, jnarpfrtbffaiill *5ff altrr ctranr V / ttvr?~*^c$<^ ^w^'^*^^ ^1^^ tiSiMi 'IsMfe m University of California Berkeley 938582 1887 anU 1893, iHifflin anb Company. ?C^e iStbersitie Press, Camfcrttrge, jass., 25. 5. a. lElectrotfipeti anU ^prtnteli ig |^. . ^ougtjton anU ffiompang. t aH tfcin faitb in Cime jftor trust in me; ife, and Hotic, antJ Cternitp ! Eucg gfoeet, eberg rfjnme fjere font Is gouts, not mine ; gour fjfart trio dictate it, inline inrote tlje line! &o, tfjrn, to DOU, baftose Suit Bt'O make eacf) song, fHg t)fatt a" 11 book, 'tis fit ftotf) belong! Boston, August, 1886. &uccorifl ........ 10 Sunrise on Cra0 Jfiiaountain vii &prin0'0* beacon ....... 43 Rummer . . . . . . . . . 44 Lobe 49 feet, r roll of funeral car, or laugl) of sin, nip tlje niall bettoeen tljis rusl) of life &nU tlje Heep quiet of tljis 0arHen olH, iSut pet as separate as peace anH strife, 0r 5 utie ' 6toeet sunshine from December's coin. all outsiHe is bepeH bp summer rains, Hasl) anU rusl) uiill benH t!;c stateliest rose, blur tlje street toitl) Hull anU tearful stains, fresIjeneH (0arHen but tlje brighter glotos ; Clje stoaping; flotoers lift tljeir smeet, met epes, .3tnU burst of perfume fills tl;r sinning air, Clje tirencijefc antt fcrearp street feels toaytte surprise &t tfje strang;e fragrance overflowing; tljere. 21 1 is as tljotifflj some rutnti of memorp blrm Across tlje fielUs tojjere eartl) toas fres()lp oter pastures Trim tottb earlp tieto, fcoum from Ijilltops IjiU in toreat&s of clouU. tljr Drifting; shaUouis icljrrl anU pass Across tl)r roof of some far cottag;e Ijomr S>et luljriT tbc toat)es of g;olUen mraDotu jrass iareafe mttlj tuljitc ripples into Uaisi; foam* long; tieatj Past ! pang; of strang;e regret crimson roses ben&ing; in tlje rain &las for Ijearts tljat map not e'en forg;et, .3tnti pet tooulU not p back to tbec ag;ain ! 3fnstUe tlje toalls, tlje tall ailant^us* Js tang;leU in t|)e mes&es of tlje g;rass, <&v flecks tlje patl), to^ose mossp flag;s mere lain Jor cbilUisl) feet, long; since g^onm olU, to pass ; 35etmeen tlje stones, t&e scarlet pimpernel JinUs room to spreaU its tbreaU-.liie roots anfc all self'-soton, tlje portulaca's bell iig;bts up tlje g?ounfc tnitlj tender, rosp g;loto* Cjje malks are betig;elr toitlj Uusfep g^een of feoj:, ci 1) at once enclosed long; borders, trim antt neat ; tl)cm stooU great rlumpo of plfe, fibone at fcttsfe, antt greto more stoeet. 38ut note tbe pblop nrittr morning-glories seek, silkp blossoms robe tbe <55artren press pure faces 'gainst tlje thistle's cljeefe, r star-like gleam amia tjje grass anU tieto tbousanfc pushing toee^s tlje borUers IjoID, standing ruttl) tbcm, totlH antj rank as tljcp, 9lre tender blossoms, noto groiun ouer-bolu, '3lntJ careless of tbe Garten's slot) Tiecap* I), far atoap, in some serener air, Clje epes tljat lobe* t&em see a ^eatoenlp ttaton : can tljep bloom toitljout ^er tenter care ? sljoulU tljep liDe, toljen l)er stoeet life is gone? H>till from tlje far-off pastures comes tlje bee, stuings all Hap insiUe tlje bollPbocfe, steals ber l)onep from tlje toingeU smeet pea, tlje stripetf glorp of tl)e four-o'clock ; pale stoeet-toilliam, ringed toitf) pink anti toljite, (0roros pet mit|jm t^e Uamp sljatie of t^e toall ; 31 nU there tbr primrose stands, tbat as tbe nigbt iSegins to gather, ant tbe fcetos to fall, jFling;s mitoe to circling: motbs ber ttoistefc buUs, sbine Ufa pelloto moons toitb pale, coin all tbe air bet beabp fragrance floofcs, shirs larg;css to am> rumUs tbat blow. |)ere, in toarm Harfenee0 of a ni^^t in June, rbptbmic ptilfiefii of tbe factory's; flame toitl) cutjljen flare of rei tlje ffloom, Heepeneti long: blacfe filjaUotufii, cljtltiren came Co toatcb t^e primrosie bloto ! Silent tljen stooli, l)ano clagpeD in banU, in breatblefis around, SlnU fiato ber sbplp Hoff (jer soft ffreen booU blossom ruttb a silken burst of count) ! nee more ^ listen for tfce trembling: jfrom purple4|)roatetJ Canterbmrp bell ; jfor surelp, in tbat far-off g;ollien time, IS>trang;e fragrant mttsic from it softlp fell. ^eneatb tbe lilacs, on toljose beart--sbapeU leabes u. be Uust bas settled anH rubite stains of moultj, Cbe monep'-tine mitb cling;ing: mprtle toeabes at tbick Uark carpet, starred toitb blue anU 21 tneUg:e of btoiU blue tbe larkspur sbines from out tbe tbomp beart of tbe smeetbrier, at its si&e are belbet bran&p'toines, bp bonepsuckles* fring;e of fire. 0n tbc long; grass, ruljcvr still tljc Drops of Uctu Sire tbreafcefc like a necklace for tfje fcaton, (!i I)r flaming: poppies tbetr soft petals strcui, Cljen stanfc anfc slntoer, all tljeir brato'rp pne orroto look from tljee Cotoarti a tenderer blue ! 10 ii fjoofcefc all in blue, cljastelp folding cloak of green, main tofjotn (Ktosi neber ttneto, Jf^or lobe (jag seen ! fancp, ccaree Ureamt fcj> tljee, 'neatlj tl)p most UiecreeteBit lurfeg a toill tolnc!) map be lobe anfc me ! 12 if*, m. . ttf cltnjrtnjj, mournful leata, H>eem matte to ti)c roots of Coo Ueep in gloom for sun or fcree^e, to mourn the iSttt tuljen j fetsseli (jer name, j tl)c Dear, Ueati main, fitarrp floloer of tenUer blue, fcit of Ijeaben, dljimng: tfjroug;!) Clje leatjeis upon &er grabe ! main ! tljee li noon anfc n ig;l)t ; (L br rntitottc tiaron Cljott loofeefit on too coon Cljen restlessly gap itoeet'-pea j&otts on ()er slenfcer stem ; j? or far up in tjje fifttnnp tlje gailinff butterflies, longs to 30 to tl)em for toljp filjoulU tljep first to sap, " Wit loue tljee, prettp mart " - for tljeir coming; must filje toait, l:)or speak of lotoe till t^ep dictate, Ctme Ijer toinffs filjoulU faUe ? must not ftp, |)er tnarm Ijearf s lolie to sap |)er ptnfe anU toljite anU scarlet SMere surelp maUe for better tljus at borne to stap ! 15 stoeet mato Kosemarp er pnm it io 60 plain, iDressefc tijus, cotiUj not be Bain !) preacl) to me, tljis mp life fcotb seem .