GIFT OF LATIN TILES GLADDING - McBEAN & CO. SAN FRANCISCO ' CROCKER BUILDING LOS ANGELES - TRUST & SAVINGS BANK BUILDING WORKS - AT LINCOLN - CALIFORNIA Copyright, 1919, byJG/adding, McBean &?Co. Printed by Taylor & 1 Taylor, San Francisco LATIN TILES O MATTER how squalid its buildings, and not' withstanding its irregular skylines, any unpre- tentious village in Southern Europe strikes the visitor as having a certain picturesque unity. It is one's first impression that this effect is due to harmonies of color, but a closer study will reveal that, in great part, the charm really comes from the uniformity of roof slopes and the invariable use of tiles as their covering material. Indeed, these omnipresent tile roofs, crowning dressed stone or plastered walls, best refute the claims of those "stylists" who would distinguish arbitrarily between French, Spanish, Italian, or even Greek architecture. Essentially, there is a great difference of aspect between the towns on the Gulf of Lyons and those on the Coast of Brittany, equally French though they are; while there is very little to distinguish between places on the southern or eastern Spanish coasts and Italian towns of similar sise on the Gulf of Salerno. For with simple, spontaneous peoples, the houses that they build will respond to the demands which are to be met and to the conditions under which they come into being. In reality, such feelings as "intense patriotism" and "national solidarity" (which those not in contact with plain people are prone, mistakenly, to attribute to them) are not com- monly found, if they exist at all, until perhaps the coming of a leader may stir the people, for the moment, to meet some urgent need. The day's toil and the coming night, repeated, make up the years; and they are happy men whose near horizon bounds a sufficing world! It is only a more or less sophisticated attitude which develops nationalism or national customs, and to a still higher degree, "style"; and this is quite as true of building as of dress. Regardless of nationalities, all these Mediterranean coast peoples have built alike. Since baked tiles have been, from time beyond counting, the most nat- ural means of roofing in all the lands bordering the Mediterranean, it may be assumed that long ago they reached their perfected forms. No, it is not for us, -with our "brashness," to attempt improvements on what others before us have done, with taste and judgment far better than ours, and after their endless experience. We Americans have tried innovations and failed. We had stages of "scientific" and "interlocking" and other intricate forms of tiles and we produced a series of abominations which, added to their other faults, have that at times worst of vices, comparative permanence. Naturally, in time, there came among us men who knew "quality," and demanded that the makers hark back for inspiration to the earlier sources. In our country suit- able examples were found in the roofs of the Mission Churches of California, for, instead of being innovations, these were copied as closely as possible from the remembered tiles of the padres 1 homeland, Spain. It is largely for this reason that the earliest (and always the best) true roofing tiles have been made in California. It has been the happy experience of California architects that they may count on the makers to see that their needs are intelligently met if not sometimes anticipated. Not only have the moulds themselves been such as to meet a legitimate range of requirements, but the ability to control color, almost at will, has proved a great boon to those architects who, blessed with taste and intelligence, make use of this so delicate and subtle means of varying the effect produced. d. An inspection of the accompanying photographs will show that no matter what the style or composition of the structure itself, a roof properly laid and carefully studied in respect to color tones and texture will serve to pull together the entire scheme into a pleasing and harmonious whole. LATIN TILES GLADDING-Mc : B C O MISSION SAN JUAN, SAN JUAN, CALIFORNIA Adobe body, California Mission Tiles, hand'made by the Indians under the direction of the early fathers. The Indian tile'maker used his thigh for the model, forming the clay with his hands I 7 ] L AT^r K.T.T I.i-- : E S " GLADDING-McBEAN & GO A most interesting example of color and texture in the hand'made tile on the old missions MISSION SAN JUAN, SAN JUAN, CALIFORNIA The photograph of this most beautiful and interesting Four- teenth Century Italian villa is loaned from the collection of photographs taken personally by Mr. Guy Lowell, architect, and forms an excellent illus* tration of the interesting tex- tural laying of the tile very naturally accomplished by the Italian workmen of that period c 8 : LATIN TILES GLADDING-M O SAN MICUEL MISSION, SAN MIGUEL, CALIFORNIA These early Colonial Tiles gave the chief charm to the historic missions through their infinite variety of color and natural form, thereby relieving the great expanse and the monotony of white walls I 9 L I:K: : T ;I>t;E S GLADDING'McBEAN & CO FIFTEENTH-CENTURY CASTLE ANDVILLAGE, PAVONE, PROVINCE OK PIEDMONT, ITALY The charm of this medley of roofs lies not only in the general harmony of the roof lines, but in the human, natural, and therefore picturesque, irregularity of the laying of the tiles 10 LATIN TILES " GLADDING-Mc 3sf.--i-'Sf -- ; G O WILLIAM H. CROCKER HOl'SE, HILLSBOROUGH, CALIFORNIA LEWIS P. HOBART, ARCHITECT LARGE ITALIAN TILE MEDIUM RED TONES Large Italian Tiles in red tones, formal in texture and color L A ; ^I ES GLADDING-MCBEAN & co >j| P pi TWENTY-TWO STORY TOWER, H QUART BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO WILLIS POLK & CO., ARCHITECTS CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE GREEN ENAMEL ' MEDIUM VARIATION IN SHADE L AT IN TILES GLADDING-Mc B E'A N & C O VVATKR TKMIM.E. SUNOI.. CAUFORN IA VVII.MS TOT.K & CO., ARCHITECTS SMALL CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE The lovely atmosphere and feeling of this beautiful temple are maintained in the scale and character of the roof, which is texturally tiled with red California Mission Tiles, har- monising in scale with the exquisite detail LATIN TILES " GLADDING'McBEAN & CO CITY HALL, BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA CHARLES PETER WEEKS, ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' MEDIUM VARIATION IN SHADE The texture of the brickwork naturally called for a re-echo of the texture note in the roof. This was obtained by the use of California Mission Tiles of a varying red tone, and a slight informality in laying LATIN TILES " GLADDING'McB E A N & C O A. L. EHRMAN HOUSE, ATHERTON, CALIFORNIA WILLIS POLK & CO., ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE VERY IRREGULARLY LAID This most original and picturesque dwelling is enhanced in interest through the very irregularly laid medium Cordova Tiles, which vary broadly in rusty tones C 15 LATIN TILES " GLADDING'McBEAN & GO LIBRARY BUILDING, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA BAKEWELL & BROWN, ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RED ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE The medium'sized Cordova Tiles of varying red tones are in excellent scale with the semi'inonumental architecture LATIN TILES - GLADDING'McBE A/HJi&H H H lit! * x w Mt \ r *PA ^ OWENS RIVF.R FISH HATCHERY. INnEPENDF.NCE. CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTS AMERICAN- SPANISH TILE RUSSET ' MEDIUM VARIATION IN COLOR Approaching from the valley in the sunlight the roof of this most picturesque building is a glorious deep old-rose tone. Analyzed, it is of American-Spanish Tiles, in russet tones, carried into extremes of purple and yellow combination, creating the rich old-rose effect L jf^r^^AT ILES - GLADDING-McBEAN & CO MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID This architectural gem in the Montecito hills vibrates in the sunlight, taking the soft and lovelier tones of the smaller Italian villas. Russet shades dominate, warmed by the in- troduction of old-rose elements. The random laying of the medi- um-sized Cordova Tile is most interesting in texture. Note the picturesque eave line ROBERT 0. M C GANN HOUSE, MONTECITO, CALIFORNIA GUY LOWELL, ARCHITECT MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID The charm of color-tone of the roof is brought home to the dwellers in the villa, within the intimate patio PATIO. ROBERT G. M C GANN HOUSE, MONTECITO, CALIFORNIA .'ELL, ARCHITECT C LATIN TILES " GLADDING-McBE ROBERT G. M C CANN GARAGE, MONTECITO. CALIFORNIA MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID The garage in view of the residence, through the har- monious beauty of the roof, does not detract from nature's mountain picture GUY LOWELL, ARCHITECT MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' WIDE VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID A medium-sized Cordova Tile irregularly laid in shades of russets, purples, raw sienna and an occasional black note, forms a subdued but vital note in the brilliant flowering of the garden and the rich greens of the foliage GATE LODGE, LOLITA OGDEN ARMOUR ESTATE, MONTECITO, CALIFORNIA ARTHUR HEUN, ARCHITECT 19 \-. ILES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO TOD FORD, JR. HOUSE, PASADENA, CALIFORNIA REGINALD D. JOHNSON, ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' WIDE VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID An element of charm of this most interesting Spanish Colonial home lies in the appropriate scale, color, and texture of the roof. A large type of California Mission Tile in a wide variation of red shades was the unit used; the matrix formed by very irregular laying, with a rugged line at the eaves C 20 ] LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO CROt:p OF BUILDINGS, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA JOHN GALEN HOWARD, ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' MEDIUM VARIATION IN SHADE The very formal architecture is enhanced in human interest by the warm varying tones of the roofs, which are laid with California Mission Tiles of controlled but varying shades of red L AT I'N TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & GO MALCOLM MCNAGHTEN HOUSE, LA CANADA, CALIFORNIA REGINALD I). JOHNSON, ARCHITECT MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE VERY IRREGULARLY LAID This most picturesque Spanish Colonial home, in more picturesque surroundings, is made atmospheric with its environment through a beautifully textured roof in warm russet tones with suggestions of old-rose. The unit was a medium Cordova-shaped Tile, and the different roofs are scaled in texture to the distance of the perspective from which they are viewed C LATIN TILES GLADDING- Kt'clff'E A ; fa /A & C O CHURCH OF THE LAP' DRTOI.A VAI.I.EY, NEAR WOODSIDE, CALIFORNIA J. R. MILLER, ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA TILE MEDIUM RED SHADES The formal character of the building naturally calls for large California Mission Tiles, regularly laid. The color is of medium red of slight variation of shade L AT l"N : "'f Tt'B'S" " GLADDING'McBEAN & GO GILI.ESP1E VII. I. A, MONTECITO. CALIFORNIA BERTRAM G. GOODHUE, ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE The California Mission Tiles in large units, laid somewhat formally, harmonise with the scale of the classic detail c 24 LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO CHRISTIAN DE GUIGXE, JR. HOUSE, SAN MATED, CALIFORNIA BLISS & FAVILLE, ARCHITECTS CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE TOPS WITH LARGE CORDOVA TILE BOTTOMS GREEN ENAMEL WIDE VARIATION IN COLOR This formal Italian residence in the hills of the peninsula is drawn into contours and foliage by its broadly varying shades of green enamel tiles in the roof. The California Mission type made the proper scale c *s LATIN TILES I GLADDING'McBEAN & CO WALTER BUSS HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO BI.1SS * FAVn.I.K, ARriHTECTS CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE GREEN ENAMEL ' MEDIUM VARIATION IN SHADE Interest is added to the picture by various shades of graygreen enamel tiles which form the roof covering. California Mission Tile is the type used C 26 ] LATIN TILES " GLADDING-McBEAN & CO I PRESIDENT S HOUSE, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA LOUIS CHRISTIAN MULLGARDT, ARCHITECT LARGE CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' MEDIUM VARIATION IN SHADE This truly California architecture demanded, for scale, large Cordova Tiles in varying tones. The vertical lines carry over the ridge through a special ridge tile LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO SMALL CORDOVA TILE RUSSET AND RED MEDIUM VARIATION IN SHADE This bit of Italy in San Fran- cisco would lose largely in at- mosphere were the surround- ing walls and buildings not covered with the well'studied scale of the small Cordova Tile, m rusty and rose tones of varying shades M. B. MOON HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO BLISS & FAV1LI.E, ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RED ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID A rich red roof of a medium unit of Cordova Tile, random in color and form sufficiently to harmonize with design and textured plaster HENRY DATKR IIOI'SE. MONTECITO, CALIFORNIA PEKTRAM G. GOODHUE, ARCHITECT C 28 ] LATIN TILES - GLADDING'Mc &fi[Ai-TS8JKMB O H ILLS BOROUGH SCHOOL, H1LLSBOROUGH. CALIFORNIA LEWIS P. HOBART, ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE The California Mission Tiles of red tones, in varying shades, are well in scale, and help the "picture" of this very simple and lovely court C 29 ] L Anfc'EVT'HX& ES GLADDING-McBEAN & GO AGRICUI.TUR Al. PAVJI.TON. SACRAMENTO, C AUFORMA EDC.AR E. MATTHEWS AND SYLVAN sniNAiTTArnrR. ASSOCIATE ARCHITECTS LARGE CORDOVA TILE RUSTY BROWN ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID The dignity of the State is maintained, and atmospheric California re-echoed, in the broad variation of russet shades of the large Cordova Tiles used on these roofs. They are naturally very irregularly laid to give texture and add color interest to the great mass of the roof c 30 LATIN TILES " GLADDING'Mc B E O MRS. AUGUSTA K. GIBBS HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO WILLIS POLK & CO., ARCHITECTS CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE DARK GREEN ENAMEL A most interesting color harmony with the stone is created by the dark moss'green tone of the roof tiles. The type was large California Mission Tile C L j&f^ft"ih$&& ES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO || i! nil III! NOE VALLEY BRANCH OF THE SAN FRANCISCO Pl'BLIC LIBRARY JOHN REID, JR., ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' MEDIUM VARIATION IN SHADE The polychrome treatment of the exterior of this semi'public building naturally calls for formally laid California Mission Tiles. They are of red tones, with added interest through a variation in shades LATIN TILES GLADDING- WtT'S' E'&'W & C O MISSION BRANCH OF THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY G. ALBERT LANSBURCH, ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE GRAY GREEN ENAMEL Gray green enamel Tiles in California Mission size, harmonize well with the background tones and color decoration of this very interesting architectural terra'cotta building 33 ] L AT i N'"TTL E s ' < GLADDING-MCBEAN & co GOLDEN GATE VALLEY BRANCH SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY COXHEAD & COXHEAD, ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET AND RED TONES The russet and red tones of medium-sized Cordova Roof Tiles are a pleasing contrast and emphasis to the formal architecture and the exquisite details of the architectural terra-cotta C 34 LATIN TILES - GLADDING- M u fi :E & C O SARONI HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO KENNETH M C DONAU), JR., ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE The extreme variation in shades of the red California Mission Tiles tones well with nature's background mass of deep green C 35 ] L A T I : N : "-f T t"feV " GLADDING'McBEAN & CO MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' WIDE VARIATION IN SHADE The formal architecture de- manded a medium-sized Cor- dova Tile, laid fairly regularly. The russet tones vary widely, but are combined in perfect harmony MISS RURKK'S SCHOOL, SAN FRANCISCO JUI.IA MORGAN, ARCHITECT AMERICAN-SPANISH TILE GREEN ENAMEL MEDIUM VARIATION IN SHADE American-Spanish Tiles in green enamel, slightly varying shades, were used on this Californian-French chateau CLARENCE MUSTO HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO TH, ARCHITECT LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO ST. BARTHOLOMEW S CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY BERTRAM G, GOODHUE, ARCHITECT UPPER ROOFS LARGE CORDOVA LOWER ROOFS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' WIDE VARIATION IN SHADE California Roof Tiles were taken to New York City to add the proper color note and texture to this great metropolitan church. The scale is held by using a large unit of Cordova Tiles on the upper roofs, and medium-sized of the same shape for the lower roofs. Russet and buff tones of wide variation harmonize well with the mass of supporting materials I 37 ] LATIN TILES - GLADDING-McBEAN & CO CARMELITE MONASTERY, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA MACINNIS & WALSH, ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID LATIN TILES GLADDING-McBEAN & CO CARMF.I.ITF. MONASTF.RY, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA MAC.INNIS & WALSH, ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID The palette of tones used in the roof tiles runs from siennas into deep russets, almost purple in spots. An occasional contrasting note is created by a rusty yellow tile. The whole tone is a vibrating mass of russet value, of a deeper color' tone than the walls. The tile unit of a medium'sised Cordova form is irregularly laid C 39 3 LATIN TILES " GLADDING-McBEAN & CO An interesting detail of the garden wall, capped with me- dium Cordova Tiles in varying russet tones to harmonize with the larger roof areas of the main buildings CARMELITE MONASTERY, SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA MAC. I NX IS & WALSH. ARCHITECTS The formal design of both house and grounds required a regular laying of the red Cali- fornia Mission Tiles, which vary sufficiently in tone to harmonize with surround' ing foliage MRS. HENRY S. KIERSTED HOUSE, HILLSBOROUGH, CALIFORNIA LEWIS P. HOBART, ARCHITECT C 40 ] LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO I a i B i a H i * - FRANCES E. WII.I.AKD SCHOOL, BERKKLEY, CALIFORNIA LEWIS P. UOBART AND CHARLES H. CHENEY, ARCHITECTS CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE This distinctly California school from Spanish inspiration is aesthetically, and, therefore, appropriately, roofed with California Mission Tiles. The scale is excellent, the laying fairly even, and the color variation not extreme C 41 LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & GO "- -^ -. --> HERBERT CAPPELL HOUSE, PASADENA, CALIFORNIA BERTRAM G. GOODHUE, ARCHITECT CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE RED ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE RANDOM LAID Among the very beautiful Pasadena homes this exquisitely designed and proportioned residence is appropriately roofed with California Mission Tiles. The scale of the large unit carries in perfect proportion with the long roof lines, which are relieved by a play of color in the red tiles, and considerable texture in the random laying LATIN TILES " GLADDING'McBEAN & CO IP I'.KORCK C. REW HOUSE, CORONADO, CALIFORNIA ELMER GRAY, ARCHITECT MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ff ROSE ' EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE VERY IRREGULARLY LAID The vibrating light from the ocean in the foreground, and the rich tones of the exquisitely matured planting, are re-echoed in the broad range of colors in the tile roof. The palette extends from rich purples into golden yellows, with occasional rose tones, all so happily combined that they form an extremely rich and almost oriental matrix. The texture laying of the tile is studied to scale with the archi- tectural design. The unit is of a medium- sized Cordova shape [ 43 LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & GO JULIAN ELTINGE HOUSE. SILVER LAKE. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA I'lERI'OXT ANI1 WALTER S. DAVIS. ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE This picturesque architectural composition overlooking Silver Lake is most appropriately, as to scale, random laying and color values, roofed with a medium'sised unit of Cordova Tiles, in russet and Pompeiian red tones. The rugged eave line harmonizes well with the roughly plastered exterior walls [ 44 LATIN TILES - GLADDING-McBEAN & CO K U. S. POSTOFFICE, THE EMBARCADERO, SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF STATE HARBOR COMMISSIONERS, ARCHITECTS CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE DARKER SHADES OF RUSTY BROWN REGULARLY LAID C 45 ] LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO MRS. JAMES L. FLOOD HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO BUSS & FAV1LLE, ARCHITECTS CALIFORNIA MISSION TILE GRAY GREEN ENAMEL EXTREME VARIATION IN SHADE A most interesting color combination was developed by using as a unit the small California Tiles regularly laid. The palette consists of varying tones of sage greens, blue greens, deep gray, and light blue tones, harmonizing into a most beautiful color mass of gray green value C LATIN TILES " GLADDING'McBEAN & CO ^ GEORGE \V. KKI.HAM HOrSF., SAN FRANCISCO GEORGE W. KEI.HAM, ARCHITECT MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSTIC BROWN 'WIDE VARIATION IN SHADE VERY IRREGULARLY LAID An excellent example of extreme in textural form and variation of shade, which adds greatly to the charm of the composition. A medium Cordova Tile unit was used in a wide variety of tones, forming a mass of russet value C 47 ] LATIN TILES - GLADDING-McBEAN & CO ACNES M. BOURN HOUSE. SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WILLIS POI.K & CO., ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' WIDE VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID Exquisite in detail, refined in mass, domestic in feeling, human interest is added to this great country home by the broad variation in color of the russet tone of the medium-sized Cordova Tiles used on the roof. The color effect of the broad palette is softened and harmonized by the random laying, both horizontal and vertical LATIN TILES " GLADDING-McBEAN & CO ACNES M. BOURN CARACK. SAN MATF.O COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BAKEWEU. & BROWN, ARCHITECTS SMALL CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' WIDE VARIATION IN SHADE IRREGULARLY LAID The russet-toned, irregularly laid, small Cordova Roof Tiles of wide variety of shades, tone perfectly in color scale and texture with the rough brick walls and the surrounding planting LATIN TILES GLADDING'McBEAN & CO LINCOLN SPANISH TILE MEDIUM RED TONES The informal charm and hu- man appeal of this corner of the patio are due entirely to the intimacy of the planting. The Lincoln Spanish Roofing Tiles in a range of Pompeiian and orange red tones, somewhat ir- regularly laid, harmonize with both architecture and planting MAJOR j. H. H. PESH1NE HOUSE, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA MYRON HUNT, ARCHITECT MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET AND RED TONES The soft tones of an oriental rug is the impression created by variations of the russet tones, warmed by a propor- tion of old-rose tile. The roof is textural in laying and of a medium-sized unit of Cordova Tile J. P. JEFFERSON HOUSE, MONTECITO, CALIFORNIA REGINALD D. JOHNSON, ARCHITECT LATIN TILES GLADDING-McBEAN & CO COURT, MRS. ANDREW WELCH HOUSE, SAN FRAXC1SO WILLIS POLK & CO., ARCHITECTS MEDIUM CORDOVA TILE RUSSET ' MODERATE VARIATION IN SHADE VERY IRREGULARLY LAID A medium'sized unit of Cordova Tiles of fairly broad range of russet tones, random laid both vertically and horizontally, harmonizes well with this vigorous early Italian composition C 5* COURT, MRS. ANDREW WELCH HOUSE, SAN FBANCISCO WILLIS POLK & CO., ARCHITECTS LATIN TILES DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION AND SPECIFICATIONS LATIN TILES GLADDING-McBEAN & CO LATIN TILES GLADDING-McBEAN & GO 8 LATIN TILES GLADDING-McBEAN & CO o u g i o o LATIN TILES " G L A D D I N G < M c.B : : .E! A, N: & CO 57 SPECIFICATIONS FOR LATIN TILES IRREGULARLY LAID The specifications which follow are, for purposes of illustration, based on Medium Cor' dova Tiles. The same general outline would hold for any of the other shapes, but with the respectively correct sizes, spacing, nails, etc., noted on the construction sheets. GENERAL CONDITIONS: The general con' ditions at the beginning of this specify cation shall govern this portion of the work. GUARANTEE: All work in connection with the roofs must be maintained water' tight for a period of two (2) years from the date of final payment for this con' tract. Should any defects develop in that time which are caused by poor work' manship or materials, the contractor shall immediately, when called upon by the architect, without additional ex' pense to the owner, repair the tile; and any work or materials displaced in re' pairing or replacing such work shall be made good and the work left in perfect condition. Should the roof leak from any other cause, the contractor for the roof shall not be responsible. TILES: All tiles shall be what are known as Medium Cordova Tiles, manufactured by Gladding, McBean 6? Co. They are approximately 7^ inches wide and 18 inches long. The tiles shall be irregularly laid, varying from 10% inches to n inches on centers, and from 8 inches to 15 inches to the weather. The field tiles shall be used for all hips and ridges. These shall also be irregularly and unevenly laid. The setter shall lay one square of tiles for the approval of the architect before proceeding. In cases where the eaves show above the cornice or gutter, the first course of bottom (or top, or both bottom and top) tiles at the eaves shall be laid double, the lower tiles in each case to be a short length. COLOR: The color of these tiles shall be a rustic brown (or red ) unglazed and varying in shade. Samples of the tiles, illustrating the variation in color, shall be submitted to the architect before pro' ceeding with the work. SETTING: The top tiles shall be nailed to i ]4 'inch by 3'inch "wood strips with eightpenny galvanized iron nails. The bottom tiles shall be nailed with four' penny galvanized iron nails, where re' quired. CEMENTING INTERSECTION: The space be' tween the roof tiles and hip tiles at the intersection of the roof with the hips shall be filled in with Portland Cement, natural color. The same shall be done at the ridges. SURFACE OF THE ROOF: The roof boards under the tiles shall be covered with one thickness of Half-ply Prepared Roof- ing Paper laid parallel with the eaves. Paper shall have all joints lapped at least three inches. WORK NOT INCLUDED: The roofing'tile contract does not include flashings or metal work of any description, or wood' en strips. This work would be furnished under the metal and carpenter specifi- cations, but installed as advised by tile roofer. GLADDING, McBEAN 6? CO. 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