
Load — -Onus. See Burden.
Load'stone — Magnes.
Lo'cusT — Locusta.
Loft'y — Altus, Celsus, Sub-
limis. See High, Great.
Loin — Lumbus.
Loit'er — lin'ger, move slowly
or idly, lag, stay behind,
delay', be dil'atory, spend time
idly, saun'ter. See Delay.
LoNE'iY — sol'itary, reti'red, se-
ques'tered, seclu'ded, ascet'ic,
lone, lone'so'.ne, unfrequent'-
ed, desert'ed, dull, gloom'y.
See Dull, Alone, Desolate.
Long Longus, Diuturnus,
Look — Specio, Sceptomai, Sco-
peo, Theatrum, Theoros,
Tueor, Video, Vergo, Guar-
der/or Garder, -Ward. See
Behold, Appearance.
Look — see, behold', view, eye,
glance, peep, observe' ; ap-
pear', seem; face, front ; after ^
attend', tend, take care of ;
for, expect', seek, search ;
into, inspect', observe', exam'-
ine, consid'er ; on, regard',
esteem', consid'er, viev/, con-
ceive of, think, be a mere
spectator. See Glance, Ap-
pear, Search, Care.
I>ook'er-on — behold'er, spec-
ta'tor, observ'er.
Loose — Laxus, I^ysis, Solvo,
Lios. See Fre<\
Loose — unbound', unl'ed, un
sew'ed ; not tight or close
not dense or compact' ; no
concise', lax, not precise or
exact', vague, indeterm'inate,
remiss' ; unconnect'ed, ram'-
bling; dis'solute, satuma'lian,
wan'ton, lewd, lutst'ful, unte-
strain'ed, unchaste', licen'-
tious, lax. See Abandoned,
Lust, Careless, Lightness.
Lop — Puto, Trunco. See Cut
off", Maim.
Lord — Dominus. See Master.
Lord's SuPPEii—commu'nion,
sac'rament, eu'charist.
Loss — dam'age, det'riment. See
Injury, Hurt.
IjOT Cleros, Sors. See
Chance, Clergy.
LouD-^having a great sound,
high-sound'ing, altis'onant,
obstrep'erous, strep'erous,
nois'y, clam'orous, vocifer-
ous, ve'hement, tur'bulent,
tumul'tuous, blus'tering; era-
phat'ical, impres'sive. See
Tumultuous, Noise.
Love Amo, Philos, Cupxoj
Charis, Avaritia, Aphrodite,
Venus. See Affection.
Love inclined to ain'orous,
fond, do'ting, lov'ing ; in
love, enam'oured, smit'ten ;
relating to, am'atory, amato'-
rial, amato'rious. See Loving.
Lov'er. — one who loves, woo'er,
suit'or, sweet'heart, beau,
swain ; amateur'.
Lov'ing — enam'oured, am'or-
ous ; fond, afFec'tionate, at-
tach'ed. See Affectionate,
IjOW — Humus, Basis, Inferus,
JHysteros ; Mugio.
Low — not high, Imm'ble ; deep ;
deject'ed, depress'ed ; mean,
ab'ject, grov'elling, base, dis-
hon'ourable ; fee'ble, weak,
exhaust'ed ; mod'erate ;
plain, sim'ple, as diet. See
Humble, Grave, Weak, Faint,
Low'er — cause to descend, let
down, take or bring down,
reduce', hum'ble, disgrace',
humil'iate, degrade', debase',
abase', depress'. See Hum-
ble, Abase, Lessen, Damp.
Low'liness freedom from
pride, humil'ity, hum'bleness,
meek'ness, self-abase'ment,
mod'esty, unworth'iness, pen'-
itence, submissi'on, submis'-
siveness. See Humble.
Low'nees of spirits — dejec'-
tion, depressi'on, despond'-
ency,mel'ancholy, hypochon'-
dria, low-spir'itedness ; in
rank or state, humilia'tion,
degrada'tion, debase'ment,
abase'ment, reduc'tion. See
Despair, Disgrace.
Luck — Fors, Prosper. See
LucK'y — for'tunate, success'ful,
pros'perous, fa'vourable. See
Lungs — Pulmo, Pectus.
Lure — Lure/or Leurre, Licio.
See Tempt, Induce, Entangle.
Lust — longing desire, desire',
passi'on, concupis'cence, lust'-
iiig, carnal ap'petite, unlaw-
ful desire, lasciv'iousness, sa-
la'ciousness, salac'i ty, lech'-
erousness lech'ery, lubric'ity,
mcon'tinence, incon tinency,
unchas'tity, evil propensity,
depraved affections and de-
sires. See Desire, Loose.
Lust'v — fat, cor'pulent, stout,
robust', vig'orous, health'ful,
able of body ; bulk'y, large.
See Fatness, Strong.
Lux'uRY — liuxuria.
Lux'uRY — free or extravagant
indulgence in the pleasures of
the table, ▼olup'tuousnesa,
sensual'ity ; ep'icurism, sen-
sual enjoyments ; dain'ty, de-
licious food or drink ; any
thing delightful to the senses.
See Glut, Drunk, Pleasure,
Lye — Lixivium.
Lyre — Lyra. See Pipe.
Machine' Machina, Me-
chanao. See Instrument.
Mad Mania, Furia, Sanus,
Phren, Mens. See Foolish.
Made of En, -Y.
Mad'ness — disorder of the in-
tellect or reason, distrac'tion,
derange'ment, insan'ity, in-
sane'ness, lun'acy, delir'ium,
ma'nia, phren'zy or fren'zy,
fran'ticness, mental aberra-
tion ; extreme folly, head-
strong passion and rashness ;
■wildness of passion, rage,
fu'ry. See Folly, Rage,
Maim — deprive of the use of a
limb, lame, crip'ple, man'gle,
mu'tilate, in'jure, hurt. See
Mangle, Cut o^ Injure,
Maim'ed — Mutilus, Trunco.
Maintain' — assert', vin'dicate.
See Keep, Support.
Majes'tic — august', stately,
splen'did,pomp'ous, el'evated,
loft'y ; prince'ly, roy'al, re'gal.
kingly, no'ble ; magiste'rial.
See Grand, High, Great,
Make Facio, Poieo, Creo,
Fabrico, Facies, Fingo, Tee-
ton, -Ate, -En, -Fy, -Isb,
-Ize or -Ise, Be-, En-, Em-.
Make constrain', compel' ;
form, fashi'on, mold, con-
trive', cause to exist, produce',
create', compose', con'stitute,
construct', estab'lish ; do,
perform', ex'ecute, effect',
cause ; raise, gain, collect' ;
over, transfer', convey', as-
sign', a'lienate ; out, learn, dis-
cov'er, obtain, prove, evince',
Und or supply. See Force,
Form, Contrive, Do.
Male— Masculus, Arsen.
Mal'ice — extreme enmity, ran'-
cor, malev'olence, malig'nity,
malig'nancy, spite, giudge,
pique, ill'-will. See Enmity,
Hatred, Envy, Spite.
M ALici'ous harbouring ill-
will or enmity, malev'olent,
ed, cMl, wic'ked, fiend'i>;li,
fiendlike, diaborical, iiifern'-
al, heirish, styg'ian, dev'il-
ish, spite'ful. See Bad,
Hateful, Wicked, Invidious.
Malj-ows — Malva.
MAN-Homo, Anthropos, Aner,
Vir, Gigas, Pygme, Beau,
Man'gle — lac'erate, tear, rend,
mu'tilate, maim. See Maim,
Man'ner — Modus, Mos, Eth-
os, -Ly. See Appearance,
System, AVay.
Man'ners morals, hab'its ;
beha'viour. See Custom, Be-
haviour, Civility.
MAN'r — Multus, Poly, Quot.
Man'f — man'ifold, mul'tiform,
sev'eral, di'vers, sun'dry, va'-
rious, nu'merous.
Mar'gin Limbus. See
Brink, Edge.
Mark — Signum, Nosco, Nota,
Typus, Character, Stigina,
Stinguo, Vestigium, Cicatrix,
Mare — line, incisi'on, impres-
si'on, print, stamp; note, sign,
sym'ptom, indica'tion, toTcen ;
trace, ves'tige, foot'step, foot'-
print, track ; of disgrace,
brand, stig'ma, badge. See
Character. Emblem.
Mark draw a visible line,
stamp, impress', print, im-
print' : note, no'tice, observe',
remark' ; heed, attend', re-
gard'. See Impress, Hear,
Mar'ket Mcrcor, Poros,
Forum, Nundinae. Stc
Mar'row — Medulla.
MAR'RiAGE-mat'rimony, wed'-
lock ; nup'tials, wed'ding ;
relating to, connu'bial, con'-
jugal, matrimo'nial, nup'tial,
hyme'neal, hyme'nean. See
Espoused, Relationship.
Mar'ry Maritus, Nubo,
Gameo, Coelebs, Hymen,
Pherne, Puber.
Mars — Ares. See War.
Mar'tial — war'like, mil'itary,
sol'dier-like, brave, given to
war ; suited to battle. See
Soldier, W^ar.
Mask — Persona. See Cloak.
Mass — Acervus, Chaos. See
3Ias'ter — Magister, Domin-
us, Despotes, Tyrannus, Mes-
sieurs, Rabbi.
Mas'ter — possess'or, propri'e-
tor, own'er ; ruler, direct'or,
gov'ernor, head, chief, prin'-
cipal, suiDe'rior, controller,
lord; teach'er, tu'tor, instruct'-
or, precep'tor, profess'or. See
Chief, Scholar.
Mat'ter — Materia, Pus,
Max'iji — Maximum, Axioma,
Horos, Primus. See Aphor-
May be or Can be — .Ble,
-lie. See Able.
Maze — Labyriuthus. See In-
Meal — Farina.
Mean — Vilis.
Mean-— wanting dignity, low,
vul'gar, low minded, base,
gpir'illess, contemp'tible, des'-
picable ; of little value, hum'-
ble, poor ; sor'did, mi'serly,
penu'rious, nig'gardly. See
Low, Gross, Contemptible,
Poor, Saving, Sneaking, Mi-
serly, Sorry.
Mean — have in mind or view,
intend', pur'pose, design',
con'template ; sig'nify, in'-
dicate, express', imply', im-
port', denote'. See Design,
Denote, Betoken.
Mean'ing — significa'tion, sig-
nificance, im'port, sense, in-
tend'ment, inten'tion, tend'-
ency, aim, pur'pose. See In-
tention, Aim, Sense,
Means, instrument of effect-
ing any purpose in'come,
rev'enue, resour'ces, sub'-
stance, estate' ; or'gan ; that
offevj expe'dient, altern'a-
tive, resource', me'dium ;
moy'en. See Way, Choice,
MEAS'URE-Metrum, Mensura,
Modus, Rhythmos.
Meat — Ambrosia, Gibus, Esca.
See Eat.
IMechan'ic artisan', ar'tist,
artificer, op'erative, work'-
man, journ'eyman.
IMed'icine — Medeor, Pharma-
con, Pas, Physis, Dotos. See
IMed'itate — Meditor, Pcndo,
Agito, Contemplor. See
j\I e'dium — mid'dlc, mean ; me-
dioc'rity, mod'erateness, mo-
dera'tion, tem'perateness,
tem'perance. See Waj,
Means, Mildness.
MED'LEY-mingled and confus-
ed mass, mix'ture, confu'sion,
ousness, divers'ity, vari'ety,
miscellany. See Goufusion.
Meet — fit, prepar'ed, suit'able,
prop'er, qual'ified, conve'nient,,
adap'ted. See Fit.
Meet — come together, come
face to face, confront', en-
coun'ter, come in con'tact,
join ; come to, find, light on,
receive' ; assem'ble, con'gre-
gate, collect', concen'trate,
group, mus'ter, embod'y. See
Call together, Collection,
Crowd, Find.
Mel'ancholy — Melan, Chole,
Sombre. See Sad, Doleful.
Melt — liiqueo, Solvo, Fundo,
Fluo, Kheo. See Flow.
Memoir' personal history,
life, personal narrative or
chronicle, his'tory, nar'rative,
narra'tion, chron'icle, written
account, register of facts, re-
ci'tal. See Chronicle, Story,
Mejm'ory — Memor, Mneo for
Mnao, Gor. See Name.
]\Ier'cenary that may be
hired or sold, ve'nal, hire'ling,
hi'red, pur'chased, sold ;
greedy of gain, mean, selfish.
See Mean.
MER'cHANDisE-Mercor, Polco,
Emo, Vendo, Poros. See
Goods, Trade, Buy.
Mer'cury — Mercor, Mcrcu-
rius, Hermes.
N 2
AiEli'ciFUL — having or exer-
cising mer'cy, clem'ent, coni-
passi'onate, humane', ten'der,
le'nient, benign', benig'nant,
indul'gent, not crti'el, pit'iful.
See Kind, Mildness.
Mer'cy — Merci, Clemens. See
IMets/cy — grace ; benev'clencc,
tend'erness, Hiild'ness, pit'y
or compassi'oHj or clem'ency
exercised towards offenders ;
clem'ency, len'iiy, len'iency,
human'ity, benig'nity, com-
passi'on, pit'y. See Kind-
ness, Pity, Mildness.
MER'RY-gay and noisy, jo'vial,
exhil'arated, cheer'ful, mirth'-
ful, joy'fiil, joy'ous, spright'-
ly, live'ly, gay, viva'cious,
blithe, biithe'some, joc'und,
spor'live, fes'tive, conviv'ial,
so'cial, so'ciable. See Con-
vivial, Lively, Glad, Gay,
Jocular, Cheerfulness.
AIes'sage — verbal or written
notice sent, et'rand, missi'on,
commissi'on, em'bassy, des-
patch', communica'tion, man'-
date, or'der. See Order,
Mes'sexgeh Nuncio, An-
gello, SteUo, Mitto, Via,
Curro, Puto. See Send.
Met'al — Metallum, Electrum.
Met'apkoe — Phero, Meta-.
Met'eor — IMeteora.
IMid'dle Medius, Mesos,
M id'wife — Obstetrix.
Mii,D — Clemens, Lenis, Miti-
go. See Kind, Merciful.
Mild'ness — soft'ness, gen'tle-
ness, suav'ity, placid'ity,
bland'ness, tend'erness, mer'-
cy, clem'ency ; raod'erateness.
See Mercy, Kindness, Peace,
IMiLK — Lac, Galax.
IMiLL — i\Iola.
iMiLT — Splen. See Bowels,
Mim'ic im'itator, buffoon',
za'ny, merryan'drew, jes'ter,
mount'ebank, fool. See Fool,
Blockhead, Coxcomb,Tmitatc.
Mind — Animus, Mens, Pliren,
Noos, Thymos, Idea ; Lego,
Memor. See Intellectual,
Min'eral — Mineral, Mica.
Min'gle— -Misceo. See Mix.
Min'ister. chief ser'vant,
a'gent, officer, offici'al, mag'-
istrate, del'egate, ambass'ador,
er/voy ; pas'tor. See Clergy-
man, Servant, Assist.
Mirth — social mcr'riment, lii-
lar'ity, noisy gayety, jol'lity,
jol'liness, jocose'/iess, jocu-
lar'! ty, jocund'ity.joc'undness,
festiv'ity, jovial'ity, convivi-
al'ity, social'ity, sociabii'ity ;
joy, glad'ness, cheer'fulncss.
See Cheerfulress, Joy, Pie:;-
sure. Jest, Sport.
iMiscAR'RiAGE — fai'luTP, mis-
hap' ; ill con'duct, evil or im-
proper beha'viour, misbtha'-
viour ; abor'tion, untimely
birth. See Behaviour, Mis-
Misdeed'— evil deed, wiclcd
action, fault, transgrcsfi'oH,
t?es'pass, ofFenas, misbeha'-
viour, crime. See i\Iiscur-
riage, Fault, Iniquity.
^Ii'sER extremely covetous
person, sordid wretch, avari-
cious fellow, very parsin.o-
nious creature, curmudg'-
eon, nig'gard, churl. See
Mi'sERi.Y — very covetous, a-
varici'ous, sor'did, nig'gard-
ly^ nar'row, pavsimo'nious,
mean, churl'ish, curmudg'e-
only. See iNTean, NaiTow.
Mis'ery — Limbus.
MisFOR'TUNE — Calamitas.
Misfor'tuxe — ill-fortune, ill-
luck, advers'ity, calam'ity,
disas'ter, afflic'tion, distress',
mischance', evil or cross ac'ci-
dent, mishap', misadven'ture.
See Trouble, Fortune.
Mistake' — er'ror, misconcep'-
tion, misvuiderstand'ing ; slip,
hallucina'tion, fault ; ac'ci-
dent. See Fault, Oversight,
Misuse' — ill-use, use ill or
improperly, use to a bad pur-
pose, wrong, in'jure ; abuse',
treat ill. See Abuse, Injure.
Mix — Misceo, Tempero, Ga
meo, Fundo
See Medley.
Mob — Ochlos.
Mock — Scopto,
I.augh at.
Mod'est — Pudeo.
Mod'est. restrained by a
sense of propriety, not for-
ward or bold, not presump'-
tuoiis or nr'rogant, not bcast'-
Pono, Babel.
See Crowd.
Rideo. See
ful, bash'fal, diffident, re.
serv'ed ; not loose, not lewd,
chaste, pure, ves'tal, vir'tuous ;
mod'erate, not exces'sive or
extreme', not extrav'agant.
See Pure, Chasteuess, Loose,
Moist — Huineo, Hygros, Su-
do, Rigo, BrochS, Elixus.
See Soak.
Mo'ment — sec'ond, in'stant ;
impor'taiice, &c. See Im-
portance, Transitory.
Mon'ey — Pecunia, Peculium,
Specio, Nummus, Opulentus,
Miser, Avaritia, Fiscus,
Gazetta, Treasurus/or Thes-
aurus. See Miser.
Mox'ey — coin, stamped met-
al, gold, silver, copper, cash ;
spe'cie, bank notes or bills,
finance', exchequ'er.
MoN'sTER-Chimaera, Gcrgon.
Month — IMen, Mensis, Janu-
Mon'ument PJoneo, Mau-
Mo ox — Luna, Selene.
Morals — Mos, Ethos. See
]MoRE — Plus, Magnus, Pleo
MoRX'ixG — Matutinnm.
Mor'row — Cras. See Delay.
IMor'tal subject to death,
destined to die ; deadly, fa'-
tal, causing death, bringing
death ; hu'man, terres'trial,
earthly, mun'dane ; per'ish-
able, fleet'ing, evanes'cent.
See Deadly, Transitory.
Moss — Sphagnos.
Moth — Papilio
MoTii'ER — Meter, Mater, No-
BJouNT — Mons, Scando, Sea-
la, Alpes, Atlas, Olympus,
Oros, Palatium. See Go.
Mourn Doleo, Lugubris,
Plan go, Ploro, Queror, Ele-
gia, Monos. See Grieve.
Mouse — Mus.
Mouth — Oio, Labium. See
Move Moveo, Momentum,
JMatos, Ago, Agito, Cito,
Oscillum. See Go, Stir.
Move — impel', car'ry, convey',
draw ; excite', affect', touch
pathetically, ag'itate, rouse,
incite', in'stigate, prompt, stir,
act'uate, urge, persuade', in-
duce', prevail on. See In-
duce, Animate, Stir, Shake,
Go, Awaken.
JMovE round — revolve', circum-
volve', turn, circumgy'rate,
cir'culate ; wheel, whirl,
twirl, twist, reel. See Twist,
Much too excess', exu'ber-
ance. See Excess, Luxuri-
Mud — Lutum. See Clay.
Mur'der — Caedo. See Kill.
Mus'ci.E — Musculus, Mys.
Mush'room — Fungus.
Mut'ual — Mutuus, Recipro-
cus, Altemus. See Return
like for like.
JMyself' — Ego.
Nail — Unguis.
Na'ked — Nudus, Gymnos.
Na'ked — not covered, bare,
nude, uncov'ered, uncloth'ed,
undress'ed ; unarm'ed, de-
fenseless, o'pen, expo'sed ;
plain, ev'ident, undisguis'ed.
See Bare, Open.
Name — Nomen, Onoma, Pello,
Titulus, Nuncio. See Call.
Name— — appella'tion, appella-
tive, ti'tle, denomina'tion,
designa'tion ; reputa'tion, re-
pute', char'acter, credit, es-
tima'tion ; renown', fame,
hon'or, celeb'rity, em'inence,
praise, distinc'tion ; remem'-
brance, mem'ory ; author'ity,
behalf', part; appearance only,
sound only, not reality. See
Fame, Praise.
Name — call, give name to, de-
nom'inate, enti'tle, char'ac-
terise, style, term, desig'nate,
nom'inate. See Call.
Nar'row — Stenos.
Nar'row — of little breadth,
not wide or broad, strait, con-
fin'ed, lim'ited, contract'ed,
cov'etous, not lib'eral or
boun'tiful ; close, near, ac'cu-
rate, scrut'inizing. See Mis-
erly, Limited.
Na'tion Nascor, Genus,
Ethnos, Gotthi. See Coun-
try, People, Born.
Na'tive Nascor, Tndige^5^
Na'ture — Nascor, Physis.
Nat'itral — implanted by na-
ture, in'born, in'nate, ingen'-
erate, in'bred ; inhe'rent ; na'-
tive, indig'enous. See Born.
Nau'sea — sea-si ck'ness, sick'-
ness, qualm, lo'thing, dis-
gust', squeam'ishness. See
Disgust, Sick.
Na'v EL— Omphalos, Umbilicus.
Near — Juxta-, Prope, Para-,
Be-, Ad-, Vicinus, Jac;o,
Jungo, Tango, Medius. See
Neighbourhood, Narroiv.
Nec'essary — Necesse.
Nec'essary that must be,
that cannot be otherwise, es-
sen'tial, indispens'able, req'ui-
site, need'ful, iit ; expe'dient,
desir'able ; want'ed, requir'-
ed ; unavoid'able. See Fit,
Neces'sity — what must be ;
irresistible power, compulsive
force ; want, need, occa'sion,
require'ment, indispens'able-
ness ; extreme in'digence,
pinching pov'erty, pressing
need, distress', ex'igency, cm-
er'gency ; unavoid'ableness,
inev'itableness. See Destiny,
Poorness, Want, Occasion,
Trouble, Obligation.
Neck — Collum, Cervix, Isth-
Need — Egeo. See Necessity.
Nee'dle — Acuo. See i>harp.
Nega'tton — Un-, Dis-. See
Deny, Not.
Neglect' — omiss'ion, forbear-
ance to do, inadvert'ence,
o'versight ; negligence, in-
atten'tion, carelessriess, dis-
regard', remiss'ness, indiffer-
ence, reck'lessness, ap'athy,
unconcern'. See Oversight,
Neglect' — omit' ; forbear to
do or use ; slight, contemn',
disregard', not to notice. See
Despise, Shun.
Neg'mgent — Supinus.
Nei'ghbour — Vicinus.
Nei'ghbourhood a place
near, vicin'ity, vic'inage,
proxim'ity, adja'cency. See
Near, Nigh.
Nerve — Neuron. See Strong.
Nest — Nidus.
Net Rete, Funda. See
Trick, Snare.
Nev'er-ceasing — Perpes.
New, News Novus, Neos,
Recens, Modus, Angellq,
Nuncio, Gazetta, Quid.
News — ti'dings, recent account,
fresh informa'tion, intel'li-
Nice — soft, del'icate, ten'der,
daint'y, sweet, fine, delici'ous ;
ac'curate, exact', precise', me-
thod'ical, correct', partic'ular,
scrup'ulous, distin'guisiiing.
See Dainty, Correct, Squeam-
ish, Luxury.
Nigh — Prope, Juxta-, Para-,
Vicinus, Jaceo. See Neigh-
Night — Nox, Nyx, Lucubro.
See Darkness.
Nip'PLE — Papilla.
Nine — Novem, Nonus, Enneai,
Ni'tre — TS'itrum.
No'ble — Nosco, Genus, Cra-
tos, Grandis, Arche, Aristos,
Celsus. See Generous, Great.
no'bles, aristoc'racy, origar-
chy, bar'ons,patrici'ans, lords,
peers, grandees', op'timacy ;
dig'nity,gran'deur. 5'eeGrand,
Greatness, Government.
Nod — Nuo.
Noise — Clango, Crepo, Strepo,
Strideo, Plaudo, Munxiur.
See Sound, Jingle.
Noise — sound, mur'mur, creak;
cry, out'cry, clam'or, vocifer-
a'tion. See Cry, 1/oud.
Nojiencla'ture — list or cat'-
alogue of words, vocab'ulary,
sclied'ule, &c. See Diction-
ary, Catalogue.
None — Nullus, Neuter.
Noon — Meridies, Dies.
North — Boreas, Arctos, Sep-
Nose — Nasus, Rhin.
Not — Non, Neg/or Nee, Ne,
Nullus, Un-, In-, & its
forms, Dis-, A-, An-, -Less.
No'ted — set down in writing |
observ'ed, no'ticed, noto'ri-
ous ; remark'able, conspic'u-
ous, em'inentj fa'mous, cel-
ebrated, distin'guished, re-
nown'ed, illus'trious, extraor'-
dinary. See Famous.
Not h'ing— Nihil, Creo.
Not'ice — observe', see, regard',
attend', heed, mind, remark',
men'tion, mark, note. See
JMark, Perceive, Hear.
Nour'ish — Nutrio, Alo, Ther-
apeuo, Trophe.
Nour'ish — nur'ture, cher'ish,
fos'ter, support', maintain',
encour'age ; ed'ucate, in-
struct'. See Support, Foster,
Nov'icE — Novus, Tyro. See
Numb — Torpeo, Narce, Stupeo.
Nu3iB — benum'bed, deprived of
sensation, tor'pid, chill, mo'-
tionless, stu'pified.
Num'ber — Numerus, Arith-
mos, Puto, Quot. See Count.
Nut — Nux,
O letter — Omega.
Oak — Drus, Robur. See Tree.
Oar — Remus.
Oath — Juro, Fides, Orcos,
Sacer. See Swear.
Ob'elisk — Obeliscus.
Obey' — Audio, Servo.
Obe'dient — disposed to obey,
s^ubmis'sive,obse'quiou3, com-
pli'ant, hum'ble, tract'able,
doc'ile, dut'iful, respect'fuL
See Humble.
Object' — oppose', except to,
gainsay', deny', controvert',
dissent'. See Oppose, Gain-
say, Cavil, Aim, Refuse.
Obliga'tion du'ty ; com-
pul'sioH; force, coei'cion, tic-
i t
ces'sity. See Debt, Force,
Oblige' obligate, engage',
constrain', compel', bind, do
a favour to, fa'vour, serve,
assist', please, grat'ify. See
Force, Please, Assist.
Oblig'ing bind'ing, con-
strain'ing, compel'ling ; kind,
complaisant', court'eous, civ'il,
affable. See Kind, Amiable,
Oblique' — Obliquus, Loxos,
See Crooked.
Ob'stacle what opposes,
what sta.nds in the way, ob-
strnc'tion, hin'derance, let,
imped'iment. See Difficulty,
Hinderance, Let-
Ob'stinacy — fixedness in op-
inion or resolution, stubb'orn-
ness, pertinac'ity, persist'ence,
persist'ency, inflexibil'ity,
con'tumacy, perverse'ness, re-
fract'orine«s, intract'ibleness,
ob'durateness, ob'duracy.
Ob'stinate— fixed in opin-
ion or resolution, stub'born,
jnflex'ible, refract'ory, contu-
ma'cious, pertina'cious, per-
verse', ob'durate, unyield'ing,
res'olute, opin'iated, head'-
strong, head'y. See Crook-
ed, Unwilling, Averse.
Occa'sion — falling, happen-
ing or coming to, occur'rence,
cas'ualty, in'cident ; oppor-
tun'ity, conve'nience, favour-
able time, sea'son or cir'cum-
stances ; incident'al need,
cas'ual ex'igency, neces'sity,
need« See Cause. Necessity,
Oc'cuPY— take possession ;
keep in possession, possess',
hold or keep for use ; take up,
cov'er or fill ; employ', use ;
maintain' ; invest'. See
Keep, Maintain, Possession.
O'cean — Oceanus.
Odd — not even or equal ; sin'-
gular, extraor'dinary, strange,
eccen'tric, irreg'ular, anom'-
alous, partic'ular, uncom'mon;
fantas'tic, fantas'tical, whim'-
sical, com'ic, com'ical, droll,
queer, lu'dicrous, fun'ny,
laugh 'able, burlesque'. See
Fanciful, Amusing, Laugh-
able, Eccentric.
Ode — Ode, Comos. See Sing.
Or— -Ac, -Aceous, -Al, -An,
-Ar, -Ary, -Ic or -leal, -Id,
-He, -Ine, -Ish,-Ory,-Ous,-Y.
Off — De-, Dis-.
Offend'— —displease', make
angry, vex, affk>nt', insult',
mor'tify, shock, wound ; pain,
annoy', in'jure ; transgress',
tres'pass, vi'olate. See Dis-
please, Affront, Injure.
Offexd'er — one who offends,
vi'olator, transgres'sor, tres'-
passer, crim'inal, malefact'or,
fel'on ; cul'prit, delin'quent,
default'er. See Crime.
Of'fer bring in the way,
bring to or before, present',
proffer, give, bestow', exhih'-
it, tend'er ; sac'rifice, im'mol-
ate ; bid, propose'. See Give,
Kill, Bid.
Oi^'FEUiN'o — sac'rifice, obla'-
tion ; presenta'tion, tend'er ;
a burnt^ hol'ocaust.
Of'fice^— Facio, Functus,
Munus, Augur, Lictor, Cura;
-Hood, -Ship.
Of'fice — dut'y, charge, trust,
func'tion, place, post, situa'-
tioii, sta'tion, rank, bus'inass,
employ'ment, occupa'tion,
a'gency. See State, Situa-
Omci'ous — kind, oblii;'ing %
excessively forward in kind-
ness ; act'ive, bus'y, med'-
dling, inttrmcd'dling, intra '-
sive, imper'tinent, impor'tun-
ate. See Obliging, Activej
OFF'srniXG child or chil-
dren, descend'ant or descend'-
ants, prog'enj', young, iss'ue ;
propaga'tion, genera'tion ;
produc'tion. See Children,
Issue, Increase.
Oftex — Frequens.
Often" — oft, fre'quently, many
times, not seldom, not rare-
ly, repeat'cdly, con'stantly,
Oil — Oliva, Oleum.
Oint'jment — Unguo, Chris-
tos, Cera, Balsamon, Basi-
leus. See Perfume.
Old — Senex, Vetus, Presby-
teros, Antiquus, Paleos, Ger-
on. See Ancient.
Old — advanced far in years or
life, a'ged ; decay'ed, not new
or fresh ; an'cient, antique',
ol'den ; el'derly, se'nile ;
aa'tiquated, old-fashi'oned,
ob'solete. See Ancient, An-
Oi/ivE — Oliva.
O'men Omen, Prodigium,
Avis, Augur, Sagax, Gno-
mon, Dico. See Foretell.
On — A-, Be-, Ex-, In-, ^ its
forms, Epi-. See In.
OxE — TJnus, Monos, Singulus,
Homos, En, Atone. See
Ox e's O'.vx — Peculium, Privus,
Gke's self— AutlienteO;Autos,
Ox'sET — rushing or setting up-
on, violent attack, attack',
charge, assault', encoun'ter,
storm 'ing. A^e Attack, Battle.
O'PEX — Pando, Apevio, Pateo,
Petalon, Passus, Lasus. See
O'fex a}id free — ingen'uous,
frank, fair, cand'id, sincere',
free from reserve, disguise,
equivocation or dissimulation,
unreserv'ed, undisguis'ed, un-
dissem'bling, ari'iess ; com-
mu'nicative. See Free, Fair,
Art ivitliout, Clear.
O'PEXiXG — breach, gap, ap'er-
ture, cleft, rent, crack, crev'-
ice, fis'sure, cran'ny, chink,
slit, chasm ; cav'ity, cave,
cav'ern, grot'to, den ; or'ifice,
hole, perfora'tion, bore, pore ;
av'enue, pas'sage, way, en'-
trancc; dawn, first appear-
ance or visibleness. See
Gap, Way.
Opera'tiox — work'ing, proc'-
ess, a'gencj; ac'tion^ efiect'j
manipula'tion ; move'ment.
See Work, Proceeding, Effect.
Opin'ion Opinor, Dogma^,
Puto, Heresis, Judico, Doxa.
Opin'ion sea'timentj ide'a,
no'tion, judg'ment, settled
persua'sion. See Thought,
Judgment, Conceit.
Oppose' — put or set against,
act against, resist', withstand',
coni'bat, oppugn', gainsay',
con'trovert, contradict', deny',
object' to, except' to. See
Hinder, Gainsay, Object,
Opposite Contra, Anti-,
Ob-, ^ its forms, Contra-,
Counter-. See Cross, Ini-
O rch'ard — Hortus.
Ordain' — set, set'tle, estab'-
lish, in'stitute, con'stitute,
appoint', decree', or'der, pre-
scribe' ; adjudge', adju'dicate.
See Appoint, Fix, Destiny,
Or'der Ordo, Rang, Cos-
mos, Tactos, Classic!.
Order — regular disposition or
methodical arrangement, re-
gular'ity, rule, meth'od, sys'-
tem, settled mode ; rank,
degree', class, divisi'on, spe'-
cies ; se'ries, successi'on, con-
secu'tion, consec'utiveness ;
religious fratern'ity ; regular
government or discipline. See
Coinmand, Decree, Arrange-
ment, Order, System, Kind,
Course, Discipline, Formal-
ity, Message.
Ou'aE R^-reg'ulate, raeth'odize,
put in order, sys'temize, ad-
just', dispose', digest', class,
clas'sify, range, rank, ar-
range' ; direct', command'.
See Command, Class.
Or'der pui out of — disor'der,
break order, derange', con-
fuse', disarrange', disturb',
perplex', confound', displace'
unset'tle, ruf 'tie, discompose',
interrupt' ; chanije the, in-
vert' ; reverse'. See Unset-
tle, Disfigure, Interrupt, Con-
Or'derly — reg'ular, method'-
ical, systeniat'ic ; well reg'u-
lated, not tunnil'tuous ; not
unru'ly, peace'able. See Re-
Or'igin — Orior, Primus, Cau-
sa, Etymon, Fons.
Or'ig ix--firstexistence, orig'in-
rise, source, first cause, foun-
tainhead, descent' ; grounds,
founda'tion, base, ba'sis; ru'-
diments, d'ements ; prim'-
itive, et'ymcn, etymol'ogy.
See Begin, Cause, Rise.
Or'phan — Orphanos.
Oth'er — Alios, Allelon, Alter,
Alternus, Heteros.
Out — Ex-, Exterus, Ob-, Pro-.
Out'rage Ultimus. See
Out'ward — out'er, extern'al,
exte'rior, extrin'sic, adventi-
ti'ous ; extra'neous ; in iheo-
logy, carn'al, flesh'ly, corpo'-
real, not spiritual. See Fo-
reign, Abroad.
Outweigh' — exceed iiiweiglit,
overbalance, prepond'erate ;
exceed in value, influence, or
importance. See Go.
Over — Hyper-, Super-, Sur-,
Over-, Trans-.
Overbear' — bear down, over-
pow'er, subdue', oppress',
overwhelm', suppress'. See
Conquer, Overcome.
Overcome' con'quer, van'-
quish, subdue', sub'jugate,
overpow'er, suppress' ; sur-
mount', get the better of. See
Beat, Defeat, Overbear.
Overflow' — flow over, inun'-
date, cover with waters, del'-
uge, overwhelm', cov'er. See
Flow, Overbear, Water.
Overrule'- — influence or" con-
trol by predominant power,
dispense' with, supersede',
annul', reject'. See Annul,
O' V E R s iGH T-superintend'ence,
watchful care, supervisi'on,
inspec'tion ; mistake', over-
look'ing, omissi'on, er'ror,
inadvert'ence, inatten'tion,
slight, ac'cident. See Care,
Mistake, Neglect.
Owe — Debitus, Habeo.
Own acknowledge, avow',
confess', not to deny, admit',
rec'ognize. See Recognize,
Profess, Allow.
Ox — Bos, Bucolos.
Pace — Passus. See Step.
Pace — step, gait, stride ; am'-
Page — Pagina:
Patn Achos, Algos, Crux,
Doleo, Peniteo, Lumbus,
Sciatica, Travail.
Pain — uneasy sensation, une'a-
siness, distress', suffering ;
an'guish, ag'ony, tor'ture,
pang, tor'ment ; disqui'etude,
anxi'ety, solic'itude, grief,
sor'row, remorse', compunc'-
tion ; pains, labour, work,
toil. See Grief, Trouble,
Bear, Repentance, Work.
Paint — Pingo, Tingo.
Paint — form a figure or like-
ness in colours, depict', re-
present', delin'eate, col'our.
besmear', sketch, describe'.
See Colour, Stain.
Pair — Par, Geminus. See
Pal'ace — Palatium, Aula. See
House, King.
Pal'ate — Palatum, Taster /or
Tater. See Taste.
Pale — Palleo, Leucos.
Pale — white or whitish, fair,
wan, cadav'erous, pall'id,
ghastly, deficient in colour,
not ruddy ; not bright, not
shining, dim. See Dull,
Palm — Palma, Phenix. See
Pal'pitate beat gently,
beat, flut'ter, pant, heave,
gasp. See Beat, Flutter.
Pap — Mamma, Papilla, Uber.
Pa'per Papyrus, Schedula,
P^TiCH — Torreo. See Burn,
Par'don — Pardonner, Mitto,
Venia, Causa, Mneo. See
Par'ish — Eceo. See Dwell.
Part — Pars, Articulus, Iota,
Munus^ Collega, Viduo.
Part por'tion, piece, frag'-
ment, share, divisi'on, sec'-
tion, spe'cies, sort, class,
memljer ; concern', in'terest ;
side, part'y, fac'tion ; parts,
qualities, pow'ers, fac'ulties,
accom'plishments ; quar'ters,
re'gions, dis'tiicts. See Party,
Rate, Interest, District.
Part — divide', par'cel, sep'ar-
ate, break, sev'er, disunite'.
See Separate, Cut off.
Partic'ular-^— not gen'eral,
individ'ual, distinct', sin'gle,
minute' ; speci'al, especi'al,
pecu'liar, exclu'sive, specif-
ic, prin'cipal, chief; odd,
sin'gular. See Correct, Odd,
Pajitv — Pars, Facio, Cabal,
Jungo, See Company, Fac-
tion, Plot.
Part'y — fac'tion, clique, set,
cabal', junt'o ; side, com'-
pany. See Company, Fac-
tion, Plot.
Pass — Passus, Eo, Poros. See
Go, Way.
Passed or Pierced not to he
— impass'able, impen'etrable.
Passi'onate — iras'cible, chol'-
eric, an'gry, ir'ritable, hast'y,
impet'uous ; highly excited,
ve'hement, warm ; an 'i mated.
See Angry, Hasty, Hot.
Pas'sive — suffering, endu'r-
ing, pa'tient, resign'ed ; sub-
mis'sive, unresist'ing, not op-
posing, quies'cent ; unmov'ed,
unprovok'ed. See Suffer-
ance, Peaceable.
Pass'over Pascha. See
Pa'trot — Pater. See Father.
Pat 'tern — Pater, Par, Ex-
emplum, Paradigma. See
Copy, Example.
Pause inake a short stop,
stop, cease, intermit', delay',
wait, forbear'; in uncertainty,
demur', hes'itate, delib'erate,
wav'er, fluct'uate. See De-
lay, Waver.
Pawn — Pignus. See Pledge.
Pay Solvo, Pendo, Stipen-
dium, -Age. See Sell.
Pay— — compensa'tion, rec'om-
pense, reward', remunera'-
tion, equiv'alent, wages, sal'-
ary, allow'ance, sti'pend, hire.
See Amends.
Peace Pax, Irene, Quies,
Sileo, Taceo, Tranquillus.
Peace qui'et, tranquill'ity,
calm, calm'ness, qui'etness,
ease, repose', rest, peace'ful-
ness, seren'ity, still'ness,
peace'ableness, niild'ness.
See Quiet, Mildness, Con-
cord, Calm.
Peace 'able — tran'quil, qui'-
et, undisturb'ed, unag'itated,
calm, serene', peace'ful, mild,
still, pacific. See Calm,
Pe'acock — Pavo. See Bird.
Pearl — Bacca. See BeiTV.
Pecu'liar Peculium, Pro-
prius, Privus, Idios. See
Peer — Par. See Nobility,
Pee'vish !;\Jorosus. See
Pen'altv — Peniteo/or Poeni-
teo, Mulcta. See Fine.
Pex'cil — Stylos. See Paint.
People — Populus, Laos, De-
mos, Valgus, Plebs, Lito?,
Genus, Ethnos, Nascor,
Gotthi, Sclavi, Teutones,
Vandals. See Nation.
Perceive' — Tueor. See See.
Perceive' — ^know by the sen-
ses, feel, see, discern', distin'-
guish, know, understand',
no'tice, regard', observe'. See
Distinguish, Notice, Espy.
Fer'fect — bring to perfec-
tion, complete', fin'ish, con'-
summate, fulfil', accom'plish,
achieve'. See Finish, Ac-
complish, Bring about.
Pf.rform'axce execu'tion,
comple'tion, do'ing, ac'tion,
act, deed, thing done ; com-
positi'on, written book ; of
some note, exploit', achieve'-
ment, feat, hero'ic act, deed
of renown, great a?* noble
acltievement. See Accom-
jnishment. Production, Work,
'i' hill if done.
Per'fume — Myron, Odor. See
Smell, Ointment.
Per'ish — die, lose life, ex-
pire' ; with'er, fade, decay',
waste away, pine. See Die,
Dead, Wasting.
Perplex' — Barre. See En-
tangle, Worry.
Per'sox — Persona, Prosopon,
-An, -Ant, -Ar, -Ard, -Ary,
-Ate, -Ee, -Eer, -Ent, -Er,
-1st, -Ite, -Or, -Ster, Propri-
us, Privus, Idios. See Pe-
Pertain'ixg Al, -An, -Ar,
-Ary, -Ic, -leal, -Ory.
Pest — Pestis, Plaga, Demos.
Pest — plagvie, p^st'ilence, epi-
dem'ic, infec'tiori, bane, wor'-
rying, nu'isance, annoy'ance.
See Infection, Plague.
Pes'tle — Pistillum.
Petiti'on request', suppli-
ca'tion, pray'er, suit, entreat'y,
solicita'tion. See Entreaty,
PuiLOS'oPHER-Plato, Pyrrho,
Pythagoras, Socrates. See
Pic'tkre — Pingo, Idea, Icon,
Imago, Drama, Oraraa. S^e
Pierce — Foro, Penetro, Poro?,
Trepan. See Bore.
Pig'eox — Columba. See Bird.
Pile — Acervus. See Heap.
Pil'grim — Pilgrim, Palma.
Pil'lage — Pilo. See Kob.
Pil'lau -^ — Columna, Stele,
Pim'ple — Lentigo, Variolae.
Ptn'cers — Forceps.
Pi'ous — Pius. See Godly.
Pipe — Aulos, Arteria, Tubus,
Bronchos, Fistula, Tibia,
Pith — Pulpa. See Strength.
V 1 t'i AB LE — exciting pity, pit'e-
ous, pit'iful, mis'erable, dole'-
ful, woe'ful, rue'ful. See
Doleful, Unhappy.
Pjt'y — Pathos, Patior, Miser,
Pit'y— commisera'tion, com-
passi'on, fel'low-Euf'fering,
sym'pathy, condo'lence, mer'-
cy, human'ity. See Feeling,
^J ercy.
Place — Locus, Lieu, Topos,
Pono, Stasis, Thesis, Vicis,
Ubi, Ibi, Chores, Orchestra,
Thece, -Ary, -Ory, -Ry.
Pj-ace — — spot, site, positi'on,
isitua'tion, sta'tion ; rank, or'-
dcr ; seat, residence, nian'-
bion ; office, employ'ment ;
calling, occupation, condi-
ti'on ; ground, room, stead ;
por'tion. See Office, Room,
Place — put, set, lay, locate',
posite', deposit, reposlt ; ap-
point', induct', estab'lish, fix ;
invest', lend'. See Order,
Fix, Lay.
Plague — Pestis, Demos. See
Flague — infest with disease,
&c. ; vex, tease, har'ass,
trouble, embar'rass, annoy',
molest', torment', tor'ture,
tant'alize, importune'. See
\Vorry, AVearv. Importune.
- " 3
Plain .Planus, Manifestus.
See Clear.
Plan — draught, form ; scheme,
proj'ect, design', device', con-
Iri'vance, strat'agem. See
Design, Invent, Plot.
Plax'et — Plane, Mercurius.
See Star.
Plank — Tabula.
Plant — Planta, Botane, Phy-
ton, Herba, Indigena, Foli-
um, Papyrus, Ferula, Malva,
Milium, Nardus.
Plate — Lamina.
Play — Ludo, Psalm a, Histrio,
Please — Placeo, Volo, Epicu-
rus, Jucundus, Luxuria, Pa-
radises, Voluptas.
Pleas'ure — ^joy, delight', gra-
titica'tion, lux'ury, enjoy'-
ment, com'fort, delecta'tion,
agreeable sensations or emo-
tions ; will, choice, pur'pose,
inten'tion, command' ; fa'-
vour. See Enjoyment, Grati-
tude, Mirth, Joy, Satisfac-
tion, Luxury, Sport.
Pleasure one given to — vo-
lup'tuary, epicure, sens'ualist.
See Luxury.
Pledge — pawn, sure'ty, host'-
age, security, mor'tgage, cau-
tion. See Security.
Pledge — Pignus, Guarantir.
See A nswerable /or.
Plent'y — Plenus, Copia, Un-
do, Uber. See Enough.
Plot — conspir'acy, intrigue',
confed'eracy, combina'tion,
cabal', junt'o, part'y, clique,
set, coaliti'on ; device', ma-
o 2
thina'don, contri'vance,
scheme, strat'agem. See
Design, Contrive, Party,
Plan, Combine.
Plow — Aro, Colo, Ge. See
Pluciv — Cerpo, Velio.
Plun'der — Preda, Pilo, Spoli-
ura, Syle.
Plun'der pillage, rap'ine,
prey, boot'y, spoil; ru'in, rav'-
age, waste. See Rapacious,
Plunge — Mergo, Bapto.
Pock — Vesica.
Po'E^r Poieo, Ode, Logos,
Graph 0, Drama, Tragoedia,
Elegia, Iambus, Satira.
Poii^T — Pungo, Cuspis, Acme,
Acron, Sticlios, Dico, Cacu-
men, Cardo, Focus, lota, Na-
dir, Zenith. See Show.
Poi'soN" — Venerium, Toxicmn,
Virus, Arsen. See Deadly.
Pole — Polus-
Pol'xsh — Polio, licvigo. See
Polite' pol'ished, refin'ed,
well-bred', el'egant, grace'-
tul ; court'eous, complaisant',
obliging, civ'il, nrbane', af-
fable, genteel', deferen'tial.
.5'ee Genteel, Avikwjird, De-
Polite'ness — polisli or ele-
gance of manners, gentil'ity,
good-breed'ing, good man'-
nei'S, refine'ment, civirity,
bnn'ity, aifabil'ity, complai-
sance', obliging attentions.
See Civility, Attention.
PoMF — Pompa.
Pomp splendid procession,
magnificence, parade',
splend'or, grand'eur, state.
See Procession, Show, Grand.
Poor — Pauper, Penuria, Men-
dicus, Eleeinosyne.
Poor — need'y, in'digent, des'-
titute, neces'sitous, distress'-
ed ; bar'ren, mean, jejune' ;
depress'ed, low, deject'ed ; in
spirit^ hum'ble, contrite ,
abased in one's own sight by
a sense of guilt. See Bare,
Barren, Mean, Sorry.
Pooh'xess destitu'tion, in'-
digence, pov'erty, want, need,
distress', neces'sity, ex'igen-
cy; mean'ness, low'ness; bar'-
renness, steril'ity. See Ne-
cessity, "Want.
Pope — Papas, Rome.
Pop'PY — Opium, Papaver. See
Pouch Porta, Vestibulum,
Poue — Poros, Areos, Spongia.
See Opening.
Por'ter — Porta, Janua. See
Por'tiox Cleros, Munus.
Sec Part.
Pos'iTivE — set, laid down, ex-
press'ed, direct', explic'it ;
ab'solute, real, express', per'-
emptory, ar'bitrary, despot'ic,
dogmat'ical, con'fident. See
Actual, Arbitrary, Flat.
FossESsi'ox oc'cupancy, oc-
cupa'tion, ten'ure, ten'ancy ;
thing possessed, land, estate',
goods, &c. ; mad'ncss, lu'-
t5?.cy. See Occupy, Guods,
Pot-herbs — Olus. See Herb,
Por'xKR — Argilla. See Karth.
Pound — Pondus, Libra.
Pour — Fundo, Libo, Chyles,
Chymos. See Melt, Flow.
Pow'der — Pulvis.
Pou^'jSR — Posse, Pollens, Dy-
namis. Virtus, Crates, Arche,
Sthenos, Israel, -Ure, -Doni,
-Ive, -Ble.
Pow'er abirity, strength,
po'tency, force, en'ergy, ca-
pacity, capability, pu'issarice,
co'gency, ef'ticacy, effica'-
ciousness, efEci'ency ; in'flu-
ence ; command', rule, sway,
author'ity, right of governing,
domin'ion, domina'tion, as-
cend'ancy ; royal, roy'alty,
scep'tre, crown. See Ability,
Force, Influence, Dominion.
Pow'er ^vant of inability,
disabirity, im'potence, in/j/O-
tency, weak'ness, incapac'ity,
inef'Hcacy, ineffici'ency, insuf-
fici'ency, inad'equacy, incom'-
petency, imbecil'ity. See
Pow'erful — might'y, po'tent,
strong, pu'issant, for'cible,
effica'cious, influen'tial, co'-
gent, energet'ic, ve'hement,
emphatic, intense'. See
Effect producing, Prevailing,
Strong, Able, Almighty.
Pox — Variolae.
Praise — Laus, Plaudo, Egora.
r H A X s e — -comnienda'tion, ap-
proba'tion, applause', enco'-
mium, eu'logy, panegyr'ic.
See Approbation, P«<'ame,
Praise — commend', approve',
applaud', laud, extol', n;ag'-
nify, glo'rify, eu'logise, pan'e-
gyrise, do honour to. See
Great make.
Pratse'worthy deserving
praise, commend'able, laud'-
able, approv'ed.
Prat'tle — Garrio. See Talk.
Pi? AY — Precor, Oro, Litania,
Litos, Votum, Plico, Euche.
See Beg, Entreat, Entreaty,
Pi^e'cept^ command', rule,
doc'trine, max'im, prin'ciple.
See Command, Order.
Prff'ace — introduc'iion, pro'-
era, prelim'inary, prel'ude.
See Introductory, Begin, In-
Puetare' — Paro. S-ee Ready.
Pres'ent Ens, Ubi, Ibi ;
3!unus. See Gift, Reward,
Preserve' Servo, Salus,
Syle, Custodia, Guardir, Sa-
telles, Phylacterion. See
Keep, Free.
FuESS — Premo, Urgeo. See
Embrace, Force.
Press'img — urging witeh force
or weight, squeez'lng, con.
strain'ing, crowd'ing, em-
brac'ing, distres'sing, for'c-
ing ; ur'gent, impor'tunate,
emer'gent. See Important,
Pretend' Tcndo, Similis,
Fingo* Pscuno.
Pretense' — false appearance,
pretext', excuse', delu'sion,
impos'ture. See Colour, De-
fense, Cloak.
Pret'ty — Beau, Belle, Calos.
See Beautiful.
Prevail'ing — gaining advan-
tage, superiority or victory,
having effect, persuad'ing,
succeed'ing ; predom'inant,
prev'alent, superior in power,
effica'cious : most general,
epidem'ic, epidem'ical. See
Prevent' — go before, precede',
antic'ipate ; hin'der, obstruct',
intercept', impede', ob'viate,
preclude'. See Anticipate,
Go, Hinder, Interrupt.
Prey — Preda. See Plunder.
Price — Precium for Pretium,
Estimo for Aestimo, Valeo,
-Age, See Value,. Sell.
Prick — ■. — Pungo, Stigo, Stin-
guo. See Pierce, Stir.
Pride — inordinate self-esteem,
self-conceit', conceit', ar'ro-
gance, haught'iness, hauteur',
presum'ption, assum'ption,
in'solence, van'ity ; splendid
show, ostenta'tion. See
Conceit, Proud, Show.
Priest — Sacer, Hieros, Augur,
Pons, Drus, Presbyteros,
Magus, Pasco, Flamen, Mufti.
See Ecclesiastic.
Prixce — sov'ereign, mon'arch,
po'tentate, king, em'peror,
chief, ruler. See King.
Prior'ity prece'dence, pre-
em'inence, preference. See
Going before-
Pris'on" Prehendo, Career,
Capio, Custodia, Mitto, Finis,
See liiberty being deprivedof.
Pri'vate — Privus, Idios, Pro-
prius, Claudo, Tirer. See
Priva'tion — Un-, Dis-, See
Take, Not.
Priv'ilege immun'ity, ex-
em'ption ; ben'efit, advant'-
age, fa'vour, prerog'ative,
right, claim, lib'erty. See
Freedom, Benefit.
Proceed'ing — proc'ess, proce'-
dure, move'ment, course,
prog're&s, progressi'on ; affair',
mat'ter, concern', transac'tion,
suit, meas'ure, step. See
Course, Operation, Go.
Processi'on — cav'alcade, tri'-
umph, ova'tion ; train, ret'in-
ue, suite. See Pomp, Victory.
Proclaim' Clamo, Dico,
See Publish.
Produce' Duco, Genus,
Pario, Proles ; Tecton. See
Produc'tion— -that which is
produced, prod'uce, prod'uct ;
perform'ance, compositi'on,
work. See Performance,
Profess' — make open declara*
tion of, avow', acknowledge,
declare', assev'erate. See
Declare, Own.
Prof'it — Lucrum. See Gain.
Frof'itable yielding or
bringing profit or gain, gain'-
ful, lu'crative; benefici'al,use'-
ful, advanta'geous. See Gain,
Peoj'ect — Schema. SeeFlsin, FnoTEc'rioJf place fo7- — a
— min'gled,
niix'ed, confu'sed, undistin'-
guislied, indiscrim'inate,
com'nion. See Mix, Con-
fused, Common.
Proji'ise — Spondeo.
PjROM'isE-binding declaration,
assur'ance, guarantee'', eu-
gage'ment, undertak'ing. See
PROor — tri'al, es'say, exper'-
iment, test ; demonstra'tion,
convic'tion, satisfac'tion ;
test'imony, attesta'tion, evi-
dence, certifica'tion ; firm'-
ness, hardiness, impenetra-
bil'ity. See Evidence, Trial.
Piiop'erty qual'ity, at'tri-
bute ; wealth, possesti'ons,
paraph erna'lia. See Quality,
Goods, Riches.
Proph'esy — See Foretell.
Proph'et — Vates, Phano.
PROROGUE'-protract', prolong',
defer', adjourn', delay', post-
pone'. See Delay.
Prose — Prosa.
pRO&'PER — fa'vour, render suc-
cessful ; be successful, suc-
ceed' ; grow, increase', thrive,
make gain. See Gain, Fa-
vour, Increase, Flourish,
Protect' — cov'er, shield, de-
fend', guard, preserve', secure',
support', har'bour, shel'ter,
fos'ter, cher'ifih, coun'tenance,
pat'ronize, encour'age, sanc'-
tion. See Covering, Defend,
Harbour, Foster, Encourage.
lum, sanc'tuary ; sliei'iLT,
defense', refuge, retreat'.
See Defense, Refuge, Se-
Proud — Superus, Haut, Rogn.
Proud having inordinate
self- esteem, self-coneeit'ed,
conceit'ed, vain, ar'rogant,
haught'y, supercil'ious, as-
sum'ing, in'solent ; dar'ing,
presump'tuous ; grand, loft'y,
splend'id, magnificent ; os-
tenta'tious. See High,
Grand, Pride.
Prove — Probo, Testis, Video,
Prove — try, test ; evince', es-
tab'lish, ascertain', ver'ify, de-
mon'strate, man'ifest ; cer'-
tify, attest', ev'idence. See
Evidence, Proof.
Provide'. — procure beforehand,
get, furn'ish, supply'. See
Pru'dent Video, Specio.
See See.
Prune — Futo. See Cut off.
Pry'ixg inspectiiig closely,
inquis'itive, scrutiiiiz'ing,
search'ing, cu'rious. See
Pub'lic, PuRLisn Populus,
Vulgus, Do, liitos, Egora
for Agora. See Common.
Pub'lish — make knov;n, di-
vvxlge', disclose', promul'gate,
proclaim', discov'tr, expose',
declare', reveal', impart', com-
mu'nicate. See Discover,
Public, Declare, Spread,
Utter, Blaze.
Puff — See Swell.
Pull — Velio, Cerpo, Spasina.
ii'ee Draw, Tear.
Pul'pit — Rostrum, Pulpitum.
Pulse — Legumen, Lens.
Puk'ish — Pimio, Peniteo. Cas-
tigo, Vindex, Rego, Discipu-
lus. See Discipline, Fine.
Pure — Purus, Castus, Vesta,
Cera, Februo, Limpidus. See
Clear, Clean, JModest.
Purge — Purgo. See Clean.
Pur'ple — Porphyra.
Purse — Fiscus. See Money.
Push — Trudo, Urgeo. See
Put — Pono, Thesis, Stasis,
Boleo, -Ate. See Place.
Put dow7i baffle, repress',
crush, quell, suppress', sub-
due', reduce', restrain' ; de-
grade', deprive', depose' ; con-
fute', si'lence. See Baffle,
Check, Delay.
Puz'zLE — perplex', embar'rass,
put to a stand, grav'el, con-
found' ; bewil'der, entan'gle.
See Cross, Entangle, Worry.
Quack— v-em'piric, char'latan,
Quake — Tremo. See Shake,
QuALincA'TiON endow'.
ment, acquire'ment ; legal
or requisite power ; modifica'-
tion, restric'tion, limita'tion.
6Ve Accomplishment, Endow.
Qual'ify fit for, fu^ni^h
with ; mod'erate, mod'ulate,
tem'per, hu'mour, restrain',
lim'it, mod'ify, reg'ulate.
See Fit, Bound.
Qual'itv — ™-Qualis, -Ness.
See Property.
Quar'rel wran'gle, scold.
petty fight, scuffle, dispute',
con'test, conten'tion, brawl,
broil, jar, jan'gle, alter ca'ti on,
tu'mult, feud, fray, affra/,
va'riance, difference, dis-
&gTee'ment, breach. See Dif-
ference, Disagreement, Tu.
mult. Insurrection.
Quar'relling — conten'tion,
dispute', disputa'tion, cav'il-
ing, dis'cord, dissen'sion,
strife, fac'tion, con'troversy,
alterca'tion, wran'gling, de*
bate', va'riance, difference,
disagree'ment. See Differ-
ence, Quarrelj Faction.
Ques'tion QuaerOj Rogo.
See Ask, Search.
Quick — Celer, Velox, Tachys.
Quick — alive', liv'ing ; swift,
hast'y ; speed'y, prompt,
expediti'ous, read'y ; act'ive,
nim'ble, ag'ile, brisk, vig'or-
ous, lively, viva'cious. See
Hasty, Active, Lively, Ready,
Quick'ek — makealive, viv'ify,
revive', resus'citate ; has'ten,
accel'erate, ex'pedite, d«s-
patch' ; shar'pen, stim'ulate,
incite' ; cheer, reinvig'orate.
See Animate, Cheer-, Hasten.
Quick'ness — speed, veloc'ity,
swift'ness, celer'ity, fleet'ness,
rapid'ity, rap'idness, nim'ble-
ness, brisk'ness, alert'ness ;
expediti'on, despatch' ; ac-
tiv'ity, prompt'ness, agil'ity,
dexter'ity ; acute'ness, keen
sensibility ; sharp'ness, pun'-
gency ; of intellect, acute'-
ness, sharp'ness, sagac'ity,
penetra'tion, acu'men,shrewd'-
ness. See Briskness, Sharp-
ness, Eagerness.
Quick'silver Mercurius.
See Metal.
Qui'et — rest, repose', still'ness,
peace, ease, tranquillity,
calm, qui'etness. See Peace,
Ease, Still, Silence, Subside.
Quill — Penna, Pluma.
Quote — Cito. See Adduce.
Race — run'ning, rapid course
or motion, course, prog'ress,
move'ment ; breed ; lin'eage,
fam'ily, house,descent', stock,
dyn'asty, genera'tion. See
Course, House, Breed, Stock.
Rage — violent anger, passi'on,
fu'ry, excite'ment, extreme
violence ; enthu'siasm ; ex-
treme eagerness or passion.
See Madness, Anger, Boil.
Rain — Pluvia, Ombros. See
Raise — Levo, Heafan, Tollo.
See Lift.
Ram — Aries.
Ram'ble — rove, wan'der, stroll,
range, walk, ride or sail at
random. See Excursion,
Stray, Go, Wander.
RAM'rART — Vallum.
Rank — Rang, Ordo, Classic!,
-Dom. See Order.
Rapa'cious — given to plunder,
seizing by force, greedy on
seizing, rav'enous, vora'cious.
greed'y? devour'ing. See
Plunder, Greediness.
Rare — -Rarus, Manos.
Rare uncom'mon, not fre-
quent, scarce, sin'gular,
choice, prec'ious, unusually
excellent, incoin'parable, un-
ique' ; thin, por'ous, not
dense ; nearly raw, imperfect-
ly roasted or boiled. See
Uncommon, Thin.
Rash — Teniere. See Fool-
Rasii'ness — temer'ity, precip'-
itance, precip'itancy, precipi-
ta'tion, hast'iness. See
Rate propor'tion, stand'ard,
ra'tio, quo'ta, degree' ; price,
amount' ; tax, sum. See
Tax, Value, Count, Part.
Rave — Lira. See Madness.
Raw — Crudus. See Rare.
Ray — Radius. See Beam.
Read — Lego. See Collect.
Re ad' V — Promptus, Emo, Pa/0.
Rfad'y — quick, apt, prompt,
not hesitating; acute'; ex-
pert', dex'trous ; prepar'ed,
tit'ted ; wil'ling, free, cheer'-
fiil, depos'ed ; being at the
point, near, net distant ; e'asy,
fiic'ile, opportune', short. See
Quick, Active, Clever, Free,
Sharp, Briskness.
Re'ason — '■ — Ratus, Arguo,
Causa, Logos. See Cause,
RE'ASOXABLE-rati'onal, eq'uit-
able, just, fair ; net immod'-
erate, mod'erate, tol'erable,
not exces'sive. See Fair,
RejjEl'lious — sediti'ous, mu'-
tinous. See Tumultuous.
Recall' — revoke', repeal'. See
Call lack.
Recal'led, Regain 'ed or
Rem'edied not to be — irrev'-
oc?.ble, irretriev'able, irrevers'-
ible, irrecov'erable, irrep'ar-
able, incur'able, irrenie'diable.
See Call back. Recover.
Receipt' act of receiving,
accep'tance, acccpta'tion, re-
cep'tion ; discharge', acquit'-
tance ; rec'ipe, pre'script,
prescrip'tion. See Take,
Reck'ox — Calculus, Puto.
Reck'on count, nun/ber,
coirpute', cal'culate, es'ti-
n^ate ; esteem', account', re-
pute'. See Count, Pay.
Rec'ognize — remem'ber, no'-
tice, recollect'. See Own,
Eecov'er— fi-et or obtain v/hat
was lost, regain', retrieve' ;
restore', repair', recruit'. See
Recalled not to be^ Redeem.
Red — Ruber, Russus, Phenix,
Redeem' — purchase back, ran'-
som, lib'erate, relieve', res'-
cue, affranch'ise, manumit',
recov'er, deliver from, save ;
compens'ate, make an^ends
for. See Free, Buy, Recover.
Redress' relief, rem'edj-,
deliverance from wrong, in'-
jury or oppression ; repara'-
tion. See Cure.
Redund'axt — Perissos. See
Reed Arundo, Calamus,
Reek — Fumus. See Smoke.
Refer' — relate', regard', re-
spect' ; appeal', apply' ; al-
lude'. glance at, hint; direct';
reduce'. See Relate, Appeal,
Hint, Apply, Consult.
Reform'er- Luther, Calvinus.
Refresr' — cool, allay heat ;
reinvig'orate, give new-
strength to, revive', ren'ovate,
renew'. See Cocl, Animate.
Ref'uge — Fugio, Syle. See
REFusn' reject', deny', de-
cline', oppose', repel', rebuff',
object'. See Object, Oppose,
Overrule, Rem.ains.
Regahd'—— Honor, Veneror.
See Respect, Interest.
Reg'ulav Rego, Omalcs.
See Rule.
Reg'ular— coriformed to a
rule, method'ical; systemat'ic,
or'derly, exact', periodical.
See Orderly, Formal.
Reigv — Rego. See Govern.
Heins — Renes.
Rejoice' — make joyful, glad-
den, exhirarate ; exult', joy ;
grn,t'ulate, congrat'ulate, fel-
ic'itate. See Joy, Gladden.
Relate' — tell,recite', rehearse',
repeat', narrate', recount', re-
capit'ulate, detail', enum'er-
ate ; refer', concern', respect',
regard', appertain', in'terest,
affect'. See Tell, Explain,
Describe, Refer.
Relat'ing Al, -An, -Ar,
-Ary, -Ic, -leal, -Ory.
Eela'7'ionship — kin'dred, re-
la 'tion, alli'ance ; affin'ity,
consanguiu'ity. See Kin,
Remgi'on — godliness, pi'ety,
devo'tion, sanc'tity ; sys'tem
of faith and worship. See
Retv'ain' — Maneo, Sto. See
Remains' — that which is left,
leav'ings, rasp'ings, scrap'-
ings, rel'ics, rem'nant, re-
main'der, res'idue, ret'use,
scoria, dross ; dead body,
corpse, car'cass. See Dregs.
Remark' no'tic?, observa'-
tion, annota'tion, note, com'-
ment, com'mentary. See
Comment, F^xplanation.
R E iM F. m'b f. u — JM emor, Mnco,
JMoneo, Cor. See Recognize.
Rfxh — Lacer. See 'i'ear.
Renown' Celebris, Kama.
See Fame.
Repeat' — Peto, Eo. 5'^eSeek.
REPENT'-Peniteo, Pena, Tero.
Repent'ance — sor'row, pain,
grief, regret', pen'itence, con-
triti'on, compunc'tion, re-
morse'. See Pain, Grief.
Report' — Rumor. See Fame.
Reply' smart or witty — repar-
tee', retort'.
Reproach' — Probrum, Scan-
dal um.
Reproach' cen'sure, find
fault with, chide, reprove',
upbraid', cast in the teeth.,
scold, rail, brawl, rate. See
Blame, Abuse, Disgrace,
Resem'bling Aceous,.Isri,
-Like, -Ly.
Respect' — regard', atten'tion,
deference, considera'tion, es-
teem', estiuja'tion, hon'our ;
venera'tion, rev'erence. See
Honour Refer.
Respect' — hold in respect or
estimation, esteem', val'ue,
regard', relate to ; ven'erate,
revere', rev'erence. See Re-
fer, Value, Honour.
Rest. — ■ — Sto, Maneo, Quies,
Tranquillus, Sabbatum, Se-
deo ; Etc. See Ceasing.
Restor'ing or Rettrn'tng
the act of — restora'tion, ren-
diti'on, restitu'tion, retribu'-
tion. See Amends.
Retire' — Clioreo.
Return' of I ke for like — re-
talia'tlon, nquit'al, recipro-
ca'tion, reciproc'iiy, mutual'-
ily, altema'iion. See Lach
Other, Mutual.
Rev'el — Bacchus.
Reward' — remunera'tion, rec'-
ompense, compensa'tion, re-
quit'al, satisfac'tion, amends',
. guer'don ; bribe ; pun'ish-
ment. See Amends, Satis-
faction, Gift.
Rib — Ccsta, Pleura. See Side.
Rich — Opulentus.
Rich'es wealth, op'ulence,
affluence, possessi'ons, mam'-
mon, sub'stance. See Pos-
session, Fortune.
Rid'dle — Enigma, Griphos.
Rid'icule contemptuous
laughter, derisi'on, burlesque';
sat'ire, i'rony, sar'casm.
See Censure, Laughable.
Right Rego, Orthos, Jus,
jEquus, Dexter.
Right — straight ; just, eq'uit-
able, fair, hon'est ; fit, propt-
er, suit'able, becom'ing ; law'-
ful ; true ; correct' ; not left.
See Fair, Fit, Correct.
Rig'id — Rigeo, Severus, Aus-
terus. See Severe.
Ring — Annulus, Circulus. See
Surround, Jingle.
Ripe — Maturus, Facio, Puber,
Rise ^Surgo, Orior, Levo,
IMergo. See Go, Issue,
Rite — Ceremonia, Ritus. See
Ri'VAL — Rivus, iEmulus, Peto.
Riv'er — Rivus, Fluvius, Po-
tamoR, Styx. See Water.
Road — Iter, Via, Odos. See
Rob — Pilo, Piratos, Plagium,
Syle. See Steal.
Rock — Petra, Saxum, Caput.
See Stone.
Rod Ferula, Rabdos, Scep-
Roll — Volvo, Cylindros. See
RooM-Cabin, Lieu. See Place.
Room — space, com'pass, ex-
tent', place, stead ; apart'-
ment, cham'ber. See Place.
Room'y — spa'cious, large, wide,
capa'cious. See Large, Im-
Root — Radix, Stirps, Termin-
us, Rado, Bulbus, Verrunco.
Rope — Funis, Chorda.
Rose — Rosa.
Rot — pu'trefy, corrupt', decay'.
See Corrupt.
Rot'ten — Caries, Putris, Sepo.
Rot'ten pu'trid, pu'trified,
ca'rious, decay'ed, corrupt' ;
unsound', defect'ive, treach'-
erous, deceit'ful ; fei'id,
stink'ing,ran'cid, ill-smelling.
See Corrupt, Deceitful.
Rough — Horreo, Asper, Sale-
RoTjND — Rota, Orbis, Sphaera,
Globus, Circulus, Gyrus,
Ovum, Am-, Circum-, Peri-,
Amphi-. See Surround.
Rouse — Cito. See Stir.
Row — Rang, Stichos.
Rub — Frico, Tero, Tribo.
Rude — Barbarus. See Bar-
barous, Impertinent.
Rule — Norma, Canon, Horos,
Rego, Dominus, Guberno,
Impero, Arche, Cratos, Des-
potes, Sultan. See Precept,
Order, Decree.
Run" — Curro, Dromos, Trocliae*
cs. See Course
Sack — Ascites, Fiscus.
Sa'cred — Sacer, Sanctus, Hie-
ros, H agios. See Holy.
Sac'rifice — Sacer, Mola, Ho-
les, Hecaton, Februo.
Sad — sor'rowful, mel'ancholy,
mourn'fulj^dull, down'castjde-
ject'ed, depress'ed, cheer'less,
dole'ful, trist, gloom'y. See
Dull, Doleful, Mourn, Cast
Safe — Salus. See Sure.
Saf'fron — Crocus.
Sail — Nauta, Navis. See Ship.
Salt — Sal, Mola.
Saltfe'tre — Nitrum.
Salute' saluta'tion, greet'-
ing. See Kiss.
Sajie — Idem, Homos, Tautos,
Simul, Isos, Unus. See
Equal, One, Individual.
Sanc'tion Sanctus, Ratus.
See Fix, Ordain.
Satisfac'tiok — content'ment,
repose of mind ; convic'tion ;
pleas'ure, gratifica'tion ; a-
mends', rec'ompense, com-
pensa'tion, indemnifica'tion,
atone'ment ; pay'ment, dis-
charge'. See Pleasure, A-
mends. Reward.
Sat'isfy suffice', content',
grat'ify, please ; pay to con-
tent, rec'ompense, indem'nify ;
free from doubt, suspense or
uncertainty ; convince' ; pay,
discharge'. See Amends
make, Pay.
Sauce — Sal.
Sau'cy Petulans, Procax.
See Fretful.
Save Salus, Servo, Syle,
Jesus. See Free, Redeem.
Sav'ing — preserv'ing, spar'ing,
fru'gal, not lavish, econom'-
ical, thrift'y, parsimo'nious,
except'ing. See Mean.
Saw — Serra, Runcina, Scobs,
Seco. See Cut.
Say — Dico, Phano, Phthegma,
Phrasis. See Speech, Tell,
Scale — Lepra, Furfur, Lami-
na, Squama. See Climb.
Scar — Cicatrix. See Wound.
ScAP.CE — Rarus, Pcnuria. See
Scar'city — scarce'ness, defici'-
ency, pen'ury, dearth, fam'ine;
rare'ness, infre'quency. See
Scat'ter Spargo, Semen,
Tendo. See Spread, Dispel.
Scent — Odor. See Smell.
Schol'ar learn'er, pu'pil,
disci'ple, ty'ro ; man of let-
ters, doct'or. See Follower,
School — Schola, Semen, A-
cademia, Discipulus, Pedia,
Sci'ence — Scio, Logos, Cabal,
-Ics. See Knowledge.
Scorr — Scopto, Scurra, Rideo,
Cavilla. See Laugh at^ Dis-
Scope Scopeo, Seeptomai.
See Aim.
Scrape — llano. Xyster.
ScRE \v — Cochlea.
ScROf,L — Schedula. See Ca-
Scrup'le Scrupulus. See
Scuj,r'TUUE — Toreuma, See
Scurf — Furfur.
Scur'vy — Scorbutum.
Scythe — Falcatus. See Cut.
Sea — Mare, Oceanus, Pelagus,
Undo, Fluctuo, Proteus, Di-
luvium, Halcyon, Navis,
Nauta, Nausea, Bitumen.
See Water.
Sea — o'cean, mam, deep, wave,
bil'loWjSurge. ^£'eWave,Ship.
Se'amax se'afarer, sail'or,
mar'iner, tar, marine', sea-
sol'dier ; sea-rob'ber, pi'rate,
Search — Scrutor, Qnaero.
Search — seek'ing, looking for,
scrut'iny, investiga'tion, in-
qui'ry, examina'tion, research',
rum'mage, quest, inquest', pur-
suit'. See Prying.
Search — look over or through,
explore', rum'mage, exam'ine,
scrut'inize, inves'tigute, isi-
quire', seek for, probe, pry.
Sie Look.
Se'ason — Autumnus, Season.
Seat — Edra/or Hedra, Thro-
Sec'dnd — Secundus, Deuteros,
Jterum, iJctu.
Se'cret — Secretus, Steganos.
See Hidden, Private.
Se'cret hid, hid'den, con-
ceal'ed, clandes'tine, unre-
veal'ed, occult', unseen', priv'-
ate, unknown', seclud'ed, la'-
tent, mystfc'rious, mys'tic.
See Hidden, Hide.
Sect Pharisees,. Sadducees,
Socinus, Moravia, Bapto.
See Heretic.
Secur'ity — protec'tion, guard,
defen se, palla'dium, guaran-
tee', fence, safe'ty, cer'tainty ;
depos'it, pledge, mor'tgage.
See Guard, Sure, Protection,
Sed'ijmext — Fjex. See Dregs.
See Video, Specio, Cerno,
Tueor, Opto, Guarder for
Garder, Scopeo, Seeptomai,
Theatrum, Theoros, Idea,
Orama, Blepo. See Look,
Seed — Semen, Sperm a.
Seek — Peto, Quaero, Scrutor,
Solicitus, Rogo, Mendicus,
Zeteo. See Look.
Seize — Capeo. Prehendo, Ra-
pio, Plectos. See Take,
Self — Sui, Autos, Ego, Tau-
tos. Idem, Proprius, Idios,
Sell — Vendo, Poleo, Mercor,
Poros, Sto. See Buy, Mer-
chandize, Trade.
Sknd — Mitto, Stello, Angello,
Nuncio, Lego.
Send — throw, cast, thrust, im-
pel'', drive, cause to go or
pass, commissi'on ; aivay,
dismiss', discard', discharge',
despatch', cause to depart ;
forth or oui, produce', put or
bring forth, emit', exhale' ;
on a special commission, de-
pute', del'egate. See Cast,
Sense — sensa'tion, percep'tion,
apprehen'sion, discern'ment,
judgement, fac'ulty, in'tellect,
re'ason, understand'ing ; con'-
sciousness, oonvic'tion
meau'ing, import', signifi-
ca'tion. See Feeling, Judg-
ment, Understanding, Mean-
Se p'arate — divided from, dis-
nect'ed, not united, distinct',
different, detach'ed, dis-
Linit'ed, apart', asund'er. See
Part, Unlike, Individual.
8 E p'arate — disunite', divide',
sev'er, part, sund'er, discon-
nect', detach', disjoin', disen-
gage'. See Part, Cut off,
Distinguish, Interrupt.
Serene' — Eudios. SeeC-dXxn.
SER'MON-Sertuni. See Speech,
Ser'pent Serpo, Reptum,
Ophis, Vipera, Python, Ba-
sileus. Coluber. See Creep.
Se'ruhf — Ichor.
Serv'ant Servo, I\Jinister,
Coneo, Latria, Vernaculus,
Menage, Lie tor. .S'f'eMinister,
Serv'ant one who serves,
domes'tic, me'nial, drudge ;
help, assist'ant; in Scripture,
slave, bond'man, one used aa
an instrument. See Minister,
Inferior, Instrument,
Serve — Servio, Lalria.
Set — Sisto, Sto. See Fix,
Set apart' — ded'icate, devote';
con'secrate, hal'low, sanc'tify.
See Dedicate, Apply.
Set'tle make permanent,
fix, estab'lish, deteum'ine,
corrob'orate, confirm' ; mar'-
ry ; adjust', compose', tran'-
quillize ; reg'ulate, arrange' ;
col'onize ; liq'uidate, balance
or pay. See Fix, Found,
Still, Pay.
Sev'en — Hepta, Septem, Sep-
tuaginta, Hebdemas.
Severe' — Acerbus, Austerus.
Severe' — rig'id, harsh, stern,
austere', not mild or indul-
gent, strict, hard, rig'orous ;
grave, so'ber, sedate' ; afflic'-
tive, distress'ing, sharp, vi'o-
lent ; bi'ting, extreme'; exact',
crit'ical, nice. See Rigid,
Sharp, Difficult, Grave.
Sew — Rhapto, Rapto.
Sex — Sexus.
Skade Umbra, Umbrella,
Opacus, Scia, Scotus. See
Darkness, Dull.
Shake — Quatio, Cutio, Tremo,
SHAKE-ag'itate, move, trem'ble,
shud'der, shiv'er, quiv'er,
quake, tot'ter. See Tremb-
ling, Move.
Skame .Pudeo, Scandalain,
See Disgrace.
SHAME'ruL-what brings shame
07- disgrace, scand'alous, dis-
grace'ful, in'famous, oppro'-
brious, ignomin'ious, injuri-
ous to reputation. See Dis-
Shame'less destitute of
shame, wanting mocVesty, im'-
pudent, bra'zen-faced, im-
mod'est, auda'cious, insens-
ible to disgrace ; inde'cent,
indelicate. See Impudence,
Shape — Forma, IVIorphe, Plas-
so, Oidos, Figura. See Form.
Share — Pars, Collega. See
Sharp — Acuo, Acidus, Acris,
Qxj's, Severus.
Sharp — keen, acute', not blunt,
not obtuse ; discein'ing, pen'-
etrating, saga'cio'is, shrewd,
quick, wit'ty, inge'nious ;
sour, ac'id ; pier'cing, shrill ;
severe', harsh, rig'id, cru'el,
bit'ing, sarcast'ic, taunt'ing,
satir'ical ; fierce, ar'dent,
fi'ery, vi'olent ; keen, severe',
pun'gent, pain'ful, prick'ing,
piq'uant. See Keen, Quick,
Active, Severe, Ready, Sour.
Sharp'ness — keen'ness, acid'-
ity, sour'ness, ac'rimony,
pun'gency, pain'fulness ;
acute'ness, penetra'tion,
shrewd'ness, sagac'ity, dis-
cern'ment, quick'ness, inge-
nu'ity ; keen'ness, edge, se-
ver'ity. See Sourness, Quick-
ness, Judgment, Edge.
Shave — Rado.
Sheath — Vagina.
Sheep — Ovis, I'ecunia, Grex.
Shell — Concha, Cochlea, Os-
tracon, Testa, Sili.qua.
Shep'herd Pan, Nomas,
Pasco. See Feed.
Shield Scutmn, Thyreos.
See Covering.
Shift — change, turn'ing ; ex-
pe'dient, refuge, resource',
altern'ative : fraud, art'itice,
chicane', eva'sion, sub'terfujre,
trick, turn. See Cheat, Trick.
Shix-BONe — Tibia.
Shine — Ivuceo, Fulgeo, Brill-
er, Splendeo, Coruscus, Pha-
no, Lustrum, See Light.
Shine — emit rays of light, ra'-
diate, give light, beam, glit'-
ter, corus'cate, glis'ten, gleam,
glare, spark'le. See Gleam,
Blaze, Bright.
Ship Navis, Nauta. See
Shoot Germen, Propago,
Surculus, Turio. See Sprout,
SiionE — Littus. See Brink,
Short — Brevis, Brachys, Cur-
tus, Stenos, Caedo, Laconia,
Cingo, Pendo, Summa. See
Abridge, Brief.
Shor'ter made shor'tened,
abridg'ed, abbre'viated, epit'-
omized, condens'ed, contract'-
ed, curtail'ed, les'sened, di-
min'ished. See Brief, A-
SHOULD'ER-Humerus, Scapula.
Shout — Clamo. See CalL
Show — Dico, Monstro, Habeo,
Phano, Gnomon, Tendo,
Specio, Paradigma.
Show — spect'acle, exhibiti'on,
sight, representa'tion ; osten-
ta'lion, parade', display', ar-
ray', pomp; appear'ance, sem'-
blance, ^;eemi^g, spe'cious-
ness, plausibil'ity. See
Pomp, Appearance, Colour.
Show — exhib'it, present', dis-
play' ; make to know, direct',
point out, in'dicate, man'ifest,
prove, inform',instruct', teach,
explain' ; disclose', discov'er ;
bestow', confer', afford'. See
Instruct, Discover, Declare,
Show'y — making a great show,
ostenta'tious, splend'id, fine,
gay, gaud'y, glar'ing. pomp'-
ous, sump'tuous, grand, mag-
nificent, state'Jy. See Gay,
Grand, Vain.
Shud'der Tremo. See
Shake, Fear.
Shuf'fi.e — V'arico.
Sh uf'fle — prevar'icate, equiv'-
ocate, evade', quib'ble, cav'il,
Shun — Vito, Viduo.
Shun — avoid', keep clear of,
eschew' ; evade', escape',
elude' ; decline', neglect'.
See >«eglect.
Shut — Claudo, 31 yo, JMystes.
See Close, Surround.
Shy — fearful of near approach,
coy, reserv'ed, not familiar ;
cau'tious, war'y, care'ful ;
suspici'ous, jeal'ous. See
Careful, Jealcu.-iy.
Sick — Valeo, Hospes, ^ k-:^.
See Disease.
Sick sick'ly, ill, diseas'ed,
mor'bid ; disgust'ed. See Ill-
ness, Invalid.
Side — Pleura, Costa, Edra/or
Hcdra, Latus, Cis-, Trans-,
{^ata-. Para-. See Edge.
Sieve — Coscirjon.
Sift Cerno. See Separate,
Sight — Video, Opto, Orama,
Specio, Wonder. See See,
Sign Signum, Omen, Avis,
Sagax, Ptoma, Gnomon. See
Si'lence taciturn'ity ; still-
ness, calm'ness, qui'et, calm,
repose', cessa'tion ; dum'b-
ness, mute'ness. See Calm,
Quiet, Still.
Si'lent Sileo, Taceo, Mu-
tus. See Ctilm, Dumb.
Silk — Sericum.
Sil'vek — Argentum. jy^e Met-
al, IMoney.
SiM'rLE— Plico. See Bare.
Sin Pecco, Culpa, Vitium,
Crimen. See Wicked, Crime,
Violation, Debt, Depravity.
Sincere' real, nnfeigu'ed,
gen'uine, true, hon'est, undis-
sem'bling, up'right, uncor-
rupt' ; unvarn'ished, plain ;
frank. See Genuine, Hon-
Sin'ew — Neuron, Musculus.
Sing — Cano, Chorus, Orches-
tra, Siren, Ode, Melos, Hym-
nns, Elegia.
Sin'gi.e Singulus, Coelebs,
Privus, Solus. See Alone,
Sir — Messieurs.
Sis'ter — Sorer.
Sit — Sedeo.
Situ a't ION positi'on, seat,
loca'tion, site, state, condi-
ti'on, predic'ament, plight,
case ; place, of''fice. See
Place, Condition, State, Oflice.
Six — Hex, Sex.
Size — bulk, big'ness, rnag'ni-
tude, great'ness, extent'. See
Bigness, Fatness, Greatness
Skill Ars, Dexter. See
Skin Cutis, Pellis, Corium,
Membrana, Callus, Hymen.
See Flay, Leather.
Skull — Cranium.
SKY-Ether/oriEther, Ceruleus.
Slack'en slack, make less
tense, tight or severe, relax',
remit' ; mit'igate, dimin'ish,
abate', low'er, relieve', un-
bend'. See Lessen, Lower.
Slan'der — Calumnia.
Slan'der defama'tion, de-
trac'tion, scand'al, CHl'umny,
backbit'ing, asper'sion ; dis-
grace', reproach', disreputa'-
tion, ill'-name. See Dis-
grace, Contumely, Asperse.
Slaught'er — mas'.sacre, carn'-
age, but'chery, mur'dering.
See Destruction, Kill.
Slave — Despotes, Servio, Vei-
na. See Liberty the being
deprived of.
Sleep — Dormio,Somnus, Sopor,
Hypnos, Lethe, Opium. See
SLEEP'Y-drow'sy, lethar'gic, in-
clined to sleep ; causing or
inducing sleep, soporific, so-
porif 'erous, narcot'ic, o'piate,
dor'mitive, somnific, som-
niferous, an'odyne, sed'ative,
compos'ing. See Dose.
Slen'der Gracilis. See
Slime — Mucus, Uligo.
Slip Fallo. See Deceive,
Slope — Clino, Clivus.
Slow — Tardus, Phlegma.
Slow — tard'y, dil'atory, slug'-
gish, te'dious. 5'eeLazy,Dull.
Sly' — cun'ning, deceit'ful, art'-
ful, insid'ious, craft'y, wi'ly,
circumvent'lve, subt'le, sub'-
tile. See Cunning, Deceitful.
Small — Micros, Minuo, Pusil-
lus, Petit, -Cle, -Ling, See
Smear — Plasso.
Smell Odor, Oleo, Fragro,
Sapio, Fumus, Ranceo, Ni-
dor. See Sweet-smelling.
Smith — Ferrura. See Iron.
Sjioke — Fumus, Atmos, Fu-
Smooth — Levis, Lios, Lub-
ricus. Planus. See Soft,
Snake — Coluber. See Serpent.
Snare — Lure for Leurre, La-
queus, Sedeo. See Entangle.
Snarl'ing — growl'ing, grum'-
bling angrily, cyn'ical, snaf)'-
pish, wasp'ish.
Snatch — Rapio. See Seize,
Sneak'ing creeping away
silly, stealing away ; crouch'-
Ing, cring'ing, sei/vile, ob-
se'quious, mean, pit'iful ;
meanly parsimo'nioas, cov'-
etous, nig'gardly. See Mean,
S N E E z E — S ternuo.
Snow — Nix.
Soak— steep, imbrue', mac'er-
ate, imbue', wet, mois'ten,
drench. See Moist, Water,
Soap — Sapo,
So'ber — Ebiius, Teneo.
So'ber — ^.teni'perate ; stead'y,
se'rious, sol'emn, grave. See
Abstaining, Grave.
.Soft — Mollis, Mitigo, Lenis.
Soft — easily yielding to pres-
sure, easily to he bent or kd,
flex'ible, sup'ple, lithe, liin'-
ber, flac'cid, pli'ant, yield'ing,
duct'ile, pli'able, compli'ant,
tract'able, doc'ile; mal'leable;
gen'tle, mild, meek, kind,
civ'il; smooth, flow'ing; e'asy,
qui'et. See Kind, Dainty,
Allay, Ease, Weak.
Soil Solum, (jleba. See
Stain, Ground.
Sold'ier Miles, Granum,
Corpus, Phalanx, Tactos,
Stratos, Manus, Tyro. See
Martial, War.
Sole-: Solus, Monos, Unus.
See Alone.
Sol'emn Soleninis, Serius.
See Grave.
Sol'id^ — Solidus, Stereos, Fir-
mus, Durus.
Sol'id — hard, firm, compact',
sta'ble, strong, mas'sive ; real,
substan'tial, sound, val'idj
true, just ; entire', whole.
See Firm, Strong, Thick.
Sol'itary — living alone, des'-
olate. See Alone, Desolate,
Solve Solvo, Lysis. See
Some'what Ish, -Some.
Son — Filius, Bar.
So?JG IMelos, Ode, F.legia,
Psalma, Poieo, Musa, H al-
leluia, Tragcedia. See Sing.
Soot — Fuligo.
Soph'istry — fallacious reason-
ing, chicane', chica'nery, so-
ph'ism, fal'lacy. See False-
Sore Ulcus, Cancer, Gan-
grena, Sphacelos.
Sou'ry griev'ed, pain'ed, af-
flict'ed, affect'ed, hurt, nion'i-
fied, vex'ed, chagrin'ed ;
poor, mean, vile, vorih'less.
See Mean, Poor, Grieve.
Sort Sors, Specio, Genu?,
Qualis, Talis. See Kind,
Soul Anima, Psyche, Thy-
nios. AVe Spirit, iMind.
Sound — Sonus, Echeo, Phone,
Clango, Tonos, Plithegma,
Crepo, J\lelos, Murmur, Stre-
po, Acouo. See Jingle,
Bound hack.
Sound Sanus, Valeo. See
Whole, Health.
Sour — A ceo, Acidus, Acerbus,
Acris, Oxys. See Sharp.
Sou r'ness — acid'ity, ac'idness,
tart'ness, sharp'ness ; of ma it,
ner, asper'ity, harsh 'ncss, ac'»
rimony. See Sharpness.
Source Fons, Orior. See
South — Auster, Notus, Meri-
dies. See Wind.
Sow Saturn, Sertum, Semen,
Space — Spatium.
Sfar'ing Parsimonia. See
Spark — Scintilla. See Fire.
Spar'row — Passer. 5'ee Bird.
Spart'an Laconia. See
Speak Loquor, Fari, Dico,
Phano, Logos, Parler, Gar-
rio, Solecos, Oro, Rheo,
Phthegma, Sertum. SecTeW.
Speak to accost', address' ;
with^ talk, converse', dis«
course', commune'. See
Talk, Utter, Unspeakable.
Spear — Lancea, Sceptrum.
Speech Egora, Ironia, Lo-
gos, Phrasis.
Speech — lar/guage ; ora'tion,
philip'pic, harangue', ad-
dress', discourse' ; sol'ecism.
See Language, Speech, Talk,
Spend lay out, dispose of,
part with ; expend', consume',
waste, squan'der, exhaust',
drain ; pass ; har'ass, fatigue'.
See Expensive, Waste.
Spew — Vomito. See Vomit,
Sphere Sphaera. See
Globe, Round.
Spi'cES — Aromata, Nardus,
Spike — Spica.
Spire — Spiro, Turbo.
Spir'it — Spiro, Pneuma, An-
ima, Demon, Cherub, Genus,
Vivo, Vapidus. See Life,
Lively, Active.
SpiR'iTUAr immate'rial, in-
corpo'real ; men'tal, intellect'-
ual ; sa'cred, ecclesiast'ical ,
ethe'real, ghostly ; godly,
holy. See Intellectual, God-
ly, Holy.
Spit — Sputo, Ptyo^ Saliva.
Spite — ha'tred, spleen, ran'cor,
mal'ice, malig'nity, malev'o-
lence, gall ; grudge, pique.
See Malice, Hatred, Enmity,
Spit'tle — Saliva, Sputo, Mu-
cus, Fhlegma, Pituita.
Spleex — Chondres. See Spite.
Spoil — Spolium, Preda, Syle.
See Plunder.
Spoke — Radius. See Beam.
Sponge — Fungus, Spongia.
Sport — what diverts and makes
merry, play, game, diver'sion,
fun, drollery, frolic, wag'-
gery, wag'gishness ; pas'-
time, recrea'tion ; amuse'-
ment, entertain'ment ; mock,
mock'ery, contemptuous
mirth ; diversion of the field,
as fowling, hunting, fishing.
See Mirth, Jest, Frolic, Plea-
sure, Amusing, Lively.
Spot — Macula, Menda. See
Stain, Blemish, Blameless.
Spread — Pando, Tendo, Ster-
no, Propago.
Spread abroad — scat'ter, dis-
perse', distrib'ute,difFuse', dis-
pense', cir'culate, prop'agate,
divulge', publish, dissem'in-
ate ; out, open, expand', un-
fold', unfurl'. See Dispel,
Publish, Open, Lay, Swell,
Spring — Ver; German; Fons,
Scaturio, Surgo, Orior, Nas-
cor. See Kise, Grow, Flow,
Sprout — Germen, Bryo. See
Spunge — See Sponge.
Spur — -Stimulus, Stigo. See
Spu'rious — not genuinejcoun'-
terfeit, supposititi'ous, false,
fictiti'ous, deceit'ful, adul'ter-
ate ; illegit'imate, bast'ard.
See Genuine not, Bastard,
Vain, Law.
Spurn — Temno, Specio. See
Square — Quadra. See Four.
Squeaivi'ish — fastid'ious, over-
nice', over-scrup'ulous. See
Squeeze — Strangos.
Squeeze — press, gripe ; op-
press', har'ass, crush ; hug,
embrace closely ; out, extort',
express', extract'. See Press,
Squire — Scutum.
Sta'ble — Firmus. See Strong.
Staff — Imbecillis, Sceptrum.
Stage — Drama, Histrio, Mons,
Scena, Theatrum.
Stag'ger walk unsteadily,
reel, tot'ter, vac'illate ; fail ;
hes'itate. See Doubt, Wave,
Stain — Macula, M enda, Mias-
ma, Tingo. See Blot.
Stain discol'our, mac'ulate,
blot, spot, foul, soil, pollute'.
blem'ish, sully, tarn'ish,
taint ; dye, tinge. See Blot,
Blemish, Spot, CoiTupt, Dis-
grace, Colour.
Stain ivithout immac'ulate,
spot'less, pure, untaint'ed, in'-
nocent, unstain'ed, unblem'-
ished, unpollut'ed, irreproach'-
able, unsul'lied, untarn'ished.
See Harmless, Disgrace.
Stair Climax, Scala. See
Stake — Palus.
Stalk — Caulis, Culmus.
Stam'mer stut'ter, fal'ter,
hesitate in speaking. See
Stamp — Character. See Mark.
Stand — Sto, Stasis, Sisto, Si-
tus. See Stay.
Star Astron, Sidus, Stella,
Satelles, Canis.
State Sto, Stasis, Exis/wr
Hexis, -Acy, -Age, -Ance,
-Ancy, -Ence, .Ency, -Es-
cence, -Ion, -Ism, -Ment,
.Mony,.Tude, .Ty,-Ure, -Y,
-Hood, -Ness, -Ship.
State — in life, conditi'on, cir'-
cumstances, situa'tion, sta'-
tion ; political body, or body
politic, body of men ; rank,
post, degree', qual'ity, dig'.,
nity, gran'deur. See Condi-
tion, Situation, Order, Grand.
Stat'ue— Sto, Colossus. See
Stay — Sto, Maneo, Teneo.
Stay remain', contin'ue,
abide' ; endure', last ; wait,
attend' ; rest, rely', confide
in, trust ; stop, restrain',
withhold', delay', obstruct^
hin'der. See Abide, Dwell,
Delay, Hinder.
Steal Pilo, Purloin, Pla-
gium, Pirates, Peculor. See
Do, Rob.
Steam — Vapor. See Vapor.
Steel — Chalybs, Sideros. See
Stem — Caulis, Stirps.
Step Gradior, Scala, Passus.
See Go, Pace, Mark.
Step-mother — Noverca.
Stick Haereo, Teneo, Glu-
ten, Fixus ; Fascis. See Fol-
lower, Attachment.
Ft IFF — Rigeo. See Formal.
Sti'fle — Ango, Strangulo.
Still — stop, check, restrain',
calm, allay', assuage', lull,
pac'ify, compose', appease',
qui'et ; si'lence, suppress',
subdue'. See Settle, Calm,
Ease, Peace, Allay, Silence.
Stink — Feteo. See Rotten.
Stiu — move, ag'itate ; np, in-
cite', in'stigate, prompt, ex-
cite', raise,an'imate,stim'ulate,
provoke', rouse, begin', quick'-
en, enli'ven, disturb'. See
iMove, Animate, Awaken,
Agitation, Anger.
Stock — stem, bod'y ; fam'ily,
lin'eage ; fund, capital, store,
mag'azine, supply', accuniu-
la'tion, hoard, provisi'on ; live
stock, as cattle or sheep. See
Body, House, Race, Goods,
Stom'ach — Stomachus, Gaster,
Stone — Lapis, Petra, Sasum,
Lithos, ScTupulus, Cdculus,
Gemma, Magnes, Obeliscus,
Opalus, Silex, Sulphur,
Stop — Sisto, Sto, Stasis, Sty-
pho, Cedo, Cesso, Hexis,
Barre, Tscho. See Hinder.
Stoue Magasin, Funda,
Thesaurus. See Stock.
Sto'ry Historia, Fabula,
Sto'rv — tale, narra'tion, nar'-
rative, memoir', his'tory, re-
cit'al, rela'tion ; fic'tii n, fa'-
ble ; in'cident, an'ecdotc ;
floor, loft. See Memoir, His-
tory, Chronicle, Falsehood.
Strain — Stringo, Filtrer.
Strange, STRANo'ER-Mirus,
Exterus, Alienus, Ager, Pil-
grim, Hospes, Foris. See
Odd, Outward.
Strat'agem — Stratos, Manus.
See Soldier, Plan, Trick.
Straw — Festuca, Stipula-
Stray — wan'der, de'viate, err,
swerve, rove, ram'ble. See
Ramble, AVander.
STREAM-cur'rent, course, tide ;
riv'er, ri\ 'ulet, brook, stream'-
let, rill ; drift. See Course.
Strength Robur, Romej
Sthenos, Vigor. See Strong,
Stukngth'en make strong
or stronger, for'iify, invig^'or-
ate, an'imate, encour'age ; en-
force' ; estab'lish, confirm',
corrob'orate. See Encourage,
Animate, Strong.
Stretch Tendo, Pando,
Trudo, Tones.
Strict — Rigeo. See Severe.
Strife — Lis. See Quarrel.
Strike — Vcrbero, Lido,Fendo,
Ferio, Fligo, Plango, Fello,
Plectos. See Beat.
String — Stringo, Chorda, Fi-
Strive Certo, Lido, Nitor,
Studeo, Tetido.
Strong — Robur, Fortis, Va-
leo, Firmus, MuniOj Vigor,
Arsen, Israel.
Strong — pow'erful, vig'orous,
robust', stout, sturd'y, hard'y,
firm, sol'id, sin'ewy, mns'cu-
lar, a'ble ; niight'y, po'tent,
co'gent, for'cible, effica'cious ;
ar'dent, e'ager, zeal'ous ; vi'-
olent, ve'hement, eam'est ;
bright, glar'ing, viv'id. See
Powerful, Firm, Solid, Able,
Lusty, Bright, Zealous.
Stud'y Studeo, Contemplor,
Lucubro. See Think, At-
Stuff — Materia ; Stipo.
Stuug'gle — Luctor, Agon,
Tendo, Testis, Labor, Nitor.
See Unwilling.
Stitp'id — -Stupeo, Narce. See
Sub'ject placed or situate
under ; expos'ed, li'able, ob-
nox'ious ; prone, dispos'ed.
See Accountable.
Subside''— —sink or fall to the
bottom, set'tle ; abate', inter-
mit', assuage', allay', be-
come tranquil. See Calm,
Ease, Quiet, Settle.
Success' — Prosper, Cede. See
Prosper, Lucky.
Suc'coRY — Cichoreum.
Such — Talis, Qualis.
Suck — Sorbeo, Bibo, Sugo. See
Suc'KLE-Natrio. See Nourish,
Sud'den without notice, ab-
rupt', unexpect'ed, unlook-
ed for, unantic'ipated ; emer'-
gent. See Abrupt.
Suf'fer — Fero, Patior, Tolero,
Suf'fer undergo', feel or
bear pain, endure'^ support',
sustain' ; allow', tol'erate,
permit'. See Support, Allow.
Suf'fehance bear'ing, en-
dur'ance, pa'tience, modera'-
tion ; tolera'tioii, permissi'on,
suffering, allow'ance. See
Bear, Suffer, Allow, Passive.
Sug'ar — Saccharum.
Suit'able — fit'ting, accord'ant,
agree'able, conform'able, ad-
apt'ed, conve'nient, prop'er,
befit'tirig, becom'ing, ad'e-
quate. See Agreeable, Be-
coming, Fit.
Sult — See Salio.
Sum — Summa.
S u ji'me r — yE sti vus.
Sum'mit — Acme, Acron, Col-
Sun — Sol, Helios.
Superfici'al being on the
surface ; shal'low, flim'sy, not
deep or profound, slight, cur'-
sory, de'sultory.
Support' — bear, sustain', up-
hold', stay, prop, sec'ond,
for'ward, assist', coun'ter-
ance, fa'vour, pat'ronize, pro-
mote', encour'age, nur'ture,
nour'ish, cher'ish, fos'ter;
maintain', protect', shield, de-
fend'; ver'ify, make good, sub-
stan'tiate, vin'dicate. See
Bear, Suffer, Stay, Assist, Fa-
vour, Encourage, Nourish,
Foster, Protect.
Sure — Certus.
Sure — cer'tain, unfail'ing, in-
fallible, indubitable ; safe,
secure', firm. See Certain,
Doubted not to be. Firm,
Sur'geon — Chir, Ergon, Veho.
Surround' — encom'pass,com'-
pass, envi'ron, inclose on all
sides ; inclose', encir'cle, in-
vest', besiege'. See Round,
Survey' Video, Lustrum.
See Look.
Swal'low — Glutio, Voro, Sor-
beo, Gurges. See Eat.
Swal'low up take into the
stomach ; engulf, absorb',
engross', engage wholly ; im-
bibe', exhaust', consume', de-
vour'. See Eat, Engross.
Swear— —Juro, Orcos. Set
Sweat — Sudo.
Sweet — Dulcis, Suavis, Nec-
tar. See Amiable.
Sweet-smel'ling— odorifer-
ous, o'doTous, fra'grant, per-
fum'ed, sweet-scent'ed, ara-
bro'sial. See Smell.
Swell — Tumeo, Turgeo, Tu-
ber, Cele, Edema, Gibbus,
Struma. See Bombastic.
Swell out — dilate', distend',
expand', extend'. See Lay,
Swift Celer, Velox, Agilis,
Rapio. See Quick.
Swim — Nato.
Swine — Lardum.
Swing — Oscillum, Vibro, See
Sword — Ensis, Gladius, Sax-
on, Xiphos.
Sys'tem — — - meth'od, or'der,
mode, man'ner. See Man-
ner, Order, Formality.
Ta'ble — Tabula, Mensa, Cu-
bo. Trapezium.
Take — Capio, Prehendo, Su-
mo, Dechomai, Labo, Lepsis,
Aeresis for Heresis,Uii-,Dis-,
Take — ^receive', accept' ; from,
deprive of, deduct', subtract' ;
detract', der'ogate ; to or upon
one^s sel/j appro'priate, as-
sume', adopt', undertake' ;
ar'rogate, usurp'. See Seize,
Embrace, Catching.
Tal'ent — Talentum. See A-
Talk — Parler. See Speak.
Talk — converse', speak, confer',
discourse', commune', hold
intercourse, chat, confab'ulate.
See Speak.
Talk— con'verse, conversa'tion,
colloquy, di'alogue, dis-
course', conference, confabu-
la'tion, chat- See Speech,
Talk'ative — speaking much,
loqua'cious, gar'rulous.
Tal'low — Sebum.
Tame — Cicur, Damao, Domo.
See Overcome.
Tart — Acidus. See Sour.
Taste Taster for Tater,
Gustus, Sapio, Lecher, Pal-
atum, Vapidus.
TASTE-gusta'tion, sa'vour, reF-
ish, fla'vour, pal'ate ; judg'-
ment, ge'nius, discern'ment,
percep'tion, sensibil'ity. See
Palate, Flat, Judgment.
Taw'ky — Fuscus.
Tax — im'post, trib'ute, dut'y,
contribu'tion, cus'tom, toll,
rate, sum imposed, assess'-
ment ; bur'den ; charge, cen'-
sure;task. 5ee Custom, Rate.
Teach — Doceo, ^des, Struo,
Pedia, Echeo, Dominus, Ca-
pio, Talmud. See Instruct.
Tear — Lachryma.
Tear — Lacer, Velio, Spasma.
Tease Molestus, Tantalus.
See Trouble, Incommode.
Tell — Narro, Dico, Nuncio,
Phano, Fari, Monstro. See
Relate, Speak, Declare.
Tem'per Tempero. See
Abstaining, Cool, Cross, Ill-
tempered, Sourness, Qualify.
Tem'ple — Templum, Fanmn,
Tempt — Tento.
TiMPT—— allure', entice', at-
tract', solic'it, incite', pro-
voke', decoy', seduce', in-
vei'gle, coax, persuade', in-
duce', draw ; in Scripture,
try, prove, put to trial for
proof. See Allure, Induce^
Lead, Try.
Ten — Deca, Decem, Myrias.
Tend — Vergo. See Lean.
Ten'don — Cartilago, Tendoi.
Tent — Tendo, Taberna, Cam-
Ten'ure — Teneo, Feof, Feu-
dum. See Hold.
Ter'rify — fright'en, appal',
alarm', intim'idate, dismay'.
See Fright, Fear.
Test — Examen, Testa.
Test crite'rion ; stand'ard ;
tri'al. See Trial.
The'atre — Theatrum. See
Stage, Behold.
There — Ibi.
Thick — Densus, Crassus, Spis-
sus, Stypho.
Thick — dense, not thin, com-
pact', close, sol'id ; gross,
coarse ; tur'bid, mud'dy, fec'-
ulent; inspis'sated ; fre'quent;
make thick, incras'sate ; con-
solidate. See Dense, Close,
Solid, Gross.
Thief— Fur, Plagium.
Thigh — Femur,
Thin — Tenuis, Rarus, Subtilis
Thin rare, atten'uated, not
dense, not close ; slim, small,
slen'der, lean, me'agre, slight.
See Rare, Small, Lean.
TniNG-i-Res, -Age, -Ary, -Ice,
-Ment, -Mony,.Ory,.Ure,-Y.
Thing doiie — fact ; act, ac'tion,
deed ; feat, exploit', achieve'-
tnent. Ser. Performance.
Think — Pendo, Sentio, Medi-
tor, Puto, Ago, Agito, Do-
ceo, Dogma, Opinor, Ratus,
Puto, Censeo.
Thixk — ^judge, conclude', im-
ag'ine, suppose', conceive', o-
pine', fan'cy, muse, rum'inate,
med'itate, reflect',call to mind,
cog'itate, consid'er, delib'erate,
contem'plate, pon'der ; be-
lieve', deem ; guess, conject'-
ure, surmise', divine'. See
Fancy, Count.
This'tle — Pappus
Thong — Lorica.
Thorn — Spina.
Thor'oughly Per-. See
Thought — ide'a, concep'tion,
imagina'tion, percep'tion, no'-
tion, fan'cy, conceit' ; reflec'-
tion, considera'tion, contera-
pla'tion, medita'tion, cogita'-
tion, delibera'tion, opin'ion,
judg'ment, suppositi'on ; de-
sign', pur'pose ; solit'itude,
care, concern'. See Conceit,
Judgment, Opinion, Care,
THOUGHT'FUL-full of thought,
contemp'lative, med'itative,
reflect'ive, mind'ful, consid'er-
ate, delib'erate, delib'erative,
attent'ive, care'ful, cir'cum-
spect, wa'ry, advis'ed, dis-
creet'. See Careful, Watch-
ful, IMind.
Tnous'AND—— Mille, Myrias,
Threat — Mina;, Nuncio.
Thred — Filum, Fibra.
Three— Tres, Ternus, Ter-
tius, Tergeminus, Tribus.
Thresh'old — Limen.
Throat — Guttur, Jugulnm,
Foces, trurges, Stomachus,
Throne — Thronus.
Through — Per-, Dia-, Trans-,
Throw — Jacio, Boleo, Mitto,
Sipo. See Cast, Send.
Thrust — Stinguo, Trudo. See
Thun'der — Tonos, Fulmen.
Tick'i.e— Titillo.
Ti'dings — Angello, Nuncius.
See News.
Tie, Tight — Stringo, Ligo,
Copula, Necto, Sertum, Ten-
do. See Gird, Band, Knot.
Tile — Later.
Till Aro, Colo, Ge. See
Plough, Countryman.
Time — ^ Tempus, Chronos,
iEvum, Momentum, DojHex-
is, Odos, Simul. See Age,
Day, Living.
Time — pe'riod, age, date ; du-
ra'tion, se'ason, e'ra, ep'och ;
repetiti'on, doub'ling. See
Time'ly se'asonable, oppor-
tune'. See Untimely.
Tin — Stannum.
Tire — Fatigo. See Wear3%
Tir'ed fatig'ued, wear'ied,
har'assed, exhaust'ed. See
To — A-, Ad-, ^ its forms.
To»ACCQ — Tpbaco, Nicot.
Togeth'er — Simul, Con-, ^
its forms y Syn-, ^ its forms.
Tomb— Sepulchrum, Taphos,
Mausoleum. See Bury.
Tongue — Lingua, Glossa. See
Language, Speech.
Tongs— Forceps.
Tool— Struo, Pleo, Teuchos,
Pas. See Instrument.
Tooth — Dens, Odous.
Top Verto, Acme, Summa,
Cacumen, Conos, Culmus,
Turbo. See Height.
Touch — Tango,Palpo, Psalma.
Tow'er — Turris.
Town Civis, Urbs, Polls,
Municipium, Oppidum, Nan-
ken, Nazareth.
Trace Vestigium. See
Trade — Mercor, Poleo, Vendo,
Emo, Poros.
Trade — bus'iness, traffic, bar'-
ter, com'merce, merch'andize,
deal'ing, exchange', truck'-
age ; occupa'tion. See Bus-
iness, Interchange, Merchan-
dize, Change.
Tkans'itory — pass'ing, fleet'-
ing, tem'porary, tran'sient, ev-
anes'cent, mo'mentary, speed-
ily vanishing, quickly pas-
sing away, fad'ing. See
Time, Vanish, Mortal.
Transpar'ent perVious,
pellu'cid, diaph'anous, trans-
lu'cent, transpic'uous, lim'pid.
See Clear, Bright.
Trav'el — Travail, Jour, Via,
Iter, Pilgrim. See Go.
TreaD-CuIco /or Calco, Pateo.
Treat'ment— man'agement,
manipula'tion ; u'sage ; eil*
tertain'ment. See Use.
Tree— -Dendron, Arbor, Lau-
rus, Pulpa, Terebinthos.
Trem'ble— Trepidus, Vibro.
See Shake, Fear.
TREM'BLiNG-tre'mor, trepida'-
tion, quak'ing, shaking with
fear, shiv'ering. See Shake,
Tri'al — — exper'iment ; expe'-
rience ; test. See Test, At-
tempt, Proof, Try.
Trian'ole — Angulus, Gonia.
Tribe— Tribus. See Three.
Trick Laqueus, Praestigise
See Entangle.
Trick art'ifice, chicane',
strat'agem, cheat, cheat'ing,
wile, fraud, cozen'age, jug'gle,
finesse', sleight, legerdemain',
decep'tion. See Cheat, Cun-
ning, Shift, Jest.
Trif'le Nugae, Frivolus,
Trif'ling triv'ial, pet'ty,
friv'olous, fu'tile, unimpor'-
tant, insignificant, inimate'-
rial, use'less, inept', unfit', in-
consid'erable, light, slight,
worth'less. See Idle, Vain.
Trif'le Tergeminus. See
Tri'umph — Triumphus, Ovis,
Troop — Agmen, Phalanx.
Troub'le Molestus. See
Grieve, Hurt.
Troub'le, Troub'les dis-
turb'ance, agita'tion, com-
mo'tion, perplex 'ity, distress',
afflic'tion, suffering, advers'-
Q 2
Jty, calam'ity, misfor'tune ;
molesta'ticn, inconve'nience,
annoy 'ance, une'asiness, vex-
a'don ; difficulties, embar'-
rassments, perplex'ities, vex-
a'tions, cares, anxi'eties, dis-
qui'etudes ; sor'row, mis'ery.
See Agitation, Misfortune,
Care, Difficulty, Pain, Vexa-
tion, Darkness.
Tboub'lesome ^molest'ing,
annoy'ing, irk'some, disqui'et-
ing, disturb'ing, har'assing,
perplex'ing, afflictive, vexa'-
tious. See Wearisome.
True — Varus, Etymon. See
Trum'pet Cornu, Clango.
See Sound.
Trunk — Trunco. See Body.
Trust — Fides, Credo, Mitto,
Signuin, See Belief, Confi-
Truth v erac'i ty ; hon'esty,
vir'tue, faith'fulness, fidel'ity,
con's tan cy ; fact, real'ity, con-
form'ity. See Faithfulness,
Honesty, Maxim, Doctrine.
Try Perior, Pirates, Tento,
Testa, Probo. See Trial,
Attempt, Tempt.
TuRE — Tubus. See Pipe.
Tum'ble — roll, fall, roll down,
drop, sink. See Fall.
Tir'^iOR — Cele, Tumeo. See
Tu'3iuLT commo'tion, dis-
lurb'ance, agita'tion, riot,
broil, row, affray', up'roar.
confu'sion, bus'tle, stir, coil-
vul'sion. See Insurrection,
Quarrel, Trouble.
TuMULT'uoirs disor'derly,
tumult'uary, ag'itated, rest'-
less, unqui'et, irreg'ular,
nois'y, disturb'ed, confu'sed,
promis'cuous, unru'ly, un-
gov'ernable, turb'ulent, vi'o-
lent ; sediti'ous, mu'tinous,
rebel'lious, insur'gent, ri'otous.
See Insurrection, Rebellious,
Confused, Loud, Hasty.
Tune — Melos. See Song.
Turf — Caespes, Gleba. See
Turn — Verto, Verge, Tropos,
Flecto, Pena for Pcena, Pe-
niteo for Poeniteo, Strophe ;
Alternus. See Change, Sift.
Tur'pentine — Terebinthos.
T w E n't y — Viceni.
Twice — Bis, Dis, Bini, Duo.
Twig — Surculus, Vimen. See
Twi'light Crepusculum.
See Light.
Twist — Tortum, Velio.
Twist contort', writhe;
wreathe, wind, encir'cle, twine,
twirl, form, weave, bend,
turn, wrest, wrench, swing ;
pervert', distort'. See En-
tangle. Move round. Crooked.
Two Duo, Bis, Bini, Dis,
Dicha, Geminus, Diploma,
Par, Co])ula, Amphi-.
Type Typus. See Mark,
Om'pibe — — Impero, Arbiter.
See Judge.
Unbelief' — incredul'ity, infi-
del'ity, disbelief, distrust".
See Belief.
Unbound'ed — boundless, in'-
finite, unlim'ited, interm'ina-
ble, uncheck'ed, uncontrol'led,
unrestrain'ed. See End with-
Unbur't — exhume', exhu'm-
ate, disinter'. See Rise,
Unceu'taix he — wav'er, fluct'-
uate, un'dulate, os'cillats, va-
c'illate ; doubt, hes'itate. See
Wave, Doubted not to be.
UxcOiM'aiON — not com'mon, not
u'sual, rare, scarce, unique',
choice, sin'gular. See Rare.
Un'iier — Under-, Sub-, ^ its
formsi Subter-, Hypo-, Sus-.
Unde rst and' — comprehend',
know, conceive', apprehend',
appre'ciate. See Know.
Understand'inq — in'tellect,
intel'ligcnce, judg'ment, fac'-
ulty, comprehen'sion, knowl-
edge, apprehen'sion, concep'-
tion, percep'tion. See Judg-
ment, Knowledge, Sense.
Undeterm'ined not de-
term 'ined, unset'tled, unde-
cid/ed, indeterm'inate, irres'-
olute, unresolv'ed, unstead'y,
wav'eringjfiuct'uating, doubt'-
ful, hes'itating. See Change-
able, Uncertain be.
Uke'a sinfjss restlessness,
want of ease, disqui'et, dig-
qui'etude ; solic'itude, anxi'-
ety, care. See Care, Trouble.
Une'qual Scalenos. See
Unfaith'ful — faithless, per-
fid'ious, treach'erous; undut'i-
ful, disloy'al ; neglect'ful.
See Faithless, Neglect,
Unfold' — open folds, unrav'el,
expand', spread out ; devel'-
ope ; disclose', reveal', di-
vulge', declare', tell. See
Explain, Spread, Declare.
Unhap'py — wretch'ed, mis'er-
able, unfor'tunate, unluck'y,
calam'itous, e'vil, distress'ed,
afflict'ed. See Pitiable.
Unimport'ant — immate'rial,
insignificant. See Trifling.
Univers'al Unus, Verto,
Holos, Totus. See Whole,
Unjust' not just, ineq'uit-
able, unfair', dishon'est, in-
iq'uitous, knav'ish, rog'uish,
wrong'ful. See Iniquity,
Wicked, Honesty, Justice.
Unlike'-— not like, dissini'ilar ;
different, di'verse ; sep'arate,
distinct'. See Different, Se-
Uxltke'ness — See Difference.
Unrelent'ing relent'less,
impla'cable, inex'orable, hard,
cru'el. See Appeased not to
be^ Cruel, Deadly.
Unset'tle — unfix', unhinge',
make uiKeriain or fluctuating,
disconcert'. See Order j^ut
out of.
Unspeak'able that cannot
be uttered or expressed, inef-
fable, inexpres'sible, unut'ter-
able. See Speak.
Unti3IE'ly — premature', in-
opportune', unse'asonable, lU-
ti'med. See Timely, Time.
Unwil'ling not willing,
loth, disinclin'ed, reluct'ant,
back'ward, averse'. See A-
verse, Obstinate.
Up — Ob-, Sub-, ^ its forms,
Sus-, Ana-.
Upon Epi- See On,
Up'right Justus, Integer.
See Right.
Up'rightness— perpendic'u-
lar erection ; rect'itude, in-
teg'iity, hon'esty. See Hon*
esty. Justice.
Use — Utor, Sueo, Oleo, Cou-
tume, Soleo.
Use — use'fulness, util'ity, ad-
van'tage, ben'efit, profit, a-
vail', ser'vice, ser'viceableness;
employ'ment, prac'tice, cus'-
tom, u'sage. See Benefit,
Profitable, Custom, Treat-
ment, Apply.
Usurp' Utor. See Assume
falsely. Take.
Ut'ter — speak, pronounce', ar-
tic'ulate, express' ; disclose',
discov'er, divulge', publish.
See Speak, Publish, Callow/.
Ut'tered spo'ken, pro-
nounc'ed ; disclos'ed, pub-
lished ; by mouth or voice,
o'ral, verb'al, vo'cal.
Vaix — Vanus, Frustra.
Vain— em'pty, unre'al; worth-
less, i'dle, use'less, abort'ive,
fruitless, inefFect'ual ; con-
ceit'ed, proud, self-conceit'ed,
opin'ionative, opin'iated,
opin'ioned, self-opin'ioned,
egotist'ical ; show'y, osten-
ta'tious ; light, incon'stant ;
unsat'isfying ; false, deceit'-
ful, spu'rious. See Idle,
Proud, Empty, Foolish, Con-
ceit, Showy, Spurious.
Vale vaHey, dale, dell,
^'^al'or — Valco, Fortis. See
Val'ue — Valeo, ^stimo, IVJo-
mentum, Precinm for Pre-
tium, Ratus, Vilis, Time,
Fero, Jacio, Censeo.
Val'ue worth, price, rate ;
estima'tion, account', import'-
ance, efficacy, apprecia'tion ;
appraise'ment or apprize'ment,
valua'tion, assess'ment. See
Rate, Worth.
Val'ue es'timate, rate, ap-
prize' or appraise', assess', com-
pute', cal'culate ; esteem',
respect', regard', prize, appre'-
ciate. See Rate, Respect.
Val'uable — having value or
worth, preci'ous, cost'ly, es'-
timable, woith'y. See M^'or-
Van'ish — disappear', pass away
from sight ; flit. See Tran-
VAN'auiSH V^inco, Quaero.
See Overcome.
Va'por Vapor, Atmos, Fu-
mus, Volo.
Vault — Fornix.
Vaunt'ing — boast'ing, glo'ry-
ing, vainglo'ry, ostenta'tion,
display', parade', va'por, van'-
ity, ar'rogance, rodomontade'.
See Boaster.
Veil Calypto, Nubo. See
Vein — Vena, Phlebs, Arteria.
Ven'geance Vindex. See
Punish, A:sert.
Verse Verto, Rhythmos,
Ves'sel — Vas, Angion, Vena,
Vest — Tunica. See Covering.
Vet'eran Vetus, Senex,
Presbyteros. See Old.
Vet'erinary — Veho.
Vex Veho, Ango, Chagrin.
See Incommode.
Vexa'tion — chagrin', mortifi-
ca'tion, teasing trouble, un-
e'asiness. See Trouble,
Vi'brate Vibro, Oscillo,
Vacillo. See Shake.
Vice — Vitium. See Crime.
Vict'ory — Vinco, Nice, Tri-
Vict'uals — Vivo. See Food.
Vie jEmulus, Rivus. See
View — Video, Orama, Specie,
("ontemplor. See Look, See,
Vig'orous — Vigor, Strenuug.
See Active, Strong.
Vil'lage Villa, Vicinus,
Pagus, Comos, Nazareth.
See Countryman, House.
Vil'lain" vas'sal, ser'vant,
sub'ject, depend'ant ; wretch,
scoun'drel, ras'cal. See Fol-
lower, Blockhead,
Vine — Vinum.
Viola'tion law-breaking,
infringe'ment, infrac'tion,
transgres'sion, tres'pass ; rape.
See Sin, Injury.
Vi'olent — Violo, Peto, Mens.
Vi'oLENT for'cible, ve'he-
ment, outra'geous, bois'terous,
turb'ulent, fierce, fu'rious,
ant. See Cruel, Hot, Force.
Vi'oi.ET — Viola.
Vi'pER — Vipera. See Ser-
Vir'gin — Virgo.
Vis'ciD — Viscus, Gluten, Mu-
Visi'oN — sight; appear'ance,
apparit'ion,phant'om, spec'tre,
ghost. See Ghost, Ghostly.
Voice — Voco. See Uttered.
Void — Viduo, Vaco, Tapho?,
Nullus, Frustra. See Empty
Volca'no — Vulcanus.
Vom'it — Vomito, Emeo.
Vote — Votum, Suffragium.
Vote — suflrage, voice.
Vow-Votum, Euche. SeeFray.
Vqw'el — Voco. See Letter.
Wages — Mercor, Stipendium,
-Age. See Pay, Reward.
Wail — Ploro. See Mourn,
Wake— Vigil. See Watchful.
Wai k — Anibulo, Pateo, Iter,
Travail. See Go.
Wall — Vallum, Murus, Pa-
ries, Pectus.
Wand — Rabdos.
Wan'der — Vagus, Erro, Plane,
Hallucino, Nomas, Pilgrim.
Wan'der — rove, ram'ble,stroll,
roam, range ; leave home, de-
part', mi'grate ; digress', di-
verge', de'viate, err, stray ;
be delir'ious. See Ramble,
Go, Eccentric, Joint out
Want — Penuria.
Want defici'ency, defect' ;
need, lack, neces'sity ; pov'-
erty, pen'ury, in'digence. See
Scarcity, Necessity, Poorness,
Want'ing — A-, -Less.
Wan'ton — Lascivus, Petulans.
See Lust, Loose.
War — Bellum, Mars, IVTacho-
mai, Polemos, Miles, Hostes,
Battre, Waer. See War,
Fight, Martial.
Ward — Garder, Alexeo.
Warm Caleo, Fomentum,
Tepeo, Thermos, See Heat.
Warm — cord'ial, heart'y, sin-
cere', zeal'ous, ar'dent, ferv'-
ent, intense' ; keen, ir'ritable.
See Affectionate, Hearty,
Zealous, Keen, Hot, Enthu-
Warmth — warm'ness, gentle
heat, ferv'ency, ferv'or, zeal,
ar'dor, intens'ity, cordial'ity,
ve'hemence, heat, glow ; earn'-
estness, e'agerness ; excite'-
ment, anima'tion. See Heat,
Eagerness, Life.
Warn — Moueo.
Warn'ing previous notice,
moniti'on, admoniti'on, cau'-
tion. See Caution.
War'rant Garantir. See
Answerable for^ Promise*
Wart — Verruca.
WA'RY-cau'tious, cir'cumspecf,
watch'ful, guard'ed, scrup'-
ulous, timorously prudent.
iS'eeWatchful,Careful, Aware.
Wash — Lavo, Luo, Bapto.
Waste Vastus ; Phthisis,
Waste devasta'tion, spoil,
rav'age, desola'tion, hav'oc,
destruc'tion ; squan'dering,
dissipa'tion ; consump'tion,
loss, useless expense ; deso-
late or uncultivated country ;
ground or space unoccupied.
See Plunder, Loss, Destruc-
Waste — cause to be lost, ex-
pend uselessly, squan'der,dis'-
sipate, lav'ish, consume',
spend, use ; destroy', des'o-
late ; wear out, exhaust'. See
Lavish, Spend, Destroy, De-
solate, Corrupt.
Wast'inq — lav'ishirig, dis'si-
pating, des'olating, laying
waste ; decay', consum'ption,
decline', phthis'is ; per'ish-
ing, fad'ing, deca'dence.
Watch Vigil, Guarder for
Garder, Phylacterion.
Watch'f UL — vig'ilant, attent'-
ive, care'ful, heed'ful, observ'-
ant, cau'tious, cir'cumspect,
wake'ful. See Careful,
Thoughtful, Wary, Aware.
Wa'ter — Aqua, Hydor, Rigo,
Pituita, Phlegma, Lympha,
Muria, Stagnum, Urina,
Cado, Surgo, Aulos, Bulla,
Lixivium. See Deluge, Soak.
Wave,Wa'ver — Undo, Fluc-
tuo, Vacillo, Oscillo. See
Doubt, Uncertain be, Pause.
Wave — bil'low, surge, break'-
er. See Sea.
Wax — Cera. See Sincere.
Wax- — Via, Odos, Poros, Ob-,
S[ its forms.
Way — pas'sing ; pas'sage, road,
high'way, lane, street ; meth'-
od, sys'tem, mode, course,
means, man'ner, form, fu-sh'-
ion. See System, Gap, Open-
ing, Means, Course, Custom,
Weak Debilis, Imbeciilis,
Pusilhis, Dys, Flaccidus.
Weak — fee'ble, infirm', pip'-
ingjweak'ly, enfee'bled, debil'-
itated, enerv'ated, flac'cid,
lim'ber, lax ; easily broken ;
soft, pli'ant ; low, small. See
Broken easily, Foolish, Low.
WEAK'EN-debil'itate, enfee'ble",
enerv'ate, eff'em'inaie, invall*
date. See Droop
Weak'ness fee'bleness, de-
bil'ity, lan'guor, infirm'ity,
unhealth'iness, imbecil'ity,
frail'ty, frail'ness ; fool'ish-
ness ; in the plural, defeat',
fairing, fault, foi'ble. See
Power ivant of, Fault, Folly.
Weap'on — Oplon. See Arm,
Wear — Tero, Tribo.
We'arisome — causing weari-
ness, tire'some, te'dious, pro-
lix', fatig'uing, exhaust'ing,
reduc'ing, troub'lesome, an-
noy'ing, vexa'tious. See
We'ary Lassus, Langueo,
Fatigo, Tedium, Werig.
We'ary reduce', exhaust',
tire, fatigue', har'ass, dispir'it,
jade, wear out, subdue' ; an-
noy', vex. See Worry.
We'asel — Mustela.
Weave — Textus.
Web — Membrana, Subtilis.
Wedge — Cuneus, Sphen.
Week — Hebdomas. See Se-
Weep — Ploro. See Mourn.
Weigh — Pendo, Stasis, Wee-
gan. See Think.
Weight Gravis, Baros,
Pondus, Stasis, Heafan, Onus.
See Burden, Importance,
Well — Bene, Eu. See Good.
Wen — Struma. See Swell-
Wet Humeo, Rigo. Sei
]\Ioist, Soak.
West — Cado, Zephyrus.
Whale — Cetus.
What — Quid ; Qualis.
Wheat — Sitos. See Food.
Wheel — Rota.
Where — Ubi.
Whim — sudden turn or start of
the mind, freak, fan'cy, mag'-
got, caprice', prank. See
Conceit, Thought, Frolic,
M'hip — Flagitium.
Whirl — Rhombus.
Wh I rl'pool — Gurges.
Whirl^vind — Turbo.
White — Candeo, Palleo, Leu-
cos. See Pale.
Whit'en — bleach, blanch.
Whole — Holos, Totus, Inte-
ger, Sanus, Surama, Pas.
Whole — all, to'tal, in'tegral ;
complete', entire', per'fect,
sound, well, undivid'ed ; full.
See All, Holy.
VFhol'ly — to'tally, complete'-
ly, entirely, per'fectly, ful'ly.
Wick'ed Nefarius, Pravus,
Probrum, Turpis, Villanus.
Wick'ed e'vil, sin'ful, im-
mor'al, im'pious, profane', ir-
religi'ous, deprav'ed ; unjust',
iniq'uitous, nefa'rious ; in a
high degree, atro'cious, hain'-
ous, fla'grant, flanti'ous, fa-
cin'orous, vil'lanous, enor'-
mous, mon'strous. See A-
bandoned, Corrupt, Unjust,
Iniquity, Sin.
Wide — Latus, Pateo, Largus.
See Large.
Wid'ower — Viduo.
Wife — Uxor, Jugum, Gameo.
See Marriage.
Wild — Fera, Silva. j^ee Cruel.
V^iLL — VoiO, Spontaneus, Ul-
tro, Voluptas. See Disposi-
tion, Pleasure, Choice, Kind.
ness, Malice.
Will testament; cod'icil
See Bequeath.
Wim'ble — Terebra. See'RoTQ,
Wind Ventus, Anemos,
Zephyrus, Eurus, Boreas,
Auster, Notus, Flatus, Pneu-
Wind'ing — Meo,Labyrinthus,
Sinus. See Crooked.
Win'dow — Fenestra.
Wind'-pife — Trachea.
Wine Vinum, Bacchus,
JMollis, Taberna.
Wing — Ala, Penna.
Wink — Niveo, Nicto.
Win'ter — Hibernus, Hyems,
Wipe — Tergeo. See Clean.
Wise — Sapio, Sagax, Sophia,
Wise having knowledge,
sage, saga'cious, sa'pient, dis-
cern'ing ; discreet', judici'ous,
pru'dent ; learn'ed, know'ing,
skil'ful, dex'trous ; goaly,
pi'ous. See Godly, Ignorant
Wisely — pru'deatly, judici-
ously, discreet'ly, with wis-
dom, sage'ly, saga'ciously,
skil'fully, cau'tiously, cir'-
Wish Opto, Cupio, Volu,
Prurio. See Hope, Choosp.
Wish for — desire', cov'et, long
for, hanker after, sigh for ;
request', entreat', soli'cit, beg,
ask ; aspire' to. See Beg,
With — Con-, ^ its format
Sine-, A-, -Less.
— Testis, Martyr,
8yn-j S[ ils forms. See To-
Within' Intus, Intestina,
Intro-, Enteron, Eso.
Without' Exterus. See
Wit'ty — Facetus. See Odd.
Wolf — Lupus, Lycos.
Womb — Uterus.
Wo'iHAN — Femina, Gyne, A-
nus, Masculus, Virgo.
Won'deb Mirus, Wonder,
Won'der .surprise', amaze'-
ment, aston'ishment, admira'-
tion ; mi/acle, mar'vel, prod'-
igy, strange thing, mon'ster.
Wont Soleo, Suea. See
Wood Silva, Lignum, Ne-
mus.Nympha, Scotus, Xylon,
Wool — Lana.
Word — Verbnm, Voce, Logos,
Parler, Phtliegma, Epos,
Mythos, Dico. See Speak,
Work, Work'man Opera,
Ergon, Fabrico, Mechanao,
Labor, Ponos.
Work — employ'ment, occupa'-
tion, la'bour, toil, drud'gery,
opera'tion ; fab'ric, manufac'-
ture ; ac'tion, deed, feat,
achieve'ment ; compositi'on,
book. See Operation, Accom-
p!i.fG — Juvenis, Proles, Oleo,
Young — youth'ful, juv'enile,
in'fantile, in'fantine ; pu'e-
rile. boy'ish, child'ish.
Youth — juvenil'ity, adoles'-
cence, pueril'ity ; boy'hood,
child'hood, in'fancy.
Zeal — Zelos.
Zeal — ar'dor, heat, ferv'ency,
ferv'or, warmth, ear'nest-
ness, intens'ity, e'agerness,
avid'ity, enthu'siasm. See
AVarmth, Eagerness, Heat.
Zeal'ous — ar'dent, ear'nest,
warm, ferv'ent, solic'itous,
an'xious, intense'. .ditor.
Dost — doest.
Dust — earth dried to powder ;
the grave : — to free from dust ;
to sprinkle with dust.
Do'tard — a man whose intel-
lect is impaired by age.
Dot'tard — a tree kept low by
Doze — to shmiber.
Does — female deer.
Draft — a bill of exchange : —
to delineate ; to select, to de-
Draught — drawing, a sketch.
Dram a weight, the eighth
part of an ounce ; small quan-
tity ; a glass of spirits.
DRACHM-a Grecian and Roman
coin ; eighth part of an ounce.
DO'al — expressing the number
Du'el single combat : — to
fight in single combat.
Duct — a conducting pipe.
Ducked — plunged, dipped in
Ear the organ of hearing ;
a spike of corn :-to plow or till.
Year — twelve months.
Earth — the world : — to hide
in the earth, to burrow.
Hearth — the ground or pave-
ment under the chimney, or
E'asel — a painter's frame.
E'isel — vinegar, (06*.)
East — where the sun rises.
Yeast or Yest — barm.
E'aten — devoured, swallowed.
E'ton — a town in England.
E'ither one of two, one or
other ; each.
E'ther — an element rarer than
Eeect'or — one wlio elects or
votes; the title of someprinces,
Elec'tre — amber.
Emerge'. — to rise out of.
Immerge' or I?imerse' — to
put under water, to dip ; to
overwhelm, to involve.
Em'inence — height, loftiness ;
exaltation, fame.
Iji'mixexce — a hanging over ;
impending danger.
Em'ixent — noted, high.
Em'anant — issuing, flowing
I m'mini NT-impending, threat-
E.N.iL'LAGe — a figure in Gram-
Anal'ogy — ^resemblance.
Enctst'ed — inclosed in a bag
or bladder.
Insist'ed — did insist.
En'vious — infected with envy,
Ln'vious — impassable.
ployment : — to move, to use,.
to exert ; to task.
Ex'oRCisE — to cast out evil
spiiits ; to adjure,
EwE — a female sheep.
Yew — an evergreen tree.
You — yourself.
EwEU — a kind of jug or pitcher.
Your — belonging to you.
En'vy — malice : — to hate fln- Ewes — female sheep.
other for excellence or sue- Use — to employ, to practise ;
cess. to treat ; to be accustomed.
EN'voi'- — a public messenger.
Eye — the organ of sight; sight,
Erup'tion — a breaking out. view ; a brood : — to fix the
Irrup'tion — a breaking into eye on, to look on ; to watch
or bursting in, narrowly.
I — myself.
Ex'ercise — use, practice, em- Ay — yes ; truly.
FaiN — glad, desirous : — gladly.
FaNS — a temple, a church.
Feign — to invent ; to pretend,
to counterfeit.
FaiNT — weak, feeble, languid:
— to lo^e the animal func-
tions, to swoon; to become
feeble ; to lose courage or
Feint — a false appearance ; a
mock attack.
FaiR — clear, white ; beauti-
ful ; open : just: — candidly:
— a handsome woman ; a
FaRE — food : the price of pas-
sage or going : — to go ; to be
in any state, good or bad; to
feed ; to happen well or ill.
Fa'RO — a town in Portugal ;
an island of Sweden in the
Baltic ; a kind of game.
Piia'RAOH — a man's name.
Fa'roe or Foe'roe — a group
of islands in the Northera
Fat — full-fed, plump : — suet.
Vat — a brew^er's working tub.
Fawn — a young deer : — to
bring forth a fawn ; to coait FLvd — to discover,
favour by .risking about one ; Fined — ])unished by fine,
to flatter meanly : — mean
flattery. Fl'NEnY
Faun — a rural deitv.
show, splendor ;
showy articles of dress.
I'i'nauy — a f)rgp.
Feat — exploit, deed.
Feet — pi. of foot ; parts of the Fiu — a tree.
body; measures of twelve Fur — >;kin with soft hair: — (o
line or cover with fur.
Fee'lcv an associate, m-i'.c-.
or comrade.
Fel'loe or Fel'ly — rim of a Fjtz — a son.
Fits — suits, qualifies : — disor-
ders, paroxysms.
FeuI) — quarrel; pfround-rcnt.
Feod — fee; tenure.
Feiv — not many.
Feu something held by ten-
ure ; ground-rent.
Flea a small nimble biting
Flee — to run from danger ; to
depart ; to avoid.
Ff.EW—did fly.
Flue — a pipe, chimney, or pas-
sage to convey air, heat or
smoke ; a soft down.
File— a rasping tool ; wire for
papers ; line of soldiers : —
to rub with a file, to polish ; Float — to swim , to flood : —
to string ; to march in a file. that which swims.
Vile base, sordid, mean, Flote — to skim (^obs.)
Foil — to frustrate, to defeat : — Flour — the fine part of ground
a defeat ; a blunt sword used wheat : — to grind and bolt.
in fencing; a leaf or thin Flow'er the blossom of a
plate of metal used in gild- plant ; the prime ; youth :-
ing : a glittering substance.
Ftl'l.v — a jerk of the finger.
Phil'xp — a man's name.
Fil'ter — a strainer: — to pa-
rify or defecate liquor.
Fiiil'ter — a potion, or charm
to eicite Icve.
to blossom, to bloom ; to
flourish ; to adorn.
Flu'id — flowing, not solid, li-
quid : — ji liquid.
Flew'ed cliapped, deep-
Fluke thp p;ut of an an-
clior wliicli fastens in the
Flo UK or Fluke — a flounder ;
an insect.
Fore — going first, anterior,
Four — t"wice two.
Fool — an idiot ; a Ijuffoon : —
to trifle ; to play ; to disap-
Full — replete, stored, fat, sa-
turated, entire : — complete
measui-e, the whole : — quite,
directly : — to scour, cleanse
and thicken cloth in a mill.
Fool'ert — habitual folly.
Ful'lery — place where the
fuller works.
FoKT — a small fortified place ;
Forte — that in which one ex-
cels ; a direction to sing with
strength of voice.
Forth — forward : out.
Fourth — the ordinal of four;
the next after the third.
Foul — dirty, not clean ; im-
pure ; wicked : — to make
filthy ; to soil.
Fowl — a flying or winged ani-
mal, a bird.
Fox — a cunning beast ; a
knave or cunning fellow.
Folks — people ; mankind.
Frays — broils, quarrels : —
rubs: does fret; does fright;
PhEcISe — a short sentence or
expression; a mode of speech;
idiom : — to call or style.
FrEise — a defence in fortifica-
tion; a pancake (m this last
sense ohs.)
Frees — disengages, clears,
sets free or at liberty.
Freeze — to be congealed ; to
chill ; to congeal.
Frieze — the nap on woollen
cloth ; a coarse woollen cloth ;
a term in architecture.
FuNc/us — a mushroom; a
spongy excrescence.
Fung'ous — like fungus, ex-
crescent, spongy.
Fur'row — a trench made by
a plough ; a groove ; hollow
made by wrinkles in the face :
— to cut a furrow, to cut.
Far'row — a litter of pigs : —
to bring forth pigs : — not
pr jducing young in a parti-
cular season or year, [applied
to cotvs only.)
Furs — skins with soft hair.
Furze — gorse, a prickly
Firs — trees.
a A B
Ga'bel — an excise tax.
Gabli: — the triangular end of a
Gage — a pledge or pawn : — to
Gauge — a measure : — to mea-
sure the contents of a cask, &c.
Gall bile ; rancor ; a hard
round excrescence on oak
trees : — to excoriate ; to hurt
by fretting the skin ; to fret ;
to vex ; to anno}'.
Gaul ancient France ; a
Gal LOON' '-
a kind of close lace,
■a large Spanish
merchant ship with four or
five decks.
Gam'ble — to play for money.
GajVi'bol — to frisk, to dance :
to lea]i : — a skip ; a frolic.
.^¥ardship, custody ;
GuAUD — to secure, protect, de-
fend ; to be cautious : — de-
fense ; one who watches.
Gate — a large door or entrance.
Gait maraier of walking ; a
Gen'et .a small Spanish
horse ; an animal of the v/ea-
sel kind.
(Jik'ket— a nng ; a mule.
Ge'xius — a man endowed with
superior faculties ; mental
BOwers ; nature.
Ge'nus — a class of beings com-
prehending under it many
species ; a kind.
GE>f'TLE — soft, mild ; tame.
Gex'tile a pagan or hea-
then ; one who knows not the
true God.
Ger'mav a first cousin ; a
native of Germany ; the Ger-
man language : — belonging
to Germany.
Gerbi'ejt or Ger3I seed-
bud of a plant, a sprouting
seed ; origin, first princijde.
Gild — to overlay or adorn with
gold ; to brighten.
Guild a society, a corpora-
Gii.T — adorned with g-)l.].
Guilt — criminality and liuble-
ness to • puirishment ; sii),
crime, oiFense.
Glair the white of an egg ;
a halbert : — to smear v,'ith
glair ; to varnish.
Glare a bright dazzling
light ; splendor ; a fierce,
piercing look : — to shine so
as to dazzle the eyes.
Glows -burns with heat,
sliines with bright lustre ;
('• i.oZE — to flatter, to wheedle :
— flattery.
'Jnat — a stinging insect.
Nat — Nathaniel.
(ioRD — a gaming instrument.
uouRD — a plant and its fruit.
Grate a fire-place; a work
or frame with interstices for
Avindows : — to furnish with
grates ; to rub ; to oflTend, to
vex, to irritate.
Great — large, big ; weighty ;
chief :— the whole ; people of
Gra'ter- a rasp or large
rough file.
Grea'ter> — larger.
Grays — mixed colours of white
and black.
Graze to rub against; to
feed on ; to eat grass.
Grease — animal fat in a soft
state : — to smear or anoint
with grease.
Greece — a country in Europe.
-armour for the
legs ; a sort of boots.
Grieves afflicts ; offends ;
mourns, laments.
Gris'ly — frightful, horrible.
Griz'zly — somewhat gray.
Groak to breathe with a
mournful noise ; to sigh deep-
ly : — a deep mournful sound
uttered in pain, sorrow or
Grown — increased in growth.
GnoT or Grotto a large
cave or den.
Geoat — -four-pence ; pi. hulk-
ed oats.
Guest — a stranger or visitor;
one entertained.
Guessed did guess, conjec-
tured. *
IJATG — a man's nanic.
IJAOUE — a city in Holland.
Hale — sound, healthy, strong :
— to drag.
HAir. — frozen rain ; all health,
he V. cli; a salut;iiijn: — to call.
Hai.l— a large room
[aul — to pall with force ; to
drag ; to compel to go : — a
pulling with force ; a draft of
a net.
Hand'le— to touch ; to use or
hold with the hand ; to treat,
to discuss.
IJakd'ei. a man's name ; a
celebrated German musician
II.iRE — a quadruped ; a con-
Ilfim — natural covering of tlie
Hart — a stag or male deer.
Heart — the seat of life, affec-
tions, and passions ; the in-
ner part, the chief part.
Haw — the berry and seed of
the thorn.
Haugh — a little meadow.
Hat — dried grass ; a dance.
Hey — an exclamation of joy.
He'll — he will
to cure; to grow sound,
-the hind part of the
HeAR — to perceive by the ear,
to hearken, to attend, to
HuRE — in this place.
Hoard — did hear.
Herd — a collection of large
Hew — to cut, to chop.
Hue — colour; dye: aclamoui'.
Hugh — a man's name.
Hide — to conceal ; to lie hid :
— skin of an animal ; portion
of land.
Hied — did hie.
High — elevated, lofty ; loud ;
violent ; dear : — aloft.
HIe — to hasten, to go in haste.
Higher — more high.
Hire — price; wages: — to en-
gage for pay.
Hnr — ohj. of He ; that man.
Hymx — a divine song : — to
praise in song, to sing.
Hip — the joint of the thigh ;
the fruit of the wild brier.
Hyp — a disease, a depression
of ^ spirits : — to depress the
spirits, to make melancholy.
Hock — a sort of Rhenish wine.
Hough — lower part of the
thigh ; the ham : — to ham-
string, to disable by cutting
the sinews of the ham.
Hule — a hollow place, open-
ing ; den, cave.
Whole — all ; total ; entire,
unimpaired ; sound : — the
entire thing.
Hol'low — empty, void within;
deep, low ; false : — a cavity,
cave, den, hole ; a groove,
channel : — to make hollow.
Hol'la or Halloo' — to call
Hol'ly — the holm tree.
Ho'ly — whole, perfect, hence
pure ; hallowed ; sacred.
Wuol'lt — entirely, totally.
Home — one's own house, or
country ; a man's namo : —
close, severe.
Holm — the evergreen oak ; a
river isle ; a man's name.
HOO 1 35 INO
IIooF a flat iron or wooden Hu'meral — belonging to the
ring ; any thing circular :— shoulder.
to bind with hoops; to sur- Hd'moral — rising from humor.
^Vhoof — a shout of pursuit ; a HuNG'ay — feeling want of food.
shout of war; a bird: — to Hung'ary a country of
liaDoo. Europe.
Horde — a wandering company Hyper'bola — section of a cone.
or tribe. Hyper'bole a figure of
Hoard — a store laid up in secret; speech; an exaggeration.
a treasure : — to amass or store
secretly. KYPociin"'iCAL — counterfeit-
ing a religious character ; dis-
HuSE — ~ — stockings ; a leathern sembling ; false.
pipe. Hypercrit'tcal over criti-
HoES — -tools to cut weeds. cal or over nice.
I'dle — unemployed; slothful; Im'potent wanting power,
useless, vain. weak, feeble.
Fdol — an image worshipped as Im'pudent — wanting modesty,
God; one much beloved. shameless; saucy.
I'dyl — a short pastoral poem.
In" — within.
Ii.LE&'iBLE-that cannot be read. Inn — a public house,
El'igible — fit to be chosen.
Tncip'ient — beginning, com-
Impass'able that cannot be mencing.
passed. Insip'iext — foolish.
I MPASs'iBLE — incapable of pain
or suffering. Indite' to compose, to
Impe'rial of an empire or IndTct' to accuse or charge
emperor. with a crime.
Empyr'eal refined beyond
aerial. Ixge'niolts — -skilful, pron j ;
to invent, witty.
Impos'tor — one who imposes. I.vgen''uou£— — open, fiai.k.
Impos'ture — deception, frmid '^id ; noble.
In'nocence liarmlessness ; ing ; increase of poiver or
purity. energy.
In'nocents — babes. Inten'tion — design, end or
Intense' — close or strict ; ex-
cessive. Isle — an island.
Intents' — designs, aims. I'll — I will.
Aisle — passage in a cliurch ;
Inten'sion — act of strain- a wing of a choir.
Jam — a conserve of fruit ; a Ju'ry — a company of men
kind of frock : — to press, to sworn to declare the truth
wedge in. upon the evidence given.
Jamb — a supporter ; the side- Jew'ry — the land of Judea.
piece of a door, fire-place,
&c. Just — proper ; upright, hon-
est ; virtuous ; pure.
Joke — a jest : — to jest or be Joust — a mock fight ; a tilt,
Chokc — to sufi"ocate ; to block Ju'venile — young, youthful.
up. Ju'venal — a Latin poet.
Ker'nel — the inside of a nut ; Knuve — a rascal, a scoun-
a nucleus. drel.
Colonel — a chief military NavE — the middle part of a
commander. wheel or church
Key — an instrument to open a Kneel — to bend the knee.
lock, &c. ; a tone in music Ncal — to temper by a gradual
Quay — a wharf or place for heat.
unloading of shipping. • NeiLL — a man's name.
Kill — to deprive of life, to Knit — to unite as by needles ;
murder. to tie.
Kiln — a large stove or oven Nit — the egg of a louse, or
for drying (K)rn, &c. in. other small insect.
Knot — a tie ; a difficulty ; col- Know — to understand,
lection : — to tie in knots. No — not any : — not so=
Not — denying. See Naught.
Lac — a kind of gum ; a sum LeA or Ley — ground enclosed ;
of money. a plain, field, or meadow.
Lack — to want ; to be in want : Lee — a place sheltered from
— want. the wind ; dregs ; sediment.
Lacks — lacketh, needeth. LeAD — a metal.
Lax — ^loose. Led — did lead, conducted.
LaDE — to load. Lcads — conducts.
LaiD — did lay, placed. Leeds — a town in Yorkshire.
LaiR — a couch of a wild Lgaf — part of a plant, book,
beast. table, door, &c.
Layer — a stratum. LieF — gladly, willingly : —
deal*, beloved, [obs.)
Lancii — to cast as a lance, to
dart. LeAK — to let water in or out :
Launch — to push to sea. — a crack, crevice, fissure or
hole which lets in water.
LaNE — a narrow way or pass- Leek — a kind of onion, a pot
age ; an alley. herb.
LaiN or LiEN — leaned, rested.
LcASE — a letting, a tenure :— »
Lapse — a sliding or flowing, to let ; to glean, {obs.)
fall ; a slip, error : — to fall Lees — dregs ; sediment,
by degrees, to glide.
Laps — licks up ; folds or twists. Le ast — smallest.
LeASED — let out.
Lat'in — the language of the
Romans : — Roman. Le ave — liberty, permission ;
Lat'ten — iron plate covered farewell : — to quit ; to for-
with tin ; brass. sake ; to bequeath.
LievE for Lier — willingly.
Law — a rule, a statute.
La — see, look, behold. Le'AVER — one who leaves.
l.E'vER second mechanical
power used to raise a great
Leg'islator. — a lawgiver.
LEG'rsT.A'i'URE the power
that makes laws.
Lent'il — a kind of pulse.
Likt'el — the top of a dcor or
window frame.
Lie — a falsehood, a fiction;—™
to tell lies ; to rest, to lean.
Lye — liquor from wood ashes.
Lieu — place, room, stead.
Loo — a game at cards.
LIght'ening giving light ;
making lighter ; alleviating.
Light 'ning flash before
, LiJiB a member, as the arm
-to make or grow „_ ,
Les'so: a task ; a precept :
— to teach.
Let'tice — a woman's name.
Let'tuce a plant, a salad
Lev'y — to raise, to collect : —
the act of raising money or
Lev'ee the time of rising ;
concourse of those who visit
a gveat person in the morning.
Le'vi — a man's name.
Lew'es — a town in Sussex.
Lew'is an island off the
west of Scotland ; a man's
Lou 'is — a man's name.
LI'ar — one who tells lies.
LI'er — one who lies down.
Lyee — a harp.
Lick'erish — nice, delicate.
Lic'ortce — a root of sweot
cr leg.
Lt3JN to paint ; to paint in
water colours.
Ltm'pid — pure, clear.
Li m' PET — a shell fish.
Lin'eament feature, fonr.,
Lix'iMENT — an ointmenf.
LixKS chains ; torches :—
Lyxx — a spotted beast of the
cat kind.
-according to tlie
letter ; real.
Lit'toral — belonging to the
Loan — any thing lent.
Lone — solitary ; single : — a
Lock — what fastens a door,
&c. ; a tuft of hair : — to fas-
ten with a lock.
Loch or Lough — a lake, ia-
la^d water.
."il A R
Look — to see : — air of the face, L5w— not high, humble ; deep ;
appearance. grave ; dejected ; mean ;
hvKE — a man's name. weak : — to bellow.
Lo — see, look, beliokl.
Loth — unwillinc:, backward.
LoTHE to hate, to abhor, to Lu'cerxe — a kind of grass.
dislike. Lu'serx— a lynx.
IMa'crocosm — the world or vi-
sible system.
MACROCOSM — the little world ;
a man.
Made — did make, finished.
Maid a virgin, a girl ; a fe-
male servant ; a species of
skate fish.
Mail a bag of post letters ;
AJale ma:-juline or he an-
Main — principal, chief; vast:
— strength ; the gross ; the
Mane hair growing on the
back of an animal's neck.
]\Iaize — Indian corn.
Maze — —a winding and turn-
ing ; a labyrinth ; confusion.
]\Iall — a wooden hammer.
Maul or Mall to beat to
Mand'atary — one having the
pope's mandate.
Makd'atory — commandiiifi^.
Man'ner form, method ;
custom ; sort ; mein ; way,
Man'or — a lordship ; heritable
-mansion and lands.
Max'tle— a cloke or loose gar-
ment ; a cover.
Man'tel — the chimney piece.
Mare- female horse ; the in-
Mayor — a chief magistrate.
Marine' belonging to the
sea : — sea-soldier.
Moreen' — a stuff for curtains,
-a sign ; a line : — to
stamp or empress ; to notice ;
to heed.
I\I.\RCiUE — a ship for making
reprisals ; a license.
BIar'keu — one who marks.
Mar'cor — leanness, (^obs.)
Mar'line hemp dipped in
Mar'ling— covering with marl.
Mar'siial — a chief military
officer ; — to arrange.
Mar'tial — warlike.
Mar'tin — a man's name ; a
kind of swallow.
Mar'ten — a kind of weasel.
Mat'in — morning : — used in
the morning.
Mat'ting — making matts : —
Mat'tress — a quilted bed to
lie on.
Mat'rass — a chemical vessel.
Ma'TRiCE — the womb ; a mold.
Matross' — a soldier in the
Me AD — a liquor made of honey
and water ; a meadow.
Mode — a man's name ; a na-
tive of Media.
Meed — reward, recompense.
McAN — wanting dignity, low,
base ; poor : — medium, in-
strument : — to intend, to
Miex — air, look ; manner.
MeAT — food.
JNIeet — fit, suitable, proper : —
to come together ; to come
to, to find.
MeTE — to measure.
Med'al — an ancient coin ; a
piece of metal stamped.
Med'dle — to have to do, to in-
terpose ; to touch or handle.
Med'dler — an officious busy*
Med'lar — a kind of tree and
Mes'sage — an errand.
Mes'suage — a dwelling house
and grounds.
Met'al — gold, silver, copper,
iron, lead, tin, &c.
Met'tle spirit, courage ;
constitutional ardor.
MG'ter — one who measures,
Mc'tre — measure, verse.
Mc'teor — a fiery flying body
in the air.
Mew — a cage ; inclosure ; a
sea-fowl : — to shut up ; to
cry as a cat.
MuE — to molt, to change fea-
Mews — doth mew, &c.
Muse — to think, to ponder : — ■
the power of poetry.
IMlGHT — strength, power.
Mite — a very small insect : a
small piece of money ; any
thing very small.
Mi'ghty — very strong, power-
MI'ty — full of mites.
]\tri/LENARY — consisting of a
Mil'linert — goods made or
sold by a milliner.
UlN 141 NAV
MI'ner — a worker iu a mine. Moitnt'ain — a great or high
Mr'NOR — petty, less : — one un- hill.
der age. Mount'ing — rising, soaring,
Min'ister — a public servant ; Mli'cotis — slimy, ropy and lu-
an agent. bricous.
Min'ster — a monastery; a Mu'cus — simy liquor ; saliva.
cathedral church.
Mule — a mongrel beast.
Mis'siLE — thrown, sent, or Meavl — to cry or squall as a
that may be thrown by the child.
hand, &c.
Mis'sAL — the Komish mass- Mus'cle — a bundle of fleshy
book, fibres.
Mi.sLE — to rain in very small Mus'sel — a shell fish.
Musk'et — a gun ; a small
Mist — a low thin cloud, a fog, male hawk.
Missed — lost, omitted. Mus'cat — a sweet grape.
Musk'-cat — an animal.
Moan — to lament, to deplore.
Mown — cut down with a Mus'lin — a sort of fine thin
scythe. cotton cloth.
Muz'zLTNG — binding or tying
Moat — a ditch or deep trench. up the mouth.
Mote — a small particle, a spot.
Mus'tard - — a plant whose
Mod'el — pattern, mold, re- fruit has a pungent taste.
jDresentation, copy : — to plan, Mus'tered — collected or as-
to shape. sembled.
Mod'ule — a model.
Nag — a small horse. Naught nothing : — bad,
Knag — a knot in wood ; a hard worthless.
knot. Nought — not any thing. See
Nap — a short sleep.
KNAP-a protuberance :-to bite; NI'val — belonging to ships.
to make a short sharp sound. Nu'vel — part of the belly.
Nay — no, not.
Neigh — the voice of a horse : — ■
to utter the voice of a horse.
Near — nigh ; close.
Ne'er — never.
Ni:;ed— vvant; necessity: — to
want, to lack.
Knead to work dough, to
New — fresh ; modern.
KxEW — did know.
Gnu — a species of the antelope.
Night — the time of darkness.
KnIght a title of honor ;
a gentleman : — to create a
Nose the organ of smell ;
scent : — to scent ; to face or
Kkows — knoweth, understands.
Nun — -a religious recluse wo-
man ; a web-footed fowl ;
the blue titmouse.
None — not one ; not any.
O — expressing a wish.
Oh denoting surprise, pain,
sorrow, or anxiety.
Owe — to be indebted.
Oar — an instrument for rowing
Ore — metal as dug out of tlie
O'er — over.
Ode — a short poem or song.
Uwed — did owe.
Of concerning, belonging to,
'—'pronounced ov.
Off — at a distance.
One — single ; some or any.
AVoN — did win.
Ok'erarv-^ fitted for bur-
Hon'orary — -dsne in honor ;
conferring honor.
Op'rosiTE placed in front,
facing ; adverse ; contrary :
— the reverse.
Ap'posite — suitable, iit, w.li
Or'dinance — law ; rule.
Or'don NANCE. — disposition of
figures in a picture.
Ord'nance — great guns, can-
non ; artillery.
Ought to be held or bound
in duty or obligation ; to be
Aught — any thing.
Our — belonging to us.
Hour — the twenty-fourth pr.ii
of a day, sixty minutes.
1' o
PaiL — a wooden vessel.
PaLE — ^white or whitish, wan,
dim : — a pointed stake ; en-
closure ; district ; the middle
part of a scutcheon : — to in-
PaiN — uneasy sensation ; la-
bor ; disquietude ; penalty :
— to make uneasy or to dis-
quiet ; to afflict,
PaNE — a square of glass.
PaiR — a couple, a brace, two :
— to join in couples.
PriKE — to cut off ; to diminish.
Peur — a fruit.
Pai/ace — a king's house ; a
distinguished person's house.
Pal'las — the goddess of wis-
dom, Minerva.
Pal' ate — the roof of the
mouth; taste; mental relish.
Pal'let — a small betl.
Pal'ette — a painter's board.
Pal'lid — pale, wan, not ruddy.
Pall — a cloak or mantle of
state ; mortcloth, or covering
thrown over the dead at fu-
nerals : — to grow vapid or
spiritless ; to cloy.
Paul — a man's name.
Palm — a tree ; victory ; inner
part of the hand : — to im-
pose by fraud.
Pa3i — the knave of clubs.
Pan'el — a square piece of
board in a wainscot or door ;
a jury roll ; the whole jury.
Pan'nel — a kind of rustic sad-
dle ; the stomach of a hawk.
Pan'ic — a sudden fright ; vio-
lent fear without cause : —
extreme or sudden.
Pan'xic — a plant of the millet
Pa'xiENCE — endurance, for-
Pa'nENTS — sick people
Pat'ten — a wooden shoe with
an iron ring.
Pat'ine — the cover of a cha-
Pause — a stop: — to stop, to
Paws — foot of a beast : —
strikes with tlie fore foot ;
handles roughly.
PeACE — quiet; rest; harmony.
PiGce — a part or bit; gun;
coin ; composition :~to patch,
to join.
PcAK — the top of a hill ; a
PiQUE offence taken, a
grudge ; ill-will : punctilio :
— to offend, nettle, ixTitate,
or fret ; to touch with envy ;
to pride or value one's self,
Pi: A
I^Eal — aloud sound, or succes-
sion of loud sounds : — to ut-
ter loud sounds.
Vekl — to strip or scale ofF, to
skin, flay : — the skin or rind ;
a baker's wooden shovel ; a
man's name.
Pearl — a gem found in oysters.
Ter'il — danger, hazard.
Purl — a kind of lace; a species
of malt liquor ; two rounds in
knitting : — to murmur or flow
with a gentle noise.
Ped'ai. — one of the large pipes
of organs.
Ped'dle — to busy about trifles.
Peer — an equal; a nobleman :
• — to come just in sight, —
poetic ; to peep.
J*ii:r — a support of a bridge or
arch ; a mass of stone work
projecting into the sea, for
breaking the force of the
waves and making a safe
Pelisse' — upper coat or habit
worn by ladies.
Police' — government of a city ;
the body governing a city.
Pencil .an instrument for
drawing and painting : — to
paint, or draw.
Pen's iLE — hanging; suspended.
Pend'ant — a jewel hanging at
the ear ; any thing hanging
by way of ornament; a stream-
er or small flag in a ship.
Fen d'e n t hangingv j ut : ■ ) ..;
Per'isii to die; to waW^
Par'isu — an ecclesiasti'^al di.^
txict in which a mimsier hi-
Permissi'on — leave.
PERflrisTi'oN — a mixing.
Per'sonage a man or wo-
man of distinction.
Par'sonage a parson's
house; the benefice of a parish.
Pe'ter — a man's name.
Pe'tre — niire ; saltpetre.
PiCT a Caledonian ; an an-
cient Briton.
Picked — plucked off ; cleaned ;
pierced ; selected ; pointed,
PI'lot one who steers or
guides the sliip.
Pi'LATE — a man's name.
Place— locality, residence ;
rank ; office ; being ; space
in general ; way ; ground ;
room : — to set or establish ;
to rank.
Plaice — a flat fish.
Plaid — a striped cloth used by
the Scotch Highlanders as
an outer garment.
Played — did play ; perform-
PLAijf smooth, even, level,
flat ; clear ; evident ; artless ;
open : — level ground ; field of
Plane an even or level sur-
face ; a carpenter's tool : —
to make smooth.
PouLE — player's stakes.
Poole — a man's name.
Poor — needy, indigent, barren ;
mean, contemptible.
Pour — to emit liquors ; to send
forth ; to flow.
Plaint'iff — in law, a pursu- Pop'lar — a tree.
er, opposed to defendant. Pop'ular belonging to the
Pi. aixt'ive — lamenting, com- common people ; beloved by
plaining. the people.
Plait a fold, a double; a
tress : — to fold ; to braid ; to
Plate — v/rought silver ; a flat
piece of metal ; a dish to eat
Pleas — forms of pleading ; ex-
cuses, apologies.
Please to delight ; to gra-
tify ; to prefer ; to condescend.
Plum a fruit ; the sum of
£ 190,000.
Plumb — a leaden weight at the
end of a line : — to adjust by
a plumb line.
Pole — along staff; extremity
of the axis of the earth ; a
measure of five yards and a
Poll — the head ; a catalogue ;
votes at an election : — to clip,
to sheer ; to enter names in a
list, to vote.
Pool — a small lake of fresh or
standing v.ater
Pop'ulace — the common peo-
ple, the plebeians.
Pop'ULOUS — filled with people.
PC) RE a passage of perspira-
tion ; a small spiracle or pas-
sage : — to look with great in-
tenseness and care.
Pour — to emit liquors ; to send
forth ; to flow.
Por'poise or Por'pus the
sea hog.
Pur'pose — -a design : — to de-
sign, to intend-
PoRT a harbour; a gate;
air ; carriage ; mien ; a kind
of v/ine, so called from Oporto.
Porte — the court of the Turk-
ish Emperor.
Power — ability, furce, govern-
ment, dominion ; influence,
faculty ; potentate.
Pour — to emit liquors ; to send
forth ; to flow.
Praise commendation ; re-
no"wn ; honor : — to commend,
to applaud ; to magnify ; to
glorify in -worship,
Pkays — entreats, supplicates,
PfiETS — plunders, robs, cor-
rodes, Avastes.
Pray — to ask, beseech, en-
treat, or supplicate.
Prey — spoil, booty, plunder ;
something to be devoured :
— to plunder ; to corrode, to
Prec'edent — example to fu-
ture times.
Pres'idemt — one at the head
of others ; one who presides.
Pres'ence — a being present,
at hand.
Pres'ents — gifts.
Pride— inordinate self-esteem ;
haughtiness, insolence : — to
indulge or take pride ; to
value one's self.
Pried — searched into, peeped
PrI'er — one who enquires
Pri'dr — former, antecedent :
— a superior of a convent, or
next in dignity to an abbot.
Pries — inspects closely, in-
quires into.
Prize — reward ; boot}^ : — to
rate ; to value highly.
Prim'er — a child's first book.
Prim'mer — more prim or pre-
Prin'cipal — chief, capital ;
essential : — a head or chief;
a sum placed out at interest.
Prtn'ciple — cause, source or
origin ; element ; a funda-
mental truth ; ground ; tenet.
Prof'it — gain, advantage: — •
to benefit, to improve, to be
of use.
Proph'et — one who fortells
future events.
Prope'eci' — a prediction, a
Proph'esy — to predict ; to
Puff — a blast of wind; un-
deserved praise : — to swell
with wind,' praise, or pride.
PuGH — denoting contempt or
Puf'fin — a sea fowl ; a fish.
P df'fing — swelling.
Pur'lin — a timber crossing
Purl'ing — murmuring as a
brook : — the continued mur-
mur of a small stream.
'^UAu'uELOus disposed to
Quer'ulous — complaining or
habitually complaining.
Quartz — a species of stone.
QuAR^TS — fourths of a gallon.
man who is sovereign of a
Quean — a worthless woman.
QuIre twenty -four sheets of
paper ; a choir.
Choir a band of singers ;
part of a church. This tvord
Queen king's wife ; a wo- should be pronounced Koir.
R.ab'bet — a joint in caipentry.
Rab'rit a quadruped that
Rab'id — furious, raging, mad.
Rack an engine of torture ;
torture ; a spirituous liquor
among the Tartars : — to tor-
ture, to torment ; to stretch.
M'^RACic or Wreck — destruc-
tion, ruin ; a sea-plant : — to
destroy, to ruin.
Rad'ical pertaining to the
root or origin ; primitive, ori-
Rad'icle — part of the seed of
a plant which becomes the
root ; the fibrous part of a
Rad'ish — an esculent root.
Reb'dish — somewhat red.
Rain — v/ater from the clouds.
Reigk — to rule as a king ; to
prevail : — time of a king's
government ; royal authority ;
dominion ; power; prevalence.
Rein part of a bridle ; go-
vernment : — to curb or control.
Raise to lift ; to exalt ; to
to rouse ; to levy.
Rays — beams of light.
Raze a root : — to subvert
from the foundation ; to over-
throw ; to destroy.
Rap to strike with a quick
sharp blow ; to knock ; to
transport : — a quick smart
Wrap — to roll together, to in-
volve ; to hide.
Rap'ping — knocking.
Wrap'ping— folding.
Rav'en — to devour with rapa-
city . — a large black fowl,
pronounced rii'ven.
R.w'iNorRAY'EN — prey, plun-
Rav'ine — a deep hollow made
by a river, or through moun-
ReAcn — to extend or stretch ;
to extend to ; to arrive at ;
to hold out: — extension;
power, ability ; contrivance,
EGtch — to vomit, to force from
the stomach.
Ricu — wealthy; valuable; fer-
PieAD — to peruse, to discover
by marks.
Reed — a aquatic plant with
hollow jointed stems ; a mu-
sical pipe ; an arrow.
Red— a color resembling blood.
ReAD — did read.
Reek — smoke ; vapor, steam :
— to smoke, to steam, to ex-
"VVReAK — to execute, to inflict,
to hurl or diive ; to revenge.
Reel — a frame upon which
yam is wound ; a dance : —
to wind on a reel ; to stagger.
Re'AL — not fictitious, true,
Reg'imen — a proper diet in
time of sickness ; rule, go-
Reg'imekt — a body of soldiers
under one colonel.
Rel'ic — that which remains.
or is left ; pi. a corpse.
Rel'icx — a widow.
Rest — cessation; quiet, re-
pose, sleep ; a pause ; that
which is left; others: — to
cease ; to stop ; to lean ; tc
Wrest — to twist or extort by
violence ; to distort, to per-
vert : — distortion, violence.
Rhyme — the consonance of
verses ; poetry : — to agree
in sound ; to make verses.
RiJtE — hoar frost, congealed
dew or vapor ; fog, mist.
Rice — Indian corn, an escu-
lent grain.
RisE — act of rising ; ascent,
elevation ; spring, source,
origin; increase, advance.
Rig'ger — to put on, to fit with
Rig'or — stitFness, cold, sever-
ity, strictness.
Right— straight ; just, equit-
able ; fit, suitable, proper ;
lawful ; true, correct ; not
left : — conformity to law,
justice ; just claim, legal
title ; interest ; legal power."
RixE — a ceremony, solemn act
of religion ; external observ-
Wright — a workman; a car-
penter ; a man's name.
Write — to express by letters;
to engrave ; to compose or
produce as an author.
Ring — a circle ; a sound, or the
sound of metals ; a chime :
— to encircle ; to sound.
Wrixg — to t'wist, to squeeze,
to press, to writhe ; to dis-
tress, to press with pain : —
action of anguish.
PiGad — an open way or public
Rode — did ride.
Rhode — an island in America.
Roads — highways.
Rhodes — an island in the Le-
RuAN — hay, sorrel, or black
spotted with white.
RowN — impelled by oars.
Rhone — a river in France.
Rood — a quarter of an acre ; a
rod or perch ; the cross.
Rude — rough, rugged ; unpol-
ished, uncivil ; violent, bois-
terous; raw.
Rose — a sweet flower ; a man's
name : — did rise.
Roes — deer, females of harts.
Rows — ^lines, ranks :~doth row.
Rote — a round of words ; mere
Wrote— did write.
RoiiT — a clamorous multitude,
rabble ; a confusion of an
army defeated : — to defeat
and throw into confusion.
Route — a passing, a march, a
course, a way.
Row — a line, rank, file : — to
impel by oars.
Rue — a species of deer ; the
female of the hart ; the seed
or spawn of fishes.
Ruff — a neck ornament ; a
small fish ; a bird.
Rouge rugged, uneven ;
stormy, boisterous ; harsh,
severe; hairy.
Ru'iN — fall, destruction ; mis-
Rou'en — a city in France.
RuM^MAGE — to search narrow-
ly : — a searching carefully.
Rom'age for Rummage — a
bustle, tumultuous search.
Rung — did ring.
Wrung — did wring, twisted.
Rye — an esculent grain, a
species of corn.
Wry twisted, distorted ;
-a canvass-sheet of a
ship ; ship ; wing : — to move
with sails ; to pass by sea, or
through air.
Sale — the act of selling ; vent ;
Sail'er — a ship, ivilh regard
to her manner of sailing.
Sail'or — a seaman, a mariner.
Sal'art — stated hire ; annual
or periodical payment.
Cel'ery — a species of parsley.
Salt'er — more salt.
Psalt'er — a psalm-book.
Sane — sound, healthy.
Seike — a river of France.
Sat'ire — a poem censuring vice
and folly ; severity of remark.
Sat'yr — a sylvan deity or demi-
Sa'ver — one that saves.
Sa'vor taste or odor ; in
Scripture, character ; oc-
casion : — to have a smell or
taste ; to like.
SaVourf pleasing to the
smell and taste.
Sa'vory — a plant.
Scurf V full of, or covered
with scurf.
Scur'v^y a disease : — scab-
bed ; sorry ; vile.
Seal — the sea-calf; a stamp;
impression ; confirmation : —
to fasten with a seal ; to affix
a seal ; to confirm ; to ratify.
Ceil — to overlay ; to cover the
roof of a room.
Seam — the uniting of two edges
of cloth by the needle ; a
joint ; a vein or stratum ; a
measure of eight bushels ;
Seem — to appear.
See — to view, to behold ; to ob-
serve ; to discern : — a dio-
Sea — a large body of salt water ;
Seed — what produces plants or
animals ; offspring ; genera-
Cede — to give up, to yield.
Seen — beheld, observed.
Scene a view, appearance ;
part of a play ; stage.
Seer one who foresees ; a
Sear — to burn, to cauterize ; to
make callous or insensible : —
dry, not green.
Seine — a large fishing net.
Six — an act against the law of
God ; iniquity : — to trans-
gress the laws of God.
Se'izin-^ — possession ; act of
taking possession.
Se'izing — laying hold on vio-
Se'nior — eider or older.
Seign'ior an Italian lord ;
the Turkish emperor.
Sent — did send.
Scent — smell ; chase by smell.
•grave ; solemn ;
Se'rous — thin, watery.
Shear — to clip or cut.
Sheer — pure, clear, unmingled.
Sheep — a quadruped.
Ship — a large vessel to sail on
water : — to put into ship ; to
convey by water.
Shil'ling — twelve pence.
Shel'ling taking off the
miracle :— to mark with cha-
racters or one's name.
Sine — a geometrical line.
Sil'ly — ^-foolish, witless, sim-
ple ; unwise.
Scil'ly — islands off Cornwall.
Sink to fall ; to settle ; to
depress : — a drain to carry off
filthy water ; a kind of stone
or wooden bason to receive
dirty water.
Cinque five ; a word used
in games.
-to rest on a seat ; to
CiT — a citizen.
Size — bulk, bigness ; a glutin-
ous substance : — to cover or
prepare with size.
Sighs breathes mournfully;
laments : — mournful breath-
Sice — six at dice.
Shock concussion, a violent
collision of bodies ; pile of
sheaves : — to shake by vio-
lence ; to offend, to disgust.
Shough — a shaggy dog.
Sight — the act of seeing, view ;
the faculty of vision ; a show.
Site — situation; local position ;
seat or ground-plot.
Cite — to summon, to call up-
on ; to quote.
a token ; mark ; a
Skin — the natural covering ; a
hide ; the rind of fruit : — to
strip off the skin, to flay ; to
peel ; to cover with skin,
Skean a short sword; a
Skull — the bone that incloses
the brain ; the brain-pan.
Scu LL — a small boat ; a short
SlAy — to kill, to butcher.
Sley — to part threads and at.
range them in a reed ; as
Slaie or Sley a weaver's
Sleeve — covering of the arm.
Sleave untwisted silk : — to
separate threads, as weavers.
SlTght — weak, small ; worth-
less ; not deep ; thin : — ne-
glect, disregard : — to neglect,
to disregard.
SleTght — -an artful trick, sly
artifice ; a dexterous practice.
Slow — not swift or qujck, tardy,
Sloe — a small wild plum ; the
fruit of die black thorn.
Soak — to fly aloft ; to rise high
or aloft, to mount, to tower :
— a towering flight.
Sore — a place tender and pain-
ful ; an ulcer ; grief, afflic-
tion : — painful ; tender ; se-
vere, afflictive.
Soared — did soar.
fewoUD a weapon for cutting
or thrusting ; emblem of au-
thority and power.
Sold — did sell, disposed of.
Soled did sole ; having the
sole put on.
SoiJL the immortal part of
man ; spirit ; a person.
Sor'rel a reddish color; a
plant with an acid taste.
Sor'el a buck of the third
-to scatter seed ; to
Sew — to use a needle.
So — thus, in like manner.
SpI'xal — of the spine or back-
SpI'nel — a mineral ; the ruby.
Stacked — piled up.
St ACT E — an aromatic gum.
Staiks doth stain : — spots,
taints of guilt.
Staines — a town near Windsor.
Stair — a step ; steps to ascend
from the lower part of a build-
ing to the upper.
Stare — to gaze ; to look with
wonder, &:c. : — a fixed look
with eyes wide open.
Stake a posl ; a wager ; a
pledge : — to fasten or defend
with stakes ; to wager, to
Steak — a slice of flesh broiled
or cut for broiling.
Sole — bottom of the foot, of a Star'ling — a bird ; a defense
shoe, or of any thing ; a flat to the piers of bridges.
fish : — to furnish with a sole : Ster'ling genuine : — En-
' — single, only. glish coin ; standard rate.
Sta'tionauy — fixed ; not ad-
Sta'tioxery — articles usually
sold by stationers, as paper,
ink, quills, &c. : — belonging
to stationers.
Steal — to take by theft, to pil-
fer ; to gain or win " imper-
ceptibly ; to pass silently.
Steel iron refined and har-
dened ; weapons : — made of
steel : — to edge with steel ; to
Steele — a man's name.
Sticks pieces of wood :■ —
pierces ; stabs ; fastens ; ad-
Styx — a fabulous river of hell ;
hell, a 'poetic word.
StIle — a step or set of steps to
pass into an enclosure ; the
pin of a sun-dial.
Style- manner of writing ;
manner ; mode ; title ; a me-
thod of reckoning time ; a
pointed or graving instru-
ment :— to call, to name.
Straight — right, direct, even ;
Strait narrow, not broad ;
close ; strict ; difficult : — a
narrow pass or passage ; dis-
tress, difficulty.
~ adorned with
to help :
—to ran to support,
-aid ; assistance,
—he or that which
Stud'ied read ; versed in ;
learned ; premeditated.
sucks ; anything that draws ;
part of a pump ; a young
shoot ; a fish : — to strip oil"
Su'er — one who prosecutes by
law, or entreats.
Sev/'er — a drain or passage for
water under ground ; an of-
ficer who serves up a feast,
Sr M — the aggregate, the whole ,
the amount ; a quantity of
money ; abridgment ; height :
— to add, to cast up ; to con-
Some more or less ; part ;
uncertain quantity or num-
Sun — the luminary of the day ;
a sunny place ; any thing
eminently splendid or lumin-
ous ; Christ : — to expose to
the sun's rays.
Son — a male child ; a male de-
scendant ; a native of a coun-
Sur'plice a white garmen*.
worn by Episcopalians.
Sur'plus — overplus; remain-
Sut'ler — one who follows an
army, and sells provisions.
Subt'ler — more artful or cun-
Sut'tle — neat weight, a com-
mercial term.
Subt'le— artful, cunning.
Tacks — fastens, attaches; turns
a ship : — small nails ; courses
of a ship.
Tax — a rate or sum imposed ;
impost ; a tribute ; a burden :
— to lay a tax ; to assess ; to
charge, to censure.
-a story, narrative
number reckoned ; a telling.
Tail — the extremity or hinder
part of any thing ; a limited
-certain weights
and coins ; natural powers ;
eminent abilities.
Tal'oxs claws of a bird of
Tare — a weed ; an allowance,
or weight allowed : — did tear.
Tear to pull in pieces, to
rend ; to rave : — a rent, a
Team — a set of horses or oxen.
Teem to bring forth ; to be
pregnant ; to be full, to a-
Tear — water from the eye.
Tier — a row, a rank.
Teas leaves of a Chinese
Tease to comb or card ; to
scratch ; to vex, annoy, dis-
turb, or irritate.
Thax — placed in comparison.
Thex at that time ; after-
ward ; therefore.
The a definitive adjective ;
the definite article.
Tuee — obj. of thou.
Their — belonging to them.
There — in that place.
They're — they are.
Thieve — to steal.
Theave a ewe of the first
Threw — did throw.
Through from one end or
side to the other ; by means.
Throw — to fling ; to cast.
Throe extreme pain, as in
child-bearing ; the final and
mortal struggle.
Throne — a king's seat ; king-
ly power.
Thrown — cast, flung.
-flux and reflux of the
sea ; stream, course, curjent.
Tied — bound, made fast.
TIme measure of duration ;
season ; convenience : — lo re-
gulate, to measure ; to adapt.
Thyme — an aromatic herb.
To — motion towards ; unto.
Too — over ; also, likewise.
Two — one and one ; a couple,
brace, or pair.
T5e — a member of the foot.
Tow-^^ the coarse and broken
part of liax or hemp ; — to drag
as a boat or ship.
Told — did tell.
Tolled — did toll.
Toled did tole ; drawn, al-
Toll — a tax or impost for pas-
sage ; a sounding of a bell :
— to pay toll ; to sound or
ring as a bell ; to take away.
Tole — to draw, to allure.
Tong — the catch of a buckle.
Tongue the instrument of
taste ; organ of speech ;
speech ; language ; a nation :
— to chide ; to talk.
Topog'raphy description of
particular places.
1 ypog'raphy — printing.
Tor'pitude state of being
motionless ; inactivity.
Tur'pitude — extreme deprav-
ity ; badness ; vileness.
Track — a trace ; beaten path,
road, course : — to follow by
the footsteps ; to tow.
Tract — a region ; a quantity
of land or water ; a treatise ;
a written discourse ; length.
— to walk ; to jour-
go ; to pass : — a
ney ; to
Trav'ail — to labour with pain;
to toil ; to be in labour : — la-
bour in childbirth.
Tray — a hollow trough of wood
or metal.
Trey — a three at cards or dice.
Trait a stroke, a touch ; a
line, a feature.
Tre'aties negotiations ; a-
greements ; contracts.
Tre'atise a discourse, a
• tract.
Tun — a large cask ; a measure
of 252 gallons.
Ton or Tun. — a weight of 20
to unload, to
Unlaid' — not placed ; not pa-
Vail or Veil a covering,
curtain : — to cover, to conceal,
to invest.
Vale — valley ; low ground.
Vain" empty ; fruitless ;
conceited ; showy ; light ;
VaxVE — a plate turned with the
wind ; a weather-cock.
Vein a vessel in animal bo-
dies for conveying blood, and
in plants for sap ; a stratum ;
humor ; temper.
observant of
VoR-Vcious greedy for eat.
ing ; ravenous
Verg'ing bending or inclin-
ing ; tending.
Vin'oiN an unmarried wo-
man : — pure, untouched ;
fresh, new ; modest.
Vi'al or PhI'al-
-a small
Vl'oL -a stringed musical in-
Vi'tals — parts essential to life.
Vict'uals — provision of food ;
Wade — to walk through water.
Weighed examined by
scales ; considered.
Wail — to lament ; to moan, to
bewail : — loud weeping ; au-
dible sorrow.
Wale a rising part in the
surface of cloth, or of animal
Wails — laments : — loud weep-
Wales a country in the
west of England ; risings in
Wain — a waggon ; a constel-
Wane to grow less ; to de-
crease ; to decline : — diminu-
tion ; a decrease ; failure.
Waist — the middle part of the
Waste — to diminish ; to wear
out ; to squander ; to spend ;
to consume ; to dwindle : — .
destroyed, ruined ; desolate ;
worthless ; uncultivated : —
the act of squandering ;
loss ; desolate or uncultivated
ground ; destruction.
-to stay or rest in e.\-
pectation ; to attend ; to stay :
— an ambush.
Weight — heaviness ; mass by
which, as the standard, bodies
are weighed ; pressure ; im-
portance, influence.
Waue— merchandise, goods.
Wear to waste by use ; to
have on : — the act of wearing;
a dam ; a kind of basket work
for catching fish.
Wave— a billow ; unevenness :
—to play loosely ; to undu-
late ; to waft ; to ijeckon.
Waive or Wave to relin-
quish, to quit ; not to insist
on, or claim ; to put off.
Way — a passage, read ; course ;
tendency ; manner, method.
Wey — a certain quantity.
Weigh — to try the weight, to
balance ; to raise or lift ; to
ponder, to examine nicely.
We— pi. of I.
Wee — small, little, obs.
Weak — -feeble, infirm ; pliant.
Week — space of seven days.
Wean — to put from the breast ;
to take from ; to detach or
\V'EE>f — to think, to imagine,
Weather — the state of the
air ; tempest : — to air ; to
pass with difficulty.
Weth'er a sheep, a ram
to waste.
-to fade, to decay.
Wert — the second. person sin-
gular of the subjunctive im-
perfect tense of be.
Wort — a plant ; new beer un-
Wheth'er which of the
Whith'er — to what place.
^Y'-iTH -by 5 noting the cause
or means ; amongst.
V/iTHE a willow twig, a
Wood — a forest ; timber.
Would past tense of will;
was willing.
VrRATH — violent anger ; fury,
Rath early ; coming before
the time, obs.
Wroth — —very angry ; much
Yarn — spun wool.
Yearn to be strained, to be
pained or distressed ; to long,
to feel an earnest desire.
Yoke a piece of timber fit-
ted for the neck of oxen ; a
bond ; mark of servitude,
slavery ; service ; a couple or
YoLx — the yolk or yellow of an
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