Sit, i<-!if:m^ Corn, rice, etc., and all classes of ve^ O. 01673 0.033 0.033 o. 033 o. 006^ 0.006^ .011^ Per cent. 40 40 40 10 Cents. •003K SANTO DOMINGO. The tariff upon certain breadstufFs under the recent reciprocity- treaty with the United States, to go into effect September 1, 1891, is as follows : Corn or maize and corn meal Free. Oats, barley, rye, and buckwheat, and flour of these cereals Free. BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 6l The rate of duty under the tariff, 60 per cent upon the valua- tion (payable in Mexican dollars, the value of which in United States currency on July i, 1891, was 80 cents) is as follows : Articles. Valuation in weights and money of Santo Domingo. Valuation in United States currency and weights. Duty. Unit. Value. Unit. Value. Per cent. Fine biscuits, called pilot .... Ordinary biscuits, called navy Fine biscuits — soda, butter, oyster, sweet crackers, and the like Per quintal . . ....... do $8 6 16 Per cent . ... ... 2.903 2.177 5.806 60 60 60 UNITED STATES. Articles. Barley (bushel, 48 pounds) per bushel . . Barley, pearled per pound . . Biscuits and crackers of all kinds Corn, Indian (maize) per bushel (56 pounds). . Flour (wheat) Meal, corn per bushel (48 pounds). . Meal, oat per pound . . Oats per bushel (32 pounds). . Rye per bushel (56 pounds) . . Rye flour per pound . . Wheat per bushel (60 pounds). . Specific. Cents. 30 2 15 20 I 15 10 1 25' Ad valorem. Per cent. 20 25 URUGUAY. Specific duties. [i peso, Uruguay = $1.0352, United States ; i kilogn 2.2046 pounds.] Articles. Duty in Uruguayan money and weights. Equivalents in United States currency and weights. Unit. Valuation. Duty. Unit. Valuation. Duty. Wheat 100 kilos. . . Pesos. Pesos. 1.35 .80 2. 70 .16 Per cwt. . . . Dollars. Dollars. 0.634 .375 1.268 do do Wheat flour in casks or baffs .... do 8.00 .35 Per pound. . 3.756 . 164 Crackers, sweet, and biscuit, including the package Kilogram.. .075 62 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Ad valorem duties. Articles. Unit. Valuation. Duty. Unit. Valuation. Duty. Barley (gross weight).. Rye (gross weight) Crackers, common (gross weight). loo kilos. Kilogram. ... do Pesos. 4.50 .05 . 12 . 10 Per cent. 31 31 44 31 Per cwt Per pound. .... do Pesos. 2. II .023 . 056 .047 Per cent. 31 31 44 31 Flour or meal of rye, maize, or other com- estible material do VENEZUELA. Articles. Duty in Venezuelan weights and money . Duty in United States cur- rency and weights. Unit. Duty. Unit. Duty. Oats, barley, rye, wheat, and maize. . Wheat flour .... Per kilogram do Bolivares. 0. 10 .25 .75 . 10 ".25 .75 Per pound. Dollars. 0. 006^ .0162^ .05 .0062/^ .0165^ .05 do Barley flour, and any others not. specified. do Crackers with sweetening Ho By virtue of a decree of March 24, 1891, maize, rice, etc., have been declared exempt from import duty from April 20, 1891, until new orders. The reestablishment of the import duties on these articles will be announced a month in advance. WEST INDIES (BRITISH). JAMAICA. Articles. Barley per bushel Bread or biscuit per loo pounds Corn, Indian per bushel Flour, rye per barrel of 196 pounds Flour, wheat do. . Meal (not wheat meal) do. . Oats per bushel Wheat do. . On all other goods, wares, merchandise, and effects of every description, not previously enumerated, for every ;^ioo value Duty in Eng lish money. ! Duty in United States cur- rency. Dollars. 0.08 I. 46 .08 1.94^ I-94K •48^ .08 60.83 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 63 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Articles. Biead, of all kinds barrel . . Corn, of all kinds, including oats bushel. . Flour barrel of 196 pounds. . Meal, or other flour, not wheaten barrel. . Equivalents 'n United States cur- rency. ALL OTHER BRITISH WEST INDIES. Bermuda Bahamas Turks Island. . . . St. Lucia St. Vincent Barbados Grenada Virgin Island St. Christopher / Nevis \ Antigua Montserrat Dominica Indian corn^ and wheat,per p,^^^ ^^.^^^^^ ^^^ barrel . Duty in Eng- lish money. (*) Free. Equivalent in United Stats currency. *5 per cent ad valorem. jWith 10 per cent ad valorem. ;Per 100 pounds. Cents. {*) Free. 12 8 tl2 12 12 Outy in Eng- lish mon ey. s. d (*) t2 6 3 9 4 2 4 4 2 4 5 4 2 5 2 5 Equivalent in United States currency. Dolla {*) fo 61 91 01 97 01 97 or 21^ 48 21H GRENADA (ADDITIONAL). Duty in Eng- lish money. Bread per 100 pounds . . Oats per bushel. . Flours other than wheaten per barrel . . Corn meal and oatmeal per 100 pounds. . Equivalents in United States cur- rency. Cents. 48 12 48 48 ()4 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. ST. VINCENT (additional). Articles. Bread per barrel Other flours than wheaten do. . j Equivalents DutyinEng-! in United lish money. | States cur- rency. Cents. 24 48 WEST INDIES (FRENCH). GUADELOUPE AND DEPENDENCIES. Articles. Duty in French money and weights. Equivalents in United States currency and weights. Unit. Duty. Francs. 2. 00 1. 00 2. 00 1. 00 2. 50 7.00 Per cent. Unit. Duty. Wheat flour Barrel of 90 kilograms. Hectoliter . . . . do .... Barrel of 198 pounds. Per bushel . . Per cwt . .do Ad valorem. Dollars. 0.386 068 Maize Corn meal . . . . .136 068 Oats ... do lookilogs. . . do Ad valorem. . 218 Grits and feculas, grains peeled and hulled. Alimentary roots and flourof manoic. . .613 Per cent. 5 MARTINIQUE. Articles. Unit. Sea octroi dues. Customs dues. Unit. Sea octroi 'Customs dues, i dues. Wheat: Grain Per 100 kilos, net. Per barrel of 88 kilograms. Per 100 kilos, net. Per barrel of 88 kilogiams. Per 100 kilos, net. do Francs. I. 00 2 40 1. 00 2. 40 I. 10 • 3. 00 1.75 0. 50 4.00 3- 00 Francs. 1. CO 2. 50 Per cwt Per barrel f 193.6 pounds. Per cwt Per barrel f 193.6 pounds. do Dollars. 0. 08 7i . 21 .o87i .21 .096 .262 .153 .044 .35 .262 Dollars. 0. 08 7i .218 Flour Meslin and rye: Grain Flour Maize: Grain Flour do Oats .do Grits and feculas: Flourof manioc do do Others do. . ... do Biscuits not sweet- do do ened. BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. WEST INDIES (SPANISH). 65 The rates of duty in the Spanish West Indies under the recent reciprocity treaty with the United States are as follows, provided the imports be the product or manufacture of the United States md proceed directly from the ports of said States : Transitory and definitive schedule. [September i, 1891.] Articles. Oats, barley, rye, buck- wheat, and flour of these cereals free. . Corn or maize Corn meal Wheat from January i. 1892 Wheat flour from January I, 1892 . . Duty in Spanish West Indies currency and weights. Unit. Duty. Pei 100 kilograms ... do do. do. Free. Pesos. o. 25 .25 •30 I. 00 Duty in United States currency and weights. Unit. Percwt. . ... ... ... Duty. Dollars. Free, o. 105 .105 .126 .42 Definitive schedule (to go into effect July i, 1892). Bread and crackers at a reduction of duty of 50 per cent. The present tariff rate upon wheat, wheat flour, bread, and crackers in these islands is: Articles. Cuba: Wheat Wheat flour, including weight of package Bread, biscuit, or crackers Puerto Rico: Cereals Flour of wheat Crackers (ordinary) Duty in money and weights of , Duty in United States Spanish West Indies. Unit. Per 100 kilos. . .do. .do. .do. ,do. .do. Duty. Pesos. 3.15 4.695 6. 30 .80 2.45 2.60 currency and weights. Unit. Per cwt. Duty. Dollars. 1.323 97 646 .336 1.025 I. 092 Bull. 35 5 66 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. MISCELLANEOUS BREADSTUFF STATISTICS. EXPORTS OF BREADSTUFFS FROM THE UNITED STATES TO EUROPE. The table annexed shows the value of the export of breadstufFs from the United States to the European countries indicated for the four years 1887 ^^ 1891: Corn and cornmeal. Oats and oatmeal. Wheat. Wheat flour. Other bread- stuffs and food prepa- rations. Total. Belgium: 1887 . 1888 . 1889. 1890 . 1891 . Denmark: 1887 . 1888 . 1890.. 1891 ., France: 1887.. 1888. 1889 . 1890. 1891 . Germany: 1887. 1888 . 1889 . 1890. 1891 . England: 1887. 1888. 1889 . 1890 . 1891* Scotland: 1887. 1888 . 1889. 1890. i89it Ireland: 1887. 1888 . 1889. 1890 . i89it Dollars. 714,681 622, 974 1,950, 118 2,018, 066 1, 323, 991 888, 790 450, 008 874. 905 2, 366, 831 460, 711 927,001 583. 270 3,027, 810 3, 576, 941 91, 668 1, 303, 127 498, 228 2,251,999 4, 824, 991 2, 042, 410 8.575.775 6, 276, 505 13, 801, 936 14, 725, 268 8, 232, 109 2,023,874 I, 560, 622 3, 113.492 3,001,031 Dollars. 60 447. 445 47.377 Dollars. 9, 442, 243 5,148.318 I. 713. 963 3, 065, 485 3, 850, 664 350, 380 336, 327 11,392 65 33 973, 378 19, 300 280 I, 164 1,166 37. 680 1.255 283, 802 82, 933 249, 707 929, 106 306, 137 69, 405 18,890 9,412 110,765 43. 530 17,471,763 3. 635. 303 6, 854, 189 3,233,618 12, 590, 322 833. 231 677, 069 10 7,926 295. 553 33, 331, 307 17, 185,642 8. 934, 505 16, 423, 235 29, 281, 400 3, 030, 825 3, 724, 430 I, 022, 840 3, 290, 580 1. 188, 834 196, 677 2, 874, 626 5.475,913 24, 000 11,865,856 14, 521, 790 18, 132,887 11.756,503 Dollars. 667, 921 726, 640 209, 468 808, 071 536, 826 3,791 5,983 2, 640 1,746 67, 283 1,668 34, 322 900 1,664 352.085 216, 238 221,078 66, 988 31,087 41, 039 21, 861, 798 23, 439, 741 15,203,402 20, 264, 837 33,781,917 9,841,047 II, 332, 626 7, 536, 541 II, 368,036 Dollars. 61, 119 II, 022 28, 702 567, 074 122, 061 1.247 1,454 1.867 44,919 2,316 Dollars. 10, 885, 964 6, 509, 014 3,902, 251 6, 906, 141 5, 880,919 1, 244, 208 793. 772 890, 804 2, 413, 496 573, 840 48,338 I 18,448.835 4, 254, 006 9,885,002 7. 787, 369 13,057,398 I, III 2,470 1,768 4,023 68, 407 25,827 97, 577 339, 442 147, 381 701, 819 108, 148 485, 872 583, 500 565, 442 86, 710 17,022 105, 581 279, 7" 2,421, 283 1, 423, 366 2,417,740 5, 241, 126 2, 528, 038 64, 754, 501 47, 092, 969 38,675,422 54, 925, 946 70, 167, 005 15,051, 861 i6, 653, 590 11,787,866 18, 050, 123 3, 205, 908 ! 16, 260, 598 3,035,031 12 17,753,510 2, 845, 367 181, 986 I 24, 034, 860 3,795,151 124,261 I 21,175,828 ■ Great Britain and Ireland. t Not separately stated for BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 67 MISCELLANEOUS BREADSTUFF STATISTICS— Continued. EXPORTS OF BREADSTUFFS FROM THE UNITED STATES TO EUROPE Continued. Sweden and Norway 1887 • 1888 . 1889 • i8go . 1891 Spain: 1887 Italy: 1890 1891 1887 1888 1889 1890 I89I Netherlands 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 Portugal 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 Totals: 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 Corn and cornmeal. Oats and oatmeal. Dollars. 146, 289 8, 990 76, 652 108, 885 8,779 55, 294 175 19, 616 151, 580 46, 079 187,005 52, 024 III, 217 209, 394 65, 690 699, 221 488, 888 717, 823 I. 376, 245 I, 004, 470 254. 44 9,055 243, 817 16, 720, 145 10, 738, 372 28, 820, 232 37, 844, 200 13,519,724 Dollars. 67 [50, 116 1,048 976 185 79, 853 20,617 354, 667 104, 023 260, 503 752, 343 394, 686 Wheat. 22, 460 ' 8,387 2, 333. 105 1, 286, 979 30 31, 730 1,178 2, 168, 520 185,261 1,883,189 1, 892, 773 49, 615 305, 283 412,436 3,660,995 3, 835, 603 1,871,726 2, 520, 410 3, 428, 696 86,371,414 52,451,955 38,591.157 40, 634, 770 47, 912, 566 Wheat flour. Dollars. 53. 770 91. 095 31, 534 60, 416 46, 718 II, 200 2,545 1.735 5,965 2,080 170 1.243 1.487.475 856, 124 484. 295 2,438,681 I. 364, 519 88,083 168, 003 96, 879 79. 821 29. 543 37, 440, 979 39,913,188 26, 478, 184 38,852,488 36, 225, 895 Other bread- stuflFs and food prepa- rations. Dollars. 233 713 1,342 1.946 1,807 1,796 I, 069 504 19 200 1 10 228 1,132 13.637 456 13.427 17, 300 II, 669 49. 593 15,314 2,864 826 326 480 1.235 986, 070 184, 732 919, 028 2, 006, 350 860, 235 Total. Dollars. 200, 292 123,258 109, 528 171,247 65, 691 2, 401, 395 ,. 1, 290, 768 20, 150 185,064 53,522 2, 357, 782 237.513 112, 519 374, 390 66, 146 4, 084, 360 3, 256, 061 1.263,587 4,249,655' 2,817,356 3, 752. 196 4, 004, 443 1, 968, 975 2, 609, 766 3, 703. 291 141,873,275 103, 392, 270 95, 069, 104 124,099,151 98, 913, 106 68 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. The exports of breadstufFs from the United States for the year 1890-91 were as follows: Articles. Quantity. Value. Barley .... Corn bushels., do 973, 062 30, 768, 213 318.329 953, 010 7, 736, 873 332, 739 4,254 55,131,948 11,344,304 Dollars. 669, 203 17,652,687 946, 977 405. 708 221,316 Corn meal Oats barrels. . Oatmeal Rye pounds. . bushels. . Rve flour 'barrels 18, 185 51,420,272 54,705,616 Wheat Wheat flour bushels. . barrels. . Total 126,252, 125 EXPORTS OF BREADSTUFFS FROM THE UNITED STATES. The subjoined tabular statements give the exports of the prin- cipal breadstufFs from the United States for eleven years to 1891, inclusive, by the quantity : Exports of principal breadstuffs from the United States by the quantity for eleven years. Year end- ing June 30— Corn. Corn meal. Oats. Wheat. flour. Rye. Barley. Bushels. Barrels. Bushels. Bushels. Barrels. Bushels. Bushels. 1881.... 91,908,175 434, 993 402, 904 150, 565, 477 7, 945, 786 1,928,437 885, 246 1882 43,184,915 288, 492 625, 690 95, 271,802 5,915,686 973, 921 205, 930 1883.... 40, 586, 825 267, 207 461, 496 106, 385, 828 9, 205, 664 2, 170,026 433, 005 1884 45, 247, 490 252, 779 I, 760, 376 70, 349, 012 9, 152, 260 6, 220, 206 724, 955 1885 51,834,416 260, 510 4,191,692 84, 653, 714 10, 648, 145 2,950,558 629, 130 1886.... 63,655,433 293, 546 5, 672, 694 57, 759, 209 8, 179, 241 196, 725 252, 183 1887.... 40, 307, 252 265, 333 440, 283 loi, 971, 949 11,518,449 357.256 I, 305, 300 1888.... 24,278,417 270, 613 332, 564 65, 789, 261 11,963,574 78, 783 550, 884 1889 69, 592, 929 312, 186 624, 226 46, 414, 129 9, 374, 803 287, 252 I, 440, 321 1890 101,973,717 361, 248 13,692,776 54, 387, 767 12,231,711 2,257,377 1,408,311 1891 30, 768, 213 318, 329 953,010 55,131,948 11,344,304 332, 739 973, 062 The subjoined tables, from the Statistical Abstract of the United States, show in detail its breadstuff production, consumption, and commerce for twenty-two years : BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 69 Estimated annual production, acreage, total value, value per bushel, yield per acre, and value per acre of the cereal crops of the United States, from i86g to i8(p, inclusive. LFrom the Annual Reports of the Department of Agriculture.] CORN. Calendar year. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889, 1890 Total production. Bushels. 874, 520, 000 I, 094, 255, 000 991, 898, 000 I, 092, 719, 000 932, 274, 000 850, 148, 500 I, 321, 069, 000 I, 283, 827, 500 1,342, 558,000 1,388, 218, 750 I, 547, 901, 790 1,717,434,543 I, 194, 916, 000 I, 617, 025, 100 I, 551,066,895 I, 795, 528, 000 I, 936, 176, 000 I, 665, 441, 000 I, 456, 161, 000 1, 987, 790, 000 2, 112, 892,000 I, 489, 970, 000 Total area of crop. Acre. 37, IQ3, 245 38, 646, 977 34,091, 137 35, 526, 836 39, 197, 148 41,036,818 44, 841, 371 49. 033, 364 50,369, 113 51,585,000 53,085,450 62, 317, 842 64, 262, 025 65,659,545 68, 301, 889 69, 683, 780 73, 130, 150 75, 694, 208 72, 392, 720 75, 972, 763 78, 326, 056 71, 970, 763 Total value of crop. Dollars. 658, 532, 700 601, 839, 030 478, 275, 900 435, 149, 290 447, 183,020 550,043,080 555,445,930 475,491,210 480, 643, 400 441,153,405 580, 486, 217 679,714,499 759,482,170 783, 867, 175 658,051,485 640, 735, 560 635, 674, 630 610, 311, 000 646, 106, 770 677, 561, 580 597,918,829 754,433,451 Average Average value per yield per bushel. acre. Cents. Bushels. 75.3 23.6 54-9 28.3 48.2 29.1 39-8 30.7 48.0 23.8 64.7 20. 7 42.0 29.4 37.0 26. I 35.8 26.6 31.8 26.9 37.5 29.2 39-6 27.6 63.6 18.6 48.5 24.6 42.0 22. 7 36.0 25.8 33.0 26.5 36.6 22. 41.4 20. I 34.1 26.2 28.3 27.0 50.6 20.7 Average value of yield per acre. Dollars. 17.75 15.57 14. 02 12. 24 II. 41 13.40 12.38 9.69 9.54 8.55 10.93 10.91 11.82 11.94 9.63 9.19 8.69 8.06 8.93 8.94 7.63 10.48 WHEAT. 260, 146, 900 235, 884, 700 230, 722, 400 249, 997, 100 281, 254, 700 308, 102, 700 292, 136, 000 289, 856, 500 364, 194, 146 420, 122,400 448, 756, 630 498, 549. 868 383, 280, 090 504,185,470 421, 086, 160 512, 765,000 357, 112, 000 457, 218, 000 456, 329, 000 415, 868, 000 490, 560, 000 399, 262, 000 19, 181,004 18, 992, 591 19, 943, 893 20, 858, 359 22, 171, 676 24, 967, 027 26, 381, 512 27,627,021 26, 277, 546 32, 108, 560 32,545,950 37,986,717 37, 709, 020 37, 067, 194 36, 455, 595 39,475,885 34, 189, 246 36, 806, 184 37, 641, 783 37, 336, 138 38, 123, 859 36,087, 154 244, 924, 120 245, 865, 045 290,411, 820 310, 180, 375 323, 594, 805 291, 107, 895 294, 580, 990 300, 259, 300 394, 695, 779 326, 346, 424 497, 030, 142 474, 201, 850 456, 880, 427 445, 602, 125 383, 649, 282 330, 862, 260 275, 320, 390 314, 226, 020 310, 612, 960 385, 248, 030 342, 491, 707 334, 773, 678 94.1 13.5 104.2 12.4 125. 8 II. 5 124.0 II. 9 115. 12.7 94. I 12.3 100. II. 103. I 10.5 108.2 13.9 1 77.7 13. 1 no. 8 13.8 95.1 13. 1 "9.3 10. 1 88.4 13.6 91. II. 6 65.0 13.0 77.0 10. 4 68.7 12.4 68.1 12. I 87.3 II. I 69.8 12.9 83.8 II. I 12. 76 12.94 14.56 14.87 14-59 11.66 II. 16 10.86 15-02 10. 16 15.27 12.48 12.03 12.01 10. 56 8.38 8.05 8.54 8.25 10.30 8.98 9. 28 70 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Cereal production of the United States^ etc., from i86j to i8go — Continued. RYE. Calendar year. 1867* 1868* 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 .t 1882 A 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1867 * 1868* 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 i88q 1984 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 Total production. Bushels. 23, 184,000 22, 504, 800 22, 527, 900 15,473,600 15,365,500 14, 888, 600 15, 142, 000 14, 990, 900 17, 722, 100 20, 374, 800 21, 170, 100 25, 842, 790 23, 639, 460 24, 540, 829 20, 704, 950 29, 960, 037 28,058, 582 28, 640, 000 21, 756, 000 24, 489, 000 20, 693, 000 28,415,000 Total area of crop. A cres. 1,689,175 I, 651, 321 1,657,584 I, 176, 137 I, 069, 531 I, 048, 654 1,150,355 I, 116, 716 I, 359, 788 1,468,374 I, 412, 902 I, 622, 700 1,625,450 I, 767, 619 1, 789, 100 2, 227, 884 2, 314, 754 2, 343, 963 2, 129, 301 2, 129, 918 2, 053, 447 2, 364, 805 Total value of crop. Dollars. 32, 499, 700 28,683,677 21, 877, 294 12, 612, 605 12, 145, 646 11,363,693 11, 548, 126 12, 870, 411 13,631,900 13, 635, 826 12, 542, 895 13, 592, 826 15.507,431 18, 564, 560 19,327,415 18, 439, 194 16, 300, 503 14, 857, 040 12, 594, 820 13, 181, 330 II, 283, 140 16, 721, 869 Average Average value per yield per bushel. acre. Cents. Bushels. 140. 2 13.7 127.4 13.6 97.1 13.5 81.5 13. I 79.0 14.3 76.3 14. I 76. 2 13-1 85.8 13.4 76.9 13.0 66.9 13.8 59-2 14.9 52.6 15.9 65.6 14.5 75.6 13-9 93.3 II. 6 61.5 13.4 58.0 12. I 52.0 • 12. 2 58.0 10. 2 53.8 II. 5 54.5 10. I 58.8 12.0 OATS. Average value of yield per acre. Dollars. 19.24 17.37 13. 20 10. 72 11.35 10. 84 10. 04 n. 52 10. 02 9.28 8.87 8.38 9.54 10. 50 10. 80 8.28 7.04 6.34 5.92 6. 19 5.50 7.07 278, 254, 288, 247, 255, 271, 279, 240, 354, 420, 406, 413, 363, 417. 416, 488, 571, 583, 629, 624, 659, 701, 751, 523, 698,-000 060, 800 334,000 277, 400 743,000 747,000 340, 000 369, 000 317,500 884, 000 394, 000 578, 560 761, 320 885,380 481, 000 250, 610 302, 400 628, 000 409, 000 134,000 618, 000 735, 000 515,000 621, 000 10, 746, 416 9, 668, 736 9,461,441 8, 792, 395 8, 365, 809 9, 000, 769 9,751,700 10, 897, 412 11,915,075 13,358,908 12, 826, 148 13, 176, 500 12,683, 500 16,187,977 16, 831, 600 18, 494, 691 20, 324, 962 21, 300, 917 22, 783, 630 23, 658, 474 25, 920, 906 26, 998, 282 27, 462, 316 26, 431, 369 172,472,970 142, 484, 910 136, 347, 000 107, 136, 710 102, 570, 030 91,315,710 loi, 175, 750 125,047,530 129,499,930 112, 865, 900 118, 661, 550 loi, 945, 830 120, 533, 294 150, 243, 555 193, 198, 970 182, 978, 022 187, 040, 264 161, 528,470 179, 631, 860 186, 137, 930 200, 699, 790 195, 424, 240 171, 781, 008 222, 048, 486 61.9 1 25.9 55.9 26.3 47.6 30.4 43.3 28.1 40. I 30.5 33.6 30.1 37.4 27.7 52.0 22.0 36.5 29.7 35.1 24. 29. 2 31.6 24.6 31.4 33.1 38.7 36. 25.8 46.4 24.7 37.5 26.4 32.7 28.1 28.0 27.4 29. 27.6 28.8 26.4 30.4 25.4 33.3 25-9 22.9 27.4 42.4 19.8 16. 05 14.74 14.51 12. 18 12.26 10. 14 10.37 11.47 lo. 86 8.44 9.25 7.74 9- 50 9.28 11.48 9.89 9. 20 7.58 7.88 7.87 7.74 7.24 6.26 8.40 " Oregon not included. BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 7» Cereal production of the United States, etc., from 1867 to i8go — Continued. BARLEY. Calendar year. 1867* 1868* 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875- 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. Total production. Bushels. 25, 727, 000 22, 896, 100 28, 652, 200 26, 295, 400 26, 718, 500 26, 846, 400 32, 044, 491 32, 552, 500 36, 908, 600 38, 710, 500 34,441,400 42, 245, 630 40, 283, 100 45,165,346 41, 161,330 48, 952, 926 50, 136, 097 61, 203, 000 58, 360, 000 59,428, 000 56,812,000 63, 884, 000 Total area of crop. A cres. 1,131,217 937, 498 1,025,795 I, 108, 924 I, 177, 666 1,397,082 I, 387, 106 I, 580, 626 I, 789, 902 I, 766, 511 1,014, 654 I, 790, 400 I, 680, 700 I, 843, 329 1, 967, 510 2, 272, 103 2, 379, 009 2, 608, 818 2, 729, 359 2,652,957 2, 901, 953 2, 996, 382 Total value of crop. Dollars. 22, 850, 130 29, 809, 931 23, 387, 909 22, 244, 584 21, 541, 777 19,837,773 29, 333, 529 29, 983, 769 29, 952, 082 25,735, no 22, 028, 644 24,483,315 23, 714, 444 30, 090, 742 33,862,513 30, 768, 015 29, 420, 423 29, 779, 179 32, 867, 696 31, 840, 510 29, 464, 390 37, 672, 032 Average Average yield value per bushel. per acre. Cents. Bushels. 88.8 22. 7 130. 2 24.4 81.6 27.9 84.5 23.7 80.6 22.6 73.9 19.2 91-5 23. I 92.1 20.6 81.3 20.6 66.4 21.9 64. 21.3 58.0 23.6 58.9 24.0 66.6 24.5 82.3 20.9 62.9 21.5 58.7 21. I 49.0 23.5 56. 21.4 53.6 22. 4 51-9 19.6 59- 21.3 A verage value of yield per acre. Dollars. 20. 00 31-79 22.79 20. 05 18.29 14. 20 21.15 18.97 16.73 14-57 13.64 13.67 14. II 16.32 17. 21 13-54 12.38 11.42 12. 04 12.00 10.15 12.57 BUCKWHEAT. 1867* 1868* 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 21, 359, 000 19, 863, 700 17,431, 100 9, 841, 500 8, 328, 700 8, 133, 500 7, 837, 700 8, 016, 600 10, 082, 100 9, 668, 800 10, 177,000 12, 246, 820 13, 140, 000 14,617,535 9, 486, 200 11,019,353 7, 668, 954 11, 116, 000 12, 626, 000 11, 869, 000 10, 844, 000 12, 050, 000 I, 227, 826 I, 113,993 I, 028, 693 536, 992 413,915 448, 497 454, 152 452, 590 575,530 666, 441 649, 923 673, 100 639, 900 822, 802 828,815 847, 112 857, 349 879, 403 914, 394 917,915 910, 506 912, 630 23, 469, 650 20, 814, 315 15,814,265 7, 725, 044 6, 900, 268 6, 747, 618 6, 382, 043 6,477,885 7, 166, 267 7,021, 498 6, 998, 810 6,454, 120 7,856, 191 8,682,488 8, 205, 705 8, 038, 862 6, 303, 980 6, 549, 020 7,057,363 6, 465, 120 6, 122, 320 7, 627, 647 109.9 17.4 104. 8 17.8 90,7 16. 9 78.4 18.3 82.8 20. I 82.9 18. I 81.4 17.2 80.8 17.7 71.0 17.5 72.6 14-5 68.7 15.6 52.7 18.2 59-8 20. 5 59-4 17.7 86.5 11.4 73- 13-0 82.0 8.9 59-0 12.6 56. 13.8 54-5 12.9 65.5 II. 9 63.3 13-2 19. II 18.68 15-37 14.38 16.67 15.04 14.05 14-31 12.45 10.53 10. 76 9-59 12.28 55 90 49 35 45 72 7-04 6.72 8.36 Oregon not included. 72 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Cereal production of the United States, etc., from 1867 to i8go — Continued. RECAPITULATION. Calendar year. 1867* 1868* 1869. . 1870.. 1871.. 1872. . 1873 • 1874.- 1875.- 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 1879.. 1880. . 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. Total production. Bushels. 1,329,729,400 1.450, 789,000 I, 491, 612, 100 I. 629, 027, 600 I, 528, 776, 100 I, 664, 331, 600 I, 538, 892, 891 1, 454, 180, 200 2, 032, 235, 300 1, 963, 422, 100 2, 178,934,646 2, 302, 254, 950 2, 437, 482, 300 2, 718, 193, 501 2, 066, 029, 570 2, 699, 394, 496 2,629, 319,088 2, 992, 880, 000 3,015.439,000 2, 842, 579,000 2, 660, 457, 000 3, 209, 742, 000 Total area of Total value of crops. crops. Acres. Dollars. 65, 634, 444 I, 284, 037. 300 66, 715,926 I, 1 10, 500, 583 69,457.762 I, 101,884, 188 69, 254, 016 997,423,018 65,061,951 911,845,441 68, 280, 197 874, 594, 459 74,112,137 919,217,273 80, 051, 289 1,015,530.570 86,863, 178 1,030,277,099 93, 920, 619 935, 008, 844 93, 150,286 1,035,571-078 100, 956, 260 913, 975, 920 102, 260, 950 1,245,127.719 120,926,286 1,361,497,704 123, 388,070 I, 470, 957, 200 126, 568, 529 I, 469, 693, 393 130,633,556 I, 280, 765, 937 136, 292, 766 I, 184,311, 520 135,876,080 I, 143, 146, 759 141.859,656 I, 162, 161,910 141, 821, 315 I, 204, 289, 370 146, 281,000 I, 320, 255, 398 • Oregon not included. Note.— The following are taken as the weights per bushel of the various cereals in this table: Com, 56 pounds ; wheat, 60 pounds ; rye, 56 pounds ; oats, 3a pounds ; barley, 48 pounds ; buckwheat, 48 pounds- BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 7S •^ Per cent- age ex- ported. CO T^ M CO O^QO uo Tt N CO M rf r»oo u^ t>. w co en t^ N r^O N cnvnC^minO r^N O^O u^vo c<^vO m w Consump- tion per capita. ^ cnvo r^ t^ Tj- cooo r^ «r» c<^ C>o r^iDMvo enoo '§ir)TfT^'^Tfxr>TfiAu-)\r) inO ^O u->vO rf u") »/> irjvO '^ h If M e<^oo 00 CO ir> N CO loco C^ O un m O u-)0 O^ O N M d CO rto -^ Onco CO w lot^cnc^^O CM-t CO cnoo <,"hH cn»r>NvOcococo vni-icoo r^o n Tt t^o ir> m m en ^Nco cno^cnu-)C^ ooco Oco rj-co oo c^ co en 000 m -^ ►^eOO HH woo wvO N wO cnN uo'^rt-M mcnt^M m a r^ en en <5 0' 0" r^ m" N ci 00" ci co' 0" (5 o" ci envo' r^ m" en ft:iOoo OOC>enM enr^t^vo m lOinOoovO O enwco O ^MMM»-iMNe>ie^Ne^NenNcnenenwenenenena Exports, domestic and foreign. \r> U1M OrfenOw cnco m i^O C^ \n yr> \r> -^ <^ \0 \n en N en t^ M ^^co enu-)t^u->c>00 enOMOO i^en t^ N r^ r^O u-i U-) rt N 00 enco en rfvo tj- i-i ojMcot^iTiTfNMcn Ooo ri- »n r^ mo m en en r^ c« m m ^TfO 0»r)»nM M lOTfinO'^m r^o 00 CM-h m co O co a Tf en <5 ci ci envo" r^ en cf. d" cT co" M ei -^ ■^ d oo* c^o" Cqmir)enir)C>r^r>.u-)0<-^oooo p< ^m eno^inwco O O It Is vO Oco r^ t^CO M oco OOt^MrtMioQOMvOr^ i^co en Tt r^oo t^O m m en t- u^co ent-i « OO »o- ^mmenent^r^O c^co tj-o ■^r^Mr^ooenbc^^ ^o^t^Mco en'^co t^u-»M N t^HH M M o»nmoO t^co CC) t-Tvo" en m' en en d^ »n ei oco" rf in m" ci r^ t^vo"vo" O" & vo en en moo O Oco vO N tJ- 000 Oe^MinminM O'^ 0^ w M N M M enpi c^ enTtTi-Ttenir>'^menTf"*Ttrj-en 1 Oco oi^t^co M cncoo PI t^M -^ >-i xr> Q MO r^ r-»oo en ■* r^co eno MMOOOi-ii^Mi-iOOmrfe^ _^0'«1-t^0 r^OM r^O M -rt -^ "^ent rtoo co mco ^ u^ rC; d" M t^ Tt vd" d" 00' vo" M in r^ ci ci co" ci en in ei en ^COvO M TfMvOvOvO ^yC> CO a N 00 Ttco M eno eneno-^wcoo wenciinMMin ^ hT pT m' ei m' h^ ci t-T Year ending June 30- w PI en ^ mO r^co OO m p< en rf mo r^co OO w t^r^t^t^r^r^r^t^r^ r^co oocococooococococo 0^0^ cococococooococococooooococococococococoooco 88888888^8 as 8^R5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ot^rtM r^t^O mM rfo ooO^mOOOOOOO 'iio""^pfr^'^pfoo ^pfo^ oOinvd"inpfoo oooopf ^'i-co p< omO enmON m'^cococoo m m piooo "^Mcot^OMMMenMMr^mpii-(Oi^»Hp< enco m n tod'inOOMOpfo'^Ooo'coen'^M pfr^rComd"o ^O en en Tt CO O Ooo O n ■^ Oco OMMmmmMOO PI PI M p< PJ enw N enr)-rj-TfcnmTi-men'*rj-'<^Tl-en 3 O d M pi en rj- ino" t^co O 6 " PJ en rj- \r,''C) l^co O O O t^r^r^r-«t^r^r^r>.r^ r^oo cooooooooococococo o 74 ^ •^ 1^ 1 I BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Per cent- age ex- ported. CO e«^ en CO c«^ xno OvOuotnNNNcociMtO'^M si <,• w OvO vO U-.0 '^ COCO MOO rj-d ■^rJ-rfOoOOCO C?>CO ^vO CO »n a a>0 M M COO COO OCO'^OOOOO M CO "§N r^coiAdoocoovdooo M M d^r>.M ci r^cow n co »PieM M u->M M cor^coirio-^w -^ 00 r^ a^ m rAcO m' rf iri "rf cT N r^ O tJ O \jO OM c^oo M r^oooo -tOM ino i^inr^co ►^c^O MO com€\| m coco COCO o COCO CO M 00 a^ IT) Sci coo C40 M inQco coo u->u-)N m ^tOO OM^ (S; r>.oo \r> xn Qs^ r^M loO "*?< mr^o rfr^ci com q "^ CO OOcoco C4 M CO'^O M in>r>r^coO ■^C>0 ■^ M M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMC^M i 1. G bo it r^ CO ^ T^O c^ M N r^cocoOO i^^tO'^a^O OOlDMf^COCOCOM 1-1 a^M -^CO VOM IDMCOO t^O C^ Tj- >o coco inO M CO CO M m tJ-O mco 1^ u-j c^O coi^TtirnnO N N ^cico u-> r^O C>co O m 00 m ^ 'I- r^ C4 inco c^ M u-> a^co r^rfrtiri'rj-r^pio ri "^m ^ ►^mO t^M 00 C>0 MOO inO COO MQOCO COCOCO COO Sm inO mO c^ i^r^Oco^i-M vnM rfM \n O coe^ cq M CO ^ CO CO in r^oo CO O^ rf ^ n^ ino rt N i^ O co M § . CO -^CO coco N CO 00 QO M C> Or^ •rfO CO M M CJTtOcoQ OO^ONmO OC^cocoOOcoG^ONm incomvnO u^I^'i- tJ-O ^ ^ ^ O r^u-)M mr^ ^O m >5 <5o 0* d 0' d" cxT M ci 0' g^ IT) M m ci m" m oo" cT co a ^ 00 lOQO mco N xnr^vno Ooo \r)r^coo^r^G^OOr~>. "^•^coo^r^coM MOO lOM o>r>00 »nM Tj-M r^oo c> to TfrfM^NNcTMcocioor-^r^rfr^M irio u-io r^ cT c> ^t^d^OQ^cOiDNco Ti-oo •^ M On M »n 0^ coo U->0O M CO 00 G^ 0^00 CON cocOini^MO lot^ (OO ■^ 0^ M tT M M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMNM 1 CO Ttoo cooo M CO 00 IT) M o^ Ti- 1^ -rfo CO M M ^- CO rJ-O cob OO^O NO r^iriNoo OO O coO^O N m ^»r>co»r)ioO r^O rfoo 00 m Ooo in m »n -i- tJ-O m "S m'co" m"o'"co' m* 0' CO coco" in in -^ Tfo' o" i-^ ei m" ef gcoMlno^>cou^cOMCou^r-ON mcoco eq '-' Year ending June 30- M e^ CO --i- mo t^QO M N CO Tt tr,^o r^co O m t^t^t^t^t^r^t^r^r-. r^oo cooocooocooooooooo 00 OOCOOOOOOOOOCOCOCOOOCOCOOOCOCOCOCOOOQOCOCOQO mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm c 2 §§§§§I§I§SIS§§I^§§§§§§§ ^Oinooo^coOt-^odoOMTfoinOcoo m MQefo <^N inOM r-.rto c^ mM COM NO N r^'i-O oor->» ^coNoo t->N M Oco incj OrfOO inM "^m r^co O (i -^ rf M* ei N 0" M* CO ci co' r^ t^ Tt rC hT in o"" vno' t^ N (5 "Nt-^QNOOcoineioo Ttoo rt m m in coo moo m 00 CO Ooo CON cocomt^MO mt^ OO •^ O m -^^ M M mMMMMMMMMMMMMMNM i : \ '.'.'.'.'.:'.'.:::'.'.'.:'.'.'•'. '. M N CO -^ \n^ i^co M N CO ri- xT)^ r^oo O r^r^r^t^i^r^r>r^r^ i^co oooooocooooooocooo OOOOCOOOQOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOCOOOOOQOOOQO BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. IS Quantities of wheat and wheat flour of domestic production exported front the United States, by countries, from i86g to i8gi, inclusive. COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Year ending Belgium. France. Germany. Wheat. Wheat flour. Wheat. Wheat flour. Whdat Wheat flour. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876.. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890.. 189I Bushels. 5,016 195. 964 942, 399 1, 275, lOI 100,054 3, 709, 694 2,081, 744 2, 190, 282 I, 410, 610 3, 633, 778 9, 037, 297 13, 418,016 15, 384, 509 8, 855, 842 10, 290, 564 6, 808, 449 8, 287, 470 4, 842, 934 10, 498, 727 5,925,077 I, 835, 942 3, 741, 303 4, 033, 382 Barrels. 3,404 15, 144 60, 433 4,341 305 72, 401 19,418 22, 806 13, 325 16, 933 44, 437 49, 261 182, 545 55, 748 119, 869 140, 272 138, 405 30, 044 166, 414 160, 524 47,417 170,094 115,896 Bushels. 36, 839 I, 012, 637 555,263 1,429,688 Barrels. 159 34, 271 47, 521 247 31 7, 260 I, 020 19 140 445 27, 075 9,933 46, 396 4,579 63, 223 II, 996 2,034 93 435 8,528 200 283 70, 134 Bushels. 21,961 317,289 149, 214 290, 737 164, 474 886, 485 373, 818 516, 156 990, 067 33, 573 422, 242 I, 223, 279 3, 029, 232 480, 600 I, 405, 999 886, 096 745, 561 356, 352 888,857 768, 429 9 8,786 263, 887 Barrels. 1,647 7,898 1,798 3,364 3,795 21, 910 7,929 14,113 10, 874 8,261 11,233 11,911 17,373 4,893 33, 645 34, 062 32, 398 10, 535 43, 499 45,912 13, 009 6,575 8,864 2, 223, 366 127, 009 521,041 874, 642 4, 337, 091 42, 147, 558 43, 601, 291 29,440,418 11,225,848 15,096, 712 8,385,155 8,565,129 2, 014, 404 19, 546, 090 4, 212, 947 7,655,176 3, 846, 505 13, 843, 054 76 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Quantities of 7uheat and wheat Jlour of domestic production exported, etc. — Continued. COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Year ending June 30— Netherlands. Portugal. Spain. Wheat. Wheat flour. Wheat. Wheat flour. Wheat. Wheat flour. 1869 Bushels. Barrels. 789 14,455 2, on I, 148 674 26, 389 2,031 488 327 1,498 7,660 29, 929 253,625 109, 281 161, 637 139, 233 150,009 92, 296 308, 313 176, 195 92, 260 4^4, 108 292, 034 Bushels. 120, 880 701, 825 475, 856 426, 884 131, 129 300, 301 1,595,014 1,412,988 1,013,302 2, 178, 366 3,174,611 2, 196, 724 2,493,418 2, 508, 364 3, 490, 560 3,355,292 3, 763, 826 3,552,850 4, on, 406 4,276,519 I, 906, 732 2,812,483 3, 124, 648 Barrels. 6,530 13,678 8,509 4,648 1,970 886 11,941 12,885 8,270 16, 612 18,588 4,829 12, 698 6,077 3,627 4,465 II, 126 7,472 21, 723 42, 493 22,005 21, 409 5,730 Bushels. 45, 233 15, 960 121,145 800 7,508 5,083 23,608 Barrels. 19, 444 4,971 8, 119 250 800 5,009 I, 120 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 71,068 186, 885 244, 117 583, 508 3, 160, 435 1,572,098 2, 380, 260 420, 031 1, 183, 759 2, 406, 231 3, 345. 873 7. 361, 690 1, 288, 972 2, 293, 171 1, 065, 909 2, 065, 507 672, 175 2, 095, 633 2, 256, 761 56, 931 385, 170 380, 245 1877 34, 519 53,390 1,799,497 679, 121 29, 861 620, 451 1, 712, 504 64, 980 606, 885 1,008,958 2, 483, 664 I, 453, 649 30 34,800 I, 070 1878 1879. .•..•.. 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1, 123 46, 121 10, 012 1,489 . I, 824 2, 181 50 1886 1887 1888 i88q 20a 2,557 570 1890 1891 400 1,150 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 77 Quantities of wheat and wheat Jloiir of domestic production exported, etc. — Continued. COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Year ending United K 'ingdom. Other Europe. Total Europe. June 30 — Wheat. Wheat flour. Wheat. Wheat flour. Wheat. Wheat flour. Bushels. Barrets. Bushels. Barrels. Bushels. Barrels. 1869 1870 13,356,550 27, 787, 609 407, 082 I, 188,951 14, 602 9,119 13, 586, 479 30, 102, 902 453.657 I, 288,487 550 1871 22, 488,021 I, 227, 624 I, 789 14, 486 24, 920, 572 I, 370, 501 1872 1873 1874 19,017,411 31, 790, 876 51,833,278 328, 544 531,801 I, 703, 984 4.457 2,575 5.032 22, 684, 738 32, 777, 549 62, 172, 987 346, 999 541,951 1,842,871 54, 345 1875 42,057,004 1.231,324 11,959 6,056 47, 842, 254 I, 280, 839 1876 42, 256, 652 1,335,185 239. 284 6,914 49,516,663 1,392,410 1877 31, 202, 296 918, 283 45, 293 5,446 35, 990, 760 956, 665 1878 54, 664, 732 1,615,479 203, 966 15,177 66, 288, 655 1,675.528 1879 57, 419, 292 2, 629, 665 395, 605 71.333 116,802,333 2,856, 112 1880 79, 068, 075 3. 645, 952 1,305, 858 15.461 144. 838, 237 3. 777. 288 1881 82, 550,921 4,610,415 I, 290, 893 23,007 141, 580, 942 5. 147. 548 1882 65, 600, 582 3, 289, 909 681,441 9.591 91,262, 100 3,481,902 1883 65, 266, 803 5,717,429 942, 347 23. 825 100, 498, 660 6, 125,436 1884 44,761,690 5, 583, 843 544, 148 17,642 65.871,719 5.931.563 1885 56, 532,002 6, 807, 538 810, 182 45. 405 81,376,562 7,186,915 .1886 40, 678, 739 4, 914, 782 1,661,466 15.276 54. 787, 878 5, 070, 698 -1887 54,352,915 7,632,071 2, 947, 438 30, 066 96, 824, 730 8, 205, 078 1888 41, 332, 300 8, 070, 490 707, 984 32, 097 60, 933, 666 8, 536, 809 1889 31, 568, 536 5, 271, 344 67, 836 17.575 43, 091, 192 5,463,810 1890 38, 240, 523 7, 423. 988 124, 988 28, 431 49, 194, 558 8, 145. 288 1891 29, 820, 650 7, 037, 420 46, 367 31, 790 51,513.303 7, 563,018 yS BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Quantities of to heat and wheat Jlour of domestic production exported, etc. — Continued. COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Year ending June 30- British North American Possessions. Mexico. West Indies. Wheat. Wheat flour. Barrels. 502, 679 532, 260 666, 842 530, 088 435. 435 441. 526 584. 385 538, 241 640, 801 423. 331 504. 920 277, 666 477, 885 373. 078 559.075 850, 184 815,970 507. 297 550, 698 572, 161 933. 354 839. 296 447, 648 Wheat. Wheat flour. Wheat. Wheat flour. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 189I Bushels. 3, 383. 277 6,259.133 9,340, 178 3. 711. 542 6, 306, 840 8,721,303 5,032,981 5. 530, 637 4. 142, 424 5. 679, 107 5. 204, 033 7, 920, 248 8, 772, 993 3. 163, 971 5.331.935 4, 380, 987 3. 164. 274 2, 507, 495 4, 679, 169 4, 524, 849 1,851,925 2, 292, 716 2, 593, 093 Bushels. 234 66 6,872 Barrels. 31,611 29, 930 28, 501 28, 764 14,715 6,028 13,668 15, 048 11,188 21, 381 19, 967 9,299 11.657 11,938 21.513 21, 672 18, 165 18, 780 23, 218 24, 282 32,114 31, lOI 37. 584 Bushels. *9. 410 *24, 500 *i7,44i *IIO t54. 333 t3, 005 1:27. 809 t24, 583 1:37, 296 t30, 386 20, 524 49. 420 25, 356 53.019 89, 659 43. 873 I. 831 5.685 3,243 28, 847 23, 648 35, 102 162,819 Barrels. 692, 292 819,113 857.433 552.634 719, 206 873. 931 888, 658 921, 496 744, 005 628, 160 810, 434 757.432 926, 958 702, 750 952, 741 877,817 962, 144 1,025, 721 977. 609 I, 181,038 I, 171, 281 1,226, 888 I, 186, 833 4 30, 330 9 17,091 5.087 165 107 4,663 1.384 34 71 487 30 3,307 2, 280 2,327 7,509 ♦Includes all French Possessions in America, British Guiana, British Honduras, Dutch Guiana, and Denmark, t Includes French Guiana, Dutch Guiana, British Honduras, and Denmark, % Includes French Guiana. Dutch Guiana, and British Honduras. BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. • 79 Quantities of lu heat and wheat Jlour of domestic production exported^ etc. — Continued. Year ending June 30— 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 189I COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Central America. Wheat. Wheat flour. Bushels. 632 125 136 U633 168 4 160 42, 383 35. 696 25, 448 22, 249 45. 920 42, 753 44. 929 25.855 38, 496 56, 113 53. 049 56, 215 57, 896 Barrels. 34. 485 18, 235 33.611 48, 702 42, 329 49, 072 64. 137 57. 125 51. 811 73. 949 93. 772 115.855 111,255 98. 159 114.329 i 119, 786 ; 107, 707 j 128,087 I 137. 685 I 164, 889 I 163, 604 180, 091 228, 397 j Brazil. Wheat. Bushels. 10, 211 3 52, 523 18, 201 109 47,410 23. 861 4.995 41.913 149 415. 507 768, 234 580, 127 Wheat flour. 800 999 II Barrels. 384. 134 376, 217 455. 673 382, 216 408, 648 531,379 599. 832 536, 180 482, 209 616, 132 717,377 537.914 677, 702 618, 908 739.441 649, 017 674, 230 542, 499 748. 937 584. 670 678, 972 687, 342 722, 369 Other South America. Wheat. Bushels. 51,932 36,516 21,579 22, 566 32, 894 60, 869 55.442 644 38, 250 156,687 178,565 362, 291 99. 059 7,981 3.265 1.584 3,372 2,376 87, 169 194, 971 398, 314 919, 099 121, 187 Wheat flour. Barrels. 70, 723 103, 647 115,146 114,568 181,293 205, 677 340, 509- 278, 164 216, 632 263, 326 285,925 256, 909= 276, 721 282, 178 298, 781 308, 173 355, 002 339. 575 342, 894 393. 410 389. 195 455.733 464, 033 8o- BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Quantities of wheat and wheat Jlour of domestic production exported, etc. — Continued. Vear ending June 30— 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Asia and Oceanica. Wheat. Wheat flour Bushels. 484,851 157,915 4,191 3,999 27, 326 44, 802 76, 833 427 107, 149 11,145 8, 428 24, 647 6,259 247, 007 28, 969 7, 010 34, 652 301, 934 134, 850 12, 759 574, 686 81,711 I, 890 Barrels. 214, 998 286, 395 121, 031 200, 979 202, 160 130, 441 178, 795 177,119 222, 141 209, 447 298, 504 254, 460 285.433 325, 249 350, 305 363, 159 497, 927 517, 509 501,456 476. 413 518, 512 636, 827 611, 066 All other countries. Total. Wheat. Bushels. 31,442 2,451 73 3,403 11,847 9,716 169, 207 92, 583 22, 091 37,112 510, 703 338, 626 I, 052 4, 162 122, 504 162, 349 34,600 3.528 37, 805 94, 124 Wheat flour. Barrels. 47, 294 9,049 5. 103 9,585 16, 349 13, 169 22, 305 19, 729 18,213 36, 079 42, 703 24, 596 30, 627 21,524 44, 043 30, 889 30, 085 29, 075 30, 874 29, 902 23, 961 29, 145 83, 356 Wheat. I Wheat flour. Bushels. 17,557,836 36,584,115 34, 310, 906 26, 423, 080 39, 204, 285 61, 039, 928 53,047,177 55,073,122 40, 325, 611 72, 404, 961 122,353,936 153, 252, 795 150,565.477 95, 271, 802 106, 385, 828 70, 349, o;2 84, 653, 714 57, 759, 209 101,971,949 65, 789, 261 46, 414, 129 54, 387, 767 55.131,948 Barrels. 2,431,873 3, 463. 333 3, 653, 841 2,514,535 2, 562, 086 4, 094, 094 3. 973, 128 3,935,512 3, 343, 665 3, 947, 333 5, 629, 714 6, on, 419 7, 945, 786 5,915,686 9, 205, 664 9, 152, 260 10, 648, 145 8, 179, 241 11,518,449 11,963,574 9, 374, 803 12, 231, 711 11,344,304 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 81 Quantities of corn and corn meal of domestic production exported from the United States, by countries, from j86g to i8go, inclusive. Year ending June 30 — 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1890 189I COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Belgium. Corn. Bushels. II, 271 1,677 42, 974 84, 798 137.500 2, 500 315, 308 904, 614 1,341,946 2, 474, 934 2, 786, 685 1,039, 613 427. 355 544. 876 I, 469, 840 1,571.438 I, 474. 283 1, 117, 769 4, 009, 886 4. 793. 323 2, 356, 012 Corn meal.! Barrels. 20 189 982 794 100 499 4 65 247 4 207 743 720 France. Corn. Bushels. 54. 849 237 •77.671 161, 496 134, 933 452, 951 346, 456 246, 629 1,363. 281 2, 872, 784 2, 564, 226 8. 573, 845 4. 987. 985 I, 344, 970 1,617, 903 1, 350, 807 2, 880, 532 7, 776, 482 1.958,750 I. 135. 861 6, 564, 952 8,481, 129 152, 177 Corn meal. Barrels. 10 30 125 367 127 112 26 60 140 Germany. Corn. Bushels. 119. 523 42, 570 113.728 736, 914 362, 550 825, 620 957. 322 741, 176 2, 136, 388 I, 968, 879 3. 894. 311 7. 589, 858 10, 320, 247 3, 647. 878 1, 869, 271 4, 228, 483 4,371.471 4,365,419 2, 638, 167 937, 627 4, 608, 481 11,419,063 3, 745, 574 Corn meal. Barrels 232 25 140 36 10 401 904 90 I, 219 350 46 105 1,987 72 I Bull. 35- 82 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Quantities of corn and corn vieal of domestic production exported^ etc. — Continued. COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Year ending June 30— Netherlands. Portugal. Spain. Corn. Corn meal. Corn. Corn meal. Corn. Corn meal. 1869 1870 Bushels. 100 Barrels. Bushels. Barrels. 25 Bushels. 291 564 2,465 8.955 10, 643 520 400 42.552 78,018 loi, 498 407, 478 2, 886, 908 304, 183 43, 543 266, 103 105, 197 109, 824 285, 925 109, 794 200 36. 346 350, 574 106, 159 Barrels. 302 1871 I 520 16, 150 26, 203 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 27. 892 50, 536 51.718 71.517 22, 504 149, 612 454, 968 464, 084 I. 175. 582 3, 614. 340 619, 292 600, 675 1,216, 271 I, 168, 349 I, 980, 537 1,453,066 872, 485 I, 468, 038 3. 367. 423 I, 750, 191 I 100 325 200 666, 345 216, 934 22, 823 1, 343, 269 2, 037, 690 514, 106 272, 962 441, 708 180, 679 95, 407 15.444 7 1878 4 1879 1880 6 1,408 629 130 120 4 3 1881 1882 378 3,347 50 43 1883 1884 1885 1886.. 530 3 108 3 II 1887 no 1888 1889 1890 1891 358 100 459 20, 000 378, 572 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 83 Quantities of corn and corn meal of domestic production exported, etc. — Continued. COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Year ending June 30— United Kingdom, Other Europe. Total Europe. Corn. Corn meal. Corn. Com meal. Corn. Corn meal. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874. 1875 1876 1877 •• 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1-886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 Bushels. 4. 257. 591 40,900 5, 905, 445 25. 779. 331 29. 334. 759 26, 299, 323 23. 387. 367 42,452,240 55, 466, 435 65.915.851 64,506,311 55.635.347 53,014,142 28, 664, 924 30, 010, 671 26,436,771 32, 298, 606 37, 871, 149 24, 265, 983 14, 259, 487 41,096,727 54, 601, 034 14, 131, 181 Barrels. 4,304 6,363 1,220 1.757 935 1,757 4,016 279 9,492 7,088 4,808 17,434 8,879 1,070 6, 242 5.032 1,652 713 403 4,5-50 1,274 14, 041 19, 990 Bushels. 8,321 403 350 24, 349 20, 472 257, 078 60, 317 205, 855 1,252,719 3,861,314 2,415.697 8, 907, 793 6, 448, 772 2, 096, 018 899, 801 2, 176, 065 2, 743, 150 2, 088, 671 2, 558, 842 913, 812 2, 259, 421 6, 630, 143 913. 361 Barrels. 50 50 625 70 141 5,545 '"■'i,'638* 875 247 I, 152 181 291 164 295 460 190 346 317 185 181 827 Bushels. 4, 440, 675 84, 674 6, III, 450 26, 756, 764 29, 983, 070 27, 972, 008 24. 960, 879 44, 379, 801 60, 978, 695 76, 102, 731 76, 937, 322 89.281,957 81,990,460 37, 729, 200 36,133,487 36, 239, 149 45, 137, 179 55,955,065 34,458,885 19, 237, 241 60,043,851 89, 662, 689 23,533,227 Barrels. 4,641 6,705 1,876 1,859 1,343 7,663 4,228 1,942 10, 780 8,343 7,494 18,437 12, 007 6, 212 6,814 6, 192 2,507 3,114 1,317 4,743 2,031 16, 851 21, 171 84 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Quantities of corn and corn tneal of domestic production exported, etc. — Continued, COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTBD. Year ending June 30— British Possessions in North America. Mexico. West Indies. Corn. Corn meal. Corn. Corn meal. Com. Corn meal. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883.... 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 189I Bushels. 2, 168, 144 729, 630 2, 970, 733 7, 329, 098 7,623,255 5, 348, 938 3, 292, 780 4, 033, 062 9,038,881 7, 633, 468 7,297,027 7, 187, 203 8, 127, 809 3, 890, 719 3, 195, 997 6, 384, 873 3, 483, 705 5, 474, 640 4, 109, 226 4,089,447 8, 074, 990 9, 694, 169 5, 023, 841 Barrels. 126, 218 39. 749 69, 287 146, 121 197, 070 183, 328 129, 124 154, 907 271, 820 232, 047 211,927 169, 131 182, 731 127,852 121,000 112,207 io6, 528 120, 117 132,653 135, 523 159, 347 188,411 122, 682 Bushels. 72,216 62, 859 173, 585 21,039 104, 146 55,881 9,862 93, 487 64, 776 288, 109 126,613 85, 702 352,510 419, 263 476, 453 I, 994, 776 2,058,937 I, 263, 953 894, 496 216, 468 434, 997 961,458 615,332 Barrels. 7 102 29 304 87 221 187 109 548 505 690 182 161 I, 560 1,919 2,445 1.089 1,386 901 799 1,202 2,256 Bushels. * 335. 439 *448. 198 * 549, 288 * 325, 487 t 719, 617 t 933, 667 1519,284 X 847, 280 1:597,855 1:690,055 I, 293, 790 956, 368 887, 146 833, 210 576,978 513, 109 630, 935 589, 706 713, 861 516,964 620, 263 1, 193, 807 993, 633 Barrels. 176, 884 139, 368 140, 133 159, 220 189, 725 181,021 143, 144 181,758 137, 440 174,453 162, 660 147, 285 217,889 143, 971 125,871 122,818 135, 868 157,448 121,313 116,888 140, 682 146, 028 161, 393 * Includes all French Possessions in America, British Guiana, British Honduras, Dutch Guiana, and Denmark, t Includes French Guiana, Dutch Guiana, British Honduras, and Denmark. $ Includes French Guiana, Dutch Guiana, and British Honduras. BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. 85 Quantities of corn and corn meal of domestic production exported, etc. — Continued. COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Year ending June 30 — Central America. Brazil. Other South America. Corn. Corn meal. Corn. Corn meal. Corn. Corn meal. 1869 Bushels. Barrels. 120 294 4 396 61 208 22 77 33 175 185 135 561 160 211 124 124 232 144 516 603 563 387 Bushels. 3, 000 46, 992 600 8,788 29, 270 12, 202 14, 838 45. 163 2,410 167, 154 21, 680 62, 720 326 Barrels. 240 55 60 4 112 241 80 42 62 2, 100 150 2 10 Bushels. 21, 171 18,955 17,400 48, 328 54. 113 73.211 58, 185 82,455 172,857 263, 144 197, 946 165. 195 406, 286 281. 347 102, 191 80, 703 ■475. 455 259, 628 61, 270 60, 174 294, 482 281, 610 230, 036 Barrels. 485 440 191 I, 104 13. 996 14. 845 14. 133 14. 540 9, 266 12,977 10, 999 13,610 19. 977 9.185 10, 693 8, 920 11,988 9,230 7, 160 11,089 6,959 6,815 8,280 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 i«76 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 ....... 1882 260 205 I. 183 10, 744 8.394 392 5.683 1.479 2,929 18, no 107, 821 13. 743 14. 829 36, 291 6, 526 7.779 12, 991 39. 693 95.731 18, 805 82, 054 186.816 1883 35 9 13 52 25 115 869 179 23 1884 1885 10 i«86 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 202 3.256 453 51.152 38, 985 10, 341 86 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. Quantities of corn and corn meal of domestic production exported, etc. — Continued. Year ending June 30— 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1890 189I COUNTRIES TO WHICH EXPORTED. Oceanica. Corn. Bushels. 925 314 048 850 876 845 496 537 21,323 18, 302 8,264 9,461 8,632 22,575 24, cx)7 19, 005 20, 426 55,874 47, 349 51,371 20, 679 Corn meal. Barrtls. 239 77 4 278 33 480 250 1,450 5 347 627 803 667 262 119 164 1,380 331 All other countries. Corn. Bushels. 27 233 "3 16, 839 29, 460 2, 200 6, 641 3,534 312,971 382, 441 304, 609 121,631 6,886 56, 796 5,769 16,419 80, 243 6,138 6,065 7,040 7,574 154, 308 Corn meal. Barrels. 498 241 103 222 381 222 537 305 2, 105 2,893 696 833 734 761 471 873 884 1,004 838 896 I. 199 2,137 Total. Corn. Bushels. 7, 047. 197 1,392,115 9, 826, 309 34,491,650 38,541,930 34, 434, 606 28, 858,420 49,493,572 70, 860, 983 85, 461,098 86, 296, 252 98, 169, 877 91. 908, 175 43,184,915 40, 586, 825 45, 247, 490 51,834,416 63,655,433 40, 307, 252 24,278,417 69, 592, 929 101,973,717 30, 768, 213 Com meal. Barrels. 309, 867 187,093 211, 811 308, 840 403, III 387, 807 291, 654 354, 240 447, 907 432, 753 397, 160 350,613 434. 993 288, 942 267, 207 252, 779 260, 510 293, 546 265. 333 270, 613 312, 186 361. 248 318,329 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. UNITED STATES. 87 PRODUCTION OF BREADSTUFFS IN THE UNITED STATES. The production in bushels and the values of the principal bread- stuffs in the United States for ten years is indicated in the state- ment below, from reports of the United States Department of Agriculture : V».or Corn. Wheat. ♦ Production. Value. Production. Value. I88I 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 I89I Bushels. I, 194,916,000 I, 617, 025, 100 I, 551,066,895 1,795,528,000 1,936, 176,000 1,665,441,000 I, 456, 161, 000 1, 987, 790, 000 2, 112,892,000 1,489,970,000 2, 060, 154, 000 ! Dollars. 759.482,170 783,867.175 658,051,485 640, 735. 560 635, 674, 360 610, 311,000 646, 106, 770 677, 561, 580 597, 918, 829 754.433,451 836, 439, 228 Bushels. 383, 280, 090 504,185,470 421,086,460 512, 765, 000 357, 112,000 457,218,000 456, 329, 000 415,868,000 490, 560, 000 399, 262, 000 611. 780,000 Dollars. 456, 880, 427 444. 602, 125 383, 649, 272 330, 862, 260 275, 320, 390 314, 226,020 310, 612, 960 385,248,030 342, 491, 707 334. 773. 678 513,472,711 Year. 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 Oats. Production. Value. Bushels. 416, 481, 000 488, 250, 610 571, 302,400 583, 628,000 629, 409, 000 624, 134, 000 659, 618, 000 701, 735, 000 751,515,000 523, 621, 000 738, 394, 000 Dollars. 193, 198, 970 182,978,022 187, 040, 264 161, 528, 470 179, 631, 860 186, 137.930 200, 699, 790 195, 424, 240 171, 781,008 222, 048, 486 232, 312, 267 Rye. Production. Value. Bushels. 20, 704, 950 29, 960, 037 28,058, 582 28, 640, 000 21, 756, 000 24, 489, 000 20, 693, 000 28, 415,000 Dollars. 19,327.415 18,439.194 16, 300, 503 14, 857,040 12, 594, 820 13, 181, 330 II, 283, 140 16, 721, 869 88 BREADSTUFFS IN LANIN AMERICA. The total wheat production of the world for 1889, 1890, and 1891 is indicated in the following tabular statements: The world's wheat crop for i88g. [From Report of the Department of Agriculture, Washington,] Countries. North America: United States Canada: Ontario Manitoba Other provinces. South America: Argentine Republic Chile Europe: Austria-Hungary: Austria , . . Hungary Belgium Denmark France Germany Great Britain and Ireland: Great Britain Ireland Greece Italy Netherlands Portugal Roumania Russia Servia Spain Sweden and Norway: Sweden Norway Switzerland Turkey and dependencies Asia: India Asia Minor. Persia . . . . Syria Africa: Algeria Egypt Cape of Good Hope. Australasia Grand total for the world Foreign measure. Denomination. Imp. bushels, Hectoliters Quintals. . . Hectoliters Imp. bushels Cwts Hectoliters Chetverts . . Hectoliters Hectoliters .... Tons Hectoliters. Hectoliters Number of units. 18, 699, 572 7,201,519 4,000, 000 4, 500, 000 25, 588,406 I, 460, 2] 73, 267, 007 1,436, 163 36, 592, 900 2, 000, 000 3,000, 000 15,783,208 31, 654, 800 26,651,000 1, 306, 800 100, 000 800,000 14, 000, 000 6,510,979 13, 000, 000 8,000,000 4, 500, 000 8,000,000 2, 800, 000 Winchester bushels. 490, 560, 000 19, 288, 983 7,428,511 4, 500, 000 521,777,494 11, 350, 000 12, 768, 750. 24, 118, 750 42, 000, 000 94, 020, 333 19, 000, 000 5, 000, 000 316, 268, 369 82, 000, 000 75. 576, 383 2, 680, 838 5, 000, 000 103, 832, 354 5, 675, 000 8, 512, 500 44, 784, 853 188,535.989 5, 000, 000 75,622,213 3, 708, 045 283, 750 2, 270, 000 39, 725,000 I, 119,495,627 243. 076, 549 36, 887, 500 22, 500, 000 12, 768, 750 315, 232, 799 22, 500, 000 7, 945, 000 3, 800, 000 34, 245, 000 26, 205, 957 2, 041,075, 627 BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. The world's wheat production in i8go. 89 Countries. North America: United States. . , Canada Ontario. . , Other provinces. South America: Argentine Republic , Chile Europe: Austria-Hungary — Austria, , Hungary Belgium Denmark France Germany Great Britain and Ireland: Great Britain , Ireland Greece Italy Netherlands , Portugal , Roumania Russia in Europe (excluding Poland) Poland Servia Spain , Sweden and Norway:. Sweden , Norway Switzerland Turkey and dependencies ASiA: India Asia Minor. Persia Syria Africa: Algeria Cape Colony. Egypt Tunis Australasia Grand total for the world . Foreign measure. Denomination. Imperial bushels. Tons, metric. Quarters. . . . Quintals. . . Hectoliters. Quarters.. . Hectoliters, Quarters. . . Imperial bushels. Cwt Quarters Hectoliters Quarters Chetverts . . Hectoliters, Quarters. . . Hectoliters. Quarters.. . Tons of 2,240 lbs. Quarters Quarters. . . . . .do, Hectoliters. Number of units, 24, 460, 420 1, 135, 000 2, 250, 000 14, 000, 000 45, 000, 000 6, 898, 000 700, 000 [19,436,872 II, 500,000 73, 354, 484 I, 413, 964 I, 500, 000 44,631,100 750, 000 1,000, 000 7, 750, 000 33, 200, 000 4, 350, 000 I, 250, 000 8, 500, 000 I, 394, 200 50, 000 300, 000 4, 500, 000 6,-303, 900 4, 500, 000 2, 750, 000 I, 500, 000 2, 750, 000 450, 000 I, 000, 000 I, 500, 000 Winchester bushels. 399, 262, 000 25,231,412 14, 000, 000 438,493 -112 41,703,683 18, 567, 360 60, 271, 043 51,440,667 165, 345, 000 19,573,075 5,776,512 338,902, 124 94, 899, 840 75,666,617 2, 639, 399 12, 378, 240 126, 640, 746 6, 189, 120 8, 252, 160 63, 954, 240 197, 739, 200 22, 343, 125 10, 315, 200 70, 143, 360 3, 956, 043 412, 608 2,475.648 37, 134, 720 316,177,644 235, 34'i, 600 37, 134, 720 22, 693, 440 12, 378, 240 307, 552,000 22, 693, 440 3,713,472 8, 252, 160 4, 256, 250 38, 915, 322 42, 480, 131 2, 203, ), 552 go BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. World's wheat crop, i8gi. [From Report of the Department of Agriculture.] Countries. Foreign measure. Winchester Denomination. Number of units. bushels. North America: United States *6ll, 780, 000 *33, 611,074 *23, 922, 598 Canada: Ontario Imperial bushels . . .do 32, 584, 026 23, 191, 599 Manitoba Total 669,313,672 Metric tons Hectoliters South America: Argentine Republic 900, 000 5,000,000 33, 069, 000 14, 187, 500 Chile Total 47, 256, 500 Europe: Austria-Hungary: Austria Hectoliters do 14, 500, 000 44, 500, 000 5, 000, 000 4, 850, 000 450, 000 81,889,070 44,495,000 72, 127, 263 1, 401, 127 2,000,000 44, 687, 900 450,000 1,000.000 18, 704, 382 28, 393, 000 2, 129, 100 2, 800, 000 25,145.055 I, 604, 000 50,000 1, 100, 000 4,000,000 41, 143, 750 *I26, 268, 750 14, 187, 500 40, 022, 976 3,713,472 *232, 360, 236 *I26, 254, 663 *74, 400, 714 *2, 615, 437 5,675,000 *I26, 801, 916 3.713.472 8, 252, 160 53, 073, 684 *i69, 108, 708 *I2, 680, 920 7, 945. 000 *7i, 349. 094 *4, 551, 350 412, 608 *4, 041, 766 33, 008, 640 Hungary Belgium do Bulgaria Quarters . . . .do .... France Hectoliters do Germany Great Britain and Ireland: Great Britain Imperial bushels . Cwts Ireland Greece Hectoliters do Italy . . : Netherlands Quarters . .do Portugal Roumania Hectoliters Chetverts do Russia in Europe (exclusive of Poland) Poland Servia Hectoliters . . do . Spain Sweden and Norway: Sweden do Norway Quarters Switzerland Turkey Quarters Total I, 161, 581, 716 Tons Asia: India 6, 842, 000 13, 050, 000 9,000,000 2, 500, 000 4, 350, 000 *255, 434, 667 37, 029, 375 74, 269, 440 20, 630, 400 12, 343, 125 Asia Minor Hectoliters Quarters Caucasus. . Persia . . do . Syria Hectoliters Total 399, 707. 007 ♦Official, either final or preliminary. BREADSTUFFS IN LATIN AMERICA. World's wheat crop, i8gi — Continued, 91 Foreign measure. Winchester Denomination. Number of units. bushels. Africa: Algeria Hectoliters Quarters. do 7, 500, 000 500, 000 I, 350, 000 I, 500,000 21, 281, 250 Cape Colony 4, 126, 080 II, 140, 416 4, 256, 250 tipj r Tunis Hectoliters Total 40. 803, 996 Impeirial bushels . Austialasia . 32, 839, 505 *33. 874, 606 Grand total 2,352,537.497 * Official, either final or preliminary. « In the foregoing table the figures not marked by a star are commercial estimates. Many of the official estimates are pre- liminary and are likely to be considerably changed by the final statement. V'