GIFT OF William R. Daingerfielc --7— ITALIAN —AT A— GLANCE. ANEW SYSTEM ON THE MOST SIMPLE PRINCIPLES I Universal Self-Tuition, WITH OOMPLETE ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION OF EVERY WORD. KEVISED EIDITI03ST. NEW YORK | • EXCELSIOR PUBLISHING HOUSE, McKEON & SCHOFIELD, Proprietors. »J| ITALIAN AT A. GLANCE A NE\\ r SYSTEM ON THE MOST SIMPLE PPUNCIPLES, FOR UNIVERSAL SELF-TUITION. vTTH COMPLETE ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION OF EVERY WORD. B^sr in^i^^nsrz thimm REVISED EDITION. New York: EXCELSIOR PUBLISHING HOUSE, McKkon & ScnoFiELo, Proprietors, 8 Murray Street. • ^ V 1 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. ITALIAN ALPHABET AND PRONUNCIA- TION. The Italian Alphabet consists of the following 22 letters : Italian Alphabet. Name. Pronunciation. A a ah is pronounced like a in the Eng- lish word father. B b bay as in English. C c tchey c before e is pron. chey , before 4 chee. D d day as in English. E e a like a in the English word care. G g effay j a y as in English, see Pronunciation. H h acca is mute. I i ee like e in the English word me. JJ L I M m ee ellay em may like a long ee. as in English, as in English. N n ennay as in English. O as in English. Pp Qq pay koo as in English. is pronounced like k. R r erray is pronounced like the English r in run. S s essay see Pronunciation. T t tay . is pronounced like the / in the English word tent. U u 00 is pronounced like 00 in the word moon. V v Z z vay tzettah as in English. like a soft s, often like tz. M51390 4V-**' ',/; ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. « - » • ., :. ;The^e,tters»,£. : w,c #, and^y do not occur in the Italian alpha- ** feet*, and* are r'eiilac-e^^yc, v, s, and i. The vowels are, a, e, i, o, u. The compound vowels are, at, ea, au, eu, etc. 1. The Accent. The Italian language has only one accent : the grave accent {Vaccento grave) which is placed on the final vowel, for the purpose of marking the emphasis to be laid on it, as : la bonta, the goodness, pron. lah bo?itah, la -virtu, the virtue, " lah veertoo, ph\, more, " pew, la, there, " lah. The apostrophe (Tapostrofd) is placed where a vowel has been omitted, as : Vo7iore, the honor, pron. lonoray, senz' anima, without soul, " sense ahneemah, quell' ingegjw, that genius, " quell i7ijay?ieeo. 2, The Voivels. The simple vowels a, e, i, o, u are pronounced as already shown : tutto, all, pron tooto, cu"ra, care, " koorah, amico, friend, " ahmeeko. The accentuated a sounds stronger than the a without an accent, as :* la, there, pron. lah, qua hither, " quah; but the dative : a vol, to you, pron. ah voee, a canto, to the side, " ah canto, is less forcibly pronounced. The e has both a close and an open sound, close (chiuso, pron. keeoozo), as in : venti, twenty, pron. vcntce^ legge, law, " ledge-jay ; open (aperto, pron. ahpareto), as in : parlerdi, I would speak, pron. parlayraycc, or with the accent : ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 5 e, is, pron. ay, tie neither, " nay. The o has sometimes a close, sometimes an open sou open in the finals : oso, osa, as : gcncroso, generous, pron. jaynayrozo y cbsa, thing, " kozak, virtuoso, virtuous, " virtooozo, rbsa, rose " rozzah. It is broad if it has the accent, as: parlb, he spoke, pron. pariah, no, no, " noh, and after ll 5 as : fubco, fire, -prow, foo-o-ko, cubre, heart, " koo-o-ray. 3. The Diphthongs. The Italian language has two kinds of diphthongs (dit- tonghi), the long (Jistesi), of which every vowel is distinctly pronounced, as : aurora, aurora, pron. ah-oo-ro-rah, Europa, Europe, " ay-oo-ro-pah, dere, air, " ah-ay-ray, and the short (raccolit), where the two vowels are united and rapidly pronounced, so that the first loses all intonation, al- though both are sounded : cie'lo, the sky, pron. chee-ay-lo, fubco, the fire, " foo-o-ko, ubmo, man, " oo-oh-mo, que'sto, this, " questo. The Italians have also syllables of three vowels (trittofighi) which make the lan^ua^e very soft and sweet : thev are rapidly pronounced, with the emphasis on the second vowel, as: miei, my, pron. mee-ay-ee, tubi, thy, " too-o-ee, subi, his, " soo-o-ee. 4. Consonants. The Italian consonants are pronounced as follows : i . C before e and i is pronounced like chey and chee, as : 6 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. Ce'sare, Caesar, pron. Chay-zah-ray, celebre, celebrated, " chay-lay-bray, celeste, heavenly, " chay-les-tay, docile, docile, " doh-chee-lay, facile, easy, " fah-chee-lay . CC is sounded stronger and more accentuated than c, as : ucce'llo, the bird, pron. oo-chello, eccjllente, excellent, " etch-el-len-tay. Clie, Clll, are pronounced kay, key : Michele, Michael, pron. me-kay-lay, chimera, chimera, " key-mey-rah, ve'cchio, old, " vek-keeo, bancheito, banquet, " ban-ket-toh. 2. Cr before e and / is pronounced softly, like djay, djee^ as : dngelo, angel, pron. an-jay-lo, erigere, to erect, " ay-ree-j ; ay-ray, gigcmte, giant, " gee-ga?i-tay, gitis to, just, " gee-oos-to. g"g" is sounded stronger and with more emphasis than g y as . legge, the law, pron. ledge-ay, oggi, to-day, " odge-gee. Crlie 5 gJl! are pronounced like gay, ghee, as : leghe, miles, pron. lay-gay, lubghi, places, " loo-o-ghee. Ccl before i is pronounced like // in the English word billiards, or in the French words file, bouilli, travailler, but it is less sounded, as : egli he, pron. ayl-yee, e'glino, they, " ayl-yee-tw, figli, sons, " fecl-yee-ee, glielodiede, he gave it him, " ylee-ay-lo dee-ay-day, quegli, that one, " quay-ylee, pdglia, the straw, " pah-ylee-ah. The exceptions are : ne'gligere, Angli, ncgligcute, ncgligenza, anglicano, which are pronounced like the English. €rlia, g'lie, ft'lli, g'llO, ;illl are pronounced like the French in Espagnc, pcig?icr, they sound therefore like, nnia, nnie, etc., as : ag?iello, lamb, pron. ah-nee-cl-lo, magnifico, magnificent, " mah-yncc-fec-co y ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 7 sdegnuto, wrathful, pron. sday-nee-ah-to, Giugno, June, " Jew-nee-o. glia, i; 1 8 c* , £'iii sound like guah, guay, guee, as : gudnti, gloves, pron. goo-an-tee, gue'rra, war, " goo-err-rah, guida, guide, " goo-ee-dah. 3. H is mute, and is only found in a few words: ho, I have ; hai, thou hast ; ha, he has ; ha/ino, they have ; ah ! oh ! ah ! eh ! 4. J sounds like a strongly accentuated i, as : jeri, yesterday, pron. yea-ree, esempj, examples, " essem-pee-yee, libraj, booksellers, " lee-brah-yee, foniaj, bakers, " for-nah-yee. 5. S is pronounced very softly between two vowels: osare, to dare, pron. osah-ray, cdso, chance, " cah-zo, liso, custom, " 00-so, causa, cause, " kow-zah. Except : cost (pron. ko-see), thus, which is hard. S at the beginning of a word is pronounced sharply, as in English : sdno, healthy, pron. sah-no, sempre, always, " sem-pray, se'nso, the sense, " sen-zo, fbrse, perhaps, " for-say, sublime, sublime, " soo-blec-may. SCe 9 SC*i are pronounced like the English sh, as . scelta, selection, pron. shell-tah, scintilla, spark, " shin-til-lah, sciocco, food, " shee-ok-ko. SS is sounded very sharp, as : lusso, luxury, pron. loos-so, e'ssere, to be, " ess-ay-ray, 6. T sounds like the English t : intiero, entirely, pron. in-tee-ay-ro, simpatia, sympathy, " sim-pah-fee-ah, malattia, illness, " mah-Iat-tcc-ah, mode'stia, modesty, " mo-des-tee-ah. 8 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 7. V is pronounced like the English v, but more rapidly : vino, wine, prori. vee-no, giovdre, to assist, " vero, true, vita, the life, gec-o-vah-ray, vay-ro, volare, , to fly, 8. Z sounds like a soft tz in : zio, the uncle, zbppo, lame, fazzotitto, the pocket handkerchief, avarizia, the avarice, 25 sounds like ds in : vee-tah, vo-lah-ray. pron. a a a tzee-o, tzop-po, fatz-o- let-to, ak-vah-?-itz-ee-ah. zona, zone, gazzetta, the newspaper, s/rtf, ought, 7^23:0, rough, mezzo. half pron. dzo-nah, " gadz-et-tah, " dzay-ro, " rodz-zo, " medz-zo. Difficult Pronunciation. pron. pron. pron. pron. pron. #* chee gi, jee sci, she £■//, ylee gni, ynee #, ylee-a> cia, chee-a £7^, gee-a rtiVi, she-ah glia, ylee-ah cio, chee-o gio, gee-o .<•« tutti e due J another others,other people each other bgm ognuno alcuni noil nessi'mo non alcuno ciascheduno ciascuno parecchi qualche ^ qualc{mo \ qualcheduno tale, cotale taluno nothing somebody all, everything the same something else another both both of them every one every one (only of persons), some nobody every one several any one some one such a one many a one altree altrooee loon laltro neeentay, noollah alkoono tootto eel medayzeemo lo stesso altro altra kozah altrah loono ay laltro ambaydooay entrambee toottee ay dooay onyee onyoono alkoonee non nessoono non alkoono cheeaskaydoono cheeaskoono pahrekyee qualkay qualkoono qualkaydoono tahlay, kotahlay tahloono ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 45 certo \ certuno ) qualunque chiii nq ue ^ chicchessia j qualsisia \ checchissia \ a certain one whoever whoever it be whatever it be chareto charetoono qualoonquay keyoonquay keekayseeah qualseeseeah kaykeeseeah VERBS. Avere, " to have." INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Past. Avere, to have, Ave'ndO) having, avere avuto, to have had. Participles. avuto, had. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. I have Io ho eeo oh thou hast tn hai too ahee he has egli ha ayylee ah she has £lla a ellah ah we have not abbiamo noee ahbeeahmo you have vol ave'te voee ahvaytay they have eglino hanno ayyleeno anno Imperfect. I had Io ave'va or avea eeo ahvayvah or ah vayah thou hadst tu at'CT'i too ahvayvee he had egli aveva ayylee ahvayvah 4 6 .1 i ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. we had you had they had noi avevamo voi avevate eglino avevano noee ahvayvahmo voee ahvayvahtay ayyleeno ahvayvah no Past Definite. • I had thou hadst he had we had you had they had lo ebbi tu avesti egli ebbe noi avemmo voi aveste eglino ebbero eeo ebbee too ahvestee ayylee ebbay noee ahvemmo voee ahvestay ayyleeno ebbayro I have had thou hadst had he has had she has had we have had you have had they have had I had had thou hadst had he had had we had had you had had they had had Perfect. Io ho avuto tu hai avuto egli ha avuto ella ha avuto noi abbiamo avuto voi avete avuto eglino hanno avuto Pluperfect. Io aveva avuto eeo oh ahvooto too ahee ahvooto ayylee ah ahvooto ellah ah ahvooto noee abbeeahmo ah vooto voee ahvaytay ah vooto ayyleeno anno ah> vooto eeo ahvayvah ah- vooto too ahvayvee ahvoo- to ayylee ahvayvah ah- vooto noee ahvayvahmo ahvooto voee ahvayvahtay ahvooto eglino avevano avuto ayyleeno ahvayvah- no ahvooto tu aveva avuto egli aveva avuto noi avevamo avuto voi avevate avuto ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 47 Past Afiterior. I had had Io ebbi avuto eeo ebbee ahvooto thou hadst had tu avesti avuto too ahvestee ahvoo- he had had egli ebbc avuto to ayylee ebbay ah- vooto we had had noi avemmo avuto noee ahvemmo ah- vooto you had had vol aveste avuto voee ahvestay ah- vooto they had had eglino cbbero avuto Future. ayyleeno ebbayro ahvooto I shall have Jo avro eeo ahvro thou shalt have tu avrai too ahvrahee he shall have egli avra ayylee ahvrah we shall have noi avre'mo noee ahvraymo you shall have voi avrete voee ahvraytay they shall have eglino avranno Future Afiterior. ayyleeno ahvranno I shall have had Io avro avuto eeo ahvro ahvooto thou shalt have had tu avrai avuto too ahvrahee ah- vooto he shall have had egli avra avuto ayylee ahvrah ah- vooto we shall have had noi avremo avuto noee ahvraymo ah- vooto you shall have had voi avrete avuto voee ahvraytay ah- vooto they shall have had eglino avra?i?io avuto Conditional Present ayyleeno ahvranno ahvooto I should have Io avrei eeo ahvrayee thou shouldst have tu avresti too ahvrestee he should have egli avrebbe ayylee ahvrebbay we should have noi avremmo noee ahvremmo you should have voi avreste voee ahvrestay they should have eglino avrebbero ayyleeno ahvreb- bayro 4 8 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. I should have had thou shouldst have had he should have had Conditional Past. Io avrei avuto tu av res ti avuto egli avrebbe avuto we should have had not avremmo avuto you should have had they should have had voi avreste avuto eglino avrebbero avu- to eeo ahvrayee ah- vooto too ahvrestee ah- vooto ayylee ahvrebbay ahvooto noee ahvremmo ah- vooto voee ahvrestav ah- vooto ayyleeno ahvrebbe- ro ahvooto IMPERATIVE MOOD. Have abbi abbee let us have abbiamo abbeeahmo have (ye) abbiate abbeeahtay SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. That I may have ChHb abbia that thou mayst che tu abbia have that he may have ctiegli abbia that we may have che noi abbiamo that you may have che voi abbiate that they may have c/i'eg/ino abbiano Imperfect. That I might have CJCio avessi that thou mightst che tu avessi have keeo abbeeah kay too abbeeah k ayylee abbeeah kay noee abbeealv mo kay voee abbeeah- tay kayyleeno abbee- ah no keeo ahvessee kav too ahvessee ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 49 that he might have cJi'egli avcsse that we might have che noi avessimo that you might have che vol aveste that they might ch'eglino avessero have kayylee ahvessay kay noee ahvess- eemo kay voee ahvestay kayyleeno avessay- ro That I may have had that thou may st have had that he may have had that we may have had that you may have had that they may have had Perfect. Ch'io abbia avuto keeo abbeeah ah- vooto che tu abbia avuto kay too abbeeah ahvooto ch'eg/i abbia avuto kayylee abbeeah ahvooto che noi abbiamo avu- kay noee abbeeah- to mo ahvooto che voi abbiate avu- kay voee abbeeah- to tay ahvooto ch 'eglin o abbia?w k ay y 1 e e n o ab b e e ah- avuto no ahvooto That I might have had that thou mightst have had that he might have had that we might have had that you might have had that they might have had 4 Pluperfect. Ctiio avessi avuto che tu avessi avuto cffegli avesse avuto che noi avessimo avu- to che voi aveste avuto ch'egiino avessero avuto keeo ahvessee ah- vooto kav too ahvessee ahvooto kayylee ahvessay ahvooto kay noee ahvessee mo ahvooto kav voee ahvestav ahvooto kayyleeno ahvess- ayro ahvooto 5o ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. The Auxiliary Verb, " essere," to be, INFINITIVE MOOD. Present Pssere, to be, essente, being, Ger, essendo, being, Past. essere stato, to have been. Participles. stato, been. essendo stato \ having been. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present, I am Jo sono eeo sono thou art he is she is tu set egli e ella e too sayee ay y lee ay ellah ay we are noi siamo noee seeahmo you are they are voi siete eglino sono Imperfect, voee see ay t ay ayyleeno sono I was Jo era eeo ay rah thou wast he was we were tu eri egli era noi eravamo too ayree ayylee ayrah noee avrahvahmo you were they were voi eravate eglino erano Past Definite. voee ayrahvahtay ayyleeno ayrahnc I was thou wast he was we were Io fui tufosti eglifu noifummo eeo fooee too fostee ayglee foe noee foommo vou were they were voifoste eglino fur ono voee fostay ayyleeno foorono ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 51 Perfect. I have been Jo sono stato eeo sono stahto Ihou hast been tu sei stato too sayee stahto he has been egli e stato ayylee ay stahto she has been ella e stata ell ah ay stahtah we have been noi siamo stati noee seeahmo stah- tee you have been voi siete stati voee seeaytay stah- tee they have been tglino S0710 stati Pluperfect. ayyleeno sono stah- tee I had heen Jo era stato eeoh ayrah stahto thou hadst been tu eri stato too ayree stahto he had been egli era stato ayylee ayrah stahto we had been ?ioi eravamo stati noee ayrahvahmo stahtee you had been voi eravate stati voee ayrahvahtay stahtee they had been eglino erano stati Past Anterior. ayyleeno ayrahno stahtee I had been Jo fui stato eeo fooee stahto thou hadst been tu fosti stato too fostee stahto he had been egli fu stato ayylee foo stahto we had been noifummo stati noee foommo stah- tee you had been voifoste stati voee fostay stahtee they had been eglino furono stati Future. ayyleeno foorono stahtee I shall be Jo sarb eeo sahro thou shalt be tu sarcii too sahrahee he shall be egli sard ayylee sarah we shall be noi sare'mo noee sahraymo you shall be voi sarete voee sahravtay they shall be eglino saranno ayyleeno sahranno 52 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. Futwe Anterior. I shall have been Io sarb stato thou shalt have tu sardi stato been he shall have been egli sard stato eeo sahro stahto too sarahee stahto ayylee sahrah stah- to noee sahraymo stah- tee voee sahraytay stah- tee they shall have egli?io saranno stati ayyleeno sahranno been stahtee we shall have been noi sare'mo stati you shall have been voi sarete stati I should be thou shouldst be he should be we should be you should be they should be Conditional P?'esent. Io sarei tu saresti egli sarebbe noi saremmo voi sareste eglino sarebbero Conditional Past. eeo s ah rave e too sahrestee ayylee sahrebbay noee sahremmo voee sahrestay ayyleeno sahreb- bay ro I should have been Io sa? ei stato thou shouldst have tu saresti stato been he should have egli sarebbe stato been we should have noi saremmo stati been vou should have voi sareste stati eeo sahravee stahto J too sahrestee stahto ayylee sahrebbay stahto noee sahremmo stahtee voee sahrestav stab- tee been they should have eglino sarebbero stati ayyleeno sahreb been bayro stahtee IMPERATIVE MOOD. Be Sii See-ee let us be siamo seeahmo be (ye) siate seeahtay ITALIAN AT A C LANCE. 53 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. That I may be that thou mayst be that he may be that we may be that you may be that they may be ChHo sia che tn sia ch'eg/i sia che not siamo che voi siate ch'eglino sia?w Imperfect. That I might be Ctiiofossi that thou mightst che tufossi be that he might be ch'egli fosse that we might be che noifossimo that you might be che voifoste that they might be ch'eglinofossero Perfect. That I may have Ch'io sia stato been that thou mayst che tu sia stato have been that he may have ch'eg/i sia stato been that we may have che noi siamo stati been that you may have che voi siate stati been that they may have cWeglino siano stati been Pluperfect. That I might have Ch'io fossi stato been that thou mightst che tu fossi stato have been keeo seeah kay too seeah kayylee seeah kay noee seeahmo kay voee seeahtay kayyleeno seeahno keeo fossee kay too fossee kayylee fossay kay noee fossee- mo kay voee fostay kayyleeno fossayro keeo seeah stahto kay too seeah stahto kayylee seeah stah- to kay noee seeahmo stahtee kay voee seeahtay stahtee kayyleeno seeahno stahtee keeo fossee stahto kay too fossee stah- to 54 ITALIAN A'l glance. that he might have ch'' egli fosse stato kayylee fossay stah- been to that we might have che noi fossimo stati kay noee fosseemo been stahtee that you might have che voifoste stati kay voee f ostay been stahtee that they might cti eglinofossero stati kayyleeno fossayro have been stahtee Regular Verbs. The Spanish verbs have three conjugations : the verbs of the " i st conjugation end in are, pron. ahray 2d " " " ere, " ayray 3d " " " ire, " eeray. FIRST CONJUGATION. INFINITIVE MOOD. P?-esent. To love, amare, ahmahray. Gerund, loving, amando, ahmando. Participle Past. loved, amdfo, ahmahto. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Compound Tenses. I love. I have loved. Io amo eeo ahmo Io ho amato tu ami too ahmee tu hai amato egli ama ayylee ahmah egli ha amato noi amidmo noee ahmeeahmo noi abbiamo amato Z'oi amate voee ahmahtay voi avete amato eglino amano ayyleeno ahmahno eglino hanno amato ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 55 Io amava tu amdvi egli amava noi amavdmo voi amavate eglino amdvano Imperfect. I loved. eeo ahmahvah too ahmahvee ayylee ahmahvah noee ahmahvahmo voee ahmahvahtay ayyleeno ahmah- vahno Pluperfect. I had loved. Io aveva amato tu avevi amato egli aveta amato noi avevamo amato voi avevate amato egli avevano amato Past Defi?iite % Io amai tu amdstt egli amb noi amdmmo voi amdste eglino amdrono I loved. eeo ahmahee too ahmahstee ayyleeno ahmo noee ahmammo voee ahmastay Past Anterior. I had loved. Io ebbi attiato tu avesti amato egli ebbe amato noi avemmo amato voi aveste a?nato ayyleeno ahmarono eglino ebbero amato Future. I shall love. Io amerb tu amerai egli a me ra- mi ameremo ' voi amere'te eglino ameranno eeo ahmayro too ahmayrahee ayylee ahmayrah noee ah may ray mo voee ahmayraytay ayyleeno ahmay- ranno Future Past. I shall have loved. Io avrb amato tu avrai amato egli avrd amato noi avremo amato voi avrete a??iato egli avranno amato Conditional. I should love. Io amerei tu a??ieresti egli amerebbero noi a?nere'mmo voi amereste eglino amerebbero eeo ahmayrayee too ahmayrestee ayylee ahmayreb- bay noee ah may ray mo voee ahmayrestay ayyleeno ahmayreb- bero Past. should have loved. Io avrei amato tu avresti amato egli avrebbe amato noi avremmo amato voi avreste amato egli avrebbero amato 56 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. That I may love. Ch'io ami che tu ami cWegli ami che noi amidmo che voi amiate cJCeglino amino Past That I may have loved Cfcio abbia amato keeo ahmee kay too ahmee che tn abbia amato kayylee ahmee ch'eg/i abbia amato kay noee ahmeeah- che noi abbiamo ama- mo to kay voee ahmeeah- che voi abbiate ama- tay to kayyleeno ahmeeno -ctteglino abbiano amato Imperfect. That I might love. That Ch'io amassi che tn amassi cttegli amass e che noi amassimo che voi amaste cfteglino amass ero keeo ahmasse kay too ahrnasse kayylee ahmassay kay noee ahmassee- mo kay voee ahmastay kayyleeno ahmass- ayro Pluperfect. I might have loved. Ch'io aves si amato che tu avessi amato cttegli avesse amato che noi avessimo amato che voi aveste amato ch'eglino avessero amato IMPERATIVE MOOD. Ama, Icve ahmah ami, let him love ahmee amiamo t let us love ahmeeahmo amiate, love you ahmeeahtay amino. let them love ahmeemo \ ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 57 SECOND CONJUGATION. INFINITIVE MOOD. To sell, selling, sold, Present. ve'tidere, vendayray Gerund. vendendo, vendendc. Participle Past. venduto, vendooto. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Compound Tenses, I sell. I have sold. ve'ndo vendo lo ho venduto vendi vendee tic hai venduto vende venday egli ha veriduto vendiamo vendeeahmo noi abbiamo venduto vendete vendaytay voi avete venduto ve'ndono vendono eglino hanno venduto Descriptive, lo vendiva vendevi vendeva vendevamo vendevdte vendevano Imperfect I sold. eeo vendayvah vendayvee vendayvah vendayvahmo vendayvahtay vendayvahno Pluperfect, I had sold. lo aveva venduto tit avevi venduto egli aveva venduto noi avevamo venduto voi avevate venduto eglino avevano ven- duto 5$ ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. Narrative. Past Definite. I sold. Vendei (vendetti) vendesti vende (vendette) vendffm?no vendeste venderono terd) Venderb venderai vendera venderemo venderete venderanno Vender/i venderhti venderebbe vendere'mmo venderhte venderibbero vendayee, vendettee vendestee venday (vendettay) vendemmo vendestay (vendet- vendayrono Future. Future. I shall sell. vendayro vendayrahee vendayrah vend ay ray mo vendayraytay vendayranno Conditional. Present. I should sell. vendayrayee vendavrestee vendayrebbay vendayremmo vendayrestay vendayrebbayro Past Anterior. I had sold. Io ebbi venduto tu avesti venduto egli ebbe venduto noi avemmo vendtito voi aveste venduto eglino ebbero ve?iduto Future Anterior. I shall have sold. Io avro venduto tu avrai venduto egli avra venduto noi avremo venduto voi avrete venduto eglino avranno ven- duto Past. I should have sold. Io avrei venduto tu avresti venduto egli avrebbe venduto noi avremmo vendu- to voi avreste venduto eglino avrebbero ven- duto SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Past. That I may sell. That I may have sold. V/nda vendah ChHo abbia venduto vtnda (vendi) vendah (vendee) che tu abbia venduto ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 59 ve'nda vendah ch'egli abbia rendu to vendiama vendeeahmo the noi abbiamo ven- duto ve?idiate vendeeahtay che voi abbiatc ven- duto vendano vendahno ch'eg/ino abbiano venduto Imperfect. Pluperfect. That I m ight sell. That I might have spld. Vendessi vendessee Ch'io avessi venduto vendessi vendessee che tu avessi vendiito vendesse vendessay ch'egli avesse vendu- to che noi avessimo ve?i- vend/ssimo vendesseemo diito vendiste vendestay che voi aveste vendu- to ch'eg/ino avessero venddssero vendessayro ve?iduto Imperative. vendi, sell, vendee iion vendere, •• sell not, non vendayray ve'nda, let him sell, vendah vendiamo, let us sell, vendeeahmo vendete, sell you, vendaytay vcndafiOy let them sell, vendahno THIRD CONJUGATION. INFINITIVE MOOD. sentire, sente'ndoy Present. to feel, senteeray. Gerund. feeling, sentendo. 6o ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. Participle Past. sentito, felt, senteeto. Present. Past. I feel. I have felt. se'nto sento Jo ho sentito se'nti sentee tu hai sentito sente sentay egli ha sentito se?itiamo senteeahmo noi abbiamo sentito se?itite senteetay voi avete sentito sentono sentono Descriptive. eglino hanno sentito Imperfect. Pluperfect. I felt. I had felt. sentiva senteevah Io aveva sentito sentivi senteevee tu avevi sentito sefitiva senteevah egli aveva sentito sentivdmo senteevahmo ?ioi avevamo sentito sentivate senteevahtay voi aver-ate sentito sentivano senteevahno eglino avevafio senti- to Narrative. Past Definite. Past Anterior. I felt. I had felt. sentii senteeee Io ebbi sentito sentisti sentistee tu avesti sentito senti sentee egli ebbe sentito sentimmo sentimmo noi avemmo sentito sefitiste sentistay voi aveste sentito sentirono senteerono Future. eglino ebbero sentito Future. Future Anterior. I shall feel. I shall have felt. sentirb senteero Io avrb sentito sentirai senteerahee tu avrai smtito ITALIAN AT A (II.ANl I . 6i sentira sentirano sentirete sentiranno sen tee rah sen tee ray mo senteeraytay senteeranno Conditional, Present. I should feel. sentirei smtiresti sentirebbe scutire'mmo sentireste sentirebbero senteerayee senteerestee senteerebbay senteeremmo senteerestay senteerebbero egli avra sentito noi avre'tno sentito voi avre'te sentito egli no avranno sen- tito Past. I should have felt. Io avrei sentito tu avresti sentito egli avrebbe sentito noi avrem??io sentito voi avreste sentito eglino avrebbero sen- tito SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. That I may feel. Se'nta sentah senta (senti) sentah (sentee) se'nta sentidmo sentiate sentano sentah senteeahmo senteeahtay sentahno Imperfect. Past. That I might feel. sentissi sentissi sentisse sentissimo sentissee sentissee sentissay sentisseemo That I may have felt. Ch'io abbia sentito che tu abbia sentito eh 1 egli abbia sentito che noi abbiamo sen- tito che voi abbiate senti- to ch' eglino sentito abbiano Pluperfect. That I might have felt. Ch'io avessi sentito che tu avessi sentito ch'egli avesse sentito che noi avessimo sen- tito 62 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. sentiste sentissero sentistay sentissayro che voi aveste sentito avessero seniito cWeglino se'nti, non sentire, se'nta, sentiamo, sentite, se'ntano, IMPERATIVE MOOD. feel, feel not, let him feel, let us feel, feel you, let them feel, sentee non senteeray sentah senteeahmo senteetay sentab EASY EXPRESSIONS. English. Italian. Pronunciation. Tell me Ditcmi Deetaymee If you please Se vi place Say vee peeahehay Have the goodness Abbiatc la bonta Abbeeahtay I ah bontah Yes, sir Si, signore See, seeneeoray Yes, madam Si, sig7iora See, seeneeorah Yes, miss Si, signori?ia See, seeneeoreenah No, sir No, signore No, seeneeoray No, madam No, signora No, seeneeorah No, miss No, signorina No, seeneeoreenah Will you Volctc Volaytay tell me dirmi deermee I thank you Vi ringrazio Vee ringrahtzeeo Do you speak Parlate Pahrlahtay English ? I?iglese Inglayzay Italian ? Italiafio Eetahleeahno I do not speak Ital- Non parlo Italiano Non parlo Eetah- ian leeahno I speak it a little Lo parlo un poco Lo pahrlo oon poko I understand Capisco Kahpisko I do not understand Non capisco Non kahpisko Do vou under- Capite ? Kahpeetay stand ? Give me Datemi Dahtaymee some bread delpane dell pahnay some meat della came dellah kahrnay some wine del vino dell veeno some beer della birra dellah birrah Bring me Portatemi Portahtay mee some coffee del caffe' dell kaffay some tea del te dell tay some milk del latte dell lattay some butter del burro dell boorro some cheese del formaggio dell formadgeeo Thank you Grazie Grahtzeeay 6 4 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE* To Affirm. English Italian. Pronunciation. Yes, sir Certainly At your service Si, signore Certo Per servirla See, seeneeoray Chareto Pare sareveerlah Surely It is thus In verita Cosi e In vavreetah Kosee ay I declare to you Glielo giuro Yleeaylo jewro No, sir Certainly not I do not know it I do not believe it I cannot Well That does very well As it pleases you As you will As you please I am satisfied As you desire May I beg you ? Do me the favor Have the kindness I humbly beg you To Deny. No, signal No certamente Non lo so Non lo credo Non posso To Agree. Bene Va benissimo A "ace A piacimento lo sono contento Come comanda To Request. la posso pregare ? Mifaccia la grazia Abbia la bonta La prego umilniciite No, seeneeoray No charetahmentay Non lo so Non lo kraydo Non posso Bay nay Vah baynisseerno Komay lay peeah- chay Komay vooolay Ah peeahcheemen ot Eeo sono kontento Komay komandah Lah posso praygah- ray ? Mee fatcheeah lah gratzeeah Abbeeah lah bon- tah Lah praygo oomil- mentay ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 65 English. Italian. Pronunciation. Pray Tell me please With your permis- sion Di grazia Mi dica, di grazia Con perntesso I )ce gratzeeah Mee deeka, dee gratzeeah Kon paremesso Is no one at home ? What do you want ? Who is there ? What do you say ? How are vou ? What is the price of this ? What is this called ? Questions, Ctie nessuno a casa ? Che cos a comanda ? Chi va la ? Che dice ? Come sta ? Quanta costa ques- to! Come si chiama ques- to ? Chay nessoono ah kazah ? Kay kozah koman- dah ? Key vah lah ? Kay deechay ? Komay stah ? Quanto kostah questo ? Komay see keyah- mah questo ? Answers* With all my heart Ask freely It is my duty Pray ask I thank you very much Con tutto il cuore Comandi libera- mente E tnio dove re Comandi pure La ringrazio tanto Kon tooto eel kooo- ray Komandee leebay- rahmentay Ay meeo dovayray Komandee pooray Lah tanto rmgratzeeo Protestations. Heaven be praised ! I am very glad I am quite delighted Sia ringraziato il cielo ! Sono propria conten- to J Ne godo proprio Seeah ringratzeeah- to eel cheeavlo ! Sono propreeo kon- tento Nay godo propreeo 66 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. English. Italian. Pronunciation. I am sorry My heart condemns me Mi displace, mi rin- cresce Mi si spezza il cuore Exclamations. Mee dispeeahchay, mee rinkreshay Mee see spetzah eel koooray Heavens ! Cielo ! Cheeaylo ! Mercy ! Misericordia I Meezayreekord e e - ah! Poor me ! Povero i?ie / Povayro may ! I am lost ! Sono perduto / Sono pared ooto ! Heaven help me ! Cielo rrfajuti ! Cheeaylo mahyoo- tee! Woe to thee ! Guai a te / Gooahee ah tay ! What luck ! Chefortuna / Oaths. Kay fortoonah ! 9 By my faith ! Infede mi a ! Inn fayday meeah ! On my life ! Per la vita mia ! Pare lah veetah meeah ! On my honor j Sul mio onore ! Sool meeo onoray ! JEx pressions of Lc we. My dear ! Mio caro / Meeo kahro . My darling ! Gioja mia ! Geeoyah meeah ! My love ! Bene mio ! Baynay meeo ! My soul ! Anima mia / Leave Taking. Ahneemah meeah ! Keep well Stia bene Steeah baynay We shall meet A rivederci Ah reevaydarechee again A prosperous jour- Felice viaggio Fayleechee veeag- ney geeo Take care of your- St conservi See konsarevee self ITALIAN AT A CUM I.. 67 English. Italian. Pronunciation. God be with you God go with you Iddio Vaccotnpi igni Vada con Dio [ddeeo lahkompah- gnee Vadah bon Deeo The Time* What o'clock is it ? It is one o'clock Jt is a quarter past one It is half past one It is a quarter to two It is two o'clock It is two It is half past two It is a quarter past five It is nearly half past four It is already a quar- ter past eleven It is striking nine Noon is striking It is a quarter to ten It is half past twelve It is a quarter past twelve Che or a e ? E urt ora E un ora c un quar- , t0 E iui ora c mezzo E uri ora etrequar- ti Sono due ore S0110 le due Sono le due e mezzo Sono le cinque e un quarto Saranno presto le quattro e mezzo Erano gid le undid e un quarto Suonano le nove Si suona mczzogior- 710 Sono le dieci meno un quarto E mezz' ora doJ>o mizzodi E un quarto dopo mezzogiorno Kay orah ay ? Av oon orah Ay oon orah av oon quahrto Ay oon orah ay metzo Ay oon orah ay tray quahrtee Sono dooay oray Sono lay dooay Sono lay dooay ay metzo Sono lay chinquay ay oon quahrto Sahranno presto lay quahttro ay metzo Ayrano jah lay oon- deechee ay oon quahrto Sooonahno lay no- vav See sooona metzo- geeorno Sono lay deeaychee mavno oon quahrto Ay metz orah dopo metzodee Ay oon quahrto do- po metzo geeor- no 68 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. Compliments, English. Italian. Pronunciation. T am glad to see you up Good-morning What, up so early ? I shall have the honor of seeing you again I wish you good- morning You have risen ear- Have you slept well ? ' I have slept tolera- bly I did not awake once in the night I have slept very badly, I did not close my eyes the whole night Good-evening Good-night Sleep well I wish you a good appetite The same to you Ben levato Ben layvahto Buon giorno : Booon geeorno Cost di buon 1 ora in - Kosee dee booon piedi 1 Ho Vo?iore di rive- rirla Le auguro il buon giorno Ella s'e levata di buon* ora Ha ella dormito (ri- posatd) bene ? Ho dormito assai bene Non ho fatto die un sonno in tutta la notte Ho dormito molto male ; non ho chi- li so occhio in tutta la notte Bucna (felice) sera Buona {feliee — -feli- cissimd) notte Riposi bene- ma bene -Dor- Le auguro un buon 1 appetito /\irimenU in peeay- orah dee ? Ho lonoray dee ree- vavreerlah Lay owgooro eel booon geeorno Ell ah say layvahtah dee booon orah Ah ellah dormeeto (reepozahto) bay- nay ? Oh dormeeto assa- hee baynay Non oh fatto kay oon sonno in footah lah nottay Oh dormeeto molto mahlay ; non oh keeooso okkevo in tootah lah not- tay Booon ah (faylee- chay) sayrah Booonah (faylee- chay — fayleechis- seemah) nottay Reeposee baynay — Dorm ah bay- nay Lav owgooro oon booon appayteeto Pahreementay ITALIAN AT A ('.LANCE. 6 9 English. Italian. Pronunciation. May it do you much good A happy new year Buon pro lefaccia Buon capo J' anno Booon pro lay f>- tcheeah Booon kapo d'anno to you A pleasant journey Buon viaggio Booon veeaggeeo to you God preserve you Dio la guardi Deeo lah gooahr- To Ask. dee Will you not please yourself ? I shall have to ask a favor of you Will you do me this kindness ? Do me this favor I beg you I beg you earnestly I implore you not to refuse me this re- quest You may be certain of my gratitude You will infinitely oblige me I offer it with all my heart Non 7'orrcbbe com- piacersi ? Avrei a pregarla d'unfavore — d'un piacc re Mi I'orrc'bbc far questaftnezza ? Mifaccia questo pia- cc re Ne let prego La prego ins t ante- men tc La scongiuro a non rifnttarmi questa grazia Pub esscr certa di tutta la mm rico- noscenza Ella mi obblighera injinitamente To Give. GlieV offro di buon cuore Non vorebbay kom- peeahcharesee ? Ahvrayee ah pray- garlah doon fall- v o r a }' — doon pec a hch ay ray Mee vorebbay far questah feenet- zah ? Mee fat c h e e a h questo peeah- chayray Nay lah pray go Lah praygo instan- ravmentay Lah skongeeooro ah non reefeeoo- tarmee questah gratzeeah Pooo essare chare- t ah dee tootah lah meeah reek- onosshentzah Ellah mee obblee- j ay rah infeenee- tahmentay Yleeayl offro dee booon kooorav 7o ITALIAN AT A GLANCEc English. Italian. Pronunciation. Permit me ^o thank you Accept it as a slight token of my grat- itude I consent With all my heart Pray ask I am at your dis- posal I have great pleas- ure in being use- ful to you I promise you, do not doubt Very willingly I am yours It is my duty When you please You do me much honor Confide in me Rest assured, I will not forget Mi permetta difar- gliene omaggio Eaccetti co?ne un de*- bo'te cotitrassegno della mia ricono- uenza Vi accofisento Con tutto il euore Comandi pure Eccolo qui a? suoi co?nandi Ho s o??i7)io piacere di poter esser/e utile in qualche cosa Glielo pro7netto i no7i ?ie dubiti Ben volo7itieri Son tutto suo E mio dovere Qua7ido hpiace Mi fa motto onore Faccia capitate di 7ne — Si fidi pure di 7ne Stia sicuro che non me seorde7'b Mee paremettah dee faryleeaynay omadggeeo Latchettee komay oon daybolay kontrahsayn e e o dellah mee ah reekonos c h e n - tzah Vee akkonsento Kon tooto eel kooo- ray Komandee pooray Ekkolo kooee ah soooee komandee Oh sommo peeah- chayray dee po- tare essayrlay ooteelay in quah- lkay kozah Yleeaylo prometto, non nay doobeetee Ben volonteeayree Son tootto sooo Ay meeo dovayray Kooando lay peeah- chay Mee fah molto on- oray Fatcheeah kahpee- tahlay dee may— - See feedee poo- ray dee may Steeah seekooro kay non ma\ skordayro (Questions and Ansivers. X have something to *ell you Ho qualcosa a dirvi Oh quahikozah ah deervee ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 7* English Italian. Pr< mun< i.uion. I have a word to say to you Listen to me I want to speak to you What is it ? I speak to you I don't speak to you What do you say ? — What is it you say ? What did you say ? I say nothing I said nothing Don't speak Do you hear ? Do you understand me ? I did not hear you I did not under- stand you Listen to me You do not listen to me Do you hear me now ? Do you understand me ? I understand you well Why do you not answer me ? Do you not speak Italian ? Very little, sir Ho una parolina a dirvi Ascoltatemi Ho voglia di par- ' cirri Che posso fare per servirla ? A vol parlo Non parlo a vol Che dite ? — Che cos a dite f Che avete detto ? Non dieo nulla Non ho detto nulla Non parlo Intendete ? Micapite? Non v'ho inteso Non v'ho capito Ascoltatemi Non nrascoltate M Hntendete adesso ? Capite quel che dico ? Vintendo bene Perche non 7'ispon- dete ? Non parlate Ital- iano ? I Pochissimo, signore ( )h oonah pahrolee- nah ah deervee Askoltahtaymee Oh voleeahdee par- larvee Kay posso f ah ray pare sareveerlah? Ah voee parlo Non parlo ah voee Kay deetay ? — Kay kozah deetay ? Kay ahvaytay det- to ? Non deeko noollah Non oh detto nool- lah Non parlo Intendaytay ? Mee kahpeetay ? Non voh intayzo Non voh kahpeeto Askoltahtavmee Non maskoltahtay Mintendaytay ah' desso ? Kahpeetay kooel kay deeko ? Vintendo baynay Parekay non ris- pondaytay ? Non parlahtay ee- tahleeahno ? Pokisseemo, see- ynoray 72 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. English. Italian. Pronunciation. I understand it a little, but I do not speak it Speak louder Do not speak so loud Be quiet Did you not tell me that ? Who told you so ? Somebody told me so I heard it What do you mean ? How do you call that? It is called May I ask you ? What do you wish ? Do you know Mr. B? I know him by sight Thanks — a thou- sand thanks I thank you I return you many thanks I am much obliged to you Lo capisco un poco, ma non lo parlo Parlate piu forte Non parlate tanto forte Tacete Non m\wete voi det- to che ? Chi v'ha detto ques- to? Me Tha detto un tale Uho inteso dire Che volete dire ? Come ihiamate ques- ta cosa ? Chiamano questa cosa Posso domandarvi ? Che desiderate? Conoscete il Signor B.2 Lo conosco di vista To Thanh. Grazie — mille gra- zie La ringrazio Gliene rendo infi- nite grazie Le sono molto tenuto Loh kahpisko oon poko, mah non loh parlo Parlahtay peeoo fortay Non parlahtay tan- to fortay Tahchaytay Non mahvaytay vo- ee detto kay ? Key vah detto questo ? May lah detto oon tahlay Lo intayso deeray Kay volaytay dee- ray ? Komay keeahmah- tay questah ko- sah ? Keyahmahno ques- tah kosah Posso domandar- vee ? Kay dayzeedayrah- tay? " Konoshaytay eel Seeneeor B.? Lo konosko deeVis- tah Gratzeeay — mil! ay gratzeeay La rinsratzeeo Gleeavnay rendo infeeneetay grat- zeeay Lay sono molto tay- nooto ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 73 English. Italian. 1 , i ■ nun* iation. How much I am obliged to you You anticipate my wishes You are very kind You are too kind You are very polite Yours is a great kindness You overwhelm me Permit me to ex- press my grati- tude On the contrary I ought to thank you I do not know how to reply to such kindness — ho w to fulfil my duty to you I vield — I trust I shall have an op- Dortunitv of re- turning your kindness Quaii to le sono mai obbligato I Ella pro. v< f ne h • mit • bratne Ella ha molta bout a Ella ha troppa bon- ta Ella e tnolto gentile — cortese —garba- to Gran bonta e la sua Ella mi confonde Mi per met 'fa di mo- sirargliene la mi a riconoscenza Al eoutrario, sono to, che debbo ring- raziamela Non so come corri- spondere a tante gentilezze — come \ a de nip ire il mio dovere verso di lei Mi somministri — Mi porga qualche occasione di reu- dergliene il con- traccambio KLooanto lay sono mahee obblee- ihto ! Kilah prayveeanay lay meeay bran- may Ell ah ah molt ah bontah Ell ah ah troppah bontah Ell ah ay molto gen- teelay — kortav- say — garbahto Gran bontah ay lah sooah Ellah mee konf on- day Mee paremettah dee mostrarylee- aynay lah meeah reekonoshenzah Al kontrahre^o, so- no eeo, kav deb- bo nay lah Non so komay kor- rispondayray ah tan lav gfenteelet- zay — komay ah- dempeeray eel meeo do v ay ray verso dee layee Mee somministree — Alee porgah quahlkay okkah- zeeonay dee ren- deryleeaynay eel kontrakambeeo rmgratzeear 74 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. To Refuse. English. Italian. Pronunciation. God knows how willingly I would help you, but . . . Pray do not be offended, but I cannot help you in this I am sorry it is not in my power It cannot be done It is impossible for me It does not depend on me I cannot meddle in this matter I positively will not — I will not in any way Your servant ! I can do nothing Another time I could not if I would I am very sorry I cannot assist you Dio lo sa con che cuore la servirei, ma . . . Non se ne offenda, la prego, ma in ques- to io non posso nulla Mi displace che cio non in mio potere Questo non si pub fare Questo m'e imp os si- bile Cib non dipende da me Non m'ingerisco di questi ajfari Non voglio assoluta- mente — Non vog- lio in conto alcu- no — in nissun mo- do Servitor suo ! non sara niente Sara per urf altra volta Non posso farlo quand' anche vo- le'ssi Mi ri?icre*se infiniia- maute di non poter farle questq ser- vizio Deeo lo sah kon kay koooray lah sare- veerayee, mah . . . Non say nay offen- dah, lah praygo, mah in questo eeo non dosso nullah I Mee dispeeahchay kay cho non see- ah in meeo potay- ray Questo non see pooc fahray Questo may impos- seebeelay Cho non deepen- day dah may Non minjayrisko dee questee af fahree Non voleeo assol- ootahmenj: a y — Non voleeo in konto alkoono — in nissoon modo Sareveetor sooo ! non s a h rah neeentay Sahrah pare oon al- trah voltah Non posso farlo quand' ankay vo- lessee Mee rinkreschay in- feeneetahmentae dee non potare farlay questo sareveetze§Q ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 75 English. Italian. Pri muni ia.1 ion. I beg you to excuse me Do not take it ill Do not bear me ill will for this Do not be angry La prego di dispcn- sarmene — d'esen- tarmene Non la p rend a in mala parte Non me nc voglia male per questo Non vada in colic r a Lah praygo dee dis- pell tzarmaynay — desentarmaynay Non lah prendah in mahlah partay Non may nay vo- leeah m a h 1 a y pare questo Non vadah in ko- layrah To Affirm and Deny. It is true It is too true It is the real truth Yes — truly That is easily un- derstood Without doubt You may believe me Be well assured I can certify it I assure you it is so You are right, I heard it too She is not wrong I do not tell false- hoods There is no doubt Every one says so I declare it as an honest man On my honor Questo e vero E pur troppo vero E la pur a verita Si, in verita Cib s 'inte'nde da se Setiza dubbio Pub credermi Sia ben persuasa Posso certificarglielo L'assicuro che e cost Ha ragione, Tho in- teso anc/i'io Ella non ha tor to Non meutisco Non e'e dubbio Glielo diranno tutti Glielo giuro da ga- lanf uomo Sul mio onore Questo ay vayro Ay poor troppo vavro Ay lah poorah vay- reetah See, in vayreetah Cho sintenday dah say Sentzah doobbeeo Pooo kraydaremee Seeah ben paresoo- ahzah Posso chareteefee- karyleeaylo Lasseekooro kay ay kosee Ah rahgeeonay loh intayzo ankeeo Ellah non ah torto Non mentisko Non chavdnobbeeo Vleeavlo deeranno toottee Yleeaylo geeooro dah i^alantoonm,- Sool meeo onoray 7 6 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. English. Italian. Pronunciation. On my word of hon- or It is not true It is nonsense It is certainly a story V^ou have spoken falsely You would give me to understand It seems impossi- ble you have been mistaken It cannot be I would wager it is not so Is it true ? Is it possible ! Are you speaking seriouslv ? [ceived ? Are you not de- Is it not perhaps a mistake ? You are deceived I doubt it I have difficulty in believing it I do not believe it You are joking It is a joke Parola (Tonore Non e vero Sono discorsi in aria E cci'to una favola, una menzogna. — bugia Hai ?ne?itito Vuole darmela ad intendere Mi par impossibile, avra mal inteso Non puo essere Scommetto di no Scommctto die no?i ) e cost E vero ? E possibile ! Earla da senno ? Dice da vero ? Ear/a seriamenfe? Non sHnganna ? Non eforse uu' er- rore ? Ella sbaglia — sHn- ganna Ne dubito Stento (Jio pend) a crederlo Non credo niente Ella scherza £ buono per ride- re — E da ridere Parohlah donoray Non ay vayro Sono diskorsee in ahreeah Ay chareto oonah fahvohlah, oonah men tzoyna — boogeeah Ahee menteeto Vooolay darmaylah ad intendayray Mee par impossee- beelay, avrah mal intavzo Non pooo essayray Skommetto dee no — skommetto kay non ay kosee Ay vayro ? Ay posseebeelay ! Pariah da senno ? Deechay'dah vay- ro ? Pariah say- reeahmentay ? Non singannah ? Non ay forsay oon erroray ? Ellah sbahlee a h, singannah Nay doobeeto Stento (oh paynah) ah craydarelo Non cray do neeen- tay Ellah skertzah Ay booonah pare reed a y r a y — Ay dah reedayray ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 77 English. Italian. Pronunciation. It is incredible It is incomprehen- sible I cannot under- stand it I cannot penetrate it What is to be done? What do you advise me to do ? What do you wish me to do ? What would be your advice ? Let us do so I should say How shall we rem- edy this ? What means shall we use ? How shall I get out of this scrape ? What do you say on the subject ? What would you do in my place ? E incredibile E incomprensibile Nonposso capirlo Cib non irfentra Che c'e da fare / To Consult. Che cosa mi consig- lia ? Che vuol etiio fac- eia ? Qual sarebbe dun- que il sno consig- lio ? Facciamo cost In quanto a me, io dire'i — Io per me di7'ei — sarei di parere Come rimediare a questo ? Qual mezzo debbo impiegare? Come mi tirerb da questo imbroglio ? Ed ell/i, che ue dice — che gliene pare ? Che farebbe in mio luogo ? Ay inkraydeebeelay Ay inkomprensee- beelay Non posso kahpirlo Cho non mentrah Kay chay dah fah- ray ? Kay kozah mee konseeleeah Kay voool keeo fatcheeah Kooahl sahrebbay doonquay il sooo konseeleeo ? Fatcheeahmo kosee In kooanto ah may, eeo deerayee — eeo pare may deerayee — sah- rayee dee pah- ravrav Komay reem ay- dee a h r a y ah questo ? Kooahl metzo debbo impeeay- gahray ? Komay mee teeray- ro dah questo imbroleeo ? Ed el! ah, kav nav deecha y — k a y leeaynav pahra\ . J Kay fahrebbay in meoc looogo ? 73 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. English. Italian. Pronunciation. If I were in your place Would it not be better to ... ? We must reflect if . . . It would be better to . . . Let me arrange What do you think of doing ? It would not be ill done to . . . It is the same thing Se io fossi in lei — S'io fossi in siw luogo — in sua vece Non .sarebbe meglio di , . . ? Bisogna conside?'are, che . . . Sard meglio, che . . Lasei far a ?ne Che pens a el la di fare ? Non sarebbepoi mal fatto, se . . . E Vistesso — E la mcdesima eosa Say eeo fossee in lay e e — S'eeo fossee in sooo looogo — in sooah vaychay Non sahrebbav mayleeo dee . . . ? Beezoneeah kon- seeday rahray, ' kay . . . Sahrah mayleeo, kay. . . Laschee far ah may Kay pentzah ellah dee fahray ? Non sahrebbay poee mal fatto say . . . Ay listesso — Ay lah maydayzee- mah kozah Mating and Drinking* Are you hungry ? I have a good ap- petite I am hungry I am very hungry Eat something What will you eat ? What should you like to eat ? What do you wish to eat ? I will eat anything You do not eat Avete fame ? Ho buon appetito Ho fame Ho gran fame M'angiate qualeosa Che mangci-ete ? Che volete mangia/r? Che desiderate man- giare ? Mangcro qualunque eosa Voi non ma filiate Ahvaytay fahmay? O booon appaytee- to O fahmay O grahn fahmay Manjahtay kooahl- kozah Kay manjayraytay ? Kay volaytay man- j ah ray ? Kay dayzeedayrah- tay maniahrav ? Manjayro kooah- loonquay kozah Voee non manjah- tay ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. 79 English. Italian. l'i munciation. You do not eat Voi > non mangiate Voce non manjah- anything nulla tay noollah I have clone very Ho mangiato benis- manjahto baynis well simo seemo Eat another piece Mangiate an cor a tt?i Manjahtay ankoh- bocconcino rah oon bokkon- cheeno I cannot take any- Non manger o pit) Non manjayro pew thing more nulla noollah Are you not thirsty? Non avete voi scte ? Non ahvaytay voee sa) tay ? I am thirsty Ho scte O saytay I am very thirsty Ho gran scte grahn saytay What will you Di che volete bere ? Dee kay vol ay tay drink ? bayrav ? Give me something Datemi a bere Dahtaymee ah bay- to drink ray Sir, your very good Signore, bevo alia Seeneeoray, bayvo health vostra salute allah vostrahsah- lootay Going and Coming, Where are you go- ing? _ I am going home I was going to your house Where do you come from ? I come from my brother's I come from church I have just left school Will you go with me ? Where do you wish to go? Dove andate ? Vado a casa Andava da voi Dotide venite ? Vengo da mio fra- tello Vengo da 11a chlesa Esco dalla scuola Volete vcttir ntcco Dove volete andare ? Dovay andahtay ? Vahdo ah kahzah Andahvah dah voee Don day v ay nee t ay? Vengo dah mee<> frahtello Vensro dallah ko o ayzah Esko dallah skoo. - lah Volaytay vayneer mayko Dovay volaytay an- (l;ihr:iy ? 8o ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. English. Italian. Pronunciation. We will go for a walk We will take a walk With all my heart Which way shall we go? We will go any way you like Let us go to the park Let us take your brother in our way Andremo a passeg- A.s you please Is Mr. B*** at home ? He is just gone out He is gone out He is not at home Can you tell us where he is gone ? I cannot tell you ex- actly I think he is gone to see his sister Do you know when glare he will return ? nerd ? Andremo a fare un giro Volentieri Per dove andremo ? —Da qual parte andremo ? Andremo detta parte eke vorrete Andiamo at parco Pigliam rostra fra- tello nelpassar da casa sua Come vorrete. — Come vi piacerd II signor B* * * e in casa ? E uscito poccfa E uscito Non e in casa Sapete dirci dove sia and i to ? Non saprei dirvelo appuntino Credo sia andato a veder sua sorella Sapete quando ritor- Andravmo ah pas- sedgeeahray Andraymo ah fah- ray oon geero Volenteeavree Pare dovay andray- mo ? — Dah koo- ahl pahrtay an- draymo ? J Andraymo dellah pahrtay kay vor- raytay Andeeahmo ahl j arko Peeleeahm vostro frahtello nel pas- sar dah kahzah sooah Komay vorrav- tay. — Komay vee peeatchayrah Eel seeneeor B* ## ay in kahzah ? Ay oossheeto poko fah Ay oossheeto Non ay in kahzah Sah pay tay deerchee dovay seeah an- dahto ? Non sah p r a y e e deerva y 1 o ap poonteeno Kravdo sec ah an- dahto ah vavdare sooah sorellah Sahpaytay kooahn- do reetornayrah ? ITALIAN' AT A GLANCE. 8f English. Ital lilll. I'p mum iation. No : he said noth- ing when he went out In that case, we must go without him No : non ha Petto nulla andandovia * Ebbene ce ne andre- mo senza No : non ah detto noollah andando veeah Ebbaynay chay nay andraymo scnt- zah. Of the Italian Language, From what country is he? Whence does she come ? Do you speak Ital- ian ? Do you know Ital- ian ? I know enough to make myself un- derstood Not much, hardly any You know enough I only know a few- words and four or five phrases which I have learnt by heart That is enough to begin speaking If this be true you have become learned in a short time I fear to make mis- takes Di che paese e egli ? Donde vien ella I Parla ella italiano ? Sa ella I italiano ? Ne so quanto basta per farmi inten- dere Non molto, non so quasi niente Ella ne sa abbas tan- za Non so che alcune parrole, e quattro o cinque /rise che ho imparate a mente Questo basta per co- minciare a par- lore Se questo posse z >ero, sarei divenuto (lot- to in poeo tempo Temo di far errori Dee kay pahyayzay ay ayylee ? Donday veeen el- lah ? Pariah ellah eetah- leeahno ? San ellah leetahlee- ahno ? Nay so kooanto bastah pare far- mee intendayray Non moltoh, non so kooahzee nee- en tay Ellah nay sah ab- bastantzah Non so kay alkoo- nay pahrolay, ay kooahttro o chin- quay frahzay kay o impahrahtay ah men tay Questo bastah pare ko mm in che e a h tay ah parlahray Say questo fossay varero sahrayee deevennooto dot- to in poko tempo Taymo dee far er- roree 82 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. English. Italian. Pronunciation. Do not be afraid, Italian is not a difficult language Speak Italian with me Do not speak so fast Do you not hear what I say ? I hear and under- stand perfectly, but I cannot speak readily Readme s s will come in time I understand bet- ter than I speak You begin to speak well We only speak Ital- ian I have never spo- ken Italian I have only read Italian books You have a good pronunciation You pronounce very well Non tenia, la lingua italiana 11011 e dif- ficile Parli meco italiano Non parli cost presto N011 intende quel che dico ? Nintendo e lo capis- cO benissimo ; ma non ho lafacilitd di parlare Questa facilita ver- ra col tempo Lo capisco meglio che 11011 lo parlo Incom incia a par la r bene Parliamo solamente italiano Non ho mai parlato italiano Non ho letto che li- bri italiaiii Ella ha una buona pronunzia Ella pronunzia mol- to bene Non taymah, lah lingooah eetah- leeahnah non ay diffeecheelay Parlee mayko ee- tahleeahno Non parlee kosee presto Non intenday quel kay deeko L'intendo ay 10 kahpisko baynis- seemo ; mah non o lah fahcheelee- tah dee pariah ray Questah fahchee- leetah verrah kol tempo Lo kahpisko may- leeo kay non lo parlo Inkomminch e e a h ah parlahr bay- nay Parleeahmo solah- mentay eetahlee- ahno Non o mahee par- lahto eetahleeah- no Non o letto kay lee- bree eetahieeah- nee Ellah ahoonahboo- onah pronoon- Izeeah Ellah pronoontzee- ah molto bay nay ITAI IAN AT A CILANCK. 81 English. Italian. Pronunciation. Do you learn Ital" ian ? How long have you learnt ? Not three months What is the name of your master ? How often does he give you lessons ? Three times a week Where does he live? In the town Does he not tell you always to speak Italian ? Yes, he often tells me so Why do you not speak then ? With whom shall I speak ? With those who can speak I should like to speak, but I dare not You must not fear, you must be bold Impara ella Vitali- a no f Quanta tempo c che impara ? Non sono che tre mesi Come si chiama il sua maestro ? Quantc volte vienea darle leziofii ? Viene tre volte la set- timana Dove sta di casa ? Sta nel borgo Non le dice che bi- sogna semprepar lare Italia no ? Si, signore, me lo dice spesso Perche dunque non parla ? Con chi vuol ch'io parli ? Con quelli che le par- leranno Vorrei parlare, ma non ardisco Non bisogna tcmrr, bisogna esser ar- dito I m pah rah ell ah 1< tahleeahno ? Kooanto tempo ay kay impahrah ? Non sono kay tray may zee Komay see keyah- mah eel sooo mahvestro ? Kooantay voltay veeaynay ah dar- kly letzeeonay ? Veeaynay tray vol- tay lah settee- mahnah Dovay stah dee kah- zah ? Stah nel borgo Non lay deechay kay beezonyah sempray parlah- ray eetahleeah- no ? See, seeneeoray, may lo deechay spesso Parekay doonquay non pariah ? Kon key voool keyo pa-rlee ? Kon quelli kay lay parlayranno Vorrayee parlah- ray, mah non ar- disko Non beezonyah tay- mare, beezonyah essare ardeeto 8 4 ITALIAN AT A GLANCE. English. Italian. Pronunciation. Do you get on in Italian ? Do you understand what you read ? My sister thorough- ly understands Italian She translates at sight How do you say in Italian . . . ? What is that in Italian ? Fa ella dei progressi nella lingua ital- iana ? Capisce cio che legge ? Mia sorella conosce Vitaliano afondo Traduce a prima vista Come si dice in ita- liano . . ? Come si chiama cio in italiatio Fah ellah dayee progresseenellah lingooah eetah- leeahnah ? Kahpisshay cho kay ledgeay ? Meeah sorellah konosshay leet- ahleeahno ah fondo Trahdoochay a h preemah vistah Komay see deechav in eetahleeah- no . . . ? Komay see keyah- mah cho in eetah- leeahno The Weather. How is the weath- er ? What kind of weather is it ? It is bad weather It is cloudy It is dreadful weather It is fine weather We shall have a fine day It is dewy It is foggy It is rainy weather It threatens to rain Che tempo fa ? Che sorta di te?npo E cattivo tempo E ten tempo nuvoloso E nn tempo orribile E bel tempo Av re mo una bell a giornata V ' Stockton, Calif. T. M.Reg-U. S.Pat. Off. J YB 00670 R51390 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY