.1 l/flf] Headers' entrance LIST BOOKS OF REFERENCE THE BEADING BOOM THE BRITISH MUSEUM. ( UN; of . sEduFORyi! THIRD EDITION, REVISED. L' HINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES MDCCCLXXXIX UNWEft' -Calif H LIST BOOKS OF REFERENCE THE READING ROOM THE BRITISH MUSEUM. s£^Llr THIRD EDITION, REVISED RINTEI) BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. MDCCCLXXX1X \ V LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD RTRF.KT AND OH A KINO CROSS. GENERAL 6\^° A D V E R T I S E M E N T. The first edition of this List or Brief Catalogue of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room, consisting of nearly 20,000 volumes, was published in 1859, the second in 1871. Since the latter date frequent improvements have been effected by the introduction of new- works and of new editions, whenever these presented any advantage over those previously placed in the Room. For the present issue a new " Plan " has been prepared, and a Postscript added to the original Preface of Mr. Winter Jones, in which the history of the Reading Room is continued to the present year. The Subject Index, which in former editions consisted solely of references fo the names of authors, now gives the short-title and press-mark of every book indexed, and in its present greatly extended form it is hoped that it may be found useful to Readers. It should be stated that since the last edition of this List was issued a fresh selection has been made of nearly 20,000 books constantby in demand, and that these have been placed in the Lower Gallery of the Reading Room, where they are at all times easily accessible to Readers. Many books which may be missed from the Reference Library have, for various reasons, chiefly from considera- tions of space, been placed in the Gallery, and neither collection can be regarded as quite complete without the other. A Catalogue of the collection in the Lower Gallery, drawn up by the late Mr. G. W. Porter, by whom the books were selected, was published in 188G. The preparation for the press of the present edition of this List of Books of Reference in the Reading Room has been mainly the work of Mr. Alfred W. Pollard, Assistant in the Department of Printed Books. GEO. BULLEN. British Museum, April, 1889. 101470 PREFACE. The same in object — the same as to the nature of its collections — unchanged in government and general administration, yet no two public establishments can be well more dissimilar than the British Museum of 1759 and the British Museum of 1859.* The Act of Incorporation was passed in the year 1753, and the six years from that date to the time of opening (15th of January, 1759) had been spent by the Trustees in procuring a suitable building for the collections, in selecting officers, and in making all the necessary arrangements for carrying out the trusts committed to their charge. By these regulations the Museum was closed on Saturday and Sunday in each week, and likewise on Christmas Day and for one week after, one week after Easter day and Whit Sunday respectively, on Good Friday, and on all days appointed for thanksgivings and fasts. At all other times it was to be set open from nine o'clock in the morning till three in the afternoon from Monday to Friday between the months of September and April inclusive ; and also at the same hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in May, June, July, and August ; but on Monday and Friday only from four o'clock to eight in the afternoon during these four months. Persons desirous to see the Museum were to be admitted by printed tickets, to be delivered by the porter upon their application in writing. No more than ten tickets were to be delivered out for each hour, and five of the persons producing such tickets were to be attended by the Under-Librarian, and the other five by the Assistant Librarian in each department. Company was to be admitted at the hours of nine, ten, eleven, and twelve respectively in the morning, and at the hours of four and five in the afternoon of those days in which tho Museum was open at that time. Tho visitors were to be first conducted through the department of Manuscripts and Medals; then the department of Natural and Artificial Productions; and afterwards the department of Printed Books, by the particular officers assigned to each department; and * 1859 is the date of the first edition of this list. one hour only was allowed to the several companies for viewing each department. No children were to be admitted into the Museum. After the lapse of a few months an alteration was suggested by the officers of the Museum, and on the 30th of March, 1761, the hours of admission were changed from nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, to nine, eleven, and one, the numbers admitted at one time were increased from ten to fifteen, and the time visitors were allowed to remain in the Museum was reduced from three hours to two. These regulations were not mere matters of form. It would appear that some attempt had been made to break through the order for admission by ticket, for on the 7th of April, 1769, the Trustees directed " that the porter and messengers have positive orders not to admit anybody into the house without tickets." This system naturally confined the number of visitors within very narrow limits (forty-five per diem at the utmost), and as the number of applicants for tickets was very large, and visitors were admitted in the order of their application, weeks, and ultimately months, would elapse between the date of application and admission. On the 9th of February, 1774, a Committee of the House of Commons was appointed to consider of a more convenient method of admitting persons to the sight of the British Museum, and on the 11th of May following the Committee reported "that it was their opinion that the most probable method of obviating these incon- veniences would be by enabling the Trustees to demand and receive money for the admission of persons to see the Museum on certain days in the week, some days and hours being still allotted for receiving persons gratis." Upon this resolution the House divided, when the proposition was lost, but only by the very small majority of three, fifty-three being in favour of it, and fifty-six against it. The practice of admission by tickets continued in force for thirty-six years afterwards.* * The celebrated John Wilkes took a just view of what the Museum, and especially the Library, ought to be when, on a petition being presented to the House from the Trustees, on the '28th of April, 1777, praying for a grant of money, he made the following remarks: — "It seems to me, sir, highly expedient that the Trustees of the British Museum should not only be enabled adequately to fulfil the objects of their public trust by making what is already collected as useful as possible to the nation, but still further to extend the laudable purposes of their Institution The British Museum, sir, is rich in Manuscript- — the Uarleian Collection, the Cottoiiian Library, the Collection of Charles I., and many others, especially on our own history; but it is wretchedly poor in printed books. I wish, sir, a sum was allowed by Parliament for the purchase of the most valuable editions id' the best authors, and an Act passed to oblige every printer, under a. certain penalty, to send a copy bound of every publication he made to tin 1 British Museum. Our posterity, by this and other acquisitions, might, perhaps, possess a more valuable treasure than even the celebrated Alexandrian Collec- Iii tho year 1810, the first step towards the present system was made by Mr. Planta, the Principal Librarian, who recommended that the Museum should bo opened for public inspection from ten till four o'clock on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in every week except in the Christinas, Easter, and Whitsuntide week, on thanksgiving and fast days, and during the months of August and September ; and that all persons who applied on those days between the hours of ten and two should be immediately admitted. But even then, and for many years afterwards, the presence of a few hundred persons in the building was considered to call for special precautions to secure the preservation of order. This fear of the public has long ceased. Now all are admitted who present themselves, the only condition being that they shall be able to ivalk into the building. Visitors are not only admitted freely, but their attention is directed to those objects which possess the greatest interest by printed guides, which are sold at prices in many instances not sufficiently high to cover the cost of preparation. These efforts to popularize the Institution are fully appreciated : 43,000 holiday folk have recently passed through the building in one day without the slightest injury to the collections. One of the last acts of the Trustees, before the Museum was opened for the purposes of inspection and study, was to make arrangements for the reception of students. On the 8th of December, 1758, the Trustees ordered " that the corner room in the base story be appropriated for the reading-room, and that a proper wainscot table, covered with green bays in the same manner as those in the libraries, be prepared for the same, with twenty chairs of the same kind with those already provided for the several departments of the house." On the 22nd of the same month, Dr. Peter Templeman, the translator of Norden's Travels in Egypt, and who afterwards became the secretary to the then newly-incorporated Society of Arts and Commerce, delivered in his appointment as " Keeper of the Reading Room or Rooms in the British Museum." The appointment of such an officer had been ordered on the 23rd of the June preceding, the Trustees wisely foreseeing the importance of the Reading Room, and the necessity of providing for its efficient superintendence. A corner room in the basement story, with one oak table and tion ; for, notwithstanding the selfishness which marks the present age, we have not quite lost sight of every beneficial prospect for futurity. Considerable donations might likewise, after such a sanction of parliamentary approbation, be expected from private persons, who in England, more than in any country in the world, have enlarged news for the general good and glory of the State." On this occasion, Edmund Burke moved that, instead of 3000J., the sum asked by the Trustees, 5000/. should be granted for the service of the Museum. This motion was lost, but it showed the interest taken in the Institution by men of enlightened minds even at that early period of its existence. twenty chairs, forms a very striking contrast with the Reading Room of the present day, but it was not so bad as the indulged reader of modern times may imagine. A glass door opened from this Reading Room into the garden of Montagu House, which was well cultivated and planted with goodly trees, and between which and Hampstead nothing intervened to obstruct the prospect or poison the air.* We may smile now at the twenty chairs, but they proved more than sufficient for the demands made upon them. The poet Gray, in his correspondence, gives an amusing account of his visit to the Museum. In a letter to the Rev. Win. Mason, dated July 23, 1759, he says,— " I am just settled in my new habitation in Southampton Row, and, though a solitary and dispirited creature, not unquiet nor wholly unpleasant to myself. The Museum will be my chief amusement. I this day passed through the jaws of a great leviathan that lay in my way into the belly of Dr. Templeman, Superintendent of the Reading Room, who congratulated himself on the sight of so much good company. We were —a man that writes for Lord Royston ; a man that writes for Dr. Barton of York ; a third that writes for the Emperor of Germany or Dr. Peacock, for he speaks the worst English I ever heard ; Dr. Stukeley, who writes for himself, the very worst person he could write for ; and I, who only read to know if there were anything worth writing, and that not without some difficulty. I find that they printed one thousand copies of the Harleian Catalogue, and sold four-score ; that they have 900Z. a-year income and spend 1300Z., and that they are building apartments for the under-keepers ; so I expect in winter to see the collection advertised and set to auction." The late Chancellor of the Exchequer t bears similar testimony as to a later period, in the 'introduction to his edition of the " Curiosities of Literature," published in 1858, p. xxix. He says, — " When my father first frequented the Reading Room of the British Museum at the end of the last century, his companions never numbered half-a-dozen ; now these daily pilgrims of research may be counted by as many hundreds." The " pilgrims of research " are certainly vastly more numerous now than when the author of the "Curiosities of Literature" formed one of the select few. But it cannot be denied that at that time they were select, which they certainly are not now. The Trustees themselves, until the year 1819, always examined in committee the applications for admission to the Reading Room, power * " After the establishment of the Museum iu Montagu House, Mr. [afterwards Sir William] Watson was very assiduous, not only in the internal arrangements of subjects, but also in getting the garden furnished with plants, insomuch that in the first year of its establishment in 1750' it contained no fewer than 000 species, all in a flourishing Btate."— Pultney's Sketches of Botany, 1790, vol. ii. p. 310. •)■ I\Ir. Disraeli. having, on the 19th of June, 1700, been given to the Principal Librarian to grant admissions only when a quorum of the Committee did not meet, or between the meetings, in cases of emergency, these admissions being reported at the next meeting. Students were admitted for periods varying from one month to six. It may be of some interest to see to whom this privilege was first accorded. The entry on the Minutes (12th Jan. 1759, three days before the opening of the Museum) is as follows: — "The Eev. Dr. Taylor, Residentiary of St. Paul's, for six months. The Eev. Dr. Lowth, Prebendary of Durham [afterwards bishop of London], for two months. Daniel Wray, Esq., for six months. Mr. Musgrave, Editor of the Hippolytus of Euripides, for six months. Mr. Stuart, of Grosvenor Street, for six months. Mr. Edward Langton, at the desire of Lord Royston, for six months. The Rev. Dr. Chandler, for three months. Taylor White, Esq., for one month ; and that the said Mr. White having occasion to make drawings of some specimens of cinnamon and cassia, such books of dried plants as contain the said specimens be carried to him into the reading-room for that purpose." The above were followed at short intervals by Dr. Lyttelton, Dean of Exeter, Dr. Jortin, the Rev. Benjamin Kennicott, Dr. Blair, Sir William Blaokstone, Lord Dacres, the Earl of Egremont, David Hume, Owen Ruff head, the Bishop of Norwich, Dr. Nash, Lord Morton, Thomas Gray, and Dr. Johnson. Dr. Johnson was admitted on the recom- mendation of Dr. Morton, on the 8th of May, 1761. These are only specimens of the class of readers of that day. From what has already been said, it will be seen that the Reading Room of 1759 was very different from what it became many years afterwards. It was only open to readers when the rest of the house was open to the public — it contained no books of reference — the number of volumes of prints and drawings to be carried into the room in one day was limited to two by order of March 17, 1759— and the statutes directed that notice should be given in writing the day before to the officer in attendance by each person " what book or manuscript he will be desirous of perusing the following day : which book or manuscripton such request will bo lodged in some convenient place in the said room, and will from thence be delivered to him by the officer of the said room." This regulation was not allowed to become a dead letter. Complaints having been made that the duty of the several officers and servants had been rendered burdensome by disorderly application from the Reading Room for books of which no previous notice had been given the day before, it was ordered by the Trustees, on the 27th of June, 1760, " that the Keeper of the Reading Room shall not send for any book or manuscript without such previous notice, unless in very extraordinary cases." Even after this order hud been abolished, it was considered necessary to restrict the use of the library. In the printed directions respecting the Reading Room, dated 3rd of July, 1804, it is declared that " no reader (except in particular cases, at the discretion of the the Principal Librarian) will be entitled to more than two volumes at a time, but they may be exchanged as often as he may require." The Reading Room, like the rest of the Museum, was closed on Saturday, until the year 1831, on the 25th of April of which year the Trustees ordered that it should be opened during the usual hours on every Saturday throughout the year, the three holiday weeks excepted, as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made. If the Trustees thus restricted the use of the books and manuscripts, they, on the other hand, showed great anxiety that the students, when at their work, should have the best assistance, by appointing an officer specially to superintend the Reading Room, and selecting for this duty men of education. They were no less anxious that this officer should attend strictly to his duties. On the 10th of February, 1759, the Keeper of the Reading Room was ordered to make regular monthly reports to the Trustees. On the 21st of June, 1759, when relaxing, under certain conditions, the strict attendance of the officers during six hours daily, they made an order that, " in the case of the Keeper of the Reading Room, the six hours' attendance cannot be dispensed with;"* and he was subsequently ordered (February 27th, 1768) to mention in his reports the days of his absence from his duty, the reasons thereof, and in what manner his place had been supplied. These precautions were, no doubt, necessary, for the pleasant garden of Montagu House was veiy tempting, and admission through the glass door of the Reading Room very easy, and Dr. Templeman was unable to resist the temptation. One day, however, while enjoying his walk in the garden, he was met by one of the Trustees, who, pointing with his cane to the glass door, exclaimed, with a startling energy of voice and manner, " Go back, sir ! " Whether in consequence of this official rebuke or from some other cause cannot now bo known, but, on the 18th of December, 1760, Dr. Templeman resigned his appointment, and was succeeded by the Rev. Richard Penneok. Mr. Penneck held the office of Keeper of the Reading Room for forty-one years, and died towards the close of the year 1802. * On the 15th *of May, 1778, the Principal Librarian was specially ordered to repent any failure in the regulations made for the superintendence of the Reading Room. The same order was repeated in 1801 ; and again in L802 it was directed " that the strictest orders should be made and enforced for due attendance in the Reading Room." On several other occasions, also, the Trustees had the subject under their consideration, aud appear at all times to have kept a watchful eye over this particular branch of the service, On his dcccaso, the office of Superintendent of the Beading Room was abolished, and the duties were performed by the Assistant Librarians, according to a fixed rota, until 1805, and from that time until 1824 by the Under and Assistant Librarians, the officer in attendance being ordered never on any account to quit the room during the hours when it was open to visitors. In 1824 the duties were made over to an attendant of the room under the management of the Principal Librarian. In consequence of complaints that the Reading Room was damp, the Trustees, on the 28th of May, 1774, ordered that the south-west angle room upon the first state story should be fitted up for the reception of students. This room was directly over the former. It was opened on the 31st of October, 1774, and continued to be used by the readers until the year 1803, when they were removed to the adjoining room,* which was occupied by them until the year 1817, * This Reading Room is thus described by Malcolm in his Londinium Bedivivum, (1803) ii. 500:— "A passage from the vestibule leads to the Western apartments. The anti-room is comparatively small, with nothing remarkable in its architecture ; but the cieliug is richly ornamented with paintings, heightened by gold. It contains but one window ; and the wall is covered with shelves of printed books, secured by lattices of twisted wire. The adjoining room, proceeding northward, was, till the winter of 1803, the reading-room. This is a large vaulted apartment, with a clumsy marble chimney-piece ; but having only two windows, which were insufficient to illuminate the most remote parts of the table, the Trustees very judiciously transferred the appendages for study and research to the next room North, leaving the old reading-room a receptacle for the case, in which the readers deposit their books and manuscripts while they are in use. This is also full of printed books, arranged as in the anti-room. "The present reading-room is surrounded by shelves of books, secured by wire, has :i vaulted cieling, a handsome cornice, and large marble chimney-piece, a West window, and three North, with several portraits on the walls. Facing the fire-place are the table and chair for the superintending officer, who occupies the latter during the hours for reading, for the necessary purpose of noticing any deviation from the liberal rules for admission, or injury done to the articles in use by the readers. Behind him is another small table, on which a rile is placed, with squares of paper, on which orders for books and manuscripts must be written, and signed by the reader, with the day of the month. "Two long tables extend North and South on each side of the fire-place for the readers. These are covered with green cloth, and arc plentifully supplied with pens, ink, and rests for the books. Catalogues are placed on shelves within the room, which the reader consults at his pleasure, writes his notes from them, pulls the bell-rope near the door, a messenger instantly obeys the summons, and in as short a time as possible returns with the wished-for book. This application may be made, any reasonable number of times, from 10 in the morning till -1- in the afternoon, at which hour all studies cease in the reading-room of the British Museum." The catalogues referred to are stated in a note to be as follows: — "The Barleian, 2 volumes, folio; the Ottoman, 1 volume, folio; the King's, 1 volume, quarto; Ayscough's, '2 volumes, quarto; Additional Manuscripts and the Catalogue of Printed Books, 2 volumes, folio. A new one is compiling, with vast additions." making a total period of forty-three years, from 1774. This cir- cumstance shows how small was the attendance of readers for the first fifty years of the existence of the Museum. The French Revolution led, however, to a considerable increase in the number of readers during the first years of that extraordinary convulsion. Nearly one-half of those admitted in the year 1795 consisted of French refugees. Among them were the Archbishop of Bordeaux, the Bishops of Uzes and of Troyes, the Count de St. Cyr, the Abbe de Tressan, the Duke de Levis, and the Count de Lally Tollendal, with a long list of abbes and men of less- note, all of whom sought relief from the ennui of their exile in the Reading Room of the British Museum. A perusal of the mere lists of admissions to the Reading Room about this period is highly suggestive. In addition to the long catalogue of victims of political revolution, we find the names of veterans of literature of our own country, some of whom are still amongst us, and others but recently passed away. Under the date of May 13, 1795, is recorded the name of the late Principal Librarian, Sir Henry Ellis, who may still be seen prosecuting his antiquarian labours with all the eagerness of sixty-four years ago.* Further on we read, "Walter Scott, admitted May 14,1803." " Rev. Sydney Smith, admitted Dec. 9, 1803." "Henry Brougham, admitted March 23, 1804." "Charles Lamb, recommended by Mr. Godwin, May 12, 1804." "Mr. Hallam, admitted March 8, 1805." Even the Ce- lestial Empire is represented by " Yong Sam Tack, a Chinese gentleman, No. 14, Pitt Street, Fitzroy Square, November 14, 1805." It was not until the year 1814, that the question of further accommodation appears to have been mooted, and then only in a report that further accommodation couhl not be found without incurring expense in wiring bookcases and paying for additional attendance. On the 12th of April, 1817, however, the Principal Li- brarian reported as follows : — " The number of persons who frequent the Reading Room having of late so considerably increased as to render their accommodation insufficient, Mr. Planta had been inducted to appropriate the room No. 5 on the upper floor for their use." This was one of the rooms in which the Harleian MSS. were deposited. From this period the applications for the privilege of reading at the Museum appear gradually and steadily to have increased. On the 15th of March, 1823,f it was ordered, " that the room which adjoins the present Reading Room towards the saloon, bo forthwith prepared for the further accommodation of readers ; " and on tho 10th of December, 1825, that a third room in the MS. * Sir Henry Ellis died January 15, 1869, in the 92nd year of his ago. f The daily average of readers at this time was from 50 to 70. department be opened for the accommodation of the readers who frequent the Museum. In 1823, King George IV. presented the magnificent library formed by his father, to the nation, on condition that a suitable room should be provided for its reception. The present east wing was accordingly built, the upper floor being at first intended for a picture gallery.* The erection of this wing afforded an opportunity for building three rooms for the reception of tlie manuscripts, two of which at the south end were devoted to the purpose of a Reading Room, and made to accommodate, when full, 120 readers. These rooms were ready for use at Midsummer of the year 1826, and were speedily filled, as appears from an order of the Trustees dated 12th July, 1828, directing that, in the event of an actual overflow of the present Eeading Eooms, the MS. room be considered and used as an additional Reading Room. That this order must ultimately have been acted upon was evident to every one who saw and smelt these rooms when occupied by readers. The necessity was, however, avoided by the erection of two larger rooms at the eastern end of the present north wing, to which the readers migrated in the year 1838. These rooms also were soon filled, and complaints of overcrowding and foul air and " Museum fleas " became more and more frequent, but there was no longer any power of expansion in the then existing building, and the evil to a certain extent worked its own cure (if cure it can be called) by driving away those students who could not struggle against the physical inconveniences and annoyances to which they were exposed. A great change had come over the frequenters of the British Museum library. In former years, when admission was more formal, and the library comparatively poor, readers were content with the books they found there, but as admission became more easy and the number of students increased, they made their demands, not with * The idea of making use of the Museum as a Picture Gallery appears to have prevailed at a very early period of its existence. Wilkes, in the course of his speech above referred to, p. vii., made the following remarks: — "The British Museum, sir, possesses few valuable paintings, yet we are anxious to have an English school of painters. If we expect to rival the Italian, the Flemish, or even the French school, our artists must have before their eyes the finished works of the greatest masters. Such an oppor- tunity, if I am rightly informed, will soon present itself. I understand that an applica- tion is intended to Parliament, that one of the first collections in Europe, that at Houghton, made by Sir Robert Walpole, of acknowledged superiority to most in Italy, and scarcely inferior even to the Duke of Orleans' in the Palais Royal at Paris, may be sold by the family. I hope it will not be dispersed, but purchased by Parliament, and added to the British Museum. I wish, sir, the eye of painting as fully gratified as the ear of music is in this island, which at last bids fair to become a favourite abode of the polite arts. A noble gallery ought to be built in the spacious garden of tin 1 British Museum for the reception of that invaluable treasure." reference to the contents of the library, but to their own wants. They were right in so doing — the public library of Great Britain ought (as far as such a term can be used with propriety) to be complete, and this principle, strongly urged by Mr. Panizzi, was fully admitted by the Trustees. The necessity of a general enlargement of the library led to the suggestion of many plans — some impracticable — some too expensive — and all involving a delay which would have been fatal to the efficiency of the Institution. Here the great danger was that some scheme might be adopted which, looking well upon paper, would be mischievous in its application, and such a danger actually arose. Fortunately, however, after much vigorous discussion, a plan which had been suggested by the present Principal Librarian* for building in the vacant quadrangle was adopted and carried out under his own immediate and watchful superintendence. It may be interesting to some to see Mr. Panizzi's first sketch for this plan, which was made on the 18th of April, 1852, and shown on the following day to the writer of this Preface, to whom it was subsequently presented. The accompanying lithograph gives an exact copy of it. Very few days sufficed to develop this rough idea, and give it a clear and definite form, and on the 5th of May following Mr. Panizzi laid it before the Trustees.f By the Trustees this plan was im- mediately referred to Mr. Smirke, the architect to the Museum, who having reported favourably upon its practicability, it was in due course submitted to the Government. This step brought a counter plan into the field, which, however, after having been examined with all the care its boldness and ingenuity merited, was, like its predecessors, condemned, no one being able to foresee the limit either of time or money that would be involved in carrying it out. Apart from the many other advantages of Mr. Panizzi's scheme, both time and money could be calculated, and shown to be considerably less than those involved in any other plan. The suggestion was ulti- mately adopted, and the excavations commenced in the month of May, 1854. The first brick was laid in the September of the same year : the first iron standard was fixed in the month of January, 1855, and in the month of May, 1857, the building was completed. From the 8th to the 16th of May the public were admitted to view the Eeading Eoom. The readers took possessiou of their new room * Mr. (afterwards Sir Anthony) Panizzi retired from the Museum in 1866. He was succeeded in the post of Principal Librarian by Mr. Winter Jones, the writer of this preface. t .See " Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 22nd June, 1852, for a copy of all communications made by the architect and officers of the British Museum to the Trustees respecting the enlargement of the building of that Institution," &c. on the 18th of May; and as the public curiosity was far from satisfied by the opportunity which had been afforded of inspecting it, it was thrown open, from six to eight o'clock in the evening, from the 27th of May to the 15th of August, or for 140 hours. During this time it was visited by 62,041 persons, being more than saw the Museum in any four years when the admission was by tickets. The quadrangle within which the new library is built is 813 feet in length by 235 wide, comprising an area of 73,555 square feet. Of this space the building covers 47,472 feet, being 258 feet long by 184 feet in width, thus leaving an interval of from 27 to 30 feet all round. By this arrangement, the light and ventilation of the sur- rounding buildings is not interfered with, and the risk of fire from the outer buildings is guarded against. The Beading Room is circular. The dome is 140 feet in diameter, and its height 106 feet. The diameter of the lantern is 40 feet. Light is further obtained from twenty circular-headed windows, 27 feet high by 12 feet wide, inserted at equal intervals round the dome at a height of 35 feet from the ground. In its diameter the dome of the Reading Room exceeds all others, with the exception of the Pantheon of Rome, which is about 2 feet wider. That of St. Peter's at Rome, and of Santa Maria in Florence are each only 139 feet; that of the tomb of Mahomet at Bejapore, 135; of St. Paul's 112; of St. Sophia, at Constantinople, 107 ; and of the church of Darmstadt, 105. The new Reading Room contains 1,250,000 cubic feet of space, and the surrounding libraries 750,000. These libraries are 24 feet in height, with the exception of that part which runs round the outside of the Reading Room, which is 32 feet high ; the spring of the dome being 24 feet from the floor of the Reading Room, and the ground excavated 8 feet below this level. The whole building is constructed principally of iron. The main ribs of the Reading Room, with brick arches between, are supported by twenty iron piers, having a sectional area of 10 superficial feet to each, including the brick casing, or 200 feet in all. This saving of space by the use of iron is remarkable ; the piers of support on which the dome rests thus only occupying 200 feet, while the piers of the Pantheon at Rome fill 7477 feet of area, and those of the tomb of Mahomet 5593. Upwards of 2000 tons of iron have been employed in the construction of the Reading Room and the surrounding libraries. The weight of the materials used in the dome is about 4200 tons, or upwards of 200 tons on each pier. The roof is formed into two separate spherical and concentric air chambers, extending over the whole surface — one between the external covering and brick vaulting, the object of which is the equalization of tem- perature during extremes of heat and cold out of doors; the other between the brick vaulting and the internal visible surface, and which is intended to carry off the vitiated air from the Reading Eoom. This ventilation is effected partly through apertures in the soffites of the windows, and partly through others at the top of the dome, the bad air passing through outlets provided around the lantern. The effects of condensation are obviated by making all the skylights, lanterns and windows throughout the building double. The quantity of glass used amounts to about 60,000 superficial feet. In order to guard against the consequences of an avalanche of snow falling from the dome on to the surrounding libi'aries, the building has been carried up outside perpendicular to such a height above the spring of the arch as to form a gallery 9 feet in width, provided with proper outlets, by which the snow is intercepted. The Heading Room contains ample and comfortable accommodation for 302 * readers. There are thirty-five tables : eight are 34 feet long, and accommodate sixteen readers, eight on each side ; nine are 30 feet long, and accommodate fourteen readers, seven on each side ; two are 30 ft. long, and accommodate eight readers each, viz. ; seven on one side and one on the other — these two tables are set apart for the exclusive use of ladies ; sixteen other tables are 6 feet long, and accommodate two readers each — these are fitted up with rising desks of a large size for those readers who may have occasion to consult works beyond the usual dimensions. Each person has allotted to him, at the long tables, a space of 4 feet 3 inches in length by 2 feet 1 inch in depth. He is screened from the opposite occupant by a longitudinal division, which is fitted with a hinged desk graduated on sloping racks, and a folding shelf for spare books. In the space between the two, which is recessed, an inkstand is fixed, having suitable penholders. Thus the whole table- top is free from writing implements or other embarrassments, and every precaution is taken to preserve the books from injury by care- lessness or accident. The framework of each table is of iron, forming air-distributing channels, which are contrived so that the air may be delivered at the top of the longitudinal screen division, above the level of the heads of the readers, or, if desired, only at each end pedestal of the tables, all the outlets being under the control of valves. A tubular foot-rail also passes from end to end of each table, which may have a current of warm water through it at pleasure, and be used as a foot- warmer if required. The pedestals of the tables form tubes communicating with the air-chamber below, which is 6 feet high, and occupies the whole area of the Eeading Room : it is fitted with hot-water pipes arranged in radiating lines. The supply of fresh air is obtained from a shaft 60 feet high, built on the north side of the north wing, about * By the addition of some smaller tables this number has since been increased to 458. 300 foot distant, communicating with a tunnel or sub-way, which has branches, or loop-lines, fitted with valves for diverting the Current either wholly through the heating apparatus, or through the cold-air flues, or partly through either, as occasion may require The air channels are of sufficient capacity to admit a supply of fresh air for 500 persons, at a rate of 10 cubic feet per minute, and at a velocity not exceeding 1 foot per second. For summer vontilation a con- tinuous current of fresh air is forced into the room by means of a steam engine and blower, and the foul air thus expelled through the valves constructed for this purpose in the lantern. In the centre of the Reading Room is a raised enclosure for the Superintendent, fitted with a table and ticket boxes, and with dwarf partitions, surmounted by glass screens, which form a passage to the North Library, through which the service of the Reading Room is carried on. The catalogue tables, with shelves under and air-dis- tributing tubes between, are ranged in two concentric circles around the Superintendent's enclosure. The arrangement of the presses is peculiar throughout the new libraries. The shelves within the Reading Room contain about 60,000 volumes: the new building altogether will accommodate about 1,500,000 volumes. Two lifts are placed at convenient stations for the purpose of raising the boohs to the level of the several gallery floors. The bookcases are of novel and simple construction, the uprights or standards being formed of malleable iron galvanized and framed together, having fillets of beech inserted between the iron to receive the brass pins upon which the shelves rest. The framework of the bookcases forms the support for the iron perforated floors of the gallery avenues, and which are generally 8 feet wide, the central 6 feet being appropriated to the perforated floor, and the remainder being a clear space between the back of the books and the flooring, by which contrivance the light from the skylights (in all cases extending to the full width of the avenues) is thrown down the back of the books on each story, so that the letterings may be easily discerned throughout the book ranges. The shelves are formed of iron galvanized plates, edged with wainscot, and covered with russet hide leather, and having a fall attached. At each end of the shelves pads of galvanized iron covered with leather and wadded are placed next to the skeleton bookcase framing, to prevent injury to the binding when the books are taken out or replaced. Between these pads the skeleton framing of the cases forms an aperture by which a current of air may pass and ventilation be kept up throughout. The shelves rest upon brass pins, the holes for which arc pierced at three quarters of an inch apart from centre to centre ; but by a contrivance in crankiug the shaft of the pin, winch may be turned upwards or downwards, this interval is practically halved, and the position of the shelves may he altered three-eighths of an inch at a time. There are 2,750,000 of these holes. In all cases, except against the external walls, the bookcases are double, the books being placed on both sides, a lattice of ironwork being fixed for their longitudinal separation. Thus throughout the whole interior of the new building there are no walls, the division being in all cases formed of a double range of books, placed fore-edge to fore-edge. The only exception is at the shelving provided for newspapers, a single range of which necessarily occupies the depth of two ranges of books. For convenience of access to the galleries, the staircases have been placed so that, throughout the building, they are within forty feet of each other. The building contains three miles lineal of bookcases eight feet high ; assuming them all to be spaced for the average octavo book size, the entire ranges form twenty-five miles of shelves. Assuming the shelves to be filled with books, of paper of average thickness, the leaves placed edge to edge would extend about 25,000 miles, or more than three times the diameter of the globe. In the decoration of the interior dome, light colours and the purest gilding have been preferred. The great room therefore has an illuminated and elegant aspect. The decorative work may be shortly described. The inner surface of the dome is divided into twenty compartments by the moulded ribs, which are gilded with leaf pre- pared from unalloyed gold, the soffites being in ornamental patterns, and the edges touching the adjoining margins, fringed with a leaf- pattern scalloped edge. Each compartment contains a window, with three panels above, the central one being medallion shaped, the whole bordered with gilt moulding and lines, and the field of the panels finished in encaustic azure blue, the surrounding margins being of a warm cream-colour. The details of the windows are treated in like manner — the spandril panels blue ; the enriched column and pilaster caps, the central flowers, the bolder moulding and lines being all gilded, the margins cream-colour throughout. The moulded rim of the lantern light is painted and gilded to corre- spond. The sash is formed of gilt moulded ribs, radiating from a central medallion, in which a monogram, formed of the letters V A, is alternated with the imperial crown. The cornice from which the dome springs is massive, and almost wholly gilded, the frieze being formed into panels bounded by lines terminating at the ends with a gilt fret ornament. Each compart- ment of the dome is marked by a bold enriched gilt console, which forms at once the support of the main rib and the base for a colossal marble statue, a series of which it was proposed in Mr. Tanizzi's plan should be placed on the cornice. Between the cornice and the floor the space is filled with the book- cases and galleries of access, the cornices, standards, and railings of which are wholly gilded, the panels of the soffites of the latter being bine, with gilded ornaments therein. The tables and enclosures are of wainscot, tho chairs of mahogany, some having leathern, some wooden, and some cane seats : tho floors are covered with kamptulicon. The main entrance into the new Eeading Eoom is direct from the Great Hall, and there are secondary entrances for the officers from the King's Library and the Great Northern Library, through which all books are conveyed to the centre of the Reading Eoom, whence they are distributed. On the west side of the readers' entrance from the Great Hall there is a room for ladies, where a female is always in attendance to take charge of their bonnets and shawls. On the same side is the Copyright Office, and also tho lavatories for the assistants and attendants. The ventilation is managed by Mr. Heydon's process, the principle of which consists in regulating the temperature of the air before it is thrown into the building. By this arrangement, the succession of cold and hot blasts is avoided, and the air is renewed imperceptibly. It has been said before that Mr. Panizzi submitted his plan not as the best (for he had previously suggested one of a much larger and more comprehensive character), but as the only one which appeared to be practicable under the peculiar circumstances of the case. An experience of three years, however, has shown it to possess extra- ordinary advantages which, until tried, could only be hoped for. It may be more than doubted whether any other plan would have answered so well. Certainly, no other arrangement could have pro- vided accommodation for so enormous a number as 1,500,000 volumes in so small a space, and at so small an expense. The position of the Heading Room is also the best that could have been selected — in the centre of the libraries from which the books used in it are drawn. An evidence of the excellence of this structure exists not only in the universal admiration with which it is regarded, but also in the general feeling to adopt its arrangements which is manifested by all who desire to put their libraries in order, both in England and abroad. It is well, however, that the secret of this great succoss should not be overlooked. It will be found in tho daily communica- tions between the constructor and the librarian — in the patient and careful consultation upon every point of detail, however small — in the fact that Mr. Panizzi understood thoroughly his own plan, and that Mr. Smirke and Mr. Fielder, as architect and builder, cordially exerted themselves in carrying it out. All this cannot be better expressed than in the words of a writer in the " Times," of the 21st b 2 April, 1857. He says, — " We should not do justice if we omitted to give credit to those who richly deserve it for individual aid in this invaluable service of the public. To Mr. Panizzi, as we have shown, is due the merit of the first conception of a single and sufficient structure. His indefatigable industry, and his untiring interest in the Museum, have been devoted to the daily inspection of the works, and ho has originated constant and valuable suggestions in the course of their progress. The architect, Mr. Smirke, has his merit in the preparation of the original and first designs. The contractors, Messrs. Baker and Fielder, share no common deserts in their professional labours. Indeed the skill, perseverance, and ingenious resources of their managing partner, Mr. Fielder, have been beyond all praise. All worked together, we understand, without vanity or jealousy, to complete a Beading Boom worthy the Museum and their country." In the account which has been given above of the arrangements made for the superintendence of the Beading Boom, it would almost appear as though the superintendence decreased with the increase of the number of readers. But this apparent inconsistency is easily explained. With the death of Mr. Penneck, in 1802, the appoint- ment of a special officer as Superintendent of the Beading Boom ceased, because, additions being made to the several departments at that time very slowly, it was considered that the librarians might perform the duties of this office between them without detriment to the service generally. As the collections increased, however, and the duties of arrangement and description became more onerous, attend- ance in the Beading Boom was productive of much inconvenience, and hence the arrangement made in 182-1. In 1826 the readers had for the first time a library of reference in the Beading Boom, and this seemed to render still less necessary the special assistance they had previously enjoyed ; but in the course of a few years it was found that this was not sufficient, and in the year 1837, an assistant from the Department of Printed Books was transferred to the Beading Boom, for the purpose of aiding the readers in their researches. It was also intended that a gentleman possessing superior qualifications as a linguist should be attached to the staff of the Beading Boom service, and one was accordingly appointed, but the business of the Department of Printed Books increased to such an extent that it was found necessary to withdraw him from the Beading Boom and con- fine his services to the interior of the Library. A feeling, however, gradually grew up that further assistance ought to be given : while all acknowledged the kindness and courtesy with which their inquiries were met, questions were constantly asked which the super- intendents could not answer, and it was frequently suggested that to some competent officer should be delegated the task of aiding the readers in their studies. The opening of the new Beading Boom appeared to present a fitting opportunity for responding to this wish, and returning to the original plan of superintendence. The Trustees, by an order dated March 28, 1857, directed that the senior Assistant Keeper in the Department of Printed Books should be transferred to the chief superintendence of the new Beading Eoom, but still continue to be the senior Assistant Keeper in the Department of Printed Books. That the clerk and attendants in the Eeading Koom should be under his immediate control. That the preservation of the volumes placed in the hands of the readers, as well as the preservation of order in that room, should be mainly entrusted to him, as also the enforcement of all the regulations either respecting the readers or the servants of the Trustees. He was further directed, " above all, to afford all the assistance in his power to readers in their pursuits." The readers have thus placed at their disposal, for six hours every day, the services of a gentleman whose intimate acquaintance with the Museum collections, extensive know- ledge of the literature of his own and foreign countries, and acquire- ments as a linguist rarely to he met with, render him peculiarly fitted to carry out the chief object of the Trustees, as expressed in their order. The very numerous applications made to Mr. "Watts * in his capacity of Superintendent, show the importance of the appoint- ment, and with what judgment the Trustees have acted in the selec- tion of their officer. It was a natural consequence of the increase of accommodation that the number of readers should also increase; but there is this peculiarity in the increase of th^ readers, that, while in the former Beading Booms in the north wing 208 readers could be accommo- dated at one time, the average daily attendance was only 181, in the new Beading Boom the largest number that can be conveniently accommodated is 302, and the daily average attendance is upwards of 420.J There has also been a steady increase in the number of books supplied to the new Beading Boom. During the first six months that it was opened, the number sent into the room from the library averaged 522 per diem ; the daily average during the present year has been 652.$ This is of course exclusive of those kept for readers from day to day, and also of the books forming the Library of * Mr. George Bullen succeeded Mr. Watts as Superintendent of the Reading Room in October, 1866, when the latter became Keeper of the Printed Books. Mr. Watts died on September 9, 1869. Mr. Bullen, on his promotion to the Keepership, was succeeded by Mr. Garnett in 1875, and Mr. Garnett, who retired from the Reading Room in 1884, in order to more effectively direct the great work of printing the entire Catalogue, was succeeded by the present Superintendent, Mr. Fortescue. f Owing to the exclusion of all persons under twenty-one years of age the daily average for some years showed a considerable decline. It has now risen to 620. % In 1870 (the date of the Second Edition of this Catalogue) the daily average was 908, in 1888 it had risen to 2448. Reference in the Reading Room, to which the readers are allowed free access. On the 9th of May of the present year (1859) the number was 1114, that being the first open day after the return of all the books to the shelves of the library. The removal of the readers to the present room afforded an oppor- tunity for rearranging and extending the library of reference placed within it, and it has been found practicable to represent all classes with tolerable completeness. In carrying out this operation atten- tion has been given in the first place to Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Atlases, Gazetteers, Catalogues, the leading works in Art, Science, and Literature, and the most important collections in the various branches of learning. Many works have also been added, although not strictly works of reference, which are constantly asked for by the readers — but of such works those editions have been selected which are found to be most generally useful. Of some of the foreign works neither the original nor a translation would be found in the Reading Room but for the circumstance that they form a portion of important collections which are placed there. The following brief Catalogue has been published for the purpose of facilitating the use of this special library. The titles of the books of which it consists having been already written for the general catalogue with that attention to fulness, to minuteness, and accuracy of detail, as well as to strict uniformity in the headings, which is absolutely necessary for the catalogue of a large library like that of the British Museum, and the books themselves being comparatively few in number, and open to the readers, the entries have been made as short as possible. The contents of the greater number of the collections have been set. out at length (those ./mly being omitted which from their great extent would add too much to the bulk of the volume), the separate works in each collection being also entered under their respective headings. An alphabetical index of subjects has also been added. These are the principal features of the work. It has been compiled by Mr. Rye,* the second Assistant Keeper, according to rules laid down by the Keeper of the department, who has superintended the preparation of the work, and is pleased to have this opportunity of acknowledging the zeal and intelligence with which Mr. Rye has performed his task. The plan, which is dis- tributed over the room, and an improved copy of which accompanies this volume, has also been designed by Mr. Rye. J. WINTER JONES. British Museum, July 2-2, L859. Afterwards the Keeper of the Printed Book: f\ K S 0^ <^rt/^ Far- Simile of tin- Original Sketch NEW READING ROOm'.'" BR IT I SH M JSEUt ■ P S T S C R I P T. "When the second edition of this List was issued in 1871 it was found sufficient to indicate the changes which had occurred during the previous twelve years by means of footnotes to Mr. Winter Jones's Introduction. The improvements, however, effected since 1870 may be mentioned rather more in detail. Foremost among these must be reckoned the introduction of the electric light, the tentative use of which is first mentioned in the Principal Librarian's Annual Eeport, dated 2 May, 1879, while it was definitely adopted during the following winter. By means of the electric light it has been found possible not only to avoid altogether the enforced closing of the Museum on the occurrence of a London fog,* but to greatly extend the hours during which the Reading Room is kept open. For eight months of the year the Room is now available to students from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., whereas formerly it was closed during the winter at 4, and during the spring and autumn at 5. An additional hour has also been gained by the room remaining open during the summer months until 7 p.m. instead of 6. In the same spirit the time occupied by the periodical cleanings has been reduced from eighteen to eight days in each year, and the public are no longer excluded upon Ash Wednesday. Thus the open days have been extended from 292 to 303, while at the same time the length of the average working day has been increased from 8 hours to 10 hours 40 minutes. Partly, but, as will be shown, by no means entirely, owing to the increased number of hours during which the Reading Room has been made available for purposes of study, the last fifteen years have witnessed an enormous addition to the number of readers. In 1873 103,971 persons made use of the Library, in 1888 this number had risen to 188,432, or an increase of 84,461. After reckoning in the eleven extra days during which the Room is now open, this repre- sents a rise in the daily average from 356 to 620. This increase is more than double of that which might naturally have been expected from the extension of the hours during which the Heading Room is open, and in the busy time of the day great difficulty is experienced in accommodating all the students who crowd the room. In 1879 * Before the introduction of the electric light the partial or total darkness caused by fogs reduced the number of working hours during the winter months by nearly a fourth. /?tyyy^L^i~t^~ s POSTSCRIPT. When the second edition of this List was issued in 1871 it was found sufficient to indicate the changes which had occurred during the previous twelve years by means of footnotes to Mr. Winter Jones's Introduction. The inrprovements, however, effected since 1870 may be mentioned rather more in detail. Foremost among these must be reckoned the introduction of the electric light, the tentative use of which is first mentioned in the Principal Librarian's Annual Keport, dated 2 May, 1879, while it was definitely adopted during the following winter. By means of the electric light it has been found possible not only to avoid altogether the enforced closing of the Museum on the occurrence of a London fog,* but to greatly extend the hours during which the Reading Room is kept open. For eight months of the year the Room is now available to students from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., whereas formerly it was closed during the winter at 4, and during the spring and autumn at 5. An additional hour has also been gained by the room remaining open during the summer months until 7 p.m. instead of 6. In the same spirit the time occupied by the periodical cleanings has been reduced from eighteen to eight days in each year, and the public are no longer excluded upon Ash Wednesday. Thus the open days have been extended from 292 to 303, while at the same time the length of the average working day has been increased from 8 hours to 10 hours 40 minutes. Tartly, but, as will be shown, by no means entirely, owing to the increased number of hours during which the Reading Room has been made available for purposes of study, the last fifteen years have witnessed an enormous addition to the number of readers. In 1873 103,971 persons made use of the Library, in 1888 this number had risen to 188,432, or an increase of 84,461. After reckoning in the eleven extra days during which the Room is now open, this repre- sents a rise in the daily average from 356 to 620. This increase is more than double of that which might naturally have been expected from the extension of the hours during which the Reading Room is open, and in the busy time of the day great difficulty is experienced in accommodating all the students who crowd the room. In 1879 * Before the introduction of the electric light the partial or total darkness caused by logs reduced the number of working hours during the winter months by nearly a fourth. sixty-two additional seats were provided, but since that time there has been an increase in the daily average of readers from 430 to 620, while there is no possibility of further increasing the accommodation. The opening of the Newspaper Eoom in 1885, by absorbing an average of 39 readers daily, has checked to this extent the increase in the attendance at the Eeading Eoom itself, and it is perhaps only from the acquisition of additional space for building purposes that any relief can be looked for in the future. Eapid as has been the increase in the number of readers it has been accompanied by a still greater increase in the demand for books. While many causes have doubtless contributed to this result, chief among them must be reckoned the substitution of printed for written entries in the Museum Catalogue. On the recommendation of the late Principal Librarian, Mr. Bond, this change was adopted by the Trustees in the year 1880, when the rapid growth in bulk of the Catalogue had become too inconvenient to be ignored. A year later the plan was adopted of printing off the manuscript catalogue volume by volume. By March 31st, 1889, with the exception of a few great headings, such as Bible, England, France, etc., the letters A-Her and Vir-Z, together with a few volumes of S and the important heading Periodical Publications, were all in print. By this means a great part of the Catalogue had been rendered easier and more convenient to use, and this by itself is probably accountable for a considerable proportion of the increase in the books written for. But with the printing of the Catalogue other changes became possible, which all tended in the same direction. The printed sheets containing the titles of all new works added to the Library are now exhibited in the Eeading Eoom, and enable readers to write at once for the newest books. In 1885 also there was published a Subject- Index of all such works received in the Museum during the five years since the system of printing had been introduced; and this volume, by showing readers at a glance the best recent works on the subject of their various studies, occasioned a great and immediate increase in the number of books written for. In 1883 an attempt had been made to supply the want of a Subject-Catalogue by placing in small stands at the end of every alternate row of desks in the Eeading Eoom a selection of the best Bibliographies, a catalogue of which was soon afterwards published, and in the present year is being brought up to date and reprinted. In 1886 there appeared the Catalogue of the large collection of books which, since the intro- duction of the electric light, had been gradually selected and placed in the Lower Gallery of tho Eeading Eoom. Tho 18,000 volumes of this collection comprise many works of reference for which no room could be found on the Ground Floor, and they thus complete the Eefercncc Library of which tho present work is a Catalogue. But they wore solectod mainly as being the works most frequently in requisition by readers, and in tlieir present position they can be readily obtained at all hours wbon the Reading Room is open, and long after the corridors of the General Library havo been closed for the day. The selection, placing and cataloguing both of the Biblio- graphies and of tho books in the Gallery of the Reading Room, were the work of tho late Mr. George Porter, tho Senior Assistant-Keeper in tho Library. In addition to the two Catalogues just mentioned numerous other works havo been published since 1870 with a view to making the .Museum collections bettor known to students. Such aro tho Cata- logues of English Books printed before 1640, the Catalogue of Printed Maps, and the Chinese, Bengali, Sanskrit and Pali Catalogues. To these should bo added the numerous catalogues published by the Department of Manuscripts, and among others Dr. Rieu's Catalogue of Persian and Turkish MSS. All of thcso works aro placed in tho Reading Room. Owing to all these increased facilities, while each reader in 1873, In addition to the books ho might take for himself from tho Reference Library, and thoso reserved for him from day to day, asked on an average for a fraction less than 3 books every day, the present average is as nearly as possible 4, and the total number of requisitions for new books has risen from 295,736 * in 1873, to 744,221 in 1888. To keep pace with this enormous increase, with only a very slight addition to tho staff of attendants, has been no easy task. But by a system introduced in 1876, under which the whole Library is sub- divided into sections, each under tho control of an experienced attendant, who is expected to niako himself familiar with all tho presses under his charge, a great saving of time has been effected, and the average number of minutes occupied in supplying readers with books is now less than at any previous time. The accompanying Table shows the progressive use made of the Library during the last sixteen years. By tho introduction of electric light, tho great extension of tho working hours, and tho increased facilities afforded both for ascertaining and for readily procuring tho best books on every subject, it may fairly be claimed that the Reading Room has not failed to keep pace with the growing requirements of the one hundred and eighty-eight thousand readers who visited it in 1888. GEO. BULLEN. * It need not be said that if these calculations had been made on the basis of volumes instead of works, the numbers in each case would have been vastl; c Year. Readers. Daily Average. Books written for. Books kept from day to day. 1873 103,971 356 295,736 240,596 1874 104,727 358 296,201 244,010 1875 105,310 360 326,963 265,306 1876 109,442 376 350,603 280,094 1877 "3,594 389 357,980 292,249 1878 114,516 392 374,461 309,514 1879 125,594 430 419,212 370,122 1880 133,842 458 423,250 378,885 1881 134,273 455 436,375 374,503 1882 146,891 486 465,841 419,876 1883 152,983 504 534,396 470,789 1884 154,729 509 584,066 489,115 1885 159,340 526 628,973 474,148 1886 176,893 584 721,578 468,102 1887 182,778 603 750,734 470,564 1888 188,432 620 744,221 464,488 CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS A. AA (A. J. van der) Biographisch Woordenboek cler Nederlanden. 21 Dl. Haarlem, 1852-78. 8°. 2038. f. Nieuw Biographisch Woordenboek van Nederlandsche Dichters : Aanhangsel op Witsen Geysbeeks Woordenhook der Nederland- sche Dichters. 3 vol. Amsterdam, 1 844-46. 8°. 2038. f. Aagesen (A.) Fortegnelse over Retssarnlinger, Retsliteratur m.m. i Danniark, Norge, Sverig, og til Dels Finland. Kjfljenhavn, 1876. 8°. BB. C. Abaelardus (P.) Opera omnia. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus: 178.] Paris. 1855. 4°. 2010. d. Abbot (E.) The Literature of the doctrine of a Future Life. New York, 1 87 1. 8°. BB. A. Abbott (C.) Baron Tenterden. Law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. Twelfth edition, by S. Prentice. London, 188 1. 8°. 2018. d. Abbott (Edwin) Concordance to the works of Alexander Pope. See Pope. Abingdon. Chronicon Monasterii do Abingdon. Edited by J. Stevenson. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1858. 8°. 2073. (2.) Abkoude (J.) Naamregister van de bekendste Nedcrduitscho boeken. 1600-1787. Vermeerderd door R. Arrenborg. Tweede Druk. Botterdam, 1788. 4°. 2050. b. Alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken 1790-1832 [by J. de Jong]. Amsterdam, 1835. 4°. 2050. b. Alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken 1833-1875 [by C. L. Brinkman]. 3 vol. Amsterdam, 185 8-7 S. 4°. 2050. b. Naamlijst. Wetenschappelijk Register 1850-1875, bewerkt door R. van der Meulen. Amsterdam, 1878. 4°. 2050. b. Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa. See Lisbon. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. See France. — Instilut. 2 ACA-ADA Academie des Sciences. See France. — Institut. Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. See France. — Institut. Academie Francaise. See France. — Institut. Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. See Saint Petersburg. Academy. The Academy. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1869, etc. 4°. Cat. Desk. Acorns (L.) Reliquiae. See Eibbeck (0.) Scenicae Roman orum poesis fragmenta. Vol.1. 1852, etc. 8°. 2052. b. Achard (C. F.) Homines iUustres de la Provence. See Provence. Dictionnaire de la Provence. Vol. 3 & 4. 1786, etc. 4°. 2036. e. Achiardi (A. d') Bibliografia Mineralogica, Geologica e Paleonto- logica della Toscana. Roma, 1875. 8°. BB. E. Achilles Tatius. De Leucippes et Clitophontis amoribns libri octo. [Edited by] F. Jacobs. Gr. & Lat. Lipase, 182 1. 8°. 2051. e. Ackermann (A.) Literarischer Wegweiser fiir die offentliche Gesundheitspflege, 1854-1874. Miinchen, 1874. 8°. BB. C. Ackermann (R.) History of the Colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster ; with the Charter-House, St. Paul's, etc. London, 18 16. 4°. 2064. e. Acropolita (G.) Annales. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. Gr. and Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1836. 8°. 2067. f. Acta Sanctorum. Collegit, &c, J. Bollandus. Editio novissima, curante J. Camaudet. Vol. 1-61. Supplementum complectens Auctaria Octobris et Tabulas Generales. Paris, Bruxelles [1863— 83]. fol. Cat. Desk. Analecta Bollandiana. Ediderunt C. de-Smedt, etc. Tom. 1-5. ParJM^Bruxelles, 1882-86. 8°. 2007. a. Adams (C. K.) Manual of Historical Literature. New York, 1882. 8°. BB. M. Adams (E.) Elements of the English Language. Seventeenth edition. London, 1880. 8°. 2112. b. Adams (J.) Index Villaris. London, 1690. fol. 2066. f. Adams (O. F.) Brief Handbook of American Authors. Boston, 1884. 8°. BB. G. Adams (W. D.) Dictionary of English Literature. London, [1878,] 4°. 2044. a. Adamus, de Domerham. Historia de rebus gestis Glastouiensibus. In lucem protulit T. Hearnius. 2 vol. Oxonise, 1727. 8°. 2072. b. Adamus Murimuthensis. Chronicon. Edidit A. Hallius. See Trivetus. 2072. b. Chronica. Recensuit T. Hog. [English Historical Society.] London, 1 846. 8°. 2071. c. ADD-iESC 3 Addis (W. E.) and Arnold (T.) A Catholic Dictionary. London, 1884. 8°. 2015. b. Addison (C. G.) The Law of Contracts. Eighth edition, by H. Smith. London, 1883. 8°. 2018. 0. Wrongs and their Eemedies, being a treatise on the law of Torts. Sixth edition, by H. Smith. London, 1887. 8°. 2018. e. Adelung (J. C.) Gelehrten-Lexikon. See Joecher. 2034. h. Mithridates, oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde. (Fortgesetzt von J. S. Vater.) 4 Th. Berlin, 1806-17. 8°. 2113. a. Worterbuch der hochdeutschen Mundart. 5 vol. Leipzig, 1774-86. 4°. 2118. c. Admiralty. Monumenta Juridica. The Black Book of the Ad- miralty. Edited by Sir T. Twiss. Vols. 1-4. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1871-76. 8°. 2073. (55.) Admiralty Library. Catalogue. [By R. Thorburn.] London, 1875. 4°. BB. E. Adolphus (J.) History of England, from the accession to the death of George in. 7 vol. London, 1840-45. 8°. 2071. a. Adventurer. See British Essayists. 2043. a. /Elianus (C.) De natura animalium, Varia historia, epistolse et fragmeuta. Porpbyrii de abstinentia et de antro Nympharum. Philonis de septeni orbis spectaculis. Recognovit R. Hercher. Or. & Lat. Didot : Paris. 1858. 8°. 2051. g. iElred, Saint, Abbot of Bievaulx. De bello Standardii : — Genealogia regum Anglorum : — Vita Edw. Confessoris. See Twyspen (Sir R.) HistoriaB Anglicanas Scriptores X. 1652. fol. 2070. d. .ffischines. Orationes. Or. See Reiske (J. J.) Oratorum Gra3- corum quae supersunt. Vol. 5-7. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Opera. Gr. Recognovit J. H. Bremius. 2 vol. Turici, 1823, 24. 8°. 2052. a. Orationes. Gr. & Lat. See Oratores Attici. 2052. g. iEschylus. [Works, in English.] See Greek Dramatic Poets. Tragoedire. Gr. Recensuit G. Hermannus. 2 vol. Lipsitv, 1852. 8°. 2051. e. Tragedies. Gr. Re-edited, with an English commentary, by F. A. Paley. Second edition. [Long's Bibliothcca Classica.] London, 1861. 8°. 2052. c. iEschyli qua3 supersunt Tragoediae. Recensuit, adnotationem criticam et exegeticam adjecit H. Weil. Gr. Giessae, 1861-67. 8°. 2052. f. iEschyli fabulae superstites et perditarum fraginenta. Gr. See Dindorfius (C. G.) Poetarum scenicorum Grssoorum fabulae. Pt. 2. 1868. 4°. 2052. h. TEschyli et Sophoclis Tragedian et fragmenta. (Recognovit E. A. j. Ahrcns.) Gr. & Lat. Paris. 1842. 8°. 2051. g. Lexicon iEschylcum. See Dindorfius. 2051. e. 4 AFF— ALB Affd (I.) Memorie degli Scrittori Parmigiani (continuate da A. Pezzana). 7 vol. Parma, 1789, 1833. 4°. 2036. d. Afranius (L.) Eeliquiae. See Eibbeck (0.) Scenicae Rornanorum poesis fragmenta. Vol.2. 1852, etc. 8°. 2052. b. Africa, South. Handbook to South Africa. Third edition. [S. W. Silver & Co.'s Handbooks.] London, 1880. 8°. 2057. b. Agassiz (L. J. R.) Essays on Classification. London, 1859. 8°. 2029. g. Nomenclator Zoologicus. Soloduri, 1842-46. 4°. 2028. f. Bibliographia Zoologise et Geologise. Edited by H. E. Strick- land and Sir W. Jardine. 4 vol. [Bay Society.'] London, 1848— 54. 8°. 2027. d. Agathias. Historiarum libri V., cum versione Latina et annota- tionibus B. Vulcanii. B. G. Niebuhrius Graeca recensuit. Accedunt Agathiae Epigrammata. [Byzantine History.] Bonnce, 1828. 8°. 2067. c. Agostini (G. degli) Scrittori Viniziani. 2 vol. Venezia, 1752-54. 4°. 2036. f. Ahrens (H. L.) De Graecae linguae dialectis. 2 vol. Gottingse, 1839-43. 8°. 2113. a. Aikin (J.) General Biography. 10 vol. London, 1799-18 15. 4°. 2035. h. Ailredus. See ^lred. Ainsworth (R.) Dictionary of the Latin Tongue. Eng.-Lat. & Lat.-Eng. New edition, by T. Morell. 2 vol. London, 1796. 4°. 2114. f. Airy (G. B.) Treatise on Trigonometry. New edition, by H. Blackburn. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1855. 8°. 2102. g. Aitken (W.) Handbook of the Science and Practice of Medicine. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1858. 8°. 2102. h. Science and Practice of Medicine. Seventh edition. 2 vol. London, 1880. 8°. 2026. b. Akerman (J. Y.) Archaeological Index. — Celtic, Eomano-British, and Anglo-Saxon periods. London, 1847. 8°. 2032. f. Numismatic Manual. London, 1840. 8°. 2032. b. Alamanni (L.) La Coltivazione di L. A., e le Api di G. Rucellai ; con annotazioni, &c. [Classici Baliani ; 53.] Milano, 1804. 8°. 2041. b. Alarcon y Mendoza (J. Ruiz de) See Kuiz. Alberti (L. B.) Delia Pittura e della Statua. [Classici Italiani ; 34.] Milano, 1804. 8°. 2041. a. Albigenses. Histoire de la Croisade contre les heretiques Albigeois, ecrite en vers Provencaux par un poete contemporain. Traduite par C. Fauriel. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. \" Serie. Histoire Politique.] Part*, 1837. 4 °- 2083. c. ALC— ALL 5 Alcseus. Fragmenta. Gr. [Gaisford's Poetse Minores Grseci ; 3.] Lipsiee, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Alcedo (A. de) Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Translated, with additions, by G. A. Thompson. 5 vol. London, 1812-15. 4°. 2057. f. Atlas, by A. Arrowsmith. London, 18 19. fol. 2057. f. Alcidamas. Orationes. Gr. See Reiske (J. J.) Oratorum Grse- corum quae supersunt. Vol. 15. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Alciphron. Epistolae. Edidit E. E. Seiler. Editio nova. Gr. an&Lat. Lipsise, 1856. 8°. 2051. d. Alcuinus. Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 100, 101.] Paris. 1 85 1. 4°. 2009. f. Aldershot Military Library. Catalogue of the Books, &c. in the Military Library of H. R. H. the Prince Consort, Aldershot. (Addenda.) London, i860, 61. 8°. BB. E. Aldhelm, Saint. Opera qua? extant. [Giles. Patres Ecclesix Angli- canse.] Oxonise, 1844. 8°. 2011. b. Alegambe (P.) Bibliotheca Scriptoruin Societatis Jesu. See RlBADENEIRA. 2008. f. Aleksandrov (A.) Complete English-Russian (Russian-English) Dictionary. 2 vol. St. Petersburg, 1879-83. 8°. 2117. a. Ales (A.) Bibliotheque Liturgique. Description des Livres Litur- giques faisant parti e de la Bibliotheque de S. A. R. M gr . Charles Louis de Bourbon. Paris, 1878. 8°. BB. A. Alexander III., Pope. Opera omnia. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus; 200.] Paris. 1855. 4°. 2010. e. Alfieri (V.) Opere scelte. 4 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 251-254.] Milano, 18 18. 8°. 2041. h. Algarotti (F.) Opere scelte. 3 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 319-321.] Milano, 1823. 8°. 2042. b. Algeria. Handbook for Travellers in Algeria. Third edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1887. 8°. 2057. a. Alibert (J. L.) Baron. Clinique de l'Hopital Saint-Louis. Paris, 1833. fol. 2024. f. Alison (Sir A.) Bart. History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. New edition. 14 vol. Edin. 1849,50. 8°. 2070. a. History of Europe from 1815 to the accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852. 8 vol. and Index. Edin. 1853-59. 8°. 2070. a-b. Miscellaneous Essays. [Modern British Essayists.'] Philadelphia, 1849. 8°. 2045. d. Allen (C. F.) Histoire de Danemark. Traduit d'apres la septieme edition par E. Beauvois. 2 vol. Copenhague, 1878. 8°. 2084. f. Allen (T.) History of Lambeth. London, 1827. 4°. 2065. d. 6 ALL— AMB Allen (T.) History of London, Westminster, Southwark, etc. With engravings. 4 vol. London, 1827-29. 8°. 2065. a. 1 History of Surrey and Sussex. 2 vol. London, 1829-30. 8°. 2064. b. History of the County of Lincoln. 2 vol. London, 1834. 4°. 2064. c. History of the County of York. 3 vol. London, 1828-31. 4°. 2063. c. Allen (W.) American Biographical Dictionary. Third edition. Boston, 1857. 8°. 2040. h. Allgemeine Bibliographie. Monatliches Verzeichniss der wichti- gern neuen Erscheinungen. Leipzig, 187 1, etc. 8°. BB. R. Allibone (S. A.) Dictionary of English Literature and British and Anaeiican Authors. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1859, 70, 71. 8°. 2050. f. Poetical Quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. Philadelphia, 1875. 8°. 2047. h. Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. Philadelphia, 1876. 8°. 2046. f. Alliey (F.) Bibliographie complete de tous les ouvrages sur le jeu de Dames. (Bibliographie du jeu de Trie Trac.) Commerci, 1852. 8°. BB. E. Almanach de Gotha. [For the current year.] Gotha. 32°. 2121. a. Almanach National. [For the current year.] Paris, 8°. 2121. e. Almirante (J.) Bibliografia militar de Espana. Madrid, 1876. 8°. 2048. d. Alphonso X., called the Wise, King of Castile' and Leon. La Gran Conquista de Ultramar. Ilustrada por P. de Gayangos. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles, 44.] Madrid, 1858. 8°. 2042. f. Aluredus, Beverlacensis. Annales. Edidit T. Hearnius. Ozonise, 17 16. 8°. 2072. b. Alvarez y Baena (J. A.) Hijos de Madrid. 4 vol. Madrid, 1789-91. 4°. 2037. 0. Amat di San Filippo (P.) Bibliografia dei Viaggiatori Italiani. Boma, 1874. 8°. BB. I. Amato (G. d') Martiri della Liberia Italiana. Soconda edizione. 2 vol. Torino, 1852. 4°. 2036. f. Ambrogio [del Giudice] di Altamura. Bibliothecai Dominicanas ab ordinis constitutione usque ad annum 1G00 producta? incre- mentum ac prosecutio. Bomse, 1677. fol. 2008. f. Ambros (A. W.) Geschichte der Musik. 3 Bd. Breslau, 1862-68. 8°. 2031. a. Ambrose, Saint, Archbishop of Milan. Omnia opera. 9 vol. [Caillau. Patrcs. 54-61.] Paris, 1*842. 8°. 2008. b. AMB— AND 7 Ambrose, Saint, Archbishop of Milan. Omnia opera. 4 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Oursus, 14-17.] Paris, 1845. 4°. 2009. c. Letters of S. Ambrose Translated. [Pusey's Library of Fathers.] Oxford, 1 88 1. 8°. 2010. 1). America. Antiqnitates Americana?. Edidit Societas regia Anii- quariorum Septentrionaliuin. [By C. C. Rafn.] Hafnise. 1837. 4°. 2085. g. American Annual Cyclopaedia. 1867-1875. 9 vol. New York, 1868-76. 8°. General Index to Vol. 1-15. New York, 1876. 8°. New Series. 187(3, etc. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1877, etc. 8°. 2086. h. American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Professor Silliman and B. Silliman. Vol. 50 [containing General Index to Vol. 1-49]. Newhaven, [1847.] 8°. New Series. Vol. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 [containing Indexes to Vol. 1-50]. Neiohaven, [1850-70.] 8°. Third Series. Vol. 16, etc. Newhaven, 1878, etc. 8°. 2101. a. Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities. By W. Herbert. 3 vol. London, 1785-90. 4°. 2050. f. Greatly enlarged by T. F. Dibdin. 4 vol. London, 18 10-19. 4°. 2050. f. Amos (A.) and Ferard (J.) Law of Fixtures, etc. Third edition by C. A. Ferard and W. II. Roberts. London, 1883. 8°. 2017. b. Amundesham (Joannes) Annales Monasterii S. Albani. 1421- 1440. Edited by H. T. Riley. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1870-71. 8°. 2073. (28.) Amyot (J.) Lictionnaire Mantchou-Chinois. See Langles. 2115. b. Anagnostes (Joannes) Georgius Phrantzes, J. Anagnostes, ex recen- sion© I. Bekkeri. Gr. and Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1838. 8°. 2067. f. Anastasius, Bibliothecarins. Opera omnia. 3 vol. [Migne. Pairo- logise Cursus, 127-129.] Paris. 1852, 53. 4°. 2009. g. Historia Ecclesiastica ex recensione I. Bekkeri. See Theophanes. Chronographia. Vol. 2. 1841. 8°. 2067. g. Anderson (A.) Historical deduction of tho Origin of Commerce. 4 vol. London, 1787-89. 4°. 2023. h. Anderson (C.) Annals of the English Bible. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8°. 2000. c. Anderson (James) Royal Genealogies ; in two parts. London, 1732. fol. 2121. g. Anderson (James S. M.) History of tho Church of England in the Colonies, etc. 3 vol. London, 1845-56. 8°. 2004. a. Anderson ( John) History of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1856. 8°. 2065. a. 8 AND Anderson (John P.) London, 1881. 4°. Anderson (R.) M.D. 1793,92,94. 8°. The Book of British Topography. L. P. Cat. Desk. Poets of Great Britain. 13 vol. London, 2046. g. Contents : — Moore, Boyce, Thompson, Caw- thorne, Churchill, Falconer, Lloyd, Cunningham, Green, Cooper, Gold- smith, P. Whitehead, Brown, Grain- ger, Smollett, Armstrong. 11. Wilkie, Dodsley, Smart, Langhorne, Bruce, Chatterton, Graeme, Glover, Shaw, Lovibond, Penrose, Mickle, Jago, J. Scott, Johnson, W. White- head, Jenyns, Logan, Warton, Cot- ton, Blacklock. Translations : — 12. Pope's Homer, West's Pindar, Dry- den's Virgil, Dryden's Persius, Dry- den's Juvenal, Pitt's iEneid, Rowe's Lucan. 13. Cook's Hesiod, Fawkes' Theocritus, Anacreon, Bion, Moschus, Sappho* Musseus, and Apollonius Rhodius, Coluthus, Creech's Lucretius, Grainger's Tibullua. 1. Chaucer, Surrey, Wyatt, Sackville. 2. Spenser, Shakespeare, Davies, Hall. 3. Drayton, Carew, Suckling. 4. Donne, Daniel, Browne, P. and G. Fletcher, Ben Jonson, Crashaw, Drummond, Davenant. 5. Milton, Cowley, Waller, Butler, Denham. 6. Dryden, Rochester, Roscommon, Ot- way, Pomfret, Dorset, Stepney, J. Philips, Walsh, Smith, Duke, King. Sprat, Halifax. 7. Parnell, Garth, Rowe, Addison, Prior, Fenton, Hughes, Sheffield, Congreve, Blackmore, Granville, Yalden. 8. Pope, Gay, Pattison, Hammond, Savage, Hill, Tickell, Somerville, Broome, Pitt, Blair. 9. Swift, Thomson, Watts, Hamilton, A. Phillips, G. West, Collins, Dyer, Shenstone, Mallet, Akeuside, Harte. 10. Young, Gray, R. West, Lyttleton, Andocides. Orationes. Gr. and Lat. See Oratores Attici. 2052. g. See Beiske (J. J.) Oratorum Grsecorum quae supersunt. Vol. 8, 15, 16. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Andrade (J. M.) Catalogue de la bibliotheque de J. M. Andrade, 7000 pieces et volumes ayant rapport au Mexique ou imprimes dans ce pays. Leipzig, 1869. 8°. BB. I. Andre (G. G.) Spon's Encyclopaidia of the Industrial Arts, Manu- factures and Commercial Products. London, 1879, etc. 8°. 2022. b Andreas (B.) Historia Begis Henrici Septimi, Edited by J Gairdner. \ Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1858. 8°. 2073. (10.) Andree (R.) Allgemeiner Handatlas. Bielefeld, 1881. fol. 2059. e Andrewes (L.) Bishop of Winchester. Opuscula qiuedain posthuma [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxonise, 1852. 8°. Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine and other minor Works [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.'] Oxford, 1846. 8°. Preces privatse quotidiana). [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theo logy.] Oxonise, 1853. 8°. Responsio ad Apologiam Card. Bellarmini. [Library of Anglo Catholic Theology.] Oxonise, 185 1. 8°. Sermons. 5 vol. [Library of Anglo-Cathulic Theology.] Oxford 1841-43. 8°. AND— ANS 9 Andrews (L.) Bishop of Winchester. Tortura Torti. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.'] Oxonise, 185 1. 8°. Two Answers to Cardinal Perron, and other miscellaneous Works. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1854. 8°. 2014. a. Andrews (R. W.) and Stoney (A. B.) The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts. Fourth edition. London, 1885. 8°. 2018. a. Andrieu (J.) Bibliographie generale de l'Agenais. Paris, 1886, etc. 8°. BB. K. Andronicus (Livius) Reliquiae. See Eibbeck (0.) Scenicas Ro- manorum poesis fragments,. 1852. 8°. 2052. b. Anelier (G.) Histoire de la Guerre de Navarre en 1276 et 1277; publiee par F. Michel. [France. — Collection de Documents In- edits.] Paris, 1850. 4°. 2083. g. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. See Saxon Chronicle. Angus (J.) Bible Hand-book. London, i860. 8°. 2000. c. Anna Comnena. Alexiadis libri xv. Recensuit L. Schoperus. Gr. & Lat. Vol. 1. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1839. 8°. 2067. g. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. 6 me Serie. Zoologie. 20 vol. Paris, 1875-85. 8°. Botanique. 20 vol. Paris, 1875-85. 8°. 7 m0 Serie. Zoologie. Tom. 1, ek Paris, 1886, etc. 8°. Botanique. Tom. 1, etc. Paris, 1886, etc. 8°. 2028. d-e. Annales Monastici. Edited by H. R. Luard. 5 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1864-69. 8°. 2073.(36.) Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Fifth Series. Vol. 1-18, etc. London, 1878, etc. 8°. 2027. a. Annee Geographique. Revue annuelle des Voyages, etc. Paris, 1863, etc. 12°. BB. I. Annuaire des Deux Mondes. 1850-G7. 14 vol. Paris, 1851-68. 8°. 2086. g. Annuaire-Almanach du Commerce, &c. [For current year.] Paris, 8°. Cat. Desk. Annual Register [from 1758 to the current year]. London, 1761, etc. 8°. 2086. a-e. Anquetil (L. P.) Histoire de France. 2 vol. (Continuation, par Gallois, 2 vol.) [Pantheon Litteraire. Histoire.] Par is, 1837. 8°. 2043. e. Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury. Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Migne, Patrologise Cursus, 158, 9.] Paris, 1853-54. 4°. 2010. c. Anselme, de la Vierge Marie [P. de Guibouks]. Histoire genealo- gique et chronologique de la Maison Royale do Fiance &c. continuee par M. Uu Fourny. 3 me edition. 9 vol. Paris, 1726-33. fol. 2119. g. LO ANS— ANT Anstis (J.) Register of the Order of the Garter. 2 vol. London, 1724. fol. 2121. g Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson. 24 vol. Edinburgh, 1867-72. 8°. 2011. a Contents : — 1. The Apostolic Fathers. Translated 10 by Dr. Robe, ts, Donaldson, and F. Crombie. 2. Justin Martyr and Athenagoras. Translated by M. Dods, G. Reith. and B. P. Pratten. 3. Tatian, Theophilus, and the Clemen- tine Recognitions. Translated by B. P. Pratten, M. Dods, and T. Smith. 4. 12. Clement of Alexandria. Trans- lated by W. Wilson. 2 vol. 5. 9. Irenseus. Translated by A. Roberts and W. H. Rambaut. 2 vol. 6. Refutation of all Heresies by Hip- pnlytus. Translated by J. H. Macmahon. 7. Tertullianus against Marcion. Trans- lated by P. Kolmi s. 8. 13. Cyprian. Translated by R. E. Wallis. 2 vol. 16 17. 23. Origen. Translated by F. Crombie. 2 vol. 15, 18. Tertullianus. 3 vol. Methodius, Alexander of Lyeopolis, Peter of Alexandria. Translated by W. R. Clark, etc. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts and Reve- lations. Translated by A. Walker. The Clementine Homilies. The Apostolical Constitutions. Trans- lated by T. Smith and J. Donaldson. 19. The Seven Books of Arnobius ad- versus Gentes. Translated by H. Bryce and H. Campbell. 20. Gregory Thaumaturgus, Diony.-ius of Alexandria and Archelaus. Trans- lated by S. D. F. Salmond. 21. 22. Lactantius. Translated by W. Fletcher. 2 vol. 24. Liturgies and other Documents of the Ante-Nicene Period. Trans- lated by W. Macdonald, &c. Anthologia Vetoiurn Latinorum Epigratnmatum et roematuin. Edi- tionem Burmannianani digessit et auxit II. Meyerus. 2 vol. Lipsise, 1835. 8 °- 2053 - S- Epigiammatum Anthologia Palatina. Apparatu critico instruxit F. Diibner. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. Didot: Paris. 18 64. 8°. 2051. g. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1872, etc. 8°. 2101. b. Antiphon. Orationes. Gr. & Lat. See Oratores Attici. 2052. g. See Reiske (J. J.) Oratorum Greecorum. qiige supersunt. Vol. 14, 15. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Antiquarian Repertory. 4 vol. London, 1 807-9. 4°. 2061. c. Antiquaries, Society of, London. See Arch/eologia. Liber quotidianus contrarotulatoris Garderol>a3 Anno Regni Regis Edwardi primi vicesimo octavo, a.d. 1299 & 1300, &o. London, 1787. 4°. 2070. c. List of the Society, from 1717 to 1796. [Bibliotheca Tojpographiea Britannica; 10.] London, 1798. 4°. 2061. c. Antisthenes. Orationes. Gr. See Reiske (J. J.) Oratorum Graicorum quae supersunt. Vol. 15. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Antonelli (G.) Saggio di una bibliografia storica Ferrarese. Ferrara, 1851. 8°. BB. K. Antonio (N.) Bibliotheca Hispana vetus. 2 vol. Matriti, 1788. fol. 2049. e. ANT— AEC 11 Antonio (N.) Bibliotheca Hispana nova. 2 vol. Matriti, 1783-88. fol. 2049. e. Apollonius, Bhodivs. Argonautica. Emendavit R. Merkel. Scholia retera edidit H. Keil. Gr. Lipsise, 1854. 8°. 2051. d. Apollonius, Sophiata. Lexicon Gnecum Iliadia ot Odyssea:. Reccn- suit H. Tollius. Lugd. Bat. 1788. 8°. 2052. b. Apostles. The I'eaching of the Apostles (AiSa^ rmv a.TrocnoXwv). Newly edited, with facsimile text and a commentary, by J. R. Harris. London, 1887. 4°. 2001. f. Apostolic Fathers. Writings of the Apostolic Fathers. Translated by Dr. Roberts, Dr. Donaldson and F. Crombie. [Antc-Nicene Christian Library. 1.] Edinburgh, 1857. 8°. 2011. a. Appianus. Romanarum Historiarum quae supersunt. Gr. & Lat. Didot : Paris. 1 840. 8°. 2051. g. Appleton (D.) Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-work, and Engineering. 2 vol. New York, 1852. 4°. 2022. c. Apuleius (L.) Opera omnia, in usuni Delphini. 7 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1825. 8°. 2054. a. Opera omnia. Recensuit G. F. Hildebrand. 2 pt. Lipsise, 1842. 8°. 2052. e. Aquino (C. d') Lexicon Militare. 2 vol. Bomse, 1724. fol. 2119. g. Arabian Nights. A new translation from the Arabic, with notes by E. W. Lane. New edition by E. Stanley Poole. 3 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2044. a. Traduits par A. Garland. Nouvelle edition par A. L. Deslong- champs. [Pantheon Litter aire.'] Pan's, 1838. 8°. 2043. g. Arago (F.) Popular Astronomy. Translated and edited by Admiral W. H. Smith and R. Grant. 2 vol. London, 1855. 8°. 2022. e. Arana de Varflora (F.) Hijos de Sevilla. [Seville,'] 1791. 4°. 2037. e. Archaeologia. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of Loudon. Vol. 1-49, etc. London, 1770, etc. 4°. 2096. e. f. Indexes to Vol. 1-30. [By N. Carlisle.] 2 vol. London, 1809-44. 4°. 2096. g. Archaeological Association. Journal of the British Archaeo- logical Association. Vol. 1, etc. London, 18 45, etc. 8°. 2096. a-b. General Index to Vols. 1-30. London, 1875. 8°. 2096. b. & BB.O. Archaeological Institute. Archaeological Journal. Vols. 28-42, etc. London, 1871, etc. 8°. 2096. c-d. Index to Vols. 1-25. London, 1878. 8°. 2096. c. & BB.O. Archbold (J. P.) Chitty's Archbold's Practice of the Court of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, Divisions of the High Court of Justice. 14th edition by T. W. Chiity. 2 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2019. b. 12 ARC— AEI Archbold (J. P.) Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases. By J. Jervis. 19th edition, by W. Bruce. London, 1878. 8°. 2019. c. Archdall (M.) Monasticon Hibernicum. London, 1786. 4°. 2066. b. Archilochus. Fragmenta. Gr. [Gaisford's Poetse Minores Grseci, 3.] Lipsise, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Architectural Publication Society. Dictionary of Architecture issued by the Architectural Publication Society. Vol. 1-7, etc. London, 1853, etc. fol. 2031. g. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. See Bibliotheque Universale. Aretin (J. C.) Literarisches Handbuch fur die baierische Ge- schichte, etc. 2 Thle. Munchen, 18 10. 8°. BB. L. Argenville (A. J. Dezallier d') See Dezallier. Aribau (B. C.) Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles. Madrid, 18 A< 2042. , etc. e-2. 1. Cervantes. 2. N. y L. Fernandez de Moratin. 3. Novelistas anteriores a Cervantes. 4. Castellanos. 5. Tirso de Molina. [G. Tellez.] 6. 8, 11. Luis de Granada. 3 vol. 7. 9, 12, 14. Calderon. 4 vol. 10, 16. Romancero general, por A.Duran. 2 vol. 13, 62. Epistolario Espanol, por Ochoa. Vol. 1, 2. 15. Isla. 17, 29. Poemas epicos, por C. Eosell. 2 vol. 18, 33. Novelistas posteriores & Cer- vantes. 2 vol. 19, Quintana. 20, Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendoza. 21, 28. Historiadores de sucesos par- ticulares. 2 vol. 22, 26. Historiadores primitivos de Indias, por E. de Vedia. 2 vol. 23, 48, 69. Quevedo. Vol. 1-3. 24, 34, 41, 52. Lope de Vega. 4 vol. 25, Saavedra Fajardo y P. Fernandez Navarreto. 27, 37. Escri tores del siglo xvi. — Vol. 1. San Juan de la Cruz, P. Malon de Chaide, H. de Zarate. Vol. 2. Fray Luis de Leon. 30, 31. Mariana. 2 vol. 32, 42. Poetas liricos do los siglos xvi. y xvii., por A. de Castro. Vol. 1, 2. Contents. 35. Romancero Cancionero sagrados, por J. de Sancha. 36. Curiosidades bibliograficas, por A. de Castro. 38. Obras no dramaticas de Lope de Vega, por C. Rosell. 39. Moreto y Cabana: 40. Libros de Caballerias, por P. de Gayangos. 43, 45. Dramaticos contemporaneoa a Lope de Vega. Vol. 1, 2. 44. Alfonso X. La gran Conquista de Ultramar. 46, 50. Jovellanos. Vol. 1, 2. 47, 49. Dramaticos posteriores a Lope de Vega. Vol. 1, 2. 51. Escritoree en prosa anteriores al siglo xv., por P. de Gayangos. 53, 55. Santa Teresa. 2 vol. 54. Rojas Zorrilla. 56. Feyjoo. 57. Poetas Castellanos anteriores al siglo xv. Por T. A. Sancbez, &c. 58. Autos Sacrameutales. 59. Floridablanca. 60. Rivadeneira. 61. 63, 67. Poetas liricos del siglo xviii. por L. A. de Cueto. 3 vol. 64. Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolucion de Espaiia, por el Conde de Toreno. 65. Obras escogidas de filosofos. 66. 68, 70. Crunicas de los Reyes de Castilla, por C. Rosell. 3 vol. Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso. 5 vol. [Classici Italiani, 40-44.] Milano, 1 81 2-14. 8°. 2041. b. Bibliography. See Ferrazzi (G. J.) BB. G. Aristophanes. Comcediae, studio R. F. V. Brunch. Gr. & Lat. 4 vol. Argent. 1783, 81. 8°. 2051. e. AEI— AEN 13 Aristophanes. Comcedise et Fragments, ex rccensiono G. Dindorfii. Accedunt Menandri et Philemonis Fragmenta. Gr. & Lat. Didot : Paris. 1838. 8°. 2051. g. Aristophanis fabulae superstites et perditarum fragmenta. Gr. See Dindorfius (C. G.) Poetarum Scenicorum Graecorum fabulae. 2052. h. Aristophanis Comici quae snpersunt opera. Eecensuit F. II. M. Blaydes. 2 vol. Halis Saxonum, 1886". 8°. 2052. f. Scholia Grseca in Aristophanem. [Edited by F. Diibner.] Didot: Paris, 1842. 8°. 2052. g. A Complete Concordance to the Comedies and Fragments. By H. Dunbar. Oxford, 1883. 8°. 2052. b. Index Aristophanicus. See Caravella. 2051. 0. Aristotle. Opera omnia. Gr. & Lat. 5 vol. Didot: Paris. 1848- 74. 8°. 2051. g. Works. Translated by T. Taylor. 9 vol. London, 18 12. 4°. 2052. h. De Somno et Vigilia, de Insomniis, &c. libri. Eecensuit G. A. Becker. Lipsiae, 1823. 8°. 2051. d. Ethicorum Nicomacbeorum libri decern. Edidit C. L. Michelet. Gr. 2 vol. Berolini, 1836. 8°. 2051. d. Ethics. Illustrated with essays and notes by Sir Alexander Grant. Third edition. Gr. 2 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2051. d. Morale d'Aristote traduite par J. Barthelemy Saint-IIilaire. 3 torn. Pan's, 1856. 8°. 2053. g. Metaphysics. Translated with notes by T. Taylor. London, 1 801. 4°. 2052. h. Metaphysique d'Aristote traduite en francais avec des notes perpetuelles par J. Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. 3 torn. Paris, 1879. 8°. 2053. g. Armstrong (R. A.) Gaelic Dictionary. 2 pt. London, 1825. 4°. 2112. g. Army List (for the current year). London, 12°. 2121. e. See also Hart. Arnault (A. V.) and others. Biographie nouvelle des Contomporains. 20 vol. Paris, 1820, 25. 8°. 2034. e. Amobius. The seven books of Arnobius adversus Gentos. Trans- lated by A. II. Bryce and H. Campbell. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 19.] Edinburgh, 1811. 8°. 2011. a. Arnold (R.) Chronicle. ("Edited by F. Douce.] London, 181 1. 4°. 2070. c. Arnold (T.) and others. History of the Eoman Eepublic. Second edition, by E. Pococke. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1852. 8°. 2102. g. History of the Eoman Empire. Second edition, by E. Pococke. [Encyclopedia Metropolitana.] London, 1853. 8°. 2102. g. 14 ARN— ASH Arnold (T.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Second edition, by E. Pococke. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.'] London, 1853. 8°. 2102. g. Arnold (T. J. I.) Shakespeare-Bibliography in the Netherlands. The Hague, 1879. 8°. BB. G. Arnot(H.) History of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1779. 4°. 2066. b. Arnould (J.) Law of Marine Insurance. Sixth edition, by D. Maclachlan. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2018. d. Arnulphus, Bishop of Lisieux. Epistolse. [Giles. Patres Ecelesise Anglieanee.] Oxonise, 1844. 8°. 2011. b. Arouet de Voltaire (F. M.) CEuvres completes. 13 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. — PolygrapMe.] Paris, 1837, 36-38. 2043. f. A Philosophical Dictionary. With notes by A. Kneeland. 2 vol. Boston [Mass.], 1852. 4°. 2108. a. Memoirs. [Autobiography, 2.] London, 1S26. 12°. 2039. a. Arrenberg (R.) Alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken. See Abkoude. Arrian (F.) Anabasis et Indica emend avit F. Diibner. Reliqua Arriani collegit, Pseudo-Callisthenis historiam fabulosam edidit, Itinerarium Alexandri adjecit C. Midler. Gr. & Lat. Didot : Paris. 1846. 8°. 2051. g. De Expeditione Alexandri libri septem. Recensuit J. E. Ellendt. Gr. 2 vol. Begimontii Pruss. 1832. 8°. 2051. d. Arrowsmith (A.) Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo. See Alcedo. Geographical Dictionary of the Holy Scriptures. London, 1855. 8°. 2001. d. Arrowsmith. (J.) London Atlas. London, 1835. fol, 2060. f. Art. Art de verifier les Dates, avant l'ere Chretienne. [By F.Clement.] 5vol. Paris, 18 19. 8°. 2085. d. depuis la naissance de notre Seigneur. [By M. F. d'Antine and others.] 18 vol. and Table generale.] Paris, 1818-30. 8°. 2085. d. depuis l'annee 1770 jusqu'a nos jours. 18 vol. [and 2 of Tables to the first 12 vols.] Paris, 1821-44. 8°. 2085. d. e. Arvine (A. K.) Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes. New York. 1849. 8°. 2008. e. Asher (A.) Bibliographical Essay on the Voyages and Travels published by L. Hulsius and his successors, 1598-1660. London and Berlin, 1839. 8°. BB. I. Asher (G. M.) Bibliographical Essay on the Dutch books relating to the New Netherlands and to the Dutch West India Company. Amsterdam, 1854-67. 4°. BB. I. Ashmole (E.) History of the Order of the Garter. London, 171 5. 8°. 2119. a. , ■ Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter. London, 1672. fol. 2120. g. ASI-ATH 15 Asiatick Researches ; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. 20 vol. Calcutta, 1788-1836. 4°. 2098. e. Index to vol. 1-18. Calcutta, 1835. 4 °- 2098 - °- Transactions of the Physical Class of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Bart 1. Calcutta, 1829. 4°. 2098. e. Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Edited by J. Brinsep ; [afterwards by "the Secretaries."] Vol. 1, etc. [With Index to vols. 10 and 20 of the Asiatic Researches, and to vols. 1-23 of the Journal.] Calcutta, 1832, etc. 8°. 2097. a. & 2098. a-b. Asselineau (C.) Bibliographie Bomantique. Seconde edition aug- mentee. Paris, 1872. 8°. BB. G. Assemanus (J. S.) Bibliothcca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana. 4 vol. Bomae, 1719-28. fob 2049. e. Asser (J.) Menevensis, Bishop of Sherburn. De yElfredi rebus gestis. See Camden (W.) Anglica, etc. 1603. fob 2070. d. Annales. See Gale (T.) Beruui Anglicarum Scriptores vcteres. Vol. 3.' 1 69 1. fob 2072. d. Ast (F.) Lexicon Blatonicuin. 3 vol. Lipsise, 1835-38. 8°. 2052. 1). Astle (T.) Oiigin and Progress of Writing. Second edition. London, 1803. 4°. 2049. c. Aston ( W. G.) Grammar of the Japanese written language. London, 1872. 8°. 2115. d. Astronomical Society of London. Memoirs. Vol. 37, etc. London, 1869, etc. 4°. 2022. e. Index to Memoirs. Vol. 1-38. London, 187 1. 8°. 2022. e. Monthly Notices. Vol. 40, etc. London, 1880, etc. 8°. 2101. d. Index to Notices. Vol. 1-29. London, 1870. 8°. 2101. d. Catalogue of the Library to June, 1884. London, 1886. 8°. BB. E. Asvaghosha. The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. A life of Buddha, trans- lated into English by S. Beale. [Mueller's Sacred BooJcs of the East, vol. 19.] Oxford, 1883. 8°. 2003. a. Athanasius, Saint, Archbishop of Alexandria. Opera. 4 vol. [Caillau. Batres; 30-33.] Baris. 1842. 8°. 2008. a. Opera. Gr. & Lat. 4 vol. [Migne. Batrologise Cursus. Scries Grseca; 25-28.] Baris. 1857. 4°. 2009. c. Treatises, etc. 4 vol. [Busefs Library of Fathers.] Oxford, 1842-44. 8°. 2009. b. Athenaeum. The Atheneeum. Vol. l,etc. London, 1828, etc. Cat. Desk. 16 ATH— AILS Athenseus, Naucratita. 'AO-qvaiov Aei7rvocro<£ioTai. Athenaei Deip- nosophistarum libri quindecim. Ex optimis codicibus eniendavit et supplevit, nova Latina versione et animadversionibus illustravit J. Schweighseuser. Gr. & Lat. 14 torn. Argentorati, 1801-07. 8°. 2056. a Atkyns Sir (R.) Ancient and Present State of Glostershire. Second edition. London, 1768. fol. 2064. f. Atlantic Monthly. Index to Vol. 1-38. Boston, 1877. 8°. BB. O. Attaliata (Michael) Historia. Gr.&Lat. Eecognovitl. Bekkerus. [Byzantine History.'] Bonnse, 1853. 8°. 2067. h. Auberlen (C. A.) Divine Eevelation. Translated by A. B. Paton. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 4:th Series, 16. ~\ Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. 2014. g. Aubert de la Chenaye des Bois (P. A.) Dictionnaire de la Noblesse. (Becueil des Genealogies.) 15 vol. Paris, 1770-86. 4°. 2118. f. Aubigne (J. H. Merle d') See Merle. Aucher (P.) Dictionary, English and Armenian (Armenian and English), etc. 2 vol. Venice, 1821-25. 8°. 2115. d. Dictionnaire Francais-Armenien-Turc. Venise, 1840. 8°. 2115. d. Grammar, Armenian and English. Venice, 18 19. 8°. 2115. a. Augustan History. Historiae Augustse scriptores sex. Cum integris notis J. Casauboni, etc. 2 torn. Lugduni Batavorum, 1671. 8°. 2052. a. Augustinus, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Opera omnia. [With Index generalis.] 43 vol. [Caillau. P aires ; 108-148.] Paris. 1842. 8°. 2008. c-d. Opera omnia. (Supplementum.) 12 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus; 32-47.] Paris. 1845-49. 4°. 2009. d. Confessions [and other works, translated]. 12 vol. [Pusey's Library of Fathers.] Oxford, 1838-57. 8°. 2009. b. Confessions ; Meditations. [Pantheon Litteraire. Philosophie Chretienne.] Paris, 1835. 8°. 2043. b. Aurelius Victor (S.) Historia Eomana, in nsum Delphini. 2 vol. Valpy: Londini, 1829. 8°. 2055. g. Ausonius (D. M.) Opera omnia, in usuni Delphini. 3 vol. Valpy: Londini, 1823. 8°. 2054. b. Austin (J.) Lectures on Jurisprudence. Third edition. Eevised by E. Campbell. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2016. b. Australia. Handbook for Australia and New Zealand. Third edition. [S. W. Silver and Co.'s Handbooks.] London, 1880. 8°. 2057. b. The Year-Book of Australia [for the current year]. Sydney. 8°. 2121. b. AUS— BAC 17 Australian Handbook and Directory [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2121. e. Autobiography. 34 vol. London, 1826-33. 12°. 2039. a. Contents : — Ellwood, Baron Holberg, J. H. Vaux, Edward Gibbon, Benvenuto Cellini, James Lackington, Wolfe Tone, Mar- gravine of Bareith, Bubb Dodington, Goldoni, E. F. Vidocq, Mme. Du Barri, William Sampson, Silvio Pellico. _ Colley Cibber, David Hume, W. Lilly, Voltaire, Marmontel, Robert Drury, George Whitefield, James Ferguson, Mary Robinson, Charlotte Charke, Lord Herbert, Prince Eugene, Kotzebue, Capt. John Creichton, William (J iff ord, Thomas Autores Espanoles. Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles. See Aribau. 2042. e-g. Autos Sacramentales : coleccion por E. Gonzalez Pedroso. [Aribau. — Autores Espanoles ; 58.] Madrid, 1865. 8°. 2042. h. Aveling (S. T.) Heraldry : Ancient and Modern, including Bou- tell's Heraldry. London, [1874.] 8°. 2119. a. Axon (W. E. A.) Bibliographical list of Books illustrating the Lancashire Dialect. Bungay, 1875. 8°. BB. T. Ayala (M. d') Bibliografia Militare-Italiana. Torino, 1854. 8°. BB. E. Ayloffe (Sir J.) Bart. Calendars of Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scotish Rolls in the Tower of London. London, 1774. 4°. 2072. c. Ayscough (S.) Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the British Museum hitherto undescribed, including the collections of Sir Hans Sloane, T. Birch, &c. 2 vols. London, 1782. 4°. Cat. Desk. Index to the Gentleman's Magazine. See Gentleman's Maga- zine. Index to the Monthly Review. See Monthly Review. Index to Shakspeare. See Shakspere. Babington (C. C.) Manual of British Botany. Eighth edition. London, 1881. 8°. 2029. a. Bacchi della Lega (A.) Bibliografia dei Vocabolari ne' dialetti Italiani raccolti da G. Romagnoli. Seconda edizione. Bologna, 1879. 8°. BB. T. Bachelin-Deflorenne (A.) Etat present de la Noblesse Francaise, contenant le dictionnaire de la Noblesse contemporaine. Qua- trieme edition. Paris, 1873. 8°. 2118. f. Backer (A.) and (Alois de) Bibliotheque des Ecrivains de la Com- pagnie de Jesus. Nouvello edition. 3 vol. Liege, 1859-76. fol. 2008. s. 18 BAC— BAI Bacon (F.) Viscount St. Albans. Works. Edited by J. Spedding, B. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath. 14 vol. London, 1857-74. 8°. 2044. f. CEuvres philosophiques, morales et politiques. [Pantheon Litteraire—Philosojphie.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. c. Essays : with annotations by B. Whately. Second edition. London, 1857. 8°. 2023. a. Bacon (G. W.) Bacon's New Large-Scale Ordnance Atlas of London and suburbs. London, [1885.] fol. 2060. f. Bacon's New Quarto County Atlas of England and Wales. London, 1876. 4°. 2059. e. Bacon (J.) Liber Eegis, vel thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum. London, 1786. 4°. 2062. c. Bacon (Roger) Opera inedita. Edited by J. S. Brewer. Vol. 1. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1859. 8°. 2073.(15.) Baden (G. L.) Dansk Norsk Historisk Bibliothek. Odense, 181 5. 12°. BB. M. Badger (G. P.) The Nestorians and their Eituals. 2 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2002. b. English- Arabic Lexicon. London, 188 1. 4°. 2115. g. Bage (R.) Novels. [Novelists' Library, 9.] Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. 2044. e. Baglione (G.) Le Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, Architetti, ed Intaglia- tori [1572 to 1642]; con la vita di Salvator Bosa, da Or. B. Passari, etc. Napoli, 1733. 4°. 2031. f. Bail (L.) Sumina Conciliorurn omnium. 2 vol. Paris. 1675. fol. 2007. d. Bailey (H.) Bituale Anglo-Catholicon. Londini, 1847. 8°. 2002. b. Bailey (J.) Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. See Forcellini. Bailey (N.) Dictionarium Britannicum. A compleat Etymologi- cal English Dictionary. Second edition. London, 1736. fol. 2112. d. Baillet (A.) Jugemens des Savans. Augmentez par M. de la Mon- noye. 8 vol. Amsterdam, 1725. 4°. 2045. f. Bailly (A.) Histoiro financiere de la France. Pans, 1830. 8°. 2083. a Bain (A.) The Emotions and the Will. Third edition. London, 1875. 8 °- 2023. b. The Senses and the Intellect. Third edition. London, 1868. 8°. 2023. b. Bainbridge (W.) Treatise on the law of Mines and Minerals. Fourth edition. London, 1878. 8°. 2018. e. Baines (E.) History of the County of Lancaster. 4 vol. London, 1836. 4°. 2063. d. Now edition by J. Borland (and B. Herford). 2 vol. London, 1868-70. 4°. ' 2063. d. BAI— BAN 10 Baines (T.) History of Liverpool, etc. Lond. 1852. 8°. 2063. c. Baird (W.) Natural history of the British Entomostraca. [Ray Society.] London, 1850. 8°. 2027. d. Baker (D. E.) Biographia Dramatica. With additions by S. Junes. 3 vol. London, 1 81 2. 8°. 2039. d. Baker (G.) History and Antiquities of tho County of Northampton. 5 pt. in 2 vol. London, 1822-41. fol. 2062. f. Baker (iSir R.) Chronicle of the Kings of England [continued to 1727]. London, 1730. fol. 2070. d. Baldamus (E.) Die Erscheinungon der doutschen Litoratur, 1876- 80 auf dem Gobiete der Medicin und Pkarmacie. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Die literariscben Erscheinungen 1856-1880 auf dem Gobiete der Land- und Haus-wirtbschaft. Prag, 1867-81. 8°. BB. E. Die literarischen Erscheinungen 1845-1879 auf dem Gebiete der Kriegswissenschaft (und Bferdekunde). Prag, 1865-80. 8°. BB. E. Schleswig-Holstein Literatur, 1863-6-1. Prag, 1865. 8°. BB. M. and Haupt (R.) Die literarischen Erscheinungen, 1865-79 auf dem Gebiete der katholischen Theologio. Reudnitz, 1870-81. 8°. BB. A. Baldinucei (F.) Opere. 14 vol. [Glassici Italiani ; 189-202.] Milano, 1808-12. 8°. 2041. f. Notizie dei professori del disegno. 5 vol. Firenze, 1845—47. 8°. 2032. d. Baldwin (E. T.) Treatise on the law of Bankruptcy. Fifth edition. London, 1887. 8°. 2019. c. Balfour (E.) Cyclopaedia of India. Third edition. 3 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2059. b. Balfour (F. M.) Treatise on Comparative Embryology. 2 vol. London, 1 8 80-81. 8°. 2027. e. Balfour (J. H.) Class Book of Botany. Third edition. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 2029. a. Manual of Botany. Third edition, by J. Williams. [Encyclo- jpsedia Metropolitana.~] London, 1855. 8°. 2102. g. Balkema (C. H.) Biographie des Peintres Flamands et Ilollandais, etc. Gand, 1844. 8°. 2032. 0. Bancroft (G.) History of the United States. Revised edition. 6 vol. London, 1816. 8°. 2085. a. Baness (J. F.) Index Geoeraphicus Indicus. Calcutta, 1881. 8°. 2059. b. Banks (Sir J.) Catalogus Bibliothecse historico-naturalis Jos. Banks. See Dryander. 2028. a. Banks (T. C.) Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England. 5 vol. London, 1808-57. 4°. 2119. f. C 2 20 BAP— BAE Baptist Handbook [fur the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. Barbie du Bocage (V. A.) Bibliographic Annaruite. Park, 1867. 8°. BB. I. Barbier (A. A.) Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonynies. Troisierue edition. 4 vol. Paris, 1872-78. 8°. 2048. d. Exanien critique et complement des dictionnaires historiques. Vol. 1 (A— J). Pans, 1820. 8°. 2035. a. No more published. Barbosa-Machado (D.) Bibliotheca Lusitana. 4 vol. Lisboa, 1741-59. fol. 2050. g. Barclay (H.) Digest of the Law of Scotland. Third edition. Edinburgh, 1865. 8°. 2017. d. Bardsley (C. W.) Our English Surnames, their sources and significance. Second edition. London, 1875. 8°. 2119. a. Baretti (G.) Opere. 4 vol. [Classici Italiani; 371, 372.] Milano, 1838-39. 8°. 2042. d. Dictionary, English and Italian [and Ital.-Eng.] 2 vol. London, 1778. 4°. 2117. d. Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, by Davenport and Comelati. 2 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2116. c. Dictionary, English and Spanish [and Span.-Eng.]. 2 vol. London, 1786. 4°. 2117. d. See also Neuman and Baretti. Baring (D. E.) Succincta nota Scriptorum rorum Brunsvicensium et Lunebergensium. Hanoverse, 1729. 8°. BB. M. Barnes (J.) History of Edward in. Cambridge, 1688. fol. 2070. d. Barnwell Abbey. History and Antiquities of Barnwell Abbey and of Sturbridge Fair. [Bibliotheca Topograjphica Britannica ; Vol. 5, No. 38.] London, 1786. 4°. 2061. c. Baronius (C.) Cardinal. See Torniellus. Annales Ecclesiastici [a.d. 1-1198, and with the continuation of Baynaldus to 1565. Edited by J. D. Mansi and D. Georgius.] 38 vol. [including "Apparatus" and " Index universalis."] Lucse, 1738-59. fol. 2007. e-f. Annales Ecclesiastici ab anno 1566. Auctore J. de Laderchio. 3 vol. Bomse, 1728-37. fol. 2006. c. Barrera y Leirado (C. A. de la) Oatalogo bibliografico y biografico del Teatro Antiguo Espanol, etc. Madrid, i860. 8°. BB. G. Barrett (R. A. F.) Synopsis of Criticisms upon the Old Testament. 3 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2001. c. Barrett (W.) History of Bristol. Bristol, [1789.] 4°. 2066. b. Barri (Giraldus de), Cambrensis. Opera. Edited by J. S. Brower. Vol. 1-4. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1861-73. 8°. 2073. (21.) BAE— BAS 21 Barri (Giraldus de), Cambrcnsis. Opera. Vol. 5-7. Edited by J. F. Dimock. London, 1867-77. 8°. 2073.(21.) Topographia Hiborniao : — Expugnatio Hibernian : — Itincrarium Cambria : — Cambrian descriptio. See Camden (W.) Anglica, etc. 1603. fob 2070. d. Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, 1188. Trans- lated by Sir R. C. Hoare. 2 vol. London, 1806. 4°. 2066. c. Barros y Souza (M. P. de), Viscount de Santarem. Histoiro de la Cosniographie et de la Cartographie pendant lo rnoyon age. 3 vol. Paris, 1849-52. 8°. 2057. b. Barthelmess (R.) Bibliographic der Freimanrerei in Amerika. New York, 1865. 8°. BB. A. Bartholomew (J.) F.E.G.S. Gazetteer of the British Isles. Edin- burgh, 1887. 8°. 2059. c. Bartlett (B.) Manduossedum Romanorum : being the history of the Parish of Manceter, Warwick. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 9, No. 1.] London, 1791. 4°. 2061. c. Bartlett (J. R.) Bibliography of Rhode Island. Providence, 1864. 8°. BB. K. Dictionary of Americanisms. Fourth edition. Boston, 1877. 8°. 2112. c. The Literature of the Rebellion. Together with works on American Slavery. Boston, 1866. 8°. BB. M. Bartoloccius (J.) Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica. 4 vol. Bomse, 1675-93. fob 2049. e. Bartolommeo da S. Concordio. Ammaestramenti degli antichi. [Classici Italiani ; 21.] Milano, 1808. 8°. 2041. a. Barton (G. B.) Literature in New South Wales. Sydney, 1866. 8°. 2048. b. Bartsch (A.) Le Peintre Graveur. 21vol. Vienne, 1803-21. 8°. 2033. c. d. Bartsch (C.) Bibliographischo Uebersicht der Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete dor deutschen Philologie, 1864-1870. Wien, 1865-7 1. 8°. BB. T. Baruffaldi (G.) Ad Rituale Romanum commentaria. Ycnet. 1763. fob 2003. g. Vite de' Pittori o Scultori Ferraresi. 2 vol. Ferrara. 1844-46. 8°. 2032. d. Basil, Saint, Archbishop of Csesarea. Opera. 5 vol. Waittau. Patres; 42-46.] Paris, 1842. 8°. 2008. b. Opera. Gr. and Lat. 4 vol. [Migne. Patrohgiae Cursus. Series Grseca ; 29-32.] Paris, 1857. 4°. 2010. g. Baskerville (A.) Practical German Grammar. Cologne, 1865. 8°. 2117. a. Bastian (A.) Die Voelker des Oestlichen Asien. 6 vol. Leipzig, 1866-71. 8°. 2058. b. 22 BAT— BEC Bate (J.) Cyclopedia of illustrations of moral and religions truths. London, 1865. 8°. 2002. a. Bateman (J.) The Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland. Fourth edition. London, 1883. 8°. 2119. a. Bateman (T.) Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derbyshire, and the sepulchral usages of its inhabitants. By T. B., assisted by S. Glover. London, 1848. 8°. 2062. a. Bates (W.) College Lectures on Christian Antiquities and the Kitual of the English Church. London, 1845. 8°. 2001. b. Baudrand (M. A.) Lexicon geographicum. See Ferrarius. 2058. d. Baumgarten (M.) The Acts of the Apostles ; or, History of the Church in the Apostolic Age. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison [and T. Meyer]. 3 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; N. S., 2-4.] Edin. 1854. 8°. 2014. e. Baxter (J. A.) Church History of England. Second edition. London, 1849. 8°. 2003. d. Bayle (P.) Dictionaire historique et critique. Troisieme edition. 4 vol. Botterdam, 1720. fol. 2037. g. For Supplement, see Chaufepie. Nouvelle edition. 16 vol. Paris, 1820. 8°. 2037. c. Dictionary, historical and critical. Second edition, enlarged by Mr. Des Maizeaux. 5 vol. London, 1734-38. fol. 2037. f. Beale (L. S.) How to Work with the Microscope. Fifth edition. London, 1880. 8°. 2022. a. The Microscope in Medicine. Fourth edition. London, 1878. 8°. 2022. a. Beanies (J.) A Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India. 3 vol. London, 1872-79. 8°. 2115. b. Beatson (R.) Chronological Begister of both Houses of the British Parliament, from 1708 to 1807. 3 vol. London, 1807. 8°. 2082. a. Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland. Third edition. 3 vol. London, 1806. 8°. 2082. a. Beaumarchais (P. A. Caron de). See Caron. Beaumont (F.) and Fletcher (J.) Works. By G. Darley. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8°. 2046. f. Beauties of England and Wales. See Brayley and Britton. 2061. a-b. Beccaria Bonesana (C.) Marquis. Opera. 2 vol. [Classici Italiani; 293, 294.] Milano, 1821-22. 8°. 2042. a. Becdelievre-Hamal (A. G. de) Biographic Liegoise, etc. 2 vol. Liege, 1836-37. 8°. • 2038. e. Becker (C. F.) Darstellung dor musikalischcn Literatur. Leipzig, 1836-39. 4°. BB. G. BEC-BEL 23 Becker (C. F.) Die Tonwerko des xvi. und xvn. Jahrhunderts. Zweite Ausgabe. Leipzig, 18 5 5. 4°. BB. G. Verzeichniss oiner Sarnmlung von musikalischen Schriften. Zweite Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1846. 4°. BB. G. Beeket (Thomas a). See Thomas [a Becket] Saint. Beckmann (J.) Literatur der iilteren Reisebeschreibungen. 2 Bde. Gottingen, 1807-10. 8°. BB. I. Beda, the Venerable. Opera omnia. 6 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus; 90-95.] Paris. 1850,51. 4°. 2009. e. f. Works, in Latin : accompanied by a new Englisb translation of the Historical Works, etc. 12 vol. [Giles. Patres Ecclesise Anglicanse.] London, 1843, 44. 8°. 2010. b. Historia Ecclesiastica : recensuit J. Stevenson. 2 vol. [English Historical Society.] London, 1838-41. 8°. 2071. c. Beddoe (J.) The Races of Great Britain. A Contribution to the Anthropology of Western Europe. Bristol, 1885. 8°. 2028. c. Bedfordshire. Collections towards the History and Antiquities of Bedfordshire : containing the parishes of Puddington, Luton and Dunstable. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 4, No. 8.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. Additions to Luton and Dunstable. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica; vol. 4, No. 26.] London, 1784. 4°. 2061. c. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Bedrosian (M.) New Dictionary Armenian-English. Venice, 1875-79. 8°. 2115. d. Beelen (J. T.) Chrestomathia Rabbinica et Chaldaica. 3 vol. Lovanii, 1841-43. 8°. 2114. a. Beelitz (C.) Architectur Katalog. Fiinfte Auflage. Berlin, 1861. 8°. BB. E. Beesley (A.) History of Banbury, etc. London, 1841. 8°. 2063. a. Beeton (S. O.) The Book of Garden Management. Illustrated. London, [1885, 86.] 8°. 2029. d. Bekynton (T.) Memorials of the Reign of Henry vi. Official Correspondence of Thomas Bekynton, Secretary to Henry vi., and Bishop of Bath and Wells. Edited by G. Williams. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1872. 8°. 2073.(56.) Belgium. Bibliographie de Belgique. Journal officiel do la Librairie. Bruxelles, 1880, etc. 8°. BB. R. Introduction a la Bibliographie de Belgique. Releve de tous les ecrits periodiques, etc. Bruxelles, 1878. 8°. BB. O. Biographie Nationale publico par l'Academie Royale de Belgique. Tom. 1-10, etc. Bruxelles, 1866, etc. 8°. 2036. d. Handbook for Travellers. See Holland. 2057. a. Bell (G. J.) Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland. Seventh edition, by McLaren. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 2016. f. 24 BEL— BEN Bell (J.) Laws of Excise. Eevised by J. H. Dwelly. London, 1873. 8°. 2018. d. Bell (R.) Eminent English Poets. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Biography.] London, 1839. 8°. 2103. e. History of Bussia. 3 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History'.] London, 1836-38. 8°. 2103. d. Bell (T.) History of British Quadrupeds. London, 1874. 8°. 2027. e. History of British Eeptiles. London, 1849. 8°. 2027. e. History of British Stalk-eyed Crustacea. London, 1853. 8°. 2027. e, Bellamy (J. W.) Concordance to the Holy Bible, etc. [With IfOyly and Mant's Commentary ; vol. 2.] London, 1 8 1 8. 4°. 2001. g. (4.) Beltz (G. F.) Memorials of the Order of the Garter. London, 1 841. 8°. 2119. f. Bembo (P.) Cardinal. Opere. 12 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 55-66.] Milano, 1808-10. 8°. 2041. b. Bemmelen (J. A. van) Eepertorium annuum Literaturae Botanicae periodicae. Vol. 1-5. See Eepertorium. 2029. d. Benedict, Saint. Opera omnia. [Migne. Patrologiae Cursus ; 103.] Paris. 1 85 1. 4°. 2009. f. Benedictus, Abbas Petroburgensis. De Vita et Gestis Henrici 11. et Eicardi 1. Edidit T. Hearnius. 2 vol. Oxonise, 1735. 8°. 2072. a. Gesta Eegis Henrici Secundi. The Chronicle of the reigns of Henry 11. and Eichard 1. a.d. 1169-1192. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1867. 8°. 2073. (49.) Benfey (T.) Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language. Second edition. London, 1868. 8°. 2115. b. Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London, 1866. 8°. 2115. c. Bengel (J. A.) Gnomon Novi Testamenti. London, 1855. 8°. 2002. f. Benham (W.) Dictionary of Eeligion. London, 1887. 8°. 2015. c. Benjaeob (I. A.) Ozar Ha-Sepharim. Thesaurus Librorum He- braicorum tarn impressorum quam manuscriptorum. Wilna, 1880. 8°. BB. T. Benjamin (J. P.) The Law of Sale of personal property. Fourth edition, by A. B. Pearson and H. F. Boyd. London, 1888. 8°. 2018. d. Bennett (J. H.) Clinical Lectures on the principles and practice of Medicine. Fifth edition. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. 2026. b. Benoit, Trouvhe. Chixmique des Dues de Normandio, publiee par F. Michel. 3 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. 1 Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1836-44. 49. 2082. e. BEN— BER 25 Bentham (G.) Handbook of tho British Flora. Fifth edition. Re- vised by Sir J. D. Hooker. London, 1887. 8°. 2029. a. Illustrations of the British Flora drawn by W. II. Fitch and W.G.Smith. Second edition. London, 1887. 8°. 2029. a. Bentham (G.) and Hooker (Sir J. D.) Genera Plantarum. Vol. 1 -3. Londini, 1862-83. 8 °- 2029 - b - Bentham (James) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Ely. Second edition. Norwich, 1812. 4°. 20G5. e. Supplement. By W. Stevenson. Norwich, 18 17. 4°. ■ 2065. e. Bentivoglio (G.) Cardinal. Opere storiche. 5 vol. [Classici Italiani; 184-188.] Milano, 1806-07. 8°. 2041. f. Bentley (S.) Excerpta historica ; or, Illustrations of English His- tory. London, 1831. 8°. 2070. b. Bereblocus (J.) Commentarii de rebus gestis Oxonia3, 1566. See Richard II. 2072. a. Berg (E. von) Repertorium der Literatur iiber die Mineralogie, Geologie, &c. Russlands bis 1700. St. Petersburg, 1862. 8°. BB. E. Bergenroth (G. A.) Calendar of State Papers — Spain. See State Papers. Foreign Series. Berghaus (H.) Physikalischer Atlas. 2 Bde. Gotha, 1845-48. fol. 2059. e. Bergman (J. T.) Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Wallonne deposee a Leide. Leide, 1875. 8 °- BB. A. Berington (J.) The Faith of Catholics on certain points of contro- versy confirmed and attested. Third edition, by J. Waterworth. 3 vol. London, 1846. 8°. 2011. b. Literary History of the Middle Ages. Lon. 1814. 4°. 2044. g. Berkeley (G.) Bishop of Cloyne. Works. By A. C. Fraser. 4 vol. Oxford, 187 1. 8°. 2023. c. Berkeley (M. J.) Outlines of British Fungology. London, i860. 8°. 2029. a. Berkenhout (J.) Biographia Literaria. Vol. 1. London, 1777. 4°. 2035. h. Berkshire. Collections towards a Parochial History of Berkshire. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 4. No. 16.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Berlin. — Konigl. Geologische Berg.-Akademie. Katalug der Bibliothek. 2pt. Berlin, 1876-80. 8°. BB. E. Konigl. Statistisches Bureau. Katalog der Bibliothek. 2 pt. Berlin, 1874, 79. 4°. BB. C. Societas Begia Scientiarum. Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen der K. Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften von 1710-1870 in alphabetischen Folge der Verfasser. Berlin, 1871. 8°. 2048. b. 26 BER— BES Berlin. — Societas Begia Scientiarum. Corpus Inscriptionuin Atticarum. Berolini, 1873, etc. 4°. 2068. g. Corpus Inscriptiormrn Latinarum. Adjectas sunt tabula? lithograph*}. Berolini, 1862, etc. 4° and fol. 2068. f. Corpus Inscriptionurn Graecaium. Edidit A. Boeckhius, etc. 4 vol. Berolini, 1828-77. fol. 2068. g. Exempla scripturse epigraphies latinse a Cassaris dicta- tors morte ad setatem Justiniani. Auctarium Corporis Inscrip- tionurn Latinarum. Berolini, 1885. fol. 2068. g. Bernard, Saint. Opera omnia. 4 vol. [Migne. Batrologise Cursus ; 182-185.] Paris. 1844, 55. 4°. 2010. d. Traite de la Consideration. [Pantheon Litteraire. — Philosophic Chretienne.] Paris, 1835-4. 8°. 2043. b. Bernard (A. J.) De l'origine et des debuts de l'lmprimerie en Europe. 2 vol. Paris, 1853. 8°. 2048. c. Eecueil des Chartes de l'Abbaye de Cluny, forme par A. Ber- nard. Publie par A. Bruel. 3 torn. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. l re Serie. Eistoire Politique.] Paris, 1876- 84. 4°. 2082. c. Bernard (E.) Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Anglias et Hibernise in unum collecti. Oxonise, 1697. fol. 2050. g. Bernardes Branco (M.) Portugal e os Estrangeiros. 2 torn. Lisboa, 1879. 8°. BB. I. Bernd (C. S. T.) Allgemeine Schriftenkunde der gesammten Wappenwissenschaft. 4 Thle. £0^,1830-41. 8°. BB. T. Berni (F.) Opere burlesche. [Classici Baliani ; 49.] Milano, 1806. 80. 2041. b. Orlando Innamorato di M. M. Bojardo : rifatto da F. B. 4 vol. [Classici Baliani ; 48.] Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. b. Bernolak (A.) Lexicon Slavicum Boheniico-Latino-Germanico- Ungaricum. 6 vol. Budw, 1825-27. 8°. 2117. a. Berry (W.) County Genealogies. (Berkshire, Bucks and Surrey; Kent, Sussex, Essex, Herts, Hants.) 6 vol. London, i83o[~4i]. fol. 2120. f. Encyclopaedia Heraldica. 4 vol. London, 1828. 4°. 2121. f. _ Genealogica Antiqua; or, mythological and classical tables. London, 18 16. fol. 2120. f. Bertheau (E.) Commentary on the Book of Chronicles. Trans- lated by J. Martin. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library, N.S., 16.] Edinburgh, 1857. 8°. 2014. e. Bertocci (D. G.) Bepertorio bibKografico dello opere stampate in Italia nel secolo xix. 2 vol. Boma, 1876-80. 8°. BB. M. Bescherelle (L. N.) Dictionnaire national de la langue francaise. Cinquieme edition. 2 vol. Paris, 1857. 4°. 2117. c. and Devars (G.) Grand Dictionnaire de Geographic univer- selle. 4 vol. Pans, 1856, 57. 4°. 2057. g. BES— BIB 27 Best (W. M.) Principles of the Law of Evidence. Seventh edition, by J. M. Lely. London, 1875. 8°. 2017. b. Betant (E. A.) Lexicon Thucydidenm. 2 vol. Genevse, 1843-47. 8°. 2051. f. Betham (W.) Baronetage of England. 5 vol. London, 1801-05. 4°. 2119. f. Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World. London, 1795. fol. 2121. g. Betts (J.) Family Atlas. London, [1847.] fol. 2059. e. Beveridge (W.) Bishop of St. Asaph. Theological Works. 12 vol. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1842-48. 8°. 2014. a. Bewick (T.) and (J.) Catalogue of works illustrated by T. and J.Bewick. London, 185 1. 4°. BB. G. Bianchi (T. X.) Dictionnaire Turc-Franoais. See Kieffer and Bianchi. 2115. c. Bible. [Polyglott.] Biblia Polyglotta. Edidit B. Waltonus. 6 vol. Londini, 1657. fol. 2000. g. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Auctore S. Lee. Bagster : London, 1 83 1. fol. 2000. g. Biblia Hexaglotta. (The Septnagint, the Syriac of the New Testament, Vulgate, Authorised English, German, and French.) 6 torn. Londini, 1874-76. 4°. 2001. g. [Greek.] Vetus et Novum Testamentum ; ex antiquissimo Codice Vaticano. Edidit A. Maius. 5 vol. Bomse, 1857. 4°. 2000. f. [Latin.] Bibliorum Sacrorum Vulgate Versionis editio. 2 vol. Paris. 1785. 4°. 2000. f. Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatae exemplaria denuo edidit A. C. Fillion. Parisiis, 1887. 8°. 2001. c. [English.] Holy Bible. [With Apocrypha.] Oxford, 1769. 4°. 2001. f. Holy Bible, translated from the Vulgate ; the Dowa.y Old Testa- ment, 1609; and the Bhemes New Testament, 1582. With annotations, &c, and approved by Dr. Troy. Dublin, 18 16. 4°. 2000. f. Holy Bible. By G. D'Oyly and E. Mant. 2 vol. in 3 pt. [With Apocrypha, Indexes and Concordance.] Oxford, 181 7, 18. 4°. 2001. g. Holy Bible. Cambridge, 1825. 4°. 2000. f. Holy Bible. By Adam Clarke. 6 vol. London, 1836. 8°. 2001. 0. Holy Bible. By T. Scott. Fisher: London, [1841-44.] 4°. 2000. e. Exposition on the Old and New Tostaments, by M. Henry. 3 vol. London, [1846-48.] 4°. 2000. e. 28 BIB Bible. Pictorial Biblo. By J. Kitto. 4 vol. London, 1855, 56. 8°. 2000. e. Paragraph Bible. 'Religious Tract Society : London, 1849. 16°. 2001. a. Holy Bible, with the Apocryphal books, in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by Wycliffe and his fol- lowers. Edited by J. Forshall and Sir F. Madden. 4 vol. Oxford, 1850. 4°. 2000. f. Holy Bible; with notes by G. L. Haydock and others. Collated by F. C. Husenbeth. 2 vol. London, [1850.] 4°. 2000. f. Annotated Paragraph Bible. 6 pt. in 2 vol. Religious Tract Society: London, 1850-60. 8°. 2000. d. Holy Bible according to the authorized version (a.d. 1611), with Commentary and a Eevision of the Translation by Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church. Edited by F.C.Cook. 10vol. London, 187 1-8 1. 8°. 2001. d. The Apocrypha. Edited by H. Wace. 2 vol. London, 1888. 8°. 2001. d. Holy Bible. Edited with various renderings, etc., by T. K. Cheyne and others. London, 1876. 8°. 2000. b. The Holy Bible: being the version set forth a.d. 1611 revised. Cambridge, 1885. 8°. 2000. e. The Parallel Bible. Being the Authorised Version arranged in parallel columns with the Eevised version. Oxford, 1885. 4°. 2000. e. [French.] La Sainte Bible. Traduite sur la Vulgate par M. Le Maistre de Saci. 2 vol. Paris, 1730. 4°. 2000. e. La Sainte Bible. Eevue sur les Originaux & retouchee dans le langage, avec notes, par D. Martin. 2 vol. Basle, 1736. 4°. 2000. e. Old Testament. [Hebrew and English.] Jewish School and Family Bible : — Pentateuch ; Historical parts ; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve Minor Prophets ; Hagiography. By A. Benisch. 4 vol. London, 1851-61. 8°. 2000. c. Historical and Critical Commentary on the Old Testament, with a new translation. By M. Kalisch. — Exodus, Genesis, Leviticus. 4 vol. London, 1855-72. 8°. 2000. c. : [Hebrew.] Biblia Hebraica : digessit J. Jahn. 4 vol. Viennse, 1806. 8°. 2000. c. Biblia Hebraica secundum editiones J. Athirc, J. Leusden, J. Simonis aliorumque, imprimis E. van der Ilooght, cum addi- tionibus clavique Masoretica et Eabbinica A. Hahn. Novi Eboraci, 1849. 8°. 2000. b. [Greeh.] Vetus Testamentum Graicum juxta Septuaginta interpretes, etc. 2 vol. Didot : Paris. 1839. 8 °- 2052. g. Vetus Testamentum Grace juxta Septuaginta interpretes. Textum Vaticanum Komanum emendatius edidit, prolegomem's uberrimis instruxit C. do Tischendorf. Editio sexta recoe;novit E. Nestle. 2 torn. Lipsive, 1880. 8°. 2000. b BIB 29 Bible. — Old Testament. The Septuagint Version according to the Vatican text, translated into English. By Sir L. C. L. Brenton. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8°. 2000. d. [English.] Commentary on the Old Testament and the Apocryphal Books. By Bishop Patrick, W. Lowth, and Arnald. 5 vol. London, 1765-66-44-52. fol. 2001. g. Exposition of the Old Testament. By J. Gill. 4 vol. London, 1852-54. 8°. 2001. e. The Old Testament. With a brief Commentary by various authors. 5 vol. S. P. G. E. : London, 1876-80. 8°. 2000. b. ■ Genesis.— Appendix. The Pentateuch according to the Talmud. Genesis with a Talmudic Commentary by P. L. Ilershon. Translated. London, 1883. 8 °- 2001. b. Job. Notes on Job ; with a new translation by A. Barnes. 2 vol. London, 1851. 8°. 2000. b. Lectures on the Book of Job. By G. S. Bradley. Oxford, 1887. 8°. 2001. b. Psalms. The Book of Psalms ; a new translation, with introductions and notes. By J. J. S. Perowne. Pifth edition, revised. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2001. c. Proverbs. A commentary on the book of Proverbs. By M. Stewart. New York, 1852. 8°. 2001. a. Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes ; or, the Preacher, with notes and introduction by E. H. Plumptre. Cambridge, 1881. 8°. 2001. b. Isaiah. Notes on the Old Testament — Isaiah. By A. Barnes. 2 vol. Glasgow, [185 1.] 8°. 2000. b. The Prophecies of Isaiah. A new translation, with commentary and appendices, by T. K. Cheyne. Second edition, revised. 2 vol. London, 1882. 8°. 2001. o. Jeremiah. Jeremiah and Lamentations translated, with a commentary, by E. Henderson. London, 185 1. 8°. 2001. c. Ezekiel. Ezekiel, translated, with a commentary, by E. Henderson. London, 1855. 8°. 2001. c. Daniel. Notes on the Old Testament. — Daniel. By A. Barnes. 2 vol. Glasgow, [1853.] 8°. 2000. b. Minor Prophets. An attempt towards an improved ver- sion of the Twelve Minor Prophets. By W. Newcome. London, 1836. 8°. 2001. d. The Book of the twelve Minor Prophets : translated with a Commentary by E. Henderson. Second edition. London 1858. 8°. 2001. c. The Minor Prophets, with a commentary and intro- ductions by E. B. Pusey. Oxford, 1860-77. 4°. 2001. g. Apocrypha. The Apocrypha. Edited by Henry Wace. 2 vol. See supra: Holy Bible. Editod by F. C. Cook. 1871 etc. 8°. 2001. d! 30 BIB Bible. — Old Testament. — Apocrypha.— Wisdom of Solomon. [Polyglott.] 2oc£ia taXwfxwv. The Book of Wisdom. The Greek Text, the Latin Vulgate and the authorised English version. With an introduction and commentary by W. J. Deane. Oxford, 1 88 1. 4°. 2002. a. New Testament. [Greek & Latin.'] Novum Testamentum Greece et Latine, lectiones variantes Stephani et Griesbachii notavit, venerabili Jager in consilium adhibito, C. Tischendorf. Didot: Paris. 1842. 8°. 2052. g. [Greek & English.'] The English Hexapla. The New Testament in Greek, with six English translations [viz. Wiclif's, Tyndale's, Cranmer's, the Genevan, Anglo-Khemish and Authorized]. The Greek Text after Scholz. Preceded by an historical account of the English translations. Bagster : London, 1841. 4°. 2000. f. The Parallel New Testament, Greek and English : being the authorised version set forth in 1611, arranged in parallel columns with the revised version of 1881, and with the Greek text. Oxford, 1882. 8°. 2002. d. [GreeJc] Novum Testamentum Greece. Eecensuit C. Tischendorf. Editio octava critica major. 2 vol. Lipsise, 1869- 72. 8°. 2000. b. 'H Katv?/ AiaOrjKTj. The New Testament, with readings from Griesbach, etc. Bagster: London, 1851. 8°. 2002. c. Greek Testament with the readings adopted by the Kevisers of the Authorised Version. Oxford, 1881. 8°. 2002. d. New Testament. The text revised by B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort. 2 vol. Cambridge, 188 1. 8°. . 2000. b. Greek Testament. By H. Alford. New edition. 4 vol. London, 1883-84. 8°. 2002. c. New Testament, in Greek. With notes by C. Words- worth. 4pt. London, 1886-87-82. 4°. 2002. f. Greek Testament, with English Notes. By S. T. Bloom- field. Ninth edition. 2 vol. London, 1855. 8°. 2002. c. Critical Annotations on the New Testament : being a Supplemental Volume. By S. T. Bloomfield. London, i860. 8°. 2002. c. Greek Testament. With Notes by W. Webster and W. F. Wilkinson. 2 vol. London, 1 855-61. 8°. 2002. c. [Latin.] Novum Testamentum Latino, interprets Hier- onymo. Edidit C. Tischendorf. Lipsise, 1850. 4°. 2005. h. New Testament. A literal translation from the Syriac Peshito version, by J. Murdock. New York, 1851. 8°. 2002. d. Exposition of the New Testament. By J. Gill. 2 vol. London, 1852-53. 8°. 2001. e. A New Testament Commentary for English Readers by various writers. Edited by C. J. Ellicott, Bishop of Gloucester. 3 vol. London, [1878-79.] 4°. 2002. f. BIB 31 Bible. — New Testament. — New Testament ; being tho version set forth a.d. 1611 and revised a.d. 1881. Oxford, 1881. 8°. 2002. d. The Parallel New Testament : being the authorised version set forth in 1G11 arranged in parallel columns with tho revised version of 1881. Oxford, 1882. 4°. 2002. d. Notes on tho New Testament. By A. Barnes. [New edition by A. Frew.] 11 vol. London, [1884-85.] 8°. 2001. b. [Hebrew.] nw *SJ bv fTBHri IVQ London, 18 17. 8°. 2002. c. Gospels. — Harmonies. Harmony of the Gospels in Greek. Revised by E. Eobinson. Andover [U.S.], 1834. 8°. y L J 2002. c. Treasury, Harmony and Exposition of the Four Evangelists. By E. Mimpriss. London, [1855.] 4°. 2001. f. Synopticon. An exposition of the common matter of the Synoptic Gospels. By W. G. Rushbrooke. London, 1880, etc. fol. 2000. g. John, Gospel of. The Gospel according to St. John, tho Authorised Version, with introduction and notes by B. F. West? cott. London, 1882. 8°. 2002. c. Acts, &c. [English.] The Apostolical Acts and Epistles from the Peschito or ancient Syriac : to which are added the remaining Epistles and the Book of Revelation, after a later Syrian text. Translated by J. W. Etheridge. London, 1849. 12°. 2001. a. Corinthians. [English.] Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians: with Notes by A. P. Stanley. Fourth edition. London, 1876. 8°. 2002. d. Thessalonians, &c. [Greek and English.] Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians, Romans, with Notes, &c. by B. Jowett. 2 vol. Second edition. London, 1859. 8°. 2002. d. Galatians. [Greek.] St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, with introduction, notes, &c. by J. B. Lightfoot. London and Cambridge, 1865. 8°. 2001. b. Philippians. [Greek.] St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. With introduction, notes, &c, by J. B. Lightfoot. London and Cambridge, 1868. 8°. 2001. 7. Colossians, &c. [Greek.] St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. With introduction, notes, &c. by J. B. Lightfoot. London, 1875. 8 °- 2001 - b - Epistles of St. John. Epistles of St. John. The Greek Text with notes and essays by B. F. Westcott. London, 1883. 8°. 2002. e. Revelation. [English.] Commentary on the Apocalypse. By M.Stuart. 2 vol. Andover [U.S.], 1845. 8°. 2002. d. Hor«3 Apocalypticai. By E. B. Elliot. Fifth edition. 4 vol. London, 1862. 8°. 2002. d. 32 BIB Bible. — New Testament. — Revelation. Lectures on the Apoca- lypse. By F. D. Maurice. Second edition. London, 1885, 8°. 2001. a. Apocrypha. Apocryphal New Testament, translated. [Edited by W. Hone.] London, 1820. 8°. 2002. e. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Bevelations. Trans- lated by A. Walker. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 16.] Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 2011. a. Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti: the Uncanonical Gospels and other writings in the original languages. By Dr. Giles. 2 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2002. e. Appendix. Translation of Calvin's Commentaries on the Bible. See Calvin (J.) Calvin Translation Society. See also Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Complete Analysis of the Bible. By N. West. Fifth edition. London, 1854. 4°. 2002. f. Bible of every Land : a History of the Sacred Scriptures in every language and dialect into which translations have been made. New edition. Bagster : London, 1861. 4°. 2000. e. Concordances. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. By A. Cruden. London, 1738. 4°. 2001. d. Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament. By A. Cruden. Twelfth edition. London, 1855. 4°. 2001. f. A Concordance of Parallels, collected from Bibles and Commentaries. By C. Cruttwell. London, 1790. 4°. 2001. f. Concordance to the Holy Bible. By J. W. Bellamy. [Bound with B'Oyly and Want's Commentary, Vol. 2.] London, 1 818. 4°. 2001. g. (4.) Analytical Concordance to the Bible. By E. Young. (Appendixes.) Edinburgh, 1879-84. 4°. 2001. f. A. Trommii Concordantise Grascaa Versionis vulgo dicta} lxx interpretum. 2 vol. Amst. : Traj. ad Bhenum, 17 18. fol. 2001. f. Concordantige Bibliorum Sacrorum Vulgatai Editionis. Cura F. P. Dutripon. Pan's, 1838. 4°. 2001. g. Librorum Sacrorum Veteris Testamenti Concordantiai Hebraicse atque Chaldaicse. Axictore J. Fuerstio. Lipsise, 1840. fol. 2001. g. The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament. [By G. V. Wigram.] Second edition. 2 vol. London, i860. 8°. 2001. f. The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament. [By G. V. Wigram.] Third edition. London, 1 860. go. 2001. f. Concordantise Novi Testamenti Graci. Cura C. II. Bruder. Lipsise, 1842. 4°. 2001. f. Bibliografia dcllc Opere contenuto nolla Collozione de' Classici Italian!. \Classicl Italiaui ; 250.] Milam, 18 14. 8°. 2041. h. BIB 33 Bibliografia Italiana. Giornalo, etc. Anno 12, etc. Firenze, 187 9, etc. 8°. BB. R. Bibliographia Hungarica. Magyar Konyveszet. 1876, etc. Buda- pest. 1877, etc. 8°. BB. R. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, a descriptive catalogue of a rare col- lection of old English poetry. [By A. F. Griffiths.] London, 1815. 8°. BB. G. Bibliotheca Belgica. Catalogue des principales publications beiges, 1830-60. Bruxelles, 1861. 8°. BB. R. Bibliotheca Classica Latina. See Lemaire. See also Valpy's Delphin and Variorum Classics. Bibliotheca Diabolica, a selection of books relating to the Devil, etc. New York, 1874. 8 °- BB - C - Bibliotheca Historica, herausgegeben von W. Muldener. Gottingen, 1870-79. 8°. BB.'M. Bibliotheca Historico-Geographica. Jahrg. 1-21. Gottingen, 1853-73. 8°. BB. I. Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, Physico-Chemica et Mathe- matica. Gottingen, 1879, etc. 8°. BB. E. Bibliotheca Medico - Chirurgica, Pharmaceutico - Chomica et veterinaria. Gottingen, 1879, etc. 8°. BB. C. Bibliotheca GUnologica. Zusammenstollung des gesammten Weinliteratur des In- und Auslandes. Heidelberg, 1875. 8°. BB. E. Bibliotheca Parva Theologica. A catalogue of Books recom- mended to students of Divinity. Oxford, 185 1. 8°. BB. A. Bibliotheca Philologica, herausgegeben von W. Muldener. Jahrg. 23, etc. Gottingen, 1870, etc. 8°. BB. T. Bibliotheca Philologica Classica. Jahrg. 1879, etc. Calvary; Berlin, 1880, etc. 8°. BB. G. Bibliotheca Sacra ; or, Tracts and Essays on topics connected with Biblical Literature and Theology. Editor, E. Bobinson. New York, 1843. 8°. 2015. g. Bibliotheca Sacra and Theological Review ; conducted by B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park, (and S. H. Taylor,) with the special co-operation of Dr. Robinson and Prof. Stuart. Vol. 32, etc. [With Index, 1844-56.] Andover, Boston [U.S.], 1875, etc. 8°. 2015. g. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum. See Didot. Bibliotheca Theologica. Herausgegeben von W. Muldener. Gottingen, 1862, etc. 8°. BB. A. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica. [Published by J. Nichols.] 10 vol. London, 17 80-1 800. 4°. 2061. c. Contents : — Vol. 1. Kent and Sussex : — Mores. Tunsta.ll. No. 1. Thorpe. Antiquities in Kent. No. G, pt. 1 and 2. Duncombe. Rcculvor and Heme, anrl Appendix : Denne. Mayfield Palace. Nos. 18 and 45. Duncombe and Battely. Hospitals near Canterbury. No. 30. St. Radigund's ; Tradesmen's Tokens D .'34 BIB Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica- in the Isle of Tlianet ; The Moat, near Canterbury ; Hawkhurst Church ; Essex. On Canterbury Cathedral ; Douglas. On the Urbs Kutupiae; Memoirs of Lambarde. No. 42. Douglas. On Celts. No. 33. Pegge. On the Textus Koffensis, &c. Ho. 25. Vol. 2. Middlesex and Ducarel. St. Katharine's Hospital, near the Tower. No. 5. Browne. Stoke Newington. No. 9. Additions. No. 14. Nichols. Canonbury House. No. 49. Ducarel. Lambeth Palace. No. 27. Nichols. Lambeth Parish. No. 39. Ducarel. Croydon. No. 12. Appendix to Croydon : — Manorial Houses belonging to the See of Canterbury, &c. No. 46. Vol. 3. Lincolnshire: — Account of the Gentlemen's Society at Spalding. No. 20. Eeliquise Galeanas. 3 pt. No. 2, pt. 1-3. Gough. Croyland Abbey. No. 11. On Croyland Abbey. No. 22. Vol. 4. Beds, Berks, Derbyshire, North- amptonshire, Staffordshire, Warwick- shire : — Great Coxwell. No. 13. Parochial History of Berkshire. No. 16. Puddington, Luton, and Dunstaple. No. 8. Additions to Luton and Dunstaple. No. 26. Cooper. Wimmington. No. 29. Odell. No. 44. Fotheringay. No. 40. Black Book of Warwick ; Pegge. On Guy, Earl of Warwick ; Sir T. More. On a religious frenzy at Coventry. No. 17. Pegge. Eccleshal Manor and Lich- field House. No. 21. Bolsover and Peak Castles. No. 32. Ikenild-street and Bathway; and on the Coritani. ' No. 24. Vol. 5. Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Scot- land, and Wales : — Barnwell Abbey and Sturbridge Fair. No. 38. Cull urn. Hawstcd. No. 23. Elmswell and Campsey Ash. No. 52. -continued. Chanonry of Old Aberdeen. St. Eule's Chapel; the of the Parliament, &c. No. Orem. No. 3. Martin. Eidinf 47. Buchan. On the Soman Army in Scotland ; Jameson. On the Koman Camps of Battle Dykes and Haer- fauds. No. 36. Gifford. Zetland Islands. No. 37. Price. Holyhead. No. 10. Vol. 6. Biographical and Miscella- neous : — Sir J. Hawkwood. No. 4. Additions. No. 19. D'Ewes. Journal. No. 15. Gough. Family of Oliver Cromwell. No. 31. Sharpe. Coinage of England. No. 35. Anecdotes of Eev. John Hutchins. No. 34. Lewis and Pegge. On Suffragan Bishops in England. No. 28. Pegge. Inscriptions relative to the Erection of English Churches. No. 41. Thorkelin. On English and Irish History, 9th and 10th centuries. No. 48. Vol. 7. Leicestershire: — Nichols. Hinckley, Stoke, Dadling- ton, and the Hyde. No. 7. Aston Flamvile and Burbach, with an Appendix to Hiucklev, &c. No. 43. Collections for Leicester. No. 50. Vol. 8. Leicestershire : — Nichols. Additional Collections for Leicester. No. 51. Vol. 9. Various Counties : — Bartlett. Manceter, Warwick, &c. No. 1. Hawkherst. No. 2. Blore. Manor and Manor House of South Winfield. No. 3. Sanders. Shenstone. No. 4. Vol.10. Various Counties : — Denne. Addenda to Lambeth Parish and Lambeth Palace. No 5 Vol. 2, Nos. 27 and 39.] Ironside. Twickenham. No. 6. Gibson. Comment upon Antoninus; History of Castor, &c. List of the Society of Antiquaries, from 1717 to 1796. [See BIB— BIT 35 Bibliotheque Universelle. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles. Troisienio Periode. Vol. 1, etc. Geneve, 1879, etc. 8°. 2094. h. Tables generates, 1846-1878. Geneve, 1886. 8°. 2094. h. Biden (W. D.) History of Kingston-upon-Thamos. Kingston, 1852. 8°. 2065. b. Bigland (R.) Historical, monumental, and genealogical Collections relating to the County of Gloucester. Vol. 1. London, 1791. fol. 2064. f. A more complete copy is in the King's Library. For the continuation, viz. " History of the City of Gloucester," see Fosbroke. Bigmore (E. C.) and Wyman (C. W. H.) A Bibliography of Printing. 3 vol. London, 1880-86. 4°. BB. E. Bingham (J.) Works. Edited by R. Bingham. 10 vol. Oxford, 1855. 8°. 2003. c. Bingner (A.) Literatur iiber das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1770- 1854. Karlsruhe, 1854. 8 °- BB. M. Biographia Britannica. 6 vol. London, 17 47-66. fol. 2036. g. Second edition, by A. Kippis. 5 vol. [as far as the name Fastolff.] London, 1778-93. fol. 2037. g. Biographie. Biograpbie des Hommes Vivants. 5 vol. Paris, 18 16-19. 8 °- 2034. e. Biographie Universelle. 52 vol. A-Z. Pans, 181 1-28. 8°. 2034. b-c. Partie mythologiquo. 3 vol. Vol. 53-55. A-Z. Paris, 1832-33. 8°. 2034. d. Supplement. Vol. 56-83. A — Tey. Paris, 1834-53. 8°. 2034. d. Nouvelle edition, publiee sous la direction de M. Michaud ; revue et angmentee, &c. 45 vol. Paris, 1843 [-66], 8°. 2034. f-g. Bion. Keliquise. See Theocritus. Carmina bucolica. Gr. [Gaisford's Poetae Minorcs Grseci ; vol. 4.] Lipsise, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Birch (S.) History of Ancient Pottery. New edition. London, 1873. 8°. 2031. b. Birch (W. de G.) and Jenner (H.) Early Drawings and Illumin- ations. With a Dictionary of Subjects in the British Museum. London, 1879. 8°. 2050. d. Birmingham. Post Office Directories. See Post Office Directories. Bischoff(F. H. T.) and Moeller (J. H.) Vergleichendes Worter- buch der alten, mittleren und neuen Geographic Gotha, 1829. 8°. 2056. e. Bitard (A.) Dictionnaire General de Biographie Contemporaine Francaise et Etrangere. Paris, 1878. 8°. 2035. h. i» 2 36 BIZ— BLO Bizonfy (F.) English-Hungarian (Hungarian-English) Dictionary, etc. Budapest, 1886. 8°. 2117. a. Black (A.) and (C.) Black's Atlas of North America. By J. Bartholomew. Edinburgh, 1856. fol. 2059. f. Black's General Atlas. New edition by J. Bartholomew, jun. Edinburgh, i860, fol. 2059. f. Black (W. H.) Catalogue of the Manuscripts bequeathed unto the University of Oxford by E. Ashmole. Oxford, 1845. 4°. Index. Oxford, 1866. 4°. Cat. Desk. Blackie (W. G.) The Comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World. London, 1883. fol. 2059. e. The Imperial Gazetteer. With a Supplement. 2 vol. in 4. Glasgow, 1873. 8°. 2059. d. Blackstone (Sir W.) New Commentaries. See Stephen. The Great Charter and Charter of the Forest, etc. Oxford, 1759. 4°. 2017. g. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Vol. 101, etc. Edinburgh, 1867, etc. 8°. 2095. a, etc. General Index to vol. 1-50. Edinburgh, 1855. 8°. 2095. a. & BB. O. Blades (W.) Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's first Printer. 2 vol. London, 1861-63. 4°. 2050. f. Blaine (D. P.) Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. New edition. London, 1870. 8°. 2029. d. Blair (J.) Chronological and Historical Tables. [Edited by Sir H. Ellis.] 1844. 2085. g. Blakeway (J. B.) History of Shrewsbury. See Owen. Blakey (R.) History of Political Literature. 2 vol. London, 1855. 2082. a. Blanc (J.) Bibliographic Italico-Francaise, ou catalogue de tous les imprimes en langue francaise sur lTtalie. Pans, 1886. 8°. BB. I. Blaneforde (H. de) Chronica. See Trokelowe. Blanqui (J. A.) Histoire de l'Economie politique en Europe; suivie d'une bibliographic, etc. Quatrieine edition. 2 vol. Paris, i860. 8°. 2023. c. History of Political Economy in Europe. Translated. London, 1880. 8°. 2023. d. Blatter fur Literarische Unterhaltung. 1882, etc. Leipzig, 1882, etc. 4°. 2097. h. Bleek (J. F.) Introduction to the New Testament. Translated by W. Urwick. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library, 4th Series, 24-26.] Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. 2014. g. Bloch (M.) Worterbuch der Deutschen und Ungarischen Sprache. 2 Th. Pesth, 1854-57. 4°. 2117. a. BLO— BOE 37 Block (M.) Dictionnairo do l'administration francaiso, etc. Pari*, 1856. 8°. 2103. i. Dictionnairo general do la Politique. 2 vol. Paris, 1873, 74. 8°. 2023. d. Blomefield (F.) History of Norfolk. 11 vol. [With Index Nomi- nuin. By J. N. Chad wick.] London, 1805-62. 8°. 2064.1). Blomfield (C. J.) Bishop of London. History of Greek and Boman Philosophy and Science. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitan.] London, 1853. 8°. 2102. g. Blore (T.) History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Vol. 1, pt. 2. [No more published.] Stamford, [1811.] fol. 2062. f. History of the Manor and Manor House of South Winfield, Derbyshire. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 9, No. 3.] London, 1793. 4°. 2061. c. Blosius (F. I.) Le Directeur des Ames Eeligieuses. [Pantheon Litteraire. Philosophic Ghretienne.] Paris, 1835. 8°. 2043. b. Blount (T.) Law-Dictionary and Glossary. Third edition. London, 1717- fol. 2017. g. Bloxam (C. L.) Chemistry, inorganic and organic. Sixth edition. London, 1888. 8°. 2027. c. Blue-Book. [For the current year.] London. 12°. 2120. a. Blunt (J. H.) Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology. Second edition. London, 1872. 8°. 2002. f. Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical parties, etc. Lon- don, 1874. 8°. 2002. f. Bluntschli (J. C.) The Theory of the State. Translated. Oxford, 1885. 8 °- 2016. b. Blyth (A. W.) Dictionary of Hygiene and Public Health. London, 1876. 8°. 2027. c. Boase (G. C.) and Courtney (W. P.) Bibliotheca Cornubiensis : a catalogue of the writings of Cornishmen and of works relating to Cornwall. 2 vol. London, 1874-78. 8°. BB. K. Boccaccio (G.) Decameron : illustrate con note dal Dott. G. Fer- rario. 4 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 6-9.] Milano, 1803. 8°. 2041. a. Bode (G. H.) Geschichte der Hellenischon Dichtkunst. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1838-40. 8°. 2051. c. Boeck (T.) Norsk Bog Fortegnelse 1866-72. See Norwegian Book Catalogue. Boeckh (A.) Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. 4 vol. Bcrolini, 1828-77. fol. 2068. g. Encyklopiidie und Methodologie der philologischen AYissni- schaften. Herausgegeben von E. Bratuscheck. Zweite Auflage besorgt von E. Klupmann. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. BB. G. Boehtling (O.) and Roth (R.) Sanskrit Wortcrbuch. 4 vol. St. Petersburg, 1853-75. 4°. 2115. f. 38 BOE— BON Boethius (A. M. T. S.) Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus; 63,64.] Paris. 1847. 4°. 2009. e. - De consolationo philosophic libri quinque, ex editione Vulpi- ana, cum notis, &c, in usuni Delphini. Valpy : Londini, 1823. 8°. 2054. b. Consolations de la Philosophic. [Pantheon Litteraire. Philo- sophic Chretienne.] Paris, 1835. 8°. 2043. b. Boethius (H.) Buik of the Chroniclis of Scotland ; or, a metrical version of the History of Boece, by W. Stewart. Edited by W. B. Turnbull. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] 3 vol. London, 1858. 8°. 2073. (6.) Boettiger (C. W.) Geschichte Sachsens. 2 vol. [For continuation, see Flathe.] [Reeren and Ukert. Geschichte, etc.] Hamburg, 1830-31. 8°. 2068. a. Bogue (D.) and Bennett (J.) History of Dissenters. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2004. b. Bonn (H. G.) Bibliographical account of the Works of Shakespeare including every known edition, etc. London, [1864?] 8°. BB. G. — — [Guinea] Catalogue of Books. London, 1841. 8°. Cat. Desk. A Dictionary of Quotations from the English Poets. London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2046. a. Bojardo (M. M.) Orlando Innamorato ; rifatto da F. Berni. 4 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 45-48.] Milano, 1 806. 8°. 2041. b. Boileau (E.) Beglemens sur les arts et metiers de Paris, rediges au xm e . siecle. Publies par G. B. Depping. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. 1 Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1837. 4°. 2083. d. Boileau Despreaux (N.) ffiuvres completes. [Pantheon Litteraire. Poesie.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. Boissonade (J. F.) Anecdota Greeca. 5 vol. Paris, 1829-33. 8°. 2053. f. Anecdota Nova. Paris, 1844. 8°. 2052. b. Boiste (P. C. V.) Dictionnaire universeljle la langue Francaise. Neuvieme edition, par C. Nodier et L.^Barre. Bruxelles, 1840. 4°. 2117. b. Boletin de la Libreria. Ano 1, etc. Madrid, 1874, etc. 8°. BB. R. Bollandus (J.) See Acta Sanctorum. Bolognini Amorini (A.) Marquis. Vite dei pittori ed artefici Bolognesi. 5 pt. Bologna, 1841-43. 8°. 2032. d. Bona (J.) Cardinal. Principes de la Vie Chreticnne : — Chemin du Ciel. [Pantheon Litteraire. Philosophic Chreticnne.] Paris, 1835. 8°. 2043. b. Eeruin liturgicarum libri duo. Paris. 1672. 4°. 2002. b. Bond (J. J.) Handy-book of Rules and Tables for verifying Dates of Historical Events, etc. London, 1866. 8°. 2085. c. BON— BOS 39 Boni (P. de) Biografia degli Artisti. Venezia, 1840. 8°. 2032. f. Boniface, Saint Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Giles. Patres Ecclcsise Anglicanse.'] London, 1844. 8°. 2010. b. Bonwick (J.) The Treasury of Languages. London, [1873.] 8°. 2115. a. Book. Book of Costume. By a Lady of rank. New edition London, 1847. 8°. 2083. a. Book of Family Crests. Eighth edition. 2 vol. London 1856. 12°. 2119. a. Book of the Denominations; or, the Churches and Sects of Christendom in the Nineteenth Century. London, 18 3 5. 12°. 2001. a. Bopp (F.) Comparative Grammar. Translated by E. B. Eastwick. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1856. 8°. 2113. a. Grammaire comparee des langues Indo-Europeennes, traduite sur la deuxierne edition et precedee d'une introduction par M. Breal. 5 torn. Paris, 1866-74. 8°. 2113. b! Borghini (R.) II Eiposo. 3 vol. [Classici Ltaliani ; 145-147.1 Milam, 1807. 8°. 2041. e. Borghini (V.) Discorsi; con annotazioni di D. M. Manni. 4 vol. [Classici Ltaliani ; 148-151.] Milano, 1808-9. 8 °- 2041. e. Borlase (W.) Antiquities of Cornwall. Oxford, 1754. f°l- 2064. 0. Bommueller (F.) Biographisches Schriftsteller-Lexikon der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1882. 8°. 2034. a. Bosgoed (D. M.) Bibliotheca Ichthyologica ot Piscatoria. Haar- lem, 1874. 8°. BB. E. Bossi (L.) Istoria d' Italia. 19 vol. Milano, 1819-23. 8°. 2084. b. Bossuet (J. B.) Bishop of Meaux. OSuvres completes. 12 vol. [Pantheon Litter -aire. — Theologie.~] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. b. Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue. 5 pt. Boston, 1874-82. 8°. BB. R. Boston Public Library. Catalogue of books belonging to the Lower Hall in the classes of history, biography and travel. Second edition. Boston, 187 3. 8°. BB. M. Catalogue of the Spanish Library and of the Portuguese books bequeathed by G. Ticknor. Boston, 1879. 8°. BB. G. Class List for English Prose Fiction. Sixth edition. Boston, 1877. 8°. BB. G. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Upper LTall. Boston, 1861-66. 8°. BB. R. Boswell (J.) Life of Johnson ; including the Tour to the Hebrides ; by J. W. Croker. New edition. London, 1 848. 8°. 2039. f. Bosworth (J.) Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language London, 1838. 8°. 2112. c. 40 BOS— BOU Bosworth (J.) Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Edited and enlarged by T. N. Toller. Pt. 1-2. Oxford, 1882. 4°. 2112. d. Botanischer Jahresbericht. Jahrg. 9, etc. Berlin, 1881, etc. 8°. BB. E. Botfield (B.) Cathedral Libraries of England. London, 1849. 8°. 2050. e. Botta (C.) Storia d' Italia, continuata da quella del Guicciardini sinoall789. 10 vol. Parigi, 1837 • 8 °- 2084. b. Storia d' Italia, dal 1789 al 1814. 4 vol. Parigi, 1837. 8 °- 2084. b. Botten-Hansen (P.) La Norvege Litteraire. Catalogue syste- matique de tous les ouvrages imprirnes en Norvege, au 19° siecle. Christiania, 1868. 8°. 2050. d. Norsk Bog Fortegnelse 1848-1865. See Norwegian Book Cata- logue. Bouchard-Huzard (L.) Bibliographic Ouvrages publies sur les Constructions Burales et sur la disposition des Jardins. Deux- ieine edition. Paris, 1870. 8°. BB. G. Boucher de la Richarderie (G.) Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages. 6 vol. Paris, 1808. 8°. BB. I. Boagard (E.) Bibliotheca Borvoniensis. Chaumont, 1865. 8°. BB. K. Bouillet (M. N.) Atlas universel d'histoire et do geographie. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1877. 8°. 2107. c. Dictionnaire universel des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts. Quatorzieme edition. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2107. c. Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographie, etc. Vingt- huitieme edition. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2107. c Boundary Commission. The Eepresentation of the People Act, 1867. Beport— England and Wales, 1868. London, 1868. fol. Cat. Desk. Beport of the Boundary Commissioners for England & Wales (Scotland, Ireland), 1885. London, 1885. fol. Cat. Desk. Bouquet (M.) Becueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France. 23 vol. Paris, 1738-1 876. fol. Cat. Desk. Bourdaloue (L.) CEuvres. 3 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. — Theo- logie.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. b. Bourdeilles (P. de) Seigneur de Brantome. ffiuvres completes. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. — Polygraphia] Paris, 1838. 8°. 043. e. Bourgery (M. J.) Traite complet de l'anatomio de l'llomme. 8 vol. Paris, 1832-54. fol. Cat. Desk. Bourguignon d'Anville (J. B.) General Atlas. (Titlepage missing.) fol. 2060." f. Nouvol Atlas de la Chine. La Haye, 1737. fol. 2060. f. Bourke (U. J.) The College Irish Grammar. Fifth edition. Dublin, 1868. 12". 2112. b. BOU— BKA 41 Bourke (U. J.) Easy Lessons : or self-instructiun in Irish. Fifth edition. Dublin, 1867. 12°. 2112. b. Bourne (H. R. Fox) English Newspapers. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2048. a. Boutell (C.) Heraldry, historical and popular. Third edition. London, 1864. 8°. 2119. c. Monumental Brasses of England. Oxford, 1849. 8°. 2032. 0. Bouterwek (F.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8°. 2044. d. Bouvier (J.) Law Dictionary, adapted to Laws of the United States of America. Fourteenth edition. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1870. 8°. 2016. e. Bower (A.) History of the University of Edinburgh. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 18 17. 8°. 2065. a. Bowerbank (J. S.) A Monograph of the British Spongiadee. 4 vol. [Bay Society.] London, 1 864-1 882. 8°. 2027. f. Bowring (Sir J.) Kingdom and People of Siam. 2 vol. London, 1857. 8°. 2059. a. Boyle (R.) Earl of Orrery. Collection of State Letters ; with Life by T. Morrici*. London, 1742. fol. 2072. f. Boyle's Court Guide. [For the current year.] London. 8°. 2120. a. Boyne (W.) The Yorkshire Library. A bibliographical account of books relating to the County of York. London, 1869. 4°. BB. K. Boys (W.) History of Sandwich, Kent. Canterbury, 17 92. 4°. 2065. c. Boyvin (F. de) Baron du Villars. Memoires, 1550-50. [Pantheon Litteraire. — Chroniques et Memoires.'] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. c. Braceiolini (F.) Lo Scherno degli Dei ; poema piacevole. [Classici Baliani, 164.] Milano, 1804. 8°. 2041. e. Bracton (H. de) De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglise. Edited by Sir T. Twiss. Vol. 1-6. [Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland.] London, 1878-83. 8°. 2073.(70.) Bradley (J. W.) Dictionary of Miniaturists, Illuminators, etc. Vol. 1. London, 1887, etc. 8°. 2032. e. Brady (G. S.) Monograph of the Copepoda of the British Islands. 3 vol. [Bay Society.] London, 1878-80. 8°. 2027. f. Brady (R.) History of England; Julius CaBsar — Henry in. (Edward 1., 11., and ill., and Eichard 11.) 2 vol. London, 1685— 1700. fol. 2071. g. Bragge (W.) Bibliotheca Nicotiana ; a catalogue of books about Tobacco. [Birmingham,] 1880. 4°. BB. C. Braithwaite (W.) and (J.) The Eetrospect of Medicine. A half- yearly journal. Vol. 77, etc. London, 1878, etc. 2024. a. 42 BEA— BEE Bramhall (J.) Archbishop of Armagh. Works. 5 vol. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1842-45. 8°. 2014. a. Bramwell (G.) Analytical Tables of Private Statutes, 1727-1834. 2 vol. London, 18 13, 1835. 8°. 2016. e. Branca (G.) Bibliografia storica. Milano, 1862. 8°. BB. M. Brand (J.) Historv of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 2 vol. London, 1789. 4°. 2063. d. Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Edited by W. C. Haz- litt. 3 vol. London, 1870. 8°. 2085. g. Brande (W. T.) Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. Edited by W. T. Brande and G. W. Cox. New edition. 3 vol. London, 187 5. 8°. 2103. i. Brandenburg. Allgemeine Biicherkunde des Brandenburgiscb- Preussiscben Staates. Berlin, 1871. 4°. BB. M. Brantingham (T. de) Bishop of Exeter. Issue Eoll, containing payments made out of bis Majesty's Eevenue in 44 Edw. in., A.D. 1370. Translated by F. Devon. London, 1835. 4°. 2070. c. Brantome, P. de Bourdeilles, Seigneur de. See Bourdeilles. Brasseur de Bourbourg (E. C.) Bibliotbeque Mexico-Guate- mabenne. Paris, 1871. 8°. BB. I. Braun (G.) and Hohenbergius (P.) Civitates Orbis Terrarum. 6 vol. Colon. Agr., 1523 [for 1573]— 1618. fob 2058. d. Tbeatre des principales villes de tout l'univers. 2 vol. [Cologne?] fob 2058. d. Brayley (E. W.) History of Surrey ; tbe geological section by G. Mantell. 5 vol. Dorking, 1841J-1848]. 4°. 2065. o. History of Westminster Abbey. See Neale. Brayley (E. W.) and Britton (J.) Tbe Beauties of England and Wales. [Witb Introduction by J. N. Brewer.] 19 vol. (in 24). London, 1 801-18. 8°. 2061. a. b. Breviarium Romanum. 4 pt. Mediolani, 1851, 52. 12°. 2012. a. Editio officiis novissimis aucta. 4pt. Batisbonee, [1862-64.] 4°. 2003. g. Brewer (E. C.) Dictionary of Pbrase and Fable. Twelftb edition. London, [1881.] 12°. ' 2035. b. Tbe Eeader's Handbook of Allusions, Eeferences, Plots and Stories. Tbird edition enlarged. London, 1882. 8°. 2035. e. Brewer (J. N.) Introduction to Beauties of England and Wales. See Brayley (E. W.) and Britton (J.) 2061. a. Brewer (J. S.) Letters, etc. Eoign of Henry vm. See State Papers. Brewster (Sir D.) Edinburgb Encyclopaedia. 18 vol. (in 32). Edinburgh, 1830. 4°. 2104. f. g. BRE— BRI 43 Brewster (Sir D.) Memoirs of Sir Isaac Nowton. 2 vol. Edin- burgh 1855. «°. 2039. d. Optics. \_Lardners Cabinet Cyclopaedia. — Natural Philosophy.'] London, 183 1. 8°. 2103. 0. Brewster (J.) History of Stockton-upon-Tees. Stockton, 17 96. 4°. 2066. d. (2.) Brice (S.) Law relating to Public Worship. London, 1875. 8°. 2016. d. Bridger (C.) Index to Printed Pedigrees contained in County and local Histories, Heralds' Visitations, etc. London, 1867. 8°. Cat. Desk. & BB. T. Bridges (J.) History of Northamptonshire. By P. Whalley. 2 vol. Oxford, 1 79 1. fol. 2063. f. Bridgman (R. W.) Short View of Legal Bibliography. London, 1807. 8°. BB. C. Brightwell (D. B.) Concordance to the entire Works of Alfred Tennyson. See Tennyson. 2046. f. Brinkman (C. L.) Alphahetischo Naamlijst van Boeken. See Abkoudk. ' 2050. b. Briseno (R.) Estadistica Bibliografica de la literatura Cbilena. Santiago de Chile, 1862. 4°. 2049. e. Bristol. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Britannia Sancta : or Lives of British, English, Scottish and Irish Saints. 2 pt. London, 1745. 4°. 2004. f. British Almanac and Companion [for the current year], Lon- don. 8°. 2120. a. British Archaeological Association. See Archaeological Association. British Association. Reports. London, 1833, etc. 8°. 2102, 3. a-bb. Index, from 1831 to 1860. London, 1864. 8°. BB. O. British Chronologist. 3 vol. London, 1775. 8°. 2085. e. British Critic. General Index to Vol. 1-20. London, 1884. 8°. BB. O. British Drama. The Ancient British Drama. 3 vol. London, 1 8 10. 8°. 2046. h. The Modern British Drama. 5 vol. London, 181 1. 8°. 2046. h. British Essayists. With Prefaces by A. Chalmers. 38 vol. Lon- don, 1823. 12°. 2043. a. Contents : — Vol. 1-4, Tatler (Steele, Addison) ; 5-12, Spectator (ditto); 13-15, Guardian (ditto) ; 16-18, Rambler (Johnson) ; 19-21, Adventurer (Hawkesworth) : 22-21, World (Moore) ; 25-26, Con- noisseur (Column and Thornton); 27, Idler Johnson) ; 28, 2!), Mirror (Mackenzie); 30, 31, Lounger (ditto) ; 32-31, Observer (Cumber- land) ; 35-37, Looker-on ; 38, Index. See also Modern British Essayists. 44 BEI British Imperial Calendar. 1869,70. London, 12°. 2121. b. British Medical Journal. 1887, etc. 4°. 2025. g. British Museum. Eeport from the Select Committee on the con- dition, management, and affairs of the British Museum ; with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. 2 vol. London, 1835, 36. fol. Cat. Desk. Eeport of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the constitution and government of the British Museum; with Minutes of Evidence. (Appendix and Index.) 2 vol. London, 1850. fol. Cat. Desk. Department of Printed Books. Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur Catalogus. 2 vol. Londini, 1787. fol. Cat. Desk. [Another edition.] 7 vol. Londini, 181 3-19. 8°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. Vol. 1. Letter A. London, 1841. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of the King's Library. 5 vol. London, 1820-29. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c, in the King's Li- brary. London, 1829. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Charts, &c, in the King's Library. MS. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Pamphlets in the King's Library. MS. 9 vol. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of the Grenville Library. Interleaved, with ad- ditions in MS. 7 vol. London, 1 842-1 848. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British Museum, printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of English Books printed abroad to the year 1640. 3 vol. London, 1884. 8°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Printed Maps, Plans, and Charts, in the British Museum. 2 vol. London, 1885. 4°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Books placed in the Galleries in the Eeading Eoom. (By G. W. Porter.) London, 1886. 8°. Cat. Desk. A Subject Index of the modern works added to the Library, 1880-85. Compiled by G. K. Fortescue. London, 1886. 4°. Cat. Desk. Hand List of Bibliographies, classified Catalogues, and Indexes, placed in the Eeading Eoom. [By G. W. Porter.] 12 copies. London, 1 8 8 1 . 8°. BB. A., etc. Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books. By T. F. Blumhardt. London, 1886. 4°. Cat. Desk. Cataloguo of Chinoso Printed Books, Manuscripts and Drawings. By E. K. Douglas. London, 1877. 4°. Cat. Desk. BRI 45 British Museum. Catalogue of tho Ilobrow Books. [By J. Zodner.] London, 1867. 8°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Pali Books. By E. A. M. Haas. London, 1876. 4°. Cat. Desk. [In Manuscript.'] Catalogue of the Books printed in Iceland, a.d. 1578-1880, which are in the Library of tho British Museum. Compiled by T. W. Lidderdale. MS. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Editions of Edda, arranged chronologically. With an alphabetical list of Editors, Commentators, and Works com- menting upon Edda literature. Compiled by T. W. Lidderdale. MS. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of English Novels, Romances, &c, in the British Museum. 1837. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Newspapers in the British Museum. 4 vol. fol. & 4°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Pamphlets, &c, published during the Civil War and Commonwealth, called the " Thomason Collection." 12 vol. fol. Cat. Desk. Department of Manuscripts. The volumes of a General Class-Catalogue of the Collections, as far as at present proceeded with, can be consulted in the rooms of the Department. Index to the preceding Class-Catalogue. MS. [1877.] fol. SEPARATE COLLECTIONS. Cat. Desk. Arundel and Burney. Catalogue of MSS. 3 parts (in 1 vol.). London, 1834-40. fol. Cotton. Catalogue of MSS. London, 1802. fol. Report from the Committee appointed to view the Cot- tonian Library [after the Fire at Ashburnham House, Oct. 23, 1731]. London, 1732. fol. Interleaved, with MS. notes descriptive of the present condition of the injured Manuscripts. Egerton. See Additional MSS. Hargrave. Catalogue of MSS. London, 181 8. 4°. llarley. Catalogue of MSS. 4 vol. London, 1808-12. fol. Index to Volumes of Autograph Letters in the Harleian Collection. MS. fol. Lansdowne. Catalogue of MSS. London, 18 19. fol. Rich. See Special Catalogues. Oriental. Royal. (Old Royal Collection.) Casley's Catalogue of MSS. London, 1734. 4°. Appendix. MS. 1832. 46 BEI British Museum. Koyal. (Library of King George III.) Catalogue ofMSS. MS. 1 841. fol. Sloane. Catalogus Librorurn Manuscriptorum Bibliothecas Sloanianfe. Nos. 1-1091. [1840.] fol. Continuation of the preceding Catalogue. Nos. 1091- 4100. MS. 9 vol. fol. ADDITIONAL AND EGERTON MSS. Cat. Desk. Ayscoxxgh's Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the British Museum, hitherto undescribed, including the Collections of Sir Hans Sloane, the Kev. T. Birch, etc. 2 vol. (in 1.) London, 1782. 4°. This Catalogue is classed, and describes the Add. MSS. 1-5017. Catalogue of Additional MSS. MS. 23 vol. fol. Contains detailed descriptions of Add. MSS., numbered from 5015 to 70G1 inclusive. Index to the Additional and Egerton MSS., 1783-1835. London, 1849. fol. Add. MSS. 5018-10,018. I Add. Charters 1-1053. Egerton MSS. 1-606. Catalogue of Additional MSS., 1828-41, 1841-45. 3 vol. (printed & interleaved), fol. Vol. 1. Add. MSS. 6066-12,229. I Vol. 3. Egerton MSS. 1-1636. Vol. 2. Add. MSS. 12,230-15,667. | List of Additions to the MSS., 1836-1840. [With Index.] London, 1843. 8°. Add. MSS. 9913-11,748. Seals xxxv. 345-373. Egerton MSS. 607-888. Papyri xxxvii.-xlviii. Add. Charters 1054-5142. Catalogue of Additions to the MSS., 1841-1845. [With Index.] London, 1850. 8°. Seals xxxvi. 1-185. Papyri xlix.-lvi. Add. MSS. 11,749-15,667. Ecrerton MSS. 889-1139. Add. Charters 5143-6292. — Catalogue of Additions to the MSS., 1846-1847. [With Index.] London, 1864. 8°. Add. MSS. 15,668-17,277. I Add. Charters 6293-6338. 1 Egerton MSS. 1140-1149. Seals xxxvi. 186-220. — Catalogue of Additions to the MSS., 1848-1853. [With Index.] London, 1868. 8°. Add. MSS. 17,278-19,719. Seals xxxvi. 221-xxxvn. 55. Egerton MSS. 1150-1036. ' Papyri lvii.-lxxv. Add. Charters 6339-8515. — General Index to the Additional MSS. 1836-53. Catalogue of Additions to the MSS, 1854-75. Lond. 1875-77. 8 °- Vol. 1. Add. MSS. 19,720-24,026. Vol. 2. Add. MSS. 24,027-29,909. Egerton MSS. 1637-2399. Add. Charters 8516-24,745. Egerton Charters, 103-416. Seals xxxvii. 60-XLV. 50. Papyri lxxvi.-cxi. BRI 47 British Museum. Goneral Index to the Additional MSS., 1854-75. London, 1880. 8°. Catalogue of Additions to the MSS., 1876-81. [With Index.] London. 8°. Add. MSS. 29910-31,896. I Egerton Charters 417-485. Add. Charters 24,476-27,004. Papyri cxii.-cxvi. Egerton MSS. 2400-2G00. Seals xlv. i.-li. 32. Catalogue of Additions to the MSS. With Indices. MS. 1882-85, etc. 1882. Egerton, 2603-2610. 1883. Egerton, 2611-2615. 1884. Egerton, 2616-2621. 1885. Egerton, 2622-2623. 1882. Add. 31,897-32,009. 1883. Add. 32,010-32,162. 1884. Add. 32,163-32,447. 1885. Add. 32,448-32,627. Index to the Carter Drawings in Additional MSS. 29925- 29943. MS. fol. Cole's Separate Indexes to Vol. i.-xiii. of his MS. Collections relating to Cambridgeshire. (Add. MS. 5799.) fol. Cole's Separate Index to his MSS., Vol. xli., xlii., xliii., and xlix. (Add. MS. 5800.) fol. Cole's General Index to Vol. i.-xlvi. of his MS. Collections relating to Cambridgeshire. (Add. MS. 5801.) fol. SPECIAL CATALOGUES. Cat. Desk. GREEK. List of Greek MSS. in the British Museum. MS. i860, fol. IRISH. Catalogue of the Irish MSS. in the British Museum, compiled by Eugene O'Curry, Esq. MS. 1849. fol. PORTUGUESE. Catalogo dos Manuscriptos Tortuguezes existentes no Museu Britannico. Por F. F. de La Figaniere. Lisboa, 1853. 8°. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish language in the British Museum. By P. do Gayangos. 3 vol. 1. London, 1875-81. 8°. ORIENTAL. Catalogus Codicum Manu scrip torurn Oriontalium. Tars I. Codices Syriacos et Carshunicos amplectens. Lond. 1838. fol. Pars II. — Codices Arabicos amplectens. London, 1846-52. fol. Pars III. — Codices iEthiopicos amplectens. London 1847. fol. Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscripts acquired since 1847. By W. Wright. London, 1847. 4°. 48 BEI British Museum. Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts. By C. Bieu. 3 vol. London, 1879-83. 4°. Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts acquired since 1838. By W. Wright. 3 parts. London, 1870-72. 4°. Catalogue of the Turkish Manuscripts. By C. Bieu. London, 1888. 4°. [In Manuscript.'] Catalogue of Arabic MSS. in the Bich Collection. 2 vol. (in 1.) (Add. MSS., 7213-7599.) MS. 1836. fol. Catalogue of Persian MSS. in the Bich Collection. Nos. 7600- 7829. MS. 1848. fol. Catalogue of Turkish MSS. in the Bich Collection. Nos. 7830- 7939. MS. 1849. fol. Catalogue of the Chinese Manuscripts, described by L. A. Prevost. MS. 1854. fol. Catalogue of the Hebrew MSS. to 1855. fol. Begister of Oriental MSS., acquired from 1854 to 1879, etc. 3 vol. MS. fol. PAPYRI. Catalogue of Papyri, etc. 1852. fol. Printed and interleaved. CHARTERS. Catalogue of the Harleian, Cottonian, Sloane, and Old Koyal Collections of Charters and Eolls, in 3 vol. fol. MS., can be consulted in the rooms of the Department. Catalogue of Additional Charters. Vol. 1. Nos. 1-1730, with Index. Vol. 2, 1731-4340, with Index. Vol. 3, 4341-7182, with Index. Vol. 4, 7183-10,070, with Index. Vol. 5, 10,071-13,983, with Index. Vol. 6, 13,984-14,999. Vol. 7, 15,000-16,300. Vol. 8, 16,301-17,356. Index to Vol. 6-8. MS. fol. Vol. 9, 17,357-21,479. Vol. 10, 21,480-26,034. Catalogue of Ancient Charters presented to the British Museum by Lord Frederick Campbell, a.d. 1814. MS. fol. The same revised. Catalogue of Egerton Charters, 1829-1867. MS. fol. The same revised. Catalogue of the Harleian Charters. 7 vol. MS. fol. BRI— BRO 49 British Museum. Catalogue of Royal Rolls, Cotton Charters and Rolls, Sloano Charters and Rolls, Harloian Rolls. MS. fol. Cataloguo of the Topham and Lansdownc Rolls and Charters. MS. fol. Catalogue of the Wolloy Charters. MS. [1859.] f,)1 - The same revised. MAPS. Cataloguo of the Manuscript Maps, Charts and Plans, and the Topographical Drawings in the British Museum. 3 vol. London, 1861. 8°. MUSIC. Catalogue of the Manuscript Music in the British Museum. [By T. Oliphant.] London, 1842. 8°. Continued from the printed Catalogue. MS. fol. Catalogue of Romances. By H. L. D. Ward. Vol. 1. London, 188?. 8°. Cataloguo of Seals. By W. de G. Birch. Vol. 1. London, 1887. 8°. Catalogue of Detached Seals, 1848. MS. List of Impressions of Seals presented by Mr. John Doubleday, 1837. MS. Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum. Edited by C. T. Newton. Oxford, 1874, etc. fol. 2068. g. Department of Prints and Drawings. Catalogue of Prints and Drawings. Division 1. Political and Personal Satires. Vol. 1-3. London, 1870-7 7. 8°. Cat. Desk. British Parliamentary Register ; containing a List of all the Parliaments, etc. London, 1753. 8°. 2082. a. British Pharmacopoeia. 1885. London, 1885. 8°. 2024. b. Britton (J.) Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. 5 vol. London, 1807-26. 4°. 2062. d. Beauties of Wiltshire. 3 vol. Londm, 1801-25. 8 °- 2064. b. Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages. London, 1838. 4°. 2031. f. Brodie (G.) Constitutional History of the British Empire, from tlio accession of Charles 1. to the Restoration. New edition. 3 vol". London, 1866. 8°. 2077. b. E 50 BRO Bromley (H.) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits. London, 1793. 4°. 2032. f. Brompton (J.) Chronioon. See Twysden (Sir E.) Historife Anglicanae Scriptores x. 1652. fol. 2070. d. Bronn (H. G.) Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reiclis wis- senschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Leipzig, 1859, etc. 2028. a. Brook (B.) Lives of the Puritans. 3 vol. London, 1813. 8°. 2008. d. Brooke (R.) Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, etc., of England, since the Norman Conquest. London, 1619. fol. 2119. f. Brookes (R.) General Gazetteer. New edition by J. A. Smith. London, 1869. 8°. 2060. a. Brooklyn Library. Analytical and classed Catalogue of the Brooklyn Library [by S. B. Noyes]. Brooklyn, 1881. 4°. 2049. f. Broom (H.) Commentaries on the Common Law. Eighth edition, by W. F. A. Archibald and H. W. Greene. London, 1888. 8°. 2017. b. Constitutional Law. Second edition. By G. L. Denman. London, 1885. 8°. 2016. e. Selection of Legal Maxims. Sixth edition, by H. F. Manisty and C. Cagney. London, 1884. 8°. 2017. d. Brosch (M.) Geschichte des Kirchenstaates. Vol. 1, 2. [Heeren and UJcert. Geschichte der Europdisclien Staaten.] Gotha. 1880. 8°. 2068. d. Brougham (H.) Baron, etc. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 3 vol. London, 18 56. 8°. 2045. e. Brown (A.) New Law Dictionary. Second edition. London, 1880. 8°. 2016. e. Brown (J. D.) Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, etc. Paisley, 1886. 8°. 2031. b. Brown (Rawdon) Calendar of State Papers — Foreign Series. See State Papers. Brown (Richard) Sacred Architecture. London, 1845. 4°. 2032. f. Brown (Robert) Miscellaneous Botanical Works. 2 vol. [Bay Society.] London, 1866, 67. 8°. 2027. f. The Peoples of the World. London, [1881, etc.] 8°. 2028. f. Brown (W.) History of the Propagation of Christianity among the Heathen since the Reformation. Third edition. 3 vol. Edin. 1854. 8°. 2008. e. Browne (E. H.) Bishop of Winchester. An Exposition of the Thirty-nino Articles. Thirteenth edition. London, 1887. 8°. 2002. a. BRO— BRU 51 Browne (G.) Browno on tho practice and principles of the Court of Probate. Rovised and adapted by L. D. Powles. London 1881. 8°. 2018. a. Treatise on tho Principles and Practice of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Fourth edition. London, 1880. 8° 2017. b. Browne (R. W.) History of Roman Classical Literature. London 1884. 8°. 2051. c. Browne {Sir Thomas) Works. 4 vol. London, 1836, 35. 8°. 2045. c. Bruce (James) Travels to discover the source of the Nile; 1768- 1773. 5 vol. Edinburgh, 1790. 4°. 2056. g. Bruce (John) Calendar of State Papers :— Reign of Charles 1. See State Papers. Bruder (C. H.) Concordantiee Novi Testamenti Graci. See Bible. — Concordances. Brugiere de Barante (A. G. P.) Baron. Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois, 1304-1477. Troisieme edition. 13 vol. Paris, 1825, 26. 8°. 2084. d. Histoire du Directoire de la Republique Francaise. 3 vol Paris, 1855. 8°. 2084. d.' Brugseh (H.) History of Egypt under the Pharaohs. Trans- lated by P. Smith. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 188 1. 8°. 2069. a. Brulliot (F.) Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, etc. Nouvelle , edition. 3 pt. Munich, 1832-34. 4°. 2032. ff. Brunet (G.) La France litteraire au .xv e . siecle, ou Catalogue raisonne des ouvrages en tout genre imprimes en languo francaise jusqu'a 1'an 1500. Pans, 1865. 8°. 2048. c. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire. Cinquieme edition. 6 vol. Paris, 1860-65. 8°. 2049. b. Supplement. Par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. 2 vol Paris 1878-80. 8°. 2049. b! Brunn (H.) Geschichte der griechischen Kiinstler. 2 Bde Stuttgart, 1857-59. 8°. 2034. a." Brunton (T. L.) Text-book of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Materia Medica. Third edition. London, 1887. 8 °- 2024. d. Brut y Tywysogion : or Chronicle of the Princes. Edited by J. Williams ab Ithel. [Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland.] London, i860. 8°. 2073. (17.) Bruun (C. V.) Bibliotheca Danica Systematisk Fortegnelse over den Danske Literatur fra 1482 til 1830. Band 1, 2. Kjdbenhavn 1877, etc. 4°. 2050. f! Bruun (Malthe C.) System of Universal Geography, founded on the works of Malte-Brun and Balbi. [Edited by J. Laurie.] New edition. Edinburgh, 1 849. 8°. 2056. e. ! 2 52 BEU— BUI Bruyere (J. de La) See La Bruyere. Bruzen Fde la Martiniere (A. A.) Le grand Dictionnaire geo- graphiqne et critique. 9 vol. La Eaye, 1726-39. fol. Cat. Desk. Bryan (M.) Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. New edition, enlarged and continued by G. Stanley. London, 1849. 8°. 2031. a. Bryant (T.) Manual for the Practice of Surgery. Fourth edition. 2 vol. London, 1884. 8°. 2024. a. Bryce (J.) and Johnston (K.) The Library Cyclopaedia of Geo- graphy. London, 1880. 8°. 2059. c. Brydges (Sir S. E.) Censura Literaria. Containing titles, abstracts and opinions of old English books. 10 vol. London, 1805-9. 8°. 2049. aa. Bryennius (Nicephorus) Comrnentarii. Eecognovit A. Meineke. Gr. and Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1836. 8°. 2067. e. Buchon (J. A. C.) Choix de Chroniques et Memoires sur l'histoire de France ; avec notices par Buchon. See Pantheon Litteraire. — Chroniques et Memoires. Buck (A. H.) A Treatise on Hygiene and Public Health. 2 vol. London, 1879. 8°. 2024. d. Buckinghamshire. — Post Office Directory. See Post Office Direc- tories. Buckle (H. T.) History of Civilization in England. New edition. 3 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2077. d. Buckley (H. B.) The Law and Practice under the Companies' Acts. Fifth edition. London, 1887. 8°. 2018. e. Bucknill (J. C.) and Tuke (D. H.) Manual of Psychological Medi- cine and treatment of Insanity. Fourth edition. London, 1879. 8°. 2024. e. Buckton (G. B.) Monograph of the British Aphides. 4 vol. [Bay Society.] London, 1876-83. 8°. 2027. f. Buddhist Suttas. Translated from Tali by T. W. Ehys Davids. [Mueller. Sacred Books of the East. FoZ.ll.] Oxford, 188 1. 8°. 2003. a. Buecherschatz der Deutschen. Systematisches Zusammen- stellung der vorziiglichsten Werke der neueren deutschen Literatur. Leipzig, 1870. 8°. BB. R. Buehler (G.) Sacred Laws of the Aryas. Translated by G. B. [Mueller. Sacred Books of the East. Vol.2.] Oxford, 1879. 8°. 2003. a. Buelau (F.) Geschichte Deutschlands von 1806-1830, zugleich als Fortsetzung von Blisters Geschichte der Teutschen. [Hceren & Ukert, Geschichte, etc.] Hamburg, 1842. 8°. 2068. b. BufFon (G. L. Leclerc) Comte de. See Leclerc. Builder. The Builder : an illustrated weekly magazine. [For the last completed year.] London, fol. 2031. g. BUL— BUR 53 Bull (G.) Bishop of St. David's. Examen censurae, etc. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.'] Oxford, 1843. 8°. 2014. 1). Harrnonia Apostolica, etc. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1842. 8°. 2014. b. Works on the Trinity. 3 vol. [Library of Anglo-Catholic. Theo- logy.] Oxford, 1851-55. 8°. 2014. b. Bullen (E.) and Leake (S. M.) Precedents of Pleading. Fourth edition. 2 pt. London, 1882-88. 8°. , 2017. b. Bullen (G.) Catalogue of the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1857. 8 °- BB. A. Bunbury (E. H.) History of Ancient Geography. 2 vol. London, 1879. 8°. 2056. d. Bunsen (C. C. J.) Baron. Christianity and Mankind. 7 vol. London, 1854. 8 °- 2003. c. Egypt's Place in Universal History. Translated by C. H. Cot- trell. 5 vol. London, 1848-67. 8°. 2069. a. Bunsen (F.) Baroness. Memoir of Baron Bunsen. 2 vol. London, 1868. 8°. 2038. e. Bunyan (J.) The Pilgrim's Progress, with a memoir. Beligious Tract Society : London, [1865.] 8°. 2002. a. Buommattei (B.) Delia lingua Toscana libri due. 2 vol. [Classici Ltaliani; 219-220.] Milano, 1807. 8°. 2041. g. Buonafede (A.) Istoria e indole di ogni Filosofia. 4 vol. [Classici ltaliani; 367-370.] Milano, 1837-38. 8°. 2042. d. Buonanni (F.) See Bonanni. Burgand des Marets ( ) Bibliotheque Patoise. [A classed catalogue.] Paris, 1873. 8°. BB. T. Burge (W.) Commentaries on Colonial and Foreign Laws. 4 vol. London, 1838. 8°. 2018. g. Burgh. See Peterborough. Burke (J.) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry, or Commoners, etc. Small paper edition. 4 vol. London, 1837, 38. 8°. 2119. d. New edition. See Burke {Sir J. B.) Portrait Gallery of distinguished Females, with Memoirs. 2 vol. London, 1833. 8 °- 2035. g. Burke (J.) and (Sir J. B.) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the extinct and dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Second edition. London, 1844. 8 °' 2119. b. Heraldic Illustrations. London, 1845. 8°. 2119. e. Burke (Sir J. B.) Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of honour of all nations. London, 1858. 8°. 2119. b. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1868. 8°. 2119. e. 54 BUR— BUS Burke {Sir J. B.) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. Seventh edition. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2119. e. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. Forty-ninth edition. Lon- don, 1887. 8°. 2119. d. Genealogical History of the dormant, abeyant, forfeited, and extinct Peerages of the British Empire. New edition. London, 1866. 8°. Centre. The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. With a supplement. London, 1884. 8°. 2119. d. Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentle- men of Great Britain. 2 vol. London, 1852, 53. 8°. 2119. d. Second Series. 2 vol. London, 1854, 55. 8°. 2119. d. Burkhardt (C. A. H.) Hand- und Adressbuch der deutschen Archive. Leipzig, 1875. 8°. 2048. a. Burleigh State Papers. See Cecil (W.) Baron Burleigh. Burmannus (P.) See Polenus. Burn (R.) History of Westmoreland and Cumberland. See Nicolson (J.) 2063. c. Justice of the Peace. Thirtieth edition, by J. B. Maule and others. 5 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2016. c. Burnet (G.) Bishop of Salisbury. Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. Revised by J. E. Page. London, 1837. 8 °- 2002. b. History of his own Time; with the suppressed passages and notes. 6 vol. Oxford, 1823. 8°. 2077. b. Additional Annotations. Oxford, 1823. 8°. 2077. b. History of the Reformation of the Church of England. New edition, by N. Pocock. 7 vol. Oxford, 186^. 8°. 2003. e. Burney (F.) History of Music. 4 vol. London, 17 76-89. 4°. 2032. g. Burns (R.) Works. With life by A. Cunningham. London, 1850. 8«. 2046. f. Burrowes (A. D.) The Modern Encyclopaedia. 10 vol. London, [1837.] 8°. 2107. a. Burton (J.) Monasticon Eboracense. York, 1758. fol. 2063. f. Burton (J. H.) History of Scotland. Second edition. 8 vol. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. 2077. d. Burton (R.) The Anatomy of Melancholy. London, 1845. 8°. 2045. c. Burton (Thomas de) See Thomas. Burton (W.) Description of Leicestershire. Second edition. Lynn, 1777. fol. 2064. d. Busse (J. B. G.) Grundriss der Christliehcn Literatur. Munsfer, 1828, 29. BB. A. BUT— BYZ 55 Butler (A.) Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Saints. 12 vol. London, 1 812-15. 8°. 2007. b. [Another edition.] 2 vol. Dublin, 1833-38. 8°. 2008. f. Butler (G. S.) Topographica Sussexiana. [Lewes, 1866.] 8°. BB. K. Butler (J.) Bishop of Durham. Analogy of Religion. Also fiftoen Sermons. With notes, etc., by J. Angus. Beligious Tract Society : London, [1854?] 8°. 2001. a. Butler (W. A.) Lectures on the history of Ancient Philosophy. Edited by W. H. Thompson. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1856. 8°. 2023. a. Butterworth (J.) Catalogue of Law Books. Third edition. Lon- don, 1 8 12. 8°. BB. C. Buttura (A.) and Renzi (A.) Dictionnairo general Italion-Fran- cais. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1861. 8°. 2116. b. Buxtorfius (J.) Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Eabbinicum. Basilese, 1639. fol. 2113. d. Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum. Denuo edidit et annotatis auxit B. Fischerus. 2 vol. Lipsiae, 1869-75. 8°. 2115. e. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. Editio nova. Glasguae, 1824. 8°. 2115. c. Byles (Sir J. B.) Law of Bills of Exchange. Fourteenth edition, by M. B. Byles and A. K. Lloyd. London, 1885. 8°. 2018. c. Byrne (O.) Spon's Dictionary of Engineering. 4 vol. London, 1869-74. 8°. 2022. b. Supplement. London, 1879-81. 8°. 2022. b. Byron (G. G. N.) Baron Byron. Life. See Moore. Poetical Works. London, 1859. 8°. 2046. f. Bythewood (W. M.) and Jarman (T.) A Selection of Precedents in Conveyancing. 4th edition, by L. G. G. Bobbins. 5 vol. London, 1884-86. 8°. 2018. f. Byzantine History. Corpus Scriptorum Ilistoriae Byzantinae. Editio emendatior et copiosior, opera B. G. Niebuhrii aliorumque parata. Gr. and Lat. 48 vol. Bonnse, 1828-55. 8°. 2067. c-h. Contents : — 1. Agathise Myrinasi historiarum libri V. Annotationibus B. Vulcanii ; B. G. Niebuhrius Grseca recensuit ; aecedunt Agathise epigraininata. 2. Leonis Diacoui historian libri X. et liber de vclitatione belliea Nice- phori Aug., e recensioue C. B. Hasii ; addita ejusdein versione, &c. Aecedunt Theodosii Acroases de Creta capta, et Luitpraudi legatio, cum aliia libellis qui Nicephori et Tziiniscis historiam illustrant. 3. Joannia Cantacuzeni historiarum libri IV. ; cura L. Schopeni. 3 vol. 4. Nicepliori Gregoriaa Byzantina his- toria; cura L. iSchopeui. 2 vol. [Vol. 3.] Libri postremi ab I. Bekkero editi. 5. Constantiiii Porphyrogeniti de ceri- moniis Auho Byzantina) libri duo; cum comm. J. J. Reiskii. 2 vol. [Vol. 3.] Do thematibiw et de admiinstrando imperio: accedit Hieroclis Syuecdemus cura Bandurii 56 BYZ-CLEC Byzantine History — continued. et Wesselingii commenturiis. Re- cognovit I. Bekkerus. 6. Dexippi, Eunapii, Petri Patricii, Prisci, Malchi, Menandri kistoria- rurn qua) supersunt. 7. Georgius Syneellus et Nicephorus CP. ; ex recensione G. Diudorfii. 2 vol. 8. Joaunis Malalas chronographia; ex recensione L. Dindorfii : accedunt Chilmeadi Hodiique annotationes et K. Bentleii epistola ad J. Milliura. 9. Chronicon Paschale, ad exemplar Vaticanuin recensuit L. Dindorfius. 2 vol. 10. Procopius ; ex recensione G. Din- dorfii. 3 vol. 11. Tneophylacti Simocatta) historiarum libri VIII. Recognovit I. Bek- kerus: — Genesius ex recognitii >ne C. Lackmanni. 2 pt. 12. Ducse, Mickaelis Duca) nepotis, Historia Byzantiua. Recognovit et interprete Italo addito supplevit I. Bekkerus. 13. Georgii Pachymeris de Michacle et Andronico Palasologis libri XIII. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. 2 vol. 14. Niceta) Choniata) historia ; ex recen- sione I. Bekkeri. 15. Joannis Ciunami epitome rerum ab Joanne et Alexio Comnenis gesta- rum, ad fidem Cod. Vat. recensuit A. Meineke. — Nicephori Bryenuii commentarii. 2 pt. 16. Mickaelis Glycse annales. Recog. I. Bekkerus. 17. Merobaudes et Corippus. Recog. I. Bekkerus. 18. Constantini Manassis breviarium historia) metricum : — Joelis chrono- graphia compendiaria : — Georgii Acropolita) annales. Recog. I. Bek- kerus. 3 pt. 19. Pauli Silentiarii descriptio S. Sophia) •j:; et Ambonis; ex recogn. I. Bek- keri: — Georgii Pisida) expeditio Persica, bellum Avaricum, Hera- clias: — Sancti Nicephori, pat. Con- stant., breviarum rerum post Mauri- cium gestarum. 3 pt. Zosimus ; ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Joannes Lydus ; ex recog. I. Bekkeri. Theophanes continuatus, Joannes Cameniata, Symeon Magister, Geor- gius Monachus ; ex recogn. I. Bek- keri. [Treated as vol. 3 of No. 26.] Georgius Phrantzes, Joannes Cana- nus, iJoan. Anagnostes ; ex recens. I. Bekkeri. 24. Georgius Cedrenus, Joannis Scylitzse ope ab I. Bekkero suppletus et emendatus. 2 vol. 25. AnuoB Comnena) Alexiadis libri XV. Ed. L. Schopenus. Vol. 1. 26. Theophanis chronographia ; ex re- cens. J. Classeni. Vol. 1, 2. [See No. 22.] 27. Codini Curopalatse de ofncialibus Palatii Cpolitani et de officiis magna? ecclesise liber; ex recog. I. Bekkeri. 28. Ephrseinius ; ex recognitione I. Bek- keri. 29. Joannis Zonarse Annales ; ex recens. M. Pinderi. 2 vol. 30. Leonis Grammatici chronographia; ex recogn. I. Bekkeri. Accedit Eustathii de capta Thessalonica liber. 31. Laonici Chaleocondylre historiarum libri X. ; ex recog. I. Bekkeri. 32. Georgii Codini excernta de antiqui- tatibus Const; mtinopolitanis; ex re- cognitione I. Bekkeri. 33. Historia politica et patriarchica Constantinopoleos. Epirotica. Re- cog. I. Bekkerus. 34. Michaelis Attaliota) historia. Re- cognovit I. Bekkerus. Byzantius (C. D.) Dictionnaire Grec-Francais et Francais-Grec. Edition secondc stereotype. Athenes, 1856. 8°. 2113. c. Ae£iKOV iTTLTO/Jiov ttjs 'EiXXqviKrj. CHI— CHK Chitty (J.) the Elder. Collection of Statutes, with notes thereon. Fourth edition, hy J. M. Lely. 6 vol. London, 1880. 8°. 2017. c. Chitty (J.) the Younger. Law of Contracts. Eleventh edition, hy J. A. Eussell. London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2018. e. Chitty (T.) Forms of Practical Proceedings in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice. Twelfth edition, by T. W. Chitty. London, 1883. 8°. 2018. b. Choulant (L.) Bihliotheca Medico- Historica. Lipsise, 1842. 8°. BB. C. Chretien Lalanne (M. L.) Dictionnaire historique de la France. Paris, 1872. 8°. 2035. h. "Christian World" Year Book for 1885. A Complete Alpha- betical List of Ministers of all the Nonconforming Churches of Great Britain and Ireland. London, [1885.] 8°. 2121. b. Christlieb (P.) Modern Doubt and Christian Beliefs, translated by H. U. Weitbrecht. Second edition. [Clark's Foreign Theological Librartj, 4th Series, 42.] Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. 2014. h. Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. Published under the direction of the Master of the Bolls. London, 1858, etc. 8°. 2073. Contents : — Capgrave. The Chronicle of Eng- land. Edited by F. C. Hingeston. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Edited by J. Stevenson. 2 vol. Lives of Edward the Confessor. Edited by H. R. Luard. Monumenta Franciscana. Edited by J. S. Brewer and E. Howlett. 2 vol. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Jo. Wyclif cum Tritico. Ascribed to Thomas Netter. Edited by W. W. Shirley. The Buik of the Croniclis of Scot- land; or, a metrical version of the History of Hector Boece, by W. Stewart. Edited by W. B. Turn- bull. 3 vol. Capgrave. Liber de illustribus Hen- ricis. Edited by F. C. Hingeston. Book of the illustrious Henries. Translated by F. C. Hingeston. Elinham. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis. Edited by C. Hardwick. Eulogium (historiarum sive tem- poris) : Chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad a.d. 1366. A Monacho quodam Malmcsburiensi exaratum. Acceduut continuationes duaj, &c. Edited by F. S. IJaydon. 3 vol. I list 1 iria Regis Henrici Septimi, a 15. Andrea conscripta; necnon alia qusedam ad eundem Regeni spec- tantia. Edited by J. Gairdner. 11. Memorials of Henry the Fifth, King of England. Edited by C. A. Cole. 12. Munimenta Gildhallaa Londoniensis —Liber Albus. Edited by H. T. Riley. Vol. 2 (in two parts). Liber Custumarum. — Vol. 3. Translation of the in Liber Anglo-Norman Albus, &c. 13. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. [New edi- tion, with additions.] 14. Political Poems and Songs relating to English history, Edw. I1L- Ric. III. Edited by T. Wright. 2 vol. 15. Bacon (R.) Opera inedita. Edited by J. S. Brewer. Vol. 1. 16. Bartholormei de Cotton Historia Anglicana (449-1298). Edited by H. R. Luard. 17. Bruty Tywysogion, or Chronicle of the Princes. Edited by J. Wil- liams ab Ithel. 18. Royal and Historical Letters during the reign of Henry IV. Edited by F. C. Hingeston. Vol. 1. 19. Peoock(R.) The Repressor of over- much blaming of the Clergy. Edited by C. Babington. 2 vol. CI1R 69 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland — continued. 20. Annalcs Cambria;. Edited by J. 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Edited by W. D. Macray. Roger de Wendover. Elowers of Hi.-tory. Edited by H. G. Hewlett. Vol. 1. Letter Book of the Monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury. Edited by J. B. Sheppard. Vol. 1. Robert of Gloucester. Metrical Chronicle. Edited by W. A. Wright. 2 vol. Chronicles of Robert of Brurtne. Edited by V. J. Furnivali. 2 vol. CIIR-CHU 71 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland— continued. 88. Icelandic Sagns. Edited by G. Vigfusson. 89. Tripartite Life of. S. Patrick. Edited by Wbitley Stokes. 2 vol. 90. Willolmi Malmesburiensis Monachi De Gestis Regum Anglic libri quinque. Edited by W. Stubba. Vol. i. Chronicles and Memorials [of Scotland] published under the direction of the Lord Clerk Register of Scotland. Edinburgh, iS6-j,etc. 8°. 2075. c. Contents : — Rotuli Bcacoarii Regum Scotorum. The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by J. Stuart and G. Burnett. Vol. 1-7. Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland preserved in H.M. Public Record Office, London. Edited by J. 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Chronique dn Religieux de Saint-Denys, contenant lo regne de Charles vi., de 1380 a 1422, publiee en Latin et traduite par L. Bellaguet ; precedee d'une introduction par M. de Barante. 6 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V Serie. Histoire Politique.] Pan's, 1839-52. 4°. 2083. c. Chronological Tables. Ancient and Mediaeval History, a.m. 1 to a.d. 1500. [By I. M'Burney.] [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1857. 8°. 2102. h. Modern History, A.d. 1501-1856. By S. Reil. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1857. 8°. 2102. h. Chrysostom, Saint. Opera omnia. [With Index.] 26 vol. [Caillau— Patres, 70-94.] Paris. 1842, 43. 8°. 2008. b-c. — — Opera omnia, studio B. de Montfaucon. Editio novissima, accuranto J. P. Migne. Gr. & Lat. 18 vol. (in 14.) [Migne. Patroloqise Cur sus.— Series Graeca; 47-64.] Paris. 1858-60. 8°. 2011. c. Homilies, translated. 19 vol. [Puseys Library of Fathers.] Oxford, 1841-52, 77, 79. 8°. 2009. b. & 2010. b. Chrystal (G.) Algebra. Edinburgh, 1886, etc. 8°. 2022. a. Church Missionary Society. The Church Missionary Atlas. Sixth edition. London, 1879. 8°. 2059. d. Churchill (A.) and (J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels. 6 vol. London, 1704-32. fob 2058. d. 72 CHU-CLA Churchill (J.) Letters and Despatches from 1702 to 1712. Edited by Sir G. Murray. 5 vol. London, 1845. 8°. 2040. e. Cibber(C) Life. [Autobiography: 1 .] London, 1826. 12°. 2039. a. Cicero (M. Tullius) Opera ex editione J. A. Ernesti, cum notis, &c, in usum Delphiui. 17 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1830. 8°. 2054. c. e. Omnia Opera. 19 vol. [Lemaire, Bibliotheca Classica Latina, 6-24.] Paris. 1831-32. 8°. 2053. a. b. Opera quae supersunt omnia ex recensione J. C. Orellii. Editio altera, emendatior. Curaverunt J. C. Orellius et J. G. Baiterus. (Opus continuaverunt J. G. Baiterus et C. Halmius.) 4 vol. Turici, 1845-62. 8°. 2053. g. Orationes; with a commentary by G. Long. 4 vol. [Long's Bibliotheca Classica.'] London, 185 1-58. 8°. 2052. c. Lexicon Ciceronianum. See Nizolius. 2052. c. Cicogna (E. A.) Bibliografia Veneziana. Venezia, 1847. 8°. BB. K. Cicognara (L.) Count. Catalogo ragionato dei libri d' arte e d'antichita. 2 vol. Pisa, 182 1. 8°. BB. G. Cinnamus (J.) Epitome rerum ab Joanne et Alexio Comnenis gestarum. Kecensuit A. Meineke. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1836. 8°. 2067. e. Cinque (J. P. de) and Fabricius (R.) Vita? et res gestae summorum Pontificium et Cardinalium ad Ciacconii exemplum continuatte. Tomus primus. Bomse, 1787. fol. 2007. d. Cirbied (3. C") Grammaire de la langue Armenienne. Paris, 1823. go. V J 2115. a. Circumnavigation. Historical account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe, and of the progress of discovery in the Pacific Ocean. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 21.1 Edinburgh, 1836. 12°. L 2103. g. Cities. The cities and principal towns of the world. Vol. 1. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. — History and Geography.] London, 1830. 8°. 2103. c. Civezza (M. da) Saggio di Bibliografia Sanf'rancescana. Prato, 1879. 8°. BB. A. Clapiers (L. de) Marquis de Vauvenargues. G3uvres. [Pantheon Litteraire— Philosophic.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. c. Clarendon, Edward, Earl of. See Hyde. Clark (S.) Bible Atlas. Also a complete Index of the Geographical Names in the English Bible by G. Grove. London, 1868. 4°. 2000. g. Clark (T.) and (T.) Clark's Foreign Theological Library. 36 vol. Edinburgh, 1845-68. 8°. 2014. d, c. Contents : — 1. Hengstenberg. On the Ptalms. 2 pt. See Biblical Cabinet. New Series. 2, 12. Hengstenberg. On the Psalms. Vol. 2 and 3. 2 vol. 3, G. IIagenbach. History of Doc- trines. 2 vol. I, '.>, 30, 31, 34. Gieselek. Con>ivu- (liiuu of Ecclesiastical History. 5 vol. (LA Clark (T.) and (T.) — continued. 5, 10, 16, 19. Olshaisen. On the Gospels. 4 vol. 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 33. Nean- der. Church History. 9 vol. 13. Olshausen. IS. Havernick. Pentateuch. 20. Olshausen. 21. OlSHATJSEN. On the Romans. Introduction to the On the Corinthians. On the Galatians, Ephesians, Colossiaus, and Thessa- lonians. 22, 26. Hengstenberg. Revelation of St. John. 2 vol. 23. Wiesinger. Commentary on Phi- lippians, Titus, and 1 Timothy: continuation of ( Ushausen. 27, 2'.t. Mtjlleb. On the Christian Doc- trine of Sin. Translated by W. Pulsford. 2 vol. Translated by W. Urwick. 2 vol. 28. Havernick. Introduction to the Old Testament. 32. Ebuard. On the Hebrews : con- tinuation of Olshausen. New [Second] Series. 20 vol. Edinburgh, 1854-58. 8°. 2014. e. Contents 1, 9, 19, 20. Hengstenberg. Chris- tology of the Old Testament. 4 vol. 2-4. Baumgarten. Apostolic History. 3 vol. 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18. Stter. Words of the Lord Jesus. 8 vol. 6, 8. Ullmann. Reformers before the lief irmation. 2 vol. 14. Keil. Commentary on Joshua. 15, 16. Keil. Commentary on the Book of Kings. Commentary on the Book of Chronicles, by E. Bertheau. 2 vol. Third Series. 20 vol. Edinburgh, 1859-63. 8 C 2014. f. Contents : 1-3. Kurtz. History of the Old Cove- nant. 3 vol. 4. Stier. Words of the risen Saviour, and Commentary on the Epistle of St. James. 5. Tholuck. Commentary on St. John's Gospel. 6. Hengstenberg. Commentary on Ei-clesiastes, &c. 7. Tholuck. Commentary on the Ser- mon on the Mount. 8. Ebrard. Commentary on St. John's Epistles. 9, 12, 16. Lange. Commentary on St. Matthew. Vol. 1-3. 10, 11, 14, 15, 18. Dorner. On the Person of Christ. Division 1, Vol. 1, 2. Division 2, Vol. 1-3. 13, 17. Oosterzee. Commentary on St. Luke. 2 vol. 19. Ebrard. The Gospel History. 20. Kurtz. Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament. Fourth Series. 2G vol. Edinburgh, 1864-70. 8°. 2014. o-_h. Contents : — 1, 4. Lechler and Gerok. Commen- tary on the Acts. Vol. 1, 2. 5, 7. Hengstenberg. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. 2 vol. 2, 3, 6. Keil and Delitzsch. On the Pentateuch. Vol. 1-3. 8. Joshua, Judges, Ruth. 9. Samuel. 17, 18. Twelve Minor Prophets. Vol. 1, 2. 10,11. Delitzsch. Commentary on Job. 2 vol. 12. Martensen. Christian Dogmatics. 13. Delitzsch. Biblical Psychology. 14. 15. Delitzsch. Commentary on Isaiah, 2 vol. On the Divine Revela- 16. AUBERLEN. tion. 19. Harless. Christian Ethics. 20,28. Delitzsch. Commentary on the Hebrews. 2 vol. 21. Hengstenberg. Commentary on Ezekiel. 22. Stier. Words of the Apostles. 23,25. Keil. Introduction to the Old Testament. 2 vol. 24, 26. Bleek. Introduction to the New Testament. 2 vol. 27. Schmid. Biblical Theology of the New Testament. 29,30,31. Delitzsch. Commentary on the Psalms. 3 vol. 74 CLA Clark (T.) and (T.) Fourth Series — continued. 32, 36. Hengstenberg. History of tho Kingdom of God under the Old Testament. 2 vol. 33. Keil. On the Books of the Kings. 34. On the Book of Daniel. 35. Keil. On the Books of the Chro- nicles. 37. Winer. On the Doctrines and Con- fessions of Christendom. 38. Keil. On the Books of Ezra, Nehe- miah, and Esther. 39. Martensen. On Christian Ethics. 40. Keil. On the Prophecies of Jere- miah. Vol. 1. 42. Christlieb. Modern Doubt and Christian Belief. 43. Delitzsch. On the Proverbs of S..lomon. Vol. 1. 44. Oehler. Theology of the Old Tes- tament. Vol. 1. 45, 46. Godet. Commentary on St. Luke. 2 vol. 49, 5(1. Keil. On the Prophecies of Ezekiel. 2 vol. 51, 53, 56. Godet. On the Gospel of St. John. 3 vol. 52, 55, 57. Luthardt. On the Gospel of St. John. Vol. 1, 2, 3. 54. Delitzsch. On the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes. 58, Gebhardt. On the Doctrine of the Apocalypse. 59, 62. Hagenbach. History of the Reformation in Germany and Swit- zerland chiefly. 2 vol. 60, 61. Philippe Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 2 vol. 63. Steinmeyer. History of the Pas- sion and Resurrection of our Lord. 64. Haupt. The first Epistle of St. John. - Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. Contents : — New (Fifth) Series. 2014. h. 2015. a-b. 1, 3, 8. Hagenbach. History of Chris- tian Doctrines. Vol. 1, 2, 3. 2-6. Godet. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Translated by A. Cusin. Vol. 1, 2. 4, 5, 9, 10. Dorner. System of Chris- tian Doctrine. Vol. 1-4. 7, 11. Martensen. Christian Ethics. Special Part. Vol. 1, 2. 12, 13. Weiss. Biblical Theology of the New Testament. 2 vol. 14, 16, 17. Weiss. Life of Christ. 3 vol. 15. Goebel. Parables of Jesus. 18. Sartorius. Doctrine of Divine Love. 19. Ewald. Revelation. 20, 21. Raebiger. Encyclopedia of Theology. 2 vol. 22. Orelli. Old Testament Prophecy. 23-25. Schuerer. History of the Jewish People. Div. 2. 3 vol. 26, 29, 31. Ebrard. Apologetics. 3 vol. 27, 30. Godet on St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. 2 vol. 28, Frank. System of the Christian certainty. 32. Keil. Biblical Archaeology. 33. Ewald. Old Testament Theology. 34. Cassell. Commentary on Efther. Clarke (C. Cowden) The Shakespeare Key. See Shakspere. Clarke (E. D.) Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. G vol. Cambridge, London, 1810-23. 4°. .. 2056. f. Clarke (James S.) Life of James 11. 2 vol. London, 18 16. 4°. 2069. e. Clarke (John) Bibliotheca Legum ; or, Catalogue of Law Books, etc. London, 18 19. 12°. BB. C. Clarke (Mary Cowden) Complete Concordance to Shakspere. See Shakspere. Clarke (R.) and Co. Digest of Law Publications. Cincinnati, 1877. 8°. BB. C. Clarke (W. W.) Parochial Topography of tho Hundred of \\ anting. Oxford, 1824. 4°. 2064. c. Clarkson (C.) History of Richmond, Yorkshire. Richmond, 182 1. 4°. 2063. d. Classical Review. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1S87. 8°. 2056. c. CLA 75 Classici Italiani. 37-1 vol. Milano, 1802-50. 2041. 8°. t -h, and 2042. a-d. Contents : 1-3. Dante. 3 vol. 4, 5. Petrarci. 2 vol. 6-9. Boccaccio. 4 vol. 10-17. Villain. 8 vol. 18, 19. Passavanti. 2 vol. 20. Pandolflni. 21. Bartolommeo da S. Concordio. 22-21. Crescenzi. 3 vol. 25, 2G. Giovanni Fiorentino. 2 vol. 27-29. Sacchetti. 3 voL 30-32. Pulci. 3 vol. 33. Vinci. 34. L. B. Alberti. 35. Poliziano. 36 39. Tasso. 4 vol. 40-44. Ariosto, 5 vol. 45-48. Bojardo (Berni). 4 vol. 49. Berni. 50-52. Ovidio ; dall' Anguillara. 3 vol. 53. Alamanni e Ruccllai. 54. Valvasone. 55-66. Btmbo. 12 vol. 67, 68. Castiglione. 2 vol. 69. Molza. 70-73. Casa. 4 vol. 74-81. Caro. 8 vol. 82-86. Firenzuola. 5 vol. 87. Sanazzaro. 88. Guarini. 89-95. Varchi. 7 vol. 96-98. Segni. 3 vol. 99-108. Guiccianliiri. 10 vol. 109-1 IS. Machiavelli. 10 vol. 119-121. Costanzo. 3 vol. 122-124. G. P. Maffei. 3 vol. 125. Davanzati. 126-141. Vasari. 16 vol. 142-144. Cellini. 3 vol. 145-147. Pi. Borghini. 3 vol. 148-151. V. Borghini. 4 vol. 152. Vettori. 153-155. Gelli. 3 vol. 156-160. Salviati. 5 vol. 161. Cavalcanti. 162. Erizzo. 163. Tassoni. 164. Bracciolini. 165. Zipoli [*. e. L. Lippi]. 166-168. Chiabrera. 3 vol. 169-177. Redi. 9 vol. 178-1S3. Davila. 6 vol. 184-188. Bentivoglio. 5 vol. 189-202. Baldinucci. 14 vol. 2H3. Dati. 204-216. Galilei. 13 vol. 217-218. Magalotti. 2 vol. 219, 220. Bnommattei. 2 vol. 221-224. Mambelli. 4 vol. 225. Menzini. 226. Tito Lucrezio ; da Marclictti. 227-229. Cartcromaco. [Fortegucrri.] 3 vol. 230. Raccolta di Lirici Italiani ; comp. da Gironi. 231. Raccolta di Poesie satiriche. 232-234. Raccolta di Prose Italianc. 3 vol. 235. Poesie pastorali e rusticali; race. da Ferrario. 230-238. Raccolta di Novelle. 3 vol. 239. Raccolta di Pocrni didasealici. 240-249. Teatro Italiano antico. 10 vol. 250. Bibliografia delle opere contenuto nellacollezione de' Classici Italiani. 251-251. Alfleri. 4 vol. 255-272. Muratori. Annali d' Italia. 18 vol. 273, 274. F. M. Zanotti. 2 vol. 275. Varano. 276. Gravina. 277-281. Metastasio. 5 vol. 282, 283. Cesarotti. 4 vol. 284-286. Denina. 3 vol. 287. Guglielinini. 2 vol. 288, 289. Muratori. Perfetta Poesia. 4 vol. 290. Stazio ; da Bentivoglio. 291, 292. Goldoni. 4 vol. 293, 294. Beccaria. 2 vol. 295-297. Gozzi. 5 vol. 298. A. Verri. 2 vol. 299-301. Filangieri. 6 vol. 302-317. Tiraboschi. 16 vol. 318. Raccolta di Melodrainnii sorj. 2 vol. 319-321. Algarotti. 3 vol. 322-328. Giannone. 14 vol. 329-331. Cocchi. 3 vol. 332-335. Lanzi. 4 vol. 336. Genovesi. 2 vol. 337. E. Zanotti. 338. 339. S. Maffei. 5 vol. 340. Paiini. 2 vol. 341. Raccolta di Tragedie scrittc nel sec. xviii. 2 vol. 342-344. Spallanzani. 6 vol. 345. Raccolta di Melodrammi giocosi scritto nel sec. xvm. 346. Raccolta di Apologia, sec. xviii. 347. Raccolta di Comrnedie, sec. xviii. 2 vol. 348. Raccolta di Poesie satiriche, sec. xviii. 349. Raccolta di Poemi didascalici, sec. XVIII. 350. 351. Raccolta di Prose c lettcrc, sec. xviii. 3 vol. 352. Raccolta di operetta filosoiichc, sec. xviii. 2 vol. 76 CLA— CLI 361. Gerdil. 3 vol. 862-366. Muratori. Antichita. Italiane. 5 vol. 367-370. Buonafede. 4 vol. 371, 372. Baretti. 4 vol. 373, 374. Yico. 2 vol. Classici Italian! — continued. 353. Eaccolta di Poesie liriche, sec. XVIII. 354-356. P. Verri & Custodi. Storia di Milano. 3 vol. 357, 358. Genovesi. 2 vol. 359, 360. P. Verri. Opere filosofiche. 2 vol. Claude (J.) Essay on the composition of a Sermon ; with notes, &c, by C. Simeon. New edition. London, 1853. 8°. 2001. a. Claudiaims (C.) Opera omnia, ex editione P. Burmanni secundi; cum notis, &c, in usum Delphini. 4 vol. Valpy : Londini, j 821. 8°. 2054. e, f. Opera omnia : cum notis. Recensuit N. L. Artaud. 2 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 25, 26. .1 Paris. 1824. 8°. L 2053. b. Cleasby (R.) Icelandic-English Dictionary, completed by G. Vigfusson. Oxford, 1869-74. 4°. 2117. b. Clemens Alexandrinus. Opera. Gr. and Lat. 2 vol. [Migne. Patroloqise Cursus.— Series Grseca ; 8,9.] Paris. 1857. 4°. J 2010. f. The Clementine Homilies. Translated by T. Smith and T. Donaldson. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library; 17.] Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 2011. a. The Writings of Clemence of Alexandria. Translated by W.Wilson. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library; 4,12.] Edinburgh, 1867-69. 8°. 2011. a. Clerc (G. L. le) Count de Buff on. See Leclerc. Clerel de Tocqueville (C. A. H. M. de) Count. L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1857. 8°. 2083. a. Coup d'oeil sur le regne de Louis xvi. jusqu'a la seance royal e du 23 juin 1789. Paris, [1850.] 8°. 2083. a. Histoire philosophic! ue du regne de Louis xv. Paris, 1847. 8°. 2083. d. Clergy List. [For the current year.] London. 8°. 2121. d. Clerical Directory. See Crockford's Clerical Directory. Clerke (A. M.) A popular history of Astronomy during the nineteenth century. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2022. e. Clinical Society. — London. General Index to the first twelve volumes of the Transactions, 1868-79. London, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Clinton (H. F.) Epitome of the civil and literary Chronology of Greece. Oxford, 1851. 8°. 2067. h. Epitome of the civil and literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople, from the death of Augustus to the death of Heraclius. Oxford, 185?. 8°. 2068. e. CLI— COL 77 Clinton (H. F.) Fasti Ilolleuici, etc. 3 vol. Oxford, 1834-51. 4°. 2068. g. Fasti Komani, etc. 2 vol. Oxford, 1845-50. 4°. 2068. g. Clutterbuck (R.) History and Antiquities of tho County of Hertford. 3 vol. London, 1815-27. fol. 2062. f. Coates (C.) History of Keading. London, 1802. 4°. 2066. d. Cobbett (W.) Cobbett's Collection of State Trials. See State Trials. Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England, from 1066 to 1803; continued in "Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates" [for which see Hansard]. 36 vol. London, 1806-20. 8°. 2078. a, b. Cocchi (A.) Opere. 3 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 329-331.] Milano, 1824. 8°. 2042. c. Cockayne (T. O.) Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of early England, illustrating the History of Science. 3 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1864-66. 8°. 2073.(35.) Codde (P.) Pittori, Scultori, Architetti, ed Incisori Mantovani. Mantova, 1837. 8°. 2032. d. Codes. Les Codes annotes, etc. See France. Codinus (Georgius) Curopalata. De officialibus Palatii Cpolitani et de officiis magna? ecclesiae liber. Ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1839. & . 2067. g. Excerpta de antiquitatibus Constantinopolitanis. Ex recog- nitione I. Bekkeri. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1843. 8°. 2067. g. Cohen (H.) Guide de 1' Amateur de Livre a Gravures du xvm e . siecle. Cinquieme edition. Paris, 1886. 8°. BB. G. Cohn (A.) Skakespeare-Bibliographie, 1873, etc. Kothen, Berlin, [1875, etc.] 8°. BB. G. Coke (Sir E.) Commentary on Littleton. See Littleton. 2017. c. Colange (L.) Zell's Popular Encyclopaedia. See Zell. 2107. c. Colbum's United Service Magazine. London, 1884, etc. 8°. 2091. h. Colburn (J.) Bibliography of the Local History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1 87 1. 8°. BB. K. Cole (C.) Memoirs of Affairs of State from 1697 to 1708. London, 1733. fol. 2069. f. Cole (H.) Documents illustrative of English History in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. [Record Commission.] London, 1844. fol. Cat. Desk. Coleman (J.) Index to printed Pedigrees in County and Local Histories, etc. London, 1866. 8°. BB. T. Coleman (L.) Historical Text Book and Atlas of Biblical Geo- graphy. London, [1854?] 4°. 2001. d. 78 COL Coleridge (S. T.) Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley and Keats. 3 pt. Paris, 1829. 8°. 2044. e. Biographia Literaria. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2039. a. Literary Eemains. Edited by H. N. Coleridge. 4 vol. London, 1836-39. 8°. 2044. a. Treatise on Method. Third edition. [Encyclopaedia Metro- politana.] [London, 1849.] 8 °- 2102 - e> Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. [Edited by J. G. Nichols.] 8 vol. London, 1834-43. 8°. 2062. c. Collection de Documents Inedits sur l'Histoire de France. See France. College of Preceptors. Calendar [for the current year]. London, 8<\ 2121. 1). Colletta (P.) History of Naples, from the accession of Charles of Bourbon to the death of Ferdinand 1. Translated by S. Horner. 2 vol. Edinburgh, i860. 8°. 2084. c. Collier (J.) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain. New edition, by. T. Lathbury. 9 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2003. d. The great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical, and Poetical Dictionary. Collected out of L. Morery. Second edition. [With Supplement and Appendix.) 4 vol. London, 170 1-2 1. fol. Collier (J. P.) Bibliographical and critical Account of the rarest books in the English Language. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2048. c. History of English Dramatic Poetry and, Annals of the Stage, etc. 3 vol. London, 183 1. 8°. 2046. e. Collins (A.) English Baronetage. 4 vol. (in 5). London, 1741. 8 o. 2119. b. Historical collection of the noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle, etc. London, 1752. fol. 2120. g. Letters and Memorials of State, written and collected by Sir H. Sydney, Sir P. Sydney [and others]. 2 vol. London, 1746. f l, 2069. f. Peerage of England. Second edition, 1710. See Peerage. 2119. c. Peerage of England. Fifth edition 8 vol. London, 177 9. 8°. 2119. c. Supplement. By B. Longmato. London, 1784. 8°. 2119. c. Augmented by Sir E. Brydges. 9 vol. London, 181 2. 8 o. & 2119. b. Proceedings, precedents, and arguments on claims and contro- versies concerning Baronies by Writ, etc. London, 1734. fol. 2120. g. Collins (W.), Sons & Co. Students' Atlas of Historical Geography. London, 1873. 4°. 2059. d. Library Atlas. London, 1875. 4°. 2059. d. COL— CON 7'.' Collinson (J.) History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset. 3 vol. Bath, 1 79 1. 4°. 2066. e. Colneiro (M.) La Botanica y los Botanicos de la Peninsula His- pano-Lusitana. Madrid, 1858. 8°. BB. E. Colomb de Batines (P.) Viscount. Bibliografia Dantesca. 2 torn. Prato, 1845. 8°. BB. G. Indice Generale. Bologna, 1883. 8°. BB. G. Bibliografia delle anticlie Eappresentazioni Italiani stampate nei secoli xv. e xvi. Firenze, 1852. 8°. BB. G. Colonial Office List [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. Colton (G. W.) Colton's General Atlas. Letterpress descriptions by R. W. Fischer. New York, 1871. fol. 2059. f. Coluthus. Eaptus Helenas. Gr. & Bat. Eecensuit J. D. a, Lennep : accedunt ejusdem animadversionuni libri tres. Curavit G. H. Schaefer. Bipsise, 1825. 8°. 2051. e. Commines (P. de) Memoires sur les regnes de Louis xi. et Charles vni. [Pantheon Bitteraire. Glirouiques ct Memoires.^ Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. c. Common Prayer. See Prayer-Book. Commons, House of. See Parliament. Comolli (A.) Bibliografia storico-critica dell' Architettura civile. 4 vol. Boma, 1788-92. 4°. BB. G. Compendium. Irish Compendium. Second edition [called vol. 3]. Bondon, 1727. 12°. 2119. a. Fifth edition. Bondon, 1756. 12°. 2119. a. Scots Compendium ; or, Rudiments of Honour ; containing the Succession of Scots Kings; also the Nobility of Scotland, &c. Seventh edition. Bondon, 1764. 12°. 2119. a. Comte (I. A. M. F. X.) Positive Philosophy. Translated and condensed by Harriet Martineau. Second edition. 2 vol. Bondon, 1875. 8°. 2023. a. Comyns (Sir J.) Digest of the Laws of England. Fifth edition, by A. Hammond. 8 vol. Bondon, 1822. 8°. 2016. e. Conant (T. J.) and (B.) Index to the American Cyclopaadia. See Ripley and Dana. 2104. a. Concilia. Concilia Generalia Ecclesias Catholicaa Pauli V. Pont. Max. auctoritate edita. Gr. & Bat. 4 vol. Bomse, 1628. fol. 2006. e. Concordances. See Bible. Congregational Year Book [for the current year], Bondon. 8°. 2121. c. Connelly (T.) and Higgins (T.) Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 4 vol. Madrid, 1798, 97. 4°. 2117. d. Connoisseur. [By Colman and Thornton.] 2 vol. [British 25, 26.] Bondon, 1823. 12 (> . 2043. a. 80 CON— COO Constantine VII., surnamed Porphyrogenitus, Emperor of the East. Scripta. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. [Miqne. Patrologiae Cursus. Series Grseca ; 112, 113.] Pans. 1864.' 4°. 2011. f. De Cerinioniis Aulae Byzantine libri duo. Gr. & Lat. E recensione J. J. Eeiskii, cum ejusdein comnientariis. 2 vol. [Byzantine History.'] Bonnse, 1829, 30. 8°. 2067. c. De Thernatibus et de administrando Imperio. Accedit Hieroclis Synecdemus. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. Gr. & Lat. [Bi/zantine History.] Bonnse, 1840. 8°. 2067. c. Constantine Manasses. Breviariuni Historic metricum. Becog- 110 vit I. Bekkerus. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnie, 1837. 8°. 2067. f. Constantinople. Historia politica et patriarckica Constantino- poleos. Epirotica. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnee, 1 849. 8°. 2067. li. Contemporary Review. Vol. 30, etc. London, 1877, etc - 8 °- 2089. c, d. Conybeare (W. J.) and Howson (J. S.) Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1856. 8°. 2002. d. Cook (James) Vovage to the Pacific Ocean. London, 1784. 4 . 2057. g. Plates and Maps. fol. 2058. e. Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World. 2 vol. London, 1777. 4°. 2056. g. Cook (James) of Paisley? Bibliography of the Writings of Charles Dickens. London, 1879. 8°. BB. G. Cooke (G. W.) History of Party, 1666-1832. 3 vol. London, 1836-37. 8°. 2077. b. Cooke (John) The Preacher's Assistant, containing the texts of Sermons published by Divines of the Church of England and by the Dissenting Clergy, since the Restoration. (An Historical Register of all the Authors, etc.) London, 17 83. 8°. 2001. b. Cooley (A. J.) Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts. Sixth edition, by R. V. Tuson. 2 vol. London, 1880. 8°. 2022. c. Cooley (W. D.) History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3 vol. [Lardners Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] London, 1830, 31. 8°. 2103. c. Cooper (C. H.) Annals of Cambridge. Vol. 1-5. Cambridge, 1842 [-53]. 8°. 2064. a. Cooper (C. H.) and (T.) Atheme Cantabrigicnses. Vol. 1, 2. Cambridge, 1858-61. 8°. 2039. f. Cooper (C. P.) Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, founded on the Collection presented by C. P. Cooper to Lincoln's Inn. London, 1849. 8°. BB. C. Cooper (O. St. J.) Historical Account of Odell, Bedford. [Biblio- theca Topoijrapliica Britannica ; Vol. 4, No. 44.] London, 1787. 4°. 2061. c. COO— COR 81 Cooper (O. St. J.) Historical Account of Wiinmington, Bedford. [Bibliotheca Topograpkica Britannica ; Vol. 4, No. 29.] London 17S5. 4". 2061. c. Cooper (Thomson) A Now Biographical Dictionary. (Supple- ment) London, 1873 [-83]. 8°. 2035. e. Cooper (W. D.) History of Winchelsea. London, 1850. 8°. 2063. a. Coote (H. C.) Practice of the High Court of Admiralty of England. Second edition. London, 1869. 8°. 2018. d. Coote's Common Form Practice and Tristram's Contentious Practice, and Practice on Motions and Summonses in granting Probates and Administrations. Tenth edition, by T. II. Tristram. London, 18SS. 8°. 2018. a. Coote (R. H.) Treatise on the Law of Mortgage. Fifth edition by W. W. Mackeson and II. A. Smith. London, 1884. H °- 2017. c. Cope (Sir W. H.) Bart. List, of Books relating to Hampshire in the library at Bramshill. Wokingham, 1879. 8°. BB. K. Copinger (W. A.) Index to Precedents in Conveyancing and to Common and Commercial Forms. London, 1872. 8°. 2017. f. The Law of Copyright. Second edition. London, 188 r. 8°. 2018. d. Copland (J.) Dictionary of Practical Medicine. Abridged by the author, and brought down to the present state of Medical Science. London, 1866. 8°. 2024. c. Coquelin (C.) and Guillaumin (U. G.) Dictionnaire de l'Economie politique. 2 vol. Paris, 1852, 53. 8°. 2023. d. Cordier (H.) Bibliotheca Sinica, Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatif's a PEmpire Chinois. 2 torn. Paris, 1878-85 8°. BB. I. Corippus (F. Cresconius) Merobaudcs et Corippus. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1836. 8°. 2067. c. Corneille (P.) GEuvres des deux Gorneille, rierre et Thomas. Par C. Louandre. 2 vol. Paris, i860. 8°. 2047. a. Corniani (G. B.) I Secoli della Lctteratura Italiana, etc. 2 vol. 1832-33. 2044. f. Cornwall. Complete Parochial History of the County of Cornwall. 4 vol. Truro, 1867-72. 8°. 2066.1). Post Office Directory. See Tost Office Directories. Coromilas (D, A.) Catalogue raisonne des livrcs publics en Greco depuis 1808 jusqu'en (1877). 2 pt. Aihehes, 1873-78. 8°. 2050. b. Corpus Juris Canonici. Editio Lipsiensis secunda. Lipsise 1879-81. 4°. 2016. f. Corpus Juris Civilis, cura 0. M. Galis.^et. Lutetise Paris. 1836. 4" 2016. f. 82 COR— COU Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinse. See Byzantine History. Correspondance Administrative sous le regne de Louis xiv. recueillie par G. B. Depping. 4 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. 1" Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1850-55. 40 2083. d, Corser (T.) Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. 11 pt. Manchester, 1860- 83. 2048. c. Corsica. Handbook for Travellers in Corsica and Sardinia. [Mur- ray's Handbooks.] London, 1868. 8°. 2057. b. Corssen (W.) tTber Aussprache, Vokalismus und Betonung der Lateinischen Sprache. Zweite Ausgabe. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1868-70. 8°. 2114. b. Cosin (J.) Bishop of Durham. Works. 5 vol. [Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1843-55. 8°. 2014. b. Cossa (L.) Guide to the Stud}' of Political Economy. With a preface by W. S. Jevons. London, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Costa (E. H.) Bibliographie der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte. Braunschweig, 1858. 8°. BB. C. Costanzo (A. di) Istoiia del Regno di Napoli. 3 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 119-121.] Milano, 1805. 8°. 2041. d. Cotgrave (R.) French-English Dictionary ; with the animadver- sions and supplements of J. Howell. Lond. 1650. fol. 2117. e. Cotta (B. von) Rocks classified and described. An English edition by P. H. Lawrence. London, 1878. 8°. 2030. d. Cotton (B. de) Historia Anglicana. (a.d. 449-1298.) Edited by H. R. Luard.. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1859. 8°. 2073. (16.) Cotton (H.) Editions of the Bible, and parts thereof, in English, from 1505 to 1850. Second edition. Oxford, 1852. 8°. BB. A. Fasti Ecclesise Hibernicse. 5 vol. Dublin, 1847-60. 8°. 2004. d. Supplement. Collated by P. C. Cotton. Dublin, 1878. 8°. 2004. d. Rhemes and Doway : an attempt to show what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English. Oxford, 1855. 8 °- B B. A. Typographical Gazetteer. Second edition. Oxford, 183 1. 8°. 2048. b. Second Series. Oxford, 1 866. 8°. 2048. b. Cotton (Sir R.) An exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London ; Edw. 11. unto Rich. in. Revised by W. Prynne. Liondon, 1657. fol. 2017. g. Court Guide. See Boyle. 2120. a. Cousin (V.) Course of the History of Modern Philosophy. Trans- lated by O. W. Wight. 2 vol. Edin. 1852. 8°. 2023. a. COU— CRA 83 Cousin (V.) Jacqueline rascal. Premieres Etudes sur les Femmes illustres et la Socio to du xvn e siecle. Troinewe edition. Paris 1856. 8°. 2037. b. Madame de Chevreuso et Madame de Ilautefort. Nouvelles Etudes, etc. 2 vol. Paris, 1856. 8°. 2037. b. Madame de Longueville. Etudes, &c. Troisiemo edition. Paris, 1855. 8°. 2037. b. Madame de Sable. Etudes, &c. Paris, 1854. 8°. 2037. b. Cowell (J.) Law Dictionary. In the Savoy, [London,] 1727. foL 2017. g. Cowper (W.) Poems. 2 vol. London, 1808. 8°. 2044. a. A Concordance to the Poetical Works of William Cowper. By John Neve. London, 1887. 8°. 2045. dd. Cox (P. A.) Biblical Antiquities. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1852. 8°. 2102. f. Sacred History and Biography. Second edition. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. Cox (R.) The Literature of the Sabbath Question. 2 vol. Edin- burgh, 1865. 8°. BB. A. Coxe (H. O.) Catalogi Codicum mss. Bibliothecae Bodleianse. See Oxford University. — Bodleian Library. Cat. Desk. Catalogus Codicum mss. qui in Collegiis Aulisque Oxoniensihus asservantur. 2 vol. Oxon. 1852. 4°. Cat. Desk. Coxe (W.) Historical Tour in Monmouthshire ; with Views by Sir R. C. Hoare. London, 1801. 4°. 2066. c. History of the House of Austria; 1218 to 1792. 3 vol. London, 1807. 4°. 2084. f. Memoirs of Sir R. Walpole ; with original correspondence, etc. '6 v.»l. London, 1798. 4°. 2069. g. Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Hon. H. Pelham. 2 vol. London, 1829. 4°. 2069. f. Crabb (G.) English Synonymes explained. Eleventh edition. London, 1859. 8°. 2112. c. Crabbe (G.) Life and Poetical Works of the Rev. G. Crabbe. Edited by his Son. London, 1847. 8°. 2046. g. Crace (F.) Catalogue of Maps, Plans and Views of London, collected by F. Crace. Edited by J. S. Crace. London, 1878. 8°. Cat. Desk. Craik (G. L.) History of English Literature and of the English Language, from the Norman conquest. Second edition. London, 1864. 8°. 2044. d. and Macfarlane (C.) Pictorial History of England. 8 vol. London, 1849. 8°. 2071. f. Index; by H. C. Hamilton. Lond. 1850. 8°. 2071. f. Crakanthorp (R.) Defensio Ecclesia; Anglicanse. [Library of Anglo-Catholk Theology.] Oxon. 1847. 8°. 2014. b. Q 2 84 OKA- CEO Crawfurd(G.) Peerage of Scotland. Edin. 1716. fol. 2121. f. Crawfurd (J.) Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and adjacent Countries. London, 1856. 8°. 2059. b. Grammar and Dictionary of the Malay Language. 2 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2115. c. Crawfurd Peerage. The Crawfurd Peerage. By an Antiquary. Edinburgh 1829. 4°. 2119. f. Creichton (J.) Memoirs. Drawn up by Jonathan Swift. [Auto- biography ; 11.] London, 1827. 12°. 2039. a. Crelle (A. L.) Journal fiir die reine und angewandto Mathematik. See Journal. 2022. g. Cremer (H.) Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek. Translated by W. Urwick. Edin. 1878. 4°. 2002. f. Supplement. Edinburgh, 1886. 4°. 2002. f. Crescenzi (P. de') Trattato della Agricoltura. 3 vol. [Classici Italiani; 22-24.] Milano, 1805. 8°. 2041. a. Crescimbeni (G. M.) L' Istoria della Volgar Poesia. Terza im- pressione, co i comentarj, &c. 6 vol. Venezia, 1730, 31. 4°. 2047. d. Le Vite degli Arcadi illustri, &c. 2 vol. Boma, 1708-10. 4°. 2037. d. Creswell (S. F.) Collection towards the History of Printing in Nottinghamshire. London, 1863. 4°. BB. K. Cresy (E.) Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering. New edition. London, 1856. 8°. 2022. c. Crichton (A.) History of Arabia. 2 vol. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 13, 14.] Edinburgh, 1833. 12 °- 2103. g. and Wheaton (H.) Scandinavia. 2 vol. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 23,24.] Edinburgh, 18 38. 12°. 2103. g. Cripps (H. W.) Law relating to the Church and Clergy. Fifth edition. London, 1869. 8°. 2016. d. Cripps (W. J.) Old English Plate ; its makers and marks. Third edition. London, 1886. 8°. 2031. b. Crockford's Clerical Directory [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2121. e. Croker (T. C.) See Fairy Legends. Cromwell (Oliver) Letters and Speeches; with elucidations by T. Carlyle. Sec Carlyle (T.) Works. Vol. 14-18. 2045. b. Cromwell (T. K.) History of Colchester. London, 1825. 8°. 2064. b. Crookes (W.) and Rohrig (E.) Metallurgy. See Kerl. Crooks (G. R.) and Hurst (J. F.) Theological Encyclopaedia and Methodology, on the basis of Ilagenbach. New York, 1884. 8°. BB. A. Crowe (E. E.) History of France. 3 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] London, 1830, 31. 8°. 2103. d. CEO— CUN 85 Crowe (E. E.) History of France. [Now edition, enlarged.] 5 vol. London, 1858-68. 8°. 2085. b. and James (G. P. R.) Lives of Eminent Foreign Statesmen. 5 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Biography. 4 ] London, 1833-38. 8°. 2103. e. Crowe (J. A.) and Cavalcaselle (G. B.) Early Flemish Painters; notiees of their lives and works. Second edition. London 1872. 8°. 2032. e. History of Painting in Italy from the second to the sixteenth century. 3 vol. London, 1864-66. 8°. 2032. e. History of Painting in North Italy, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century. 2 vol. Londo7i, 187 1. 8°. 2032. c. Croydon. Case of the Inhabitants of Croydon, 1673. With Ap- pendix to the History of that Town. [Bibliotheca Topograpliica Britannica; Vol. 2, No. 40.] London, 1787. 4°. 2061. e. Cruden (A.) Concordance. See Bible. — Concordances. Cruden (R. P.) History of Gravesend and of the Port of London. London, 1843. 8°. 2064. b. Cruise (W.) Digest of the Laws of England respecting Real Pro- perty. Fourth edition, by H. II. White. 7 vol. London, 1835. 8°. 2017. d. Cruttwell (C.) Concordance of Parallels. See Bible.— Concor- dances. Cruveilhier (J.) Anatomie pathologique du corps humain. 2 vol. Pan's, 1829-42. fol. 2024. f. Csink (J.) Grammar of the Hungarian Language. London, 1853. 8°. 2117. a. Ctesias. Histoiro de Perse; Histoiro do l'lnde. [Pantheon Litte- raire. Histoire.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. d. Cullum (Sir J.) Bart. History and Antiquities of Hawstod, Suffolk. [Bibliotheca Topograpliica Britannica ; Vol. 5, No. 23.] London, 1784- 4°. 2061. c. History and Antiquities of Hawsted and Ilardwick, Suffolk. Second edition. London, 1813. 4°. 2066. d. Cumberland. Post Office Directory. See Tost Office Directories. Cumberland (R.) Henry. [A novel.] [Novelists Library; 9.] Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. 2044. e. Cumming (J. G.) The Isle of Man; its history, etc. London, 1848. 8°. 2062. a. Cunningham (A.) General. Ancient Geography of India. Vol. 1. London, 1871. 8°. 2059. a. Cunningham (J.) and Mattinson (M. W.) Selection of Prece- dents of Pleading under the Judicature Acts. Soeond edition. London, 1884. 8°. 2018. a. Cunningham (G. G.) Lives of eminent and illustrious English- men. 8 vol. Glasgow, 1835-37. ,s °. 2039. g. 86 CUN— CUV Cunningham (P.) Handbook of London. New edition. [Murray** Handbooks.] London, 1850. 8°. 2057. a. Curtis (J.) Topographical History of the County of Leicester. Ashby de la Zouch, 183 1. 8°. 2062. a. Curtius (E.) History of Greece. Translated by A. W. Ward. 5 vol. London, 1868-73. 8°. 2069. b. Curtius (G.) The Greek Verb. Translated by A. S. Wilkins and E. B. England. London, 1880. 8°. 2113. b. Principles of Greek Etymology. Translated by A. S. Wilkins and E. B. England. Fifth edition. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2113. b. Curtius Rufus (Q.) Quintus Curtius Rufns rocensitus. Notas addidit N. E. Lemaire. 3 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina; 72-74.] Pan's, 1822-24. 8 °- 2053. c. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni libri superstates, ex editione F. Schmieder ; cum supplements, notis, &c, in usuin Delphini. 3 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1825. 8°. 2054. f. Cusack (M. F.) A History of the Irish Nation. London, [1877.] 4°. 2072. c. Cushing (William) Initials and Pseudonyms. New York, 1885. 8°. 2048. e. Initials and Pseudonyms. London, 1886. 8°. 2048. f. Cussans (J. E.) Handbook of Heraldry. Third edition. London, 1882. 8°. 2119. a. History of Hertfordshire. 3 vol. London, 1870-81. fol. 2066. f. Cuvelier, Trouvere. Chronique de Bertrand du Guesclin, publiee par E. Charriere. 2 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1839. 4°. 2083. c. Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D. de) Baron. Essay on the Theory of the Earth. With notes by l'rof. Jameson, and Observations on the Geology of North America, by S. L. Mitchell. New York, 181 8. 8°. 2029. g. Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. Quatrieme edition. 10 vol. Paris, 1834-36. 8°. 2029. g. Atlas. 2 vol. Pans, 1836. 4°. 2029. h. Le Regne Animal. Edition accompagnee de planches. Par MM. Audouin, Blanchard, etc. 16 vol. Paris, 1836, etc. 8°. 2029. h. Animal Kingdom, by E. Griffith and others. [With classified Index and Synopsis.] 16 vol. London, 1827-35. 4°. 2030. g. Animal Kingdom ; with Plates. 8 vol. London, 1834-37. 8°. 2029. g. and Valenciennes (A.) Histoire naturelle des Poissons. 22 vol. Paris, 1828-49. 8 °- 2029 - f - CYP— DAM 87 Cyprian, Saint. Opera. [Caillau, Patres ; 14.] Pans, 1842. 8°. 2008. a. Opera. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 4.] Paris, 1844. 4°. 2009. c. Writings. Translated by R. E. Wallis. 2 vol. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library ; 8, 1«.] Edinburgh, 1868, 69. 8°. 2011. a. Treatises and Epistles. Translated. 2 vol. [Pwsej/'s Library of the Fathers.] Oxford, 1842-44. 8°. 2010. b. Douze Traites. [Pani/jeora Litteraire. Philosophic.'] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. c. Cyril, Saint. Opera. Gr. & Lat. 10 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus. Series Graeca ; 68-77.] Paris, 1859/ 4°. 2011. d. Catechetical Lectures. Translated. [Puseys Library of the Fathers.] Oxford, 1842. 8°. 2010. b. Commentary on the Gospel according to S. John. Translated. 2 vol. [Pusey's Library of the Fathers >.] Oxford, 1874-88. 8°. 2010. b. Five tomes against Nestorius. \_Puseys Library of the Fathers.] Oxford, 1 88 1. 8°. 2010. b. Dahlmann (P. C.) Geschichte von Diinnemark. 3 vol. [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Hamburg, 1840-43. 8°. 2068. a. F. C. Dahlmann's Quellenknnde der deutschen Geschichte. Vierte Auflage. Quellen und Bearbeitungen der deutschen Geschichte neu zusammengestellt von G. Waitz. Zweite Auflage. Gbttingen, 1875. 8°. BB. M. Dahn (F.) Deutsche Geschichte. Band 1. l 8te Hiilfte. [Heeren and Jfkert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Gotha, 1883. 8°. 2068. c. Dale (C. W. M.) and Lehmann (R. C.) Digest of cases overruled in the English Courts from 1756 to 1886. London, 1887. 8°. 2018. a. Dallaway (J.) Parochial Topography of the Eape of Arundel. Vol. 2, pt. 1. Now edition, by E. Cartwright. London, 1832. 4°. 2065. e. Origin and Progress of Heraldry in England. Gloucester, 1793. 4°. 2121. f. D'Alton (J.) History of the County of Dublin. Dublin, 18^8. 8°. 2065. a. Damascius. Quasstiones de primis principiis. Nunc primum edidit J. Kopp. Gr. Francof. ad Msenum, 1826. 8°. 2051. d. (2.) 88' DAN- -DAE Dana (J. D.) System of Mineralogy. Fifth edition, with two appendices. London, 1881. 8°. 2030. d. Daniel (H. A.) Codex Liturgicus ecclesiae universe. Vol. 1-4. IApsiae, 1847-53. 8°. 2002. b. Thesaurus Hymnologiens. 5 torn. Halts, Lijisise, 1841-56. 8°. 2002. b. Daniell (E. R.) Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Sixth edition. 2 vol. London, 1882-84. 8°. 2018. b. — — Forms and Precedents, etc. Fourth edition by C. Burnoy. London, 1885. 8°. 2018. b. Danish Book Catalogue. Dansk Bogfortegnelse for 1869-79. Kjobenhavn, 1869-79. 8°. 2050. a. Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia, col comento del P. B. Lombardi. [With the other works of Dante, in verse and prose, a rime-index to the Divina Commedia, & biographies.] G vol. Firenze, 1830-41. 8°. 2045. g. ; — La Divina Commedia, illustrata da L. Portirelli. 3 vol. [Classici Ltaliani ; 1-3.] Milano, 1884, 85. 8°. 2041. a. Le principali cose appartenenti alia Divina Commedia. 3 pt. Boma, 1 817. 4°. 2046. h. Bibliography. See Colomb de Batines (P.) BB. G. Danville (J. B. Bourguignon) See Bourguignon. Danz (J. T. L.) Universal- Worterbuch dor theologischen, kirchen- und religionsgeschichtlichen Literatur. Lei^zuj, 1843. 8°. BB. A. Daremberg (C. V.) and Saglio (E.) Dictionnairo des Antiquites Grecques et Eomaines. Paris, 1873, etc. 4°. 2056. f. Dares, Plirygius. Do Bello Trojano. See Dictys Cretensis. D'Argenville (A. J. Dezallier) See Dezallier. Darling (J.) Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. [Authors.] 2 pt. London, 1854. 8°. BB. A. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. Subjects. Holy Scriptures. Vol. 1. London, 1859. 8°. BB. A. Dart (J. H.) Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Peal Estate. Sixth edition. 2 vol. London, 18.88. 8°. 2018. c. Daru (P. A. N. B.) Histoiro dc la Eepublique de Venise. Qua- trieme edition. 9 vol. Paris, 1853. 8°. 2084. e. Darwin (C.R.) Descent of Man. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1888. 8°. 2029. o. Geological Observations during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Second edition. London, 1876. 8°. 2030. d. A Monograph of the sub-class Cirripcdia. 2 vol. [Bay Society.] London, 1851, 54. 2027. f. Origin 1 of Species. Sixth edition. 2 vol. London, 1888. 8°. 2029. e. DAE— DEB 89 Darwin (C. R.) Structure and distribution of Coral Reefs. Second edition. London, 1S74. 8 °- 203 °- d - Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. 2 vol. London, 1868. 8°. 2029. f. Dates. L'Art de verifier los Dates. See Art. Dati (C. R.) Vito do' Fittori antiehi. [Classici Italian!, 203.] Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. f. D'Aubigne (J. H. Merle) See Merle. Davanzati Bostichi (B.) Scisma d' Inghilterra, con altre operette. [Classici Italiani, 125.] Milano, 1807. 8°. 2041. d. Davids (A. L.) Grammar of the Turkish Language. London, 1832. 4 U . 2114. e. Davidson (B.) Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. Second edition. London, [1852 ?] -4°. 2115. d. Davidson (C.) Precedents and Forms in Conveyancing. Third edition, by C. Davidson, T. ( '. Wright, and J. Waley (and T. Key). 5 vol. London, 1 860-80. 8°. 2018. f. Davidson (Chas.) Barrister-at-Law. Davidson's Precedents and Forms in Conveyancing. Fifth edition, by T. C. Wright, and J. K. Darley. Vol.1. London, 1885, etc. 8°. ' 2018. f. Davidson (J.) Bibliotheca Devoniensis, a catalogue of the printed books relating to Devon. Exeter, 1852. 4°. BB. K. Davidson (S.) Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1882. 8°. 2002. c. Davies (C. M.) History of Holland. 3 vol. London, 1841-44. 8°. 2084. c. Davila (E. C.) Dell'Istoria delle Guerre Civili di Franciu. 6 vol. [Classici Italiani, 178-183.] Milano, 1807. 8°. 2041. f. Da Vinci (Lionardo) See Vinci. Davy {Sir H.) Collected Works. Edited by J. Davy. 9 vol. London, 1839, 40. 8°. 2045. d. Dawkins (W. B.) Early Man in Britain and his place in tlio Tertiary Period. London, 1880. 8°. 2030. c. De Bow (J. D. B.) Industrial Resources, &c, of the Southern and Western States; Statistics of the United States commerce and manufactures, Census returns, etc. 3 vol. New Orleans, 1 S 5 2, 53. 8°. 2085. c. Debrett (J.) Illustrated Baronetage, with the Knightage, of Great Britain and Ireland [for the current year]. Lond. 8°. 2120. b. Illustrated House of .Commons, and the Judicial Bench [for the current year]. Compiled and edited by R. II. Mair. Loudon. 8°. 2120. b. Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy [for the current vear; London. 8°. 2120. b. 90 DEC— DEN Decanver (H. C.) Catalogue of works in refutation of Methodism. Second edition. New York, 1868. 8°. BB. A. De Colange (L.) National Gazetteer of the United States. London [Nero York, 1884]. 8°. 2059. d. Delagrive (J.) See La Geive. Delambre (J. B. J.) Ilistoire de V Astronomic au dix-huitieme siecle. Paris, 1827. 4°. 2022. f. Delandine (A. F.) Bibliographic Dramatique. Precede d'une notice sur l'origine du Theatre Francais. Paris, [18 18.] 8°. BB. G. Delavigne (C.) See La Vighe (C. J. F. de) Delecourt (J.) Bibliographie de l'Histoire du Hainaut. Mons, 1864. 8°. BB. K. Delenierre (O.) Galerie d' Artistes Brugeois, etc. Bruges, 1840. 8°. 2032. e. Delille (J.) GEuvres. [Pantheon Litteraire. Poesie.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. Delitzsch (F.) Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament, etc. See Keil (C. F.) and Delitzsch (F.) Commentary on the Hebrews. Translated by T. L. Kingsbury. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. 4th Series, 20, 28.] Edinburgh, 1808-70. 2014. g. System of Biblical Psychology. Translated by E. E. Wallis. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. 4th Series, 13.] Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. 2014. g. Delia Casa (G.) See Casa. Delpit (J.) Collection generale des Documents Francais qui se trouvent en Angletene. Vol.1. Pan's, 1847. 8°. 2084. f. Delvenne (N.) Biographie du royaume des Pays-Bas, ancienne et moderne, etc. 2 vol. Mons. 1829. 8°. 2038. e. De Morgan (A.) Arithmetical Books. London, 1847. 8°. BB. E. Essay on Probabilities. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. — Natural Philosophy.] London, 1841. 8°. 2103. f. Demosthenes. Opera. Edidit J. T. Voemelius. Gr. & Lat. JJidot: Paris, 1843. 8°. 2051. g. Demosthenes; with an English commentary by E. Winston. Vol 1 2 [Long's Bibliotheca Classica.] London, 1859-68. 8°. 2052. c. Oraliones. Gr. Apparatus crit. ad Demosthenem ; Indices operum Demosthenis. See Eeiske (J. J.) Oratorum GrffiCorum quse supersunt. Vol. 1-4 ; 17-24. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Denina (C. G. M.) Delle Eivoluzioni d' Italia, libri xxv. 3 vol. I Classici Italiani ; 284-286.] Milano, 1820. 8°. 2042. a. La Brusso litlerairo sous Frederic 11. 1740-1786. 3 vol. Berlin, 1790,91. 8°. 2038. d. DEN— DEV 91 Denis (F.) and others. Bibliographic Universelle. Paris, 1857. 8°. V BB.R. Denis (M.) Annalium Typographicorum M. Maittairo Supple- mentum. Viennse, 1789. 4°. 2049. c. Denison (C. M.) and Scott (C. H.) Practice and Procedure of tho House of Lords in English, Scotch and Irish Appeal fuses. London, 1879. 8°. 2017. b. Denmark. Regesta diplomatica Historian Danica> ad annum 1660. Cura Societatis Regiae Scientiaruin Dauicai. Vol. 1. 822-1536. Eavnise, 1847. 4°. 2084. f. Handbook for Travellers in Denmark, Sleswig and Holstcin, and Iceland. Fifth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1883. 8°. 2057. a. Denne (S.) Historical particulars of Lambeth Parish and Lambeth Palace. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 10, No. 5.] London, 1795. 4°. 2061. c. Observations on tlie Archiepiscopal Palace of Mayfield, in Sussex. [Bibliotheca Topotjraphica Britannica ; Vol. 1, No. 45.] London, 1787. 4°. 2061. c. Dennis (G.) The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. Revised edition. 2 vol. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. d. Handbook for Travellers in Sicily, etc. [Murray's HandliooJcs.] London, 1864. 8°. 2057. a. Denys (P.) See Denis. De Quincey (T.) Works. 16 vol. Lond. 1853-60. 8°. 2045. a. Derbyshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Descamps (J. B.) La Vie des Peintres Flamands ; avec des por- traits, etc. 4 vol. Pam, 1753-64. 8°. 2032. b. Descartes (R.) CEuvres philosophic, ues, publiees par L. Aime- Martin. [Pantheon Litter aire. Philosophic.'] Pan's, 1838. 8°. 2043. c. Deschamps (P.) Dictionnaire de Geographie ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1870. 8°. 2049. b. Deschiens ( ) Collection de materiaux pour l'histoire de la Revolution de France. Bibliographic des Journaux. Paris, 1829. go. BB. M. Desportes (N.) Bibliographie du Maine, etc. Le Mans, 1844. 8°. BB. K. Destouches (P. Nericault) See Nekicault. Deutscher Zeitschriften-Katalog. Zweito Auflagc. Leipzig, 1874. go. BB. R. Devon (F.) Issues of the Exchequer: being payments made out of His Majesty's revenue from Hen. ill. to Hen. VI. London. 1837. 40. 2070. c 92 DEV — DID Devon (F.) Issues of the Exchequer : being payments made out of His Majesty's revenue during the reign of James I. (Pell Becords.) London, 1836. 4°. 2070. c. Devonshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. D'Ewes (Sir S.) Extracts from the MS. Journal of Sir S. D'Ewes. From the originals in the British Museum. [Bibliotheca Topogra- phica Britannica ; Vol. 6, No. 15.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. Journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Elizabeth ; revised and published by P. Bowes. Lond. 1682. fol. 2069. f. Dexippus (P. Herennius) Dexippi, Eunapii, Petri Patricii, Prisci, Malchi, Menandii Historiarum qu«3 supersunt ; e recensione I. Bekkeri et B. G. Nielrahrii. Gr. & Led. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1829. 8°. 2067. d. Dexter (H. M.) The Congregationalism of the last three hundred years, as seen in its literature : with a bibliographical appendix. New York, 1880. 8°. BB. A. Dezobry (L. C.) and Bachelet (T.) Dictionnairo general de Bio- graphic et d'Histoire, de Mythologie, de Geographic, &c. Neu- vieme edition. 2 vol. Paris, 1857. 8°. 2107. e. Supplement (1857-1860). Paris, 8°. Dhammapada, translated from Pali by F. Max Mueller. [Mueller. Sacred Boohs of the East. Vol. 10.] Oxford, 1881. 8°. 2003. a. Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 4 vol. London, 1 814, 15. 4°. 2048. f. Typographical Antiquities. See Ames. Diceto (R. de) Opera Historica. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1876. 8°. 2073.(68.) Abbreviationes Chronicorum & Ymagines historiarum. See Twysden (Sir R.) Historiaa Anglicame Scriptores x. 1652. fol. 2070. d. Historia de Begibus Britonum. See Gale (T.) Berum Angli- carum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 3. 1691. fol. 2072. d. Dickens (Charles) Bibliography. See Cook (J.) BB. G. Dickson (W. G.) Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Scotland. Recast by P. J. II. Grieison. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2017. b. Dictys, Crctcnsis. Dictys Cretensis et Dares Phrygius de hello Trojano, in usum Deiphini. Accodnnt Jos. Iscani de hello Tro- jano libri sex. 2 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1825. 8°. 2054. f. Diderot (D.) and Alembert (J. L. d') Encyclopedic ; ou, Diction- naire raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers. Public }>ar Diderot et D' Alembert. 17 vol. Geneve, Neufchasiel, 1772, 65. fol. 2i05. f. & 2106. f. Supplement. 2 vol. Amsterdam, 1776. fol. 2105. f. & 2106. f. Planches. 1 1 vol. 2107. f. 1)11) -DIG !»3 Didot. Scriptorum Graecorum Bibliotlieca. Gr. k. hat. \ Edited by Dindorf. Dubner, 0. Miillor, and others.] Paris, 1838-86. 8°. 2051. g-h. 2052. g. Contents : — Ge'ographi Grseci Minorcs. Tabulae. Herodotus; Ctesias. Apollonian Rhodius : M u Coluthus; (,)iiinlus Snivv Tryphidorns ; Tzctzes. /Elianus; Porphyrius; Philo. ./Eschylns et Sophocles. Appianus Alexandrinns. Aristophanes, Menander et Philemon. Scholia Grseca in Aristophanem. [Edited by Dubner.] Aristoteles. 5 vol. Arrianus ; rsuudo-Callisthcncs. Demosthenes. Diodorus Siculus. 2 vol. Diogenes Laertius. Dionysius Halicarnassensis. Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina. 2 vol. Epistolographi Grseci. Recognovit R. Herscher. Erotici Scriptores : Parthenius, Achil- les Tatius, Longus, Xenophon Ephes-ius, Heliodorus, Chariton, Antonius Diogenes, Iamblicus; ex nova recensione G. A. Hirschig: Eumathius; Apollonius Tyrius; Nicetas Eugenianus. Euripides. Fabuloo. Fraginenta. Fragmeuta Historicorum Grsecorum. '[Edited by C. and T. Mnller.] 5 vol. Fraginenta Philosophorum Grsecorum. Collegit F. G. A. Mullachius. Vol. 1-3. Geographi Grseci Minores. Recognovit C. Mullerus. Vol. 1, 2. Dierauer (J.) Geschichto dcr Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. \Heeren and UJcert. Geschichte der Europiiischen Staaten.] Gotha, 1887, etc. 8°. 2068. d. Diez (F.) Etymologiscb.es Worterbucb dor Romaniscben Spracben. Fiinfte Ausgabe. Mit einem Anbango von A. Scholer. Bonn, 1887. 8°. ' 2114. o. Grammaire des Langues Romanes. Troisieme edition. Traduit par A. Brachet, (A. Morel-Fatio) et Gaston Paris. 3 torn. Pans, 1874-76. 8°. 2114. c. Dinarchus. Orationes. Gr. See Reiske (J. J.) Oratorum Gtsb- corum quae supersunt. Vol. 8 & 16. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Dindorfius (C. G.) Lexicon TEscbyleum. Lipsise, 1873. 8°. 2051. e. Poeta3 Scenici Graeci. Acccdunt perditarum Fabularnm Frag- meuta. Editio quinta, correction Lipsise, 1868. 4°. 2052. b. Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotbecsa Historic^ libii quae supersunt ; c recensione P. Wesselingii. Gr. Cum interpretationc Latina L. Ehodomani. Nova editio, cum comniontationibus C. G. Jleynii, &e. 11 vol. Biponti, Argent. 1793-1807. 8°. 205*6. a. Hesiodus ; .sells; mens ; Homer us. Josephus. 2 vol. Lucianus. Nonnus. Gr. and Fr. Oratores Attici. [Edited by C. Midler.] 2 vol. Pausanias. Philostratus ; Callistratus ; Eunapius; Himerius. Plato. 3 vol. Plotinus. Plutarchus. 5 vol. Poeta3 bucobci et didactici. Theocri- tus, Bion, Moschus ; Nicander, Op- pianus, Plriles. Scholia in Theocritum, Nican- drum et ( >ppianum. Poetro cornici Grseci. Polybius. 2 vol. Strabo. Pars 1, 2. Testamentum Vetus et Novum. 3 vol. Theophrastus. Theophrastus ; Marcus Antoninus ; Epi- ctetus ; Simplicius ; Cebes ; Maxi- mum Tyrius. Thucydides. Xenophon. 94 mO— DOD Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotheca Historica : ex nova recensione L. Dindorfii. [Edited by C. Miiller.] Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. Didot: Paris, 1842-44. 8°. 2052. h. Historical Library; made English by G. Booth. London, 1700. fob 2068. g. Diogenes Laertius. De clarorura Philosophorum vitis libri decern ; recensuit C. G. Cobet. Accedimt Olympiodori, Ammonii, Iamblici, Porphyrii et aliornm vitaa Platonis, Aristotelis, &c. A. Westermanno & J. F. Boissonadio edentibus. Gr. & Lat. Didot : Paris, 1850. 8°. 2051. g. Dion Cassius. Rerum Romanarum libri octoginta, ab I. Bekkero recogniti. 2 vol. Lipsise, 1849. 8°. 2052. e. Dion Chrysostom. Opera. Gr. E recensione A. Emperii. Brunsvigae, 1844. 8°. 2052. e. Dionigi, da Genova. Bibliotheca Scriptorum, ordinis minorum S. Erancisci Capucinorum. Genuse, 1691. fol. 2008. f. Dionysius, Areopagita. Opera. Gr. & Lat. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus. Series Grseca ; 3-4.] Paris. 1857. 4°. 2010. f. Antiquitatum Ronianarum qua? supersunt. Gisece et Latine ex recensione A. Kie^sling et V. Pruu. Didot: Paris, 1886. 8°. 2051. g. Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Historiographica. Edidit C. G. Kriiger. Gr. Subjects sunt ejus coram en tati ones de Thucydidis His- toriarum parte postrema. Halis Sax. 1823. 8°. 2051. d. Diplomatique. Nouveau Trait e de Diplomatique. Par Deux Re- ligieux Benedictins de la Congregaiion de S. Maur [C. F. Tou- stain and R. P. Tassin]. 6 vol. Paris, 1750-65. 4°". 2050. e. Directories. See Post Office Directories. D'Israeli (I.) Curiosities of Literature. Twelfth edition. London, 1 841. 8°. 2044. d. Miscellanies of Literature. London, 1840. 8°. 2044. d. Dixon (G.) A Voyage round the world, 1785-88. London, 1789. 4°. 2057. f. Dixon (J.) Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures. 2 vol. Dublin, 1852. 8°. 2001. c. Dlabacz (G. J.) Kunstler-Lexikon fiir Bohmen. 3 vol. Prag, 18 1 5. 4°. 2033. g, Dochnahl (F. J.) Bibliotheca Ilortensis, 1750-1860. Numbcrg, 1861. 8°. BB. E, Dod (R. P.) Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage [for the curren year]. London, 8°. 2120. b Dodd (C.) pseud, ["i.e. II. Tootell.1 Church History. See England. 2006. c. Dodd (C. R.) Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence. London, 1842. 8°. 2120. b. DOD— DON 95 Dodington (G. B.) Baron Melcombe. Diary. [Autobiography ; 22.] London, 1828. 12°. 2039. a. Dodsworth (R.) Monasticon Anglicanum. See Dugdai.e. Dodsworth (W.) Historical Account of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. Salisbury, 18 14. 4°. 2064. e. Dodwell and Miles. List of Bengal Civil Servants, from 178'> to 1838. London, 1839. 8°. 2121. e. List of Bombay Civil Seivants, from 1798 to 1839. London, 1839. 8 °- 2121 - °- List of Madras Civil Seivants, from 1780 to 1839. London, 1839. 8°. 2121. e. List of Medical Officers of the Indian Army, from 1764 to 1838. London, 1839. 8°. 2121. e. List of Officers of the Indian Army, 17G0 to 1834, corre ted to 1837. London, 1838. 8°. 2121. e. Dodwell (E.) Tour through Greece during 1801, 1805, and 180G. 2 vol. London, 18 19. 4°. 2057. 0. Dodwell (H.) De Parma Equestri Woodwardiana dissertatio. Edidit T. Hearne. Ozon. 17 13. 8°. 2072. b. Doering (J. M. H.) Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands im 18ten und 19ten Jahrhundert. 4 vol. Neustadt a. d. Orla, 1831- 35. 8°. 2008. e. Domerham (Adamus de). See Adamus. Domesday Book. 4 vol. [Record Commission.] London, 1783—18 16. fol. Cat. Desk. General Introduction. See Ellis (Sir II.) 2073. a. See also Lechaude. 2062. c. Dominici (B. de) Vite dei Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti Napo- letani. 4 vol. Napoli, 1840-46. 8°. 2032. d. Don (G.) A general History of the Dichlamydeous Plants. [Another title-page r< ads : " A general System of Gardening and Botany."] 4 vol. London, 1831-38. 4°. 2027. g. Donaldson (D.) Supplement to Jamiesou's Scottish Dictionary. Paisley, 1887. 4°. 2112. g. Donaldson (J.) Agricultural Biography. London, 1854. 8°. 2029. d. Donaldson (J. W.) Greek Grammar. Third edition. Cambridge, 1862. 8°. 2114. e. History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. See Mueller (C. O.). The New Cratvlus ; or contributions towards a more accurate knowledge of the Greek language. Second edition. London, 1850. 8°. 2114. b. Theatre of the Greeks. Seventh edition. London, i860. 8°. 2051. c. Varronianus ; an introduction to tho Ethnography of ancient Italy, and to the philological study of the Initio language. Third edition. London, i860. 8°. 2114. b. 96 DON— DP A Donovan (M.) Chemistry. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Natural Philosophy.] London, 1832. 8°. 2103. e. Domestic Economy. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. Arts and Manufactures.] London, 1830-37. 8°. 2103. e. Dorner (J. A.) The Doctrine of the Person of Christ. Translated by D. W. Simon, etc. 5 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 3rd Scries, 10, 1 1, 14, 15, 18.] Edinburgh, 1861-63. 8°. 2014. f. System of Christian Doctrine. Translated hy A. Cave and J. S. Banks. 4 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. New (Fifth) Series, 4, 5, 9, 10.1 Edinburgh, 1880-82. 8°. 2015. a. Dorsetshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Dirhctories. Doubleday (T.) Financial, monetary, and statistical history of England, from 1688 to the present time. [With continuation to the end of 1857.] London, 1847-58. 8°. 2083. a. Doucha (F.) Knihopisny Slovnik cesko-slovensky od rohu 1774 az do necnovejsi doby. y Praze, 1865. 4°. 2048. cl. Douglas (J.) Dissertation on the TJrbs Butupife of Ptolemy. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 1, No. 42.] London, 1787. 4°. 2061. c. Two Dissertations on the Brass Instruments called Celts, &c. [Bibliotheca Topograpliica Britannica; Vol. 1, No. 33.] London, 1785. 4°. 2061. c. Nenia Britannica ; or, a Sepulchral History of Great Britain. London, 1795. fol. 2063. f. Douglas (J. W.) and Scott (J.) British Hemiptera. Vol. 1. [Bay Society.] London, 1865. 8°. 2027. f. Douglas {Sir R.) Baronage of Scotland. Vol. 1 [all published]. Edinburgh, 1798. fol. 2121. g. Peerage of Scotland ; with a continuation by J. P. Wood. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 181 3. fol. 2119. g. Dowling (J. G.) Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum, &c. qua> in col- lectionibus aneedotorum post annum Christi 1700 in hicem editis continentur. Oxonii, 1839. 8°. BB. A. . An Introduction to the critical study of Ecclesiastical History. London, 1838. 8°. 2015. b. Drake (F.) Eboracum ; or, the History and Antiquities of the City of York. London, 1736. fol. 2063. e. Drake (Sir F.) Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dam- pier : including an introductory view of the earlier discoveries in the South Sea ; and the History of the Buccaneers. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 5.] Edinburgh, 1831. 12°. 2103. f. Drake (F. S.) Dictionary of American Biography, including Men of the Time. Boston [U. S.]. 1872. 8°. 2035. d. Drake (N.) Shakspeare and his Times. 2 vol. London, 1 Si 7. 4°. 2044. .] London, 1826. 12°. 2039. a. Fergusson (J.) History of Architecture. Second edition. 4 vol. London, 1873, 76. 8°. 2032. b. Rude Stone Monuments in all Countries. London, 1872. 8°. 2031. b. Tree and Serpent Worship. Second edition. London, 1873. 4°. 2032. g. Fernandez de Moratin (N.) and (L.) Obras. [Ariban. Autores Kspanoles; 2.] Madrid, 1848. 8°. 2042. e. Fernandez Navarrete (P.) Obras. [Ariban. Anions Espanoles ; 25.] Madrid, 1853. 8°. 2042. e. Fernbach (L.) Der Theater-Freund, enthaltend die dramatische Erscheinungeu bis zum Jahre 1 S4S (1859). Berlin, i860. 8°. BB. G. 1 114 FER— FIN Ferrari (C.) and Caccia (J.) Gran Dizionario Italiano-Francese e Francese-Italiano. 2 pt. Parigi, 1879. 8°. 2117. b. Ferrarius (P.) Lexicon Geographicum ; hanc editionein emendavit et auxit M. A. Baudrand. 2 vol. Paris. 1670. fol. 2058. d. Ferrazzi (G. J.) Bibliografia Ariostesca. Bassano, 1887. 8°. BB. G. Bibliografia Petrarchesca. Bassano, 1877. 8°. HH. G. Festus (S. P.) De Verborum Significatione libri xx. See Verrius Flaccus. 2055. g. Fetis (F. J.) Biograpbie universelle des Musiciens et Bibliograpbie generale de la Musique. Deuxieme edition. 8 vol. Paris, 1860-65. 8°. 2034. g. Supplement. Vol. 1-2. Pans, 1878, 80. 8°. 2034. b. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de F. J. Fetis acquise par l'Etat Beige. Bruxelles, 1877. 8°. BB. G. Feyjoo y Montenegro (B. G.) Obras escogidas. Por V. de la Fuente. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 56.] Madrid, 1863. 8°. 2042. g. Fick (A.) Vergleichendes Worterbuch der Indogerinanischen Spracben. Dritte Auflage. Gbttingen, 1874-76. 8°. 2113. b. Field (T. W.) An Essay towards an Indian Bibliograpby. New York, 1873. 8°. BB. I. Fielding (H.) Novels. [Novelists'' Library; 1.] Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. 2044. e. Figaniere (F. F. de la) Catalogo dos Manuscriptos Portuguezes existentes no Museu Britannico. See British Museum. — Depart- ment of MSS— Special Catalogues. Cat. Desk. Figaniere (J. C. de) Bibliograpbia bistorica Portugueza. Lisboa, 1850. 8°. BB. M. Figuier (L.) Tbe World before the Deluge. New edition, by H. W. Bristow. London, 1867. 8°. 2030. d. Fikenscher (G. W. A.) Gelehrtes Furstenthum Baireut. Zweite Auflage. 12 vol. Erlangen, 1801-05. 8°. 2038. e. Filangieri (G.) La Scienza della Legislazione, con giunta degli opuscoli scelti. 6 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 299-301.] Milano, 1822. 8°. 2042. b. Findel (J. G.) Meine Maureriscbe Biicher-Sammlung. Em Nachtrag zu G. Kloss. Leipzig, 1 866. 8°. BB. A. Fines, sive Pedes Finium : sive Finales Concordiae in Curia Domini Regis: 1195-1214. Edente J. Hunter. Vol.1. [Becord Com- mission.} [London,] 1835. 8°. 2069. d. Finlay (G.) History of Greece from its conquest by tbe Romans to a.d. 1864. New edition by H. F. Tozer. 7 vol. Oxford, 1877. go. 2067. b. Finotti (J. M.) Bibliotbeca Catbolica Americana. New York, 1872. 8<\ BB. A. FIO— FLU 1 1 :> Fiorillo (J. D.) Geschichte dor zeichnenden Kiinste in Deutsehland imd den vereinigten Niederlanden. 4 vol. Hannover, 1 8 1 5-20. 8°. 2033. b. Firenzuola (A.) Opero. 5 vol. [Classici Ltaliani ; 82-86.] Milano, 1802. 8°. 2041. c. Fisher (R. A.) Digest of the Reported Decisions of tho Courts of Common Law, Bankruptcy, Probate, Admiralty & Divorce 175G to 1883. By J. Mews, assisted by C. M. Chapman, H. H. W. Sparham and A. II. Todd. 7 vol. * London, 1884. 8°. 2018. a. Fish wick (H.) Tho Lancashire Library. London, 1875. 4°. BB. K. FitzRoy (R.) The Weather Book. Second edition. London, 1863. 8°. 2022. c. Fitz-Stephen (W.) See Stephanides (G-.) Flaccus (M. V.) See Verrius. Flacius (M.) Ehjricus. Ciavis Scriptural Sacraj. Editio nova auctior ex recensione T. Suiceri, etc. 2 pt. Lipsise, 1695. fol. 2002. g. Flathe (T.) Neue Geschichte Sachsens von 1806-1866. [A con- tinuation of Boettiger.] [Heeren and Uhert. Geschichte der Earo- paischen Staatcn.] Gotha, 1873. 8°. 2068. a. Fleming (C.) and Tibbins (J.) Eoyal Dictionary, English and French, and French and English. 2 vol. Paris, 1854-52. 4°. 2117. c. [Another edition.] 2 vol. Paris, 1863-65. 4°. 2117. c. Fletcher (J. C.) and Kidder (D. P.) Brazil and the Brazilians. Ninth edition. London, 1879. 8°. 2059. a. Fleury (C.) (Euvres, par Aime-Martin. [Pantheon Litteraire. Theohgie.] Paris, 1837. 4°. 2043. b. Histoire du Christianisine, connue sous lo nom d'Ecclesiastique, augmentee ot continuee par O. Vidal. 6 vol. Paris, 1836, 37. 8°. 2004. f. Flint (J.) Physiology of Man. 5 vol. New York, 1866-75. 8°. Florentius, Wigorniensis. Chronicon ex Cbronicis. See Mattii/eus, Westmonasteriensis. Florcs, &c. 1601. fol. 2070. d. Chronicon ex Chronicis. Edidit B. Thorpe. 2 vol. [English Historical Society.] London, 1848, 49. 8°. 2071. c. Floridablanca, Jose Mofiino, Count de. See Monino. Floras (L. A.) Epitome Eerum Romanarum, ex editione J. F. Fischeri, cum notis, &c, in usum Dolphini. 3 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1822. 8°. 2054. g. Epitome Eerum Romanarum; item L. Ampelii Liber Memo- rials ; quibus notas subjunxit N. E. Lemaire. [Lemaire. Biblio- theca Classica Latina ; 28.] Paris. 1827. 8°. 2053. b Fliickiger (F. A.) and Hanbury (D.) Pharmaeographia ; a His- tory of the principal drugs of vegetable origin. Second edition. London, 1879. 8°. 2027. c. 1 2 116 FLU— FOR Fluegel (F.) Practical Dictionary of the English and German Languages. Eleventh edition. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1874. 8°. 2116. c. Fluegel (J. G.) Complete Dictionary of the English and German, German and English languages. Third edition. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1856. 8°. 2116. d. Dictionary of the German and English Languages. With additions by C. A. Feiling, A. Heimann, and J. Oxenford. New- edition. 2 vol. London, [1880.] 8°. 2116. e. Foley (D.) English-Irish Dictionary. Dublin, 1855. 8°. 2112. b. Foliot (G.) Epistolae. 2 vol. [Giles. Patres Ecclesise Anglicanse.~] Oxon. 1845. 8°. 2011. b. Folkard (H. T.) Wigan Free Public Library. Index of Boohs relating to Mining, &o. Southport, 1880. 8°. BB. E. Foppens (J. F.) Bibliotheca Belgica. 2 vol. Bruxelles, 1739. 4°. 2039. h. Forbes (D.) Dictionary Hindustani and English, English and Hin- dustani. Second edition. London, 1857. ^°. 2115. d. Grammar of the Arabic Language. Lond. 1863. 8°. 2115. d. Grammar of the Bengali Language. Lond. 1861. 8°. 2115. d. Grammar of the Hindustani Language. London, 1 846. 8°. 2115. b. Grammar of the Persian Language. Third edition. London, 1 86 1. 8°. 2115. b. Forbes (E.) History of British Starfishes, etc. London, 1841. 8°. 2027. e. and Hanley (S.) History of British Mollusca. 4 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2027. e. Forbes (W.) Bishop of Edinburgh. Considerationes controversiarum de Justificatione, Purgatorio, etc. Lat. and Eng. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxonii, 185,0-56. 8°. 2014. b. Forbiger (A.) Handbuch der alten Geographie. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1842-48. 8°. 2057. b. Forcellini (E.) Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, consilio et cura J. Facciolati, opera et studio M. Forcellini. 4 vol. Patavii, 1771. fol. 2113. f. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Edidit, Anglicam interpretationem adjecit, Jac. Bailey. 2 vol. Londini, 1826. 4°. 2113. e. > Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, in hac editione post tertiam auctam et emendatam a J. Furlanetto novo ordine digestum auctum atque emendatum cura et studio V. De-Vit. Tom. 1-5. Onomasticon. Tom. 1. Prati, 1858-71. 4°. 2113. e. Lexicon totius Latinitatis auctius emendatius melioremque in formam redactum curante F. Corradini. Tom. 1-2. Patavii, 1864, etc. 4°. 2113. e. FOB— FOS 117 Ford (J.) Dramatic Works. See Massingeu. 1831. 18°. 2046. f. Ford (R.) Handbook for Travellers in Spain. Seventh edition. 2 pt. [Murray's Handbooks.'] London, 1888. 8°. 2057. b. Fordun (J. de) Scotichronicon. See Gale (T.) Eerum Angli- caruni Scriptores veteres. Vol. 3. 1691. fol. 2072. d. Scotichronicon. Edidit T. Hearnius. 5 vol. Oxon. 1722. 8°. 2072. b. Foreign Office List. By E. Hertslet. [For the current year.] London. 8°. 2121. b. Foreign Theological Library. See Clark. Foreign Quarterly Review. 37 vol. London, 1827-46. 8°. 2091. f-g. Forster (J.) Eminent British Statesmen. 7 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia . Biography.] London, 1831-50. 8°. 2103. e. Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2039. f. Forsyth (W.) Cases and Opinions on Constitutional Law. London, 1869. 8°. 2016. f. Forteguerri (N.) Eicciardetto. 3 vol. [Classici Italiani, 227-229.] Milano, 1813. 8°. 2041. g. Fortescue (G. K.) Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum. 1880-1885. [Six copies.] London, 1886. 8°. Cat. Desk. Fortnightly Review. New Series. Vol. 18, etc. London, 1875, etc. 8°. 2089. e. f. Fosbroke (T. D.) Abstracts of Eecords and Manuscripts respecting the County of Gloucester; formed into a History. 2 vol. Gloucester, 1807. 4°. 2066. c. British Monachism. Third edition. London, 1843. 8°. 2003. e. Encyclopaidia of Antiquities. London, 1 840. 8°. 2032. f. Foreign Topography. London, 1828. 4°. 2057. g. History of the City of Gloucester. Including the original papers of E. Bigland. London, 18 19. fol. 2064. f. Treatise on the Arts, Manufactures, &c, of the Greeks and Eomans. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] Lon- don, 1833-35. 8°. 2103. c. Foss (E.) Biographia Juridica : a Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England; 1066-1870. London, 1870. 8°. 2039. e. The Judges f England. 9 vol. London, 1848-64. 8°. 2039. e. Foster (Joseph) Alumni Oxonienses. 1715-1886. London, 1887, etc. 8°. 2121. f. In progress. 118 FOS— FKA Foster (Joseph) Collectanea Genealogica. London, 1882, etc. 8°. BB. T. London Marriage Licenses, 1521-1869. Edited by J. Foster. London, 1887. 8°. Cat. Desk. Men-at-the-Bar : a "biographical hand-list. London, 1 885. 8°. 2121. e. Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of the British Empire, for 1882. 2 pt. Westminster. 8°. 2119. e. The Boyal lineage of our noble and gentle families. 2 vol. London, 1887. 4°. 2119. f. Foster (M.) A Text-Book of Physiology. Fourth edition. London, 1883. 8°. 2024. bb. Fotheringay. History of Fotheringay. [Bibliotheca Tojoographica Britannica; Vol. 4, No. 40.] London, 1787. 4°. 2061. c. Foucault (N. J.) Memoires. Publies et annotes par F. Baudry. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. l re Serie. Eistoire Politique.] Paris, 1862. 4°. 2082. f. Foulkes (E. S.) Manual of Ecclesiastical History, from the first to the twelfth Century. Oxford, 185 1. 8°. 2003. b. Fournel (H.) Bibliographic Saint-Simonienne. 1802-1832. Paris, 1833. 8°. BB. C. Fox (C. J.) History of the early part of the Keign of James 11. London, 1808. 4°. 2069. e. Observations upon Mr. Fox's Letter to Mr. Grey [respecting the song of the Nightingale]. [London, 1 809 ?] 4°. 2069. e. (2.) Fox (J.) Acts and Monuments. By G. Townshend. 8 vol. Lon- don, 1843-49. 8°. 2003. e. FraedersdorfF (J. W.) Phraseological English-Greek Lexicon. Enlarged by T. K. Arnold and H. Browne. Sixth edition. London, 1882. 8°. 2114. c. Fragmenta Historicorum Grsecorum. See Mueller (C.) and (T.) 2051. h. Fragmenta Philosophorum Grsecorum. See Mullach. 2051. h. France. Bibliographie de la France. Journal, etc. Paris, 1880, etc. 8°. BB. R. Les Codes annotes de Sirey. Edition par Gilbert, Helie, et Cuzon. [With Supplement.] 4 vol. Pan's, 1847-66. 4°. 2017. g. Handbook for Travellers in France. Sixteenth edition. 2 pt. [Murray 's Handbooks.'] London, 1882-84. 8°. 2057. a. Histoire litteraire de la France. Nouvelle edition par P. Paris. 16 vol. 1865-69. Table Generale. Paris, 1875. 4°. Cat. Desk. Privileges accordes a la Couronne de France par le Saint-Siege. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V Serie. Histoire Poli- tique.] Paris, 1855. 4°. 2083. e. FRA 19 Prance. Repertoire des Travaux historiques contcnant l'analyse cles publications faites sur l'histoire do France. Paris, 1882, etc. 8°. BB. M. Revue clironologique de l'Histoire do France, 1787-1818. [By the Abbe de Montgaillard.] Seoonde edition. Paris, 1823. 8° 2084. a. Collection do Documents Inedita sur l'Histoire do Franco, publics par ordre du Roi et par les soins du Ministre de l'ln- struction Publique. 124 vol. Paris, 1835-69. 4°. 2082, c-g. 3. c-g. Contents :— Premiere Serie. — Hidoire Politique. Archives administrative^ ct legislatives de In ville de Reims. Par P. Varin. 9 vcL Benoit. Chronique des Dues de Nor- nuindie. Publie'e par F. Michel. 3 vol. Captivite' du Roi Francois 1". Par M. Aime Chani]>olliou-Figenc. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Beaulieu (en Limousin). Publie par M. Deloche. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Redon en Bretague. Publie par A. de Courson. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de St. Victor do Marseille. Public' par M. Guerard. 2 vol. Cartulaire de Saint-Vincent de Macon. Publie' par M. C. Ragut. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Bertin. Publie' par M. Gue'rard. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Pere de Chartres. Publie' par M. Guerard. 2 vol. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Savigny et d'Ainay. Publie' par A. Bernard. 2 vol. Cartulaires de l'Eglise Cathe'dralo de Grenoble. Publie's par J. Marion. Cartulaire de l'Eglise Notre-Damo de Paris. Publie' par M. Guerard. 4 vol. Chronique du Religioux de Saint-Denys, de 1830 a 1422. Publie'e par M. L. Bellaguet. Lat. and Fr. 6 vol. Correspondance administrative sous lo regno de Louis XIV. Recneillie et mise en ordre par G. B. Depping. 4 vol. Correspondance de Henri d'Escoubleau de Sourdis, Archeveque de Bor- deaux. Par E. Sue. 3 vol. Cuvelier. Chronique du Bertrand Du Guesclin. Publie'e par Charriere. 2 vol. Dufresne (c.) S e ianeur Du Canae Les Families d'outre-mer, publie'es par M. E. G. Rey. Ilaton. Me'moires de C. Haton; 1553- 1582 Publie's par F. Bourquolot. 2 vol. Histoire do la Croisade contro les Albigeois. Traduite et publie'e par C. Fauriel. Journal des Etats Ge'neraux de France tenus a Tours en 1484, re'dige' en Latin par Jehan Masselin. Public' et traduit par A. Bernier Lefcvre d'Urmesson. Journal d'Olivier L. d'O., et Extraits des Me'moires d'Andre L. d'O. Publie's par M. Che'ruel. Vol. 1, 2. Le Mistere du Sie'ge d'Orle'ans, publie par F. Guessard et E. de Certain. Lettres de Rois, Reines et autres Per- sonnages des Cours de France et d'Anglcterre, depuis Louis VII. jusqu'a Henri IV., tire'es des ar- chives de Londres, par Bre'quigny, et publie'es par M. Champolliou- Figcac. 2 vol. Lettres du Cardinal Mazarin pendant son Ministere. Recueillies et pu- blie'es par M. A. Cheruel. Vol. 1-3. Lettres, Instructions diplomatiques, et Papiers d'Etnt du Cardinal do Richelieu. Recueillis ct publie's par M. Avenel. Vol. 1-6. Li Livres de Jostice et do Plet. Pu- blie' par Ra petti, avec un Glossairo par P. Chabaillc. Mandements et Actes divers de Charles V. (1364-1380). Recueillis duns les Collections de la Bibliothequc Nationale. Publie's par L. V. De Lisle. Me'moires de N. J. Foucault. Publics par F. Baudry. Me'moires militaires relatifs a la succes- sion d'Espagne sous Louis XIV. ; oxtraits de la correspondance de la Cour et des Ge'ne'raux, par le licut.- ge'n. de Vault. Publie's par lo lieut.-ge'n. Pelet. Vol. 111. The Atlas is in the General Library. 120 FRA France — continued. Ne'gociations de la France dans le Levant Publie'es par E. Charrierc. 4 vol. Ne'gociations diplomatiqucs de la France avec la Toseane : documents re- cueillis par G. Canestrini et public's par A. LJe.-jardins. Vol. 1-3. Ne'gociations diplomatiqucs entre la France et l'Autrlche durant les trente premieres anne'es du xvi c siecle. Publie'es par M. Le Glay. 2 vol. Negotiations, Lettres et Pieces diverses relatives au regue de Francois II, tire'es du portefeuille de Sebastien de 1'Aubespine, Eveque de Limoges. Par L. Paris. Ne'gociations, Lettres et Pieces relatives a la Conference do Loudun. Pu- bliees par M. Bouchitte'. Ne'gociations relatives a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV. Par M. Mignet. 4 vol. Les Olim, ou Registres des Arrets rendus par la Cour du Roi sous S. Louis, Philippe le Hardi, Philippe le Bel, Louis le Hutin, et Philippe le Long. Public's par M. Beugnot. 4 vol. Papiers d'Etat du Cardinal de Granvelle. Public's sous la direction de C. Weiss. Vol. 1-9. Paris sous Philippe le Bel. Public par H. Ge'raud. Privileges accorde's a la Couronne de France par le Saint Siege. Proces des Templiers. Public par M. Michelet. 2 vol. Proces-Verbaux des Etats-Gene'raux de 1593. Recueillis et putties par A. Bernard. Proces-Verbaux des seances du Conseil de Re'gence du Roi Charles VIII pendant les mois d'aout 1484 a France. — Institut. Janvier 1485. Public's par A. Ber- nier. Recueil des Chartes de l'Abbaye de Cluny, forme par A . Bernard. Pu- ttie' par A. Bruel. Vol. 1-3. Recueil des Lettres missives de Henri IV. Publie' par M. Berger de Xivrey. 7 vol. Recueil des Monuments ine'dits de lhis- toire du Tiers-Etat. Par A. Thierry. Vol. 1-3. Reglemens sur les Arts et Metiers de Paris, redige's au xm' siecle, et connus sous, le nom du Livre des Me'tiers d'Etienue Boileau. Pu- blie's par G. B. Depping. Relations des Ambassadeurs Vc'nitiens sur les affaires de France au xvi e siecle. Recueillies et traduites par N. Tommaseo. 2 vol. Melanges Historiqucs. Documents historiques iuedits pirblie's par Champollion-Figeac. 4 vol. Etudes sur les monuments de l'archi- tecture militairc des Croises en Syrie et dans l'lle de Chypre. Par G. Rey. Supplementary. Histoire de la Guerre de Navarre en 1276 et 1277. Par G. Anelier; publiue par F. Michel. Polyptyque de TAbbe' Irminon, ou de'- nomln-ement des manses, des serfs et des revenus de l'Abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Pre's sous Char- lemagne ; publie' par B. Gue'rard. 2 vol. This work, though not included in the official list, of the Documents Inidits, forms part of the scries. Rapports au Ministre. [By A. Thierry, F. Michel, and others.] After the suppression of the French Academies, the Constitution of 1793 directed the foundation of an Institut National ; this was organized in 1795, and was at first composed of three classes, which in 1816 became four Academies. Since 1832, there have been five, as follows: I. Academic Franchise ; II. Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres ; III. Academic des Sciences; IV. Academic des Beaux- Arts; V. Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. ■ Comptos Rendus des Seances. Troisieme Serie. Vol. 1. Paris, 1873. 8°. 2099. a. ■ Quatrieme Serie. In progress. Paris, 1874, eic. 8°. 2099. a. Fit A 121 France. — Tnstitut.— Histoire et Memoires do l'lnstitut Roya! do Franco. Academic des Inscriptions ot Bollcs-Lottrcs. Vol. 9, etc. Paris, 1831, etc. 4°. 2099. c-f. In progress. Vol. 1-8 are in the King's Library. Vol. 11 is the Index to Vol. 1-10. Memoires presentes par divers Savants a 1' Academic Koyale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de l'lnstitut de Fiance. Premiere Serie. — Siijets divers d'Erudition. Paris, 1844, etc. 4°. In progress. 2099. c. Deuxieme Serie. — Antiquites de la Franco. In progress. Paris, 1843, etc. 4°. 2099. e. Tableau general des ouvrages contcnus dans lo Eecueil des Memoires de l'Academie Koyale des Inscriptions, etc. Paris, 1791. 4°. 2099. e. Table generale des Memoires. See infra : Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Academic des Sciences. Comptes Eendus hebdomadaires des Seances de 1' Academic- des Sciences. Vol. 1)8, etc. In progress. Paris, i860, etc. 4°. 2099. c. Table generale [to Vol. 1-31]. Paris, 1853. 4°. 2099. c. Supplement. Vol. 1, 2. Pan's, 1856-61. 4°. 2099. d. Memoires de l'Academie Koyale des Sciences de l'lnstitut do France. Vol. 30, etc. Paris, i860, etc. 2099. b. Memoires presentes par clivers Savans a 1' Academic Koyale des Sciences de l'lnstitut de France. — Sciences Mathema' iques et Physiques. In progress. Paris, 1827, etc. 4°. 2098. f-g. Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences Morales et Po- litiques de l'lnstitut de France. 2 e Serie. In progress. Paris, 1837, etc. 4°. 2098. f-g. Savants Etrangers. Vol. 1, 2. Paris, 1841-47. 4°. 2098. c. Seances et Travaux de l'Academie. Compte Rendu par C. Vtrge sous la direction de M. Mignet. Nouvelle Serie. Vol. 20, etc. In progress. Paris, 1878, etc, 8°. 2099. a. Table generale des Seances et Travaux de l'Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Par C. Verge. Pans, i860. 8°. 2099. a. Table generale et methodiquo des Memoires contenus dans les Recueils do l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, ot de l'Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Par E. de Koziere etE. Chatcl. Pans, 1856. 4°. 2099. e. Table generale compienant les 100 volumes des Seances et Travaux, 1842 a 1873. Paris, 1875. 8°. 122 FEA Academie Francaise. France. — Institut. — Becueil des Discours, Eapports et Pieces diverses de 1' Academie Francaise. In progress. Paris, 1841, etc. 4°. 2099. d. Dictionnaire de 1' Academie Francaise. Septieme edition. 2 vol. Pans, 1878. 4°. 2117. b. Abrege dn Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise d'apres l'edition en 1835. Par P. Lorain. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. — Belles Lettres.] Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. g. France. — Bibliotheque Nationale. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecas Kegiae. 4 vol. Paris, 1739-44. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue des Livres imprimez de la Bibliotheque du Koy. 7 vol. Paris, 1739-53. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue des livres imprimes sur Velin, etc. G vol. Paris, 1822-28. 8°. 2048. a. Inventaire des livres sur Vedin de la Bibliotheque Nationale, complement du catalogue par Van Fraet. Pan's, 1877. 8°. 1 2048. a. Catalogue de l'Histoire de France. (Livres imprimes.) Vol. 1- 13. Paris, 1855, etc. 4°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue des Manuscrits Francais. Vol. 1, 2. Paris, 1868, 74. 4<\ Cat. Desk. Catalogue des Sciences Medicales. Vol. 1, 2. Paris, 1857, 73. 4o_ Cat. Desk. Mannscrits Orientaux. Catalogue des Manuscrits Hebreux et Samaritains de la Bibliotheque Imperial e. Paris, 1866. 4°. Cat. Desk. ii°. Serie. Catalogues des Manuscrits Syriaques et Sabeons (Mandaites). Paris, 1874. 4°. Cat. Desk. m e . Serie. Catalogue des Manuscrits Ethiopiens (Gheez et Amharique). Paris, 1877. 4°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue des Manuscrits Arabes. Par le Baron de Slane. Fasc. 1. Pans, 1884. 4°. Cat. Desk. Bibliotheque de VEcole des Ponts el Chaussces. Catalogue. Paris, 1862. 8°. 2048. d. Bibliotheque du Depot de la Guerre. Catalogue. 2 torn. Paris, 1861. 8°: 2048. d. Bibliotheques publiques des Departements. Catalogue general des Manuscrits. Vol. 1-7. Paris, 1849-85. 4°. 2048. g. Comite de Legislation Etr anger e. Catalogue. Paris, 1879. 8°. BB. C. Post Office. Didionnaire des Postes de la Eepublique Francaise. Sixiemo edition. Bennes, 1881. 4°. 2060. b. Francis [de Sales], Saint. CEuvres completes. 4 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire.— Tkeohgie.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. b. FEA— FEE 123 Francis (J.) History of the Bank of England. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1848. 8°. 2083. a. History of the English Railway, 1820-1845. 2 vol. London, 1 85 1. 8°. 2083. a. Franciscans. Monumenta Franciscana. Edited by J. S. Brewer and E. Ilowlott. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1858, 1882. 4°. 2073. (4.) Franck (A.) Dictionnaire des Scionces Philosophiques. Deuxiemc edition. Paris, 1875. 8°. 2024. e. Frank (F. R.) System of the Christian Certainty. Translated by M. J. Evans. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. New (Fifth) Series, 28.] Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2015. a. Frank (M.) Sermons. 2 vol. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.'] Oxford, 1849. 8°. 2014. b. Franklin f A.) Les Sources de l'Histoire de France. Paris, 1877. 8°. BB. M. Franklin (B.) Works. By J. Sparks. 10 vol. Boston [U. S.], 1840. 8°. 2045. e. Fraser (J. B.) Historical and descriptive Account of Persia. [ Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 15.] Edinburgh, 1834. 12 °- 2103. g. Mesopotamia and Assyria. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 32.] Edinburgh, 1842. 12°. 2103. g. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Princess Boyal of Prussia, Mar- gravine of Bayrcuth. Memoirs. 2 vol. [Autobiography ; 20, 21.] London, 1828. 12°. 2039. a. Freeman (E. A.) Historical Geography of Europe. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1882. 8°. 2058. b. History of the Norman Conquest of England. 6 vol. Oxford, 1 867-1 879. 8°. 2071. d. The Eeign of William Eufus and the accession of Henry the first. 2 vol. Oxford, 1882. 8°. 2071. c. Fremin (A. R.) and Donnet (A.) Atlas gcographiquo et statistique de la France. Par A. Vuillemin. Pans, 1877. fol. 2060. g. French -Hungarian Dictionary. Nouveau Dictionnaire Francais- Hongrois et Hongrois-Francais (Partie Hongroise-Francaiso par C. Babos). Troisieme edition. 2 torn. Pest, 1865. 12°. 2118. a. Frere (E.) Des Livres de Liturgie des Eglises d' Angle terro imprimes a Eouen dans les xv e et xvi e siecles. Boucn, 1867. 8°. BB. A. Manuel du Bibliographe Normand. 2 torn. Bouen, 1858-60. 8°. BB. K. Fresnoy (N. Lenglet du) See Lenglet du Fresnoy. Freund (W.) Latin Dictionary. Eevised by C. T. Lewis and C. Short. Clarendon Press : Oxford, 1879. 8°. 2114. c. 124 FEE— FUL Freund (W.) Triennium Philologicum. 6 Abth. Leipzig, 1874- 76. 8°. 2052. b. Frey (A. R.) Sobriquets and Nicknames. London, [1887.] 8°. 2036. a. Frey (H.) The Histology and Histochemistry of Man. Translated by A. E. J. Barker. London, 1874. 8°. 2024. bh. Frey (J. S. C. F.) Hebrew, Latin and English Dictionary. 2 vol. London, 18 15. 8°. 2115. b. Freytag (G. W.) Lexicon Arabico-Latinum. 4 vol. Ealis Saxonum, 1830-37. 8°. 2115. e. Friederici (C.) Bibliotheca Orientalis, oder eine vollstandige Liste der im Jahre 1876, &c. erschienenen Biicher iiber die Sprachen, &c. des Ostens. London, 187 7, etc. 8°. BB. T. Friedlaender (R.) and Sons. Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis et Mathematica. Berlin, 1880. 8°. BB. E. Froissart (J.) Chroniques, avec notes, &c, par J. A. C. Buchon. 3 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Chronique et Memoires.'] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. d. Chronicles of England, France, &c. Translated by T. Johnes. (Life of Froissart, and Index.) 5 vol. Eafod Press, 1803-10. 40. 2071. g. Chronicles, &c. Translated by John Bourchier, Lord Berners. Reprinted from Pynson's edition of 1523 and 1525 ; with Memoir. &c. 2 vol. London, 1812. 8°. 2071. g. Frost (C.) Notices relative to the early History of Hull. London, 1827. 4°. 2063. c. Frost (J.) Livres of Eminent Christians. Philadelphia, 1852. 8°. 2008. e. Froude (J. A.) History of England, from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 vol. London, 1 87 5, etc. 8°. 2077. c. Fry (Hon. Sir E.) A treatise on the Specific Performance of Contracts. Second edition. London, 188 1. 8°. 2017. d. Fry (H.) The Eoyal Guide to the London Charities for 1886-7. London, 1886. 8°. Centre. Fuehrer durch die piidagogische Literatur. Wien, 1879. 8°. BB. C. Fuerst (J.) Bibliotheca Judaica. Bibliographisches Ilandbuch, &c. 3 Thle. Leipzig, 1849-63. 8°. BB. A. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament. Fourth edition. Translated by S. Davidson. Leipzig, 1871. 8°. 2114. d. Fuessli (J. R.) Allgemeines Kiinstlorlexicon. 6 vol. Zurich, 1 779-1 82 1. fol. 2031. g. Neuo Zusatzo. Heft 1. Zurich, i824. fol. 2031. g. Fuller (T.) Church History of Britain. Loudon, 1655. fol. 2006. c. FUL-GAL 125 Fuller (T.) Church History of Britain. Now edition, by J. S. Brower. 6 vol. Oxford, 1845. 8°. 2003. d. History of tho University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey. New edition, by J. Nichols. London, 1840. 8°. 2064. a. History of the University of Cambridge. Edited by M. Prickett and T. Wright. Cambridge, 1840. 8°. 2064. a. Worthies of England. London, 1662. fol. 2037. f. New edition, with notes, by J. Nichols. 2 vol. London, 181 1. 4°. 2037. f. Furchheim (F.) Bibliothoca Pompejana. Catalogo, etc. Napoli, 1879. 8°. BB. M. Fuster (J. P.) Biblioteca Yalenciana. Con adiciones y enmiendas a la de V. Ximeno. 2 vol. Valencia, 1827-30. fol. 2036. g. G. Gabet (C.) Dictionnaire des Artistes do l'Ecolo Francaise au xix° siecle, etc. Paris, 183 1- 8°. 2032. b. Gadebuseh (F. C.) Livlandischo Bibliothek. 3 vol. Riga, 1777. 8°. '2038. b. Gage (J.) History and Antiquities of Hengrave, Suffolk. London, 1822. 4°. 2065. e. History and Antiquities of Suffolk — Thingoe Hundred. London, 1838. 4°. 2063. e. Gaisford (T.) Etymologicon Magnum. Gr. See Etymologicon. Poetaj Minores Graeci. Editio nova. 5 vol. Lipsise, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Gale (R.) and (S.) Eeliquia3 Galeanas. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica; Vol. 3, No. 2, Pt. 1-3.] London, 17 81. 4°. 2061. c. Gale (T.) Berum Anglicarum Scriptores Vetetes. 3 vol. Oxon. 1684-91. fol. 2072. d. Vol. 3 is entitled " Historise Britannicse, Saxonicse, Anglo-Danicse Scriptores xv." Galfridus Monumetensis. Historia Britonum. Edidit J. A. Giles. Londini, 1844. 8°. 2072. b. British History: translated by A. Thompson. London, 17 18. 8°. 2072. b. Galilei (G.) Opere. 13 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 204-216.] Milano, 1 808-1 1. 8°. 2041. f-g. Gallardo (B. J.) Ensayo de una Biblioteca Espanola. Vol. 1, 2. Madrid, 1863-66. 8°. 2049. d. Gallery of Portraits. With Memoirs. 7 vol. C. Knight : London, 1833-37. 4°. 2035. g. Gallia Christiana. See Sainte Maktiie (D. de). 126 GAL— GEB Gallois (C. A. G. L.) Continuation de l'histoire de France d'Anquetil. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Histoire.] Paris, 1837. 8 °- 2043 - e - Galluzzi (R.) Istoria del Grandncato di Toscana sotto il governo della Casa Medici, etc. 5 vol. Firenze, 178 1. 4°. 2084. f. Gamba (B.) Galleria dei Letterati ed Artisti illustri delle Provincie Veneziane nel secolo decimottavo. 2 vol. Venezia, 1824. 8°. 2032. d. Serie dei Testi di Lingua, &c. Quarta edizione. Venezia, 1839. 8°. 2048. e. Ganot (A.) Elementary Treatise on Physics. 12th edition. Lon- don, 1886. 8°. 2022. a. Gans (P. B.) Series Episcoporum Ecclesise Catholicse. Ratisbonse, 1873. 4°. 2004. f. Supplementum. Monachii, 1879. 4°. 2004. f. Gant (P. J.) Science and Practice of Surgery. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2024. bb. Gardiner (S. R.) History of England. 1603-1G42. London, 1883, 84. 8°. 2077. b. Introduction to the Study of English History. By S. R. Gardiner and J. B. Mullinger. London, 1882. 8°. BB. M. G arrow (D. W.) History of Croydon. Croydon, 1818. 8°. 2065. a. Gardthausen (V.) Griechische Palaeographie. Leipzig, 1879. 8°. 2050. e. Gaullieur (E. H. A.) Etudes sur la Typographic Genevoiso du xv e au xix° sieoles, et sur les origines de l'imprimerie en Suisse. Geneve, 1855. 8°. 2050. d. Gautier (A. J. A.) Abrege chronologique des Conciles Generaux. Paris, 1836. 8°. 2003. c. Gay (J.) Bibliographic des ouvrages relatifs a, l'Afrique et a, 1' Arabic. San Bemo & Paris, 1875. 8°. BB. T. Gayangos (P. de) Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum. Vol. 1-3. London, 1875-81. 8°. Cat. Desk. Escritores en prosa anteriores al siglo xv. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles; 51.] Madrid, i860. 8°. 2042. f. Libros de Caballerias. [ Aribau. Autores EspaTwles ; 40.] Madrid, 1857. 8 °- 2042 - f - Gazetteer. A Gazetteer of the World, or Dictionary of Geographi- cal Knowledge. 7 vol. Edinburgh [1850-56]. 8°. 2060.1). Gebe (V.) Catalogue des Journaux publics a Paris. Paris, 1879. 12°. BB. R. Gebhardt (H.) The doctrine of the Apocalypse. Translated by J. Jefferson. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Fourth Series ; 58.] Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. 2014. h. GEG— GEO 127 Gegenbauer (C.) Elements of Comparative Anatomy. 'Fran slated byF. J. Bell. London, 1878. 8°. 2027. e. Geijer (E. G.) Geschichto Schwedens. Vol. 1-3. [For Continua- tion, see Carlson.] \Heeren & Ukert, etc.] Hamburg, 1832-36. go. 2068. a. Geikie (J.) The Great Ice Age. Second edition. London, 1877. 8 o 2030. e. Gelli (G. B.) Opere. 3 vol. [dassici Italiani; 153-155.] Milano, 1804-07. 8°. 2041. e. Gellius (Aulus) Noctes Attica:-, ex editione J. Gronovii, cum notis. in usura Delphini. 4 vol. Valyy : Londini, 1824. 8°. 2054. g. Noctes Atticas. Instruxit A. Lion. 2 vol. Gottingse, 1824. 8°. 2053. g. Genealogist. Edited by G. W. Marshall. Vol. 1-7. (New Series. Edited by W. D. Selbv. Vol. 1.) London, 1S77-84. 8°. BB. T. Genest (J.) Some Account of the English Stage. See English Stage. 2047. b. Genovesi (A.) Delia Diceosina. [Classici Italiani; 357.] Milano, 1835. 8°. 2042. d. Lezioni di Commercio, o sia d' Economia civile, etc. 2 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 336.] Milano, 1824, 25. 8°. 2042. c. Logica e Metatisica. \ Classici Italiani ; 358.] Milano, 1835. 8°. 2042. d. Gentleman's Magazine. 1731 to 1833. Vol. 1-103. London, 1731-1833. 8°. 2090. a-g. From 1783-1833, each yearly volume is in two parts. New Series. Vol. 1-45. London, 1834-56. 8°. 2090. g-h. New [Third] Series. Vol. 1-10. London, 1856-65. 8°. L 2091. n. New [Fourth] Series. Vol. 1-5. Lond. 1866-68. 8°. 2091. b. General Index to the first fifty-six volumes, from 1731 to the end of 1786. By S. Ayscough. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1789. 8°. 2091. b. General Index, from 1787 to 1818 inclusive. With Introduc- tion by J. Nichols. Vol. 3-5. London, 1 82 1. 8°. 2091. b. Geoffrey of Monmouth. See Galfridus Monumetensis. Geographi Grseci Minores. See Bernhardy, Hudson, Mueller. Geographical Dictionary. Dictionnaire geographique universel. Par une Societe de Geographes. 13 vol. Bruxelles, 1839. 8°. 2056. d. Geographical Society. Classified Catalogue of the Library. See Evans. BB. I. The Fifty Years' Work of the Koyal Geographical Society. By C. R. Markham. 1881. London, 1881. K'\ 2058. a. 128 GEO— GEE Geographical Society. Proceedings. New Monthly Series. In progress. London, 1879, etc. 8°. General Index to Vol. 1-40. 4 vol. London, 1844-81. 8°. 2058. a. Supplementary Papers. Vol.1. London, 1886. 8°. 2058. a. Geological Magazine. Edited by T. E. Jones and H. Woodward. New Series. London, 1873, etc. 8°. 2030. e. New Series. 1884, etc. Vol. 1-2. London, 1884, 85. 8°. 2030. e. Geological Record. Edited by W. Whitaker. 1874, etc. London, 1875, etc. 8°. BB. E. Geological Society. Classified Index to the Transactions, Pro- ceedings, and Quarterly Journal of the Society. Second edition, by G. W. Ornierod. London, 1870. 8°. 2030. e. Quarterly Journal. Vol. 34, etc. In progress. London, 1879, etc. 8°. 2030. f. Geological Survey. Catalogue of the Publications of the Geologi- cal Survey of the United Kingdom. London, 18 14. 8°. Cat. Desk. Georg (C.) Die Eeiseliteratur Deutschlands, 1871-77. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. BB. I. Georges (K. E.) Lateinisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Lateinisches Handworterbuch. Leipzig, 1879-82. 8°. 2114. c. Georgi (T.) Allgemeines Europaisches Biicher-Lexicon. 5 Th. & 6 Supp. Leipzig, 1742-58. fol. BB. T. Georgian Era. [By W. Clark.] 4 vol. London, 1832-34. 8°. 2039. c. Georgius Syncellus. Georgius Syncellus et Nicephorus Cp. ; ex recensione G. Dindorfii. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. [Byzantine His- tory.'] Bonnse, 1829. 8°. 2067. d. Theophanes continuatus. Georgius, ex recognitione I. Bek- keri Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1838. 8°. 2067. f. Gerdil (G. S.) Cardinal. Opere scelte. 3 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 361.] Milano, 1836. 8°. 2042. d. German Biography. Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie. Heraus- o-eo-eben durch die Historische Commission bei der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften. [Edited by E. Liliencron and F. X. Wegele.] Vol. 1-23, etc. Leipzig, 1875, etc - 8 °- 2038. c. Germany. Handbook for North Germany and the Ehine. Nine- teenth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1877. 8°. 2057. a. Handbook for Southern Germany. Fourteenth edition. [Mur- ray s Handbooks.] London, 1879. 8°. 2057. a. Germany, Empire of. The Criminal Code of the German Empire. Translated, with prolegomena and a commentary, by G. Drage. London, 1885. 8°. 2017. a. GER— GIE 129 Germany, Empire of.—Bciclistag. Katalog der Bibliothek. Berlin, 1882. 8°. BB. C. Gernond de Lavigne (A.) Les Pamphlets de la Fin do FEmpire, des Cent Jours et do la Restau ration, 1814-1817. Paris, 1879. 12°. BB. M. Gerok (C.) On the Acts. See Lechler. 2014. g. Gerson (J. Charlier de) See Charlier de Gerson. Gervasius, Canluariensis. The Historical Works of Gervase of Can- terbury. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1879, 80. 8°. 2073 (73.) Gervasius, Dorobornensis. Chronica. See Twysden (Sir R.) His- toric Anglicana? Scriptores x. 1652. fol. 2070. d. Gesenius (P. H. W.) Thesaurus philologicns criticus linguae Hebraas et Chaldseee Veteris Testamenti. Editio altera auctior. 3 vol. Lipsise, 1829-58. 4°. 2115. e. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures. Translated, with additions, by S. P. Tregelles. Bagster : London, 1846. 4°. 2115. d. Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee. Translated from the Latin by E. Robin- son. New edition. London, 1844. 8°. 2115. d. Student's Hebrew Grammar as improved by Roediger. Trans- lated by B. Davies, with Reading Book and exercises. London, 1876. 8°. 2115. a. Geysbeek (P. G. Witsen) Biographisch Woordenboek der Neder- duitsche Dichters. 6 vol. Amsterdam, 1821-27. 8°. 2038. f. Aanhangsel. See Aa (A. J. van der) 2038. f. Giannone (P.) Opere. 14 vol. [Classici Baliani; 322-328.] Milano, 1823, 24. 8°. 2042. b. c. Gibbon (E.) Miscellaneous Works. With notes bv Lord Sheffield. London, 1837. 8°. 2044. f. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. Edited by W. Smith. 8 vol. Loudon, 1854, 55. 8°. 2069. c. Histoire de la Decadence et de la Chute de FEmpire Remain ; avec une notice par J. A. C. Buchon. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litte- raire. Histoire] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. d. Memoirs. 2 vol. [Autobiography; 14,15.] London, 1827. 12°. 2039. a. Gibson (E.) Bishop of London. Codex Juris Ecclcsiastici Anglic-mi. Second edition. 2 vol. Oxford, 1761. fol. 2000. g. Gibson (K.) Comment upon part of the Fifth Journey (if An- toninus through Britain, etc. [Bibliothcca Topographica Britan- nica; Vol.10.] London, 1800. 4°. 2061. c. Giebel (C. G.) Thesaurus Ornithologiaj. Leipzig, 1S72. 8°. BB. E. K 130 GIE-GIN Gieseler (J. C. L.) Text Book of Church History [a.d. 1-1648] Translated from the fourth German edition by S. Davidson and H.B.Smith. 4vol. New York, 1868. 8°. ' 2003. b. Compendium of Ecclesiastical History. Fourth edition. Trans- lated by S. Davidson. 5 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Li- brary ; 4, 9, 30, 31, 34.] Edinburgh, 1846-55. 8°. 2014. d-e. Gifford (T.) Historical Description of the Zetland Islands. [Biblio- theca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 5, No. 37.] London, 1786. 4°. 2061. c. Gifford (W.) Memoir. [Autobiography; 11.] London, 1827. 12°. 2039. a. Gilbert (H. M.) Bibliotheca Hantoniensis. Southampton, [1872?] 8°. BB. K. Gilbert (J. T.) Account of Facsimiles of National Manuscripts of Ireland. London, 1884. 8°. Cat. Desk. History of the City of Dublin. Vol. 1-3. Dublin, 1854-59. 8°. 2065. Gildas. De Excidio Britannise. Becensuit J. Stevenson. [English Historical Society.'] London, 1838. 8°. 2071. c. Historia. See Gale (T.) Berum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 3. 1691. fol. 2072. d. Gildemeister (J.) Bibliothecee Sanskrite specimen. Bonnse ad Bhenum, 1847. 8°. BB. T. Giles (J. A.) Heathen Becords to the Jewish Scripture History ; containing all the extracts from the Greek and Latin Writers, in which the Jews & Christians are named. Translated into Eng- lish, with the original text. London, 1856. 8°. 2007. b. History of Bampton, etc. Second edition. Bamp ton, 1848. 8°. 2063. a. History of Witney, etc. London, 1852. 8°. 2063. a. Batres Ecclesiaa Anglicanse. 34 vol. Londini, Ozonise, 1843-48. 8°. 2010. b. 2011. b. Contents : Aldhelmus, Arnulfus; Beda, 12 vol.; Bonifacius, 2 vol. ; Gilbertus Foliot, 2 vol. ; Herbertus de Boseham, 2 vol. ; Joannes Saresberiensis, 5 vol. ; Lan- francns, 2 vol.; Petrus Blesensis, 4 vol.; S. Thomas [a Bccket] Cantuariensis, 4 vol. Gill (T.) Bibliography of South Australia. Adelaide, 1885. 8°. BB. I. Gill (T.) of Easingioold. Vallis Eboracensis: comprising the History and Antiquities of Easing wold. London, 1852. 8°. 2062. b. Gillow (J.) A literary and biographical History, or bibliographical dictionary of the English Catholics. Vol. 1-3. London, [1885, etc.] 8°. 2015. e. Ginguene (P. L.) Histoire litteraire d'ltalie (continuee par F. Salfi). 14 vol. Faris, 18 1 1-35. 8°. 2044. b. GIO-GOD 131 Giovanni, Fiorentino. II Pecorono. 2 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 25, 26.] Milano, 1804. 8°. 2041. a. Giraldus Cambrensis. See Barri. Girault (P. A. E.) de Saint- Far geau. Bibliographie historiquo ot topographiquo de la France, etc. Pan's, 1845. 8°. BB. K. Girault Duvivier (C. P.) Grammaire des Grammaires. Dix- huitierae edition. Par P. A. Leinaire. 2 vol. Pan's, 1863. 8°. 2118. a. Gladstone (Bight Eon. W. E.) Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age. 3 vol. Oxford, 1858. 8°. 2051. d. Glasgow Directory. See Post Office Directories. Glasgow University Calendar [for the current year]. Glasgow, 8°. 2121. b. Glastonbury. History and Antiquities of Glastonbury. [Edited by T. Hearne.] Oxford, 1722. 8°. 2072. a. Gleig (G. R.) Eminent British Military Commanders. 3 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopeedia. Biography.] London, 1831, 32. 8°. 2103. d. Glen (W. C.) Statutes in force relating to the Poor Laws, etc. 3 vol. London, 1873. 8°. 2019. d. Glen (W. C.) and (A.) The Public Health Act, 1875, etc. Ninth edition. London, 1875. 8°. 2019. d. Globe Encyclopaedia. Edited by J. M. Boss. 6 vol. Edinburgh, 1877-81. 8°. 2107. c. Globus. Illustrirte Zeitschrift fur Lander- und Volkerkunde. Hildburghausen, 1862, etc. 4°. 2060. c. d. Gloucester. Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Glou- cestriee. Edited by W. H. Hart. Vol. 1-3. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1863-67. 8°. 2073. (33.) Gloucestershire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Direc- tories. Glover (S.) History and Gazetteer of the County of Derby. Edited by T. Noble. 2 vol. Derby, 1831-33. 4°. 2066. c. Glycas (Michael) Annales. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1836. 8°. 2067. f. Glyde (J.) Suffolk in the nineteenth century, etc. London, [1856.] 8°. 2063. a. Godde (J.) Catalogue raisonne d'une collection de livres relatifs aux arts de peinture, etc. Paris, 1850. 8°. BB. G. Godefroy (P.) Dictionnaire de l'ancienne Langue francaise et de tons ses dialectes du 9 e au 15 6 siecle. Tom. 1-4. Paris, 1880-85. 4°. 2116. a. Histoire de la Litterature Francaise au xvnr 3 siecle. Paris, 1877. 8°. 2044. c. Histoire do hi Litterature Francaise. — Prosatcurs. 3 vol. Paris, 1859-63. 8° 2044. c. Poetes. Vol. 1. Paris, 1S67. 8°. 2044. c. k 2 132 GOD— GOL Godet (F.) Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke. Translated by E. W. Shalders and M. D. Cusin. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Fourth Series, 45, 46.] Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. 2014. h. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. Translated by F. Crombie and M. D. Cusin. 3 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Fourth Series, 51, 53, 54.] Edinburgh, 1876, 77. 8°. 2014. h. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Eomans. Translated by A. Cusin. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. New {Fifth) Series, 2, 6.] Edinburgh, 1880-81. 8°. 2014. h. Commentary on St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. Translated by A. Cusin. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. New (Fifth) Series, 27,30.] Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2015. a. Godwin (W.) History of the Commonwealth of England. 4 vol. London, 1824-28. 8°. 2077. b. Goebel (S.) The Parables of Jesus. Translated by Professor Banks. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. New (Fifth) Series, 15.] Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. * 2015. a. Goedeke (C.) Grundrisz zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung. Zweite neubearbeitete Auflage. Vol. 1-2. Dresden, 1884-86. 8°. 2048. c. Goethals (F. V.) Histoire des Lettres, des Sciences et des Arts en Belgique, et dans les pays lirnitroph.es. 4 vol. Bruxelles, 1840- 44. 8°. 2038. e. Lectures relatives a l'histoire des Sciences, des Arts, des Lettres, des Mceurs, et de la Politique en Belgique, et dans les pays limi- trophes, etc. 4 vol. Bruxelles, 1837-38. 8°. 2038. e. Goethe (J. W. von) Sainmtliche Werke. 5 vol. Paris, 1836. 8°. 2046. h. Sammtliche Werke. 6 vol. Stuttgart, i860. 8°. 2042. g. Briefe in den Jahren, 1768 bis 1832. Herausgegeben von H. Doring. Leipzig, 1837. 8 °- 2046 - n - Bibliography. See Hirzel (S.) ; Unflad (L.) BB. G. Life. See Lewes. 2038. e. Goevie (E.) and Jansen (H. G.) Dictionnaire Francais-Hollandais de Marine et de l'Art Militaire. La Haye, 1844. 8°. 2118. g. Goldoni (C.) Commedie scelte. 4 vol. [Classici Ltaliani ; 291, 292.] Milano, 182 1. 8°. 2042. a. Memoirs ; translated by J. Black. 2 vol. [Autobiography ; 23, 24.] London, 1828. 12°. 2039. a. Goldsmith (O.) Works. Edited by P. Cunningham. 4 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2045. e. The Vicar of Wakefield. [Novelist's Library; 5.] Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. 2044. e. GOL-GOZ 133 Goldsmith (O). Le Vicaire do Wakefield. [Pantheon LittSraire. Bomans.] Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. g. Life and Times. See Forster. 2039. f. Gomart de Vaubernier (M. J.) Countess du Barri. Memoirs. 4 vol. [Autobiography, 29-32.] London, 1830, 31. 12°. 2039. a. Gonod (B.) Catalogue des ouvrages concernant l'Auvergne. Cler- mont, 1849. 8°. BB. K. Gonon (P. M.) Bibliographic historique de la Ville de Lyon pendant la Eevolution francaise. Lyon, 1844. 8°. BB. K. Goodeve (L. A.) The Modern Law of Eeal Property. Second edition. London, 1885. 8°. 2017. d. Gool (J. van) De nieuwe Schouburg der Nederlandtsche Kunst- schilders en Schilderessen. 2 vol. 's Gravenhage, 1750-51. 8°. 2032. a. Goovaerts (A.) Histoire et Bibliographic de la Typographic nmsicale dans les Pays-Bas. Anvers, 1880. 8°. BB. G. Gordon (J. E. H.) Physical treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2022. d. Gorgias. Eeliquiae. Gr. See Keiske (J. J.) Oratornm Grsecorum quae snpersunt. Vol. 15. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Gorton (J.) General Biographical Dictionary. New edition. 4 vol. London, 1851. 8°. 2036. a. Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vol. London, 1833. 8°. 2061. b. Gb'ttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen. Gdttingen, 1884, etc. 8°. 2097. b. Gough (R.) British Topography. 2 vol. London, 1780. 4°. BB. K. History and Antiquities of Croyland Abbey, Lincoln. [Biblio- theca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 3, No. 11.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. History and Antiquities of Pleshy, Essex. London, 1803. 4°. 2066. d. Short Genealogical View of the Family of Oliver Cromwell. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica; Vol. 6, No. 31.] London, 1785. 4°. 2061. c. A Catalogue of the books relating to British Topography and Saxon and Northern Literature bequeathed to the Bodleian Library by E. G. Oxford, 1884. 4°. BB. K. Gowans (W.) Catalogue of books on Freemasonry. Neio York, 1858. 8°. BB. A. Gowers (W. R.) A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous System. London, 1886, etc. 8°. 2024. c. Gozzi (G.^ Opere scelte. 5 vol. [Classic! Italian*: 295—297.] Milano,' 1821, 22. 8°. 2042. a-b. 134 GRA Gradmaim (J. J.) Das gelehrte Schwaben. Tubingen, 1802. 8°. 2038. d. Gradus ad Parnassum. Emendavit et auxit J. Conrad. Lipsise, 1 861. 8°. 2114. b. Graesse (J. G. T.) Bibliotheca Magica et Pneumatica. Leipzig, 1843. 8°. BB. C. Bibliotheca Psychol ogica. Leipzig, 1845. 8°. BB. C. Orbis Latinus oder Verzeichniss der lateinischen Benennungen der bekanntesten Stadte, etc. Dresden, 186 1. 8°. 2059. b. Tresor de Livres rares et precieux ; on, Nouveau Dictionnaire bibliograpkique. [With Supplement.] 7 vol. Dresde, 1859-69. 4°. 2049. c. Grsevius (J. G.) Thesauras Antiquitatum et Historiaram Italias, etc. 9 vol. (in 30 pt.) Lugd. Bat. 1725, 04-23. fol. Cat. Desk. Thesaurus Antiquitatum et Historiarum Sicilian, Sardinia et Corsicse, etc. 15 vol. Lugd. Bat. 1723-1725. fol. Cat. Desk. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Eomanarum. 12 vol. Lugd. Bat. 1694-99. fol. Cat. Desk. For Index and Supplements, See Polenus (J.) Graff (E. G.) Althochdeutschen Sprachschatz. 6 Thle. Berlin, 1834-42. 4°. 2117. d. Alphabetischen Index von K. F. Massmann. Berlin, 1 846. 4°. 2117. d. Grafton (R.) Chronicle of Englande [to the accession of Elizabeth]. B. L. 2 vol. London, 1569, 68. fol. 2070. c. Chronicle, from 1189 to 1558. 2 vol. London, 1809. 4°. 2070. c. Hardyng's Chronicle [with continuation of E. Grafton]. See Hardyng. 2070. c. Graham (T. J.) Modern Domestic Medicine. Thirteenth edition. London, 1864. 8°. 2026. a. Grainge (W.) Castles and Abbeys of Yorkshire. For&, 1855. 8°. 2062. a. Granger (J.) Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Be volution. Second edition. 4 vol. London, 1775. 8°. 2039. f. Biographical History of ;England, from the Bevolution to the end of George i.'s reign. By M. Noble. 3 vol. London, 1806. 80. 2039. f. Grant (Sir A.) Ethics of Aristotle, with Essays, etc. See Aristotle. Grant (J.) Law of Corporations in general. London, 1850. 8°. 2017. d. Law relating to Bankers and Banking. Fourth edition, by C. M. Plumptree. London, 1873. 8°. 2019. c. Granvelle (A. Perrenot) Cardinal de. See Perrenot. GRA— GEE 135 Gratet-Duplessis (G.) Bibliographic Paremiologique. Paris, 1847. 8°. BB. G. Essai de Bibliographic des ouvrages relatifa a l'histoire de la Gravure et des Graveurs. Paris, 1862. 8°. BB. G. Essai d'une Bibliographio generale des Beaux Arts. Biogra- phies. Paris, 1866. 8°. BB. G. Les Ventes de Tableaux, Dessins, &c., 1G11-1800. Paris, 1874. 8°. BB. G. Gratianus. Decretum. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 187.] Paris, 1855. 4°. 2010. d. Grattan (T. C.) Historj^ of the Netherlands. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] London, 1830. 8°. 2103. d. Graves (J.) History of Cleveland, York. Carlisle, 1808. 4°. 2063. c. Gravina (G. V.) Opere scelte. [Classici Italiani ; 276.] Milano, 1 8 19. 8°. 2042. a. Gray (A.) The Botanical Text-Book. Sixth edition. Pt. 1. London, 1880. 8°. 2029. a. Gray (H.) Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. Eleventh edition, byT. P. Pick. London, 1887. 8°. 2024. d. Gray's Inn. Catalogue of the Library. London, 1872. 8°. BB. C. Great Britain. Literary Memoirs of Living Authors of Great Britain, including a list of their Works, etc. 2 vol. London, 1798. 8°. 2049. bb. Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 18 16. 8°. 2039. d. Great Coxwell. History of the parish of Great Coxwell, Berks. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica. Vol. 4, No. 13.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. Greece. Handbook for Travellers in Greece. Fifth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1884. 8°. 2057. b. Greek Anthology. Anthologia Graeca ad fidein codicis olim Palatini nunc Parisini. Curavit F. Jacobs. Or. 3 torn. Lipsise, 1 81 3-17. 8°. 2052. f. See also Didot. Greek Authors. Scriptorum Grsecorum Bibliotheca. See Didot. Greek Lexicon. Analytical Greek Lexicon. Bagster ; London, 1852. 4°. 2114. c. Greek Tragedians. Index in Tragicos Grgecos. 2 vol. Cantab. 1830. 8°. 2051. a. Green (Mary A. E.) See Wood. Green (J. R.) History of the English People. 4 vol. London, 1881-79-80. 8°. 2071. c. Green (V.) History and Antiquities of the city and suburbs of Worcester. 2 vol. London, 1796. 4°. 2064. d. 136 GRE— GRI Greene (R.) Dramatic and Poetical Works of Robert Greene & George Peele. With notes "by A. Dyce. London, 1861. 8°. 2046. f. Greenwell (W.) British Barrows : a record of the examination of sepulchral mounds. Oxford, 1877. 8°. 2031. b. Greg (R. P.) and Lettsom (W. G.) Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1858. 8°. 2030. e. Gregoire, de Bostrenen, Capucin. Dictionnaire francois-celtique, ou francois-breton. Bennes, 1732. 4°. 2112. g. Gregorovius (P.) Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter, &c. 8 Bdc. Stuttgart, 1859-7 2 - 8 °- 2084. d. Vierte Aufiage. Band 1. Stuttgart, 1886, etc. 8°. 2084. d. Gregory, of Nazianzus, Saint. Opera. Gr. & Lat. 4 vol. [Migne. Patroloqi&s Cursus. Series Grseca ; 35-38.] Paris. 1857, 58. 4°. J 2010. g. Omnia Opera. 4 vol. [Caillau. Patres ; 49-52.] Paris. 1842. 8°. 2008. b. Gregory, Saint, Bishop of Nyssa. Opera. Gr. & Lat. 3 vol. [Migne. Patrolonise Cursus. Series Grseca ; 44-46.] Paris. 1858. 4°. J 2011. c. Gregory I., Saint, surnamed the Great, Poet. Opera omnia. 5 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 75-79.] Paris. 1849. 4°. 2009. e. Morals of the Book of Job. 3 vol. (in 4.) [Pusey's Library of Fathers.] Oxford, 1844-50. 8°. 2010. b. Gregory, Thaumaturgus, Saint. The Works of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and Archelaus. Translated by S. D. F. Salmond. \Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 20.] Edinburgh, 1871. go. 2011. a. Gregson (M.) Portfolio of fragments relative to the history and antiquities of Lancashire. Liverpool, 181 7. fol. 2064. d. Grein (C. W. M.) Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Poesie. 4 Bde. Goettingen, 1857-64. 8°. 2047. a. Greswell (E.) Dissertations upon the principles and arrangement of an Harmony of the Gospels. Second edition. 4 vol. Oxford, 1837. 8°. 2002. d. Grey (Sir G.) Catalogue of the Library of Sir George Grey. Philology. 2 vol. Cape Town, 1858, 59. 8°. BB. T. Griffith (J. W.) and Henfrey (A.) Micrographic Dictionary. Fourth edition. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2022. d. Grihya-Sutras. The Grihya-Sutras, rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies, etc. [Max Muller's " Sacred Books of the East." 29.] Oxford, 1886. 8°. 2003. a. Grimm (H.) Life of Michael Angelo. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2037. d. Grimm (J.) Teutonic Mythology. Translated by J. S. Stallybrass. 3 vol. London, 1880-83. 8°. 2002. a. GRI— GUA 137 Grimm (J. L. C.) and (W. C.) Deutschcs Wortorbuch. Vol. 1-6. Leipzig, 1854-80. 4°. 2118. c. Griswold (R. W.) The Poets and Poetry of America. Seventeenth edition. Philadelphia, 1856. 8°. 2045. e. The Prose Writers of America. Fourth edition. Philadelphia, 1851. 8°. 2045. c. Grocott (J. C.) An Index to Familiar Quotations. Liverpool, 1863. 8°. 2043. a. Gronovius (J.) Thesaurus Antiquitatum Grsecarum. 13 vol. Lugd. Bat. 1697-1702. fol. Cat. Desk. For Index and Supplements, See Polenus (J.) Groome (F. H.) Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland. 6 vol. Edin- burgh, 1884, 85. 8°. 2059. c. Groot (H. de) De Jure Belli et Paris libri tres : accompanied by an abridged translation by W. Whewell ; with notes. 3 vol. Cam- bridge, 1853. 8°. 2016. c. Grose (F.) Antiquities of England and Wales. 4 vol. London, 1773-87. 4°. 2061. e. The Antiquities of Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1791-95. 4°. 2066. a. Military Antiquities. New edition. 2 vol. London, 1801. 4°. 2085. g. Grosseteste (R.) Bishop of Lincoln. Epistolaj. Edited by II. E. Luard. [Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland.] London, 1861. 8°. 2073. (25.) Grote (G.) Aristotle. By G. Grote. Edited by A. Bain & G. C. Eobertson. Second edition. London, 1880. 8°. 2051. d. History of Greece. Fourth edition. 10 vol. London, 1872. 80. 2069. b. Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1867. 8°. 2051. d. Grotius (Hugo) See Groot. Grove (Sir G.) Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 4 vol. London, 1879-88. 8°. 2031. c. Grove (Sir W. R.) The Correlation of Physical Forces. Sixth edition. London, 1874. 8°. 2022. c. Gruber (J. G.) See Erscii (J. S.) and Gruber (J. G.) Gruenhagen (C.) Geschichte Schlesiens. 2 Bde. [Heeren and Ifkert. Geschichte der Europdisclien Staaten.] Gotha, 1884-86. 8°. 2068. a. Guardian. [By Sir E. Steele and J. Addison.] 3 vol. [British Essayists; 13-15.] London, 1823. 12°. 2043. a. Guarini (G. B.) II Pastor Fido, tragicommedia pastorale. [Classici Italiani; 88.] Milano, 1807. 8°. 2041. c. 138 GUA— GUL Guamacci (M.) VitsB et res gestae Pontificum Eomanorum et S. E. E. Cardinalium, a Clemente x. usque ad Clementem xn. 2 vol. Bomae, 175 1. fol. 2007. d. Gubernatis (A.) Dizionario Biografico degli Scrittori Contempo- ranei. (Supplemento.) Firenze, 1879 [80]. 8°. 2035. d. Guenebault (L. J.) Dictionnaire Iconographique des Monuments de l'antiquite chretienne et du moyen age, etc. 2 vol. Paris, 1843-45. S°. 2032. f. Guenther (A. C. L. G.) An introduction to the study of Fishes, Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. 2028. c. Guerin (P.) Les petite Bollandistes. Vie des Saints. Septieme edition, augnientee. 17 torn. Paris, 1882. 8°. 2007. a. Guest (E.) History of English Bhythins. New edition by the Eev. W. W. Skeat. London, 1882. 8°. 2112. c. Guettee (R. P. W.) Histoire de l'Eglise de France. 12 vol. Paris, 1847-56. 8°. 2004. d. Guglielmini (D.) Delia Natura de' Fiumi ; trattato fisico-matema- tico con le annotazioni di E. Manfredi. 2 vol. Milano, 1821. 80> 2042. a. Guhl (E.) and Koner (W.) The Life of the Greeks and Eomans. Translated by F. Hueffer. London, 1875. 8°. 2031. a. Guibert (A.) Dictionnaire Geographique et Statistique. 2 vol. Paris, 1850. 8°. 2059. b. Guicciardini (P.) Istoria d' Italia. 10 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 99-108.] Milano, 1803. 8°. 2041. c. Histoire dTtalie, 1492 a 1532. Avec notice biographique par J A C Buchon. [Pantheon Litteraire. Histoire.] Paris, 1836. 8 o # ' 2043. d. Guidi (U.) Annali delle edizione &c. della Gerusalemme Liberata. Bologna, 1868. 8°. BB. G. Annali delle edizioni &c. dell' Orlando Furioso. Bologna, 1861. go BB. G. Guigard (J.) Bibliotheque Heraldique de la Franco. Paris, 186 1. go. BB. I. Indicatetir du Mercure de France 1672-1782, contenant des notices biographiques. Paris, 1869. 8°. BB. O. Guild (R. A.) The Librarian's Manual. New York, 1858. 4°. ZOou. cl. Guillemin (A.) The Heavens. Handbook of Popular Astronomy. Second edition, by J. N. Lockyer. London, 1867. 8°. 2022. e. Guillim (J.) A Display of Heraldry. Sixth edition. A Treatise of Honour ; by J. Logan. London, 1724. fol. 2119. g. Guizot (F. P. G.) Histoire de la Eevolution d'Angleterre. 6 vol. Paris, 1850-56. 8°. 2077. cc. Gulielmus Gemiticensis. De Ducurn Normannorum Gestis. See Camden (W.) Anglica, etc. 1603. fol. 2072. d. GUL— II AE 139 Gulielmus Malmesburiensis. De antiquitato Glastoniensis Ecclesias, etc. See Gale (T.) Kerum Anglicaruni Scriptores veteres, Vol. 3. 1 69 1. fol. 2072. d. De Gestis Eegum Anglorum, etc. See Savile (H.) Rerum Anglicaruni Scriptores, etc. 1601. fol. 2070. d. Gesta Regum Anglorum. Recensuit T. D. Hardy. 2 vol. [English Historical Society.] London, 1840. 8°. 2071. c. De Gestis Regum Anglorum libri quinque. Historic Novellas libri tres. Edited by W. Stubbs. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1887, etc. 8°. 2073.(90.) De Gestis Pontificum Anglorum libri v. Edited by N. E. S. A. Hamilton. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1870. 8°. 2073. (52.) Gulielmus Neubrigensis. Historia sive Chronica Rerum Anglicarum. Edita studio T. Hearnii. Accedunt HomiliaB tres. 3 vol. Oxon. 17 19. 8°. 2072. b. Historia Rerum Anglicarum. Recensuit H. C. Hamilton. 2 vol. [English Historical Society.] London, 1856. 8°. 2071. c. Gumposch (V. P.) Die philosophischo Literatur der Deutschen. Begensburg, 1851. 8°. BB. C. Gunning (P.) Bishop of Ely. The Paschal or Lent Fast apostolical and perpetual. [Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1845. 8°. 2014. b. Gutch (J.) History of the University of Oxford. See Wood (A. a) V J 2066. d. Guyot (C.) and (R. T.) Liste Litterairo Philocophe, ou catalogue d'etude de ce qui a etc public sur les Sourds-Muets, etc. Gro- ningue, 1842. 8°. BB. C. Gwilt (J.) Encyclopaedia of Architecture. New edition, revised by W. Papworth. London, 1888. 8°. 2032. b. Haas (E. A. M.) Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali Books in tho British Museum. London, 1876. 4°. Cat. Desk. Habenicht (H.) Spezial Karte von Afrika. Gotha, 1885. fol. 2060. f. Haenel (G.) Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum qui in Bibliothecis Gallias asservantur. Lipsise, 1830. 4°. 2050. g. Haevernick (H. A. C.) Introduction to tho Old Testament. Trans- lated by W. L. Alexander. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 28.] Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. 2014. d. 140 HAE— HAL Haevemick (H. A. C.) Introduction to the Pentateuch. Trans- lated by A. Thomson. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 18.] Edinburgh, 1850. 8°. 2014. d. Hagen (H. A.) Bibliotheca Entomologica. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1862, 63. 8°. BB. E. Hagenbach (C. R.) Compendium of the history of Doctrines. Translated by C. W. Buch. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 3, 6.] Edinburgh, 1846, 47. 8°. 2014. c. Encyclopadie und Methodologie des theologischen Wissen- schaften. Zehnte Auflage. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BB. A. History of Christian Doctrines. 3 vol. [Claries Foreign Theological Library. New (Fifth) Series, 1, 3, 8.] Edinburgh, 1880-81. 8°. 2014. a. History of the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland chiefly. Translated by E. Moore. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Fourth Series, 59, 62.] Edinburgh, 1878, 79. 8°. 2014. h. Hailstone (E.) Catalogue of historical and topographical works and Civil War Tracts relating to the County of York. In the library of E. H. Bradford, 1858. 8°. BB. K. Hain (L.) Bepertorium Bibliographicum. 2 vol. Stuttgartise, etc. 1826-38. 8°. 2048. c. Hakluyt (R.) The principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. 3 vol. London, 1 599-1 600. fob 2057. f. Hale (S. J.) Woman's Becord ; or, Sketches of all distinguished Women from the creation to a.d. 1854. Second edition. Neio York, 1855. 8°. 2035. h. Hale (W. H.) History of the Jews. [Encyclopsedia Metropolitana.] London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. Hales (W.) Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy. Second edition. 4 vol. Lond. 1830. 8°. 2085. e. Halkett (S.) and Laing (J.) Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1882-88. 8°. 2048. f. Hall (F.) Contribution towards an Index to the Bibliography of the Indian Philosophical Systems. Calcutta, 1859. 8°. BB. C. Hall (S.) The English Counties, also general maps of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. London, [i860.] fol. 2060. f. Hallam (H.) Constitutional History of England. Seventh edition. 3 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2071. b. Europe during the Middle Ages. Tenth edition, including Supplemental notes. 3 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2070. b. Introduction to the Literature of Europe. Fourth edition. 3 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2044. c. Haller (G. E. von) Bibliothek der Schwcizcr. Geschichto. Bern, 1785-87. 8°. BB. M. HAL— II AN 141 Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell Phillips (J. O.) Catalogue of Proclamations, Broadsides, &c, presented to the Ohetham Library, Manchester. London, 185 1. 4°. 2048. f. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1850. 8°. 2112. c. Dictionary of Old English Plays. London, i860. 8°. BB. G. Letters of the Kings of England. 2 vol. London, 1848. 8°. 2077. a. Outlines of the Life of Shakespoaro. Seventh edition. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2046. h. Shakesperiana. A catalogue of the early editions of Shake- speare's Plays, etc. London, 1841. 8°. 2046. d. Halyburton (A.) Ledger of Andrew Halyburton, 1492-1503. [Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland.] Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. 2075. c. Hamburg.— Commerz-BibliotheTc. Katalog. Hamburg, 1864. 8°. BB. C. Hamburger (J.) Eeal-Encyclopiidie fiir Bibel und Talmud. Zweito Auflage. 2 vol. Breslau, 1884, etc. 8°. 2001. d. Supplementhand. Leipzig, 1886, etc. 8°. 2001. d. Hamel (P. J.) Laws of the Customs. London, 1876. 8°. 2019. a. Hamilton (H.) and Legros (E.) Dictionnaire International Fran- cais- Anglais. International English and French Dictionary by L. Smith and K. Hamilton. 2 vol. Paris, 1878-79. 8°. 2117. b. Hamilton (H. C.) Calendar of State Papers : — Ireland. See State Papers. Hamilton (N. E. S. A.) The National Gazetteer : a topographical Dictionary of the British Islands. 3 vol. London, 1868. 8°. 2059. d. Hamilton (Sir W.) Bart. Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. Edited by H. L. Mansel and J. Veitch. 4 vol. London, 1877-74. 8°. 2023. a. Hammer-Purgstall (J. von) Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. Traduit par J. J. Hellert. 18 vol. Paris, 1835-43. 8°. ' 2085. c. Hammond (H.) Miscellaneous Theological Works. Third edition. 3 vol. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1847-50. 8°. 2014. b. Hampshire. Tost Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Hampson (R. T.) Medii iEvi Kalendarium : or, Dates, Charters, and Customs of the Middle Ages; with Kalendars from the 10th to the 15th century. 2 vol. London, 184 1. 8°. 2085. b. Hamst (Olphar) pseud, [i.e. E. Thomas.] Handbook of Fictitious Names. London, 1868. 8°. 2048. c. Handbooks. Official Handbook of Church and State. New edition. London, 1855. 8°. 2121. b. 142 HAN— HAR Haner (G. J.) De Scriptoribus Rerum Hungaricarum et Trans- silvanicarum. 2 vol. Vienna, Cibinii, 1794-98. 8°. 2038. b. Hanns (I. J.) Quellenkunde und Bibliographic der Bohmisch- Slovenischen Literaturgeschichte vom Jahre 1348-1868. Prag, 1868. 8°. 2050. b. Hansard (T. C.) Parliamentary Debates, from 1803 to the present time, forming a continuation of the work entitled : " The Parlia- mentary History of England from the earliest period to 1803 " [for which see CobbettI. 41vol. London, 1812-20. 8°. 2078. b-d. New [Second] Series — commencing with the accession of George iv. 25 vol. London, 1820-30. 8°. 2078. d.-2079. b. General Index to the First and Second Series. Edited by Sir J. Philippart. London, 1834. 8°. 2078. c. Third Series — commencing with the accession of William rv. Vol. 1-316, etc. Ln progress. London, 1831, etc. 8°. 2081. e-g. Hardiman (J.) History of Gal way. Dublin, 1820. 4°. 2066. b. Harding (W.) History of Tiverton. 2 vol. Ttcerton, 1845-47. 8°. 2066. b. Hardwick (C.) History of the Articles of Religion. Cambridge, 1 85 1. 8°. 2003. b. History of the Christian Church. Middle Age. Cambridge, 1853. 8°. 2001. a. History of the Christian Church during the Reformation. Cambridge, 1856. 8°. 2001. a. Hardwicke State Papers. See Yorke. Hardy {Sir T. D.) Description of the Close Rolls in the Tower. [Becord Commission.] London, 1833. 8°. 2069. d. Description of the Patent Rolls in the Tower of London ; to which is added an Itinerary of King John, etc. [Becord Commis- sion.] London, 1835. 8°. 2069. d. Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry vn. 3 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1862-71. 8°. 2073. (26.) Index to the printed Reports of Sir T. D. Hardy, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. 1862-78. See Records. Cat. Desk. Svllabus of Documents contained in Rymer's Fcedera. See Rymer. 2077. e. Hardyng (J.) Chronicle [in metre]. With the continuation of R. Grafton. [Edited] by H. Ellis. London, 18 12. 4°. 2070. c. Hargrove (W.) History of the City of York. 2 vol. York, 181 8. go. 2062. b. Harleian Miscellany. With notes by W. Oldys and T. Park. 10 vol. London, 1808-13. 4°. 2072.(1. IIAR— HAS 143 Harleian Society. Publications. London, 1869, etc. 8°. 2118. d. Contents :- 13, 14. Visitations of Essex, 1552, 1558, 1G12, 1634. 15, 17. Visitation of London, 1(!33, 34. 16. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1564. 18. Visitation of Cheshire, 1580 19. Visitations of Bedfordshire, 15GG, 1582, 1634. 20. Visitation of Dorset, 1623. 21. Visitation of C41oucester, 1623. 22. Visitation of Hertfordshire, 1572, 1634. 27. Visitation of Worcestershire. 8. Of St. Antholin, Budge Lane, and St. John Baptist on Walbrook. 9, 10, 13. Of St. James's, Clerkenwell. 11. Of St. George's, Hanover Sq. 12. Of Stourton, Wilts. 1. Visitation of London, 1568. 2. Visitation of Leicestershire, 1619. 3. Visitation of Rutland, 1618. 4. Visitations of Nottingham, 1614. 5. Visitations of Oxford, 1574, 1634. 6. Visitation of Devon, 1620. 7. Visitation of Cumberland, 1615. 8. Le Neve's Catalogue of Knights. 9. Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. 10. Registers of Westminster Abbey. 11. Visitation of Somersetshire, 1623. 12. Visitation of Warwickshire. Eegisters. 1. 4. Of St. Peter's, Cornhill. 2. Of Canterbury Cathedral. 3. Of St. Dionis Backchurch. 5. Of St. Mary Aldermary. 6. Of St. Thomas Apostle. 7. Of St. Michael, Cornhill. Harless (G. C. A. von) System of Christian Ethics. Translated by A. W. Morrison, and revised by W. Findlay. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. 4th Series, 19.] Edin. 1868. 8°. 2014. g. Harmonville (A. L. d') Dictionnaire des Dates, des faits, des lieux, et des hommes historiques, etc. 2 vol. Paris, 1842, 43. 8°. 2085. f. Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Index to Vols. 1-50. New York, 1875. 8°. BB. O. Harris (S. P.) Principles of the Criminal Law. Fourth edition. London, 1886. 8°. 2019. c. Harrisse (H.) Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. A descrip- tion of works relating to America published between 1492 and 1551. New York, 1866. 8°. Additions. Paris, 1872. 8°. 2049. a. Notes pour servir a, l'Histoire, a la Bibliographic et a la Carto- graphic de la Nouvelle Fiance, 1545-1700. Paris, 1872. 8°. BB. T. Hart (H. G.) New Annual Army List [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. d. New Army List [for the last two quarters]. Lond. 8°. 2121. d. Hartshorne (C. H.) Book Karities in the University of Cambridge. London, 1829. 8°. 2048. c. Hartzenbusch (E.) Periodicos de Madrid (1GG1-1870). Tabla cronologica. Madrid, 1876. 12°. BB. A. Harwood (T.) Alumni Etonenses. Birmingham, 1797. 4°. 2035. g. History of Lichfield. Glocester, 1806. 4°. 2064. c. Hassall (A. H.) Food and its adulterations. London, 1 87 6. 8°. 2027. c. 144 HAS— HAZ Hasted (E.) History of Canterbury. Second edition. 2 vol. Canterbury, 1801. 8°. 2063. a. History of Kent. 4 vol. Canterbury, 1778-99. fol. 2065. f. Hatin (E.) Bibliographie de la presse periodique francaise. Paris, 1866. 8°. 2048. b. Haton (C.) Memoires, 1553 a 1582. Publies par F. Bourquelot. 2 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. l re Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1857. 4 °- 2083 - S- Haupt (E.) The first Epistle of St. John. Translated by W. B. Pope. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 64.] Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. 2014. h. Havernick (H. A. C.) See Haevernick. Hawkherst. History of Hawkherst. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica; Vol. 9, No. 2.] London, 1792. 4°. 2061. c. Hawkins (E.) Medallic illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2032. e. The Silver Coins of England. Third edition, with additions by E. L. Kenyon. London, 1888. 8°. 2032. c. Hawkins (Sir J.) History of Music. 3 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2031. e. Hawks (F. L.) Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, in 1852-54, under the command of Commodore M. C. Parry, U.S.N. Washington, 1856. 4°. 2057. f. Hawkwood (Sir J.) Memoirs. [By R. Gough.] [Bibliotheca Topo- graphica Britannica; Vol. 6, No. 4 and 19.] London, 1782, 84. 4°. 2061. c. Hay (A.) History of Chichester, etc. Chichester, 1804. 8°. 2063. a. Haydn (J.) Book of Dignities. London, 185 1. 8°. 2119. c. Dictionary of Dates. 16th edition, by B. Vincent. London, 1886. 8°. 2085. f. Universal Index of Biography. See Payne (J. B.). 2035. d. Haymo, Bishop of Halbcrstadt. Opera omnia. 3 vol. [Migne. Patrohgiae Curma; 116-118.] Pans. 1852. 4°. 2009. f. Haynes (S.) State Papers. See Cecil (W.) Baron Burleigh. Hazell's Annual Cyclopaedia. 1886, etc. Edited by E. D. Price. London, 1886, etc. 8°. 2102. d. Hazlitt (W. C.) Hand-Book to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain, from the invention of printing to the Eestoration. London, 1867. 8°. 2048. b. Collections and Notes, 1867-1876. London, 1876. 8°. 2048. b. Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes. L. P. London, 1882. 8°. 2048. b. HAZ-HEE 145 Hazjitt (W. C.) Third and final series of bibliographical collections and notes on Early English Literature, 1474-1700. London, 1887. 8°. 2048. b. Hearne (T.) [Publications.] 60 vol. Oxonise, 11 ix-i 1 . 8°. 2072. a-b. Contents : — Heniingua. Chartularium Ecclesiro Wigorniensis. 2 vol. Historia Rieardi II. Angliro Regia. History and antiquities of Glastonbury. Joannes Glastonieusis. Chronica. 2 vol. Laugtoft. Chronicle. 2 vol. Leland. De rebus Britannicis Collec- tanea. Editio altera. 6 vol. Itinerary. 2nd edition. 9 vol. Liber Niger Scaccarii. Wilhelmi Worcestrii Annales. 2 vol. Editio altera. 2 vol. London. Livius Foro-Juliensis. Vita Heurici Quinti Regis Angliaa. Robert of Gloucester. Chronicle. 2 vol. Roper. Vita Thomse Mori [English]. Accedunt Mori Epistola, &c. Ross. Historia Regum Anglia). Sprott. Chronica. Trokelowe. Annales Edvardi II., &c. Walterus de Hemingburgh. Historia Edvardi I., II., III. 2 vol. Adamus do Domerham. Historia do rebus gestis Glastoniensibus. 2 vol. Aluredus. Annales, sive historia do gestis Regum Britannia). Benedictus Petroburgensis. Do vita ot gestis Henrici II. et Rieardi I. 2 vol. Caius. Vindicias Antiquitatis Academia) Oxoniensis. 2 vol. Camden. Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum, regnante Eliza- betha. 3 vol. Chronicon, sive Annales Prioratus de Dunstaple. 2 vol. Collection of curious Discourses written by eminent Antiquaries. Dodwell. De Parma Equestri Wood- wardiana dissertntio, &c. Elmham. Vita et gesta Henrici Quinti, Anglorum Regis. Ernulphus. Textus Roffensis. Fordun. Scotichronicon. 5 vol. Gulielmus Neubrigensis. Historia, sive chronica rerum Anglicarum. 3 vol. Antiquities of Great Britain. Engraved by W. Byrne, from Drawings by T. Hearne. With Descriptions in English and French. 2 vol. London, 1807. obi. fob 2061. c. Heath (C.) Dictionary of Practical Surgery. Edited by C. H. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2024. c. Heaton (J. H.) Australian Dictionary of Dates and Men of the Time, containing the History of Australasia from 1542 to date. London, 1879. 8°. 2035. d. Hebrseische Bibliographie. Bde. 1-20. Berlin, 1858-80. 8°. BB. T. Hebrew Student's Manual. London, 1882. 8°. 2115. a. Heeren (A. H. L.) Historical Besearches into the Politics, Inter- course and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. Translated, etc. 2 vol. Oxford, 18^2. 8°. 2067. a. Historical Besearches into the Politics, Intercourse and Trado of the principal Nations of Antiquity. Translated, etc. 3 vol. Oxford, 1833. 8°. 2067. a. Historical Treatises. Translated from the German. Oxford, 1836. 8°. 2067. a. Manual of Ancient History. Translated from the German. Third edition. Oxford, 1840. 8°. 2067. a. Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies. Translated, etc. 2 vol. Oxford, 1834. 8°. 2067. a. L 146 HEE— HEM Heeren (A. H. L.) Sketch of the Political History of Ancient Greece. Translated from the German. Oxford, 1829. 8°. 2067. a. Heeren (A. H. L.) and Ukert (F. A.) Geschichte der Europiiischen Staaten. Hamburg, Gotha, 1829, etc. 8°. 2068. a-c. Contents : Bottiger. Sachsen. Vol. 1-2. [Vol. 3 by Flathe.] Brosch. Geschichte dee Kirchenstaates. Vol. 1-2. Bulau. Deutschland, von 180ti-1830. Carlson : see Geijer. Caro : see Roepell. Dahlmann. D'atmemark. 3 vol. Dohn. Deutsche Geschichte. Vol. 1. Iste Hfte. Flathe : see Bottiger. Geijer. Sckweden. Vol. 1-3. [Vol. 4, 5 by Carlson.] Herrmann : see Strahl. Hertzberg. Griechenland. 4 vol. Hillebrand. Geschichte Frankreichs. (1830-71.) Vol. 1, 2. Huber. Geschichte Oesterreichs. Bd. 1,2. Kampen. Die Niederlande. 2 vol. Lappenberg. England. Vol. 1, 2. [Vol. 3-5 by Pauli.] Lembke. Spanien. Vol.]. [Vol. 2, 3 by Seh'afer ; vol. 4 by Schirniacher.] Leo. Italien. 5 vol. Ostreich. 5 vol. Lappenberg. Geschichte der Teutschen. der Mailath. Pauli: se, Pfister. 5 vol. Beimann. Neuere Geschichte preussischen Staats. Eiesler. Geschichte Baierns. Roepell. Polen. Vol. 1. [Vol. 2-4 by Caro.] Schafer. Portugal. 5 vol. See also Lembke. Schirrmacher : see Lembke. Schmidt. Frankreich. 4 vol. Staelin. Geschichte Wiirtembergs. Band 1. Stenzel. Preussen. 5 vol. Strahl. Russland. Vol. 1, 2. [Vol. 3-6, and Erganzungs - Band by Herrmann.] Wachsmuth. Frankreich im Bevo- lutionszeitalter. 4 vol. Wenzelburger. Geschichte der Nieder- lande. Vol. 1. Zinkeisen. Das Osmanische Reiche. 7 vol. Hefele (C. J.) History of the Christian Councils. Translated from the German and edited by W. E. Clark and H. N. Oxenham, etc. Vol. 1-3. Edinburgh, 1871, 76-83. 8°. 2005. g. Heilbronner (J. C.) Historia Matheseos Universal. Lipsise, 1742. 4°. 2022. f. Heinecken (C. H. von) Dictionnaire des Artistes dont nous avons des Estampes, etc. 4 vol. [Aa — Diz. No more published.] Leipzig, 1778-90. 8°. 2033. g. Idee generale d'une collection complette d' Estampes. Leipsic et Vienna, 177 1. 8°. 2033. g. Heinsius (W.) Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon ; 1700-1815. 5 vol. Leipzij, 18 1 2-17. 4°. 2049. d. Helfenstein (J.) Comparative Grammar of the Teutonic Languages. London, 1870. 8°. 2118. a. Adels-Lexikon. 2 Bde. Ilmenau, 1825, 26. BB. T. Hemingburgh, or Hemingford (Walterus de) See Walterus, de Eemingburgh. Hemingus, Monachus Wigorniensis. Chartularium Ecclesiae Wigor- niensis, Edidit T. Hearnius. 2 vol. Oxoniae, 1723. 8°. 2072. a. Hellbach (J. C. von) 8°. HEM— HEN 147 Hemingway (J.) History of tho City of Chester. 2 vol. Chester, 183 1. 8°. 2062. a. Hemsworth (H. W.) Catalogue of Books in the Library at Free- masons' nail, London. London, [1869.] 8°. BB. A. Henault (C. J. F.) Nouvel Abrege chronologique cle l'Histoiro do France depuis Clovis jusqu'a la mort de Louis xiv. Paris, 1768. 4°. 2084. f. Henfrey (A.) Elementary Course of Botany. Third and fourth editions, by M. T. Masters. London, 1884. 8°. 2029. a. Hengstenberg (E. W.) Christology of tho Old Testament. Trans- lated by T. Meyer (and J. Martin). 4 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; N. S., 1, 9, 19, 20.] Edinburgh, 1854-58. 8°. 2014. e. Commentary on Ecclesiastes, with other Treatises. Translated by L\ W. Simon, [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 3rd Series, 6.] Edinburgh, i860. 8°. 2014. f. Commentary on Ezekiel. Translated by A. C. and J. G. Murphy. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; -ith Series, 21.] Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. 2014. g. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 4th Series, 5, 7.] Edinburgh, 1865. 8°. ' 2014. g. Commentary on the Psalms. Translated by P. Fairburn, (and J.Thomson.) Vol. 1 (in 2 pt.) [Biblical Cabinet; N. S., 1.] Edinburgh, 1844, 45. 8°. 2014. d. Vol. 2, 3. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 2, 12.] Edinburgh, 1846-48. 8°. 2014. d. History of tho kingdom of God under tho Old Testament. 2 vol. Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 4th Series, 32, 36.] Edinburgh, 1 87 1. 8°. 2014. h. The Eevelation of St. John expounded. Translated by P. Fairburn. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 22, 20.] Edinburgh, 185 1, 52. 8°. 2014. d. Hennequin (J. F. G.) Biographic Maritime, etc. 3 vol. Paris, 1835-37. 8°. 2037. b. Henricus Huntingdoniensis. Historiarum lib. vm. See Savilr (Sir II.) Beruin Anglicarum Scriptores, etc. 1601. fol. 2070. d. Historia Anglorum. The History of the English, by Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon. From A.c. 55 to a.d. 1154. Edited by T. Arnold. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1879. 8°. 2073. (74.) Henry III., King of England. Boyal and other Historical Letters illustrative of the reign of Henry in. Edited by \V. W. Shirley. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1862-66. 8°. 2073. (27.) Henry IV., King of England. Royal and Historical Letters during the Eeign of Henry iv. Edited by F. O. Hingeston. Vol. 1. [Chronicles and Memorials.] Lomhn, 18G0. 8°. 2073.(18.) L 2 148 HEN— HER Henry V., King of England. Memorials of Henry the Fifth. Edited by C. A. Cole. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 18.58. 8°. 2073. (11.) Henrici Quinti Gesta, cum Chronica Neustrise ; illustravit B. Williams. [English Historical Society.'] London, 1850. 8°. 2071. c. Henry VI., King of England. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the Eeign of Henry VT. Edited by J. Stevenson. 2 vol. (in 3.) [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1861-64. 8°. 2073.(22.) Henry VII., King of England. Historia Regis Henrici Septimi, &c. Edited by J. Gairdner. [Ctironicles and Memorials.] London, 1858. 80. 2073. (10.) Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reigns of Richard in. and Henry vn. Edited by J. Gairdner. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1861-63. 8°. 2073. (24.) Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry vn. Edited by W.Campbell. 2 vol. [ Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1873, 77. 8°. 2073. (60.) Henry VIII., King of England. Privy Purse Expenses of Henry viii., from November, 1529, to December, 1532. With notes, &c, by N. H. Nicolas. London, 1827. 8°. 2077. a. Henry IV., King of France. Recueil des Lettres missives, publie par Berger de Xivrey. (Supplement publie par J. Guardet.) 8 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. l re Serie. His- toire Politique.] Paris, 1843-58. 4°. 2083. e. Hensbrock (P. A. M. B. van) De Beoefening der Oostersche talen in Nederland en zijno overzeesche bezittingen, 1800-1874. Leiden, 1875. 4°. BB. T. Henslow (J. S.) Principles of descriptive and physiological Botany. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Natural History.] London, 1836. 8°. 2103. f. Herbelot (B. D.) Bibliotheque Orientale. Paris, 1697. fol. Cat. Desk. Herbert (E.) Baron Herbert of Chcrbury. Life. [Autobiography ; 8.] London, 1827 . 12°. 2039. a. Herbert (H.) Repertoriutn iiber einen Theil der Siebenburgen betreffenden Literatur. Hermannstadt, 1878. 8°. BB. K. Herbert (W.) Antiquary. Typographical Antiquities. See Ames. Herbert (W.) Librarian. History of the twelve great Livery Com- panies of London. 2 vol. London, 1837, 3 6 - 8 °- 2065. b. Herbertus, de Boseham. Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Giles. Patres Ecclesise Anglicanse.] Oxonise, 1845, 46. 8°. 2011. b. Hercher (R.) Epistolographi Graci. Recognovit R. H. Didot : Paris. 1873. 8°. 2051. g Herefordshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Di- rectories. HER 149 Herluison (H.) Plan d'une Bibliotheque Orloanalso, ou Essai do bibliographic locale. Orleans, 1868. 8°. BB. K. Hermann (C. H.) Bibliotheca Germanica. Verzeichniss der in Deutsohland erschienenen Schriften iiber altdeutscho Spracho und Literatur, 1830-78. Halle a/S., 1878. 8°. BB. T. Bibliotheca Orientalis et Linguistica, 1850-68. Halle a/S., 1870. 8°. BB. T. Bibliotheca Philologica, 1852-72. Halle a/S., 1873. 8°. BB. G. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum, 1858-69. Halle a/S., 1873. 8°. BB. G. Hermann (L.) Elements of Human Physiology. Translated by A. Gamgee. Second edition. London, 1878. 8°. 2024. bb. Hermes. Zeitschrift fur classische Philologie. Bd. 18, etc. Berlin, 1883, etc. 8°. 2056. b. Herodes Atticus. Orationes. Gr. See Eeiske (J. J.) Oratorum Graecorum quas supersunt. Vol.15. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Herodian. Ouvrages historiques de Poly be, Herodien et Zozime ; avec notices biographiques, par J. A. C. Buchon. [Pantheon Litter aire. Histoire.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. d. Herodotus. Lexicon Herodoteum. See Schweighaeuser. 2051. f. Historiarum libri ix. Digessit T. Gaisford. Gr. 4 vol. Oxonise, 1824. 8°. 2051. f. Herodotus. Gr. With a commentary by J. W. Blakesley. 2 vol. [Long's Bibliotheca Classical London, 1854. 8°. 2052. c. Historiarum libri ix. Eecognovit G. Dindorfius ; Ctesiaa Cnidii Fragmenta, illustrata a C. Mlillero. Gr. and Lat. Didot: Paris. 184% 8°. 2051. h. Historian. Eecensuit H. Stein. 2 torn. Berolini, 1869-76. 8°. 2051. f. History. A new English version. Edited by G. Eawlinson, Col. Eawlinson, and Sir J. G. Wilkinson. Third edition. 4 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2051. c. Histoire, etc. [Pantheon Litteraire. Histoire.'] Paris, 1837. 8 °« 2043. d. Herrmann (E.) Geschichte des Eussischen Staates. Vol. 3-6 [continuation of Strahl]. [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Hamburg, Gotha, 1 846-60. 8°. 2068. b. Erganzungs-Band. Gotha, 1866. 8°. 2068. b. Herschel (Sir J. P. W.) Bart. Outlines of Astronomy. Tenth edition. London, 1869. 8°. 2022. e. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. [Lardners Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Natural Philosophy.] London, 183 1. 8°. 2103. e Treatise on Astronomy. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Natural Philosophy.'] London, 1833. 8°. 2103. c 150 HER— HEY Hertfordshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Direc- tories. Hertslet (L.) Collection of Treaties and Conventions. Vol. 1-11. Continued by E. Hertslet. Vol. 12-15. General Index. Vol. 16. London, 1827-85. 8°. 2016. a. The Map of Europe by Treaty, showing the political and terri- torial changes since the peace of 1814. 3 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2070. b. Hertzberg (G. F.) Geschichte Griechenlands. 4 vol. [Eeeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europaisehen Staaten.] Gotha, 1876, 77, 78, 79. 8°. 2068. d. Herzog (J. J.) Real-Encyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kircke. Zweite Auflage herausgegeben von J. J. Herzog, ' G. L. Plitt und A. Hauek. Bd. 1-17, etc. Leipzig, 1877, etc. 8°. 2015. c. Herzog (J. J.) and Plitt (G. L.) A Religious Encyclopaedia : based on the Real-Encyclopadie of Herzog. Edited by P. SchafF. 3 vol. New York, 1882-83. 4°. 2015. d. Encyclopaedia of living Divines, being a supplement to SchafF- Herzog Encyclopaedia. Edited by P. Schaff and S. M. Jackson. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2015. d. Hesiod. Carmina [with Scholia]. Gr. [Gaisford's Poetse Minores Grseci; Vol. 1, 2.] Lipsise, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Carmina. Apollonii Argonautica ; Musaei Carmen de Herone et Leandro ; Coluthi Raptus Helenae ; Quinti Posthomerica ; Tryphiodori Excidium Ilii : Tzetzae Antehomerica. Gr. & Lat. Edidit F. S. Lehrs. Asii, Pisandri [and others] Fragmenta adjecit F. Dubner. Didot : Paris. 1 840. 8°. 2051. h. Epics. Gr. With an English Commentary by F. A. Paley. Second edition. [Long's Bibliotheca Classica.] London, 1883. 8°. 2052. c. Hesychius. Lexicon. Gr. Post J. Albertum recensuit M. Schmidt. 4 vol. (in 2). Jense, 1858-64. 4°. 2113. c. Hetherington (W. M.) History of the Church of Scotland to 1843. Seventh edition. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. 2004. b. . History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. Fourth edition. Edited by R. Williamson. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. 2001. a. Heuscbling (P. F. X. T.) Bilniogvaphiehistorique dela Statistique en Allemagne. Bruxelles, 1845. 8°. BB. C. Hewitt (J.) Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe. 2 vol. (Supplement 1 vol.) Oxford, 1855-60. 8°. 2031.1). Heyd (W.) Histoire du Commerce du Levant an Moyen-Age. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1885-86. 8°. '2085. g. Heyse (Carl) Biieherschatz dor Deutschen National-Li tteratur. Berlin, 1854. 8°. 2048. a. HIC— HIR 151 Hickes (G.) Two treatises on the Christian Priesthood and on the dignity of the Episcopal Order. 3 vol. [Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology.'] Oxj ? ord, 1847,48. 8°. 2014. b. Hidalgo (D.) Diccionario general de Bibliografia Espaiiola. 7 vol. Madrid, 1862-79-81. 8°. 2048. e. Hierocles. Commentarius in Anrea Carrnina Pythagoreorum. Or. See Stob-eus (J.) Eclogaruin libri duo. 1850. 8°. 2052. g. Hieronymus (Eusebius) Saint. See Jerome. Hierurgia. Hierurgia Anglicana, &c. Edited by Members of the Ecclesiological Society. London, 1848. 8°. 2002. b. Higden (R.) Polychronicon. See Gale (T.) Rerum Anglicarum Seriptores ve teres. Vol. 3. 1691. fol. 2072. d. Polychronicon : together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century. Edited by C. Babington. 9 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1865. 8°. 2073. (41.) Higgins (G.) Anacalypsis : an inquiry into the origin of Lan- guages, Nations, and Religions. 2 vol. London, 1836. 4°. ^ ° 2072. d. The Celtic Druids. London, 1829. 4°. 2072. d. Hilary, Saint, Bishop of Poitiers. Opera. 4 vol. [Caillau. Patres ; 26-29.] Pan's. 1842. 8°. 2008. a. Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Migne. Patrologios, Cursus ; 9, 10.] Paris. 1844, 45. 4°. 2009. c. Hillebrand (C.) Geschichte Frankreichs von der Thronbesteigung Louis Philipp's bis zum Falle Napoleon's 11. 2 vol. [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Gotha, 1877-79. 8°. 2068. b. Hilpert (J. L.) Dictionary of the English and German, and German and English Language. 2 vol. New York and Carlsrnhe, 1845, 46. 4°. 2116. f. Hinds (S.) Bishop of Norwich. History of the Christian Church. — Rise and early progress of Christianity, a.d. 1-167. [Encyclo- paedia Metropolitana.] London, 1850. 8°. 2102. o. Hinrichs (J. C.) Verzeichniss der Biicher, etc. 1887, etc. (Keper- torium, 1871, &c, von E. Baldamus.) Leipzig, 1876, etc. 12°. BB. R. Hippolytus, Saint. Refutation of all Heresies. Translated by J. H. Macmahon. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 6.] Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. 2011. a. Hirschig (G. A.) 'EpwriKwv Aoyoov Suyy/aa^as. Erotici Seriptores. Gr.&Lat. Bidot: Paris. 1856. 8°. 2051. g. Hirsching (F. C. G.) Historisch-literarischcs nandbuch Beruhm- ter Personen, welche in dem 18. Jahrhunderte gestorben sind. (Fortgesetzt von J. H. M. Ernesti.) 17 vol. Leipzig, 1794-18 15. 8°. 2035 f. 152 HIR— HOL Hirzel (S.) Verzeichniss einer Goethe Bibliothek, herausgegeben ■von L. Hirzel. Leipzig, 1884. 8°. BB. G. Histoire. Histoire des Ordres Monastiques, Religieux et Militaires et des Congregations seeulieres de l'un et de l'autre sexe. [By P. Helyot.] Paris, 17 14-19. 8°. 2007. c. Historiadores de Sucesos particulars. Coleccion dirigida e ilus- trada por C. Rosell. 2 vol. [Aribau. Autores Eypanoles; 21, 28.] Madrid, 1852, 53. 8°. 2042. ef. Historiadores primitivos de Indias. Coleccion dirigida e ilustrada por E. de Vedia. 2 vol. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 22, 26.] Madrid, 1852, 53. 8°. 2042. e. Historise Patriae Mormmenta. See Sardinia and Piedmont. Historical Manuscripts. Reports of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. London, 1870, etc. fol. Cat. Desk. Hoare (Sir R. C.) History of Modern Wiltshire. 6 vol. London, 1822-44. fol. 2064. f. Hoare Library, Stourhead. Catalogue [chiefly of topographical books]. London, 1840. 8°. BB. K. Hobbes (J. R.) The Picture Collector's Manual, etc. 2 vol. Lon- don, 1849. 8°. 2032. d. Hodgkin (J.) Calligraphia Grseca et Poecilographia Grseca. Sculp- sit H. Ashby. London, 1794, etc. 4°. 2113. f. Hoe (R. M.) The Literature of Printing. London, 1877. 8°. BB. £. Hoefer (F.) Nouvelle Biographie Generale, sous la direction de M. Hoefer. 46 vol. Paris, 1853-66. 8°. 2035. c-d. Hoeven (J. van der) Handbook of Zoology. Translated by W. Clark. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1856-58. 8°. 2027. d. Hoffmann (A. G.) Principles of Syriac Grammar. Translated and abridged by B. H. Cowper. Leipzig, 1858. 8°. 2115. b. Hoffmann (S. P. W.) Biographisches Lexicon der gesammten Litteratur der Griechen. Zweite Ausgabe. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1838-45. 8°. 2048. c. Hoffmann (J. J.) Lexicon Universale. 4 vol. Lugd. Bat. 1698. fol. ~ 2110. g. Hofmeister (W.) On the Germination Development and Fructi- fication of the Higher Cryptogamia. Translated by F. Currey. [Bay Society.] London, 1862. 8°. 2027. f. Hogarth (W.) Works. Illustrated with biographical anecdotes. Bv J. Nichols and G. Steevens. 3 vol. London, 1808-17. 4°. J 2032. g. HogdfR") The Fruit Manual. Fourth edition. London, 1875. 8°. ** K } 2029. c. Holberg (L. af) Baron. Memoirs. [Autobiography ; 12.] London, 1827. 12°. 2039. a. HOL— HOM 153 Holden (L.) Human Osteology. Second edition. London, 1857. 8°. 2024. d. Manual of the Dissection of the Human Body. Edited by L. Holden and J. Langton. Fifth edition. London, 1884. 8°. 2024. b. Holinshed (R.) Chronicles of England, Ireland, Scotland; aug- mented and continued to 1586, by J. Hooker, alias Vowell, and others. B.L. 3 vol. London, 1587. fol. 2070. d. Holland. Handbook for Travellers in Holland and Belgium. Twentieth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1881. 8°. 2057. a. Holland (J.) Treatise on tho Manufactures in Metal. 3 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Arts and Manufactures.] London, 1831-34. 8°. 2103. f. Holland (John) of Sheffield. The Tsalmists of Britain. 2 vol. London, 1843. 8°. * 2002. a. Holloway (W.) History and Antiquities of the town and port of Rye. London, 1847. 8°. 2063. a. History of Romney Marsh. London, 1849. 8°. 2063. a. Holme (R.) Academy of Armory and Blazon. Chester, 1688. fol. 2120. g. Index of the Names of persons contained in R . Holme's Academy of Armory. London, 1821. fol. 2120. g. Holmes (A.) Annals of America, &c. Second edition. Cambridge, [Mass.,] 1829. 8°. 2085. c. Holmes (T.) System of Surgery. Third edition. 3 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2024. c. Holtze (P. W.) Syntaxis priscorum Scriptorum Latinorum usque ad Terentium. 2 vol. Lipsise, 1861-62. 8°. 2114. b. Homer. Carmina et Cycli Epici Reliquiae. Gr. & Lat. Didot: Paris. 1838. 8°. 2051. h. Iliad. Gr. With English notes by F. A. Paley. 2 vol. [Long's Bibliotheca Classica.] London, 1866, 71. 8°. 2052. c. Carmina [the Iliad ; Gr. & Lat.] cum brevi annotationo : acce- dunt varia3 lectiones, curante C. Gr. Heyno. 9 vol. Lipsix, 1802-22. 8°. 2053. h. Homeri Ilias ad fideni librorum optimorum edidit I. La Roche. Gr. 2 pt. Lipsice, 1873, 76. 8°. 2052. f. Scholia in Iliadem. Ex recensione I. Bekkeri. Gr. 2 vol. [and Appendix]. Berolini, 1 825-27. 4°. 2052. h. Lexicon Grsecuni Iliadis et Odysseee. See Apollonius, Sophista. 2052. b. Index Vocabulorum in Homeri Iliade atquo Odyssea caeteris- que quotquot extant poematis ; studio W. Sebcri. Editio nova. Ozonise, 1780. 8°. 2052. b. 154 HOM— HOB Homer. Greek and English Lexicon of the Poems of Homer and of the Homeridee. From the German of Crusius. Hartford [Conn.], 1844. 8°. 2052. g. Complete Concordance to the Iliad. By G. L. Prendergast. London, 1875. 4°. 2052. h. Complete Concordance to the Odyssey and Hymns. Bv H. Dunbar. Oxford, 1880. 4°. 2052. h. Homilies, Booh of. Certain Sermons appointed to he read in Churches. Edited by G. E. Corrie. Cambridge, 1850. 8°. 2002. a. Hone (W.) Every-Day Book, Table Book, and Year Book. 4 vol. London, 1838. 8°. 2085. f. Hook (W. F.) Church Dictionary. Seventh edition. London, 1854. 8°. 2003. e. Ecclesiastical Biography. 8 vol. London, 1845-52. 12°. 2004. a. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. Vol. 1-8. London, 1860-69. 8°. 2039. h. Hooker (R.) Works. Arranged by J. Keble. Seventh edition, revised by B. W. Church and F. Paget. 3 vol. Oxford, 1888. go. J . 2006. b. Hooker (Sir W. J.) British Ferns. London, 1861. 8°. 2029. d. Hooker (Sir W. J.) and Baker (J. G.) Synopsis Filicum. Second edition. London, 1874. 8°. 2029. a. Hooper (S.) Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Charters in the Cottonian Library. London, 1777. 8°. 2050. d. Hooykaas (J. C.) Bepertorium op de Koloniale Litteratuur, 15<»5- 1865. Amsterdam, 1874. 8 °- ■ BB - 9" Hoppe (A.) Englisch-Deutsches Supplement-Lexikon. Berlin, 1871. go. 2115. 0. Hoppe (H.) Katalog der besseren Schriften Deutscher Literatur, 1801-1868. St. Petersburg, 187 1. 8°. BB. R. Horanvi (A.) Memoria Hungarorum, etc. 3 vol. Vienna^, Posonii, 1775-77. 8°. 2038. b. Nova Memoria Hungarorum. Vol. 1. Pestini, 1795. 8°. 2038. b. Horatius Flaccus (Q.) Opera omnia, ex editione J. C. Zeunii, in usum Delphini. 4 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1825. 8°. 2055. a. Omnia Opera, cum kctionibus, notis, &o. Curante N. E. Le- maire. 3 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliolheca Classica Latina ; 29-31.] Paris. 1829-31. 8°. 2053. b. Opera omnia. With commentary by A. J. Macleane. [Long's Bibliothcca Classica.] London, 1853. 8°. 2052. c. Onora. Recensuerunt O. Keller et A. Holder. 2 vol. Lipsisc, 1864-69. 8". 2052. f. HOR— HUB 155 Horatius Flaccus (Q.) See Lambinus (D.) In Q. Horatium Flaccnm common t«arii. 1829. 8°. 2053. g. Home (T. H.) Catalogue of tho Library of the Queen's College, Cambridge. 2 vol. London, 1827. 8°. BB. A. Diplomacy. See Polson (A.) 2102. e. Introduction to tbe critical study and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Tenth edition. Edited by T. H. Home, S. Davidson, and S. P. Tregelles. 4 vol. London, 1856. 8°. 2001. c. Introduction to the Criticism of tho Old Testament and to Biblical Interpretation, &c. Eevised and edited by J. Ayre. London, i860. 8°. 2001. c. Horsfield (T. W.) History of Lewes and its vicinity, &c. 2 vol. Lewes, 1824-27. 4°. 2065. 0. History of Sussex. 2 vol. Lewes, 1835. 4°. 2066. e. Hortis (A.) Catalogo delle Opere di Francesco Petrarca esistenti nella Petrarchesca Eossettiana. Trieste, 1874. 4°. 2050. f. Hotten (J. C.) Handbook to the Topography and Family History of England and Wales. London, [1864 ?] 8°. BB. K. Houbraken (A.) De groote Schouburgh der Nederlantsche Konst- schildeis en Schilderessen, &c. l)en tweeden druk. 3 vol. 's Gravenhage, 1753. 8°. 2032. a. Houzeau (J. C.) and Lancaster (A.) Bibliographic generalo de l'Astronomie. Bruxelles, 1880, etc. 8°. BB. E. Hoveden (Roger de) See Roger. Howard (G. S.) New Royal Cyclopaedia and Encyclopaedia. By G. S. H. and others. 2 vol. London, [1788.] fob 2105. f. Howell's Collection of State Trials. See State Trials. Howitt (W.) Visits to Remarkable Places. 2 vol. London, 1840- 42. 8°. 2064. a. Hozier (C. d') Indicateur du grand Armorial general de France. 2 vol. Paris, 1865. 8°. 2120. b. Hozier (L. P. d') Armorial general de la France. 6 vol. (in 9). Paris, 1738-68. fob 2120. g. Hrabanus Magnentius, surnamed Maurns, Archbishop of Meniz. Opera omnia. 6 vol. [Migne. Patrologice Cursus ; 107-112.] Pan's. 1 85 1, 52. 4°. 2009. f. Hubbard. Hubbard's Newspaper and Bank Directory of tbe World. 3 vol. New Haven, 1882-84. 8°. Cat. Desk. Hubbard (J. M.) Catalogue of works relating to William Shake- speare in the Barton collection. Boston, 1880. 8°. 2050. g. Huber (A.) Geschichte Osterreichs. Band 1, 2. [Heeren and Ukcrt. Geschichte der Europaischen Staatcn.] Gotha, 1885. 8°. 2068. d. Huber (M.) Notices generates des Graveurs ct dcs Peintres, etc. Brcsdc ct Leipzig, 1787. 8°. 2033. g. 156 HUB— HUM Huberts (W. J. A.) Biograpliisch Woordenboek der Noord- en Zuid-Nederlandscko Letterkunde. Deventer, 1878. 8°. 2038. e. Huebner (E.) Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Gesckickte und Encyclopadie der classiscken Pkilologie. Berlin, 1876. 8°. BB. G. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Lateiniscke Gramniatik. Berlin, 1876. 8°. BB. G. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Eorniscke Litteratur-Ge- schichte. Vierte Auflage. Berlin, 1878. 8°. BB. G. Huebner (J.) Bibliotkeca Genealogica. Hamburg, 1729. 8°. BB. T. Genealogiscke Tabellen. 4 vol. Leipzig, 1737, 44, 28, 33. obi. foL 2118. f. Hugh, Saint, Bishop of Lincoln. Magna Vita S. Hugonis episcopi Lincolniensis. Edited by J. E. Dimock. [Chronicles and Memo- rials of Great Britain and Ireland.'] London, 1864. 8°. 2073. (37.) Hughes (T. P.) Dictionary of Islam, etc. London, 1885. 8°. 2015. c. Hughes (T. S.) History of England, 1760-1837. See Hume (D.) «sU71. a. Hugo, de S. Victore. Opera omnia. 3 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus; 175-177.] Paris. 1854. 4°. 2010. c. Hull (E.) Tke Coal-Eields of Great Britain. Fourtk edition. London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2030. e. Pkvsical Geology and Geograpky of Ireland. London, 1878. 8<\ 2030. d. Hultsch (P.) Grieckiscke und Eorniscke Metrologie. Zweite Be- arbeitung. Berlin, 1882. 8°. 2051. b. Humboldt (P. H. A. von) Baron. Asie Centrale. Eeckerches sur les ckaines de montagnes et la climatologie comparee. 3 vol. Paris, 1843. 8°. 2057. b. Examen critique de l'kistoire de la geograpkie du nouveau con- tinent et des progres de l'astronomie nautique aux quinzieme et seizieme siecles. 5 vol. Pans, 1836-39. 8°. 2057. b. Travels, etc. See Macgillivray. 2103. g. Hume (D.) History of England, by Hume and Smollett. Witk tke Continuation, from the accession of George in. to tke acces- sion of Queen Victoria, by T. S. Hugkes, A new edition. 18 vol. London, 1854, 55. 8°. 2071. a. Pkilosopkical Works. Edited by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose. 4 vol. London, 1874, 75. 8°. 2023. b. Life. [Autobiography; 2.] London, 1826. 8°. 2039. a. Hummel (B. P.) Bibliotbek der Deutschen Altertkiimcr. Niirn- bcrg, 1787. 8°. BB. M. HUM— HUT 157 Humphry (G. M.) Troatiso on the Human Skeleton. Cambridge, 1858. 8°. 2024. bb. Humphry (W. E.) Historical and explanatory treatise on tho Book of Common Prayer. Second edition. London, 1856. 8°. 2001. b. Hunnewell (J. F.) Biography of the Hawaiian Islands. Boston, 1869. 4°. BB. I. Hunt (R.) Photography. [Encyclopedia Metropolitan®. ~] London, 1 85 1. 8°. 2102. f. Manual of Photography. Third edition. [Encyclopaedia Metro- politana.] London, 1853. 8°. 2102. f. Fourth edition. \ Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.'] London, 1854. 8«. 2102. f. Fifth edition. f Enci/clopsedia Metropolitana.'] London, 1857. 8°. 2102. f. Hunter (J.) Hallamshire. History and topography of Sheffield, &c. New edition, by A. Gatty. London, 1869. fol. 2062. f. Introduction to the Yalor Ecclesiasticus of King Hen. viii., etc. [Record Commission.'] London, 1834. 8°. 2069. d. Hunter (R.) The Encyclopaedic Dictionary. London, [1879, etc.] 8°. 2112. e. Hunter (W. A.) A Systematic and Historical exposition of Koman Law, embodying the Institutes of Gaius and of Justinian, translated by J. A. Cross. Second edition. London, 1885. 8°. 2016. b. Hunter (W. W.) Imperial Gazetteer of India. Second edition. Vol. 1-11, etc. London, 1885, etc. 8°. 2059. b. Huntingdonshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Direc- tories. Hurst (J. F.) Bibliotheca Theologica : a select and classified biblio- graphy of Theology. New York, 1883. 8°. BB. A. History of Eationalism with an appendix of literature. Ninth edition. New York, [1882 ?] 8°. 2002. a. Hurter (H.) Nomenclator Literarius recentioris Theologian Catho- lic®. Tom. 1-3. . 1135. With Supplement to 1150. Edited, with a translation, by W. M. Hennessy. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1866. 8°. 2073. (46.) Handbook for Travellers in Ireland. Fourth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1878. 8°. 2057. a. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, 1172-1320. Edited by J. T. Gilbert. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1870. 8°. 2073. (53.) Inquisitionum in Officio Eotulorum Cancellarif© Hibernian asservatarum repertorium. 2 vol. [Record Commission.] [London], 1826-29. fol. Cat. Desk. Irish Compendium. See Compendium. Liber Munerum publicorum Hiberniae, 1152-1827, being the Eeport of R. Lascelles. 2 vol. [Record Commission.] [London], 1824. fol. Cat. Desk. The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland, 1843-44. 3 vol. Dublin, 1844, 45. 8°. 2059. d. Reports respecting the Public Records of Ireland. 1810-15; 1821-25. 2 vol. [Record Commission.] [London], 1815-29. fol. Cat. Desk. Eeturn of Owners of Land of one acre and upwards. Dublin, 1876. fol. Cat. Desk. Roll of the proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland for a portion of the Sixteenth year of the Reign of Richard the Second, a.d. 1392-93. Edited by J. Graves. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1877. 8°. 2073. (69.) Eotulorum Patentium et Clausorum Cancellariae Hibernian Calendarium. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Hen. ll.-Hen. vn. [Record Commission.] [London], 1828. fol. Cat. Desk. Calendar [of Patent Rolls — Ireland, 5 and 6 Hen. vui., to 35 Hen. vui.] pp. 1-32. [Record Commission.] fol. Cat. Desk. [1 James 1. to 16 James 1.] pp. 1-372. [Record Com- mission.] fol. Cat. Desk. The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, or the invasions of Ireland by the Danes and the Norsemen. Edited by J. H. Todd. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1867. 8°. 2073.(48.) Ireland (A.) List of the Writings of W. Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt. (List of the Works of Charles Lamb.) London, 1868. 8°. BB. G. Irenaeus, Saint. The Writings of Irenajus. Translated by A. Roberts and W. H. Eambaut. 2 vol. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 5, 9.] Edinburgh, 1868, 69. 8°. 2011. a. Five Books of S. Ireneeus against Heresies. Translated by J. Keblo. [Pusetis Library of Fathers.] Oxford, 1872. 8°. 2010. b. IRI— IVO 1G1 Irish Church Directory. [For the current year.] Dublin, 8°. 2121. b. Irminon. Polyptyquo, on Denombrement dcs manses, des serfs et des revenns de l'Abbaye de Saint-Gcrmain-dcs-Pres sous le regne do Charlemagne, publie par B. Guerard. 2 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. Supp.] Paris, I844. 4°. 2083. g. Ironside (E.) History of Twickenham. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica; Vol. 10, No. 6.] London, 1797. 4°. 2061. c. Irving (J.) Annals of our Time, from tho accession of Queen Victoria, etc. New edition. [1837-1871.] (Supplement, 1871- 74.) London, 1869-75. 8°. 2085. e. The Book of Scotsmen. Paisley, 188 1. 8°. 2040. c. Irving (W.) Life of George Washington. 5 vol. New York, 1857-9. 8°. 2040. h. Isseus. Orationes. Gr. and Lat. See Reiske (J. J.) Oratorum Grsecorum quae supersunt. Vol. 13, 14. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Orationes XL, cum aliquot deperditarum Fragmentis. Re- cognovit G. F. Schomann. Gr. Gryphisioaldise, 183 1. 8°. 2051. d. Iscanns (Josephus) See Josephus Exoniensis. Isidore, Saint, Bishop of Seville. Opera omnia. 8 vol. [Migne. Patrologiee Cursus ; 81-84.] Paris. 1850. 4°. 2011. d. Isidore, Saint, of Pelusium. Epistola?. Gr. and Lat. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus. Series Graeca ; 78.] Pans. i860. 4°. 2011. d. Isla (J. F. de) Obras escogidas, con una noticia do su vida y escritos por P. F. Monlau. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 15.] Madrid, 1850. 8°. 2042. e. Isle of Wight. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Isocrates. Orationes et Epistolas. Gr. and Lat. See Oratores Attici. 2052. g. Isser (A.) Walachisch-deutsches Worterbuch. Kronstadt, 1850. 8°. 2117. a. Istria. Saggio di Bibliografia Istriana. Capodislria, 1864. 8°. BB. K. Italy. Handbook for Travellers in Central Italy. Ninth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1875. 8°. 2057. a. Handbook • of Travellers in Northern Italy. Fourteenth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1877. 8°. 2057. a. Handbook for Travellers in Southern Italy. Eighth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1 8-] 8. 8°. ' 2057. b. Ivory (W.) Catalogue of the Law Books in the Library of the Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet iu Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1856. 8°. BB. C. M 162 J AC— J AH J. Jaccoud (S.) Nouveau Dictionnaire de Medecino ot do Chirurgie pratiques. 40 vol. Pans, 1864-86. 8°. 2025. a. b. Jackson (B. D.) Guide to the Literature of Botany. [Index Society.] London, 1881. 8°. BB. E. Jackson (J.) Liste provisoire do Bibliographies Geographiques speciales. Paris, 188 1. 8°. BB. I. Jackson (J.) Treatise on Wood Engraving. With illustrations. The Historical portion by W. A. Chatto. Second edition. London, 1861. 8°. 2032. f. Jacob (J.) Annals of British Norman Isles constituting the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Pt. 1. Paris, 1830. 8°. 2066. d. Jacob (P. L.) pseud, [i.e. P. Lacroix.] Les Vieux Conteurs Francais. [Pantheon Litteraire. Les Vieux Conteurs Francais.] Paris, 1 841. 8°. 2043. f. Bibliographie et Iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Eestif de la Bretonne. Paris, 1875. 8°. BB. G. Jacob (S.) and others. History of the Ottoman Empire. Second edition. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1854. 8°. 2102. f. Jacobi (H. G.) Gaina Sutras, translated by H. J. [Sacred Boohs of the East. Edited by F. M. Mueller. 22.] Oxford, 1884, etc. 8°. 2003. a. Jacobs (E.) Geschichte der in die Preussischen Provinz Sachsen vereinigten Gebiete. [Heeren and TJkert. Geschichte der Euro- pdischen Staaten.] Gotha, 1883. 8°. 2068. d. Jacquemart (A.) History of Furniture. Edited by Mrs. Palliser. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. d. Jacquemart (D. A.) Bibliographie Forestiere francaise. Paris, 1852. 8°. BB. E. Jaffe (P.) Begesta Pontificum Eomanorum. Editionem secundam curaverunt S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltbrunner, P. Ewald. Tom. 1. Lipsise, 1885. 4°. 2004. f. Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik. Bel. 12, etc. Berlin, 1882, etc. 8°. 2022. d. Jahrbuecher. Neue Jahrbiicher fiir Philologie und Paedagogik. Jahrbiicher fur Classische Philologie. Jahrg. 1883, etc. Bd. 129, etc. Leipzig, 1884, etc. 8°. 2056. b. - Eepertorium iiber die Ersten fiinfzig Jahrgange, 182G-75. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der ger- manischen Philologie. Berlin, 1880, etc. 8°. BB. T. iiber die Fortschritte der classischen Altcrthumswisscnschaft. Jahrg. 1873-7, etc. Berlin, 1881, etc. 8°. 2096. d. JAL— JEP 163 Jal (A.) Dictionnairo critique do Biographic ot d'llistoiro. Paris, 1867. 8°. 2036. c. Grlossaire Nautique. Paris, 1848-50. 4°. 2118. g. James L, King of Great Britain and Ireland. The Court and Times of James 1. 2 vol. London, 1848. 8°. 2077. c. James (John) History of Bradford, York. London, 184 1. 8°. 2063. c. Continuation and Additions. London, 1866. 8°. 2063. c. Jameson (A.) Mrs. Companion to the most cole orated Privato Galleries of Art in London, etc. London, 1 844. 8°. 2033. a. Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London, etc. London, 1842. 8°. 2033. a. The History of o\ir Lord as exemplified in Works of Art. 2 vol. London, 1864. 4°. 2031.. a. Legends of the Madonna. Second edition. London, 1857. 4°. 2031. a. Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented in the fine arts. Second edition. London, 1852. 4°. 2031. a. Sacred and Legendary Art. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1857. 4°. 2031. a. Jameson (R.) and others. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 2.] Edinburgh, 1830. 12°. 2103. f. Jamieson (J.) Account of the Eoman Camps of Battle Dykes and Haerfauds, etc. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, Vol. 5, No. 36.] London, 1786. 4°. 2061. c. Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. New edition by J. Longman and D. Donaldson. 4 vol. Paisley, 1879- 82. 4°. 2112. g. Dictionary of the Scottish Language ; abridged by J. Johnstone. Edinburgh, 1846. 8°. 2118. g. Janusz (W.) Dictionnaire complet Francais-Polonais et Polonais- Francais. 2 pt. Leopol, 1866-78. 8°. 2118. a. Jarcu (D.) Bibliografia Chronologica Komana. Bucuresci, 1873. 4°. 2050. f. Jarman (T.) Precedents of Conveyancing. See Bythewood (W. M.) and Jarman (T.) 2018. f. Treatise on Wills. Fourth edition, by S. Vincent. 2 vol. London, 188 1. 8°. 2017. f. Jeannin (P.) Negociations. [Pantheon Litteraire. Chroniques et Memoires.] Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. c. Jefferson (S.) History and Antiquities of Cumberland. 2 vol. Carlisle, 1840-42. 8°. 2062. b. Jeffrey (F.) Lord Jeffrey. Contributions to the Edinburgh Eoview. [Modern British Essayists, 6.] Philadelphia, 1849. 8°. 2045. d. M 2 164 JEF— JO A Jeffrey (F.) Lord Jeffrey. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. London, 1853. 8°. 2045. d. Jelf (W. E.) Grammar of the Greek language. Third edition. 2 vol. Oxford and London, 1861. 8°. 2114. e. Jennings (A. C.) Ecclesia Anglicana. A history of the Church of Christ in England to the present times. London, 1882. 8°. 2004. a. Jentzsch (A.) Die geologische und mineralogische Literatur des Konigreichs Sachsen, 1835-73. Leipzig, 1874. 8°. BB. E. Jerdan (W.) National Portrait Gallery of eminent Personages of the XlXth century. 5 vol. London, 1830-34. 4°. 2035. g. Jeremie (J. A.) History of the Christian Church in the second and third centuries. \ Encyclopeedia Metropolitana.~] London, 18 5 2. 8°. 2102. f. Jerome, Saint. Opera omnia. 11vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 22-30.] Paris. 1845, 46. 4°. 2009. c. Opera. 2 vol. [Caillau. Patres ; 97, 98.] Paris. 1842. 8°. 2008. c. CEuvres. Publiees par M. Benoit de Matougues, sous la direction de L. Aime-Martin. [Pantheon Litteraire. Philosophic Beligieuse.~] Paris, 1858. 8°. 2043. b. Jervis (J.) Office and Duties of Coroners. Fourth edition by R. E. Melsheimer. London, 1880. 12°. 2019. a. Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the life and reign of George the Third. 3 vol. London, 1867. 8°. 2040. f. Jevons (F. B.) A History of Greek Literature, from the earliest period to the death of Demosthenes. London, [1886.] 8°. * 2051. a. Jevons (W. S.) Theory of Political Economy. Second edition. London, 1879. 8°. 2023. c. Jewitt (L.) The Ceramic Art of Great Britain. New edition. London, 1883. 8°. 2031. d. Jirecek (J. K.) Bibliographie de la litterature bulgare moderno, 1806-1870. Bieua, 1872. 8°. 2050. f. Joanne (A.) Dictionnaire geograpkique administratif de la France. Paris, 1869. 8°. 2060. b. Joannes, a Sancto Antonio. Bibliotheca Universa Fianciscana. 3 torn. Matriti, 1732-33. fol. 2008. f. Joannes Glastoniensis. Chronica, sive Historia de Rebus Glasto- niensibus. Edidit T. Hearnius. 2 vol. Oxon. 1726. 8°. 2072. a. Joannes Hagustaldensis. Historia de Gestis Regum Anglorum. See Twysden (Sir R.) Historic Anglicana? Scriptores X. 1652. fol. 2070. d. Joannes Lydus. Joannes Lydus ; ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Gr. mud La't. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1837. 8°. 2067. f. JOA-JOII 165 Joannes, de Oxenedes. Chronica. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. [New edition, with additions.] [Chronicles and, Memorials.} London, 1859. 8°. 2073. (13.) Joannes Sarisburiensis. Opera omnia. 5 vol. [Giles. Patres Ec- clesise Anglicanse.] Oxon. 1848. 8°. 2010. b. Joannes Scotns, Erigena. Opera omnia. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 122.] Paris. 1853. 4°. 2009. g. Joannes, Stobaeas. 'Iwawou 'Srofiaiov 'E/cXoywv /?i/3Aia ft. J. Stobsei Eclogarum Physicarum et Ethicarum libri duo. Accedit Ilieroclis Commentarius in aurea carmina Pythagoreoruin. Recensuit T. Gaisford. Or. 2 torn. Oxmii, 1850. 8°. 2052. c. Joecher (C. G.) Allgeineines Gelehrten-Lexicon. 4 vol. Leipzig, 1750, 51. 4°. 2034. h. Fortsetzung nnd Erganzungen von J. C. Adelung. 4 vol. Leipzig, etc., 1784-1813. 4°. 2034. h. Joel. Chronographia compendiaria. Eecognovit I. Bekkerus. Gr. and Lat. [Byzantine History.'] Bonnce, 1836. 8°. 2067. f. John V. [Cantacuzenus], Emperor of Constantinople. Historiarnm libri IV. Gr. and Lat. Cura L. Schopeni. 3 vol. [Byzantine History.] Bonnae, 1828-32. 8°. 2067. c. John, of Damascus, Saint. Opera. Gr. and Lat. 3 vol. [Migne. Patroloqim Cursus. Series Grseca ; 94-96.] Paris, i860. 4°. 2011. e. Johnson (A. J.) New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World. New York, 1869. fol. 2059. f. New Universal Cyclopaedia. 4 vol. New York, 1875-77. 8 °- 2107. e. Johnson (F.) Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English. London, 1852. 4°. 2115. g. Johnson (J.) Theological Works. 2 vol. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1847. 8°. 2014. b. Collection of the Laws and Canons of the Church of England to the rehm of Henry vni. 2 vol. [Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1850, 51. 8°. 2014. b. Johnson (Samuel) Life. See Boswell. 2039. f. Works [including Parliamentary Debates]. 11 vol. Oxford, 1825. 8°. 2045. g. Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vol. London, 1755. fol. 2113. f. With corrections and additions by H. J. Todd. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1827. 4°. 2112. f. Bv R. G- Latham, 2 vol. (in 4 pt.) London, 1866-70. 4°. J 2112. f. The Idler. See Idler. 2043. a. The Rambler. See Rambler. 2043. a. Rasselas. [Novelist s Library, b.] Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. 2044. e. 1G6 JOH-JOU Johnston (A. K.) Atlas of Classical Geography. New and enlarged edition. Edinburgh & London, 1866. fol. 2059. e. Dictionary of Geography. New edition, revised to Jnly 18G7. London, 1867. 8°. 2059. c. Physical Atlas. New and enlarged edition. Edinburgh & London, 1856. fol. 2060. f. Eoyal Atlas. With a special Index to each Map. Edinburgh & London, 1877. fol. 2059. f. Index Geographicus. Compiled specially with reference to Johnston's Eoyal Atlas. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. 2059. b. Johnston (C.) Chrysal ; or, the Adventures of a Guinea. [Novelist's Library; 4.] Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. 2044. e. Johnston (G.) History of British Zoophytes. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2027. e. Jolowicz (H.) Bibliothoca iEgyptiaca. Leipzig, 1858. 8°. BB. I. Jones (A.) The Proper Names of the Old Testament Scriptures expounded and illustrated. Bagster : London, [1856.] 4°. 2001. d. Jones (E.) Index to Eecords called the Originalia and Memoranda on the Lord Treasurer's Eemembrancer's side of the Exchequer. 2 vol. London, 1793-95. fob Cat. Desk. Jones (O.) The Myvyrian Archaeology of Wales. [Second edition.] Denbigh, 1870. 8°. 2046. e. Jones (Theophilus) History of the County of Brecknock. 2 vol. (in 3). Brecknock, 1805-09. 4°. 2066. d. Jones (Thomas R.) General Outline of the Organization of the Animal Kingdom. Fourth edition. London, 1871. 8°. 2027. e. Jones (W. B.) History of St. David's. London, 1856. 4°. 2066. c. Jonson (Ben) Works ; with memoir by W. Gifford. Moxon : London, 1846. 8°. 2046. f. Jonsson (J.) Bordgfircfingur. Sognagrip um Prentsiniojur og prentari alslandi. Reykjavik, 1867. 12°. 2050. b. Josephus Exoniensis. De Bello Trojano libri sex. See Dictys Cretensis. 2054. f. Josephus (F.) Opera. Eecognovit G. Dindorfius. Gr. and Lat. 2 vol. Didot: Paris. 1845-47. 8 °- 2051. h. Works; with three dissertations. By W. Whiston. 2 vol. London, 1825. 8°. 2003. e. G^uvres completes; avec notice biographiquo par J. A. 0. Buchon. \ Pantheon Litteraire. Histoirc.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. d. Jost (J. M.) Geschichte des Judenthums und seiner Secten. Abtheilung 1-3. Leipzig, 1857-59. 8°. 2001. b. Jourdan (A. J. L.) Dictionaire [sic] des Sciences M6dicales. 7 vol. Paris, 1820-25. 8°. 2026. a. JOU— JUS 167 Journal Asiatique. Public par la Societe Asiatiquo. Septiemo serio. 20 vol. Paris, 1873-82. 8°. 2098.(1. Huitieme serie. In progress. Paris, 1883, etc. 8°. 2098. d. Journal de Mathematiques. Deuxieme serie. Tom. 19. Table. Paris, 1874. 4°. Troisieme serio. 10 torn. Paris, 1875-84. 4°. Quatriemo serio. Tom. 1, etc. Paris, 1885, etc. 4°. 2022. g. Journal des Savants. Paris, 1879, etc. 8°. 2096. g. Table methodique et analytique des articles du Journal des Savants, 1816-1858. Precedee d'une Notice bistorique sur co Journal. Par H. Cocheris. Pans, i860. 4°. 2096. g. Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Bd. 75, etc. Berlin, 1872, etc. 4°. 2022. f-g. Journal of Hellenic Studies. Vol. 1, etc. London, [1880, etc.] 8°. 2056. c. Journal of Science. Tbird series. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1879, etc. 8°. 2101. c. Jovellanos (G. M. de) Obras. Tor C. Nocedal. Vol. 1, 2. [Aribau. Autores EspaTwles ; 46, 50.] Madrid, 1858, 59. 8°. 2042. f. Joyce (James W.) English Sacred Synods. London, 1855. 8°. 2004. a. Jullien de Courcelles (J. B. P.) Dictionnaire, bistorique et biograpbique des Generaux francais. 9 torn. Paris, 1820-23. 8°. 2037. c. Jungmann (J.) Slownjk Cesko-Nemecky. 5 vol. Praze, 1835-39. 4°. 2118. b. Junius (F.) the Younger. Etymologicum Anglicanum ; edidit E. Lyo. Praemittuntur vita auctoris et Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica. Oxonise, 1743. fob 2117. f. Justin Martyr. Tbe Writings of Justin Martyr and Atbenagoras. Translated by M. Dods, G. Keith and B. P. Pratten. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library ; 2.] Edinburgh, 1867 . 8°. 2011. a. Justin Martyr. Works. Translated, with notes. [Puscy's Library of Fathers.] Oxford, 1861. 8°. 2010. b. Justinian, Emperor of the East. Institutes ; with English introduc- tion, translation, and notes. By T. C. Sandars. Eighth edition. London, 1888. 8°. 2016. b. Analysis of M. Ortolan's Institutes of Justinian. By T. L. Mears. London, 1876. 8°. 2019. a. Legislation Romaine. 3 vol. Vol. 1. Histoiro do la Legisla- tion Eomaine ; vol. 2 & 3, Instituts de Justinian. Par M. Ortolan. Paris, 1876. 8°. 2016. b. Justinus. Historian Philippicse, ex cditione A. Gronovii, in usum Delphini. 2 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1822. 8°. 2055. a. Historiarum Philippicarum libri xliv. Textum Wetzelianum illustravit N. E. Leruaire. [Lemairc. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 32.] Paris. 1823. 8°. 2053. b. 168 JUS— KEI Justinus. Historic Philippicse. Kecognovit F. Duebner. Lipsiae, 1 83 1. 8°. 2053. g. Juvenalis (Pec. Junius) Opera omnia, ex editione Eupertiana, in usum Delphini. 3 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1820. 8°. 2055. a. Sexdecim Satires, cum notis Bupertianis ; quibus plurima subjunxit additamenta N. E. Lemaire. 2 vol. [Lemaire. Biblio- theca Classica Latina ; 33-34.] Pans. 1823. 8°. 2053. b. SatirsB. Witb commentary by A. J. Macleane. [Long's Biblio- theca Classica.] London, 1857. 8°. 2052. c. Thirteen Satires of Juvenal. With a commentary by J. E. B. Mayor. Second edition, enlarged. 2 vol. London, 1872-78. 8°. 2052. a. Ksempfer (E.) Particuliere Eeis Kaart van Japan. [Seven sheets.] Amsterdam, [1700?] obi. fol. 2059. f. Kalisch (M. M.) Hebrew Grammar, with exercises. New edition, pt. 1. London, 1875. 8°. 2115. b. Kampen (N. G. van) Geschichte der Niederlande. 2 vol. [Heeren and TTkert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Hamburg, 1831-33. 8°. 2068. a. Kamptz (C. A. von) Neue Literatur des Volkerrechts seit dem Jahre, 1784. Berlin, 181 7. 8°. BB. C. Katalog von Werken tiber den Zeichnenunterricht. Neuwied, 1876. 8°. BB. C. Kater (H.) and Lardner (D.) Treatise on Mechanics. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia.] London, 1830. 8°. 2103. e. Kayser (C. G.) Bucher-Lexikon ; 1750-1878, etc. Vol. 1-23, etc. Leipzig, 1834, etc. 4°. 2049. d. Sachregister. 1750-1832. Leipzig, 1838. 4°. 2049. d. Kayser (G.) Bibliographic d'ouvrages ayant trait a l'Afrique, etc. Bruxelles, 1887. 8°. BB. I. Keating (G.) History of Ireland; translated from the Irish by Dermo'd O'Connor. London, 1723. fob 2069. f. Keats (John) Poetical Works. See Coleridge. 2044. e. Keeling (W.) Liturgiaa Britannicse ; or, the several editions of the Book of Common Prayer. Second edition. London, 185 1. 8°. 2002. b. Keil (C. F.) Manual of Biblical Archaeology. Translated by P. Christie. [Claries Foreign Theological Library. Fifth Series. 32.] Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2015. b. KEI— KEN 169 Keil (C. F.) and Delitzsch (F.) Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. By C. F. Keil and T. Delitzsch. Translated from the German. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Fourth Series. Vol. 2, 3, 6, 8-11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 29-31, 33-35, 38, 40, 43, 49, 50, 54.] Edinburgh, 1865, etc. 8°. 2014. g. h. Keil (H.) Grammatici Latini, 7 vol. (Supplementum 1 vol.) Lipsiae, 1857-70. 8°. 2114. b. Keith (R.) History of affairs of Church and State in Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation, to the retreat of Queen Mary, 1568. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1734. fol. 2069. f. Keller (A. de) Bibliografia universale di Apicoltura. Milano, 1881. 8°. BB. E. Keller (F.) The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland. Translated by J. E. Lee. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. f. Kelly and Co. Kelly's Directory. See Post Office Directories. Kelly's Handbook to the titled, landed and official classes for 1887. London, 1887. 8°. 2120. b. Kelly (J.) American Catalogue of Books. 1861-71. 2 vol. New York, 1866-71. 8°. 2050. d. Kelly (P.) Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1835. 4 °- 2023 - b - Keltie (J. S.) A History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans, and Highland Regiments. With an account of the Gaelic language, literature and music by T. Maclauchlan. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. 2066. a. Kemble (J. M.) Codex Diplomaticus iEvi Saxonici. 6 vol. [English Historical Society.'] London, 1839-48. 8°. 2071. c. The Saxons in England. New edition by W. de G. Birch. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8°. 2071. d State Papers and Correspondence, illustrative of the social and political state of Europe, from the Revolution to the accession of the House of Hanover. London, 18 57. 8°. 2077. c. Kempe (A. J.) Loseley Manuscripts, illustrative of English History, from Henry vin. to James 1. London, 1836. 8°. 2077. a. Kennedy (R. H.) The Public School Latin Grammar. Sixth edition. London, 1883. 8°. 2114. a. Kennett (W.) Bishop of Peterborough. History of England. 3 vol. London, 1786. fol. 2072. f. — — Register and Chronicle ecclesiastical and civil, from the Restauration of Charles 11. Vol.1. London, 1728. fol. 2070. 0. Kent. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Kenyon (R. L.) The Gold Coins of England. London, 1884. 8°. 2032. c. 170 KER— KNI Kerl (B.) Practical Treatise on Metallurgy adapted from the last German edition by W. Crookes, and E. Rohrig. 3 vol. London, 1868-70. 8°. 2022. c. Kertbeny (K. M.) Bibliographie ungarischer nationaler Literatur, 1441-1876. Heft 1. Budapest, 1816, etc. 8°. 2050. b. Kerviler (R.) Essai d'une Bibliographie raisonnee de 1' Academic Franchise. Paris, 1877. 8°. 2048. b. Kieffer (J. D.) and Bianchi (T. X.) Dictionnairo Turc-Francais. 2 vol. Paris, 1835-37. 8°. 2115. c. Kiepert (H.) Grosser Hand-Atlas des Himmels und der Erde. Weimar, 1871. fol. 2060. g. Kimber (E.) and Johnson (R.) Baronetage of England. 3 vol. London, 177 1. 8°. 2119. b. King's College, London. Calendar [for the current year]. London, go # 2121. a. King (C. W.) Antique Gems and Eings. 2 vol. London, 1872. lo. 2031. d. King (E.) Munimenta Antiqua ; or, observations on antient Castles, &c. in Great Britain. 4 vol. London, 17 99-1 805. fol. 2063. f. Kirby (W.) and Spence (W.) Introduction to Entomology. Seventh edition. London, 1856. 8°. 2027. d. Kirchoff (A.) Studien zur Geschichte des Griechischen Alphabets. Dritte Auflage. Berlin, 187 7. 8°. 2050. d. Kirkes (W. S.) Handbook of Physiology. By W. M. Baker and V.D.Harris. Twelfth edition. London, 1888. 8°. 2024. a. Kirkton (J.) History of the Church of Scotland from the Restora- tion to 1678. Edinburgh, 18 17. 8°. 2004. f. Kistner (O.) Buddha and his Doctrines. A bibliographical essay. London, 1869. 8°. BB. A. Kitto (J.) Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. Third edition, edited by W. L. Alexander. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1862-66. 2000. d. Klemming (G. E.) Sveriges Dramatiska Litteratur. Bibliografi. Stockholm, 1863-79. 8°. BB. G. Kletke (C.) Literatur iiber das Finanzwesen des Deutschen Reichs. Dritte Auflage. Berlin, 1876. 8°. BB. M. Quellenkunde der Geschichte des Preussischen Staats. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1858-61. 8°. BB. M. Kloss (G.) Bibliographie der Froimaurerci. Franlfurt-am-Main, 1844. 8°. BB. A. Knight (C.) English Cyclopedia. A new Dictionary of universal Knowledge. Conducted by C. Knight. [In four divisions.] Arts and Sciences. 8 vol. London, 1859-61. 4°. Biography. 6 vol. London, 1856-58. 4°. Geography. 4 vol. London, 1854, 55. 4°. KNI— KOK 171 Knight (C.) English Cyclopaedia. Geography. Supplement. London, 1869. 4°. Natural History. 4 vol. London, 1854-56. 4°. Supplement. London, 1870. 4°. Synoptical Index to the four divisions. London, 1862. 4° 2106. o. London. Edited by C. Knight. Kevised and corrected to the Present Time by E. Walford. 6 vol. London, [1875-78.] 8°. 2065. d. Knight (E. H.) American Mechanical Dictionary. 4 vol. (Supple- mentary Volume. 1870-80.) New York, 1874-84. 8°. 2022. b. Kobolt (A. M.) Baierisches Gelehrten-Lexikon. Landshut, 1795. 8°. 2038. d. Erganzungen und Berichtigungen. Landshut, 1824. 8°. 2038. d. Koch (C. W.) and Schoell (M. S. P.) Histoire abregeo des Traites de Paix entro les Puissances do l'Europe, depuis la Taix do Westphalie, etc. 15 vol. Paris, 1817, 18. 8°. 2085. b. Koehler (F.) Dictionary of the English and German (German and English) Languages. Twenty-first edition. Leipzig, 1881. 8°. 2118. a. Koeppen (A. L.) Tho World in the Middle Ages : an historical Geography. New York, 1854. 8°. 2059. e. Kolb (G. F.) Handbuch der vorgleichendcn Statistik. Achto bearbeitete Auflage. (Supplement.) Leipzig, 1879-83. 8°. 2023. f. The Condition of Nations. With Tables of Universal Statis- tics. London, [1880.] 8°. 2023. f. Koner (W.) Eepertorium fiber die vom Jahre 1800 in Akademischen Abhandlungen, &c, auf dem Gebiete der Guschichte erschienenen Aufsatze. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1852-56. BB. M. Koninck (A. de) Bibliographic Nationalo. Dictionnaire des ecrivains beiges. 1830-1880. Bruxelles, 1882-83. 8 °- 2048. b. Kontopoulos (N.) Lexicon of Modern Greek-English and English- Modern Greek. 2 pt. London, 1868, 69. 8°. 2114. o. Koran. Translated into English ; to which is prefixed a preliminary discourse by G. Sale. London, 1734. 4°. 2005. h. El-Kor'an ; translated, with notes, by J. M. Eodwell. Second edition. London, 1876. 8°. 2003. b. The QurTm. Translated by E. II. Palmer. 2 vol. [Mueller's Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 6 and 9.] Oxford, 1880. 8°. 2003. a. Kordes (B.) Lexikon der jetztlebenden Schleswig-Holsteinischen und Eutinischen Schriftstellcr. Schlcswig, 1797. 8°. 2038. b. 172 KOR— LAB Korolev (P. N.) Dictionnaire technologique Francais-Russe-Alle- mand- Anglais. Pt. 1. Saint-Petersbourg, 1878-84. 8°. 2118. b. Kotzebue (A. F. F. von) Life. 2 vol. [Autobiography ; 9, 10.] London, 1827. 12°. ' 2039. a. Kraft (J. E.) Norsk Forfatter-Lexikon, 1814-56. For0get og udgivet af C. C. A. Lange. Christiania, 1863. 8°. 2050. d. Kramers (J.) Technologische Woordentolk in vier talen. Fren. Eng. Germ. & Dutch. Gouda, 1874. 8°. 2116. b. Krebel (R.) Russlands naturhistorische und niedicinische Literatur. Schriften und Abhandlungen in nicht-russischer Spracbe. Jena, 1847. 8°. BB. E. Krebs (J. P.) Antibarbarus der Lateiniscben Spracbe. Fiinfte Auflage von F. X. Allgayer. Frankfurt, 1816. 8°. 2114. d. Kuehner (R.) Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der Lateiniscben Spracbe. Bde. 3. Hannover, 1877-79. 8°. 2114. d. Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der Griecbiscben Sprache. Zweite Auflage. 2 Tble. Hannover, 1869-72. 8°. 2113. b. Kugler (F. T.) Handbook of Painting. The German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish and French Schools. Edited by Sir E. Head, 2 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2032. a. Handbook of Painting. The German, Flemish and Dutch Schools. New edition by J. A. Crowe. 2 pt. London, 1879. 8°. 2032. a. Handbook of Painting. The Italian Schools. Fifth edition. Revised and in part re-written by A. H. Layard. 2 pt. London, 1887. 8°. 2032. a. Kurtz (J. H.) History of the Old Covenant. Translated by A. Edersheim [and J. Martin]. 3 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 3rd Series, 1-3.] Edinburgh, 1859. 8°. 2014. f. Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament. Translated by J. Martin. [Clark's Foreign Tlieological Library; 3rd Series, 20.] Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. 2014. f. Kurz (H.) Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1853-59. 8°. 2044. d. L. Labbseus (C.) Cyrilli, Philoxeni, aliorumque veterum Glossaria. Lat.-Gr. and Gr.-Lat. Lutctise Paris. 1679. fol. 2117. f. La Bedoyere ( ) Count. Description de la collection de feu M. le Comte de la Bedoyere sur la Revolution francaise, l'Empire, et la Restauration. Pans, 1862. 8°. BB. M. Laberius (Decimus) Reliquise. See Ribbeck (O.) Sconicao Ro- manorum poesis fragmenta. Vol. 2. 1852, etc. 8°. 2052. b. LAB— LAM 173 Laborde (L. de) Commentaire geographique sur l'Exodo et los Nombres. Pans & Leipzig, 184 1. fol. 2002. g. La Brayere (J. de) Les Caracteres de ce sieclo. [Pantheon Litte- raire. Philosophic.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. c. Lacerda (J. de) Novo diccionario goral das linguas Ingleza o Portugueza. 2 vol. Lisbon, 1866-71. 4°. 2116. g. Lachmann (C. C. F. W.) C. Lachmanni in T. Lucretii Cari Do Rerum Natura libros Comnientarius iterum editus. Berolini, 1855. 8°. 2052. d. Lackington (J.) Memoirs. [ Autobiography ; 18.] London, 1827. l 2 o. 2039. a. Lacombe (P.) Bibliographie Parisienne. Tableaux de Moeurs (1(300-1880). Paris, 1887. 8°. BB. K. Lacroix (E.) Bibliotheque des Ingenieurs, etc. Paris, 1864-67. 40 BB. E. Lacroix (P.) The Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the period of the Renaissance. London, 1870. 8°. 2031. f. Bibliographie Molieresque. Seconde edition augmentee. Paris, 1875. 8 °- BR G " Iconographie Molieresque. Seconde edition augmentee. Paris, 1876. 8°. BB. G. See also Jacob (P. L.) pseud. Lactantius (L. C. F.) Opera. 2 vol. [Caillau. Patres ; 16, 17.] Paris. 1842. 8°. 2008. a. Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 6, 7.] Paris. 1844. 4°. 2009. c. The Works of Lactantius. Translated by W. Fletcher. 2 vol. r Ante-Nicene Christian Library ; 21,22.] Edinburgh, 187 1. 8°. 2011. a. Ladrague (A.) Bibliotheque Ouvaroff. (Bibliographie des Sciences Secretes, etc.) Moscou, 1870. 4°. BB. A. Lafaye (B.) Dictionnaire des Synonymes de la langue francaise. Troisiemo edition. Paris, 1869. 8°. 2117. a. La Fontaine (J. de) (Euvres completes. Avec des notes, etc. Par C. A. Walckeniier. [Pantheon Litteraire. Pocsic] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. La Harpe (J. F.) Lyeee; ou, Cours de Litteraturo ancienno et moderno. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Polygraphic.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. f. Lalande (J. J. le Francois de) See Le Francois. La Marche (O. de) Memoires sur la Maison de Bourgognc. [Pantheon Litteraire. Ghroniques et Memoires.] Pan's, 1836. 8°. 2043. c. La Martiniere (A. A. Brazen de) See Bruzen. Lambarde (W.) Dictionarium Anglic topographicum et historicum. Alphabetical description, etc. London, 1730. 4°. 2062. c. 174 LAM— LAN Lambarde (W.) Memoirs. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 1, No. 42.] London, 1787. 4°. 2061. c. Perambulation of Kent, written 1570. Chatham, 1826. 8°. 2063. a. Lambinus (D.) In Q. Horatium Flaccum Commentarii. 2 vol. Conflucntibus, 1829. 8°. 2053. g. Lambre (J. B. J. de) Histoire de l'Astronomie du Moyen Age. Paris, 1 8 19. 4°. 2022. e. Lampridius (^llius) [Lives of the Eoman Emperors Commodus, Antoninus, Antoninus Diadumenus, Antoninus Heliogabalus and Alexander Severus.] See Augustan History. Historic Augus- ta3 Scriptores vi. 1671. 8°. 2052. a. Lancaster. Ducatns Lancastriae Calendarium, etc. 3 vol. [Becord Commission.} [London,} 1823, 34. fol. Cat. Desk. Post Office Directory of Lancashire. See Post Office Direc- tories. 2120. e. Lancet. 1887, etc. London, 1887, etc. 4°. 2025. h. Lancetti (V.) Pseudonimia. Milano, 1836. 8°. 2049. aa. Land we Live in. A pictorial, historical, and literary Sketch Book of the British Islands. 3 vol. London, [1854, 55 ?] 8°. 2061. d. Landais (N.) Grand Dictionnaire, general et grammatical, des Dictionnaires Francais. 12 e edition, avec complement. 2 vol. Paris, 1854. 4°. 2117. c. Landon (E. H.) Manual of Councils of the Holy Catholick Church. London, 1846. 12°. 2001. a. New General Ecclesiastical Dictionary. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1849-53. 12°. 2001. a. Landor(W. S.) Works. 2 vol. London, 1846. 8°. 2045. f. Lane (E. W.) Arabic-English Lexicon. Vol. 1-7. London, 1863-85. 4°. 2115. f. Lanfrancus, Archbishop of Canterbury. Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Giles. Patres Ecclesise Anglicanee.} Oxonige, 1844. 8°. 2011. b. Langbaine (G.) The Lives and Characters of the English Dra- matic!? Poets. Also an account of all the Plays printed in the English tongue. London, [1699.] 8°. BB. G. Langdale (T.) Topographical Dictionary of Yorkshire. North- allerton, 1809. 8°. 2062. a. Lange (J. P.) Commentary on St. Matthew. From the German by A. Edorsheiin. Vol. 1-3. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 3rd Series, 9, 12, 16.] Edinburgh, 1861, 62. 8°. 2014. f. Langebek (J.) Scriptores Eerum Danicarum medii aivi. 8 vol. Hafnise, 177 2-1 834. fol. 2084. f. Langles (L. M.) Dictionnaire Tartarc-Mantchou Francois. 3 vol. Paris, 1789, 90. 4°. 2115. d. LAN— LAR 175 Langlois (H.) Dictionnaire de Ueographio Modcrnc. 5 vol. Paris, 1838. 8°. 2056. d. Langmead, afterwards Taswell-Langmead (T. P.) English Constitutional History. Second edition. London, 188 8°. 2073. Langtoft (P.) Chronicle [in verse] as illustrated and improv'd by Robert of Brunne, from tho death of Cadwalader to the end of 2 vol. Oxford, 1725. 2072. a. Edw. I.'s reign. Publish'd by T. Hearne. Chronicle, in French verse. Edited by T. Wright. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1866-68. 8°. 2073.(47.) Lantier (E. P. de) CEuvres completes. Nouvelle edition, revue par P. J. Charrin, etc. [Pantheon Litteraire. Poly graphic.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. e. Lanzi (L.) Storia Pittorica della Italia. 4 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 332-335.] Milano, 1824, 25. 8°. 2042. c. Lappenberg (J. M.) Geschichte von England. Vol. 1, 2. [For continuation see Paull] [Heeren and Ultcrt. Geschichte der Euro- paischen Staaten.] Hamburg, 1834-37. 8°. 2068. a. History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Translated from the German by B. Thorpe. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8°. 2071. d. History of England under the Norman Kings. Translated by B. Thorpe. Oxford, etc. 1857. 8°. 2071. d. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. 133 vol. London, 2103. c-f. Contents : — Arts and Manufactures. Porcelain and Glass. [By G. R. Lardner (D.) 1S30-50. Donovan. Domestic Economy. 2 vol. Manufactures in Metal. [By J. Hoi laud.] 3 vol. Porter.] Silk Manufacture. [By G. R. Porter.] Bell. Eminent En-dish Poets. 2 vol. Crowe and James. Eminent Foreign Statesmen. 5 vol. Dunham and others. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men. [Early Euglish Writers.] Eminent Literary and Scientific Men. [British Dramatists. By Dr. Dun- ham, &c] 2 vol. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France. [By Mrs. Shelley, &c] 2 vol. Biography. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. [By J. Montgomery, &c] 3 vol. Forster and others. Eminent British Statesmen. 7 vol. Gleig. Eminent British Military Com- manders. 3 vol. Roscoe. Eminent British Lawyers. Southey and Bell. British Admirals. 5 vol. Arts. History. &c, of the Greeks and Romans. [By T. D. Fosbroke, &c] 2 vol. Cities and Principal Towns of the World. Crowe. Franco. 3 vol. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. [By Dr. Dunham.] 3 vol. Dunham. The Germanic Empire. 3 vol. Europe during the Middle Ages. [By Dr. Dunham.] 4 vol. Grattan. Netherlands. Mackintosh, &o] England. 10 vol. Maritime and Inland Discovery. [By W. D. Coolcy.] 3 vol. Moore. Ireland. 4 vol. 176 LAK— LAT Lardner (D.) — continued. Nicolas. Chronology of History. 2nd edition. Outlines of History. [By T. Keightley.] Poland. [By Dr. Dunham.] Rome. 2 vol. Russia. [By Robert Bell.] 3 vol. Seott. Scotland. 2 vol. Sismondi. Fall of the Roman Empire. 2 vol. Sismondi. Italian Republics. Spain and Portugal. [By Dr. Dunham.] 5 vol. Stebbing. The Christian Church. 2 vol. The Reformation. 2 vol. Switzerland. Thirlwall. Greece. 8 vol. Uuited States. [By H. Fergus.] 2 vol. Natural History Henslow. Botany. Phillips. Geology. 2 vol. Swainson. Animals in Menageries. Birds. 2 vol. Fishes, Amphibians, and Rep- tiles. 2 vol. Geography and Classification of Animals. Swainson. Habits and Instincts of Animals. Preliminary Discourse. — — — Quadrupeds. — Shells and Shell-Fish. Taxidermy, Bibliography, and Biography. Swainson and Shuckard. Insects. Natural Philosophy Brewster. Optics. Lardnei De Morgan. Probabilities. Donovan. Chemistry. Herschel. Astronomy. Preliminary Discourse. Kater and Lardner. Mechanics. Lardner. Arithmetic. Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. 2 vol. Geometry. Heat. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. Powell. Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Works. With Life by Dr. Kippis. 10 vol. London, 2002. o. Lardner (N.) 1838. 8°. La Rochefoucauld (P. de) Duke, Prince de Marsillac. Sentences et niaximes. [Pantheon Litter aire. Philosophic. ~\ Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. e. La Rousse (P.) Grand Dictionnaire universel du xix e sieclo. 16 torn. Paris, 1866, 77. 4°. 2107. d-e. Dansk-Norsk-Engelsk Ordbo°; Larsen (A.) Lascarides (G. R.) KjfSbenhavn, 1880. 8°. Phraseological English and Ancient & Modern Compiled by L. Myriantheus. 2 vol. London, 2113. a. Greek Lexicon. 1882. 8' Latassa (F. de) Bibliotheca antigua de los Escritores Aragoneses hasta 1500. 2 vol. Zaragoza, 1796. 8°. 2037. c. Biblioteca nueva, 1500-1599(-1802). 6 vol. Pamplona, 1798- 1802. 8°. 2037. e. Latham (R. G.) Dictionary of the English Language. See Johnson (S.) 2112. f. The English Language. Fifth edition. London, 1862. 8°. 2112. c. Natural History of the Varieties of Man. London, 1850. 8°. 2024. b. Lathbury (T.) History of the Convocation of the Church of Eng- land. Second odition. London, 1853. 8°. 2004. a. L AT— LEE 177 Lathbury (T.) History of the Nonjurors. London, 1845. 8°. 2004. a. Laud (W.) Archbishop of Canterbury. Works. 7 vol. [Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1847-60. 8°. 2014. b-c. Laurie CR. H.) Survey of Country thirty-two miles round London. London, 1829. fol. 2059. f. La Vigne (C. J. F. de) CEuvres completes. [Pantheon Litter aire. Theatre.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. g. Law List [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2150. a. See also Scottish Law List. Law Reports. Under the superintendence of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting. London, 1866, etc. 8°. 2020. a-g, 2021. a. c. Law Times Reports. Index to vols. 1-20. London, [1860-69.] 8°. BB. C. Digest of Cases. 1865 to 1880. London, 1869-82. 8°. 2017. c. Lawson (J. P.) History of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Edin- burgh, 1843. 8°. 2004. b. Laxton (W.) Laxton's Builder's Price Book [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. Layard {Sir A. H.) Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. London, 1853. 8°. 2031. a. Nineveh and its Remains. 2 vol. London, 1849. 8°. 2031. c. Lea. An Account of the parish of Lea with Lea Wood, in Lin- colnshire. London, 1841. 8°. 2062. a. Leake (S. M.) Elementary Digest of the Law of Contracts. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. 2017. e. Lebreton (T.) Biographic Normande, etc. 3 vol. Bouen, 1857-61. 8°. 2037. b. Lechaude d'Anisy (A. L.) and Sainte Marie ( de) Recherches sur le Domesday, ou Liber Censualis d'Angleterre. Vol. 1. Caen, 1842. 4°. 2062. c. Lechler (G. V.) John Wiclif and his English Precursors. Trans- lated by P. Lorimer. 2 vol. London, 1878. 8°. 2007.1). Lechler (G. V.) and Gerok (C.) Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Edited by J. P. Lange. Translated by 1'. J. Gloag. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 4th Series, 1, 4%] Edinburgh, 1865. 8°. 2014. g. Lecky (W. E. H.) History of England in the Eighteenth Century. G vol. London, 1878-87. 8°. 2077. a. Leclerc (G. L.) Count de Buffon. CEuvres. Nouvelle edition, revue par M. Richard. 5 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Histoire Naturelle.] Paris, 1837-38. 8°. 2043. c. Lee (P. G.) Glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical Terms. Lon- don, 1877. 8°. ' 2002. f. 178 LEE— LEL Lee (S.) Inquiry into the nature, progress and end of .Prophecy. Cambridge, 1849. 8°. 2002. e. A Lexicon, Hebrew, Chaldee, and English. London, 1840. 8°. 2115. c. Lee (W.) The Inspiration of Holy Scripture, its nature and proof. Fourth edition. Dublin, 1865. 8°. 2000. c. Leet (A.) Directory to the Market Towns, Villages, Gentlemen's Seats, and other noted places in Ireland. Dublin, 1814. 8°. 2059. a. Lefevre d'Ormesson (O.) Journal, et Extraits des Mernoires, d' Andre Lefevre d'Ormesson. Publies par M. Cheruel. Vol. 1, 2. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. l re Serie. Histoire Poli- tique.] Paris, i860, 61. 4°. 2083. g. Lefevre-Pontalis (E.) Bibliographie des Societes Savantes de la France. Paris, 1887. 4°. 2097. h. Le Francois de Lalande (J. J.) Bibliographie Astronomique, avec l'Histoire de l'Astronomie depuis 1781 jusqu'a 1802. Paris, 1803. 4°. 2022. f. Leger-Jourdan (A. J.) and others. Eecueil general des anciennes Lois Francaises, depuis 420 jusqu'a 1789. 28 vol. [and Table]. Paris, [i822-]i833- 8°. 2017. a. Legge (J.) The Sacred Books of China. Translated by J. L. Parts 1-4. [Mueller's Sacred Boohs of the East. Vol. 3, 16, 1 7, 28.] Oxford, 1879-85. 8°. 2003. a. Le Gonidec (J. F. M. M. A.) Dictionnaire Francais - Breton (Breton-Francais). 2 vol. Saint-Brieuc, 1847-50. 4°. 2112. d. Leibnitz (G. G.) Scriptores Berum Brunsvicensium. 3 vol. Hanoverse, 1707-11. fol. 2084. g. Leicestershire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Direc- tories. Leighton (W. A.) British Species of Angio-carpous Lichens. [Bay Society.] London, 1851. 8°. 2027. f. Leipzig. — Astronomische Gesellschaft. Catalog der Bibliothek. Von K. Bruhns. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BB. E. Leitzmann (J. J.) Bibliotheca Numaria, 1800-1866. Zweite Ausgabe. Weissensee, 1867. 8°. BB. G. Leland (J.) De Bebus Britannicis Collectanea; cum T. Hearnii prsefatione. Editio altera. 6 vol. London, 1770. 8°. 2072. a. Itinerary. Second edition, improved. [Reprint of the edition by T. Ilearne.] 9 vol. Oxford, 1745, 44. 8°. 2072. a. Lelewel (J.) Geographie du Moyen Age. 4 vol. Bruxelles, 1852. 8°. 2058. b. Atlas. Bruxelles, 1850. obi. fol. 2058. b. Lelong (J.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 2 vol. Paris. 1723. fol. 2000. g. Bibliotheca Sacra post J. Le Long et C. F. Boerneri, iteratas curas ordine disposita, emendata, continuata ab A. G. Masch. 5 vol. Raise, 1778-90. 4°. BB. A. LEL— LEN 179 Lelong (J.) Bibliothequo Historiquo do la Franco. Nouvollo edition, auguiou too par Fovret do Fontetto. 5 vol. Paris, 1768— 78. fol. Cat. Desk. Lely (J. M.) and Foulkes (W. D. I.) Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875 and other Statutes. The Orders in Council and the Eules of the Supreme Court, 1883. Fourth edition. London, 1883. 8°. 2018. a. Lemaire (N. E.) Bibliotheca Classica Latina, cum notis et indicihus. 1-43 vol. Parisiis, 1819-32. 8°. 2053. a-f. Contents : — 1-4. Cajsar. 5. Catullus. 6-24. Cicero. 25, 26. Claudiauus. 27. Cornelius Nepos. 28. Florus. 29-31. Horatius. 32. Justinus. 33, 34. Juvenalis. 35. Persius ; Lucilius. 36-38. Lucanus. 39-41. Martialis. 42-51. Ovidius. 52, 53. Phaedrus. 54-57. Plautus. 58-68. Plinius, the elder. 69, 70. Plinius, the younger. 71. Propertius. 72-74. Quintus Curtius. Le Maout (E.) and Decaisne (J.) General system of Botany. Translated by Mrs. and J. D. Hooker. Lond. 1873. 8°. 2029. d. Lembke (F. W.) Geschichte von Spanien. Vol. 1. [For continua- tion, see Schaefer.] [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europai- schen Staaten.] Hamburg, 183 1. 8°. 2068. a. Lemon (R.) Calendar of State Papers, 15-47-1580. See State Papers. — Domestic Series. 2074. e. Catalogue of Printed Broadsides of the Society of Antiquaries. London, 1866. 8°. 2049. c. Lempriere (J.) Classical Dictionary. London, 1804. 4°. 2114. f. Classical Dictionary. Be-edited by E. H. Barker. The third edition, corrected from the seventh American edition by C. Anthon. London, 1838. 8°. 2114. d. Corrected and enlarged by Professor Anthon and E. H. Barker. Fourth edition of the combined work, by J. A. Giles. London, [1843.] 8°. 2114. e. Universal Biography. London, 1 808. 4°. 2034. h. Le Neve (J.) Fasti Ecclesia? Anglicanai. Corrected and continued by T. D. Hardy. 3 vol. Oxford, 1854. 8°. 2004. a. Lenglet Dufresnoy (N.) Methode pour etudier l'Histoire. Nou- velle edition. 4 vol. Pan's, 1735. 4°. 2085. g. n 2 75-81. Quintilianus. 82. Sallustius. 83-91. Seneca. 92, 93. Silius Italicus. 94-97. Statius. 98, 99. Suetonius. 100-104. Tacitus. 105, 106. Terentius. 107. Tibullus. 108-119. Livius. 120, 121. Valerius Flaccus. 122-124. Valerius Maximus ct Julius Obsequens. 125. Velleius Paterculus. 126-133. Virgilius. 134-140. Poetse Minores. 141. Appendix : — Notice sur Lemaire, &c. 180 LEN— LET Lenormant (A.) and Chevallier (E.) Manual of the Ancient History of the East. London, 1869, 70. 8°. 2069. a. Leo, Diaconus. Historic libri decern et Liber de Velitatione bellica Nicephori Augusti, e recensione C. B. Hasii. Addita ejusdem versione, etc. Gr. & Led. [Byzantine History.'] Bonnse, 1828. 8°. 2067. c. Leo, Grammaticus. Chronographia. Ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Accedit Eustathii de Capta Thessalonica liber. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1842. 8°. 2067. g. Leo I., Saint, surnamed the Great, Pope. Opera omnia. 3 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 54-56.] Pans. 1846. 4°. 2009. d. Leo (H.) Angelsachsisches Glossar. Halle, 1877. 8°. 2112. c. Geschichte von Italien. 5 vol. [Heeren and UJcert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Hamburg, 1829-32. 8°. 2068. a. Leon (Luis de) Obras. [ Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 37.] Madrid, 1855. 8°. ~ 2042. f. Leon Pinelo (A. de) Epitome de la Bibliotheca Oriental y Occi- dental, nautica y geografica. 3 vol. Madrid, 1737, 38. fol. 2048. f. Lequien (M.) Oriens Christianns in quatuor Patriarchatus digestus, quo exhibentur ecclesiae, patriarchs, cseterique prsesules totius Orientis. 3 torn. Parisiis, 1740. fol. 2007. d. Le Sage (A. R.) Oeuvres. Nouvelle edition, par P. Poitevin. [Pantheon Litter -aire. Bomans.~] Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. g. Novels. [Novelist's Library ; 4.] Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. 2044. e. Lesbonax. Orationes. Gr. See Eeiske (J. J.) Oratorum Grae- corum quae snpersunt. Vol.15. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Leslie (J.) and others. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Eegions. [Edinburgh. Cabinet Libran/ ; 1.] Edinburgh, 1830. 12°. 2103. f. Le Soudier (H.) Catalogue-Tarif des Journaux, Kevues et Publica- tions periodiques. Paris, 1887. 8°. BB. R. Lessing (G. E.) Siimmtlicho Werke. Leipzig, 1841. 8°. 2046. h. Sammtliche Schriften. Herausgegeben von K. Lachmann und W. von Maltzahn. 12 vol. Leipzig, 1853-57. 8 °- 2042. h. L'Estrange (H.) The Alliance of Divine Offices. [Libran/ of Anglo-Catholic TJieology.] Oxford, 1846. 8°. 2014. c. Letronne (J. A.) Fragments inedits d'anciens Poctes Grecs. Didot : Paris, 1838. 8°. 2051. g. (2.) Lettres de Rois, Keincs et autres Personnages des Cours de Franco et dAngleterre, depuis Louis- vil. jusqu'a, Henri IV. Tirees des Archives do Londres par Brequigny, et publieos par M. Cliam- pollion-Figeac. 2 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1839-47. 4°. 2083. f. LET— LIB 181 Lettres Edifiantes ot Curiouses concornant l'Asie, 1' A Clique ct l'Ameriquo, publiees sous la direction de L. Aime-Martin. 4 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. GSographie. — Voyages.] Paris, 1838- 43. 8°. 2043. c. Levasseur (E.) La Franco avoc ses Colonies. Paris, 1879. 8°. 2059. a. Levi (L.) International Commercial Law. Socond edition. 2 vol. London, 1863. 8°. 2017. g. Levot (P.) Biographie Brotonne. 2 vol. Vannes, etc. 1852-57. 8°. 2036. f. Lewes (G. H.) Aristotle : a Chapter from tho LTistory of Science. London, 1864. 8°. 2051. d. History of Philosophy. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1867. 8°. 2023. a. Life of Goethe. Second edition. London, 1864. 8°. 2038. o. Lewin (T.) Life and Epistles of Saint Paul. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1875. 4°. 2002. f. Practical Treatise on the Law of Trusts. Fifth edition. Lon- don, 1867. 8°. 2017. f. Lewis (G.) The Bible, the Missal, and the Breviary, etc. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1853. 8°. 2001. b. Lewis (Sir G. C.) Bart. An Inquiry into the Credibility of the early Boman History. 2 vol. London, 18 5 5. 8°. 2069. c. Lewis (J.) On Suffragan Bishops in England. [Bibliotheca Topo- graphica Britannica ; Vol. 6, No. 28.] Lond. 1785. 4°. 2061. c. Lewis (S.) History and Topography of the Parish of Saint Mary, Islington. London, 1842. 4°. 2065. d. Topographical Dictionary of England. Seventh edition. 4 vol. London, 1849. 4°. 2061. d. Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1842. 4°. 2061. d. Topographical Dictionary of Wales. Fourth edition. 2 vol. London, 1849. 4°. 2061. d. Lexer (M.) Mittolhochdeutsches Handworterbuch. Leipzig, 1872- 78. 8°. '2117. d. Leypoldt (F.) The American Catalogue under tho direction of F. Leypoldt. Compiled by L. E. Jones. 2 vol. New York, 1880-81. 4°. 1876-84. 2 pt. New York, 1884. 4°. 2050. f. L'Huilier (T.) Seine-et-Marne. Essai de Bibliographic departe- mcntale. Meaux, 1857. 8°. BB. K. Lhuyd (E.) Archajologia Britannica. Vol. 1, containing Glosso- graphy. Oxford, 1707. fob 2117. f. Liber Albus. See London. Mtmimenta, &c. Vol.1. 2073.(12.) 182 LIB— LIL Liber Niger Scaccarii. Edidit T. Hearnius. — Wilhelmi Worces- trii Annales Rerum Anglicarum. 2 vol. Oxoniae, 1728. 8°. 2072. b. Editio altera : accedunt Chartse Antiquse, etc. 2 vol. Londini, 1771. 8°. 2072. b. Libraries. Public Libraries in the United States of America, their history, condition, and management. 2 pt. Washington, 1876. 8°. 2048. e. Eeport from the Select Committee on Public Libraries, with Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. 2 vol. London, 1849-50. fol. 2044. g. Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology. 83 vol. Oxford, 1841- 63. 8°. 2014. a-b. Contents : — Andrewes. Sermons. 5 vol. Opuscula posthuma. Answers to Cardinal Perron, &c. Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine. Preces Privatse. Eesponsio ad Apologiam Bel- larmini. Tortura Torti. Beveridge. Works. 12 vol. Bramhall. Works. 5 vol. Bull. Harmonia Apostolica, &c. Examen Censurse, &c. On the Trinity. 3 vol. Cosin. Works. 5 vol. Crakanthorp. Defensio Ecclesise An- glicanse. Forbes. Considerationes controversia- rum de Justificatione, &c. Vol. Frank. Sermons. 2 vol. Gunning. On Lent Fast. Hammond. Works. 3 vol. Hickes. Treatises. 3 vol. Johnson (John). Theological Works. 2 vol. Laws and Canons of the Church of England. 2 vol. Laud. Works. 7 vol. L'Estrange. Alliance of Divine Offices. Marshall. Penitential Discipline of the Primitive Church. Nicholson. Exposition of the Cate- chism. Overall. Convocation Book. Pearson. Vindicife Epistolarum S. Ig- natii. 2 vol. Thokndike. Works. 6 vol. (in 8 pt.). Wilson. Works. [With Life.] 7 vol. Library of the Fathers. See Pusey (E. B.) Lichfield. Account of Lichfield; also the Cathedral, etc. 2 pt. Lichfield, 18 19, 18. 8°. 2062. a. Lichtenthal (P.) Dizionario e Bibliografia della Musica. 4 vol. Milano, 1826. 8°. 2032. a. Manuale bibliografico del Viaggiatore in Italia. Terza edizione. Milano, 1844. 12°. BB. I. Liddell (H. G.) History of Eome. 2 vol. London, 1855. 8°. 2069. c. Liddell (H. G.) and Scott (R.) Greek-English Lexicon. Fourth edition. Oxford, 1855. 4°. 2113. c. Sixth edition. Oxford, 1861. 4°. 2113. c. Seventh edition. Oxford, 1883. 4°. 2113. c. Lilly (J.) The Practical Eegister; or, a General Abridgment of the Law. Second edition. 2 vol. [London,'] 1735. fol. 2017. g. Lilly (W.) Life and Times. [Autobiography; 2.] London, 1826. 12 6 . 2039. a. LIN— LIS 183 Lincolnshire. Tost Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of the Library. By W. II. Spilsbury. London, 1859-62. 8°. BB. C. Linde (A. van der) Bibliographic van Haarlem. Haarlem, 1867. 8°. BB. K. Das erste Jabrtausend der Schachlitteratur. Berlin, 1881. 8°. BB. E. Gescbicbte und Literatur des Scbacbspiels. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1874. 8°. BB. E. Linde (S. B.) Slownik Jezyka Polskiego. Wydanie drugie. 6 torn. Liooic, 1854-60. 4°. 2118. b. Linden (J. van der) Institutes of the Laws of Holland. Translated by J. Henry. London, 1828. 8°. 2019. b. Lindley (J.) Vegetable Kingdom. Third edition. London, 1853. 8°. 2029. c. Lindley (Sir N.) A treatise of the Law of Partnership. Fifth edition. 2 vol. London, 1888. 8°. 2018. c. Lingard (J.) History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8°. 2003. d. History of England. Fifth edition. 10 vol. London, 1849. 8°. 2071. b. Linnaeus (C.) Systema, Genera, Species plantarum uno volumine. Editio critica adstricta,conferta, sive Codex Botanicus Linnaeanus. Edidit H. E. Eichter. Lipsiae, 1835. 4 °- 2028. f. Index Alphabeticus composuit G. L. Petermann. Lipsiae, 1840. 4°. 2028. f. Linnean Society. Transactions. London, 1791, etc. 4°. General Index to Vol. 1-25 [26-30]. London, 1867-76. 4°. 2027. g, 2028. g. Linnstrbm (Hjalmar) Svenskt Boklexicon. Aren 1830-1865. 2 Del. Stockholm, [ 1 867-] 1 884. 8°. 2048. e. Lipowsky (P. J.) Baierisches Kiinstler Lexicon. 2 vol. Miinchen, 1 8 10. 8°. 2032. b. Lippi (L.) II Malmantile racquistato di Perlone Zipoli, colle note di varj scelte da L. Portirelli. [Classici Italiani ; 165.] Milano, 1807. 8°. 2041. e. Lippincott (J. B.) Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World. New edition. Philadelphia, 1880. 8°. 2060. d. Lipscomb (G.) History and Antiquities of the County of Bucking- ham. 4 vol. London, 1847. 4°. 2063. e. Lipsius (J. G.) Bibliotheca Numaria. 2 torn. Lipsise, 1801. 8°. BB. G. Lisbon. — Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa. Catalogo das publieacoes daAcademia, 1789 a 1876. Lisboa, 1876. 8°. 2048. b. 184 LIS— LIZ Lisle (L. V. de) Mandenients et Actes divers de Charles v. (1364- 1380), recueillis dans les Collections de la Bibliotheque Rationale. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits, l re Serie, Eistoire Politique.] Paris, 1874. 4°. 2082. d. Literarisches Centralblatt fiir Deutschland. 1879, 80, etc. Leipzig, 1879, etc. 8°. 2097. h. Littleton (Sir T.) The first part of the Institutes of the Laws of England ; or a Commentary upon Littleton : authore E. Coke, milite. With additions by F. Hargrave and C. Butler. Eighteenth edition. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8°. 2017. 0. Littre (E.) Dictionnaire de la Langue Francaise. 2 vol. (in 4 pt.) Pan's, 1863-72. 4°. 2117. c. Supplement, suivi d'un Dictionnaire etymologique de tous les mots d'origine Orientale par M. Devic. Paris, 1877. 4°. 2117. c. Liturgia Mozarabica. 2 vol. [Migne. Patrologise Cursus ; 85, 86.] Paris, 1850. 4°. 2009. 3. Liturgies. Liturgies and other Documents of the Ante-Nicene Period. Translated by W. Macdonald, etc. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 24.] Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. 2011. a. Liverpool. History of Liverpool. Liverpool, 18 10. 4°. 2063. c. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Livingston (J.) Portraits of eminent Americans now living. With memoirs. 2 vol. New York, 1853. 8°. 2039. h. Livius (T.) Foro-Juliensis. Vita Henrici v., Eegis Anglian, etc. Edidit T. Hearnius. Oxoniee, 17 16. 8°. 2072. a. Livius (T.) Patavinus. Omnia Opera ; cum commentariis : item Supplementa J. Freinshemii curante N. E. Lemaire. 12 vol. [Lemaire. Eibliotheca Classica Latina ; 108-119.] Paris. 1822- 25. 8°. 2053. e. Historiarum libri qui supersunt; ex editione G. A. Euperti, cum supplementis, notis, &c., in usum Delphini. 25 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1828. 8°. 2055. a-b. Historiarum Eomanarum libri qui supersunt. Ex recensione J. N. Madvigii. Iterum ediderunt J. N. Madvigius et J. L. Ussingius. 4 vol. Eaunise, 1873-76. 8°. 2052. f. Livres de Jostice et de Plet ; publ. par Eapetti ; avec un Glossaire par P. Chabaille. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. l re Serie. Eistoire Politique.'] Paris, 1850. 4°. 2083. f. Livres Sacres de l'Orient, traduits par G. Pauthier. [Pantheon Litteraire. Theologie.] Paris, 1840. 8°. 2043. b. Lizars (J.) A System of Anatomical Plates ; with descriptions. 12 pt. (in 1 vol.) Edinburgh, 1822-26. 8°. 2024. c. Plates. [With Supplement.] Edinburgh, 1822-56. fob 2024. f. LLA— LON 185 Llaguno y Amirola (E.) Noticias do los Arquitectos y Arquitec- tura do Espana. llustradas por J. A. Cean-Bermudez. 4 vol. Madrid, 1829. 4°. 2034. a. Llewelyn (T.) Historical account of the British or Welsh versions arid editions of the Bible. London, 1768. 8°. BB. A. Locke (J.) Philosophical Works. London, 1843. 8°. 2023. d. Lockhart (J. G.) Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1845. 8°. 2039. g. Lodge (E.) Genealogy of the existing British Peerage. New edition. London, 1859. 8°. 2119. b. Illustrations of British History, Biography and Manners, in the reigns of Henry vni., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. Second edition, with additions. 3 vol. London, 1838. 8«. 2072. b. Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire [fur the current year]. London. 8°. 2119. c. Peerage of Ireland ; revised and continued by M. Archdall. 7 vol. London, 1789. 8°. 2119. c. Logan (J.') Treatise of Honour. Military and Civil. See Guillim. V 2119. g. Lombardi (A.) Storia della Letteratura Italiana nel secolo xvur. 4 vol. Modena, 1827-30. 8°. 2044. b. London. Handbook to London. New edition [with addenda for 1882]. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1882. 8°. 2057. a. [Maps of London.] [London, 1792-99 ?] fol. 2060. f. Munimenta Gildhallee Londoniensis. Vol. 1, Liber Albus. Edited by H. T. Kiley. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1859. 8°. 2073. (12.) Vol. 2 (in two parts), Liber Custumarum. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, i860. 8°. ' 2073. (12.) Vol. 3. Translation of the Anglo-Norman passages in Liber Albus, etc. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1862. 8°. 2073. (12.) New View of London. [By E. Hatton.] 2 vol. London, 17 08. 8°. 2065. a. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. London and Provincial Medical Directory, inclusive of Scotland and Ireland [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. 0. London Catalogue. General catalogue of books published in London from the year 1700-1786. Bent : London, 1786. 8°. Cat. Desk. London catalogue of books corrected to August 1811. Bent: London, 181 1. 8°. Cat. Desk. London Catalogue of Books, 1810 to Feb. 1831. Bent: London, 1831. 8°. Cat. Desk. 186 LON London Catalogue. London Catalogue of Books, 1814 to Dec. 1834. Bent: London, 1835. 8°. Cat. Desk. 1814 to 1839. Bent: London, 1839. 8°. Cat. Desk. 1814 to 1846. Hodgson: London, 1846. 8°. Cat. Desk. Classified Index, 1814 to 1846. Hodgson: London, 1848. 8« # Cat. Desk. Supplement to the London Catalogue, 1846 to 1849 ; including a Classified Index. Hodgson: London, 1849. 8°. Cat. Desk. London Catalogue of Books, 1816 to 1851. Hodgson: London, 1 85 1. 8°. Cat. Desk. Classified Index, 1816 to 1851. Hodgson: London, 1853. 8<\ Cat. Desk. London Catalogue of Books, 1831 to 1855. Hodgson: London, 1855. 8°. Cat. Desk. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, and Journal of Science. Fifth Series. Vol. 19, etc. London, 1885, etc. 8°. 2101. c. General Indexes. London, 1835-39. 8°. 2101. c. London Gazette. Index to the London Gazette, from Jan. 1st, 1830, to Dec. 31st, 1883. London, 1885. 8°. Cat. Desk. London Institution. Catalogue of the Library. 4 vol. London, 1835-52. 8°. BB. R. London Library. Catalogue, by E. Harrison. Fifth edition. 2 vol. London, 1888. 8°. BB. R. London Magazine. General Index. 1732-1758. London, 1760. go. 2092. a. & BB. O. 10 vol. Baldivin: London, 1820-24. 8°. 2092. a. New Series. 10 vol. London, 1825-28. 8°. 2092. a. Third Series. 3 vol. London, 1828, 29. 8°. 2092. a. London University Calendar [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. "Long (G } The Decline of the Boman Bepuhlic. 5 vol. London, T864-74. 8°. 2069. a. Long (G.) and Macleane (A. J.) Bibliotheca Classica. 23 vol. London, 1851-68. 8°. 2052. c-d. Contents : JEschylus ; with commentary by F. A. Paley. Cicero. Orationes ; with commentary by G. Long. 4 vol. Demosthenes ; with commentary by E. Whiston. Vol. 1,2. Euripides ; with commentary by F. A. Paley. 3 vol. Herodotus ; with commentary by J. W. Blakesley. 2 vol. Hesiod. Epics by F. A. Paley. Homer. Iliad. With English notes by F. A. Paley. 2 vol. Horace; with commentary by A. J. Miiclcano. Juvenal and Persius; with commen- tary by A. J. Macleane. Plato. Gorgias. With English notes by W. H. Thompson. Plato. Phaedrus. With English notes by W. H. Thompson. Sophocles. With English notes by F. H. M. Blaydes and F. A. Paley. 2 vol. Tacitus. Annals. With commentary by P. Frost. Terence ; with commentary by E. St. John Parry. Virgil; with commentary by J. Con- ington. 3 vol. LON— LUB 187 Longfellow (H. W.) The Poots and Poetry of Europe. London, New York, 1855. 8°. 2046. f. Looker-on. 3 vol. [British Essayists ; 35-37.] London, 18 23. 12°. 2043. a. Lopes (J. M.) and Bensley (E. R.) Nuevo Diccionario Ingles- Espaiiol y Espailol-Ingles. 2 pt. Paris, 1878. 8°. 2117. b. Lopez de Haro (A.) Nobiliario Genealogico de los Keyes y Titulos de Espana, etc. 2 vol. Madrid, 1622. fol. 2119. f. Lords, House of. See Parliament. Lorenz (O.) Catalogue general de la Librairie Francaise, 1840- 1885. 10 vol. Paris, 1867-85. 8°. 2049. b. Loseley Manuscripts. See Kempe. 2077. a. Loudon (J. C.) Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum. 8 vol. London, 1838. 8°. 2029. c. Encyclopedia of Cottage, Farm and Villa Architecture. New edition, with Supplement. London, 1833-42. 8°. 2029. c. Encyclopedia of Plants. New edition. Edited by Mrs. Loudon. (Bound in 2 vol.) London, 1855. 8°. 2029. c. Encyclopaedia of Trees and Shrubs. London, 1842. 8°. 2029. c. Hortus Britannicus. New edition, with a Supplement. Edited by Mrs. Loudon. London, 1850. 8°. 2029. a. Lounger. [By H. Mackenzie.] 2 vol. [British Essayists ; 30,31.] London, 1823. 12°. 2043. a. Louth. Notitise Lude : notices of Louth. Louth, 1834. 8 °- 2062. b. Low (S.) British Catalogue; Oct. 1837 to Dec. 1852. London, 1853. 8°. Cat. Desk. Index to the British Catalogue, vol. 1, 1837-57 ; vol. 2, 1856- 76; vol. 3, 1874-80. London, 1834, etc. 8°. Cat. Desk. English Catalogue of Books published from January, 1835 [to the current year]. London, 1864, etc. 8°. Cat. Desk. Low (S. J. M.) and Pulling (F. S.) The Dictionary of English History. London, 1884. 8°. 2071. e. Lower (M. A.) Curiosities of Heraldry. Lond. 1845. 8°. 2119. c. History of Sussex. 2 vol. Lewes, 1870. 8°. 2064. a. Patronymica Britannica. A Dictionary of the Family names of the United Kingdom. London, 1 860. 8°. 2119. d. Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition, by H. G. Bohn. 6 vol. (in 11 pt.) London, 1857— 64. 8°. 2050. a. Lubbock (Sir John) Bart. Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. [Bay Society.] London, 1873 . 8°. 2027. f. Origin of Civilization, and the primitive condition of Man. Fourth edition. London, 1882. 8°. 2024. b. Pre-Historic Times. Fourth edition. London, 1878. 8°. 2024. b. 188 LUC— LUE Luca (J. de) Das golehrte Oestorreich. 2 vol. 1777, 78. 2038. d. Lucanus (M. A.) Pharsalia, cum adnotationibus ; quibus suas addidit P. A. Lemaire. 3 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina; 36-38.] Pans. 1830-32. 8°. 2053. b. Pharsalia. Edited with English notes by C. E. Haskins. With an introduction by W. E. Heitland. London, 1887. 8°. 2052. e. Lucas (N. J.) Dictionary of the English and German and German and English Languages. 2 vol. in 4 pt. Bremen, 1854-68. 8°. 2116. e. Lucian. Opera. Edidit F. Schmieder. Gr. 2 vol. Halse Magde- burgicse, 1800, 01. 8°. 2051. e. Opera ; ex recensione G. Dindorfii. Gr. & Lat. Didot : Paris. 1840. 8°. 2051. h. Lucilius Junior. Aetna. Eecensuit F. Jacob. Lipsise, 1826. 8°. 2053. g. (2.) Lucilius (C.) Fragmenta curante A. Perreau. [Lemaire. Biblio- theca Classica Latina ; 35.] Paris. 1830. 8°. 2053. b. Lucretius Carus (T.) De Eeruin Natura libri sex ; ex editione G. Wakefieldi, cum notis, in usuni Delphini. 4 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1823. 8°. 2055. b. De Eerum Natura libri sex. With notes and a translation by H. A. J. Munro. Fourth edition. 3 vol. Cambridge, 1886. 8°. 2052. o. Delia Natura delle Cose libri sei ; tradotti da A. Marchetti. [Classici Baliani ; 226.] Milano, 181 3. 8°. 2041. g. See Lachmann (C. C. F. W.) C. Lachmanni in T. Lucretii Cari Do Eerum Natura libros Commentarius iterum editus. 1855. 8°. 2052. d. Ludewig (H. E.) The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages. London, 1858. 8°. BB. T. The Literature of American Local History. New York, 1 846. 8°. BB. K. Ludlow. Documents connected with the History of Ludlow and the Lords Marchers. [By the Hon. E. H. Clive.] London, 1841. 4°. 2064. d. Luebke (W.) History of Sculpture from the earliest ages to the present time. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. 2 vol. London, 1872. 8°. 2031. d. Outlines of the History of Art. 2 vol. New York, 187S. 8°. 2031. d. Luebker (D. L.) and Schroeder (H.) Lexikon der Sckleswig- Holstein-Lauonburgisohen und Eutinischen Schriftsteller, von 1796 bis 1828. 2 Abth. Altona, 1829, 30. 8°. 2038.1). Nachtrage und Register. Schleswig, 1831. 8°. 2038.1). LUE— LYT 189 Luedde (J. G.) Die Geschichto der Methodologie tier Erdkunde. Leipzig, 1849. 8°. BB. I. Luis, de Granada. Obras por J. J. de Mora. 3 vol. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 6,8,11.] Madrid, 1850, 48,49. 8°. 2042. e. Luthardt (C. E.) St. John's Gospel described and explained according to its peculiar character. Translated by C. E. Gregory. 3 vol. [Claries Foreign Theological Library. Fourth Series, 52, 55, 57.] Edinburgh, 1876-78. 8°. 2014. h. Lyall (A.) and others. History of the Christian Church from the 13th century to the present day. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.~] London, 1858. 8°. 2102. h. Lyall (W. R.) and others. History of Greece, Macedonia, and Syria. Second edition, by E. Pococke. [Encyclopaedia Metro- politana.] London, 1852. 8°. 2102. f. Lycurgus. Oratio. Gr. See Eeiske (J. J.) Oratorurn Gra^coium quae supersunt, &c. Vol. 8, 16. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Reliquia?. Ediderunt J. G. Baiterus et II. Sauppius. Gr. Turici, 1834. 8°. 2051. d. Lydus (Joannes). See Joannes. Lye (E.) Dictionariurn Saxonico et Gothico-Latinuni. Acccdunt fragmenta versiunis Ulphilanee, nee non opuscula quaedam Anglo- Saxonica, edidit O. Manning. 2 vol. Londini, 1772. fol. 2117. f. Lyell {Sir C.) Bart. Elements of Geology. Sixth edition. London, 1865. 8°. 2030. d. Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man. Fourth edition. London, 1873. 8°. 2024. b. Principles of Geology. Twelfth edition. 2 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2030. c. Lyon (J.) History of St. Eadigund's, or Bradsole Abbey, near Dover. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 1, No. 42.] London, 1787. 4°. 2061. c. Lysias. Orationes. Gr. See Eeiske (J. J.) Oratorurn Grseorum quae supersunt, etc. Vol. 9-12. 1770, etc. 8°. 2052. a. Orationes ; cum deperditarum Fragmentis, edidit J. Franz. Gr. Stuttgartiae, 183 1. 8°. 2051. d. Lysons (D.) Environs of London. [With Supplement.] 5 vol. London, 1792-1811. 4°. 2065. e. Historical Account of those Parishes in Middlesox, not described in the Environs of London. London, 1800. 4°. 2065. c. Lysons (D.) and (S.) Magna Britannia. [Bedfordshire — Devon- shire.] 6 vol. (in 10 pt.) London, 1813, 0S-22. 4°. 2061. e. Lysons (S.) Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities. London, 1803. fol. 2064. f. Lyttelton (G.) Baron Lyttelton. History of the Life of Honry 11. Second edition. 4 vol. London, 1767-71. 4°. 2071. f. 190 M— MAC M. M., G. Dizionario di Opere anonime e pseudonime di Scrittori Italiani. Di G. M[elzi]. 3 vol. Milano, 1848-59. 8°. 2049. a. Supplements conipilato da G. Passano. Ancona, 1887. 8°. 2049. a. Maberly (J.) The Print Collector. Edited with notes and a Bibliography of engraving by E. Hoe. New York, 1880. 8°. 2031. c. Mabillon (J.) De Ee Diplomatica libri VI. Tertia editio, a J. Adimari. Neapoli, 1789. fol. 2050. g. Macaulav (T. B.) Baron Macaulay. Essays. London, 1850. 8°. 2045. d. Essavs. [ Modern British Essayists : 1.1 Philadelphia, 1850. 8°. 2045. d. History of England, from the accession of James the Second. 5 vol. London, 1866, 55, 61. 8°. 2071. e. MacCarthy (Justin) A History of Our Own Times, from the accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Conference. London, 1879, etc. 8°. 2077. cc. Macchiavelli (N.) Opere. 10 vol. [Classici Baliani ; 109-118.] Milano, 1804, 05. 8°. 2041. d. (Euvres completes. Par J. A. C. Buchon. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire.—Histoire.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. d. MacClintock (J.) and Strong (J.) Cyclopaedia of Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. 10 vol. New York-, 1867-81. 8°. 2015. e. MacCosh (James) The Scottish Philosophy, biographical, ex- pository, critical, fruni Hutchinson to Hamilton. London, 1875. 8°. 2023. d. MacCulloch (J. R.) Dictionary, geographical, statistical and his- torical. New edition, with a supplement. 2 vol. London, 1854. 80. 2059. c. Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. Latest edition with a Supplement by A. J. Wilson. London, 1882. 8°. 2023. c. Literature of Political Economy. London, 1845. 8°. 2023. c. MacGillivray (W.) Lives of eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Linnaeus. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 16.] Edinburgh, 1834. 12°. 2103. g. Travels and Eesearches of A. von Humboldt. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 10.] Edinburgh, 1832. 12°. 2103. g. Machado (C. V.) Colleccao de Memorias, rolativas as Vidas dos Pint( ires Portuguezes, etc. Lisboa, 1823. 4°. 2034. a. Machado (D. Barbosa). See Babbosa. MAC 191 Mackeldey (F.) Handbook of tbo Eoman Law. Translated and edited by M. A. Dropsie. Philadelphia, 1883. 8°. 2016. b. Mackenzie (E.) Account of tbe Town and County of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, etc. 2 vol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827. 4°. 2063. d. Historical View of tbo County of Northumberland, etc. Second edition. 2 vol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1825. 4°. 2062. a. Mackenzie (E.) and Ross (M.) Historical Yiew of the County Palatine of Durham. 2 vol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1834. 4°. 2063. c. Mackenzie (G.) Lives of Writers of the Scots Nation. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1708-22. fob 2044. g. Mackenzie (Sir G.) Observations upon, the Laws and Customs of Nations as to Precedency. See Guillim (J.) Display of Heraldry. 1724. fob 2119. g. Mackenzie (H.) Novels. [Novelist's Library ; 5.] Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. 2044. e. MacKerrow (J.) History of the Secession Church. Revised and enlarged edition. Glasgow, 1841. 8°. 2003. b. Mackintosh (Right Hon. Sir J.) Miscellaneous Works. [Modern British Essayists ; 8.] Philadelphia, 1848. 8°. 2045. d. Miscellaneous Works. London, 1851. 8°. 2045. d. History of England. By Sir J. Mackintosh ( W. Wallace, and E. Bell). 10 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.'] London, 1830-48. 8°. 2103. c. History of the Eevolution in England in 1688. London, 1834. 4°. 2072. c. MacLauchlan (T.^ Gaelic Literature, Language and Music. See Keltie (J. S.) A History of the Scottish Highlands. 1875. 8°. 2066. a. Maclean (J.) Parochial and Family History of the Deanery of Trigg Minor. London, 1868. 4°. 2066. o. Macleod (H. D.) Dictionary of Political Economy. Vol. 1. London, 1863. 8°. 2023. d. Theory and Practice of Banking. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1875,76. 8°. 2023. e. Macleod (N.) and Dewar (D.) Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. Glasgow, 1853. 8°. 2112. b. Macmillan's Magazine. Vol. 21, etc. Cambridge, 1870, etc. 8°. 2089. g-h. MacNicoll (D. H.) Dictionary of Natural History Terms with their derivations. London, 1863. 8°. 2028. a. Macpherson (D.) Annals of Commerce, manufactures, fisheries and navigation, to 1801. London, 1805. 4°. 2023. h. 192 MAC— M AH Macqueen (J. F.) Eights and Liabilities of Husband and Wife. Third edition by J. C. Eussell and E. B. Eussell. London, 1885. 8°. 2017. b. Macquereau (R.) Chronicque de la Maison de Bourgoigne. [Pan- theon Litteraire. Chroniques et MemoiresA Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. a. Macray (W. D.) Manual of British Historians to a.d. 1600, etc. London, 1845. 8°. 2071. a. Macrobins (A. T.) Opera. Emendavit L. Janus. 2 vol. Qued- liriburgi et Lipsise, 1848-52. 8°. 2052. e. Madox (T.) Baronia Anglica: an history of Land-Honors and Baronies, etc. London, 1741. fol. 2069. f. Fonnulare Anglicanurn ; or, a collection of ancient Charters and Instruments from the Norman conquest to Henry vni. London, 1702. fol. 2071. g. History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1769. 4°. 2070. c. Madoz (P.) Diccionario de Espana y sus posesiones de Ultramar. Segunda edicion. 16 vol. Madrid, 1846-50. 4°. 2057. g. Madrid. — Real Academia Espanola. Diccionario de la lengua Cas- tellana; compuesto por la Eeal Academia Espanola. Madrid, 1726-39. fol. 2115. g. Nuevo Diccionario de la lengua Castellana, que comprende la ultima edicion integra del publicado por la Academia Espanola y unos veinte y seis mil voces anadidas por V. Salva. Paris, 1 846. 8°. 2116. g. Madvig (J. N.) Latin Grammar. Translated by G. Woods. First American edition by T. A. Thacher. Boston, 1870. 8°. 2114. a. Maetzner(E.) An English Grammar. Translated from the German by C. J. Grece. 3 vol. London, 1874. 8°. 2112. c. Maffei (E.) and Rua Figueroa (R.) Bibliografia Mineral Hispano- Americana. 2 torn. Madrid, 1871-72. 8°. BB. E. Maffei (G. P.) Le Istorie dell' Indie Oriental]', tradotte di Latino da F. Serdonati. 3 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 122-124.] Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. d. Maffei (S.) Marquis. Verona illustrata. 5 vol. [Classici Italiani; 338, 339.] Milano, 1825, 26. 8°. 2042. c. Magalotti (L.) Opere. 2 vol. [Classici Italiani; 217, 218.] Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. g. Magna Britannia et Hibernia, antiqua & nova; or, a new Survey of Great Britain. [By T. Cox.] 6 vol. In the Savoy, [London,] 1720-31. 4°. 2061. b. Magny (C. de Rigon de) Marquis. See Eigon. Magrini (A.) Memorie di A. Palladio. Padova, 1845. 4°. 2033. h. Mahon, Philip Henry Stanhope, Viscount. See Stanhope. MAI— MAL 193 Mai (A.) Cardinal. Auctores Classici. 10 vol. Bomse, 1828-38. 8°. 2053. h. Maigne d'Arnis (W. H.) Lexicon manuals ad Scriptorcs mediae ct infimse Latinitatis. Pan's. 1858. 8°. 2114. f. Mailath (J. N.) Count. Geschichto des Ostreichischen Kaiserstaates. 5 vol. [Hecren and UJcert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Hamburg, 1834-50. 8°. 2068. d. Maillard (F.) Les Publications de la Eue pendant le siege et la Commune. Paris, 1874. 8°. BB. M. Maine (Sir J. H. S.) Ancient Law. Tenth edition. London, 1885. 8°. 2016. b. Lectures on the earlv history of Institutions. London, 1875. 8°. 2016. b, Village-Communities in the East and West. Third edition. London, 1876. 8°. 2016. b. Maitland (S. R.) Index of English Books printed before 1600 in the Library at Lambeth. London, 1845. 8°. 2048. c. List of some of the Early printed Books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. London, 1843. 8°. 2048. c. Maitland (W.) History of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1753. fol. 2066. e. History of London. London, 1739. fol. 2065. f. History of London. 2 vol. London, 1756. fol. 2065. f. Maittaire (M.) Annales Typographici. 5 vol. (in 6.) Hagse- Comitum, etc., 1719-41. 4°. 2049. a. Supplementuin ; adornav it M. Denis. 2 vol. Viennse, 1789. 4°. 2049. c. Major (R. H.) Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator. London, 1868. 8°. 2060. b. Makarov (N. P.) Dictionnaire Ensse-Francais, Francais-Busse. Troisieme edition. 2 vol. St. Petersbourg, 1881. 8°. 2118. b. Malalas (Joannes) Chronographia, ex recensione L. Dindorfii. Accedunt Chilmeadi Hodiique annotationes, etc. Gr. & Lett. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1831. 8°. 2067. d. Malberg (A.) Die Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieur-Wesens, 1820-49. Berlin, 1852. 8°. BB. E. Malchus, of Philadelphia. Qine supersunt. Gr. & Lat. See Dexippus (P. H). 2067. d. Malcolm (J. P.) Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London, etc. London, 181 1. 4°. 2065. .1. Londinium Bedidivum ; or, a History of London. 4 vol. London, 1803-07. 4°. 2065. d. Malcom (H.) Theological Index. Boston [Mass.], 1868. 8°. BB. A. Malherbe (P. de) CEuvres. [Pantheon Litteraire. Pcesic.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. 194 MAL— MAE Malmesbury. Kegistruin Malmesburiense. The Kegister of Malmesbury Abbey. Edited by J. S. Brewer (and C. T. Martin). 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1879-80. 8°. 2073. (72.) Malone (E.) Catalogue of the Early English Poetry &c. collected by E. Malone, Esq. See Oxford University. — Bodleian Library. Maltby (E.) Greek Gradus, with a Latin and English transla- tion. Third edition. London, 1850. 8°. 2114. e. Maltzahn (W. von) Deutschen Biicherschatz. Jena, 1875. 8°. 2048. a. Malvasia (C. C.) Count. Felsina pittrice. Con aggiunte di G. Zanotti. 2 vol. Bologna, 1841. 8°. 2032. d. Mambelli (M. A.) Osservazioni della Lingua Italiana raccolte dal Cinonio, illustrate ed accresciuta da L. Lamberti. 4 vol. [Classici Italiani; 221-224.] Milam, 1809-13. 8°. 2041. g. Manchester. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Mander (K. van) Het leven der doorluchtige Nederlandsche, etc. 2 Deel. Amsterdam, 1764. 8°. 2033. b. Manilius (M.) Astronomicon, ex editione Bentleiana ; in usuni Delphini. 2 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1828. 8°. 2055. c. Manne (E. D. de) Nouveau Dictionnaire des Ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes. Troisieine edition. Lyon, 1868. 8°. 2048. c. Manning (J. A.) Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons. London, 1850. 8°. 2036. a. Manning (O.) History and Antiquities of Surrey. Continued by W. Bray. 3 vol. London, 1804-14. fol. 2065. f. Mannynge (R.) of Brunne. The Story of England. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 2 pt. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1887. 8°. 2073. (87.) Mansi (J. D.) Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. Editio novissima. 31 vol. Florentise, Ven'etiis, 1759-98. fol. 2006. d. Manu. The Laws of Manu, translated by G. Biihler. [Max Mueller 's Sacred Books of the East, 25.] Oxford, 1886. 8°. 2003. a. Manzoni (A.) Opere varie. Edizione riveduta dall' autore. Milano, 1845. 8°. 2045. g. Manzoni (L.) Bibliografia degli statuti, ordine e leggi dei municipii Italiani. 2 vol. Bologna, 1876, 79. 8°. BB. M. Marcel (J. J.) Vocabulaire Francais-Arabe des Dialectes vulgaires Africains. Paris, 1837. 8°. 2115. b. March (P. A.) Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. London, 1870. 8°. 2112. c. Marchand (P.) Dictionnaire Historique. 2 vol. La Eaye, 1758, 59. fol. 2105. f. MAR 195 Mariana (J. de) Obras, por D. F. P. y M. 2 vol. [Aribau. Autores EspaTwles ; 30, 31.] Madrid, 1854. 8°. 2042. f. Historia general do Espaiia, ilustrada con notas por J. Satan y Blanco. 20 vol. Madrid, 1817-22. 8°. 2084. e. Mariotti (A.) Letters pittoriche Perugine. Perugia, 1788. 8°. 2034. a. Marlowe ( C.) Works. New edition by A. Dyce. London, 1858. 8°. 2046. f. Marmontel (J. F.) Memoirs. 2 vol. [Autobiography ; 3, 4.] London, 1826. 12°. 2039. a. Marryat (J.) History of Pottery and Porcelain. Third edition. London, 1868. 8°. 2031. a. Marschall (A.) Noinenclator Zoologicus. Vindobonae, 1873. 8°. 2028. a. Marsden (J. B.) History of Christian Churches and Sects. 2 vol. London, 1856. 8°. 2004. b. Marsden (W.) Bibliotheca Marsdeniana. London, 1827. 4°. BB. T. Catalogue of Dictionaries, Vocabularies, Grammars, and Alpha- bets. London, 1796. 4°. BB. T. Dictionary of the Malayan Language, in two parts. London, 1 8 12. 4°. 2115. e. Marsh (G. P.) Lectures on the English language. First Series. Fourth edition. New Tori, London, 1863. 8°. 2112. c. Origin and History of the English language. London, 1 862. 8°. 2112. c. Marshall (G. W.) The Genealogist's Guide. Second edition. 1885. 8°. Cat. Desk. Index to the Pedigree contained in the printed Heralds' Visitations. London, 1866. 8°. BB. T. Marshall (J.) Account of the Population, 1801, 1811, and 1821. London, 183 1. 4°. Cat. Desk. Marshall (N.) The penitential Discipline of the Primitive Church. {Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1844. 8°. 2014. c. Marsy (A. de) Bibliographie Compiegnoise. Compiegne, 1874. 8°. BB. K. — Bibliographie Noyonnaise. Paris, 1877. 8°. BB. K. Essai de Bibliographie Tunisienne. Paris, 1869. 8°. BB. I. Martens (C. de) Baron. Le Guide Diplomatique. Accompagne d'une Bibliotheque Diplomatique choisie. Quatrieme edition. 2 vol. Paris, etc., 185 1. 8°. 2050. b. Martens (G. F. de) Precis du Droit des gens moderne de l'Europe. Suivi d'une Bibliographie raisonnee. Deuxiemo edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1864. 8°. 2016. o. 2 196 MAE Martensen (H. L.) Bishop of Zealand. Christian Dogmatics. Translated by W. Urwick. [Claries Foreign Theological Library ; 4th Series, 12.] Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. 2014. g. Christian Ethics. Translated by C. Spence. [ClarFs Foreign Theological Library; 4th Series, 39.1 Edinburgh, 187 3. 8°. 2014. h. Special Part. First Division : Individual Ethics. Trans- lated by W. Affleck. Vol. 1. Second Division: Social Ethics. Translated by S. Taylor. Vol. 2. [ClarFs Foreign Theological Library; oth Series, 7, 11.] Edinburgh, 1881-82. 8°. 2015. a. Martialis (M. Valerius) Epigrammata ; ex editione Bipontina, in usum Delphini. 3 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1823,22. 8°. 2055. c. Epigrammata illustraverunt qninque Parisiensis AcademiaB Professores. 3 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 39- 41.] Paris. 1825. 8°. 2053. b. Epigrammaton libri. Edidit F. G. Schneidewin. 2 vol. Grimse, 1842. 8°. 2052. d. Epigrammaton libri. Mit erklarenden Anmerknngen von L. Friedlaender. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. 2052. d. Martigny (A. J.) Dictionnaire des antiquites Chretiennes. Nou- velle edition augmentee. Pan's, 1877. 8°. 2002. f. Martin (B. L. H.) Histoire de France. Quatrieme edition. 17 torn. Paris, 1878. 8°. 2083. d. Histoire de France depnis 1789 jusqu'a nos jours. Deuxieme edition. 5 torn. Paris, 1878-81. 8°. 2083. d. Martin (F.) Handbook of Contemporary Biography. London, 1878. 8°. 2034. a. Statesman's Year-Book [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2120. b. Martin (G.) History and Antiquities of St. Eule's Chapel in the Monastery of St. Andrews, etc. [Bibliotheca Topographica Bri- tannica; Vol. 5, No. 47.] London, 1787. 4°. 2001. c. Martin (J.) Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books. Second edition. [London], 1854. 8°. 2049. bb. Martin (W.) Catalogue d'ouvrages relatifs aux lies Hawaii. Paris, 1867. 8°. BB. I. Martineau (H.) History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace: 1816-46. 2 vol. London, 1849, 50. 8°. 2071. f. Introduction to the History of the Peace. From 1800 to 1815. London, 1 8 15. 8°. 2071. f. Martini (P.) Biografia Sarda. 3 vol. Cagliari, 1837, 3 8 - 8 °- 2037. d. Martiniere (A. A. Brazen de la) See Bruzen. Marvin (J. G.) Legal Bibliography. Philadelphia, 1847. 8°. 2016. b. MAR— MAU 197 Mary I., Queen of England. Privy Purse Expenses of the Triucess Mary. With a memoir and notes by F. Madden. London, 1831. go. 2077. a. Maskell (W.) Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England. Third edition. Oxford, 1882. 8°. 2002. b. Monumenta Ritualia Eccle.siaj Anglicans. Second edition. 3 vol. Oxford, 1882. 8°. 2002. b. Massey (W.) History of England during the Reign of George in. Second edition. 4 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2077. a. Massillon (J. B.) Bishop of Clermont (Euvres. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Theologie.] Paris, 1835. 8 °- 2043 - h - Massinger (P.) Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford ; by H. Coleridge. Moxon : London, 1848. 8°. 2046. f. Massmann (H. F.) Literatur der Todtentiinze. Leipzig, 1840. 8°. BB. G. Masson (D.) Life of John Milton. 6 vol. Cambridge: London, 1859-80. 8°. 2040. d. Masters (M. T.) Vegetable Teratology. [Bay Society.'] London, 1869. 8°. 2027. f. Mather (Cotton) Magnalia Christi Americana; or, the eccle- siastical history of New England, 1620-1698. 2 vol. Hartford, 1853. 8°. 2007. b. Matranga (P.) Anecdota Graeca. 2 pt. Bomse, 1850. 8°. V 2052. b. Matthise (A.) Greek Grammar. Translated by E. V. Blomfield. Fifth edition. 2 vol. London, 1832. 8°. 2114. e. Matthseus Westmonasteriensis. Flores Historiarum, prtecipue de Rebus Britannicis ad an. 1307. Londini, 1570. fol. 2070. d. Maude (F. P.) and Pollock (C. E.) Compendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping. Fourth edition. London, 188 1. 8°. 2018. d. Maunder (S.) Biographical Treasury. New edition reconstructed by W. L. R. Cates. London, 1882. 8°. 2102. c. Scientific and Literary Treasury. New edition by J. Y. John- son. London, 1880. 8°. 2102. e. Treasurv of Historv. New edition. London, 1864. 8°. y 2102. c. Treasury of Knowledge. New edition, revised by B. B. Wood- ward, etc. London, 1859. 8°. 2102. c. Treasury of Natural History. Sixth edition, by T. S. Cobbold. London, 1862. 8°. 2102. c. Maunsell (A.) First (Seconde) part of the Catalogue of English Printed books. London, 1 595. fol. 2050. f. Maurice (F. D.) Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. — Ancient Philosophy. Second edition. [Encyclojisedia Metropolitana.] London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. 198 MAU— MED Maurice (P. D.) Philosophy of the first six centuries. Second j edition. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1854. 8°. 2102. e. Mediaeval Philosophy. [Encyclojjsedia Metropolitana.] London, 1857. 8°. 2102. e. Maury (L. F. A.) Histoire des Eeligions de la Grece antique. 2 torn. Paris, 1857. 8°. 2002. a. Maxwell (W. H.) Life of the Duke of Wellington. 3 vol. London, 1839-41. 2039. b. May (A.) Practical Grammar of the Swedish language. Fourth edition. Stockholm, 1873. 8°. 2117. a. May (F.) British and Irish Press Guide [for the current year]. London, etc. 8°. Cat. Desk. May (G.) History of Evesham. Evesham, 1845. 8°. 2062. a. May (G.) Electrician. Bibliography of Electricity and Magnetism, 1860-83. London, 1884. 8°. BB. C. May {Sir T. E.) Constitutional History of England. 1760-1860. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1863, 65. 8°. 2071. e. Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. Ninth edition. London, 1883. 8°. 2017. b. Mayhew (H.) London Labour and the London Poor. 4 vol. London, 1861,62. 8°. 2065. b. Mayne (J. D.) Treatise on Damages. Third edition. London, 1877. 8°. 2017. e. Mayne (R. G.) Expository Lexicon of terms in medical and general science. London, i860. 8°. 2024. c. Mayo (C. H.) Bibliotheca Dorsetiensis, an account of books and pamphlets relating to the county of Dorset. London, 1885. 4°. BB. K. Mayor (John E. B.) Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature. Edited after Dr. E. Hiibner. London, 1875. 12 °- BB. G. Mayor (Joseph B.) Guide to the choice of Classical Books. Third edition. London, 1885. 8°. BB. G. Mazarini (G.) Lettres du Cardinal Mazarin pendant son Ministere. Becueillies et publiees par M. A. Cheruel. 3 torn. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. 1" Serie. Histoire Politique.'] Paris, 1872. 4°. 2082. d. Mazas (A ) Les Hommes illustres de l'Orient. 2 vol. Paris, 1847. 8°. 2036. a. Mazzuchelli (G. M.) Gli Scrittori d' Italia. [A-B.] 6 vol. Brescia, 1753-63. fob 2036. g. Medical Register [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. e. Medical Times and Gazette. London, 1884, etc. 8°. 2025. h. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. General Index to the fir.st Fifty-Three volumes. London, 187 1. 8°. BB. C. ME1— MER 109 Meineke (A.) Analecta Alexandrina. Berolini, 1843. 8 °- 2052. b. Meineke (J. A. P. A.) Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum, collegit et disposuit A. M. Editio minor. 2 pt. Berolini, 1847. 8°. 2052. f. Meister (L.) Beriihmte Ziiricher. 2 vol. Basel, 1782. 8°. 2038. 1). Melanges Historiques. Choix do Documents. 2 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. Melanges Historiques.] Paris, 1873, 77. 4°. 2082. d. Mellado (F. de Paula) Diccionario universal de Historia y de Geografia. 8 vol. Madrid, 1846-50. 8°. 2110. f. Melzi (G.) Count. Dizionario di Opere Anonime, etc. See M., G. Bibliografia dei Romanzi e Poemi cavallereschi Italiani. Seconda edizione. Milano, 1838. 8°. BB. G. Memoires de Trevoux. Table Methodique. See Sommervogel (P. C.) BB. O. Memoires sur l'Histoire de France. See Pantheon Litteraire. \_Chroniques et Memoires.] Men of the Time. [Current edition.] London, 8°. 2034. a. Menage (G.) Dictionnaire Etymologique ; ou, origines de la langue francaise. Paris, 1694. fob 2117. f. Menander, Protector. Quae supersunt. Gr. & Lat. See Dexippus (P. H.) 2067. d. Mendel (H.) Musikalisches Conversations-Lexikon. Zweite Ausgabe. 11 Bde. Berlin, 1881-80. 8°. 2031. c. Meninski (F. a Mesgnien) See Mesgnien. Menzies (A.) Conveyancing according to tbe Law of Scotland. Tbird edition. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. 2018. f. Menzini (B.) Poetica e Satire. [Classici Italiani; 225.] Milano, 1808. 8°. 2041. g. Mercator (G.) G. Mercatoris et J. Hondii Atlas; or, a geo- grapbicke description of tbe regions, countries and kingdoms of tbe world. Translated by H. Hexbam. 2 vol. Amsterdam, 1638-38. fob 2059. f. Mercator (M.) Opera omnia. [Migne. Patrologige Cursus ; 48.] Paris. 1846. 4°. 2009. d. Mercure de France. Indicateur. See Guigard (J.) BB. O. Merewether (H. A.) and Stephens (A. J.) History of Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of tbe United Kingdom. 3 vol. London, 1835. 8 °- 2017. f! Merivale (C.) History of tbe Romans under tbe Empire. 7 vol. London, 1850-62. 8°. 2069. d, Merle d'Aubigne (J. H.) History of tbe Reformation. Translated by D. D. Scott [and H. White]. 4 vol. Glasgow, 1855. 8 °' 2003. d. 200 MER— MIC Merobaudes (Plavius) Merobaudes et Corippus. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1836. 8°. 2067. e. Merrifield (M. P.) Mrs. Original Treatises on the Arts of Painting, etc. 2 vol. London, 1 849. 8°. 2032. c. Messinese Painters. Memorie de' Pittori Messinesi e degli esteri. Messina, 1821. , 8°. 2034. a. Metallick History of the Reigns of William and Mary, Anne and George I. London, 1747. fol. 2070. e. Metastasio (P.) Opere scelte. 5 vol. [Classici Ltaliani ; 277- 281.] Milano, 1820. 8°. 2042. a. Metcalfe (W. C.) A Book of Knights. (1426-1660.) London, 1885. 4°. • • 2119. d. Methodius. The Writings of Methodius, Alexander of Lycopolis, Peter of Alexandria. Translated by W. R. Clark, etc. [Ante- Nicene Christian Library, 14.] Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. 2011. a. Meulen (R. van der) Bibliographie der Technische Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 1850-1875. Amsterdam, 1876. 8°. BB. E. Meusel (J. G.) Bibliotheca Historica. See Struve. BB. M. Lexicon der vom Jahr 1750 bis 1800 verstorbenen Teutschen Schriftsteller. 15 vol. Leipzig, 1802-16. 8°. 2038. h. Litteratur der Statistik. Zweite Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1806-07. 8°. BB. G. Teutsches Kiinstlerlexicon. Zweite Ausgabe. 3 vol. Lemgo, 1808-14. 8°. 2032. e. Mews (J.) Digest of cases relating to Criminal Law from 1756 to 1883. London, 1884. 8°. 2018. d. Meyen (F. J. F.) Outlines of the Geography of Plants. Trans- lated by M. Johnston. [Bay Society.} London, 1846. 8°. 2027. f. Meyer (J.) Das grosse Conversations-Lexicon fur die gebildeten Stande. Herausgegeben von J. Meyer. 51 vol. & 8 vol. of plates Hildburghausen, 1840-55. 8°. 2110. c-f. Meyers Konversations - Lexikon. Vierte (dritte) Auflage. Leipzig, 1885, etc. 8°. 2110. a-b. Mezhov (V. I.) CiicTeMaTii i iecKif[ KaTa.iori. PyccKiiMt khhiumi npo^aiomiiMCfl B r t kiiiijkhom'l Mara3iiH'L A. -. 208 MOO— MOR Moore (T.) Poet. Poetical Works. London, 1850. 8°. 2046. f. History of Ireland. 4 vol. [Lardners Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] London, 1835-46. 8°. 2103. c. Life of Lord Byron. London, 1847. 8°. 2040. d. Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence. Edited by Lord John Russell. 8 vol. London, 1853-56. 8°. 2039. c. Moore (T.) Bev. History of Devonshire. 2 vol. [Unfinished. Vol. 2 ends at p. 282.] London, 1829-31. 4°. 2066. c. Morant (P.) History of Essex. 2 vol. London, 1768. fol. 2066. e. Moratin (L. Fernandez de) See Fernandez. More (Sir T.) Narrative of a Religious Frenzy at Coventry. [J5/&- liotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 4, No. 17.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. More (T. de la) Vita et Mors Edwardi 11. See Camden (W.) Anglica, etc. 1603. fol. 2070. d. Moreni (D.) Bibliografia storico-ragionata della Toscana. 2 vol. Firenze, 1805. 4°. BB. K. Moreri (L.) Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique. Dix-huitieme edition. 8 vol. Amsterdam, 1740. fol. 2110. g. Mores (E. R.) Account of Great Coxwell. [Bibliotheca Topoqraphica Britannica; Vol. 4, No. 13.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. Collections towards a Parochial History of Berkshire. [Biblio- theca Topographica Britannica; Vol. 4, No. 1G.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. History of Tunstall, Kent. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 1, No. 1.] London, 1780. 4°. 2061. c. Moreto y Cabaiia (A.) Comedias escogidas, por L. Fernandez. Guerra y Orbe. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 39.] Madrid, 1856. 8°. 2042. f. Morgan (G. O.) and Chute (C. W.) Statutes, General Orders and Rules of Court relating to the Practice, &c, of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. Sixth edition. London, 1876. 8°. 2018. b. Morgan (H. J.) Bibliotheca Canadensis; or a manual of Canadian Literature. Ottawa, 1867. 8°. 2050. o. Morins (R. de) Chronicon Prioratus de Dunstaple. See Dunstaple. 2072. a. Morley (H.) English Writers. Vol. 1, Vol. 2, pt. 1. London, 1864-67. 8°. 2044. a. Morley (W. H.) Analytical Digest of Cases decided in the Su- preme Courts of India, etc. 2 vol. London, 1S50, 49. 8°. 2018. g. New Scries. Vol. 1. London, 1852. 8°. 2018. g. MOR— MUE 209 MOroni (G.) Dizionario di Erudizione storico-ecclosiastica. 103 vol. Venezia, 1840-61. 8°. 2005. a-f. ' Indice. 6 vol. Venezia, 1878, 79. 8°. 2005. g. Morris (J.) Catalogue of British Fossils. Second edition. London, 1854. 8 °- 2 °30. e. Morrison (R.) Dictionary of the Chinese Language; in three parts. 6 vol. Macao, 1815-23. 4°. 2115. f. Morton (John C.) The Farmer's Calendar. Sixth edition. London, [1884.] 8°. ' 2029. c. Moschus. Reliquiae See Theocritus. - Carmina bucolica. Gr. [Gaisford's Poetae Minores Grseci ; 4.] Lipsiee, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Moser (J. J.) Wirtemhergische Bibliothek. Vierto Auflage. Stuttgart, 1796. 8°. BB. M. Mosheim (J. L. von) Institutes of Ecclesiastical History. A new- translation by J. Murdoch and H. Soames. Edited by W. Stubbs. 3 vol. London, 1863. 8°. 2003. b. Moss (W. G.) History of Hastings. London, 1824. 8°. 2065.1). Mothe le Vayer (F. de la) See La Mothe. Motley (J. L.) Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. 3 vol. London, 1855. 8°. 2084. e. History of the United Netherlands, from the death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce, 1609. 4 vol. London, 1867. 8°. 2084. o. Moule (T.) Bibliotheca Heraldica Magna? Britannia} : Catalogue of books on Genealogy, Heraldry, etc. London, 1822. 4°. 2121. f. The English Counties delineated. 2 vol. London, 1837. 4°. 2062. d. Mudie (R.) Hampshire. 3 vol. Winchester, [1838.] 8°. 2066. b. Muehlbreeht (Otto) Die Literatur des deutschen und italienischen Kriegesim Jahre 1866. Prag, 1867. 8°. BB. M. Wegweiser durch die neuere Literatur der Staats- und Rechts- wissenschaften, etc. Berlin, 1886. 8°. BB. C. Muelinen (E. F. von) Rrodromus einer Schweizorischen Historio- graphie. Bern, 1874. 8°. BB. M. Mueller (C.) Geographi Grseci Minores. Recognovit C. Mullerus. Gr.&Lat. Vol. 1,2. Bidot: Paris, 1855-61. 8°. 2051. h. Tabulae. 8°. Mueller (C.) and (T.) Fragmenta Historicorum Grrecorum ; Hecata?i, Charonis [and others]. Apollodori Bibliotheca, cum Fragmentis. Auxerunt notis C. et T. Mulleri. Gr. & Lat. Accedunt Marmora Barium et Rosettanum, cum Letronnii et Mulleri commentariis. Vol. 1-4. Vol. 5, pt. 1. Bidot: Paris. 1841-51, 70. 8°. 2051. h. p 210 MUE— MUL Mueller (C. O.) Ancient Art and its Remains; or, a manual of the archaeology of art. Translated from the German by J. Leitch. London, 1850. 8°. BB. M. History and Antiquities of the Doric Race. Translated by H. Tufnell and G. C. Lewis. 2 vol. Oxford, 1830. 8°. 2051. d. History of the Literature of ancient Greece. [Translated by Sir G. C. Lewis.] Continued by J. W. Donaldson. 3 vol. Lon- don, 1858. 8°. 2051. c. Mueller (P. Max.) Chips from a German Workshop. 4 vol. London, 1867-75. 8°. 2113. b. Lectures on the Science of Language. New edition. 2 vol. London, 1880. 8°. 2114. a. The Sacred Books of the East, translated by oriento,! scholars. Edited by F. M. M. See Sacred Books of the East £903. a. Sanskrit Grammar. Second edition. London, 1870. 8°. 2115. d. Mueller (H. A.) Biographisches Kiinstler-Lexikon der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1882. 8°. 2031. a. Mueller (H. A.) and Mothes (O.) Illustrirtes archaologisches Worterbuch der Kunst des germanischen Alterthums. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1877-78. 8°. 2031. d. Mueller (Johannes) Die wissenschaftlichen Vereine und Gesell- schaften Deutschlands im neunzehnten Jahrhunderl:. Biblio- graphie ihrer Veroffentlichungen, etc. Berlin, 1883, etc. 4°. 2097. h. Mueller (Julius) The Christian Doctrine of Sin. Translated by W. Pulsford. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 27, 29.] Edinburgh, 1852, 53. 8°. 2014. d. — — Second edition. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 27, 29.] Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. 2014. f. Mueller (Wilhelm) Mittelhochdeutsches Worterbuch. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1854, 66, 61. 8°. 2117. d. Mueller (Wolfgang) Diisseldorfer Kiinstler, etc. Leipzig, 1854. 8°. 2034. a. Muirhead (J. P.) Mechanical Inventions of Watt. See Watt. Muirhead (James) Historical Introduction to the Private Law of Rome. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2016. f. Mullach (F. W. A.) Fragmenta Philosophorum Graecoruni. Vol. 1, 3. Bidot: Paris. 1860-81. 8°. 2051. h. Muller (P.) Catalogus Dissertationum et Orationum Theologicarum, 1650-1850, collectarum a F. M., eurante J. C. van Slee. Am- stelodami, 1868. 8°. BB. A. Mullie (C.) Biographie des Celebrites Militaires de 1789 a 1850. 2 vol. Paris, [1851.] 8°. 2036. e. Mullins (J. D.) Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham, Pt. 1, Pt. 2, § 1. Birmingham, 187 6. 8°. BB. G. MUN— MUE 211 Municipal Corporations Directory. See Vine. Munk (W.) Roll of the Eoyal College of Physicians of London, 1518-1825. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1878. 8°. 2035. d. Munoz y Romero (T.) Diccionario bibliogr;ifico-hist6rico do los antiguos Peinos, Provincias, Ciudades, Villas, Iglesias y San- tnarios do Espana. Madrid, 1858. 8°. BB. M. Muntaner (R.) Chronique d'Aragon, de Sicilo et do Grece. [Pantheon Litteraire. Chroniques et Memoircs.] Paris, 1 840. 8°. 2043. d. Muratori (L. A.) Annali d' Italia. (Tavolo ed Indice.) 18 vol. [ Classici Italiani ; 255-272.] Milano, 1 8 1 8-2 1 . 8°. 2041. h. & 2042. a. Antiquitates Italicae Medii iEvi. 6 vol. Mediolani, 1738-42. fol. Cat. Desk. Delia Perfetta Poesia Italiana, con le annotazioni critiche di A. M. Salvini. 4 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 288,289.] Milano, 1 82 1. 8°. 2042. a. Dissertazioni sopra le Antichita Italiano. 5 vol. [Classici Italiani; 362-366.] Milano, 1836, 37. 8°. 2042. d. Rerum Italicaruin Scriptores, ab anno 500 ad 1500, etc. 25 vol. Mediolani, 1723-51. fol. Cat. Desk. Rerum Italicaruin Scriptores, ab anno 1000 ad 1600, quorum potissima pars nunc primum in lucem prodit [by J. M. Tartini]. 2 vol. Florentice, 1748-70. fol. Cat. Desk. Murchison (Sir R. I.) Bart. Siluria. Fourth edition, including the " Silurian System." London, 1 867. 8°. 2030. d. The Silurian System. 2 pt. (in 1 vol.) and Map. London, 1839. 4°. 2028. f. Murdin (W.) State Papers. See Cecil (W.) Baron Burleigh. Mure (W.) Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. 5 vol. London, 1850-57. 8°. 2051. c. Murhard (F. W. A.) Litteratur der mathematischon Wissen- schaften. 4 vol. Leipzig, 1 797-1 804. 8°. BB. E. Murray's Handbooks. London, 185 1, etc. 8°. & 12°. 2057. a. Contents : — Algeria and Tunis. Bengal. Bombay. Corsica and Sardinia. Denmark, Sleswig-Holstein and Iceland. Egypt. England and Wales. France. 2 pt. Germany. Northern Germany. Southern Germany and Austria. Greece, describing the Ionian Islands, &c. Holland and Belgium. India. Ireland. Italy. Central Italy. Northern Italy. Southern Italy. Japan. London. Madras. Mediterranean. By Playfair. Norway. Panjab. Paris. Portugal. Russia, Poland and Finland. By Michel 1. 212 MUR— NAL Syria and Palestine. 2 pt. Turkey. 2 pt. Wales. North Wales. South Wales. Murray's Handbooks — continued. Scotland. Sicily. By Dennis. Spain. By Ford. 2 pt. Sweden. Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont. Murray's Official Handbook of Church and State. London, 1855. 8°. 2121. b. Murray (A.) Geographical Distribution of Mammals. London, 1866. 4°. 2028. f. Murray (A. S.) History of Greek Sculpture. 2 vol. London, 1880-83. 8 °- 203L c - Murray (H.) British America. Natural History by J. Wilson, R. K. Greville and Prof. Traill. 3 vol. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 25-27.] Edinburgh, 1839. 12°. 2103. g. China. 3 vol. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 1 8-20.] Edinburgh, 1836. 12°. 2103. g. — — United States of America ; Natural History, by J. Nicol. 3 vol. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 35-37.] Edinburgh, 1844. 12°. 2103. g. Murray (H.) and others. British India. 3 vol. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 6-8.] Edinburgh, 1832. 12°. 2103. g. Murray (J. H. A.) A New English Dictionary founded on the materials collected by the Philological Society. Vol. 1, etc. Oxford, 1884, etc. 4°. 2112. e. Murray (L.) English Grammar. Eighth edition. 2 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2112. b. Murray (W. R.) Cyclopaedia of Useful and Entertaining Know- ledge. Boston [Mass.], 1850. 8°. 2104. g. Musseus. De Herone et Leandro carmen. Gr. & Lat. Ex recensione J. Schraderi editionem curavit G. H. Schaefer. Lipsise, 1825. 8°. 2051. e. N. Nagler (G. K.) Kiinstler-Lexicon. 22 vol. Miinchen, 1835-52. 8°. 2033. e-f. Zweite Auflage. Vol. 1, 2. Leipzig, 1872-78, etc. 8°. 2031. d. Die Monogrammisten, und diejenigen bekannten und unbe- kannten Kiinstler aller Schulen, etc. 5 vol. Miinchen, 1858-79. 8°. 2031. e. Nalson (J.) An Impartial Collection of the great Affairs of State, from 1639 to the murther of Charles 1. 2 vol. London, 1682, 83. fol. 2072. d. NAM— NEA 213 Namur(P.) Bibliographic Academique Beige. Liege, 1838. 8°. 2048. d. ■ Bibliographic dos ouvrages publics sous le notn d' Ana. Bruxellcs, 1839. 8°. BB. G. Napier (J.) Manual of Electro-Metallurgy. [Encyclopaedia Metro- politana.] London, 185 1. 8°. 2102. e. Napier (Sir W. F. P.) History of the War in the Peninsula, from 1807 to 1814. New edition. 6 vol. London, 185 1. 8°. 2084. a. Nares (R.) Glossary of Words in the works of English Authors, particularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries. London, 1822. 4°. 2112. g. New edition, by J. O. Halliwell and T. Wright. 2 vol. London, 1859. 8°. 2112. b. Nash (T.) History and Antiquities of Worcestershire. [With Sup- plement.] 2 vol. London, 1781-99. fol. 2063. f. Nassau. Versuch eines Nassauischen Geschichts-Bibliothek. Hada- mar und Herborn, 1799. 8°. BB. M. Nation. The Nation ; a weekly journal devoted to Politics, Litera- ture, etc. Vol. 1, etc. New York, 1865, etc. 8°. Cat. Desk. General Index to Vols. 1-30. Boston, 1880. 8°. BB. O. National Gallery. Catalogue of the Eastlake Library in the National Gallery. London, 1872. 8°. BB. G. Nature. A weekly illustrated Journal of Science. Vol. 21, etc. London, 1880, etc. 4°. 2027. g. Naumann (C. F.) Elemente der Mineralogie. Zehnte Auflage von F. Zerkel. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. 2030. e. Nautical Almanac [1887-1890]. London. 8°. 2121. e. Nautical Magazine. 1885, etc. London, 1885, etc. 8°. 2091. h. Navarrete (P. Fernandez) See Fernandez. Navy. Eoyal Navy List [for the last two quarters]. London. 8°. 2021. e. Neal (D.) History of the Puritans. 5 vol. London, 1822. 8°. 2004. b. Neale (J. M.) History of the Holy Eastern Church. [With General Introduction and Appendix.] 5 vol. London, 1847-73. 8°. 2004. d. Neale (J. P.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster ; illustrated by J. P. N. The literary department by E. W. Brayley. 2 vol. London, 1818-23. 4°. 2064. e. ■ Views of Seats of Noblemen, &c, in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. 6 vol. London, 1818-23. 4°. 2061. d. Second Series. 5 vol. London, 1824-29. 4°. 2061. d. Neale (R.) The Medical Digest. (The First Appendix, 1882-5 and early part of 1886.) London, 1886. 8°. BB. G. 214 NEC— NET Neckam (A.) De Naturis Eerum libri duo. With the Poem De Laudibus Divina3 Sapiential. Edited by T. Wright. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1863. 8°. 2073.(34.) Negociations de la France dans le Levant; ou, Correspondances, &c, des Ambassadeurs, &c, publies par E. Charriere. 4 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. 1" Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1848-60. 4°. 2083. f. Negociations diplomatiques de la France avec la Toscane : documents recueillis par G. Canestrini et publies par A. Des- jardins. 5 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. l re Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1859-75. 4°. 2083. g. Negociations diplomatiques entre la France etl'Autriche durant les trente premieres annees du xvi e siecle ; publiees par M. Le Glay. 2 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1845. 4°. 2083. c. Negociations, Lettres et Pieces diverses relatives au regne de Francois 11. ; tirees du portefeuille de Sebastien de TAubespine, Eveque de Limoges, par L. Paris. [France. Collection de Docu- ments Inedits. V Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 184 1. 8°. 2082. d. Negociations, Lettres et Pieces relatives a la Conference de Loudun. Publiees par M. Bouchitte. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V 6 Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1862. 4°. Negociations, relatives a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis xiv. Precedees d'une Introduction par M. Mignet. 4 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1835-42. 4°. 2082. d. Negri (G.) Scrittori Fiorentini. Ferrara, 1722. fol. 2037. f Nelson (H.) Viscount Nelson. Dispatches and Letters. With notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas. 7 vol. London, 1844-46. 8°. 2039. b. Nelson (J.) History, Topography, and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington. London, 1 8 1 1 . 4°. 2065. b. Nemnieh (P. A.) Allgemeines Polyglotten-Lexicon der Natur- Geschichte. 8 Lief. (4 vol.) Hamburg, [1793-98.] 4°. 2028. f. Nennius. Historia Britonum. See Gale (T.) Eerum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol.3. 1691. fob ' 2072. d. Historia Britonum : recensuit J. Stevenson. [English Historical Society.] London, 1838. 8°. 2071. c. Nepos (C.) C. Nepos recensitus, curante J. B. F. Descuret; notas addidit J. V. Le Clerc. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 27.] Pans, 1820. 8°. 2053. b. Vitas excellentium Imperatorum, ex oditiono J. F. Fischeri, in usum Delphini. 2 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1822. 8°. 2055. c. Nericault Destouches (P.) (Euvres choisies. [Pantheon Litteraire. Thtdtre.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. Netherclift (J.) Autographs of the Kings and Queens, and Eminent Men of Great Britain. London, 1835. fol. 2073.(5.) NET— NIC 215 Netter (T.) Fasciculi Zizaniorum Mag. Jo. Wyclif cum Tritico. Edited liv W. W. Shirley. {Chronicles and Memorials.'] Lond. 1858. 8°. 2073. (5.) Neubrigensis (Gulielmus) Sec Gulielmus. Neuman (H.) and Baretti (G.) Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. Revised and enlarged by M. Seoane. Now (tenth) edition. London, [18 31.] 8°. 2116. f. New York State Library. Catalogue. 2 vol. Albany, 1856. 8°. 2049. a. Supplement and Subject Index. 2 vol. Albany, 1861-72. 8°. 2049. a. Newbury. History and Antiquities of Newbury and its Environs. Speenhamland, 1839. 8°. 2063. a. Newcomb (S.) Popular Astronomy. Second edition, revised. London, 1883. 8°. 2022. 0. Newcourt (R.) Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochialo Londinenso. 2 vol. Londini, 1708-10. fol. 2064. e. Newman (S.) English and Hebrew Lexicon. London, 1832. 8°. V 2115. c. Hebrew and English Lexicon. London, 1834. 8°. 2115. c. Newspapers. Newspaper Press Directory [for the current year]. London, 8°. Cat. Desk. Preisliste der durch das Kaiserliche Post Zeitungsamt in Berlin im Jahre 1882 zubeziehenden Zeitungen, etc. (Erster- Fiuifter Nachtrag.) Berlin, 1882. fol. Cat. Desk. Newton (Sir C. T.) The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscrip- tions in the British Museum. Edited by C. T. Newton. Pt. 1-3. Oxford, 1874-86. fol. 2068. g. Nicephorus, Saint, Archbishop of Constantinople. Georgius Syncellus et Nicephorus, ex recensione G. Dindorfii. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. [Byzantine History.'] Bonnse, 1829. 8°. 2067. d. Nicephorus Gregoras. Byzantina Historia, Gr. et Lat., cum annotationibus. Cura L. Scboponi. (Libri postremi ab I. Bekkero nunc primum editi.) 3 vol. [Byzantine History.] Bonnes, 1839-55. 8°. 2067. c. Nicetas Acominatus, Choniates. Historia, ex recensione I. Bekkori. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnae, 1835. 8 °- 2067. 0. Nicholas (T.) Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales. Second issue. 2 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2118. f. Nicholls (Sir G.) History of the English Poor Law. 2 vol. Lon- don, 1854. 8°. 2083. a. History of the Irish Poor Law. London, 1856. 8°. 2083. a. History of the Scotch Poor Law. London, 1856. 8°. 2083. a, Nichols (J.) Sec Bibliotiilva Topogbaphica Britannica. 216 NIC Nichols (J.) Collection of Wills of the Kings and Queens of England, Princes and Princesses of Wales, &c, from William the Conqueror to Henry vu. exclusive. London, 1780. 4°. 2077. b. Collections towards the History of the town and county of Leicester. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 7, No. 50.] London, 1790. 4°. 2061. c. Additional Collections towards the History of the town and county of Leicester. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 8, No. 51.] Bond. 1790. 4°. 2061. c. History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester. 4 vol. (8 pt.) [General Index in Vol. 1, pt. 2.1 London, 1795-1815. fol. 2063. f. History and Antiquities of the Parish of Lambeth. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 2, No. 39.] London, 1786. 4°. 2061. c. History of Aston Flamvile and Burbach. With Appendix to Hinckley. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 7, No. 43.] London, 1787. 4°. 2061. c. History of Canonbury House, Islington. [Bibliotheca Topo- graphica Britannica ; Vol. 2, No. 49.] Lond. 1788. 4°. 2061. c. History of Hinckley, including the hamlets of Stoke, Dadling- ton, Wykin and the Hyde. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 7, No. 7.] London, 1782. 4°. 2061. c. Illustrations of the Manners and Expences of antient times in England. With notes. London, 17 97. 4°. 2085. g. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. 9 vol. [Indexes in 7th vol.] London, 18 12-15. 8°. 2035. e. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century. 8 vol. London, 1817-58. 8°. 2035. e. Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. Vol. 1-3; 4, pt. 1. London, 1823, 21. 4°. 2072. c. Progresses, Processions, &c, of James 1. 4 vol. Lond. 1828. 4°. 2072. c. Nichols (J. G.) See Camden Society. Descriptive Catalogue, etc. 1862. 4°. 2072. b. Autographs of royal, noble, learned, and remarkable Personages, Kichard 11. — Charles 11. With memoirs, etc. Lond. 1 829. fol. 2037. g. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. [Edited by J. G. Nichols.] 8 vol. London, 1834-43. 8°. 2062. c. The Topographer and Genealogist. [Sequel to the above.] 3 vol. London, 1846-58. 8°. 2062. a. The Herald and Genealogist. 8 vol. London, 1 863-74. 8 °- 2119. d. Nichols (T.) Handbook for lveaders at the British Museum. Lon- don, 1866. 8°. Cat. Desk. NIC— NIN 217 Nichols (T.) Handy-Book of the British Museum. London, 1870. 8°. 2032. b. Nicholson (G.) Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening. Vol. 1-3. London, 1885-87. 4°. 2029. d. Nicholson (H. A.) Manual of Palaeontology. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. 2030. d. Nicholson (P.) Dictionary of Architecture, Building, etc. New- edition. Edited by E. Lomax and T. Gunyon. 2 vol. London, [1857-62.] 4°. 2032. f. Nicholson (W.) Bishop of Gloucester. Exposition of the Catechism. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1842. 8°. 2014. c. Nicolai (R.) Griechische Literatur-Geschichte. Zweito Auflage. 3 Bde. Magdeburg, 1873-78. 8°. 2052. e. Nicolas (Sir N. H.) Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations in the British Museum. Second edition. London, 1825. 8°. Cat. Desk. Chronology of History. Second edition. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. History.] London, 1838. 8°. 2103. c. Proceedings of the Privy Council. See Privy Council. 2069. d. Synopsis of the Peerage of England. 2 vol. London, 1825. 12°. 2120. a. Historic Peerage of England. Corrected and continued by W. Courthope. London, 1857. 8°. 2119. b. Testamenta Vetusta : being illustrations from Wills of Manners, Customs, etc. 2 vol. London, 1826. 8°. 2083. a. Nicolson (J.) and Burn (R.) History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland. 2 vol. London, 1777. 4°. 2063. c. Niebuhr (B. G.) History of Eome. Translated by J. C. Hare and C. Thhiwall. 3 vol. London, 1847-51. 8°. 2069. c. • Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and Geography. Translated by L. Schmitz. 2 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2058. b. Lectures on Ancient History, from the earliest times to the taking of Alexandria by Octavianus. Translated by L. Schmitz. 3 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2069. a. Life and Letters. Edited by S. Winkworth. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2038. e. Nightingale (J.) English Topography. London, 18 16. fob 2066. f. Nijhoff (M.) Bibliotheca Historico-Neerlandica. La Ilaye, 1871. 8°. BB. M. Bibliotheca Juridica. Catalogus van alle Boeken sedert 1837 in bet Koningrijk der Nederlanden veisckenen, &c. 'S Gravenhagc, 1874. 8°. BB. C. Nineteenth Century. A monthly review, edited by J. Knowles. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1877, etc. 8°. 2093. d-e. 218 , NIS— NOR Nisbet (A.) System of Heraldry. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1122-4.2. fol. 2121. f. Nizolius (M.) Lexicon Ciceronianum ; ex recensione A. Scoti. Accedunt phrases ex cornmeiitai lis S. Dole ti. Patavii, 1734. fol. 2113. d. Lexicon Ciceronianum ; juxta editionom J. Facciolati. 3 vol. Londini, 1820. 8°. 2053. f. Noad (H. M.) The Student's Text-Book of Electricity. Revised by W. H. Preece. London, 1879. 8°. 2022. a. Noble (M.) Biographical History of England. See Granger. 2039. f. History of the College of Arms. London, 1804. 4°. 2119. f. Nolte (J. F.) Lexicon Latins Linguae Antibarbarum quadripar- titum. Editio tertia, cura G. J. Wichmanni. 2 vul. Berolini, etc., 1780, 68. 8°. 2114. d. Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii temp. Edw. in. [Record Commission.] London, 1807. fol. Cat. Desk. Nonnus. Les Dionysiaques ou Bacchus : poeme. Gr. & Fr. Tra- duit par le Conite de Marcellus. [With Supplement.] Didot : Pan's, 1856-60. 8°. 2052. h. Noorthouck (J.) History of London, Westminster, and South wark. London, 1773. 4°. 2065. d. Nordheimer (I.) Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language. 2 vol. New YorJc, 1842, 41. 8°. 2115. c. Norfolk. History of the County of Norfolk. [By J. Chambers.] 2 vol. Norwich, 1829. 8°. 2064. a. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Normandy. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Nor- mandy, 1449-1450. Edited by J. Stevenson. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1863. 8°. 2073. (32.) Norris*(E.) Assyrian Dictionary. Parts i.-iii. London, 1868-72. 4°. 2115. e. North (R.) Examen ; or, an Enquiry into the credit and veracity of a pretended complete History [by White Kennet]. London, 1740. 4°. 2069. e. North American Review. Vol. 132, etc. Boston [Mass.], 1881. etc. 8°. 2094. a. Index to volumes i-cxxv. 1815-1877. Cambridge [Mass.], 1878. 8°. 2094. a. Northamptonshire. Post Offico Directory. See Post Office Directories. Northumberland. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Norton (A.) Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2002. d. Norway. Handbook for Travel lors in Norway. Fifth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1874. 8°. 2057. si.. NOR— NUT 219 Norwegian Book Catalogue. Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse 1814-1847. Samledo og udgiven af M. Nissen. Kristiania, 1 848. 8°. 1 848-1 8G5. Samlet og udgiven af P. Botteu Hansen og S. Petersen. Kristiania, 1870. 8°. 18G6-1872. Samlet og redigeret af T. Boeck. Christiania, 1877. 8 °- 205 °- d ' Notes and Queries. 12 vol. [With Gcnoral Index.l London, 1849-56. 4°. " 2092. 1). Second Series. 12 vol. [With Genoral Index.l London, 1856- 62. 4°. 2092. b. Third Series. 12 vol. [With General Index.] London, 1862- 68. 4°. 2092. l>-c. Fourth Series. 12 vol. [With General Index.] London, 1868- 70. 4°. 2092. c. Fifth Series. 12 vol. [With General Index.] London, 1874— 79. 4°. 2092. c. Sixth Series. 12 vol. [With General Index.] London, 1880- 85. 4°. 2092. d. Seventh Series. In progress. London, 1886, etc. 4°. 2092. d. General Indexes. London, 18 56, etc. 4°. BB. O. Nottinghamshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Novakovic (S.) CpiiCKa Bii6jnijorpa(})iija sa HOBiijy kiiikkobhoct. 1741-1867. y Eaoipady, 1869. 8°. 2050. c. Novelistas anteriores a Cervantes. [ Aribau. Autores EspaTioles ; 3.] Madrid, 1849. 8°. 2042. e. Novelistas posteriores a Cervantes. Coloccion revisada por C. Eosoll. 2 vol. [Aribau. Autores EspaTioles ; 18, 33.] Madrid, 1851-54. 8°. 2042. 0. f. Novelist's Library. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott.] 10 vol. Ballantyne: Edinburgh, 1821-24. 8°. 2044. e. Contents : — 6-8. Kichardson. 9. Swift; Bage; Cumberland. 10. Kadcliffe. 1. Fielding. 2, 3. Smollett. 4. Le Sage ; Johnston. 5. Sterne ; Goldsmith ; Johnson ; Mac- kenzie; Wnlpole ; Keeve. Novius (S.) Eeliquiae. See Eibbeck (O.) Scenicao Eomanomm poesis fragmenta. Vol.2. 1852, etc. 8°. 2052. b. Novum Testamentum. See Bible. — Neio Testament. Nowack (C. G.) Schlesisches Schriftsteller-Lexicon. 6 pt. (in 1 vol.) Breslau, 1836-43. 8°. 2038. b. Nugent, George N. T. Grenville, Baron. See Grknville. Nuttall (T.) Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and of Canada : Land Birds. Boston [Mass.], 1840. 8°. 2027. d. Water Birds. Boston [Mass.], 1834. 8°. 2027. d. 220 NYE— OGI Nyerup (R.) and Kraft (J. E.) Almindeligt Litteratur-Lexicon for Damnark, Norge, og Island, etc. Kjbbeahavn, 1820. 4°. 2038. g. Nyman (C. F.) Sylloge Florae European Oerebrose, 1854, 55. 8°. 2029. d. Nypels (J. S. G.) Bibliotkeque ckoisio du Droit Criminel. Bruxelles, 1864. 8°. BB. C. Nysten (P. H.) Dictionnaire de Medecine, de Chirurgie, de Pharinacie, de l'Art Veterinaire, etc. 15eme edition par E. Littre, C. Eobin. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2024. e. Observer. [By E. Cumberland.] 3 vol. [British Essayists ; 32-34.] London, 1823. 12°. 2043. a. O'Byrne (W. R.) Naval Biographical Dictionary. London, 1849. 8°. 2039. h. O'Callaghan (E. B.) Jesuit Eelations of Discoveries, &c. in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union. 1632-1672. New York, 1847. 8°. BB. I. List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures printed in America previous to 1860. Albany, 1861. 4°. BB. A. O'Clery (M.) Annals of the Four Masters. See Ireland. 2071. g. O' Curry (E.) Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History. Dublin, 1861. 8°. 2071. d. O'Donovan (J.) Grammar of the Irish Language. Dublin, 1845. 8°. 2112. b. Oehler (G. F.) Theology of the Old Testament. Vol. 1. Trans- lated by E. D. Smith. [Clarice's Foreign Theological Library; Fourth series, 44.] Edinburgh, 1874. 8°. 2014. h. Oesterlein (N.) Katalog einer Richard Wagner-Bibliothek. Leip- zig, 1882. 8°. BB. G. O'Esterley (H.) Wegweiser dutch die Literatur der Urkunden- sammlungen. 2 vol. Berlin, 1885, 86. 8°. Oettinger (E. M.) Archives Historiques, contenant une classifica- tion chronologique de 17000 Ouvrages, pour servir a l'etude de l'Histoire, etc. Carlsruhe, 1841. 8°. BB. M. Bibliographie Biograpkkrue Universelle. 2 vol. Bruxelles, 1854. 8 °- BB - M - Moniteur des Dates. 6 torn, in 1. Dresde, 1866-68. 4°. Supplement par II. Sckrainin. 3 torn, in 1. Leipzig, 1882. 4°. 2037. 1. Ogilvie (J.) Imperial Dictionary. New edition by C. Annandale. 4 vol. Glasgoic, 1882-83. 8°. 2112. g ORE— OLS 221 Oke (G. C.) Tho Magisterial Synopsis, a practical Guide for Magistrates. Thirteenth edition. By T. W. Saunders. 2 vol. London, 1881. 8°. 2017. b. Oken (L.) Elements of Pliysiophilosophy. From tho German by A. Tulk. [Bay Society.] London, 1847. 8°. 2027. f. Oldfield (E.) Topographical Account of Wainfleet and the Wapentake of Candleshoe, etc. London, 1829. 4°. 2064. d. Oldfield (T. H. B.) Representative History of Great Britain and Ireland. 6 vol. London, 18 16. 8°. 2082. a. Oldmixon (J.) History of England during the reigns of Henry vm., Edward vi., Mary, Elizabeth. London, 17 39. fol. 2070. d. History of England during the reigns of the House of Stuart. London, 1730. fol. . 2070. d. History of England during the reigns of William and Mary, Anne, and George 1. London, 1735. fol. 2070. d. Old Testament. See Bible. Olim. Les Olim ; ou, Eegistres des Arrets rendus par la Cour du Eoi sous les regnes de S. Louis, de Philippe lo Hardi, de Philippe le Bel, &c. Publies par le comte Beugnot. 4 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Lnedits. l re Serie. Histoire Politique.'] Paris, 1839-48. 4°. 2082. g. Oliver and Boyd's Edinburgh Almanac [for the current year]. Edinburgh, 8°. 2120. a. Oliver and Boyd's Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. 2059. a. Oliver (G.) Collections towards illustrating the Biography of the Scotch, English, and Irish members of the Society of Jesus. London, 1845. 8°. 2008. e. Ollendorff (H. G.) A new Method, etc., adapted to tho French. Sixth edition. London, 1856. 8°. 2118. a. Key. London, 1856. 8°. 2118. a. A new Method, &c, adapted to the German. Seventh edition. 2 pt. London, 1850, 51. 8°. 2118. a. Key. London, 1857. 8°. 2118. a. A new Method, &c, adapted to the Italian. Third edition. London, 1855. 8°. 2118. a. Key. Paris, 1846. 8°. 2118. a. A new Method, &c, adapted to the Spanish. London, 1858. 8°. 2118. a. Key. London, 1858. 8°. 2118. a. Olshausen (H.) Commentary on the Gospels. Translated by S. Loewe [and others]. 4 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 5, 10, 16, 19.] Edinburgh, 1847-50. 8°. 2014. d. Commentary on the New Testament. Translated from the German. Containing the Epistle to the Romans. [Clark's Foreign Tlieological Library; 13.] Edinburgh, 1849. 8 °- 2014. d. 222 OLS— ORE Olshausen (H.) Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Cor- inthians. Translated by J. E. Cox. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 20.] Edinburgh, 1851. 8°. 2014. d. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. Translated from the German. [Clark's Foreign Tlieological Library ; 21.] Edinburgh, 185 1. 8°. 2014. d. Oman (V. E.) Svensk-Engelsk Hand-Ordbok. Ny Upplaga. Stockholm, 1 88 1. 8°. 2117. a. Omniana. [By R. Southey.] 2 vol. London, 1812. 12°. 2043. a. Ompteda (D. H. L. von) Litteratur des gesammten Volkerreckts. 2 Thle. Begensburg, 1785. 8°. BB. C. Oosterzee (J. J. van) Christian Dogmatics. Translated by J. W. Watson and M. J. Evans. 2 vol. New York, 1874. 8°. 2002. a. Commentary on St Luke. Edited by J. P. Lange. Translated by S. Taylor. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 3rd Series, 13, 17.] Edinburgh, 1862, 63. 8°. 2014. f. Opuscula Graecorum veterum sententiosa et moralia. See Orelli. Oratores Attici. Antiphon, Andocides, Lysias, Isocrates, Isams, Lyeurgus, iEschines, Dinarchus, Demades, Declamationes Gorgise et aliorum. Grasce ; cum translation reficta a C. Mullero. 2 vol. Didot: Paris. 1846-58. 8°. 2052. g. Oratores Grseci. See Eeiske (J. J.) 2052. a. Orbigny (C. D.) Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire Naturelle. 13 vol. Pans, 1841-49. 8°. 2028. c. Atlas. 3 vol. Paris, 1849. 8°. 2028. c. Ord (J. W.) History of Cleveland. London, 1846. 4°. 2063. c. Orda (N.) Grammaire de la Langue Polonaise. Pans, 1856. 8°. 2117. a. Ordericus Vitalis. Historia Ecclesiastica. [Migne. Patrologiae Cursus; 188.] Paris, 1855. 4°. 2010. d. Ordnance Survey. Catalogue of the Maps and Plans and other publications of the Ordnance Survey of England and Wales, and the Isle of Man. To 18th December, 1875. London, 1875. 8°. Cat. Desk. Index to the Ordnance Survey of England, Scotland, and Ireland, fol. Cat. Desk. O'Reilly (E.) Irish-English Dictionary. A new edition with a supplement by J. O'Donovan. Dublin, 1864. 4°. 2112. c. Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 1820. Containing a chronological account of nearly four hundred Irish writers, carried down to the year 1750. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Dublin, 1820. 4°. 2050. f. Orelli (C. von) Old Testament Prophecy. Translated by J. S. Banks. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. New (Fifth) Series, 22.] Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. 2015. a. ORE-OVI 223 Orelli (J. C. von) Opuscula Grrecorum votorum sontentiosa ct moralia. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. Lvpsise, 1819-21. 8°. 2051. a. Orem (W.) Description of the Chanonry in Old Aberdeen. [Biblio- theca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 5, No. 3.1 London, 1782. 4°. 2061. c. Origen. Opera. Gr. & Lat. 7 vol. [Migne, Patrologise Cursus. Series Grseca ; 11-17.] Paris. 1857. 4°. 2010.1. Opera. 7 vol. [Caillaic. Patrcs ; 7-13.] Paris. 1842. 8°. 2008. a. The Writings of Origen. Translated by F. Crombie. 2 vol. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 10, 23.] Edinburgh, 1859, 72. 8°. 2011. a. Orleans. Le Mistere du Siege d'Orleans. Public par MM. F. G-nessard et E. de Certain. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. 1" Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1862. 4°. 2082. f. Orme (W.) Bibliotheca Biblica : a select list of books on sacred literature. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. BB. A. Ormerod (G.) History of the County Palatine and City of Chester. 3 vol. London, 1 8 19. fol. 2062. f. Ormerod (G. W.) See Geological Society. Ornsby (G.) Sketches of Durham. Durham, 1 S46. 8°. 2062. a. Ortolan (T.) Regies international et Diplomatic de la Mer. Quatrieme edition. 2 vol. Pans, 1864. 8°. 2016. b. Osborn (G.) Outlines of Wesley an Bibliography. 2 pt. London, 1869. 8°. BB. A. Osmund, Saint, Bishop of Salisbury. Vetus Begistrum Sarisberiense. The Register of S. Osmund, edited by W. H. R. Jones. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1883-84. 8°. 2073. (78.) Ottley (H.) Dictionary of Painters and Engravers ; forming a Supplement to Bryan's Dictionary of Painters. London, 1866. 8°. 2031. e. Ottley (W. Y.) History of Engraving. 2 vol. London, 18 16. 4°. 2031. g. Otto (G. F.) Lexicon der Oberlausizischen Schriftsteller und Kiinstler. 3 vol. Gorlitz, 1800-03. 8°. 2038. g. Oudin (C.) Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesire Antiquis, etc. 3 vol. Lijpsise, 1722. fol. 2008. f. Overall (J.) Bishop of Norwich. The Convocation Book of 1606. [Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1844. 8°. 2014. c. Overall (W. H.) Dictionary of Chronology. London, 1870. 8°. 2085. 0. Overall ( W. H.) and (H. C.) Analytical Index to the series of Records known as the Remembrancia, A.D. 1597-1GG4. London, 1878. 8°. 2070. b. Ovidius Naso (P.) Opera; ex recensione Hoinsio-Burmanniana, cum notis J. A. Amar. 10 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina; 42-51.] Paris. 1820-24. 8°. 2053. b-c. 224 OVI— OXF Ovidius Naso (P.) Opera omnia, ex editione Burmanniana, in usuin Delphini. 9 vol. Valpy : Londini, 182 1. 8°. 2055. c. Heroides xiv. Edited by A. Palmer. London, 1874. 8°. 2052. b. Ibis ; ex novis codicibus edidit, scholia vetera, commentarium, cum prolegomenis addidit R. Ellis. Oxonii, 188 1. 8°. 2052. b. Le Met;imorfosi, ridotte da G. A. dell' Anguillara in ottava rima. 3 vol. [ Classici Italiani ; 50-52.] Milano, 1805. 8°. 2041. b. Owen (H.) and Blakeway (J. B.) History of Shrewsbury. 2 vol. London, 1825. 4°. 2064. d. Owen (Sir R.) Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3 vol. London, 1866-68. 8°. 2029. g. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. Second edition. London, 1855. 8°. 2029. g. Palaeontology. Second edition. Edinburgh, 186 1. 8°. 2030. e. Owen (Robert) Sanctorale Catholicon ; or, Book of the Saints, with notes. London, 1880. 8°. 2007. b. Owen, afterwards Owen Pughe (W.) Dictionary of the Welsh Language. To which is prefixed a Welsh Grammar. Second edition. 2 vol. Denbigh, 1832. 8°. 2114. f. Oxenedes (Joannes de) See Joannes. Oxford, County of. History, Gazetteer, and Directory of the County of Oxford. Peterborough, 1852. 8°. 2063. a. . Oxfordshire Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Oxford University. Calendar [for the current year]. Oxford. 8°. 2121. b, * Catalogue of all Graduates in the University of Oxford. 1659-1850. Oxford, 1851. 8°. 2121. d. = The Honours Eegister to the end of Trinity Term, 1883. Oxford, 1883. 8°. 2121. b. 1 Munimenta Academica; or, documents illustrative of Acade- mical Life and Studies at Oxford. By H. Anstey. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1868. 8°. 2073.(50.) , Register of the University of Oxford. Vol. 1, 1449-63; 1505- 71. Edited by C. W. Boase. [Oxford Historical Society.] Oxford, 1885, etc. 8°. 2121. d. A handbook for visitors to Oxford. Oxford, 1847. 8 °- 2063. a. Oxford University. — Bodleian Library. Catalogus Dissertationum Academicarum quibus nuper aucta est Bibliotheca Bodleiana, 1832. Oxonise, 1834. fol. Cat. Desk. ■ Catalogue of early English Poetry, collected by E. Malone, now in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1836. fol. Cat. Desk. OXF— PAL 225 Oxford University. — Bodleian Library. Catalogue of tho Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by F. Douce to the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1840. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogus Librorum impressorum Bibliothecae Bodleianas. 4 vol. Oxonise, 1843-51. fol. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of the Manuscripts bequeathed by Elias Ashmole and others. (Index.) By W. II. Black. 2 pt. Oxford, 1845-66. 4°. Cat. Desk. Catalogi Cotlicum Manuscriptorum BibliothecaB Bodleianai pars prima (-octava ; pars duodecima, etc.) Oxonii, 18 5 3, etc. 4°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of a collection of Early Newspapers and Essayists, formed by T. J. Hope and presented to the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1865. 8°. BB. O. Catalogue of Periodicals contained in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1878-80. 8°. BB. O. Oxford University. — Badcliffe Library. The Student's Library ; a selection from the Catalogue of the Radcliffe Library at the Oxford Museum. Third edition. Oxford, 187 7. 8°. BB. E. P. Pachymeres (Georgius) De Michaele et Andronico Palseologis libri tredecim. Recognovit I. Bekkerus. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. [Byzantine History.'] Bonnse, 1835. 8°. 2067. e. Packard (A. S.) Guide to the Study of Insects. Sixth edition. New York, 1878. 8°. 2027. e. Pacuvius (M.) Reliquias. See Eibbeck (0.) Scenicaa Eomanorum poesis fragmenta. Vol. 1. 1852. 8°. 2052. b. Page (A.) Supplement to the Suffolk Traveller. Ipswich, 1844. 8°. 2064. b. Pages (L.) Bibliographie Japonaise. Paris, 1859. 4°. BB. I. Paget (J.) Lectures on Surgical Pathology. Third edition, by W. Turner. London, 1870. 8°. 2024. c. Palestine. Handbook for Travellers in Syria and Palestine. [Murray s Handboolcs.'] London, 187 5. 8°. 2057. a. Palestine Exploration Fund. Arabic and English Name Lists. Translated and explained by E. II. Palmer. London, 1881. 4°. 2057. e. The Fauna and Flora of Palestine. By H. B. Tristram. London, 1884. 4°. 2057. e. Jerusalem. London, 1884. 4°. 2057. e. Mai) of Western Palestine in 26 Sheets. London, 1880. fol. 2060. f. q 226 PAL— PAN Palestine Exploration Fund. Memoir on the Geology and Geo- graphy of Arabia Petraea, Palestine and adjoining districts. By E. Hull. London, 1886. 4°. 2057. e. Memoirs of topography, orography, hydrography and archeo- logy. By C. E. Conder and H. H. Kitchener. Edited with additions by E. H. Palmer and W. Besant. London, 1881—83. 4°. 2057. e. Special papers on topography, archaeology, manners and customs, contributed by Sir C. Wilson, Lieut.-Colonel Warren, etc. [Edi- ted by W. Besant.] London, 1 88 1. 4°. 2057. e. Paley (W.) Complete Works. With Life by B. Lynam. 4 vol. London, 1825. 8°. 2002. e. Evidences of Christianity. By T. E. Birks. London, 1848. 12°. 2001. a. Hor 2053. c. Comoediae. Recensuit, instrumento critico ot prolegomenis auxit F. Ritschelius. Lipsiae, 187 1, etc. 8°. 2052. d. Bacckides. Edidit F. Ritschelius. Halls Sax. 1 8 3 5 . 8°. 2053. g. (2.) Playfair (R. L.) Handbook to the Mediterranean. Second edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1882. 8°. 2057. b. Playfair (W.) British Family Antiquity. Vol. 1-5, 9. London, 1809-11. 4°. 2121. f. Plees (W.) Account of Jersey. Southampton, 18 17. 4°. 2066.fr. Pliny, the Elder. Naturalis Historic libri xxxvu., ex edit. G. Brotier, in usuni Delphini. 13 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1826. 8°. 2055. d. e. Historian Naturalis libri xxxvu., cum commentariis, etc. 11 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina; 58-68.] Paris. 1827—32. 8«. 2053. e. Pliny, the Younger. Epistolarum libri decern et Panegyricus ; cum adnotationibus. Edidit N. E. Lemaire. 2 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 69-70.1 Pan's. 1822, 23. 8°. 2053. c. Epistolarum libri. Recensuit F. N. Titze. Lipsise, 1823. 8°. 2053. g. Plotinus. Enneades ; cum M. Ficini interpretatione, ediderunt F. Creuzer et G. H. Moser. Accedunt Porphyrii et Procli Insti- tutiones et Prisciani Solutiones. Edidit F. Diibner. Gr. & Lat. Didot: Paris. 1855. 8°. 2052. g. Pluquet (A.) Bibliographie du departement de la Manche. Caen, 1873. 8°. BB. K. Plutarch. Opera. (Vitse ; recognovit T. Doehner. 2 vol. Scripta Moralia. 2 vol. Fragmenta et spuria ; emendavit F. Diibner.) Gr. & Lat. 5 vol. Didot: Paris. 1846, 39-55. 8°. 2052. g. Plutarch's Lives, translated by J. W. Langhorne. New edition. Baltimore, 1831. 8°. 2052. e. Vies des Homines illustres. [Translated by D. Ricard.] 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Eistoire.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. d. Pococke (E.) and others. History of Greece to the close of the Peloponnesian War. Second edition. [Encyclopeedia Metropoli- tan.] London, 1851. 8°. 2102. f. Poekel (W.) Philologisches Schriftsteller-Lexikon. Leipzig, 1852. 8°. 2052. b. Poemas Epicos. Coleccion dispuesta y revisada por C. Rosell. 2 vol. [Aribau. Autores Espauoles ; 17,29.] Madrid, 1851-54. 8°. 2042. e. f. Poemi. See Raccolta. 240 POE— POL Poesie Pastorali e Rusticali : raccolte ed illustrate con note dal dott. G. Ferrario. [Classici Italiani ; 235.] Milano, 1808. 8°. 2041. g. Poesie Satiriche, liriche, etc. See Eaccolta. Poetae Bucolici et Didactici. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus ; recog- novit C. F. Ameis. Nicander, Oppianus, Marcellus Sideta de Piscibus, Poeta de Herbis ; recog. F. S. Lehrs. Phile Iambi de Proprietate Animalium, emendarunt F. S. Lehrs et F. Diibner. Gr.&Lat. Didot : Paris. 1846. 8°. 2052. h. Poetae Comici Graeci. Poetaruru Comicorum Grascorum Fragmenta, post A. Meineke recognovit et Latine transtulit F. H. Bothe. Accessit Index, etc. Didot : Paris. 1855. 8°. 2052. g, Poetae Latini Minores. Notis illustravit N. E. Lemaire. 8 vol. \Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 134-140*.] Paris. 1824- 26. 8°. 2053. f. Poetae Lyrici Graeci. Becensuit T. Bergk. Gr. 3 pt. Lipsise, 1866, 67. 8°. 2051. d. Poetae Minores Graeci. See Gaisford. 2051. e. Poetas Liricos de los siglos xvi. y xvn. ; coleccion ordenada por A. de Castro. Vol. 1, 2. [Aribau. Autores EspaTwles ; 32,42.] Madrid, 1854, 57. 8°. 2042. f. del siglo xviii. ; • coleccion formada e ilustrada por L. A. de Cueto. 3 vol. [Aribau. Autores Esjpanoles ; 61, 63, 67.] Madrid, 1869,75. 8°. 2042. g. Poggendorff (J. C.) Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. 2022. f. Poitevin (P.) Petits Poetes Francois, depuis Malherbes jusqu'a, nos jours, avec notices par P. Poitevin. Vol. 1. [Pantheon Litteraire. Poesie.] Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. g. Pole (Sir W.) Collections towards a Description of Devon. London, 1791. 4°. 2066. c. Polenus (J.) Catalogi duo : primus auctorum omnium, alter rerum antiquarumex quibus septuaginta et octo volumina Antiquitatum Gra3carum, Eomanarum et Italicarum [of Graevius, Gronovius, Sallengre, Polenus, Greevius and Bermannus] congesta sunt. Bononise, 1839. 12 °- 2067 - a - Utriusque [i.e. of Graavius and Gronovius] Thesauri Antiquitatum Eomanarum Grascaruinque Nova Supplemeuta. 5 vol. Venetiis, 1737. fol. Cat. Desk. Polish Dictionary. Complete Dictionary — English and Polish, and Polish and English. 2 pt. Berlin, 1 849-5 1 . 8°. 2118. b. Poliziano (A.) Le Stanze e 1' Orfeo ed altre poesie. [Classici Italiani; 35.] Milano, 1880. 8°. 2041. a. Pollock (C. E.) Practice of the County Courts. Eighth edition, by H. Nicol and A. Wilson. London, 1876. 8°. 2019. c. POL— POP 24 1 Pollux (Julius) Onomasticum. Gr. & Lat. Editionera curaverunt J. 11. Lederlinua et T. llemsterhuis. 2 vol. Amstelsedami, i~jo5. fol. 2113. e. Polo (Marco) Lo Livre de Marco Polo, redige on Francais sous sa dictee en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise; public par M. G. Pauthier. Paris, 1865. 8°. 2060. b. Travels, greatly amended and enlarged, with copious notes by H.Murray. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 38.] Edinburgh, 1844. 12°. '2103. g. The Book of Ser Mareo Polo. Translated and edited by IT. Yule. 2 vol. London, 187 1. 8°. 2058. b. Poison (A.) Principles of the Law of Nations. To which is added, Diplomacy, by T. 11. Home. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.~\ Lmdon, 1S48. 8°. 2102. e. Polwhele (R.) History of Cornwall. New edition, corrected and enlarged. 7 vol. London, 18 16. 4°. 2066. c. History of Devonshire. 3 vol. Exeter, 1797, 93, 1806. fol. 2064. f. Polybiblon. Eevue Bibliograpbique universel. Partie technique. Deuxieme iierie. Tom. 1, etc. Paris, 1875, etc. 8°. BB. R. Polybius. Polybius; ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Or. 2 vol. Berolini, 1844. 8°. 2051. c. Historiarum Reliquiae. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. Didot : Paris. 1839. 8°. 2052. g. Ouvrages historiques de Tolybe, Herodien et Zozirae. Avec notices biographiques par J. A. C. Buchon. [Pantheon Litteraire. Histoire.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. d. Polytechnische Bibliothek. Monatliches Verzeichniss der neu erschienenen Werke aus den Biichern der Mathematik und Astronomic, dor Physik imd Chemie, &c. Jahrg. 1, etc. Leipzig, 1866, etc. 8°. BB. E. Polytechnische Biicher Kunde. Niirnberg, 1841. 8°. BB. E. Pomponius (L.) Bononiensis. Reliquiae. See Ribbeck (0.) Sccnicae Komanorum poesis fragmenta. Vol. 2. 1852, etc. 8°. 2052. b. Pontbriant (R. de) Dictiunaru Roumano-Francescu. Bucuresci, 1862. 8°. 2116. c. Poole (W. P.) Index to Periodical Literature. Third edition, brought down to 1882. Boston [U.S.], 1882. 8°. Cat. Desk. Pope (Alexander) Works. By W. Roscoe. 10 vol. London, 1824. 8". 2045. dd. Works. By J. W. Oroker. With introductions and notes by W.Elwin [andW. J. Courthope]. Vol. 1-10. London, 1871-86. 8°. 2046. e. Concordance to the Works of Pope. By E. Abbott. Loudon, 1875. 8°. 2046. f. it 242 POP— POS Pope (G. U.) Handbook of the Tamil Language. 3 pt. London, 1S83-S4. 8°. 2115. c. Pope (H. M. R.) Law and Practice of Lunacy. London, 1877. 8°. 2018. c. Popovic (G.) Worterbuch der Serbischen und Deutscben Spracbe. 2 Tble. Pancova, 1879-81. 8°. 2118. a. Popular Educator. New edition. 6 vol. Cassell: London, [188 1.] 8°. 2104. b. Population of Great Britain. Abstract of Answers and Eeturns, &c. Preliminary Observations : Enumeration Abstract : Parish Eegister Abstract ; 1821. London, 1822. fob Cat. Desk. Comparative Account of the Population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 1811, 1821 and 18:31, etc. London, 183 1. fob Cat. Desk. Parish Eegister Abstract : Enumeration Abstract ; 1831. 3 vol. London, 1833. fob Cat. Desk. Poquelin de Moliere (J. B.) GEuvres. [Pantheon Litteraire. Theatre.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. Porphyry. De Abstinentia et de Antro Nympharum. Gr. & Lat. See ^Elianus. 2051. g. Porter (G. R.) Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Arts and Manufactures.'] London, 1832. 8°. 2103. f. Silk Manufacture. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Arts and Manufactures.] London, 183 1. 8°. 2103. f. The Progress of the Nation, in its various social and economical relations. A new edition. London, 185 1. 8°. 2023. e. Porter (Sir R. K.) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, etc. 1817-1820. 2 vol. London, 1821, 22. 4°. 2056. g. Portraits. The Gallery of Portraits. See Gallery. 2035. g. Portugal. Handbook for Travellers in Portugal. Fourth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1887. 8°. 2057. a. Post Office Directories. London, 8°. 2120. d. & e. Bedford, Hunts. Northamptonshire. 1885. Berkshire, Bucks, and Oxon. 1887. Birmingham, with its suburbs. 1886. Birmingham, Staffordshire, Warwick- shire, and Worcestershire. 1884. Bristol, Gloucestershire, Shropshire, and Herefordshiie. 1885. Buckinghamshire. See Berkshire. Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk. 1888. Cheshire 1878. Cornwall. See Devonshire. Cumberland. See Durham. Derbyshire. See Nottinghamshire. I >evonshire and Cornwall. 1883. Dorset. See Wiltshire. Durham and Northumberland. 1879. Durham and the principal towns of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. 1873. Edinburgh and Leith. 1885. Essex, Herts, and Middlesex. 1886. Gateshead. See Newcastle. Glasgow. 18S7. Gloucestershire. See Bristol. Hampshire. See Wiltshire. Herefordshire. See Bristol. Hertfordshire. See Essex. Huntingdonshire. See Bedford. Isle of Wight. See Wiltshire. Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. 1S87. rOS— PR A 243 Post Office Directories — continued. Lancashire, Liverpool, and Manchester. 1S87. Leicestershire. See Nottinghamshire. Leith. See Edinburgh. Lincolnshire. 1885. London [for the current year]. London Suburban. 1881. Manchester. See Lancashire. Middlesex. See Essex. Monmouthshire and S. Wales. 18S4. Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, and Suburbs. 1883. Norfolk. See Cambridgeshire. Northamptonshire. See Bedford. Northumberland. See Durham. Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Rut- land, and Derbyshire. 1888. Oxfordshire. See Berkshire. Rothcrham. See Sheffield. Rutland. See Nottinghamshire. Sheffield and Rotlierham. 1883. Shropshire. See Bristol. Somerset and Bristol. 18S3. Suffolk. See Cambridgeshire. Sunderland. See Newcastle. Surrey. See Kent. Sussex. See Kent. Wales, South. See Monmouthshire. Warwickshire. See Birmingham. Wight, Isle of. See Wiltshire. Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight. 1885. Worcestershire. See Birmingham. Yorkshire, N. and E. Ridings, with the City of York. 1881. Yorkshire, West Riding. 1887. Pott (A. F.) Etymologische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Indo-Germanischen Sprachen. 6 Tide. Lemgo & Detmold, 1 859— 76. 8°. 2113. a. Potter (J.) Archbishop of Canterbury. Archseologia Grseca. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. 2051. a. Potter (T. R.) History and Antiquities of Charnwood Forest, etc. London, 1842. 4°. 2065. c. Potts (R.) Cambridge Scholarships and Examinations. London, 1883. 8°. 2121. b. Potts (T.) Gazetteer of England and Wales, including a com- plete Index Villaris. London, 18 10. 8°. 2059. c. Potthast (A.) Bibliotheca historica Medii Aevi. 375-1500. [With supplement.] 2 vol. Berlin, 1862-68. 8°. BB. M. Powell (B.) History of Natural Philosophy. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia . Natural Philosophy.'] London, 18 34. 8°. 2103. e. Power (J.) Handy Book about Books. London, 1870. 8°. 2048 0, Praet (J. van) Catalogue des Livres imprimes sur velin qui se trouvent dans des Bibliotheques tant publiques que particulieres. [By J. van Praet.] 4 vol. Paris, 1824-28. 8°. 2048. a. See also France. — Bibliotheque Nationale. Prayer Book. The Book of Common Prayer, March 1549, commonly called the First Book of Edward VI. Pickering: London, 1844. fol. 2003. g. printed 1552, commonly called the Second Book of Edward VI. Pickering : London, 1 844. fol. 2003. g. commonly called the First Book of Queen Elizabeth, printed 1559. Pickering: London, 1844. fol. 2003. g. King James, 1604, commonly called the Hampton Court Book. Pickering: London, 1844. fol. 2003. g. as printed at Edinburgh, 1637, commonly called Arch- bishop Laud's. Pickering: London, 1844. fol, 2003. g. K 2 244 PRA— PRI Prayer Book. The Book of Common Prayer, as revised 1662, reprinted from the Sealed Book in the Tower. Pickering : London, 1844. fol. 2003. g Fac-Simile of the Black-Letter Prayer-Book [of 1636], contain- ing MS. alterations and additions made in 1661, ont of which was written the Book of Common Prayer annexed to the Act of Uniformity in 1662. London, 187 1. fol. 2003. g. The Annotated Book of Common Praver. Edited by J. H. Blunt. Enlarged edition. London, 1884". 4°. 2003. g. Predari (F.) Bibliografia enciclopedica Milanese. Milano, 1857. 8°. BB. K. Prendergast (G. L.) Concordance to Milton. See Milton. Prescott (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico. New edition, with the author's latest corrections and additions. Edited by J. F. Kirk. London, 1878. 8°. 2085. c. History of the Conquest of Peru. New edition, with the author's latest corrections. Edited by J. F. Kirk. London, 1878. 8°. 2085. c. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. Tenth edition. 3 vol. New York, 1845. 8°. 2085. c. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. Vol. 1-3. London, 1855-59. 8°. 2085. c. Preston (G. H.) The Student's Theological Manual. [Lond.] 1850. 8°. 2001. b. Price (J.) Account of Holyhead. [Bibliotheca Topo'grapMca Britannica; vol. 5, No. 10.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. Prichard (J. C.) Natural History of Man. Second edition. London, 1845. 8°. 2024. bb. Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Third edition. 5 vol. London, 1836-47. 8°. 2024. b. The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations, forming a Supple- ment to "Researches into the Physical History of Mankind." Edited by R. GL Latham. London, 1857. 8°. 2024. b. Six Ethnographical Maps. London, 1843. fol. 2024. f. Prickett (F.) History of Highgate. London, 1842. 8°. 2065. a. Prideaux (F.) Precedents in Conveyancing ; with Dissertations on its Law and Practice. Twelfth edition, by F. Prideaux and J. Whitcombe. 2 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2018. e. Prideaux (H.) The Old and New Testament connected. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8°. 2001. c. Prince (J.) The Worthies of Devon. Exeter, 1701. fol. 2063. e. Prince Library. The Prince Library. Catalogue of the collection of Books and Manuscripts. Boston, 1870. 8°. 2049. a. Prinsep (C. C.) Record of Services of the East India Company's Civil Servants in the Madras Presidency, 1741 to 1858. London, 1885. 8°. 2121. b. PKI— PUB 245 Priscus, Panitcs. Qua? supersunt. Gr. & Lett. See Dexippus (P. H.) 2067. d. Pritzel (G. A.) Iconum Botanicarum Index. 2 pt. Berlin, 1855- 66. 4°. BB. E. Thesaurus Literaturae Botanicae. Editionem novam reformatam curavit G. A. Pritzel. Lipsise, 1872— [77]. 4°. BB. E. Privat Deschanel (A.) Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Translated and Edited by J. L). Everett. Sixth edition. London, 18S2. 8°. 2022. d. Privy Council. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 10 Pic. 11. 1386(-33 Hen. vin. 1542). Edited by Sir H. Nicolas. 7 vol. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1834-37. 8°. 2069. d. Proces-Verbaux des Seances du Conseil de Regence du Eoi Charles VIIL, Aoiit 1484-Janv. 1485; publies par A. Bernier. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1836. 4°. 2083. f. Procopius. Procopius. Ex recensione G. Dindorfri. Gr. & Lat. 3 vol. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1833-38. 8°. 2067. d. e. Procter (F.) Plistory of the Book of Common Prayer. Ninth edition. London, 1870. 8°. 2001. a. Propertius (S. A.) Opera omnia, ex editione C. T. Kuinoelis, in usum Delphini. 2 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1822. 8°. 2055. e. Elegiarum libri qnatuor ; cum coramentario, etc. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 71. J Paris. 1832. 8°. 2053. c. Prose Italiane. See Eaccolta. Prosser (J.) Key to the Hebrew Scriptures. With a Hebrew Grammar, &c. Third edition. London, 1854. 8°. 2000. b. Provence. Dictionnaire de la Provence et du Comte-Venaissin. Vol. 3, 4, contenant l'Histoire des homines illustresde la Provence [by B. F. Achard]. Marseille, 17 86, 87. 4°. 2036. 0. Prudentius (A.) Opera omnia, ex editione Parmensi, cum notis, &c, in usum Delphini. 3 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1824. 8°. 2055. c. Prussia. — Kon. Grosser Generalstab. Katalog der Bibliotliek. Berlin, 1878. 4°. BB. E. Ptolemy (C.) Geographic libri octo, Gra3co-latini. Frucofurti, 1605. fol. 2059. e. Public Characters. 1798-1810. [Edited by A. Stephens.] 10 vol. London, 1799-1809. 8°. 2039. g. Public Characters of all Nations. 3 vol. London, 1823. 12°. 2039. a. Public Characters of the year 1828. London, 1828. 8°. 2039. g. Publius, Syrus. Publii Syri qua) feruntur Sentential See Piijbeck (O.) Scenicae Romaiiorum poesis fragmenta. Vol. 2. 1852, etc. 8°. 2052. b. 246 PUG— QUA Pughe (W. Owen). See Owen, afterwards Owen Pughk. Pugin (A.) and Le Keux (H.) Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. With historical and descriptive Essays, edited by J. Britton. London, 1827, 28. 4°. 2031. f. Pugin (A. W. N.) Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume. Third edition. London, 1868. 4°. 2003. g. Puipin (A. N.) and Spasowicz (W.) Geschichte der slavischen Literaturen. Kach der zweiten Auflage aus dem Kussischen vibertragen von Traugott Pech. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. 2044. h. Pulci (L.) Morgante Maggiore. 3 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 30-32.] Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. a. Pulling (A.) Laws, Customs, &c, of the City and Port of London. Second edition. London, [1854.] 8 °- 2018. d. Pulton (F.) A Collection of Sundry Statutes, frequent in use. London, 1661. fol. 2017. g. Pusey (E. B.) Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church. Vol. 1-49, etc. Oxford, 1838, etc. 8°. 2009. b. & 2010. b. Contents : — Ambrose. Athanashis. 4 vol. Augustine. 12 vol. Chrysostom. 19 vol. Cyprian. 2 vol. Pyi (R. van der). See Pijl. Cyril. 4 vol. Gregory. 3 vol. (in 4.) Lenpeus. Justin Martyr. Tertullian. Q. Quadrio (F. S.) Storia e ragione d' ogni Poesia. 7 vol. Bologna, Milano, 1739-52. 4°. 2047. e. Quain (J.) Elements of Anatomy. Eighth edition. Edited by A. Thomson, E. H. Schafer and E. D. Thane. 2 vol. (in 3 pt.) London, 1882. 8°. 2024. b. Quain (J.) and Wilson (W. J. E.) Anatomical Plates. 5 vol. London, 1836-42. fol. 2024. f. Quain (R.) A Dictionary of Medicine by various writers. Edited by E. Quain. London, 1882. 8°. 2024. e. Quaritch (B.) A General Catalogue of Books. London, 1880. 8°. Cat. Desk. Quarterly Review. Vol. 1-164, etc. London, 1809, etc. 8°. [Vol. 20.] General Index to Vol. 1-19. London, 1820. 8°. [Vol. 40.] General Index to Vol. 21-39. London, 1831. 8°. [Vol. 60.] General Index to Vol. 41-59. London, 1839. 8°. [Vol. 80.] General Index to Vol. 61-79. London, 1850. 8°. QUA— QUI 247 Quarterly Review. [Vol. 100.] General Index to Vol. 89-99, London, 1858. 8°. [Vol. 121.] General Index to Vol. 101-120. London, 1867. 8° [Vol. 140.] General Index to Vol. 122-139. London, 1876. 8° [Vol. 160.1 General Index to Vol. 141-159. London, 18 . 8° 2087. g.-2089. b Another copy of the General Indexes. BB. O Quatremere de Quincy (C. M.) Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des pins celebres architectes du xi B siecle jusqu'a la fin du xvm e 2 torn. Pan's, 1830. 8°. 2031. a Queen's College. — Cambridge. Catalogue of the Library. BB. A See Horne. Queipo de Llano (J. M.) Count de Toreno. Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolution de Espana. \_Aribau. Autores Espanoles, 64.] Madrid, 1872. 8°. 2042. g. Querard (J. M.) La France Litteraire ; on, Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique. 12 vol. (Vol. 11, 12. Corrections, Additions, Auteurs, Pseudonymes et Anonymes devoiles. A-Eog.) Paris, 1827-64. 8°. 2048. b. La Litterature Francaise Contemporaine. (Vol. 2-6, par C. Louandre, F. Bourquelot et A. Maury.) 6 vol. Paris, 1842-57. 8°. 2048. b. Les Supercheries Litteraires devoilees. Seconde edition, par G. Brunet et P. Jannet. Suivie du Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonvmes, par A. A. Barbier. 3 vol. Paris, 1869, 70. 8°. ' 2048. e. Quetif (J.) Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum. Opus inchoavit J. Quetif, absolvit J. Echard. 2 vol. Paris. 17 19-21. fol. 2008. g. Quevedo y Villegas (P. de) Obras. Coleccion cotnpleta, por A. Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe. 2 vol. [Aribau. Autores Esparioles; 23,48.] Madrid, 1852-59. 8°. 2042. e. f. Quicherat (L.) and Daveluy (A.) Dictionnaire Latin-Francais. Quatriemo edition. Paris, 185 1. 8°. 2114. d. Quintana (M.J.) Obras completas. \_Aribau. Autores Espauoles ; 19.] Madrid, 1852. 8°. 2042. e. Quintilianus (M. F.) De Institutions Oratoria, cum commentai iis G. L. Spalding ; quibus notas adjecit J. J. Dussault. 7 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 75-81.] Paris. 1821-25. 8°. 2053. d. Quintus Curtius. See Curtius Eufus (Q.) Quintus SmyrnsBUS. Posthomericorum libri xiv., recensuit A. Koechly. Gr. Lipsise, 1850. 8°. 2051. e. 248 RAB— RAC R. Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mentis. See Heabanus Magnentius, surnamcd Maurus. Rabbe (A.) and others. Biographic universelle des Contem- porains. [With Supplement.] 5 vol. Paris, 1834. 8 °- 1 L 2034. e. Rabelais (F.) (Euvres. [Pantheon Lilteraire. Polygraphie.] Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. f. Rabutin-Chantal (M. de) Marchioness de Sevigne. Lettres. Par C Nodier. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Belles-Letlres.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. g. Raccolta. Raccolta di Apologhi scritti nel secolo xvm. [Classiei Italiani; 346.] Milano, 1827. 8°. 2042. c. Raccolta di Commedie scritte nel secolo xvm. 2 vol. [Classiei Italiani; 347.] Milano, 1827. 8°. 2042. c-d. Raccolta di Lirici Italiani, compilata da R. Gironi. [Classiei Italiani; 230.] Milano, 1808. 8°. 2041. g. Raccolta di Melodramini giocosi scritti nel secolo xvm. [Classiei Italiani; 345.] Milano, 1826. 8°. 2042. c. Raccolta di Melodrammi serj scritti nel secolo xvm. 2 vol. [Classiei Italiani ; 318.] Milano, 1822. 8°. 2042. b. Raccolta di Novelle. 3 vol. [Classiei Italiani; 236-238.] Milano, 1804-10. 8°. 2041. g. Raccolta di Operette filosofiche e filologiche scritte nel secolo xvm 2 vol. [Classiei Italiani; 352.] Milano, 1832. 8°. 2042. d. Raccolta di Poemi Didascalici. [Classiei Italiani ; 239.] Milano, 1 81 3. 8°. 2041. g. Raccolta di Poerni Didascalici e di Poemetti varj scritti nel secolo xvm. [Classiei Italiani; 349.] Milano, 1828. 8°. 2042. d. Raccolta di Poesie Liriche scritte nel secolo xviii. [Classiei Italiani ; 353.] Milano, 1832. 8°. 2042. d. Raccolta di Poesie Satiriche. [Classiei Italiani ; 231.] Milano, 1808. 8°. 2041. g. Raccolta di Poesie Satiriche scritte nel secolo xvm. [Classiei Italiani; 348.] Milano, 1827. 8°. 2042. d. Raccolta di Prose e Lettere scritte nel secolo xvm. 3 vol. [Classiei Italiani; 350, 351.] JlKZano, 1829, 30. 8°. 2042. d. Raccolta di Prose Italiane. 3 vol. [Classiei Italiani; 232-234.] Milano, 1808, 09. 8°. 2041. g. Raccolta di Tragedio scritte nel secolo xvm. 2 vol. [Classiei Italiani; 341.] Milano, 1825. 8°. 2042. c. BAG— BAM 249 Racine (J.) CEuvrcs. [Pantheon Litterairc. Theatre] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. Raczynski (A.) Count. Dictionnaire historico-artistique du Portu- gal. Paris, 1847. 8°. 2034. a. Radcliffe (A.) Novels. [Novelist's Library ; 10.] Edinhwrgh, 1824. 8°. 2044. 0. Radier (J. F. Dreux du). See Dbeux. Raebiger (J. F.) Encyclopaedia of Theology. Translated by J. Macpherson. 2 vol. [Claries Foreign Theological Library. 5th Series, '20, 21.] Edinburgh, 1884, 85. 8°. 2015. a. Raige-Delorme (J.) and Dechambre (A.) Dictionnaire Ency- clopedique des Sciences Medicales. Tom. 1-34. Paris, 1854-87, etc. 8°. 2025. c-e. Deuxieme serie. Tom. 1-23. Paris, 1868-87, eic. 8°. Troisieme serie. Tom. 1-16. Paris, 1874-85, etc. 8°. Quatrieme serie. Tom. 1-12. Paris, 1877-86, etc. 8°. Raine (J.) Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Registers. Edited by J. Raine. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1873. 8°. 2073. (61.) History and Antiquities of North Durham [completing Surtees History of Durham]. London, 1852. fol. 2061. f. Ralph, of Coggeshall. Chronicon Anglicanum. Edited by J. Steven- son. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1875. 8°. 2073. (66.) Ralph (J.) History of England during the reigns of William [in.], Anne, and George I. 2 vol. London, 1744-46. fol. 2072. f. Rambaud (A.) History of Russia, from the earliest times to 1877. Translated by L. B. Lang. 2 vol. London, 1879. 8°. 2085. aa. Rambler. [By Dr. Johnson.] 3 vol. [British Essayists ; 10-18.] London, 1823. 12°. 2043. a. Ramirez (J. F.) Bibliotheca Mexicana. A catalogue of the library of rare books and manuscripts relating to Mexico, &e., formed by J. F. R. London, 1880. 8°. BB. I. Rampoldi (G. B.) Corografia dell' Italia. 3 vol. Milano, 1832-34. 8°. 2058. b. Ramsay (A. C.) Physical Geology and Geography of Great Britain. Fifth edition. London, 1878. 8°. 2030. d. Ramsay (W.) A Manual of Roman Antiquities. [Encyclopsedia Metropolitana.] London, 1851. 8°. 2102. g. Ramsey, Abbey of. Cartularium Monasterii do Rameseia. Edited by W. II. Hart and P. A. Lyons. Vol. 1-2. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1884-86. 8°. 2073. (79.) Chronicon Abbatias Rameseiensis. Edited by W. D. Macray. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1886. 8°. 2073. (83.) 250 RAN— E AW Rand, MacNally & Co. Business Atlas of America. Chicago, 1882. 4°. 2059. e. Ranke (L. von) Sammtliche Werke. Bd. 1-36. 38-48. Leipzig, 1867-81. 8°. 2085. aa. History of England in the seventeenth century. 6 vol. Oxford, 1875. 8°. 2077. c. History of the Eeformation in Germany. Translated by S. Austin. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1845-47. 8°. 2002. a. Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, and History of Prussia, during the 17th and 18th centuries. Translated by Sir A. and Lady Duff Gordon. 3 vol. London, 1849. 8°. 2084. e. The Popes of Rome : their ecclesiastical and political history during the 16th and 17th centuries. Translated by S. Austin. Fourth edition. London, 1866. 8°. 2085. aa. Rankine (W. J. M.) Manual of Applied Mechanics. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1858. 8°. 2102. h. Rapin (P. de) Sieur de Thoyras. Acta Regia ; or, an Account of the Treaties, &c, published in Rymer's Foedera [1101-1625]. Translated from the French. 4 vol. London, 1726, 27. 8°. 2072. b. History of England; translated [and continued to 1727] by N. Tindal. Second edition. 4 vol. London, 1732-51. fol. 2070. e. Rask (R. C.) Danish Grammar. Edited by T. G. Repp. Second edition. Copenhagen, 1846. 8°. 2117. a. Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon tongue. Translated by B. Thorpe. Copenhagen, 1830. 8°. 2112. b. Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse tongue. Translated by G. W. Dasent. London, 1843. 8°. 2117. a. Rastall (W. D.) History of Southwell. 1787. 4°. 2064. d. Rastell (J.) The Pastime of People; or, Chronicles of divers Realms and most especially of England. By T. F. Dibdin. London, 181 1. 4°. 2070. c. Ravenscroft (E.) Scottish Law List. See Scottish Law List. Ravenstein (L.) Specialatlas des deutschen Reiches und der angrenzenden Lander. Eildburghausen, 1871. fol. 2059. e. Rawlinson (G.) The Five Great Monarchies of the ancient Eastern World ; or the History of Chaldaja, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 187 1. 8°. 2069. a. The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy; or the History of Parthia. London, 1873. 8°. 2069. a. The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy; or the History of the Sassanian or New Persian Empire. London, 1876. 8°. 2069. a. RAW— REC 251 Rawlinson (G.) History of Ancient Egypt. 2 vol. London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2069. a. Manual of Ancient History. [Record of Ancient History. ~) Oxford, 1869. 8°. 2068. e. Ray (J.) Correspondence of John Eay. Edited by E. Lankester. [Bay Society.] London, 1848. 8°. 2027. f. Memorials of John Ray. Edited by E. Lankester. [Bay Society.] London, 1846. 8°. 2027. f. Ray Society. [Publications.] London, 1845, etc. 8°. 2027. d. f. Contents : Reports and Papers on Botany. Edited by A. Henfivy, etc. 2 vol. Reports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany. IS41-44. 2 vol. Agassiz. Bibliographia Zoologias et Geologise. Edited by H. E. Strick- land. 4 vol. Baird. Natural History of the British Entomostraca. Botanical and Physiological Memoirs. Edited by A. Henfrey. Bowerbank. Monograph of the British Spongiadaj. 4 vol. Brady. Monograph of the Copepoda of the British Islands. 2 vol. Brown. Miscellaneous Botanical Works. 2 vol. Buckton. British Aphides. 4 vol. Cameron. British Phytophagous Hy- menoptera. Vol. 1. Darwin. The sub-class Cirripcdia. Douglas and Scott. British Hemiptera. Hofmeister. On the Higher Crypto- gamia. Translated by P. Currey. Leiglitou. The British Species of An- giocarpous Lichens. Lubbock. Collembola and Thysamura. Masters. Vegetable Teratology. Meyen. Outlines of the Geography of Plants. Translated by M. Johnston. Michael. British Oribatidse. Ray. Correspondence. Edited by E. Lankester. Ray. Memorials of John Ray. Edited by E. Lankester. Oken. Elements of Physiophilosophy. From the German by A. Talk. Steenstrup. Alternations of Generations. Raynouard (F. J. M.) Choix des Poesies originales des Trouba- dours. 6 vol. Paris, 1816-21. 8°. 2047. d. Lexique Roman; ou, Dictionnaire do la Langue des Trouba- dours. 6 vol. Paris, 1838, 36-44. 2047. c. Reading (W.) Bibliotheca Cleri Londinensis in Collegio Sionensi Catalogue. Londini, 1724. fol. 2050. g. Real-Encyclopadie. Allgemeine deutsche Real - Encyklopadie. Conversations-Lexikon. Elfte Auflage. 15 vol. BrocJchaus: Leipzig, 1864-68. 8°. 2111. a. Recke (J. P. von) and Napiersky (C. E.) Allgemeines Schiift- steller und Gelehrten-Lexikon der Provinzen Livlaud, Esthlaud und Kurland. 4 vol. Mitau, 1827-32. 8°. 2038. d. Reclus (J. J. E.) The Earth. Edited by A. H. Keane. London, 1886. 8°. 2057. c. - Nouvelle Geographie Universelle. 86, etc. 8°. Vol. 1-11, etc. Paris, 1876- 2057. c. - The Earth and its Inhabitants. A Universal Geography. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Vol. i.-xi., etc. London, [1878-86]. 8°. 2056. e. 252 REC Reclus (J. J. E.) The Ocean, A. H. Keane. London, 1887. Atmosphere and Life. 8°. Edited by 2057. c. Record Commission. [Publications.] 1800-52. fol. and 8°. Cat. Desk, (fol.) & 2069. d. (8°.) Contents : — ENGLAND AND WALES. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales. Calend mum Geuealogicum. Henry III. and Edward I. Edited by C. Roberts. 2 vol. Calendarium Inquisitionum post mor- tem. 4 vol. Calendarium Rotulorum, Ch?rtarum,&c. Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium. Calendars of the Proceedings in Chan- cery. 3 vol. Catalogue) of MSS. in the Cottonian Library. Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. 4 vol. Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. Commissions, anil Abstract of Annual Reports, 1800-1806. (2 editions.) Documents illustrative of English His- tory in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Edited by H. Cole. Domesday Book. 4 vol. Ellis. Introduction and Indexes to Domesday Book. 2 vol. 8°. Ducatus Lancastrian Calendarium, &c. 3 vol. Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, 1216-1272. Cura C. Roberts. 2 vol. 8°. Fines, sive Pedes Finium. &c. Edente J. Hunter. Vol. 1. 8°. Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii, &c. Edidit J. Hunter. 8°. Modus ten end i Parliamentum : an an- cient Treatise on the mode of hold- ing the Parliament in England. Edited by T. D. Hardy. 8°. Nicolas. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council. 7 vol. 8°. Nonaruru Inqmsitiones temp. Edw. III. Palgrave. Antieut Kaleudars and In- ventories of the Treasury. 3 vol. 8°. Essay upon the Original Autho- rity of the Kiug's Council. 8°. Parliamentary Writs, &c. 2 vol. (4 pt.) Placita de Quo Warranto, temp. Edw. I., II., III. Placitorum Abbreviate. Proceedings of the Commissioners ; June 1832-Aug. 1833 [including extracts from Records and other Documents]. Edited by C. P. Cooper. Questions circulated by the Commis- sioners. Registrum vulg. nuncup. "The Re- cord of Caernarvon." Reports. Committee, 1800. Commissioners, 1800-12; 1800- 1819; Appendix (Plates) 1800-19 (2 editions) ; 1837. 5 vol. — Searches for Cuarters and Statutes, &c. Rotuli Chartarum. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, pt. I. Rotuli Curias Regis. Edited by Sir F. Palgrave. 2 vol. 8°. Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Prae- stitis. Regnante Johanue. Cura T. D. Hardy. 8°. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus, tempore Regis Johannis. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Rotuli Huudredorum. 2 vol. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum. Vol. 1,2. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum. Descrip- tion of the Close Rolls in the Tower. By T D. Hardy. 8°. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Description of the Patent Rolls in the Tower ; with Itinerary of King John. By T. D. Hardy. 8°. Rotuli Normannia?. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1. 8°. Rotuli Parliamentorum, &c. [1278- 1503.] 6 vol. Index to the Rolls of Parlia- ment. Rotuli iSelecti, &c. Cura J. Hunter. 8°. Rotulorum originalium in Curia Scac- carii Abbreviatio. 2 vol. Rotulus Cancellarii vel Antigraphum Magui Rotuli Pipaa. 8°. Great Rolls of the Pipe, 2, 3 & 4 Hen. II. 1155-1158. Printed under the care of J. Hunter. 8°. Great Roll of the Pipe, 1 Rich. I. 1189-90. Printed under the care of J. Hunter. 8°. Rymer, Foedera. New edit. 4 vol. (7 pt.) Statutes of the Realm, with Indexes. 11 vol. (in 12). Taxatio Ecclesiastica Nicholai IV. circa 1291. Testa de Nevill. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Ilenr. VIII. 6 vol. Hunter. Introduction to the Valor Ecclesiasticus. 8°. KEC— REI •_>;>:; Record Commission — continued. Charta% Privilegia el Inimunitatos [of Ireland, 1171 1395. pp. 1-92.] Inquisitionuni in Oi'ticio Rotulorum Cancellariaa Eibernise Repertorium. 2 vol. Liber Munernm Publicorum HibernisB, 1152-1827. 2 vol. Reports respecting the Public Recorda of Ireland; 1810-15; 1821-25. 2 vol. Rotulorum Patentium et Clausorum Cane. Bib. Ctdendarium. Hen. II.- lldi. VII. Vol. I, pi. 1. Calendar [of Patent Rolls, Inland. 5 & 6 Hen. VIII. to 35 Hen. VIII. ; pp. 1-32.] Calendar, &c. [1 Jas. 1. to 10 Jas. I. : pp. 1-372.] •SCOTLAND. Acts of the Lords' Auditors, 1466-94. Acts of the Lo-ds of Council in civil causes, 1478-95. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Vol. 2-4, 6-11. Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland. Edited by Sir F. Palgrave. Vol. 1. 8°. Inquisitionuin ad Capellam Regis Re- tornatarum Abbreviate. Vol. 1-3. Registnun Magni Sigilli Reguui Sco- torum, 1306-1424. Rotuli Scotias. 2 vol. Records. Annual Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. London, 1840, etc. fol. & 8°. Cat. Desk. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir F. Palgiave, Deputy Keeper of the Public Kecords, 1840-61. London, 1865. fol. Cat. Desk. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir T. D. Hardy, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, 1862-78. London, 1880. fol. Cat. Desk. Redgrave (R. and S.) A Century of Painters of the English School. 2 vol. London, 1866. 8°. 2031. e. Redgrave (S.) A Dictionary of Artists of the English School: Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers, &c. New edition. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. e. Redhouse (J. W.) Turkish Dictionary. Second edition by C. Wells. London. 1880. 8°. 2115. b. . Grammaire raisonnee de la langue Ottoiuane. Paris, 1846. 8°. 2114. c. Redi (P.) Opere. 9 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 169-177.] Milano, 1 809-1 1. 8°. 2041. e. Rees (A.) The Cyclopaedia. 39 vol. (with 6 of plates). London, 1 8 19. 4°. 2106. a-c. Reeve (C.) The Old English Baron. [Novelist's Library ; 5.] Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. 2044. e. Reeves (J.) History of the English Law. New edition, by W. E. Finlason. 3 vol. London, 1 869. 8°. 2016. d. Registrar-General's Annual Reports. London, i8;g, etc. 8°. 2082. b. Regnard (J. F.) CEuvres. [Pantheon LittSraire. Theatre.} Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. Reichardt (G.) Bibliotheca Rerum Metallicarum. 1856-64. Eislebcn, 1837-66. 12". BB. E. 254 KEI— RER Reid (J.) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica. Glasgoic, 1832. 8°. 2050. d. Reid (J. S.) History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. [Con- tinued by W. D. Killen.) 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1834-53- 8°. ' 2004. c. Reid (T.) Works. By Sir W. Hamilton. Sixth edition. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. 2045. c. ReifF (C. P.) Dictionnaire Russe-Francais. 2 vol. Saint Peters- burg, 1835, 36. 8°. 2118. b. English Russian Grammar. Third edition. Paris, 1862. 8°. 2117. a. Grammaire Russe. St.-Petersbourg, 185 1. 8°. 2117. a. Parallel Dictionaries of the Russian, French, German and English Languages. Fourth edition. 4 vol. Carlsruhe, 1879-81. 30^ 2118. a. Reimann (E.) Neuere Geschichte des Preussischen Staates. Bd. 1. [Eeeren and TJhert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Gotha, 1882. 8°. 2068. c. Reinach (Salomon) Manuel de Philologie classique. 2 torn. Paris, 1880-84. 8°. BB. G. Traite d'epigraphie Grecque, etc. Paris, 1885. 8°. 2051. b. Reiske (J. J.) Oratorum Grrecorum quae supersunt. Commentariis integris Wolfii, Taylori, Marklandi, aliorum, et suis, edidit J. J. Reiske. 12 vol. (in 24 pt.). Lipsise, 1770-75. 8°. 2052. a. Contents : — 1-4. Demosthenes. 15- Lesbonax, Herodes Atticus, Antis- 5-7. ^Escbines. thenes, Alcidaruas, Gorgias. 8. Dinarchus, Lycurgus, Andocides. 16. Andocides, Dinarcbus, Lycurgus. 9_12. Lysias. 17-22. Apparatus ciit. ad Demostbenem. 13, 14. Isajus, Antipbon. 23, 24. Indices Operum Demosthenis. Remusat (J. P. A.) Elemens de la Grammaire Chinoise. Nou- velle edition, par L. de Rosny. Paris, 1857. 8°. 2115. d. Renaldis (G. de') Count. Delia Pittura Friulana saggio storico. Udine, 1798. 4°. 2032. f. Renouard (A. A.) Annales de l'lmprimerie des Aide. Seconde edition. 3 vol. Paris, 1825. 8°. 2050. b. Annales de l'lmprimerie des Estienne. 2 pt. Paris, 1837, 38. 8 o. 2050. b. Repertorium der Verhandelingen en Bijdragen, betreffende de Geschiedenis des Vaterlands, in Mengelwerken en Tijdschriften tot op 1860 verscheneh. Leiden, 1863-84. 8°. BB. M. Repertorium. fur Kunstwissensehaft. Redigirt von F. Schestag. Bd. 1-9, etc. Stuttgart, 1875-86, etc. 8°. 2032. c. Repertorium Annuum Literatures Botanicas periodic®. Vol. 1-8, etc. Harlemi, 1873-86, etc. 8°. 2029. d. Rerum Britannicarum Medii iEvi Scriptores. See Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland. 2073. RET— RIB 255 Retrospective Review. 14 vol. London, 1820-26. 8°. Second Series. Edited by H. Southern and N. II. Nicolas. 2 vol. London, 1827, 28. 8°. [New Series.] 2 vol. London, 1853, 54. 8°. 2091. g. Reumont (A. von) Bibliogiafia dei lavori pubblicati in German ia siilla Storia d' Italia. Berlin, 1863. BB. M. Geschichte der Stadt Rom. 3 vol. Berlin, 1 867-70. 8°. 2085. f. Reuss (E.) Bibliotheca Novi Testamenti Gra?ci, cujus editiones ab initio typographic ad nostrani a3tatem impressas collegit E. R. Brunsvigse, 1872. 8°. BB. A. Reuss (F. A.) Repertorium Commentationum a Societatibus Litte- rariis editaruin. 10 vol. Gottingse, 1 801-21. 4°. BB. O. Reuss (J. D.) Alphabetical Register of all the Authors living in Great Britain, Ireland, &0. With a catalogue of their publica- tions. 1770-90. Supplement and continuation, 1790-1803. 2 pt. in 3. London, 1 79 1- 1 804. 8°. 2049. bb. Revenue. Tables of the Revenue, Population, Commerce, &c, of the United Kingdom. 1820-33. 3 pt. (in 2 vol.) [Lond.~\ 1833, 34. fol. Cat. Desk. Revue Britannique. Table generale, 1825-80. Par J. Drapier. Paris, 1 88 1. 8°. BB. O. Revue des Deux Mondes. Troisieme Periode. Vol. 1, etc. Paris, 1874, etc. 8°. 2094. c-f. Table des Travaux, 1831-57. Table generale. 1831-74. Paris, 1875. 8°. 2094. f. & BB. O. Rey (G.) Etude sur les Monuments de l'Architecture Militaire des Croises en Syrie et dans l'lle de Chypre. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. Y e Serie. Histoire Politique.'] Paris, 187 1. 4°. 2083. g. Reynolds (J. R.) System of Medicine. 2 vol. London, 1866-68. 8°. 2024. c. Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie, Geschichte und giiechische Philosophic N. Folge. Jahrg. 38, etc. Bonn, 1883, etc. 8°. 2056. b. Register zu Bd. i.-xxiv. Frankfurt am Main, 1871. 8°. 2056. b. Rhind (W.) History of the Vegetable Kingdom. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. 2029. d. Ribadeneira (P. de) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu : opus inchoatum a P. Ribadeneira 1602; continuatum a P. Alegambe usque ad annum 1642 ; recognitum & productum ad annum 1675 a N. Sotvello. Bomse, 1676. fol. 2008. f. Obras escogidas, por V. de la Fuente. [Aribau. Autores Espdnoles; 60.] Madrid, 1868. 8°. 2042. g. Ribbeck (O.) Scenicae Romanorum poesis fragmenta, recensuit OttoRibbeck. 2 vol. Lipsise, 1852-55. 8°. 2052. b. 256 RIC Ricardo (D.) Works. By J. R. McCulloeh. London, 1846. 8°. 2023. c. Ricardus, de Cirencestria. Speculum Historiale de Gestis Regum Anglian Edited by J. E. B. Mayor. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] Lond. 1863-69. 8°. " 2073. (30.) Ricardus Divisiensis. Chronicon de Rebus Gestis Ricardi I. Curante J. Stevenson. [English Historical Society.'] London, 1838. 8°. 2071. c. Ricardus Hagustaldensis. Historia de Gestis Regis Stepbani, etc. See Twysden (Sir R.) Historia? Anglicanse Scriptores X. 1652. fol. 2070. d. Rich (O.) Bibliotbeca Anieiicana Nova; or, Catalogue of Books relating to America since 1700. 3 vol. London, 1835-46. 8°. 2050. d. Richard I. Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I. Edited by AV. Stubbs. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1864, 65. 8°. 2073. (38.) Richard II. Chronicque de la Traison et Mort de Richart Deux ; mise en lumiere par B. \\ illiams. Fr. & Eng. [English Historical Society.] London, 1846. 8°. 2071. c. Historia Vitse et Regni Ricardi 11., a Monacho quodam de Evesham consignata ; accesserunt I. Rossi Historiola de Comitibns Warwiccensibus, I. Berebloci Com. de Rebus gestis Oxonire, &c. Edidit T. Hearnius. Oxonise, 1729. 8°. 2072. a. Richard III. Letters and Papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard 111. and Henry vn. Edited by J. Gairdner. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1861-63. 8°. 2073.(24.) Richard (C. L.) and Giraud ( ) Bibliotlieque Sacree. 29 vol. Paris, 1822-27. 8°. 2015. f. Richarderie (G. Boucher de la) See Boucher. Richardson (S.) Novels. 3 vol. [Novelist's Library ; 6-8.] Edin- burgh, 1824. 8°. 2044. e. Richelieu, A. J. Du Plessis, Cardinal, Duke de. See Du Plessis. Richey (A. G.) A short history of the Irish people down to the date of the plantation of Ulster. Dublin, 1887. 8°. 2073. a. Richou (G.) Inventaire de la collection des ouvrages et documents reimis par J. F. Payen et J. B. Bastide sur M. de Montaigne. Paris, 1878. 8°. BB. G. Richter (P. E.) Verzeichniss der Periodica aus den Gebieten der Literatur, Kunstund Wissensclwften im Besitze der K. Bibliothek zu Dresden. Dresden, 1880. 8°. BB. O. Richthofen (C. von) Baron. Altfriesisches Worterbuch. Giittingen, 1840. 4°. 2118. g. Rickman (T.) An attempt to discriminate the styles of Architec- ture in England from the Conquest to the Reformation. Seventh edition by J. H. Parker. London, 188 1. 8°. 2031. b. KID-KIT 257 Riddell (H.) and Rogers (J. W.) Index to the Public Statutes from 9 Hun. in. to 10 and 11 Vict. Pt. 1. London, 1848. 8°. 2016. e. Riddle (J. E.) Ecclesiastical Chronology. London, 1840. 8°. 2003. d. Manual of Christian Antiquities, etc. London, 1839. 8°. 2003. b. Ridolfi (C.) Lo Maraviglie dell' Arte; ovvero, le Vite degli illustri Pittori Veneti e dello Stato. Edizione seconda. 2 vol. Padova, 1835-37. 8 °- 2032. d. Ridpath (G.) The Border-History of England and Scotland. Lon- don, 1776. 4°. 2063. c. Riehm (E. C. A.) Handworterbuch des biblischen Alterthnms. 2 vol. Bielefeld, 1884. 8°. 2115. b. Rietstap (J. B.) Armorial general de l'Enrope, precede d'un Dictionnaire des termes du Blason. Deuxieme edition. Tom. 1. Gouda, 1884. 8°. 2119. d. Rieu (C.) Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the British Museum. 2 vol. London, 1879-81. 4°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of the Turkish Manuscripts in the Biitish Museum. London, 1888. 4°. Cat. Desk. Riezler (S.) Geschichte Baierns. Vol. 1. [Heeren and ITkert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] GotJia, 1878. 8°. 2068. d. Rigon de Magny (C. de) Marquis. Nobiliaire Universel. Vol. 1-7. Paris, 1854-61. 4°. 2120. f. 2 e Serie. Vol. 1-10. Paris, 1865-85. 4°. Riley (H. T.) Memorials of London and London Life in the xui 11 '., xiv th . and XV th . centuries. London, 1868. 8°. 2065. b. Rimbault (E. F.) Bibliutheca Madrigaliana. London, 1847. 8°. BB. G. Ringer (S.) Handbook of Therapeutics. Eleventh edition. London, 1885. 8°. 2024. e. Ripley (G.) and Dana (C. A.) American Cyclopaedia. A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. 16 vol. New York, 1873-76. 8°. 2104. a. General and analytical Index. By T. G. and B. Conant. New York, 1878. 8°. 2104. a. Rishanger (G.) Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. Willelmi Eishanger Chronica et Annales. Edited by H. T. Kiley. a.d. 1259-1307. [Chronicles and Memoriids.] London, 186 5. 8°. 2073. (28.) Ristelhueber (J. B.) AVegweiser zur Literatur der Waisenpflege des Volks-Erziehungswesens, der Armenfiirsorge, des Bettler- wesens und der Gefangnisskunde. 2 Bde. Coin, 1831-40. 8°. BB. C. Ritson (J.) Bibliographia Poetica : a catalogue of English Poets of the twelfth to sixteenth centuries, with a short account of their works. London, 1802. 8°. BB. G. s „ 258 RIT— ROB Ritter (A. H.) History of Ancient Philosophy. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison. 4 vol. Oxford, 1838-46. 8°. 2023. b. Ritter (C.) Comparative Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula. Translated by W. L.Gage. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2059. a. Geographisch-statistisches Lexikon. Fiinfte Auflage, unter Redaction von A. Stark. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1864-65. 8°. 2060. b. Ritter (P. L.) History of Music. [With a bibliography of musical literature.] London, 1876. 8°. 2032. a. Rituale Romanum. JBomae, 1847, 8°. 2003. c. Rivista Europea. Vol. 17, etc. Firenze, 1880, etc. 8°. 2094. b. Robert, of Gloucester. Chronicle [in verse]. Publish'd by T. Hearne. To which is added a Glossary, Continuation, etc. 2 vol. Oxford, 1724. 8°. 2072. a. Metrical Chronicle. Edited by W. A. Wright. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1887 . 8°. 2073.(86.) Roberts (C.) Calendarium Genealogicum. Henry 111. and Edward 1. Edited by C. Roberts. 2 vols. Bolls Series. London, 1865. 8°. 2069. d. Roberts (P.) Chronicle of the Kings of Britain ; translated from the \\ elsh copy attributed to Tysilio. London, 181 1. 4°. 2070. c. Robertson (J. C.) History of the Christian Church, (a.d. 64- 1303.) New edition. 3 vol. London, 1858-66. 8°. 2004. d. Robertson (W.) D.D. Works. With Life by D. Stewart. New edition. London, 1852. 8°. 2066. a. ffiuvres completes. Precedes d'une notice par J. A. C. Buchon. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Histoire.~\ Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. d. Robertson (W.) Deputy Keeper of Becords, Scotland. Index of Records of Charters granted by Sovereigns of Scotland, 1309- 1413. Edinburgh, 1798. 4°. 2072. e. Robinson (E.) Biblical Researches in Palestine. Third edition. 3 vol. London, 1867. 8°. 2056. d. Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament. New edition, revised by A. Negris, and by J. Duncan. Edinburgh. 1879. 8°. 2114. b. Harmony of the Gospels in Greek. See Bible. New Testament, Gospels. Harmonies. 2002. c. Robinson (Mary) Memoirs. [Autobiography; 7.] London, 1826. 12°. 2039. a. Robinson (W.) History of Hackney. 2 vol. London, 1842, 43. 8°. 2065. b. History of Stoke Newington. London, 1820. 8°. 2065. b. History of Tottenham. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8°. 2065. 1). ROB— ROL 259 Robson (T.) British Herald. 3 vol. [and Appendix]. Sunderland, 1830. 4°. 2119. f. Roby (H. J.) Grammar of the Latin Language from Plautus to Suetonius. Fourth edition. 2 pt. London, 1881-86. 12°. 2114. a. Rochefoucauld (F. de la) DuTce. See La Rochefoucauld. Rochester. History of Rochester. Second edition. Bochester, 1817. 8°. 2063. a. Rock (D.) Hierurgia. Socond edition. London, 185 1. 8°. 2002. b. Rodwell (G. F.) Dictionary of Science. (Haydn Series.) London, 1 87 1. 8°. 2027. b. Roepell (R.) Geschichto Polens. Vol. 1. [For Continuation, see Caro.] [Heeren and Ultert. Geschichte der Europiiischen Staaten.] Hamburg, 1840. 8°. 2068. b. Roger, de Hoveden. Annales. See Savile (Sir II.) Rerum Angli- carum Scriptores, etc. 1601. fol. 2070? d. Chronica. Edited by W. Stubbs. 4 vol. [Chronicles and Me- morials.] London, 1868-71. 8°. 2073. (51.) Roger, de Wendover. Chronica ; sive, Flores Historiarum. Edidit H. O. Coxe. [With Appendix of the various readings by Matthew- Paris.] 5 vol. [English Historical Society.] London, 1841-44. 8°. 2071. c. Flores Historiarum. The Flowers of History. Edited by H. G. Hewlett. Vol. 1. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1886. 8° 2073. (84.) Rogers (F. N.) On Elections. Fourteenth edition. By J. C. Carter. 2 pt. London, 1885. 8°. 2017. b. Rogers (J. E. T.) A complete collection of the Protests of the Lords. Edited by J. E. T. Rogers. 3 vol. Oxford, 1875. 8°. 2077. cc. History of Agriculture and Prices in England, from 1259 to 1793. 6 vol. Oxford, 1 866. 8°. 2023. e. Roget (P. M.) Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. New edition by J. L. Roget. London, 1883. 8°. 2112. b. Rogg (J.) Bibliotheca Mathematica. Tubingse, 1830. 8°. BB. E. Rohrbacher (F. R.) Histoire universelle de l'Eglise Catholique. Cinquieme edition. Continued juscpi'cn 18GG-68. 16 vol. [With Table Generale.] Paris, 1868-71. 8°. 2004. c. Rojas Zorrilla (F. de) Comedias escogidas, por R. de Mesonero Romanos. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 54.] Madrid, 1861. 8°. 2042. g*. Rolleston (G.) Forms of Animal Life. Secund edition, enlarged by W. H. Jackson. Oxford, 1888. 8°. ' 2028? f. Rollin (C.) OSuvres completes. Aveo notes par E. Beres. 6 vol. [Pantheon LittSraire. Histoire.] Paris, 1857-45. 8°. 2043. 0. 260 ROL— ROS Rolls. See Rotuli. Romancero General, 6 Culeccion de Romances Castellanos anteriores al siglo xviii., recogidos por A. Duran. 2 vol. [Aribau. Autores EspaTioles; 10, 16.] Madrid, 1849-51. 8°. 2042. e. Rome. B-ibliografia Romana. Vol.1. Roma, 1880. 8°. 2049. a. Handbook of Rome and its Environs. 14th edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1888. 8°. 2057. a. History of Rome. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. — History.] London, 183 4, 35. 8°. 2103. c. Rome. — Academia della Crusca. Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusea. 4 ,a impressione. 6 vol. Firenze, 1729-38. fol. 2117. e. Romulus, Fabulist. Fabularum iEsopiarum libri qnatuor. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 53.] Paris, 1826. 8°. 2053. e. Ronalds (Sir F.) Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Electricity, Magnetism, the Electric Telegraph, etc. London, 1880. 8°. BB. E. Roper (F. C. S.) Catalogue of Works on the Microscope, &c. Privately printed : [London,] 1805. 8°. BB. E. Roper (W.) Vita Thomas Mori lingua Anglicana contexta. Accedunt Mori Epistola de Scholasticis quibusdam Trojanos sese appellan- tibus ; Academise Oxoniensis Epistolae et Orationes aliquammultae, Anonymi Chronicon Godstovianum et Fenestrarum depictarum eccles. paroch. de Fairford explicatio. Edidit T. Hearnius. Oxford, 17 16. 8°. 2072. a. Roquefort (J. B. B. de) Glossaire de la Langue Romane. 2 vol. Paris, 1808. 8°. 2114. c. Supplement. Paris, 1820. 8°. 2114. e. Roscoe (H.) Eminent British Lawyers. [Lardners Cabinet Cyclo- paedia. Biography.] London, 1830. 8°. 2103. e. Roscoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence On the trial of Actions at Nisi Prius. Fifteenth edition by M. Powell. 2 vol. London, 1884. b°. 2017. d. Roscoe (H. E.) and Schorlemmer (C.) Treatise on Chemistry. Vol. 1-3, (pt. 1-4). London, 1877-87. 8°. 2027. b. Rose (H. J.) Biographical Dictionary. 12 vol. London, 1857. 8°. 2035. b. Rosell (C.) Cronicas de los Reyes de Castilla. 3 vol. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles, 66, 68, 70.] * Madrid, 1875-78. 8°. 2042. g. Ross (J.) of Warwick. Historia Regum Angliee ; descripsit T. Hearnius: accedit J. Lidandi Kamia in mortem H. Duddlelegi, eq. Oxonise, 17 16. 8°. 2072. a. Historical Account of the Earls of Warwick. See Richard II. Rostrenen (G. de) Dictionnaire Francois-Celtique ou Francois- Breton. Rennes, 1732. 4°. 2118. g. ROT 261 Rotermund (H. W.) Das gelehrte Hannover. 2 vol. Bremen, 1823. 8°. 2038. d. Rotuli. Excerpta e Eotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis, Henrico Tcrtio Rege, 1216-1272. Cura C. Roberts. 2 vol. [Record Commission.] [London,'] 1835, 36. 8°. 2069. d. Rotuli Cliartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, pt. 1. 1199-1216. {Record Commission.] [London,] 1837. ^- ^at. Desk. Rotuli Curiae Regis. [6 Ric. i.-l John.] Edited by Sir F. Palgrave. 2 vol. ' Record Commission.] [London,] 1835. 8°. 2069. d. Rotuli do Liberate ac de Misis et Praestitis regnante Johanne. Cura T. D. Hardy. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1844. 8°. 2069. d. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibusin Turri Londinensi asservati, temp. Regis Johannis. Accurante T. D. Hardy. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1835. 8°. 2069. d. Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Hen. in. et Edw. r. 2 vol. [Record Commission.] [London], 18 12, 18. fol. Cat. Desk. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, 2. 1204-1227. [Record Com- mission.] [London,] 1833—44. ful - Cat. Desk. [For Description of the Close Rolls, 8°, see Hardy.] Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, pt. 1. 1201-1216. [Record Commission.] 1835. fol. Cat. Desk. [For Description of the Patent Rolls, 8°, see Hardy.] Rotuli Normannise in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne et Henrico quinto Anglias Regibns. Accurante T. D. Haidy. Vol. 1. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1835. 8°. 2069. d. Rotuli Parliamentorum ; ut et Petitiones et PJacita in Parlia- mento, etc. [1278-1503.] 6 vol. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1767—77. fol. Cat. Desk. Index to the Rolls of Parliament. By J. Strachey, J. Pridden, and E. Upham. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1832. fol. ' Cat. Desk. Rotuli Selecti ad Res Anglicas et Hibernicas spectantes, et Archivis in Homo Capitid;tri West-Monasteriensi deprompti. Cura J. Hunter. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1834. 8°. 2069. d. Kotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio. Tem- poi-ibus Kegum Hen. in., Ed. 1., Ed. 11. [& Ed. in.]. 2 vol. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1805-10. fol. Cat. Desk. Magnum Eotulum Scaccarii, vol Magnum Kotulmn Pipse, de anno 31° Regni Henrici Primi edidit J. Hunter. [Becord Commission.] [London,] 1833. 8°. 2069. d. 262 ROT— ROY Rotuli. Great Rolls of the Pipe, 2, 3 & 4 Hen. n. 1155-1158. Printed under the care of J. Hunter. [Record Commission.'] London, 1844. 8°. 2069. d. Great Poll of the Pipe, 1 Rich. 1. 1189-1190. Printed under the care of J. Hunter. [Record Commission.'] London, 1 844. 8°. 2069. d. Rotulus Cancellarii, vel Antigraphum Magni Rotuli Pipee, de tertio anno regni Regis Johannis. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1833. 8°. 2069. d. Rouse (J.) Beauties and Antiquities of Sussex. Second edition. London, 1827. 8°. 2063. a. Rousseau (J. B.) OEuvres poetiques. [Pantheon Litteraire. Poesie.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. Rousseau (J. J.) OEuvres completes. 4 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Poly graphic] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. f. Dictionnaire de Musique. 1768. 4°. 2032. f. Rousselle (H.) Bibliographie Montoise. Annales de l'imprimei ie a Mons depuis 1680, etc. Mons, 1858. 8°. BB. K. Rowland (T.) Grammar of the Welsh Language. Second edition. London, 1859. 12°. 2112. b. Rowlands (W.) Cambrian Bibliography. Edited and enlarged by D. S. Evans. Llanidloes, 1869. 8°. 2350. d. Roy (C. H. a) Catalogus Bibliothecas Medicse. 5 torn. Amstelodami, 1830. 8°. BB. C. Royal Academy of Arts. Catalogue of the Library. [By H. R. Tedder.] London, 1877. 8°. BB. G. Royal Agricultural Society of England. General Index to the Journal. (First Series, Vol. 1-25, Second Series, Vol. 1-10.) London, 1875. 8°. BB. O. Royal Astronomical Society. See Astronomical Society. Royal Blue Book. See Blue Book. Royal College of Surgeons. Calendar [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. Classed Catalogue of the Books contaiued in the Library. London, 1843. 8°. BB. C. Royal Geographical Society. See Geographical Society. Royal Institution of British Architects. Catalogue of the Library. London, 1865. 4°. BB. G. Royal Irish Academy. Transactions. Dublin, 1855, etc. 8°. 2099. g. Irish Manuscript Sei'ies. Vol. 1. [Dublin,] 1880. 4°. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society. Catalogue of the Library. [Compiled by B. R. Wheatley.] 3 vol. London, 1879. 8°. BB. C. ROY— BUS 263 Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society. General Index to Vol. 1-53 of the Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. [Compiled by B. R. Wheatley.] London, 187 1. 8°. 2027. c. Royal Society. Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library. London, 1839. 8°. BB. E. Catalogue of Scientific Papers. (1800-1863.) Vol. 1-4. London, 1867-70. 4°. BB. O. Philosophical Transactions. See Philosophical Transactions. 2100, etc. Proceedings. Vol. 30, etc. London, 1880, etc. 8°. 2101. d. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Vol. 24, etc. Edin- burgh, 1867, etc. 4°. 2099. g. Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. Guide to Northern Archreoloirv. Edited by the Earl of Ellesmere. London, 1848. 8 o. 2032. f. Rucellai (G.) Le Api, con annotazioni di R. Titi. [Classici Italiani ; 53.] Milano, 1804. 8°. 2041. b. Rudder (SO History of Gloucestershire. Cirencester, 1779. fob V 2064. f. Ruding (R.) Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its depen- dencies. Third edition. 3 vol. London, 1840. 4°. 2032. f. Rudolph (H.) Vollstandiges geographisch-topographisch-statisti- sclies Ortslexikon von Deutschland. (Supplement.) 2 vol. Leipzig, 1859-72. 8°. 2059. c. Rudolph (L.) Atlas der Pflanzen geographic iiber alle Theile der Erde. Berlin, 1852. obi. fob 2058. d. Ruelle (C. E.) Bibliographic general e des Gaules. Pans, 1880-86. 80. BB. M. RufThead (O.) Index to the Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to 10th Geo. 111. London, 1772. 8°. 2017. a. Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendoza (J.) Comedias. Coleccion hecha par J. E. Hartzenbusch. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 20.] Madrid, 1852. 8°. 2042. e. Rumpf (H. P.) Allgemeine Literatur der Kriegswissenschaften. 2 vol. Berlin, 1824-25. 8°. 2049. aa. Rupertus, Abbas Tuitiensis. Opera omnia. 4 vol. [Migne. Patro- logiee Cursus ; 167-170.] Pans. 1854. 4°. 2010. c. Rupp (J. D.) History of the Religious Denominations in the United States. Philadelphia, 1844. 8°. 2002. a. Ruprecht (R.) Bibliotheca Chemica et Pharmaceutica, 1858-1870. Gottingx, 1872. 8°. BB. E. Rushworth (J.) Historical Collections ; 1618-1648. 7 vol. London, 1 659-1 701. ful. 2077. d. 264 RUS- -RUT Ruskin -(John) [Works. Popular edition.] 2 series. 18 vol. New York, 1886. 8°. 2045. f. Contents :— 1-4. Modern Painters. 12. Time and Tide. 5-6. Stones of Venice. Unto this Last. 7. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Munera Pulveris. Lectures on Architecture. The Eagle's Nest. Study of Architecture. 13. Art of England. The Poetry of Architecture. By Pleasures of England. Kata Phusin. Mornings in Florence. 8. The Two Paths. St. Mark's Kest. Lectures on Art. 14. Deucalion. Political Economy of Art. Proserpina. Pneraphaelitisni. 1 5. Arrows of the Chace. Pleasures of England. Poems. 9. Elements of Drawing. Love's Meinie. Elements of Perspective. 16. Miscellanea. Aratra Pentelici. Laws of Fesole'. 10. Ariadne Floivntina. btorm Cloud of the Nineteenth The Art of England. Century. Mornings in Florence. 17. Fors Clavigera. Vol. 1 2. 11. Sesame and Lilies. 18. Fors Clavigera. Vol. 3 -6. Ethics of the Dust. 19. Fors Clavisera. Vol. 7 8. Crown of Wild Uliv< s. Val d'Arno. Queen of the Air. Our Fathers have told us. Seven Lamps of Arckitec ture. New edition. Orpington, 1880. 8°. 2031. f. Lectures on Arckitecture and Painting. Second edition. London, 18 55. 8°. 2033. a. Russell (F.) Barrister. Treatise on tke Power and Duty of an Arbitrator. Sixtk edition. London, 1882. 8°. 2017. b. Russell (F.) Solicitor. Collection of Statutes concerning tke East India Company, etc. London, 1786. fol. 2017. g. Russell (M.) History of tke Barbary States. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 17.] Edinburgh, 1835. 12°. 2103. g. Nubia and Abyssinia. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 12.] Edin- burgh, 1833. 12°. 2103. g. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 4.] Edinburgh, 1831. 2103. f. ■ Palestine. 12°. - Polynesia. 12°. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 33.] Edinburgh, 1842. 2103. e. [Edinburgh Cabinet 2103. f. View of Ancient and Modern Egypt Library ; 3.] Edinburgh, 1831. 12°. Russell (Sir W. O.) Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors. Third edition, by S. Prentice. 3 vol. London, 187 7. 8°. 2018. c. Russia. — Bibliotheque Imperiale Publique de St. Petersbourg. Cata- logue de la section des Russica oil ecrits sur la Russie en langues etrangeres. 2 vol. St. -Petersbourg, 1873. 8°. BB. I. Rutlandshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Rutter (J.) Delineations of tke Nortk Western Division of tke County of Somerset, etc. London, 1829. 4°. 2066. e. RYD— SAC 265 Ryde (E.) Text Book for Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, etc. London, 1854. 8 °- 2032 - h ' Rye (W.) Index to Norfolk Topography. [Index Society.] London, 1881. 4°. BB. T. Rvkaczewski (E.) Grammaire do la Langue Polonaise. Berlin, 1861. 80. 2117. a. Rymer (T.) Focdeia, ab anno 1101, ad nostra usque tempora [1054]. 20 vol. Londini, 1704-35. fol. Cat. Desk. This edition was discontinued. Editio tertia, studio G. Holmes. 10 vol. [Vol. 10 ^com- prising " Abrege historique des Actes publics d'Angleterre," and Index.] Ragse Comitum, 1737-45. fol. Cat. Desk. Feedera, ab anno 1066 ad nostra usque tempora [1383] : aucta et emendata ; aocurantibus A. Clarke (J. Caley), et F. Holbrooke. 4 vol. (in 7 pt.) [Record Commission.] London, 1816-30. fol. Cat. Desk. General Introduction to the Foedera. [Record Commission.] London, 18 17. 4°. Cat. Desk. Syllabus of documents contained in " Rymer's Fuedera." By T. D. Hardy. 3 vol. London, 1869-85. 8°. 2077. e. s. Saavedra Fajardo (D. de) Obras. [Aribau. Autores Espauoles ; 25.] Madrid, 1853. 8°. 2042. e. Sabin (J.) A Bibliography of Bibliography. New York, 18 77. 8°. BB. G. A Dictionary of Books relating to America. New YorJc, 1868, etc. 8°. BB. I. Sacchetti (F.) Novelle. 3 vol. [Classici Italian!; 27-29.] Milano, 1804, 05. 8°. 2041. a. Sachs (C.) Dictionnaire Encyclopedique Francais-Allemand et Alleinand-Francais. 2 torn. Berlin, 1877-80. 8°. 2116. d. Sachs (J. von) Lectures on the Physiology of Plants. Translated byH. M.Ward. Oxford, 1887. 8°. 2029. d. Sachs (J.) Text-Book of Botany. Edited by S. H. Vines. Second edition. Oxford, 1882. 8°. 2029. d. Sacred Books of the East Translated by various Oriental Scholars and edited by F. Max Midler. Oxford, 1879, etc. 8°. 2003. a. Contents : — 4, 23. The Zenda\esta. Pt. 1, 2. 5, IS, 24. Pablavi Texts. Pt. 1-3. (5, 9. The Qur'fin. Pt. 1, 2. 1, 15. The Upanishads. Pt. 1, 2. 2, 14. Sacred Laws of the Aryas. Pt. 1,2. 3 16 27, 28. Sacred Books of China. Pt. 1-4. 7. Institutes of Vislmu. ss. The Bhagavadglta. 266 SAC— SAL Sacred Books of the East — continued. 10. The Dhanimapada. 19. The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. 11. Buddhist Suttas. 21. The Saddharma-Pundarika, 12, 26. The Satapatha-Brahmana. Pt. 22. The Gaina-Sutras. Pt. 1. 1,2. 13, 17, 20. Vinaya Texts. Pt. 1-3. 25. Laws of Manu. 29. The Grihya-Sutras. Pt. 1. Sacred Harmonic Society. Catalogue of the Library. London, 1872. 8°. BB. G. Sacy (A. I. Silvestre de) See Silvestre. Sainsbury (W. N.) Calendar of State Papers. See State Papers. Colonial Series. Saint Albans. Eegistra quorundam Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, qui seculo xv mo . floruere. 3 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1872, 73. 8°. 2073. (28.) Saint David's College, Lampeter. Calendar [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. Sainte-Marthe (D. de) Gallia Christiana. Vol. 1-16. Lutetise Paris. 1715-1865. fol. 2004. g. Saint Laurent (C.) Dictionnaire Encyclopedique usuel. Quatrieme edition. Paris, 1861. 8°. 2107. c. Saint Maurice Cabany (E.) Galerie Nationale des Notabilites conternporaines. 3 vol. Paris, 1850-51. 8°. 2036. a. Le Necrologe Universel du xix e siecle. 9 vol. Paris, 1845-54. 8°. 2036. a. Saint Petersburg. — Academia Scientiarum Imperialis. Tableau General Methodique et alphabetique des matieres contenues dans les publications de l'Acadeinie. 2 pt. St. Petersbourg, 1872-75. 8°. 2050. e. Saint Pierre (J. H. B. de) (Euvres ; (CEuvres posthumes ;) mises en ordre par L. Aime-Martin. 2 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Polygraphie.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. e. Sakcinski (J. K.) Bibliografia Hrvatska. U Zagrebu, i860. 8°. 2048. a. Sales (Francois de) Saint. See Francis. Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon (F. de) Archbishop of Cambray. CEuvres. 3 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Eloqueiice.] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. g. Salisbury. Description of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury ; Twithl an Account of Old Sarum, &c. London, 1774. 4°. 2064. c. Sallengre (A. H. de) See Polenus. Sallustius Crispus (C.) Opera omnia, ex editione G. Cortii, in usum Delphini. 2 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1820. 8°. 2055. e. Opera ; cum commentariis, &c. Curante J. L. Burnouf. [Le- maire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 82.] Paris. 1821. 8°. 2053. d. SAL— SAB 267 Salmon (G.) Historical Introduction to the Books of tho New Testament. Second edition. London, 1886. 8°. 2002. c. Salmon (Nathaniel) History of Hertfordshire. London, 1728. fol. 2063. e. Salmon (T.) Chronological Historian to 14th Geo. 11. [1741.] Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1747. 8°. 2085. e. Salva y Mallen (P.) Catalogo de la Bihlioteca de Salva. 2 vol. Valencia, 1872. 8°. 2048. a. Salviati (L.) Opere. 5 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 156-160.] Milano, 1809, 10. 8°. 2041. 0. Sammarthanus (D.) See Sainte-Marthe. Sampson (W.) Memoirs. [Autobiography; 33.] London, 1832. 12°. 2039. a. Sanazzaro (J.) Arcadia, con le annotazioni di L. Portirelli. [Classici Italiani ; 87.] Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. c. Sancha (J. de) Eomancero y Cancionero sagrados. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ,* 35.] Madrid, 1855. 8 °- 2042. f. Sanchez (T. A.) Poetas Castellanos anteriores al siglo xv. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles; 57.] Madrid, 1864. 8°. 2042. g. Sandelin (A.) Kepertoire general d'Economie Politique. 6 vol. LeEaye, 1846-48. 8°. 2023. f. Sanders (D.) Worterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1860-65. 4°. 2118. c. Sanders (D. H.) Erganzungs-Worterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Berlin, 1885. 4°. 2118. c. Sanders (P. W.) Essay on Uses and Trusts, and on the nature and operation of Conveyances at Common Law. Fifth edition, by G. W. Sanders and J. Warner. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8°. 2017. f. Sanders (H.) History of Shenstone. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 9, No. 4.] London, 1794. 4°. 2061. c. Sanders (L. C.) Celebrities of the Century. London, 1887. 8°. 2034. a. Sandford (P.) Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England. Continued by S. Stebbing. London, 1707. fol. 2120. g. Santarem, M. P., Viscount de. See Barros y Souza. Santini ( ) Dictionnaire General des Communes do Franco et des Colonies. Paris, [1879.] 8°. 2059. a. Sappho. Fragmenta. Gr. [Gais/ord's Poetae Minorca Grseci; 3.] Lipsise, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. SaTDPev (C.) Traite d' Anatomic descriptive. 4 vol. Paris, 1876- 79; 6°. 2024. d. Atlas. Pt. 1. Pans, 1877. 4°. Sardinia. Handbook for Travellers. See Corsica. 2057. b. 2G8 SAB— SAX Sardinia and Piedmont. Histories Batriai Monumenta. Vol. 1-17. Augustse Taurinorum, 1836-79. fol. Cat. Desk. Contents : — Scriptures. 4 vol. Edicta Regum Langobardorum. ChartaB. 2 vol. Codex Diplomaticus Ecclesiensis. Comitia. Vol. 1. Codex Diplomaticus Sardiuise. Vol. 1, 2. Leges Munici pales. 2 vol. Codex Diploiuaticus Langobardise. Liber Juriuiu Keipublica? Genuensis. 2 vol. Sarrazin de Montferrier (A. A. V.) Dictionnaire des Sciences Matheiuatiques pures et appliquees, etc. 3 torn. Paris, 1835-40. fol. 2022. f. Sarrut (G.) and Saint Edme (B.) pseud, [i.e. E. T. Bourg.] Bio- grapnie des Hommes du Jour. 6 vol. Paris, 1835-42. 8°. 2035. g. Sartorius (E. W. C.) The Doctrine of Divine Love. Translated l>y S. Taylor. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Fifth Series. 18.] 2015. a. Sathas (K. N.) ISeoeWrjvixr) cfaXoXoyta. 'E v 'Afl^vais, 1868. 8°. 2050. c. Satow (E. M.) Bibliography of Siam. Singapore, 1886. 8°. BB. I. Satow (E. M.) and Hawes (A. G. S.) Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan. Second edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1884. 8°. 2057. b. Saturday Magazine. 25 vol. London, [1832-44.] 8°. 2093. g. Saturday Review. [Vol. 52, etc.'] London, 1881, etc. 8°. Cat. Desk. Satyre Menippee. [Pantheon Litteraire. Chroniques Ct Memoires.] Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. d. Saulx (G. de) Seigneur de Tavannes. Memoires. [Pantheon Litte- raire. Chroniques et Memoires.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. c. Savage (J.) History of the Hundred of Carhampton, Somerset. Bristol, 1830. 8°. 2066. b. Savigny (F. C. von) Geschichte des Bomischen Bechts ini Mittel- alter. Zweite Ausgabe. 7 vol. Heidelberg, 1834-51. 8°. 2016. b. Savile (Sir H.) Berum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam. Franco- furti, 1 60 1. fol. 2070. d. Contents : — Willelnms Malmesburiensis ; Henrieus Huntingdoniensis; Roger Hovedcn ; Ethel- werdus ; Ingulphus. Savoy and Piedmont. Handbook fur Travellers. See Switzer- land. 2057. a, Saxon Chronicle. Saxon Chronicle; with an English translation and notes by J. Ingram. London, 1823. 4°. 2070. c. SAX— SCH 209 Saxon Chronicle. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited, with a translation, by B. Thorpe 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials."] London, 1861. 8°. 2073. (23.) Sbaralea (J. H.) Supplementura et oastigatio ad scriptores triuin ordinum S. Francisci. See Wadding. 2008. g. Schaefer (H.) Geschichte von Portugal. 5 vol. [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europdischen Stouten.] Hamburg, 1836-54. go. 2068. c. Geschichte von Spanien [in continuation of Lembke. Vol. 2, 3. [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europiiischen Staaten.] Ham- burg, Gotha, 1844-61. 8°. 2068. a. Schaff (P.) History of the Apostolic Church. 2 vol. Edin. 1854. 8 o. 2004. d. The Creeds of the Greek and Latin Churches. With transla- tions. 3 vol. London, 1878-77. 8°. 2002. b. Scheler (A.) Dictionnaire d'Etyrnologie Franchise. Nonvelle edition. Bruxelles, 1873. 8°. 2117. a. Scheller (I. J. G.) Lexicon totius Latinititis ; revised and trans- lated by J. E. Riddle. Oxford, 1835. fol. 2115. g. Scheltema (J.) Staatkundig Nederland. [Biographical Dictionary.] 2 vol. Amsterdam, 1805, 06. 8°. 2038. e. Schenkel (D.) Bibel-Lexikon. 5 Bd. Leipzig, 1869-75. 8 °- 2000. d. Schiller (J. C. F. von) Sammtlicke Werke. Stuttgart und Tubin- gen, 1834. 8°. 2046. h. Sammtliche Schriften. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe von K. Godeke. 15 vol. Stuttgart, 1867-76. 8°. 2042. h. Schirrmacher (F. W.) Geschichte von Spanien [in continuation of Lembke and Schaefer]. Vol. 4. [Heeren and Ukert. Ge- schichte der Eur opaisch en Staaten.] Gotha, 1881. 8°. 2068. a. Schleicher (A.) Compendium der ver^leichenden Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprachen. Weimar, 1876. 8°. 2113. b. Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo- European languages. Translated by H. Bendall. Ft. 1-2. London, 1874-77. 8°. 2113. b. Schletter (H. T.) Handbuch der juristischer und staatswisseu- schaftlichen Literatnr. Vol.1. No. 1-7. Grimma, 1843. 4°. 2017. g. Schleusner (J. F.) Animadversiones in Photii Lexicon. See Zonaras. 2113. c. Schliemann (H.) Ilios : the City and Country of the Trojans. London, 1880. 8°. 2031. d. Mycenae; a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycense and Tiryns. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. b. Schmid (A.) Literatur des Schachspiels. Wien, 1847. 8°. BB. E. 270 SCH Schmid (C. F.) Biblical Theology of the New Testament. Trans- lated by G. H. Venables. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. 4th Series. 27.] Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 2014. g. Schmidt (A.) Shakespeare-Lexicon. See Shakspere. 2046. g. Schmidt (A. GO Anhalt'sches Schriftsteller-Lexicon. Bemburg, 1830. 8°. 2038. b. Schmidt (E. A.) Geschichte von Frankreich. 4 vol. [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europtdischen Staaten.] Hamburg, 1835-48. go. 2068. b. Schmidt (J. H. H.) Synonymik der Griechischen Sprache. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1876-78. 8°. 2113. b. Schmit von Tavera (C.) Bibliographic znr Geschichte des oster- reichischen Kaiserstaates. I. Abth. Bde. 1, 2. Wien, 1858. 8°. BB. M. Schmitz (B.) Encyclopiidie der philologischen Studium der neueren Spracben. Zweite Auflage. (Anhang.) Leipzig, 1876, 77. 8°. BB. T. Schott (G. E.) Handbuch der Padagogischen Literatur der Gegen- wart. 3 Thle. Leipzig, 1869-71. 8°. BB. C Schroeder (H.) Lexikon der Hauiburgischen Schriftsteller bis zur Gegenwart. 8 vol. Hamburg, 1851-83. 8°. 2038. d. Nachtrage und Begister zu dem Lexikon [by D. L. Luebker and H. Schroeder] der Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgischen und Eutinischen Schriftsteller von 1796 bis 1828. Schleswig, 1831. 8°. 2038. b. Schubarth (E. L.) Eepertorium der Technischen Literatur ; 1823-1853. With Eeference Index by B. Woodcroft. Lond. & Berlin, 1856. 8°. BB. O. Neue Folge, 1854^-68. Herausgegeben von B. Kerb 2 vol. Leipzig, 1871-73. 8°. Neue Folge, 1869-73, von B. Kerl. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1876-78. 8°. Schuerer (E.) History of the Jewish People. Div. 2. 3 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. New (Fifth) Series, 23-25.] Edinburgh, 1885-86. 8°. 2015. a. Schulte (J. F. von) Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des Canonischen Bechts. 3 Bd. Stuttgart, 1875-80. 8°. 2016. d. Lehrbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechtes. Giessen, 1868. 8°. 2016. d. Schulze (E.) Gothisches Glossar. Mit einer Vorrede von J. Grimm. Magdeburg, [1848.] 4°. 2117. e. Schumann (A.) Introduction to the Old and New Testament. Translated from the German. London, 1849. 8°. 2001. c. Schwab (G.) and Kluepfel (K.) Wegweiser durch die Literatur der Deutsehen. Vierte Auflage. Leipzig, 1874-89. 8°. BB. G. Schwab (M.) Bibliographic de la Perse. Paris, 1875. 8°. BB. I. sen— SCO 271 Schweiger (F. L. A.) Handbuch der classischon Bibliographic. 2 Thle. Leipzig, 1830-34. 8°. BB. G. Schweighaeuser (J.) Lexicon Herodoteum. 2 vol. Argenforati, 1824. 8°. 2051. f. Scobell (H.) Collection of Acts and Ordinancies made in the Parliament 1640-1656. 2 pt. (in 1 vol.) London, 1658. fol. Cat. Desk. Scotland. Acts of the Lords' Auditors ; 1466-1494. [Record Com- mission.] [London,] 1839. fol. Cat. Desk. Acts of the Lords of Council in Civil Causes; 1478-1495. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1839. fol. Cat. Desk. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. 12 vol. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1814-75. fol. Cat. Desk. The Atlas of Scotland, containing maps of each county. Edin- burgh, fol. 2060. g. Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited by J. Bain. Vol. 1. 1108-1272. Yol. 2. 1272-1307. [Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland.] Edinburgh, 1881. 8°. 2075. d. Commercial Directory. See Slater. Compota Thesaurariorum Regum Scotorum. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. Edited by T. Dickson. Vol. 1. [ Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland.] Edinburgh, 1877. 8°. 2075. d. Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland. Edited by Sir F. Palgrave. Vol. 1. [Record Commission.] Lon- don, 1837. 8 °- 2069 - d - Documents illustrative of the History of Scotland, 1286-1306. Edited by J. Stevenson. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland.] Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 2075. c. Handbook for Travellers in Scotland. Second edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1868. 8°. 2057. b. Inquisitionum ad Capellam Regis Abbreviatio. Vol. 1-3. [Record Commission.] [London,] 181 1-1 6. fol. Cat. Desk. Kew Statistical Account of Scotland. 15 vol. Edin. 1845. 8°. 2063. b. Owners of Lands and Heritages, 1872, 73. Return, etc. Edin- burgh, 1874. 4°. Cat. Desk. The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Edited by J. IT. Burton. Vol. 1 and 2. (By D. Masson. Vol. 3-7.) [Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland.] Edinburgh, 1877-85. 8°. 2075. c. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum ; 1306-1424. [Record Commission.] [London,] 18 14. fol. Cat. Desk. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Sea! of Scotland. a.d. 1424-1513; 1513-1546; 1546-1580. Edited by J. B. Paul and J. M. Thomson. [Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland.] Edinburgh, 1882, 86. 8°. 2075. c. 272 SCO— SEC Scotland. Rotuli Scaccarii Eegum Scotorum. The Exchequer Eolls of Scotland. Edited by J. Stuart and G. Burnett. Vol. 1-10. [Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland.'] Edinburgh, 1878— 87, etc. 8°. 2075. d. Eotuli Scotia? temp. Edw. i.-Hen. vnr. (1291-1516.) 2 vol. [Record Commission.] London, 18 14-19. fol. Cat. Desk. Scots Magazine. 79 vol. Edinburgh, 1739-1817. 8°. 2092. f. g. 2093. a. The Edinburgh Magazine. A new Series of the Scots Maga- zine. 18 vol. Edinburgh, 1817-26. 8°. 2093. h. Scott (Daniel) Appendix ad Thesaurum Giaecaa Linguae ab II. Stephano constructum ; et ad Lexica Constantini & Scapulae. 2 vol. Londini, 1745, 46. fol. 2114. g. Scott (Sir G. G.) Lectures on Mediaeval Architecture. 2 vol. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. b. Scott (John) Costs in the High Court of Justice and other Courts. Fourth edition. London, 1880. 8°. 2019. c. Scott (Sir Walter) Bart. Miscellaneous Prose Works. 3 vol. Edin- burgh, 1841-47. 8°. 2044. e. Waverley Novels. 5 vol. Edinburgh, 185 1. 8°. 2044. e. Poetical Works. Edinburgh, 1848. 8°. 2046. g. History of Scotland. 2 vol. [Lardners Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] London, 1830, 31. 8°. 2103. d. Scottish Law List [for the current year]. Edinburgh. 8°. 2120. a. Scribner (C.) Scribner's Statistical Atlas of the United States. By F. W. Hewes aud H. Gannett. New York, 1882. fol. 2059. f. Scriptorum Graecorum Bibliotheca. See Didot. 2051. g, etc. Scriven (J.) Treatise on the Law of Copyholds. Sixth edition. By A. Brown. London, 1882. 8°. 2017. f. Scrivener (F. H.) A plain introduction to the criticism of the New Testament. Third edition. Cambridge, 1883. 8°. 2002. c. Scrope (G. P.) Volcanoes. Second edition. London, 1879. 8°. 2030. e. Scudder (S. H.) Catalogue of Scientific Serials of all countries, 1663-1876. Cambridge, 1879. 8°. BB. E. Nomenclator Zoologicus. Washington, 1882. 8°. 2028. a. Scylitza (J.) Curopalata. Excerpta ex Bieviario Historico. Gr. & Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1839. 8°. 2067. f. Scymnus, of Scio. Fragments des Poemes Geographiques de Scymnus et du faux Dicearque. Par M. Letronne. Paris, 1840. 8°. 2051. e. Seber (W.) Index Homericus. See Homer. 2052. b. Secondat (C. de) Baron de Montesquieu. (Euvres. [Panihion Litteraire. Poly graphic] Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. e. SEE— SEY 273 Seebohm (^F.) The English Village Community. Second edition. London, 1883. 8°. 2016. b. Seelhorst (A. von) Doutschland's Militiir-Literatur, 1859-1860. Berlin, 1862. 8°. BB. E. Segar (Sir W.) Baronagium Genealogicum. See Edmondson. Segni (B.) Storie Florentine, colla vita di N. Capponi. 3 vol. [Classici Italian! ; 96-98.] Milano, 1805. 8°. 2041. c. Selby (P. J.) History Bi itish Forest Trees. London, 1842. 8°. 2029. c. Selden (J.) Titles of Honor. Second edition. London, 163 1. fol. 2119. f. Sell's Dictionary of the World's Press. London, 1885. 8°. Cat. Desk. Selwyn (W.) Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius. Thirteenth edition. By D. Keane and C. T. Smith. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2018. e. Semenov (P.) reorpacjiiPiecrco-CTaTiicTiniecrciii CiOBaph PocciircKoii Hamepin. 5 Tom. CaHmnncmcpOypn, 1863-85. 8°. 2059. c. Seneca (L. A.) Opera ; recognovit M. N. Bouillet. 10 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 83-91.] Paris. 1827-32. 8°. 2053. d. Opera Philosophica. Recognovit E. F. Vogel. Lipsise, 1830. 8°. 2053. g. Tragoediae. Recognovit F. H. Bothe. 3 vol. Lipsise, 18 19. 8°. 2053. g. ■ Medea et Troades. Cum annotationibus J. F. Gronovii edidit A. Matthiee. Lipsise, 1828. 8°. 2053. g. Senior (N. W.) Political Economy. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. Service Books. A list of printed Service Books according to the ancient uses of the Anglican Church. [By F. H. Dickinson.] London, 1850. 8°. BB. A. Servius Maurus Honoratus. Commentarii in Virgilium. In- struxit H. A. Lion. 2 vol. Gottingse, 1826. 8°. 2053. g. Seton (G.) Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. 2119. c. Seubert (A.) Allgemeines Kiinstlerlexicon. Zweite Auflage. 3 Bd. Stuttgart, 1878-79. 8°. 2032. a. Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marchioness de. See Rabu- tin-Chantal. Seyer (S.) Charters and Letters Patent granted to the town and city of Bristol. Bristol, 1812. 4°. 2064. d. Memoirs of Bristol. 2 vol. Bristol, 1821-23. 4 °- 2066. e. Seymour (R.) Survey of London and Westminster, etc. 2 vol. London, 1734, 35. fol. 2065. f. T 274 SHA— SHE Shakspere (William) Plays and Poems. With a History of the Stage, by E. Malone. 21vol. London, 1821. 8°. 2046. b. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. Edited by C. Knight. Second edition. 12 vol. London, 1842-44. 8°. 2046. d. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. Edited bv J. P. Collier. Second edition. 6 vol. London, 1858. 8°. 2046. d. Works. Edited by W. G. Clark and J. Glover (and W. A. Wright). 9 vol. London, 1863-66. 8°. 2046. e. Works. Edited by H. Staunton. 4 vol. London, 1 864. 8°. 2046. d. Works. By A. Dyce. Second edition. 9 vol. London, 1864- 67. 8°. 2046. c. Works. By E.G. White. 12 vol. Boston, [Mass.] i86=j. 8°. 2046. a. The Leopold Shakspere. London, [1877.] 8°. " 2046. c. Plays. With notes by S. Johnson and G. Steevens. Fifth edition, by I. Eeed. 21vol. London, 1803. 8°. 2046. b-c. Dramatic Works. With notes by S. W. Singer. The Life by W. W. Lloyd. 19 vol. London, 1856. 8°. 2046. a. Dramatic Works. A reproduction in facsimile of the First Folio, 1623. Under the superintendence of Howard Staunton. London, 1866. fol. 2044. g. Complete Concordance to Shakspere. By Mrs. Cowden Clarke. London, 1847. 8°. 2046. f. Index to Shakspere. By S. Ayscough. London, 1790. 8°. 2046. e. The Shakespeare Key. By C. & M. C. Clarke. London, 1879. 8°. 2046. c. Shakespeare-Lexicon. A complete dictionary of all the English Words, Phrases, etc. By A. Schmidt. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2046. g. Bibliography. See Bohn (H. G.) ; Cohn (A.) ; Halliwell- Phillipps (J. 0.); Mullins (J. D.) ; Thimm (F.) Life. See Halliwell-Phillipps (J. 0.) Shakespeare and his Times. See Drake (V.) Sharp (J.) Archbishop of York. Observations on the Coinage of England. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 6, No. 35.] London, 1785. 4°. 2061. c. Sharpe (Sir C.) History of Hartlepool. Hartlepool, 185 1. 8°. 2062. b. Shaw's Local Government Manual and Directory. [For the current year.] London. 8°. 2121. b. Shea (J. G ) Bibliographical Account of Catholic Bibles, &c, translated from the Latin Vulgate and printed in the United States. New York, 1859. 8°. BB. A. SHE— SIL 275 Sheahan (J. J.) and Whellan (T.) History of the City of York, tho Ainsty Wapentake, and the East Hiding of Yorkshire. (Sup- plement on the Wapentake of Claro.) 3 vol. Beverley, 1855, 56,71. 8°. 2062. 1). Sheffield. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Shelford (L.) Shelford's Law of Eailways. Fourth edition. By W. C. Glen. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8°. Shelley (Mary W.) and others. Lives of the most eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Biography.'] London, 1838, 39. 8°. 2103. e. Shelley (P. B.) Poetical Works. With notes and Memoir by W. M. Eossetti. 3 vol. London, 1870. 8°. 2046. a. Shepherd (R. H.) Bibliography of Carlyle. London, [188 1.] 8°. BB. G. Bibliography of Ruskin. Fifth edition. [London, 1882.] 8°. BB. G. Bibliography of Thackeray. London, [1880.] 8°. BB. G. Sheridan (Bight Hon. R. B.) Dramatic Works. With a bio- graphical sketch by Leigh Hunt. London, 1840. 8°. 2046. f. Sheridan (T.) General Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vol. London, 1780. 4°. 2112. g. Sherwood (R.) Dictionary, English and French. See Cotgrave. Shirley (E. P.) Catalogue of the Library at Lough Fea, in illustra- tion of the History and Antiquities of Ireland. London, 1872. 8°. BB. K. Shropshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Sibbald (Sir R.) Account of the Seotish Atlas. Edin. 1683. fob 2066. f. (5.) Advertisement by Sir R. Sibbald [relating to his various works]. [Edinburgh, 1686?] s. sh. fob 2066. f. (2.) Nuncius Scoto-Britannus, etc. Edinburgh, 1683. fob 2066. f. (4.) Scotia Illustrata. [With Proposals for the work.] Edinburgh, 1684. fob 2066. f. (1-3.) Vindicise Scotise Illustrate. Edinburgh, 17 10. fob 2066. f. 6. The above ivorks by Sir B. Sibbald are bound together in one volume. Sicard (H.) Elements de Zoologie. Paris, 1883. 8°. 2029. e. Sidgwick (H.) The Principles of Political Economy. London, 1883. 8°. 2023. d. Sidney Letters and Memorials. See Collins (A.) 2069. f. Silentiarius (Paulus). See Paulus. Silius Italicus (C.) Punicorum libri septemdecim. Cuninte N. E. Lemaire. 2 vol. [Lcmaire. Bibiiotheca Classica Latina ; 92, 1)3.] Paris. 1823. 8°. 2053. d. 276 SIL-SIN Silva (J. F. da) Diccionario bibliographico Portuguez. Vol. 1-13, etc. Lisboa, 1858-84. 8°. 2050. d. Silvestre de Sacy (A. J.) Baron. Grammaire Arabe. Seconde edition. 2 torn. Paris, 183 1. 8°. 2115. b. Simcox (G. A.) History of Latin Literature from Ennius to Boe- thius. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2051. c. Simeon, Bunelmensis. Symeonis Monachi opera omnia. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1882-85. 8°. 2073.(75.) De Gestis Eegum Anglorum. See Twysden (Sir E.) Historian Anglicanse Scriptores X. 1652. fol. 2070. d. Simmonds (P. L.) The British Eoll of Honour. London, 1887. 8°. 2119. c. Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom. London, 1854. 8°. 2029. a. Simmons (T. F.) Constitution and Practice of Courts Martial. Seventh edition. London, 187 5. 8°. 2018. d. Simon (H.) Armorial general de l'Empire Francais. 2 vol. Paris, 1 8 12. fol. 2121. g. Simonde de Sismondi (J. C. L.) De la Litterature du Midi de l'Europe. 4 vol. Paris, 181 3. 8°. 2044. b. Histoire des Francais. 31vol. Paris, 1821-44. 8°. 2083. c. Histoire des Eepubliques Italiennes du Moyen Age. Nouvelle edition. 16 vol. Pan's, 1826. 8°. 2084. c. History of the Italian Eepublics. [Lardners Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] London, 1832. 8°. 2103. d. History of the Fall of the Eoman Empire. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] London, 1834. 8°. 2103. c. Simonides. Fragmenta. Gr. [Gaisford's Poetw Minores Grseci; 3.] Lipsiee, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Carminum Beliquiaa. Edidit F. G. Schneidewin. Gr. Brunsvigse, 1835. 8°. 2051. e. Sims (R.) Handbook to the Library of the British Museum. London, 1854. 8°. Cat. Desk. Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Heralds' Visitations in the British Museum. London, 1 849. 8°. Cat. Desk. Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, &c. London, 1856. 8°. BB. T. Second edition. London, 1861. 8°. Cat. Desk. Sinclair (Bight Hon. Sir J.) Bart. Analysis of the Statistical Account of Scotland. Pt. 1. Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. 2065. a. Sinker (R.) Catalogue of the English books printed before 1609 now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, i88<5. 8°. 2041. bb. SIN— SMI 277 Sinner (G. R. L. von) Bibliographic (178G-1851) der Sohweizer- geschichte (bis 1798). Bern, 1851. 8°. BB. M. Sion College. Catalogus Bibliothecse. See Reading (W.) 2050. g. Siret (A.) Dictionnaire historique des Peintres. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1883. 4°. 2032. e. Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de) See Simonde. Skeat (W. W.) Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Oxford, 1884. 4°. 2112. f. A Mceso-Gothic Glossary. London, 1868. 8°. 2118. a. Skene (W. F.) Celtic Scotland. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1876-80. 8°. V 2071. d. Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish History. Edited by W. F. Skene. \ Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland.'] Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. 2075. c. Skinner (T.) The Directory of Directors [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2121. b. The Stock Exchange Yearbook [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. Slang Dictionary : etymological, historical and anecdotal. New edition. London, 1874. 8°. 2112. b. Slater (J.) National Commercial Directory of Ireland. Manchester, 1 88 1. 8°. 2120. d. National Commercial Directory of Scotland. Edinburqh, 1886. 8°. 2120. d. Slovansky Katalog Bibliograficky za rok 1877, etc. V "Braze, 1878, etc. 8°. BB. R. Smedley (E.) and others. The Occult Sciences. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1855. 8°. 2102. g. Smiles (S.) Lives of the Engineers. 3 vol. London, 1861, 62. 8°. 2039. e. Smirdin (A.) Pocnnci. PocciiicKirsit KHiiraMT, jyia iTeHia, h.3t> CnCiioTeKii A. CMiip^ima. CanKmnemepOijpa. 1828. 8°. 2050. c. Smith (Adam) Wealth of Nations. By J. E. M'Culloch. New edition. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. 2023. d. Smith (H. S.) The Parliaments of England from 1st George I., to the present time. 3 vol. London, 1844-50. 18°. 2082. a. Smith (John) Catalogue raisonne of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters. 9 vol. London, 1829-42. 8°. 2033. h. Smith (John R.) Bibliographical Catalogue of English Writers on Angling and Ichthyology. London, 1856. 12°. 2050. b. Bibliographical List of the Works that have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England. London, 1839. 8°. 2117. a. 278 SMI Smith (John R.) Bibliotheca Cantiana: a Bibliographical Account of the County of Kent. London, 1837. 8 °- BB. K. Smith (John T.) Ancient Topography of London. London, 18 15. 4°. 2065. e. Antiquities of Westminster. 2 vol. London, 1807, etc. 4°. 2065. e. Nollekens and his Times. 2 vol. London, 1828. 8°. 2032. b. Smith (John W.) Compendium of Mercantile Law. Ninth edition, by G. M. Dowdeswell. London, 1811. 8°. 2018. d. Selection of Leading Cases on various branches of Law ; with notes. Ninth edition, by B. H. Collins, and K. G. Arbuthnot. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2017. e. Smith (Joseph) Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana. London, 1873. 8°. BB. A. Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books. 2 vols. London, 1867. 8°. BB. A. Smith (Josiah W.) Compendium of the Law of Beal and Personal Property. Sixth edition. 2 vol. London, 1884. 8°. 2017. d. Manual of Common Law. Tenth edition. By J. Tristram. London, 1887. 8°. 2019. a. Smith (Sydney) Works. New edition. London, 1850. 8°. 2045. d. Works. [Modern British Essayists ; 3.] Philadelphia, 1850. 8°. 2045. d. Smith (T.) Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptoruni Bibliothecee Cottonianee. Oxoniae, 1696. fol. Cat. Desk. Smith (W.) F.B.S.A. History of the County of Warwick, etc. Birmingham, 1830. 4°. 2064. c. Smith (W.) LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and Boman Antiquities. 1849. 2051. b. Dictionary of Greek and Boman Biography and Mythology. 3 vol. London, 1844-49. 8°. 2051. b. Dictionary of Greek and Boman Geography. 2 vol. London, 1854-57. 8 °- 205L h ' Dictionary of the Bible. 3 vol. London, 1860-3. 8 °- 2000. d. Dictionary of the Bible. Edited bv H. B. Hackett and E. Abbot. 4 vol. New York, 1868-70. 8°. 2000. d. Latin-English Dictionary. Nineteenth edition. London. 1888. 80. 2114. c. Smith (W.) LL.D. and Cheetham (S.) Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. 2 vol. London, 1875, 80. 8°. 2007. c. Smith (W.) LL.D. and Grove (Sir G.) An Atlas of Ancient Geography. London, 1875. fol. 2059. f. Smith (W.) LL.D. and Hall (T. D.) English-Latin Dictionary. London, 1870. 8°. 2114. c. SMI— SOP 279 Smith (W.) LL.B. and Wace (H.) Dictionary of Christian Bio- graphy. 3 vol. London, 1877-82. 8°. 2007. c. Smollett (T. G.) History of England. See Hume. 2071. a. Novels. 2 vol. [Novelist's Library ; 2,3.] Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. 2044. e. Smyth (W. H.) The Sailor's Word-Book. London, 1867. 8°. 2112. c. Smyth (William) On the French Bevolution. Cambridge, 1840. 8°. '2083. b. Snell (E. H. T.) Principles of Equity. Eighth edition. By A. Brown. London, 1887. 8°. 2019. b. Snow (T.) Barristcr-at-Law. The Annual Practice. Being a collection of the Statutes, Orders and Pules of the Chancery and Queen's Bench Divisions of the High Court of Justice. By T. Snow, H. Winstanley, and J. Walton, assisted by T. Clarkson, 1886-7. (1887-8, etc.) 8°. London, 1886, etc. 8°. 2018. b. Soames (H.) The Anglo-Saxon Church; its history, &c. Third edition. London, 1844. 8°. 2003. d. The Latin Church during Anglo-Saxon times. London, 1848. 8°. 2003. d. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Biographical Dictionary of the Society. 4 vol. in 7 parts [containing only letter A]. London, 1842-44. 8°. 2036. a. Complete Atlas of the Society. London, 1872. fol. 2059. f. Sohncke (L. A.) Bibliotheca Matheinatica ; 1830-1854. [Con- tinuation of Pogg.] Leipsic, 1854. 8°. BB. E. Solon. Fragmenta. Gr. [Gaisford's Poetse Minores Grseci ; 3.] Lipsise, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Someren (J. F. von) Essai d'une Bibliographie de l'histoire speciale de la Peinture et de la Gravure en Hollande et en Belgique. [1500-1875.] Amsterdam, 1682. 8°. BB. G. Somers (J.) Baron Somers. Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts. Second edition, by [Sir] Walter Scott. 13 vol. London, 1809-15. 4°. 2072. e. Somersetshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Sommervogel (C.) Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes publies par des Religieux de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2048. e. Somner (W.) Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum : accesse- runt iElfrici Abbatis Granimatica Latino-Saxonica. Oxonise, 1659. fol. 2117. f. Sonnenschein (W. S.) The Best Books : a Reader's Guide, etc. London, 1887. 4°. Cat. Desk. Sonnet (H.) Dictionnaire des Mathematiques Appliquees. Paris, 1867. 8°. 2022. d. Sophocles. Tragoediae et Fragmenta. Gr. & Lat. Ex nova recen- sione G. Dindorfii explicuit E. A. J. Ahrens. Bidot : Paris. 1842. 8°. 2051. g. 280 SOP— SOU Sophocles. Sophocles. Or. With English notes by F. H. M. Blaydes and F. A. Paley. 2 vol. [Long's Bibliotheca Classical London, 1859, 80. 8°. 2052. c. Sophocles. With annotations, introduction, &c, by E. Wnnder. With the notes literally translated. London, 1860-68. 8°. 2051. e. Sophoclis Tragediae superstites et perditarum fragmenta. See Dindorfius (0. G.) Poetarum scenicorum Graecoruni fabulae. 1868. 4°. 2052. h. The Plays and Fragments. With critical notes, commentary, and translation in English, by E. C. Jebb. Cambridge, 1883, etc. 8 o # 2052. f. The Ajax critically revised and explained by F. H. M. Blaydes. London and Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. 2052. f. The Electra critically revised and explained by F. H. M. Blaydes. London, 1873. 8°. 2052. f. The Philoctetes critically revised and explained by F. H. M. Blaydes. London, 1870. 8°. 2052. f. The Trachiniae critically revised and explained by F. H. M. Blaydes. London, 1871. 8°. 2052. f. Lexicon Sophocleum. See Ellendt. Sophocles (E. A.) Greek Lexicon of the Eoman and Byzantine r»eriods (from B.C. 146 to a.d. 1100). Boston [U. S.], 1870. 8°. 1 V 2113. c. Komaic Grammar, accompanied by a Chrestomathy. Hartford, 1842. 12°. 2114. a. Sopikov (V.) Ontm. PocciiicKoii Bn6.iiorpa(}iiii. 5 *iacT. Cj)pr<,, 1813-21. 8°. 2050. c Soprani (R.) Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti Genovesi. Seconda edizione, da C. G. Eatti. 2 vol. Genova, 1768, 69. 4°. 2031. f. Sotheby (S. L.) Principia Typographica. The Block-Books issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the 15th century, etc. 3 vol. London, 1858. 4°. 2050. g. Soule (C. C.) The Lawyer's Eeference Manual of Law Books and Citations. Boston, 18*83. 8 °- BB - C - South Kensington Museum. Catalogue of the Educational Division. Ninth edition. London, 1876. 8°. BB. C. Lists of Books [relating to special subjects] in the National Art Library. London, 188 1, etc. 8°. Contents :— Anatomy. Armour and Weapons. ( 'ostium'. Furniture. Gems- Glass. Gold and Silver Work. Heraldry. Lace. Metal Work. Ornament. Printing. Pottery. Sculpture. Seals. SOU— SPA 281 Southey (R.) Pootical Works. London, 1850. 8°. Common-Place Book. Edited by J. W. Warter. 8°. 2046. f. London, 1849. 2044. c. 2044. c. 2044. c. 2044. c. Second Series. London, 1849. Third Series. London, 1850. 8°. Fourth. Series. London, 1 8 5 1 . 8°. The Doctor. Edited by J. W. Warter. London, 1848. 8°. 2044. c. Life and Correspondence. Edited by C. C. Southey. G vol. London, 1849, 50. 8°. 2039. c. Lives of the British Admirals (continued by B. Bell. 5 vol.) [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Biography.'] London, 1833-40. 2103. d. 8°. Omniana. 2 vol. London, 18 12. 12°. 2043. Southgate (H.) Many Thoughts of Many Minds. Third edition. London, 1862. 8°. 2044. c. Second Series. London, 1871. 8°. 2044. c. Noble Thoughts in Noble Language. London, [1871.] 8°. 2044. c. Spalding. Account of the Gentlemen's Society at Spalding. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 3, No. 20.] London, 1784. 4°. 2061. c. Spalding (W.) History of English Literature. Eleventh edition, continued to 1870. Edinburgh, 1870. 12°. 2045. a. Italy and the Italian Islands. 3 vol. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 29-31.] Edinburgh, 1841. 12°. 2103. g. Spallanzani (L.) Opere. 6 vol. [Classici Ltaliani ; 342-344.] Milano, 1825, 26. 8°. 2042. c. Sparks (J.) Library of American Biography. 10 vol. Boston [Mass.], 1834-38. 8°. 2040. a. Contents : — 1. J. Stark, C. B. Brown, K. Mont- gomery, E. Allen. 2. A. Wilson, Capt. J. Smith. 3. B. Arnold. 4. A. Wayne, Sir H. Vane. 5. J. Eliot. 6. W. Pinkney, W. Ellery, Cotton Mather. 7. Sir W. Thips, J. Putnam, L. M. Davidson, D. Rittenhouse. 8. J. Edwards, D. Brainerd. 9. Baron Steuben, Sebastian Cabot, W. Eaton. 10. R. Fulton. J. Warren, H. Hudson, Father Marquette. Index to Vol. 1-10. Sparks (J.) Library of American Biography. 15 vol. Boston [Mass.], 1844-48. 8°. Second Series. 2040. a-b. Contents :- 11. La Salle, P. Henry. 12. J. Otis, J. Oglethorpe. 13. J. Sullivan, J. Leisler, N. Bacon, J. Mason. 14. R. Williams, T. Dwight, Count Pulaski. 15. Count Rumford, Z. M. Pike, S. Gorton. 1G. E. Stiles, J. Fitch, A. Hutchinson. 17. J. Bibault, Sob. Rale, W. Palfrey. is. C. Lee, J. Beed. 19. L. Calvert. S. Ward, T. Posey. 282 SPA— SPK 24. J. Ledyard. 25. W. K. Davie, S. Kirkland. Index to Vol. 11-25. Sparks (J.) — continued. 20. N. Greene. 21. S. Decatur. 22. E. Preble, W. Penn. 23. D. Boone, B. Lincoln. Spectator. [By Steele, Addison, and others.] 8 vol. British Essayists; 5-12.] London, 1823. 12°. 2043. a. Speed (J.) History of Great Britaine. Third edition, enlarged. London, 1632. fol. 2070. d. Spelman (Sir H.) English Works with his Posthumous Works, and Life. 2 pt. London, 1723. fol. 2070. e. Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents relating to (*!i-eat Britain and Ireland. Edited, after Spelman and Wilkins, by A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs. Vol.1. Oxford, 1869. 8°. 2008. e. Glossarium Archaiologicum. Editio tertia. London, 168 7 . fol. 2117. f. Spence (H. D. M.) Thirty Thousand Thoughts, being Extracts on Beligious and allied Topics. Edited by H. D. M. Spence, J. S. Exell, C. Neil. Vol. 1-5. London, 1884-87. 8°. 2006. b. Spencer (H.) A System of Synthetic Philosophy. First Principles. Second edition. London, 1867. 8°. 2023. b. Principles of Biology. 2 vol. London, 1864-67. 8°. 2023. b. Principles of Psychology. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2023. b. Principles of Sociology. 2 vol. London, 1876-82. 8°. 2023. b. Principles of Sociology. Third edition. Vol.1. London, 1885. 8°. 2023. b. The Data of Ethics. London, 1879. 8 °- 2023. b. Ecclesiastical Institutions. Second edition. London, 1886. 8°. 2023. b. Spenser (E.) Poetical Works. See Anderson ; Chalmers. Spiers (A.) Dictionnaire general Franoais-Anglais (Anglais- Francais). Vingt-neuvieme edition, par H. Witcomb. 2 vol. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2116. b. Spon (E.) Dictionary of Engineering. See Byrne. 2022. b. Encyclopaedia of Industrial Arts. See Andr& 2022. b. Spon's Household Manual. London, 1887. 8°. 2027. c. Spooner (W. C.) Veterinary Art. Second edition. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1851. 8°. 2102. e. Spotiswood (J '.) Archbishop of St. Andrews. History of the Church and State of Scotland. Fourth edition. London, 167 7. fol. 2004. g. Sprenger (A.) Catalogue of the Bibliotheca Orien talis Sprengeriana. Giessen, 1857. 8°. 2050. d. SPR— STA 283 Springer (R.) Wogwoiscr in dor Vegotarianischeu Literatim Zweite Auflagc. Nordhausen, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Sprott (T.) Chronica. Edidit T. Hearnius. Oxoniee, 17 19. 8°. 2072. b. Spruner (C. von) Atlas Antiquns. Gothse, 1850. obi 4°. 2058. d. Historic Geographical Atlas of the Middle and Modern Ages. London, 1853/ fol. 2059. f. Sprnner-Menke Hand- Atlas' fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. Dritte Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von T. Menke. Gotha, 1880. fol. 2059. e. Spurgeon (C. H.) Commenting and Commentaries. With a catalogue of Biblical Commentaries. London, 1 876. 8°. BB. A. Squier (E. G.) Catalogue of the Library of E. G. Squier (principally relating to Central America, &c). New York, 1876. 8°. BB. I. Stace (M.) British Historical Intelligencer. Westminster, 1829. 8°. 2071. a. Stael-Holstein (A. L. G. de) Baroness. CEuvres completes. (G^uvres posthumes.) 3 vol. [Pantheon Litteraire. Polygraphie.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. e. Staelin (P. F.) Geschichte Wiirttembergs. Band 1. [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Gotlia, 1882-87. 8°. 2068. d. Staffordshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Stamp (G.) Index to the Statute Law of England. Third edition, by J. E.Davis. London, 1862. 8°. 2017. c. Stanford (E.) Library Map of London and its Suburbs. Geo- logically coloured. 24 sheets. London, 1877. fol. 2059. e. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel, based on Hellwald's Die Erde und ilire Volker. 6 vol. London, 1882-85. 8°. 2060. a. Contents : — Africa. By Keith Johnston. Asia. By A. H. Keane and Sir It. Temple. Central America. By H. W. Bates. North America. By F. V. Hayden and A. R. C. Selwyn. Australasia. Bv A. E. "Wallace. Europe. By F. W. Kudler and G. C. Chisholm. Stanhope (P. H.) 5th Earl Stanhope. History of England, com- prising the Eeign of Queen Anne until the Peace of Utrecht, 1701-1713. London, 1870. 8°. 2071. e. History of England, from the peace of Utrecht. Second edition. 7 vol. London, 1839-54. 8°. 2071. e. Stanley (A. P.) Dean of Westminster. Historical Memorials of Canterbury. Second edition. London, 1855. 8°. 2063. a. 284 STA Stanley (A. P.) Bean of Westminster. Historical memorials of West- minster Abbey. Fifth edition. London, 1882. 8°. 2065. b. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. Fourth edition. London, 1866. 8°. 2004. b. Stapfer (E.) Palestine in the time of Christ. Translated by A. H. Holmden. (Third edition.) London, 1886. 8° Stark (A.) History of Gainsburgh. Second edition. 8°. Handbuch der Archaologie der Kunst. 2004. London, 2062. a. Leipzig, BB. M. 2 vol. 2069. s. 1843. 8°. Stark (C. B.) 1878. 8°. State Papers. Miscellaneous State-Papers, 1501-1726 London, 1778. 4°. State Papers published under the authority of His (Her) Majesty's Commission. — King Henry the Eighth. 5 pt. (in 11 vol.) London, 1830-52. 4°. 2069. g. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Eeign of Henry viii. Arranged and catalogued by J. S. Brewer and J. Gairdner. Vol. 1-10, etc. London, 1862-87, etc Vol. 1. Vol. 2. Pt. 1-2. Vol. 3. Pt. 1-2. Vol. 4. Pt. 1-3. Introduction to vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10 and 11. 8°. 1509-1514. By J. S. Brewer. 1515-1518. 1519-1523. 1524-1530. 1524-1530. 1531-1532. By J. Gairdner. 1533. By J. Gairdner. 1534. 1535. 1535. 1536. „ 2075. f- g. Calendars. Domestic Series. [Reigns of Edward IT., Mary, Elizabeth.] 1547-1580. Edited by B. Lemon. London, 1856. 8°. 2076. a. [Reign of Elizabeth.'] Edited by B. Lemon. London, 1865. 8°. Edited by M. A. E. Green. London, 1867. 8°. l86q. 1581-1590. 1591-1594. 1595-1597. 1598-1601. 1601-1603. [jft 1603-1610. 1611-1618. 1619-1623. 1623-1625. ign of James L] 1870. 1857. 1858. 1858. 1859. 2076. STA 285 State Papers. Calendars. Domestic Semes— continued. [Edward Yl.-James I. Addenda.] 1547-1505. Edited by M. A. E. Green. London, 1870. 8° 1566-1579. „ „ „ 1871. 1580-1625. „ „ „ 1872. [Pt. 1 is bound with the vol. for 1601-1603.] [Beign of Charles /.] 1625-1626. Edited by J. Bruce. London, 1858. 8°. 1627-1628. „ „ „ 1858. 1628-1629. „ „ „ 1859. 1629-1631. „ „ „ i860. 1631-1633. „ „ „ 1862. 1633-1631. „ „ „ 1863. 1634-1635. „ „ „ 1864. 1635. „ „ „ 1865. 1635-1636. „ „ „ 1866. 1636-1637. „ „ „ 1867. 1637. „ „ „ 1868. 1637-1638. „ „ „ 1869. 1638-1639. Edited by Bruce and Hamilton. London, 187 1. 1639. Edited by W. D. Hamilton. London, 1873. 1639-1640. Edited by W. D. Hamilton. London, 1877. 1640. „ „ ,, 1880. 1640-1641. „ „ , 1641-1643. 1649-1650. Iti50. 1651. 1651-1652. 1652-1653. 1653-1654. 1654. 1655. 1655-1656. 1656-1657. 1657-1658. 1658-1659. 1659-1660. 1660-1661. 1661-1662. 1663-1664. 1664-1665. 1665-1666. 1666-1667. 1667 [GommonvseaWh."] Edited by M. A. E. Green. 1882. 1887. 2076. a-b. London, 1875 1876, 1877 1877 1878 1879 1880, 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 2076. [Beign of Charles II.~\ Edited by M. A. E. Green. London, i860, 1861 1862 1863 1864 8°. 1866. 2076. c-d. 286 STA State Papers. Calendars. Foreign Series. [Beign of Edivard 77.] 1547-1553. Edited by W. B. Turnbull. London, 1 86 1. [Beign of Mary.] 1553-1558. Edited by W. B. Turnbull. London, 1861. 1558-1559. 1559-1560. 1560-1561. 1561-1562. 1562. 1563. 1564-1565. 1566-1568. 1569-1571. 1572-1574. 1575-1577. [Beign of Elizabeth. Edited by J. Stevenson. Edited by A. J. Crosby. London, 1863. 1865. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1869. 1870. London, 187 1. 1874. 1876. 1880. 2076. - Calendar of Letters, Despatches and State Papers relating to Negotiations between England and Spain. Vol. 1. 1485-1509. By G. A. Bergenroth Vol. 2. 1509-1525. Supplement to Vol. 1, 2 Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. 5. Pt. 1. Pt. 2. Pt. 1. Pt. 2. Pt. 1. 1525-1526. By P. 1527-1529. 1529-1530. 1531-1533. 1534-1535. London, 1862. 8° 1866. 1868. de Gayangos. London, 1873 „ 1877 1879 1882 „ 18" 2076 Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to English Affairs existing in Venice and other Libraries of Northern Italy. Vol.1. 1502-1509. Edited by E. Brown. London, 1864. 8°. Vol. 2 1509-1519. „ ' „ „ 1867. Vol. 3. 1520-1526. „ „ „ 1869. Vol.4. 1527-1533. „ „ „ 1871. Vol. 5. 1534-1554. „ „ „ 1873. Vol. 6. Pt. 1. 1555-1556. „ „ „ 1877. Vol.6. Pt.2. 1556-1557. „ „ „ 1881. Vol.6. Pt.3. 1557-1558. „ „ „ 1884. Report upon the documents in the Archives and Public Libraries of Venice. By T. D. Hardy. London, 1866. 8°. 2076. g. State Papers. — Calendars. Calendar of Home Office Papers. Vol. 1, 2. 1760-1765, 1766-1769. Edited by J. Pedington; Vol.3. 1770-1772. Edited by R. H. Eoberts. London, 1878-81. 8°. 2077. e. STA 287 State Papers — continued. Calendar of Treasury Papers. Prepared by J. Eedington. London, 1868. 8°. London, 1871. London, 1874. London, 1879. London, 1883. 2077. e. State Papers.— Calendars. Scottish Series. 1509-1603. By M. J. Thorpe. 2 vol. London, 1858. 8°. 2076. d. Irish Series. Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland. 1171-1251. Edited by H. S. Sweetman. London, 1875. Vol. 1. 1556-1696. Vol. 2. 1697-1701-2. Vol. 3. 1702-1707. Vol. 4. 1708-1714. Vol. 5. 1714-1719. 1252-1284. 1285-1292. 1293-1301. 1302-1307. 1509-1573. 1574-1585. 1586-1588. 1588-1592. [Beign of Elizabeth.] Edited by H. C. Hamilton. 1877. „ 1879- 1881. 1886. 2077. f. London, i860. 1867. „ 1877- 1886. 2077. f. [Beign of James I.] Edited by C. W. Bussell and J. P. Trendergast. 1603-1606. 1606-1608. 1608-1610. 1611-1614. 1615-1625. London, 1872. 1874. 1874. 1877. 1880. 2077. f. Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts. Edited by J. S. Brewer and W. Bullen. 1515-1574. London, 1867. 1575-1588. 1589-1600. 1601-1603. 1603-1624. Book of Howth ; Miscellaneous W. Bullen. London, 187 1. 1868. „ 1869. 1870. „ 1873. Edited by J. S. Brewer and 2077. s. State Papers. Calendars. Indies. 1574-1660. Edited by W. N. Sainsbury. 1661-1668. East Indies, China and Japan. 1513-1616. Edited by W. N. Sainsbury. 1617-1621. 1622-1624. 1625-1629. Colonial Series. America and the West London, i860. 1880. 2077. g. London, 1862. 1870. 1878. „ I884. 2077. g. 288 STA State Tracts : being a collection of Treatises relating to the govern- ment, privately printed in the reign of Charles II., etc. 2 pt. London, 1693, 92. fol. 2072. e. A Collection of State Tracts, publish'd on occasion of the Eevolution in 1688, and during the reign of William in. 3 vol. London, 1705-07. 2072. e. State Trials. Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials. [Con- tinued by T. B. and T. J. Howell.] 33 vol. London, 1809-26. 8°. 2019. d. h. General Index. By D. Jardine. London, 1828. 8°. 2019. d. h. States of the Church. Bibliografia storica delle Citta e Luoghi dello Stato Pontificio, etc. Boma, 1792. 4°. BB. K. Stationers' Company. Transcript of the Begisters of the Company of Stationers of London ; 1554-1640. Edited by E. Arber. Vol. 1-4. London, 1875-77. 4°. 2048. f. Statistical Society. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1839, etc. 8°. 2097. d. f. General Index. Vol. 1-15. London, 1854. 8°. 2097. d. Statius (P. P.) Opera omnia, ex editione Bipontina, cum notis in usum Delphini. 4 vol. Valpij : Londini, 1824. 8°. 2055. e. Opera; cum notis, quibus suas addiderunt J. A. Amar et N. E. Lemaire. 4 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 94-97.] Paris. 1825-30. 8°. 2053. d. La Tebaide di Stazio del Cardinale C. Bentivoglio. [Glassici Italiani; 290.] Milano, 182 1. 8°. 2042. a. Statutes. Statutes of the Bealm. 9 vol. [Becord Commission.'] [London,] 1810-22. fol. Cat. Desk. Alphabetical Index. [Becord Commission.] [London,] 1824. fol. Cat. Desk. Chronological Index. [Becord Commission.] [London,] 1828. fol. Cat. Desk. The Statutes. Bevised edition. Vol. 1—18? etc. 1235-1876, etc. London, 1870, etc. 8°. Cat. Desk. The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to (1869). Bevised by D. Pickering, (G. K. Bickards, etc.) 110 vol. Cambridge; London, 1 762-1 869. 8°. 2021. c. g. Bublic General Statutes, 1886, etc. [Law Bcports.] London, 1886, etc. 8°. 2020. f. Chronological Table and Index, 1235-1886. London, 8°. Cat. Desk. Collection of sundry Statutes, frequent in use. By F. Pulton. London, 1661. fol. 2017. g. Index to Statutes at Large. By O. Buffhead. London, 17 7 2. 2017. c. Index to the Public Statutes, from 9 Hen. in. to 10 & 11 Vict. By II. Biddell and J. W. Bogers. Bt. 1. London, 1848. 8°. 2016. e. STA— STE 289 Statutes. Index to the Statutes, public and private. (1801-1839.) [London,'] 1840. fol. Cat. Desk. (1801-1865.) London, 1867. fol. Cat. Desk. Chronological Table, and Index to the Indian Statute-Book, from 1834. With Introduction to the Statute Law of India. By C. D. Field. London, [1870.] 4°. Cat. Desk. Stebbing (H.) History of the Christian Church. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. History.] London, 1833-34. 8°. 2103. d. History of the Reformation. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- paedia. History.] London, 1836. 8°. 2103. d. Steenstrup (J. J. S.) On the Alternations of Generations. Trans- lated by G. Busk. [Bay Society.] London, 1845. 8°. 2027. f. Steiger (E.) The Periodical Literature of tho United States. New York, 1873. 4°. BB. O. Steinmeyer (F. L.) History of the Passion and Resurrection of our Lord. Translated by T. Cierar and A. Cusin. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; 63.] Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. 2014. h. Steinschneider (M.) Catalogus librorum Hebraeorum in Biblio- theca Bodleiana. Berolini, 1852-60. 4°. Cat. Desk. Manuale Bibliographicum. Bibliograpbisches Handbuch liber die Literatur fur hebraische Sprachkunde. Leipzig, 1859. 8°. BB. T. See also Hebr.eische Bibliographie. Stenzel (G. A. H.) Geschichte des Preussischen Staats. 5 vol. [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europdischen Staaten.] Ham- burg, Gotha, 1830-54. 8°. 2068. c. Stephanus (H.) See Estienne. Stephanus (R.) See Estienne. Stephen, King of England. Gesta Stephani, Regis Anglorum. Re- censuit R. C. Sewell. [English Historical Society.] London, 1846. 8°. 2071. c. Stephen (H. J.) New Commentaries on the Laws of England. (Partly founded on Blackstono.) Tenth edition, by H. St. J. Stephen. 4 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2016. d. Stephen (Sir J.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. [Modern British Essayists; 7.] Philadelphia, 1850. 8°. 2045. d. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Digest of the Criminal Law. Fourth edition. London, 1887. 8°. 2019. b. A History of the Criminal Law of England. 3 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2016. d. Stephen (L.) Dictionary of National Biography. London, I885, etc. 8°. 2036. b. Stephen (T.) History of the Church of Scotland. 4 vol. London, 1843-45. 8 °- 2004 - b - Stephens (H.) Book of the Farm. Third edition. 2 vol. Edin- burgh, 1 87 1. 8°. 2029. d. u 290 STE— STI Sterne (L.) CEuvres completes. Avoc des notices biographiques et litteraires par Sir W. Scott ; traduites par F. Michel. [Pantheon Litteraire. Bomans.] Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. g. Tristram Shandy ; Sentimental Journey. [Novelist's Library, 5.] Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. 2044. e. Stesichorus. Fragmenta. Gr. [Gaisford's Poetse Minores Grseci ; 3.] Lipsise, 1834. 8°. 2051. e. Stevens (H.) The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition. London, 1877. 8°. BB. A. Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (1.) Catalogue of American Maps in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (4.) Catalogue of Canadian and other British North American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (2.) Catalogue of Mexican and other Spanish American and West Indian Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (3.) Historical Nugo-ets : a descriptive account of rare Books relating to America. 2 vol. London, I859. 8°. 2050. a. Stevens (J.) History of the antient Abbeys, Monasteries, &c. ; being additional volumes to Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum. 2 vol. London, 1722, 23. fol. 2062. e. Stevenson (John) Hymenomycetes Britannici. British Fungi. With illustrations. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2029. c. Stevenson (W.) History of Ely Cathedral. See Bentham (J.) 2065. e. Stewart (C. J.) Catalogue of Liturgies, Liturgical and Sacramental Works, etc. London. 8°. BB. A. Catalogue of Works in Patristic and Mediaeval Literature. London. 8°. BB. A. Stieler (A.) Hand Atlas iiber alle Theile der Erde, neu bearbeitet von A. Petermann, etc. Gotha, [1881.] fol. 2059. e. K arte des Deutschen Eeichs. Gotha, 1876. fol. 2059. e. Stier (E. R.) Words of the Lord Jesus. Translated by W. B. Pope. 8 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; N.S., 5, 7, 10-13, 17, 18.] Edinburgh, 1855-58. 8°. 2014. e. Words of the risen Saviour, and Commentary on the Epistle of St, James. Translated by W. B. Pope. [Clark's Foreign Theo- logical Library ; 3rd Series, 4.] Edinburgh, 1859. 8°. 2014. f. Words of the Apostles. Translated by G. H. Venables. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; 4th Scries, 22.] Edinburgh, 1869. 8°. 2014. g. Stille (A.) and Maisch (J. M.) The National Dispensatory. Fourth edition, revised. London, 1886. 8°. 2024. e. STI-STR 201 Stirling, afterwards Stirling Maxwell (Sir W.) Bart. Annals of tho Artists of Spain. 3 vol. London, 1848. 8°. 2032. c. An Essay towards a collection of Books relating to Proverbs, Emblems, Apothogms, Emblems and Ana ; being a catalogue of those at Keir. London, i860. 8°. BB. G. Stobaeus (Joannes) See Joannes. Stoddart {Sir J.) Glossology. First division. [Encyclopaedia Metro- politana.] London, 1858. 8°. 2102. h. Introduction to the Study of Universal History. Second edition. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. Philosophy of Language ; comprehending Universal Grammar. Second edition, by W. Hazlitt. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.~] London, 1S49. 8°. 2102. b. Stone (Airs. E.) Chronicles of Fashion. 2 vol. London, 184 5. 8°. 2083. a. Stonehenge, pseud. British Rural Sports. Fourteenth edition. London, [1878.] 8°. 2032. f. Stonehouse (W. B.) History and Topography of the Isle of Axholme. London, 1839. 4°. 2064. d. Story (J.) Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence. First English edition, by W. E. Grigsby. London, 1884. 8°. 2018. 0. Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, foreign and domestic, in regard to Contracts, Eights and Remedies, &c. Seventh edition by E. H. Bennett. Boston [Mass.], 1872. 8°. 2016. d. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. Fourth edition, by T. M. Cooley. 2 vol. Boston [Mass.], 1873. 8°. 2018. a. Stothard (C. A.) Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, from tho Norman Conquest to the reign of Henry vm. [With Intro- duction and historical descriptions by A. J. Kenipe.] London, 1817O-333. 4°. 2064. e. Stow (J.) Annales ; or, generall Chronicle of England. Continued until 1614 by E. Howes. London, 16 15. fol. 2070. d. Survey of London and Westminster. By J. Strype. 2 vol. London, 1720. fol. 2065. f. Survey of London. New edition, edited by W. J. Thorns. London, 1842. 8°. 2065. b. Strabo. Geographica. Gr. Recensuit Gr. Kramer. 3 vol. Berolini, 1844-52. 8°. 2056. e. Geographica. Gr. Si Lat. Didot : Paris. 1853. 2052. g. Geographic, traduitc en Francais. 5 vol. Paris, 1805-19. 4°. 2057. f. Strabo (Walafridus) Opera omnia. 2 vol. [Migne. Patrohyise Cursus; 113, 114.] Paris. 1852. 4°. 2009. f. u 2 292 STR Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. See Wentworth. Strahl (P.) Geschichte des Bussischen Staates. 2 vol. [For con- tinuation, see Herrmann.] [Heeren and Ukert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.] Hamburg, 1832-39. 8°. 2068. b. Stratico (S.) Bibliografia di Marina. Milano, 1823. 4°. BB. E. Stratmann (P. H.) Dictionary of the Old English Language. (Supplement. 1881.) Third edition. Krefeld, 1878-81. 4°. 2112. c. Strickland (A.) Lives of the Queens of England. [With Index.] 8 vol. London, 1851, 52. 8°. 2039. d. Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8 vol. London, 1850-59. 8°. 2039. d. Strieder (P. W.) Grundlage zu einer Hessischen Gelehrten-Schrift- steller (-und Kunstler)-Geschichte. [With continuations by K. C. Justi and O. Gerland.] 21 vol. Gottingen, etc. 1781-68. 8°. 2038. b. Strutt (J.) Biographical Dictionary of Engravers. 2 vol. London, 1785, 86. 4°. 2032. f. — — Chronicle of England : from Julius Caesar to the Norman Con- quest. 2 vol. London, 1777, 78. 4°. 2070. c. Compleat View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, &c. of the Inhabitants of England. 3 vol. London, 1775, 76. 4°. 2071. g. Eegal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England. New edition, with Supplement. London, 1793, 92. 4°. 2085. g. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England : illustrated by engravings. London, 1801. 4°. 2085. g. Struve (B. G.) Bibliotheca Historica, aucta a C. G. Budero, nunc a J. G. Meuselio amplificata. 9 vol. Lipsise, 1782-97. 8°. BB. M. Struve (O.) Librorum in Bibliotheca Specular Pulcovensis anno 1858 exeunte contentorum catalogus systematicus. Petropoli, i860. 8°. 2048. d. Strype (J.) Annals of the Eeformation in the Church of England during Queen Elizabeth's reign. A new edition. 4 vol. (in 7.) Oxford, 1824. 8°. 2003. f. Ecclesiastical Memorials. 3 vol. (in 6.) Oxford, 1822. 8°. 2003. f. Historical Collections of the Life and Acts of J. Aylmer, Bishop of London. New edition. Oxford, 182 1. 8°. 2004. f. History of the Life and Acts of E. Grindal, Archbishop of Can- terbury. Oxford, 1 82 1. 8°. 2003. f. Life and Acts of J. Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury. 3 vol. Oxford, 1822. 8°. 2004. f. — ' — Life and Acts of M. Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury. 3 vol. Oxford, 1 82 1. 8°. 2004. f. STR— SUR 293 Strype (J.) Life of Sir J. Cheke. New edition. Oxford, 182 1. 8°. 2004. f. Life of Sir T. Smith. New edition. Oxford, 18 20. 8°. 2003. f. - Memorials of T. Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. New edition. 2 vol. Oxford, 18 12. 8°. 2003. f. General Index to the Historical and Biographical Works of J. Strype. 2 vol. Oxford, 1828. 8°. 2004. f. Stuart (M.) Critical History and Defence of the Old Testament Canon. Andover [U.S.], 1845. 8°. 2000. b. Commentary on the Apocalypse. 2 vol. Andover [U.S.], 1845. 8°. 2002. a. Commentary on the Book of Proverbs. New York, 1852. 8°. 2001. a. Hebrew Grammar. Andover [U.S.], 182 1. 8°. 2115. b. Stubbs (T.) Chronica Pontificum Ecclesiae Ebotaci. See Twysden (&V E.) Historic Anglicange Scriptores x. 1652. foL 2070. d. Stubbs (W.) Bishop of Oxford. Constitutional History of England. 3 vol. Oxford, 1880. 8°. 2073. a. Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum : an attempt to exhibit the course of Episcopal Succession in England. Oxford, 1858. 4°. 2002. a. Stuck (G. H.) Verzeichniss von aeltern und neuern Land- und Reisebeschreibungen. 2 Th. Halle, 1784-87. 8°. BB. I. Stuckenberg (J. C.) Versuch eines Quellen-Anzeigers alter und neuer Zeit fur das Studium der Geographie, Ethnographie und Statistik des russischen Reiches. 4 pt. St. Petersburg, 1849- 52. 8°. BB. I. Suckling (A.) History of Suffolk. 2 vol. London, 1846-48. fol. 2063. e. Suetonius Tranquillus (C.) Opera omnia, ex editione Baumgarten- Crusii, in usuin Delphini. 4 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1826. 8°. 2055. e-f. Opera; Baumgartenii-Crusii commentario illustravit C. B. Hase. 2 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 98, 99.] Paris. 1828. 8°. 2053. d-e. Suffolk. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Sugden (E. B.) Baron St. Leonards. Practical Treatise of Powers. Eighth edition. London, 186 1. 8°. 2017. f. Suicerus (J. C.) Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus, e Tatribus Gratis. 2 vol. Amstelodami, 1682. fol. 2008. g. Suidas. Lexicon : Graece et Latine post T. Gaisfordum recensuit G. Bernhardy. 2 vol. Halis et Brunsv. 18 53. 4°. 2114. f. Summers (J.) Handbook of the Chinese Language. Oxford, 1863. 8°. 2115. d. Surrey. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. 294 SUE— SWE Surtees (R.) History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham. 4 vol. [For continuation, see Eaine.] London, 1816- 40. foL 2061. f. Sussex. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Sussex Archaeological Society. General Index to Vol. 1-25. By H. Canipkin. Sussex, 1874. 8°. BB. O. Sutton (J. P.) Date Book of Events connected with Nottingham and its neighbourhood, 1750-1850. London, 1852. 8°. 2062. a. Symons (G. J.) and Simmonds (P. L.) [Catalogue of Works on Tropical Products and Economio Botany.] London, 1879. fol. BB. E. Swainson (C. A.) The Nicene and Apostles' Creeds, their literary history. With an account of "the Creed of St. Athanasius." London, 1875. 8°. 2002. a. Swainson (W.) Animals in Menageries. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- psedia. Natural History.] London, 1838. 8°. 2103. f. Birds. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. Natural History.'] London, 1836, 37. 8°. 2103. f. Fishes, Amphibians, and Beptiles. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. Natural History.] London, 1838, 39. 8°. 2103. f. Geography and Classification of Animals. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. Natural History.] London, 1835. 8°. 2103. f. Habits and Instincts of Animals. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. Natural History.] London, 1840. 8°. * 2103. f. Malacology; or, Shells and Shell-Fish. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Natural History.] London, 1840. 8°. 2103. f. Quadrupeds. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Natural History.] London, 1835. 8 °- 2103. f. Study of Natural History. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. Natural History.] London, 1834. 8°. 2103. f. Taxidermy, Bibliography and Biography. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia. Natural History.] London, 1840. 8°. 2103. f. and Shuckard (W. E.) In.-ects. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- psedia. Natural History.] London, 1840. 8°. 2103. f. Sweden. Handbook for Travellers in Sweden. Fifth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1877. 8°. 2057. a. Swedish Biography. Biographiskt Lexicon ofver namnkunnige Svenska Man. 23 vol. Upsala, etc., 1835-57. 8 °- 2038. g. Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon. Ny Folja. Vol. 1-9, etc. Qrebro, 1857, etc. 8°. 2308. g. Swedish Book Catalogue. Svensk Bok-Katalog, 1866-1875. Stockholm, 1878. 4°. 2050. f. Arskatalog for Svenska Bokhandeln, 1876-80. 1885-84. Stockholm, 8°. 2050. b. Sweet (H. G.) Complete Catalogue of Modern Law Books. Second edition. London, 1883. 8°. BB. C. SWE— TAL 295 Sweetman (H. S.) Calendars of Docunionts. — Ireland. See State Papers. Swift (Jonathan), Bean of St. Patrick's. Works ; by Sir W. Scott. Second edition. 19 vol. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. 2045. c. Gulliver's Travels. [Novelist's Library; 9.] Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. 2044. e. Swimming. A bibliographical list of works on Swimming. [By E. Thomas.] London, 1868. 8°. BB. E. Switzerland. Handbook for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. Sixteenth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1879. 8°. 2057. a. History of Switzerland. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia. His- tory.] London, 1832. 8°. 2103. d. Sydney Letters. See Collins (A.) Sykes (J.) Local Eecords ; or, Historical Eegister of Northumber- land and Durham, Newcastle and Berwick. New edition. 2 vol. Newcastle, 1833. 8°. 2062. b. Syme (J. T. B.) English Botany. The Figures by J. Sowerby, &c. Third edition. 12 vol. London, 1863-86. 8°. 2029. b. Symeon, Magister. Theophanes continuatus, Symeon, ex recogni- tione I. Bekkeri. Gr. and Lat. [Byzantine History.] Bonnse, 1838. 8°. 2067. f. Syria. Handbook for Travellers in Syria and Palestine. New edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1875. 8°. 2057. a. Szabo (K.) Eegi Magyar Konyvtar. Az 1531-1711 megjelent Magyar nyomtatvanyok kbnyveszeti kezikonyve. Budapest, 1879. 8°. 2048. e. Tacitus (C. Cornelius) Opera, publicavit J. J. Oherlin ; cui annotationes subjunxit J. Naudet. 5 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 100-104.] Pans. 1819,20. 8°. 2053. e. Opera omnia, ex editione Oberliniana, in usum Delphini. [With " Supplementa, a G. Brotier."] 11 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1821. 8°. 2055. Annals, with a commentary by P. Frost. [Long's Bibliotheca Classica.] London, 1872. 8°. 2052. c. Taine (H. A.) History of English Literature. Translated by H. VanLaun. 4 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2044. b. Tait (P. G.) Elementary Treatise on Quaternions. Oxford, 1867. 8°. 2022. c. Talbot (C.) Duke of Shrewsbury. Private and original correspond- ence with King William and other statesmen. Published by W. Coxe. London, 1821. 4°. 2069. f. 296 TAL— TAY Talfourd (Sir T. N.) Critical and miscellaneous Writings. [Modern British Essayists ; 7 .] Philadelphia, 1848. 8°. 2045. d. and others. History of Greek Literature. Second edition. [Encyclopsedia Metropolitana.] London, 1850. 8°. 2102. g. Talmud. . Edidit F. A. Wernicke. Gr. Lipsise, 18 19. 8°. 2051. e. Tucker (W. T.) Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian. London, 1850. 12°. 2115. a. Tudor (O. D.) Leading Cases in Equity. See White (F. T.) 2018. d. Leading Cases on Mercantile and Maritime Law. With notes. Third edition. London, 1884. 8°. 2018. c. Selection of Leading Cases on Real Property, Conveyancing, and the construction of Wills and Deeds. Third edition. London, 1879. 8°. 2017. c. TUR— TYT 305 Turkey. Handbook for Travellers in Turkey in Asia, including Constantinople. Fourth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1878. 8°. 2057. a. Turnbull (W. B.) Calendar of State Papers. Foreign Series. See State Papers. Turner (D.) Guide to the verification of Manuscripts, by reference to engraved fac-similes of Handwriting. Yarmouth, 1848. 8°. BB. T. Norfolk Drawings, Prints, etc. See Woodward. (S.) BB. K. Turner (S.) History of England to the death of Elizabeth, 12 vol. London, 1839. 8°. 2071. b. Turner (T. H.) Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England. 3 vol. (in 4). Oxford, 1851-59. 8°. 2031. a. Tumor (L.) History of the Town of Hertford. Hertford, 1830. 8°. 2065. b. Turpilius (S.) Reliquiae. See Ribbeck (O.) Scenicao Romanorum poesis fragmenta. Vol.2. 1852, ete. 8°. 2052. b. Tuson (E. W.) Myology. [With Supplement.] London, 1825-28. fol. 2024. f. Twysden (Sir R.) Historic Anglicana; Scriptores X. Londini, 1652. fol. 2070. d. Contents : — Simeon Dunelmensis, Johannos Hagus- tn Men sis, Ricardus Hagustahlensis, Ailredus Riuvallensis, Radulphus de Diceto, Johannes Brompton, Tylor (E. B.) Primitive Culture. 2 vol. London, 1811. 8°. 2024. 1). Researches into the early History of Mankind and the develop- ment of Civilization. Third edition. London, 1878. 8°. 2024. b. Tyrtseus. Fragmenta. Or. [Gaisford"s Poetse Minores Grseci ; 3.] Lipsise, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Tytler (A. F.) Lord Woodhouselee. Elements of History, ancient and modern. New edition, by J. H. Burton. London, 1855. 8°. 2087. b. Tytler (P. F.) Historical View of the Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America. Natural History, by J. Wilson. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 9.] Edinburgh, 1832. 12°. 2103. g. History of Scotland. New and enlarged edition by Prof. Eadio. 4 vol. Glasgow, [1873-77.] 4°. 2072. c. Life of Henry the Eighth. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 22.] Edinburgh, 1837. 12 °- 2103 S' Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library; 11.] Edinburgh, 1833. 1 ~°- 2103 & Gervasius Doroboinensis, Thomas Stubbs, Guilielmus Thorn, Henricus Knighton. 306 UEB— URI u. Ueberweg (P.) History of Philosophy. Translated by G. S. Morris. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1875-76. 8°. 2023. c. System of Logic. Translated by T. M. Lindsay. London, 1871. 8°. 2023. a. Ullmann (C.) Eeformers before the Eeformation, principally in Germany and the Netherlands. The translation by R. Menzies. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library; N.S., 6, 8.] Edin- burgh, 1855. 8°. 2014. e. Ulrich (W.) International Dictionary of Plants in Latin, German, English, and French. Leipzig, 1872. 8°. 2029. a. Unflad (L.) Die Goethe Literatur in Deutschland, 1781-1877. Miinchen, 1878. 8°. BB. G. Die Schiller Literatur in Deutschland, 1781-1877. Munchen, 1878. 8°. BB. G. United Service Journal and Naval and Military Magazine. See Colburn's United Service Magazine. United States of America. Descriptive Catalogue of the Govern- ment Publications of the United States. Sept. 5, 1774-March 4, 1881. Washington, 1885. 4°. Cat. Desk. United States of America. — Library of Congress. Catalogue of Works relating to Political Economy and the Science of Govern- ment. Washington, 1863. 4°. BB. C. United States of America. — Library of the Surgeon- General 1 s Office. Index Catalogue. Authors and Subjects. 6 vol. Washington, 1880-85. 8 °- Cat - Desk. United States of America. — Naval Observatory, Washington. Catalogue [of the Library]. Parti. Astronomical Bibliography, by Prof. E. S. Holden. Washing ton, 1879. 4°. BB. E. Universal Catalogue of Books on Art. First Proofs. 3 vol. London, 1870-75. 4°. 2049. b. University College, London. Calendar [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2121. b. Unsere Zeit. Jahrg. 1882, etc. Leipzig, 1882, etc. 8°. 2097. b. Upanishads. Translated by F. Max Muller. [Muellers Sacred Boohs of the East. Vol.1.] Oxford, 1879. 8°. 2003. a. Upcott (W.) Bibliographical Account of the principal Works relating to English Topography. 3 vol. London, 1818. 8°. BB. K. Ure (A.) Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. Edited by R. Hunt. Seventh edition, chiefly re-written and greatly enlarged. 4 vol. London, 1875, 78. 8°. 2022. d. Uricoechea (E.) Mapoteca Colombiana. Londres, i860. 8°. BB. I. VAT— VAN 307 Vaines (P. J. de) Paris, 1774. 8' Valentinelli (G.) Zagabria, 1855. Dictionnairo raisonne do Diplomatique. 2 vol. 2114. a. Bibliografia della Dalmazia del Montenegro. BB. K. Valerius Flaccus (C.) Argonauticon libros octo commentariis edidit N. E. Lemaire. 2 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Glassica Latina; 120-121.] Paris. 1824, 25. 8°. 2053. e. Valerius Maximus. Do Dictis Factisquo Memoralibus ; et Jul. Obsequens de Prodigiis; cum supplements C. Lycosthenis et notis C. B. Ha!«e. 3 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina ; 122-124.] Paris. 1822, 23. 8°. 2053. e. Factorum Dictorumque Memorabiliura libri novem, ex edition© J. Kappii, cum notis, &c, in usum Delphini. 3 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1823. 8°. 2055. g. Vallee (L.) Bibliografie des Bibliografies. (Supplement.) Paris, 1883-87. 8°. 2050. e. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Henr. vm. 6 vol. [Record Commission.] London, 1810-34. fol. Cat. Desk. Valpy's Delphin and Variorum Classics. 183 vol. Londini 1819-30. 8°. 2054 & 2055 Contents : — Apuleius. 7 vol. Aulus Gellius. 4 vol. Aurelius Victor. 2 vol. Ausonius. 3 vol. Boethius. Caesar. 5 vol. Catullus. 2 vol. Cicero. 17 vol. Claud ianus. 4 vol. Cornelius Nepcs. 2 vol. Curtius Rufus. 3 vol. Dictys Cretensis et Dares Phrygius. 2 vol. Eutropius. Florus. 3 vol. Horatius. 4 vol. Justinus. 2 vol. Juvenalis. 3 vol. Livius. 25 vol. Lucretius. 4 vol. Manilius. 2 vol. Martialis. 3 vol. Ovidius. 9 vol. Panegyrici Veteres. 5 vol. Persius. Phaedrus. 2 vol. Plautus. 5 vol. Plinius, the Elder. 13 vol. Propertius. 2 vol. Prudentius. 3 vol. Sallustius. 2 vol. Statius. 4 vol. Suetonius. 4 vol. Tacitus. 11 vol. Terentius. 4 vol. Tibullus. 2 vol. Valerius Maximus. 3 vol. Velleius Paterculus. Verrius Flaccus ct Ponipeius Festus. 3 vol. Virgilius. 10 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 54.] 2041. b. Valvasone (E. di) La Caccia; poema Milano, 1808. 8°. Vangerow (C. A.) Lehrbuch dcr randekten. 3 Bde. Marburg, 1876. 8°. 2016. b. Vanicek (A.) Griechisch-Lateinisches Etymologisches Worterbucb. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 187 7. 8°. 2113. b. x 2 308 ^AN— VEL Vanselow (A. C.) Gelehrtes Pommern. Stargard, 1728. 4°. 2038. g. Vapereau (L. G.) Dictionnaire universel des Contemporains. Cinquieme edition. Paris, 1880. 8°. 2037. e. Dictionnaire universel des Litteratures. Paris, 1876. 8°. 2044. d. Vasenius (V.) La Litterature Finnoise 1544-1877. (Supple- ment 1, 1878-79.) Helsingifra, 1878-80. 8°. 2049. aa. Vater (J. S.) Litteratur der Grammatiken, Lexika, &c. Zweite Ausgabe, von B. Jiilg. Berlin, 1847. 8°. BB. T. Varano (A.) Opere scelte. [Classici Italiani ; 275.] Milano, 18 18. 8°. 2042. a. Varchi (B.) L'Ercolano ; dialogo nel quale si ragiona delle Lingue. 2 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 94, 95.] Milano, 1804. 8°. 2041. c. Storia Fiorentina. 5 vol. [Classici Italiani; 89-93.] Milano, 1803-04. 8°. 2041. c. Vardon (T.) Index to the Local and Personal and Private Acts ; 1798-1839. London, 1840. 8°. 2016. e. Varin (P.) Archives administratives et legislatives de la ville de Eeims. 9 vol. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. l re Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1839-53. 4 °- 2083. e. Vasari (G.) Vite de' piu eccellenti Pittori, Scultori, e Architetti. Illustrate con note. 16 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 126-141.] Milano, 1 807-1 1. 8°. 2041. d. Con nuove annotazioni di G. Milanesi. 9 torn. Firenze, 1878-85. 12°. 2034. a. Vault (F. E. de) Memoires militaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis xiv., revus par Pelet. Vol. 1-11. [France. Collection de Documents Inedits. V e Serie. Histoire Politique.] Paris, 1835-62. 4°. 2083. g. The Atlas is in the General Library. Vauvenargues, L. de Clapiers, Marquis de. See Clapiers. Vaux (J. H.) Memoirs. [Autobiography; 13.] London, 1827. 12°. 2039. a. Vega Carpio (L. F. de) Coleccion escogida deObras no dramaticas de L. F. de Vega. Por C. Eosell. [Aribau. Autores EspaTioles ; 38.] Madrid, 1856. 8°. 2042. f. Comedias escogidas, juntas en coleccion y ordenadas por J. E. Hartzenbusch. Vol. 1-4. [Aribau. Autores Espanoles ; 24, 34, 41,52.] Madrid, 1853-60. 8°. 2042. e. f. Veitch (W.) Greek Verbs, irregular and defective. New edition. Oxford, 1879. 8°. 2113. a. Velazquez de la Cadena (Mariano) A pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. 2 pt. London, 1873. 8°. 2117. b. VEL— VIN 309 Velleius Paterculus (C.) Opera; publicavit D. Euhnkonius, cui notas subjunxit N. E. Lcmairo. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Classica Latina; 125.] Paris. 1822. 8°. 2053. f. Historia Romana, ex editiono J. C. H. Krausii, in usum Delphini. Valpy: Londini, 1822. 8°. 2055. g. Verri (A.) Opere scelte. 2 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 298.1 Milano, 1 322. 8°. 2042. b. Verri (P.) Count. Opere filosofiche, etc. 2 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 359,360.] Milano, 1835. 8°. 2042. d. Storia di Milano. (Continuazione di P. Custodi.) 3 vol. [Classici Italiani; 354-356.] Milano, 1834-50. 8°. 2042. d. Verrius Flaccus (M.) Qua? extant : et Sexti Pompeii Festi de Verborum Significatione libri xx ; et editiono A. Dacerii, in usum Dolphini. 3 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1826. 8°. 2055. g. Vertue (G.) Medals, Coins, Great Seals, Impressions from the Works of T. Simon, Chief Engraver of the Mint to Charles 1. London, 1753. 4°. 2032. g. Vettori (P.) Trattato degli Ulivi, colle annotazioni del dott. G. Bianchini di D. M. Manni. [Classici Italiani ; 152.] Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. e. Vico (G. B.) Opere scelte. 2 vol. [Classici Italiani; 373,374.] Milano, 1843, 44. 8°. 2042. d. Vicuna Mackenna (B.) Bibliografia Americana. Valparaiso, 1879. 8°. 2048. a. Vidocq (E. F.) Memoirs. 4 vol. [Autobiography ; 25-28.] London, 1828, 29. 12°. 2039. a. Vienna. — K. K. Akademie der Bildenden Kiinste. Katalog der Biblio- thek. Wien, 1876. 8°. BB. G. Vieux Conteurs Francais. See Pantopon Litt£raire. Vieyra (A.) Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages. New edition, by A. J. Da Cunha. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8°. 2116. c. Vigeant (F.) La Bibliographic de i'Escrime. Paris, 1882. 8°. BB. E. Vigfusson (G.) Icelandic Sagas. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memo- rial*.] London, 1887. 8°. 2073. (88.) Villani (G.) Istorio Florentine. 8 vol. [Classici Italiani ; 10-17.] 3iilano, 1802,03. 8°. 2041. a. Villiers de Saint Etienne (C. de) Bibliotheca Carmclitana. 2 vol. Aurclianis, 1752. fol. 2008. g. Vinayapitaka. Vinaya Texts. Translated from the Pali, byT. W. Bhys Davids and H. Oldenberg. Part 1-3. [Mueller's Sacred Boolcs of the East. Vol. 13, 17, 20.] Oa/ord, 1881-85. 8°. 2003. a. Vincent (A.) A Discoverie of Errours in the first edition of the Catalogue of Nobility, published by 11. Brooke, 1619. London, 1622. fol. 2119. f. 310 VIN— VIE Vincent (B.) Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Eoyal Institution. London, 1857. 8°. BB. R. Vincent (W.) Bean of Westminster. The Commerce and Naviga- tion of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean. 2 vol. London, 1807. 4°. 2057. c. Vinci (L. da) Trattato della Pittura. [Classici Italiani ; 33.] Milano, 1804. 8°. 2041. a. Vine (J. R. S.) Municipal Corporations Companion, etc. [For the current year.] London, 8°. 2121. d. Viner (C.) A general Abridgment of Law and Equity. 23 vol. Aldershot, 1742. fol. 2016. g. & 2017. g. Supplement. 6 vol. London, 1799-1806. 8°. 2016. f. Vinet (A. B.) Etudes sur la Litterature Francaise au dix-neuvieme siecle. 3 vol. Paris, 1849-51. 8°. 2044. c. Histoire de la Litterature Francaise au dix-huitienie siecle, 2 vol. Paris, 1853. 8 °- 2044. c Vinet (E.) Bibliographie methodique et raisonnee des Beaux-Arts. Paris, 1874, 77. 8°. BB. G. Catalogue methodique de la Bibliotheque de l'Ecole Nationale des Beaux- Arts. Paris, 1873. 8°. BB. G. Vinisauf (G.) Itinerarium Eegis Angl. Eichardi in Terram Hiero- solymorum. See Gale (T.) Eeruni Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 2. 1687. fol. 2072. d. Viollet-le-Duc (E. E.) Dictionnaire de 1' Architecture Francaise du xi e . au xvi e . siecle. 10 vol. Paris, 1858-68. 8°. 2031. e. Dictionnaire Eaisonne du Mobilier Francais de l'Epoque Carlo- vingienne a la Eenaissance. 6 torn. Paris, 1858-75. 8°. 2031. c. Viollet-le-Duc (E. L. N.) Bibliographie des Chansons, Fabliaux, Contes, &c, ayant fait partie de la collection de M. Viollet-le- Duc. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1859. 8°. BB. G. Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque poetique de M. Viollet-le-Duc. Paris, 1843. 8°. BB. G. Virgilius Maro (P.) Opera omnia ; ex editione Heyniana, in usum Delphini. 10 vol. Valpy : Londini, 181 9. 8°. 2055. g. Omnia Opera publicavit C. G. Heyne, cui notas subjunxit N. E. Lemaire. 8 vol. [Lemaire. Bibliotheca Glassica Latina ; 126- 133.] Paris. 1819-22. 8°. 2053. f. Opera; varietate lectionis illustrata a C. G. Heyne. Editio quarta. Curavit G. P. E. Wagner. 4 vol. Lipsix, 1830-32. 8°. 2052. e. Opera, ad optimorum librorum fidem edidit A. Forbiger. Editio tertia, correcta et aucta. 3 pt. Lipsiae, 1852. 8°. 2052. f. Opera. Works ; with a commentary by J. Conington and H. Nettleship. 3 vol. [Long's Bibliotheca Classica.] London, 1881-84-83. 8°. 2052. c. VIS— WAI 311 Vishnu. The Institutes of Vishnu. Translated by J. Jolly. [Mueller. Sacred Books of the East. Vol. 7.1 Oxford, 1880. 8°. L 2003. a. Vitalis (Ordericus) See Ordericus. Vivien de Saint Martin (L.) Nouveau Dictionnairo de Geo- graphie Universelle. Vol. 1-3. Paris, 1877, etc. 8 °- 2056. f. Vogel CE. G.) Bibliotheca Biographica Lutherana. Halle, 185 1. 8°. BB. M. Vogel (J. N. de) Specimen Bibliothecab Germanise Austriaca3. 2 vol. Viennse, 1779-85. 8°. BB. M. Voltaire (F. M. Arouet de) See Arouet. Voyage Litteraire de deux Religieux Benedictins [M. Durand and E. Martene]. 2 vol. Paris, 1717-24. 4°. 2045. e. Voyages. A new general collection of Voyages and Travels [known as Astley's Collection]. 4 vol. London, 1745-47. 2057. f. Voyages round the World, from the death of Cook. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library ; 34.] Edinburgh, 1843. 12°. 2103. g. Vretos (A. P.) NeocAAT/vi/cv? <$iXo\oyia, tjtoi. xaraXoyos twv otto tttwctcws rrjs Bv£,avTLvr)<; auTO/cpaToptas ^XP L ^yKaOt.Spvo-e(j)<; Trjs iv EAAaoi BacrtXcias TvirwOevTW BiBkiwv iraa 'EAAwvwv. 'E v 'A 6 1\ v a t 9, 1854- 57 . 8°. 2050. c. w. Waagen (G. P.) Treasures of Art in Great Britain. [With Supple- ment.] 4 vol. London, 1854-57. 8 °- 2032. c. Wachsmuth (W.) Geschichte Frankreichs im Revolutions-Zeitalter. 4 vol. [Heercn and Ukert. Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten.'] Hamburg, 1840-44. 8°. 2068. b. Wachter (J. G.) Glossarium Germanicum. 2 vol. Lipsise, 1737. fol. 2117. f. Wadding CL.) Scriptores Ordinis Minorum. Bomee, 1 806. fol. K 2008. g. Supplementum et Castigatio ad Scriptores trium ordinnm S. Francisci, opus posthumum J. H. Sbaralas. Bomse, 1806. fol. 2008. g. Wade (J.) British History, chronologically arranged. Third edition. London, 1844. 8°. 2085. f. Wagner (W. R.) Katalog einer Richard Wagner-Bibliothek. See Oesterlein (N.) BB. G. Waillv (N. de) Elements de Paleographie. 2 torn. Paris, 1838. 4°. 2049. e. Wainwright (J.) Yorkshire. — Wapentake of Strafford and Tick- hill. Vol. 1. Sheffield, 1826. 4°. 2063. d. 312 WAK-WAL Wake (W.) The State of the Church and "Clergy of England in their Councils, Synods, etc. London, 17 03. fol. 2004. g. Walch (J. G.) Bibliotheca Patristica. Editio nova ab J. T. L. Danzio. Jenae, 1834. 8 °- BB - A ' Bibliotheca Theologica selecta. 4 torn. Jewas, 1753-65. 8°. BB. A. Walcott (M. E. C.) Memorials of Westminster. New edition. London, 1851. 8°. 2065. b. . Sacred Archaeology. London, 1868. 8°. 2003. e. Wales. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, etc. [Record Com- mission.'] London, 1841. fol. Cat. Desk. Annales Cambria. Edited by J. Williams ab Ithel. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, i860. 8°. 2073.(20.) Handbook for Travellers in North Wales. Fifth edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1885. 8°. 2057. a. Handbook for Travellers in South Wales. New edition. [Murray's Handbooks.] London, 1877. 8°. 2057. a. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Walford (G.) Insurance Cyclopaedia. Vol. 1-5. London, 1871-78. 8°. 2023. d. Walford (E.) The County Families of the United Kingdom [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2120. c. Greater London. 2 vol. London, [1885-87.] 4°. 2065. c. Walker (John) Pronouncing Dictionary, etc. London, 1846. 2112. c. Walker (R. C.) Works on New South Wales. Sydney, 181 8. 8°. BB. I. Wallace (A. R.) The Geographical distribution of Animals. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8°. 2027. d. Wallace (D. M.) Russia. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1877. 8°. 2059. a. Wallace (J. W.) The Reporters chronologically arranged. Third edition. Philadelphia, 1855. 8°. BB. C. Wallace (R.) Antitrinitarian Biography. 3 vol. London, 1850. 8°. 2008. d. Waller (J. F.) The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography. 3 vol. London, [1857-63.] 8°. 2036. f. Wallingford (J.) Chronica. See Gale (T.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 3. 1691. fol. 2072. d. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Anecdotes of Painting in England. New edition. By R. N. Wornum. 3 vol. London, 1849. 8°. 2032. c. Castle of Otranto. [Novelist's Library; 5.] Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. 2044. e. Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. By T. Park. 5 vol. London, 1806. 8°. 2036. a. WAL— WAR 313 Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Letters, chronologically arranged. Edited by P. Cunningham. 9 vol. London, 1857-59. 8 °- . ■ 2044. a. Walpole (R.) Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey. London, 18 17. 4°. 2056. g. Travels in various Countries of the East ; being a continuation of Memoirs, etc. London, 1820. 4°. 2056. g. Walsingham (T.) Historia ab Edw. 1. ad Henr. v.— Ypodigma Neustrisa. See Camden (W.) Anglica, etc. 1603. fol. 2070. d. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. — T. Walsingham Historia Anglicana. Edited by H. T. Eiley. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1863, 64. 8°. 2073.(28.) Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani. Edited by H. T. Riley, o vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1867, 69. go. J 2073. (28.) Ypodigma Neustriee. Edited by H. T. Riley. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1876. 8°. 2073. (28.) Walterus, de Coventria. Memoriale fratris Walteri de Coventi ia. The Historical Collections of Walter of Coventry. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1872,73. 8°. 2073. (58.) Walterus, de Hemingburgh. Chronica de Gestis Regum Angliae. See Gale (T.) Reruni Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 2. 1687. fol. 2072. d. Historia de Rebus Gestis Edvardi I., 11. & in. Publicavit T. Hearnius. 2 vol. Ozonise, 173 1. 8°. 2072. a. , Chronicon de Gestis Regum Angliaa. Recensuit H. C. Hamil- ton. 2 vol. [Enqlish Historical Society.] London, 1 848, 49. 8°. L 2071. c Walther (A. O.) Hand-Lexikon der juristischen Literatur des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Weimar, 1854. 8°. BB. C. Walther (J. L.) Lexicon Diplomaticum. Gottingse, 1745. fol. Cat. Desk. Walther (P. A. F.) Literarisches Handbuch fur Geschichto nnd Landeskunde von Hessen. Darmstadt, 1841-55. 8°. BB. M. Systematisches Repertorium liber die Schriften siimmtlicher historischer Gesellschaften Deutschlands. Darmstadt, 1845. 8°. BB. M. War Office List [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2121. d. Warburton (J.) History of Dublin. By J. Warbuiton, J. Whitelaw and R. Walsh. 2 vol. London, 18 18. 4°. 2066. f. Ward (A. W.) History of English Dramatic Literature to the death of Queen Anne. 2 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2044. d. Ward (T. H.) The English Poets. Selections, with critical intro- ductions by various writers. Edited by T. II. Ward. L<»t a " Ware (Sir J.) History and Antiquities of Ireland. Translated by W. Harris. 2 vol. Dublin, 1764. fol. 2069. e. Waree (B.) Repertoire Bibliographique des ouvrages de Legislation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence, publics specialement en France. Paris, 1870. 8°. BB. C. Waring (E. J.) Bibliotheca Therapeutica. With appendix con- taining the bibliography of British Mineral Waters. 2 vol. New Sydenham Society : London, 1878-79. 8°. BB. C. Warmholtz (C. G.) Bibliotheca Historica Sueo-Gothica. 15 pt. (in 4 vol.) Stockholm, etc., 1 782-1 8 1 7. 8°. 2084. a. Warner (F.) History of Ireland. Vol.1. London, 1763. 4°. 2066. c. History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland. London, 1767. 4°. 2066. c. Warner (R.) Collections for the History of Hampshire. 5 vol. London, [1795.] 4°. 2065. c. History of Bath. Bath, 1801. 4°. 2066. c. History of the Abbey of Glaston, and of the Town of Glaston- bury. Bath, 1826. 4°. 2066. e. Warton (T.) History of English Poetry. [Edited by R. Taylor.] 3 vol. London, 1840. 8°. 2047. a. History of English Poetry. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 4 vol. London, 1871. 8°. 2046. g. Warwick. Extracts from the Black Book of Warwick. [Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; Vol. 4, No. 17.] London, 1783. 4°. 2061. c. Warwickshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Direc- tories. Waser (J. H.) Historisch-diplomatisches Jahrzeitbuch, etc. Zurich, 1779. fol. 2084. g. Washbourn (J.) Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis. 2 vol. London, 1825, 23. 4°. 2066. c. Waterston (W.) Cyclopaedia of Commerce, Mercantile Law, Finance, Commercial Geography, and Navigation. New edition, with a Supplement, by P. L. Simmonds. London, 1863. 8°. 2023. e. Watkins (J.) Memoirs of R. B. Sheridan. 2 vol. London, 1817. 40. 2035. h. Watson (H. C.) Cybele Britannica ; or, British Plants and their Geographical Relations. 4 vol., and Supplement, pt. 1. London, 1847-60. 8°. 2029. a. < Compendium of the Cybele Britannica. London, 1870. 8°. 2029. a. WAT— WEB 315 Watson (H. C.) Topographical Botany ; shewing the distribution of British Plants. Second edition. London, 1883. 8°. 2029. a. Watson (S.) Bibliographical Index to North- American Botany. Washington, 1878. 8°. BB. E. Watson (T.) Loctnres on the Principles and Practice of Physic. Fifth edition. 2 vol. London, 187 1. 8°. 2024. e. Watson (W.) Historical Account of Wisbech. Wisbech, 1827. 8°. 2062. b. Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Britannica. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1824. 4°. BB. R. Another copy. Cat. Desk. Watts (H.) Dictionary of Chemistry. Second edition. 5 vol. London, 1872-77. 8°. — — • Vol. 6. (Supplement.) New edition. London, 1879. 8°. Vol. 7. (Second Supplement.) New edition. London, 1879. 8°. Third Supplement. 2 pt. London, 1879-81. 8°. 2027. b. Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry. Bevised and rewritten by H. F. Morley and M. M. Pattison Muir. London, 1888, etc. 8°. 2027. a. Waurin (J. de) Eecueil des Chroniques etanchiennes Istories de la Grant Bretaigne. Edited by W. Hardy. 4 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1864-79. 8°. 2073. (39.) * A Collection of the Chronicles and ancient Histories of Great Britain. Translated by W. Hardy, &c. 4 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1864-87. 8°. ' 2073. (40.) Weale (J.) Catalogue of Books on Architecture and Engineering. London, 1854. 8°. BB. C. Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, &c. Edited by R.Hunt. Fifth edition. London, 1876. 12°. 2033. a. Quarterly Papers on Architecture. 4 vol. London, 1845. 4°. 2032. g. Weale (W. H. J.) Bibliographia Liturgica. Catalogus Missalium Ritus Latini ab anno 1475 irupressoruni. Londini, 1886. 8°. BB. A. Weber (C. J.) Litteratur der Deutschen Staatengeschichte. Leip- zig, 1800. 8°. BB. M. Weber (W. E.) Corpus Poetarum Latinorum uno volumine absolutum. Francofurti ad Moenam, 1833. 4°. 2052. e. Webster's Royal Red Book [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2120. a. Webster (John) Works. New edition, by A. Dyce. London, 1857. 8°. 2046. f. Webster (N.) Complete Dictionary of the English Language. Revised by C. A. Goodrich and N. Porter, assisted by C. A. F. Mahn, &c. New edition of 1880. London, 1883. 4°. 2112. f. ( UN 316 WEB— WEN Webster (T.) Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy. By T. Webster, assisted by Mrs. Parkes. London, 1844. 8°. 2022. a. Wedgwood (H.) Dictionary of English Etymology. Second edition. London, 1872. 8°. 2112. c. Weever (J.) Ancient Funerall Monuments of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent. London, 163 1. fol. 2062. c. Weigand (P. L. K.) Deutsches Worterbuch. Dritte Auflage. 2 Bd. Giessen, 1878. 8°. 2116. b. Weigel (R.) Catalog von Kunstsachen und Biichem, etc. 5 Bde. Leipzig, 1836-66. 8°. BB. G. Weinart (B. G.) Versuch einer Litteratur der Sachsischen Ge- sehichte und Staatskunde. Neue Auflage. 2 Thle. Leipzig, 1805. 8°. BB. M. Weiss (B.) Biblical Theology of the New Testament. Translated by the Bev. D. Eaton. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library, Fifth Series, 12, 13.] Edinburgh, 1882-8$. 8°. 2014. g. The Life of Christ. Translated by J. W. Hope. 3 vol. [ Claries Foreign Theological Library, Fifth Series, 14.] Edinburgh, 1883-84. 8°. 2014. g. Weiss (C.) Hi story of the French Protestant Befugees. Translated byF. Hardman. Edinburgh, 1854. 8 °- 2004. d. Welch (J.) List of the Queen's Scholars of St. Peter's College, West- minster. New edition [by B. J. Phillimore]. London, 1852. 8°. 2035. g. Weld (C. R.) History of the Eoyal Society. 2 vol. London, 1848. go. 2097. d. Weller (E.) Annalen der poetischen National -Literatur der Deutschen im xvi. und xvn. Jahrhundert. 2 Bde. Freiburg i. B., 1862-64. 8°. BB. G. Bepertorium typographicum. Die deutscho Literatur im ersten Viertel des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. (Supplement.) Nordlingen, 1864-74. 8°. 2049. b. Der Volksdichter Hans Sachs und seine Dichtungen. Erne Bibliographie. Nilrnberg, 1868. 8°. BB. G. Wellesley (A.) Duke of Wellington. Dispatches. Compiled by Col. Gurwood. Enlarged edition. 8 vol. London, 1844-47. 8°. 2039. b. General Orders. Compiled by Col. Gurwood. London, 1847. go. 2039. b. Life and Times. See Maxwell. Wells (C.) A practical Grammar of the Turkish Languages. London, 1880. 8°. 2115. b. Wexidover (Roger de) Sec Roger. Wentworth (T.) Earl of Strafford. Letters and Dispatches. With Life by Sir G. Radcliffe. [Collected] by W. Knowler. 2 vol. London, 1739. fol. 2069. 1. WEN— WHA 317 Wenzelburger (K. Th.) Gresohichte der Niederlande. Vol. 1-2. Gotha, 1879-86. 8°. 2068. d. Werlhof(A. C. E. von) Handbuch dor griechischen Numismatik niit besonderer Riicksicht auf deren Literatur. Hannover, 1850. 8°. BB. G. West (E. W.) Tahlavi Texts. Translated by E. W. West. Pt. 1, 2, 3. [Mueller's Sacred Boolcs of the East. Vol. 5, 18, 24.] Oxford, 1880-85. 8 °- 2003 - a - Westcote (T.) Devonshire in 1630. Exeter, 1845. 4°. 2064. a. Westcott (B. F.) History of the English Bible. Second edition. London, 1872. 8°. 2000. b. A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament. Fifth edition. London, 1881. 8°. 2000. b. Westlake (J.) Treatise on Private International Law, or the Conflict of Laws. London, 1858. 8°. 2016. b. Westmonasteriensis (Matthaeus). See Matth.eus. Westmoreland. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Direc- tories. Westwood (J. O.) Introduction to the modern Classification of Insects. 2 vol. London, 1839, 40. 8°. 2027. e. Westwood (T.) and Satchell (T.) Bibliotheca Piscatoria. London, 1883. 4°. BB. E. Wette (W. M. L. de) Kurzgefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zum neuen Testament. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1836-48. 8°. 2002. c. Lehrbuch der historisch-kritischen Einleitung in die Bibel. 2 vol. Siebente Auflage. Berlin, 1852-60. 8°. 2001. c. Wetzer (H. J.) and Welte (B.) Dictionnaire Encyclopedique de la Theologie Catholique. 25 torn. Paris, 1858-66. 8°. 2015. d. Weyermann (A.) Nachrichten von Gelehrten, Kiinstlern, &c, aus Uhu. 2 vol. Ulm, 1798-1829. 8°. 2038. d. Wharton (H.) Anglia Sacra. 2 vol. Londini, 1691. fob 2003. g. Whately (R.) Archbishop of Dublin. Elements of Logic. Eighth edition. London, 1844. 8°. 2023. a. Logic. [Encyclopsedia Metropolitana.} London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. Elements of Ehetoric. Seventh edition. London, 1846. 8°. 2023. a. Ehetoric. [Enci/clopsedia Metropolitana.'] London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. Introductory Lectures on Political Economy. Fourth edition. London, 1855. 8°. 2023. c. Wharton (J. J. S.) Law Lexicon. Seventh edition, by J. M. Lely. London, 1887. 8°. 2016. e. 318 WHE— WHI Wheaton (H.) Elements of International Law. Second English edition, by A. C. Boyd. London, 1880. 8°. 2016. c. Wheeler (J.) Manchester, its political, social and commercial history. London, 1836. 8°. 2062. a. Wheeler (J. T.) The Geography of Herodotus. London, 1854. 8°. 2051. f. Whethamstede (Joannes) Eegistrum Abbatiae Johannis Whet- hamstede, iterum susceptae a Eoberto Blakeney. Edited by H. T. Eiley. 2 vol. London, 1872, 73. 8°. 2073.(28.) Whewell (W.) History of the Inductive Sciences. New edition. 3 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2022. a. Supplementary volume. London, 1857. 8°. 2022. a. Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy in England. London, 1852. 8°. 2023. a. Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. New edition. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2022. a. Whitaker's Almanack Tfor the current year"]. London. 8°. 2121. b. Whitaker (T. D.) History of Craven. Third edition, by A. W. Morant. London, 1878. 4°. 2064. d. History of Eichmondshire, in the county of York. 2 vol. London, 1823. fol. 2061. f. History of the Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, in the counties of Lancaster and York. Fourth edition. By J. G. Nichols and P. A. Lyons. 2 vol. London, 1872-76. 4°. 2064. d. Loidis [Leeds] and Elmete ; or, an Attempt to illustrate the districts described in those words by Bede. [With Appendix and Index.] 2 vol. Leeds, 18 16. fol. 2062. f. White (F. T.) and Tudor (O. D.) A Selection of Leading Cases in Equity. Sixth edition. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2018. d. White (J. T.) Latin-English Dictionary for Junior Students. London, 1886. 12°. 2114. a. White (J. T.) and Riddle (J. E.) Latin-English Dictionary. Fourth edition. 2 vol. London, 1872. 8°. 2114. d. Latin-English Dictionary. Seventh edition. London, 1880. 4°. 2114. d. Latin-English Dictionary, Abridged, etc. London, 1865. 8°. 2114. b. Whitefield (G.) Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah. [Autobiography; 6.] London, [1826.] 12°. 2039. a. Whitelocke (B.) Memorials of English Affairs, from the beginning of the Reign of Charles 1. to the Eestanration of Charles 11. London, 1732. fol. 2070. e. Whitmore (W. H.) The American Genealogist ; a catalogue of Family Histories, &c. Albany, 1868. 8°. BB. T. WHI— WIL 319 Whitney (J. L.) Catalogue of the Ticknor Library. See Boston Public Library. BB. G. Whitney CW. D.) A Sanskrit Grammar. Leipzig, 1879. 8°. 2115. b. The roots, verb-forms, and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit language. A supplement to his Sanskrit Grammar. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. 2114. b. Whitworth (G. C.) An Anglo-Indian Dictionary. London, 1885. 8°. 2115. c. Wiclif (J.) Fasciculi Zizaniorum Mag. Jo. Wyclif cum Tritico. See Netter. 2073. b. John Wiclif and his English Precursors. See Lechler. 2007. b. Widegren (G.) Svenskt och Engelskt Lexicon. Stockholm, 1788. 4°. 2117. a. Wiesinger (A.) Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Philip- pians, Titus, and the first to Timothy. (In continuation of Ols- hausen.) Translated by J. Fulton. [Claries Foreign Theo- logical Library ; 23.] Edinburgh, 185 1. 8°. 2014. d. Wikes (T.) Chronicon. See Gale (T.) Kerum Anglicarum Scrip- tores veteres. Vol. 2. 1687. fol. 2072. d. Wilford (J.) Memorials and Characters; together with Lives of divers eminent and worthy Persons. London, 17 41. fol. 2037. f. Wilhelmus. See Gulielmus. Wilke (C. G.) Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Translated and enlarged by J. H. Thayer. Edinburgh, 1886. 4°. 2113. c. Wilkes (C.) Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842. 5 vol. and Atlas. London, 1845. 8°. 2057. e. Wilkes (John) Encyclopaedia Londinensis. 24 vol. London, 1810-29. 8°. 2107. a-c. Wilkins (D.) Concilia Magnae Britannia? et Hibemise. 4 vol. Londini, 1737. fol. 2007. d. Leges Anglo-Saxonicse, ecclesiastical et civiles. Accedunt Leges Edvardi Latinaa, Gulielmi 1. Gallo-Normannicee, et Henrici 1. Latinse. Subjungitur H. Spelmanni Codex vet. Statu torum Anglise. London, 172 1. fol. 2070. e. Wilkinson {Sir J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. New edition. By S. Birch. 3 vol. London, 1878. 8°7 P 2031. b. Wilks (S.) and Moxon (W.) Lectures on Pathological Anatomy. Second edition. London, 1875. 8°. 2024. bb. Will (G. A.) Nurnbergiscb.es Gelehrten-Lexicon. 4 vol. Niirn- berg, 1755-58. 4°. 2038. h. Fortgesetzet von C. C. Nopitsch. Th. 5-8. Altdorf, 1802-8. 2038. h. 320 WIL Willems (A.) Les Elzevier. Histoiro et annales Typographiquos. Bruxelles, 1880. 8°. 2050. c. William, of Mahnesbury. See Gulielmus, Malmesburiensis. Williams (Daniel) Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Daniel Williams. 3 vol. London, 1841-78. 8°. BB. A. Williams (David) History of Monmouthshire. London, 1796. 4°. V 2066. c. Williams (Sir E. V.) Law of Executors and Administrators. Eighth edition. 2 vol. London, 1879. 8°. 2017. f. Williams (Joshua) Principles of the Law of Personal Property. Thirteenth edition, by T. C. Williams. London, 1887. 8°. 2017. d. Principles of the Law of Real Property. The sixteenth edition, by T. C. Williams. London, 1887. 8°. 2017. d. Williams (M.) Dictionary of English and Sanskrit. London, 1 8 5 1 . 4°. 2115. e. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford, 1872. 4°. 2115. e. Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit language. Third edition. Oxford, 1864. 8°. 2115. d. Williams (Robert) Enwogion Cynrru. A biographical dictionary of eminent Welshmen. Llandovery, 1852. 8°. 2040. c. Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum. A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall. Llandovery, 1865. 4°. 2118. d. Williams (R. V.) and (W. V.) The Law and Practice in Bank- ruptcy. Fourth edition. London, 1886. 8°. 2019. d. Williams (S. W.) The Middle Kingdom. A Survey of the Chinese Empire. Revised edition. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2059. a. A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language. Shanghai, 1874. 4°. 2115. f. Index to Dr. Williams' " Syllabic Dictionary." By J. Acheson. Hongkong, 1879. 8°. 2115. f. Willis (B.) History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies. 2 vol. London, 1718, 19. 8°. 2062. a. Notitia Parliament aria. 3 vol. London, 1730, 16-50. 8°. 2082. a. Survey of Cathedrals. 3 vol. London, 1742. 4°. 2062. c. Willis (R.) Architectural History of the University of Cambridge. Edited by J. W. Clark. 4 vol. Cambridge, 1886. 8°. 2066.'b. Willshire (W. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of Playing and other Cards in the British Museum. [London,] 1876. 8°. 2032. e. Introduction to the Study and Collection of Ancient Prints. Second edition, (Bibliography). 2 vol. London, 1877. 8°. 2031. a. Wilson (A.) Supreme Court of Judicature Acts. Sixth edition. London, 1887. 8°. 2018. c. WIL— WIN 321 Wilson (A.) and Bonaparte (C. L.) Prince of Canino. American Ornithology. Illustrative Notos, &c, by Sir W. Jardine. 3 vol. London, 1832. 8°. 2028. a. Wilson (D.) Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1863. 8°. 2031. a. Prehistoric Man. Researches into the Origin of Civilisation, &C. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8°. 2024.1). Wilson (Harry B.) Index to subjects not noticed in the Index to the notes to the Family Bible [of D'Oyly and Mant], London, 1 81 8. 4°. 2001. g. (3.) Wilson (Henry) Wonderful Characters. 3 vol. London, 182 1. 8°. 2039. g. Wilson (Horace H.) Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms relating to tho Administration of the Government of British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, and other languages. London, 1855. 4°. 2115. c. Wilson (J.) Recreations of Christopher North. [Modern British Essayists; 4.] Philadelphia, 1850. 8°. 2045. d. Wilson (J. G.) and Fiske (J.) Appleton's "Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Vol. 1-4. New York, 1887, etc. 4°. 2036. 0. Wilson (T.) Bishop of Sodor and Man. Works. [With Life.] 7 vof. [Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.'] Oxford, 1847-63. 8°. 2014. c. Wilson (Walter) History of Dissenting Churches. 4 vol. Lon- don, 1808-14. 8°. 2004. b. Wiltshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Wiltshire, extracted from Domesday. With a Preface by II. P. Wyndham. Salisbury, 1788. 8°. 2064. b. Winckelmann (J. J.) History of Ancient Art. Translated by G. II. Lodge. 2 vol. London, 188 1. 8°. 2031. b. Wind (S. de) Bibliotheek der Nederlandsche Geschiedschrijvers. [With an Appendix.] Vol. 1. [No more published.] Middel- burg, 1835. 8 °- BB - M. Winer (G. B.) Biblisches Realworterbuch. Dritto Auflage. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1847, 48. 8°. 2000. c. Comparative View of the Doctrines and Confessions of Christendom. Translated by W. B. Pope. [Claries Foreign Theological Library. 4th Series. 37.] Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. 2014. h. Handbuch der Theologischen Literatur, hauptsiichlich der pro- testantischen. Dritto Auflage. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1S38-42. 8°. BB. A. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum in Veteris Testamenti libros. Lipsise, 1828. 8°. 2115. b. Treatise on the Grammar of New Testament Greek. Second edition, by W. F. Moulton. Edinburgh, 1 87 7. 8°. 2113. b. Y 322 WIN— WOO Winkelmann (E.) Bibliotheca Livonige Historica. Zweite Ausgabe. Berlin, 1878. 8°. BB. M. Winsor (J.) Narrative and Critical History of America. Vol. 2-5. Boston, 1886-87. 4°. 2056. f. The Eeader's Handbook of the American Eevolution. 1761-1783. Boston [Mass.], 1880. 8°. 2085. e. Winwood (Sir R.) Memorials of Affairs of State in the reign of Queen Elizabeth and James 1. ; collected from his papers by E. Sawyer. 3 vol. London, 1725. fol. 2070. e. Witzleben (A. von) Deutschland's Militar Literatur im letzten Jahrzehent und Uebersicht der wichtigsten Karten Central Europas. Berlin, 1850. 8°. BB. E. Wodderspoon (J.) Memorials of Ipswich. Ipswich, 1850. 8°. 2064. d. Woerl (J. E.) Karte von dem Konigreich Bayern. Freiburg, 1850. fol. 2059. f. Wolf (J. C.) Bibliotheca Hebreea. 4 vol. Hamburgi, etc., 1715-33. 4°. 2049. bb. Wolff (E.) Dansk og Engelsk Ord-Bog. London, 177 9. 4°. 2116. g. Wolff (E. T.) Quellen-Literatur der theoretisch-organischen Chemie. Halle, 1845. 8°. BB. E. Wolff (O. L. B.) Encyclopadie der deutschen Kational-Literatur. 7 vol. Leipzig, 1835-42. 4°. 2035. g. Wolstenholme (E. P.) and Turner (R. O.) The Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1881, and the Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874, with notes, forms, and precedents. Second edition. London, 1882. 8°. 2018. c. Woltmann (A. F. G. A.) and Woermann (K.) History of Paint- ing. Edited by Sidney Colvin. 2 vol. London, 1880-87. 8°. 2031. e. Wood (A. a) AthenaB Oxonienses. To which are added the Fasti or Annals. New edition, with additions, by P. Bliss. 4 vol. London, 1813-20. 4°. 2036. f. History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in the University of Oxford. With a continuation by J. Gutch. 2 vol. (in 1). Oxford, 1786-90. 4°. 2066. d. History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford. By J. Gutch. 2 vol. (in 3). Oxford, 1792-96. 4°. 2066. d. Wood (J. G.) F.S.A. The principal Eivers of Wales illustrated. 2 vol. London, 1 81 3. 4°. 2064. e. Wood (J. G.) Bev. Illustrated Natural History. 3 vol. London, [i859-]i86 3 . 8°. 2028. c. Natural History of Man. 2 vol. London, 1868-70. 8°. 2024. d. Wood (J. T.) Discoveries at Ephesus. London, 1877. 8°. 2031. d. WOO— WOR 323 Wood, afterwards Green (Mary A. E.) Calendars of State Papers. Sec State Papers. Domestic Series. Woodfall (W.) Law of Landlord and Tenant. Thirteenth edition, by J. M. Lely. London, 1886. 8°. 2017. f. Woodman (W. B.) and Tidy (C. M.) Handy-Book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. London, 1877 . 8°. 2024. Lb. Woods and Forests. Reports of Commissioners on Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues of the Crown. 2 vol. [London,'] 1787-93. fol. Cat. Desk. Woods (J. E. T.) History of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2059. a. Woodward (B. B.) History of Hampshire. By B. B. Woodward, T. C. Wilks, and C. Lockhart. 3 vol. London, [1 861-69.] 4°. 2062. d. The History of Wales, to its final incorporation with the King- dom of England. London, [1853.] 8°. 2066. a. Woodward (B. B.) and Cates (W. L. R.) Encyclopedia of Chronology. London, 1872. 8°. 2085. f. Woodward (H. B.) The Geology of England and Wales. Second edition. London, 1887. 8°. ' 2030. d. Woodward (S.) Norfolk Topographer's Manual. With Catalogue of Drawings, Prints, &c, by D. Turner. London, 1842. 8°. BB. K. Wooton (E.) Guide to Degrees in Arts, Science, Literature, Law, Music and Divinity. London, 1883. 8°. 2121. b. Guide to the Medical Profession. London, 1883. 8°. 2024. a. Worcester (J. E.) A Dictionary of the English Language. Phila- delphia, 1887. 4°. 2112. f. Worcester College, Oxford. Catalogue of books relating to Classical Archaeology and Ancient History in the Library of Worcester College. Oxford, 1878. 8°. BB. M. Worcestershire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Direc- tories. Wordsworth (Christopher) Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Ecclesiastical Biography. Fourth edition. 4 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2008. d. Wordsworth (Christopher) Bishop of Lincoln. Inspiration of Holy Scripture. Second edition. London, 1 8 5 1 . 8°. 2000. c. Wordsworth (W.) Poetical Works. London, 1869. 8°. 2046. f. World. By Adam Fitz Adam [i.e. Moore], 1753-56. 3 vol. [British Essayists; 22-24.] London, 1823. 12°. 2043. a. Wornum (R. N.) Account of the Library of the division of Art at Marlborough House. With a Catalogue of the principal woi-ks classified [and Index]. London, 1855. 8°. 2034. m. The Epochs of Painting. London, 1864. 8°. 2031. a. 324 WOE— WYC Worrall (J.) Directory of North Wales. Oldham, 1874. 8°. 2120. e. Worth (R. N.) The Three Towns (Plymouth, Devon port and Stonehouse) Bibliotheca. Plymouth, [1873 ?] 8°. BB. K. Wotton (T.) English Baronets. 3 vol. London, 1727. 16°. 2119. a. Wright (A.) Court-Hand restored; or the Student's Assistant in reading old Deeds, Charters, &c. Ninth edition. London, 1879. 4°. 2050. f. Wright (Sir M.) Introduction to the Law of Tenures. London, 1730. 8°. 2017. e. Wright (T.) The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the Twelfth Century. Edited by T. Wright. 2 vol. [Chro- nicles and Memorials.'] London, 1872. 8°. 2073.(59.) Biographia Britannica Literaria. Anglo-Saxon Period. London, 1842. 8°. 2039. f. Anglo-Norman Period. London, 1846. 8°. 2039. f. History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages. London, 1862. 4°. 2071. d. History of Essex. 2 vol. London, 1831-35. 4°. 2065. c. History of Ireland. 3 vol. London and New York, [1848.] 8°. 2069. e. History of Scotland. 3 vol. London, [1852-55.] 8°. 2069. e. Political Poems and Songs relating to English History ; Edw. in.-Eic. in. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1859-61. 8°. 2073. (14.) ■ Universal Pronouncing Dictionary, and General Expositor of the English language. 5 vol., and plates. London and New York, 1852-56. 8°. 2118. e. Wright (T.) and Jones (H. L.) The Universities. Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge, etc. 2 vol. London, 184 1, 42. 4°. 2064. c. Wright (W.) Catalogue of Ethiopic Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since 1847. London, 1877. 4°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since 1838. 3 pt. London, 187 0-7 2. 4°. Cat. Desk, Writers to the Signet. Catalogue of the Law Library. See Ivory (W.) BB. C. Writs. Parliamentary Writs, and Writs of Military Summons, &c. Edited by E. Palgrave. 2 vol. (in 4 pt.) [Becord Commission.] [London,] 1827-34. fol. Cat. Desk. Wurtz (A.) Dictionnaire de Chimie. 3 torn. Paris, 1869-78. 8°. 2027. c. Wycherley (W.) Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Van- brugh and Farquhar. By L. Hunt. London, 1849. 8°. 2046. f. XEN— YOU 325 Xenophon. Opera. Edidit G. Sauppo. Appcndicula, continons annotationem criticain in scripta minora. Gr. 5 vol. Lipsix, 1865, 66. 8°. 2051. f. • Scripta quee supersunt. Gr. & Lat. Didot : Paris. 1838. 8°. 2052. g. CEuvres completes, par J. A. C. Buchon. [Pantheon Litteraire. ttstoire.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. d. Xylander (J. von) Die Sprache dor Albancson oder Schkipotaren. Frank, am Main, 1835. 8 °- 2115. c. Yarrell (W.) History of British Birds. Fourth edition, by A. Newton and H. F. Saunders. 4 vol. London, 1871-85. 8°. 2027. 0. History of British Fishes. Third edition. Edited by Sir J. Eichardson. 2 vol. London, 1859. 8°. 2027. e. Year-Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. 1884, etc. London, 1884, etc. 8°. 2097. d. Year-Book of the Church. Edited by C. Mackeson. London, 8°. 2121. d. Year Books of the Reign of Edward I., years 20, 21 ; 21 and 22 ; 30, 31 ; 32, 33, 34, 35. Edited and translated by A. J. Horwood. 5 vol. [ Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1863-79. 8°. 2073. (31.) Yonge (C. D.) English-Greek Lexicon. Second edition. London, 1856. 8°. 2114. c. York. The Historians of the Church of York and its Archbishops. Edited by G. Eaine. Vol. 1, 2. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1879-86. 8°. 2073. (71.) Yorke (P.) Earl of Hardwicke. Miscellaneous State Tapers, from 1501 to 1726. 2 vol. London, 1778. 4°. 2069. g. Yorkshire. Post Office Directory. See Post Office Directories. Young (T.) A Systematic Catalogue of Works relating to Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. London, 1807. 4°. BB. E. 326 ZAC— ZIE Zaccaria (F. A.) Bibliotheca Pistoriensis. Augustae Tcmr. 1752. fol. 2036. g. Bibliotheca Eitualis. 2 vol. Bomse, 1776-81. 4°. 2002. f. Zaist (G. B.) Pittori, Scultori eel Architetti Cremonesi. 2 vol. Cremona, 1774. 4°. 2032. d. Zambrini (F.) Le Opere volgari a stampa dei secoli xin e xiv indicate e descritte. Edizione quarta. Bologna, 1878. 8°. BB. G. Zand-Avasta. The Zend-Avesta. Translated by J. Darmesteter. Pt. 1, 2. [Mueller's Sacred Books of the East. Vol. 4, 23.] Oxford, 1880, etc. 8°. 2003. a. Zanolini (A.) Lexicon Syriacum. Patavii, 1742. 4°. 2115. b. Zanotti (E.) Prospettiva. [Classici Baliani ; 337.] Milano, 1825. 8°. 2042. c. Zanotti (F. M.) Opere scelte. 2 vol. [Classici Baliani ; 273, 274.] Milano, 18 18. 8°. 2042. a. Zapf (G. W.) Litteratur cler alten und neuern Gescbichte. Lemgo, 1781. 8°. BB. M. Zedler (J. H.) Grosses vollstiindiges Universal Lexicon. 64 vol. Halle und Leipzig, 17 32-50. fol. Cat. Desk. Supplement. 4 vol. Leipzig, 1751-54. fol. Cat. Desk. Zeibig (J. W.) Geschichte und Literatur der Geschwindschreib- kunst. Zweite Auflage. Dresden, 1878. 8°. BB. E. Zeis (E.) Literatur und Geschichte der plastischen Chirurgie. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. BB. C. Zeitgenossen. 6 vol. Leipzig, 18 16-21. 8°. 2035. a. Neue Eeihe. Leipzig, 1821-27. 8°. 2035. a. Dritte Eeihe. Leipzig, 1829-41. 8°. 2035. a. Zeitsehrift fur Agyptische Spraehe und Alterthumskunde. Jahrgang 1, etc. Leipzig, 1863, etc. 4°. 2096. d. Zell (T. E.) Zell's Popular Encyclopaedia. By L. Colange. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1870. 4°. 2107. e. Zenker (J. T.) Bibliotheca Orientalis. Manuel de Bibliographie Orientale. Vol. 1, 2. Leipzig, 1846-61. 8°. BB. T. Dictionnaire Turc-Arabe-Persan. 2 tom. Leipzig, 1866-76. 4°. 2115. f. Zezi (P.) Indice bibliografico delle pubblicazioni riguardanti la Geologia e la Palaeontologia doll a Provincia di Eoina. Boma, 1878. 8°. BB. E. Ziegelbauer (M.) Historia Eei Literariaa Ord. S. Benedicti. Ee- censuit O. Legipontius. 4 vol. Augustse Vindel., etc., 1754. fol. 2008. g. Ziemmssen (H. von) Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine. Translated by E. II. Fitz, etc. 18 vol. Loudon, 1875-81. 8°. 2026. d., etc ZIE— ZUC 327 Ziemmssen (H. von) Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Modicino. Supplement. [Edited by G. L. Pcabody.] London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2026. g. Handbook of General Therapeutics. 7 vol. London, 1885-87. 8°. 2026. g-h. Zinkeisen (J. W.) Geschichte des Osmanischon Roichos in Europa. 7 vol. [Heeren und UJcert. Geschichte der Europdischen Staaten.] Hamburg, Gotha, 1840-63. 8°. 2068. c. Zipoli (Perlone ) pseud. See Lippi (L.) Zoeckler (O.) Handbuch dor theologischen Wissenschafton in encyclopiidischer Darstellung. 4 Bde. Nbrdlingen, 1885. 8°. 2015. c. Zonaras (Joannes) Opera. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. [Migne. Patrobgise Cursus. Series Grseca ; 134, 135.] Paris. 1864. 4°. 2011. g. Annales, ex recensione M. Pinderi. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. [By- zantine History.] Bonnse, 1841-44. 8°. 2067. g. Zonarre et Photii Lexica. Gr. [Edited by J. A. H. Tittmann and G. Hermann.] 3 vol. Lipsise, 1808. 4°. 2113. c. (1.) Aniroadversiones ad Photii Lexicon. Scripsit J. F. Schleusner. Lipsise, 1 8 10. 4°. 2113. c. (2.) Curre novissimse in Photii Lexicon. Scripsit J. F. Schleusner. Lipsise, 1 812. 4°. 2113. c. (3.) Zoological Record. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1865, etc. 8°. 2028. b. Zoological Society. Proceedings. London, 1833, etc. 8°. 2030. a-d. Zoology. Reports on the progress of Zoology and Botany, 1841-44. [Bay Society.] London, 1847. 8°. 2027. f. Zosimus. Zosimus. Ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Gr. & Lat. [By- zantine History.] Bonnse, 1837. 8°. 2067. e. Ouvrages historiques, par J. A. C. Buchon. [Pantheon Litteraire. Histoire.] Paris, 1836. 8°. 2043. d. Zuchold (E. A.) Bibliotheca Chemica, 1840-1858. Gbttingen, 1859. go. BB. E. Bibliotheca Theologica, 1830-1862. Gbttingen, 1864. 8°. BB. A. SUBJECT-INDEX , 33] » SUB J ECT-INDEX. ABBREVIATIONS. - Ohassant ([j. A.) Dictionnaire des Abreviations Latiues et Fran- gaises. Paris, 1876. 8°. 20&0. d. ABYSSINIA. Russell (M.) Nubia and Abyssinia. Edinburgh, 1833. 12°. 2103. g. ACADEMIES AND LEARNED SOCIE- TIES. [1. Bibliographies.] Nami-r (P.) Bibliograpbie Academi- quc Beige. Lie'tie, 1838. 8°. 2048. d. Lefevre Pontalis (E.) Bibliograpbie des Socie'te's Savantes de la France. Paris, 1887. 4°. 2097. b. Mueller (Johannes) Die wissenschaft- lichen Vereine und Gesellscbaften Deutscblands im neunzebnten Jabr- hundert. Bibliograpbie ibrer Ver- offentlicbungen, etc. Berlin, 1883, etc. 4°. 2097. h. Walther (P. A. F.) Systematisches Repertorium iiber die Schriften s'aimntlicher bistorischer Gesell- schaften Deutscblands. Darmstadt, 1845. 8°. BB. M. Reuss (F. A.) Repertorium Comrnen- tationum a Societatibus Litterariis editarum. 10 vol. Gottingse, 1801-21. 4°. BB. 0. Oxford University. — Bodleian Library. Catalogus Dissertationum Acade- micarum quibus nuper aucta est Bibliotbeca Bodleiana. 1832. Ozonise, 1834. fol. Cat. Desk. Lisbon. — Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa. Catalogo das publicacGes da Academia. 1789 a 1876. Lisboa, 1876. 8". 2048. b. Year -Book op the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and [beland. 1884. London, 1884, etc. 8°. 2097. d. ACADEMIES AND LEARNED SOCIE- TIES— continued. [11. Publications and Transactions.'] Aoademie Francaise. See Franco — Iustitut. (Part i.) Anthropological Institute. (Journal.) 2101. b. Antiquaries, Society of. (Arcrueo- logia.) 2096. e-f. Archaeological Association. (Journal.) 2096. a-b. Architectural Publication Society. (Dictionary.) 2031. g. Asiatic Society of Bengal. (Journal.) (Asiatic Researches.) 2098. e. Astronomical Society op London. (Memoirs.) 2022. c. - (Notices.) 2101. d. British Association. (Reports.) 2102, 3. a-bb. Camden Society. (Descriptive Cata- logue.) 2072. b. English Historical Society. (Publi- cations.) 2071. c. Geographical Society. (Proceedings, etc.) 2058. a. Geological Society. (Quarterly Journal.) 2030. f. Harleian Society. (Publications.) 2118. d. Index Society. (Publications.) BB. T. Linnean Society. (Transactions.) 2027, 28. g. Ray Society. (Publications.) 2027. d-f. Royal Irish Academy. (Transactions.) 2099. g. Royal Society. (Proceedings.) 2101. d. (Philosophical Transactions.) 2100. a-g. (Catalogue of Scientific Papers.) BB. 0. Royal Society of Edinburgh. (Trans- actions.) 2099. g. Statistical Society. (Journal.) 2097. d. 332 SUBJECT-INDEX. ACADEMIES AND LEARNED SOCIE- TIES— continued. [in. Indexes.'] Akch^ologia. Vol. 1-30. 2096. g. Arch^ological Association. (Journal. Vol. 1-30.) 2096. b. Arch^ological Institute. (Journal. Vol. 1-25.) 2096. c. Asiatic Society op Bengal. (Asiatic Eesearches. Vol. 1-20.) 2098. b & e. (Journal. Vol. 1-23.) 2098. b. Astronomical Society of London. (Memoirs. Vol. 1-38.) 2022. e. (Notices. Vol. 1-39.) 2101. d. Berlin Societas Regia Scientiarum. (Verzeichniss der Abhandluugen), 1710-1870. 2048. b. British Association. (Reports, 1831- 60.) BB. 0. Chemical Society. (Journal. Vol. 1-25. Memoirs, 1841-47.) BB. E. Clinical Society. (Transactions, 1868- 79.) BB. C. Geographical Society. (Proceedings. Vol. 1-40.) 2058. a. Geological Society. (Transactions, &c, to 1870.) 2030. e. Institute op Civil Engineers. (Minutes. Vol. 1-58.) BB. E. Linnean Society. (Transactions. Vol. 1-30.) 2028. g. Parker Society. (Publications.) 2015. b. Pathological Society. (Transactions. Vol. 1-25.) BB. C. Pharmaceutical Society. (Journal and Transactions to 1878.) BB. C. Royal Agricultural Society op Eng- land. (Journal, 1-25. n. 1-10.) BB. 0. Royal Medical and Chircrgical So- ciety. (Transactions. Vol. 1-53.) 2027. c. & BB. C. Saint Petersburg Academia Scien- tiarum Impekialis. (Publications.) 2050. e. Statistical Society. (Journal. Vol. 1-15.) 2097. d. ACADEMIE FRANQAISE. Kerviler (R.) Essai d'une Bibliogra- phic raisonnee de 1' Academic Fran- caise. Paris, 1877. 8°. 2048. b. [For Publications of the Academy, see Part I. France — Institut.'] ADMIRALTY. Admiralty. Monumenta Juwdica. The Black Book of the Admiralty. Edited by Sir T. Twiss. Vol. 1-4. London, 1871-76. 8°. 2073. (55.) ADULTERATION. See Food. AFRICA. Kayser (G.) Bibliographie d'ouvrages ayant trait a l'Afriquo, etc. Bruxelles, 1887. 8°. BB. I. Gay (J.) Bibliographie des ouvrages relatifs a l'Afrique et a l'Arabie. Sa7i Eemo & Paris, 1875. 8°. BB. I. Paulitschke (P.) Die geographische Erforschung des Afrikamschen Continents. Wien, 1880. 8°. BB. I. Ternaux-Compans (H.) Bibliotkeque Asiatique et Africaine. Paris, 1 84 1. 8°. BB. I. Jameson (R.) and others. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa. Edinburgh, 1830. 12°. 2103. f. Habenicht (H.) Spezial Karte von Afrika. Gotha, 1885. fol. 2060. f. Stanford (E.) Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. — Africa. By Keith Johnston. London, 1882-85. 8°. 2060. a. Africa, South. Handbook to South Africa. London, 1880. 8°. 2057. b. AFRICAN LANGUAGES. Grey (Sir G.) Catalogue of the Li- brary of Sir George Grey. Philo- logy. 2 vol. Cape Town, 1858-59. 8°. BB. T. Marcel (J. J.) Vocabulaire Francais- Arabe des Dialectes vulgaires Afri- cains. Paris, 1837. 8 °- 2115> *>. AGENAIS. Andrieu (J.) Bibliographie ge'ne'rale de l'Agenais. Paris, 1886, etc. 8°. BB. K. AGRICULTURE. Rogers (J. E. T.) History of Agricul- ture and Prices in England, from 1259 to 1793. 6 vol. Oxford, 1866. 8°. 2023. e. Morton (John C.) The Farmer's Ca- lendar. London, [1884.] 8°. 2029. c. Stephens (H.) Book of the Farm. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1 8 7 1 . 8°. 2029. d. Cresoenzi (P. de') Trattato della Agricoltura. 3 vol. Milano, 1805. 8°. 2041. a. Royal Agricultural Society of Eng- land. General Index to the Jour- nal. (First Series, Vol. 1-25, Second Series, Vol. 1-10.) London, 1875. 8°. BB. 0. AISNE. Perin (C.) Rccherchcs bibliographi- qucs sur le Dopartemcut de 1'Aisnc. 2 vol. Soissons, 1866, 67. 8". BB. K. SUBJECT-INDEX. 333 ALBANIAN LANGUAGES. Xylander (J. von) Die Spracho der Albanesen oder SohMpetaren. Frankfwrl am Main, 1835. 8° 2115. c. ALBIGENSES. Aliugenses. Histoire do la Croisadc contre les he're'tiques Albigeois, e'crite en vers Proveneaux par an poiite conternporain. Parte, 1837. 4 °- 2083 - c - ALGEBRA. Chrystal (G.) Algebra. Edinburgh, 1886, etc. 8°. 2022. a. ALGERIA. Algeria. A Handbook for Travellers in Algeria. London, J887. 8°. 2057. a. ALPHABET. Taylor (Isaac) The Alphabet. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2112. b. Kirchoff (A.) Studien zur Geachichte des Griechischen Alphabets. Berlin, 1877. 8°. 2050. d. ALPS. Switzerland. Handbook for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. London, 1879. 8°. 2057. a. AMERICA. Harrisse (H.) Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. A description of works relating to America pub- lished between 1492 and 1551. New York, 1866. 8°. Additions. Paris, 1872. 8°. 2049. a. Murphy (H. C.) Catalogue of the Library of H. C. M., consisting of Americana. New York, 1884. 8°. BB. I. Pinast (A. L.) Catalogue de livres rares sur l'Amerique. BB. G. Eich (.0.) Bibliotheca Americana Nova; or, Catalogue of Books re- lating to America since 1700. 3 vol. London, 1835-46. 8°. 2050. d. Stevens (H.) Historical Nuggets: a descriptive account of rare Books relating to America. 2 vol. London, 1859. 8°. 2050. a. Ternaux-Cojipans (H.) Bibliotheque Americaine. Paris, 1837. 8°. BB. I. Troemel (P.) Bibliotheque Ame'ricaine. Catalogue raisonne d'une collection de livres pre'cieux sur l'Amerique. Leipzig, 1861. 8°. BB. I. Vicuna Mackenna (B.) Bibliografia Americana. Valparaiso, 1879. 8°. AMERICA— oontin ued. Stevens (II.) Catalogue of American Books in the- Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (1.) Catalogue of American Maps in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 185G. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (4.) Catalogue of Canadian and other British North American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (2.) Catalogue of Mexican and other Spanish American and West Indian Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 185G. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (3.) Alcedo (A. de) Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Translated, with additions, by G. A. Thompson. 5 vol. London, 18 12-15. 4°. 2057. f. Atlas, by A. Arrowsmith. London, 1819. fol. 2057. f. Holmes (A.) Annals of America. Cambridge [Mass.,'] 1829. 8°. 2085. c. Rand, MacNally & Co. Business Atlas of America, Chicago, 1882. 4°. 2059. e. Winsor (J.) Narrative and Critical History of America. Vol. 2-5. Boston, 1886-87. *°« 2056. f. Black (A.) and (C.) Black's Atlas of North America. By J. Bartholo- mew. Edinburgh, 1856. fol. 2059. f. Fairibault (G. B.) Catalogue d'ou- vrages sur l'histoire de l'Ame'rique, et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la Louisiane, de l'Aca- die, et autres lieux, ci - devant connus sous le nom de Nouvelle- France; avec des notes biblio- graphiques, etc. Quebec, 1837. 8°. BB. M. Stanford (E.) Stanford's Compen- dium of Geography and Travel. — North America. By F. V. Hayden and A. R. C. Selwyn. London, 1882-85. 8°. 2060. a. Tytlek (P. F.) Historical View of the Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America. Edinburgh, 1832. 12°. 2103. sj. Sqlier (E. G.) Catalogue of the Li- brary of E. G. Squier (principally relating to Central America, etc.). New York, 1876. 8°. BB. I. 334 SUBJECT-INDEX. AMEEICA — continued. Stanford (E.) Stanford's Compen- dium of Geography and Travel- Central America. By H. W. Bates. London, 1882-85. 8°. 2080. a. Humboldt (F. H. A. von) Examen critique de l'histoire de la geo- graphic du nouveau continent, etc. 5 vol. Paris, 1836-39. 8°. 2057. b. America. Antiquitates American*. Edi.lit Societas regia Antiquari- orum Septentrionalium. [By C. C. Rafn.] Hafnim, 1837. 4°. 2085. g. AMEEICAN INDIANS. Field (T. W.) An Essay towards an Indian Bibliography. New York, 1873. 8°. BB. T. Ludewig (H. E.) The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages. London, 1858. 8°. BB. T. Pilling (J. C.) Bibliography of the Languages of the North American Indians. Washington, 1885. 4°. Cat. Desk. HlSTORIADORES PRIMITIVOS DE INDIAS. Coleccion dirigida e ilustrada por E. de Vedia. 2 vol. Madrid, 1852, 53. 8°. 2042. e. AMEEICAN LITEEATUEE. Truebner (N.) Bibliographical Guide to American Literature, [1817- 1857]. London, 1859. 8°. 2050. d. Adams (O. F.) Brief Handbook of American Authors. Boston, 1884. 8°. BB. G. Dutckinck (E. A.) and (G. L.) Cyclo- paedia of American Literature. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1877. 8 °- 2044. d. Allibone (S. A.) Dictionary of Eng- lish Literature and British and American Authors. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1859, 70, 71. 8°. 1 2050. f. Griswold (R. W.) The Poets and Poetry of America. Philadelphia, 1856. 8°. 2045. e. The Prose Writers of America. Philadelphia, 18 51. 8°. 2045. c. Kelly (J.) American Catalogue of Books. 1861-71. 2 vol. New Yorlc, 1866-71. 8°. 2050. d. Leypoldt (F.) The American Cata- logue under the direction of F. Leypoldt. Compiled by L. E. Jones. 2 vol. New York, 1880-81. 4°. 1876-84. 2 pt. New York, 1884. 4°. 2050. f. Stevens (H.) Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum. Christmas, 185*;. London, t866. 8°. 2050. e. (1.) AMEEICANISMS. Bartlett (J. R.) Dictionary of Ameri- canisms. Fourth edition. Boston, 1877. 8°. 2112. c. ANA. Namur (P.) Bibliographic des ou- vrages publics sous le nom d'Ana. Bruxelles, 1839. 8°. BB. G. ANATOMY. South Kensington Museum. List of Books on Anatomy, in the National Art Library. London, 1886. 8°. BB. E. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Medico- Chirurgica et Anatoniico-Physio- logica, 1750-1847. Leipzig, 1848. 8". BB. C. Supplement-Heft, 1848-67. Leipzig, 1868. 8°. BB. C. Bodbgbry (M. J.) Traite' complet de l'Anatomie de l'Homtne. 8 vol. Paris, 1832-54. fol. Cat. Desk. Ellis (G. V.) Demonstrations of Anatomy. London, 1883-87. 2024. c. Gegenbauer (C.) Elements of Com- parative Anatomy. London, 1878. 8°. 2027. c. Gray (H.) Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. London, 1887. 8°. 2024. c. Humphry (G. M.) Treatise on the Human Skeleton. Cambridge, 1858. 8". 2024. bb. Owen (Sir R.) Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3 vol. London, 1866-68. 8°. 2029. g. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. London, 1855. 8". 2029. g. Quain (J.) Elements of Anatomy. 2 vol. (in 3 pt.) London, 1885. 8°. 2024. b. Sappey (C.) Traite d'Anatomie de- scriptive. 4 vol. Paris, 1876-79. 8°. Atlas. Pt. 1. Paris, 1877. 4°. 2024. d. Wilks (S.) and Moxon (W.) Lectures on Pathological Anatomy. London, 1875. 8°. 2024. bb. Lizaks (J.) A System of Anatomical Plates; with descriptions. 12 pt. (in 1 vol.) Edinburgh, 1822-26. 8°. 2024. c. Plates. [With Supplement.] Edinburgh, 1822-56. fol. 2024. f. Quain (J.) and Wilson (W. J. E.) Anatomical Plates. 5 vol. London, 1836-42. fol. 2024. f. ANGLING. See Fish & Fishing. SUBJECT-INDEX. :;;;;. ANGLO-SAXON LANGUAGE. BOSWOBTH (J.) Dictionary of the Anglo- Saxon Language. London, 1838. 8°. 2112. c. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Edited and enlarged by T. N. Toller. Pt. 1-2. Oxford, 1882. 4 . 2112. d. Junius (F.) the Younger. Etymologi- cum Anglicanum ; edidit E. Lye. Prsemittuntur vita, auctoris et Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica. Oxonim, 1743- foL 2117. f. Leo (H.) Angels'achsisches Glossar. Halle, 1877. 8°. 2112. c. Lye (E.) Dictionarium Saxonico- et Gothico-Latinum. 2 vol. Londini, 1772. fol. 2117. f. Somner (W.) Dictionarium Saxonico- Latino-Anglicum : accesserunt 2E1- frici Abbatis Grammatica Latino- Saxonica. Oxoniiv, 1659. fob 2117. f. March (F. A.) Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. London, 1870. 8°. 2112. c. Kask (E. C.) Grammar of the Anglo- Saxon tongue. Translated by B. Thorpe. Copetih. 1830. 8°. 2112. b. Grein (C. W. M.) Bibliothek der An- gels'achsischen Poesie. 4 Bd. Goettingen, 1857-64. 8°. 2047. a. Saxon Chronicle. Saxon Chronicle; with an English translation and notes by J. Ingram. London, 1823. 4°. 2070. c. Thorpe (B.) Diplomatarium Anglicum JEvi Saxonici. A collection of English charters from a.d. dcv. to William the Conqueror. With a translation by B. Thorpe. London, 1865. 8°. 2077. a. Wilkins (D.) Legies Anglo-Saxonica>, ecclesiastical et civiles. London, 1721. fol. 2070. e. Gough (11.) Catalogue of the books relating to British Topography and to Saxon and Northern Literature bequeathed to the Bodleian Library by E.G. Oxford, 1884. 4°. BB. K. ANHALT. Schmidt (A. G.) Anhalt'sches Schrift- steller-Lexicon. Bernburg, 1830. 8°. 2038. b. ANNAM. Barbie du Bocage (V. A.) Biblio- graphic Annamite. Paris, 1867. 8°. BB. I. ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS. Gushing (William) Initials and Pseu- donyms. New York, 1885. 8°. ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS — oon- tinued. Cusnixr; (William) Initials and Pseu- donyms. London, 1886. 8°. 2048. f. Hai.kett(S.) and Lainc. (J.) Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudony- mous Literature of Great Britain. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1882-88. 8". 2048. f. Habist (Olphar) pseud, [i.e. E. Thomas.] Handbook of Fictitious Names. London, 1868. 8°. 2048. c. Barbier (A. A.) Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. Troisieme edition. 4 vol. Paris, 1872-78. 8°. 2048. d. Manne (E. D. de) Nouveau Diction- naire des Ouvrages anonymes et psendonymes. Troisieme e'dition. Lyon, 1868. 8 n . 2048. c. Lancetti (V.) Pseudonimia. Milano, 1836. 8°. 2049. aa. M., G. Dizionario di Opere anonime o pseudonime di Scrittori ltaliani. Di G. M[elzi]. 3 vol. Milano, 1848-59. 8 n . 2049. a. Weller (E.) Lexicon Pseudonymorum. Regemburg, 1886. 8°. BB. G. ANTHROPOLOGY. Darwin (C. E.) Descent of Man. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1888. 8°. 2029. e. Ltell (Sir C.) Bart. Geological Evi- dences of the Antiquity of Man. London, 1873. 8°. 2034. c. Latham (E. G.) Natural History of the Varieties of Man. London, 1850. S n . 2024. b. Prichard (J. C.) Natural History of Man. London, 1845. 8 °- 2024. bb. Eesenrches into the Physical History of Mankind. 5 vol. London, 1836-47. 8°. 2024. b, The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations, forming a Supplement to "Researches into the Physical History of Mankind." Edited by E. G. Latham. London, 1 85 7. 8°. 2024. b. Six Ethnographical Maps. London, 1843. fob 2024. f. Wood (J. G.) Natural History of Man. 2 vol. London, 1868-70. 8°. 2024. d. Dawkins (W. B.) Early Man in Britain and his place in the Ter- tiary Period. London, 1880. 8°. 2030. e. Lubbock (Sir J.) Bart. Pre-Historio Times. London, [878. 8°. 2024. b. Origin of Civilization, and the primitive condition of Man. London, 1882. 8°. 2024. b. 336 SUBJECT-INDEX. ANTHROPOLOGY— con tinned. Tylob (E. B.) Primitive Culture. 2 vol. London, 1871. 8°. 2024. b. Researches into the early His- tory of Mankind and the develop- ment of Civilization. London, 1878. 8°. 2024. b. Wilson (D.) Prehistoric Man. Re- searches into the Origin of Civi- lisation. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8°. 2024. b. Higgins (G.) Anacalypsis : an inquiry into the origin of Languages, Na- tions, and Religions. 2 vol. London, 1836. 4°. 2072. d. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1872, etc. 8°. 2101. b. APHIDES. Bockton (G. B.) Monograph of the British Aphides. 4 vol. [Bay So- ciety.'] London, 1876-83. 8°. 2027. f. ARABIA. Gay (J.) Bibliographic des ouvrages relatifs a l'Afrique et a l'Arabie. SanRemo & Paris, 1875. 8°. 2050. c. Ceichton (A.) History of Arabia. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1833. 12°. 2103. g. Palestine Exploeation Fund. Me- moir on the Geology and Geography of Arabia Petrsea, Palestine and ad- joining districts. By E. Hull. London, 1886. 4°. 2057. e. Palgeave (W. G.) Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia. 2 vol. London and Cambridge, 1865. 8°. 2059. a. ARABIC LANGUAGE. Badger (G. P.) English - Arabic - Lexicon. London, 1881. 4°. 2115. g. Catafago (J.) English and Arabic (Arabic and English) Dictionary. London, 1873. 8°. 2115. c. Feeytag (G. W.) Lexicon Arabico- Latinum. 4 vol. Halts Saxonum, 1830-37. 8°. 2115. e. Johnson (F.) Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English. London, 1852. 4°. 2115. g. Lane (E. W.) Arabic-English Lexicon. Vol. 1-7. London, 1863-85. 4°. 2115. f. Zenkee (J. T.) Dictionnaire Turc- Arabe-Persan. 2 torn. Leipzig, 1866-76. 4°. 2115. f. Caspari (C. P.) Grammar of the Arabic language. 2 vol. London, 1874-75. 8°. 2115. c. ARABIC LANGUAGE— continued. Forbes (D.) Grammar of the Arabic Language. London, 1863. 8". 2115. d. Silvestee de Sacy (A. J.) Baron. Grammaire Arabe. 2 torn. Paris, 1 83 1. 8°. 2115. b. ARBITRATION. Russell (F.) Barrister. Treatise on the Power and Duty of an Arbitrator. London, 1882. 8°. 2017. b. ARCHEOLOGY. Cicognaea (L.) Count. Catalogo ra- gionato dei libri d'arte e d'antichita. 2 vol. Pisa, 18 2 1. 8°. BB. G. Beitton (J.) Dictionary of the Archi- tecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages. London, 1838. 4°. 2031. f. Caumont (A. de) Abe'ce'daire, ou Ru- diment d'Arche'ologie. 3 vol. Paris, 1858-62. 8°. 2032. e. Fosbeoke (T. D.) Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. London, 1840. 8°. 2032. f. Montfaucon (B. de) L'Antiquite ex- plique'e et repre'sente'e en figures. Lat. and Fr. ' 5 vol. (in 10 pt.) Paris, 1 719. fol. Cat. Desk. Supplement. 5 vol. Paris, 1724. fol. Cat. Desk. Muellee (C. O.) Ancient Art and its Remains; or, a manual of the Archae- ology of Art. London, 1850. 8°. BB. M. Feegusson (J.) Rude Stone Monu- ments in all Countries. London, 1872. 8°. 2031. b. Mollett (J. W.) Illustrated Dic- tionary of Words used in Art and Archaeology. London, 1883. 8°. 2032. a. Aech^eologia. Published by the So- ciety of Antiquaries of London. Vol" 1-49, etc. London, 1770, etc. 4°. 2096. e. f. Indexes to Vol. 1-30. [By N. Carlisle.] 2 vol. London, 1809-44. 4°. 2096. g. Archaeological Association. Journal of the British Archaeological As- sociation. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1845, etc - 8 °- 2096. a-b. General Index to Vol. 1-30. London, 1875. 8 °- 2096. b. AechzEOlogical Institute. Archaeo- logical Journal. Vol. 2S-42, etc. London, 18 71, etc. 8°. Index to Vol. 1-25. London, 1878. 8°. 2096. c-d. Antiquarian Repertory. 4 vol. London, 1807-9. 4°. 2061. c. SUBJECT-INDEX. 337 MtCHJEOLOGY.— Christian. Bates (W.) College Lectures on Chris- tian Antiquities and the Ritual of the English Church. London, 1845. *>°. 2001. b. GUENEBAULT (L. J.) Dictionnaire Iconographique des Monuments de l'antiquite chretienne et du moyeu age, etc. 2 vol. Paris, 1843-45. 8°. 2032. f. Martigny (A. J.) Dictionnaire des Antiquite's chre'tiennes. Pans, 1877. 8°. 2002. f. Riddle (J. E.) Manual of Christian Autiquities. London, 1839. 8°. 2003. b. Smith (W.) LL.D. and Cheetham (S.) Dictionary (if Christian Antiquities. 2 vol. London, 1875, 8°. 8°. 2007. c. Walcott (M. E. C.) Sacred Archae- ology. London, 1868. 8°. 2003. e. ARCHITECTS.— See Biography.— Artis- tic. ARCHITECTURE. Weale (J.) Catalogue of Books ou Architecture. London, 1854. 8°. BB. C. Beelitz (C.) Architectur Katalog. Berlin, 1861. 8°. BB. E. Comolli (A.) Bibliografia storico- critica dell' Architettura civile. 4 vol. Boma, 1788-92. 4°. BB. G. Architectural Publication Society. Dictionary of Architecture. Vol. 1-7. London, 1853, etc. fol. 2031. g. Caumont (A. de) Abece'daire, ou Ru- diment d'Arche'ologie :— Architec- tures civile et militaire. Paris, 1858-62. 8°. 2032. e. Fergusson (J.) History of Architec- ture. 4 vol. London, 1873, 76. 8°. 2032. b. Gwilt (J.) Encyclopaedia of Architec- ture. New edition, revised by W. Papworth. London, 1888. 8°. 2032. b. Nicholson (P.) Dictionary of Archi- tecture, Building, etc. New edition. Edited by E. Lomax and T. Gun- yon. 2 vol. London, [1857-62.] 4°. 2032. f. QuATREMERE DE QuiNCY (C. M.) HlS- toire de la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres architectes du xi e siecle jusqu'ii la fin du xvin . 2 torn. Paris, 1830. 8°. 2031. a. Ruskin (J.) Lectures on Architecture and Painting. London, 1855. 8°. 2033. a. ARCHITECTURE— continued. Ruskin (J.) Seven Lamps of Architec- ture. Orpington, 1880. 8°. 2031. f. Weale (J.) Quarterly Papers on Archi- tecture. 4 vol. London, 1845. 4°. 2032. g. Britton (J.) Dictionary of the Archi- tecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages. London, 1838. 4°. 2031. f. Scott (Sir G. G.) Lectures on Medi- aeval Architecture. 2 vol. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. b. Brown (Richard) Sacred Architec- ture. London, 1845. 4°. 2032. f. Britton (J.) Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. 5 vol. London, 1807-26. 4°. 2062. d. Carter (J.) Ancient Architecture of England. London, 1795. fol. 2061. f. Richman (T.) An attempt to discrimi- nate the styles of Architecture in England from the Conquest to the Reformation. Seventh edition by J.H.Parker. London, 188 r. 8°. 2031. b. Turner (T. H.) Some Account of Do- mestic Architecture in England. 3 vol. (in 4). Oxford, 1851-59. 8°. 2031. a. Willis (R) Architectural History of the University of Cambridge. Edited by J. W. Clark. 4 vol. Cambridge, 1886. 8°. 2066. b. Viollet le-Duc (E. E.) Dictionnaire de 1' Architecture Francaise du xi G au xvi e siecle. 10 vol. Paris, 1858-68. 8°. 2031. e. Magrini (A.) Memorie di A. Palladio. Padova, 1845. 4°. 2033. h. Parker (J. H.) Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Fifth edition. 2 vol. (in 3). Oxford, 1850. 8°. 2032. b. Weale (J.) Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture. London, 1876. 12°. 2033. a. Builder. The Builder: nn illustrated weekly magazine. [For the last completed vear.] London, fol. 2031. g. Loudon (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Cot- tage. Farm and Villa Architecture. London, 1853-42. 2029. 0. z 338 SUBJECT-INDEX. ARCHITECTURE— continued. Ryde (E.) Text Book for Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, etc. London, J&54.. 8°. 2032. b. ARDENNES. Boulliot (J. B. J.) Biographie Ar- dennaise, etc. 2 vol. Paris, 1830. 8°. 2037. b. ARITHMETIC. De Morgan (A.) Arithmetical Books. London, 1847. 8°. BB. E. ARMENIAN LANGUAGE. Aucher (P.) Dictionary, English and Armenian (Armenian and English), etc. 2 vol. Venice, 1821-25. 8°. 2115. d. Dictionnaire Francais-Arme'- nien-Turc. Venise, 1840. 8°. 2115. d. Grammar, Armenian and Eng- lish. Venice, 1 8 1 9. 8°. 2115. a. Bedrosian (M.) New Dictionary Ar- menian-English. Venice, 1875-79. 8°. 2115. d. Cirbied (J. C.) Grammaire de la langue Arme'nienne. Paris, 1823. 8°. 2115. a. ARMOUR AND WEAPONS. South Kensington Museum. List of Books on Armour and Weapons in the National Art Library. London, 1883. 8°. BB. E. Bernd (C. S. T.) Allgemeine Sehrif- tenkunde der gesammten Wappen- wissenschaft. 4 Thle. Bonn, 1830-41. 8°. BB. T. Hewitt (J.) Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe. 2 vol. (Sup- plement 1 vol.) Oxford, 1855-60. 8°. 2031. b. ART. Royal Academy of Arts. Catalogue of the Library. London, 1877. 8°. BB. G. Vinet (E.) Bibliographie methodique et raisonne'e des Beaux- Arts. Paris, 1874, 77. 8°. BB. G. Repertorium fur Kunstwissenschaft. Redigirt von P. Schestag. Bd. 1, etc. Stuttgart, 187 5-86, etc. 8°. 2032. e. Cicognara (L.) Count. Catalogo ragio- nato dei libri d' arte e d' antichita. 2 vol. Pisa, 1821. 8°. BB. G. Luebke (W.) Outlines of the History of Art. 2 vol. New York, 1878. 8°. 2031. d. Miuzia (F.) Dizionario delle Belle Arti del Disegno. 2 vol. IMogna, 1827. 8°. 2032. a. ART — continued. Millin de Grandmaison (A. L.) Dic- tionnaire des Beaux-Arts. 3 vol. Paris, j 806. 8 9 . 2032. b. Hodgkin (J.) Caligraphia Graeca et Pcecilographia Giteca. Sculpsit H. Ashby. London, 1794, etc. 4°. 2113. f. Mueller (C. O.) Ancient Art and its Remains. London, 1850. 8°. BB. M. Winckelmann (J. J.) History of An- cient Art. Translated by G. H. Lodge. 2 vol. London, 1881. 8°. 2031. b. Lacroix (P.) The Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the period of the Re- naissance. London, 1870. 8°. 2031. f. Mueller (H. A.) and Mothes (O.) Illustrirtes arcli'aologisches Worter- buch der Kunst des Germanischen Alterthums. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1877-78. 8°. 2031. d. Heinecken (C. H. von) Dictionnaire des Artistes dont nous avons des Estampes, etc. 4 vol. [Aa — Diz. No more published.] Leipzig, 1778-90. 8°. 2033. g. Jameson (A.) Mrs. Companion to the most celebrated Private Galleries of Art in London, etc. London, 1844. 8°. 2033. a. Handbook to the Public Gal- leries of Ait in and near London, etc. London, 1842. 8°. 2033. a. Waagen (G. F.) Treasures of Art in Great Britain. [With Supple- ment.] 4 vol. London, 1854-57. 8°. 2032. c. Jameson (J.) Mrs. The History of our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art. 2 vol. London, 1864. 4°. 2031. a. Sacred and Legendary Art. Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1857. 4°. 2031. a. Gratet-Duplessis (G.) Les Ventes de Tableaux, Dessins, etc. 1611-1800. Paris, 1874. 8°. BB. G. Fairholt (F. W.) Dictionary of Terms in Art, etc. [London, 1854.] 8° 2033. a. Mollett (J. W.) Illustrated Dic- tionary of Words used in Art and Archteology. London, 1883. 8°. 2032. a. See also Biography. — Artistic. ARUNDEL. Tierney (M. A.) History of Arundel. London, 1834. 4°. 2065. c. SUBJECT-INDEX. 339 ARYAN LANGUAGE. Bopp (F.) Comparative Grammar. 3 vol. Loudon, 1856. 8°. 2113. a. Grammwire coaipare'e des lan- gues Indo-Europeeuues. 5 torn. Pans, 1866-74. 8". 2113. b. Fick (A.) Vergleichendes Worterbuoh der Indogernianisehen Spraclien. GetUngen, 1874-76. 8°. 2113. b. Pott (A. F.) Btymologische For- schuugen auf deni Gebiete der Indo-Germanischen Sprachen. 6 Thle. Lemgo & Detmold, 1859-76. 8°. 2113. a. Schleicher (A.) Compendium der ver- gleicbenden Grammatik der Indo- gernianisehen Spmcheu. Weimar, 1876. 8°. 2113. b. Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of tbe Indo-European languages. Pt. 1-2. London, 1874-77. 8°. 2113. b. ARYAS. Buehler (G.) Sacred Laws of tbe Aryas. Vol. 2. Oxford, 1879. 8°. 2003. a. ASIA. Ternaux-Compans (H.) Bibliotheque Asiatique, etc. Paris, 1841. 8°. BB. I. Asiatick Researches ; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. 20 vol. Calcutta, 1 788-1836. 4°. 2098. e. Index to vol. 1-18. Calcutta, 1835. 4°. 2098. e. Transactions of the Physical Class of the Asiatic Society of Ben- gal. Parti. Calcutta, 1829. 4°. 2098. e. Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. [With Index to vols. 10 and 20 of the Asiatic Kesearches, and to vol. 1-23 of the Journal] Calcutta, 1832, etc. 8°. 2097 & 2098. a-b. Journal Asiatique. Publie' par la Societe Asiatique. Septieine serie. 20 vol. Pam, 1873-82. 8°. 2098. d. Huitieme serie. In progress. Paris, 1 8*3, etc. 8°. 2098. d. Stanford (G.) Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. — Asia. By A. H Keaneand Sir R. Temple. London, 1882-85. 8°. 2060. a. Mezhov (V. J.) Reoueil du Turkestan, comprenant des livres, &c, sur l'Asie centrale. St. Petersbourg, 1878. 8°. BB. I. ASIA — eon t iwued. Humboldt (F. H. A. von) Baron. Asie Centrale. Rccherehes sur les chaines de montagnes et la clima- tologie compare'e. 3 vol. Pom, 1843- 8°. 2057. 1). Bastian (A.) Die Voelker des Oest- lichen Asien. Vol. 1-5. Leipzig, 1866-69. 8°. 2058. b. ASIA MINOR. Chandler (R.) Travels in Asia Minor. Oxford, 1775. 4°. 2056. g. Porter (Sir R. K.) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Baby- lonia, etc. 1817-1820. 2 vol. London, 1821, 22. 4°. 2056. g. ASSYRIA. Rawlinson (G.) The Five Great Monarchies of the ancient Eastern World ; or the History of Cbaldaja, Assyria, &c. 3 vol. London, 1871. 8°. 2069. a. Fhaser (J. B.) Mesopotamia and As- syria. Edinburgh, 1842. 12°. 2103. g ASSYRIAN LANGUAGE. Norris (E.) Assyrian Dictionary. Parts 1.-111. London, 1868-72. 4°. 2115. e. ASTRONOMY. Houzeau (J. C ) and Lancaster (A.) Bibliographie ge'nerale de l'Astro- nomie. 2 torn. Bruxelles, 1887, 82. 8°. BB. E. Le Francois de Lalande (J. J.) Bi- bliographie Astronomique, avec l'Histoire de l'Astronomie depuis 1781jusqu'a 1802. Paris, 1803. 4°. 2022. f. Leipzig. — Astronomische Gesellschaft. Catalog der Bibliothek. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BB. E. Araoo (F.) Popular Astronomy. 2 vol. London, 185s. 8°. 2022. e. Chambers (G. F.) Descriptive Astro- nomy. Oxford, 1867. 8°. 2022. e. Guillemin (A.) The Heavens. Hand- book of Popular Astronomy. Se- cond edition, by J. N. Lockyer. London, 1867. 8°. 2022. e. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Bart. Out- lines of Astronomy. London, 1869. 8°. 2022. e. ■ Treatise on Astronomy. London, 18;;. 8°. 2103. c Newcoml; (S.) Popular Astronomy. London, 1883. 8°. 2022. e. Delambbb (.1. B. J.) Histoire de l'Astronomie da Moyen Age. Paris, 1819. 4°. 2022. c. Histoire de l'Astronomie au dix- buitieme siecle. Paris, 1827. 4°. 340 SUBJECT-INDEX. ASTRONOMY— continued. Clerke (A. M.) A popular history of Astronomy during the nineteenth century. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2022. e. Humboldt (F. H. A. von) Examen critique de l'histoire de la geo- graphic du nouveau continent et des progres de l'astronomie nau- tique aux quinzierne et seizieme siecles. 5 vol. Paris, 1836-39. 8°. 2057. b. Manilius (M.) Astronornicon, ex edi- tione Bentleiana in usurn Delphini. 2 vol. Valpy: Londini, 1828. 8°. 2055. c. Astronomical Society op London. Memoirs. Vol. 37, etc. London, 1869, etc. 4°. 2022. e. Index to Memoirs. Vols. 1-38. London, 1871. 8°. 2021. f. Monthly Notices. Vol. 40, etc. London, 1880, etc. 8°. 2101. d. Index to Notices. Vol. 1-29. London, 1870. 8°. 2101. d. Catalogue of the Library to June, 1884. London, 1886. 8°. BB. e. ATLASES. Mercator (G.) G. Mercatoris et J. Hondii Atlas ; or, a geographicke description of the regions, countries and kingdoms of the world. Trans- lated by H. Hexham. 2 vol. Amsterdam, 1638. fol. 2059. f. Andrke (R.) Allgemeiner Haudatlas. Bielefeld, 1881. fol. 2059. e. Arrowsmith (J.) London Atlas. London, 1835. fol. 2060. f. Betts (J.) Family Atlas. London, [1847.] fol - 2059 - e - Black (A. & C.) Black's General At- las. New edition by J. Bartholo- mew, jun. Edinburgh, lido. fol. 2059. f. Blackie (W. G.) The Comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World. London, 1883. fob 2059. e. Bourguignon d'Anville (J. B.) Gene- ral Atlas. (Titlepage missing.) fol. 2060. g. Collins (W.) Sons & Co. Library At- las. London, 1875. 4°. 2059. d. Colton (G. W.) Coltou's General At- las. Letterpress descriptions by R. W. Fischer. New York, 18 71. fol. 2059. f. Johnson (A. J.) New IllustratetJ Family Atlas of the World. New York, 1869. fol. 2059. f. Johnston (A. K.) Royal Atlas. With a special Index to each Map. Edinburgh d- London, 1877. fol. 2059. f. ATLASES— continued. Johnston (A. K.) Index Geographicus. Compiled specially with reference to Johnston's Royal Atlas. Edinburgh, 1864. 8°. 2059. b. Kiepert (H.) Grosser Hand-Atlas des Himmels und der Erde. Weimar, 18 71. fol. 2060. g. Philip (G.) Imperial Library Atlas. By J. Bartholomew. Edited by W. Hughes. London, 1864. fol. 2060. g. Society for the Diffusion op Useful Knowledge. Complete Atlas of the Society. London, 1872. fol. 2059. f. Stieler (A.) Hand Atlas iiber alle Theile der Erde. Gotha [18 8 1.] fol. 2059. e. Collins (W.). Sons & Co. Students' Atlas of Historical Geography. London, 1873. 4°. 2059. d. Droysen (G.) Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas. Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1886. fol. 2059. e. Johnston (A. K.) Atlas of Classical Geography. Edinburgh & Loudon, 1866. fol. 2059. e. Philip (G.) Atlas of Classical, His- torical and Scriptural Geography. Liverpool, 1855. fob 2060. g. Smith (W.) LL.D. and Grove {Sir G.) An Atlas of Ancient Geography. London, 1875. fol. 2059. f. Sprpner (C. von) Atlas Antiquus. Gothic, 1850. obi. 4°. 2058. d. Historic Geographical Atlas of the Middle and Modern Ages. London, 1853. fol. 2059. f. Spruner-Menke Hand-Atlas fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. Dritte Auilage. Neu bearbeitet von T. Menke. Gotha, 1880. fol. 2059. e. Berghaus (H.) Physikalischer Atlas. 2 Bde. Gotha, 1845-48. fob 2059. e. Johnston (A. K.) Physical Atlas. Edinburgh & London, 1856. fol. 2060. g. Barros y Souza (M. F. de), Viscount. de Santarem. Histoire de la Cos- mograplue et de la Cartographie pendant le moven-age. 3 vol. Paris, 1849-52. 8°. 2057. b. SUBJECT-INDEX. 341 AUSTRALIA. Stanford (E.) Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. — Aus- tralasia, By A. II. Wallace. London, 1882-85. 8°. 2060. a. Woods (J. E. T.) History of the Dis- covery and Exploration of Aus- tralia. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2059. a. Australia. Handbook for Australia and New Zealand. London, 1880. 8°. 2057. b. Heaton (J. H.) Australian Dictionary of Dates and Men of the Time, con- taining the History of Australasia from 1542 to date. London, 1879. 8°. 2035. d. Philip (G.) Atlas of Australia. By J. Bartholomew. Edited by W. Hughes. London, [1864.] fol. 2060. f. Australian Handbook and Directory [lor the current year]. London, 1888, etc. 8°. 2121. e. Australia. The Year-Book of Aus- tralia for the current year. Sydney, 1888, etc. 8°. 2121. b. Gill (T.) Bibliography of South Australia. Adelaide, 1885. 8°. BB. I. AUSTRIA. Schmit von Tavera (C.) Bibliographie ziu' Geschichte des osterreiehischen Kaiserstaates. I. Abth. Bde. 1. 2. Wien, 1858. 8°. BB. M. Vogel (J. N. de) Specimen Biblio- thecse Germanise Austriacss. Viennx, 1779-85. 8°. BB. M. Coxe (W.) History of the House of of Austria; 1218-1792. 3 vol. London, 1807. 4°. 2084. f. Huber (A.) Geschichte Oesterreichs. Band 1,2. Gotha, 1885. 8°. 2068. d. Mailath (J. N.) Count. Geschichte des Oestreichischen Kaiserstaates. 5 vol. Hamburg, 1834-50. 8°. 2068. d. Negotiations. Ne'gociations diplo- matiques entre la France et l'Au- triche durant les trente premieres anne'es du xvr 9 siecle. 2 vol. Far is, 1845. 4°. 2083. c. AUTOGRAPHS. Netherclift (J.) Autographs of the Kings anil Queens, and Eminent Men of Great Britain. London, 1835. fol. 2037. g. Nichols (J.G.) Autographs of royal, noble, learned, and remarkable Personages. Richard 11.— Charles 11. London, 1829. fol. 2037. g. AUVERGNE. Gonod (B.) Catalogue des ouvrages concernant l'Auvergne. Clermont, 1849. 8°. BB. K. AXH0LME. Stonehouse (W. B.) History and Topo- graphy of the Isle of Axholme. London, 1839. 4". 2064. d. BABYLONIA. Rawlinson (G.) The Five Great Monarchies of the ancient eastern world. 3 vol. London, 1871. 8°. 2069. a. Porter (Sir R. K.) Travels in Georgia, lVr>ia, Ancient Babylonia, etc. 1817-20. 2 vol. London, 1821, 22. 4°. 2056. g. BADEN. Bingner (A.) Literatur iiber das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1770- 1854. Karlsruhe, 1854. 8°. BB. M. BAIREUT. Fikenscher CG. W. A.) Gelehrtes Fiiistenthum Baireut. 12 vol. Erlangen, 1801-05. 8°. 2038. d. BALLADS. Chappell (W.) The Ballad Literature and Popular Music of the olden time. 2 vol. London, [1855-59.] 8°. 2031. f. BAMPT0N. Giles (J. A.) History of Bampton. Bampton, 1848. 8°. 2063. a. BANBURY. Beesley (A.) History of Banbury. London, 1841. 8°. 2063. a. BANKING AND BANKS. Macleod (H. D.) Theory and Practice of Banking. 2 vol. London, 1875, 7&- 8°. 2023. c. Grant (J.) Law relating to Bankers and Banking. London, 1873. 8°. 2019. c. Hubbard. Hubbard's Newspaper and Bank Directory of the World. 3 vol. New Haven, 1882-84. 8°. Cat. Desk. Francis (J.) History of the Bank of England. 2 vol. London, 1848. 8". 2083. a. BANKRUPTCY. Baldwin (E. T.) Treatise on the law of Bankruptcy. London, 1887. 8°. 2019. c. • Williams (R. V.) and (W. V.) The Law and Practice in Bankruptcy. London, 1886. 8". 2019. d 342 SUBJECT-INDEX. BAPTISTS. Baptist Handbook [for the current year]. London, 1888, etc. 8°. 2121. b. BARBARY. Russell (M.) History of the Barbary States. Edinburgh, 1835. 12°. 2103. g. BARONETAGE. See Heraldry and Genealogy. BARONIES. Madox (T.) Barouia Auglica: an history of Laud Honors and Baronies, etc. London, 1741. fol. 2069. f. Collins (A.) Proceedings, precedents, and arguments on claims and con- troversies concerning Baronies by Writ, etc. London, 1734. fol. 2120. g. BARRISTERS-AT-LAW. Foster (Joseph) Men-at-the-Bar : a biographical hand-list. London, 1885. 8°. 2121. e. BARROWS. Greenwell (W.) British Barrows. Oxford, 1877. 8°. 2031. b. BATH. Warner (E.) History of Bath. Bath, 1801. 4°. 2066. c. BAVARIA. Aretin ^ J. O.) Literarisches Handbuch fur die baierische Geschichte. 2 Thle. Munchcn, 18 10. 8°. BB. M. Riezler (S.) Geschichte Baierns. Vol. 1. Gotha, 1878. 8°. 2068. c. Woerl (J. E.) Karte von dem Konig- reich Bayern. Freiburg, 1850. fol. 2059. f. Kobolt (A. M.) Baierisches Gelehrten- Lexikou. Landshut, 1795. 8°. 2038. d. Erganzungen und Be- richtigungen. Landshut, 1824. 8°. 2038. d. BEES. Keller (A. de) Bibliografia univer- sale di Apicoltura. Milano, 1881. 8°. BB. E. BELGIAN LITERATURE. Foppens (J. F.) Bibliotheca Belgica. 2 vol. Bruxellis, 1739. 4°. 2039. h. Bibliotheca Belgica. Catalogue des principales publications beiges, 1830-60. Bruxellcs, 1861. 8°. BB. R. Koninck (A. de) Bibliographic Na- tionale. Dictionnaire des e'crivains beiges. 1830-1880. Bruxelles, 1882-83. 8°. 2048. b. BELGIAN LITERATURE— continued. Belgium. Bibliographie de Belgique. Journal officiel de la Librairie. Bruxelles, 1880, etc. 8°. BB. R. Introduction a la Bibliographie de Belgique. Releve de tous les e'crits periodiques. Bruxellcs, 1878. 8°. BB. 0. BELGIUM. Holland. Handbook for Travellers in Holland and Belgium. London, 188 r. 8°. 2057. a. Picard (E.) Bibliographie du Uroit Beige. 18L4-1S81. Bruxelles, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Goethals (F. V.) Histoire des Lettres, des Sciences et des Arts en Bel- gique, et daus les pays limitrophes. 4 vol. Bruxelles, 1840-44. 8°. 2038. e. Lectures relatives a l'histoiie des Sciences, des Arts, des Lettres, des Mceurs, et de la Politique en Belsique, et dans les pays limi- trophes, etc. 4 vol. Bruxelles, 1837-38. 8°. 2038. e. BENEDICTINES. Ziegelbauer (M.) Historia Rei Lite- rarise Ord. 8. Benedicti. 4 vol. Augustas Vindel., etc., 1754. fol. 2008. g. BENGALI LANGUAGE. D'Rozario (P. S.) Dictionary of Eng- lish, Bangali, and Hindustani in the Roman character. Calcutta, 1837. 8°. 2115. b. Forbes (D.) Grammar of the Bengali Language. Lond. 1861. 8°. 2115. d. British Museum. Catalogue of Bengali Printed .Books. By T. F. Blum- hardt. London, 1886. 4°. Cat. Desk. BERGAMO. Tassi (F. M.) Count. Vite de' Pittori, Scultori e Architetti Bergamaschi. 2 vol. Bergamo, 17 93. 4°. 2032. d. BERWICK-UPON-TWEED. Sykes (J.) Local Records; or, his- torical register of Berwick. 2 vol. Newcastle, 1883. 8°. 2062. b. BIBLICAL CRITICISM AND EXEGESIS. [I3D3LTOGRAPHY.] Lelong (J.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 2 vol. Paris, 1723. fol. 2000. g. 5 vol. llalx, 1778-90. 4°. BB. A. SUBJECT-INDEX. 343 BIBLICAL CRITICISM AND EXEGESIS — Bibliography — continued. Stevens (II.) The Bibles in the Cax- ton Exhibition. London, 1877. 8°. BB. A. Bullen (G.) Catalogue of the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1857. 8°. BB. A. Ohme (W.) Bibliotheca Biblica : a select list of books on Bacred litera- ture. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. BB. A. Stackhouse (T.) History of the Holy Bible. Glasgow, 1838. 8°. 2002. f. Anderson (C.) Annals of the English Bible. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8°. 2000. c. Cotton (H.) Editions of the Bible, and parts thereof, in English, from 1505 to 1850. Oxford, 1852. 8°. BB. A. Westcott (B. F.) History of the Eng- lish Bible. London, \% 7 2. 8°. 2000. b. Llewelyn (T.) Historical Account of the British or Welsh versions and editions of the Bible. London, 1768. 8°. BB. A. O'Callaghan (E. B.) List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures printed in America previous to 1860. Albany, 186 1. 4°. BB. A. Shea (J. G.) Bibliographical Account of Catholic Bibles, translated from the Latin Vulgate and printed in the United States. New York, 1859. 8°. BB. A. Cotton (H.) Rhemes and Doway : an attempt to show what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holv Scriptures in English. Oxford, 1855. 8°. BB. A. Darling (J.) Cyclopaedia Biblio- graphica. [Authors.] 2 pt. London, 1854. 8°. BB. A. Cyclopedia Bibliographies. Sub- jects. Holy Scriptures. Vol. 1. London, 1859. 8°. BB. A. Spurgeon (C. H.) Commenting and Commentaries. "With a catalogue of Biblical Commentaries. London, 1876. 8°. BB. A. [Works on the Whole Bible.] Calmet (A.) Dictionary of the Bible. 5 vol. London, 1823. 4". 2001. e. Smith (W.) Dictionary of the Bible. 3 vol. London, 1860-3. 8°. 2000. d, BIBLICAL CRITICISM AND EXEGESIS — Works oh the Whole Bible — r<>u- 1 in hi . 2049. a. SURl HOT-INDEX. 347 BIBLIOGRAPHY — Rare Books. — con- tinued. Bbbbt (F. A.) A general Bibliogra- phical Dictionary from the Ger- man. 4 vol. Oxford, 1837. 8°. 2049. a. Georgi(T.) Allgemeines Europaisches Bueher-Lexicon. 5 Thle & 6 Supp. Leipzig, 1842-58. fol. BB. T. Graesse (J. G. T.) Tresor de Livres rares et preeieux ; ou, Nouveau Die- tioimaire bibliographique. [With Supplement.] 7 vol. Dresde, 1859-69. 4°. 2049. c. Hain (L.) Repertorium Bibliographi- cum. 2 vol. Stuttqartiie, etc., 1826-38. 8°. 2048. c. Hartshorne (C. H.) Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge. London, 1829. 8°. 2048. c. Martin (J.) Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books. [London'], 1854. 8°. 2049. bb. Praet (J. van) Catalogue des Livres imprime's sur ve'lin qui se trouvent dans des Bibliotheques tant pu- bliques que particulieres. [By J. van Praet.] 4 vol. Paris, 1824-28. 8°. 2048. a. Quaritch (B.) A General Catalogue of Books. London, 1880. 8°. Cat. Desk. Allgemeine Bibliographie. Monat- liclies Verzeichniss der wichtigsten neuen Erscheinungen. Leipzig, 1871, etc. 8°. BB. R. Polybiblon. Revue bibliographique nniverselle. Partie technique. Deuxienie Se'rie. Tom. 1, etc. Paris, 1875, etc. 8°. BB. R. [Note.— Bibliographies of particular subjects are catalogued under the subject. See also Anonyms and Pseudonyms ; Library Cata- logues, &c.] BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Byles (Sir J. B.) Law of Bills of Ex- change. London, 1885. 8°. 2018. c. BIOGRAPHY. [General Biographies.'] Aikin (J.) General Biography. 10 vol. London, 1799-1815. 4°. 2035. h. Biographie Universelle. 52 vol. Paris, r 81 1-28. 8°. 2034. b-c. Nouvelle edition. 45 vol. Paris, i843[-66]. 8°. 2034. f. g. Cates (W. L.) Dictionary of General Biographv. London, 1867. 8°. 2035. d. BIOGRAPHY — General Biographies — con- tinued. CHALMERS (A.) General Biographical Dictionary. 32 vol. London, 1812-37. 8°. 2036. c. d. Chaudon (I j. M.) and Delandtnk (F. I A.) Nouveau Dictionnairo his- torique, ou histoire des homines celebres. 13 vol. Lyon, 1804. 8°. 2035. b. Cooper (Thomson) A New Bio- graphical Dictionary. (Supple- ment.) London, 1873 [-83.] 8°. 2035. e. Hoefer (P.) Nouvelle Biographic Generale, sons la direction de M. Hoefer. 46 vol. Pan's, 1853-66. 8°. 2035. c. d. Gorton (J.) General Biographical Dictionary. 4 vol. London, 1851. 8°. 2036. a. Jal (A.) Dictionnairo critique de Biographie et d'Histoire. Paris, 1867. 8°. 2036. e. Lempriere (J.) Universal Bioemphy. London, 1808. 4°. 2034. h. Maunder (S.) Biographical Treasury. London, 1882. 8°. 2102. e. Payne (J. B.) Haydn's Universal Index of Biography. London, 1870. 8°. 2035. d. Phillips (L. B.) Dictionary of Bio- graphical Reference. London, 1871. 8°. 2035. d. Rose (J. J.) Biographical Dictionary. 12 vol. London, 18 5 7. 8°. 2035. b. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Biographical Dic- tionary of the Society. 4 vol. in 7 parts [containing only letter A]. Loudon, 1842-44. 8°. 2036. a. Thomas (J.) Universal pronouncing dictionary of Biography and My- thology. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1870. 8". 2035. h. Waller (J. F.) The Imperial Dic- tionary of Universal Biography. 3 vol. London, [1857-63.] 8°. Oettinger (E. M.) Bibliographie Biographique Universelle. 2 vol. Bruxelles, 1^54. 8°. BB. G. Autobiography. 34 vol. London, 1826-33. 12°. 2039. a. Contents : — Colley Cibber, David Hume, W. Lilly, Voltaire, Mar- montel, Robert Drury, George Whitefield, James Ferguson, Mary Robinson, Charlotte Clarke, Lord Herbert. Prince Eugene. Kotzebue. 348 SUBJECT-INDEX. BIOGRAPHY — General Biographies — con- tinued. Capt. John Creichton, William Gilford, Thomas Ellwood, Barou Holberg, J. H. Vanx, Edward Gibbou, Benvenuto Ccdlini, James Lackington, Wolfe Tone, Margra- vine of Bareith, Bubb Dodington, Goldoni, E. F. Vidocq, Mme. Du Barri, William Sampson, Silvio Pellico. Burke (Sir J.) Portrait Gallery of dis- tinguished Females, with Memoirs. 2 vol. London, 1833. 8°. 2035. g. Gallery of Portraits. With Memoirs. 7 vol. C. Knight : London, 1833-37. 4°. 2035. g. Hale (S. J.) Woman's Record ; or, Sketches of all distinguished Women from the creation to a.d. 1854. New York, 1855. 8°. 2035. h. Lardner (D.) Lardner'a Cabinet Cyclopaedia. 31 vol. London, 1830-50. 8°. 2103. d. e. Pascallet (E.) Revue ge'ne'rale bio- graphique, historique, etc. Le Biographe universel et l'Historien, etc. Anne'e 1-6; vol. 1-12. Paris, 1841-46. 8°. 2036. e. Farrar (R. H.) Index to the notices in the Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1886, etc. 8°. BB. T. Hirsching (F. C. G.) Historiscli- literarisches Handbuch beriihmter Persouen, welche in dem 18. Jahr- hunderte gestorben sind. (Fort- gesetzt von J. H. M. Ernesti.) 17 vol. Leipzig, 1794-18 15. 8°. 2035. f. Sanders (L. C.) Celebrities of the Century. London, 1887. 8°. 2034. a. Jerdan (W.) National Portrait Gallery of eminent Personages of the sixth century. 5 vol. London, 1830-34. 4°. 2035. g. Saint Maurice Cabany (E.) ^ Le Necrologe Universel du xix e siecle. 9 vol. Paris, 1845-54- 8°. 2036. a. Biographie. Biographie des Homines Vivants. 5 vol. Paris, 1816-19. 8°. 2034. e. Zeitgenossen. 6 vol. Leipzig, 1816-21. 8°. 2035. a. ■ Neue Reihe. Leipzig, 1821-27. 8°. 2035. a. Dritte Reihe. Leipzig, 1829-41. 8". 2035. a. BIOGRAPHY — General Biographies — con- tinued. Arnault (A. V.) and others. Bio- grapbie nouvelle des Contemporains. 20 vol. Paris, 1820, 25. 8°. 2034. e. Rabbe (A.) and others. Biographie universelle des Contemporains. [With Supplement.] 5 vol. Paris, 1834. 8°. , 2034. e. Sarrut (G.) and Saint Edme (B.) pseud, [i.e. E. T. Bourg.] Bio- graphie des Hommes du Jour. 6 vol. Paris, 1835-42. 8°. 2035. g. Saint Maurice Cabany (E.) Galerie Nationale des Notabilites con-, temporaries. 3 vol. Paris, 1850-51. 8°. 2036. a. Bitard (A.) Dictionnaire Ge'ne'ral de Biographie Coutemporaine Fran- chise et Etrangere. Paris, 1878. 8°. 2035. h. Martin (F.) Handbook of Contem- porary Biography. London, 1878. 8°. 2034. a. Vapereau (L. G.) Dictionnaire uni- versel des Contemporains. Paris, 1880. 8°. 2037. e. Men op the Time. [Current edition.] London, 8°. 2034. a. [National Biographies. ] [For General Biographies of Natives of a particular province or town, see the name of the place.] . Stephen (L.) Dictionary of National Biography. London, 1885, etc. 8°. 2036. b. BlOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA. 6 Vol. London, 1747-66. fol. 2036. g. — Second edition, by A. Kippis. 5 vol. [as far as the name Fastolf.] London; 1778-93. fob 2037. g. Fuller (T.) Worthies of England. London, 1662. fol. 2037. f. New edition, with notes, by J. Nichols. 2 vol. London, 181 r. 4°. 2037. f. Cunningham (G. G.) Lives of eminent and illustrious Englishmen. 8 vol. Glasgow, 1835-37. 8°. 2039. g. Ward (Thos. Humphry) Men of the Reign. London, 1885. 8°. 2034. a. Wilford (J.) Memorials and Cbarac- ters ; together with Lives of divers eminent and worthy Persons. London, 1741. fol. 2037. f. Wilson (Henry) Wonderful Charac- ters. 3 vol. London, 18 2 r. 8°. 2039. g. England. Old England's Worthies ; a Gallery of Portraits, etc. London, 1847. fol. 2066. f. SUBJECT-INDEX. 349 BIOGRAPHY — National Biographic 8 — continued. Nichols (J. G.) Autographs of royal, noble, learned and remarkable l'er- Bonages. Richard II.— Charles II. With memoirs. London, 1829. t'ol. 2037. g. Chambers (R.) Biographical Dictionary of eminent Scotsmen. 3 vol. Glasgow, 1868-70. 8°. 2039. g. Irving (J.) The Book of Scotsmen. Paisley, 1881. 8°. 2040. c. Williams (Robert) Enwogion Cymru. A biographical dictionary of emi- nent Welshmen. Llandovery, 1852. S°. 2040. c. Allen (W.) American Biographical Dictionary. Boston, 1857. 8°. 2040. h. Drake (F. S.) Dictionary of American Biography including Men of the Time. Boston [Mass.'] 1872. 8°. 2035. d. Livingston (J.) Portraits of eminent Americans now living. With me- moirs. 2 vol. Ne w York, 1 8 s 3- 8°. 2039. g. Wilson (J. G.) and Fiske (J.) Apple- ton's Cyclopssdia of American Bio- graphy. Vol. 1-4. New York, 1887, etc. 4°. 2036. d. Belgium. Biographic Natiouale. Bruxelles, 1866, etc. 8°. 20 German Biography. Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie. Herausge- geben durch die Historische Com- mission bei der K. Akademie der Wissensehaften. Vol. 1-23, etc. Leipzig, 187 5, etc. 8°. 2038. c. Horanyi (A.) Memoria Hungarorum. 3 vol. Vienna;, Posonii, 1775-77- 8°. 2038. b. Nova Memoria Hungarorum. Vol. 1. Pestini, 1795. 8°. 2038. b. Tipaldo (E. de) Biografia degli Italiani illustri del secolo xvm. 10 vol. Venezia, 1854-45. 8°. 2037. d. BIOGRAPHY — National Biographies — continued: AA (A. J. van der) Biograpbisoh Woordenboek der Nederlanden. 21 Dl. Haarlem, 1852-72. 8". 2038. f. . Nieuw Biographisoh Woorden- boek von Nederlandsche Dichters : Aanhangsel op Witsen Geysbeeks Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Dichters. 3 vol. Amsterdam, 1844-46. 8°. 2038. f. Swedish Biography. Biograpbiflkt Lexicon ofver namnkuunige Svenska Man. 23 vol. Upsala, etc., 1835-57. 8 °- 2038. g-k. Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon. Ny Folja. Vol. 1-9. Orebro, 1857, etc. 8°. 2038. g. Lempriere (J.) Classical Dictionary. London, 1804. 4°. 2114. f. Classical Dictionary. Re-edited by E. H. Barker. London, 1838. 8°. 2114. d. Classical Dictionary. Corrected and enlarged by Professor Antlion and E. H. Barker. London, [1843]. 8°. 2114. e. Smith (W.) LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Myth- ology. 3 vol. London, 1844-49. 8°. 2051. b. Diogenes Laertiis. De clarorum Philo- sophorum vitis libri decern ; recen- suit C. G. Cobet. AcceduntOlym- piodori, Ammonii, Iamblici, Por- phyrii et aliorum vita? Platonis, Axistotelis, &c. A. Westermanno & J. F. Boissonadio edentibus. Gr. and Lot. Didot: Paris, 1850. 8°. 2051. g. Nepos (C.) C. Nepos recensitus, durante J. B. F. Descuret ; notas addidit J. V. Le Clerc. Pans, 1820. 8". 2053. b. Vita; excellentium Imperatorum . 2 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1822. 8°. 2055. c. Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives, trans- lated by J. W. Langhorne. Baltimore, 1831. 8°. 2052. e. Vies des Homines illustres. Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. d. Ibn Khallikan. Ibn Khallikan's Bio- graphical Dictionary, translated from the Arabic by Baron Mac Guckin de Slane. 4 vol. in 5. Paris, 1842-71. 1". 350 SUBJECT-INDEX. BIOGRAPHY — National Biographies — continued. Mazas (A.) Les Hoinmes illusties de l'Orient. 2 vol. Paris, 1847- 8 °- 2036. a. [Artistic.'] Gratet-Ddplessis (G.) Essai de Biblio- graphic generale des Beaux-Arts. Biographies. Paris, 1866. 8°. Boni (F. de) Biografia degli Artisti. Venezia, 1840. 8°. 2032. f. Ftjessli (J. R.) Allgenieines Kunstler- lexicon. 6 vol. Ziirich, 1779-1821. fol. 2031. g. Allgemeines Kunstlerlexicon. Neue Zusatze. Heft 1. Zurich, 1824. fol. 2031. g. Huber (M.) Notices gene rales des Graveurs et des Peiutres, etc. Dresde et Leipzig, 1 787. 8°. 2033. g. Mueller (H. A.) Biographisches Kiinstler-Lexikon der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1882. 8°. 2031. a. Nagler (G. K.) Kiinstler-Lexicon. 22 vol. Miinehen, 1835-52, 8°. 2033. e. f. Kiinstler-Lexicon. Zweite Auf- lage. Vol. 1-2. Leipzig, 1872-78, etc. 8°. 2031. d. Nagler ((i. K.) Die Monogrammisten, und diejenigen bekannten und un- bekannten Kiinstler aller Schnlen, etc. Vol. 1-4. Miinehen, 1858-69. 8 . 2031. e. Ottley (H.) Dictionary of Pamters aud Engravers ; forming a Supple- ment to Bryan's Dictionary of Painters. London, 1866. 8°. 2031. e. Pilkinoton(M.) Dictionary of Painters. London, 1852. 8°. 2033. d. Seubert (A.) Allgenieines Kiinstler- lexicon. 3 Bd. Stuttgart, 1878-79. 8°. 2032. a. Vasari (G.) Vite de' piii eccellenti Pittori, Scultori, e Architetti. Il- lustrate eon note. 16 vol. Milano, 1807-n. 8°. 2041. d. Con nuove annotazioni di G. Milanesi. 9 torn. Firenze, 1878-85. 12". 2034. a. Baglione (G.) Le Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, Architetti, cd Intagliatori I 1572 to 1642]; con la vita di Sal- vator Rosa, da G. B. Passaii. etc. Napoli, 1722. 4°. 2031. f. BIOGRAPHY— ^1 rtistic— continued. Strutt (J.) Biographical Dictionary of Engravers. 2 vol. London, 1785,86. 4°. 2032. f. ( i katet-Diplessis (G.) Essai de Biblio- graphic des ouvrages relatifs a l'histoire do la Gravure et des Graveurs. Paris, 1862. 8°. BB. G. Brcnn (H.) Geschichte der griechischen Kunstler. 2 Bde. Stuttgart, 1857-59. 8°. 2034. a, Dati (C. R.) Vite de' Pittori antichi. Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. f. Redgrave (S.) A Dictionary of Artists of the English School : Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers, &c. New edition. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. e. Redgrave (R. and S.) A Century of Painters of the English School. 2 vol. London, 1866. 8°. 2031. e. Edwards (Edward) A.E.A. Anecdotes of Painters in England. London, i 808. 4°. 2032. f. Smith (J. T.) Nollekens and his Times. 2 vol. London, 1828. 8°. 2032. b. Delepierre (O.) Galerie d'Artistes Brugeois. Bruges, 1840. 8°. Dlabacz (G. J.) Kunstler-Lexikon fiir Bohmen. 3 vol. Prag, 1815. 4°. Immerzeel (J.) De Levens en Werken der Hollandsehe en Vlaamsche Kunstschilders, Beeldhouwers, Gra- veurs en Bouwmeestcrs. 3 vol. Amsterdam, 1842, 43- 8 °- 2031 ' f - Gool (J. van) De nieuwe Schouburg der Nederlandtsche Kunstschilders en Schildcressen. 2 vol. 's Graveuhage, 1750, 51. 8°. 2032. a. Hcutbraken (A.) De groote Schouburgh der Nederlantsche Konstschilders en Schilderessen. 3 vol. 's Gravenhage, 1753. 8°. 2032. a. Balkema (C. H.) Biographie des Peiutres Flamands et Hollandais, etc. Gand, 1844- 8°. 2032. e. Descamps (J. B.) La Vie des Peintres Flamands ; avec des portraits, etc. 4 vol. Paris, 1753-64. S°. 2032. b. Gabet (Q.) Dictionnaire des Artistes de l'Ecole Francaise au xix° siecle, etc. Paris, 1831. 8°. 2032. b. Dussieux (L. E.) Les Artistes Francais 'a l'etranger. Paris, 1856. 8°. 2032. d. SUBJECT-INDEX. 351 BIOGRAPHY — Artistio— continued. MbUSBL (J. G.) Teutsohes Kiinstler- lexicon. Zweite Ausgabe. 3 vol. Lemgo, 1808-14. 8°. 2032. e. Lipowsky (F. J.) Baierisobes Kiinstler Lexicon. 2 vol. Munehen, 18 10. 8°. 2032. 1>. Mueller (Wolfgang) Diisseldorfer Kiinstler, etc. Leipzig, 18 5. \. 8°. 2034. a. TiKOLisoiiES Kunstler-Lexicon. Innsbruck, 1830. 8° 2032. a. Tassi (F. M.) Count. Vite de' Pittori, Scultori e Areliitetti Ber^aniaschi. 2 vol. Bergamo, 1793. 4°. 2032. d. BoLOGNtNi Amorini (A.) Marquis. Vite dei pittori ed artetici Bolognesi. 5 pt. Bologna, 1841-43. 8°. 2032. d. Zaist (G. B.) Pittori, Scultori ed Areliitetti Crenionesi. 2 vol. Cremona, 1774. 4°. 2032. d. Malvasia (C. C.) Count. Felsiua pit- trice. Con aggiunte di G. Zanotti. 2 vol. Bologna, 1841. 8°. 2032. d. Baruffaldi (G,) Vite de' pittori e scultori Ferraresi. 2 vol. Ferrare, 1844-46. 8°. 2032. d. Renaldis (G. de') Count. Delia Pittura Friulana saggio storico. Udine, 1798. S°. 2032. f. Codde(P.) Pittori, Scultori, Areliitetti, cd Incisori Mantovani. Mantova, 1837. 8°. 2032. d. Messinese Painters. Mernorie de' Pittori Messinesi e degli esteri. Messina, 1821. 8°. 2034. a. Tiraboschi (G.) Notizie de' Pittori, Scultori, Incisori e Areliitetti di Modena. Modena, 1786. 4°. 2032. d. Dominici (B. de) Vite dei Pittori, Scultori, ed Areliitetti Napoletani. 4 vol. Napoli, 1840-46. 8°. 2032. d. Mariotti (A.) Lettere pittoriche Peru- gine. Perugia, 1788. 8°. 2034. a. Pascoli (L.) Vite de' Pittori, Scultori ed Areliitetti Perugini. Boma, 1732. 4°. Ridolfi (C.) Le Maraviglie dell' Arte ; ovvero, le Vite degli illustri Pittori Veneti e dello Stato. 2 vol. Padova, 1835-37. 8°. 2032. d. Grimm (H.) Life of Michael Augelo. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2037. d. BIOGRAPHY— Artistic— continued. Maciiado (C. V.) Colleccao de Me- mories, relativas as Vidas dos Pin- tores Portugueses, etc. Lisboa, 1823. 4°. 2034. a. Cean Bermudez (J. A.) Dioeionario historico de los mas illustres Pro- fessores de Lis Bellas Artes en Espana. vol. Madrid, 1800. 8°. 2033. a. Stirling, afterwards Stirling Max- well (Sir W.) Bart. Annals of the Artists of Spain. 3 vol. London, 1848. 8°. 2032. c. [Dramatic.] Baker (D. E.) Biographia Diamatica. With additions by S. Jones. 3 vol. London, 18 12. 8°. 2039. d. Langbaine (G.) The Lives and Cha- racters of the English Dramatiek Poets. London, [1699]. 8°. BB.G. Pascoe (C. E.) Our Actors and Ac- tresses. The Dramatic List. London, 1880. 8°. 2047. a. Thespian Dictionary; or Dramatic Biography. [London,'] 1805. 12°. 2047. a. [Legal] Campbell (J.) Baron Campbell. Lives of the Chief Justices of England. London, 1849-57. 8 °- 2039. a. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. 8 vol. London, 1845-69. 8°. 2039. e. Foss (E.) Biographia Juridica; a Bio- graphical Dictionary of the Judges of England ; 1066-1870. London, 1870. 8°. 2039. e. The Judges of England. 9 vol. London, 1 848-64. 8°. 2039. e. Roscoe (H.) Eminent British Lawyers. London, 1830. 8". 2013. e. [Literary."] Vapereau (L. G.) Dictionnaire uni- versel des Litte'ratures. Pari*, 1876. 8°. 2044. d. Joechek (C. G.) Allgemeines Gclehr- ten-Lexicoii. 4 vol. Leipzig, 1750, 5 1. 4°. 2034. h. Fortsetzung und P>g'anzungen von J. C. Adelung. 4 vol. Leipzig, 174871813. 4°. 2034. h» Berkenuolt (J.) Biographia Literaria. Vol. 1. London, 1777. 4°. 2035. h. 352 SUBJECT-INDEX. BIOGEAPHY— Literary— continued. Bornmleller (F.) Biographisehes Schriftateller-Lexicon der Gegeu- wart. Leipzig, 1882. 8°. 2034. a. Gubernatis (A.) Dizionario Biografico degli Scrittori Coutcinporanei. (Supplemento.) JVrense, 1879 [80]. S°. 2035. d. Dunham (S. A.) Eminent Literary and Scientilic Men of Great Britain — Early Writers. London, 1836. 8°. 3 2103. e. Wright (T.) Biographia Biitaunica Literaria. Anglo-Saxon Period. London, J 842. 8°. 2039. f. Biographia Britannica Literaria. Ano-lo-Norman Period. London, 1846. 8°. 2039. f. Retjss (J. D.) Alphabetical Register of all the Authors living in Great Britain, Ireland, etc. With a cata- logue of their publications. 1770- 90. Supplement and continuation, 1790-1803. 2 pt. in 3. London, x 791-1 804. 8°. 2049. bb. Great Britain. Literary Memoirs ot Living Authors of Great Britain, including a list of their Works. 2 vol. London, 1798. 8°. 2049. bb. Biographical Dictionary of Liv- ing Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 18 16. 8°. 2039. d. Mackenzie (G.) Lives of Writers of the Scots Nation. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1708-22. fol. 2044. g. Montgomery (J.) and others. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. 3 vol. London, 1835-37. 8". 2103. e. Shelley (Mary W.) and others. Lives of the most eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France. 2 vol. London, 1838, 39. 8°. 2103. e. Meusel (J. G.) Lexicon der vom Jahi 1750 bis 1800 verstorbenen Teut- schen Schriftsteller. 15 vol. Leipzig, 1802-16. 8". 2038. h. Luca (.). i>e) L>as Gelehrte Oester- reich. 2 vol. 177". 78- i. d. BIOGRAPHY — Literary — continued. Schmidt (A. G.) Auhalt'sches Schrift- steller-Lexicon. Berriburg, 1830. 8°. 2038. b. Schroeder (H.) Lexikon der Ham- burgischen Schriftsteller bis zur Gegenwart. 8 vol. Hamburg, 1851-83. 8°. 2038. d. Strieder (F. W.) Grundlage zu einer Hessischen Gelehrten- und Kiinst- ler-Gesehichte. 21 vol. Gottingen, 1781. 8°. 2038. b. Recke (J. F. von) and Napiersky (C. E.) Allgemeines Schriftsteller and Ge- lehrten-Lexicon der Provinzen Liv- land, etc. 4 vol. Mitau, 1827-32. 8°. 2038. d. Otto (G. F.) Lexicon der Oberlausi- zischen Schriftsteller und Kunstler. 3 vol. Gorlitz, 1800-03. 8°. 2038. g. Vanselow (A. C.) Gelehrtes Pommern. Stargard, 1728. 4°. 2038. g. Nowack (C. G.) Schlesisches Schrift- stellei-Lexicon. 6 pt. (in 1 vol.) Breslau, 1836-43. 8°. 2038. b. Kordes (B.) Lexikon der jetztlebenden Sclde=wig-Holsteii;ischen uud Euti- nischen Schriftsteller. Schleswig. 1797. 8°. 2038. b. Schroeder (H.) Nachtrage und Regi- ster zu dem Lexikon [by D. L. Luebker and H. Schroeder] der Schleswig - Holsteiu - Lauenburgi- schen und Eutiuischen Schriftstel- ler von 1796 bi's 1828. Schleswig, 1831. 8°. 2038. b. Weyerman (A.) Nachrichten von Ge- lehrten, Kunstlem, &c, aus Ulm. 2 vol. Ulm, 1798-1829. 8°. 2038. d. Crescimbeni (G. W.) Le Vite degli Arcadi illustri, etc. 2 vol. Roma, 1708-10. 4°. 2037. d. Negri (G.) Scrittori Fiorentiui. Ferrara, 1722. fol. 2037. f. Tiraboschi (G.) Biblioteca Modemse, Scrittori di Modena. 6. vol. Modena, 1781-86. 4°. 2037. e. Notizie biografiche ; in continu- azione della Biblioteca Modenese. 5 vol. Reggio, 1833-3 7- 4 ° 037 Affo (I.) Memorie degli Scrittori Par- migiani. 7 vol. Pal-ma, 1789-1833- *"■ 2036 / ■?■ Agostini (G. degli) Scrittori V im- ziani. 2 vol. Venezia, i75 2 -54- 4°. 2036, \ G \mba (B.) Galleria dei Lctterati ed Artisti illustri delle Provincie Ve- neziane nel secolo decimottavo. 2 vol. Venezia, 1824. 8". 2032. d. SUBJECT-INDEX. 853 BIOGRAPHY— Literary— continued. Torres Amat (F:) Memoriae de los Escritores Catalanes. Barcelona, 1836. 4°. 2037. e. [Military and Naval.'] Gleig (G. R.) Eminent British Mili- tary Commanders. 3 vol. London, 183 1, 32. 8°. 2103. d. JULLIEN DE COURCELLES (J. 13. P.) Dictionnaire historique et biogra- phique des Ge'neraux francais. 9 torn. Paris, 1820-23. 8°. 2037. c. Mullie (C.) Biographie des Ce'le'brites Militaires de 1789 a 1850. 2 vol. Paris, [185 1]. 8°. 2036. e. Chaenock (J.) Biographia Naval is, from 1660 to the present time. 6 vol. London, 1794-98. 2039. h. O'Byrne (W. R.) Naval Biographical Dictionary. London, 1849. 8°. 2039. h. Hennequin (J. P. G.) Biographie Maritime. 3 vol. Paris, 1835-37. 8°. 2037. b. [Political.] Forster (J.) Eminent British States- men. 7 vol. London, 1831-50. 8°. 2103. e. Crowe (E. E.) and James (G. P. R.) Lives of Eminent Foreign States- men. 5 vol. London, 1833-38. 8°. 2103. e. Scheltema (J.) Staatkundig Neder- land. [Biographical Dictionary.] 2 vol. Amsterdam, 1805, 06. 8°. 2038. e. [Religious.'] Smith (W.) LL.D. and Wace (H.) Dictionary of Christian Biography. 3 vol. London, 1877-82. 8°. 2007. c. Hook (W. F.) Ecclesiastical Biography. 8 vol. London, 1845-52. 12°. 2004. a. Wordsworth (Christopher) Ecclesias- tical Biography. 4 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2008. d. Acta Sanctorum. Collegit, &c., Joon Bollandus. Editio novissima, curante J. Carnaudet. Vol. 1-61. Supplementum complectens Auc- taria Octobris et TabulaB Generales. Paris, Bruxelles, [1863-83]. fol. Cat. Desk. BIOGRAPHY— Religious -continued. Acta Sanotorom. Analecta Bollan- diana. Ediderunt C. do Smodt etc. Tom. 1, 5. Paris, Bruxelles, 1882-86. 8°. 2007. n. Guerin (P.) Les petits Bollandistes. Vie des Saints. Septieme edition, augmented . 17 torn. Paris, 1882. 8°. 2007. a. Butler (A.) Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Saints. 2 vol. Dublin, 1833-38. 8°. 2008. f. Owen (Robert) Sanctorale Catholicon ; or, Book of the Saints, with notes. London, 1880. 8°. 2007. b. Britannia Sancta ; or Lives of British, English, Scottish and Irish Saints. 2 pt. London, 1745. 4 n . 2004. f. Wharton (H.) Anglia Sacra. 2 vol. Londini, 1691. fol. 2003. g. Hook (VV. F.) Lives of the Arch- bishops of Canterbury. Vol. 1-8. London, 1860-69. 8". 2039. h. Frost (J.) Lives of Eminent Chris- tians. Philadelphia, 1852. 8°. 2008. e. Middleton (E.) Biographia Evan- gelica, etc. 4 vol. London, 1779-86. 8°. 2008. e. Herzoo (J. J.) and Plitt (G. L.) Encyclopedia of living Divines, being a supplement to Schaff- Herzog Encyclopedia. By P. Schaff, &c. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2015. d. Doering (J. M. H.) Die gelehrton Theologen Deutschlands im 18teti und 19ten Jahrhundert. 4 vol. Neustadt a. d. Orla, 1831-35. 8°. 2008. o. P10 (G. M) Vitedegli huomini illustri di S. Domenico. 4 pt. Bologna, 1607-20. 4°. 2008. f. Toiron (A.) Histoire des Homines illustres de l'Ordre do Saiut Dominique. 6 vol. Paris, i743-4y. 4°. 2008. e Wallace (R.) Antitrinitarian Bio- graphy. 3 vol. London, 1850. 8°. 2008. d. [Miscellaneous.] Donaldson (J.) Agricultural Bio- graphy. London, 1854. 8°. 2029. d. Smiles (S.) Lives of the Engineers. 3 vol. London, r86i, 62. S'\ 2 354 SUBJECT-INDEX. BIOGRAPHY— WaceTUmeous— continued. Macgillivray (W.) Lives of eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Lin- nseus. Edinburqh, 1834- 12°. 2103. g. BIOLOGY. Spender (H.) Principles of Biology. 2 vol. London, 1864-67. 8°. 2023. b. BISHOPS. Gans (P. B.) Series Episcoporum Ecelesiaj Catholicae. Batisbonse, 1873. 4°. 2004. f. ■ Supplementum. Monachii, 1879. 4°. 2004. f. Hickes (G.) Two treatises on the Christian Priesthood and on the dignity of the Episcopal Order. 3 voT. Oxford, 1847, 48. 8°. 2014. b. Stubbs (W.) Kegistrnm Sacrum Anf British Botany. London, 1881. 8°. 2029. a. Bentham (G.) Handbook of the British Flora. Fifth edition. Revised by Sir J. D. Hooker. London, 1887. 8°. 2029. a. Illustrations of the British Flora drawn by W. II. Fitch and W. G. Smith. London, 1887. 8°. 2029. a. Syme (J. T. B.) English Botany. The Figures bv J. Sowerby. 12 vol. London, 1863-3(1. 8°. 2029. b. Watson (H. C.) Cybele Britaunica : or, British Plants and their Geo- graphical Relations. 4 vol., and Supplement, pt. 1. London, 1847-60. 8°. 2029. a. Compendium of the C\bele Britaunica. London, 1870. 8°. 2029. a. Topographical Botany : shewing the distribution of British Plants. London, 1883. 8°. 2029. a. Trimen (H.) and Dyer (W. T. T.) Flora of Middlesex. London, 1869. 8°. 2029. a. Moore (D.) and More (A. G.) Contri- butions towards a Cybele Hiber- nica. Dublin, 1866. 8°. 2029. a. Watson (S.) Biographical Index to North-American Botany. Washington, 1878. 8°. BB. E. Symons (G. J.) and Simmonds (P. L.) [Catalogue of Works on Tropical Products and Economic Botany.] London. 1879. fid. BB. E. BOTANY— continued, Colneiro (M.) Pa Botanica y los Botauicosde la Peninsula Hispano- Lusitana. Madrid, 1858. 8° BB. E. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Botanique. 20 vol. Paris, 1875-85. 8°. 2028. Linneax Society. Transactions. London, 1791, ete. 4°. 2027. g. General Index to Vol. 1-25 [26-30]. London, 1867-76. 4°. 2028. g. B0UL0NNAIS. Dbamabd (E.) Bibliographic geo- graphique et historique da Boulon- nnis. Paris, 1868. 8". BB. K. BOURBONNAIS. Bt)N(JAKi) (K.) Bibliotheca Borvonien- sis. Chaumont, J865. 8°. BB. K. BRADFORD, York. James (John) History of Bradford, York. London. 1841. 8°. 2063. c. History of Bradford, York. Con- tinuation and Additions. London, 1866. 8°. 2063. c. BRANDENBURG. -History. Bbakdenbobg. Allgemeine Biichcr- kunde des Brandenburgisch-Preus- sischtn Staates. Berlin, 18 71. 4°. BB. M. Ranke (L. von) Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg and History of Prussia, during the 17th and IStli centuries. Translated by Sir A. and Lady Duff Gordon. 3 vol. London, 1849. 8°. 2084. e. Boutell (C.) Monumental Brasses of England. Oxford, 1849. 8°. 2032. e. BRAZIL. Fletcher (J. C.) and Kidder (D. P.) Brazil and the Brazilians. London, 1879. 8°. 2059. a. BRECKNOCK. Jones (Theophilvs) History of the County of Brecknock. 2 vol. (in 3). Brecknock, 1805-09. 4°. 2066. d. BRENTFORD. Faulkner (T.) History and Antiquities of Brentford, Ealing, and Chiswick, etc. London, 1845. 8°. 2065. d. BRETON LANGUAGE. GtBegoibe, de Eoatrenen, Capucin. Dic- tionnaire francois-celtiqne, on francois-brt'tou. Rennes, 1732. -1°. 2112 g 2 A 2 356 SUBJECT-INDEX. BRETON LANGUAGE— continued. Le Gonidec (J. F. M. M. A.) Diction- naire Francais-Breton (Breton- Fran9ais). 2 vol. Saint Brieuc, 1847-5 °- 4 °- .„ , 2112. d. Rostrenen (G. de) Dictionnaire Fran- cois-Celtique ou Francois-Breton. Rennes, 1732. 4°. 2118. g. BRISTOL. Bakrett (W.) History of Bristol. Bristol, [1789]- 4 °- 2066 - h - Seyer (S.) Memoirs of Bristol. 2 vol. Bristol, 1821-23. 4°. 2066. e. BRITISH MUSEUM. For a list of official publications ot the British Museum, see Part I._ Edwards (Kdward) Librarian. Lives of the Founders of the British Museum. 2 pt. London, 1870. 8°. 2040. f. Fagan (L.) Handbook to the Depart- ment of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. London, 1876. 8°. 2032. e. Nichols (T.) Handbook for Readers at the British Museum. London, 1866. 8°. Cat. Desk. Handy-Book of the British Museum. London, 1870. 8°. 2032. b. Sims (R.) Handbook to the Library of the British Museum. London, 1854. 8°. Cat. Desk. Stevens (H.) Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e (1.) Catalogue of American Maps in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (1.) Catalogue of Canadian and other British North American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8". 2050. e. (2.) Catalogue of Mexican and oth Spanish American and West Indian Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8°. 2050. e. (3.) BRITTANY. Levot (P.) Biographie Bretonne. 2 vol. Vannes, etc., 1852-57. 8°. 2036. f. BROADSIDES. Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell- Philips (J. O.) Catalogue of Pro- clamations, Broadsides, &c, pre- sented to the Clietham Library, Manchester. London, 1851. 4°. 2048. f. BROADSIDES — continued. Lemon (R.) Catalogue of Printed Broadsides of the Society of An- tiquaries. London, 1866. 8°. 2049. c. BRUGES. Delepierre (O.) Galerie d' Artistes Brugeois, etc. Bruges, 1840 . 8°. 2032. e. BRUNSWICK. Baring (D. E.) Succincta nota scrip- torum rerum Brunsvicensium et Lunebergensium. Hanoverse, 1729. 8°. BB. M. Leibnitz (G. G.) Scriptores Rerum Brunsvicensium. 3 vol. Hanoverx, 1 707-1 1. fol. 2084. g. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Lipscomb (G.) History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham. 4 vol. London, 1847. 4 °- 2063 - e - BUDDHISM. Kistner (O.) Buddha and his Doc- trines. A bibliographical essay. London, 1869. 8°. BB. A. Asvaghosha. The Fo-sho-hing-tsan- king. A life of Buddha. Oxford, 1883. 8°. 2003. a. Buddhist Suttas. Translated from Pali by T. W. R. Davids. Oxford, 1 88 1. 8°. 2003. a. BUILDING. Malberg (A.) Die Literatur des Bau- wesens. 1820-49. Berlin, 1852. 8°. BB. E. Nicholson (P.) Dictionary of Archi- tecture, Building, etc. 2 vol. London, [1857-62.] 4". 2032. f. Laxton (W.) Laxton's Builder's Price Book [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b See also Architecture. BULGARIAN LITERATURE. Jirecek (J. K.) Bibliographie de la litte'rature bulgare moderne, 1806- 1870. Biena, 1872. 8°. 2050. f. BURGUNDY. Milsand (P.) Bibliographie bourgui gnonne. Dijon, 1885. 8°. BB. K. Papillon( ) Bibliotheque des Auteurs de Bourgogne. 2 torn. Dijon, 1745- fob 2037. g. Brugieue de Barante (A. G. P.) Baron. Histoire des Dues de Boulogne de la Maison de Valois, 1364-1477 13 vol. Paris, 1825, 26. 8°. 2084. d La Marche (O. de) Me'moires sur Is Maison de Bourgogne. Pom, 1836. 8°. 204! SUBJECT-INDEX. 357 BURGUNDY — continued. Macquereau (R.) Chronicque de la Maison de Bourgoigne. Parts, 1838. 8°. 2034. d. BYZANTINE HISTOBY. Byzantine History. Corpus Scriptorum Historic Byzanthuo. Editio emen- datior et copiosior, opera B. G. Niebuhrii aliorumque parata. Gr. and Lat. 48 vol. Bonnai, 1828-55. 8°. 2067. c-h. CALENDABS. Calendars [for the current year, viz. :] British Imperial Calendar. 2121. b. Cambridge University Calendar. 2121. b. College of Preceptors' Calendar. 2121. b. Dublin University Calendar. 2121. c. Durham University Calendar. 2121. b. Edinburgh University Calendar. 2121. b. Glasgow University Calendar. 2121. b. King's College, London, Calendar. 2121. a. London University Calendar. 2121. c. Oxford University Calendar. 2121. b. Royal Calendar. 2120. a. Royal College of Surgeons Ca- lendar. 2121. b. Saint David's College Calendar. 2121. b. University College, London, Ca- lendar. 2121. b. Whitakee's Almanack [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. CALENDABS AND CHB0N0L0GY. Calendar. Anniversary Calendar, Natal Book, and Universal Mirror. 2 vol. London, 1832. 8°. 2085. e. Chambers (R.) Book of Days. A miscellany of Popular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar. 2 vol. London, [1862-64]. 8°. 2085. f. Hampson (R. T.) Medii Mvi Kalen- darium : or, Dates, Charters, and Customs of the Middle Ages ; with Kalendars from the 10th to the 15th century. 2 vol. London, 184 1. 8°. 2085. 1). Hone (\V.) Every-day Book, Table Book, and Year Book. 4 vol. London, 1838. 8°. 2085. f, CAMBBIDGE UNIVEBSITY. Carter (E.) History of the University of Cambridge. London, 175 3. 8°. 2064. a. Cooper (C. II.) Annals of Cambridge. Vol. 1-5. Cambridge, 1842 [-5 3]- 8°. 2064. a. Cooper (C. H.) and (T.) Athena? Cantabrigienses. Vol. 1, 2. Cambridge, 1858-61. 8°. 2039. f. Dyer (G.) History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge. 2 vol. London, 18 r4. 8°. 2064. a. Fuller (T.) History of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1840. 8°. 2064. a. History of the University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey. London, 1840. 8°. 2064. a. Willis (R.) Architectural History of the University of Cambridge. Edited by J. W. Clark. 4 vol. Cambridge, 1886. 8°. 2066. b. "Wright (T.) and Jones (H. L.) The Universities. Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge, etc. 2 vol. London, 1841, 42. 4°. 2064. c. Dyer (G.) Privileges of the University of Cambridge. 2 vol. London, 1824. 8°. 2064. a. Hartshohne (C. H.) Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge. London, 1829. 8°. 2048. c. Calendar [for the current year]. Cambridge. 8°. 2121. b. Cantabrigienses Graduati, 1659-1787. Cantabrigiai, 1787. 4°. 1659-1823. Cantabrigiai, 1823. 8". 1760-1856, cura J. Romilly. Cantabrigiai, 1856. 8°. 1800 1884, cura H. R. Luard. Cantabrigiai, 1884. 8°. 2121. e. CANADA. Canada. Handbook to Canada. London, 1881. 8°. 2057. b. Murray (H.) British America. Na- tural History by J. Wilson, R. K. Greville and Prof. Traiil. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1839. 12°. 2103. g. O'Callaghan (E. B.) Jesuit Relations of Discoveries, &c. in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union, 1632-1G72. Neio York, 1847. 8°. BB. I. Fairibault (G. B.) Catalogue d'ou- vrau;es sur l'histoire de rAme'rique, et en particnlier sur celledu Canada et autres lii-ux ci-devant connus sons le in nn de Nouvelle France. Quebec, 1837. 8". BB. M. Harrisse (H.) Notes pour servir a la Bibliographie et a la Cartographio de la Nouvelle France, 1545-1700. Paris, 1872. 8°. BB. I. 358 SUBJECT-INDEX. CANADIAN LITERATURE. Morgan (H. J.) Bibliotheca Cana- densis ; or a manual of Canadian Literature. Ottawa, 1867. 8°. 2050. e. CANDLESHOE. Oldfiei.d (E.) Topographical Account ofWainfleet and the Wapentake of Candleshoe, etc. London, 1829. 4°. 2064. d. CANTERBURY. Hasted (E.) History of Canterbury. 2 vol. Canterbury, 1801. 8°. 2063. a. Stanley (A. P.) Dean of Westminster. Historical Memorials of Canterbury. London, 1855. 8°. 2063. a. Canterbury. Letter Books of the Monastery of Christ Church, Can- terbury. Vol. 1. London, 1887. 8°. 2073. (85.) Elmham (T. de) Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cuntuariensis. London, 1858. 8°. 2073. (8.) Tuorn (G.) Chronica de rebus g< stis Abbatum Sancti Augustini Can- tuarise. (Tivysden's Historia} Angli- canm Scriptores.) 1652. fol. Hook (W. F.) Lives of tlie Archbishops of Canterbury. Vol. 1-8. London, 1860-69. 8°. 2039. h. CARDINALS. Cardella (L.) Memorie storiche de' Cardinali. 9 vol. Roma, 1792-97. 8°. 2008. d. Cinque (J. P. de) and Fabeicius (R.) Vitas et res gesta? summorum Ponti- ficum et Cardinalium. Tomus primus. Eomx, 1787. fol. 2007. d. Guarnacci (M.) Vilaj et res gestae Ponliticuin Romannrum et S. R. E. Cardinalium, a Clemeute x. usque ad Clementem xn. 2 vol. Bonux, 1 75 1. fol. 2007. d. CARDS. Chatto (W. A.) Facts and specula- tions on the origin and history of Playing Cards. London, 1848. 8°. 2032. e. Willshire (W. H.) Descriptive Cata- logue of Playing and otiier Cards in the British Museum. [London,'] 1876. 8°. 2032. c. CARLISLE. Carlisle. History and Antiquities of Carlisle. Carlisle, 1838. 8°. 2062. b. CARMELITES. Villiers de Saint Etienne (C. de) Bibliotheca Carmelitana. 2 vol. Aurelianis, 1752. fol. 2008. g CARTHAGINIANS. Heeren (A. H. L.^ Historical Re- searches into the Politics, Inter- course ami Trade of the Cartha- ginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. Translated, etc. 2 vol. Oxford, 1852. 8°. 2067. a. Silius Italicus (C.) Punicorum libri septemdecim. Curante N. E. Le- maire. 2 vol. Paris, 1823. 8°. 2053. d. CASTILLE. See Spain. CATALOGUES. See Library Catalogues. CATALONIA. See Spain. CATHEDRALS. Willis (B.) Survey of Cathedrals. 3 vol. London, 1742. 4°. 2062. c. CAUCASIA. Miansarov (M.) Bibliografia Cauca- sica et Transcaucasica. St, Fetersbourg, 1874-76. 8°. BB. I. CEYLON. Tennent (Sir J. E.) Ceylon. 2 vol. Loudon, 1859. 8°. 2059. a. CHALD.EA. Rawlinson (G.) The Five Great Monarchies of the ancient Eastern World; or the History of Chaldsea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Per- sia. 3 vol. London, 1871. 8°. 2069. a, CHALDEE. [For Lexicons of Hebrew and Chaldce see Hebrew Language. CHANNEL ISLANDS. Inglis (H. D.) The Channel Islands. 2 vol. Loudon, 1834. 8°. 2065. a. CHARITIES. Cuaritable Donations. Abstract of the Returns of Charitable Donations in England and Wales, 17S6-8S. 2 vol. London, 18 16. fol. Cat. Desk. Charities. Account of Public Charities in England and Wales. [By J. Wade.l London. 1828. 8°. 2062. bj The Charities Register and Digest. London, 1884. 8°. 2121. d. Fry (H.) The Royal Guide to the London Charities for 1886-7. London, 1886. 8°. Cat. Desk. CHARNW00D FOREST. Potter (T. R.) History and Antiquities of Charuwood Forest. London, 1842. 1". 2065 c. SUBJECT-INDEX. 350 CHARTERS. Thorpe (15.) Diplomatarium Anglicum iEvi Saxonici. A collection of English charters. London, [865. 8°. 2077. a. Madox (T.) Formulare Anglicanum; or, a collection of ancient Charters ami Instruments from the Norman conquest to Henry vm. London, 1702. fol. 2071. g. Ayloffe (Sir J.) Bart. Calendars of Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scottish Rolls in the Tower of London. London, 1774. 4°. 2072. c. Robertson (W.) Deputy Keeper of lie- cords, Scotland. Index of Records of Charters granted by Sovereigns of Scotland, 1309-1413. Edinburgh, 1798. 4°. 2072. c. Carte (T.) Catalogue des Rolles Gascons, Normans, et Francois. 2 vol. Londres, 1743. fol. 2050. g. For French Cartularies, see Part I. — Caktulaires. See also British Museum.— Dept. of MSS. CHARTER, the Great. Blackstone (Sir W.) The Great Charter and Charter of the Forest, etc. Oxford, 1759. 4°. 2017. g. CHARTER HOUSE. Ackermann (R.) History of the Colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster ; with the Charter House, etc. London, 18 16. 4°. 2064. e. CHELSEA. Eaulkner (T.) Description of Chelsea and its environs. 2 vol. Chelsea, 1829. 8°. 2065. b. CHEMISTRY. Wolff (E. T.) Quellen-Literatur dor theoretisch-orgauischen Chemie. Halle, 1845. 8°. BB. E. Zuchold (E. A.) Bibliothcca Chemica, 1840-1858. Gottinjen, 1859. 8°. BB. E. Bloxam (C. L.) Chemistry, inorganic and organic. London, 1888. 8°. 2027. c. Donovan (M.) Chemistry. London, 1832. 8°. 2103. e. Miller (W. A.) Elements of Che- mistry. 3 vol. London, 1877-80. 8°. 2027. c. Roscoe (H. E.) and SullnRLEMMER (C.) Treatise on Chemistry. Vol. 1-3. (pt. 1-4.) London, 1877, 87. 8". 2027. b. CHEMISTRY— cont inued. Watts (H.) Dictionary of Chemistry. With two supplements. 7 vol. London, 1872-79. 8". Third Supplement. 2 pt. London, 1879-81. 8°. 2027. b. Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry. Revised and rewritten by II. F. Morley and M. M. Pattison Muir. Loudon, 1 888, etc. 8°. 2027. a. Wurtz (A.) Dictionnairo de Chimie. 3 torn. Paris, 1869-78. 8°. 2027. c. Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science. Vol. 41, etc. London, 1880, etc. 8°. 2025. g. Chemical Society. Index to Vol. 1-25 of the Journal of the Chemical So- ciety, and to the Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841-47. By H. Watts. London, 1874. 8°. BB. E. CHESHIRE. Ormerod (G. ) History of the County Palatine and City of Chester. 3 vol. London, 1819. fol. 2062. f. Earwaker (J. P.) East Cheshire: past and present. 2 vol. London, 1877-80. 4°. 2064. e. CHESS. Linde (A. van der) Geschichte and Literatur des Schachspiels. 2 Bdo. Berlin, 1874. 8°. BB. E. Das eiste Jahrtausend der Schachlitteratur. Berlin, 188 1. 8°. BB. E. Scumid (A.) Literatur des Schach- spiels. Wien, 1847. 8°. BB. E. CHESTER. Hemingway (J.) History of the City of Chester. 2 vol. Chester, 183 1. 8°. 2062. a. See also Cheshire. CHICHESTER. Hay (A.) History of Chichester. Chichester, 1804. 8°. 2063. a. CHILIAN LITERATURE. Bkiseno (R.) Estadiatica Bibliografica de la literature Chilena. Santiaqo de Chile, 1862. 4°. 2049. c. CHINA. Cordier (H.) Bibliotheea Sinica. Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs a l'Empire Chi- nois. 2 torn. Paris, 1878-85. 8°. BB. I. MOLLENDOBF (P. G.) and (O. F.) Manual of Chinese Bibliography. Shanghai, 1876. 8°. BB. I. 3G0 SUBJECT INDEX. CHINA — continued. Du Halde (J. B.) Description geo- graphique de l'Empire de la Chine et de hi Tartarie Chinoise. 4 vol. LaHaye, 1736. 4°. 2056. e. Murray (H.) China. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1836. 12°. 2103. g. Williams (8. W.) The Middle King- dom. A Survey of the Chinese Empire. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2059. a. Hawks (F. L.) Narrative of the Ex- pedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, in 1852-54. Washington, 1856. 4°. 2057. f. Bourguignon d'Anville (J. B.) Nou- vel Atlas de la Chine. LaHaye, 1737. fol. 2060. g. Endlicher (S.) Atlas von China. Wien, 1843. fol- 2058 - e - CHINESE LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. Chinese Dictionary. Dictionariuin Linguae Siniea> Latinum. Ho Run Fou, 1877. 8°. 2115. d. Morrison (R.) Dictionary of the Chinese Language; in three parts. 6 vol. Macao, 1815-23. 4°. 2115. f. Williams (S. W.) A Syllabic Dic- tionary of the Chinese Language. Shanghai, 1874. 4°. 2115. f. Index to Dr. Williams' "Syl- labic Dictionary." By J. Acheson. Hongkong, 1879. 8°. 2115. f. Edkins (J.") Grammar of the Chinese colloquial language. Shanghai, 1863. 4°. 2115. c. Remusat (J. P. A.) Ele'mens de la Grammaire Cliinoise. Paris, 1857. 8°. 2115. d. Summers (J.) Handbook of the Chinese Language. Oxford, 1863. 8°. 2115. d. British Museum. Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, Manuscripts and Drawings. By R. K. Douglas. London, 1877. 4°. Cat. Desk. Legge (J.) The Sacred Books of China. Translated by J. L. Parts 1-4. Oxford, 1879-85. 8 D . 2003. a. CHISWICK. Faulkner (T.) History and An- tiquities of Brentford, Ealing, and Chiswick, etc. London, 1845. 8°. 2065. d. CHIVALRY, Orders of. See Heraldry & Genealogy. CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE & EVIDENCES. Busse (J. B. G.) Grundriss der Christ- lichen Literatur. Niinster, 1828, 29. 8°. BB. A. Butler (J.) Bishop of Durham. Ana- logy of Religion . . . Also fifteen Sermons. With notes, etc., by J. Angus. Religious Tract Society : London, [r8 5 4?] 8°. 2001. a. Christlieb (P.) Modern Doubt and Christian Beliefs. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. 2014. h. Dorner (J. A.) The Doctrine of the Person of Christ. Edinburgh, 1861-63. 8°. 2014. f. Dokner (J. W.) System of Christian Doctrine. Edinburgh, 1880-81-82. 8°. 2014. g. Errard (J. H. A.) Apologetics. Vol. 1,2. Edinburgh, 1886-87. 8°. 2015. a. Ewald (G. H. A. von) Revelation ; its nature and record. Edinburgh, 1884, etc. 8°. 2015. a. Forbes (W.) Bishop of Edinburgh. Considerationes controversiarum de Justificatione, Purgatorio, etc. Lat. and Eng. Oxonii, 1850-56. 8°. 2014. b. Frank (F. R.) System of the Christian Certainty. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2014. h. Hagenbach (C. R.) Compendium of the history of Doctrines. Edinburgh, 1846, 47. 8°. 2014. c. History of Christian Doctrines. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1880-8 1. 8°. 2014. h. Martensen (H. L.) Bishop of Zealand. Christian Dogmatics. Edinburgh, 1866. 8°. 2014. g. Mueller (Julius) The Christiau Doc- trine of- Sin. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1852, 53. 8°. 2015. d-e. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. 2014. f. Oosterzee (J. J. van) Christian Dog- matics. 2 vol. New York. 1874. 8°. 2002. b. Paley (W.) Evidences of Christianity. London, 1848. 12°. 2001. a. See also Creeds, Theology, &c. CHRONOLOGY. Art. Art de verifier les Dates, etc., avant lere Chre'tienne. [By F. Clement] 5 vol. Baris, 18 19. 8°. 2085. d. depuis la naissance de notre Seigneur. [By M. F. d'Antine and others. 18 vol. and Table gc'nende.] Parts, 1818-30. 8". 2085. d. ' SUBJECT-INDEX. 3G1 CHBONOLOGY— continued. Art depuis Pannee 1770 jusqu'a nos jours. IS vol. [and 2 ot' Tables to the first 12 vols.] Paris, 1821-44. 8°. 2085. d. e. Blair (J.) Ohronolosrical and His- torical Tables. [Edited by Sir II. Ellis.] 1844- 2085. g. Bond (J. J.) Handy-book of Rules and Tables for verifying Dates of Historical Events, etc. London, 1866. 8°. 2085. c. Hakmonville (A. L. d') Dictionuaire des Dates. 2 vol. Paris, 1842,43- 8°. 2085. f. Haydn (J.) Dictionary of Dates. Six- teenth edition, by B. Vincent. London, 1886. 8°. 2085. f. Nicolas (Sir N. H.) Chronology of History. London, 1838. 8°. 2103. 0. Oettinger (E. M.) Moniteur des Dates. 6 torn, in 1. Dresde, 1866-68. 4°. Supplement par H. Schramm. 3 torn, in 1. Leipzig, 1882. 4°. 2037. f. Overall (\V. H.) Dictionary of Chronology. London, 1870. 8°. 2085. e. Pioot (J.) Tablettes Chronologiques. 3 vol. Geneve, 1808. 8°. 2085. e. Toone (W.) Chronological Historian. 2 vol. London, 1826. 8°. 2085. e. Townsend (G. H.) Manual of Dates. London, 1877. 8°. 2085. e. Tuusler (J.) Chronology ; or tho His- torian's Vade-Mecum. 2 vol. London, [1782]. 12°. 2085. e. Waser (J. H.) Historisch - diplo - inatisches Jahrzeitbuch. Zurich, 1779. fol. 2084. g. Woodward (B. B.) aud Cates (W. L. R.) Encyclopao'lia of Chronology. London, 1872. 8°. 2085. f. CHURCH HISTORY. Cave (W.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasti- corum Historia Literaria. 2 vol. Ozonise, 1740-43. fol. 2036. e. Danz (J. T. L.) Universal- Worterbuch der theologiscben kirehen- und religionsgesohichtlichen Literatnr. Leipzig, 1843. 8". BB. A. Dowling (J. G.) An Introduction to the critical study of Ecclesiastical History. London, 1838. 8°. 2015. b. Ellies Dupin (L.) History of Ec- clesiastical Writers. 3 vol. Dublin, 1722-24. fol. 2008. g. Oudin (C.) Commentarius de Scripto- ribus Ecclesia> Antiquis, etc. 3 vol. Lipsise, 1722. fol. 2008. f. CHURCH HISTORY— continued. Eadie (J.) Ecclesiastical Cyclopedia. London, 1862. 8°. 2001. b. Hook (W. F.) Church Dictionarv. London, 1854. 8°. 2003. «•. Landon (E. H.) New General Ecclesi- astical Dictionary. 2 vol. Loudon, 1849-53. 12°. 2001. a. Marsden (J. B.) History of Christian Churches and Sects. 2 vol. Loudon, 1856. 8°. 2004. b. Moroni (G.) Dizionario di Erudiziono siorico-ecclesiastica. 103 vol. Venezia, 1840-61. 8°. 2005. a-f. Indice. 6 vol. Venezia, 1878, 79. 8°. 2005. g. Baronius (C.) Cardinal. Annalea Ecclesi.'stici [a.d. 1-1198, and with the continuation of Raynaldus to 1505. Edited by J. D. Mansi and D. Georgius.] 38 vol. [including " Apparatus " and " Index univer- salis."] Lucse, 1738-59. fol. 2007. c. Annales ecclesiastici ab anno 1566. Auctore J. de Laderchio. 3 vol. Romse, 1728-37. fol. 2006. c. Carwithen (J. B. S.) and Lyall (A.) History of the Ciiristian Church. London, 1856. 8°. 2102. g. FleurY (C.) Histoire du Christianisme. 6 vol. Paris, 1836, 37. 8°. 2004. f. Gieseler (J. C. L.) Compendium of Ecclesiastical History. 5 vol. Edinburgh, 1846-55. 8°. 2014. d-e. ■ Text Book of Church History [a.d. 1-1648]. 4 vol. New York, 1868. 8°. 2003. b. Milman (H. H.) History of Latin Christianity. 9 vol. London, 1864. 8°. 2003. c. Milner (Joseph) History of the Church of Christ. 4 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2003. b. Mosheim (J. L. von) Institutes of p:cclesiastical History. Edited by W. Stubbs. 3 vol. London, 1863. 8°. 2003. b. Riddle (J. E.) Ecclesiastical Chrono- logy. London, 1840. 8°. 2003. d. Roiirisacher (F. R.) Histoire univer- selle do l'Eglise Oatholique. Con- tinuee jusqu'en 1866-68. Vol. 1-16. Paris, 1868, etc. 8°. 2004. e. Stebbing (H.) History of the Christian Church. 2 vol. London, 1833-34. 8°. 2103. d. ROBERTSOH (J. C.) History of tho Christian Church [a.d. 64 L303.] Vol. 1-3. London, 1858-66. 8°. 2004. d. at;: SUBJECT-INDEX. CHURCH HISTORY— continued. FoULKES (E. S.) Manual of Ecclesi- astical History, from the first to the twelfth Century. Oxford, 1 85 1. 8°. 2003. b. Giles (J. A.) Heathen Records to the Jewish Scripture History ; contain- ing all the extracts from the Greek and Latin Writers, in which the Jews and Christians are named. Translated into English, with the original text. London, 1856. 8°. 2007. b. Hinds (S.) Bishop of Norwich. History of the Christian Church.— Rise and early progress of Christianity, a.d. 1-167. London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. Baumgarten (M.) The Acts of the Apostles ; or, History of the Church in the Apostolic Age. 3 vol; Edinburgh, 1854. 8°. 2014. e. Schafp (P.) History of the Apostolic Church. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1854.. 8°. 2004. d. Apostles. The Teaching of the Apostles (AiSaxT? to>v a-wonToKoiv). Newly edited, with facsimile text and a commentary, by J. R. Han is. London, 1887. 4". 2001. f. Marshall (N.) The penitential Disci- pline of the Primitive Church. Oxford, 1844. 8°. 2014. c. Jeremie (J. A.) History of the Chris- tian Church in the second and third centuries. London, 18 52. 8°. 2102. f. Hardwick (C.) History of the Chris- tian Church. Middle Age. Cambridge, 1855. 8 U . 2001. a. Lyall (A.) and others. History of the Christian Church from the 13th century to the present day. London, 1858. 8°. 2102. h. Ullmann (C.) Reformers before the Reformation, principally in Ger- many and the Netherlands. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1855. 8°. 2014. c. Hardwick (C.) History of the Chris- tian Church during the Reforma- tion. Cambridge, 1856. 8°. 2001. a. Merle d'Aubigne (J. H.) History of the Reformation. 4 vol. Glasgow, 1855. 8". 2003. d. Rankk (L. von) History of the Re- formation in Germany. 3 vol. Loudon., 1 845-47- 8°. 2003. a. SteBBING (11.) History of the Re- formation. 2 vol. London, 1836. 8°. 2103. d. CHURCH HISTORY— continued. Hagenbach (C. K.) History of the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland chiefly. 2 vol. Edinburgh. 1878, 79. 8°. 2014. h. Histories of the Churches of England, Scotland and France, &c. will be found under the names of these countries respectively. See also Archaeology, Christian; Bishops ; Cardinals ; Councils ; Popes, etc. CIRRIPEDIA. Darwin (C. R.) A Monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia. 2 vol. London, 1851,54 2027. f. CLERKENWELL. Pinks (W. J.) History of Clerkenwell. London, 1881. 4°. 2065. d. CLEVELAND. Graves (J.) History of Cleveland, York. Carlisle, 1808. 4°. 2063. e. Ord (J. W.) History of Cleveland. London, 1846. 4°. 2063. c. CLINICS. Bennett (J. H.) Clinical Lectures. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. 2026. b. Clinical Society. — London. General Iudex to the first twelve volumes of the Transactions, 1808-79. London, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Alibert (J. L.) Baron. Clinicpuo do l'Hopital Saint-Louis. Paris, 1833. fol. 2024. f. CLITHER0E. Wiiitaker (T. O.) History of the Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, in the counties of Lan- caster and York. 2 vol. London, 1-872-76. 4°. 2064. d. CLUNY, Abbey of. Bernard (A. J.) Recueil des Chartes de l'Abbaye do Cluny, forme' par A. Bernard. Put die' par A. BrueL Tom. 1-3. Paris, 1876-84. 4°. 2082. c. COAL-FIELDS. Hull (E.) The Coal-Fields of Great Britain. London, 1881. 8°. 2030. c. C0ELENTERATA. Thompson (d'A. W.) Bibliography of Coelentcrata, eta. Cambridge, 1885. 8°. BB. E. COLCHESTER. Cromwell (T. K.) History of Col- chester. London, 1825. 8". 2004. b. SUBJECT-INDEX. 8(33 COLLEGE OF ARMS. Noble (M.) History of the College of Arms. Loudon, 1804. 4°. 2119. f. COLLEMBOLA. Lxtbbooe (Sir John) Monograph of (he Collembolii and Thysanura. Lo,,,loa, 1873. 8°. 2027. f. COLOMBIA. Ubiooechba (E.) Mapoteca Colombiana. Londres, i860. 8°. COMMERCE. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliothck dcr Handlungswissenschaft. Leipzig, 1846. 8°. BB. C. Anderson (A.) Historical deduction of the Origin of Commerce. 4 vol. London, 1787-89. 4°. 2023. h. MauCulloch (T. K.) Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Naviga- tion. London, 1882. 8°. 2023. c. Macpherson (D.) Aun.ila of Commerce, manufactures, fisheries and naviga- tion, to 1801. London, 1805. 4°. 2023. h. Waterston (W.) Cyclopaedia of Com- merce. London, 1863. 8°. 2023. e. Kelly (R.) Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. 2 vol. Loudon, 1835. 4°. 2023. h. Genovesi (A.) Lezioni di Commeicio, o sia d' Ecouomia civile, etc. 2 vol. Milnno, 1824, 25. 8°. 2042. c. Heyd(W.) Histoire du Commerce du Levant au Moyen-Age. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1885-86. 8°. 2085. g. COMPANIES, Law of. Buckley (H. B.) The Law and Prac- tice under tho Companies' Acts. London, 1883. 8°. 2018. e. COMPIEGNE. Mabsy (A. de) Bibliographie Coni- pieguoise. Compiiyne, 1874. 8°. BB. K. C0NCH0L0GY. Swainson (W.) Malacology ; or Shells and Shell-Fish. London, 1840. 8°. 2103. f. CONGREGATIONALISM. Dexter (H. M.) The Congregatioual- ism of the last three hundred years, as seen in its literature : with a bibliographical appendix. New York, 1880. 8". BB. A. CONTINGENT REMAINDERS, Law of. Fearne (('.) Essay on Contingent Re- mainders and Executory Devises. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8°. 2017. d. CONTRACT, Law of. Addison (C. <;.j The Law of Con- tracts. Li, 11, Ion, [883. 8°. 2018. e. Chitty (J.) the Yokioj, ,-. Law of Con- tacts, London, r88r. 8°. 2018. e. Fry (Hon. Sir E.) A treatise on the Specific Performance of Contracts. London, i88r. 8°. 2017. d. Leake (S. M.) Elementary Digest of the Law oi Contracts. London, 1878. 8°. 2017. b. CONVEYANCING. BYTHEWOOD (W. M.) and Jaeman (T.) A Selection of Precedents in Con- veyancing. 5 vol. London, 1884-86. 8°. 2018. f. Coi'Inger (W. A.) Index to Precedents in Conveyancing and to Common and Commercial Forms. London, 1872. 2017. f. Davidson (C.) Precedents and Forms in Conveyancing. 5 vol. London, 1860-80. 8°. 2018. f. Davidson's Precedents and Forms in Conveyancing. Fifth edition. Vol. 1. London, 1885, etc. 8°. 2018. f. Menzies (A.) Conveyancing according to the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. 2018. f. Prideaux (F.) Precedents in Con- veyancing. 2 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2018. e. Sani'Ers (F. W.) Essay on Uses and Trusts, and on the nature and opera- tion of Conveyances at Common Law. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8". 2017. f. "YVolstenholme (E. P.) and Ttjbneb (E. O.) The Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1881, and the Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874. London, 1882. 8°. 2018. e. See also England. — Supreme Court. — Chancery Division. COOKERY. Cassell (J.) Dictionary of Cookery. London, [1883, 84.] 8". 2027. c. C0PEP0DA. Brady (G. S.) Monograph of the Cope- poda of the British Islands. :; vol. London, 1878-80. 2027. f. COPTIC LANGUAGE. Pbybon (A.) Lexicon Lingua; Copticsa. Taurini, 1835. 4°. 2115. e. COPYHOLDS. Bcbivbn (J.) Treatise on the Law of Copyholds. Loudon, 1882. 8°. 2017. f. {64 SUBJECT-INDEX. COPYRIGHT, Law of. Copinger (W. A.) The Law of Copy- right. London, 1881. 8°. 2018. d. CORAL REEFS. Darwin (C. R.) Structure and distri- bution of Coral Reefs. London, 1874. S\ 2030. d. CORNWALL. Boase (G. C.) and Courtney (W. P.) Bibliotheca Cornubiensis : a cata- logue of the writings of Cornish- men and of works relating to Corn- wall. 2 vol. London, 1874-78. 8°. BE. K. Borlase (W.) Antiquities of Cornwall. Oxford, 1754. fob 2064. e. Carew (R.) The Survey of Cornwall. London, 1769. 4°. 2066. a. Cornwall. Complete Parochial His- tory of the County of Cornwall. 4 vol. Truro, 1867-72. 8°. 2066. b. Polwhele (R.) History of Cornwall. 7 vol. London, 18 16. 4°. 2066. 0. Williams (Robert) Lexicon Cornu- Britannicum. A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Corn- wall. Llandovery, 1865. 4°. 2118. d. CORONERS. Jervis (J.) Office and Duties of Coro- ners. London, 1880. 12°. 2019. a. CORPORATIONS, Law of . Grant (J.) Law of Corporations in general. London, 1850. 8°. 2017. d. Merewether (H. A.) and Stephens (A. J.) History of Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom. 3 vol. London, 1835. 8°. 2017. f. CORSICA. Corsica. Handbook for Travellers in Corsica and Sardinia. London, 1868. 8°. 2057. b. COSMOGRAPHY. BabroS y Soiza (M. F. de), Viscount de Santarem. Histoire de la Cosmo- grapbio et de la Cartographie pen- dant le moyen-age. 3 vol. Paris, 1849-52. 8°. 2057. b. COSTUME. South Kensington Museum. Lists of Books on Costume in the National Art Library. London, 1881. 8°. BB. E. J'lanciii: (J. R.) Cyclopaedia of Cos- tume. 2 vol. London, 1 87^. 4". 2031. f COSTUME — continued. Book. Book of Costume, By a Lady of Rank. London, 1847. 8°. 2083. a. Dresses. A collection of the Dresses of different nations, antient and modern, particularly old English dresses. 4 vol. T.Jefferys: London, 1757-72. 4°. 2085. g. Fa'RHOLT (F. W.) Costume in England. London, 1846. 8°. 2083. a. An 1 iquaries, Society of, London. Liber quotidianus conirarotulatoris Gar- derobse Anno Regui Regis Edwardi primi vicesimo octavo, a.d. 1299 & 1300, &c. London, 1 78 7. 4°. 2070. c. Elizabeth, of York, Consort of Henry VIL, King of England. Privy Purse Expenses of' Elizabeth of York. Wardrobe Accounts of Ed- ward IV. With notes, by N. H. Nicolas. London, 1830. 8°. 2077. a. COUNCILS. Bail (L.) Summa Conciliorum om- nium. 2 vol. Paris, 1675. fol. 2007. d. Concilia. Concilia Generalia Ecclesiss Catholic-SB Pauli V. Pont. Max. auctoritate edita. Or. and Lat. 4 vol. Romse, 1628. fol. 2006. e. Gautier (A. J. A.) Abre'ge chrono- logique des Conciles Ge'neraux. Paris, 1836. 8°. 2003. c. Hefele (C. J.) History of the Chris- tian Councils. Vol. 1-3. Edinburgh, 1871, 76-83. 8°. 2005. gi Landon (E. H.) Manual of Councils of the Holv Catholic Church. London, 1846. 12°. 2001. a. Mansi (J. D.) Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. 31 vol. Florentise, Venetiis, 1759-98- fo l- 2006. d. Wilkins (D.) Concilia Magiue Britan- nia? et Hiberniae. 4 vol. Londini, i7U- fol. 2007. d. Spelman {Sir H.) Councils and Ec- clesiastical Documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1869. 4°. 2008. c. COUNCIL, the King's. Palgrave (ur divisions.] Arts and Sciences. 8 vol. London, 1859-61. 4°. Biography. 6 vol. London, 18,6-58. 4°. Geography. 4 vol. London, 1854, 55- 4° Supplement. London, 1869. 4°. Natural History. 4 vol. London, 1854-56. 4°. Supplement. London, 1870. 4°. Synoptical Index to the four divisions. London, 1862. 4°. 2106. e. Lardner (D.) Lardner's Cabinet Cy- clopaedia [of Aits & Manufactures, Biography, History, Natural His- tory, Natural Philosophy, in sepa- rate treatises]. 133 vol. London, 1830-50. S". 2103. c-f. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS— continued. La Kousse (P.) Grand Dictionnaire universel du xix e siecle. 16 turn. Paris, 1866, 77. 4°. 2107. d-e. Maunder (S.) Treasury of Knowledge. London, 1859. 8°. 2102. c. Meyer (J.) Das grosse Conversations- Lexicon fiir die gebildeten Stande. 51 vol. & 8 vol. of plates. Hildburghausen, 1840-55. 8°. 2110. c-f. Meyers Konversations Lexikon. Vierte (dritte) Auiiage. Leipzig, 1885, etc. 8°. 2110. a-b. Murray (W. R.) Cyclopaedia of Useful and Entertaining Know- ledge. Boston [Mass. ~\, 1850. 8°. 2104. g. Pierer (H. A.) Universal Conversa- tions-Lexikon. 18 Bde. Oberhausen, 1875-79. 8°. 2108. a. Penny Cyclopaedia. 30 vol. London, 1835-58. 4°. 2106. d. Popular Educator. New edition. 6 vol. Cassell : London, [i88r.] 8°. 2104. b. Real - Encyclopadie. Allgemeine deutsche Real-Encyclop'adie. Con- versations-Lexikon. 15 vol. Brockhaus: Leipziq, 1864-68. 8°. 2111. a. Rees (A.) The Cyclopaedia. 39 vol. (witli 6 of plates). London, 181 9. 4°. 2106. a-c. Ripley (G.) and Dana (C. A.) American Cyclopaedia. 16 vol. New York, 1873-76. 8°. 2104. a. General and analytical Index. By T. a. and B. Conant. New York, 1878. 8°. Saint Laurent (C.) Dictionnaire En- cvclope'dique usuel. Paris, 1861. 8°. 2107. c. Svenskt Konversations - Lexikon. 4 vol. Stockholm, 1845-51. 8°. 2111. f. Tomlinson (C.) Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts. 3 vol. London, 1866. 8°. 2022. b. Ure (A.) Dictionary of Arts, Manu- factures and Mines. Edited by R. Hunt. 4 vol. London, 1875, 78. 8°. 2022. d. Waterston (W.) Cyclopaedia of Com- merce, Mercantile Law, Finance, Commercial Geography, and Navi- gation. London, 1863. 8°. 2023. e. Zedler (J. H.) Grosses vollftaudiges Universal Lexicon. 64 vol. Halle und Leipzig, 1732-50. fol. Supplement. 4 vol. Leipzig, 1751-54. fol. Cat. Desk. SUBJECT-INDEX. 373 [History.] Bibliography. ENCYCLOPEDIAS— contin ued. Zell (T. E.) Zell'a Popular Encyclo- paedia. By L. Colangc. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1870- *°- 2107 - e - ENGINEERING. Lackoix (E.) Bibliotbeque des In- genieurs. Paris, 1864-67. 4°. BB. E. Malberg (A.) Die Literatur des Iu- genieur-Wesens. 1820-4'J. Berlin, 1852. 8°. BB. E. Weale (J.) Catalogue of Books ou Architecture and Engineering. London, 18^4. 8°. BB. C. Byrne (O.) Spon's Dictionary of Engineering. 4 vol. London, 1869-74. 8°. 2022. b. Supplement Div. 1. in. London, 1879, 8r. 8°. 2022. b. Cresy (E.) Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering. London, 1856. 8°. 2022. c. Ryde (E.) Text Book for Architects, | Engineers, Surveyors, etc. London, 1854. 8°. ^2032. b. j France. — Bibliotheque de VEcole dts 1 Poitis et Chaussc'es. Catalogue. Paris, 1862. 8°. 2048. d. Institution of Civil Engineers. Cata- logue of the Library. London, 1866-70. BB. E. Minutes of Proceedings. Sub- ject Index to Vol. 1-58. London, 1881. 8°. BB. E. Smiles (S.) Lives of the Engineers. 3 vol. London, 1861, 62. 8°. 2039. e. ENGLAND. [Order of Subdivisions.] 1. History. 11. Topography. in. Antiquities, Manners and Cus- toms. iv. Parliament. v. Law. vi. Supreme Court. VII. Exchequer. Gardiner (S. R.) Introduction to the Study of English History. [With a Bibliography.] By S. R. Gardiner and J. B. Mullinger. London, 1882. 8°. BB. M. Hardy {Sir T. D.) Descriptive Cata- logue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry vn. 3 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] London, 1862-71. 8°. 2073. (26.) ENGLAND — History — Bibliography — continued. Leland (J.) De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea ; cum T. Hearuii pra)- fatione. Editio altera. vol. London, 1770. 8". 2072. a. Mackay (W. D.) Manual of British Historians to a.d. 1600, etc. London, 1845. 8°. 2071. a. Pitseis (J.) Relationum Historicaruni de Rebus Anglicis tomus 1. (De illustrious Anglias Seriptoribus.) Paris, 16.9. 4°. 2039. f. Stace (M.) British Historical Intelli- gencer. Westminster, 1829. 8°. 2071. a. Thomas (F. S.) Handbook to the Public Records. London, 1853. 8 U . 2069. d. Edwards (E.) Synoptical Tables of 1 he Records of the Realm. With an historical preface. London, 1865. fol. 2069. e. Records. Annual Reports of the De- puty Keeper of the Public Records. London, 1 840, etc. fol. & 8°. Cat. Desk. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir F. Palgrave, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, 1840-61. London, 1865. fol. Cat. Desk. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir T. D. Hardv, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, 18G2-78. London, 1880. fol. Cat. Desk. Historical Manuscripts. Reports of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. First-Ninth, etc. Report. London, 1870, etc. fol. Cat. Desk. Modern Writers. [a. Histories from the earliest times, in order of their completeness.'] Craik (G. L.) and Macfarlane (C.) Pictorial History of England. 8 vol. London, 1849- 8°. 2071. f. . Index; by II. C. Hamil- ton. London, 1850. 8°. 2071. f. Green (J. It.) History of the English People. 4 vol. London, 1881-79-80. 8°. 2071. c. Hume (D.) History of England, by Hume and Smollett. With the Continuation, from the accession of George in. to the accession of Queen Victoria, by T. S. Hughes. A new edition. IS vol. London, 1854, 55- 8°. 2071. a. LappbnbbbG (J. M.) Geschichte von England. Vol. 1, 2. [Vol. 3-5 continuation by R. Pauli.] Hamburg, 1834-37- 8°. 2068. a. 374 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND — History— Mode un Writers — continued. Lingard (J.) History of England. 10 vol. London, 1849. 8°. 2071. b. Low (S. J. M.) aud Pulling (F. S.) The Dictionary of English History. London, 1884. 8°. 2071. e. Mackintosh {Right lion. Sir J.) His- tory of England. 10 vol. London, 183C-48. 8°. 2103. c. Wade (J.) British History, chrono- logically arranged. London, 1844. 8°. 2085. f. British Chronologist [to 1752]. 3 vol. London, 1775. 8°. 2085. e. Salmon (T.) Chronological Historian to 14th Geo. 11. [1741.] 2 vol. London, 1747. 8°. 2085. e. Granger (J.) Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution. 4 vol. London, [775. 8°. 2039. f. Biographical History of England, from the Revolution to the end of George i.'s reign. By M. Noble. 3 vol. London, 1806. b°. 2039. f. Baker (Sir R.) Chronicle of the Kiugs of England [continued to 1727J. London, 1730. fol. 2070. d. Rapin (P. de) History of England; translated [and continued to 1727] by N. Tindal. 4 vol. London, 1732-51. fol. 2070. e. Sandford (F.) Genealogical History of the Kiugs and Queens of Eng- land. Continued by S. Stebbing. London, 1707. fol. 2120. g. EciJARD (L.) History of England, to the year 1088. 2 vol. London, 1720. fol. 2070. e. Carte (T.) History of England [to 1654]. 4 vol. io?itZo?j, 1747-55. fol. 2070. e. Turner (S.) History of England to the death of Elizabeth. 12 vol. London, 1839. 8°. 2071. b. Brady (R.) History of England ; Julius Cresar — Henry m. (Edward I., 11., and in., and Richard 11.) 2 vol. London, 1685-1700. fol. 2071. g. Pearson (C. H.) History of England during the early and middle ages. 2 vol. London, 1867. 8°. 2071. d. Historical Maps of England during the first thirteen centuries. With Essays. Jjondon, 1870. fol. 2072. f. [b. Histories of Special Periods, arranged chronologically.'] Beddoe (J.) The Races of Great Britain. A Contribution to the Anthropology of Western Europe. Bristol, 1885. 8°. 2028. 0. ENGLAND — History— Modern Writers — continued. Elton (C.) Origins of English His- tory. London, 1882. 8°. 2070. b. Seebohm (F.) The English Village Community. London, 1883. 8°. 2016. b. Kemble (J. M.) The Saxons in Eng- land. New Edition by W. de G. Birch. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8°. 2071. d. Lappenberg (J. M.) History of Eng- land under the Anglo-Saxon Kiugs. Translated. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8°. 2071. d. Strutt (J.) Chronicle of England : from Julius Csesar to the Norman Conquest. 2 vol. London, 1777, 78. 4°. 2070. c. Freeman (E. A.) History of the Nor- man Conquest of England. 6 vol. Oxford, 1867-79. 8°. 2071. d. The Reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the first. 2 vol. Oxford, 1882. 8°. 2071. e. Lappenberg (J. M.) History of Eng- land under the Normau Kings. Translated by B. Thorpe. Oxford, etc. 1857. 8°. 2071. d. Lyttelton (G.) Baron Lyttelton. His- tory of the Life of Henry 11. 4 vol. London, 1767-71. 4°. 2071. f. Barnes (J.) History of Edward in. Cambridge, 1688. fol. 2070. d. Lodge (E.) Illustrations of British History, Biography and Manners, in tne reigns of Henry vni., Ed- ward vi., Mary, Elizabeth, and James 1. 3 vol. London, 1838. 8°. 2072. b. Froude (J. A.) History of England, from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 vol. London, 1875, etc. 8°. 2077. c. Oldmixon (J.) History of England during the reigns of Henry vni., Edward vi., Mary, Elizabeth. London, 1739. fol. 2070. d. History of England during the reigus of the House of Stuart. London, 1730. fol. 2070. d. Drake (N.) Shakespeare and his Times. 2 vol. London, 1 8 1 7. 4°. 2044. g. Ranke (L. von) History of England in the seventeenth century. 6 vol. Oxford, 1875. 8°. 2077. c. Gardiner (S. R.) A History of Eng- land. 1603-1642. 10 vol. London, 1883-84. 8°. 2077. d. James I., King of Great Britain and Ireland. The Court and Times of James 1. 2 vol. London, 1848. 8°. 2077. 0. SUBJECT-INDEX. 375 ENGLAND — History— Modern Writers — continued. Charles I., King of Great Britain and Ireland. The Court and Times of Charles i. Edited by the author of "Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea." 2 vol. London, 1848. 8°. 2077. c. Cromwell (O.) Letters and Speeches; with elucidations by T. Carlyle. See Carlyle (T.) Works. Vol. 14-18. 2045. b. Guizot (F. P. G.) Histoire de la lie volution d'Angleterre. (5 V(d. Paris, 1850-56. 8°. 2077. cc. Godwin (W.) History of the Common- wealth of England. 4 vol. London, 1824-28. 8°. 2077. b. IMacailay (T. B.) Baron Marauhuj. History of England, from the acces- sion of James the Second. 5 vol. London, 1866, 55, 61. 8°. 2071. c. Mackintosh {Right Hon. Sir J.) His- tory of the Revolution in England in 1688. London, 1834. 4 °- 2072 - c - Clarke (James S.) Life of James 11. 2 vol. London, 1816. 4°. 2069. e. Fox (C. J.) History of the early part of the Reign of James 11. London, 1808. 4°. 2069. e. Oldmixon (J.) History of England during the reigns of William aud Mary, Anne, aud George 1. London, 1735. fol. 2070. d. Ralph (J.) History of England during the reigns of William [in.], Anne, and George 1. 2 vol. London, 1744-46. fol. 2072. f. Lecky (W. E. H.) History of England in the Eighteenth Century. 6 vol. London, 1878-87. 8°. 2077. a. Stanhope (P. H.) 5th Earl Stanhope. History of England, comprising the Reign of Queen Anne until the Peace of Utrecht, 1701-1713. London, 1870. 8°. 2071. e. History of England from the peace of Utrecht. 7 vol. London, 1839-54. 8°. 2071. e. Georgian Era. [By W. Clark.] 4 vol. London, 1832-34. 8°. 2039. c. Coxe (W.) Memoirs of the Adminis- tration of the Right Hon. H. Pelham. 2 vol. London, 1829. 4°. 2069. g. Annual Register, from 1758 to the current year. London, 1 76 r, etc. 8°. 2086. a-e. Adolphus (J.) History of England, from the accession to the death of George in. 7 vol. London, 1840-45. 8°. 2071. a. Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the life and reign of George the Third. 3 vol. London, 1867. 8°. 2040. f. ENGLAND — History— Modern Writers — continued. Massey (W.) History of England during the Reign of George m. 4 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2077. a. Martineau (H.) Introduction to the History of the Peaco. From 1800 to 1815. London, 18 15. 8°. 2071. f. Martineau (H.) History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace : 1816-46. 2 vol. London, 1849, 5°- 8°- 2071. f. Irving (J.) Annals of our Time, from the accession of Queen Victoria, etc. New edition. [1837-1871.] (Sup- plement, 1871-1874.) London, 1869-75. 8°. 2085. o. MacCarthy (Justin) A History of Our Own Times, from the accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Conference. London, 1879, etc. 8°. 2077. cc. Ward (T. II.) The Reign of Victoria. A Survey of fifty years' progress. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2082. a. Escott (T. H. S.) England, its people, politv and pursuits. 2 vol. London, [1879.] 8°. 2073. a. Ridpath (G.) The Border-History of England and Scotland. London, 1776. 4°. 2063. c. Strickland (A.) Lives of the Queens of England. [With Index.] 8 vol. London, 1851, 52. 8°. 2039. d. [c. Constitutional, Social, and Financial Histories.] Langmead, afterwards Taswell-Lang- mead (T. P.) English Constitu- tional History. Second edition. London, 1880. 8°. 2073. a. Oldfield (T. H. B.) Eepresentative History of Great Britain and Ire- land. 6 vol. London, 1816. 8°. 2082. a. Stubbs (W.) Bishop of Oxford. Consti- tutional History of England. 3 vol. Oxford, 1880. 8°. 2073. a. Hallam (II.) Constitutional History of England. Seventh edition. 3 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2071. b. May (Sir T. E.) Constitutional His- tory of England. 1760-1860. 2nd edition. 2 vol. London, 1863, 65. 8°. 2071. e. Brodie (G.) Constitutional History of the British Empire, from the acces- sion of Charles 1. to the Restora- tion. New edition. 3 vol. London, 1866. 8°. 2077. b. 376 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND— History— Modern Writers — continued. Cooke (G. W.) History of Party, 1666- 1832. 3 vol. London, 1836-37- 8°. 2077. b. Buckie (H. T.) History of Civilization in England. New edition. 3 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2077. d. Doubleday (T.) Financial, mom tary, and statistical history of England, from 1688 to the present time. [VVitli continuation to the end of 1857.] London, iU7S%- 8°. 2083. a. Porter (G. E.) The Progress of the Nation, in its various social and economical relations. London, 1851. 8°. 2023. e. Revenue. Tables of the Revenue, Population, Commerce, &c, of the United Kingdom. 1820-33. 3 pt. (in 2 vol.) [London], 1833* 34- fol. Cat. Desk. Sources. [a. Collections.'] Bentley (S.) Excerpta historiea; or Illustrations of English History. London, 1831. 8°. 2070. b. Camden (W.) Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a veteribus scripta ; ex quibus Asser Meneven- sis Anonymus de vita Gulielmi Conquestoris, Thomas Walsingham, Tho. de la More, Gul. Gemiticensis, Giraldus Cambrensis, plerique nunc primum in lucem editi, &c. Francofurti, 1603. fol. 2070. d. Chronicles and Memor:als of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. Published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. London, 1858, etc. 8°. 2073. Ellis (Sir H.) Original Letters, illus- trative of English History. 3 series. 11 vol. London, 1824-46. 8°. 2077. a. English Historical Society. Publi- cations. 29 vol. London, 1838-56. 8°. 2071. c. Gale (T.) Rerum Anglicarum Scrip- tores Veteres. 3 vol. Oxon. 1684-91. fol. 2072. d. Halliwell Phillips (J. O.) Letters of the Kings of En-land. 2 vol. London, 1848. 8°. 2077. a. Hawkins (E.) Mcdallic illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2032. e. Hearne (T.) [Publications.] 60 vol. Oxonix, 1713-7'- 8". 2072. a-b ENGLAND — History — Sources — con- tinued. Kennett (W.) Bishop of Peterborough. History of England. 3 vol. London, 1786. fol. 2072. f. North (R.) Examen ; or, an Enquiry into the credit and veracity of a pretended complete History [by White Kenneth London, 1740. 4°. 2069. e. Record Commission. [Publications.] 1800-52. fol. &8°. 2072. de. Cat. Desk. Rymer (T.) Fcedera, ab anno 1066 ad nostra usque teinpora [1383] : aucta et emendata ; accurantilms A. Clarke (J. Caley), et F. Holbrooke. 4 vol. (in 7 pt.) [Record Commis- sion^ London, 1816-30. fol. Cat. Desk. General Introduction to the Fcedera. [Record Commission.'] {London,'] 18 1 7. 4°. Cat. Desk. Syllabus of documents contained in "R.'s Fcedera." By T. D. Hardy. 3 vol. London, 1869-85. 8°. 2077. e. Fcedera, ab anno 1101, ad nostra usque tempora [1654]. 20 vol. Londini, 1704-3 5- lo1 - . Cat - Desk ' This edition was discontinued. Fcedera. Editio tertia, studio G. Holmes. 10 vol. [Vol. 10 com- prising " Abre'ge' historique des Actes publics d'Angleterre," and Index.] JlagsB Comitum, 173 7-45- fol - Cat. Desk. Savile (Sir H.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam. Francofurti, 1601. fol. 2070. d. State Paters. For a full specification of the Calendars of State Papers, see Part I. Twysden (Sir R.) Historia3 Anglicanro Scriptures X. Londini, 1652. fol. 1 2070. d. Camden Society. Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of the (Janiden Society. By J. G. Nichols. Westminster, 1872. 4°. 2072. b. [b. Histories from the earliest times, arranged in order of their completeness.] Stow (J.) Annales; or. generall Chroni- cle of England. Continued until li; 11 by E. Howes. London, 1615. fol. 2070. d. Speed (J.) History of Great Britaine. Third edition, enlarged. London, 1632. fol. 2070. d. SUBJECT-INDEX. 377 ENGLAND — History — Sources — con- tinued. Hulinshed (R.) Chronicles of Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland; augmented and continued to 158(5, by J. 1 looker, alias Vowell, and others. 13. L. 2 vol. London, 1587. fol. 2070. d. Grafton (R.) Chronicle of Englande [to the accession of Elizabeth.] B. L. 2 vol. London, 1569, 68. fol. 2070. c Chronicle, from 1189 to 1558. 2 vol. London, 1809. 4°. 2070. c. Hardyng (J.) Chronicle [in metre]. With the continuation of R. Graf- ton. [Edited] by H. Ellis. London, 1812. 4°. 2070. 0. Fabyan (It.) Chronicles of England and France to 1415 : reprinted from Pyn.-sou's edition of 1516. By H. Ellis. London, 181 r. 4°. 2070. c. Ross (J.) of War wick. Historia Regain AngliaJ [to 1485] ; descripsit T. Hearnius. Oxonix, 1716. 8°. 2072. a. "Waurin (J. de) Recueil des Chroniipies et auchieunes Istories de la Grant Bretaigne [to 1471]. Edited by \V. Hardy. 4 vol. London, 1864-79- 8°. 2073. (39.) A Collection of the Chronicles and ancient Histories of Great Britain. Translated by \V. Hardy, etc. 4 vol. London, 1864-87. 8°. 2073. (40.) Evesham. Chronicon Abbatiao de hves- ham, ad annum 1418. Edited by W. D. Macray. London, 1863. 8°. 2073. (29.) Capgrave (J.) Chronicle of England [to 1417]. Edited by F. C. Hin- geston. London, 1858. 8°. 2073. (1.) Ricardus, de Cirenceetria. Speculum Historiale de Gestis Regum Angliro [to 1400]. Edited by J. E. B. Mayor, 2 vol. Loudon, 1863-69. 8°. 2073. (30.) Higden (R.) Polychronicon [to MUOJ. See Gale (T.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 3. 1691. fol. 2072. d. Polychronicon: together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century. Edited by C. Babington. 8 vol. London, 1865. 8". 2073. (41.) Gloucester. Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Glouces- terhe [to 1390]. Edited by W. H. Hart. Vol. 1-3. London, 1863-67. 8". 2073. (33.) ENGLAND — History — Sources — con- tinned. BPEOTT(T.) Chronica [to 1377]. Edidit T. Hearnius. Ozonise, 1719. 8°. 2072. b. Eulocium (Historiarum sive Temporis) : Chronicon ab orbe condito usque nd a.d. 13H6; a nionacho quodam Mahuesbuiiensi exaratuni. Acce- duntcontinnationes duse, etc. Edited by F. 8. Haydon. 3 vol. London, 1858-63. 8°. 2073. (9.) Langtoft (P.) Chronicle [in verse] as illustrated and improved by Robert of Brunne, from the death of Cad- walader to the end of Edw. I.'s reign. Publish'd by T. Hearne. 2 vol. Oxford, 1725. 8°. 2072. a. Chronicle, in French verse. Edited by T. Wright. 2 vol. London, .866-68. 8°. 2073. (47.) Matth^us, Wevtmonasteriennis. Floras Historiarum, prsacipue de Rebus Britannicis ad an. 1:j07. Londini, 1570. fol. 2070. d. Cotton (B. de) Historia Anglicaua. (a.d. 419-1298.) Edited by H. R. Luard. London, 1859. 8°. 2073. (16.) Dunstaple. Chronicon [to 12971, sive Aunales Prioratus de Dunstaple [by R. de Morius and others] : T. Hearnius vuigavit. 2 vol. Oxford, 1733. 8°. 2072. a. Joannes, de Oxenedes. Chronica [to 1293]. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. London, 1859. 8°. 2073. (13.) Robert, of Gloucester. Chronicle [in verse, to 1270.] Publish'd by T. Hearne. 2 vol. Oxford, J 724. 8". 2072. a, Metrical Chronicle. Edited by W. A. Wright. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2073. (86.) Paris (M.) Historia Anglornm, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia Minor [to 1259]. Edited by Sir F. Madden. 3 vol. London, 1866-69. 8°. 2073. (44.) Chronica Majora. Edited by H. R. Luard. 7* vol. London, 1872-80. 8". 2073. (57.) Historia Major, cum libro ad- ditamentorum ; editors W. Wats. 2 vol. London, 1640, 39. fol. 2070. d. Roger, de Wendover. Chronica [to 1235]; sive, Flores Historiarum. Edidit H. O. Coxe. 5 vol. London, 1841-44. 8°. 2071. c. FloresHistoriarum. TheFlowers of History. Edited by H. G. Hew- lett. Vol. 1. London, 1886. 8 2373. (84.) 378 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND — History — Sources — con- tinued. Walterus, de Coventria. Mcmonale fratris Walter i de Coventria [to 1225]. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. London, 1872, 7 3. 8°. 2073.(58) 1V , cie Hoveden. Annales [732- 1201.] See Savile O&irH.) Reruin Anglicarum Scriptores, ete. 160°. fol. 2070. d. Chronica. Edited by W. Stubbs. 4 vol. London, 1868-71. 8°. 2073. (51.) Diceto (R. de) Opera Historical [to 1201]. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8°. 2073.(68.) Henkicus, Iluntiiujdomensis. Histori- arura lib. viii. See Savile (Sir H.) Reruin Anglicarum Scriptores, etc. 1601. M. 2070. d - Historia Anglorum. From A.c. 55 to a.d. 1154. Edited by T. Arnold. London, 1879. 8°. 2073. (74.) Simeon, Dunelmensis. Symeonis Mo- nachi opera omnia [616-1130]. 2 vol. London, 1882-85. 8°. 2073. (75.) . Do Gestis Regum Anglorum. See Twysden (Sir R.) Historic Anglican* Scriptores X. 1652. fol. 2070. d. Gulielmus, Malmesburiensis. De Gestis Regum Anglorum, etc. [449-1128]. See Savile (H.) Rerum Angli- carum Scriptores, etc. 1 60 '■ » ,L Gesta Regum Anglorum. Re- censuit T. D. Hardy. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8°. 2071. c. Florentius, Wigomiensis. Chronicon ex Chronicis. [Ex adventu Hen- gesti to 1116.] See Mattiijeus, Westmonasteriensis. Flores, &c. 1601. fol. . . _,,.,., Chronicon ex Chronicis. Hidiclit T3. Thorpe. 2 vol. London, 1848, 49- 8°. 2071. c. AlUREDUS, Beverlacensi*. Annales. [lo 1100.] Edidit T. Hearnius. OxonL, 17x6. 8". . 2072 b. Ordericus Vitalis. Historia Eccle- siastica. [To 1100.] \_Migne. Patro- loqix Cursm; 188.] Paris, .855. 4°- „, . 201 r 5- I 1 ' Wallingforu (J.) Chronica. [44 J- 1035.] See Gale (T.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol.3. 169 1. fol. .. Hyde, Monastery of. Liber Monastcru de llvda; comprising a Chronicle Of England, a.d. 455-1023. Edited bv E. Edwards. London, 1866. 8°. J 2073. (45.) ENGLAND — History — Sources — con- tinued. [c. Histories of Special Periods, arranged chronologically.] Petrie (H.) Monumenta Historica Britannica. Vol. 1, to the Norman Conquest. Prepared and illustrated with notes by H. Petrie, assisted by J. Shirp. Publishedby command of Her Majesty, [London,] 1848. fol. J 2070. e. Thorpe (B.) Diplomatarium Anglicum Mwi Saxonici. A collection of English charters from A.D. dcv. to William the Conqueror. With a translation by B. Thorpe. London, 1865. 8°. 2077. a. Gildas. De Excidio Britannia). Re- censuit J. Stevenson. London, 1838. 8°. Historia. SeeGALE (T.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 3. 1691. fol. 2072. d. Nennius. Historia Britonum. See Gale (T.) Regum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 3. i6 9 r fol. 2072. d. Historia Britonum : recensuit J. Stevenson. London, 1838. 8°. 2071. c. Galfridus, Monumetensis. Galfredi Mouumetensis Historia Britonum. Nunc primum in Anglia novem codd. Msstis collatis edidit J. A. Giles. Londini, 1844. 8°. 2072. b. British History: translated by A.Thompson. London, 1718. 8°. 2072. b. Roberts (P.) Chronicle of the Kings of Britain; translated from the Welsh copy attributed to Ty.silio. London, 181 r. 4°. 2070. c. Saxon Chronicle. Saxon Chronicle; with an English translation and notes by J. Ingram. London, 1823. 4°. 2070. c. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited, with a translation, by B. Thorpe. 2 vol. London, 1861. 8°. 2073. (23.) Kemble (J. M.) Codex Diplomatics Ms'\ Saxonici. 6 vol. London, 1839-48. 8". 2071. c. Beda, the Venerable. Historia Ecclesi- astica. 2 vol. London, 1838-41. 8". 2071. c. Ethelwerdus (F.) Chronicorum lib. iv. See Savile (H.) Rerum Angli- carum Scriptores, etc. 1601. fol. 2070. d. SUBJECT-INDEX. 379 ENGLAND — History — Sources — con- tinued. Edward, the Confessor. Lives of Ed- ward the Confessor. Edited by II. It. Luard. London, 1858. 8°. 2073. (3.) Eadmer, the Monk. Historia Novorum in Anglia, et Opuscula duo f Q. Elizabeth. London, 1680. fol. 2072. d. 382 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND — History — Sources — con- tinued. Cecil (W.) Baron Burleigh. Collection of State Papers, 1571 to 1596. By W. Murdin. London, 173 9. fol. 2069. f. Winwood {Sir R.) Memorials of Af- fairs of State, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth and James 1. ; collected from his papers by E. Sawyer. 3 vol. London, 1725. fol. 2070. e. Overall (W. H.) and (H. C.) Analy- tical Index to the series of records known as the Remembrancia, a.d. 1597-1664. London, 1878. 8°. 2070. b. Rush-worth ( J.) Historical Collections ; 1618-1648. 7 vol. London, 1659-1701. fol. 2077. d. Hyde (E.) Earl of Clarendon. State Papers ; commencing from the year 1621, containing the materials from which the History of the Rebellion was composed. 3 vol. Oxford, 1767-86. fol. 2072. f. Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers preserved in the Bodleian Library. Vol. 1. Edited by O. Ogle and W. H. Bliss. Vol. 2, by W. D. Macray. Oxford, 1872, 69. 8°. 2075. e. Whitelocke (B.) Memorials of Eng- lish Affairs, from the beginning of the Reign of Charles 1. to the Re- stauration of Charles 11. London, J 732. fol. 2070. e. State Papers. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles I. Vol. 1-17- [1625-1643.] London, 1 858-87. 2076. a-b. Wentworth (T.) Earl of Strafford. Letters and Dispatches. With Life by Sir G. Radcliffe. [Collected] by W. Knowler. 2 vol. London, 1739. fol. 2069. f. Thurloe (J.) Collection of State Papers, from 1638 to the Restora- tion. By T. Birch. 7 vol. London, 1742. fol. 2069. f. Nalson (J.) An Impartial Collection of the great Affairs of State, from 1639 to the murther of Charles 1. 2 vol. London, 1682, 83. fol. 2072. d. Boyle (Roger) Earl of Orrery. Col- lection of State Letters ; with Life by T. Morrice. London, 1742. fol. 2072. f. Hyde (E.) Earl of Clarendon. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 7 vol. Oxford, 1849. 8". 2077. b. ENGLAND — History — Sources — con- tinued. British Museum. Catalogue of Pam- phlets, &c, published during the Civil War and Commonwealth, called the " Thomason Collection." 12 vol. fol. Cat. Desk. Hailstone (E.) Catalogue of historical and topographical works and Civil War Tracts relating to the County of York. In the Library of E. H. Bradford, 1858. 8°. ' BB. K. State Papers. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, during the Commonwealth. 13 vol. London, 1875-86. 8°. 2076. c. Evelyn (J.) Diary and Correspondence. Edited by W. Bray. New edition. 4 vol. London, 1850-52. 8°. 2039. c. Pepys (S.) Diary and Correspondence. 4 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2039. c. State Papers. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles 11. Vol. 1-7. [1660-1667.] London, 1860-66. 8°. 2076. c-d. Burnet (G-.) History of his own Time ; witli the suppressed passages and notes. 6 vol. Oxford, 1823. 8°. Additional Annotations. Oxford, 1823. 8°. 2077. b. Kennett (W.) Bishop of Peterborough. Register and Chronicle ecclesiastical and civil, from the Restauration of Charles 11. Vol. 1. London, 1728. fol. 2070. e. State Tracts : being a collection of Treatises relating to the govern- ment, privately printed in the reign of Charles 11., etc. 2 pt. London, 1693, 92. fol. 2072. e. A Collection of State Tracts, publish'd on occasion of the Revo- lution in 1688, and during the reign of William in. 3 vol. London, 1705-07. 2072. e. Talbot (C.) Duke of Shrewsbury. Private and original correspondence with King William and other statesmeu. Published by W. Coze. London, 1821. 4°. 2069. f. Kemble (J. M.) State Papers and Cor- respondence, illustrative of the social and political state of Europe, from the Revolution to the accession of the House of Hanover. London, 1857. 8°. 2077. c. Cole (C.) Memoirs of Affairs of State from 1697 to 1708. London, 1733. fol. 2069. f. Collins (A.) Historical collection of the noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle. London, 1752. fol. 2120. g. SUBJECT INDEX. 38;) ENGLAND — History — SOUBOES — con- tin mil. Churchill (J.) Duke of Marlborough. Letters aud Despatches from 170'2 to 1712. Edited by Sir G. Mur- ray. 5 vol. London, 1845. 8°. 2040. e. Coxe (W.) Memoirs of Sir R. Wal- pole ; with original correspondence, etc. 3 vol. London, 1798. 4°. 2069. g. Walt-ole (H.) Earl of Orford. Lett, rs, chronologically arranged. Edited by P. Cunningham. 9 vol. London, 1857-59. 8°. 2044. a. Elphinstone {Hon. M.) The Rise of the British Power in the East. London, 1887. 8°. 2083. b. State Papers. Calendar of Home Office Papers of the Reign of George in. Vol. 1-3. [1700-1772.] London, 1878-81. 8°. 2077. c. Napier (Sir W. F. P.) History of the War iu the Peninsula, from 1807 to 1814. New edition. 6 vol. London, 185 1. 8°. 2084. a. Nelson (H.) Viscount Nelson. Dis- patches and Letters. 7 vol. London, 1844-46- 8°. 2039. b. Wellesley (A.) Luke of Wellington. Dispatches. Compiled by Col. Gur- wood. Enlarged edition. 8 vol. London, 1844-47. 8°. 2039. 1). General Orders. Compiled by Col. Gurwood. London, 1847. 8°. 2039. b. [Topography.] Anderson (John P.) The Book of British Topography. L. P. London, 1 88 1. 4°. Cat. Desk. Govjgh (R.) British Topography. 2 vol. London, 1 780. 4°. BB. K. Upcott (W.) Bibliographical Account of the principal Works relating to English Topography. 3 vol. London, 1818. 8°. BB. K. Gough (R.) A Catalogue of the books relating to British Topography, &c, bequeathed to the Bodleian Li- brary by R. G. Oxford, 1884- 4°. BB. K. Hoare Library, Stourhead. Catalogue [chiefly of topographical books]. London, 1840. 8°. BB. K. Hotten (J. C.) Handbook to the Topography and Family History of England & Wales. London, [1864?] 8°. BB. K. Sims (R.) Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, &c. London, 1856. 8°. BB. T. Second edition. London, 1861. 8°. Cat. Desk. ENGLAND — Topography — continued. Adams (J.) Index Villains. London, 1690. fol. 2066. f. Bartholomew (J.) Gazetteer of the British Isles. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2059. g. Carlisle (N.) Topographical Dic- tionary of Kngland. 2 vol. London, 1804. 4°. 2062. d. England and Wales. Dictionary of Parishes, Townships, Hamlets, &c, in England and Wales. London, 1881. 8°. 2060. a. Index to the Parishes, Town- ships, and Places within the dis- tricts of the several County Courts. London, 1880. 8°. Cat. Desk. Gorton (J.) Topographical Dictionary of Gnat Britain and Ireland. 3 vol. London, 1833. 8°. 2061. b. Hamilton (N. E. S. A.) The National Gazetteer : a topographical Dic- tionary of the British Islands. 3 vol. London, 1868. 8°. 2059. d. Lambarde ^W.) Dictionariuni Anglise topographicum et historicum. Al- phabetical description, etc. London, 1730. 4°. 2062. c. Lewis (!S.) Topographical Dictionary of England. 4 vol. London, 1849. 4°. 2061. d. Paterson's Roads. 18th edition, by E. Mogg. London, 1826. 8°. 2121. d. Potts (T.) Gazetteer of England and Wales, including a complete Index Villaris. London, 18 10. 8°. Bacon (G. W.) Bacon's New Quarto County Atlas of England and Wales. London, 1876. 4°. 2059. c. Hall (S.) The English Counties, also general maps of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. London, [i860.] fol. 2060. f. Philip (G.) Atlas of the Counties of England. London, 1885. fol. 2059. e. Ordnance Survey. Catalogue of the Maps and Plans and other publica- tions of the Ordnance Survey of England and Wales, and the Isle of Man. To 18th December, 1875. London, 1875. 8°. Cat. Desk. Index to the Ordnance Survey of England, Scotland & Ireland. fol. Cat. Desk. BlBLIOTHECA TOPOGRAPHICA BRITAN- nica. [Published by J. Nichols.] 10 vol. London, 1780-1800. 4°. 384 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND — Topography — continued. Bhayley (E. W.) and Britton (J.) The Beauties of England and Wales. [With Introduction by J. N. Brewer.] 19 vol. (in 24). London, 1801-18. 8°. 2061. a-b. Land we Live in. A pictorial, his- torical, &c. Sketch Book of the British Islands. 3 vol. London, [1854, 55?] 8 °- 206L d - Lysons (D.) and (S.) Magna Bri- tannia. [Bedfordshire — Devon - shire.] 6 vol. (in 10 pt.) London, 1813,08-22. 4°. 2061. e. Magna Britannia et Hibernia, an- tiqua & nova ; or, a new Survey < f Great Britain. [By T. Cox.] 6 vol. IntheSavoy, [London,'] 1720-31. 4°. 2061. b. Moule (T.) The English Counties delineated. 2 vol. London, 1837- 4°. 2062. d Murray (J.) Handbook for England and Wales. London, 1878. 8°. 2057. b. Neale (J. P.) Views of Seats of Noblemen, &c., in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. 6 vol. London, 1818-23. 4°. 2061. d. - Second Series. 5 vol. London, 1824-29. 4°. 2061. d. Nightingale (J.) English Topo- graphy. London, 18 16. fol. [Antiquities, Mannebs and Customs.] Akerman (J. Y.) Archaeological In- dex.— Celtic, Koniano-British, and Anglo-Saxon periods. London, 1847- 8°- 2032. f ARCiiiEoLOGiCAL Association. Journal of the British Archaeological As- sociation. Vol. 1, &c. [With Index.] London, 1845, etc. 8°. 2096. a-b. Brand (J.) Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 vol. London, 1870. 8°. 2085. g. Britton (J.) Architectural Antiqui- ties of Great Britain. 5 vol. London, 1807-26. 4°. 2062. d. Carter (J.) Specimens of the ancient Sculpture and Painting now re- maining in this kingdom to the reign of Henry vm. 2 vol. London, 1780-94. fol. 2061. f. England. Old England: a Pictorial Museum of Antiquities. 2 vol. 0. KnigM: London, 1845. fol. ENGLAND— Antiquities, Manners and Customs — continued. Evans (J.) Ancient Bronze Imple- ments, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1881. 8°. 2031. b. Ancient Stone Implements, Weapous, and Ornaments of Great Britain. London, 1872. 8°. 2031. b. Coins of the Ancient Britons. London, 1864. 8°. 2031. c. Grose (F.) Antiquities of England and Wales. 4 vol. London, 1773-87. 4°. 2061. e. Hearne (T.) Antiquities of Great Britain. Engraved by W. Byrne, from Drawings by T. Heame. With Descriptions in English and French. 2 vol. London, 1807. obi. fol. 2061. c. King (E.) Munimenta Antiqua; or, observations on antient Castles, etc. in Great Britain. 4 vol. London, 1 799-1805. fol. 2063. f. Lhuyd (E.) Archaeologia Britannica. Vol. 1, containing Glossography. Oxford, 1707. fol. 2117. f. Nichols (J.) Illustrations of the Manners and Expences of antieut times in England. With notes. London, 1797. 4°. 2085. g. Percy (H. A.) Earl of Northumber- land. Regulations of the House- hold of the fifth Earl of North- umberland. Begun a.d. 1512. London, 1827. 8°. 2083. a. Rastell (J.) The Pastime of People ; or, Chronicles of divers Realms and most especially of England. By T. F. Dibdin. London, 18 11. 4°. 2070. c. Strutt (J.) • Compleat View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, &c. of the Inhabitants of England. 3 vol. London, 1775, 76. 4°. 2071. g. Regal and Ecclesiastical Anti- quities of England. New edition, with Supplement. London, 1793, 92. 4 °- 2085. g. WRIGHT (T.) History of Domestic Manners in England during the Middle Ages. London, 1862. 4°. 2071. d. [Parliament.] Cobbett (W.) Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England, from 1006 to 1803. 30 vol. London, 1806-20. 8°. 2078. a-b. SUBJECT-INDEX. 381 ENGLAND— Parliament— continued. Hansard (T. C.) Parliamentary De- bates, from 1803 to tho present time, forming a continuation of the work entitled: "The Parlia- mentary History of England from the earliest, period to 1803." 41 vol. London, 1812-20. 8". 2078. b-d. New [Second] Series — com- mencing with the accession of George iv. 25 vol. London, 1820-30. 8°. 2078. .1.-2079. 1). — General Index to the First and Second Scries. Edited by Sir J. Philippart. London, 1834. 8°. 2078. c. Third Scries — commencing with the accession of William iv. Vol. 1-316, etc. In progress. London, 183 1, etc. 8°. 2081. e-g. Beatson (R.) Chronological Register of both Houses of the British Par- liament, from 1708 to 1807. 3 vol. Loudon, 1807. 8°. 2082. a. Third edition. 3 vol. London, 1806. 8°. 2082. a. British Parliamentary Register; containing a List of all the Parlia- ments, etc. London, 1753. 8°. 2082. a. Digdale (Sir W.) A perfect copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the great Councils and Parliament from 49 Hen. in. London, 1685. fol. 2017. g. Willis (B.) Notitia Parlinmenruria. 3 vol. London, 1730, 16-50. 8°. 2082. a. D'Ewes (Sir S.) Journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Elizabeth: revised by P. Bowes. London, 1682. fol. ' 2069. f. BcOBELL (H.) Collection of Acts and Ordinancies made in the Parlia- ment 1640-1656. 2 [.t. (in 1 vol.) London, 1658. fol. Cat. Desk. May (Sir T. E.) Law, Privileges, Pro- ceedings, and Usage of Parliament. London, 1883. 8°. 2017. b. Parry (C. H.) The Parliaments and Councils of England, from William 1. to 1688. London, 1839. 8°. 2082. a. Smith (H. S.) The Parliaments of England from 1st George 1., to the present time. 3 vol. London, 18+4-50. 18°. 2082. a. England and Wales. Parliamentary Gazetteer of England and Wales. 4 vol. London, 1843. 8°. 2059. d ENGLAND — Parliament — continued. Debbbtt (J.) Illustrated House ol Commons [for tho current year] London. 8". '2120. I. Manning (J. A.) Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons. London, 1850. 8°. 2036. a. Rogers (J. E. T.) A complete collec- tion of the Protests of the Lords. Edited bv J. E. T. Rogers. 3 vol. Oxford, 1875. 8°. 2077. cc. Denison (C. M.) and Scott (C. H.) Practice and Procedure of the House of Lords in English, Scotch and Irish Appeal Cases. Loud, m, 1879. 8°. 2017. 1). 8t e also Part i.~ Parliament. [Law and Statutes.] Statutes. Statutes of the Realm. 9 vol. [Record, Commission.'] [London,] 181C-22. fol. Cat. Desk. Alphabetical Index. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1824. fol. Cat. Desk. — Chronological Index. [Record Commission.] [London,] 1828. fol. Cat. Desk. The Statutes. Revised edition. Vol. 1-18, etc. 1235-1876, etc. London, 1870, etc. 8°. Cat. Desk. The Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to (1869). Revised by D. Pickering, (G. K. Richards, etc.) 110 vol. Cambridge; London, 1 762-1869. 8°. 2021. c-g. Chronological Table and Index. 1235-1886. London. H°. Cat. Desk. Collection of sundry Statutes, frequent in use. By P. Pulton. London, t66l. fol. 2017. g. Ciiitty (J.) the Elder. Collection of Statutes, with notes thereon. 6 vol. London. 1883. 8°. 2017. c. ^Ancient Laws and Institutes of Eng- land. [Record Commission.] [Loudon.] 1840. fol. Cat. Desk. Wilkins (O.) Leges Anglo-Saxonica?, ecclesiasticss et civiles. Accednnt Leges Edvardi Latiiue, Gulielmi 1. Gallo-Normannicse, et Hcnrici 1. LatinsB. Subjungilnr II. Spelmanni Codex vet. Statutorum Anglke. Loudon, 1721. tol. 2070. e. Riddell (H... and ROGEBS (.1. W.) Index to the Public Statutes from 9 lien. in. to 10 and 11 Vict. Pt. 1. London, 1848. 8°. 2016. e. RiFiHEAD (O.) Index to the Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to 10th Geo. m. London, 1772. 8°. 2017. a L> C SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND — Law and Statutes — con- tinued. Stamp (G.) Index to the Statute Law of England. Third edition, by J. E. Davis. London, 1862. 8°. 2017. c. Statutes. Index to the Statutes, public and private. (1801 1839.) [London,] 1840. fol. Cat. Desk. (1801-1865.) London, 1867. fol. Cat. Desk. Vardon (T.) Iudex to the Local and Personal and Private Acts ; 1798- 1839. London, 1840. 8°. 2016. e. Bkamwell (G.) Analytical Tables of Private Statutes, 1727-1834. 2 vol. London, 1 813, 1835. 8". 2016. e. Bacon (M.) A new Abridgement of the Law. 8 vol. London, 1832. 8°. 2016. e. Comyns (Sir J.) Digest of the Laws of England. 8 vol. London, 1822. 8°. 2016. e. Lilly (J.) The Practical Register ; or, a General Abridgment of the Law. 2 vol. [London,] 1735. fol. 2017. g. Viner(C) A general Abridgment of Law and Equity. 23 vol. Alder shot, 1742. fol. 2016. g. & 2017. g. Supplement. 6 vol. London, 1799-1806. 8°. 2016. f. Bracton (H. de) De Legibus et con- suetudinibus Anglise. Edited by Sir T. Twiss. Vol. 1-6. London, 1878-83. 8°. 2073. (70.) Broom (H.) Commentaries on the Common Law. London, 1880. 8°. 2017. b. Constitutional Law. London, 1885. 8°. 2016. e. Forsyth (W.) Cases and Opinions on Constitutional Law. London, 1869. 8°. 2016. f. Indermaur (J.) Principles of the Common Law. Fifth edition. London, 1888. 8°. 2019. b. Littleton (Sir T.) The first part of the Institutes of the Laws of Eng- land ; or a Commentary upon Littleton : authore E. Coke, milite. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8°. 2017. c. Reeves (J.) History of the English Law. 3 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2016. d. Smith- (J. W.) Manual of Common Law. London, 1887. 8°. 2019. a. ENGLAND — Law and Statutes — con- tinued. Stephen (H. J.) New Commentaries on the Laws of England. (Partly founded on Blackstone.) 4 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2016. d. Archbold (J. P.) Pleading and Evi- dence in Criminal Cases. London, 1878. 8°. 2019. o. Harris (S. F.) Principles of the Criminal Law. London, 1886. 8°. 2019. c. Mews (J.) Digest of cases relating to Criminal Law from 1756 to 1883. London, 1884. 8°. 2018. d. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Digest of the Criminal Law. London, 1887. 8°. 2019. b. A History of the Criminal La*v of England. 3 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2016. d. Russell (Sir W. O.) Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors. 3 vol. London, 1877. 8°. 2018. f. Paterson (J.) The Liberty of the Press, Speech and Public Worship, being commentaries on the liberty of the subject and the laws of Eng- land. London, 1880. 8°. 2017. a. Burn (R.) Justice of the Peace. 5 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2016. c. Law Reports. Under the superinten- dence of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting. London, 1866, etc. 8°. 2020. a-g, 2021. a-c. Law Times Reports. Index to vols. 1-20. London, [1860-69.] 8°. BB C Digest of Cases. 1865-1880. London, 1869-82. 8°. 2017. e. Smith (J. W.) Selection of Leading Cases on various branches of Law. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2017. e. Year Books op the Reign of Edward I., years 20. 21 ; 21 and 22 ; 30, 31 ; 32, 33, 34, 35. 5 vol. London, 1863-79. 8°. 2073. (31.) [See also Law ; and for works on the Law as to speeinc subjects, see the name of the subject.] [Supreme Court.] Andrews (R. W.) and Stoney (A. B.) The Supreme Court of Judica- ture Acts. London, 1885. 8°. 2018. a. Wilson ( ) Supreme Court of Judi- cature Acts. London, 1887. 8°. 2018. d. SUBJECT-INDEX. 387 ENGLAND— Supreme Court — continued . Lely (J. M.) and FOOLKBS (W. D.I.) Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. The Orders in Council and the Rales of the Supreme Court, 1883. London, 1883. 8°. 2018. a. Archbomo (J. P.) Chitty's Archbold's Practice of the Court of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Ex- chequer Divisions of the High Court of Justice. 2 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2019. b. Chitty (T.) Forms of Practical Pro- ceedings in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Jus- tice. London, 1883. 8°. 2018. b. Coote (H. C.) Coote's Common Form Practice, and Tristram's Conten- tious Practice, etc. London, 1888. 8°. 2018. a. Dale (C. W. M.) and Lehmann (R. C.) Digest of Cases overruled in the English Courts from 175b" to 188t>. London, 1887. 8°. 2018. a. Fisher (R. A.) Digest of the Reported Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Bankruptcy, Probate, Admi- ralty & Divorce, 1750 to 188.-!. 7 vol. London, 1884. S°. 2018. a. Petersdorff (C.) Abridgment of Cases, King's Bench, Common Pleas, Ex- chequer, and at Nisi Prius ; from 16'GO to Mich. Term, 4 Geo. iv. 15 vol. London, 1825-30. 8°. 2017. e. Scott (John) Costs in the High Court of Justice and other Courts. London, 1880. 8°. 2019. c. Selwyn (W.) Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2018. e. Snow (T.) Barrister-at-Law. The Annual Practice. Being a collec- tion of the Statutes, Orders and Rules of the Chancery and Queen's Bench Divisions of the High Court of Justice. By T. Snow, H. Win- stanley. and J. Wal Ion, assisted by T. Clarkson, 18SG-7. (1887-8, etc.) 8". London, 1886, etc. 8°. 2018. b. [Admiralty Division.] Coote (H. C.) Practice of the High Court of Admir.dty of England. London, 1869. 8°. '2018. d. [Chancery.'] Chancery. Caleudar of the proceedings in Chancery in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 3 vol. [Record Com- mission.] [London,] 1827-32. fol. Cat. Desk. ENGLAND— Supreme Covm— Chancer y — continued. Daniel (E. R.) Practice of the High Court of Chancery. 2 vol. London, 1882-84. 8°. 2018. b. Forms and Precedents. London, 1885. 8 °- 2018. b. Moroan (G. O.) and Chute (C. W.) Statutes, General Orders and Rules of Court relating to the Practice, &c, of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. Sixth edition. London, 1876. 8°. 2018. b. [Divorce] Browne (G.) Treatise on the Prin- ciples and Practice of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. London, 1880. 8°. 2017. b. [Probate.] Browne (G.) Browne on the practice and principles of the Court of Probate. Revised and adapted by L. D. Powles. London, 1881. 8". [Equity Division.] Chitty (E.) Index to all the Reported Cases, &c, in Equity and Bank- ruptcy. 4 vol. London, 1883-86. 8°. 2018. b. [Exchequer.] Maoox (T.) History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England. 2 vol. London, 1769. 4°. 2070. c. Thomas (F. S.) The Ancient Ex- chequer of England; the Treasury, etc. London, 1848. 8°. 2083. 'a. Palgrave {Sir ¥.) Antient Kulendars and Inventories of the Treasury of his Majesty's Exchequer. 3 vol. [ Record Commission.] [London,] 1836. 8°. 2069. (.1.) Devon (F.) Issues of the Exchequer: being payments made out of His Majesty's revenue from Hen. m. to Hen. vi. Jjondon, 1837. 4°. 2070. c. Issues of the Exchequer : being payments made out of His Majesty's revenue during the reign of .James 1. (Pell Records.) London, 1836. 4°. 2070. c Jones (E.) Index to Records cal led the Originalia and Memoranda ou the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's side of the Exchequer. 2 vol. London, 1793-95. fob Cat. Desk. 2 c 2 388 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND — Exchequer — continued. Libek Niger Scaccarii. Edidit T. Hearnius. — Wilhelrai Worcestrii Annales Eerum Anglicarum. 2 vol. Oxon., 1728. 8°. 2072. b. Editio altera: accedunt Chart a> Antiqiue, etc. 2 vol. Londini, 17 71. 8°. 2072. b. Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scac- carii temp. Edw. in. [Record Com- mission.'] London, 1807. fol. 2075. e. Testa De Nevill; sive, Liber Feo- dorum in Curia Scaccarii. Temp. Hen. in. and Edw. 1. [Record Commission.'] London, 1807. fol. Cat. Desk. ENGLAND, Church of. [Church History.] Baxter (J. A.) Church History of Eng- land. Londo n, 1849. 8°. 2003. d. Collier (J.) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain. 9 vol. London, 1852. 8° 2003. d. Fuller (T.) Church History of Britain. London, 1655. fol. 2006. c. New edition, by J. S. Brewer. 6 vol. Oxford, 1845. 8 °- 2003. d. Jennings (A. C.) Ecclesia Anglicaua. A history. London, 1882. 8°. 2004. a. Inett (J.) Origines Anglicanre ; or, a history of the English Church till the death of King John. 2 vol. Oxford, 1^. 8°. 2003. d. Beda, the Venerable. Historia Ecclesi- astica. 2 vol. [English Historical Society.] London, 1838-41. 8°. 2071. c. Lingard (J.) History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8 °- 2003. d - Soames (H.) The Anglo-Saxon Church. London, 1844. 8°. 2003. d. The Latin Church during Anglo-Saxon times. London, 1848. 8°. 2003. d. Lechler (G. V.) John Wiclif and his English Precursors. 2 vol. London, 1878. 8°. 2007. b. Netter (T.) Fasciculi Zizaniorum Mag. Jo. Wyclif cum Tritico. London, 1858. 8°. 2073. (5.) Burnet (G.) History of the Reforma- tion of the Church of England. 7 vol. Oxford, 1865. 8°. 2003. e. Fox (J.) Acts and Monuments. 8 vol. London, 1843-49. 8°. 2003. e. Davanzatf Bostichi (B.) Scisma d'lnghilterra. Milano, 1807. 8°. 2041, d. ENGLAND, Church of -Church History— continued. Cardwell (E.) Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of Eng- land, 1546-1716. 2 vol. Oxjord, 1839. 8°. 2003. e. Church History of England, 1580-1688, chieflv with regard to Catholicks. [By C. Dodd.] 3 vol. Brussels, 1737-42. fol. 2006. c. Anderson (James S. M.) History of the Church of England in the Colonies, etc. 3 vol. London, 1845-56. 8°. 2004. a. Gulielmus, Malmesburiensis. De Gestis Pontificum Anglorum libri v. London, 1870. 8°. 2073. (52.) Hook (W. F.) Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. Vol. 1-8. London, 1860-69. 8°. 2039. h. Le Neve (J.) Fasti Ecclesise Angli- canse. 3 vol. Oxford, 1854. 8°. 2004. a. Wharton (H.) Anglia Sacra. 2 vol. Londini, 169 1. fol. 2003. g. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Henr. vm. 6 vol. [Record Commission.] [London, 1810-34.] fol. Cat. Desk. Hunter (J.) Introduction to the Valor Ecclesiasticus of King Hen. vm., etc. [Record Commission.] London, 1834. 8°. 2069. d. Bacon (J.) Liber Regis, vel thesaurus rerum ecclesiastical urn. London, 1786. 4°. 2062. c. Ecclesiastical Commissioners. General IndfX to Orders in Council ratify- ing Schemes of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England (1836 to 1880). 3 vol. London, 1870-75-81. 8°. Cat. Desk. [Articles.] Browne (E. H.) Bishop of Winchester. An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. London, 1887. 8°. 2002. a. Burnet (G.I Bishop of Salisbury. Ex- position of the Thirty-nine Articles. London, 1837. 8°. 2002. b. Hardwick (C.) History of the Articles of Religion. Cambridge, 185 1. 8°. 2003. b [Book of Common Prayer.] Prayer Book. The Book of Common Prayer, March 1549, commonly called the First Book of Edward vi Pickering: London. I 844. fol. 2003. g SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND, Church of— Book of Common Prayer — continued. Pkayek Book. The Book of Common Prayer, printed 1552, commonly called the Second Book of Edward VI. Ficher hui : London, 1844. fol. 2003. g. commonly called the First Book of Queen Elizabeth, printed 1559. l'icher i nn : London, 1844. fol. 2003. g. King James, 1G04, com- monly called the Hampton Court Book. Pickerings London, 1844. fol. 2003. g. as printed at Edinburgh, 1637, commonly called Archbishop Lauds. Vichering: London, 1844. fol. as revised 1602, re- printed from the Sealed Book in the Tower. Vichering: London, 1844. fol. — Fac-Simile of the Black- Letter Prayer-Book [of 1G3G], containing MS. alterations and additions made in 1661, out of which was written the Book of Common Prayer an- nexed to the Act of Uniformity in 1662. London, 1871. fol. 2003. g. — The Annotated Book of Com- mon Prayer. Edited by J. H.Blunt. Enlarged edition. London, 1884. 4°. 2003. g. Cardwell (E.) History of Conferences connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer, 1558- 1690. Oxf. 1840. 8°. 2002. b. Humphry (W. E.) Historical and ex- planatory treatise on the Book of Common Prayer. London, 1856. 8°. 2001. b. Keeling (W.) Liturgiao Britannicaa, or the several editions of the Book of Common Prayer. London, 1 85 I. 8°. 2002. b. See also infra : Ritual and Liturgies. [Canons and Laiv$.~\ GlBSON (E.) Bishop of London. Codex Juris Eccleeiaetici Auglicani. 2 vol. Oxford, ry6r. fol. 2000. g. Fhillimore (Sir E.) Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of England. 2 vol. London, 1873. 8°. 2016. d. Johnson (J.) Collection of the Laws and Canons of the Church of Eng- land to the icign of Henry vm. 2 vol. Oxford, 1850, 51. 8°. 2014. b. ENGLAND, Church of— continued, [Convocation, Councils, and Synods.'} Spelman (Sir H.) Councils and Ec- clesiastical Documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Edited, after Spelman and Wilkins, by A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1869. 8°. 2008. e. Wilkins (D.) Concilia Magna; Britan- nice et Hiberniae. 4 vol. Londini, 1737. fol. 2007. <1. Cardwell (E.) Synodalia: a collec- tion of Articles of Religion, Canons and Proceedings of Convocations, 1547-1717. 2 vol. Oxford, 1842. 8°. 2004. a. Joyce (James W.) English Sacred Synods. London, 1855. 8°. 2004. a Lathbury (T.) History of the Convo- cation of the Church of England. London, 1853. 8°. "2004. a. Overall (J.) Bishop of Norwich. The Convocation Book of J 606. Oxford, 1844. 8°. 2014. c Wake (W.) The State of the Church and Clergy of England iu their Councils, Synods, etc. London, 1703. fol. 2004. g. [Homilies.'] Homilies, Booh of. Certain Sermons appointed to be read in Churches. Cambridge, 1850. 8°. 2002. a. [Ritual and Liturgies.] Bailey (H.) Rituale Anglo-Catholicon. Londini, 1847. 8°. 2002. b. Bates (W.) College Lectures on Chris- tian Antiquities and the Ritual of the English Church. London, 1845. 8°. 2001. b. Hierirgia. HierurgiaAnglicana. Edited by Members of the Ecclesiological Society. London, 1848. 8". 2002. b Maskell (W.) Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England. Oxford, 1882. 8°. 2002. b. Monumcnta Ritualia Ecclesia; Anglicans. 3 vol. Oxford, 1882. 8°. 2002. b. Palmer (W.) Origiues Liturgies; or, Antiquities of the English Ri- tual. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8". 2002. b Service Books. A list of printed Ser- vice Books according to the ancient uses of the Anglican Church. London, [185^.] 8". BB. A 390 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLAND, Church of— Ritual and Litur- gies — continued. Frere (E.) Des Livres de Liturgic des Egliscs d'Angietcrre, im primes a Rouen dans les xv° et xvi c biecles. Rouen, 1867. 8°. BB. A. \_Miscellaneous.~\ England, Church of. The Official Year-Book of the Church of Eng- land. 1887. London, etc. 8°. 2121. d. Year-Book of the Church. Edited by 0. Mackesou. London. 8°. 2121. d. Murray's Official Handbook of Church and State. Loudon, 1855. 8°. 2121. b. Clergy List, [for the current year.] London. 8°. 2121. e. Crockford's Clerical Directory [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2121. e. Cattermole (R.) The Literature of the Church of England, indicated in selections from the writings of eminent Divines, etc. 2 vol. London, 1844- 8°. 2011. b. Crakanthorp (R.) Defensio Ecclesise Anglican*. Oxonix, 1847. 8°. 2014. b. Pecock (R.) Bishop of Chichester. The Repressor of over much blaming of the Clergy. 2 vol. London, i860. 8°. 2073. (19.) ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Johnson (S.) Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vol. London, 1755. fol. 2113. f. With corrections and additions by H. J. Todd. Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1827. 4°. 2112. f. By R. G. Latham. 2 vol. (in 4 pt.) London, 1866-70. 4°. 2112. f. Murray (J. A. H.) A New English Dictionary founded on the materials collected by the Philological So- ciety. Vol. 1, etc. Oxford, 1884, etc. 4°. 2112. e. Ogilvie (J.) Imperial Dictionary. 4 vol. Glasgow, 1882-83. 8°. 2112. g. Sheridan (T.) General Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vol. London, 1780. 4°. 2112. g. Walker (John) Pronouncing Dic- tionary. London, 1846. 8°. 2112. b. ENGLISH LANGUAGE— continued. Webster (N.) Complete Dictionary of the English Language. London, 1883. 4°. 2112. f. Worcester (J. E.) A dictionary of the English Language. Philadelphia, 1887. 4°. 2112. f. Wright (T.) Universal Pronouncing Dictionary, and General Expositor of the English language. 5 vol., aud plates. London and New York, 1852-56. 8°. 2112. e. Stratmann (F. H.) Dictionary of the Old English Language. Krefeld, 1878-81. 4°. 2112. c. Halhwell Phillips (J. O.) Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. 2 vol. London, 1850. 8°. 2112. c. Nares (R.) Glossary of Words in the works of English Authors, particu- larly Shakespeare and his con- temporaries. London, 1822. 4°. 2112. g. New edition, by J. 0- Halliwell and T. Wright. 2 vol. London, 1859. 8°. 2112. b. Suakspeue (W.) Shakespeare-Lexicon. By A. Schmidt. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2046. g. Cotgrave (R.) French-English Dic- tionary ; with the animadversions and supplements of J. Howell. London, 1650. fol. 2117. e. Bailey (N.) Dictionarium Britannieum. A comphat Etymological English Dictionary. London, 1736. fol. 2112. d. Chambers (W.) and (R.) Etymological Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. London, 1882. 8°. 2112. b. Skeat (W. W.) Etymological Dic- tionary of the English Language. Oxford, 1884. 4°. 2112. f. Slang Dictionary : etymological, his- torical and anecdotal. London, 1874. 8°. 2112. b. Wedgwood (H.) Dictionary of English Etymology. London, 1872. 8°. 2112. c. Crabb (G.) English Synonymes ex- plained. London, 1859. 8°. 2112. c, ROGET (J. L.) Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. London, 1883. 8°. 2112. b. SUBJECT-INDEX. 3«1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE— continued. Adams (E.) Elements of the English Langu ige. London, J 880. 8°. 2112. b. Maetznek (E.) An English Grammar. Translated from the German. :5 vol. London, 1874. 8°. 2112. c. Mi-bray (L.) English Grammar. 2 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2112. c. Ckaik (G. I,.) History of English Liti rature and of the English Lan- guage, from the Norman conquest. London, 1864, 8". 2044. d. Latham (R. G.) The English Lan- guage. London, 1862. 8". 2112. c. Marsh (G. P.) Lectures on the English language. New York, London, 1863. S". 2112. e. Origin and History of the English language. London, 1862. 8°. 2112. c. [Dialects.] English Dialect Society. Biblio- graphical List of works illustrative of the various dialects of English. London, 1877. 8°. BB. T. Smith (J. R.) Bibliographical List of the Works that have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England. London, 1839. 8°. 2117. a. Axon (W. E. A.) Bibliographical list of Books illustrating the Lancashire dialect. Bungay, 1875. 8°. BB. T. ENGLISH LITERATURE. . Adams (W. D.) Dictionary of English Literature. London, [1878.] 4°. 2044. a. • Ckaik (G. L.) History of English Literature and of the English Lan- guage, from the Norman conquest. London, 1864. 8°. 2044. d. ; Chambers (R.) Cyclopaedia of English Literature. 2 vol. London & Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. 2044. f. Spalding (W.) History of English Literature. Eleventh edition, con- tinued to 1870. Edinburgh, 1870. 12°. 2045. a. Taine (H. A.) History of English Literature. 4 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2044. b. Warton (T.) History of English Poetry. [Edited by P. Taylor.] 3 vol. London, 1840. 8°. 2047. a - History of English Poetry. Edited by W C ila/litt I vol. ' London, 18 71. 8 n . 2046. g ENGLISH LITERATURE— oontin ucd. Eitson (J.) Bibliographia Poetiea: a catalogue of English Poets of the twelfth to sixteenth centuries, with a short account of their works. London, 1802. 8". BB. G. Tanner (T.) Bidwp 0/ St. Asai>h. Bibliotheca Britaunico-Hiberuica. Londini, 1748. fol. 2037. g. Morley (H.) English Writers. Vol. 1, Vol. 2, pt. 1. London, 1864-67. 8°. 2044. a. Bell (R.) Eminent English Poels. 2 vol. London, 1839. 8°. 2103. e. 1 Coleridge (S. T.) Biographia Lite- raria. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2039. a Nichols (J.) Illustrations of the Lito- r»ry History of the Eighteenth Century. 8 vol. London, 1817-58. 8°. 2035. e. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. 9 vol. [In- dexes in 7th vol.] London, 1 8 12-15. 8°. 2035. e. Relss (J. D.) Alphabetical Register of all the Authors living in Great Britain & Ireland. With a catalogue of their publications. 1770-lK). Supplement and continuation, 17'JU- 1803. 2 pt. in 3. London, 1 791-1804. 8°. 2049. bb. Great Britain. Literary Memoirs of Living Authors of Great Britain, including a list of their Works, tic. 2 vol. London, 1798. 8°. 2049. bb. Biographical Dictionary of Liv- ing Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1816. 8°. 2039. d Walpole (H.) Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. By T. Park. 5 vol. London, 18&6. 8°. 2036. b. Guest (E.) History of English Rhythms. New edition by W. W. Skeat. London, 1882. 8". 2112. c Anderson (It.) M.D. Poets of Great Britain. 13 vol. London, 1793, 93, 94. 8°. 2046. g Chalmers (A.) Works of the English Pints, from Chaucer to Cowper. 21 vol. London, 1810. 8°. 2047. f-h. Camihell (T.) Specimens of the British Pouts. London, 1841. 8°. 2046. g Ward (T. H.) The English Poets Selections, with critical introduc- tions by various writers. London, \66o. 8°. 2041 a 392 SUBJECT-INDEX. ENGLISH LITERATURE— continued. Weight (T.) T..e Anglo-Latin Sa- tirical Poete and IfipigrammatiBts oi' the Twelfth Century. Edited by T. Wright. 2 vol. London, 1872. 8°. 2073. (59.) * British Essayists. With Prefaces by A. Chalmers. 38 vol. London, 1823. 12°. 2043. a. Modern British Essayists. 8 vol. Philadelphia, 1848-50. 8". 2045. d. Novelist's Library. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott.-] 10 vol. Ballantyne : Edinburgh, 1821-24, 8°. 2044. e. Allibone (S. A.) Dictionary of Eng- lish Literature and Biitish and American Authors. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1859, 71. 8°. 2050. f. Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition, by H. G. Bohn. 6 vol. (in 11 pt.) London, 1857-64. 8°. 2050. a. Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Britaunica. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1824. 4°. BB. R. Another copy. Cat. Desk. Stationers' Company. Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London; 1554-1040. Edited by E. Arber. Vol. 1-4. London, 1875-77. 4°. 2048. f. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, a descrip- tive catalogue of a rare collection of old English poetry. [By A. F. Griffiths.] London, 1815. 8°. BB. G. . British Museum. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British Museum, printed in England, Scot- land, and Ireland, and of English Books printed abroad to the year 1610. 3 vol. London, 1884. 8°. Cat. Desk. . Brydges (Sir S. E.) Ceusura Literaria. Containing titles, abstracts and opinions of old English books. 10 vol. London, 1805-9. 8°. 2049. aa. Collier (J. P.) Bibliographical and critical Account of the rarest books in the English Language. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2048. c. , Cobber (T.) Colli ctanea Anglo-Poetica. 11 pt. Manchester, 1860-83. 2048. c. Hazlitt (W. C.) Hand-Book to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain, from the invention of printing' to the Restoration. London, 1867. 8°. 2048. b, ENGLISH LITEB.ATVRE— continued. Hazlitt (W. C.) Collections and Notes, 1807-1876. London, 1876. 8°. 2048. b. Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes. L. P. London, 1882. 8°. 2048. b. Third and final series of Biblio- graphical Collections and Notes 011 Early English Literature, 1474- 1700. London, 1887. 8°. 2048. b. Maitland (S. R.) Index of English Books printed before 1600 in the Library at Lambeth. London, 1845. 8°. 2048. c. Sinker (R.) Catalogue of the English books printed before 1600 now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1885. 8°. 2049. bb. Oxford University. Bodleian Library. Catalogue of early English Poetry, collected by E. Maloue, now in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1836. fol. Cat. Desk. Maunsell (A.) First (Secoiide) part of the Catalogue of English Printed books. London, 1595. fol. 2050. f. Clavel (R.) General Catalogue of Books printed from 1666 to 1674. London, 1675. fol. 2050. f. London Catalogue. General catalogue of books published in London from the year 1700-1786. Bent: London, 1786. 8°. Cat. Desk. London catalogue of books cor- rected to August 1811. Bent : Loudon, 1 8 1 1 . 8°. London Catalogue Cat. Desk. of Books, 1810 to Feb. 1831. Bent: London, 183 r. 8°. Cat. Desk. IS 14 to Dec. 1834. Bent: London, 1855- 8°. Cat. Desk. 1814 to 1839. Bent : London, 1859. 8°. Cat. Desk. 1814 to 1846. Hodgson: London, 1846. 8°. Cat. Desk. Classified Index, 1814 to 1846. Hodgson: London, 1848. 8°. Cat. Desk. Supplement to the London Catalogue, 1846 to 1849 ; including a Classified Index. Hddgson i Loudon, 1849. 8°. Cat. Desk. London Catalogue of Books, 1816 to 1851. Hodiison: London, 1851. 8°. Cat. Desk. Classified Index, 18l6to 1851. Hodgson : London, 1853. 8°. Cat. Desk. SIJIUECT-INDEX. 393 ENGLISH LITEEATOTHB— continued. London Catalogue. London Catalogue pf Books, 1831 to 1855. Hodgson : London, 1855. 8°. Cat. Desk. Low (S.) British Catalogue; Oct. 18iJ7 to Deo. 1852. £oncto», 1853. 8". Cat. Desk. Index to the British Catalogue, vol. 1, 1837-57; vol. 2, 1850-70; vol. 3, 1874-80. London, 1834, eta. 8". Cat. Desk. English Catalogue of Books published from January, 1835 [to tne current year]. London, 1864, etc. 8°. Cat. Desk. ENGRAVING. Cratet- DuPLESSIS (G.) Essai de Biblio- graphie dee outrages relatifs a l'histoire de la Gravure et des Graveurs. Paris. 1862. 8°. BB. G. On ley (W. Y.) History of Engraving. 2 vol. London, 1816. 4 U . 2031. g. Jackson (J.) Treatise on Wood En- graving. The Historical portion l»y VV. A. Chatto. London, 1861. 8°. 2032. f. Heinecken (C. H. von) Idee generate d'une colleeiiou oomplette d'Es- tanipes. Leipsic et Vienne, 1771. 8°. 2033. g. Bartsch (A.) Le Peintre Graveur. 21 vol. Vienne, 1803-21. 8°. 2033. c. d. Bryan (M.) Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. London, 1849- 8°. 2031. d Strutt (J.) Biographical Dictionary of Engravers. 2 vol. Loudon, 1785,86. 4°. 2032. f. Bewick (T.) & (J.) Catalogue of woiks illustrated by T. and J. Bewick. London, 1851. 8°. BB. G. Someren (J. F. van) Essai d'une Biblio- graphic de l'hi.-toire specialo de la Peinture et de la Gravure en Hol- lande et en Belgique. [1500-1875.] Amsterdam, 1882. 8°. BB. G. Fiorillo (J. D.) Gescliiolite der zeich- nenden Kiinste in Deutscliland und den vereinigten Niederlanden. 4 vol. Hannover, 1815-20. 8°. 2033. b. Bromley (H.) Catalogue of Engraved Britit,h Portraits. London, 1793= 4". 2032. f. Heinkcken (C. II. von) Dictionnaire des Artistes dont nous avons des Estampes, etc. 4 vol. [Aa— Drz. No more published.] Leipzig, 1778-90. 8". 2033. g. ENTOMOLOGY. JIaokn (II. A.) Bibliohica Eulomo- logica. 2 vol. Leiwig, 1862, 63; 8". BB. E. Kiur.Y (W'.) and Bpbnok (W.) Intro- duction to Entomology. London, 1856. 8". 2027. d. Packaud (A. S.) Guide to the Study oflnsicts. New York, 1878. 8°. 2027. <■. Swainson (W.) and SHTJOKABD (W. E.) Insects. London, 1840. 8°. 2103. f. Westwood (J. O.) Introduction to the modi rn Classification of Insects. 2 vol. London, 1839, 40. 8°. 2027. e. ENT0M0STRACA. Baihd (VV.) Natural history of the British Entomostraca. London, 1859. 8°. 2027. d. EPHESTJS. Wood (J. T ) Discoveries at Ephcsus. London, 1877. 8°. 2031. d. EQUITY. Snell (E. H. T.) Principles of Equity. London, 1887. 8°. 2019. b. Story (J.) Commentaries on Equity Jurisprndc nee. First English edi- tion, by W. E. Giigsby. London, 1884. 8". 2018. e. White (F. T.) and Tudor (O. D.) A Selection of Leading Cases in Equity. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2018. d. ESCHAT0L0GY. Abbot (E.) The literature of the Doc- trine of a Future Life. New York, 1871. 8". BB. A. Morant (P.) History of Essex. 2 vol. London, 1768. fol. 2066. e. Wright (T.) History of Essex. 2 vol. London, 1831-35. 4°. 2065. c. ESTH0NIA. Hecke (J. F. von) and Naviehsky (C. E.) Allgemeines Sohrittsteller und Geiehrten-Lexikon der Provinzen Livland, Esthland und Kurland. 4 vol. Mitau, 1827-32. 8°. 2038. d. ^TAMPES. Pinson (P.) Essai de Bibliographic Etampoiso. Paris, 1873. 8°. BB. K. ETHICS. Spencer (II.) The Dita of Ethics. London, 1879. 8°. 2023. b. Maurice (F. D.) Moral and Meta- physical Philosophy. — Ancient Philosophy. London, 1850. 8°. 394 SUBJECT-INDEX. ETHICS — continued. Whkwell (W.) Lectures on the His- tory of Moral Philosophy in Eng- land. London, 1852. 8". 2023. a. Harless (G. C. A. von) System of Christian Ethics. Edinburgh, 1868. 8". 2014. g. Maktensen (H. L.) Christian Ethics. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°. 2014. h. Special Part. Vol. 1 : Indi- vidual Ethics. Vol. 2 : Social Ethics. Edinburgh, 1881-82. 8°. 2015. a. See also Part I. : Aristotle, and France. —IuxtituL—Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. ETHIOPIANS. Heeekn (A. H. L ) senrches into the course and Trade giuians, Ethiopians 2 vol. Oxford, 183 Wright (W.) Catalog Manuscripts in the acquired since 1847 London, 1877. •4°. Historical Re- Politics, Inter- of the Cartha- , and Egyptians. 2. 8°. 2067. a. ue of Ethiopic British Museum Cat. Desk. ETHNOGRAPHY. Stanfohd (E.) Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel, based on Hellwald'a Die Erde mid ihre Volker. vol. London, 1882-85. 2060. a. Brown (Robert) The Peoples of the Worhl. London, [188 1, etc.'] 8°. 2028. f. Chisholm (G. G.) The World as it is. London, 1885. 4°. 2058. b. Globus. lllustrirte Zeitschnft fur Lander- und Volkeikunde. Eildburghausen, 1862, etc. 4°. J 2060. c. Niebuhr (B. G.) Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and Geography. Translated by L. Schmitz. 2 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2058. b. ETON COLLEGE. Ackermann (R.) History of the Col- leges of Winchester, Eton, etc. London. 1816. 4°. 2064. e. Harwood (T.) Alumni Etonenses. Birmingham, 1797- 4 °- 2035, 8- ETRURIA. Dennis (G.) The Cities aud Cemeteries of Etruria. 2 vol. London, 1878. 8°. 2031. d. EUROPE. Heeben (A. II. L) and Ukebt (*. A.) GeBchichte der Europaisohen Staa- ten. Hamburg, Gotha, 18:9, etc. 8°. 2068. a-c EUROPE — continued. Heeren (A. H. L.) Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies. Trans- lated, etc. Oxford, 1834. 8°. 2067. a. Dreux du Radier (J. F.) L'Europe illustre, coutenant l'Histoire ab- re'gee des Souverains, des Princes, etc. 6 vol. 1'uris, 1777. 4°. 2034. h. Dunham (J. A.) Europe during the Middle Ages. 4 vol. London, 1833, $4. 8°. 2103. c. Hallam (H.) Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vol. London, 1853. 8 U . 2070. b. Dyer (T. H.) Modern Europe. 5 vol. London, 1877. 8°. 2083. a. Koch (C. W.) and Schoell (M. S. F.) Histoire abre'ge'e des Trade's de Taix entre les Puissances de 1' Europe, depuis la Paix de Westphalie, etc. 15 vol. Paris, 1817, 18. 8°. 2085. b. Alison (Sir A.) Bart. History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution to 1815. 14 vol. Edinburgh, 1853, 59. 8°. 2070. a. History of Europe from 1815 to 1852. 8 vol. and Index. Edinburgh, 1853-59. 8°. 2070. a-b. Hertslet (L.) The Map of Europe by Treaty, showing the political and territorial changes since the peace of 1814. 3 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2070. b. Freeman (E. A.) Historical Geography ot Europe. 2 vol. London, 1882. 8°. 2058. b. Stanford (E.) Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.— Europe. By F. W. Rudler aud G. C. Chis- holm. London, 1882-85. 8°. 2060. a. Stockdale (J.) Map of Europe. London, 1808. fol. 2060. e. Hallam (H.) Introduction to the Literature of Europe. 3 vol. London, 1814- 8°. 2044. c. Longfellow (H. W.) The Poets and Poetry of Europe. London, New York, 1855. 8°. 2046. f. EVESHAM. May (G.) History of Evesham. Evesham, 1845. 8°. 2062. a EVIDENCE.— Law of. Best (W. M.) Principles or the Law of Evidence. London, 1875 8". 2017. b SUBJECT-INDEX. 395 EVIDENCE— Law of-^conUnued. Bobcob (II.) Buecoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence on the trial of Actions ut Nisi Prints. 2 vol. London, 1884. 8°. 2017. d. Taylor (John P.) Law of Evidence;. 2 vol. London, 1884. 8°. 2017. b. Dickson (W. G.) Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Scotland. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2017. b. EVOLUTION. Dakwin (0. R.) Origin of Species. 2 vol. London, 1888. 8°. 2029. e. Variation of Animals and Plants nndet Domestication. 2 vol. London, 1868. 8°. 2029. f. EXAMINATIONS. Potts (B.) Cambridge Scholarships and Examinations. London, 1883. S°. 2121. b. Dublin University. Dublin Exami- nation Papers, briny; a supplement to the calendar for 1883-80. Dublin. 8°. 2121. c. EXCHANGE. Kelly (P.) Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. 2 vol. London, 1835. 4°. 2023. h. Tate (W.) Tate's Modern Cambist. London, 1887. 8°. 2022. d. EXCISE, Law of. Bell (J.) Laws of Excise. London, 1873. 8°. 2018. d. Hamel (F. J.) Laws of the Customs. London, 1876. 8°. 2019. a. F. FAROE ISLANDS. Iceland. Account of Iceland, Green- land and the Faroe Islands. Edinburgh, 1840. 12°. 2103. g. FAUST LEGEND. Engel (C. D. L.) Zusammenstellntig der Faust Sehriften vom 10. Jahr- hunderto bis Mitte 1S84. Oldenburg, 1885. 8°. 2049. aa. Peteb (F.) Die Literatur der Faust- sage systematise] 1 zusaimneng< sfellt. Leipzig, 1857. 8°. BB. G. FERNS. Hooker (Sir W. J.) British Ferns. London, 1861. 8°. 2029. d. and Baker (J. G.) Synopsis Filicum. London, 1874. 8°. 2029. a. FERRARA. Antonelli ((«.) Saggio di una biblio- grafia storica Ferrarese. Ferrara, 1851. 8°. BB. K. FERRARA— continued. Barukealdi (G.) Vite de' Pittori e Scultori Ferransi. 2 vol. Ferrara, 1844-46- 8". 2032. d. FICTION. Boston Public Library. Class List for English Proso Fiction. Boston [Jtfas*.], 1877. 8". BB. G. New York. — Mercantile Library. Find- ing List of French Prose Fiction. Neio York, 1888. 8°. BB. G. FINLAND. Mioiiell (T.) Handbook for Travellers in Russia, Poland, and Finland. London, 1880. 2057. a. FINNISH LITERATURE. Vasenius (V.) La Literature Finnoise 1544-1877. (Supplement 1, 1878- 79.) llehingifra, 1878-80. 8". 2049. aa. FISH AND FISHING. Bosgoed (D. M.) Bibliotheca Ichthy- ologii-a et Piscatoria. Haarlem, 1874. 8°. BB. E. Smith (John R.) Bibliographical Cata- logue of English Writers on Angling and Ichthyology. London, 1836. 12°. 2050. b. West wood (T.) and Satchell (T.) Bibliotheca Piscatoria. London, 1883. 4°. BB. E. Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D. dc) Baron, and Valenciennes (A.) Histoire natu- relle des Poissons. 22 vol. Paris, 1828-49. 8°. 2029. f. Guenther (A. C. L. G.) An introduc- tion to the study of Fishes. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. 2028. c. Swainson (W.) Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles. 2 vol. London. 1838, 39. 8". 2103. f. Yarrell (W.) History of British Fishes. 2 vol. London, 1859. 8°. 2027. 0. FIXTURES, Law of Amos (A.) and Ferard (J.) Law of Fixtures. London, 1883. 8°. 2017. I). FLORENCE. Negri ((J.) Scrittori Fiorentini. Ferrara, 1722. fol. 2037. t. Segni (B.) Storie Fiorcntine. 3 vol. Milano, 1805. 8°. 2041. 0. Varchi(B.) Storia Fiorentiua. 5 vol. Milano, 1803-04. 8°. 2041. c. Villani (G.) Istorie Florentine. 8 vol. Milano, 1802, 03. 8°. 2041. a FOOD. Chevallier (A.) and Baidkimont (E.) Dictionuairc des alterations et falsi- fications des substances alimon taires. Paris, 1878. 8°. 2027. c 396 SUBJECT-INDEX. FOOD— continued. Hassall (A. H.) Food and its adultera- tions. London, 1870. 8°. 2027. c. FORESTRY. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliothek der Forst- uud Jagd-Wissenschaft. Leipzig, 1845. 8°. BB. E. Selby (P. J.) History of British Forest Trees. London, 1842. 8°. 2029. c. FOSSILS. See Paleontology. FRANCE. [History.'] France. Ee'pertoire des Travaux his- toiiques eonfenant l'analy»e des publications faites sur l'histoire de France. Paris, 1882, etc. 8°. BB. M. France. — Bibliotheque Nationals. Ca- talogue de l'Histoire de France. (Livres imprimes.) Vol. 1-13. Paris, 1855, etc. 4°. Cat. Desk. Fkanklin (A.) Les Sources de l'His- toire de France. Paris, 1877. 8°. BB. M. Gikailt (P. A. E.) de Saint-Fargeau. Bibliographic bistorique tt topo- graphique de la France, etc. Paris, 1845. 8°. BB. K. Belong (J.) Bibliotheque Historique de la France. Nouvelle edition, auginente'e par Fevret de Fontette. 5 vol. Paris, 1768-78. fol. Cat. Desk. Michel (F.) Rapports sur les anciens monuments de l'Histoire et de la Eitte'rature de la France, qui so trouvent dans les Bibliotheques de l'Angleterre et de l'Ecotse. Paris, 1838. 4°. 2048. g. Monod (G.) Bibliographic de l'histoire de France. Paris, 1888. 8°. BB. M. France. Collection de Documents Ine'dits sur l'Histoire de France, publics par onire du Roi et par les wins du Ministre de llnstruction Publique. 124 vol. Paris, 1835-69. 4°. 2082. c-g, 2. c-g. [For the Contents of this Collection, see Part I.] Bouquet (M.) Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la Franco. 23 vol. Paris, 1738-1876. fol. Cat. Desk. Deluit (J.) Collection ge'nerale des Documents qui se trouvent en Angleterre. Vol. 1. Paris, 1847. 8". 2084. f FRANCE— History— continued. Duchesne (A.) Hi&toriae Fraucorum Scriptorts. 5 vol. Lutet. Par., 1636-49. fol. Cat. Desk. Montfaucon (B. de) Ees Monumens de la Monarchie Franchise. 5 vol. Paris, 1729-33. fol. Cat. Desk. Pantheon Eitteraire. [Chroniques et Memoires. 18 vol.] Paris, 1835-58. 8°. 2043. c-d. Chretien Balanne (M. B.) Diction- naire historique de la France. Paris, 1872. 8°. 2035. h. Expilly (J. J.) Dictionnaire geogra- phique, historique et politique des Gaules et de la France. 6 vol. [A-S.] Paris, 1762-70. fol. Cat. Desk. Anquetil (B. P.) Histoire de France. 2 vol. (Continuation, par Gallois, 2 vol ) Paris, 1837. 8°. 2043. e. Crowe (E. E.) History of France. 3 vol. London, 1830, 31. 8°. 2103. d. [New edition, enlarged.] 5 vol. London, 1858-68. 8°. 2085. b. Martin (B. B. H.) Histoire de France. 17 torn. Paris, 1878. 8°. 2083. d. Michelet (J.) Histoire de France. Paris, [1876, 78.] 8°. 2083. b. Schmidt (E. A.) Geschichte von Frankreicli. 4 vol. Hamlmrg, 1835-48. 8°. 2068. b. Simonde de Sismondi (J. C. B.) His- toire des Francais. 31 vol. Paris, 1821-44. 8°. 2083. c. Henault (C. J. F.) Nouvel Abre'ge' chrounlo^ique de l'Histoire de France depths Clovis jusqu'a la mort de Botiis xiv. [1715.] Paris, 1768. 4°. 2084. f. Eudes de Mezeray (F.) Histoire de France, depuis Faramond jusquau regne de Bouis le Juste. 3 vol. Paris, 1685. fol. Cat. Desk. Davila (E C.) Dell' Istoria delle Guerre Civili di Francia. G vol. Milano, 1807. 8°. 2041. f. Monstrelet (B. de) Chroniques. 3 vol. Pans, 1595. fol. 2078. e. Fboissabt (J.) Chronicles of England, France, etc. Translated by T. Johnes. 5 vol. Hafod Press, 18-^3-10. 4". 2071. g. Chronicles. Translated by John Bouichier, Bord Berners. 2 vol. London, 1812. 8". 2071. g. Canaye (P ) N igneur <1< Frcsne. Bettres et Ambassade. 3 vol. Paris, 1635-36. fol. 2048. g. SUBJECT-INDEX. .397 FRANCE— History^— continued. GlJEREL DE TOUQTJEVILLE (C. A. H. M. de) Count. L'Ancien Regime ct la Revolution. Paris, 1857. 8°. 2083. u. Histoire philosophique da regno de Louis xv. Paris, 1847. 8°. 2083. d. Coup d'ooil sur le regno de Louis xvi. jusqu'a la seance royale du 23 juin 1789. Paris, [1850]. 8°. 2083. a. Martin (B. L. H.) Histoire do Fiance depuis 1789 jusqu'a nos joins. 5 torn. Paris, 1878-81. 8°. 2083. d. Desciiiens ( ) Collection de mate- riaux pour l'histoire de la Revolu- tion do France. Bibliographic des Journaux. Paris, 1829. 8°. BB. M. La Bedoyere ( ) Count, Descrip- tion de la collection de feu M. le Comte de la Bedoyere snr la Re- volution francaise, l'Empire et la Restauratiou. Paris, 18O2. 8°. BB. M. France. Revue chronologique de l'His- toire de France, 1787-1818. [By the Abbe' de Montgaillard.] Paris, 1823. 8°. 2084. a. Smyth (William) On the French Revolution. Cambridge, 1840. 8°. 2083. b. Thiers (L. A.) Histoire de la Revolu- tion Francaise. 2 vol. With atlas. Paris, 1880-82. 4°&8°. 2084. f. History of the French Revolu- tion. Translated. 5 vol. London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2083. d. Histoire du Cousulat (Histoire de 1' Empire). Edition illustree. 5 torn. With atlas. Paris, 1878-83. 4°. 2084. f. Wachsmlth (W.) Geschiclite Frank- reiclis im Revolutions-Zeitalter. Hamburg, 1840-44. 8°. 2068. b. Brugieue de Barante (A. G. P.) His- toire du Directoire de la Republique Francaise. 3 vol. Paris, 1855. 8°. 2084. d. Gernond de Lavigne (A.) Les Pam- phlets de la Fin de l'Empire, des Cent Jours et de la Restau ration, 1184-1817. Paris, 1879. 12°. BB. M. Hillebkand (C.) Geschiclite Frank- reichs von der Thronbesteigung Louis Philipp's bis zum Falle Napoleon's 11. 2 vol. Gotha, 1877-79. 8°. 2068. b. Maillard (F.) Les Publications de la Rue pendant le siege et la Com- mune. Paris, 1874. 8". BB. M. FRANCE— ronti nurd. [Administration,'] Block (M.) Dictionnaire de l'adminis- t ration francaise, etc. Paris, 1856. 8°. 2103. i. [ArohsBolngy.] See Part I.— France. — Institut.— Academic des Inscriptions et Utiles Lettres. [Church.] Gvettee (R. F. W.) Histoire de rEglise de France. 12 vol. Paris, i«4-7-5 r >- 8°- 2004. d. Sainte-Marthe (D. de) Gallia Chris- tiana. Vol. L-1G. Lidetix Paris. 1 715-1865. fol. 2004. g. France. Privileges accordes a la C«»u- ronne de France parle Saint-Siege. Paris, 1855. 4°. 2083. o. [Codes.] France. Les Codes annote's de Sirey. 4 vol. Paris, 1847-66. 4°. 2017. g. Tripter (L.) Les Codes Francais. Paris, 1888. 8°. 2018. a. Leger-Jourdan (A. J.) and othehs. Recueil general des anciennes Lois Franchises, depuiB 420 jusqu'a 1789. 28 vol. [and Table]. Pans, [1 82:-] 1 833. 8°. 2017. a. [Colonies.] Levasseur (E.) La France avec ses Colonies. Paris, 1879. 8". 2059. a. Santini ( ) Dictionnaire General des Communes de France et des Colo- nies. Paris, [1879.] 8°. 2059. a. ^Finances."] Bailly (A.) Histoire financiere de la France. Paris, 1830. 8°. 2083. a. [Learned Societies.] Lefevre-Pontalis (E.) Bibliographie des Soeietes Savantes de la France. Paris, 1887. 4°. 2097. c. [Noblesse.] AVBERT DE LA ClIENAYE DES BOIS (F. A.) Dictionnaire de la Noblesse. (Recueil des Genealogies.) l. r > vol. Parts, 1770-B6 4°. " 2118. f. 398 SUBJECT-INDEX. FRANCE — Noblesse— continued. Bachelin-Deflorenne (A.) Etat pre- sent de la Noblesse Francaise, contenant le dictionnaire de la Noblesse conteinporaine. Qua- trieine edition. Paris, 1873. 8°. 2118. f. See also Heraldry and Genealogy. [Topography."] France. Handbook for Travellers in Fiance. London, 1882-84. 8°. 2057. a. Post Office. Diclionnaire des Postes de la Re'publique Francaise. Sixieine e'dition. Rennes, 1881. 4°. 2060. b. Fremin (A. R.) and Donnet (A.) Atlas geogr.iphique et statistique de la France. Paris, 1877. fol. 2060. g. GiRAt'LT (P. A. E.) de Saint-Fargeau. Bibliugraphie historique et topo- graph i que de la France. Parte, 1845. 8°. BB. K. Joanne (A.) Dictionnaire geograpbique administratif de la France. Paris, i860. 8°. 2060. b. Santini ( ) Dictionnaire Ge'ne'ral des Communes de France et des Colo- nies. Paris, [1879]. 8°. 2059. a. FRANCISCANS. Dionigi, da Genova. Bibliotheca Scrip- torum ordinis minorum S. Francisci Capucinorum. Genum, 1691. fol. 2008. f. Joannes, a Sancto Antonio. Biblio- theca Universa Franciscana. 3 torn. Matriti, 1732-33. fol. 2008. f. Wadding (L.) Scriptores Ordinis Minorum. Bonne, 1806. fol. . Snpplementum et Castigatio ad Scriptores trium ordinum S. Fran- cisci, opus posthumum J. H. Sbaralse. Eomie, 1806. fol. 2008. g. Franciscans. Monumcnta Franciscana. 2 vol. London, 1858, 1882. 4°. 2073. (4.) FREEMASONRY. Cowans (W.) Catalogue of books on Freemasonry. New York, 1858. 8°. BB. A. IIemsworth (H. W.) Catalogue of tlie Books in the Library at Freemasons' Hall, London. London, [ ]. 8°. BB. A. Kloss (G.) Bibliographie dcr Frei- maurerei. Franlij'urt-am-Main, 1844. 8°. BB. A. FREEMASONRY— continued. Findel (J. G.) Meine Maureriscbe Biicher-Siimmhing. Ein Nachtrag zu G. Kloss. Leipzig, 1866. 8°. BB. A. FRENCH LANGUAGE. France. — Institut. — Academie Fran- caise. Dictionnaire de 1' Academie Franchise. 2 vol. Paris, 1878. 8°. 2117. b. Abrege' du Dictionnaire de l'Acade'mie Fraii9aise. Par P. Lorain. 2 vol. Paris, 1838. 8°. 2043. g. Bescherelle (L. N.) Dictionnnire national de la langue franchise. 2 vol. Paris, 1857. 4°. 2117. c. Boiste (P. C. V.) Dictionnaire uni- versel de la langue Francaise. BruxeUes, 1840. 4°. 2117. b. Landais (N.) Grand Dictionnaire, ge'ne'ral et grammatical, des Die- tionnaires Francais. 2 vol. Paris, 1854. 4°. _ 2117. c. Littre (E.) Dictionnaire de la Langue Francaise. 2 vol. (in 4 pt.) Paris, 1863-72. 4°. 2117. c. Supplement, suivi d'un Dictionnaire e'tymologique de tous lis mots d'origine Orientate pur M. Devic. Paris, 1877. 4°. 2117. c. Godefroy (F.) Dictionnaire de l'an- cieune Langue francaise et de tous ses dialectes du 9 e au 15 e siecle. 4 torn. Paris, 1880. 4°. 2116. a. Menage (G.) Dictionnaire Etymolo- gique; ou, origines de la langue francaise. Paris, 1694. fol 2117. f. Scheler (A.) Dictionnaire d'Etymo- logie Francaise. BruxeUes, 1873. 8°. 2117. a. Jal (A.) Glossaire Nautique. Paris, 1848-50. 4°. 2118. g. Lafaye (B.) Dictionnaire des Syno- nymes de la langue francaise. Paris, 1869. 8°. 2117. a. Raynouard (F. J. M.) Lexique Roman ; ou, Dictionnaire de la Laugue des Troubadours. 6 vol. Paris, 1838, 36-44. 2047. c. Roquefort (J. B. B. dc) Glossaire de la Langue Romane. 2 vol. Paris, r8o8. 8°. 2114. e. Supplement. Paris, 1820. 8°. 2114. o. Btjrgand des Marets ( ) Biblio- thequc Patoise. [A classed cata- logue.] Paris, 1873. 8°. BB. T. Ciiambavd (L.) Dictionary, English- French, and French-English. 2 vol. London, 1805. 4". 2117. b. SUTtfECT-INDEX. 399 FRENCH LANGUAGE— eontin ued. Cotgbave (R.) French-English Dic- tionary ; with the animadYerBions and supplements of J. Howell. London, 1650. fol. 2117. e. Fleming (C.) and TirmiNS (J.) Royal Dictionary, English and French, and French ami English. 2 vol. Paris, 1854-52. 4°. 2117. c. [Another edition.] 2 vol. Paris, 1863-65. 4°. 2117. c. Hamilton (H.) and LESBOS (E.) Dic- tionnaire International Francais- Anglais. International English and French Dictionary by L. Smith and K. Hamilton. 2 vol. Paris, 1878-79. 8°. 2117. b. Reiff (0. P.) Parallel Dictionaries of Russian, French, German and English. 4 vol. Carlsruhe, 1879-8 r. 8°. 2118. a. Spiers (A.) Dictionnaire general Francais- Anglais. (An. Brunet el P. Jannet. Snivie du Dictionnaire des Ouv- rages Anonymes, par A. A. Barbjer. 3 vol. Faris, 1869, 70. 8°. 2048. e. Le Petit (J.) Bibliographic! dea prin- cipalis editions originates d'Ecri- vaina Francais du xv° au win" siecle. Faris, 1888. 8°. BB. G. New Yoke. — Mercantile Library. Find- ing list of French prose fiction. New York, 1888. 8°. BB. G. France. Bibliographic de la France. Journal, etc. Faris, 1880, etc, 8°. BB. R. Michel (F.) Rapports snr les anciens monuments de l'Hstoire et de la Litte'rature de la France, qui so trouvent dans les Bibliotheques de l'Angleterre et de l'Ecosse. Paris, 1838. 4°. 2048. g. Giratjlt Dtjvivier (C. P.) Grammaire des Grammaires. 2 vol. Paris, 1853. 8°. 2118. a. Ollendorff (H. G ) A New Method, &c, adapted to the French. (Key.) 2 pt. London, 1856. 8°. 2118. a. FRENCH LITERATURE. Bkinet (G.) La France litte'raire au xvi e siecle, ou Catalogue raisonne des ouvrages en tout genre imprimes en langue Francaise jusqu'a Tan 1500. Paris, 1865. 8°.' 2048. c. Lorenz (O.) Catalogue general de la Librairie Francaise, 1840-1885. 10 vol. Paris, 1867-85. 8°. 2049. b. Querard (J. M.) La France Litte'raire ; ou, Dictionnaire Bibliographique. 12 vol. (Vol. 11, 12. Corrections, Additions, Auteurs, Pscudonymes et Anonymes de'voile's. A-Rog.) Paris, 1827-64. 8°. 2048. b. La Litte'rature Francaise Con- temporaine. G vol. Pom, 1842-57. 8". 2048. b. France Histoire h'tteraire de la France. 16 vol. 1865-GD. Table Generale. Paris, 1875. 4°. Cat. Desk. Godefroy (F.) Histoire de la Litte'- rature Francaise. — Prosateurs. 3 vol. Paris, 1859-63. 8°. 2044. c. Poetes Vol. 1. Paris, 1867. 8°. 2044. c. Godefroy (F.) Histoire de la Litte'ra- ture Francaise au xvm e siecle. Paris, 1877. 8°. 2044. c. Vinet (A. B.) Etudes sur la Litte'ra- ture Francaise au dix-neuvienie siecle. 3 vol. Paris, 1849-51. 8°. 2044. c. Histoire do la Litte'rature Fran- caise au dix-huitieme siecle. 2 vol. Paris, 1853. 8°. 2044. e. Asselineau (C.) Bibliographic Ro- mantique. Paris, 1872. 8°. BB. G. Pantheon Litteraire. 13G vol. Paris, 1835-58. 8°. 2043. b. g. Raynouard (F. J. M.) Choix dea Poesies orisrinales des Troubadours. 6 vol. Paris, 1816-21. 8°. 2047. d. FRIENDS. Smith (Joseph) Bibliotheea Anti- Quakeriana. London, 1813. 8°. BB. A. Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books. 2 vols. London, 1867. 8°. BB. A. FRIESLAND. Tiaden (E. J. H.) Das Gekhrte Ost- Friesland. 3 vol. Aurich, 1785-90. 8". 2038. d. 400 SUBJECT-INDEX. FRIESLAND— continued. RlCHTHOFEN (C. vnu) Baron. Alt- friesischea Worterbuch. GSttingen, 1840- 4°. 2118. g. FRIULI. Renaldis (G ile') Count. Delia Pittura Frinlana saggio storico. Udine, 1798. 8°. 2032. f. FRUIT. Hogg (R.) The Fruit Manual. London, 1875. 8°. 2029. c. FULHAM. Faulknep. (T.) Historical and topo- graphical Account of Fulhain, in- cluding Hammersmith. London, 18 13. 4°. 2065. b. FUNDS. ^ '•. , Fenn (C.) Compendium of the English and Foreign Funds. London, 1867. S°. 2022. a. FUNGI. Berkeley (M. J.) Outlines of British Funsiology. London, i860. 8°. 2029. a. Stevenson (John) Hymenomycetes Britannici. British Fuugi. With illustrations. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2029. c. FURNITURE. South Kensington Museum. List of 1 looks on Furniture in the National Art Library. London, 1885. 8°. BB. E. Jacquemaet (A.) History of Furni- ture. London, 1878. 8". 2031. d. Viollet-le-Duc (E. E.) Dictioniiaire Raisonne' du Mobilier Francois de l'Epoque Carlo vingieuue a la Re- naissance. torn. Paris, 1858-75. 8°. 2031. c. GAELIC LANGUAGE AND LITERA- TURE. Armstrong (R. A.) Gaelic Dictionary. 2 pt. London, 1825. 4". 2112. g. Macleod (H. D.) and Dewar (D.) Dic- tionary of the Gaelic Language. Glasgow, 1853. 8°. 2118. a. MacLauchlan (T.) Gaelic Literature, Language and Music. See Keltie (J. S.) A History of the Scottish Highlands. 1875. 8°. 2066. a. GAINSBOROUGH. Stark (A.) History of Gainsburgh. London, 1845. 8°. 2062. a GALWAY. Hardiman (J.) History of Galwav. Dublin, 1820. 4°. 2066. b. GARDENING. Beeton (S. O.) The Book of Garden Management. Illustrated. London, [1885, 86.] 8°. 2029. d. Bouchard-Huzard (L.) Bibliographic. Ouvrages public's sur les Construc- tions Rurales et sur la disposition des Jardins. Paris, 1870. 8°. BB. G. Don (G.) A general History of ti.e Dichlamvdeous Plants. [Another title-jage reads: "A general Sys- tem of Gardening and Botany."] 4 vol. London, 1831-38. 4°. 2027. g. Loudon (J. G.) Hortus Britannicus. Loudon, 1850. 8°. 2029. a. Nicholson (G.) Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening. Vol. 1-3. London, 1885-87. 4°. 2029. d. GARTER, Order of the. Anstis (J.) Register of the Order of the Garter. 2 vol. London, 1724. fol 2121. g. Ashmole (E.) History of the Order of the Garter. London, 1715. 8°. 2110. a. Institution, Laws, and Cere- monies of the Order of the Garter. London, 1672. fol. 2120. g. Beltz (G. F.) Memorials of the Order of the Garter. London, 1841. 8°. 2119. f. GAZETTEERS. Bkaun (G.) and Hohenbergius (F.) Civitates Orbis Terraium. 6 vol. Colon. Agr., 1523 [for 15 7 3l— ' 6 « 8 - fob 2058. d. Theatre des principales villi-sde tout l'uniyers. 2 vol. [Cologne!] fol. 2058. d. Ferrarius (P.) Lexicon Giographi- cum; banc editionem emendavit et auxit M. A. Baudrand. 2 vol. Paris, 1570. fol. 2058. d. Graesse (J. G. T.) Orbis Latinus oder Verzeichniss der lateinischen Be- neunungen derbekanntesten Stiidte, etc. Dresden, 1861. 8°. 2059. b. Blackie (W. G.) The Imperial Gazet- teer. 2 vol. in 4. Glasgoiv, 1873. 8°. 2059. d. Brookes '(R.) General Gazetteer. London, 1869. 8°. 2060. a. Gazetteer. A Gazetteer of the World, or Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge. 7 vol. Edinburgh [1850-56]. 8°. 2060. b SUBJECT-INDEX. 401 GAZETTEERS— continued. Geographical Dictionary. Diction- naire gcographique universel. Par une Soeietc' do Gebgraphes. 13 vol. Bruzelles, 1839. 8". 2056. d. Giibert (A.) Dictionnaire Gcogra- phique et Statistiquc. 2 vol. J 'or is, 1850. 8°. 2059. b. Lippincott (J. B.) Lippincott's Gazet- teer of the World. Philadelphia, 1880. 8°. 2060. d. Oliver and Boyd's Pronouuciug Gazet- teer of the World. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. 2059. a. OEMS. See Jewellery. GENEALOGY. See Heraldry and Gene- alogy. GENEVA. Favre (G.) Notice sur les livres im- prime's a Geneve dans le xv e siecle. Geneve, 1855. 8°. 2050. c. Gaullieur (E. H. A.) Etudes sur la Typographic Gencvoise du xv° au xix e sieeles, et sur les origines de rimprimerie en Suisse. Geneve, 1835. 8°. 2050. d. GENOA. Soprani (R.) Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Aichitetti Genovisi. 2 vol. Genoca, 1768, 69. 4°. 2031. f. GEOGRAPHY. [Bibliograph ies.] Bibliotheca Historico-Geographica. Jahrg. 1-21. Gottingen, 1853-73. 8°. BB. I. Castellani (C.) Catalogo ragionato delle piii importanti opere geogra- fiche nellii Biblioteca del Colhgio Romano. Roma, 1876. 8°. BB. I. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Geo- graphica. 2 pt. Leipzig, 1857, 58. S°. BB. I. Enslin (T. O. F.) Bibliotheca His- tmico-Gengraphica. Berlin, 1825. 8°. BB. I. Evans (G. M.) Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geogra- phical Society to December 1870. London, 1871. 8°. BB. I. Jackson (J.) Liste provisoire de Bi- bliographies Geographiques spe- ciale8. Paris, 1881. 8°. BB. I. Petherick (E. A.) Catalogue of the York Gate Library formed by Mr. S. W. Silver. An Index to the Literature of Geography. Second edition. London, 1865. 8". GEOGRAPHY— continued. [Dictionaries.] Bescherelle (S. N.) and Devars (G.) Grand Dictionnaire do Geographic universelle. -1 vol. Pom," 1856, 57. 4°. 2057. g. Bouillet (M. N.) Atlas universel d histoire et de geographic. Far is, 1877. . 8°. 2107. c. Dictionnaire universel d'histoiro et de geogiaphie, etc. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2107. c. Bkdzen de la Martinique (A. A.) Lo grand Dictionnaire gcographique et critique. 9 vol. La Haye, 1726-39. fol. Cat. Desk. Bryce (J.) and Johnston (K.) The Library Cyclopaedia of Geography. London, 1880. 8°. 2059. c. Deschamps (P.) Dictionnaire de Geo- graphic ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1870. 8°. 2049. b. Geographical Dictionary. Diction- naire gcographique universel. Par une Socie'te' de Geographes. 13 vol. Bmxtlles, 1839. 8°. 2056. d. Ferrarus (P.) Lexicon Geographi- cum ; hanc editionem eniendavit et auxit M. A. Baudrand. 2 vol. Paris, 1670. fol. 2058. d. Johnston (A. K.) Dictionary of Geo- graphy. London, 1867. 8°. 2059. c. Langlois (H.) Dictionnaire de Geo- graphic Moderne. 5 vol. Paris, 1838. 8°. 2056. d. Macculloch (J. R.) Dictionary, geo- graphical, statistical and historical. 2 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2059. c. Mellado (F. de Paula) Diccionario universal de Historia y de Geo- giafia. 8 vol. Madrid, 1846-50. 8". 2110. f. Vivien de Saint Martin (L.) Nouveau Dictionnaire de Geographic Uni- verselle. Vol. 1-2. Vol. 3, fasc. 25-35, 30. Paris, 1877, etc. 8°. 2056. f. Bisohoff (F. H. T.) and Moeller (J. II.) Vergleiobeudea VVorter- buch der alten, mittleren und nouen Gcograpliie. Gotha, 1829. S°. 2056. e. E01.1 (J. J.) Etymologisch-gcogra- phisclics Lexikon. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. 2059. c. [. Drage. London, 1885. 8°. 2017. a. [Topography.'] Germany. Handbook for North Ger- many and the Rhine. London, 1877. 8°. 2057. a. Handbook for Southern Ger- many. London, 1879. 8°. 2057. a. Rudolph (H.) Vollstiindiges geogra- pliisch-topographisch-statistisehes Ortslexikon von Deutschland. (Supplement.) 2 vol. Leipzig, 1859-72. 8°. 2059. e. Kieleu (A.) Karte des Deutschen Reichs. Gotha, 1876. fol. 2059. e. Ravenstein (L.) Specialatlas des deutschen Reiches und der angren- zenden Lander. Hildburghausen, 1871. fol. 2059. e. GLASS. South Kensington Museum. List of Books on Glass in the National Ait Library. London, 1887. 8". BB. E. Porter (G. R.) Manufacture of Porce- lain and Glass. Loudon, 1832. 8". 2103. f. GLASTONBURY. Adamus, de Domerham. Historia do rebus gestis Glastouiensibus. In lucem protulit T. Hearuius. 2 vol. Oxonix, 1727. 8°. 2072. b. Glastonbury. History and Antiquities of Glastonbury. [Edited by T. Hearue.J Oxford, 1722. 8°. 2072. a. Gulielmus Malmesburiensis. De anti- quitate Gla^toniensis Eeclesiaj, etc. See Gale (T.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. Vol. 3. 169 1. fol. 2072. d. Joannes Glaxtoniensi*. Chronica, sive Historia de Reims Glastoniensibus. Edidit T. Hearuius. 2 vol. Oxon. 1726. 8". 2072. a. Warner (R.) History of the Abbey of Glaston, and of the Town of Glas- tonbury. Bath, 1826. I". 2066 e. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Atkyns {Sir l;.) Ancient and Present State of Glosteishire. Second edition. London-, I 768. fol. 2064. f. BlGLAND (It.) Historical, monumental, and genealogical Collections relat- ing to the County of Gloucester. Vol. 1. London, 1791. fol. 2064. f. A more completi copy it in the King's Library. 406 SUBJECT-INDEX. GLOUCESTERSHIRE— continued. Fosbroke (T. D.) History of the City of Gloucester. Including the original papers of R. liigland. London, 1819. fol. 2064. f. Abstracts of Records and Manu- scripts respecting the County of Gloucester ; formed into a History. 2 vol. Gloucester, 1807. 4°. 2066. c. Lysons (S.) Collection of Gloucester- shire Antiquities. London, 1803. fol. 2064. f. Rudder (S.) History of Gloucester- shire. Cirencester, 1779- fol- 2064. f. Washbourn (J.) Bibliotheca Glouces- trensis. 2 vol. London, 1825, 23. 4°. 2066. c. GOLD AND SILVER WORK. South Kensington Museum. List of Works on Gold and Silver in the National Art Gallery. London, 1882. 8°. BB. E. Cripps (W. J.) Old English Plate ; its makers and marks. London, 1886. 8°. 2031. b. GOTHIC LANGUAGE. Lye (E.) Dictionarium Saxonico- et Gothico-Latinum. Accedunt frag- menta versionis Ulphilanae. 2 vol. Londini, 1772. fol. 2117. f. Schulze (E.) Gothisches Glossar. Mit einer Vorrede von J. Grimm. Magdeburg, [1848.] 4°. 2117. e. Skeat (W. W.) A Moeso-Gothic Glos- sary. London, 1868. 8°. 2118. a. GOVERNMENT. See Political Science. GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. Carlisle (N.) Endowed Grammar Schools in England and Wales. 2 vol. London, 1818. 8°. 2062. b. GRAVESEND. Cruden (R. P.) History of Gravesend and of the Port of London. London, 1843- 8°. 2064. b. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. See England. GREECE. [History."] [For ancient writers on Greek History, nee Part I.: Curtius Rufus (S.); Dionysius of Halicarnassus ; Hero- dotus ; Mueller (C. and T.) [Frag- ineuta Historicorum Grajcorum] ; Thucydides ; Xenophon, etc.] Curtius (K.) History of Greece. 5 vol. London, 1868-73. 8". 2069. b. GREECE — History — continued. Grote (G.) History of Greece. 10 vol. London, 1872. 8°. 2069. b. Hertzberg (G. F.) Geschichte Grie- chenlands. 4 vol. Gotha, 1876, 77, 78, 79. 8°. 2068. d. Thirlwall (C.) Bishop of St. David's. History of Greece. 8 vol. London, 183^-48. 8°. 2103. e. Pococke (E.) and others. History ot Greece to the close of the Pelo- ponnesian War. London, 18s 1. 8°. 2102. 1. Lyall (W. R.) and others. History of Greece, Macedonia, and Syria. London, 1852. 8". 2102. f. Finlay (G.) History of Greece from its conquest by the Romans to a.d. 1861. 7 vol. Oxford, 1877. 8 °- 2067. h. Clinton (H. F.) Epitome of the civil and literary Clirouology of Greece. Oxford, 1 8s 1. 8°. 2067. h. Fasti Htllenici, etc. 3 vol. Oxford. 1834-51- *•■ 2068. g. Heeren (A. H. L.) Sketch of the Poli- tical History of Ancient Greece. Oxford, 1829. 8°. 2067. a. Mueller (C. O.) History and Anti- quities of the Doric Race. 2 vol. Oxford, 1830. 8°. 2051. d. [Antiquities.] Worcester College, Oxford. Cata- logue of books relating to Classical Archaeology and Ancient History in the Library of Worcester College. Oxford, 1878. 8°. BB. M. DAREMBERG(C.V.)aildSAGLIO(E.) Dic- tionnaire-des Antiquites Grccques et Romanies. Parts, 1873, etc. 4°. 2056. f. Pauly (A. F. von) Real-Eucyclopadie der classischen Alterthums-Wissen- schaft. Zweite Audage. 6 vol. (in 8.) Stuttgart, 1862-52. 8°. ' 2051. b. Potter (J.) Archbishop of Canterbury. Archreologia Grseca. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. 2051. a. Smith (W.) LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 1849. 2051. b. Fosbroke (T. D.) Treatise on the Arts, Manufactures, &c, of the Greeks and Romans. 2 vol. London, i8 3 3-?5- 8°. 2103. c. Guhl (E.) ami Konbe (W.) The Lifo of the Greeks and Romans. London, 1875- 8". 2031. a. SUBJECT-INDEX. 407 GKEECE — Antiquities — continued. Hultsch (F.) GrieohiBche and R6- misohe Metrologie. Zweite Bear- beitung. Berlin, 1882. 8°. 2051. b. Maury (L. F. A.) Histoire des Re- ligions de la Grece antique. 2 torn. Paris, 1857. 8°. 2002. a. Gronovius (J.) Thesaurus Antiqui- tatiuu Grsacarum, 13 vol. Lugd, Jiat. 1697-1702. fol. Cat. Desk. rm.ENrs (J.) Catalogi duo: primus auctorum omnium, alter rcrum antiquarian ex quibus septuaginta et ooto volumina Antiquitatum Grsecarum, Boinanarum et Itali- caiuui [of Grsevius, Gronovius, S.illengre, Polenus, Grsevius and 1? rmannus] congosta sunt. Bononise, 1839. 12°. 2067. a. Utriusque [i.e. Grajvii & Gro- novii] Thesauri Antiquitatum Uomanarum Grsecarmnquo Nova Supplements,. 5 vol. Venetiis, 1737. fol. Cat. Desk. Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte der classiseben Alterthumswissenschu-ft. Jalirg. 1873-7, etc. Berlin, 1881, etc. 8°. 2096. d. ITopography.'] Chandler (R.) Travels in Greece. Oxford, 1776. 4°. 2056. g. Dodwell (E.) Tour tbrougb Greece during 1801, 1805, and 1806. 2 vol. London, 1819. 4°. 2057. e. Greece. Handbook for Travellers in Greece. London, 1884. 8°. 2057. b. Pausanias. Descriptio Grreciai. Re- cognovit L. Dindorfius. Gr. and Lut. Didot: Paris, 1845. 8°. 2051. h. Smith (W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vol. London, 1854-57. 8°. 2051. b. GEEEK LANGUAGE. [Dictionaries.'] Hesychius. Lexicon. 4 vol. (in 2). Jenx, 1858-64. 4°. 2113. c. Scidas. Lexicon : GesB.ce et Latine post T. Gaisfordum recensuit G. Bernhardy. 2 vol. llalis et Brunsv. 1853. 4°. 2052. h. Estienne (H.) Thesaurus Grsecse Lingua?. Editio nova. 12 vol. (in 13). Valpy: Londini, 1816-26. fol. 2114. g. GEEEK LANGUAGE— Dictionaries— con* tinned. Estienne (II.) Thesaurus GrsBOse Lin- gua'. Post editiouem Anglicam novis additamentis auctum, tertio ediderunt C. C. B. Hase, etc. Vol. 1-8. [Vol. 1 in two parts.] Pons, 1831-65. fol. 2113. d. Scott (Daniel) Appendix ad The- Baurum Grsecse Lingua? ab H. Btepbano constractum; otadLexica Constantini & ScapulsB. 2 vol. Londini, 1745, 4&- fol. 2114. g. Fraedersdorff (J. W.) Phraseological English-Greek Lexicon. London, 1882. 8°. 2114. c. Greek Lexicon. Analytical Greek Lexicon. Bagster : London, 1852. 4°. 2114. c. Liddell(H. G.)and Scott (R.) Greek- English Lexicon. Fourth edition. Oxford, 1855. 4°. 2113. c. Sixtb edition. Oxford, i86r. 4°. 2113. c. Seventh edition. Oxford, 1883. 4°. 2113. c. Pape (\V.) Handwbrterbuch der Grie- chischen Sprache. Bd. 1, 2. Braunschweig, 1877. 8°. 2114. c. Yonge (C. D.) Englisb-Greek Lexicon. London, 1856. 8°. 2114. c. Greek Tragedians. Index in Tragicos Grsecos. 2 vol. Cantahrigiie, 1830. 8°. 2051. a. Dindorfius (0. G.) Lexicon iEschy- leum. Lipsise, 1873. 8°. 2051. e. Caravella (J.) Index Aristophanicus. Oxunii, 1822. 8°. 2051. e. ScHWEiGHAEUBBB (J.) Lexicon Hero- doteum. 2 vol. Argentorati, 1824. 8°. 2051. f. Apollonius, Sopliista. Lexicon Grsacum lliadis et Odysseaj. Recensuit H. Tollius. Lugd. Bat. 1788. 8°. 2052. b. Ebeling (H.) Lexicon Homericum edidit II. Ebeling. 2 vol. Lipsiie, 1871-85. 8°. 2051. e. Homer. Greek and English Lexicon of the Poems of Homer and of the Homeridse. From the German of Crusius. Hartford [Conn.'], 1844- 8°. 2052. g. Ellendt (F.) Lexicon Sophocleum. Berolini, 1872. 8°. 2051. e. Betant (E. A.) Lexicon Thucydideum. 2 vol. Generic, 1843-47. 8°. 2051. f. Obbmeb(H.) Biblioo-Theologioal Lexi- con of New TeBtament Greek. Edinburgh, 1878. 4". !i002. I'. 408 SUBJECT-INDEX. GREEK LANGUAGE — Dictionaries— con- tinued. Parkhihst (J.) Greek and English Lexicon to tlie New Testament. To this is prefixed a Greek Gram- mar. New edition, revised by J. R. Major. London, 1845. 8°. 2114. c. Robinson (E.) Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament. Edinburgh, 1879. 8°. 2114. b. Wilke (C. G.) Gret k-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Edinburgh, 1886. 4°. 2113. c. Dcfresne (C.) Seigneur Du Cange. Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Intiimie Graecitatis. 2 vol. Lugduni, 1688. fol. 2113. f. Sophocles (E. A.) Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine periods (from B.C. 146 to A.i>. 1100). Boston [Mass.], 1870. 8°. 2113. c. BYZANTH S (C. D.) Ae^LKOv iirno^ov T7JS 'EAA.7]f(K7)S y\wff!>. Uallea/S., i« 7 3- 8". BB. G. SUBJECT-INDEX. 409 GREEK LITERATURE — BitMography— continued. Mayor (Joseph 15.) Guide to the choice of Classical Books. London, 1885. 8°. BB. G. [Collections.'] Didot. Scriptorium Grseconim Biblio- theca. Gr. and Led. [Edited by Dmdorf, Diibner, C. Midler, and others] Pan's, 1838-86. 8° 2051. g. h. 2052. g. Fabbtotds (J. A.) Bibliotheca Grseca. Editio quaita. eurante Gr. C. Harks. Acceduut J. A. Fabricii et C A. Hurmauui supplemeuta. 12 vol. [and Index]. Hamburgi, Lipsiie, 1790-1858. 8°. 2048. g. Long (G.) and Macleane (A. J.) Bibliotheca Classica. 23 vol. London, 1851-68. 8°. 2052. c-d. Oratokes Attici. Antiphon, Ando- cides, Lysias, Isocrates, Isams, Lycurgus, JSschines, Dinarchus, Dem ales, Declamationes Gorgiffl et aliorum. Greece; cum trans- latione reficta a C. Mulleio. 2 vol. Didot: Paris, J 846-5 8. 8°. 2052. g. Keiske (J. J.) Oratorum Giajcoruni qua) supersimt. Cornmentariis in- tegris Wolrii Taylori, Marklandi, aliorum, et suis, edidit J. J. Keiske. 12 vol. (in 24 pt.). Lipsise, 1770-75. 8°. 2052. a. Dindorfius (C. G.) Poetaj Scenici Graeci. Accedunt perditarum Fa- bularum Fragmenta. Lipsix,Londiui, 1830. 8°. 2052. h. Editio quinta, correctior. Lipsix, 1 808. 4°. 2052. h. Gaisford (T.) Poeta) Minores Grseci. 3 vol. Lipsix, 1823. 8°. 2051. e. Greek Antholouy. Anthologia Grceca ad fidem codicis olim Palatini nunc Parisini. Curavit F. Jacobs. Gr. 3 torn. Lipsise, 1813-17. 8°. Epigrammatum Anthologia Pa- latiua-Apparatu critico instruxit P. Diibner. Gr. and Lot. 2 vol. Didot: Paris, 1864. 8°. 2051. g. Hercher (R.) Epistolographi Grajci. Recognovit B. H. Didot: Paris, 1873. 8°. 2051. g. Hirschig (G. A.) 'EpwTtKoov Aoywv 2,vyypas T77? eV 'EAAaSi BaffiAeiaS TviriDdeVTU'V fit&Kiccv Trap' 'EhKTqvwi'. 'Ev 'Adrivais, 1854-57. 8°. 2050. c. GREENLAND. Iceland. Account of Iceland, Green- land and the Faroe Islands. Edinburgh, 1840. 12". 2103. g. GUATEMALA. BllASSEUR DE BOURBOURO (E. C.) Bib- liotheque Mexioo-Guate'malienue. Paris, 1 87 1. 8° GUERNSEY. Dlncan (J.) History of Guernsey. London, 1841. 8°. 2065. a. Jacob (J.) Annals of British N01 man Isles constituting the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Pt. 1. Paris, 1830. 8°. 2066. d. GUIDE-BOOKS. Murray's Handbooks. London, 1851-70. 8° & 12°. 2057. a. GUILDHALL. London. Munimenta Gildhallse Lon- doniensis. 3 vol. Edited by H. T. Riley. London, 1859-62. 8°. 2073. (12.) HAARLEM. Linde (A. van der) Bibliographie van Haarlem. Haarlem, 1867. 8°. BB. K. HACKNEY. Robinson (W.) History of Hackney. 2 vol. London, 1842, 43. 8°. 2065. b. HAINAULT. DELECOUBT (J.) Bibliographie de l'His- toire du Hainaut. Mons, 1864. 8°. BB. K. HAMBURG. Scuroeder (H.) Lexikon dor Ham- burgiechen Schriftsteller bis zur Gegenwart. 8 vol. Hamburg, 1851-83. 8°. 2038. d. HAMMERSMITH. Faulkner (T.) Historical and topo- graphical Account of Fulham, in- cluding Hammersmith. London, 1813. 4°. 2065. b. ■ History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hammersmith. London, 1839. 8°. 2065. b. HAMPSHIRE. Cope (Sir W. H.) Bart. List of Bonks relating to Hampshire in the Lib- rary at Bf.anshill. Wokingham, 1879. 8°. BB. K. Gilbert (H. M.) Bibliotheca Han- toniensis. Southampton, [1872?] 8°. BB. K. Mudie (R.) Hampshire. 3 vol. 2066. b. Woodward (B. B.) History of Hamp- shire. By B. B. Woodward, T. C. Wilks, and U. Lockharr. 3 vol. London, [1861-69.] 4°. 2D62. d. Warner (R.) Collections for the His- tory of Hampshire. 5 vol. London, [1795.] 4 n . 2065. c. HAMPSTEAD. Park (J. J.) Topography and Natural History of Hampstead. London, 18 18. 8°. 2065. b. HANDWRITING. Astle (T.) Origin and Progress of Willing. London, 1803. 4°. 2049. c. HANOVER. Rotermund (H. W.) Das gelehrte Hannover. 2 vol. Bremen, 1823. 8°. 2038. d. HARTLEPOOL. Shabpb {Sir C) History of Hartlepool. Hartlepool? 185 1. 8°. 2062. b. HASTINGS. Moss (W. G.) History of Hastings. London, 1824. 8°. 2065. b. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Hunnewell (J. F.) Bibliography of the Hawaiian Islands. Boston, 1869. 4°. BB. I. Martin (W.) Catalogue d'ouvrages relatifs aux lies Hawaii. Parte, 1867. 8°. BB. I. HAWSTED, Suffolk. Cullum (Sir J.) Bart. History and Antiquities of Hawsted and Hard- wick, Sullblk. Second edition. Loudon, 1813. 4°. 2066. d. HEALTH. See Hygiene. SUBJECT-INDEX. 411 HEBREW LANGUAGE. Steinschneideb (M.) Manuals 15iblio- graphicum. Bibliographiachea Handbuch iibar die Literatur liir hebraiaehe Spraobkunde. Leipzig, 1859. 8°. Buxtorfius (J.) Lexicon Chaldaionm, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum, BasUem, 1639. fol. 2113. d. Dcnuo edidit B. Fis- clicrus. 2 vol. Lijjxiie, 1869-75. S°. 2115. e. Lexicon Hebraicum ct Chal- daicum. Editio nova. Glasguae, 1824. 8°. 2115. c. DAVIDSON (L.) Analytical Hebrew and Cbaldee Lexicon. London, [1852 ?] 4°. 2115. d. Fkey (J. S. C. F.) Hebrew, Latin and English Dictionary. 2 vol. London, 1815. 8°. 2115. b. Fuerst (J.) Hebrew and Cbaldee Lexicon to tbe Old Testament. Leipzig, 1871. 8°. 2114. d. Gesenius (P. H. W.) Thesaurua philo- logicus criticus linguae Hebrsese et Chaldseae Veteris Testamenti. 3 vol. Lipsise, 1829-58. 4°. 2115. e. Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including tbe Biblical Cbaldee. London, 1844. 8°. 2115. d. Hebrew and Cbaldee Lexicon to tbe Old Testament Scriptures. Bagster : London, 1846. 4°. 2115. d. Lee(S.) A Lexicon, Hebrew, Cbaldee, and English. London, 1840. 8°. 2115. c. Newman (S.) English and Hebrew (Hebrew and English) Lexicon. 2 vol. London, 1832-34. h°. 2115. c. Trott (N.) Clavis Lingua? Sanctse. Ozonise, 1719- fob 2001. g. Winer (G. B.) Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaieum in Veteris Testamenti libros. Lipsise, 1828. 8°. 2115. b. Ewald (G. H. A. von) Ausfiihrliches Lebrbuch der Hebiaischeu Sprache des Alten Bundes. Gdttingen, 1870. 8°. 2115. c. Gesenius (F. II. W.) Student's Hebrew Grammar. London, 1876. 8". 2115. a. Hebrew Student's Manual. London, 1882. 8°. 2115. a. Kalisch (M. M.) Hebrew Grammar, with exercises, pt. 1. London, 1875. 8". 2115. b. HEBREW EATOTJAGE— continued. Nordheimeb (I.) Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language. 2 vol. New York, 1842,41. 8°. 2115. c. Stuart (M) Hebrew Grammar. Andover [Mass. - ], 1821. 8°. 2115. b. HEEREW LITERATURE. [Bibliographies.'] Bekjacob (I. A.) Ozar Ha-Siphariin. Thesaurus librorum Hebneorum. Wilna, 1880. 8°. BB. T. British Museum. Catalogue of tbe Hebrew Books. [By .). Zedner.] London, 1867. 8°. Cat. Dtsk. Fuerst (J.) Bibliotheca Judaica Li- bliograpbisches Handbuch, &c. 3 Tble. Leipzig, 1849-63. 8°. BB. A. Hebbjeische Bibliogeaphie. Bde. 1-20. Berlin, 1858-80. 8°. BB. T. Steinschneider (M.) Catalogue libro- rum Hebiaeorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana. Berolini, 1852-60. 4°. Cat. Desk. Wolf (J. C.) Bibliotheca Hebrasa. 4 vol. Hamburg i, etc. 1715-33. 4°. 2049. bb. HEMIPTERA. Douglas (J. W.)and Scott (J.) British Hemiptera. Vol. 1. London, 1865. 8°. 2027. f. HENGRAVE, Suffolk. Gage (J.) History and Antiquities of Hengrave, Suffolk. Loudon, 1822. 4°. 2065. e. HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY. '[Bibliographies.] Htjebneb (J.) Bibliotheca Geneafogica. Hamburg, 1729. 8°. BB. T. Marshall (G. W.) The Genealogist's Guide. 1885. 8°. Cat. Desk. Moule (T.) Bibliotheca Heraldica Magme Britannia: Catalogue of books on Genealogy, Heraldry, etc. London, 1822. 4". BB. T. Sims (R.) Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, etc. London, 1861. 8°. Cat. Desk. South Kensington Museum. List of Works on Heraldry in the National Art Gallery. London, 1884. 8°. BB. C. [Treatises, (fee] Aveling (S. T.) Heraldry I Ancient and Modern, including Boutell's Heraldry. London* [1874.] 8°. 2119. "a. Berry (W.) Encyclopaedia Heraldica. 4 vol. London, 1828. 4°. 2121. 1. 412 SUBJECT-INDEX. HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY — Trea- tises, etc. — continued. Boutell (C.) Heraldry, historical and popular. London, 1864. 8°. 2119. c. Burke (J.) and (Sir J. B.) Heraldic Illustrations. London, 1845. 8°. 2119. e. Cussans (J. E.) Handbook of Heraldry. London, 1882. 8°. 2119. a. Dallaway (J.) Origin and Progress of Heraldry in England. Gloucester, 1793. 4°. 2121. f. Dugdale {Sir W.) Antient usage in bearing Arms; with additions by T.C.Banks. London, 181 r. fol. 2121. g. Edmondson (J.) A complete copy of Heraldry. 2 vol. London, 1780. fol. 2121. g. Guillim (J.) A Display of Heraldry. A Treatise of Honour; by J. Logan. London, 1724. fol. " 2119. g. Holme (R.) Academy of Armory and Blazon. Chester, 1688. fol. 2120. g. ■ Tndex of the Names of persons contained in B. Holme's Academy of Armory. London, 18 21. fol. 2120. g. Lower (M. A.) Curiosities of Heraldry. London, 1845. 8°. 2119. c. Nichols (J. G.) The Herald and Genealogist. 8 vol. London, 1863-74. 8°. 2119. d. Nisbet (A.) System of Heraldry. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1722-42. fol. 2121. f. Noble (M.) History of the College of Arms. London, 1804. 4°. 2119. f. Kietstap (J. B.) Armorial general de l'Europe, preVe'de' d'uu Diction- naire des teimes du Blason. Deu- xieme edition. Tom. 1. Gouda, 1884. 8°. 2119. d. Eobson (T.) Biitish Herald. 3 vol. [and Appendix]. Sunderland. 1830. 4°. 2119. f. Selden (J.) Titles of Honor. Second edition. London, 163 1. fol. 2119. f. Seton (G.) Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. 2119. c. [Royal <{■ Noble Houses, etc.] Anderson (James) Boy al Genealogies; in two parts. London, 17 32. fol. 2121. g. Betham (W.) Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World. London, 1795. fol. 2121. g. HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY— Eoyal & Noble Houses, etc. — continued. Brooke (R.) Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, &c. of England, since the Norman Conquest. London, 16 19. fol. 2119. f. Sandford (F.) Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of Eng- land. Continued by S. Stebbing. London, 1707. fol. 2120. vol. London. 1.264-84. fol. 2121. g. Peerage. New Peerage of England, Scotlaud and Ireland. 3 vol. Loudon, 1778. 8°. 2119. a. Collins (A.) Peeia^e of England. Fifth edition. 8 vol. London, 1779. 8°. 2119. c. Supplement. By B. Longmate. London, 1784. 8°. 2119. c. English Peerage. 3 vol. London, 1790. 4°. 2120. f. Collins (A.) Peerage of England. Augmented by Sir E. Brydges. 9 vol. Loudon, 1812. 8°. 2119" b. Nicolas (Sir N. H.) Synopsis of the Peerage of England. 2 vol. Loudon, 1825. 12°. 2120. a. Historic Peerage of England. Corrected and continued by VV. Courthope. London, 1857. ^°- 2119. b. SUBJECT-INDEX. 413 HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY— Royal A- Noble Houses, etc. — continued. Lodge (E.) Genealogy of the existbg British Peerage. London, 1859. 8°. 2119. b. Foster (Joseph) Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of the British Em- pire, for 1882. 2 pt. Westminster. 8°. 2119. e. Burke (Sir J. B.) Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Em- pire. London, 1887. 8°. 2119. d. Dod (R. P.) Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage [for the current year}. London. 8°. 2120. b. Lodge (E.) Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2119. c. Crawfurd (G.) Peerage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1716. fol. 2121. f. Nisbet (A.) System of Heraldry. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1722-42. ful. 2121. f. Compendium. Scots Compendium; or, Rudiments of Honour; containing the Succetsion of Scots Kings ; also the Nobility of Scotland, &c. London, 1764. 12°. 2119. a. Douglas (Sir R.) Baronage of Scot- land. Vol. 1 [all published]. Edinburgh, 1798. fol. 2121, g. Peerage of Scotlnnd ; with a continuation by J. P. Wood. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 18 13. fol. 2119. g. Peerage. The Scots Compendium ; or, Pocket Peerage of Scotland. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1826. 12°. 2119. a. Crawfukd Peerage. The Crawfurd Peerage. By an Antiquary. Edinburgh, 1829. 4°. 2119. f. Compendium. Irish Compendium. Second edition [called vol. 3]. London, 1727. 12°. 2119. a. Fifth edition. London, 1756. 12°. 2119. a. Peerage. Peerage of Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1768. 8°. 2119. b. Lodge (E.) Peerage of Ireland; re- vised and continued by M. Arch- dall. 7 vol. London, 17 89. 8°. 2119. c. Peerage. Biographical Peerage of Ireland. London, 18 17. 12°. 2119. a. Burke (J.) and (Sir J. B.) Genea- logical and Heraldic History of the extinct and dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland. London, 1844. 8 °- 2 H9- b. HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY— Royal & Noble Houses, etc. — continued. Wotton (T.) English Baronets. 3 vol. London, 1727. 16°. 2119. a. Collins (A.) English Baronetage. 4 vol. (in 5). Loudon, 1741. 8°. 2119. b. Kimber (E.) and Johnson (R.) Baro- netage of England. 3 vol. London, 1 77 1. 8°. 2119. b. Betham (W.) Baronetage of England. 5 vol. London, 1801-05. 4". 2119. f. Debrett (J.) Illustrated Bnronetage, with the Knightage, of Great Britain and Ireland [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2120. b. Burke (Sir J. B.) Book of Orders of Kniglithood and Decorations of honour of all nations. London. 1858. 8°. 2119. b. Metcalfe (VV. C.) A Book of Knights. (1426-1GG0.) London, 1885. 4°. 2119. d. Another copy. Cat. De<=k. Townsend (F.) Catalogue of Knights, from 1GG0 [to 1828]. 2 pt. London, 1828-33. 8°. 2120. b. Simmonds (P. L.) The British Poll of Honour. London, 1887. 8°. 2119. e. Dodd (C. E.) Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence. London, 1842. 8°. 2120. b. [Family Histories.'} Berry (W.) County Genealogies. (Berkshire, Bucks and Surrey; Kent, Sussex, Essex, Herts, Hants.) 6 vol. London, i8jc[-4i]. fol. 2120. f. Book of Family Crests. 2 vol. London, 1856. 12°. 2119. a. Burke (J.) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry, or Commoners. 4 vol. London, 1837, 38. 8°. 2119. d. Burke (Sir J. B.) Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ire- land. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2119. c. The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. London, 1884. 8°. 2119. d. Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain. 2 vol. Ijondon. 1852, 53. 8°. 2119. d. Second Series. 2 vol. London, 1854, 55- 8°. 2119.(1. Foster (Joseph) Collectanea Genea- logica. London, 1883, etc. 8°. BB. T 414 SUBJECT-INDEX. HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY— Family Histories — continued. The Royal Lineage of our noble and gentle "families. 2 vol. London, 1887. 4°. 2119. f. Hotten (J. C.) Handbook to the Topography and Family History of England" and Wales. London, [1864?] 8". BB. K. Nicholas (T.) Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales. 2 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2118. f. Fapworth (J. W.) Alphabetical Dic- tionary of Coats of Arms belonging to Families in Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1874. 8°. 2119. e. Playfair (W.) British Family An- tiquity. Vol. 1-5, 9. London, 1809-11. 4°. 2121. f. HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY — con- tinued. [Foreign.] Durrte (D. S.) Bibliographia Genea- lo^ica Americana. Albany, N.Y., 1886. 8°. BB. T. Bridger (C) Index to Printed Pedi- grees contained in County and local Histories, Heralds' Visitations, etc. London, 1867. 8°. Cat. Desk. & BB. T. Coleman (J.) Index to printed Pedi- grees in County and Local His- tories, etc. London, 1866. 8°. BB. T. Marshall (G. W.) Index to the Pedi- grees contained in the printed Heralds' Visitations. London, 1866. 8°. BB. T. Nicolas (Sir N. H.) Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations in the British Museum. London, 1825. 8°. Cat. Desk. Sims (R.) Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Heralds' Visitations in the British Museum. London, 1849- 8°. Cat. Desk. Harleian Society. Publications. London, 1869, etc. 8°. 2118. d. Collectanea Topographica et Genea- logica. [Edited by J. G. Nichols.] 8 vol. London, 1834-43- 8 °- 2062. c. Genealogist. Edited by G. W. Mar- shall. Vol. 1-7. (New Series. Edited by W. D. Selby. Vol. 1.) London, 1877-84. 8°. BB. T. Harleian Miscellany. With notes by W. Oldys and T. Park. 10 vol. London, 1808-13. 4°. 2072. d. Miscellanea Genealogica et He- raldica. Series I. 2 vol. New Series. 4 vol. London, 1868-84. 8". BB. T. Huyttens (J.) L'Art de ve'rifier les Ge'ue'alogies des Families beiges et holliindaises. Bruxelles, 1865. 8°. BB. T. Anselme, de la Vierge Marie [P. de Gui- bouks]. Histoire ge'ne'alogique et ehronologique de la Maison Itoyale de France. 9 vol. Paris, 1726-33- fob 2119. g. Histoire ge'ne'alogique et ehrono- logique de la Maison Eoyale do France &c., continued par M. Du Foumy. 9 vol. Paris, 1726-33. fob 2119. (?. AUBERT DE LA CHEXAYE DES BOIS (F. A.) Dictionnaire de la Noblesse. (Recneil des Ge'ue'alogies.) 15 vol. Paris, 1770-86. 4°. 2118. f. Guigakd (J.) Bibliotheque He'raldique de la France. Paris, 186 1. 8°. BB. I. Hozier (L. P. d') Armorial general de la Fiance. 6 vol. (in 9). Paris, 1738-68. fob 2120. g. Indicateur du grand Armorial ge'neral de France. 2 vol. Paris, 1865. 8°. 2120. b. Eignon de Magny (C. de) Marquis. Nobiliaire Universel. Vol. 1-7. Paris, 1854-61. 4". 2120. f. 2° Serie. Vol. 1-10. Paris, 1865-85. 4°. Simon (H.) .. Armorial ge'ne'ral de 1' Empire Francais. 2 vol. Paris, 18 1 2. fob 2121. g. Dufresne (C.) Seigneur Du Gange. Les Families d'outre-mer, publiees par M. E. G. Key. Paris, 1869. 4°. Hellbach (J. C. von) Adels-Lexikon. 2 Bde. llmenau, 1825, 86. 8°. BB. T. Huebner (J.) Genealogische Tabellen. 4 vol. Leipzig, 1737. 44, 28, 33. ohl fol. 2118. i. TtTTONi (L.) and Saladini (F.) Teatro Araldico. 8 vol. Lodi, Milano, 1841-48. 4°. 2119. e. SUBJECT-INDEX. 415 HER AIDE Y AND GENEALOGY— Foreign — continued. Lopez de Haro (A.) Nobiliario ( }enealdgico do los Reyes y Titulos de Espana. 2 vol. Madrid. 1622. foL 2119. f. HEREDTTY. Steenstrup (J. J. S.) On the Alter- nations 1. 2105. f. Maunder (S.) Treasury of History. London, 1864. 8°. 2102. c. Mellado (F. de Paula) Diccionano universal de Historia e de Geo- grafia. 8 vol. Madrid, 1846-50. 8°. 2110. f. Moreri (L.) Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique. 8 vol. Amsterdam, 1740. fol. 2110. g. [Miscellaneous Treatises, etc.] Botjillet (M. N.) Atlas TJniversel d'histoire et de geograplne. Troi- sieme edition. Paris, 1877. 8°. 2107. c. Chronological Tables. Ancient and Mediaeval History, a.m. 1 to a.d. 1500. [Bv I. M'Burncy.] London, 1857. 8°. 8102. h. Chronological Tables. Modern His- tory, a.d. 1501-1856. [By S. Keil.] London, 1857. 8°. 2102. u. Hales (W.) Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Pro- phecy. 4 vol. London, 1830. 8°. P y 2085. e. Lenglet Dufresnoy (N.) Methode pour etudxer l'Histoire. 1 vol. Paris, 1735- *°- 2085 " &; Nicolas {Sir N. H.) Chronology of History. Loudon, 1838. 8°. 2103. e. HISTORY — Miscellaneous Treatises, &c. — continued. Pascallet (E.) Revue gene'rale bio- graphique, historique, &c. Paris, 1841-46- 8°. 2036. e. Stoduart (Sir J.) Introduction to the Study of Universal History. London, 1850. 8". 2102. e. Tytler (A. F.) Lord Woodhouselee. Elements of History, ancient and modern. London, 1855. 8°. 2067. b. English Historical Review. London, 1886, etc. 8°. 2093. e. [Ancient.'] Worcester College, Oxford. Cata- logue of books relating to Classical Archaeology and Aucient History in the Library. Oxford, 1878. 8°. BB. M. Dunce er (M.) History of Antiquity. Vol. 1-6. London, 1877, etc. 8°. 2066. a. Heeren (A. H. L.) Historical Re- searches into the Politics, Inter- course and Trade of the principal Nations of Antiquity. 3 vol. Oxford, 1833- 8°. 2067. a. Manual of Ancient History. Oxford, 1840. 8°. 2067. a. Lenormant (A.) and Chevallier (E.) Manual of the Ancient History of the East. Loudon, 1869, 70. 8°. 2069. a. Niebuhr (B. G.) Lectures on Ancient History, from the eailiest tim- s to the taking of Alexandria by Oc- tavianus. 3 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2069. a. Rawlinson (G.) Manual of Ancient History. Oxford, 1869. 8°. J ' 2068. e. The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World. 3 vol. London, 1871. 8". 2069. a. [Medieval] Potthast (A.) Bibliotheca historica Medii Aevi. 375-l.=.00. [With supplement.] 2 vol. Berlin, 1862-68. 8°. BB. M. Spruner (C. von) Historic Geographi- cal Atlas of the Middle and Modern Ages. London, 1873- fob 2059. f. Spruner Menkc Hand-Atlas fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. Dritte Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von T. Menke. Goika, 1880. fol. 2059. e. SUBJECT-INDEX. 417 HOLLAND. See Netherlands. HOMER. Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.) Studies on Homer and the Homerie Age. 3 vol. Oxford, 1858. 8". 2051. d. HORSES. Huth (F. H.) Works on Horses and Equitation. A bibliographical re- cord, etc. Loudon, 1887. 8°. BB. E. HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT. Donovan (M.) Domestic Economy. 2 vol. London, 1830-37. 8°. 2103. e. SrON (E.) Spoil's Household Manual. London, 1887. 8 9 . 2027. c. Webster (T.) Encyclopaedia of Domes- tic Economy. London, 1 844. 8°. 2022. a. HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE. Bernolak (A.) Lexicon Slavicum Bohemico-Latino-Germanico-TJnga- ricum. 6 vol. Budaz, 1825-27. 8°. 2117. a. Bizonfy (F.) English Hungarian (Hungarian English) Dictionary, etc. Budapest, 1886. S°. 2117. a. Block (M.) Worterbttch dor Deutschen und UngarLchen Sprache. 2 Tide. Pesth, 1854-57. 4°. 2117. a. FRENCH-HrNGARIAN DICTIONARY. Noil- veau Dictionnaire Francais-Hon- grois et Hongrois-Francais (Partie H0ngr0ise-Fran9ai.se par C. Babos). Troisieme e'dition. 2 torn. Pest, 1865. 12°. 2118. a. Csink (J.) Grammar of the Hungarian Language. London, 1853. 8". 2117. a. HUNGARIAN LITERATURE. Bibliografia Hcngarica. Magyar Konyve'szet. 187b", etc. Budapest, 1877, etc. 8°. BB. R. Kertbeny (K. M.) Bibliographic un- garischer nationalcr Literatur, 1441-1876. Heft 1. Budapest, 1876, etc. 8°. 2050. b. Slovansky Katalog Bibliograficky za rok 1877, etc. V Braze, 1878, etc. 8". BB. R. Szabo (K.) Re'gi Magyar Kouyvtar. Az 1531-1711 megjelent Magyar nyomtatvanyok konyvo'szeti ke'zi- kouyve. Budapest, 1870. 8°. 2048. e. HUNGARY. Haner (G. J.) De Scriptoribus Rerum Hungaricarum et Transsilvanica- rnra. 2 vol. Vienna, Cibiitii. ^94-98. 8°. 2038. b. HYGIENICS. Ackermann (A.) Litcrarischer Wcg- weiser fiir die offentliche Gesund- heitspfiegc, 1854-1874. Munchen, 1874. 8°. BB. C. Blytii (A. W.) Dictionary of Hygiene and Public Health. London, 1876. 8°. 2027. c. Glen (W. C.) and (A.) The Public Health Act, 1875. London, 1875. 8°. 2019. d. HYMEN0PTERA. Cameron (P.) Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenop- tera. Vol. 1. London, 1882, etc. 8". 2027. f. HYMN0L0GY. Damel (H. A.) Thesaurus Hymnolo- gicus. 5 torn. Halts, Lipsise, 1841-56. 8°. 2002. b. Miller (J.) Singers and Songs of the Church. London, 1869. 8°. BB. A. ICELAND. Iceland. Account of Iceland, Green- land and the Faroe Islands. Edinburgh, 1840. 12°. 2103. g. ICELANDIC LANGUAGE. Cleasby (R.) Icelandic-English Dic- tionary, completed by G. Vigfusson. Oxford, 1869-74. 4°. 2117. b. Rask (R. C.) Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norte tongue. London, 1843. 8°. 2117. a. ICELANDIC LITERATURE. British Museum. Catalogue of the Books printed in Iceland, a.d. 1578- 1880, which are in the Library of the British Museum. Compiled by T. W. Lidderdale. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of Editions of Edda arranged chronologically. By T. W. Lidderdale. MS. 'Cat. Desk. Jonsson (J.) Bordgfirfiiigur. Sogmi- grip urn PrentsmrSjur og prentari ;i Islandi. Tieipqaril;, 1867. 12°. 2050. b. Moebius (T.) Catalogus Librorum Is- landicorumet Norvcgieoruai iEtatia Media?. Lipsise, 1856. 8°. 2048. c. Einarsson (H.) Historia Litteraria Islamli.-r. Hauniss ei Lipsise, 1786. 12°. 2050. b. Nyerup (R.) and Kraft (J. E.) Al- mindeligt Litteratur-Lexicon for Daumark, Norge, og Island, etc. Kjbhenhavn, 1820. 2 E «• S- 418 SUBJECT-INDEX. ICELANDIC LITERATURE— continued. Vigfusson (G.) Icelandic Sagas. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2073. (88.) ICONOGRAPHY. Guenebault (L. J.) Dictionnairo Ico- nographique ties Monuments de l'antiquite chre'tienne et du moyeu age, etc.. 2 vol. Paris, 1843-45- 8°. 2032. f. ILLUMINATIONS. Birch (W. de G.) and Jenner (H.) Early Drawings and Illuminations. With a Dictionary of Subjects in the British Museum. London, 1879. 8". 2050. d. ILLUMINATORS. Bradley (J. W.) Dictionary of Minia- turists, Illuminators, etc. Vol. 1. London, 1887, etc. 8°. 2032. e. INDEX EXPURGATORIUS. Catalogue des e'crits &c. condamnes, 1814-1850. Paris, 1850. 8°. Catalogue of BB. R. INDIA. [History.'] East India Company. the library. 2 vol. London, 1845-5 T - : Elliott (H. M.) Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Muhamrnedan India. Vol. 1. Calctdta, 1849- 8°. BB. M. Eli'hinstone (Hon. M.) History of India : — Hindu and Mahometan periods. London, 1866. 8°. 2083. a. Mill (James) History of British India. 9 vol. London, 1840-48. 8°. 2083. b. Murray (H.) and others. British India. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1832. 12°. 2103. g. Ctesias. Histoire de Perse: Histoire del'Inde. Pans, 1837. S°. 2043. d. Maffei (G. P.) Lo Istorie dell' Indie Orientali, tradotte di Latino da F. Serdonati. 3 vol. Milano, 1806. 8°. 2041. d. [Topography.'] Balfour (E.) Cyclopaedia of India. 3 vol. London, 1885. 8°. 2059. b. Baness (J. F.) Index Geographicus Indicus. Calcutta, 1881. 8°. 2059. b. Hunter (W. W.) Imperial Gazetteer of India. Vol. 1-11, etc. London, 1885, etc. 8°. 2059. b. INDIA — Topography — continued. Cunningham (A.) General. Ancient Geography of India. Vol.1. London, 1871. 8°. 2059. a. India. Handbook for India. 2 pt. London, 1859. 8°. 2057. a. Eastwick (E. B.) Handbook of the Bengal Presidency. London, 1882. 8°. 2057. b. Handbook of the Bombay Pre- sidency. Loudon, 188 1. 8°. 2057. a. Handbook of the Madras Presi- dency. London, 1879. 8°. 2057. a. Handbook of the Panjan, Wes- tern Rajpatana, Kashmir, and Upper Siiidh. London, 1883. 8°. | 2057. a. Indian Surveys. Catalogue of Reports, Field Books, Memoirs, Maps &c. of the Indian Surveys, in the India Office. London, 1878. 8°. Cat. Desk. [Laiv.] Russell (F.) Solicitor. Collection of Statutes concerning the East India Company, etc. London, 17 86. fol. 2017. g. Morley (W. H.) Analytical Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of India, etc. 2 vol. London, 1850, 49. 8°. 2018. g. ■ New Series. Vol. 1. London, 1852. 8°. 2018. g. Michell (E. B.) and (R. B.) The Practice and Procedure in Appeals from India to the Privy Council. Madras, 1876. 8°. 2018. g. Moore (E. F.) Reports of Cases de-. termined by the Judicial Committee of Privy Council on Appeal from Courts in the East Indies. 183(3- 66. Vol. 1-10. London, [1838, etc.] 8°. 2018. g. [Civil and Military Lists.] India List, Civil and Military [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. d. Dodwell and Miles. List of Bengal Civil Servants, from 1780 to 183S. London, 1839. 8°. 2121. c. List of Bombav Civil Servant-', from 1798 to 1839." London, 1839. 8°. 2121. e. List of Madras Civil Servants, from 1780 to 1839. London, 1839. 8°. 2121. e. List of Medical Officers of the Indian Army, from 1764 to 1S38. London, 1839. 8". 2121. e. SUBJECT-INDEX. 419 INDIA — Civil and Military Lists— con" tinued. Dodwell anil Miles. List of Officers of the Indian Army, 1760 to 1834, corrected to 1837. London, 1858. 8°. 2121. e. Prinsep :C. C.) Record of Services of the East India Company's Civil Servants in the Madras Presidency, 1741 to 18.38. London, J885. 8°. 2121. 1). [Languages.'] Beames (J.) A Comparative Grammar of the Mndern Aryan Languages of India. 3 vol. London, 1872-79. 8°. 2115. 1.. Wilson (Horace H.) Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms relat- ing to the Administration of the Government of British India, from the Arabic, etc. London, 1855. 4°. 2115. e. Whitwobth (G. C.) An Anglo-InHian Dictionary. London, 1885. 8°. 2115. c. INDIAN OCEAN. Vincent (W.) Dean of Westminster. The Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean. 2 vol. London, 1807. 4°. 2057. c. INDUSTRIES AND MANUFACTURES. Andre (C. G.) Spon's Encyclopedia of the Industrial Ails, Manufactures and Commercial Products. Div. 1- 5. London, 1879-82. 8°. 2022. b. INSANITY. Bucknill (J. C.) and Tuke (D. H.) Manual of Psychological Medicine and treatment of Insanity. London, 1879. 8°. " 2024. e. Pope (H. M. 11.) Law and Practice of Lunacy. Loudon, 1877. 8°. 2018. c. INSCRIPTIONS. Berlin. — Societas Begia Scientiarum. Corpus Inscriptionum Grsecarum. Edidit A. Boeckhius, etc. 4 vol. Berolini, 1828-77. fol. 2068. g. Corpus Inscriptionum Atti- carum. Berolini, 1873, etc. 4°. 2048. b. British Museum. — Department ofGra h and Roman Antiquities, The Col- lection of Ancient Greek Inscrip- tions in the British Museum. Edited by C. T. Newton. Oxford, 1874. tie. fol. 2068. g. Berlin. — Societas lug la Scientiarum. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinaruin. Adjectse sunt tabulse lithographs. Berolini, 1862, etc. 4" and fol. 2068. f. INSCRIPTIONS— continued. Berlin. — Societas Hi gin Scientiarum Exempla scripturse epigraphies la time a C.-esaris dict.itoris niork- ad setatern Justiniani. Auetarium Corporis Inscriptionum Latinaruin Berolini, 1885. fol. 2068. g Eeinacii (Salomon) Traite' d'epigraphie Greccpue, etc. Paris, 1885. 8°. 2051. b. INSURANCE. Abnould (J.) Law of Marine In- surance. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8". 2018. d. AValeord (C.) Insurance Cyelopsedia. Vol. 1-5. London, 1871-78. 8°. 2023. d. INVERTEBRATES. Owen (Sir K.) Lectures on the Com- parative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. London, 1855. 8°. 2029. g. IPSWICH. Wodderspoon (J.) Memorials of Ips- wich. Ipswich, 1850. 8°. 2064. d. IRELAND. [History.] O'Curry (E.) Lectures on the Manu- script Materials of Ancient Irish History. Dublin, 1861. 8°. 2071. d. Shirley (E. P.) Catalogue of the Library at Lough Pea, in illustra- tion of the History and Antiquities of Ireland. London, 1872. 8°. BB. K. Cusack (M. F.) A History of the Irish Nation, ljondon, [1877.] 4°. 2072. e. Keating (G.) History of Ireland ; translated from the Irish by Dermod O'Connor. London, 17:3. fol. 2069. f. Moore (T.) Poet. History of Ireland. 4 vol. Londo n, 1835-46. 8°. 2103. c. Eiciiey (A. G.) A short history of the Irish people down to the date of the plantation of Ulster. Dublin, 1887. 8°. 2073. a. Wabe (Sir J.) History and Antiquities of Ireland. Translated by W. Harris. 2 vol. Dublin, 1764. fol. 2069. e. WaeneB (F.) History of Ireland. Vol. 1. London, 1763. 4°. 2066. c. History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland. London, 1 767. 4°. 2066. c. Weight (T.) History of Ireland. 3 vol. London and New fork, [1848.] 8". 2069. e. •1 E L' 420 SUBJECT-INDEX. IRELAND— History— continued. Grose (F.) The Antiquities of Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1791-95- 4°. Ireland. Annals of Ireland, by the Four Masters, to the year lolb. 7 vol. Dublin, 185 1. 8°. 2071. g. Chronicum Scotoruni. A Chron- icle of Irish affairs to a.d. 1135. With Supplement to 1150. London, 1866. 8°. 2073 (46) The War of the Gacdhil with the Gaill, or the invasions of Ire- land by the Danes and the Norse- men. L0nd0U ' l86? - 8 2073. (48.) Annals of Loch Ce. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs from a.d. 1014- a.d. 1590. London, 1871. 8°. 2073. (54.) Chartfe, Privilegia et Immuni- tates [of Ireland, 1171-1395. pp. 1-921 [Record Commission.] [London.-] fol. Cat. Desk. Historic and Municipal Docu- ments of Ireland, 1 172-1320 London, 1870. 8°. 2073 (53.) Roll of the proceedings ot the King's Council in Ireland a.d. 1392-93. London, ,877^ ^ } Rotulorum Patentium et Clau- sorum Cancellarije Hibernioo Ca- lendarium. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Hen. n- Hen vii. [Record Commission.] [London,-] 1828. fol. Cat. Desk. Calendar [of Patent Rolls— Ire- land, 5 and 6 Hen. vin., to 35 Hen. vin.] pp. 1-32. [Record | Commission.-] fol. Cat. Desk. . [l James 1. to 16 James 1.] pp. 1-372. [Record Commis- sion.] fol. Liber Munerum publicorum Hi- bernian, 1152-1827, being the Report of R. Lascelles. 2 vol. [London,] 1824. fob Cat. Desk. Reports respecting the Public Records of Ireland. 1810-1815; 1821-25. 2 vol. [Record Commis- sion.] [London], 1813-29- fol. Cat. Desk. [Landowners.] Return of Owners of Land ot one acre and upwards. Dublin, 1876. fob Cat. Desk. [Religious History.] Archdall (M.) Monasticon HibernS- cum. London, 1786. 4"- 2016. b. Cotton (II.) Fasti Ecclesine Bibermcse. (Supplement.) 5 vol. Dublin, 1847-78. 8°- 2004 - d IRELAND -Religious History— continued. Ireland. Irish Church Directory [for the current year]. Dublin. &. 2121. b. Reid (J. S.) History of the Presby- terian Church in Ireland. [Con- tinued by W. D. Killen.) 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1834-53- 8 °- 2004> c " [Topography.] Carlisle (N.) Topographical Diction- arv of Ireland. London, 18 10 4 . J 2062. d. Lewis (S.) Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1842. 4°. 2061. d Leet (A.) Directory to the Market Towns, Villages, Gentlemen's Seats, and other noted places in Ireland. Dublin, 1 8 14. 8". 2059. .a. Slater (J.) National Commeicial Di- rectory of Ireland. Manchester, 188 r. 8°. 2120. d. Ireland. Handbook for Travellers in Ireland. London, 1878. 8°. 2057. a. Philip (G.) Handy Atlas of the Counties of Ireland. By J. Bartho- lomew. London, 1885. 8°. 2060. a. Hull (E.) Physical Geology & Geo- graphy of Ireland. London, 1878. 8°. 2030. d. See also England. IRISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Foley (D.) English-Irish Dictionary. Dublin, 1855. 8°. *■„■ O'Reilly (E.) Irish-English Dic- tionary. Dublin, 1864. 4°. 2112. c. Botjrke (U. J.) The College Irish Grammar. Dublin, 1868. \l^ Easy lessons : or self-instruction in Irish. Dublin, 1867. 12°. fc O'Donovan (J.) Grammar of the Irish Language. Dublin, 18 45- 8^ ^ Royal Irish Academy. Transactions. Dublin, 1855, etc. 8°. . 2099. g. Irish Manuscript Series. V ol. 1. [Dublin,] 1880. 4o. 2099 . g. ( J , lhkut ( J. T.) Account of Facsimiles of National Manuscripts of Ireland. London, 1884. 8". Cat Desk. O'Reilly (E.) Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 1820 Containing a chronological account of nearly four hundred Irish writers, carried down to the year 1750. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Dublin, 1820. 4°. 2050. f. SUIUEOT-INDEX. 421 IEON. Ikon. On the Manufacture of Iron. [By M. Needham.] London, 1831. 8°. 2103. i. ISLE OF MAN. See Man, Isle of. ISLE OF WIGHT. See Wight, Isle of. ISLINGTON. Lewis (8.) History and Topography of the Parish of Saint Mary, Islington. London, 1842. 4°. ' 2065. d. Nelson (J.) History, Topography, and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington. London, 181 1. 4°. 2065. b. ISTEIA. Istuia. Saggio di Bibliografia Istriaua. Capodistria, 1864. 8°. BB. K. ITALIAN LANGUAGE. Route. — Academia della Crusca. Voca- bolario tlegli Accadernici della Crusca. 4 U impressione. 6 vol. Firenze, 1729-38. tbl. 2117. c. TosiMAsEO (N.) Dizionario della lingua Italiana. 4 vol. Torino, 1 86 1-79. 4°. 2117. c. Baretti (G.) Dictionary, English and Italian [and Ital.-Eng.] 2 vol. London, 1778. 8°. 2117. d. Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, by Davenport and Comolati. 2 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2116. c. Buttura (A.) ami Kenzi (A.) Dic- tionnaire general Italien-Frangais. Paris, 1861. 8°. 2116. b. Ferrari (C.) e Caccia (J.) Gran Dizionario Itahano-Franceso e Franeese-Italiano. 2 pt. Parigi, 1879. 8°. 2117. b. Ollendorff (H. G.) A new Method, etc., adapted to the Italian. Third edition. London, 1855. 8°. 2118. a. Key. Paris, 1846. 8°. 2118. a. Buommattei (B.) Delia liugua Tos- cana libri due. 2 vol. Milano, 1807. 8°. 2041. g. Gamba (l'>.) Serie dei Testi di Lingua. . Venezia, 1859. 8°. 2048. e. Mambelli (M. A.) Osservazioni della Lingua Italiana raccolte dal Ciuo- nio. Milano, 1809-13. 8°. 2041. g. [Dialects.'] Bacchi della Lega (A.) Bibliografia dei Voeabolari ne'dialetti Italian] raccolti e posseduti da G. Ronia- gnoli. Seconda edizione. Bologna, 1879. 8". BB. T. ITALIAN LITEKATURE. Corniani (G. B.) I Secoli della Lcttc- ratura Italiana. 2 vol. 1 83 2-3 3. 8°. 2044. f. Ginguene (P. L.) Histoiro litteraire d'ltalie (continue'e par F. Salfi). 14 vol. Paris, 181 1-55. 8°. 2044.1). TiRABOsciii (G.) Storia della Lettera- tura Italiana. 1G vol. Milano, 1822-26. 8°. 2042. b. Mazzuchelli (G. M.) Gli Scrittori d' Italia. [A-B.] 6 vol. Brescia, 1753-63. fol. 2036. g. M., G. Dizionario di operc anonime o pseudonimo di Scrittori Italiani. Di G. M[elzi]. 3 vol. Milano, 1848-59. 8°. 2049. a. Zambrini (F.) Le Opero volgari a stampa dei secoli xm e xiv indicate e descrittc. Bologna, 1878. 8°. BB. G. Lombardi (A.) Storia della Lcttera- tura Italiana nel secolo xvm. 4 vol. Modena, 1827-30. 8°. 2044. b. Bertocci (D. G.) Repertorio b,iblio- grarico delle opere stampate in Italia nel secolo xix. 2 vol. Roma, 1876-80. 8°. BB. M. Bibliografia Italiana. Giornale, etc. Anno 12, etc. Firenze, 1879, etc. 8°. BB. R. Crescimbeni (G. M.) L' Istoria della Volgar Poesia. 6 vol. Venezia, 1730, 31. 4°. 2047. d. Melzi (G.) Count. Bibliografia dei Romanzi e Poeud cavallereschi Italiani. Milano, 1838. 8°. 2050. d. Passano (G. B.) 1 Novellieri Italiani in prosa. Milano, 1864. 8°. BB. G. I Novellieri Italiani in verso. Bologna, 1868. 8°. BB. G. Classici Italiani. 374 vol. Milano, 1802-50. 8°. 2041. a-h, and 2042. a-d. Bibliografia delle Opere contenute nella (Jollezione de' Classici Ita- liani. Milano, 1814. 8". 2041. h. [For Bibliographies &c. of the writ- ings of natives of the various Italian Towns, see the names of the towns.] ITALY. [History.] Blano (J.) Bibliographic Italico- Franeaise, mi catalogue de tons lea imprimes en langue frangaise sur l'ltalie. Paris, 1886. 8°. BB. I. Kevbiont (A. von) Bibliografia dei lavori pubblicati in Germania Bulla Storia .1' It ilia. Berlin, 1863. BB. M. 422 SUBJECT-INDEX. ITALY—History—cont bated. Bossi(L.) Istoria d' Italia. 19 vol. Milano, 1819-23- 8°. 2084. b Cantu (C.) Storia degli Italiatu. 15 torn. Torino, 1874-77- 8 °- „„ 2085. a. Leo (II.) Geschichte von Italian. 5 vol. Hamburg, 1829-32. 8°. 2068. a. Gr2Evitjs (J. G.) Thesaurus Antiqui- tatum et Histnriarum Italia?, etc. 9 vol. (in 30 pt.) Lugd.But. 1725 , 04-23. fol. Cat. Desk. Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Italicarum Bcriptores, ab anno 500 ad 1500. 25 vol. Mediolani, T7 23-51. fol. 2069. f. & 2070. f. Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, ab anno 1000 ad 1(500. 2 vol. Florentise, 1748-70. fol. 2070. f. Denina (C. G. M.) Delle Rivoluziom .1' Italia, libri xxv. 3 vol. Milano, 1820. 8°. 2042. a. Muratori (L. A.) Annali d' Italia. (Tavole ed Indice.) 18 vol. Milano, 1 818-21. 8". 2041. h. & 2042. a. Dissertazioni sopra le Antichita Italiane. 5 vol. Milano, 1836, 37- 8°. 2042. d. Antiquitates Italics Medii iEvi. 6 vol. Mediolani, 1738-42. fol. 2070. f. SlHONDE DE SlSMONDl (J. C. L.) HlS- toire des Re'publiques Italiennes du Moyen Age. 16 vol. Paris, 1826. 8°. 2084. e. History of the Italian Republics. London, 1832. 8°. 2103. d. Troya (C.) Storia d' Italia del Medio- Evo. Vol. 1, 2, 3, pt. 1, and 4. Napoli, 1839-59- 8°. 2084. c. Guicciardini (F.) Istoria d' Italia. 10 vol. Milano, 1803. 8°. 2041. c Histoire d'ltalie, 1492 a 1532. Pang, 1836. 8°. 2043. d. Botta (C.) Storia d' Italia, contiuuata da quelia del Guicciardini sino al 1789. 10 vol. Parigi, 1837- 8°. 2084. b. Storia d' Italia, dal 1879 al 1814. 4 vol. Parigi, 1837. 8". 2084. b. Amato (G. D') ' Martiri della Liberta Italiana. 2 vol. Torino, 1852. 8°. 2036. f. Muehlurecht (().) Die Litcratur des deutschen und italienischen Kriegcs im Jahre 1866. Prag, 1867. 8°. BB. M. [For Histories, &c, of the various Italian Towns, see tho names of the Towns.] ITALY — continued. [Topography.] Donaldson (J.) Varronianus; an in- troduction to the Ethnography of ancient Italy. London, i860. 8°. 2114. b. Italy. Handbook for Travellers in Italy. 3 vol. London, 1875-78. 8°. 2057. a. Lichtenthal (P.) Manual e biblio- grafico del Yiaggiatore in Italia. Milano, 1844. 8°. BB. I. Ramtoli.i (G. B.) Corografia dell' Italia. 3 vol. Milano, 1832-34. 8°. 2058. b. Spalding (W.) Italy and the Italian Islands. 3 vol. Edinburgh, i8 4 r. 12°. 2103. g. Manzoni (L.) Bibliografia-degli statuti, online e leggi dei municipii Itali- ani. 2 vol. Bologna, 1876-79. 8°. BB. M. JAPAN. s Pages (L.) Bibliographic Japonaise. Paris, 1859. 4°. BB. I. Hawks (F. L.) Narrative of the Ex- pedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, in 1852-54, under the command of Commodore M. C. Parry, U.S.N. Washington, 1856. 4". 2057. f. K^mvfer ( ti.) Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan. [Seven sheets.] Amsterdam, [1700?] obi. fol. Satow (E. M.) and Hawes (A G. S.) Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan. London, 1884. 8°. 2057. b. JAPANESE LANGUAGE. Aston (W. G.) Grammar of the Japanese written language. London, 1872. 8°. 2115. d. JERSEY - „ X, T 1 P Falle (P.) Account of the Isle of Jersey. Jersey, 1837. 8 °. 2065. a. Plees (W.) Account of Jersey. Southampton, 18 1 7. 4". 2066. b. JERUSALEM. Palestine Exploration Fund. Jeru- salem. London, 1884. 4°. 2057. e. JESUITS. Carayon (A.) Bibliographic histonquc de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1864. 4". BB. A. SUBJECT-INDEX. 423 JESUITS— continued. Backer (A.) and (Alois do) Biblio- theque K> MADAGASCAR. Drury (R.) Adventures during fifteen years captivity on the Island of Madagascar. London, 1826. 12°. 2039. a. MADRID. _.. , Alvarez y Baena (J. A.) Hijos de Madrid. 4 vol. Madrid, 1789-91- 4 °- 2037 - e - MADRIGALS. Rimbault (E. F.) Bibliotheca Madn- galiana. London. 1847. 8°. BB. G. MAGISTRATES. Oke (G. C.) The Magisterial Synopsis, a practical Guide for Magistrates. 2 vol. Loudon, j 88 1. 8°. 2017. l>. MAGNETISM. See Electricity. MAINE, Department of the. Desportes (N.) Bibliographic du Maine. Le Mans, 1844. 8°. BB. K. MALAY LANGUAGE. Crawfurd (J.) Grammar and Dic- tionary of the Malay Language. 2 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2115. c. Marsden (W.) Dictionary of the Malayan Language, in two parts. London, 1812. 4°. 2115. e. MAN, Isle of. Cumming (J. G.) The Isle of Man ; its history, etc. London, 1848. 8°. 2062. a. Train (J.) Account of the Isle of Man. 2 vol. Douglas, 1845- 8°. 2062. a. MANCHE, Department of the. Pluquet (A.) Bibhographie du de'- partement de la Manche. Caen, 1873. 8°. BB. K. MANUSCRIPTS. Bernard (E.) Catalogi librorum manuscriptornm Auglias et Hi- bernire in unum collecti. Oxonix, 1697. fol. 2050. g. Haenel (G.) Catalogi Librorum Manu- scriptorum qui in Bibliothecis Gallias asservantur. Lipsix, 1830. 4°. 2050. g. Historical Manuscripts. Reports of the Royal Commission 011 His- torical Manuscripts. London, 1870, efc. fol. Cat. Desk. Paris (A. P.) Les Manuscrits Fran- cois de la Bibliotheque du Roi. 7 vol. Paris, 1836-48. 8°. 2049. bb. See also Part I. — British Museum; Cambridge University ; France, Bibliotheque Nationals and Biblio- theques publiques des Departements ; Oxford University, Bodleian Li- brary, etc. MANTUA. . Codde (P.) Pittori, Sculton, Archi- tetti, ed Iucisori Mantovani. Mantova, 1837. 8°- 2032 - d - MARRIAGE, Law of. Macqueen (J. F.) Rights and Liabili- ties of Husband and Wife. London, 1885- 8°. 2017. b. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Foster (Joseph) London Marriage Licenses, 1521-1869. Edited by J. Foster. London, 1887. 8°. Cat. Desk. SUBJECT-INDEX. 433 MARY, the Blessed Virgin. Jameson (A.) Mrs. Legends of the Madonna. Second edition. London, 1857. 4°. 2031. a. MASSACHUSETTS. Colkurn (J.) Bibliography of the Local History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1 871. 8°. BB. K. MATHEMATICS. Murhard (F. W. A.) Litteratur der matheinatischen Wissenscliaften. 4 vol. Leipzig, 1797-1804. 8°. BB. E. Eogg (J.) Bibliotheca Mathematica. Tubingx, 1830. 8". BB. E. Sohncke (L. A.) Bibliotheca Mathe- matica; 1830-1854. [Continuation of Eogg.] Ljeipsic, 1854. 8°. 2022. d. Eblecke (A.) Bibliotheca Mathe- matica. Ilalle a. 8., 1873. 8°. BB. E. BlIiLTOTHECA HlSTORICO - NaTURALLS. Physio-Chemica et Matheruatica. Gottingen, 1879, etc. 8°. BB. E. IIeidbronner (J. C.) Historia Mathe- seos Universal. Lipsix, 1742. 4°. 2022. f. Hutton (C.) Philosophical and Mathe- matical Dictionary. 2 vol. London, 1815. 4°. 2022. f. Montferrier (A. S. de) Dictionnaire des Sciences Mathe'niatiques. [With Supplement.] 3 vol. Paris, 1835-40. fol. 2101. e. Monti cla (J. E.) Histoire des Mathe- matiques. 4 vol. 1799-1802. 4". 2022. f. Sarrazin de Montferrier (A. A. V.) Dictionnaire des Sciences Mathe- matiques pures et applique'es. 3 torn. Paris, 1835-40. fol. 2022. f. Sonnet (H.) Dictionnaire des Mathe- matiques Applique'es. Paris, 1867. 8°. 2022. d. Carr (G. S.) A synopsis of elementary results in Pure and Applied Mathe- matics. London, 1880. 8°. 2022. 0. Jahkbuch uber die Fortsciiritte der Mathematik. Bd. 12, etc. Berlin, 1882, etc. 8°. 2022. d. Journal de Mathematiques. Deux- ieuie seiie. Tom. lii. Table. Paris, 1 874. 4°. Troisieme se'rie. 10 torn. Paris, 1 875-8 4.. 4°. MATHEMATICS— con tin ued. Journal de Mathematiques. Qua- trieme eerie. Tom. 1, etc. Paris, 1885, etc. 4°. 2022. g. Journal fur die reine und unoe- WANDTE MATHEMATIK. Bd. 75, etc. Berlin, 187 2, etc 4°. 2022. g. MECHANICS. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Me- ehanieo-technologica. 2 Bde Leipzig, 1844-50. 8°. BB. E. Young (T.) A Systematic Catalogue of Works relating to Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. London, 1807. 4°. BB. E. Apfleton (D.) Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine- work, and En- gineering. 2 vol. New York, 1852. 4". 2022. c. Kater (H.)and Lardner (D.) Treatise on Mechanics. London, 1830. 8°. 2103. e. Kkight (E. II.) American Mechanical Dictionary. 4 vol. Supplementary Volume. (1876-80.) New York, 1874-84. 8°. 2022. b. Eankine (W. J. M.) Manual of Ap- plied Mechanics. London, 1858. 8°. 2102. b. MEDIA. Rawlinson (G.) The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World. 3 vol. London, ^871. 8°. 2069. a. MEDICI. Galluzzi (R.) Istoria del Granducato di Toscana sotto il governo della Casa Medici, etc. 5 vol. Firenze, 1781. 4°. 2084. f. MEDICINE. [Bibliographies.'] Choulant (L.) Bibliotheca Mcdico- Historica. Lipsise. 1842. 8°. BB. C. France. — Bibliotheque National: Cata- logue des Sciences Me'dicales. Vol. 1, 2. Pom, 1857, 73- 4 °- Cat. Desk. Pauly (A.) Bibliographic des Sciences Me'dicales. Paris, 1874. S°. BB. C. Pharmaceutical Society. Catalogue of the Library. London, 1885. 8°. BB. C. Roy (C. H. ii) Catalogus Bibliotheca) Medicse. 5 torn. Amstelodami, 1830. 8°. BB. C. Royal College of Surgeons. Classed Catalogue of the Books contained in the Library. London, 188 j. 8°. BB. C. 2 P 434 SUBJECT-INDEX. MEDICINE — Bibliographies — continued. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society. Catalogue of the Library. [Compiled by B. R. Wheatley.] 3 vol. London, 1879. 8". BB. C. United States op America. — Library of the Surgeon-General's Office. Index Catalogue. Authors and Subjects. 6 vol. Washington, 1880-85. 8°. Cat. Desk. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Medico- Chirurgica et Anatomico-Physio- logica. 1750-1847. Leipzig, 1848. 8°. BB. C. Supplement-Heft, 1848- 1867. Leipzig, 1868. 8°. BB. C. Baldamus (E.) Die Erscheinungeu der deutsehen Literatur, 1875-80 auf dem Gebiete der Medicin und Pharmacie. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Bibliotheca Medico-Chirtjrgica, Phar- maceutico-Chemiea et veterimiria. Gottingen, 1879, etc. 8°. BB. C. Krehel (R.) Russlands uaturhistorisehe und mcdicinische Literatur. Schrif- ten und Abhandlungen in nicht- russischer Sprache. Jena, 1847. 8°. BB. E. [Dictionaries.'] Callisen (C. P.) Medicinisches Schriftsteller-Lexicon, &c. 33 vol. Copenhagen, etc., 1830-45. 12°. 2038. a. Castellus (B.) Lexicon Medicum Graeco-Latinuni. Genecee, j 746. 4°. 2024. d. Copland (J.) Dictionary of Practical Medicine. Abridged. London, 1866. 8°'. 2024. c. Dlnglison (Ft.) Dictionary of Medical Science. Philadelphia, 1874. 8°. 2024. c. Eloy (N. F. J.) Dictionnaire de la Medecine. 4 vol. Mons, 1778. 4°. Cat. Desk. Jaccoud (S.) Nouveau Dictionnaire de Me'decine et de Chirurgie pratiques. 40 vol. Paris, 1864-86. 8°. 2025. a. b. Jourdan (A. J. L.) Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales. 7 vol. Paris, 1820-25. 8°. 2026. a. Mayne (R. G.) Expository Lexicon of terms in medical and general science. London, i860. 8°. 2024. c. Nysten (P. H.) Dictionnaire de Mede- cine, de Chirurgie, de Pharmacie, de l'Art Ve'te'rinaire, etc. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2024. e. Quain (R.) A Dictionary of Medicine. London, 1882. 8°. 2024. e. Tom. 1-23. 8°. Tom. 1-16. 8". Tom. 1-12. MEDICINE — Dictionaries — continued. Raige-Delorme (J.) and Dechambre (A.) Dictionnaire Encyclope'dique des Sciences Me'dicales. Tom. 1-34 Paris, ] 854-87, etc. 8°. Deuxieme serie. Paris, 1868-87, etc. Troisieme serie. Paris, 1874-85, etc. Quatrieme serie. Paris, 1877-86, etc. 8°. 2025. c.-e. Ziemssen (H. von) Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine. 18 vol. London, 1875-81. 8°. 2026. d., etc. Supplement. London, 188 r. 8°. 2026. a. [Treatises.] Aitken (W.) Handbook of the Science and Practice of Medicine. London, 1858. 8°. 2102. h. Science and Practice of Medi- cine. Seventh edition. 2 vol. London, 1880. 8°. 2026. b. Brunton (T. L.) Text-book of Phar- macology, Theriipeutics, and Ma- teria Mediea. London, J 887. 8°. 2024. d. Family Physician. A Manual of Do- mestic Medicine. London, 1882. 8°. 2024. d. Graham (T. J.) Modern Domestic Medicine. London, 1864. 8°. 2026. a. Reynolds (J. R.) System of Medicine. 2 vol. London, "1866-68. 8°. 2024. c. Tanner (T. H.) Practice of Medicine. 2 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2024. b. Watson (T.) Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic. 2 vol. London, 187 r. 8°. 2024. e. Cockayne (T. O.) Leechdoms, Wort- cunninjr, and Starcraft of early Euglaud, illustrating the History of Science. 3 vol. London, 1864-66. 8°. 2073. (35.) [Medical Journals.] Braithwaite (W.) and (J.) The Re- trospect of Medicine. A half- yearly journal. Vol. 11, etc. London, 1878, etc. 2024. a. British Medical Journal. 1887, etc. 4°. 2025. g. Index M edicts. A monthly record of current Medical Literature. New York, 1879, etc. S°. BB. C. Lancet. 1887, etc. London. 4°. 2025. h. Medical Times and Gazette. London, 1884, etc. 8°. 2025. h. SUBJECT-INDEX. 435 MEDICINE — Medical Journals — con- tinued. Neale (R.) The Medical Digest. (The First Appendix, 1882-85 and early part of 1886.) London, 1 886. 8°. Royal Medical and Chtbuboioax Society. General Index to Vol. 1-53 of the Medico - Chirurgical Transactions. [Compiled by B. R. Wheatley.] London, 1871. 8°. [Medical Jurisprudence.] Taylor (A. S.) Medical Jurisprudence. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8". 2016. e. Woodman (W. B.) and Tidy (C. M.) Handy-Book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. London, 1877. 8°. 2024. bb. [Medical Profession.'] Wooton (E.) Guide to the Medical Profession. London, 1883. 8°. 2024. a. Medical Register [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. e. MEDITERRANEAN. Playfair (R. L.) Handbook to the Mediterranean. London, 1882. 8°. 2057. b. MESOPOTAMIA. Fraser (J. B.) Mesopotamia and As- syria. Edinburgh, 1842. 12°. 2103. g. METALLURGY. Reichardt (G.) Bibliotheca Rerum Metallicarum. 1856-64. Eisleben, 1857-66. 12°. BB. E. Holland (J.) Treatise on the Manu- factures in Metal. 3 vol. London, 1831-34- 8°. 2103. f. Kerl (B.) Practical Treatise on Me- tallurgy. 3 vol. London, 1868-70. 8°. 2022. c. Napier (J.) Manual of Electro-Metal- lurgy. London, 185 1. 8°. 2102. e. Percy (J.) Metallurgy. Vol. 1-4. London, 1861-70. 8°. 2922. c. Phillips (J. A.) Manual of Metal- lurgy. London, 1852. 8°. 2102. h. METAL WORK. South Kensington Museum. List of Books on Metal Work in the Na- tional Art Library. London, 1883. 8°. BB. E. METAPHYSICS. See Philosophy. METEOROLOGY. FitzRoy (R.) The Weather Book. London, 1863. 8". 2022. c. METHODISM. DECANTER (II. C.) Catalogue of Works in refutation of Methodism. New York, 1868. 8°. BB. A. METROLOGY. 1I\ LTSOH (F.) Griechische und Ro- mische Metrologie. Berlin, 1882. S\ 2051. b. MEXICO. Andrade (J. M.) Catalogue de la bibliotheque de J. M. Andrade, 7000 pieces et volumes ayant rap- port au Mexique, ou imprimes dans cepa\s. Leipzig, 1869. 8°. BB. I. Brasseur de Bourbourg (E. C.) Bi- bliotheque Mexico-Guatemalienne. Paris, 1871. 8°. BB. I. Ramirez (J. F.) Bibliotheca Mexicana. A catalogue of the library of rare books and manuscripts relating to Mexico, &c, formed by J. F. R. London, 1880. 8°. * BB. I. Peescott (W. H.) History of the Con- quest of Mexico. London, 1878. 8°. 2085. c. MICROSCOPE. Beale (L. S.) How 1o Work with the Microscope. London, 1880. 8°. 2022. a. The Microscope in Medicine. London, 1878. 2022. a. Carpenter (William B.) The Micro- scope and its Revelations. London, 1881. 8°. 2022. a. Griffith (J. W.) and Henfrey (A.) Micrographio Dictionary. 2 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2022. d. Roper (F. C. S.) Catalogue of Works on the Microscope, &c. Privately printed : [London,'] 1865. 8°. BB. E. MIDDLESEX. Lysons (DO Historical Account of those Parishes in Middlesex, not described in the Environs of Lon- don. London, 1800. 4°. 2065. e. Trimen (H.) and Dykk (\V. T. T.) Flora of Middlesex. London, 1869. 8". See also London. 2029. a. MILAN. Predaiu (F.) Bibliografiaeuciclopediea Milanese. Milano, 1857. 8 °- BB. K. Verri (P.) Count. Storia di Milano. 3 vol. Milano, 1834-5°- iS °- 2042. d. 436 SUBJECT-INDEX. MILITARY SCIENCE. Aldershot Military Library. Cata- logue of the Books, Maps, and Plans in the Military Library of H. K. H. the Prince Consort, Aider- shot. (Addenda.) London, i86c-6r. 8°. BB. E. France. — Bibliotheque du Depot de la Guerre. Catalogue. 2 torn. Paris, i86r. 8°. 2048. d. Rumtf (H. F.) Allgemcine Literatur der Kriegswissensehaften. 2 vol. Berlin, i~8 24-25. 8°. 2049. aa. Baldamus (E.) Die litcrarischen Er- sclieinungen, 1845-79 auf dem Gebiete der Kiiegswissenschat't (und Pferdekunde). Prag, 1865-80. 8°. BB. E. Witzleben (A. von) Deutschlaud's Milifar Literatur im letzten Jahrze- hent und Uebersicht der wichtig- sten Karten Central Europas. Berlin, 1850. 8°. BB. E. Seelhorst (A. von) Deutschland's Milit'ar-Literatur, 1859-1860. Berlin, 1862. 8°. BB. E. Ayai.a (M. d') Bibliografia Militare Italiana. Torino, 1854. 8°. BB. E. Almirante (J.) Bibliografia militar de Espaua. Madrid, 1876. 8°. 2048. d. Duckett (G. F.) Technological Mili- tary Dictionary; German-English- French. London, 1848. 8°. 2118. g. Goevie (E.) and Jansen (H. G.) Dic- tionnaire Francais-Hollandais de Marine et de l'Art Militaire. La Haye, 1844. 8°. 2118. g. Grose (F.) Military Antiquities. 2 vol. London, i8or. 4". 2085. g. Aquino (C. D') Lexicon Militare. 2 vol. Romee, 1724. fol. 2119. g. MINERALOGY AND MINING. Dana (J. D.) System of Mineralogy. London, 1 88 r . 8°. 2030.' d. Naumann (C. F.) Elemente der Mineralogie. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. 2030. e. Phillips (W.) Introduction to Mineralogy. London, 1852. 12°. 2030. d. Ure (A.) Dictionary of Mines. 4 vol. London, 1875-78. 8°. 2022. d. Greo (R. P.) and Lettsom (W. G.) Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1858. 8°. 2030. 0. Bainbridoe (W.) Treatise on the law of Mines and Minerals. London, 1878. 8". 2018. 9. MINERALOGY AND MINING— continued . Folkard (H. T.) Wigan Free Public Library. Index of Books relating to Mining, &c. Southport, 1880. 8". BB. E. Aciiiardi (A. d') Bibliografia Minera- logica, Geologiea e Paleontologies dulla Toscana. Roma. 1875. 8°. BB. E. Jentzsch (A.) Die geologische und Mineralogische Lit. ratur dea Kiini- greichs Sachsen, 1835-73. Leipzig. 1874. 8°. BB. E. Berg i E. von) Repei torium der Lite- ratur iiber die Mineralogie Russ- lands bis 1800. St. Petersburg, 1 86 2. 8°. BB. E. MINIATURISTS. Bradley ; MONS. Kousselle (II.) Bibliographic Mon- toise. Annales de limprimerie a Moiw depuia 1G80, etc. Morn, 1858. 8°. BB. K. MONTENEGRO. Valentinelli (G.) Bibliografia della Dalmazia e del Montenegro. Zagabria, 1855. 8°. BB. K. MORTGAGE.— Law of. Couth (It. II.) Treatise on the Law of Mortgage. London, J 884. 8°. 2017. c. MUNICIPALITIES. Vim: (J. It. S.) Municipal Corpora- tions Companion, etc. [For the current year] London,8". 2121. d. See also Boroughs and Local Government. MUSIC. [Bibliographies.'] Becker (C. F.) Darstellung dcr nmsikalischen Literatur. Leipzig, 1836-39. 4°. BB. G. Die Tonwerke des xvi. und xvii. Jahrhuuderts. Leipzig, 1855. ±°- BB - G - Verzoichniss einer Samnilung von musikalischen Schriften. Leipzig, 1840. 4°. BB. G. British Museum Catalogue of the Manuscript Music iu the British Museum. [By T. Oliphant.] London, 1842. 8°. Cat. Desk. EiTNtK (K.) Bibliogrnphie der Mnsik. Samuielweike des XVI. und xvii. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1877. 8°. BB. G. Engel (C.) The Literature of National Music. London, 1879. 8°. BB. G. Fetis (F. J.) Catalogue de la Biblio- theqne de F. J. Fe"tis acquise par 1'Etat Beige. Bruxelles, 1877. 8°. BB. G. Goovaerts (A.) Histoire et biblio- grapliie de la typographic niusicale dins les Pays-Bas., Anvers, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Larjakte (T. de) Bibliotheque niusi- cale ilu Theatre de l'Ope'ru., etc. Paris, 1878. 8°. BB. G. [Dictionaries."] Brown (J. D.) Biographical Dic- tionary of Musicians, etc. Paisley, 1886. 8°. 2031. h. Fetis (F. J.) Biographic universelle des Musiciens et Bibliographic genera le chienenen Schriften. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. 2048. c. NORWEGIAN LITERATURE. Molbius (T.) Catalogus Librorum Is- landicorum et Noivegicorum ^Etatis Mediae. Lipsise, 1856. 8°. 2048. c. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der Altnordischen Spraehe und Literatur von 1855 bis 1879 erschienenen Schriften. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. 2048. c. Nyerup (R.) and Kraft (J. E.) Al- mindeligt Litteratur-Lexicon for Danmark, Norge, og Island. . SUBJECT-INDEX. 449 PHYSIOLOGY— continued. Flint (J.) Physiology of Man. 5 vol. New York, 1866-75. 8°. Foster (M.) A Text-Book of Physi- ology. London, 1883. 8°. 2024. bb. Hermann (L.) Elements of Human Physiology. London, 1878. 8°. 2024. bb. Kirkes (W. S.) Handbook of Physi- ology. London, 1884. 8°. 2024. a. Owen (Sir R.) Lectures on the Com- parative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. London, 1855. 8°. 2029. g. See also Anatomy : Dissection : Osteology, etc. PICARDY. Dramard (E.) Bibliographic ge'ogra- phique et historiquc de la Picardie. Paris, 1869. 8°. BB. K. PICTS. Skene (W. F.) Chronicles of the Piets, Chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish History. Edited by W. F. S. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. 2075. c. PIEDMONT. Sardinia and Piedmont. Historian Patrise Monumenta. Vol. 1-17. Augustie Taurinorum, 1836-79. fol. Cat. Desk. PISTOIA. Capponi (V.) Bibliografia Pistoiese. Pistoia, 1874. 8°. BB. K. PLEADING. Bdllen (E.) and Leake (S. M.) Pre- cedents of Pleading. Pt. 1. London, 1882. 8°. 2017. b. Cunningham (J.) and Mattinson (M. W.) Selection of Precedents of Pleading under the Judicature Acts. London, 1884. 8°. 2018. a. PLESHY. Gougu (R.) History and Antiquities of Pleshy, Essex. London, 1803. 4". 2066. d. PLYMOUTH. Worth (R. N.) The Three Towns Bibliotheca. Plymouth, [1873?] 8". BB. K. POITOU. Dreux du Radier (J. F.) Histoirc lit- teraire du Poitou. 2 vol. Niort, 1842-49. 8°. 2037. c. POLAND. Dunham (S. A.) History of Poland. London, 183 1. 8". 2103. d. POLAND— continued. Roepell (R.) Geschichie Polens. Vol. 1. [Vol. 2, 3, by J. Cam.] Hamburgh, 1840, 63-69. 2068. b. Mitchell (T.) Handbook for Travel- lers in Russia, Poland, and Finland. London, 1888. 8". 2057. a. POLAR REGIONS. Chavanne (J.) and Others. The Li- terature on the Polish Regions of the Earth. Vienna, 1878. 8°. BB. I. POLISH LANGUAGE. Janusz (W.) Dictionnairc complet Francais-Polonais et Polonais-Fran- c,ais. 2 pt. Leopol, 1866-78. 8°. 2118. a. Linde (S. B.) Slownik Je-zyka Pols- kiego. Wydanie drugie. 6 torn. Lwow, 1854-60. 4°. 2118. b. Polish Dictionary. Complete Dic- tionary — English and Polish, and Polish and English. 2 pL Berlin, 1849-51. 8°. 2118. b. Orda (N.) Grammaire de la Langue Polonaise. Paris, 1856. 8°. 2117. a. Rykaczewski (E.) Grammaire de la Langue Polonaise. Berlin, 186 r. 8". 2117. a. POLISH LITERATURE. Estreicher (C.) Bibliographic Polo- naise de 120,000 imprime's. Pre- miere partie xix c . siecle. Tom. 1-7. Cracow, 1870-82. 8°. 2050. 0. Polnische Bibliographie des xv. -xvi. Jahrhunderts. Krakau, 1875. 8°. 2050. c. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Macculloch (T. R.) Literature of Political Economy. London, 1845. 8°. 2023. c. United States of America. — Library of Congress. Catalogue of Works relating to Political Economy, etc. Washington, 1869. 4°. BB. C. Coquelin (C.) and Guillavmin (U. G.) Dictionnairc do l'Economie poli- tique. 2 vol. Paris, 1852, 53. 8". 2023. d. Macleod (H. D.) Dictionary of Poli- tical Economy. Vol. 1. London, 1863. 8". 2023. d. Sandelin (A.) Repertoire general d'Economie Politique. 6 vol. Le llaye, 1846-48. 8°. 2023. f. 450 SUBJECT INDEX POLITICAL ECONOMY— continued. Blanqui(J. A.) Histoire de l'Economio politique in Europe; suivie d'une bibliographic. 2 vol. Paris, i860. 8°. 2023. c, History of Political Economy in Europe. Translated. London, 1880. 8°. 2023. d. Cossa (L.) Guide to the Study of Political Economy. London, 1880. 8°. BB. C. Genovesi (A.) Lezioni di Commercio, o sia d' Ecomiruia Civile. 2 vol. Milano, 1824, 25. 8°. 2042. c. Jevons (W. S.) Theory of Political Economy. London, 1879. 8°. 2023. c. Mill (John Stuart) Principles of Political Economy. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8°. 2023. c. Essays on some unsettled ques- tions of Political Economy. London, 1874. 8°. 2023. c. Ricardo (D.) Works. London, 1846. 8°. 2023. c. Seniok (N. W.) Political Economy. London, 1850. 8°. 2102. e. Sidgwick (H.) The Principles of Poli- tical Economy. London, 1883. 8°. 2023. d*. Smith (Adam) Wealth of Nations. Edinburgh, 1863. 8°. 2023. d. Whately (R.) Archbishop. Introduc- tory Lectures on Political Economy. London, 1855. 8°. 2023. c. POLITICAL SCIENCE. Blakey (R.) History of Political Literature. 2 vol. London, 1855. 8°. 2082. a. Mohl (R. von) Die Geschichte uud Literatur der Staatswissenschaften. 8 Bde. Erlangen, 1855-58. 8°. BB. C. Schletter (H. T.) Handbueh der juristischer und staatswissenschaft- lichen Literatur. Vol. 1. No. 1-7. Grimma, 1843. 4°. 2017. g. Block (M.) Dictionnaire General de la Politique. 2 vol. Paris, 1873, 74. 8°. 2023. d. Bluntschli (J. C.) The Theorv of the State. Translated. Oxford, 1885. S°. 2016. b. Maine (Sir H. J. S.) Lectures on the early history of Institutions. London, 1875. 8°. 2016. b. Mill (John Stuart) Considerations on Representative Government. London, 1865. 8°. 2023. c. Dissertations and Discussions, Political, Philosophical and His- torical. 4 vol. London, 1859-75. 8°. POLITICAL SCIENCE— eon tinned. Cavaloanti (B.) Trattati sopra gli ottimi Recrgimenti delle Repub- bliche antiche e moderne. Milano, 1805. 8°. 2041. e. See also Part I. — France. — Lnstitut. — Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques. POLYNESIA. Resell (M.) Polynesia. Edinburgh, 1842. 12°. 2103. g. POMPEII. Furchheim (F.) Bihlioteca Pompijana. Catalogo, etc. Napoli, 1879. 8°. BB. M. POPES. Chacon (A.) Vita? et res gesfa3 Ponti- ficum Romanorum. Ltomse. 1677. fol. 2007. d. Cinque (J. P. de) and Fabricii s (R.) Vitas etres gestaj sumniorum Pouti- ficum et Cardinalium ad Ciacconii exemplum continmdaj. Tomus pri- mus. Bomie, 1787. fol. 2007. d. Guarnacci (M.) Vifee et res gesta? Pontificum Romanorum et S. R. E. Cardinalium, a Clemente x. usque ad Clementem xn. 2 vol. Romx, 1 75 1. fol. 2007. d. Jaffe (P.) Regesta Pontificum Ro- manorum. 2 torn. Lipsim, 1885-88. 4°. 2004. f. Ranke (L. von) The Popes of Rome ; their ecclesiastical and political history during the 16th and 17th centuries. Translated by S. Austin. Fourth edition. London, 1866. 8°. 2085. aa. POPULATION. Makshall (J.) Account of the Popu- lation, 1SC1, 1811, and 1821. London, 1831. 4°. Cat. Desk. Population of Great Britain. Ab- stract of Answers and Returns. Preliminary Observations : Enume- ration Abstract : Parish Register Abstract; 1821. London, 1822. fol. Cat. Desk. Comparative Account of the Population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 1811, 1821 and 1831, etc. London, 18 ;i. fol. Cat. Desk. Pai ish Register Abstract ; 1831. 3 vol. London, 1833. f°l- Cat. Desk. Census of 18S1. England and AVales. 4 vol. (Scotland, Ireland, Channel Islands. 7 vols.) London, etc., 1882, etc. fol. Cat. Desk. PORCELAIN. See Pottery and Porcelain SUBJECT-INDEX. 451 PORTUGAL. Adamsok (J.) Bibliothcca Lusitana ; or, catalogue of books relating to Portugal. Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1836. 8°. BB. I. Figaniere (J. C. de) Bibliographia histories Portugueza. Lisboa, 1850. 8°. BB. M. Pinto de Sousa (J. C.) Bibliothcca Historica de Portugal e seus dotui- nios ultrainarinos. Lisboa, 1881. S°. BB. M. Dunham (S. A.) History of Spain and Portugal. 5 vol. London, 1832, 33. 8°. 2103. d. Sciiaefer (H.) Geschiehte von Portu- gal. 5 vol. Hamburg, 1836-54. 8°. 2068. c. Bernardes Branco (M.) Portugal e os Estrangeiros. 2 torn. Lisboa, 1879. 8°. BB. I. Portugal. Handbook for Travellers in Portugal. London, 1887. 8". 2057. a. Raczynski (A.) Count. Dictionnaire historico-artistique du Portugal. Paris, 1847. 8°. 2034. a. PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. Lacerda (J. de) Novo diccionario geral das linguas Ingleza e Portu- gueza. 2 vol. Lisboa, 1866-71. 4°. 2116. g. Vieyra (A.) Dictionary of the Portu- guese and English Languages. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8°. 2116. c. PORTUGUESE LITERATURE. Barbosa-Machado (D.) Bibliothcca Lusitana. 4 vol. Lisboa, 1741-59. fol. 2050. g. Tinto de Mattos (R.) Manual Biblio- graphico Portuguez de livros raros, classicos e curiosos. Porto, 1878. 8°. 2050. d. Silva (J. F. da) Diccionario biblio- graphico Portuguez. Vol. 1-13, etc. Lisboa, 1858-84. 8°. 2050. d. Bouterwek (F.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. 2 vol. London, 1823. S°. 2044. d. Figaniere (P. F. de la) Catalogo dos Manuscriptos Portuguczes exis- tentes no Museu Britaunico. Lisboa, 1853. 8°. Cat. Desk. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Chamvfleury, 2> sfiH( l- Bibliographic Ceramique. Paris, 1881. 8°. BB. E. POTTERY. South Kensington Museum. List of Books on Pottery in the National Art Library. London, 1885. 8°. POTTERY— continued. Birch (S.) History of Ancient Pottorv. London, 1873. 8°. 2031. b. Chaffers (W.) Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. London, 1886. 8°. 2031. d. Jewitt (L.) The Ceramic Art of Great Britain. London, 1883. 8°. 2031. d. Marryat fj.) History of Pottery and Porcelain. London, 1868. 8°. See also Glass. 2031. a. POWERS, Law of. Sugden (E. B.) Baron St. Leonards. Practical Treatise of Powers. London, 186 1. 8". 2017. f. PRAYER BOOK. Bee England, Church of. PRESBYTERIANS. Eeid (J. S.) History of the Presby- terian Church in Ireland. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1834-53. 8°. 2004. c. PRICES. Rogers (J. E. T.) History of Agri- culture and Prices in England, from 1 259 to 1793. 6 vol. Oxford, 1866. 8°. 2023. e. Tooke (T.) History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation from 1793 (to the present time). By T. Tooke (and W. Newmarch). 6 vol. London, 1838-57. 8°. 2023. e. PRIESTHOOD. Hickes (G.) Two treatises on the Christian Priesthood and on the dignity of the Episcopal < >rder. 3 vol. Oxford, 1847, 4 8 - &"■ 2014. b. PRINTING. See Typography. PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. British Museum. — Department of Prints ami Drawings. Catalogue of Prints and Drawings. Division 1. Politi- cal and Personal Satires. Vol. 1-3. London, 1870-77. 8". Cat. Desk. Fagan (L.) Handbook to the Depart- ment of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. London., 1876. 8°. 2032. e. Maueri.y (J.) The Print Collector. Edited with notes and a Biblio- graphy of engraving by R. Hoe. New York, 1880. 8°. 2031. c. Willsjiire (W. H.) Introduction to the Study and Collection of Ancient Prints. (Bibliography.) 2 vol. London, 1877. 8°. 2031. a. 452 SUBJECT-INDEX. PRIVY COUNCIL. Miciiell (B. B,) and (K. B.) The Practice and Procedure in Appeals from India to the Privy Council. Madras, 1876. 8°. 2018. g. Moore (B. F.) Reports of Cases deter- mined by the Judicial Committee of Privy Council on Appeal from Courts in the East Indies. 1836- 06. Vol. 1-10. London, [1838, etc.] 8°. 2018. g. PRIVY PURSE EXPENSES. Henry VIII., King of England. Pi ivy Purse Expenses of Henry vin., from November, 1529, to December, 1532. With notes by N. H. Nicolas. London, 1827. 8°. 2077. a. Mass I., Queen of England. Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Marv. With a memoir and notes by F. Madden. London, 1831. 8°. 2077. a. PROBABILITIES. De Morgan (A.) Essay on Proba- bilities. London, 1841. 8°. 2103. f. PROCLAMATIONS. Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell Phillips (J. O.) Catalogue of Proclamations, Broadsides, &c, presented to the Chetham Library, Manchester. London, 1851. 4°. 2048. f. PROGRESSES. Nichols (J.) Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. Vol. 1-3; 4, pt. 1. London, 1823, 21. 4°. 2072. c. Progresses, Processions, &c, of James 1. 4 vol. London, 1828. 4°. 2072. c. PROPERTY, Law of. Cruise (W.) Digest of the Laws of England respecting Peal Property. 7 vol. London, 1835. 8°. 2017. d. Dart (J. H.) Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors aud Purchasers of Real Estate. 2 vol. London, 1888. 8°. 2018. c. Goodeve (L. A.) The Modern Law of Real Property. London, 1885 8°. 2017. d. Smith (Josiah W.) Compendium of the Law of Real and Personal Pro- perty. 2 vol. London, 1884. 8°. 2017. d. Tudor (O. D.) Selection of Leading Cases on Real Property, Convey- ancing, and the construction of Wills and Deeds. London, 1879. 8°. 2017. c PR0FERTY, Law of— continued. Williams (Joshua) Principles of the Law of Personal Property. London, 1887. 8°. 2017. d. Principles of the Law of Real Property. London, 1887. 8°. 2017. d Wolstenhoi.me (E. P.) and Turner (R. O.) The Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1881, and the Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874. London, 1882. 8°. 2018. c. PROPHECY. Fairisairn (P.) Prophecy viewed in its distinctive nature. Edinburgh, 1865. 8°. 2002. d. Lee (S.) Inquiry into the nature, progress and end of Prophecy. Cambridge, 1849. 8°. 2002. e. PROTOZOA. Thompson (D'A. W.) Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Ccelenterata and Worms, for the years 1861-1883. Cambridge, 1885. 8°. BB. E. PROVENCAL LITERATURE. Faurie., (C.) Histoire de la Poe'sie Provencale. 3 vol. Pom, 1846. 8°. 2047. c. See also Troubadours. PROVERBS. Gratet Duplessis (G.) Bibliographic Pare'miologique. Paris, 1847. 8°. BB. G. Stirling, afterwards Stirling Maxwell {Sir W.) Bart. An Essay towards a collection of Books relating to Proverbs, etc. London, i860. 8°. BB. G. PRUSSIA. Kletke ((J) Quellenkunde der Ge- schichtc des Preussischen Staats. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1858-61. 8°. BB. M. Ranke (L. von) Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, and History of Prussia, during the 17th and 18th centuries. 3 vol. London, 1849. 8°. 2084. e. Reimann (E.) Neuere Geschiehte des Preussischen Staates. Bd. I. Gotha, 1882. 8°. 2068. c. Stenzel (G. A. H.) Geschiehte des Preussischen Staata. 5 vol. Hamburg, Gotha, 1830-54. 8°. 2068. b. PSEUDONYMS. See Anonyms and Pseudonyms. PSYCHOLOGY. Gbaesse (J. G. T.) Bibliotheca PsyclKfi logica Leipzig, 1845 8°. BB. C. SUBJECT-INDEX. 453 PSYCHOLOGY— continued. Bain (A.) The Emotions and t\ua Will. London, [875. 8°. 2023. b. The Senses and the Intellect. London, i«C>8. 8°. 2023. 1). Cabpentkb (W. 15.) Principled of Mental Physiology. London, 1876. 8°. 2023. a. Mill (James) Analysis of the Phe- nomena of the Human Mind. Edited by J. 8. Mill. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2323. a. Spencer (H.) Principles of Psychology. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8°. 2023. b. Dklitzs'MI (F.) System of Biblical Psychology. Edinburgh, 1867. 8°. 2014. g. PUBLIC WORSHIP, Law of. Bkice (S.) Law relating to Public Worship. London, 1875. 8°. 2016. d. PURITANS. Bkook (B.) Lives of the Puritans. :5 vol. London, 1813. 8°. 2008. d. Neal (D.) History of the Puritans. ' 5 vol. London, 1822. 8°. 2004. b. QUADRUPEDS. Bell (T.) History of British Quad- rupeds. London, 1874. 8°. 2027. e. QUATERNIONS. Tait (P. Gr.) Elementary Treatise on Quaternions. Oxford, 1867. 8°. 2022. c. QUOTATIONS AND PHRASES. Allib ine (S. A.) Poetical Quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. Philadelphia, 1875. 8". 2047. h. Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. Philadelphia, 1876. 8°. 2046. f. Bohn (H. G.) Dictionary of Quotations from the English Poets. London, 1881. 8°. 2046. a. Brewer (E. C.) Dictionary of Phrase audEable. London, [1881.] 12°. 2035. b. The Reader's Handbook of Allusions, References, Plots and Stories. London, 1882. 8°. 2035. e. Edwards (E.) Words, Facts and Phrases. A dictionary of curious matters. London, 1882. 8°. 2035. b. Grocott (J. C.) An Index to Familiar Quotations. Liverpool, 1863. 8°. 2043. a. Southgate (H.) Many Thoughts of Many Minds. 2 scries. London, 1862-71. 8°. 2044. c. QUOTATIONS AND PHRASES— continued. Sotjth&ate (H) Noble Thoughts in Noble Language. London, [18 7 1.] 8°. 2044. c. Spence (H. D. M.) Thirty Thousand Thoughts, being Extracts on Re- ligious and allied Topics. Vol. 1-5. London, 1884-87. 8". 2006. b. R. RABBINICAL LITERATURE. Bartoloccius (J.) Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica. 4 vol. liomx, 1675-93. fol. 2049. e. Beelen (J. T.) Chrestomathia Kab- binica et Chaldaica. '6 vol. Lovanii, 1841-43- 8°. 2114. a. See also Talmud. RAILWAYS. Francis (J.) History of the English Railway 1820-1845. 2 vol. London, 1851. S°. 2083. a. Shelford (L.) Law of Railways. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8°. 2018. e. RATIONALISM. Hurst (J. F.) History of Rationalism, with an appendix of literature. New York, [1882?] 8°. 2002. a. READING. Coates (0.) History of Reading. London, 1802. 4°. 2066. d. REAL PROPERTY. See Property. RECEIPTS. Cooley (A. J.) Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts. 2 vol. London, 1880. 8°. 2022. c. RECORDS. Edwards (E.) Synoptical Tables of the Records of the Realm. London, 1865. fol. 2069. e. Ewald { A. C.) Our Public Records. London, 1873. 8°. Cat. Desk. Ireland. Annual Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland, i-xviii. 18(!!t-1885. Dunlin. 1869-86. 8°. Cat. Desk. Recokds. Annual Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. London, 1840, etc. fol. & 8°. Cat. Desk. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir F. Palgrave, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, 1810-61. London. 1865. fol. Cat. Desk. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir T. 1). Hardy, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, 1SC2-78. London. [880. fol. Cat. Desk. ,Sc(jalso Part I.-— Record Commission. 454 SUBJECT-INDEX. REFORMATION. See Church History. RELIGIONS. Livres Sacres dc l'Orient, traduita par G. Pauthier. Paris, 1840. 8°. 2043. b. Sacred Books of the East. Trans- lated by various Oriental Scholars and edited by F. Max Midler. Oxford, 1879, etc. 8°. 2003. a. Fergusson (J.) Tree and Serpent Worship. London, 1873. 4°. 2032. g. Picart (B.) Ceremonies et Covttumes Keligieuses de tous les Peuples du Monde. 7 vol. Amsterdam, 1723-37. fol. 2006. c. Smith (W.) LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and lionian Mythology, etc. 3 vol. London, 1844-49. 8°. 2051. b. Spencer (H.) Ecclesiastical Institu- tions. London, 1886. 8°. 2023. b. RELIGIOUS ORDERS AND HOUSES. Archdall (M.) Monasticou Hiberni- cum. London, 1876. 4°. 2016. b. Burton (J.) Monasticon Eboraeense. York, 1758. fol. 2063. f. Dcgdale (Sir W.) Monasticon Angli- cauurn. 3 vol. Londini, 1682, 61, 73. fol. 2061. e. ■ Translated into English. London, 171 8. fol. 2062. e. A new edition. 8 vol. London, 1817-30. fol. 2062. e. Stevens (J.) History of the antient Abbeys, Monasteries, etc. ; being additional volumes to Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum. 2 vol. London, 1722, 23. fol. 2062. e. Fosbroke (T. D.) British Monachism. London, 1843. 8°. 2003. e. Grainge (W.) Castles and Abbeys of Yorkshire. York, 1855. 8 °- 2062. a. Histoire des Ordres Monastiques, Re- ligieux et Militaires et des Con- gregations se'culieres de l'un et de l'autre sexe. [By P. Helyot.] Paris, 1 7 14-19. 8°. 2007. c. Jameson (A.) Mrs. Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented in the fine arts. London, 1852. 4°. 2031. a. Tanner (T.) Notitia Monastica. London, 1744. fol. 2062. e. Reprinted, with additions, by J. Nasmith. Cambridge, 1787. fol. 2062. e. Taylor (R.) Index Monasticus ; or, the Abbeys, Monasteries, etc. formerly established in the diocese of Nor- wich, etc. London, 1821. fol. 2062. f. RELIGIOUS ORDERS AND HOUSES— con- tinued. Willis (B.) History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies. 2 vol. London, 1718, 19. 8°. 2062. a. See also Benkdictines : Carmelites : Dominicans : Franciscans : Jesuits : Oratorians. REPTILES. Bell (T.) History of British Reptiles. London, 1849. 8°. 2027. e. RHEIMS. Varin (P.) Archives administratives et legislatives de la ville de Reims. 9 vol. Paris, 1839-53. 4°. 2083. e. RHETORIC. Whately (R.) Archbishop of Dublin. Elements of Rhetoric. London, 1846. 8°. 2023. a. Rhetoric. London, 1 85 o. 8°. 2102. e. RHODE ISLAND. Bartlett (J. R.) Bibliography' of Rhode Island. Providence, 1864. 8°. BB. K. RHYTHMS. Guest (E.) History of English Rhythms. London, 1882. 8°. 2112. c. RICHMOND, Yorkshire. Clarkson (C.) History of Richmond, Yorkshire. Richmond, 1821. 4°. 2063. d. Whitaker (T. O.) History of Rich- mondshire, in the county of York. 2 vol. London, 1823. fol. 2061. f. RIVERS. Guglielmini (D.) Delia Nature de' Fiumi; trattato fisico-matematico, con le annotazioni di E. Manfredi. 2 vol. Milano, 1821. 8°. 2042. a. ROCHESTER. Rochester. History of Rochester. Bochester, 181 7. 2063. a. Thorpe (J.) Registruin Roffense. Loudon, 1769. fol. 2063. e. Index to the monumental In- scription in the " Regiatrum Rof- fense." [Edited by F. A. Criape.] London, 1885. fol." 2063. e. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Baldamus (E.) and Haitt (R.) Die literarischen Erscheinungen, 1865^ 7!», auf dem Gebiete der katho- liachen Theologie. Eeudnitz, 187.- 81 8". BB. A. SUBJECT-INDEX. I.V. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH -emit in lied. Finotti (J. M.) Bibliotheca Oatholioa Americana. New York} 1872. 8°. BB. A. Hurteu (II.) Nomenclator Literariua recentioria Theologise Catholicse. Tom. 1-3. (Eniponte, 187 r, (7c 8°. BB. A. Thesaurus librorum Rei Catholicra. Handbuoh der Bticherkunde det gesammten Literatur des Katholi- cismus. Wwrzbwrg, 1848-50. 8°. BB. A. Gillow (J.) A literary and biogra- phical liistory, or bibliographical dictionary of the English Catholics. Vol. 1-3. London, [1885, etc.] 8°. 2015. c. Addis (W. E.) and Arnold (T.) A Catholic Dictionary. London, 1884. 8°. 2015. b. Berington (J.) The Faith of Catholics on certain points of controversy confirmed and attested. 3 vol. London, 1846. 8°. 2011. b. Bock (D.) Hierurgia. London, 1851. 8°. 2002. b. ROMANCE LANGUAGES. Diez(G.) Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romanischeu Sprachen. Bonn, 1887. 8°. 2114. e. Grammairc des langues Ro- manes. 3 torn. Paris, 1874-76. 8°. 2114. e. ROMANCES. British Museum. Catalogue of Ro- mances. By II. L. D. Ward. Vol. 1. London, ,1883. 8°. Cat. Desk. Gayangos (P. de) Libros do Cabulle- rias. Madrid, 1857. 8°. 2042. f. ROME. [A ncien t Historians.'] Api'ianus. Romanarum Historiarum qua) supersunt. Gr. & Lab. Didot : Paris, 1840. 8°. 2051. g. Augustan History. Histories Augusta) scriptores sex, etc. 2 torn. Lugduni Batavorurn, 1671. 8°. 2052. a. Aurelius Victor (S.) Ilistoria Ro- niana, in usuiii Delphini. 2 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1829. 8°. 2055. g. C/ESAR (C. J.) Opera omnia. 5 vol. Valpy: London, i8nj. 8°. 2054. b-c. 1 4 vol. Paris, 1819 :: 8° 2053. a ROME — continued. Dion Cassius. Rerum Romanarum libri octoginta, ah I. Bekkero recogniti. 2 vol. Lipsix, 1849. 8°. 2052. e. Dionysius Areouagita. Antiquitatum Romanarum qua' supersunt, Gra3ce et Latino. Didot: Paris, 1886. 8°. 2051. g. Eutropius. Breviarium Histories Ro- mano). Valpy: Londini, 1 Hi 1. 8°. 2054. 9. Florus (L. A.) Epitome Rerum Ro- manarum. 3 vol. Valpy: Londini, 1822. 8°. 2054. g. Epitome Rerum Romanarum; item L. Ampelii Liber Memorialis ; quibus notas subjunxit N. E. Le- maire. Paris, 1827. 8°. 2053. b. Livius (T.) Patavinus. Omnia Opera ; curante N. E. Lemaire. 12 vol. Paris, 1822-25. 8°. 2053. e. Historiarum libri qui supersunt. 25 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1828. 8°. 2055. a-b. Ex recensione J. N. Madvigii. 4 vol. Hawass, 1873-76. 8°. 2052. f. Polyiuus. Polybius ; ex recogiiitionc I. Bckkeri. Gr. 2 vol. Berolini, 1844. 8°. 2051. c. Historiarum Reliquia). Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. Didot : Paris, 1839. 8°. 2052. g. Ouvrages historiques de Polybe, He'rodien et Zozime. Paris, 18 56. 8°. 2043. d. Sallustius Crisuus (C.) Opera omnia. 2vol. Valpy: Londini, 1820. 8". 2055. e. Opera. [Lemaire."] Paris, 1821. 8°. 2053. d. Suetonius Tranqitllus (C.) Opera omnia. 4 vol. Valpy : Londini, 1826. 8°. 2055. e-f. ■ Opera. 2 vol. [Lemaire.] Paris, 1828. 8". 2053. d-e. Tacitus (C. Cornelius) Annals, with a commentary by 1*. Frost. London, 1872. 8°. 2052. c. Opera. 5 vol. [Lemaire.] Paris, 1819, 20. S". 2053. g. Opera. 11 vol. Valpy: Londini, 1821. 8°. 2053. e. Velleius Patercu' ' ■• . Ba3yiiOBa. C. llemepoypn,, 1869. s°. IlepBoe ( — oci.iioe) npii- 6aiueitie 3a 1869 r. ( — aa 1875 11 1876 nwj). C. llemepoypn, 1871-77. s°. 2050. e. Novakovic (S.) CpncKa Uiio.iiijo- rpaijmja aa noBiijy KHHateBHOCT. 1741-1867. Y Buoipady, 1869. 8°. 2050. c. Semenov (P.) reorpailni'iccKO-CTa- TiicTii'iecKiu Cionapi. PocciHC- Koii Hsniepin. 5 to.m. CauKmnemepCypro, 1863-65. 8°. 2059. c. S»IIRDIN(A.) PocnucL PocciBcKHii'B KiinraMt ,pa yrciiia, 1131. Cn- C.iioreKii A. Cm lipoma. CauKmncmepvypu, 1828. 8°. 2050. c. Sopikov (V.) Oiilh"l PoccifiCKofi Bn6.iiorpa(|)ifr. 5 ?acT. CaHKmnemepoypn,, i8i3-2r. 8°. 2050. c. RUTLAND. Bloke (T.) History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland. Vol. 1, pt. 2. [No more published.] Stamford, [1811.] fol. 2062. f. RYE. Holloway (W.) History and Anti- quities of the town and port of Rye. London, 1847. 8°. 2063." a. S. SABBATH QUESTION. Cox (R.) The Literature 1 bath Question. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1865. .s-. ST. ALBANS. St. Ai.iiANS. Chronica M Albani. Edited by T, [Chronicles and M< mor 4' II. onasti H. /„/,■] 207*3. Sab- B. A. rii S. Riley (28.) 458 SUBJECT-INDEX. ST. DAVID'S. Jones (W. B.) History of St. David's. London, 1856. 4°. 2066. e. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Milman (H. H.) Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral. London, 1869. 8°. 2065. b. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL. Ackermann (R.) History of the Col- leges of Winchester, Eton, &c, with St. Paul's. London, 1816. 4°. 2064. e. SAINTS. Cahiee(C) Caraeteristiques des Saints dans l'art populaire e'nuniere'es et expliquees. 2 torn. Paris, 1867. 4°. 2008. f. [For Lives of the Saints : See Bio- graphy. — Religions.'] SALE, Law of. Benjamin (J. P.) The Law of Sale of Personal Property. London, 1888. 8°. 2018. d. SALISBURY. Dodsworth (W.) Historical Account of the Cathedral Church of Salis- bury. Salisbury, 1814. 4°. 2064. e. Salisbury. Description of the Cathe- dral Church of Salisbury; [with] an account of old Sarum, &c. London, 1774. 4°. 2064. c. Osmund, Saint, Bishop of Salisbury. Vetus Registrura Sarisberiense. The Register of S. Osmund, edited by W. H. R. Jones. 2 vol. London, 1883-84. 8°. 2073. (78.) SANDWICH. Boys (W.) History of Sandwich, Kent. Canterbury, 1792. 4°. 2065. c. SANSKRIT. Benfey (T.) Sanskrit-English Dic- tiouarv. London, 1866. 8°. 2115. c. Williams (M.) Dictionary of English and Sanskrit. London, 185 1. 4°. 2115. e. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford, j 872. 4°. 2115. e. Boehtling (O.) aud Roth (R.) San- skrit Worterbuch. 4 vol. St. Petersburg, 1853-75. 4°. 2115. f. Benfey (T.) Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language. London, J 868. 8°. 2115. b. Mueller (F. M.) Sauskrit Grammar. London, 1870. 8°. 2115. d. Whitney (W. D.) A Sanskrit Gram- mar. Leipzig, [879. 8». 2115. b. SANSKRIT— continued. Whitney (W. D.) The roots, verb-forms, and primary derivatives of the San- skrit language. A supplement to his Sanskrit Grammar. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. 2114. b. Williams (M.) Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit language. Oxford, 1864. 8°. 2115. d. British Museum. Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Pali Books. London, 1876. 4°. Cat. Desk. SARDINIA. GR.EVIUS (J. G.) Thesaurus Antiqui- tatum et Historiarum Sicilian, Sardinia? et Corsicse, etc. 15 vol. Lugd. Bat. 1 723-1725. fol. Cat. Desk. Sardinia and Piedmont. Hiptorise Patriae Monumenta. Vol. 1-17. Augustx Taurinorum, 183G-79. fol. Cat. Desk. Corsica. Handbook for Travellers in Corsica ami Sardinia. London, 1868. 8°. 2057. b. Martini (P.) Biografia Sarda. 3 vol. Cagliari, 1837, 33. 8°. 2037. d. Tola (P.) Dizionario bio^rafico degli Uomini illustri di Sardegna. Torino, 1837, 38. 8°. 2037. e. SAXONY. Boettiger (C. W.) Gcschichte Sach- sens. 2 vol. Hamburg, 1830-31. 8°. 2068. a. Flathe (T.) Neue Gcschichte Sachsens von 1806-18G6. [A continuation of Boettiger.] Gotlui, 1873. 8°. 2068. a. Jacobs (E.) Gcschichte der in die Preussischen Piovinz Saehsen vereinigteu Gebietc. Gotha, 1885. 8°. 2068. d. SCANDINAVIA. Crichton (A.) and Wiieaton (H.) Scandinavia. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1838. 12°. 2103. g. Royal Society of Northern Anti- quaries. Guide to Northern Archae- ology. Edited by the Earl of Ellesmere. Loudon, 1848. 8°. 2032. f. SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE. Aagesen (A.) Forteguelse over Rets- samlinger, Retsliteratur 111.111. i Danmark, Norge, Sverig, og til Dels Finland. Kjpbenhavn, 1876. 8°. BB. C. Gough (R. G.) Catalogue of the hooks relating to Saxon and Northern Literature bequeathed to the Hod- leian Library by R. <;. Oxford, 1884. L°. BB, K. SUBJECT-INDEX. 459 SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. Baldamus (E.) Schlcswig-IIolstcin Literatur, 1863-64. I'm a, 1865. 8°. BB. M. LuEiiKEit (D. L.) and Sohboeber (II.) Lexikon der Schleswig-Holstein- Lauenburgischen and Ehitinischen Schriftstellcr, vou 171K5 bis 1828. 2 Abtb. Altona, 1829, 30. 8°, 2038. b. Nachtr'acje und Register. Schk-swig, 1831. 8°. 2038. d. SCIENCE. BlRLIOTHECA HlSTORICO - NaTTJBALIS, Physico-Chemica et Mathematica, Gottingen, 1879, etc. 8°. BB. E. Catalogue of Works on Science and Tecbnology. London, 1885. 8°. BB. E. Royal Society. Catalogue of the Sci- entific Books in the Library. London, 1839. 8°. BB. E. Fkanck (A.) Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques. Paris, 1875. 8°. 2024. e. Mayne (R. G.) Expository Lexicon of terms in Medical and General Sci- ence. London, i860. 8°. 2024. c. Rodwell (G. K.) Dictionary of Science. (Haydn Series.) London, 187 1. 8°. 2027. b. Whewell (W.) History of the Induc- tive Sciences. (Supplement.) New- edition. 4 vol. London, 1847-57. 8°. 2022. a. Philosophy of the Inductive Sci- ences. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8°. 2022. a. Blomfield (C. J.) Bishop of London. History of Greek and Roman Phi- losophy and Science. London, 1853. 8°. 2102. g. Lewes (G. II.) Aristotle: a Chapter from the History of Science. London, 1864. 8°. 2051. d. Cockayne (T. O.) Lecchdoms, Wort- cunning, and Starcraft of early England, illustrating the History of Science, o vol. London, 1864-66. 8". 2074. e. Poggendorff (J. C.) Biographisch- Literarisches Handworterbucb zur Geschichte der exacten Wissen- Bchaften. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1863. 8". 2022. f. SCIENCE— continued. Nature. A weekly illustrated Journal of Science. Vol. 21, etc. London, \ 880, etc. 4°. 2027. g. SCUDDBE (S. II.) Catalogue of Scien- tific Serials of all Countries. 1663 1S76. Cambridge, 1879. 8°. BB. E. [See also Part I.— France.— Acade'- mie di's Sciences.'] SCOTLAND. [History.'] Burton (J. H.) History of Scotland. 8 vol. [With Index.] Edinburgh, 1873. 8". 2077. d. Scott {Sir W.) Bart. History of Scot- land. 2 vol. London, 1830, 31. 8°. 2103. d. Tytler (P. F.) History of Scotland. 4 vol. Glasgoiv, [1873-77.] 4°. 2072. c. Wright (T.) History of Scotland. 3 vol. London, [1852-55.] "8°. 2069. e. Strickland (A.) Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8 vol. London, 1850-59. 8°. 2039. d. Chronicles and Memorials [of Scot- land] published under the direction of the Lord Clerk Register of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 186 7, etc. 8°. 2076. c. Palgrave (Sir F.) Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland. Vol. 1. [Becord Commis- sion.] [London,] 1837. 8°. 2069. d. Sinclair (Bight Hon. Sir J.) Bart. Analysis of the Statistical Account of Scotland. Part 1. Edinburgh, 1825. 8°. 2065. a. Wilson (D.) Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. 2 vol. London, 1863. 8°. 2031. a. Skene (W.F.) Celtic Scotland. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1876-80. 8°. 2071. d. Reid (J.) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtioa. Glasgow, 1832. 8°. 2050. d. Ridpath (G.) Tho Border-History of England and Scotland. London, 1776. 4°. 2063. c. Fordun (J. de) Scoti Chronicon. See Gale (T.) Rerum Anglicanim Scriptores vetercs. Vol. 3." 1 69 1. fol. 2072. ,1. Seotiehronicon. Edidit T. Hear- nius. 5 vol. Oxon. 1722. s. 2072. b. Pinkerton (J.) History of Scotland; from the accession of the House of Stuart to that of Mary. •_' to] London, 1797. 1'. " 2066. d. 4G0 SUBJECT-INDEX. SCOTLAND— continued. Robertson (W.) Deputy Keeper of Records, Scotland. Index of Re- cords of Charters granted by Sove- reigns of Scotland, 1309-1413. Edinburgh, 1798. 4°. 2072. e. Keltie (J. S.) A History of the Scot- tish Highlands, Highland Clans, and Highland Regiments. With an account of the Gaelic language, literature and music by T. Mac- lauohlan. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. 2066. a. [Church History.'] Hetherington (W. W.) History of the Church of Scotland to 1S43. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1852. S°. 2004. b. Keith (R.) History of affairs of Church and State in Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation to the retreat of Queen Mary, 1568. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1734. fol. 2069. f. Kirkton (J.) History of the Church of Scotland from the Restoration to 1678. Edinburgh, 18 17. 8°. 2004. f. Lawson (J. P.) History of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°. 2004. b. MacKerrow (J.) History of the Seces- sion Church. Glasgow, 1841. 8°. 2004. b. Si'OTiswooD (J.) Archbishop of St. Andrews. History of the Church and State ot Scotland. London, 1677. fol. 2004. g. Stephen (T.) History of the Church of Scotland. 4 vol. London, 1843-45. 8°. 2004. b. [Laic.] Barclay (H.) Digest of the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1865. 8°. 2017. d. Bell (G. J.) Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 2016. f. Erskine (J.) Institute of the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1773. fol. 2017. g. New edition. Edinburgh, 1838. 4°. 2016. f. Principles of the Law of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2018. c. [ Topography.] Carlisle (N.) Topographical Diction- ary of Scotland and of the Islands in (he British Seas. 2 vol. London, 18 13. 4°. 2062. d. SCOTLAND— continued. Chalmers (G.) Caledonia; or, an ac- count of North Britain. 3 vol. London, 1807-24. 4°. 2066. d. Chambers (R.) Picture of Scotland. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1827. 8°. 2065. a. Groome (F. H.) Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland. 6 vol. Edinburgh, 1884,85. 2059. c. Pennant (T.) Tour in Scotland. 3 vol. London, 1790. 4°. 2066. b. Sibbald (Sir R.) Account of the Sco- tish Atlas. Edinburgh, 1683. fol. * 2066. f. (5.) Nuncius Scoto-Britannus, etc. Edinburgh, 1683. fol. 2066. f. (4.) Scotia Ulustrata. [With pro- posals for the work.] Edinburgh, 1684. fol. 2066. f. (1-3.) Vindiciaj Scotire Ulustrahe. Edinburgh, 1 7 1 o. fol. 2066. f. (6.) Slater (J.) National Commercial Di- rectory of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2120. d. [See also England.] SCOTTISH LANGUAGE. Jamieson (J.) Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. 4 vol. Paisley. 1879-82. 4°. 2112. g. Dictionary of the Scottish Lan- guage, abridged. Edinburgh, 1846. 8°. 2118. g. Donaldson (D.) Supplement to Jamie- son's Scottish Dictionary. Paisley, 1887. 4°. 2112. g. SCULPTORS. See Biography. — Artistic. SCULPTURE. South Kensington Museum. List of Books on Sculpture in the National Art Library. London, 1885. 8°. BB. C. Luebke (W.) History of Sculpture from the earliest ages to the present time. 2 vol. London, 18-2. 8°. 2031. d. Murray (A. S.) History of Greek Sculpture. 2 vol. Loudon, 188C-83. 8°. 2031. c. Perkins (C. C.) Historical Handbook of Italian Sculpture. New York, 1883. 8°. 2031. d. Italian Sculptors. London, 1868. 8°. 2031. f. Tuscan Sculptors. 2 vol. London, 1864. 4°. 2031. f. Albert] (L. B.) Delia Pittura e della S:auia. Milano, 18C4. s°. 2C41. a. SUBJECT-INDEX. 4G1 SEA PHRASES. Falconer (W.) Dictionary of the Marine. London, 1830. 4°. 2112. e. Smyth (W. II.) The Sailor's Word- Book. London, 1867. 8°. 2112. c. SEALS. South Kensington Museum. List of Books on Seals in the National Ait Library. London i88f>. 8". BB. C. British Museum. Catalogue of Seals. By W. de G. Birch. Vol. 1. London, 1887. 8°. Cat. Desk. SECTS. Blunt (J. H.) Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, &c. London, 1874. 8°. 2002. f. Book of the Denominations ; or, the Churches and Sects of Christen- dom in the Nineteenth Century. London, 1835. 12°. 2001. a. SEINE-ET-MARNE, Department of the. L'IIuilier (T.) Seine et Marne. Essai de bibliographic de'parteinentale. Meauz, 1857. 8°. BB. K. SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS. Douglas (T.) Nenia Britannica ; or, a Sepulchral History of Great Britain. London, 1793. fol. 2063. f. Stothard (C. A.) Monumental Effigies ot Great Britain. London, 1817O32]. 4°. 2064. e. Weever (J.) Ancient Funerall Monu- ments of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent. London, 163 r. fol. 2062. c. SERMONS. Claude (J.) Essay on the composition of a Sermon ; with notes, by C Simeon. London, 1853. 8°. 2001. a. Cooke (John) The Preacher's Assis- tant, etc. London, 1783. 8°. 2001. b. Pettingell (J. H.) Homiletical In- dex. New York, 1878. 8°. BB. A. SERPENT WORSHIP. Fergusson (G.) Tree and Serpent Worship. London, 1873. 4°. 2032. g. SERVIAN LANGUAGE. PoPOVifi (G.) Worterhuch der Ser- bischen and Deutschen Sprache. 2 Tide. FanZova, 1879-81. 8°. 2118. a. SEVILLE. Arana de Varflora (F.) Hijos de Sevilla. [Seville,'] r7«jr. 4°. SHEFFIELD. Hunter (J.) Hallamshire. History aud topography of Sheffield. London, i86y. fol. 2062. f. SHIPPING. Abbot (C.) Law relative to Merchant SI lips and Seamen. London, 1881. 8°. 2018. d. Maude (F. P.) and Pollock (C. E.) Compendium of the Law of Mer- chant Shipping. London, i88r. 8°. 2018. d. SH0REDITCH. Ellis {Sir II.) History and Antiqui- ties of the Parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch. London, 1798. 4°. 2065. b. SHORTHAND. Gibson (J. W.) The Bibliography of Shorthand. London, 1887. 8°. BB. E. Zeibig (J. W.) Geschichtc und Lite- ratur der Geschwindschrcibkunst. Dresden, 1878. 8°. BB. E. SHREWSBURY. Owen (H.) and Blakeway (J. B.) History of Shrewsbury. 2 vol. London, 1825. 4°. ' 2064. d. Phillips (T.) History of Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury, 1779. 4°. 2064. c. SHROPSHIRE. Eyton (R. W.) The Antiquities of Shropshire. 12 vol. London, 1854-60. 8°. 2064. c. Ludlow. Documents connected with the History of Ludlow and the Lords Marchers. London, 1841. 4°. 2064. (1. SIAM. Satow (E. M.) Bibliography of Siam. Singapore, 1886. 8°. BB. I. Bowring (Sir J.) Kingdom and People of Siam. 2 vol. London, 1857. 8°. 2059. a. SICILY. Mira (G. M.) Bibliograiia Siciliana, etc. Palermo, 1875-81. 8°. BB. I. e. GRiEVius (J. E.) Thesaurus Antiqui- tatum et Historiarum Sicilian, Sar- dinia; et Corsica;, etc. 15 vol. Lurjd. Bat. 1723- 1 725. fol. Cat. Desk. Muntaner (R.) Chronique d'Aragon, de Sieile et do Grece. Paris, 1840. 8°. 2043. d. Dennis (G.) Handbook for Travellers in Sicily. London, 1864. 8°. 2057. a. Mordello (P. F.) Bibliograiia Tra pa- nose. Palermo, 1876. 8°. BB. K. 4G2 SUBJECT-INDEX. SILESIA. Gruenhagen (C.) Geschichto Schle- siens. 2 Bile. Gotha, 1884-86. 8°. 2068. d. Thomas (J. G.) Handbueh der Litera- turgeschichte von Sclilcsien. Hirschberg, 1824. 8°. 2038. b. SILK. Porter (G. R.) Silk Manufacture. London, 1831. 8°. 2103. f. SINAI. Ritter (C.) Comparative Geography of Palestine and tbe Sinaitic Pen- insula. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1886. 8°. 2059. a. SLANG. Slang Dictionary : etymological, his- torical and anecdotal. New edition. London, 1874. 8°. 2112. b. SLAVERY. Baetlett (J. R.) The Literature of the Rebellion. Together with works on American Slavery. Boston, 1866. 8° BB. M. SLAVONIC LANGUAGES. Bernolak (A.) Lexicon Slavicum Bo- heniico - Latino - Germanico-Uugari- cum. 6 vol. Budm, 1825-27. 8°. 2117. a. SOCIOLOGY. SrENCER (H.) Principles of Sociology. 2 vol. London, 1876-82. 8°. 2023. b. Principles of Sociology. Third edition. Vol. 1. London, 1885. 8°. 2023. b. SOMERSETSHIRE. Collinson (J.) History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset. 3 vol. Bath, 1 791. 4°. 2066. e. PiiELrs (W.) History and Antiquities of Somersetshire. 2 vol. London, 1836-39. 4°. 2066. e. Ruttee (J.) Delineations of the North Western Division of the County of Somerset. London, 1829. 4°. 2066. c. Savage (J.) History of the Hundred of Carhampton, Somerset. Bristol, 1830. 8°. 2066. b. SOUDAN. Ibrahim HilmI, Prince of Egypt. The Literature of Egypt and the Soudan. London, 1886, etc. 4°. BB. I. SOUTHWARK. Allen (T.) History of London, West- minster, Southwark, etc. 4 vol. London, 1827-29. 8°. 2065. a. Noouthouck (J.) History of London, Westminster, and Southwark. London, 1773. 4". 2065. d. SOUTHWELL. Rastall (W. D.) History of South- well. 1787. 4°. 2064. d. SPAIN. Dunham (S. A.) History of Spain and Portugal. 5 vol. London. 1832, 33. 8°. 2103. d. Lembke (F. W.) Geschichte von Spanicn. Vol. 1. [Vol. 2, 3, by H. Schaefer : Vol. 4 by F. W. Schirr- macher.] Hamburg, 1831. 8°. 2068. a. Mariana (J. de) Historia general de EspaSa. 20 vol. Madrid, 1817-22. 8°. 2084. e. Prescott ( VV. H.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vol. New York, 184s. 8°. 2085. c. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. Vol. 1-3. London, 1855-59. 8°. 2085. c. Esclot (B. d') Chronique de Pierre 111. et Expedition Franeaise de 1285. Catalan. Paris, 1840. 8°. 2043. d. Muntaner (R.) Chronique d'Aragon, de Sieile et de Grece. Paris, 1840. 8°. 2043. d. Rosell (C.) Cronicas de los Reyes de Camilla. 3 vol. Madrid, 1875-78. 8°. 2042. g. Alehonso X., called the Wise, King of Castile and Leon. La Gran Cou- quista de Lltramiir. Ilustiada por P. de Gayangos. Madrid, 1858. 8°. 2042. f. Negociations. Negociations, relatives a la succession d'Espague sous Louis xiv. 4 vol. Paris, 1835-42. 4°. 2082. d. Vault (F. E. de) Me'moires militaires relatifs a Ja Succession d'Espague sous Louis xiv., revus par Pelet. Vol. 1-11. Paris, 1835-62. 4°. 2083. g. Queipo de Llano (J. M.) Count de Toreno. Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolucion de EspaSa. Madrid, 1872. 8°. 2042. g. Ford (R.) Handbook for Travellers in Spain. 2 pt. London, 1888. 8°. 2057. b. Madoz (P.) Diccionario de Espaiia y sub posesioues de Ultramar. 10 vol. Madrid, 1846-50. 4°. 2057. g. Munoz y Romero (T.) Diccionario bi- bliografico-histdrico de los antiguos Reinos, Provincias, Ciudades, Villas, Iglesias y Santuarios de EspaSa. Madrid, 1858. 8°. BB. M. SUBJECT INDEX. 4G3 SPAIN — continued. Llaguno y Amirola (E.) Noticias de los Arquitectoa y Arquiteotura do Espafia. 4 vol. il/«r/r/«?, 1829. 4°. 2034. a. Lopez de IIauo (A.) Nobiliario Ge- nealdgico de los Reyes y Tftulos de Espana, etc. 2 vol. Madrid, [622. ML 2119. f. SPANISH LANGUAGE. Caballero (J.) Diccionario general de la lengua Oastellana. 2 vol. Madrid, 1856. 4". 2117. b. Madrid. — Real Academia Espanola. Diccionario de la lengua Castel- lana. Madrid, 1726-39. fol. 2115. g. Nuevo Diccionario de la lengua Oastellana. Paris, 1846. 8°. 2116. g. Baretti (G.) Dictionary, English and Spanish [and Span.-Eng.]. 2 vol. London, 1786. 4". 2117. d. Connelly (T.) and Higgins (T.) Dic- tionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 4 vol. Madrid, 1798,97. 4". 2117. d. LorES (J. M.) and Bensley (E. R.) Nuevo Dicciouario Ingles-Espanol y Espanol Ingles. 2 pt. Paris, 1 8 78. 8°. 2117. b. Minsheu (J.) Vocabulariuni Hispanico- Latiuutn et Anglieum copiosissi- • mum. London, [1617?] fol. 2117. f. Neuman (H.) and Baretti (G.) Dic- tionary of the Spanish and English Languages. London, [1831.] 8°. 2116. f. Pineda (P.) Dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish. Loudon, 1740. fol. 2117. f. Velazquez de la Cadena (Mariano) A pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. 2 pt. London, 1873. 8°. 2117. b. Ollendorff (H. G.) A new Method, etc., adapted to the Spanish. (Key.) London, 1858. 8°. 2118. a. SPANISH LITERATURE. Bouterwek (F.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8°. 2044. d. Ticknor (G.) History of Spanish Literature. 3 vol. Boston [JKflw.], 1872. 8". 2044. d. Antonio (N.) Bibliotheca Hispana vetus. 2 vol. Mairiti, 1788. fol. 2049. e. SPANISH LITERATURE— contintu d. Antonio (N.) Bibliotheca Hispana nova. 2 vol. Matriti, 1783-88. fol. 2049. e. Barrera y Leirado (C. A. de la) CatalogO bibliografieo y biognifico del Teatro Antiguo Espanol, 1 tc. Madrid, i860. 8°. BB. G. Boston Public Lirrary. Catalogue of the Spanish Library bequeathed by G. Ticknor. Boston [Mass.'], 1879. 8°. BB. G. Gallards (B. J.) Ensayo de una Biblioteca Espafiola. Vol. 1, 2. Madrid, [863-66. 8°. 2049. d. HlDALGO (D.) Diccionario general de Bibliografia Espafiola. 7 vol. Madrid, 1862-79-81. 8". 2048. e. Latassa (F. de) Bibliotheca antigua de los Escritores Aragoneses hasta 1500. 2 vol. Zaraaoza, 1 796. 8°. 2037. e. Biblioteca nuova, 1500-1599 (-1802). 6 vol. Pamplona, 1798-1802. 8°. 2037. e. Salva y Mallen (P.) Catalogo de la Biblioteca de Salva. 2 vol. Valencia, 1872. 8°. 2048. a. BOLETIN DE LA LlBRERIA. AuO 1, etc. Madrid, 1874. etc. 8°. BB. R. Aribau (B. C.) Biblioteca de Autores Espaiioles. 71vol. Madrid, 1849-88. 8°. 2042. e-g. SPONGES. Thompson (D'A. W.) Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Ccelenterata and Worms, for the years 1861-1883. Cambridge, 1885. 8°. BB. E. Bowerbank (J. S.) A Monograph of the British Spongiadse. 4 vol. London, 1864-188:. 8°. 2027. f. SPORTS. Souhart (R.) Bibliographie ge'nerale des ouvrages sur la Chasse, etc. Paris, 1886. 8°. BB. E. Blaine (D. P.) Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. London, 1870. 8°. 2029. d. Stonehenge, pseud. British Rural Sports. London, [1878.] 8°. 2032. f. Steutt (J.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. London, 1 801. 4°. 2085. g STAFFORDSHIRE. Erdeswick (S.) A Survey of Stafford- shire. London, 1844. 8°. 2062.1). STAMP LAWS. Tilsley (II.) Treatise on the Stamp Laws. London, 1871. 8°. 2018. c. 464 SUBJECT-INDEX. STANFORD. Peck (F.) Antiquarian Annals of Stanford. London, 1727. fol. 2065. c. STARFISH. Forbes (E.) History of British Star- fishes, etc. Lonclon, 184 r. 8°. 2072. c. STATES OF THE CHURCH. Broscii (M.) Geschichte des Kiichen- staates. 2 vol. Gotha, 1880. 8°. 2068. d. States of the Church. Bibliografia storica delle Citta e Luoghi dello Stato Pontificio, etc. Roma, 1792. 4°. BB. K. STATISTICS. Berlin. — Konigl. Statistisches Bureau. Katalog der Bibliothek. 2 pt. Berlin, 1874-79. 4°. BB. C. Heuschling (P. F. X. T.) Biblio- graphic historique de la Statislique en Allemagne. Bruxelles, 1845. 8°. BB. C. Meusel (J. G.) Litteratur der Statistik. Zweite Ausgabe. Leipzig. 1806-07. 8°. BB. C. Statistical Society. Journal. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1859, etc. 2097. d. f. General Index. Vol. 1-15. London. 1854. 8°. 2097. d. Kolb (G. F.) The Condition of Na- tions. With Tables of Universal Statistics. London, [1880.] 8°. 2023. f. Handbuch der verglcichcnden Statistik. (Supplement.) Leipzig, 1879-83. 8°. 2023. f. Macculloch (J. R.) Dictionary, geo- graphical, statistical and historical. 2 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2059. c. Ritter (C.) Geographisch- statistisches Lexikon. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1864-65. 8°. 2060. b. Registrar-General's Annual Re- ports. London, 1839, etc. 8". 2082. b. Revenue. Tables of the Revenue, Population, Commerce, &c, of the United Kingdom. 1820-33. 3 pt. (in 2 vol.) \_London~], 1833, 34. fol. Cat. Desk. STOCK-EXCHANGE. Skinner (T.) The Directory of Direc- tors [for the current year]. London. 8°. 2121. b. The Stock Exchange Yearbook [for the current year]. London, 8°. 2121. b. ST0CKT0N-UP0N-TEES. Brewster (J.) History of Stockton- upon-Tees. Stockton, 1796. 4°. 2066. d. (2.) STOKE NEWINGT0N. Robinson (W.) History of Stoke New- ington. London, 1820. 8°. 2065. b. ST0NEH0USE. Worth (R. N.) The Three Towns Bib- hotheca. Plymouth, [1873 ?] 8°. BB. K. STYRIA. Schlossar (A.) Die Literatur der Steiermark. Graz, 1886. 8°. BB. I. c. SUCCESSION, Law of. Jarman(T.) Treatise on Wills. Fourth edition. 2 vols. London, 188 r. 8° Tudor (O. D.) Selection of leading rases on the construction of Wills. London, 1879. 8°. 2017. c. Williams (Sir E. V.) Law of Execu- tors and Administrators. 2 vol. London, 1879. 8°. 2017. f. SUFFOLK. Suckling (A.) History of Suffolk. 2 vol. London, 1846-48. fol. 2063. e. Glyde (J.) Suffolk in the nineteenth century, etc. London, [1856. 8°.] 2063. a. Gage (J.) History and Antiquities of Suffolk— Thingoe Hundred. London, 1838. 4°. 2063. e. Page (A.) Supplement to the Suffolk Traveller. Lpswich, 1844. 8°. 2064. b. SURGERY. Zeis(E.) Literatur und Geschichte der plastischen Chirurgie. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. BB. C. Bryant (T.) Manual for the Practice of Surgery. 2 vol. London, 1884. 8°. 2024. a. Erichsen (J. E.) Science and Art of Surgery. 2 vol. London, 1884. 8°. 2024. bb. Gant (F. J.) Science and Practice of Surgery. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2024. bb. Heath (C.) Dictionary of Practical Surgery. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2024. c. Holmes (T.) System of Surgery. 3 vol. London, 1883. 8°. 2024. c. Jaccond (S.) Nouveau Dictionnaire de Me'decine et de Chirurgie pratiques. 40 vol. Pan's, 1864-86. 8°. 2025. a. b. Nysten (P. H.) Dictionnaire de Me'de- cine. de Cliirurgie, de Pharmacie, de l'Art Ve'te'rinaire, etc. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2024. c. Paget (J.) Lectures on Surgical Patho- logy. Loudon, 1870. 8°. 2024. c. SUBJECT-INDEX. 465 SURNAMES. See Names. SURREY. Allen (T.) History of Surrey and Sussex. 2 vol. London, 1829-30. 8°. 2064. 1). Brayley (E. W.) History of Surrey. 5 vol. Dorking, [84i[-i848]. 1". 2065. c. Manning (O.) History ami Antiquities of Surrey. 3 vol. London, 1804-14. fol. 2065. f. SURVEYING. Ryde (E.) Text Book for Surveyors, &c. London, 1854. 8°. 2032. b. SUSSEX. Butler (G. S.) Topograpkica Sus- sexiana. [Lewes, 1866.] 8°. BB. E. Allen (F.) History of Surrey and Sussex. 2 vol. London, 1829-30. 8°. 2064. b. Horsfield (T. W.) History of Sussex. 2 vol. Lewes, 1835. 4°. 2066. e. Lower (M. A.) History of Sussex. 2 vol. Lewes, 1870. 8°. 2064. a. Elwes (D. G. C) History of the Castles, Mansions and Manors of "Western Sussex. London, 1876. 4°. 2064. c. Dallaway (J.) Parochial Topography of the Rape of Arundel. Vol. 2, pt. 1. New edition, by E. Cart- wright. London, 1832. 4°. 2065. e. Sussex Archjeological Society. Gene- ral Index to Vols. 1-25. By H. Campkin. Sussex, 1874. 8°. BB. 0. SWABIA. Gradmann (J. J.) Has gelehrte Schwaben. Tubingen, 1802. 8°. 2038. d. SWEDEN. Dunham (S. A.) History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. 3 vol. London, 1839,40. 8". 2103. d. Geijer (E. G.) Geschichte Schwedcns. Vol. 1-3. [Vol. 4-5, continuation by F. F. Carlson.] Hamburg, 1832-75. 8°. 2068. a. Warmholtz (0. G.) Bibliotheoa IIis- torica Sueo-Gothica. 15 pt. (in 4 vol.) Stockholm, etc., 1782-18 17. 8°. 2084. a. Sweden. Handbook for Travellers in Sweden. London, 1877. 8°. 2057. a. SWEDISH LANGUAGE. Ihre (J. ab) Glossarinm Suiogothi- curn. 2 vol. Upaaliss, 1769. fol. 2117. e. SWEDISH LANGUAGE— continued. Oman (V. E.) Svensk-Engelsk Hand- Ordbok. Stockholm, 188 r. 8°. 2117. a. Widegren (G.) Svenskt och Engelskt Lexicon. Stockholm, 1788. 4°. 2117. a. May (A.) Practical Grammar of the Swedish language. Stockholm, 1873. 8°. 2117. a. SWEDISH LITERATURE. Linnstrom (Hjalmar) Svenskt Bole- lexicon. Aren 1830-1865. 2 Del. Stockholm, [186 7-] 1 884. 8". 2048. e. Swedish Book Catalogue. Catalogues. Svensk Bok-Katalog, 1866-1875. Stockholm, 1878. 4". 2050. f. Arskatalog for Svenska Bokhandeln, 1876-80. 1885-84. Stockholm, 8°. 2050. b. SWIMMING. Swimming. A bibliographical list of works on Swimming. [By R. Thomas.] London, 1868. 8°. BB. E. SWITZERLAND. Haller (G. E. von) Bibliothek der Schweizer-Geschichto. Bern, 1785-87. 8°. BB. M. Muelinen (E. F. von) Pradromus einer Schweizerischen Historio- graphie. Bern, 1874. 8°. BB. M. Sinner (G. R. L. von) Bibliographic ( 1786 - 1851 ) der Schweizerge- schichtc (bis 1798). Bern, 1851. 8°. BB. M. Dierauer(J.) Geschichte der Schwei- zerischen Eidgenossi nschaft. Gotha, 1887, etc. 8°. 2068. d. Switzerland. History of Switzerland. London, 1832. 8°. 2103. d. — Handbook for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. London, 1879. 8°. 2057. a. Orts- und Post-Lexikon der Sehweiz. Bern, 1866. 8°. 2060. 1). SYRIA. Palestine. Handbook for Travellers in Syria and Palestine. 2 pt. London, 1858. 8°. 2057. a. Rey (G.) Etude sur les monuments do ['architecture militaire des Croises en Syne. Paris, 1871. 4°. 2083. g. SYRIAC LANGUAGE. Castell (E.) Lexicon Syriaoum. Goetbinga, \;M. \". 2115. b. Zanolini (A.) Lexicon Syriaoum. Patavii, 1742- 4°. 2115 1> 2 n 466 SUBJECT-INDEX. SYRIAC LANGUAGE— continued. Hoffmann (A. G.) Principles of Syriac Grammar. Leipzig, 1 8^8. 8°. 2115. b. Phillips (G.) Syriac Grammar. Cambridge, 1866. 8". 2115. b. Wright (W.) Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since 1838. 3 pt. London, 1870-72. 4°. Cat. Desk. T. TALMUD. Talmud. JD (STti-O W313 riDDO ^aa mo^n. 12 vol. Amsterdam, 1752-65. fol. 2002. g. Le Talmud de Jerusalem ; tra- duit pour la premiere fois par M. Schwab. Pons, 1871. 8°. 2001. f. TAMIL LANGUAGE. Pope (G. U.) Handbook of the Tamil Language. 3 pt London, 1883-84. 8°. 2115. c. TARTAR LANGUAGE. Langles (L. M.) Dictionnaire Tartare- Mantchou Francois. 3 vol. Pa ris, 1789, 90. 4°. 2115. d. TAUNTON. Toulmin (J.) Historv of Taunton. Taunton, 18:2. 8°. 2064. a. TAXIDERMY. Swainson (W.) Taxidermy, Biblio- graphv and Biography. London, 1840. 8°. * 2103. f. TECHNOLOGY. Catalogue of Works on Science and Technology. London, 1885. 8°. BB. E. Meulen (R. van der) Bibliographie der Technische Kunsten en Weten- Bohappen. 1850-75. Amsterdam, 1876. 8°. BB. E. Polytechnische Bibliothek. Monat- liohes Verzeichniss der neu erschie- nenen Werke aus den lUieheru der Matheinatik und Astronomie, der Phvsik und Chemie. fee. Jahrg. 1, etc Leipzig, 1866, etc 8°. BB^ E. Polytechnische Buches-Kinpe. Niimberg, 1841. 8°. BB. E. SCHUBABTH (E. L.) Repertorium der Technischen Literatur; 1823- 1853 (-73). 3 pt. London & Berlin, 1856-78. 8-. BB. 0. Technical Educator. 4 vol. CasseU: London, [1885.] S°. 2104. b. TECHNOLOGY— continued. Kokolev (P. N.) Dictionnaire techno- logiqne Francais-Eusse-Allemand- Anglais. Pt. 1. Saint Peterslowg, 1878-81-84. 8°, 2118. b Kramkrh (J.) Technologische Woor- . dentolk in vier talen. Fren. Eng. Germ, and Dutch. Gouda, 1874. 8°. 2116. b. Tolhaisen (F.) Dictiounaire Techno- logique. 3 m6 edition. Ft., En,j., Germ. 3 pt. Paris, 1882-78. 12°. 2118. a. TEMPLARS. Templars. Proces des Templiers, publie' par Michelet. 2 vol. Paris, 1841-51. 4°. 2083. e. TEUTONIC LANGUAGES. Helfenstein (J.) Comparative Gram- mar of the Teutonic Languages. London, 1870. 8°. 2118. a THEOLOGY. [Bibliograph ie$.~\ BlBLIOTHECA FaRVA TlIEOLOGICA. A catalogue of Books recommended to students of Divinity. Oxford, 1851. 8 . BB. A. BlBLIOTHECA TlIEOLOGICA. HeraUS- gegeben vou W. Miildener. Gtittmgen, 1862, etc. 8°. BB. A. Darling '(J.) Cyclopaedia Biblio- graphioa. [Authors.] 2 pt London, 1854. S°. BB. A. Cyclopaedia Bibliographies. Subjects. Holy Scriptures. Vol. 1. London, 1859. ' 8°. BB. A. Hurst (J. F.) Bibliotheca Thfiologica ; a select and classified bibliography of Theology. New York, 1883. 8°. BB. A. Maxoom (H.} Theological Index. Boston [Ifoss.], 1868. 8°. BB. A. Mulleu(F.) Catalogus Dissertationum et Orationum Theologicarum, 1650-1850. Amstelodami, 1868. 8°. BB. A. Perennes (F.) Dictionnaire de Biblio- graphie Catholique. Publie par l'Abbe Migne. 4 vol. Paris, 1858-60. 8°. BB. A. Reading (W.) Bibliotheca Cleri Lou- dinensis in Gollegio Sionensi Cata- logus. Londini, 1 ';: 4 . fol. 2050. g. Williams (Daniel) Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Daniel "Williams. 3 vol. London, 1841-78. 8°. BB. A. Winer (G. P».) Handbuch der Theo- logischeu Literatur. hauptsaohlioh der protestautisohen. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1858-4:. 8°. BB. A. SUBJECT-INDEX. 4G7 THEOLOGY— Bibliographic— continued. Zucuold (E. A.) Bibliotheca Thco- logica. 1830-1862. GSttingen, 1864. 8". BB. A. [Dictionaries, etc.~\ Benham (W.) Dictionary of Religion. London, 1887. 8°. 2015. c. Blunt (J. H.) Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology. London, 1872. 8°. 2002. f. Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical parties, etc. Loudon, 1874. 8". 2002. f. Cave (A.) Introduction to Theology. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. BB. A. Ceillier (R.) Histoire generale des Auteurs Sacre's et Eeclesiastiques. (Table ge'ne'rale dea Matieres.) 16 vol. Paris, 1858-69. 8°. 2004. e. Crooks (G. R.) and Hurst (J. F.) Theological Encyclopaedia and Methodology on the basis of Hagen- bach. New York, 1884- 8°. BB. A. Danz (J. T. L.) Universal -Worterbuch der theologischen, kirchen-, und religionsgeschichtlichenLiteratur. Leipzig, 1843. 8°. BB. A. Hagenbach (C. R.) Encyclopedic und Methodologie der theologischen Wissenschaften. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. BB. A. Herzog (J. J.) Real-Encyklop'adie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche. Bd. 1-17. Leipzig, 1877, etc. 8°. 2015. c. and Plitt (G. L.) A Religious Encyclopaedia : based on the Real- Encyclopadie of Herzog. Edited by P. Schaff. 3 vol. New York, 1882-83. 4°. 2015. d. Encyclopaedia of living Divines, being a supplement to Schaff- Herzog Encyclopaedia. Edited by P. Schaff and S. M. Jackson. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. Hook (W. P.) Church Dictionary. London, 1854- 8°. 2003. e. MacClintock (J.) and Strong (J.) Cyclopaedia of Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. 10 vol. New York, 1867-81. 8°. 2015. e. Migne (J. P.) Encyclopedic The'o- logique. 50 vol. Paris, 1844-49- 4°- 2012 - C ~S- Nouvelle Encyclopedic Thc'o- logique. 52 vol. Paris, 1851-55. 4°. 2013. b-d. Troisieme ot derniere Encyclo- pedic Thcologique. 6G vol. Paris, 1855-66. 4°. 2013. d-g. TK1S.0L0BY— Dictionaries,! tc.—rontinmd. Preston (G. II.) The Student's Thco logical Manual. [London,'] 1850. 8°. 2001. b. Raebiger (J. F.) Encyclopaedia of Theology. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1884, 85. 8°. 2015. a. Richard (C. L.) and Giraud ( ) Bi- bliotheque Sacree. 20 vol. Paris, 1822-27. 8°. 2015. f. Wetzer (H. J.) and Welte (B.) Dic- tionnairo Encyclope'diquo do la Theologie Catholique. 25 torn. Paris, 1858-66. 8°. 2015. d. Zoeokler (O.) Handbuch der theo- logischen Wissenschaften in en- cyclopadiscber Darstellung. Band 1-4. Nordlingen, 1885. 8°. 2015. c. [Modern Treatises] Clark (T.) and (T.) Clark's Foreign Theological Library. 36 vol. Edinburgh, 1845-68. 8°. 2014. d-c. New [Second] Series. 20 vol. Edinburgh, 1854-58. 8°. 2014. c. Third Series. 20 vol. Edinburgh, 1859-63. 8°. 2014. f. Fourth Series. 26 vol. Edinburgh, 1864-70. 8°. 2014. g-h. New [Fifth] Series. Vol. 1-34, etc. Edinburgh, 1880, etc. 8°. 2014. h. 2015. a-b. Library of Anglo-Catholic Theo- logy. 83 vol. Oxford, 1841-63. 8°. 2014. a-b. Bingham (J.) Works. 10 vol. Oxford, 1855. 8°. 2003. c. Perrone (G.) Praelectiones Theolo- gicae. 7 vol. Bomse, 1840-43. 8°. 2002. e. Lardner (N.) Works. 10 vol. London, 1838. 8°. 2002. e. Taylor (Jeremy) Bishop of Down and Connor. Works. 15 vol. London, 1822. 8°. 2006. b. Bibliotheca Sacra; or, Tracts and Essays on topics connected with Biblical Literature and Theology. Editor, E. Robinson. New York, 1843. 8°. 2015. g. Bibliotheca Sacra and TmaaLOOldtAL Review ; conducted by B. B. Ed- wards, &c. Vol. 32, etc. [With Index, 1844-56.] Andover, Boston [Mass], 1875, etc. 8°. 2015. g. Theologisciieu Jahresbebioht. He- rausgegeben von B. Piinjer. 1 (and I , etc. Leipzig, 1882, etc. 8°. 2012. c 2 h 2 468 SUBJECT-INDEX. THEOLOGY— continued. [Patristic Treatises.'] Stewart (C. J.) Catalogue of Works in Patristic and Mediaeval Litera- ture. London. 8°. BB. A. Walch (J. G.) Bibliotheca Patristica. dense, 1834. 8°. BB. A. Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson. 24 vol. Edinburgh, 1867-72. 8°. 2011. a. Caillau (A. B.) Patres Apostolici. — (Fatres tertii, quarti, quinti Ec- clesiso sreculi.) Editio nova. Vol. 1-62, 70-94, 97, 98, 108-148. Paris, r 836-43. 8°. 2008. a-d. Migne (J. P.) Patrologiaa Cursus com- pletua. 221 vol. Paris, 1844-64. 4°. 2009. c-g. & 2010. b-e. Patrologiaa Cursus completus. [Supplementary Series.] 4 vol. Paris, 1845,46. 4°. 2010. e. Patrologiae Cursus completus. Series Graeca. Gr.&Lat. 162 vol. Paris, 1857-66. 4°. 2010. f-g, 2011. c-g, 2012. b-d. Plsey (E. B.) Library of the Fathers. Vol. 1-49. Oxford, 1842, etc. 8°. 2009, 10. b. Bowling (J. G.) Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum &c. qua? in collectioni- bus anecdotorum post annum Clmsti 1700 in lucem editis con- tinentur. Oxonii, 1839. 8°. BB. A. Dressel (A. K. M.) Patrum Apostoli- corum opera. Accedit Hernia? Pas- tor. Lipsife, 1857:- 8°. 2008. d. Si icerus (J. C.) Thesaurus Ecclesias- ticus, e Patribus Grsecis. 2 vol. Amstelodami, 1682. fol. 2008. g. /See also Biblical Criticism and Exegesis. — Christian Doctrine and Evidences. — Ciiukch History. — Eng- land, Church of. — Liturgiology, etc. THERAPEUTICS. Brunton (T. L.) Text-book of Phar- macology, Therapeutics and Ma- teria Medica. London, 1887. 8°. 2024. d. Kinger (S.) Handbook of Therapeutics. London, 1885. 8°. 2024. e. Ziemmssen (H. voh) Handbook of General Therapeutics. 7 vol. Loudon, 1885-87. 2026. g-h. THYSANURA. Lubbock {Sir John) Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. London, ^73. 8".' 2027. f. TIVERTON. Dunsford (M.) Historical Memoirs of Tiverton. Exeter, 1790. 8°. 2066. d. Harding (W.) History of Tiverton. 2 vol. Tiverton, 1845-47. 8°. 2066. b. TOBACCO. Bragge (W.) Bibliotheca Nicotiana; a catalogue of books about To- bacco. [Birmingham,'] 1880. 4°. TOPOGRAPHY. British Museum. Catalogue of Printed Maps, Plans, and Charts, in the British Museum. 2 vol. London, 1885. 8°. Cat. Desk. Catalogue of the Manuscript Maps, Charts and Plans, and the Topographical Drawings in the Britisb Museum. 3 vol. London, 1861. 8°. Cat. Desk. Collectanea Topographica et Genea- logica. [Edited by J. G. Nichols.] 8 vol. London, 1834-43. 8°. 2062. c. Fosbroke(T. D.) Foreign Topography. London, 1828. 4°. 2057. g. [For works on the topography of par- ticular countries, see the name of the country.] TORTS, Law of. Addison (C. G.) Wrongs and their Remedies, being a treatise on the law of Torts. London, 1887. 8°. 2018. c TOTTENHAM. Robinson (W.) History of Tottenham. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8°. 2065. b T0URNAI. Desmazieres«(E.) Bibliographic Tour- naisienne, etc. Toumai, 1882. 8°. BB. I. TOXICOLOGY. Woodman (W. B.) and Tidy (C. M.) Handy-Book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. London, 1877. 8°. 2024. bb. TRANSYLVANIA. Herbert (H.) Eepertorium iibcr einen Thiol der Siebenlmrgen betreffenden Literatur. Hermannstadt, 1878. 8°. BB. K. TREATIES. Hertslet (L.) Collection of Treaties and Conventions. 16 vol. London, 1827-85. 8°. 2016. a. Tetot ( ) Bibliotheque Diploma- tique. Repertoire des Traitea de Paix, etc. 2 vol. Paris, 1866. 8". SUBJEOT-INDEX. 469 TREE-WORSHIP, FeRGUSBON (.1.) Tree and Serpen! Worship. London, 1873. 4°. 2032. g. TREES. LotXDOK (J. C.) Arboretum et Frutice- tum Britannicum. 8 vol. London, (838. 8°. 2029. c. Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs. London, 1H42. 8". See also Forestry. 2029. C. TRENT, Council of. Pallavicino (S.) Cardinal. Istoria del Concilio di Trcnto. 6 vol. Faenza, 1792-97. 4°. 2008. f. Trent, Council of. Caiious and Decrees. Translated by J. Water worth. With Essays on the History of the Coun- cil. London, 1848. 8°. 2004. d. TRIALS. State Trials. Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials. [Con- tinued by T. B. and T. J. Howell.] 33 vol. London, 1809-26. 8°. 2019. d. h. General Index. By D. Jardiue. London, 1828. 8°. 2019. d. h. IRIGG. Maclean (J.) Parocliial and Family History of the Deanery of Trigg Minor. London, 1868. 4°. 2066. e. TRIGONOMETRY. Airy (G. B.) Treatise on Trigonometry. London, 1855. 8°. 2102. b. TROUBADOURS. Raynouard (F. J. M.) Choix des Poe'sies originates des Troubadours. G vol. Taxis, 18 16-21. 8°. 2047. d. Lexique Roman ; ou, Dictionnaire de la Langue des Troubadours. G vol. Paris, 1838, 36-44- 2047. 0. TROY. Schliemann (II.) Ilios : the City and Country of the Trojans. London, 1880. 8°. 2031. d. TRUSTS. Lewin (T.) Practical Treatise on the Law of Trusts. London, 1867. 8°. 2017. f. Sanders (F. W.) Essay on Uses and Trusts. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8°. 2017. f. TUNIS. Marsy (A. de) Essai de Bibliographie Tunisienne. Pans, 1869. S". BB. I. TURKESTAN. Mezhoii (V. I.) Recueil du Turkestan, oomprenant des livres &c. sur l'Asie ceutrale. St. I'etrrsbourg, 1878. 8". BB. I. TURKEY. See Ottoman Empire. TURKISH LANGUAGE. Redhouse (J. W.) Turkish Dictionary. London, 1880. 8°. 2115. b. Atciieu (P.) Dictionnaire Francais- Arme'nien Turc. Venue, 1840. 8°. 2115. d. Kiepfer (J. D.) and Bianchi (T. X.) Dictionnaire Turc-Franc.ais. 2 vol. Paris, 1835-37. 8 °- 2115 - e - Zenker (J. T.) Dictionnaire Turc- Arabe-Persan. 2 torn. Leipzig, 1866-76. 8°. 2115. f. Davids (A. L.) Grammar of the Turkish Language. London, 1832. 4°. 2114. c. Redhouse (J. W.) Grammaire rai- sonne'e de la langue Ottomane. Paris, 1846. 8°. 2114. c. Wells (C.) A practical Grammar of the Turkish Languages. London, 1880. 8°. 2115. b. TUSCANY. Moreni (D.) Bibliografia storico- ragionata della Toscana. 2 vol. Firenze, 1805. 4°. BB. K. Galluzzi (R.) Istoria del Granducato di Toscana sotto il goveruo della Casa Medici, etc. 5 vol. Firenze, 1781. 4°. 2084. f. Negociations. Negotiations diploma- tiques de la France avec la Toscane. 5 vol. Paris, 1859-75. 2083. g. TYPOGRAPHY. Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities. By W. Herbert. 3 vol. London, 1785-90. 4". 2050. f ■ Greatly enlarged by T. F. Dib- din. 4 vol. London, 1810-19. 4". 2050. f. Bernard (A. J.) De l'origine et des debuts do l'lmprimerie en Europe. 2 vol. Paris, 1853. 8°. 2048. e. Blades (W.) Life and Typography of W. Caxton, England's first Printer. 2 vol. London, 1861-63. 4°. 2050. f. Campbell (M. F. A. G.) Annul. is de la Typographic Neerlandaise an xv° Biecle. La ILaye, 1874-84. 8°. 2050. 1> Falkenstetjs (C. von) G-eschiohte tier Buchdmckerkunst. /. iptig, 1840. 1 2049. 0. 470 SUBJECT-INDEX. TYPOGEAPHY— continued. Maittaiue (M.) Annales Typographic^ 5 vol. (in 6.) Hagse-Comitum, etc., 1719-41. 4°. 2049. a. Supplementum ; adomavit M. Denis. 2 vol. Vienna:, 1789. 4°. 2049. c. Gaullieur (E. H. A.) Etudes sur la Typographic Genevoise du xv° au xix° siecles, et sur les origines de l'imprimerie en Suisse. Geneve, 1855. 8°. 2050. d. Mendez (F.) Tipografia EspaQola, etc. Madrid, 186 r. 8°. BB. G. Panzer (G. W.) Annales Typographici. [1457-1536.] 11 vol. Norimbergx, 1793-1803. 4°. 2049. c. Renouard (A. A.) Annales de l'im- primerie des Aide. Seconde e'dition. 3 vol. Paris, 1825. 8°. 2050. b. Annales de l'imprimerie des Estienne. 2 pt. Paris, 1837, 38. 8°. 2050. b. Sinker (R.) Catalogue of the English books printed before 1600 now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1885. 8°. 2041. bb. A Catalogue of the fifteenth- century printed books in the Li- brary of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Cambridge, 1876. 8°. 2049. bb. Sotheby (S. L.) Principia Typogra- phica. The Block-Books issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the 15th century, etc. 3 vol. London, 1858. 4°. 2050. g. "Weller (E.) Bepertorium typogra- phicuui. Die deutsche Literatur im ersten Viertel des sechzelmten Jahrhunderts. (Supplement.) Nordlingen, 1864-74. 8°. 2049. b. Willems (A.) Les Elzevier Histoire et annales Typographiques. Bruxelles, 1880. 8°. 2050. c. Cotton (H.) Typographical Gazetteer. Oxford, 183 1. 8°. 2048. b. Second Series. Oxford, 1866. 8°. 2048. b. Creswell (S. F.) Collection towards the History of Printing in Notting- hamshire. London, 1863. 4°. BB. E. Hoe (R. M.) The Literature of Print- ing. London, 1877. 8°. BB. E. Rouselle(H.) Bibliographic Montoise. Annales de l'impriinerio a Mons depuis 1680. Mons, 1858. 8°. BB. E. TYPOGEAPHY— continued. Thomas (J.) History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers, and an account of News- papers. 2 vol. A Ibany, N.Y., 1 8 74. 8°. 2050. d. Timperley (C. H.) Encyclopasdia of Literary and Typographical Anec- dote. London, 1842. 8°. 2050. e. TYE0L. Tirolisches Kunstler-Lexicon. Lnnsbruck, 1830. 8°. 2032. a. U. TJLM. Weyermann (A.) Nachrichten von Gelehrten, Kiinstlern, etc., aus Ulm. 2 vol. [77wi, 1798-1829. 8°. 2038. d. UNITED STATES OF AMEEICA. Bancroft (G.) History of the United States. 6 vol. London, 1876. 8°. 2085. a. Fergus (H.) History of the United States. 2 vol. London, 1830-32. 8°. 2103. d. Murray (H.) United States of Ame- rica. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1844. 12°. 2103. g. Winsor (J.) Narrative and Critical History of America. Vol. 2-5. Boston, 1886-87. 4°. 2056. f. The Reader's Handbook of the American Revolution. 1761-1783. Boston [illass.], 1880. 8°. 2085. e. Irving (W.) Life of George Washing- -ton. 5 vol. New York, 1857-9. 8°. 2040. h. Bartlett (J. R.) The Literature of the Rebellion. Together with works on American Slaverv. 1866. 8°. "BB. M. Bouvier (J.) Law Dictionary, adapted to Laws of the United States of America. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1870. 8°. 2016. e. Story (J.) Commentaries on the con- stitution of the United States. 2 vol. Boston, 1873. 8°. 2018. a. Rupp (J. D.) History of the Religious Denominations in the United States. Philadelphia, 1844. 8°. 2002. a. Ludewig (H. E.) The Literature of American Local History. New York, 1846. 8°. Perkins (F. B.) Check List of Ameri- can Local History. Boston, 1876. 8°. BB. E. SUBJECT-INDEX. 471 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — con- tinued. De Oolange (L.) National Gazetteer of tho United States. London [New York, 1884]. 8°. 2059. d. Rand, MacNally & Co. Business Atlas of America. Chicago, 1882. 4°. 2059. e. Scribner (C.) Seribner's Statistical Atlas of the United States. By F. W. Hewcs and H. Gannett. New York. 1882. fol. 2059. f. De Bow (J. D. B.) Industrial Re- sources, &c, of the Southern and Western States; Statistics of the United States commerce and manu- factures, Census returns, etc. 3 vol. New Orleans, 1852,53. 8°. 2085. c. United States of America. Descrip- tive Catalogue of the Government Publications of the United States. Sept. 5, 1774-March 4, 1881. Washington, 1885. 4°. Cat. Desk. URDU. Platts (J.) Dictionary of Urdu. London, 1848. 8°. 2115. d. Weitbrecht (H. U.) Descriptive Cata- logue of Urdu Christian literature. London, 1886. 8°. VALENCIA. Fcster (J. P.) Biblioteca Valenciana. 2 vol. Valencia, 1827-30. fol. 2036. g. VEDAS. Grihya-Sutras. The Grihya-Sutras, rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies, etc. Oxford, 1886. 8°. 2003. a. VEGETABLES. Masters (M. T.) Vegetable Terato- logy. London, 1869. 8°. 2027. f. VEGETARIANISM. Springer (R.) Wegweiser in der Vege- tarianischen Literatur. Nordhausen, 1880. 8°. BB. C. VENICE. Cicogna (E. A.) Bibliografia Vene- ziana. Venezia, 1847. 8°. BB. K. Daru (P. A. N. B.) Histoire de la Re'publique de Venise. 9 vol. Paris, 1853. 8°. 2084. e. Agostini (G. degli) Scrittori Viniziani. 2 vol. Venezia, 1752-54- 4 °. 2036. f. Gamba (B.) Galleria dei Letterati ed Artisti illustri delle Provincie Ve- neziane nel secolo deciuiottavo. 2 vol. Venezia, 1824. 8°. 2032. d. VENICE— co ntinued. Ridolfi (C.) Le Maraviglio dell' Arte ; ovvero ; le Vito degli illustri Pittori Veneti e dello Stato. 2 vol. Padova, 1835-37. 8°. 2032. d. VERONA. Maffei (S.) Marquis. Verona illus- trata. 5 vol. Milano, 1825, 26. 8°. 2042. c. VERTEBRATES. Owen (R.) Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3 vol. London, 1866-68. 8°. 2029. g. VETERINARY SURGERY. Bibliotiieoa Medico-Chirurgica, Phar- maccutico-Chemica et Veterinaria. Gottingen, 1879, etc. 8°. BB. C. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliotheca Veter- inaria. Leipzig, 1843. 8°. BB. C. Nysten (P. H.) Dictionnaire de Mede- cine, de Chirurgie, de Pharmacie, de l'Art Ve'te'rinaire, etc. Paris, 1884. 8°. 2024. e. Spooner (W. C.) Veterinary Art. London, 185 1. 8°. 2102. c. VILLAGE COMMUNITIES. Maine (Sir H. J. S.) Village-Com- munities in the East and West. London, 1876. 8°. 2016. b. VOLCANOES. Scrope (G. P.) Volcanoes. London, 1879. 8°. 2030. e. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Amat di San Filippo (P.) Bibliografia dei Viaggiatori Italiani. Roma, 1874. 8°. BB. I. Asher (A.) Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels edited and published by L. Hulsius and his successors, at Nuremberg and Francfort, from Anno 1598 to 1660. London and Berlin, 1839. 8°. BB. I. Beckmann (J.) Literatur der iilteren Reiscbeschreibungen. 2 Bde. Gottingen, 1807-10. 8°. BB. I. Camus (A. G.) Me'moire sur la col- lection de Grands et Petits Voyages, et sur la Collection des Voyages de M. Thevenot. Paris, 1802. 4°. BB. I. Georg (C.) Die Reiseliteratur Doutsch- lands, 1871-77. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. BB. I. Tiele (P. A.) Memoire bibliographiquo sur lea Journaux des Navigateur8 Ne'erlandais. Amsterdam, 1867. 8°. BB. I. Annee Geogeaphique. Revue annu- elle des Voyages, etc. Paris, 1863, etc. 12°. BB. I. 472 SUBJECT-INDEX. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS— continued. Charton (E.) Lc Tour chi Monde. Nouvcau journal des voyages, pu- blic sous la direction de M. E. Char- ton. Paris, 1870, etc. 4°. 2060. d. e. Boucher de la Richarderie (G.) Bi- bliothequo Universelle des Voyages. 6 vol. Paris, 1808. 8°. BB" I. Charton (E.) Voyageurs anciens et modernes. 4 vol. Paris, 1854-57. 8°. 2060. b. Churchill (A.) and (J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels. 6 vol. London, 1704-32. fol. 2058. d. Clarke (E. D.) Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 6 vol. Cambridge, London, 1810-23. 4°. 2056. f. Cooley (W. D.) History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3 vol. London, 1830, 31. 8°. 2103. e. Dumont d'Urville (J.) Histoire gene- rale des Voyages. 4 vol. Paris, 1859. 8°. 2057. e. Hakluyt (R.) The principal Naviga- tions, Voyages, Traffiques and Dis- coveries of the English Nation. 3 vol. London, 15 99-1600. fol. 2057. f. Pinkerton (J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels. 17 vol. [The last volume contains a Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels.] London, 1808-14. 4°. 2057. d. Voyages. A new general collection of Voyages and Travels [known as Astley's Collection]. 4 vol. London, 1745-47. 2057. f. Voyages round the World, from the death of Cook. Edinburgh, 1843. 12°. 2103. g. Bruce (James) Travels to discover the source of the Nile ; 1768-1773. 5 vol. Edinburgh, 1790. 4°. 2056. g. Circumnavigation. Historical account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe, and of the progress of dis- covery in the Pacific Ocean. Edinburgh, 1836. 12°. 2103. g. Cook (James) Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. I^ondon, 1784. 4°. 2057. g. Plates and Maps. fol. 2058. e. Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World 2 vol. London, 1777. 4°. 2056. g VOYAGES AND TRAVELS— contin ue d. Dixon (G.) A Vovage round the World, 1785-88. London, 1789. 4°. 2057. f. Drake (Sir F.) Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. Edinburgh, 1831. 12°. 2103. f. Leslie (J.) and Others. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions. Edinburgh, 1830. 12°. 2103. f. Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses con- cernant l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Ameri- que, publiees sous la direction de L. Aime'-Martin. 4 vol. Paris, 1838-43. 8°. 2043. c. Magillivray (W.) Travels and Re- searches of A. von Humboldt. Edinburgh, 1832. 12°. 2103. g. Polo (Marco) Le Livre de Marco Polo, re'dige' en Francais sous sa dicte'e en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise. Paris, 1865. 8°. 2060. b. Travels, greatly amended, with notes by H. Murray. Edinburgh, 1844. 12°. 2103. g. The Book of Set Marco Polo. Translated and edited by H. Yule. 2 vol. London, 1871. 8°. 2058. h. Wilkes (C.) Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838- 1842. 5 vol. and Atlas. London, 1845. 8°. 2057. e. WAINFLEET. Oldfield (E.) Topographical Account of Wainfleet, etc. London, 1829. 4°. 2064. d. WALES. Rowland (W.) Cambrian Bibliography. Llanidloes, 1869. 8°. 2050. d. Woodward (B. B.) The History of Wales, to its final incorporation with the Kingdom of England. London, [1853.] 8°. 2066. n. Barri (Giraldus de) Cambrensis. Itine- rary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, 1188. Translated by Sir R. C. Hoare. 2 vol. London, 1806. 4°. 2066. e. Brut y Tywysogion : or Chronicle of the Princes. Edited by J. Wil- liams ab Ithel. London, i860. 8". 2073. (17.) Caernarvon. Registrum vulgariter nuncupatum "The Record of Caer- narvon." [Edited by Sir H. Ellis.] I liecord Commission.] ! London,] 1H58. fol. Cat. Desk. SUBJECT-INDEX. it.; WALES— continued Enderbie (P.) Cambria Triumphans; or, Brittainin its perfect lustre. London, t66r. fol. 2120. g. Jones (O.) The Mvvyrian Arclunology of Wales. Denbigh, 1870. 8". 2046. e. Taxatio Ecolesiastioa AnglisB etWal- lisa auctoritate P. Nicholai iv. circa a.i>. L291. [Becord Commission.'} London, 1802. fol. Cat. Desk. Wales. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, etc. [Record Commis- sion.'] London, 184L fol. Cat. Desk. Annales Cambria?. Edited by J. Williams ab Ithel. London, i860. 8°. 2073. (20.) Carlisle (N.) Topographical Diction ary of Wales. London, 18 n. 4°. 2062. d. Lewis (S.) Topographical Dictionary of Wales. 2 vol. London, 1849. 4°. 2061. d. Nicholas (T.) Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Fami- lies of Wales. 2 vol. London, 1875. 8°. 2118. f. Pennant (T.) Tour in Wales. London, 1778. 4". 2066. b. Handbook for Travellers in North Wales. London, 1885. 8°. 2057. a. for Travellers in South Wales. London, 1877. 8°. 2057. a. Wood (J. G.) F.S.A. The principal rivers of Wales illustrated. 2 vol. London, 18 13. 4°. 2064. e. Worrall (J.) Directory of North Wall's. Oldham, 1874. 8°. [See also England.] 2120. e. WALLACHIAN LANGUAGE. Isser (A.) Walachish-deutschcs Wor- terbuch. Kronstadt, 1850. 8°. 2117. a. WALL0N CHURCH. Bergman (J. T.) Catalogue de la Bi- bliotheque Walloune depose'e a Leide. Leide, 1875. 8°. BB. A. WALTHAM ABBEY. Filler (T.) History of the University of Cambridge, "and of Waltham Abbey. London, 1840. 8°. 2064. a. WANTING. Clarke ( W. W. ) Parochial Topography of the Hundred of Wanting. Oxford, 1824. 4°. 2064. c. WARWICKSHIRE. Dugdale (»S/Y W.) Antiquities of War- wickshire. 2 vol. London, 1730. fol. 2063. e. WARWICKSHIRE— ronlinu, ,1 Smith (W.) FM.S.A. History of the County of Warwick. Birmingham, 1830. 4°. 2064. c. WELSH LANGUAGE. Owen, afterwards Owen PuGHE (W.) Dictionary of the Welsh Language. To which is prefixed a Welsh < Jrani- mar. 2 vol. Denbigh, 1832. 8°. 2114. f. Rowland (T.) Grammar of the Welsh Lan